K4- The Publishers and the Authors will be grateful to any of the readers of this volume who will kindly call their attention to any errors of omission or of commis- sion that they may find therein. It is intended to make oui* publications standard works of study and reference, and, to that end, the greatest accuracy is sought. It rarely happens that the early editions of works of any size are free from errors; but it is the endeavor of the Publishers to have them removed immediately upon being discovered, and it is therefore desired that the Authors may be aided in their task of revision, from time to time, by the kindly criticism of their readers. JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. 432 4TH AVENUE. WORKS OF WILLIAM KENT PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. Bookkeeping and Cost Accounting for Fac- tories. vii +261 pages. 8M by 10^. Profusely illus- trated with forms. Cloth, $4.00 net. The Mechanical Engineers Pocket-Book. A Reference Book 01 Rules, Tables, Data, and Formulae, for the Use of Engineers, Mechanics, and Students. Ninth edition. Thoroughly revised with the assistance of Robert T. Kent. xiv+1526 pages, 4 by 6%. Flexible "Fabrikoid" binding, $5.00 net. Steam-Boiler Economy A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Fuel Economy in the Operation of Steam-Boilers. Second edition, 1915. xvii +717 pages, 6 by 9, 287 figures. Cloth, $4.50 net. Investigating an Industry. A Scientific Diagnosis of the Diseases of Man- agement. With an introduction by Henry L. Gantt, author of Work, Wages and Profits." xi + 126 pages, 5 by 7&. Cloth, $1.00 net. THE MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' POCKET-BOOK. A REFERENCE-BOOK OF RULES, TABLES, DATA, AND FORMULA. WILLIAM KENT, M.E., Sc.D., Consulting Engineer. Member Amer. Soc'y Mechl. Engrs. and Amer. Inst. Mining Engrs. NINTH EDITION, THOROUGHLY REVISED WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF ROBERT THURSTON KENT, M. E., Consulting Engineer. Junior American Society of Mechanical Engineers. TOTAL I3SJW, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND. NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED 1916 COPYRIGHT, 1895, 1902, 1910, 1915, BY WILLIAM KENT. Eighth Edition entered at Stationers' Hall. Composition and Electrotyping by the STANHOPE PRESS, Boston, Mass., and the PUBLISHERS PRINTING COMPANY, New York. Printing and Binding by BRAUNWORTH & COMPANY, Brooklyn, N. Y. PREFACE TO THE NINTH EDITION. NOVEMBER, 1915. SINCE the eighth edition was published, five years ago, there have been notable advances in many branches of engineering, rendering obsolete portions of the book which at that time were in accord with practice. In addition, many engineering standards have been changed during the five-year period, necessitating a thorough revision of many sections of the work. The absolutely necessary revisions to bring the book up to date -have involved changes in over 400 pages of the eighth edition, and the addition of over 150 pages of new matter. The treatment of many subjects in the earlier edition has been condensed into smaller space to enable the insertion of the new matter without increasing the size of the book to unwieldy proportions. Extensive revisions have been made in the subjects of materials, mechanics, fans and blowers, heating and ventilation, fuel, steam-boilers and engines, and steam-turbines. The chapter on machine-shop practice has been rewritten and doubled in size, and now covers many subjects which were omitted in earlier editions. The new matter includes many data on planing, milling, drilling and grinding, together with an elaborate treatment of the subject of machine-tool driving. The subject of electrical engineering has been completely rewritten and brought into agreement with present practice. Of the new tables added the following are considered of special importance. Square roots of fifth powers; Four-place logarithms; Standard sizes of welded steel pipe; Standard pipe flanges; Properties of wire rope; Fire brick and other refractories; Properties of structural sections and columns; Chemical standards for iron castings; Flow of air, water and steam; Analyses and heating values of coals; Rankine efficiency; Cooling towers; Properties of ammonia; -Power required for driving machine tools of all types, both singly and in groups; Electric resistance and conductivity of wires; Street railway installation; Electric lamp char- acteristics; Illuminating data. NOTE TO SECOND PRINTING OF THE NINTH EDITION. In line with the policy of keeping the book up to date and elimi- nating all obsolete matter, the section on hydraulic turbines has been completely rewritten for the second printing of the ninth edition. The presentation of the theory has been improved, new design con- stants have been given, and the tables of capacity, etc., represent the performance of the most recent types of turbines. MARCH, 1917. iii 40223,3 IV PREFACE. ABSTRACT FROM PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION, 1895. MORE than twenty years ago the author began to follow the advice given by Nystrom: " Every engineer should make his own pocket-book, as he proceeds in study and practice, to suit his particular business." The manuscript pocket-book thus begun, however, soon gave place to more modern means for disposing of the accumulation of engineering facts and figures, viz., the index rerum, the scrap-book, the collection of indexed envelopes, portfolios and boxes, the card catalogue, etc. Four years ago, at the request of the publishers, the labor was begun of selecting from this accumulated mass such matter as pertained to mechanical engineering, and of condensing, digesting, and arranging it in form for publication. In addition to this, a careful examination was made of the transactions of engineering societies, and of the most important recent works on mechanical engineering, in order to fill gaps that might be left in the original collection, and insure that no important facts had been overlooked. Some ideas have been kept in mind during the preparation of the Pocket-book that will, it is believed, cause it to differ from other works of its class. In the first place it was considered that the field of mechani- cal engineering was so great, and the literature of the subject so vast, that as little space as possible should be given to subjects which especially belong to civil engineering. While the mechanical engineer must con- tinually deal with problems which belong properly to civil engineering, this latter branch is so well covered by Traut wine's " Civil Engineer's Pocket-book " that any attempt to treat it exhaustively would not only fill no " long-felt want," but would occupy space which should be given to mechanical engineering. Another idea prominently kept in view by the author has been that he would not assume the position of an " authority " in giving rules and formulae for designing, but only that of compiler, giving not only the name of the originator of the rule, where it was known, but also the volume and page from which it was taken, so that its derivation may be traced when desired. When different formulas for the same problem have been found they have been given in contrast, and in many cases examples have been calculated by each to show the difference between them. In some cases these differences are quite remarkable, as will be seen under Safety-valves and Crank-pins. Occasionally the study of these differences has led to the author's devising a new formula, in which case the deriva- tion of the formula is given. Much attention has been paid to the abstracting of data of experiments from recent periodical literature, and numerous references to other data are given. In this respect the present work will be found to differ from other Pocket-books. The author desires to express his obligation to the many persons who huve assisted him in the preparation of the work, to manufacturers who PREFACE. V have furnished their catalogues and given permission for the use of their tables, and to many engineers who have contributed original data and tables. The names of these persons are mentioned in their proper places in the text, and in all cases it has been endeavored to give credit to whom credit is due. WILLIAM KENT. PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION. SEPTEMBER, 1910. DURING the first ten years following the issue of the first edition of this book, in 1895, the attempt was made to keep it up to date by the method of cutting out pages and paragraphs, inserting new ones in their places, by inserting new pages lettered a, b, c, etc., and by putting some new matter in an appendix. In this way the book passed to its 7th edition in October, 1904. After 50,000 copies had been printed it was found that the electro- typed plates were beginning to wear out, so that extensive resetting of type would soon be necessary. The advances in engineering practice also had been so great that it was evident that many chapters required to be entirely rewritten. It was therefore determined to make a thorough revision of the book, and to reset the type throughout. This has now been accomplished after four years of hard labor. The size of the book has increased over 300 pages, in spite of all efforts to save space by condensation and elision of much of the old matter and by resetting many of the tables and formulae in shorter form. A new style of type for the tables has been designed for the book, which is believed to be much more easily read than the old. The thanks of the author are due to many manufacturers who ha^re fur- nished new tables of materials and machines, and to many engineers who have made valuable contributions and helpful suggestions. He is especially indebted to his son, Robert Thurston Kent, M.E., who has done the work of revising manufacturers' tables of materials and has done practically all of the revising of the subjects of Compressed Air, Fans and Blowers, Hoist- ing and Conveying, and Machine Shop. CONTENTS. (For Alphabetical Index see page 1479.) MATHEMATICS. Arithmetic. PAGE Arithmetical and Algebraical Signs 1 Greatest Common Divisor 2 Least Common Multiple Fractions Decimals Table. Decimal Equivalents of Fractions of One Inch 3 Table. Products of Fractions expressed in Decimals Compound or Denominate Numbers 5 Reduction Descending and Ascending 5 Decimals of a Foot Equivalent to Fractions of an Inch 5 Ratio and Proportion 6 Involution, or Powers of Numbers 7 Table. First Nine Powers of the First Nine Numbers 7 Table. First Forty Powers of 2 8 Evolution. Square Root 8 Cube Root 9 Alligation 9 Permutation 10 Combination 10 Arithmetical Progression 10 Geometrical Progression 11 Percentage, Profit and Loss, Efficiency 12 Interest 12 Discount 13 Compound Interest Compound Interest Table, 3, 4, 5, and 6 per cent Equation of Payments >, Partial Payments 14 Annuities 15 Tables of Amount, Present Values, etc., of Annuities 15 Weights and Measures. Long Measure 17 Old Land Measure 17 Nautical Measure 17 Square Measure Solid or Cubic Measure Liquid Measure The Miners' Inch Apothecaries' Fluid Measure Dry Measure i ~ 19 Shipping Measure Avoirdupois Weight 19 Troy Weight 19 Apothecaries' Weight 20 To Weigh Correctly on an Incorrect Balance 20 Circular Measure 20 Measure of Time 20 vii Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE Board and Timber Measure 20 Table. Contents in Feet of Joists, Scantlings, and Timber. ... 21 French or Metric Measures 21 British and French Equivalents 22 Metric Conversion Tables 23 Compound Units of Pressure and Weight 27 of Water, Weight and Bulk 27 of Air, Weight and Volume 27 of Work, Power, and Duty . 27 of Velocity 4 27 Wire and Sheet Metal Gages 28 Circular-mil Wire Gage 29, 30 U. S. Standard Wire and Sheet Gage (1893) 29, 32 Twist-drill and Steel-wire Gages 31 Decimal Gage 32 Algebra. Addition, Multiplication, etc 33 Powers of Numbers Parentheses, Division Simple Equations and Problems Equations containing two or more Unknown Quantities Elimination Quadratic Equations Theory of Exponents Binominal Theorem Geometrical Problems of Construction of Straight Lines 37 ^f Angles 38 of Circles 39 of Triangles of Squares and Polygons of the Ellipse 45 of the Parabola of the Hyperbola of the Cycloid 50 of the Tractrix or Schiele Anti-friction Curve 50 of the Spiral 51 of Rings inside a Circle '51 of Arc of a Large Circle 51 of the Catenary 52 of the Involute 52 of plotting Angles Geometrical Propositions 53 Degree of a Railway Curve 54 Mensuration, Plane Surfaces. Quadrilateral, Parallelogram, etc 54 Trapezium and Trapezoid 54 Triangles 54 Polygons. Table of Polygons 55 Irregular Figures 56 Properties of the Circle 57 Values of TT and its Multiples, etc 57 Relations of arc, chord, etc 58 Relations of circle to inscribed square, etc 59 Formulse for a Circular Curve 59 Sectors and Segments 60 Circular Ring 60 The Ellipse 60 The Helix 61 The Spiral 61 Surfaces and Volumes of Similar Solids 61 CONTENTS. ix Mensuration, Solid Bodies. PAGE Prism 62 Pyramid 62 Wedge 62 Rectangular Prismoid 62 Cylinder 62 Cone 62 Sphere 62 Spherical Triangle 63 Spherical Polygon 63 The Prismoid 63 The Prismoidal Formula 63 Polyedron 63 Spherical Zone 64 Spherical Segment 64 Spheroid or Ellipsoid 64 Cylindrical Ring ; 64 Solids of Revolution 64 Spindles 64 Frustum of a Spheroid 64 Parabolic Conoid 65 Volume of a Cask 65 'Irregular Solids 65 Plane Trigonometry. Solution of Plane Triangles 66 Sine, Tangent, Secant, etc ...'..' 66 Signs of the Trigonometric Functions 67 Trigonometrical Formulae 68 Solution of Plane Right-angled Triangles 69 Solution of Oblique-angled Triangles 69 Analytical Geometry. Ordinates and Abscissas 70 Equations of a Straight Line, Intersections, etc 70 Equations of the Circle 71 Equations of the Ellipse 71 Equations of the Parabola 72 Equations of the Hyperbola 72 Logarithmic Curves 73 Differential Calculus. Definitions 73 Differentials of Algebraic Functions 74 Formulae for Differentiating 74 Partial Differentials 75 Integrals 75 Formulae for Integration 75 Integration between Limits 76 Quadrature of a Plane Surface 76 Quadrature of Surfaces of Revolution 77 Cubature of Volumes of Revolution ' 77 Second, Third, etc., Differentials 77 Maclaurin's and Taylor's Theorems 78 Maxima arid Minima 78 Differential of an Exponential Function 79 Logarithms 79 Differential Forms which have Known Integrals 80 Exponential Functions . . 80 Circular Functions 81 The Cycloid 81 Integral Calculus 82 X CONTENTS. The Slide Bule. Examples solved by the Slide Rule . . . 82 Logarithmic Ruled Paper. Plotting on Logarithmic Paper 84 Mathematical Tables. Formula for Interpolation 86 Reciprocals of Numbers 1 to 2000 Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots from 0.1 to 1600 Squares and Cubes of Decimals 108 Fifth Roots and Fifth Powers 109 Square Roots of Fifth Powers of Pipe Sizes Circumferences and Areas of Circles Ill Circumferences of Circles in Feet and Inches from 1 inch to 32 feet 11 inches in diameter Areas of the Segments of a Circle Lengths of Circular Arcs, Degrees Given Lengths of Circular Arcs, Height of Arc Given Circles and Squares of Equal Area 125 Number of Circles Inscribed within a Large Circle 125 Spheres 126 Square Feet in Plates 3 to 32 feet long and 1 inch wide 128 Gallons in a Number of Cubic Feet Cubic Feet in a Number of Gallons 130 Contents of Pipes and Cylinders, Cubic Feet and Gallons Cylindrical Vessels, Tanks, Cisterns, etc 132 Capacities of Rectangular Tanks in Gallons Number of Barrels in Cylindrical Cisterns and Tanks Logarithms 135 Table of Logarithms Hyperbolic Logarithms Four-place Logarithms of Numbers from 1 to 1000 167 Natural Trigonometric Functions 169 Logarithmic Trigonometric Functions 172 MATERIALS. Chemical Elements 173 Specific Gravity and Weight of Materials 173 The Hydrometer : 175 Metals, Properties of Aluminum 177 Antimony 177 Bismuth 178 Cadmium 178 Copper 178 Gold 178 Iridium 178 Iron 178 Lead 178 Magnesium 179 Manganese 179 Mercury : 179 Nickel 179 Platinum 179 Silver 179 Tin 179 Zinc 179 Miscellaneous Materials. Order of Malleability, etc., of Metals 180 Measures and Weights of Various Materials 180 CONTENTS. XI PAGE Formulae and Table for Weight of Rods, Plates, etc 181 Commercial Sizes of Iron and Steel Bars 182 Weights of Iron and Steel Sheets 183 of Iron Bars 184 of Round Steel Bars 185 of Fillets 185 of Round, Square, and Hexagon Steel 186 of Plate Iron 187 of Flat Rolled Iron 188 of Steel Blooms 190 of Roofing Materials 191-196 Snow and Wind Loads on Roofs 191 Roof Construction 191 Specifications for Tin and Terne Plates 194 Corrugated Sheets 194 Weights and Thickness of Cast-iron Pipe 196-199 Weights of Cast-iron Pipe Columns 200 Weight of Open-end Cast-iron Cylinders 200 Standard Sizes of Welded Pipe 201-205 Weight and Bursting Strength of Welded Pipe 205 Tubular Electric Line Poles 206 Protective Coatings for Pipes 206 Valves and Fittings 206-217 Standard Pipe Flanges 208-212 Forged Steel Flanges 211 Standard Hose Couplings 218 Wooden Stave Pipe. . . 218 Riveted Hydraulic Pipe 219 Riveted Iron Pipes 220 Spiral Riveted Pipe 220 Weight of Steel for Riveted Pipe 221 Bent and Coiled Pipes 221 Flexibility of Pipe Bends 221 Shelby Cold-drawn Steel Tubing 222 Seamless Brass and Copper Tubes 224, 225 Aluminum Tubing 226 Lead and Tin-lined Lead Pipe 226 Iron Pipe Lined with Tin, Lead, Brass, and Copper 227 Weight of Sheet and Bar Brass 228 of Sheet Zinc 228 of Copper and Brass Wire and Plates 229 of Aluminum Sheets, Bars, and Plates 230 of Copper Rods 230 Screw-threads, U. S. Standard 231 Whitworth Screw-threads 232 Limit-gages for Screw-threads . . . . : 232 Automobile Screws and Nuts 233 International Screw-thread 233 Acme Screw-thread 234 Machine Screws, A. S. M. E. Standard 234 Standard Taps 235 Wood Screws 236 Machine Screw Heads 237 Set Screws and Cap Screws 238 Weights of Rivets 238, 239 Shearing Value of Rivets. Bearing Value of Riveted Plates 240 Length of Rivets for Various Grips 241 Lag Screws 241 Weight of Bolts with Square Heads and Nuts 242 Washers .242, 243 Hanger Bolts 243 Turnbuckles 243 Track Bolts 244 Cut Nails 244 Material Required per Mile of Railroad Track 245 Wire Nails 246 Spikes. .,,,,,,,*,, 248 Xii CONTENTS. PAGE Wires of Different Metals 248 Steel Wire, Size, Strength, etc 249 Piano Wire 250 Telegraph Wire 250-252 Plow-steel Wire 250, 258 Galvanized Iron Wire 250 Copper Wire, Bare and Insulated 251, 252 Notes on Wire Rope 253 Wire Rope Tables 255-262 Varieties and Uses of Wire Rope 256 Splicing of Wire Ropes 263 Chains and Chain Cables 264 Sizes of Fire Brick 266 Refractoriness of American Fire-brick 268 Slag Bricks and Slag Blocks 268 Magnesia Bricks 269 Fire Clay Analysis 269 Zirconia 270 Asbestos 270 Standard Cross-sections of Materials, for Draftsmen 271 Strength of Materials. Stress and Strain 272 Elastic Limit 273 Yield Point 273 Modulus of Elasticity 274 Resilience 274 Elastic Limit and Ultimate Stress 275 Repeated Stresses 275 Repeated Shocks 276 Stresses due to Sudden Shocks 278 Tensile Strength 278 Measurement of Elongation 279 Shapes of Test Specimens 280 Increasing Tensile Strength of Bars by Twisting 280 Compressive Strength 281 Columns, Pillars, or Struts 283 Hodgkinson's Formula. Euler's Formula Gordon's Formula. Rankine's Formula Wrought-iron Columns 2S5 Built Columns 285-286 The Straight-line Formula 285 Comparison of Column Formulae 286 Tests of Large Built Steel Columns 287 Working Strains in Bridge Members 287 Strength of Cast-iron Columns Safe Load on Cast-iron Columns 291 Strength of Brackets on Cast-iron Columns 292 Moment of Inertia 293 Radius of Gyration 293 Elements of Usual Sections Eccentric Loading of Columns 296 Transverse Strength 297 Formulae for Flexure of Beams 297 Safe Loads on Steel Beams 298, 309 Beams 9f Uniform Strength 301 Dimensions and Weights of Structural Steel Sections 302 Allowable Tension in Steel Bars 305 Properties of Rolled Structural Shapes 305 " Steel I-Beams , 307 " Steel Wrought Plates 308 " Corrugated Plates 310 Spacing of Steel I-Beams 311 Properties of Steel Channels 312 " T Shapes 313 CONTENTS. . Xlll PAGE Properties of Angles 316 " Z-bars 317 Rivet Spacing for Structural Work 321 Dimensions and Safe Load on Built Steel Columns 323-330 Bethlehem Girder and I-beams and H-columns 331 Torsional Strength 334 Elastic Resistance to Torsion 334 Combined Stresses 335 Stress due toTemperature 335 Strength of Flat Plates 336 Thickness of Flat Cast-iron Plates 336 Strength of Unstayed Flat Surfaces 337 Unbraced Heads of Boilers 337 Strength of Stayed Surfaces 338 Stresses in Steel Plating under Water Pressure 338 Spherical Shells and Domed Heads 339 Thick Hollow Cylinders under Tension 339 Thin Cylinders under Tension 340 Carrying Capacity of Steel Rollers and Balls 340 Resistance of Hollow Cylinders to Collapse 341, 343 Formula for Corrugated Furnaces 342 Hollow Copper Balls 345 Holding. Power of Nails, Spikes, Bolts, and Screws 346 Cut versus Wire Nails 347 Strength of Bolts 347 Initial Strain on Bolts 347 Strength of Chains 348 Stand Pipes and their Design 349 Riveted Steel Water-pipes 351 Kirkaldy's Tests of Materials 352-358 Cast Iron 352 Iron Castings 352 Iron Bars, Forgings, etc 352--. Steel Rails and Tires 353 Spring Steel, Steel Axles, Shafts 354 Riveted Joints, Welds 355 Copper, Brass, Bronze, etc 356 Wire-rope 356 Wire 357 Ropes, Hemp, and Cotton . . 357 Belting, Canvas 357 Stones 357 Brick, Cement, Wood 358 Tensile Strength of Wire 358 Watertown Testing-machine Tests 359 Riveted Joints 359 Wrought-iron Bars, Compression Tests 359 Steel Eye-bars 360 Wrought-iron Columns 360 Cold Drawn Steel 361 Tests of Steel Angles x . . 362 Shearing Strength 362 Relation of Shearing to Tensile Strength 362 Strength of Iron and Steel Pipe 363 Threading Tests of Pipe 363 Old Tubes used as Columns 363 Methods of Testing Hardness of Metals 364 Holding Power of Boiler-tubes 364 Strength of Glass 365 Strength of Ice 366 Strength of Timber 366 Expansion of Timber 367, 369 Tests of American Woods . 367 Shearing Strength of Woods 367 Copper at High Temperatures 368 Drying of Wood 368 Preservation of Timber 368 XIV CONTENTS. PAGE Copper Castings of High Conductivity 368 Tensile Strength of Rolled Zinc Plates 369 Strength of Brick, Stone, etc. . '. 369 " Lime and Cement Mortar. 372 " Flagging .'.'.' 373 Tests of Portland Cement 373 Moduli of Elasticity of Various Materials 374 Factors of Safety 374 Properties of Cork 377 Vulcanized India-Rubber 378 Specifications for Air Hose 379 Nickel 379 Aliuninum, Properties and Uses 380 Alloys. Alloys of Copper and Tin, Bronze 384 Alloys of Copper and Zinc, Brass 386 Variation in Strength of Bronze 386 Copper-tin-zinc Alloys 387 Liquation or Separation of Metals 388 Alloys used in Brass Foundries 390 Tobin Bronze 392 Qualities of Miscellaneous Alloys 392 Copper-zinc-iron Alloys 393 ' Alloys of Copper, Tin, and Lead 394 Phosphor Bronze 394 Alloys for Casting under Pressure 395 Aluminum Alloys 396 Caution as to Strength of Alloys 398 Alloys of Aluminum, Silicon, and Iron 398 Tungsten-aluminum Alloys 399 The Thermit Process 400 Aluminum-tin Alloys 400 Manganese Alloys 401 Manganese Bronze 401 German Silver 402 Monel Metal 403 Copper-nickel Alloys 403 Alloys of Bismuth .404 Fusible Alloys 404 Bearing Metal Alloys 405 Bearing Metal Practice, 1907 407 White Metal for Engine Bearings 407 Alloys containing Antimony 407 White-metal Alloys 407 Babbitt Metals 407, 408 Type-metal 408 Solders 409 Ropes and Cables. Strength of Hemp, Iron, and Steel Ropes 410 Rope for Hoisting or Transmission 411 Cordage, Technical Terms of 411 Splicing of Ropes 412 Cargo Hoisting 414 Working Loads for Manila Rope . . 414 Knots 415 Life of Hoisting and Transmission Rope 415 Efficiency of Rope Tackles 415 Springs. Laminated Steel Springs 417 Helical Steel Springs 418 CONTENTS. XV PAGE Carrying Capacity of Springs 419 Elliptical Springs 423 Springs to Resist Torsional Force 423 Phosphor-bronze Springs 424 Chromium-Vanadium Spring Steel 424 Test of a Vanadium Steel Spring 424 Riveted Joints. Fairbairn's Experiments 424 Loss of Strength by Punching 424 Strength of Perforated Plates 424 Hand versus Hydraulic Riveting 424 Formulae for Pitch of Rivets 427, 434 Proportions of Joints 427 Efficiencies of Joints 428 Diameter of Rivets 429 Shearing Resistance of Rivet Iron and Steel 430 Strength of Riveted Joints 431 Riveting Pressures 435 Tests of Soft Steel Rivets 435 Iron and Steel. Classification of Iron and Steel 436 Grading of Pig Iron 437 Manufacture of Cast Iron 437 Influence of Silicon Sulphur, Phos. and Mn on Cast Iron 438 Microscopic Constituents 439 Analyses of Cast Iron 439 Specifications for Pig Iron and Castings 441, 443 Specifications for Cast-iron Pipe 441 Chemical Standards for Castings 441 Strength of Cast Iron 444, 451 Strength in Relation to Cross-section 446, 447 " Semi-steel " 446, 453 Shrinkage of Cast Iron 447 White Iron Converted into Gray 448 Mobility of Molecules of Cast Iron 449 Expansion of Iron by Heat 449, 465 Permanent Expansion of Cast Iron by Heating 449 Castings from Blast Furnace Metal 450 Effect of Cupola Melting 450 Additions of Titanium, etc., to Cast Iron 450, 451 Mixture of Cast Iron with Steel 453 Bessemerized Cast Iron 453 Bad Cast Iron -. 453 Malleable Cast Iron ! 454 Design of Malleable Castings 457 Specifications of Malleable Iron 457 Strength of Malleable Cast Iron 458 Wrought Iron 459 Chemistry of Wrought Iron 460 Electrolytic Iron 460 Influence of Rolling on Wrought Iron 460 Specifications for Wrought Iron 461 Stay-bolt Iron 462 Tenacity of Iron at High Temperatures 463 Effect of Cold on Strength of Iron 464 Durability of Cast Iron 465 Corrosion of Iron and Steel 466 Corrosion of Iron and Steel Pipes 467 Electrolytic Theory, and Prevention of Corrosion 468 Chrome Paints, Anti-corrosive 469 Corrosion Caused by Stray Electric Currents 470 Electrolytic Corrosion due to Overstrain 470 XVI CONTENTS. PAGE Preservative Coatings, Paints, etc 471 Inoxydation Processes, Bower-Barff, etc 472 Aluminum Coatings 473 Galvanizing 473 Sherardizing, Galvanizing by Cementation 474 Lead Coatings 474 Steel. Manufacture of Steel 475 Crucible, Bessemer, and Open Hearth Steel 475 Relation between Chemical and Physical Properties 476 Electric Conductivity 477 " Armco Ingot Iron " 477 Variation in Strength 477, 478 Bending Tests of Steel 478 Effect of Heat Treatment and of Work 478 Hardening Soft Steel 479 Effect of Cold Rolling 479 Comparison of Full-sized and Small Pieces 480 Recalescence of Steel 480 Critical Point 480 Metallography 480 Burning, Overheating, and Restoring Steel 481 Working Steel at a Blue Heat 482 Oil Tempering and Annealing 482 Brittleness due to Long-continued Heating 483 Influence of Annealing upon Magnetic Capacity 483 Treatment of Structural Steel 483 May Carbon be Burned out of Steel? 485 Effect of Nicking a Bar 485 Dangerous Low Carbon Steel 486 Specific Gravity 486 Occasional Failures 486 Segregation in Ingots and Plates 487 Endurance of Steel under Repeated Stresses 487 Welding of Steel 488 The Thermit Welding Process 488 Oxy-acetylene Welding and Cutting of Metals 488 Hydraulic Forging 488 Fluid-compressed .Steel 488 Steel Castings 489 Crucible Steel 490 Effect of Heat on Gram 491 Heating and Forging 491 Tempering Steel 493 Kinds of Steel used for Different Purposes 494 High-speed Tool Steel Manganese Steel- 494 Chrome Steel 496 Aluminum Steel 496 Tungsten Steel 496 Nickel Steel 497 Copper Steel 499 Nickel- Vanadium Steel 499 Static and Dynamic Properties of Steel 500 Strength and Fatigue Resistance of Steels 501 Chromium- Vanadium Steel 502 Heat Treatment of Alloy Steels 502, 503 Specifications for Steel 504-51 1 High-strength Steel for Shipbuilding 507 Fire-box Steel 508 Steel Rails 508 MECHANICS. Matter, Weight, Mass 511 Force, Unit of Force 512 CONTENTS. XVli PAGE Local Weight * 512 Inertia 513 Newton's Laws of Motion 513 Resolution of Forces 513 Parallelogram of Forces 513 Moment of a Force . . 514 Statical Moment, Stability 515 Stability of a Dam 515 Parallel Forces 515 Couples 515 Equilibrium of Forces 516 Center of Gravity 516 Moment of Inertia 517 Centers of Oscillation and Percussion 518 Center and Radius of Gyration 518 The Pendulum 520 Conical Pendulum 520 Centrifugal Force 521 Velocity, Acceleration, Falling Bodies 521 Value of g 522 Angular Velocity 522 Height due to Velocity 523 Parallelogram of Velocities 522 Velocity due to Falling a Given Height 524 Fundamental Equations in Dynamics 525 Force of Acceleration 526 Formulae for Accelerated Motion 527 Motion on Inclined Planes '.- 527 Momentum 527 Work, Energy, Power 528 Work of Acceleration 529 Work of Accelerated Rotation . . 529 Force of a Blow 529 Impact of Bodies 530 Energy of Recoil of Guns 531 Conservation of Energy. . . T 531 Sources of Energy 531 Perpetual Motion 532 Efficiency of a Machine 532 Animal-power, Man-power 532 Man-wheel, Tread Mills 533 Work of a Horse 533 Horse-gin 534 Resistance of Vehicles 534 Elements of Mechanics. The Lever. . 535 The Bent Lever 536 The Moving Strut 536 The Toggle-joint 536 The Inclined Plane 537 The Wedge 537 The Screw 537 The Cam 537 Efficiency of a Screw 538 Efficiency of Screw Bolts 538 Pulleys or Blocks '. 539 Differential Pulley 539 Wheel and Axle 539 Toothed- wheel Gearing 539 Endless Screw, Worm Gear 540 Differential Windlass 540 Differential Screw 540 Efficiency of a Differential Screw 641 XV1U CONTENTS. Stresses in Framed Structures. Cranes and Derricks 541 Shear Poles and Guys 542 King Post Truss or Bridge 543 Queen Post Truss 543 Burr Truss 544 Pratt or Whipple Truss 544 Method of Moments 545 Howe Truss 546 Warren Girder 546 Roof Truss 547 The Economical Angle 548 HEAT. Thermometers and Pyrometers 549 Centigrade and Fahrenheit degrees compared . 550 Temperature Conversion Table 552 Copper-ball Pyrometer 553 Thermo-electric Pyrometer 554 Temperatures in Furnaces 554 Seger's Fire-clay Pyrometer 555 Wiborgh Air Pyrometer 655 Mesure and Nouel's Pyrometer 556 Uehling and Steinbart Pyrometer 557 Air- thermometer 557 High Temperatures Judged by Color 558 Boiling-points of Substances 559 Melting-points 559 Unit of Heat 560 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat 560 Heat of Combustion 560 Heat Absorbed by Decomposition 561 Specific Heat 562 Thermal Capacity of Gases 564 Expansion by Heat 565 Absolute Temperature, Absolute Zero 567 Latent Heat of Fusion 68 Latent Heat of Evaporation 568 Total Heat of Evaporation 569 Evaporation and Drying 569 Evaporation from Reservoirs 569 Evaporation by the Multiple System 570 Resistance to Boiling * . . 570 Manufacture of Salt 570 Solubility of Salt 571 Salt Contents of Brines 571 Concentration of Sugar Solutions 572 Evaporating by Exhaust Steam 572 Drying in Vacuum 573 Driers and Drying 574 Design of Drying Apparatus 576 Humidity Table 577 Radiation of Heat 578 Black-body Radiation 579 Conduction and Convection of Heat 579 Rate of External Conduction 580 Heat Conduction of Insulating Materials 581 Heat Resistance, Reciprocal of Heat Conductivity 582 Steam-pipe Coverings 584 Transmission through Plates 587 Transmission in Condenser Tubes 588 Transmission of Heat in Feed-water Heaters 590 Transmission through Cast-iron Plates 591 Heating Water by Steam Coils 591 Transmission from Air or Gases to Water 592 CONTENTS. XIX PAGE Transmission from Flame to Water 593 Cooling of Air 594 Transmission from Steam or Hot Water to Air 595 Thermodynamics 597 Entropy 599 Reversed Carnot Cycle, Refrigeration . . , 600 Principal Equations of a Perfect Gas 600 Construction of the Curve PV = C 602 Temperature-Entropy Diagram of Water and Steam 602 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF GASES. Expansion of Gases 603 Boyle and Marriotte's Law 603 Law of Charles, Avogadro's Law 604 Saturation Point of Vapors 604 Law of Gaseous Pressure 604 Flow of Gases 605 Absorption by Liquids 605 Liquefaction of Gases, Liquid Air 605 AIR. Properties of Air 606 Barometric Pressures 606 Air-manometer 607 Conversion Table for Air Pressures 607 Pressure at Different Altitudes 607, 609 Leveling by the Barometer and by Boiling Water 607 To find Difference in Altitude 608 Weight of Air at Different Pressures and Temperatures 609 Moisture in Atmosphere 609, 611 Humidity Table 610 Weight of Air and Mixtures of Air and Vapor 610, 613 Specific Heat of Air 614 Flow of Air. Flow of Air through Orifices 615 Flow of Air in Pipes 617 Tables of Flow of Air 622, 623 Effects of Bends in Pipe 624 Anemometer Measurements 624 Equalization of Pipes 625 Wind. Force of the Wind 626 Wind Pressure in Storms 627 Windmills 627 Capacity of Windmills 629 Economy of Windmills 630 Electric Power from Windmills 632 Compressed Air. Heating of Air by Compression 632 Loss of Energy in Compressed Air 632 Loss due to Heating 633 Work of Adiabatic Compression of Air 634 Compound Air-compression 635 XX CONTENTS. PAGE Mean Effective Pressures 635, 636 Horse-power Required for Compression 637 Compressed-air Engines 638 Mean and Terminal Pressures 638 Air-compression at Altitudes 639 Popp Compressed-air System 639 Small Compressed-air Motors 640 Efficiency of Air-heating Stoves 640 Efficiency of Compressed-air Transmission 640 Efficiency of Compressed-air Engines 640 Air-compressors .- 641 Tests of Air compressors 643 Steam Required to Compress 100 Cu. Ft. of Air. 644 Requirements of Rock-drills 645 Compressed Air for Pumping Plants 645 Compressed Air for Hoisting Engines 646 Practical Results with Air Transmission 647 Effect of Intake Temperature 647 Compressed-air Motors with Return Circuit 648 Intercoolers for Air-compressors 64.8 Centrifugal Air-compressors 648 High-pressure Centrifugal Fans 649 Test of a Hydraulic Air-compressor 650 Mekarski Compressed-air Tramways 652 Compressed Air Working Pumps in Mines . , 652 Compressed Air for Street Railways 652 Fans and Blowers. Centrifugal Fans 653 Best Proportions of Fans 653 Pressure due to Velocity 653 Blast Area or Capacity Area 655 Pressure Characteristics of Fans 655 Quantity of Air Delivered 655 Efficiency of Fans and Positive Blowers 657 Tables of Centrifugal Fans t 658-666 Effect of Resistance on Capacity of Fans 664 Sirocco or Multivane Fans '664 Methods of Testing Fans 667 Horse-power of a Fan 668 Pitot Tube Measurements 669 Thomas Electric Air and Gas Meter 669 Flow of Air through an Orifice 670 Diameter of Blast-pipes 670 Centrifugal Ventilators for Mines 672 Experiments on Mine Ventilators 673 Disk Fans 675 Efficiency of Disk Fans 676 Positive Rotary Blowers 677 Steam-jet Blowers and Exhausters 679 Blowing Engines 680 HEATING AND VENTILATION. Ventilation 681 Quantity of Air Discharged through a Ventilating Duct 683 Heating and Ventilating of Large Buildings 684 Comfortable Temperatures and Humidities 685 Carbon Dioxide Allowable in Factories 685 Standards of Ventilation 686 Air Washing 687 Contamination of Air 687 Standards for Calculating Heating Problems 687 CONTENTS. XXI PAGE Heating Value of Coal 687 Heat Transmission through Walls, etc 688 Allowance for Exposure and Leakage 689 Heating by Hot-air Furnaces . 690 Carrying Capacity of Air-pipes 691 Volume of Air at Different Temperatures 692 Sizes of Pipes Used in Furnace Heating 692 Furnace Heating with Forced Air Supply 693 Rated Capacity of Boilers for House Heating 693 Capacity of Grate-surface 694 Steam Heating, Rating of Boilers 694 Testing Cast-iron Heating Boilers 696 Proportioning House Heating Boilers 696 Coefficient of Transmission in Direct Radiation 697 Heat Transmitted in Indirect Radiation 698 Short Rules for Computing Radiating Surface 698 Carrying Capacity of Steam Pipes in Low Pressure .Heating .... 698 Proportioning Pipes to Radiating Surface 700 Sizes of Pipes in Steam Heating Plants 701 Resistance of Fittings 701 Removal of Air, Vacuum Systems 702 Overhead Steam-pipes 702 Steam-consumption in Car-heating 702 Heating a Greenhouse by Steam 702 Heating a Greenhouse by Hot Water 703 Hot-water Heating 703 Velocity of Flow in Hot- water Heating 703 Sizes of Pipe for Hot- water Heating 704 Sizes of Flow and Return Pipes 705 Heating by Hot-water, with Forced Circulation 707 Corrosion of Pipe in Hot- water Heating 708 Blower System of Heating and Ventilating 708 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Plenum System 708 Heat Radiated from Coils in the Blower System 708 Test of Cast-iron Heaters for Hot-blast Work 709 Factory Heating by the Fan System 710 Artificial Cooling of Air 710 Capacities of Fans for Hot-blast Heating 711 Relative Efficiency of Fans and Heated Chimneys 712 Heating a Building to 70 F 712 Heating by Electricity 713 Mine- ventilation 714 Friction of Air in Underground Passages 714 Equivalent Orifices - 715 WATER. Expansion of Water 716 Weight of Water at Different Temperatures. 716, 717 Pressure of Water due to its Weight 718, 719 Head Corresponding to Pressures 718 Buoyancy 719 Boiling-point 719 Freezing-point 719 Sea-water 719 Ice and Snow 720 Specific Heat of Water 720 Compressibility of Water '. . . 720 Impurities of Water 720 Causes of Incrustation 721 Means for Preventing Incrustation 721 Analyses of Boiler-scale 722 Hardness of Water 723 Purifying Feed-water 723 Softening Hard Water 724 XX11 CONTENTS. Hydraulics. Flow of Water. PAGE Formulae for Discharge through Orifices and Weirs 726 Flow of Water from Orifices 727 Flow in Open and Closed Channels 728 General Formulae for Flow . . . : 728 Chezy's Formula 728 Values of the Coefficient c 728, 732 Table, Fall in_Feet per mile, etc 729 Values of \/r for Circular Pipes 730 Kutter's Formula 730 D'Arcy's Formula 732 Values of a \/r for Chezy's Formula 733 Values of the Coefficient of Friction 734 Loss of Head 735 Resistance at the Inlet of a pipe 735 Exponential Formulae, Williams' and Hazen's Tables 736 Short Formulas 737 Flow of Water in a 20-inch Pipe , 737 Coefficients for Reducing H. and W. to Chezy's Formula 737 Tables of Flow of Water in Circular Pipes 738-743 Flow of Water in Riveted Pipes 743 Long Pipe Lines 743 Flow of Water in House-service Pipes 744 Friction Loss in Clean Cast-iron Pipe 745 Approximate Hydraulic Formulae 746 Compound Pipes, and Pipes with Branches 746 Rifled Pipes for Conveying Oils 746 Effect of Bend and Curves 747 Loss of Pressure Caused by Valves, etc 747, 748 Hydraulic Grade-line 748 Air-bound Pipes 748 Water Hammer 749 Vertical Jets 749 Water Delivered through Meters 749 Price Charged for Water in Cities 749 Fire Streams 749 Hydrant Pressures Required with Different Lengths and Sizes of Hose 750 Pump Inspection Table 751 Pipe Sizes for Ordinary Fire Streams 752 Friction Losses in Hose 752 Rated Capacity of Steam Fire-engines 752 Flow of Water through Nozzles 753 The Siphon 754 Velocity of Water in Open Channels 755 Mean Surface and Bottom Velocities 755 Safe Bottom and Mean Velocities 755 Resistance of Soil to Erosion 755 Abrading and Transporting Power of Water 755 Frictional Resistance of Surfaces Moved in Water 756 Grade of Sewers 757 Measurement of Flowing Water 757 Piezometer 757 Pitot Tube Gauge Maximum and Mean Velocities in Pipes. 758 The Venturi Meter 758 Measurement of Discharge by Means of Nozzles 759 The Lea V-notch Recording Meter 759 Flow through Rectangular Orifices 760 Measurement of an Open Stream 760 Miners' Inch Measurements 761 Flow of Water over Weirs 762 Francis's Formica for Weirs 762 Weir Table 763 Bazin's Experiments 763 The Cippoleti, or Trapezoidal Weir 764 The Triangular Weir :...... 764 CONTENTS. xxiii WATER-POWER. Power of a Fall of Water 765 Horse-power of a Running Stream 765 Current Motors 765 Bernouilli's Theorem 765 Maximum Efficiency of a Long Conduit 766 Mill-power . 766 Value of Water-power 76(j Water Wheels. Hydraulic Turbines. Theory of Turbines 768 Determination of Dimensions of Turbine Runners 769A Comparison of Formulae for Dimensions of Turbines 769A Comparison of American High Speed Runners 770 Type Characteristics of Turbines 770 Specific Discharge 770B Use of Type Characteristics to Determine Size and Type of Turbines 770B Classes of Radial Inward Flow Turbines 771 Estimating Weight of Turbines 771A Selection of Turbines 771A Eifficiency of Turbine wheels 771s Relation of Efficiency and Water Consumption to Speed ...... 772 Tests at the Philadelphia Exposition 772 Relation of Gare Openings to Efficiency 773 Tests of Turbine Discharge by Salt Solution 774' Efficiency Tables for Turbines 776-777 Draft Tubes 778 Recent Turbine Practice 778 Some Large Turbines 779 The Fall-increaser for Turbines 780 Tangential or Impulse Water Wheels.- The Pelton Water Wheel 780 Considerations in the Choice of a Tangential Wheel 781 Control of Tangential Water Wheels 781 Efficiency of the Doble Nozzle 782 Tests of a 12-inch Doble Motor 782 Water-power Plants Operating under High Pressures 782 Amount of Water Required to Develop a Given Horse-Power . 783 Formulae for Calculating the Power of Jet Water Wheels 784 Tangential Water-wheel Table 787 The Power of Ocean Waves. Energy of Deep Sea Waves 786 Utilization of Tidal Power 787 PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. Theoretical Capacity of a Pump 788 Depth of Suction 788 The Deane Pump 7X9 Sizes of Direct-acting Pumps 789, 791 Amount of Water Raised by a Single-acting Lift-pump 790 Proportioning the Steam-cylinder of a Direct-acting Pump 790 Speed of Water through Pipes and Pump-passages 790 Efficiency of Small Pumps 790 The Worthington Duplex Pump 791 Speed of Piston 791-792 Speed of Water through Valves 792 Underwriters' Pumps, Standard Sizes 792 Boiler-feed Pumps 792 Pump Valves 793 The Worthington High-duty Pumping PJngine 793 CONTENTS. The d'Auria Pumping Engine 793 A 72,000,000-Gallon Pumping Engine 793 The Screw Pumping Engine 794 Finance of Pumping Engine Economy 794 Cost of Pumping 1000 Gallons per Minute 795 Centrifugal Pumps 796 Design of a Four-stage Turbine Pump 797 Relation of Peripheral Speed to Head 797 Tests of De Laval Centrifugal Pump 798 A High-duty Centrifugal Pump 801 Rotary Pumps 801 Tests of Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps 802 Duty Trials of Pumping Engines 802 Leakage Tests of Pumps 803 Notable High-duty Pump Records 805 Vacuum Pumps 806 The Pulsometer 806 The Jet Pump 807 The Injector 807 Pumping by Compressed Air 808 Gas-engine Pumps ; The Humphrey Gas Pump 808 Air-lift Pump 808 Air-lifts for Deep Oil-wells 809 The Hydraulic Ram 810 Quantity of Water Delivered by the Hydraulic Ram 810 Hydraulic Pressure Transmission. Energy of Water under Pressure 812 Efficiency of Apparatus 812 Hydraulic Presses 813 Hydraulic Power in London 814 Hydraulic Riveting Machines 814 Hydraulic Forging 814 Hydraulic Engine 815 FUEL. Theory of Combustion 816 Analyses of the Gases of Combustion 817 Temperature of the Fire 818 Classification of Solid Fuels 818 Classification of Coals 819 Analyses of Coals 820 Caking and Non-Caking Coals 820 Cannel Coals 821 Rhode Island Graphitic Anthracite 821 Analysis and Heating Value of Coals 821-828 Approximate Heating Values 822 Lord and Haas's Tests 823 Sizes of Anthracite Coal 823 Space occupied by Anthracite 823 Bernice Basin, Pa., Coal 824 Connellsville Coal and Coke 824 Bituminous Coals of the Western States 824 Analysis of Foreign Coals 825 Sampling Coal for Analyses 825 Relative Value of Steam Coals 826 Calorimetric Tests of Coals 826 Classified Lists of Coals 828-830 Purchase of Coal Under Specifications 830 Weathering of Coal 830 Pressed Fuel 831 Spontaneous Combustion of Coal 832 Coke 832 Experiments in Coking 833 Coal Washing 833 CONTENTS. XXV PAGE Recovery of By-products in Coke Manufacture 833 Generation of Steam from the Waste Heat and Gases from Coke- ovens 834 Products of the Distillation of Coal 834 Wood as Fuel 835 Heating Value of Wood 835 Composition of Wood 835 Charcoal 836 Yield of Charcoal from a Cord of Wood 836 Consumption of Charcoal in Blast Furnaces 837 Absorption of Water and of Gases by Charcoal 837 Miscellaneous Solid Fuels 837 Dust-fuel Dust Explosions 837 Peat or Turf 838 Sawdust as Fuel 838 Wet Tan-bark as Fuel 838 Straw as Fuel 839 Bagasse as Fuel in Sugar Manufacture 839 Liquid Fuel. Products of Distillation of Petroleum 840 Lima Petroleum 840 Value of Petroleum as Fuel 840 Fuel Oil Burners 842 Specifications for Purchase of Fuel Oil 843 Alcohol as Fuel 843 Specific Gravity of Ethyl Alcohol 844 Vapor Pressures of Saturation of Alcohol and other Liquids .... 844 Fuel Gas. Carbon Gas 845 Anthracite Gas 845 Bituminous Gas 846 Water Gas 846 Natural Gas in Ohio and Indiana 847 Natural Gas as a Fuel for Boilers 847 Producer-gas from One Ton of Coal 848 Combustion of Producer-gas 849 Proportions of Gas Producers and Scrubbers 849 Gas Producer Practice 851 Capacity of Producers 851 High Temperature Required for Production of CO 852 The Mond Gas Producer 852 Relative Efficiency of Different Coals in Gas-engine Tests 853 Use of Steam in Producers and Boiler Furnaces 854 Gas Analyses by Volume and by Weight 854 Gas Fuel for Small Furnaces 854 Blast-furnace Gas 855 Acetylene and Calcium Carbide. Acetylene 855 Calcium Carbide 856 Acetylene Generators and Burners 857 The Acetylene Blowpipe 857 Ignition Temperature of Gases 858 Illuminating Gas. Coal-gas 858 Water-gas 858 Analyses of Water-gas and Coal-gas 860 Calorific Equivalents of Constituents 860 Efficiency of a Water-gas Plant 861 Space Required for a Water-gas Plant 862 Fuel- value of Illuminating Gas 863 XXVI CONTENTS. PAGE Flow of Gas in Pipes. **, 864-866 Services for Lamps 864 Factors for Reducing Volumes of Gas 865 STEAM. Temperature and Pressure 867 Total Heat 867 Latent Heat of Steam 867 Specific Heat of Saturated -Steam 867 The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat 868 Pressure of Saturated Steam 868 Volume of Saturated Steam 868 Specific Heat of Superheated Steam 869 Specific Density of Gaseous Steam 870 Table of the Properties of Saturated Steam 871-874 Table of the Properties of Superheated Steam 874, 875 Flow of Steam. Flow of Steam through a Nozzle 876 Napier's Approximate Rule 876 Flow of Steam in Pipes 877 Flow of Steam in Long Pipes, Ledoux's Formula 877 Table of Flow of Steam in Pipes 878 Carrying Capacity of Extra Heavy Steam Pipes 879 Resistance to Flow by Bends, Valves, etc 879 Sizes of Steam-pipes for Stationary Engines 879 Sizes of Steam-pipes for Marine Engines 880 Proportioning Pipes for Minimum Loss by Radiation and Friction 880 Available Maximum Efficiency of Expanded Steam 881 Steam-pipes. Bursting-tests of Copper Steam-pipes 882 Failure of a Copper Steam-pipe 882 Wire-wound Steam-pipes 882 Materials for Pipes and Valves for Superheated Steam 882 Riveted Steel Steam-pipes 883 Valves in Steam-pipes 883 The Steam Loop 883 Loss from an Uncovered Steam-pipe 884 Condensation in an Underground Pipe Line 884 Steam Receivers in Pipe Lines 884 Equation of Pipes 884 Identification of Power House Piping by Colors 885 THE STEAM-BOILER. The Horse-power of a Steam-boiler 885 Measures for Comparing the Duty of Boilers 886 Unit of Evaporation 886 Steam-boiler Proportions 887 Heating-surface 887 Horse-power, Builders' Rating 888 Grate-surface 888 Areas of Flues 889 Air-passages Through Grate-bars 889 Performance of Boilers 889 Conditions which Secure Economy 890 Air Leakage in Boiler Settings 891 Efficiency of a Boiler 891 Autographic CO2 Recorders 891 Relation of Efficiency to Rate of Driving, Air Supply, etc 893 Effect of Quality of Coal upon Efficiency 895 Effect of Imperfect Combustions and Excess Air Supply 896 Theoretical Efficiency with Pittsburgh Coal 896 CONTENTS. XXVII / The Straight Line Formula for Efficiency 896 High Rates of Evaporation 898 Boilers Using Waste Gases 898 Maximum Efficiencies at Different Rates of Driving 898 Rules for Conducting Boiler Tests 899 Heat Balance in Boiler Tests 907 Factors of Evaporation 908 Strength of Steam-boilers. Rules for Construction 908 Shell-plate Formulae 913 Efficiency of Riveted Joints 914 Loads Allowed on Stays 916 Holding Power of Boiler Tubes 916 Safe-working Pressures 918 Boiler Attachments, Furnaces, etc. Fusible Plugs 2 918 Steam Domes 918 Mechanical Stokers 918 The Hawley Down-draught Furnace 919 Under-feed Stokers 919 Smoke Prevention 920 Burning Illinois Coal without Smoke 921 Conditions of Smoke Prevention 922 Forced Combustion 923 Fuel Economizers 924 Thermal Storage 927 Incrustation and Corrosion 927 Boiler-scale Compounds 929 Removal of Hard Scale 930 Corrosion in Marine Boilers 930 Use of Zinc '. 931 Effect of Deposit on Flues 931 Dangerous Boilers 932 Safety-valves. Rules for Area of Safety-valves 932 Spring-loaded Safety-valves 933 Safety Valves for Locomotives 935 The Injector. Equation of the Injector 936 Performance of Injectors 937 Boiler-feeding Pumps 937 Feed-water Heaters. Percentage of Saving Due to Use of Heaters 938 Strains Caused by Cold Feed-water 939 Calculation of Surface of Heaters and^Condensers 939 Open vs. Closed Feed-water Heaters 940 Steam Separators. Efficiency of Steam Separators 941 Determination of Moisture in Steam. Steam Calorimeters 942 Coil Calorimeter 942 Throttling Calorimeters 943 Separating Calorimeters 943 XXV111 CONTENTS. PAGE Identification of Dry Steam 944 Usual Amount of Moisture in Steam 944 Chimneys. Chimney Draught Theory 944 Force of Intensity of Draught 945 Rate of Combustion Due to Height of Chimney 947 High Chimneys not Necessary 948 Height of Chimneys Required for Different Fuels 948 Protection of Chimney from Lightning 949 Table of Size of Chimneys 950 Velocity of Gas in Chimneys 951 Size of Chimneys for Oil Fuel 951 Chimneys with Forced Draught 952 Largest Chimney in the World 952 Some Tall Brick Chimneys 953, 954 Stability of Chimneys 954 Steel Chimneys 956 Reinforced Concrete Chimneys 958 Sheet-iron Chimneys 958 THE STEAM ENGINE. Expansion of Steam ; 959 Mean and Terminal Absolute Pressures 960 Calculation of Mean Effective Pressure 961 Mechanical Energy of Steam Expanded Adiabatically 963 Measures for Comparing the Duty of Engines 963 Efficiency, Thermal Units per Minute 964 Real Ratio of Expansion 965 Effect of Compression 965 Clearance in Low- and High-speed Engines 966 Cylinder-condensation 966 Water-consumption of Automatic Cut-off Engines 967 Experiments on Cylinder-condensation 967 Indicator Diagrams 968 Errors of Indicators 969 Pendulum Indicator Rig 969 The Manograph 969 The Lea Continuous Recorder 970 Indicated Horse-power 970 Rules for Estimating Horse-power 970 Horse-power Constants 971 Table of Engine Constants 972 To Draw Clearance on Indicator-diagram 974 To Draw Hyperbola Curve on Indicator-diagram 974 Theoretical Water Consumption 975 Leakage of Steam 976 Compound Engines. Advantages of Compounding 976 Woolf and Receiver Types of Engines 977 Combined Diagrams > 979 Proportions of Cylinders in Compound Engines 980 Receiver Space 980 Formula for Calculating Work of Steam 981 Calculation of Diameters of Cylinders 982 Triple-expansion Engines 983 Proportions of Cylinders 983 Formulae for Proportioning Cylinders 983 Types of Three-stage Expansion Engines 985 Sequence of Cranks 986 Velocity of Steam through Passages , 986 A Double-tandem Triple-expansion Engine 986 Quadruple-expansion Engines 986 CONTENTS. XXIX Steam-engine Economy. JrALriU Economic Performance of Steam-engines 987 Feed- water Consumption of Different Types 987 Sizes and Calculated Performances of Vertical High-speed Engine 988 The Willans Law, Steam Consumption at Different Loads 991 Relative Economy of Engines under Variable Loads 992 Steam Consumption of Various Sizes 992 Steam Consumption in Small Engines 993 Steam Consumption at Various Speeds '993 Capacity and Economy of Steam Fire Engines 993 Economy Tests of High-speed Engines 994 Limitation of Engine Speed 995 British High-speed Engines 995 Advantage of High Initial and Low-back Pressure 996 Comparison of Compound and Single-cylinder Engines 997 Two-cylinder and Three-cylinder Engines 997 Steam Consumption of Engines with Superheated Steam 998 Steam Consumption of Different Types of Engine 999 The Lentz Compound Engine 999 Efficiency of Non-condensing Compound Engines 1000 Economy of Engines under Varying Loads 1000 Effect of Water in Steam on Efficiency 1001 Influence of Vacuum and Superheat on Steam Consumption. . . . 1001 Practical Application of Superheated Steam 1002 Performance of a Quadruple Engine 1003 Influence of the Steam-jacket 1004 Best Economy of the Piston Steam Engine 1005 Highest Economy of Pumping-engines 1006 Sulphur-dioxide Addendum to Steam-engine 1007 Standard Dimensions of Direct-connected Generator Sets 1007 Dimensions of Parts of Large Engines 1007 Large Rolling-mill Engines , 1008 Counterbalancing Engines 1008 Preventing Vibrations of Engines * 1008 Foundations Embedded in Air 1009 Most Economical Point of Cut-off 1009 Type of Engine used when Exhaust-steam is used for Heating. . 1009 Cost of Steam-power 1009 Cost of Coal for Steam-power 1010 Power-plant Economics 1011 Analysis of Operating Costs of Power-plants 1013 Economy of Combination of Gas Engines and Turbines 1014 Storing Steam Heat in Hot Water 1014 Utilizing the Sun's Heat as a Source of Power 1015 Rules for Conducting Steam-engine Tests 1015 Dimensions of Parts of Engines. Cylinder. 1021 Clearance of Piston 1021 Thickness of Cylinder 1021 Cylinder Heads 1022 Cylinder-head Bolts 1022 The Piston 1023 Piston Packing-rings 1023 Fit of Piston-rod 1024 Diameter of Piston-rods 1024 Piston-rod Guides 1024 The Connecting-rod 1025 Connecting-rod Ends 1026 Tapered Connecting-rods 1026 The Crank-pin 1027 Crosshead-pin or Wrist-pin . 1029 The Crank-arm 1029 The Shaft, Twisting Resistance 1030 * iistance to Bending . . , X032 XXX CONTENTS. _ PAGE Equivalent Twisting Moment 1032 Fly-wheel Shafts 1033 Length of Shaft-bearings 1034 Crank-shafts with Center-crank and Double-crank Arms 1036 Crank-shaft with two Cranks Coupled at 90 1037 Crank-shaft with three Cranks at 120 1038 Valve-stem or Valve-rod 1038 The Eccentric 1039 The Eccentric-rod 1039 Reversing-gear 1039 Current Practice in Engine Proportions, 1897 1039 Current Practice in Steam-engine Design, 1909 1040 Shafts and Bearings of Engines 1042 Calculating the Dimensions Of Bearings 1042 Engine-frames or Bed-plates 1044 Fly-wheels. Weight of Fly-wheels 1044 Weight of Fly-wheels for Alternating-current Units 1047 Centrifugal Force in Fly-wheels 1047 Diameters for Various Speeds 1048 Strains in the Runs 1049 Arms of Fly-wheels and Pulleys 1050 Thickness of Rims 1050 A Wooden Rim Fly-wheel 1051 Wire- wound Fly-wheels 1052 The Slide-Valve. Definitions, Lap, Lead, etc 1052 Sweet's Valve-diagram , 1054 The Zeuner Valve-diagram 1054 Port Opening, Lead, and Inside Lead 1057 Crank Angles for Connecting-rods of Different Lengths 1058 Ratio of Lap and of Port-opening to Valve- travel 1058 Relative Motions of Crosshead and Crank 1060 Periods of Admission or Cut-off for Various Laps and Travels. . 1060 Piston- valves 1061 Setting the Valves of an Engine 1061 To put an Engine on its Center 1061 Link-motion 1062 The Walschaerts Valve-gear 1064 Governors. Pendulum or Fly-ball Governors 1065 To Change the Speed of an Engine 1066 Fly-wheel or Shaft Governors 1066 The Rites Inertia Governor 1066 Calculation of Springs for Shaft-governors 1066 Condensers, Air-pumps, Circulating-pumps, etc.. The Jet Condenser 1068 Quantity of Cooling Water 1068 Ejector Condensers 1069 The Barometric Condensers 1069 The Surface Condenser 1069 Coefficient of Heat Transference in Condensers The Power Used for Condensing Apparatus Vacuum, Inches of Mercury and Absolute Pressure Temperatures, Pressures and Volumes of Saturated Air Condenser Tubes 1072 Tube-plates 1073 Spacing of Tubes 1073 Air-pump Area through Valve-seats 1 73 CONTENTS. PAGE Work done by an Air-pump 1074 Most Economical Vacuum for Turbines 1075 Circulating-pump 1075 The Leblanc Condenser 1076 Feed-pumps for Marine Engines 1076 An Evaporative Surface Condenser 1076 Continuous Use of Condensing Water 1076 Increase of Power by Condensers 1077 Advantage of High Vacuum in Reciprocating Engines 1078 The Choice of a Condenser 1078 Cooling Towers 1079 Calculation of Air Supply for Cooling Towers 1080 Tests of a Cooling Tower and Condenser 1080 Water Evaporated in a Cooling Tower 1080 Weight of Water Vapor mixed with One Pound of Air -. . . . 1081 Evaporators and Distillers 1082 Rotary Steam Engines Steam Turbines. Rotary Steam Engines 1082 Impulse and Reaction Turbines 1082 The DeLaval Turbine 1082 The Zolley or Rateau Turbine 1083 The Parsons Turbine 1083 The Westinghouse Double-flow Turbine 1083 Mechanical Theory of the Steam Turbine 1084 Heat Theory of the Steam Turbine 1084 Velocity of Steam in Nozzles 1085 Speed of the Blades 1086 Comparison of Impulse and Reaction Turbines 1087 Loss due to Windage 1087 Efficiency of the Machine 1087 Steam Consumption of Turbines 1088 Effect of Vacuum on Steam Turbines 1088 Tests of Turbines 1088 Efficiency of the Rankine Cycle 1089 Factors for Reduction to Equivalent Efficiency 1090 Effect of Pressure, Vacuum and Superheat 1090 Steam and Heat Consumption of the Ideal Engine 1091 Westinghouse Turbines at 74th St. Station, New York 1092 A Steam Turbine Guarantee 1092 Efficiency of a 5000-K. W. Steam Turbine Generator 1092 Comparison of Large Turbines and Reciprocating Engines ..... 1092 Steam Consumption of Small Steam Turbines 1093 Low-pressure Steam Turbines 1093 Tests of a 15,000-K.W. Steam-engine Turbine Unit 1095 Reduction Gear for Steam Turbines 1095 Hot-air Engines. Hot-air or Caloric Engines * 1095 Test of a Hot-air Engine , 1095 INTERNAL, COMBUSTION ENGINES. Four-cycle and Two-cycle Gas-engines 1096 Temperatures and Pressures Developed 1096 Calculation of the Power of Gas-engines 1097 Pressures and Temperatures at End of Compression 1098 Pressures and Temperature at Release 1099 after Combustion 1099 Mean Effective Pressures 1099 Sizes of Large Gas-engines 1100 Engine Constants for Gas-engines 1101 Rated Capacity of Automobile Engines 1101 Estimate of the Horse-power of a Gas-engine 1101 XXX11 CONTENTS. PAGE Oil and Gasoline Engines 1101 The Diesel Oil Engine 1102 The De La Vergne Oil Engine 1102 Alcohol Engines 1102 Ignition 1102 Timing 1103 Governing 1103 Gas and Oil Engine Troubles 1103 Conditions of Maximum Efficiency 1103 Heat Losses in the Gas-engine 1104 Economical Performance of Gas-engines 1104 Utilization of Waste Heat from Gas-engines 1105 Rules for Conducting Tests of Gas and Oil Engines 1105 LOCOMOTIVES. Resistance of Trains 1108 Resistance of Electric Railway Cars and Trains 1110 Efficiency of the Mechanism of a Locomotive 1111 Adhesion 1111 Tractive Force 1111 Size of Locomotive Cylinders 1112 Horse-power of a Locomotive 1113 Size of Locomotive Boilers 1113 Wootten's Locomotive 1114 Grate-surface, Smokestacks, and Exhaust-nozzles 1115 Fire-brick Arches 1115 Economy of High Pressures 1116 Leading American Types 1116 Classification of Locomotives 1116 Steam Distribution for High Speed 1117 Formulae for Curves . 1117 Speed of Railway Trains 1118 Performance of a High-speed Locomotive 1118 Fuel Efficiency of American Locomotives 1119 Locomotive Link-motion 1119 Dimensions of Some American Locomotives 1120 The Mallet Compound Locomotive 1120 Indicated Water Consumption 1122 Indicator Tests of a Locomotive at High-speed 1122 Locomotive Testing Apparatus 1123 Weights and Prices of Locomotives 1124 Waste of Fuel in Locomotives 1 125 Advantages of Compounding 1 125 Depreciation of Locomotives 1125 Average Train Loads 1125 Tractive Force of Locomotives, 1893 and 1905 1125 Superheating in Locomotives 1126 Counterbalancing Locomotives Narrow-gauge Railways 1127 Petroleum-burning Locomotives Fireless Locomotives :....-.... 1127 Self-propelled Railway Cars Compressed-air Locomotives 1128 Air Locomotives with Compound Cylinders 1129 SHAFTING. Diameters to Resist Torsional Strain 1130 Deflection of Shafting 1131 Horse-power Transmitted by Shafting 1132 Flange Couplings 1133 Effect of Cold Rolling 1133 Hollow Shafts. . 1133 Sizes of Collars for Shafting 1133 Table for Laying Out Shafting , , , , , , U34 * CONTENTS. XXxiii ^ PULLETS. PAGE Proportions of Pulleys 1135 Convexity of Pulleys 1136 Cone or Step Pulleys 1 136 Method of Determining Diameter^ of Cone Pulleys 1136 Speeds of Shafts with Cone Pulleys 1137 Speeds in Geometrical Progression , 1138 BELTING. Theory of Belts and Bands 1138 Centrifugal Tension 1139 Belting Practice, Formulae for Belting 1139 Horse-power of a Belt one inch wide 1140 A. F. Nagle's Formula 1141 Width of Belt for Given Horse-power , . . . 1141 Belt Factors 1 142 Taylor's Rules for Belting 1143 Earth's Studies on Belting 1146 Notes on Belting 1146 Lacing of Belts 1147 Setting a Belt on Quarter-twist 1147 To Find the Length of Belt 1148 To Find the Angle of the Arc of Contact 1148 To Find the Length of Belt when Closely Rolled 1148 To Find the Approximate Weight of Belts 1148 Relations of the Size and Speeds of Driving and Driven Pulleys. 1148 Evils of Tight Belts 1149 Sag of Belts 1149 Arrangement of Belts and Pulleys 1149 Care of Belts 1150 Strength of Belting ( . . 1150 Adhesion, Independent of Diameter rv. 1151 Endless Belts 1151 Belt Data 1151 U. S. Navy Specifications for Leather Belting 1151 Belt Dressings 1151 Cement for Cloth or Leather 1152 Rubber Belting 1152 Steel Belts 1152 Chain Drives. Roller Chain and Sprocket Drives 1153 Belting versus Chain Drives 1155 Data used in Design of Chain Drives 1156 Comparison of Rope and Chain Drives 1157 GEARING. Pitch, Pitch-circle, etc 3157 Diametral and Circular Pitch 1158 Diameter of Pitch-line of Wheels from 10 to 100 Teeth 1159 Chordal Pitch 1159 Proportions of Teeth 1 159 Gears with Short Teeth 1160 Formulae for Dimensions of Teeth 1160 Width of Teeth 1161 Proportions of Gear-wheels 1161 Rules for Calculating the Speed of Gears and Pulleys 1162 Milling Cutters for Interchangeable Gears 1162 Forms of the Teeth. The Cycloidal Tooth 1162 The Involute Tooth 1165 XXXiV CONTENTS, PAGE Approximation by Circular Arcs -. 1166 Stub Gear Teeth for Automobiles 1167 Stepped Gears 1168 Twisted Teeth 1168 Spiral Gears 1168 Worm Gearing 1168 The Hindley Worm 1169 Teeth of Bevel-wheels 1169 Annular and Differential Gearing 1169 Efficiency of Gearing 1170 Efficiency of Worm Gearing 1171 Efficiency of Automobile Gears 1172 Strength of Gear Teeth. Various Formulae for Strength 1172 Comparison of Formulae 1 174 Raw-hide Pinions 1177 Maximum Speed of Gearing 1177 A Heavy Machine-cut Spur-gear 1 178 Frictional Gearing 1178 Frictional Grooved Gearing 1178 Power Transmitted by Friction Drives 1178 Friction Clutches 1179 Coil Friction Clutches 1180 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. Working Strength of Blocks 1181 Chain-blocks 1181 Efficiency of Hoisting Tackle 1182 Proportions of Hooks 1182 Heavy Crane Hooks 1183 Strength of Hooks and Shackles 1184 Power of Hoisting Engines 1184 Effect of Slack Rope on Strain in Hoisting 1186 Limit of Depth for Hoisting 1 186 Large Hoisting Records \ 1186 Safe Loads for Ropes and Chains 1187 Pneumatic Hoisting 1 187 Counterbalancing of Winding-engines 1188 Cranes. Classification of Cranes 1189 Position of the Inclined Brace in a Jib Crane 1190 Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes 1190 Power Required to Drive Cranes 1191 Dimensions, Loads and Speeds of Electric Cranes 1191 Notable Crane Installations 1192 A 150-ton Pillar Crane 1192 Compressed-air Traveling Cranes 1192 Electric versus Hydraulic Cranes Power Required for Traveling Cranes and Hoists 1193 Lifting Magnets 1193 Telpherage 1196 ' Coal-handling Machinery. Weight of Overhead Bins 1196 Supply-pipes from Bins 1196 Types of Coal Elevators 1196 Combined Elevators and Conveyors 1197 Coal Conveyors 1 197 Horse-power of Conveyors 1 198 CONTENTS. XXXV PAGE Bucket, Screw, and Belt Conveyors 1198 Weight of Chain and of Flights 1199 Capacity of Belt Conveyors 1 199 Belt Conveyor Construction 1200 Horse-power to Drive Belt Conveyors 1200 Relative Wearing Power of Conveyor Belts * 1200 Pneumatic Conveying 1201 Pneumatic Postal Transmission 1201 , Wire-rope Haulage. Self-acting Inclined Plane 1202 Simple Engine Plane 1203 Tail-rope System 1203 Endless Rope System 1203 Wire-rope Tramways 1204 Stress in Hoisting-ropes on Inclined Planes 1204 An Aerial Tramway 21 miles long .. . . 1205 Suspension Cableways and Cable Hoists 1205 Tension Required to Prevent Wire Slipping on Drums 1206 Formulae for Deflection of a Wire Cable 1207 Taper Ropes of Uniform Tensile Strength 1208 WIRE-ROPE TRANSMISSION. Working Tension of Wire Ropes 1208 Sheaves for Wire-rope Transmission 1208 Breaking Strength of Wire Ropes. 1209 Bending Stresses of Wire Ropes 1209 Horse-power Transmitted 1210 Diameters of Minimum Sheaves 1211 Deflection of the Rope 1211 Limits of Span 1212 Long-distance Transmission 1212 Inclined Transmissions 1212 Bending Curvature of Wire Ropes 1213 ROPE-DRIVING. Formulae for Rope-driving 1214 Horse-power of Transmission at Various Speeds 1215 Sag of the Rope between Pulleys. 1216 Tension on the Slack Part of the Rope 12*16 Miscellaneous Notes on Rope-driving . . , 1217 Data of Manila. Transmission Rope 1218 Cotton Ropes 1218 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. Coefficient of Friction 1219 Rolling Friction '. 1219 Friction of Solids < 1219 Friction of Rest , 1219 Laws of Unlubricated Friction 1219 Friction of Tires Sliding on Rails 1219 Coefficient of Rolling Friction 1220 Laws of Fluid Friction .' 1220 Angles of Repose of Building Materials 1220 Coefficient of Friction of Journals 1220 Friction of Motion 1221 Experiments on Friction of a Journal 1221 Coefficients of Friction of Journal with Oil Bath 1221, 1223 Coefficients of Friction of Motion and of Rest 1222 Value of Anti-friction Metals . . 1223 Cast-iron for Bearings 1223 x ^y CONTENTS. PAGE Friction of Metal under Steam-pressure 1223 Morin's Laws of Friction 1223 Laws of Friction of Well-lubricated Journals 1225 Allowable Pressures on Bearing-surfaces 1226 Oil-pressure in a Bearing 1228 Friction of Car-journal Brasses 1228 Experiments on Overheating of Bearings 1228 Moment of Friction and Work of Friction 1229 Tests of Large Shaft Bearings 1230 Clearance between Journal and Bearing 1230 Allowable Pressures on Bearings 1230 Bearing Pressures for Heavy Intermittent Loads 1231 Bearings for Very High Rotative Speed 1231 Bearing Pressures in Shafts of Parsons Turbine 1232 Thrust Bearings in Marine Practice 1232 Bearings for Locomotives 1232 Bearings of Corliss Engines 1232 Temperature of Engine Bearings 1232 Pivot Bearings 1232 The Schiele Curve 1232 Friction of a Flat Pivot-bearing 1233 Mercury-bath Pivot 1233 Ball Bearings, Roller Bearings, etc 1233 Friction Rollers 1233 Conical Roller Thrust Bearings. 1234 The Hyatt Roller Bearing 1235 Notes on Ball Bearings 1235 Saving of Power by Use of Ball Bearings 1237 Knife-edge Bearings 1238 Friction of Steam-engines 1238 Distribution of the Friction of Engines 1238 Friction Brakes and Friction Clutches. Friction Brakes 1239 Friction Clutches 1239 Magnetic and Electric Brakes 1240 Design of Band Brakes 1240 Friction of Hydaulic Plunger Packing 1241 Lubrication. Durability of Lubricants 1241 ualifications of Lubricants 1242 xamination of Oils 1242 Specifications for Petroleum Lubricants 1243 Penna. R. R. Specifications 1244 Grease Lubricants Testing Oil for Steam Turbines 1244 8uantity of Oil to Run an Engine ylinder Lubrication 1245 Soda Mixture for Machine Tools Water as a Lubricant 124 Acheson's Deflocculated Graphite 1246 Solid Lubricants 1246 Graphite, Soapstone, Metaline 1246 THE FOUNDRY. Cupola Practice 1247 Melting Capacity of Different Cupolas 1248 Charging a Cupola 1248 Improvement of Cupola Practice Charges in Stove Foundries 1250 Foundry Blower Practice 1250 CONTENTS. XXXV11 PAGE Results of Increased Driving 1252 Power Required for a Cupola Fan 1253 Utilization of Cupola Gases 1253 Loss of Iron in Melting 1253 Use of Softeners ; . . 1253 Weakness of Large Castings 1253 Shrinkage of Castings 1254 Growth of Cast Iron by Heating 1254 Hard Iron due to Excessive Silicon 1254 Ferro Alloys for Foundry Use 1255 Dangerous Ferro-silicon 1255 Quality of Foundry Coke 1255 Castings made in Permanent Cast-iron Molds 1255 Weight of Castings from Weight of Pattern 1256 Molding Sand 1256 Foundry Ladles 1257 : THE MACHINE-SHOP. Speed of Cutting Tools 1258 Table of Cutting Speeds 1258 Spindle Speeds of Lathes 1259 Rule for Gearing Lathes 1259 Change-gears for Lathes 1260 Quick Change Gears 1260 Metric Screw-threads 1261 Cold Chisels 1261 Setting the Taper in a Lathe 1261 Lubricants for Lathe Centers 1261 Taylor's Experiments on Tool Steel 1261 Proper Shape of Lathe Tool 1261 Forging and Grinding Tools 1263 Best Grinding Wheel for Tools 1263 -~- Chatter 1264 Use of Water on Tool 1264 Interval between Grindings 1264 Effect of Feed and Depth of Cut on Speed 1264 Best High Speed Tool Steel Heat Treatment 1265 Table, Cutting Speeds of Taylor- White Tools 1266 Best Method of Treating Tools in Small Shops 1268 Quality of Different Tool Steels 1268 Parting and Thread Tools 1268 Durability of Cutting Tools 1268 Economical Cutting Speeds 1268 -^ New High Speed Steels, 1909 1269 Stellite 1269 Planer Work 1270-1275 Cutting and Return Speeds of Planers 1270 Power Required for Planing 1270 Time Required for Planing 1271 Standard Planer Tools 1271-1275 Milling Machine Practice <, 1275-1284 Forms of Milling Cutters 1275 Number of Teeth in Milling Cutters 1276 Keyways in Milling Cutters 1277 Power Required for Milling 1278 Modern Milling Practice, 1914 1279 Milling wiJi or against the Feed 1280 Lubricant for Milling Cutters :. . . 1281 Typica High-s Jigh-speed Milling 1282 Limiting Factors of Milling Practice 1283 Speeds and Feeds for Gear Cutting 1284 Drills and Drilling 1285-1290 Forms of Drills 1285 Drilling Compounds 1286 XXXV111 CONTENTS. 1>AGE Twist Drill and Steel Wire Gages ...;>...,.. 1286 Power Required to Drive Drills 1286, 1287 Feeds and Speeds of Drills 1288 Extreme Results with Drills ; 1289 Experiments on Twist Drills 1289 Cutting Speeds for Tapping and Threading 1290 Sawing Metals 1291 Case-hardening, Cementation, Harvey izing 1291 Change of Shape due to Hardening and Tempering 1291 Power Required for Machine Tools. Resistance Overcome in Cutting Metal :. . 1292 Power Required to Run Lathes 1292-1295 Sizes of Motors for Machine Tools 1294-1298 Horse-power Constants for Cutting Metals 1299 Pulley Diameters for Motors 1300 Geared Connections for Motors, Table 1301 Motor Requirements for Planers 1302 Tests on a Motor-driven Planer 1303 Power Required for Wood-working Machinery 1303 Power Required to Drive Shafting 1305 Power Required to Drive Machines in Groups 1305 Machine Tool Drives, Speeds and Feeds 1307 Geometrical Progression of Speeds and Feeds 1307 Methods of Driving Machine Tools 1307 Abrasive Processes. The Cold Saw 1309 Reese's Fusing-disk 1309 Cutting Stone with Wire 1309 The Sand-blast 1309 Polishing and Buffing '. 1310 Laps and Lapping 1310 Emery-wheels 131 1-1317 Artificial Abrasives 1313 Mounting Grinding Wheels, Safety Devices 1314 Grinding as a Substitute for Finish Turning 1317 Grindstones 1317 Various Tools and Processes. Taper Bolts, Pins, Reamers, etc 1318 Morse Tapers 1319 Jarno Taper 1319 Tap Drills 1320 Taper Pins 1321 T-slots, T-bolts and T-nuts 1321 Punches and Dies, Presses, etc 1321 Punch and Die Clearances > . . 1321 Kennedy's Spiral Punch 1322 . Sizes of Blanks Used in the Drawing Press 1322 Pressure Obtained by the Drop Press 1322 Flow of Metals 1323 Fly-wheels for Presses, Punches, Shears, etc. 1323 Forcing, Shrinking, and Running Fits 1324 Pressures for Mounting Wheels and Crank Pins 1324 Fits for Machine Parts 1325 Running Fits 1325 Shop Allowances for Electrical Machinery Pressure Required for Press Fits Stresses due to Force and Shrink Fits 1326 Force Required to Start Force and Shrink Fits 1327 Formulae for Flat and Square Keys 1328 CONTENTS. XXXIX PAGE Keys of Various Forms 1328-1331 Depth of Key Seats 1329 Gib Keys 1332 Holding Power of Keys and Set Screws 1332 DYNAMOMETERS. Traction Dynamometers 1333 The Prony Brake 1333 The Alden Dynamometer 1334 Capacity of Friction-brakes 1334 Transmission Dynamometers 1335 ICE MAKING OR REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. Operations of a Refrigerating-Machine 1336 Pressures, etc., of Available Liquids 1337 Properties of Sulphur Dioxide Gas 1338 Properties of Ammonia 1339, 1340 Solubility of Ammonia 1341 Properties of Saturated Vapors 1341 Heat Generated by Absorption of Ammonia 1341 Cooling Effect, Compressor Volume and Power Required, with Different Cooling Agents 1341 Ratios of Condenser, Mean Effective, and Vaporizer Pressures . . 1342 Properties of Brine used to absorb Refrigerating Effect 1343 Chloride-of-calcium Solution 1343 Ice-melting Effect 1344 Ether-machines 1344 Air-machines 1344 Carbon Dioxide Machines 1344 Methyl Chloride Machines 1345 Sulphur-dioxide Machines 1345 Machines Using Vapor of Water 1345 Ammonia Compression-machines 1345 Dry, Wet and Flooded Systems 1345 Ammonia Absorption-machines 1346 Relative Performance of Compression and Absorption Machines 1346 Efficiency of a Refrigerating-machine 1347 Diagrams of Ammonia Machine Operation 1348 Cylinder-heating 1349 Volumetric Efficiency 1349 Pounds of Ammonia per Ton of Refrigeration 1350, 1351 Mean Effective Pressure, and Horse-power 1350 The Voorhees Multiple Effect Compressor 1350 Size and Capacities of Ammonia Machines , . . . . 1352 Piston Speeds and Revolutions per Minute 1353 Condensers for Refrigera ting-machines 1353 Cooling Tower Practice in Refrigerating Plants 1354 Test Trials of Refrigerating-machines 1355 Comparison of Actual and Theoretical Capacity 1355 Performance of Ammonia Compression-machines 1 356 Economy of Ammonia Compression-machines 1357 Form of Report of Test 1358 Temperature Range 1359 Metering the Ammonia 1359 Performance of Ice-making Machines 1359 Performance of a 75-ton Refrigerating-machine 1361-1363 Ammonia Compression-machine, Results of Tests '. . 1364 Performance of a Single-acting Ammonia Compressor 1364 Performance of Ammonia Absorption-machine 1364 Means for Applying the Cold 1365 Artificial Ice-manufacture , Ib66 Test of the New York Hygeia Ice-making Plant 1367 An Absorption Evaporator Ice-making System 1367 Ice-making with Exhaust Steam 1367 Xl CONTENTS. PAGE Tons of Ice per Ton of Coal 1367 Standard Ice Cans or Molds 1368 Cubic Feet of Insulated Space per Ton Refrigeration 1368 MARINE ENGINEERING. Rules for Measuring and Obtaining Tonnage of Vessels 1368 The Displacement of a Vessel 1369 Coefficient of Fineness 1369 Coefficient of Water-line 1369 Resistance of Ships 1369 Coefficient of Performance of Vessels 1370 Defects of the Common Formula for Resistance 1370 Rankine's Formula 1370 Empirical Equations for Wetted Surface 1371 E. R. Mumford's Method 1371 Dr. Kirk's Method 1372 To find the I.H.P. from the Wetted Surface. 1372 Relative Horse-power required for Different Speeds of Vessels . . 1373 Resistance per Horse-power for Different Speeds 1373 Estimated Displacement, Horse-power, etc., of S team- vessels. . . 1374 Speed of Boats with Internal Combustion Engines 1374 Data of Ships of Various Types 1376 Relation of Horse-power to Speed 1376 The Screw-propeller. Pitch and Size of Screw 1377 Propeller Coefficients 1378 Efficiency of the Propeller 1379 Pitch-ratio and Slip for Screws of Standard Form 1379 Table for Calculating Dimensions of Screws 1380 Marine Practice. Comparison of Marine Engines, 1872, 1881, 1891, 1901 1380 Turbines and Boilers of the " Lusitania" 1381 Performance of the "Lusitania," 1908 1381 Dimensions and Performance of Notable Atlantic Steamers. . . . Relative Economy of Turbines and Reciprocating Engines 1382 Reciprocating Engines with a Low-pressure Turbine 1383 The Paddle-wheel. Paddle-wheels with Radial Floats 1383 Feathering Paddle-wheels 1383 Efficiency of Paddle-wheels 1384 Jet Propulsion. Reaction of a Jet 1384 CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. Foundations. Bearing Power of Soils 1385 Bearing Power of Piles 1386 Safe Strength of Brick Piers 1386 Thickness of Foundation Walls 1386 Masonry. Allowable Pressures on Masonry 1386 Crushing Strength of Concrete 1386 Reinforced Concrete 1386 CONTENTS. Xll Beams and Girders. PAGE Safe Loads on Beams 1387 Safe Loads on Wooden Beams 1387 Maximum Permissible Stresses in Structural Materials 1388 Walls. Thickness of Walls of Buildings 1388 Walls of Warehouses, Stores, Factories, and Stables 1388 Floors, Columns and Posts. Strength of Floors, Roofs, and Supports 1389 Columns and Posts 1389 Fireproof Buildings 1389 Iron and Steel Columns 1389 Lintels, Bearings, and Supports 1390 Strains on Girders and Rivets 1390 Maximum Load on Floors 1390 Strength of Floors 1391 Maximum Spans for 1, 2 and 3 inch Plank 1392 Mill C9lumns . , 1393 Safe Distributed Loads on Southern-pine Beams 1393 Approximate Cost of Mill Buildings 1394 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. C. G. S. System of Physical Measurement 1396 Practical Units used in Electrical Calculations 1396 Relations of Various Units 1397 Units of the Magnetic Circuit 1398 Equivalent Electrical and Mechanical Units 1399 Permeability 1400 logics between Flow of Water and Electricity 1400 Electrical Resistance. Laws of Electrical Resistance 1400 Electrical Conductivity of Different Metals and Alloys 1401 Conductors and Insulators 1402 Resistance Varies with Temperature : 1402 Annealing 1402 Standard of Resistance of Copper Wire 1402 Wire Table, Standard Annealed Copper 1404 Direct Electric Currents. Ohm's Law 1406 Series and Parallel or Multiple Circuits 1406 Resistance of Conductors in Series and Parallel 1407 Internal Resistance 1408 Power of the Circuit 1408 Electrical, Indicated, and Brake Horse-power 1408 Heat Generated by a Current 1408 Heating of Conductors 1409 Heating of Coils 1409 Fusion of Wires 1409 Allowable Carrying Capacity of Copper Wires : . 1410 Underwriters' Insulation 1410 Electric Transmission, Direct-Currents. Drop of Voltage in Wires Carrying Allowed Currents 1410 Section of Wire Required for a Given Current 1410 Weight of Copper for a Given Power 1411 Xlii CONTENTS. PAGE Short-circuiting 1411 Economy of Electric Transmission 1411 Efficiency of Electric Systems 1412 Wire Table for 110, 220, 500, 1000, and 2000 volt Circuits 1413 Resistances of Pure Aluminum Wire 1414 Electric Railways. Schedule Speeds, Miles per Hour 1414 Train Resistance 1415 Rates of Acceleration 1415 Safe Maximum Speed on Curves 1416 Electric Resistance of Rails and Bonds 1416 Electric Locomotives 1416 Efficiencies of Distributing Systems 1417 Steam Railroad Electrifications 1418 Electric Welding. Arc Welding 1419 Data of Electric Welding in Railway Shops 1419 Resistance Welding 1419 Cost of Welding 1420 Electric Heaters. Elementary Form of Heater 1420 Relative Efficiency of Electric and Steam Heating 1421 Heat Required to Warm and Ventilate a Room 1421 Domestic Heating 1421 Electric Furnaces. Arc Furnaces and Resistance Furnaces 1422 Uses of Electric Furnaces 1423 Electric Smelting of Pig-iron 1424 Ferro-alloys 1424 Non-ferrous Metals 1424 Electric Batteries. Primary Batteries 1425 Description of Storage-batteries or Accumulators 1425 Rules for Care of Storage-batteries 1426 Efficiency of a Storage Cell 1427 Uses of Storage-batteries '. 1427 Edison Alkaline Battery 1428 Electrolysis 1428 Electro-chemical Equivalents 1429 The Magnetic Circuit. Lines and Loops of Force 1430 Values of B and H 1431 Tractive or Lifting Force of a Magnet 1431 Determining the Polarity of Electro-magnets Determining the Direction of a Current 1432 Dynamo-electric Machines. Rating of Generators and Motors 1432 Temperature Limitations of Capacity 143 Methods of Determining Temperatures 143 Temperature Limits of Hottest Spot Moving Force of a Dynamo-electric Machine 1435 CONTENTS. xliii PAGE Torque of an Armature 1435 Torque, Horse-power and Revolutions 1436 Electro-motive Force of the Armature Circuit 1436 Strength of the Magnetic Field 1436 Direct-Current Generators. Series-, Shunt- and Compound- wound 1437 Commutating Pole Machines 1438 Parallel Operation 1439 Three- Wire System 1439 Alternating Currents. Maximum, Average and Effective Values 1440 Frequency 1440 Inductance 1440 Capacity 1440 Power Factor 1440 Reactance, Impedance, Admittance 1441 Skin Effect 1442 Ohm's Law Applied to Alternating Current Circuits 1442 Impedance Polygons 1442 Self-inductance of Lines and Circuits 1446 Capacity of Conductors 1446 Single-phase and Polyphase Currents t 1446 Measurement of Power in Polyphase Circuits 1447 Alternating Current Generators. Synchronous Generators 1448 Rating 1448 Efficiency 1448 Regulation ; 1449 Rating of a Generator Unit 1449 Windings 1449 Voltages 1450 Parallel Operation 1450 Exciters 1450 Transformers. Primary and Secondary 1451 Voltage Ratio 1451 Rating 1451 Efficiency 1451 Connections 1452 Auto Transformers 1453 Constant-Current Transformers . , 1453 Synchronous Converters. Description 1453 Effective E.M.F. between Collector Rings 1454 Voltage Regulation 1455 Starting Synchronous Converters 1455 Motor-Generators. Balancers 1456 Boosters 1456 Dynamotors 1457 Frequency Changers 1457 Mercury Arc Rectifier 1457 xliv CONTENTS. Alternating'Current Circuits. PAGfi Calculation of Alternating Current Circuits 1457 Relative Weight of Copper Required in Different Systems ..... 1459 Rule for Size of Wires for Three-phase Transmission Lines 1459 Notes on High-tension Transmission 1459 Voltages Advisable for Various Line Lengths 1460 Line Spacing 1460 Size of Line Conductors 1460 A 135,000- volt Three-phase Transmission System 1461 Electric Motors. Classification of Motors 1461 Characteristics of Motors 1461 Series Motor 1461 Speed Control of Motors 1462 Shunt IMotor 1462 Compound Motor 1462 Induction Motor; Squirrel-cage Motor 1463 Multi-speed Induction Motors 1463 Synchronous Motors 1463 Single-phase Series Motor 1464 Repulsion Induction Motor 1464 Reversible Repulsion Motor 1464 Variable-speed Repulsion Motor 1464 Motor Applications. Pumps 1464 Fans 1465 Air Compressors 1465 Hoists . . 1465 Machine Tools 1466 Motors for Machine Tools 1467 Illumination Electric and Gas Lighting. Illumination 1468 Terms, Units, Definitions .... 1468 Relative Color Values of Illuminants 1469 Relation of Illumination to Vision . . . 1469 Types of Electric Lamps 1470 Street Lighting 1470 Illumination by Arc Lamps at Different Distances 1471 Data of Some Arc Lamps 1471 Relative Efficiency of Illuminants 1472 Characteristics of Tungsten Lamps 1473 Interior Illumination 1473 Quantity of Electricity or Gas Required for Illuminating 1474 Standard Units; Mazda and Welsbach 1475 Cost of Electric Lighting 1475 Recent Street Lighting Installations 1476 Symbols Used in Electric Diagrams 1477 NAMES AND ABBREVIATIONS OF PERIODICALS AND TEXT -BOOKS FREQUENTLY REFERRED TO IN THIS WORK. Am. Mach. American Machinist. App. Cyl. Mech. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of Mechanics, Vols. I and II. Bull. I. & S. A. Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association. Burr's Elasticity and Resistance of Materials. Clark, R. T. D. D. K. Clark's Rules, Tables, and Data for Mechanical Engineers. Clark, S. E. D. K. Clark's Treatise on the Steam-Engine. Col. Coll. Qly. Columbia College Quarterly. El. Rev. Electrical Review. El. World. Electrical World and Engineer. Engg. Engineering (London). Eng. News. Engineering News. Eng. Rec. Engineering Record. Engr. The Engineer (London). Fairbairn's Useful Information for Engineers. Flynn's Irrigation Canals and Flow of Water. Indust. Eng. Industrial Engineering. Jour. A. C. I. W. Journal of American Charcoal Iron Workers' Association. Jour. Ass. Eng. Soc. Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies. Jour. F. I. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Lanza's Applied Mechanics. Machy. Machinery. Merriman's Strength of Materials. Modern Mechanism. Supplementary volume of Appleton's Cyclo- paedia of Mechanics. Peabody's Thermodynamics. Proc. A. S. H. V. E. Proceedings. Am. Soc'y of Heating and Ventilat- ing Engineers. Proc. A. S. T. M. Proceedings Amer. Soc'y for Testing Materials. Proc. Inst. C. E. Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers (London). Proc. Inst. M. E. Proceedings Institution of Mechanical Engineers (London) . Proceedings Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Rankine, S. E. Rankine's The Steam Engine and other Prime Movers. Rankine's Machinery and Millwork. Rankine, R. T. D. Rankine's Rules, Tables, and Data. Reports of U. S. Iron and Steel Test Board. Reports of U. S. Testing Machine at Watertown, Massachusetts. Rontgen's Thermodynamics. Seaton's Manual of Marine Engineering. Hamilton Smith, Jr.'s Hydraulics. Stevens Indicator. Thompson's Dynamo-electric Machinery. Thurston's Manual of the Steam Engine. Thurston's Materials of Engineering. Trans. A. I. E. E. Transactions American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Trans. A. I. M. E. Transactions American Institute of Mining Engineers. Trans. A. S. C. E. Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers. Trans. A. S. M. E. Transactions American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Trautwine's Civil Engineer's Pocket Book. The Locomotive (Hartford, Connecticut). Unwin's Elements of Machine Design. Weisbach's Mechanics of Engineering, Wood's Resistance of Materials. Wood's Thermodynamics, _, MATHEMATICS. Greek Letter. a Alpha j8 Beta y Gamma 8 Delta e Epsilon C Zeta Eta N v Nu T T Tan 9 Theta H Xi Y v Upsilon Iota o Omicron $ Phi Kappa Lambda II 7T P P Pi Kho X Y Chi $ Psi Mu 2 as Sigma O w Omega Arithmetical and Algebraical Signs and Abbreviations* + plus (addition). + positive. minus (subtraction). - negative. plus or minus. T minus or plus. = equals. X multiplied by. ab or a.b = a X b. -5- divided by. / divided by. 2 _/6 _.. 15-16 = if - 0.2 -; 0.002 -jJL. V square root. ^ cube root. M 4th root. : is to, :: so is, : to (proportion). 2 : 4 :: 3 : 6, 2 is to 4 as 3 is to 6. : ratio; divided by. 2 : 4, ratio of 2 to 4 = 2/4. .*. therefore. > greater than. < less than. D square. O round. degrees, arc or thermometer. ' minutes or feet. " seconds or inches. "' accents to distinguish letters, as a', a", a'". <*! 2, 03, ab, etc, read a sub 1, a sub ft, etc. on) - parenthesis, braclr^ts, braces, vinculum ; denoting that the numbers enclosed are to be taken together; as, (a + b)c = 4 + 3 X 5 = 35, a 2 , a 3 , a squared, a cubed. a n , a raised to the nth power. 10 9 = 10 to the 9th power = 1,000,000,000. sin a = the sine of a. sin" 1 a = the arc whose sine is a. sin a- = ^ sin a log = logarithm. loge or hyp log = hyperbolic loga- rithm. % per cent. A angle. ,L right angle. JL perpendicular to. sin, sine. cos, cosine. tan, tangent. sec, secant. versin, versed sine. cot, cotangent. cosec, cosecant. covers, co-versed sine. In Algebra, the first letters of the alphabet, a, b, c, d, etc., are generally used to denote known quantities, and the last letters, w, x, y, z, etc., unknown quantities. Abbreviations and Symbols com- monly used, d, differential (in calculus). , integral (in calculus). , integral between limits a and b. A, delta, difference. 2, sigma, sign of summation. n, pi, ratio of circumference of circle to diameter = 3.14159. g, acceleration due to gravity = 32.16 ft. per second per second. Abbreviations frequently used in this Book. L., 1., length in feet and inches. B., b., breadth in feet and inches. D., d., depth or diameter. H., h., height, feet and inches. T., t., thickness or temperature. V., v., velocity. F., force, or factor of safety, f., coefficient of fricti9n. E., coefficient of elasticity. 11., r., radius. W., w., weight. P., p., pressure or load. H.P., horse-power. I.H.P., indicated horse-power. B.H.P., brake horse-power, h. p., high pressure, i. p., intermediate pressure. I. p., low pressure. A.W.G., American Wire Gauge (Brown & Sharpe). B.W.G., Birmingham W ire Gauge. r. p. m., or revs, per min.. revolu- tions per minute. Q. =* quantity, or volume. ARITHMETIC. . ARITHMETIC. The user of this book is supposed to have had a training in arithmetic as well as in elementary algebra. Only those rules are given here which are apt to be easily forgotten. GREATEST COMMON MEASURE, OR GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR OF TWO NUMBERS. Rule. Divide the greater number by the less; then divide the divisor by the remainder, and so on, dividing always the last divisor by the last remainder, until there is no remainder, and the last divisor is the greatest common measure required. LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE OF TWO OR MORE NUMBERS. Rule. Divide the given numbers by any number that will divide the greatest number of them without a remainder, and set the quotients with the undivided numbers in a line beneath. Divide the second line as before, and so on, until there are no two num- bers that can be divided; then the continued product of the divisors, last quotients, and undivided numbers will give the multiple required. FRACTIONS. To reduce a common fraction to its lowest terms. Divide both terms by their greatest common divisor: 39/ 52 = 3/ 4 . To change an improper fraction to a mixed number. Divide the numerator by the denominator; the quotient is the whole number, and the remainder placed over the denominator is the fraction: 39/ 4 = 93/4. To change a mixed number to an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction; to the product add the numerator; place the sum over the denominator: 17/g = i5/ 8 . To express a whole number in the form of a fraction with a given denominator. Multiply the whole number by the given denominator, and place the product over that denominator: 13 = 39/ 3 . To reduce a compound to a simple fraction, also to multiply fractions. Multiply the numerators together for a new numerator and the denominators together for a new denominator: 2.4 8 . 2^4 8 3 f 3 = 9' alS 3 X 3 = 9' To reduce a complex to a simple fraction. The numerator and denominator must each first be given the form of a simple fraction; then multiply the numerator of the upper fraction by the denominator of the lower for the new numerator, and the denominator of the upper by the numerator of the lower for the new denominator: 7/8 = 7/8 = 28 = 1 l3/ 4 7/4 56 2* To divide fractions. Reduce both to the form of simple fractions, Invert the divisor, and proceed as in multiplication: 3 35 34 12 3 4 +1V4 -5 + 4~ 4 X 5~20- 5' Cancellation of fractions. In compound or multiplied fractions, divide any numerator and any denominator by any number which will divide them both without remainder, striking out the numbers thus divided and setting down the quotients in their stead. To reduce fractions to a common denominator. Reduce each fraction to the form of a simple fraction; then multiply each numerator DECIMALS. fcy all the denominators except its own for the new numerator, and all the denominators together for the common denominator: , 42* 14 f 42* IS 42* To add fractions. Reduce them to a common denominator, then add the numerators and place their sum over the common denominator: 21 + 14 4- 18 42 53 43 To subtract fractions. Reduce them to a common denominator, subtract the numerators and place the difference over the common denom- inator: 1 _ 3 7-6 J_ 2 7 ~ 14 " 14 DECIMALS. To add decimals. Set down the figures so that the decimal points are one above the other, then proceed as in simple addition: 18.75' 4- 0.012 = 18.762. To subtract decimals. Set down the figures so that the decimal points are one above the other, then proceed as in simple subtraction: 18.75 - 0.012 = 18.738. To multiply decimals. Multiply as in multiplication of whole num- bers, then point off as many decimal places as there are in multiplier and multiplicand taken together: 1.5 X 0.02 = .030 = 0.03. To divide decimals. Divide as in whole numbers, and point off in the quotient as many decimal places as those in the dividend exceed those in the divisor. Ciphers must be added to the dividend to make its decimal places at least equal those in the divisor, and as many more as it is desired to have in the quotient: 1.5 -J- 0.25 = 6. 0.1 -i- 0.3 = 0.10000 -i- 0.3 = 0.3333 +. Decimal Equivalents of Fractions of One Inch. 1-64 .015625 17-64 .265625 33-64 .515625 49-64 .765625 1-32 .03125 9-32 .28125 17-32 .53125 25-32 .78125 3-64 .046875 19-64 .296875 35-64 .546875 51-64 .796875 1-16 .0625 5-16 .3125 9-16 .5625 13-16 .8125 5-64 .078125 21-64 .328125 37-64 .578125 53-64 .828125 3-32 .09375 11-32 .34375 19-32 .59375 27-32 .84375 7-64 .109375 23-64 .359375 39-64 .609375 55-64 .859375 1-8 .125 3-8 .375 5-8 .625 7-8 .875 9-64 .140625 25-64 .390625 41-64 .640625 57-64 .890625 5-32 .15625 13-32 .40625 21-32 .65625 29-32 .90625 11-64 .171875 27-64 .421875 43-64 .671875 59-64 .921875 3-16 .1875 7-16 .4375 11-16 .6875 15-16 .9375 13-64 .203125 29-64 .453125 45-64 .703125 61-64 .953123 7-32 .21875 15-32 .46875 23-32 ,71875 31-32 .96875 15-64 .234375 31-64 .484375 47-64 .734375 63-64 .984375 1-4 .25 1-3 .50 3-4 .75 1 1. To convert a common fraction into a decimal. Divide the nume- rator by the denominator, adding to the numerator as many ciphers prefixed by a decimal point as are necessary to give the number of decimal places desired in the result: 1/3 = 1.0000 * 3 = 0.3333 +. To convert a decimal into a common fraction. Set down the decimal as a numerator, and place as the denominator 1 with as many ciphers annexed as there are decimal places in the numerator; erase the ARITHMETIC. S3. $ $ 2 8 NO 00 CO i 5 3 >q t>* r> cq in T en Q eM ON NO en O \O o in o m m NO \o !> t> t> \o \o NO m m rq m oo T i> t> m o -o n in en 5r ^T S in S 2 ^ ^o t>i o* o R SS iS vo* \O' rNtsr-NC^ moofS>nON.GOO moo. ^t>OenvOO ^ oo ^- 06 ' >n GO , \O O O'^-t>.O^r>'-^cO in ^NOoo enmooor4inr>. ~~. ^~. ". ^ N . ^ i ^ **! ^ "i t> ^ O eNQOenONinONO rxenoo^O Ot>ONO(M'^-inrNOOO' enm o O o 4 cs cs cs CM c\i ^ \o en o oo in ,oooeN'tN, enTmt>ooONO^~eN'^'inNOt>oo OOOOOO ~^ 1 ^^^ sO^en ONi>tnen' ONCOO^TP^O inen^ O^NO^n ^-fNenen-*inNOt>r>.ooONOO c^ o o o o o o o o o o o '-;-;'-; *~. ONOot^^om^fenmvN oONcor%>ovn c ^J5;^.iX O vcnr>.'-inoNenvOo^oocN OO (SeNenenrn^^mininN OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC3 fMoom r>enNN'- ;j ~^ sj en en "t r> in o. . cq cq O; COMPOUND NUMBERS. decimal point In the numerator, and reduce the fraction thus formed to Its lowest terms: To reduce a recurring decimal to a common fraction. Subtract the decimal figures that do not recur from the whole decimal including one set of recurring figures; set down the remainder as the numerator of the fraction, and as many nines as there are recurring figures, followed by as many ciphers as there are non-recurring figures, in the denominator. Thus: 0.79054054, the recurring figures being 054. Subtract __ 79 7807 'i 117 99900 "* ( redllced to its lwest terms) * .COMPOUND OR DENOMINATE NUMBERS. Reduction descending. To reduce a compound number to a lower denomination. Multiply the number by as many units of the lower denomination as makes one of the higher. , fr ae 3 yards to inches: 3 X 36 = 108 inches. 0.04 square feet to square inches: .04 X 144 5.76 sq. in. _ the given number is in more than one denomination proceed in steps from the highest denomination to the next lower, and so on to the lowest, adding in the units of each denomination as the operation proceeds. 3 yds. 1 ft. 7 in. to inches: 3X3 = 9,4-1=10, 10 X 12 = 120, +7 = 127 in. Reduction ascending. To express a number of a lower denomina- tion in terras of a higher, divide the number by the number of units of the lower denomination contained in one of the next higher; the quotient is in the higher denomination, and the remainder, if any, in the lower. 127 inches to higher denomination. 127 -^ 12 = 10 feet + 7 inches; 10 feet *- 3 = 3 yards 4- 1 foot. Ans. 3 yds. 1 ft. 7 in. To express the result in decimals of the higher denomination, divide the given number by the number of units of the given denomination contained in one of the required denomination, carrying the result to as many places of decimals as may be desired. 127 inches to yards: 127 -^ 36 = 319/ae = 3.5277 4- yards. Decimals of a Foot Equivalent to Inches and Fractions of an Inch. Inches H X H H ft X % .01042 .02083 .03125 .04167 .05208 .06250 .07292 1 .0833 .0938 .1042 .1146 .1250 .1354 .1458 .1563 2 .1667 .1771 .1875 .1979 .2083 .2188 .2292 .2396 3 .2500 .2604 .2708 .2813 .2917 .3021 .3125 .3229 4 .3333 .3438 .3542 .3646 .3750 .3854 .3958 .4063 5 .4167 .4271 .4375 .4479 .4583 .4688 .4792 .4896 . 6 .5000 .5104 .5208 .5313 .5417 .5521 .5625 .5729 7 .5833 .5938 .6042 .6146 .6250 .6354 .6458 .6563 8 .6667 .6771 .6875 .6979 .7083 .7188 .7292 .7396 9 .7500 .7604 .7708 .7813 .7917 .8021 .8125 .8229 10 .8333 .8438 .8542 .8646 .8750 .8854 .8958 .9063 11 .9167 .9271 .9375 .9479 .9583 .9688 .9792 .9896 ARITHMETIC. RATIO AND PROPORTION. Ratio Is the relation of one number to another, as obtained by dividing the first number by the second. Synonymous with quotient. Ratio of 2 to 4, or 2 : 4 = 2/ 4 = l/ 2 . Ratio of 4 to 2, or 4 : 2 = 2. Proportion is the equality of two ratios. Ratio of 2 to 4 equals ratio of 3 to 6, 2/4=3/ 6 ; expressed thus, 2 : 4 :: 3 : 6; read, 2 is to 4 as 3 is to 6. The first and fourth terms are called the extremes or outer terms, the second and third the means or inner terms. The product of the means equals the product of the extremes: 2 : 4 : : 3 : 6; 2 X 6 = 12; 3 X 4 = 12. Hence, given the first three terms to find the fourth, multiply the second and third terms together and divide by the first. 2 : 4 : : 3 : what number? Ans. ~-^ = 6. Algebraic expression of proportion. a : b : : c : d; r = -; ad *5c; be be , ad, ad from which a = -r ; d= ; 6= ; c = -7- a a c o From the above equations may also be derived the following: 6 : a::d : c a + b : a : :c + d : c' a + b : a b : : c + d ; c d a : c : : b : d a + b : b : : c + d : d a n : b : _: c n : d n a-.b^cid a -b:b::c - d:d ^ : ty : : ^/c ^ a b : a: :c d : c Mean proportional between two given numbers, 1st and 2d, is such a number that the ratio which the first bears to it equals the ratio which it bears to the second. Thus, 2:4::4:8;4isa mean proportional between 2 and 8. To find the mean proportional between two numbers, extract the square root of their product. Mean proportional of 2 and 8 = V2 X 8 = 4. Single Rule of Three; or, finding the fourth term of a proportion when three terms are given. Rule, as above, when the terms are stated in their proper order, multiply the second by the third and divide by the first. The difficulty is to state the terms in their proper order. The term which is of the same kind as the required or fourth term is made the third; the first and second must be like each other in kind and denomina- tion. To determine which is to be made second and which first requires a little reasoning. If an inspection of the problem shows that the answer should be greater than the third term, then the greater of the other two given terms should be made the second term otherwise the first. Thus, 3 men remove 54 cubic feet of rock in a day; how many men will remove in the same time 10 cubic yards? The answer is to be men make men third term; the answer is to be more than three men, therefore make the greater quantity, 10 cubic yards, the second term; but as it is not the same denomination as the other term it must be reduced, = 270 cubic feet. The proportion is then stated: 3 X 270 54 : 270 : : 3 : x (the required number); x = ^ir~ = 15 men. O'x The problem is more complicated if we increase the number of given terms. Thus, in the above question, substitute for the words "in the same time" the words '* in 3 days." First solve it as above, as if the work were to be done in the same time; then make another proportion, stating it thus: If 15 men do it in the same time, it will take fewer men to do it in 3 days; make 1 day the second terra and 3 days the first term, 3:1:: 15 men : 5 men. POWERS OF NUMBERS. . FJ Compound Proportion, or Double Rule of Three. By this rule are solved questions like the one just given, in which two or more statings are required by the single rule of three. In it, as in the single rule, there is one third term, which is of the same kind and denomination as the fourth or required term, but there may be two or more first and second terms. Set down the third term, take each pair of terms of the same kinc 1 separately, and arrange them as first and second by the same reasoning as is adopted in the single rule of three, making the greater of the pair the second if this pair considered alone should require the answer to begreater. Set down all the first terms one under the other, and likewise all the second terms. Multiply all the first terms together and all the second terms together. Multiply the product of all the second terms by the third term, and divide this product by the product of all the first terms. Example: If 3 men remove 4 cubic yards in one day, working 12 hours a day, how many men working 10 hours a day will remove 20 cubic yards in 3 days? Yards 4 90 : : 3 men : x men . Products 120 240 : : 3 : 6 men. Ans. To abbreviate by cancellation, any one of the first terms may cancel either the third or any of the second terms; thus, 3 in first cancels 3 in third, making it 1, 10 cancels into 20 making the latter 2, which into 4 makes it 2, which into 12 makes it 6. and the figures remaining are only 1 : 6 : : 1 : 6. Yards Days Hours 4 3 10 20 1 12 INVOLUTION, OR POWERS OF NUMBERS. Involution is the continued multiplication of a number by itself a given number of times. The number is called the root, or first power, and the products are called powers. The second power is called the square and the third power the cube. The operation may be indicated without being performed by writing a small figure called the index or exponent to the right of and a little above the root; thus, 3 3 = cube of 3, = 27. To multiply two or more powers of the same number, add their expo- nents; thus, 2 2 X 2 3 = 2 5 , or 4 X 8 = 32 = 2 5 . To divide two powers of the same number, subtract their exponents; thus, 2 3 -* 2 2 = 2 l = 2; 2 2 -s- 2 4 = 2~ 2 =.5 The exponent may thus be negative. 2 3 -f- 2 3 = 2 = 1, whence the zero power of any number = 1. The first power of a number is the number itself. The exponent may be fractional, as 2*, 2$, which means that the root is to be raised to a power whose exponent is the numerator of the fraction, and the root whose sign is the denominator is to be extracted (see Evolution). The exponent may be a decimal, as 2' 5 , 2 1 ' 5 ; read, two to the five-tenths power, two to the one and five-tenths power. These powers are solved by means of Logarithms (which see). First Nine Powers of the First Nine Numbers. ^1 b o ^ 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th J s en Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. Power. PL. PH PH 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 3 9 27 81 243 729 2187 6561 19683 A 16 64 256 1024 4096 16384 65536 262144 5 25 125 625 3125 15625 78125 390625 1953125 6 36 216 1296 7776 46656 279936 1679616 10077696 7 49 343 2401 16807 1 1 7649 823543 5764801 40353607 8 64 512 4096 32768 262144 2097152 16777216 134217728 9 81 729 6561 59049 531441 4782969 43046721 387420489 ARITHMETIC, The First Forty Powers of 2. I o Q J3 o QJ 1 1 J3 i O 1 > ^ PH *" ft > ft , 9 512 18 262144 27 134217728 36 68719476736 1 2 10 1024 19 524288 28 268435456 37 137438953472 2 4 11 2048 20 1048576 29 536870912 38 274877906944 3 8 12 4096 21 2097152 30 1073741824 39 549755813888 4 16 13 8192 22 4194304 31 2147483648 40 1099511627776 5 32 14 16384 23 8388608 32 4294967296 6 64 15 32768 24 16777216 33 8589934592 7 128 16 65536 25 33554432 34 17179869184 8 256 17 131072 26 67108864 35 34359738368 EVOLUTION. Evolution is the finding of the root (or extracting the root) of any number the power of which is given. The sign V indicates that the square root is to be extracted: ^ <\J <^/ the cube root, 4th root, nth root. A fractional exponent with 1 for the numerator of the fraction is also used to indicate that the operation of extracting the root is to be per- formed; thus, 2*, 2* = <\/2, -\/2. When the power of a number is indicated, the involution not being per- formed, the extraction of any root of that power may also be indicated by dividing the index of the power by the index of the root, indicating the division by a fraction. Thus, extract the square root of the 6th power of 2: */2 = 2* = 2* = 2 3 = 8. The 6th power of 2, as in the table above, is 64: v'ei = 8. Difficult problems in evolution are performed by logarithms, but the square root and the cube root may be extracted directly according to the rules given below. The 4th root is the square root of the square root. The 6th root is the cube root of the square root, or the square root of the cube root; the 9th root is the cube root of the cube root; etc. To Extract the Square Root. Point off the given number into periods of two places each, beginning with units. If there are decimals, point these off likewise, beginning at the decimal point, and supplying as many ciphers as may be needed. Find the greatest number whose square is less than the first left-hand period, and place it as the first figure in the quotient. Subtract its square from the left-hand period, and to the remainder annex the two figures of the second period for a dividend. Double the first figure of the quotient for a partial divisor; find how many times the latter is contained in the dividend exclusive of the right-hand figure, and set the figure representing that number of times as the second figure in the quotient, and annex it to the right of the partial divisor, forming the complete divisor. Multiply this divisor by the second figure in the quotient and Subtract the product from the dividend. To the remainder bring down the next period and proceed as before, in each case doubling the figures in the root already found to obtain the trial divisor. Should the product of the second figure in the root by the completed divisor be greater than the dividend, erase the second figure both from the quotient and from the divisor, and substitute the next smaller figure, or one small enough to make the product of the second figure by the divisor less than or equal to the dividend. 6QUA o i A 1 rcnofl CUBE ROOT. SQUARE ROOT. 3.1415926536 U/77245 -f 1 27(214 1189 34712515 (2429 354218692 7084 CUBE ROOT. 35444 160865 1141776 55448511908936 )1772425 300 X I 2 30 X 1 1.881.365.963.6251 12345 1 = 300 881 X2 = 60 22= 4 364 728 300X122 =43200 30 X 12 X 3 = 1080 32 = 9 44289 I 300 X 1232 = 4538700 30 X 123 X 4 = 14760 42= 16 4553476 300X1234 2 =456826800 30X1234X5= 185100 5 2 = 25 457011925 20498963 18213904 2285059625 2285059625 To extract the square root of a fraction, extract the root of a numerator /4~ 2 and denominator separately, 1/g = ~ or first convert the fraction into a decimal, *\| = V.4444 4- = 0.6666 -K To Extract the Cube Root. Point off the number into periods of 3 figures each, beginning at the right hand, or unit's place. Point off decimals in periods of 3 figures from the decimal point. Find the greatest cube that does not exceed the left-hand period; write its root as the first figure in the required root. Subtract the cube from the left-hand period, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a dividend. Square the first figure of the root; multiply by 300, and divide the product into the dividend for a trial divisor; write the quotient after the first figure of the root as a trial second figure. Complete the divisor by adding to 300 times the square of the first figure, 30 times the product of the first by the second figure, and the square of the second figure. Multiply this divisor by the second figure; subtract the product from the remainder. (Should the product be greater than the remainder, the last figure of the root and the complete divisor are too large; substitute for the last figure the next smaller number, and correct the trial divisor accordingly.) To the remainder bring down the next period, and proceed as before to find the third figure of the root that is, square the two figures of the root already found; multiply by 300 for a trial divisor, etc. If at any time the trial divisor is greater than the dividend, bring down another period of 3 figures, and place in the root and proceed. The cube root of a number will contain as many figures as there are periods of 3 in the number. To Extract a Higher Root than the Cube. The fourth root is the square root of the square root; the sixth root is the cube root of the square root or the square root of the cube root. Other roots are most conve- niently found by the use of logarithms. ALLIGATION. shows the value of a mixture of different ingredients when the quantity and value of each are known. Let the ingredients be a, b, c, d, etc., and their respective values per unit w, x, y, z, etc. 10 ARITHMETIC. A = the sum of the quantities = a+b+c+d t etc. P = mean value or price per unit of A. AP = aw + bx + cy + dz, etc. P = aw + bx + cy + dz A PERMUTATION shows in how many positions any number of things may be arranged in a row; thus, the letters a, b, c may be arranged in six positions, viz. abc, acb, cab, cba, bac, bca. Rule. Multiply together all the numbers used in counting the things; thus, permutations of 1, 2, and 3 = 1X2X3 = 6. In how many positions can 9 things in a row be placed? 1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9 = 362880. COMBINATION shows how many arrangements of a few things may be made out of a greater number. Rule: Set down that figure which indicates the greater number, and after it a series of figures diminishing by 1, until as many are set down as the number of the few things to be taken in each combination. Then beginning under the last one, set down said number of few things; then going backward set down a series diminishing by 1 until arriving under the first of the upper numbers. Multiply together all the upper numbers to form one product, and all the lower numbers to form another; divide the upper product by the lower one. How many combinations of 9 things can be made, taking 3 in each com- bination? 9X8X7 _ 504 _ 1X2X3" 6 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION, in a series of numbers, is a progressive increase or decrease in each succes- sive number by the addition or subtraction of the same amount at each step, as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., or 15, 12, 9, 6, etc. The numbers are called terms, and the equal increase or decrease the difference. Examples in arithmeti- cal progression may be solved by the following formulae: Let a = first term, I = last term, d = common difference, n = number of terms, s = sum of the terms; 1 / / 1 \ 2 I = a + (n l)d, = - d y 2ds -f I a - d\ 9 2s s , (n I)d ~ ~n ~~ a> = ri 2 X "* J * 2 2d 2 2 == i d Id 4-ldV-- l-a d -^-l* P - a ' 2s - I a I - a , ~T~ *" * 2s ! I + a ' 2d 2(s - an) n(n - 1) ' 2(nl - s) n(n - 1) d 2a V(2a - < *)2 + 8ds 2d 21 + d ^(21 -f d) ! * - Sds GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 11 ix ci series of numbers, is a progressive increase or decrease in each suc- cessive number by the same multiplier or divisor at each step, as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc., or 243, 81, 27, 9, etc. The common multiplier is called the ratio. Let a = first term, I = last term, r = ratio or constant multiplier, n = number of terms, m = any term, as 1st, 2d, etc., s = sum of the terms: log I = log a + (n - 1) logr, l(s J) 71 "" 1 - a(s - a) n ~ l = 0, m = arm 1 log m = log a + (m 1) log r. n ~^- n ^/a^ _ lr n_ l rl-a log? - log a logr h1 ' log I log a ~~ log (s a) log (s - I) log [a + (r - l)s] - log a ( logr log? log [Ir (r l)s] logr Population of the United States. (A problem in geometrical progression.) Year. 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 Population. 31,443,321 39,818,449* 50,155,783 62,622,250 76,295,220 91,972,267 Est. 110,367,000 Increase in 10 Annual Increase, Years, per cent. per cent. 26.63 25.96 24.86 21.834 20.53 Est. 20.0 2.39 2.33 2.25 1.994 1.886 Est. 1.840 Estimated Population in Each Year from 1880 to 1919. (Based on the above rates of increase, in even thousands.) I860. 50,156 1890. 62.622 1900. 76.295 1910.. 91.972 1881. 51,281 1891. 63.871 1901 . 77.734 1911 .. 93.665 1882. 52.433 1892. 65.145 1902. 79.201 1912.. 95.388 1883. 53.610 1893. 66444 1903. 80.695 1913.. 97,143 1884. 54.813 1894. 67.770 1904. 82.217 1914.. 98.930 1885. 56,043 1895. 69,122 1905. 83.768 1915.. 100.750 1886. 57.301 1896. 70.500 1906. 85.348 1916.. 102.604 1887. 58,588 1897. 71.906 1907. 86.958 1917.. 104.492 1888. 59.903 1898. 73.341 1908. 88.598 1918.. 106.414 1889. 61,247 1899. 74.803 1909. 90.269 1919.. 108.373 * Corrected by addition of 1,260,078, estimated error of the census of 1870, Census Bulletin No. 16, Dec, 13, 1890. 12 ARITHMETIC. The preceding table has been calculated by logarithms as follows: log r = log I log a -5- (n 1), log m = log a + (m - 1) log f Pop. 1900. . .76,295,220 log = 7.8824988 = log I 1890. . .62,622,250 log = 7.7967285 = log a diff. = .0857703 n = 11, n - 1 = 10; diff. -J- 10 = .00857703 = log r, add log for 1890 7.7967285 = log a log for 1891 = 7.80530553 No. = 63,871 . . add again .00857703 log for 1892 7.81388256 No. = 65,145 . . . Compound interest is a form of geometrical progression; the ratio being 1 plus the percentage. PERCENTAGE: PROFIT AND LOSS: PER CENT OF EFFICIENCY. Per cent means "by the hundred." A profit of 10 per cent means a gain of $10 on every $100 expended. If a thing is bought for $1 and sold for $2 the profit is 100 per cent; but if it is bought for $2 and sold for $1 the loss is not 100 per cent, but only 50 per cent. Rule for percentage: Per cent gain or loss is the gain or loss divided by the original cost, and the quotient multiplied by 100. Efficiency is defined in engineering as the quotient "output divided by input," that is, the energy utilized divided by the energy expended. The difference between the input and the output is the loss or waste of energy. Expressed as a fraction, efficiency is nearly always less than unity. Ex- pressed as a per cent, it is this fraction multiplied by 100. Thus we may say that a motor has an efficiency of 0.9 or of 90 per cent. The efficiency of a boiler is the ratio of the heat units absorbed by the boiler in heating water and making steam to the heating value of the coal burned. The saving in fuel due to increasing the efficiency of a boiler from 60 to 75% is not 25%, but only 20%. The rule is: Divide the gain in efficiency (15) by the greater figure (75). The amount of fuel used is inversely proportional to the efficiency; that is, 60 Ibs. of fuel with 75% efficiency will do as much work as 75 Ibs. with 60% efficiency. The saving of fuel is 15 lb*. which is 20% of 75 Ibs. INTEREST AND DISCOUNT. Interest is money paid for the use of money for a given time; tho factors are: p, the sum loaned, or the principal; t, the time in years; r, the rate of interest ; i, the amount of interest for the given rate and time; a = p + i = the amount of the principal with interest at the end of the time. Formulas: i interest = principal X time X rate per cent = i = J-QQ I a amount = principal + interest = p + ^g ' lOOi r -rate- INTEREST AND DISCOUNT. 33 If the rate is expressed decimally, thus, 6 per cent = .06, the formulse become Rules for finding Interest. Multiply the principal by the rate per annum divided by 100, and by the time in years and fractions of a year. If the time is given in days, interest = Principal X rate X no. of Jays _ ooo X 100 In banks interest is sometimes calculated on the basis of 360 days to a year, or 12 months of 30 days each. Short rules for interest at 6 per cent, when 360 days are taken as 1 year: Multiply the principal by number of days and divide by 6000. Multiply the principal by number of months and divide by 200. The interest of 1 dollar for one month is cent. Interest of 10O Dollars for Different Times and Rates. Time 3% 3% 4% 5% 6% 8% 10% lyear $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 $8.00 $10.00 1 month .16| .25 .33 .41 .50 .66| .83$ lday= g | 5 year.0055i .0083 .0111$ .0138f .0166 .0222 .02775 is year .005479 .008219 .010959 .013699 .016438 .0219178 .0273973 Discount is interest deducted for payment of money before it is due. True discount is the difference between the amount of a debt payable at a future date without interest and its present worth. The present worth is that sum which put at interest at the legal rate will amount to the debt when it is due. To find the present worth of an amount due at a future date, divide the amount by the amount of $1 placed at interest for the given time. The discount equals the amount minus the present worth. What discount should be allowed on $103 paid six months before it is due, interest being 6 per cent per annum? ? = $100 present worth, discount = 3.00. 1 +1 X .06 X ^ Bank discount is the amount deducted by a bank as interest on money loaned on promissory notes. It is interest calculated not on the actual sum loaned, but on the gross amount of the note, from which the discount is deducted in advance. It is also calculated on the basis of 360 days in the year, and for 3 (in some banks 4) days more than the time specified in the note. These are called days of grace, and the note is not payable till the last of these days. In some States days of grace have been abolished. What discount will be deducted by a bank in discounting a note for $103 payable 6 months hence? Six months = 182 days, add 3 days grace = 185 Compound Interest. In compound interest the interest is added to the principal at the end of each year, (or shorter period if agreed upon). Let p = the principal, r = the rate expressed decimally, n = no. of years, and a the amount: o amount p(l + r) n ; r rate = u - - 1. p principal = (l . n ; no. of y.ears=- n = 14 ARITHMETIC. Compound Interest Table. (Value of one dollar at compound interest, compounded yearly, at 3, 4, 5, and 6 per cent, from 1 to 50 years.) Per cent t ** Per cent 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 i .03 .04 .05 .06 16 .6047 1 .8730 2.1829 2.5403 2 .0609 .0816 .1025 .1236 17 .6528 1.9479 2.2920 2.6928 3 .0927 .1249 .1576 .1910 18 .7024 2.0258 2.4066 2.8543 4 .1255 .1699 .2155 .2625 19 .7535 2.1068 2.5269 3.0256 5 .1593 .2166 .2763 .3382 20 .8061 2.1911 2.6533 3.2071 6 .1941 .2653 .3401 .4185 21 .8603 2.2787 2.7859 3.3995 7 .2299 .3159 .4071 .5036 22 .9161 2.3699 2.9252 3.6035 8 .2668 .3686 .4774 .5938 23 .9736 2.4647 3.0715 3.8197 9 .3048 .4233 .5513 .6895 24 2.0328 2.5633 3.2251 4.0487 10 .3439 .4802 .6289 .7908 25 2.0937 2.6658 3.3863 4.2919 11 .3842 .5394 .7103 1.8983 30 2.4272 3.2433 4.3219 5.7435 12 .4258 .6010 .7958 2.0122 35 2.8138 3.9460 5.5159 7.6862 13 .4685 .6651 .8856 2.1329 40 3.2620 4.8009 7.0398 10.2858 14 1.5126 .7317 .9799 2.2609 45 3.7815 5.8410 8.9847 13.7648 15 1.5580 .8009 2.0789 2.3965 50 4.3838 7.1064 11.4670 18.4204 At compound interest at 3 per cent money will double itself in 23 1/2 years, at 4 per cent in 172/3 years, at 5 per cent in 14.2 years, and at 6 per cent io 11. 9 years. EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. By equation of payments we find the equivalent or average time in which one payment should be made to cancel a number of obligations due at different dates; also the number of days upon which to calculate interest or discount upon a gross sum which is composed of several smaller sums payable at different dates. Rule. Multiply each item by the time of its maturity in days from a fixed date, taken as a standard, and divide the sum of the products by the sum of the items: the result is the average time in days from the stand- ard date. A owes B $100 due in 30 days, $200 due in 60 days, and $300 due in 90 days. In how many days may the whole be paid in one sum of $600? 100X30+200X60+300X90 = 42,000; 42,000-^600 = 70 days, ans. A owes B $100, $200, and $300, which amounts are overdue respectively 30, 60, and 90 days. If he now pays the whole amount, $600, how many days' interest should he pay on that sum? Ans. 70 days. PARTIAL, PAYMENTS. To compute interest on notes and bonds when partial payments have been made. United States Rule. Find the amount of the principal to the time of the first payment, and, subtracting the payment from it, find the amount of the remainder as a new principal to the time of the next pay* meat. ANNUITIES. 15 If the payment is less than the interest, find the amount of the principal to the time when the sum of the payments equals or exceeds the interest due, and subtract the sum of the payments from this amount. Proceed in this manner till the time of settlement. Note. The principles upon which the preceding rule is founded are: 1st. That payments must be applied first to discharge accrued interest, and then the remainder, if any, toward the discharge of the principal. 2d. That only unpaid principal can draw interest. Mercantile Method. When partial payments are made on short notes or interest accounts, business men commonly employ the following method: Find the amount of the whole debt to the time of settlement ; also find the amount of each payment from the time it was made to the time of settlement. Subtract the amount of payments from the amount of the debt: the remainder will be the balance due. ANNUITIES. An Annuity is a fixed sum of money paid yearly, or at other equ^l times agreed upon. The values of annuities are calculated by the principles of compound interest. 1. Let i denote interest on $ 1 for a year, then at the end of a year trier amount will be 1 + i. At the end of n years it will be (1 -f i) n . 2. The sum which in n years will amount to 1 is or (1 + i) n f or the present value of 1 due in n years. 3. The amount of an annuity of 1 in any number of years n is ' : 4. The present value of an annuity of 1 for any number of years n is 5. The annuity which 1 will purchase for any number of years n la i 6. The annuity which would amount to 1 in n years is (1 + i) n - , Amounts, Present Values, etc., at 5% Interest. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Years CH-t) (l-fzT n (l+i)n_i 1-0+0-" i i I i 1-0 + 0- n (1 +t -)n_* 1 . .05 .952381 1.00 .952381 1.05 1.00 2. .1025 .907029 ' 2.05 1.859410 .537805 .487805 3. .157625 .863838 3.1525 2.723248 .367209 .317209 4. .215506 .822702 4.310125 3.545951 .282012 .232012 5. .276282 .783526 5.525631 4.329477 .230975 .180975 6. .340096 .746215 6.801913 5.075692 .197017 .147018 7. .407100 .710681 8.142008 5.786373 .172820 .122820 8. .477455 .676839 9.549109 6.463213 .154722 .104722 9. .551328 .644609 1 1 .026564 7.107822 . 1 40690 .090690 10. .628895 .613913 12.577893 7.721735 .129505 .079505 16 ARITHMETIC. J "fr cq IN. en Ov 'i^iinNO* o^ .Qo" '^O^TO !>.' en ' od O^* en' O* t> in ^ SzrJTJ^^" f^ocoi^O NOin-tn-T enenencN w . o rs GO O ^ ts [ "f ao '' '' o r>. -< [ "f ao "1 '' tn in-^-i^Tr^ OO-^-oo c^G s tr \q >o\ oo ts o^ m O oq K-* vOO^'o'in csl ad >O TencN ^ "^"^ p i fx T NO n T -f csj o f O m r> , NO o^ t>. oq CN m IN. in eN NO m o en vq In -^ -^r f '' ' ) O ^r o in ix NO O^ r> ; oq ?N -T o n csi r>. oq ' ' ' '' co ONOm^o txTcntN.o n-ooooom fO in-t-^-fNiO roini>.Nq C^.'O.***"^*** 'in "m'o^'ooo* in'o^^'o vom'ooooo' om n ONOOI> t> NO m m m T ^ ^r en CN rn'inoONo' rin-'oao o. NO t a^ NO r> r^ 'oin r>.'"r '&<* NOmm T T T en cq V in ' t>C en in o tntx NO'CN co'intNO OfN^om m*-oONOO txvONOinm T T T "t > *^ rsi %o O in o^ o O' en ^t" O NO' en rT^cn CSCN IH o WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 17 TABLES FOB CALCULATING SINKING-FUNDS AND PRESENT VALUES. Engineers and others connected with municipal work and industrial enterprises often find it necessary to calculate payments to sinking-funds which will provide a sum of money sufficient to pay off a bond issue or other debt at the end of a given period, or to determine the present value of certain annual charges. The accompanying tables were computed by Mr. John W. Hill, of Cincinnati, Eng'g News, Jan. 25, 1894. Table I (opposite page) shows the annual sum at various rates of interest required to net $1000 in from 2 to 50 years, and Table II shows the present value at various rates of interest of an annual charge of $1000 for from 5 to 50 years, at five-year intervals, and for 100 years. Table II. Capitalization of Annuity of $1000 for from 5 to 10O Years. 1 Rate of IL terest, per cent. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 100 31/2 3 3V2 4 4V2 5 5V2 6 4,645.88 8,752.17 12,381.41 15,589.215 18,424.67 20,930.59 23,145.31 25,103.53 26,833.15 28,362.48 36,614.21 4.579.60 8,530.13 11,937.80 4,5 1 4. 92 8,316.45 11,517.23 4,451.68 8,110.74 11,118.06 4,389.91 7,912.67 10,739.42 4,329.45 7,721.73 10,379.53 4,268.09 7,537.54 10,037.48 4,212.40 7,360.19 9,712.30 14,877.27 17,413.01 19,600.21 14,212.12 16,481.28 18,391.85 13,590.21 15,621.93 17,291.86 13,007.88 14,828.12 16,288.77 12,462.13 14,093.86 15,372.36 11,950.26 13,413.82 14,533.63 11,469.96 12,783.38 13,764.85 21,487.04 23,114.36 24,518.49 25,729.58 31,598.81 20,000.43 21,354.83 22,495.23 23,455.21 27,655.36 18,664.37 19,792.65 20,719.89 21,482.08 24,504.96 17,460.89 18,401.49 19,156.24 19,761.93 21,949.21 16,374.36 17,159.01 17,773.99 18,255.86 19,847.90 15,390.48 16,044.92 16,547.65 16,931.97 18,095.83 14,488.65 15,046.31 15,455.85 15,761.87 16,612.64 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Long Measure. Measures of Length. 12 inches = 1 foot. 3 feet = 1 yard. 1760 yards, or 5280 feet = 1 mile. Additional measures of length in occasional use: 1000 mils = 1 inch; 4 inches = 1 hand; 9 inches = 1 span; 2 1/2 feet = 1 military pace; 2 yards = 1 fathom; 5 1/2 yards, or 161/2 feet = 1 rod (formerly also called pole or perch). Old Land Measure. 7.92 inches = 1 link; 100 links, or 66 feet, or 4 rods = 1 chain; 10 chains, or 220 yards = 1 furlong; 8 furlongs, or 80 chains = 1 mile; 10 square chains = 1 acre. Nautical Measure. 6080.26JeeU.or 1.15156 stat- J =1 nautical 3 nautical miles =1 league. 60 nautical miles, or 69.168 ) _ statute miles J - / nt thp pmiatnr^ l at tne equator). 360 degrees circumference of the earth at the equator. * The British Admiralty takes the round figure of 6080 ft. which is the length of the " measured mile" used in trials of vessels. The value varies from 6080.26 to 6088.44 ft. according to different measures of the earth's diameter. There is a difference of opinion among writers as to the use of the word " knot" to mean length or a distance some holding that it should be used only to denote a rate of speed. The length between knots on the log line is 1/120 of a nautical mile, or 50.7 ft., when a half- minute glass is used; so that a speed of 10 knots is equal to 10 nautical miles per hour. 18 ARITHMETIC. Square Measure. Measures of Surface. 144 square inches, or 183.35 circular ) _ , f . inches )or 9 square feet = 1 square yard. 30V4 square yards, or 2721/4 square feet = 1 square rod. 10 sq. chains, or 160 sq. rods, or 4840 sq. ) , yards, or 43560 sq. feet 640 acres or 27,878,400 sq. ft. =1 square mile. An acre equals a square whose side is 208.71 feet. Circular Inch; Circular Mil. A circular inch is the area of a circle 1 inch m diameter = 0.7854 square inch. 1 square inch = 1.2732 circular inches. A circular mil is the area of a circle 1 mil, or 0.001 inch in diameter. 10002 or 1,000,000 circular mils =- 1 circular inch. 1 square inch = 1,273,239 circular mils. t The mil and circular mil are used in electrical calculations involving tne diameter and area of wires. Solid or Cubic Measure. Measures of Volume. 1728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot. 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard. 1 cord of wood = a pile, 4X4X8 feet = 128 cubic feet. 1 perch of masonry = 161/2 X 11/2 X 1 foot = 243/ 4 cubic feet. Liquid Measure. 4 pills = 1 pint. 2 pints = 1 quart. 4 nnart i p-niirm J U. S. 231 cubic inches. - 1 gallon j Eng 277.274 cubic inches. Old Liquid Measures. 31 1/2 gallons = 1 barrel; 42 gallons = 1 tierce; 2 barrels, or 63 gallons = 1 hogshead; 84 gallons, or 2 tierces = 1 pun- cheon; 2 hogsheads, or 126 gallons = 1 pipe or butt; 2 pipes, or 3 pun- cheons = 1 tun. A gallon of water at 62 F. weighs 8.33531b. (air free, weighed in vacuo). The U. S. gallon contains 231 cubic inches; 7.4805 gallons = 1 cubic foot. A cylinder 7 in. diam. and 6 in. high contains 1 gallon, very nearly, or 230.9 cubic inches. The British Imperial gallon contains 277.274 cubic inches = 1.20032 U. S. gallon, or 10 ibs. of water at 62 F. The gallon is a very troublesome unit for engineers. Much labor might be saved if it were abandoned and the cubic fo9t used instead. The capacity of a tank or reservoir should.be stated in cubic feet, and the delivery of a pump in cubic feet per second or in millions of cubic feet in 24 hours. One cubic foot per second = 86,400 cu. ft. in 24 hours. One million cu. ft. per 24 hours = 11.5741 cu. ft. per sec. The Miner's Inch. (Western U. S. for measuring flow of a stream of water.) An act of the California legislature, May 23, 1901, makes the standard miner's inch 1.5 cu. ft. per minute, measured through any aper- ture or orifice. The term Miner's Inch is more or less indefinite, for the reason that Cali- fornia water companies do not all use the same head above the centre of the aperture, and the inch varies from 1.36 to 1.73 cu. ft. per min., but the most common measurement is through an aperture 2 ins. high and whatever length is required, and through a plank 11/4 ins. thick. The lower edge of the aperture should be 2 ins. above the bottom of the meas- uring-box, and the plank 5 ins. high above the aperture, thus making a 6-in. head above the centre of the stream. Each square inch of this opening represents a miner's inch, which is equal to a flow of 1 1/2 cu. ft. per min. Apothecaries' Fluid Measure. 60 minims = 1 fluid drachm. 8 drachms = 1 fluid ounce. In the U. S. a fluid ounce is the 128th part of a U. S. gallon, or 1.805 cu. ins. It contains 456.3 grains of water at 39 F. In Great Britain the fluid ounce is 1.732 cu. ins. and contains 1 ounce avoirdupois, or 437.5 grains of water at 62 F. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 19 Dry Measure, U. S. 2 pints = 1 quart. 8 quarts = 1 peck. 4 pecks = 1 bushel. The standard U. S. bushel is the Winchester bushel, which is, in cylinder form, 18 1/2 inches diameter and 8 inches deep, and contains 2150.42 cubic inches. A struck bushel contains 2150.42 cubic inches = 1.2445 cu. ft.; 1 cubic foot = 0.80356 struck bushel. A heaped bushel is a cylinder 18 1/2 inches diameter and 8 inches deep, with a heaped cone not less than 6 inches high. It is equal to 1 V* struck bushels. (When applied to apples and pears the bushel should be heaped so as to contain 2737.715 cu. in. = 1.2731 struck bushels. Decision of U. S. Court of Customs Appeals, 1912.) The British Imperial bushel = 8 imperial gallons or 2218.192 cu. in. = 1.2837 cu. ft. The British quarter = 8 imperial bushels. Capacity of a cylinder in U. S. gallons = square of diameter, in inches X height in inches X .0034. (Accurate within 1 part in 100,000.) Capacity of a cylinder in U. S. bushels = square of diameter in inches X height in inches X 0.0003652. Shipping Measure. Register Ton. For register tonnage or for measurement of the entire ternal capacity of a vessel: 100 cubic feet = 1 register ton. This number is arbitrarily assumed to facilitate computation. Shipping Ton. For the measurement of cargo: 40 cubic feet = 1 U. S. shipping ton = 32.143 U. S. bushels. 42 cubic feet = 1 .British shipping ton = 32.719 imperial bushels. Carpenter's Rule. Weight a vessel will carry = length of keel X breadth at main beam X depth of hold in feet -h 95 (the cubic feet allowed for a ton). The result will be the tonnage. For a double- decker instead of the depth of the hold take half the breadth of the Measures of Weight. Avoirdupois or Commercial Weight. 16 drachms, or 437.5 grains = 1 ounce, oz. 16 ounces, or 7000 grains = 1 pound, Ib. 28 pounds = 1 quarter, qr. 4 quarters = 1 hundredweight, cwt. = 112 Ib. 20 hundredweight = 1 ton of 2240 Ib., gross or long ton. 2000 pounds = 1 net, or short ton. 2204.6 pounds = 1 metric ton. 1 stone = 14 pounds; 1 quintal = 100 pounds. The drachm, quarter, hundredweight, stone, and quintal are now seldom used in the United States. Troy Weight 24 grains = 1 pennyweight, dwt. 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce, oz. = 480 grains. 12 ounces = 1 pound, Ib. = 5760 grains. Troy weight is used for weighting gold and silver. The grain is the same in Avoirdupois. Troy, and Apothecaries' weights. A carat, for weighing diamonds = 3.086 grains = 0.200 gramme. (International Standard, 1913.) Apothecaries' Weight. 20 grains = 1 scruple, 3 3 scruples 1 drachm, 3 - 60 grains. 8 drachms 1 ounce, 5 480 grains. 12 ounces 1 pound, Ib. 5760 grains. 20 ARITHMETIC. To determine whether a balance has unequal arms. After weigh- ing an article and obtaining equilibrium, transpose the article and the weights. If the balance is true, it will remain in equilibrium; if untrue, the pan suspended from the longer arm will descend. To weigh correctly on an incorrect balance. First, by substitu- tion. Put the article to be weighed in one pan of the balance and counter- poise it by any convenient heavy articles placed on the other pan. Remove the article to be weighed and substitute for it standard weights until equipoise is again established. The amount of these weights is the weight of the article. Second, by transposition. Determine the apparent weight of the article as usual, then its apparent weight after transposing the article and the weights. If the difference is small, add half the difference to the smaller of the apparent weights to obtain the true weight. If the differ- ence is 2 per cent the error of * his method is 1 part in 10,000. For larger differences, or to obtain a perfectly accurate result, multiply the two apparent weights together and extract the square root of the product. Circular Measure. 60 seconds, * = 1 minute, '. 60 minutes, ' = 1 degree, . 90 degrees = 1 quadrant. 380 = circumference. Arc of angle of 57.3, or 360 * 6.2832 = 1 radian the arc whose length is equal to the radius. Time. 60 seconds = 1 minute. 60 minutes = 1 hour. 24 hours = 1 day. 7 days = 1 week. 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 48 seconds 1 year. By the Gregorian Calendar every year whose number is divisible by 4 is a leap year, and contains 366 days, the other years containing 365 days, except that the centesimal years are leap years only when the number of the year is divisible by 400. The comparative values of mean solar and sidereal time are shown by the following relations according to Bessel: 365.24222 mean solar days = 366.24222 sidereal days, whence 1 mean solar day = 1.00273791 sidereal days; 1 sidereal day = 0.99726957 mean solar day; 24 hours mean solar time = 24* 3 56.555 sidereal time; 24 hours sidereal time = 23* 56*n 4.091 mean solar time, whence 1 mean solar day is 3 55.91 longer than a sidereal day, reckoned in mean solar time. BOARD AND TIMBER MEASURE. Board Measure. In board measure boards are assumed to be one inch in thickness. To obtain the number of feet board measure (B. M.) of a board or stick of square timber, multiply together the length in feet, the breadth in feet, and the thickness in inches. To compute the measure or surface in square feet. When all dimensions are in feet, multiply the length by the breadth, and the prod- uct will give the surface required. When either of the dimensions are in inches, multiply as above and divide the product by 12. When all dimensions are in inches, multiply as before and divide product by 144. Timber Measure. To compute the volume of round timber. When all dimensions are in feet, multiply the length by one quarter of the product of the mean WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 21 girth and diameter, and the product will give the measurement in cubic feet. When length is given in feet, and girth and diameter in inches divide the product by 144; when all the dimensions are in inches, divide by 1728. To compute the volume of square timber. When all dimensions are in feet, multiply together the length, breadth, and depth; the product will be the volume in cubic feet. When one dimension is given in inches, divide by 12; when two dimensions are in inches, divide by 144: when all three dimensions are in inches, divide by 1728. Contents in Feet of Joists, Scantling, and Timber, Length in Feet. Size. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Feet Board Measure. 2X4 8 9 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 2X6 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 2X8 16 19 21 24 27 29 32 35 37 40 2 X 10 20 23 27 30 33 37 40 43 47 50 2 X 12 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 2 X 14 28 33 37 42 47 51 56 61 65 70 3X8 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 3 X 10 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 3 X 12 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 3 X 14 42 49 56 63 70 77 64 91 98 105 4X4 16 19 21 24 27 29 32 35 37 40 4X6 24 28 32 36 40 44 43 52 56 60 4X8 32 37 43 43 53 59 64 69 75 80 4 X 10 40 47 53 60 67 73 80 87 93 100 4 X 12 48 56 64 72 80 83 96 104 112 120 4 X 14 56 65 75 84 93 103 112 121 131 140 6X6 36 42 43 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 6X8 48 56 64 72 80 83 96 104 112 120 6 X 10 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 6 X 12 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 6X 14 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210 8X8 64 75 85 96 107 117 128 139 149 160 8 X 10 80 93 107 120 133 147 160 173 187 200 8 X 12 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 8 X 14 112 131 149 168 187 205 224 243 261 280 10 X 10 100 117 133 150 167 183 200 217 233 250 10 X 12 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 2ttO 300 10 X 14 140 163 187 210 233 257 280 303 327 350 12 X 12 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360 12 X 14 168 196 224 252 280 308 336 364 392 420 14 X 14 196 229 261 294 327 359 392 425 457 490 FRENCH OB METRIC MEASURES. The metric unit of length is the metre = 39.37 inches. The metric unit of weight is the gram = 15.432 grains. 1 he following prefixes are used for subdivisions and multiples: Milli = Viooq, Centi = Vioo, Deci = 1/10, Deca = 10, Hecto = 100, Kilo = 1000. i.yna = 10,000. 22 ARITHMETIC. FRENCH AND BRITISH (AND AMERICAN) EQUIVALENT MEASURES. Measures of Length. FRENCH. BRITISH and U. S. 1 metre = 39.37 inches, or 3.28083 feet, or 1.09361 yards. 0.3048 metre = 1 foot. 1 centimetre = 0.3937 inch. 2.54 centimetres = 1 inch. 1 millimetre = 0.03937 inch, or 1 /25 inch, nearly. 25.4 millimetres = 1 inch. 1 kilometre = 1093. Gl yards, or 0.62137 mile. Of Surface FRENCH BRITISH and U. S. 1 omiarp mptrp - j 10.7639 square feet. ~ 1 1.196 square yards. 0.836 square metre = 1 square yard. 0.0929 square metre = 1 square foot. 1 square centimetre = 0. 15500 square inch. 6.452 square centimetres = 1 square inch. 1 square millimetre = 0.00155 sq. in. = 1973.5 circ. mils. 645.2 square millimetres = 1 square inch. 1 centiare = 1 sq. metre = 10.764 square feet. 1 are = 1 sq. decametre = 1076.41 1 hectare = 100 ares = 107641 = 2.4711 acres. 1 sq. kilometre = 0.386109 sq. miles = 247.11 1 sq. myriametre = 38.6109 Of Volume FRENCH. BRITISH and U. S. i miVnV rnpfro J 35.314 cubic feet, 1 cubic metre = -j 13QS cubic yards 0.7645 cubic metre = 1 cubic yard. 0.02832 cubic metre = 1 cubic foot. 1 oiibio rlpHmptrP - i 61.0234 cubic inches. 1 0.035314 cubic foot. 28.32 cubic decimetres = 1 cubic foot. 1 cubic centimetre = 0.061 cubic inch. 16.387 cubic centimetres = 1 cubic inch. 1 cubic centimetre = 1 millilitre = 0.061 cubic inch. 1 decilitre =6.102 " 1 litre = 1 cubic decimetre = 61.0234 ' = 1.05671 quarts, U. S. 1 hectolitre or decistere = 3.5314 cubic feet = 2.8375 bu., U. S. 1 stere, kilolitre, or cubic metre = 1.308 cubic yards = 28.37 bu., Of Capacity FRENCH. BRITISH and U. S. f 6 1.0234 cubic inches. oiil'gaUoi? (American), 2.202 pounds of water at 62 F. 28.317 litres = 1 cubic foot. 4.543 litres = 1 gallon (British). 3.785 litres = 1 gallon (American). Of Weight. FRENCH. BRITISH and U. S. 1 gramme = 15,432 grains. 0.0648 gramme = 1 grain. 1 kilogramme = 2.204622 pounds. 0.4536 kilogramme = 1 pound. 1 tonne or metric ton I = j 0.9842 ton of 2240 pounds. 1000 kilogrammes f = j 22G4. 6 pounds. 1.016 metric tons 1 ton of 2240 pounds. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 23 Mr. O. H. Titmann, in Bulletin No. 9 of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, discusses the work of various authorities who have compared the yard and the metre, and by referring all the observations to a common standard has succeeded in reconciling the discrepancies within very narrow limits. The following are his results for the number of inches in a metre according to the comparisons of the authorities named: 1817. Hassler, 39.36994 in. 1818. Kater, 39.36990 in. 1835. Baily, 39.36973 in. 1866. Clarke, 39.36970 in. 1885. Comstock, 39.36984 in. The mean of these is 39.36982 in. The value of the metre is now denned in the U. S. laws as 39.37 inches. French and British Equivalents of Compound Units. FRENCH. BRITISH. gramme per square millimetre = 1.422 Ibs. per sq. in. kilogramme per square ' = 1422.32 centimetre = 14.223 " .0335 kg. per sq. cm. = 1 atmosphere = 14.7 " " " " 0.070308 kilogramme per square centimetre = 1 Ib. per square inch. kilogrammetre = 7.2330 foot-pounds. gramme per litre = 0.062428 Ib. per cu. ft. = 58.349 grains per U. S gal. of water at 62 F. 1 grain per U. S. gallon=l part in 58,349 = 1.7138 parts per 100,000 0.017138 grammes per litre. METRIC CONVERSION TABLES. The following tables, with the subjoined memoranda, were published in 1890 by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, office of standard weights and measures, T. C. Mendenhall, Superintendent. - Tables for Converting TJ. S. Weights and Measures Customary to Metric. LINEAR. Inches to Milli- metres. Feet to Metres. Yards to Metres. Miles to Kilo- metres. 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 25.4001 50.8001 76.2002 101.6002 127.0003 0.304801 0.609601 0.914402 1.219202 1.524003 0.914402 1 .828804 2.743205 3.657607' 4.572009 1.60935 3.21869 4.82804 6.43739 8.04674 8 = 152.4003 177.8004 203.2004 228.6005 1.828804 2.133604 2.438405 2:743205 5.486411 6.400813 7.315215 8.229616 9.65608 11.26543 12.87478 14.48412 SQUARE. Square Inches to Square Centi- metres. Square Feet to Square Deci- metres. Square Yards to Square Metres. Acres to Hectares. K 1 = 6.452 9.290 0.836 04047 2 = 12.903 18.581 1.672 0.8094 3 = 19.355 27.871 2.508 1.2141 A 25.807 37.161 3.344 1.6187 5 = 32.258 46.452 4.181 2.0234 6 = 38.710 55.742 5.017 2.4281 7 = 45.161 65.032 5.853 2.8328 8 = 51.613 74.323 6.689 3.2375 9 = 58.065 83.613 7.525 3.6422 ARITHMETIC. CUBIC. Cubic Inches to Cubic Centi- metres. Cubic Feet to Cubic Metres. Cubic Yards to Cubic Metres. Bushels to Hectolitres. Ui-UUJ Si- ll II II II 11 16.387 32.774 49.161 65.549 81.936 0.02832 0.05663 0.08495 0.11327 0.14158 0.765 1.529 2.294 3.058 3.823 0.35242 0.70485 1.05727 1 .40969 1.76211 6 = 8 = 98.323 114.710 131.097 147.484 0.16990 0.19822 0.22654 0.25485 4.587 5.352 6.116 6.881 2.11454 2.46696 2.81938 3.17181 CAPACITY. Fluid Dracnms to Millilitres or Cubic Centi- metres. Fluid Ounces to Millilitres . Quarts to Litres. Gallons to Litres. 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 8 = 9 = 3.70 7.39 11.09 14.79 18.48 22.18 25.88 29.57 33.28 29.57 59.15 88.72 118.30 147.87 177.44 207.02 236.59 266.16 0.94636 1 .89272 2.83908 3.78544 4.73180 5.67816 6.62452 7.57088 8.51724 3.78544 7.57088 11.35632 15.14176 18.92720 22.71264 26.49808 30.28352 34.06896 WEIGHT. Grains to Milli- grammes. Avoirdupois Ounces to Grammes. Avoirdupois Pounds to Kilo- grammes. Troy Ounces to Grammes. 1 = 2 4 = 5 = 6 = 8-= 9- 64.7989 129.5978 194.3968 259.1957 323.9946 388.7935 453.5924 518.3914 583.1903 28.3495 56.6991 85.0486 113.3981 141.7476 170.0972 198.4467 226.7962 255.1457 0.45359 0.90719 1 .36078 1.81437 2.26796 2.72156 3.17515 3.62874 4.08233 31.10348 62.20696 93.31044 124.41392 155.51740 186.62089 217.72437 248.82785 279.93133 1 chain = 20.11 69 metres. 1 square mile = 259 hectares. 1 fathom = 1 .829 metres. 1 nautical mile = 1853.27 metres. 1 foot = 0.304801 metre. 1 avoir, pound = 453.5924277 gram. 15432.35639 grains = 1 kilogramme. METRIC CONVERSION TABLES. 25 Tables for Converting U. S. Weights and Measures Metric to Customary. LINEAR. Metres to Inches. Metres to Feet. Metres to Yards. Kilometres to Miles. 1 = 2 = 4 = 5 = 39.3700 78.7400 118.1100 157.4800 196.8500 3.28083 6.56167 9.84250 13.12333 16.40417 1.093611 2.187222 3.280833 4.374444 5.468056 0.62137 1 .24274 1.86411 2.48548 3.10685 1: 236.2200 275.5900 314.9600 354.3300 19.68500 22.96583 26.24667 29.52750 6.561667 7.655278 8.748889 9.842500 3.72822 4.34959 4.97096 5.59233 SQUARE. Square Centi- metres to Square Inches. Square Metres to Square Feet. Square Metres to Square Yards. Hectares to Acres. 1 = 0.1550 10.764 1.196 2.471 2 = 0.3100 21.528 2.392 4.942 3 = 0.4650 32.292 3.588 7.413 4 = 0.6200 43.055 4.784 9.884 5 = 0.7750 53.819 5.980 12.355 6 = 0.9300 64.583 7.176 14826 7 = 1.0850 75.347 8.372 17.297 8 = 1.2400 86.111 9.563 19.768 9 = 1.3950 96.874 10.764 22.239 CUBIC. Cubic Centi- metres to Cubic Inches. Cubic Deci- metres to Cubic Inches. Cubic Metres to Cubic Feet. Cubic Metres to Cubic Yards. 1 = 0.0610 61.023 35.314 1.308 2 - 0.1220 122.047 70.629 2.616 3 = 0.1831 183.070 105.943 3.924 4 = 0.2441 244.093 141.258 5.232 5 = 0.3051 305.117 176.572 6.540 6 = 0.3661 366.140 211.887 7.848 j 0.4272 427.163 247.201 9.156 8 = 0.4882 488.187 282.516 10.464 9 = 0.5492 549.210 317.830 11.771 CAPACITY. Milhlitres or Cubic Centi- metres toFluid Centimetres to Fluid Ounces. Litres to Quarts. Dekalitres to Gallons. Hektolitres to Bushels. Drachms. 1 = 0.27 0.338 1.0567 2.6417 2.8375 2 = 0.54 0.676 2.1134 5.2834 5.6750 3 = 0.81 1.014 3.1700 7.9251 8.5125 4 = 1.08 1.352 4.2267 10.5668 11.3500 5 = 1.35 1.691 5.2834 13.2085 14.1875 6 = 1.62 2.029 6.3401 15.8502 17.0250 j 1.89 2.363 7.3968 18.4919 . 19.8625 8 = 2.16 2.706 8.4534 21.1336 22.7000 9 = 2.43 3.043 9.5101 23.7753 25.5375 26 ARITHMETIC. WEIGHT. Milligrammes to Grains. Kilogrammes to Grains. Hectogrammes ( 1 00 grammes) to Ounces Av. Kilogrammes to Pounds Avoirdupois. 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 0.01543 0.03086 0.04630 0.06173 0.07716 15432.36 30864.71 46297.07 61729.43 77161.78 3.5274 7.0548 10.5822 14.1096 17.6370 2.20462 4.40924 6.61386 8.81849 11.02311 6 = j 8 = 9 = 0.09259 0.10803 0.12346 0.13839 92594.14 108026.49 123458.85 138891.21 21.1644 24.6918 28.2192 31.7466 13.22773 15.43235 17.63697 19.84159 Quintals to Pounds Av. Milliers or Tonnes to Pounds Av. Grammes to Ounces. Troy. 1 =, 220.46 2204.6 0.03215 2 = 440.92 4409.2 0.06430 3 = 661.38 6613.8 0.09645 4 = 881.84 8818.4 0.12860 5 - 1102.30 11023.0 0.16075 6 = 1322.76 13227.6 0.19290 7 - 1543.22 15432.2 22505 8== 1763.68 17636.8 0.25721 9 = 1984.14 19841.4 0.28936 The British Avoirdupois pound was derived from the British standard Troy pound of 1758 by direct comparison, and it contains 7000 grains Troy. The grain Troy is therefore the same as the grain Avoirdupois, and the pound Avoirdupois in use in the United States is equal to the British pound Avoirdupois. By the concurrent action of the principal governments of the world an International Bureau of Weights and Measures has been established near Paris. The International Standard Metre is derived from the Metre des Archives, and its length is defined by the distance between two lines at Centigrade, on a platinum-iridium bar deposited at the International Bureau. The International Standard Kilogramme is a mass of platinum-indium deposited at the same place, and its weight in vacua is the same as that of the Kilogramme des Archives. Copies of these international standard weights and measures are deposited in the office of the United States Bureau of Standards. The litre is equal to a cubic decimetre of water, and it is measured by the quantity of distilled water which, at its maximum density, will counterpoise the standard kilogramme in a vacuum; the volume of such a quantity of water being, as nearly as has been ascertained, equal to a cubic decimetre. The metric system was legalized in the United States in 1866. Many attempts were made during the 50 years following to have the U. S. Congress pass laws to make the metric system the legal standard, but they have all failed. Similar attempts in Great Britain have also failed. For arguments for and against the metric system see the report of a committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1903, Vol. 24. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 27 COMPOUND UNITS. Measures of Pressure and Weight. One pound force (or pressure) = the force exerted by gravity on 1 Ib. of matter at a place where the acceleration due to gravity is 32.1740 feet-per-second per second; that is (very nearly) the force of gravity on 1 Ib. of matter at latitude 45 at the sea level. 1 Ib. per square inch 144 Ib. per square foot. 2.0355 in. of mercury at 32 P. 2.0416 " " " "62F. 2.309 ft. of water at 62 F. 27.71 ins. " " "62 F. j 0.1276 in. of mercury at 62 F. 1 ounce per sq. in. 1.732 in. of water at 62 F. 2116.3 Ib. per square foot. I 33.947 ft. of water at 62 F. ;i4.71b. per sqJn.) - j %i>21in, ofm^curfat 32' F, 760 millimetres of mercury at 32 F. i 0.03609 Ib. or .5774 oz. per sq. in. 1 inch of water at 62 F. = < 5.196 Ib. per square foot. 0.0735 in. of mercury at 62 F. 1 foot of water at 62 F. - P _j H 0.491 Ib. or 7.86 oz. per sq. in. 1 inch of mercury at 62 F. = -{ 1.134 ft. of water at 62 F. ( 13.61 in. of water at 62 F. Weight of One Cubic Foot of Pure Water. At 32 F. (freezing-point) 62.418 Ib. " 39.1 F. (maximum density) 62.425 ' " 62 F. (standard temperature) in vacuo 62.355 " " 212 F. (boiling-point, under 1 atmosphere) 59.76 American gallon = 231 cubic ins. of water at 62 F. = 8.3356 Ib. British " = 277.274 " " " " " = 10 Ib. Weight of 1 cu. ft. of air-free distilled water at 62, weighed in air at 62 with brass weights of 8. 4 density = 62.287 Ib. = 8.3267 Ib. per U. S. gallon. Weight and Volume of Air. 1 cubic ft. of air at 32 F. and atmospheric pressure weighs 0.080728 Ib. i tt. v.~'~i~4- f +. ooo i 0.0005606 Ib. per sq. in. . in height of air at 3. \ 0.015534 inches of water at 62 F. For air at any other temperature T Fahr. multiply by 492 -=- (460 + T). 1 Ib. pressure per sq. ft. = 12.387 ft. of air at 32 F. 1 " " sq. in. = 1784. " " " " 1 inch of water at 62 F. = 64.37 " " " " For air at any other temperature multiply by (460 + T) -~ 492. At any fixed temperature the weight of a given volume is proportional to the absolute pressure. Measures of Work, Power, and Duty. Unit of work. One foot-pound, i.e., a pressure of one pound exerted through a space of one foot. Horse-power. The rate of work. Unit of horse-power = 33,000 f t.-lb. per minute, or 550 ft.-lb. per second = 1 ,980,000 ft.-lb. per hour. Heat unit. = heat required to raise 1 Ib. of water 1 F. (see page 560). 00 (")(")() Horse-power expressed in heat-units = ' ~ = 42.442 heat-units per minute = 0.7074 heat-unit per second = 2546.5 heat units per hour. 1 Ib. of fuel per H.P. per hour = 1,980,000 ft.-lb. per Ib. of fuel. 1,000,000 ft.-lb. per Ib. of fuel = 1.98 Ib. of fuel per H.P. per hour. 5280 ^2 Velocity. Feet per second = %QQQ = Is x miles P er hour. tons per mile = 2240 = 14 lb< per yarci ( sin le rail ) 28 ARITHMETIC. WIRE AND SHEET-METAL GAUGES COMPARED. 8^ c^ 05 <* cS 9 |a S c8 go g-2 ^ oc Sg |2& " ||| J-li pill 3 c8 *ei p s 1 inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. 0000000 .49 .500 .6666 .5 7/o 000000 .46 464 .625 .469 6,0 00000 .43 .432 .5883 .438 5/o 0000 .454 .46 .393 .4 .406 000 .425 .40964 .362 .372 .500 .375 3/2 00 .38 .3648 .331 .348 .4452 344 2/n .34 .32486 .307 .324 .3964 .313 .3 .2893 .283 227 .3 .3532 .281 1 2 .284 .25763 .263 .219 .276 .3147 266 2 3 .259 .22942 .244 .212 .252 .2804 .25 3 4 .238 J20431 .225 .207 .232 .250 .234 4 5 .22 .18194 .207 .204 .212 .2225 ,219 5 6 .203 .16202 .192 .201 .192 .1981 .203 6 7 .18 .14428 .177 .199 .176 .1764 .188 7 6 .165 .12849 .162 .197 .16 .1570 .172 8 9 .148 .11443 .148 .194 .144 .1398 .156 9 10 .134 .10189 .135 .191 .128 .1250 .141 10 11 .12 .09074 .12 .188 .116 .1113 .125 11 12 .109 .08081 .105 .185 .104 .0991 .109 12 13 .095 .07196 .092 .182 .092 .0882 .094 13 14 .033 .06403 ,08 .180 .08 .0785 078 14 15 .072 .05707 .072 .178 .072 .0699 .07 15 16 .065 .05082 .063 .175 .064 .0625 .0625 16 17 .058 .04526 .054 .172 .056 .0556 .0563 17 18 .049 .0403 .047 .168 .048 .0495 .05 18 19 .042 .03589 .041 164 .04 .0440 .0433 19 20 .035 .03196 .035 .161 .036 .0392 .0375 20 21 .032 .02846 .032 .157 .032 .0349 .0344 21 22 .028 .02535 .028 .155 .028 .03125 .0313 22 23 .025 .02257 .025 .153 .024 .02782 0281 23 24 .022 .0201 .023 .151 .022 .02476 .025 24 25 .02 .0179 .02 .148 .02 .02204 .0219 25 26 .018 .01594 .018 .146 .018 .01961 .0188 26 27 .016 .01419 .017 .143 .0164 .01745 .0172 27 28 .014 .01264 .016 .139 .0148 .015625 .0156 28 29 .013 .01126 .015 .134 .0136 .0139 .0141 29 30 .012 .01002 .014 .127 .0124 .0123 .0125 30 31 .01 .00893 .013 .120 .0116 .0110 .0109 31 32 .009 .00795 .013 .115 .0108 .0098 .0101 32 33 .008 .00708 .011 .112 .01 .0037 .0094 33 34 .007 ,0063 .01 .110 .0092 .0077 .0086 34 35 .005 .00561 .0095 .103 .0084 .0069 .0078 35 36 .004 .005 .009 .106 .0076 .0061 .007 36 37 .00445 .0085 .103 .0068 .0054 .0066 37 38 .00396 .008 .101 .006 .0048 .0063 38 39 .00353 .0075 .099 .0052 .0043 39 40 .00314 .007 .097 .0048 .00386 40 41 .095 .0044 .00343 41 42 .092 .004 .00306 42 43 .088 .0036 .00272 43 44 .085 .0032 .00242 44 45 .081 .0028 .00215 45 46 .079 .0024 .00192 46 47 .077 .002 .00170 47 48 .075 .0016 .00152 48 49 .072 .0012 .00135 49 50 .065 .001 .00120 50 WIRE AND SHEET METAL GAUGES , 29 THE EDISON OB CIRCULAR MIL WIRE GAUGE. (For table of copper wires by this gauge, giving weights, electrical resistances, etc., see Copper Wire.) Mr. C. J. Field (Stevens Indicator, July, 1887) thus describes the origin of the Edison gauge: The Edison company experienced inconvenience and loss by not having a wide enough range nor sufficient number of sizes in the existing gauges. This was felt more particularly in the central-station work in making electrical determinations for the street system. They were compelled to make use of two of the existing gauges at least, thereby introducing a complication that was liable to lead to mistakes by the contractors and linemen. In the incandescent system an even distribution throughout the entire system and a uniform pressure at the point of delivery are obtained by calculating for a given maximum percentage of loss from the potential as delivered from the dynamo. In carrying this out, on account of lack of regular sizes, it was often necessary to use larger sizes than the occasion demanded, and even to assume new sizes for large underground conductors. The engineering department of the Edison company, knowing the require- ments, have designed a gauge that has the widest range obtainable and a large number of sizes which increase in a regular and uniform manner. The basis of the graduation is the sectional area, and the number of the wire corresponds. A wire of 100,000 circular mils area is No. 100; a wire of one half the size will be No. 50; twice the size No. 200. In the older gauges, as the number increased the size decreased. With this gauge, however, the number increases with the wire, and the number multiplied by 1000 will give the circular mils. The weight per mil-foot, 0.00000302705 pounds, agrees with a specific gravity of 8.889, which is the latest figure given for copper. The ampere capacity which is given was deduced from experiments made in the com- pany's laboratory, and is based on a rise of temperature of 50 F. in the wire. In 1893 Mr. Field writes, concerning gauges in use by electrical engineers: The B. and S. gauge seems to be in general use for the smaller sizes, up to 100,000 c.m., and in some cases a little larger. From between one and two hundred thousand circular mils upwards, the Edison gauge or its equivalent is practically in use, and there is a general tendency to desig- nate all sizes above this in circular mils, specifying a wire as 200,000, 400,000, 500,000, or 1,000,000 C.M. In the electrical business there is a large use of copper wire and rod and other materials of these large sizes, and in ordering them, speaking of them, specifying, and in every other use, the general method is to simply specify the circular milage. I think it is going to be the only system in the future for the designation of wires, and the attaining of it means practically the adoption of the Edison gauge or the method and basis of this gauge as the correct one for wire sizes. THE U. S. STANDARD GAUGE FOR SHEET AND PLATE IRON AND STEEL, 1893. There is in this country no uniform or standard gauge, and the same numbers in different gauges represent different thicknesses of sheets or plates. This has given rise to much misunderstanding and friction between employers and workmen and mistakes and fraud between dealers and consumers. An Act of Congress in 1893 established the Standard Gauge for sheet Iron and steel which is given on the next page. It is based on the fact that a cubic foot of iron weighs 480 pounds. A sheet of iron 1 foot square and 1 inch thick weighs 40 pounds, or 640 ounces, and 1 ounce in weight should be 1/640 inch thick. The scale has been arranged so that each descriptive number represents a certain number of ounces in weight and an equal number of 640ths of an inch in thickness. The law enacts that on and after July 1, 1893, the new gauge shall be used in determining duties and taxes levied on sheet and plate iron and (Continued on page 32.} 30 ARITHMETIC. Edison, or Circular Mil Gauge for Electrical Wires. Gauge Num- ber. Circular Mils. Diam- eter in Mils. Gauge Num- ber. Circular Mils. Diam- eter in Mils. Gauge Num- ber. Circular Mils. Diam- eter in Mils. 3 3,000 54.78 70 70,000 264.58 190 190,000 435.89 5 5,000 70.72 75 75,000 273.87 200 200,000 447.22 8 8,000 89.45 80 80,000 282.85 220 220,000 469.05 12 12,000 109.55 85 85,000 291.55 240 240,000 489.90 15 15,000 122.48 90 90,000 300.00 260 260,000 509.91 20 20,000 141.43 95 95,000 308.23 280 280,000 529.16 25 25,000 158.12 100 100,000 316.23 300 300,000 547.73 30 30,000 173.21 110 110,000 331.67 320 320,000 565.69 35 35,000 187.09 120 120,000 346.42 340 340,000 583.10 40 40,000 200.00 130 130,000 360.56 360 360,000 600.00 45 45,000 212.14 140 140,000 374.17 50 50,000 223.61 150 150,000 387.30 55 55,000 234.53 160 160,000 400.00 60 60,000 244.95 170 170,000 412.32 65 65,000 254.96 180 180,000 424.27 Twist Drill and Steel Wire Gauge. (Manufacturers Standard) No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. 1 0.2280 14 0.1820 27 0.1440 40 0.0980 53 0.0595 67 0.0320 2 .2210 15 .1800 28 .1405 41 .0960 54 .0550 68 .0310 .2130 16 .1770 29 .1360 42 .0935 55 .0520 69 .0292 4 .2090 17 .1730 30 .1285 43 .0890 56 .0465 70 .0280 5 .2055 18 .1695 31 .1200 44 .0860 57 .0430 71 .0260 6 .2040 19 .1660 32 .1160 45 .0820 58 .0420 72 .0250 7 .2010 20 .1610 33 .1130 46 .0810 59 .0410 73 .0240 8 .1990 21 .1590 34 .1110 47 .0785 60 .0400 74 .0225 9 .1960 22 .1570 35 .1100 48 .0760 61 .0390 75 .0210 10 .1935 23 .1540 36 .1065 49 .0730 62 .0380 76 .0200 11 .1910 24 .1520 37 .1040 50 .0700 63 .0370 77 .0180 12 .1890 25 .1495 38 .1015 51 .0670 64 .0360 78 .0160 13 .1850 26 .1470 39 .0995 52 .0635 65 .0350 79 .0145 66 .0330 80 .0135 Stubs' Steel Wire Gauge. (For Nos. 1 to 50 see table on page 31.) No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. No. Size. z inch. .413 P inch. .323 F inch. .257 51 inch. .066 61 inch. .038 71 inch. .026 Y .404 O .316 Fi .250 52 .063 62 .037 72 .024 X .397 N .302 D .246 53 .058 63 .036 73 .023 w .386 M .295 .242 54 .055 64 .035 74 .022 V .377 T, .290 B .238 55 .050 65 .033 75 .020 TT .368 K .281 A .234 56 .045 66 .032 76 .018 T .358 ,T .277 1 (See 57 .042 67 .031 77 .016 8 .348 T .272 to {page 58 .041 68 .030 78 .015 fi .339 H .266 50 (29 59 .040 69 .029 79 .014 Q .332 G .261 60 .039 70 .027 80 .013 The Stubs' Steel Wire Gauge is used in measuring drawn steel wire or drill rods of Stubs' make, and is also used by many makers of American drill rods. WIRE AND SHEET METAL GAUGES. 31 U. S. STANDARD GAUGE FOR SHEET AND PLATE IRON AND STEEL, 1893. Number of Gauge. Approximate Thickness in Fractions of an Inch. ** 9 8 -a * . HIP fr* Approximate Thickness in Millimeters. Weight per Square Foot in Ounces Avoirdupois. Weight per Square Foot in Pounds Avoirdupois. fit ^ 5 |S ^.2 Weight per Square Meter in Kilograms. 1 Weight per Sq. 1 M eter in Founds! Avoirdupois. | 0000000 1-2 0.5 12.7 320 20. 9.072 97.65 215.28 000000 15-32 0.46875 1 1 .90625 300 18.75 8.505 91.55 201.82 00000 7-16 0.4375 11.1125 280 17.50 7.938 85.44 188.37 0000 13-32 0.40625 10.31875 260 16.25 7.371 79.33 174.91 000 3-8 0.375 9.525 240 15. 6.804 73.24 161.46 00 11-32 0.34375 8.73125 220 13.75 6.237 67.13 148.00 5-16 0.3125 7.9375 200 12.50 5.67 61.03 134.55 1 9-32 0.28125 7.14375 180 11.25 5.103 54.93 121.09 2 17-64 0.265625 6.746875 170 10.625 4.819 51.88 114.37 3 1-4 0.25 6.35 160 10. 4.536 48.82 107,64 4 15-64 0.234375 5.953125 150 9.375 4.252 45.77 100.91 5 7-32 0.21875 5.55625 140 8.75 3.969 42.72 94.18 6 13-64 0.203125 5.159375 130 8.125 3.685 39.67 87.45 7 3-16 0.1875 4.7625 120 7.5 3.402 36.62 80.72 . 8 11-64 0.171875 4.365625 110 6.875 3.118 33.57 74.00 9 5-32 0.15625 3.96875 100 6.25 2.835 30.52 67.27 10 9-64 0.140625 3.571875 90 5.625 2.552 27.46 60.55 11 1-8 0.125 3.175 80 5. 2.268 24.41 53.82 12 7-64 0.109375 2.778125 70 4.375 .984 21.36 47.09 13 3-32 0.09375 2.38125 60 3.75 .701 18.31 40.36 14 5-64 0.078125 1 .984375 50 3.125 .417 15.26 33.64 15 9-128 0.0/03125 1 .7859375 45 2.8125 .276 13.73 30.27 16 1-16 0.0625 1.5875 40 2.5 .134 12.21 26.91 17 9-160 0.05625 1 .42875 36 2.25 .021 10.99 24.22 18 1-20 0.05 1.27 32 2. 0.9072 9.765 21.53 19 7-160 0.04375 1.11125 28 .75 0.7938 8.544 18.84 20 3-80 0.0375 0.9525 24 .50 0.6804 7.324 16.15 21 1 1-320 0.034375 0.873125 22 .375 0.6237 6.713 14.80 22 1-32 0.03125 0.793750 20 .25 0.567 6.103 13.46 23 9-320 0.028125 0.714375 18 .125 0.5103 5.49 12.11 24 1-40 0.025 0.635 16 1. 0.4536 4.882 10.76 25 7-320 0.021875 0.555625 14 0.875 0.3969 4.272 9.42 26 3-160 0.01875 0.47625 12 0.75 0.3402 3.662 8.07 27 1 1-640 0.0171875 0.4365625 11 0.6875 0.3119 3.357 7.40 28 1-64 0.015625 0.396875 10 0.625 0.2835 3.052 6.73 29 9-640 0.0140625 0.3571875 9 0.5625 0.2551 7746 6.05 30 1-80 0.0125 0.3175 8 0.5 0.2268 2.441 5.38 31 7-640 0.0109375 0.2778125 7 0.4375 0.1984 2.136 4.71 32 13-1280 0.01015625 0.25796875 ' < 61/2 0.40625 0.1843 1.983 4.37 (33 3-320 0.009375 0.238125 6 0.375 0.1701 1.831 4.04 34 11-1280 0.00859375 0.21828125 51/2 0.34375 0.1559 1.678 3.70 35 5-640 0.0078125 0.1984375 5 0.3125 0.1417 1.526 3.36 36 9-1280 0.00703125 0.17859375 4V2 0.28125 0.1276 1.373 3.03 37 17-2560 0.00664062 0.16867187 41/4 0.26562 0.1205 1.297 2.87 38 1-160 0.00625 0.15875 0.25 0.1134 1.221 2.69 - 32 THE DECIMAL GAUGE. (continued from page 29) steel; and that in its application a variation of 2 1/2 per cent either way may be allowed. The Decimal Gauge. The legalization of the standard sheet- metal gauge of 1893 and its adoption by some manufacturers of sheet iron have only added to the existing confusion of gauges. A joint committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Railway Master Mechanics' Association in 1895 agreed to recommend the use of the decimal gauge, that is, a gauge whose number for each thickness is the number of thousandths of an inch in that thick- ness, and also to recommend " the abandonment and disuse of the various other gauges now in use, as tending to confusion and error." A notched gauge of oval form, shown in the cut below, has come into use as a standard form of the decimal gauge. In 1904 The Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. abandoned the use of gauge numbers in referring to wire, sheet metal, etc. Weight of Sheet Iron and Steel. Thickness by Decimal Gauge. i Weight per Square Foot 6 m Weight per Square Foot 3 .2 J* in Pounds. !> ' ' " in Pounds. "OBO 09 t>o 1 d JO ^ o. O E - -tJ "O a feh fl i o^. ft-^ 'd ^ iS o ~ & 4) 00 ft,*^ .3 X * M *O "i- ^ .5 o X $5 "*"__ r* Q I ft ft M 135 02 Q P 2 1 'a)^ 3 0.002 1/500 0.05 0.08 0.082 0.060 1/16- 1.52 2.40 2.448 0.004 1/250 0.10 0.16 0.163 0.065 13/200 1.65 2.60 2.652 0.006 3/500 0.15 0.24 0.245 0.070 7/100 1.78 2.80 2.856 0.008 Vl25 0.20 0.32 0.326 0.075 3/40 1.90 3.00 3.060 0.010 1/100 0.25 0.40 0.408 0.080 2/25 2.03 3.20 3.264 0.012 3/250 0.30 0.48 0.490 0.085 17/200 2.16 3.40 3.468 0.014 7/500 0.36 0.56 0.571 0.090 9/100 2.28 3.60 3.672 0.016 1/64 + 0.41 0.64 0.653 0.095 19/200 2.41 3.80 3.876 0.018 9/500 0.46 0.72 0.734 0.100 1/10 2.54 4.00 4.080 0.020 1/50 0.51 0.80 0.816 0.110 H/100 2.79 4.40 4.488 0.022 H/500 0.56 0.88 0.898 0.125 1/8 3.18 5.00 5.100 0.025 1/40 0.64 .00 .020 0.135 27/200 3.43 5.40 5.508 0.028 7/250 0.71 .12 .142 0.150 3/20 3.81 6.00 6.120 0.032 1/32 + 0.81 .28 .306 0.165 33/200 4.19 6.60 6.732 0.036 9/250 0.91 .44 .469 0.180 9/50 4.57 7.20 7.344 0.040 1/25 1.02 .60 .632 0.200 1/5 5.08 8.00 8.160 0.045 9/200 1.14 .80 .836 0.220 n/50 5.59 8.80 8.976 0.050 1/20 1.27 2.00 2.040 0.240 6.10 9.60 9.792 0.055 11/200 1.40 2.20 2.244 0.250 i/f 6.35 10.00 10.20C ALGEBRA. 33 ALGEBRA. Addition. Add a, b, and c. Ans. a 4 b c. Add 2a and - 3a. Ans. - a. Add 2ab, - Sab, - c, - 3c. Ans, - ab - 4c. Add a 2 and 2a. Ans. a 2 -f 2a. Subtraction. Subtract a from b. Ans. & a. Subtract a from 6. Ans. b + a. Subtract b + c from a. Ans. a 6 c. Subtract 3a 2 6 9c from 4a 2 6 -f c. Ans. a 2 6 + lOc. RULE: Change the signs of the subtrahend and proceed as in addition. Multiplication. Multiply a by b. Ans. ab. Multiply ab by a + b. Ans. a 2 6 + ab 2 . Multiply a 4- b by a 4 6. Ans. (a 4-6) (a46)=a 2 4-2a&+6 2 . Multiply a by b. Ans. ab. Multiply a by b. Ans. a&. Like signs give plus, unlike signs minus. Powers of numbers. The product of two or more powers of any number is the number with an exponent equal to the sum of the powers: a 2 x a 3 = a 5 ; a 2 6 2 X ab = a 3 6 3 ; - 7ab X 2ac = - 14ft 2 6c. To multiply a polynomial by a monomial, multiply each term of the polynomial by the monomial and add the partial products: (6a 36) X 3c = I8ac - 96c. To multiply two polynomials, multiply each term of one factor by each term of the other and add the partial products: (5a 66) X (3a 46) = 15a 2 - 38a6 4- 246 2 . The square of the sum of two numbers = sum of their squares + twice their product. The square of the difference of two numbers = the sum of their squares twice their product. The product of the sum and difference of two numbers = the difference of their squares: (a 4- 6) 2 = a 2 4- 2a6 4- 6 2 ; (a - 6) 2 = a 2 - 2a6 4- & 2 ; (a 4- 6) X (a - 6) = a 2 - 6 2 . The square of half the sums of two quantities is equal to their product plus the square of half their difference: (^^Y = ab + (^- b Y- The square of the sum of two quantities is equal to four times their products, plus the square of their difference: (a + 6) 2 = 4a6 4- (a 6) 2 . The sum of the squares of two quantities equals twice their product, plus the square of their difference: a 2 + 6 2 = 2a6 4- (a 6) 2 . The square of a trinomial == square of each term 4 twice the product of each term by each of the terms that follow it: (a + 6 4 c) 2 = a 2 4 6 2 4 c 2 4- 2a6 4- 2ac + 2bc; (a b - c) ? = -a 2 + 6 2 + c* - 2a6- 2ac + 2bc. The square of (any number 4- 1/2) = square of the number + the number + 1/4; = the number X (the number 4- 1) 4- 1/ 4 : (a+ i/2) 2 = a 2 4- a 4- 1/4, = a (a + 1) 4- 1/4- (4l/2) 2 = 4 2 + 4 4- 1/4=4 X 5 + 1/4 = 201/4. The product of any number 4- 1/2 by any other number + 1/2 = product of the numbers 4- half their sum 4- 1/4. (a + i/ 2 ) X (6 4- 1/2) = ab + 1/2(0 46) 4 1/4. 4l/ 2 X 6V 2 = 4X64- i/ 2 (4 4- 6) 4- V 4 = 24 4- 5 4- 1/4 = 29V4. Square, cube, 4th power, etc., of a binomial a 4- 6. (a 4 6) 2 = a 2 4- 2a6 4- 6 2 ; (a 4- 6) 3 = a 3 4- 3a 2 6 + 3a6 2 4- 6 (a 4- 6) 4 = a 4 4- 4a 3 6 4- 6a 2 6 2 4- 4a6 3 4- 6 4 . In each case the number of terms is one greater than the exponent of the power to which the binomial is raised. 2. In the first term the exponent of a is the same as the exponent of the power to which the binomial is raised, and it decreases by 1 in each suc- ceeding term. 3. 6 appears in the second term with the exponent 1, and its exponent increases by 1 in each succeeding term. 4. The coefficient of the first term is 1. 5. The coefficient of the second term is the exponent of the power to which the binomial is raised. 34 ALGEBRA. 6. The coefficient of each succeeding term is found from the next pre- ceding term by multiplying its coefficient by the exponent of a, and dividing the product by a number greater by 1 than the exponent of b. (See Binomial Theorem, below.) Parentheses. When a parenthesis is preceded by a plus sign it may be removed without changing the yalue of the expression: a + b + (a + b) = 2a + 2b. When a parenthesis is preceded by a minus sign it may be removed if we change the signs of all the terms within the parenthesis: 1 (a b c) = 1 a + b + c. When a parenthesis is within a parenthesis remove the inner one first: a [6 {c (d e)}] = a [ft {c d + ej]= a - [b - c + d - e] = a - b + c d + e. A multiplication sign, X, has the effect of a parenthesis, in that the operation indicated by it must be performed before the operations of addition or subtraction, a 4- b X a + b = a + ab + b; while (a -f- 6) X (a + 6) = a 2 + 2ab + 6 2 , and (a + b) X a + b = a 2 + ab + b. The absence of any sign between two parentheses, or between a quan- tity and a parenthesis, indicates that the parenthesis is to be multiplied by the quantity or parenthesis: a(a + b + c) = a 2 + ab + ac. Division. The quotient is positive when the dividend and divisor have like signs, and negative when they have unlike signs: abc -*- b = ac; abc * 6 = ac. To divide a monomial by a monomial, write the dividend over the divisor with a line between them. If the expressions have common factors, remove the common factors: a z bx ax a 4 a 3 1 a z bx -* aby = -r = ; , = a; -7 = -^ = a~~ 2 . aby y a 3 'a 6 a 2 To divide a polynomial by a monomial, divide each term of the poly- nomial by the monomial: (Sab 12ac) -5- 4a = 26 3c. To divide a polynomial by a polynomial, arrange both dividend and divisor in the order of the ascending or descending powers of some common letter, and keep this arrangement throughout the operation. Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor, and write the result as the first term of the quotient. Multiply all the terms of the divisor by the first term of the quotient and subtract the product from the dividend. If there be a remainder, consider it as a new dividend and proceed as before: (a 2 b 2 ) -* (a + b). a 2 - 6 2 I a + b. a 2 + ab I a b. - ab -~~&~ - ab - ft 2 . The difference of two equal odd powers of any two numbers is divisible by their difference but not by their sum: The difference of two equal even powers of two numbers is divisible by their difference and also by their sum: (a 2 b 2 ) -5- (a 6) = a -4- 6. The sum of two equal even powers of two numbers is not divisible by either the difference or the sum of the numbers; but when the exponent of each of the two equal powers is composed of an odd and an even factor, the sum of the given power is divisible by the sum of the powers expressed by the even factor. Thus x 6 + y 6 is not divisible by x -f y or by x y, but is divisible by x 2 + if. Simple equations. An equation is a statement of equality between two expressions; as, a + b = c + d. A simple equation, or equation of the first degree, is one which contains only the first power of the unknown quantity. If equal changes be made (by addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) in both sides of an equation, the results will be equal. Any term may be changed from one side of an equation to another, provided its sign be changed: a+b = c+d\a^c+d b. To solve ALGEBRA. 35 an equation having one unknown quantity, transpose all the terms involv- ing the unknown quantity to one side of the equation, and- all the other terms to the other side; combine like terms, and divide both sides by the coefficient of the unknown quantity. Solve Sx - 29 - 26 - 3x. Sx + 3x = 29 4- 26; llx = 55; x = 5, ans. Simple algebraic problems containing one unknown quantity are solved by making x = the unknown quantity, and stating the conditions of the problem in the form of an algebraic equation, and then solving the equa- tion. What two numbers are those whose sum is 48 and difference 14? Let x = the smaller number, re 4- 14 the greater, x + x + 14 = 48. 2x = 34, x = 17; x -I- 14 = 31, ans. Find a number whose treble exceeds 50 as much as its double falls short of 40. Lets = the number. 3x - 50 = 40 - 2x; 5x 90; a; = 18, ans. Proving, 54 - 50 = 40 - 36. Equations containing two unknown quantities. If one equation contains two unknown quantities, x and y, an indefinite number of pairs of values of x and y may be found that will satisfy the equation, but if a second equation be given only one pair of values can be found that will satisfy both equations. Simultaneous equations, or those that may be satisfied by the same values of the unknown quantities, are solved by combining the equations so as to obtain a single equation containing only one unknown quantity. This process is called elimination. Elimination by addition or subtraction. Multiply the equation by such numbers as will make the coefficients of one of the unknown quanti- ties equal in the resulting equation. Add or subtract the resulting equa- tions according as they have unlike or like signs. M Substituting value of ?/ in first equation, 2x 4- 3 = 7; x = 2. Elimination by substitution. From one of the equations obtain the value of one of the unknown quantities in terms of the other. Substi- tute for this unknown quantity its value in the other equation and reduce the resulting equations. 4 3y ^ 7. Multiply by 2: . _ - by = 3. Subtract : 4a? 5y 3 l\y - 11 ; y => 1 c^irr^ f 2.r + 3y = 8. (1). From (1) we find x bolve l3z +7y = 7. (2). Substitute this value in (2): 3 ( 8 ~ 3?/ ) 4-7^ = 7; = whence y = - 2. Substitute this value in (1): 2x 6 = 8; x = 7. Elimination by comparison. From each equation obtain the value of one of the unknown quantities in terms of the 9ther. Form an equation from these equal values, and reduce this equation. Solve 2x 9y = 11. (1) and 3x - 4y = 7. (2). From (1) we find From (2) we find x Equating these values of x, ll t 9 ^ = 7 ~t 4y ; IQy - - 19; y = - 1. j O Substitute this value of y in (1): 2x 4-9 = 11; x = 1. If three simultaneous equations are given containing three unknown quantities, one of the unknown quantities must be eliminated between two pairs of the equations; then a second between the two resulting equations. Quadratic equations. A quadratic equation contains the square of the unknown quantity, but no higher power. A pure quadratic contains the square only; an affected quadratic both the square and the first power. To solve a pure quadratic, collect the unknown quantities on one side, id the known quantities on the other; divide by the coefficient of the iknown quantity and extract the square root of each side of the resulting [nation. Solve 3z 2 - 15 = 0. 3z* = 15; x* = 5; x = >/5. A root like x/5, which is indicated, but which can be found only approxi- ' Ay. is called a surd. 36 ALGEBRA. Solve 3a* + 15 - 0. 3z?= - 15; a* = - 5; x = v. The square root of 5 cannot be found even approximately, fo/ tha square of any number positive or negative is positive; therefore a root which is indicated, but cannot be found even approximately, is called imaginary. To solve an affected quadratic, 1. Convert the equation into the form a*x 2 2abx = c, multiplying or dividing the equation if necessary, so as to make the coefficient of x 2 a square number. 2. Complete the square of the first member of the equation, so as to convert it to the form of a 2 x 2 2abx + b 2 , which is the square of the binomial ax &, as follows: add to each side of the equation the square of the quotient obtained by dividing the second term by twice the square root of the first term. 3. Extract the square root of each side of the resulting equation. Solve 3.* 2 - 4.r = 32. To make the coefficient of x 2 a square number, multiply by 3 : 9x 2 - I2x = 96; I2x + (2 X 3x) = 2; 2 2 = 4. Complete the square: 9x 2 I2x + 4 = 100. Extract the root: 3x 2 = 10, whence x = 4 or 22/3. The square root of 100 is either + 10 or 10, since the square of 10 as well as + 10 2 = 100. Every affected quadratic may be reduced to the form ax*+bx+c=-Q. The solution of this equation is x = -- - Problems involving quadratic equations have apparently two solutions, as a quadratic has two roots. Sometimes both will be true solutions, but generally one only will be a solution and the other be inconsistent with the conditions of the problem. The sum of the squares of two consecutive positive numbers is 481. Find the numbers. Let x =. one number, x+1 the other. z 2 + (x -f I) 2 = 481. 2x* -f 2x + 1 = 481. x 2 + x = 240. Completing the square, x 2 +x -f 0.25 = 240.25. Extracting the root we obtain x + 0.5 = 15.5; x = 15 or - 16. The negative root 16 is inconsistent with the conditions of the problem. Quadratic equations containing two unknown quantities require different methods for their solution, according to the form of the equations. For these methods reference must be made to works on algebra. Theory of exponents. %a when n is a positive integer is one of n equal factors of a. \o means a is to be raised to the with power and the nth root extracted. tnat the nth root of a is to be taken and the result raised to the with power. \/a = ( \l~a\ m = an. When the exponent is a fraction, the numera- tor indicates a power, and the denominator a root. a 6 /2 = v / a 6 = a 3 ; a 3 /2 = V a 3 = a 1 - s. To extract the root of a quantity raised to an indicated power, divide the exponent by the index of the required root; as, Subtracting 1 from the exponent of a is equivalent to dividing by a: 2-i= a' =o; a'-i = a - ^- 1; a-i = a~> ~ i; a--i=a-2=l. A number with a negative exponent denotes the reciprocal of the num- ber with the corresponding positive exponent. A factor under the radical sign whose root can be taken may, by having the root taken, be removed from under the radical sign: GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 37 A factor outside the radical sign may be raised to the corresponding power and placed under it: Binomial Theorem. sion of the form x + a - To obtain any power, as the nth, of an expres- x* + etc. *~* i- 2 - 3 - The following laws hold for any term in the expansion of (a 4- x) n . The exponent of x is less by one than the number of terms. The exponent of a is n minus the exponent of x. The last factor of the numerator is greater by one than the exponent of a. The last factor of the denominator is the same as the exponent of x. In the rth term the exponent of x will be r 1. The exponent of a will be n (r 1), or n r 4- 1. The last factor of the numerator will be n r 4- 2. The last factor of the denominator will be = r 1. Hence the rth term = "( - D( - 2) . ( - r+ 2) ^ l.^.O....^?* 1^ GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 1. To bisect a straight line, or an arc of a circle (Fig. 1). From the ends A, B, as centres, describe arcs intersecting at C and D, and draw a line through C and D which will bisect the line at E or the arc at F. 2. To draw a perpendicular to a straight line, or a radial line to a circular arc. Same as in Problem 1. C D is perpendicular to the line A B, and also radial to the arc. 3. To draw a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point in that line (Fig. 2). With any radius, from the given point A in the line B C, cut the line at B and C. With a longer radius describe arcs from B and C, cutting each other at D, and draw the perpendicular D A. 4. From the end A of a given line A D to erect a perpendicular AE (Fig. 3). From any centre F, above A D, describe a circle passing through the given point A , and cut- ting the given line at D. Draw D F and produce it to cut the circle at E t and draw the perpendicular A E. Second Method (Fig. 4). From the given point A set off a distance A E equal to .three parts, by any scale; and on the centres A and E, with radii of four and five parts respectively, describe arcs intersect- ing at C, Draw the perpendicular A C. NOTE. This method is most useful on very large scales, where straight edges are inapplicable. Any multiples of the numbers 3, 4, 5 may be taken with the same effect, as 6, & 10, or 9, 12. 15. 38 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 5. To draw a perpendicular to a straight line from any point without it (Fig. 5). From the point A, with a sufficient radius cut the given line at F and G, and from these points describe arcs cutting at E. Draw the perpendicular A E. 6. To draw a straight line parallel to a given line, at a given distance apart (Fig. 6). From the centres A, B, in the given line, with the given distance as radius, describe arcs (7, D, and draw the parallel lines C D touching the arcs. 7. To divide a straight line into a number of equal parts (Fig. 7). To divide the line A B into, say, five parts, draw the line A C at an angle from A ; set off five equal parts; draw B5 and draw parallels to it from the other points of division in A C. These parallels divide A B as required. NOTE. By a similar process a line may be divided into a number of unequal parts; setting off divisions on A C, proportional by a scale to the required divisions, and drawing parallels cutting A B. The triangles All, A 22, A33, etc., are similar triangles. 8. Upon a straight line to draw an angle equal to a given angle (Fig. 8). Let A be the given angle and F G the line. From the point A with any radius describe the arc D E. From F with the same radius describe I H. Set off the arc I H equal to D E, and draw F H. The angle F is equal to A, as required. 9. To draw angles of 60 and 80 (Fig. 9). From F, with any radius F /, describe an arc / H ; and from /, with the same radius, cut the arc at H and draw F H to form the required angle I F H. Draw the perpendicular H K to the base line to form the angle of 30 F H K. 10. To draw an angle of 45 (Fig. 10). Set off the distance F /; draw the perpendicular / H equal to / F t and join H " \. FIG. 9. F. Fto form the angle at The angle at H is "also 45. FIG. 10. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 39 FIG. 11. Fia. 15. 11. To bisect an angle (Fig. 11). Let ACB be the angle; with C as a centre draw an arc cutting the sides at A, B. From A and B as centres, describe arcs cutting each other at Z>. Draw C D, dividing the angle into two equal parts. 12. Through two given points to describe an arc of a circle with a given radius (Fig. 12). From the ppints A and B as centres, with the given radius, describe arcs cut- ting at C; and from C with the same radius describe an arc A B. 13. To find the centre of a circle or of an arc of a circle (Fig. 13). Select three points, A, B, C, in the circumference, well apart; with the same radius describe arcs from these three points, cutting each other, and draw the two lines, D E, FG, through their intersections. The point O, where they cut, is the centre of the circle or arc. To describe a circle passing through three given points. Let A, B, C be the given points, and proceed as in last problem to find the centre O, from which the circle may be described. 14. To describe an arc of a circle passing through three given points when the centre is not available (Fig. 14). From the extreme points A, B, as centres, describe arcs AH, B G. Through the third point C draw A E : B F, cutting the arcs. Divide A F and B E into any number of equal parts, and set off a series of equal parts of the same length on the upper por- tions of the arcs beyond the points E F. Draw straight lines, B L, BM, etc., to the divisions in A F, and A I, A K, etc., to the divisions in EG. The successive intersections N, O, etc., of these lines are points in the circle required between the given points A and C, which may be drawn in; similarly the remain- ing part of the curve BC may be described. (See also Problem 54.) 15. To draw a tangent to a circle from a given point in the circumference (Fig. 15). Through the given point A, draw the radial line A C, and a perpendicular to it, FG t which is "the tangent required. 40 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 16. To draw tangents to a circle from a point without it (Fig. 16). From A, with the radius A C, describe an arc BCD, and from C, with a radius equal to the diameter of the circle, cut the arc at BD. Join BC, CD, cutting the circle at E F, and draw A E, AF, the tangents. NOTE. When a tangent is already drawn, the exact point of contact may be found by drawing a perpendicular to it from the centre. 17. Between two inclined lines to draw a series of circles touching these lines and touching each other (Fig. 17). Bisect the inclina- tion of the given lines A B, C D, by the line N O. From a point P in this line draw the perpendicular P B to the line A B, and on P describe the circle B D, touching the lines and cutting the centre line at E. From E draw E F perpendicular to the centre line, cutting A B at F, and from F describe an arc E G, cutting A B at G. Draw GH parallel to B P, giving H, the centre of the next circle, to be described with the radius HE, and so on for the next circle IN. Inversely, the largest circle may be described first, and the smaller ones in succession. This problem is of frequent use in scroll-work. 18. Between two inclined lines to draw a circular segment tan- gent to the lines and passing through a point F on the line FC which bisects the angle of the lines (Fig. 18). Through F draw DA at right angles to FC; bisect the angles A and Z), as in Problem 11, by lines cutting at C, and from C with radius C F draw the arc H F G required. 19. To draw a circular arc that will be tangent to two given lines AB and C D inclined to one another, one tangential point E being given (Fig. 19). Draw the centre line GF. From E draw E F at right angles to A B ; then F is the centre of the circle required. 20. To describe a circular arc Joining two circles, and touching one of them at a given point (Fig. 20). To join the circles A B, FG, by an arc touching one of them at F, draw the radius E F, and produce it both ways. Set off F H equal to the radius A C of the other circle; join CH and bisect it with the per- pendicular L I, cutting E F at I. On the centre 7, with radius IF, describe the arc FA as required. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. FIG. 22. E FIG. 23. FIG. 24. FIG. 25. FIG. 26. 21. To draw a circle with a given radius R that will be tan- gent to two given circles A and B (Fig. 21). From centre of circle A with radius equal R plus radius of A, and from centre of B with radius equal to R + radius of B, draw two arcs cutting each other in C, which will be the centre of the circle required. 22. To construct an equilateral triangle, the sides being given (Fig. 22). On the ends of one side, A, B, with A B as radius, describe arcs cutting at C, and draw A C, C B. 23. To construct a triangle of unequal sides (Fig. 23). On either end of the base A D, with the side B as radius, describe an arc; and with the side C as radius, on the other end of the base as a centre, cut the arc at E. Join A E, D E. 24. To construct a square on given straight line A B (Fig. 24). With A B as radius and A and B as centres, draw arcs A D and B C, intersecting at E. Bisect E B at F. With E as centre and E F as radius, cut the arcs A D and B C in D and C. Join A C, C D t and D B to form the square. 25. To construct a rectangle with given base E F and height EH (Fig. 25). On the base E F draw the perpendiculars E //, F O equal to the height, and join G H. 26. To describe a circle about a triangle (Fig. 26). Bisect two sides A B, A C of the triangle at E F, and from these points draw perpendiculars cutting at K. On the centre K, with the radius K A, draw the circle ABC. 27. To inscribe a circle in a triangle (Fig. 27). Bisect two of the angles A, C, of the triangle by 42 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. lines cutting at D; from D draw a perpendicular D E to any side, and with D E as radius describe a circle. When the triangle is equilateral, draw a perpendicular from one of the angles to the opposite side, and from the side set off one third of the perpendicular. 28. To describe a circle about a square, and to inscribe a square in a circle (Fig. 28). To describe the circle, draw the diagonals A B, C D of the square, cutting at E. On the centre E, with the radius A E, describe the circle. To inscribe the square. Draw the two diameters, A B,C D, at right angles, and join the points A, B, C D, to form the square. NOTE. In the same way a circle may be described about a rectangle. 29. To inscribe a circle in a square (Fig. 29). To inscribe the circle, draw the diagonals A B, C D of the square, cutting at E; draw the perpendicular E F to one side, and with the radius E F describe the circle. FIG. 28. A G C 30. To describe a square about a circle (Fig. 30). Draw two diameters A B, C D at right angles. With the radius of the circle and A, B, C and D as centres, draw the four half circles which cross one another in the corners of the square. 31. To inscribe a pentagon in a circle (Fig. 31). Draw diam- eters A C, B D at right angles, cut- ting at o. Bisect A o at E, and from E, with radius E B, cut A C at F; from B, with radius B F, cut the circumference at G, H, and with the same radius step round the circle to / and K\ join the points so found to form the pentagon. 32. To construct a pentagon on a given line A B (Fig. 32). From B erect a perpendicular B C half the length of A B ; join A C and prolong it to D, making C D = B C. Then B D is the radius of the circle circumscribing the pentagon. From A and B as centres, with B D as radius, draw arcs cutting each other in O, which is the centre of the circle. FIG. 32. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 43 FIG. 34. 33. To construct a hexagon upon a given straight line (Fig. 33). From A and B, the ends of the given line, with radius A B, describe arcs cutting at g; from g t with the radius g A, describe a circle; with the same radius set off the arcs A G, G F, and B D, D E. Join the points so found to form the hexagon. The side of a hexagon = radius of its circumscribed circle. 34. To inscribe a hexagon in a circle (Fig. 34). Draw a diam- eter ACS. From A and B as centres, with the radius of the circle A C, cut the circumference, at D, E, F, G, and draw A D, D E, etc., to form the hexagon. The radius of the circle is equal to the side of the hexagon; therefore the points D, E t etc., may also be found by stepping the radius six times round the circle. The angle between the diameter and the sides of a hexagon and also the exterior angle between a side and an adjacent side prolonged is 60 degrees; therefore a hexagon may conven- iently be drawn by the use of a 60- degree triangle. 35. To describe a hexagon about a circle (Fig. 35). Draw a diameter A D B, and with the radius A D, on the centre A, cut the circum- ference at C; join A C, and bisect it with the radius D E ; through E draw FG, parallel to A C, cutting the diam- eter at F, and with the radius D F describe the circumscribing circle F H. Within this circle describe a hexagon by the preceding problem. A more convenient method is by use of a 60-degree triangle. Four of the sides make angles of 60 degrees with the diameter, and the other two are parallel to the diameter. 36. To describe an octagon on a given straight line (Fig. 36). Produce the given line 'A B both ways, and draw perpendiculars A E. BF; bisect the external angles^, and B by the lines A H, B C, which make equal to A B. Draw C D and H G parallel to A E, and equal to A B; from the centres G, D, with the radius A B, cut the perpendiculars at E, F, and draw E F to complete the octagon. 37. To convert a sqaare into an octagon (Fig. 37). Draw the diagonals of the square cutting at e; from the corners A, B, C, D, with A e as radius, describe arcs cutting the sides at gn, fk, hm, and ol, and join the points so found to form the octagon. Adjacent sides of an octa- gon make an angle of 135 degrees. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 38. To inscribe an octagon in a circle (Fig. 38). Draw two diameters, A C, B D at right angles; bisect the arcs A B, B C, etc., at e f, etc., and join A e, B, etc., to form the octagon, 39. To describe an octagon about a circle (Fig. 39). P -scribe a square about the given circle A B; draw perpendiculars h k, etc., to the diagonals, touching the circle to form the octagon. 40. To describe a polygon of any number of sides upon a given straight line (Fig. 40). Produce the given .line A B, and on A, with the radius A B, describe a semicircle; divide the semi-circumference into as many equal parts as there are to be sides in the polygon say, in this example, five sides. Draw lines from A through the divisional points D, b, and c, omitting one point a; and on the centres B, D, with the radius A B, cut A b at E and A c at F. Draw D E, E F t F B to complete the polygon. 41. To inscribe a circle within a polygon (Figs. 41, 42). When the polygon has an even number of sides (Fig. 41), bisect two opposite sides at A and B; draw A B, and bisect it at C by a diagonal D E, and with the radius C A describe the circle. When the number of sides is odd (Fig. 42), bisect two of the sides at A and B, and draw lines A E, B D to the opposite angles, intersecting at C; from <7, with the radius C A, describe the circle. 42. To describe a circle without a polygon (Figs. 41, 42). Find the centre C as before, and with the radius C D describe the circle. 43. To inscribe a polygon of any number of sides within a circle (Fig. 43). Draw the diameter A B and through the centre E draw the H D G FIG. 39. Fio. 42. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 45 perpendicular E C, cutting the circle at F. Divide E F into four equal parts, and set off three parts equal to those from F to C. Divide the diameter A B into as many equal parts as the polygon is to have sides; and from C draw C D, through the second point of division, cutting the circle at D. Then A D is equal to one side of the polygon, and by stepping round the circumference with the length A D the polygon may be com- pleted. Table of Polygonal Angles. Number of Sides. Angle at Centre. Number of Sides. Angle at Centre. Number of Sides. Angle at Centre. No. 4 5 6 8 Degrees. 120 90 72 60 g* No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Degrees. 40 36 gw i No. 15 16 17 18 19 20 Degrees. 22l/ 2 iH 19 18 In this table the angle at the centre is found by dividing 360 degrees, the number of degrees in a circle, by the number of sides in the polygon; and by setting off round the centre of the circle a succession of angles by means of the protractor, equal to the angle in the table due to a given number of sides, the radii so drawn will divide the circumference into the same num- ber of parts. 44. To describe an ellipse when the length and breadth are given (Fig. 44). A B, transverse axis; C Z>, conjugate axis; F G, foci. The sum of the distances from C to F and G, also the sum of the distances from F and G to any other point in the curve, is equal to the transverse axis. From the centre C, with A E as radius, cut the axis A B at F and G, the foci; fix a couple of pins into the axis at F and G, and loop on a thread or cord upon them equal in length to the axis A B, so as when stretched to reach to the extremity C of the conjugate axis, as shown in dot-lining. Place a pencil inside the cord as at //, and guiding the pencil in this way, keeping the cord equally in tension, carry the pencil round the pins F, G, and so describe the ellipse. NOTE. This method is employed in setting off elliptical garden-plots, walks, etc. 2d Method (Fig. 45). Along the straight edge of a slip of stiff paper mark off a distance a c equal to A C, half the transverse axis; and from the same point a distance a b equal to C G, half the conjugate axis. FIG. 44. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. Place the slip so as to bring the point b on the line A B of the transverse axis, and the ppint c on the line D E; and set off on the drawing the posi- tion of the point a. Shifting the slip so that the point b travels on the transverse axis, and the x point c on the conjugate axis, any number of points in the curve may be found, through which the curve may be traced. 3d Method (Fig. 46). The action of the preceding method may be embodied so as to afford the means of describing a large curve contin- uously by means of a bar m k, with steel points m, I, k, riveted into brass slides adjusted to the length of the semi-axis and fixed with set-screws. A rectangular cross E G, with guiding- slots is placed, coinciding with the two axes of the ellipse A C and B H. B7 sliding the points k, I in the slots, and carrying round the point m, the curve may be continuously described. A pen or pencil may be fixed at m. 4th Method (Fig. 47). Bisect the transverse axis at C, and through C * draw the perpendicular D E, making C D and C E each equal to half the conjugate axis. From D or E, with the radius AC, cut the transverse axis at F, F f , for the foci. Divide A C into a number of parts at the points 1, 2, 3, etc. With the radius Al on. F and F' as centres, describe arcs, and with the radius B 1 on the same centres cut these arcs as shown. Repeat the operation for the other divisions of the transverse axis. The series of intersections thus made are points in the curve, through which the curve may be traced. 5th Method (Fig. 48). On the two axes A B, D E as diameters, on centre C, describe circles; from a number of points a, b, etc., in the circumference A F B, draw radii cut- ting the inner circle at a', 6', etc. From a, b, etc., draw perpendiculars to AB; and from a', b' t etc., draw parallels to A B, cutting the respec- tive perpendiculars at n, o, etc. The intersections are points in the curve, through which the curve may be traced. 6to Method (Fig. 49). When the transverse and conjugate diameters are given, A B, CD, draw the tangent EF parallel to A B. Produce CD, and on the centre G with the radius of half A B, describe a semicircle H D K; from the centre G draw any number of straight lines to the points E, r, etc., in the line E F t cutting the circumference at /, m, n, etc.; from the centre O of the ellipse draw straight lines to the points E, r, etc.; and from the points I, m, n, etc., draw parallels to G C, cutting the tines O E, O r t etc., at L t M t 3v, etc. Fio. 49. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 47 These are points in the circumference of the ellipse, and the curve may be traced through them. Points in the other half of the ellipse are formed by extending the intersecting lines as indicated in the figure. 45. To describe an ellipse approximately by means of cir- cular arcs. First. With arcs of two radii (Fig. 50). Find the difference of the semi-axes, and set it off from the centre O to a and c on O A and O C; draw ac, and set off half a c to d; draw d i parallel to a c; set off O e equal to O d; join e i, and draw the parallels e m, d m. From m, with radius m C, describe an arc through C; and from i describe an arc through D ; from d and e describe arcs through A and B. The four arcs form the ellipse approximately. NOTE. This method does not apply satisfactorily when the con- jugate axis is less than two thirds of the transverse axis. 2d Method (by Carl G. Barth, Fig. 51). In Fig. 51 a b is the major and c d the minor axis of the ellipse to be approximated. Lay off b e equal to the semi-minor axis c O, and use a e as radius for the arc at each extrem- ity of the minor axis. Bisect e o at / and lay off eg equal toef, and use gb as radius for the arc at each extrem- ity of the major axis. method is not considered applicable for cases in which the minor less than two thirds of the major. 3d Method: With arcs of three radii (Fig. 52). On the transverse axis A B draw the rectangle B G on the height O C; to the diagonal A C draw the perpendicular G H D; set off O K equal to O C, and describe & semicircle on A K, and produce O C to L; set off O M equal to C L, and from D describe an arc with radius D M] from A, with radius O L, cut A B at N; from H, with radius HN, cut arc a b at a. Thus the five centres D, a, b, H, H f are found, from which the arcs are described to form the ellipse. This process works well for nearly all proportions of ellipses. It is used in striking out vaults and stone bridges. 4th Method (by F. R. Honey, Figs. 53 and 54). Three radii are employed. With the shortest radius describe the two arcs which pass through the vertices of the major axis, with the longest the two arcs which pass through the vertices of the minor axis, and with the third radius the four arcs which connect the former. The axis is b Jid FIG. 53. 48 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. A simple method of determining the radii of curvature is illustrated in Fig. 53. Draw the straight lines a f and a c, forming any angle at a. With a as a centre, and with radii a b and a c, respectively, equal to the semi- minor and semi-major axes, draw the arcs b e and c d. Join e d, and through b and c respectively draw b g and c f parallel to e d, intersecting a c at g, and a / at /; a f is the radius of curvature at the vertex of the minor axis; and a g the radius of curvature at the vertex of the major axis. Lay off d h (Fig. 53) equal to one eighth of 6 d. Join e h, and draw c k and b I parallel to e h. Take a k for the longest radius ( = R), a I for the shortest radius (= r), and the arithmetical mean, or one half the sum of the semi-axes, for the third radius (= p), and employ these radii for the eight-centred oval as follows: Let a Sander/ (Fig. 54) be the major and minor axes. Lay off a e equal to r, and a f equal to p; also lay off c g equal to R, and c h equal to p'. With g as a centre and gfi as a radius, draw the arc h k; with the centre e and radius e f draw the arc / k, a intersecting h k at k. Draw the line g k and produce it, making g I equal to R. Draw k e and produce it, making k m equal to p. With the centre g and radius g c (= R) draw the arc c I; with the centre k and radius kl (= p) draw the arc I m, and with the centre e and radius e m (= r) draw the arc m a. The remainder of the work is symmetrical with respect ,o the axes. 46. The Parabola. A parabola (D A C, Fig. 55) is a curve such that every point in the curve is equally distant from the directrix K L and the focus F. The focus lies in the axis A B drawn from the vertex or head of the K P \ curve A, so as to divide the figure into two equal parts. The vertex A is equidistant from the directrix and the focus, or A e = A F. Any line parallel to the axis is a diameter. A straight line, as E G or DC, drawn across the figure at right angles to the axis is a double ordinate, and either half of it is an ordinp.te. The ordinate to the axis E F G, drawn through the focus, is called the para- meter of the axis. A segment of the axis, reckoned from the vertex, is an abscissa of the axis, and it is an abscissa of the ordinate drawn from the base of the abscissa. Thus, A B is an abscissa of the ordinate B C. E / A L /^ \^\ F \ n/ O \ o \ \ T o D B b ^-a C FIG. 55. Abscissae of a parabola are as the squares of their ordinates. To describe a parabola when an abscissa and its ordinate are given (Fig. 55). Bisect the given ordinate B C at a, draw A a, and then a b perpendicular to it, meeting the axis at 6. Set off A e, A F, each equal to B b; and draw K e L perpendicular to the axis. Then K L is the directrix and F is the focus. Through F and any number of points, o, o, etc., in the axis, draw double ordinates, n o n, etc., and from the centre F, with the radii F e t o e, etc., cut the respective ordinates at E, G, n, n, etc.. The curve may be traced through these points as shown. 2d Method: By means of a square and a cord (Fig. 56). Place a GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 49 FIG. 56. / { y 7 * 9 ^ 'j_ 'i ) d cbaBabad FIG. 57. straight-edge to the directrix E N, and apply to it a square LEG. Fasten to the end G one end of a thread or cord equal in length to the edge E (7, and attach the other end to the focus F; slide the square along the straight-edge, holding the cord taut against the edge of the square by a pencil D, by which the curve is described. 3d Method: When the height and the base are given (Fig. 57). Let A B be the given axis, and C D a double ordinate or base; to describe a parabola of which the vertex is at A. Through A draw E F parallel to C D, and through C and D draw C E and D F parallel to the axis. Divide B C arid B D into any number of equal parts, say five, at a, 6, etc., and divide C E and D F into the same number of parts. Through the points a, b, c, d in the base CD on each side of the axis draw perpen- diculars, and through a, b, c, d in C E and D F draw lines to the vertex A , cutting the perpendiculars at e, /, g, h. These are points in the parabola, and the curve CAD may be traced as shown, passing through them. 47. The Hyperbola (Fig. 58). A hyperbola is a. plane curve, such that the difference of the distances from any point of it to two fixed points is equal to a given distance. The fixed points are called the foci. To construct a hyperbola. Let F/ and F be the foci, and F e F the distance Between them. Take a ruler longer than the distance F 1 F, and fasten one of its extremities vj the focus F' . At the other extrem ity, H, attach a thread of such a length that the length of the ruler shall exceed the length of the thread by a given distance A B. Attach the other extremity of the thread at the focus F. Press a pencil, P, against the ruler, and keep the thread constantly tense, while the ruler is turned around F' as a centre. The point of the pencil will describe one branch of the curve. 2d Method: By points (Fig. 59). From the focus F' lay off a distance F' N equal to the transverse axis, or distance between the two branches of the curve, and take any other dis- tance, as F' II, greater than F' N. With F' as a centre and F' H as a radius describe the arc of a circle. hen with F as a centre and N H as a radius describe an arc intersecting he arc before described at p and q. These will be points of the hyper- oia, for F' q F q is equal to the transverse axis A B. If, with F as a centre and F' H as a radius, an arc be described, and a second arc be described with F' as a centre and N H as a radius, two points in the other branch of the curve will be determined. Hence, by changing the centres, each pair of radii will determine two points in each branch. The Equilateral Hyperbola. The transverse axis of a hyperbola is FIG. 58. \P/ FIG. 59. 50 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. the distance, on a line joining the foci, between the two branches of the curve. The conjugate axis is a line perpendicular to the transverse axis, drawn from its centre, and of such a length that the diagonal of the rect- angle of the transverse and conjugate axes is equal to the distance between the foci. The diagonals of this rectangle, indefinitely prolonged, are the asymptotes of the hyperbola, lines which the curve continually approaches, but touches only at an infinite distance. If these asymptotes are perpen- dicular to each other, the hyperbola is called a rectangular or equilateral hyperbola. It is a property of this hyperbola that if the asymptotes are taken as axes of a rectangular system of coordinates (see Analytical Geom- etry), the product of the abscissa and ordinate of any point in the curve is equal to the product of the abscissa and ordinate of any other point ; or, if p is the ordinate of any point and v its abscissa, and p\, and vi are the ordinate and abscissa of any other point, pv = p\v\\ or pv = a constant. 48. The Cycloid (Fig. 60). If a circle A a be 6 f rolled along a straight line A 6, any point of the circumference as A will describe a curve, which is called a cycloid. The circle is called the gene- rating circle, and A the generating point. To draw a cycloid. Divide the circumference of the generating circle into an even number of equal parts, as A 1, 12, etc., and set off these dis- tances on the base. Through the points 1, 2, 3, etc., on the circle draw horizontal lines, and on them set off distances la = A 1 , 2b = A 2, 3c = A3, etc. The points A , a, ft, c, etc., will be points in the cycloid, through which draw the curve. 49. The Epicycloid (Fig. 61) is generated by a point D in one circle D C rolling upon the circumference of another circle A C B, instead of on a flat surface or line; the former being the generating circle, and the latter the fundamental circle. The generat- ing circle is shown in four positions, in which the generating point is successively marked D, D', D", D'". A D'" B is the epicycloid. FIG. 61. 50. The Hypocycloid (Fig. 62) is generated by a point in the gener- ating circle rolling on the inside of the fundamental circle. When the generating circle = Tadius of the other circle, the hypo- cycloid becomes a straight line. 51. The Tractrix or Schiele's anti-friction curve (Fig. 63). R is the radius of the shaft, C, 1, 2, etc., ihe axis. From O set off on R a rmall distance, oa; with radius A and centre a cut the axis at 1, join a 1, and set off a like small distance a b; from b with radius R cut axis at 2, join b 2, and so on, thus finding points o, a, b, c, d, etc., through which the curve is to be drawn. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 51 52. The Spiral. The spiral is a curve described by a point which moves along a straight line according to any given law, the line at the same time having a uniform angular motion. The line is called the radius vector. If the radius vector increases directly as the measuring angle, the spires, or parts described in each revolution, thus gradually increasing their dis- tance from each other, the curve is known as the spiral of Archimedes FIG. 64. his curve is commonly used for cams. To describe it draw the radius vector in several different directions around the centre, with equal angles between them; set off the distances 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., corresponding to the scale upon which the curve is drawn, as shown in Fig. 64. In the common spiral (Fig. 64) the pitch is uniform; that is, the spires are equidistant. Such a spiral is made by rolling up a belt of uniform thickness. To construct a spiral with four centres (Fig. 65). Given the pitch of the spiral, construct a square about the centre, with the sum of the four sides equal to the pitch. Prolong the sides in one direction as shown; the corners are the centres for each arc of the external^ angles, forming a quadrant of a spire. FIG. 65. 53. To find the diameter of a circle into which a certain number of rings will fit on its inside (Fig. 66). For instance, what is the diameter of a circle into which twelve i/2-inch rings will fit, as per sketch? Assume that we have found the diameter of the required circle, and have drawn the rings inside of it. Join the centres of the rings by straight lines, as shown: we then obtain a regular polygon with 12 sides, each side being equal to the diameter of a fiven ring. We have now to find he diameter of a circle circum- scribed about this polygon, and add the diameter of one ring to it; the sum will be the diameter of the circle into which the rings will fit. Through the centres A and D of two adjacent rings draw the radii C A R\( \^ } __ _,' / }/ and CD; since the polygon has twelve X-NC^^JT S sides the angle A C D = 30 and N^^===^K^ AC B = 15. One half of the side ^^^S^^^ A D is equal to A B. We now give 7 the following proportion: The sine FIG. 66. of the angle A C B is to A B as 1 is to the required radius. From this we . _ t the following rule: Divide A B by the sine of the angle A C B\ the quotient will be the radius of the circumscribed circle; add to the corre- sponding diameter the diameter of one ring; the sum will be the required diameter F G. 54. To describe an arc of a circle which is too large to be drawn by a beam compass, by means of points in the arc, radius being given. Suppose the radius is 20 feet and it is desired to obtain five points in an arc whose half chord is 4 feet. Draw a line equal to the half chord, full uAvuiais ui> yuiiua i, 2, o, uuu * icci iiuui me mat pcipciiuicuiai. ciuu Talues of y in the formula of the circle, x* * j/ a R\ by substituting for 52 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. x the values 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, etc., and for R 2 the square of the radius, or 400. The values will be y = ^R 2 ~ x 2 = V400, ^399, V396, V391, V384; = 20, 19.975, 19.90, 19.774, 19.596. Subtract the smallest, or 19.596, leaving 0.404, 0.379, 0.304, 0.178, feet. Lay off these distances on the five perpendiculars, as ordinates from the half chord, and the positions of five points on the arc will be found. Through these the curve may be drawn. (See also Problem 14.) 55. The Catenary is the curve assumed by a perfectly flexible cord when its ends are fastened at two points, the weight of a unit length being constant. The equation of the catenary is / x _?\ y =^(e a -}-e a ), in which e is the base of the Napierian system of log- arithms. To plot the catenary. Let o (Fig. 67) be the origin of coordinates. Assigning to a any value as 3, the equation becomes ( To find the lowest point of the curve. Puts = 0; /. y = - Then put x = \\ .'. fgl Put z = 2; .'. 1/=|( H^ (1.396 +0.717) =3.17. ) = ? (1.948 +0.513) =3.69. Put x = 3, 4, 5, etc., etc., and find the corresponding values of y. For each value of y we obtain two symmetrical points, as for example p and, p r . In this way, by making a successively equal to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, the curves of Fig. 67 were plotted. In each case the distance from the origin to the lowest point of the curve is equal to a; for putting x = o, the general equation reduces to For values of a 6, 7, and 8 the catenary closely approaches the parabola. For deriva- tion of the equation of the catenary see Bow- ser's Analytic Mechanics. 56. The Involute is a name given to the curve which is formed by the end of a string which is unwound from a cylinder and kept taut; consequently the string as it is unwound will always lie in the direction of a tangent to the cylinder. To describe the involute of any given circle, Fig. 68, take any point A on its circumference, draw a diameter A B, and from B draw B b perpendicular to A B. Make B b equal in length to half the circumference of the circle. Divide B b nnd the semi-circum- ference into the same number of equal parts, say six. From each point of division 1, 2, 3, etc., on the circumference draw lines to the centre C of the circle. Then draw lai perpendicular to (71; 2 a^ perpendicular to (72; and 80 on. Make \a\ equal to b 6 t ; 2 dz equal to b 6 2 ; 3 a equal to b b&; and so on. Join the points A, a lt ctz, 03, etc., by a curve; this curve will be t&e required involute. FIG. 68. GEOMETRICAL PROPOSITIONS. 53 57. Method of plotting angles without using a protractor. The radius of a circle whose circumference is 360 is 57.3 (more accurately 57.296). Striking a semicircle with a radius 57.3 by any scale, spacers set to 10 by the same scale will divide the arc into 18 spaces of 10 each and intermediates can bo measured indirectly at the rate of 1 by scale for each 1, or interpolated by eye according to the degree of accuracy required The following table shows the chords to the above-mentioned radius, for every 10 degrees from up to 110. By means of one of these a 10 point is fixed upon the paper next less than the required angle, and the remainder is laid oft at the rate of 1 by scale for each degree. Angle. Chord. Angle. Chord. Angle. Chord. 1 0.999 40 39.192 80 73658 10 9.988 50 48.429 90.., 81029 20 19.899 60 57.296 100 '. 87>82 30 29.658 70 65.727 110 93.869 GEOMETRICAL PROPOSITIONS. In a right-angled triangle the square on the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides. If a triangle is equilateral, it is equiangular, and vice versa. If a straight line from the vertex of an isosceles triangle bisects the base, It bisects the vertical angle and is perpendicular to the base. If one side of a triangle is produced, the exterior angle is equal to the sum of the two interior and opposite angles. If two triangles are mutually equiangular, they are similar and their corresponding sides are proportional. If the sides of a polygon are produced in the same order, the sum of the exterior angles equals four right angles. (Not true if the polygon has re-entering angles.) In a quadrilateral, the sum of the interior angles equals four right angles. In a parallelogram, the opposite sides are equal; the opposite angles are equal; it is bisected by its diagonal, and its diagonals bisect each other. If three points are not in the same straight line, a circle may be passed through them. If two arcs are intercepted on the same circle, they are proportional to the corresponding angles at the centre. If two arcs are similar, they are proportional to their radii. The areas of two circles are proportional to the squares of their radii. If a radius is perpendicular to a chord, it bisects the chord and it bisects the arc subtended by the chord. A straight line tangent to a circle meets it in only one point, and it 13 perpendicular to the radius drawn to that point. If from a point without a circle tangents are drawn to touch the circle, there are but two; they are equal, and they make equal angles with the chord joining the tangent points. If two lines are parallel chords or a tangent ,and parallel chord, they intercept equal arcs of a circle. If an angle at the circumference of a circle, between two chords, is sub- tended by the same arc as an angle at the centre, between two radii, tho angle at the circumference is equal to half the angle at the centre. If a triangle is inscribed in a semicircle, it is right-angled. If two chords intersect each other in a circle, the rectangle of the seg- ments of the one equals the rectangle of the segments of the other. And if one chord is a diameter and the other perpendicular to it, the rectangle of the segments of the diameter is equal to the square on half the other chord, and the half chord is a mean proportional between the segments of the diameter. If an angle is formed by a tangent and chord, it is measured by one half of the arc intercepted by the chord; that is, it is equal to half the angle at the centre subtended by the chord. 54 MENSURATION PLANE SURFACES. a Railway Curve. This last proposition is useful in staking out railway curves. A curve is designated as one of so many degrees, and the degree is the angle at the centre subtended by a chord of 100 ft. To lay out a curve of n degrees the transit is set at its beginning or " point of curve," pointed in the direction of the tangent, and turned through i/2?i degrees; a point 100 ft. distant in the line of sight will be a point in the curve. The transit is then swung 1/2 n degrees further and a 100 ft. chord is measured from the point already found t9 a point in the new line of sight, which is a second point or " station " in the curve. The radius of a 1 curve is 5729.65 ft., and the radius of a curve of any degree is 5729.65 ft. divided by the number of degrees. Some authors use the angle subtended by an arc (instead of chord) of 100 ft. in defining the degree of a curve. For a statement of the relative advantages of the two definitions, see Eng. News, Feb. 16, 1911. MENSURATION. PLANE SURFACES. Quadrilateral* A four-sided figure. Parallelogram. A quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel. Varieties. Square: four sides equal, all angles right angles. Rect- angle: opposite sides equal, all angles right angles. Rhombus: four sides equal, opposite angles equal, angles not right angles. Rhomboid: opposite sides equal, opposite angles equal, angles not right angles. Trapezium. A quadrilateral with unequal sides. Trapezoid. A quadrilateral with only one pair of opposite sides parallel. _ Diagonal of a square = ^2 X side 2 = 1.4142 X side. _ Diag. of a rectangle = v sum of squares of two adjacent sides. Area of any parallelogram = base X altitude. Area of rhombus or rhomboid = product of two adjacent sides X sine of angle included between them. Area of a trapezoid = product of half the sum of the two parallel sidea by the perpendicular distance between them. To find the area of any quadrilateral figure. Divide the quad- rilateral into two triangles; the sum of the areas of the triangles is the area. Or, multiply half the product of the two diagonals by the sine of the angle at their intersection. To find the area of a quadrilateral which may be inscribed in a circle. From half the sum of the four sides subtract each side severally; multiply the four remainders together; the square root of the product is the area. Triangle. A three-sided plane figure. Varieties. Right-angled, having one right angle; obtuse-angled, hav- ing one obtuse angle; isosceles, having two equal angles and two equal sides; equilateral, having three equal sides and equal angles. The sum of the three angles of every triangle = 180. The sum of the two acute angles of a right-angled triangle = 90. Hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle, the side opposite the right angle, = Vsum of the squares of the other two sides. If a and 6 are the two sides and c the hypothenuse, c 2 =a 2 + & 2 ; a = Vc 2 -& 2 =V( c +&)(/-&). If the two sides are equal, side = hyp -9- 1.4142; or hyp X.7071. To find the area of a triangle : RULE 1. Multiply the base by half the altitude. RULE 2. Multiply half the product of two sides by the sine of the included angle. RULE 3. From half the sum of the three sides subtract each side severally; multiply together the half sum and the three remainders, and extract the square root of the product. The area of an equilateral triangle is equal to one fourth _the square of one of its sides multiplied by the square root of 3, = a . , a being tht tide; or a 8 X 0,433013, MENSURATION. 55 Area of a triangle given, to find base: Base = twice area * perpendicular height. Area of a triangle given, to find height: Height = twice area -s- base. Two sides and base given, to find perpendicular height (in a triangle in which both of the angles at the base are acute). RULE. As the base is to the sum of the sides, so is the difference of the sides to the difference of the divisions of the base made bv drawing the perpendicular. Half this difference being added to or subtracted from half the base will give the two divisions there9f. As each side and its opposite division of the base constitutes a right-angled triangle., the perpendicular is ascertained by the rule: Perpendicular = Vhyp 2 base 2 * Areas of similar figures are to each other as the squares of their respective linear dimensions. If the area of an equilateral triangle of side = 1 is 0.433013 and its height 0.86603, what is the area of a similai triangle whose height = 1? 0.86603 2 : I 2 :: 0.433013 : 0.57735, Ans. Polygon. A plane figure having three or more sides. Regular or irregular, according as the sides or angles are equal or unequal. Polygons are named from the number of their sides and angles. To find the area of an irregular polygon. Draw diagonals dividing the polygon into triangles, and find the sum of the areas of these triangles. To find the area of a regular polygon: RULE. Multiply the length of a side by the perpendicular distance to the centre; multiply the product by the number of sides, and divide it by 2. Or, multiply half the perimeter by the perpendicular let fall from the centre on one of the sides. The perpendicular from the centre is equal to half of one of the sides of the polygon multiplied by the cotangent of the angle subtended by the half side. The angle at the centre = 360 divided by the number of sides. Table of Regular Polygons^ H Radius of Cir- II cumscribed 12 c3 o t d ft Circle. ^Q 1 " 1 ^ d 2 1 1 iH ~ K3 t 1.1 2 C-TJ si i;' 1 "d 6 S $ m 1- w *o 02 J i i II i" 1 S^^j "S 0)^9 ^ a o g OQ o II 11 "S'S 2 o ^ S & i 1 1 1 J' 3 1 r 3 Triangle 0.4330 0.5773 2.000 0.5773 0.2887 1.732 120 60 4 Square 1.0000 1.0000 .414 0.7071 0.5000 1.4142 90 90 5 Pentagon 1 . 7205 0.7265 .236 0.8506 0.6882 1 . 1 756 72 108 6 Hexagon 2.5981 0.8660 .155 1 . 0000 0.866 1 . 0000 60 120 7 Heptagon 3.6339 0.7572 .11 1 . 1 524 1 . 0383 0.8677 51 26' 1284-7 8 Octagon 4.8284 0.8284 .082 1 . 3066 .2071 0.7653 45 135 9 Nonagon 6.1818 0.7688 .064 1 4619 .3737 0.684 40 140 10 11 Decagon Undecagon 7.6942 9.3656 0.8123 0.7744 .051 .042 1.618 1 . 7747 .5388 .7028 0.618 0.5634 36 3243' 144 1473-11 12 Dodecagon 11.1962 0.8038 .035 1.9319 .866 0.5176 30 150 * Short diameter, even number of sides, = diam. of inscribed circle: short diam., odd number of sides, = rad. of inscribed circle + rad. ol circumscribed circle. 56 AREA OF IRREGULAR FIGURES. To find the area of a regular polygon, when the length of a side only is given: RULE. Multiply the square of the side by the figure for "area, side 1," opposite to the name of the polygon in the table. Length of a side of a regular polygon inscribed in a circle = diam. X sin (180 *- no. of sides). No. of sides sin (180 /n) No. sin (180 /n) 0.86603 .70711 .58778 .50000 .43388 .38268 9 0.34202 10 .30902 11 .28173 12 .25882 13 .23931 14 .22252 No. sin (180/n) 15 0.20791 16 .19509 17 .18375 18 .17365 19 .16458 20 .15643 To find the area of an irregular i^gure (Fig. 69). Draw ordinates f, cross its breadth at equal distances apart, the first and the last ordinate each being one half space from the ends of the figure. Find the average breadth by adding together the lengths of these lines included be- tween the boundaries of the figure, and divide by the number of the lines added; multiply this mean breadth by the length. The greater the num- ber of lines the nearer the approxi- mation. \l* 3 4 $ FIG. 69. In a figure of very irregular outline, as an indicator-diagram from a high-speed steam-engine, mean lines may be substituted for the actual lines of the figure, being so traced as to intersect the undulations, so that the total area of the spaces cut off may be compensated by that of the extra spaces inclosed. 2d Method: THE TRAPEZOIDAL RULE. Divide the figure into any sufficient number of equal parts; add half the sum of the two end ordinates to the sum of all the other ordinates; divide by the number of spaces (that is, one less than the number of ordinates) to obtain the mean ordinate, and multiply this by the length to obtain the area. 3d Method: SIMPSON'S RULE. Divide the length of the figure into any even number of equal parts, at the common distance D apart, and draw ordinates through the points of division to touch the boundary lines Add together the first and last ordinates and call the sum A ; add together the even ordinates and call the sum J5; add together the odd ordinates, except the first and last, and call the sum C. Then, area of the figure = A+4B+2C XD. 4/fe Method: DURAND'S RULE. Add together */io the sum of the first and last ordinates, 1 Vio the sum of the second and the next to the last (or the penultimates), and the sum of all the intermediate ordinates. Multiply the sum thus gained by the common distance between the ordi- nates to obtain the area, or divide this sum by the number of spaces to f btain the mean ordinate. Prof. Durand describes the method of obtaining his rule in Engineering News, Jan. 18, 1894. He claims that it is more accurate than Simpson's rule, and practically as simple as the trapezoidal rule. He thus describes its application for approximate integration of differential equations. Any definite integral may be represented graphically by an area. Thus, let Q = fu dx be an integral in which u is some function of x, either known or admitting of computation or measurement. Any curve plotted with x as abscissa and u as ordinate will then represent the variation of u with x, and tht MENSURATION. 57 area between such curve and the axis X will represent the integral in question, no matter how simple or complex may be the real nature of the function u. Substituting in the rule as above given the word " volume" for " area" and the W9rd "section" for " ordinate," it becomes applicable to the determination of volumes from equidistant sections as well as of areas from equidistant ordinates. Having approximately obtained an area by the trapezoidal rule, the area by Durand's rule may be found by adding algebraically to the sum of the ordinates used in the trapezoidal rule (that is, half the sum of the end ordinates -f sum of the other ordinates) 1/10 of (sum of penultimates sum of first and last) and multiplying by the common distance between the ordinates. 5ih Method. Draw the figure on cross-section paper. Count the number of squares that are entirely included within the boundary; then estimate the fractional parts of. squares that are cut by the boundary, add together these fractions, and add the sum to the number of whole squares. The result is the area in units of the dimensions of the squares. The finer the ruling of the cross-section paper the more accurate the result. 6th Method. Use a planimeter. 7th Method. With a chemical balance, sensitive to one milligram, draw the figure on paper of uniform thickness and cut it out carefully; weigh the piece cut out, and compare its weight with the weight per square inch of the paper as tested by weighing a piece of rectangular shape. THE CIRCLE. Circumference = diameter X 3. 1416, nearly; more accurately, 3.14159265359. 99 "^^^ Approximations, = 3.143; = 3.1415929. The ratio of circum. to diam. is represented by the symbol Area = 0.7854 X square of the diameter. (called Pi). Multiples of r. 1* = 3.14159265359 In = 6.28318530718 37r = 9.42477796077 4* = 12.56637061436 5x = 15.70796326795 6^ = 18.84955592154 In = 21.99114857513 8;: = 25.13274122872 9* = 28.27433388231 7T/4 Multiples of|- = 0.7853982 X 2 = 1.5707963 X 3 = 2.356194r X 4 = 3.1415927 X 5 = 3.9269908 X 6 = 4.7123890 X 7 = 5.4977871 X 8 = 6.2831853 X 9 = 7.0685835 Ratio of diam. to circumference = reciprocal of = 0.3183099. 1/7^=0.101321 VK= 1.772453 V7/7 =0.564189 vV/4 =0.886226 LogTr =0.497 14987 Log ir/4_= 1.895090 Log vV =0.248575 Log vV/4= 1.947545 iprocal of /4 = 1.27324. 10/7r= 3.18310 Multiples of I/TT. 12/x= 3.81972 I/TT = 0.31831 x/2 = 1.570796 2/7T = 0.63662 7T/3 = 1.047197 3/?r = 0.95493 7T/6 = 0.523599 4/7r= 1.27324 7T/12 = 0.261799 5/7T = 1.59155 ir/64 = 0.049087 6/7r= 1.90986 Tr/360 = 0.0087266 7/7r= 2.22817 360/7r= 114.5915 8/7T = 2.54648 ** = 9.86960 9/7T = 2.86479 1-^-4*-= 0.0795775 Diam. in ins. = 13.5405 Varea in sq. ft. Area in sq. ft. = (diam in inches) 2 X .0054542. D = diameter, R = radius, C = circumference, ; area. 58 THE CIRCLE. . = ; = .0795802 ;= - R = - 0.31831(7; 0.159155C; ; = 2 4/-; = 1. V * 12838 ~ ; = 0.564189 Areas of circles are to each other as the squares of their diameters. To find the length of an arc of a circle: RULE 1. As 360 is to the number of degrees in the arc, so is the circum- ference of the circle to the length of the arc. RULE 2. Multiply the diameter of the circle by the number of degrees in the arc, and this product by 0.0087266. Relations of Arc, Chord, Chord of Half the Arc, etc. Let R = radius, D = diameter, L = length of arc, C = chord of the arc, c = chord of half the arc, V = rise, or height of the arc, 9/> V 1 F Length of the arc = L - (very nearly), = + 2c ' nearly 4F 2 X 15CS+33FS Chord of the arc C, = 2 >/c 2 - F 2 ; = .. nearly. - (D - 2F) 2 ; = 8c - 3L = 2 \/(D - F) X F. Chord of half the arc, c = i/ 2 v / <7 2 + 4F 2 ; = VD x F; = (3L -f C) * 8. Diameter of the circle, D = ;= V4 C 2 4- F^ ; Rise of the arc, F = ^ ; = 1/2 (D - ' (or if F is greater than radius 1/2 (I> + ' - <7 2 ) ; Half the chord of the arc is a mean proportional between the rise and the diameter minus the rise: 1/2 C = V'F X ( - F). Length of the Chord subtending an angle at the centre = twice the sine of half the angle. (See Table of Sines.) Ordinates to Circular Arcs. C = chord, F = height of the arc, or middle ordinate, x = abscissa, or distance measured on the chord from its central point, y = ordinate, or distance from the arc to the chord at the point x, V = R - ^R 2 - 1/4C' 2 ; y = ^R 2 - x 2 - (R - F). Length of a Circular Arc. Huyghens's Approximation. Length of the arc, L = (8c C) * 3. Professor Williamson shows that when the arc subtends an angle of 30, the radius being 100,000 feet (nearly 19 miles), the error by this formula is about two inches, or 1/600000 part of the radius. When the length of the arc is equal to the radius, i.e., when it subtends an angle of 57. 3, the error is less than 1/7680 part of the radius. Therefore, if the radius is 100,000 feet, the error is less than 100000/7680 = 13 feet. The error increases rapidly with the increase of the angle subtended. For an arc of 120 the error is 1 part in 400; for an arc of 180 the error is 1.18%, MENSURATION. 59 In the measurement of an arc which is described with a short radius the error is so small that it may be neglected. Describing an arc with a radius of 12 inches subtending an angle of 30, the error is 1/50000 of an inch. To measure an arc when it subtends a large angle, bisect it and measure each half as before in this case making B = length of the chord of half the arc, and b = length of the chord of one fourth the arc; then L = (166 - 25) -*- 3. Formulas for a Circular Curve. J. C. Locke, Eng. News, March 16, 1908. c u ;- = ^2R (R- V(R +&)(#_ 6) = 2\S m (2R m), = 2R sin 1/27, = 2 1 7 cos 1/2 7. e = R exsec 1/27, = R tan l/ 2 7 tan 1/47, = T tan 1/4 7. 7i ) sin7 l = a cot 1/2 7. 2a 2m ' - c) (2R - c)), = 2R sin 1/47. Y = R vers i/ 2 7, JK sin 1/2 / tan 1/4 /, = 1/2 c tan 1/4 /. -i f +6) (fi - (sin 1/2 7) 2 , = R vers 7, R sin 7 tan 1/27, = & tan 1/27, = T sin 7. = #tani/ 2 7. r L ^ I = L x 57.295780. I c = IR X 0.01745329, Area of Segment = -- 2 sin 7 X 57.295780. 1Z& 2 * Relation of the Circle to its Equal, Inscribed, and Circum- scribed Squares. Diameter of circle X Circumference of circle X Circumference of circle X Diameter of circle X Circumference of circle X Area of circle X 0.90031 -f- Area of circle X Area of circle X Side of square X X " X X Perimeter of square X Square inches X 0.88623 ) 0.28209 J 1.1284 0.7071 ) 0.22508} = liameter) diameter 1.2732 0.63662 1.4142 4.4428 1.1284 3.5449 0.88623 1.2.732 side of equal square, perimeter of equal square. side of inscribed square. = area of circumscribed square. = area of inscribed square. = diam. of circumscribed circle. = circum. = diam. of equal circle. = circum. ^ ^ = circular inches. GO MENSURATION. Sectors and Segments. To find the area of a sector of a circle. RULE 1. Multiply the arc of the sector by half its radius. RULE 2. As 360 is to the number of degrees in the arc, so is the area of the circle to the area of the sector. RULE 3. Multiply the number of degrees in the arc by the square of the radius and by 0.008727. To find the area of a segment of a circle: Find the area of the sector which has the same arc, and also the area of the triangle formed by the chord of the segment and the radii of the sector. Then take the sum of these areas, if the segment is greater than a semi- circle, but take their difference if it is less. (See Table of Segments.) Another Method: Ar^a of segment = V2.R 2 (arc sin A), in which A is the central angle, R the radius, and arc the length of arc to radius 1 . To find the area of a segment of a circle when its chord and height only are given. First find radius, as follows: radius - 1 [sq^e f ^ ChOrd + height ] . 2. Find the angle subtended by the arc, as follows: half chord * radius = sine of half the angle. Take the corresponding angle from a table of sines, and double it to get the angle of the arc. 3. Find area of the sector of which the segment is a part: area of sector = area of circle X degrees of arc -* 360. 4. Subtract area of triangle under the segment: Area of triangle = half chord X (radius height of segment). . The remainder is the area of the segment. When the chord, arc, and diameter are given, to find the area. From the length of the arc subtract the length of the chord. Multiply the remainder by the radius or one-half diameter; to the product add the chord multiplied by the height, and divide the sum by 2. Given diameter, d,'and height of segment, h. When h is from to 1/4 c?, area = feVl.766(/fe - fe 2 ; 1/2 d, area = h\ / Q.Ol7d 2 + \.ldh - h 2 (approx.). Greatest error 0.23%, when h = i/4rf. To find the chord: From the diameter subtract the height; multiply the remainder by four times the height and extract the square root. When the chords of the arc and of half the arc and the rise are given: To the chord of the arc add four thirds of the chord of half the arc; mul- tiply the sum by the rise and the product by 0.40426 (approximate). Circular Ring. To find the area of a ring included between the cir- cumferences of two concentric circles: Take the difference between the. areas of the two circles; or, subtract the square of the less radius from the square of the greater, and multiply their difference by 3.14159. The area of the greater circle is equal to nR*; and the area of the smaller, ~r 2 . Their difference, or the area of the ring, is n(R* - r 2 ). The Ellipse. Area of an ellipse = product of its semi-axes X3.14159 = product of its axes X 0.785398. The Ellipse. Circumference (approximate) = 3.1416 y - - , D and d being the two axes. Trautwine gives the following as more accurate: When the longer axis D is not more than five times the length of the shorter axis, d t Circumference - 3.1416 MENSURATION. 61 "When D is more than 5d, the divisor 8.8 is to be replaced by the fallowings ForD/d = 6 789 10 12 14 16 18 20 30 40 50 Divisor = 9 9.2 9.3 9.35 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.68 9.75 9.8 9.92 9.98 10 in which A = - Ingenieurs Taschenbuch, 1896. (a and 6, semi-axes.) Carl G. Earth (Machinery, Sept., 1900) gives as a very close approxi- mation to this formula Area of a segment, of an ellipse the base of which is parallel to one of the axes of the ellipse. Divide the height of the segment by the axis of which it is part, and find the area of a circular segment, in a table 9f circu- lar segments, of which the height is equal to the quotient; multiply the area thus found by the product of the two axes of the ellipse. Cycloid. A curve generated by the rolling of a circle on a plane. Length of a cycloidal curve = 4 X diameter of the generating circle. Length of the base = circumference of the generating circle. Area of a cycloid = 3 X area of generating circle. Helix (Screw). A line generated by the progressive rotation cf a point around an axis and equidistant from its center. Length of a helix. To the square of the circumference described by the generating point add the square of the distance advanced in one revolution, and take the square root of their sum multiplied by the number of revolu- tions of the generating point. Or, length, n being number of revolutions. Spirals. Lines generated by the progressive rotation of a point around a fixed axis, with a constantly increasing distance from the axis. A plane spiral is made when the point rotates in one plane. A conical spiral is made when the point rotates around an axis at a progressing distance from its center, and advancing in the direction of the axis, as around a cone. Length of a plane spiral line. When the distance between the coils is uniform. RULE. Add together the greater and less diameters; divide their sum by 2; multiply the quotient by 3.1416, and again by the number of revo- lutions. Or, take the mean of the length of the greater and less circum- ferences and multiply it by the number of revolutions. Or, length = im(R +r), R and r being the outer and inner radii. To find n, let t = thickness of coil or band, s = space between the coils, n = . . i ~r s Length of a conical spiral line. Add together the greater and less diameters; divide their sum by 2 and multiply the quotient by 3.1416. To the square of the product of this circumference and the number of revolutions of the spiral add the square of the height of its axis and take the square root of the sum. Or, length SOLID BODIES. Surfaces and Volumes of Similar Solids. The surfaces of two similar solids are to each other as the squares of their linear dimensions; the volumes are as the cubes of their linear dimensions. If L = the side 62 MENSURATION. of a cube or other solid, and / the side of a similar body of different size, S, s, the surfaces and V, v, the volumes respectively, S : s :: L 2 : /*; V : v :: L 3 : J. The Prism. To find the surface of a right prism: Multiply the perim- eter of the base by the altitude for the convex surface. To this add the areas of the two ends when the entire surface is required. Volume of a prism = area of its base X its altitude. The pyramid. Convex surface of a regular pyramid = perimeter of its base X half the slant height. To this add area of the base if the whole surface is required. Volume of a pyramid = area of base X one third of the altitude. To find the surface of a frustum of a regular pyramid: Multiply half the slant height by the sum of the perimeters of the' two bases for the convex surface. To this add the areas of the two bases when the entire surface is required . To find the volume of a frustum of a pyramid: Add together the areas of the two bases and a mean proportional between them," and multiply the sum by one third of the altitude. (Mean proportional between two numbers = square root of their product.) Wedge. A wedge is a solid bounded by five planes, viz.: a rectangular base, two trapezoids, or two rectangles, meeting in an edge, and two triangular ends. The altitude is the perpendicular drawn from any point in the edge to the plane of the base. To find the volume of a wedge: Add the length of the edge to twice the length of the base, and multiply the sum by one sixth of the product of the height of the wedge and the breadth of the base. Rectangular prismoid. A rectangular prisrnoid is a solid bounded by six planes, of which the two bases are rectangles, having their corre- sponding sides parallel, and the four upright sides of the solid are trape- zoids. To find the volume of a rectangular prismoid: Add together the areas of the two bases and four times the area of a parallel section equally distant from the bases, and multiply the sum by one sixth of the altitude. Cylinder. Convex surface of a cylinder = perimeter of base X altitude. To this add the areas of the two ends when the entire surface is required. Volume of a cylinder area of base X altitude. Cone. Convex surface of a cone = circumference of base X half the slant height. To this add the area of the base when the entire surface is required. Volume of a cone = area of base X one third of the altitude. To find the surface of a frustum of a cone: Multiply half the side by the sum of the circumferences of the two bases for the convex surface; to this add the areas of the two bases when the entire surface is required. To find the volume of a frustu?n of a cone: Add together the areas of the two bases and a mean proDortional between them, and multiply the sum by one third of the altitude. Or, Vol. = 0.261Sa(6 2 4- c 2 + be); a = altitude; b and c, diams. of the two bases. Sphere. To find the surface of a sphere: Multiply the diameter by the circumference of a great circle; or, multiply the square of the diameter by 3.14159. Surface of sphere 4 x area of its great circle. *' *' ** =i convex surface of its circumscribing cylinder. Surfaces of spheres are to each other as the squares of their diameters. To find the volume of a sphere: Multiply the surface by one third of the radius; or, multiply the cube of the diameter by ;r/6; that is, by 0.5236, Value of 7T/6 to' 10 decimal places = 0.5235987756. The volume of a sphere = 2/3 the volume of its circumscribing cylinder. Volumes of spheres are to each other as the cubes of their diameters. MENSURATION. 63 Spherical triangle. To find the area of a spherical triangle: Compute the surface of the quadrantal triangle, or one eighth of the surface of the sphere. From the sum of the three angles subtract two right angles; divide the remainder by 90, and multiply the quotient by the area of the quadrantal triangle. Spherical polygon. To find the area of-a spherical polygon: Compute the surface of the quadrantal triangle. From the sum of all the angles subtract the product of two right angles by the number of sides less two; divide the remainder by 90 and multiply the quotient by the area of the quadrantal triangle. The prismoid. The prismoid is a solid having parallel end areas, and may be composed of any combination of prisms, cylinders, wedges, pyra- mids, or cones or frustums of the same, whose bases and apices lie in the end areas. Inasmuch as cylinders and cones are but special forms of prisms and pyramids, and warped, surface solids may be divided into elementary forms of them, and since frustums may also be subdivided into the elemen- tary forms, it is sufficient to say that all prismoids may be decomposed into prisms, wedges, and pyramids. If a formula can be found which is equally applicable to all of these forms, then it will apply to any combi- nation of them. {Such a formula is called The Prismoictal Formula. Let A = area of the base of a prism,, wedge, or pyramid: Ai, Az t A m = the two end and the middle areas of a prismoid, or of any ol its elementary solids; h = altitude of the prismoid or elementary solid? V = its volume; For a prism, Ai, A m and A* are equal, = A; V = ^ X SA = hA. Fora wedge with parallel ends, 4 2 = 0, A m =-- \ Xi;V=|(4i+2A:)=- For a cone or pyramid, Az = 0, A m = - AI; V = - (A\ + A\) = -^-- The prismoidal formula is a rigid formula for all prismoids. The only approximation involved in its use is in the assumption that the given solid may be generated by a right line moving over the boundaries of the end areas. The area of the middle section is never the mean of the two end areas if the prismoid contains any pyramids or cones among its elementary forms. When the three sections are similar in form the dimensions of the middle area are always the means of the corresponding end dimensions. This fact often enables the dimensions, and hence the area of the middle section, to be computed from the end areas. Polyedrons. A polyedron is a solid bounded by plane polygons. A regular polyedron is one whose sides are all equal regular polygons. To find the surface of a regular polyedron. Multiply the area of one of the faces by the number of faces; 9r, multiply the square of one of the edges by the surface of a similar solid whose edge is unity. A TABLE OP THE' REGULAR POLYEDRONS WHOSE EDGES ARE UNITY. Names. No*, of Faces. Surface. Volume. Tetraedron 4 1.7320508 0.1178513 Hexaedron 6 6.0000000 1.0000000 Octaedron 8 3.4641016 0.4714045 Dodecaedron 12 20.6457288 7.6631189 Icosaedroa 20 8.6602540 2.1816950 g4 MENSURATION. To find the volume of a regular polyedron. Multiply the surface by one third of the perpendicular let fall from the centre on one of the faces; or, multiply the cube of one of the edges by the solidity of a similar polyedron whose edge is unity. Solid of revolution. The volume of any solid of revolution is equal to the product of the area of its generating surface by the length of the path of the centre of gravity of that surface. The convex surface of any solid of revolution is equal to the product of the perimeter of its generating surface by the length of path of its centre of gravity. Cylindrical ring. Let d = outer diameter; d' = inner diameter; 1/2 (d - d') = thickness = t; 1/4* I 2 = sectional area; 1/2 (d +d') = mean diameter = M; m = circumference of section; IT M = mean circum- ference of ring; surface = n t X n M; = 1/4 ^ (d 2 - d /2 ); = 9.86965 t M ; = 2.46741 (d 2 - d /2 ); volume = 1/4 * t z M n\ = 2.467241 . 2 M. Spherical zone. Surface of a spherical zone, or segment of a sphere = its altitude X the circumference of a great circle of the sphere. A great circle is one v/hose plane passes through the centre of the sphere. Volume of a zone of a sphere. To the sum of the squares of the radii of the ends add one third of the square of the height; multiply the sum by the height and by 1.5708. Spherical segment. Volume of a spherical segment with one base. Multiply half the height of the segment by the area of the base, and the cube of the height by 0.5236 and add the two products. Or, from three times the diameter of the sphere subtract twice the height of the segment; multiply the difference by the square of the height and by 0.5236. Or, to three times the square of the radius of the base of the segment add the square of its height, and multiply the sum by the height and by 0.5236. Spheroid or ellipsoid. When the revolution of the generating sur- face of the spheroid is about the transverse diameter the spheroid is prolate, and when about the conjugate it is oblate. Convex surface of a segment of a spheroid. Square the diameters of the spheroid, and take the square root of half their sum; then, as the diameter from which the segment is cut is to this root so is the height of the segment to the proportionate height of the segment to the mean diameter. Multiply the product of the other diameter and 3. 1416 by the proportionate height. Convex surface of a frustum or zone of a spheroid. Proceed as by previous rule for the surface of a segment, and obtain the proportionate height of the frustum. Multiply the product of the diameter parallel to the base of the frustum and 3.1416 by the proportionate height of the frustum. Volume of a spheroid is equal to the product of the square of the revol v- ing axis by the fixed axis and by 0.5236. The volume of a spheroid is two thirds of that of the circumscribing cylinder. Volume of a segment of a spheroid. 1. When the base is parallel to the revolving axis, multiply the difference between three times the fixed axis and twice the height of the segment, by the square of the height and by 0.5236. Multiply the product by the square of the revolving axis, and divide by the square of the fixed axis. 2. When the base is perpendicular to the revolving axis, multiply the difference between three times the revolving axis and twice the height of the segment by the square of the height and by 0.5236. Multiply the product by the length of the fixed axis, and divide by the length of the revolving axis. Volume of the middle frustum of a spheroid. 1. When the ends are circular, or parallel to the revolving axis: To twice the square of the middle diameter add the square of the diameter of one end; multiply the sum by the length of the frustum and by 0.2618. 2. When the ends are elliptical, or perpendicular to the revolving axis: To twice the product of the transverse and conjugate diameters of the middle section add the product of the transverse and conjugate diameters of one end; multiply the sum by the length of the frustum and by 0.2618. Spindles. Figures generated by the revolution of a plane area, bounded by a ctirve other than a circle, when th j curve is revolved about a chord perpendicular to its axis, or about its double ordinate. They are designated by the name of the arc or curve from which they are generated, as Circular, Elliptic, Parabolic, etc., etc. MENSURATION. 65 Convex surface of a circular spindle, zone, or segment of it. Rule: Mul- tiply the length by the radius of the revolving arc; multiply this arc by the central distance, or distance between the centre of the spindle and centre of the revolving arc; subtract this product from the former, double the remainder, and multiply it by 3.1416. Volume of a circular spindle. Multiply the central distance by half the area of the revolving segment; subtract the product from one third of the cube of half the length, and multiply the remainder by 12.5664. Volume of fruslum or zone of a circular spindle. From the square of half the length of the whole spindle take one third of the square of half the length of the frustum, and multiply the remainder by the said half length of the frustum; multiply the central distance by the revolving area which generates the frustum; subtract this product from the former, and multi- ply the remainder by 6.2832. Volume of a segment of a circular spindle. Subtract the length of the segment from the half length of the spindle; double the remainder and ascertain the volume of a middle frustum of this length; subtract the result from the volume of the whole spindle and halve the remainder. this product by 8. Parabolic conoid. Volume of a parabolic conoid (generated by the revolution of a parabola on its axis). Multiply the area of the base by half the height. Or multiply the square of the diameter of the base by the height and by Volume of a fruslum of a parabolic conoid. Multiply half the sum of xne areas of the two ends by the height. Volume of a -parabolic spindle (generated by the revolution of a parabola on its base). Multiply the square of the middle diameter by the length and by 0.4189. The volume of a parabolic spindle is to that of a cylinder of the same height and diameter as 8 to 15. Volume of the middle frustum of a parabolic spindle. Add together 8 times the square of the maximum diameter, 3 times the square of the end diameter, and 4 times the product of the diameters. Multiply the sum by the length of the frustum and by 0.05236. This rule is applicable for calculating the content of casks of parabolic form. Casks. To find the volume of a cask of any form. Add together 39 times the square of the bung diameter, 25 times the square of the head diameter, and 26 times the product of the diameters. Multiply the sum by the length, and divide by 31,773 for the content in Imperial gallons, or by 26,470 for U. S. gallons. This rule was framed by Dr. Hutton, on the supposition that the middle third of the length of the cask was a frustum of a parabolic spindle, and each outer third was a frustum of a cone. To find the ullage of a cask, the quantity of liquor in it when it is not full. 1. For a lying cask: Divide the number of wet or dry inches by the bung diameter in inches. If the quotient is less than 0.5, deduct from it one fourth part of what it wants of 0.5. If it exceeds 0.5, add to it one fourth part of the excess above 0.5. Multiply the remainder or the sum by the whole content of the cask. The product is the quantity of liquor in the cask, in gallons, when the dividend is wet inches; or the empty space, if dry inches. 2. For a standing cask: Divide the number of wet or dry inches by the length of the cask. If the quotient exceeds 0.5, add to it one tenth of its excess above 0.5; if less than 0.5, subtract from it one tenth of what it wants of 0.5. Multiply the sum or the remainder by the whole content of the cask. The product is the quantity of liquor in the cask, when the dividend is wet inches; or the empty space, if dry inches. Volume of cask (approximate) U. S. gallons = square of mean diam. X length in inches X 0.0034. Mean diameter = half the sum of the bung and head diameters. Volume of an irregular solid. Suppose it divided into parts, resem- bling prisms or other bodies measurable by preceding rules. Find the con- lent of each part; the sum of the contents is the cubic contents of the solid. 66 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. The content of a small part is found nearly by multiplying half the sum of the areas of each end by the perpendicular distance between them. The contents of small irregular solids may sometimes be found by im- mersing them under water in a prismatic or cylindrical vessel, and observ- ing the amount by which the level of the water descends when the solid is withdrawn. The sectional area of the vessel being multiplied by the descent of the level gives the cubic contents. Or, weigh the solid in air and in water; the difference is the weight of water it displaces. Divide the weight in pounds by 62.4 to obtain volume in cubic feet, or multiply it by 27.7 to obtain the volume in cubic inches. When the solid is very large and a great degree of accuracy is not requisite, measure its length, breadth, and depth in several different places, and take the mean of the measurement for each dimension, and multiply the three means together. When the surface of the solid is very extensive it is better to divide it into triangles, to find the area of each triangle, and to multiply it by the mean depth of the triangle for the contents of each triangular portion; the contents of the triangular sections are to be added together. The mean depth of a triangular section is obtained by measuring the depth at each angle, adding together the three measurements, and taking one third of the sum. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Trigonometrical Functions. Every triangle has six parts three angles and three sides. When any three of these parts are given, provided one of them is a side, the other parts may be determined. By the solution of a triangle is meant the determination of the unknown parts of a triangle when certain parts are given. The complement of an angle or arc is what remains after subtracting the angle or arc from 90. In general, if we represent any arc by A, its complement is 90 - A. Hence the complement of an arc that exceeds 90 is negative. The supplement of an angle or arc is what remains after subtracting the angle or arc from 180. If A is an arc its supplement is 180 A. The supplement of an arc that exceeds 180 is negative. The sum of the three angles of a triangle is equal to ISO . Either angle is the supplement of the other two. In a right-angled triangle, the right angle being equal to 90, each of the acute angles is the complement of the other. In all right-angled triangles having the same acute angle, the sides have to each other the same ratio. These ratios have received special names, as follows: If A is one of the acute angles, a the opposite side, b the adjacent side, and c the hypothenuse. The sine of the angle A is the quotient of the opposite side divided by the hypothenuse. Sin A == - The tangent of the angle A is the quotient of the opposite side divided by the adjacent side. Tan A = j-- The secant of the angle A is the quotient of the hypothenuse divided by the adjacent side. Sec A = -r The cosine (cos), cotangent (cot), and cosecant (coscc) of an angle are respectively the sine, tangent, and secant of the complement of that angle. The terms sine, cosine, etc., are called trigonometrical functions. In a circle whose radius is unity, the sine of an arc, or of the angle at the centre measured by that arc, is the perpendicular let fall from one extremity of the arc upon the diameter passing through the other extremity. The tangent of an arc is the line which touches the circle at one extremity PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 67 of the arc, and is limited by the diameter (produced) passing through the other extremity. The secant of an arc is that part of the produced diameter which is inter" cepted between the centre and the tangent. The versed sine of an arc is that part of the diameter intercepted between the extremity of the arc and the foot of the sine. In a circle whose radius is not unity, the trigonometric functions of an arc will be equal to the lines here denned, divided by the radius of the circle. it 1C A (Fig. 71) is an angle in the first quadrant, and CF = radius, The sine of the angle = FG Rad Cos = Tan I A '' Had ' Cosec = Secant CL Rad ' CT Rad ' Versin = CG Rad Cot = GA '' Rad * = Rad* PL Rad* FIG. If radius is 1, then Rad in the denominator is omitted, and sine = F G, etc. The sine of an arc = half the chord of twice the arc. The sine of the supplement of the arc is the same as that of the arc itself. Sine of arc B D F = F G = sin arc F A. The tangent of the supplement is equal to the tangent of the arc, but with a contrary sign. Tan BDF = BM. The secant of the supplement is equal to the secant of the arc, but with a contrary sign. Sec BDF = CM. Signs of the functions in the four quadrants. If we divide a circle into four quadrants by a vertical and a horizontal diameter, the upper right-hand quadrant is called the first, the upper left the second, the lower left the third, and the lower right the fourth. The signs of the functions in the four quadrants are as follows: First quad. Second quad. Third quad. Fourth quad. Sine and cosecant, + + Cosine and secant, -4- + Tangent and cotangent, 4- + The values of the functions are as follows for the angles specified: Angle o 30 45 60 QO 120 135 150 180 9 70 S60 Sine 1 2 1 V2 v/3 2 1 T~ 1 1 2 -1 X/o I 1 1 1 \/^~ Cosine 1 ~2 V~2 2* U 2" 2~ -1 1 Tangent J_ 1 Vs 00 -V3~ -1 1 GO Cotangent .... 00 vf 1 I J_ -1 -\/3~ 3 oo \/3 x/3 Secant 1 2 X/2 2 oo -2 _x/2~ 2 -1 00 1 Cosecant oc 2 \/2 2 v/3 1 2 v? 2 oo -1 to Versed sine ... d 2-\/3 \/2 i 1 2 1 3 2 V/J-f-l 2+Va 2 1 2 V 2 V2 2 68 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. TRIGONOMETRICAL, FORMULAE. The following relations are deduced from the properties of similai triangles (Radius = 1): cos A : sin A : : 1 : tan A, whence tan A r ; cos A sin A : cos A : : 1 : cot A. " cotan A = . 7 ; sin A cos Ail nl i sec A, " sec A cos A' sin A 1 1 : : 1 : cosec A, " cosec A -: 7- ; sin A tan A 1 1 . 1 1 1 i cot A tan A = 1 cot A The sum of the square of the sine of an arc and the square of its cosine equals unity. Sin 2 A 4- cos 2 A = 1. Also, 1 4- tan 2 A = sec 2 A; I + cot 2 A = cosec 2 A. Functions of the sum and difference of two angles : Let the two angles be denoted by A and B, their sum A 4- B =* C, and their difference A - B by D. sin (A + B) = sin A cos B 4- cos A sin B; (1) cos (A + B) = cos A cos B sin A sin B; (2) sin (A . B) = sin A cos B cos A sin B; (3) cos (A B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B (4) From these four formulae by addition and subtraction we obtain sin (A + B) + sin (A - B) = 2 sin A cos B; . . . . (5 sin (A + B) sin (A B) = 2 cos A sin B; . . . . (6 cos (A + B) + cos (A B) = 2 cos A cos 5; . . . . (7 cos (A B) cos (A 4- B) = 2 sin A sin 5 (8 If we put A + B = C, and A B = Z>, then A = 1/2 (C 4- D) and 5 = v and we have sin (7 + sin D = 2 sin 1/2(C 4- D) cos i/2? - D); . (9) sin C - sin D = 2 cos 1/2 (C 4- D) sin 1/2 (C7 - Z>); . . (10) cos C + cos Z>= 20031/2(0 4- D) cos i/ 2 ((7 - D); . . (11) cos D - cos C = 2 sin 1/2 (C 4- Z>) sin V 2 (C - Z>). . . (12) Equation (9) may be enunciated thus: The sum of the sines of any two angles is equal to twice the sine of half the sum of the angles multiplied by the cosine 9f half their difference. These formulae enable us to transform a sum or difference into a product. The sum of the sines of two angles is to their difference as the tangent of half the sum of those angles is to the tangent of half their difference. sin A 4- sin B = 2 sin V 2 (A 4- B) cos V 2 (A -B) tan V 2 (A 4- B} sin A - sin B 2 cos i/ 2 (A + B) sin i/ 2 (A - B) **" tan i/ 2 (A - B)' The sum of the cosines of two angles is to their difference as the cotan- gent.of half the sum of those angles is to the tangent of half their difference. cos A 4- cos B = 2 cos l/ 2 (A 4- B} cos V 2 (A -B) = cot l/ 2 (A4-) [ ( . cos B - cos A 2 sin 1/2 (A 4- B) sin 1/2 (A - B) tan i/ 2 (A - B) ' The sine of the sum of two angles is to the sine of their difference as the sum of the tangents of those angles is to the difference of the tangents. sin (A 4- B) ^ tan A + tan B . sin (A - ) tan A - tan B ' (15) PLANE TRK MnU+A) ! jj. 3ONOMET tan (A-f tan (A cot (A + cot (A cos 2 A cot 2A cos 1/2 A cot 1/2 A BY. 69 . tan A -f tan 3 . cos A cos 5 sin (A 5) P tan A - tan B . cosAcosl?" ^ *' cos (A 4- B) itanJB- 1 + tan A tan ,6 * cos A cos 5 cos (A J5) t cot B + cot A ' cos A cos 5 Functions of twice an angle: sin' 2 A = 2 sin A cos A; tin 01 2 tan A cot B cot A = cos 2 A sin 2 A ; cot 2 A - 1 ~ 1 - tan 2 A * Functions of half an angle: 2 cot A . / 1 cos A J 1 + cos A. cm 1/2 A- -J. y 2 ; !a *- L V 2 \/l 4- cos A tin I/* 1 f i/ 1 ~ C S A - 1 4- cos A ' V i cos A For tables of Trigonometric Functions, see Mathematical Tables. Solution of Plane Right-angled Triangles. Let A and B be the two acute angles and C the right angle, and a, 6, and c the sides opposite these angles, respectively, then we have d " 1. sin A = cos B = ~ ; 3. tan A 2. cos A = sin 4. cot A = tan B 1. In any plane right-angled triangle the sine of either of the acute angles is equal to the quotient of the opposite leg divided by the hypothe- nuse. 2. The cosine of either of the acute angles is equal to the quotient of the adjacent leg divided by the hypothenuse. 3. The tangent of either of the acute angles is equal to the quotient of the opposite leg divided by .the adjacent leg. 4. The cotangent of either of the acute angles is equal to the quotient of the adjacent Teg divided by the opposite leg. 5. The square of the hypothenuse equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Solution of Oblique-angled Triangles. The following propositions are proved in works on plane trigonometry. In any plane triangle Theorem 1. The sines of the angles are proportional to the opposite sides. Theorem 2. The' sum of any two sides is to their difference as the tan- gent of half the sum of the opposite angles is to the tangent of half their difference. Theorem 3. If from any angle of a triangle a perpendicular be drawn to the opposite side or base, the whole base will be to the sum of the other two sides as the difference of those two sides is to the difference of the segments of the base. CASE I. Given two angles and a side, to find the third angle and the other two sides. 1. The third angle 180 sum of the two angles. 2. The sides may be found by tlie following proportion; 70 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. The sine of the angle opposite the given side is to the sine of the angle opposite the required side as the given side is to the required side. CASE II. Given two sides and an angle opposite one of them, to find the third side and the remaining angles. The side opposite the given angle is to the side opposite the required angle as the sine of the given angle is to the sine of the required angle. The third angle is found by subtracting the sum of the other two from 180, and the third side is found as in Case I. CASE III. Given two sides and the included angle, to find the third side and the remaining angles. The sum of the required angles is found by subtracting the given angle from 180. The difference of the required angles is then found by Theorem II. Half the difference added to half the sum gives the greater angle, and half the difference subtracted from half the sum gives the less angle. The third side is then found by Theorem I. Another method: Given the sides c, 6, and the included angle A, to find the remaining side a and the remaining angles B and C. From either of the unknown angles, as B, draw a perpendicular Be to the opposite side. Then Ae = c cos A, Be = c sin A, eC = b Ac Be * eC = tan C. Or, in other words, solve Be, Ae and BeC as right-angled triangles. CASE IV. Given the three sides, to find the angles. Let fall a perpendicular upon the longest side from the opposite angle, dividing the given triangle into two right-angled triangles. The two seg- ments of the base may be found by Theorem III. There will then be given the hypothenuse and one side of a right-angled triangle to find the angles. For areas of triangles, see Mensuration. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. Analytical geometry is that branch of Mathematics which has for its object the determination of the forms and magnitudes of geometrical magnitudes by means of analysis. Ordinates and abscissas. In analytical geometry two intersecting lines YY', XX' are used as coordinate axes, XX' being the axis of abscissas or axis of X, and YY' the axis of ordinates or axis of Y. A, the intersection, is called the origin of co- /:; 7 ordinates. The distance of any point P / u / from the axis of Y measured parallel to the / axis of X is called the abscissa of the point, as AD or CP, Fig. 72. Its distance from the f V' axis of X, measured parallel to the axis of Y, is called the ordinate, as AC or PD. The abscissa and ordinate taken together are called the coordinates of the point P. The angle of intersection is usually taken as Y a right angle, in which case the axes of X p IG 72 and Y are called rectangular coordinates. The abscissa of a point is designated by the letter x and the ordinate oy y. The equations of a point are the equations which express the distances of the point from the axis. Thus x = a, y = b are the equations of the point P. Equations referred to rectangular coordinates. The equation of a line expresses the relation which exists between the coordinates of every point of the line. Equation of a straight line, y = ax b, in which a is the tangent of the angle the line makes with the axis of -Y, and b the distance above A in which the line cuts the axis of Y. Every equation of the first degree between two variables is the equation ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. 71 of a straight line, as Ay 4- Bx f C 0, which can be reduced to the form y = o# 6. Equation of the distance between two points: D = vV' - z') 2 + (y" - I/O 2 , in which x'y', x"y" are the coordinates of the two points. Equation of a line passing through a given point: y - y' = a(x - x'), in which x'y' are the coordinates of the given point, a, the tangent of the angle the line makes with the axis of x, being undetermined, since any number of lines may be drawn through a given point. Equation of a line passing through two given points: Equation of a line parallel to a given line and through a given point: y y' = a(x x'}. Equation of an angle V included between two given lines: a' a in which a and a' are the tangents of the angles the lines make with the axis of abscissas. If the lines are at right angles to each other tang V = oo, and 1 + a'a = 0. Equations of an intersection of two lines, whose equations are y = ax f b, and y = a'x + &', b - b' ab' - a'b x - ~ ^r-rf* and y = T^5T Equation of a perpendicular from a given point to a given line: y - y' = - - (x* - x'). Equation of the length of the perpendicular Pi The circle. Equation of a circle, the origin of coordinates being at the centre, and radius -= A': x2 -f 2/2 = R*. II the origin is at the left extremity of the diameter, on the axis of X: y 2 = 2Rx - x 2 . If the origin is at any point, and the coordinates of the centre are x'y' (x - z') 2 + (y - 2/') 2 = # 2 . Equation of a tangent to a circle, the coordinates of the point of tan- gency being x"y" and the origin at the centre, yy" + xx" = R 2 . The ellipse. Equation of an ellipse, referred to rectangular coordi- nates with axis at the centre: AW + 2x2 = A*B\ in which 4 is half tUe transverse axis and qajf the conjugate **fs. 72 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. Equation of the ellipse wiien the origin is at the vertex of the transverse axis; B 2 y* = ~j(2Ax - *'). The eccentricity of an ellipse is the distance from the centre to either focus, divided by the semi-transverse axis, or The parameter of an ellipse is the double ordinate passing through the focus. It is a third proportional to the transverse axis and its conjugate, or 22 2 A : 2B :: 2B : parameter; or parameter = -^ Any ordinate of a circle circumscribing an ellipse is to the corresponding ordinate of the ellipse as the semi -trans verse axis to the semi-conjugate. Any ordinate of a circle inscribed in an ellipse is to the corresponding ordinate of the ellipse as the semi -conjugate axis to the semi-transverse. Equation of the tangent to an ellipse, origin of axes at the centre: A*yy" + B z xx" = A*B*. y"x" being the coordinates of the point of tangency. Equation of the normal, passing through the point of tangency, and perpendicular to the tangent: -v-s5?<*-*">- The normal bisects the angle of the two lines drawn from the point of tangency to the foci. The lines drawn from the foci make equal angles with the tangent. The parabola. Equation of the parabola referred to rectangular coordinates, the origin being at the vertex of its axis, y 2 = 2px, in which 2p is the parameter or double ordinate through the focus. The parameter is a third proportional to any abscissa and its correspond- ing ordinate, or x : y :: y : 2p. Equation of the tangent: yy" = p(x y"x" being coordinates of the point of tangency. Equation of the normal: y - y" - - ~(x - x"). The sub-normal, or projection of the normal on the axis, is constant, and equal to half the parameter. The tangent at any point makes equal angles with the axis and with the line drawn from the pDint of tangency to the focus. The hyperbola. Equation of the hyperbola referred to rectangular coordinates, origin at the centre: in which A is the semi-transverse axis and B the semi-conjugate axis. Equation when the origin is at the right vertex of the transverse axis: Conjugate and equilateral hyperbolas. If on the conjugate axis DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 73 as a transverse, and a focal distance equal to ^A 2 + B z , we construct the two branches of a hyperbola, the two hyperbolas thus constructed are called conjugate hyperbolas. If the transverse and conjugate axes are equal, the hyperbolas are called equilateral, in which case y*-x 2 = -A* when A is the transverse axis, and x 2 - ?/ 2 = B 2 when B is the trans- The parameter of the transverse axis is a third proportional to the trans- r erse axis and its conjugate. 2 A : 2B :: 2J5 : parameter. The tangent to a hyperbola bisects the angle of the two lines drawn from the point of tangency to the foci. The asymptotes of a hyperbola are the diagonals of the rectangle described on the axes, indefinitely produced in both directions. The asymptotes continually approach the hyperbola, and become tangent to it "at an infinite distance from the centre. Equilateral hyperbola. In an equilateral hyperbola the asymptotes make equal angles with the transverse axis, and are at right angles to each other. With the asymptotes as axes, and P = ordinate, V abscissa, py = a constant. This equation is that of the expansion of a perfect gas, in which P = absolute pressure, V = volume. Curveof Expansion of Gases. PV = a constant, or Pi Vi n =PzVz n , in which Fi and 2 are the volumes at the pressures Pi and Pz. When these are given, the exponent n may be found from the formula . 1 log Pi - log Pz log Vz log Vi Conic sections, Every equation of the second degree between two variables will represent either a circle, an ellipse, a parabola or a hyperbola. These curves are those which are obtained by intersecting the surface of a cone by planes, and for this reason they are called conic sections. Logarithmic curve, A logarithmic curve is one in which one of the coordinates of any point is the logarithm of the other. The coordinate axis to which the lines denoting the logarithms are parallel is called the axis of logarithms, and the other the axis of numbers. If y is the axis of logarithms and x the axis of numbers, the equation of the curve is y = log x. If the base of a system of logarithms is a, we have a y = x, in which y is the logarithm of x. Each system of logarithms will give a different logarithmic curve. If y ^ o, x = 1. Hence every logarithmic curve will intersect the axis of numbers at a distance from the origin equal to 1. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. The differential of a variable quantity is the difference between any two of its consecutive values; hence it is indefinitely small. It is expressed by writing d before the quantity, as dx, which is read differential of x. The term ^ is called the differential coefficient of y regarded as a func- tion of x. It is also called the first derived function or the derivative. The differential of a function is equal .to its differential coefficient mul- tiplied by the differential of the independent variable; thus, -^dx = dy. The limit of a variable quantity is that value to which it continually approaches, so as at last to differ from it by less than any assignable quantity^ The differential coefficient is the limit of the ratio of the increment of the independent variable to the increment of the function. The differential of a constant quantity is equal to 0. The differential of a product of a constant by a variable is equal to the constant multiplied by the differential of the variable. If u = Av, du = A dv* 74 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. In any curve whose equation is y = /(#), the differential coefficient 5T- = tan a; hence, the rate of increase of the function, or the ascension of the curve at any point, is equal to the tangent of the angle which the tangent line makes with the axis of abscissas. All the operations of the Differential Calculus comprise but two objects: 1. To find the rate of change in a function when it passes from one state of value to another, consecutive with it. 2. To find the actual change in the function: The rate of change is the differential coefficient, and the actual change the differential. Differentials of algebraic functions. The differential of the sum or difference of any number of functions, dependent on the same variable, is equal to the sum or difference of their differentials taken separately: If u = y 4- z w, du dy + dz dw. The differential of a product of two functions dependent on the same variable is equal to the sum of the products of each by the differential of the other: _ 74. fj d(uv) _ du_ dv uv u v The differential of the product of any number ol functions is equal to the sum of the products which arise by multiplying the differential of each function by the product of all the others: d(uts) tsdu + usdt + utds. The differential of a fraction equals the denominator into the diffeiential of the numerator minus the numerator into the differential of the denom- inator, divided by the square of the denominator: _ (tL\ v ^ u ~ u d v If the denominator is constant, dv = 0, and dt 5- = v v If the numerator is constant, du = 0, and dt = -$ The differential of the square root of a quantity is equal to the differen- tial of the quantity divided by twice the square root of the quantity: If v = it 1 / 2 ' or v - 2V u 2 The differential of any power of a function is equal to the exponent multi- plied by the function raised to a powerless one, multiplied by the differen- tial of the function, d(u n ) = nu n ~ l du. Formulas for differentiating algebraic functions. 1. d (a) = 0. 2. d (ax) = a dx. 3. d (x + y) = dx + dy. 4. d (x y) = dx dy. 5. d (xy) = x dy + y dx. To find the differential of the form u = (a + bx n ) m : Multiply the exponent of the parenthesis into the exponent of the vari- able within the parenthesis, into the coefficient of the variable, into the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 75 binomial raised to a power less 1 , into the variable within the parenthesis raised to a power less 1, into the differential of the variable. du = d(a + bx n ) m = mnb(a + bx n ) m ~ l x n ~ l dx. To find the rate of change for a given value of the variable: Find the differential coefficient, and substitute the value of the variable in the second member of the equation. EXAMPLE. If x is the side of a cube and u its volume, u = x 3 , -r- = 3x 2 . Hence the rate of change in the volume is three times the square of the edge. If the edge is denoted by 1, the rate of change is 3. Application. The coefficient of expansion by heat of the volume of a body is three times the linear coefficient of expansion. Thus if the side of a cube expands 0.001 inch, its volume expands 0.003 cubic inch. 1.001 3 = 1.003003001. A partial differential coefficient is the differential coefficient of a function of two or more variables under the supposition that only one of them has changed its value. A partial differential is the differential of a function of two or more variables under the supposition that only one of them has changed its value. The total differential of a function of any number of variables is equal to the sum of the partial differentials. If u = f (xy), the partial differentials are -r- dx, ~rdy. ' Integrals. An integral is a functional 'expression derived from a differential. Integration is the operation of finding the primitive func- tion from the differential function. It is indicated by the sign/i which is read "the integral of." Thus fix dx = z 2 ; read, the integral of 2xdx equals x 2 . To integrate an expression of the form mx m ~ 1 dx or x m dx, add 1 to the exponent of the variable, and divide by the new exponent and by the differential of the variable: JZx^dx = a: 3 . (Applicable in all cases except when m = 1. For Jx dx see formula 2, page 81.) The integral of the product of a constant by the differential of a vari- *)le is equal to the constant multiplied by the integral of the differential: If u -= x* + y3 - z, du = - dx + dy + dz; = 2xdx + 3y* dy - dz. fax dx = a f x m dx = a m + 1* The integral of the algebraic sum of any number of differentials is equal to the algebraic sum of their integrals: du = 2ax z dx bydy z 2 dz; ( du= - Since the differential of a constant is 0, a constant connected with a variable by the sign + or disappears in the differentiation; thus d(a -4- x m ) = dx m = mx m ~ l dx. Hence in integrating a differential expression we must annex to the integral obtained a constant represented by C to compensate for the term which may have been lost in differen- tiation. Thus if we have dy = adx^fdy = afdx. Integrating, y = ax C. 76 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. The constant C, which is added to the first integral, must have such a value as to render the functional equation true for every possible value that may be attributed to the variable. Hence, after having found the first integral equation and added the constant C, if we then make the variable equal to zero, the value which the function assumes will be the true value of C. An indefinite integral is the first integral obtained before the value of the constant C is determined. A particular integral is the integral after the value of C has been found. A definite integral is the integral corresponding to a given value of the '-ariable. Integration between limits. Having found the indefinite integral and the particular integral, the next step is to find the definite integral and then the definite integral between given limits of the variable. The integral of a function, taken between two limits, indicated by given values of x, is equal to the difference of the definite integrals correspond- ing to those limits. The expression X X" dy is read: Integral of the differential of y, taken between the limits x f and x"\ the least limit, or the limit corresponding to the subtractive integral, being placed below. Integrate du 9x z dx between the limits x = 1 and x = 3, u being equal to 81 when x = 0. /du = /Qx z dx = 3x 3 -f C; C = 81 when x = 0, then = 3 du = 3(3)3 + 8i > minus 3(1)3 + i = 73. Integration of particular forms. To integrate a differential of the form du = (a + bx n ) m x n l dx. 1. If there is a constant factor, place it without the sign of the integral, and omit the power of the variable without the parenthesis and the differ- ential ; 2. Augment the exponent of the parenthesis by 1, and then divide this quantity, with the exponent so increased, by the exponent of the parenthesis, into the exponent of the variable within the parenthesis, into the coefficient of the variable. Whence (wH-Dnd The differential of an arc is the hypothenuse of a right-angle triangle of which the base is dx and the perpendicular dy. If 2 is an arc, dz = ^dx z + dy z z =J ^dx 2 + dy*. Quadrature of a plane figure. The differential of the area of a plane surface is equal to the ordmate int^ the differential of the abscissa. ds = y dx. To apply the principle enunciated in the last equation, in finding the area of any particular plane surface: Find the value of y in terms of x, from the equation of the bounding line; substitute this value in the differential equation, and then integrate between the required limits of x. Area of the parabola. Find the area of any portion of the com- mon parabola whose equation is y z = 2px; whence y = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 77 Substituting this value of y in the differential equation ds = y dx gives If we estimate the area from the principal vertex, x = 0, y = 0, and o C = 0; and denoting the particular integral by s 7 , s' = ^ zi/. o That is, the area of any portion of the parabola, estimated from the vertex, is equal to 2/3 of the rectangle of the abscissa and ordinate of the extreme point. The curve is therefore quadrable. Quadrature of surfaces of revolution. The differential of a surface of revolution is equal to the circumference of a circle perpendicular to the axis into the differential of the arc of the meridian curve. ds = in which y is the radius of a circle of the bounding surface in a i pendicular to the axis of revolution, and r is the abscissa, or distance of the plane from the origin of coordinate axes. Therefore, to find the volume of any surface of revolution: Find the value of y and dy from the equation of the meridian curve in terms of x and dx, then substitute these values in the differential equation, and integrate between the proper limits of x. By application of this rule we may find: The curved surface of a cylinder equals the product of the circum- ference of the base into the altitude. The convex surface of a cone equals the product of the circumference of the base into half the slant height. The surface of a sphere is equal to the area of four great circles, or equal to the curved surface of the circumscribing cylinder. Cubature of volumes of revolution. A volume of revolution is a volume generated by the revolution of a plane figure about a fixed line called the axis. If we denote the volume by V, dV = xy 2 dx. The area of a circle described by any ordinate y is ny 2 ; hence the differ- ential of a volume of revolution is equal t9 the area of a circle perpendicular to the axis into the differential of the axis. The differential of a volume generated by the revolution of a plane figure about the axis of Y is nx 2 dy. To find the value of V for any given volume of revolution : Find the value of y 2 in terms of x from the equation of the meridian curve, substitute this value in the differential equation, and then integrate between the required limits of x. By application of this rule we may find: The volume of a cylinder is equal to the area of the base multiplied by the altitude. The volume of a cone is equal to the area of the base into one third the altitude. The volume of a prolate spheroid and of an oblate spheroid (formed by the revolution of an ellipse around its transverse and its conjugate axis respectively) are each equal to two thirds of the circumscribing cylinder. If the axes are equal, the spheroid becomes a sphere and its volume = - nR z X D = - 7rZ> 3 ; R being radius and D diameter. o o The volume of a paraboloid is equal to half the cylinder having the same base and altitude. The volume of a pyramid equals the area of the base multiplied by one third the altitude. Second, third, etc., differentials. The differential coefficient being a function of the independent variable, it may be differentiated, and we thus obtain the second differential coefficient; 78 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS ^\ =- Dividing by dx t we have for the second differential coefficient -r-^, which is read : second differential of u divided by the square of the differential of x (or dx squared). The third differential coefficient ^ is read: third differential of u divided by dx cubed. The differentials of the different orders are obtained by multiplying the differential coefficient by the corresponding powers of dx; thus ^ dx 3 = third differential of u. dx 3 Sign of the first differential coefficient. If we have a curve Artiose equation is y = fx, referred to rectangular coordinates, the curve will recede from the axis of X when -~ is positive, and approach the axis when it is negative, when the curve lies within the first angle of the coordinate axes. For all angles and every relation of y and x the curve will recede from the axis of X when the ordinate and first differential coefficient have the same sign, and approach it .when they have different signs. If the tangent of the curve becomes parallel to the axis of X at any point ~- = 0. If the tangent becomes perpendicular to the axis of X at any point ^| = oo. t Sign of the second differential coefficient. The second differential coefficient has the same sign as the ordinate when the curve is convex toward the axis of abscissa and a contrary sign when it is concave. Maclaurin's Theorem. For developing into a series any function of a single variable as u = A + Bx + Cx z + Dx 3 + Ex*, etc., in which A, B, C, etc., are independent of x: In applying the formula, omit the expressions x = 0, although the coefficients are always found under this hypothesis. EXAMPLES: (a + x) m = a m + ma m ~ l x + . - i - 4 + a + x a a 2 a 3 a 4 a n + 1 Taylor's Theorem. For developing into a series any function of the sum or difference of two independent variables, as u' = j(x y): in which u is what u' becomes when y 0, ~ is what becomes when y 0, etc. Maxima and minima. To find the maximum or minimum value of a function of a single variable: 1. Find the first differential coefficient of the function, place it equal to 0, and determine the roots of the equation. 2. Find the second differential coefficient, and substitute each real root, DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 79 In succession, for the variable in the second member of the equation. Each root which gives a negative result will correspond to a maximum value of the function, and each which gives a positive result will corre- spond to a minimum value. EXAMPLE. To find the value of x which will render the function y a maximum or minimum in the equation of the circle, y 2 + x 2 = R 2 ; f| - - y; making - jj ~ gives x - 0. The second differential coefficient is: ~ = - x + 3 y * When x 0, y R; hence -^ = - ^ which being negative, y is a maximum for R positive. In applying the rule to practical examples we first find an expression for the function which is to be made a maximum or minimum. 2. If in such expression a constant quantity is found as a factor, it may be omitted in the operation; for the product will be a maximum or a mini- mum when the variable factor is a maximum or a minimum. 3. Any value 9f the independent variable which renders a function a maximum or a minimum will render any power or root of that function a maximum or minimum; hence we may square both members of an equa- tion to free it of radicals before differentiating. By these rules we may find : The maximum rectangle which can be inscribed in a triangle is one whose altitude is half the altitude of the triangle. The altitude of the maximum cylinder which can be inscribed in a cone is one third the altitude of the cone. 'The surface of a cylindrical vessel of a given volume, open at the top, is a minimum when the altitude equals half the diameter. The altitude of a cylinder inscribed in a sphere when its convex surface is a maximum is r v^2. r = radius. The altitude of a cylinder inscribed in a sphere when the volume is a maximum is 2r * Vs. Maxima and Minima without the Calculus. In the equation y = a : 4- bx + ex 2 , in which a, &, and c are constants, either positive or negative, if c be positive y is a minimum when x = b -*- 2c; if c be negative y is a maximum when x = b * 2c. In the equation y = a + bx +c/x, y is a, minimum when bx = c/x. APPLICATION. The cost of electrical transmission is made up (1) of fixed charges, such as superintendence, repairs, cost of poles, etc., which may be represented by a; (2) of interest on cost of the wire, which varies with the sectional area, and may be represented by bx; and (3) of cost of the energy wasted in transmission, which varies inversely with the area of the wire, or c/x. The total cost, y = a 4- bx + c/x, is a minimum when item 2 = item 3, or bx = c/x. Differential of an exponential function. If u = a x . . . (1) then du = da x = a x kdx (2) in which k is a constant dependent on a. The relation bet ween a and k is o* = e; whence a = e* .... (3) in which e = 2.7182818 . . . the base of the Naperian system of loga- rithms. Logarithms. The logarithms in the Naperian system are denoted by I, Nap. log or hyperbolic log, hyp. log, or log e ; and in the common system Iways by log. fc Nap. logo; log a = k log e (4) 80 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. The common logarithm of e, = log 2.7182818 . . . * 0.4342945 . . . ; Is called the modulus of the common system, and is denoted by Af. Hence, if we have the Naperian logarithm of a number we can find the common logarithm of the same number by multiplying by the modulus. Reciprocally, Nap. log = com. log X 2.3025851. If in equation (4) we make a = 10, we have 1 = k log e, or ? = log e = M . That is, the modulus of the common system is equal to 1, divided by the Naperian logarithm of the common base. From equation (2) we have du da x * - kdx. u a x If we make a = 10, the base of the common system, x = log u, and j /i j du 1 du ^ f d (log u) - dx = ~ X - - X M. That is, the differential of a common logarithm of a quantity is equal to the differential of the quantity divided by the quantity, into the modulus. If we make a = e, the base of the Naperian system, x becomes the Nape- rian logarithm of u, and k becomes 1 (see equation (3)); hence M = 1, and du du d (Nap. log u) = dx - ; = a x u That is, the differential of a Naperian logarithm of a quantity is equal to the differential of the quantity divided by the quantity; and in the Naperian system the modulus is 1. Since k is the Naperian logarithm of a, du = a x I a dx. That is, the differential of a function of the form a x is equal to the function, into the Naperian logarithm of the base .a, into the differential of the exponent. If we have a differential in a fractional form, in which the numerator is the differential of the denominator, the integral is the Naperian logarithm of the denominator. Integrals of fractional differentials of other forms are given below: Differential forms which have known integrals; exponential functions. (I = Nap. log.) + C; 4. 6. I , "^ - l(x a + Vx*~ 2ax) + C; CALCULUS. 81. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2a cte -j f |^ J x \/a* + x* 2a699 17 .000983284 2 .000924214 7 .000871840 12 .000825082 7 .000783085 18 .000982318 3 .000923361 8 .000871080 13 000824402 8 000782473 19 .000981354 4 .000922509 9 .000870322 14 000823723 9 .000781861 1020 .000980392 5 .000921659 1150 .000869565 15 .000823045 1280 000781250 1 .000979432 6 000920810 1 000868810 161.000822368 1 .000780640 2 .000978474 7 .0009 19%3 2 .000868056 17 .000821693 2 .000780031 3 .000977517 8 .000919118 3 .000867303 18 .000821018 3 .000779423 4 .000976562 9 .000918274 4 .000866551 19 .000820344 4 .000778816 5 .000975610 1090 .000917431 5 .000865801 1220 .0008 1%72 5 .000778210 6 .000974659 1 .000916590 6 .000865052 1 .000819001 6 .000777605 7 .000973710 2 .00091575 7 .000864304 2 .000818331 7 .000777001 8 .000972763 3 .000914913 8 .000863558 3 .000817661 8 .000776397 9 .000971817 4 .00091407: 9 .000862813 4 000816993 9 .000775795 1030 .000970874 5 .000913242 1160 .000862069 5 .000816326 1290 .000775194 RECIPROCALS OP NUMBERS. 91 No. Recipro- cal. No. Recipro- cal. No. Recipro- No. Recipro- No. Recipro* cal. 1291 .000774593 1356 .000737463 1421 .000703730 i486 .000672948 1551 .000644745 2 .000773994 7 .000736920 2 .000703235 7 .000672495 2 .000644330 3 .000773395 8 .000736377 3 .000702741 8 .000672043 ? .000643915 4 .000772797 9 .000735835 4 .000702247 g .000671592 t .000643501 5 .000772201 1360 .000735294 5 .000701754 1490 .000671141 c .000643087 6 .000771605 1 .000734754 6 .000701262 1 .000670691 \ .000642673 7 .000771010 2 .000734214 7 .000700771 2 .000670241 7 .000642261 8 .000770416 3 .000733676 8 .000700280 3 .000669792 8 .000641848 9 .000769823 4 .000733138 9 .000699790 4 .000669344 9 .000641437 1300 .000769231 5 .000732601 1430 .000699301 5 .0006688% 1560 .000641026 1 .000768639 6 .000732064 1 .000698812 6 .000668449 .000640615 2 .000768049 7 .000731529 2 .000698324 7 .000668003 2 .000640205 3 .000767459 8 .000730994 3 .000697837 8 .000667557 g .000639795 4 .000766871 9 .000730460 4 .000697350 9 .000667111 ^ .000639386 5 .000766283 1370 .000729927 5 .000696864 1500 .000666667 .000638978 6 .000765697 1 .000729395 6 000696379 1 .000666223 t .000638570 7 .000765111 2 .000728863 7 000695894 2 .000665779 7 .000638162 8 .000764526 3 .000728332 8 000695410 3 .000665336 8 .000637755 9 .000763942 4 .000727802 9 000694927 4 .000664894 9 .000637349 1310 .000763359 5 .000727273 1440 000694444 5 .000664452 1570 .000636943 11 .000762776 6 .000726744 1 000693962 6 .000664011 1 .000636537 12 .000762195 7 .000726216 2 000693481 7 .000663570 2 .000636132 13 .000761615 8 .000725689 3 000693001 8 .000663130 3 .000635728 14 .000761035 9 .000725163 4 000692521 9 .000662691 4 .000635324 15 .000760456 1380 .000724638 5 000692041 1510 000662252 5 .000634921 16 .000759878 1 .000724113 6 000691563 11 000661813 6 .000634518 17 .000759301 2 .000723589 7 000691085 12 000661376 7 .000634115 18 .000758725 3 .000723066 8 000690608 13 000660939 8 .000633714 19 .000758150 4 .000722543 9 000690131 14 000660502 9 .000633312 1320 .000757576 5 .000722022 1450 000689655 15 000660066 580 .000632911 .000757002 6 .000721501 1 000689180 16 00065%31 .000632511 2 .000756430 7 .000720980 2 000688705 17 0006591% 2 .000632111 3 .000755858 8 .000720461 3 000688231 18 000658761 3 000631712 4 .000755287 9 .000719942 4 000687758 19 000658328 4 .000631313 5 .000754717 1390 .000719424 5 000687285 1520 000657895 5 000630915 6 .000754148 1 .000718907 6 000686813 1 000657462 6 000630517 7 .000753579 2 .000718391 7 000686341 2 000657030 7 C00630I20 8 .000753012 3 .000717875 8 000685871 3 000656598 8 000629723 9 .000752445 4 .000717360 9l 000685401 4 000656168 9 000629327 1330 .000751880 5 .000716846 1460 .000684932 5 000655738 590 000628931 1 .000751315 6 000716332 1 000684463 6 000655308 1 000628536 2 .000750750 7 .000715820 2 .000683994 7 000654879 2 000628141 3 .000750187 8 000715308 3 .000683527 8 000654450 3 000627746 4 .000749625 9 .0007147% 4 .000683060 9 000654022 4 000627353 5 .000749064 1400 .000714286 5 000682594 1530 000653595 5 000626959 6 .000748503 1 .000713776 6 .000682128 1 000653168 6 000626566 7 .000747943 2 .000713267 7 .000681663 2 000652742 7 000626174 8 .000747384 3 .000712758 8 .000681199 3 000652316 8 000625782 9 .000746826 4 .000712251 9 .000680735 4 000651890 9 000625391 1340 .000746269 5 .000711744 1470 .000680272 5 000651466 600 000625000 1 .000745712 6 .000711238 1 .000679810 6 000651042 2 000624219 2 .000745156 7 .000710732 2 .000679348 7 000650618 4 000623441 3 .000744602 8 .000710227 3 000678887 8 000650195 6 000622665 4 .000744048 9 .000709723 4 .000678426 9 000649773 8 000621890 5 .000743494 1410 .000709220 5 000677966 1540 000649351 610 000621 1 18 6 .000742942 11 .000708717 6 .000677507 1 000648929 12 000620347 7 .000742390 12 .000708215 7 .000677048 2 000648508 14 000619578 8 .000741840 13 .000707714 8 .000676590 3 000648088 16 000618812 9 .000741290 14 .000707214 9 .000676132 4 000647668 18 000618047 1350 .000740741 15 .000706714 1480 .000675676 5 000647249 620 000617284 1 .000740192 16 .000706215 1 .000675219 6 000646830 2 000616523 2 .000739645 17 .000705716 2 .000674764 7 000646412 A 000615763 3 .000739098 18 .000705219 3 .000674309 8 000645995 6 000615006 4 .000738552 19 000704722 4 .000673854 9 000645578 8 000614250 5 .000738007 1 420 1. 000704225 5 .000673401 1550 .000645161 630 000613497 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. No. "1632 Recipro- cal* No. Recipro- cal. No. Recipro- cal. No. Recipro- cal. No. Recipro- cal. .000612745 1706 .000586166 1780 .000561798 1854 .000539374 1928 .000518672 4 .00061 1995 8 .000585480 2 000561167 6 .000538793 1930 .000518135 6 .00061 1247 1710 .000584795 4 .000560538 8 .000538213 2 .000517599 8 .000610500 12 .0005841 12 6 .000559910 1860 .000537634 4 .000517063 1640 .000609756 14 .000583430 8 000559284 2 .000537057 6 .000516528 2 .000609013 16 .000582750 1790 .000558659 4 .000536480 8 .0005159% 4 .000608272 18 000582072 2 .000558035 6 .000535905 1940 .000515464 6 .000607533 1720 .000581395 4 .000557413 8 .000535332 2 .000514933 8 .0006067% 2 .000580720 6 .000556793 1870 .000534759 4 .000514403 1650 .000506061 4 .000580046 8 .000556174 2 .000534188 6 .000513874 2 .000605327 6 .000579374 1800 .000555556 4 .000533618 8 .000513347 4 .000604595 8 .000578704 '2 000554939 6 000533049 1950 .000512820 6 .000503865 1730 .000578035 4 .000554324 8 .000532481 2 .000512295 8 .000603136 2 .000577367 6 .000553710 1880 .000531915 4 .000511770 1660 .000602110 4 .000576701 8 .000553097 2 .000531350 6 .000511247 2 .000601585 6 .000576037 1810 .000552486 4 .000530785 8 .000510725 4 .000500962 8 .000575374 12 .000551876 6 .000530222 1960 .000510204 6 .000600240 1740 000574713 14 .000551268 8 000529661 2 .000509684 8 .000599520 2 .000574053 16 .000550661 1890 .000529100 4 .000509165 1670 .000598802 4 .000573394 18 .000550055 2 .000528541 6 .000508647 2 .000598086 6 .000572737 1820 .000549451 4 .000527983 8 .000508130 4 .000597371 8 .000572082 2 .000548848 6 .000527426 197C .000507614 6 .000596658 1750 .000571429 4 .000548246 8 .000526870 2 .000507099 8 .000595947 2 .000570776 6 .000547645 1900 .000526316 4 .000506585 1680 .000595238 4 .000570125 8 .000547046 2 .000525762 6 .000506073 2 000594530 6 000569476 1830 000546448 4 000525210 8 .000505561 4 .000593824 8 .000568828 2 .000545851 6 .000524659 1980 .000505051 6 .000593120 1760 .000568182 4 .000545256 8 .000524109 2 .000504541 8 .000592417 2 .000567537 6 .000544662 1910 .000523560 4 .000504032 1690 .000591716 4 .000566893 8 .000544069 12 .000523012 6 .000503524 2 .000591017 6 .000566251 1840 000543478 14 .000522466 8 .000503018 4 .000590319 8 .00056561 1 2 .000542888 16 .000521920 1990 .000502513 6 .000589622 1770 .000564972 4 .000542299 18 .000521376 2 .000502008 8 .000588928 2 .000564334 6 .000541711 1920 .000520833 4 .000501504 1700 .000588235 4 .000563698 8 .000541125 2 .000520291 6 .000501002 2 .000587544 6 .000563063 1850 .000540540 4 .000519750 8 .000500501 4 .000586854 8 .000562430 2 .000539957 6 .000519211 2000 .000500000 Use of reciprocals. Reciprocals may be conveniently used to facili- tate computations in long division. Instead of dividing as usual, multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor. The method is especially useful when many different dividends are required to be divided by the same divisor. In this case find the reciprocal of the divisor, and make a small table of its multiples up to 9 times, and use this as a multiplication- table instead of actually performing the multiplication in each case. EXAMPLE. 9871 and several other numbers are to be divided by 1638. The reciprocal of 1638 is .000610500. Multiples of the reciprocal: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .0006105 .0012210 .0018315 .0024420 .0030525 .0036630 .0042735 .0048840 .0054945 .0061050 The table of multiples is made by continuous addi- tion of 6105. The tenth line is written to check the accuracy of the addition, but it is not afterwards used. Operation. Dividend 9871 Take from table 1 0006105 7 0.042735 8 00.48840 9 005.4945 Quotient 6.0262455 Correct quotient by direct division 6.0262515 The result will generally be correct to as many figures as there are signi- ficant figures in the reciprocal, less one, and the error of the next figure will in general not exceed one. In the above example the reciprocal has six significant figures, 610500, and the result is correct to five places of figures. SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS. 03 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE BOOTS AND CUBE ROOTS OF NUMBERS FROM 0.1 TO 1600. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 1 .01 .001 .3162 .4642 3.1 9.61 29.791 .761 1.458' .15 .0225 .0034 .3873 .5313 .2 10.24 32.768 .789 1.474 .2 .04 .008 .4472 .5848 .3 10.89 35.937 .817 1.489 .25 .0625 .0156 .500 .6300 .4 11.56 39.304 .844 1.504 .3 .09 .027 .5477 .6694 .5 12.25 42.875 .871 1.518 .35 .1225 .0429 .5916 .7047 .6 12.96 46.656 .897 1.533 .4 16 .064 .6325 .7368 .7 13.69 50.653 .924 1.547 .45 .2025 .0911 .6708 .7663 .8 14.44 54.872 .949 1.560 .5 .25 .125 .7071 .7937 .9 15.21 59.319 .975 1.574 .55 .3025 .1664 .7416 .8193 4. 16. 64. 2. 1.5874 .6 .36 . .216 .7746 .8434 .1 16.81 68.921 2.025 1.601 .65 .4225 .2746 .8062 .8662 .2 17.64 74.088 2.049 1.613 .7 .49 .343 .8367 .8879 .3 18.49 79.507 2.074 1.626 .75 .5625 .4219 .8660 .9086 .4 19.36 85..184 2.098 1.639 .8 .64 .512 .8944 .9283 .5 20.25 91.125 2.121 1.651 .85 .7225 .6141 .9219 .9473 .6 21.16 97.336 2.145 1.663 .9 .81 .729 .9487 .9655 .7 22.09 103.823 2.168 1.675 .95 .9025 .8574 .9747 .9830 .8 23.04 110.592 2.191 1.687 1. 1. .9 24.01 1 1 7.649 2.214 1.698 1.05 '.1025 J58 !025 1.016 5. 25. 125. 2.2361 1.7100 j .21 .331 .049 1.032 .1 26.01 132.651 2.258 1.721 J5 .3225 .521 .072 1.048 .2 27.04 140.608 2.280 1.732 .2 .44 728 .095 1.063 .3 28.09 148.877 2.302 1.744 .25 .5625 .953 .118 1.077 .4 29.16 157.464 2.324 1.754 .3 .69 2.197 .140 1.091 .5 30.25 166.375 2.345 1.765 .35 .8225 2.460 .162 1.105 .6 31.36 175.616 2.366 1.776 .4 .96 2.744 .183 1.119 .7 32.49 185.193 2.387 1.786 .45 2.1025 3.049 .204 1.132 .8 33.64 195.112 2.408 1.797 .5 2.25 3.375 .2247 1.1447 .9 34.81 205.379 2.429 1.807 .55 2.4025 3.724 .245 1.157 6. 36. 216. 2.4495 1.8171 .6 2.56 4.096 .265 1.170 .1 37.21 226.981 2.470 1.827 .65 2.7225 4.492 .285 K182 .2 38.44 238.328 2.490 1.837 .7 2.89 4.913 .304 1.193 .3 39.69 250.047 2.510 1.847 .75 3.0625 5.359 .323 1.205 .4 40.96 262.144 2.530 1.857 .8 3.24 5.832 .342 1.216 .5 42.25 274.625 2.550 1.866 1.85 3.4225 6.332 .360 1.228 .6 43.56 287.496 2.569 1.876 1.9 3.61 6.859 .378 1.239 .7 44.89 300.763 2.588 1.885 1.95 3.8025 7.415 .396 1.249 .8 46.24 314.432 2.608 1.895 2. 4. 8. .4142 1 .2599 .9 47.61 328.509 2.627 1.904 .1 4.41 9.261 .449 1.281 7. 49. 343*. 2.6458 1.9129 .2 4.84 10.648 .483 1.301 j 50.41 357.911 2.665 1.922 .3 5.29 12.167 .517 1.320 \2 51.84 373.248 2.683 1.931 .4 5.76 13.824 .549 1.339 .3 53.29 389.017 2.702 1.940 .5 6.25 15.625 .581 1.357 .4 54.76 405.224 2.720 1.949 .6 6.76 17.576 .612 1.375 .5 56.25 421.875 2.739 1.957 .7 7.29 19.683 .643 1.392 .6 57.76 438.976 2.757 1.966 .8 7.84 21.952 .673 1.409 .7 59.29 456.533 2.775 1.975 .9 8.41 24.389 .703 1.426 .8 60.84 474.552 2.793 1.983 3. 9. 27. .7321 1 .4422 .9 62.41 493.039 2.811 1.992 94 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root, sT~ 64. 512. 2.8284 2. 45 2025 91123 6.7082 3.5569 65.61 531.441 2.846 2.008 46 2116 97336 6.7823 3.5830 \2 67.24 551.368 2.864 2.017 47 2209 103823 6.8557 3.6088 .3 68.89 571.787 2.881 2.025 48 2304 110592 6.9282 3.6342 .4 70.56 592.704 2.898 2.033 49 2401 1 1 7649 7. 3.6593 .5 72.25 614.125 2.915 2.041 50 2500 125000 7.0711 3.6840 .6 73.96 636.056 2.933 2.049 51 2601 132651 7.1414 3.7084 .7 75.69 658.503 2.950 2.057 52 2704 140608 7.2111 3.7325 .8 77.44 681.472 2.966 2.065 53 2809 148877 7.2801 3.7563 .9 79.21 704.969 2.983 2.072 54 2916 ] 57 464 7.3485 3.7798 9. 81. 729. 3. 2.0801 55 3025 166375 7.4162 3.8030 .1 82.81 753.571 3.017 2.088 56 3136 175616 7.4833 3.8259 .2 84.64 778.688 3.033 2.095 57 3249 185193 7.5498 3.8485 .3 86.49 804.357 3.050 2.103 58 3364 195112 7.6158 3.8709 .4 88.36 830.584 3.066 2.110 59 3481 205379 7.6811 3.8930 .5 90.25 857.375 3.082 2.118 60 3600 216000 7.7460 3.9149 .6 92.16 884.736 3.098 2.125 61 3721 226981 7.8102 3.9365 .7 94.09 912.673 3.114 2.133 62 3844 238328 7.8740 3.9579 .8 96.04 941.192 3.130 2.140 63 3969 250047 7.9373 3.9791 .9 98.01 970.299 3.146 2.147 64 4096 262144 8. 4. 10 100 1000 3.1623 2.1544 65 4225 274625 8.0623 4.0207 11 121 1331 3.3166 2.2240 66 4356 287496 8.1240 4.0412 12 144 1728 3.4641 2.2894 67 4489 300763 8.1854 4.0615 13 169 2197 3.6056 2.3513 68 4624 314432 8.2462 4.0817 14 196 2744 3.7417 2.4101 69 4761 328509 8.3066 4.1016 15 225 3375 3.8730 2.4662 70 4900 343000 8.3666 4.1213 16 256 4096 4. 2.5198 71 5041 357911 8.4261 4.1408 17 289 4913 4.1231 2.5713 72 5184 373248 8.4853 4.1602 18 324 5832 4.2426 2.6207 73 5329 389017 8.5440 4.1793 19 361 6859 4.3589 2.6684 74 5476 405224 8.6023 4.1983 20 400 8000 4.4721 2.7144 75 5625 421875 8.6603 4.2172 21 441 9261 4.5826 2.7589 76 5776 438976 8.7178 4.2358 22 484 10648 4.6904 2.8020 77 5929 456533 8.7750 4.2543 23 529 12167 4.7958 2.8439 78 6084 474552 8.8318 4.2727 24 576 13824 4.8990 2.8845 79 6241 493039 8.8882 4.2908 25 625 15625 5. 2.9240 80 6400 5.12000 8.9443 4.3089 26 676 17576 5.0990 2.9625 81 6561 531441 9. 4.3267 27 729 19683 5.1962 3. 82 6724 551368 9.0554 4.3445 28 784 21952 5.2915 3.0366 83 6889 571787 9.1104 4.3621 29 841 24389 5.3852 3.0723 84 7056 592704 9.1652 4.3795 30 900 27000 5.4772 3.1072 85 7225 614125 9.2195 4.3968 31 961 29791 5.5678 3.1414 86 7396 636056 9.2736 4.4140 32 024 32768 5.6569 3.1748 87 7569 658503 9.3276 4.4310 33 089 35937 5.74^6 3.2075 88 7744 681472 9.3808 4.4480 34 156 39304' 5.8310 3.2396 89 7921 704969 9.4340 4.4647 35 225 42875 5.9161 3.2711 90 8100 729000 9.4868 4.4814 36 296 46656 6. 3.3019 91 8281 753571 9.5394 4.4979 37 369 50653 6.0828 3.3322 92 8464 778688 9.5917 4.5144 38 444 54872 6.1644 3.3620 93 8649 804357 9.6437 4.5307 39 521 59319 6.2450 3.3912 94 8836 830584 9.6954 4.5468 40 600 64000 6.3246 3.4200 95 9025 857375 9.7468 4.5629 41 681 68921 64031 3.4482 96 9216 884736 9.7980 4.5789 42 764 74088 6.4807 3.4760 97 9409 912673 98489 4.5947 43 849 79507 6.5574 3.5034 98 9604 941 192 9.8995 4.6104 44 936 85184 6.6332 3.5303 99 9801 970299 j 9.9499 4.6261 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS. 95 No. Sq. Cube Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube.. Sq. Root. Cube Root. Too" 10000 1000000 10. 4.6416 155 24025 3723875 12.4499 5.3717 101 10201 1030301 10.0499 4.6570 156 24336 3796416 12.4900 5.3832 102 10404 1061208 10.0995 4.6723 157 24649 3869893 12.5300 5.3947 103 10609 1092727 10.1489 4.6875 158 24964 3944312 12.5698 5 4061 104 10816 1124864 10.1980 4.7027 159 25281 4019679 12.6095 5.4175 105 11025 1157625 10.2470 4.7177 160 25600 4096000 12.6491 5.4288 106 11236 1191016 10.2956 4.7326 161 25921 4173281 12.6886 5.4401 107 11449 1225043 10.3441 4.7475 162 26244 425 1 528 12.7279 5.4514 10S 11664 1259712 10.3923 4.7622 163 26569 4330747 12.7671 5.^26 109 11881 1295029 10.4403 4.7769 164 26896 4410944 12.8062 5.W37 110 12100 1331000 10.4881 4.7914 165 27225 4492125 12.8452 5.4848 1 1 1 12321 1367631 10.5357 4.8059 166 27556 4574296 12.8841 5.4959 112 12544 1404928 10.5830 4.8203 167 27889 4657463 12.9228 5.5069 113 12769 1442897 10.6301 4.8346 168 28224 4741632 12.9615 5.5178 114 12996 1481544 10.6771 4.8488 169 28561 4826809 13.0000 5.5288 115 13225 1 520875 10.7238 4.8629 170 28900 4913000 13.0384 5.5397 116 13456 1560896 10.7703 4.8770 171 29241 5000211 13.0767 5.5505 117 13689 1601613 10.8167 4.8910 172 29584 5088448 13.1149 5.5613 118 13924 1643032 10.8628 4.9049 173 29929 5177717 13.1529 5.5721 119 14161 1685159 10.9087 4.9187 174 30276 5268024 13.1909 5.5828 120 14400 1728000 10.9545 4.9324 175 30625 5359375 13.2288 5.5934 121 14641 1771561 1 1 .0000 4.9461 176 30976 5451776 13.2665 5.6041 122 14884 1815848 1 1 .0454 4.9597 177 31329 5545233 13.3041 5.6147 123 15129 1860867 1 1 .0905 4.9732 178 31684 5639752 13.3417 5.6252 124 15376 1906624 11.1355 4.9866 179 32041 5735339 13.3791 5.6357 125 15625 1953125 11.1803 5.0000 180 32400 5832000 13.4164 5.6462 126 15876 2000376 11.2250 5.0133 181 32761 5929741 13.4536 5.6567 127 16129 2048383 1 1 .2694 5.0265 182 33124 6028568 13.4907 5.6671 12S 16384 2097152 11.313" 5.0397 183 33489 6128487 13.5277 5.6774 129 16641 2146689 11.3578 5.0528 184 33856 6229504 13.5647 5.6873 130 16900 2197000 11.4018 5.0658 185 34225 6331625 13.6015 5.6980 131 17161 2248091 11.4455 5.0788 186 34596 6434856 13.6382 5.7083 132 17424 2299963 11.4891 5.0916 187 34969 6539203 13.6748 5.7185 133 17689 2352637 11.5326 5.1045 188 35344 6644672 13.7113 5.7287 134 17956 2406104 11.5758 5.1172 189 35721 6751269 13.7477 5.7388 135 18225 2460375 11.6190 5.1299 190 36100 6859000 13.7840 5.7489 136 18496 2515456 11.6619 5.1426 191 36481 6967871 13.8203 5.7590 137 18769 2571353 11.7047 5.1551 192 36864 7077888 13.8564 5.7690 138 19044 2628072 11.7473 5.1676 193 37249 7189057 13.8924 5.7790 139 19321 2685619 11.7898 5.1801 194 37636 7301384 13.9284 5.7890 140 19600 2744000 11.8322 5.1925 195 38025 7414875 13.9642 5.7989 141 19331 2803221 11.8743 5.2048 196 38416 7529536 14.0000 5.8088 142 20164 2863288 11.9164 5.2171 1.97 38809 7645373 14.0357 5.8186 143 20449 2924207 1 1 .9583 '5.2293 198 39204 7762392 14.0712 5.8285 144 20736 2985984 12.0000 5.2415 199 39601 7880599 14.1067 5.8383 145 21025 3048625 120416 5.2536 200 40000 8000000 14.1421 5.8480 146 21316 3112136 12.0830 5.2656 201 40401 8120601 14.1774 5.8578 147 21609 3176523 12.1244 5.2776 202 40804 8242408 14.2127 5.8675 148 21904 3241792 12 1655 5.2896 203 41209 8365427 14.2478 5.8771 149 22201 3307949 12.2066 5.3015 204 41616 8489664 14.2829 5.8868 150 22500 3375000 12.2474 5.3133 205 42025 8615125 14.3178 5.8964 151 22801 344295 1 12.2882 5.3251 206 42436 8741816 14.3527 5.9059 152 23104 3511808 12.3288 5.3368 207 42849 8869743 14.3875 5.9155 153 23409 3581577 12.3693 5.3485 208 43264 8998912 14.4222 5.9250 154 23716 3652264 12.4097 5.3601 209 43681 9129329 14.4568 5.9345 96 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. No. Sq. Cube. Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 2H)" 44100 9261000 14.4914 5.9439 265 70225 18609625 16.2788 6.4232 211 44521 939393 1 14.5258 5.9533 266 70756 18821096 16.3095 6.4312 212 44944 9528128 14.5602 5.9627 267 71289 19034163 16.3401 6.4393 213 45369 9663597 14.5945 5.9721 268 71824 19248832 16.3707 6.4473 214 45796 9800344 14.6287 5.9814 269 72361 19465109 16.4012 6.4553 215 46225 9938375 14.6629 5.9907 270 72900 19683000 16.4317 6.4633 216 46656 10077696 14.6969 6.0000 271 73441 19902511 16.4621 6.4713_ 217 47089 1 02 1 83 1 3 14.7309 6.0092 272 73984 20123648 16.4924 6.4792 21S 47524 10360232 14.7648 6.0185 273 74529 20346417 16.5227 6.4872 1 47961 10503459 14.7986 6.0277 274 75076 20570824 16.5529 6.4951 220 48400 10648000 14.8324 6.0368 275 75625 20796875 16.5831 6.5030 221 48841 10793861 14.8661 6.0459 276 76176 21024576 16.6132 6.5108 222 49284 1 094 1 048 14.8997 6.0550 277 76729 21253933 16.6433 6.5187 223 49729 11089567 14.9332 6.0641 278 77284 21484952 16.6733 6.5265 224 50176 11239424 14.9666 6.0732 279 77841 21717639 16.7033 6.5343 225 50625 11390625 15.0000 6.0822 280 78400 21952000 16.7332 6.5421 226 51076 11543176 15.0333 6.0912 281 78961 22188041 16.7631 6.5499 227 51529 11697083 15.0665 6.1002 282 79524 22425768 16.7929 6.5577 228 51984 11852352 15.0997 6.1091 283 80089 22665187 16.8226 6.5654 229 52441 12008989 15.1327 6.1180 284 80656 22906304 16.8523 6.5731 230 52900 12167000 15.1658 6.1269 285 81225 23149125 16.8819 6.5808 231 53361 12326391 15.1987 6.1358 286 81796 23393656 16.9115 6.5885 232 53824 12487168 15.2315 6. 1 446 287 82369 23639903 16.9411 6.5962 233 54289 12649337 15.2643 6.1534 288 82944 23887872 16.9706 6.6039 234 54756 12812904 15.2971 6.1622 289 83521 24137569 17.0000 6.6115 235 55225 12977875 15.3297 6.1710 290 84100 24389000 17.0294 6.6191 236 55696 13144256 15.3623 6.1797 291 84681 24642171 17.0587 6.6267 237 56169 13312053 153948 6.1885 292 85264 24897088 17.0880 6.6343 238 56644 13481272 15.4272 6.1972 293 85849 25153757 17.1172 6.6419 239 57121 13651919 15.4596 6.2058 294 86436 25412184 17.1464 6.6494 240 57600 13824000 15.4919 6.2145 295 87025 25672375 17.1756 6.6569 241 58081 13997521 15.5242 6.223 1 296 87616 25934336 17.2047 6.6644 242 58564 14172488 15.5563 6.2317 297 88209 26198073 17.2337 6.6719 243 59049 14348907 15.5885 6.2403 298 88804 26463592 17.2627 6.6794 244 59536 14526784 15.6205 6.2488 299 89401 26730899 17.2916 6.6869 245 60025 14706125 15.6525 6.2573 300 90000 27000000 17.3205 6.6943 246 60516 14886936 15.6844 6.2658 301 90601 27270901 17.3494 6.7018 247 61009 1 5069223 15.7162 6.2743 302 91204 27543608 17.3781 6.7092 248 61504 15252992 15.7480 6.2828 303 91809 27818127 17.4069 6.7166 249 62001 15438249 15.7797 6.2912 304 92416 28094464 17.4356 6.7240 250 62500 1 5625000 15.8114 6.2996 305 93025 28372625 1 7.4642 6.7313 251 63001 15813251 15.8430 6.3080 306 93636 28652616 17.4929 6.7387 252 63504 16003008 15.8745 6.3164 307 94249 28934443 17.5214 6.7460 253 64009 16194277 15.9060 6.3247 308 94864 29218112 17.5499 6.7533 254 64516 16387064 15.9374 6.3330 309 95481 29503629 17.5784 6.7606 255 65025 16581375 15.9687 6.3413 310 96100 29791000 1 7.6068 6.7679 256 65536 16777216 16.0000 6.3496 311 96721 3008023 1 17.6352 6.7752 257 66049 16974593 16.0312 6,3579 312 97344 30371328 17.6635 6.7824 258 66564 17173512 16.0624 6.3661 313 97969 30664297 17.6918 6.7897 259 67081 17373979 16.0935 6.3743 314 98596 30959144 17.7200 6.7969 260 67600 17576000 16.1245 6.3825 315 99225 31255875 17.7482 6.8041 261 68121 17779581 16.1555 63907 316 99856 31554496 17.7764 6.8113 262 68644 1 7984728 16.1864 6.3988 317 100489 31855013 17.8045 6.8185 263 69169 18191447 16.2173 6.4070 318 101124 32157432 17.8326 6.8256 264 69696 18399744 16.2481 6.4151 319 101761 32461759 17.8606 6.8328 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS. 97 No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 320 102400 32768000 17.8885 6.8399 375 1 40625 52734375 19.3649 7.2112 321 103041 33076161 17.9165 6.8470 376 141376 53157376 19.3907 7.2177 322 1 03684 33386248 17.9444 6.8541 377 142129 53582633 19.4165 7.2240 323 104329 33698267 17.9722 6.8612 378 1 42884 54010152 1 9.4422 7.2304 324 104976 34012224 18.0000 6.8683 379 143641 54439939 19.4679 7.2368 325 105625 34328125 18.0278 6.8753 380 1 44400 54872000 1 9.4936 7.2432 326 106276 34645976 18.0555 6.8824 381 145161 55306341 19.5192 72495 327 106929 34965783 18.0831 6.8894 382 145924 55742968 19.5448 7.2558 328 107584 35287552 18.1108 6.8964 383 1 46689 56181887 19.5704 7.2622 329 108241 35611289 18.1384 6.9034 384 147456 56623104 19.5959 7.2685 330 108900 35937000 18.1659 6.9104 385 148225 57066625 19.6214 7.2748 331 109561 36264691 18.1934 6.9174 386 1 48996 57512456 19.6469 7.2811 332 110224 36594368 18.2209 6.9244 387 149769 57960603 19.6723 7.2874 333 110889 36926037 18.2483 6.9313 388 150544 58411072 19.6977 7.2936 334 111556 37259704 18.2757 6.9382 389 151321 58863869 19.7231 7.2999 335 112225 37595375 18.3030 6.9451 390 152100 59319000 19.7484 7.306! 336 1 1 2896 37933056 18.3303 6.9521 391 152881 59776471 19.7737 7.3124 337 113569 38272753 183576 6.9589 392 153664 60236288 19.7990 7.3186 338 114244 38614472 18.3848 6.9658 393 1 54449 60698457 1 9.8242 7.3248 339 114921 38958219 18.4120 6.9727 394 155236 61162984 1 9.8494 7.3310 340 1 1 5600 39304000 18.4391 6.9795 395 156025 61629875 19.8746 7.3372 341 116281 39651821 18.4662 6.9864 396 156816 62099136 1 9.8997 7.3434 342 116964 40001688 18.4932 6.9932 397 157609 62570773 19.9249 7.3496 343 1 1 7649 40353607 18.521)3 7.0000 398 1 58404 63044792 19.9499 7.35*8 344 118336 40707584 18.5472 7.0068 399 159201 63521199 19.9750 7.361$ 345 119025 41063625 18.5742 7.0136 400 1 60000 64000000 20.0000 7.3681 346 119716 41421736 18.6011 7.0203 401 160801 64481201 20.0250 7.3742 347 120409 41781923 18.62797.0271 402 161604 64964808 20.0499 7.3803 348 121104 42144192 18.6548 7.0338 403 162409 65450827 20.0749 7.3864 349 121801 42508549 18.6815 7.0406 404 163216 65939264 20.0998 7.3925 350 122500 42875000 18.7083 7.0473 405 164025 66430125 20.1246 7.3986 351 123201 43243551 18.7350 7.0540 406 164836 66923416 20.1494 7.4047 352 123904 43614208 18.7617 7.0607 407 165649 67419143 20.1742 7.4108 353 124609 43986977 18.7883 7.0674 408 166464 67917312 20.1990 7.4169 354 125316 44361864 18.8149 7.0740 409 167281 68417929 20.2237 7.4229 355 126025 44738875 18.8414 7.0807 410 168100 68921 COO 202485 7.4290 356 126736 45118016 18.8680 7.0873 411 168921 69426531 20.2731 7.4350 357 127449 45499293 18.8944 7.0940 412 1 697 44 69934528 20.2978 7.4410 358 128164 45882712 18.9209 7.1006 413 170569 70444997 20.3224 7.4470 359 128881 46268279 18.9473 7.1072 414 171396 70957944 20.3470 7.4530 360 129600 46656000 189737 7.1138 415 172225 71473375 20.3715 7.4590 361 130321 47045881 19.0000 7.1204 416 173056 71991296 20.3961 7.4650 362 131044 47437928 19.0263 7.1269 417 1 73889 72511713 20.4206 7.4710 363 131769 47832147 19.0526 7.1335 418 1 74724 73034632 20.4450 7.4770 364 132496 48228544 19.0788 7.1400 419 175561 73560059 20.4695 7.4829 365 133225 48627125 19.1050 7.1466 420 1 76400 74088000 20.4939 74889 366 133956 49027896 19.1311 7.1531 421 177241 74618461 20.5183 7.4948 367 134689 49430863 19.1572 7.1596 422 1 78084 75151448 20.5426 7.5007 368 135424 49836032 19.1833 7.1661 423 1 78929 75686967 20.5670 7.5067 369 136161 50243409 19.2094 7.1726 424 179776 76225024 20.5913 7.5126 370 1 36900 50653000 19.2354 7.1791 425 180625 76765625 20.6155 7.5185 371 137641 51064811 19.2614 7.1855 426 18M76 77308776 20 6398 7 5244 372 138384 51478848 19.2873 7.1920 427 182329 77854483 20.6640 7 5302 373 374 139129 139876 51895117 19313217 1984 52313624 19.3391 '7.2048 428 429 183184 184041 78402752 78953589 20.6882 20.7123 7.5361 7.5420 '98 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 430 431 432 433 434 184900 185761 186624 187489 188356 79507000 80062991 80621568 81182737 81746504 20.7364 20.7605 20.7846 20.8087 20.8327 7.5478 7.5537 7.5595 7.5654 7.5712 485 486 487 488 489 235225 236196 237169 238144 239121 114084125 114791256 115501303 116214272 116930169 22.0227 22.0454 22.0681 22.0907 22.1133 7.8568 7.8622 7.8676 7.8730 7.8784 435 436 437 438 439 189225 190096 1 90969 191844 192721 82312875 82881856 83453453 84027672 846045 1 9 20.8567 20.8806 20.9045 20.9284 20.9523 7.5770 7.5828 7.5886 7.5944 76001 490 491 492 493 494 240100 241081 242064 243049 244036 1 1 7649000 118370771 119095488 119823157 120553784 22.1359 22.1585 22.1811 22.2036 22.2261 7.8837 7.8891 7.8944 7.8998 7.9051 440 441 442 443 444 193600 194481 195364 196249 197136 85184000 85766121 86350888 86938307 87528384 20.9762 21.0000 21.0238 21.0476 21.0713 7.6059 7.6117 7.6174 7.6232 7.6289 495 496 497 498 499 245025 246016 247009 248004 249001 121287375 122023936 122763473 123505992 124251499 22.2486 22.2711 22.2935 22.3159 22.3383 7.9105 7.9158 7.9211 7.9264 7.9317 445 446 447 448 449 198025 198916 199809 200704 201601 88121125 88716536 893 1 4623 89915392 90518849 21 0950 21.1187 21.1424 21.1660 21.1896 7.6346 7.6403 7.6460 7.6517 7.6574 500 501 502 503 504 250000 251001 252004 253009 254016 125000000 125751501 1 26506008 127263527 128024064 22.3607 22.3830 22.4054 22.4277 22.4499 7.9370 7.9423 7.9476 7.9528 7.9581 450 451 452 453 454 202500 203401 204304 205209 206116 91125000 91733851 92345408 92959677 93576664 21.2132 21.2368 21.2603 21.2838 21.3073 7.6631 7.6688 7.6744 7.6800 7.6857 505 506 507 508 509 255025 256036 257049 258064 259081 128787625 129554216 130323843 131096512 131872229 22.4722 22.4944 22.5167 22.5389 22.5610 7.9634 7.9686 79739 7.9791 7.9843 455 456 457 458 459 207025 207936 208849 209764 210681 94196375 94818816 95443993 96071912 96702579 21.3307 21.3542 21.3776 21.4009 21.4243 7.6914 7.6970 7.7026 7.7082 7.7138 510 511 512 513 514 260100 261121 262144 263169 264196 132651000 133432831 134217728 135005697 135796744 22.5832 22.6053 22.6274 22.6495 22.6716 7.9896 7.9948 8.0000 8.0052 8.0104 460 461 462 463 464 211600 212521 213444 214369 215296 97336000 97972181 98611128 99252847 99897344 21.4476 21.4709 21.4942 21.5174 21.5407 7.7194 7.7250 7.7306 7.7362 7.7418 515 516 517 518 519 265225 266256 267289 268324 269361 136590875 137388096 138188413 138991832 139798359 22 6936 22.7156 22.7376 22.7596 22.7816 8.0156 8.0208 8.0260 8.0311 8.0363 465 466 467 468 469 216225 217156 218089 219024 219961 100544625 101194696 101847563 102503232 103161709 21.5639 21.5870 21.6102 21.6333 21.6564 7.7473 7.7529 7.7584 7.7639 7.7695 520 521 522 523 524 270400 271441 272484 273529 274576 140608000 141420761 142236648 143055667 143877824 22.8035 22.8254 22.8473 22.8692 22.8910 8.0415 8.0466 8.0517 8.0569 8.0620 470 471 472 473 474 220900 221841 222784 223729 224676 103823000 104487111 105154048 105823817 106496424 21.6795 21.7025 21.7256 21.7486 21.7715 7.7750 7.7805 7.7860 7.7915 7.7970 525 526 527 528 529 275625 276676 277729 278784 279841 144703125 145531576 146363183 147197952 148035889 22.9129 22.9347 22.9565 22.9783 23.0000 8.0671 8.0723 8.0774 8.0825 8.0876 475 476 477 478 479 225625 226576 227529 228484 22944 1 107171875 107850176 108531333 109215352 109902239 21.7945 21.8174 21 8403 21.8632 21.8861 7.8025 7.8079 7.8134 7.8188 7.8243 530 531 532 533 534 280900 281961 283024 284089 285156 148877000 149721291 1 50568768 151419437 152273304 23.0217 23.0434 23.0651 23 0868 23.1084 80927 8.0978 8.1028 8.1079 8.1130 480 481 482 483 484 230400 231361 232324 233289 234256 110592000 111284641 111980168 112678587 1 13379904 21.9089 21.9317 21.9545 21.9773 22.0000 7.8297 7.8352 7.8406 7.8460 7.8514 535 536 537 538 539 286225 287296 288369 289444 290521 153130375 1 53990656 154854153 155720S72 156590819 23.1301 23.1517 23.1733 23.1948 23.2164 8.1180 8.123! 8.128! 8.1332 8.1332 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS. 99 No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 540 541 542 543 544 291600 292681 293764 294849 295936 157464000 158340421 159220088 160103007 160989184 23.2379 23.2594 23.2809 23.3024 23.3238 8.1433 8.1483 8.1533 8.1583 8.1633 595 596 597 598 599 354025 355216 356409 357604 358801 210644875 211708736 212776173 213847192 214921799 24.3926 24.4131 24.4336 24.4540 24.4745 8.4108 8.4155 8.4202 8.4249 8.4296 545 546 547 548 549 297025 298116 299209 300304 301401 161878625 162771336 163667323 164566592 165469149 23.3452 23.3666 23.3880 23.4094 23.4307 8.1683 8.1733 8.1783 8.1833 8.1882 600 601 602 603 604 360000 361201 362404 363609 364816 216000000 217081801 218167208 219256227 220348864 24.4949 24.5153 24.5357 24.5561 24.5764 8.4343 8.4390 8.4437 8.4484 8.4530 550 551 552 553 554 302500 303601 304704 305809 306916 166375000 167284151 168196608 169112377 170031464 23.4521 23.4734 23.4947 23.5160 23.5372 8.1932 8.1982 8.2031 8.2081 8.2130 605 606 607 608 609 366025 367236 36S449 369664 370881 221445125 222545016 223648543 224755712 225866529 24.5967 24.6171 24.6374 24.6577 24.6779 8.4577 8.4623 8.4670 8.4716 8.4763 555 556 557 558 559 308025 309136 310249 311364 312481 170953875 171879616 1 72808693 173741112 174676879 23.5584 23.5797 23.6008 23.6220 23.6432 8.2180 8.2229 8.2278 8.2327 8.2377 610 611 612 613 614 372100 373321 374544 375769 376996 226981000 228099131 229220928 230346397 231475544 24.6982 24.7184 24.7386 24.7588 24.7790 8.4809 8.4856 8.4902 8.4948 8.4994 560 561 562 563 564 313600 314721 315844 316969 318096 175616000 176558481 177504328 178453547 179406144 23.6643 23.6854 23.7065 23.7276 23.7487 8.2426 8.2475 8.2524 8.2573 8.2621 615 616 617 618 619 378225 379456 380689 381924 383161 232608375 233744896 234885113 236029032 237176659 24.7992 24.8193 24.8395 24.8596 24.8797 8.5040 8.5C86 8.5132 8.5178 8.5224 565 566 567 568 569 319225 320356 321489 322624 323761 180362125 181321496 182284263 183250432 184220009 23.7697 23.7908 23.8118 23.8328 23.8537 8.2670 8.2719 8.2768 8.2816 8.2865 620 621 622 623 624 384400 385641 386884 388129 389376 238328000 239483061 240641848 241804367 242970624 24.8998 24.9199 24.9399 24.9600 24.9800 8.5270 8.5316 8.5362 8.5408 8.5453 570 571 572 573 574 324900 326041 327184 328329 329476 185193000 186169411 187149248 188132517 189119224 23.8747 23.8956 23.9165 23.9374 23.9583 8.2913 8.2962 8.3010 8.3059 8.3107 625 626 627 628 629 390625 391876 393129 394384 395641 244140625 245314376 246491883 247673152 248858189 25.0000 25.0200 25.0400 25.0599 25.0799 8.5499 8.5544 85590 8.5635 8.5681 575 576 577 578 579 330625 331776 332929 334084 335241 190109375 191102976 192100033 193100552 194104539 23.9792 24.0000 24.0208 24.0416 24.0624 8.3155 8.3203 8.3251 8.3300 8.3348 630 631 632 633 634 396900 398161 399424 400689 401956 250047000 251239591 252435968 253636137 254840104 25.0998 25.1197 25.1396 25.1595 25.1794 8.5726 8.5772 8.5817 8.5862 8.5907 580 581 582 583 584 336400 337561 338724 339889 341056 195112000 196122941 197137368 198155287 199176704 24.0832 24.1039 24.1247 24.1454 24.1661 8.3396 8.3443 8.3491 8.3539 8.3587 635 636 637 638 639 403225 404496 405769 407044 408321 256047875 257259456 258474853 259694072 260917119 25.1992 25.2190 25.2389 25.2587 25.2784 8.5952 8.5997 8.6043 8.6088 8.6132 585 586 587 588 589 342225 343396 344569 345744 34692 1 200201625 201230056 202262003 203297472 204336469 24.1868 24.2074 24.2281 24.2487 24.2693 8.3634 8.3682 8.3730 8.3777 8.3825 640 641 642 643 644 409600 410881 412164 413449 414736 262144000 263374721 264609288 265847707 267089984 25.2982 25.3180 25.3377 25.3574 25.3772 8.6177 8.6222 8.6267 8.6312 8.6357 590 591 592 593 594 348100 349281 350464 351649 352836 205379000 206425071 207474688 208527857 209584584 24.2899 24.3105 24.3311 24.3516 24.3721 8.3872 8.3919 8.3967 8.4014 8.4061 645 646 647 648 649 416025 417316 4 1 8609 419904 421201 268336125 269586136 27084002.3 272097792 273359449 25.3969 25.416 25.436 25.4558 25.475 8.6401 8.6446 8.6490 8.6535 8.6579 100 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. No. 650 651 652 653 654 Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. 705 706 707 708 709 Square Cube* Sq. Root. Cube Root. 422500 42380! 425104 426409 427716 274625000 275894451 277167808 278445077 279726264 25.4951 25.5147 25.5343 25.5539 25.5734 6.6624 8.6668 8.6713 8.6757 8.6801 497625 498436 499849 501264 502681 350402625 351895816 353393243 354894912 356400829 26.5518 26.5707 26.5895 26.6083 26.6271 8.9001 8.9043 8.9085 8.9127 8.9169 655 656 657 658 659 429025 430336 431649 432964 434281 281011375 282300416 283593393 284890312 286191179 25.5930 25.6125 25.6320 25.6515 25.6710 8.6845 8.6890 8.6934 8.6978 8.7022 710 711 712 713 714 504100 505521 506944 508369 509796 35791 100C 359425431 360944128 362467097 363994344 26.6458 26.6646 26.6833 26.7021 26.7208 8.9211 8.9253 8.9295 8.9337 8.9378 660 661 662 663 664 435600 43692 1 438244 439569 440896 287496000 288804781 290117528 291434247 292754944 25.6905 25.7099 25.7294 25.7488 25.7682 8.7066 8.7110 8.7154 8.7198 8.7241 715 716 717 718 719 511225 512656 5 1 4089 515524 516961 365525875 367061696 368601813 370146232 371694959 26.7395 26.7582 26.7769 26.7955 26.8142 8.9420 8.9462 8.9503 8.9545 8.9587 665 566 667 663 669 442225 443556 444889 446224 447561 294079625 295408296 296740963 298077632 299418309 25.7876 25.8070 25.8263 25.8457 25.8650 8.7285 87329 8.7373 8.7<16 8.7460 720 721 722 723 724 518400 519841 521284 522729 524176 373248000 374805361 376367048 377933067 379503424 26.8328 26.8514 26.8701 26.8887 26.9072 8.9628 8.9670 8.9711 8.9752 8.9794 670 671 672 673 674 448900 450241 451584 452929 454276 300763000 302111711 303464448 304821217 306182024 25.8844 25.9037 25.9230 25.9422 25.9615 8.7503 8.7547 8.7590 8.7634 8.7677 725 726 727 728 729 525625 527076 528529 529984 531441 381078125 382657176 384240583 385828352 387420489 26.9258 26.9444 26.9629 26.9815 27.0000 8.9835 8.9876 8.9918 8.9959 9.0000 675 676 677 673 679 455625 456976 458329 459684 461041 307546875 308915776 310288733 311665752 313046839 25.9808 26.0000 26.0192 26.0384 26.0576 8.7721 8.7764 8.7807 8.7850 8.7893 730 731 732 733 734 532900 534361 535824 537289 538756 389017000 390617891 392223168 393832837 395446904 27.0185 27.0370 27.0555 27.0740 27.0924 9.0041 9.0082 9.0123 9.0164 9.0205 680 681 682 683 684 462400 463761 465124 466489 467856 314432000 315821241 317214568 318611987 320013504 26.0768 26.0960 26.1151 26.1343 26.1534 8.7937 8.7980 8.8023 8.8066 8.8109 735 736 737 738 739 540225 541696 543169 5 4464 4 546121 397065375 398688256 400315553 401947272 403583419 27.1109 27.1293 27.1477 27.1662 27.1846 9.0246 9.0287 9.0328 9.0369 9.0410 685 686 687 688 689 469225 470596 471969 473344 474721 321419125 322828856 324242703 325660672 327082769 26.1725 26.1916 26.2107 26.2298 26.2488 8.8152 8.8194 8.8237 8.8280 8.8323 740 741 742 743 744 54760C 54908 1 550564 552049 553536 405224000 406869021 408518488 410172407 411830784 27.2029 27.2213 27.2397 27.2580 27.2764 9.0450 90491 9.0532 9.0572 9.0613 690 691 692 693 694 476100 477481 478864 480249 481636 328509000 329939371 331373888 332812557 334255384 26.2679 26.2869 26.3059 26.3249 26.3439 8.8366 8.8408 8.8451 8.8493 8.8536 745 746 747 748 749 555025 556516 558009 559504 561001 413493625 415160936 416832723 418508992 420189749 27.2947 273130 27.3313 27.3496 27.3679 9.0654 9.0694 9.0735 9.0775 9.0816 695 696 697 698 699 483025 484416 485809 487204 488601 335702375 337153536 338608873 340068392 341532099 26.3629 26.3818 26.4008 26.4197 26.4386 8.8578 8.8621 8.8663 8.8706 8.8748 750 751 752 753 754 562500 564001 565504 567009 568516 421875000 423564751 425259008 426957777 428661061 27.3861 27.4044 27.4226 27.4408 27.4591 9.0856 90896 9.0937 9.0977 9.1017 700 701 702 703 704 490000 491401 492804 494209 495616 343000000 344472101 345948408 347428927 348913664 26.4575 26.4764 26.4953 26.5141 26.5330 88790 8.8833 8.8875 8.8917 8.8959 755 756 757 758 759 570025 571536 573049 574564 576081 430368875 432081216 433798093 435519512 437245479 27.4773 27.4955 27.5136 27.5318 27.5500 9 1057 9.1098 9.1138 9 1178 9.1219 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS. 101 No Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 760 577600 438976000 27.5681 9.1258 ~8l5 664225 541343375 28.5482 9.3408 76 57912 440711081 27.5862 9.1298 816 665856 543338496 28.5657 9.3447 762 580644 442450728 27.6043 9.1338 81 667489 545338513 28.5832 9.3485 763 532 1 69 444194947 27.6225 9.1378 818 66912 547343432 28.6007 9.3523 764 583696 445943744 27.6405 9.1418 819 67076 549353259 28.6182 9.3561 765 585225 447697125 27.6586 9.1458 820 672400 55136800C 28.6356 9.3599 766 586756 449455096 27.6767 9. 1 498 82 67404 55338766 28.6531 9.3637 767 588289 451217663 27.6948 9.1537 822 67568 55541224S 28.6705 9.3675 768 589824 452984832 27.7128 9.1577 823 67732 55744176 28.6880 9.3713 769 591361 454756609 27.7308 9.1617 824 678976 559476224 28.7054 9.3751 770 592900 456533000 27.7489 9.1657 825 68062 561515625 28.7228 9.3789 771 594441 458314011 27.7669 9.1696 826 682276 563559976 28.7402 9.3827 772 595984 460099648 27.7849 9.1736 827 683929 565609283 28.7576 9.3865 773 597529 461889917 27.8029 9.1775 828 685584 567663552 28.7750 9.3902 774 599076 463684824 27.8209 9.1815 829 68724 569722789 28.7924 9.3940 775 600625 465434375 27.8388 9.1855 830 688900 571787000 28.8097 9.3978 776 602176 467288576 27.8568 9.1894 83 69056 57385619 28.8271 9.4016 777 603729 469097433 27.8747 9.^33 832 692224 575930368 28.8444 9.4053 778 605284 470910952 27.8927 9.1973 833 693889 578009537 28.8617 9.4091 779 606341 472729139 27.9106 9.2012 834 695556 580093704 28.8791 9.4129 780 603400 474552000 27.9285 9.2052 835 697225 582182875 28.8964 9.4166 781 609961 476379541 27.9464 9.2091 836 698896 584277056 28.9131 9.4204 782 611524 478211768 27.9643 9.2130 837 700569 586376253 28.9310 9.4241 783 6(3089 430048687 27.9821 9.2170 838 702244 588480472 28.9482 9.4279 784 614656 431890304 28.0000 9.2209 839 703921 590589719 28.9655 9.4316 785 616225 483736625 28.0179 9.2248 840 705600 592704000 28.9828 9.4354 786 617796 485587656 28.0357 9.2287 841 707281 594823321 29.0000 9.4391 787 619369 487443403 28.0535 9.2326 842 708964 596947688 29.0172 9.4429 788 620944 489303872 28.0713 9.2365 843 710649 599077107 29.0345 9.4466 789 622521 491169069 28.0891 9.2404 844 712336 601211584 29.0517 9.4503 790 624100 493039000 28.1069 9.2443 845 714025 603351125 29.0689 9.4541 791 625631 494913671 28.1247 9.2482 846 715716 605495736 29.0861 9.4578 792 627264 496793088 28.1425 9.2521 847 717409 607645423 29.1033 9.4615 793 623349 498677257 28.1603 9.2560 848 719104 609800192 29.1204 9.4652 794 630436 500566184 28.1780 9.2599 849 720801 611960049 29.1376 9.4690 795 632025 502459875 28.1957 9.2638 850 722500 614125000 29.1548 9.4727 796 633616 504358336 28.2135 9.2677 851 724201 616295051 29.1719 9.4764 797 635209 506261573 28.23129.2716 852 725904 618470208 29. 1 890 9.4801 798 636804 508169592 28.2489 9.2754 853 727609 620650477 29.2062 9.4838 799 638401 510082399 28.2666 9.2793 854 729316 622835864 79.2233 9.4875 800 640000 512000000 28.2843 9.2832 855 731025 625026375 29.2404 9.4912 801 641601 513922401 28.3019 9.2870 856 732736 627222016 29.2575 9.4949 802 643204 515849608 28.3196 9.2909 857 734449 629422793 29.2746 9.4986 803 644809 517781627 28.3373 9.2948 858 736164 631628712 29.2916 9.5023 804 646416 519718464 28.3549 9.2986 859 737881 633839779 29.3087 9.5060 805 648025 521660125 28.3725 9.3025 860 739600 636056000 29.3258 9.5097 806 649636 523606616 28.3901 9.3063 861 741321 638277381 29.3428 9.5134 807 651249 525557943 28.4077 9.3102 862 743044 640503928 29.3598 9.5171 808 652864 527514112 28.4253 9.3140 863 744769 642735647 29.3769 9.5207 809 654481 529475129 28.4429 9.3179 864 746496 644972544 29.3939 9.5244 810 656100 531441000 28.4605 5.3217 865 748225 647214625 9.4109 9.5231 811 657721 533411731 28.4781 5.3255 866 49956 49461896 9.4279 9.5317 812 659344 35387328 28.4956 9.3294 867 51689 51714363 29.4449 9.5354 813 814 660969 37367797 662596 539353144 28.51329.3332 28.5307 9.3370 868 5342465397203229.4618 869 1 755 1 6 1 1 656234909! 29.4788 9.5391 9.5427 102 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. No. 870 871 872 873 874 Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. ~925 926 927 928 929 Square Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 756900 758641 760384 762129 763876 658503000 660776311 663054848 665338617 667627624 29.4958 29.5127 29.5296 29.5466 29.5635 9.5464 9.5501 9.5537 9.5574 9.5610 855625 857476 859329 861184 863041 791453125 794022776 796597983 799178752 801765089 30.4138 30.4302 30.4467 30.4631 30.4795 9.7435 9.7470 9.7505 9.7540 9.7575 875 876 877 878 879 765625 767376 769129 770884 772641 669921875 672221376 674526133 676836152 679151439 29.5804 29.5973 29.6142 29.63 1 1 29.6479 9.5647 9.5683 9.5719 9.5756 9.5792 930 931 932 933 934 864900 866761 868624 870489 872356 804357000 806954491 809557568 812166237 814780504 30.4959 30.5123 30.5287 30.5450 30.5614 9.76M 9.7645 9.7680 9.7715 9.7750 880 881 882 883 884 774400 776161 777924 779689 781456 681472000 683797841 686128968 688465387 690807104 29.6648 29.6816 29.6985 29.7153 29.7321 9.5828 9.5865 9.5901 9.5937 9.5973 935 936 937 938 939 874225 876096 877969 879844 881721 817400375 820025856 822656953 825293672 827936019 30.5778 30.5941 30.6105 30.6268 30.6431 9.7785 9.7819 9.7854 9.7889 9.7924 885 886 887 888 889 783225 784996 786769 788544 790321 693154125 695506456 697864103 700227072 702595369 29.7489 29.7658 29.7825 29.7993 29.8161 9.6010 9.6046 9.6082 9.6118 9.6154 940 941 942 943 944 883600 885481 887364 889249 891136 830584000 833237621 835896888 838561807 841232384 30.6594 30.6757 30.6920 30.7083 30.7246 9.7959 9.7993 9.8028 9.8063 9.8097 890 891 892 893 694 792100 793881 795664 797449 799236 704969000 707347971 709732288 712121957 714516984 29.8329 29.8496 29.8664 29.8831 29.8998 9.6190 9.6226 9.6262 9.6298 9.6334 945 946 947 948 949 893025 894916 896809 898704 900601 843908625 846590536 849278123 851971392 854670349 30.7409 30.7571 30.7734 30.7896 30.8058 9.8132 9.8167 9.8201 9.8236 9.8270 895 896 897 898 899 801025 802816 804609 806404 808201 716917375 719323136 721734273 724150792 726572699 29.9166 29.9333 29.9500 29.9666 29.9833 9.6370 9.6406 9.6442 9.6477 9.6513 950 951 952 953 954 902500 904401 906304 908209 910116 857375000 860085351 862801408 865523177 868250664 30.8221 30.8383 30.8545 30.8707 30.8869 9.8305 9.8339 9.8374 9.8408 9.8443 900 901 902 903 904 810000 811801 813604 815409 817216 729000000 731432701 733870808 736314327 738763264 30.0000 30.0167 30.0333 30.0500 30.0666 9.6549 9.6585 9.6620 9.6656 9.6692 955 956 957 958 959 912025 913936 915849 917764 919681 870983875 873722816 876467493 879217912 881974079 30.9031 30.9192 30.9354 30.9516 30.9677 9.8477 9.8511 9.8546 9.8580 9.8614 905 906 907 908 909 819025 820836 822649 824464 826281 741217625 743677416 746142643 748613312 751089429 30.0832 30.0998 30.1164 30.1330 30.1496 9.6727 9.6763 9.6799 9.6834 9.6870 960 961 962 963 964 921600 923521 925444 927369 929296 884736000 887503681 890277128 893056347 895841344 30.9839 31.0000 31.0161 31.0322 31.0483 9.8648 9.8683 9.8717 9.8751 9.8785 910 911 912 913 914 828100 829921 831744 833569 835396 753571000 75605803 1 758550528 761048497 763551944 30.1662 30.1828 30.1993 30.2159 30.2324 9.6905 9.6941 9.6976 9.7012 9.7047 965 966 967 968 969 931225 933156 935089 937024 938961 898632125 901428696 904231063 907039232 909853209 3 1 .0644 3 1 .0805 3 1 .0966 31.1127 31.1288 9.8819 9.8854 9.8888 9.8922 9.8956 915 916 917 918 919 837225 839056 840889 842724 844561 766060875 768575296 771095213 773620632 776151559 30.2490 30.2655 30.2820 30.2985 30.3150 9.7082 9.7118 9.7153 9.7188 9.7224 970 971 972 973 974 940900 942841 944784 946729 948676 912673000 915498611 918330048 921167317 924010424 31.1448 31.1609 31.1769 31.1929 31.2090 9.8990 9.9024 9.9058 9.9092 9.9126 920 921 922 923 924 846400 848241 850084 851929 853776 778688000 781229961 783777448 786330467 7888890241 30.3315 30.3480 30.3645 30.3809 30.3974 9.7259 9.7294 9.7329 9.7364 9.7400 975 976 977 978 979 950625 952576 954529 956484 958441 926859375 929714176 932574833 935441352 938313739 31.2250 31.2410 31.2570 31.2730 31.2890 9.9160 99194 9.9227 9.9261 9.9293 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS. 103 No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 980 960400 941 192000 31.3050 9.9329 1035 1071225 1108717875 32.1714 10.1153 981 962361 944076141 31.3209 9.9363 1036 10732% 1111934656 32.1870 10.1186 982 964324 946966168 31.3369 9.93% 1037 1075369 1115157653 32.2025 10.1218 983 966289 949862087 31.3528 9.9430 1038 1077444 1 1 18386872 32.2180 10.1251 984 968256 952763904 31.3688 9.9464 1039 1079521 1121622319 32.2335 10.1283 985 970225 955671625 31.3847 9.9497 1040 1081600 1124864000 32.2490 10.1316 986 9721% 958585256 31.4006 9.9531 1041 1083681 1128111921 32.2645 10 1348 987 974169 %1 504803 31.4166 9.9565 1042 1085764 1131366088 32.2800 10.1381 988 976144 964430272 31.4325 9.9598 1043 1087849 1134626507 32.2955 10.1413 989 978121 %7361669 31.4484 9.%32 1044 1089936 1137893184 32.3110 10.1446 990 980100 970299000 31.4643 9.%66 1045 1092025 1141166125 32.3265 10.1478 991 982081 973242271 31.4802 9.%99 1046 1094116 1144445336 32.3419 10.1510 992 984064 976191488 31.4960 9.9733 1047 10%209 1147730823 32.3574 10.1543 993 986049 979146657 31.5119 9.9766 1048 1098304 1151022592 32.3728 10.1575 994 988036 982107784 31.5278 9.9800 1049 ir00401 1154320649 32.3883 10.1607 995 990025 985074875 31.5436 9.9833 1050 1 102500 1157625000 32.4037 10.1640 9% 992016 988047936 31.5595 9.9866 1051 1104601 1160935651 32.4191 10.1672 997 994009 991026973 31.5753 9.9900 1052 1 106704 1164252608 32.4345 10.1704 998 996004 99401 1992 31.5911 9.9933 1053 1108809 1167575877 32.4500 10.1736 999 998001 997002999 31.6070 9.9%7 1054 1110916 1170905464 32.4654 10.1769 1000 1000000 1000000000 31.6228 10.0000 1055 1 1 13025 1174241375 32.4808 10.1801 1001 1002001 1003003001 31.6386 10.0033 1056 1115136 1177583616 32.4%2 10.1833 1002 1004004 1006012008 31.6544 10.0067 1057 1117249 1180932193 32.5115 10.1865 1003 1006009 1009027027 31.6702 10.0100 1058 1 1 19364 1184287112 32.5269 10.1897 1004 1008016 1012048064 31.6860 10.0133 1059 1121481 1 187648379 32.5423 10.1929 1005 1010025 1015075125 31.7017 10.0166 1060 1123600 1191016000 32.5576 10.1%1 1006 1012036 1018108216 31.7175 10.0200 1061 1125721 1 194389981 32.5730 10.1993 1007 1014049 1021147343 31.7333 10.0233 1062 1127844 1 197770328 32.5833 10.2025 1008 1016064 1024192512 31.7490 10.0266 1063 1129%9 1201157047 32.6036 10.2057 1009 1018081 1027243729 31.7648 10.0299 1064 11320% 1204550144 32.6190 10.2089 1010 T020100 1030301000 31.7805 10.0332 1065 1134225 120794%25 32 6343 10.2121 1011 1022121 1033364331 31.7962 10.0365 1066 1136356 12113554% 32.6497 10.2153 1012 1024144 1036433728 31.8119 10.0398 1067 1138489 1214767763 32.6650 10.2185 1013 1026169 1039509197 31.8277 10.0431 1063 1140624 1218186432 32.6803 10.2217 1014 10281% 1042590744 31.8434 10.0465 1069 1142761 1221611509 32.6956 10.2249 1015 1030225 1045678375 31.8591 10.0498 1070 1144900 1225043000 32.7109 10.2281 1016 1032256 10487720% 31.8748 10.0531 1071 1 147041 1228480911 32.7261 10.2313 1017 1034289 1051871913 31.8904 10.0563 1072 1149184 1231925248 32.7414 10.2345 1018 1036324 1054977832 31.9061 10.0596 1073 1151329 1235376017 32.7567 10.2376 1019 1038361 1058089859 31.9218 10.0629 1074 1153476 1238833224 32.7719 10.2408 1020 1040400 1061208000 31.9374 10.0662 1075 1155625 1242296875 32.7872 10.2440 1021 1042441 1064332261 31.9531 10.0695 1076 1157776 1245766976 32.8024 10.2472 1022 1044484 1067462648 31.9687 10.0728 1077 1159929 1249243533 32.8177 10.2503 1023 1046529 1070599167 31.9844 10.0761 1078 1162084 1252726552 32.8329 10.2535 1024 1048576 1073741824 32.0000 10.0794 1079 1 164241 1256216039 32.8481 10.2567 1025 1050625 1076890625 32.0156 10.0826 1080 1166400 1259712000 32.8634 10.2599 1026 1052676 1080045576 32.0312 10.0859 1081 1 168561 1263214441 32.8786 10.2630 1027 1054729 1083206683 32.0468 10.0892 1032 1170724 1266723368 32.8938 10.2662 1028 1056784 1086373952 32.0624 10.0925 1033 1172889 1270238787 32.9090 10.2693 1029 1058841 1089547389 32.0780 10.0957 1084 1175056 1273760704 32.9242 10.2725 1030 1060900 1092727000 32.0936 10.0990 1035 1177225 1277289125 32.9393 10.2757 1031 1062%! 1095912791 32.1092 10.1023 1036 11793% 1280824056 32.9545 10.2788 1032 1065024 1099104768 32.1248 10.1055 1037 1181569 1284365503 32.%97 10.2820 1033 10670S9 1 102302937 32.1403 10.1088 1088 1183744 1287913472 32.9848 10.2851 1034 1069156 1105507304 32.1559 10.1121 1089 11 8592 1 1 1291 467969 33.0000 10.2883 104 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. No. T090 Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 1188100 1295029000 33.0151 10.2914 1145 1311025 1501123625 33.8378 10.4617 1091 1 190281 12985%571 33.0303i 10.2946 1146 1313316 1505060136 33.8526 10.4647 1092 1093 1192464 1194649 1302170688 1305751357 33.0454 33.0606 10.297/ 10.3009 1147 1148 1315609 1317904 1509003523 1512953792 33.8674 33.882 10.4678 10.4708 1094 1196836 1309338584 33.0757 10.3040 1149 132020 1516910949 33.8%9 10.4739 1095 1199025 1312932375 33.0908 10.307 1150 1322500 1520875000 33.9116 10.4769 10% 1201216 1316532736 33.1059 10.3103 1151 1324801 1524845951 33.9264 10.4799 1097 1203409 1320139673 33.1210 10.3134 1152 1327104 1528823808 33.9411 10.4830 1098 1205604 1323753192 33.1361 10.3165 1153 1329409 1532808577 33.9559 10.4860 1099 1207801 1327373299 33.1512 10.3197 1154 1331716 1536800264 33.9706 10.4890 1100 1210000 1331000000 33.1662 10.3228 1155 1334025 1540798875 33.9853 10.4921 1101 1212201 1334633301 33.1813J 10.3259 1156 1336336 1544804416 34.0000 10.4951 1102 1214404 1338273208 33.1964! 10.3290 1157 1338649 1548816893 34.0147 10.4981 1103 1216609 1341919727 33 .21141 10.3322 1158 1340964 1552836312 34.0294 10.5011 1104 1218816 1345572864 33.2264 103353 1159 1343281 1556862679 34.0441 10.5042 1105 1221025 1349232625 33.2415 10.3384 1160 1345600 1560896000 34.0588 10.5072 1106 1223236 1352899016 33.2566 10.3415 1161 1347921 1564936281 34.0735 10.5102 1107 1225449 1356572043 33.2716 10.3447 1162 1350244 1568933528 34.0881 10.5132 1108 1227664 1360251712 33.2866 10.3478 1163 1352569 1573037747 34.1028 1 0.5 162 1109 1229881 1363938029 33.3017 10.3509 1164 13548% 1577098944 34.1174 10.5192 1110 1232100 1367631000 33.3167 10.3540 1165 1357225 1581167125 34.1321 10.5223 1111 1234321 1371330631 33.3317 10.3571 1166 1359556 15852422% 34.1467 10.5253 1112 1236544 1375036928 33.3467 10.3602 1167 1361889 1589324463 34.1614 10.5283 1113 1238769 1378749897 33.3617 10.3633 1168 1364224 1593413632 34.1760 10.5313 1114 12409% 1382469544 33.3766 10.3664 1169 1366561 1597509809 34.1906 10.5343 1115 1243225 1386195875 33.3916 10.3695 1170 1368900 1601613000 34.2053 10.5373 1116 1245456 13899288% 33.4066 10.3726 1171 1371241 1605723211 34.2199 10.5403 1117 1247689 1393668613 33.4215 103757 1172 1373584 1609840448 34.2345 10.5433 1118 1249924 1397415032 33.4365 10.3788 1173 1375929 1613964717 34.2491 10.5463 1119 1252161 1401168159 33.4515 10.3819 1174 1378276 1618096024 34.2637 10.5493 1120 1254400 1404928000 33.4664 10.3850 1175 1380625 1622234375 34.2783 10.5523 1121 1256641 408694561 33.4813 10.3881 1176 1382976 1626379776 34.2929 10.5553 1122 1258884 412467848 33.4%3 10.3912 1177 1385329 1630532233 34.3074 10.5583 1123 1261 129 416247867 33.5112 10.3943 1178 1387684 1634691752 34.3220 10.5612 1124 1263376 420034624 33.5261 10.3973 1179 1390041 638858339 34.3366 10.5642 1125 1265625 423828125 33.5410 10.4004 1180 1392400 643032000 34.3511 10.5672 1126 1267876 427628376 33.5559 10.4035 1181 1394761 647212741 34.3657 10.5702 1127 1270129 431435383 33.5708 10.4066 1182 1397124 65140056834.3802 10.5732 1128 1272384 435249152 33.5857 10.4097 1183 1399489 655595487 34.3948 0.5762 1129 1274641 439069689 33.6006 10.4127 1184 1401856 659797504 34.4093 0.5791 1130 1276900 442897000 33.6155 10.4158 1185 1404225 664006625 34.4238 0.5821 \\3\ 1279161 446731091 33.6303 10.4189 1186 1406596 668222856 34.4384 0.5851 1132 1281424 450571968 33.6452 10.4219 1187 140S%9 672446203 34.4529 0.5881 1133 1283689 4544 1%37| 33 .6601 10.4250 1158 1411344 676676672 34.4674 0.5910 1134 1285956 458274104 33.6749 10.4281 1189 1413721 680914269 34.4819 0.5940 1135 1288225 462135375 33.6898 10.4311 1190 1416100 685159000 34.4964 0.5970 1136 12904% 466003456133.7046 10.4342 1191 1418481 689410871 34.5109 0.6000 1137 1292769 469878353 33.7174 10.4373 1192 1420864 693669888 34.5254 0.6029 1138 1295044 473760072 33.7342 10.4404 1193 1423249 697936057 34.5398 0.6059 1139 1297321 477648619 33.7491 10.4434 1194 1425636 702209384 34.5543 0.6088 1140 1299600 481544000 33.7639 10.4464 1195 1428025 706489875 34,5688 0.6118 1141 1301881 485446221 33.7787 10.4495 11% 1430416 710777536 34.5832 0.6148 1142 1304164 489355288 33.7935 10 4525 1197 1432809 715072373 34.5977 0.6177 1143 1306449 493271207 33.8083 10.4556 1198 1435204 719374392 34.6121 0.6207 1144 1308736 497193934338231 10.4586 1199 1437601 '1723683599 34.6266 0.6236 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS. 105 No 1200 Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 1440000 1728000000 34.6410 10.6266 1255 1575025 1976656375 35.4260 10.7865 1201 1442401 1732323601 34.6554 10.6295 1256 1577536 1981385216 35.4401 10.7894 1202 1444804 1 736654408 34.6699 10.6325 1257 1580049 1986121593 35.4542 10.7922 1203 1447209 1740992427 34.6843 10.6354 1258 1582564 1990865512 35.4683 10.7951 1204 1449616 1745337664 34.6987 10.6384 1259 1585081 1995616979 35.4824 10.7980 1205 1452025 1749690125 34.7131 10.6413 1260 1587600 2000376000 35.4%5 10.8008 1206 1454436 1754049816 34.7275 10.6443 1261 1590121 2005142581 35.5106 10.8037 1207 1456849 1758416743 34.7419 10.6472 1262 1592644 2009916728 35.5246 10.8065 1208 1459264 1762790912 34.7563 1C.6501 1263 1595169 2014698447 35.5387 10.8094 1209 1461631 1767172329 34.7707 10.6530 1264 15976% 2019487744 35.5528 10.8122 1210 1464100 1771561000 34.7851 10.6560 1265 1600225 202428.4625 35.5668 10.8151 1211 1 466521 1775956931 34.7994 10.6590 1266 1602756 2029089096 35.5809 10.8179 1212 1463944 1780360128 34.8138 10.6619 1267 1605289 2033901163 35.5949 10.8208 1213 1471369 1784770597 34.8281 10.6648 1268 1607824 2038720832 35.6090 10.8236 1214 1473796 1789188344 34.8425 10.6678 1269 1610361 2043548109 35.6230 10.8265 1215 1476225 1793613375 34.8569 10.6707 1270 1612900 2048383000 35.6371 10.8293 1216 1478656 17980456% 34.8712 10.6736 1271 1615441 2053225511 35.6511 10.8322 1217 1481089 1802485313 34.8855 10.6765 1272 1617984 2058075648 35.6651 10.8350 1218 1433524 1806932232 34.8999 10.6795 1273 1620529 2062933417 35.6791 10.8378 1219 1485%! 1811386459 34.9142 10.6324 1274 1623076 2067798824 35.6931 10.8407 1220 1438400 1815848000 34.9285 10.6853 1275 1625625 2072671875 35.7071 10.8435 1221 1490841 1820316861 34.9428 10.6882 1276 1628176 2077552576 35.7211 10.8463 1222 1493284 1824793048 34.9571 10.691 1 1277 1630729 2082440933 35.7351 10.8492 1223 1495729 1829276567 34.9714 10.6940 1278 1633284 2087336952 35.7491 10.8520 1224 1498176 1833767424 34.9357 10.6970 1279 1635841 2092240639 35.7631 10.8548 1225 1500625 1838265625 35.0000 10.6999 1280 1638400 2097152000 35.7771 10.857; 1226 1503076 1842771176 35.0143 10.7028 1281 1640%! 2102071041 35.791 1 10.8605 1227 1505529 1847284033 35.0286 10.7057 1282 1643524 2106997768 35.8050 10.8633 1223 1507984 1851804352 35.0428 10.7086 1283 1646089 2111932187 35.8190 10.8661 1229 1510441 1856331989 35.0571 10.7115 1284 1648656 21 16874304 35.8329 10.8690 1230 1512900 1860867000 35.0714 10.7144 1285 1651225 2121824125 35.8469 10.8718 1231 1515361 1865409391 35.0856 10.7173 1286 1653796 2126781656 35.8608 10.8746 1232 1517824 1869959163 35.0999 10.7202 1287 1656369 2131746903 35.8748 10.8774 1233 1520239 1874516337 35.1141 10.7231 1238 1658944 2136719872 35.8887 10.8802 1234 1522756 1879080904 35.1283 10.7260 1289 1661521 2141700569 35.9026 10.8831 1235 1525225 1833652875 35.1426 10.7289 1290 1664100 2146689000 35.9166 10.8859 1236 1527696 1838232256 35.1568 10.7318 1291 1666681 2151685171 35.9305 10.8887 1237 1530169 1892819053 35.1710 10.7347 1292 1669264 2156689088 35.9444 10.8915 1233 1532644 1897413272 35.1852 10.7376 1293 1671849 2161700757 35.9583 10.8943 1239 1535121 1902014919 35.1994 10.7405 1294 1674436 2166720184 35.9722 10.8971 1240 1537600 1906624000 35.2136 10.7434 1295 1677025 2171747375 35.9fBl 10.8959 1241 1540081 1911240521 35.2278 10.7463 1296 167%16 2176782336 36.0000 10.9027 1242 1542564 1915864438 35.2420 10.7491 1297 1682209 2181825073 36.0139 10.9055 1243 1545049 1920495907 35.2562 10.7520 1298 1684804 2186875592 36.0278 10.9083 1244 1547536 1925134784 35.2704 10.7549 1299 1687401 2191933899 36.0416 10.9111 1245 1550025 1929781125 35.2846 10.7578 1300 1690000 2197000000 36.0555 10.9139 1246 1552516 1934434936 35.2987 10.7607 1301 1692601 2^02073901 36.0694 10.9167 1247 1555005 1939096223 35.3129 10.7635 1302 1695204 2207155608 36.0832 10.9195 1243 1557504 1 943764992 35.3270 10.7664 1303 1697809 2212245127 36.0971 10.9223 1249 1560001 1948441249 35.3412 10.7693 1304 1700416 2217342464 36.1109 10.9251 1250 1562509 1953125000 35.3553 10.7722 1305 1703025 2222447625 36.1248 10.9279 1251 1555011 1957816251 35.3695 10.7750 1306 1705636 2227560616 36.1386 10.9307 1252 1567504 1962515008 35.3836 10.7779 1307 1708249 2232681443 36.1525 10.9335 1253 1570009 1967221277 35.3977 10.7808 1308 1710864 22378101 12 36.1663 10.9363 1254 1572516 197193506435.4119 10.7837 1309 1713481 2242946629 36.1801 10.9391 106 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube .Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. T310 1716100 2248091000 36.1939 10.9418 1365 1863225 2543302125 36.9459 1 1 .0929 1311 1718721 2253243231 36.2077 10.9446 1366 1865956 25488958% 36.9594 1 1 .0956 1312 1721344 2258403328 36.2215 10.9474 1367 1868689 2554497863 36.9730 1 1 .0983 1313 1723969 2263571297 36.2353 10.9502 1368 1871424 2560108032 36.9865 11.1010 1314 17265% 2268747144 36.2491 10.9530 1369 1874161 2565726409 37.0000 11.1037 1315 1729225 2273930875 36.2629 10.9557 1370 1876900 2571353000 37.0135 11.1064 1316 1731856 22791224% 36.2767 10.9585 1371 1879641 257698781 1 37.0270 11.1091 1317 1734489 2284322013 36.2905 10.%13 1372 1882384 2582630848 37.0405 11.1118 1318 1737124 2289529432 36.3043 10.9640 1373 1885129 2588282117 37.0540 11.1145 1319 1739761 2294744759 36.3180 10.9668 1374 1887876 2593941624 37.0675 11.1172 1320 1742400 2299968000 36.3318 10.%% 1375 1890625 2599609375 37.0810 11.1199 1321 1745041 2305199161 36.3456 10.9724 1376 1893376 2605285376 37.0945 11.1226 1322 1747684 2310438248 36.3593 10.9752 1377 18%129 261096%33 37.1080 11.1253 1323 1750329 2315685267 36.3731 10.9779 1378 1898884 2616662152 37.1214 11.1280 1324 1752976 2320940224 36.3868 10.9807 1379 1901641 2622362939 37.1349 11.1307 1325 1755625 2326203125 36.4005 10.9834 1380 1904400 2628072000 37.1484 11.1334 1326 1758276 2331473976 36.4143 10.9862 1381 1907161 2633789341 37.1618 11.1361 1327 1760929 2336752783 36.4280 10.9890 1382 1909924 2639514968 37.1753 11.1387 1328 1763584 2342039552 36.4417 10.9917 1383 1912689 2645248887 37.1887 11.1414 1329 1766241 2347334289 36.4555 10.9945 1384 1915456 2650991104 37.2021 11.1441 1330 1768900 2352637000 36.4692 10.9972 1385 1918225 2656741625 37.2156 11.1468 1331 1771561 2357947691 36.4829 11.0000 1386 1920996 2662500456 37.2290 11.1495 1332 1774224 2363266368 36.4966 1 1 .0028 1387 1923769 2668267603 37.2424 11.1522 1333 1776889 2368593037 36.5103 11.0055 1388 1926544 2674043072 37.2559 11.1548 1334 1779556 2373927704 36.5240 11.0083 1389 1929321 2679826869 37.2693 11.1575 1335 1782225 2379270375 36.5377 11.0110 1390 1932100 2685619000 37.2827 11.1602 1336 1784896 2384621056 36.5513 11.0138 1391 1934881 2691419471 37.2961 11.1629 1337 1787569 2389979753 36.5650 11.0165 1392 1937664 2697228288 37.3095 11.1655 1338 1790244 2395346472 36.5787 11.0193 1393 1940449 2703045457 37.3229 11.1682 1339 1792921 2400721219 36.5923 11.0220 1394 1943236 2708870984 37.3363 11.1709 1340 1795600 2406104000 36.6060 11.0247 1395 1946025 2714704875 37.3497 11.1736 1341 1798281 2411494821 36.6197 1 1 .0275 1396 1948816 2720547136 37.3631 11.1762 1342 1800964 2416893688 36.6333 1 1 .0302 1397 1951609 2726397773 37.3765 11.1789 1343 1803649 2422300607 36.6469 1.0330 1398 1954404 2732256792 37.3898 11.1816 1344 1806336 2427715584 36.6606 1 .0357 1399 1957201 2738124199 37.4032 11.1842 1345 1809025 2433138625 36.6742 .0384 1400 1960000 2744000000 37.4166 11.1869 1346 1811716 2438569736 36.6879 .0412 1401 1962801 2749884201 37.4299 11.1896 1347 1814409 2444008923 36.7015 .0439 1402 1%5604 2755776808 37.4433 11.1922 1348 1817104 2449456192 36.7151 .0466 1403 1%8409 2761677827 37.4566 11.1949 1349 1819801 2454911549 36.7287 .0494 1404 1971216 2767587264 37.4700 11.1975 1350 1822WO 2460375000 36.7423 .0521 1405 1974025 2773505125 37.4833 11.2002 1351 1825201 2465846551 36.7560 1 .0548 1406 1976836 2779431416 37,4967 1 1 .2028 1352 1827904 2471326208 36.76% 1 .0575 1407 1979649 2785366143 37.5100 1 1 .2055 1353 1830609 2476813977 36.7831 .0603 1408 1982464 2791309312 37.5233 1 1 .2082 1354 1833316 2482309864 36.7967 1.0630 1409 1985281 2797260929 37.5366 11.2108 1355 1836025 2487813875 36.8103 .0657 1410 1988100 2803221000 37.5500 11.2135 1356 1838736 2493326016 36.8239 1.0684 1411 1990921 2809189531 37.5633 11.2161 1357 1841449 2498846293 36.8375 1.0712 1412 1993744 2815166528 37.5766 11. 2 188 1358 1844164 2504374712 36.8511 1.0739 1413 19%569 2821151997 37.5699 11.2214 1359 1846881 2509911279 36.8646 1 .0766 1414 1999396 2827145944 37.6032 1 1 .2240 1360 1849600 2515456000 36.8782 1 .0793 1415 2002225 2833148375 37 6165 11.2267 1361 1852321 2521008881 36.8917 1 .0820 1416 2005056 28391592% 37.6298 11.2293 1362 1855044 2526569928 36.9053 1 .0847 1417 2007889 2845178713 37.6431 11.2320 1363 1857769 2532139147 36.9188 11.0875 1418 2010724 2851206632 37.6563 1 1 2346 1364 18604% 2537716544 36.9324 1 1 .0902 1419 2013561 2857243059 37.66% 1 1 2373 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE AND CUBE ROOTS. 107 No. Square. Cube. Sq. | Root. Cube Root. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 2016400 2019241 2022084 2024929 2027776 2863288000 2869341461 2875403448 2881473967 2887553024 37.6829 37.6962 37.7094 37.7227 37.7359 1 1 .2399 1 1 .2425 1 1 .2452 11.2478 11.2505 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 2175625 2178576 2181529 2184484 2187441 3209046875 3215578176 3222118333 3228667352 3235225239 38.4057 38 4187 38.4318 38.4448 38.4578 1 1 .3832 1 1 .3858 1 1 .3883 11.3909 11.3935 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 2030625 2033476 2036329 2039184 2042041 2893640625 2899736776 2905841483 2911954752 2918076589 37.7492 37.7624 37.7757 37.7889 37.8021 11.2531 11.2557 1 1 .2583 11.2610 11.2636 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 2190400 2193361 21%324 2199289 2202256 3241792000 3248367641 3254952168 3261545587 3268147904 38.4708 38.4838 38.4968 38.5097 38.5227 11.3960 11.3986 11.4012 11.4037 11.4063 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 2044900 2047761 2050624 2053489 2056356 2924207000 2930345991 2936493568 2942649737 2948814504 37.8153 37.8286 37.8418 37.8550 37.8682 11.2662 11.2689 11.2715 11.2741 11.2767 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 2205225 2208196 2211169 2214144 2217121 3274759125 3281379256 3288008303 3294646272 3301293169 38.5357 38.5487 38.5616 38.5746 38.5876 11.4089 11.4114 11 4140 11.4165 11.4191 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 2059225 20620% 2064969 2067844 2070721 2954987875 2961169856 2967360453 2973559672 29797675 19 37.8814 37.8946 37.9078 37.9210 37.9342 11.2793 11.2820 1 1 .2846 11.2872 1 1 .2898 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 2220100 2223081 2226064 2229049 2232036 3307949000 3314613771 3321287488 3327970157 3334661784 386005 38.6135 386264 38.6394 38.6523 11.4216 11.4242 1 1 .4268 1 1 .4293 11.4319 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 2073600 2076481 2079364 2032249 2085136 2985984000 2992209121 2998442888 3004685307 3010936384 37.9473 37.9605 37.9737 37.9868 38.0000 1 1 .2924 11.2950 1 1 .2977 1 1 .3003 11.3029 1495 1496 1497 1493 1499 2235025 2238016 2241009 2244004 2247001 3341362375 3348071936 3354790473 3361517992 3368254499 38.6652 38.6782 38.691 1 38.7040 38.7169 1 1 .4344 1 1 .4370 11.4395 11.4421 11.4446 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 2088025 2090916 2093809 2096704 2099601 3017196125 3023464536 3029741623 3036027392 3042321849 38.0132 38.0263 38.0395 38 0526 38.0657 1 1 .3055 11.3081 11.3107 11.3133 11.3159 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 2250000 2253001 2256004 2259009 2262016 3375000000 3381754501 3388518008 3395290527 3402072064 38.7298 38.7427 38.7556 38.7685 38.7814 11.4471 1 1 .4497 11.4522 1 1 .4548 11.4573 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 2102500 2105401 2108304 2111209 2114116 3048625000 3054936851 3061257408 3067586677 3073924664 38.0789 38.0920 38.1051 38.1182 38.1314 11.3185 11.3211 1 1 .3237 1 1 .3263 11.3289 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 2265025 2268036 2271049 2274064 2277081 3408862625 3415662216 3422470843 3429288512 3436115229 38.7943 38.8072 38 8201 38.8330 38.8458 11.4598 11.4624 11.4649 11.4675 11.4700 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 2117025 2119936 2122849 2125764 2128681 3080271375 3086626816 3092990993 3099363912 3105745579 38.1445 38.1576 38.1707 38.1838 38.1969 11.3315 11.3341 1 1 .3367 11.3393 11.3419 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 2280100 2283121 2286144 2289169 22921% 3442951000 3449795831 3456649728 3463512697 3470384744 38.8587 38.8716 38.8844 38.8973 38.9102 11.4725 11.4751 11 ,4776 11.4801 11.4826 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 2131600 2134521 2137444 2140369 2143296 3112136000 3118535181 3124943128 3131359847 3137785344 38.2099 38.2230 38.2361 38.2492 38.2623 11.3445 11.3471 11.34% 11.3522 11.3548 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 2295225 2298256 2301289 2304324 2307361 3477265875 34841560% 3491055413 3497%3832 3504881359 38.9230 38.9358 38.9487 38.%15 38.9744 11.4852 11.4877 11.4902 11.4927 11.4953 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 2146225 2149156 2152089 2155024 2157%1 3144219625 3150662696 3157114563 3163575232 3170044709 38.2753 38.2884 38.3014 38.3145 38.3275 11.3574 11.3600 11.3626 1 1 .3652 11.3677 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 2310400 2313441 2316484 2319529 2322576 3511808000 3518743761 3525688648 3532642667 3539605824 38.9872 39.0000 39.0128 39.0256 39.0384 11.4978 11.5003 11.5028 11.5054 11.5079 1470 1471 M72 1473 1474 2160900 2163841 2166784 2169729 2172676 3176523000 3183010111 3189506048 3196010817 3202524424 38.3406 38.3536 38.3667 38.3797 38 3927 11.3703 1 1 .3729 1 1 .3755 1 1 3780 11.3806 1525 1526 1527 4528 1529 2325625 2328676 2331729 2334784 2337841 3546578125 3553559576 3560550183 3567549952 3574558889 39.0512 39.0640 39.0768 39.08% 39.1024 11.5104 11.5129 11.5154 11.5179 11.5204 108 MATHEMATICAL TABLES, No. 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. No. "7565 1566 1567 1568 1569 Square. Cube. Sq. Root. Cube Root. 2340900 2343961 2347024 2350089 2353156 3581577000 3588604291 3595640768 3602686437 3609741304 39.1152 39.1280 39.1408 39.1535 39.1663 1 1 .5230 11.5255 11.5280 11.5305 11.5330 2449225 2452356 2455489 2458624 2461761 3833037125 38403894% 3847751263 3855123432 3862503009 39.5601 39.5727 39.5854 39.5980 39.6106 11.6102 11.6126 11.6151 11.6176 11.6200 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 2356225 23592% 2362369 2365444 2368521 3616805375 3623878656 3630% 11 53 3638052872 3645153819 39.1791 39.1918 39.2046 39.2173 39.2301 11.5355 1 1 .5380 1 1 .5405 1 1 .5430 1 1 .5455 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 2464900 2468041 2471184 2474329 2477476 3869893000 3877292411 3884701248 3892119517 3899547224 39.6232 39.6358 39.6485 39.661 1 39.6737 11.6225 1 1 .6250 1 1 .6274 1 1 .6299 11.6324 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 2371600 2374681 2377764 2380849 2383936 3652264000 3659383421 3666512088 3673650007 3680797184 39.2428 39.2556 39.2683 39.2810 39.2938 1 1 .5480 11.5505 11.5530 11.5555 11.5580 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 2480625 2483776 2486929 2490084 2493241 3906984375 3914430976 3921887033 3929352552 3936827539 39.6863 39.6989 39.7115 39.7240 39.7366 1 1 .6348 1 1 .6373 1 1 .6398 1 1 .6422 1 1 .6447 1545 1546 1547 1548 154Q 2387025 2390116 2393209 2396304 2399401 3687953625 3695119336 3702294323 3709478592 3716672149 39.3065 393192 39.3319 39.3446 39.3573 1 1 .5605 1 1 .5630 1 1 .5655 11.5680 11.5705 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 2496400 2499561 2502724 2505889 2509056 3944312000 3951805941 3959309368 3966822287 3974344704 39.7492 39.7618 39.7744 39.7869 39.7995 11.6471 11.64% 11.6520 1 1 .6545 1 1 .6570 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 2402500 2405601 2408704 2411809 2414916 3723875000 3731087151 3738308608 3745539377 3752779464 39.3700 39.3827 39.3954 39.4081 39.4208 1 1 .5729 11.5754 1 1 .5779 1 1 .5804 1 1 .5829 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 2512225 25153% 2518569 2521744 2524921 3981876625 3989418056 3996%9003 4004529472 4012099469 39.8121 39.8246 39.8372 39.8497 39.8623 1 1 .6594 11.6619 1 1 .6643 11.6668 1 1 .6692 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 2418025 2421136 2424249 2427364 2430481 3760028875 3767287616 3774555693 3781833112 37891 19879 39.4335 39.4462 39.4588 39.4715 39.4842 11.5854 1 1 .5879 1 1 .5903 1 1 .5928 1 1 .5953 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 2528100 2531281 2534464 2537649 2540836 401%79000 4027268071 4034866688 4042474857 4050092584 39.8748 39.8873 39.8999 39.9124 39.9249 11.6717 1 1 .6741 1 1 .6765 1 1 .6790 11.6814 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 2433600 2436721 2439844 2442969 24460% 3796416000 3803721481 381 1036328 3818360547 3825694144 39.4968 39.5095 39.5221 39.5348 39.5474 1 1 .5978 11.6003 11.6027 1 1 .6052 11.6077 1595 15% 1597 1598 1599 2544025 2547216 2550409 2553604 2556801 4057719875 4065356736 4073003173 4080659192 4088324799 39.9375 39.9500 39.%25 39.9750 39.9875 1 1 .6839 1 1 .6863 11 6888 11.6912 11.6936 1600 2560000 4096000000 40.0000 11.6961 SQUARES AND CUBES OF DECIMALS. No. Square Cube. No. Square Cube. No. Square. ' Cube. \2 .01 .04 .001 .008 .01 .02 .0001 .0004 .000 001 .000 008 .001 .002 .00 00 01 .00 00 04 .000 000 001 .000 000 008 .09 .027 .03 .0009 .000 027 .003 .00 00 09 .000 000 027 *4 .16 .064 .04 .0016 .000 064 .004 .00 00 16 ,000 000 064 .5 .25 .125 .05 .0025 .000 125 .005 .00 00 25 .000 000 125 6 .36 .216 .06 .0036 .000 216 .006 .00 00 36 .000 000 216 .7 .49 .343 .07 .0049 .000 343 .007 .00 00 49 .000 000 343 8 .64 .512 .08 .0064 .000 512 .008 .00 00 64 .000 000 512 .9 .81 .729 .09 .0081 .000 729 .009 .00 00 81 .000 000 729 1 1 00 1.000 .10 .0100 .001 000 .010 .00 01 00 .000 001 000 1.44 1.728 .12 .0144 .001 728 .012 .00 01 44 .000 001 728 Note that the square has twice as many decimal places, and the cube .three times as many decimal places, as the root. FIFTH ROOTS AND FIFTH POWERS, 109 FIFTH ROOTS AND FIFTH POWERS. (Abridged from TRAUTWINB.) *i && Power. o 3 Power. (H . o -^ ll Power. S.O^ m !> co c CNt^ C o o O - ri i OvO ^O C - ooow^oooooomom. oooinoomoooomtnoro c^.o -1 !>. mo^-OiAOPOOoor^oot > NO'^-vOfNOOio' T t' -< '- - N N .in O O O O O fS CO vO 00 -O CO 9852.03 175 549.78 24052.82 5/8 294. 132 6884.5 113 355.00 0028.75 176 552.92 24328.49 3/4 294.524 6902 . 9 114 358.14 0207.03 177 556.06 24605 . 74 7/8 294.917 6921.3 115 361.28 0386.89 178 559.20 24884.56 94. 295.310 6939.8 116 364.42 0568.32 179 562.35 25164.94 1/8 295 . 702 6958.2 117 367.57 0751.32 ISO 565 . 49 25446.90 1/4 296.095 6976.7 118 370.71 0935.88 181 568.63 25730.43 3/8 296.488 6995.3 119 373.85 1122.02 182 571.77 26015.53 1/2 296.881 701.3.8 120 376.99 1309.73 183 574.91 26302.20 5/8 297.273 7032.4 121 380.13 1499.01 184 578.05 26590.44 3/4 297.666 7051.0 122 383.27 1689.87 185 581.19 26880.25 7/8 298.059 7069.6 123 386.42 1882.29 186 584.34 27171.63 95. 298.451 7088.2 124 389.56 2076.28 187 587.48 27464.59 1/8 298.844 7106.9 125 392.70 2271.85 188 590.62 27759.11 1/4 299.237 7125.6 126 395.84 2468.98 189 593 . 76 28055.21 3/8 299.629 7144.3 127 398.98 2667.69 190 596.90 28352.87 1/2 300.022 7163.0 128 402. 12 2867.96 191 600.04 28652. 11 5/8 300.415 7181.8 129 405.27 3069.81 192 603.19 28952.92 3/4 n i 300.807 7200.6 116 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. Diam Circum Area. Diam Circum Area. Diam Circum. Area. 193 606.33 29255.30 260 816.81 53092.92 327 1027.30 83961.84 194 609.47 29559.25 261 819.96 53502.11 328 1030.44 84496.28 195 612.61 29864.77 262 823.10 53912.87 329 1033.58 85012.28 196 615.75 30171.86 263 826.24 54325. 21 330 1036.73 85529.86 197 618.89 30480.52 264 829.38 54739.11 331 1039.87 86049.01 193 622.04 30790.75 265 832.52 55154.59 332 1043.01 86569.73 199 625. 18 31102.55 266 835.66 55571.63 333 1046. 15 87092.02 200 628.32 31415.93 267 838.81 55990.25 334 1049.29 87615.88 201 631.46 31730.87 268 841.95 56410.44 335 1052.43 88141.31 202 634.60 32047.39 269 845.09 56832.20 336 1055.58 88668.31 203 637.74 32365.47 270 848.23 57255.53 337 1058.72 89196.88 204 640.88 32685. 13 271 851.37 57680.43 338 1061 .86 89727.03 205 644.03 33006.36 272 854.51 58106.90 339 1065.00 90258.74 206 647. 17 33329. 16 273 857.65 58534.94 340 1068. 14 90792.03 207 650.31 33653.53 274 860.80 58964.55 341 1071.28 91326.88 203 653.45 33979.47 275 863 . 94 59395.74 342 1074.42 91863.31 209 656.59 34306.98 276 867.08 59828.49 343 1077.57 92401.31 210 659.73 34636.06 277 870.22 60262.82 344 1080.71 92940.88 211 662.88 34966.71 278 873.36 60698.71 345 1083.85 93482.02 212 666.02 35298.94 279 876.50 61136. 18 346 1086.99 94024.73 213 669. 16 35632.73 280 879.65 61575.22 347 1090. 13 94569.01 214 672.30 35968.09 281 882.79 62015.82 348 1093.27 95114.86 215 675.44 36305.03 282 885.93 62458.00 349 1096.42 95662.28 216 678.58 36643.54 283 889.07 62901.75 350 1099.56 96211.28 217 681.73 36983.61 284 892.21 63347.07 351 1102.70 96761.84 218 684.87 37325.26 285 895.35 63793.97 352 1105.84 97313.97 219 688.01 37668.48 286 898.50 64242.43 353 1108.98 97867.68 230 691. 15 38013.27 287 901.64 64692.46 354 1112. 12 98422.96 221 694.29 38359.63 288 904.78 65144.07 355 1115.27 98979.80 222 697.43 38707.56 289 907.92 65597.24 356 1118.41 99538.22 223 700.58 39057.07 290 911.06 66051.99 357 1121.55 100098.21 224 703.72 39408. 14 291 914.20 66508.30 358 1124.69 100659.77 225 706.86 39760.78 292 917.35 66966. 19 359 1127.83 101222.90 226 710.00 401 15.00 293 920.49 67425.65 360 1130.97 101787.60 227 713. 14 40470.78 294 923.63 67886.68 361 1134.11 102353.87 228 716.28 40828. 14 295 926.77 68349.28 362 1137.26 102921.72 229 719.42 41187.07 296 929.91 68813.45 363 1140.40 103491. 13 230 722.57 41547.56 297 933.05 69279. 19 364 1143.54 1 04062 . 1 2 231 725.71 41909.63 298 936. 19 69746.50 365 1146.68 104634.67 232 728.85 42273.27 299 939.34 70215.38 366 1149.82 105208.80 233 73 1 . 99 42638.48 300 942.48 70685.83 367 1152.96 105784.49 234 735.13 43005.26 301 945.62 71157.86 368 1156.11 106361.76 235 738.27 43373.61 302 948.76 71631.45 369 1159.25 106940.60 236 741.42 43743.54 303 951.90 72106.62 370 1162.39 107521.01 237 744.56 44115.03 304 955.04 72583.36 371 1165.53 108102.99 238 747.70 44488.09 305 958. 19 73061.66 372 1 168.67 108686.54 239 750.84 44862.73 306 961.33 73541 .54 373 1171.81 109271.66 240 753.98 45238.93 307 964.47 74022.99 374 1174.96 109858.35 241 757. 12 45616.71 308 967.61 74506.01 375 1178.10 1 10446.62 242 760.27 45996.06 309 970.75 74990.60 376 1181.24 111036.45 243 763.41 46376.98 310 973.89 75476.76 377 1184.33 1 1 1627.86 244 766.55 46759.47 311 977.04 75964.50 378 1187.52 112220.83 245 769.69 47143.52 312 980. 18 76453.80 379 1190.66 112815.38 246 772. S3 47529. 16 313 983.32 76944.67 380 1193.81 113411.49 247 775.97 47916.36 314 986.46 77437.12 381 1196.95 114009.18 248 779. 11 48305.13 315 989.60 77931. 13 382 1200.09 1 14608.44 249 782.26 48695.47 316 992 . 74 78426.72 383 1203.23 115209.27 250 785.40 49087.39 317 995.88 78923.88 384 1206.37 115811;67 251 788.54 49480.87 318 999.03 79422.60 385 1209.51 116415.64 252 791.68 49875.92 319 1002.17 79922 . 90 386 1212.65 117021.18 253 794.82 50272.55 320 1005.31 80424.77 387 1215.80 117628.30 254 797.96 50670.75 321 1008.45 80928.21 388 1218.94 18236.98 255 801. 11 51070.52 322 1011.59 81433.22 389 1222.08 18847.24 256 804.25 51471.85 323 1014.73 81939.80 390 1225.22 19459.06 257 807.39 51874.76 324 1017.88 82447.96 391 1228.36 20072.46 258 810.53 52279.24 325 1021.02 82957.68 392 1231.50 20687.46 259 813.67 52685 . 29 326 1024. 16 83468.98 393 1234.65 21303.96 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. 117 Diam Circum Area. Diam Circum Area. Diam Circum Area. "394" 1237.79 121922.07 461 1448.27 166913.60 528 1658.76 218956.44 395 1240.93 122541.75 462 1451.42 167638.53 529 1661.90 219786.61 396 1244.07 123163.00 463 1454.56 168365.02 530 1665.04 220618.34 397 1247.21 123785.82 464 1457.70 1 69093 . 08 531 1668. 19 221451.65 398 1250.35 124410.21 465 1460.84 169822.72 532 1671.33 222286.53 399 1253.50 125036. 17 466 1463.98 170553.92 533 1674.47 223122.98 400 1256.64 125663.71 467 1467. 12 171286.70 534 1677.61 223961.00 401 1259.78 126292.81 468 1470.27 172021.05 535 1680.75 224800.59 402 1262.92 126923.48 469 1473.41 172756.97 536 1683.89 225641.75 403 1266.06 127555.73 470 1476.55 173494.45 537 1687.04 226484.48 404 1269.20 128189.55 471 1479.69 174233.51 538 1690.18 227328.79 405 1272.35 128824.93 472 1482.83 174974. 14 539 1693.32 228174.66 406 1275.49 129461 .89 473 1485.97 175716.35 540 1696.46 229022. 10 407 1278.63 130100.42 474 1489.11 176460.12 541 1699.60 229871.12 408 1281.77 130740.52 475 1492.26 177205.46 542 1702.74 230721.71 409 1284.91 131382. 19 476 1495.40 177952.37 543 1705.88 231573.86 410 1288.05 132025.43 477 1498.54 178700.86 544 1709.03 232427.59 411 1291. 19 132670.24 478 1501.68 179450.91 545 1712.17 233282.89 412 1294.34 133316.63 479 1504.82 180202.54 546 1715.31 234139.76 413 1297.48 133964.58 480 1507.96 180955.74 547 1718.45 234998.20 414 1300.62 134614.10 481 1511.11 181710.50 548 1721.59 235858.21 415 1303.76 135265.20 482 1514.25 182466.84 549 1724.73 236719.79 416 1306.90 135917.86 483 1517.39 183224.75 550 1727.88 237582.94 417 1310.04 136572.10 484 1520.53 183984.23 551 1 73 1 . 02 238447.67 418 1313.19 137227.91 485 1523.67 184745.28 552 1734.16 239S13.96 419 1316.33 137885.29 486 1526.81 185507.90 553 1737.30 240181.83 420 1319.47 138544.24 487 1529.96 186272.10 554 1740.44 241051.26 421 1322.61 139204.76 488 1533.10 187037.86 555 1743.58 241922.27 421 1325.75 139866.85 489 1536.24 187805.19 556 1746.73 242794.85 423 1328.89 140530.51 49O 1539.38 188574.10 557 1749.87 243668.99 424 1332.04 141195.74 491 1542.52 169344.5. 558 1753.01 244544.71 425 1335. 18 141862.54 492 1545.66 1901 16.62 559 1756.15 245422.00 426 1338.32 142530.92 493 1548.81 190890.2 560 1759.29 246300.86 427 1341.46 143200.86 494 1551.95 191665.43 561 1 762 . 43 247181.30 428 1344.60 143872.38 495 1555.09 192442. 18 562 1765.58 248063.30 429 1347.74 1 44545. 46 496 1558.23 193220.51 563 1768.72 248946.87 430 1350.88 145220. 12 497 1561.37 194000.41 564 1771 .86 249832.01 431 1354.03 145896.35 498 1564.51 194781.89 565 1775.00 250718.73 432 1357.17 146574.15 499 1567.65 195564.93 566 1778.14 251607.01 433 1360.31 147253.52 500 1570.80 196349.54 567 1781.28 252496.87 434 1363.45 147934.46 501 1573.94 197135.72 568 1784.42 253388.30 435 1366.59 148616.97 502 1577.03 197923.48 569 1787.57 254281.29 436 1369.73 149301.05 503 1580.22 198712.80 570 1790.71 255175.86 437 1372 88 149986.70 504 1583.36 199503.70 571 1793.85 256072.00 438 1376.02 150673.93 505 1586.50 200296.17 572 1796.99 256969.71 439 1379. 16 151362.72 506 1589.65 201090.20 573 1800. 13 257868.99 440 1382.30 152053.08 507 1592.79 201885.81 574 1803.27 258769.85 441 1385.44 152745.02 508 1595.93 202682.99 575 1806.42 259672.27 442 1388.58 153438.53 509 1599.07 203481.74 576 1809.56 260576.26 443 1391.73 154133.60 510 1602.21 204282.06 577 1812.70 261481.83 444 1394.87 154830.25 511 1605.35 205083.95 578 1815.84 262388.96 445 1398.01 155528.47 512 1608.50 205887.42 579 1818.93 263297.67 446 1401. 15 156228.26 513 1611.64 206692.45 580 1822.12 264207.94 447 1404.29 156929.62 514 1614.78 207499.05 581 1825.27 265119.79 448 1407.43 157632.55 515 1617.92 208307.23 582 1828.41 266033.21 449 1410.58 158337.06 516 1 62 1 . 06 209116.97 583 1831.55 266948.20 450 1413.72 159043.13 517 1624.20 209928.29 584 1834.69 267864.76 451 1 4 1 6 . 86 159750.77 518 1627.34 210741.18 585 1837.83 268782.89 452 1420.00 160459.99 519 1630.49 211555.63 586 1840.97 269702.59 453 1423.14 161170.77 520 1633.63 212371.66 587 1844.11 270623.86 454 1426.28 161883. 13 521 1636.77 213189.26 588 1847.26 271546.70 455 1429.42 162597.05 522 1639.91 214008.43 589 1850.40 272471. 12 456 1432.57 163312.55 523 1643.05 214829. 17 59O 1853.54 273397.10 457 1435.71 164029.62 524 1646. 19 215651.49 591 1856.68 274324.66 458 1438 85 164748 26 525 1649.34 216475.37 592 1859.82 275253.78 459 460 1441.99 1445.13 165468.47 166190.25 526 527 1652.48 1655.62 217300.82 218127.85 593 594 1862.96 276184.48 1866.1l'277l16.75 118 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. Diam Circum. Area. Diam Circum, Area. Diam Circum Area. 595 1869.25 278050.58 663 2082.88 345236.69 731 2296.50 419686. 13 596 1872.39 278985.99 664 2086.02 346278.91 732 2299.65 420835 19 597 1875.53 279922.97 665 2089.16 347322.70 733 2302.79 421985* 79 598 1878.67 280861.52 666 2092.30 348368.07 734 2305.93 423137.97 599 1881.81 281801.65 667 2095.44 349415.00 735 2309.07 424291.72 600 1884.96 282743.34 668 2098.58 350463.51 736 2312.2 425447.04 601 1888. 10 283686.60 669 2101.73 351513.59 737 2315.35 426603 . 94 602 1891.24 284631.44 670 2104.87 352565.24 738 2318.50 427762.40 603 1894.38 285577.84 671 2108.01 353618.45 739 2321.64 428922.43 604 1897.52 286525.82 672 2111.15 354673.24 740 2324.78 430084.03 605 1900.66 287475.36 673 2114.29 355729.60 741 2327.92 431247.21 606 1903.81 288426.48 674 2117.43 356787.54 742 233 1 . 06 432411.95 607 1906.95 289379.17 675 2120.58 357847.04 743 2334.20 433578.27 608 1910.09 290333.43 676 2123.72 358908.11 744 2337.34 434746. \6 609 1913.23 291289.26 677 2126.86 359970.75 745 2340.49 435915.62 610 1916.37 292246.66 678 2130.00 361034.97 746 2343.63 437086.64 611 1919.51 293205.63 679 2133.14 362100.75 747 2346.77 438259.24 612 1922.65 294166.17 680 2136.28 363168.11 748 2349.91 439433.41 613 1925.80 295128.28 681 2139.42 364237.04 749 2353.05 440609.16 614 1928.94 296091.97 682 2142.57 365307.54 750 2356.19 441786.47 615 1932.08 297057.22 683 2145.71 366379.60 751 2359.34 442965.35 616 1935.22 298024.05 684 2148.85 367453.24 752 2362.48 444145.80 617 1938.36 298992.44 685 2151.99 368528.45 753 2365.62 445327.83 618 1941.50 299962.41 686 2155.13 369605.23 754 2368.76 446511.42 619 1944.65 300933.95 687 2158.27 370683.59 755 2371.90 447696.59 620 1947.79 301907.05 688 2161.42 371763.51 756 2375.04 448883.32 621 1950.93 302881.73 689 2164.56 372845.00 757 2378.19 450071.63 622 1954.07 303857.98 690 2167.70 373928.07 758 2381.33 451261.51 623 1957.21 304835.80 691 2170.84 375012.70 759 2384.47 452452.96 624 1960.35 305815.20 692 2173.98 376098.91 760 2387.61 453645.98 625 1963.50 306796.16 693 2177.12 377186.68 761 2390.75 454840.57 626 1966.64 307778.69 694 2180.27 378276.03 762 2393.89 456036.73 627 1969.78 308762.79 695 2183.41 379366.95 763 2397.04 457234.46 628 1972.92 309748.47 696 2186.55 380459.44 764 2400.18 458433.77 629 1976.06 310735.71 697 2189.69 381553.50 765 2403.32 459634.64 630 1979.20 311724.53 698 2192.83 382649.13 766 2406.46 460837.08 631 1982.35 312714.92 699 2195.97 383746.33 767 2409.60 462041.10 632 1985.49 313706.88 700 2199.11 384845.10 768 2412.74 463246.69 633 1988.63 314700.40 701 2202.26 385945.44 769 2415.88 464453.84 634 1991.77 315695.50 702 2205.40 387047.36 770 2419.03 465662.57 635 1994.91 316692.17 703 2208.54 388150.84 771 2422.17 466872.87 636 1998.05 317690.42 704 2211.68 389255.90 772 2425.31 468084.74 637 2001. 19 318690.23 705 2214.82 390362.52 773 2428.45 469298. 18 638 2004.34 319691.61 706 2217.96 391470.72 774 2431.59 470513.19 639 2007.48 320694.56 707 2221.11 392580.49 775 2434.73 471729.77 640 2010.62 321699.09 708 2224.25 393691.82 776 2437.88 472947.92 641 2013.76 322705.18 709 2227.39 394804.73 777 2441.02 474167.65 642 2016.90 323712.85 710 2230.53 395919.21 778 2444.16 475388.94 643 2020.04 324722.09 711 2233.67 397035.26 779 2447.30 476611.81 644 2023. 19 325732.89 712 2236.81 398152.89 780 2450.44 477836.24 645 2026.33 326745.27 713 2239.96 399272.08 781 2453.58 479062.25 646 2029.47 327759.22 714 2243.10 400392.84 782 2456.73 480289.83 647 2032.61 328774.74 715 2246.24 401515.18 783 2459.87 481518.97 648 2035.75 329791.83 716 2249.38 402639.08 784 2463.01 482749.69 649 2038.89 330810.49 717 2252.52 403764.56 785 2466.15 483981.98 650 2042.04 331830.72 718 2255.66 404891.60 786 2469.29 485215.84 651 2045. 18 332852.53 719 2258.81 406020.22 787 2472.43 48645 1 . 28 652 2048.32 333875.90 720 2261.95 407150.41 788 2475.58 487688.28 653 2051.46 334900.85 721 2265 . 09 408282.17 789 2478.72 488926.85 654 2054.60 335927.36 722 2268.23 409415.50 790 2481.86 490166.99 655 2057.74 336955.45 723 2271.37 410550.40 791 2485.00 491408.71 656 2060.88 337985.10 724 2274.51 411686.87 792 2488.14 492651.99 657 2064.03 339016.33 725 2277.65 412824.91 793 2491.28 493896.85 . 658 2067.17 340049.13 726 2280.80 413964.52 794 2494.42 495143.28 659 2070.31 341083.50 727 2283.94 415105.71 795 2497.57 496391.27 660 2073.45 342119.44 728 2287.085416248.46 796 2500.71 497640.84 661 2076.59 343156.95 729 2290.22 417392.79 797 2503.85 498891.98 62 2079.73 344196.03 730 2293.36 418538.68 798 2506.99500144.69 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OP CIRCLES. 119 Diam Circum. Area. Diam. I Circum. Area. Diam Circum. 1 Area. 799 2510.13 501398.97 867 2723.76 590375.16 935 2937.39 686614.71 8OO 2513.27 502654.82 868 2726.90 591737.83 936 2940.53 688084. 19 801 2516.42 503912.25 869 2730.04 593102.06 937 2943.67 689555.24 802 2519.56 505171.24 870 2733.19 594467.87 938 2946.81 691027.86 803 2522.70 50643 1 . 80 871 2736.33 595835.25 939 2949.96 692502 05 804 2525.84 507693.94 872 2739.47 597204.20 940 2953.10 693977.82 805 2528.98 508957.64 873 2742.61 598574.72 941 2956.24 695455. 15 806 2532.12 510222.92 874 2745.75 599946.81 942 2959.38 696934.06 807 2535.27 511489.77 875 2748.89 601320.47 943 2962.52 698414.53 808 2538.41 512758.19 876 2752.04 602695.70 944 2965 . 66 699896.58 809 2541.55 514028.18 877 2755.18 604072.50 945 2968.81 701380.19 810 2544.69 515299.74 878 2758.321605450.88 946 2971.95 702865 38 811 2547.83 516572.87 879 2761.46 606830.82 947 2975.09 704352.14 812 2550.97 517847.57 88O 2764.60 608212.34 948 2978.23 705840 47 813 2554.11 519123.84 881 27 '67.7 'A 609595.42 949 2981.37 707330 37 814 2557.26 520401.68 882 2770.88 610980.08 05O 2984.51 708821.84 815 2560.40 521681.10 883 2774.03 612366.31 951 2987.65 7 1 03 1 4 . 88 816 2563.54 522962.08 884 2777. 17 613754.11 952 2990.80 711809.50 817 2566.68 524244.63 885 2780.31 615143.48 953 2993 . 94 713305.68 818 2569.82 525528.76 886 2783.45 616534.42 954 2997.08 714803.43 819 2572,96 526814.46 887 2786.59 617926.93 955 3000.22 716302.76 820 2576.11 528101.73 888 2789.73 619321.01 956 3003.36 717803.66 821 2579.25 529390.56 889 2792.88 620716.66 957 3006.50 719306.12 822 2582.39 530680.97 890 2796.02 622113.89 958 3009.65 720810.16 823 2585.53 531972.95 891 2799.16 623512.68 959 3012.79 722315.77 824 2588.67 533266.50 892 2802.30 624913.04 960 3015.93 723822.95 825 2591.81 534561.62 893 2805.44 626314.98 961 3019.07 725331.70 826 2594.96 535858.32 894 2808.58 627718.49 962 3022.21 726842.02 827 2598.10 537156.58 895 2811.73 629123.56 963 3025.35 728353.91 828 2601.24 538456.41 896 2814.87 630530.21 964 3028.50 729867.37 829 2604.38 539757.82 897 2818.01 631938.43 965 3031.64 731382.40 830 2607.52 541060.79 898 2821.15 633348.22 966 3034.78 732899.01 831 2610.66 542365.34 899 2824.29 634759.58 967 3037.92 734417.18 832 2613.81 543671.46 900 2827.43 636172.51 968 3041.06 735936.93 833 2616.95 544979.15 901 2830.58 637587.01 969 3044.20 737458.24 834 2620.09 546288.40 902 2833.72 639003.09 970 3047.34 738981.13 835 2623.23 547599.23 903 2836.86 640420.73 971 3050.49 740505.59 836 2626.37 548911.63 904 2840.00 641839.95 972 3053.63 74203 1 . 62 837 2629.51 550225.61 905 2843.14 643260.73 973 3056.77 743559.22 838 2632.65 551541.15 906 2846.28 644683 . 09 974 3059.91 745088.39 839 2635.80 552858.26 907 2849.42 646107.01 975 3063.05 746619. 13 840 2638.94 554176.94 908 2852.57 647532.51 976 3066.19 748151.44 841 2642.08 555497.20 909 2855.71 648959.58 977 3069.34 749685.32 842 2645.22 556819.02 910 2858.85 650388.22 978 3072.48 751220.78 843 2648.36 558142.42 911 2861.99 651818.43 979 3075.62 752757.80 844 2651.50 559467.39 912 2865.13 653250.21 98O 3078.76 754296.40 845 2654.65 560793.92 913 2868.27 654683.56 981 3081.90 755836.56 846 2657.79 562122.03 914 2871.42 656118.48 982 3085.04 757378.30 847 2660.93 563451.71 915 2874.56 657554.98 983 3088.19 758921.61 848 2664.07 564782.96 916 2877.70 658993 . 04 984 3091 .33 760466.48 849 2667.21 566115.78 917 2880.84 660432.68 985 3094.47 762012.93 850 2670.35 567450.17 918 2883.98 661873.88 986 3097.61 763560.95 851 2673.50 568786.14 919 2887.12 663316.66 987 3100.75 765110.54 852 2676.64 570123.67 92O 2890.27 664761.01 988 3103.89 766661.70 853 2679.78 571462.77 921 2893.41 666206.92 989 3107.04 768214.44 854 2682.92 572803.45 922 2896.55 667654.41 99O 3110.18 769768.74 855 2686.06 574145.69 923 2899.69 669103.47 991 3113.32 771324.61 856 2689.20 575489.51 924 2902.83 670554.10 992 3116.46 772882.06 857 2692.34 576834.90 925 2905.97 672006.30 993 3119.60 774441.07 858 2695.49 578181.85 926 2909.11 673460.08 994 3122.74 776001.66. 859 2698.63 579530.38 927 2912.26 674915.42 995 3125.88 777563.82 860 861 2701.77 2704.91 580880.48 582232.15 928 929 2915.40676372.33 2918.54 677830.82 996 997 3129.03 3132.17 779127.54 780692 84 862 2708.05 583585.39 930 2921.68:679290.87 998 3135.31 782259.7? 863 2711.19 584940.20 931 2924.82 680752.50 999 3138.45 783828 15 864 2714.34 586296.59 932 2927.96682215.69 1000 3141.59 785398.16 865 2717.48 587654.54 933 2931 . 11 683680.46 866 m 2720.62 589014.07 934 2934.25 685146.80 120 CIRCUMFERENCE OF CIRCLES, FEET AND INCHED ^OG < *J i N.OenNOOe^\NOONcNmoo^~moo ^ t>. o m r^ o m CN CN N en 1- OOONooh-.NOm-'^-eneN OONOOooi^NOin-feneN o ON~OO r - , rNNOenot^'3- ooineNC V in t>.' a^ o CN CNmoo ^oo ^4 rNOoeN-.ONOOcNcnmt>.ONOc - ^B oo in CN ON vo co o r>. * oo in C ^jesmoo .O'.oen\ooNeNNOONeNinoo -.oenNooenNOONeN p^ mmmi r>,r>, oo ONONQNONO r ;oNONoooooooooooooooooooooor>.r>r s .r > ^r>.t>.r>r>rr s .NONONONONONONONONO ^*^3^*^w^^^*^or^^"^N^^f<\o^^^^^^^Ndf^ ^> ^w--^r>.ocAvOoc -p . CN CN CN en e Ninoo-- -!rt>O'rr^OfAvDONCN\ooNC m in o vo so i> t> t> oo oo oo oo ON ON ON N ooNoooor>NO>n^tTncN ON cnmcNCNCNCNCNCNCNCNCNCN - voooo c o^Ni OOOO i>, -r oo i ' oNoot^NOin-^-mfN ooNoot>NOin-j-rncN' o ONONONONONONONONONONONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOr. NO m or*.-* oo m CN ON so en o t>. * oo >n CN ON NO en o ' ' ' ' ' en vn rN oo' o' o en n r>* oo' o o' en in NO oc i o en m NO oo' o en T' NO' oc i o ocnr>iOfnNOONCNinoNCNmoo -*r>.o-^-t>.oenvOONCNvOONCNino CN CN CN CN en en en -r if -^- m m m NO NO NO t>. i>. t> r>. oo oo oo ON ON ON o < ONONONONOu^u O en o r^ ^ o ' ' * ' t f i ^cncnf - oo in CN * R m CN ON NO en o r>, 'T oo in CN ON NO en o t>. -* oo m CN ON NO en o t>, o CN en m t>' o' o' o* CN en m r>' oo o o' CN en m' t^.' oo* o' o' en in r>. oo' o o en m NO o moo -. ON o CN ^' m r> ON o* o CN *r >n t> ON o* o* CN en m t> oo* o o CN en +J fr>t> '__ ~-~- cNCNrNjenenen^r^j--^-minmNONONONOt>t>r^oooooooNO^CNO ooin.-r ' enn-Noooo en NCNmoo moo t-r>.ocnr>.oenNOONCNnONn in m in NO NO NO t>. t>. t>, oo oo oo ON ON ON o AREAS OF THE SEGMENTS OF A CIRCLE. 121 AREAS OF THE SEGMENTS OF A CIRCLE. (Diameter=l; Rise or Height in parts of Diameter being given.) RULE FOR USE OF THE TABLE. Divide the rise or height of the segment by the diameter. Multiply the area in the table corresponding to the quotient thus found by the square of the diameter. // the segment exceeds a semicircle its area is area of circle area of seg- ment whose rise is (diarn. of circle rise of given segment). Given chord and rise, to find diameter. Diam. = (square of half chord -*- rise) + rise. The half chord is a mean proportional between the two parts . into which the chord divides the diameter which is perpendicular to it. Rise -f- Diam. Area. Rise ^ Diam. Area. Rise Diam. Area. Rise Diam. Area. Rise -i- Diam. Area. .001 .00004 .054 01646 .107 .04514 .16 .08111 .213 .12235 .002 .00012 .055 .01691 .108 .04576 .161 .08185 .214 .12317 .003 .00022 .056 .01737 .109 .04638 .162 .08258 .215 .12399 .004 .00034 .057 .01783 .11 .04701 .163 .08332 .216 .12481 .005 .00047 .058 .01830 .111 .04763 .164 .08406 .217 .12563 .006 .00062 .059 .01877 .112 .04826 .165 .08480 .218 .12646 .007 .00078 .06 .01924 .113 .04889 .166 .08554 .219 .12729 .008 .00095 .061' .01972 .114 .04953 .167 .08629 .22 .12811 .009 .00113 .062 .02020 .115 .05016 .168 .08704 .221 .12894 .01 .00133 .063 .02068 .116 .05080 .169 .08779 .222 .12977 .011 .00153 .064 .02117 .117 .05145 .17 .08854 .223 .13060 .012 .00175 .065 .02166 .118 .05209 .171 .08929 .224 .13144 .013 .00197 .066 .02215 .119 .05274 .172 .09004 .225 .13227 .014 .0022 .067 .02265 .12 .05338 .173 .09080 .226 .13311 .015 .00244 .068 .02315 .121 .05404 .174 .09155 .227 .13395 .016 .00268 .069 .02366 .122 .05469 .175 .0923 1 .228 .13478 .017 .00294 .07 .02417 .123 .05535 .176 .09307 .229 .13562 .018 .0032 .071 .02468 .124 .05600 .177 .09384 .23 .13646 .019 .00347 .072 .02520 .125 .05666 .178 .09460 .231 .13731 .02 .00375 .073 .02571 .126 .05733 .179 .09j37 .232 .13815 .021 .00403 .074 .02624 .127 .05799 .18 .09613 .233 .13900 .022 00432 .075 .02676 .128 .05866 .181 .09690 .234 .13984 .023 .00462 .076 .02729 .129 .05933 .182 .09767 .235 .14069 .024 .00492 .077 .02782 .13 .06000 .183 .09845 .236 .14154 .025 .00523 .078 .02836 .131 .06067 .184 .09922 .237 .14239 .026 .00555 .079 .02889 .132 .06135 .185 .10000 .238 .14324 .027 .00587 .08 .02943 .133 .06203 .186 .10077 .239 .14409 .028 .00619 .081 .02998 .134 .06271 .187 .10155 .24 .14494 ,029 .00653 .082 .03053 .135 .06339 .188 .10233 .241 .14580 .03 .00687 .083 .03108 .136 .06407 .189 .10312 .242 .14666 .031 .00721 .084 .03163 .137 .06476 .19 .10390 .243 .14751 .032 .00756 .085 .03219 .138 .06545 .191 .10469 .244 .14837 .033 .00791 .086 .03275 .139 .06614 .192 .10547 .245 .14923 .034 .00827 .087 .03331 .14 .06683 .193 .10626 .246 .15009 .035 .00864- .088 .03387 .141 .06753 .194 .10705 .247 .15095 .036 .00901 .089 .03444 .142 .06822 .195 .10784 .248 .15182 .037 .00938 .09 .03501 .143 .06892 .196 .10864 .249 .15268 .038 .00976 091 .03559 .144 .06963 .197 .10943 .25 .15355 .039 .01015 .092 .03616 .145 .07033 .198 .11023 .251 .15441 .04 .01054 .093 .03674 .146 .07103 .199 .11102 .252 .15528 .041 .01093 .094 .03732 .147 .07174 .2 .11182 .253 .15615 .042 .01133 .095 .03791 .148 .07245 .201 .11262 .254 .15702 .043 .01173 .096 .03850 .149 .07316 .202 .11343 .255 .15789 .044 .01214 .097 .03909 .15 .07387 .203 .11423 .256 .15876 .045 .01255 .098 .03968 .151 .07459 .204 .11504 .257 .15964 .046 .01297 .099 .04028 .152 .07531 .205 .11584 .258 .16051 .047 .01339 | .04087 .153 .07603 .206 .11665 .259 .16139 .048 .01382 J01 .04148 .154 .07675 .207 . 1 1 746 .26 .16226 .049 .01425 .102 .04208 .155 .07747 .208 .11827 .261 .16314 .05 .01468 .103 .04269 .156 .07819 .209 .11908 .262 .16402 .051 .01512 .104 .04330 .157 .07892 .21 .11990 .263 .16490 .052 .01556 .105 .04391 .158 .07965 .211 .12071 .264 .16578 .053 .01601 .106 .04452 .159 .08038 .212 .12153 .265 .16666 122 MATHEMATICAL TABLES, Rise 4- Diam. Area. Rise Diam. Area. Rise *- Diam. Area. Rise * Diana. Area. Rise * Diam. Area. .266 .16755 .313 .21015 .36 .25455 .407 .30024 .454 .34676 .267 .16643 .314 .21108 .361 .25551 .408 .30122 .455 -.34776 .268 .16932 .315 .21201 .362 .25647 .409 .30220 .456 .34876 .269 17020 316 .21294 .363 .25743 .41 .30319 .457 .34975 .27 .17109 .317 .21387 .364 .25839 .411 .30417 .458 .35075 .271 .17198 .318 .21480 .365 .25936 .412 .30516 .459 .35175 .272 .17287 .319 .21573 .366 .26032 .413 .30614 .46 .35274 .273 .17376 .32 .21667 .367 .26128 .414 .30712 .461 .35374 .274 .17465 .321 .21760 .368 .26225 .415 .30811 .462 .35474 .275 .17554 .322 .21853 .369 .26321 .416 .30910 .463 .35573 .276 .17644 .323 ,21947 .37 .26418 .417 .3 1 008 .464 .35673 .277 .17733 .324 .22040 .37! .265 1 4 .418 .31107 .465 .35773 .278 .17823 .325 .22134 .372 .26611 .419 .31205 .466 .35873 .279 .17912 .326 .22228 .373 .26708 .42 .31304 .467 .35972 .28 .18002 .327 .22322 .374 .26805 .421 .31403 .468 .36072 .281 .18092 .328 .22415 .375 .26901 .422 .31502 .469 .36172 .282 .18182 .329 .22509 .376 .26998 .423 .31600 .47 .36272 .283 .18272 .33 .22603 .377 .27095 .424 .31699 .471 .36372 .284 .18362 .331 .22697 .378 .27192 .425 .3 1 798 .472 .36471 .285 .18452 .332 .22792 .379 .27289 .426 .31897 .473 .36571 .286 .18542 .333 .22886 .38 .27386 .427 .31996 .474 .36671 .287 .18633 .334 .22980 .381 .27483 .428 .32095 .475 .36771 .288 .18723 .335 .23074 .382 .27580 .429 .32194 .476 .36871 .289 .18814 .336 .23169 .383 .27678 .43 .32293 .477 .36971 .29 .18905 .337 .23263 .384 .27775 .431 .32392 .478 .37071 .291 .18996 .338 .23358 .385 .27872 .432 .32491 .479 .37171 .292 .19086 .339 .23453 .386 .27969 .433 .32590 .48 .37270 293 .19177 .34 .23547 .387 .28067 .434 .32689 .481 .37370 294 .19268 .341 .23642 .388 .28164 .435 .32788 .482 .37470 .295 .19360 .342 .23737 .389 .28262 .436 .32887 .483 .37570 .296 .19451 .343 .23832 .39 .28359 .437 .32987 .484 .37670 .297 .19542 .344 .23927 .391 .28457 .438 .33086 .485 .37770 .298 .19634 .345 .24022 .392 .28554 .439 .33185 .486 .37870 .299 .19725 .346 .24117 .393 .28652 .44 .33284 .487 .37970 .3 .19817 .347 .24212 .394 .28750 .441 .33384 .488 .38070 .301 .19908 .348 .24307 .395 .28848 .442 .33483 .489 .38170 .302 .20000 .349 .24403 .396 .28945 .443 .33582 .49 .38270 .303 .20092 .35 .24498 .397 .29043 .444 .33682 .491 .38370 ,304 .20184 .351 .24593 .398 .29141 .445 .33781 .492 .38470 .305 .20276 .352 .24689 .399 .29239 .446 .33880 .493 .38570 .306 .20368 .353 .24784 .4 .29337 .447 .33980 .494 .38670 .307 .20460 .354 .24880 ".401 .29435 .448 .34079 .495 .38770 .308 .20553 .355 .24976 .402 .29533 .449 .34179 .496 .38870 .309 .20645 .356 .25071 .403 .29631 .45 .34278 .497 .38970 .31 .20738 .357 .25167 .404 .29729 .451 .34378 .498 .39070 .311 .20830 .358 .25263 .405 .29827 .452 .34477 .499 .39170 .312 .20923 .359 .25359 .406 .29926 .453 .34577 .5 .39270 For rules for finding the area of a segment see Mensuration, page 60. LENGTHS OF CIRCULAR ARCS. (Degrees being given. Radius of Circle = 1.) FORMULA. Length of arc = g X radius X number of degrees. RULE. Multiply the factor in the table (see next page) for any given number of degrees by the radius. EXAMPLE. Given a curve of a radius of 55 feet and an angle of 7 8 20'. r Factor from table for 78 1 .3613568 Factor from table for 20' .0058178 Factor. 1.3671740 1.3671746X55 = LENGTHS OP CIRCULAR ARCS. FACTORS FOR LENGTHS OF CIRCULAR ARCS. 123 Degrees. Minutes. 1 .0174533 .0349066 61 62 1 .0646508 1.0821041 121 122 2.1118484 2.1293017 1 2 .0002909 .0005818 3 .0523599 63 1.0995574 123 2.1467550 3 .0008727 A .0698132 64 1.1170107 124 2.1642083 4 .0011636 5 .0872665 65 1.1344640 125 2.1816616 5 .0014544 6 .1047198 66 1.1519173 126 2.1991149 6 .0017453 7 .1221730 67 1.1693706 127 2.2165682 7 .0020362 8 .1396263 68 1.1868239 128 2.2340214 8 .0023271 9 .1570796 69 1.2042772 129 2.2514747 9 .0026 1 80 10 .1745329 70 1.2217305 130 2.2689280 10 .0029089 11 .1919862 71 1.2391838 131 2.2863813 11 .0031998 12 .2094395 72 1.2566371 132 2.3038346 12 .0034907 13 .2268928 73 1 .2740904 133 2.3212879 13 .0037815 14 .2443461 74 1.2915436 134 2.3387412 14 .0040724 15 .2617994 75 1.3089969 135 2.3561945 15 .0043633 16 .2792527 ' 76 1.3264502 136 2.3736478 16 .0046542 17 .2967060 77 1.3439035 137 2.3911011 17 .0049451 18 .3141593 78 1.3613568 138 2.4085544 18 .0052360 19 .3316126 79 1.3788101 139 2.4260077 19 .0055269 20 .3490659 80 1.3962634 140 2.4434610 20 .0058178 21 .3665191 81 1.4137167 141 2.4609142 21 .0061087 22 .3839724 82 1 .43 1 1 700 142 2.4783675 22 .0063995 23 .4014257 83 1 .4486233 143 2.4958208 23 .0066904 24 .4188790 84 1 .4660766 144 2.5132741 24 .0069813 25 .4363323 85 1.4835299 145 2.5307274 25 .0072722 26 .4537856 86 1.5009832 146 2.5481807 26 .0075631 27 .4712389 87 1.5184364 147 2.5656340 27 .007854(1 28 .4886922 88 1.5358897 148 2.5830873 28 .0081449 29 .5061455 89 1.5533430 149 2.6005406 29 .0084358 30 .5235988 90 1.5707963 150 2.6179939 30 .008726(1 31 .5410521 91 1 .5882496 151 2.6354472 31 .0090175 32 .5585054 92 1.6057029 152 2.6529005 32 .0093084 33 .5759587 93 1.6231562 153 2.6703538 33 .0095993 34 .5934119 94 1 .6406095 154 2.6878070 34 .0098902 35 .6108652 95 1.6580628 155 2.7052603 35 .0101811 36 .6283185 96 1.6755161 156 2.7227136 36 .0104720 37 .6457718 97 1 .6929694 157 2.7401669 37 .0107629 38 .6632251 98 1.7104227 158 2.7576202 38 .0110538 39 .6806784 99 1.7278760 159 2.7750735 39 .0113446 40 .6981317 100 1.7453293 160 2.7925268 40 .0116355 41 .7155850 101 1.7627825 161 2.8099801 41 .0119264 42 .7330383 102 1.7802358 162 2.8274334 42 .0122173 43 .7504916 103 1.7976891 163 2.8448867 43 .0125082 44 .7679449 104 1.8151424 164 2.8623400 44 .0127991 45 .7853982 105 1.8325957 165 2.8797933 45 .0130900 46 .8028515 106 1 .8500490 166 "2.8972466 46 .0133809 47 .8203047 107 1.8675023 167 2.9146999 47 .0136717 48 .8377580 108 1.8849556 168 2.9321531 48 .0139626 49 .8552113 109 1 .9024089 169 2.9496064 49 .0142535 50 .8726646 110 1.9198622 170 2.9670597 50 .0145444 51 .8901179 111 1.9373155 171 2.9845130 51 .0148353 52 .9075712 112 1.9547688 172 3.0019663 52 .0151262 53 .9250245 113 1 19722221 173 3.0194196 53 .0154171 54 .9424778 114 1 .9896753 174 3.0368729 54 .0157080 55 .9599311 115 2.0071286 175 3.0543262 55 .0159989 56 .9773844 116 2.0245819 176 3.0717795 56 .0162897 57 .9948377 117 2.0420352 177 3.0892328 57 .0165806 58 1.0122910 118 2.0594885 178 3.1066861 58 .0168715 59 1.0297443 119 2.0769418 179 3.1241394 59 .0171624 60 1.0471976 120 2.0943951 180 3.1415927 60 .0174533 124 MATHEMATICAL LENGTHS Off CtHCtJLAll ARCS. (Diameter =- 1. Given the Chord and Height of the Arc.) RULE FOR USE OF THE TABLE. Divide the height by the chord. Find In the column of heights the number equal to this quotient. Take out the corresponding number from the column of lengths. Multiply this last number by the length of the given chord; the product will be length of the If the arc is greater than a semicircle, first find the diameter from the formula, Diam. = (square of half chord -f- rise) + rise; the formula is true whether the arc exceeds a semicircle or not. Then find the circumference. From the diameter subtract the given height of arc, the remainder will be height of the smaller arc of the circle; find its length according to the rule, and subtract it from the circumference. Hgts. Lgths. Hgts. Lgths. Hgts. Lgths. Hgts. Lgths. Hgts. Lgths. 0.001 .00002 0.15 .05896 0.238 .14480 0.326 .26288 0.414 .40788 .005 .00007 .152 .06051 .24 .14714 .328 .26588 .416 .41145 .01 .00027 .154 .06209 .242 .14951 .33 .26892 .418 .41503 .015 .00061 .156 .06368 .244 .15189 .332 .27196 .42 .41861 .02 .00107 .158 .06530 .246 .15428 .334 .27502 .422 .42221 .025 .00167 .16 .06693 .248 .15670 .336 .27810 .424 .42583 .03 .00240 .162 .06858 .25 .15912 .338 .28118 .426 .42945 .035 .00327 .164 .07025 .252 .16156 .34 .28428 .428 .43309 .04 .00426 .166 .07194 .254 .16402 :342 .28739 .43 .43673 .045 .00539 .168 .07365 .256 .16650 .344 .29052 .432 .44039 .05 .00665 .17 .07537 .258 .16899 .346 .29366 .434 .44405 .055 .00805 .172 .07711 .26 .17150 .348 .29681 .436 .44773 .06 .00957 .174 .07888 .262 .17403 .35 .29997 .438 .45142 .065 .01123 .176 .08066 .264 .17657 .352 .30315 .44 .45512 .07 .01302 .178 .08246 .266 .17912 .354 .30634 .442 .45883 .075 .01493 .18 .08428 .268 .18169 .356 .30954 .444 .46255 .08 .01698 .182 .08611 .27 .18429 .358 .31276 .446 .46628 .085 .01916 .184 .08797 .272 .18689 .36 .31599 .448 .47002 .09 .02146 .186 .08984 .274 .18951 .362 .31923 .45 .47377 .095 .02389 .188 .09174 .276 .19214 .364 .32249 .452 .47753 .10 .02646 .19 .09365 .278 .19479 .366 .32577 .454 .48131 .102 .02752 .192 .09557 .28 .19746 .368 .32905 .456 .48509 .104 .02860 .194 .09752 .282 .20014 .37 .33234 .458 .48889 .106 .02970 .196 .09949 .284 .20284 .372 .33564 .46 .49269 .108 .03082 .198 .10147 .286 .20555 .374 .33896 .462 .49651 .11 .03196 .20 .10347 .288 .20827 .376 .34229 .464 .50033 .112 .03312 .202 .10548 .29 .21102 .378 .34563 .466 .50416 .114 .03430 .204 .10752 .292 .21377 .38 .34899 .468 .50800 .116 .03551 .206 .10958 .294 .21654 .382 .35237 .47 .51185 .118 .03672 .208 .11165 .296 .21933 .384 .35575 .472 .51571 .12 .03797 .21 .11374 .298 .22213 .386 .35914 .474 .51958 .122 .03923 .212 .11584 .30 .22495 .388 .36254 .476 .52346 .124 .04051 .214 .11796 .302 .22778 .39 .36596 .478 .52736 .126 .04181 .216 .12011 .304 .23063 .392 .36939 .48 .53126 .128 .04313 .218 .12225 .306 .23349 .394 .37283 .482 .53518 .13 .04447 .22 .12444 .308 .23636 .396 .37628 .484 .53910 .132 .04584 .222 .12664 .31 .23926 .398 .37974 .486 .54302 .134 .04722 .224 .12885 .312 .24216 > .40 .38322 .488 .54696 .136 .04862 .226 .13108 .314 .24507 .402 .38671 .49 .55091 .138 .05003 .228 .13331 .316 .24801 .404 .39021 .492 .55487 .14 .05147 .23 .13557 .318 .25095 .406 .39372 .494 .55854 .142 .05293 .232 .13785 .32 .25391 .408 .39724 .496 .56282 .144 .05441 .234 .14015 .322 .25689 .41 .40077 .498 .56681 .146 .05591 .236 .14247 .324 .25988 .412 .40432 .50 .57080 .148 .05743 CIRCLES AND SQUARES OF EQUAL AREA. 125 Diameters of Circles and Sides of Squares of Same Area. Diameter of circle * 1.128379 X side of square of same area. Side of square 0.886227 X diameter of circle of same area. Diam. of Cir- cle or Side of Square. Side of Square Equiva- lent to Circle. Diam. of Circle Equiva- lent to Square. Diam. of Cir- cle or Side of Square. Side of Square Equiva- lent to Circle. Diam. of Circle Equiva- lent to Square. Diam. of Cir- cle or Side of Square. Side of Square Equiva- lent to Circle. Diam. of Circle Equiva- lent to Square. 1 0.886 1 .128 34 30.132 38.365 67 59.377 75.601 2 1.772 2.257 35 31.018 39.493 68 60.263 76.730 3 2.659 3.385 36 31.904 40.622 69 61 .150 77.858 4 3.545 4.514 37 32.790 41.750 70 62 . 036 78.987 5 4.431 5.642 38 33.677 42.878 71 62.922 80.115 6 5.317 6.770 39 34.563 44.007 72 63.808 81.243 7 6.204 7.899 40 35.449 45.135 73 64.695 82.372 8 7.090 9.027 41 36.335 46 . 264 74 65.581 83.500 9 7.976 10.155 42 37.222 47.392 75 66.467 84.628 10 8.862 11.284 43 38.108 48.520 76 67.353 85.757 11 9.748 12.412 44 38.994 49.649 77 68.239 86.885 12 10.635 13.541 45 39.880 50.777 78 69.126 tttt.014 13 11.521 14.669 46 40.766 51 .905 79 70.012 89.142 14 12.407 15.797 47 41 .653 53.034 80 70.898 90.270 15 13.293 16.926 48 42.539 54.162 81 71 .784 91 .399 16 14.180 18.054 49 43.425 55.291 82 72.671 92.527 17 15.066 19.182 50 44.311 56.419 83 73.557 93.655 18 15.952 20.311 51 45.198 57.547 84 74.443 94.784 19 16.838 21.439 52 46.084 58.676 85 75.330 95.912 20 17.725 22.568 53 46.970 59.804 86 76.216 97.041 21 18.611 23.696 54 47.856 60.932 87 77.102 98.169 22 19.497 24.824 55 48.742 62.061 88 77.988 99.297 23 20.383 25.953 56 49.629 63.189 89 >8.874 100.426 24 21.269 27.081 57 50.515 64.318 90 79.760 101 .554 25 22.156 28.209 58 51.401 65.446 91 80.647 102.682 26 23.042 29.338 59 52.287 66.574 92 81.533 103.811 27 23.928 30.466 60 53.174 67.703 93 82.419 104.939 28 24.814 31.595 61 54.060 68.831 94 83.305 106.068 29 25.701 32.723 62 54.946 69.959 95 84 192 107.196 30 26.587 33.851 63 55.832 71 .088 96 85.078 108.324 31 27.473 34.980 64 56 719 72.216 97 85.964 109.453 32 28.359 36.108 65 57.605 73.345 98 86.850 110.581 33 29.245 37.237 66 58.491 74.473 99 87.736 111.710 Number of Circles that can be Inscribed within a Larger Circle. N = Number of circles; D = diam. of enclosing circle; d = diam. of inscribed circles. Obtain the ratio of D -5- d and find the value nearest to it in the table. Opposite this value under A r , find the number of circles of diameter d that can be inscribed in a circle of diameter D. N D/d N D/d N D/d N D/d N D/d N D/d N D/d 2 2.00 13 4.23 24 5.72 35 6.86 46 7.81 85 10.46 140 13.26 3 2.15 14 4.41 25 5.81 36 7.00 47 7.92 90 10.73 145 13.49 4 2.41 15 4.55 26 5.92 37 7.00 48 8.00 95 11.15 150 13.72 - 5 2.70 16 4.70 27 6.00 38 7.08 49 8.03 100 11.34 155 13.95 6 3.00 17 4.86 28 6.13 39 7.18 50 8.13 105 11.60 160 14.17 7 3.00 18 5.00 29 6.23 40 7.31 55 8.21 110 11.85 165 14.39 8 3.31 19 5.00 30 6.40 41 7.39 60 8.94 115 12.10 170 14.60 9 3.61 20 5.18 31 6.44 42 7.43 65 9.25 120 12.34 175 14.81 10 3.80 21 5.31 32 6.55 43 7.61 70 9.61 125 12.57 180 15.01 11 3.92 22 5.49 33 6.70 44 7.70 75 9.93 130 12.80 185 15.20 12 4.05 23 5.61 34 6.76 45 7.72 80 10.20 135 13.06 190 15.39 126 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. SPHERES. (Some errors of 1 in the last figure only. From TRAUTWINE.) Diam Sur- face. Vol- ume. Diam Sur- face. Vol- ume. Diam. Sur- face. Vol- ume. V32 .0030 .0000 31/4 33.18 17.97 97/ 8 306.36 504.21 Vie .0122 .0001 5/16 34.47 19.03 10. 314.16 523.60 3/32 .0276 .0004 3/8 35.78 20.129 1/8 322.06 543.48 1/8 .0490 .0010 7/16 37.122 21.268 1/4 330.06 563.86 5/32 .0767 .0020 1/2 38.484 22.449 3/8 338.16 584.74 3/16 .1104 .0034 9/16 39.872 23.674 1/2 346.36 606.13 7/32 .1503 .0054 5/8 41.283 24.942 5/3 354.66 628.04 1/4 .1963 .0081 H/16 42.719 26.254 3/4 363.05 650.46 9/32 .2485 .0116 3/4 44.179 27.61 7/8 371.54 673.42 5/16 .3068 .0159 13/16 45.664 29.016 11. 380.13 696.91 U/32 .3712 .0212 7/8 47.173 30.466 1/8 388.83 720.95 3/8 .44179 .0276 15/16 48.708 31.965 1/4 397.61 745.51 13/32 .51848 .0351 4. 50.265 33.510 3/8 406.49 770.64 7/16 .60132 .0438 1/8 53.456 36.751 V2 415.48 796.33 15/32 .69028 .0539 V4 56.745 40.195 5/8 424.50 822.58 1/2 .78540 .0654 3/8 60.133 43.847 3/4 433.73 849.40 9/16 .99403 .0931 1/2 63.617 47.713 7/8 443.01 876.79 5/8 1.2272 .12783 5/8 67.201 51.801 12. 452.39 904.78 H/16 1.4849 .17014 3/4 70.883 56.116 1/4 471.44 962.52 3/4 1.7671 .22089 7/8 74.663 60.663 V2 490.87 1 022.7 13/16 2.0739 .28084 5. 78.540 65.450 3/4 510.71 1085.3 7/8 2.4053 .35077 1/8 82.516 70.482 13. 530.93 1150.3 15/16 2.7611 .43 143 V4 86.591 75.767 V4 551.55 1218.0 1 3.1416 .52360 3/8 90.763 81 .308 1/2 572.55 1288.3 Vl6 3.5466 .62804 1/2 95.033 87.113 3/4 593.95 1361.2 1/8 3.9761 .7455 5/8 99.401 93.189 14. 615.75 1436.8 3/16 4.4301 .8768 3/4 103.87 99.541 1/4 637.95 1515.1 1/4 4.9088 .0227 7/8 108.44 106.18 1/2 660.52 1596.3 5/16 5.4119 .1839 6. 113.10 113.10 3/4 683.49 1680.3 3/8 5.9396 .3611 1/8 117.87 120.31 15. 706.85 1767.2 7/16 6.4919 .5553 1/4 122.72 127.83 1/4 730.63 1857.0 1/2 7.0686 .7671 3/8 127.68 135.66 1/2 754.77 1949.8 9/16 7.6699 .9974 1/2 132.73 143.79 3/4 779.32 2045.7 5/8 8.2957 2.2468 5/8 137.89 152.25 16. 804.25 2144.7 , U/16 8.9461 2.5161 3/4 143.14 161.03 1/4 829.57 2246.8 I Q/ 3/4 9.6211 2.8062 7/8 148.49 170.14 1/2 855.29 2352.1 13/16 0.321 3.1177 7. 153.94 179.59 3/4 881.42 2460.6 '7/8 1.044 3.4514 1/8 159.49 189.39 17. 907.93 2572.4 15/16 1.793 3.8083 1/4 165.13 199.53 1/4 934.83 2687.6 2. 2.566 4.1888 3/8 1 70.87 210.03 1/2 962.12 2806.2 1/16 3.364 4.5939 1/2 176.71 220.89 3/4 989.80 2928.2 1/8 4.186 5.0243 5/8 182.66 232.13 18. 1017.9 3053.6 3/16 5.033 5.4809 3/4 188.69 243.73 1/4 1046.4 3182.6 1/4 5.904 5.9641 7/8 194.83 255.72 1/2 1075.2 3315.3 5/16 6.800 6.4751 8. 201.06 268.08 3/4 1 104.5 3451.5 3/8 7.721 7.0144 V8 207.39 280.85 19. 1 134.1 3591.4 Vl6 8.666 7.5829 1/4 213.82 294.01 1/4 1164.2 3735.0 1/2 9.635 8.1813 3/8 220.36 307.58 1/2 1 194.6 3882.5 9/16 0.629 8.8103 1/2 226.98 321.56 3/4 1225.4 4033.7 5/8 1.648 9.4708 5/8 233.71 335.95 20. 1256.7 4188.8 U/16 2.691 0.154 3/4 240.53 350.77 V4 1288.3 4347.8 3/4 3.758 0.889 7/8 247.45 366.02 1/2 1320.3 4510.9 13/16 4.850 1.649 9. 254.47 381.70 3/4 352.7 4677.9 7/8 5.967 2.443 1/8 261.59 397.83 21. 385.5 4849.1 15/16 7.109 3.272 1/4 268.81 414.41 1/4 418.6 5024.3 3. 8.274 4.137 3/8 270.12 431.44 1/2 452.2 5203.7 1/16 9.465 5.039 1/2 283.53 448.92 3/4 486.2 5387.4 1/8 0.680 5.979 5/8 291.04 466.87 23. 520.5 5575.3 3/16 1.919 6.957 3/4 289.65 485.31 1/4 555.3 5767.6 SPHERES. SPHERES Continued. 127 Diam Sur- face. Vol- urne Diam Sur- face Vol- ume Diam Sur- face. Vol. ume. 22 1/2 1590.4 5964. 40 1/2 5153.1 34783 70 1/2 15615 183471 3/4 1626.0 6165.2 41. 5281.1 36087 71. 15837 187402 23. 1661.9 6370.6 V2 5410.7 37423 1/2 16061 191389 1/4 1698.2 6580.6 43. 5541.9 38792 73. 16286 195433 1/2 1735.0 6795.2 1/2 5674.5 40194 V2 16513 199532 3/ 4 1772. 7014.3 43. 5808.8 41630 73. 16742 203689 24. 1809.6 7238.2 1/2 5944.7 43099 1/2 16972 207903 V4 1847.5 7466.7 44. 6082.1 44602 74. 17204 212175 1/2 1885.8 7700. 1/2 6221.2 46141 1/2 17437 216505 3 /4 1924.4 7938.3 45. 6361.7 47713 75. 17672 220894 25. 1963.5 8181.3 V2 6503.9 49321 1/2 17908 225341 V4 2002.9 8429.2 46. 6647.6 50965 76. 18146 229848 !/2 2042.6 8682.0 1/2 6792.9 52645 V2 18386 234414 3/4 2083.0 8939.9 47. 6939.9 54362 77. 18626 239041 26. 2123.7 9202.8 1/2 7088.3 56115 V2 18869 243728 1/4 2164.7 9470.8 48. 7238.3 57906 78. 19114 248475 1/2 2206.2 9744.0 1/2 7389.9 59734 1/2 19360 253284 3/4 2248.0 10022 49. 7543.1 61601 79. 19607 258155 27. 2290.2 10306 1/2 7697.7 63506 1/2 19856 263088 1/4 2332.8 10595 50. 7854.0 65450 80. 20106 268083 1/2 2375.8 10889 1/2 8011.8 67433 1/2 20358 273147 3/4 2419.2 11189 51. 8171.2 69456 81. 20612 278263 28. 2463.0 11494 1/2 8332.3 71519 V2 20867 283447 1/4 2507.2 11805 52. 8494.8 73622 83. 2i<24 288696 1/2 2551.8 12121 1/2 8658.9 75767 1/2 21382 294010 3/4 2596.7 12443 53. 8824.8 77952 83. 21642 299388 29. 2642.1 12770 1/2 8992.0 80178 1/2 21904 304831 1/4 2687.8 13103 54. 9160.8 82448 84. 22167 310340 1/2 2734.0 13442 V2 9331.2 84760 1/2 22432 315915 3/4 2780.5 13787 55. 9503.2 87114 85. 22698 321556 30. 2827.4 14137 V2 9676.8 89511 1/2 22966 327264 1/4 2874.8 14494 56. 9852.0 ' 91953 86. 23235 333039 1/2 2922.5 14856 V2 10029 94438 1/2 23506 338882 3/4 2970.6 15224 57. 10207 96967 87. 23779 344792 31. 3019.1 15599 1/2 10387 99541 1/2 24053 350771 1/4 3068.0 15979 58. 10568 102161 88. 24328 356819 1/2 3117.3 16366 1/2 10751 104826 1/2 24606 362935 3/4 3166.9 16758 59. 10936 107536 89. 24885 369122 33. 3217.0 17157 1/2 11122 110294 1/2 25165 375378 V4 3267.4 17563 60. 11310 113098 90. 25447 381704 1/2 3318.3 17974 V2 11499 115949 1/2 25730 388102 3/4 3369.6 18392 61. 11690 118847 91. 26016 394570 33. 3421.2 18817 1/2 11882 121794 V2 26302 401109 V4 3473.3 19248 63. 12076 124789 93. 26590 407721 V2 3525.7 19685 1/2 12272 127832 1/2 26880 4 1 4405 8/4 3578.5 20129 63. 12469 130925 93. 27172 421161 34. 3631.7 20580 1/2 12668 134067 1/2 27464 427991 1/4 3685.3 21037 64. 12868 137259 94. 27759 434894 1/2 3730.3 21501 1/2 13070 140501 1/2 28055 441871 35. 3848.5 22449 65. 13273 143794 95. 28353 448920 V2 3959.2 23425 1/2 13478 147138 V2 28652 456047 36. 4071.5 24429 66. 13685 1 50533 96. 28953 463248 */2 4185.5 25461 1/2 13893 153980 1/2 29255 470524 37. 4300.9 26522 67. 14103 157480 97. 29559 477874 V2 4417.9 27612 V2 14314 161032 1/2 29865 485302 38. 4536.5 28731 68. 14527 164637 98. 30172 492808 V2 4656.7 29880 1/2 14741 168295 1/2 30481 500388 39. 4778.4 31059 69. 14957 1 72007 99. 30791 508047 V2 4901.7 32270 1/2 15175 175774 V2 31103 515785 40. 5026.5 33510 70. 15394 1 79595 00. 31416 523598 128 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. NUMBER OF SQUARE FEET IN PLATES 3 TO 32 FEET LONG, AND 1 INCH WIDE. For other widths, multiply by the width in inches. 1 sq . in. = 0.00694/9 sq. ft, Ft. and Ins. Long. Ins. Long. Square Feet. Ft. and Ins. Long; Ins. Long. Square Feet. Ft. and Ins. Long. Ins. Long. Square Feet. 3. 36 .25 7. 10 94 .6528 12. 8 152 .056 37 .2569 11 95 .6597 9 153 .063 2 38 .2639 8. 96 .6667 10 154 .069 3 39 .2708 1 97 .6736 11 155 ,076 4 40 .2778 2 98 .6806 13. 156 ,083 5 41 .2847 3 99 .6875 1 157 09 6 42 .2917 4 100 .6944 2 158 .097 7 43 .2986 5 101 .7014 3 159 .104 8 44 .3056 6 102 .7083 4 160 .1 14 9 45 .3125 7 103 .7153 5 161 .ua 10 46 .3194 8 104 .7222 6 162 .125 11 4. 47 48 .3264 .3333 9 10 105 106 .7292 .7361 7 8 163 164 .13.? . 1 3V 49 .3403 11 107 .7431 9 165 .146 2 50 .3472 9. 108 .75 10 166 .153 3 51 .3542 1 109 .7569 11 167 .159 4 52 .3611 2 110 .7639 14. 168 .167 5 53 .3681 3 111 .7708 1 169 .174 6 54 .375 4 112 .7778 2 170 .181 7 55 .3819 5 113 .7847 3 171 .188 8 56 .3889 6 114 .7917 4 172 .194 9 57 .3958 7 115 .7986 5 173 .201 10 58 .4028 8 116 .8056 6 174 .208 It 59 .4097 9 117 .8125 7 175 .215 5. 60 .4167 10 118 .8194 8 176 .222 61 .4236 11 119 .8264 9 177 .229 2 62 .4306 10. 120 .8333 10 178 .236 3 63 .4375 121 .8403 11 179 .243 4 64 .4444 2 122 .8472 15. 180 .25 5 65 .4514 3 123 .8542 181 .257 6 66 .4583 4 124 .8611 2 182 .264 7 67 .4653 5 125 .8681 3 183 .271 8 68 .4722 6 126 .875 4 184 .278 9 69 .4792 7 127 .8819 5 185 .285 10 70 .4861 8 128 .8889 6 186 .292 11 71 .4931 9 129 .8958 7 187 .299 8. 72 .5 10 130 .9028 8 188 .306 1 73 .5069 11 131 .9097 9 189 .313 2 74 .5139 11. 132 .9167 10 190 .319 3 75 .5208 133 .9236 11 191 .326 4 76 .5278 2 134 .9306 16. 192 .333 5 77 .5347 3 135 .9375 1 193 .34 6 78 .5417 4 136 .9444 2 194 .347 7 79 .5486 5 137 .9514 3 195 .354 8 80 .5556 6 138 .9583 4 196 .361 9 81 .5625 7 139 .9653 5 197 .368 10 82 .5694 8 140 .9722 6 198 .375 11 83 .5764 9 141 .9792 7 199 .382 7. 84 .5834 10 142 .9861 8 200 .389 85 .5903 11 143 .9931 9 201 .396 2 86 .5972 12. 144 .000 10 202 .403 3 87 .6042 145 .007 11 203 .41 4 88 .6111 2 146 .014 17. 204 .417 5 89 .6181 3 147 .021 1 205 .424 6 90 .625 4 148 .028 2 206 .431 7 91 .6319 5 149 .035 3 207 .438 8 92 .6389 6 150 1.042 4 208 .444 9 93 .6458 7 151 1.049 5 209 K451 NUMBER OF SQUARE FEET IN PLATES. 120 SQUARE FEET IN PLATES. Continued. Ft. and Ins. Long. Ins. Long. Square Feet. Ft. and Ins. Long. Ins. Long. Square Feet. Ft. and Ins.. Long. Ins. Long Square Feet. 17. 6 210 1.458 22. 5 269 1.868 27. 4 328 2.278 7 211 1.465 6 270 1.875 5 329 2.285 8 212 1.472 7 271 1.882 6 330 2.292 9 213 1.479 8 272 1.889 7 331 2.299 10 214 1.486 9 273 1.896 8 332 2.306 11 215 1.493 10 274 1.903 9 333 2.313 18. 216. 1.5 11 275 1.91 10 334 2.319 217 1.507 23. 276 1.917 11 335 2.326 2 218 1.514 277 1.924 28. 336 2.333 3 219 1.521 2 278. 1.931 1 337 2.34 4 220 1.528 3 279 1.938 2 338 2.347 5 221 1.535 4 280 1.944 3 339 2.354 6 222 1.542 5 281 1.951 4 340 2.361 7 223 1.549 6 282 1.958 5 341 2.368 8 224 1.556 7 283 1.965 6 342 2.375 9 225 1.563 8 284 1.972 7 343 2.382 10 226 1.569 9 285 1.979 8 344 2.389 11 227 1.576 10 286 1.986 9 345 2.396 19. 228 1.583 11 287 1.993 10 346 2.403 229 1.59 24. 288 2. 11 347 2.41 2 230 1.597 1 289 2.007 29. 348 2.417 3 231 1.604 2 290 2.014 349 2.424 4 232 1.611 3 291" 2.021 2 350 2.431 5 233 1.618 4 292 2.028 3 351 2.438 6 234 1.625 5 293 2.035 4 352 2.444 7 235 1.632 6 294 2'.042 5 353 2.451 8 236 1.639 7 295 2.049 6 354 2.458 9 237 1.645 8 296 2.056 7 355 2.465 10 238 1.653 9 297 2.063 8 356 2.472 11 239 1 .659 10 298 2.069 9 357 2.479 20. 240 1.667 11 299 2.076 10 358 2.486 241 1.674 25. 300 *2.083 11 359 2.493 2 242 1.681 1 301 2.09 30. 360 2.5 3 243 1.688 2 302 2.097 1 361 2.507 4 244 1.694 3 303 2.104 2 362 2.514 5 245 1.701 4 304 2.111 3 363 2.521 6 246 1.708 5 305 2.118 4 364 2.528 7 247 1.715 6 306 2.125 5 365 2.535 8 248 1.722 7 307 2.132 6 366 2.542 9 249 1.729 8 308 2.139 7 367 2.549 10 250 1.736 9 309 2.146 8 368 2.556 II 251 1.743 10 310 2.153 9 369 2.563 21. 252 1.75 11 311 2.16 10 370 2.569 253 1.757 26. 312 2.167 11 371 2.576 2 254 1.764 313 2.174 31. 372 2.583 3 255 1.771 2 314 2.18V 373 2.59 4 256 1.778 3 315 2.188 2 374 2.597 5 257 1.785 4 316 2.194 3 375 2.604 6 258 1.792 5 317 2.201 4 376 2.611 7 259 1.799 6 318 2.208 5 377 2.618 8 260 1.806 7 319 2.215 6 378 2.625 9 261 1.813 8 320 2.222 7 379 2.632 10 262 1.819 9 321 2.229 8 380 2.639 11 263 1.826 10 322 2.236 9 381 2.646 23.0 264 1.833 11 323 2.243 10 382 2.653 1 265 1.84 27. 324 2.25 11 383 2.66 2 266 1.847 325 2.257 32. 384 2.667 3 267 1.854 2 326 2.264 1 385 2.674 4 268 1.861 3 327 2.271 2 386 2.681 130 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. GALLONS AND CUBIC FEET, United States Gallons in a given Number of Cubic Feet. 1 cubic foot = 7. 4805 19 U.S. gallons; 1 gallon = 231 cu.ir . = 0.13368056cu. ft. Cubic Ft. Gallons. Cubic Ft. Gallons. Cubic Ft. Gallons. 0.1 0.75 50 374.0 8,000 59,844.2 0.2 1.50 60 448.8 9,000 67,324.7 0.3 2.24 70 523.6 10,000 74,805.2 0.4 2.99 80 598.4 20,000 . 149,610.4 0.5 3.74 90 673.2 30,000 224,415.6 0.6 4.49 100 748.0 40,000 299,220.8 0.7 5.24 200 1,496.1 50,000 374,025.9 0.8 5.98 300 2,244.2 60,000 448,831.1 0.9 6.73 400 2,992.2 70,000 523,636.3 1 7.48 500 3,740.3 80,000 598,441.5 2 14.96 600 4,488.3 90,000 673,246. 3 22.44 700 5,236.4 100,000 748,051.9 4 29.92 800 5,984.4 200,000 1,496,103.8 5 37.40 900 6,732.5 300,000 2,244,155.7 6 44.88 1,000 7,480.5 400,000 2,992,207.6 7 52.36 2,000 14,961.0 500,000 3,740,259.5 8 59.84 3,000 22,441.6 600,000 4,488,311.4 9 67.32 4,000 29,922.1 700,000 5,236,363.3 10 74.80 5,000 37,402.6 800 000 5,984,415.2 20 149.6 6,000 44,883.1 900,000 6,732,467.1 30 224.4 7,000 52,363.6 1,000,000 7,480,519.0 40 299.2 Cubic Feet in a given Number of Gallons. Gallons. Cubic Ft. Gallons. Cubic Ft. Gallons. Cubic Ft. 1 2 .134 .267 1,000 2,000 133.681 267.361 1,000,000 2,000,000 133,680.6 267,361.1 3 .401 3,000 401.042 3,000,000 401,041.7 4 .535 4,000 534.722 4,000,000 534,722.2 5 .668 5,000 668.403 5,000,000 668,402.8 6 .802 6,000 802.083 6,000,000 802,083.3 7 .936 7,000 935.764 7,000,000 935,763.9 8 1.069 ' 8,000 1,069.444 8,000,000 1,069,444.4 9 1.203 9,000 1,203.125 9,000,000 1,203,125.0 10 1.337 10,000 1,336.806 10,000,000 1,336,805.6 Cubic Feet per Second, Gallons in 24 hours, etc. 1/60 I 1.5472 2.2800 1 60 92.834 133.681 7.480519 448.83 694.444 1,000. 10,771.95 646,317 1,000,000 1,440,000 62.355 3741.3 5788.66 8335.65 Cu. ft. per sec. Cu. ft. per min. U. S* Gals, per min. " " " 24 hrs. Pounds of water ) (at 62 F.) per min. J The gallon 'is a troublesome and unnecessary measure. If hydraulic engineers and pump manufacturers would stop using it, and use cubig Jeet instead, many tedious calculations would be saved. CAPACITY OF CYLINDKICAL VESSELS. 131 CONTENTS IN CUBIC FEET AND U. S. GALLONS OF PIPES AND CYLINDERS OF VARIOUS DIAMETERS AND ONE FOOT IN LENGTH. 1 gallon = 231 cubic inches. 1 cubic foot = 7.4805 gallons. For 1 Foot in For 1 Foot in For 1 Foot in d Length. .S Length. d Length. 5 as 0> 3? fc 2 Cu.Ft. U.S. -t~ O oj^j Jo Cu.Ft. U.S. S 2 d Cu.Ft. U.S. c c also Gals., d also Gals., d d also Gals.. Q Area in 231 p Area in 231 Area in 231 M Sq.Ft. Cu.In. Sq.Ft. Cu.In. . Sq.Ft. Cu. In. V4 .0003 .0025 63/ 4 .2485 1.859 19 1.969 14.73 5/16 .0005 .004 7 .2673 1.999 191/2 2074 15.51 3/8 .0008 .0057 7V4 .2867 2.145 20 2.182 16.32 7/16 .001 .0078 71/2 .3068 2.295 201/2 2.292 17.15 1/2 .0014 .0102 73/4 .3276 2.45 21 2.405 17.99 9/16 .0017 .0129 8 .3491 2.611 2U/2 2.521 18.86 5/8 .0021 .0159 8l/ 4 .3712 2.777 22 2.640 19.75 11/16 .0026 ;0193 81/2 .3941 2.948 221/2 2.761 20.66 3/4 .0031 .0230 83/ 4 .4176 3.125 23 2.885 21.58 /16 .0036 .0269 9 .4418 3.305 231/2 3.012 22.53 7/8 .0042 .0312 91/4 .4667 3.491 24 3.142 23.50 15/16 .0048 .0359 91/2 .4922 3.682 25 3.409 25.50 1 .0055 .0408 93/4 .5185 3.879 26 3.687 27.58 U/4 .0085 .0638 10 .5454 4.08 27 3.976 29.74 U/2 .0123 .0918 101/4 .5730 4.286 28 4.276 31.99 13/4 .0167 .1249 101/2 .6013 4.498 29 4.587 34.31 2 .0218 .1632 103/4 .6303 4.715 30 4.909 36.72 2V4 - .0276 .2066 11 .66 4.937 31 5.241 39.21 21/2 .0341 .2550 111/4 .6903 5.164 32 5.585 41.78 23/4 .0412 .3085 111/ 2 .7213 5.396 33 5.940 44.43 3 .0491 .3672 113/4 .7530 5.633 34 6.305 47.16 31/4 .0576 .4309 12 .7854 5.875 35 6.681 49.98 31/2 .0668 .4998 121/2 .8522 6.375 36 7.069 52.88 33/4 .0767 .5738 13 .9218 6.895 37 7.467 55.86 4 .0873 .6528 13V 2 .994 7.436 38 7.876 58.92 41/4 .0985 .7369 14 1.069 7.997 39 8.296 62.06 4V2 .1104 .8263 141/2 1.147 8.578 40 8.727 65.28 43/4 .1231 .9206 15 1.227 9.180 41 9.168 68.58 5 .1364 .020 15l/ 2 1.310 9.801 42 9.621 71.97 5V4 .1503 .125 16 1.396 10.44 43 10.085 75.44 5i/ 2 .1650 .234 161/2 .485 11.11 44 10.559 78.99 53/4 .1803 .349 17 .576 11.79 45 11.045 82.62 6 .1963 .469 171/2 .670 12.49 46 11.541 86.33 61/ 4 .2131 .594 18 .768 13.22 47 12.048 90.10 61/2 .2304 .724 18l/ 2 .867 13.96 48 12.566 94.00 To^find the capacity of pipes greater than the largest given in the table, aer n any o z, in cubic feet by 621/4 or the gallons by 8 1/3, or, if a closer approximation is required, by the weight of a cubic foot of water at the actual temperature in the pipe. Given the dimensions of a cylinder in inches, to find its capacity in U. 8. gallons: Square the diameter, multiply by the length and by 0.0034. If d= diameter, I - length, gallons- d * X ^ 54 X * - 0.0034 & 1. If D and L are in feet, gallons - 5.875 D*L. .132 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. CYLINDRICAL, VESSELS, TANKS, CISTERNS, ETC. Diameter In Feet and Inches, Area in Square Feet, and U. S, Gallons Capacity for One Foot in Depth. 1 gallon = 231 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot 7.4805 ' 0.13368 cubic feet. Diam. Area. Gals. Diam. Area. Gals. Diam. Area. Gals. Ft. In. Sq.ft. 1 foot depth. Ft. In. Sq. ft. 1 foot depth. Ft. In. Sq.ft. 1 foot depth. 1 .785 5.87 5 8 25.22 188 .66 19 283 .53 2120.9 1 .922 6.89 5 9 25.97 194.25 19 3 291.04 2177.1 2 .069 8.00 510 26.73 199.92 19 6 298.65 2234.0 3 .227 9.18 5 11 27.49 205.67 19 9 306.35 2291.7 A .396 10.44 6 28.27 211.51 20 314.16 2350.1 5 .576 11.79 6 3 30.68 229.50 20 3 322.06 2409.2 6 .767 13.22 6 6 33.18 248.23 20 6 330.C6 2469.1 7 .969 14.73 6 9 35.78 267.69 20 9 338.16 2529,6 8 2.182 16.32 7 38.48 287.88 21 346.36 2591.0 9 2.405 17.99 7 3 41.28 308.81 21 3 354.66 2653.0 10 2.640 19.75 7 6 44.18 330.48 21 6 363.05 2715.8 11 2.885 21.58 7 9 47.17 352.88 21 9 371.54 2779.3 3.142 23.50 8 50.27 376.01 22 380.13 2843.6 1 3.409 25.50 8 3 53.46 399.88 22 3 388.82 2908.6 2 2 3.687 27.58 8 6 56.75 424.48 22 6 397.61 2974.3 2 3 3.976 29.74 8 9 60.13 449.82 22 9 406.49 3040.8 2 4 4.276 31.99 9 63.62 475.89 23 415.48 3108.0 2 5 4.587 34.31 9 3 67.20 502.70 23 3 424.56 3175.9 2 6 4.909 36.72 9 6 70.88 530.24 23 6 433.74 3244.6 2 7 5.241 39.21 9 9 74.66 558.51 23 9 443.01 3314.0 2 8 5.585 41.78 10 78.54 587.52 24 452.39 3384.1 2 9 5.940 44.43 10 3 82.52 617.26 24 3 461.86 3455.0 2 10 6.305 47.16 10- 6 86.59 647.74 24 6 471.44 3526.6 2 11 6.681 49.98 10 9 90.76 678.95 24 9 481.11 3598.9 3 7.069 52.88 11 95.03 710.90 25 490.87 3672.0 1 7.467 55.86 11 3 99.40 743.58 25 3 500.74 3745.8 2 7.876 58.92 11 6 103.87 776.99 25 6 510.71 3820.3 3 8.296 62.06 11 9 108.43 811.14 25 9 520.77 3895.6 A 8.727 65.28 12 113.10 846.03 26 530.93 3971.6 5 9.168 68.58 12 3 117.86 881.65 26 3 541.19 4048.4 6 9.621 71.97 12 6 122.72 918.00 26 6 551.55 4125.9 7 10.085 75.44 12 9 127.68 955.09 26 9 562.00 4204. 1 8 10.559 78.99 13 132.73 992.91 27 572.56 4283.0 9 1 1 .045 82.62 13 3 137.89 1031.5 27 3 583.21 4362.7 10 11.541 86.33 13 6 143.14 1070.8 27 6 593.96 4443.1 11 12.048 90.13 13 9 1 48.49 1110.8 27 9 604.81 4524.3 12.566 94.00 14 153.94 1151.5 28 615.75 4606.2 1 13.095 97.96 14 3 159.48 1193.0 28 3 626.80 4688.8 2 13.635 102.00 14 6 165.13 1235.3 28 6 637.94 4772.1 3 14.186 106.12 14 9 170.87 1278.2 28 9 649.18 4856.2 4 14.748 110.32 15 176.71 1321.9 29 660.52 4941.0 5 15.321 114.61 15 3 182.65 1366.4 29 3 67 1 .96 5026.6 6 15.90 118.97 15 6 188.69 1411.5 29 6 683.49 5112.9 7 16.50 123.42 15 9 194.83 1457.4 29 9 695.13 5199.9 8 17.10 127.95 16 201.06 1504.1 30 706.86 5287.7 9 17.72 132.56 46 3 207.39 1551.4 30 3 718.69 5376.2 10 18.35 137.25 16 6 213.82 1 599.5 30 6 730.62 5465.4 11 18.99 142.02 16 9 220.35 1648.4 30 9 742.64 5555.4 19.63 146.88 17 226.98 1697.9 31 754.77 5646.1 1 20.29 151.82 17 3 233.71 1748.2 31 3 766.99 5737.5 2 20.97 156.83 17 6 240.53 1799.3 31 6 779.31 5829.7 3 21.65 161.93 17 9 247.45 1851.1 31 9 791.73 5922.6 4 22.34 167.12 18 254.47 1903.6 32 804.25 6016.2 5 23.04 172.38 18 3 261.59 1956.8 32 3 816.86 6110.6 6 23.76 177. ,72 18 6 268.80 2010.8 32 6 829.58 6205.7 7 24.48 183.15 18 9 276.12 2065.5 32 9 842.39 6301.5 CAPACITIES OF RECTANGULAR TANKS. 133 CAPACITIES OF RECTANGULAR TANKS IN U. S. GALLONS, FOB EACH FOOT IN DEPTH. 1 cubic foot =- 7.4805 U. S. gallons Vidth of Fank. Length of Tank. feet. 2 ft. in. 2 6 feet. 3 ft. in. 3 6 feet. 4 ft. in. 4 6 feet. 5 ft. in. 5 6 feet. 6 ft. in. 6 6 feet. 7 t. in. 2 6 3 6 4 4 6 5 6 6 6 6 7 29.92 37.40 46.75 44.88 56.10 67.32 52.36 65.45 78.54 91.64 59.84 74.80 89.77 104.73 119.69 67.32 84.16 1 00.99 117.82 134.65 151.48 74.81 93.51 112.21 130.91 149.61 168.31 187.01 82.29 102.86 123.43 144.00 164.57 185.14 205.71 226.28 89.77 112.21 134.65 157.09 179.53 201.97 224.41 246.86 269.30 97.25 121.56 145.87 170.18 194.49 218.80 243.11 267.43 291.74 316.05 104.73 130.91 157.09 183.27 209.45 235.62 261.82 288.00 314.18 340.36 366.54 ... Width of Tank. Length of Tank. ft. in 7 6 feet. 8 ft. in. 8 6 feet. 9 ft. in 9 6 feet. 10 ft. in 10 6 feet. 11 ft. in 11 6 feet. 13 179.53 224.41 269.30 314.18 359.06 403.94 448.83 493. 7 1 538.59 583.47 628.36 673.24 718.12 763.00 807.89 852.77 897.66 942.56 987.43 1032.3 1077.2 ft. in 2 2 6 3 3 6 4 4 6 5 6 6 6 6 7 6 8 8 6 9 9 6 10 10 6 11 11 6 12 112.21 140.26 168.31 196.36 224.41 25247 280.52 308.57 336.62 364.67 392.72 420.78 119.69 149.61 179.53 209.45 239.37 269.30 299.22 329.14 359.06 388.98 418.91 448.83 478.75 127.17 158.96 190.75 222.54 254.34 286.13 317.92 349.71 381.50 413.30 445.09 476.88 508.67 540.46 134.65 168.31 202.97 235.63 269.30 302.96 336.62 370.28 403.94 437.60 471.27 504.93 538.59 572.25 605.92 142.13 177.66 213.19 248.73 284.26 319.79 355.32 390.85 426.39 461.92 497.45 532.98 568.51 604.05 639.58 675.11 149.61 187.01 224.41 261.82 299.22 336.62 374.03 411.43 448.83 486.23 523.64 561.04 598.44 635.84 673.25 710.65 748.05 157.09 196.36 235.63 274.90 314.18 353.45 392.72 432.00 471.27 510.54 549.81 589.08 628.36 667.63 706.90 746.17 785.45 824.73 164.57 205.71 246.86 288.00 329.14 370.28 411.43 452.57 493.71 534.85 575.99 617.14 658.28 699.42 740.56 781.71 822.86 864.00 905.14 172.05 215.06 258.07 301.09 344.10 387.11 430.13 473.14 516.15 559.16 602.18 645.19 688.20 731.21 774.23 817.24 860.26 903.26 946.27 989.29 134 MATHEMATICAL TABLES. NUMBER OF BARRELS (31 1-3 GALLONS) IN CISTERNS AND TANKS. I barrel = 31^ gallons > 31.5X 231 1728 = 4.21094 cu. ft. Reciprocal -0.2 37 477 Diameter in Feet. Feet. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 , 4.663 6.714 9.139 11.937 15.108 18.652 , >2.569 26.859 31.522 36.557 5 23.3 33.6 45.7 59.7 75.5 93.3 12.8 134.3 157.6 182.8 6 28.0 40.3 54.8 71.6 90.6 111.9 35.4 161.2 189.1 219.3 7 32.6 47.0 64.0 83.6 105.8 130.6 58.0 188.0 220.7 255.9 8 37.3 53.7 73.1 95.5 120.9 149.2 80.6 214.9 252.2 292.5 9 42.0 60.4 82.3 107.4 136.0 167.9 ; >03.1 241.7 283.7 329.0 10 46.6 67.1 91.4 119.4 151.1 186.5 ; Z25.7 268.6 315.2 365.6 11 51.3 73.9 100.5 131.3 166.2 205.2 ; 548.3 295.4 346.7 402.1 12 56.0 80.6 109.7 143.2 181.3 223.8 ; 570.8 322.3 378.3 438.7 13 60.6 87.3 118.8 155.2 196.4 242.5 : 593.4 349.2 409.8 475.2 14 65.3 94.0 127.9 167.1 211.5 261.1 I 16.0 376.0 44 K3 511.8 15 69.9 100.7 137.1 179.1 226.6 279.8 2 38.5 402.9 472.8 548.4 16 74.6 107.4 146.2 191.0 241.7 298.4 2 61.1 429.7 504.4 584.9 17 79.3 114.1 155.4 202.9 256.8 317.1 2 83.7 456.6 535.9 621.5 18 83.9 120.9 164.5 214.9 271.9 335.7 ^ K)6.2 483.5 567.4 658.0 19 88.6 127.6 173.6 226.8 287.1 354.4 ^ 128.8 510.3 598.9 694.6 20 93.3 134.3 182.8 238.7 302.2 373.0 * 151.4 537.2 630.4 731.1 Depth in Diameter in Feet. Feet. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 41.966 47.748 53.903 60.431 67.33. I 74.606 82.253 90.273 5 209.8 238.7 269.5 302.2 336.7 373.0 411.3 451.4 6 251.8 286.5 323.4 362.6 404.0 447.6 493.5 541.6 7 293.8 334.2 377.3 423.0 471.3 522.2 575.8 631.9 8 335.7 382.0 431.2 483.4 538.7 596.8 658.0 722.2 9 377.7 429.7 485.1 543.9 606.0 671.5 740.3 812.5 10 419.7 477.5 539.0 604.3 673.3 746.1 822.5 902.7 11 461.6 525.2 592.9 664.7 740.7 820.7 904.8 993.0 12 503.6 573.0 646.8 725.2 808.0 895.3 987.0 1083.3 13 545.6 620.7 700.7 785.6 875.3 969.9 1069.3 1173.5 14 587.5 668.5 754.6 846.0 942.6 1044.5 1151.5 1263.8 15 629.5 716.2 808.5 906.5 1010.0 1119.1 1233.8 1354.1 16 671.5 764.0 862.4 966.9 1077.3 1193.7 1316.0 1444.4 17 713.4 811.7 916.4 1027.3 1144.6 1268.3 1398.3 1534.5 18 755.4 859.5 970.3 1087.8 1212.0 1342.9 1480.6 1624.9 19 797.4 907.2 1024.2 1148.2 1279.3 1417.5 1562.8 1715.2 20 839.3 955.0 1078.1 1208.6 1346.6 1492.1 1645.1 1805.5 i LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 135 NUMBER OF BARBELS (31 1-2 GALLONS) IN CISTERNS AND TANKS. Continued. Depth in Feet. Diameter in Feet. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 5 98.666 493.3 107.432 537.2 116.571 582.9 126.083 630.4 135.968 679.8 146.226 731.1 156.858 784.3 167.863 839.3 6 592.0 644.6 699.4 756.5 815.8 877.4 941.1 1007.2 7 690.7 752.0 316.0 882.6 951.8 1023.6 1098.0 1175.0 8 789.3 859.5 932.6 1008.7 1087.7 1169.8 1254.9 1342.9 9 888.0 966.9 1049.1 1134.7 1223.7 1316.0 1411.7 1510.8 to 986.7 1074.3 1165.7 1260.8 1359.7 1462.2 1 568.6 1678.6 11 1085.3 1 181.8 1282.3 1386.9 1495.6 1608.5 1725.4 1846.5 12 1184.0 1289.2 1398.8 1513.0 1631.6 1754.7 1882.3 2014.4 13 1282.7 1396.6 1515.4 1639.1 1767.6 1900.9 2039.2 2182.2 14 1381.3 1504.0 1632.0 1765.2 1903.6 2047.2 2196.0 2350.1 15 1480.0 1611.5 1 748.6 1891.2 2039.5 2193.4 2352.9 2517.9 16 1578.7 1718.9 1865.1 2017.3 2175.5 2339.6 2509.7 2685.8 17 1677.3 1826.3 1981.7 2143.4 2311.5 2485.8 2666.6 2853.7 18 1776.0 1933.8 2098.3 2269.5 2447.4 2632.0 2823.4 3021.5 19 1874.7 2041.2 2214.8 2395.6 2583.4 2778.3 2980.3 3189.4 20 1973.3 2148.6 2321.4 2521.7 2719.4 2924.5 3137.2 3357.3 LOGARITHMS. Logarithms (abbreviation log). The log of a number is the exponent of the power to which it is necessary to raise a fixed number to produce the given number. The fixed number is called the base. Thus if the base is 10, the log of 1000 is 3, for 10 3 = 1000. There are two systems of logs in general use, the common, in which the base is 10, and the Naperian, or hyperbolic, in which the base is 2.718281828 .... The Naperian base is commonly denoted by e, as in the equation e y x, in which y is the Nap. log of a:. The abbreviation log e is commonly used to denote the Nap log. In any system of logs, the log of 1 is 0; the log of the base, taken in that system, is 1. In any system the base of which is greater than 1, the logs of all numbers greater than 1 are positive and the logs of all numbers less than 1 are negative. The modulus of any system is equal to the reciprocal of the Naperian log of the base of that system. The modulus of the Naperian system is 1 , that of the common system is 0.4342945. The log of a number in any system equals the modulus of that system X the Naperian log of the number. The hyperbolic or Naperian log of any number equals the common logX 2.3025851. Every log consists of two parts, an entire part called the characteristic. or index, and the decimal part, or mantissa. The mantissa only is given in the usual tables of common logs, with the decimal point omitted. The characteristic is found by a simple rule, viz., it is one less than the number of figures to the left of the decimal point in the number whose log is to be found. Thus the characteristic of numbers from 1 to 9.99 + is 0, from 10 to 99.99 4- is 1, from 100 to 999 -f is 2, from 0.1 to 0.99 + is - 1, from 0.01 to 0.099 + is -2, etc. Thus log of 2000 is 3.30103; log of 0.2 " oon " 2.30103; " " 0.02 200 , 20 " 1.30103; 2 " Q.30103; is - 1.30103, or 9.30103 - 10 " - 2.30103, " 8.30103 - 10 0.002 " - 3.30103, " 7.30103 - 10 1* 0,0002 " - 4,30103, '! Q.301Q3 - IQ 136 LOdARITHMS OF NUMBERS. The minus sign is frequently written above the characteristic thusi log 0.002 = 3.30103. The characteristic only is negative, the decimal part, or mantissa, being always positive. When a log consists of a negative index and a positive mantissa, it is usual to write the negative sign over the index, or else to add 10 to the index, and to indicate the subtraction of 10 from the resulting logarithm. Thus log 0.2 = 1.30103, and this may be written 9.30103 - 10. In tables of logarithmic sines, etc., the 10 is generally omitted, as being understood. Rules for use of the table of logarithms. To find the log of any whole number. For 1 to 100 inclusive the log is given complete in the small table on page 137. For 100 to 999 inclusive the decimal part of the log is given opposite the given number in the column headed in the table (including the two figures to the left, making six figures). Prefix the characteristic, or index, 2. For 1000 to 9999 inclusive: The last four figures of the log are found opposite the first three figures of the given number and in the vertical column headed with the fourth figure of the given number ; prefix the two figures under column 0, and the index, which is 3. For numbers over 10,000 having five or more digits: Find the decimal part of the log for the first four digits as above, multiply the difference figure in the last column by the remaining digit or digits, and divide by 10 if there be only one digit more, by 100 if there be two more, and so on; add the quotient to the log of the first four digits and prefix the index, which is 4 if there are five digits, 5 if there are six digits, and so on. The table of proportional parts may be used, as shown below. To find the log of a decimal fraction or of a whole number and a 'decimal. First find the log of the quantity as if there were no decimal Doint, then prefix the index according to rule: the index is one less than the number of figures to the left of the decimal point. Example, log of 3.14159. log of 3.141 =0.497068. Diff. =-138 From proportional parts 5 = 690 09= 1242 log 3. 14159 0.4971494 If the number is a decimal less than unity, the index is negative and is one more than the_ number of zeros to the right of the decimal point. Log of 0.0682 = 2.833784 = 8.833784 - 10. To find the number corresponding to a given log. Find in the table the log nearest to tne decimal part of the given log and take the first four digits of the required number from the column N and the top or foot of the column containing the log which is the next less thanthegiven log. To find the 5th and 6th digits subtract the log in the table from the given log, multiply the difference by 100, and divide by the figure in the Diff. column opposite the log; annex the quotient to the four digits already found, and place the decimal point according to the rule; the number of figures to the left of the decimal point is one greater than the index. The number corresponding to a log is called the anti-logarithm. Find the anti-log of 0.497150 Next lowest log in table corresponds to 3141 0.497068 Diff. = 82 Tabular diff. = 138; 82 -f- 138 = 0.59 -f- The index being 0, the number is therefore 3.14159 -f . To multiply two numbers by tlie use of logarithms. Add together the logs of the two numbers, and find' the number whose log is the sum. To divide two numbers. Subtract the log of the divisor from the log of the dividend, and find the number whose log is the difference. Log of a fraction. Log of a/b = log a log b. To raise a number to any given power. Multiply the log of the number by the exponent of the power, and find the number whose log is the product. To find any root of a given number. Divide the log of the number index of the root. The quotient is tlje log, of tfce root. IiOGAUITHMS OP NUMBERS. 137 To find the reciprocal of a number. Subtract the decimal pait of the log of the number from 0, add 1 to the index and change the sign of the index. The result is the log of the reciprocal. Required the reciprocal of 3.141593. Log of 3.141593, as found above 0.4971498 Subtract decimal part from gives 0.5028502 Add 1 to the index, and changing sign of the index gives. . 1. 5028502 which is the log of 0.31831. To find the fourth term of a proportion by logarithms. Add the logarithms of the second and third terms, and from their sum subtract the logarithm of the first term. When one logaithm is to be subtracted from another, it may be more convenient to convert the subtraction into an addition, which may be done by first subtracting the given logarithm from 10, adding the difference to the other logarithm, and afterwards rejecting the 10. The difference between a given logarithm and .10 is called its arithmetical complement, or cologarithm. To subtract one logarithm from another is the same as to add its com- plement and then reject 10 from the result. For a b = 10 b+ a 10. To work a proportion, then, by logarithms, add the complement of the logarithm of the first term to the logarithms of the second and third terms. The characteristic must afterwards be diminished by 10. Example in logarithms with a negative index. Solve by logarithms Vioii quotient to the 2.45 power. log 526 = 2.720986 log 1011 = 3.004751 which means divide 526 by 1011 and raise the log of quotient = Multiply by 9.716235 - 10 2.45 .48581175 3.8864940 19.432470 23. 80477575 -(10X2.45) = 1.30477575 = 0.20173, Ans. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 100. N. Log. N. Log. N. Log. N. Log. N. Log. ! 0.000000 21 .322219 41 .612784 61 .785330 81 .908485 2 0.301030 22 .342423 42 .623249 62 .792392 82 .913814 0.477121 23 .361728 43 .633468 63 .799341 83 .919078 4 0.602060 24 .380211 44 .643453 64 .806180 84 .924279 0.698970 25 .397940 45 .653213 65 .812913 85 .929419 6 0.778151 26 .414973 46 .662758 66 .819544 86 .934498 7 0.845098 27 .431364 47 .672098 67 .826075 87 .939519 8 0.903090 28 .447158 48 .681241 68 .832509 88 .944483 9 0.954243 29 .462398 49 .690196 69 .838849 89 .949390 10 1 .000000 30 .477121 50 .698970 70 .845098 90 .954243 11 .041393 31 .491362 51 .707570 71 .851258 91 .959041 12 .079181 32 .505150 52 .716003 72 .857332 92 .963788 13 .113943 33 .518514 53 .724276 73 .863323 93 .968483 14 .146128 34 .531479 54 .732394 74 .869232 94 .973128 15 .176091 35 .544068 55 .740363 75 .875061 95 977724 16 .204120 36 .556303 56 .748188 76 .880814 96 .982271 17 230449 37 .568202 57 .755875 77 .886491 97 .966772 18 .255273 38 .579784 58 .763428 78 .892095 98 .991226 19 .278754 39 .591065 59 .770852 79 .897627 99 .995635 20 1.301030 40 .602060 60 .778151 80 .903090 100 2.000000 For four-place logarithms see page 138 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 100 L. OOO.j [No. 109 L. 040. N. 1 3 0868 5181 9451 3 4 5 6 7 8 346~1 7748 9 3891 8174 Diff. 432' 428 424 420 416 412 408 404 400 397 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 000000 4321 8600 0434 4751 9026 1301 5609 9876 1734 6038 2166 6466 2598 6894 3029 7321 0300 4521 8700 0724 4940 9116 1147 5360 9532 1570 5779 9947 1993 6197 2415 6616 012837 7033 3259 7451 3680 7868 4100 8284 0361 4486 8571 2619 6629 0775 4896 8978 021189 5306 9384 1603 5715 9789 2016 6125 2428 6533 2841 6942 3252 7350 3664 7757 4075 8164 0195 4227 8223 0600 4628 8620 1004 5029 9017 1408 5430 9414 1812 5830 9811 2216 6230 3021 7028 033424 7426 04 3826 7825 0207 0602 0998 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 434" 43.4 86.8 130.2 173.6 217.0 260.4 303.8 347.2 390.6 433 43.3 86.6 129.9 173.2 216.5 259.8 303.1 346.4 389.7 432 43.2 86.4 129.6 172.8 216.0 259.2 302.4 345.6 388.8 431 43.1 86.2 129.3 172.4 215.5 258.6 301.7 344.8 387.9 430 43.0 86.0 129.0 172.0 215.0 258.0 301.0 344.0 387.0 429 42.9 85.8 128.7 171.6 214.5 257.4 300.3 343.2 386.1 428 42.8 85.6 128.4 171.2 214.0 256.8 299.6 342.4 385.2 427 42.7 85.4 128.1 170.8 213.5 256.2 298.9 341.6 384.3 426 42.6 85.2 127.8 170.4 213.0 255.6 298.2 340.8 383.4 425 42.5 85.0 127.5 170.0 212.5 255.0 297.5 340.0 382.5 424 42.4 84.8 127.2 169.6 212.0 254.4 296.8 339.2 381.6 423 42.3 84.6 126.9 169.2 211.5 253.8 296.1 338.4 380.7 422 42.2 84.4 126.6 168.8 211.0 253.2 295.4 337.6 379.8 421 42.1 84.2 126.3 168.4 210.5 252.6 294.7 336.8 378.9 420 42.0 84.0 126.0 168.0 210.0 252.0 294.0 336.0 373.0 419 41.9 83.8 125.7 167.6 209.5 251.4 293.3 335.2 377.1 418 41.8 83.6 125.4 167.2 209.0 250.8 292.6 334.4 376.2 417 41.7 83.4 125.1 166.8 208.5 250.2 291.9 333.6 375.3 416 41.6 83.2 124.8 166.4 208.0 249.6 291.2 332.8 374.4 415 41.5 83.0 124.5 166.0 207.5 249.0 290.5 332.0 373.5 414 41.4 82.8 124.2 165.6 207.0 248.4 289.8 331.2 372.6 413 41.3 82.6 123.9 165.2 206.5 247.8 289.1 330.4 371.7 412 41.2 82.4 123.6 164.8 206.0 247.2 288.4 329.6 370.8 >11 41.1 82.2 123.3 164.4 205.5 246.6 287.7 328.8 369.9 410 41.0 82.0 123.0 164.0 205.0 246.0 287.0 328.0 369.0 409 40.9 81.8 122.7 163.6 204.5 245.4 286.3 327.2 368.1 408 40.8 81.6 122.4 163.2 204.0 244.8 285.6 326.4 367.2 407 40.7 81.4 122.1 162.8 203.5 244.2 284.9 325.6 366.3 406 40.6 81.2 121.8 162.4 203.0 243.6 284.2 324.8 365.4 405 40.5 81.0 121.5 162.0 202.5 243.0 283.5 324.0 364.5 404 40.4 80.8 121.2 161.6 202.0 242.4 282.8 323.2 363.6 403 40.3 80.6 120.9 161.2 201.5 241.8 282.1 322.4 362.7 402 40.2 80.4 120.6 160.8 201.0 241.2 281.4 321.6 361.8 401 40.1 80.2 120.3 160.4 200.5 240.6 280.7 320.8 360.9 400 40.0 80.0 120.0 160.0 200.0 240.0 280.0 320.0 360.0 399 39.9 79.8 119.7 159.6 199.5 239.4 279.3 319.2 359.1 398 39.8 79.6 119.4 159.2 199.0 238.8 278.6 318.4 358.2 397 39.7 79.4 119.1 158.8 198.5 238.2 277.9 317.6 357.3 396 39.6 79.2 118.8 158.4 198.0 237.6 277.2 316.8 356.4 395 39.5 79.0 118.5 158.0 197.5 237.0 276.5 316.0 355.5 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 139 No. 110 L. 041.] [No. 119 L. 078. N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. no i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 041393 5323 9218 1787 5714 9606 2182 6105 9993 2576 6495 0380 4230 8046 2969 6885 0766 4613 8426 3362 7275 3755 7664 4148 8053 4540 8442 4932 8830 393 390 386 383 379 376 373 370 366 363 1153 4996 8805 1538 5378 9185 1924 5760 9563 2309 6142 9942 2694 6524 0320 4083 7815 053078 6905 3463 7286 3846 7666 060698 4458 8186 1075 4832 8557 1452 5206 8928 1829 5580 9298 2206 5953 9668 2582 6326 2958 6699 3333 7071 3709 7443 0038 3718 7368 0407 4085 7731 0776 4451 8094 1145 4816 8457 1514 5182 8819 071882 5547 2250 5912 2617 6276 2985 6640 3352 7004 PROPORTIONAL PA.RTS. Diff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 395 39.5 79.0 118.5 158.0 197.5 237.0 276.5 316.0 355.5 394 39.4 78.8 T18.2 157.6 197.0 236.4 275.8 315.2 354.6 393 39.3 78.6 1 17.9 157.2 196.5 235.8 275.1 314.4 353.7 392 39.2 78.4 117.6 156.8 196.0 235.2 274.4 313.6 352.8 391 39.1 78.2 117.3 156.4 195.5 234.6 273.7 312.8 351.9 390 39.0 78.0 117.0 156.0 195.0 234.0 273.0 312.0 351.C 389 38.9 77.8 116.7 155.6 194.5 233.4 272.3 311.2 350.1 388 38.8 77.6 116.4 155.2 194.0 232.8 271.6 310.4 349.2 387 38.7 77.4 116.1 154.8 193.5 232.2 270.9 309.6 348.3 386 38.6 77.2 115.8 154.4 193.0 231.6 270.2 308.8 347.4 385 38.5 77.0 115.5 154.0 192.5 231.0 269.5 308.0 346.? 384 38.4 76.8 115.2 153.6 192.0 230.4 268.8 307.2 345.6 383 38.3 76.6 114.9 153.2 191.5 229.8 268.1 306.4 344.7 382 38.2 76.4 114.6 152.8 191.0 229.2 267.4 305.6 343.8 381 38.1 76.2 114.3 152.4 190.5 228.6 266.7 304.8 342.9 380 38.0 76.0 114.0 152.0 1900 228.0 266.0 304.0 342.0 379 37.9 75.8 113.7 151.6 189.5 227.4 265.3 303.2 341.1 378 37.8 75.6 113.4 151.2 189.0 226.8 264.6 302.4 340.2 377 37.7 75.4 113.1 150.8 188.5 226.2 263.9 301.6 339.3 376 37.6 75.2 112.8 150.4 188.0 225.6 263.2 300.8 338.4 375 37.5 75.0 112.5 150.0 187.5 225.0 262.5 300.0 337.5 374 37.4 74.8 112.2 149.6 187.0 224.4 261.8 299.2 336.6 373 37.3 74.6 111.9 149.2 186.5 223.8 261.1 298.4 335.7 372 37.2 74.4 111.6 148.8 186.0 223.2 260.4 297.6 334.8 371 37.1 74.2 111.3 148.4 185.5 222.6 259.7 296.8 333.9 370 37.0 74.0 111.0 148.0 185.0 222.0 259.0 296.0 333.0 369 36.9 73.8 110.7 147.6 184.5 221.4 258.3 295.2 332.1 368 36.8 73.6 110.4 147.2 184.0 220.8 257.6 294.4 331.2 367 36.7 73.4 110.1 146.8 183.5 220.2 256.9 293.6 330.3 366 36.6 73.2 109.8 146.4 183.0 219.6 256.2 292.8 329.4 365 36.5 73.0 109.5 146.0 182.5 219.0 255.5 292.0 328.5 364 36.4 72.8 109.2 145.6 182.0 218.4 254.8 291.2 327.6 363 36.3 72.6 108.9 145.2 181.5 217.8 254.1 290.4 326.7 362 36.2 72.4 108.6 144.8 181.0 217.2 253.4 289.6 325.8 361 36.1 72.2 108.3 144.4 180.5 216.6 252.7 288.8 324.9 360 36.0 72.0 108.0 144.0 180.0 216.0 252.0 288.0 324.0 359 35.9 71.8 107.7 143.6 179.5 215.4 251.3 287.2 323.1 358 35.8 71.6 107.4 143.2 179.0 214.8 250.6 286.4 322.2 357 35.7 71.4 107.1 142.8 178.5 214.2 249.9 285.6 32!. 3 356 35.6 71.2 106.8 142.4 178.0 213.6 249.2 284.8 320.4 140 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 120 L. 079.] [No. 134 L. 130. N. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 120 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 130 1 2 3 4 079181 9543 9904 0266 3861 7426 0626 4219 7781 0987 4576 8136 1347 4934 8490 1707 5291 8845 2067 5647 9198 2426 6004 9552 360 357 355 352 349 346 343 341 338 335 333 330 328 325 323 082785 6360 9905 3144 6716 3503 7071 0258 3772 7257 0611 4122 7604 0963 4471 7951 1315 4820 8298 1667 5169 8644 2018 5518 8990 2370 5866 9335 2721 6215 9681 3071 6562 093422 6910 0026 3462 6871 100371 3804 7210 0715 4146 7549 1059 4487 7888 1403 4828 8227 1747 5169 8565 2091 5510 8903 2434 5851 9241 2777 6191 9579 3119 6531 9916 0253 3609 6940 110590 3943 725 '1 0926 4277 7603 1263 4611 7934 1599 4944 8265 1934 5278 8595 2270 5611 8926 2605 5943 9256 2940 6276 9586 3275 6608 9915 0245 3525 6781 120574 3852 7105 13 0903 4178 7429 1231 4504 7753 1560 4830 8076 1888 5156 8399 2216 5481 8722 2544 5806 9045 2871 6131 9368 3198 6456 9690 0012 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 355" 35.5 71.0 106.5 142.0 177.5 213.0 248.5 284.0 319.5 354 35.4 70.8 106.2 141.6 177.0 212.4 247.8 283.2 318.6 353 35.3 70.6 105.9 141.2 176.5 211.8 247.1 282.4 317.7 352 35.2 70.4 105.6 140.8 176.0 211.2 246.4 281.6 316.8 351 35.1 70.2 105.3 140.4 175.5 210.6 245.7 280.8 315.9 350 35.0 70.0 105.0 140.0 175.0 210.0 245.0 280.0 315.0 349 34.9 69.8 104.7 139.6 174.5 209.4 244.3 279.2 314.1 348 34.8 69.6 104.4 139.2 174.0 208.8 243.6 278.4 313.2 347 34.7 694 104.1 138.8 173.5 208.2 242.9 277.6 312.3 346 34.6 69.2 103.8 138.4 173.0 207.6 242.2 276.8 311 4 345 34.5 69.0 103.5 138.0 172.5 207.0 241.5 276.0 310.5 344 34.4 68.8 103.2 137.6 172.0 206.4 240.8 275.2 309.6 343 34.3 68.6 102.9 137.2 171.5 205.8 240.1 274.4 308.7 342 34.2 68.4 102.6 136.8 171.0 205.2 239.4 273.6 307.8 341 34.1 68.2 102.3 136.4 170.5 204.6 238.7 272.8 306.9 340 34.0 68.0 102.0 136.0 170.0 204.0 238.0 272.0 306.0 339 33.9 67.8 101.7 135.6 169.5 203.4 237.3 271.2 305.1 338 33.8 67.6 101.4 135.2 169.0 202.8 236.6 270.4 304.2 337 33.7 67.4 101.1 134.8 168.5 202.2 235.9 269.6 303.3 336 33.6 67.2 100.8 134.4 168.0 201.6 235.2 268.8 302.4 335 33.5 67.0 100.5 134.0 167.5 201.0 234.5 268.0 301.5 334 33.4 66.8 100.2 133.6 167.0 200.4 233.8 267.2 300.6 333 33.3 66.6 99.9 133.2 166.5 199.8 233.1 266.4 299.7 332 33.2 66.4 99.6 132.8 166.0 199.2 232.4 265.6 298.8 331 33.1 66.2 99.3 132.4 165.5 198.6 231.7 264.8 297.9 330 33.0 66.0 99.0 132.0 165.0 198.0 231.0 264.0 297.0 329 32.9 65.8 98.7 131.6 164.5 197.4 230.3 263.2 296.1 328 32.8 65.6 98.4 131.2 164.0 196.8 229.6 262.4 295.2 327 32.7 65.4 98.1 130.8 163.5 196.2 228.9 261.6 294.3 326 32.6. 65.2 97.8 130.4 163.0 195.6 228.2 260.8 293.4 325 32.5 65.0 97.5 130.0 162.5 195.0 227.5 260.0 292.5 324 32.4 64.8 97.2 129.6 162.0 194.4 226.8 259.2 291.6 323 32.3 64.6 96.9 129.2 161.5 193.8 226.1 258.4 290.7 322 32.2 64.4 96.6 128.8 161.0 193.2 225.4 257.6 289.8 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 141 No. 135 L. 130.] [No. 149 L. 175. N. O 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. ~32T 318 316 314 311 309 307 305 303 301 299 297 295 293 291 135 6 7 8 9 140 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 130334 3539 6721 9879 0655 3858 7037 0977 4177 7354 1298 4496 7671 1619 4814 7987 1939 5133 8303 2260 5451 8618 2580 5769 8934 2900 6086 9249 3219 6403 9564 0194 3327 6438 9527 0508 3639 6748 9835 0822 3951 7058 1136 4263 7367 1450 4574 7676 1763 4885 7985 2076 5196 8294 2389 5507 8603 2702 5818 8911 143015 6128 9219 0142 3205 6246 9266 0449 3510 6549 9567 0756 3815 6852 9868 1063 4120 7154 1370 4424 7457 1676 4728 7759 1982 5032 8061 152288 5336 8362 2594 5640 8664 2900 5943 8965 0168 3161 6134 9086 0469 3460 6430 9380 0769 3758 6726 9674 1068 4055 7022 9968 161368 4353 7317 1667 4650 7613 1967 4947 7908 2266 5244 8203 2564 5541 8497 2863 5838 8792 1 70262 3186 0555 3478 0348 3769 1141 4060 1434 4351 1726 4641 2019 4932 2311 5222 2603 5512 2895 5802 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 321 32.1 64.2 96.3 128.4 160.5 192.6 224.7 256.8 288.9 320 32.0 64.0 96.0 128.0 160.0 192.0 224.0 256.0 2880 319 31.9 63.8 95.7 127.6 159.5 191.4 223.3 255.2 287.1 318 31.8 63.6 95.4 127.2 159.0 190.8 222.6 254.4 286.2 317 31.7 63.4 95.1 126.8 158.5 190.2 221.9 253.6 285.3 316 31.6 63.2 94.8 126.4 158.0 189.6 221.2 252.8 284.4 315 31.5 63.0 94.5 126.0 157.5 189.0 220.5 252.0 283.5 314 31.4 62.8 94.2 125.6 157.0 188.4 219.8 251.2 282.6 313 31.3 62.6 93.9 125.2 156.5 187.8 219.1 250.4 281.7 312 31.2 62.4 93.6 124.8 156.0 187.2 218.4 249.6 280.8 311 31.1 62.2 93.3 124.4 155.5 186.6 217.7 248.8 279.9 310 31.0 62.0 93.0 124.0 155.0 186.0 217.0 248.0 279.0 309 30.9 61.8 92.7 123.6 154.5 185.4 216.3 247.2 278.1 308 30.8 61.6 92.4 123.2 154.0 184.8 215.6 246.4 277.2 307 30.7 61.4 92.1 122.8 153.5 184.2 214.9 245.6 276.3 306 30.6 61.2 91.8 122.4 153.0 183.6 214.2 244.8 275.4 305 30!5 61.0 91.5 122.0 152 5 183.0 213.5 244.0 274.5 304 30.4 60.8 91.2 121.6 152.0 182.4 212.8 243.2 273.6 303 30.3 60.6 90.9 121.2 151.5 181.8 212.1 242.4 272.7 302 30.2 60.4 90.6 120.8 151.0 181.2 211.4 241.6 271.8 301 30.1 60.2 90.3 120.4 150.5 1806 210.7 240.8 270.9 300 30.0 60.0 90.0 120.0 150.0 180.0 210.0 240.0 270.0 299 29.9 59.8 89.7 119.6 149.5 179.4 209.3 239.2 269.1 298 29.8 59.6 89.4 119.2 149.0 178.8 208.6 238.4 268.2 297 29.7 59.4 89.1 118.8 148.5 178.2 207.9 237.6 267.3 296 29.6 59.2 88.8 118.4 148.0 177.6 207.2 236.8 266.4 295 29.5 590 88.5 118.0 147.5 177.0 206.5 236.0 265.5 294 29.4 58.8 88.2 117.6 147.0 176.4 205.8 235.2 264.6 293 29.3 58.6 87.9 117.2 146.5 175.8 205.1 234.4 263.7 292 29.2 58.4 87.6 116.8 146,0 175.2 204.4 233.6 262.8 291 29.1 58.2 87.3 116.4 145.5 174.6 203.7 232.8 261.9 290 29.0 58.0 87.0 116.0 145.0 174.0 203.0 232.0 261.. 289 28.9 57.8 86.7 115.6 144.5 173.4 202.3 231.2 260.1 288 28.8 57.6 86.4 115.2 144.0 172.3 201.6 230.4 259.2 287 28.7 57.4 86.1 114.8 143.5 172.2 200.9 229.6 258.3 286 28.6 57.2 85.8 114.4 143.0 171.6 200.2 228.8 2*7.4 142 LOGARITHMS OP NUMBERS. Wo. 150 L. 176.] [No. 109 L. 230 N. ~T50" 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 160 2 3 4 6 8 9 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DiflF. -28T 287 285 283 281 279 278 276 274 272 271 269 267 266 264 262 261 259 258 256 176091 8977 6381 9264 6670 9552 6959 9839 7248 7536 7825 8113 8401 8689 0126 2985 5825 8647 0413 3270 6108 8928 0699 3555 6391 9209 0986 3839 6674 9490 1272 4123 6956 9771 1558 4407 7239 181844 4691 7521 2129 4975 7803 2415 5259 8084 2700 5542 8366 0051 2846 5623 8382 190332 3125 5900 8657 0612 3403 6176 8932 0892 3681 6453 9206 1171 3959 6729 9481 1451 4237 7005 9755 1730 4514 7281 2010 4792 7556 2289 5069 7832 2567 5346 8107 0029 2761 5475 8173 0303 3033 5746 8441 0577 3305 6016 8710 0850 3577 6286 8979 1124 3848 6556 9247 201397 4120 6826 9515 1670 4391 7096 9783 1943 4663 7365 2216 4934 7634 2488 5204 7904 0051 2720 5373 8010 0319 2986 5638 8273 0586 3252 5902 8536 0853 3518 6166 8798 1121 3783 6430 9060 1388 4049 6694 9323 1654 4314 6957 9585 1921 4579 7221 9846 212188 4844 7484 2454 5109 7747 220108 2716 5309 7887 23 0370 2976 5568 8144 0631 3236 5826 8400 0892 3496 6084 8657 1153 3755 6342 8913 1414 4015 6600 9170 1675 4274 6858 9426 1936 4533 7115 9682 2196 4792 7372 9938 2456 5051 7630 0193 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 285 28.5 57.0 85.5 114.0 142.5 171.0 199.5 228.0 256.5 ,784 28.4 56.8 85.2 113.6 142.0 170.4 198.8 227.2 255.6 283 28.3 56.6 84.9 113.2 141.5 169.8 198.1 226.4 254.7 282 28.2 56.4 84.6 112.8 141.0 169.2 197.4 225.6 253.8 281 28.1 56.2 84.3 112.4 140.5 168.6 196.7 224.8 252.9 280 28.0 56.0 84.0 112.0 140.0 168.0 196.0 224.0 252.0 279 27.9 55.8 83.7 111.6 139.5 167.4 195.3 223.2 251.1 278 27.8 55.6 83.4 111.2 139.0 166.8 194.6 222.4 250.2 277 27.7 55.4 83.1 110.8 138.5 166.2 193.9 221.6 249.3 276 27.6 55.2 82.8 110.4 138.0 165.6 193.2 220.8 248.4 275 27.5 55.0 82.5 110.0 137.5 165.0 192.5 220.0 247.5 274 27.4 54.8 82.2 109.6 137.0 164.4 191.8 219.2 246.6 273 27.3 54.6 81.9 109,2 136.5 163.8 191.1 218.4 245.7 272 27.2 54.4 81.6 108.8 136.0 163.2 190.4 217.6 244.8 271 27.1 54.2 81.3 108.4 135.5 162.6 189.7 216.8 243.9 270 27.0 54.0 81.0 108.0 135.0 162.0 189.0 216.0 243.0 269 26.9 53.8 80.7 107.6 134.5 161.4 188.3 215.2 242.1 268 26.8 53.6 80.4 107.2 134.0 160.8 187.6 214.4 241.2 267 26.7 53.4 80.1 106.8 133.5 160.2 186.9 213.6 240.3 266 26.6 53.2 79.8 106.4 133.0 159.6 186.2 212.8 239.4 265 26.5 53.0 79.5 106.0 132.5 159.0 185.5 212.0 238.5 264 26.4 52.8 79.2 105.6 132.0 158.4 184.8 211.2 237.6 263 26.3 52.6 78.9 105.2 131.5 157.8 184.1 210.4 236.7 262 26.2 52.4 78.6 104.8 131.0 157.2 183.4 209.6 235.8 261 26.1 52.2 78.3 104.4 130.5 156.6 182.7 208.8 234.9 260 26.0 52.0 78.0 104.0 130.0 156.0 182.0 208.0 234.0 259 25.9 51.8 77.7 103.6 129.5 155.4 181.3 207.2 233.1 258 25.8 51.6 77.4 103.2 129.0 154.8 180.6 206.4 232.2 257 25.7 51.4 77.1 102.8 128.5 154.2 179.9 205.6 231.3 256 25.6 51.2 76,8 102.4 128.0 153.6 179.2 204.8 230.4 255 25.5 51.0 76.5 ' 102.0 127.5 ' 153.0 178.5 204.0 i 229J LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 143 No. I VOL. 230.] [No. 189L.278. N. 17o~ i 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 180 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 230449 2996 5528 8046 0704 3250 5781 8297 0960 3504 6033 8548 1215 3757 6285 8799 1470 4011 6537 9049 1724 4264 6789 9299 1979 4517 7041 9550 2234 4770 7292 9800 2488 5023 7544 2742 5276 7795 255 253 252 250 249 248 246 245 243 242 241 239 238 237 235 234 233 232 230 229 0050 2541 5019 7482 9932 0300 2790 5266 7728 240549 3038 5513 7973 0799 3286 5759 8219 1048 3534 6006 8464 1297 3782 6252 8709 1546 4030 6499 8954 1795 4277 6745 9198 2044 4525 6991 9443 2293 4772 7237 9687 0176 2610 5031 7439 9833 250420 2853 5273 7679 0664 3096 5514 7918 0908 3338 5755 8158 1151 3580 5996 8398 1395 3822 6237 8637 1638 4064 6477 8877 1881 4306 6718 9116 2125 4548 6958 9355 2368 4790 7198 9594 260071 2451 4818 7172 9513 0310 2688 5054 7406 9746 0548 2925 5290 7641 9980 0787 3162 5525 7875 1025 3399 5761 81 10 1263 3636 5996 8344 1501 3873 6232 8578 1739 4109 6467 8812 1976 4346 6702 9046 2214 4582 6937 9279 0213 2538 4850 7151 0446 2770 5081 7380 0679 3001 5311 7609 0912 3233 5542 7838 1144 3464 5772 8067 1377 3696 6002 8296 1609 3927 6232 8525 271842 4158 6462 2074 4389 6692 2306 4620 6921 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 255 25.5 51.0 76.5 102.0 127.5 153.0 178.5 204.0 229.5 254 25.4 50.8 76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4 177.8 203.2 228.6 253 25.3 50.6 75.9 101.2 126.5 151.8 177.1 202.4 227.7 252 25.2 50.4 75.6 100.8 126.0 151.2 176.4 201.6 226.8 251 25.1 50.2 75.3 100.4 125.5 150.6 175.7 200.8 225.9 250 25.0 50.0 75.0 100.0 125.0 150.0 175.0 200.0 225.0 249 24.9 49.8 74.7 99.6 124.5 149.4 174.3 199.2 224.1 248 24.8 49.6 74.4 99.2 124.0 148.8 173.6 198.4 223.2 247 24.7 49.4 74.1 98.8 123.5 148.2 172.9 197.6 222.3 246 24.6 49.2 73.8 98.4 123.0 147.6 172.2 196.8 221.4 245 24.5 49.0 73.5 98.0 122.5 147.0 171.5 196.0 220.5 244 24.4 48.8 73.2 97.6 122.0 146.4 170.8 195.2 219.6 243 24.3 48.6 72.9 97.2 121.5 145.8 170.1 194.4 218.7 242 24.2 48.4 72.6 96.8 121.0 145.2 1694 193.6 217.8 241 24.1 48.2 72.3 96.4 120.5 144.6 168.7 192.8 216.9 240 24.0 48.0 72.0 96.0 120.0 144.0 168.0 192.0 216.0 239 23.9 47.8 71.7 95.6 119.5 143.4 167.3 191.2 215.1 238 23.8 47.6 71.4 95.2 119.0 142.8 166.6 190.4 214.2 237 23.7 47.4 71.1 94.8 118.5 142.2 165.9 189.6 213.3 236 23.6 47.2 70.8 94.4 118.0 141.6 165.2 188.8 212.4 235 23.5 47.0 70.5 94.0 117.5 141.0 164.5 188.0 211.5 234 23.4 46.8 70.2 93.6 117.0 140.4 163.8 187.2 210.6 233 23.3 46.6 69.9 93.2 116.5 139.8 163.1 186.4 209.7 232 23.2 46.4 69.6 92.8 116.0 139.2 162.4 185.6 208.8 231 23.1 46.2 69.3 92.4 115.5 138.6 161.7 184.8 207.9 230 23.0 46.0 69.0 920 115.0 138.0 161.0 184.0 207.0 229 22.9 45.8 68.7 91.6 114.5 137.4 160.3 183.2 206.1 228 22.8 45.6 68.4 91.2 114.0 136.8 159.6 182.4 205.2 227 22.7 45.4 68.1 90.8 113.5 136.2 158.9 181.6 204.3 226 22.6 45.2 67.8 90.4 113.0 135.6 158.2 180.8 203.4 144 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 190 L. 278.] [No. 214 L.332. N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 190 278754 898;; 921 1 9439 9667 9895 m j-i nae n^7 flQflA 2 3 4 281033 3301 5557 7802 1261 3527 5782 8026 1488 3753 6007 8249 1715 3979 6232 8473 1942 4205 6456 8696 2169 4431 6681 8920 2396 4656 6905 9143 2622 4882 7130 9366 2849 5107 7354 9589 3075 5332 7578 9812 227 226 225 223 5 6 7 8 9 290035 2256 4466 6665 8853 0257 2478 4687 6884 9071 0480 2699 4907 7104 9289 0702 2920 5127 7323 9507 0925 3141 5347 7542 9725 1147 3363 5567 7761 9943 1369 3584 5787 7979 1591 3804 6007 8198 1813 4025 6226 8416 2034 4246 6446 8635 222 221 220 219 0161 0-170 ft^QS no i q 9 t A 200 1 2 3 4 301030 3196 5351 7496 9630 1247 3412 5566 7710 9843 1464 3628 5781 7924 1681 3844 5996 8137 1898 4059 6211 8351 2114 4275 6425 8564 2331 4491 6639 8778 2547 4706 6854 8991 2764 4921 7068 9204 2980 5136 7282 9417 217 216 215 213 0056 0268 048 1 0693 0906 1 1 j o i -2ar\ 1 ^49 919 5 6 7 8 311754 3867 5970 8063 1966 4078 6180 8272 2177 4289 6390 8481 2389 4499 6599 8689 2600 4710 6809 8898 2812 4920 7018 9106 3023 5130 7227 9314 3234 5340 7436 9522 3445 5551 7646 9730 3656 5760 7854 9938 211 210 209 208 9 210 2 3 320146 2219 4282 6336 8380 0354 2426 4488 6541 8583 0562 2633 4694 6745 8787 0769 2839 4899 6950 8991 t)977 3046 5105 7155 9194 1184 3252 5310 7359 9398 1391 3458 5516 7563 9601 1598 3665 5721 7767 9805 1805 3871 5926 7972 2012 4077 6131 8176 207 206 205 204 noftP. O9 i i 9flT 4 330414 0617 0819 1022 1225 1427 1630 1832 2034 2236 202 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 225 22.5 45.0 67.5 90.0 112.5 135.0 157.5 180.0 202.5 224 22.4 44.8 67.2 89 6 112.0 134.4 156.8 179.2 201.6 223 22.3 44.6 66.9 89.2 111.5 133.8 156.1 178.4 200.7 222 22.2 44.4 66.6 88.8 1110 133.2 155.4 177.6 199.8 221 22.1 44.2 66.3 88.4 110.5 132.6 154.7 176.8 198.9 220 22.0 44.0 66.0 88.0 110.0 132.0 154.0 176.0 198.0 219 21.9 43.8 65.7 87.6 109.5 131.4 153.3 175.2 197.1 218 21.8 43.6 65.4 87.2 109.0 130.8 152.6 174.4 196.2 217 21.7 43.4 65.1 86.8 108.5 130.2 151.9 173.6 195.3 216 21.6 43.2 64.8 86.4 108.0 129.6 151.2 172.8 194.4 215 21.5 43.0 64.5 86.0 107.5 129.0 150.5 172.0 193.5 214 21.4 42.8 64.2 85.6 107.0 128.4 149.8 171.2 192.6 213 21.3 42.6 63.9 85.2 106.5 127.8 149.1 170.4 191.7 212 21.2 42.4 63.6 84.8 106.0 127.2 148.4 169.6 190.8 211 21.1 42.2 63.3 84.4 105.5 126.6 147.7 168.8 189.9 210 21.0 42.0 63.0 84.0 105.0 126.0 147.0 168.0 189.0 209 20.9 41.8 62.7 83.6 104.5 125.4 146.3 167.2 188.1 208 20.8 41.6 62.4 83.2 104.0 124.8 145.6 166.4 187.2 207 20.7 41.4 62.1 82.8 103.5 124.2 144.9 165.6 186.3 206 20.6 41:2 61.8 82.4 103.0 123.6 144.2 164.8 185.4 205 20.5 41.0 61.5 82.0 102.5 123.0 143 5 164.0 184.5 204 20.4 40.8 61.2 81.6 102.0 122.4 142.8 163.2 183.6 203 20.3 40.6 60.9 81.2 101.5 121.8 142.1 162.4 182.7 202 20.2 40.4 60.6 80.8 101.0 121.2 1 141.4 161.6 181.8 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 145 No. 215 L. 332.] [No. 239 L. 380. N. 1 3 3 4 5 "3447 5458 7459 9451 6 73649 5658 7659 9650 7 ~3850 5859 7858 9849 8 ~~4Q5~1 6059 8058 9 "4253 6260 S257 Diff. ~202" 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 193 192 191 190 189 188 188 187 186 215 6 8 9 220 2 3 4 6 8 9 230 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 332438 4454 6460 8456 2640 4655 6660 8656 2842 4856 6860 8855 3044 5057 7060 9054 3246 5257 7260 9253 0047 2028 3999 5962 7915 9860 1796 3724 5643 7554 9456 0246 2225 4195 6157 8110 340444 2423 4392 6353 8305 0642 2620 4589 6549 8500 0841 2817 4785 6744 8694 1039 3014 4981 6939 8889 1237 3212 5178 7135 9083 1435 3409 5374 7330 9278 1632 3606 5570 7525 9472 1830 3802 5766 7720 9666 1603 3532 5452 7363 9266 0054 1989 3916 5834 7744 9646 350248 2183 4108 6026 7935 9835 0442 2375 4301 6217 8125 0636 2568 4493 6408 8316 0829 2761 4685 6599 8506 1023 2954 4876 6790 8696 1216 3147 5068 6981 8886 1410 3339 5260 7172 9076 0025 1917 3800 5675 7542 9401 0215 2105 3988 5862 7729 9587 0404 2294 4176 6049 7915 9772 0593 2482 4363 6236 8101 9958 0783 2671 4551 6423 8287 0972 2859 4739 6610 8473 1161 3048 4926 6796 8659 1350 3236 5113 6983 8845 0698 2544 4382 6212 8034 9849 1539 3424 5301 7169 9030 361728 3612 5488 7356 9216 0143 1991 3831 5664 7488 9306 0328 2175 4015 5846 7670 9487 0513 2360 4198 6029 7852 9668 0883 2728 4565 6394 8216 185 184 184 183 182 181 37106S 2912 4748 6577 8398 38 1253 3096 4932 6759 8580 1437 3280 5115 6942 8761 1622 3464 5298 7124 8943 1806 3647 5481 7306 9124 0030 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *202~ 201 20.2 20.1 40.4 40.2 60.6 60.3 80.8 80.4 101.0 100.5 121.2 120.6 141.4 140.7 161.6 160.8 181.8 180.9 200 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 160.0 180.0 199 19.9 39.8 59.7 79.6 99.5 119.4 139.3 159.2 179.{ 198 19.8 39.6 59.4 79.2 99.0 118.8 138.6 158.4 178.2 197 19.7 39.4 59.1 78.8 98.5 118.2 137.9 157.6 177.3 196 19.6 39.2 58.8 78.4 98.0 117.6 137.2 156.8 176.4 195 19.5 39.0 58.5 78.0 97.5 117.0 136.5 1 56.0 175.5 194 19.4 38.8 58.2 77.6 97.0 116.4 135.8 155.2 174.6 193 19.3 38.6 57.9 77.2 96.5 115.8 135.1 154.4 173.7 192 19.2 38.4 57.6 76.8 96.0 ' 115.2 134.4 153.6 172.8 191 19.1 38.2 57.3 76.4 95.5 114.6 133.7 152.8 171.9 190 190 38.0 57.0 76.0 95.0 114.0 133.0 152.0 171.0 189 18.9 37.8 56.7 75.6 94.5 113.4 132.3 151.2 170.1 188 18.8 37.6 56.4 75.2 940 112.8 131.6 150.4 169.2 187 18.7 37.4 56.1 74.8 93.5 112.2 130.9 149.6 168.3 186 18.6 37.2 55.3 74.4 93.0 111.6 130.2 148.8 167.4 185 18.5 37.0 55.5 74.0 92.5 111.0 129.5 148.0 166.5 184 18.4 36.8 55.2 73.6 92.0 110.4 128.8 147.2 165.6 183 18.3 36.6 54.9 73.2 91.5 109.8 128.1 146.4 164.7 182 18.2 36.4 54.6 72.8 91.0 109.2 127.4 145.6 163.8 181 18.1 36.2 54.3 72.4 90.5 108.6 126.7 144.8 162.9 180 18.0 36.0 54.0 72.0 90.0 108.0 126.0 1440 162.0 179 17.9 35.8 53.7 71.6 89.5 107.4 125.3 143.2 161.1 146 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 240 L. 380.J [No. 269 L. 431, N. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 250 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 260 2 3 4 6 8 9 1 2 ~0573 2377 4174 5964 7746 9520 3 4 5 6 7 8 T656 3456 5249 7034 8811 9 Diff. IsT 180 179 178 178 177 176 176 175 174 173 173 172 171 17! 170 169 169 168 167 167 166 165 165 164 164 163 162 162 161 380211 2017 3815 5606 7390 9166 0392 2197 3995 5785 7568 9343 0754 2557 4353 6142 7924 9698 0934 2737 4533 6321 8101 9875 1115 2917 4712 6499 8279 1296 3097 4891 6677 8456 1476 3277 5070 6856 8634 1837 3636 5428 7212 8989 0051 1817 3575 5326 7071 8808 0228 1993 3751 5501 7245 8981 0405 2169 3926 5676 7419 9154 0582 2345 4101 5850 7592 9328 0759 2521 4277 6025 7766 9501 390935 2697 4452 6199 7940 9674 1112 2873 4627 6374 8114 9847 1288 3048 4802 6548 8287 1464 3224 4977 6722 8461 1641 3400 5152 6896 8634 0020 1745 3464 '5176 6881 8579 0192 1917 3635 5346 7051 8749 0365 2089 3807 5517 7221 8918 0538 2261 3978 5688 7391 9087 0711 2433 4149 5858 7561 9257 0883 2605 4320 6029 7731 9426 1056 2777 4492 6199 7901 9595 1228 2949 4663 6370 8070 9764 401401 3121 4834 6540 8240 9933 1573 3292 5005 6710 8410 0102 1788 3467 5140 6807 8467 0271 1956 3635 5307 6973 8633 0440 2124 3803 5474 7139 8798 0609 2293 3970 5641 7306 8964 0777 2461 4137 5808 7472 9129 0946 2629 4305 5974 7638 9295 11 14 2796 4472 6141 7804 9460 1110 2754 4392 6023 7648 9268 1283 2964 4639 6308 7970 9625 1451 3132 4806 6474 8135 9791 1439 3082 4718 6349 7973 9591 411620 3300 4973 6641 8301 9956 0121 1768 3410 5045 6674 8297 9914 0286 1933 3574 5208 6836 8459 0451 2097 3737 5371 6999 8621 0616 2261 3901 5534 7161 8783 0781 2426 4065 5697 7324 8944 0945 2590 4228 5860 7486 9106 1275 2918 4555 6186 7811 9429 421604 3246 4882 6511 8135 9752 43 0075 0236 0398 0559 0720 0881 1042 1203 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. T78~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17.8 35.6 53.4 71.2 89.0 106.8 124.6 142.4 160.2 177 17.7 35.4 53.1 70.8 88.5 106.2 23.9 141.6 159.3 176 17.6 35.2 52.8 70.4 88.0 105.6 123.2 140.8 158.4 175 17.5 35.0 52.5 70.0 87.5 105.0 122.5 140.0 157.5 174 17.4 34.8 52.2 69.6 87.0 104.4 121.8 139.2 156.6 173 173 34.6 51.9 69.2 86.5 103.8. 121.1 138.4 155.7 172 17.2 34.4 51.6 68.8 86.0 103.2 120.4 137.6 154.8 171 17.1 34.2 51.3 68.4 85.5 102.6 119.7 136.8 153.V 170 17.0 34.0 51.0 68.0 85.0 102.0 119.0 136.0 153.0 169 16.9 33.8 50.7 67.6 84.5 101.4 118.3 135.2 152.1 168 16.8 33.6 50.4 67.2 84.0 100.8 117.6 134.4 151.2 167 16.7 33.4 50.1 66.8 83.5 100.2 116.9 133.6 150.3 166 16.6 33.2 49.8 66.4 830 99.6 116.2 132.8 149.4 165 16.5 33.0 49.5 66.0 82.5 99.0 115.5 132.0 148.5 164 16.4 32.8 49.2 65.6 82.0 98.4 114.8 131.2 147.6 163 16.3 32.6 48.9 65.2 81.5 97.8 114.1 130.4 146.7 162 16.2 32.4 48.5 64.8 81.0 97.2 113.4 129.6 1458 161 16.1 32.2 48.3 64.4 80.5 1 96.6 112.7 128.8 144.9 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 147 No. 270 L. 431.] [No. 299 L. 476. N. ?70 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 280 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 290 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 431364 2969 4569 6163 7751 9333 1525 3130 4729 6322 7909 9491 1685 3290 4888 6481 8067 9648 1846 3450 5048 6640 8226 9806 2007 3610 5207 6799 8384 9964 2167 3770 5367 6957 8542 2328 3930 5526 7116 8701 24tte> 4090 5685 7275 8859 2649 4249 5844 7433 9017 2809 4409 6004 7592 9175 161 160 159 159 158 158 157 157 156 155 155 154 154 153 153 152 152 15} 151 150 150 149 149 148 148 147 146 146 146 145 0122 1695 3263 4825 6382 7933 9478 0279 1852 3419 4981 6537 8088 9633 0437 2009 3576 5137 6692 8242 9787 0594 2166 3732 5293 6848 8397 9941 0752 2323 3889 5449 7003 8552 440909 2480 4045 5604 7158 8706 1066 2637 4201 5760 7313 8861 1224 2793 4357 5915 7468 QQ15 1381 2950 4513 6071 7623 9170 1538 3106 4669 6226 7778 9324 0095 1633 3165 4692 6214 7731 9242 450249 1786 3318 4845 6366 7882 9392 0403 1940 3471 4997 6518 8033 9543 0557 2093 3624 5150 6670 8184 9694 0711 2247 3777 5302 6821 8336 9845 0865 2400 3930 5454 6973 8487 9995 1018 2553 4082 5606 7125 8638 1172 2706 4235 5758 7276 8789 1326 2859 4387 5910 7428 8940 1479 3012 4540 6062 7579 9091 0146 1649 3146 4639 6126 7608 9085 0296 1799 3296 4788 6274 7756 9233 0447 1948 3445 4936 6423 7904 9380 0597 2098 3594 5085 6571 8052 9527 0748 2248 3744 5234 6719 8200 9675 460898 2398 3893 5383 6868 8347 9322 1048 2548 4042 5532 7016 8495 9969 1198 2697 4191 5680 7164 8643 1348 2847 4340 5829 7312 8790 1499 2997 4490 5977 7460 8938 0116 1585 3049 4508 5962 0263 1732 3195 4653 6107 0410 1878 3341 4799 6252 0557 2025 3487 4944 6397 0704 2171 3633 5090 6542 0851 2318 3779 5235 6687 0998 2464 3925 5381 6832 1145 2610 4071 5526 6976 471292 2756 4216 5671 1438 2903 4362 5816 PROPORTIONAL, PARTS. Diff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 161 160 16.1 16.0 32.2 32.0 48.3' 48.0 64.4 64.0 80.5 80.0 96.6 96.0 112.7 112.0 128.8 128.0 144.9 144.0 159 15.9 31.8 47.7 63.6 79.5 95.4 111.3 127.2 143.1 158 15.8 31.6 47.4 63.2 79.0 94.8 110.6 126.4 142.2 157 15.7 31.4 47.1 62.8 78.5 94.2 109.9 125.6 141.3 156 15.6 31.2 46.8 62.4 78.0 93.6 109.2 124.8 140.4 155 15.5 31.0 46.5 62.0 77.5 93.0 108 5 124.0 139.5 154 15.4 30.8 46.2 61.6 77.0 92.4 107.8 123.2 138.6 153 15.3 30.6 45.9 61.2 76:5 91.8 107.1 122.4 137.7 152 15.2 30.4 45.6 60.8 76.0 91.2 106.4 121.6 136.8 151 15.1 30.2 45.3 60.4 75.5' 90.6 105.7 120.8 135.9 150 15.0 30.0 450 60.0 75.0 90.0 105.0 120.0 135.0 149 14.9 29.8 44.7 59.6 74.5 89.4 104.3 119.2 134.1 148 14.8 29.6 44.4 59.2 74.0 88.8 103.6 118.4 133.2 147 14.7 29.4 44.1 58.8 73.5 88.2 102.9 117.6 132.3 146 14.6 29.2 43.8 58.4 73.0 87.6 102.2 116.8 131.4 145 14.5 29.0 43.5 58.0 72.5 87.0 101.5 1160 1305 144 14.4 28.8 43.2 57.6 72.0 86.4 100.8 115.2 129.6 143 14.3 28.6 42.9 57.2 71.5 85.8 100.1 114.4 128.7 142 14.2 28.4 42.6 56.8 71.0 85.2 99.4 113.6 127.8 141 14.1 28.2 42.3 56.4 70.5 84.6 98.7 112.8 126.9 140 14.0 28.0 42.0 56.0 70.0 84.0 98.0 112.0 ! 126.0 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 300 L. 477.] [No. 339 L. 531. N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 300 1 477121 8566 7266 8711 7411 8855 7555 8999 7700 9143 7844 9287 7989 9431 8133 9575 8278 9719 8422 9863 1 145' 144 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 480007 1443 2874 4300 5721 7138 8551 0151 1586 3016 4442 5863 7280 8692 0294 1729 3159 4585 6005 7421 8833 0438 1372 3302 4727 6147 7563 8974 0582 2016 3445 4869 6289 7704 91 14 0725 2159 3587 5011 6430 7845 9255 0369 2302 3730 5153 6572 7986 9396 1012 2445 3872 5295 6714 8127 9537 1156 2588 4015 5437 6355 8269 9677 1299 2731 4157 5579 6997 8410 9818 144 143 143 142 142 141 141 9 9958 0099 0239 0380 0520 0661 0801 0941 1081 1222 140 310 1 2 3 4 5 491362 2760 4155 5544 6930 8311 1502 2900 4294 5683 7068 8448 1642 3040 4433 5822 7206 8586 1782 3179 4572 5960 7344 8724 1922 3319 4711 6099 7483 8862 2062 3458 4850 6238 7621 8999 2201 3597 4989 6376 7759 9137 2341 3737 5128 6515 7897 9275 2481 3876 5267 6653 8035 9412 2621 4015 5406 6791 8173 9550 140 139 139 139 138 138 6 9687 9824 9962 0099 0236 0374 0511 0648 0785 0922 137 7 8 9 320 1 2 501059 2427 3791 5150 6505 7856 1 196 2564 3927 5286 6640 7991 1333 2700 4063 5421 6776 8126 1470 2837 4199 5557 6911 8260 1607 2973 4335 5693 7046 8395 1744 3109 4471 5828 7181 8530 1880 3246 4607 5964 7316 8664 2017 3382 4743 6099 7451 8799 2154 3518 4878 6234 7586 8934 2291 3655 5014 6370 7721 9068 137 136 136 136 135 135 3 9203 9337 947 1 9606 9740 9874 0009 0143 0277 041 1 134 4 5 6 7 8 9 330 510545 1883 3218 4548 5874 7196 8514 0679 2017 3351 4681 6006 7328 8646 0813 2151 3484 4813 6139 7460 8777 0947 2284 3617 4946 6271 7592 8909 1081 2418 3750 5079 6403 7724 9040 1215 2551 3883 5211 6535 7855 9171 1349 2684 4016 5344 6668 7987 9303 1482 2818 4149 5476 6800 8119 9434 1616 2951 4282 5609 6932 8251 9566 1750 3084 4415 5741 7064 8382 9697 134 133 133 133 132 132 131 1 9828 9959 0090 0221 0353 0484 0615 0745 0876 1007 131 2 3 4 5 6 7 521138 2444 3746 5045 6339 7630 1269 2575 3876 5174 6469 7759 1400 2705 4006 5304 6598 7888 1530 2835 4136 5434 6727 8016 1661 2966 4266 5563 6856 8145 1792 3096 4396 5693 6985 8274 1922 3226 4526 5822 7114 8402 2053 3356 4656 5951 7243 8531 2183 3486 4785 6081 7372 8660 2314 3616 4915 6210 7501 8788 131 130 130 129 129 129 8 8917 9045 9174 9302 9430 9559 9687 9815 9943 0072 128 9 530200 0328 0456 0584 0712 0840 0968 1096 1223 1351 128 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 , 8 9 139 13.9 27.8 41.7 55.6 69.5 83.4 97.3 11 1.2 125.1 138 13.8 27.6 41.4 55.2 69.0 82.8 96.6 110.4 124.2 137 13.7 27.4 41.1 54.8 68.5 82.2 95.9 109.6 123.3 136 13.6 27.2 40.8 54.4 68.0 81.6 95.2 108.8 122.4 135 13.5 27.0 40.5 54.0 67.5 81.0 94.5 108.0 121.5 134 13.4 26.8 40.2 53.6 67.0 80.4 93.8 107.2 120.6 133 13.3 26.6 39.9 53.2 66.5 79.8 93.1 106.4 119.7 132 13.2 26.4 39.6 52.8 66.0 79.2 92.4 105.6 118.8 131 13.1 26.2 39.3 52.4 65.5 78.6 91.7 104.8 117.9 130 13.0 26.0 39.0 52.0 65.0 78.0 91.0 1040 117.0 129 12.9 25.8 38.7 51.6 64.5 77.4 90.3 103.2 M6.1 128 12.8 25.6 38.4 51.2 64 76.8 89.6 102.4 115.2 127 12.7 25.4 * 38.1 50.8 1 63.5 76.2 88.9 1 101.6 114.3 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 149 No. 340 L. 531.J ' [No. 379 L. 579. N. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 340 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 350 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 360 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 370 I 2 4 5 6 8 9 531479 2754 4026 5294 6558 7819 9076 1607 2882 4153 5421 6685 7945 9202 1734 3009 4280 5547 6811 8071 9327 1862 3136 4407 5674 6937 8197 9452 1990 3264 4534 5800 7063 8322 9578 2117 3391 4661 5927 7189 8448 9703 2245 3518 4787 6053 7315 8574 9829 2372 3645 4914 6180 7441 8699 9954 2500 3772 5041 6306 7567 8825 2627 3899 5167 6432 7693 8951 128 127 127 126 126 126 125 125 125 124 124 124 123 123 123 122 122 121 121 121 120 120 120 119 119 119 m 118 118 118 117 117 117 116 116 116 115 115 115 114 0079 1330 2576 3820 5060 6296 7529 8758 9984 0204 1454 2701 3944 5183 6419 7652 8881 540329 1579 2825 4068 5307 6543 7775 9003 0455 1704 2950 4192 5431 6666 7898 9126 0580 1829 3074 4316 5555 6', 89 8021 9249 0705 1953 3199 4440 5678 6913 8144 9371 0830 2078 3323 4564 5802 7036 8267 9494 0955 2203 3447 4688 5925 7159 8389 9616 1080 2327 3571 4812 6049 7282 8512 9739 1205 2452 3696 4936 6172 7405 8635 9861 0106 1328 2547 3762 4973 682 7387 8589 9787 550228 1450 2668 3883 5094 6303 7507 8709 9907 0351 1572 2790 4004 5215 6423 7627 8829 0473 1694 2911 4126 5336 6544 7748 8948 0595 1816 3033 4247 5457 6664 7868 9068 0717 1938 3155 4368 5578 6785 7988 9188 0840 2060 3276 4489 5699 6905 8108 9308 0962 2181 3398 4610 5820 7026 8228 9428 1084 2303 3519 4731 5940 7146 8349 9548 1206 2425 3640 4852 6061 7267 8469 9667 0026 1221 2412 3600 4784 5966 7144 8319 9491 0146 1340 2531 3718 4903 6084 7262 8436 9608 0265 1459 2650 3837 5021 6202 7379 8554 9725 0385 1578 2769 3955 5139 6320 7497 8671 9842 0504 1698 2887 4074 5257 6437 7614 8788 9959 0624 1817 3006 4192 5376 6555 7732 8905 0743 1936 3125 4311 5494 6673 7849 9023 0863 2055 3244 4429 5612 6791 7967 9140 0982 2174 3362 4548 5730 6909 8084 9257 561101 2293 3481 4666 5848 7026 8202 9374 0076 1243 2407 3568 4726 5880 7032 8181 9326 0193 1359 2523 3684 4841 5996 7147 8295 9441 0309 1476 2639 3800 4957 6111 7262 8410 9555 0426 1592 2755 3915 5072 6226 73,77 8525 9669 570543 1709 2872 4031 5188 6341 7492 8639 0660 1825 2988 4147 5303 6457 7607 8754 0776 1942 3104 4263 5419 6572 7722 8868 0893 2058 3220 4379 5534 6687 7836 8983 1010 2174 3336 4494 5650 6802 7951 9097 1126 2291 3452 4610 5765 6917 8066 9212 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 128 12.8 25.6 38.4 51.2 64.0 76.8 89.6 102.4 115.2 127 12.7 25.4 38.1 50.8 63.5 76.2 88:9 101.6 114.3 126 12.6 25.2 37.8 50.4 63.0 75.6 88.2 100.8 113.4 125 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5 75.0 87.5 100.0 112.5 124 12.4 24.8 37.2 49.6 62.0 74.4 86.8 99.2 111.6 123 12.3 24.6 36.9 49.2 61.5 73.8 86.1 98.4 110.7 122 12.2 24.4 36.6 48.8 61.0 73.2 85.4 97.6 109.8 121 12.1 24.2 36.3 48.4 60.5 72.6 84.7 96.8 108.9 120 12.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 60.0 72.0 84.0 96.0 108.0 119 11.9 23.8 35.7 47.6 59.5 71.4 83.3 95.2 107.1 150 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 380 L. 579.J [No. 414 L. 617. N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 380 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 390 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 410 2 4 579784 9898 0012 1153 2291 3426 4557 5686 6812 7935 9056 0126 1267 2404 3539 4670 5799 6925 8047 9167 0241 1381 2518 3652 4783 5912 7037 8160 9279 0355 1495 2631 3765 4896 6024 7149 8272 9391 0469 1608 2745 3879 5009 6137 7262 8384 9503 0583 1722 2858 3992 5122 6250 7374 8496 9615 0697 1836 2972 4105 5235 6362 7486 8608 9726 0811 1950 3085 4218 5348 6475 7599 8720 9838 580925 2063 3199 4331 5461 6587 7711 8832 9950 1039 2177 3312 4444 5574 6700 7823 8944 0061 1176 2288 3397 4503 5606 6707 7805 8900 9992 ~\OS2 2169 3253 4334 5413 6489 7562 8633 9701 0173 1287 2399 3508 4614 5717 6817 7914 9009 0284 1399 2510 3618 4724 5827 6927 8024 9119 0396 1510 2621 3729 4834 5937 7037 8134 9228 0507 1621 2732 3840 4945 6047 7146 8243 9337 0619 1732 2843 3950 5055 6157 7256 8353 9446 0730 1843 2954 4061 5165 6267 7366 8462 9556 0842 1955 3064 4171 5276 6377 7476 8572 9665 0953 2066 3175 4282 5386 6487 7586 8681 9774 591065 2177 3286 4393 5496 6597 7695 8791 9883 0101 1191 2277 3361 4442 5521 6596 7669 8740 9808 0210 1299 2386 3469 4550 5628 6704 7777 8847 9914 0319 1406 2494 3577 4658 5736 681 1 7884 8954 0428 1517 2603 3686 4766 5844 6919 7991 9061 0537 1625 2711 3794 4874 5951 7026 8098 9167 0646 1734 2819 3902 4982 6059 7133 8205 9274 0755 1843 2928 4010 5089 6166 7241 8312 9381 0864 1951 3036 4118 5197 6274 7348 8419 9488 600973 2060 3144 4226 5305 6381 7455 8526 9594 0021 1086 2148 3207 4264 5319 6370 7420 0128 1192 2254 3313 4370 5424 6476 7525 0234 1298 2360 3419 4475 5529 6581 7629 0341 1405 2466 3525 4581 5634 6686 7734 0447 1511 2572 3630 4686 5740 6790 7839 0554 1617 2678 3736 4792 5845 6895 7943 610660 1723 2784 3842 4897 5950 7000 0767 1829 2890 3947 5003 6055 7105 0873 1936 2996 4053 5108 6160 7210 0979 2042 3102 4159 5213 6265 7315 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 118 11.8 23.6 35.4 47.2 59.0 70.8 82.6 94.4 106.2 117 11.7 23.4 35.1 46.8 58.5 70.2 81.9 93.6 105.3 116 11.6 23.2 34.8 46.4 58.0 69.6 81.2 92.8 104.4 115 11.5 23.0 34.5 46.0 57.5 69.0 80.5 92.0 103.5 114 11.4 22.8 34.2 45.6 57.0 68.4 79.8 9, 7 102.6 113 11.3 22.6 33.9 45.2 56.5 67.8 79.1 90.4 101.7 112 11.2 22.4 33.6 44.8 56.0 67.2 78.4 89.6 100.8 111 11.1 22.2 33.3 44.4 55.5 66.6 77.7 88.8 99.9 110 11.0 22.0 33.0 44.0 55.0 66.0 77.0 88.0 99.0 109 10.9 21.8 32.7 43.6 54.5 65.4 76.3 87.2 98.1 108 10.8 21.6 32.4 43.2 54.0 64.8 75.6 86.4 97.2 107 10.7 21.4 32.1 42.8 53.5 64.2 74.9 85.6 96.3 106 10.6 21.2 31.8 42.4 53.0 63.6 74.2 84.8 95.4 105 10.5 21.0 31.5 42.0 52.5 63.0 73.5 84.0 94.5 104 10.4 20.8 31.2 41.6 52.0 62.4 72.8 83.2 93.6 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 151 No. 415 L. 618.] [No. 459 L. 662. N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. 415 618048 8153 8257 8362 8466 8571 8676 8780 8884 8989 ~105 6 9093 9198 9302 9406 9511 9615 9719 9824 9928 "0032 7 620136 0240 0344 0448 0552 0656 0760 0864 0968 1072 104 8 1176 1280 1384 1488 1592 1695 1799 1903 2007 2110 9 2214 2318 2421 2525 2628 2732 2835 2939 3042 3146 420 3249 3353 3456 3559 3663 3766 3869 3973 4076 4179 1 4282 4385 4488 4591 4695 4793 4901 5004 5107 5210 103 2 5312 5415 5518 5621 5724 5827 5929 6032 6135 6238 3 6340 6443 6546 6648 6751 6853 6956 7058 7161 7263 4 7366 7463 7571 7673 7775 7878 7980 8082 8185 8287 5 8389 8491 8593 8695 8797 8900 9002 9104 9206 9308 .102 6 9410 9512 9613 9715 9817 9919 0021 0123 0224 0326 7 630428 0530 ~063T 0733 0835 0936 1038 1139 1241 1342 8 1444 1545 1647 1748 1849 1951 2052 2153 2255 2356 9 2457 2559 2660 2761 2862 2963 3064 3165 3266 3367 430 3468 3569 3670 3771 3872 3973 4074 4175 4276 4376 101 1 4477 4578 4679 4779 4880 4981 5081 5182 5283 5383 2 5484 5584 5635 5785 5886 5986 6087 6187 6287 6388 3 6488 6588 6638 6789 6889 6989 7089 7189 7290 7390 4 7490 7590 7690 7790 7890 7990 8090 8190 8290 8389 100 5 8489 8589 8689 8789 8888 8988 9088 9188 9287 9387 6 9486 9586 9686 9785 9885 9984 0084 0183 0283 0382 7 640431 0581 0680 0779 0879 0978 1077 1177 1276 1375 8 1474 1573 1672 1771 1871 1970 2069 2168 2267 2366 9 2465 2563 2662 2761 2860 2959 3058 3156 3255 3354 99 440 3453 3551 3650 3749 3847 3946 4044 4143 4242 4340 1 4439 4537 4636 4734 4832 4931 5029 5127 5226 5324 2 5422 5521 5619 5717 5815 5913 6011 6110 6208 6306 3 6404 6502 6600 6698 6796 6894 6992 7089 7187 7285 98 4 7333 7481 7579 7676 7774 7872 7969 8067 8165 8262 5 8360 8458 8555 8653 8750 8848 8945 9043 9140 9237 6 9335 9432 9530 9627 9724 9821 9919 0016 0113 0210 7 650303 0405 0502 "0599 0696 0793 0890 0987 1084 1181 8 1278 1375 1472 1569 1666 1762 1859 1956 2053 2150 97 9 2246 2343 2440 2536 2633 2730 2826 2923 3019 3116 450 3213 3309 3405 3502 3598 3695 3791 3888 3984 4080 4177 4273 4369 4465 4562 4658 4754 4850 4946 5042 2 5138 5235 5331 5427 5523 5619 5715 5810 5906 6002 96 3 6098 6194 6290 6386 6482 6577 6673 6769 6864 6960 4 7056 7152 7247 7343 7438 7534 7629 7725 7820 7916 5 8011 8107 8202 8298 8393 8488 8584 8679 8774 8870 6 8965 9060 9155 9250 9346 9441 9536 9631 9726 9821 7 9916 0011 0106 0201 0296 0391 0486 0581 0676 "0771 95 8 660865 0960 1055 1150 1245 1339 1434 1529 1623 1718 9 1813 1907 2002 2096 2191 2286 23801 2475 2569 2663 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 21.0 20.8 20.6 20.4 20.2 20.0 19.8 31.5 31.2 30.9 30.6 30.3 30.0 29.7 42.0 41.6 41.2 40.8 40.4 40.0 39.6 52.5 52.0 51.5 51.0 50.5 50.0 49.5 63.0 62.4 61.8 61.2 60.6 60.0 59.4 73.5 72.8 72.1 71.4 70.7 70.0 69.3 84.0 83.2 82.4 81.6 80.8 80.0 79.2 94.5 93.6 92.7 91.8 90.9 90.0 89.1 152 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 460 L. 662.] [No. 499 L. 698 N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff< "46CT ' 662758 2852 2947 3041 3135 3230 "3324 3418 3512 3607 3701 3795 3889 3983 4078 4172 4266 4360 4454 4548 2 4642 4736 4830 4924 5018 5112 5206 5299 5393 5487 94 3 5581 5675 5769 5862 5956 6050 6143 6237 6331 6424 4 6518 6612 6705 6799 6892 6986 7079 7173 7266 7360 5 7453 7546 7640 7733 7826 7920 8013 8106 8199 8293 6 8386 8479 8572 8665 8759 8852 8945 9038 9131 9224 7 9317 94 1C 9503 9596 9689 9782 9875 9967 0060 fil 53 Ql 8 670246 0339 0431 0524 0617 0710 0802 0895 0988 U 1 Jj 1080 7J 9 1173 1265 1358 1451 1543 1636 1728 1821 1913 2005 470 2098 2190 2283 2375 2467 2560 2652 2744 2836 2929 1 3021 3rl13 3205 3297 3390 3482 3574 3666 3758 3850 2 3942 4934 4126 4218 4310 4402 4494 4586 4677 4769 92 3 4861 4953 5045 5137 5228 5320 5412 5503 5595 5687 4 5778 5870 5962 6053 6145 6236 6328 6419 6511 6602 5 6694 6785 6876 6968 7059 7151 7242 7333 7424 7516 6 7607 7698 7789 7881 7972 8063 8154 8245 8336 8427 7 8518 8609 8700 8791 8882 8973 9064 9155 9246 9337 9! 3 9428 9519 9610 9700 9791 9882 9973 0063 01 54 0745 9 680336 0426 0517 0607 0698 0789 0879 0970 1060 \)mj 1151 480 1241 1332 1422 1513 1603 1693 1784 1874 1964 2055 1 2145 2235 2326 2416 2506 2596 2686 2777 2867 2957 2 3047 3137 3227 3317 3407 3497 3587 3677 3767 3857 90 3 3947 4037 4127 4217 4307 4396 4486 4576 4666 4756 4 4845 4935 5025 5114 5204 5294 5383 5473 5563 5652 5 5742 5831 5921 601-0 6100 6189 6279 6368 6458 6547 6 6636 6726 6815 6904 6994 7083 7172 7261 7351 7440 7 7529 7618 7707 77% 7886 7975 8064 8153 8242 8331 8 8420 8509 8598 8687 8776 8865 8953 9042 9131 9220 89 9 9309 9398 9486 9575 9664 9753 9841 9930 0019 01(17 490 690196 0285 0373 0462 0550 0639 0728 0816 0905 U 1 U/ 0993 1 1081 1170 1258 1347 1435 1524 1612 1700 1789 1877 2 1965 2053 2142 2230 2318 2406 2494 2583 2671 2759 3 2847 2935 3023 3111 3199 3287 3375 3463 3551 3639 88 4 3727 3815 3903 3991 4078 4166 4254 4342 4430 4517 5 4605 4693 4781 4868 4956 5044 5131 5219 5307 5394 6 5482 5569 5657 5744 5832 5919 6007 6094 6182 6269 7 6356 6444 6531 6618 6706 6793 6880 6968 7055 7142 8 7229 7317 7404 7491 7578 7665 7752 7839 7926 8014 87 9 8100 8188 8275 8362 8449 8535 8622 8709 8796 8883 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Diff. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ^98 9.8 19.6 29 A 39.2 49.0 58.8 68.6 78.4 88.2 97 9.7 19.4 29.1 38.8 48.5 58.2 67.9 77.6 87.3 96 9.6 19.2 28.8 38.4 48.0 57.6 67.2 76.8 86.4 95 9.5 19.0 28.5 38.0 47.5 57.0 66.5 76.0 85.5 94 9.4 18.8 28.2 37.6 47.0 56.4 65.8 75.2 84.6 93 9.3 18.6 27.9 37.2 46.5 55.8 65.1 74.4 83.7 92 9.2 18.4 27.6 36.8 46.0 55.2 64.4 73.6 82.8 91 9.1 18.2 27.3 36.4 45.5 54.6 63.7 72.8 81.9 90 9.0 18.0 27.0 36.0 45.0 54.0 63.0 72.0 81.0 89 8.9 17.8 26.7 35.6 44.5 53.4 62.3 71.2 80.1 88 8.8 17.6 26.4 35.2 44.0 52.8 61.6 70.4 79.2 87 8.7 17.4 26.1 34.8 43.5 52.2 60.9 69.6 78.3 66 8.6 17.2 25.8 34.4 43.0 51.6 60.2 68.8 77.4 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. 153 No. 500 L. 698.1 [No. 544 L. 736 N. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DiS. 500 698970 QO-1Q 9057 QQ9.4 9144 9231 9317 9404 9491 "9578 ~9664 9751 t yoJO yy^^t 001 1 0098 0184 0271 0358 0444 0531 0617 2 700704 0790 0877 0963 1050 1136 1222 1309 1395 1482 3 1568 1654 1741 1827 1913 1999 2086 2172 2258 2344 4 243 1 2517 2603 2689 2775 2861 2947 3033 3119 3205 5 3291 3377 3463 3549 3635 3721 3807 3893 3979 4065 86 6 4151 4236 4322 4408 4494 4579 4665 4751 4837 4922 7 5008 5094 5179 5265 5350 5436 5522 5607 5693 5778 8 5864 5949 6035 6120 6206 6291 6376 6462 6547 6632 9 6718 6803 6888 6974 7059 7144 7229 7315 7400 7485 510 7570 7655 7740 7826 7911 7996 8081 8166 8251 8336 1 8421 8506 8591 8676 8761 8846 8931 9015 9100 9185 85 O?7fl Q-l CC Q44O QCTX 9609 9694 9779 9863 9948 y^/U \TJ JJ y^fnU y.?<6 i f 0033 3 710117 0202 0287 0371 0456 0540 0625 0710 0794 0879 4 0963 1048 1132 1217 1301 1385 1470 1554 1639 1723 5 1807 1892 1976 2060 2144 2229 2313 2397 2481 2566 6 2650 2734 2818 2902 2986 3070 3154 3238 3323 3407 7 3491 3575 3659 3742 3826 3910 3994 4078 4162 4246 84 8 4330 4414 4497 4581 4665 4749 4833 4916 5000 5084 9 5167 5251 5335 5418 5502 5586 5669 5753 5836 5920 520 6003 6087 6170 6*254 6337 6421 6504 6588 6671 6754 6838 6921 7004 7088 7171 7254 7338 7421 7504 7587 2 7671 7754 7837 7920 8003 8086 8169 8253 8336 8419 83 3 8502 8585 8668 875T 8834 8917 9000 9083 9165 9248 Qa-i | QA1 / Q AQ7 QCOA Qf\f\^ Q7 AC* QQOQ 991 1 9994 yjJ 1 y^f 1 f y^ty/ VDOL yOO.7 y/T-j yo^o 0077 5 720159 0242 0325 0407 0490 0573 0655 0738 0821 0903 6 0986 1068 1151 1233 1316 1398 1481 1563 1646 1728 7 1811 1893 1975 2058 2140 2222 2305 2387 2469 2552 8 2634 2716 2798 2881 2963 3045 3UZ7 3209 3291 3374 9 3456 3538 3620 3702 3784 3866 3948 4030 4112 4194 82 530 4276 4358 4440 4522 4604 4685 4767 4849 4931 5013 1 5095 5176 5258 5340 5422 5503 5585 5667 5748 5830 5912 5993 6075 6156 6238 6320 6401 6483 6564 6646 3 6727 6809 6890 6972 7053 7134 7216 7297 7379 7460 7541 7623 7704 7785 7866 7948 8029 8110 8191 8273 5 8354 8435 8516 8597 8678 8759 8841 8922 9003 9084 6 7 9165 9974 9246 9327 9408 9489 9570 9651 9732 9813 9893 81 005 0136 021 7 029? 0376 045 C 0540 0621 0702 8 730782 0863 094^ 1024 1105 1186 1266 1347 1428 1508 9 1589 1669 1750 1830 1911 1991 2072 2152 2233 2313 540 2394 2474 2555 2635 2715 2796 2876 2956 3037 3117 3197 3278 3358 3438 3518 3598 3679 3759 3839 3919 2 3999 4079 4160 4240 4320 4400 4480 4560 4640 4720 80 3 4800 4880 4960 5040 5120 5200 5279 5359 5439 5519 4 5599 5679 5759 5838 5918 5998 6078 6157 6237 6317 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. DIS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 87 86 85 84 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 17.4 17.2 17.0 16.8 26.1 25.8 25.5 25.2 34.8 34.4 34.0 33.6 43.5 43.0 42.5 42.0 52.2 51.6 51.0 50.4 60.9 60.2 59.5 58.8 69.6 68.8 68.0 67.2 78.3 77.4 76.5 75.6 154 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. No. 545 L. 736.] [No 584 L. 767 N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Diff. $45 6 8 9 736397 7193 7987 8781 9572 6476 7272 8067 8860 9651 6556 7352 8146 8939 9731 6635 7431 8225 9018 9810 6715 7511 8305 9097 9889 6795 7590 8384 9177 9968 6874 7670 8463 9256 6954 7749 8543 9335 7034 7829 8622 9414 7113 7908 8701 9493 0047 0126 07OS nooj 7O 550 740363 0442 0521 0600 0678 0757 Uvn/ 0836 0915 U Co- sine. Ver. Sin. Secant. Cotan Tang. Cosec. Co- Vers. Sine. M; From 75 to 90 read from bottom of table upwards. NATURAL TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS. 171 M. Sine. Co- Vers. Cosec Tang Cotan Secant Ver. Sin. Cosine I 15~ ~0~ .25882 .74118 3.8637 .26795 3.7320 1.0353 .03407 .96593 75 ~ 15 .26303 .73697 3.8018 .27263 3.6680 1.0365 .03521 .96479 45 30 .26724 .73276 3.7420 .27732 3.6059 1.0377 .03637 .96363 30 45 .27144 .72856 3.6840 .28203 3.5457 1.C390 .03754 .96246 15 16 .27564 .72436 3.6280 .28674 3.4874 1 .0403 .03874 .96126 74 15 .27983 .72017 3.5736 .29147 3.4308 1.0416 .03995 .96005 45 30 .28402 .71598 3.5209 .29621 3.3759 1.0429 .04118 .95882 30 45 .28820 .71180 3.4699 .30096 3.3226 1 .0443 .04243 .95757 15 17 .29237 .70763 3.4203 .30573 3.2709 1.0457 .04370 .95630 73 15 .29654 .70346 3.3722 .31051 3.2205 1.0471 .04498 .95502 45 30 .30070 .69929 3.3255 .31530 3.1716 1 .0485 .04628 .95372 30 45 .30486 69514 3.2801 .32010 3.1240 1.0500 .04760 .95240 15 18 .30902 69098 3.2361 .32492 3.0777 1.0515 .04894 .95106 72 15 31316 68684 3.1932 .32975 3.0326 1.0530 .05030 .94970 45 30 31730 .68270 3.1515 .33459 2.9887 1.0545 .05168 .94832 30 45 32144 67856 3.1110 .33945 2.9459 1 .0560 .05307 .94693 15 19 32557 67443 3.0715 34433 2.9042 1.0576 .05448 .94552 71 15 32969 67031 3.0331 .34921 2.8636 1 .0592 .05591 .94409 45 30 33381 66619 2.9957 35412 2.8239 1 .0608 .05736 .94264 30 45 33792 66208 2.9593 35904 2.7852 1 .0625 .05882 .94118 !5 20 34202 65798 2.9238 36397 2.7475 1 .0642 .0603 1 .93969 70 15 34612 65388 2.8892 36892 2.7106 1 .0659 .06181 .93819 45 30 35021 64979 2.8554 37388 2.6746 1.0676 .06333 .93667 30 45 35429 64571 2.8225 37887 2.6395 1 .0694 ,.06486 .93514 1) 21 35837 64163 2.7904 38386 2.6051 1.0711 .06642 .93358 69 15 36244 63756 2.7591 38888 2.5715 1.0729 .06799 .93201 45 30 36650 63350 2.7285 39391 2.5386 1.0748 .06958 .93042 30 45 37056 62944 2.6986 39896 2.5065 1.0766 .07119 .92881 13 22 37461 62539 2.6695 40403 2.4751 1.0785 .07282 .92718 68 15 37865 62135 2.6410 40911 2.4443 1 .0804 .07446 .92554 45 30 38268 61732 2.6131 41421 2.4142 1 .0824 .07612 .92388 30 45 38671 61329 2.5859 41933 2.3847 1 .0844 .07780 .92220 15 23 39073 60927 2.5593 42447 2.3559 1 .0864 .07950 .92050 67 15 39474 60526 2.5333 42963 2.3276 1 .0884 .08121 .91879 45 30 39875 60125 2.5078 43481 2.2998 1 .0904 .08294 .91706 30 45 40275 59725 2.4829 44001 2.2727 1 .0925 .08469 .91531 15 24 40674 59326 2.4586 44523 2.2460 1.0946 .08645 .91355 66 15 41072 58928 2.4348 45047 2.2199 1.0968 .08824 .91176 45 30 41469 58531 2.4114 45573 2.1943 1 .0989 .09004 .90996 30 45 41866 58134 2.3886 46101 2.1692 1.1011 .09186 .90814 15 25 42262 57738 2.3662 46631 2.1445 1.1034 .09369 .90631 65 15 42657 57343 2.3443 47163 2.1203 1.1056 .09554 .90446 45 30 43051 56949 2.3228 47697 2.0965 1.1079 .09741 .90259 30 45 43445 56555 2.3018 48234 2.0732 1.1102 .09930 .90070 15 26 43837 56163 2.2812 48773 2.0503 1.1126 .10121 .89879 64 15 44229 55771 2.2610 49314 2.0278 1.115.0 .10313 .89687 45 30 44620 55380 2.2412 49858 2.0057 1.1174 .10507 .89493 30 45 45010 54990 2.2217 50404 1 .9840 1.1198 .10702 .89298 15 27 45399 54601 2.2027 50952 1 .9626 1.1223 .10899 .89101 63 15 45787 54213 2.1840 51503 1.9416 1.1248 .11098 88902 45 30 46175 53825 2.1657 52057 1.9210 1.1274 .11299 .88701 30 45 46561 53439 2.1477 52612 1 .9007 1.1300 .11501 .88499 15 23 46947 53053 2.1300 53171 1 .8807 1.1326 .11705 .88295 62 15 47332 52668 2.1127 53732 1.8611 1.1352 .11911 .88089 45 30 47716 52284 2.0957 54295 1.8418 1.1379 .12118 .87882 30 45 48099 51901 2.0790 54862 1.8228 1.1406 .12327 .87673 15 29 48481 51519 2.0627 55431 1 .8040 1.1433 .12538 .87462 61 15 48862 51138 2.0466 56003 1.7856 1.1461 .12750 .87250 45 30 49242 50758 2.0308 56577 1.7675 1.1490 .12964 .87036 30 45 49622 .50378 2.0152 57155 1.7496 1.1518 .13180 .86820 15 30 50000 .50000 2.0000 57735 1.7320 1.1547 .13397 .86603 60 _0 Co- sine. Ver. Sin. Se- cant. Co tan. Tang.. Cosec. Co- Vers. Sine. o M. From 60 to 75 read from bottom of table upwards. 172 NATUKAL TRIGONOMETRICAL FUNCTIONS. o M. Sine. Co- Vers. Cosec. Tang. Co tan. Secant. Ver. Sin. Cosine 80~ .50000 .50000 2.0000 .57735 .7320 .1547 .13397 .86603 60 15 .50377 .49623 .9850 .58318 .7147 .1576 .13616 .86384 45 30 .50754 .49246 .9703 .58904 .6977 .1606 .13837 .86163 30 45 .51129 .48871 .9558 .59494 .6808 .1636 .14059 .85941 15 31 .51504 .48496 .9416 .60086 .6643 .1666 .14283 .85717 59 15 .51877 .48123 .9276 .60681 .6479 .1697 .14509 .85491 45 30 .52250 .47750 .9139 .61280 .6319 .1728 .14736 .85264 30 45 .52621 .47379 .9004 .61882 .6160 .1760 .14965 .85035 15 33 .52992 .47008 .8871 .62487 .6003 .1792 .15195 .84805 58 15 .53361 .46639 .8740 .63095 .5849 .1824 .15427 .84573 45 30 .53730 .46270 .8612 .63707 .5697. .1857 .15661 .84339 30 45 .54097 .45903 .8485 .64322 .5547 .1890 .15896 .84104 15 33 .54464 .45536 .8361 .64941 5399 .1924 .16133 .83867 67 15 .54829 .45171 .8238 .65563 .5253 .1958 .16371 .83629 45 30 .55194 .44806 .8118 .66188 .5108 .1992 .16611 .83389 30 45 .55557 .44443 .7999 .66818 .4966 .2027 .16853 .83147 15 34 .55919 .44081 .7883 .67451 .4826 .2062 .17096 .82904 56 15 .56280 .43720 .7768 .68087 .4687 .2098 .17341 .82659 45 30 .56641 .43359 .7655 .68728 .4550 .2134 .17587 .82413 30 45 .57000 .43000 .7544 .69372 .4415 .2171 .17835 .82165 15 35 .57358 .42642 .7434 .70021 .4281 .2208 .18085 .81915 55 15 .57715 .42285 .7327 .70673 .4150 .2245 .18336 .81664 45 30 .58070 .41930 .7220 .71329 .4019 .2283 .18588 .81412 30 45 .58425 .41575 .7116 .71990 .3891 .2322 .18843 .81157 15 36 .58779 .41221 .7013 .72654 .3764 .2361 .19098 .80902 54 15 .59131 .40869 .6912 .73323 .3638 .2400 .19356 .80644 45 30 .59482 .40518 .6812 .73996 .3514 .2440 .19614 .80386 30 45 .59832 .40168 .6713 .74673 .3392 .2480 .19875 .80125 15 37 .60181 .39819 .6616 .75355 .3270 .2521 .20136 .79864 53 15 .60529 .39471 .6521 .76042 .3151 .2563 .20400 .79600 45 30 .60876 .39124 .6427 .76733 .3032 .2605 .20665 .79335 30 45 .61222 .38778 .6334 .77428 .2915 .2647 .20931 .79069 15 38 .61566 .38434 .6243 .78129 .2799 .2690 .21199 .78801 52 15 .61909 .38091 .6153 78834 .2685 .2734 .21468 .78532 45 30 .62251 .37749 .6064 .79543 .2572 .2778 .21739 .78261 30 45 .62592 .37408 5976 .80258 .2460 2822 .22012 .77988 15 39 .62932 .37068 .5890 .80978 .2349 .2868 .22285 .77715 51 15 .63271 .36729 .5805 .81703 .2239 .2913 .22561 .77439 45 30 .63608 .36392 .5721 .82434 .2131 .2960 .22833 .77162 30 45 .63944 .36056 .5639 .83169 .2024 .3007 .23116 .76884 15 40 .64279 .35721 .5557 .83910 .1918 .3054 .23396 .76604 50 15 .64612 .35388 .5477 .84656 .1812 .3102 .23677 .76323 45 30 .64945 .35055 .5398 .85408 .1708 .3151 .23959 .76041 30 45 .65276 .34724 .5320 .86165 .1606 .3200 .24244 .75756 15 41 .65606 .34394 .5242 .86929 .1504 .3250 .24529 .75471 49 15 .65935 .34065 .5166 .87698 .1403 .3301 .24816 .75184 45 30 .66262 .33738 .5092 .88472 .1303 .3352 .25104 .74896 30 45 .66588 .33412 .5018 .89253 .1204 .3404 .25394 .74606 15 42 .66913 .33087 .4945 .90040 .1106 .3456 .25686 .74314 48 15 .67237 .32763 .4873 .90834 .1009 .3509 .25978 .74022 45 30 .67559 .32441 .4802 .91633 .0913 .3563 .26272 .73728 30 45 .67880 .32120 .4732 .92439 .0818 .3618 .26568 .73432 15 43 .68200 .31800 .4663 .93251 .0724 .3673 .26865 .73135 47 15 .68518 .31482 .4595 .94071 .0630 .3729 .27163 .72837 45 30 .68835 .31165 .4527 .94896 .0538 .3786 .27463 .72537 30 45 .69151 .30849 .4461 .95729 .0446 .3843 .27764 .72236 15 44 .69466 .30534 .4396 .96569 .0355 .3902 .28066 .71934 46 15 .69779 .30221 .4331 .97416 .0265 .3961 .28370 .71630 45 30 .70091 .29909 .4267 .98270 .0176 .4020 .28675 .71325 30 45 .70401 .29599 .4204 .99131 .0088 .4081 .28981 .71019 15 45 .70711 .29289 .4142 1 .0000 .0000 .4142 .29289 .70711 45 Cosine Ver. Sin. Se- cant. Cotan. Tang. Cosec. Co- Vers. Sine. M. From 45 to 60 read from bottom of table upwards. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 173 MATERIALS. THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS. Common Elements (42). 11 12 V OrC Name. |-s IJ Name. 1^ fl Name. J't? Al Sb Aluminum Antimony 27.1 120.2 F Au Fluorine Gold 19. 197.2 Pd P Palladium Phosphorus 106.7 31. As Arsenic 75.0 H Hydrogen 1.01 Pt Platinum 195.2 Ba Barium 137.4 I Iodine 126.9 K Potassium 39.1 Bi Bismuth 208.0 Ir Iridium 193.1 Si Silicon 28.3 B Boron 11.0 Fe Iron 55.84 Ag Silver 107.9 Br Bromine 79.9 Pb Lead 207.2 Na Sodium 23. Cd Cadmium 112.4 Li Lithium 6.94 Sr Strontium 87.6 Ca Calcium 40.1 Mg Magnesium 24.34 S Sulphur 32.1 C Carbon 12. Mn Manganese 54.9 Sn Tin 119. Cl Chlorine 35.5 Hg Mercury 200.6 Ti Titanium 48.1 Cr Chromium 52.0 Ni Nickel 58.7 W Tungsten 184.0 Co Cobalt 59. N Nitrogen 14.01 Va Vanadium 51.0 Cu Copper 63.6 Oxygen 16. Zn 1 Zinc 65.4 The atomic weights of many of the elements vary in the decimal place as given by different authorities. The above are the most recent values referred to O = 16 and H = 1.008. When H is taken as 1, O = 15.879, and the other figures are diminished proportionately. Rare Elements (37). Beryllium, Be. Indium, In. Ruthenium, Ru. Thallium, Tl. Caesium, Cs. Lanthanum, La. Samarium, Sm. Thorium, Th. Cerium, Ce. Molybdenum, Mo. Scandium, Sc. Uranium, U. Erbium, Er. Niobium, Nb. Selenium, Se. Ytterbium, Yr. Gallium, Ga. Osmium, Os. Tantalum, Ta. Yttrium, Y. Germanium, Ge. Rhodium, R. Tellurium, Te. Zirconium, Zr. Glucinum, G. Rubidium, Rb. Terbium, Tb. Elements recently discovered (1895-1900): Argon, A, 39.9; Krypton Kr, 81.8; Neon, Ne, 20.0; Xenon, X, 128.0; constituents of the atmos- phere, which contains about 1 per cent by volume of Argon, and very small quantities of the others. Helium, He, 4.0; Radium, Ra, 225.0; Gadolinium, Gd, 156.0; Neodymium. Nd, 143.6; Praesodymium, Pr, 110.5; Thulium, Tm, 171.0. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. The specific gravity of a substance is its weight as compared with the weight of an equal bulk of pure water. In the metric system it is the weight in grammes per cubic centimeter. To find the specific gravity of a substance; W = weight of body in air ; w = weight of body submerged in water. Specific gravity = W W -w' If the substance be lighter than the water, sink it by means of a heavier substance, and deduct the weight of the heavier substance. Specific gravity determinations are usually referred to the standard of the weight of water at 62 F., 62.355 Ib. per cubic foot. Some expert- 174 MATERIALS. menters have used 60 F. as the standard, and others 32 and 39.1 F. There is no general agreement. Given sp. gr. referred to water at 39.1 F., to reduce it to the standard of 62 F. multiply it by 1.00112. Given sp. gr. referred to water at 62 F., to find weight per cubic foot multiply by 62.355. Given weight per cubic foot, to find sp. gr. multiply by 0.016037. Given sp. gr., to find weight per cubic inch multiply by Weight and Specific Gravity of Metals. Specific Gravity. Range accord- ing to several Authorities. Specific Grav- ity. Approx. Mean Value, used in . Calculation of Weight. Weight per Cubic Foot, Ibs. Weight per Cubic Inch, Ibs. 2.56 to 2.71 2.67 166.5 00963 Antimony 6.66 to 6.86 6 76 421 6 02439 Bismuth 9.74 to 9.90 9.82 612.4 0.3544 Brass: Copper + Zinc-K 80 20 70 30L . 60 40 50 50* Cadmium . . 7.8 to 8.6 8.52 to 8.96 8.6 to 8.7 {8.60 8.40 8.36 8.20 8.853 865 536.3 523.8 521.3 511.4 552. 539 0.3103 0.3031 0.3017 0.2959 0.3195 03121 Calcium 1.58 1.58 98.5 0.0570 Ch rom i um 50 5 311 8 1804 Cobalt 85 to 8 6 8.55 533 1 3085 19.245 to 19.361 19.258 1200.9 06949 Copper . . . 8.69 to 8 92 8853 552 03195 Iridium 22.38 to 23. 22.38 1396 08076 Iron Cast 6 85 to 7 48 7218 450 02604 Iron Wrought 7.4 to 7.9 7 70 480 02779 Lead 11.07 to 11.44 11.38 709.7 04106 Manganese ... 7. to 8. 8. 499 02887 Magnesium. . , 1 .69 to 1 .75 1.75 109. 0.0641 j 32 Mercury < 60 1212 Nickel 13.61 13.58 13.37 to 13.38 8.279 to 8.93 13.61 13.58 13.38 8.8 848.6 846.8 834.4 548 7 0.4908 0.49 1 1 0.4828 03175 Platinum 20.33 to 22.07 21.5 1347.0 07758 0.865 0.865 53.9 0.0312 Silver 10.474 to 10.511 10.505 655.1 03791 Sodium 0.97 0.97 60.5 0.0350 Steel... 7 69* to 7.932t 7.854 4896 02834 Tin 7.291 to 7.409 7.350 458.3 0.2652 Titanium . . 5.3 5.3 330 5 1913 17. to 17.6 17.3 1078.7 0.6243 Zinc. . . 6.86 to 7.20 7.00 436.5 0.2526 * Hard and burned. t Very pure and soft. The sp. gr. decreases as the carbon is increased. In the first column of figures the lowest are usually those of cast metals, which are more or less porous; the highest are of metals finely rolled or drawn into wire. The weight of 1 cu. cm. of mercury at C. is 13.59545 grams (Thiessen). Taking atmosphere = 29.92 in. of mercury at 32 F. = 14.6963 Ib. per sq. in., 1 cu. im of mercury = 0.49117 Ib. Taking water at 0.036085 Ib. per cu. in. at 62 F., the specific gravity of mercury is at 32 F. 13.611. SPECIFIC GKAVITY. 175 Specific Gravity of Liquids at 60 F. A 'r\ AT *' tV I 200 Naphtha 0.670 to 0.737 " Nitric 1.54 0.93 " Sulphuric 1 849 " Olive 0.92 Alcohol pure 0.794 " Palm 0.97 " 95 per cent . . " 50 per cent 0.816 0.934 ' Petroleum, crude. " Rape 0.78 to 1.00 0.92 Ammonia 27 9 per ct 0.891 * Turpentine 0.86 Bromine 2.97 " Whale 0.92 Carbon disulphide 1.26 Tar 1.0 Ether Sulphuric 72 Vinegar 1.08 Gasoline 660 to 0.670 Water 1.0 Kerosene. . 0.753 to 0.864 Water, Sea ... 1.026 to 1.03 Compression of the following Fluids under a Pressure of 15 Ib. per Square Inch. Water 0.00004663 I Ether 0.00006158 Alcohol 0.0000216 | Mercury 0.00000265 The Hydrometer. The hydrometer is an instrument for determining the density of liquids. It is usually made of glass, and consists of three parts: (1) the upper part, a graduated stem or fine tube of uniform diameter; (2) a bulb, or enlargement of the tube, containing air, and (3) a small bulb at the bottom, containing shot or mercury which causes the in- strument to float in a vertical position. The graduations are figures representing either specific gravities, or the numbers of an arbitrary scale, as in Baume's, Twaddell's, Beck's, and other hydrometers. There is a tendency to discard all hydrometers with arbitrary scales and to use only those which read in terms of the specific gravity directly. Baume's Hydrometer and Specific Gravities Compared. 5 Heavy liquids, Sp. gr. l Light liquids, Sp. gr. 145 -r (145 -deg. Be.) 140 -r (130 + deg. Be.) Degrees Baume* Liquids Heavier than Water, Sp. Gr. Liquids Lighter than Water, Sp. Gr. Degrees Baume* Liquids Heavier than Water, Sp. Gr Liquids Lighter than Water, Sp. Gr. Degrees Baume* Liquids Heavier than Water, Sp. Gr. Liquids Htr Water, Sp. Gr. 00 000 190 151 0940 380 355 0833 1.0 .007 20.0 .160 0.933 39.0 .368 0.828 2.0 3.0 .014 021 21.0 22.0 .169 .179 0.927 0.921 40.0 41 .381 394 0.824 819 4.0 .028 23.0 189 0915 42 408 814 5.0 .036 24.0 .198 0.909 44.0 .436 0805 6.0 7.0 .043 .051 25.0 26.0 .208 .219 0.903 0.897 46.0 48.0 .465 .495 0.796 0.787 8.0 9.0 .058 .066 27.0 28.0 .229 .239 0.892 0.886 50.0 52.0 .526 .559 0.778 0.769 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 .074 .082 .090 .099 .107 .115 .124 .133 1.000 0.993 0.986 0.979 0.972 0.966 0.959 0.952 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 330 34.0 35.0 36.0 .250 .261 .272 .283 .295 .306 1.318 1.330 0.881 0.875 0.870 0.864 0,859 0.854 0.849 0.843 54.0 56.0 58.0 60.0 65.0 70.0 75.0 .593 .629 .667 .706 .813 .933 2.071 0761 0.753 0.745 0.737 0.718 0.700 0.683 18.0 142 0946 370 1 343 0838 170 MATERIALS. Specific Gravity and Weight of Gases at Atmospheric Pressure and 33 F. (For other temperatures and pressures see Physical Properties of Gases.) Density, Air => 1. Density, H = f. Grammes per Litre. Lbs. per Cu. Ft. Cubic Ft. per Lb. Air 1 .0000 1 4.444 .2931 0.080728 12388 1.1052 15.963 .4291 0.08921 11 209 Hydrogen, H 0.0692 1 000 0.0895 0.00559 1 78 93 1 Nitrogen, N 0.9701 14.012 .2544 0.07831 12 770 Carbon monoxide, CO . Carbon dioxide, CO2 . . Metha ne,marsh-gas, CtU Ethyl ene C2EU 0.9671 1.5197 0.5530 0.9674 13.968 21.950 7.987 13.973 .2505 .9650 0.7150 .2510 0.07807 0.12267 C.04464 07809 12.810 8.152 22.429 12 805 08982 12.973 .1614 0.07251 13.792 0.5889 8.506 0.7615 04754 21 036 Water vapor, HtO . . , . Sulphur dioxide, SO 2 . . 0.6218 2.213 8.981 31.965 0.8041 2.862 0.05C20 0.1787 19.922 5.597 Specific Gravity and Weight of Wood. Specific Gravity. rii Sl| QjOPn Specific Gravity, &4 %as ! uoPk Alder Avge. 0.56 to 0.80 0.68 0.73 to 0.79 0.76 0.60 to 0.84 0.72 0.31 to 0.40 0.35 0.62 to 0.85 0.73 0.56 to 0.74 0.65 0.91 to 1.33 1.12 0.49 to 0.75 0.62 0.61 to 0.72 0.66 0.46 to 0.66 0.56 0.24 0.24 0.41 to 0.66 0.53 0.76 0.76 1.13 to 1.33 1.23 0.55 to 0.78 0.61 0.48 to 0.70 0.59 0.84 to 1 .00 0.92 0.59 0.59 0.36 to 0.41 0.38 0.69 to 0.94 0.77 0.76 0.76 42 47 45 22 46 41 70 39 41 35 15 33 47 76 33 37 57 37 24 48 47 Hornbeam. . Juniper .... Larch Lignum vita? Linden . . . Locust Mahogany. . Maple Avge. 0.76 0.76 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.65 to 1.33 1.00 0.604 0.728 0.56 to 1.06 0.81 0.57 to 0.79 0.68 0.56 to 0.90 0.73 0.96 to 1.26 1.11 0.69 to 0.86 0.77 0.73 to 0.75 0.74 0.35 to 0.55 0.45 0.46 to 0.76 0.61 0.38 to 0.58 0.48 0.40 to 0.50 0.45 0.59 to 0.62 0.60 0.66 to 0.98 0.82 0.50 to 0.67 0.58 0.49 to 0.59 0.54 47 35 35 62 37 46 51 42 46 69 48 46 28 38 30 28 37 51 36 34 Ash Bamboo .... Beech Birch Box Cedar. Cherry Chestnut. . . . Cork Mulberry. . . Oak, Live . . Oak, White. Oak, Red . . Pine, White " Yellow Poplar Spruce Sycamore . . Teak Cypress Dogwood . . . Ebony. . Elm. . . Fir Gum Hackmatack Hemlock. . . . Hickory Holly. . Walnut Willow OP THE USEFUL METALS. 177 Weight and Specific Gravity of Stones, Brick, Cement, etc. Water = 1.00.) (Pure Lb. per Cu. Ft. Sp. Gr. Ashes 43 87 1.39 Brick, Soft 100 1 .6 112 1.79 Hard 125 2.0 " Pressed 135 2.16 " Fire 140 to 150 2. 24 to 2 4 Sand-lime 136 2.18 Brickwork in mortar 100 1 6 " cement . . % 112 1.79 Cement, American, natural 28 to 3 2 " Portland 3 . 05 to 3 15 loose 92 " in barrel 115 Clay 120 to 150 ' 1 .92 to 2.4 Concrete 120 to 155 1 92 to 2 48 Earth, loose . ... 72 to 80 1 . 1 5 to 1 28 rammed 90 to 110 1 44 to 1 76 Emery . 250 4. Glass 1 56 to 1 72 25 to 2 75 flint 180 to 196 2.88 to 3 14 Gneiss 1 160 to 170 2. 56 to 2.72 Granite f Gravel 100 to 120 1.6 to 1.92 Gypsum 130 to 150 2 08 to 2 4 Hornblende 200 to 220 3.2 to 3. 52 Ice . 55 to 57 88 to 92 Lime, quick, in bulk 50 to 60 0.8 to 0.96 Limestone 140 to 185 2 30 to 2 90 Magnesia, Carbonate 150 2.4 Marble 160 to 180 2 56 to 2 88 Masonry, dry rubble 140 to 160 2.24 to 2.56 " dressed 140 to 180 2 24 to 2 88 Mica 175 2.80 Mortar 90 to 100 44 to 1 6 Mud, soft flowing 104 to 120 .67 to 1 .92 Pitch 72 15 Plaster of Paris 93 to 113 .50 to T.81 Quartz 165 2.64 Sand . . .... 90 to 110 44 to 1 76 " wet 118 to 129 .89 to 2. 07 Sandstone .... 140 to 150 2 24 to 2.4 Slate 170 to 180 2.72 to 2.88 Soapstone ... 166 to 175 2 65 to 2.8 Stone, various 135 to 200 2.16to3.4 " crushed 100 Tile 1 10 to 120 1 76 to 1 92 Trap Rock 1 70 to 200 2.72 to 3. 4 PROPERTIES OF THE USEFUL METALS. Aluminum, AI. Atomic weight 27.1. Specific gravity 2.6 to 2.7. The lightest of all the useful metals except magnesium. A soft, ductile, malleable metal, of a white color, approaching silver, but with a bluish cast. Very non-corrosive. Tenacity about one-third that of wrought iron. Formerly a rare metal, but since 1890 its production and use have greatly increased on account of the discovery of cheap processes for reducing it from the ore. Melts at 1215 F. For further description see Aluminum, under Strength of Materials, page 380. Antimony (Stibium), Sb. At. wt. 120.2 Sp. gr. 6.7 to 6.8. A brittle metal of a bluish-white color and highly crystaline or laminated structure. Melts at 842 F. Heated in the open air it burns with a 178 MATERIALS. bluish-white flame. Its chief use is for the manufacture of certain alloys, j as type-metal (antimony 1, lead 4), britannia (antimony 1, tin 9), and 4 various anti-friction metals (see Alloys). Cubical expansion by heat 3 from 32 to 212 F., 0.0070. Specific heat 0.050. Bismuth, Bi. At. wt. 208.5. Bismuth is of a peculiar light reddish I color, highly crystalline, and so brittle that it can readily be pulverized, j It melts at 510 F., and boils at about 2300 F. Sp. gr. 9.823 at 54 F., ] and 10.055 just above the melting-point. Specific heat about 0.0301 at j ordinary temperatures. Coefficient of cubical expansion from 32 to i 212, 0.0040. Conductivity for heat about 1/56 and for electricity only .] about i/so of that of silver. Its tensile strength is about 6400 IDS. per | square inch. Bismuth expands in cooling, and Tribe has shown that } this expansion does not take place until after solidification. Bismuth is \ the most diamagnetic element known, a sphere of it being repelled by a ; strong magnet. Cadmium, Cd. At. wt. 112.4. Sp. gr. 8.6 to 8.7. A bluish-white metal, lustrous, with a fibrous fracture. Melts below 500 F. and vola- tilizes at about 680 F. It is used as an ingredient, in some fusible alloys with lead, tin, and bismuth. Cubical expansion from 32 to 212 F., 0.0094. Copper, Cu. At. wt. 63.6. Sp. gr. 8.81 to 8.95. Fuses at about ; 1930^ F. Distinguished from all other metals by its reddish color. Very ductile and malleable, and its tenacity is next to iron. Tensile strength 20,000 to 30,000 Ibs. per square inch. Heat conductivity 73.6% of that i of silver, and superior to that of other metals. Electric conductivity equal to that of gold and silver. Expansion by heat from 32 to 212 F., 0.0051 of its volume. Specific heat 0.093. (See Copper under Strength of Materials; also Alloys.) Gold (Aurum), Au. At. wt. 197.2. Sp. gr., when pure and pressed in a die, 19.34. Melts at about 1915 F. The most malleable and duc- tile of all metals. One ounce Troy may be beaten so as to cover 160 sq. ft. of surface. The average thickness of gold-leaf is 1/282000 of an inch, i or 100 sq. ft. per ounce. One grain may be drawn into a wire 500 ft. in length. The ductility is destroyed by the presence of 1/2000 part of lead, bismuth, or antimony. Gold is hardened by the addition of silver or of copper. U. S. gold coin is 90 parts gold and 10 parts alloy, which is chiefly copper with a little silver. By jewelers the fineness of gold is expressed in carats, pure gold being 24 carats, three-fourths fine 18 carats, etc. Iridium, Ir. Iridium is one of the rarer metals. It has a white lustre, resembling that of steel; its hardness is about equal to that of the ruby; in the C9ld it is quite brittle, but at white heat it is somewhat malleable. It is one of the heaviest of metals, having a specific gravity of 22.38. It is extremely infusible and almost absolutely inoxidizable. For uses of iridium, methods of manufacturing it, etc., see paper by W. L. Dudley on the "Iridium Industry," Trans. A. I. M. E., 1884. Iron (Ferrum),Fe. At. wt. 55.9. Sp. gr.: Cast, 6.85 to 7.48; Wrought, 7.4 to 7.9. Pure iron is extremely infusible, its melting point being above 3000 F., but its fusibility increases with the addition of carbon, cast iron fusing ab9ut 2500 F. Conductivity for heat 11.9, and for electricity 12 to 14.8, silver being 100. Expansion in bulk by heat: cast iron 0.0033, and wrought iron 0.0035, from 32 to 212 F. Specific, heat: cast iron 0.1298, wrought iron 0.1138, steel 0.1165. Cast iron exposed to continued heat becomes permanently expanded 1 1/2 to 3 per cent of its length. Grate-bars should therefore be allowed about 4 per cent play. (For other properties see Iron and Steel under Strength of Materials.) Lead (Plumbum), Pb. At. wt 206.9. Sp. gr. 11.07 to 11.44 by dif- ferent authorities. Melts at about 625 F., softens and becomes pasty at about 617 F. If broken by a sudden blow when just below the melting-point it is quite brittle and the fracture appears crystalline. Lead is very malleable and ductile, but its tenacity is such that it can be drawn into wire with great difficulty. Tensile strength, 1600 to 2400 Ibs. per square inch. Its elasticity is very low, and the metal flows under very slight strain. Lead dissolves to some extent in pure water, but water containing carbonates or sulphates forms over vt film of insoluble salt which prevents further action. PROPERTIES OF THE USEFUL METALS. 179 Magnesium, Mg. At. wt. 24.36. Sp. gr. 1.69 to 1.75. Silver-white, brilliant, malleable, and ductile. It is one of the lightest of metals, weighing only about tvyo thirds as much as aluminum. In the form of filings, wire, 9r thin ribbons it is highly combustible, burning with a light of dazzling brilliancy, useful for signal-lights and for flash-lights for photographers. It is nearly non-corrosive, a thin film of carbonate of magnesia forming on exposure to damp air, which protects it from further corrosion. It may be alloyed with aluminum, 5 per cent Mg added to Al giving about as much increase of strength and hardness as 10 per cent of copper. Cubical expansion by heat 0.0083, from 32 to 212 F. Melts at 1200 F. Specific heat 0.25. Manganese, Mn. At. wt. 55. Sp. gr. 7 to 8. The pure metal is not used in the arts, but alloys of manganese and iron, called spiegeleisen when containing below 25 per cent of manganese, and ferro-manganese when containing from 25 to 90 per cent, are used in the manufacture of steel. Metallic manganese, when alloyed with iron, oxidizes rapidly in the air, and its function in steel manufacture is to remove the oxygen from the bath of steel whether it exists as oxide of iron or as occluded gas. Mercury (Hydrargyrum), Hg. At. wt. 199.8. A silver-white metal, liquid at temperatures above 39 F., and boils at 680 F. Unchange- able as gold, silver, and platinum in the atmosphere at ordinary tem- peratures, but oxidizes to the red oxide when near its boiling-point. Sp. gr.: when liquid 13.58 to 13.59, when frozen 14.4 to 14.5. Easily tarnished by sulphur fumes, also by dust, from which it may be freed by straining through a cloth. No metal except iron or platinum should be allowed to touch mercury. The smallest portions of tin, lead, zinc, and even copper to a less extent, cause it to tarnish and lose its perfect liquidity. Coefficient of cubical expansion from 32 to 212 F. 0.0182; per deg. 0.000101. Nickel, Ni. At. wt. 58.7. Sp. gr. 8.27 to 8.93. A silvery-white metal with a strong lustre, not tarnishing on exposure to the air. Duc- tile, hard, and as tenacious as iron. It is attracted to the magnet and may be made magnetic like iron. Nickel is very difficult of fusion, melt- ing at about 3000 F. Chiefly used in alloys with copper, as german- silver, nickel-silver, etc., and also in the manufacture of steel to increase its hardness and strength, also for nickel-plating. Cubical expansion from 32 to 212 F., 0.0038. Specific heat 0.109. Platinum, Pt. At. wt. 194X A whitish steel-gray metal, malleable, very ductile, and as unalterable by ordinary agencies as gold. When fused and refined it is as soft as copper. Sp. gr. 21.15. It is fusible only by the oxyhydrogen blowpipe or in strong electric currents. When com- bined with iridium it forms an alloy of great hardness, which has been used for gun- vents and for standard weights and measures. The most important uses of platinum in the arts are for vessels for chemical labo- ratories and manufactories, and for the connecting wires in incandescent electric lamps and for electrical contact points. Cubical expansion from 32 to 212 F., 0.0027, less than that of any other metal except the rare metals, and almost the same as glass. Silver (Argentum), Ag. At. wt. 107.9. Sp. gr. 10.1 to 11.1, accord- ing to condition and purity. It is the whitest of the metals, very malle- able and ductile, and in hardness intermediate between gold and copper. Melts at about 1750 F. Specific heat 0.056. Cubical expansion from 32 to 212 F., 0.0058. As a conductor of electricity it is equal to copper. As a conductor of heat it is superior to all other metals. Tin (Stannum), Sn. At. wt. 119. Sp. gr. 7.293. White, lustrous, soft, malleable, of little strength, tenacity about 3500 Ibs. per square inch. Fuses at 442 F. Not sensibly volatile when melted at ordinary heats. Heat conductivity 14.5, electric conductivity 12.4; silver being 100 in each case. Expansion of volume by heat 0.0069 from 32 to 212 F. Specific heat 0.055. Its chief uses are for coating of sheet-iron (called tin plate) and for making alloys with copper and other metals. Zinc, Zn. At. wt. 65.4. Sp. gr. 7.14. Melts at 780 F. Volatilizes and burns in the air when melted, with bluish-white fumes of zinc oxide. It is ductile and malleable, but to a much less extent than copper, and 180 MATERIALS. its tenacity, about 5000 to 6000 Ibs. per square inch, is about one tenth that of wrought iron. It is practically non-corrosive in the atmosphere, a thin film of carbonate of zinc forming upon it. Cubical expansion between 32 and 212 F., 0.0088. Specific heat 0.096. Electric conduc- tivity 29, heat conductivity 36, silver being 100. Its principal uses are for coating iron surfaces, called "galvanizing," and for making brass and other alloys. Table Showing the Order of Tenacity. Infusibility. Iron Platinum Copper Iron Aluminum Copper Platinum Gold Silver Silver Zinc Aluminum Gold Zinc Tin Lead Lead Tin MEASURES AND WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS MATERIALS (APPROXIMATE). Malleability. Ductility. Gold Platinum Silver Silver Aluminum Iron Copper Tin Copper Gold Lead Aluminum Zinc Zinc Platinum Tin Iron Lead Brickwork. Brickwork is estimated various thicknesses of wall runs as follows: by the thousand, and for 8i/4-in. wall, or 1 brick in thickness, 14 bricks per superficial foot. 123/4 " 11/2" 21 " 17 " " " 9 " " " Oft " " " 17 2U/2 28 35 An ordinary brick measures about 81/4X4 X 2 inches, which is equal to 66 cubic inches, or 26.2 bricks to a cubic foot. The average weight is 4 1/2 Ibs. Fuel. A bushel of bituminous coal weighs 76 pounds and contains 2688 cubic inches = 1.554 cubic feet. 29.47 bushels = 1 gross ton. One acre of bituminous coal contains 1600 tons of 2240 pounds per foot of thickness of coal worked. 15 to 25 per cent must be deducted for waste in mining. 41 to 45 cubic feet bituminous coal when broken down = 1 ton, 2240 Ibs. 34 t< 123 70.9 1 cu 1 1 a i i 3 41 bic fo ' anthracite prepared for market . . ' of charcoal . = 1 ton, 2240 Ibs. = 1 ton 2240 Ibs " " " coke . . = 1 ton, 2240 Ibs ot of anthracite coal = 55 to 66 Ibs " bituminous coal . . . = 50 to 55 Ibs Cumberland (semi-bituminous) coal. . . . Cannel coal . = 53 Ibs. = 50 3 Ibs Charcoal (hardwood) = 18.5 Ibs. " (nine) . . = 18 Ibs. A bushel of coke weighs 40 pounds (35 to 42 pounds). A bushel of charcoal. - In 1881 the American Charcoal-Iron Work- ers' Association adopted for use in its official publications for the stand- ard bushel of charcoal 2748 cubic inches, or 20 pounds. A ton of char- coal is to be taken at 2000 pounds. This figure of 20 pounds to the bushel was taken as a fair average of different bushels used throughout the country, and it has since been established by law in some States. Cement. Portland, per bbl. net, 376 Ibs., per bag, net 94 Ibs. Natural, per bbl. net, 282 Ibs., per bag net 94 Ibs. Lime. A struck bushel 72 to 75 Ibs. Grain. A struck bushel of wheat = 60 Ibs.; of corn = 56 Ibs.; of oats = 30 Ibs. Salt. A struck bushel of salt, coarse, Syracuse, N. Y. = 56 Ibs.; Turk's Island = 76 to 80 Ibs. MEASUKES AND WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS MATERIALS. 181 Ores, Earths, etc. 13 cubic feet of ordinary gold or silver ore, in mine = 1 ton = 2000 Ibs. 20 " broken quartz =1 ton = 2000 Ibs. 18 feet of gravel in bank =1 ton. 27 cubic feet of gravel when dry =1 ton. 25 " sand 18 " earth in bank 27 " earth when dry 17 " clay Except where otherwise stated, a ton = 2240 Ibs. WEIGHTS OF LOGS, LUMBER, ETC. Weight of Green Logs to Scale 1000 Feet, Board Measure. Yellow pine (Southern) 8,000 to 10,0001bs. 1 ton. 1 ton. = 1 ton. = 1 ton. , Norway pine (Michigan) 7,000 to 8,000 WhitP ninp nVTirhiffaTi^ I off of stum P 7 ' 000 to 7,000 (Micnigan) j QUt of water 7 000 to g 000 White pine (Pennsylvania), bark off 5,000 to 6,000 Hemlock (Pennsylvania), bark off . 6,000 to 7,000 Four acres of water are required to store 1,000,000 feet of logs. Weight of 1000 Feet of Lumber, Board Measure. Yellow or Norway pine Dry, 3,000 Ibs. Green, 5,000 Ibs. White pine ' 2,500 " 4,000 " Weight of 1 Cord of Seasoned Wood, 128 Cu. Ft. per Cord, Ibs. Hickory or sugar maple. . . . 4,500 White oak 3,850 Beech, red oak or black oak . 3,250 Poplar, chestnut or elm. . . 2,350 Pine (white or Norway).. . 2,000 Hemlock bark, dry 2,200 WEIGHT OF RODS, BARS, PLATES, TUBES, AND SPHERES OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS. Notation: b = breadth, t = thickness, s = side of square, D = ex- ternal diameter, d = internal diameter, all in inches. Sectional areas: of square bars = s 2 ; of flat bars = W; of round rods = 0.7854 Z> 2 ; of tubes = 0.7854 (D 2 - rf 2 ) = 3.1416 (Dt -Z 2 ). Volume of 1 foot in length: of square bars = 12s 2 ; of flat bars = 12bt; of round bars = 9.4248D 2 ; of tubes = 9.4248 (D 2 - d 2 ) = 37.699 (Dt -2 2 ), in cu. in. Weight per foot length = volume + weight per cubic inch of mate- rial. Weight of a sphere = diam. 3 X 0.5236 X weight per cubic inch. 3 $& r .g . 4 . d u . *? rX [Vj f^.O fe PQ U . j> -fj iH JV 'tf Material. P| 5 > ^ fctrf g| If fa y "gjj JJ ge g-w +i*H ^ i*s i* I^-S -3 4J a 8 2 X btX D*X D*X Cast iron 7.218 450. 37.5 31/8 31/8 0.2604 15-16 2.454 0.1363 Wrought iron. . 7.7 480. 40. 31/3 31/3 .2779 1. 2.618 .1455 Steel 7.854 489.6 40.8 3.4 3.4 .2833 1.02 2.670 .1484 Copper & Bronze (copper and tin) 8.855 552. 46. 3.833 3.833 .3195 1.15 3.011 .1673 Brass ( zm^* 8.393 523.2 43.6 3.633 3.633 3029 1.09 2.854 .1586 Monel metal, rolled 8.95 558. 46.5 3.87 3.87 .323 1.16 3.043 .1691 Lead... 1 1.38 709.6 59.1 493 493 .4106 1 48 3.870 .2150 Aluminum 2.67 166.5 13.9 1.16 1.16 .0963 0.347 0.908 .0504 Glass. 2.62 163.4 13.6 1.13 1 13 .0945 0.34 0.891 .0495 Pine wood, dry 0.481 30.0 2.5 0.21 0.21 .0174 1-16 0.164 .0091 Weight per cylindrical in., 1 in. long, = coefficient of D 2 in next to last column -7- 12. 182 MATERIALS. FOP tubes use the coefficient of D 2 in next to last column, as for rods, and multiply it into (D 2 d 2 ) ; or multiply it by 4 (Dt - 2 2 ) . For hollow spheres use the coefficient of D 3 in the last column and multiply it into (D 3 - d 3 ). For hexagons multiply the weight of square bars by 0.866 (short diam. of hexagon = side of square). For octagons multiply by 0.8284. COMMERCIAL SIZES OF MERCHANT IRON AND STEEL BARS. Steel Bars. Flats, Square Edge. s/g to 3 in. wide, by any thickness from 1/8 in. up to width; 3 to 5 in. wide by any thickness 1/4 t9 3 in. inclusive; 5 to 7 in. wide, by any thickness, 1/4 to 2 in. inclusive. Flats, Band Edge. Thicknesses are in B. W. G., 3/ 8 in. wide by No. 18 to No. 4. 7/i6 in. by No. 19 to No. 4. 1/2 in. by No. 22 to No. 4. 9/i6 to 1 in. by No. 23 to No. 4. 1 1/16 to 2 in. by No. 22 to No. 4. 2Vi6 to 3 in. by No. 21 to No. 1. 39/16 to 4 in. by No. 19 to No. 1. 4Vi6 to 41/2 in. by No. 18 to No. 1. 49/i 6 to 5 Vie in. by No. 17 to No. 1. 5 i/s to 6 3/4 in. by No. 16 to No. 1. 7 in., 7 1/4 in., 7 1/2 in., 7 5/8 in., 7 3/ 4 in., 7 7/8 in., 8 in., 81/4 in., 81/2 in., 85/8 in., each by No. 14 to No. 1. 95/ 8 in. by No. 12 to No. 1. Squares. Widths across faces: 3/ie to 2 in., advancing by 1/64 in.; 21/32 to 3 1/2 in., advancing by 1/32 in.; 3 9/ie to 51/2 in., advancing by Vie in. Round-cornered Squares. 1/4 to 3/4 in., across faces, advancing by 1/64 in. Rounds. Diameters: 7/32 to 13/4 in., inclusive, advancing by 1/64 in.; 1 25/32 in. to 31/2 in. inclusive, advancing by 1/32; 3 9/ie to 7 in., inclusive, advancing by Vie in. Half Rounds. Diameters: 5/16 to 7/s in., inclusive, advancing by 1/64 in. ; 15/16 to 1 3/4 in . , advancing by Vie in. ; 2 in. ; 2 1/2 in. ; 3 in. .Hexagons. Width across faces: 1/4 to 13/ie in., inclusive, advanc- ing by 1/32 in.; 1 1/4 in. to 3 Vie in., advancing by Vie in. Iron Bars. Round. 3 /i6 to 1 7 /8 in., advancing by Vs2 in.; 1 15 /i6 to 2 3 /4 in., advancing by Vie in.; 2 7 / 8 to 3 3 /4 in., advancing by Vs in.; 4 to 5 in., advancing by 1/4 in. Squares. Vie to 5 /s in., advancing by 1/32 in.; n/ie in. to 1 in., advancing by Vie in.; 1 Vg in. to 2 1/2 in., advancing by Vs in.; 2 3 /4 in. to 4 */2 in., ad- vancing by 1/4 in- Half Rounds. -8/g, 7/ 16 , l/ 2 , 5/ 8 , 11/ 16 , 3/ 4 , 7/ 8f 1, 1 l/ g , 1 \j\ 3/ g , 1 l/ 2 , 1 3/4, 2 in. OvalS. V2 X V4, 5/8 X 5/16, 3/4 X 3/8 and 7/ 8 X 7/16 in. Half Ovals. 1/2 X Vie, Vs X Vie, 3 /4 X Vie, Vs X Vie, 1 X Vie, 3 /4 X V4, Vs X i/4, 1 X i/4, 1 Vs X 1/4. 1 X Vie, 1 Vs X Vie, 1 V 4 X Vie, 1 X Vs, 1 Vs X Vs, 1 V 4 X Vs, 1 V2 X Vs, 1 3 /4 X V* 2 X Vs in. Flats. 1/2 X Vie to Vs in.; Vs X Vie to 1/2 in.; 3 /4 X Vie to Vs in.; Vs X Vie to 3 /4 in.; 1 X Vie to Vs in.; 1 Vie X i/4 to Vs in-; 1 Vs X Vie to 1 in.; 1 1/4 X Vie to 1 in.; 1 3 /s X Vie to 1 Vs in.; 1 1/2 X Vie to 1 1/4 in.; 1 Vs X V 4 to 1 1/2 in.; 1 3 /4 X Vie to 1 1/2 in.; 1 Vs X I /A to 1 1/2 in.; 2 X Vie to 1 3 / 4 in.; 2 Vs X V 4 to 1 1/4 in.; 2 i/ 4 X Vie to 2 in.; 2 Vs X V 4 to 1 3 /4 in.; 2V 2 XVie to 2V4 in.; 2 Vs X V 4 to 2 i/ 4 in.; 2 3 /4 X Vie to 2 1/2 in.; 2 7/8 X V 8 to 1/2 in.; 2 Vs X Vs to 2 i/ 4 in.; 3 X Vie to 2 3 /4 in.; 3 Vs X 1 V2 to 2 Vs in.; 3 1/ 4 X */4 to 2 3 /4 in.; 3 1/2 X Vie to 2 Vs in.; 3 3 / 4 X V 4 to 3 in.; 4 X V4 to 3 in.; 4 1/4 X V4 to 2 in.; 4 1/2 X J /4 to 2 1/2 in.; 4 3 /4 X V4 to 2 in.; 5 X x /4 to 2 3/ 4 in.; 5 1/2 X V4 to 2 in.; 6 X V4 to 2 in.; 6 1/2 X V 4 to 1 in.; 7 X !/4 to 2 in.; 7 1/2 X x /4 to 1 in.; 8 X V4 to 2 in. Round Edge Flats. 1 to 2 in. wide by V 4 to 1 V 4 in. thick; 2 1/4 to 4 1/2 in. wide by 3 /s to 1 1/4 in. thick. WEIGHT OP IRON AND STEEL SHEETS. 183 WEIGHT OF IRON AND STEEI, SHEETS. Weights in Pounds per Square Foot. (For weights by the Decimal Gauge, see page 33.) Thickness by Birmingham Gauge. U. S. Standard Gauge, 1893. (See p. 32.) No. of Gauge. Thick- ness in Inches. Iron. Steel. No. of Gauge. Thick- ness, In. (Approx.) Iron. Steel. 0000 0.454 18.16 18.52 0000000 0.5 20. 20.40 000 .425 17.00 17.34 000000 0.4688 18.75 19.125 00 .38 15.20 15.50 00000 0.4375 17.50 17.85 .34 13.60 13.87 0000 0.4063 16.25 16.575 1 .3 12.00 12.24 000 0.375 15. 15. 3C 2 .284 11.36 11.59 00 0.3438 13.75 14.025 3 .259 10.36 10.57 0.3125 12.50 12.75 4 .238 9.52 9.71 1 0.2813 11.25 11.475 5 .22 8.80 8.98 2 0.2656 10.625 10.837 6 .203 8.12 8.28 3 0.25 10. 10.20 7 .18 ' 7.20 7.34 4 0.2344 9.375 9.562 8 .165 6.60 6.73 5 0.2188 8.75 8.925 9 .148 5.92 6.04 6 0.2031 8.125 8.287 10 .134 5.36 5.47 7 0.1875 7.5 7.65 11 .12 4.80 4.90 8 0.1719 6.875 7.012 12 .109 4.36 4.45 9 0.1563 6.25 6.375 13 .095 3.80 3.88 10 0.1405 5.625 5.737 14 .083 3.32 3.39 11 0.125 5. 5.10 15 .072 2.88 2.94 12 0.1094 4.375 4.462 16 .065 2.60 2.65 13 0.0938 3.75 3.825 17 .058 2.32 2.37 14 0.0781 3.125 3.187 18 .049 .96 2.00 15 0.0703 2.8125 2.869 19 .042 .68 1.71 16 0.0625 2.5 2.55 20 .035 .40 1.43 17 0.0563 2.25 2.295 21 .032 .28 1.31 18 0.05 2. 2.04 22 .028 .12 1.14 19 0.0438 .75 .785 23 .025 .00 1.02 20 0.0375 .50 .53 24 .022 .88 .898 21 0.0344 .375 .402 25 .02 .80 .816 22 0.0312 .25 .275 26 .018 .72 .734 23 0.0281 .125 .147 27 .016 .64 .653 24 0.025 .02 28 .014 .56 .571 25 0.0219 0^875 0.892 29 .013 .52 .530 26 0188 0.75 0.765 30 .012 .48 .490 27 0.0172 0.6875 0.701 31 .01 .40 .408 28 0.0156 0.625 0.637 32 .009 .36 .367 29 0.0141 0.5625 0.574 33 .008 .32 .326 30 0.0125 0.5 0.51 34 .007 .28 .286 31 0.0109 0.4375 0.446 35 .005 .20 .204 32 0.0102 0.40625 0.414 36 .004 .16 .163 33 0.0094 0.375 0.382 34 0.0086 0.34375 0.351 35 0.0078 0.3125 0.319 36 0.0070 0.28125 0.287 37 0.0066 0.26562 0.271 38 0.0063 0.25 0.255 Iron. Steel. Specific gravity . . 7.7 7.854 489.6 Weight per cubic inch 0.2778 0.2833 As there are many gauges in use differing from each other, and even the thicknesses of a certain specified gauge, as the Birmingham, are not assumed the same by all manufacturers, orders for sheets and wires should always state the weight per square foot, or the thickness in thousandths of an inch. 184 MATERIALS. WEIGHTS OF SQUARE AND ROUND BARS OP WROUGHT IRON IN POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. Iron weighing 480 Ib. per cubic foot. For steel add 2 per cent. Thickness or Diameter in Inches. 2l? Sgj *& ii !e^ J! Thickness or Diameter in Inches. *H e8 M 5 ajM '8 3^ *Jt Weight of Round Bar 1 Ft. Long. Thickness or Diameter in Inches. !lf I J II! Weight of Round Bar I 1 Ft. Long. [ H/16 24.08 18.91 3/8 96.30 75.64 Vl6 0.013 0.010 3/4 25.21 19.80 7/16 08.55 77.40 VS .052 .041 13/16 26.37 20.71 1/2 100.8 79.19 3/16 .117 .092 7/8 27.55 21.64 /16 103.1 81.00 1/4 .208 .164 15/16 28.76 22.59 5/8 105.5 82.83 5/16 .326 .256 3 30.00 23.56 H/16 107.8 84 69 3/8 .469 .368 1/16 31.26 24.55 3/4 110.2 86.56 7/16 .638 .501 1/8 32.55 25.57 13/16 112.6 88.45 >/2 .833 .654 3/16 33.87 26.60 7/8 115.1 9036 9/16 1.055 .828 1/4 35.21 27.65 15/16 117.5 92.29 5/8 1.302 1.023 5/16 36.58 28.73 6 120.0 94.25 H/16 1.576 1.237 3/8 37.97 29.82 1/8 125.1 98.22 3/4 1.875 1.473 7/16 39.39 30.94 1/4 130.2 102.3 13/16 2.201 1.728 1/2 40.83 32.07 3/8 135.5 106.4 7/8 2.552 2.004 9 /16 42.30 33.23 V2 140.8 110.6 15/16 2.930 2.301 5/8 43.80 34.40 5/8 146.3 114.9 1 3.333 2.618 H/16 45.33 35.60 3/4 151.9 119.3 Vl6 3.763 2.955 3/4 46.88 36.82 7/8 157*6 123.7 1/8 4.219 3.313 13/16 48.45 38.05 163.3 128.3 3/16 4.701 3.692 7/8 50.05 39.31 1/8 169.2 132.9 1/4 5.208 4.091 15/16 51.68 40.59 1/4 175.2 137.6 5/16 5.742 4.510 4 53.33 41.89 3/8 181.3 1424 3/ 8 6.302 4.950 1/16 55.01 43.21 1/2 187 5 147.3 7/16 6.888 5.410 1/8 56.72 44.55 5/8 193.8 152.2 1/2 7.500 5.890 3/16 58.45 45.91 3/4 200.2 157.2 9/16 8.138 6.392 1/4 60.21 47.29 7/8 206.7 162.4 5/8 8.802 6.913 5/16 61.99 48.69 213.3 167.6 H/16 9.492 7.455 3/8 63.80 50.11 1/4 226.9 178.2 3/ 4 10.21 8.018 7/16 65.64 51.55 1/2 240.8 189.2 13/16 10.95 8.601 V2 67.50 53.01 3/4 255.2 200.4 7/8 11.72 9.204 9 /16 69.39 54.50 9 270.0 212.1 15 /16 12.51 9.828 5/8 .71.30 56.00 1/4 285.2 224.0 2 13.33 10.47 U/16 73.24 57.52 1/9 300.8 236.3 1/16 14.18 11.14 3/4 75.21 59.07 3/4 316.9 248.9 1/8 15.05 11.82 13/16 77.20 60.63 10 333.3 261.8 3/16 15.95 12.53 7/8 79.22 62.22 1/4 350.2 275.1 1/4 16.88 13.25 15/16 81.26 63.82 1/9 367.5 288.6 5/16 17.83 14.00 5 83.33 65.45 3/4 385.2 302.5 3/8 18.80 14.77 Vl6 85.43 67.10 11 403 3 3168 7/16 1980 15.55 1/8 87.55 68.76 1/4 421.9 331.3 1/2 20.83 16.36 3/16 89.70 70.45 1/2 440.8 346.2 9/16 21.89 17.19 1/4 91.88 72.16 3/4 460.2 361.4 5/8 22.97 18.04 5/16 94.08 73.89 12 480. 377. WEIGHT OF STEEL BARS. 185 WEIGHT OP SQUARE AND ROUND STEEL BARS PER LINEAL FOOT. (Steel Weighing 489.6 Ib. per cu. ft.) Thickness or Diameter in Inches. Weight of Square Bar 1 Ft. Long. Weight of Round Bar 1 Ft. Long. Thickness or Diameter in Inches. Weight of Square Bar 1 Ft. Long. *e s s Sl% ! ^- Thickness or Diameter in Inches. Weight of Square Bar 1 Ft. Long. Weight of Round Bar 1 Ft. Long. H/16 24.56 19.29 3/8 98.23 77.15 1/16 0.013 0.010 3/4 25.71 20.20 7/16 100.5 78.95 1/8 .053 .042 13/16 26.90 21.12 1/2 102.8 80.77 3/16 .119 .094 7/8 28.10 22.07 9/16 105.2 82.62 V4 .212 .167 15/16 29.34 23.03 5/8 107.6 84.49 5/16 .333 .261 3 30.60 24.03 U/ifl 110.0 86.38 3/8 .478 .375 1/16 31 .89 25.04 3/4 112.4 88.29 7/16 .651 .511 1/8 33.20 26.08 13/16 114.9 90.22 1/2 .850 .667 3/16 34.55 27.13 7/8 117.4 92.17 9/16 1.076 .845 1/4 35.91 28.20 15/16 119.9 94.14 5/8 1.328 1 .043 5/16 37.31 29.30 6 122.4 96.14 H/16 1.608 1.262 3/8 38.73 30.42 1/8 127.6 100.2 3/4 1 .913 1 .502 7/16 40.18 31 .56 1/4 132.8 104.3 13/16 2.245 1.763 1/2 41 .65 32.71 3/8 138.2 108.5 7/8 2.603 2.044 9/16 43.15 33.89 1/2 143.6 112.8 15/16 2.989 2.347 5/8 44.68 35.09 5/8 149.2 117.2 1 3.400 2.670 U/16 46.24 36.31 3/4 154.9 121.7 1/16 3.838 3.014 3/4 47.82 37.56 7/8 160.8 126.2 1/8 4.303 3.379 13/16 49.42 38.81' 7 166.6 130.9 3/16 4.795 3.766 7/8 51 .05 40.10 1/8 172.6 135.6 1/4 5.312 4.173 15/16 52.71 41 .40 1/4 178.7 140. < 5/16 5.857 4.600 4 54.40 42.73 3/8 184.9 145.1 3/8 6.428 5.049 1/16 56.11 44.07 1/2 191.3 150.2 7/16 7.026 5.518 1/8 57.85 45.44 5/ 8 197.7 155.2 1/2 7.650 6.008 3/16 59.62 46.83 3/4 204.2 159.3 9/16 8.301 6.520 1/4 61:41 48.24 7/8 210.8 165.6 5/8 8.978 7.051 5/16 63.23 49.66 8 217.6 171.0 H/16 9.682 7.604 3/8 65.08 51.11 1/4 231.4 181.8 3/4 10.41 8.178 7/16 66.95 52.58 1/2 245.6 193.0 13/16 11 .17 8.773 1/2 68.85 54.07 3/4 260.3 204 .4 7/8 11 .95 9.388 9/16 70.78 55.59 9 275.4 216.3 15/16 12.76 10.02 5/8 72.73 57.12 1/4 290.9 228.5 2 13.60 10.68 n/i6 74.70 58.67 1/2 306.8 241.0 1/16 14.46 11 .36 3/4 76.71 60.25 3/4 323.2 253.9 1/8 15.35 12.06 13/16 78.74 61.84 10 340.0 267.0 3/16 16.27 12.78 7/8 80.80 63.46 1/4 357.2 280.6 1/4 17.22 13.52 15/16 82.89 65.10 1/2 374.9 294. 4 5/16 18.19 14.28 5 85.00 66.76 3/4 392.9 308.6 3/8 19.18 15.07 Vl6 87.14 68.44 11 411.4 323.1 7/16 20.20 15.86 ' 1/8 89.30 70.14 1/4 430.3 337.9 1/2 21.25 16.69 3/16 91 .49 71.86 1/2 449.6 353.1 9/16 22.33 17.53 1/4 93 72 73.60 3/4 469.4 368.6 5/8 23.43 18.40 5/16 95.96 75.37 12 489.6 384.5 Weight of Fillets. Ra- dius, In. Area, Sq. In. Weight per In., Lb. Ra- dius, In. Area, Sq. In. Weight per In., Lb. Cast Iron. Steel. Brass. Cast Iron. Steel. Brass. 1/4 0.0134 0.0035 0.0038 0.0040 13/16 0.1416 0.0369 0.0401 0.0414 5/16 .0209 .0054 .0059 .0061 7/8 .1634 .0428 .0465 .0479 3/8 .0302 .0078 .0085 .0088 15/16 .1886 .0491 .0534 .0550 7/16 .0411 .0107 .0116 .0120 1 .2146 .0559 .0608 .0626 1/2 .0536 .0140 .0152 .0157 1 1/8 .2716 .0709 .0771 .0794 9/1 fi .0679 .0177 .0192 .0200 1 1/4 .3353 .0874 .0950 .0979 5/8 .0834 .0218 .0237 .0244 1 3/8 .4057 .0920 .1000 .1030 H/16 .1014 .0264 .0287 .0300 1 1/2 .4828 .1259 .1368 .1410 3/4 .1207 .0315 .0342 .0352 15/8 .5668 .1479 .1608 .1657 Continued on next page. 186 MATERIALS. Weights per Lineal Inch of Bound, Square and Hexagon Steel. Weight of 1 cu. in. = 0.2836 Ib. Weight of 1 cu. ft. 490 Ib. Thick- ness or Diam- eter. Round. Square. Hexagon Thick- ness or Diam- eter. Round. Square. Hexagon. V32 0.0002 0.0003 0.0002 17/8 . 783 1 0.9970 0.8635 1/16 .0009 .0011 .0010 115/ .8361 .0646 .9220 3/32 .0020 .0025 .0022 2 .8910 .1342 .9825 1/8 .0035 .0044 .0038 21/16 .9475 .2064 .0448 5/32 .0054 .0069 .0060 21/8 .0058 .2806 .1091 3/16 .0078 .0101 .0086 23/i 6 .0658 .3570 .1753 7/32 .0107 .0136 .0118 21/4 .1276 .4357 .2434 1/4 .0139 .0177 .0154 25/ie .1911 .5165 .3135 9/32 .0176 .0224 .0194 23/ 8 .2564 .6569 .3854 5/16 .0218 .0277 .0240 27/ie .3234 .6849 .4593 H/32 .0263 .0335 .0290 21/2 .3921 .7724 .5351 3/8 .0313 .0405 .0345 25/ 8 .5348 1.9541 .6924 13/32 .0368 .0466 .0405 23/i .6845 2.1446 .8574 7/16 .0426 .0543 .0470 27/ 8 .8411 2.3441 2.0304 15/32 .0489 .0623 .0540 3 2.0046 2.5548 2.2105 1/2 .0557 .0709 .0614 31/8 2.1752 2.7719 2.3986 17/32 .0629 .0800 .0693 31/4 2.3527 2.9954 2.5918 9/16 .0705 .0897 .0777 33/g 2.5371 3.2303 2.7977 19/32 .0785 .1036 .0866 31/2 2.7286 3.4740 3.0083 5/8 .0870 .1108 .0959 35/8 2.9269 3.7265 3.2275 21/32 .0959 .1221 .1058 33/4 3.1323 3.9880 3.4539 11/16 .1053 .1340 .1161 37/g 3.3446 4.2582 3.6880 23/32 .1151 .1465 .1270 4 3.5638 4.5374 3.9298 3/4 .1253 .1622 .1382 41/8 3.7900 4.8254 4.1792 25/32 .1359 .1732 .1499 41/4 4.0232 5.1223 4.4364 13/16 .1470 .1872 .1620 43/8 4.2634 5.4280 4.7011 27/32 .1586 .2019 .1749 41/2 4.5105 5.7426 4.9736 7/8 .1705 .2171 .1880 45/8 4.7645 6.0662 5.2538 29/32 .1829 .2329 .2015 43/4 5.0255 6.6276 5.5416 15/16 .1958 .2492 .2159 47/8 5.2935 6.7397 5.8371 31/32 .2090 .2661 .2305 5 5.5685 7.0897 6.1403 9 .2227 .2836 .2456 51/8 5.8504 7.4496 6.4511 1 1/16 .2515 .3201 .2773 51/4 6.1392 7.8164 6.7697 1 1/8 .2819 .3589 .3109 53/8 6.4351 8.1930 7.0959 1 3/16 .3141 .4142 . .3464 51/2 6.7379 8.5786 7.4298 U/4 .3480 .4431 .3838 55/8 7.0476 8.9729 7.7713 1 5/16 .3837 .4885 .4231 53/4 7.3643 9.3762 8.1214 1 3/8 .4211 .5362 .4643 57/ 8 7.6880 9 . 7883 8.4774 1 7/16 .4603 .5860 .5076 6 8.0186 10.2192 8.8420 1 V2 .5012 .6487 .5526 61/4 8 . 7007 11.0877 9.5943 1 9/16 .5438 .6930 .5996 6l/ 2 9.4107 11.9817 10.3673 1 5/8 .5882 .7489 .6480 63/4 10.1485 12.9211 11.1908 1 H/16 .6343 .8076 .6994 7 10.9142 13.8960 12.0351 1 3/4 .6821 .8685 .7521 71/2 12.5291 15.9520 13.8158 1 13/16 .7317 .9316 .8069 8 14.2553 18.1497 15.7192 Weight of Fillets. Continued from page 185. . Ra- dius, In. Area, Sq. In. Weight per In., Lb. Ra- dius, In. Area, Sq. In. Weight per In., Lb. Cast Iron. Steel. Brass. Cast Iron. Steel. Br.ass. 13/4 0.6572 0.1713 0.1862 0.1920 27/8 1.774 0.4621 0.5022 0.5017 1 7/8 .7545 .1970 .2137 .2202 3 1.931 .4950 .5471 .5635 2 .8585 .2237 .2431 .2504 31/4 2.267 .5903 .6417 .6609 21/8 .9692 .2502 .2743 .2826 31/2 2.629 .6926 .7438 .7661 US 1.086 .2832 .3079 .3172 33/4 3.018 .7873 .8523 .8817 23/8 1.210 .3155 .3429 .3532 3.434 .8933 .9709 1.000 21/2 1.341 .3496 .3800 .3914 41/4 3.876 1.008 1.096 1.130 25/ 8 1.478 .3857 .4192 .4317 41/2 4.346 1.132 1.231 1.270 23/ 4 1.623 .4222 .4589 .4727 43/4 4.842 1.261 1.371 1.421 WEIGHT OF PLATE IKON. 187 q en. 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O ' CN CM en -^ -^ in in* vd ^0 r> GO GO s s O o -~ CM' CM' en en n GO-* aoinc ' GO-* QOincMavOenONOmo romGqenr>.cMr>. vD noino '' ' ' --' : CN CM' en en W m' ^ oo CM O O in Ov en t>i in O ^ GO CM ^0 o "^^c^Nr^fntn^^'^u^irC^'^i . in O ^ oo^ CM vO O in O^ en '''' en in oo GO^OsOCNGO^OvOenau^ hs O en n ao O en O GO en vO O O ' '' -^ ' ^cNCM'cMCM'en'en'en'e > CM -T t>. C> CM in hxO CM in GO O en '''''''' GO r>. in en O cMcn-tinvorxooooovo c WEIGHTS OF FLAT WROUGHT IRON. 189 o\GOcorx < om T t'fnenfS O^ooGorNineneNCcot^inen CN in GO rr tQ en sO 0? CN in r> en O es GO n- m t-s en {vj Tf \d & ' en ^d co' CS m' I-N' o' K vd GO' o o ' m' >K vd GO' o 1*> m' o o c<\ \o' o rK \d o c oo O f OOO ' >.' GO' O\ ts T' in \d GO' O>' ' pg m" GO' O t s m co CA O^ -^ O m o ^D r> co GO O^ O rs m en >. ^GO inOfsivOOfANOfnor^infso^^co '''''''' '''' inominininninino eNinfxOtsiinr^OeNinhNCfNmhNCincmoinOin oienin^Ot^iao eNfen'mot^ooceNinr^Of^jin^N* fmr>.o^' enmr^o^ enmtviO^ *n t o> en t> m^en ^' en ^* m t^ GO s o en *! m \o i> o^ m O GO en in GO* fNCNCMfsjenenenen ~ cs en ^T m vd t> oo & es en ^1" m \o r^ o^ ^ \d GO' ' e>i m* (S f\j eNi encn^^J'ininin\OvOi>GOO t >' ; g ' o' oo H IC>OCO^. >> :x 5! *vo o *> .V K -o x 'X i ea M ;o ^ I '^'If r4 %$"3 ^ X- ' K^^E hC SX^.S $ Jill -*3^^ "S X WK~ * I s|5s I "Sg-So 190 MATERIALS. WEIGHTS OF STEEL BLOOMS. Soft steel. 1 cubic inch 0.284 Ib. 1 cubic foot = 490.75 Ibs. Size, Inches Lengths. 1" 6" 13" 18" 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 54" 60" 66" 12 X6 X5 20.45 17.04 123 102 245 204 368 307 491 409 613 511 736 613 ~859 716 982 818 1104 920 1227 1022 1350 1125 X4 13.63 82 164 245 327 409 491 573 654 736 818 900 11 X6 18.75 113 225 338 450 563 675 788 900 1013 1 125 1238 X5 15.62 94 188 281 375 469 562 656 750 843 937 1031 X4 12.50 75 150 225 300 375 450 525 600 675 750 825 10 X8 22.72 136 273 409 545 682 818 954 1091 1227 1363 1500 X7 19.88 120 239 358 477 596 715 835 955 1074 1193 1312 X6 17.04 102 204 307 409 511 613 716 818 920 1022 1125 X5 14.20 85 170 256 341 426 511 596 682 767 852 937 X4 11.36 68 136 205 273 341 409 477 546 614 682 750 K3 8.52 51 102 153 204 255 306 358 409 460 511 562 9 X8 20.45 123 245 368 491 613 736 859 982 1104 1227 1350 X7 17.89 107 215 322 430 537 644 751 859 966 1073 1181 X6 15.34 92 184 276 368 460 552 644 736 828 920 1012 X5 12.78 77 153 230 307 383 460 537 614 690 767 844 X4 10.22 61 123 184 245 307 368 429 490 552 613 674 X3 7.66 46 92 138 184 230 276 322 368 414 460 506 8 X8 18.18 109 218 327 436 545 655 764 873 982 1091 1200 X7 15.9 95 191 286 382 477 572 668 763 859 954 1049 X6 13.63 82 164 245 327 409 491 573 654 736 818 900 X5 11.36 68 136 205 273 341 409 477 546 614 682 750 X4 9.09 55 109 164 218 273 327 382 436 491 545 600 X3 6.82 41 82 123 164 204 245 286 327 368 409 450 7 X7 13.92 83 167 251 334 418 501 585 668 752 835 919 X6 11.93 72 143 215 286 358 430 501 573 644 716 788 X5 9.94 60 119 179 7,38 298 358 417 477 536 596 656 X4 7.95 48 96 143 191 239 286 334 382 429 477 525 X3 5.96 36 72 107 143 179 214 250 286 322 358 393 61/2X61/2 12. 72 144 216 288 360 432 504 576 648 720 792 X4 7.38 44 89 133 177 221 266 310 354 399 443 487 6 X6 10.22 61 123 184 245 307 368 429 490 551 613 674 X5 8.52 51' 102 153 204 255 307 358 409 460 511 562 X4 6.82 41 82 123 164 204 245 286 327 368 409 450 X3 5.11 31 61 92 123 153 184 214 245 276 307 337 5i/ 2 X5i/ 2 8.59 52 103 155 206 258 309 361 412 464 515 567 X4 6.25 37 75 112 150 188 225 262 300 337 375 412 5 X5 7.10 43 85 128 170 213 256 298 341 383 426 469 X4 5.68 34 68 102 136 170 205 239 273 307 341 375 41/2X41/2 5.75 35 69 104 138 173 207 242 276 311 345 380 X4 5.11 31 61 92 123 153 184 215 246 276 307 338 4 X4 4.54 27 55 82 109 136 164 191 218 246 272 300 X31/2 3.97 24 48 72 96 119 143 167 181 215 238 262 X3 3.40 20 41 61 82 102 122 143 163 184 204 224 31/2X31/2 3.48 21 42 63 84 104 125 146 167 188 209 230 X3 2.98 18 36 54 72 89 107 ' 125 143 161 179 197 3 X3 2.56 15 31 46 61 77 92 108 123 138 154 169 ROOFING MATERIALS AND ROOF CONSTRUCTION. 191 ROOFING MATERIALS AND ROOF CONSTRUCTION. Approximate Weight of Roofing Materials. (American Sheet & Tin Plate Co.) Material. Lb. per sq. ft. Corrugated galvanized iron, No. 20, unbearded Copper, 16 oz. standing seam . . . . , Felt and asphalt, without sheathing Glass, i/s in. thick Hemlock sheathing, 1 in. thick Lead, about l/s in. thick Lath and plaster ceiling (ordinary) Mackite, 1 in. thick, with plaster Neponset roofing, felt, 2 layers Spruce sheathing, 1 in. thick Slate, 3/i6 in. thick, 3 in. double lap Slate, l/s in. thick, 3 in. double lap Shingles, 6 in. X 18 in., 1/3 to weather Skylight of glass, 3/ie to 1/2 in., including frame Slag roof, 4-ply Terne plate, 1C, without sheathing Terne plate, IX, without sheathing Tiles (plain), 10 1/2 in. X 6 1/4 in. X 5/8 in. - 5 1/4 in. to weather . Tiles (Spanish), 14 1/2 in. X 10 l/ 2 in.- 7 1/4 in. to weather White pine sheathing, 1 in. thick Yellow pine sheathing, 1 in. thick 21/4 ,./< 4' 16 18 20 22 24 26 483 460 445 434 425 418 412 407 724 688 667 650 637 626 617 610 967 920 890 869 851 836 825 815 1450 1379 1336 1303 1276 1254 1238 1222 1936 1842 1784 1740 1704 1675 1653 1631 2419 2301 2229 2174 2129 2093 2066 2039 2902 2760 2670 2607 2553 2508 2478 2445 3872 3683 3567 3480 3408 3350 3306 3263 Corrugated Arches. For corrugated curved sheets for floor and ceiling construction in fireproof buildings, No. 16, 18, or 20 gage iron is commonly used, and sheets may be curved from 4 to 10 in. rise the higher the rise the stronger the arch. By a series of tests it has been demonstrated that corrugated arches give the most satisfactory results with a base length not exceeding 6 ft., and 5 ft. or even less is preferable where great strength is required. These corrugated arches are made with 1 1/4 X 3 /8, 196 MATERIALS. 2 1/2 X 1/2, 3 X 3/4, and 5 X Vs in. corrugations, and in the same width of sheet as above mentioned. Terra-Cotta. Porous terra-cotta roofing 3 in. thick weighs 16 Ib. per square foot and 2 in. thick 12 Ib. per square foot. Ceiling made of the same material 2 in. thick weighs 11 Ib. per square foot. Tiles. Flat tiles 61/4 X 101/2 X 5/8 in. weigh from 1480 to 1850 Ib. per square of roof (100 square feet), the lap being one-half the length of the tile. Tiles with grooves and fillets weigh from 740 to 925 Ib. per square of roof. Pan-tiles 141/2 X 101/2 laid 10 in. to the weather weigh 850 Ib. per square. Pine Shingles. The figures below give the weight of shingles required to cover one square of a common gable roof. For hip roofs add 5 per cent. Inches exposed to weather. . ............. 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 No. of shingles per square of roof ......... 900 800 720 655 600 Weight of shingles per square, Ib ......... 216 192 173 157 144 Skylight Glass Required for One Square of Roof. Dimensions, in ............... 12 X 48 15 X 60 20 X 100 94 X 156 Thickness, in ........ , ........ 3/ 16 i/ 4 3/ 8 l/ 2 Area, sq. ft .................. 3.997 6.246 13.880 101.768 Weight per square, Ib ......... 250 350 500 700 No allowance has been made in the above figures for lap. If ordinary window-glass is used, single thick glass (about Vie inch) will weigh about 82 Ib. per square, and double thick glass (about i/s inch) will weigh about 164 Ib. per square, no allowance being made for lap. A box of ordinary window-glass contains as nearly 50 square feet as the size of the panes will admit. Panes of any size are made to order by the manufacturers, but a great variety of sizes are usually kept in stock, ranging from 6X8 inches to 36 X 60 inches. THICKNESS OF CAST-IRON WATER-PIPES. P. H. Baermann, in a paper read before the Engineers' Club of Phila- delphia in 1882, gave twenty different formulae for determining the thickness of cast-iron pipes under pressure. The formulae are of three classes: 1. Depending upon the diameter only. 2. Those depending upon the diameter and head and which add a constant. 3. Those depending upon the diameter and head contain an additive or subtractive term depending upon the diameter, and add a constant. The more modern formulae are of the third class, and are as follows: t = 0.00008/id + O.Old + 0.36 ................ Shedd, No. 1. t = 0.00006/id + 0.0133d + 0.296 ............. Warren Foundry, No. 2. t = 0.000058M + 0.0152d 4- 0.312 ............ Francis, No. 3. t = 0.000048/id 4- 0.013d + 0.32 .............. Dupuit, No. 4. t = 0.00004/id 4- 0.1 Vd~4- 0.15 ..... ......... Box, No. 5. t = 0.000135/id 4- 0.4 - 0.001 Id .............. Whitman, No. 6. t = 0.00006 (h 4- 230) d 4- 0.333 - 0.0033d ...... Fanning, No. 7. t = O.OOOlSftd + 0.25 - 0.0052d ............... Meggs, No. 8. In which t = thickness in inches, h = head in feet, d = diameter in inches. For h = 100 ft., and d = 10 in., formulas Nos. 1 to 7 inclusive give to from 0.49 to 0.54 in., but No. 8 gives only 0.35 in. Fanning's formula, now (1908) in most common use, gives 0.50 in. Rankine (Civil Engineering}, p. 721, says: "Cast-iron pipes should be made of a soft and tough quality of iron. Great attention should be paid THICKNESS OF CAST-IRON WATEB-HPES. 1Q7 to molding them C9rrectly, so that the thickness may be exactly uniform all round. Each pipe should be tested for air-bubbles and flaws by ring- ing it with a hammer, and for strength by exposing it to double the intended greatest working pressure." The rule for computing the thick- ness of a pipe to. resist a given working pressure is t = rp/f, where r is the radius in inches, p the pressure in pounds per square inch, and /the tensile strength of the iron per square inch. When / = 18,000, and a factor of safety of 5 is used, the above expressed in terms of d and h becomes t = 0.5d X 0.433/1 -T- 3600 = 0.00006d/i. "There are limitations, however, arising from difficulties in casting, and by the strain produced by shocks, which cause the thickness to be made greater than that given by the above formula." (See also Burst- ing Strength of Cast-iron Cylinders, under "Cast Iron.") The most common defect of cast-iron pipes is due to the "shifting of the core," which causes one side of the pipe to be thinner than the other. Unless the pipe is made of very soft iron the thin side is apt to be chilled in casting, causing it to become brittle and it may contain blow-holes and " cold-shots." This defect should be guarded against by inspection of every pipe for uniformity of thickness. Standard Thicknesses and Weights of Cast-iron Pipe. (U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 1915.) : . Class A. Class B. Class C. Class D. 100 Ft. Head. 200 Ft. Head. 300 Ft. Head. 400 Ft. Head. 43 Lb. Pressure. 86 Lb. Pressure. 130 Lb. Pressure. 1 73 Lb. Pressure rt c .6 c3 ** Pounds per AS Pounds per %& Pounds per %* Pounds per |S S - Ft. L'gth. 2 if El Ft. L'gth. PH Ft. L'gth. g| Ft. Lgfch. 3 0.39 14.5 175 0.42 16.2 194 0.45 17.1 205 0.48 18.0 216 4 .42 20.0 240 .45 21.7 260 .48 23.3 280 .52 25.0 300 6 .44 30.8 370 .48 33.3 400 .51 35.8 430 .55 38.3 460 8 .46 42.9 515 .51 47.5 570 .56 52.1 625 .60 55.8 670 10 .50 57.1 685 .57 63.8 765 .62 70.8 850 .68 76.7 920 12 .54 72.5 870 .62 82.1 985 .68 91.7 1100 .75 100.0 1200 14 .57 89.6 1075 .66 102.5 1230 .74 116.7 1400 .82 129.2 1550 16 .60 108.3 1300 .70 125.0 1500 .80 143.8 1725 .89 158.3 1900 18 .64 129.2 1550 .75! 150.0 1800 .87 175.0 2100 .96 191.7 2300 20 .67 150.0 1800 .80 175.0 2100 .92 208.3 2500 .03 229.2 2'/50 24 .76 204.2 2450 .89 233.3 2800 .04 279.2 3350 .16 306.7 3680 30 .88 291.7 3500 .03 333.3 4000 .20 400.0 4800 .37 450.0 5400 36 .99 391.7 4700 .15 454.2 5450 .36 545.8 6550 .58 625.0 7500 42 .10' 512.5 6150 .28 591.7 7100 .54 716.7 8600 .78 825.0 9900 48 .26! 666.7 8000 .42 750.0 9000 .71 908.3 10900 .96 1050.0 12600 54 .35 800.0 9600 .55 933.3 11200 .90 1141.7 13700 2.23il341.7 16100 60 .39 916.7 11000 .67 1104.2 13250 2.00 1341.7 16100 2.38 1583.3 19000 72 .62 1281.9 15380 .95 1547.3 18570 2.39 1904.3 22850 . 84 .72! 1635.8 19630 2.22 2104.1 25250 The above weights are per length to lay 12 feet, including standard sockets; proportionate allowance to be made for any variation. Weight of Underground Pipes. (Adopted by the Natl. Fire Pro- tection Association, 1913.) Weights are not to be less than those specified when the normal pressures do not exceed 125 Ib. per sq. in. When the normal pressures are in excess of 125 Ib. heavier pipes should be used. The weights given include sockets. Pipe, in. . , 46 8 10 12 14 16 Weights per foot, Ib.... 23 35.8 52.1 70.8 91.7 116.7 143.8 198 MATERIALS. Standard Thicknesses and Weights of Cast Iron Pipe. For Fire Lines and High-Pressure Service. (U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 1915.) Nominal Inside Diam., In. Class E. 500 ft. Head. 217-lb. Pressure. Class F. 600 ft. Head. 260-lb. Pressure. Class G. 700 ft. Head. 3044b. Pressure. Class H. 800 ft. Head. 347-lb. Pressure. ft r . O> & c Lb. per A& _o - Lb. per if Hg Lb. per ii r. 0> ^ C Lb. per Ft. Lgth. Ft. Lgth. Ft. Lgth. Ft. Lgth. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 0.58 .66 .74 .82 .90 .98 .07 .15 .31 .55 .80 42.5 60.9 86.9 114.6 145.6 180.7 221.8 265.8 359.1 530.9 738.1 510 731 1043 1375 1747 2168 2662 3190 4309 6371 8857 0.61 .71 .80 .89 .99 1.08 1.17 1.27 1.45 1.73 2.02 44.3 66.8 92.8 122.8 158.8 196.5 239.3 287.3 392.3 588.8 821.0 531 802 1114 1474 1905 2358 2872 3448 4707 7065 9852 0.65 .75 .86 .97 .07 .18 .28 .39 .75 48.1 72.3 101.4 136.2 175.1 218.0 268.2 321.8 479.8 577 868 1217 1634 2101 2616 3218 3862 5758 0.69 .80 .92 .04 .16 .27 .39 .51 .88 50.5 76.1 107.3 144.4 187.5 233.8 287.8 345.8 510.6 606 913 1288 1733 2250 2805 3453 4149 6127 All lengths to lay 12 ft. Weights are approximate; those per foot include allowance for bell; those per length include bell. Propor- tionate allowance is to be made for variations from standard length. Standard and Heavy Cast Iron Bell and Spigot Gas Pipe. Weights and Dimensions. (U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 1914.) Actual Out- Thickness, Dia. of Sock- A Weight per Weight per , fi side Dia., In. In. ets, In. *o w" Foot, Lb. Length, Lb. p $4 'O . CT3 "O . CTJ i O 4_> fl ^ . fl"rt r o . CTJ > > s 11 o> 3a 8 la 0) &o 3s 8 OS 8 fc & w w rt w oa* w pW * W 02* w 4 4.80 5.00 0.40 0.42 5.80 5.80 4.00 19.33 20.0 232 240 6 6.90, 7.10 .43 .47 7.90 7.90 4.00 30.25 32.8 363 394 8 9.05 9.05 .45 .49 10.05 9.85 4.00 42.08 45.3 505 544 10 11 .10i 11 .10 .49 .51 12.10 11 .90 4.00 55.91 58.7 671 703 12 13.20 13.20 .54 .57 14.20 14.00 4.50 73.83 76.1 886 913 16 17.40 17.40 .62 .65 18.40 18.40 4.50 112.58 117.2 1351 1406 20 21.60 21 .60 .6G .75 22.85 22.60 4.50 153.83 166.7 1846! 2000 24 25.80 25.80 .76 .82 27.05 26.80 5.00 206.41 224.0 2477; 2688 30 31 .74 32.00 .85 1 .00 32.99 33.00 5.00 284.001323.9 3408 3887 36 37.96 38.30 .95 1.05 39.21 39.30 5.00 379.25 442.7 4551 5312 42 44.20 44.50 1 .07 1 .26 45.45 45.50 5.00 497.66 581 .3 5972 6975 48 50.50 50.80 1.26 1.38 51 .75i 51 .80 5.00 663.50! 739. 6 7962 8875 The Standard pipe listed above conforms to the standard adopted by the American Gas Institute in 1911. The heavy pipe given is not in- cluded in the A. G. I. standards but is used by many gas engineers for service under paved streets with heavy traffic, or where subsoil condi- tions make the heavier pipe desirable. Pipes are made to lay 12 ft. length. Weights per foot include bell and bead. Length of bead = 0.75 in. for 4- and 6-in. pipe; 1.00 in. for 8- to48-in. pipe. Thickness of bead = 0.19 in. for 4- and 6-in. pipe; 0.25-in. for 8- to 48-in. pipe. LEAD REQUIRED FOR CAST IRON PIPE JOINTS. 199 Standard Flanged Cast Iron Pipe for Gas. (United Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 1914, Am. Gas. Inst. Std., 1913.) Nomi- nal Thick- ness, Flange Diam., Flange Thick- Bolt Circle Bolts Wgt. Single Approx. Wgt., Lb. Diam., In. In. In. ness, In. ' No. Size, In. r lange, Lib. Foot. Lgth. 4 0.40 9.00 0.72 7.125 ~T~ 0.625 8.19 18.62 223 6 .43 11.00 .72 9.125 4 .625 10.46 29.01 348 8 .45 13.00 .75 11 .125 8 .625 12.65 40.05 481 10 .49 16.00 .86 13.75 8 .625 22.53! 54.71 656 12 .54 18.00 .875 15.75 8 .625 25.96 71.34 856 16 .62 22.50 .00 20.00 12 .75 39.68 108.61 1303 20 .68 27.00 .00 24.50 16 .75 51.10! 147.95 1775 24 .76 31 .00 .125 28.50 16 .75 65.00 197.38 2369 30 .85 37.50 .25 35.00 20 .875 96.70 273.45 3281 36 .95 44.00 .375 41 .25 24 .875 132.26 366.67 4400 42 1.07 50.75 .56 47.75 28 1.00 186.83 483.48 5802 48 1 .26 57.00 .75 54.00 32 1 .00 235.23 647.36 7768 Pipe is made in 12-ft. lengths, and faced Vie in. short for gaskets. Weight per foot includes flanges. Flanges are Am. Gas. Inst., and are different from the "American 1914" standard for water and steam pipe. Pipes heavier than above may be made by reducing internal diameters. Threaded Cast Iron Pipe. (U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 1914.) Nominal diam., in 3 4 6 8 10 12 Actual outside diam., in 3.96 5.00 7.10 9.30 11 40 13.50 Thickness, in., Class B 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.51 0.57 0.62 Wt. per foot, Class B . . 14.6 20.1 31 .2 43.9 60.5 78.9 Thickness in Class D 48 52 55 60 68 75 Wt. per foot, Class D 16.4 22.8 35.3 51.2 71.4 93.7 Quantity of Lead Required for Cast Iron Pipe Bell and Spigot Joints. (U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 1914.) S Depth of Joint i Depth of Joint c 2 In. 1 2 1/4 In. | 2 1/2 In. | Solid. 2 In. 2 1/4 In. | 2 1/2 In. | Solid. p Approx. Weight of Lead in Joint. Lb. 3~ Approx. Weight of Lead in Joint. Lb. 3 6.00 6.50 7.00 10.25 74 44.00 48.00 52.50 95.00 4 7.50 8.00 8.75 13.00 30 54.25 59.50 64.75 117.50 6 10.25 11.25 12.25 18.00 36 64.75 71 .00 77.25 140.25 8 13.25 14.50 15.75 23.00 42 75.25 78.75 85.50 155.25 10 16.00 17.50 19.00 31 .00 48 85.50 94.00 102.25 202.25 12 19.00 20.50 22.50 36.50 54 97.60 107.10 116.60 238.60 14 22.00 24.00 26.00 38.50 60 108.30 118.80 129.50 255.50 16 30.00 33.00 35.75 64.75 72 128.00 140.50 153.00 302.50 18 33.80 36.90 40.00 72.00 84 147.00 161 .50 175.60 348.00 20 37.00 40.50 44.00 80.00 The above table gives the calculated weight of lead required for pipe joints both with and without gasket. Weight of lead taken at 0.41 Ib. per cu. in. Allowance has been made for lead to project beyond the face of the bell for calking. Pipe specifications allow lead space to vary from those given in tables, hence the weights of lead may vary ap- proximately 11 to 16 per cent from those given above, 200 MATERIALS Cast-iron Pipe Columns, Weight and Safe Loads, Pounds. (U. S. Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Co., 1914.) T onrrfVi 4-Inch Pipe. 6-Inch Pipe. 8-Inch Pipe. 1 0-Inch Pipe. ijGngtn. Wgt. Load. Wgt. Load. Wgt. Load. Wgt. Load. 6 ft. in. 160 56070 245 100100 359 164410 428 224200 6 6 171 54130 262 98310 385 162400 464 222300 7 183 52190 280 96270 410 160350 500 220300 7 6 194 50250 298 94100 436 1 58200 535. 218300 8 206 48320 316 92040 462 1 56000 571 216200 8 6 217 46440 333 89820 487 153600 607 213900 9 229 44590 351 87620 513 1 5 1 200 643 211600 9 6 240 42800 368 85450 539 148760 678 209300 10 251 41050 386 83260 564 146260 714 206900 10 6 262 39360 404 81040 590 143700 750 204500 11 274 37730 421 78840 615 141160 785 202200 11 6 285 36160 439 76700 642 138570 821 199800 12 297 34670 457 74580 667 135920 857 197400 12 6 308 33220 474 71600 692 133340 893 195000 Base and Top Castings. Ins. square 10 12 14 16 Wt., Ibs. 65 100 145 200 Add weight of base and top castings f9r complete weight of column. Loads are based on Gordon's formula, with a factor of safety of 8. Weight of Open End Cast-Iron Cylinders. Cast iron = 450 Ibs. per cubic foot. Pounds per Lineal Foot. Thick. Wgt. Thick. Wgt. Thick. Wgt. Thick. Wgt. Bore. of Metal. per Foot. Bore. of Metal. per Foot. Bore. of Metal. Foot. Bore. of Metal. per Foot. In. In. Lb. In. "in*. Lb. In. In. Lb. In. In. Lb. 4 3/8 16.1 11 V2 56.5 17 V8 153.6 24 7/8 213.7 !/2 22.1 5/8 71.3 18 5/8 114.3 1 245.4 5/8 28.4 3/4 86.5 3/4 138.1 26 3/4 197.0 5 3/8 19.8 12 V2 61.4 7/8 162.1 7/8 230.9 1/2 27.0 5/8 77.5 19 5/8 120.4 1 265.1 5/8 34.4 3/4 93.9 3/4 145.4 28 3/4 211.7 6 3/8 23.5 13 V2 66.3 7/8 170.7 7/8 248.1 1/2 31.9 5/8 83.6 20 5/8 126.6 1 284.7 5/8 40.7 3/4 101.2 3/4 152.8 30 7/8 265.2 7 3/8 27.2 14 V2 71.2 7/8 179.3 304.3 V2 36.8 5/8 89.7 21 5/8 132.7 U/8 343.7 5/8 46.8 3/4 108.6 3/4 160.1 32 7/8 282.4 8 3/8 30.8 15 5/8 95.9 7/8 187.9 1 324.0 1/2 41.7 3/4 116.0 22 5/8 138.8 H/8 365.8 5/8 52.9 7/8 136.4 3/4 167.5 34 7/8 299.6 9 V2 46.6 16 5/8 102.0 7/8 196.5 1 343.7 5/8 59.1 3/4 123.3 23 3/4 174 9 H/8 388.0 3/4 71.8 7/8 145.0 7/8 205.1 36 7/8 316.6 TO 1/2 51.5 17 5/8 108.2 235.6 ] 363.1 5/8 65.2 3/4 130.7 24 8/4 182.2 H/8 410.0 3/4 79.2 The weight of two flanges may be reckoned = weight of one foot, WELDED PIPE. 201 WROUGHT-IRON (OR STEEL) WELDED PIPE. For discussion of the Briggs Standard of Wrought-iron Pipe Dimen- sions, see Report of the Committee of the A. S. M. E. in "Standard Pipe and Pipe Threads," 1886. Trans., Vol. VIII, p. 29. The diameter of the bottom of the thread is derived from the formula D (0.05D+ 1.9) x i, in which D = outside diameter of the tubes, and n the number of threads to the inch. The diameter of the top of the thread is derived from the formula 0.8 ^ X 2 + d, or 1.6 i + d, in which d is the diameter at the bottom of the thread at the end of the pipe. The sizes for the diameters at the bottom and top of the thread at the end of the pipe are as follows : Standard Pipe Threads. Nom- m ^3 Diam. Diam. Nom- OS'S Diam. Diam. inal ijl of Pipe of Pipe inal 6f Pipe of Pipe Size. Ex- at Root at Top Size. Ex- QJ*"" 1 at Root at Top ternal -C ^ of of ternal S cD of of Diam. H a Thread. Thread. Diam. H ft Thread. Thread. 1/8 0.405 27 0.3339 0.3931 5 5.563 8 5.2907 5.4907 1/4 .540 18 .4329 .5218 6 6.625 8 6.3460 6.5460 3/8 .675 18 .5676 .6565 7 7.625 8 7.3398 7.5398 1/2 .840 14 .7013 .8156 8 8.625 8 8.3336 8.5336 3/4 1.050 14 .9105 1.0248 9 9.625 8 9.3273 9.5273 1 1.315 111/2 1 . 1 440 1.2832 10 10.750 8 10.4453 10.6453 H/4 1.660 111/2 1 .4876 1 .6267 11 11.750 8 11.4390 11.6390 H/2 1.900;i1l/ 2 1.7265 1 .8657 12 12.750 8 12.4328 12.6328 2 2.375I1U/2 2.1995 2.3386 13 14.000 8 13.6750 13.8750 21/2 2.875 8 2.6195 2.8195 14 15.000 8 14.6688 14.8688 3 3.500 8 3.2406 3.4406 15 16.000 8 15.6625 15.8625 31/2 4.000 8 3.7375 3.9375 170.D. 17.000 8 16.6563 16.8563 4 4.500 8 4.2343 4. 4343 18O.D. 18.000 8 17.6500 17.8500 4l/ 2 5.000 8 4.7313 4.9313 20 O.D. 20.000 8 19.6375 19.8375 Tap Drills for Pipe Taps (Briggs' Standard) . Size of Tap, In. Size of Drill, In. Size of Tap, . In. Size of Drill, In. Size of Tap, In. Size of Drill, In. Size of Tap, In. Siz^of Drill, In. 1/8 V4 3/8 1/2 21/64 29/64 19/32 23/32 3/4 1 1/4 1 V2 ,% 1 3/16 1 15/32 1 23/32 2 21/2 31/2 2 3/16 2H/16 3 5/16 313/ifi 4 41/2 6 4 3/16 4H/16 5 1/4 6 5/ii Having the taper, length of full-threaded portion, and the sizes at bottom and top of thread at the end of the pipe, as given in the table, taps and dies can be made to secure these points correctly, the length of the imperfect threaded portions on the pipe, and the length the tap is run into the fittings beyond the point at which the size is as given, or, in other words, beyond the end of the pipe, having no effect upon the standard. The angle of the thread is 60, and it is slightly rounded off at top and bottom, so that, instead of its depth being 0.866 its pitch, as is the case with a full V-thread, it is 4/ 5 the pitch, or equal to 0.8 -r- n, n being the number of threads per inch. Taper of conical tube ends, 1 in 32 to axis of tube = % inch to the foot total taper. The thread is perfect for a distance (L) from the end of the pipe, ex- pressed by the rule, L = (0.8 D + 4.8) -j-n; where D = outside diameter 202 MATERIALS. adtj jo urj auQ ui D -s *h Od i I m- ce ^co,fn--moxpvoorsoo'^- a gSRS^Js- ^ p-v fe^c Ov !>, *X V CO CN CN .. !>. fN vO cr '- > o oo oo i-> a PUB - o r>.ooo oo spug qouj jad >i OO OO if- -- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ssau^oiqj, SO^CN "\ v/*l OO ^ CS i O"- P-HO CN CN en -t- ftrMn so r*N oo oo ON o o o cNcs^inso t2^ I QPQ doc :8 WELDED PIPE. 203 in inches. Then come two threads, perfect at the root or bottom, but imperfect at the top, and then come three or four threads imperfect at both top and bottom. These last do not enter into the joint at all, but are incident to the process of cutting the threads. The thickness of the pipe under the root of the thread at the end of the pipe = 0.0175 D + 0.025 in. Briggs' standard gages are made by Pratt & Whitney Co., Hartford, Conn. Standard Welded Pipe. The permissible variation in weights is 5% above and 5% below those given in the table on the opposite page. Pipe is furnished with threads and couplings, and in random lengths unless otherwise ordered. Weights are figured on the basis of one cubic inch of steel weighing 0.2833 lb., and the weight per foot with threads and couplings is based on a length of 20 feet, including the coupling, but shipping lengths of small sizes will usually average less than 20 feet. Taper of threads is % inch diameter per foot length for all sizes. The weight of water contained in one lineal foot is based on a weight of 62.425 pounds per cubic foot, which is the weight at its maximum density (39.1 F.) The steel used for lap-welded pipe has the following average analysis and physical properties: El. Tens. Elong. C Mn "' S P Lim. Str. in 8 in. Bessemer 0.07 0.30 0.045 0.100 36,000 58,000 22% Open-hearth 0.09 0.40 0.035 0.025 33,000 53,000 25% Extra Strong~Plpe. (National Tube Company, 1915) . Length of * bc-w Diameter. i ^J Circum- ference. Transverse Area. Pipe per Sq. Foot. sfj . 41 || 1 9 || ll t< bi 0) J J sUO 53 W & s ^ & W ^ ^ H w &W J In. In. In. Lb. In. In. Sq.In. Sq. In. Sq.In Ft. Ft. Ft. Va 0.405 0.215 .095 0.314 1.272 0.675 0.129 0.036 0.093 9.431 17.766 3966.393 1/4 .540 .302 .119 .535 1.696 .949 .229 .072 .157 7.073 12.648 2010.290 3/8 .675 .423 .126 .738 2.121 1.329 .358 .141 .217 5.658 9.030 1024.689 1/2 .840 .546 .147 1.087 2.639 1.715 .554 .234 .320 4.547 6.995 615.017 ' 3/ 4 1.050 .742 .154 1.473 3.299 2.331 .866 .433 .433 3.637 5.147 333.016 1.315 .957 .179 2.171 4.131 3.007 1.358 .719 .639 2.904 3.991 200.193 1 1/4 1.660 1.278 .191 2.996 5.215 4.015 2.164 1.283 .881 2.301 2.988 112.256 U/2 1.900 1.500 .200 3.631 5.969 4.712 2.835 1.767 1.068 2.010 2.546 81 .487 2 2.375 1.939 .218 5.022 7.461 6.092 4.430 2.953 1.477 1.608 1.969 48.766 21/2 2.875 2.323 .276 7.661 9.032 7.298 6.492 4.238 2.254 1.328 1.644 33.976 3 3.500 2.900 .300 10.252 10.996 9.111 9.621 6.605 3.016 1.091 1.317 21.801 31/2 4.000 3.364 .318 12.505 12.566 10.568 12.566 8.888 3.678 0.954 1.135 16.202 4 4.500 3.826 .337 14.983 14.137 12.020 15.904 1 1 .497 4.407 .848 0.998 12.525 41/2 5.000 4.290 .355 17.611 15.708 13.477 19.635 14.455 5.180 .763 .890 9.962 5 5.563 4.813 .375 20.778 17.477 15.120 24.306 18.194 6.112 .686 .793 7.915 6 6.625 5.761 .432 28.573 20.813 18.099 34.472 26.067 8.405 .576 .663 5.524 7 7.625 6.625 .500 38.048 23.955 20.813 45.664 34.472 11.192 .500 .576 4.177 8 9 8.625 9.625 7.625 8.625 .500 43.388 .50048.728 27.096 30.238 23.955 27.096 58.426 72.760 45.663 58.426 12.763 14.334 .442 .396 .500 .442 3.154 2.465 10 10.750 9.750 .500 54.735 33.772 30.631 90.763 74.662 16.101 .355 .391 1.929 11 11.750 10.750 .50060.07536.914 33.772 108.434 90.763 17.671 .325 .355 1.587 12 12.750 11.7*0 .50065.415 40.055 36.914 127.676 108.434 19.242 .299 .325 1.328 13 14. 000 Si 3. 000 .50072.091 43.982 40.841 153.938 132.732 21.206 .272 .293 1.085 14 15.000' 14.0001 .500 77.431 147.124 43.982 176.715 153.93822.777 .254 .272 0.935 15 16.000! 15.0001 .500182.771 50.265 47.124 201 .062 176.715l24.347 .238 .254 .815 The permissible variation in weight is 5% above and 5% below. Furnished with plain ends! and in random lengths unless otherwise ordered. 204 MATERIALS, Double Extra Strong Pipe. (National Tube Company, 1915.) Diameter. 1 li 3 Circum- ference. Transverse Area. Length of Pipe per Sq. Foot. J..& *-M 1 i* H i" Thickn s ^ & 11 h-t il * a H 6-d * HH -3 % % -1 a Int. Surface. O.SU 43 C |35 1 In. In. In. Lb. In. In. Sq.In Sq.In Sq.In Ft. Ft. Feet. 1/2 0.840 0.2520.294 1.714 2.639 0.792 0.554 0.050 0.504 4.547 15.157 2887.165 3/4 1.050 .4341 .308 2.440 3.299 1.363 .8661 .148 .718 3.637 8.801 973.404 1.315 .599 .358 3.659 4.131 1.882 1.358 .282 1.076 2.904 6.376 510.998 U/4 1.660 .896 .382 5.214 5.215 2.815 2.164 .630 1.534 2.301 4.263 228.379 H/2 1.900 1.100 .400 6.408; 5.969 3.456 2.835 .950 1.885 2.010 3.472 151.526 2 2.375 1.503 .436 9.029 7.461 4.722 4.430 1.774 2.656 1.608 2.541 81.162 21/2 2.875 1.771 .552.13.695! 9.032 5.564 6.492 2.464 4.028 1.328 2.156 58.457 3 3.500 2.300 .60018.58310.996 7.226 9.621 4.155 5.4t>6 1.091 1.660 34.659 31/2 4.000 2.728! .63622.850 12. 5b6 8.570 12.566 5.845 6.721 0.954 1.400 24.637 4 4.500 3.152 .67427.541 14.137 9.902 15.904 7.803 8.101 .848 1.211 18.454 41/2 5.000 3.580 1 .71032.53015.708 1 1 .247 19.635 10.066 9.569 .763 1.066 14.306 5 5.563 4.063 .75038.55217.477 12.764 24.306 12.966 1 1 .340 .686 0.940 11.107 6 6.625 4.897 .86453.16020.813 15.384 34.472 18.835 15.637 .576 .780 7.646 7 7.625 5.875 .875 63.079 23.955 18.457 45.664 27.109 18.555 .500 .650 5.312 8 8.625 6.875 .875 72 424127.096 21 .598 58.426 37.12221.304 .442 .555 3.879 The permissible variation in weight is 10% above and 10% below. Furnished with plain ends and in random lengths unless otherwise ordered. Standard Boiler Tubes and Flues Lap- Welded. (National Tube Company, 1915.) Diameter. 1 1 Circum- ference. Transverse Area. Length of Tube per Sq. Foot. |:K jN QjlS z* .5? 3 ii JB fa -3 3 8 fig *O 4J O "5 S < 1 1 f i a j I a 3* B a l| *l J ' In. In. In. Lb. In. In. Sq.In. Sq. In. Sq.In Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 13/4 1.560 0.095 1.679 5.498 4.901 2.405 1.911 .494 2.182 2.448 2.315 75.340 1.8.0 .095 1.932 6.283 5.686 3.142 2.573 .569 1.90912.110 2.010 55.965 21/4 2.0oO .095 2.186 7.0o9 6.472 3.976 3.333 .643 1 .697 1 .854 1.775 43.205 21/2 2.282 .109 2.783 7.854 7.109 4.909 4.090 .819 1.527 1.673 1.600 35.208 23/4 2.532 .109 3.074 8.639 7.955 5.940 5.036 .904 1.388 1.508 1.448 28.599 3 2.782 .109 3.365 9.425 8.740 7.0b9 6.079 .990 1.273 1.373 1.323 23.690 31/4 3.010 .120 4.011 10.210 9.456 8.296 7.116 1.180 1.175 1.269 1.222 20.237 31/2 3.260 .120 4.331 10.996 10.242 9.621 8.347 1.274 1.091 1.171 1.131 17.252 33/4 3.510 .120 4.652 1 1 .781 1 1 .027 1 1 ,045 9.677 1.368 1.018 1.088 1.053 14.882 4 3.732 .134 5.532 12.5o6 1 1 .724 12.5ob 10.939 1.627 0.954 .023 0.989 13.164 4l/ 2 4.232 .134 6.2t8 14.137 13.295 15.904 14.0b6 1.838 .848 0.902 .875 10.237 5 4.704 .148 7.6o9 15.708 14.776 19.b35 17.379 2.256 .763 .812 .787 8.286 6 5.670 .165 10.282 18.850 17.813 28.274 25.249 3.025 .636 .673 .655 5.703 7 6.670 .165 12.044 21.991 20.954 38.485 34.942 3.543 .545 .572 .559 4.12t 8 7.670 165 13.807 25.133 24.096 50.265 46.204 4.061 .477 .498 .487 3.117 9 8.640 .180 16.955 28.274 27.143 63.617 58.629 4.988 .424 .442 .433 2.456 10 9.594 .203 21 .240 31.416 30.140 78.540 72.292 6.248 .381 .398 .390 1.992 11 10.560 .220 -25.329 34.5^8 33.175 95.033 87.582 7.451 .347 .361 .354 1.644 12 1 1 .542 .229 28.788 37.699 36.2oO 113.097 104.629 8.468 .318 .330 .324 1.376 13 12.524 .238 32.439 40.841 39.3*5 132.732 123.190 9.542 .293 .304 .299 1.169 14 13.504 .248 36.424 43.982 42.424 153.938 143.224 10.714 .272 .282 .277 1.005 15 16 14.482 15.460 .25940.775 .270145.359 47.124 50.265 45.497 48.509 176.715 201.062 164.721 187.719 1 1 .994 13.343 .254 .238 .263 .247 .259 .242 0.874 .767 LAP-WELDED STEEL PIPE. 205 Weights and Bursting Strength of Lap-Welded Steel Pipe. (American Spiral Pipe Works, Chicago, 1911.) 20-Pt. Lengths, Plain Ends without Connections. Thicknesses in U. S. Standard Gage or Inches. Bursting Strength in Lb. per Sq. Jn. Internal Pressure. Inside Dia., Ins. Thickness, Ins. d i< r Bursting Strength. Inside Dia., Ins. Thickness, Ins. 3 s*f ft .pfc ^ Bursting Strength. Inside Dia., Ins. Thickness, Ins. a M r Bursting Strength. 12 10G 19.3 1172 28 3/4 244 2678 42 1/4 119 595 " 3/16 25.8 1562 " 329 3570 " 1/2 239 1190 11 1/4 34.6 2083 " H/4 416 4462 " 3/4 362 1784 14 10G 22.4 1005 30 3/16 64 625 * 1 486 2380 " V4 40.2 1785 " 1/4 85 833 " 1 1/4 612 2976 " 3/8 61.0 2678 " 1/2 172 1666 44 1/4 124 568 11 1/2 82.0 3568 " 3/4 261 2500 " 1/2 250 1136 16 10G 25.6 879 " 352 3328 " 3/4 378 1705 " I/I 45.8 1562 " H/4 444 4160 " 1 508 2277 " 3/8 69.4 2344 32 3/16 68 586 " U/4 640 2840 " 1/2 93.5 3124 " 1/4 91 781 48 V4 135 520 M 5/8 118.0 3904 " V2 183 1562 " 1/2 273 1040 18 10G 28.7 781 " 3/4 278 2344 " 3/4 412 1562 M 1/4 51.4 1388 " 1 374 3125 " 553 2080 " 3/8 77.8 2082 " U/4 472 3906 " U/4 696 2604 " 1/2 104.7 2776 34 3/16 72 551 50 1/4 141 500 " 5/8 132.0 3472 " 1/4 96 735 " 1/2 284 1000 20 10G 31.9 703 * 1/2 194 1470 " 3/4 429 1500 M 1/4 57.0 1250 " 3/4 294 2206 1 576 2000 " 1/2 116.2 2500 " 1 396 2942 " 11/4 724 2500 * 3/4 177.0 3736 " U/4 500 3678 54 1/4 152 463 22 10G 35.0 639 36 3/16 76 520 1/2 306 926 " 1/4 62.6 1136 " 1/4 102 694 3/4 462 1390 " 1/2 127.0 2272 " 1/2 206 1388 " 1 620 1852 " 3/4 194.0 3410 3/4 311 2080 " U/4 780 2315 " 1 262.0 4555 ' 419 2776 60 V4 169 416 24 10G 38.0 586 U/4 528 3472 1/2 340 832 ** V4 68.0 1041 38 s/rt 80 493 ' 3/4 513 1250 " 1/2 138.0 2082 1/4 107 658 688 1664 " 3/4 210.0 3124 " 1/2 217 1316 " U/4 864 2080 M 1 284.0 4160 *< 3/4 328 1972 66 1/4 186 379 26 3/16 55.0 721 " 441 2632 " !/2 374 758 1/4 74.0 961 U/4 556 3288 " 3/4 563 1132 '* 1/2 150.0 1922 40 3/16 84 467 " 1 755 1516 " 3/4 227.0 2885 " 1/4 113 625 ' U/4 948 1892 " 307.0 3847 " 1/2 228 1250 72 V4 203 347 " H/4 388.0 4809 ' 3/4 345 1868 1/2 407 694 28 3/16 60.0 669 " 1 464 2500 * 3/4 614 1040 " V4 80.0 892 " U/4 584 3124 < 822 1388 " 1/2 161 .0 1784 42 3/16 89 446 " U/4 1032 1736 For dimensions of extra heavy rolled steel flanges for above pipe, see table page 211. Square Pipe, external size, 7/g, 1, H/ 4 , li/ 2 , Hl/ie, 2, 21/2, 3 in. Rectangular Pipe, external size, 1 1/4 X 1, 11/2X1 V4, 2X1 1/4, 2X1 1/2, 21/2X1 1/2, 3X2. Two or more thicknesses of each size. Pipe Specialties. Hand railings and their fittings; ladders with flat or round pipe bars and runners; seamless cylinders, with flat, domed, disked, or necked ends; special shapes for automobiles, to replace drop forgings ; tapered tubes, and other specialties are illustrated in National Tube Co.'s Book of Standards. 206 MATERIALS. Special Sizes of Lap-welded Pipe Boston Casing. (National Tube Co.) N 1 8 ss tfiS 5. a li 68* !'! M ! 8 as ll 1 l a I s ga I s S Q e" l a &* E-i C IJ *Q w E-< fl 2 21/4 0.100 4l/ 2 43/4 0.145 55/ 8 6 0.224 81/4 85/s 0.217 21/4 21/2 .108 41/2 43/4 .193 55/8 6 .275 81/4 85/8 .264 21/2 23/4 .113 43/4 5 .152 61/4 65/8 .169 85/8 9 .196 23/4 3 .116 5 51/4, .153 61/4 65/s .185 95/8 10 .209 3 31/4 .120 5 51/4 .182 65/8 7 .174 105/8 11 .224 31/4 31/2 .125 5 51/4 .182 65/8 7 .231 115/8 12 .243 31/2 33/4 .129 5 51/4 .241 7V4 75/8 .181 121/2 13 .259 33/4 4 .134 5 51/4 .301 75/8 8 .186 131/2 14 .276 4 41/4 .138 53/18 5l/ 2 .154 75/8 8 .236 141/2 15 .291 41/4 4l/ 2 .142 55/8 6 .164 81/4 85/8 .188 15l/ 2 16 .302 41/4 4l/ 2 .205 55/ 8 6 .190 Other sizes of lap- welded pipe: Inserted Joint Casing, external diameters same as Boston Casing, with the least thickness. The 5 5/g casing is made 0.164 and 0.190 in. thick. California Diamond X Casing, sizes 5 5/ 8 to 15 1/2, all heavier than Boston. Oil Well Tubing, 11/4 to 4 in. ; Bedstead Tubing, 3/ 8 to 3 in.; Flush Joint Tubing, 3 to 18 in.; Allison Vanishing Thread Tubing, 2 to 8 in., ends upset, 11/4 to 8 in., ends not upset; Special Rotary Pipe, 2 1/2 to 6 in.; South Penn Casing, 53/i 6 to 12 1/2 in. ; Reamed and Drifted Pipe, 2 to 6 in. ; Air-line Pipe, 1 1/2 to 6 in. ; Drill Pipe, 4 to 6 in. ; Dry-kiln Pipe, 1 and 1 1/4 in. ; Tuyere Pipe, 1 and H/4 in. TUBULAR ELECTRIC LINE POLES. For railway work the poles most used are 30 ft. long, and are com- posed of 7-in., 6-in., and 5-in. pipe. Anchor poles are usually 8-in., 7-in., and 6-in., but often they are made of larger pipe. Full directions for designing such poles are given in the National Tube Co.'s Book of Standards, which contains 38 pages of tables of dimensions, load, de- flection, etc., of poles of different sizes and weights. PROTECTIVE COATINGS FOR PIPE. (1) Galvanizing The pipe cleaned from scale and rust by pickling in warm dilute sulphuric acid, washed, immersed in an alkaline bath, dried and immersed in molten zinc. (2) Bituminous Coating The cleaned, dried and warmed pipe is dipped in a bath of refined coal tar pitch, free from water and the lighter oils, at a temperature not below 212, and then baked. (3) "National Coating." The bituminous coated pipe, after baking is wrapped with a strip of fabric saturated with the hot compound, the edges of the fabric overlapping. VALVES AND FITTINGS. (From Information Furnished by National Tube Co., 1915.) Wrought pipe is usually connected in one of three ways, screwed, flanged or leaded joints. Screwed. Pipe in sizes from i/g m. to 15 in. inclusive is regularly threaded on the ends, and is connected by means of threaded couplings. Flanged. Pipe in sizes 11/4 inches and larger is frequently connected by drilled flanges bolted together, the joint being made by a gasket between the flange faces. Flanges are attached to the pipe in a variety of ways. The most common method for sizes of. pipe from U/4 in. to 15 in. inclusive is by screwing them on the pipe. Many prefer peened flanges for pipe larger than 6 in. The peened flange is shrunk on the end of the pipe, and the latter is then peened over or expanded into a recess in the flange face. Steel flanges are also welded to pipe and loose flanges are used by flanging over the pipe ends. When no method of attaching is stated, screwed flanges are always furnished. VALVES AND FITTINGS. 207 Working Pressures. All valves and fittings are classified, as a rule, under five general headings, representing the working pressures for which they are suitable, as follows: Low Pressure, up to 25 pounds per square inch. Standard, up to 125 pounds per square inch. Medium Pressure, from 125 pounds to 175 pounds per square inch. Extra Heavy, from 175 pounds to 250 pounds per square inch. Hydraulic, for high pressure water up to 800 pounds per square inch. The following table gives the names of different valves and fittings, the material of which they are made, and the regular sizes manu- factured for the different pressures (L, low; S, standard; M, medium; E, extra heavy ; H , hydraulic) : SCREWED FITTINGS. Malleable Iron S, E, H, sizes 1/8 to 8 in. Cast Iron S, E, 1/4 to 12 in. FLANGED FITTINGS. Cast Iron L, S, E, H, sizes 2 in. and larger. GATE VALVES. Brass L S M E If up to 3 in. Iron Body, sizes. . 12 to 48 2 to 30 2 to 18 1 1/4 to 24 H/2 to 12 in. GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. Brass S, i/s to 4; M, 1/4 to 3; E, 1/2 to 3; H, 1/2 to 2 Iron Body S, 2 to 12; E, 2 to 12 CHECK VALVES. Brass S, M, E, H, sizes l/s to 3 in. Iron Body L, S, M , E, H, ' 2 to 12 in. COCKS, STEAM AND GAS. Brass sizes 1/4 to 3 in. Iron Body * 1/2 to 3 in. Nipples. Nipples are made in all sizes from i/g in. to 12 in. in- clusive, in all lengths, either black or galvanized, and regular right- hand or right- and left-hand threads. (For table of nipples see National Tube Co.'s Book of Standards.) Long screws or tank nipples are made of extra heavy pipe because there is less danger of crushing or splitting them when screwing up. Screwed Fittings Malleable Iron. Standard Malleable Iron Fittings are made both plain and beaded. The former are generally used for low pressure gas and water, as in house plumbing and railing work. The beaded is the standard steam, air, gas, or oil fitting. Beaded fittings, in sizes 4 in. and smaller, are made in nearly every useful combination of openings. Sizes larger than 4 in. are not usually made reducing except by means of bushing. Extra heavy and hydraulic malleable iron fittings are flat bead, or banded. Screwed Fittings Cast Iron. It is not considered good practice to use screwed cast-iron fittings of any kind in sizes larger than 6 in. Flanged Fittings. The flanges of the low pressure and standard are the same with the exception of the flange thickness, which is less on the low pressure. These flanges are known as the American Standard. (See pp. 209, 210.) There is no recognized standard for flanges in hydraulic work. Unions. Unions are usually classified under two headings, Nut unions and Flange unions. Nut unions are commonly used in sizes 2 in. and smaller, and flange unions in sizes larger than 2 in. However, many manufacturers make nut unions as large as 4 in. and flange unions smaller than 2 in. Nut unions are made in malleable iron, brass, and malleable iron, and ail brass. The all malleable iron union (lip union) is the standard malleable iron union of the trade and requires a gasket. The brass and malleable iron union is a better union, because no gasket is re- quired and there is no possibility of the parts rusting together. The pipe end of this union which carries an external thread, called the 208 MATERIALS. thread end, upon which the ntit or ring screws, is made of brass, and the other pipe end (called the bottom) and nut ring are made of malleable iron. The seat formed by the brass and iron pipe ends, when brought together, is truly spherical and the harder iron is sure to make a perfect joint with the softer brass. All-brass unions are made with a spherical or conical seat, no gaskets being required. The finished all-brass union is often used where showy work is desired, such as oil piping for engines, etc. Flange unions are made of malleable iron, malleable iron and brass, cast iron, and cast iron and brass. The type of flange union recommended for standard work is made with a brass to iron non-corrosive ball joint seat which requires no gasket to make a tight joint even when the pipe alignment is imperfect. The flange is loose on the collar, so that the bolts match the holes in any position. Valves and Cocks. The most common means for regulating the flow of fluids in pipes is by means of valves and cocks, valves being pre- ferred because of the easier operation and greater reliability. The common types of valves are straightway or gate, globe, and angle. A globe valve offers more resistance to the flow of any fluid than the straightway valve. Globe and Angle Valves. Many manufacturers make a globe and angle valve known as light standard or competition valve, but it is not recommended for any work except the lowest pressures, or where the valve will not be often opened or closed. Cocks. Among the modern types of cocks is one made with iron body and brass plug. This cock has an inverted plug with a spring at the bottom constantly pressing the plug against the seat, which reseats the plug if it should stick. These cocks are tested to 250 Ib. cold-water pressure, and 125 Ib. compressed-air pressure under water, and are recommended for 125 Ib. working pressure. Blast Furnace Fittings. Tuyere cocks and tuyere unions used in blast furnace piping are always made of brass on account of ease in disconnecting, greater reliability of metal and resistance to corrosion from the impurities in the water, such as sulphuric acid. STANDARD PIPE FLANGES (CAST IRON). The following tables showing dimensions of standard pipe flanges were adopted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Master Steam and Hot Water Fitters' Association, and a committee representing the manufacturers of pipe fittings. They represent a compromise between the standards adopted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Master Steam and Hot Water Fitters' Association hi 1912, known as the 1912 U. S. Standard, and the stand- ards adopted by a conference of manufacturers in July, 1912, known as the Manufacturers' standard. The new standards, given in the tables, are called the American Standard, and became effective Jan. 1, 1914. The table of flanges for extra heavy fittings is for working pressures up to 250 Ib. per sq. in. The table for ordinary fittings is for working pressures up to 125 Ib. per sq. in. In the tables, the values of T X T) stresses in pipe walls were calculated from the formula S = - . > where p = working pressure, Ib. per sq. in., t = thickness of pipe, in., and r = radius of pipe, in. The highest stress was found to be 2000 Ib. per sq. in. on the 250-lb., 46- and 48-in. pipe walls, giving a factor of safety of about 10. The desirable thickness of pipe (Col. 2) is calculated from the formula T = PA* 3 -P + 0.333/1 - -^ Jl.2. where p = pressure, Ib., per sq. in., 5 = 1800, and d = diameter of pipe. The minimum thickness in even fractions of an inch is given in Col. 3. The following approximate formulae were also used for ordinary fittings: Diam. of bolt circles = 1.10 d + 3. Flange thick- ness (for pipe diameters 26 to 100 in. inclusive) = 0.0315 d + 1.25. For extra heavy fittings the formulae are: Bolt circle = 1.171d+3.75; Flange thickness = 0.0546 d + 1.375 (for sizes 10 to 48 in. inclusive). American Standard Cast Iron Pipe flanges for Pressures Up to Lb. per Sq. In. (All Dimensions in Inches.) r r Pipe Flanges. Bolts. fc Thickness E jj i o Jj ^ .S a f- See Fig. 75, p. 210 S & |i n & W OH ! Q IS H if 0) g 5 I! CU *M g& A B C 1 0.43 7/16 143 4 7/16 I 1/2 3 ~4 7/16 0.093 264 9/16 2.12 ^9l U2T 1 1/4 0.44 7/16 178 41/2 1/2 15/8 33/8 4 7/16 0.093 412 9/16 2.38 0.91 L47 H/2 0.45 7/16 214 9/16 13/4 37/8 4 1/2 0.126; 438 5/82.731.00 1.73 2 0.46 7/16 286 6 5/8 2 43/4 4 5/8 1 0.202 486 3/4 ! 3.35 1.21 2.14 21/2 0.48 7/16 357 7 11/16 21/4 51/2 4 5/8 0.202 750 3/4 3.88 1.21 2.67 '3 0.50 7/16 428 71/2 3/4 21/4 6 4 5/8 i 0.202 1093 3/4 4.23 1.21 3.02 31/2 0.52 7/16 500 81/2 13/16 21/2 7 4 5/8 0.202 1488 3/4 4.94 1.21 3.73 4 0.53 1/2 500 9 15/16 21/2 71/2 8 5/8 '0.202 972 3/4 2.87 1.21 1.56 41/2 0.55 1/2 562 91/4 15/16 23/8 73/4 8 3/4 0.302 823 7/8^2.96 1.44 1.52 5 0.56 1/2 625 10 15/16 21/2 81/2 8 3/4 0.302 1016 7/8 3.25 1.44 1.81 6 0.60 9/16 667 11 21/2 91/2 8 3/4 0.302 1463 7/8 3.63 1.44 2.19 7 0.63 5/8 700 12l/ 2 1/16 23/4 103/4 8 3/4 '0.302 1991 7/84.11 1.44 2.67 8 0.66 5/8 800 131/2 1/8 23/4 113/4 8 3/4! 0.302 2600 7/8 4.50 1.44 3.06 9 0.70 H/16 818 15 1/8 3 131/4112 3/4 0.302 2194 7/ 8| 3.43 1 .44 1 .99 10 0.73 3/4 833 16 8/18 3 141/4112 7/8 0.420 1948 3.69 1 .66 2.03 12 0.80 13/16 923 19 1/4 31/2 17 12 7/8 0.420 2805 4.40 1.66 2.74 14 0.86 7/8 1000 21 3/8 31/2 183/4 12 0.5502915 1/8 4.86 1 .88 2.98 15 0.90 7/8 1072 221/4 3/8 35/8 20 16 1 0.5502510 1/83.90 1.88 2.02 16 0.93 1000 231/2 7/16 33/4 21 1/4 16 1 0.550 2856 1/8 4.14 1.88 2.26 18 1.00 1/16 1059 25 9/16 31/2 223/4 16 1 l/s 0.694 2865 1/44.44 2.09 2.35 20 1.07 1/8 1111 271/2 H/16 33/4 25 20 1 1/8 0.694 2829 1/4 3.91 2.09 1.82 22 24 1.13 1.20 3/16 1/4 1158 1200 13/16 7/8 33/4 271/4 291/2 20 20 1 1/4 0.893 2660 l/iO.8933166 1 3/8 4.2612.31 1 3/ 8 ;4.62l2.31 1.95 2.31 26 1.27 5/16 1238 341/4 2 41/8 313/4 24 1 1/4 0.893 3096 13/8 4.14 2.31 1.83 28 30 1.33 1.40 3/8 7/16 1273 1304 361/2 383/4 2 1/16 2 1/8 4i/ 4 | 34 ' 43/ 8 l 36 28 28 1 l / 4 10. 893 1 3078 13/ 8 1.057 12985 1 3/8 3.81 1/2 4.03 2.31 2.53 1.50 1.50 32 1.47 1/2 1333 413/4J2 1/4 47/8 381/2 28 1 1/2 1.294 2775 5/8 4.31 2.75 1.56 34 1.54 9/16 1360 433/42 5/i 6 47/8 401/2 32 H/2 .294274 1 5/8 3.97 2.75 1.22 36 1.60 5/8 1385 46 2 3/ 8 5 423/4 32 1 1/2 .294 3073 15/8 4.19 2.75 1.44 38 1.67 H/16 1407 483/4 2 3/ 8 53/8 451/4 32 1 5/8 .515 2924 1 3/4 4.43 2.96 1.47 40 1.73 3/4 1428 503/42 1/2 53/ 8 471/4 36 1 5/8 .515 2880 13/4 4.11 2.96 1.15 42 1.82 13/16 1448 53 2 5/8 5l/ 2 49i/ 2 36 1 5/8 .5153175 13/4 4.31 2.96 1.35 44 1.87 7/8 11467 551/4 2 5/ 8 5 5/8 51 3/ 4 40 15/8 .515 3136 1 3/ 4 4.06 2.96 1.10 46 1.94 115/ie 1484 571/42H/16 55/8 533/4 40 1 5/8 .515 3428 18/4 4.22 2.96 1.26 48 2.00 2 1500 591/212 3/ 4 53/4 56 44 1 5/8 .515 3393 13/4 3.98 2.96 1.02 50 52 2.07 2.14 21/16 21/8 1515 1530 SI'" 2 3/4 2 7/8 57/8 6 581/444 60 1/2 44 13/4J .746)3195 1 3/ 4 { .746 3456 7/8|4.14 7/84.30 3.19 3.19 0.95 1.11 54 2.20 23/16 1543 661A3 161/s 62 3/4 44 13/4 .746 3726 17/8 4.45 3.19 1.26 56 2.27 21/4 1555 683/4 3 163/8 65 48 13/4 .746 3674 1 7/8 4.26 3.19 1.07 58 2.34 2 5/16 1567 71 3 1/8 61/2 671/4 48 1 3/4 .746 394 17/fi 4.4013.19 1.21 60 2.41 27/ie 1538 73 3 1/8 61/2 691/4 52 13/4 .7463892 1 7/8 4.19 3.19 1.00 62 2.47 2 1/2 1550 753/4 3 1/4 67/8 713/4 52 1 7/8 12. 051 3538 2 4.34 3.41 0.93 64 2.54 2 9/16 1561 78 3 1/4 7 74 52 7/8 2.051 3770 2 4.48 3.41 1.07 66 2.61 25/ 8 1572 80 3 3/g 7 76 52 7/ 8 2.051 4010 2 4.60 3.41 1.19 68 2.68 2H/16H582 821/43 3/8 71/8 781/4 56 7/8 2.051 3952 2 4.38 3.41 0.97 70 2.74 23/4 11591 84l/ 2 13 1/2 71/4 801/2 56 7/8 ! 2. 051 4188 2 4.51 3.41 1.10 72 2.81 213/ie '1600 86 1/2 3 1/2 71/4 821/2 60 7/ 8 2.051 4136 2 4.33 3.41 0.92 74 2.88 27/ 8 1609 881/213 5/ 8 71/4 841/2 60 7/8 2.051 4368 2 4.44 3.41 1.03 76 2.94 215/16 1617 903/43 5/8 73/8 861/260 7/82.051 4608 2 4.54 3.41 1.13 78 3.01 3 1625 93 - 3 3/4 71/2 883/4 60 2 2.302 432 21/8 4.66 3.63 1.03 80 3.08 31/16 1633 951/4 3 3/ 4 75/8 91 60 2 2.302 4549 2l/ 8 !4.78 3.63 1.15 82 3.15 31/8 1640 971/23 7/8 73/4 931/4 60 2 2.302 4779 2 l/s 4.90 3.63 1.27 84 3.21 33/16 1647 993/43 7/ 8 77/8 951/2 64 2 2.302 4702 21/8 4.68 3.63 1.05 86 3.28 31/4 1653 102 4 8 973/4 64 2 2.302 4928 2 l/8,'4.79 3.63 1.16 88 3.35 35/16 1660 1041/4 4 81/8 100 68 2 2.302 4857 2 l/s 4.60 3.63 0.97 90 3.41 33/8 1667 s 106 1/2 4 1/8 81/411021/4 6821/s 2.648 4416 21/4 !4.71 3.83 0.88 92 3.48 31/2 16431083/44 l/s 83/ 8 104 1/2 68 21/8^2.648 4615 2 1/4 4.81 3.83 0.98 94 3.55 39/16 1649 111 4 1/4 8.1/2 1061/468 21/8 2.648 4817 21/4 4.89 3.83 1.06 96 98 100 3.62 3.68 3.75 35/8 3H/16 33/4 1655 1131/4 1661 1151/s 1667J1173/4 41/4 85/81081/216821/43.023440 4 S/g Is 3/4 110 3/ 4 |68 2 1/4 3.023 4587 4 3/8 |87/ 8 ;113 |68l2 1/413.023 4776 2 3/8 4.99 4.06 23/85.094.06 23/ 8 5.20l4.06 0.93 1.03 1.14 210 MATERIALS. The last three columns of the table refer to the sketch Fig. 75, and show the distances between bolt holes, the maximum space occupied by the nuts and the minimum t-*-B->j space between adjacent nuts, all measured on /-f-\ '/i~\! tne cnor d- Bolt holes are to straddle the center /. ; \ !(--} V- une ' ancl are to De Vs in. larger in diameter than \ /^ C J\ / the bolts. Standard weight fittings and flanges j~ ^ are to be plain faced, but extra heavy fittings and flanges are to have a raised surface i/ie in. high (On Chord) inside of bolt holes for gaskets. Square head bolts with hexagonal nuts are recommended, but for Fig. 75. bolts is/g in. diameter and larger, studs with a nut on each end may be substituted. Flanges are to be spot bored for nuts for sizes 32 in. to 100 in. inclusive. For super- heated steam, steel flanges, fittings and valves are recommended. American Standard Extra Heavy Cast Iron Pipe Flanges For Pressures up to 250 Lb. per Sq. In. (All Dimensions in Inches.) Pipe | d Flanges. Bolts. See Fig. 75, p. 210. g Thickness.^ i "8 1 . fe d d 0) o 8 ij sl I w P< i Thickn. 8 g | Numbe IA > a 1 43 co * * 4J> rt 55 PQ A B C ~y 0.45 1/2 250 41/2 H/16 13/4 31/4 4 1/2 0.126 389 5/8 2.29 .00 1.29 H/4 0.47 1/2 312 5 3/4 17/8 33/4 4! 1/2 0.126 609 5/8 2.65 .00 1.65 , U/2 0.49 1/2 375 6 13/18 21/4 41/2 4 5/80.202 547 3/43.17 .21 1.96 0.51 1/2 500 61/2 7/8 21/4 5 4 5/ 8 0.202 972 3/4 3.53 .21 2.32 21/2 0.53 9/16 555 71/2 | ' 21/2 57/g 4 3/4,0.302 1016 7/8 4.15 .442.71 3 0.56 9/16 667 81/4 1 1/8 25/8 65/ 8 ! 8 3/4 0.302 731 7/8 2.53 .44 .09 31/2 0.59 9/16 778 9 13/16 23/4| 71/4| 8 3/40.302 995 7/ 8 ;2.77 .44 .33 0.61 5/8 800 10 1 1/4 3 77/ 8 3/4 0.302 1300! 7/8 3.01 .44 .57 41/2 0.64 5/8 900 101/2 1 5/16 3 81/2 8 3/t 0.302 1646 7/ 8 '3. 25 .44 .81 5 0.67 909 11 13/8 3 91/4 8 3/4!0.302|2032 7/8 3.53 .44 2.09 6 0.72 3/4 1000 121/2 1 7/16 31/4 105/8 12 3/4 0.302 1950 7/82.75 1.44 .31 7 0.78 13/16 1077 14 31/2J 11 7/8 12 7/80.420 1909 3.07 1.66 .41 8 0.83 13/16 1230 15 15/8 31/213 12 7/8 0.420 2493 3.36 1.66 .70 9 0.89 7/8 1285 161/4 1 3/4 35/ 8 :i4 12 1 0.550 2410 l/s 3.62 1.88 .74 10 0.94 15/16 1333 171/2 17/8 33/4151/4 16 1 0.5502231 1/8,2.97 1.88 .09 12 1.05 | 1500 201/2 2 41/4 173/4 16 11/80.6942546 1/4 3.46 2.09 .37 14 15 16 1.16 1.21 1.27 U/8 13/16 HA 155523 1579 24 1/2 1600:25 1/2 21/8 23/16 21/4 41/ 2 !20l/420 1 i/sO.6942773 1/4 3.17 2.09 43/4 21 1/2 20 1 1 A 1 0. 893 1 2473! 3/ 8 3.36 2.31 43/4J22 1/2120 1 1/4 10. 893 2814 3/ 8 |3.52 2.31 .08 .05 .21 18 1.37 13/8 1636 28 23/8 5 243/4 24 1 1/4 0.893 j 2968 3/ 8 |3.232.31 0.92 20 22 1.48H/2 1666301/2 1.5919/16 176033 21/2 25/8 5 1/4 27 5 1/4 29 1/4 24 24 13/8 1 1/2 .057 3096 .295 3058 1/2 3.52 2.53 0.99 5/8 3.81 2.75 .06 24 1 .70 1 5/8 1846 36 23/4 5 3/4 32 24 1 5/8 .515 3110il 3/4 4.18296 .22 26 1.81 1 13/ie 1793381/4 2 13/16 61/8341/2 28 15/8 .5153126 1 3/4 3.86! 2.96 0.9 J 28 1.91 17/8 1866 403/4 215/1663/8 37 28 15/8 .515!3629j1 3/44.142.96 .18 30 2.02 2 1875 43 3 61/2 391/4 28 1 3/4 1.7463615 1 7/ 8 ! 4.38 3.19 .19 32 2.1321/s. 1882451/4 31/8 65/ 8 41 1/228 1 7/82.051 3501 2 4.64,341 .26 34 36 2.2421/4 1 1889 47 1/2 2.35123/s 189450 31/4 33/8 63/4 43i/ 2 46 28 32 1 7/8 2.051 1 7/82.051 39522 38772 4.873.41 4.503.41 .46 .09 38 2.4627/ 16 1948521/4 37/ie 71/848 32 1 7/8 2.051 43202 4.703.41 .29 40 42 44 46 48 2.562 9/161953541/2 2.67 2 n/16 1953 57 2.78:213/161955591/1 2.8912 7/8 200061 1/2 3.003 : 2000 65 3 9/i 6 7l/4 3 11/16 7 1/2 33/4 .75/8 37/8 73/4 4 l81/ 2 501/4 36 1 7/ 8 ! 2.051 4255 2 4.38 3.41 0.97 523/4J36 1 7/8 2.051 4691 2 4.59 3.41 .18 55 1362 2.302458721/84.793.63 .16 57 1/4 40 2 ; 2.302 4512 2 1/8 4.49 3.63 0.86 603/ 4 402 12.302 4913 2 i/s 4.76 3.63 1.13 * Thickness of flange given in table includes raised face. FORGED AND ROLLED STEEL FLANGES. 211 Forged Steel Flangeslfor Riveted Pipe. Riveted Pipe Manufacturers' Standard.* ll II 72 0) T3 g 3 i 5 Thickness of Flange.* 83 |3 3<2 IS Diam. of Bolt Circle. -2 g 11 W Outside Diam. Thickness of Flange.* o & 0-2 IS Diam. of Bolt Circle. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 j ] 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 J5 5/16 .... 5/16 9/16 5/16 9/16 3/8 9/ 16 3/8 9/i 6 3/8 5/8 3/8 5/ 8 3/8 11/16 7 /16 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 V/18 7/16 7/16 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 43/4 5 15/16 6 15/16 7T,, 10 M 1/4 121/4 13 3/ 8 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 211/4 %,\ %'< 32 34 36 38 V8 3/ 4 V8 3/4 5/8 V8 H/16 7/8 11/16 7/ 8 1 1 12 16 16 16 16 24 28 28 28 V2 5/8 5/8 5/8 V8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 191/4 2H/4 231/8 26 273/4 293/4 313/4 333/4 353/4 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7/16 3/4 7/16 .... 7/16 3/ 4 9/16 3/4 12 12 12 12 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 141/4 15 1/4 161/4 177/ 16 34 36 40 42 40 42 46 48 H/8 H/8 M/8 28 32 32 36 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 373/4 393/4 433/4 453/4 * Flanges for riveted pipe are also made with the outside diameter and the drilling dimensions the same as those of the A. S. M. E. standard (page 209) , and with the thickness as given in the second column of fig- ures under "Thickness of Flange" in the above table. Curved Forged Steel Flanges are also made for boilers and tanks. See catalogue of American Spiral Pipe Works, Chicago. Forged and Rolled Steel Flanges. Dimensions in Inches. (American Spiral Pipe Works, 1913.) Standard Companion Flanges. Standard Shrink Flanges. "3 DD g 8 -. . 3 8 1 .| T3 PJ a a? 1 ^3 S3 8 -8 a a i , fd . . |l O Q |i p |I n 5 w III l| iP "a^ |1 A B C D E A B C D E 2 6 21/8 5/8 1 31/8 4 9 43/8 15/16 23/i 6 53/ 4 21/2 7 21/2 H/16 1 Vl6 35/8 41/2 91/4 47/ 8 15/16 21/4 61/8 ^ 71/3 31/8 3/4 1 1/8 45/16 5 10 57/16 15/16 25/i 6 67/ 8 31/2 81/2 35/ 8 13/16 13/16 47/ 8 6 It 61/2 27/ie 77/8 4 9 41/8 15/16 13/16 53/8 7 121/2 71/2 1/16 21/2 9 41/2 91/4 45/ 8 15/16 5 13/16 8 131/2 81/2 1/8 25/8 10 5 10 51/8 15/16 1 5/16 67/ie 9 15 91/2 1/8 23/4 11 1/8 6 11 I 7/16 7 9/16 10 16 Id 5/8 3/16 3 121/4 7 121/2 7 3/1J 1/16 H/2 85/8 12 19 125/8 1/4 33/8 141/2 8 131/2 1/8 15/8 9 H/16 14 21 137/s 3/8 33/8 157/s 9 15 9 3/i6 1/8 13/4 105/s 15 221/4 147/ 8 3/8 31/2 167/ 8 10 16 105/18 3/16 1 7/8 1 1 15/16 16 231/2 157/ 8 7/16 35/8 18 12 19 125/i 6 1/4 21/16 141/8 18 25 177/s 9/16 37/8 201/8 14 21 131/2 13/8 157/ 16 20 271/2 197/s J 11/16 41/8 22 1/4 212 MATERIALS, Forged and Rolled Steel Flanges. Continued. Extra Heavy Companion Flanges. Is iff 233 Outside Diam. Js Thick- ness. *o . J3-^5 s 3 1* *8 . c -a I* Nominal Size, Ins. Outside Diam. .1 I Q Thick- ness. o 1* i # A B C D E A B C D E 91/8 101/8 113/16 129/ia 145/ 8 1513/w 17 3/i 6 181/4 j* 31/ 2 4l/ 2 6 61/2 71/2 81/4 9 10 ,o./, 121/2 21/8 21/2 31/8 35/8 41/8 45/8 51/8 63/16 7/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 H/4 3/8 7/16 9/16 5/8 3/4 13/16 2 ?/8 33/8 41/16 4H/16 55/16 5 13/16 61/4 6 13/16 77/8 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 14 15 16 171/2 20 221/2 1/2 73/16 83/i 6 93/16 105/ie I25/ 16 131/2 141/2 151/2 1 5/16 13/8 17/16 H/2 1V8 13/4 1 13/16 17/8 21/16 23/16 21/4 23/ 8 29/16 2 H/16 2 13/16 31/16 Extra Heavy High Hub Flanges. Size. A B C D E Size. A B C D E 4 10 43/8 I 1/8 31/8 53/4 18 27 177/ 8 2 5 203/4 " 4 1/2 101/2 47/8 H/4 31/4 61/4 20 291/2 197/g 21/4 5l/ 2 22i/ 2 5 11 57/16 H/4 31/4 7 22 3H/2 21/4 51/2 243/4 6 12l/ 2 61/2 H/4 31/4 7 15/16 24 34 27/16 61/4 27 7 14 71/2 15/16 33/8 .91/8 30 40 27/ W 61/4 33 8 15 81/2 13/8 3l/ 2 105/i 6 36 46 2 7/16 61/4 39 9 16 91/2 17/16 35/8 113/8 42 52 27/16 61/4 45 10 17V2 105/g H/2 33/4 125/s 48 581/4 27/16 61/2 5H/4 11 183/4 115/8 19/16 37/8 135/ 8 54 641/2 27/16 61/2 571/4 12 20 125/ 8 15/8 4 143/4 60 703/s 27/16 .61/2 633/ 8 14 221/2 137/8 13/4 43/8 I63/i 6 66 77 27/16 71/2 69l/ 2 15 23.1/2 147/ 8 1 13/16 41/2 171/4 72 831/s 27/16 71/2 755/ 8 16 25 15 7/ 8 j 17/8 43/4 181/2 The Rockwood Pipe Joint. Tfle system of flanged joints now in common use for high pressures, made by slipping a flange over the pipe, expanding the end of the pipe by rolling or peening, and then facing it in a lathe, so that when the flanges of two pipes are bolted together the bearing of the joint is on the ends of the pipes themselves and not on the flanges, was patented by George I. Rockwood, April 5, 1897, No. 580,058, and first described in Eng. Rec., July 20, 1895. The joint as made by different manufacturers is known by various trade names, as Walmanco, Van Stone, etc. Matheson Joint and Converse Lock-joint Pipe. Sizes, external diameters 2 to 20 in., 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 in. Kimberley Joint Pipe, 6 to 30 in. These pipes are considerably lighter than standard pipe. The Converse and Kimberley joints are made with special forms of ex- ternal hubs, filled and calked with lead. The Matheson joint is also a lead-packed joint, but the bell or socket is made by expanding one of the pipes, the end being reinforced by a steel band. The lead required per joint is less than for other lead- joint pipes of the same diameter. PIPE FITTINGS. Dimensions of Standard Cast-Iron Flanged Pipe Fittings, for Pres- sures up to 125 Lb. per Sq. In. (Adopted March 20, 1914, by a joint committee of manufacturers and of the Am. Soc. M. E.) Dimensions in the tables, pages 213 and 214, refer t9 corresponding letters on the sketches on page 215. For dimensions of flanges and bolts see Table of Standard Flanges, pages 209 and 210. 213 Standard Cast Iron Flanged Pipe Fittings for Pressures up to 125 lb. per Sq. In. (see sketches p. 215.) Size. Tees, Crosses and Ells. Long Radius Ells. 45 degree Ells. Laterals. Re- ducers. Min. Thick- ness of Metal. H/4 j* f>/ 2 3./ 2 41/2 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 A-A fy 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 28 29 30 33 36 40 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 74 78 82 84 88 90 94 96 too 102 106 108 112 116 118 120 124 126 130 134 136 138 142 146 148 A 31/2 33/4 4l/ 2 51/2 6 61/2 71/2 8 81/2 9 10 11 12 14 g.A 161/2 18 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 50 51 53 54 56 58 59 60 62 63 65 67 68 69 71 73 74 B 5 51/2 61/2 73/4 81/2 91/2 101/4 11 V2 123/4 14 151/4 161/2 19 21 1/2 223/4 261/2 IV /2 36l/ 2 39 4H/2 44 '/' 5 si I/2 56* 61 1/2 64 6 V /2 Jl A 76l/ 2 79 8H/2 84 86 1/2 89 9H/2 94 96l/ 2 99 101 1/2 104 1061/2 109 . !!1 1/2 1161/2 119 !ir /2 !' /2 C ] 3 /4 21/4 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 51/2 51/2 6 61/2 71/2 71/2 8 8 81/2 91/2 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 D JV, }| V , 13 Hl/2 15 |5./ 2 18 g* 24 251/2 30 33 341/2 *>/, 43 46 491/2 53 56 59 E 53/4 61/4 8 ,r /2 a* 12i/ 2 131/2 141/2 161/2 171/2 191/2 201/2 2?./, 281/2 30 32 35 371/2 401/2 44 461/ 2 49 F 13/4 13/4 21/2 21/2 3 3 3 31/2 31/2 41/2 41/2 51/2 6 6 61/2 8 81/2 9 9 91/2 10 G "6 " 61/2 J. A 9 10 11 M'/ 2 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 % 98 100 7/16 l^ 7/16 MM 7/16 !/! 7/16 1/2 1/2 1/2 9/16 5/8 5/8 $' % 16 7/8 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 y? 7 /16 1/2 9/16 5/8 "/" 8r ' 15/16 21/16 21/8 23/16 21/4 25/ 16 27/i 6 21/2 29/ 16 25/8 2 H/16 23/4 2 13/16 27/8 2 15/16 31/16 31/8 33/is 31/4 35/ia 33/8 31/2 39/16 35/ 8 3 11/16 33/4 214 MATERIALS. Dimensions of American Standard Flanged Reducing Fittings. Short Body Pattern. (All Dimensions in Inches.) Long body patterns are used when outlets are larger than those in table, and have the same dimensions as straight size fittings. All re- ducing fittings from 1 to 16 in. inclusive have same dimensions as straight size fittings. The dimensions of reducing fittings are always regulated by the reduction of the outlet. 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 56 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 Tees, Ells, Crosses. Laterals. i w ~60~ 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 Tees, Ells, and Crosses. J* Cfl+3 *3 S-o 12 14 15 16 18 18 20 20 22 24 24 26 28 28 30 32 32 34 36 36 38 AA 26 28 28 30 32 32 36 36 38 40 40 44 46 46 48 52 52 54 58 58 62 A 13 14 14 15 16 16 18 18 19 20 20 22 23 23 24 26 26 27 29 29 31 B N " W^ So a* 9 10 10 12 12 14 15 D 26 28 29 32 35 37 39 E F 1 V2 o' /2 H 271/2 291/2 31 1/2 34 i/ 2 38 40 42 S 4 ^ w5 & S-8 40 40 42 44 44 46 48 48 50 52 52 54 56 56 58 60 60 62 64 64 66 AA 66 66 68 70 70 74 80 80 84 86 86 88 94 94 96 100 100 104 106 106 110 A ~33 33 34 35 35 37 40 40 42 43 43 44 47 47 48 50 50 52 53 53 55 B "4? 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 56 57 58 61 62 63 64 65 67 17 l /2 18 19 20 11 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 25 27 281/2 \V h 37 39 Extra Heavy American Standard Flanged Reducing Fittings. Body Pattern. (All Dimensions in Inches.) Short 1 CO Tees, Ells and Crosses. Laterals. | c/5 Tees, Ells and Crosses. ti 05^3 go ^"o AA A K S-^ .3 Q) C/253 So & D E F H II a* 3 AA A K 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 12 14 15 16 18 18 20 20 28 31 33 34 38 38 41 41 14 151/2 161/2 17 19 19 20 l/ 2 201/2 17 1S V2 gv, 24 251/2 26i/ 2 9 10 10 12 34 37 40 44 31 34 37 41 3 3 3 3 8'" 39 43 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 22 24 24 26 28 28 30 32 44 47 47 50 53 53 55 58 22 231/2 >* 2$ i 172 28 291/2 301/2 31 1/2 331/2 341/2 351/2 37i/ 2 Standard Brass Flanges as adopted Sept. 17, 1913, by the Committee of manufacturers on the standardization of Valves and Fittings, to be- come effective Jan. 1, 1914 are listed on page 215. The bolt holes for these flanges are to be drilled i/ie in. greater than the bolt diameter for sizes 2 in. and smaller, and % in. greater than the bolt diameter for sizes 2 l /2 in. and larger. The flanges have smooth, plain faces, and when coupled to extra heavy iron flanges, the latter should have the raised surface faced off. STANDARD BRASS FLANGES. 215 Side Outlet Tee STEAIGHT SIZE FITTINGS. JH 'M**: Laterals REDUCING FITTINGS. Jfoducers The dimensions on these sketches refer to the corresponding letters in the tables of flanged fittings, pages 213 and 214, and also to the reference letters in the tables of screwed fittings, page 216. Standard Brass Flanges. Standard For Pressures up to 125 Lb. Extra Heavy For Pressures up to 250 Lb. Size, In. Diam., In. Thick- ness, In. Bolt Circle , In. No. of Bolts. Size of Bolts, In. Diam., In. Thick- ness, In. Bolt Circle, In. No. of Bolts. Size of Bolts, In. V4& 3 /8 2V2 9 /32 1 n /16 4 3 /8 3 3/8 2 4 7 /16 1/2 3 /4 3 3V2 5 /16 H/32 2V8 2V2 4 4 3 /8 3/8 jv, 13/32 7 /16 23/ 8 2 7 / 8 4 4 ' 1 4 3/8 3 4 7 /16 41/2 V2 3V4 4 V2 H/4 4V 2 1V32 33/ 8 4 7 /16 5 n/32 33/ 4 4 V2 H/2 5 Vl6 3 7 /8 4 V 2 6 9 /16 4V2 4 5 /8 2 6 V 2 43/ 4 4 5 /8 6V2 5 /8 5 4 5 /8 2V 2 7 9 /16 5V2 4 5 /8 7V2 n /16 5 7 /8 4 3 /4 3 ?V2 5 /8 6 4 ' 5 /8 8V4 3/4 6Vs 8 3 /4 3V2 81/2 H/16 7 4 5 /8 9 13/16 7V4 8 3/4 4 9 n /16 7V2 8 5 /8 10 7 /8 7V 8 8 3/4 4V2 9V 4 23/32 73/4 8 3/4 10V2 7 /8 8V2 8 3/4 5 10 3 /4 8V2 8 3/4 11 15 /16 9V4 8 3 /4 6 11 . 13 /16 9i/ 2 8 3/4 12V2 105/ 8 12 3/4 7 12V2 7 /8 10 : V4 8 3 /4 14 Vl6 11 7 /8 12 7 /8 8 131/2 16 /16 11 3/ 4 8 3/4 15 1/8 13 12 7 /8 9 15 15 /16 131/4 12 3/4 16i/ 4 1/8 14 12 1 10 16 141/4 12 7 /8 17V2 3/16 15V4 16 1 12 19 1Vl6 17 12 7 /8 201/2 V4 173/4 16 IV8 '216 MATERIALS. Dimensions of Screwed Cast Iron and Malleable Pipe Fittings, For Steam and Water. (Crane Co., Chicago, 1914.) R = regular fitting; E.H. ~ extra heavy fitting. For meaning of dimensions see sketches p. 215. Dimensions in inches. . Long 5 1 *" Tee, Cross, Ell. Rad. 45 Deg. Ell. Lateral. Reducer.* wng. Ell. Dimension. A B C D E G Size, Ins. Cast Iron. Mall. Mall. Cast Iron. Mall. C.I. C.I. C.I. Mall. R. E. H. E.H. E. H. R. E.H. E.H. R. R. R. E. H. 1/4 13/16 1 i/ifi 3/4 3/4 3/8 15/ie 1 1/4 13/16 7/8 1/2 1 1/8 1 1/2 7/8 1 ' 21/2 1 7/8 3/4 15/16 13/4 1 U/8 3 21/4 1 H/16 1 1 7/16 2" 2 2 1/2 U/8 13/8" 15/16 31/2 23/4 2 1 1/4 13/4 21/4 21/4 3 15/16 H/2 41/4 31/4 21/8 ' 23/8 1 V2 1 15/16 29/16 31/2 17/16 15/8 1 H/16 47/8 313/16 21/4 2 H/16 2 21/4 3 3 4 1 15/16 2 53/4 41/2 27/16 23/16 2l/ 2 2 H/16 31/2 31/2 43/4 1 IS/16 21/4 21/4 61/4 53/16 2 H/16 3 31/8 41/8 41/8 51/2 2 3/16 21/2 21/2 77/8 61/8 2 15/16 3l/ 2 37/16 33/4 4H/16 51/8 45/8 51/8 61/423/8 7 25/8 "29/ie 23/4 25/8 2 13/16 87/8 93/4 67/ 8 75/8 31/8 33/8 41/2 41/16 51/2 55/8 73/4!213/i 6 3 115/8 91/4 35/8 5 47/16 61/8 61/4 31/16 35/ie 115/8 91/t 37/8 6 51/8 71/4 71/4 91/2 37/16 133/4 137/ 16 103/4 43/8 7 5 13/16 81/8 37/8 4 151/4 121/4 4 13/16 8 61/2 91/8 41/4 43/4 1615/i 6 135/8 51/4 9 10 73/16 77/8 4H/16 53/16 47/8 ' 20H/16 163/4 163/4 5 H/16 63/ie 12 91/4 133/8 6 51/2 1 195/s 71/8 * The reducers are for reducing from the size of pipe given to the next smaller size. In addition, malleable reducers are listed for 1 % X Vi,^ l A X 1, 1 Yi X Vi, 2 x 1, 2 X Vi- The dimension G given in the table is the same for these special fittings as for the regular fittings given above. Strength of Pipe Fittings. To determine the actual bursting strength of cast iron fittings, and also to determine the influence of form upon the strength, Crane Co. conducted experiments in which flanged fittings of different sizes and forms were tested to destruction by inter- nal pressure. The experiments showed that the strength of ells is practically the same, regardless of degree, or whether the ell is straight or reducing sizes. Fittings of the same general shape as the tee or cross are of nearly the same strength, and relatively of about two-thirds the strength of an ell. The straight lateral has about one-third the strength of the ell. The following average figures of bursting strength of extra heavy tees and ells are condensed from the company s 1914 catalogue: 12 14 16 18 20 24 1 H/8 13/16 H/4 15/16 H/2 Size of fitting, ins., 6 8 10 Thickness of metal, in. 3/4 13/ 16 15/ 16 Tees, Perro-steel: Burst at, Ib. per sq.in.2733 2250 2160 2033 1825 1700 1450 1275 1300 Tees, Cast Iron: Burst at, lb.persq.in.1687 1350 1306 1380 1100 1025 600 750 700 Ells, Ferro-steel: Burst at, Ib. per sq.in.3266 2725 2350 2133 Ells, Cast Iron: Burst at, Ib. per sq. in. 2275 1625 1541 1275 1075 1250 STANDARD STRAIGHT-WAY GATE VALVES. 217 Length of Thread on Pipe that- should be screwed into fittings to make a tight joint is given by Crane Co. as follows: Size of pipe, in 1/8 Length of thread, in.1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 Size of pipe, in 31/2 4 41/2 Length of thread, in. 11/16 11/ie IVs '2 3/4 1 H/4 H/2 2 21/2 3 '2 V2 Vl6 5/ 8 5/ 8 11/ 16 15/ 16 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13/16 H/4 H/4 15/16 13/8 1 1/2 15/8 VALVES. Dimensions of Standard Globe, Angle and Cross Valves. (Crane Co., 1914.) Iron Body, Brass Trimmings, with Yoke. Dimensions in Inches: B, face to face, flanged; B/2, center to face, flanged (Angle and Cross Valves) ; C, diameter of flanges; D, thickness of flanges; S, center to top of stem, open; O, diameter of wheel. Size. 2 21/2 31/2 41/2 6 B 8 81/2 91/2 101/2 11 12 13 14 B/2 C 6 7 71/2 Bl/2 9 91/4 10 11 D S O Size. 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 B B/2 C D 11/16 H/8 13/16 H/4 13/8 13/8 17/16 S 4 41/4 43/ 4 51/4 51/2 6 61/2 5/8 H/16 3/4 13/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 103/4 1U/4 g* 151/4 151/4 171/4 19 61/2 6l/ 2 71/2 71/2 9 9 10 12 16 17 20 24 28 30 32 8 81/2 10 12 14 15 16 121/2 131/2 16 19 21 221/4 231/2 201/2 23 3/4 28 34 38l/ 2 381/2 41 1/2 Standard Straight- Way Gate Valves. (Crane Co., 1914.) Iron Body. Brass Trimmings. Wedge Gate. Dimensions in Inches: A, nominal size; B, face to face, flanged; C, diam. of flanges; D, thickness of flanges; K, end to end, screwed; N, center to top of non-rising stem; O, diam. of wheel; S, center to top of rising stem, open; Y, center to outside of by-pass; P, size of by-pass; X, number of turns to open. A B C D K N O S Y P X 2 7 6 5/8 57/i 6 113/4 61/2 141/2 7 21/2 71/2 7 H/16 57/8 123/4 61/2 16 8 3 8 71/2 3/4 61/8 141/4 71/2 19 101/4 31/2 81/2 81/2 13/16 61/2 151/4 71/2 2U/4 101/8 4 9 9 15/10 67/8 161/t 9 24 83/4 41/2 91/2 91/4 15/16 71/8 175/s 9 251/ 2 9 5 10 10 15/16 73/8 19 10 28 l/ 2 11 6 101/2 11 1 73/4 203/4 12 313/4 125/ 8 7 11 121/2 H/16 81/4 23 12 371/4 151/4 8. 1H/2 131/2 H/8 83/4 26 14 41 16 9 12 15 H/8 91/4 28 14 443/4 183/4 10 13 16 13/16 97/8 301/4 16 50 20l/ 2 12 14 19 H/4 115/8 351/4 18 571/4 241/8 14 15 21 13/8 391/4 20 663/4 19l/ 2 2 281/4 15 15 221/4 13/8 4U/8 20 693/4 21 2 3H/2 16 16 231/2 17/16 441/4 22 751/4 233/4 3 331/4 18 17 25 19/16 483/t 24 86 243/4 3 351/2 20 18 271/2 1 n/io 521/2 24 91 273/4 4 421/4 22 19 291/2 1 13/16 551/2 27 100 29 4 46 24 20 32 1 V8 62 30 109 301/2 4 50 26 23 341/4 2 657/s 30 1171/2 32 4 65 28 26 361/2 2 1/16 70 36 125 33 4 80 30 30 383/4 2 1/8 75l/ 2 36 133 34 4 921/2 36 36 453/4 2 3/ 8 83 158 l/ 2 39 6 108 218 MATERIALS. Extra Heavy Straight-Way Gate Valves. Ferro-steel. Hard Metal Seats. Wedge Gate. (For meaning of letters, see p. 217.) A B K C D N s P Y X U/4 6l/ 2 51/2 5 3/4 83/4 105/8 5 12 1 V2 . 71/2 61/4 6 13/16 95/8 121/4 51/2 11 2 81/2 7 61/2 7/8 101/2 133/4 61/2 14 21/2 91/2 8 71/2 127/s 16 71/2 15 3 111/8 9 81/4 H/8 145/8 191/2 9 14 31/2 11V8 10 9 13/16 151/2 22 10 16 12 11 10 H/4 173/4 241/2 12 18 41/2 131/4 121/4 101/2 15/16 183/4 27 12 21 5 15 13l/ 2 11 13/8 201/4 293/4 14 23 6 157/ 8 l57/ 8 12l/ 2 17/16 23 341/8 16 H/4 13 28 7 161/4 161/4 14 H/2 243/4 38 18 H/4 141/8 30 8 161/2 161/2 15 15/8 283/4 423/4 20 H/2 157/8 34 9 17 17 161/4 13/4 301/2 47 20 H/2 163/ 8 40 10 18 18 171/2 17/8 333/4 523/4 22 H/3 167/8 39 12 193/4 201/2 2 371/4 60 24 2 197/8 46 14 221/2 23 21/8 423/4 673/4 24 2 205/ 8 52 15 221/2 241/2 23/16 423/4 673/4 24 2 205/ 8 52 16 24 251/2 21/4 751/4 27 3 251/4 60 18 26 28 23/8 821/4 30 3 26 1/2! 67 20 28 301/2 21/2 91 1/2 30 4 30 1/2 74 22 291/2 33 25/8 101 36 4 32 1/4 82 24 31 36 23/4 109 36 4 33 88 For dimensions of Medium Valves and Extra Heavy Hydraulic Valves, see Crane Company's catalogue. NATIONAL STANDARD HOSE COUPLINGS Adopted by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, American Waterworks Association, New England Waterworks Association, Na- tional Firemen's Association, National Fire Protection Association. Dimensions in Inches. 2V2 V4 31/1, 35/ 8 1 V 1 7V 2 7 /8 3.0925 3.6550 1 3V2 l /4 4V4 2.87153.37634.00135.3970 6 1 4.28 4V2 V4 5 3 /4 5.80 ,' The threads to be of the 60 V. pattern with 0.01 in. cut off the top of thread and 0.01 in. left in the bottom of the 2 y 2 -m., 3-in., and 3 l A-ir\. couplings, and 0.02 in. in like manner for the 4 l / 2 -m. couplings. A = inside diameter of hose couplings, N = number of threads per WOODEN STAVE PIPE. Pipes made of wooden staves, banded with steel hoops, are made by the Excelsior Wooden Pipe Co., San Francisco, in sizes from 10 inches to 10 feet in diameter, and are extensively used for long-distance Piping, especially in the Western States. The hoops are made of steel rods witl upset and threaded ends. When buried below the hydraulic grade line and kept full of water, these pipes are practically indestructible. J the economic design and use of stave pipe see paper by A, L, Adams, Trans. 4. S, C, ., vcH, xU, RIVETED HYDRAULIC PIPE. 219 Weight and Strength of Riveted Hydraulic Pipe. (Pelton Water Wheel, San Francisco, 1915.) Thickness. 4-in. 5-in. 6-in. 7- n. 8-in. Gauge. In. 18 16 14 12 10 0.050 .062 .078 .109 .140 S 555 693 866 W 2.8 3.7 4.4 S 444 555 693 W 3.5 4 4 5.5 S 370 462 578 .808. W 4.1 5.2 6.4 8.8 S 317 396 495 693 W 4.7 5.9 7.3 10.0 5 277 346 433 606 777 W 5.3 6.7 8.2 11.5 14.5 9-in. 10-in. 11 -in. 12-in. 14-in. " 16 14 12 10 8 0.062 .078 .109 .140 .171 3 /16 308 385 539 693 7.5 9.2 12.6 16.4 277 346 485 623 761 832 8.3 10.2 14.2 18.0 21.5 23.5 252 314 439 565 693 757 9.0 11.0 15.2 19.3 23.5 25.5 231 289 404 519 635 693 9.9 1Z.2 16.7 21.0 25.6 27.7 198 248 346 445 543 594 11.4 14.0 19.2 24.2 29.5 31.9 15-in. 16-in. 18-in. 20-in. 22-in. 16 14 12 10 8 0.062 .078 .109 .140 .171 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 185 231 323 415 507 555 739 12.0 14.0 20.3 25.7 30.4 34.0 45.5 173 217 303 388 475 520 693 866 12.8 16.0 21.5 27.3 33.3 36.0 48.2 60.6 154 193 270 346 422 462 616 770 924 14.5 17.8 24.4 30.7 38.4 40.5 54.1 67.7 81.3 139 173 242 311 380 416 555 693 831 970 16.0 19.6 27.3 34.5 41.5 45.0 59.6 74.6 89.5 105.0 126 157 220 283 346 378 505 631 757 883 17.7 21.2 29.2 37.1 45.2 49.0 65.5 81.5 98.0 114.5 24-in. 26-in. 30-in. 36-in. 42-in. 14 12 10 8 0.078 .109 .140 .171 3/16 V4 5 /16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 144 202 259 317 346 462 578 693 808 924 23.7 32.5 40.5 49.2 53.0 71.0 88.5 106.0 124.5 142.0 133 186 239 293 320 427 533 640 747 854 1066 25.5 34.5 43.7 53.0 57.5 76.5 95.5 114.5 134.0 153.0 191.0 162 208 254 277 370 462 555 647 739 924 1108 39.5 50.3 60.5 65.5 87.5 109.0 130.5 151.5 174.5 220.0 264.0 134 173 211 231 308 385 462 539 616 770 924 1078 47.7 60.0 75.0 79.0 105.5 130.0 156.0 182.5 207.0 260.0 312.5 366.0 148 181 198 264 330 396 462 528 660 792 924 69.5 84.7 91.5 122.0 151.0 180.5 211.0 240.5 302.0 361.5 424.0 48-in. 54-in. 60-in. 66-in. 72-in. 8 0.171 3/16 V4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 158 173 231 289 346 404 462 578 693 808 924 98 106.0 142.0 177.0 212.0 249.0 284.0 354.0 430.0 505.0 582.0 141 154 205 256 308 359 411 513 616 719 822 110.0 119.0 159.0 198.0 237.0 277.5 316.5 399.5 479.5 563.5 647.5 127 139 185 231 277 323 370 462 555 647 739 121.0 131.0 175.0 218.0 261.0 303.0 349.0 440.0 528.0 620.0 712.0 127 168 210 252 294 336 420 504 588 672 144.5 193.0 239.0 286.5 334.0 382.0 480.0 577.5 677.0 777.5 115 154 193 231 270 308 385 462 539 616 158.0 211.0 260.0 312.0 365.0 414.0 520.0 624.0 732.0 840.0 Pipe made of sheet steel plate, ultimate tensile strength 55,000 Ibs. per sq. in., double-riveted longitudinal joints and single-riveted circular joints. Strength of longitudinal joints, 70%. Strain by safe pressure, 1/4 of ulti- mate strength. 220 MATERIALS. Riveted Iron Pipe. (Abendroth & Root Mfg. Co.) Sheets punched and rolled, ready for riveting, are packed in con- venient form for shipment. The following table shows the iron and rivets required for punched and formed sheets. Number Square Feet of Iron Required to Make 100 Lineal Feet Punched ^ -i 302 Number Square Feet of Iron Required to Make 100 Lineal Feet Punched * u GJ3 and Formed Sheets and Formed Sheets "O O PH when put Together. fl || when put Together. 1~ il Diam- eter in Inches. Width of Lap in Inches. Square Feet. Q, > ^ C"3 Diam- eter in Inches. Width of Lap in Inches. Square Feet. allll 3 1 90 1600 14 U/2 397 2800 4 1 116 1700 15 U/2 423 2900 5 11/2 150 1800 16 U/2 452 3000 6 U/2 178 1900 18 U/2 506 3200 7 U/2 206 2000 20 U/2 562 3500 8 U/2 234 2200 22 U/2 617 3700 9 U/2 258 2300 24 U/2 670 3900 10 H/2 289 2400 26 U/2 725 4100 11 11/2 314 2500 28 U/2 779 4400 12 1 1/2 343 2600 30 U/2 836 4600 13 369 2700 36 U/2 998 5200 Spiral Riveted Pipe. Approximate Bursting Strength. Pounds per Square Inch. (American Spiral Pipe Works, Chicago, 1915.) Inside Diam. Inches. iniCKness. \j. &. oiaiiuaru oauge. No.20. No. 18. No. 16. No. 14. No. 12. No. 10. No. 8. No. 6. No. 3 (V4"). 3 1500 2000 4 1125 1500 1875 5 900 1200 1500 6 1000 1250 1560 2170 7 860 1070 1340 1860 8 750 935 1170 1640 9 835 1045 1460 10 750 935 1310 11 680 850 1200 12 625 780 1080 1410 13 575 720 1010 1295 14 535 670 940 1210 15 625 875 1125 16 585 820 1050 1290 1520 1880 18 520 730 940 1140 1360 1660 20 470 660 840 1030 1220 1500 22 425 595 765 940 1108 1364 24 390 540 705 820 1015 1250 26 505 650 795 935 1154 28 470 605 735 870 1071 30 435 560 685 810 1000 32 410 525 645 760 940 34 380 490 600 715 880 36 365 470 570 680 830 40 330 420 515 610 750 BENT 'AND COILED PIPES. 221 Weight per Sq. Ft. of Sheet Steel for Riveted Pipe. (American Spiral Pipe Works, Chicago, 1915.) Thick- ness B.W.G. Thick- ness, In. Weight in Lb., Black. Weight in Lb., Galvan- ized. Thickness B.W.G. Thick- ness, In. Weight in Lb., Black. Weight inLb., Galvan- ized. 26 24 22 20 0.018 .022 .028 .035 0.7344 0.8976 1.1424 1.428 0.8844 1.0476 1.2924 1.578 18 16 14 12 0.049 .065 .083 .109 1.9992 2.652 3.3864 4.4472 2.1492 2.802 3.5364 4.5972 Weights based on steel of 489.6 Ib. per cu. ft. Weights of galvanized sheets based on an addition of 0.075 Ib. per sq. ft. of surface. BENT AND COILED PIPES. (National Pipe Bending Co., New Haven, Conn.) Coils and Bends of Iron and Steel Pipe. Size of pipe Inches Vi 3/ 9 1/2 3 /1 j 1 If* 1 lh 2 71/? 1 Least outside diameter 7 ?.ih 3V-> 41/2 6 8 12 16 74 37 31/o 4 41 A> 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 Least outside diameter of coil Inches 40 48 52 58 66 80 9? 10*5 HO H6 Lengths continuous welded up to 3-in. pipe or coupled as desired. 90* Bends in Iron or Steel Pipe. (Whitlock Coil Pipe Co., Hartford, Conn.) Size pipe, I.D 3 }!/ 4 41/o 5 6 8 Q 10 1? Radius of bend . . , 1? 13 15 17 ?0 71 7f 30 36 4"? 48 End 3 31/2 31/o 4 4 4 I 5 5 6 6 Center to face 15 161/2 181/o 21 74 77 31 35 41 48 54 Size pipe, O D 14 16 18 20 ?? ?< | 26 78 30 Radius of bend . . . 60 70 80 90 100 IK ) 70 140 160 End 7 7 7 8 8 f | 10 10 10 Center to face 67 77 87 98 108 11* ! 30 150 170 The radii given are for the center of the pipe. "End" means the length of straight pipe, in addition to the 90 bend, at each end of the pipe. "Center to face" means the perpendicular distance from the center of one end of the bent pipe to a plane passing across the other end. The dimensions given are the minimums recommended. Larger radii than are shown are recommended for flexibility and lesser friction. Flexibility of Pipe Bends. (Valve World, Feb., 1906.) So far as can be ascertained, no thorough attempt has ever been made to de- termine the maximum amount of expansion which a U-loop, or quarter bend, would take up in a straight run of pipe having both ends anchored. The Crane Company has adopted five diameters of the pipe as a stand- ard radius, which comes nearer than any other to suiting average re- 222 MATERIALS. quirements, and at the same time produces a symmetrical article. Bends shorter than this can be made, but they are extremely stiff, tend to buckle in bending, and the metal in the outer wall is stretched beyond- a desirable point. In 1905 the Crane Company made a few experiments with 8-inch U and quarter bends to ascertain the amount of expansion they would take up. The U-bend was made of steel pipe 0.32 inch thick, weighing 28 Ibs. per foot, with extra heavy cast-iron flanges screwed on and refaced. It was connected by elbows to two straight pipes, N, 67 ft., 5. 82 ft., which were firmly anchored at their outer ends. Steam was then let into the pipes with results as follows: 80 Ib. Expansion, Expansion, N, 7/ 8 , S, U/s . Expansion, N, 13/ie, S, 11/2 . Expansion, JV, 11/8 , S, 17/ 8 . Expansion, N, 11/2 . S, 17/ 8 . 50 Ib. 100 Ib. 150 Ib. 200 Ib. Total 1 7/ 8 in. Total 2 in. Total 2 H/iein. Total 3 in. Total 3 3/8 in. Flange broke. Flange broke at 208 Ibs. Straight pipe 148 ft., one end. 80 Quarter bend, full weight pipe. Ibs. Total expansion, 1 3/ 8 . Flange leaked. Quarter bend, extra heavy pipe. Expanded 7/8 in. when a flange broke. Replaced with a new flange, which broke when the expansion was \y% in. Wrought Pipe Bends. (National Tube Co.). The following are given as the advisable (R) and the least allowable (Ri) radii in inches to which pipe should be bent: Size. R. Ri. Size. R. Ri. Size. R. Ri. Size. R. Ri. Size. R. Ri. iv. 3V. 15 18 21 24 10 12 14 16 4V. 6 7 27 30 36 42 18 20 24 28 8 9 10 11 48 54 60 66 32 36 40 44 12 13 14 15 72 84 90 100 48 60 68 76 180.D. 200.D. 22O.D. 24 0. D. 125 150 165 180 90 120 132 144 Bends of 12-in. pipe and smaller to be of full weight pipe; 14 to 16 In. outside diameter, not less than 3/ 8 in. thick; 18 in. and larger, not less than 7/i 6 to 1/2 in. thick. With welded flanges there must be a short straight length of pipe, preferably equal to two diameters of the pipe, between the flange and the bend. Coils and Bends of Drawn Brass and Copper Tubing. Size of tube, outside diameter. .Inches Least outside diameter of coil . . Inches 1/4 3/8 H/2 2 V2 5/8 21/2 3 3/ 4 1 4 H/4 6 13/8 Size of tube, outside diameter.. Inches Least outside diameter of coil. .Inches H/2 9 5/8 li 3/4 2 12 ,2* P 21/2 18 23/4 20 Lengths continuous brazed, soldered, or coupled as desired. SEAMLESS TUBES. Locomotive Boiler Tubes, Seamless. Diameters, external, 11/2, 1 3 A, 17/8, 2, 21/4, 21/2, and 3 in. Nine thicknesses of each size, inch.. .0.095 .109 .110 .120 .125 .134 .135 .148 .150 Birmingham wire gage 13 12 ... 11 ,.. 10 ... 9 ... Shelby Seamless Steel Tubes are made of three classes of open- hearth steel: 0.17 C (0.14 to O'.19%); 0.35 C (0.30 to 0.40%); and 31/2% nickel (0.20 to 0.30 C, 3 to 4% nickel). In all, manganese is from 0.40 to 0.60%; sulphur, 0.015 to 0.040; phosphorus, 0.010 to 0.035%. Hot finished tubes are not given any heat treatment after COLD-DRAWN SEAMLESS STEEL TUBES. 223 NO en tx ! CO in (N O\ NO en oo in co CN in co CN n oo | rs o'---- f 0^- ~ D GO en m vo GO . n oo n oo m co fNeNfNfNenen ONr^in^fNOONt^vOenO^NOenON ' enONOenO^NO. ,_ CN en en ^r * ; >n NO NO O rs CN| en en - 3/8 D 10 oz. 9 5/8 AA 2 3/4 Ib. 21 1/4 AA 5 3/4 Ib. 25 3/8 C 12 10 5/8 AAA 31/2 " t 26 1/4 AAA 63/4 " 28 3/8 B 1 Ib. 13 3/4 E 8 1/2 E 3 12 3/8 ' A 1 1/4 " 15 3/4 D 1 1/4 " 9 1/2 D 3 1/2 " 14 3/8 AA 1 1/2 " 17 3/4 C 13/4 13 1/2 C 4 1/4 " 16 3/8 AAA 1 3/4 " 20 3/4 Spec'l 14 1/2 B 5 19 7/16 13 OZ. 10 3/4 B 21/4 16 1/2 A 61/2 " 24 7/16 1 Ib. 12 3/4 A 20 1/2 AA 7 1/2 " 27 1/2 E 9 oz. 6 3/4 AA 31/2 23 1/2 AAA 81/2 " 30 1/2 D 12 8 3/4 AAA 43/4 29 3/4 D 4 14 1/2 C 1 Ib. 11 E 1 1/2 9 3/4 C 5 17 1/2 B 1 1/4 " 13 D 2 12 3/4 B 6 20 1/2 Spec'l I V2 " 15 C 21/2 14 3/ 4 A 7 23 1/2 A 1 3/4 " 17 B 31/4 18 3/4 AA 81/2 '. 27 1/2 AA 2 " 19 A 4 21 13/4 AAA 10 31 1/2 Spec'l 2l/ 2 " 22 AA 43/4 25 2 D 43/4 ' 14 1/2 AAA 3 26 AAA 6 30 2 C 6 18 5/8 E 3/4 " 7 V4 E 2 10 2 B 7 21 5/8 D 1 " 9 V4 D 2.1/2 12 2 A 8 23 5/8 C 1 V2 " 13 1/4 C 3 14 2 AA 9 26 5/8 B 2 " 16 1/4 B 33/4 17 2 AAA 113/4 " 33 5/8 A 21/2 " 20 1/4 J A 43/4 21 Weight of lead is taken 0.4106 Ib. per cu. in. The safe working strength of lead is about K the elastic limit, or 225 Ib. per sq. in. To find the thickness of lead pipe required when the head of water is given. (Chadwick Lead Works.) RULE. Multiply the head in feet by size of pipe wanted, expressed decimally, and divide by 750; the quotient will be the thickness re- quired, in one-hundredths of an inch. Thus the thickness of a half-inch pipe for a head of 25 feet will be 25X0. 50-5-750 = 0.016 inch. This rule corresponds to a safe working stress of 165 Ibs. per sq.in. It gives thicknesses of small diameter pipes that are much less than those given iii the table below. Weight of Lead Pipe Which Should Be Used for a Given Head of Water (United Lead Co., New York, 1915.) Head or Number of Feet Fall. Pres- sure per sq. inch. Caliber and Weight per Foot. Letter. Vs in. 1/2 in. Vs in. 3 /4 in. 1 in. 11/4 in. 30ft. 50ft. 75ft. 100ft. ]50 ft. 200ft. 131b. 22 Ib. 32 Ib. 44 Ib. 65 Ib. 87 Ib. D C B A AA AAA 10 oz. 12 oz. 1 Ib. 11/4lb. 1 1/2 Ib. 1 3/4 Ib. 3/4 Ib. 1 Ib. 1 1/4 Ib. 1 3/4 Ib. 2 Ib. 3 Ib. 1 Ib. 1 1/2 Ib. 2 Ib. 2 l/ 2 Ib. 23/ 4 lb. 3 i/ 2 Ib. 1 1/4 Ib. 1 3/4 Ib. 2 1/4 Ib 3 Ib. 3 l/ 2 Ib. 4 3/ 4 Ib. 2 Ib. 2 1/2 Ib. 3l/ 4 lb. 4 Ib. 43/ilb. 6 Ib- 2 1/2 Ib. 3 Ib. 33/ 4 lb. 43/ 4 Ib. 5 3/4 Ib. 63/4lb. LEAD AND TIN-LINED PIPE. 227 1 1/2 in., 2 and 3 pounds per foot. " 3 and 4 pounds per foot. *' 3 1/2, 5, and 6 pounds per foot. 3 1/2 " 4 pounds per foot. Lead Waste-Pipe. 4 in., 5, 6, and 8 pounds per foot. 4 1/2 " 6 and 8 pounds per foot. 5 " 8, 1 0, and 1 2 pounds per foot. 6 "12 pounds per foot. Tin-Lined and Lead-Lined Iron Pipe. (United Lead Co., New York, 1915.) Size, In. Wt. per ft., Ib. Size, In. Wt.perft.,lb. Size, In. Wt.perft.,lb. Size, In. Wt. per ft., Ib. Lead Lined. Lead Lined. Tin Lined. Lead Lined. Tin Lined. Lead Lined. Tin Lined. 1/2- A !|g , 13/8 1 V8 21/2 3-1/2 43/ 8 1 13/8 |U 33/4 1 f'A 31/2 61/8 81/2 111/2 14l/ 2 152/3 51/4 71/2 101/6 128/ 10 141/6 41/2 6 7 8 18 21 l/ 2 293/4 36 47 16 26 l/io 191/6 9 10 12 66 75 88 Block Tin Pipe and Tubing. Diam., In. Thick- Wt. Diam., In. Thick- Wt. Diam., In. Thick- Wt. In- Out- ness, i.- ftT In- Out- ness, ir\ per ft., In- Out- ness, ?^ f side. side. n. oz. side. side. in. oz. side. side. in. oz. Tubing. Pipe. Pipe. 1/8 0.25 0.062 1.9 3/8 0.495 0.06 4 5/8 0.800 0.037 10 1/8 .202 .0385 | 3/8 .503 .064 41/2 5/8 .831 .103 12 3/16 .292 .053 2 3/8 .515 .07 5 3/4 .901 .076 10 3/16 .331 .072 3 3/8 .539 .082 6 3/4 .928 .089 12 3/16 .367 .09 4 3/8 .561 .093 7 .172 .086 15 .388 .069 3.1/2 3/8 .584 .104 8 .204 .102 18 PirP 1/2 .632 .066 6 1/4 .436 .093 20 ripe. 1/2 .670 .085 8 !/4 .471 .110 24 1/4 .400 .075 4 1/2 .707 .103 10 1/2 .746 .123 32 1/4 .433 .091 5 1/2 .741 .120 12 1/2 .802 .151 40 5/16 .444 .066 4 5/8 .735 .055 6 2 2.236 .118 40 Vl6 .562 .065 5 5/8 .768 .071 8 2 2.280 .140 48 Weight of tin taken as 0.2652 Ib. per cubic inch. Weight Per Foot of Brass- and Copper-Lined Iron Pipe. (United Lead Co., New York, 1915.) 1/2 3/4 1 13/8 13/8 H/4 H/2 22/3 22/3 3 l/4i 3 1/4 4 1/3! 4 3/8 21/2 4 67/ 10 63/ 4 83/4 88/10 126/ 10 ! |27/io 191/ 2 3 2 i 1A Sll 193/ 4 25 6/ 10 381/2 228 MATERIALS. Lead-Lined pipe is particularly adapted for use in contact with acids, mine water, salt water, or any liquid which has a corrosive action on iron pipe. Lead Covered iron pipe for use in bleacheries, etc., where steam passes through the pipe and the exterior is in contact with acid or cor- rosive solutions is made in commercial sizes of H, %, 1, 1%, 1 ^, 2 and 3 inches. Brass and Copper Pipes, Lined with Tin or Lead, are made in com- mercial sizes of y^, y, 1, 1 1 A, 1^, and 2 inches. Sheet Lead is rolled to any weight per sq. ft. from 1 to 7 Ib. in any width up to 11 ft. 6 in., and from 8 Ib. up, 12 ft. wide. A square foot of rolled sheet lead 1 in. thick weighs approximately 59 Y 2 Ib. Approximate Weight of Sheet Zinc. (Aluminum Co. of America, 1914.) o* fc o 1| *s o" . w -a NM a> ft 4a 6 2 o Is 11 w-a r 6 Is 5-S. > g 1 d 1 g If a* I* i ^j 1 " 1 -4-Jfe i g N HH H ^ N S _c H i 0.002 0.075 8 0.016 0.60 15 0.040 1.50 22 0.090 3.37 2 .004 .15 9 .018 .67 16 .045 1.68 23 .100 3.75 3 .006 .225 10 .020 .75 17 .050 1.87 24 .125 4.70 4 .008 .30 11 .024 .90 18 .055 2.06 25 .250 9.41 5 .010 .37 12 .028 1.05 19 .060 2.25 26 .375 14.11 6 .012 .45 13 .032 1.20 20 .070 2.62 27 .500 18. 8( 7 .014 .52 14 .034 1.35 21 .080 3.00 28 1.000 37.60 Weight of Sheet or Bar Brass. (Compiled from Manufacturers' Standard Tables.) A * -bi oi .^ bib k A aa i* bib -A *Q 08 3 a P j2 M J* ^ 0) t-, II 1 aJ . cr OQ |S 1:- m 11 CO $ 1 In. 1/16 2.77 Lb. 0.014 Lb. 0.011 In. 3/4 33.21 Lb. 2.075 Lb. 1.630 In. 17/16 63.66 Lb. 7.623 Lb. 5.987 1/8 5.54 .058 .045 13/16 35.98 2.435 1.913 H/2 66.42 8.300 6.519 3/16 8.30 .130 .102 38.75 2.824 2.218 19/16 69.19 9.006 7.073 1/4 11.07 .231 .181 15/16 41.51 3.242 2.546 15/8 71.96 9.741 7.651 5/16 13.84 .360 .283 44.28 3.689 2.897 74.73 10.50 8.250 3/8 16.61 .519 .407 '1/16 47.05 4.164 3.271 1 3/ 4 16 77.49 11.30 8.873 7/16 19.37 .706 .555 11/8 49.82 4.669 3.667 1 13/16 80.26 12.12 9.518 1/2 22.14 .922 .724 13/16 52.59 5.202 4.086 17/8 83.03 12.97 10.19 9/16 24.91 1.167 .917 U/4 55.35 5.764 4.527 1 15/16 85.80 13.85 10.88 5/8 27.68 1.441 1.132 15/16 58.12 6.355 4.991 2 88.56 14.76 11.59 11/16 30.44 1.744 1.369 13/8 60.89 6.974 5.478 WEIGHT OF COPPER AND BRASS WIRE AND PLATES. 229 u\ i> O^ vO CO IA O^ co IA ^O in *n ^ ^ co co CN CN CN CN < 5 H ,-^g ( ^rN'? "SJ - fn _. >Tf2oo Cn "" V lAlA ~oin^O^cocs ^CN^f^^^cOCOCN OOOOOO 00O >-2 ^ -M 9 O '0 o . x fNco-^-mvOt^oOO^O CNco^-iAvOf^oOO^O 'SM CNCNCNCNCNCSCNCNCNCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO 1 ^- ,Q . "~. *~". n o| it i ^- u x -.-.-.-. . . -. : ~ -. . . . .-.-.-.;-.-.-. .-. .ja^coco^-' o i Amc^^^a^cooO'.mfcocN on i 'oooooO-^-OMncNO^t^iriTrcocNCN ~- ^ ^ co co CN '3 . O^r>.t > *.CN-*\o JH-J fe m <^ co oo vO IA o*v T}- NO CN o X) < ^oqoocNa>O^O a H^ co co o^ ro <^' \o a <^ co o o> - -<* a^ A CN av t^ vc -^ co co Q -jpO tnOvncNOr^NOiAcococN ^ -5 ~*SK**-RV*4-a*^' 5 ^ ? CO CO CN CN CN CN O O O O O O O O O O O* s 888' 230 MATERIALS. Weight of Aluminum Plates. (Brown & Sharpe Gage.) (Aluminum Co. of America, 1914.) Gage. Thick- ness, In. Wgt., Lb. Gage. Thick- ness, In. '^ Gage. Thick- ness, In. Wgt., Lb. 0000 0.46000 6.406 12 0.080808 1.126 27 0.014195 0.1976 000 .40964 5.704 13 .071961 1.002 28 .012641 .1760 00 .36480 5.080 14 .064084 .8924 29 .011257 .1567 .32486 4.524 15 .057068 .7946 30 .010025 .1396 1 .28930 4.029 16 .050820 .7078 31 .008928 .1244 2 .25763 3.588 17 .045257 .6302 32 .007950 .1107 3 .22942 3.195 18 .040303 .5612 33 .007080 .09854 4 .20431 2.845 19 .035890 .4998 34 .006304 .08778 5 .18194 2.534 20 .031961 .4450 35 .005614 .07817 6 .16202 2.256 21 .028462 .3964 36 .005000 .06962 7 .14428 2.009 22 .025347 .3530 37 .004453 .06201 8 .12849 1.789 23 .022571 .3143 38 .003965 .05521 9 .11443 1.594 24 .020100 .2798 39 .003531 .04917 10 .10189 1.418 25 .017900 .2492 40 .003144 .04378 11 .090742 1.264 26 .015940 .2219 Weight of Sheet or Bar Aluminum (Sp. Gr. 2.68). (Aluminum Co. of America, 1914.) tess, or Dia. & o* bi A o? ti U eJ g3 ,+J s*. O 4 b ts t-i be wjj a .-s 03 j_ 2 o 4 bD 3 ti J II ofGQ a t-> * T3 ,? g !v>2 CQ $ 5 . ^^5 c l| oo M J 4 ^ JH O 3 S 1* e a JB ft GO CT,-| QQ & H 2S 02 JSft CQ * 1? S 33 a OQ c^^ 1- In. Lb. Lb. In. ~LbT Lb. In. Lb. "EET 1/16 0.8690.004 0.003 3/4 10.436 0.652 0.516 1Vl6 20.002 2.396 1.882 1/8 1.739 .018 .014 IS/IB '11. 306 .766 .601 1 1/2 20.872 2.609 2 049 3/16 2.609 .041 .032 7/8 12.175 .888 .697 l/16 21.741 2.831 2.223 V4 3.479 .072 .057 15/16' 13. 045 .019 .800 1 5/ 8 22.611 3.062 2 405 8/16 4.348 .114 .089 1 13.915 .159 .911 1 n/16 123.481 3.302 2.593 3/8 5.218 .163 .128 11/16 14.784 .309 .028 13/ 4 24.350 3 550 2 79 Vl6 6.088 1 .222 .174 1 1/8 15.654 .467 .152 1 13/16 25.250 3.810 2.992 1/2 6.958 .290 .227 13/15 16.524 .635 .284 17/8 26.090 4.075 3.202 9/16 7.827 .367 .288 11/4 17.934 .812 .423 1 15/16 26.960 4.352 3.417 " 5/8 8.697| .453 .356 15/16 18.263 .997 .569 2 27.829 4.638 3.642 H/16 9.5671 .548 .430 13/8 19.133^2.192 1 .722 1 For further particulars regarding aluminum see pp. 380-383; 396-401. Weight Per Foot of Copper Rods, Pounds. (From tables of manufacturers, 1914.) In. Round. Square. In. Round. Square. In. Round. Square. 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 0.04735 .1894 .4261 .7576 1.184 1 .705 2.320 3.030 0.06028 .2411 ' .5424 .9644 1.507 2.170 2.953 3.857 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 a 778 3.835 4.735 5.729 6.818 8.002 9.281 10.65 12.12 4.882 6.028 7.293 8.679 10.19 11 .81 13.56 15.53 2V8 21/4 23/8 21/2 25/ 8 23/4 27/8 13.68 15.34 17.09 18.94 20.88 22.92 25.05 27.27 17.41 19.53 21.76 24.11 26.58 29.18 31.89 34.71 For weight of octagon rod, multiply the weight of round rod by 1.081. For weight of hexagon rod, multiply the weight of round rod by 1.12. SCREW THREADS. 231 SCREW THREADS. Sellers or U. S. Standard. The system of screw threads devised by William Sellers and recom- mended for adoption by a committee of the Franklin Institute in 1864 is now in general use in the United States and is known as the U. S. standard. The angle of the thread is 60 deg. The thread is flat- tened at the top, the width of flat being one-eighth the pitch. The bottom of the thread is filled in, the width of flat at the bottom also being one-eighth the pitch. The wearing surface of the thread is thus three-quarters the pitch. Diana, at root of thread = diam. of bolt- (1.299 -~ No. of threads per in.). Depth of thread = 0.6495 X pitch. For a sharp V thread, with an angle of 60 deg. the formula is Diam. at root of thread = diam. of bolt (1.733 -s- No. of threads per in.). The rules for dimensioning nuts and heads given in the Franklin Institute report are: Let d = diameter of bolt, D = short diameter of rough nut or head, (Continued on page 232.) Dimensions of Screw-Threads, Sellers or U. S. Standard. BOLTS AND THREADS. NUTS AND BOLT HEADS. T3 ^j .JJ ^j a* _p g * . " S "o PQ $ OS'S A JS o Sea Ij S fc w cv ) M .2 g .2 f. 8 "o CO *sj "8 "* oa d Q 1 || Ctf *-i S go S^ 1 3 M| if! 1 5 H 3 | ^PQw ^ "oca w ^W M S i In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. 1/4 20 0.185 0.0062 0.049 0.027 1/2 0.578 0.707 V4 V 4 5/16 18 .240 .0059 .077 .045 19/32 .686 .840 5/16 19 /64 3/8 16 .294 .0078 .110 .068 H/16 .794 .972 3/8 n /32 7/16 14 .345 .0089 .150 .093 25/32 .902 .105 7/16 25 /64 1/2 13 .400 .0096 .196 .126 7/8 .011 .237 V2 7 /16 9/16 12 .454 .0104 .249 .162 31/32 .119 .370 9/16 31 /64 5/8 11 .507 .0113 .307 .202 1 Vl6 .227 .502 5/8 17 /32 3/4 10 .620 .0125 .442 .302 1 1/4 .444 .768 3/1 5 /8 7/8 9 .731 .0139 .601 .420 1 7/16 .660 2.033 7/8 23 /32 8 .837 .0156 .785 .550 1 5/8 .877 2.298 13/16 1 1/8 7 .939 .0178 .994 .694 1 13/1 2.093 2.563 V8 29/32 H/4 7 .065 .0178 1.227 .891 2 2.310 2.828 1/4 13/8 6 .160 .0208 1.485 1.057 23/16 2.527 3.093 3/ 8 i 3/ 3? I 1/2 6 .284 .0208 1.767 1.295 23/8 2.743 3.358 1/2 3 /, fi 15/8 51/2 .389 .0227 2.074 1.515 2.960 3.623 5/8 9 /*2 13/4 5 .491 .0250 2.405 1.746 23/f 3.176 3.889 13/4 3 /8 17/8 5 .616 .0250 2.761 2.051 2 15/16 3.393 4.154 1 7/8 15/32 2 41/2 .712 .0278 3.142 2.302 31/8 3.609 4.419 2 9 /l6 21/4 41/2 .962 .0278 3.976 3.023 31/2 4.043 4.949 21/4 3/4 21/2 4 ' 2.176 .0312 4.909 3.719 37/s 4.476 5.479 21/2 J 5 /16 23/4 4 2.426 .0312 5.940 4.622 41/4 4.909 6.010 3 31/2 2.629 .0357 7.069 5.428 45/8 5.342 6.540 3 2 5 /16 31/4 31/2 2.879 .0357 8.296 6.510 5 5.775 7.070 31/4 2 !/2 31/2 31/4 3.100 .0384 9.621 7.548 53/8 6.208 7.600 31/2 2 U /16 33/4 3 3.317 .0417 11.045 8.641 53/4 6.641 8.131 33/4 27/s 4 3 3.567 .0417 12.566 9.993 61/8 7.074 8.661 4 3 VIP 41/4 27/8 3.798 .0435 14.186 11.328 61/2 7.508 9.191 41/4 3V4 41/2 23/4 4.028 .0454 115.904 12.743 67/8 7.941 9.721 41/2 43/4 25/8 4.256 .0476 17.721 14.250 71/4 8.374 10.252 43/4 3 5/g 5 21/2 4.480 .0500 19.635 15.763 75/8 8.807 10.782 5 3 13 /16 51/4 21/2 4.730 .0500 21.648 17.572 8 9.240 11.312 5V4 4 51/2 23/8 4.953 .0526 '23.758 19.267 83/8 9.673 11.842 51/2 4Vl6 53/4 23/8 5.203 .0526 25.967 21.262 83/4 10.106 12.373 53/4 6 21/4 5.423! .0555 28.274 23.098 91/8 10.539 12.903 6 4 9 /l6 232 MATERIALS. Di = short diameter of finished nut or head ; T thickness of rough nut; Ti = thickness of finished nut; t = thickness of rough head, U thickness of finished head; D = 1.5 d + i/s; A = 1.5 d 4- i/ie; T = d- Ti = d- i/i 6 ; t = y 2 D, ti = 1/2 d - i/ie. The dimensions given by the above formulae for nuts and heads are not generally accepted by the makers of nuts and bolts. The general practice is to make the rough and finished nuts of the same dimensions, otherwise different wrenches would be required for the same size of nut. The dimensions of nuts and bolt heads given in the above table are those adopted by the Upson Nut Co., Hoopes and Townsend, and the U. S. Navy, and agree with the formulae D = 1.5 d + 1/3, T = Ti = d,t = ti = 1/2 -D. Screw-Threads, Whitworth (English) Standard. g' ,d j ,d j 4 j jg ^ ^ 1 9 1 5 9 5 ^ S 8 S a S S Q S 1/4 20 5/8 11 i 8 13/4 5 3 3V? 5/16 ft 7/16 1/2 18 16 14 12 H/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 11 10 10 9 H/8 H/4 13/8 H/2 7 7 6 6 21/4 21/2 4 3V4 33/4 31/4 3V4 '.2 15/16 9 15/8 5 23/4 31/2 In the Whitworth or English system the angle of the thread is 55 degrees, and the point and root of the thread are rounded to a radius of 0.1373 X pitch. The depth of the thread is 0.6403 X pitch. International Standard Thread (Metric System). The form of thread is the same as the U. S. Standard. P = pitch, in millimetres = 25.4 + no. of threads per in. No. of threads per in. =* 25.4 H-P: Diam., mm. 67 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 Pitch, mm. 1.0 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.75 2. 2. 2.5 2.5 2.5 3. 3. Diam., mm. 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 Pitch, mm. 3.5 3.5 4. 4. 4.5 4.5 5. 5. 5.5 5.5 6. 6. 6.5 6.5 7. British Association Standard Thread. The angle between the threads is 47 1 A. The depth of the thread is 0.6 X the pitch. The tops and bottoms of the threads are rounded with a radius of 2/11 of the pitch. Number 0124556 Diameter, mm 6.0 5.3 4.7 4.1 3.64 3.2 2.8 Pitch, mm 1.00 0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.590.53 Number 7 8 9 10 12 14 19 Diameter, mm 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.79 Pitch, mm 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.35 0.28 0.23 0.19 Limit Gages for Iron for Screw-Threads. In ad9pting the Sellers, or Franklin Institute, or United States Stand- ard, as it is variously called, a difficulty arose from the fact that it is the habit of iron manufacturers to make iron over-size, and as there are no over-size screws in the Sellers system, if iron is too large it is necessary to cut it away with the dies. So great is this difficulty, that the practice of making taps and dies over-size has become very general. If the Sellers system is adopted it is essential that iron should be obtained of the correct size, or very nearly so. Of course no high degree of precision is possible in rolling iron, and when exact sizes were demanded, the ques- tion arose how much allowable variation there should be from the true size. It was proposed to make limit-gages for inspecting iron with two openings, one larger and the other smaller than the standard size, and SCREW THREADS. 233 then specify that the iron should enter the large end and not enter the small one. The following table of dimensions for the limit-gages was adopted by the Master Car-Builders' Association in 1883. "o . fl) C 11 a S* II - _O 13^ 1 Difference. 1 1* w ~5/8 3/4 , 7/8 H/8 H/4 11 f If Difference. Size of Iron, In. 11 QjO II -- .O 1 Difference. 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 V2 9/16 0.2550 0.3180 0.3810 0.4440 0.5070 0.5700 0.2450 0.3070 0.3690 0.4310 0.4930 0.5550 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.6330 0.7585 0.8840 1 .0095 1.1350 1 .2605 0.6170 0.7415 0.8660 0.9905 1 .1150 1 .2395 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 0.021 13/8 H/2 15/8 13/4 17/8 .3860 .5115 .6370 .7625 .8880 1 .3640 1 .4885 1 .6130 1 .7375 1 .8620 0.022 0.023 0.024 0.025 0.026 Caliper gages with the above dimensions, and standard reference gages for testing them, are made by the Pratt & Whitney Co., Hartford. Automobile Screws and Nuts. The Society of Automobile Engi- neers (1912) adopted standard specifications for hexagon head screws, castle and plain nuts known as the A.L.A.M. standard. Material to be steel, elastic limit not less than 60,000 Ibs. per sq. in., tensile strength not less than 100,000 Ibs. per sq. in. U. S. Standard thread is used, the threaded portion of screws being 1 K times the diameter. The castle nut has a boss on the upper surface with six slots for a locking pin through the bolt. Standard Automobile Screws, Castle and Plain Nuts. All dimensions in inches. P = pitch, or number of threads per inch. d = diam. of cotter pin. P -4- 8 = flat top of thread. The body diam. of screws is 0.001 in. less than nominal diam., with a plus tolerance of zero and a minus tolerance of 0.002 in. The top shall be between 0.003 in. and 0.003 in. large. D P B Ai H K I A c E d 1/4 28 7/13 7/32 3/16 1/16 3/32 9/32 5/64 1/16 Vl6 24 1/2 17/64 15/64 Vl6 7/64 21/64 3/32 5/64 1/16 3/8 24 9/16 21/61 9/32 3/32 1/8 13/32 1/8 1/8 3/32 7/16 20 5/8 3/8 21/64 3/32 1/8 29/64 1/8 1/8 3/32 1/2 20 3/4 7/16 3/8 3/32 1/8 9/16 3/16 1/8 3/32 9/16 18 7/8 31/64 27/64 3/32 1/8 39/04 3/16 5/32 1/8 5/8 18 15/16 35/64 15/32 3/32 1/8 23/32 1/4 5/32 1/8 H/16 16 1 19/32 33/64 3/32 1/8 49/64 1/4 5/32 1/8 3/1 16 H/16 21/32 9/16 3/32 1/8 13/16 Vl 5/32 1/8 7/8 14 1 V4 49/o 21/32 3/32 1/8 29/32 1/4 5/32 1/8 1 14 17/10 7/8 3/4 3/32 Vs 1 1/4 5/32 1/8 H/8 12 15/8 63/64 27/32 5/32 7/32 15/32 5/16 7/32 H/04 M/4 12 1 13/16 1 3/32 15/16 5/32 7/32 H/4 5/16 7/32 H/64 13/8 U/2 12 12 2 23/16 1 13/64 15/16 H/32 H/8 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 1 13/32 H/2 3/8 3/8 1/4 1/4 13/04 13/64 234 MATERIALS. The Acme Screw Thread. The Acme Thread is an adaptation of the commonly used style of worm thread and is intended to take the place of the square thread. It is a little shallower than the Worm thread, but the same depth as the square thread and much stronger than the latter. The angle of the thread is 29. The various parts of the Acme .Thread are obtained as follows: Width of point of tool for screw* or tap thread = (0.3707 -5- No. of Threads per in.) - 0.0052. Width of screw or nut thread = 0.3707 *- No. of Threads per in. Diam. of Tap = Diam, of Screw + 0.020. Diam - of Screw - -0.020 *F F-H - No. of Threads per in. Depth of Thread = | 1 -5- (2 X No. of Threads per in.) j- + 0.010. The angle of the thread is29 deg. MACHINE SCREWS. A. S.M.E. Standard. Ther American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1907) received a report on standard machine screws from its committee on that subject. The included angle of the thread is 60 degrees and a flat is made at the top and bottom of the thread of one-eighth of the pitch for the basic diameter. A uniform increment of 0.013 inch exists between all sizes from to 10 and 0.026 inch in* the remaining sizes. . The pitches are a function ot the diameter as expressed by the formula Threads per inch The minimum tap conforms to the basic standard in all respects except diameter. The difference between the minimum tap and the maximum screw provides an allowance for error in pitch and for wear of the tap in service. A. S. M. E. Standard Machine Screws. (Corbin Screw Corporation.) Size. Outside Diameters. Pitch Diameters. Root Diameters. Out. No. Dia. and Thds. Mini- mum. Maxi- mum. Dif- fer- ence. Mini- mum. Maxi- mum. Dif- fer- ence. Mini- mum. Maxi- mum. Dif- fer- ence. per In. 0.060-80 0.0572 0.060 0.0028 0.0505 0.0519 0.0014 0.0410 0.0438 0.0028 1 .073-72 .070 .073 .003 .06251 .064 .0015 .052 .055 .0030 2 .086-64 .0828 .086 .0032 .0743 .0759 .0016 .0624 .0657 .0033 3 .099-56 .0955 099 .0035 .0857 .0874 .0017 .0721 .0758 .0037 4 .112-48 .1082 .112 .0038 .0966 .0985 .0019 .0807 .0849 .0042 5 .125-44 .1210 .125 .0040 .1082 .1102 .0020 .0910 .0955 .0045 6 .138-40 .1338 .138 .0042 .1197 .1218 .0021 .1007 .1055 .0048 7 .151-36 .1466 .151 .0044 .1308 .1330 .0022 .1097 .1149 .0052 8 .164-36 .1596 .164 .0044 .1438 .146 .0022 .1227 .1279 .0052 9 .177-32 .1723 .177 .0047 .1544 .1567 .0023 .1307 .1364 .0057 10 .190-30 .1852 .190 .0048 .166 .1684 .0024 .1407 .1467 .0060 12 .216-28 .2111 .216 .0049 .1904 .1928 .0024 .1633 .1696 .0063 14 .242-24 .2368 .242 .0052 .2123 .2149 .0026 .1808 .1879 .0071 16 .268-22 .2626 .268 .0054 .2358 .2385 .0027 .2014 .209 .0076 18 .294-20 .2884 .294 .0056 .2587 .2615 .0028 .2208 .229 .0082 20 .320-20 .3144 .320 .0056 .2847 .2875 .0028 .2468 .255 .0082 22 .346-18 .3402 .346 .0058 .3070 .3099 .0029 .2649 .2738 .0089 24 .372-16 .366 .372 .0060 .3284 .3314 .0030 .281 .2908 .0098 26 .398-16 .392 .398 .0060 .3544 .3574 .0030 .307 .3168 .0098 28 .424-14 .4178 .424 .0062 .3745 .3776 .0031 .3204 .3312 .0108 30 .450-14 .4438 .450 .0062 .4005 .4036 .0031 .3464 .3572 .0108 A. S. M. E. STANDARD TAPS. 235 A. S. M. E. Special Screws. (All Dimensions in Inches.) Old No. New. Outside Diameters. Pitch Diameters. Root Diameters. Outside Diam. and Threads per In. Mini- mum. Maxi- mum. Dif- fer- ence. Mini- mum. Maxi- mum. Dif- fer- ence. Mini- mum. Maxi- mum. Dif- fer- ence. *~j 0.073-64 0.0698 0.073 0.0032 0.0613 0.0629 0.0016 0.0494 0.0527|0.0033 2 .086-56 .0825 .086 .0035 .0727 .0744 .0017 .0591 .0628 .0037 3 .099-48 .0952 .099 .0038 .0836 .0855 .0019 .0677 .0719 .0042 4 .112-40 .1078 .112 .0042 .0937 .0958 .0021 .0747 .0795 .0048 36 .1076 .112 .0044 .0918 .0940 .0022 .0707 .0759 .0052 5 .125-40 .1208 .125 .0042 .1067 .1088 .0021 .0877 .0925 .0048 36 .1206 .125 .0044 .1048 .1070 .0022 .0837 .0889 .0052 6 .138-36 .1336 .138 .0044! .1178 .1200 .0022 .0967 .1019 .0052 32 .1333 .138; .0047! .1154 .1177 .0023 .0917 .0974 .0057 7 .151-32 .1463 .151 .0047 .1284 .1307 .0023 .1047 .1104 .0057 30 .1462 .151 .0048 .1270 .1294 .0024 .1017 .1077 .0060 8 .164-32 .1593 .164 .0047 .1414 .1437 .0023 .1177 .1234 .0057 30 .1592 .164 .0048 .1400 .1 424 .0024 .1147 .1207 .0060 9 .177-30 .1722 .177 .0048 .1529 .1553 .0024 .1277 .1337 .0060 24 .1718 .177 .0052 .1473 .1499 .0026 .1158 .1229 .0071 10 .190-32 .1853 .190 .0047 .1674 .1697 .0023 .1437 .1494 .0057 24 .1848 .190 .0052 .1603 .1629 .00261 .1288 .1359 .0071 12 .216-24 .21Q8 .216 .0052 .1863 .1889 .0026 .1548 .1619 .0071 14 .242-20 ! .2364 .242 .0056 .2067 .2095 .0028 .1688 .1770 .0032 16 .268-20 .2624 .268 .0056 .2327 .2355 .0028 .1948 .2030 .0082 18 .294-18 .2882 .294 .0058 .2550 .2579 .0029 .2129 .2218 .0089 20 .320-18 .3142 .320 .0058 .2810 .2839 .0029 .2389 .2478 .0089 22 .346-16 .3400 .346 .0060 .3024 .3054 .0030 .2550 .2648 .0098 24 .372-18 .3662 .372 .0058 .3330 .3359 .0029 .2909 .2998 .0089 26 .398-14 .3918 .398 .0062 .3485 .3516 .0031 .2944 .3052 .0108 28 .424-16 .4180 .424] .0060 .3804 .3834 .0030 .3330 .3428 .0098 30 .450-16 .4440 .450! .0060 .4064 .4094 .0030 .3590 .3688 .0098 A. S. M. E. Standard Taps. (Corbin Screw Corporation.) Size. Outside Diameters. Pitch Diameters. Root Diameters. Tap Drill . Diameters. No. Out. Dia. and Thds. per In. Mini- mum, In. Maxi- mum, In. Dif- fer- ence. Mini- mum, In. Maxi- mum, In. Dif- fer- ence. Mini- mum, In. Maxi- mum, In. Dif- fer- ence. 0.060-80 0.0609 0.0632 0.0023 0.0528 0.0538 0.0010 0.0447 0.0466 0.0019 0.0465 1 .073-72 .0740 .0765 .0025 .0650 .0660 .0010 .0560 .0580 .0020 .0595 2 .086-64 .0871 .0898 .0027 .0770 .0781 .0011 .0668 .Oo89 .0021 .0700 3 .099-56 .1002 .1033 .0031 .0886 .0897 .0011 .0770 .0793 .0023 .0785 4 .112-48 .1133 .1168 .0035 .0998 .1010 .0012 .0862 .0887 .0025 .0890 5 .125-44 .1263 .1301 .0038 .1116 .1129 .0013 .0968 .0995 .0027 .0995 6 .138-40 .1394 .1435 .0041 .1232 .1246 .0014 .1069 .1097 .0028 .1100 7 .151-36 .1525 .1569 .0044 .1345 .1359 .0014 .1164 .1193 .0029 .1200 8 .164-36 .1655 .1699 .0044 .1475 .1489 .0014 .1294 .1323 .0029 .1360 9 .177-32 .1786 .1835 .0049 .1583 .1598 .0015 .1380 .1411 .0031 .1405 10 . 190-30 .1916 .1968 .0052 .1700 .1716 .0016 .1483 .1515 .0032 .1520 12 .216-28 .2176 .2232 .0056 .1944 .1961 .0017 .1712 .1745 .0033 .1730 14 .242-24 .2438 .2500 .0062 .2167 .2184 .0017 .1896 .1931 .0035 .1935 16 .268-22 .2698 .2765 .0067 .2403 .2421 .0018 .2108 .2144 .0036 .2130 18 .294-20 .2959 .3031 .0072 .2634 .2652 .0018 .2309 .2346 .0037 .2340 20 .320-20 .3219 .3291 .0072 .2894 .2912 .0018 .2569 .2606 .0037 .2610 22 .346-18 .3479 .3559 .0080 .3118 .3138 .0020! .2757 .27.96 .0039 .2810 24 .372-16 .374 .3828 .0088 .3334 .3354 .0020 .2928 .2968 .0040 .2968 26 .398-16 .400 .4088 .0088 .3594 .3614 .0020 .3188 .3228 .0040 .3230 28 .424-14 .4261 .4359 .0098 .3797 .3818 .00211 .3333 .3374 .0041 .3390 30 .450-14 .4521 .4619 -.0098 .4057 .4078 .00211 .3593 .3634 .0041 .3680 236 MATERIALS. A. S. M. E. Special Taps. (Corbin Screw Corporation.) Size. Outside Diameters. Pitch Diameters. Root Diameters. *t No. Out. Dia. and Thds. Min., In. Max., In. Dif- fer- Min., in. Max., In. Dif- fer- Min., In. Max., In. Dif- fer- Q| Sg per In. ence. ence. ence. H M j~ 0.073-64 0.0741 0.0768 0.0027 0.0640 0.0651 0.0011 0.0538 0.0559 0.0021 0550 2 .086-56 .0872 .09031 .0031 .0756 .0767 .0011 .0640 .0663 .00231 .0670 3 .099-48 .1003 .1038 .0035 .0868 .0880 .0012 .0732 .0757 .0025! 0760 4 .112-40 .1134 .1175 .0041 .0972 .0986 .0014 .0809 .08371 .0028 .0820 36 .1135 .1179 .0044 .0955 .0969 .0014 .0774 .0803! .0029 .0810 5 .125-40 .1264 .1305 .0041 .1102 .1116 .0014 .0939 .0967 .0028 .0980 36 . 1 2o5 .1309 .0044 .1085 .1099 .0014 .0904 .0933 .0029 .0935 6 .138-36 .13*> .14:>y .Ou44 .1215 .1229 .0014 .1034 .1003 .0029 .1065 32 .1395 .14*5 .00^9 .1193 .12u8 .0015 .0990 .1021 .0031 .1015 7 .151-32 .1526 .1575 .0049 .1323 .1338 .0015 .1120 .1151 .0031! .1160 30 .1526 .1578 .0052 .1310 .1326 .0016 .1093 .1125 .0032 .1130 8 .164-32 .1656 .1705 .0049 .1453 .1468 .0015 .1250 .1281 .0031 .1285 30 .1656 .1708 .0052 .1440 .1456 .0016 .1223 .1255 .0032 .1285 9 . 177-30 .1786 .1838 .0052 .1569 .1585 .0016 .1353 .1385 .0032 .1405 24 .1788 .1850 .0062 .1517 .1534 .0017 .1247 .1282 .0035 .1285 10 . 190-32 .1916 .1965 .0049 .1713 .1728 .0015 .1510 .1541 .0031 .1540 24 .1918 .1980 .0062 .1647 .1664 .0017 .1377 .1412 .0035 .1405 12 .216-24 .2178 .2240 .00o2 .1907 .1924 .0017 .1637 .1672 .0035 .1660 14 .242-20 .2439 .2511 .0072 .2114 .2132 .0018 .1789 .1826 .0037 .1820 16 .268-20 .2699 .2771 .0072 .2374 .2392 .0018 .2049 .2086 .0037 .2093 18 .294-18 .2959 .3039 .0080 .2598 .2618 .0020 .2237 .2276 .0039 .2280 20 .320-18 .3219 .3299 .0080 .2858 .2878 .0020 .2497 .2536 .0039 .2570 22 .346-16 .3480 .3568 .0088 .3074 .3094 .0020 .2668 .2708 .0040 .2720 24 .372-18 .3739 .3819 .0080 .3378 .3398 .0020 .3017 .3056 .0039 .3125 26 .398-14 .4u01 .4099 .0098 .3537 .3558 .0021 .3073 .3114 .0041 .3125 28 .424-16 .42oO .4348 .0088 .3854 .3874 .0020 .3448 .3488 .0040 .3480 30 .450-16 .4520 .4dOo .00o8 .4114 .4134 .0020 .3708 .3748 .0040 .3770 Wood Screws. Two systems of wood screw threads are in common use, that of the American Screw Co. and that of the Asa I. Cook Co. They are alike as to diameters but differ in the number of threads per inch. Threads Threads Threads per In. per In. per In. No. Diam., In. po- rt O No. Diam., In. llo ^1; No. Diam., In. g CU o* -i 3 /8 3 /4 Via ^ 3 /4 5 /8 Vi 3 /4 3 /4 3 /4 n /16 V 4 !G 1 13 /16 $ i 3 /4 Vs 4V2 Vs 4% IV4 '/: 1V 2 T ! 3 /4 IVs IVs 2 1V 2 T LL ^ 1^1 Hexagon Head Cap-Screws. D H L I VlG ^ 3 /4 5 /8 ' 3 /4 Vs Vs 4V 2 1 3 /4 tf: IVs V 5 s IV* T 1V4 IVs IVs 2 IVs IV, 2 Round and Filister Head Cap-Screws. D H L I ''? 3 /4 V 4 % Vs V 4 ^ 5// 16 $! 3 /4 9 /16 3 /8 3 /4 % 4 # 3 /4 ' 3 /4 w/i, 1 ? n/4 i< iVj IVs Vs 6 1V4 1V4 6 2 Flat Head f 9, Cap-Screws. | V4 1/4 3 /4 Vs 3 /4 2ft 3 /4 6 /8 2V4 3 /4 V 3 /4 13 /16 1 Vs n/4 1 3 U/2 IVs ! 3 /4 'i 4 Button-Head Cap-Screws. D L I 7 /32 1V4 3 /4 VlG 3 /4 VlG % Vl6 2V2 3 /4 5 /8 2 3 /4 3 /4 3 /4 13 /16 1 15 /16 IV4 1 3 1V 1 3 /4 Socket Set-Screws, Length. U /32 Vl6 Va 9 /16 Vs n /16 Vs 1 IV4 Threads are U. S. Standard. On all cap-screws of 1 in. and less in diam. and 4 in. long and under, threads are cut % of the length of body; longer than 4 in. threads are cut 1 A of the length of body. Lengths advance by y in. from minimum to maximum. Oval Head Rivets Approximate Number in One Pound (Garland Nut & Rivet Co., Pittsburgh.) Diam. 7/16 3/8 Vl6 V4 3/16 1/8 Diam. 7/16 3/8 5/16 V4 3/16 V8 Length Length V4 123 262 630 15/8 101/2 16 23 40 71 166 3/8 56 102 210 500 1 3/8 10 15 21 36 68 160 1/2 21 " ' 34" 49 9Q 177 415 17/8 91/2 141/2 20 35 62 145 5/8 19 30 45 78 150 350 2 9 14 18 32 60 140 3/4 17 27 39 70 132 300 21/4 81/2 13 16 29 55 V8 16 24 35 6* 110 280 21/2 8 12 15 27 48 1 15 22 33 56 100 250 23/4 71/2 11 14 25 44 1 Vs 14 21 31 50 96 3 10 13 23 42 H/4 13 20 27 46 88 205 31/2 6 9 12 20 '13/8 12 18 26 44 80 4 8 18 ... ... H/2 11 17 24 42 77 J78 Small rivets are made to fit holes of their rated size; the actual diameter may vary slightly from the decimals given below: Size 3/ 32 7/64 l/ 8 9/64 5/33 11/ M 3/ 10 Approx. diam 094 .109 125 .140 .155 .170 .185 Size 7/32 1/4 9/32 5/ ie 3/g 7/ ie Approx. diam,,., 215 .245 ,275 .305 ,365 .425 WEIGHT OF RIVETS. 239 Weight of 100 Cone Head Rivets. (Hoopes & Townsend, Philadelphia, 1914.) L'gth Under Scant Diameter, In. Head In. Vl 9 /16 5 /s U/16 3 /4 13 /16 7 /8 1 U/8* 11/4* 3/4 8.6 11 .9 15.5 7/8 9.3 12.7 16.5 1 9.9 13.6 17.6 22.4 28.1 34 5 1 l/ 8 10.6 14.4 18.6 23.6 29.6 36.3 1 V4 11 2 15.2 19.6 24.9 31 1 38 1 46 65 13/8 11 .9 16.1 20.7 26.1 32.6 39.8 48 68 93 1 V2 12.5 16.9 21 .7 27.4 34. 41 .6 50 70 96 J27 15/8 13.2 17.7 22.7 28.6 35.6 43 .4 52 73 100 132 13/4 13.8 18.6 23.8 29.9 37.1 45.1 54 76 103 136 17/8 14.5 19.4 24.8 31.1 38.6 46.9 56 78 107 -140 2 15.1 20.2 25.8 32.4 40.1 48.7 58 81 110 145 21/8 15.8 21 :0 26.9 33.7 41.6 50.5 60 84 114 149 21/4 16.4 21.9 27.9 34.9 43.1 52.2 62 87 117 153 23/8 17.1 22.7 28.9 36.2 44.6 54.0 64 89 121 158 21/2 17.8 23.5 30.0 37.4 46.1 55.8 66 92 124 162 25/8 18.4 24.4 31.0 38.7 47.6 57.5 68 95 128 166 23/4 19.1 25.2 32.0 39.9 49.1 59.3 70 97 132 171 27/8 19.7 26.0 33.1 41 .2 50.6 61.1 72 100 135 175 3 20.4 26.9 34.1 42.5 52. 62.8 74 103 139 179 31/4 21.7 28.5 36.2 45.0 55. 66.4 78 108 146 188 31/2 22.9 30.2 38.2 47.5 58. 69.9 83 114 153 197 33/4 24.3 31.9 40.3 50.0 61. 73.4 87 119 160 205 4 25.6 33.5 42.4 52.5 64. 77.0 91 124 167 214 41/4 26.9 35.2 44.4 55.0 67. 80.5 95 130 174 223 41/2 28.2 36.9 46.5 57.5 70. 84.0 99 135 181 232 43/4 29.5 38.5 48.6 60.0 73. 87.6 103 141 188 240 5 30.8 40.2 50.6 62.6 76. 91 .1 107 146 195 249 51/4 32.1 41 .9 52.7 65.1 .79. 94.6 1 1 1 151 202 258 51/2 33.4 43.5 54.8 67.6 82. 98.2 115 157 209 266 53/4 34.7 45.2 56.8 70.1 85. 101.7 120 162 216 275 6 36.0 46.8 58.9 72.6 88. 105.2 124 167 223 284 6l/ 2 38.7 50.2 63.0 77.6 94. 112.3 132 178 237 301 7 41.3 53.5 67.2 82.7 100^ 119.4 140 189 251 319 Wgt. of 4.7 6.9 9.3 12.3 16.1 20.4 26 38 54 75 Hds. * All Rivets larger than one inch are made to exact diameter. Tinners' Rivets. Flat Heads. (Garland Nut & Rivet Co.) k i ! b j? 2 | d S M A P 2 3 s S M * f* g 2 31bs. 31/2 5 6 7 ' Id er ji ~s> . p l| - 8 9 10 12 14 16 0.070 .080 .090 .094 J01 .109 1/8 9/64 5/32 H/64 3/16 3/16 4 oz. 6 8 10 12 14 0.115 .120 .125 .133 .140 .147 13/64 7/32 15/64 1/4 17/64 9/32 1 lb. 1 V4 1 1/2 ,3 /4 21/2 0.160 .163 .173 .185 .200 .215 5/16 21/64 H/32 3/8 25/64 13/32 0.225 .230 .233 .253 .275 .293 7/16 29/ 6 4 15/32 1/2 33/64 17/32 240 MATERIALS. Shearing Value, Area of Rivets, and Bearing Value of Riveted Plates. Shearing Value = Area of Rivet X Allowable Shearing Stress Per Sq. In. Bearing Value = Diameter of Rivet X Thickness of Plate X Allowable Bearing Stress Per Square Inch. Di- am. of Riv- et. In. Area. Sq. In. Single Shear 6,000 Lbs. Sq.In. Double Shear 6,000 Lbs. Sq.In. Bearing Value for Different Thicknesses of Plate in Inches at 1 2,000 Lb. per Square Inch. i /4 In. Vie In. /8 In. Vl6 In. J/2 In. Vs In. Vl In. Vs In. 1 In. V2 5/8 3/4 Vs 0.1964 0.3068 0.4418 0.6013 0.7854 1178 1841 2651 3608 4712 2356 3682 5301 7216 9425 1500 1875 1875 2344 2813 2250 2813 3375 3938 2625 3281 3938 4594 5250 3000 3750 4688 5625 2250 2625 3000 4500 5250 6000 6750 7875 3281 3750 6563 9188 10500 12000 4500 75001 900(J| Di- am. of Riv- et, In. Area, Sq. In. Single Shear 7,500 Lbs. Sq. In. Double Shear 7,500 Lbs. . Sq. In. 2945 4602 6627 9020 11781 Bearing Value for Different Thicknesses of Plate in Inches at 15,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. 1/4 In. Vl6 In. J/8 In. Vie In. y* In. Vs In. J/4 In. T /8 In. 1 In. V2 5/8 3/4 ,' /8 0.1964 0.3068 0.4418 0.6013 0.7854 1473 2301 3313 4510 5891 1875 2344 2344 2930 3516 2813 3516 4219 4922 5625] 3781 3750 4102 4922 5742 6563 4688 5859 7031 8438 9844 11484 13125 15000 2813 3281 3750 5625 6563 7500 4102 4688 8203 9375 11 250J Di- am. of Riv- et, In. V2 5/8 3/4 V8 Area, Sq. In. Single Shear 10,000 Lbs. Sq. In. Double Shear 10,000 Lbs. Sq. In. Bearing Value for Different Thicknesses of Plate in Inches at 20,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. i /4 In. 2500 3125 Vl6 In. 3l25 3906 4688 Vs In. 37501 4688 5625 6563 7500 Vl6 In. 1/2 In. Vs In. V< In. T /8 In. 1 In. 0.1964 0.3068 0.4418 0.6013 0.7854 1964 3068 4418 6013 7854 3927 6136 8836 12026 15708 4375 5000 6250 5469 7813 9375 11250 13125 .... 3750 4375 5000 6563 7656 8750 7500 8750 10000 5469 6256 10938 12500 15313 17500 20000 15000| Dia. of Riv- et. 371? 1/4- 5/16 11/32 3/8 Vl6 Area in Square Inches. 6,000 Lbs. per Sq. In. Bearing Value for Different Thicknesses of Plate in Inches at 1 2,000 Lb. per Square Inch. Single Shear Double Shear. Vs In. 3 /l 6 In. i /4 In. Vl6 In. n /32 In. ' Vs In. Vl6 In. 0.0274 0.0491 0.0764 0.0924 0.1104 0.1499 164 295 458 554 662 899 328 589 917 1109 1325 1799 281 375 468 42?. 563 703 750 938 1172 1289 1406 515 563 656 773 844 984 1031 1125 1313 1418 1547 1804 1687 1969 2297 1640 All bearing values above or to right of zigzag lines are greater than double shear. Values between upper and lower zigzag lines are less than double and greater than single shear. Values below and to left of lower zigzag lines are less than single shear. WEIGHT OF LAG SCREWS 241 LENGTH OF RIVETS REQUIRED FOR VARIOUS GRIPS (American Bridge Co. Standard Dimensions in Inches.) Grip a Diameter, In. Grip b Diameter, In. 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1/2 1 1/2 13/4 17/8 2 21/8 1/2 1/8 "Tl/4 1 V4 13/8 Ts7 8 5/8 15/8 17/8 2 21/8 21/4 5/8 1/4 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 V2 1 1/2 3/4 13/4 2 21/8 21/4 23/g. 3/4 3/8 H/2 1 V2 1 5/8 15/8 7/8 17/8 21/8 21/4 23/8 21/2 7/8 1/2 15/8 15/8 13/4 1 3/4 1 2 21/4 23/ 8 21/2 25/ 8 1 5/8 13/4 13/4 1 7/8 1 7/8 1/4 21/4 21/2 25/ 8 23/4 27/8 1/4 7/8 2 2 21/8 21/8 1/2 25/ 8 27/ 8 3 3 1/8 31/4 1/2 21/8 21/4 23/8 23/ 8 21/2 3/4 3 31/4 33/ 8 31/2 35/ 8 3/4 21/2 2 5/8 23/4 23/4 27/ 8 2 31/4 31/2 35/ 8 33/4 37/ 8 2 23/ 4 27/ 8 3 3 31/8 1/4 31/2 33/4 37/ 8 4 41/8 1/4 3 31/8 31/4 31/4 33/ 8 1/2 33/4 4 41/8 4 1/4 43/8 1/2 3 1/4 33/ 8 31/2 31/2 35/8 3/4 4 41/4 '43/ 8 41/2 45/ 8 3/4 31/2 35/3 33/4 33/4 37/ 8 3 43/ 8 45/8 43/ 4 47/ 8 5 3 37/g 4 4 41/8 41/4 1/4 45/g 47/ 8 ; 5 51/8 51/4 1/4 41/8 41/4 41/4 43/8 41/2 1/2 47/8 51/8 51/4 53/8 51/2 1/2 43/ 8 41/2 41/2 45/8 43/4 3/4 51/8 53/ 8 51/2 55/8 53/4 3/4 45/ 8 43/4 43/4 47/8 5 4 53/8 55/8 53/4 57/ 8 6 4 47/ 8 5 5 51/8 51/4 1/4 53/ 4 6 61/8 61/4 63/ 8 1/4 51/4 53/ 8 53/ 8 51/2 55/8 1/2 61/8 6 3/8 61/2 65/8 63/4 1/2 55/ 8 53/4 53/4 53/4 57/8 3/4 63/ 8 65/8 63/4 67/ 8 7 3/4 57/ 8 6 6 6 61/8 5 65/8 67/g 7 71/8 71/4 5 61/8 61/4 61/4 61/4 63/8 Weight of 100 Lag Screws. (Hoopes & Townsend, Philadelphia, 1914.) Diameter, Inches. Vl6 3 /8 Vl8 V 2 9 /16 5/8 3 /4 7 /8 1 H/8 iV 4 Length Under Head to Point. Ib. 4.2 4.7 5.2 5.7 6.2 7.2 8.2 9.2 10.2 11.3 12.4 13.5 Ib. 6.5 7.1 7.7 8.4 9.2 10.6 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 Ib. 9.2 10.0 10.9 11.8 12.7 14.6 16.6 18.8 20.7 22.8 24.9 27.0 31.1 35.2 Ib. 13.0 13.8 14.9 16.1 17.4 19.0 21.5 24.0 26.5 29.0 31.5 34.0 39.0 44.0 49.0 54.0 Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. 23.0 24.5 26.0 29.2 32.5 35.9 39.3 42.7 46.1 49.5 56.3 63.1 69.9 76.7 83.5 90.5 24.8 27.3 29.0 32.9 36.9 41.0 44.9 48.8 52.7 56.6 64.5 72.5 80.5 88.5 96.5 104.5 112.5 121.0 129.5 138.0 43.0 48.3 53.8 59.6 65.5 71.5 77.5 83.5 95.5 107.6 119.8 131.0 143.1 155.4 167.6 179.8 192.0 204.0 75.0 78.5 82.0 86.0 90.0 98.0 106.0 122.5 139.0 155.5 172.0 188.5 205.0 221.5 238.0 255.0 272.0 "96" 99 108 118 128 138 158 178 198 219 240 261 282 304 326 348 150 163 176 203 230 257 284 311 338 365 393 421 449 '246' 270 300 332 365 395 425 459 493 527 562 Thds. per in. 10 7 7 6 5 5 4V2 4V2 3 3 3 242 MATERIALS Approximate Weight of Machine Bolts per 100, Square Heads and Square Nuts. (Hoopes & Townsend, Philadelphia, 1914.) Length Under Head to Point, In. Diameter. In! 4/8 In. 7/16 In. 1/2 In. Vie In. V8 In. 3/4 In. 7/8 In. In. H/4 In. 11/2 In. 13/4 In. 2 In. H/4 3.1 8.4 12.5 17.7 24.3 30.7 50.4 [1 V2 3.4 9.2 13.6 19.1 26.0 32.8 53.5 2 4.1 10.8 15.7 21.8 29.5 37.1 59.7 89.4 125.7 21/2 4.8 12.3 17.8 24.6 33.0 41.4 65.9 97.3 136.8 246.3 3 5.5 13.8 19.9 27.4 36.5 45.7 72.1 105.7 147.8 263.5 '476 31/2 6.2 15.3 21.8 29.8 40.0 50.0 78.3 114.2 158.9: 280.8 495 4 6.9 '16.9 24.0 32.6 43.5 54.4 84.5 122.6 169.9 298.1 520 720 41/2 7.5! 18.4 26.1 35.4 46.7 58.3 90.3 H0.5 179.4 314.1 545 753 5 8.2 19.9 28.2 38.1 50.2 62.6 96.5 138.9 190.4 331.4 570 786 1180 5l/ 2 8.9'21.5 30.3 40.9 53.7 66.9 102.7 147.4201.5 348.6 595 820 1225 6 9.6'23.0 32.4 43.7 57.2 71.3 108.9 155.8 212.5 365.9 620 854 1270 61/2 10.3 24.6 34.5 46.4 60.7 75.6 115.1 164.3223.6 383.1 645 888 1315 7 11.0 26.1 36.6 49.2 64.2 79.9 121.3 172.7 234.6 400.4 670 922 1360 71/2 11.7 27.7 38.8 51.9 67.6 84.2 127.6 181.2 245.6 417.7 695 956 1405 8 12.4 29.2 40.9 54.7 71.1 88.5 133.8 189 .6 256.71 434.9 725 990 1450 9 13.7 32.4 44.9 60.0 77.8 96.8 145.7 205 .9 278.0 468.2 775 1058 1540 10 15.1 35.5 49.1 1 65.5 84.8 105.4 158.2 222.8 300.0 502.7 825 1126 1630 11 16.5 38.6 53.4 71.0 91.8 114.1 170.6 239.8322.2 537.3 875 1194 1720 12 17.941.7 57.6 76.5 98.8 122.7 183.0 256.7 344.3 571.8 925 1262 1810 13 14 19.3144.8 20.6547.9 61.8 82.0 66.0 87.6 105.5 131.0 195.4 112.51139.6207.9 273.6 ( 366.3 290.5388.4 606.3 640.8 975 1025 1330 1398 1900 1990 15 22.051.0 70.3 93.1 119.5J 148 .2 220 .3 307.4410.5 675.3 1075 1468 2080 16 23.454.1 74.5 98.6 126.4 156.9 232.7 324.3 432.6 709.8 1125 1536 2170 17 24.857.2 78.7 104.1 133.4 165.5245.1 341.2454.7 744.3 1175 1604 2260 18 26.260.3 82.9 109.7 140.4 174.1 257 .6 1 358.1 476.8 778.9 1225 1672 2350 20 28.966.5 91.4 120.7 154.4 191.4 282.4 392.0 521.0 847.9 1325 1808 2530 22 31.772.7 99.9 131.7 168.4208.6307.3 425.8565.1 916.9 1425 19442710 24 34.4 78.9 108.3 142.8 182.4 225.9 332.1 459.6 609.3 986.01525 2080 2890 26 37.2 85.2 116.8 153.8 196.3 243.1 357.0 493.4653.5 1055.0 16252216 3070 28 40.091.4 125.2 164.9 210.3 260.4381.8 527 .3 697 .7 1124.0 17252352 3250 30 42.7 97.6 133.7 175.9 224.3 277.7 406.7 561. 1 741 .9i 1193 .01825 2488 3450 Weight per 1 00 Nuts. Square Hexagon Diff. 0.7 0.6 0.1 2.5 2.1 ~QA 3.9 3.2 ~07 5.7 4.8 ~ 1^ .So if i o> _o ^ S If .2 'o is w 'o Q 'o 2 o~~ 53 b B p W 55 r 5 W H W ^ ^ In. In. No. In. In. In. No In. 9/16 1/4 18 3/16 39400 2.53 21/2 1 Vl6 8 1 568 176 3/4 5/16 16 V4 15600 6.4 23/4 8 H/8 473 211 7/8 3/8 16 5/16 11250 8.8 3 13/8 8 U/4 364 261 1 7/16 14 3/8 6800 14.7 31/4 H/2 7 13/8 275 364 M/4 1/2 14 7/16 4300 21. 31/2 1V8 7 H/2 256 390 13/8 9/16 12 1/2 2600 38.4 33/4 13/4 7 15/8 220 454 H/2 5/8 12 9/16 2250 44.4 4 17/8 7 13/4 197 508 13/4 H/16 10 5/8 1300 77. 41/4 2 7 17/8 174 575 2 13/16 9 3/4 900 111. 41/2 21/8 7 2 160 625 21/4 15/16 8 7 /8 782 153. 43/4 23/8 5 21/4 122 820 5 25/8 4 21/2 106 943 244 MATERIALS. Track Bolts and V. S. Standard Hexagon Nuts, Sizes and Weights for Different Weights of Kail. (Upson Nut Co., Cleveland, 1914.) Size of Bolts, In. Diam. of Nuts, In. .d fM W) d 1 Size of Bolts, In. Diam. of Nuts, In. i* d .2 c ~3 pq 00 Diam. of Nuts, In. !i d Kegs per Mile, 4-bolt Joint. Rails 70 to lOOlb. per Yard. Rails-45 to 85 lb. per Yard. Rails 20to 301b. per Yard. X5 X43/4 X 4 1/2 X 4 1/4 X4 X33/4 X31/2 X31/4 X3 7/8 X 5 1/2 7/8 X 5 1/4 7/8X5 7/8 X 4 3/4 7/8 X 4 1/2 7/8 X 4 1/4 7/8X4 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 15/8 1 7/18 1 7/15 17/13 17/16 17/16 17/16 17/16 110 115 120 125 130 H5 140 145 150 143 148 153 158 163 168 173 13.0 12.3 11.8 11.2 10.8 10.4 10.0 9.7 94 9.8 95 9.2 89 8.6 8.4 8.1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX tinue 1/4 V4 1/4 1/4 1/4 V4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 d) 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 247 254 257 260 266 283 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.0 5.8 5.7 5.6 55 5.3 5.0 5/8 X 2 1/4 5/8X2 1/2X3 1/2X23/4 1/2 X 2 1/2 1/2 X 2 1/4 1/2X2 1/16 H/16 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 495 525 715 737 760 800 820 2.8 2.7 ^9 .8 .7 Rails 12 to 161b. per Yd. V2 X 1 3 /4 1/2 X 1 V2 1/2 X 1 3/8 1/2 X 1 V4 3/8X2 3/8 X 1 3/4 3/8 X 1 V2 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 H/16 H/16 H/16 890 980 1070 1160 1590 1710 1830 .6 .4 .2 .2 .0 .0 .0 Rails 30 to 40 lb. per Yard. Rails 45 to 85 lb. per Yard. 3/4 X 2 3/4 3/4 X 2 1/2 5/8 X 3 1/2 5/8 X 3 1/4 5/8X3 5/8 X 2 3/4 5/8 X 2 1/2 H/4 V4 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 300 317 375 392 410 435 465 4.7 4.4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 30 Rails 8 to 121b. per Yard. 7/8X37/ 8 7/8X33/4 7/8 X 3 1/2 7/8 X 3 1/4 7/8X3 3/4 X 5 3/4 17/16 17/16 17/16 17/16 17/16 H/4 178 183 188 193 198 200 79 7.7 7.5 7.3 7.1 7.0 3/8 X 1 1/4| H/16 2010 1.0 Length and Number of Cut Nails to the Pound. Size. Length. Common. Clinch. Fence. Finishing. g E M 1 u k 1 Tobacco. Cut Spikes. 3/ 4 3/ 4 in. 800 v 7/ 8 500 2d 800 1100 1000 376 3d 1 1/4 480 720 760 224 4d 1 1/2 288 523 368 180 398 5d 1 >i 200 410 130 6d 7d 2 '' 2i/ 4 168 124 95 74 84 64 268 188 224 126 98 96 82 8d 9d 2V 2 23/4 88 70 62 53 48 36 146 130 128 110 75 65 68 lOd ^ '* 58 46 30 102 91 55 28 12d 31/4 44 42 24 76 71 40 16d 3 I'/o 34 38 20 62 54 27 22 20d 4 23 33 16 54 40 14V2 30d 4 l /9 18 20 33 121/2 40d 5 " 14 27 9V2 50d 51/2 10 8 60d 6 _ 8 6 EAILROAD MATERIAL. 245 ||l|o|||| -88.SS! 5SSSS ssgRfe $?;$ OOOOO OOOOO O ^ 00 O\ & m r^t^m m oeo O5O5O5OO5 O5O5O5O5O5 xxxxx xxxxx XXXXX XXXXX X m,^ .n^vn^.n ^^^-^-^ mmmm^ N ill tfli SSS i^?^^? ^^^^^ 22^5 5 o | z Mhf J tomirMTMn mOOOO $ I52 i 1 .M M ^> ^^~^^^ > ^^^> > XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX X , ?J-^! 1 ^!^ ~^-\--^^^^^ -^1^^\\ a A^ OOcomO TfmOOO ..$ Sg^^^S 8 SS^SSS ^^S?5JQ 25^2^ ^^^ . 00 O A f wotH ^^-^JQ^: Sg^SBS SS^^?; mJQ^22 2 | g = l|o| ^< 1 ^<^!<^ 5-^<-^-^ ^< < < |$j oou^oiri o m o wi o ^SSS 8S2S2 246 NUMBER OF WIRE NAILS PER POUND. APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF WIRE NAILS PER POUND. (American Steel and Wire Co., ] 908.) These approximate numbers are an average only, and the figures given may be varied either way by changes in the dimensions of the heads or points Brads and no-head nails will run more to the pound than the table shows, and large or thick-headed nails will run less. Length, Inches. - jj :::::::::::: ^> -*iOvO o ^r^^^ rj- ^ 10 NO 1^ ON * 5^0^000 : : : : : : ; ; ; ; 00 lOior^ooo-- ;;;;;:;;;: j^ NO f> OO ON <^ 10 OO NO rx.000 *MT> oo m ON ' ^^^ ^ oooN-r^^oo-Looto-o : : : : .... ^ ONOf^ ^ J^O ^OOc^ONNOjOO "I- * 2 = 2:2SiSsfc!?K3R8 : : | 2=aaSS99SK8eR : , , CN] f<*|CN 1 aaaft* K s K 8S=3SS3lii! \\ \ \ n*ss-a8=sssg55a||| ; = ; 5 sS9S3Kss;sRs$?;aas5^KR| ; : !S^ . . - - 1 ;Rsssi2SH|^=Ss||||g| | 2 1 i \ 00 10 ONt-,OMo r> s NO vN rT lor^oo oe \O 00 O T OO tn O -- irt O OO CN I , g o .d ' d * STEEL WIRE NAILS. 247 248 MATERIALS. WROUGHT SPIKES. Number of Nails in Keg of 150 Pounds. Length, Inches. V4 in. 5 /16 in. 3/8 in. Length, Inches. 1/4 in. 5 /i6 in. 3/8 in. 7/i6 in. 1/2 in. 3 2250 7 1161 662 482 445 306 31/2 1890 1208 8 635 455 34 256 4 41/9 1650 1464 1135 1064 9 10 573 424 391 300 270 240 222 5 1380 930 "742 11 249 203 6 1292 868 570 12 236 180 For sizes and weights of wire spikes see Steel Wire Nails, page 235. BOAT SPIKES. Number in Keg of 200 Pounds. Length. 1/4 5/16 3/8 V2 2375 2050 1230 940 6 * 1825 1175 800 450 990 650 375 8 ' .. . . 880 600 333 9 * . .., 525 300 10 " 475 275 WIRES OF DIFFERENT METALS AND ALLOYS. (J. Bucknall Smith's Treatise on Wire.) Brass Wire is commonly composed of an alloy of 1 % to 2 parts of copper to one part of zinc. The tensile strength ranges from 20 to 40 tons per square inch, increasing with the percentage of zinc in the alloy. German or Nickel Silver, an alloy of copper, zinc, and nickel, is practically brass whitened by the addition of nickel. It has been drawn into wire as fine as 0.002 inch diameter. Platinum wire may be drawn into the finest sizes. On account of its high price its use is practically confined to special scientific instruments and electrical appliances in which resistances to high temperature, oxygen, and acids are essential. It expands less than other metals when heated. Its coefficient of expansion being almost the same as that of glass permits its being sealed in glass \v ithout fear of cracking the latter. It is therefore used in incandescent electric lamps. Phosphor-bronze Wire contains from 2 to 6 per cent of tin and from 1/20 to i/s per cent of phosphorus. The presence of phosphorus is detrimental to electric conductivity. "Delta-metal" wire is made from an alloy of copper, iron, and zinc, Its strength ranges from 45 to 62 tons per square inch. It is used for some kinds of wire rope, also for wire gauze. It is not subject to deposits of verdigris. It has great toughness, even when its tensile strength is over 60 tons per square inch. Aluminum Wire. Specific gravity 2.68. Tensile strength between 10 and 15 tons per square inch. It has been drawn as fine as 11,401 yards to the ounce, or 0.042 grain per yard. Aluminum Bronze, 90 copper, 10 aluminum, has high strength and ductility; is inoxidizable, sonorous. Its electric conductivity is 12.6 per cent. See page 396. Silicon Bronze, patented in 1882 by L. Weiler of Paris, is made as follows: Fluosilicate of potash, pounded glass, chloride of sodium and calcium, carbonate of soda and lime, are heated in a plumbago crucible, and after the reaction takes place the contents are thrown into the molten bronze to be treated. Silicon-bronze wire has a conductivity of from 40 to 98 per cent of that of copper wire and four times more than that of iron, while its tensile strength is nearly that of steel, or (Continued on page 250.) PROPERTIES OF STEEL WIRE. 249 PROPERTIES OF STEEL WIRE. (John A. Roebling's Sons Co., 1908.) No., Roebling Gauge. Diam., in. Area, square inches. Breaking strain, 100, 000 Ib. per sq. inch. Weight in pounds. Feet in 2000 Ib. Per 1000ft. Per mile. 000000 0.460 0.166191 16,619 558.4 2,948 3,582 00000 0.430 0.145221 14,522 487.9 2,576 4,099 0000 393 0.121304 12,130 407.6 2,152 4,907 000 0.362 0.102922 10,292 345.8 1,826 5,783 00 0.331 0.086049 8,605 289.1 1,527 6,917 0.307 0.074023 7,402 248.7 1,313 8,041 1 0.283 0.062902 6,290 211.4 1,116 9,463 2 0.263 ' 0.054325 5,433 182.5 964 10,957 3 0.244 0.046760 4,676 157.1 830 12,730 4 0.225 0.039761 3,976 133.6 705 . 14,970 5 0.207 0.033654 3,365 113.1 597 17,687 6 0.192 0.028953 2,895 97.3 514 20,559 7 0.177 0.024606 2,461 82.7 437 24,191 v 8 0.162 0.020612 2,061 69.3 366 28,878 9 148 0.017203 1,720 57.8 305 34,600 10 0.135 0.014314 1,431 48.1 254 41,584 11 0.120 O.C11310 1,131 38.0 201 52,631 ' 12 0.105 0.008659 866 29.1 154 68,752 13 0.092 0.006648 665 22.3 118 89,525 14 0.080 0.005027 503 16.9 89.2 118,413 15 0.072 0.004071 407 13.7 72.2 146,198 16 0.063 0.003117 312 10.5 55.3 191,022 17 0.054 0.002290 229 7.70 40.6 259,909 18 0.047 0.001735 174 5.83 30.8 343,112 19 0.041 0.001320 132 4.44 23.4 450,856 20 0.035 0.000962 96 3.23 17.1 618,620 21 0.032 0.000804 .80 2.70 14.3 740,193 22 0.028 0.000616 62 2.07 10.9 966,651 23 0.025 000491 49 1.65 8.71 24 0.023 0.000415 42 1.40 7.37 t< 25 0.020 0.000314 31 1.06 5.58 t 26 0.018 0.000254 25 0.855 4.51 t 27 0.017 0.000227 23 .763 4.03 t 28 0.016 0.000201 20 .676 3.57 u 29 0.015 0.000177 18 .594 3.14 30 0.014 0.000154 15 .517 2.73 31 0.0135 0.000143 14 .481 2.54 32 0.013 0.000133 13 .446 2.36 33 0.011 0.000095 9.5 .319 1.69 34 0.010 0.000079 7.9 .264 1.39 35 0.0095 0.000071 7.1 .238 1.26 36 0.009 0.000064 6.4 .214 1.13 The above table was calculated on a basis of 483.84 Ib. per cu. ft. for steel wire. Iron wire is a trifle lighter. The breaking strains are calculated for 100,000 Ib. per sq. in. throughout, simply for convenience, so that the breaking strains or wires of any strength per sq. in. may be quickly deter- mined by multiplying the values given in the tables by the ratio between the strength per square inch and 100,000. Thus, a No. 15 wire, with a strength per sq. in. of 150,000 Ib., ha,? breaking strain of 407 X ,,,. Ol 00 250 MATERIALS. 28 to 55 tons per square inch of section. The conductivity decreases as the tensile strength increases. Wire whose conductivity equals 95 per cent of that of pure copper gives a tensile strength of 28 tons per square inch, but when its conductivity is 34 per cent of pure copper, its strength is 50 tons per square inch. It is being largely used for telegraph wires. It has great resistance to oxidation. Ordinary Drawn and Annealed Copper Wire has a strength of from 15 to 20 tons per square inch. " PLOW "-STEEL WIRE. Experiments by Dr. Percy on the English plow-steel (so-called) gave the following results: Specific gravity, 7.814; carbon, 0.828 per cent; manganese! 0.587 per cent; silicon, 0.143 per cent; sulphur, 0.009 per cent; phosphorus, nil; copper, 0.030 per cent. No traces of chro- mium, titanium, or tungsten were found. The breaking strains of the wire were as follows: Diameter, inch 0.093 0.132 0.159 0.191 Pounds per sq. inch. 344,960 257,600 224,000 201,600 The elongation was only from 0.75 to 1.1 per cent. STRENGTH OF PIANO-WIRE. The average strength of English piano-wire is given as follows by Webster, Horsfals & Lean: Size, Music-wire Gauge. Equivalent Diameters, Inch. Ultimate Tensile Strength, Pounds. Size, Music-wire Gauge. Equivalent Diameters, Inch. Ultimate Tensile Strength, Pounds. 12 0.029 225 18 0.041 395 13 .031 250 19 .043 425 14 .033 285 20 .045 500 15 .035 305 21 .047 540 16 .037 340 22 .052 650 17 .039 360 These strength range from 300,000 to 340,000 Ibs. per sq. in. The composition of this wire is as follows: Carbon, 0.570; silicon, 0.090; sulphur, 0.011; phosphorus, 0.018; manganese, 0.425. GALVANIZED IRON WIRE FOR TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINES. (Trenton Iron Co.) WEIGHT PER MILE-OHM. This term is to be understood as dis- tinguishing the resistance of material only, and means the weight of such material required per mile to give the resistance of one ohm. To ascer- tain the mileage resistance of any wire, divide the " weight per mile- ohm" by the weight of the wire per mile. Thus in a grade of Extra Best Best, of which the weight per mile-ohm is 5000, the mileage ..resist- ance of No. 6 (weight per mile 525 Ibs.) would be about 91/2 ohms; and No. 14 steel wire, 6500 Ibs. weight per mile-ohm (95 Ibs. weight per mile), would show about 69 ohms. Sizes of Wire used in Telegraph and Telephone Lines. No. 4. Has not been much used until recently; is now used on important lines where the multiplex systems are applied. No. 5. Little used in the United States. No. 6. Used for important circuits between cities. No. 8. Medium size for circuits of 400 miles or less. No. 9. For similar locatipns to No. 8, but on somewhat shorter cir- cuits; until lately was the size most largely used in this country. Nos. 10, 11. For shorter circuits, railway telegraphs, private lines, police and fire-alarm lines, etc. No, 12. For telephone lines, police and fire-alarm lines, etc. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE WIRE. 251 Nos. 13, 14. For telephone lines and short private lines; steel wire is used most generally in these sizes. The coating of telegraph wire with zinc as a protection against oxida- tion is now generally admitted to be the most efficacious method. The grades of line wire are generally known to the trade as "Extra Best Best ' (E. B. B.), "Best Best" (B. B.), and "Steel." "Extra Best Best" is made of the very best iron, as nearly pure as any commercial iron, soft, tough, uniform, and of very high conduc- tivity, its weight per mile-ohm being about 5000 Ibs. The "Best Best" is of iron, showing in mechanical tests almost as good results as the E. B. B., but is not quite as soft, and somewhat lower in conductivity; weight per mile-ohm about 5700 Ibs. The "Steel" wire is well suited for telephone or short telegraph lines, and the weight per mile-ohm is about 6500 Ibs. The following are (approximately) the weights per mile of various sizes of galvanized telegraph wire, drawn by Trenton Iron Co.'s gauge: No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Lbs. 720, 610, 525, 450, 375, 310, 250, 200, 160, 125, 95. Tests of Telegraph Wire. The following data are taken from a table given by Mr. Prescott relat- ing to tests of E. B. B. galvanized wire furnished the Western Union Telegraph Go. Size of Wire Diam., Inch. Weight. Length. Feet per pound. Resistance. Temp. 75.8 Fahr. Ratio of Breaking Weight to Weight per mile. Grains per foot. Pounds per mile. Feet per ohm Ohms per mile. 4 0.238 1043.2 886.6 6.00 958 5.51 5 .220 891.3 673.0 7.85 727 7.26 6 .203 758.9 572.2 ' 9.20 618 8.54 3.05 7 .180 595.7 449.9 11.70 578 10.86 3.40 8 .165 501.4 378.1 14.00 409 12.92 3.07 9 .148 403.4 304.2 17.4 328 16.10 3.38 10 .134 330.7 249.4 21.2 269 19.60 3.37 11 .120 265.2 200.0 26.4 216 24.42 2.97 12 .109 218.8 165.0 32.0 179 29.60 3.43 14 083 126.9 95.7 55.2 104 51.00 3.05 Sizes, Weights and Strengths of Hard-Copper Telegraph and Telephone Wire. (J. A. Roebling's Sons Co., 1908.) a ^g *-! g||| K _G '3 d -2 f||| CO g; j A BO fafl *Jk ' a 5fg 02 d 40 m W) P"!k ^ PS.S Q* W) a aj t'W o C tM fl pq| r 3 . c3 s3 GO o S SSQ g2^ | P r ~ 0) 13 . igpfe X -Sp*] O e^ NO g 15'S'S P. o . "^ Q.^ g > a. So 1 J'g ^^ i^^^ SJS-i'| CO Q ^ H 72 Q K g ^Pn * 9 0.114 208 653 4.39 2 13 0.072 83 274 11.01 61/2 10 0.102 166 540 5.49 3 14 0.064 65 220 13.94 8 11 0.091 132 426 6.90 4 15 0.057 52 174 17.57 9 12 0.081 105 334 8.70 6 16 0.051 42 139 21.95 10 In handling this wire the greatest care should be observed to avoid kinks, bends, scratches or cuts. Joints should be made only with Mclntire connectors. On account of its conductivity being about five 252 MATERIALS. times that of E. B. B. iron wire, and its breaking strength over three times its weight per mile, copper may be used of which the section is smaller and the weight less than an equivalent iron wire, allowing a greater number of wires to be strung on the poles. Besides this advan- tage, the reduction of section materially decreases the electrostatic capacity, while its non-magnetic character lessens the self-induction of the line, both of which features tend to increase the possible speed of signaling in telegraphing, and to give greater clearness of enunciation over telephone lines, especially those of great length. Weight of Bare and Insulated Copper Wire* Pounds. (John A. Roebling's Sons Co., 1908.) Weight per 1000 Feet, Solid. Weight per Mile, Solid. 02 Weather- Weather- proof. -a % bb proof. ^ 0) hb sj 6 ll 11 111 d ll g o> . 33 3 oj ll g||' C I'g & QPQ HPQ Spq & Srt Htt E sta 0000 641 723 767 862 925 3384 3817 4050 4550 4890 000 509 587 629 710 760 2687 3098 3320 3750 4020 00 403 467 502 562 600 2127 2467 2650 2970 3170 320 377 407 462 495 1689 1989 2150 2440 2610 1 253 294 316 340 365 1335 1553 1670 1800 1930 2 202 239 260 280 300 1066 1264 1370 1480 1585 3 159 185 199 230 270 840 977 1050 1220 1425 4 126 151 164 190 220 665 795 865 1000 1160 5 100 122 135 155 190 528 646 710 820 1000 6 79 100 112 127 160 417 529 590 670 840 8 50 66 75 85 110 264 349 395 450 580 9 39 54 62 ^206 283 325 10 32 46 53 60 "so 169 241 280 3i5 420 12 20 30 35 42 55 106 158 185 220 290 14 12.4 20 25 30 40 66 107 130 160 210 16 7.9 16 20 24 30 42 83 105 130 160 18 4.8 12 16 19 24 25 64 85 100 130 20 3.1 9 12 16 48 65 Specifications for Hard-Drawn Copper Wire. The British Post Office authorities require that hard-drawn copper wire supplied to them shall be of the lengths, sizes, weights, strengths, and conductivities as set forth in the annexed table. Weight per Statute Mile, Ib. Approximate Equiv- alent Diameter, mils. W) Cj 13 | ' e8 S 1! vji 6^ q> .--. _g r; i> s si | i ^ | si s-s |||^' g^j sl | i s 1 1 II II I sis i ^.i ST -2 'S 3 'S 2 -a .'s ^ rt ^ "S 3 ^g^ ti m S * 02 S s S S H * i 100 971/2 1021/2 79 78 80 330 30 9.10 50 150 200 1461/4 195 1533/4 205 97 112 951/2 1101/2 98 1131/4 490 650 25 20 6.05 4.53 50 50 400 390 410 158 1551/ 2 1601/4 1300 10 2.27 50 WIRE ROPE. 253 Stranded Copper Feed Wire, Weight in Pounds. (John A. Roebling's Sons Co., 1908.) ^ Weight per 1000 Feet. Weight per Mile. Weather- Weather- M proof proof 1 U oT o o5 9 IT *s !lN .2 i 1,3 lls m o 8 'E 8 o 3 'E t-i o SoS CQ HPQ jfc& fl fi Htt ^P< 53 2,000,000 6100 6690 7008 7540 2208 35323 37000 39800 1 750,000 5338 5894 6193 6700 28184 31119 32700 35400 1,500,000 4375 5098 5380 5830 24156 26915 28400 30800 1,250,000 3813 4264 4508 4940 20132 22516 23800 20000 1.000.00C 3050 3456 3674 3860 3980 6104 18246 19400 20400 26100 900,000 2745 3127 3332 3520 3640 4493 16513 17600 18600 11000 800,000 2440 2799 2992 3180 3280 2883 14779 15800 16800 19200 750,000 2288 2635 2822 3000 3100 12080 13913 14900 15850 17300 700,000 2135 2471 2650 2820 2920 11272 13045 14000 14900 16300 600,000 1830 2093 2235 2350 2450 9662 11052 11800 12400 15400 500,000 1525 1765 1894 1990 2080 8052 9318 10000 10500 13100 450,000 1373 1601 1724 1820 1900 7249 8452 9100 9600 10000 400,000 1220 1436 1553 1650 1700 6441 7584 8200 8700 9000 350,000 1068 1248 1345 1440 1500 5639 6589 7100 7600 7900 300,000 915 1083 1174 1270 1310 4831 5721 6200 6700 6900 250,000 762 907 985 1060 1120 4023 4788 5200 5600 5900 B.&S. Gauge. 0000 645 745 800 900 960 3405 3935 4220 4750 5070 000 513 604 653 735 785 2708 3190 3450 3880 4150 00 406 482 522 583 625 2143 2544 2760 3080 3300 322 388 424 480 510 1700 2051 2240 2530 2700 1 255 303 328 355 380 1346 1599 1735 1870 2000 2 203 246 270 290 335 1071 1301 1425 1540 1770 3 160 190 206 240 280 844 1004 1090 1270 1480 4 127 155 170 195 230 670 820 900 1030 1220 5 101 126 140 160 195 533 668 740 845 1030 6 80 103 115 132 165 422 544 610 695 870 8 50 68 78 87 105 264 359 410 460 555 WIRE ROPE. The following notes and tables are compiled from data furnished by the American Steel & Wire Co., Cleveland, 1915. Wire ropes, which have almost entirely superseded chains and manila rope for haulage and hoisting purposes, are made with a vary- ing number of wires to the strand, and a varying number of strands to the rope, according to the service in which they are to be used and the degree of flexibility required. Five grades of rope are usually manufactured, as regards the material used, viz.: Iron, crucible cast steel, extra strong crucible cast steel, "plow-steel," and an improved grade of plow-steel called "Monitor." Haulage rope, for mines, docks, etc., usually consists of 6 strands of 7 wires each laid around a hemp core. Hoisting rope, for elevators, mines, coal and ore hoists, conveyors, derricks, steam shovels, dredges, logging, etc., consists of 6 strands of 19 wires each, with a single hemp core. A more flexible rope, for crane service, etc., consists of 6 3 7- wire strands wound around a single hemp core. In general, the flexibility of the rope is increased by increasing the number of wires in the strands. The most flexiblo 254 MATERIALS. standard rope made consists of 6 61- wire strands and one hemp core. Other varieties comprise flattened strand ropes for haulage, hoisting, and transmission, non-spinning rope for the suspension of loads at the end of a single line, steel clad rope for severe conditions of service, guy and rigging ropes, and hawsers for towing or mooring. Breaking Strength of Wire Rope. The various manufacturers have adopted standard figures for the strength of all sizes and qualities of wire rope. Formerly, it was the custom to test the individual wires and to consider their combined strength as the strength of the rope as a whole. These strengths were greater than the actual strength obtained by breaking the finished rope. The figures given in the tables herewith represent actual breaks of the various ropes, and range from 95 to 80 per cent or less of the combined strength of the single wires, depending on the construction. The figures, which were adopted May 1, 1910, are considerably lower than those given in earlier tables. In general, a factor of safety of five is allowed in giving the working loads. Lay of Wire Rope. Lang Lay. The regular lay of wire rope com- prises wires in the strands laid to the left, the strands being laid to the right, known as right-hand rope; or wires laid to the right, and strands laid to the left, known as left-hand rope. In Lang lay rope the wires in the strands and the strands themselves are laid in the rope in the same direction, either right or left. Lang lay rope is some- what more flexible than ordinary rope, and as the wires are laid more axially in the rope, longer surfaces are exposed to wear, and the en- durance is thereby increased. Sheaves and Drums. Drums and sheaves of the largest practicable diameter are recommended in all wire rope installations. If possible, drums should be lagged, and where feasible, a grooved drum on hoists is more desirable than a flat drum. The grooves should give ample clearance between successive windings ; thus a drum for %-inch rope should have the grooves at least 7/g-inch apart on centers. The grooves should be made smooth in order not to cut the rope, and they should be of slightly larger radius than the rope in order to avoid wedg- ing or pinching it. Overwinding, that is, the winding, of the rope in more than one layer, is to be avoided if possible, by making the drum large enough to take all the rope in a single layer. Overwinding will rapidly destroy the rope, and the extra cost of the larger drum will be more than compensated by the greater life of the rope. The best possible alignment of sheaves and drums should be made to avoid undue wear on the sides of the sheaves and the rope. In general, the lead sheaves over which the rope runs from the drum should be aligned with the center of the drum, or if the drum is not entirely filled, with the center of the portion on which the rope is wound. The distance between the drum and lead sheave should be such as to cause an angle not exceeding 1 30' between the line from the center of .the sheave to the center of the drum, and the line from the center of the sheave to the outer side of the drum. When the sheaves become worn, they should be replaced or the grooves turned before they are used with a new wire rope, otherwise the rope will not work properly. For many Surposes, particularly mine service, the grooves can advantageously e lined with well-seasoned, hardwood blocks set on end, which can be renewed when worn. Large sheaves, running at high velocity, should be lined with leather set on end, or with india-rubber. This is the practice for power transmission between distant points, where the rope frequently runs at a velocity of 4,000 feet per minute. Reversed Bending. Reverse bending, that is, bending the wire rope first in one direction over sheaves and then in the opposite direc- tion, is to be avoided wherever possible. This practice will wear out a rope more quickly than any other known method. A little care in design will usually eliminate all situations which call for reversed bending, and it is even desirable to change existing constructions if necessary to remove this condition. .The expense of rope renewals will more than equal the cost of change as a rule. Handling Wire Rope. Wire rope must not be coiled or uncoiled like hemp rope. When received in a coil it should be rolled on the - ground like a hoop and straightened out before being put on the sheaves. If on a reel, it should be mounted on a spindle or a flat GALVANIZED WIRE ROPE. 255 Galvanized Iron and Steel Wire Rope. For Ship and Yacht Rigging, Guys, etc. 6 Strands, 7 or 12 Wires per Strand, 1 Hemp Core; 6 Strands, 19 Wires per Strand, 1 Hemp Core. Diameter, In. Approx. Circum., In. J CM 4.85 4.42 4.15 3.55 3.24 3.00 2.45 2.21 2.00 1.77 1.58 1.20 7 or 12- Wire Strand, Iron 19- Wire Strand, Steel d i 4 7 or 12- Wire Strand, Iron. 19- Wire Strand, Steel fi !tg g^-5 H *o !s i ^ i i X s "' II Sp 0*043 2S a o O OJ3 CD c 3 a & r* P5 t/} rt 13 u g a i $ ii 4* o 0^3 6a)| |&| ii o ox" III 13/4 HI/16 5/8 1/2 7/16 3/8 1/4 3/16 1/8 1/16 7/8 51/2 51/4 43/4 41/0 4.,, 33/4 31/2 3V, 23/4 42.0 38.0. 35.0 30.0 28.0 26.0 23.0 19.0 18.0 16.1 14.1 11.1 11.0 10.5 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 6.5 6.0 5.75 5.25 42^0 38.0 34.0 31.0 28.0 22.0 J3" 12 11 10 9 8.5 13/1G 3/4 5/8 9/16 V2 7/16 3/8 5/16 9/32 1/4 7/22 3/16 21/2 21/4 13/4 H/2 H/4 H/8 7/8 3/4 5/8 1/2 1.03 0.89 0.62 50 0.39 0.30 0.22 0.15 0.125 0.09 0.063 0.04 9.4 7.8 5.7 4.46 3.39 2.35 1.95 1.42 1.20 0.99 0.79 0.61 5 4.75 4.5 3.75 3 2.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.125 19.0 16.8 11.7 9.0 7.0 5.0 4.2 3.2 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.25 4.75 4.25 3.75 3.0 Galvanized Steel Wire Strand. 7 or 19 Wires Twisted into a Single Strand. 3/4 5/8 2100 1610 1200 800 9/16 1/2 7/16 3/8 650 510 415 295 M a C m 11000 8500 6500 5000 P 5/16 1/4 7/32 3/16 210 125 95 75 3800 2300 1800 1400 5/32 1/8 3/32 900 500 400 19-wire strand is made only from 1 to H in. diam., 7- wire strand is made only -from % to 3/ 32 in. diam. Galvanized Steel Cables for Suspension Bridges. Composed of 6 Strands with Wire Center. . Approx. Appro. Approx. Diam., In. Wt. per Foot, Lb. Breaking Strain, Tons Diam., In. Wt. per Foot, Lb. Break- ing Strain, Diam., In. Wt. per Foot, Lb Break- ing Strain, (2000 Lb.). Tons. Tons. 73/, 12.7 310 21/4 8.52 208 13/4 5.10 124 25/8 11.6 283 21/8 7.60 185 15/8 4.34 106 21/2 10.5 256 2 6.73 164 1 1/2 3.70 90 23/ 8 9.50 232 17/8 5 90 144 13/8 3.10 75 256 MATERIALS* turntable and properly unwound. Kinking or untwisting must be avoided. Protection of Wire Rope. Wire rope should -be protected by a suitable lubricant, both internally and externally, to prevent rust and to keep it pliable. If this is omitted rust will set in and stiffen the rope, resulting in poor service. Raw linseed oil, applied with a piece of sheepskin, the wool inside, is a good preservative; the oil also may be mixed with Spanish brown or lamp-black. Wire rope running under water should be treated with mineral or vegetable tar, one bushel of fresh slacked lime being added to each barrel of tar to neutralize the acid. The tar is well boiled and the rope saturated with it. Wire rope manufacturers furnish special compounds for the treatment of wire ropes. Exposure to Heat. Where wire rope is exposed to intense heat, as in foundry or steel mill service, a soft iron core is often substituted for the hemp core. Asbestos also is sometimes used, but it rapidly dis- integrates and is not recommended. The use of the iron core adds from 7 to 10 per cent to the strength of the rope, but the wear on the center is as great as on the outside strands, and the hemp center is to be preferred wherever possible. VARIETIES AND USES OF WIRE ROPE. Transmission, Haulage or Standing Rope. Usually made of 6 7-wire strands and one hemp core, in all five grades noted above. Iron rope is comparatively little used except in the smaller sizes. It is composed of very soft wires of low tensile strength. Crucible cast steel rope is particularly adapted to mine haulage work, including tail rope and endless haulage systems, gravity hoists, and coal and ore dock haulage, roads operating small grip cars. The sizes, 3/ 8 to 5/8 inch inclusive, are used for sand lines in oil wells, and from 5/8 to 1 inch for oil-well drilling. In general it can be used for severe service, and where the flexibility required is a minimum. Extra strong crucible cast steel rope has practically the same applications as the preceding rope, .except that being stronger a smaller rope can be used for the same service. The plow-steel rope is advised for situations similar to those for which the cast steel ropes are used, but where it is neces- sary to secure increased strength, without altering the working con- ditions. The wires are harder and capable of standing greater wear than any of the foregoing ropes. Monitor plow-steel rope is the strongest and stiffest of all and is used for work demanding the greatest strength and lightest rope possible. Sheaves for this rope should, if possible, be somewhat larger than for other grades. For working loads, strength, etc., of these ropes, see table, page 257. Standard Hoisting Rope. Composed of 6 19-wire strands and a hemp core; made in the following grades: Iron, mild steel, crucible cast steel, extra strong crucible cast steel, plow-steel, and Monitor plow-steel. The wires are smaller than those in transmission ropes of the same size, and it is more flexible. It will not stand as much abrasion as transmission rope. The iron rope is used for elevator hoisting, where the strength is sufficient, and is almost universally employed for counterweights, except on traction elevators. Where the pulleys are comparatively small it is sometimes used for power transmission. The mild steel rope is made especially for traction elevators, where quick starting and stopping is required. The cru- cible cast steel rope is adapted to mine hoisting, logging, elevators, derricks, hay presses, dredges, cableways, inclined planes, coal hoists, conveyors, ballast unloaders, ship hoists, and similar applications. The extra strong crucible cast steel rope is adapted to the same pur- poses and may be used for heavier loads than the former rope. It is extensively used for oil-well drilling and tubing lines. Plow-steel rope is used for heavy mine work, inclined planes, dredges, cableways, for heavy logging, etc. It is especially desirable for deep mine shafts and long inclines on account of its great strength per unit of weight. It is the most economical rope where the weight of the rope is to be considered or the capacity of the machinery is to be increased without Changing sheaves or drums. Monitor plow-steel rope is somewhat TRANSMISSION, HAULAGE AND HOISTING ROPE. 257 Transmission, Haulage, OP Standing Rope. 6 Strands, 7 Wires per Strand, 1 Hemp Core. d i i -P Approximate Breaking Strength, Tons (2000 Ibs.) Allowable Working Load, Tons (2000 Ibs.) Min. Dia. Drum or Sheave,In. i t bfl 1 to c -: 1 be f ^ . u "oS PM O 2 0) $ *3 OJ & s K*3 MfjpGQ -M CQ o^_. 0) 35 ^'wS 3a 2-i & i i |e r h-l %% 6* *" 2 ^0 | I .5 P < 3* 2 M o w w ,2 * 2 u 75 00 2 i i 1 23/4 85/8 11.95 111.0 211.0 243.0 275.0 315.0 22.2 42.2 48.6 55.0 63.0 17.0 11 21/2 77/8 9.85 92.0 170.0 200.0 229.0 263.0 18.4 34.0 40.0 46.0 53.0 15.0 10.0 21/4 71/8 8.00 72.0 133.0 160.0 186.0 210.0 14.4 26.6 32.0 37.0 42.0 14.0 9.0 2 61/4 6.30 55.0 106.0 123.0 140.0 166.0 11.0 21.2 24.6 28.0 33.0 12.0 8.0 17/8 53/4 5.55 50.0 96.0 112.0 127.0 150.0 10.0 19.0 22.4 25.0 30.0 12.0 8.0 13/4 51/2 4.85 44.0 85.0 99.0 112.0 133.0 8.8 17.0 19.8 22.0 27.0 11.0 7-0 15/8 5 4.15 38.0 72.0 83.0 94.0 110.0 7.6 14.4 16.6 19.0 22.0 10.9 6.5 H/2 43/4 3.55 33.0 64.0 73.0 82.0 98.0 6.6 12.8 14.6 16.0 20.0 9.0 6.0 13/8 41/4 3.00 28.0 56.0 64.0 72.0 84.0 5.6 11.2 12.8 14.0 17.0 8.5 5.5 U/4 4 2.45 22.8 47.0 53.0 58.0 69.0 4.56 9.4 10.6 12.0 14.0 7.5 5.0 H/8 31/2 2.00 18.6 38.0 43.0 47.0 56.0 3.72 7.6 8.6 9.4 11.0 7.0 4.5 3 1.58 14.5 30.0 34.0 38.0 45.0 2.90 6.0 6.80 7.6 9.0 6.0 4.0 7/8 23/4 1.20 11.8 23.0 26.0 29.0 35.0 2.36 4.6 5.20 5.8 7.0 55 3.5 3/4 21/4 0.89 8.5 17.5 20.2 23.0 26.3 1.70 3.5 4.04 4.6 5.3 4.5 3.0 5/8 2 0.62 6.0 12.5 14.0 15.5 19.0 1.20 2.5 2.80 3.1 3.8 4.0 2.5 9/16 13/4 0.50 4.7 10.0 11.2 12.3 14.5 0.94 2.0 2.24 2.4 2.9 3.5 2.25 V2 H/2 0.39 3.9 8.4 9.2 10.0 12.1 0.78 1.68 1.84 2.0 2.4 3.0 2.0 7/16 U/4 0.30 2.9 6.5 7.25 8.0 9.4 0.58 1.30 1.45 1.6 1.9 2.75 1.75 3/8 H/8 0.22 2.4 4.8 5.30 5.75 6.75 0.48 0.96 1.06 1.15 1.35 2.25 1.50 5/16 1 0.15 1.5 3.1 3.50 3.80 4.50 0.30 0.62 0.70 0.76 0.9 2.0 1.25 V4 3/4 0.10 1.1 2.2 2.43 2.65 3.15 0.22 0.44 0.49 0.53 0.63 1.5 1.00 258 MATERIALS. stiff er than the same diameter of crucible and plow-steel ropes, but strength for strength, it is equally flexible. A smaller rope of this grade than any of the others can be used for a given service. It is particularly adapted to derricks, dredges, skidders, and stump pullers. The sheaves should be somewhat larger, if possible, than for the other grades. See tables, page 257. Extra Flexible Hoisting Rope. Consists of 8 19-wire strands and one hemp core. The greater flexibility permits its use on smaller sheaves and drums, such as are usually found on derricks. It is not advisable to use it where there is much overwinding, as it will flatten much more quickly than the 6 X 19 standard rope. It is made in the five grades of iron, crucible cast steel, extra strong crucible cast steel, plow-steel, and Monitor plow-steel. Its uses are the same as those of standard hoisting rope, noted above. See tables, page 259. Special Flexible Hoisting Rope. Consists of 6 37-wire strands and one hemp core. It is extremely flexible, and is especially adapted to service on cranes where the sheaves are rather small. It is made in the grades crucible cast steel, extra strong crucible cast steel, plow- steel, and Monitor plow-steel. It will not stand as much abrasion as the 6 19-wire strand rope, but it is particularly efficient, as over 50 per cent of the wires are in the inner layers and are protected from abrasion. The crucible steel ropes are used for general hoisting work where the sheaves are small, while the plow-steel varieties are recom- mended for crane service. The Monitor plow-steel rope is largely used on dredges for both main and spud ropes. See table, page 259. Flattened Strand Rope. Flattened strand ropes are used where an increased wearing surface is desired above that obtained with a round strand rope. They are made both for haulage and transmission, and for hoisting, and are always made Lang lay. The haulage rope is made in three types, each of which has one hemp core. The first has 5 9-wire strands, the center wire being of elliptical section; the second has 6 8- wire strands, the center wire being of triangular section; the third has 5 11 -wire strands, the three center wires being of smaller diameter than the others and laid along- side of each other in the same plane. These ropes are made in the iron, crucible cast steel, extra strong crucible cast steel, and Monitor plow-steel grades. They are made in diameters ranging from 1 K inch, down to 3/ 8 inch. The 1-inch 6 8-wire strand rope weighs 1.80 Ib. per ft. and has an approximate strength of 34 tons, in the crucible cast steel grade. Monitor plow-steel rope of the same diam- eter and weight has an approximate breaking strength of 36 tons. The similar figures for 3/Hnch rope, weighing 0.45 Ib. per ft., are: Crucible cast steel, 9.6 tons; Monitor plow -steel, 11.9 tons. Flattened strand hoisting rope is made in two types, each with one hemp core: (A) 5 28-wire strands, the center wire being of ellip- tical section; and (B) 6 25-wire strands, the center wire being of triangular section, and the 12 wires immediately surrounding it being of smaller diameter than the outer wires. These ropes compare in flexibility with the standard hoisting ropes, but have about 150 per cent greater wearing surface. Type A is made in the grades of iron, crucible cast steel, extra strong crucible cast steel, and Monitor plow steel. Type B is made in the grades of crucible cast steel, extra strong crucible cast steel, and Monitor plow steel. They are made in sizes ranging from 21/4 in. diam. down to 3/ 8 inch. Type B rope, 2 in. diam., weighing 7.25 Ib. per ft., has the following breaking strength: Crucible cast steel, 117 tons; Monitor plow steel, 183 tons. The similar figures for H-inch rope of the same type, weighing 0.45 Ib. per ft., are: Crucible cast steel, 9.3 tons; Monitor plow steel, 13.3 tons. Non-Spinning Hoisting Rope. Comprises 18 7- wire strands and one hemp core, 6 strands, long lay, being laid around the core to the left, and 12 strands, regular lay being laid to the right around them. A free object suspended from the end of a rope of this character will not rotate and endanger the lives of persons below it. Furthermore, the attention required to handle and guide the load is decreased. This rope is recommended for back haul or single-line derricks, and for shaft sinking and mine hoisting, where the bucket swings without guides. This rope works best where it does not overwind on the FLEXIBLE HOISTING ROPE. 259^ Extra Flexible Steel Hoisting Rope. 8 Strands, 19 Wires per Strand, 1 Hemp Core. 4 1 ,a Approximate Strength, Tons (2000 Lbs.). Allowable Working Load, Tons (2000 Lbs.). & L d 1 A 11 * li If o| . 1 \{ fe 0P5 "^^Pn 1 E! o is Q g I r Crucible Steel R ?tf cs'S'S is S^ w 0c/2 02 o5 |i Monitor Steel R Crucible Steel R Extra St Crucibl Steel R m oJ * & Monitor Steel R 51 !: 23/4 85/8 11.95 200 233.0 265.0 278.0 40.0 47.0 53.0 55.0 21/2 77/8 9.85 160.0 187.0 214.0 225.0 32.0 37.0 43.0 45.0 21/4 71/8 8.00 125.0 150.0 175.0 184.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 37.0 2 61/4 6.30 105.0 117.0 130.0 137.0 21.0 23.0 26.0 27.0 17/8 53/4 5.55 94.0 106.0 119.0 125.0 18.8 21.2 23.8 25.0 13/4 51/2 4.85 84.0 95.0 108.0 113.0 17.0 19.0 22.0 23.0 15/8 5 4.15 71.0 79.0 90.0 95.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 19.0 H/2 43/4 3.55 63.0 71.0 80.0 84.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 17.0 3. 75. 13/8 41/4 3.00 55.0 61.0 68.0 71.0 11.0 12.0 14.0 14.0 3.50 H/4 4 2.45 45.0 50.0 55.0 58.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 3.20 U/8 31/2 2.00 34.0 39.0 44.0 46.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.2 2.83 3 1.58 29.0 32.0 35.0 37.0 6.0 6.4 7.0 7.4 2.50 7/8 23/4 1.20 23.0 25.0 27.0 29.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.8 2.16 3/4 21/4 0.89 17.5 19.0 21.0 23.0 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.6 .83 5/8 2 0.62 11.2 12.6 14.0 16.0 2.2 2.5 3.0 3.2 75 13/4 0.50 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 .50 1/2 6 0.39 7.25 8.25 9.25 9.75 1.45 1.65 1.85 1.9 .33 7/16 1 1/4 0.30 5.5 6.35 7.2 7.50 1.1 1.27 1.4 1.5 .15 3/8 H/8 0.22 4.2 4.65 5.1 5.30 0.84 0.93 1.0 1.06 .00 260 MATERIALS. drum. The best fastening is an open or closed socket, but the wire rope makers recommend that fastenings be attached at the factory. This rope should not be as heavily loaded as ordinary hoisting rope. It is made in the grades of iron, crucible cast steel, extra strong crucible cast steel, plow steel, and Monitor plow steel. See table, page 261. Extra Flexible Iron Hoisting Rope. 8 Strands, 19 Wires per Strand, 1 Hemp Core. Diam. In 1 7/ 8 3/ 4 5/ 8 9/ 16 i/ 2 Approx. Circum., in 3 2 % 2 M 2 1% H/ 2 Weight per ft., Ib 1.42 1.08 0.80 0.56 0.45 0.35 Approximate Strength, tons (2000 Ibs.) 16.0 13.0 9.5 7.0 6.0 5.0 Working Load, tons (2000 Ibs.) 3 . 1 2.6 1.9 l."4 1.2 1.0 Min. Diam of Drum, ft 6.0 5.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 Steel-Clad Hoisting Rope. The regular grades of hoisting ropes, as well as the special flexible and extra flexible, are furnished, if de- sired, with a flat strip of steel wound spirally around each strand. These give additional wearing surface without sacrificing the flexibility. When the flat winding is worn through, a complete rope remains with unimpaired strength. These ropes are designed for severe conditions of service, and an additional service of 50 to 100 per cent over that of the unprotected rope is frequently obtained. The hoisting rope tables on pages 257 and 259 may be used for the strength of steel- clad rope, by referring to the diameter of the rope, as it would be were no wrapping applied. The steel wrapping is not considered as adding any strength to the rope, but merely serving to increase its life. Flat Rope. Flat rope consists of a number of "flat-rope" strands, twisted alternately right and left, placed side by side and served with soft Swedish iron or steel wire, to form a flat rope of the desired width and thickness. The soft sewing wires wear much quicker than the rope wire, and have to be replaced from time to time, at which time worn strands can also be renewed. Flat rope is used principally for hoisting heavy loads out of deep shafts, it requiring a reel but little larger than the width of the rope, whereas round rope necessitates the use of a large drum. Its use is recommended where saving of machinery space is an object. It does not twist or spin in the shaft, It is also used for operating spouts on coal and ore docks, and for raising and lowering emergency gates on canals and similar machinery. For details of methods of fastening it to drums, the manufacturers should be consulted. Drums and sheaves should be as large as possible. A rule for the diameter of the drum is D = c t, where D is diameter of drum at bottom; ft., t = thickness of rope; in. and c = 100 for drums and 160 for sheaves. Sheaves should be crowned at the center and have deep flanges to guide the rope. See table, page 261. Track Cable for Aerial Tramways. Composed of several successive layers of wires wrapped around a single wire core, the number of wires varying with the diameter of the cable. The cable is made in plow steel and crucible steel grades Track Cable for Aerial Tramways. 21/2 21/4 Breaking Stress Tons (2000 Lbs.). 1310 1036 935 840 728 161.0 189.0 13/4 1V8 H/2 13/8 U/4 Breaking Stress Tons (2000 Lbs.). 145.8 124.0 108.4 88.8 .71.8 171.0 146.0 127.5 105.0 84.6 H/8 V8 3/4 5/8 Breaking St'ssTons (2000 Lbs.) 60.0 49.2 37.6 27.6 19.2 STEEL FLAT EOPB. 261 Non-Spinning Hoisting Rope. 18 Strands, 7 Wires per Strand, 1 Hemp Core. d Approximate Breaking Strength, Tons (2000 Lb.). Allowable Working Load, Tons (2000 Lb.). 4 d M 5 . \ i & ;ble Cast ;1 Rope. 4 1 o5 tor PlowT ;1 Rope. 1 rt ible Cast ;1 Rope. 2^o; o L tor Plow ;1 Rope. Diameter m or Shea A 1 a P Ceo lol ft 3 e S el lul 11 | ! 3 p >H w S ^ M w S ^ S 13/4 51/2 5.50 45.80 85.90 101.00 111.10 122.00 9.1 17.1 20.2 22.2 24.04 7.00 15/8 5 4.90 39.80 74.40 87.60 96.30 7.9 14.8 17.5 19.2 6.50 43/4 4.32 34.00 63.80 75.00 82.50 90 '.70 6.8 12.7 15.0 16.5 18J 6.00 13/8 41/4 3.60 28.20 52.00 62.40 68.60 75.50 5.6 10.4 12.4 13.7 15.1 5.50 U/4 4 2.80 23.40 43.80 51.60 56.80 62.50 4.6 8.7 10.3 11.3 12.5 5.00 H/8 31/2 2.34 19.60 36.80 43.20 47.50 52.20 3.9 7.3 8.6 9.5 10.4 4.50 1 3 1.73 14.95 28.00 33.00 36.30 39.00 2.9 5.6 6.6 7.2 7.8 4.00 7/8 23/4 1.44 11.95 22.50 26.50 31.80 35.00 2.3 4.5 5.3 6.3 7.0 3.50 3/ 4 21/4 1.02 8.85 16.70 19.60 24.60 27.00 1.7 3.3 3.9 4.9 5.4 3.00 ! 5/8 2 0.70 5.90 11.10 13.10 15.75 17.30 1.1 2.2 2.6 3.1 3.4 2.50 9/16 13/4 0.57 4.85 9.10 10.70 12.80 0.97 1.8 2.1 2.5 2.25 1/2 U/2 0.42 3.65 6.90 8.10 9.75 iojo 0.73 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.\ 2.00 7/16 U/4 0.31 2.63 4.90 5.80 6.85 0.52 0.98 1.1 1.3 1.75 3/8 H/8 0.25 2.10 3.90 4.60 5.55 6.16 0.42 0.78 0.92 1.1 \'.2 1.50 Steel Flat Kope. A V g 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 JJ/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 ^ 16 5/16 d 4 1 U/2 h U/2 21/2 31/2 i e r 1 ^ 0.65 0.82 1.06 1.23 Allow- able Working Load, Tons (2000 Lbs.). d 1 'rS 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 V2 1/2 V2 1/2 V 1/2 1/2 1/2 d H- 1 1 g 41/2 51/2 6 d d 5 ? Allow- able Working Load, Tons (2000 Lbs.). d 1 1 1 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 1/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 S M 3 $ 1 Allow- able Working Load, Tons (2000 Lbs.). ll f 2.6 3.4 4.4 5.2 |S S ^4 rJ2 Q} I 1 O |l S ~ 11 5 M O |oa S 21.0 23.8 26.4 29.0 34.2 39.4 3.10 4.00 5.30 6.20 2.85 3.10 3.50 3.73 12.6 13.6 15.4 16.2 6.6 16.2 18.4 19.4 41/2 51/2 6 7 8 4.55 5.10 5.65 6.15 7.30 8.40 18.2 20.4 22.8 25.0 29.6 34.0 0.79 1.10 1.35 1.60 1.88 2.15 3.6 4.6 6.0 7.2 8.2 9.6 4.4 5.6 7.0 8.6 10.0 11.4 21/2 31/2 41/2 51/2 6 7 2.20 2.50 2.80 3.15 3.85 4.20 4.55 4.90 5.90 9.0 10.4 12.0 13.8 16.6 18.0 19.6 21.0 25.6 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.4 19.8 21.6 23.6 25.2 30.6 5 6 7 8 6.85 7.50 8.25 9.75 27.0 30.2 33.6 40.4 31.4 35.0 38.8 46.8 3/8 3/8 3 /8 3/8 3/8 2 21/2 31/2 1.30 1.70 1.89 2.30 2.43 5.4 7.2 8.2 10.0 10.8 6.6 8.6 9.8 12.0 13.0 V8 7/8 7/8 7/8 5 6 7 8 7.50 9.53 9.56 10.60 31.0 36.0 40.6 45.0 34.4 41.8 46.6 51.6 5/8 5/8 31/2 3.50 4.00 13.6 15.8 15.8 18.4 The allowable working load in the above table is 1/5 of the approxi- mate breaking stress of the rope. 262^ MATERIALS. Locked Wire Cable. Locked wire cable and locked coil-track cable, of the general form shown in Fig. 77, are used as track cables for aerial tramways. They differ only in the number and size of Fig. 77. wires used, and both are made of crucible cast steel. The locked wire cable is the more flexible of the two. These cables are smoother than the track cable described on page 260. Locked Coil and Locked Wire Cable. d Wt. per Ft., Lb. Break- ing Stress, Tons (2000 Lbs.). ^ j 3 Wt. Ft., per Lb. Break- ing Stress, Tons (2000 Lbs.). d 3 Wt. per Ft., Lbs. Break- ing Stress Tons (2000 Lbs.). TJ 0)_i 9 fl Id o o oO 0) OJ x.% $* Ji 2 'd o> o> ja.SJ P h ^ Locked Wire. *j 8? J 82 3 s Ij a? J 'O 0) 0) -M.S3 S* 21/2 2.A 13/4 15/8 6.30 15.60 12.50 10.00 7.65 6.60 J03 240 190 160 120 103 H/2 13/8 U/4 H/8 5.30 4.40 3.70 3.00 2.35 5:S 3.80 3.15 2.50 89 75 62 50 40 89 75 62 50 40 7/8 3/4 5/8 9/16 V2 . 1.80 1.88 1.30 0.90 0.72 0.57 30 30 22 15.5 12.5 10 Galvanized Steel Hawser. For Lake and Deep Sea Towing and Mooring Lines. fi Q C Six 3 7- Wire Strands, 1 Hemp Core Six 24- Wire Strands, 7 Hemp Cores. d B 3 Circum., In. Six 3 7- Wire Strands, 1 Hemp Core. Six 24- Wire Strands, 7 Hemp Cores i jja ^^ 1 HA rg3 c M^: S|| ^ 1. 4J.fl ^^ 1 H -A 1^ 311 JcotJ. *. 4J^5 ^ | E?A ^ ! M^^ 1 . .ij-Q pH 0) I. 9& 1^1 w^^ 23/8 25/16 21/4 21/8 21/16 1 15/16 1 13/16 13/4 1 H/16 15/8 71/2 71/4 71/8 63/4 61/2 61/4 6 53/4 51/2 jvi 8.82 8.36 8.00 7.06 6.65 6.30 5.84 5.13 4.85 4.42 4.15 188 182 171 155 140 132 125 112 104 97 87 5^8i 5.51 5.09 4.48 4.24 3.86 3.63 ii3 106 98 88 82 76 74 H/2 17/16 13/8 H/4 13/16 H/8 H/16 7/8 13/16 3/4. 43/4 41/2 41/4 33/4 31/2 3. A 23/ 4 21/2 21/4 3.55 3.24 3.00 2.45 2.21 2.00 1.77 1.58 1.20 1.03 0.89 76 72 66 54 47 42 38 31.5 26 22 20 3.10 2.92 2.62 2.15 .93 .75 .54 .38 .05 0.90 78 63 55 50 42 38 34 27 25 20 17 14 SPLICING WIRE ROPES. 203 To Splice a Wire Rope. The tools required will be a email marline spike, nipping cutters, and either clamps or a small hemp-rope sling with which to wrap around and untwist the rope. If a bench-vise is acces- sible it will be found convenient. In splicing rope, a certain length is used up in making the splice. An allowance of not less than 16 feet for i/2-mch rope, and proportionately longer for larger sizes, must be added to the length of an endless rope in ordering. Having measured, carefully, the length the rope should be after splicing, and marked the points M and M', Fig. 78, unlay the strands from each end E and E' to M and M' and cut off the center at M and M', and then: (1). Interlock the six unlaid strands of each end alternately and draw them together so that the points M and M' meet, as in Fig. 79. (2). Unlay a strand from one end, and following the unlay closely, lay into the seam or groove it opens, the strand opposite it belonging to the other end of the rope, until within a length equal to three or four times the length of one lay of the rope, and cut the other strand to about the same length from the point of meeting as at A, Fig. 80. (3). Unlay the adjacent strand in the opposite direction, and following the unlay closely, lay in its place the corresponding opposite strand, cut- ting the ends as described before at B, Fig. 80. There are now four strands laid in place terminating at A and B, with the eight remaining at MM', as in Fig. 80. It will be well after laying each pair of strands to tie them temporarily " the points A and B. M \B FIG. 80. A A A% A A' A" M B B' B" FIG. 81. SPLICING WIRE ROPE. FIG. 82. Pursue the same course with the remaining four pairs of opposite strands, stopping each pair about eight or ten turns of the rope short of the preceding pair, and cutting the ends as before. We now have all the strands laid in their proper places with their re- spective ends passing each other, as in Fig. 81. All methods of rope-splidng are identical to this point: their variety consists in the method of tucking the ends. The one given below is the one most generally practiced. Clamp the rope either in a vise at a point to the left of A, Fig. 81, and by a hand-clamp applied near A, open up the rope by untwisting suffi- ciently to cut the core at A, and seizing it with the nippers, let an assis- tant draw it out slowly, you following it closely, crowding the strand in its place until it is all laid in. Cut the core where the strand ends, and push the end back into its place. Remove the clamps and let the rope close together around it. Draw out the core in the opposite direction and lay the other strand in the center of the rope, in the same manner. Repeat the operation at the five remaining points, and hammer the rope lightly at the points where the ends pass each other at A, A, B, B, etc., with small wooden mallets, and the splice is complete, as shown in Fig. 82. If a clamp and vise are not obtainable, two rope slings and short wooden levers may be used to untwist, and open up the rope. A rope spliced as above will .be nearly as strong as the original rope and smooth everywhere. After running a few days, the splice, if well made, cannot be found except by close examination. The above instructions have been adopted by the leading rope manu- facturers of America. 264 MATERIALS. CHAINS. Weight per Foot, Proof Test and Breaking Weight. (Pennsylvania Railroad Specifications, 1903.) Nominal Diameter of Wire. Inches. Description. Maximum Length of 100 Links. Inches. Weight per Foot. Lbs. Proof Test. Lbs. Breaking Weight. Lbs. 5/00 Twisted chain 1 03 1/ 8 020 3/ 16 961/4 0.35 3/16 V4 5/16 3/8 3/s Perfection twisted chain Straight-link chain .... Crane chain 151 1* 102 1143/4 1143/4 1135/0 0.27 0.70 1.10 1.60 1.60 1,600 2,500 3,600 4,140 3,200 5,000 7,200 8,280 7/16 7/16 Straight-link chain .... Crane chain 127l/ 2 1261/4 2.07 2.07 4,900 5,635 9,800 11,270 V2 1/2 Straight-link chain .... .Crane chain 153 /4 1511/2 2.50 2.60 6,400 7,360 12,800 14,720 5/8 5/0 Straight-link chain .... Crane chain 1781/2 1763/4 4.08 4.18 10,000 11,500 20,000 23,000 3/4 3/i Straight-link chain .... Crane chain 204 202 5.65 5.75 14,400 16,560 28,800 33,120 7/8 2521/2 7.70 22,540 45,080 1 I K 277 ?/4 9.80 29,440 58,880 1 1 I/a Straight-Jink chain Crane chain 280l/ 2 303 9.80 12.65 25,600 38,260 51,200 76,520 1 1/4 3531/2 15.50 46,000 92,000 1 1/2 i 4165/ 8 22.50 66 240 132,480 1 3/1 ft .2 ^ |, g ,0 Jt !p n "i .2 73 t->~* *o3 C (-<* CJ5 fl 3 . f* P 1 1 M o 1 .s" O ? .rH X o 0> 12 H hc o3C/} &^ OJ S W) *" ^Q S-2" V O ft '5 o <3 bfl *rt rt * O (B hO ^ m N ft ^.2 >a ^5p w K A O P4 o OH 1/4 25/32 3/4 15/16 1,932 3,864 1,288 1,680 3,360 1,120 5/16 27/32 1 U/8 2,898 5,796 1,932 2,520 5,040 1,680 3/8 31/32 U/2 15/16 4,186 8,372 2,790 3,640 7,280 2,427 7/16 15/32 2 U/2 5,796 11,592 3,864 5,040 10,080 3,360 1/2 1 H/32 21/2 1 13/16 7,728 15,456 5,152 6,720 13,440 4,480 9/16 1 15/32 33/io 2 9,660 19,320 6,440 8,400 16,800 5,600 5/8 I 23/3> 41/10 23/16 11,914 23,828 7,942 10,360 20,720 6,907 H/16 1 13/16 5 23/8 14,490 28,980 9,660 12,600 25,200 8,400 3/4 1 15/16 62/io 29/16 17,388 34,776 11,592 15,120 30,240 10,080 13/16 21/16 67/io 23/4 20,286 40,572 13,524 17,640 35,280 11,760 7/8 23/16 83/8 215/16 22,484 44,968 14,989 20,440 40,880 13,627 15/16 27/ie 9 33/16 25,872 51,744 17,248 23,520 47,040 15,680 21/2 101/2 33/ 8 29,568 59,136 19,712 26,880 53,760 17,920 11/16 25/8 12 39/16 33,264 66,538 22,176 30,240 60,480 20,160 U/8 23/ 4 135/g 313/16 37,576 75,152 25,050 34,160 68,320 22,773 13/16 31/16 137/io 4 41,888 83,776 27,925 38,080 76,160 25,387 11/4 31/8 16 43/ie 46,200 92,400 30,800 42,000 84,000 28,000 33/8 161/9 43/8 50,512 101 024 33,674 45,920 91,840 30,613 13/J 6 39/16 191/4 49/i 6 55,748 111,496 37,165 50,680 101,360 33,787 1 7/16 311/16 43/4 60,368 120,736 40,245 54,880 109,760 36,587 U/2 37/ 8 23 51/8 66,528 133,056 44,352 60,480 120,960 40,320 19/16 4 25 55/ie 70,762 141,524 47,174 65,520 131,140 43,180 13/4 43/4 31 57/8 82,320 164,640 54,880 2 53/4 40 63/ 4 107,520 215,040 71,680 21/4 63/4 523/4 75/8 136,080 272,160 90,720 2l/ 2 7 641/2 83/8 168,000 336,000 112,000 23/4 71/4 73 91/8 193,088 386, 1 76 128,725 3 73/4 86 97/8 217,728 435,456 145,152 The distance from center of one link to center of next is equal to the inside length of link, but in practice 1/32 in. is allowed for weld. This is approximate, and where exactness is required, chain should be made so. FOR CHAIN SHEAVES. The diameter, if possible, should be not less than thirty times the diameter of chain used. EXAMPLE. For 1-inch chain use 30-inch sheaves. T&, ~ ^ ' % J ^,< WTHEBEOOE MATERIALS. SHAPES AND SIZES OF FIRE-BRICK. (Stowe-Fuller Co., Cleveland, 1914.) Name of Brick or Length, Inches. Width, Inches. Thick-' ness, Inches. _ . o| 0) t< n& ta M0> *- be ' S '? S Tile. j>tj >3 IS 26 Ss 62 '2u a 6 c d c / HH STRAIGHT BRICK. 9-inch . 9 4l/o 21/2 Large 9-inch . . Small 9- " . . 9 9 63/4" 31/0 21/2 Checker . . 9 3 3 Soap . . ., No. 1 Split 9 9 21/2 41/0 21/4 No. 2 " ... 9 4l'/o 2 Checker Tile . I 1820, } 6 3 Mill 24 1820, ) (. 9 3 Mill Block . 24 ' 9 6 No. 1 Bridgewall No. 2 13 13 61/2 61/2 6 3 WEDGE SHAPE AND TAPER BRICKS. Large 9-in. No 1 Wedge . . . Large 9-in. No 2 Wedge... No. 1 Wedge . No. 2 " . No. 1 Key*. . No. 2 " * . . No. 3 " * . . No. 4 " * . . No. 1 Archf. . No. 2 " t- . Side Skew . . . End Skew . . . Skew Back. . . No. 1 Neck . . No. 2 " . . No. 3 " . . Feather Edge . Jamb . Edge Arch 63/4 63/4 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41/2 41A> 4'" 31/2 21/4 13/4 ii/2 V" 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/2 21/0 17/8 U/2 U/2 2" ../, 102 63 102 63 112 65 41 26 72 42 60 30 60 30 144 72 36 18 48 24 '5/8 1/8 2" 36 CIRCLE BRICK, Curved Edges. No. 1 . No. 2. No! 4 '. No. 5. 81/2 9 9 9 9 51/4 4i/ 2 !.. 69/1641/2.. 73/1641/2 .. 79/16 41/2 . . 75/8 41/ 2 . . . 2l/ 2 . . 21/2' . . 2l/ 2 . . 21/2 . : 21/2 . 9 II 14 20 24 CUPOLA BLOCKS. No. 1 No. 2 . . 9 63/8 63/4 6 6 4 4 15 17 30 36 No. 3 . 9 71/8 6 4 71 48 No. 4 9 71/2 6 4 52 60 * Tapers lengthwise, t Tapers breadthwise. Other special shapes of brick and tile manufactured are: Locomo- tive tile, 32, 34, and 40 in. X 10 in. X 3 in. ; 34 and 36 in. X 8 in. X 3 in. Blast Furnace Shapes, 13 H X 6 X 2^ in. straight; No. 1, 12 ft. Key NUMBER OF FIEE BRICK FOR CIRCLES. 267 13^X6 X5X2H in. thick, 91 brick to circle; No. 2, 6 ft. Key 13 J^ X 6 X 43/8 X 2% in. thick, 53 brick to circle; bottom blocks, 18 X 9 X 4 1 A in. straight. Standard Block Linings, 9X9, 12 X 9, 15 X 9, 18 X 9, all 4 V in. thick, made straight, and as key-brick for use with straight brick to line any diameter of furnace ; the key- bricks are made for radii of 5, 7 1 A, and 10 ft. Pottery Kiln Brick, flat back, 9X6 X 2 H in. ; flat back arch, 9X6X3^X2^ in.; 56 brick to a 32-inch inside diam. circle, No. 2 flat back arch, 9X6 X 3 y X 2 in., 31 brick to a 22-inch inside diam. circle. A straight 9-inch fire-brick weighs 7 Ibs., a silica brick, 6.2 Ibs.; a magnesia brick, 9 Ibs. ; a chrome brick, 10 Ibs. A silica brick expands about i/s inch per foot when heated to 2,500 F. Clay brick expand or shrink, dependent upon the proportion of silica to alumina contained in the brick; but most fire clay brick contain alumina sufficient to show some shrinkage. One cubic foot of wall requires 17, 9-inch bricks; one cubic yard, requires 460. Where keys, wedges, and other "shapes" are used, add 10 per cent, in estimating the number required. To secure the best results, fire-brick should be laid in the same clay from which they are manufactured. One ton of ground clay should be sufficient to lay 3,000 ordinary bricks. It should be used as a thin paste and not as mortar. The thinner the joint the better the furnace wall. In ordering bricks, the service for which they are to be used should be stated. Silica brick should be laid in silica cement and with the smallest joint possible. Ground fire-brick or old cupola blocks mixed with fire-clay make the best cupola daub known. NUMBER OF FIRE-BRICK REQUIRED FOR VARIOUS CIRCLES. Diam. of Circle. Key Bricks. Arch Bricks. Wedge Bricks. -T d cK 6 3 S ft. in. 1 6 2 2 6 3 3 6 4 4 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 8 8 6 9 9 6 10 10 6 II 11 6 12 12 6 25 17 9 "\3 25 ^8 25 30 34 38 42 46 42 31 21 10 42 18 36 54 7? 49 57 64 72 80 87 95 102 110 117 125 132 140 147 155 162 170 177 185 193 60 48 36 24 12 '26' 40 59 79 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 '"s" 15 23 30 38 46 53 61 68 76 83 91 98 106 60 68 76 83 91 98 106 113 121 128 136 144 151 159 166 174 181 189 196 204 32 25 19 13 6 10 21 32 42 53 63 51 55 59 63 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 8 15 23 30 38 45 53 60 68 75 83 90 98 105 113 121 58 52 47 42 37 31 26 21 16 11 5 9 19 29 38 47 57 66 76 85 94 104 113 113 67 71 76 80 84 88 92 97 101 105 109 113 117 For larger circles than 12 feet use 113 No. 1 Key, and as many 9-inch brick as may be needed in addition. 268 MATERIALS. Refractoriness of Some American Fire-Brick. (R. F. Weber, A. I. M. E., 1904.) Prof. Heinrich Ries notes that the fusibility of New Jersey brick is influenced largely by its percentage of silica, but also in part by the texture of the clay. It was found that the fustion-point of almost any of the New Jersey fire-bricks could be reduced four or five Seger cones by grinding the brick sufficiently fine to pass through a 700-mesh sieve. Mr. Weber draws the conclusion from his tests of 44 bricks that it is evident that the refractoriness of a fire-brick depends on the total quan- tity of fluxes present, the silica percentage and the coarseness of grain; moreover, chemical analysis alone cannot be used as an index of the refractoriness except within rather wide limits. The following table shows the composition, fusion-point, and physical properties of six most refractory and of five least refractory of the 44 bricks. J.3 1 Locality. Si0 2 . A1 2 O 3 . Fe.03. TiO 2 . ill J3tJ& 4 *-! fl 6 5? J^ra5 eg ' Cr^ 55 < sT 3 Per Per Per Per Per Per No. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 1.... Missouri . 51 59 38 26 1 84 1 97 6 34 10 25 32 to 33 Kentucky 54.90 38.19 2J8 K55 3J8 6.91 32 to 33 y'.'.'. Pennsylvania 53.05 41.16 2.65 1.80 1.34 5.79 32 to 33 4.... Colorado 93.57 2.53 0.62 0.27 3.01 3.90 32 to 33 5... Ken tucky 44 77 43 08 2 78 2 54 6 83 12.15 31 to 32 6 New York 68 70 20 75 1 20 5 54 3 81 10 55 31 to 32 40.... Pennsylvania 61.28 27.13 2.90 1.37 7.31 11.58 26 41.... Pennsylvania 74.83 16.40 3.26 0.77 4.74 8.77 26 42... Alabama 67 19 25.05 2 83 71 4.22 7 76 26 43 Indiana 60 76 31 66 5 67 1 58 33 7 58 26 44. ... Kentucky 60.58 32.49 2.25 1.69 2.99 6.93 26 1 Fairly uniform, angular flint-clay particles, constituting body of brick. Largest pieces 5 to 6 mm. in diameter. White. 2 Coarse-grained ; angular pieces of flint-clay as large as 9 mm. Aver- age 4 to 5 mm. Light buff. 3 Coarse, angular flint-clay particles, varying from 1 to 5 mm. in diameter. Average 4 to 5 mm. Buff. 4 Fine-grained quartz particles. Largest 2 to 3 mm. in diameter. White. 6 Medium grain; flint-clay particles, fairly uniform in size, 3 to 4 mm. Light buff. 6 Coarse grain; quartz particles, 4 to 5 mm. in diameter, forming about 50 per cent of brick. White. 40 Fine grain; small, white flint-clay particles, not over 2 mm. in diameter and not abundant. Buff. 41 Medium grain; pieces of quartz with pinkish color and angular flint- clay particles. About 3 mm. in diameter. Buff. 42 Fine grain; even texture. Few coarse particles. Brown. tt Fine grain; some particles as large as 1 to 2 mm. in diameter. Buff. 44 Angular, dark-colored, flinty-clay particles. Maximum size 5 mm. Throughout a reddish-brown matrix. SLAG BRICKS AND SLAG BLOCKS. Slag bricks are made by mixing granulated basic slag and slaked lime, molding the mixture in a brick press or by hand, and drying. The silica in the slag ranges from 22.5% to 35%; the alumina andiron oxide together, from 16.1% to 21%; the lime, from 40% to 51.5%. The granulated slag is dried and pulverized. Powdered slaked lime is added in sufficient quan- ANALYSES OF FIRE CLAYS. 269 tity to bring the total calcium oxide in the mixture up to about 55%. Usually a small amount of -water is added. The mixture is then molded into shape, and the bricks are then dried for six to ten days in the open air. Slag bricks weigh less than clay bricks of equal size, require less mortar in laying up, and are at least equal to them in crushing strength. Slag blocks are made by running molten slag direct from the furnaces into molds. If properly made, they are stronger than slag bricks. They are, however, impervious to air and moisture; and on that account dwellings constructed of them are apt to be damp. Their chief uses are for foundations or for paving blocks. The properties required in a slag paving block, viz: density, resistance to abrasion, toughness, and rough- ness of surface, vary with the chemical composition of the slag, the rapidity of cooling, .and the character of the molds used. Blocks cast in sand molds, and heavily covered with loose sand, cool slowly, and give much better results than those cast in iron molds. E. C. Eckel, Ena. News, April 30, 1903. ANALYSES OF FIRE CLAYS. Brand. Titanic Acid, TiO 2 O 33 i s m Alumina, A1 2 3 B p O 1 I S oT '3 lo !* 9, W n 1 9, 1 C8 1 Total Im- purities. 1 Mt Savage^- 50.46 56.80 44.40 56.15 55.87 56.80 67.84 68.01 48.35 44.80 51.50 63.18 44.61 45.26 67.47 65.60 73.82 65.41 53.40 55.46 73.71 67.12 35.90 30.08 33.56 33.30 41.39 30.08 21.83 24.09 36.37 39.00 44.85 23.70 38.01 37.85 19.33 20.75 15.88 30.55 26.40 31.74 18.33 21.18 12.744 10.50 14.575 9.68 ' '7.69 5.98 3.03 10.56 14.70 1.94 6.87 13.63 13.30 10.45 11.00 6.45 .50 .12 .08 0.59 .60 .67 .57 .01 2.00 0.30 0.33 1.20 1.25 2.03 2.56 2.00 2.95 70 0.13 0.02 Trace 0.80 1.65 1 9? Mt. Savage 2 . . . Mt. Savages. . . Mt. Savage* . . . Strasburg, O. . . Cumberland, Md Woodbridge.NJ Carter Co., Ky . ClearfieldCo.,Pa Clearfield 5 and. Cambria Cos., Pa 6 1.15 1.53 6.'45 1.15 Tr. 0.17 0.40 6.'28 3.01 0.07 0.20 0.23 0.17 0.08 0.08 0.41 1.65 Tr. 0.11 0.12 0.30 6.24 6! 12 1.00 1.15 0.47 0.41 0.02 0.07 Tr. Tr. 0.2 6.'29 2.30 2.24 ' 2.5 47 0.20 4'" 1.47 0.88 2.79 3.97 4.33 4.02 4.73 Clinton Co., Pa. Clarion Co., Pa. FarrandsvillePa St.LouisCo.,Mo Gottwerth, Aus. Stourbridge, En. Glenboig, Scot. La Bouchade,Fr Coblentz, Ger. Diesdorf , Rhine- land . . 1.46 1.02 \33 2.52 1.74 1.26 1.07 Tr. 0.90 4.55 3.47 3.59 5.14 3.85 3 58 S0 2 0.19 0.20 3.65 12.00 9.37 5.17 6.21 4.20 0.59 0.89 1.85 0.69 0.19 Tr. 0.32 0.64 0.14 0.10 0.84 0. 2.49 2.12 2.02 >5 0.68 0.24 4.20 4.09 3.85 5.93 0.90 Dowlair, Wales. 1 Mass. Inst. of Technology, 1871. 2 Report on Clays of New Jersey. Prof. G. H. Cook, 1877. * Second Geological Survey of Penna., 1878. * Dr. Otto Wuth (2 samples), 1885. 5 Flint clay from Clea.rfleld and Cambria counties, Pa., average of hundreds of analyses by Harbison- Walker Refractories Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 6 Same material calcined. All other analyses from catalogue of Stowe-Fuller Co., 1914. MAGNESIA BRICKS. "Foreign Abstracts" of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1893, gives a paper by C. Bischof on the production of magnesia bricks. The material most in favor at present is the magnesite of Styria, which, although less pure considered as a source of magnesia than the Greek, has the property of fritting at a high temperature without melting. At a red heat magnesium carbonate is decomposed into carbonic acid and caustic magnesia, which resembles lime in becoming hydrated and 270 MATERIALS. recarbonated when exposed to the air, and possesses a certain plasticity, so that it can be moulded when subjected to a heavy pressure. By long- continued or stronger heating the material becomes dead-burnt, giving a form of magnesia of high density, sp. gr. 3.8, as compared with 3.0 in the plastic form, which is unalterable in the air but devoid of plasticity. A mixture of two volumes of dead-burnt with one of plastic magnesia can be moulded into bricks which contract but little in firing. Other binding materials that have been used are: clay up to 10 or 15 per cent; gas-tar, perfectly freed from water, soda, silica, vinegar as a solution of magnesium acetate which is readily decomposed by heat, and carbolates of alkalies or lime. Among magnesium compounds a weak solution of magnesium chloride may also be used. For setting the bricks lightly burnt, caustic magnesia, with a small proportion of silica to render, it less refractory, is recommended. The strength of the bricks may be increased by adding iron, either as oxide or silicate. If a porous product is required, sawdust or starch may be added to the mixture. When dead-burnt magnesia is used alone, soda is said to be the best binding material. See also papers by A. E. Hunt, Trans. A. I. M. E. t xvi, 720, and by T. Egleston, Trans. A. I. M.E., xiv, 458. The average composition of magnesite, crude and calcined, is given as follows by the Harbison-Walker Refractories Co., Pittsburg (1907). Gre Crude. Carbonate of magnesia 97.00% Magnesia Silica 1 25 cian. Calcined. 94'.66'% 2.75 0.70 0.80 1.50 0.40 Styrian. Crude. Calcined. 92.50% 85.50% 1.50 3.00 0.50 1.00 3.90 8.00 1.25 2.50 0.50 Alumina 0.40 Iron Oxide ... 40 Lime 0.75 Loss ....'. 100.05 100.15 99.65 100.50 With the calcined Styrian magnesite of the above analysis it is not necessary to use a . binder either for making brick or for forming the bottom of an open-hearth furnace. ZIRCONIA. Zirconiaore (84.1 ZrO 2 ; 7.74 SiO 2 ; 3.10Fe 2 O 3 ; 1.21 TiO 2 ; 0.66A1 2 O3: loss on ignition 2.72) vitrifies slightly at 1830 C. (3326 F) . Mixed with different percentages of clay and molded into cones it vitrifies at some- what lower temperatures. A zirconia brick containing 5% clay be- came plastic on its face at 1800 C. (3272F;). (H. Conrad Meyer, j\fet. & Chem. Eng., Vol. xii, No. 12, 1914, Vol. xiii, No. 4, 1915; Circular of Foote Mineral Co., Philadelphia.) ASBESTOS. The following analyses of asbestos aregiven~by J. T. Donald. Eng. and M. Jour., June 27, 1891. Canadian. Italian. Broughton. Templeton. Silica 40.30% 40.57% 40.52% Magnesia 43.37 41.50 42.05 Ferrous oxide 87 2.81 1.97 Alumina 2.27 .90 2..10 Water 13.72 13.55 13.46 100.53 99.33 100.10 Chemical analysis throws light upon an important point in connection with asbestos, i.e., the cause of the harshness of the fibre of some varieties. Asbestos is principally a hydrous silicate of magnesia, i.e., silicate of mag- nesia combined with water. When harsh fibre is analyzed it is found to contain less water than the soft fibre. In fibre of very fine quality from Black Lake analysis showed 14.38% of water, while a harsh-fibred sa>mple gave only 11.70%. If soft fibre be heated to a temperature that will drive off a portion of the combined water, there results a substance so brittle that it may be crumbled between thumb and finger. There is evidently some connection between the consistency, of the fibre and the amount of water in its composition, STANDARD CROSS SECTIONS. Recommended by a Committee of the Am. Soc. M. B.; 1912. 271 Cast Iron Wrought Iron Cast Steel Wrought Steel Aluminum Rubber, Vulcanite Rock Original Filling Earth Sand Other Materials Wrought Steel Nickel Steel Chrome Steel Vanadium Steel fill ; .M : :&V; ; wws Concrete Concrete Blocks Cyclopean Expanded Wire or PonorpfA Metal Rods concrete Reinf orced concrete 272 STKENGTH OF MATERIALS. STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. Stress and Strain. There is much confusion among writers on strength of materials as to the definition of these terms. An external force applied to a body, so as to pull it apart, is resisted by an internal force, or resistance, and the action of these forces causes a displacement of the molecules, or deformation. By some writers the external force is called a stress, and the internal force a strain; 9thers call the external force a strain, and the internal force a stress; this confusi9n of terms is not of importance, as the words stress and strain are quite commonly used synonymously, but the use of the word strain to mean molecular displacement, deformation, or distortion, as is the custom of some, is a corruption of the language. See Engineering News, June 23, 1892. Some authors in order to avoid confusion never use the word strain in their writings. Definitions by leading authorities are given below. Stress. A stress is a force which acts in the interior of a body, and resists the external forces which tend to change its shape. A deformation is the amount of change of shape of a body caused by the stress. The word strain is often used as synonymous with stress, and sometimes it is also used to designate the deformation. (Merriman.) The force by which the molecules of a body resist a strain at any point is called the stress at that point. The summation of the displacements of the molecules of a body for a given point is called the distortion or strain at the point considered. (Burr.) Stresses are the forces which are applied to bodies to bring into action their elastic and cohesive properties. These forces cause alterations of the forms of the bodies upon which they act. Strain is a name given to the kind of alteration produced by the stresses. The distinction between stress and strain is not always observed, one being used for the other. (Wood.) The use of the word stress as synonymous with " stress per square inch," or with "strength per square inch," should be condemned as lacking in precision. Stresses are of different kinds, viz.: tensile, compressive, transverse, tor- sional, and shearing stresses. A tensile stress, or pull, is a force tending to elongate a piece. A com- pressive stress, or push, is a force tending to shorten it. A transverse stress tends to bend it. A torsional stress tends to twist it. A shearing stress tends to force one part of it to slide over the adjacent part. Tensile, compressive, and shearing stresses are called simple stresses. Transverse stress is compounded of tensile and compressive stresses, and torsional of tensile and shearing stresses. To these five varieties of stresses might be added tearing stress, which is either tensile or shearing, but in which the resistance of different portions of the material are brought into play in detail, or one after the other, instead of simultaneously, as in the simple stresses. Effects of Stresses. The following general laws for cases of simple tension or compression have been established by experiment (Merriman) : 1. When a small stress is applied to a body, a small deformation is pro- duced, and on the removal of the stress the body springs back to its original form. For small stresses, then, materials may be regarded as perfectly elastic. 2. Under small stresses the deformations are approximately proportional to the forces or stresses which produce them, and also approximately pro- portional to the length of the bar or body. 3. When the stress is great enough a deformatipn is produced which is partly permanent, that is, the body does not spring back entirely to its original form on removal of the stress. This permanent part is termed a set. In such cases the deformations are not proportional to the stress. 4. When the stress is greater still the deformation rapidly increases and the body finally ruptures. 5. A sudden stress, or shock, is more injurious than a steady stress or than a stress gradually applied. ELASTIC LIMIT AND YIELD POINT. 273 Elastic Limit. The elastic limit is defined as that load at which the deformations cease to be proportional to the stresses, or at which the rate of stretch (or other deformation) begins to increase. It is also defined as the load at which a permanent set first becomes visible. The last definition is not considered as good as the first, as it is found that with some materials a set occurs with any load, no matter how small, and that with others a set which might be called permanent vanishes with lapse of time, and as it is impossible to get the point of first set without removing the whole load after each increase of load, which is frequently inconven- ient. The elastic limit, defined, however, as that stress at which the extensions begin to increase at a higher rate than the applied stresses, usually corresponds very nearly with the point of first measurable per- manent set. Apparent Elastic TJmit. Prof. J. B. Johnson (Materials of Con- struction, p. 19) defines the " apparent elastic limit " as " the point on the stress diagram [a plotted diagram in which the ordinates represent loads and the abscissas the corresponding elongations] at which the rate of deformation is 50% greater than it is at the origin," [the minimum rate]. An equivalent definition, proposed by the author, is that point at which the modulus of extension (length X increment of load per unit of section -=- increment of elongation) is two thirds of the maximum. Fcr steel, with a modulus of elasticity of 30,000,000, this is equivalent to that point at which the increase of elongation in an 8-inch specimen for 1000 Ibs. per sq. in. increase of load is 0.0004 in. Yield-point. The term yield-point has recently been introduced into the literature of the strength of materials. It is defined as that point at which the rate of stretch suddenly increases rapidly with no increase of the load. The difference between the elastic limit, strictly defined as the point at which the rate of stretch begins to increase, and the yield- point, may in some cases be considerable. This difference, however, will not be discovered in short test-pieces unless the readings of elongations are made by an exceedingly fine instrument, as a micrometer reading to 0.0001 inch. In using a coarser instrument, such as calipers reading to 1/100 of an inch, the elastic limit and the yield-point will appear to be simultaneous. Unfortunately for precision of language, the term yield- point was not introduced until long after the term elastic limit had been almost universally adopted to signify the same physical fact which is now defined by the term yield-point, that is, not the point at which the first change in rate, observable 9iily by a microscope, occurs, but that later point (more or less indefinite as to its^ precise position) at which the increase is great enough to be seen by the naked eve. A most convenient method of determining the point at which a sudden increase of rate of stretch occurs in short specimens, when a testing-machine in which the pulling is done by screws is used, is to note the weight on the beam at the instant that the beam "drops." During the earlier portion of the test, as the extension is steadily increased by the uniform but slow rota- tion of the screws, the poise is moved steadily along the beam to keep it in equipoise; suddenly a point is reached at which the beam drops, and will not rise until the elongation has been considerably increased by the further rotation of the screws, the advancing of the poise meanwhile being suspended. This point corresponds practically to the point at which the rate of elongation suddenly increases, and to the point at which an appreciable permanent set is first found. It is also the point which has hitherto been called in practice and in text-books the elastic limit, and it will probably continue to be so called, although the use 9f the newer term " yield-point " for it, and the restriction of the term elastic limit to mean the earlier point at which the rate of stretch begins to increase, as determinable only by micrometric measurements, is more precise and scientific. In order to obtain the yield-point by the drop of the beam with approximate accuracy, the screws of the testing machine must be run very slowly as the yield-point is approached, so as to cause an elongation of not more than, say, 0.005 in. per minute. In tables of strength of materials hereafter given, the term elastic limit is used in its customary meaning, the point at which the rate of stress has begun to increase as pbservable by ordinary instruments or by the drop of the beam. With this definition it is practically synonymous with yield- point. 274 STRENGTH < >F MATERIALS. Coefficient (or Modiilii-0 of Klasticity. --This is a term express- ing the relation between the amount of extension or compression of a mate- rial and the load producing that extension or compression. It is defined as the load per unit of section divided bv the extension per unit of length. Let P be the applied load, k the sectional area of the piece, I the length of the part extended, A the amount of the extension, and E the coefficient of elasticity. Then P * k = the load on a unit of section; A ~ / = the elongation of a unit of length. p A Pl The coefficient of elasticity is sometimes denned as the figure ex: slant. This definition follows from the formula above given, thus: If k = one square inch. ( and A each = one inch, then E = P. Within the elastic limit, when the deformations are proportional to the stresses, the coefficient of elasticity is constant, but beyond the elastic ..imit it decreases rapidly. In cast iron there is generally no apparent limit of elasticity, the defor- mations increasing at a faster rate than th .rid a permanent set being produced by small loads. The coefficient of elasticity therefore is not constant during any portion of a test, but grows smaller as the load increases. The same is true in the case of timber. In wrought iron and steelj however, there is a well-defined elastic limit, and the coefficient of elasticity within that limit is nearly constant. Resilience, or Work of Resistance of a Material. Within the elastic limit, the resistance increasing uniformly from zero stress to the stress at the elastic limit . the work done by a load applied gradually is equal to one half the product of the final stress by the extension or other deformation. Beyond the elastic limit, the extensions increasing more rapidly than the loads, and the strain diagram (a plotted diagram showing the relation of extensions to stresses) approximating a parabolic form, the work is approximately equal to two thirds the product of the maximum stress by the extension. The amount of work required to break a bar, measured usually in inch- pounds, is called its resilience: the work required to strain it to the elastic limit is called its elastic resilience. (See below.) Under a load applied suddenly the momentary elastic distortion is equal to twice that caused by the same load applied gradually. When a solid material is exposed to percussive stress, as when a weight falls upon a beam transversely, the work of resistance is measured by the product of the weight into the total fall. Elastic Resilience. In a rectangular beam tested by transverse stressrsupported at the ends and loaded in the middle, in which, if P is the load in pounds at the elastic limit. R = the modulus of transverse strength, or the stress on the extreme fibre, at the elastic limit, B = modulus of elasticity, A = deflection, I, 6, and <1 = length, breadth. and depth in inches. Substituting for P ia (2) its value in (1), A= ] + Ed. The elastic resilience = half the product of the load and deflection = l /2P A, and the elastic resilience per cubic inch = 1/2 PA -5- Ibd. Substituting the values of P and A, this reduces to elastic resilience per 1 02 cubic inch = =, w , which is independent of the dimensions; and therefore 18 bj the elastic resilience per cubic inch for transverse strain may be used as a modulus expressing one valuable quality of a material, ELEVATION OF THE ELASTIC LIMIT. 275 Similarly for tension: Let P = tensile stress in pounds per square inch at the elastic limit; e = elongation per unit of length at the elastic limit: E = modulus of elasticity = P -*- e\ whence e = P + E Then elastic resilience per cubic inch = 1/2 Pe = 5 #~ Elevation of Ultimate Resistance and Elastic Limit. It was first observed by Prof. R. H. Thurston, and Commander L. A. Beardslee, U.S. N., independently, in 1873, that if wrought iron be subjected to a stress beyond its elastic limit, but not beyond its ultimate resistance, and then allowed to "rest" for a definite interval of time a considerable increase of elastic limit and ultimate resistance may be experienced. In other words, the application of stress and subsequent "rest" increases the resistance of wrought iron. This "rest" may be an entire release from stress or a simple holding the test-piece at a given intensity of stress. Commander Beardslee prepared twelve specimens and subjected them to a stress equal to the ultimate resistance of the material, vuthout breaking the specimens. These were then allowed to rest, entirely free from stress, from 24 to 30 hours, after which they were again stressed until broken. The gain in ultimate resistance by the rest was found to vary from 4.4 to 17 per cent. This elevation of elastic and ultimate resistance appears to be peculiar to iron and steel; it has not been found in other metals. Relation of the Elastic Limit to Endurance under Repeated Stresses (condensed from Engineering, August 7, 1891). When engi- neers first began to test materials, it was soon recognized that if a speci- men was loaded beypnd a certain point it did not recover its original dimensions on removing the load, but took a permanent set; this point was called the elastic limit. Since below this point a bar appeared to recover completely its original form and dimensions on removing the load, it appeared obvious that it had not been injured by the load, and hence the working load might be deduced from the elastic limit by using a small factor of safety. Experience showed, however, that in many cases a bar would not carry safely a stress anywhere near the elastic limit of the material as- deter- mined by these experiments, and the whole theory of any connection between the elastic limit of a bar and its working load became almost discredited, and engineers employed the ultimate strength only in deduc- ing the safe working load to which their structures might be subjected. Still, as experience accumulated it was observed that a higher factor of safety was required for a live load than for a dead one. In 1871 Wohler published the results of a number of experiments on bars of iron and steel subjected to live loads. In these experiments the stresses were put on and removed from the specimens without impact, but it was, nevertheless, found that the breaking stress of the materials was in every case much below the statical breaking load. Thus, a bar of Krupp's axle steel having a tenacity of 49 tons per square inch broke with a stress of 28.6 tons per square inch, when the load was completely removed and replaced without impact 170,000 times. These expenments were made on a large number of different brands of iron and steel, and the results were concordant in showing that a bar would break with an alternating stress of only, say, one third the statical breaking strength of the material, if the repetitions of stress were sufficiently numerous. At the same time, however, it appeared from the general trend of the experi- ments that a bar would stand an indefinite number of alternations of stress, provided the stress was kept below the limit. Prof. Bauschinger defines the elastic limit as the point at which stress ceases to be sensibly proportional to extension, the latter being measured with a mirror apparatus reading to 1/5000 of a millimetre, or about 1/100000 in. This limit is always below the yield-point, and may on occasion be zero. On loading a bar above the yield -point, this point rises with the stress, and the rise continues for weeks, months, and possibly for years if the bar is left at rest under its load. On the other hand, when a bar is loaded beyond its true elastic limit, but below its yield-point, this limit rises, but reaches a maximum as the yield-point is approached, and then falls rapidly, reaching even to zero. On leaving the bar at rest under a stress exceeding that of tys primitive 276 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. down point the elastic limit begins to rise again, and may, if left a sufifl* cient time, rise to a point much exceeding its previous value. A bar has two limits of elasticity, one for tension and one for com- pression. Bauschinger loaded a number of bars in tension until stress ceased to be sensibly proportional to deformation. The load was then removed and the bar tested in compression until the elastic limit in this direction had been exceeded. This process raises the elastic limit in compression, as would be found on testing the bar in compression a second time. In place of this, however, it was now again tested in tension, when it was found that the artificial raising of the limit in compression had lowered that in tension below its previous value. By repeating the process of alternately testing in tension and compression, the two limits took up points at equal distances from the line of no load, both in tension and compression. These limits Bauschinger calls natural elastic limits of the bar, which for wrought iron correspond to a stress of about 81/2 tons per square inch, but this is practically the limiting load to which a bar of the same material can be strained alternately in tension and com- pression, without breaking when the loading is repeated sufficiently often, as determined by Wohler's method. As received from the rolls the elastic limit of the bar in tension is above the natural elastic limit of the bar as defined by Bauschinger, having been artificially raised by the deformations to which it has been subjected in the process of manufacture. Hence, when subjected to alternating stresses, the limit in tension is immediately lowered, while that in com- pression is raised until they both correspond to equal loads. Hence, in Wohler's experiments, in which the bars broke at loads nominally below the elastic limits of the material, there is every reason for concluding that the loads were really greater than true elastic limits of the material. This is confirmed by tests on the connecting-rods of engines, which work under alternating stresses of equal intensity. Careful experiments on old rods show that the elastic limit in- compression is the same as that in tension, and that both are far below the tension elastic limit of the material as received from the rolls. The common opinion that straining a metal beyond its elastic limit injures it appears to be untrue. It is not the mere straining of a metal beyond one elastic limit that injures it, but the straining, many times repeated, beyond its two elastic limits. Sir Benjamin Baker has shown that in bending a shell plate for a boiler the metal is of necessity strained beyond its elastic limit, so that stresses of as much as 7 tons to 15 tons per square inch may obtain in it as it comes from the rolls, and unless the plate is annealed, these stresses will still exist after it has been built into the boiler. In such a case, however, when exposed to the additional - stress due to the pressure inside the boiler, the overstrained portions of the plate will relieve themselves by stretching and taking a permanent set, so that probably after a year's working very little difference could be detected in the stresses in a plate built into the boiler as it came from the bending rolls, and in one which had been annealed, before riveting into lace, and the first, in spite of its having been strained beyond its elastic mits, and not subsequently annealed, would be as strong as the other. p li Resistance of Metals to Repeated Shocks. More than twelve years were spent by Wohler at the instance of the Prussian Government in experimenting upon the resistance of iron and steel to repeated stresses. The results of his experiments are expressed in what is known as Wohler's law, which is given in the following words in Dubois's translation of Weyrauch: " Rupture may be caused not only by a steady load which exceeds the carrying strength, but also by repeated applications of stresses, none of which are equal to the carrying strength. The differences of these stresses are measures of the disturbance of continuity, in so far as by their increase the minimum stress which is still necessary for rupture diminishes." A practical illustration of the meaning of the first portion of this law may be given thus: If 50,000 pounds once applied will just break a bar of iron or steel, a stress very much less than 50,000 pounds will break it if repeated sufficiently often. EFFECT OF VIBEATION AND LOAD. 277 | This is fully confirmed by the experiments of Fairbairn and Spangenberg, as well as those of Wohler; and, as is remarked by Weyrauch, it may be considered as a long-known result of common experience. It partially accounts for what Mr. Holley has called the "intrinsically ridiculous factor of safety of six." Another " long-known result of experience" is the fact that rupture may be caused by a succession of shocks or impacts, none of which alone would be sufficient to cause it. Iron axles, the piston-rods of steam hammers, and other pieces of metal subject to continuously repeated shocks, invariably break after a certain length of service. They have a "life" which is limited. Several years ago Fairbairn wrote: " We know that in some cases . wrought iron subjected to C9ntinuous vibration assumes a crystalline structure, and that the cohesive powers are much deteriorated, but we j are ignorant of the causes of this change." We are still ignorant, not i only of the causes of this change, but of the conditions under which it i takes place. Who knows whether wrought iron subjected to very slight continuous vibration will endure forever? or whether to insure final i rupture each of the continuous small shocks must amount at least to a f certain percentage of single heavy shock (both measured in foot-ppunds), which would cause rupture with one application? Wohler found in test- ing iron by repeated stresses (not impacts) that in one case 400,000 applications of a stress of 500 centners to the square inch caused rupture, ! while a similar bar remained sound after- 48,000,000 applications of a stress of 300 centners to the square inch (1 centner = 110.2 Ibs.). Who knows whether or not a similar law holds true in regard to repeated !.. shocks? Suppose that a bar of iron would break under a single impact of f 1000 foot-pounds, how many times would it be likely to bear the repetition I of 100 foot-pounds, or would it be safe to allow it to remain for fifty years subjected to a continual succession of blows of even 10 foot-pounds each? Mr. William Metcalf published in the Metallurgical Review, Dec., 1877, the results of some tests of the life of steel of different percentages of 1 carbon under impact. Some small steel pitmans were made, the specifi- cations for which required that the unloaded machine should run 4^ I hours at the rate of 1200 revolutions per minute before breaking. The steel was all of uniform quality, except as to carbon. Here are the results. The 0.30 C. ran 1 h. 21 m. Heated and bent before breaking. 0.49 C. 1 h. 28 m. 0.53 C. 4 h. 57 m. Broke without heating. 0.65 C. 3 h. 50 m. Broke at weld where imperfect. 0.80 C. 5 h. 40 m. 0.84 C. 18 h. 0.87 C. Broke in weld near the end. 0.96 C. Ran 4.55 m., and the macnine broke down. Some other experiments by Mr. Metcalf confirmed his conclusion, viz. that high-carbon steel was better adapted to resist repeated shocks and vibrations than low-carbon steel. These results, however, would scarcely be sufficient to induce any engineer to use 0.84 carbon steel in a car-axle or a bridge-rod. Further experiments are needed to confirm or overthrow them. (See description of proposed apparatus for such an investigation in the author's paper in Trans. A. /. M. E., vol. viii, p. 76, from which the above extract is taken.) Effect of Vibration and Load on Steel. (Prof. P. R. Alger, U. S. Navy, U. S. Naval Inst. Proc., Dec., 1910.) In 1883, or thereabouts, a test of the theory that guns are weakened by the shock and vibration of repeated firing was made at the Washington Navy Yard as follows: Heavy weights, sufficient to strain the wire nearly to its elastic limit, were suspended by pieces of wire, and small hammers were arranged that, actuated by the machinery of the shop, they struck the taut wires at regular and frequent intervals. After months of constant vibration, all the time under severe strain, the wires, when tested showed unchanged physical qualities. Moreover, every gun, army and navy, that has suffered accident, since we first began to build 278 STKENGTH OF MATERIALS. steel guns, has had the metal of the part that failed tested, and neve* has there been a case when any material difference was found between the physical qualities shown by the last tests and those shown by the original tests for acceptance. One of these guns, a 12-in., had been fired 481 rounds when its muzzle was blown off. (The fact stated in the last sentence tends to confirm the "theory" that guns are weakened by repeated firing, although the weakening may not be discovered by physical tests.) Stresses Produced by Suddenly Applied Forces and Shocks. (Mansfield Merriman, R. R. & Eng. Jour., Dec., 1889.) Let P be the weight which is dropped from a height h upon the end of a bar, and let y be the maximum elongation which is produced. The work performed by the falling weight, then, is W = P(h + y), and this must equal the internal work of the resisting molecular stresses. The stress in the bar, which is at first 0, increases up to a certain limit Q, which is greater than P; and if the elastic limit be not exceeded the elongation increases uniformly with the stress, so that the internal work is equal to the mean stress 1/2 Q multiplied by the total elongation y, or TP=i/2 Qv. Whence, neglecting the work that may be dissipated in heat, J /2 Qy = Ph + Py. If e be the elongation due to the static load P, within the elastic limit V = -pe; whence Q = P (l + y 1 +2-V which gives the momentary maximum stress. Substituting this value of Q, there results y = e fl + y 1 +2-V which is the value of the momentary maximum elon- gation. A shock results when the force P, before its action on the bar, is moving with velocity, as is the case when a weight P falls from a height h. The above formulas show that this height h may be small if e is a small quan- tity, and yet very great stresses and deformations be produced. For Instance, let h = 4e, then Q = 4P and y = 4e; also let h = 12e, then Q = 6P and y = 6e. Or take a wrought-iron bar 1 in. square and 5 ft. long: under a steady load of 5000 Ibs. this will be compressed about 0.012 in., supposing that no lateral flexure occurs;, but if a weight of 5000 Ibs. drops upon its end from the small height of 0.048 in. there will be produced the stress of 20,000 Ibs. A suddenly applied force is one which acts with the uniform intensity P upon the end of the bar, but which has no velocity before acting upon it. This corresponds to the case of h = in the above formulas, and gives Q = 2P and y = 2e for the maximum stress and maximum deforma- tion. Probably the action of a rapidly moving train upon a bridge produces stresses of this character. For a further discussion of this subject, in which the inertia of the bar is considered, see Merriman's Mechanics of Materials, 10th ed., 1908. TENSILE STRENGTH. The following data are usually obtained in testing by tension in a testing- machine a sample of a material of construction: The load and the amount of extension at the elastic limit. The maximum load applied before rupture. The elongation of the piece, measured between gauge-marks, placed a stated distance apart before the test; and the reduction of area at the point of fracture. The load at the elastic limit and the maximum load are recorded in pounds per square inch of the original area. The elongation is recorded as a percentage of the stated length between the gauge-marks, and the reduction of area as a percentage of the original area. The coefficient of elasticity is calculated from the ratio the extension within the elastic PRECAUTIONS IN MAKING TENSILE TESTS. 279 limit per inch of length bears to the load per square inch producing that extension. On account of the difficulty of making accurate measurements of the fractured area of a test-piece, and of the fact that elongation is more valuable than reduction of area as a measure of ductility and of resilience or work of resistance before rupture, modern experimenters are abandoning the custom of reporting reduction of area. The data now calculated from th? results of a tensile test for commercial purposes are: 1. Tensile strength in pounds per square inch of original area. 2. Elongation per cent of a stated length between gauge-marks, usually 8 inches. 3. Elastic limit in pounds per square inch of original area. The short or grooved test specimen gives with most metals, especially with wrought iron and steel, an apparent tensile strength much higher than the real strength. This form of test-piece is now almost entirely abandoned. Pieces 2 in. in length between marks are used for forgings. The following results of the tests of six specimens from the same i/4-in. steel bar illustrate the apparent elevation of elastic limit and the changes in other properties due to change in length of stems which were turned down in each specimen to 0.798 in. diameter. (Jas. E. Howard, Eng. Congress 1893, Section G.) Description of Stem. Elastic Limit, Lbs. per Sq. In. Tensile Strength, Lbs. per Sq. In. Contraction of Area, per cent. 1 .00 in. long 64,900 94,400 49.0 50 in. long 65,320 97,800 43.4 68,000 102,420 39.6 Semicircular groove, 0.4 75,000 116,380 31.6 Semicircular groove, 1/8 86,000, about 134,960 23.0 V-shaped groove 90,000, about 117,000 Indeterminate. Test plates made by the author in 1879 of straight and grooved test- pieces of boiler-plate steel cut from the same gave the following results: 5 straight pieces, 56,605 to 59,012 Ibs. T. S. Aver. 57,566 Ibs. 4 grooved " 64,341 to 67,400 " " " 65,452 " Excess of the short or grooved specimen, 21 per cent, or 12,114 Ibs. Measurement of Elongation. In order to be able to compare records of elongation, it is necessary not only to have a uniform length of section between gauge-marks (say 8 inches), but to adopt a uniform method of measuring the elongation to compensate for the difference between the apparent elongation when the piece breaks near one of the gauge-marks, and when it breaks midway between them. The following method is recommended (Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xi, p. 622): Mark on the specimen divisions of 1/2 inch each. After fracture measure from the point of fracture the length of 8 of the marked spaces on each fractured portion (or 7 + on one side and 8 4- on the other if the fracture is not at one of the marks). The sum of these measurements, less 8 inches, is the elongation of 8 inches of the original length. If the fracture is so near one end of the specimen that 7 + spaces are not left on the shorter portion, then take the measurement of as many spaces (with the fractional part next to the fracture) as are left, and for the spaces lacking add the measurement of as many corresponding spaces of the longer portion as are necessary to make the 7 -f- spaces. Precautions Required in making Tensile Tests. The testing- machine itself should be tested, to determine whether its weighing apparatus is accurate, and whether it is so made and adjusted that in the test of a properly made specimen the line of strain of the testing- machine is absolutely in line with the axis of the specimen. 280 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. The specimen should be so shaped that it will not give an incorrect record of strength. It should be of uniform minimum section for not less than eight inches of its length. Eight inches is the standard length for bars. For forgings and castings and in special cases shorter lengths are used; these show greater percentages of elongation, and the length between gauge marks should therefore always be stated in the record. Regard must be had to the time occupied in making tests of certain materials. Wrought iron and soft steel can be made to show a higher than their actual apparent strength by keeping them under strain for a great length of time. In testing soft alloys, copper, tin, zinc, and the like, which flow under constant strain, their highest apparent strength is obtained by testing them rapidly. In recording tests of such materials the length of time occupied in the test should be stated. For very accurate measurements of elongation, corresponding to incre- ments of load during the tests, the electric contact micrometer, described in Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. vi. p. 479, will be found convenient. When readings of elongation are then taken during the test, a strain diagram may be plotted from the reading, which is useful in comparing the quali- ties of different specimens. Such strain diagrams are made automatically by the new Olsen testing-machine, described in Jour. Frank. Inst. 1891. The coefficient of elasticity should be deduced from measurement observed between fixed increments of load per unit section, say between 2000 and 12,000 pounds per square inch or between 1000 and 11,000 pounds instead of between and 10,000 pounds. Shapes of Specimens for Tensile Tests. The shapes shown be- low were recommended by the author in 1882 when he was connected With the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory. They are now in most general use; the earlier forms, with 5 inches or less in length between shoulders, being almost entirely abandoned. No. 1. Square or flat bar. as rolled. No. 2. Round bar, as rolled. No. 3. Standard shape for flats or squares. Fillets 1/2 inch radius. No. 4. Standard shape for rounds. Fillets 1/2 inch radius. No. 5. Government shape formerly used for marine boiler-plates of iron. Not recommended, as results are generally in error. Increasing the Tensile Strength of Iron Bars by Twisting them. Ernest L. Ransome of San Francisco obtained a patent, in 1888, for an "improvement in strengthening and testing wrought metal and steel rods or bars, consisting in twisting the same in a cold state. . . . Any defect in the lamination of the metal which would otherwise be concealed is revealed by twisting, and imperfections are shown at once. The treatment may be applied to bolts, suspension-rods or bars subjected to tensile strength of any description." Jesse J. Shuman (Am. Soc. Test. Mat., 1907) describes several series of COMPKESSIVE STRENGTH. 281 experiments on the effect of twisting square steel bars. Following are some of the results: Soft Bessemer steel bars 1/2 in. square. Tens. Strength, plain bar, 60,400, No. of turns per foot 3 43/ 4 5 53/ 4 57/ 8 Yield point, Ibs. per sq. in 65,600 72,400 84,800 84,000 80,800 Ult. strength " " " 83,200 89,600 92,000 90,000 88,800 Elongation in 8 in., % 10 5.75 6.25 7.5 3.75 Bessemer, 0.25 carbon, 1/2 in. sq. Tens, strength, plain bar, 75,000. No. of turns per foot 3 41/2 47/ 8 5 51/2 Yield point, Ibs. per sq. in 83,600 83,200 88,800 84,200 84,200 Ult. strength " " 99,600 99,200 104,000 102,000 100,800 Elongation in 8 in., % 8 4.5 4 5.75 6 Bars of each grade twisted off when given more turns than stated. Soft Bessemer, square bars, different sizes. Size.in.sq 1/4 3/ 8 i/ 2 5/ 8 3/ 4 7/ 8 1 H/ 8 li/ 4 No. of turns per ft 4 31/23 21/4 1 1/2 1 V4 1 7 /8 3 /4 Yield rjint, increase %* 11182 6483 85.577 82 64 59 Ult. strength " %* 37 38.6 41 33.5 34.3 29.7 22.8 20.1 28.9 * Average of two tests each. Mr. Schuman recommends that in twisting bars for reinforced concrete, in order not to be in danger of approaching the breaking point, the num- ber of turns should be about half the number at which the steel is at its maximum strength, which for Bessemer of about 60,000 Ibs. tensile strength means one-complete twist in 8 to 10 times the size of the bar. Steel bars strengthened by twisting are largely used in reinforced concrete. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. What is meant by the term "compressive strength" has not yet been settled by the authorities, and there exists more confusion in regard to this term than in regard to any other used by writers on strength of materials. The reason of this may be easily explained. The effect of a compressive stress upon a material varies with the nature of the material, and with the shape and size of the specimen tested. While the effect of a> tensile stress is to produce rupture or separation of particles in the direc- tion of the line of strain, the effect of a C9mpressive stress on a piece of material may be either to cause it to fly into splinters, to separate into two or more wedge-shaped pieces and fly apart, to bulge, buckle, or bend, or to flatten out and utterly resist rupture or separation of particles. A piece of speculum metal (copper 2, tin 1) under compressive stress will exhibit no change of appearance until rupture takes place, and then it will fly to pieces as suddenly as if blown apart by gunpowder. A piece of cast iron or of stone will generally split into wedge-shaped fragments. A piece of wrought iron will buckle or bend. A piece of wood or zinc may bulge, but its action will depend upon its shape and size. A piece of lead will flatten out and resist compression till the last degree; that is, the more it is compressed the greater becomes its resistance. Air and other gaseous bodies are compressible to any extent as long as they retain the gaseous condition. Water not confined in a vessel is com- pressed by its own weight to the thickness of a mere film, while when confined in a vessel it is almost incompressible. It is probable, although it has not been determined experimentally, that solid bodies when confined are at least asr incompressible as water. When they are not confined, the effect of a compressive stress is not only to shorten them, but also to increase their lateral dimensions or bulge them. Lateral stresses are therefore induced by compressive stresses. The weight per square inch of original section required to produce any given amount or percentage of shortening of any material is not a constant quantity, but varies with both the length and the sectional area, with the shape of the sectional area, and with the relation of the area to the length. The "compressive strength" of a material, if this term be supposed to mean the weight in pounds per square inch necessary to cause runture, may vary with every size and shape of specimen experimented upon. 282 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Still more difficult would it be to state what is the " compressive strength" of a material which does not rupture at all, but flattens out. Suppose we are testing a cylinder of a soft metal like lead, two inches in length and one inch in diameter, a certain weight will shorten it one per cent, another weight ten per cent, another fifty per cent, but no weight that we can place upon it will rupture it, for it will flatten out to a thin sheet. What, then, is its compressive strength? Again, a similar cylinder of soft wrought iron would probably compress a few per cent, bulging evenly all around; it would then commence to bend, but at first the bend would be imperceptilbe to the eye and too small to be measured. Soon this bend would be great enough to be noticed, and finally the piece might be bent nearly double, or otherwise distorted. What is the "compressive strength" of this piece of iron? Is it the weight per square inch which compresses the piece one per cent or five per cent, that which causes th'e first bending (impossible to be discovered), or that which causes a per- ceptible bend? As showing the confusion concerning the definitions of compressive strength, the following statements from different authorities on the strength of wrought iron are of interest. Wood's Resistance of Materials states, " Comparatively few experiments have been made to determine how much wrought iron will sustain at the point of crushing. Hodgkinson gives 65,000, Rondulet 70,800, Weisbach 72,000, Rankine 30,000 to 40,000. It is generally assumed that wrought iron will resist about two thirds as much crushing as to tension, but the experiments fail to give a very definite ratio." The following values, said to be deduced from the experiments of Major Wade, Hodgkinson, and Capt. Meigs, are given by Haswell: American wrought iron 127,720 Ibs. " (mean) 85,500 " ,. u ( 65,200 " English { 40!000 " Stoney states that the strength of short pillars of any given material, all having the same diameter, does not vary much, provided the length of the piece is not less than one and does not exceed four or five diameters, and that the weight which will just crush a short prism whose base equals one square inch, and whose height is not less than 1 to 1V and does not exceed 4 or 5 diameters, is called the crushing strength of the material. It would be well if experimenters would all agree upon some such defi- nition of the term "crushing strength," and insist that all experiments which are made for the purpose of testing the relative values of different materials in compression be made on specimens of exactly the same shape and size. An arbitrary size and shape should be assumed and agreed upon for this purpose. The size mentioned by Stoney is definite as regards area of section, viz., one square inch, but is indefinite as re- gards length, viz., from one to five diameters. In some metals a speci- men five diameters long would bend, and give a much lower apparent strength than a specimen having a length of one diameter. The words "will just crush" are also indefinite for ductile materials, in which the resistance increases without limit if the piece tested does not bend. In such cases the weisht which causes a certain percentage of compression, as five, ten, or fifty per cent, should be assumed as the crushing strength. For future experiments on crushing strength three things are desir- able: First, an arbitrary standard shape and size of test specimen for comparison of all materials. Secondly, a standard limit of compression for ductile materials, which shall be considered equivalent to fracture in brittle materials. Thirdly, an accurate knowledge of the relation of the crushing strength of a specimen of standard shape and size to the crushing strength of specimens of all other shapes and sizes. The latter can only be secured by a very extensive and accurate series of experiments upon all kinds of materials, and on specimens of a great number of different shapes and sizes. The author proposes, as a standard shape and size, for a compressive COLUMNS, PILLARS, OH STRUTS. 283 test specimen for all metals, a cylinder one inch in length, and one half square inch in sectional area, or 0.798 inch diameter; and for the limit of compression equivalent to fracture, ten per cent of the original length. The term " compressive strength," or " compressive strength of standard specimen," would then mean the weight per square inch required to fracture by compressive stress a cylinder one inch long and 0.798 inch diameter, or to reduce its length to 0.9 inch if fracture does not take place before that reduction in length is reached. If such a standard, or any standard size whatever, had been used by the earlier authorities on the strength of materials, we never would have had such discrepancies in their statements in regard to the compressive strength of wrought iron as those given ab9ve. The reasons why this particular size is recommended are: that the sectional area, one-half square inch, is as large as can be taken in the ordinary testing-machines of 100,000 pounds capacity, to include all the ordinary metals of construction, cast and wrought iron, and the softer steels; and that the length, one inch, is convenient for calcula- tion of percentage of compression. If the length were made two inches, many materials would bend in testing, and give incorrect results. Even in cast iron Hodgkinson found as the mean of several experiments on various grades, tested in specimens % inch in height, a compressive strength per square inch of 94,730 pounds, while the mean of the same number of specimens of the same irons tested in pieces iy 2 inches in height was only 88., 800 pounds. The best size and shape of standard specimen should, however, be settled upon only after consultation and agreement among several authorities. The Committee on Standard Tests of the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers say (vol. xi, p. 624) : "Although compression tests have heretofore been made on diminu- tive sample pieces, it is highly desirable that tests be also made on long pieces from 10 to 20 diameters in length, corresponding more nearly with actual practice, in order that elastic strain and change of shape may be determined by using proper measuring apparatus. "The elastic limit, modulus or coefficient of elasticity, maximum and ultimate resistances, should be determined, as well as the increase of section at various points, viz., at bearing surfaces and at crippling point. " The use of long compression- test pieces is recommended, because the investigation of short cubes or cylinders has led to no direct application of the constants obtained by their use in computation of actual struc- tures, which have always been and are now designed according to em- pirical formulse obtained from a few tests of long columns." COLUMNS, PILLARS, OR STRUTS. Notation. -^-P = crushing weight in pounds; d = exterior diameter in inches; a = area in square inches; L = length in feet; I = length in inches; S = compressive stress, Ibs. per sq. in.; E = modulus of elasticity in tension or compression; r = least radius of gyration; <, an experimental coefficient. For a short column centrally loaded S = P/a, but for a long column which tends to bend under load , the stress on the concave side is greater^ and on the convex side less than P/a. Hodgkinson's Formula for Columns. Both ends rounded, the Both ends flat, the length u- A t n i. length of the column of the column exceed- ,olumn. exceeding 15 times its ing 30 times its diam- diameter. eter. Solid cylindrical col- ) & -- - af . d 3 ' 7 * = l col- ) > on . . . J . . > f = jJfj . _ umns of cast iron . . . J L 1 7 Solid cylindrical col- | p _ ne ocn ' 2 r/3'55 P = 98,920 j~ P = 299,600 - umns of wrought iron J L 2 These formulae apply only in cases in which the length is so great that '284 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. the column breaks by bending and not by simple crushing. Hodgkinson's tests were made on small columns, and his results are not now con- sidered reliable. Euler's Formula for Long Columns. 7T 2 E (r/l) 2 for columns with round or hinged ends. with fixed ends, multiply by 4; with one end round and the other fixed, multiply by 21/4; for one end fixed and the other free, as a post set in the ground, divide by 4. P is the load which causes a slight deflection: a load greater than P will cause an increase of deflection until the column fails by bending. The formula is now little used. Christie's Tests (Trans. A. S. C. E. 1884: Merriman's Mechanics of Materials}. About 300 tests of wrought-iron struts were made, the duality of the iron being about as follows: tensile strength per sq. in., 49,600 IDS., elastic limit 32,000 Ibs., elongation 18% in 8 ins. The following table gives the average results. Ratio I IT Length to Least JJ,a- Ultimate Load, P/a, in Pounds per Square Inch. Gyraticra. Fixed Ends, Flat Ends. Hinged Ends. Round Ends. 20 46,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 40 40,000 40,000 40,000 36,500 eo 36,000 36,000 36,000 30,500 80 32,000 32,000 31,500 25,000 100 30,000 29,800 28,000 20,500 120 28,000 26,300 24,300 16,500 140 25,500 23,500 21,000 12,800 160 23,000 20,000 16,500 9,500 180 20,000 % 16,800 12,800 7,500 200 17,500 14,500 10,800 6,000 220 15,000 12,700 8,800 5,000 240 13,000 11,200 7,500 4,300 260 11,000 9,800 6,500 3,800 280 10,000 8,500 5,700 3,200 300 9,000 7,200 5,000 2,800 320 8,000 6,000 4,500 2,500 360 6,500 4,300 3,500 1,900 400 5.200 3,000 2,500 1,500 The results of Christie's tests agree with those computed by Euler's formula for round-end columns with llr between 150 and 400, but differ widely from them in shorter columns, and still more widely in columns with fixed ends. Rankine's Formula (sometimes called Gordon's), S = fl +< f-j J n rr or = . Applying Rankine's formula to the results of experiments, wide variations are found in the values of the empirical coefficient <. Merriman gives the following values, which are extensively employed in practice. VALUES OF FOR RANKINE'S FORMULA. Material. Both Ends Fixed. Fixed and Round. Both Ends Round. Timber 1/3 000 1 78/3 000 4/3 000 1 /5.000 1.78/5 000 4/5 000 Wrought Iron . . 1/36,000 1.78/36,000 4/36,000 Steel !.. 1 /25.000 1.78/25,000 4/25 000 The value to be taken for S is the ultimate compressive strength of the WORKING FORMULAE FOR STRUTS. 285 material for cases of rupture, and the allowable compressive unit stress for cases of design. Burr gives the following values as commonly taken for S and . For solid wrought-iron columns, S = 36,000 to 40,000, tf> = 1/36,000 to 1/40,000. For solid cast-iron columns, . S = 80,000, = 1/6,400. For hollow cast-iron columns, P /a = 80,000 *- 1 + ^Q ^ (d = outside diam. in inches). The coefficient of P/d 2 is given by different writers as 1/400, 1/500, 1/600 and 1/800. (See Strength of Cast-iron Columns, below.) Sir Benjamin Baker gives for mild steel, S = 67,000 Ibs., < = 1/22,400; for strong steel, S = 114,000 Ibs., d> = 1/14,400. Prof. Burr considers these only loose approximations. (See Straight-line Formula, below). For dry timber, Rankine gives 8 = 7200 Ibs., = 1/3000. The Straight-line Formula. The results of computations by Euler's or Rankine's formulas give a curved line when pk)tted on a diagram with values of l/r as abscissas and value of P/a as ordinates. The Average results of experiments on columns within the limits of l/r commonly used in practice, say from 50 to 200, can be represented by a straight line about as accurately as by a curve. Formulas derived from such plotted lines, of the general form P/a = S - C l/r, in which C is an experimental coefficient, are in common use, but Merriman says it is advisable that the use of this formula should be limited to cases in which the specifications require it to be employed, and for rough approximate computations. Values of S and C given by T. H. Johnson are as follows: F H R F H R Wrought Iron: S = 42,000 Ibs., C = 128, 157, 203; limit of l/r = 218, 178,138 Structural Steel: 5=52,500" C = 179, 220, 284; ...... 195,159,123 Cast Iron: 5=80,000" C = 438, 537, 693; ...... 122, 99, 77 Oak, flat ends: S = 5,400 " C = 28: 128 F, flat ends; H, hinged ends; R, round ends. Merriman says: "The straight-line formula is not suitable for investi- gating a column, that is for determining values of S due to given loads, because S enters the formula in such a manner as to lead to a cubic equation when it is the only unknown quantity. It may be used to find the safe load for a given column to withstand a given unit stress, or to design a column for a given load and unit stress. When so used, it is customary to divide the values of S and C given in the table by an assumed factor of safety. For example, Cooper's specifications require that the sectional area a for a medium-steel post of a through railroad bridge shall be found from P/a = 17,000 - 90 l/r Ibs. per sq. in., in which P is the direct dead-load compression on the post plus twice the live-load compression; the values of S and C here used are a little less than one-third of those given in the table for round ends." Working^ Formulae for Wrought-iron and Steel Struts of Various Forms. Burr gives the following practical formulae: p. = Ultimate Kind of Strut. Ibs? W'in. mate of Section. Flat and fixed end iron angles and tees 44000 - 140 (1) 8800 -28^ (2) Hinged-end iron angles and tees ...... 46000 -175^ (3) 9200 - 35 ^ (4) Flat-end iron channels and I-beams . . . 40000 - 1 10 - (5) 8000 - 22 - (6) 286 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Flat-end mild-steel angles ............. 52000 - 180 l - (7) 10400 - 36^ (8) Flat-end high-steel angles ........... 76000-290 l - (9) 15200 -58 (10) Pin-end solid wrought-iron columns . . .32000 - 80 - 6400 - 16 - 32000- 277 6400-55^1 Equations (1) to (4) are to be used only between - =40 and - = 200 11 (5) and (6) " " " " " " = 20 " " = 200 (7) to (10) " " " " " " = 40 " " = 200 (11) and (12) " !! !! !! !' " = 20 " " = 200 or ~ = 6 and - => 65 d d Comparison of Column Compression Formulae. The Carnegie Steel Co. gives in its Pocket Companion (1913) a table comparing the allowable unit stresses in columns calculated from the formulae of the American Bridge Co., American Railway Engineering Association, Gordon, and the New York, Philadelphia, and Boston Building Laws, for various values of l/r. The table below is condensed from this table and compares the values obtained by the American Bridge Co. formula with the average of all those, except that of the American Bridge Co. for values of l/r up to 120, and with the values obtained by Gordon's formula for values of l/r from 125 to 200. Allowable Unit Stresses Pounds per Sq. In. l/r Am. Bridge Co. Average. \l/r Am. Bridge Co. Average. l/r Am. Bridge Co. Gordon. 14,000 14,790 65 1 1,450 11,803 125 6,750 8,715 5 14,000 14,719 70 11,100 11,466 130 6,500 8,510 10 14,000 14,620 75 10,750 11,130 135 6,250 8,300 15 14,000 14,499 80 10,400 10,794 140 6,000 8,095 20 14,000 14,355 85 10,050 10,459 145 5,750 7,890 25 14,000 14,185 90 9,700 10,127 150 5,500 7,690 30 13,900 13,977 95 9,350 9,785 155 5,250 7,495 35 13,550 13,701 100 9,000 9,473 160 5,000 7,305 40 13,200 13,410 105 8,650 9,150 165 4,750 7,120 45 12,850 13,106 110 8,300 8,837 170 4,500 6,935 50 12,500 12,790 115 7,950 8,528 180 4,000 6,580 55 12,150 12,467 120 7,600 8,221 190 3,500 6,240 60 11,800 12,137 200 3,000 5,920 Built Columns (Burr). Steel columns, properly made, of steel ranging in specimens from 65,000 to 73,000 Ib. per square inch, should give a resistance 25 to 33 per cent in excess of that of wrought-iron columns with the same value of I *- r, provided that ratio does not exceed 140. The unsupported width of a plate in a compression member should not exceed 30 times its thickness. In built columns the transverse distance between center lines of rivets securing plates to angles or channels, etc., should not exceed 35 times the plate thickness. If this width is exceeded, longitudinal buckling of the plate takes place, and the column ceases to fail as a whole, but yields in detail. The thickness of the leg of an angle to which latticing is riveted should not be less than 1/9 of the length of that leg or side if the column is purely a compression member. The above limit may be passed somewhat in stiff ties and compression members designed to carry transverse loads. ^ The panel points of latticing should not be separated by a greater clis- WORKING STRAINS ALLOWED IN BRIDGE MEMBERS. 287 tance than 60 times the thickness of the angle-leg to which the latticing is riveted, if the column is wholly a compression member. The rivet pitch should never exceed 16 times the thickness of the thinnest metal pierced by the rivet, and if the plates are very thick it should never nearly equal that value. Burr gives the following general principles which govern the resistance of built columns: The material should be disposed as far as possible from the neutral axis of the cross-section, thereby increasing r; There should be no initial internal stress; The individual portions of the column should be mutually supporting; The individual portions of the column should be so firmly secured to each other that no relative motion can take place, in order that the column may fail as a whole, thus maintaining the original value of r. Stoney says: " When the length of a rectangular wrought-iron tubular column does not exceed 30 times its least breadth, it fails by the bulging or buckling of a short portion of the plates, not by the flexure of the pillar as a whole." Tests of Five Large Built Steel Columns. (Proc. A. S. C. E., Feb., 1911; Eng. News, Mar. 16, 1911). The lateral dimensions of the columns were -about 20 X 30 in., and their sectional area 90 sq. in. They were made of two ribs 30 in. deep, spaced 207/g in., laced by two lines of 2 1/2 X 3 /8 in. lacing. Each rib was made of an outside plate, 30 XH/16 in., and an inside plate, I7 l /z X 5 /8 in., and two inner edging angles, 6 X 6 X 5 /8 in. Transverse plate diaphragms, 6 ft. apart, gave additional lateral rigidity. The test columns were fitted with 10-in. pins set parallel to the plane of the lacing. The columns were tested in the 1,200-ton hydraulic machine at Phcenixville, Pa.; two of them (Nos. 1 and 2) did not reach failure. The results are as below: No. 1 Section Area Sq. In. 90 73 Length Ft. In. 20 l/f 26 2 Max. Load Lb. 2 600 962 Lb. per Sq. In. 28 667 2 90 33 36 5 47.2 2 600,962 28,794 3 90.78 36 5 47.2 2,675,183 29,469 4 . 90 32 36 5 47.2 2 726 815 30,191 5. . 89.96 36 5 47.1 2,742,950 30,490 Nos. 3 and 4 failed by bulging of plates in front of pins; No. 5 by web-plates bulging inward 121/2 in. from one end. The columns de- parted from strictly proportional compression at a load as low as 20,000 Ib. per sq. in. Plotted curves of the tests show that all the columns reached their elastic limit at about this figure, and an ultimate strength at about 30,000 Ib. per sq. ill. Eng. News says that it does not appear that the lacing contributed to the failure. It shows that the com- pressive strength of these columns did not exceed 60% of the tensile strength of the metal. WORKING STRAINS ALLOWED IN BRIDGE MEMBERS. Theodore Cooper gives the following in his Bridge Specifications: Compression members shall be so proportioned that the maximum load shall in no case cause a greater strain than that determined by the follow- ing formula: 8000 * P = Tjj for square-end compression members; 1 + 40,000 r 2 8000 p = - _ - for compression members with one pin and one square 30,000r2 en ; 8000 P = - - for compression members with pin-bearings; 1 + 20,000 r* 288 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. (These values may be increased in bridges over 150 ft. span. See Cooper's Specifications.) P the allowed compression per square inch of cross-section; I = the length of compression member, in inches; r = the least radius of gyration of the section in inches. No compression member, however, shall have a length exceeding 25 times its least width. Tension Members. All parts of the structure shall be so proportioned that the maximum loads shall in no case cause a greater tension than the following (except in spans exceeding 150 feet): Pounds per sq. in. On lateral bracing ....................... ........ " ........... 15,000 On solid rolled beams, used as cross floor-beams and stringers .... 9,000 On bottom chords and main diagonals (forged eye-bars) ......... 10,000 On bottom chords and main diagonals (plates or shapes), net section 8,000 On counter rods and long verticals (forged eye-bars) .... ........ 8,000 On counter and long verticals (plates or shapes), net section ..... 6,500 On bottom flange of riveted cross-girders, net section .......... . . 8,000 On bottom flange of riveted longitudinal plate girders over 20 ft. long, net section ........................................... 8,000 On bottom flange of riveted longitudinal plate girders under 20 ft. long, net section .......................................... 7,000 On floor-beam hangers, and other similar members liable to sudden loading (bar iron with forged ends) ......................... 6,000 On floor-beam hangers, and other similar members liable to sudden loading (plates or shapes), net section ....................... 5,000 Members subject to alternate strains of tension and compression shall be proportioned to resist each kind of strain. Both of the strains shall, how- ever, be considered as increased by an amount equal to 8/ 10 of the least of the two strains, for determining the sectional area by the above allowed strains. The Phcenix Bridge Co. (Standard Specifications, 1895) gives the follow- ing: The greatest working stresses in pounds per square inch shall be s follows: Tension. Steel. Iron. p Q nno Fi 4. Min ' stress "| For bars p_7 500 f i + Min - Stress 1 F-9,000 ^1 + Max stress j forged ends- T*W L 1 t Max. stress] P~8 500 Fl 4- Min - Stress 1 Plates or > = 7 000 Fl + Min " Stress 1 F-8,500 1 + 7.UUU l + 8,500 pounds. Floor-beam hangers, forged ends ...... 7,000 pounds. 7,500 " Floor-beam hangers, plates or shapes, net section ............................ 6,000 10,000 Lower flanges of rolled beams ......... 8,000 20,000 " Outside fibres of pins ................ 15,000 30,000 " Pins for wind-bracing ................ 22,500 20,000 Lateral bracing ............ . ........ 15,000 Shearing. 9,000 pounds. Pins and rivets ...................... 7,500 pounds. Hand-driven rivets 20% less unit stresses. For bracing increase unit stresses 50%. $,000 pounds. Webs of plate girders ................ 5,000 pounds. Bearing. 16 000 pounds. Projection semi-intrados pins and rivets, 12,000 pounds. Hand-driven rivets 20% less unit stresses. For bracing increase unit stresses 50%, STRENGTH OF CAST-IRON COLUMNS. 289 Compression. Lengths less than forty times the least radius of gyration, P previously found. See Tension. Lengths more than forty times the least radius of gyration, P reduced by following formulae: P For both ends fixed, b = 75 36,000 r 2 p For one end hinged, b = -^ 1 24,000 r 2 P For both ends hinged, b = 18,000 r 2 P = permissible stress previously found (see Tension); b = allowable working stress per square inch; I = length of member in inches; r = least radius of gyration of section in inches. No compression member, how- ever, shall have a length exceeding 45 times its least width. Pounds per sq. in. In counter web members 10,500 In long verticals 10,000 In all main-web and lower-chord eye-bars , 13,200 In plate hangers (net section} 9,000 In tension members of lateral and transverse bracing 19,000 In steel-angle lateral ties (net section) 15,000 For spans over 200 feet in length the greatest allowed working stresses per square inch, in lower-chord and end main-web eye-bars, shall be taken at min. total stressX 10,000 (l max. total stress/ whenever this quantity exceeds 13,200. The greatest allowable stress in the main-web eye-bars nearest the centre of such spans shall be taken at 13,200 pounds per square inch; and those for the intermediate eye-bars shall be found by direct interpolation between the preceding values. The greatest allowable working stresses in steel plate and lattice girders and rolled beams shall be taken as follows: Pounds per sq. in. Upper flange of plate girders (gross section) 10,000 Lower flange of plate girders (net section) 10,000 In counters and long verticals of lattice girders (net section) 9,000 In lower chords and main diagonals of lattice girders (net section) 10,000 In bottom flanges of rolled beams 10,000 In top flanges of rolled beams 10,000 THE STRENGTH OF OAST-IRON COLUMNS. Hodgkinson's experiments (first published in Phil. Trans. Royal Socy., 1840, and condensed in Tredgold on Cast Iron, 4th ed., 1846), and Gordon's formula, based upon them, are still used (1898) in designing cast-iron col- umns. They are entirely inadequate as a basis of a practical formula suitable to the present methods of casting columns. Hodgkinson's experiments were made on nine "long" pillars, about 71/2 ft. long, whose external diameters ranged from 1.74 to 2.23 in., and average thickness from 0.29 to 0.35 in., the thickness of each column also Varying, and on 13 "sljort" pillars, 0.733 fy. to 2,251 ft. long, with exter- 290 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. nal diameters from 1.08 to 1.26 in., all of them less than 1/4 in. thick. The iron used was Low Moor, Yorkshire, No. 3, said to be a good iron, not very hard, earlier experiments on which had given a tensile strength of 14,535 and a crushing strength of 109,801 Ibs. per sq. in. Modern cast- iron columns, such as are used in the construction of buildings, are very different in size, proportions, and quality of iron from the slender "long" pillars used in Hodgkinson's experiments. There is usually no check, by actual tests or by disinterested inspection, upon the quality of the material. The tensile, compressive, and transverse strength of cast iron varies through a great range (the tensile strength ranging from less than 10,000 to over 40,000 Ibs. per sq. in.), with variations in the chemical composition of the iron, according to laws which are as yet very imperfectly under- stood, and with variations in the method of melting and of casting. There is also a wide variation in the strength of iron of the same melt when cast into bars of different thicknesses. Another difficulty in obtaining a practical formula f9r the strength of cast-iron columns is due to the uncertainty of the quality of the casting, and the danger of hidden defects, such as internal stresses due to unequal cooling, cinder or dirt, blow-holes, "cold-shuts," and cracks on the inner surface, which cannot be discovered by external inspection. Variation in thickness, due to rising of the core during casting, is also a common defect In addition to these objections to the use of Gordon's formula, for cast- iron columns, we have the data of experiments on full-sized columns, made by the Building Department of New York City (Eng'g News, Jan. 13 and 20, 1898). Ten columns in all were tested, six 15-inch, 1901/4 inches long, two 8-inch, 160 inches long, and two 6-inch, 120 inches long. The tests were made on the large hydraulic machine of the Phoenix Bridge Co., of 2,000,000 pounds capacity, which was calibrated for frictionai error by the repeated testing within the elastic limit of a large Phoenix column, and the comparison of these tests with others made on the government machine at the Watertown Arsenal. The average frictionai error was calculated to be 15.4 per cent, but Engineering News, revising the data, makes it 17.1 per cent, with a variation of 3 per cent either way from the average with different loads. The results of the tests of the columns are given below. TESTS OF CAST-IRON COLUMNS. Thickness. Breaking Load. her. Inches. Max. Min. Average. Pounds. Pounds per Sq. In. j 15 1 , ,356,000 30,830 2 15 1 5/16 H/8 ,330,000 27,700 3 15 H/4 H/8 ,198,000 24,900 4 151/s 17/32 H/8 ,246,000 25,200 5 15 1 H/16 1 H/64 ,632,000 32,100 6 15 H/4 H/8 13/16 2,082,000 + 40,400 + 7 8 73/ 4 to81/ 4 8 U/4 13/32 1 13/64 651,000 612,800 31,900 26,800 9 61/16 15/32 11/8 . 19/64 400,000 22,700 10 63/32 H/8 H/16 17/64 455,200 26,300 Column No. 6 was not broken at the highest load of the testing machine. Columns Nos. 3 and 4 were taken from the Ireland Building, which collapsed on August 8, 1895; the other four 15-inch columns were made from drawings prepared by the Building Department, as nearly as possible s of Nos. 3 and 4. Nos. 1 and 2 were made by a foundry in New duplicates of . . . York with no knowledge of their ultimate use. Nos. 5 a.nc} 6 were SAFE LOADS FOB CAST-IRON COLUMNS. 291 by a foundry in Brooklyn with the knowledge that they were to be tested. Nos. 7 to 10 were made from drawings furnished by the Department. Applying Gordon's formula, as used by the Building Department, S =-. a , to these columns gives for the breaking strength per square 1 + 400 eP inch of the 15-inch columns 57,143 pounds, for the 8-inch columns 40,000 pounds, and for the 6-inch columns 40,000. The strength of columns Nos. 3 and 4 as calculated is 128 per cent more than their actual strength; their actual strength is less than 44 per cent of their calculated strength; and the factor of safety, supposed to be 5 in the Building Law, is only 2.2 f9r central loading, no account being taken of the likelihood of eccentric loading. Prof. Lanza, Applied Mechanics, p. 372, quotes the records of 14 tests of cast-iron mill columns, made on the Watertown testing-machine in 1887-88, the breaking strength per square inch ranging from 25,100 to 63,310 pounds, and showing no relation between the breaking strength per square inch and the dimensions of the columns. Only 3 of the 14 columns had a strength exceeding 33,500 pounds per square inch. The average strength of the other 11 was 29,600 pounds per square inch. Prof. Lanza says that it is evident that in the case of such columns we cannot rely upon a crushing strength of greater than 25,000 or 30,000 pounds per square inch of area of section. He recommends a factor of safety of 5 or 6 with these figures for crush- ing strength, or 5000 pounds per square inch of area of section as the highest allowable safe load, and in addition makes the conditions that the length of the column shall not be greatly in excess of 20 times the diameter, that the thickness of the metal shall be such as to insure a good strong casting, and that the sectional area should be increased if necessary to insure that the extreme fibre stress due to probable eccentric loading shall not be greater than 5000 pounds per square inch. Prof. W. H. Burr (Eng'g News, June 30, 1898) gives a formula derived from plotting the results of the Watertown and Phoenixville tests, above described, which represents the average strength of the columns in pounds per square inch. It is p = 30,500 - 160 l/d. It is to be noted that this is an average value, and that the actual strength of many of the columns was much lower. Prof. Burr says: "If cast-iron columns are designed with anything like a reasonable and real margin of safety, the amount of metal required dissipates any supposed' economy over columns of mild steel." Square Columns. Square cast-iron columns should be abandoned. They are liable to have serious internal strains from difference in con- traction on two adjacent sides. John F. Ward, Eng. News, Apr. 16, 1896. Safe Load, in Tons of 2000 Lbs., for Round Cast-iron Columns* with Turned Capitals and Bases. Loads being not eccentric, and length of column not exceeding 20 times the diameter. Based on ultimate crushing strength of 25,000 Ibs. per sq. in. and a factor of safety of 5. Thick- Diameter, Inches. ness, Inches. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 5/8 3/4 7/8 11/8 11/4 26.4 30.9 35.2 39.2 31.3 36.8 42.1 47.1 42.7 48.9 55.0 60.8 48.6 55.8 62.8 69.6 76 1 54.5 62.7 70.7 78.4 85 9 69.6 78.5 87.2 95.7 76.5 86.4 96.1 105.5 94.2 104.9 115.3 102.1 113.8 125.2 110.0 122.6 135.0 131.4 144.8 1644 13/8 93 1 103.9 114.7 125.5 136.3 147.1 157.9 179.5 11/2 123.7 135.5 147.3 159.0 170.8 194.4 13/4 168.4 182.1 195 8 223 3 2 204.2 219.9 251.3 292 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. For lengths greater than 20 diameters the allowable loads should be decreased. How much they should be decreased is uncertain, since suffi- cient data of experiments on full-sized very long columns, from which a formula for the strength of such columns might be derived, are as yet lacking. There is, however, rarely, if ever, any need of proportioning cast-iron columns with a length exceeding 20 diameters. Safe Loads in Tons of 200O Pounds for Cast-iron Columns. (By the Building Laws of New York City, Boston, and Chicago, 1897.) New York. Boston. Chicago. ( 8a 5 a 5 a Square columns. ... ) ~ /r~" 12 JT~ 114- i _L _ la. r ' Knn ^/2 * ~ i ncfi^n * Round columns ) 1 + 500 cP T 1067cP 800 d 2 Ba 5a 5a ~~ 400 d* 800 d 2 T 600 & a = sectional area in square inches; 1= unsupported length of column in inches; d = side of square column or thickness of round column in inches. The safe load of a 15-inch round column iy 2 inches in thickness, 16 feet long, according to the laws of these cities would be, in New York, 361 tons; in Boston, 264 tons; in Chicago, 250 tons. The allowable stress per square inch of area of such a column would be, in New York, 11,350 pounds; in Boston, 8300 pounds; in Chicago, 7850 pounds. A safe stress of 5000 pounds per square inch would give for the safe load on the column 159 tons. Strength of Brackets on Cast-iron Columns. The columns tested by the New York Building Department referred to above had brackets cast upon them, each bracket consisting of a rectangular shelf sup- ported by one or two triangular ribs. These were tested after the columns had been broken in the principal tests. In 17 out of 22 cases the brackets broke by tearing a hole in the body of the column, instead of by shearing or transverse breaking of the bracket itself. The results were surprisingly low and very irregular. Reducing them to strength per square inch of the total vertical section through the shelf and rib or ribs, they ranged from 2450 to 5600 Ibs., averaging 4200 Ibs., for a load con- centrated at the end of the shelf, and 4100 to 10,900 Ibs., averaging 8000 .Ibs., for a distributed load. (Eng'g News, Jan. 20, 1898.) Maximum Permissible Stresses in columns used in buildings. (Building Ordinances of City of Chicago, 1893.) For riveted or other forms of wrought-iron columns: g r= 12000 a ^ i length of column in inches; Z 2 r = least radius of gyration in inches; 36000 r 2 a = area * c l umn in square inches. For riveted or other steel columns, if more than 60 r in length: s = 17 ,ooo - 521 If less than 60 r in length: S = 13,500 a. For wooden posts: e ac a = area of post in square inches; " 72"' d = least side of rectangular post in inches; 1 + ocn^o I = length of post in inches; 250 d 2 < 600 for white or Norway pine; C = { 800 for oak ; (900 for long-leaf yellow pine, MOMENT OF INERTIA AND RADIUS OF GYRATION. 293 MOMENT OF INERTIA AND RADIUS OF GYRATION. The moment of inertia of a section is the sum of the products of each elementary area of the section into the square of its distance from an assumed axis of rotation, as the neutral axis. Assume the section to be divided into a great many equal small areas, a, and that each such area has its own radius, r, or distance from the assumed axis of rotation, then the sum of all the products derived by multiplying each a by the square of its r is the moment of inertia, 7, or 7 = 2 ar 2 , in which 2 is the sign of summation. For moment of inertia of the weight or mass of a body se Mechanics. The radius of gyration of the section equals the square root of the quotient of the moment of inertia divided by the area of the section. If R = radius of gyration, 7 = moment of inertia and A = area R =V/7Z II A = R 2 . The center of gyration is the point where the entire area might be concentrated and have the same moment of inertia as the actual area. The distance of this center from the axis of rotation is the radius of gyration. The moments of inertia of various sections are as follows: d = diameter, or outside diameter; d\ = inside diameter; 6 = breadth; h = depth; 61, hi,- inside breadth and depth; Solid rectangle 7 = Vi2&/i 3 ; Hollow rectangle 7 = Vi2(&& 8 - &i/ti 3 ); Solid square 7 = Vi2& 4 ; Hollow square 7 = 1/12(6* 6i 4 ); Solid cylinder 7 = i/Qi^d 4 ; Hollow cylinder 7 = i/w^Cd 4 di 4 ). Moment of Inertia about any Axis. If b breadth and h = depth of a rectangular section its moment of inertia about its central axis (parallel to the breadth) is 1/12 bh*; and about one side is 1/3 bh z . If a parallel axis exterior to the section is taken, and d = distance of this axis from the farthest side and d\ = its distance from the nearest side, (d di = h}, the moment of inertia about this axis is 1/36 (d 3 di 3 ). The moment of inertia of a compound shape about any axis is equal to the sum of the moments of inertia, with reference to the same axis, of all the rectangular portions composing it. Moment of Inertia of Compound Shapes. (Pencoyd Iron Works.) The moment of inertia of any section about any axis is equal to the 7 about a parallel axis passing through its centre of gravity 4- (the area of the section X the square of the distance between the axes). By this rule, the moments of inertia or radii of gyration of any single sections being known, corresponding values may be obtained for any combination of these sections. E. A. Dixon (Am. Mach., Dec. 15, 1898) gives the following formula for the moment of inertia of any rectangular element of a built up beam: 7 = 1/3 (h 3 h\ 3 )b, I = moment of inertia about any axis parallel to the neutral axis, h = distance from the assumed axis to the farthest fiber, h\ = distance to nearest fiber, b = breadth of element. The sum of the moments of inertia of ail the elements, taken about the center of gravity or neutral axis of the section, is the moment of inertia of the section. The polar moment of inertia of a surface is the sum of the products obtained by multiplying each elementary area by the square of its dis- tance from the center of gravity of the surface; it is equal to the sum of the moments of inertia taken with respect to two axes at right angles to each other passing through the center of gravity. It is represented by J. For a solid shaft J = 1/32 ^d 4 ; for a hollow shaft, J = 1/32 *(d* ofi 4 ), 5n which d is the outside andr/i the inside diameter. The polar radius of gyration, R p = \/J/A, is defined as the radius of a circumference along which the entire area might be concentrated and have the same polar moment of inertia as the actual area. For a solid circular section R p 2 = i/s 7J> 2 ; for a hollow circular sec- tion R p * = l/ 8 (d 2 + di 2 ). Moments of Inertia and Radius of Gyration for Various Sec- tions, and their Use in the Formulas for Strength of Girders and Columns. The strength of sections to resist strains, either as girders or as columns, depends not only on the area but also on the form of the section, and the property of the section which forms the 294 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. basis of the constants used in the formulas for strength of girders and columns to express the effect of the form, is its moment of inertia about its neutral axis. The modulus of resistance of any section to transverse bending is its moment of inertia divided by the distance from the neutral axis to the fibres farthest removed from that axis; or Section modulus = =- Moment of inertia _ ; z = 7 Distance of extreme fibre from axis c Moment of resistance = section modulus X unit stress on extreme fibre. Radius of* Gyration of Compound Shapes. In the case of a pair of any shape without a web the value of R can always be found with- out considering the moment of inertia. The radius of gyration for any section around an axis parallel to another axis passing through its centre of gravity is found as follows: Let r = radius of gyration around axis through centre of gravity; R = radius of gyration around another axis parallel to above; d = distance between axes: R = Vrf 2 + r 2 . When r is small, R may be taken as equal to d without material error. Graphical Method for Finding Radius of Gyration. Benj. F. La Rue, Eng. News-, Feb. 2, 1893, gives a short graphical method for finding the radius of gyration of hollow, cylindrical, and rectangular columns, as follows: For cylindrical columns: Lay off to a scale of 4 (or 40) a right-angled triangle, in which the base equals the outer diameter, and the altitude equals the inner diameter of the column, or vice versa. The hypothenuse, measured to a scale of unity (or 10), will be the radius of gyration sought. This depends upon the formula G= VMom. of inertia -*- Area = 1/4 in which A = area and D = diameter of outer circle, a = area and d =* diameter of inner circle, and G = radius of gyration. V/)2 + ^2 is the expression for the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle, in which D and d are the base and altitude. The sectional area of a hollow round column is 0.7854(Z) 2 d 2 ). By constructing a right-angled triangle in which D equals the hypothenuse and d equals the altitude, the base will equal V)2 _ & Calling the value of this expression for the base B, the area will equal 0.7854.8 2 . Value of G for square columns: Lay off as before, but using a scale of 10, a right-angled triangle of which the base equals D or the side of the outer square, and the altitude equals d, the side of the inner square. With a scale of 3 measure the hypothenuse, which will be, approximately, the radius of gyration. This process for square columns gives an excess of slightly more than 4%. By deducting 4% from the result, a close approximation will be obtained. A very close result is also obtained by measuring the hypothenuse with the same scale by which the base and altitude were laid off, and multiplying by the decimal 0.29'; more exactly, the decimal is 0.28867. The formula is VMom. of ii Area of inertia 1 . D 2 + eJ 2 , = 0.28867 This may also be applied to any rectangular column by using the lesser diameters of an unsupported column, and the greater diameters if the column is supported in the direction of its least dimensions. ELEMENTS OF USUAL SECTIONS. Moments refer to horizontal axis through centre of gravity. This table is intended for convenient application where extreme accuracy is not important. Some of the terms are only approximate; those marked * are correct. Values for radius of gyration in flanged beams apply to standard minimum sections only. A = area of section; b = breadth; h = depth: D = diameter. ELEMENTS OF USUAL SECTIONS. 295 Shape of Section. Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. Square of Least Radius of Gyration. Least Radius of Gyration. 4 Solid Rect- 6^3* 6A 2 * (Least side) 2 * Least side * i angle. 12 6 12 3.46 En t Hrllr*OT T? <+ bW bh** h*+h* h+h l i angle. 12 6h 12 4.89 Solid Circle. 1/64 irZ)** = 0.049 ID* = (?U982>3 ~I6~ D* 4 y^Si Hollow Circle. A, area of AD* -ad** AD*-a#* D2-f^ 2 * D + d 1JP a, area of small section. 16 SO 16 5.64 ^ Solid Triangle. . 6fc3 36 24~ The least of the two ; T8 2 r l4 The least of the two; h b 4^4 r 4T9 o Even Angle. Ah* 1 0.2 7T . 25" 6 5 tT Ah* ^^ (hb}* hb J Uneven Angle. 9.5 6.5 \3(h*+b*) 2.6(h + b) B Even Cross. \9 93 223 474 eP Even Tee. Ah* U.I T" b* 223 6 4.74 ^ I Beam. Ah* 6.66 ^^ 3.2 62 21 6 438 TO Channel. Ah* 7.34 A* 3.67 6 2 12.5 6 334 -ft i Deck Beam. Ah* 6.9 Ah 4 62 363 6 6 Distance of base from centre of gravity, solid triangle, -; even angle, ^-^. o o.o' uneven angle, ^-r ; even tee, 77-5 ; deck beam, ; all other shapes ' O.O O.O .i.O given in the table, - or 296 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. ECCENTRIC LOADING OF COLUMNS. In a given rectangular cross-section, such as a masonry joint under pressure, the stress will be distributed uniformly over the section only when the resultant passes through the centre of the section; any deviation from such a central position will bring a maximum unit pressure to one edge and a minimum to the other; when the distance of the resultant from one elge is one third of the entire width of the joint, the pressure at the nearer edge is twice the mean pressure, while that at the farther edge is zero, and that when the resultant approaches still nearer to the edge the pressure at the farther edge becomes less than zero: in fact, becomes a tension, if the material (mortar, etc.) there is capable of resisting tension. Or, if, as usual in masonry joints, the material is practically incapable of resisting tension, the pressure at the nearer edge, when the resultant approaches it nearer than one third of the width, increases very rapidly and dangerously, becoming theoretically infinite when the resultant reaches the edge. With a given position of the resultant relatively to one edge of the joint or section, a similar redistribution of the pressures throughout the section may be brought about by simply adding to or diminishing the width of the section. Let P = the total pressure on any section of a bar of uniform thickness. w =- the width of that section = area of the section, when thickness = 1. p =. p/ w = the mean unit pressure on the section. M = the maximum unit pressure on the section. m = the minimum unit pressure on the section. d = the eccentricity of the resultant = its distance from the centre of the section When d = - w then M = 2p and m = O. 6 When d is greater than 1/6 iff, the resultant in that case being less than one third of the width from one edge, p becomes negative. (J. C. Traut- wine, Jr., Engineering News, Nov. 23, 1893.) Eccentric Loading of Cast-iron Columns. Prof. Lanza writes the author as follows: The table on page 276 applies when the result- ant of the loads upon the column acts along its central axis, i.e., passes through the centre of gravity of every section. In buildings and other constructions, however, cases frequently occur when the resultant load does not pass through the centre of gravity of the section: and then the pressure is not evenly distributed over the section, but is greatest on the side where the resultant acts. (Examples occur when the loads on the floors are not uniformly distributed.) In these cases the outside fibre stresses of the column should be computed as follows, viz.: Let P = total pressure on the section; d = eccentricity of resultant = its distance from the centre of gravity of the section; A = area of the section, and / its moment of inertia about an axis in its plane, passing through its centre of gravity, and perpendic- ular to d; ci = distance of most compressed and ci = that of least compressed fibre from above stated axis; si =* maximum and sz = minimum pressure oer unit of area. Then P , (Pd)ci P (Pd)ca. Sl - A + I" and S2 = A ~ -J- Having assumed a certain trial section for the column to be designed, si should be computed, and, if it exceed the proper safe value, a different section should be used for which si does not exceed this value. The proper safe value, in the case of cast-iron columns whose ratio of length to diameter does not greatly exceed 20, is 5000 pounds per square inch when the eccentricity u^ed in the computation of si is liable to occur frequently in the ordinary uses of the structure; but when it is one which can only occur in rare cases the value 8000 Ibs. per sq. in. may be used. A long cap on a column is more conducive to the production of eccen- tricity of loading than a short one, hence a long cap is a source of weakness, TRANSVERSE STRENGTH. 297 TRANSVERSE STRENGTH. In transverse tests the strength of bars of rectangular section is found to vary directly as the breadth of the specimen tested, as the square of its depth, and inversely as its length. The deflection under any load varies as the cube of the length, and inversely as the breadth and as the cube of the depth. Represented algebraically, if S = the strength and D the deflection, / the length, b the breadth, and d the depth, bd 2 I s S varies as r- and D varies as , ^- I bd 3 For the purpose of reducing the strength of pieces of various sizes to a common standard, the term modulus of rupture (represented by R) is used. Its value is obtained by experiment on a bar of rectangular section supported at the ends and loaded in the middle and substituting numerical values in the following formula: in which P = the breaking load in pounds, I = the length in inches, b the breadth, and d the depth. The modulus of rupture is sometimes defined as the strain at the instant of rupture upon a unit of the section which is most remote from the neu- tral axis on the side which first ruptures. This definition, however, is based upon a theory which is yet in dispute among authorities, and it is better to define it as a numerical value, or experimental constant, found by the application of the formula above given. From the above formula, making / 12 inches, and b and d each 1 inch, it follows that the modulus of rupture is 18 times the load required to break a bar one inch square, supported at two points one foot apart, the load being applied in the middle. , , span in feet X load at middle in Ibs. Coefficient of transverse strength = ^- -77. r breadth in inches X (depth in inches) 2 = th of the modulus of rupture. lo Fundamental Formulae for Flexure of Beams (Merriman). Resisting shear = vertical shear; Resisting moment = bending moment; Sum of tensile stresses = sum of compressive stresses: Resisting shear = algebraic sum of all the vertical components of the internal stresses at any section of the beam. If A be the area of the section and S s the shearing unit stress, then resisting shear = AS S ; and if the vertical shear = F, then V= AS S . The vertical shear is the algebraic sum of all the external vertical forces on one side of the section considered. It is equal to the reaction of one support, considered as a force acting upward, minus the sum of all the vertical downward forces acting between the support and the section. The resisting moment = algebraic sum of all the moments of the inter- nal horizontal stresses at any section with reference to a point in that section, = in which S = the horizontal unit stress, tensile or com- c pressive as the case may be, upon the fibre most remote from the neutral axis, c = the slwrtest distance from that fibre to said axis, and 7 = the moment of inertia of the cross-section with reference to that axis. The bending moment M is the algebraic sum of the moment of the external forces on one side of the section with reference to a point in that section = moment of the reaction of one support minus sum of moments of loads between the support and the section considered. The bending moment is a compound quantity = product of a force by the distance of its point of application from the section considered, the distance being measured on a line drawn from the section perpendicular to the direction of the action of the force, 298 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Concerning the formula, M=*SI/c, p. 297, Prof. Merriman, "710. News, July 21, 1894, says: The formula quoted is true when the unit-stress S on the part of the beam farthest from the neutral axis is within the elastic limit of the material. It is not true when this limit is exceeded, because then the neutral axis does not pass through the center of gravity of the cross- section, and because also the different longitudinal stresses are not pro- portional to their distances from that axis, these two requirements being involved in the deduction of the formula. But in all cases of design the permissible unit-stresses should not exceed the elastic limit, and hence the formula applies rationally, without regarding the ultimate strength of the material or any of the circumstances regarding rupture. Indeed, so great reliance is placed upon this formula that the practice of. testing beams by rupture has been almost entirely abandoned, and the allowable unit-stresses are mainly derived from tensile and compressive tests. APPROXIMATE GREATEST SAFE LOADS IN LBS. ON STEEL BEAMS. (Pencoyd Iron Works.) Based on fiber strains of 16,000 Ibs. for steel. (For iron the loads should bo one-eighth less, corresponding to a fibre strain of 14,000 Ibs. per square inch.) Beams supported at the ends and uniformly loaded. L = length in feet between supports; a = interior area in square A = sectional area of beam in square inches; inches; d interior depth in inches. D = depth of beam in inches. w = working load in net tons. Shape of Section. Greatest Safe Load in Pounds. Deflection in Inches. Load in Middle. Load Distributed. Load in Middle. Load Distributed. Solid Rect- angle. 890 AD 1780 AD wL* wL* L L 32 AD 2 52AD 2 Hollow Rectangle. 890(AZ)-acO 1780(AZ>-ad) wtf wL* L L 32(AD' 2 -aa' 2 ) 52(AD 2 -ad 2 ) Solid Cylinder. 667AD \333AD wtf wL3 L L 24 AD 2 38 AD 2 Hollow Cylinder. 667(AD-ad) L ]333(AD-ad) wU wL* L 24(AD 2 -ad*) 38(AD' 2 -ad 2 ) Even- legged Angle or Tee. 885AD 1770AD wL* wL 3 L L 32AD 2 52AD 2 Channel or Z bar 1525AD 3050AD wL* wL* L L 53 AD 2 85AD2 Deck Beam. 1380AD 276QAD wL s wlfi L L 50AZ>2 SOAD 2 I Beam. 1695 AD 3390AD wL* wU L L 58 AD 2 93AD 2 I 11 III IV V The above formulas for the strength and stiffness 9f rolled beams of various sections are intended for convenient application in cases where gtrict accuracy is not required. TBANSVERSE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. 299 A IS -IS *>.*_, 3 ft; v> CkJ ft- So * a: s: IQO | oo ivo , + -|T %| ^s r- 9S\ T|cr II 3 S CQ t 300 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. The rules for rectangular and circular sections are correct, while those for the flanged sections are approximate, and limited in their application to the standard shapes as given in the Pencoyd tables. When the section of any beam is increased above the standard minimum dimensions, the flanges remaining unaltered, and the web alone being thickened, the ten- dency will be for the load as found by the rules to be in excess of the actual; but within the limits that it is possible to vary any section in the rolling; the rules will apply without any serious inaccuracy. The calculated safe loads will be approximately one half of loads that would injure the elasticity of the materials. The rules for deflection apply to any load below the elastic limit, or less than double the greatest safe load by the rules. If the beams are long without lateral support, reduce the loads for the ratios of width to span as follows: Length of Beam. 20 times flange width. 30 40 " 50 " 60 " 70 " Proportion of Calculated Load forming Greatest Safe Load. Whole calculated load. 9-10 8-10 7-10 6-10 5-10 These rules apply to beams supported at each end. For beams supported otherwise, alter the coefficients of the table as described below, referring to the respective columns indicated by number. Changes of Coefficients for Special Forms of Beams. Kind of Beam. Coefficient for Safe Load, Coefficient for Deflec- tion. Fixed at one end, loaded at the other. One fourth of the coeffi- cient, col. II. One sixteenth of the co- efficient of col. IV. Fixed at one end, load evenly distributed. One fourth of the coeffi- cient of col. III. Five forty-eighths of the coefficient of col. V. Both ends rigidly fixed, or a continuous beam, with a load in middle. Twice the coefficient of col. II. Four times the coeffi- cient of col. IV. Both ends rigidly fixed, or a continuous beam, with load evenly dis- tributed. One and one-half times the coefficient of col. III. Five times the coefficient of col. V. Formulae for Transverse Strength of Beams. Referring to table on page 299, P = load at middle; W = total load, distributed uniformly; I = length, b = breadth, d depth, in inches; B = modulus of elasticity; R = modulus of rupture, or stress per square inch of extreme fiber; 7 = moment of inertia; c = distance between neutral axis and extreme fibre. For breaking load of circular section, replace bd? by BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. 301 The value of R at rupture, or the modulus of rupture (see page 282), is about 60,000 for structural steel, and about 110,000 for strong steel. (Merriman.) For cast iron the value of R varies greatly according to quality. Thurs- ton found 45,740 and 67,980 in No. 2 and No. 4 cast iron, respectively. For beams fixed at both ends and loaded in the middle, Barlow, by experiment, found the maximum moment of stress = 1/6 PI instead of 1/8 PI, the result given by theory. Prof. Wood (Resist. Matls. p. 155) says of this case: The phenomena are of too complex a character to admit of a thorough and exact analysis, and it is probably safer to accept the results of Mr. Barlow in practice than to depend upon theoretical results. BEAMS OP UNIFORM STRENGTH THROUGHOUT THEIR LENGTH. The section is supposed in all cases to be rectangular throughout. The beams shown in plan are of uniform depth throughout. Those shown in elevation are of uniform breadth throughout. B = breadth of beam. D = depth of beam. ELEVATION. Fixed at one end, loaded at the other* curve parabola, vertex at loaded end ; BD proportional to distance from loaded end- The beam may be reversed, so that the upper edge is parabolic, or both edges may be parabolic. Fixed at one end, loaded at tne other; triangle, apex at loaded end ; BD 2 propor- tional to the distance from the loaded end. Fixed at one end ; load distributed ; tri- angle, apex at unsupported end ; BD 2 pro- portional to square of distance from unsup- ported end. Fixed at one end; load distributed; curves two parabolas, vertices touching each other at unsupported end; BD* proportional to distance from unsupported end. Supported at both ends; load at any one point; two parabolas, vertices at the points of support, bases at point loaded; BD 2 proportional to distance from nearest point of support. The upper edge or both edges may also be parabolic. Supported at both ends ; load at any one point; two triangles, apices at points of support, bases at point loaded; BD 2 pro- portional to distance from the nearest point of support. Supported at both ends; load distri- buted; curves two parabolas, vertices at the middle of the beam; bases centre line of beam; BD 2 proportional to product of distances from points of support. Supported at both ends; load distri- buted; curve semi-ellipse: BD 2 propor- tional to the product of the distances from the points of support. 302 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF STEUCTUEAL STEEL SECTIONS COMMONLY EOLLED. ( Carnegie Steel Co., 1913.) +* %J ^-SSogs^-SS^sssSoJ^oS-ci : -OOOOO^^sO jftfcHJ ^^^-^.^fnr^tN-^cN^--^ o --2^SP5^cQ Is tototototo totototo to! to ^ to to to g* M - -~ * *L*J' l*i**\ I '8 ^* * * ^ * CO ^H 1 * r>. oo 1 1 X so ^a3 .-j.s-o.^^^s*.^**^^*^^^* 1 PJr^fNfN?JfN. &3 sssc^ssas if. CO CO CO . CO to CO tO tO tO *o to to to to to gl~ ** ^ " ^ " ^ * ^ ,-H 8 "So * g * *******#**# * ^ # # y. ........ y. ........ \x- . s 0> 00 M ghts and oox: * " ' * 00 &s r 3 SS^S?!?S!SSaSSSRsSSSi?i2ii2iS s $79i^^^a **d ^CO CO^tO^tO^tO to to to tO to 2oo2,*2oo2c< gs - - _- - - -- - - SB O * W M w >o ^ 00 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF ANGLES. 303 IF .,2 X: : : ^: : : : : : X: : X: : : : : -: : : : -: X: : W^ CA > ^ X X CN ^T- 1-1 'X v 5 "OO fN<>oroo^fAt>o^-NOO > > cAmr^ciofvir^ moor^mooot s s.pooorooo ^^i^^ JM X* X: : X: : X: *i 1 S V- e OB a .2 = X: XX: X ^^^>^> d - o CD tS '> CO ~ OOOOCOOOCOOOCO(MOO^^^^> 5 1 ^^^~^^>>io S S3 XX: X: X: X: X 1 ^>^>l ?|5|SI^I JM XXXX: X: X: X X: X: X: CO X: : X: : X: : 00 CO ^ PROPERTIES Otf ROLLED STRUCTURAL STEEL. 305 Weights and Dimensions of I-Beams. Size, In. Wt. f Lb. Size, In. Wt. ST. Lb. Size, In. Wt. per Ft., Lb. Size, In. Wt. IE Lb. Size, In. Wt. f Lb. Size, In. Wt. per Ft., Lb. 27 24 83.0 115.0 110.0 105.0 100.0 95.0 90.0 85.0 80.0 69 5 20 18 90.0 85.0 8D.O 75.0 70.0 65.0 90.0 85.0 80.0 75 18 15 55.0 46.0 75.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 42 12 10 45.0 40.0 35.0 31.5 27.5 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 22 9 8 7 6 21.0 25.5 23.0 20.5 18.0 17.5 20.0 17.5 15.0 17.25 5 4 3 12.25 9.75 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 5.5 21 57 5 70 36 9 35 14.75 20 100.0 95.0 65.0 60.0 12 55.0 50.0 30.0 25.0 5 12.25 14.75 Weights and Dimensions of Channels. 15 55.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 35 13 12 37.0 35.0 32.0 40.0 35 10 9 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 25 8 7 18.75 16.25 13.75 11.25 19 75 6 5 15.5 13.0 10.5 8.0 11 5 4 3 5.25 6.0 5.0 4.0 13 33.0 50 ' 30.0 25 20.0 15 17.25 14 75 9.0 6 5 45 20 5 13 25 12 25 4 7 25 40.0 10 35.0 8 21.25 9.75 6.25 PROPERTIES OF ROLLED STRUCTURAL STEEL. Explanation of Tables of the Properties of I-Beams, Channels, Angles, Z-Bars, Tees, etc. (Carnegie Steel Co.) The tables of properties of I-beams and channels, pp. 307 to 313, are calculated for all standard sizes and weights to which each pattern is rolled, excepting for five weights of the 13-in. channel which is omitted in the tables. The table of properties of angles are calculated for the maximum, intermediate, and minimum weights of each size, excepting that only maximum and minimum weights are given for a few of the smaller sizes as noted in the tables. The properties of Z-bars are given for thicknesses differing by Vi6 in. The table of properties of Tee shapes lists the lightest section of each size. In the case of angles there will be two section moduli for each position of the neutral axis, since the distance between the neutral axis and the extreme fiber is different on either side of the axis. With T-sections there are two section moduli where the neutral axis is parallel to the flange. In these cases only the smaller section moduli are given. The column headed x, in the table of the properties of standard channels, giving the distance of the center of gravity of channel from the outside of web, is used to obtain the radius of gyration for columns or struts consisting of two channels latticed, for the case of the neutral axis passing through the center of the cross-section parallel to the webs of the channels. This radius of gyration is equal to the distance be- tween the center of gravity of the channel and the center of the section, i.e., neglecting the moments of inertia of the channels around their own axes, thereby introducing a slight error on the side of safety. In the tables of safe loads of beams and channels, the safe loads for various lengths of span are given only for the lightest weight of each section rolled in the various sizes. The safe loads of the heavier weights of each section can be calculated from the data given in the tables of properties. The safe loads given in the tables are for a uniform load per running foot on the beam or channel. If the load, instead of being uniform, is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply it by 2 and then consider it as a uniform load. The deflection will be 0,8 X 306 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS* the deflection for the uniform load. The safe loads in the tables are calculated solely with reference to the safe unit stresses due to flexure, and the values given will not produce average shearing stresses in the web greater than -10, 000 Ib. per sq. in., the maximum allowed in the American Bridge Co.'s specifications. When the beams carry con- centrated loads, the buckling or shearing stresses in the web, rather than the resistance of the flanges to bending stresses may limit the carrying capacity. The tables of safe loads for angles, tees, and Z-bars give the safe loads on a span of 1 ft., from which the safe load for any length of span may be obtained by direct division. They also give the values at which the allowed safe load will produce the maximum allowable deflection of 1/360 of the span length. The tables are based on an extreme fiber stress of 16,000 Ib. per sq. in., which is the customary figure for quiescent loads, as in buildings. Where running loads are involved, as in bridges, crane runways, etc., an extreme fiber stress of 12,500 Ib. per sq. in. should be used and the values reduced accordingly. For suddenly applied loads, the extreme fiber stresses should be reduced to 8,000 Ib. per sq. in. It is assumed in the tables that the load is applied normal to the neutral axis perpendicular to the web at the center, and that the beam deflects only vertically in the plane of bending. For other conditions of loading, the safe load must be determined by the general theory of flexure (see page 297) in accordance with the mode of application of the load and its character. Under these conditions the safe loads will be considerably lower than those given in the tables. It is also assumed in the tables that the compression flanges of the various sections are secured against lateral deflection by the use of the rods at proper inter- vals. The lateral unsupported length of beams and girders should not exceed forty times the width of the compression flange. When thj unsupported length exceeds ten times this width, the tabular safe loads should be reduced as follows, W being the width of the compression flange: Length of unsupported flange 5W WW 15W 20W 25W 'SOW 35W 40W Percentage of full safe load allowed 100 100 90.6 81.2 71.9 62.5 53.1 43.8 In addition to the lateral deflection induced by pure bending stresses in the beam, there may be deflection due to the thrust of arches or other loads acting on a line perpendicular to the line of the principal stresses. These should be neutralized by tie rods so that in no case will the unit stresses exceed 16,000 Ib. per sq. in. (For much other important information concerning rolled structural shapes, see the "Pocket Companion" of the Carnegie Steel Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa., price $2.) Allowable Tension Values in Bars Thousands of Pounds. (Carnegie Steel Co., 1913.) Round Bars. Square Bars. Round Bars. Square Bars. Size, Unit Unit Unit Unit Size, Unit Unit Unit Unit In. Stress Stress Stress Stress In. Stress " Stress Stress Stress 16,000 20,000 16,000 20,000 16,000 20,000 16,000 20,000 Lb. per Sq. In. Lb. per Sq. In. Lb. per Sq. In. Lb. per Sq. In. Lb. per Sq. In. Lb. per Sq. In. Lb. per Sq. In. Lb. per Sq. In. 1/4 0.8 1.0 1 .0 1.3 13/ 4 38.5 48.1 49.0 61.3 1/fl 3.1 3.9 4.0 5.0 2 50.3 62.8 64.0 80.0 3/4 7.1 8.8 9.0 11 .3 2l/ 4 63.6 79.5 81 .0 101.3 12.6 15.7 16.0 20.0 21/2 78.5 98.2 100.0 125.0 11/4 19.6 24.5 25.0 31 .3 23/ 4 95.0 118.8 121 .0 151,3 U/2 28.3 35.3 36.0 45.0 3 113.1 141.4 144.0 180.0 PKOPERTIES OF ROLLED STRUCTURAL STEEL. 307 Properties of Carnegie Standard I-Beams Steel.* . Neutral Axis Per- Neutral Axis Coin- g Q) 5 pendicular to Web cident with Center 1 1 a .2 P? at Center. Line of Web. 2 & E *s "o "o . - m o . - 1 o 1 ? 03 o 1 u 4J 03 n 11 |f ft |! if |1 Q 1 If 1 r 1 1^ 1" JjO 1^ in. Ib sq. in. in. in. in.* in. in.3 in.* in. in.3 27 83.0 24.41 7.500 0.424 2888.6 10.88 214.0 53.1 1.47 14.1 24 115.0 33.98 8.000 0.750 2955.5 9.33 246.3 83.2 1.57 20.8 110.0 32.48 7.938 0.688 2883.5 9.42 240.3 81.0 1.58 20.4 105.0 30.98 7.875 0.625 2811.5 9.53 234.3 78.9 1.60 20.0 M 100.0 29.41 7.254 0.754 2379.6 9.00 198.3 48.6 1.28 13.4 95.0 27.94 7.193 0.693 2309.0 9.09 192.4 47.1 1.30 13.1 90.0 26.47 7.131 0.631 2238.4 9.20 186.5 45.7 1.31 12.8 85.0 25.00 7.070 0.570 2167.8 9.31 180.7 44.4 1.33 12.6 80.0 23.32 7.000 0.500 2087.2 9.46 173.9 42.9 1.36 12.3 69.5 20.44 7.000 0.390 1928.0 9.71 160.7 39.3 1.39 11.2 2\ 57.5 16.85 6.500 0.357 1227.5 8.54 116.9 28.4 1.30 8.8 20 100.0 29.41 7.284 0.884 1655.6 7.50 165.6 52.7 1.34 14.5 95.0 27.94 7.210 0.810 1606.6 7.58 160.7 50.8 1.35 14.1 * 90.0 26.47 7.137 0.737 1557.6 7.67 155.8 49.0 1.36 13.7 85.0 25.00 7.063 0.663 1508.5 7.77 150.9 47.3 1.37 13.4 80.0 23.73 7.000 0.600 1466.3 7.86 146.6 45.8 .39 13.1 M 75.0 22.06 6.399 0.649 1268.8 7.58 126.9 30.3 .17 9.5 " 70.0 20.59 6.325 0.575 1219.8 7.70 122.0 29.0 .19 9.2 65.0 19.08 6.250 0.500 1169.5 7.83 117.0 27.9 .21 8.9 18 90.0 26.47 7.245 0.807 1260.4 6.90 140.0 52.0 .40 14.4 85.0 25.00 7.163 0.725 1220.7 6.99 135.6 50.0 .42 14.0 80.0 23.53 7.082 0.644 1181.0 7.09 131.2 48.1 .43 13.6 75.0 22.05 7.000 0.562 1141.3 7.19 126.8 46.2 .45 13.2 < 70.0 20.59 6.259 0.719 921.2 6.69 102.4 24.6 .09 7.9 < 65.0 19.12 6.177 0.637 881.5 6.79 97.9 23.5 .11 7.6 60.0 17.65 6.095 0.555 841.8 6.91 93.5 22.4 .13 7.3 55.0 15.93 6.000 0.460 795.6 7.07 88.4 21.2 .15 7.1 46.0 13.53 6.000 0.322 733.2 7.36 81.5 19.9 .21 6.6 15 75.0 22.06 6.292 0.882 691.2 5.60 92.2 30.7 .18 9.8 70.0 20.59 6.194 0.784 663.7 5.68 88.5 29.0 .19 9.4 65.0 19.12 6.096 0.686 636.1 5.77 84.8 27.4 .20 9.0 M 60.0 17.67 6.000 0.590 609.0 5.87 81.2 26.0 .21 8.7 " 55.0 16.18 5.746 0.656 511.0 5.62 68.1 17.1 .02 5.9 M 50.0 14.71 5.648 0.558 483.4 5.73 64.5 16.0 .04 5.7 45.0 13.24 5.550 0.460 455.9 5.87 60.8 15.1 .07 5.4 42.0 12.48 5.500 0.410 441.8 5.95 58.9 14.6 .08 5.3 36.0 10.63 5.500 0.289 405.1 6.17 54.0 13.5 .13 4.9 12 55.0 16.18 5.611 0.821 321.0 4.45 53.5 17.5 .04 6.2 50.0 14.71 5.489 0.699 303.4 4.54 50.6 16.1 .05 5.9 45.0 13.24 5.366 0.576 285.7 4.65 47.6 14.9 .06 5.6 40.0 11.84 5.250 0.460 269.0 4.77 44.8 13.8 .08 5.3 35.0 10.29 5.086 0.436 228.3 4.71 38.0 10.1 0.99 4.0 31.5 9.26 5.000 0.350 215.8 4.83 36.0 9.5 .01 3.8 27.5 8.04 5.000 0.255 199.6 4.98 33.3 8.7 .04 3.5 10 40.0 11.76 5.099 0.749 158.7 3.67 31.7 9.5 0.90 3.7 35.0 10.29 4.952 0.602 146.4 3.77 29.3 8.5 0.91 3.4 30.0 8.82 4.805 0.455 134.2 3.90 26.8 7.7 0.93 3.2 25.0 7.37 4.660 0310 122.1 4.07 24.4 6.9 0.97 3.0 " 22.0 6.52 4.670 0.232 113.9 4.18 22.8 6.4 0.99 2.7 * See notes on next page. (Table continued on next page.') 308 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, Properties of Carnegie Standard I-Beams Steel. Continued. Neutral Axis Per- Neutral Axis Coin- . o3 1 pendicular to Web cident with Center i g i p at Centeix Line of Web. 1 E o o . _ fl . o d . s p, J s S ^~ 3 -u.rt 8-S g f "M "* 1 11 $ 8 |1. ss ll M S 'S given include which should net load. 7.4 6.9 hor will mur she Loa 5S Wil tions, hplaj r stn loads )eam, ) give 10.6 10.1 horizontal line cessive deflec not be used wit Maximum flbe persq. in. Safe the weight of t be deducted tc 19.1 18.4 15.3 14.8 14.2 13.6 Properties of Carnegie Corrugated Plates Steel. Moment of Sec- tion Index. Size, in Inches. Weight Foot. Area of Sec- tion. Thick- ness in Inches. Inertia, Neutral Axis Parallel to Section Modulus, Axis as before. Radius of Gy- ration, Axis as Length. before. M30 83/i XI 1/2 Ib. 8.1 sq. in. 2.38 1/4 0.64 S 0.8 O. r 52 M31 83/4 XI 9/16 10.1 2.96 5/16 0.95 1.1 0.57 M32 83/4 XI 5/8 12.0 3.53 3/8 1.3 1.4 0.62 M33 123/i 6 X23/4 17.8 5.22 V8 4.8 3.3 0.96 M34 123/ 16 X2l3/i6 20.8 6.10 7/16 5.8 3.9 0.98 M35 123/16X27/8 23.7 6.97 1/2 6.8 4.5 0.99 SPACING OF I-BEAMS FOR UNIFORM LOAD. 311 Spacing of Carnegie Steel I-Beams for Uniform Load of 100 Lbs. per Square Foot. (Figures in table give the proper distance, feet, center to center of beams.) Ill Ft. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27-in. 83 Ib. 228.2 188.6 158.5 135.0 116.4 101.4 89.2 79.0 70.4 63.2 57.1 51.8 47.2 43.1 39.6 36.5 33.8 31.3 29.1 24-inch. 21 -in. 20-inch. 18-inch. 1 5-inch. 105 Ib. 249.9 206.5 173.6 147.9 127.5 111.1 97.6 86.5 77.1 69.2 62.5 56.7 51.6 47.2 43.4 40.0 37.0 34.3 31 9 80 Ib. 185.5 153.3 128.8 109.8 94.7 82.5 72.5 64.2 57.3 51.4 46.4 42.1 38.3 35.1 32.2 29.7 27.5 25.5 23.7 69^ Ib. 171.4 141.6 119.0 101.4 87.4 76.2 66.9 53.3 52.9 47.5 42.8 38.9 35.4 32.4 29.8 27.4 25.4 23.5 21.9 57^ Ib. 80 Ib. 65 Ib. 75 Ib. 46 Ib. 60 Ib. 42 Ib. 36 Ib. 57.6 47.6 40.0 34.1 29.4 25.6 22.5 19.9 17.8 16.0 14.4 13.1 11.9 10.9 10.0 9.2 8.5 124.7 103.1 86.6 73.8 63.6 55.4 48.7 43.2 38.5 34.5 31.2 28.3 25.8 23.6 21.7 20.0 18.5 17.1 15.9 156.4 129.3 108.6 92.6 79.8 69.5 61.1 54.1 48.3 43.3 39.1 35.5 32.3 29.6 27.2 25.0 23.1 21.5 700 124.8 103.1 86.6 73.8 63.7 54.4 48.7 43.2 38.5 34.6 31.2 28.3 25.8 23.6 21.7 20.0 18.5 17.1 159 135.3 111.8 93.9 80.0 69.0 60.1 52.8 46.8 41.8 37.5 33.8 30.7 28.0 25.6 23.5 21.6 20.0 18.6 17.3 e 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.9 1.8 0.4 1.4 4.3 8.6 3.9 0.1 6.8 4.1 1.7 9.7 8.0 6.4 5.1 3.9 2.9 1 9 86.6 71.6 60.1 51.3 44.2 38.5 33.8 30.0 26.7 24.0 21.7 19.6 17.9 16.4 15.0 13.9 12.8 62.8 51.9 43.6 37.2 32.1 27.9 24.5 21.7 19.4 17.4 15.7 14.3 13.0 11.9 10.9 10.1 9.3 1 1 Distance f between supports. 12-inch. 10-inch. 9-in 8-inch. 7-in. 6-in. 5-in. 4-in 3-in 40 Ib. ^ 27^ Ib. 25 Ib. 22 Ib. 21 Ib. 18 Ib. 17^ Ib. 15 Ib. W ft 7H Ib. 5^ Ib. Ft. !" 61/2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 60.7 5%1 42.1 35.9 31.0 23.7 18.7 15.2 12.5 10.5 9.0 7.7 6.7 5.9 '"53 4.7 62 51 43 36 l\ 19 15 12 10 9 7 6 6 -5 4 .2 .4 .2 .8 .8 .3 .2 .6 .9 .8 .2 9 .9 .1 "4 44.2 36.5 30.7 26.1 22.5 17.3 13.6 11.0 9.1 7.7 6.5. 5.6: 31.0 25.6 21.5 18.3 15.8 12.1 9.6 7.8 6.4 5.4 '"4.6 40 20.6 17.1 14.3 12.2 10.5 8.1 6.4 5.2 ""4.3 3.6 12.7 10.5 8.8 7.5 6.5 5.0 "3.9 3.2 .. 7.1 5.8 4.9 JT.2 : 3.6 132.8 97i6 74.7 59.0 47.8 39.5 33.2 28.3 24.4 21.3 18.7 165 14.8 13.2 12.0 10.8 9.9 9.0 8.3 106.6 783 60.0 47.4 38.4 31.7 26.6 22.7 19.6 17.1 15.0 13.3 11.8 10.6 9.6 8.7 7.9 7.3 6.7 98.6 72^4 55.4 43.8 35.5 29.3 24.6 21.0 18.1 15.8 13.9 12.3 11.0 9.8 8.9 8.1 7.3 6.7 6.2 72.4 532 40.7 32.2 26.1 21.5 18.1 15.4 13.3 11.6 10.2 9.0 8.0 7.2 6.5 "5."9 5.4 67.5 49^6 38.0 30.0 24.3 20.1 16.9 14.4 12.4 10.8 9.5 8.4 7.5 6.7 6.1 "T.5 5.0 55.9 4l!l 31.5 24.9 20.1 16.6 14.0 11.9 10.3 9.0 7.9 7.0 6.2 5.6 5.0 4.9 4.3 8 For any other load than 100 Ib. per sq. ft., divide the spacing given by the ratio the given load per sq. ft. bears to 100. Thus for a load of 150 Ib. per sq. ft. divide by 1.5. Maximum fiber stress 16,000 Ib. per sq. in. Spacings given below the dotted horizontal lines will produce exces- sive deflection, and should not be used with plastered ceilings. 312 STRENGTH OP MATERIALS. Properties of Carnegie Standard Channels Steel. 1 s a si 0) gJ5 gH ?s 11 -8 3 ^ c3 0) 'I ^ 5 w ""3 ^4J c" c ^ c" JH t> 3 ^+3 *o*o 1 !ij ^ i & 3 |s 1*1 111 |1! "!: ill (D^d 4J - e 2 *o ! (73 *O I i of Flan; III of^+a -u 03 Is .aj -"jp if! a I|| a) si o. bo | 1 is |4j| III Is &** 1 23 '%% ill & Q < H s S 5 PH w $ 5 in. Ibs. sq. in. in. in. j /' r r' S S' X 15 55. 16.18 0.82 3.82 430.2 12.2 5.16 0.868 57.4 4.1 0.82 '* 50. 14.71 0.72 3.72 402.7 11.2 5.23 0.873 53.7 3.8 0.80 " 45. 13.24 0.62 3.62 375.1 10.3 5.32 0.882 50.0 3.6 0.79 40. 11.76 0.52 3.52 347.5 9.4 5.43 0.893 46.3 3.4 0.78 * 35. 10.29 0.43 3.43 319.9 8.5 5.58 0.908 42.7 3.2 0.79 " 33. 9.90 0.40 3.40 312.6 8.2 5.62 0.912 41.7 3.2 0.79 12 40. 11.76 0.76 3.42 196.9 6.6 4.09 0.751 32.8 2.5 0.72 " 35. 10.29 0.64 3.30 179.3 5.9 4.17 0.757 29.9 2.3 0.69 " 30. 8.82 0.51 3.17 161.7 5.2 4.28 0.768 26.9 2.1 0.68 . 25. 7.35 0.39 3.05 144.0 4.5 4.43 0.785 24.0 .9 0.68 " 201/2 6.03 0.28 2.94 128.1 3.9 4.61 0.805 21.4 .7 0.70 10 35. 10.29 0.82 3.18 115.5 4.7 3.35 0.672 23.1 .9 0.70 30. 8.82 0.68 3.04 103.2 4.0 3.42 0.672 20.7 .7 0.65 " 25. 7.35 0.53 2.89 91.0 3.4 3.52 0.680 18.2 .5 0.62 " 20. 5.88 0.38 2.74 78.7 2.9 3.66 0.696 15.7 .3 0.61 * 15. 4.46 0.24 2.60 66.9 2.3 3.87 0.718 13.4 .2 0.64 9 25. 7.35 0.62 2.82 70.7 3.0 3.10 0.637 15.7 .4 0.62 " 20. 5.88 0.45 2.65 60.8 2.5 3.21 0.646 13.5 .2 0.59 " 15. 4.41 0.29 2.49 50.9 2.0 3.40 0.665 11.3 .0 0.59 " 131/4 3.89 0.23 2.43 47.3 1.8 3.49 0.674 10.5 0.97 0.61 8 2H/4 183/4 6.25 5.51 0.58 0.49 2.62 2.53 as 2.3 2.0 2.77 2.82 0.600 0.603 11.9 11.0 .1 .0 0.59 0.57 " 161/4 4.78 0.40 2.44 39.9 .8 2.89 0.610 10.0 0.95 0.56 " 133/4 4.04 0.31 2.35 36.0 .6 2.98 0.619 9.0 0.87 0.56 " 1H/4 3.35 0.22 2.26 32.3 .3 3.11 0.630 8.1 0.79 0.58 7 193/4 5.81 0.63 2.51 33.2 .9 2.39 0.565 9.5 0.96 0.58 ** 171/4 5.07 0.53 2.41 30.2 .6 2.44 0.564 8.6 0.87 0.56 *< 143/4 4.34 0.42 2.30 27.2 .4 2.50 0.568 7.8 0.79 0.54 " 121/4 3.60 0.32 2.20 24.2 .2 2.59 0.575 6.9 0.71 0.53 " 93/4 2.85 0.21 2.09 21.1 0.98 2.72 0.586 6.0 0.63 0.55 6 151/2 4.56 0.56 2.28 19.5 .3 2.07 0.529 - 6.5 0.74 0.55 " 13. 3.82 0.44 2.16 17.3 .1 2.13 0.529 5.8 0.65 0.52 " 101/2 3.09 0.32 2.04 15.1 0.88 2.21 0.534 5.0 0.57 0.50 " 8. 2.38 0.20 1.92 13.0 0.70 2.34 0.542 4.3 0.50 0.52 5 111/2 3.38 0.48 2.04 10.4 0.82 .75 0.493 4.2 0.54 0.51 " 9. 2.65 0.33 .89 8.9 0.64 .83 0.493 3.6 0.45 0.48 " 61/2 1.95 0.19 .75 7.4 0.48 .95 0.498 3.0 0.38 0.49 4 71/4 2.13 0.33 .73 4.6 0.44 .46 0.455 2.3 0.35 0.46 " 61/4 1.84 0.25 .65 4.2 0.38 .51 0.454 2.1 0.32 0.46 " 51/4 1.55 0.18 .58 3.8 0.32 .56 0.453 1.9 0.29 0.46 3 6. 1.76 0.36 .60 2.1 0.31 .08 0.421 1.4 0.27 0.46 f* 5. 1.47 0.26 .50 IJS- 0.25 .12 0.415 1.2 0.24 0.44 " 4. 1.19 0.17 .41 1.6 0.20 .17 0.409 1.1 0.21 0.44 I/ = safe load in pounds, uniformly distributed; Z = span in feet; M= moment of forces in foot-pounds; / = fiber stress; S = section modulus. ~^ - , ^, ; for/ = 16,000 Ibs. per sq. in. (for buildings); 14 O I = 32 ^ 7 0>S fo r / = 12,500 Ib. per sq. in. (fo* bridges), L = ^OpOS PROPERTIES OF ROLLED STRUCTURAL STEEL. 313 Maximum Safe Load for Carnegie Channels in thousands of Pounds. Span, Ft. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Depth and Weight of Sections. 3 in. 41b. 15 in. 33 Ib. 13 in. 32 Ib. 12 in. 20^ Ib. 10 in. 151b. 9 in. 13M Ib. 8 in. 1IM Ib. 7 in. 9M Ib. 6 in. 81b. 5 in. ft 4 in. 5M Ib. 24.0 19.0 14.4 10.2 4S.O 41.4 35.2 29.4 23.1 15.4 11.6 9.2 7.7 6.6 5.8 5.1 4.6 4.2 3.9 15.8 10.5 7.9 6.3 5.3 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.6 10.1 6.7 5.1 4.1 3.4 2.9 2.5 5.8 3.9 2.9 2.3 1.9 L5 120.0 97.5 67.2 47.6 35.7 28.5 23.8 20.4 17.8 15.9 14.3 13.0 11.9 11.0 10.2 9.5 8.9 8.4 7.9 7.5 7 1 37.4 28.0 22.4 18.7 16.0 14.0 12.5 11.2 10.2 9.3 8.6 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.6 62 28.7 21.5 17.2 14.4 12.3 10.8 9.6 8.6 7.8 7.2 6.6 6.2 5.7 5.4 21.4 16.1 12.9 10.7 9.2 8.0 7.1 6.4 5.8 5.4 4.9 4.6 111.1 88.9 74.1 63.5 55.6 49.4 44.5 40.4 37.0 34.2 31.8 29.6 27.8 26.1 24.7 23.4 22.3 21.2 20.2 19.3 18.5 17.8 17.1 16.5 15.9 15.3 14.8 97.5 78.0 65.0 55.7 48.7 43.3 39.0 35.4 32.5 30.0 27.9 26.0 24.4 22.9 21.7 20.5 19.5 18.6 17.7 17.0 16.2 15.6 15.0 56.9 45.5 38.0 32.5 28.5 25.3 22.8 20.7 19.0 17.5 16.3 .15.2 14.2 13.4 12.7 12.0 11.4 10.8 10.4 9.9 9.5 2.2 2.0 3.6 3.3 4.3 4.0 5.1 4.8 5.9 5.6 6.8 6.5 .... 9.1 8.8 Loads above upper horizontal lines will produce maximum allowable shear in webs. Loads below lower horizontal lines will produce excessive deflections. Maximum bending stress, 16,000 Ib. per sq. in. 14.4 13.9 14.3 13 9 Properties of Carnegie T-Shapes Steel. Size, Mini- mum Thick- ness, In. CA Neutral Axis through C. of G. Parallel to Flange. Neutral Axis Co- incident with Cen- ter Line of Stem. i p. Flange by *3 H-l . m Stem. O.^ o . ** 3 5 > el .2 PI " n It ll In. 1 00 'j* OH % 1 3^ S 5 &* 5 >< 3 1/2 13/3* 13.4 3.93 2.4 0.78 1.1 0.73 5.4 .17 2.2 5 X 21/2 3/8 7/16 10.9 3.18 1.5 0.68 0.78 0.63 4.1 .14 .6 41 / 2 X 31/2 7/16 H/16 15.7 4.60 5.1 1.05 2.1 1.11 3.7 0.90 .7 41/2X3 3/8 3/8 9.8 2.88 2.1 0.84 0.91 0.74 3.0 .02 .3 41/2X3 5/16 5/16 8.4 2.46 1.8 0.85 0.78 0.71 2.5 .01 .1 41/2 X 2l/ 2 3/8 3/8 9.2 2.68 1.2 0.67 0.63 0.59 3.0 .05 .3 41/2X21/2 5/16 5/16 7.8 2.29 1.0 0.68 0.54 0.57 2.5 .05 ' (Table continued on next page.) 314 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Properties of Carnegie T-Shapes Steel. Continued. Q;_ Mini- mum Thick- ness, In. at Neutral Axis through C. of G. Parallel to Flange. Neutral Axis Co- incident with Cen- ter Line of Stem. bize, Flange l-s d H- | *l d by St)61Tl &3 1 o . ri *^~ g w & tf M *! -p c3 I'-d I- 5 0) '3 S J1 S.s& fl * 2 %< 4* il c & 32 II | 'S fe CUC/2 5 to $% S-3* o lio* J^ In. E C/2 i 2 K t Qis-S s K 4 X5 1/2 1/2 15.3 4.50 10.8 1.55 3.1 .56 2.8 0.79 .4 4 X5 3/8 3/8 11.9 3.49 8.5 1.56 2.4 .51 2.1 0.78 .1 4 X 41/2 1/2 1/2 14.4 4.23 7.9 1.37 2.5 .37 2.8 0.81 .4 4 X41/2 3/8 3/8 11.2 3.29 6.3 1.39 2.0 .31 2.1 0.80 .1 4 X 4 1/2 1/2 13.5 3.97 5.7 1.20 2.0 .18 2.8 0.84 .4 4 X4 3/8 3/8 10.5 3.09 4.5 1.21 1.6 .13 2.1 0.83 .1 4 X3 3/8 3/8 9.2 2.68 2.0 0.86 0.90 0.78 2.1 0.89 .1 4 X 3 5/16 5/16 7.8 2.29 1.7 0.87 0.77 0.75 1.8 0.88 0.88 4 X 21/2 3/8 3/8 8.5 2.48 1.2 0.69 0.62 0.62 2.1 0.92 1.0 4 X 21/2 5/16 5/16 7.2 2.12 1.0 0.69 0.53 0.60 1.8 0.91 0.88 4 X 2 3/8 3/8 7.8 2.27 0.60 0.52 0.40 0.48 2.1 0.96 4 X2 5/16 5/16 6.7 1.95 0.53 0.52 0.34 0.46 .8 0.95 0^88 31/2X4 1/2 1/2 12.6 3.70 5.5 1.21 2.0 .24 .9 0.72 1.1 31/2 X 4 3/8 3/8 9.8 2.88 4.3 1.23 .5 .19 .4 0.70 0.81 31/2 X 31/2 1/2 1/2 11.7 3.44 3.7 1.04 .5 .05 .9 0.74 1.1 3i/ 2 X 31/2 3/8 3/8 9.2 2.68 3.0 1.05 .2 .01 .4 0.73 0.81 3l/ 2 X3 1/2 1/2 10.8 3.17 2.4 0.87 ] 0.88 .9 0.77 1.1 31/2X3 3/8 3/8 8.5 2.48 1.9 0.88 0'.89 0.83 .4 0.75 0.81 31/2 X 3 5/16 3/8 7.5 2.20 1.8 0.91 0.85 0.85 .2 0.74 0.68 3 X4 1/2 1/2 11.7 3.44 5.2 1.23 1.9 .32 .2 0.59 0.81 3 X4 7/16 7/16 10.5 3.06 4.7 1.23 .7 .29 .1 0.59 0.70 3 X4 3/8 3/8 9.2 2.68 4.1 1.24 .5 .27 0.90 0.58 0.60 3 X 3i/ 2 1/2 1/2 10.8 3.17 3.5 1.06 .5 .12 .2 0.62 0.80 3 X 3i/ 2 7/16 7/16 9.7 2.83 3.2 1.06 .3 .10 .0 0.60 0.69 3 X 3i/ 2 3/8 3/8 8.5 2.48 2.8 1.07 .2 .07 0.93 0.61 0.62 3 X 3 1/2 1/2 9.9 2.91 2.3 0.88 .1 0.93 .2 0.64 0.80 3 X3 7/16 7/16 8.9 2.59 2.1 0.89 0.98 0.91 .0 0.63 0.70 3 X3 3/8 3/8 7.8 2.27 1.8 0.90 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.63 0.60 3 X3 5/16 5/16 6.7 1.95 1.6 0.90 0.74 0.86 0.75 0.62 0.50 3 X 21/2 3/8 3/8- 7.1 2.07 1.1 0.72 0.60 0.71 0.89 0.66 0.59 3 X 21/2 5/16 5/16 6.1 1.77 0.94 0.73 0.52 0.68 0.75 0.65 0.50 3 X 2i/ 2 1/4 1/4 5.0 1.47 0.78 0.73 0.43 0.66 0.61 0.64 0.40 21/2X3 3/8 3/8 7.1 2.07 1.7 0.91 0.84 0.95 0.53 0.51 0.42 21/2 X 3 5/16 5/16 6.1 1.77 1.5 0.92 0.72 0.92 0.44 0.50 0.35 21/2 X 21/2 3/8 3/8 6.4 1.87 1.0 0.74 0.59 0.76 0.52 0.53 0.42 21/2 X H/4 3/16 3/16 2.87 0.84 0.08 0.31 0.09 0.32 0.29 0.58 0.23 21/4X21/4 5/16 5/16 4.9 1.43 0.65 0.67 0.41 0.68 0.33 0.48 0.29 2 X 2 5/16 5/16 4.3 1.26 0.44 0.59 0.31 0.61 0.23 0.43 0.23 2 X U/2 1/4 1/4 3.09 0.91 0.16 0.42 0.15 0.42 0.18 0.45 0.18 13/4 X 13/4 1/4 1/4 3.09 0.91 0.23 0.51 0.19 0.54 0.12 0.37 0.14 U/2X U/2 1/4 1/4 2.47 0.73 0.15 0.45 0.14 0.47 0.08 0.32 6.JO H/4 X 11/4 1/4 1/4 2.02 0.59 0.08 0.37 0.10 0.40 0.05 0.28 0.07 1 X 1 3/18 3/ieJ 1.25 0.37 0.03 0.29 0.05 0.32 0.02 0.22 0.04 Ten light-weight T's of sizes under 2K X 2K in, are omitted. PROPERTIES OF ROLLED STRUCTURAL STEEL. 315 Maximum Safe Loads on Carnegie T-Shapes. Allowable Uniform Load in Thousands of Pounds. Neutral Axis Parallel to Flange. Maximum Bending Stress, 16,000 Pounds Per Square Inch. Maximum Maximum Size. Wgt. IFt. Span Span. 360 X De- flection. Size. Wgt. 1 Ft. Span Span. 360 X De- flection. Foot, Foot, n 1 oT |d Stem, Tn. Lb. Safe Load. Safe iLgth., Load.! Feet. S . Stem, Tn. Lb. Safe Load. Safe Load. Lgth., Feet. E 1 fe 3 13.4 II .41 .25 9.1 3 1/2 9.7 14.19 .46 9.7 5 21/2 10.9 8.96 1.20 7.5 31/2 2-5 12.37 .26 9.8 31/2 15.7 9.8 22.72 9.71 2.37 .07 ~9.6 9.1 3 3 9.9 8.9 11 .73 10.45 .41 .24 8.3 8.4 41/2 3 21/2 21/2 8.4 9.2 7.8 8.32 6.72 5.76 0.90 0.87 0.74 9.2 7.7 7.8 3 3 3 21/2 21/2 21/2 7.8 6.7 7.1 6.1 5.0 9.17 7.89 6.40 5.55 4.59 .08 0.92 0.89 0.76 0.62 8.5 8.6 7.2 7.3 7.4 5 5 15.3 1 1 9 33.39 2.40 13.9 25 92 RA. \A \ 4 41/2 41/2 4 3 14.4 11.2 13.5 10.5 9.2 27.09 21.12 21 .55 '6.85 9.60 2.15 .65 1 .89 .45 1 .08 12.6 12.8 11.4 11.6 8.9 2 1/2 3 3 21/2 21/2 1 1/4 7.1 6.1 6.4 5.5 2.87 8.96 7.63 6.29 5.33 0.93 1.08 0.91 0.90 0.75 0.25 8 '.4 7.0 7.1 3.7 3 7 8 8.21 0.90 9.1 9 i / , 21/.1 49 4.37 0.69 6.3 21/2 8.5 6.61 0.87 7.6 L 1/4 21/4 4.1 3.41 0.53 6.4 21/2 7.2 5.65 0.73 7.7 2 4.3 3 31 0.59 5.6 2 7.8 4.27 0.70 6. 1 2 2 3.56 2.77 0.49 5.7 2 6.7 3.63 0.59 6.2 IV, 3.09 1 .60 0.36 4.4 ,, 4 4 31/2 31/2 3 12.6 9.8 11.7 9.2 10.8 85 21 .12 16.53 16.32 12.69 12.05 9.49 .90 .46 .65 .27 .42 09 11.1 11.3 9.9 10.0 8.5 8.7 1 3/4 13/4 3.09 ~T:Q3 ^703 1 .49 1.17 0.57 ~OT41 07 0.36 0.27 0.15 4.9 4ll 4.3 3.7 1 1/2 2 1 1/4 2 2.45 2.47 1 .94 1.25 3 7.5 9.07 .04 8.7 1 1/4 2.02 1 .01 0.30 3.4 4 4 11.7 10.5 20.69 18 35 .92 10.8 68 10 9 1 1/4 5/8 1 .59 0.88 0.78 0.14 0.22 0.07 3.5 1.9 3 4 9,2 16.11 .47 11.0 1 T~25 "0749 ins 27T 31/2 10.8 15.89 .66 9.6 1 0.89 0.35 0.12 2.9 316 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Properties of Carnegie Z-fiars. .2 i 2-g .2 A .a* *& 11 is Sol g^ 3 53 '-p 4J 1 I V *o 1 1 .* ^ hi .SO Jo fH l S 111 J-U D 11 "8 1 "o J>. hickness 1 1 '*o t III 3 1*2: 1^5 111 111 1 M '3 |.2| i t3 c* M 1? H & < % CO CO K tf in. in. in. lb. sq. in. / / S S r r r 6 31/2 3/8 15.7 4.59 25.32 9.11 8.44 2.75 2.35 .41 0.83 61/1639/ie 7/16 18.4 5.39 29.80 10.95 9.83 3.27 2.35 .43 0.83 61/8 35/8 1/2 21.1 6.19 34.36 12.87 11.22 3.81 2.36 .44 0.84 6 31/2 9/16 22.8 6.68 34.64 12.59 11.52 3.91 2.28 .37 0.81 61/16 39/16 5/8 25.4 7.46 38.86 14.42 12.82 4.43 2.28 .39 0.82 61/8 35/8 H/16 28.1 8.25 43.18 16.34 14.10 4.98 2.29 .41 0.84 6 31/2 3/4 29.4 8.63 42.12 15.44 14.04 4.94 2.21 .34 0.81 6i/i639/i 6 13/16 32.0 9.40 46.13 17.27 15.22 5.47 2.22 .36 0.82 61/8 35/8 7/8 34.6 10.17 50.22 19.18 16.40 6.02 2.22 .37 0.83 5 31/4 5/16 11.6 3.40 13.36 6.18 5.34 2.00 .98 .35 0.75 5 1/16 35/16 3/8 14.0 4.10 16.18 7.65 6.39 2.45 .99 .37 0.76 51/8 33/8 7/16 16.4 4.81 19.07 9.20 7.44 2.92 .99 .38 0.77 5 31/4 1/2 17.9 5.25 19.19 9.05 7.68 3.02 .91 .31 0.74 5'1/ie 35/16 9/16 20.2 5.94 21.83 10.51 8.62 3.47 .91 .33 0.75 51/8 33/8 5/8 22.6 6.64 24.53 12.06 9.57 3.94 .92 .35 0.76 5 31/4 H/16 23.7 6.96 23.68 11.37 9.47 3.91 .84 .28 0.73 51/16 3 5/16 3/4 26.0 7.64 26.16 12.83 10.34 4.37 .85 .30 0.74 51/8 33/8 13/16 28.4 8.33 28.70 14.36 11.20 4.84 .86 .31 0.76 4 31/16 1/4 8.2 2.41 6.28 4.23 3.14 1.44 .62 .33 0.67 41/16 31/8 5/16 10.3 3.03 7.94 5.46 3.91 1.84 .62 .34 0.68 41/8 33/16 3/8 12.5 3.66 9.63 6.77 4.67 2.26 .62 .36 0.69 4 31/16 7/16 13.8 4.05 9.66 6.73 4.83 2.37 .55 .29 0.66 41/16 31/8 1/2 15.9 4.66 11.18 7.96 5.50 2.77 .55 .31 0.67 41/8 33/16 Vl6 18.0 5.27 12.74 9.26 6.18 3.19 .55 .33 0.68 4 31/16 5/8 18.9 5.55 12.11 8.73 6.05 3.18 .48 .25 0.66 41/16 31/8 H/16 20.9 6.14 13.52 9.95 6.65 3.58 .48 .27 0.67 41/8 33/16 3/4 23.0 6.75 14.97 11.24 7.26 4.00 .49 .29 0.68 3 2H/16 1/4 6.7 1.97 2.87 2.81 1.92 1.10 .21 .19 0.55 31/16 23/4 5/16 8.5 2.48 3.64 3.64 2.38 1.40 .21 .21 0.56 3 2 H/16 3/8 9.8 2.86 3.85 3.92 2.57 1.57 .16 .17 0.54 31/16 23/4 7/16 11.5 3.36 4.57 4.75 2.98 1.88 .17 .19 0.55 3 2 H/16 1/2 12.6 3.69 4.59 4.85 3.06 1.99 .12 15 0.53 31/16 23/4 9/16 14.3 4.18 5.26 5.70 3.43 2.31 .12 17 0.54 PROPERTIES OF ROLLED STRUCTURAL STEEL. 317 Properties of Carnegie Unequal Angles; Minimum, Intermediate, and Maximum Thicknesses and Weights. J Moment of Section Radius of Gyra- ,fj . s Inertia. /. Modulusl-S. tion. r. Size, In. Q If w v 85"! 3 S5 w o ft, 3^c J=5 02 f Ifel *! 3 I I CPO oa .315)5 P*PH ^')PH y|l *T o5 o g| 1 g 111 '!& 2.2O-2 I 7 2 2 p "- 1 SHH >&'> >>'> m o 5 -U +J -p |!ss 1^11 Q EH f* <>l << ^.2 oo CO CO <:^ ^ cc 22. 00 ^ 00 - CN CN CN CN CN CS CN CN CS > co co CS CO CO CC cc CS 1 CO CO 10 \\co~~^ CS CS CN CS CS aouBJBa^ uinuiiuiT\ ;^iin CO CO ^ ^ ^ ^S CO CO CO CO CS l ^ - - CS CS CN CS CS "UT '(X* umuiiuij) ^^^c^m Distance b, In. ^ ^^^^ PS"" ^ CS 00 CS CS CN CN ' U I"^JC [s?SS?_f PLATE AND ANGLE COLUMNS. 323 Notes on Tables of Channel and Plate and Angle Columns. (Carnegie Steel Co.) The tables on pages 324 to 330 give the safe loads in thousands of pounds which can be imposed on channel and plate and angle columns of the form and dimensions shown in the illustrations, which experience has shown to be desirable for ordinary bridges and buildings. They also give the moments of inertia and radii of gyration about both axes of symmetry, areas of section and weights per foot without allowances for rivet heads, or other details. The tables have been computed for the least radius of gyration in accordance with the American Bridge Co. formula for ratios of l/r up to 120, S = 19,000 - 100 l/r, in which S is the axial compressive strength, Ib. per sq. in., I is the length, in., and r is the radius of gyration, in. The maximum value of S is not to exceed 13,000. For ratios of l/r up to 120 and for greater ratios up to 200 the maximum values of S allowed are as follows : l/r S l/r S l/r S l/r S 60 70. 80 90 13,000 12,000 1 1 ,000 10,000 100 110 120 130 9,000 8,000 7,000 6.500 140 150 160 170 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500 180 190 4,000 3,500 The values given in the table may be compared with the values given by other formulae by means of the comparative table on page 286. It is assumed in the tables that the loads are direct and equally dis- tributed over the cross section of the column or balanced on opposite sides of it. In the case of unbalanced loads bending stresses are pro- duced, and the column must be so proportioned that the combined fiber stresses do not exceed the allowable axial compression. (See page 296.) The ratio l/r =120 should not be exceeded for main members under heavy stress. For secondary members such as wind bracing, under higher ratios, which, however, must not exceed 200, may be used. Fig. 84 Fig. 85 Fig. 86 * ^>>> (*3 [ 11'^ S Fig. 87 18-' --H Fig. 88 ) C Fig. 89 DIMENSIONS OF CHANNEL COLUMNS. (See tables, pages 324327.) 324 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Safe Loads on Carnegie 10-Inch Channel Columns in Thousands of Pounds. (See Figs. 83 and 84, page 323.) k *g 0> d !_ 15 20 25 30 35 15 20 !:;; M c a ep^ 5 Thickness of Side Plate, Ib. Effective Length of Column, Feet. .&..&.-&. *y 2 25 30 30 - ' In. Lat. 157 157| 157 152 146 139 133 126 120 4.61 4.50 50.4 14 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 Tat: 293; 293 316 ! 316 339 339 362 362 384 384 191 191 290 312 334 355 377 190 277 298 319 339 360 182 370 390 411 432 453 215 465 486 506 527 548 265 284 304 324 344 174 252 271 290 308 327 166 239 257 275 292 310 158 227 243 260 277 293 150 214 230 246 261 277 142 5.40 5.48 5.55 5.62 5.68 4.43 5.47 5.53 5.60 5.66 5.71' 4.29 4.27 4.26 4.24 4.23 ~4~36 76.7 82.7 88.6 94.6 100.5 59.4 14 14 9/16 5/8 H/16 3/4 13/16 396 419 441 464 487 396 419 441 464 487 387 409 431 .453 474 ^25 352 372 392 412 431 335 354 372 391 410 195 318 335 353 371 388 300 317 333 350 367 175 375 392 408 425 442 283 298 314 330 345 165 352 368 383 399 415 4.20 4.19 4.18 4.18 4.17 ~T.23~ 4.13 4.13 4.12 4.12 4.12 103.6 109.5 115.5 121.4 127.4 69.4 131.4 137.4 143.3 149.3 155.2 "7974 Lat. ~3/T 13/16 7/8 15/16 229| 229 205 185 4.28 502 525 548 571 593 268 502 525 548 571 593 487 509 531 553 575 442 462 482 502 522 420 439 457 476 495 397 415 432 450 468 5.52 5.58 5.64 5.70 5.75 4.17 Lat. 268 609 632 654 677 700 723 745 768 791 814 259 587 609 631 653 674 695 717 739 761 783 248 236 224 212 477 494 512 530 547 564 582 600 618 635 200 188 4.13 H 15/16 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 609 632 654 677 700 723 745 768 791 814 559 580 601 622 642 663 684 704 725 746 532 552 571 591 610 630 650 670 689 709 504 523 542 561 578 597 616 635 654 672 599 622 646 669 693 703 726 750 773 797 820 844 867 891 914 937 961 985 1007 449 466 483 499 515 532 548 565 582 599 421 437 453 469 483 499 515 530 546 562 5.50 5.64 5.69 5.74 5.80 5.85 5.89 5.94 5.99 6.04 4.03 4.08 4.08 4.08 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4,07 4.07 159.3 165.2 171.2 177.1 183.1 189.0 195.0 200.9 206.9 212.8 16 15/16 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 619 645 671 697 723 749 619 645 671 697 723 749 762 788 814 840 866 892 918 944 970 996 1022 1048 1074 1100 619 645 671 697 723 749 ~762 788 814 840 866 892 918 944 970 996 1022 1048 1074 |I100 619 645 671 697 723 749 762 599 623 648 673 697 721 ~732 756 781 805 830 854 879 903 928 953 977 1002 1027 1050 552 574 596 619 642 664 674 696 719 741 764 785 808 830 853 876 897 920 943 965 528 549 571 593 614 635 644 665 687 708 730 751 773 794 815 837 858 880 901 922 504 525 545 566 56 606 5.76 5.81 5.87 5.92 5.97 6.01 ~5~.~87~ 5.91 5.96 6.01 6.06 6.10 6.15 6.19 6.24 6.28 6.32 6.36 6.41 6.45 4.85 4.84 4.83 4.83 4.82 4.81 162.0 168.8 175.6 182.4 189.2 196.0 199.2 206.0 212.8 219.6 226.4 233.2 240.0 246.8 253.6 260.4 267.2 274.0 280.8 287.6 16 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 111/16 1 3/4 113/16 7/8 H5/16 762 788 814 840 866 892 918 944 970 996 1022 1048 1074 HOC 615 635 656 676 697 716 737 757 778 799 818 839 860 879 4.80 4.79 4.79 4.78 4.78 4.77 4.77 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.74 787 813 838 864 889 915 940 966 992 1017 1042 1068 1093 Safe loads enclosed between heavy lines are for ratios of l/r not over 60; all others are for ratios l/r not over 120. Allowable fiber stress 13,000 Ib. for lengths of 60 radii or over. Weights do not include rivet head or other details. 326 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Safe Loads on 15-Inch Carnegie Channel Columns in .Thousands of Pounds.* (See Figs. 87 and 88, page 323.) si I u *o +9 S Width of Side Plate, in. Thickness of Side Plate, in. Effective Length of Column, Feet. Radius of Gyration, Axis Parallel to Side Plate. Radius of Gyration, Axis Perpendicular to Side Plate. & a ! 1 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 33 16 Lat. 257 413 439 465 491 517 257 257 257 252 "400 424 448 473 498 243 384 407 431 454 478 251 233 368 390 413 435 458 224 352 3/3 395 416 438 231 214 5.62 6.48 6.57 6.66 6.74 6.81 4.98 4.85 4.83 4.82 4.81 4.80 80.2 106.8 113.6 120.4 127.2 134.0 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 V8 413 439 465 491 517 413 439 465 491 1 268 528 554 580 606 632 306 413 439 465 491 517 337 357 377 398 418 ~22? 35 40 45 16 Lat. 268 "328 554 580 606 632 268 528 554 580 606 632 268 [517 552 578 604 629 "306 261 241 5.58 4.95 84.2 5/8 H/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 LaT 507 531 555 580 605 295 486 510 533 557 580 466 488 511 533 556 272 446 467 488 510 531 260 425 446 466 487 507 ~249 6.77 6.84 6.91 6.98 7.04 5743 4.79 4.78 4.77 4.77 4.76 138.0 144.8 151.6 158.4 165.2 306 306 284 4.84 92.1 16 13/16 V8 15/13 11/16 H/8 644 670 696 722 748 774 644 670 696 722 748 774 644 670 696 722 748 774 344 639 665 690 715 741 767 614 638 663 687 712 737 589 612 636 659 683 706 316 715 738 761 785 808 832 856 879 564 586 609 631 653 676 ^302 -684 705 728 751 773 796 818 841 539 560 581 602 624 646 5146.85 5346.91 5546.97 57417.03 595 7.09 615 7.15 4.73 4.72 4.72 4.71 4.71 4.71 168.4 175.2 182.0 188.8 195.6 202.4 16 Lat. 344| 344 343 329 289 "653 673 695 716 738 760 781 803 276 5.32 4.75 102.2 H/16 H/8 13/15 H/4 15/16 13/8 17/16 H/2 786 812 838 864 890 916 942 968 786 812 838 864 890 916 942 968 786 812 838 864 890 916 942 968 777 802 827 853 879 904 930 956 746 770 794 819 844 868 893 918 622 641 662 682 703 723 744 764 6.98 7.04 7.09 7.15 7.20 7.25 7.30 7.35 4.68 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 205.6 212.4 219.2 226.0 232.8 239.6 246.4 253.2 33 18 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 433 462 491 521 550 433 462 491 521 550 433' 462 491 521 550 433 462 491 521 550 433 433 462 462 491 491 421 449 476 503 530 407 433 459 486 512 3936.54 4186.63 4436.72 46916.80 4946.87 5.67 5.64 5.61 5.59 5.57 111.9 119.6 127.2 134.9 142.5 521 550 520 549 35 18 5/8 H/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 560 589 619 648 677 560 589 619 648 677 560 589 619 648 677 560 589 619 648 677 560 589 619 648 677 558 586 615 643 671 680 708 736 764 793 821 540 567 594 621 649 521 547 574 599 626 502 527 553 578 603 6.84 6.91 6.98 7.04 7.10 5.56 5.54 5.53 5.51 5.50 146.5 154.2 161.8 169.5 177.1 40 18 13/16 7/8 15/16 1 1/16 1 1/8 686 715 745 774 803 832 686 715 745 774 803 832 686 715 745 774 803 832 686 715 745 774 803 832 686 715 745 774 803 832 657 684 711 738 766 793 634 660 685 712 738 764 6106.92 6366.98 660 7.04 685 7.10 711 7.16 73617.21 5.49 5.48 5.46 5.45 5.45 5.44 179.5 187.1 194.8 202.4 210.1 1217.7 * Table continued on next page. See' note at foot of page. SAFE LOADS ON CHANNEL COLUMNS. 327 Safe Loads on 15-Inch Carnegie Channel Columns in Thousands of Pounds.* (See Figs. 87 and 88, page 323 . ) 1 . 3 Effective Length of Column, Feet. .2 S ;2 r .2 & .2 3 j2 g s 0) CO II si . J & T3 *o . r*? ^ O Cn 4 -* >*4 u W $- s 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 'S'S a IL O 3 Is ll ||| ta '3 H & 1/16 841 841 841 841 841 829 800 771 743 7.05 5.42 220.1 1/8 871 871 871 871 871 857 828 798 7687.11 5.42 227.7 3/16 900 900 900 900 900 885 855 824 793 7.17 5.41 235.4 1/4 929 929 929 929 929 913 882 850 8187.22 5.40 243.0 5/16 958 958 958 958 958 942 909 877 844 7.27 5.40 250.0 3/8 988 988 988 988 988 970 936 902 86817.32 5.39 258.3 45 18 7/16 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 998 963 928 893 7.37 5.38 266.0 1/2 1046 1046 1046 1046 1046 1026 991 955 919 7.42 5.38 273.6 9/16 1075 1075 1075 1075 1075 1054 1017 980 943 7.47 5.37 281.3 5/8 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1083 1045 1007 969:7.52 5.37 288.9 H/16 1134 1134 1134 1134 1134 1112 1073 1034 995 7.57 5.37 296.6 3/4 1163 1163 1163 1163 1163 1139 1099 1059 101917.61 5.36 304.2 7 /8 1222 1222 1222 1222 1222 1195 1153 1111 106917.70 5.35 319.5 2 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1253 1208 1164 112017.79 5.35 334.8 Safe Loads on 15-Inch Carnegie Channel Columns with Flange Plates in Thousands of Pounds.* (See Fig. 89, page 323.) Weight of Chan., Ib. per ft. Width of Side Plate, in. Thickness of Side Plate, in. Width of Web Plate, in. Thickness of Web Plate, in. Effective Length of Column, Feet. Radius of Gyration, Axis Parallel to Side Plate. Radius of Gyration, Axis Perpendicular to Side Plate Weight per Ft., Ib. 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 -34 35 45 18 2 14 3/8 9/16 1340 1408 1340 1408 1340 1408 1340 1408 1340 1408 1307 1369 1261 1320 1214 1270 1168 1221 7.65 7.52 5.32350.5 5.28368.4 18 2 14 9/16 1485 1485 1485 1485 1485 1439 1387 1335 1283 7.39 5.25 388.4 20 17/8 21/8 21/4 23/8 21/2 25/8 23/4 27/8 14 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 1547 1612 1677 1742 1807 1872 1937 2002 2067 2132 1547 1612 1677 1742 1807 1872 1937 2002 2067 2132 1547 1612 1677 1742 1807 1872 1937 2002 2067 2132 1547 1612 1677 1742 1807 1872 1937 2002 2067 2132 1547 1612 1677 1742 1807 1872 1937 2002 2067 2132 1547 1612 1677 1742 1807 1872 1937 2002 2067 2132 1543 1607 1670 1735 1798 1863 1926 1991 2054 2118 1495 1557 1618 1681 1742 1805 1866 1929 1989 2052 1447 1507 1566 1627 1686 1747 1806 1866 1925 1985 7.33 7.43 7.52 7.61 7.70 7.79 7.88 7.97 8.05 8.13 5.97 5.96 5.95 5.95 5.94 5.94 5.93 5.93 5.92 5.92 404.5 421.5 438.5 455.5 472.5 489.5 506.5 523.5 540.5 557.5 *Safe load values enclosed within the heavy lines are for ratios of l/r not over 60; all others are for ratios of l/r not over 120. Allowable fiber stress per sq. in., 13,000 Ib. for lengths of 60 radii or over. Weights do not include rivet heads OP other details, 328 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Safe Loads on Carnegie Plate and Angle Columns In Thousands of Pounds.* Web + ) for |2'kngle Leg; *|~\ + 3 22 / sy Angle r }=> s. Web Plate. Effective Length in Feet. Radius of Gyration, Axis Perpendicular to Web Plate. 13 || P-IP | 23-C ^'<$ I Weight, Pounds per Foot. j a ii s H 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 2 V2X2 X 1/4 3 X2 X V4 3 X2 1/2XV4 6 8 8 69 1/4 flf ! 88 56 72 76 43 60 63 |J3, 49 50 El 62 70 85 28 40 42 "43 52 57 70 22 34 I I 60 2.45 2.50 2.51 .04 .28 .24 .19 .23 .44 .49 19.6 21.5 23.1 24.5 29.2 26.4 31.2 32. S 37.2 37.3 42. f 29 29 28 36 43 52 23 22 28 36 45 47 55 63 74 "77 88 100 3 X2 1/2X 1/4 3 X2 1/2XV16 3 1/2X2 1/2X 1/4 31/2X21/2XV16 rJRJ 79 65 l /4 p70| 95 78 101 1 96 83 j 1191115 100 1 125J120 104 6/1B l H2J138 121 j WlllfifZB 161 16l!l49 3.35 3.38 3.41 3.43 30 _38 39 47 55 66 1! 89 23 30 31 38 48 57 "59 68 78 31/2X21/2X 5/16 3 1/2X2 V2X 3 /8 4 X3 X 5/i6 4 X3 X 3/8 89 104 113 131 73 86 97 114 62 73 81 97 54 64 71 83 3.38 3.40 3.35 3.36 .47 .51 .67 .71 4 4 4 X3 X3 X3 X3/8 X7/16 XV2 8 168 168 3/8 188 188 '208208 154 175 196 136 118 155 135 174 152 100 114 130 86 98 110 3.33 3.34 3.33 .70 1.73 1.77 44.2 49.4 54.6 3 X2 1/2X1/4 31/2X31/2XV4 31/2X21/2X5/16 "3 1/2X2 1/2X 5/16 4 X3 X 5/16 4 X3 X 3/s 10 10 10 V4 5/16 Effective Length in Feet. 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 82 100 119 125 749 |J70 1 178 1198 '207 232 [236 1266 1296 66 86 103 108 133 154 160 181 '207 232 236 '266 296 312 341 ! 386 89 106 J131 52 71 87 91 116 135 140 160 194 220 23b 266 296 312 341 37C 386 44 57 TT 73 99 117 121 138 175 200 226 |257 |288 1302 1333 363 36 50 61 M 82 98 101 116 157 180 209 238 267 -280 309 337 351 28 43 53 55 73 85 88 101 36 45 47 64 76 78 90 29 37 ~38 56 67 68 79 107 123 4.16 4.23 4.28 4.20 4.18 4.22 1.15 .39 .45 .42 .62 .67 26.5 28.1 32. S 35.1 39.4 44.6 46 .f 52. ( 54.4 60. 62. C 70. ( 77. t 30 47 57 39 48 48 57 ,S 126 144 164 4 4 5 5 6 .6 6 X3 X 3/8 X3 X Vie X3 1/2X 3/8 X3 1/2X Vl6 X4 X 3 /8 X4 X 7/16 X4 X V2 3/8 58 68 98 113 4.17 4.19 4.18 4.20 4.19 4.20 4.20 .65 .69 2.10 2.15 2.56 2.61 2.65 139 160 192 220 247 258 285 312 121 140 175 201 226 158 182 206 141 163 185 ~T92 214 236 "245 6 6 6 X4 X4 X4 XV2 X/16 X5/8 10 [312 1/2 341 370 236 262 287 214 238 261 "272 170 191 210 4.14 4.15 4.15 2.62 2.66 2.69 81. t 89.4 97. C 6 X4 X5/8 10 5/8 1336 J7ol Ls I 148 Tl"7 UZ2 |378 3251298 218 4.10 2.68 101.: "29. 1 34.6 39. ( 31/2X21/2X 1/4 3 1/2X2 1/2X 5/16 4 X3 X 5/i6 12 12 1/4 5/1(3 73 89 114 ]59j 52 72(63 97J80 44 54 3 71 T5 j 87 36 45 63 28 37 55 "56 67 5.04 5.11 5.09 .35 .41 .61 46 ~47 57 38 ~38 47 4 4 X3 X3 X Vl6 X3/8 |138 (159 120 139 101Q4 119199 65 77 5.01 5.06 .58 .63 41. t 46.6 *Safe loads enclosed within dotted lines are for ratios of l/r of not over 60. Those enclosed within heavy lines are for ratios of l/r not over 200. All others are for ratios of l/r up to 120. Allowable fiber stress 13,000 Ib. per sq. in. for lengths of 60 radii or less. Eack column consists of four angles and one web plate. AVeights given do not include rivet heads or other details, SAFE LOADS ON PLATE AND ANGLE COLUMNS. 329 Safe Loads on Carnegie Plate and Angle Columns in Thousands of Pounds. Continued. &$' **1 ^" C TlT *J ^ lii i .jt~~~^ Angle r u Web Plate. Effective Length in Feet. Radius of Gyration, Axis Perpendicular to Web Plate. 1- *%* 1 51 Is. + To .0 5 &** P a*_\ A TJ g & 18 O

oT Perpendicular to g wCO.S CQ fl cident with 93 I| P c Web at Center. ^ *" oj2 0>^-( Center Line | 11 -s E| ^ * 1 of Web. "o c 0,3 ^ 11 *-. 4J P ^ ( J s^^ +a i Kg- J300 gM plxj ." is S .3 IPS 3 >> c 121 II sS I'^ld 'S so fl rt I" 8 "S fel Q p <1 H f S 3 M " w^"^ 6' 2 " h ~ 1 rt g;tN *i'r p>og 7 T s c r' 30 200.0 58.71 0.75 15.00 9150.6 12.48 610.0 6,507,100 94.65 630.2 3.28 30 180.0 53.00 .69 13.00 8194.5 12.43 546.3 5,827,200 82.60 433.3 2.86. 28 180.0 52.86 .69 14.35 7264.7 11.72 518.9 5,535,000 80.75 533.3 3.18 28 165.0 48.47 .66 12.50 6562.7 11.64 468.8 5,000,100 75.15 371.9 2.77 26 160.0 46.91 .63 13.60 5620.8 10.95 432.4 4,611,900 67.95 435.7 3.05 26 150.0 43.94 .63 12.00 5153.9 10.83 396.5 4,228,800 67.95 314.6 2.68 24 140.0 41.16 .60 13.00 4201.4 10.10 350.1 3,734,600 60.85 346.9 2.90 24 120.0 35.38 .53 12.00 3607.3 10.10 300.6 3,206,500 49.25 249.4 2.66 20 140.0 41.19 .64 12.50 2934.7 8.44 293.5 3,130,300 62.10 348.9 2.91 20 112.0 32.81 .55 12.00 2342.1 8.45 234.2 2,498,300 49.25 239.3 2.70 18 92.0 27.12 .48 11.50 1591.4 7.66 176.8 1,886,100 38.05 182.6 2.59 15 15 140. Q! 41.27 104.0 30.50 .80 .60 11.75 11.25 1592.7 1220.1 6.21 6.32 212.4 162.7 2,265,200 1,735,300 67.10 47.15 331.0 213.0 2.83 2.64 15 73.0 21.49 .43 10.50 883.4 6.41 117.8 1,256,600 29.60 123.2 2.39 12 70.0 20.58 .46 10.00 538.8 5.12 89.8 957,800 28.60 114.7 2.36 12 55.0 16.18 .37 9.75 432.0 5.17 72.0 768,000 21.15 81.1 2.24 10 44.0 12.95 .31 9.00 244.2 4.34 48.8 521,000 14.90 57.3 2.10 9 38.0 11.22 .30 8.50 170.9 3.90 38.0 405,000 13.35 44.1 1.98 8 32.5 9.54 .29 8.00 114.4 3.46 28.6 305,100 11.80 32.9 1.86 W=Safe load in pounds uniformly distributed, including weight of beam. L = Span in feet. M Moment of forces in foot-pounds. /= fiber stress, . W=C/L; M=C/8; C= WL = 332 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Properties of Bethlehem I-Beams. f - o5 Neutral ^ * Neutral Axis o 1 w> J3 & Perpendicular to g w^-S *O cident with 8 ' O v *s ^ Web at Center. ^ O> j^ QJ Center Line t/3 ^ o| 1* "8 x w o of Web. v- o a -M O 1^ . o a fl ,j ( . C 3 |.-2o o l^r 43 >> ' X^ a '33 c) 3 I .2 T3 53 ^ JoJ '43 O 02 ^feSfl ^. .5 3O O 0) '3. OJ^O^O S . ca c "^ iS * H ^ / M r M *f C |gH> I~ *r/* 30 120.0 35.30 0.540 io.5oe 5239.6 12.18 349.3 3,726,000 51.90 165.0 2.16 28 105.0 30.88 .500 10.000 4014.1 11.40 286.7 3,058,400 44.50 131.5 2.06 26 90.0 26.49 .460 9.500 2977.2 10.60 229.0 2,442,800 37.65 101.2 .95 24 84.0 24.80 .460 9.250 2381.9 9.80 198.5 2,117,300 37.55 91.1 .92 24 83.0 24.59 .520 9.130 2240.9 9.55 186.7 1,991,900 46.55 78.0 .78 24 73.0 21.47 .390 9.000 2091.0 9.87 174.3 1,858,700 27.00 74.4 .86 20 82.0 24.17 .570 8.890 1559.8 8.03 156.0 1,663,800 51.20 79.9 .82 20 72.0 21.37 .430 8.750 1466.5 8.28 146.7 1,564,300 32.45 75.9 .88 20 20 69.0 64.0 20.26 18.86 .520 .450 8.145 8.075 1268.9 1222.1 7.91 8.05 126.9 122.2 1,353,500 1,303,600 44.10 34.70 51.2 49.8 .59 .62 23 59.0 17.36 .375 8.000 1172.2 8.22 117.2 1,250,300 25.00 48.3 .66 18 59.0 17.40 .495 7.675 883.3 7.12 98.1 1,046,900 39.00 39.1 .50 18 54.0 15.87 .410 7.590 842.0 7.28 93.6 997,900 28.75 37.7 .54 18 52.0 15.24 V375 7.555 825.0 7.36 91.7 977,700 24.60 37.1 .56 18 48.5 14.25 .320 7.500 798.3 7.48 88.7 946,100 18.35 36.2 .59 15 71.0 20.95 .520 7.500 796.2 6.16 106.2 1,132,400 38.95 61.3 .71 15 64.0 18.81 .605 7.195 664.9 5.95 88.6 945,600 46.95 41.9 .49 15 54.0 15.88 .410 7.000 610.0 6.20 81.3 867,600 27.40 38.3 .55 15 45.0 13.52 .440 6.810 484.8 5.99 64.6 689,500 30.00 25.2 .36 15 41.0 12.02 .340 6.710 456.7 6.16 60.9 649,400 19.95 24.0 .41 15 38.0 11.27 .290 6.660 442.6 6.27 59.0 629,500 15.05 23.4 .44 12 36.0 10.61 .310 6.300 269.2 5.04 44.9 478,600 16.10 21.3 .42 12 32.0 9.44 .335 6.205 228.5 4.92 38.1 406,200 17.90 16.0 .30 12 28.5 8.42 .250 6.120 216.2 5.07 36.0 384,400 11.10 15.3 .35 10 28.5 8.34 .390 5.990 134.6 4.02 26.9' 287,100 19.90 12.1 .21 10 23.5 6.94 .250 5.850 122.9 4.21 24.6 262,200 10.50 11.2 .27 9 24.0 7.04 .365 5.555 92.1 3.62 20.5 218,300 16.95 8.8 .12 9 20.0 6.01 .250 5.440 85.1 3.76 18.9 201,800 10.05 8.2 .17 8 19.5 5.78 .325 5.325 60.6 3.24 15.1 161,600 13.45 6.7 .08 8 17.5 5.18 .250 5.250 57.4 3.33 14.3 153,000 9.45 6.4 .11 W = Safe load in pounds uniformly distributed, including weight of beam. L = Span in feet. M= Moment of forces in foot-pounds. / = fiber stress. C = Coefficients given in the table. W = C/L; M = C/8; C= WL = 8M PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM H-COLUMNS. 333 Dimensions and Properties of Bethlehem Boiled Steel H-Columns.* o Dimensions, in Inches. cj Neutral Axis Perpen. to Web. Neutral Axis on Center Line of Web. & A & -i i -g T3 t> -MO, ! Mean Thic ness of Flan} Breadth of Flange. Thickness c Web & J~l |3S fi O OS OJ CP S-Oi Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. Radius of Gyration. Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. Radius of Gyration 14-Inch H-Columns 83.5 91.0 133/4 137/ 8 H/16 3/4 13.92 13.96 0.43 .-47 11.06 11.06 24.46 26.76 884.9 976.8 128.7 140.8 6.01 6.04 294.5 325.4 42.3 46.6 3.47 3.49 99.0 162.0 14 15 13/16 15/16 14.00 14.31 .51 .82 11.06 11.06 29.06 47.71 1070.6 1894.0 153.0 252.5 6.07 6.30 356.9 626.1 51.0 87.5 3.50 3.62 170.5 227.5 151/8 16 13/ 8 1 13/16 14.35 14.62 .86 1.13 11.06 11.06 50.11 66.98 2007.0 2859.6 265.4 357.5 6.33 6.53 662.3 929.4 92.3 127.1 3.64 3.72 236.0 287.5 161/8 167/s 17/8 21/4 14.66 14.90 1.17 1.41 11.06 11.06 69.45 84.50 2991.5 3836.1 371.0 454.7 6.56 6.74 970.0 1226.7 132.3 164.7 3.74 3.81 12-Inch H-Columns 64.5 71.5 M 3/4 117/ 8 5/8 H/16 11.92 11.96 0.39 .43 9.21 9.21 19.00 20.96 499.0 556.6 84.9 93.7 5.13 5.15 168.6 188.2 28.3 31.5 2.98 3.00 78.0 132.5 12 13 3/4 U/4 12.00 12.31 .47 .78 9.21 9.21 22.94 38.97 615.6 1141.3 102.6 175.6 5.18 5.41 208.1 380.7 34.7 61.9 3.01 3.13 139.5 161.0 131/8 131/2 15/16 11/2 12.35 12.47 .82 .94 9.21 9.21 41.03 47.28 1214.5 1444.3 185.0 214.0 5.44 5.53 404.1 477.0 65.4 76.5 3.14 3.18 10-Inch H-Columns 49.0 97/ 8 9/16 9.97 0.36 7.67 14.37 263.5 53.4 4.28 89.1 17.9 2.49 54.0 99.5 10 11 5/8 H/8 10.00 10.31 .39 .70 7.67 7.67 15.91 29.32 296.8 607.0 59.4 110.4 4.32 4.55 100.4 201.7 20.1 39.1 2.51 2.62 105.5 123.5 111/8 11 1/2 13/16 1 3/8 10.35 10.47 .74 .86 7.67 7.67 31.06 36.32 651.0 790.4 117.0 137.5 4.58 4.67 215.6 259.3 41.7 49.5 2.64 2.67 8-Inch H-Columns 32.0 77/8 7/16 8.00 0.31 6.14 9.17 105.7 26.9 3.40 35.8 8.9 1.98 34.5 71.5 8 9 , V2 8.00 8.32 .31 .63 6.14 6.14 10.17 21.05 121.5 285.6 30.4 63.5 3.46 3.68 41.1 94.4 10.3 22.7 2.01 2.12 76.5 90.5 91/8 91/2 H/16 H/4 8.36 8.47 .67 .78 6.14 6.14 22.46 26.64 309.5 385.3 67.8 81.1 3.71 3.80 101.9 125.1 24.4 29.6 2.13 2.17 * The tables are greatly condensed from the original. The depth of section regularly rolled in each size advances by l /% inch from the smallest to the largest section shown in each table. The increased depth of each section in a given size is obtained by adding metal to the flanges, the depth of web remaining constant in each size, 334 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. TORSIONAL STRENGTH. Let a horizontal shaft of diameter = d be fixed at one end, and at the other or free end, at a distance = I from the fixed end, let there be fixed a horizontal lever arm with a weight = P acting at a distance = a from the axis of the shaft so as to twist it; then Pa = moment of the applied force. Resisting moment = twisting moment = SJ/c, in which S = unit shearing resistance, J = polar -moment of inertia of the section with respect to the axis, and c = distance of the most remote fiber from the axis, in a cross-section. For a circle with diameter d For hollow shafts of external diameter d and internal diameter (&, Pa = 0.1963 S; d = 5.1 1 ~^)S In solving the last equation the ratio di/d is first assumed. For a rectangular bar in which b and d are the long and short sides of the rectangle, Pa = 0.2222 bd z S; and for a square bar with side d, Pa = 0.2222 d s S. (Merriman, "Mechanics of Materials," 10th ed.) The above formulae are based on the supposition that the shearing resistance at any point of the cross-section is proportional to its distance from the axis; but this is true only within the elastic limit. In mate- rials capable of flow, while the particles near the axis are strained within the elastic limit those at some distance within the circumference may be strained nearly to the ultimate resistance, so that the total resistance is something greater than that calculated by the formulae. For working strength, however, the formulae may be used, with S taken at the safe working unit resistance. The ultimate torsional shearing resistance 5 is about the same as the direct shearing resistance, and may be taken at 20,000 to 25,000 Ibs. per square inch for cast iron, 45,000 Ibs. for wrought iron, and 50,000 to 150,000 Ibs. for steel, according to its carbon and temper. Large factors of safety should be taken, especially when the direction of stress is re- versed, as in reversing engines, and when the torsional stress is com- bined with other stresses, as is usual in shafting. (See "Shafting.") Elastic Resistance to Torsion. Let I = length of bar being twisted, d = diameter, P = force applied at the extremity of a lever arm of length = a, Pa = twisting moment, G = torsional modulus of elas- ticity, 9 = angle through which the free end of the shaft is twisted, measured in arc of radius == 1. For a cylindrical shaft, P^ ** gd4 A 32PaE 32 Pal. 32 P = -32T ; * = -^G- ; (? = -^oT* T = 10.186. If a = angle of torsion in degrees, 4__^L- 1 80 9 180X32PaZ 583.6 Pal ""180' * * 2 d in which / denotes the working stress; r, the radius in inches; t, the thick- ness in inches; and p, the pressure in pounds per square inch. For mathematical discussion, see Lanza, " Applied Mechanics." Lanza gives the following table, using a factor of safety of 8, with ten- sile strength of cast iron 20,000, of wrought iron 40,000, and of steel 80,000: Supported. Fixed. Cast iron ............ t = 0.0182570 r v/p t = 0.0163300 r V" Wrought iron ........ t = 0.0117850 r ^p__ t = 0.0105410 r V Steel ................ t = 0.0091287 rV p t = 0.0081649 r Vp For a circular plate supported at the edge, and loaded with a concen- trated load P applied at a circumference the radius of which is TO: for - = 10 20 so 40 TO c = 4.07 5.00 5.53 5.92 7T/ C The above formulae are deduced from theoretical considerations, and give thicknesses much greater than are generally used in steam-engine cylinder-heads. (See empirical formulae under Dimensions of Parts of Engines.) The theoretical formulae seem to be based on incorrect or incomplete hypotheses, but they err in the direction of safety. Thickness of Flat Cast-iron Plates to resist Bursting Pressures. Capt. John Ericsson (Church's Life of Ericsson) gave the following rules: The proper thickness of a square cast-iron plate will be obtained by the following: Multiply the side in feet (or decimals pf a foot) by 1/4 of the pressure in pounds and divide by 850 times the side in inches; the quotient is the square of the thickness in inches. For a circular plate, multiply 11-14 of the diameter in feet by 1/4 of the pressure on the plate in pounds. Divide by 850 times 11-14 of the diameter in inches. [Extract the square root.] STRENGTH OF FLAT SURFACES. 337 Prof. Wm. Harkness; Eng'g News, Sept. 5, 1895, shows that these rules can be put in a more convenient form, thus: For square plates T = 0.00495 S ^p, and for circular plates T = 0.00439 D^p, where T = thickness of plate, S = side of the square, D = diameter of the circle v and p = pressure in Ibs. per sq. in. Professor Harkness, however, doubts the value of the rules, and says that MO satisfactory theoretical solution has yet been obtained. The Strength of Unstayed Flat Surfaces. Robert Wilson (Bng'g, Sept. 24, 1877) draws attention to the apparent discrepancy between the results of theoretical investigations and of actual experi- ments on the strength of unstayed flat surfaces of boiler-plate, such as the unstayed flat crowns of domes and of vertical boilers. On trying to make the rules given by the authorities agree with the results of his experience of the strength of unstayed flat ends of cylin- drical boilers and domes that had given way after Ions use, Mr. Wilson was led to believe that the rules give the breaking strength much lower than it actually is. He describes a number of experiments made by Mr. Nichols of Kirkstall, which gave results varying widely from each Other, as the method of supporting the edges of the plate was varied, and also varying widely from the calculated bursting pressures, the actual results being in all cases very much the higher. Some conclusions drawn from these results are: 1. Although the bursting pressure has been found to be so high, boiler- makers must be warned against attaching any importance to this, since the plates deflected almost as soon as any pressure was put upon them and sprang back again on the pressure being taken off. This springing of the plate in the course of time inevitably results in grooving or chan- neling, which, especially when aided by the action of the corrosive acids in the water or steam, will in time reduce the thickness of the plate, and bring about the destruction of an unstayed surface at a very low pressure. 2. Since flat plates commence to deflect at very low pressures, they should never be used without stays; but it is better to dish the plates when they are not stayed by flues, tubes, etc. 3. Against the commonly accepted opinion that the limit of elasticity should never be reached in testing a boiler or other structure, these ex- periments show that an exception should be made in the case of an un- stayed flat end-plate of a boiler, which will be safer when it has assumed a permanent set that will prevent its becoming grooved by the continual variation of pressure in working. The hydraulic pressure in this case simply does what should have been done before the plate was fixed, that is, dishes it. 4. These experiments appear to show that the mode of attaching by flange or by an inside or outside angle-iron exerts an important influence on the manner in which the plate is strained by the pressure. When the plate is secured to an angle-iron, the stretching under pres- sure is, to a certain extent, concentrated at the line of rivet-holes, and the plate partakes rather of a beam supported than fixed round the edge. Instead of the strength increasing as the square of the thickness, when the plate is attached by an angle-iron, it is probable that the strength does not increase even directly as the thickness, since the plate gives way simply by stretching at the rivet-holes, and the thicker the plate, the less uniformly is the strain borne by the different layers of which the plate may be considered to be made up. When the plate is flanged, the flange becomes compressed by the pressure against the body of the plate, and near the rim, as shown by the contrary flexure, the inside of the plate is stretched more than the outside, and it may be by a kind of shearing action that the plate gives way along the line where the crushing and stretching meet. 5. These tests appear to show that the rules deduced from the theo- retical investigations of Lame", Rankine, and Grashof are not confirmed by experiment, and are therefore not trustworthy. The rules of Lame", etc., apply only within the elastic limit. (Eng'g, Dec. 13, 1895.) Unbraced Wrought-iron Heads of Boilers, etc. (The Locomo- tive, Feb., 1890). Few experiments have been made on the strength of flat heads, and our knowledge of them comas largely from theory. Experiments have been made on small plates Vie of an inch thick, 338 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. yet the data so obtained cannot be considered satisfactory when we consider the far thicker heads that are used in practice, although the results agreed weli with Rankine's formula. Mr. Nichols has made ex- periments on larger heads, and from them he has deduced the following rule: "To find the proper thickness for a flat unstayed head, multiply the area of the head by the pressure per square inch that it is to bear safely, and multiply this by the desired factor of safety (say 8): then divide the product by ten times the tensile strength of the material used for the head." His rule for finding the bursting pressure when the dimensions of the head are given is: "Multiply the thickness of the end- plate in inches by ten times the tensile strength of the material used, and divide the product by the area of the head in inches." In Mr. Nichols's experiments the average tensile strength of the iron used for the heads was 44,800 pounds. The results he obtained are giren below, with the calculated pressure, by his rule, for comparison. 1. An unstayed flat boiler-head is 341/2 inches in diameter and 9/io inch thick. What is its bursting pressure? The area of a circle 341/2 inches in diameter is 935 square inches; then 9/ie X 44,800 X 10 = 252,000, and 252,000 -f- 935 = 270 pounds, the calculated bursting pressure. The head actually burst at 280 pounds. 2. Head 341/2 inches in diameter and 3/ 8 inch thick. The area = 935 square inches; then, 3/ 8 x 44,800 X 10 = 168,000, and 168,000 -f- 935 = 180 pounds, calculated bursting pressure. This head actually burst at 200 pounds. 3. Head 261/4 inches in diameter, and 3/ 8 inch thick. The area 541 square inches; then, 3/ 8 x 44,800 X 10 = 168,000, and 168,000 *- 541 = 311 pounds. This head burst at 370 pounds. 4. Head 281/2 inches in diameter and 3/ 8 inch thick. The area = 638 square inches; then, 3/ 8 x 44,800 X 10 = 168,000, and 168,000 -* 638 = 263 pounds. The actual bursting pressure was 300 pounds. In the third experiment, the amount the plate bulged under different pressures was as follows: At pounds per sq. in 10 20 40 80 120 140 170 200 Plate bulged 1/32 Vie Vs J /4 3 /8 V2 5 /8 3 /4 The pressure was now reduced to zero, and the end sprang back 3/ 18 inch, leaving it with a permanent set of 9/ 16 inch. The pressure of 200 Ibs. was again applied on 36 separate occasions during an interval of five days, the bulging and permanent set being noted on each occasion, but without any appreciable difference from that noted above. The experiments described were confined to plates not widely different in their dimensions, so that Mr. Nichols's rule cannot be relied upon for heads that depart much from the proportions given in the examples. Strength of Stayed Surfaces. A flat plate of thickness t is sup- ported uniformly by stays whose distance from center to center is a, uniform load p IDS. per square inch. Each stay supports pa 2 Ibs. The greatest stress on the plate is / = f|V (Unwin.) For additional matter on this subject see strength of Steam Boilers. Stresses in Steel Plating due to Water-pressure, as in plating of vessels and bulkheads (Engineering, May 22, 1891, page 629). Mr. J. A. Yates has made calculations of the stresses to which steel plates are subjected by external water-pressure, and arrives at the following conclusions: Assume 2a inches to be the distance betvyeen the frames or other rigid supports, and let d represent the depth in feet, below the surface of the water, of the plate under consideration, t = thickness of plate in inches, D the deflection from a straight line under pressure in inches, and P = stress per square inch of section. For outer bottom and ballast-tank plating, a = 420 t/d, D should not be greater than 0.05 X 2 a/12, and P/2 not greater than 2 to 3 tons; while for bulkheads, etc., a = 2352 //d, D should not be greater than THICK HOLLOW CYLINDERS UNDER TENSION. 339 0.1 X 2 a/ 12, and P/2 not greater than 7 tons. To illustrate the appli- cation of these formulae the following cases have been taken: For Outer Bottom, etc. For Bulkheads, etc. Thick- ness of Plating. Depth below Water. Spacing of Frames should not exceed Thick- ness of Plating. Depth of Water. Maximum Spac- ing of Rigid Stiff en ers. in. ft. in. in. ft. ft. in. 1/2 20 About 2 1 1/2 20 9 10 1/2 10 42 3 /8 20 7 4 3/8 18 18 3/8 10 14 8 3/8 9 36 1/4 20 4 10 V4 10 20 1/4 10 9 8 1/4 5 40 V8 10 4 10 It would appear that the course which should be followed in stiffening bulkheads is to fit substantially rigid stiffening frames at comparatively wide intervals, and only work such light angles between as are necessary for making a" fair job of the bulkhead. SPHERICAL, SHELLS AND DOMED BOILER-HEADS. To find the Thickness of a Spherical Shell to resist a given Pressure. Let d = diameter in inches, and p the internal pressure per square inch. The total pressure which tends to produce rupture around the great circle will be i/4rcd 2 p. Let 5 = safe tensile stress per square inch, and t the thickness of metal in inches; then the resistance to the pressure will be n d t S. Since the resistance must be equal to the pressure, iUnd*p = *dtS. Whence* = ^. 4o The same rule is used for finding the thickness of a hemispherical head to a cylinder, as of a cylindrical boiler. Thickness of a Domed Head of a Boiler. If S = safe tensile stress per square inch, d = diameter of the shell in inches, and t = thick- ness of the shell, t = pd -s- 2/S; but the thickness of a hemispherical head of the same diameter is t = pd + 4. Hence if we make the radius of curvature of a domed head equal to the diameter of the boiler, we shall have i = -f^ = ? , or the thickness of such a domed head 4o zo will be equal to the thickness of the shell. THICK HOLLOW CYLINDERS UNDER TENSION. Lamg's formula, which is generally used, gives t = thickness; n= inside and r2 = outside radius; ^ = maximum allowable hoop tension at the interior of the cylinder ; p = intensity of interior pressure; s =* tension at the exterior of the cylinder. t _ r J ( h+ P \^ i 1 " 1 1 W^p/ 5 340 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. EXAMPLE: Let maximum unit stress at the inner edge of the annulus = 8000 lbs. per square inch, radius of cylinder = 4 inches, interior pressure = 4000 lbs. per square inch. Required the thickness and the tension at the exterior surface. ^{{^^'-il-^-i)-.^ 2n2 2X16 4000 lbs. For short cast-iron cylinders, such as are used in- hydraulic presses, it is doubtful if the above formulae hold true, since the strength of the cylindri- cal portion is reinforced by the end. In. that case the strength would be higher than that calculated by the formula. A rule used in practice for such presses is to make the thickness = Vio of the inner circum- ference, for pressures of 3000 to 4000 lbs. per square inch. Hooped Cylinders. For very high pressures, as in large guns, hoops or outer tubes of forged steel are shrunk on inner tubes, thus bringing a compressive stress on the latter which assists in resisting the tension due to the internal pressure. For discussion of Lame"s, and other formulae lor built-up guns, see Merriman's "Mechanics of Materials." THIN CYLINDERS UNDER TENSION. Let p = safe working pressure in lbs. per sq. in.; d = diameter in inches; T = tensile strength of the material, lbs. per sq. in.; t = thickness in inches; / = factor of safety; c = ratio of strength of riveted joint to strength of solid plate. If T = 50,000, / = 5, and c = 0.7; then _ 1 4.0001 dp d ; \ ~ 14^000* The above represents the strength resisting rupture along a longitudinal seam. For resistance to rupture in a circumferential seam, due to pressure on the ends of the cylinder, we have ^ = ^ - ; 4 Tt c whence p = . Or the strength to resist rupture around a circumference is twice as great as that to resist rupture longitudinally; hence boilers are commonly single-riveted in the circumferential seams and double-riveted in the longitudinal seams. CARRYING CAPACITY OF STEEL ROLLERS AND BALLS. Carrying Capacity of a Steel Roller between Flat Plates. (Mem- man, Mech. of Mails.) Let S = maximum safe unit stress of the mate- rial, I = length of the roller in inches, d = diameter, E = modulus of elasticity, W = load, then W = 2/3 idS (2 S/E)*. Taking w = W/l, and S = 15,000 and E = 30,000,000 lbs. per sq. in. for steel the formula reduces to w = 316 d. Cooper's specifications for bridges, 1901, gives w = 300 d. (The rule given in some earlier specifications, w = 1200 v'd, Is erroneous.) The formula assumes that only the roller is deformed by the load, but experiments show that the plates also are deformed, and that the formula errs on the side of safety. Experiments by CrandaU RESISTANCE OF HOLLOW CYLINDERS. 341 and Marston on steel rollers of diameters from 1 to 16 in. show that their crushing loads are closely given by the formula W = 880 Id. (See Holler Bearings.) Spherical Rollers. With the same notation as above, d being the diameter of the sphere, S = VWE+i/tndZ', W = 1/4 nd2S2 + E. The diameter of a sphere to carry a given load with an allowable unit- stress S is d ='2 \/WE+irS2. This rule assumes that there is no de- formation of the plates between which the sphere acts, hence it errs on the side of safety. (See Ball Bearings.) RESISTANCE OF HOLLOW CYLINDERS TO COLLAPSE. Fairbairn's empirical formula (Phil. Trans., 1858) is p = 9,675,600 ^. (1) where p = pressure in Ib. per square inch, t = thickness of cylinder, d = diameter, and / = length, all in inches. He recommends the simpler formula p = 9,675,600 1| (2) as sufficiently accurate for practical purposes, for tubes of considerable diameter and length. The diameters of Fairbairn's experimental tubes were 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 inches, and their lengths ranged between 19 and 60 inches. His formula (2) was until about 1908 generally accepted as the basis of rules for strength of boiler-flues. In some cases, however, limits were fixed to its application by a supplementary formula. Lloyd's Register contains the following formula for the strength of circular boiler-flues, viz., _ 89.600 V Ld The English Board of Trade prescribes the following formula for cir- cular flues, when the longitudinal joints are welded, or made with riveted butt-straps, viz., 90,000 t2 (L + Vd * For lap-joints and for inferior workmanship the numerical factor may be reduced as low as 60,000. The rules of Lloyd's Register, and those of the Board of Trade, pre- scribe further, that in no case the value of P must exceed 800 t/d. (5) In formulae (3), (4), (5) P is the highest working pressure in pounds per square inch, t and d are the thickness and diameter in inches, L is the length of the flue in feet measured between the strengthening rings, in case it is fitted with such. Formula (3) is the same as formula (2), with a factor of safety of 9. Nystrom has deduced from Fairbairn's experiments the following formula for the collapsing strength of flues : p =692,800 ~ . . . (6) d v I where p, t, I, and d have the same meaning as in formula (1), Nystrom considers a factor of safety of 4 sufficient in applying his formula. (See "A New Treatise on Steam Engineering," by J. W. Nystrom, p. 106.) Formulse (1), (3), and (6) have the common defect that they make the collapsing pressure decrease indefinitely with Increase of length, and vice versa. D. K. Clark, in his "Manual of Rules," etc., p. 696, gives the dimen- sions of six flues, selected from the reports of the Manchester Steam- users' Association, 1862-69. which collapsed while in actual use in boil- ers. These flues varied from 24 to 60 inches in diameter, and from 3/16 to 3/ 8 inch in thickness. They consisted of rings of plates riveted together, with one or two longitudinal seams, but all of them unfortified by intermediate flanges or strengthening rings. From the data Clark 342 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. deduced the following formula "for the average resisting force of common boiler-flues," viz., where p is the collapsing pressure in pounds per square inch, and d and t are the diameter and thickness expressed in inches. Instances of collapsed flues of Cornish and Lancashire boilers collated by Clark (S. E., vol. i, p. 643), showed that the resistance to collapse of flues of 3/g-in. plates, 18 to 43 ft. long, and 30 to 50 in. diameter varied as the 1.75 power of the diameter. Thus, For diameters of .............. 30 35 40 45 50 in. The collapsing pressures were ... 76 58 45 37 30 Ib. per sq. in. For 7/ 16 -in. plates the collapsing pressures were ........ .......... 60 49 42 Ib. per sq. in. C. R. Roelker, in Van Nostrand's Magazine, March, 1881, says that Nystrom's formula, (6) , gives a closer agreement of the calculated with the actual collapsing pressures in experiments on flues of every descrip- tion than any of the other formulae. Formula for Corrugated Furnaces (Eng'g, July 24, 1891, p. 102). As the result of a series of experiments on the resistance to collapse of Fox's corrugated furnaces, the Board of Trade and Lloyd's Register altered their formulae for these furnaces in 1891 as follows: Board of Trade formula is altered from T = thickness in inches; D = mean diameter of furnace; W P = work- ing pressure, Ib. per sq. in. Lloyd's formula is altered from looo xcr - 2) _ wp to i234 Xj (r-2) = wpf T = thickness in sixteenths of an inch; D = greatest diameter of furnace; WP working pressure in pounds per square inch. Stewart's Experiments. Prof . Reid T. Stewart (Trans. A.S.M.E,, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ft. between transverse joints tending to hold the tube in a circular form. A second series was made on single lengths of 20 ft. Seven sizes, from 3 to 10 in. outside diam., in all the commercial thick- nesses obtainable, were tested. The tests showed that all the old for- mulae were inapplicable to the wide range of conditions found in modern practice. The principal conclusions drawn from the research are as follows: 1. The length of tube, between transverse joints tending to hold it in circular form, has no practical influence upon the collapsing pressure of a commercial lap-welded tube so long as this length is npt less than about six diameters of tube. 2. The formulas, based upon this research, for the collapsing pres- sures of modern lap-welded Bessemer steel tubes, for aii lengths greater than six diameters, are as follows: P= l,00o(l - y/1 -1600^) ........ (A) P = 86,670 t - 1386 ............ (B) Where P - collapsing pressure, pounds per sq. inch, d =* outside diameter of tube in inches, t. = thickness of wall in inches* Formula A is for values of P less than 581 pounds, or for values of RESISTANCE OF HOLLOW CYLINDERS. 343 less than 0.023, while formula B is for values greater than these. When applying .these formulae, to practice, a suitable factor of safety must be applied. 3. The apparent fibre stress under which the different tubes failed varied from about 7000 Ibs. for the relatively thinnest to 35,000 Ibs. pep sq. ?n. for the relatively thickest walls. Since the average yield point of the material was 37,000 and the tensile strength 58,000 Ibs. per sq. in., it would appear that the strength of a tube subjected to a fluid collapsing pressure is not dependent alone upon either the elastic limit or ultimate strength of the material constituting it. The element of greatest weakness in a tube is its departure from roundness, even when this departure is relatively small. The table on the following page is a condensed statement of the principal results of the tests. Rational Formulae for Collapse of Tubes. (S. E. Slocum, Eng'g, Jan. 8, 1909.) Heretofore designers have been forced to rely either upon the anti- quated experiments of Fairbairn, which were known to be in error bv as much as 100% in many cases, or else to apply the theoretical formu- lae of Love and others, without knowing how far the assumptions on which these formulae are based are actually realized. A rational formula for thin tubes under external pressure, due to A. E. H. Love, is P = [2 E/(l - m 2 )] (*/D), ....... (1) in which P = collapsing pressure in Ibs. per sq. in. E = modulus of elasticity in Ibs. per sq. in. Nm = Poisson's ratio of lateral to transverse deformation. t = thickness of tube wall in ins. D = external tube diameter in ins. or thick tubes a special case of Lame"s general formula is P = 2u[(t/D) - (/D)2J, ......... (2) in which u = ultimate compressive strength in Ibs. per sq. in. The average values of the elastic constants are for steel, E = 30,000,000, m = 0.295, u = 40,000; and for brass, E = 14,000,000, m = 0.357, u = 11,000. Hence, for thin steel tubes, P = 65,720,000 (f/Z>) ..... (3) For thick steel tubes, P = 80,000 [(t/D) - (t/D)*] .... (4) For thin brass tubes, P = 32,090,000 (t/D) 3. . .... (5) For thick brass tubes, P = 22,000 [(t/D) - (t/D)*] .... (6) It is desirable to introduce a correction factor C in (1) which shall allow for the average ellipticity and variation in thickness. The cor- rection for ellipticity = d (I>min/>max) 3 , and that for variation in thickness = C 2 = (tmin/kver.) 3 . From Stewart's twenty-five experiments Ci = 0.967 and Cz = 0.712. The correction factor C = Ci Cz = 0.69; and (1) becomes P = C[2Y(1 - m 2 )](i/D)3 ...... (7) in which C = 0.69 for Stewart's lap-welded steel flues, t = average thickness in ins., and D = maximum diameter in ins. The empirical formulas obtained by Carman (Univ. of Illinois, Bull. No. 17, 1906), are for thin cold-drawn seamless steel tubes, P = 50,200,000 (t/D) 3 , and for thin seamless brass tubes, P = 25,150,000 (/D)3. Carman assigns 0.025 as the upper limit of t/D for thin tubes and 0.03 as the lower limit of t/D for thick tubes. Stewart assigns 0.023 as the limit of t/D between thin and thick tubes. Comparing these with (3) and (5), it is evident that they correspond to a correction factor of 0.76 for the steel tubes and 0.78 for the brass tubes. Since Carman's experiments were performed on seamless drawn tubes, while Stewart used lap-welded tubes, it might have been antici- 344 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. COLLAPSING PRESSURE OF LAP- WELDED STEEL TUBES. Outside Diameter, 85/ 8 In.; Length of Pipe, 20 Ft. Thick- ness, In. Length, Ft. Bursting Pressure, Lbs. per Sq. In. Aver- age. Outside Diam. In. Thick- ness. Bursting Pressure. Aver- age. 0.176 2.21 815-1085 977 3 0.112 1550-2175 1860 0.180 4.70 525-705 792 3 O.H3 2575-3350 2962 0.181 10.03 455-650 565 3 0.188 3700-4200 4095 0.184 14.71 425-610 548 4 0.119 860-1030 964 0.185 19.72 450-625 536 4 0.175 2050-2540 2280 0.212 2.21 1240-1353 1314 4 0.212 3075-3375 3170 0.212 4.70 805-975 907 4 0.327 5425-5625 5560 0.217 10.50 700-960 841 6 0.130 450-640 524 0.219 12.79 750-1115 905 6 0.167 715-1110 928 0.268 2.14 1475-2200 ' 1872 6 0.222 1200-2075 1797 0.274 4.64 1345-2030 1684 6 0.266 1750-2890 2441 0.272 9.64 1150-1908 1583 7 0.160 515-675 592 0.273 14.64 1250-1725 1485 7 0.242 1525-1850 1680 0.268 19.64 1250-1520 1419 7 0.279 1835-2445 2147 0.311 2.16 2290-2490. 2397 8.64 0.185 450-625 536 0.306 4 64 1795-2325 2073 8.66 0.268 1250-1520 1419 0.306 9.64 1585-2055 1807 8.67 0.354 1830-2180 2028 0.309 14.64 1520-2025 1781 10 0.165 210-240 225 0.302 19.75 1575-1960 1762 10 0.194 305-425 383 10 0.316 1275-1385 1319 COLLAPSING PRESSURE OF LAP- WELDED STEEL TUBES <,LBS. PER SQ. IN.) Calculated by Stewart's Formulae. Outside Diameters, Inches. ickness. 2 In. 21/2 In. 3 In. 4 In. 5 In. 6 In. 7 In. 8 In. 9 In. 10 In. 11 In H 10 2947 2081 1503 781 12 3814 2774 2081 1214 694 400 0.14 4671 3468 2659 1647 1041 636 400 286 217 0.16 5548 4161 3236 2081 1387 925 595 400 297 232 J87 0.18 6414 4854 3814 3514 1734 1214 843 564 400 306 244 0.20 7281 5548 4392 2947 2081 1503 1090 781 542 400 314 0.22 8148 6241 4970 3381 2427 1792 1338 997 733 525 400 0.24 9014 6934 5548 3814 2774 2081 1586 1214 935 694 512 0.26 9881 7628 6125 4248 3121 2370 1833 1431 1118 867 633 0.28 8321 6703 4681 3468 2669 2081 1647 1310 1041 820 0.30 9014 7281 5114 3814 2947 2328 1864 1503 1214 978 0.32 9708 7859 5548 4161 3236 2576 2081 1696 1387 1135 34 8437 5981 4508 3525 2824 2297 1888 1561 1293 36 9014 6414 4854 3814 3071 2514 2081 1734 1450 38 9592 6848 5201 4103 3319 2731 2273 1907 1608 0.40 7281 5548 4392 3567 2947 2466 2081 1766 0.42 7714 5894 4681 3814 3164 2659 2254 1923 44 8148 6241 4970 4062 3381 2851 2427 2081 46 8581 6588 5259 4309 3598 3044 2601 2238 48 9014 6934 5548 4557 3814 3236 2774 2396 0.50 9448 7281 5887 4805 4031 3429 2947 2554 HOLLOW COPPER BALLS. 345 pated that the latter would develop a smaller percentage of the theo- retical strength for perfect tubes than the former. Formula (2) for thick tubes when corrected for ellipticity and varia^ tion in thickness reads P = 2u c C (t/D) [1 - C (t/D)] (8) in which t = average thickness, and C = C it Cz, Ci being equal to Pminx-OmaxI Cz = ^average/train- From Stewart's experiments, average ellipticity C\ = 0.9874, and average variation in thickness Ci = 0.9022; .'. C = 0.9874 X 0.9022 = 0.89. We have then, for thick lap-welded steel flues, P = 2w c 0.89 (t/D) [I - knd for thin lap-welded steel flues, P = 0.69 [2 E/(l - m*) in which E = 30,000,000, m = 0.295, and u c = 38,500 Ibs. per sq. in. The experimental data of Stewart and Carman have made it possible to correct the rational formulas of Love and Lam6 to conform to actual conditions; and the result is a pair of supplementary formulas (7) and (8), which cover the entire range of materials, diameters, and thicknesses for long tubes of circular section. All that now remains to be done is the experimental . determination of the correction constants for other types of commercial tubes than those already tested. HOLLOW COPPER BALLS. Hollow copper balls are used as floats in boilers or tanks, to control feed and discharge valves, and regulate the water-level. They are spun up in halves from sheet copper, and a rib is formed on one half. Into this rib the other half fits, and the two are then soldered or brazed together. In order to facilitate the brazing, a hole is left on one side of the ball, to allow air to pass freely in or out; and this hole is made use of afterwards to secure the float to its stem. The original thickness of the metal may be anything up to about Vie of an inch, if the spinning is done on a hand lathe, though thicker metal may be used when special machinery is provided for forming it. In the process of spinning, the metal is thinned down in places by stretching; but the thinnest place is neither at the equator of the ball (i.e., along the rib) nor at the poles. The thinnest points lie along two circles, passing around the ball parallel to the rib, one on each side of it, from a third to a half of the way to the poles. Along these lines the thickness may be 10, 15, or 20 per cent less than elsewhere, the reduction depending somewhat on the skill of the workman. The Locomotive for October, 1891, gives two empirical rules for deter- mining the thickness of a copper ball which is to work under an external pressure, as follows: ,_,, . diameter in inches X pressure in pounds per sq. in. 16.000 2. Thickness - diameter xVpressure. These rules give the same result for a pressure of 166 Ibs. only. EX- AMPLE: Required the thickness of a 5-inch copper ball to sustain Pressures of 50 100 150 166 200 250 lbs.persq.in. Answer by first rule 0156 .0312 .0469 .0519 .0625 .0781 inch. Answer by second rule .0285 .0403 .0494 .0518 .0570 ,0637 " 346 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. HOLDING-POWER OF NAILS, SPIKES, AND SCREWS. (A. W. Wright, Western Society of Engineers, 1881.) Spikes. Spikes driven into dry cedar (cut 18 months): Size of spikes 5 X V4in. sq. 6 X 1/4 6 X 1/2 5 X3/S Length driven in 41/4 in. 5 in. 5 in. 4i/4in. Pounds resistance to drawing. Av'ge. Ibs. 857 821 1691 1202 Frnm fi tn Q tptq Pflrh I Max - " 1159 923 2129 1556 I rom 6 to 9 tests each { Min ?66 766 U20 68? A. M. Wellington found the force required to draw spikes 9/ig X 9 /i6 in., driven 41/4 inches into seasoned oak, to be 4281 Ibs.; same spikes, etc., in unseasoned oak, 6523 Ibs. "Professor W. R. Johnson found that a plain spike 3/ 8 inch square driven 33/g inches into seasoned Jersey yellow pine or unseasoned chest- nut required about 2000 Ibs. force to extract it; from seasoned white oak about 4000 and from well-seasoned locust 6000 Ibs." Experiments in Germany, by Funk, give from 2465 to 3940 Ibs. (mean of many experiments about 3000 Ibs.) as the force necessary to extract a plain i/2-inch square iron spike 6 inches long, wedge-pointed for one inch and driven 41/2 inches into white or yellow pine. When driven 5 inches the force required was about Vio part greater. Similar spikes 9/ 16 inches square } 7 inches long, driven 6 inches deep, required from 3700 to 6745 Ibs. to extract them from pine; the mean of the results being 4873 Ibs. In ail cases about twice as much force was required to extract them from oak. The spikes were all driven across the grain of the wood. When driven with the grain, spikes or nails do not hold with more than half as much force. Boards of oak or pine nailed together by from 4 to 16 tenpenny com- mon cut nails and then pulled apart in a direction lengthwise of the boards, and across the nails, tending to break the latter in two by a shearing action, averaged ab9ut 300 to 400 Ibs. per nail to separate them, as the result of many trials. Resistance of Drift-bolts in Timber. Tests made by Rust and Coolidge, in 1878. White Norway Pine. Pine. 1 in. square iron drove 30 in. in 15/ie-in. hole, Ibs 26,400 19,200 1 in. round " " 34 " " !3/i 6 -in. " 16,800 18,720 1 in. square " " 18 " " i5/ 16 _i n . " 14,600 15,600 1 in. round 22 " " i3/i 6 -in. " 13,200 14,400 Holding-power of Bolts in White Pine. (Eng'g News, Sept. 26, 1891.) Round. Square. Lbs. Lbs. Average of all plain 1-in. bolts 8224 8200 Average of all plain bolts, 5/ 8 to 1 ifo in 7805 8110 Average of all bolts 8383 8598 Round drift-bolts should be driven in holes i3/ie of their diameter, and square drift-bolts in holes whose diameter is 14/16 of the side of the square. Force required to draw Screws out of Norway Pine. 1/2" diam. drive screw 4 in. in wood. Power required, average 2424 Ibs. 4 threads per in. 5 in. in wood. " 2743 1 D'blethr'd,3perin., 4in. in " 2730 Lag-screw, 7 per in., 1 1/2 " 1465 6 " " 21/2 "" " " 2026 1/2 inch R.R. spike 5 2191 Force required to draw Wood Screws out of Dry Wood. Tests made by Mr. Bevan. The screws were about two inches in length, 0.22 diameter at the exterior of the threads, 0.15 diameter at the bottom, the depth of the worm or thread being 0.035 and the number of threads in one inch equal 12. They were passed through pieces of wood half an inch in thickness and drawn-out by the weights stated: Beech, 460 Ibs.; ash, STRENGTH OF BOLTS. 347 790 Ibs.; oak, 760 Ibs.; mahogany, 770 Ibs.; elm, 665 Ibs.; sycamore, 830 Ibs. Tests of Lag-screws in Various Woods were made by A. J. Cox, University of Iowa, 1891: Kind of Wood. |V jg St. Seasoned white oak . ... 5/8 in. 1/2 in. 4 1/2 in. 8037 3 7/i6 " 3 6480 1 1/2 " 3 /8 ' 41/2 " 8780 2 5/8 Yellow-pine stick 5/ 8 " l/ 2 ' 4 3800 2 White cedar, unseasoned 5/s " J /2 ' 4 3405 2 Cut versus Wire Nails. Experiments were made at the Watertown Arsenal in 1893 on the comparative direct tensile adhesion, in pine and spruce, of cut and wire nails. The results are stated by Prof. W. H. Burr as follows: There were 58 series of tests, ten pairs of nails (a cut and a wire nail in each) being used. The tests were made in spruce wood in most in- stances. The nails were of all sizes, from li/s to 6 in. in length. In every case the cut nails showed the superior holding strength by a large percentage. In spruce, in nine different sizes of nails, b9th standard and light weight, the ratio of tenacity of cut to wire nail was about 3 to 2. With the" finishing" nails the ratio was roughly 3.5 to 2. With box nails (l\ to 4 inches long) the ratio was roughly 3 to 2. The mean superiority in spruce wood was 61%. In white pine, cut nails, driven with taper along the grain, showed a superiority of 100%, and with taper across the grain of 135%. Also when the nails were driven in the end of the stick, i.e., along the grain, the superiority of cut nails was 100%, or the ratio of cut to wire was 2 to 1. Thfc total of the results showed the ratio of tenacity to be about 3.2 to 2 for the harder wood, and about 2 to 1 for the softer, and for the whole taken together the ratio was 3.5 to 2. Nail-holding Power of Various Woods. Tests at the Watertown Arsenal on different sizes of nails from 8d. to 60d., reduced to holding power per sq. in. of surface in wood, gave average results, in pounds, as follows: white pine, wire, 167; cut, 405. Yellow pine, wire, 318; cut, 662. White oak, wire, 940; cut, 1216. Chestnut, cut, 683. Laurel, wire, 651; cut, 1200. Experiments by F. W. Clay. (Eng'g News, Jan. 11, 1894.) t Tenacity of 6d nails \ Plain. Barbed. Blued. Mean. White pine 106 94 135 111 Yellow pine 190 130 270 196 Basswood 78 132 219 143 White oak .-226 300 555 360 Hemlock 141 201 319 220 STRENGTH OF BOLTS. Effect of Initial Strain in Bolts. Suppose that bolts are used to connect two parts of a machine and that they are screwed up tightly before the effective load comes on the connected parts. Let Pi = the initial tension on a bolt due to screwing up, and Pz the load after- wards added. The greatest load may vary but little from Pi or Pz, according as the former or the latter is greater, or it may approach the value Pi + Pz, depending upon the relative rigidity of the bolts and of the parts connected. Where rigid flanges are bolted together, metal to metal, it is probable that the extension of the bolts with any additional tension relieves the initial tension, and that the total tension is Pi or Pz, but in cases where elastic packing, as india rubber, is interposed, the extension of the bolts may very little affect the -initial tension, and the total strain may be nearly Pi + Pz. Since the latter assumption is more unfavorable to the resistance of the bolt, this contingency should usually be provided for. (See Unwin, "Elements of Machine Design," for demonstration.) 348 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Forrest E. Cardullo (Machinery's Reference Series No. 22, 1908) states the effect of initial stress in bolts due to screwing them tight as follows: 1. When the bolt is more elastic than the material it compresses, the stress in the bolt is either the initial stress or the force applied, whichever is greater. 2. When the material compressed is more elastic than the bolt, the stress in the bolt is the sum of the initial stress and the force applied. Experiments on screwing up 1/2, 8/4, 1 and 1 1/4 in. bolts showed that the stress produced is often sufficient to break a i/2-in...bolt, and that the stress varies about as the square of the diameter. From these experiments Prof. Cardullo calculates what he calls the "working section" of a bolt as equal to its area at the root of the thread, less the area of a i/2-in. bolt at the root of the thread times twice the diameter of the bolt, and gives the following table based on this rule. Working Strength of Bolts. U. S. Standard Threads. tat a V . . , "o n st .2 "o I 1. 1- 1-3 ! Q 1". to| "oil *8la 'o'S *! *s 1 'o Si . a'Ss bc'o ri O rd O ' ^ , sL 5 ft ^ * m 2-2 o Mij II w> g ||| ||| fcj[l o c 1 c 11 H.S o S* to H^to ^to ^2"to ^^Tto p < ^ ro ^ to to to 1/2 0.126 5/8 0.202 0.044 220 264 308 352 440 528 3/4 0.302 0.113 565 678 791 904 1,130 1,356 7/8 0.420 0.200 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 2,000 2,400 1 0.550 0.298 1,490 1,788 2,086 2,384 2,980 3,476 U/8 0.694 0.411 2,055 2,466 2,877 3,288 4,110 4,932 11/4 0.893 0.578 2,890 3,468 4,046 4,624 5,780 6,936 1.057 0.710 3,550 4,260 4,970 5,680 7,100 8,520 H/2 1.295 0.917 4,585 5,502 6,419 7,336 9,170 10,504 15/8 . 1.515 1.105 5,525 6,630 7,735 8,840 11,050 13,2oO 1.746 1.305 6,525 7,830 9,135 10,440 13,050 15,660 17/8 2.051 1.578 7,890 9,468 11,046 12,624 15,780 18,936 2 2.302 1.798 8,990 10,788 12,586 14,384 17,980 21,576 21/4 3.023 2.456 12,280 14,736 17,192 19,648 24,560 29,472 21/2 3.719 3.089 15,445 18,534 21,623 24,712 30,890 37,068 23/4 4.620 3.927 19,635 23,562 27,489 31,416 39,270 47,124 3 5.428 4.672 23,360 28,032 32,704 37,376 46,720 56,064 31/4 6.510 5.690 28,450 34,140 39,830 45,520 56,900 68,280 31/2 7.548 6.666 33,330 39,996 46,664 53,328 66,660 79,992 The stresses on bolts caused by tightening the nuts by a wrench may be calculated as follows: Let L = the effective length of the wrench in inches, P = the force in pounds applied at the distance L, n = no. of threads per inch of the bolt, T = total tension on the bolt if there were no friction, then T = 2 nnLP. Wilfred Lewis, Trans. A. S. M. E., gives for the efficiency of a bolt E = 1 -f- (1 + nd), where d = external diameter of the screw. T X E = 2nnLP -4- (1 + nd) is the tension corrected for friction. It also expresses the load that can be lifted by screwing a nut on a bolt or a bolt into a nut. STRENGTH OF CHAINS. Formulas for Safe Load on Chains. Writing the formula for the safe lead on chains P Kd 2 , P in pounds, d in inches, the following figures for K are given by the authorities named. Open link Stud link Unwin ' 13,440; 11,200* 20,160. Weisbach 13,350 17,800 Bach 13,750; 11,000* 16,500; 13,200* * The lower figures are for much used chain, subject frequently to the maximum load. G. A Goodenough and L. E. Moore, Univ. of Illinois STAND-PIPES AND THEIR DESIGN. 349 STAND-PIPES AND THEIR DESIGN. (Freeman C. Coffin, New England Water Works Assoc., Eng. News, March 16, 1893.) See also papers by A. H. Rowland, Eng. Club of Phil., 1887; B. F. Stephens, Amer. Water Works Assoc., Eng. News, Oct. 6 and 13, 1888; W. Kiersted, Rensselaer Soc. of Civil Eng., Eng'g Record, April 25 and May 2, 1891, and W. D. Pence, Eng. News, April and May, 1894- also, J. N. Hazlehurst's " Towers and Tanks for Water Works." The question of diameter is almost entirely independent of that of height. The efficient capacity must be measured by the length from the high- water line to a point below which it is undesirable to draw the water on account of loss of pressure for fire-supply, whether that point is the actual bottom of the stand-pipe or above it. This allowable fluctuation ought not to exceed 50 ft., in most cases. This makes the diameter dependent upon two conditions, the first of which is the amount of the consumption during the ordinary interval between the stopping and starting of the pumps. This should never draw the water below a point that will give a good fire stream and leave a margin for still further draught for fires. The second condition is the maximum number of fire streams and their size which it is considered necessary to provide for, and the maximum length of time which they are liable to have to run before the pumps can be relied upon to reinforce them. Another reason for making the diameter large is to provide for stability against wind-Dressiire when empty. The following table gives the height of stand-pipes beyond which they are not safe against wind-pressures of 40 and 50 Ibs. per square foot. The area of surface taken is the height multiplied by one half the diameter. Diameter, feet 20 25 30 35 Max. height, wind 40 Ibs 45 70 150 1 50 " 35 55 80 160 Any form of anchorage that depends upon connections with the side plates near the bottom is unsafe. By suitable guys the wind-pressure is resisted by tension in the guys, and the stand-pipe is relieved from wind strains that tend to overthrow it. The guys should be attached to a band of angle or other shaped iron that completely encircles the tank, and rests upon some sort of bracket or projection, and not be riveted to the tank. They should be anchored at a distance from the base equal to the height of the point at which they are attached, if possible. The best plan is to build the stand-pipe of such diameter that it will resist the wind by its own stability. Thickness of the Side Plates. The pressure on the sides tending to rupture the plates by tension, due to the weight of the water, increases in direct ratio to the height, and also to the diameter. The strain upon a section 1 inch in height at any point is the total strain at that point divided by two for each side is supposed to bear the strain equally. The total pressure at any point is equal to the diameter in inches, multiplied by the pressure per square inch, due to the height at that point. It may be expressed as follows: H height in feet, and / = factor of safety; d = diameter in inches; p = pressure in Ibs. per square inch; 0.434 = p for 1 ft. in height; s = tensile strength of material per square.inch; T = thickness of plate. Bulletin, No. 18, 1907, after an extensive theoretical and experimental Investigation, find that these values give maximum stresses in the external fibers of from 26,400 to 40,320 Ibs. per sq. in., which they consider much too high for safety. Taking 20,000 as a permissible maximum stress, they give the formulae for safe load P = 8000 d 2 for open links and P = 10,000 d z for stud links. They say that the stud link will within the elastic limit bear from 20 to 25% more load than the open link, but that the ultimate strength of the stud'link is probably less than that of the open link. See also tables of Size and Strength of Chains, page 264. 350 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Then the total strain on each side per vertical inch = 0.434 Hd = pd , T = OA34Hdf = pdf 2 2 ' 2s ~ 2s' Mr. Coffin takes / = 5, not counting reduction of strength of joint, equivalent to an actual factor of safety of 3 if the strength of the riveted joint is taken as 60 per cent of that of the plate. The amount of the wind strain per square inch of metal at any joint can be found by the following formula, in which H = height of stand-pipe in feet above joint; T = thickness of plate in inches; p = wind-pressure per square foot; W = wind-pressure per foot in height above joint; W Dp where D is the diameter in feet; m = average leverage or movement about neutral axis or central points in the circumference; or, m = sine of 45, or 0.707 times the radius in feet. Then the strain per square inch of plate (Hw) f circ. in ft. X mT Mr. Coffin gives a number of diagrams useful in the design of stand- pipes, together with a number of instances of failures, with discussion of their probable causes. Mr. Kiersted's paper contains the following: Among the most promi- nent strains a stand-pipe has to bear are: that due to the static pressure of the water, that due to the overturning effect of the wind on an empty stand-pipe, and that due to the collapsing effect, on the upper rings, of violent wind storms. For the thickness of metal to withstand safely the static pressure of water, let t = thickness of the plate iron in inches; H = height of stand- pipe in feet; D = diameter of stand-pipe in feet. Then, assuming a tensile strength of 48,000 Ibs. per square inch, a factor of safety of 4, and .efficiency of double-riveted lap-joint equaling 0.6 of the strength of the solid plate, t = 0.00036 H X D; H = 10,000 t -+-3.6D; which will give safe heights for thicknesses up to 5/ 8 to 3/ 4 of an inch. The same formula may also apply for greater heights and thick- nesses within practical limits, if the joint efficiency be increased by triple riveting. The conditions for the severest overturning wind strains exist when the stand-pipe is empty. Formula for wind-pressure of 50 pounds per square foot, whend = diameter of stand-pipe in inches; x = any. unknown height of stand- pipe; x = VsOTrctf = 15.85 V(#. Failures of Stand-pipes. A list showing 23 important failures inside of nine years is given in a paper by Prof. W. D. Pence, Eng'g News, April 5, 12, 19 and 26, May 3, 10 and 24, and June 7, 1894. His discussion of the probable causes of the failures is most valuable. Water Tower at Yonkers, N.Y. This tower, with a pipe 122 feet high and 20 feet diameter, is described in Engineering News, May 18, 1892. The thickness of the lower rings is u/16 of an inch, based on a tensile strength of 60,000 Ibs. per square inch of metal, allowing 65% for the strength of riveted joints, using a factor of safety of 31/2 and adding a constant of l/g inch. The plates diminish in thickness by Vie inch to the last four plates at the top, which are 1/4 inch thick. The contract for steel requires an elastic limit of at least 33,000 Ibs. per square inch; an ultimate tensile strength of from 56,000 to 66,000 Ibs. per square inch; an elongation in 8 inches of at least 20%, and a reduc- tion of area of at least 45%. The inspection of the work was made by the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory. According to their report the actual conditions developed were as follows: Elastic limit from 34,020 to 39,420; WROUGHT-IRON AND STEEL WATER PIPES. 351 the tensile strength from 58,330 to 65,390; the elongation in 8 inches from 221/2 to 32%; reduction in area from 52.72 to 71.32%; 17 plates out of 141 were rejected in the inspection. The following table is calculated by Mr. Kiersted's formulae. The stand-pipe is intended to be self-sustaining; that is, without guys or stiff eners. Heights of Stand-pipes for Various Diameters and Thicknesses of Plates. Thickness of Plate in Frac- tions of an Inch. Diameters in Feet. 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 25 3/16 7/32 50 55 55 60 65 55 65 75 90 100 110 115 125 130 50 60 70 85 100 115 120 130 135 145 150 35 50 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 155 165 40 50 60 75 85 100 110 120 135 145 160 40 45 55 70 80 90 100 115 125 135 150 160 1/4 . . - 5/16- .. . 3/8- .. 7/16- .- V2 .... 9 /16 60 70 75 80 85 65 75 80 90 95 70 80 90 95 100 75 85 95 100 110 115 40 50 65 75 85 95 105 120 130 140 150 160 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 35 40 50 60 70 80 85 95 105 110 120 130 140 25 35 40 45 55 60 65 75 80 90 95 105 110 5/ 8 11/16 3/4 13/ 16 7/8. ..., 15/ 16 1 Heights to nearest 5 feet. Rings are to build 5 feet vertically. WROUGHT-IRON AND STEEL WATER-PDPES. Riveted Steel Water-pipes (Engineering News, Oct. 11, 1890, and Aug. 1, 1891). The use of riveted wrought-iron pipe has been common in the Pacific States for many years, the largest being a 44-inch conduit in connection with the works of the Spring Valley Water Co., which supplies^San Francisco. The use of wrought iron and steel pipe has been necessary in the West, owing to the extremely high pressures to be with- stood and the difficulties of transportation. As an example: In connec- tion with the water supply of Virginia City and Gold Hill, Nev., there was laid in 1872 an lli/2-inch riveted wrought-iron pipe, a part of which is under a head of 1720 feet. In the East, an important example of the use of riveted steel water pipe is that of the East Jersey Water Co., which supplies the city of Newark. The contract provided for a maximum high service supply of 25,000,000 gallons daily. In this case 21 miles of 48-inch pipe was laid, some of it under 340 feet head. The plates from which the pipe is made are about 13 feet long by 7 feet wide, open-hearth steel. Four plates are used to make one section of pipe about 27 feet long. The pipe is riveted longitudinally with a double row, and at the end joints with a single row of rivets. Before being rolled into the trench, two of the 27-feet lengths are riveted together, thus diminishing the number of joints to be made in the trench and the extra excavation to give room for joining. The thickness of the plates varies with the pressure, but only three thicknesses are used, 1/4 , 5/ 16 , and 3/ 8 inches, the pipe made of these thicknesses having a weight of 160, 185, and 225 IDS. per foot, respec- tively. At the works all the pipe was tested to pressure 11/2 times that to which it is to be subjected when in place. An important discussion of the design of large riveted steel pipes t< 352 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. resist not only the internal pressure but also the external pressure from moist earth in which they are laid, together with notes on the design of a pipe 18ft. diam. 6000 ft. long for the Ontario Water Power Co., Niagara Falls, by Joseph Mayer, will be found in Eng. News, April 26, 1906. STRENGTH OF VARIOUS MATERIALS. EXTRACTS FROM KIRKALDY'S TESTS. The publication, in a book by W. G. Kirkaldy, of the results of many thousand tests made during a quarter of a century by his father, David Kirkaldy, has made an important contribution to our knowledge con- cerning the range of variation in strength of numerous materials. A condensed abstract of these results was published in the American Ma- chinist, May 11 and 18, 1893, from which the following still further con- densed extracts are taken: The figures for tensile and compressive strength, or, as Kirkaldy calls them, pulling and thrusting stress, are given in pounds per square inch of original section, and for bending strength in pounds of actual stress or pounds per BD 2 (breadth X square of depth) for length of 36 inches between supports. The contraction of area is given as a percentage of the original area, and the extension as a percentage in a length of 10 inches, except when otherwise stated. The abbreviations T. S., E. L., Contr., and Ext. are used for the sake of brevity, to represent tensile strength, elastic limit, and percentages of contraction of area, and elon- gation, respectively. Cast Iron. 44 tests: T. S. 15,468 to 28,740 pounds; 17 of these were unsound, the strength ranging from 15,468 to 24,357 pounds. Average of all, 23,805 pounds. Thrusting stress, specimens 2 inches long, 1.34 to 1.5 in. diameter; 43 tests, all sound, 94,352 to 131,912; one, unsound, 93,759; average of all, 113,825. Bending stress, bars about 1 in. wide by 2 in. deep, cast on edge. Ultimate stress 2876 to 3854; stress per BD* = 725 to 892; average, 820. Average modulus of rupture, R, = 3/2 stress per BD 2 X length, = 44,280. Ultimate deflection, 0.29 to 0.40 in.; average, 0.34 inch. Other tests of cast iron, 460 tests, 16 lots from various sources, gave results with total range as follows: Pulling stress, 12,688 to 33,616 pounds; thrusting stress, 66,363 to 175,950 pounds; bending stress, per BD 2 , 505 to 1128 pounds; modulus of rupture, R, 27,270 to 61,912. Ultimate deflection, 0.21 to 0.45 inch. The specimen which was the highest in thrusting stress was also the highest in bending, and showed the greatest deflection, but its tensile Strength was only 26,502. The specimen with the highest tensile strength had a thrusting stress of 143,939 and a bending strength, per BD 2 , of 979 pounds with 0.41 de- flection. The specimen lowest in T. S. was also lowest in thrusting and bending, but gave 0.38 deflection. The specimen which gave 0.21 deflec- tion had T. S., 19,188: thrusting, 104,281; and bending, 561. Iron Castings. 69 tests; tensile strength, 10,416 to 31,652; thrust- Ing stress, ultimate per square inch, 53,502 to 132,031. Channel Irons. Tests of 18 pieces cut from channel irons. T. S. 40,693 to 53,141 pounds per square inch; contr. of area from 3.9 to 32.5%. Ext. in 10 in. from 2.1 to 22.5%. The fractures ranged all the way from 100% fibrous to 100% crystalline. The highest T. S., 53,141, with 8.1% contr. and 5.3% ext., was 100% crystalline;' the lowest T. S., iO, 693, with 3.9 contr. and 2.1% ext., was 75% crystalline. All the fibrous irons showed from 12.2 to 22.5% ext., 17.3 to 32.5 contr., and T. S. from 43,426 to 49,615. The fibrous irons are therefore of medium tensile strength and high ductility. The crystalline irons are of variable T. S., highest to lowest, and low ductility. Lowmoor Iron Bars. Three rolled bars 21/2 inches diameter; ten- Bile tests: elastic, 23,200 to 24,200; ultimate, 50,875 to 51,905; contrac- tion, 44.4 to 42.5; extension, 29.2 to 24.3. Three hammered bars, 41/2 Inches diameter, elastic 25,100 to 24,200; ultimate, 46,810 to 49,223; contraction, 20.7 to 46.5; extension, 10.8 to 31.6. Fractures of all, 100 per cent fibrous. In the hammered bars the lowest T. S, was accom- panied by lowest ductility. KIRKALDY'S TESTS. 353 Iron Bars, Various. Of a lot of 80 bars of various sizes, some rolled and some hammered (the above Lowmoor bars included), the lowest T. S. (except one) 40,808 pounds per square inch, was shown by the Swedish "hoop L" bar 31/4 inches diameter, rolled. Its elastic limit was 19,150 pounds; contraction 68.7% and extension 37.7% in 10 inches. It was also the most ductile of all the bars tested, and was 100% fibrous. The highest T. S., 60,780 pounds, with elastic limit, 29,400; contr., 36.6; and ext., 24.3%, was shown by a " Farnley " 2-inch bar, rolled. It was also 100% fibrous. The lowest ductility 2.6% contr., and 4.1% ext., was shown by a 33/4-inch hammered bar, without brand. It also had the lowest T. S., 40,278 pounds, but rather high elastic limit, 25,700 pounds. Its fracture was 95% crystalline. Thus of the two bars showing the lowest T. S., one. was the most ductile and the other the least ductile in the whole series of 80 bars. Generally, high ductility is accompanied by low tensile strength, as in the Swedish bars, but the Farnley bars showed a combination of high ductility and high tensile strength. Locomotive Forgings, Iron. -17 tests average, E. L., 30,420; T. S., 50,521; contr., 36.5: ext. in 10 inches, 23.8. Broken Anchor Forcings, Iron. 4 tests: average, E. L., 23,825; T. S., 40,083; contr., 3.0; ext. in 10 inches, 3.8. Kirkaldy places these two irons in contrast to show the difference between good and bad work. The broken anchor material, he says, is of a most treacherous character, and a disgrace to any manufacturer. Iron Plate Girder. Tensile tests of pieces cut from a riveted iron girder after twenty years' service in a railway bridge. Top plate, aver- age of 3 tests, E. L., 26,600; T. S., 40,806; contr., 16.1; ext. in 10 inches, 7.8. Bottom plate, average of 3 tests, E. L., 31,200; T. S., 44,288; contr., 13.3; ext. in 10 inches, 6.3. Web-plate, average of 3 tests, E. L., 28,000; T. S., 45,902; contr., 15.9; ext. in 10 inches, 8.9. Fractures all fibrous. The results of 30 tests from different parts of the girder prove that the iron has undergone no change during twenty years of use. Steel Plates. Six plates 100 inches long, 2 inches wide, thickness various, 0.36 to 0.97 inch. T. S., 55,485 to 60,805; E. L., 29,600 to 33,200; contr., 52.9 to 59.5; ext., 17.05 to 18.57. Steel Bridge Links. 40 links from Hammersmith Bridge, 1886. Fracture. T.S. E. L. Contr. Ext. in 100 in. Silky. Gran- ular. 70 65 100 Average of all 67,294 60,753 75,936 64,044 63,745 65,980 63,980 38,294 36,030 44, 1 66 32,441 38,118 36,792 39,017 34.5% 30.1 31.2 34.7 52.8 40.8 6.0 14.11% 15.51 12.42 13.43 15.46 17.78 6.62 30% 30 100 35 Lowest T. S Highest T.S. and 'E. L.. . . Lowest E . L Greatest Contraction Greatest Extension Least Contr. and Ext The ratio of elastic to ultimate strength ranged from 50.6 to 65.2 per cent; average, 56.9 per cent. Extension in lengths of 100 inches. At 10,000 Ibs. per sq. in., 0.018 to 0.024; mean, 0.020 inch; at 20,000 Ibs. per sq. in., 0.049 to 0.063- mean, 0.055 inch; at 30,000 Ibs. per sq. in., 0.083 to 0.100; mean, 0.090; set at 30,000 pounds per sq. in., to 0.002; mean, 0. The mean extension between 10,000 to 30,000 Ibs. per sq. in. increased regularly at the rate of 0.007 inch for each 2000 Ibs. per sq. in. increment of strain. This corresponds to a modulus of elasticity of 28,571,429. The least increase of extension for an increase of load of 20,000 Ibs. per sq. in., 0.065 inch, corresponds to a modulus of elasticity of 30,769,231, and the greatest, 0.076 inch, to a modulus of 26,315,789. Steel Rails. Bending tests, 5 feet between supports, 11 tests of flange rails 72 pounds per yard, 4.63 inches high, 354 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Elastic stress. Ultimate stress. Deflection at 50,000 Ultimate Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Deflection i Hardest... 34,200 60,960 3.24 ins. Sins. Softest 32,000 56,740 3.76 " 8 " Mean 32,763 59,209 3.53 " 8 " All uncracked at 8 inches deflection. Pulling tests of pieces cut from same rails. Mean results. Elastic Ultimate Contraction of Stress. Pounds. area of frac- Extension | per sq. in. per sq. in. ture. in 10 ins. Top of rails 44,200 83,110 19.9% 13.5% Bottom of rails 40,900 77,820 30.9% 22.8% Steel Tires. Tensile tests of specimens cut from steel tires. KRUPP STEEL. 262 Tests. Ext. in E. L. T. S. Contr. 5 inches. Highest 69,250 119,079 319 18.1 Mean 52,869 104,112 29.5 19.7 Lowest 41,700 90,523 45.5 23.7 VICKERS, SONS & Co. 70 Tests. Ext. in E. L. T. S. Contr. 5 inches. Highest 58,600 120,789 11.8 8.4 Mean 51,066 101,264 17.6 12.4 Lowest 43,700 87,697 24.7 16.0 Note the correspondence between Krupp's and yickers' steels as to tensile strength and elastic limit, and their great difference in contrac- tion and elongation. The fractures of the Krupp steel averaged 22 per cent silky, 78 per cent granular; of the Vicker steel, 7 per cent silky, 93 per cent granular. Steel Axles. Tensile tests of specimens cut from steel axles. PATENT SHAFT AND AXLE TREE Co. 157 Tests. Ext. in E. L. T. S. Contr. 5 inches. Highest 49,800 99,009 21.1 16.0 Mean 36,267 72,099 33.0 23.6 Lowest 31,800 61,382 34.8 25.3 VICKERS, SONS & Co. 125 Tests. Ext. in E. L. T. S. Contr. 5 inches. Highest 42,600 83,701 18.9 13.2. Mean 37,618 70,572 41.6 27.5 Lowest. , 30,250 56,388 49.0 37.2 The average fracture of Patent Shaft and Axle Tree Co. steel was 33 per cent silky, 67 per cent granular. The average fracture of Vickers' steel was 88 per cent silky, 12 per cent granular. Steel Propeller Shafts. Tensile tests of pieces cut from two shafts, mean of four tests each. Hallow shaft, Whitworth, T. S., 61,290: E. L., 30,575; contr., 52.8; ext. in 10 inches, 28.6. Solid shaft, VickersT, T. S., 46,870; E. L., 20,425; contr., 44.4; ext. in 10 inches, 30.7. Thrusting tests, Whitworth, ultimate, 56,201; elastic, 29,300; set at 30,000 IDS., 0.18 per cent; set at 40,000 IDS., 2.04 per cent; set at 50,000 IDS., 3.82 per cent. Thrusting tests, Vickers', ultimate, 44,602; elastic, 22,250; set at 30,000 Ibs., 2.29 per cent; set at 40,000 Ibs., 4.69 per cent. . .. 115,668;" contr., 37.8; ext. in' 10 inches, 16.6.' Spring steel untem- pered, 15 tests, average, E. L., 38,785; T. S., 69,496; contr., 19.1; ext. in 10 inches, 29.8. These two lots were shipped for the same purpose, viz., railway carriage leaf springs. Steel Castings. 44 tests, E. L., 31,816 to 35,567: T. S., 54,928 to 63,840; contr., 1.67 to 15.8; ext., 1.45 to 15.1. Note the great varia- tion in ductility. The steel of the highest strength was also the most ductile. Riveted Joints, Pulling Tests of Riveted Steel Plates, Triple Riv- eted Lap Joints, Machine Riveted, Holes Drilled. Plates, width and thickness, inches: 13.50X0.25 13.00X0.51 11.75X0.78 Plates, gross sectional area square inches: 3.375 6.63 9.165 Stress, total, pounds: 199,320 332,640 423,180 Stress per square inch of gross area, joint: 59,058 50,172 46,173 Stress per square inch of plates, solid: 70,765 65,300 64,050 Ratio of strength of joint to solid plate: 83.46 76.83 72.09 Ratio net area of plate to gross: 73.4 65.5 Where fractured: plate at plate at holes. holes. 12.25 X 1.01 14.00X0.77 62.7 plate at holes. Rivets, diameter, area and number: 0.45, 0.159, 24 0.64, 0.321, 21 0.95,0.708, 12 Rivets, total area: 3.816 6.741 8.496 12.372 528,000 42,696 62,280 68.55 64.7 plate at holes. 10.780 455,210 42,227 68,045 62.06 72.9 rivets sheared 1.08, 0.916, 12 0.95,0.708, 12 10.992 8.496 Strength of Welds. Tensile tests to determine ratio of strength of weld to solid bar. IRON TIE BARS. 28 Tests. Strength of solid bars varied from 43,201 to 57,065 Ibs. Strength of welded bars varied from 17,816 to 44,586 Ibs. Ratio of weld to solid varied from 37.0 to 79.1% IRON PLATES. 7 Tests. Strength of solid plate from 44,851 to 47,481 Ibs. Strength of welded plate from 26,442 to 38,931 Ibs. Ratio of weld to solid 57.7 to 83.9% CHAIN LINKS. 216 Tests. Strength of solid bar from 49,122 to 57,875 Ibs. Strength of welded bar from 39,575 to 48,824 Ibs. Ratio of weld to solid 72.1 to 95.4% IRON BARS. Hand and Electric Machine Welded. 32 tests, solid iron, average 52,444 17 electric welded, average 46,836 ratio 89.1% 19 ' hand 46,899 ' 89.3% STEEL BARS AND PLATES. 14 Tests. Strength of solid 54,226 to 64,580 Strength of weld 28,553 to 46,019 Ratio weld to solid 52.6 to 8.2.1% The ratio of weld to solid in all the tests ranging from 37.0 to 95.4 is proof of the great variation of workmanship in welding. 356 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Cast Copper. 4 tests, average, E. L. 9 5900; T. S., 24,781; contr., 24.5; ext., 21.8. Copper Plates. As rolled. 22 tests, 0.26 to 0.75 in. thick; E. L., 9766 to 18,650; T. S., 30,993 to 34,281; contr., 31.1 to 57.6; ext., 39.9 to 52.2. The variation in elastic limit is due to difference in the heat at which the plates were finished. Annealing reduces the T. S. only about 1000 pounds, but the E. L. from 3000 to 7000 pounds. Another series, 0.38 to 0.52 in. thick; 148 tests, T. S., 29,099 to 31,924; contr., 28.7 to 56.7; ext. in 10 inches, 28.1 to 41.8. Note the uniformity in tensile strength. Drawn Copper. 74 tests (0.88 to 1.08 inch diameter); T. S., 31,634 to 40,557; contr., 37.5 to 64.1; ext. in 10 inches, 5.8 to 48.2. Bronze from a Propeller Blade. Means of two tests each from center and edge. Central portion (sp. gr. 8.320), E. L., 7550; T. S., 26,312; contr., 25.4; ext. in 10 inches, 32.8. Edge portion (sp. gr. 8.550). E. L., 8950; T. S., 35,960; contr., 37.8; ext. in 10 inches, 47.9. Cast German Silver. 10 tests: E. L., 13,400 to 29,100; T. S., 23,714 to 46,540; contr., 3.2 to 21.5; ext. in 10 inches, 0.6 to 10.2. Thin Sheet Metal. Tensile Strength. German silver, 2 lots 75,816 to 87,129 Bronze, 4 lots 73,380 to 92,086 Brass, 2 lots 44,398 to 58,188 Copper, 9 lots 30,470 to 48,450 Iron, 13 lots, lengthway 44,331 to 59,484 Iron, 13 lots, crossway 39,838 to 57,350 Steel, 6 lots 49,253 to 78,251 Steel, 6 lots, crossway 55,948 to 80,799 Wire Ropes. Selected Tests Showing Range of Variation. I t_i Strands. si % a s i 5 M a "& . Description. f-s 1.S II . c Is >"* SJ Hemp Core. ||5 o'" 1 K^&H o g OK. rt PM r fig Galvanized . . . 7.70 53.00 6 19 0.1563 Main 339,780 Ungalvanized 7.00 53.10 7 19 0.1495 Main and Strands 314,860 Ungalvanized Galvanized 6.38 7.10 42.50 37.57 7 6 19 30 0.1347 0.1004 Wire Core Main and Strands 295,920 272,750 Ungalvanized 6.18 40.46 7 19 0.1302 Wire Core 268,470 Ungalvanized Galvanized 6.19 4.92 40.33 20.86 7 6 19 30 0.1316 0.0728 Wire Core Main and Strands 22 1 ,820 1 90,890 Galvanized 5.36 18.94 6 12 0.1104 Main and Strands 136,550 Galvanized 4.82 21.50 6 7 0. 1 693 Main 129,710 Ungalvanized 3.65 12.21 6 19 0.0755 Main 1 1 0, 1 80 Ungalvanized 3.50 12.65 7 7 0.122 Wire Core 101,440 Ungalvanized 3.82 14.12 6 7 0.135 Main 98,670 Galvanized 4.1 1 11.35 6 12 0.080 Main and Strands 75,110 Galvanized 3 31 727 6 12 0.068 Main and Strands 55,095 Ungalvanized 3.02 8.62 6 7 0.105 Main 49,555 Ungalvanized 2.68 6.26 6 6 0.0963 Main and Strands 41,205 Galvanized 2 87 5.43 6 12 0.0560 Main and Strands 38,555 Galvanized 2 46 3 85 6 12 00472 Main and Strands 28,075 Ungalvanized Galvanized V.75 2.04 2.80 . 2.72 6 6 7 12 0.0619 0.0378 Main Main and Strands 24,552 20,415 Galvanized 1.76 1.85 6 12 0.0305 Main 14,634 KIRKALDY'S TESTS. 357 Wire. Tensile Strength. German silver, 5 lots < 81,735 to 92,224 Bronze, 1 lot 78,049 Brass, as drawn, 4 lots 81,114 to 98,578 Copper, as drawn, 3 lots 37,607 to 46,494 Copper annealed, 3 lots 34,936 to 45,210 Copper (another lot), 4 lots 35,052 to 62,190 Copper (extension 36.4 to 0.6%). Iron, 8 lots 59,246 to 97,908 Iron (extension 15.1 to 0.7%). Steel, 8 lots ; 103,272 to 318.823 The steel of 318,823 T. S. was 0.047 inch diam., and had an extension of only 3 per cent; that of 103,272 T. S. was 0.107 inch diam., and had an extension of 2.2 per cent. One lot_of_0.044 inch diam. had 267,114 T. S., and 5.2 per cent extension. Hemp Ropes, Tin tarred. 15 tests of ropes from 1.53 to 6.90 inches circumference, weighing 0.42 to 7.77 pounds per fathom, showed an ultimate strength of from 1670 to 33,808 pounds, the strength per fathom weight varying from 2872 to 5534 pounds. Hemp Ropes,' Tarred. 15 tests of ropes .from 1.44 to 7.12 inches circumference, weighing from 0.38 to 10.39 pounds per fathom, showed an ultimate strength of from 1046 to 31,549 pounds, the strength per fathom weight varying from 1767 to 5149 pounds. Cotton Ropes. 5 ropes, 2.48 to 6.51 inches circumference, 1.08 to 8.17 pounds per fathom. Strength 3089 to 23,258 pounds, or 2474 to 3346 pounds per fathom weight. Manila Ropes. 35 tests: 1.19 to 8.90 inches circumference, 0.20 to 11.40 pounds per fathom. Strength 1280 to 65,550 pounds, or 3003 to 7394 pounds per fathom weight. Belting. No. of Tensile strength lots. per square inch. 11 Leather, single, ordinary tanned 3248 to 4824 4 Leather, single, Helvetia 5631 to 5944 7 Leather, double, ordinary tanned 2160 to 3572 8 Leather, double Helvetia 4078 to 5412 6 Cotton, solid woven 5648 to 8869 14 Cotton, folded, stitched 4570 to 7750 1 Flax, solid, woven 9946 1 Flax, folded, stitched 6389 6 Hair, solid, woven 3852 to 5159 2 Rubber, solid, woven 4271 to 4343 Canvas. 35 lots: Strength, lengthwise, 113 to 408 pounds per inch; cross ways, 191 to 468 pounds per inch. The grades are numbered 1 to 6, but the weights are not given. The strengths vary considerably, even in the same number. Marbles. Crushing strength of various marbles. 38 tests, 8 kinds. Specimens were 6-inch cubes, or columns 4 to 6 inches diameter, and 6 and 12 inches high. Range 7542 to 13,720 pounds per square inch. Granite. Crushing strength, 17 tests; square columns 4X4 and 6 X 4, 4 to 24 inches high, 3 kinds. Crushing strength ranges 10,026 to 13,271 pounds per square inch. (Very uniform.) Stones. (Probably sandstone, local names only given.) 11 kinds, 42 tests, 6X6, columns 12, 18 and 24 inches high. Crushing strength ranges from 2105 to 12,122. The strength of the column 24 inches long is generally from 10 to 20 per cent less than that of the 6-inch cube. Stones. (Probably sandstone) tested for London & Northwestern Railway. 16 lots, 3 to 6 tests in a lot. Mean results of each lot ranged from 3785 to 11,956 pounds. The variation is chiefly due to the stones baing from different lots. The different specimens in each lot gav results which generally agreed within 30 per cent. 358 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Bricks. Crushing strength, 8 lots; 6 tests in each lot: mean results ranged from 1835 to 9209 pounds per square inch. The maximum variation in the specimens of one lot was over 100 per cent of the lowest. In the most uniform lot the variation was less than 20 per cent. Wood. Transverse and Thrusting Tests. 5- Thrust- 3 1 Sizes abt. in . square. Span, inches. Ultimate Stress. LW 4BD 2 ' ing Stress per sq. in. 45,856 1096 3586 10 lU/2to 121/2 144 to to to 80,520 1403 5438 37,948 657 2478 Dantzic fir 12 12 to 13 144 to to to 54,152 790 3423 32,856 1505 2473 English oak $ 41/2 X 12 120 to' to to 39,084 1779 4437 23,624 1190 2656 American white oak . . . 5 41/2 X 12 120 to to to 26,952 1372 3899 Demerara greenheart, 9 tests (thrusting) 8169 to 10,785 Oregon pine, 2 tests 5888 and 7284 Honduras mahogany, 1 test 6769 Tobasco mahogany, 1 test 5978 Norway spruce, 2 tests 5259 and 5494 American yellow pine, 2 tests 3875 and 3993 English ash, 1 test 3025 Portland Cement. (Austrian.) Cross-sections of specimens 2 X 21/2 inches for pulling tests only; cubes, 3X3 inches for thrusting tests; weight, 98.8 pounds per imperial bushel; residue, 0.7 per cent with sieve 2500 meshes per square inch; 38.8 per cent by volume of water required for mixing; time of setting, 7 days; 10 tests to each lot. The mean results in Ibs. per sq. in. were as follows: Age. 10 days 20 days 30 days Portland Cement. Cement alone, Pulling. 376 420 451 Cement alone, Thrusting. 2910 3342 3724 1 Cement, 2 Sand, Thrusting. 893 1023 1172 1 Cement, 1 Cement, 3 Sand, 4 Sand, Thrusting. Thrusting. 407 228 494 275 594 338 ________ _________ cross-section, all aged 10 days, 180 tests; square inch. Various samples pulling tests, 2 X 21/2 inches , ranges 87 to 643 pounds per TENSILE STRENGTH OF WIRE. (From J. Bucknall Smith's Treatise on Wire.) Tons per i Black or annealed iron wire Bright hard drawn Bessemer, steel wire Mild Siemens-Martin steel wire High carbon ditto (or "improved") Crucible cast-steel "improved" wire 100 " Improved " cast-steel " plough " 120 Special qualities of tempered and improved cast steel wire may attain 150 to 170 336,000 to 380,800 in. sectiona area. 25 35 40 60 80 Pounds per sq. in. sec- tional area. 56,000 78,400 89,600 134,000 179,200 224,000 268,800 MISCELLANEOUS TESTS OF MATERIALS. 359 MISCELLANEOUS TESTS OF MATERIALS. Reports of Work of the Watertown Testing-machine in 1883. TESTS OF RIVETED JOINTS, IRON AND STEEL PLATES. ''i w I\J ^2 . a "5 5 Is A fc . **3n 03 o> c3 111 | s is* s 1 tfj |I 5 il'P fca ^ ft j III 1 H 2 H^-2 HS 1 3/8 H/16 3/4 101/2 6 13/4 39,300 47,180 47.0 t 3/8 H/16 3/4 101/2 6 13/4 41,000 47,180 49.0 J 1/2 3/4 13/16 10 5 35,650 44,615 45.6 t 1/2 3/1 13/16 10 5 2 35,150 44,615 44.9 J 3/8 H/I6 3/ 4 10 5 2 46,360 47,180 59.9 3/8 H/16 3/4 10 5 2 46,875 47,180 60.5 3/4 ' 13/16 10 5 2 46,400 44,615 59.4 | 1/2 3/4 13/16 10 5 2 46,140 44,615 59.2 5/8 H/16 101/2 4 25/8 44,260 44,635 57.2 5/8 1 101/2 4 25/8 42,350 44,635 54.9 | 3/4 H/8 13/11! 11.9 4 2.9 42,310 46,590 52.1 3/4 H/8 13/16 11.9 4 2.9 41,920 46,590 51.7 3'8 3/4 13/16 101/2 6 13/4 61,270 53,330 59.5 $ 3/8 3/4 13/16 10l/ 2 6 13/4 60,830 53,330 59.1 I 1/2 15/16 1 10 5 2 47,530 57,215 40.2 J 1/2 15/16 1 10 5 2 49,840 57,215 42.3 1 3/8 H/16 3/4 10 5 2 62,770 53,330 71.7 | 3/8 H/16 3/4 10 5 2 61,210 53,330 69.8 | 15/16 1 10 5 2 68,920 57,215 57.1 | 1/2 15/16 1 10 5 2 66,710 57,215 55.0 5/8 1 H/16 91/2 4 23/8 62,180 52,445 63.4 | 5/8 1 11/16 91/2 4 23/g 62,590 52,445 63.8 3/4 H/8 13/16 10 4 21/2 54,650 51,545 54.0 3/4 H/8 13/16 10 4 21/2 54,200 51,545 53.4 * Iron. t Steel. Lap-joint. Butt-joint. The efficiency of the joints is found by dividing the maximum tensile stress on the gross sectional area of plate by the tensile strength of the material. COMPRESSION TESTS OF 3 X 3 INCH WROUGHT-IRON BARS. Length, inches. Teste Pin Er in. Di pressi Ibs. d with Two ds, Pins U/2 am. Corn- ve Strength, per sq. in. Tested with Two Flat Ends. Com- pressive Strength, Ibs. per sq. in. Tested with One Flat and One Pin End. Compressive Strength, Ibs. per sq. in. 30 ;... 28,260 ^ 3 1 ,990 26310 60 26640 90 24,030 ( 26,780 (25,120 120 25,380 20,660 | 25,580 1 23,010 1 25,190 ( 22,450 150 . 20,200 16,520 ( 22,450 1 21,870 180 . 1 7,840 13,010 15,700 360 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, Tested with Two Pin Ends. Length of Bars 120 inches. Diameter of Pins. 7/8 inch Comp. Str., per sq. in., Ibs. 16,250 1 1/8 inches . . .... 17 740 17/8 "... 21,400 21/4 " 22.210 COMPRESSION OF WROUGHT-IRON COLUMNS, BOX AND SOLID WEB. ALL TESTED WITH PIN ENDS. LATTICED Columns made of 1 H 1 Sectional Area, square inch. if il t>"o^ & Ultimate Strength, per square inch, pounds . 6-inch channel solid web 100 9831 432 30,220 6 " 15.0 20.0 9.977 9.762 592 755 21,050 16,220 8-inch channels, with 5/iQ-in. continuous plates 20.0 26.8 26.8 16.281 16.141 19.417 1,290 ,645 1 940 22,540 17,570 25,290 5 /16-inch continuous plates and angles.. Width of plates, 12 in., 1 in. and 7.35 in. 7/i6-inch continuous plates and angles.. 26.8 26.8 16.168 20.954 1,765 2,242 28,020 25,770 8-inch channels latticed ... . . . . 13 3 7.628 679 33,910 8 " " 20.0 7.621 924 34,120 8 " " 268 7 673 1 255 29,870 8-inch channels, latticed, swelled sides . . 8 . . 8 " " " " .. 10-inch channels, latticed, swelled sides. 10 " 13.4 20.0 26.8 16.8 25.0 7.624 7.517 7.702 1 1 .944 12.175 . 684 921 ,280 ,470 ,926 33,530 33,390 30,770 33,740 32,440 10 " " 16.7 12.366 ,549 31,130 ' * 10-inch channels, latticed one side; con- tinuous plate one side . 25.0 25.0 11.932 1 7.622 ,962 1,848 32,740 26,190 t 10-inch channels, latticed one side; con- tinuous plate one side 25 17.721 1,827 17,270 * Pins in center of gravity of channel bars and continuous plate, 1.63 inches from center line of channel bars. t Pins placed in center of gravity of channel bars. TENSILE TEST OF SIX STEEL EYE-BARS. COMPARED WITH SMALL TEST INGOTS. The steel was made by the Cambria Iron Company, and the eye-bar heads made by Keystone Bridge Company by upsetting and hammering. All the bars were made from one ingot. Two test pieces, 3/ 4 -inch round, rolled from a test-ingot, gave elastic limit 48,040 and 42,210 pounds; tensile strength, 73,150 and 69,470 pounds, and elongation in 8 inches, 22.4 and 25.6 per cent respectively. The ingot from which the eye-bars were made was 14 inches square, rolled to billet, 7X6 inches. The eye-bars were rolled to 61/2 X 1 inch. Chemical tests gave carbon 0.27 to 0.30; manganese, 0.64 to 0.73; phosphorus, 0.074 to 0.098. MISCELLANEOUS TESTS OF IRON AND STEEL. 361 Gauged Elastic Tensile Elongation Length, limit, Ibs. strength per per cent, in inches. per sq. in. sq. in., Ibs.. Gauged Length. 160 37,480 67,800 15.8 160 36,650 64,000 6.96 160 71,560 8.6 200 37,600 68,720 12.3 200 35,810 65,850 12.0 200 33,230 64,410 16.4 200 37,640 68,290 13.9 The average tensile strength of the 3/4-inch test pieces was 71,310 lbs. f that of the eye-bars 67,230 Ibs., a decrease of 5.7%. The average elastic limit of the test pieces was 45,150 Ibs., that of the eye-bars 36,402 Ibs., a decrease of 19.4%. The elastic limit of the test pieces was 63.3% of the ultimate strength, that of the eye-bars 54.2% of the ultimate strength. Tests of 11 full-sized eye bars, 15 X 1V4 to 21/iein., 20.5 to 21.4 ft. long between centers of pins, made by the Phoenix Iron Co., are reported in Eng. News, Feb. 2, 1905. The average T.S. of the bars was 58,300 Ibs. per sq. in.-, E.L., 32,800. The average T.S. of small specimens was 63,900, E.L., 37,000. The T.S. of the full-sized bars averaged 8.8% and the E.L. 12.1% lower than the small specimens. EFFECT OF COLD-DRAWING ON STEEL. Three pieces cut from the same bar of hot-rolled steel: 1. Original bar, 2.03 in. diam., gauged length 30 in., tensile strength 55,400 Ibs. per square in.; elongation 23.9%. 2. Diameter reduced in compression dies (one pass) .094 in.; T. S. 70,420- el. 2.7% in 20 in. 3. " " 0.222 in.; T.S. 81,890; el. 0.075% in 20 in. Compression test of cold-drawn bar (same as No. 3), length 4 in., diam. 1.808 in.: Compressive strength per sq. in., 75,000 Ibs.; amount of com- pression 0.057 in.; set 0.04 in. Diameter increased by compression to 1.821 in. in the middle; to 1.813 in. at the ends. MISCELLANEOUS TESTS OF IRON AND STEEL. Tests of Cold-rolled and Cold-drawn Steel, made by the Cambria Iron Co. in 1897, gave the following results (averages of 12 tests of each): E. L. T. S. El. in 8 in. Red. Before cold-rolling 35,390 59,980 28.3% 58.5% After cold-rolling 72,530 79,830 9.6% 34.9% After cold-drawing 76,350 83,860 8.9% 34.2% The original bars were 2 in. and 7/ 8 in. diameter. The test pieces cut from the bars were 3/ 4 in. diam., 18 in. long. The reduction in diameter from the hot-rolled to the cold-rolled or cold-drawn bar was Vie in. in each case. Cold Rolled Steel Shafting (Jones & Laughlins) in/iein. diam. Torsion tests of 12 samples gave apparent outside fiber stress, calculated from maximum twisting moment, 70,700 to 82,900 Ibs. per sq.in.; fiber stress at elastic limit, 32,500 to 38,800 Ibs. per sq. in.; shearing modulus of elasticity, 11,800,000 to 12,100,000; number of turns per foot before fracture, 1.60 to 2.06. Tech. Quar., vol. xii, Sept., 1899. Torsion Tests on Cold Rolled Shafting. (Tech. Quar. XIII, No. 3, 1900, p. 229.) 14 tests. Diameter about 1.69 in. Gauged length, 40 to 50 in. Outside fiber stress at elastic limit, 28,610 to 33,590 Ibs. per sq. in.; apparent outside fiber stress at maximum load, 67,980 to 77,290. Shearing modulus of elasticity, 11,400,000 to 12,030,000 Ibs. per sq. in. Turns per foot between jaws at fracture, 0.413 to 2.49. Torsion Tests on Refined Iron. 13/4 in. diam. 14 tests. Gauged length, 40 ins. Outside fiber stress at elastic limit, 12,790 to 19,140 Ibs. per sq. in.; apparent outside fiber stress at maximum load, 45,350 to 58,340. Shearing modulus of elasticity, 10,220,0001011,700,000. Turns per foot between jaws at fracture, 1.08 to 1.42. 362 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Tests of Steel Angles with Riveted End Connections. (F. P. McKibbin, Proc. A.S.T.M., 1907.) The angles broke through the rivet holes in all cases. The strength developed ranged from 62.5 to 79.1% of the ultimate strength of the gross area, or from 73.9 to 92% of the calculated strength of the net section at the rivet holes. SHEARING STRENGTH. H. V. Loss in American Engineer and Railroad Journal, March and April, 1893, describes an extensive series of experiments on the shearing of iron and steel bars in shearing machines. Some of his results are: Depth of penetration at point of maximum resistance for soft steel bars is independent of the width, but varies with the thickness. If d = depth of penetration and t = thickness, d_= 0.3t for a flat knife, d = 0.25* for a 4 bevel knife, and d = 0.16 v^a f or an 8 bevel knife. The ultimate pressure per inch of width in flat steel bars is approxi- mately 50,000 Ibs. X t. The energy consumed in foot-pounds per inch width of steel bars is, approximately: 1" thick, 1300 ft.-lbs.; 11/2", 2500; 13/4", 3700; 17/g", 4500; the energy increasing at a slower rate than the square of the thickness. Iron angles require more energy than steel angles of the same size; steel breaks while iron has to be cut off. For hot-rolled steel the resistance per square inch for rectangular sections varies from 4400 Ibs. to 20,500 Ibs., depending partly upon its hardness and partly upon the size of its cross-area, which latter element indirectly but greatly indicates the temperature, as the smaller dimensions require a considerably longer time to reduce them down to size, which time again means loss of heat. It is not probable that the resistance in practice can be brought very much below the lowest figures here given viz., 4400 Ibs. per square inch as a decrease of 1000 Ibs. will henceforth mean a considerable increase in cross-section and temperature. Relation of Shearing to Tensile Strength of Different Metals. E. G. Izod, in a paper presented to the British Institution of Mechanical Engrs. (Jan., 1906), describes a series of tests on bars and plates of different metals. The specimens were firmly clamped on two steel plates with opposed shearing edges 4 ins. apart, and a shearing block, which was a sliding fit between these edges-, was brought down upon the specimen, so as to cut it in double shear, by a testing machine. a b c a 6 c Cast iron. A Cast iron. B 9.7 13.4 152 Rolled phosphor- bronze 39.5 11.7 61 Cast iron. C Cast aluminum- bronze. . . . 11.3 33 1 12 5 122 60 Aluminum Aluminum alloy Wrough t-iron bar 6.4 12.7 26.0 25.5 9.6 22 5 70 59 75 Cast phosphor- bronze. 13 4 2 2 178 Mild-steel.0.14 car- bon 26 9 34 7 78 Cast phosphor- bronze 19 7 8 9^ Crucible steel, 0.12 C 0.48 C. 24.9 42 1 43.0 26 74 68 Gun metal 12.1 7.8 1(K 0.71 C.... 56.3 15.0 65 Yellow brass 7 5 6 5 1?6 0.77 C 61 3 11 6? Yellow brass 16.0 35.0 74 a. Tensile strength of the metal, gross tons per sq. in.; 6. elongation in 2 in.%; c. ratio shearing * tensile strength. The results seem to point to the fact that there is no common law connecting the ultimate shearing stress with the ultimate tensile stress, the ratio varying greatly with different materials. The test figures from crystalline materials, such as cast iron or those with very little or no elongation, seem to indicate that the ultimate shear stress exceeds the ultimate tensile stress by as much as 20 or 25%, while from' those with a fairly high measure of ductility, the ultimate shear stress may be anything from to 50% less than the ultimate tensile stress. For shearing strength of rivets, see pages 240, 430 and 435. STRENGTH OP IRON AND STEEL PIPE. 363 STRENGTH OF IRON AND STEEL PIPE. Tests of Strength and Threading of Wrought-Iron and Steel Pipe. T. N. Thomson, in Proc. Am. Soc. Heat and Vent. Engineers, vol. xii., p. 80, describes some experiments on welded wrought iron and steel pipes. Short rings of 6-in. pipe were pulled in the direction of a diameter so as to elongate the ring. Four wrought iron rings broke at 2400, 3000, 3100 and 4100 Ibs. and four steel rings at 5300 (defective weld) 18,000, 29,000 and 35,000 Ibs. Another series of 9 tests each were tested so as to show the tensile strength of the metal and of the weld. The average strength of the metal was, iron, 34,520, steel, 61,850 Ibs. The strength of the weld in iron ranged from 49 to 84, averaging 71 per cent of the strength of the metal, and in steel from 50 to 93, averaging 72%. A large number of iron and steel pipes of different sizes were tested by twisting, the force being applied at the end of a three-foot lever. The average pull on the steel pipes was: 1/2 in. pipe, 109 Ibs.; 1 in., 172 Ibs.; 11/2 in., 300 Ibs.; number of turns in 6 ft. length, respectively, 15, 8 and 51/2. Per cent failed in weld, 0, 13 and 13 respectively. For different lots of iron pipe the average pull was: 1/2 in., 68, 81 and 65 Ibs.; 1 in., 154, 136, 107 Ibs.; 1 1/ 2 in. 256, 250, 258 Ibs. The number of turns in 6 feet for the nine lots were respectively, 41/2, 53/ 4 , 21/2; 61/4, 31/2, 21/2; 41/2, 31/2, 21/4. ' The failures in the weld ranged from 33 to 100% in the different lots. The force required to thread li/4-in. pipe with two forms of die was tested by pulling on a lever 21 ins. long. The results were as follows: Old form of die, iron pipe. . 83 to 87 Ibs. pull, steel pipe 100 to 111 Ibs. Improved die, iron pipe 58 to 62 Ibs. pull, steel pipe, 60 to 65 Ibs. Mr. Thomson gives the following table showing approximately the steady pull in pounds required at the end of a 16-in. lever to thread twist and split iron and steel pipe of small sizes: To Thread with Oiled Dies. To Twist Lbs. To Split Lbs. Safety Margin Lbs. New Rake Dies. New Com- mon Dies. Old Com- mon Dies. 1/2 in. steel 34 27 44 44 69 62 56 33 60 51 111 106 60 49 91 73 124 116 122 102 150 140 286 273 152 110 240 176 420 327 74 46 112 81 259 173 1/2 in. iron 3/4 in. steel 3/4 in. iron 1 in. steel. ... 1 in. iron The margin of safety is computed by adding 30% to the pull required to thread with the old dies and subtracting the sum from the pull re- quired to split the pipe. If the mechanic pulls on the dies beyond the limit, due to imperfect dies, or to a hard spot in the pipe, he will split the pipe. Old Boiler Tubes used as Columns. (Tech. Quar. XIII, No. 3, 1900, p. 225.) Thirteen tests were made of old 4-in. tubes taken from worn-out boilers. The lengths were from 6 to 8 ft., ratio l/r 53 to 71, and thickness of metal 0.13 to 0.18 in. It is not stated whether the tubes were iron or steel. The maximum load ranged from 34,600 to 50,000 Ibs., and the maximum load per sq. in. from 17,100 to 27,500 Ibs. Six new tubes also were tested, with maximum loads 55,600 to 64,800 Ibs., and maximum loads per sq. in. 31,600 to 38,100 Ibs. The relati9n of the strength per sq. in. of the old tubes to the ratio l/r was very variable, being expressed approximately by the formula S = 41,000 300 l/r 5000. That of the new tubes is approximately 8 = 52,000 - 300 l/r i 2000. 364 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. HOLDING-POWER OF BOILER-TUBES EXPANDED INTO TUBE-SHEETS. Experiments by Chief Engineer W. H. Shock, U. S. N., on brass tubes, 21/2 inches diameter, expanded into plates s/ 4 inch thick, gave results ranging from 5850 to 46,000 Ibs. Out of 48 tests 5 gave figures under 10,000 Ibs., 12 between 10,000 and 20,000 Ibs., 18 between 20,000 and 30.000 Ibs., 10 between 30,000 and 40,000 Ibs., and 3 over 40,000 Ibs. Experiments by Yarrow & Co., on steel tubes, 2 to 21/4 inches diameter, gave results similarly varying, ranging from 7900 to 41,715 Ibs., the majority ranging from 20,000 to 30,000 Ibs. In 15 experiments on 4 and 5 inch tubes the strain ranged from 20,720 to 68,040 Ibs. Beading the tube does not necessarily give increased resistance, as some of the lower figures were obtained with beaded tubes. (See paper on Rules Governing the Construction of Steam Boilers, Trans. Engineering Con- gress, Section G, Chicago, 1893.) The Slipping Point of Rolled Boiler-Tube Joints. (O. P. Hood and G. L. Christensen, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1908). When a tube has started from its original seat, the fit may be no longer continuous at all points and a leak may result, although the ultimate holding power of the tube may not be impaired. A small movement 9f the tube under stress is then the preliminary to a possible leak, and it is of interest to know at what stress this slipping begins. As results of a series of experiments with tube sheets of from 1/2 in. to 1 in. in thickness and with straight and tapered tube seats, the authors found that the slipping point of a 3-in. 12-gage Shelby cold-drawn tube rolled into a straight, smooth machined hole in a 1-in. sheet occurs with a pull of about 7,000 Ibs. The frictional resistance of such tubes is about 750 Ibs. per sq. in. of tube-bearing area in sheets 5/3 in. and 1 in. thick. Various degrees of rolling do not greatly affect the point of initial slip, and for higher resistances to initial slip other resistance than friction must be depended upon. Cutting a 10-pitch square thread in the seat, about 0.01 in. deep will raise the slipping point to three or four times that in a smooth hole. In one test this thread was made 0.015 in. deep in a sheet 1 in. thick, giving an abutting area of about 1.4 sq. in., and a resistance to initial slip of 45,000 Ibs. The elastic limit of the tube was reached at about 34,000 Ibs. Where tubes give trouble from slipping and are required to carry an unusual load, the slipping point can be easily raised by serrating the tube seat by rolling with an ordinary flue expander, the rolls of which are grooved about 0.007 in. deep and 10 grooves to the inch. One tube thus serrated had its slipping point raised between three and four times its usual value. METHODS OF TESTING THE HARDNESS OF METALS. BrinelPs Method. J. A. Brinell, a Swedish engineer, ia 1900 pub- lished a method for determining the relative hardness of steel which has come into somewhat extensive use. A hardened steel ball, 10 mm. (0.3937 in.), is forced with a pressure of 3000 kg. (6614 Ibs.) into a flat surface on the sample to be tested, so as to make a slight spherical in- dentation, the diameter of which may be measured by a microscope or the depth by a micrometer. The hardness is defined as the quotient of the pressure by the area of the indentation. From the measurement the "hardness number" is calculated by one of the following formulae: H = K (r + Vr? -&)* 2 x rR\ or H = K + 2 n rd. K = load, = 3000 kg., r radius of ball, = 5 mm., R = radius and d = depth of indentation. The following table gives the hardness number corresponding to different values of Li and d. STRENGTH OP GLASS. 365 R H tR H R H a H d H d H no 945 2.40 156 3.80 54.6 .00 95.5 2.20 43.4 3.60 26.5 20 654 2.60 131 4.00 47.8 .10 86.8 2.40 39.8 3.80 25.1 40 477 2.80 4.20 41.7 .20 79.6 2.60 36.7 4.00 23.9 60 363 3.00 95.5 4.40 36.4 40 68 2 2.80 34.1 4.50 21.2 80 285 3.20 82.5 4.60 31.4 .60 59.7 3.00 31.8 5.00 19.1 2 00 229 3 40 71.6 4.80 26.5 .80 53 3.20 29.8 5.50 17.4 3.20 187 3.60 62.4 4.95 22.2 2.00 48.0 3.40 28.1 6.00 15.9 The hardness of steel, as determined by the Brinell method, has a uirect relation to the tensile strength, and is equal to the product of a coefficient, C, into the hardness number. Experiments made in Sweden with annealed steel showed that when the impression was made trans- versely to the rolling direction, with H below 175, C = 0.362; with H above 175, C = 0.344. When the impression was made in the rolling direction, with // below 175, C = 0.354; with H above 175, C = 0.324. The product, C X H, or the tensile strength, is expressed in kilograms per square millimeter. Electro-magnetic Method. Several instruments have been de- vised for testing the hardness of steel by electrical methods. According to Prof. D. E. Hughes (Cass. Mag., Sept., 1908), the magnetic capacity of iron and steel is directly proportional to the softness, and the resist- ance to a feeble external magnetic force is directly as the hardness. The electric conductivity of steel decreases with the increase of hardness. (See Electric Conductivity of Steel, p. 477.) The Scleroscope. This is the name of an instrument invented by A. F. Shore for determining the hardness of metals. It consists chiefly of a vertical glass tube in which slides freely a small cylinder of very hard steel, pointed on the lower end, called the hammer. This hammer is allowed to fall about 10 inches on to the sample to be tested, and the distance it rebounds is taken as a measure of the hardness of the sample. A scale on the tube is divided into 140 equal parts, and the hardness is expressed as the number on the scale to which the hammer rebounds. Measured in this way the hardness of different substances is as follows: Glass, 130; porcelain, 120; hardest steel, 110; tool steel, 1% C., may be as low as 31; mild steel, 0.5 C, 26 to 30; gray castings, 39; wrought iron, 18; babbitt metal, 4 to 10; soft brass, 12; zinc, 8; copper, 6; lead, 2. (Cass. Mag., Sept., 1908.) STRENGTH OF GLASS. (Fairbairn's "Useful Information for Engineers," Second Series.) Best Common Extra Flint Glass. Mean specific gravity 3.078 Mean tensile strength, Ibs. per sq. in., bars 2,413 do. thin plates 4,200 Mean crush'g strength, Ibs. p. sq. in., cyl'drs 27,582 do. cubes 13,130 Green White Crown Glass. 2.528 2,896 4,800 39,876 20,206 Glass. 2.450 2,546 6,000 31,003 21,867 The bars in tensile tests were about 1/2 inch diameter. The crushing tests were made on cylinders about 3/ 4 inch diameter and from 1 to 2 inches high, and on cubes approximately 1 inch on a side. The mean transverse strength of glass, as calculated by Fairbairn from a mean tensile strength of 2560 Ibs. and a mean compressive strength of 30,150 Ibs. per sq. in., is, for a bar supported at the ends and loaded in the middle, w = 3140 bd 2 /l, in which w = breaking weight in Ibs., b =- breadth, d = depth, and I = length, in inches. Actual tests will prob- ably show wide variations in both directions from the mean calculated itrength. 366 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. STRENGTH OF ICE. Experiments at the University of Illinois in 1895 (The Technograph, vol. ix) gave 620 IDS. per sq. in. as the average crushing strength of cubes i of manufactured ice tested at 23 F., and 906 IDS. for cubes tested at I 14 F. Natural ice, at 12 F., tested with the direction of pressure parallel I to the original water surface, gave a mean of 1070 Ibs., and tested with I the pressure perpendicular to this surface 1845 Ibs. The range of varia- 1 tion in strength of individual pieces is about 50% above and below the } mean figures, the lowest and highest figures being respectively 318 and 2818 Ibs. per sq. in. The tensile strength of 34 samples tested at 19 to 23 F. was from 102 to 256 Ibs. per sq. in. STRENGTH OF TIMBER. Strength of Long-leaf Pine (Yellow Pine, Pinus Palustris) from Alabama (Bulletin No. 8, Forestry Div., Dept. of Agriculture, 1893. Tests by Prof. J. B. Johnson). The following is a condensed table of the range of results of mechani- cal tests of over 2000 specimens, from 26 trees from four different sites in Alabama; reduced to 15 per cent moisture: Butt Logs. Middle Logs. Top Logs. Av'g of all Butt Logs. 0.767 12,614 9,460 1,926 2.98 7,452 1,598 17,359 866 Specific gravity 0.449 to 1 .039 4,762 to 16,200 4,930 to 13,110 1,119to 3,117 0.23 to 4.69 4,781 to 9,850 675 to 2,094 8,600 to 3 1,890 464 to 1,299 0.575 to 0.859 7, 640 to 17,128 5,540 to 11,790 1,136 to 2,982 1.34 to 4.21 5,030 to 9,300 656 to 1,445 6,330 to 29,500 539 to 1,230 0.484 to 0.907 4,268 to 15,554 2,553 to 11,950 842 to 2,697 0.09 to 4.65 4, 587 to 9,100 584 to 1,766 4, 170 to 23,280 484 to 1,156 Transverse strength, rrp- do. do. at elast. limit Mod. of elast., thous. Ibs. Relative elast. resilience, inch-pounds per cub. in. Crushing endwise, str. per sq. in .-Ibs Crushing across grain, strength per sq. in., Ibs. Tensile strength per sq. in Shearing strength (with grain), mean persq. in. Some of the deductions from the tests were as follows: 1. With the exception of tensile strength a reduction of moisture is accompanied by an increase in strength, stiffness, and toughness. 2. Variation in strength goes generally hand-in-hand with specific gravity. 3. In the first 20 or 30 feet in height the values remain constant; then occurs a decrease of strength which amounts at 70 feet to 20 to 40 per cent of that of the butt-log. 4. In shearing parallel with the grain and crushing across and par- allel with the grain, practically no difference was found. 5. Large beams appear 10 to 20 per cent weaker than small pieces. 6. Compression tests endwise seem to furnish the best average state- ment of the value of wood, and if one test only can be made, this is the safest, as was also recognized by Bauschinger. 7. Bled timber is in no respect inferior to unbled timber. 1 The figures for crushing across the grain represent the load required to cause a compression of 15 per cent. The relative elastic resilience, in inch-pounds per cubic inch of the material, is obtained by measuring the area of the plotted strain-diagram of the transverse test from the origin to the point in the curve at which the rate of deflection is 50 per cent greater than the rate in the earlier part of the test where the dia- gram is a straight line. This point is arbitrarily chosen since there is no definite "elastic limit" in timber as there is in iron. The "strength at the elastic limit" is the strength taken at this same point. Timber is not perfectly elastiq for any load if left. on any great. length of time, The long-leaf pine is found in all the Southern coast states from North STRENGTH OF TIMBER. 367 I Carolina to Texas. Prof. Johnson says it is probably the strongest timber I in large sizes to be had in the United States. In small selected speci- i mens, other species, as oak and hickory, may exceed it in strength and (toughness. The other Southern yellow pines, viz., the Cuban, short- f leaf and the loblolly pines are inferior to the long-leaf about in the ratios ( of their specific gravities; the long-leaf being the heaviest of all the r pines. It averages (kiln-dried) 48 pounds per cubic foot, the Cuban 47, [ the short-leaf 40, and the loblolly 34 pounds. Strength of Spruce Timber. The modulus of rupture of spruce f is given as follows by different authors: Hatfield, 9900 Ibs. per square i inch; Rankine, 11,100; Laslett, 9045; Trautwine, 8100; Rodman, 6168. I Trautwine advises for use to deduct one-third in the case of knotty and \ poor timber. Prof. Lanza, in 25 tests of large spruce beams, found a modulus of Lrupture from 2995 to 5666 Ibs.; the average being 4613 Ibs. These were average beams, ordered from dealers of good repute. Two beams ! of selected stock, seasoned four years, gave 7562 and 8748 Ibs. The modulus of elasticity ranged from 897,000 to 1,588,000, averaging 1 1,294,000. Time tests show much smaller values for both modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity. A beam tested to 5800 Ibs. in a screw machine was left over night, and the resistance was found next morning to have dropped to about 3000, and it broke at 3500. Prof. Lanza remarks that while it was necessary to use larger factprs ' of safety, when the moduli of rupture were determined from tests with smaller pieces, it will be sufficient for most timber constructions, except in factories, to use a factor of four. For breaking strains of beams, he states that it is better engineering to determine as the safe load of a timber beam the load that will not deflect it more than a certain fractior? of its span, say about Vsoo to 1/400 of its length. Expansion of Timber Due to the Absorption of Water. (De Volson Wood, A. S. M. E., vol. x.) Pieces 36 X 5 in., of pine, oak, and chestnut, were dried thoroughly^ *nd then immersed in water for 37 days. The mean per cent of elongation and lateral expansion were: Pine. Oak. Chestnut. Elongation, per cent 0.065 0.085 0.165 Lateral expansion, per cent 2.6 3.5 3.65 Expansion of Wood by Heat. Trautwine gives for the expansion, of white pine for 1 degree Fahr. 1 part in 440,530, or for 180 degrees 1 part in 2447, or about one-third of the expansion of iron. Shearing Strength of American Woods, adapted for Pins or Tree-nails. J. C. Trautwine (Jour. Franklin Inst.). (Shearing across the grain.) per sq. in. Ash 6280 Beech 5223 Birch 5595 Cedar (white) 1 372 "edar (white) 1519 Cedar (Central American). ... 3410 Cherry 2945 Chestnut 1536 Dogwood 6510 Ebony 7750 Gum 5890 Hemlock 2750 Locust .7176 per. sq. in. Hickory f 6045 Hickory 7285 Maple 6355 Oak 4425 Oak (live) 8480 Pine (white) 2480 Pine (Northern yellow) 4340 Pine (Southern yellow) 5735 Pine (very resinous yellow) . . . 5053 Poplar 4418 Spruce 3255 Walnut (black) 4728 Walnut (common) 2830 Transverse Tests of Pine and Spruce Beams. (Tech. Quar. XIII, No. 3, 1900, p. 226.) Tests of 37 hard pine beams, 4 to 10 ins. wide, 6 to 12 ins. deep, and 8 to 1C ft. length between supports, showed great varia- 368 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. tions in strength. The modulus of rupture of different beams was as follows: 1, 2970; 4, 4000 to 5000; 1, 5510; 1, 6220; 9, 7000 to 8000- 8 : 8000 to 9000; 4, 9000 to 10,000; 5, 10,000 to 11,000; 3, 11,000 to 12,000; 1, 13,600. Six tests of white pine beams gave moduli of rupture ranging from 1840 to 7810; and eighteen tests of spruce beams from 2750 to 7970 Ibs. per sq. in. .Drying of Wood. Circular 111, U. S. Forest Service, 1907. Sticks of Southern loblolly pine 11 to 13 inches diameter, 9 to 10 ft. long, were weighed every two weeks until seasoned, to find the weight of water evaporated. The loss, per cent of weight, was as follows: Weeks 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Loss per cent of green wood 16 21 26 31 32 34 35 35 Preservation of Timber. U. S. Forest Service, Circular 111, 1907, discusses preservative treatment of timber by different methods, namely, brush treatment with creosote and with carbolinium; open tank treat- ment with salt solution, zinc chloride solution; and cylinder treatment with zinc chloride solution and creosote. The increased life necessary to pay the cost of these several preserva- tive treatments is respectively: 6, 16, 7, 13, 41, 27, and 55%. The results of the experiments prove that it will pay mining companies to peel their timber, to season it for several months and to treat it with a good preservative. Loblolly and pitch pine have been most success- fully preserved by treatment with creosote in an open tank. Circular No. 151 of the Forest Service describes experiments on the best method of treating loblolly pine cross-arms of telegraph poles. The arms after being seasoned in air are placed in a closed air-tight cylinder, a vacuum is applied sufficient to draw the oil (creosote, dead oil of coal tar) from the storage tank into the treating cylinder. Sufficient pres- sure is then applied to force the oil into the heartwood portion of the timber, and continued until the desired amount of oil is absorbed, then a vacuum is maintained until the surplus oil is drawn from the sap wood. It is recommended that heartwood should finally contain about 6 Ibs. of oil per cubic foot, and sapwood about 10 Ibs. The preliminary bath of live steam, formerly used, has been found unnecessary. Much valu- able information concerning timber treatment and its benefits is con- tained in the several circulars on the subject issued by the Forest Service. STRENGTH OF COPPER AT HIGH TEMPERATURES. The British Admiralty conducted some experiments at Portsmouth Dockyard in 1877, on the effect of increase of temperature on the tensile strength of copper and various bronzes. The copper experimented upon was in rods 0.72 in. diameter. The following table shows some of the results: Temperature, Fahr. Tensile Strength in Ibs. per sq. in. Temperature, Fahr. Tensile Strength in Ibs. per sq. in. Atmospheric 100 200 23,115 23,366 22,110 300 400 500 21,607 21,105 19,597 Up to a temperature of 400 F. the loss of strength was only about 10 per cent, and at 500 F. the loss was 16 per cent. The temperature of steam at 200 Ibs. pressure is 382 F., so that according to these experi- ments the loss of strength at this point would not be a serious matter. Above a temperature of 500 the strength is seriously affected. COPPER CASTINGS OF HIGH CONDUCTIVITY. A method of making copper castings of high electric conductivity is described in The Foundry, Sept., 1910. The copper is melted under a coyer of charcoal and common salt. When thoroughly liquid, 2 oz. of stick magnesium is added per 100 Ib. of copper, being plunged below the surface of the copper and held there until reaction ceases. The metal should be stirred for five minutes with a plumbago stirrer, and reheated before pouring. The castings have a conductivity of about 85 % if high grade ingot copper is used. TESTS OF AMERICAN WOODS. 369 TESTS OF AMERICAN WOODS. (Watertown Arsenal Tests, 1883.) In all cases a large number of tests were made of each wood. Mini- mum and maximum results only are given. All of the test specimens had a sectional area of 1.575 X 1.575 inches. The transverse test speci- mens were 39.37 inches, between supports, and the compressive test specimens were 12.60 inches long. Modulus of rupture calculated from 3 PI formula R = ^-rj 2 P = l ac * * n P oun ds at the middle, I = length, in Inches, b = breadth, d = depth: Name of Wood. Transverse Tests. Modulus of Rupture. Compression Parallel to Grain, pounds per square inch. Min. Max. Min. Max. Cucumber tree (Magnolia acuminata) . Yellow poplar white wood (Lirioden- 7,440 6,560 6,720 9,680 8,610 12,200 8,310 7,470 10,190 9,830 10,290 5,950 5,180 10,220 8,250 6,720 4,700 8,400 14,870 11,560 7,010 9,760 7,900 5,950 13,850 11,710 8,390 6,310 5,640 9,530 5,610 3,780 9,220 9,900 7,590 8,220 10,080 12,050 11,756 11,530 20,130 13,450 21,730 16,800 11,130 14,560 14,300 18,500 15,800 10,150 13,952 15,070 11,360 11,740 16,320 20,710 19,430 18,360 18,370 18,420 12,870 18,840 17,610 13,430 9,530 15,100 10,030 11,530 10,980 21,060 11,650 14,680 17,920 16,770 4,560 4,150 3,810 7,460 6,010 8,330 5,830 5,630 6,250 6,240 6,650 4,520 4,050 6,980 4,960 4,960 5,480 6,940 7,650 7,460 5,810 4,960 4,540 3,680 5,770 5,770 3,790 2,660 4,400 5,060 3,750 2,580 4,010 4,150 4,500 4,880 6,810 7,410 5,790 6,480 9,940 7,500 11,940 9,120 7,620 9,400 7,480 8,080 8,830 5,970 8,790 8,040 7,340 6,810 8,850 10,280 8,470 9,070 8,970 8,550 6,650 7,840 8,590 6,510 5,810 7,040 7,140 5,600 4,680 10,600 5,300 7,420 9,800 10,700 White wood, Basswood (Tilia Ameri- Sugar-maple, Rock-maple (Acer sac- Red maple (Acer rubrum) Wild cherry (Prunus serotina) Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) . Dogwood (Cornus florida) . Sour gum, Pepperidge\(Nyssasyli;atica) Persimmon (Diospyros Virginiana) . . White ash (Fraxunis Americana) .... Sassafras (Sassafras officinale) Slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) \\hite elm (Ulmus Americana) Sycamore; Buttonwood (Platanus occidentalis) .... . Butternut; white walnut (Juglans Black walnut (Juglans nigrd) White oak (Quercus alba] Beech (Fagus ferruginea) Canoe-birch, paper-birch (Betula pa- Cottonwood (Populus monilifera) White cedar (Thuja occidentalis} Red cedar (Junipcrus Virginiana) . . . Cypress (Saxodium Distichum) White pine (Pinus strobus} Long-leaved pine, Southern pine White spruce (Picea alba} Hemlock ( Tsuga Canadensis) Red fir, yellow fir (Pseudotsuga Doug- Jasii) Tamarack (Larix Americana) 370 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. TENSILE STRENGTH OF ROLLED ZINC PLATES. Herbert F. Moore, in Univ. of III Bulletin, No. 9, 1911, gives a table from which the following averages are taken: Thickness, Tensile Strength, Elongation In. Lb. per Sq. In. in 8 In., %. with across with across rain. grain. grain. grain. 1340 23050 4.85 0.31 0.6 21490 23550 1G.63 3.33 0.25 23770 22260 11.90 0.27 0.10 23580 33620 20.4 14.3 0.018 24660 32380 THE STRENGTH OF BRICK, STONE, ETC. A great advance has recently (1895) been made in the manufacture of brick, in the direction of increasing their strength. Chas. P. Chase, in Engineering News, says: "Taking the tests as given in standard engi- neering books eight or ten years ago, we find in Trautwine the strength of brick given as 500 to 4200 Ibs. per sq. in. Now, taking recent tests in experiments made at Watertown Arsenal, the strength ran from 5000 to 22,000 Ibs. per sq. in. In the tests on Illinois paving-brick, by Prof. I. O. Baker, we find an average strength in hard paving brick of over 5000 Ibs. per square inch. The average crushing strength of ten varie- ties of paving-brick much used in the West, I find to be 7150 Ibs. to the square inch." A test of brick made by the dry-clay process at Watertown Arsenal, according to Paving, showed an average compressive strength of 3972 Ibs. per sq. in. In one instance it reached 4973 Ibs. per sq. in. A test was made at the same place on a "fancy pressed brick." The first crack developed at a pressure of 305,000 Ibs., and the brick crushed at 364,300 Ibs., or 11,130 Ibs. per sq. in. This indicates almost as great compressive strength as granite paving-blocks, which is from 12,000 to 20,000 Ibs. per sq. in. The three following notes on bricks are from Trautwine's Engineer's Pocket-book: Strength of Brick. 40 to 300 tons per sq. ft., 622 to 4668 Ibs. per sq. in. A soft brick will crush under 450 to 600 Ibs. per sq. in., or 30 to 40 tons per square foot, but a first-rate machine-pressed brick will stand 200 to 400 tons per sq. ft. (3112 to 6224 Ibs. per sq. in.). Weight of Bricks. Per cubic foot, best pressed brick, 150 Ibs.; good pressed brick, 131 Ibs.; common hard brick, 125 Ibs.; good common brick, 118 Ibs.; soft inferior brick, 100 Ibs. Absorption of Water. A brick will in a few minutes absorb 1/2 to 3/4 Ib. of water, the last being 1/7 of the weight of a hand-molded one, or Vs of its bulk. Strength of Common Red Brick. Tests of 67 samples of Hudson River machine-molded brick were made by I. H. Woolson, Eng. News, April 13, 1905. The crushing strength, in Ibs. per sq. in., of 15 pale brick ranged from 1607 to 4546, average 3010; 44 medium, 2080 to 8944, av. 4080; 8 hard brick, 2396 to 6420, av. 4960. Five Philadelphia pressed brick gave from 3524 to 9425, av. 6361. The absorption ranged from 8.7 to 21.4% by weight. The relation of absorption to strength varied greatly, but on the average there was an increase of absorption up to 3000 Ibs. per sq. in. crushing strength, and beyond that a decrease. The Strongest Brick ever tested at the Watertown Arsenal was a paving brick from St. Louis, Mo., which showed a compressive strength of 38,446 Ibs. per sq. in. The absorption was 0.21% by weight and 0.5% by volume. The sample was set on end, and measured 2.45 X 3.06 ins. in cross section. Eng. News, Mar. 14, 1907. Tests of Bricks, full size, on flat side. (Tests made at Watertown, Arsenal in 1883.) The bricks were tested between flat steel buttresses. Compressed surfaces (the largest surface) ground approximately flat. The bricks were all about 2 to 2.1 inches thick, 7.5 to 8.1 inches long, and 3.5 to 3.76 inches wide. Crushing strength per square inch: One lot ranged from 11.056 to 16,734 Ips,; a second, 12,995 to 22,351; a STRENGTH OF BRICK, STONE, ETC. 371 third, 10,390 to 12,709. Other tests gave results from 5960 to 10,250 Ibs. per sq. in. Tests of Brick. (Tech. Quar., 1900.) Different brands of brick tested on the broad surfaces, and on edge.^gave results as follows, Ibs. per sq. in. (Tech. Quar. XII, No. 3, 1899.) 38 tests. ' - No. Test. Aver- age. Maxi- mum. Mini- mum. Per cent Water Absorbed. On broad surface Bay State, light hard Same, tested on edge . . On broad surface Dover River, soft burned 71 67 38 7039 6241 5350 11,240 10,840 8630 3587 3325 3930 15. 15 to 19.3 av. 7.5 13. 67 to 18.2 " 7.4 14.0 to 18.6 " 11.6 Dover River, hard burned 36 8070 10,940 5850 4.7 to 10.1 " 7.0 Central N. Y., soft burned 36 2190 3060 1370 17.8 to 22.0 " 19.9 Central N. Y., me- dium burned Central N. Y., hard burned 36 36 3600 5360 4950 8810 2080 3310 16.6 to 23. 4 " 18.6 8.3 to 16.7 " 12.5 Another lot,* hard burned 16 7940 9770 6570 7.6 to 12.9 " 10.6 Same,* tested on edge 16 6430 10,230 3830 6.2 to 18.7 " 11.4 * Brand not named. The per cent water absorbed in general seemed to have a relation to the strength, the greatest absorption corresponding to the lowest strength, and vice versa, but there were many exceptions to the rule. Crushing Strength of Masonry Materials. (From Howe's "Re- taining- Walls.") tons per sq. ft. tons per sq. ft. Brick, best pressed . 40 to 300 Limestones and marbles 250 to 1000 Chal'c 20 to 30 Sandstone 150 to 550 Gran te 300 to 1200 Soapstone 400 to 800 Strength of Granite. The crushing strength of granite is commonly rated at 12,000 to 15,000 Ibs. per sq. in. when tested in two-inch cubes, and only the hardest and toughest of the commonly used varieties reach a strength above 20,000 Ibs. Samples of granite from a quarry on the Connecticut River, tested at the Watertown Arsenal, have shown a strength of 35,965 Ibs. per sq. in. (Engineering News, Jan. 12, 1893). Ordinary granite ranges from 20,000 to 30,000 Ibs. compressive strength per sq. in. A granite from Asheville, N.C., tested at the Watertown Arsenal, gave 51,900 Ibs. Eng. News, Mar. 14, 1907. Strength of Avondale, Pa., Limestone. (Engineering News, Feb. 9, 1893.) Crushing strength of 2-in. cubes: light stone 12,112, gray stone 18,040, Ibs. per sq. in. Transverse test of lintels, tool-dressed, 42 in. between knife-edge bear- ings, load with knife-edge brought upon the middle between bearings: Gray stone, section 6 in. wide X 10 in. high, broke under a load of 20,950 Ibs. Modulus of rupture 2,200 " Light stone, section 81/4 in. wide X10 in. high, broke under. . . 14,720 " Modulus of rupture 1,170 " Absorption. Gray stone 0.051 of 1 % Light stone 0.052 of 1% Tests of Sand-lime Brick. (I. H. Woolson, Eng. News, June 14, 1906). Eight varieties of brick in lots of 300 to 800 were received from different manufacturers. They were testeq* for transverse strength, on supports 7 in. apart, loaded in the middle: and half bricks were tested by 372 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. compression, sheets of heavy fibrous paper being inserted between the specimen and the plates of the testing machine to insure an even bearing. Tests were made on the brick as received, and on other samples after drying at about 150 F. to constant weight, requiring from four to six days. The moisture in two bricks of each series was determined, and found to range from 1 to 10%, average 5.9%. The figures of results given below are the averages of 10 tests in each case. Other bricks of each lot were tested for absorption by being immersed 1/2 in. in water for 48 hours, for resistance to 20 repeated freezings and thawings, and for resistance to fire by heating them in a fire testing room, the bricks being built in as 8-in. walls, to 1700 F. and maintaining that temperature three hours, then cooling them with a 1 Vs-in. stream of cold water from a hydrant. Transverse and compressive tests were made after these treatments. The results given below are averages of five tests, except in the case of the bricks tested after firing, in which two samples are averaged. EFFECT OF THE FIRE TEST. Several large cracks developed in both the sand-lime and the clay brick walls during the test. These were no worse in one wall than in the other. With the exception of surface deterioration the walls were solid and in good condition. After they were cooled the inside course of each wall was cut through and specimens of each series secured for examination and test. It was difficult to secure whole bricks, owing to the extreme brittleness. In general the bricks were affected by fire about half way through. They were all brittle and many of them tender when removed from the wall. With the sand-lime brick, if a brick broke the remainder had t9 be chiseled out like concrete, whereas a clay brick under like conditions would chip out easily. The clay brick were so brittle and full of cracks that the wall could be broken down without trouble. The sand-lime bricks adhered to the mortar better, were cracked less, and were not so brittle. Designation of Brick. A B C D E F G Modulus of ) Rupture ) As received 272 424 377 262 190 301 365 Dried 320 505 406 334 197 570 494 11 Increase, % 15.0 16.0 7.1 21.5 3.5 47.2 26.2 Wet 248 349 345 241 243 250 485 41 After fire 17 57 20 32 24 27 37 Compressive ) As received 1875 2300 2871 1923 1610 2460 2669 Strength, Dried 2604 2772 3240 2476 1870 3273 3190 Ibs. per sq. in. ) Increase, % Wet 30.2 1611 17.1 2174 20.7 2097 22.3 1923 13.5 1108 24.8 2063 16.3 2183 14 After freez- ing 1596 1619 2265 1174 1167 1851 1739 14 After fire 1807 2814 2573 2069 1089 2051 4885 % of lime in brick 6 10 5 41/9 41/9 5 8 Pressure for hare Hours in hardeni ening, Ibs.. . . ng, Ibs 120 10 135 8 150 7 125 10 10 150 7 125 10 STRENGTH OF LIME AND CEMENT MORTAR. (Engineering. October 2, 1891.) Tests made at the University of Illinois on the effects of adding cement to lime mortar. In all the tests a good quality of ordinary fat lime was used, slaked for two days in an earthenware jar, adding two parts by weight of water to one of lime, the loss by evaporation being made up by fresh additions of water. The cements used were a German Port- land, Black Diamond (Louisville), and Rosendale. As regards fineness of grinding, 85 per cent of the Portland passed through a No. 100 sieve, as did 72 per cent of the Rosendale. A fairly sharp sand, thoroughly washed and dried, passing through a No. 18 sieve and caught on a No. 30. CEMENT AND FLAGGING. 373 was used. The mortar in all cases consisted of two volumes of sand to one of lime paste. The following results were obtained on adding various percentages of cement to the mortar: Tensile Strength, pounds per square inch. Age . { 4 7 14 21 28 50 84 Days. Days. Days. Days. Days. Days. Days. Lime mortar. . 4 8 10 13 18 21 26 20 per cent Rosendale 5 81/2 9l/ 2 12 17 17 18 20 Portland . 5 81/2 14 20 25 24 26 30 Rosendale 7 11 13 181/2 21 221/2 23 30 Portland . 8 16 18 22 25 28 27 40 Rosendale 10 12 161/2 2H/-> 221/2 24 36 40 Portland . 27 39 38 43 47 59 57 60 Rosendale 9 13 20 16 22 221/2 23 60 Portland . 45 58 55 68 67 102 78 80 Rosendale 12 181/2 22l/ 2 27 29 3U/2 33 80 Portland . 87 91 103 124 94 210 145 1 00 Rosendale 18 23 26 31 34 46 48 1 00 Portland . 90 120 146 152 181 205 202 Tests of Portland Cement. (Tech. Quar. XIII. No. 3, 1900, p. 236.) IDay. 2 Days. 14 Days 1 Mo. 2Mos. 6Mos. 1 Year. Neat cement: Tension, Ibs. per sq. in... 268-312 454-532 780-820 915-920 950-1100 1036- 11 90 996-1248 Compression, Ibs. per sq. in ( 8650 to ( 10,250 13,080 to 14,860 23,640 to 34,820 34,000 to 38,500 36,150 to 50,000 3 sand, 1 cem. Tens 56-75 79-92 185-211 211-230 217-240 300-382 280-383 3 sand, 1 cem. Comp ( 1200 to ( 1585 1750 to 1885 3780 to 4420 7850 to 8250 8000 to 10,000 TEANSVERSE STRENGTH OF FLAGGING. (N. J. Steel & Iron Co.'s Book.) EXPERIMENTS MADE BY R. G. HATFIELD AND OTHERS. dis- 6 = width of the stone in inches; d = its thickness in inches; I tance between bearings in inches. The breaking loads in tons of 2000 Ibs., for a weight placed at the center of the space; will be as follows: I I Bluestone flagging 0.744 Dorchester freestone 0.264 Quincy granite 0.624 Aubigny freestone 0.216 Little Falls freestone 0.576 Caen freestone 0.144 Belleville, N. J., freestone. . 0.480 Glass 1.000 Granite (another quarry). . . 0.432 Slate 1.2 to 2.7 Connecticut freestone 0.312 Thus a block of Quincy granite 80 inches wide and 6 inches thick, resting on beams 36 inches in the clear, would be broken by a load resting midway between the beams = 80 * 36 X 0.624 = 49.92 tons. oo 374 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, MODULI OF ELASTICITY OF VARIOUS MATERIALS. The modulus of elasticity determined from a tensile test of a bar of any material is the quotient obtained by dividing the tensile stress in pounds per square inch at any point of the test by the elongation per inch of length produced by that stress; or if P = pounds of stress applied, K = the sectional area, I = length of the P9rtion of the bar in which the measurement is made, and A = the elongation in that length, the modu- p \ nj lus of elasticity E = j? * - = ~. The modulus is generally measured within the elastic limit only, in materials that have a well-defined elastic limit, such as iron and steel, and when not otherwise stated the modulus Is understood to be the modulus within the elastic limit. Within this limit, for such materials the modulus is practically constant for any given bar, the elongation being directly proportional to the stress. In other materials, such as cast iron, which have no well-defined elastic limit, the elongations from the beginning of a test increase in a greater ratio than the stresses, and the modulus is therefore at its maximum neaf the beginning of the test, and continually decreases. The moduli of elasticity of various materials have already been given above in treating of these materials, but the following table gives some additional values selected from different sources: Brass, cast 9,170,000 Brass wire 14,230,000 Copper 15,000,000 to 18,000,000 Lead 1,000,000 Tin, cast 4,600,000 Iron, cast 12,000,000 to 27,000,000 (?) Iron, wrought 22,000,000 to 29,000,000 (?) Steel . ... 28,000,000 to 32,000,000 (see below) Marble . . ... 25,000,000 Slate 14,500,000 Glass 8,000,000 Ash. . 1,600,000 Beech 1,300,000 Birch.. 1,250,000 to 1,500,000 Fir. . 869,000 to 2,191,000 Oak. . 974,000 to 2,283,000 Teak 2,414,000 Walnut 306,000 Pine, long-leaf (butt-logs) . 1,119,000 to 3,117,000 Avge. 1,926,000 The maximum figures given by some early writers for iron and steel, viz., 40,000,000 and 42,000,000, are und9ubtedly erroneous. The modulus of elasticity of steel (within the elastic limit) is remarkably constant, 4 notwithstanding great variations in chemical analysis, temper, etc. It rarely is found below 29,000,000 or above 31,000,000. It is generally taken at 30,000,000 in engineering calculations. Prof. J. B. Johns9n, in his report on Long-leaf Pine, 1893, says: "The modulus of elasticity is the most constant and reliable property of all engineering materials. The wide range of value of the modulus of elasticity of the various metals found in public records must be explained by erroneous methods of In a' tensile test of cast iron by the author (Van Nostrand's Science Series, No. 41, page 45), in which the ultimate strength was 23,285 Ibs. per sq. in., the measurements of elongation were made to 0.0001 inch, and the modulus of elasticity was found to decrease from the beginning of the test, as follows: At 1000 Ibs. per sq. in., 25,000,000; at 2000 Ibs., 16,666,000; at 4000 Ibs., 15,384,000; at 6000 Ibs., 13,636,000; at 8000 Ibs., 12,500,000; at 12,000 Ibs., 11,250,000; at 15,000 Ibs., 10,000,000; at 20,000 Ibs., 8,000 000; at 23,000 Ibs., 6,140,000. FACTORS OF SAFETY. A factor of safety is the ratio in which the load that is just sufficient to overcome instantly the strength of a piece of material is greater than the greatest safe ordinary working load. (Rankine.) Rankine gives the following "examples of the values of those factors which occur in machines": FACTOR OF SAFETY 375 Dead Load. Live Load, Live Load, Greatest. Mean. Iron and steel 3 6 from 6 to 40 Timber 4 to 5 8 to 10 Masonry 4 8 The great factor of safety, 40, is for shafts in millwork which transmit very variable efforts. TJnwin gives the following " factors of safety which have been adopted In certain cases for different materials." They "include an^allowance for ordinary contingencies." , A Varying Load Producing % Stress of Equal Alternate In Structures Actual One Kind Stresses of subj. to vary- Material. Load only. different kinds, ing Loads and Shocks Cast iron 4 6 10 15 Wrought iron and steel 3 5 8 12 Timber 7 10 15 20 Brickwork and Masonry 20 30 In cast iron the factors are high to allow for unknown internal stresses. Prof. Wood in his "Resistance of Materials" says: "In regard to the margin that should be left for safety, much depends upon the character of the loading. If the load is simply a dead weight, the margin may be comparatively small; but if the structure is to be subjected to percus- sive forces or shocks, the margin should be comparatively large on account of the indeterminate effect produced by the force. In machines which are subjected to a constant jar while in use, it is very difficult to deter- mine the proper margin which is consistent with economy and safety. Indeed, in such cases, economy as well as safety generally consists in making them excessively strong, as a single breakage may cost much more than the extra material necessary to fully insure safety." For discussion of the resistance of materials to repeated stresses and shocks, see pages 275 to 285. Instead of using factors of safety, it is becoming customary in designing to fix a certain number 'of pounds per square inch as the maximum stress which will be allowed on a piece. Thus, in designing a boiler, instead of naming a factor of safety of 6 for the plates and 10 for .the stay-bolts, the ultimate tensile strength 9f the steel being from 50,000 t9 60,000 Ibs. per sq. in., an allowable working stress of 10,000 Ibs. per sq. in. on the plates and 6000 Ibs. per sq. in. on the stay-bolts may be specified instead. So also in the use of formulae for columns (see page 285) the dimensions of a column are calculated after assuming a maximum allowable compressive stress per square inch on the concave side of the column. The factors for masonry under dead load as given by Rankine and by Unwin, viz., 4 and 20, show a remarkable difference, which may possibly be explained as follows: If the actual crushing strength of a pier of masonry is known from direct experiment, then a factor of safety of 4 is sufficient for a pier of the same size and quality under a steady load; but if the crushing strength is merely assumed from figures given by the authorities (such as the crushing strength of pressed brick, quoted above from Howe's Retaining Walls, 40 to 300 tons per square foot, average 170 tons), then a factor of safety of 20 may be none too great. In this case the factor of safety is really a "factor of ignorance." The selection of the proper factor of safety or the proper maximum unit stress for any given case is a matter to be largely determined by the judgment of the engineer and by experience. No definite rules can be given. The customary or advisable factors in many particular cases will be found where these cases are considered throughout this book. In general the following circumstances are to be taken into account m the selection of a factor: 1. When the ultimate strength of the material is known within narrow limits, as in the case of structural steel when tests of samples have been made, when the load is entirely a steady one of a known amount, and there is no reason to fear the deterioration of the metal by corrosion, the lowest factor that should be adopted is 3. 2. When the circumstances of 1 are modified by a portion of the load being variable, as in floors of warehouses, the factor should be not less than 4. 376 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 3. When the whole load, or nearly the whole, is apt to be alternately put on and taken off, as in suspension rods of floors of bridges, the factor should be 5 or 6. 4. When the stresses are reversed in direction from tension to com- pression, as in some bridge diagonals and parts of machines, the factor should be not less than 6. 5. When the piece is subjected to repeated shocks, the factor-should be not less than 10. 6. When the piece is subject to deterioration from corrosion the section should be sufficiently increased to allow for a definite amount of corrosion before the piece be so far weakened by it as to require removal. 7. When the strength of the material, or the amount of the load, or both are uncertain, the factor should be increased by an allowance suffi- cient to cover the amount of the uncertainty. 8. When the strains are of a complex character and of uncertain amount, such as those in the crank-shaft of a reversing engine, a very high factor is necessary, possibly even as high as 40, the figure given by Rankine for shafts in millwork. Formulas for Factor of Safety. (F. E. Cardullo, Mach'y, Jan,. 1906.) The apparent factor of safety is the product of four factors, or, F = aXbXcXd. a is the ratio of the ultimate strength of the material to its elastic limit, not the yield point, but the true elastic limit within which the material is, in so far as we can discover, perfectly elastic, and takes no permanent set. Two reasons for keeping the working stress within this limit are: (1) that the material will rupture if strained repeatedly beyond this limit; and (2) that the form and dimensions of the piece would be destroyed under the same circumstances. The second factor, 6, is one depending upon the character of the stress produced within the material. The experiments of Wohler proved that the repeated application of a stress less than the ultimate strength of a material would rupture it. Prof. J. B. Johnson's formula for the relation between the ultimate strength and the "carrying strength" under con- ditions of variable loads is as follows: / = U - (2 - Pl /p), where / is the "carrying strength" when the load varies repeatedly between a maximnm value, p, and a minimum value, pi, and U is the ultimate strength of the material. The quantities p and p\ have plus signs when they represent loads producing tension, and minus signs when they represent loads producing compression. If the load is variable the factor b must then have a value, 6 = U/f = 2 - p t /p. Taking a load varying between zero and a maximum, Pi/p = 0, and 6 = 2- pi/p = 2. Taking a load that produces alternately a tension and a compression equal in amount, p' = - p and pi/p = - 1, and 6 = 2- pi/p = 2 - (- 1) = 3. The third factor, c, depends upon the manner in which the load is applied to the piece. When the load is suddenly applied c = 2. When not all of the load is applied suddenly, the factor 2 is reduced accordingly. . a certain fraction of the load, n/m, is suddenly applied, the factor is 1 + n/m. The last factor, d, we may call the "factor of ignorance." All the other factors have provided against known contingencies; this provides against the unknown. It commonly varies in value between 1 1/2 and 3, although occasionally it becomes as great as 10. It provides against excessive or accidental overload, unexpectedly severe service, unreliable or imperfect materials, and all unforeseen contingencies of manufacture or operation. When we know that the load will not be likely to be Increased, that the material is reliable, that failure will not result dis- astrously or even that the piece for some reason must be small or light, this factor will be reduced to its lowest limit, 1 1/2. When life or property would be endangered by thefailureof the piece, this factor must be made THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CORK. 377 larger. Thus, while it is 1 1/2 to 2 in most ordinary steel constructions, it is rarely less than 21/2 for steel in a boiler. The reliability of the material in a great measure determines the value of this factor. For instance, in all cases where it would be 1 1/2 for mild steel, it is made 2 for cast iron. It will be larger for those materials subject to internal strains, for instance for complicated castings, heavy forgings, hardened steel, and the like, also lor materials subject to hidden defects, such as internal flaws in lorgings, spongy places in castings, etc. It will be smaller for ductile and larger lor brittle materials. It will be smaller as we are sure that the piece has received uniform treatment, and as the tests we have give more uniform results and more accurate indi- cations of the real strength and quality of the piece itself. In fixing the factor d, the designer must depend on his judgment, guided by the general rules laid down. Table of Factors of Safety. The following table may assist in a proper choice of the factor of safety It shows the value of the four factors for various materials and conditions of service. CLASS OF SERVICE OR MATERIALS. ' Bpilers Piston and connecting rods for double- acting engines 1 1/2-2 Piston and connecting rod for single-acting engines 1 1/2-2 Shaft carrying bandwheel, fly-wheel, or armature I 1/2-2 Lathe spindles , Mill shafting Steel work in buildings , Steel work in bridges Steel work for small work Cast iron wheel rims Steel wheel" rims MATERIALS. Cast iron and other castings Wrought iron or mild steel Oil tempered or nickel steel Hardened steel Bronze and brass, rolled or forged . i bed P 2 1 1 21/4-3 41/2- 6 r2 3 2 11/2 131/2-18 r2 2 2 11/2 9 -12 -2 3 1 11/2 63/ 4 - 9 2 2 2 11/2 12 2322 24 2 2 4 2 21/2 5 2 ; * H/2 6 2 10 20 2 4 8 M nin lum Values. 2 2 4 2 H/2 3 H/2 H/2 21/4 H/2 2 3 2 1V2 3 THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CORK. Cork possesses qualities which distinguish it from all other solid or liquid bodies, namely, its power of altering its volume in a very marked degree in consequence of change of pressure. It consists, practically, of an aggregation of minute air-vessels, having thin, water-tight, and very strong walls, and hence, if compressed, the resistance to compression rises in a manner more like the resistance of gases than the resistance of an elastic solid such as a spring. In a spring the pressure increases in proportion to the distance to which the spring is compressed, but with gases the pressure increases in a much more rapid manner; that is, in- versely as the volume which the gas is made to occupy. But from the permeability of cork to air, it is evident that, if subjected to pressure in one direction only, it will gradually part with its occluded air by effusion, that is, by its passage through the porous walls of the cells in which it is contained. The gaseous part of cork constitutes 53 %_ of its bulk. Its elasticity has not only a very considerable range, but it is very persistent. Thus in the better kind of corks used in bottling the corks expand the instant they escape from the bottles. This expansion may amount to an increase of volume of 75%, even after the corks have been kept in a state of compression in the bottles for ten years. If the cork be steeped in hot water, the volume continues to increase till it attains nearly three times that which it occupied in the neck of the bottle. When cork is subjected to pressure a certain amount of permanent 378 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. deformation or "permanent set" takes place very quickly. This prop* erty is common to all solid elastic substances when strained beyond theii elastic limits, but with cork the limits are comparatively low. Besides the permanent set, there is a certain amount of sluggish elasticity that is, cork on being released from pressure springs back a certain amount at once, but the complete recovery takes an appreciable time. Cork which had been compressed and released in water many thousand times had not changed its molecular structure in the least, and had con- tinued perfectly serviceable. Cork which has been kept under a pressure of three atmospheres for many weeks appears to have shrunk to from 80% to 85% of its original volume. Van Nostrand's Eng'g Mag., 1886. xxxv. 307. VULCANIZED INDIA-RUBBER. The specific gravity of a rubber compound, or the number of cubic inches to the pound, is generally taken oy buyers as a correct index of the value, though in reality such is often very far from being the case. In the rubber works the qualities of the rubber made vary from floating, the best quality, to densities corresponding to 11 or 12 cu. in. to the pound, the latter densities being in demand by consumers with whom price appears to be the main consideration. Such densities as these can only be obtained by utilizing to the utmost the quality that rubber exhibits of taking up a large bulk of added matters. Eng'g, 1897. Lieutenant X? Vladomiroff, a Russian naval officer, has recently carried out a series of tests at the St. Petersburg Technical Institute with view to establishing rules for estimating the quality of vulcanized india- rubber. The followng, in brief, are the conclusions arrived at, recourse being had to physical properties, since chemical analysis did not give any reliable result: 1. India-rubber should not give the least sign of superficial cracking when bent to an angle of 180 degrees after five hours of exposure in a closed air-bath to a temperature of 125 C. The test-pieces should be 2.4 inches thick. 2. Rubber that does not contain more than half its weight of metallic oxides should stretch to five times its length without breaking. 3. Rubber free from all foreign matter, except the sulphur used in vulcanizing it, should stretch to at least seven times its length without rupture. 4. The extension measured immedi- ately after rupture should not exceed 12% of the original length, with given dimensions. 5. Suppleness may be determined by measuring the percentage of ash formed in incineration. This may form the basis for deciding between different grades of rubber for certain purposes. 6. Vul- canized rubber should not harden under cold. These rules have been adopted for the Russian navy. Iron Age, June 15, 1893. Singular Action of India Rubber under Tension. R. H. Thurston, Am. Mack., Mar. 17, 1898, gives a diagram showing the stretch at dif- ferent loads of a piece of partially vulcanized rubber. The results trans- lated into figures are: Load, Ibs 30 50 80 1 20 150 200 320 430 Stretch per in. of lengthen 0.5 1. 2.2 4 56 7 7.5 Stretch per 10 Ibs. in- crease of load 0.17 0.25 0.4 0.45 0.33 0.20 0.08 0.04 Up to about 30% of the breaking load the rubber behaves like a soft metal in showing an increasing rate of stretch with increase of load, then the rate of stretch becomes constant for a while and later decreases steadily until before rupture it is less than one-tenth of the maximum. Even when stretched almost to rupture it restores itself very nearly to its original dimensions on removing the load, and gradually recovers a part of the loss of form at that instant observable. So far as known, no other substance shows this curious relation of stretch to load. Rubber Goods Analysis. Randolph Boiling. (Iron Age, Jan. 28, 1909.) The loading of rubber goods used in manufacturing establishments with zinc oxide, lead sulphate, calcium sulphate, etc., and the employ- ment of the so-called " rubber substitutes " mixed with good rubber call for close inspection of the works chemist in order to determine the value of the samples and materials received. The following method of analysis is recommended: Thin strips of the rubber must be cut into small bits about the size of PROPERTIES OF NICKEL. 379 No. 7 shot.^ A half gram is heated in a 200 c.c. flask with red fuming nitric acid on the hot plate until all organic matter has been decomposed, and the total sulphur is determined by precipitation as barium sulphate. The difference between the total and combined sulphur gives the per cent that has been used for vulcanization. Free sulphur indicates either that improper methods were used in vulcanizing or that an excessive per cent of substitutes was employed. Following is a scheme for the analysis of india-rubber articles: 1. Extraction with acetone: A. Solution: Resinous constituents of india-rubber, fatty oils, mineral oils, resin oils, solid hydrocarbons, resins, free sulphur. B. Residue. 2. Extraction with pyridine: C. Extract: Tar, pitch, bituminous bodies, sulphur in above. D. Residue. 3. Extraction with alcoholic potash: E. Extract: Chlorosulphide substitutes, sulphide substitutes, oxidized (blown) oils, sulphur in substitutes, chlorine in substitutes. F. Residue. 4. Extraction with nitre-naphthalene: G. Extract: India-rubber, sul- phur in india-rubber, chlorine in india-rubber, the total of the above three estimated by loss. H. Residue. 5. Extraction with boiling water: I. Extract: Starch (farina), dextrine. K. Residue: Mineral matter, free carbon, fibrous materials, sulphur in inorganic compounds. 6. Separate estimations: Total sulphur, chlorine in rubber. SPECIFICATIONS FOR AIR HOSE. The Bureau of Construction and Repair of the U. S. Navy, in 1910, adopted the following specifications for air hose: 1. The hose to be made up of an inner rubber tube, three or more canvas or braided layers, and an outer rubber cover; to be of the in- ternal diameter required. 2. The tube and cover shall be free from pitting or other irregularities; the tube shall not be less than I/IQ in., and the cover not less than 1/32 in. in thickness. The hose to be of the best quality rubber, duck and friction, and to be capable of stand- ing a hydrostatic pressure of 600 Ib. 3. Samples will be submitted to the mechanical kinking test. The samples should stand the test for the following length of time without leakage at 90 Ib. air pressure 3/g in 45 hours. 7/i6 in 40 hours. 5/8 in 30 hours. 3/4 in 25 hours. 1 1/4 in 3 hours. The kinking test is conducted as follows: The test piece, 20 in. in length, is fastened to couplings made up on 45 elbows, the stationary end turned up and the moving end turned down. The ends of the couplings when level are 7 in. apart. The moving end travels vertically through a distance of 14 in., and the speed is such that the hose is kinked about 80 times a minute, the kinking occurring in two places about 4 in. from each end. During this test an air pressure of about 90 Ib. per sq. in. is maintained in the hose. The kinking is done on a special machine designed to kink the hose at the speed specified. NICKEL. Properties of Nickel. (F. L. Sperry, Tran. A.I.M.E., 1895). Nickel has similar physical properties to those of iron and copper. It is less malleable and ductile than iron, and less malleable and more ductile than copper. It alloys with these metals in all proportions. It has nearly the same specific gravity as copper, and is slightly heavier than iron. It melts at a temperature of about 2900 to 3200 F. A small percentage of carbon in metallic nickel lowers its melting-point per- ceptibly. Nickel is harder than either iron or copper; is magnetic, but will not take a temper. It has a grayish-white color, takes a fine polish, and may be rolled easily into thin plates or drawn into wire. It is unappreciably affected by atmospheric action, or by salt water. Com- mercial nickel is from 98 to 99 per cent pure. The impurities are iron, copper, silicon, sulphur, arsenic, carbon, and (in some nickel) a kernel of unreduced oxide. It is not difficult to cast, and acts like some irons 380 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. in being cold-short. Cast bars are likely to be porous or spongy, but, after hammering or rolling, are compact and tough. The average results of several tests are as follows: Castings, tensile strength, 85,000 Ibs. per sq. in., elongation, 12% ; wrought nickel, T. S., 96,000, EL, 14%; wrought nickel, annealed, T. S., 95,000, EL, 23%; hard rolled, T. S., 78,000, EL, 10%. (Bee also page 473.) Nickel readily takes up carbon, and the porous nature of the metaJ is undoubtedly due to occluded gases. According to Dr. Wedding, nickel may take up as much as 9 % of carbon, which may exist either as amorphous or as graphitic carbon. Dr. Fleitmann, of Germany, discovered that a small quantity of pure magnesium would free nickel from occluded gases and give a metal capable of being drawn or rolled perfectly free from blow-holes, to such an extent that the metal may be rolled into thin sheets 3 feet in width. Aluminum or manganese may be used equally as well as a purifying agent; but either, if used in excess, serves to make the nickel very much harder. Nickel will alloy with most of the useful metals, and generally adds the qualities of hardness, toughness, and ductility. ALUMINUM ITS PROPERTIES AND USES. (Compiled from notes by Alfred E. Hunt, and from publications of the Aluminum Co. of America, 1914.) The specific gravity of aluminum varies according to its treatment, as follows: Pure cast, 2.56; sheets, wire, etc., rolled and unannealed, 2.68; ditto, annealed, 2.66. The casting alloys range in specific gravity from 2.82 to 2.91. Based on these values, an ingot of cast aluminum 12 in. square, 1 in. thick, weighs 13.3024 Ib. ; a rolled sheet 12 in. square, 1 in. thick, weighs 13.9259 Ib.; a 1-in. cast round bar, 12 in. long, weighs 0.8706 Ib.; a 1-in. rolled bar, 12 in. long, weighs 0.9114 Ib.; a cubic foot of cast aluminum, 159.6288 Ib.; and a cubic foot of rolled aluminum, 167.1114 Ib. Taking the weight of rolled aluminum as 1, the weight of rolled wrought iron is 2.8742; of rolled steel, 2.9322; of rolled copper, 3.3321; of rolled brass, 3.19. Wood for structures can be taken as about one-third the weight of aluminum. Chemically, aluminum is readily soluble in hydrochloric acid, and in strong solutions of caustic alkalies. Hot dilute sulphuric acid stowly dissolves it, but concentrated sulphuric acid acts very slowly. Nitric acid, cold, either dilute or concentrated, has but little effect; hot, it acts very slowly. Sulphur has no action at less than a red heat. Chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine, and fluohydric acid rapidly corrode it. Salt water has little effect on it, and it resists sea water better than does iron, steel, or copper. Aluminum strips on the sides of a wooden vessel in sea water corroded less than 0.005 inch in six months, about half the corrosion of copper strips. Ammonium solu- tions gradually attack the surface of aluminum, forming a coating ' which is more resistant than the metal, and which while rapidly attacked by concentrated acid or alkali solutions, resists dilute mineral and organic acids, and dry or moist air. It is not attacked by CO2, CO, or HaS, but will absorb these gases when heated. The presence of a considerable quantity of aluminum decreases its resistance to corrosion. Commercial aluminum, such as is used for rolling or casting alloys, contains, however, only a negligible quantity of impurities. Occluded gases in molten aluminum cause blow-holes in the ingots, which form laminated plates when the metal is rolled or hammered, which are more liable to corrode than sound metal. Silicon and iron are the impurities usually found, the former ranging in commercial aluminum from 0.30 to 2.0 per cent, and the latter from 0.15 to 2.0 per cent. Other metals are frequently alloyed with aluminum to increase the hardness, rigidity, and strength. See Alloys of Aluminum, page 396. Aluminum is electro positive as regards the common metals, and forms a galvanic couple when in contact with them. In service it should be insulated from them by rubber gaskets, or washers, or by a liberal coat of heavy paint. In malleability pure aluminum is exceeded only by gold and silver. It is exceeded in ductility only by gold, silver, platinum, iron, and ALUMINUM ITS PROPERTIES AND USES. 381 copper. Sheets of aluminum have been rolled down to 0.0005 in. thick and beaten into leaf nearly as thin as gold leaf. The metal is most malleable at a temperature of between 400 and 600 F., and at this temperature it can be drawn down between rolls with nearly as much draught upon it as with heated steel. It has also been drawn into the finest wire. By the Mannesmann process aluminum tubes have been made in Germany. The electrical conductivity of aluminum is 61.67, silver being taken as 100. On the same scale, the conductivity of copper is 97.62; of gold, 76.61; of zinc, 29.57; of iron, 14.57; of platinum, 14.42. Alumi- num wire, weight for weight, has a conductivity of 206, taking copper as 100 and aluminum as 62, the aluminum wire having an area 3.33 that of the copper wire. Pure aluminum is practically non-magnetic. Aluminum melts at 1215 F. It does not volatilize at any tem- perature produced by the combustion of carbon, but it is inadvisable to heat it much beyond th3 melting point or to allow it to remain molten for a great length of time, on account of its capacity to absorb gases. It may be cast in dry or green sand molds or in metal chills, and should be melted in plumbago crucible. Cores should be as soft as will permit safe manipulation. A good core mixture is 15 parts core sand, 1 part rosin. The core should be sprayed with molasses water, baked and washed in plumbago water. The mean specific heat of aluminum is 0.2185 (water = 1), being higher than any other metal except magnesium and the alkali metals. Its latent heat of fusion is 51.4 B.T.U. per Ib. The coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum is 0.0000130 per degree F. The thermal conductivity, according to Roberts- Austen, is 31.33 (silver = 100) , copper being the only baser metal which exceeds it. Wiederman and Franz give the thermal conductivity for the metal unannealed as 38.87, and annealed as 37.96. Its shrinkage in cooling is 0.2031 in. per foot, slightly more than ordinary brass. The shrinkage varies somewhat with the thickness thicker castings shrinking more than thinner ones. The hardness of aluminum varies with the purity, the purest metal being the softest. In the Bottone scale the hardness of the diamond is 3010, while that of aluminum is 821. Aluminum under tension, and section for section, is about as strong as cast iron. Its tensile strength is increased by cold rolling or cold forging, and there are alloys which add considerably to the tensile strength without increasing the specific gravity to over 3 or 3.25. The strength of commercial aluminum is given in the following table as the result of many tests : Elastic Limit Ultimate Strength Percentage per sq. in. in per sq. in. in of Reduction Form. Tension, Tension, of Area in Ibs. Ibs. Tension. Castings 8^500 12,000-14,000 15 Sheet 12,500-25,000 24,000-40,000 20-30 Wire 16,000-33,000 25,000-65,000 40^-60 Bars 14,000-33,000 28,000-40,000 30-40 The elastic limit per square inch under compression in cast cylin- dric columns of length twice the diameter is 3500 Ib. The ultimate strength per square inch imder compression in cylinders of the same form is 12,000. The modulus of elasticity of cast aluminum is about 9,000,000. It is rather an open metal in its texture, and for cylinders to stand pressure an increase in thickness must be given to allow for tMs porosity. Its maximum shearing stress in castings is about 12,000, and in forgings about 16,000, or about that of pure copper. Its texture and strength are improved by forging or pressing at a temperature of about 600 F. Pure aluminum is too soft and lacking in tensile strength and rigidity for many purposes. Valuable alloys are now being made which seem to give great promise for the future. They are alloys containing from 2 % to 7 % or 8 % of copper, manganese, iron, and nickel. See alloys of aluminum, page 396. Aluminum can be worked by any of the common mechanical proc- esses, as rolling, stamping, drawing, tapping, spinning, forging, ex- 382 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. truding or machining. Owing to the ductility of the metal, sheet aluminum can be given a deeper stamp or heavier draw than most metals. A draw of over one-quarter to one-third more in depth than can be taken with copper, brass or steel can be made on aluminum sheet of 20 B. & S. gauge or heavier. The same sort of tools and proc- esses are used for stamping as are used for other metal. The tools should be lubricated with vaseline or any greasy oil which is free from grit. It is practically unnecessary to anneal the work between re- draws. In spinning it is also unnecessary to anneal the shells after they come from the press, when the first operation is done in the drawing press. The speed of the lathe should range from 2,000 to 3,000 r. p. m., and the best results in spinning will be obtained by the use of hard wood spinning stocks and metal chucks. For finishing and burnishing, steel tools should be used. The best lubricant is soap, tallow, or paraffin candles. In drop forging aluminum, the castings to be forged should be made a little smaller in their horizontal diameter and a little greater in the vertical diameter than is desired for the finished forging. They slKRild be heated to the annealing temperature, about 700 P., before being placed in the die. Aluminum can be extruded into shapes which can be obtained in no other way. In these shapes, the metal has a continuity of structure which renders it easier in machining than fabricated shapes made by other methods. It is difficult at the present time (1914), to extrude a shape of greater diameter than 6 inches or one having a thickness of wall of less than 1/g inch. In machining, the tools should have a highly whetted edge, such as would be used in wood working, and they should also have a large clearance. That is, the thickness of the blades should increase very slowly from its edge. The tools should operate somewhat faster than for brass, and the feed should be slightly slower in proportion. A good lubricant should be freely used: No. 1 grade lard oil, or lard oil or carbon oil mixed with 25 per cent of some animal oil, give satisfactory results. Another satisfactory lubricant is a mixture of lard oil 25 per cent by volume with benzine 75 per cent. In sawing, an ordinary circular saw on a table may be used. The teeth should have no " set," the saw should be thinner at the center than at the periphery, and should run at a peripheral speed of 3,500 to 4,000 feet per minute. For drilling, an ordinary twist drill may be used, but it should be exceedingly sharp. The drill should rotate about 50 per cent faster, with a feed about 25 per cent slower, than would be used for brass. In tapping, a sharp tap only should be used and a hole drilled with a drill from one to three sizes larger than for brass. The best tap is one having a single spiral flute with a lead of about one turn in every three inches. The best tapping lubricant is the lard oil benzine mixture noted above. Aluminum may be finished by caustic dipping and scratch brushing. In caustic dipping, the article is first dipped into the benzine and then into a strong solution of caustic alkali, which is kept at the boiling point, after which it should be placed in a strong hot solution of nitric acid. After draining the acid, the aluminum should be dipped in boiling hot water, which should be constantly drained off and renewed by an addition of fresh water. On removal from the water, it should be rapidly dried over a steam coil. In scratch brushing, the metal is carefully cleaned and then applied to the scratch brush wheel, which rotates at from 1500 to 2000 r. p. m. Soldering and Welding Aluminum. Aluminum can be readily electrically welded, but soldering is not altogether satisfactory. The high heat conductivity of the aluminum withdraws the heat of the molten solder so rapidly that it "freezes" before it can flow sufficiently. A German solder said to give good results is made of 80% tin to 20% zinc, using a flux composed of 80 parts stearic acid, 10 parts chloride of zinc, and 10 parts of chloride of tin. Pure tin, fusing at 250 C., has also been used as a solder. The use of chloride of silver as a flux has been patented, and used with ordinary soft solder has given some suc- cess. A pure nickel soldering-bit should be used, as it does not dis- color aluminum as copper bits do. ALUMINUM ITS PROPERTIES AND USES. 383 The following table of aluminum solders which have been successfully used appeared in Machinery, Dec., 1914. See also page 410. Tin. Alum- inum. Zinc. Cop- per. Bis- muth. Lead. Phos- phor- Tin*. Silver Anti- mony Cad- mium. Mag- nes- ium. 95.00 5.00 78 50 2 00 19.00 0.50 66.70 33.30 20 00 70 00 10 00 97.00 3.00 6.00 89.50 4.50 71 .25 2 25 26.00 0.50 60.00 37.50 4.00 8.00 25 00 4.00 37 50 12.00 12.00 8.00 92.00 30 00 20 00 50 00 80.00 2.25 17.00 0.75 66 00 15 50 9 00 7 00 -j- 2 25 15.50 2.50 78.25 2.50 1 .25 49.05 20.00 65.00 20 '31 15.00 1 15 26.06 3 43 30.00 70.00 4 00 94 00 2 00 85.10 10.80 1.35 2.75 60.00 86.00 15.00 5.00 14 00 10.00 5.00 .4.. 98 00 1 00 1 00 20.00 70.00 10 00 48.00 2.00 27.00 23.00 90.00 5.00 5.00 84.95 .... 15.05 ' 10% phosphorus. t This solder also contains 0.25% vanadium. $ This solder also contains 5 % chromium. Aluminum Wire. Tension tests. Diam. 0.128 in. 14 tests. E.L. 12,500 to 19,100; T. S. 25,800 to 26,900 Ibs. per sq. in.; el. 0.30 to 1.02% in 48 ins.; Red. of area, 75.0 to 83.4%. Mod. of el. 8,800,000 to 10,700,000. Tech. Quar., xii, 1899. Aluminum Rod. Torsion tests. 10 samples, 0.257 in. diam. Appar- ent outside fiber stress, Ibs. per sq. in. 15,900 to 18,300 Ibs. per sq. in. 11 samples, 0.367 in. diam. Apparent outside fiber stress, 18,400 to 19,200. 10 samples, 0.459 in. diam. Apparent outside ftber stress, 20,700 to 21,500 Ibs. per sq. in. The average number of turns per inch for the three series were respectively, 1.58 to 3.65; 1.20 to 2.64; 0.87 to 1.06. Ibid. 384 ALLOYS. ALLOYS. ALLOYS OF COPPER AND TIN. (Extract from Report of U. S. Test Board.*) Mean Com- - . - ? .S Torsion . position by M.S .'"! n H< V JO Tests. 1 Analysis. Is 1 . O "g pi' %s 5? gil - . 1 * . ft ' g J '^sj .5 S^ ^d "c-i 1 fc Cop- Tin. lfj 11 cfjf| fl O 3 03 O "1$^ 'fl**^ OJ ** WI per. EH~ 5 S 1 |.! 5 1^1 |HT! ' \ 100. 27,800 14,000 6.47 29,848 bent. 42,000 143 153 la 100. 12,760 11,000 0.47 21,251 2.31 39,000 65 40 2 97.89 1 .90 24,580 10,000 13.33 34,000 150 317 3 96.06 3.76 32,000 16,000 14.29 33',232 bent. 42,048 157 247 4 94.11 5.43 38,659 " 5 92.11 7.80 28,540 19,000 '5*53 43,731 " 42,000 J60 126* 6 90.27 9.58 26,860 15,750 3.66 49,400 " 38,000 175 114 7 88.41 11.59 60,403 " 8 87.15 12.73 29,430 20,000 3'.33 34,531 4.00 53,000 182 100* 9 82.70 17.34 67,930 0.63 10 80.95 18.84 32,980 * b'.04 56,715 0.49 78,000 1'90 16 " 11 77.56 22.25 0. 29,926 0.16 12 76.63 23.24 22',6io 22,6 JO 0. 32,210 0.19 114,000 \22 '3'.4 13 72.89 26.85 0. 9,512 0.05 14 69.84 29.88 5,585 5,585 0. 12,076 0.06 147,000 18 1.5 15 68.58 31.26 0. 9,152 0.04 16 67.87 32.10 0. 9,477 0.05 17 65.34 34.47 2,201 2,201 0. 4,776 0.02 84,700 16 | 18 56.70 43.17 1,455 1,455 0. 2,126 0.02 19 44.52 55.28 3,010 3,010 0. 4,776 0.03 35,800 *23 1 20 34.22 65.80 3,371 3,371 0. 5,384 0.04 19,600 17 2 21 23.35 76.29 6,775 6,775 0. 12,408 0.27 22 15.08 84.62 9,063 0.86 6,'500 *23 25" 23 11.49 88.47 6,380 3, 500 4.io 10,706 5.85 10,100 23 62 24 8.57 91.39 6,450 3,500 6.87 5,305 bent. 9,800 23 132 25 3.72 96.31 4,780 2,750 12.32 6,925 " 9,800 23 220 26 0. 100. 3,505 35.51 3,740 " 6400 12 557 * The tests of the alloys of copper and tin and of copper and zinc, the results of which are published in the Report of the U. S. Board appointed to test Iron, Steel, and other Metals, Vols. I and II, 1879 and 1881, were made by the author under direction of Prof. R. H. Thurston, chairman of the Committee on Alloys. See preface to the report of the Committee, in Vol. I. Nos. la and 2 were full of blow-holes. Tests Nos. 1 and la show the variation in cast copper due to varying conditions of casting. In the crushing tests Nos. 12 to 20, inclusive, crushed and broke under the strain, but all the others bulged and flattened out. In these cases the crushing strength is taken to be that which caused a decrease of 10% in the length. The test-pieces were 2 in. long and 5'g in. diameter. The torsional tests were made in Thurston's torsion- machine, on pieces 5/8 in. diameter and 1 in. long between heads. Specific Gravity of the Copper-tin Alloys. The specific gravity of copper, as found in these tests, is 8.874 (tested in turnings from the Ingot, and reduced to 39.1 F.). The alloy of maximum sp. gr. 8.956 contained 62.42 copper. 37,48 tin, md all tUe alloys containing less taa.a ALLOYS OF COPPER AND TIN. 385 37% tin varied irregularly in sp. gr. between 8.65 and 8.93, the density depending not on the composition, but on the porosity of the casting. It is probable that the actual sp. gr. of all these alloys containing less than 37% tin is about 8.95, and any smaller figure indicates porosity in the specimen. From 37% to 100% tin, the sp. gr. decreases regularly from the maxi- mum of 8.956 to that of pure tin, 7.293. Note on the Strength of the Copper-tin Alloys. The bars containing from 2% to 24% tin, inclusive, have considerable strength, and all the rest are practically worthless for purposes in which strength is required. The dividing line between the strong and brittle alloys is precisely that at which the color changes from golden yellow to silver-white, viz., at a composition containing between 24% and 30% of tin. It appears that the tensile and compressive strengths of these alloys are in no way related to each other, that the torsional strength is closely pro- portional to the tensile strength, and that the transverse strength may de- pend in some degree upon the compressive strength, but it is much more nearly related to the tensile strength. The modulus of rupture, as ob- tained by the transverse tests, is, in general, a figure between those of tensile and compressive strengths per square inch, but there are a few exceptions in which it is larger than either. The strengths of the alloys at the copper end of the series increase rapidly with the addition of tin till about 4%, of tin is reached. The transverse strength continues regularly to increase to the maximum, till the alloy containing about 17|% of tin is reached, while the tensile and torsional strengths also increase, but irregularly, to the same point. This irregularity is probably due to porosity of the metal, and might possiWv be removed by any means which would make the castings more compact. The maximum is reached at the alloy containing 82.70 copper, 17.34 tin, the transverse strength, however, being very much greater at this point than the tensile or torsional strength. From the point of maximum strength the figures drop rapidly to the alloys containing about 27.5% of tin, and then more slowly to 37.5%, at which point the minimum (or nearly the minimum) strength, by all three methods of test, is reached. The alloys of minimum strength are found from 37.5% tin to 52.5% tin. The absolute minimum is probably about 45% of tin. From 52.5% of tin to about 77.5% tin there is a rather slow and irregu- lar increase in strength. From 77.5% tin to the end of the series, or all tin, the strengths slowly and somewhat irregularly decrease. The results of these tests do not seem to corroborate the theory given by some writers, that peculiar properties are possessed by the alloys which are compounded of simple multiples of their atomic weights or chemical equivalents, and that these properties are lost as the com- positions 'vary more or less from this definite constitution. It does appear that a certain percentage composition gives a maximum strength and another certain percentage a minimum, but neither of these com- positions is represented by simple multiples of the atomic weights. There appears to be a regular law of decrease from the maximum to the minimum strength which does not seem to have any relation to the atomic proportions, but only to the percentage compositions. Hardness. The pieces containing less than 24 % of tin were turned in the lathe without difficulty, a gradually increasing hardness being noticed, the last named giving a very short chip, and requiring frequent sharpening of the tool. With the most brittle alloys it was found impossible to turn the test- pieces in the lathe to a smooth surface. No. 13 to No. 17 (26.85 to 34.47 tin) could not be cut with a tool at all. Chips would fly off in advance of the tool and beneath it, leaving a rough surface; or the tool would sometimes, apparently, crush off portions of the metal, grinding it to powder. Beyond 40% tin the hardness decreased so that the bars could be easily turned. 386 ALLOYS. ALLOTS OF COPPER AND ZINC. (U. S. Test Board.) Mean Com- Elastic Limit * : i ; Trans- verse "~r^ Crush- Torsional Tests. No. position by Analysis. Tensile Str'gth, Ibs. per sq. in. % of Break- T ing , Load, Ibs. per sq. in. Elongation in 5 inch< Test Modu- lus of Rup- ture. I7- S . 1^l c 18 The above table was furnished by the superintendent of a mill in Connec- ticut in 1894. He says: While each mill has its own proportions for various mixtures, depending upon the purposes for which the product is intended, the figures given are about the average standard. Thus, between cartridge brass with 881/3 per cent zinc and common high brass with 381/2 per cent zinc, there are any number of different mixtures known generally as "high brass," or specifically as. "spinning brass," "drawing brass," etc., wherein the amount of zinc is dependent upon the amount of scrap used in the mixture, the degree of working to which the metal is to be subjected, etc. Useful Alloys of Copper, Tin, and Zinc. (Selected from numerous sources.) Copper. Tin. Zinc. U. S. Navy Dept. journal boxes ) _ and guide-gibs . ) J 6 (82.8 58.22 62 88 (64 (87.7 92.5 91 87.75 85 83 (13 (76.5 82 83 20 87 88 84 80 81 97 89.5 89 89 86 ^ 79 74 64 1 13.8 2.30 1 10 8 11.0 5 7 9.75 5 2 2 11.8 16 15 1 4.4 10 14 18 17 2 2.1 8 ,?* \i aft 18 91/2 1/4 parts. 3.4 per cent. 39.48 ' 37 " 2 1 parts 1 .3 per cent 2 " 2.5 " 10 15 ** 2 parts. 11.7 percent. 2 slightly malleable. 1.50 0.50 lead. 4.3 4.3 M 2 2 .. 2.0 antimony. ..2.0 " 1 5.6 2.8 lead. 3 8V2 .... 2 21/2 1/2 lead. 91/ 2 7 lead. 291/2 3 1/2 lead. Tobin bronze Naval brass Composition, U. S. Navy Gun metal . . i i> (C II Tough brass for engines Bronze for rod-boxes (Lafond) " pieces subject to shock. . Red brass parts * per cent Bronze for pump casings (Lafond).. " eccentric straps. *' shrill whistles . . " low-toned whistles Art bronze, dull red fracture Gold bronze Bearing metal < 4 It II English brass of A.D. J504 392 ALLOYS. "Steam Metal." Alloys of copper and zinc are unsuitable for steam valves and other like purposes, since their strength is greatly reduced at high temperatures, and they appear to undergo a deterioration by con- tinued heating. Alloys of copper with from 10 to 12% of tin, when cast without oxidation, are good steam metals, and a favorite alloy is what is known as "government mixture," 88 Cu, 10 Sn, 2 Zn. It has a tensile strength of about 33,000 Ib. per sq. in., when cold, and about 30,600 Ib. when heated to 407 F., corresponding to steam of 250 Ib. pressure. Analyses of Tobin bronze by Dr. Chas. B. Dudley gave the following: Pig metal Cu, 59.00; Zn, 38.40; Sn, 2.16; Fe, 0.11; Pb, 0.31 Boiled bar Cu, 61.20; Zn, 37.14; Sn, 0.90; Fe, 0.18; Pb, 0.35 The rolled bar gave 78,500 Ib. tensile strength, 40% elongation in 2 in. and 15% in 8 in. The' original Tobin bronze in 1875, as described by Thurston, Trans. A. S. C. E., 1881, had copper 58.22, tin 2.30, zinc 39.48. As cast it had a tenacity of 66,000 Ib. per sq. in., and as rolled 79,000 Ib.; cold rolled it gave 104,000 Ib. At a cherry-red heat Tobin bronze can be forged and stamped as readily as steel. Its great tensile strength and its resistance to the corrosive action of sea water make it a suitable metal for condenser plates and other marine purposes. Miscellaneous Alloys. (From a circular of the Titanium Alloy Mfg. Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1915.) ANALYSES (Approximate). PHYSICAL QUALITIES (Averages). No. Cu. Al. Sn. Zn. Pb. T.S. .S '$* s~ | 'ga aO GG Brinell Hardness. Shrinkage, In. per Ft. I. -P & 3* & S3 . |s"! f 1 3 90 89 90 10 10 "n 70,000 37,500 77,000 20 8 24.5 7.5 8,5 7.5 95 75 94 0.22 .125 .22 0.27 .31 .27 19,500 21,600 25,000 9 10 11 14 15 90 88 90 88 80 10 10 6.5 10 10 "2" 2 Y.5 2 10 37,500 35,000 37,000 32,500 30,000 17.5 16 29 6.5 6 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.8 9.0 67 72 55 67 57 .125 .125 .14 .125 .125 .31 .32 .32 .32 .33 'jg,50b' 16 18 81 85 7 5 3 5 9 5 32,500 30,000 17 18 8.9 8.5 52 55 .125 .14 .33 .31 19 74 83 70 4 | 7 77 6 2 30,500 29,500 17.5 25 8.5 8.4 57 52 .125 .186 .31 .30 78 99.75 18,500 10 8.8 35 .25 .32 29 3? 56 8 0.5 Q? 43.5 70,000 18,000 28.5 1.5 8.4 2.8 111 52 .25 .186 .30 .10 30,000 33 3 82 15 23,000 2 3.1 62 .186 .11 Qualities and Uses: No. 1. Strength, toughness, resists corrosion. No. 3. Gear bronze; serviceable for worm wheels running against highly finished steel. No. 5. Similar to No. 1, but more easily machined. For large, heavy work. No. 9. Acid resisting; for mine-pump bodies, and for thrust collars or disks. No. 10. "Gun metal"; for heavy pressures and high speeds; for high- grade bearings. No. 11. Medium soft bronze; for small bearings lined with babbitt; for steam work. No. 14. Gear bronze, softer than No. 3; machines more easily. No. 15. Phosphor bronze; for high speed and heavy pressure; for bear- ings subject to shock. No. 16. Similar to No. 15, but somewhat softer and lower in price. No. 18. High grade red brass: a good steam metal. COPPER-ZINC-IRON ALLOYS. 393 No. 10. Commercial red brass. No. 24. A good yellow brass; casts well; takes a high polish. No. 28. Pure copper, deoxidized ; high electrical conductivity. No. 29. "Manganese bronze"; for propeller blades, valve stems and other parts requiring high strength; not good for bearings. No. 32. Standard aluminum alloy; for crank cases, automobile castings, No. 33. Tougher than No. 32; takes an extra high polish, can be bent slightly without breaking. Special Alloys. (Engineering, March 24, 1893.) JAPANESE ALLOYS for art work: Copper. Silver. Gold. Lead, Zinc. Iron. Shaku-do 94.50 1.55 3.73 0.11 trace. trace. Shibu-ichi 67.31 32.07 traces. 0.52 GILBERT'S ALLOY for cera-pcrduta process, for casting in plaster of paris. Copper 91.4 Tin 5.7 Lead 2.9 Very fusible. COPPER-ZINC-IKON ALLOYS.* (F. L. Garrison, Jour. Frank. Inst., June and July, 1891.) Delta Metal. This alloy, which was formerly known as sterro-metal, is composed of about 60 copper, from 34 to 44 zinc, 2 to 4 iron, and 1 to 2 tin. The peculiarity of all these alloys is, the content of iron, which appears to have the property of increasing their strength to an unusual degree. In making delta metal the iron is previously alloyed with zinc in known and definite proportions. When ordinary wrought-iron is introduced into molten zinc, the latter readily dissolves or absorbs the former, and will take it up to the extent of about 5% or more. By adding the zinc- iron alloy thus obtained to the requisite amount of copper, it is possi- ble to introduce any definite quantity of iron up to 5% into the copper alloy. Garrison gives the following as the range of composition ot copper-zinc-iron, and copper-zinc-tin-iroa alloys: I. II. Per cent. Per cent. Iron 0.1 to 5 Iron 0.1 to 5 Copper 50 to 65 Tin 0.1 to 10 Zinc -.49. 9 to 30 Zinc 1.8 to 45 Copper 98 to 40 The advantages claimed for delta metal are great strength and tough- ness. It produces sound castings of close grain. It can be rolled and forged hot, and can stand a certain amount of drawing and hammering when cold. It takes a high polish, and when exposed to the atmosphere tarnishes less than brass. When cast in sand delta metal has a tensile strength of about 45,000 pounds per square inch, and about 10% elongation; when rolled, ten- sile strength of 60,000 to 75,000 pounds per square inch, elongation from 9% to 17% on bars 1.128 inch in diameter and 1 inch area. Wallace gives the ultimate tensile strength 33,600 to 51,520 pounds per square inch, with from 10% to 20% elongation. Delta metal can be forged, stamped and rolled hot. It must be forged at a dark cherry-red heat, and care taken to avoid striking when at a black heat. According to Lloyd's Proving House tests, made at Cardiff, December 20, 1887, a half-inch delta metal-rolled bar gave a tensile strength of 88,400 pounds per square inch, with an elongation of 30% in three inches. 394 ALLOYS. ALLOYS OF COPPER, TIN, AND LEAD. G. H. Clamer, in Castings, July, 1908, describes some experiments on the use of lead in copper alloys. A copper and lead alloy does not make what would be called good castings; by the introduction of tin a more homogeneous product is secured. By the addition of nickel it was found that more than 15% of lead could be used, while maintaining tin at 8 to 10%, and also that the tin could be dispensed with. A good alloy for bearings was then made without nickel, containing Cu 65, Sn 5, Pb 30. This alloy is largely sold under the name of "plastic bronze." If the matrix of tin and copper were so proportioned that the tin remained below 9% then more than 20% of lead could be added with satisfactory results. As the tin is decreased more lead may be added. (See Bear- ing Metal Alloys, below.) The Influence of Lead on Brass. E. S. Sperry, Trans. A.I.M.E., 1897. As a rule, the lower the brass (that is, the lower in zinc) the more difficult it is to cut. If the alloy is made from pure copper and zinc, the chips are long and tenacious, and a slow speed "must be em- ployed in cutting. For some classes of work, such as spinning or car- tridge brass, these qualities are essential, but for others, such as clock brass or screw rod, they are almost prohibitory. To make an alloy which will cut easily, giving short chips, the best method is the addition of a small percentage of lead. Experiments were made on alloys con- taining different percentages of lead. The following is a condensed statement of the chief results: Cu, 60; Zn, 30; Pb, 10. Difficult to obtain a homogeneous alloy. Cracked badly on rolling. Cu, 60; Zn, 35; Pb, 5. Good cutting qualities but cracked on rolling. Cu, 60; Zn, 37.5: Pb, 2.5. Cutting qualities excellent, but could only be hot-rolled or forged with difficulty. Cu, 60; Zn, 38.75; Pb, 1.25. Cutting qualities inferor to those of the alloy containing 2.5% of lead, but superior to those of pure brass. Cu, 60; Zn, 40. Perfectly homogeneous. Rolls easily at a cherry red heat, and cracks but slightly in cold rolling. Chips long and tena- cious, necessitating a slow speed in cutting. Tensile tests of these alloys gave the following results: Copper, % 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 Zinc, % 40 37.5 35.0 30.0 Lead, % r..;. None. 2.5 5.0 10.0 C A H C A H C A H C A H T.S. per sq. in.* Elong. in 1 in., %. . . . 16 48 60 51 107 39 28 51 27 88 33 28 42 26 61 1 36 36 35 20 63 2 Elong. in 8 in., % 27 33 27 23 27 22 30 16 3 Red. of area, % 61 44 13 30 33 26 33 29 25 4 P.R 92% 65% 61% 38% * Thousands of pounds. C, casting; A, annealed sheet; rolled sheet; P. R., possible reduction in rolling. H, hard The use of tin, even in small amounts, hardens and increases the ten- sile strength of brass, which is detrimental to free turning. Mr. Sperry gives analyses of several brasses which have given excellent results in turning, all included within the following range: Cu, 60 to 66%, Zn, 38 to 32%, Pb, 1.5 to 2.5%. For cartridge-brass sheet, anything over 0.10% of lead increases the liability of cracking in drawing. PHOSPHOR-BRONZE AND OTHER SPECIAL BRONZES. Phosphor-bronze. In the year 1868, Montefiore & Kunzel of Liege. Belgium, found by adding small proportions of phosphorus or "phos- phoret of tin or copper" to copper that the oxides of that metal, nearly always present as an impurity, more or less, were deoxidized and the copper much improved in strength and ductility, the grain of the frac- ture became finer, the color brighter, and a greater fluidity was attained. ALLOYS FOB CASTING UNDER PRESSURE. 395 Three samples of phosphor-bronze, tested by Kirkaldy, gave Elastic limit, Ibs. per sq. in 23,800 24,700 16,100 Tensile strength, IDS. per sq. in. . Elongation, per cent 52,625 8.40 46,100 1.50 44,448 33.40 The strength of phosphor-bronze varies like that of ordinary bronze according to the percentages of copper, tin, zinc, lead, etc., in the alloy. Phosphor-bronze Rod. Torsion tests of 20 samples, 1/4 m. diam. Apparent outside fiber stress, 77,500 to 86,700 Ibs. per sq. in.; average number of turns per inch of length, 0.76 to 1.50. Tech. Quar., vol. xh, Sept., 1899. Penn. R. R. Co.'s Specifications for Phosphor-bronze (1902). The metal desired is a homogeneous alloy of copper, 79.70; tin, 10.00; lead, 9.50- phosphorus, 0.80. Lots will not be accepted if samples do not show tin, between 9 and 11%; lead, between 8 and 11%; phos- phorus, between 0.7 and 1%; nor if the metal contains a sum total of other substances than copper, tin, lead, and phosphorus in greater quan- tity than 0.50 per cent. (See also p. 406.) Deoxidized Bronze. This alloy resembles phosphor bronze spme- what in composition and also delta metal, in containing zinc and iron. The following analysis gives its average composition: Cu, 82.67; Sn, 12.40; Zn, 3.23; Pb, 2.14; Fe, 0.10; Ag, 0.07; P, 0.005. Comparison of Copper, Silicon-bronze, and Phosphor-bronze Wires. (Engineering, Nov. 23, 1883.) Description of Wire. Tensile Strength. Relative Conductivity. Pure copper . 39,827 Ibs. per sq. in. 41,6% " 108,080 " " " " 100 per cent. 96 " 34 " - 26 " " Silicon bronze (telegraph) (telephone) Phosphor bronze (telephone) . . Silicon Bronze. (Aluminum World, May, 1897.) The most useful of the silicon bronzes are the 3% (97% copper, 3% silicon) and the 5% (95% copper, 5% silicon), although the hardness and strength of the alloy can be increased or decreased at will by increasing or decreasing silicon. A 3% silicon bronze has a tensile strength, in a casting, of about 55,000 Ibs. per sq. in., and from 50% to 60% elongation. The 5% bronze has a tensile strength of about 75,000 Ibs. and about 8% elongation. More than 5% or 51/2% of silicon in cop- per makes a brittle alloy. In using silicon, either as a flux or for making silicon bronze, the rich alloy of silicon and copper which is now on the market should be used. It should be free from iron and other metals if the best results are to be obtained. Ferro-silicon is not suitable for use in copper or bronze mixtures. Copper and Vanadium Alloys. The Vanadium Sales Co. of America reports (1908) that the addition of vanadium to copper has given a tensile strength of 83,000 Ibs. per sq. in.; with an elongation of over 60%. ALLOYS FOR CASTING UNDER PRESSURE IN METAL MOLDS. E. L. Lake, Am. Mach., Feb. 13, 1908. No. Tin. Copper. Alumi- num. Zinc. Lead. Anti- mony. Iron j 14.75 5.25 6.25 73.75 2 3 19 12 5 10.6 1. 3.4 72.7 - 73.8 2 0.3 6!i" 4 30.8 20.4 2.6 46.2 Nos. 1 and 2 suitable for ordinary work, such as could be performed by average brass castings. No. 3 and 4 are harder. 396 ALLOYS. ALUMINUM ALLOTS. The useful alloys of aluminum so far found have been chiefly In two groups, the one of aluminum with not more than 35% of other metals, and the other of metals containing not over 15% of aluminum; in the one case the metals impart hardness and other useful qualities to the aluminum, and in the other the aluminum gives useful qualities to the metal with which it is alloyed. Aluminum-Copper Alloys. The useful aluminum-copper alloys can be divided into two classes, the one containing less than 11% of aluminum, and the other containing less than 15% of copper. The first class is best known as Aluminum Bronze. Aluminum Bronze. (Cowles Electric Smelting and Al. Co.'s circular.) The standard A No. 2 grade of aluminum bronze, containing 10% of aluminum and 90% of copper, has many remarkable characteristics which distinguish it from all other metals. The tenacity of castings of A No. 2 grade metal varies between 75,000 and 90,000 Ibs. to the square inch, with from 4 % to 14 % elongation. Increasing the proportion of aluminum in bronze beyond 11% pro- duces a brittle alloy; therefore nothing higher than the A No. 1, which contains 11%, is made. The B, C, D, and E grades, containing 7 H%, 5%, 2 H%, and 1 1 A% of aluminum, respectively, decrease in tenacity in the order named, that of the former being about 65,000 pounds, while the latter is 25,000 pounds. While there is also a proportionate decrease in transverse and torsional strengths, elastic limit, and resistance to compression as the percentage of aluminum is lowered and that of copper raised, the ductil- ity, on the other hand, increases in the same proportion. The specific gravity of the A No. 1 grade is 7.56. Bell Bros., Newcastle, gave the specific gravity of the aluminum bronzes as follows: 3%, 8.691; 4%, 8.621; 5%, 8.369; 10%, 7.689. In manufacturing aluminum bronze, only the purest metals should be used. The copper should be melted over a gas or oil fire in a plum- bago crucible, being covered with charcoal to prevent oxidation and the absorption of gases. If a coal fire is used, the copper will absorb gases from the coal and produce an unsatisfactory alloy. The alumi- num is dropped through the charcoal into the molten copper. The alu- minum combines with the copper as soon as its melting point is reached, setting free latent heat and raising the temperature of the mass. The copper becomes brighter and more liquid when the union takes place, and the crucible then should be instantly removed from the fire, skimmed, and poured into ingot molds of convenient size. The liquid should be stirred until poured. The alloy may then be remelted for casting. Each remelting improves the quality of the aluminum bronze up to about four remeltings. (Aluminum Co. of America, 1909.) Tests of Aluminum Bronzes. (John H. J. Dagger, British Association, 1889.) Per cent of Aluminum. Tensile Strength. Elonga- tion, per cent. Specific- Gravity. Tons per square inch. Pounds per square inch. 11... 40 to 45 33 " 40 25 " 30 15 " 18 13 15 11 " 13 89,600 to 100,800 73,920 " 89,600 56,000 " 67,200 33,600 " 40,320 29,120 " 33,600 24,640 " 29,120 8 14 40 40 50 55 7.23 7.69 6.00 8.37 8.69 10.. 71/2 5-&/ 2 : ...... 21/2 11/4 Casting. The melting point of aluminum bronze varies slightly with the amount of aluminum contained, the higher grades melting at a lower temperature than the lower grades. The A No. 1 grades melt at about 1700 F M a little higher than ordinary bronze or brass. ALUMINUM ALLOYS. 397 Aluminum bronze shrinks more than ordinary brass. As the metal solidifies rapidly it is necessary to pour it quickly and to make the feeders amply large, so that there will be no "freezing" in them before the casting is properly fed. Baked-sand molds are preferable to green sand, except for small castings, and when fine skin colors are desired in the castings. (Thos. D. West, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1886, vol. viii.) All grades of aluminum bronze can be rolled, s wedged, spun, or drawn cold except A 1 and A 2. They can all be worked at a bright red heat. In rolling, swedging, or spinning cold, it should be annealed very often and at a brighter red heat than is used for annealing brass. Seamless Tubes. Leonard Waldo, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xviii, describes the manufacture of aluminum bronze seamless tubing. Many difficulties were met in all stages of the process. A cold drawn bar, 1.49 in. outside diameter, 0.05 in. thick, showed a yield point of 68.700, and a tensile strength of 96,000 Ib. per sq. in. with an elongation of 4.9% in 10 in. ; heated to bright red and plunged in water, the yield point re- duced to 24,200 and the T. S. to 47,600 Ib. per sq. in., and the elonga- tion in 10 in. increased to 64.9%. Brazing. Aluminum bronze will braze as well as any other metal, using one-quarter brass solder (zinc 500, copper 500) and three-quarters borax, or, better, three-quarters cryolite. Soldering. Aluminum bronze can be soldered by using a solder of pure block tin .with a flux of zinc filings and muriatic acid. It is advis- able to "tin" the two surfaces before putting them together. Aluminum Brass. (E. H. Cowles, Trans. A. I. M. E., vol. xviii.) Cowles aluminum brass is made by fusing together equal weights of A 1 aluminum bronze, copper, and zinc. The copper and bronze are first thoroughly melted and mixed, and the zinc is finally added. The material is left in the furnace until small test-bars are taken from it and broken. When these bars show a tensile strength of 80,000 pounds or over, with 2 or 3 per cent ductility, the metal is ready to be poured. Tests of this brass, on small bars, have at times shown as high as 100,000 pounds tensile strength. The Aluminum Co. of America says (1909) that aluminum brass has an elastic limit of about 30,000 Ib. per sq. in., an ultimate strength of 40,000 to 50,000 Ib. per sq. in., and an elongation of 3% to 10% in 8 in. Aluminum brass is used with aluminum ranging from 0.1% to 10%. The best results are obtained by introducing the aluminum in the form of aluminized zinc, a 5 % aluminized zinc being used where less than 1 % of aluminum is required and a 10 % aluminized zinc for aluminum per- centages of over 1 %. The effect of aluminum in brass in quantities of less than 1 % is to make the brass flow freely and to insure a sounder casting, and it enables from one-half to one-third more castings to be made on a gate than is possible where aluminum is not used. In quan- tities over 1 % up to 10% the aluminum increases the strength of brass, enabling a cheaper grade of brass to be used v than wo*uld otherwise be possible. Inasmuch as aluminum lowers the melting point of brass, great care must be taken not to overheat it in melting. Tests of Aluminum Brass. (Cowles E. S. & Al. Co.) Specimen (Castings) Diameter of Piece, Inch. Area sq. in. Tensile Strength, Ibs. per sq. in. Elastic Limit, Ibs. per sq. in. Elonga- tion, per et. Remarks. 15%AgradeBronze ) M g 1 7% Zinc [ 0.465 0.1698 41,225 1 7,668 41 1/2 S'S $ M 68% Copper. ) 2Jvo & part A Bronze . . ) p-3 $ part Zinc > part Copper ) 0.465 0.1698 78,327 2V2 I" 1 part A Bronze. . ) part Zinc [ 0.460 0.1661 72,246 2i/ 2 111! part Copper ) H The first brass on the above list is an extremely tough metal with low 398 ALLOYS. elastic limit, made purposely so as to "upset" easily. The other, which is called Aluminum brass No. 2, is very hard. Caution as to Reported Strength of Alloys. The same variation in strength which has been found in tests of gun-metal (copper and tin) noted above, must be expected in tests of aluminum bronze and in fact, of all alloys. They are exceedingly subject to variation in density and in grain, caused by differences hi method of molding and casting temperature of pouring, size of and shape casting, depth of "sinking head," etc. Chill-castings give higher results than sand-castings, and bars cast by themselves purposely for testing almost invariably run higher than test bars attached to castings. Bars cut out from castings are generally weaker than bars cast alone. Effect of Copper on Aluminum. Tests of rolled sheets of aluminum, 0.04 in. thick, with" varying percentages of copper are reported in The Engineer, Jan. 2, 1891, as follows: Aluminum, per cent. ........ 100 98 96 94 92 Copper, per cent 2 4 6 8 Specific gravity, calculated 2.78 2.90 3.02 314 Specific gravity, determined.. 2.67 2.71 2.77 2.82 2.85 Tensile strength, Ib. per sq.in. 25,535 43,563 44,130 54,773 50,374 Tests of Aluminum Alloys. (Engineer Harris, U. S. N., Trans. A. I. M. E., vol. xviii.) Composition. Tensile Strength per sq. in., Ib. Elastic Limit, Ib. per sq. in. Elonga- tion, per ct. Reduc- tion of Area, per ct. Copper. Alumi- num. Silicon. Zinc. Iron. 91.50% 88.50 91.50 90.00 63.00 63.00 91.50 93.00 88.50 92.00 6.50% 9.33 6.50 9.00 3.33 3.33 6.50 6.50 9.33 6.50 \: 7 d % 1.75 1.00 0.33 0.33 1.75 0.50 1 .66 0.50 0.25% 0.50 0.25 60,700 66,000 67,600 72,830 82,200 70,400 59,100 53,000 69,930 46,530 18,000 27,000 24,000 33,000 60,000 55,000 19,000 19,000 33,000 1 7,000 23.2 3.8 13 2.40 2.33 0.4 15.1 6.2 1 .33 7.8 30.7 7.8 21.62 5.78 9.88 4.33 23.59 15.5 3.30 19.19 33.'33% 33.33 0.25 0.50 For comparison with the above 6 tests of "Navy Yard Bronze," Cu 88, Sn 10, Zn 2, are given in which the T. S. ranges from 18,000 to 24,590, E. L. from 10,000 to 13,000, El. 2.5 to 5.8%, Red. 4.7 to 10.89. Alloys of Aluminum, Silicon and Iron. M. and E. Bernard have succeeded in obtaining through electrolysis, by treating directly and without previous purification, the aluminum earths (red and white bauxites), the following: Alloys such as ferro-aluminum, ferro-silicon-aluminum, and silicon- aluminum, where the proportion of silicon may exceed 10%, which are employed in the metallurgy of iron for refining steel and cast-iron. Also silicon-aluminum, where the proportion of silicon does not exceed 10%, which may % be employed in mechanical constructions in a rolled or hammered condition, in place of steel, on account of their great resist- ance, especially where the lightness of the piece in construction consti- tutes one of the main conditions of success. The following analyses are given: 1. Alloys applied to the metallurgy of iron, the refining of steel and cast iron: No. 1, Al, 70%; Fe, 25%; Si, 5%. No. 2, Al, 70; Fe, 20; Si, 10. No. 3, Al, 70; Fe, 15; Si, 15. No. 4, Al. 70; Fe, 10; Si, 20. No. 5, Al, 70; Fe, 10; Si, 10; Mn, 10. No. 6, Al. 70; Fe, trace; Si, 20; Mn, 10. 2. Mechanical alloys: No. 1, Al, 92; Si, 6.75; Fe, 1.25. No. 2, Al, 90; Si, 9.25; Fe, 0.75. No. 3, Al, 90; Si, 10; Fe, trace. The best results were with alloys where the proportion of iron was very low, and the proportion of silicon in the neighborhood of 10%. Above that pro- portion the alloy becomes crystalline and can no longer be employed. ALUMINUM ALLOYS. 399 The density of the alloys of silicon is approximately the same as that of aluminum. La Metallurgie, 1392. Aluminum -Tungsten Alloys have been somewhat used in Europe in the form of rolled sheets under the trade name of Wolfranium. An aluminum-tungsten alloy used in France (1898) for motor-car bodies has the following properties: Cast, sp. gr. 2.86; T.S., 17,000 to 24,000; elong., 12 to 6%. Rolled, sp. gr., 3.09; T.S., 45,500 to 53,600; elong., 8 to 6%. Aluminum-Antimony alloys have been produced, but have a scien- tific rather than a commercial interest. The alloy whose composition is Sb Al has a higher melting point than either of its constituents. Aluminum and Manganese. Manganese is one of the best harden- ers of aluminum. Professor Carpenter found that it increased the strength when added in quantities up to 10%. Undesirable Aluminum Alloys. While aluminum will combine with all the metalloids and gaseous elements, such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, selenium, chlorine, iodine, boron, silicon, and carbon, no useful result has been recorded from the combination of metallic aluminum with any of these elements. The prevention of the occlusion of gaseous metalloids in molten aluminum and the prevention of the union of car- bon and aluminum are among the chief precautions to be observed in the metallurgy of aluminum. The effect of sodium and potassium on aluminum is as undesirable as the effect of phosphorus and sulphur on steel. (Aluminum Co. of America.) Aluminum-Magnesium. Magnalium. A patented alloy of alumi- num and magnesium, containing 90 to 98% Al has the trade name "magnalium." It is lighter than aluminum (sp. gr. 2.5), and is whiter, harder, and stronger. It can be forged, rolled, drawn, machined, and filed. It resists oxidation better than other light metals or alloys. Tensile strength: cast, 18,400 to 21,300 Ib. per sq. in., with a reduction of area-3.75%; rolled, 52,200 Ib. per sq. in., with a reduction of area of 3.7%; annealed, 42,200 Ib. per sq. in., reduction, 17.8%. Al Mg alloys are said by the Aluminum Co. of America to be as strong as Al Cu alloys. Aluminum and Iron. Aluminum alloys with cast-iron up to 15% Al, but the metal decreases in strength as the Al increases. Above 15 % Al the alloys are granular and have practically no coherence. (Trans. A. I. M. E., vol. xviii, A. S. M. E., vol. xix.) It is doubtful if aluminum has much effect on soft gray No. 1 foundry iron, except to keep the metal molten a longer time. With difficult castings, where loss is occasioned by defective castings or where the iron does not flow freely, the addition of aluminum will improve the quality of the casting, and give a closer grained iron. The addition of 2% or more of Al will de- crease the shrinkag'e of cast iron. In wrought iron,.l% Al makes the metal more fluid at 2200 F. than it would be at 3500 F. without Al. An addition of 0.25% Al to the bath causes the charge to stiffen more quickly. (Aluminum Co. of America, 1909.) Aluminum, Copper, and Tin. Prof. R. C. Carpenter, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xix., finds the following alloys of maximum strength in a series in which two of the three metals are in equal proportions: Al, 85; Cu, 7.5; Sn, 7.5; tensile strength, 30,000 Ib. per sq. in.; elongation in 6 in., 4%; sp. gr., 3.02. Al, 6.25; Cu, 87.5; Sn, 6.25; T. S., 63,000; EL, 3.8; sp. gr., 7.35. Al, 5; Cu, 5; Sn, 90; T. S:, 11,000; EL, 10.1; sp. gr., 6.82. From 85 to 95% Cu the bars have considerable strength, are close grained and of a golden color. Between 78 and 80 % the color changes to silver white and the bars become brittle. From 78 to 20% Cu the alloys are very hard and brittle, and worthless for practical purposes. Aluminum is strengthened by the addition of equal parts of copper and tin up to 7.5% of each, beyond which the strength decreases. All the alloys that contain between 20 and 60 % of either one of the three metals are very weak. Aluminum and Zinc. (Aluminum Co. of America, 1909.) Like the copper alloys, the zinc alloys can be divided into two classes, (1) those containing a relatively small amount of aluminum, and (2) those con- taining less than 35 % of zinc. The first class is known as " aluminized zinc," and the second comprises the zinc casting alloys. Zinc produces tl e g-trongest alloy of aluminum, which strength can be increased by the 400 ALLOYS. addition of other metals. The strongest zinc-aluminum alloy may be as nigh as 35,000 Ib. per sq. in. The high zinc alloys are brittle and more liable to "draw" in heavy parts or lugs than are copper alloys. This can often be overcome by suitable gating, chills, and risers. There is also danger of burning out the zinc and producing a weaker casting. For forging, a zinc-aluminum alloy of 10 to 15% zinc gives excellent results. It is tough, flows well in the dies, is easily machined and is remarkably strong per unit of area. Aluminized zinc is used in the bath for galvanizing and in aluminum brass. It is made by melting aluminum in the crucible and then grad- ually stirring in the zinc, after which it is cast into ingots. The 5% alloy is used in the galvanizing bath and for low grade aluminum brass, and the 10 % alloy for lu'gh-grade brass castings. It is introduced in the molten metal the same as pure zinc. In galvanizing it is added in such proportions that the total amount of aluminum in the bath will be about 1 Ib. of aluminum per ton of bath, or about 20 Ib. of 5% alloy per ton of bath. It should be added gradually, and as the bath is consumed fresh 5 % alloy should be added about 1 Ib. at a time for a 5- ton bath. When aluminized zinc is used it is unnecessary to use sal ammoniac to clear the bath of oxide. In starting a new bath, how- ever, after adding the aluminized zinc, it is stirred well until the alumi- num combines with the impurities, which rise to the surface as a scum. This is removed, some sal ammoniac is added to counteract the effects of the aluminum, and the proportion of alloy added is reduced. Aluminum and Tin. (Aluminum Co. of America, 1909.) Tin, al- loyed with aluminum in proportions of from 1 to 15%, gives added strength and rigidity to heavy castings, increases the sharpness of outline and decreases shrinkage. The aluminum-tin alloys are rather brittle, and although small proportions of tin in certain casting alloys have been advantageously used to decrease shrinkage, they are com- paratively little used on account of the relative cost and brittleness. Aluminum and Nickel. (Aluminum Co. of America, 1909.) Al- uminum-nickel alloys with 2 to 5 % of the combined alloying metals are satisfactory for rolling or hammering. A 7 to 9 % alloy produces good results in casting. Other Aluminum Alloys. Al 75.7, Cu. 3, Zn 20, Mn 1.3 is an excellent casting metal, having a tensile strength of over 35,000 Ib. per sq. in., and a sp. gr. slightly above 3. It has very little ductility Al 96.5, Cu 2, and chromium 1.5 is a little heavier than pure alumi- num and has a tensile strength of 26,300 Ib. per sq. in. A. S. M. E. t vol. xix. With the exception of lead and mercury, aluminum unites with all metals, though it unites with antimony with great difficulty. A small percentage of silver whitens and hardens the metal, and gives it added strength; and this alloy is especially applicable to the manufacture of fine instruments and apparatus. The following alloys have been found recently to be useful in the arts: Nickel-aluminum, composed of 20 parts nickel to 80 of aluminum; rosine, made of 40 parts nickel, 10 parts silver, 30 parts aluminum, and 20 parts tin, for jewellers' work; mettaline, made of 35 parts cobalt, 25 parts aluminum, 10 parts iron, and 30 parts copper. The aluminum-bourbouze metal, shown at the Paris Exposition of 1889, has a specific gravity of 2.9 to 2.96, and can be cast in very solid shapes, as it has very little shrinkage. From analysis the following composi- tion is deduced: Aluminum, 85.74%; tin, 12.94%; silicon, 1.32%; iron, none. Aluminum Alloys used in Automobile Construction (Am. Mach., Aug. 22, 1907.) (1) Al 2, Zn, 1, T.S. 35,000; Sp. gr. 3.1 (2) Al 92, Cu, 8, T.S. 18,000; Sp. gr. 2.84 Ni, trace (3) Al 83, Zn, 15, Cu, 2, T.S. 23,000; Sp. gr. 3.1 (1) Unsatisfactory on account of failures under repeated vibration. (2) Generally used. Resists vibrations well. (3) Used to some extent. Many motor-car makers decline to use it because of uncertainty of its behavior under vibration. The Thermit Process. When finely divided aluminum is mixed with a metallic oxide and ignited the aluminum burns with great rapid- ity and intense heat, the chemical reaction being Al + Fe2Oa = A^Os ALLOYS OP MANGANESE AND COPPER. 401 + Fe. The heat thus generated may be used to fuse or weld iron and other metals. See the Thermit Process, under Welding of Steel, page 488. Resistance of Aluminum Alloys to Corrosion. J. W. Richards, Jour. Frank. Inst., 1895, gives the following table showing the relative resistance to corrosion of aluminum (99 % pure) and alloys of aluminum with different metals, when immersed in the liquids named. The figures are losses per day in milligrams per square centimeter of surface: 3% Caustic Potash. Cold. 3% Hydro- chloric Acid. Cold. Strong Nitric Acid. Cold. Strong Salt Solu- tion. 150F. Strong Acetic Acid. 140 F. Car- bonic Acid. Water. 77 F. 3 per cent copper 265.0 53.3 36.1 0.1 0.4 0.0 3 per cent German silver . 3 per cent nickel 1534.4 580.3 130.6 180.0 97.7 83.0 0.05 0.13 0.6 0.75 0.01 0.04 2 per cent titanium . . . 73.4 4.3 18.6 06 20 0.0 99 per cent aluminum .... 35.6 5.8 9.6 0.04 0.15 0.01 ALLOYS OF MANGANESE AND COPPER. Various Manganese Alloys. E. H. Cowles, in Trans. A. I. M. E., vol. xviii, p. 495, states that as the result of numerous experiments on mixtures of the several metals, copper, zinc, tin, lead, aluminum, iron, and manganese, and the metalloid silicon, and experiments upon th same in ascertaining tensile strength, ductility, color, etc., the most important determinations appear to be about as follows: 1. That pure metallic manganese exerts a bleaching effect upon cop- per more radical in its action even than nickel. In other words, it was found that 18 H % of manganese present in copper produces as white a color in the resulting alloy as 25% of nickel would do, this being the amount of each required to remove the last trace of red. 2. That upwards of 20 % or 25 % of manganese may be added to cop- per without reducing its ductility, although doubling its tensile strength and changing its color. 3. That manganese, copper, and zinc, when melted together and poured into molds behave very much like the most "yeasty" German silver, producing an ingot which is a mass of blow-holes, and which swells up above the mold before cooling. 4. That the alloy of manganese and copper by itself is very easily oxidized. 5. That the addition of 1.25% of aluminum to a manganese-copper alloy converts it from one of the most refractory of metals in the casting Erocess into a metal of superior casting qualities, and the non-corrodi- ility of which is in many instances greater than that of either German or nickel silver. A "silver-bronze" alloy especially designed for rods, sheets, and wire has the following composition: Mn, 18; Al, 1.20; Si, 0.5; Zn, 13; and Cu, 67.5%. It has a tensile strength of about 57,000 Ibs. on small bars, and 20% elongation. It has been rolled into thin plate and drawn into wire 0.008 inch in diameter. A test of the electrical conductivity of this wire (of size No. 32) shows its resistance to be 41.44 times that of pure copper. This is far lower conductivity than that of German silver. Manganese Bronze. (F. L. Garrison, Jour. F. /., 1891.) This alloy has been used extensively for casting propeller-blades. Tests of some made by B. H. Cramp & Co., of Philadelphia, gave an average elastic limit of 30,000 Ibs. per sq, in., tensile strength of about 60,000 Ibs. per sq. in. with an elongation of 8% to 10% in sand castings. When rolled, the E. L. is about 80,000 Ibs. per sq. in., tensile strength 95,000 to 106,000 Ibs. per sq. in., with an elongation of 12% to 15%. Compression tests made at United States Na'vy Department from the metal in the pouring-gate of propeller-hub of U. S. S. Maine gave in two tests a crushing stress of 126,450 and 135,750 Ib. per sq. in. The specimens were 1 inch high by 0.7 x 0.7 inch in cross-section = 0.49 square inch. Both specimens gave way by shearing, on a plane making an angle of nearly 45 6 with the direction of stress. A test on a specimen 1 X 1 X 1 inch was made from a piece of the 402 ALLOYS. same pouring-gate. " Under stress of 150,000 pounds it was "flattened to 0.72 inch high by about 11/4 x 11/4 inches, but without rupture or any sign of distress. One of the great objections to the use of manganese bronze, or in fact any alloy except iron or steel, for the propellers of iron ships is on account of the galvanic action set up between the propeller and the stern-posts. This difficulty has in great measure been overcome by putting strips of rolled zinc around the propeller apertures in the stern- frames. The following analysis of Parsons' manganese bronze No. 2 was made from a chip from the propeller of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt's yacht Alva. Cu, 88.64; Zn, 1.57; Sn, 8.70; Fe, 0.72; Pb, 0.30; P, trace. It will be observed there is no manganese present and the amount of zinc is very small. E. H. Cowles, Trans. A. I. M. E., vol. xviii, says: Manganese bronze, so called, is in reality a manganese brass, for zinc instead of tin is the chief element added to the C9pper. Mr. P. M. Parsons, the proprietor of this brand of metal, has claimed for it a tensile strength of from 24 to 28 tons per sq. in. in small bars when cast in sand. E. S. Sperry, Am. Mach., Feb. 1, 1906, gives the following analyses of manganese bronze: Cu. Zn. Fe. Sn. Al. Mn. Pb. No. 1 . 60.27 37.52 1.41 0.75 0.01 0.01 " 2 56.11 41.34 1.30 0.75 0.47 0.01 0.02 3.::: 60.00 38.00 1.25 0.65 0.10 ' 4 56.00 42.38 1.25 0.75 6.50 0.12 No. 1 is Parsons' alloy for sheet, No. 2 for sand casting. No. 3 is Mr. Sperry's formula for sheet, and No. 4 his formula for sand castings. alloy is made by melting wrought iron, 18 Ibs.; ferro-manganese (80 Fe, 20 Mn), 4 Ibs.; tin, 10 Ibs. The iron and ferro-manganese are first melted and .then the tin is added. In making the bronzes about 15 Ibs. of the copper is first melted under charcoal, the steel alloy is added, melted and stirred, then the aluminum is added, melted and stirred, then the rest of the copper is added, and finally the zinc. The only function of the manganese is to act as a carrier to the i?on, which is difficult to alloy with copper without such carrier. The iron is needed to give a high elastic limit. Green sand castings of No. 4 fre- quently give results as high as the following: T. S., 70,000; E. L., 30,000 Ibs. per sq. in.; elongation in 6 ins., 18%; reduction of area, 26%. Magnetic Alloys of Non-Magnetic Metals. (El. World, April 15, 1905; Electrot.-Zeit. Mar. 2, 1905.) Dr. Heusler has discovered that alloys of manganese, aluminum, and copper are strongly magnetic. The best results have been obtained when the Mn and Al are in the proportions of their respective atomic weights, 55 and 27.1. Two such alloys are described (1) Mn, 26.8; Al, 13.2; Cu, 60. (2) Mn, 20.1; Al, 9.9: Cu, 70, with 1% Pb added. The first was too brittle to be workable. The second was machined without difficulty. These alloys have as yet no commercial importance, as they are far inferior magnetically (at most 1 to 4) to iron. GERMAN-SILVER AND OTHER NICKEL ALLOYS. German Silver. The composition of German silver is a very un- certain thing and depends largely, on the honesty of the manufacturer and the price the purchaser is willing to pay. It is composed of copper, zinc, and nickel in varying proportions. The best varieties contain from 18% to 25% of nickel and from 20% to 30% of zinc, the remainder being copper. The more expensive nickel silver contains from 25% to 33% of nickel and from 75% to 66% of copper. The nickel is used as a whitening element; it also strengthens the alloy and renders it harder and more non-corrodible than the brass made without it, of copper and ALLOYS OF NICKEL. 403 zinc. Of all troublesome alloys to handle in the foundry or rolling-mill, German silver is the worst. It is unmanageable and refractory at every step in its transition from the crude elements into rods, sheets, or wire. (E. H. Cowles, Trans. A. I. M. E., xviii, p. 494.) The following list of copper-nickel alloys is from various sources: | Copper. | Nickel. | Tin. | Zinc. German silver 51 6 25 8 22.6 50.2 14.8 3.1 31.9 it 51 1 13 8 3.2 31.9 it it 52 to 55 18 to 25 20 to 30 Nickel " 75 to 66 25 to 33 Chinese packfong 40 4 31 6 6 5 parts tutenag 8 3 6.5 " German silver 2 1 1 " (cheaper) 8 8 2 3 3.5 " 3.5 " Nickel-copper Alloys. (F. L. Sperry, A. I. M. E., 1895.) Copper. | Nickel. | Zinc. ] Iron. | Cobalt. Berlin : 52 to 63 22 to 6 26 to 31 French, tableware 50 18. 7 to 20 31.3 to 30 65.4 16.8 13.4 3.4 Christofle 50 50 Austrian, tableware 50 to 60 25 to 20 25 to 20 English, Sheffield 45.7 to 60 31 6 to 15 25.4 to 17 to 2 6 to 3 4 American, castings 52.5 17.7 28 8 bearings 50 25 25 " one-cent coin 88 12 Nickel coins 75 25 A refined copper-nickel alloy containing 50% copper and 49% nickel, with very small amounts of iron, silicon and carbon, is produced direct from Bessemer matte in the Sudbury (Canada) Nickel Works. German- silver manufacturers purchase a ready-made alloy, which melts at a low heat and requires only the addition of zinc, instead of buying the nickel and copper separately. This alloy, "50-50" as it is called, is almost indistinguishable from pure nickel. Its cost is less than nickel, its melting-point much lower, it can be cast solid in any form desired, and furnishes a casting which works easily in the lathe or planer, yield- ing a silvery- white surface unchanged by air or moisture. For bullet casings now used in various British and Continental rifles, a special alloy of 80% copper and 20% nickel is made. Monel Metal. An alloy of about 72% Ni, 1.5 Fe, 26.5 Cu, made from the Canadian copper-nickel ores, is described in the Metal Worker, Oct. 10, 1908. It has many valuable properties when rolled into sheets, making it especially suitable for rooting. It is ductile and flexible, is easily soldered, has a high resistance to corrosion, and a relatively small expan- sion and contraction under temperature changes. The tensile strength in castings is from 70,000 to 80,000 Ibs. per sq. in., and in rolled sheets as high as 108,000 Ibs. The Supplee-Biddle Hardware Co.'s Bulletin, Jan., 1915, gives the following results of tests of bars of monel metal. The test pieces were 0.505 in. diarn. Tensile Strength Bar from 1 in. sq. casting 79,600 Hot rolled 1-in. rod 88,150 Elong. Red. o in 2 in. Area 49.2% 39.3% 36.0 67.9 El. Limit. 31,800 58,000 The strength of monel metal wire, used for window screen cloth, is given as 90,000 Ib. per sq. in., and its analysis 68% Ni, 28% Cu., 2.5% Fe, 1.5% Mn. Constantan is an alloy containing about 60% copper and 40% nickel, which is much used for resistance wire in electrical instruments. Its electrical resistance is about twenty-eight to thirty times that of copper, and it possesses a very low temperature coefficient, --^approximately 404 ALLOYS. .00003. This same material is also much used to form one element of base-metal thermo-couples. Manganin, Cu Mn Ni, high resistance alloy. See Electrical Resist- ance under Electrical Engineering. ALLOYS OF BISMUTH. By adding a small amount of bismuth to lead the latter may be hardened and toughened. An alloy consisting of three parts of lead and two of bismuth has ten times the hardness and twenty times the tenacity of lead. The alloys of bismuth with both tin and lead are extremely fusible, and take fine impressions of casts and molds. An alloy of one part Bi, two parts Sn, and one part Pb is used by pewter- workers as a soft solder, and by soap-makers for molds. An alloy of five parts Bi, two parts Sn, and three parts Pb imelts at 199 F., and is S9mewhat used for stereotyping, and for metallic writing-pencils. Thorpe gives the following proportions for the better-known fusible metals: Name of Alloy. Bis- muth. Lead. Tin. Cad- mium. Mer- cury. Melting- point. Newton's 50 31.25 18.75 202 F Rose's 50 28.10 24 10 203 ' D'Arcet's . . 50 25.00 25.00 201 ' D' Arcet's with mercury 50 25.00 25.00 250.0 113 ' Wood's 50 25 00 12 50 12 50 149 ' Lipowitz's 50 26 90 12 78 10 40 149 ' Guthrie's " Eutectic ". 50 20.55 21.10 14.03 "Very low.'* The action of heat upon some of these alloys is remarkable. Thus, Lipowitz's alloy, which solidifies at 149 F., cpntracts very rapidly at first, as it cools from this point. As the cooling goes on the contrac- tion becomes slower and slower, until the temperature falls to 101.3 F. From this point the alloy expands as it cools, until the temperature falls to about 77 F., after which it again contracts, so that at 32 F. a bar of the alloy has the same length as at 115 F. Alloys of bismuth have been used for making fusible plugs for boilers, but it is found that they are altered by the continued action of heat, so that one cannot rely upon them to melt at the proper temperature. Pure Banca tin is used by the U. S. Government for fusible plugs. FUSIBLE ALLOYS. (From various sources. Many of the figures are probably very inaccurate.) Sir Isaac Newton's, bismuth 5, lead 3, tin 2, melts at 212 F. Rose's, bismuth 2, lead 1, tin 1, melts at 200 " Wood's, cadmium 1, bismuth 4, lead 2, tin 1, melts at 165 '* Guthrie's, cadmium 13.29, bismuth 47.38, lead 19.36, tin 19.97, melts at 160 " Lead 1, tin 1, bismuth 1, cadmium 1, melts at 155 '* Lead 3, tin 5, bismuth 8, melts at 208 " Lead 1, tin 3, bismuth 5, melts at 212 " Lead 1, tin 4, bismuth 5, melts at 240 " Tin 1, bismuth 1, melts at 286 " Lead 2, tin 3, melts at 334 to 367 " Tin 2, bismuth 1, melts at 336 " Lead 1, tin 2, melts at 340 to 360 " Tin 8, bismuth 1, melts at 392 " Lead 2, tin 1, melts at 440 to 475 " Lead 1, tin 1, melts at 370 to 400 " Lead 1 , tin 3, melts at 356 to 383 " Tin 3, bismuth 1, melts at 392 " Lead 1, bismuth 1, melts at 257 " Lead 1, tin 1, bismuth 4, melts at 201 " Lead 5, tin 3, bismuth 8, melts at 202 " Tin 3, Dismuth 5, melts at 202 M BEARING METAL ALLOYS. 405 BEARING-METAL ALLOYS. (C. B. Dudley, Jour. F. /., Feb. and March, 1892.) Alloys are used as bearings in place of wrought iron, cast Iron, or steel, partly because wear and friction are believed to be more rapid when two metals of the same kind work together, partly because the soft metals are more easily worked and got into proper shape, and partly because it is desirable to use a soft metal which will take the wear rather than a hard metal, which will wear the journal more rapidly. A good bearing-metal must have five characteristics: (1) It must be strong enough to carry the load without distortion. Pressures on car- journals are frequently as high as 350 to 400 Ib. per square inch. (2) A good bearing-metal should not heat readily. The old copper- tin bearing, made of seven parts copper to one part tin, is more apt to heat than some other alloys. In general, research seems to show that the harder the bearing-metal, the more likely it is to heat. (3) Good bearing-metal should work well in the foundry. Oxidation while melting causes spongy castings. It can be prevented by a liberal use of powdered charcoal while melting. The addition of 1% to 2% of zinc or a small amount of phosphorus greatly aids in the production of sound castings. This is a principal element of value in phosphor- bronze. (4) Good bearing-metals should show small friction. It is true that friction is almost wholly a question of the lubricant used ; but the metal of the bearing has certainly some influence. (5) Other things being equal, the best bearing-metal is that which wears slowest. The principal constituents of bearing-metal alloys are copper, tin, lead, zinc, antimony, iron, and aluminum. The following table gives the constituents of most of the prominent bearing-metals as analyzed at the Pennsylvania Railroad laboratory at Altoona. Analyses of Bearing- metal Alloys. Metal. Copper. Tin. Lead. Zinc. Anti- mony. Iron. Camelia metal 70.20 1.60 4.25 98.13 14.75 10.20 0.55 trace Anti-friction metal White metal 87.92 84.87 1.15 67.73 80.69 12 Of Car-brass linin tr trace 9.91 14.38 "85J7 15.10 Salgee anti-friction Graphite bearing-metal . . . 4.01 16.73 18 83 ? (I) Antimonial lead 75.47 77.83 92.39 trace 9.72 9.60 2.37 14.57 12.40 5.10 83.55 78.44 0.31 15.06 12.52 (2) Cornish bronze trace trace(3) 0.07 trace(4> 0.65 0.11 Delta metal * Magnolia, metal trace 0.98 38.40 16.45 19.60 American anti-friction metal I'obin bronze 59.66 75.80 76.41 90.52 81.24 2.16 9.20 10.60 9.58 10.98 Granev bronze Damascus bronze Manganese bronze .. (5) Ajax metal 7.27 88 32 (6) Anti-friction metal 11.93 Harrington bronze 55.73 0.97 42.67 trace "J4J8" 6.03 0.68 0.61 Car-box metal 84.33 94.40 Hard lead Phosphor-bronze 79.17 76.80 10.22 8.00 9.61 15.00 ...(7) Ex. B. metal 01 t m. Test 3. Class. u XJ *t *3 S a) 0Q 1-1 * ii Plates, No. Size, In Ins. high. Ibs. (a) (6) Ins. Ibs. (a) J oS, aj E 1 Triple . 40 113/4 5 3 x ll/3-> 3 3/4 9 3/8 4 800 3 5 500 ? E 2, Quadruple . . E 3 Triple .... 40 36 151/ 2 113/4 5 3 x3/ 8 6 3 X 11/32 33/4 93/ 4 6,650 4 95/8 6 000 3 8,000 3 8000 2 E 4, Singlet--. 40 8 3 X 11/32 5* ffee 3 2350 E5, " t E 6 " |.. 40 4? 7 3x3/ 8 8 31/2X3/ 8 1 5/16* .... 3,000 1 1/8* 4 375 4,970 6350 E 7. Triple 36 i i 3/4 8 3 X 11/30 21/2 91/2 11 800 E 8, Double E 9, ' E 10, Quadruple.. E 11, E 12, E 13, Double E 14, " E 15, Quadruple.. E 16, E 17, Double E 18, Singlet.... E 19, Double E 20 32 36 40 40 34 30 40 36 30 36 42 22 ?? 71/2 91/2 15V 2 151/2 151/2 91/2 91/2 151/2 151/2 91/2 "ioi/2 101/2 6 3 x3/ 8 5 4x11/32 5 3 x3/ 8 5 3X3/8 5 3x3/8 5 4x3/8 6 4X11/32 6 3xll/3 2 6 3x11/32 5 4x3/8 9 31/ 2 x3/ 8 6 41/2X11/32 7 41/2x11/32 3 9 8,000 31/ 2 87/ 16 5,400 4 10 8,000 33/4 93/4 10,600 33/4 93/4 .13,100 33/4 9 5,600 33/8 9 6,840 37/16 93/4 11,820 41/2 101/s 8,000 23/4 8 8,070 1* 5,250 13/16 67/ 16 13,800 13/16 71/8 I 5 60 3" 6', 666 3 10,000 3 12,200 3 15,780 2 10,600 2 8,600 21/ 2 14,370 23/ 4 15,500 2 9,540 7,300 "2 2 2 2 E2li E 22, E 23, E 24, .... 24 24 36 36 101/ 2 JO* 10 7 41/ 2 X3 8 8 41/ 2 X3/8 5 4x3/ 8 5 4x3/8 1 71/4 15>50 1 81/ 2 18,000 21/4 8 8,750 21/4 8 7.500 28,800 32,930 11 '4 10,750 11/4 9,500 (a) Between bands; (&) over all; a.p.t., auxiliary plates touching. * Between bottom of eye and top of leaf, t Semi-elliptical. Tracings are furnished for each class of spring. SPRINGS TO RESIST TORSIONAL FORCE. (Reuleaux's Constructor.) Flat spiral or helical spring P = o H = 12 Round helical spring P 32 R' PIR* Ebh*' PI E Round bar, in torsion F = =-= ^* <* lu /t Flat bar, in torsion. ' 3RV& P = force applied at end of radius or lever-arm R\ & = angular motion at end of radius R; S = permissible maximum stress, = 4/ 5O f permissible stress in flexure: E = modulus of elasticity in tension; G = torsionaJ modulus, = 2/5 E; I = developed length of spiral, or length of bar; d = diameter of wire; b = breadth of flat bar; h = thickness. (Compare Elastic Resistance to Torsion, p. 334.) HELICAL SPRINGS. 423 HELICAL SPRINGS SIZES AND CAPACITIES. (Selected from Specifications of Penna. R. R. Co., 1899.) +H Test. Height and 0) "M 00 a ^T co ^ O Loads. .S 3 f_T & .S 8 a 25 o <& Q GO Q s ^ Qg GO GO ,0 >j 01 * .d i | "S'Z r .S .s 1 ? 'S""* e3 " fc 5 "M oi i E 1 J2 o "So o of 1 GO c i i I o/o 6 s Ibs. oz H 26 9/64 571/2 59 4 i 53/4 3 31/4 no 130 H 18 H/64 75 761/4 8 i 8 5 6 170 270 H 55 3/16 451/8 465/ 16 55/ 8 i 41/2 35/16 4 103 245 H 73 3/16 426 4273/4 3 51/2 15/16 39 221/2 35 45 185 H 29 7/32 20 !/> 227/ 16 31/2 115/32 HI/16 19/64 13/8 110 200 H 1 1/4 451/2 47 10 U/4 51/8 35/8 43/ 8 250 500 H 5 V4 251/4 281/4 6 2V4 21/4 H/8 U/2 164 240 H 58 5/16 2531/2 2561/2 5 7 21/4 23 13 18 248 495 H 74 5/16 180 1821/s 3 141/2 IU/16 191/ 8 13 141/ 8 587 700 H 681* 3/8 991/2 1031/4 3 U/2 23/4 9 5 7 350 700 H 79 3/8 88 903/4 2 12 21/8 85/ 8 6 63/4 676 946 H 802 13/32 1923/g 1953/4 7 '1/2 29/16 18 119/16 151/2 380 975 H 43 7/16 96 1025/i 6 4 1 47/16 815/ie 33/8 51/8 450 660 H 64 7/16 755/8 781/2 3 3 29/32 75/8 55/8 53/4 1350 1440 H 53 2 15/32 1695/iQ 1729/16 8 4 217/32 61/ 2 21/4 51/2 330 1410 H 27 2 1/2 903/4 951/8 5 31/4 81/2 51/4 63/4 810 1500 H 61 1/2 151/2 213/s 133/4 41/4 13/8 05/8 1 532 1050 H 19 17/32 8U/2 851/2 5 2 31/32 8 59/ie 67/16 1200 1900 H 86 3 17/32 1535/8 159 9 10 4 33/4 71/2 87/ 16 1156 1360 H 63 9/16 98 103 6 15 33/4 91/8 51/2 7 1050 1800 H 33 3 9/16 801/4 847/s 5 101/9 31/4 8 53/8 613/ie 1000 2200 H 59 2 5/8 741/4 773/4 67" 27/8 81/4 69/ie 71/4 2100 3500 H 8(h 5/8 1921/2 1973/4 16 11 315/ie 8 19/16 51/2 900 2315 H 72 2 H 15 2 21/32 U/16 601/8 557/ 8 631/2 593/ 4 \ !i 7/8 23/4 31/ 2 75/16 53/4 6 45/ 16 63/8 53/i 6 3260 1400 4240 3500 H 41 H 40 U/16 3/4 1171/2 1771/2 1231/ 2 1865/8 12 10 22 21/2 41/2 6V 2 07/8 6 63/4 73/8 85/8 87/8 1500 1900 2720 2300 H 70 3/4 62 66 7 12 33/ 8 7 55/8 61/4 2750 5050 H 17 2 13/16 100 1063/4 14 12 51/8 91/8 6 75/8 1700 3700 H 662 13/16 1051/4 1103/8 15 7 45/32 07/8 81/8 87/8 3670 5040 H 37 27/32 77 817/8 12 21/2 315/16 81/2 6U/16 71/2 3300 6250 H 87 2 27/32 3013/J6 13715/ie 20 9 53/8 21/4 73/4 87/16 3540 4165 H 12 2 7/8 85 9U/2 14 7 5 81/2 53/ : 73/ 8 2000 5200 H 33. 7/8 82 8811/i 6 13 15 51/8 8 53/8 613/16 2250 5000 H 2 15/16 46 523/ 8 8 151/ 4 5 45/ 8 33/8 4 3250 7000 H 16 15/16 85 927/s 16 10 > 8 5 6 3600 5100 H 10 85 92 18 14 51/2 81/2 6 7 4500 7000 H 42! 36 427/ 8 8 53/8 35/8 25/8 33/ 8 1795 7180 H 4 1 1/16 987/s 105 24 12 | 07/8 81/2 93/8 6000 9570 H 861 U/16 535/s 1641/2 38 9 8 33/4 71/2 87/i 6 4624 5440 H 3 U/8 353/ 8 4U/4 9 15 47/8 41/8 33/8 33/4 6000 12000 H 14! H/8 51 587/s 14 4 61/8 51/8 3H/16 43/16 5000 8950 H6! 3/16 991/s 1093/ 4 31 1 8 91/8. 51/2 7 4550 7750 H47 3/16 731/2 791/ 2 23 57/ie 81/4 69/ie 71/4 7400 12500 H 9 1/4 971/2 108 33 12 8 9 53/4 71/2 4000 9100 H 72i 1/4 621/8 683/4 21 81/2 53/8 75/16 6 63/8 0700 14875 H 8 5/ie 96 1061/2 36 12 8 91/8 6 71/4 6350 10600 H 62 5/16 70 771/ie 26 12 513/16 8 6V 2 71/4 7900 15800 H 12! 3/8 87 973/ 8 36 7 8 81/2 53/4 73/ 8 5000 12200 H 39i 3/8 755/ 8 831/2 31 11 63/8 83/8 65/ 8 71/2 8150 16300 H 28i 13/32 8411/ie 95 37 3 8 81/4 53/4 67/8 7325 13250 * The subscript 1 means the outside coil of a concentric group or cluster; 2 and 3 are inner coils. 424 EIVETED JOINTS. Phosphor-Bronze Springs. Wilfred Lewis (Engs'. Club, Phila., 1887) made some tests of a helical spring of phosphor-bronze wire, 0.12 in. diameter, 11/4 in. diameter from center to center, making 52 coils. Such a spring of steel, according to the practice of the P. R. R., might be used for 40 Ibs. A load of 30 Ibs. gradually applied gave a permanent set. With a load of 21 Ibs. in 30 hours the spring lengthened from 20 5/ 8 inches to 21 1/8 inches, and in 200 hours to 21 1/4 inches. It was concluded that 21 Ibs. was too great for durability. For a given load the extension of the bronze spring was just double the extension of a similar steel spring, that is, for the same extension the steel spring is twice as strong. Chromium- Vanadium Spring Steel. (Proc. Inst. M. E., 1904, pp 1263, 1305.) A spring steel containing C, 0.44; Si, 0.173; Mn, 0.837; Cr, 1.044; Va, 0.188 was made into a spring with dimensions as follows: length unstretched 9.6 in. s mean diam. of coils (D) 5.22; No. of coils (n) 4; diam. of wire, (d) 0.561. It was tempered in the usual way. When stretched it showed signs of permanent set at about 1900 Ibs. Compared with two springs of ordinary steels the following formulae are obtained: Load at which Permanent Set begins. Extension for a load W. Chrome- Vanadium Spring. . .56,300 d*/D Ibs. WnD* + 1,468,000 d* West Bromwich Spring 28,400 d*/D " WnD* -^- 1,575,000 d* Turton & Platt Spring 44,200 d*/D " WnD* + 1,331,600 d* Test of a Vanadium-steel Spring. (Circular of the American Vana- dium Co., 1908). Comparative tests of an ordinary carbon-steel loco- motive flat spring and of a vanadium-steel spring, made by the American Locomotive Co., showed the following: The vanadium spring, on 36-in. centers tested to 94,000 Ibs., reached its elastic limit at 85,000 Ibs., or 234,000 Ibs. per sq. in. fiber stress, and a permanent set of 0.48 in. The test was repeated three times without change in the deflection. The carbon spring was tested to 89,280 Ibs. and reached an elastic limit at 65,000 Ibs., or 180,000 Ibs. fiber stress, with a permanent set of 1.12 in. On repeating the test it took an additional set of 0.25 in., and on the next test several of the plates failed. RIVETED JOINTS. Fairbairn's Experiments. The earliest published experiments on riveted joints are contained in the memoir by Sir W. Fairbairn in the Transactions of the Royal Society. Making certain empirical allow- ances, he adopted the following ratios as expressing the relative strength of riveted joints: Solid plate 100 Double-riveted joint 70 Single-riveted joint 56 These celebrated ratios appear to rest on a very unsatisfactory analysis of the experiments on which they were based. Loss of Strength in Punched Plates. (Proc. Inst. M. E. t 1881.) A report by Mr. W. Parker and Mr. John, made in 1878 to Lloyd's Com- mittee, on the effect of punching and drilling, showed that thin steel plates lost comparatively little from punching, but that in thick plates the loss was very considerable. The following table gives the results for plates punched and not annealed or reamed: Thickness of plates A'4 3 /8 1/2 3 /4 Loss of tenacity, per cent 8 18 26 33 When 7/8-in. punched holes were reamed out to IVsin. diameter, the loss of tenacity disappeared, and the plates carried as high a stress as drilled plates. Annealing also restores to punched plates their original tenacity. The Report of the Research Committee of the Instituti9n of Mechanical Engineers, on Riveted Joints (1881), and records of investigations by Prof. A. B. W. Kennedy (1881, 1882, and 1885), summarize the existing in- formation regarding the comparative effects of punching and drilling upon iron and steel plates. An examination of the voluminous tables given in Professor Unwin's Report, of the experiments made on iron and - steel plates leads to the general conclusion that, while thin plates, even of steel, do not suffer very much from punching, yet in those of 1/2 inch thickness and upwards the loss of tenacity due to punching ranges from 10% to 23% in iron plates, and from 11% to 33% in the case of mild steel. In drilled plates there is no appreciable loss of strength, It is RIVETED JOINTS. 425 possible to remove the bad effects of punching by subsequent reaming or annealing. The introduction of a practicable method of drilling the plating of ships and other structures, after it has been bent and shaped, is a matter of great importance. In the modern English practice (1887) of the construction of steam-boilers with steel plates punching is almost entirely abolished, and all rivet-holes are drilled after the plates have been bent to the desired form. Strength of Perforated Plates. (P. D. Bennett, Eng'g, Feb. 12, 1886. p. 155.) Tests were made to determine the relative effect pro- duced upon tensile strength of a flat bar of iron or steel: 1. By a s/4-inch hole drilled to the required size; 2. By a hole punched Vs inch smaller and then drilled to the size of the first hole; and, 3. By a hole punched in the bar to the size of the drilled hole. The relative results in strength per square inch of original area were as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Iron 1.000 1.029 1.030 0.795 Iron. 1.000 1.012 1.008 0.894 Steel. 1 000 1.068 1.059 0.935 Steel. 1.000 1.103 1.110 927 Perforated by drilling . Perforated by punching and drilling Perforated by punching only In tests 2 and 4 the holes were filled with rivets driven by hydraulic pressure. The increase of strength per square inch caused by drilling is a phenomenon of similar nature to that of the increased strength of a grooved bar over that of a straight bar of sectional area equal to the smallest section of the grooved bar. Mr. Bennett's tests on an iron bar 0.84 in. diameter, 10 in. long, and a similar bar turned to 0.84 in. diam- eter at one point only, showed that the relative strength 01 the latter to the former was 1.323 to 1.000. Comparative Efficiency of Riveting done by Different Methods. The Reports of Professors Unwin and Kennedy to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Proc. 1881, 1882, and 1885) tend to establish the four following points: 1. That the shearing resistance of rivets is not highest in joints riveted by means of the greatest pressure; 2. That the ultimate strength of joints is not affected to an appre- ciable extent by the mode of riveting; and, therefore, 3. That very great pressure upon the rivets in riveting is not the in- dispensable requirement that it has been sometimes supposed to be; 4. That the most serious defect of hand-riveted as compared with machine-riveted work consists in the fact that in hand-riveted joints visible slip commences at a comparatively small load, thus giving such joints a low value as regards tightness, and possibly also rendering them liable to failure under sudden strains after slip has once commenced. The following figures of mean results give a comparative view of hand and hydraulic riveting, as regards their ultimate strengths in joints, and the periods at which in both cases visible slip commenced. Hand 86 01 82 16 149 2 193 6 Total breaking load. Tons . . . . | Hydraulic 85 75 82 70 145 5 183 1 Hand 21.7 25.0 31 7 25 Hydraulic 47.5 53.7 49.7 56.0 Some of the Conclusions of the Committee of Research on Riveted Joints. (Proc. Inst. M. E., April, 1885.) The conclusions refer to joints made in soft steel plate with steel rivets, the holes drilled, and the plates in their natural state (unannealed). The rivet or shearing area has been assumed to be that of the holes, not the area of the rivets themselves. The strength of the metal in the joint has been compared with that of strips cut from the same plates. 426 RIVETED JOINTS. The metal between the rivet-holes has a considerably greater tensile resistance per square inch than the unperf orated metal. This excess tenacity amounted to more than 20%, both in 3/ 8 -inch and 3/ 4 -inch plates, when the pitch of the rivet was about 1.9 diameters. In other cases 3/g-inch plate gave an excess of 15% at fracture with a pitch of 2 diameters, of 10% with a pitch of 3.6 diameters, and of 6.6%, with a pitch of 3.9 diameters; and 3/ 4 -inch plate gave 7.8% excess with a pitch of 2.8 diameters. In single-riveted joints it may be taken that about 22 tons per square inch is the shearing resistance of rivet steel, when the pressure on the rivets does not exceed about 40 tons per square inch. In double-riveted joints, with rivets of about 3/4-inch diameter, most of the experiments gave about 24 tons per square inch as the shearing resistance, but the joints in one series went at 22 tons. [Tons of 2240 Ibs.] The ratio of shearing resistance to tenacity is not constant, but dimin- ishes very markedly and not very irregularly as the tenacity increases. ' The size of the rivet heads and ends plays- a most important part in the strength of the joints at any rate in the case of single-riveted joints. An increase of about one-third in the weight of the rivets (all this increase, of course, going to the heads and ends) was found to add about 81/2% to the resistance of the joint, the plates remaining unbroken at the full shearing resistance of 22 tons per square inch, instead of tearing at a shearing stress of only a little over 20 tons. The additional strength is probably due to the prevention of the distortion of the plates by the great tensile stress in the rivets. The intensity of bearing pressure on the rivet exercises, with joints proportioned in the ordinary way, a very important influence on their strength. So long as it does not exceed 40 tons per square inch (meas- ured on the projected area of the rivets), it does not seem to affect their strength; but pressures of 50 to 55 tons per square inch seem to cause the rivets to shear in most cases at stresses varying from 16 to 18 tons per square inch. For ordinary joints, which are to be made equally strong in plate and in rivets, the bearing pressure should therefore prob- ably not exceed 42 or 43 tons per square inch. For double-riveted butt- joints perhaps, as will be noted later, a higher pressure may be allowed, as the shearing stress may probably not be more than 16 or 18 tons per square inch when the plate tears. A margin (or net distance from outside of holes to edge of plate) equal to the diameter of the drilled hole has been found sufficient in all cases hitherto tried. To attain the maximum strength of a joint, the breadth of lap must be such as to prevent it from breaking zigzag. It has been found that the net metal measured zigzag should be from 30% to 35% in excess of that measured straight across, in order to insure a straight fracture. This corresponds to a diagonal pitch of 2/3 p + d/3, if p be the straight pitch and d the diameter of the rivet-hole. Visible slip or "give" occurs always in a riveted joint at a point very much below its breaking load, and by no means proportional to that load. A collation of the results obtained in measuring the slip indicates that it depends up9n the number and size of the rivets in the joint, rather than upon anything else; and that it is tolerably constant for a given size of rivet in a given type of joint. The loads per rivet at which a joint will commence to slip visibly are approximately as follows: Diameter of Rivet. Type of Joint. Riveting. Slipping Load per Rivet. 3/4 inch 8/4 8/4 linch 1 " 1 " Single-riveted Double- riveted Double-riveted Single- riveted Double- riveted Double- riveted Hand Hand Machine Hand Hand Machine 2.5 tons 3.0 to 3.5 tons 7 tons 3.2 tons 4.3 tons 8 to 10 tons RIVETED JOINTS. 427 To find the probable load at which a joint of any breadth will commence to slip, multiply the number of rivets in the given breadth by the proper figure taken from the last column of the table above. The above figures are not given as exact; but they represent the results of the experiments. The experiments point to simple rules for the proportioning of joints of maximum strength. Assuming that a bearing pressure of 43 tons per square inch may be allowed on the rivet, and that the excess tenacity of the plate is 10% of its original strength, the following table gives the values of the ratios of diameter d of hole to thickness t of plate (d *- 0, and of pitch p to diameter of hole (p -5- d) in joints of maximum strength in 3/ 8 -inch plate. For Single-riveted Plates. Original Tenacity of Plate. Shearing Resistance of Rivets. Ratio. d-r-t Ratio. Ratio. Plate Area Tons per Sq. In. Lbs. per Sq. In. Tons per Sq. In. Lbs. per Sq. In. Rivet Area 30 67,200 22 49,200 2.48 2.30 0.667 28 62,720 22 49,200 2.48 2.40 0.785 30 67,200 24 53,760 2.28 2.27 0.713 28 62,720 24 53,760 2.28 2.36 0.690 This table shows that the diameter of the hole should be 2Vs times the thickness of the plate, and the pitch of the rivets 23/g times the diameter of the hole. Also, it makes the mean plate area 71% of the rivet area. If a smaller rivet be used than that here specified, the joint will not be of uniform, and therefore not of maximum, strength; but with any other size of rivet the t>est result will be got by use of the pitch obtained from the simple formula p = ad 2 /t + d, where, as before, d is the diameter of the hole. The value of the constant a in this equation is as follows: For 30-ton plate and 22-ton rivets, a = 0.524 " 28 " " " 22 " " " 0.558 ,. 3Q , 24 .. 05?0 " 28 " " " 24 " " " 0.606 Or, in the mean, the pitch p 0.56 - + d. With too small rivets this gives pitches often considerably smaller in proportion than 23/s times the diameter. For double-riveted lap-joints a similar calculation to that given above, but with a somewhat smaller allowance for excess tenacity, on account of the large distance between the rivet-holes, shows that for joints of maximum strength the ratio of diameter to thickness should remain precisely as in single-riveted joints; while the ratio of pitch to diameter of hole should be 3.64 for 30-ton plates and 22 or 24 ton rivets, and 3.82 for 28-ton plates with the same rivets. Here, still more than in the former case, it is likely that the prescribed size of rivet may often be inconveniently large. In this case the diameter of rivet should be taken as large as possible; and the strongest joint for a given thickness of plate and diameter of hole can then be obtained by using the pitch given by the equation p = ad 2 /t + d, where the values of the constant a for different strengths of plates and rivets may be taken as follows, for any thickness of plate from 3/ 8 to 3/ 4 -inch: For 30-ton plate and 24-ton rivets ) 28 " " " 22 " " j 30 " " = 1.16 t 1.06 " 24 p ~ 1.24 428 RIVETED JOINTS. In double-riveted butt-joints it is impossible to develop the full shearing resistance of the joint without getting excessive bearing pressure, because the shearing area is doubled without increasing the area on which the pressure acts. Considering only the plate resistance and the bearing pressure, and taking this latter as 45 tons per square inch, the best pitch would be about 4 times the diameter of the hole. We may probably say with some certainty that a pressure of from 45 to 50 tons per square inch on the rivets will cause shearing to take place at from 16 to 18 tons per square inch. Working out the equations as before, but allowing excess strength of only 5% on account of the large pitch, we find that the proportions of double-riveted butt-joints of maximum strength, under given conditions, are those of the following table: Double-riveted Butt-joints. Original Ten- acity of Plate, Tons per Sq. In. Shearing Re- sistance of Rivets, Tons per Sq. In. Bearing Pres- sure, Tons per Sq. In. Ratio d t Ratio P d 30 16 45 1.80 3.85 28 16 45 1.80 4.06 30 18 48 1.70 4.03 28 18 48 1.70 4.27 30 16 50 2.00 4.20 28 16 50 2.00 4.42 Practically, therefore, it may be said that we get a double-riveted butt- joint of maximum strength by making the diameter of hole about 1.8 times the thickness of the plate, and making the pitch 4.1 times the diameter of the hole. The proportions just given betong to joints ot maximum strength. But in a boiler the one part of the joint, the plate, is much more affected by time, than the other part, the rivets. It is therefore not unreasonable to estimate the percentage by which the iplates might be weakened 'by corrosion, etc., before the boiler would be unfit for use at its proper steam-pressure, and to add correspondingly to the plate area. Probably the best thing to do in this case is to proportion the joint, not for the actual thickness of plate, but for a nominal thickness less than the actual by the assumed percentage. In this case the joint will be approximately one of uniform strength by the time it has reached its final workable condition; up to which time the joint as a whole will not really have been weakened, the corrosion only gradually bringing the strength of the plates down to that of rivets. Efficiencies of Joints. The average results of experiments by the committee gave: For double- riveted lap-joints in 3 8 -inch plates, efficiencies ranging from 67.1% to 81.2%. For double-riveted butt-joints (in double shear) 61.4% to 71.3%. These low results. were probably due to the use of very soft steel in the rivets. For single-riveted lap-joints of various dimensions the efficiencies varied from 54.8% to 60.8%. The shearing resistance of steel did not in- crease nearly so fast as its tensile resistance. With very soft' steel, for instance, of only 26 tons tenacity, the shearing resistance was about 80% of the tensile resistance, whereas with very hard steel of 52 tons tenacity the shearing resistance was only somewhere about 65% of the tensile resistance. Proportions of Pitch and Overlap of Plates to Diameter of Rivet- Hole and Thickness of Plate. (Prof. A. B. W. Kennedy, Proc. Inst. M. E., April, 1885.) t = thickness of plate: d = diameter of rivet (actual) in parallel hole; p = pitch of rivets, center to center- s = space between lines of rivets; i overlap of plate. RIVETED JOINTS. 429 The pitch is as wide as is allowable without impairing the tightness ol the joint under steam. For single-riveted lap-joints in the circular seams of boilers wnich have double-riveted longitudinal lap-joints, d = t X 2.25; p = d X 2.25 = t X 5 (nearly); I = t X 6. For double-riveted lap-joints: d = 2.25J; p = 8t; s = 4.5J; I = 10.5J. Single- riveted Joints. Double-riveted Joints. t d P I t d P s I 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 V 2 9/16 7/16 9/16 H/16 13/16 H/8 U/4 - 15/16 U/4 1 9/i 6 17/ 8 23/ie 21/ 2 213/16 H/8 H/2 17/8 21/4 25/8 33/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 $k & ' 7/ie 9/16 H/16 13/16 U'8 U/4 U/2 2 21/2 31/2 4 41/2 7/8 13/16 U/2 13/4 21/4 21/2 2 23/4 33/8 45/8 51/4 57/8 With these proportions and good workmanship there need be no fear of leakage of steam through the riveted joint. The net diagonal area, or area of plate, along a zigzag line of fracture should not be less than 30% in excess of the net area straight across the joint, and 35% is better. Mr. Theodore Cooper (R. R. Gazette, Aug. 22, 1890), referring to Prof. Kennedy's statement quoted above, gives as a sufficiently approximate rule for the proper pitch between the rows in staggered riveting, one-half of the pitch of the rivets in a row plus one-quarter the diameter of a rivet-hole. Test of Double-riveted Lap and Butt Joints. (Proc. Inst. M. E., October, 1888.) Steel plates of 25 to 26 tons per square inch T. S., steel rivets of 24.6 tons shearing strength per square inch. Kind of Joint. Thickness of Plate. Diameter of Rivet-holes. Ratio of Pitch to Diameter. Comparative Efficiency of Joint. Lap 3/8" 0.8" 3.62 75.2 Butt 3/8 0.7 3.93 76.5 Lap 3/4 I 2 82 68.0 Lap 3/4 .6 3.41 73.6 Butt 3/4 1 4 00 72.4 Butt 3/4 .6 3.94 76.1 Lap 3 2.42 63.0 Lap | .75 3.00 70.2 Butt 1 .3 3.92 76.1 Diameter of Rivets for Different Thicknesses of Plates. Thickness of Plate. 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 H/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 15/16 1 Diam. (1).. Diam. (2)1. Diam. (3).. Diam. (4).. 5/8 5/8 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 '5/8 3/4 13/16 3/4 3/4 13/16 7/8 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 13/1 7/8 15/16 7/8 r/s 1 1 U/8 U/8 1 13/16 U/8 1 U/4 U/8 Diam (5) 3/4 7/8 15/16 | Diam (6) 11/16 3/4 l r Vl6 I 1 Diam'. (7) .' 1 3/8 1/2 9 /16 11/16 3/4 13/16 430 RIVETED JOINTS. (1) Lloyd's Rules. (2) Liverpool Rules. (4) French Veritas" " (syHartford'Stearn^Boiler'lnsirection and In (3) English . ,_, ___________________ iler Inspection and Insur- ance Co., double riveted lap-joints. (6) Ditto, triple-riveted butt-joints. (7) F. E. Cardullo. (Vie less than diam. of hole.) Calculated Efficiencies Steel Plates and Steel Rivets. The following table has been calculated by the author on the assumptions that the excess strength of the perforated plate is 10%, and that the shearing strength of the rivets per square inch is four-fifths of the tensile strength of the plate (or, if no allowance is made for excess strength of the perfo- rated plate that the shearing strength is 72.7% of the tensile strength). If t = thickness of plate, d = diameter of rivet-hole, p = pitch, and T = tensile strength per square inch, then for single-riveted plates (P - d)tX I.IOT T, whence p 0. 57 ly + d. -- For double-riveted lap-joints, p = 1.142-7- + d. The coefficients 0.571 and 1.142 agree closely with the averages of those given in the report of the committee of the Institution of Mechanical En- gineers, quoted on page 427, ante. ! Pitch. Efficiency. 1 Pitch. Efficiency. 1 PH JB bib . bio .s bio bi w 4) PH * bio a bio C bio .2 bii _g 1 sjj -1 1| a! 11 1 >! v' 1" -I If H |S g Q* I s |5 is Q* I s Q 2 I* 1^ in. 3/16 in. 7/16 in. .020 in. 1.603 fa 7?7 in. 1/2 in. 3/4 in. 1.392 in. 2.035 461 65 1 3/16 1/2 .261 2.023 60.'5 75.3 1/2 7/8 1.749 2.624 50^0 66.6 1/4 1/2 .071 1.642 53.3 69.6 1/2 2.142 3.284 53.3 70.0 1/4 9/16 .285 2.008 56.2 72.0 1/2 U/8 2.570 4.016 56.2 72.0 5/16 9/16 .137 1.712 50.5 67.1 9/16 3/4 1.321 1.892 43.2 60.3 5 /16 5/8 .339 2.053 53.3 69.5 9/16 7/8 1.652 2.429 47.0 64.0 5/16 H/16 .551 2.415 55.7 71.5 9/16 1 2.015 3.030 50.4 67.0 3/8 5/8 .218 1.810 48.7 65.5 9/16 U/8 2.410 3.694 53.3 69.5 3 /8 3/4 .607 2.463 53.3 69.5 9/16 H/4 2.836 4.422 55.9 71.5 3/8 7/8 .041 3.206 57.1 72.7 5/8 3/4 1.264 1.778 40.7 57.8 7/16 5/8 .136 1.647 45.0 62.0 5/8 7/8 1.575 2.274 44.4 61.5 7/16 3/4 .484 2.218 49.5 66.2 5/8 1 1.914 2.827 47.7 64.6 7/16- 7/8 .869 2.864 53.2 69.4 5/8 U/8 2.281 3.438 50.7 67.3 7/16 1 2.305 3.610 56.6 72.3 5/8 H/4 2.678 4.105 53.3 69.5 Apparent Shearing Resistance of Rivet Iron and Steel. (Proc. Inst. M. E., 1879, Engineering, Feb. 20, 1880.) The true shearing resistance of the rivets cannot be ascertained from experiments on riveted joints (1) because the uniform distribution of the load to all the rivets cannot be insured; (2) because of the friction of the plates, which has the effect of increasing the apparent resistance to shear- ing in an element uncertain in amount. Probably in the case of single- riveted joints the shearing resistance is not much affected by the friction. Fairbairn's experiments show that a rivet is 6 1/2% weaker in a drilled fian in a punched hole. By rounding the edge of the rivet-hole, the apparent shearing resistance is increased 12%. Messrs. Greig and Eyth's experiments indicate a greater resistance of the rivets in punched holes than in drilled holes. If the apparent shearing resistance is less for double than for single shear, it is probably due to unequal distribution of the stress on the two- rivet sections. THE STRENGTH OF RIVETED JOINTS. 431 ; The shearing resistance of a bar, when sheared in circumstances which prevent .friction, is usually less than the tenacity of the bar. The fol- lowing results show the decrease: Harkort, iron Tenacity, 26.4 Shearing, 16.5 Ratio, 0.62 Lavalley, iron 25.4 20.2 0.79 Greig and Eyth, iron. " 22.2 19.0 0.85 Greig and Eyth, steel 28.8 22.1 0.77 In Wohler's researches (in 1870) the shearing strength of iron was found to be four-fifths of the tenacity. Later researches of Bauschinger con- firm this result generally, but they show that for iron the ratio of the shearing resistance and tenacity depends on the direction of the stress relatively to the direction of rolling. The above ratio is valid only if the shear is in a plane perpendicular to the direction of rolling, and if the tension is applied parallel to the direction of rolling. If the plane of shear is parallel to the breadth of the bar, the resistance is only half as great as in a plane perpendicular to the fibers. THE STRENGTH OF RIVETED JOINTS. Joint of Maximum Efficiency. (F. E. Cardullo.) If a riveted joint is made with sufficient lap, and a proper distance between the rows of rivets, it will break in one of the three following ways: 1. By tearing the plate along a line, through the outer row of rivets. 2. By shearing the rivets 3. By crushing the plate or the rivets. Let t = the thickness of the main plates. d the diameter of the rivet-holes. f = the tensile strength of the plate in pounds per sq. in. 5 = the shearing strength of the rivets in pounds per sq. in. when in single shear. p = the distance between the centers of rivets of the outer row (see Figs. 96 and 97) = the pitch in single and double lap riveting = twice FIG. 96. TRIPLE RIVETING. FIG. 97. QUADRUPLE RIVETING. the pitch of the inner rows in triple butt strap riveting, in which alter- nate rivets in the outer row are omitted, = four times the pitch in quad- ruple butt strap riveting, in which the outer row has one-fourth of the number of rivets of the two inner rows. c = the crushing strength of the rivets or plates in pounds per sq. in. n = the number of rivets in each group in single shear. (A group is the number of rivets on one side of a joint corresponding to the dis- tance p; = 1 rivet in single riveting, 2 in double riveting, 5 in triple butt strap riveting, and 11 in quadruple butt strap riveting.) m = the number of rivets in each group in double shear, s" = the shearing strength of rivets in double shear, in pounds per sq. in., the rivet section being counted once. T the strength of the plate at the weakest section. = ft (p d).' S = the strength of the rivets against shearing, = 0.7854d 2 (ns + ms"). C = the strength of the rivets or the plates against crushing, = 432 RIVETED JOINTS. In order that the joint shall have the greatest strength possible, the tearing, snearing, and crushing strength must all be equal. In order to make it so, 1. Substitute the known numerical values, equate the expressions for shearing and crushing strength, and find the value of d, taking it to the nearest Viem. 2. Next find the value of S in the second equation, and substitute it for T in the first equation. Substitute numerical values for the other factors in the first equation, and solve for p. The efficiency of a riveted joint in tearing, shearing and crushing, is equal to the tearing, shearing or crushing strength, divided by the quan- tity ftp, or the strength of the solid plate. The efficiency in tearing is also equal to (p d) -5- p. The maximum possible efficiency for a well-designed joint is - m+n m + n 4- (/ -H c) Empirical formula for the diameter of the rivet-hole when the crush- ing strength is unknown. Assuming that c = 1.4/, and s"= 1.75s, we have by equating C and S, and substituting, f(n 4- m) 1.7821 s(n+ 1.75m) Margin. The distance from the center of any rivet-hole to the edge of the plate should be not less than 11/2(1 The distance between two adja- cent rivet centers should be not less than 2d. It is better to increase each of these dimensions by 1/8 in. The distance between the rows of rivets should be such that the net section of plate material along any broken diagonal through the rivet- holes should be not less than 30 per cent greater than the plate section along the outer line of rivets. The thickness of the inner cover strap of a butt joint should be s/ 4 of the thickness of the main plate or more. The thickness of the outer strap should be 5/ 8 of the thickness of the main plate or more. Steam Tightness. It is of great importance in boiler riveting that the joint be steam tight. It is therefore necessary that the pitch of the rivets nearest to the calked edge be limited to a certain function of the thickness of the plate. The Board of Trade rule for steam tightness is p = Ct + 15/ 8 in. where p = the maximum allowable pitch in inches. t = the thickness of main plate in inches. C = a constant from the following table. No. of Rivets per Group... 12345 Lap Joints .................. C=1.31 2.62 3.47 4.14 Double-strapped Joints.... C= 1.75 3.50 4.63 5.52 6.00 The pitch should not exceed ten inches under any circumstances. When the joint has been designed for strength, it should be checked by the above formula. Should the pitch for strength exceed the pitch for steam tightness, take the latter, substitute it in the formula ft (p-d) =0.7854 d 2 (ns + ms"), and solve for d. If the value of d so obtained is not the diameter of some standard size rivet, take the next larger Vie in. Calculation of Triple-riveted Butt and Strap Joints. Formulae: T = ft (p-d), = 0.7854d 2 (ns + ms"), C = dtc (m + n) (notation on = W,= 44,000; f = 1.75, = 77,000, c . 1.4 / = 77,000. Then T = 55,000 t{p-d) t S - 276,460^, C - 385,000 d*. THE STRENGTH OF RIVETED JOINTS 433 For maximum strength, T = S = C; dividing by 55,000 t, (p - d) 5.027 d*/t = 7d; whence d = 1.3925 t; p = Sd. 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 17/32 5/8 H/16 25/32 7/8 Thickness of plate t = 5/ie Diana, rivet hole, d= 1.3925 t 7/ 16 Pitch of outer row, v = 8d. . 3.4816 4.1776 4.8736 5.5696 6.2664 6.9624 T = 55,000 1 (p-d).. 52,360 75,390 102,610 134,020 169,630 209,420 S = 276,460 d 2 52,330 75,360 102,570 133,970 169,560 209,330 C = 385,000 dt 52,350 75,390 102,620 134,030 169,630 209,420 Calculations by logarithms, to nearest 10 pounds. Efficiency of all joints (p - d) -* p = 87.5 per cent. Maximum efficiency by Cardullo's formula, 139,860 178,750 207,850 229,880 194,300 207,300 220,-200 220,200 1171300 157,900 192,500 230,000 255,500 .107,360 134,060 162,420 206,250 239,770 266,400 = 87.5 per cent. Diameter of rivet, i/ie in. less than hole 3/ 8 1/2 9/ 16 n/ 16 3/ 4 13/ 16 Diameter of rivet-hole, next largest 16th, 7/ 16 9/ 16 5/ 8 s/ 4 13/ 16 7/9 For the same thickness of plates the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. gives the following proportions: Thickness, f, ' 5/ 16 3/ 8 7/ 16 i/ 2 9/ 16 5/ 8 Diam. rivet-hole, d, 3/ 4 13/ 16 15/ 16 1 1 1/ 16 ll/ 16 Pitch of outer row, p, 6 1/4 61/2 63/4 71/2 73/4 73/ 4 Using the same values for f, s, s" and c, we obtain: T = 94,530 117,300 ' S = 155,400 168,400 C = 90,030 - Strength of solid plate, f pt = . . . . Efficiency T, S or C, lowest * fpt, . per cent 83.9 87.5 86.1 86.7 86.7 82.6 The 5/i6 in. plate fails by crushing, the 5/ 8 by shearing, the others by tearing. Calculation of Quadruple Riveting. In this case there are 11 rivets In the group. If the upper strap plate contains all the rivets except the outer row, then n = 1, m = 10. Using the same values for/, s, s" and c as above, we have ns + ms" = 814,000; T = 55,000 (p - d); S =* 639,315 d 2 ; C = 847,000 dt. For maximum strength, t (p d) = 11.624d 2 = 15. 4dt; whence d = 1. 32485 1, p = 16.4 d. Efficiency (p - d)+p = 93.9 per cent. Check by Cardullo's formula rrr = 93.9 per cent. n 4- m + f/c 114- 10 /ii British Board of Trade and Lloyd's Rules for Riveted Joints. Board of Trade. Tensile strength of rivet bars between 26 and 30 tons, el. in 10" not less than 25%, and contr. of area not less than 50%. The shearing resistance of the rivet steel to be taken at 23 tons per square inch, 5 to be used for the factor of safety independently of any addition to this factor for the plating. Rivets in double shear to have only 1.75 times the single section taken in the calculation instead of 2. The diameter must not be less than the thickness of the plate and the pitch never greater than 81/2". The thickness of double butt-straps (each) not to be less than 5/ 8 the thickness of the plate; single butt-straps not less than 9/ 8 . Distance from center of rivet to edge of hole = diameter of rivet X 1V2. Distance between rows of rivets = 2 X diam. of rivet or = [(diam. X 4) 4- 1] -* 2, if chain, and V[(pitch X 11) 4- (diam. X 4)] X (pitch + diam. X 4) 10 if zigzag. Diagonal pitch = (pitch X 6 4- diam. X 4) 4- 10. Lloyd's. T. S. of rivet bars, 26 to 30 tons; el. not less than 20% in 8*. The material must stand bending to a curve, the inner radius of which is 434 RIVETED JOINTS. not greater than 11/2 times the thickness of the plate, after having been uniformly heated to a low cherry-red, and quenched in water at 82 F. Rivets in double shear to have only 1.75 times the single section taken in the calculation instead of 2. The shearing strength of rivet steel to be taken at 85% of the T. S. of the material of shell plates. In any case where the strength of the longitudinal joint is satisfactorily shown by experiment to be greater than given by the formula, the actual strength may be taken in the calculation. Proportions of Riveted Joints. (Hartford S. B. Insp. and Ins. Co.) Single-riveted Girth Seams of Boilers. Thickness. 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 Diam. rivet-hole. Pitch 3/4 H/16 21/i 6 21/i 6 13/16 3/ 4 21/8 21/8 15/16 W16 23/8 21/8 1 1V16 27/16 23/ 8 1 VIC 1 21/- 21/2 Center to edge . . H/8 H/32 17/32 U/8 1 13/32 1 7/32 U/2 H3/32 19/32 U/2 Double-riveted Lap Joints. Thickness of plate 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/10 1/2 Diam. rivet-hole 3 /4 13/16 15/16 , H/16 Pitch t 27/8 27/8 31/4 31/4 3 32 Dist. bet. rows ... ...... 1 15/16 1 15/16 23/i 6 23/16 2 2 Dist. inner row to edge : . H/8 17/32 1 13/32 U/2 119/32 Efficiency . . 74 72 70 70 68 Triple-riveted Lap Joints. Thickness 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1 2 Diam. rivet-hole H/16 3/4 13/16 15/16 1 Pitch 3 31/8 31/4 33/4 315/16 Dist. bet rows 2 2Vl6 23/18 21/2 25/8 Inner row to edge 11/32 H/8 17/32 113/32 H/2 Efficiency Ti 76 75 0.75 0.75 Triple-riveted Bull-strap Joints. Thickness 5/i 6 3/ 8 7/16 V2 9 /16 5/8 Diam. rivet-hole 3/4 13/16 15/16 1 H/16 11/16 Pitch, inner rows 31/8 31/4 33/8 33/4 37/ 8 37/8 Dist. bet. inner rows Dist. outer to 2d row. ..... Edge to nearest row Efficiency % ... 21/8 23/ 8 U/4 88 (?) ^ ^ 21/4 23/4 T /32 23/8 U/2 86.6 25/8 33/16 1 19/32 85.4 25/8 33/16 119/32 84(?) The distance to the edge of the plate is from the center of rivet-holes. THE STRENGTH OF RIVETED JOINTS. 435 Pressure Required to Drive Hot Rivets. R. D. Wood ft Co. Philadelphia, give the following table (1897): POWER TO DRIVE RIVETS HOT. Size. Girder- work. Tank- work. Boiler- work. Size. Girder- work. Tank- work. Boiler- work. in. tons. tons. tons. in. tons. tons. tons. 1/2 9 15 20 U/8 38 60 75 5/8 12 18 25 U/4 45 70 100 3/4 15 22 33 U/2 60 85 125 7/8 22 30 45 13/4 75 100 150 1 30 45 60 The above is based on the rivet passing through only two thicknesses of plate which together exceed the diameter of the rivet but little, if any. As the plate thickness increases the power required increases approxi- mately in proportion to the square root of the increase of thickness. Thus, if the total thickness of plate is four times the diameter of the rivet, we should require twice the power given above in order to thoroughly fill the rivet-holes and do good work. Double the thickness of plate would increase the necessary power about 40%. It takes about four or five times as much power to drive rivets cold as to drive them hot. Thus, a machine that will drive 3/4-in. rivets hot will usually drive 3/ 8 -in. rivets cold (steel). Baldwin Locomotive Worka drive 1/2 -in. soft-iron rivets cold with 15 tons. Riveting Pressure Required for Bridge and Boiler Work. (Wilfred Lewis, Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, Nov., 1893.) A number of 3' 8 -inch rivets were subjected to pressures between 10,000 and 60,000 Ibs. At 10,000 Ibs. the rivet swelled and filled the hole with- out forming a head. At 20,000 Ibs. the head was formed and the plates were slightly pinched. At 30,000 Ibs. the rivet was well set. At 40,000 Ibs. the metal in the plate surrounding the rivet began to stretch, and the stretching became more and more apparent as the pressure was increased to 50,000 and 60,000 Ibs. From these experiments the conclusion might be drawn that the pressure required for cold riveting was about 300,000 Ibs. per square inch of rivet section. In hot riveting, until recently there was never any call for a 'pressure exceeding 60,000 Ibs.. but now pressures as high as 150,000 Ibs. are not uncommon, and even 300,000 Ibs. have been contemplated as desirable. Pressure Required for Heading Cold Rivets. Experiments made by the author in 1906 on 1/2 and 5/8 in. soft steel rivets showed that the pressure required to head a rivet cold, with a hemispherical heading die, was a function of the final or maximum diameter of the head. The metal began to flow and fill the hole at about 50,000 Ibs. per sq. in. press- ure, but it hardened and increased its resistance as it flowed until it reached a maximum of about 100,000 Ibs. per sq. in. of the maximum area of the head. Chemical and Physical Tests of Soft Steel Rivets. Ten rivet bars and ten rivets selected from stock of the Champion Rivet Co., Cleve- land, O., were analyzed by Oscar Textor, with results as follows: P. 0.008 to 0.027, av. 0.015: Mn, 0.31 to 0.69, av. 0.46: S, 0.023 to 0.044, av. 0.033: Si, 0.001 to 0.008, av. 0.005- C, 0.06 to 0.19, av. 0.11. Only four of the 20 samples were over 0.14 C, and these were made for hi?h strength. Ten bars and two rivets Rave tensile strength . 46.735 to 55.380, av. 52.195 Ibs. per sq. in.- elastic limit, 31,350 to 43,150. av. 35,954- elongation, bars only, 28 to 35, av. 31.9% in 8 ins.: reduction ot area. 65.6%. Eight bars in single shear gave shearing strength 35,660 to 50 190 av. 44478 Ibs. per sq. in.; seven bars in double shear eave 39,170 to 53,900, av. 45,720 Ibs. The shearing strength averaged 86.3% of the tensile strength. 436 IRON AND STEEL. j 111 g 1 11^ 5 U w o ^ ^ r -" d-5 1 2* O ^ *|3 ^_-S ^ e f g o3 5 In O ,Q "- 1 en || c'f " O^" . "^"S > ^ ^ TJ O< C O "^ aj Id .- a Ig li| s*^ g|| g ^il : o 1^1 l? ftfl o gill i i* M >> *'0 - a " * U) c3 * ^ *** TJ I ^ S 5^"^"^ ^"So_Q TO fc. StJ 00 00 1 ,sj O p ^gt^lp .? 1 flgl i4 ^ ^ O OS 2 g g o.S o"^ " 1 ^ 2 S * H "p. s it- ^^Q'M^^^ o S o " o . B^ rf ft 8 H fc ^ g"3| i s i J l-o* 2 1 ale a &- & II i S^? CS'I * 8g- |f^ 8 O '^o fe " g It s h 11" -l-i.. || ||| |f J| P S | w h 3 o^ c ^.2 l^ll^ 1^1-* a of } < o <^ ^ r> o ^ ^ bCo 3 >>^ ,-- C -S -M g ' 5g ^S* ^c-^^ IRQ CLASSIFICAT Kent, Railroad Cas, ined from a fluid 1 M ill Jtlj c ^ Jlj&fi 35 2 B'ST.ifl SJI.2 Hill ta* HP JMfi ^ OQ ^ "^ hn^' M ^fex 1 - ^^ b J O | S.S^^to" CO< ^S'g C 1 b So^ga)^ ^o'^'H n 1 1 bfl ,0 S llii|ifs|i B c 1 ,JQ 11 | 1 C. ii "ii^illifpi 0) 1 ^o- 02 n ZA^ CAST IRON. CAST IRON. 437 The Manufacture of Cast Iron. Pig iron is the name given to the crude form of iron as it is produced in the blast furnace. This furnace is a tall shaft, lined with fire brick, often as large as 100 ft. high and 20 ft. in diameter at its widest part, called the "bosh." The furnace is kept filled with alternate layers of fuel (coke, anthracite or charcoal), while a melting temperature is maintained at the bottom by a strong blast. The iron ore as it travels down the furnace is decarbonized by the carbon monoxide gas produced by the incomplete combustion of the fuel, and as it. travels farther, into a zone of higher temperature, it absorbs carbon and silicon. The phosphorus originally in the ore remains in the iron. The sulphur present in the ore and in the fuel may go into combination with the lime in the slag, or into the iron, depending on the constitution of the slag and on the temperature. The silica and alumina in the ore unite with the lime to form a fusible slag, which rests on the melted iron in the hearth. The iron is tapped from the furnace several times a day, while in large furnaces the slag is usually run off continuously. Grading of Pig Iron. Pig iron is approximately graded according to its fracture, the number of grades varying in different districts. In Eastern Pennsylvania the principal grades recognized are known as No. 1 and 2 foundry, gray forge or No. 3, mottled or No. 4, and white or No. 5. Intermediate grades are sometimes made, as No. 2 X, between No. 1 and No. 2, and special names are given to irons more highly silidzed than No. 1, as No. 1 X, silver-gray, and soft. Charcoal foundry pig iron is graded by numbers 1 to 5, but the quality is very different from the corresponding numbers in anthracite and coke pig. Southern coke pig -Iron is graded into ten or more grades. Grading by fracture is a fairly satisfactory method of grading irons made from uniform ore mixtures and fuel, but is unreliable as a means of determining quality of irons produced in different sections or from different ores Grading by chemi- cal analysis, in the latter case, is the only satisfactory method. The following analyses of the five standard grades of northern foundry and mill pig irons are given by J. M. Hartman (Bull. 1. & S. A., Feb., 1892): No. 1. No. 2. No'. 3. No. 4. No. 4B. No. 5. Iron 92.37 92.31 94.66 94 48 94.08 94 68 Graphitic ca/rbon 3 52 2 99 2 50 2 02 2 02 Combined carbon 0.13 0.37 1.52 1.98 1.43 3 83 2.44 2.52 0.72 0.56 0.92 0.41 Phosphorus 1.25 1.08 26 0.19 0.04 04 0.02 0.02 trace 0.08 0.04 0.02 Manganese 0.28 0.72 0.34 0.67 2.02 0.98 CHARACTERISTICS OF THESE IRONS. No. 1. Gray. A large, dark, open-grain iron, softest of all the num- bers and used exclusively in the foundry. Tensile strength low. Elastic limit low. Fracture rough. Turns soft and tough. No. 2. Gray. A mixed large and small dark grain, harder than No. 1 iron, and used exclusively in the foundry. Tensile strength and elastic limit higher than No. 1. Fracture less rough than No. 1. Turns harder, less tough, and more brittle than No. 1. No. 3. Gray. Small, gray, close grain, harder than No. 2 iron, used either in the rolling-mill or foundry. Tensile strength and elastic limit higher than No. 2. Turns hard, less tough, and more brittle than No. 2. No. 4. Mottled. White background, dotted closely with small black spots of graphitic carbon: little or no grain. Used exclusively in the rolling-mill. Tensile strength and elastic limit lower than No. 3. Turns with difficulty; less tough and more brittle than No. 3. The manganese In the B pig iron replaces part of the combined carbon, making the iron harder and closing the grain, notwithstanding the lower combined carbon. 438 IRON AND STEEL. No. 5. White. Smooth, white fracture, no grain, used exclusively in the rolling mill. Tensile strength and elastic limit much lower than No. 4. Too hard to turn and more brittle than No. 4. Southern pig irons are graded as follows, beginning with the highest in silicon: Nos. 1 and 2 silvery, Nos. 1 and 2 solt, all containing over 3% of silicon; Nos. 1, 2, and 3 foundry, respectively about 2.75%, 2.5% and 2% silicon; No. 1 mill, or " foundry forge;" No. 2 mill, or gray forge; mottled; white. Chemistry of Cast Iron. Abbreviations, TC, total carbon; GC, graphitic carbon; CC, combined carbon. Numerous researches have been made and many papers written, especially between the years 1895 and 1908, on the relation of the physical properties to the chemical constitu- tion of cast iron. Much remains to be learned on the subject, but the following is a brief summary of prevailing opinions. CARBON. Carbon exists in three states in cast iron: 1, Combined carbon, which has the property of making iron white and hard ; 2, Graphi- tic carbon or graphite, which is not alloyed with the iron, but exists in it as a separate body, since it may be removed from the fractured surface of pig iron by a brush; 3, a third form, called by Ledebur "tempering graphite carbon," into which combined carbon may be changed by pro- longed heating. The relative percentages in which GC and CC may be found in cast iron differ with the rate of cooling from the liquid state, so that in a large casting, cooled slowly, nearly all the C may be GC, while in a small casting from the same ladle cooled quickly, it may be nearly all CC. Tne total C in cast iron usuallv is between 3 and 4%. COMBINED CARBON. CC increases hardness, brittleness and shrink- age. Up to about 1% it increases strength, then decreases it. The presence of S tends to increase the CC in a casting, while Si tends to change CC to GC. GRAPHITE. GC in a casting causes softness and weakness when above 3%; softness and strength when added to irons low in GC and over 1% in CC. It increases with the size of the casting, with slow cooling, or rather with holding a long time in the mold at a high temperature. SILICON. Si acts as a softener by counteracting the hardening effect of S, and by changing CC into GC, changes white iron to gray, increases fluidity and lessens shrinkage. When added to hard brittle iron, high in CC, it may increase strength by removing hard brittleness, but when it reduces the CC to 1% and less it weakens the iron. Above 3.5 or 4% it changes the fracture to silvery gray, and the iron becomes brittle and weak. The softening effect of Si is modified by S and Mn. SULPHUR. S causes the C to take the form of CC, increases hardness, brittleness, and shrinkage, and also has a weakening effect of its own. Above about 0.1% it makes iron very weak and brittle. When Si is below 1%, even 0.06 S makes the iron dangerously brittle. MANGANESE. Mnin small amount, less than 0.5%, counteracts the hardening influence of S; in larger amounts it changes GC into CC, and acts as a hardener. Above 2% it makes the iron very hard. Mn com- bines with iron in almost all proportions. When it is from 10 to 30% the'alloyis called spiegeleisen, from the German word for mirror, and has large, bright crystalline faces. Above 50% it is known as ferro-man- ganese. Mn has the property of increasing the solubility of iron for carbon; ordinary pig iron containing rarely over 4.2% C, while spiegel- eisen may have 5%, and ferro-manganese as high as 6%. Cast iron with 1% Mn is used in making chilled rolls, in which a hard chill is desired. When softness is required in castings, Mn over 0.4% has to be avoided. Mn increases shrinkage. It also decreases the magnetism of iron. Iron with 25% Mn loses all its magnetism. It therefore has to be avoided in castings for dynamo fields and other pieces of electrical machinery. PHOSPHORUS. P increases fluidity, and is therefore valuable for thin and ornamental castings in which strength is not needed. It increases softness and decreases shrinkage. Below 0.7% it does not appear to decrease strength, but above 1% it is a weakener. COPPER. Cu is found in pig irons made from ores containing Cu. From 0.1 to 1% it closes the grain of cast iron, but does not appreciably cause brittleness. g d CAST IRON. . 439 LUMINUM. Al from 0.2 to 1.0% (added to the ladle in the form of a FeAl alloy) increases the softness and strength of white iron ; added to ray iron it softens and weakens it. Where loss is occasioned by efective castings, or where iron does not flow well, the addition of Al will give sounder, closer grained castings. In proportions of 2% and over Al will decrease the shrinkage of cast iron. TITANIUM. An addition of 2 to 3% of a TiFe alloy containing 10% Ti caused an increase of 20 to 30% in strength of cast iron. A. J. Rossi, A.I.M.E., xxxiii, 194. Ti reacts with any O or N present in the metal and thus purifies it, and does not remain in the metal. After enough Ti for deoxidation has been added, further additions have no effect. R. Moldenke, A.I.M.E., xxxv, 153. VANADIUM. Va to the extent of 0.15% added to the ladle in the form of a ground FeVa alloy greatly increases the strength of cast iron. It acts as a deoxidizer and also by alloying. OXIDE OF IRON. The cause of the difference in strength of charcoal and coke irons of identical composition is believed by Dr. Moldenke (A.I.M.E., xxxi, 988) to be the degree of oxidation to which they have been subjected in making or temelting. Since Mn, Ti, and Va all act as deoxidizers, it should be possible by additions to the ladle of alloys of FeMn, FeVa, or IfeTi, to make the two irons of equal strength. Temper Carbon. The main part of the C in white cast iron is the carbide Fe 3 C. This breaks down under annealing to what Ledebur calls " temper carbon," and in annealing in oxides, as in making malleable iron, 'it is oxidized to CO. The C remaining in the casting at the end of the process is nearly all GC, since the latter is very slowly oxidized. Influence of Various Elements on Cast Iron. W. S. Anderson, Castings, Sept., 1908, gives the following: Fluidity, increased by Si, P, G.C. Reduced by S, C.C. Shrinkage, increased by S, Mn, C.C. Reduced by Si, P, G.C. Strength, increased by Mn, C.C. Reduced by Si, S, P, G.C. Hardness, inci eased by S, Mn, C.C. Reduced by Si, G.C. Chill, increased by S, Mn, C.C. Reduced by Si, P, G.C. Microscopic Constituents. (See also Metaltographyj under Steel.) Ferrite, iron free from carbon. It is found in mild steel in small amounts in gray cast iron, and in malleable cast iron. Cementite, FesC. Fe with 6.67% C. Harder than hardened steel. Hardness U on the mineralogical scale. Found in high C steel, and in white and mottled pig. Pearlite, a compound made up of alternate laminae of ferrite and cemen- tite, in the ratio of 7 ferrite to 1 cementite, and containing therefore 0.83% C. Found in iron and steel cooled very slowly from a high temper- ature. In steel of 0.83 C it composes the entire mass. Steels lower or higher than 0.83 C contain pearlite mixed with ferrite or with cementite. Mariensite, the hardening component of steel. Found in iron and steel quenched above the recalescence point, and in tempered steel. It forms the entire structure of 0.83 C steel quenched. Analyses of Cast Iron. (Notes of the table on page 440.) 1 to 7. R. Moldenke, Pittsbg. F'drymen's Assn., 1898; 1 to 5, pig irons; 6, white iron cast in chills; 7, gray iron cast in sand from the same ladle. The temperatures were taken with a Le Chatelier pyrometer. For comparison, steel, 1.18 C, melted at 2450 F.; silico-spiegel, 12.30 Si, 16.98 Mn, at 2190; ferro-silicon, 12.01 Si, 2.17 CC, at 2040; ferro- tungsten, 39.02 W, at 2280; ferro-manganese, 81.4 Mn, at 2255; ferro- chrome, 62.7 Cr, at 2400; ditto, 5.4 Cr., at 2180. 8. Gray foundry Swedish pig, very strong. 9. Pig to be used in mix- tures of gray pig and scrap, for castings requiring a hard close grain, machining to a fine surface, and resisting wear. 8 to 15, from paper by F. M. Thomas, Castings, July, 1908. 16. Specification by J. E. Johnston, Jr., Am. Mach., Oct. 15, 1903. The results were excellent. Si might have been 0.75 to 1.25 if S had been kept below 0.035. 17 to 22. G. R. Henderson, Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. xx. The chill is to be measured in a test bar 2 X 2 X 24 in., the chill piece being so placed as to form part of one side of the mold. The actual depth of white iron will be measured, 440 IRON AND STEEL. Analyses of Cast Iron. (Abbreviations, TC, total carbon; GC, graphitic carbon; CC, combined irbon.) TC GC CC Silicon. Man- ganese. Phos- phorus. Sul- phur. 3.98 3.78 3.88 4.03 3.56 4.39 4.45 3.30 0.39 1.76 2.60 3.47 3.43 0.13 2.99 2.80 2 25-2 5 3.59 2.01 1.28 0.56 0.13 4.26 1.46 0.50 06-08 0.38 0.69 1.52 2.01 2.40 0.65 0.67 2.00 8-1 2 0.13 0.44 0.49 0.49 0.90 0.40 0.41 0.60 04-08 0.20 0.53 0.46 0.39 0.08 0.25 0.26 0.08 15-0 4 0.038 0.031 0.035 0.034 0.032 0.038 0.039 0.03 Melts at 2048 F. Melts at 2156 F. Mel1sat221lF. M eh sat 2248 F. M el Is at 2280 F. Melts at 2000 F. Melts at 2237 F. Swedish char- coal pig. For engine cylin- 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.20 3.2-3.6 3 0-3 2 trace 0.20 0.1-0.15 04-05 2.90 2.60 2.5-2.8 2-2 3 0.50 0.50 up to 1.0 up to 1.65 1.58 1.3-1.5 1-1.3 0.04' 0.04 .03-. 04 .06-. 08 ders. English, high P. No. 1. English, high P. For thin orna- mental work. For medium size 2 8-3 04-06 1 2-1 5 1.0 06-09 04-06 .06-. 08 castings. Heavy machin- 2.5-2.8 0.6-0.8 1.0-1.3 1.2-1 8 0.5-0.7 4-1 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7 .08-. 12 to .06 ery castings. Cylinders end hydraulic \vork. For hydraulic 2.7-3.0 2.6-3.1 2 5-3 0.5-0.8 0.6-1.0 04-09 0.5-0.7 0.6-0.7 1 3-1 7 0.3-0.5 0.1-0.3 5-1 0.3-0.5 0.3-0.5 03-04 .05-. 07 .05-. 08 03 max cylinders. For car wheels. For car wheels. Charcoal pig. 1/4 l'.87 3.82 3.84 2.3-2.7 2.0-2.5 1.8-2.2 3.44 3.23 3.52 2.8-3.2 2.3-2.4 2 4-2 6 0.5-1.0 0.8-1.2 0.9-1.4 0.43 0.59 0.32 0.5-0.7 0.8-1.0 08-1 1.0-1.5 0.8-1.2 0.5-1.0 1.67 1.95 2.04 1.3-1.5 1.8-2.0 9-1 0.5-1.0 0.5-1.0 0.3-0.7 0.29 0.39 0.39 0.3-0.6 0.8-1.0 06-07 0.3-0.4 0.3-0.4 0.3-0.4 0.095 0.405 0.578 0.5-0.8 0.6-0.8 01-03 .03 " .035 " .035 " 0.032 0.042 0.044 .06-. 10 .06-. 10 .04-. 06 in. chill. Ditto 1/2 in. chill. Ditto 3/ 4 in. chill. Ditto 1 in. chill. Series A. Am. F'dmen's Assn. Series B. ditto. Series C. ditto. For locomotive cylinders. " Semi-steel." " Semi-steel." 4.33 3.17 3.34 3.5 3.55 3.08 J.72 2.57 2.9 3.0 1.25 0.45 0.77 0.6 0.55 0.73 1.99 1.89 0.7 2.75 3.10 0.44 0.39 0.39 0.4 2.39 1.80 0.43 0.65 0.70 0.5 86 0.90 0.08 0.13 0,09 0.08 0.014 A strong car wheel, Cu, 0.03. Automobile cyl- inders. Ditto. Good car wheel. Scotch irons. " Am. Scotch ** 0.75-1.5 to 06 to 0.22 to 0.04 Ohio irons. Pig for malle- 2-25 1 2-1 5 to 0.7 5-0 8 to 0.7 35-0.6 to 0.15 to 0.09 able castings. Brake-shoes. Hard iron for 1 5-2 5-0 8 35-0.6 to 0.08 heavy work. Medium iron for 2 2-2 8 to 7 to 7 to 0.085 general work. Soft iron cast'ga 23 to 25. CAST IRON. 441 ._ 25. Series of bars tested by a committee of the association. See results of tests on page 419. Series A, soft Bessemer mixture; B, dynamo-frame iron; C, light machinery iron. Samples for analysis were taken from the 1-in. square dry sand bars. 26. Specifications by a committee of the Am. Ry. Mast. Mechs. Assn., 1906. T.S., 25,000; transverse test, 3000 Ib. on H/4-in. round bar, 12 in. bet ween supports; deflection, 0.1 in. minimum; shrinkage, 1/8 in. max. 27, soft "semi-steel;" 28, harder do. They approach air-furnace iron In most respects, and excel it in strength; test bars 2 X 1 X 24 in. of the low Si semi-steel showing 2800 to 3000 Ib. transverse strength, with 7/i6 in. deflection. M. B. Smith, Eng. Digest, Aug., 1908. 29. J. M. Hartman, Bull. I. & S. Assn., Feb., 1892. The chill was very hard, 1/4 in. deep at root of flange, 1/2 in. deep on tread. 30, 31. Strong and shock- resisting. T.S., 38,000. Castings, June, 1908. 32. Com. of A.S.T.M., 1905, Proc., v. 65. Successful wheels varying quite considerably from these figures may be made. 33, 34. C. A. Meissner, Iron Age, 1890. Average of several. 35. R. Moldenke, A.S.M.E., 1908. 36-39. J. W Keep, A.S.M.E., 1907. A Chilling Iron is one which when copied slowly has a gray fracture, but when cast in a mold one side of which is a thick mass of cast-iron, called a chill, the fractured surface shows white iron for some depth on the side that was rapidly cooled by the chill. See Table Nos. 19-22. Specifications for Castings, recommended by a committee of the A.S.T.M., 1908. S in gray iron castings, light, not over 0.08; medium, not over 0.10; heavy, not over 0.12. Alight casting is one having no section over 1/2 in. thick, a heavy casting one having no section less than 2 in. thick, and a medium casting one not included in the classification of light or heavy. The transverse strength of the arbitration bar shall not be under 2500 Ib. for light, 2900 Ib. for medium, and 3300 Ib. for heavy castings; in no case shall the deflection be under 0.10 in. When a ten- sile test is specified this shall run not less than 18,000 Ib. per sq. in. for light, 21,000 Ib. for medium, and 24,000 Ib. for heavy castings. The " arbitration bar" is 1 1/4 in. diam., 15 in. long, cast in a thoroughly dried and cold sand mold. The transverse test is made with supports 12 in. apart. The moduli of rupture corresponding to the figures for transverse strength are respectively 39115, 45373, and 51632, being the product of the figures given and the coastant 15.646, the factor for R/P for a H/4-in. round bar 12 in. between supports.* The standard form of tensile test piece is 0.8 in. diam., 1 in. long between shoulders, with a fillet 7/32 in. radius, and ends 1 in. long, 11/4 in. diam., cut with standard thread, to fit the holders of the testing machine. Specifications bv J. W. Keep, A.S.M.E., 1907. See Table of Analyses, Nos. 37-39, page 417. Transverse test, 1x1 x 12-in. bar, hard iron castings. No. 37, 2400 to 2600 Ib.; tensile test of same bar, 22,000 to 25,000 Ib. No. 38, medium, transverse, 2200 to 2400; tensile, 20,000 to 23,000. No. 39, soft, transverse, 2000 to 2200; tensile, 18,000 to 20,000. Specifications for Metal for Cast-iron Pipe. Proc. A.S.T.M., 1905, A.L.M.K., xxxv, 166. Specimen bars 2 in. wide x 1 in. thick x 24 in. between supports, loaded in the center, for pipes 12 in. or less in diam. shall support 1900 Ib. and show a deflection of not less than 0.30 in, before breaking. For pipes larger than 12 in., 2000 Ib. and 0.32 in. The corresponding moduli of rupture are respectively 34,200 and 36,000 Ib. Four grades of pig are specified: No. 1, Si, 2.75; S, 0.035. No 2. 8i, 2.25; S, 0.045. No. 3, Si, 1.75; S, 0.055. No. 4, Si, 1.25; S, 0.065. A variation of 10% of the Si either way, and of 0.01 in the S above the standard, is allowed. Chemical Standards for Iron Castings. The following analyses are tentative standards, or probable best analyses, suggested by the Committee on Standards for Iron Castings, American Foundry men's Association, June, 1910. "Heavy" castings are those in which no section is less than 2 in. thick; "light" castings are those having any section less than i/2-in. thick; "medium" castings are those not in- cluded in the definition of light and heavy castings. The desirable * Formula, y^Pl = fll/c; see page 299. I = Vstird*; c = *Ad\ d = In.;? =12 in. / = 0.11983; R/P = MX 12 X % * 0.11983 = 15.646. 442 IRON AND STEEL. percentage of silicon depends largely on the thickness of the casting and the practice followed in shaking out. These factors, being in many cases undetermined, are allowed for by giving fairly wide limits to this element. The effect of purifying alloys and the use of steel scrap have not been taken into account. In many cases a wide range of composition is compatible with the best results, and in such cases the question of cost will be the first element to be considered. Si. S. P. Mn. C. (Comb.) c. (Total) Acid - resisting castings (stills, eggs, etc.) . . . 1.00-2.00 2.00-2.50 2.25-2.75 1.40-1.60 1 .75-2.25 0.05-* 0.06-0.08 0.06-0.08 0.06- 0.08- 0.40-* 0.60-0.80 0.70-0.90 0.20- 0.40-0.50 1.00-1.50 0.60-0.80 0.50-0.70 0.60-1.00 0.60-0.80 3.00-3.50 Agricultural machinery, ordinary Agricultural machinery, very thin Annealing boxes, etc Automobile castings. Balls for ball mills Boiler castings . 1.00-1.25 2.00-2.50 1.50-2.25 0.75-1.25 1.75-2.25 0.80-1.00 0.08- 0.06- 0.08- 0.08-0.10 0.07- 0.08-0.10 0.20- 0.20- 0.40-0.60 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.40 0.60-1.00 0.60-1.00 0.60-1.00 0.80-1.20 0.60-1.00 0.80-1.20 Car castings, gray iron. . . Chilled castings Chills Crusher jaws Cutting-tools, chilled .... Cylinders: Air and ammonia Automobile 1.00-1.25 1.00-1.75 1.75-2.00 1.00-1.75 0.80-1.20 1.20-1.60 0.08- 0.09- 0.08- 0.08- 0.10- 0.09- 0.20-0.40 0.30-0.50 0.40-0.50 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.40 0.30-0.50 0.60-0.80 0.70-0.90 0.60-0.80 0.70-0.90 0.80-1.00 0.70-0.90 6.55-0.65 3.00-3.30 3.00-3.25 3.00-3.30 low low low low 2.97 low low Gas engine . Hydraulic, heavy Hydraulic, medium Locomotive 1.00-1.50 1.00-1.25 1.25-1.75 1.25-1.50 2.70 ' 2.00-2.50 2.50-3.00 1.25-1.75 1.50-2.25 2.25-2.50 1.25-2.00 0.08-0.10 0.10- 0.09- 0.07- 0.063 0.08- 0.08- 0.10- 0.08- 0.07- 0.09- 0.30-0.50 0.20-0.40 0.30-0.50 0.20- 0.30 0.50-0.80 0.50-0.80 0.30-0.50 0.40-0.60 0.40-0.50 0.30-0.50 0.80-1.00 0.80-1.00 0.70-0.90 0.60-0.80 0.44 0.30-0.40 0.30-0.40 0.60-0.80 0.50-0.70 0.50-0.70 0.60-1.00 1.60 0.20-0.30 0.20-0.30 Steam engine, heavy. . . Steam engine, medium. Dies, drop-hammer Diamond polishing wheelsf Electrical machinery (frames, bases, spiders), large Electrical machinery, small Engine castings: Bedplates Flywheels Do., automobile ..... Frames Pillow blocks Piston rings Fire pots and furnace castings .... 1.50-1.75 1.50-2.00 2.00-2.50 2.00-2.50 0.50-0.75 1.00-1.25 1.00-1.25 0.08- 0.08- 0.06- 0.06- 0.15-0.20 0.06- 0.06- 0.40-0.50 0.30-0.50 0.20- 0.20- 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.30 0.20-0.30 0.60-0.80 0.40-0.60 0.60-1.00 0.60-1.00 1.50-2.00 0.80-1.00 ' b'.30-' ' O.WM.OO low low low low low Grate bars Grinding machinery, chilled Castings for .... Gun carriages Gun iron . . . Hardware (light) and hollow ware 2.25-2.75 1.25-2.50 1.25-1.50 1.25-1.50 0.08- 0.06- 0.06- 0.08- 0.50-0.80 0.20- 0.20- 0.30-0.50 0.50-0.70 0.60-1.00 0.60-1.00 0.70-0.90 Heat re^stant iron (re- torts) . . 0.30- low Ingot molds and stools. . Locomotive castings, heavy * Affixed hyphens indicate that the percentages present should be under those given. = CAST IKON. 443 Si. S. P. Mn. C. (Comb.) C. (Total) Loco. Castings, light. . . . Machinery castings, heavy Do., medium 1.50-2.00 1.00-1.50 1.50-2.00 2.00-2.50 1.75-2.00 1.00-1.50 1.50-2.00 2.00-2.50 1.75-2.25 2.25-2.75 0.08-* 0.10- 0.09- 0.08- 0.08-0.10 0.08-0.10 0.09- 0.08- 0.09- 0.08- 0.40-0.60 0.30-0.50 0.40-0.60 0.50-0.70 0.30- 0.30-0.50 0.40-0.60 0.50-0.70 0.50-0.70 0.60-0.80 0.60-0.80 0.80-1.00 0.60-0.80 0.50-0.70 0.50-0.70 0.80-1.00 0.70-0.90 0.60-0.80 0.60-0.80 0.50-0.70 . low Do., light Friction clutches low low Gears, heavy Do., medium Do., small Pulleys, heavy Do., light Shaft colla s and couplings Shaft hangers 1.75-2.00 1.50-2.00 0.08- 0.08- 0.40-0.50 0.40-0.50 0.60-0.80 0.60-0.80 Ornamental work Permanent molds . . . 2.25-2.75 2.00-2.25 0.08- 0.07- 0.60-1.00 0.20-0.40 0.50-0.70 0.60-1.00 Permanent mold castings. Piano plates . . 1.50-3.00 2.00-2.25 0.06- 0.07- 0.40- 0.40-0.60 0.60-0.80 Pipe Pipe fittings. . 1.50-2.00 1.75-2.50 1.50-1.75 0.75-1.25 0.10- 0.08- 0.08- 0.08- 0.50-0.80 0.50-0.80 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.30 0.60-0.80 0.60-0.80 0.70-0.90 0.80-1.00 Do., for superheated steam lines. Plow points, chilled . . . low Propeller wheels Pumps, hand .... 1.00-1.75 2.00-2.25 2.00-2.25 0.10- 0.08- O.OS- 0.20-0.40 0.60-0.80 0.60-0.80 0.60-1.00 0.50-0.70 0.50-0.70 low Radiators 0.50-0.60 Railroad castings Rolling mill machinery: Housings Rolls, chilled . . 1.50-2.25 1.00-1.25 0.60-0.80 0.75 2.00-2.30 1.75-2.00 1.75-2.25 2.25-2.75 1.25-1.75 1.75-2.25 0.08- 0.08- 0.06-0.08 0.03 0.08- 0.07- 0.09- 0.08- 0.09- 0.08- 0.40-0.60 0.20-0.30 0.20-0.40 0.25 0.60-1.00 0.3(V 0.50-0.80 0.60-0.90 0.20-0.40 0.30-0.50 0.60-0.80 0.80-1.00 1.00-1.20 0.66 0.50-0.70 0.70-0.90 0.60-0.80 0.60-0.80 0.80-1.00 0.60-0.80 low 3.00-3.25 4.10 Rolls, unchilled (sand- cast) f . . . 1.20 Scales Slag car castings Soil pipe and fittings .... Stove plate Valves, large Do., small low ' '2.56' ' Water heaters Wheels, large Do., small White iron castings! 2.00-2.25 1.50-2.00 1.75-2.00 0.50-0.90 0.08- 0.09- 0.08- 0.15-0.25 0.30-0.50 0.30-0.40 0.40-0.50 0.20-0.70 0.60-0.80 0.60-0.80 0.50-0.70 0.17-0.50 ' '2.96' ' * Affixed hyphens indicate that the percentages present should be under those given. t But one or two analyses available no suggestion made. Standard Specifications for Foundry Pig Iron. (American Foundry men's Association, May, 1909.) ANALYSIS. It is recommended that foundry pig be bought by analysis. SAMPLING. Each carload or its equivalent shall be considered as a unit. One pig of machine-cast, or one-half pig of sand-cast iron shall be taken to every four tons in the car, and shall be so chosen from different parts 9f the car as to represent as nearly as P9.ssible the average quality of the iron. Drillings shall be taken so as to fairly represent the composi- tion of the pig as cast. An equal quantity of the drillings from each pig shall be thoroughly mixed to make up the sample for analysis. PERCENTAGE OF ELEMENTS. When the elements are specified the fol- lowing percentages and variations shall be used. Opposite each percent- age of the different elements a syllable has been affixed so that buyers, by combining these syllables, can form a code word to be used in telegraphing. 444 SILICON IRON AND STEEL. SULPHUR TOTAL CARBON MANGANESE PHOSPHORUS % 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 Code La Le Li Lo Lu (max.) Code 0.04 Sa 0.05 Se 0.06 Si 0.07 So 0.08 Su 0.09 Sy 0.10 Sh (min.) 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 Code Ca 8f Co Cu 1 1 1 % .20 .40 .60 .80 .00 .25 .50 Code Ma Me Mi Mo Mu My Mh 1 1 1 % .20 .40 .60 .80 .00 .25 .50 Code Pa Pe Pi Po Pu Py Ph Percentages of any element specified one-half way between the above shall be designated by the addition of the letter x to the next lower symbol, thus Lex means 1.75 Si. Allowed variation: Si, 0.25; P, 0.20; Mn, 0.20. The percentages of P and Mn may be used as maximum or minimum figures when so specified. Example: Le-sa-pi-me represents 1.50 Si, 0.04 S, 0.60 P, 0.40 Mn. BASE OR QUOTING PRICE. For market quotations an iron of 2.00 Si (with variation 0.25 either way) and S 0.05 (max.) shall be taken as the base. The following table may be filled out, and become a part of a contract; "B," or Base, represents the price agreed upon for a pig of 2.00 Si and under 0.05 S. "C" is a constant differential to be deter- mined at the time the contract is made. Sill-, Silicon > phur 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.04 B + 6C B+5C B+4C B+3C B + 2C B + C B B-1C B-2C B-3C 0.05 B + 5C B+4C B+3C B + 2C B + 1C B B-1C B-2C B-3C B-4C 0.03 B + 4C B + 3C B + 2C B + 1C B B-1C B-2C B-3C B-4C B-5C 0.07 B + 3C B + 2C B + 1C B B-1C B-2C B-3C B-4C B-5C B-CC 0.08 B + 2C B + 1C B B-1C B-2C B-3C B-4C B-5C B-CC B-7C 0.09 B + 1C B B-1C B--2C B-3C B-4C B-5C B-6C B-7C B-8C 0.10 B B-1C B-2C B-3C B-4C B-5C B-6C B-7C B-8C B-9C Tensile Tests of Cast-iron Bars. (American Foundrymen's Association, 1899.) Square Bars. Size, in... (A)<7.c.. o m 0.5x0.5 15,900 1x1 13,900 15 400 1.5x1.5 12,100 12900 2x2 10,600 10900 0.56 16,000 1.13 13,800 13 800 1.69 12,000 13 500 2.15 11,000 12 200 " d. s.. ** d 771. 14,600 12,900 13,800 12,300 13,400 9,800 12,100 14,300 13,700 13,600 11,700 13,200 10,500 10,600 (B)flr.c.. am. 17,100 15,200 17,600 12,900 15,000 11,500 11,800 16,500 15,900 19000 13,100 15 400 11,400 12500 " d. c. . *' d m. 16,300 15,100 18,400 13,300 15 000 11,100 12 100 16,700 16,200 16900 13,200 15 100 11,000 13 100 (C) ff.c.. " a m. 17,700 16,000 18 500 12,500 15 100 11,100 11 700 17,800 15^00 17 400 14,200 15 000 12,000 11 600 " d.c.. '* d. m. 16,400 16,000 17,100 12,200 14,100 11,300 9,800 16,400 15,900 17,700 14,000 15,900 11 1600 10,400 av. (7. ... av. d. . . . av. c. . . . 13,600 15,800 14,700 16,100 15,500 14,800 16,800 13,400 13,400 12,500 14,200 11,300 11,000 10,900 11,400 13,400 15,800 16,300 16,000 15,700 15,200 16,400 13,900 13,800 13,000 f4,600 11,600 11,200 11,200 11,700 Round Bars. Compression Tests of Cast-iron Bars. Size, i (A) n.. . )... 0.5x0.5 29,570 Ixl 20,010 21,990 1.5x1.5 17,180 17,920 2x2 13,810 13,750 2.5x2.5 10,950 12,040 3x3 9,830 11,200 3.5x3.5 9,350 10,770 4x4 9,100 10,340 * 17,180 13,880 11,430 10,270 9,830 9,950 4 10,950 10,430 9,540 9,570 (B) 1 ... ? 38,360 23,000 12,440 20,980 24,820 18,130 21,640 15,060 18,270 13,790 17,000 13,160 15,970 12,430 16,140 < 1 20,980 18,740 15,940 14,410 15,200 13,950 4 15,060 13,900 13,560 13,760 (C) ... ? 38,360 24,890 27,900 20,750 22,060 18,010 21,750 17,840 19,800 15,950 18,170 15,880 17,100 14,220 16,410 ^ 20 750 19340 18,050 16,850 16,510 15,250 " ( 4... , , , 17,840 16,040 16,080 14,880 CAST IRON. 445 Transverse Tests of Cast-iron Bars. Modulus of Rupture. Bize *... Diam. f (A)r.d.c.... 0.5x0.5 0.56 31,100 1x1 1.13 33,400 27800 1.5x1.5 1.69 33,900 38,000 2x2 2.15 31,700 32,300 2.5x2.5 2.82 27,000 28,000 3x3 3.38 26,600 28600 3.5x3.5 3.95 23,400 22400 4x4 4.51 22,600 22900 (B) s. g. c. . . . 44,400 39,100 37,400 39,500 40,300 33,900 34,700 31,900 35,800 29,700 33,500 27,200 30 100 27,600 27,100 " s.d.c " s.d.m. 35,500 38,300 30200 34,000 36,200 32,900 33,300 31,900 35,200 30,200 30900 29,300 28 100 25,900 25,800 " r.g.c M r. g.m. .. " r. d. m. . . (C) s.g.c ' s. g m. 36,400 '37', 800 ' 'Si', 800 ' 46,200 40,000 49,000 39,100 39,200 41,200 44,800 44,300 37,800 33,600 40,200 41,400 38,800 39,200 37,700 37,900 37,000 41,300 37,100 40,700 33,000 32,200 33,700 36,300 32,900 31,800 32,800 31,100 33,300 34,800 32,700 35,300 32,000 31,300 32300 31,000 32,300 31,100 31,200 29,200 27,900 s. d, c. ... 48,000 39,100 38,800 38,900 35,100 35,400 31,200 33,500 29,300 32 700 29,300 29 100 27,800 25,500 r.g.c r g. m. . 62,800 48,500 55,700 39,000 49,200 44,500 42900 41,400 41,500 41,200 36 500 35,000 34 100 32,300 36,000 r. d. c. . . . r. d. m. . . Av. (B) s (C) s.'. '.'.'. (B)& r (CJ^. ** d. Gen'l av Equiv. load. . 53,000 '39; 900 37,100 49,900 57,900 48,800 43,300 46,100 320 50,400 47,900 36,200 43,600 39,100 50,600 43,100 41,600 42,400 2356 44,000 51,300 37,500 42,000 37,900 45,900 41,000 40,700 40,800 7650 40,200 38,000 33,700 39,300 36,300 41,400 38,800 36,500 37,700 16,756 39,500 38,900 33,700 38,200 32,600 40,400 36,800 35,600 36,200 31,424 37,800 36,300 31,100 33,400 31,600 37,900 33,900 32,700 33,400 50,100 35,200 32,200 28,700 33,700 30,500 34,100 32,200 31,300 31,700 75,516 32,100 33,500 26,600 31,400 27,600 33,200 30,400 30,400 29,900 106,311 * Size of sauare bars as cast, in. t Diam. of round bars as cast. in. NOTES ON THE TABLES OP TESTS. The machined bars were cut to the next size smaller than the size they were cast. The transverse bars were 12 in. long between supports. (A), (B), (C), three qualities of iron; for analyses see page 417; r t round bars; s, square bars; d, cast in dry sand; g, cast in green sand; r, bar tested as cast; m, bar machined to size. The general average (next to last line of the first table) is the average of the six lines preceding. The equivalent load (last line) is the calculated total load that would break a square bar whose modulus of rupture is that of the general average. COMPRESSION TESTS. The figures given are the crushing strengths, in pounds, of in. cubes cut from the bars. Multiply by 4 to obtain Ibs. per sq. in. (1) Cube cut from the middle of the bar; (2) first in. from edge; (3) second in. from edge; (4) third ^ in from edge. Some Tests of Cast Iron. (G. Lanza, Trans. A.S.M.E., x, 187.) The chemical analyses were as follows: Gun iron: TC, 3.51; GC, 2.80; S, 0.133; P, 0.155; Si, 1.140. Common iron: S, 0.173; P, 0.413; Si, 1.89. The test specimens were 26 in. long: those tested with the skin on being very nearly 1 in. square, and those" tested with the skin removed being cast nearly 1 1/4 in. square, and afterwards planed down to 1 in. square. Tensile Elastic Modulus Strength. Limit. ' of Elasticity. Unplaned common. . 20,200 to 23,000 T.S. Av. = 22,066 6,500 13,194,233 Planed common. .. .20,300 to 20,800 " " =20,520 5,833 11,943,953 Unplaned gun 27,000 to 28,775 " " =28,17511,000 16,130,300 Planed gun 29,500 to 31,000 " . " =30,500 8,500 15,932,880 The elastic limit is not clearly defined in cast iron, the elongations increas- ing faster than the increase of the loads from the beginning of the test. The modulus of elasticity is therefore variable, decreasing as the loads increase. The Strength of Cast Iron depends on many other things besides its chemical composition. Among them are the size and shape of the casting, the temperature at which the metal is poured, and the rapidity of cooling. Internal stresses are apt to be induced by rapid cooling, and Blow cooling tends to cause segregation of the chemical constituents and 446 IRON AND STEEL. opening of the grain of the metal, making it weak. The author recom- mends that in making experiments on the strength of cast iron, bars of several different sizes, such as 1/2, 1, 11/2, and 2 in. square (or round), should be taken, and the results compared. Tests of bars of one size only do not furnish a satisfactory criterion of the quality of the iron of which they are made. Trans. A.T.M.E., xxvi, 1017. Theory of the Relation of Strength to Chemical Constitution. J. E. Johnston, Jr. (Am. Mack., April 5 and 12, 1900), and H. M. Howe (Trans. A.I.M.E., 1901) have presented a theory to explain the variation in strength of cast iron with the variation in combined carbon. It is that cast iron is steel of CC ranging from to 4%, with particles of graph- ite, which have no strength, enmeshed with it. The strength of the cast iron therefore is that of the' steel or graphiteless iron containing the same percentage of CC, weakened in some proportion to the percentage of GC. The tensile strength of steel ranges approximately from 40,000 lb. per sq. in. with C to 125,000 lb. with 1 .20 C. With higher C it rapidly becomes weak and brittle. White cast iron with 3% CC is about 30,000 T.S., and with 4% about 18,000. The amount of weakening due to GC is not known, but by making a few assumptions we may construct a table of hypothetical strengths of different compositions, with which results of actual tests may be compared. Suppose the strength of the steel-white cast-iron series is as given below for different percentages of CC, that 6.25% GC entirely destroys the strength, and that the weakening effect of other percentages is proportional to the ratio of the square root of that percentage to the square root of 6.25, that the TC. in two irons is respec- tively 3% and 4%, then we have the following: Per cent CC.. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.02.5 3 3.5 4 Steel, T.S 40 60 80 100 110 120 125 110 60 40 30 22 18 Cast iron, 4% TC 8 13.2 19.2 26 31.2 37 41.5 40.5 26 20.7 18 15-8 18 Cast iron, 3% TC 15.419.928.5 3842.952.1 5856.1 3628.730 The figures for strength are in thousands of pounds per sq. in. The table is calculated as follows: Take 0.6 CC; with 4% TC., this leaves 3.4 GC, and with 3% TC, 2.4 GO_The sq. root of 3.4 is 1.9, and of 2.4 is 1.55. The ratio of these to ^6.25 is respectively 74 and 62%, which subtracted from 100 leave 26 and 38% as the percentage of strength of the 0.6 C steel remaining after the effect of the GC is deducted. The table indicates that strength is increased as total C is diminished, and this agrees with general experience. Relation of Strength to Size of Bar as Cast. If it is desired that a test bar shall fairly represent a casting made from the same iron, then the dimensions of the bar as cast should correspond to the dimensions of the casting, so as to have about the same ratio of cooling surface to volume that the casting has. If the test bar is to represent the strength of a plate, it should be cut from the plate itself if possible or else cut from a cylindrical shell made of considerable diameter and of a thickness equal to that of the casting. If the test is for distinguishing the quality of the iron, then at least two test bars should be cast, one say 1/2 or 5/g in. and one say 2 or 21/2 in. diameter, in order to show the effect of rapid and slow cooling. In 1904 the author made some tests of four bars of " semi-steel " adver- tised to have a strength of over 30,000 lb. per sq. in. The bars were cast 1/2, 1, 2, and 3 in. diam., and turned to 0.46, 0.69, 1.6, and 1.85 in. respec- tively. The results of transverse and tensile tests were: Mod. of rupture. .1/2 in., 100.000; 1 in., 61,613; 2 in., 67,619; 3 in., 58,543 T.S. per sq. in... 38,510; ' 37,005; 25,685; ' 20,375 The i/2-in. piece was so hard that it could not be turned in a lathe and had to be ground. Influence of Length of Bar upon the Modulus of Rupture. (R. Moldenke, Jour. Am. Foundrymen's Assn., Sept., 1899.) Seven sets, each of five 2-in. square bars, made of a heavy machinery mixture, and cast on end, were broken transversely, the distance between sup- ports ranging from 6 to 16 ins. The average results were: Dist. bet. supports, ins.... 6 8 10 12 14 16 Modulus of rupture 40,000 39,000 35,600 37,000 36,000 34,400 CAST IRON. 447 The 10-in. bar in six out of seven cases gave a lower result than the 12-in. It appears that the ordinary formulas used in calculating the cross breaking" strength of beams are not only incorrect for cast iron, on account of the chemical differences in the iron itself when in different cross sections, but that with the cross sections identical the distance between the supports must be specially provided for by suitable con- stants in whatever formulae may be developed. As seen from the above results, the doubling of the distance between supports means a drop in the modulus of rupture in the same sized bar of nearly 10 per cent. Strength in Relation to Silicon and Cross-section. In castings one half-inch square in section the strength increases as silicon increases from 1.00 to 3.50: in castings 1 in. square in section the strength is practi- cally independent of silicon, while in larger castings the strength decreases as silicon increases. The following table shows values taken from Mr. Keep's curves of the approximate transverse strength of cast bars of different sizes reduced to the equivalent strength of a i/2-in. x 12-in. bar. Size of Square Cast Bars. 1/2 in. 1 1 'in~TTin. | 3 in. j 4 in, Strength of a Va-in. X 12-in. ' section, Ib. Size of Square Cast Bars. 1/2 in. | 1 in. | 2 in. | 3 in. | 4 in. "^Strength of"a~ V^in. X 12-in." " section, Ib. 290 324 358 260 272 278 232 228 220 222 212 202 220 208 196 2.50 3.00 3.50 392 426 446 278 276 264 212 202 192 190 180 168 184 172 160 1.00 SI. 2.0081} 3.50 Hfc Inches Square FIG. 98. Fig. 98 shows the relation of the strength to the size of the cast-iron bar and to Si, according to the figures in the above table. Comparing the 2-in. bars with the l/2-in. bars, we find Si, per cent 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 2-in. weaker than l/2-in., per cent. . 20 30 35 46 53 57 The fact that with the 1-in. bar the strength is nearly independent of Si, shows that it is the worst size of bar to use to distinguish the quality of the metal. If two bars were used, say l/2-in. and 2-in., the drop in strength would be a better index to the quality than the test of any single bar could be. Shrinkage of Cast Iron. W. J. Keep (A. S. M. E. xvi., 1082) gives a series of curves showing that shrinkage depends on silicon and on the cross-section of the casting, decreasing as the silicon and the section increase. The following figures are obtained by inspection of the curves: ij Size of Square Bars. Silicon, Per cent. Size of Square Bars. l /2 in. 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. | 4 in. l /z in.| 1 in. | 2 in. 3 in. 4 in. Shrinkage, In. per Foot. Shrinkage, In. per Foot. 1.00 1.50 2.00 0.178 .166 .154 0.158 .145 .133 0.129 .116 .104 0.112 .099 .086 0.102 .088 .074 2.50 3.00 3.50 0.1421 0.121 .130| .109 .118| .097 0.091 .078 .065 0.072 .058 .045 0.060 .046 .032 Mr. Keep says: " The measure of shrinkage is practically equivalent to a chemical analysis of silicon. It tells whether more or less silicon is 448 IRON AND STEEL. needed to bring the quality of the casting to an accepted standard of excellence." A shrinkage of l/g in. per ft. is commonly allowed by pattern makers. According to the table, this shrinkage will be obtained by varying the Si in relation to the size of the bar as follows: 1/2 in., 3.25 Si; 1 in., 2.4 Si; 2 in., 1.1 Si; 3 and 4, less than 1.0 Si. Shrinkage and Expansion of Cast Iron in Cooling. (T. Turner, Proc. I. & S. /., 1906.) Some irons show the phenomenon of expanding immediately after pouring, and then contracting. Four irons were tested,, analyzing as follows: (1) " Washed " white iron, CC 2.73; Si, 0.01; P, 0.01; Mn and S, traces. (2) Gray hematite, GC, 2.53; CC, 0.86; Si, 3.47; Mn, 0.55; P, 0.04; S, 0.03. (3) Northampton, GC, 2.60; CC, 0.15; Si, 3.98; Mn, 0.50; P, 1.25; S, 0.03. (4) Cast iron, GC, 2.73; CC, 0.79; Si, 1.41; Mn, 0.43; P, 0.96; S, 0.07. No. 1 was stationary for 5 sec- onds after pouring, shrunk 125 sec., stationary 10 sec., then shrunk till cold. No. 2 expanded 15 sec., shrunk 20 sec. to original size, continued shrinking 90 sec. longer, stationary 10 sec., expanded 30 sec., then shrunk till cold. No. 3 expanded irregularly with three expansions and two shrinkages, until 125 sec. after pouring the total expansion was 0.019 in. in 12 in., then shrunk till cold. No. 4 expanded 0.08 in. in 50 sec., then shrunk till cold. Shrinkage Strains Relieved by Uniform Cooling. (F. Schumann, A.S.M.E., xvii, 433.) Mr. Jackson in 1873 cast a flywheel with a very large rim and extremely small straight arms. Cast in the ordinary way, the arms broke either at the rim or at the hub. Then the same pattern was molded so that large chunks of iron were cast between the arms, a thickness of sand separating them. Cast in this way, all the arms re- mained unbroken. Deformation of Castings from Unequal Shrinkage. (F. Schu- mann, A. S. M. E., vol. xvii.) A prism cast in a sand mold will main- tain its alignment, after cooling in the mold, provided all parts around its center of gravity of cross section cool at the same rate as to time and temperature. Deformation is due to unequal contraction, and this is due chiefly to unequal cooling. Modifying causes that effect contraction are: Imperfect alloying of two or more different irons having different rates of contraction; varia- tions in the thickness of sand forming the mold; unequal dissipation of heat, the upper surface dissipating the greater amount of heat: position and form of cores, which tend to resist the action of contraction, also the difference in conducting power between moist sand and dry-baked cores; differences in the degree of moisture of the sand; unequal expos- ure by the removal of the sand while yet in the act of contracting: flanges, ribs, or gussets that project from the side of the prism, of suffi- cient area to cause the sand to act as a buttress, and thus prevent the natural longitudinal adjustment due to contraction; in light castings of sufficient length the unyielding sand between the flanges, etc., may cause rupture. Irregular Distribution of Silicon in Pig Iron. J. W. Thomas (Iron Age, Nov. 12, 1891) finds in analyzing samples taken from every other bed of a cast of pig iron that the silicon varies considerably, the iron coming first from the furnace having generally the highest percentage. In one series of tests the silicon decreased from 2.040 to 1.713 from the first bed to the eleventh. In another case the third bed had 1.260 Si, the seventh 1.718, and the eleventh 1.101. He also finds that the silicon varies in each pig, being higher at the point than at the putt. Some. of his figures are: Point of pig, 2.328 Si; butt of pig, 2.157; point of pig, 1.831; butt of pig, 1.787. White Iron Converted into Gray by Heating. (A. E. Outerbridge. Jr., Proc. Am. Socy. for Testing MaVls, 1902, p. 229.) When white chilled iron containing a considerable amount of Si and low in GC is heated to about 1850 F. from 31/2 to 10 hours the CC is changed into C, which differs materially from graphite, and a metal is formed which has prop- erties midway between those of steel and cast iron. The specific gravity is raised from 7.2 to about 7.8; the fracture is of finer grain than normal gray iron; and the metal is capable of being forged, hardened, and taking a sharp cutting edge, so that it may be used for axes, hatchets, etc. It differs from malleable cast iron, since the latter has iis carbon removed by oxidation, while the converted cast iron retains its .original total CAST -IRON. 449 carbon, although in a changed form. The tensile strength of the new metal is high, 40,000 to 50,000 Ib. per sq. in., with very small elongation. The peculiar change from white to gray iron does not take place if Si is low The analysis of the original castings should be about TO, 3.4 to 3.8; Si, 0.9 to 1.2; Mn, 0.35 to 0.20; S, 0.05 to 0.04; P, 0.04 to 0.03. The following shows the change effected by the heat treatment: Before annealing, GO, 0.72; CO, 2.60; Si, 0.71; Mn, 0.11; S, 0.045; P, 0.04 After annealing. GO, 2.75; CC, 0.82; Si, 0.73; Mn, 0.11; S, 0.040; P, 0.04 The GC after annealing is, however, not ordinary graphite, but an allotropic form, evidently identical with what Ledebur calls " tempering graphite carbon." Change of Combined to Graphitic Carbon by Heating. (H. M. Howe, Trans. A. I. M. E., 1908, p. 483.) On heating white cast iron to dif- ferent temperatures for some hours, the carbon changes from the com- bined to the graphitic state to a degree which increases in general with the temperature and with the silicon-content. With 0.05 Si, a little graphite formed at 1832 F.; with 0.13 Si, at 1652 F. ; with 2.12 Si, graphite formed at a moderate rate at 1112, and with 3.15 Si, it formed rapidly at 1112 F. In iron free from Si, with 4.271 comb. C. and 0.255 graphitic, none of the C. was changed to graphite on long heating to from 1680 to 2349 F., but in iron with 0.75 Si the graphite, originally 0.938%, rose to 1.69% on heating to 1787, and to 2.795% on heating to 2057 F. On the other hand, when carbon enters iron, as in the cementation process in making blister-steel, it appears chiefly as cementite (combined carbon). Also on heating iron containing graphit: to high temperatures and cooling quickly, some of the graphite is changed to cementite. Mobility of Molecules of Cast Iron. (A. E. Outerbridge, Jr., A.I.M.E., xxvi, 176; xxxv, 223.) Within limits, cast iron is materially strengthened by being subjected to repeated shocks or blows. Six bars 1 in. sq., 15 in. long, subjected for about 4 hours to incessant blows in a tumbling barrel, were 10 to 15% stronger than companion bars not thus treated. Six bars were struck 1000 blows on one end only with a hand hammer, and they showed a like gain in strength. The increase is greater in hard mixtures, or strong iron, than in soft mixtures, or weak iron; greater in 1-in. bars than in l/2-in., and somewhat greater in 2-in. than in 1-in. bars. Bars were treated in a machine by dropping a 14-lb. weight on the middle of a 1-in. bar, supports 12 in. apart. Six bars were first broken by having the weight fall a sufficient distance to break them at the first blow, then six companion bars were subjected to from 10 to 50 blows of the same weight falling one-half the former distance, and then the weight was allowed to fall from the height at- which the first bars broke. Not one of the bars broke at the first blow; and from 2 to 10, and in one case 15 blows from the extreme height were required to break them. Mr. Outerbridge believes that every casting when first made is under a condition of strain, due to the difference in the rate of cooling at the surface and near the center, and that it is practicable to relieve these strains by repeatedly tapping the casting, allowing the parti- cles to rearrange themselves and assume a new condition of molecular equilibrium. The results, first reported in 1896, were corroborated by other experimenters. A report in Jour. Frank. Inst., 1898, gave tests of 82 bars, in which the maximum gain in strength compared with untreated bars was 40%, and the maximum increase , in deflection was 41%. In his second paper, 1904, Mr. Outerbridge describes another series of tests which showed that 1-in. sq. bars 15 in. long subjected to repeated heating and cooling grew longer and thicker with each successive oper- ation. One bar heated about an hour each day to about 1450 F. in a gas furnace for 27 times increased its length 1 H/ie in. and its cross-section Vs in. Soft iron expands more rapidly than hard iron. White iron does not expand sufficiently to cover the original shrinkage. Wrought iron and steel bars similarly treated in a closed tube all contracted slightly, the average contraction after 60 heatings being 1/8 in. per foot. The strength and deflection of the cast-iron bars was greatly decreased by the treatment, 1250 as compared with 2150 Ib., and 0.1 in. deflection as compared with 0.15 in. The specific gravity of the expanded bars was 5.49 to 6.01, as compared with 7.13 for the untreated bars. (irate bars of boiler furnaces grow larger in use, as do also cast-iron pipes in ovens for heating air. 450 IRON AND STEEL. Castings from Blast Furnace Metal. Castings are frequently made from iron run directly from the blast furnace, or from a ladle filled with furnace metal. Such metal, if high in Si, is more apt to throw out " kish " or loose particles of graphite than cupola metal. With the same percen- tage of Si, it is softer than cupola metal, which is due to two causes: 1, lower S; 2, higher temperature. T. D. West, A.I.M.E., xxxv, 211, reports an example of furnace metal containing Si, 0.51; S, 0.045; Mn, 0.75; P, 0.094; which was easily planed, whereas if it had been cupola metal it would have been quite hard. J. E. Johnson, Jr., ibid., p 213, says that furnace metal with S, 0.03, and Si, 0.7, makes good castings, not too hard to be machined. Should the metal contain over 0.9 Si, diffi- culty is experienced in preventing holes and soft places in the castings, caused by the deposition of kish or graphite during or after pouring. The best way to prevent this is to pour the iron very hot when making castings of small or moderate size. Effect of Cupola Melting. (G. R. Henderson, A.S.M.E., xx, 621.) 27 car-wheels were analyzed in the pig and also after remelting. The P remains constant, as does Si when under 1%. Some of the Mn always disappears. The total C remains the same, but the GO and CC vary in an erratic manner. The metal charged into the cupola should contain more GO, Si and Mn than are desired in the castings. Fairbairn (Manu- facture of Iron, 1865) found that remelting up to 12 times increased tho strength and the deflection, but after 18 remeltings the strength was only s/s and the deflection 1/3 of the original. The increase of strength in the first remeltings was probably due to the change .of GC into. CC, and the subsequent weakening to the increase of S absorbed from the fuel. Hard Castings from Soft Pig. (B. F. Fackenthal, Jr., A.I.M.E., xxxv, 993.) Samples from a car load of pig gave Si, 2.61 ; S, 0.023. Cast- ings from the same iron gave 2.33 and 2.26 Si, and 0.26 and 0.25 S, or 12 times the S in the original pig; probably due to fuel too high in S, but more probably to the use of too little fuel in remelting. The loss of Si in remelting, and the consequent hardening, is affected by the amount of Mn, as shown below: Mn, per cent 0.04 0.20 0.43 0.53 Si lost in remelting, per cent 34 23 12 4 Difficult Drilling due to LowMn. H. Souther, A.S.T.M., v, 219, reports a case where thin castings drilled easily while thick parts on the same castings rapidly dulled 1/2 and 3/4-in. drills. The chemical constitu- tion was normal except Mn; Si, 2.5; P, 0.7; S about 0.08; C, 3.5; Mn, 0.16. When the Mn was raised to 0.5 the trouble disappeared. Addition of Ferro-silicon in the Ladle. (A. E. Outerbridge, Proc. A.S.T.M., vi, 263.) Half a pound of FeSi, containing 50% Si, added to a 200-lb. ladle of soft cast iron used for making pulleys with rims 1/4 in. thick, prevented the chilling of the surface of the casting, and enabled the pulleys to be turned more rapidly. Analysis showed that the actual increase of the Si in the casting was less than the calculated increase. Tests of the metal treated with FeSi as compared with untreated metal showed a gain in strength of from 2 to 26%, and a gain in deflection of 2 to 3%. The reason assigned for the increase of strength with increase of softness is that cupola iron contains a small amount of iron oxide, which reacts with the Si added in the ladle, forming SiO2, which goes into the slag. Additions of Vanadium and Manganese. R. Moldenke, Am. * Fdrymen's Assn., 1908, Am. Mach., Feb. 20, '08. Experiments were made by adding to melted cast iron in the ladle a ground alloy of ferro- vanadium, containing 14.67 Va, 6.36 C, and 0.18 Si. In other experi- ments ferro-manganese (80% Mn) was added, together with the vana- dium. Four kinds of iron were used: burnt gray iron (gratebars, stove iron, etc.), burnt white iron, gray machinery iron (Si, 2.72, S, 0.065, P, 0.068, Mn, 0.54) and remelted car wheels (white, two samples anal- yzed: Si, 0.60 and 0.53, S, 0.122, 0.138; P. 0.399. 0.374; Mn, 0.38, 0.44). The bars were 11/4 in. diam., 12 in. between supports. The burnt gray iron was increased in breaking strength from 1310 to 2220 Ib. by the addition of 0.05% Va, and the burnt white iron from 144O to 19*10 Ib. by the addition of 0.05 Va and 0.50 Mn. The following are average results; CAST IRON. 451 Gray Machinery Iron. Remelted Car Wheels. Added Per cent. Breaking Strength, Lb. Deflec- tion, In. Added Per cent. Breaking Strength, Lb. Deflec- tion, In. Va. Mn. Va. Mn. 0.0 0.0 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.15 Averag 0.0 0.50 1980 1970 1980 2130 2372 2530 2360 0.105 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.090 0.120 0.100 0.0 0.0 0.50 1470 2790 3020 2970 2800 3030 2950 3920 3069 0.050 0.070 0.060 0.090 0.055 0.090 0.070 0.095 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 bars p e treated 0.50 2224 Mod. of rupture. . .35,800 48,020 Experiments with Titanium added to cast iron in the ladle are reported by R, Moldenke, Proc. Am. Fdrymeris Assn., 1908. Two irons were used: gray, with 2.58 Si, 0.042 S, 0.54 P, 0.74 Mn; and white, with 0.85 Si, 0.07 S, 0.42 P, 0.6 Mn. Two Fe Ti alloys with 10% Ti were used, one containing no C, and the other 5% C. The latter has the lower melting point. The results were as below: Gray Iron. White Iron. Lb. Original iron 9 tests 4 tests 3 tests 6 tests 6 tests 4 tests ted iron, riginal. . 1 720-2260 av. 2020 2750-3140 ' 3100 2880-3150 ' 3030 2850-3230 ' 3070 2850-3150 ' 2990 3030-3270 ' 3190 . 3070 8 tests 1 1 tests 1 920-21 lOav. 2050 2210-2660 " 2400 Plus 0.05 Ti Plus 0.10 Ti.. Plus 0.05 Ti and C Plus O.lOTi and C Plus 0.1 5 Ti and C Average of trea Increase over o 9 tests 10 tests 10 tests 2230-2720 " 2420 2320-2460 " 2400 2280-2620 " 2520 2430 18% 52% Modulus of rupture, treated iron 48,030 38.020 The test bars were 11/4 in. diam. 12 in. between supports. The im- provement is as marked whether 0.05, 0.10, or 0.15% Ti is used, which indicates that if sufficient Ti is used for deoxidation of the iron, any additional Ti is practically wasted. Ti lessens the chilling action, yet whatever chill remains shows much harder iron. Test pieces made with iron which chilled 11/2 in. deep gave but 1 in. chill when the iron was treated in the ladle. The original iron crushed at 173,000 Ibs. per sq. in. and stood 445 in Brinel's test for hardness, soft steel running about 105. The treated piece ran 298,000 Ibs. per sq, in. and showed a hardness of 557. Testing the soft metal below the chilled portion lor hardness gave 332 for the original and 322 for the treated piece. Strength of Cast-iron Beams. C. H. Benjamin, Mach'y, May, 1906. Numerous tests were made of beams of different sections includ- ing hollow rectangles and cylinders, I and T-shapes, etc. All the sec- tions were made approximately the same area, about 4.4 sq. in., and all were tested by transverse loading, with supports 18 in. apart. The results, when reduced by the ordinary formula for stress on the extreme fiber, S = My /I, showed an extraordinary variation, some of the values being as follows: Square bar, 23,300; Round bar, 25,000. Hollow round, 3.4 in. outside and 2.5 in. inside diam., 26,450, and 35,800. Hollow ellipse, 3 in. wide, 3.9 in. high, 0.9 in. thick, 36,000. /-beam, 4 in. high, web 0.44 in. thick, 17,700. The holtow cylindrical and elliptical sec- tions are much stronger than the solid sections. This is due to the thinner metal, the greater surface of hard skin, and freedom from shrinkage strains. Professor Benjamin's conclusions from these tests are: (1) The commonly accepted formulas for the strength and stiffness of beams do not apply well to cored and ribbed sections 9f cast iron. (2) Neither the strength nor the stiffness of a section increases in pro- portion to the increase in the section modulus or the moment of inertia. (3) The best way to determine these qualities for a cast-iron beam is by experiment with the particular section desired and not by reasoning from any other section. 452 IRON AND STEEL. Bursting Strength of Cast-Iron Cylinders. C. IJ. Benjamin, A. S. M. E., XIX, 597; Mach'y, Nov., 1905. Four cylinders, 20 in. long, 10 1/8 in. int. diam., 3/ 4 in. thick, with flanged ends and bolted covers, burst at 1350, 1400, 1350, and 1200 Ibs. per sq. in. hydraulic pressure, the corresponding fiber stress, from the formula S = pd/2 t, being 9040, 10,200, 9735 and 9080. Pieces cut from the shell had an average tensile strength of 14,000 Ibs. per sq. in., and a modulus of rupture in trans- verse tests of 30,000. Transverse Strength of Cast-iron Water-pipe. (Technology Quar- terly, Sept., 1897.) Tests of 31 cast-iron pipes by transverse stress gave a maximum outside fibre stress, calculated from maximum load, as- suming each half of pipe as a beam fixed at the ends, ranging from 12,800 Ib. to 26,300 Ib. per sq. in. Bars 2 in. wide cut from the pipes gave moduli of rupture ranging from 28,400 to 51,400 Ib. per sq. in. Four of the tests, bars and pipes: Moduli of rupture of bar... . 28,400 34,400 40,000 51,400 Fibre stress of pipe 18,300 12,800 14,500 26,300 These figures show a great variation in the strength of both bars and pipes, and also that the strength of the bar does not bear any definite relation to the strength of the pipe. Bursting Strength of Flanged Fittings. Power, Feb. 4, 1908. The Crane Company, Chicago, published in the Valve World records cf tests of tees and ells, standard and extra heavy, which show that the bursting strength of such fittings is far less than is given by the standard formulae for thick cylinders. As a result of the tests they give the following empirical formula: B = TS/D, in which B = bursting pres- sures, Ibs. per sq. in., T thickness of metal, D = inside diam., and S = 65% of the tensile strength of the metal for pipes up to 12 in. diam., for larger sizes use 60%. The pipes were made of " ferro-steel " of 33,000 Ibs. T. S., and of cast iron of 22,000 Ibs. as tested in bars. The following are the principal results of tests of extra heavy tees and ells compared with results of calculation by the Crane Company's formula: BUESTINQ STEENGTH OF PIPE-FITTINGS. POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. Inside Diam. Thickness. 6 3/4 8 13/16 10 15/16 12 I 14 1 1/8 16 13/16 18 1 1/4 20 15/16 24 1 1/2 B, Ferro-steel calculated .... 2733 2680 2250 2180 2160 2010 2033 1870 1825 1570 1700 1450 1450 1350 1275 1280 1300 1220 B, Cast iron 1687 1350 1306 1380 1100 1025 600 750 700 calculated Ells, ferro steel 1790 3266 1450 2725 1340 2350 1190 2133 1060 980 920 870 820 " cast-iron 2275 1625 1541 1275 1075 1250 Specific Gravity and Strength. (Major Wade, 1856.) Third-class guns: Sp. Gr. 7.087, T. S. 20,148. Another lot: least Sp. Gr. 7.163, T. S. 22,402. Second-class guns: Sp. Gr. 7.154, T. S. 24,767. Another lot: mean Sp. Gr. 7.302, T. S. 27,232. First-class guns: Sp. Gr. 7.204, T. S. 28,805. Another lot: greatest Sp. Gr. 7.402, T. S. 31,027. Strength of Charcoal Pig Iron. Pig iron made from Salisbury ores, in furnaces at Wassaic and Millerton, N. Y., has shown over 40,000 Ibs. T. S. per square inch, one sample giving 42,281 Ibs. Muirkirk, Md. T iron tested at the Washington Navy Yard showed: average for No. 2' iron, 21,601 Ibs.; No. 3, 23,959 Ibs.; No. 4, 41,329 Ibs.; average den- sity of No. 4, 7.336 (J. C. I. W., v. p. 44). Nos. 3 and 4 charcoal pig iron from Chapinville, Conn., showed a tensile strength per square inch of from 34,761 Ibs. to 41,882 Ibs. Char- coal pig iron from Shelby, Ala. (tests made in August, 1891), showed a. strength of 34,800 Ibs. for No. 3; No. 4, 39,675 Ibs.; No. 5, 46,450 Ibs.; and a mixture of equal parts of Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5, 41,470 Ibs. (Bull.. L & S. A.) Variation of Density and Tenacity of Gun-Irons. An increase of density invariably follows the rapid cooling of cast iron, and as a general rule the tenacity is increased by the same means. The tenacity gener- ally increases quite uniformly with the density, until the latter ascends CAST IRON. 453 to some given point; after which an increased density is accompanied by a diminished tenacity. The turning-point of density at which the best qualities of gun-iron attain their maximum tenacity; appears to be about 7.30. At this point of density, or near it, whether in proof-bars or gun-heads, the tenacity is greatest. As the density of iron is increased its liquidity when melted is dimin- ished. This causes it to congeal quickly, and to form cavities in the interior of the casting. (Pamphlet of Builders' Iron Foundry, 1893.) " Semi-steel " is a trade name given by some founders to castings made from pig iron melted in the cupola with additions of from 20 to 30 per cent of steel scrap. Ferro-manganese is also added either in the cupola or in the ladle. The addition of the steel dilutes the Si of the pig iron, and changes some of the C from GO to CC, but the TC is unchanged, for any reduction made by the steel is balanced by absorption of C from the fuel. Semi-steel therefore is nothing more than a strong cast iron, low in Si and containing some Mn, and the name given it is a misnomer. Mixture of Cast Iron with Steel. Car wheels are sometimes made from a mixture of charcoal iron, anthracite iron, and Bessemer steel. The following shows the tensile strength of a number of tests of wheel mixtures, the average tensile strength of the charcoal iron used being 22,000 Ibs. (Jour. C. I. W., iii, p. 184): Ibs. per sq. in. Charcoal iron with 2 1/2% steel 22,467 33/ 4 % steel 26,733 61/4% steel and 6 1/4% anthracite 24,400 7V3% steel and 71/2% anthracite 28,150 21/2% steel, 21/2% wro't iron, and 61/4% anth. 25,550 5 % steel, 5% wro't iron, and 10% anth 26,500 Cast Iron Partially Bessemerized. Car wheels made of partially Bessemerized iron (blown in a Bessemer converter for 3V2 minutes), chilled in a chill test mold over an inch deep, just as a test of C9ld blast charcoal iron for car wheels would chill. Car wheels made of this blown iron have run 250,000 miles. (Jour. C. I. W., vi, p. 77.) Bad Cast Iron. On October 15, 1891, the cast-iron fly-wheel of a large pair of Corliss engines belonging to the Amoskeag Mfg. Co., of Man- chester, N.H., exploded from centrifugal force. The fly-wheel was 30 feet diameter and 110 inches face, with one set of 12 arms, and weighed 116,000 Ibs. After the accident, the rim castings, as well as the ends of the arms, were found to be full of flaws, caused chiefly by the drawing and shrinking of the metal. Specimens of the metal were tested for tensile strength, and varied from 15,000 Ibs. per square inch in sound pieces to 1000 Ibs. in spongy ones. None of these flaws showed on the surface, and a rigid examination of the parts before they were erected failed to give any cause to suspect their true nature. Experiments were carried on for some time after the accident in the Amoskeag Company's foundry in attempting to duplicate the flaws, but with no success in approaching the badness of these castings. Permanent Expansion of Cast Iron by Heating. (Valve World, Sept., 1908.) Cast iron subjected to continued temperatures of approx- imately 500 to 600 took a permanent expansion and did not return to its original volume when cooled. As steam is being superheated quite commonly to temperatures above 575, this fact is of great interest inasmuch as it modifies our ideas about the proper material to be used in the construction of valves and fittings foT service under high temperatures. A permanent volumetric expan- sion is followed by a loss of strength, the loss in cast iron being fully 40 per cent in four years. Crane Co. made an attempt to determine whether cast steel was affected in the same manner as cast iron. Three flanges were taken, one of cast iron, one of ferrosteel, and the third of cast steel. These flanges were exposed for a total period of 130 hours to temperatures ranging as follows: Less than 500, 18 hours; 500 to 700, 97 hours; 710 to 800, 12 hours- over 800, 3 hours. Average temp., 583. The Outside diameter in each case was 121/2 in. and the bore 6 29/ 6 4 in. The results were: Cast-steel flange, no change. Cast-iron flange, out- side diam. increased 0.019 in., inside diam. increased 0.007 in. Ferro-steel flange, outside diam. increased 0.033 in., inside diam. increased 0.017 in. 454 IRON AND STEEL. If the permanent expansion of cast iron stopped at the figures given above, it would not be a serious matter; but all evidence points toward a steady increase as time goes on, as was shown by one of Crane Co.'s 14-in. valves, which originally was 221/2 in. face to face, and increased 5/16 in. in length in four years under an average temperature of about 590. MALLEABLE CAST IRON.* There are four great classes of work for whose requirements malleable cast iron (commonly called "malleable iron" in America) is especially adapted. These are agricultural implements, railway supplies, carriage and harness castings and pipe fittings. Besides these main classes there are innumerable other unclassified uses. The malleable casting is sel- dom over 175 Ib. in weight, or 3 ft. in length, or % m . thick. The great majority of even the heavier castings do not exceed 10 Ib. When properly made, malleable cast iron should have a tensile strength of 42,000 to 48,000 Ib. per sq. in., with an elongation of 5% in 2 in. Bars 1 in. square and on supports 12 in. apart should show a transverse strength of 2500 to 3500 Ib., with a deflection of at least K in. While the strength of malleable iron should be as stated, much of it will fall as low as 35,000 Ib. per sq. in., and this will still be good for such work as pipe fittings, hardware castings and the like. On the other hand, even 63,000 Ib. per sq. in. has been reached, with a load of 5000 Ib. and a deflection of 2 y^ in. in the transverse test. This high strength is not desirable, as the softness of the casting is sacrificed, and its resist- ance to continued shock is lessened. For the repeated stresses of severe service the malleable casting ranks ahead of steel, and only where a high tensile strength is essential must it be replaced by that material. The process of making malleable iron may be summarized as follows: The proper cast irons are melted in either the crucible, the air furnace, the open-hearth furnace, or the cupola. The metal when cast into the sand molds must chill white or not more than just a little mottled. After removing the sand from the hard castings they are packed in iron scale, or other materials containing iron oxide, and subjected to a red heat (1250 to 1350 F.) for over 60 hours. They are then cooled slowly, cleaned from scale, chipped or ground, and straightened. Much of the malleable iron made to-day (1915) is annealed for a shorter time and at higher temperatures. The safe method , however, is the one given above. When hard, or just from the sand, the composition of the iron should be about as follows: Si, from 0.35 up to 1.00, depending upon the thick- ness and the purpose the casting is to be used for; P not over 0.225, Mn not over 0.20, S not over 0.08. The total carbon can be from 2.75 up- ward, 4.15 being about the highest that can be carried. The lower the carbon the stronger the casting subsequently. Below 2.75 there is apt to be trouble in the anneal, the black-heart structure may not appear, and the castings remain weak. A casting 1 in. thick would necessitate silicon at 0.35, and the use of chills in the mold in addition, to get the iron white. For a casting % in. thick, Si about 0.60 is the proper limit, except where great strength is desired, when it can be dropped to 0.45. Above 0.60 there is danger of getting heavily-mottled if not gray iron from the sand molds, and this material, when annealed the long time required for the white castings, would be ruined. For very thin castings, Si can run up to 1.25 and still leave the metal white in fracture. Pig Iron for Malleable Castings. The specifications run as follows: Si, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00%, as required; Mn, not over 0.60; P, not over 0.225 ; S, not over 0.05. Works making heavy castings almost exclusively specify Si to include 0.75 up to 1.50%. Makers of very light work take 1.25 to 2.00%. The Melting Furnace. Malleable iron is melted in the reverbera- tory furnace, the open-hearth furnace, and the cupola, the reverberatory being the most extensively used. About 85 per cent of the entire output of the United States is melted by this process. Prior to about 1885, the standard furnace was one of 5 tons capacity. At present (1915) we * References. R. Moldenke, Cass Mag., 1907, and Iron Trade Review, 1908; E. C. Wheeler, Iron Age, Nov. 9, 1899; C. H. Gale, Indust. World, April 13, 1908; W. H. Hatfield, ibid. G. A. Akerlund, Iron Tr. Rev., Aug. 23, J906; C. H. Day, Am. Mach., April 5, 1906. MALLEABLE CAST IRON. 455 have furnaces of 25 and 30 tons capacity, though furnaces of from 10 to 15 tons are the most popular and give more uniform results than those of larger capacity. The adoption of the open-hearth furnace for malleable iron dates back to about 1893. It is used largely in the Pittsburg district. Cupola-melted iron does not possess the tensile strength nor ductility of iron melted in the reverberatory or open-hearth furnace, due partly to the higher carbon and sulphur caused by the metal being in contact with the fuel. This feature is rather an advantage than otherwise, as most of the product of cupola-melted iron consists of pipe fittings, cast- ings that are not subjected to any great stress or shock. The castings are threaded, and a strong, tough malleable iron does not cut a clean, . smooth thread, but rather will rough up under the cutting tool. In the reverberatory and open-hearth furnaces the metal may be partly desiliconized at will, by an oxidizing flame or by additions of scrap or other low-silicon material, while the total carbon can be lowered by scrap steel additions. Manganese is also oxidized in the furnace. The composition of good castings in American practice is : Si, from 0.45 to 1.00%; Mn up to 0.30%; P, up to 0.225%; S, up to 0.08%; total carbon in the hard casting, above 2.75%. In special cases, especially for very small castings, the silicon may go up as high as 1.25%, while for very heavy work it may drop down to 0.35% with very good results. In the case of charcoal iron this figure gives the strongest castings. With coke irons, however, especially when steel scrap additions are the rule, 0.45 should be the lower limit, and 0.65 is the best silicon for all-around medium and heavy work, such as rail- road castings. In American practice phosphorus is required not to exceed 0.225%, and is preferred lower. In European practice it is required as low as 0.10%, but castings have been made successfully with P as high as 0.40%. The heat treatment of metal during melting has an important bearing upon its tensile strength, elongation, etc. Excessive temperatures pro- mote the chances of burning. Iron is burnt mainly through the genera- tion in melting furnaces of higher temperatures than those prevailing during the initial casting at blast furnaces and an excess of air in the flame. The choicest irons may thus turn out poor material. Shrinkage of the Casting. The shrinkage of the hard casting Is about 1/4 in. to the foot, or double that of gray iron. In annealing about half of this is recovered, and hence the net result is the same a*s in prdi- nary foundry pattern practice. The effect of this great shrinkage is to cause shrinkage cracks or sponginess in the interior of the casting. As soon as the liquid metal sets against the surface of the mold and the source of supply is cut off, the contraction of the metal in the interior as it cools causes the particles to be torn apart and to form minute cracks or cavities. " Every test bar, and for that matter every casting may be regarded as a shell of fairly continuous metal with an interior of slight planes of separation at right angles to the surface. This charac- teristic of malleable iron forms the basis of many a mysterious failure." (Moldenke.) Packing for Annealing. After the castings have been chipped and sorted they are packed in iron annealing pots, holding about 800 pounds of iron, together with a packing composed of iron ore, hammer and rolling mill scale, turnings, borings, etc. The turnings, etc., were form- erly treated with a solution of salammoniac or muriatic acid to form a heavy coating of oxide, but such treatment is now considered unnec- essary. Blast furnace slag, coke, sand, and fire clay have also been used for packing. The changes in chemical composition of the_castings when annealed in slag and in coke are given as follows by C. H. Gale: Si. S. P. Mn. C. C. G. C. Hard iron 63 043 147 21 2 54 Trace Annealed in slag . . 61 049 145 21 24 1 65 Annealed in coke 0.61 0.065 0.150 0.21 0.25 2.00 The Annealing Process. The effect of the annealing is to oxidize and remove the carbon from the surface of the casting, to remove it to a greater or less degree below the surface, and to convert the remain- 456 IRON AND STEEL. ing carbon from the combined form into the amorphous form called a "temper carbon" by Professor Ledebur, the German metallurgist. It differs from the graphite found in pig iron, but is usually reported as graphitic carbon by the chemists. In the original malleable process, invented by Reaumur, in 1722, the castings were packed in iron ore and annealed thoroughly, so that most of the carbon was probably oxidized, but in American practice the annealing process is rather a heat treat- ment than an oxidizing process, and its effect is to precipitate the carbon rather than to eliminate it. According to the analysis quoted above, the metal annealed in slag lost 0.65% of its total C, while that annealed in coke lost only 0.29%. In the former, S increased 0.006% and in the latter 0.022%. The Si decreased 0.02% in both cases, while the P and Mn remained constant. As to the distribution of carbon in an annealed casting, Dr. Moldenke says: "Take a flat piece of malleable and plane off the skin, say Vie in. deep and gather the chips for analysis. The carbon will be found, say, O.lo% perhaps even less. Cut in another Viein. and the total C will be nearer 0.60%. Now go down successively by sixteenths and the total C will range from, say, 1.70 to 3.65% and will then remain constant until the center is reached." "The malleable casting is for practical purposes a poor steel casting with a lot of graphite, not crystallized, between the crystals or groups of crystals of the steel." The heat in the annealing process must be maintained for from two to four days., depending upon the thickness of sections of the castings and the compactness with which the castings or annealing boxes are placed in the furnace. An annealing temperature 1550 to 1600 Fahr. is often used, but it is not essential, as the annealing can be accomplished at 1300, but the time required will be longer than that at the higher tem- perature. Burnt iron in the anneal is no uncommon feature, and, gen- erally speaking, it is the result of carelessness. The most carefully pre- pared metal from melting furnaces can here be turned into worthless castings by some slight inattention of detail. The highest temperature for annealing should be registered in each foundry, and kept there by the daily and frequent use of a thermometer constructed for that sole pur- pose. Steady, continued heat insures soft castings, while unequal tem- peratures destroy all chances for successful work, although the initial metal was of the most excellent quality. After annealing, the castings are cleaned by tumblers or the sand blast; they are carefully examined for cracks or other defects, and if sprung out of shape are hammered or forced by hydraulic power to the correct shape. Such parts as are produced in great quantities are placed in a drop hammer and one or two blows will insure a correct form. They may be drop-forged or even welded when the iron has been made for that purpose. Castings are sometimes dipped into asphaltum diluted with benzine to give them a better finish. Malleable castings must never be straightened hot, especially when thick. In the case of very thin castings there is some latitude, as the material is so decarbonized that it is nearer a steel than genuine mal- leable cast iron. In heating portions of castings that were badly warped, it seems that the amorphous carbon in them was combined again, and while the balance of the casting remained black and sound, the heated parts became white and brittle, as in the original hard casting. Hence the advice to straighten the castings cold, preferably with a drop ham- mer and suitable dies, or still better in the hydraulic press. (R. Moldenke. Proc. A.S.T.M., vi, 244.) Physical Characteristics. The characteristic that gives malleable iron its greatest value as compared with gray iron is its ability to resist shocks. Malleability in a light casting 1/4 in. thick and less means a soft, pliable condition and the ability to withstand considerable distor- tion without fracture, while in the heavy sections, 1/2 in. and over, it means the ability to resist shocks without bending or breaking. For general purposes it is not altogether desirable to have a metal very high in tensile strength, but rather one which has a high transverse strength, and especially a good deflection. It is not always that a strong and at the same time soft material can be produced in a foundry operat- ing on the lighter grades of castings. The purchaser, therefore, unless he requires very .stiff material, should rather look upon the deflection of MALLEABLE CAST 1UON. 457 the metal coupled with the weight it took to do this bending before failure, than for a high tensile strength. The ductility of the malleable casting permits the driving of rivets, which cannot so readily be done with gray cast iron; and for certain parts of cars, like the journal boxes, malleable cast iron may be con- sideied supreme, leaving cast iron and "semi-steel " far behind. It was formerly the general belief that the strength of malleable iron was largely in the white skin always found on this material, but it has been demonstrated that the removal of the skin does not proportionately lessen the strength of the casting. Test Bars. The rectangular shape is used for test bars in preference to the round section, because the latter is more apt to have serious cracks in the center, due to shrinkage, especially if the diameter is large. A round section, unless in very light hardware, is to be avoided, as the shrinkage crack in the center may have an outlet to the skin, and cause failure in service. It is customary to provide for two sizes of test bars, the heavy and the light. Thus the 1-in. square bar represents work 1/2 an inch thick and over, and a 1 X V2-in. section bar cares for the lighter castings. Both are 14 inches long. They should be cast at the beginning and at the end of each heat. Design of Malleable Castings. As white cast iron shrinks a great deal more than gray iron, and as the sections of malleable castings are lighter than those of similar castings of gray iron, fractures are very common. It is therefore the designer's aim to distribute the metal so as to meet these conditions. In long pieces the stiffening ribs should extend lengthways so as to produce as little resistance as possible to the contraction of the metal at the time of solidification. If this be not possible, the molder provides a "crush core" whose interior is filled with crushed coke. When the metal solidifies in the flask the core is crushed by the casting and thus prevents shrinkage cracks. At other times a certain corner or juncture of ribs in the casting will be found cracked. In order to prevent this a small piece of cast iron (chill) is embedded in the sand at this critical point, and the metal will cool here more quickly than elsewhere, and thus fortify this point, although it may happen that some other part of the casting will be found fractured instead, and in many cases the locations and the shape of strengthening ribs in the casting must be altered until a casting is procured free from shrinkage cracks. In designing of malleable cast-iron details the following rules should be observed: Jl) Endeavor to keep the metal in different parts of the casting at a form thickness. In a small casting, of, say, 10 Ibs. weight, l/4-in. metal is about the practical thickness, s/ 16 in. for a casting of 15 to 20 Ibs., and 3/ 8 to 1/2 in. for castings of 40 Ibs. and over. (2) Endeavor to avoid sharp junctions of ribs or parts, and if the casting is long, say 24 inches or more, the ends should be made of such shape as to offer as little resistance as possible to the contraction of metal when cooling in the mold. Specifications for Malleable Iron. The tensile strength of malle- able iron varies with the thickness of the metal, the lighter sections hav- ing a greater strength per square inch than the heavier sections. An Eastern railroad designates the tensile strength desired as follows: Sec- tions 3/ 8 in. thick or less should have a tensile strength of not less than 40,000 Ibs. per sq. in.; 3/ 8 to 3/ 4 in. thick, not less than 38,000; and over 3/4 in., not less than 36,000 Ibs. per sq. in. Test bars 5/ 8 and 7/ 8 in. diam. were made in the same mold and poured from the same ladle, and an- nealed together. The average tensile strength of five pairs of bars so treated, representing five heats, was, 5/ 8 -in. bars, 45,095; 7/g-in. bars, 41,316 Ibs. per sq. in. Average elongation in 6 in.: 5/ 8 -in. bars 5.3%; 7/8-in. bars 4.2%. A very high tensile strength can be obtained approaching that of cast steel but at the expense of the malleability of the product. Malle- able test bars have been made with a tensile strength of between 60,000 and 70,000 Ibs. per sq. in., but the ductility and ability to resist shocks of these bars was not equal to that of bars breaking at 40,000 to 45,000 pounds per sq. in. The British Admiralty specification is 18 tons (40,320 Ibs.) per square inch, a minimum elongation of 4Vfc% in three inches and a 458 IRON AND STEEL. bending angle of at least 90 over a 1-in. radius, the bar being 1 X % in. in section. A committee of the American Society for Testing Materials re- ported, in 1915, a set of specifications for malleable castings which in- cludes the following: The specimen for tensile strength is a round bar 12 in. long, 3/ 4 in. diam. at the ends, tapering to a middle portion 4 in. long, 5/8 in. diam. The transverse test specimen is 14 in. long, 1 in. wide, and 1/2, 5/8, or 3/4 hi. thick, according to the thickness of the casting it represents. Specimens are to be cast without chills, with the ends free in the mold. The tensile strength shall be not less than 38,000 Ib. per sq. in. with an elongation not less than 5% in 2 in. The transverse strength, the bar being tested with cope side up, on sup- ports 12 in. apart, pressure being applied at the center shall be respec- tively 900, 1400, and 2000 Ib. with deflections 1.25, -1.00, and 0.75 in the 1/2, 5/8, and 8/4 in. test specimens. The specifications are intended to cover railroad malleable irons and the softer grades only. They in- clude directions as to the casting of the test specimens and as to inspection. Improvement in Quality of Castings. (Moldenke.) The history of improvement in the malleable casting is admirably reflected in the test records of any works that has them. Going back to the early 90's, the average tensile strength 9f malleable cast iron was about 35,000 Ibs. per sq. in., with an elongation of about 2% in 2 in. The transverse strength was perhaps 2800 Ibs., with a deflection of 1/2 in. Toward the close of the 90's a fair average of the castings then made would run about 44,000 Ibs. per sq. in., with an elongation of 5% in 2 in., and the transverse strength, about 3500 Ibs., with a deflection of 1/2 inch. These average figures were greatly exceeded in establishments where special attention was given to the niceties 9f the process. The tensile strength here would run 52,000 Ibs. per sq. in. regularly, with 7% elongation in 2 in., and the transverse strength, 50CO and over, with 11/2 in. deflection. Further Progress Desirable. (Moldenke.) We do not know at the present time why cupola malleables require an annealing heat sev- eral hundred degrees higher than air or open-hearth furnace iron. The underlying principles of the oxidation of the bath, which is a frequent cause of defective iron, is practically unknown to the majority of those engaged in this industry. Heats are frequently made that will not pour nor anneal properly, but the causes are still being sought. To produce castings from successive heats, so that with the same composi- tion they will have the same physical strength regardless of how they are tested, is a problem partially solved for steel, but not yet approached for malleable cast iron. Sufficient progress in the study of iron with the microscope has been made to warrant the belief that in the not distant future we may be able to distinguish the constituents of the material by means of etching with various chemicals. When the sulphides and phosphides of iron, or the manganese-sulphur compounds, can be seen directly under the microscope, it is probable that a method may be found by which the dangerous ingredients may be so scattered or arranged that they will do the least harm. The high sulphur- in European malleable accounts to some extent for the comparatively low strength when contrasted with our product. Their castings being all very light, so long as they bend and twist prop- erly, the purpose is served, and hence until heavier castings become the rule instead of the exception, "white heart" and steely-looking frac- tures will remain the characteristic feature of European work. STRENGTH OF MALLEABLE CAST IRON. Tests of Square Bars, 1/2 in. and 1 in., by tension, compression and transverse stress, by M. H. Miner and F. E. Blake (Railway Age, Jan. 25, 1901). TENSION. Six 1/2-in. and six 1-in. round bars, also two 1-in. bars turned to remove the skin, from each of four makers. Average results: T. S., l/2-in. bars, 37,470-42,950, av. 40,960; E. L., 16,500-21,100, av. 19,176. T. S., 1-in. bars, 35,750-40,530, av. 38,300; E. L., 14,860-19,900, av. 17,181. Tensile strength, turned bars. av. 35.090: Elastic limit, av. 15.660. WROUGHT IRON. 459 Elong. inSin.., y 2 -'m. bars, 4.75 % ; 1-in. bars, 4.32 % ; turned bars, 3.73 %. Modulus of elasticity, y 2 -in. bars, 22,289,000; 1-in. bars, 21,677,000. COMPRESSION. 16 short blocks, 2 in. long, 1 in. and 1/2 in. square respectively. 8 long columns, 15 in. long, 1 in. sq., and 7.5 in. long, 1/2 in/sq. respec- tively. Averages of blocks from each of four makers: Short blocks, l/2-in. sq., 93,000 to 114,500 Ibs. per sq. in. Mean, 101,900 Ibs. per sq. in. Short blocks, 1 in. sq., 137,600 to 165,300 Ibs. per sq. in. Mean, 152,800 Ibs. per sq. in. Ratio of final to original length, 1/2 in., 61.7%; 1 in., 52.6%. A small part of the shortening was due to sliding on the 45 plane of fracture. Long columns: 1/2 in. X 7.5 in. Mean, 29,400 Ibs. per sq. in.: 1 in. X 15 in., 27,500 Ibs. per sq. in. Ratio of final to original length, 1/2 in., 98.5%; 1 in., 98.8%. The long columns did not rupture, but reached the maximum stress after bending into a permanent curve. TRANSVERSE TESTS. Maximum fiber stress, mean of 8 tests, l/2-in. bars, 34,163 Ibs. per sq. in. 1-in. bars, 36,125 Ibs. per sq. in. Length between supports, 20 in. The bars did not break, but failed by bending. The l/2-in. bars could be bent nearlv double. Malleable Bars cast by Buhl Malleable Co., Detroit, Mich., tested as follows. The tests were reported by Chas. H. Day, Am. Mach., April 5, 1906. The castings were all made at the same time. The rectangular sections were approximately 1/4 X 3 /4 in. The star sections were square crosses, 1 in. wide, with arms about 1/4 in. thick. The figures here given are the maximum and minimum results from three bars of each section. TENSILE TESTS. COMPRESSION TESTS. Section. Area, sq. in. Tensile St'gth, Ibs. per Elong. in 8 in., Red. of Area, Area, sq. in. L'gth, in. Comp. Str., Ibs. per Final Area, sq. in. sq. in. * sq. in. Round 0.817 43,000 5.87 4.76 0.847 15 31,700 0.901 0.801 43,400 6.21 3.98 0.801 15 33,240 0.886 0.219 41,130 7.70 3.40 0.209 7.5 32,600 0.221 ' 0.202 44,700 13.00 3.63 0.204 7.5 34,600 0.215 Square 0.277 36,700 4.70 2.20 0.263 7.5 33,200 0.272 0.277 38,100 3.72 3.00 0.254 7.5 31,870 0.278 1.040 38,460 4.10 3.30 1.051 15 29,650 1.070 M 1.Q50 37,860 2.38 2.94 1.040 15 30,450 1.066 Rect. 0.239 31,200* 5.19 1.50 0.436 15 32,200 0.448 0.244 37,600 3.87 3.80 0.457 15 30,400 0.467 Star 0.584 34,600 4.20 3.10 0.575 37,200 4.80 3.50 * Broke in flaw. Tests of Rectangular Cast Bars, made by a committee of the Mas- ter Car-builders' Assn. in 1891 and 1892, gave the following results (selected to show range of variation) : Size of Section, in. Tensile St'gth, Ibs. per sq. in. Elastic Limit, Ibs. per sq. in. Elonga- tion, % in 4 in. Size of Section, in. Tensile St'gth, Ibs. per sq. in. Elastic Limit, Ibs. per sq. in. Elong. in 8 in.. %. 0.25x1.52 0.5 xl.53 0.78x2 0.88x1.54 1.52x1.54 34,700 32,800 25,100 33,600 28,200 21,100 17,000 15,400 19,300 2 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.29x2.78 0.39x2.82 0.53x2.76 0.8 X2.76 1.03x2.82 28,160 32,060 27,875 25,120 28,720 22,650 20,595 19,520 18,390 18,220 06 1 3 1 1 1 5 WROUGHT IRON. The Manufacture of Wrought Iron. When iron ore, which is an oxide of iron, Fe2Os or FesCU, containing silica, phosphorus, sulphur, etc., as impurities, is heated to a yellow heat in contact with charcoal or other fuel, the oxygen of the ore combines with the carbon of the fuel, part of the iron combines with silica to form a fusible cinder or slag, and the remainder of the iron agglutinates into a pasty mass which is inter- mingled with the cinder. Depending upon the time and the tempera- 460 IRON AND STEEL. ture of the operation, and on the kind and quality of the impurities present in the ore and the fuel, more or less of the sulphur and phos- phorus may remain in the iron or may pass into the slag ; a small amount of carbon may also be absorbed by the iron. By squeezing, hammering, or rolling the lump of iron while it is highly heated, the cinder may be nearly all expelled from it, but generally enough remains to give a bar after being rolled, cooled and broken across, the appearance of a fibrous structure. The quality of the finished bar depends upon the extent to which the chemical impurities and the intermingled slag have been removed from the iron. The process above described is known as the direct process. It is now but little used, having been replaced by the indirect process known as puddling or boiling. In this process pig iron which has been melted in a reverb eratory furnace is desilicomzed and decarbonized by the oxygen derived from iron ore or iron scale in the bottom of the furnace, and from the oxidizing flame of the furnace. The temperature being too low to maintain the iron, when low in carbon, in a melted C9ndition, it gradually " comes to nature" by the formation of pasty particles in the bath, which adhere to each other, until at length all the iron is decarbon- ized and beco Ties of a pasty condition, and the lumps so formed when gathered together make the "puddle-ball" which is consolidated int9 a bloom by the squeezer and then rolled into "muck-bar." By cutting the muck-bar into short lengths and making a "pile" of them, heating the pile to a welding heat and rerolling, a bar is made which is freer from cinder and more homogeneous than the original bar, and it may be further "refined" by another piling and rerolling. The quality of the iron depends on the quality of the pig-iron, on the extent of the decarbonization, on the extent of dephosphorization which has been effected in the furnace, on the greater or less contamination of the iron by sulphur derived from the fuel, and on the amount of work done on the piles to free the iron from slag. Iron insufficiently decarbonized is irregular, and hard or "steely." Iron thoroughly freed from impurities is soft ani of low tensile strength. Iron high in sulphur is "hot-short," liable to break when being forged. Iron high in phosphorus is "cold- short," of low ductility when cold, and breaking with an apparently crystalline fracture. See papers on Manufacture and Characteristics of Wrought Iron, by J. P. Roe, Trans. A. I. M. E., xxxiii, p. 551; xxxvi, pp. 203, 807. Electrolytic Iron. (L. Guillet, Proc. Iron & Steel Inst., 1914, Eng'g, Oct. 2, 1914.) Using any pig iron in solution an iron can be obtained of the following average composition, after removal of the gases by annealing: C, 0.004; Si, 0.007; S, 0.006; P, 0.008. The metal de- posited from the solution is extremely brittle and hard, due to occluded hydrogen. The deposition of the iron takes place on a revolving metal mandrel, making tubes of from 4 to 8 in. diam., 12.8 ft. long, 0.004 to 0.24 in. thick. After annealing, the metal becomes soft and ductile, with a tensile strength of from 44,000 to 47,000 Ib. per sq. in. The in- dustrial uses of electrolytic iron include the direct manufacture of tubes, sheets, rods for autogenous welding, and the preparation of raw material for the manufacture of steel. In localities where cheap electric current can be obtained the cost is estimated to be as low as $30 to $38 per gross ton. Patents on the process are owned by Compagnie Le Fer, Grenoble, France. Influence of Reduction in Rolling from Pile to Bar on the Strength of Wrought Iron. The tensile strength of the irons used in Beardslee's tests ranged from 46,000 to 62,700 Ibs. per sq. in., brand L, which was really a steel, not being considered. Some specimens of L gave figures as high as 70,000 Ibs. The amount of reduction of sectional area in rolling the bars has a notable influence on the strength and elastic limit; the greater the reduction from pile to bar, the higher the strength. The following are a few figures from tests of one of the brands: Size of bar, in. diam.: 4 3 2 1 1/2 l; 4 Area of pile, sq. in.: 80 80 72 25 9 3 Bar per cent of pile: 15.7 8.83 4.36 3.14 2.17 1.6 Tensile strength, Ib.: 46,322 47,761 48,280 51,128 52,275 59,585 Elastic limit. Ib.: 23.430 26,400 31,892 36,467 39,126 Influence of Chemical Composition on the Properties of Wrought Iron* (Beardslee on Wrought Iron and Chain Cables. Abridgment by WROUGHT IRON. 461 W. Kent. Wiley & Sons, 1879.) A series of 2000 tests of specimens from 14 brands of wrought iron, most of them of high repute, was made in 1877 by Capt. L. A. Beardslee, U.S.N., of the United States Testing Board. Forty-two chemical analyses were made of these irons, with a view to determine what influence the chemical composition had upon the strength, ductility, and welding power. From the report of these testa by A. L. Holley the following figures are taken: Brand. Average Tensile Strength. Chemical Composition. S. P. Si. C. Mn. Slag. L 66,598 trace j 0.065 I 0.084 0.080 0.105 0.212 0.512 0.005 0.029 0.192 0.45? P 54,363 (0.009 \ 0.001 0.250 0.095 0.182 0.028 0.033 0.066 0.033 0.009 0.848 1.214 B 52 764 008 231 156 015 017 !J 51,754 j 0.003 1 0.005 0.140 0.291 0.182 0.321 0.027 0.051 trace 0.053 0.678 1.724 51,134 ( 0.004 \ 0.005 0.067 0.078 0.065 0.073 0.045 0.042 0.007 0.005 1.168 . 0.974 C 50,765 0.007 0.169 0.154 0.042 0.021 Where two analyses are given, they are the extremes of two or more analyses of the brand. Where one is given, it is the only analysis. Brand L should be classed as a puddled steel. ORDER OF QUALITIES GRADED FROM No. 1 TO No. 19. Brand. Tensile Strength. Reduction of Area. Elongation. Welding Power. L P B J C 1 6 12 16 18 19 18 6 16 19 1 12 19 3 15 18 4 16 most imperfect, badly, best, rather badly, very- good. The reduction of area varied from 54.2 to 25.9 per cent, and the elonga* tion from 29.9 to 8.3 per cent. Brand O, the purest iron of the series, ranked No. 18 in tensile strength but was one of the most ductile; brand B, quite impure, was below tho average both in strength and ductility, but was the best in welding power; P, also quite impure, was 'one of the best in every respect except welding, while L, the highest in strength, was not the most pure, it ha(f the least ductility, and its welding power was most imperfect. The evidence of the influence of chemical composition upon quality, there^ fore, is quite contradictory and C9nfusing. The irons differing remark- ably in their mechanical properties, it was found that a much more marked influence upon their qualities was caused by different treatment in rolling than by differences in composition. In regard to slag Mr. Holley says: "It appears that the smallest and most worked iron often has the most slag. It is hence reasonable to conclude that an iron may be dirty and yet thoroughly condensed." In his summary of "What is learned from chemical analysis, "' he says: " So far, it may appear that little of use to the makers or users of wrought iron has been learned. . . . The character of steel can be surely pred- icated on the analyses of the materials ; that of wrought iron is altered by subtle and unobserved causes." Specifications for Wrought Iron. (F. H. Lewis, Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, 1891.) 1. All wrought, iron must be tough, ductile, fibrous, and of uniform quality for each class, straight, smooth, free from cinder-pockets, flaws, buckles, blisters, and injurious cracks along the edges, and must have a workmanlike finish. No specific process or provision of manufacture will be demanded, provided the material fulfills the requirements of these specifications. 2. The tensile strength, limit of elasticity, and ductility shall be deter- mined from a standard test-piece not less than 1/4 inch thick cut from the full-sized bar, and planed or turned, parallel. The area of cross- 462 IRON AND STEEL. section shall not bo less than 1/2 sq. in. The elongation shall be measured after breaking on an original length of 8 in. 3. The tests shall show not less than the following results: El. in 8 in. For bar iron in tension T. S. = 50,000; E. L. = 26,000; 18% For shape iron in tension = 48,000; = 26,000; 15% For plates under 36 in. wide = 48,000; = 26,000; 12% For plates over 36 in. wide = 46,000; = 25,000; 10% 4. When full-sized tension members are tested to prove the strength of their connections, a reduction in their ultimate strength of (500 X width of bar) p9unds per square inch will be allowed. 5. All iron shall bend, cpld, 180 degrees around a curve whose diameter is twice the thickness of piece for bar iron, and three times the thickness for plates and shapes. 6. Iron which is to be worked hot in the manufacture must be capable Df bending sharply to a right angle at a working heat without sign of fracture. 7. Specimens of tensile iron upon being nicked on one side and bent shall show a fracture nearly all fibrous. 8. All rivet iron must be tough and soft, and be capable of bending cold until the sides are in close contact without sign of fracture on the convex side of the curve. Penna. B. B. Co.'s Specifications for Merchant-bar Iron (1904). One bar will be selected for test from each 100 bars in a pile. All the iron of one size in the shipment will be rejected if the average tensile strength of the specimens tested full size as rolled falls below 47,000 Ibs. or exceeds 53,000 Ibs. per sq. in., or if a single specimen falls below 45,000 Ibs. per sq. in.; or when the test specimen has been reduced by machining if the average tensile strength exceeds 53,000 or falls below 46,000, or if a single specimen falls below 44,000 Ibs. per sq. in. All the iron of one size in the shipment will be rejected if the average elongation in 8 in. falls below the following limits: Flats and rounds, tested as rolled, 1/2 in. and over, 20%; less than 1/2 in., 16%. Flats and rounds reduced by machining 16%. Nicking and Bending Tests. When necessary to make nicking and bending tests, the iron will be nicked lightly on one side and then broken by holding one end in a vise, or steam hammer, and breaking the iron by successive blows. It must when thus broken show a generally fibrous structure, not more than 25% crystalline, and must be free from admix- , ture of steel. Stay-bolt Iron. (Penna. R. R. Co.'s specifications, 1902). Sample bars must show a tensile strength of not less than 48,000 Ibs. per sq. in. and an elongation of not less than 25% in 8 in. One piece from each lot will be threaded in dies with a sharp V thread, 12 to 1 in. and firmly screwed through two holders having a clear space between them of 5 in. One holder will be rigidly secured to the bed of a suitable machine, and the other vibrated at right angles to the axis over a space of 1/4 in. or i/s in. -each side of the center line. Acceptable iron should stand 2800 double vibrations before breakage. Mr. Vauclain, of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, at a meeting of the American Railway Master Mechanics' Association, in 1892, says: Many advocate the softest iron in the market as the best for stay-bolts. He believed in an iron as hard as was consistent with heading the bolt nicely. The higher the tensile strength of the iron, the more vibrations it will stand, for it is not so easily strained beyond the yield-point. The Baldwin specifications for stay-bolt iron call for a tensile strength of 50,000 to 52,000 Ibs. per square inch, the upper figure being preferred, and the lower being insisted upon as the minimum. Specifications for Wrought Iron for the World's Fair Buildings. (Eng'g News, March 26, 1892.) All iron to be used in the tensile mem- bers of open trusses, laterals, pins and bolts, except plate iron over 8 inches wide, and shaped iron, must show by the standard test-pieces a tensile strength in Ibs. per square inch of: 52 000 7000 X area of original bar in sq. in. circumference of original bar in inches * with an elastic limit not less than half the strength given by this formula, and au elongation of 20% in 8 in. - METALS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES. d63 Plate iron 8 to 24 inches wide, T. S. 48,000, E. L. 26,000 Ibs. per sq. in., elong. 12%. Plates over 24 inches wide, T. S. 46,000, E. L. 26,000 Ibs. per sq. in. Plates 24 4o 36 in. wide, elong. 10%; 36 to 48 in., 8%; over 48 in., 5%. All shaped iron, flanges of beams and channels, and other iron not hereinbefore specified, must show a T. S. in Ibs. per sq. in. of: _ 7000 X area of original bar circumference of original bar* yith an elastic limit of not less than half the strength given by this formula, and an elongation of 15% for bars 5/8 inch and less in thickness, and of 12% for bars of greater thickness. For webs of beams and channels, specifications for plates will apply. All rivet iron must be tough and soft, and pieces of the full diameter of the rivet must be capable of bending cold, until the sides are in close con- tact, without sign of fracture on the convex side of the curve. TENACITY OF METALS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES. The British Admiralty made a series of experiments to ascertain what loss of strength and ductility takes place in gun-metal compositions when raised to high temperatures. It was found that all the varieties of gun metal suffer a gradual but not serious 1933 of strength and ductility up to a certain temperature, at which, within a few degrees, a great change takes place, the strength falls to about- one-half the original,. and the ductility is wholly gone. At temperatures above this point, up to 500 F., there is little, if any, further loss of strength; the temperature at which th ; s great change and loss of strength takes place, although uniform in the specimens cast from the same pot, varies about 100 in the same comp9sition cast at different temperatures, or with some varying condi- tions in the foundry process. The temperature at which the change took T, lace in No. 1 series was ascertained to be about 370, and in that of No. 2, at a little over 250. Rolled Muntz metal and copper are satis- factory up to 500, and may be used as securing-bolts with safety. Wrought iron increases in strength up to 500, but loses slightly in duc- tility up to 300, where an increase begins and continues up to 500, where it is still less than at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere. The strength of Land ore steel is not affected by temperature up to 500, but its ductility is reduced more than one-half. (Iron, Oct. 6, 1877.) Strength of Iron and Steel Boiler-plate at High Temperatures. (Chas. Huston, Jour. F. I., 1877.) AVERAGE OF THREE TESTS OF EACH. Temperature F. 68 575 925 Charcoal iron plate, tensile strength, Ibs 55,366 63,080 65,343 contr. of area % 26 23 21 Soft open-hearth steel, tensile strength, Ibs 54,600 66,083 64,350 contr. % 47 38 33 1 Crucible steel, tensile strength, Ibs 64,000 69,266 68,600 contr. % 36 30 21 Tensile Strength of Iron and Steel at High Temperatures. James E. Howard's tests (Iron Age, April 10, 1890) show that the tensile strength of steel diminishes as the temperature increases from until a minimum is reached between 200 and 300 F., the total decrease being about 4000 Ibs. per square inch in the softer steels, and from 6000 to 8000 Ibs. in steels of over 80,000 Ibs. tensile strength. From this mini- mum point the strength increases up t9 a temperature of 400 to 650 F., the maximum being reached earlier in the harder steels, the increase amounting to from 10,000 to 20,000 Ibs. per square inch above the mini- mum strength at from 200 to 300. From this maximum, the strength of all the steel decreases steadily at a rate approximating 10,000 Ibs. decrease per 100 increase of temperature. A strength of 20,000 Ibs. per square inch is still shown by 0.10 C. steel at about 1000 F., and by 0.60 to 1.00 C. steel at about 1600 F. The strength of wrought iron increases with temperature from up to a maximum at from 400 to 600 F., the increase being from 8000 to 10,000 Ibs. per square inch, and then decreases steadily till a strength .of only 6000 Ibs. per square inch is shown at 1500 F. 464 IKON AND STEEL. Cast iron appears to maintain its strength, with a tendency to In- crease, until 900 is reached, beyond which temperature the strength gradually diminishes. Under the highest temperatures, 1500 to 1600 F., numerous cracks on the cylindrical surface of the specimen were devel- oped prior to rupture. It is remarkable that cast iron, so much inferior in strength to the steels at atmospheric temperature, under the highest temperatures has nearly the same strength the high-temper steels then have. Strength of Wrought Iron and Steel at High Temperatures. (Jour. F. I., cxii, 1881, p. 241.) Kollmann's experiments at Oberhausen included tests of the tensile strength of iron and steel at temperatures ranging between 70 and 2000 F. Three kinds of metal were tested, viz., fibrous iron of 52,464 Ibs. T. S., 38,280 Ibs. E. L., and 17.5% elong.; fine-grained iron of 56,892 Ibs. T. S., 39,113 Ibs. E. L., and 20% elong.; and Bessemer steel of 84,826 Ibs. T. S., 55,029 Ibs. E. L., and 14.5% elong. The mean ultimate tensile strength of each material expressed in per cent of that at ordinary atmospheric temperature is given in the following table, the fifth column of which exhibits, for pur- poses of comparison, the results of experiments by a committee of the Franklin Institute in the years 1832-36. Temperature Degrees F. Fibrous Iron, %. Fine-grained Iron, %. Bessemer Steel, %. Franklin In- stitute, %. 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.0 100 100.0 100.0 100.0 102.0 200 100.0 100.0 100.0 105.0 300 97.0 100.0 100.0 106.0 400 95.5 100.0 100.0 106.0 500 92.5 98.5 98.5 104.0 600 88.5 95.5 92.0 99.5 700 81.5 90.0 68.0 92.5 800 67.5 77.5 44.0 75.5 900 44.5 51.5 36.5 53.5 1000 26.0 36.0 31.0 36.0 1100 20.0 30 5 26 5 1200 18 28 22 1400 13 5 19 15 1600 7.0 12.5 10.0 1800 4 5 8 5 7 5 2000 3.5 5'.0 5.0 Effect of Cold on the Strength of Iron and Steel. The following conclusions were arrived at by Mr. Styffe in 1865: (1) The absolute strength of iron and steel is not diminished by cold, even at the lowest temperature which ever occurs in Sweden. (2) Neither in steel nor in iron is the extensibility less in severe cold than at the ordinary temperature. (3) The limit of elasticity in both steel and iron lies higher in severe cold. (4) The modulus of elasticity in both steel and iron is increased on reduction of temperature, and diminished on elevation of temperature; but that these variations never exceed 0.05% f9r a change of 1.8 F. W. H. Barlow (Proc. Inst. C. E.) made experiments on bars of wrought iron, "cast iron, malleable cast iron, Bessemer steel, and tool steel. The bars were tested with tensile and transverse strains, and also by im- pact: one-half of them at a temperature of 50 F., and the other half at 5 F. The results of the experiments were summarized as follows: 1. When bars of wrought iron or steel were submitted to a tensile strain and broken, their strength was not affected by severe cold (5 F.), but their ductility was increased about 1% in iron and 3% m steel. 2. Whsn bars of cast iron were submitted to a transverse strain at a low temperature, their strength was diminished about 3% and their flexibility about 16%. 3. When bars of wrought iron, malleable cast iron, steel, and ordinary cast iron were subjected to impact at 5 F., the force required to break them, and their flexibility, were reduced as follows: ' DURABILITY OF IKON, COKROSION, ETC. 465 Reduction of Force of Im- pact, %. Reduction of Flexibility, % Wrought iron, about 3 18 Steel (best cast tool), about 3 1/2 17 Malleable cast iron, about 41/2 15 Cast iron, about 21 not taken The experience of railways in Russia, Canada, and other countries where the winter is severe, ie that the breakages of rails and tires are far more numerous in the cold weather than in the summer. On this account a softer class of steel is employed in Russia for rails than is usual in more temperate climates. The evidence extant in relation to this matter leaves no doubt that the capability of wrought iron or steel to resist impact is reduced by cold. On the other hand, its static strength is not impaired by low temperatures. Increased Strength of Steel at very Low Temperature. Steel of 72,300 Ib. T. S. and 62,800 Ib. elastic limit when tested at 76 F. gave 97,600 T. S. and 80,000 E. L. when tested at. the temperature of liquid air. Watertown Arsenal Tests, Eng. Rec., July 21, 1906. Prof. R. C. Carpenter (Proc. A. A. A. S. 1897) found that the strength of wrought iron at 70 F. was 20% greater than at 70 F. Effect of Low Temperatures on Strength of Railroad Axles. (Thos. Andrews, Proc. Inst. C. E., 1891.) Axles 6 ft. 6 in. long be- tween centers of journals, total length 7 ft. 3V2 in., diameter at middle 41/2 in., at wheel-sets 5Vs in., journals 3 3 /4 X 7 in., were tested by impact at temperatures of and 100 F. Between the blows each axle was half turned over, and w r as also replaced for 15 minutes in the water-bath. The mean force of concussion resulting from each impact was ascer- tained as follows: Let h = height of free fall in feet, w = weight of test ball, hw = W = " energy," or work in foot-tons, x = extent of deflections between bearings then F (mean force) = W/x Jiw/x . The results of these experiments show that whereas at F. a total average mean force of 179 tons was sufficient to cause the breaking of the axles, at 100 F. a total average mean force of 428 tons was required. In other words, the resistance to concussion of the axles at F. was only about 42% of what it was at 100 F. The average total deflection at F. was 6.48 in., as against 15.06 in. with the axles at 100 F. under the conditions stated; this represents an ultimate reduction of flexibility, under the test of impact, of about 57% for the cold axles at F., compared with the warm axles at 100 F. EXPANSION OF IEON AND STEEL BY HEAT. James E. Howard, engineer in charge of the U. S. test ing- machine at Watertown, Mass., gives the following results of tests made on bars 35 in. long (Iron Age, April 10, 1890) : Coeffi. of Coeffi. of C. Mn. Si. Expansion per degree C. Mn Si. Expansion per degree F. F. Wrought iron 0.0000067302 Steel 57 93 07 0.0000063891 Steel. 09 11 0000067561 71 58 08 0000064716 70 45 .0000066259 , 81 56 17 .0000062167 31 *7 0000065149 89 57 19 0000062335 it W 70 .0000066597 97 80 78 .0000061700 .51 .58 02 .0000066202 Cast (gun) iron .0000059261 DURABILITY OF IRON, CORROSION, ETC. Crystallization of Iron by Fatigue. Wrought iron of the best quality is very tough, and breaks, on being pulled in a testing machine or bent after nicking, with a fibrous fracture. Cold-short iron, however, is more brittle, and breaks square across the fibers with a fracture which is 466 IRON AND STEEL. commonly called crystalline although no real crystals are present. Iron which has been repeatedly overstrained, and especially iron subjected to repeated vibrations and shocks, also becomes brittle, and breaks with an apparently crystalline fracture. See " Resistance of Metals to Repeated Shocks, " p. 276. Walter H. Finley (Am. Mach., April 27, 1905) relates a case of fail- ures of li/g-in. wrought-iron coupling pins on a train of 1-ton mine cars, apparently due to crystallization. After two pins were broken after a year's hard service, "several hitchings were laid on an anvil and the pin broken by a single blow from a sledge. Pieces of the broken pins were then heated to a bright red, and, after cooling slowly, were again put under the hammer, which failed entiiely to break them. After cutting with a cleaver, the pins were broken, and the fracture showed a complete restoration of the fibrous structure. This annealing process was then applied to the whole supply of hitchings. Piles of twenty-five or thirty were covered by a hot wood fire, which was allowed to die down and go out, leaving the hitchings in a bed of .ashes to cool off slowly.. By repeating this every six months the danger of brittle pins was avoided. Durability of Cast Iron. Frederick Gratf, in an article on the Philadelphia water-supply, says that the first cast-iron pipe used there was laid in 1820. These pipes were made of charcoal iron, and were in constant use for 53 years. They were uncoated, and the inside was well filled with tubercles. In salt water good cast iron, even uncoated, will last for a century at least; but; it often becomes soft enough to be cut by a knife, as is shown in iron cannon taken up from the bottom of harbors after long submersion. Close-grained, hard white metal lasts the longest in sea water. (Eng j g News, April 23, 1887, and March 26, 1892.) Tests of Iron after Forty Years' Service. A square link 12 inchei broad, 1 inch thick and about 12 feet long was taken from the Kieff bridge, then 40 years old, and tested in comparison with a similar link which had been preserved in the stock-house since the bridge was built. The following is the record of a mean of four longitudinal test-pieces, 1 X IVsX 8 inches, taken from each link (Stahl und Eisen. 1890): Old Link . .T. S., 21.8 tons; E. L., 11.1 tons; Elong., 14.05% New Link.' " 22.2 11.9 Durability of Iron in Bridges. (G. Lindenthal, Eng'g, Ma Y 2, 1884, E139.) The Old Monongahela suspension bridge in Pittsburg, built 1 1845, was taken down in 1882. The wires of the cables were frequently strained to half of their ultimate strength, yet on testing them after 37 years' use they showed a tensile strength of from 72,700 to 100,000 Ibs. per sq in. The elastic limit was from 67,100 to 78,600 Ibs. per sq in. Reduction at point of fracture, 35% to 75%. Their diameter was 0.13 in. A new ordinary telegraph wire of same gauge tested for comparison showed: T. S., of 100.000 Ibs.; E. L., 81,550 Ibs.; reduction, 57%. Iron rods used as stays or suspenders showed: T. S., 43,770 to 49,720 Ibs. E. L., 26,380 to 29,200. Mr. Lindenthal draws these conclusions: " The above tests indicate that iron highly strained for a long number of years, but still within the elastic limit, and exposed to slight vibration, will not deteriorate in quality. "That if subjected to only one kind of strain it will not change its texture, even if strained beyond its elastic limit, for many years. It will stretch and behave much as in a testing-machine during a long test. "That iron will change its texture only when exposed to alternate severe straining, as in bending in different directions. If the bending is slight but very rapid, as in violent vibrations, the effect is the same." Durability of Iron in Concrete. In Paris a sewer of reinforced con- crete 40 years old was removed and the metal was found in a perfect state of preservation. In excavating for the foundations of the new General Post Office in London some old Roman brickwork had to be removed, and the hoop-iron bonds were still perfectly bright and good. (Eng'g, Aug. 16, 1907, p. 227.) Corrosion of Iron Bolts. On bridges over the Thames in London, bolts exposed to the action of the atmosphere and rain-water were eaten away in 25 years from a diameter of 7/g in. to 1/3 in., and from 5/ 8 in. diam- eter to 5/ 16 inch. Wire ropes exposed to drip in colliery shafts are very liable to corrosion. Corrosive Agents in the Atmosphere. The experiments of F. Grace Calvert (Chemical News, March 3, 1871) show that carbonic acid. DURABILITY OF IRON, CORROSION, ETC. 467 in the presence of moisture, is the agent which determines the oxidation of iron in the atmosphere. He subjected perfectly cleaned blades of iron and steel to the action of different gases for a period of four months, with results as follows: Dry oxygen, dry carbonic acid, a mixture of both gases, dry and damp oxygen and ammonia: no oxidation. Damp oxygen: in three experi- ments one blade only was slightly oxidized. Damp carbonic acid : slight appearance of a white precipitate upon the iron, found to be carbonate of iron. Damp carbonic acid and oxygen: oxidation very rapid. Iron immersed in water containing carbonic acid oxidized rapidly. Iron immersed in distilled water deprived of its gases by boiling rusted the iron in spots that were found to contain impurities. Sulphurous acid (the product of the combustion of the sulphur in coal) is an exceedingly active corrosive agent, especially when the exposed iron is coated with soot. This accounts for the rapid corrosion of iron in railway bridges exposed to the smoke from locomotives. (See account of experiments by the author on action of sulphurous acid in Jour. Frank. Inst., June, 1875, p. 437.) An analysis of sooty iron rust from a railway bridge showed the presence of sulphurous, sulphuric, and carbonic acids, chlorine, and ammonia. Bloxam states that ammonia is formed from the nitrogen of the air during the process of rusting. Galvanic Action is a most active agent of corrosion. It takes place when two metals, one electro-negative to the other, are placed in contact and exposed to dampness. Corrosion in Steam-boilers. Internal corrosion may be due either to the use of water containing free acid, or water containing sulphate or cnloride of magnesium, which decompose when heated, liberating the acid, or to water containing air or carbonic acid in solution. External corrosion rarely takes place when a boiler is kept hot, but when cold it is apt to corrode rapidly in those portions where it adjoins the brick- work or where it may be covered by dust or ashes, or wherever damp- ness may lodge. (See Impurities of Water, p. 720, and Incrustation and Corrosion, p. 927 .) Corrosion of Iron and Steel. Experiments made at the Riverside Iron Works, Wheeling, W. Va., on the comparative liability to rust of iron and soft Bessemer steel: A piece of iron plate and a similar piece of steel, both clean and bright, were placed in a mixture of yellow loam and sand, with which had been thoroughly incorporated some carbonate of soda, nitrate of soda, ammonium chloride, and chloride of magnesium. The earth as prepared was kept moist. At the end of 33 days the pieces of metal were taken out, cleaned, and weighed, when the iron was found to have lost 0.84% of its weight and the steel 0.72%. The pieces were replaced and after 28 days weighed again, when the iron was found to have lost 2.06% of its original weight and the steel 1.79%. (Eng'g, June 26, 1891.) Internal Corrosion of Iron and Steel Pipes by Warm Water. (T. N. Thomson, Proc. A. S. H. V. E., 1908.) Three short pieces of iron and three of steel pipes, 2 in. diam., were connected together by nipples and made part of a pipe line conveying water at a temperature varying from 160 to 212 F. In one year 9 13/33 Ibs. of wrought iron lost 203/4 oz., and 913/32 Ibs. of steel 247/g oz. The pipes were sawed in two lengthwise, and the deepest pittings were measured by a micrometer. Assuming that the pitting would have Continued at a uniform rate the wrought-iron pipes would have been corroded through in from 686 to 780 days, and the steel pipes from 760 to 850 days, the average being 742 days for iron and 797 days for steel. Two samples each of galvanized iron and steel pipe were also included in the pipe line, and their calculated life was: iron 770 and 1163 days; steel 619 and 1163 days. Of numerous samples of corroded pipe received from heating engineers ten had given out within four years of service, and of these six were steel and four were iron. To ascertain whether Pipe is made of Wrought Iron or Steel, cut off a short piece of the pipe and suspend it in a solution of 9 parts of water, 3 of sulphuric acid, and 1 of hydrochloric acid in a porcelain or glass dish in such a way^ that the end will not touch the bottom of the dish. After 2 to 3 hours' immersion remove the pipe and wash off the acid. If the pipe is steel the end will present a bright, solid, unbroken surface, while If made of iron it will show faint ridges or rings, like the year rings in a 468 IRON AND STEEL. tree, showing the different layers of iron and streaks of cinder. In order that the scratches made by the cutting-off tool may not be mistaken for the cinder marks, file the end of the pipe straight across or grind on an emery wheel until the marks of the cutting-off tool have disappeared before putting it in the acid. Relative Corrosion of Wrought Iron and Steel. (H. M. Howe, Proc. A. S. T. M., 1906.) On one hand we have the very general opinion that steel corrodes very much faster than wrought iron, an opinion held so widely and so strongly that it cannot be ignored. On the other hand we have the results of direct experiments by a great many observers, in different countries and under widely differing conditions; and these results tend to show that there is no very great difference between the corrosion of steel and wrought iron. Under certain conditions steel seems to rust a little faster than wrought iron, and under others wrought iron seems to rust a little faster than steel. Taking the tests in unconfinS> 1. High manganese increases the resistance at an increasing rate. Mr. Capp proposes the following specification for steel to make a satisfactory third rail, having a resistance eight times that of copper: 0,0.15; Mn, 0.30; P, 0.06; S, 0.06; Si, 0.05; none of these figures to De exceeded. Range of Variation in Strength of Bessemer and Open-Hearth Steels. The Carnegie Steel Co. in 1888 published a list of 1057 tests of Bes- semer and open-hearth steel from which the following figures are selected Kind of Steel. $ Elastic Limit. Ultimate Strength. Elongation, Per cent in 8 In. High't. Lowest. High't. Lowest. High't. Lowest. (a) Bess, structural . (&) " (c) angles .... (d) O. H. firebox . . . (e) O. H. bridge... . 100 170 72 25 20 46,570 47,690 41.890 39,230 39,970 32,630 71,300 73,540 63,450 62,790 69,940 61,450 65,200 56,130 50,350 63,970 33.00 3.0.25 34.30 36.00 30.00 23.75 23.15 26.25 25.62 22.75 REQUIREMENTS OF SPECIFICATIONS. a) E. L., 35,000; T. S., 62,000 to 70,000; elong., 22% in Sin. b) E. L., 40,000; T. S., 67,000 to 75,000. c) E. L., 30,000; T. S., 56,000 to 64,000; elong., 20% in 8 in. d) T. S., 50,000 to 62,000; elong., 26% in 4 in. e) T. S., 64,000 to 70,000; elong., 20% in 8 in. Bending Tests of Steel. (Pencoyd Iron Works.) Steel below 0.10 C should be capable of doubling flat without fracture, after being chilled from a red heat in cold water. Steel of 0.15 C will occasionally submit to the same treatment, but will usually bend around a curve whose radius is equal to the thickness of the specimen; about 90% of specimens stand the latter bending test without fracture. As the steel becomes harder its ability to endure this bending test becomes more exceptional, and when the carbon becomes 0.20 little over 25% of specimens will stand the last- described bending test. Steel having about 0.40% C will usually harden sufficiently to cut soft iron and maintain an edge. EFFECT OF HEAT TREATMENT AND OF WORK ON STEEL. Low Strength Due to Insufficient Work. (A. E. Hunt, Trans. A. I. M. E., 1886.) Soft steel ingots, made in the ordinary way for boiler plates, have only from 10,000 to 20,000 Ibs. tensile strength per sq. in., an elongation of only about 10% in 8 in., and a reduction of area of less than 20%. Such ingots, properly heated and rolled down from 10 in. to 1/2 in. thickness, will give from 55,000 to 65,000 Ibs. tensile strength, an elongation in 8 in. of from 23% to 33%, and a reduction of area of from 55% to 70%. Any work stopping short of the above reduction in thick- ness ordinarily yields intermediate results in tensile tests. Effect of Finishing Temperature in Rolling. The strength and ductility of steel depend to a high degree upon fineness of grain, and this may be obtained by having the temperature of the steel rather low, say at a dull red heat, 1300 to 1400 F., during the finishing stage of rolling. In the manufacture of steel rails a great improvement in quality has been obtained by finishing at a low temperature. An indication of the finishing temperature is the amount of shrinkage by cooling after leaving the rolls. The Phila. & Reading Railway Co.'s specification for rails (1902) says, "The temperature of the ingot or bloom shall be such that with rapid rolling and without holding before or in the finishing passes or subsequently, and without artificial cooling after leaving the EFFECT OF HEAT TREATMENT ON STEEL. 479 last pass, the distance between the hot saws shall not exceed 30 ft. 6 in. for a 30-ft. rail." Fining the Grain by Annealing. Steel which is coarse-grained on account of leaving the rolls at too high a temperature may be made fine-grained and have its ductility greatly increased without lowering its tensile strength by reheating to a cherry-red and cooling at once in air. (See paper on "Steel Rails," by Robert Job, Trans. A. I. M. E. t 1902.) Effect of Cold Rolling. Cold rolling of iron and steel increases the elastic limit and the ultimate strength, and decreases the ductility. Major Wade's experiments on bars rolled and polished cold by Lauth's process showed an average increase of load required to give a slight per- manent set as follows: Transverse, 162%; torsion, 130%; compression, 161% on short columns 11/2 in. long, and 64% on columns 8 in. long; tension, 95%. The hardness, as measured by the weight required to produce equal indentations, was increased 50%; and it was found that the hardness was as great in the center of the bars as elsewhere. Sir W. Fairbairn's experiments showed an increase in ultimate tensile strength of 50%, and a reduct on in the elongation in 10 in. from 2 in. or 20 % to 0.79 in. or 7.9 % . Effect of Heat Treatment of a Motor-truck Axle. (John Younger, Trans., A. S. M. E., 1915.) Shafts 21/4 in. diam. whose analysis was approximately C,.0.20; Cr, 1.5; Mn, 0.30; Ni, 4.00; Si, 0.20; P and S below 0.04; elastic limit, 90,000; tensile strength, 105,000; reduction in area, 66%; elongation in 2 in., 25%, were found to break in service. The maximum power transmittted was about 33 H.P. at 27 r.p.m Experiments were made with heat treatment to raise the elastic limit. The material selected had C, 0.30; Mn, 0.50; Cr, 1.5; Ni, 3.5. After heat treatment the elastic limit was 175,000 Ib. per sq. in.; tensile strength, 185,000; elongation in 2 in., 14 % ; reduction of area, 53 %. The shafts are machined from hot-rolled bars already heat-treated to show an elastic limit of about 100,000. They are then heated to between 1450 and 1500 F. and quenched in oil, then reheated to a little over 700 F. and cooled slowly in air. They warped slightly, but were straightened when hot under a press. The Brinell hardness after treatment was 402 to 444. Not one of the shafts thus treated has broken in service. Other steels, such as 5% nickel steels, chrome- vanadium steels, and air-hardening steels have been tried, and all have been standing up to service. The success seems to be due entirely to the high elastic limit. The Brinell hardness test is an unfailing indication of the success or non-success of the heat treatment. Effect of Annealing on Rolled Bars. (Campbell, Mfr. of Iron and Steel, 'p. 275.) Ultimate Strength. Elastic Limit Elong. in 8 in., %. Red. Area, Elas. Ratio. Natural. An- nealed. Nat- ural. An- nealed. Nat- ural. An- nealed. Nat- ural. An- nealed. Nat- ural. An- nealed* d ^ T58.568 HI I 62,187 -^0} 70,530 M 176,616 co.5 ( 58,130 J J 62,089 X 1 69,420 .>.< o oo oo fA (M oo o^ vO m t^ in vO in in In in o in o O O O p o o in O o o O in o in o o O m o o O O o m TTrSrApr\cA(N'1-r<*\CN(N' r<^ m \o m co o^ oo m fS :vo o : . ^ ' .^: :x:o o 3 O o' O O 8 O* o' O O O ' O O O O O o : '_ S ::::::: :g :; 8 SR ' '- "^^^ O Q" m r^ fc\ r^ CS ^ rf\ f^ ^ ;;;;;;; '.'.'. o '.'.'. &'.'.'. 2 'fno^ -tQ g -8 -eg In -cS> *3 -c^8 -incsov ^q . * o o ' o [j ' ' o o - . '. ~- o .2 _c _o _: : y O O O O O O O O O O O o' g o' O o' O o' O O O O ^ O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o' o o o o o o o o' o o o o o o PH *^i ' " ' M 'H Bt : i rW'B-iS'S.s 9jJl: sSUlS- "S -STa1o _g-3'^ S-S MMa^.g u -g gig *-% M ^^ r i a^'ir-l'i o.Vi'1 502 STEEL. appear to undergo much alteratipn in the process of oil tempering, but there are considerable variations in other cases. The dynamic test may eventually act as a reliable guide to the correct methods for the heat treatment of individual steels. Strength for strength, the chrome-vanadium steels also have the advantage over all others as regards machining properties. Chrome- vanadium steel may be forged with the same ease as ordinary steel of simi- lar contents, no special precaution being necessary as to temperatures. Comparative Effects of Cr and Va. Sankey and J. Kent Smith, Proc. Inst. M. E., 1904. Cr. Va. T.S.* E.L.* El. in 2 in. Red. A. Cr. Va. T.S.* E.L.* El. in 2 in. Red. A. 0.5 . 34.0 22.9 33% 60.6% 1.0 0.15 48.6 36.2 24 56.6 1.0 . 38.2 25.0 30 57.3 1.0 0.15 f52.6 34.4 25.0 55.5 ... 0.1 34.8 28.5 31 60 1.0 0.25 60.4 49.4 18.5 46.3 ... 0.15 36.5 30.4 26 59.0 C-Mn 27.0 16.0 35. 60.0 ... 0.25 39.3 34.1 24 59.0 C-Mn t32.2 17.7 34. 52.6 * Tons, of 2240 Ibs., per sq. in. f Open-hearth steels; all the others are crucible. The last two steels in the table are ordinary carbon steels. Effect of Heat Treatment on Cr-Va Steel. (H. R. Sankey and J. Kent Smith, Proc. Inst. M. E., 1904, p. 1235.) Various kinds of heat treatment were given to several Cr-Va steels, the results of which are recorded at length. The following is selected as a sample of the results obtained. Steel with C, 0.297; Si, 0.086; Mn, 0.29; Cr, 1.02; Va, 0.17. gave: Tens. Str. Yield Point. El. in 2 in. Red. Area. Im- pact. Alter- na- tions. 121,200 82,650 24.0% 44.9% 3.1 1906 Annealed 1/2 hr. at 800 C 87360 47260 34 5 H 1 15 6 2237 Soaked 12 hours at 800 C 86020 68 100 33 7 51 5 11.2 Water quenched at 800 C. . . 167 100 135'070 7 5 16 6 1 2 174 Oil quenched at 800 C 122,080 82880 22 35 2 2.4 296 Oil quenched at 800, reheated to 350 132 830 111 550 23 50 8 9 1314 Water quenched at 1200 C 209 440 191 520 1 2 1 5 * * Oil quenched at 1200 C 140,220 118i500 8.5 21.5 3.0 * Too hard to machine. The impact tests were made on a machine described in Eng'g, Sept. 25, 1903, p. 431. The test-piece was 8/4 in. broad, notched so that 0.137 in. in depth remained to be broken through. The figures represent ft .-Ibs. of energy absorbed. The piece was broken in one blow. The alternations- of-stress tests were made on Prof. Arnold's machine, described in The Engineer, Sept. 2, 1904, p. 227. The pieces were 3/ 8 in. square, one end was gripped in the machine and the free end, 4 in. long, was bent forwards and backwards about 710 times a minute, the motion of the free end being 3/4 in. on each side of the center line. Tests by torsion of the same steel were made. The test-piece was 6 in. long, 3/4 in. diam. The results were: As rolled Shearing Stress Twist Angle. No. of Twists. ~3~92~~ 4.52 Elastic . Ulti- mate. 45,700 38,528 99,900 90,272 1410 1628 Annealed 1/2 hr. at 800 C. "ALLOY" STEELS. 503 TTont-ttoaimont of Alloy Steels. (E. F. Lake, Am. Mach., Aug. 1, 1907.) In working the high-grade alloy steels it is very important that they be properly heat treated, as poor workmanship in this regard will produce working parts that are no better than ordinary steel, although the stock used be the highest grade procurable. By improperly heat- treating them it is possible to make these high-grade steels more brittle than ordinary carbon steels. The theory of heat treatment rests upon the influence of the rate of cooling on certain molecular changes in structure occurring at different temperatures. These changes are of two classes, critical and progres- sive; the former occur periodically between certain narrow temperature limits, while the latter proceed gradually with the rise in temperature, each change producing alterations in the physical characteristics. By controlling the rate of cooling, these changes can be given a permanent set, and the characteristics can thus be made different from those in the metal in its normal state. The results obtained are influenced by certain factors: 1. The original chemical and physical properties of the metal; 2. The composition of the gases and other substances which come in contact with the metal in heating and cooling. 3. The time in which the temperature is raised between certain degrees. 4. The highest temperature attained. 5. The length of time the metal is maintained at the highest temperature. 6. The time consumed in allowing the temperature to fall to atmos- pheric. The highest temperature that it is safe to submit a steel to for heat- treating is governed by the chemical composition of the steel. Thus pure carbon steel should be raised to about 1300 F., while some of the high-grade alloy steels may safely be raised to 1750. The alloy steels must be handled very carefully in the processes of annealing, hardening, and tempering; for this reason special apparatus has been installed to aid in performing these operations with definite results. The baths for quenching are composed of a large variety of materials. Some of the more commonly used are as follows, being arranged accord- ing to their intensity on 0.85% carbon steel: Mercury; water with sulphuric acid added; nitrate of potassium; sal ammoniac; common salt; carbonate of lime; carbonate of magnesia; pure water; water containing soap, sugar, dextrine or alcohol; sweet milk; various oils; beef suet; tallow,- wax. With many of these alloy steels a dual quenching gives the best results, that is, the metal is quenched to a certain temperature in one bath and then immersed in the second one until completely cooled, or it may be cooled in the air after being quenched in the first bath. For this a lead bath, heated to the proper temperature, is sometimes used for the first quenching. With the exception of the oils and some of the greases, the quenching effect increases as the temperature of the bath lowers. Sperm ana lin- seed oils, however, at all temperatures between 32 and 250, act about the same as distilled water at 160. The more common materials used for annealing are powdered char- coal, charred bone, charred leather, fire clay, magnesia or refractory earth. The piece to be annealed is usually packed in a cast-iron box in some of these materials or combinations of them, the whole heated to the proper temperature and then set aside, with the cover left on, to cool gradually to the atmospheric temperature. For certain grades of steel these materials give good results; but for all kinds of steels and for all grades of annealing, the slow-cooling furnace no doubt gives the best satisfaction, as the temperature can be easily raised to the right point, kept there as long as necessary, and then regulated to cool down as slowly as is desired. The gas furnace is the easiest to handle and regulate. A high-grade alloy steel should be annealed after every process in man- ufacturing which tends to throw it out of its equilibrium, such as forging, rolling and rough machining, .so as to return it to its natural state of repose. It should also be annealed before quenching, case-hardening or carbonizing. The wide range of strength given to some of the alloy steels by heat 504 STEEL. treatment is shown by the table below. The composition of the was: Ni, 2.43; Cr, 0.42; Si, 0.26; C, 0.23; Mn, 0.43; P, 0.025; S, 0.022. alloy $* -g* Sfc ^ 'S? ^0^' .r-r'. So -Sg Ik Is li |3 Ig 0> sS S 1 ^ s~ g~ 6"" O 1 ^ H * H * H * H * H^ H^ Tensile Strength . E. L 227,000 208,000 219,000 203,500 195,500 150,000 172,000 148,500 156,500 125,000 141,000 102000 109,500 70,500 Elong.,% in 2 in. 4 6 8 11 13 15 22 VARIOUS SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL. Structural Steel. There has been a change during the ten years from 1880 to 1890, in the opinions of engineers, as to the requirements in speci- fications for structural steel, in the direction of a preference for metal of low tensile strength and great ductility. The following specifications for tension members at different dates are given by A. E. Hunt and G. H. Clapp, Trans. A. I. M. E., xix, 926: 1879. Elastic limit.. . . 50,000 40 < Tensile strength 80,000 70 Elongation in 8 in. 12% Reduction of area 20% 1881. 1882. 1885. 1887. 1888. ^ 45,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 38,000 ^80,000 70,000 70,000 67@75,000 63 70,000 18% IS'% 18% 20% 22% 30% 45% 42% 42% 45% F. H. Le.vis (IronAqe, Nov. 3, 1892) says: Regarding steel to be used under the same conditions as wrought iron, that is, to be punched without reaming, there seems to be a decided opinion (and a growing one) among engineers, that it is not safe to use steel in this way, when the ultimate tensile strength is above 65,000 Ibs. The reason for this is not so much because there is any marked change in the material of this grade, but because all steel, especially Bessemer steel, has a tendency to segregations of carbon and phosphorus, producing places in the metal which are harder than they normally should be. As long as the percentages of carbon and phosphorus are kept low, the effect of these segregations is inconsiderable' but when these percentages are increased, the existence of these hard spots in the metal becomes more marked, and it is therefore less adapted to the treatment to which wrought iron is subjected. There is a wide consensus of opinion that at an ultimate of 64,000 to 65,000 Ibs. the percentages of carbon and phosphorus reach a point where the steel has a tendency to crack when subjected to rough treatment. A grade of steel, therefore, running in ultimate strength from 54,000 to 62,000 Ibs., or in some cases to 64,000 Ibs., is now generally considered a proper material for this class of work. A. E. Hunt, Trans. A. I. M. E., 1892, says: Why should the tests for steel be so much more rigid than for iron destined for the same purpose? Some of the reasons are as follows: Experience shows that the acceptable quali- ties of one melt of steel offer no absolute guarantee that the next melt to it, even though made of the same stock, will be equally satisfactory. It is now almost universally recognized that soft steel, if properly made and of good quality, is for many purposes a safe and satisfactory substitute for wrought iron, being capable of standing the same shop-treatment as wrought iron. But the conviction is equally general, that poor steel, or an unsuitable grade of steel, is a very dangerous substitute for wrought iron even under the same unit strains. For this reason it is advisable to make more rigid requirements in select- Ing material which may range between the brittleness of glass and a duc- tility greater than that of wrought iron. Specifications for Structural Steel for Bridges. (Proc. A. S. T. M. ( 1905.) Steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. The chemi* cal and physical properties shall conform to tUe following limits; VARIOUS SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL-. Elements Considered. Structural Steel. Rivet Steel. Steel Castings Phosphorus, f Basic . . . Max \ Acid. . . . 0.04% 0.08% 05% 0.04% 0.04% 04% 0.05% 0.08% 05% Tensile strength, Ibs. per SQ in . . . f Desired | 60 000 Desired 50,000 Not less than 65,000 Elong.: Min. % in 8 in. Elong Min % in 2 in ( 1,500,000* ( tens. str. 1,500,000 tens. str. 18 Fracture Silky Silky Silky or fine Cold bend without fracture 180 flatf 180 flat* granular 90. d=3t * The following modifications will be allowed in. the requirements for elongation for structural steel: For each Vie inch in thickness below 5/16 inch, a deduction of 2 1/2 will be allowed from the specified percent- age. For each Vs inch in thickness above 3/4 inch, a deduction, of 1 will be allowed from the specified percentage. t Plates, shapes and bars less than 1 in. thick shall bend as called for. Full-sized material for eye-bars and other steel 1 in. thick and over, tested as rolled, shall bend cold 180 around a pin of a diameter twice the thick- ness of the bar, without fracture on the outside of bend. When required by the inspector, angles 3/ 4 in. and less in thickness shall open flat, and angles 1/2 in. and less in thickness shall bend shut, cold, under blows of a hammer, without sign of fracture. J Rivet. steel, when nicked and bent around a bar of the same diam- eter as the rivet rod, shall give a gradual break and a fine, silky, uniform fracture. If the ultimate strength varies more than 4000 Ibs. from that desired, a retest may be made, at the discretion of the inspector, on the same gauge, which, to be acceptable, shall be within 5000 ibs. of the desired strength. Chemical determinations of C, P, S, and Mn shall be made from a test ingot taken at the time of the pouring of each melt of steel. Check analyses shall be made from finished material, if called for by the pur- chaser, in which case an excess of 25% above the required limits will be allowed. Specimens for tensile and bending tests for plates, shapes and bars shall be made by cutting coupons from the finished product, which shall have both faces rolled and both edges milled with edges parallel for at least 9 in.; or they may be turned 3/ 4 in. diam. for a length of at least 9 in., with enlarged ends. Rivet rods shall be tested as rolled. Speci- mens shall be cut from the finished rolled or forged bar in such manner that the center of the specimen shall be 1 in. from the surface of the bar. The specimen for tensile test shall be turned with a uniform section 2 in. long, with enlarged ends. The specimen for bending test shall be 1 X 1/2 in. in section. Specifications for Steel for the Manhattan Bridge. (Eng. News, Aug. 3, 1905.) MATERIAL FOR CABLES. SUSPENDERS AND HAND ROPES. Open- hearth steel. (The wire for serving the cables shall be made of Norway iron of approved quality.) The ladle tests of the steel shall contain not more than : C, 0.85; Mn, 0.55; Si, 0.20; P, 0.04; S, 0.04; Cu, 0.02%. The wire shall have an ultimate strength of not less than 215,000 Ibs. per sq. in. before galvanizing, and an elongation of not less than 2% in 12 in. The bright wire shall be capable of bending cold around a rod ]i/2' times its own diam. without sign of fracture. The cable wire before galvanizing shall be 0.192 in. 0.003 in. in diam.; after galvanizing, the wire shall have an ultimate strength of not less than 200,000 Ibs. per sq. in. of gross section. 506 STEEI*. CARBON STEEL. The ladle tests as usually taken shall contain not more than: P, 0.04; S, 0.04; Mn, 0.60; Si, 0.10%. The ladle tests of the carbon rivet steel shall contain not more than: P, 0.035; S, 0.03. Rivet steel shall be used for all bolts amd threaded rods. NICKEL STEEL. The ladle test shall contain not less than 3.25 Ni, and not more than: P, 0.04; S, 0.04; Mn, 0.60; Si, 0.10; nickel rivet steel not more than: P, 0.035; S, 0.03%. Nickel steel for plates and shapes in the finished material must show: T. S., 85,000 to 95,000 Ibs. per sq. in.; E. L., 55,000 Ibs. min.; elong. in 8 ins., min., = 1,600,000 4- T. S.; min. red. of area, 40%. Specimens cut from the finished material shall show the following physical properties: Material. T. S., Ibs. persq. in. Min.E.L. Ibs. per sq. in. Min. Elong., % in 8 in. Min. Red. of Area. %. Shapes and universal mill plates 60,000 to 68,000 33 000 44 Eye-bars, pins and rollers. Sheared plates 64,000 to 72,000 60,000 to 68 000 35,000 33 000 1,500,000 40 44 Rivet rods 50 000 to 58 000 30 000 ~~TT' P 50 High-carbon steel for trusses 85,000 to 95,000 45,000 35 Nickel rivet steel: T. S., 70,000 to 80,000; E. L., min., 45,000; elong., min., 1,600,000 * T. S., % in 8 ins. STEEL CASTINGS. The ladle test of steel for castings shall contain not more than: P, 0.05; S, 0.05; Mn, 0.80; Si, 0.35%. Test-pieces taken from coupons on the annealed castings shall show T. S., 65,000; E. L., 35,000; elong. 20% in 8 ins. They shall bend without cracking around a rod three times the thickness of the test-piece. Specifications for Steel. (Proc. A. S. T. M., 1905.) Steel Forgings. Kind of Steel. Tensile Strength. Elast. Limit. El. in 2 in., %. Red Area. % Solid or hollow forgings, no diam. or thickness of section to exceed IS. Ic. |C.A. 58,000 75,000 80,000 29,000* 37,500* 40,000 28 18 22 35 (a) 30 (c) 35 (b) 10 in. JN.A. 80,000 50,000 25 45 (a) Solid or hollow forgings, diam. not to exceed 20 in. or thickness of section 15 in. )C.A. JN.A. 75000 80,000 37,500 45,000 23 25 35 (b) 45 (a) Solid forgings over 20 in. .... C.A. 70,000 35,000 24 30 (c) Solid forgings N.A. 80,000 45,000 24 40 (a) Solid or hollow forgings, diam. or thickness not over 3 in. )C.O. JN.O. 90,000 95,000 55,000 65,000 20 21 45 (b) 50 (b) Solid rectangular sections, thick- ness not over 6 in., or hollow with walls not over 6 in. thick. Jc.o. JN.O. 85,000 90,000 50000 60,000 22 22 45 (b) 50 (b) Solid rect. sections, thickness not over 10 in., or hollow with walls not over 10 in. thick. Jc.o. JN.O. 80,000 85,000 45,000 55,000 23 24 40 (b) 45 (b) Locomotive forgings * 80,000 40,000 20 25 (d) * The yield point, instead of the elastic limit, is specified for soft steel and carbon steel not annealed. It is determined by the drop of the beam or halt in the gauge of the testing machine. The elastic limit, specified for all other steels, is determined by an extensometer, and is defined as that point where the proportionality changes. The standard test specimen is 1/2 in. turned diam. with a gauged length of 3 iaches. VARIOUS SPECIFICATIONS 1'OK STJEEIi. 507 Kind of steel: S., soft or low carbon. C., carbon steel, not annealed. C. A., carbon steel, annealed. C. O., carbon steel, oil tempered. N. A., nickel steel, annealed. N. O., nickel steel, oil tempered. Bending tests: A specimen 1 X V2 in. shall bend cold 180 without fracture on outside of bent portion, as follows: (a) around a diam. of 1/2 in.; (6) around a diam. of 1 in.; (c) around a diam. of 1/2 in.; (d) no bending test required. Chemical composition: P and S not to exceed 0.10 in low-carbon steel, 0.06 in carbon steel not annealed, 0.04 in carbon or nickel steel oil tem- pered or annealed, 0.05 in locomotive forgings. Mn not to exceed 0.60 in locomotive forgings. Ni 3 to 4% in nickel steel. Specifications for Steel Ship Material. (Amer. Bureau of Shipping, 1900. Proc. A. S. T. M. t 1906, p. 175.) For Hull Construction. Tens. Strength. E. L. El. in 8 in.. %. Plates, angles and shapes 58 000 to 60 000 1/2 T. S 22* 18t Castings 60 000 to 75 000 15 Forgings 55 000 to 65 000 20 * In plates 18 Ibs. per sq. ft. and over. f In plates under 18 Ibs. FOR MARINE BOILERS: Open-hearth steel; Shell: P and S, each not over 0.04%. Fire-box, not over 0.035%. Tensile Strength: Rivet steel, 45,000 to 55,000; Fire-box, 52,000 to 62,000; Shell, 55,000 to 73,000; Braces and stays, 55,000 to 65,000; Tubes and all other steel, 52,000 to 62,000 Ibs. per sq. in. Elongation in 8 in.: Rivet steel, 28%; Plates 3/ 8 in. and under, 20%; 3/8 to 3/4 in., 22%; 3/ 4 i n . and over, 25%. COLD BENDING AND QUENCHING TESTS. Rivet steel and all steel of 52,000 to 62,000 Ibs. T. S., 1/2 in. thick and under, must bend 180 flat on itself without fracture on outside of bent portion; over 1/2 in. thick, 180 around a mandrel 11/2 times the thickness of the test-piece. For hull construction a specimen must stand bending on a radius of half its thick- ness, without fracture on the convex side, either cold or after being heated to cherry-red and quenched in water at 80 F. High-strength Steel for Shipbuilding. (Eng'g, Aug. 2, 1907, p. 137.) The average tensile strength of the material selected for the Lusitania was 82,432 Ibs. per sq. in. for normal high-tensile steel, and 81,984 lbs> for the same annealed, as compared with 66,304 Ibs. for ordinary mild steel. The metal was subjected to tup tests as well as to other severe punishments, including the explosion of heavy charges of dynamite against the plates, and in every instance the results were satisfactory. It was not deemed prudent to adopt the high-tensile steel for the rivets, a point upon which there seems some difference of opinion. Penna. R. R. Specifications for Steel. B fc OJ 1 C. Mn. Si. P. s. Cu. Plates for steel cars (1) 1899 0.12 0.35 0.05 0.04- 0.03- Bar spring steel 1901 1.00 0.25 0.15- 0.03- 0.03- 0.03- Steel for axles (?) 1899 40 50 05 0.05- 0.04- Steel for crank pins O) 1904 0.45 0.60- 0.05- 0.03- 0.04- Billets or blooms for forging Boiler-shell sheets (4) (5) 1902 1906 0.45 18 0.50 40- 0.05 05- 0.03- 0.04- 0.02- 0.03- 0.03- 0.03- Fire-box sheets (6) 1906 18 40- 02- 03- 0.02- 0.03- 508 StftEU The minus sign after a figure means "or less." The figures without the minus sign represent the composition desired. Steel castings. Desired T. S., 70,000 Ibs. per sq. in.; elong. in 2 in.. 15%. Will be rejected if T. S. is below 60,000, or elong. below 12%, or if the castings show blow-holes or shrinkage cracks on machining. NOTES. (1) Tensile strength, 52,000 Ibs. per sq. in.; elong. in 8 ins. = 1,500,000 -s- T. S. (2) Axles are also subjected to a drop test, similar to that of the A. S. T. M. specifications. Axles will be rejected if they contain C below 0.35 or above 0.50, Mn above 0.60, P above 0.07%. (3) T. S. desired, 85,000 Ibs. per sq. in.; elong. in 8 ins. 18%. Pins will be rejected if the T. S. is below 80,003 or above 95,000, if the elongation is less than 12%, orif the P is above 0.05%. (4) The steel will be re- jected if the C is below 0.35 or above 0.50, Si above 0.25, S above 0.05, P above 0.05, or Mn above 0.60%. (5) T. S. desired, 60,000; elong. in 8 ins. 26%. Sheets will be rejected if the T. S. is less than 55,000 or over 65,000, or if the elongation is less than the quotient of 1,400,000 divided by the T. S., or if P is over .0.05%. (6) T. S. desired, 60,000, with elong. of 28% in 8 in. Sheets will be rejected if the T. S. is less than 55,000 or above 65,000 (but if the elong. is 30% or over plates will not be rejected for high T. S.),if the elongation is less than 1,450,000 -*- T. S., if a single seam or cavity more than 1/4 in. long is shown in either one of the three fractures obtained in the test for homogeneity, described below, or if on analysis C is found below 0.15 or over 0.25, P over 0.035, Mn over 0.45, Si over 0.03, S over 0.045, or Cu over 0.05%. Homogeneity Test for Fire-box Steel. This test is made on one of the broken tensile-test specimens, as follows: A portion of the test-piece is nicked with a chisel, or grooved on a ma- chine, transversely about a sixteenth of an inch deep, in three places about 2 in. apart. The first groove should be made on one side, 2 in. from the square end of the piece; the second, 2 in. from it on the opposite side; and the third, 2 in. from the last, and on the opposite side from it. The test-piece is then put in a vise, with the first groove about 1/4 in. above the jaws, care being taken to hold it firmly. The projecting end of the test-piece is then broken off by means of a hammer, a number of light blows being used, and the bending being away from the groove. The piece is broken at the other two grooves in the same way. The object ( f this treatment is to open and render visible to the eye any seams due to failure to weld up, or to foreign interposed matter, or cavities due to gas bubbles in the ingot. After rupture, one side of each fracture is examined, a pocket lens being used if necessary, and the length of the seams and cavities is determined. The sample shall not show any single seam or cavity more than 1/4 in. long in either of the three fractures. Dr. Chas. B. Dudley, chemist of the P. R. R. (Trans. A. I. M. E., 1892), referring to tests of crank-pins, says: In testing a recent shipment, the piece from one side of the pm showed 88,000 Ibs. strength and 22% elon- gation, and the piece from the opposite side showed 106,000 Ibs. strength and 14% elongation. Each piece was above the specified strength and ductility, but the lack of uniformity between the two sides of the pin was so marked that it was finally determined not to put the lot of 50 pins in use. To guard against trouble of this sort in future, the specifications are to be amended to require that the difference in ultimate strength of the two specimens shall not be more than 3000 Ibs. Specifications for Steel Rails. (Adopted by the manufacturers of the U. S. and Canada. In effect Jan. 1, 1909.) Bessemer rails: Wt. per yard, Ibs. 50 to 60 61 to 70 71 to 80 81 to 90 91 to 100 Carbon % ....0.35-0.45 0.35-0.45 0.40-0.50 0.43-0.53 0.45-0.55 Manganese, %... .0.70-1 .00 0.70-1.00 0.75-1.05 0.80-1.10 0.84-1.14 Phosphorus not over 0.10%; silicon not over 0.20%. Drop Test: A piece of rail 4 to 6 ft. long, selected from each blow, is placed head up- wards on supports 3 it. apart. The anvil weighs at least 20,000 Ibs., and the tup, or falling weight, 2000 Ibs. The rail should not break when the drop is as follows: Weight per yard, Ibs 71 to 80 81 to 90 91 to 100 Height of drop, feet 16 17 If any rail breaks when subjected to the drop test, two additional tests will be made of other rails from the same blow of steel, and if either of VARIOUS SPECIFICATIONS FOE STEEL. 509 these latter tests fail, all the rails of the blow which they represent will be rejected; but if both of these additional test-pieces meet the require- ments, all the rails of the blow which they represent will be accepted. Shrinkage: The number of passes and the speed of the roll train shall be so regulated that for sections 75 Ibs. per yard and heavier the temper- ature on leaving the rolls will not exceed that which requires a shrinkage allowance at the hot saws of 611/13 inches for a 33-ft. 75-lb. rail, with an increase of Vie in. for each increase of 5 Ibs. in the weight of the section. Open-hearth rails; chemical specifications: Weight per yard, Ibs. . . 50 to 60 61 to 70 71 to SO 81 to 90 93 to 100 Carbon, % 0.46-0.59 0.46-0.59 0.52-0.65 0.59-0.72 0.62-0.75 Manganese, 0.60 to 0.90; Phosphorus, not over 0.04; Silicon, not over 0.20. Drop Tests : 50 to 60-lb., 15 ft.; 61 to 70-lb., 16 ft.; heavier sec- tions same as Bessemer. Specifications for Steel Axles. (Proc. A. S. T. M., 1905 p. 56.) P.& B.| Tens. Str. Yield Pt. El. in 2 in. Red. Area. Car and tender truck 0.06 Driving and engine truck C. S.* .. . . 06 80000 40000 20% 25% Driving and engine truck, N. S.'j" 0.04 80' N 000 50', 000 25% 45% * Carbon steel. t Nickel steel, 3 to 4% Ni. I Each not to exceed. Mn in carbon steel not over 0.60 %. Drop Tests. One drop test to be made from each melt. The axle t.ests on supports 3 ft. apart, the tup weighs 1640 Ibs., the anvil supported on springs, 17,500 Ibs.; the radius of the striking face of the tup is 5 in. The axle is turned over after the first, third and fifth blows. It must stand the number of blows named below without rupture and without exceeding, as the result of the first blow, the deflection given. Diam. axle at center, in.. . Number of blows . . . j% 43/8 47/16 45/ 8 43/4 53/8 r" Height of drop ft 24 26 281/2 31 34 43 43 Deflection, in... ."*. . 81/4] 81/4 81/4 8 8 7 51/2 Specifications for Tires. (A. S. T. M., 1901.) Physical require- ments of test-piece 1/2 in. diam. Tires for passenger engines: T. S., 100,000; El. in 2 in., 12%. Tires for freight engines and car wheels: T. S., 110,000; El., 10%. Tires for switching engines: T. S., 120,000; El., 8%. Drop Test. If a drop test is called for, a selected tire shall be placed vertically under the drop on a foundation at least 10 tons in weight and subjected to successive blows from a tup weighing 2240 Ibs. falling from increasing heights until the required deflection is obtained, without break- ing or cracking. The minimum deflection must equal D 2 (40 T 2 + 27)), D being internal diameter and T thickness of tire at center of tread. Splice-bars. (A. S. T. M. t 1901.) Tensile strength of a specimen cut from the head of the bar, 54,000 to 64,000 Ibs.; yield point, 32,000 Ibs. Elongation in 8 in., not less than 25 per cent. A test specimen cut from the- head of the bar shall bend 180 flat on itself without fracture on the outside of the bent portion. If preferred, the bending test may be made on an unpunched splice-bar, which shall be first flattened and then bent. One tensile test and one bending test to be made from each blow or melt of steel. 510 STEEL. Specifications for Steel Used in Automobile Construe tiouu (E. F. Lake, Am. Mach., March 14, 1907.) C. Mn. Cr. Ni. p. S. t. S. E. L. El. in 2 in. R.of A. (0 0.40-0.55 0.40- 0.80 + 1.50 + 0.04- 0.04- f 90000 + 1180000 + 65000 + 140000 + 18+ 8 + 35+a 20 +b (2) 0.20-0.35 0.40- 0.80 + 1.50 + 0.04- 0.04- / 85000 + \ 130000 + 65000 + 100000 + 20 + 12 + 50+a 30+b (3) 0.25 0.40 1.50 3.50 0.015 0.025 120000 105000 20 58c (4) 0.25-0.35 0.60 1.50 + 0.03 0.04 f 85000 + \ 100000 + 60000 + 70000 + 25 + 20+ 50+a 50+b (5) 45-0 55 1 1-1 3 065- 06- 85000 + 55000 + 15 + 45 + c 6 0.28-0.36 0.3-0.6 0.05- 0.06- 75000 + 40000 + 25 + 40 + c (7) 0.85-1.00 0.25-0.5 0.03- 0.03- H 0.50 1.50- 3o!6 04- 06- The plus sign means "or over"; the minus sign "or less.'* a, fully annealed; b, heat-treated, that is oil-quenched and partly annealed; c, as rolled. (1) 45% carbon chrome-nickel steel, for gears of high-grade cars. When annealed this steel can be machined with a high-speed tool at the rate of 35 ft. per min./with a Vl6-in. feed and a 3/ 16 -in. cut. It is annealed at 1400 F. 4 or 5 hours, and cooled slowly. In heat-treating it is heated to 1500, quenched in oil or water and drawn at 500 F. (2) 25% carbon chrome-nickel steel, for shafts, axles, pivots, etc. This steel may be machined at the same rate as (1), and it forges more easily. (3) A foreign steel used for forgings that have to withstand severe alternating shocks, such as differential shafts, transmission parts, universal joints, axles, etc. (4) Nickel steel, used instead of (1) in medium and low-priced cars. (5) "Gun-barrel " steel, used extensively for rifle barrels, also in low- priced automobiles, for shafts, axles, etc. It is used as it comes from the maker, without heat-treating. (6) Machine steel. Used for parts that do not require any special strength. (7) Spring steel used in automobiles. (8) Nickel steel for valves. Used for its heat-resisting qualities in valves of internal-combustion engines. Carbonizing or Case-hardening. Some makers carbonize the surface of gears made from steel (1) above. They are packed in cast-iron boxes with a mixture of bone and powdered charcoal" and heated four hours at nearly the melting-point of the boxes, then cooled slowly in the boxes. They are then taken out, heated to 1400 F. for four hours to break up the coarse grain produced by the carbonizing temperature. After this the work is heat-treated as above described. The machine steel (6) case-hardens well by the use of this process. Specifications for Steel Castings. (Proc. A. S. T. M ., 1905,. p. 53.) Open-hearth, Bessemer, or crucible. Castings to be annealed unless otherwise specified. Ordinary castings, in which no physical require- ments are specified, shall contain not over 0.04 C and not over 0.08 P. Castings subject to physical test shall contain not over 0.05 P and not over 0.05 S. The minimum requirements are: T. S. Y. P. El. in 2 in. Red. Area. Hard castings 85.000 38,250 15 % * 20% Medium castings 70000 31,500 18% 25% Soft castings . 60,000 27 000 22% 30% FORCE, STATICAL MOMENT, EQUILIBRIUM, ETC. 511 For small or unimportant castings a test to destruction may be sub- stituted. Three samples are selected from each melt or blow, annealed in the same furnace charge, and shall show the material to be ductile and free from injurious defects, and suitable for the purpose intended. Large castings are to be suspended and hammered all over. -No cracks, flaws, defects nor weakness shall appear after such treatment. A speci- men 1 X V2 in. shall bend cold around a diam. of 1 in. without fracture on outside of bent portion, through an angle of 120 for soft and 90 for medium castings. Specifications for steel castings issued by the U. S. Navy Department, 1889 (abridged): Steel for castings must be made by either the open- hearth or the crucible process, and must not show more than 0.06% of phosphorus. All castings must be annealed, unless otherwise directed. The tensile strength of steel castings shall be at least 60,000 Ibs., with an elongation of at least 15% in 8 in. for all castings for moving parts of machinery, and at least 10% in 8 in. for other castings. Bars 1 in. sq. shall be capable of bending cold, without fracture, through an angle of 90, over a radius not greater than 11/2 in. All castings must be sound, free from injurious roughness, sponginess, pitting, shrinkage, or other cracks, cavities, etc. Pennsylvania Railroad specifications, 1888: Steel castings should have a tensile strength of 70,000 Ibs. per sq. in. and an elongation of 15% in section originally 2 in. long. Steel castings will not be accepted if tensile strength falls below 60,000 Ibs., nor if the elongation is less than 12%, nor if castings have blow-holes and shrinkage cracks. Castings weighing 80 Ibs. or more must have cast with them a strip to be used as a test-piece. ""he dimensions of this strip must be 8/4 in. sq. by 12 in. long. MECHANICS. FORCE, STATICAL MOMENT, EQUILIBRIUM, ETC. MECHANICS is the science that treats of the action of force upon bodies. Statics is the mechanics of bodies at rest relatively to the earth's surface. Dynamics is the mechanics of bodies in motion. Hydrostatics and hydro- dynamics are the mechanics of liquids, and Pneumatics the mechanics of air and other gases. These are treated in other chapters. There are four elementary quantities considered in Mechanics: Matter, Force, Space, Time. Matter. Any substance or material that can be weighed or measured. It exists in three forms: solid, liquid, and gaseous. A definite portion of matter is called a body. The Quantity of Matter in a body may be determined either by measuring its bulk or by weighing it, but as the bulk varies with temper- ature, with porosity, with size, shape and method of piling its particles, etc., weighing is generally the more accurate method of determining its quantity. Weight. Mass. The word "weight" is commonly used in two senses: 1. As the measure of quantity of matter in a body, as deter- mined by weighing it in an even balance scale or on a lever or platform scale, and thus comparing its quantity with that of certain pieces of metal called standard weights, such as the pound avoirdupois. 2. As the measure of the force which the attraction of gravitation of the earth exerts on the body, as determined by measuring that force with a spring balance. As the force of gravity varies with the latitude and elevation above sea level of different parts of the earth's surface, the weight deter- mined in this second method is a variable, while that determined by the first method is a constant. For this reason, and also because spring balances are generally not as accurate instruments as even balances, or lever or platform scales, the word "weight," in engineering, unless other- wise specified, means the quantity of matter as determined by weigh- ing it by the first method. The standard unit of weight is the pound. The word "mass" is used in three senses by writers on physics and engineering: 1. As a general expression of an indefinite quantity, syn- onymous with lump, piece, portion, etc., as in the expression "a mass whose weight is one pound," 2, As the quotient of the weight, aj 512 MECHANICS. determined by the first method of weighing given above, by 32.174, tho standard value of g, the acceleration due to gravity, expressed by the formula M = W/g. This value is merely the arithmetical ratio of the weight in pounds to the acceleration in feet per second per second, and it has no unit. 3. As a measure of the quantity of matter, ex- actly synonymous with the first meaning of the word "weight," given above. In this sense the word is used in many books on physics and theoretical mechanics, but it is not so used by engineers. The state- ment in such books that the engineers' unit of mass is 32.2 Ibs. is an error. There is no such unit. Whenever the term "mass" is repre- sented by M in engineering calculations it is equivalent to W/g, in which Wis the quantity of matter in pounds, and g = 32.1740 (or 32.2 approximate) . Local Weight. The force, measured in standard pounds of force (see Unit of Force, below), with which gravity attracts a body at a locality other than one where g = 32.174 is sometimes called the "local weight" of the body. It is the weight that would be indicated if the body was weighed on a spring balance calibrated for standard pounds of force. If the balance was calibrated for the particular lo- cality, it would indicate not the local weight, but the true or standard weight, that is, the quantity of matter in pounds or the force that gravity would exert on the body at the standard locality, these being numerically identical. The difference between standard and local weight is rarely large enough to be of importance in engineering problems. In the United States (exclusive of Alaska), the range of the value of g is only from 0.9973 (at lat. 25, 10,000 ft. above the sea) to 1.0004 (lat. 49 at the sea level) of the standard value (lat. 45 at the sea level) of 32.1740. A Force is anything that tends to change the state of a body with respect to rest or motion. If a body is at rest, anything that tends to .put it in motion is a fores; if a body is in motion, anything that tends to change either its direction or its rate of motion is a force. A force should always mean the pull, pressure, rub, attraction (or re- pulsion) of one body upon another, and always implies the existence of a simultaneous equal and ppposite force exerted by that other body on tli3 first body, i.e., the reaction. In no case should we call anything a forc3 unless we can conceive of it as capable of measurement by a spring balance, and are able to say from what other body it comes. (I. P. Church.) Forces may be divided into two classes, extraneous and molecular; extraneous forces act on bodies from without; molecular forces are exerted between the neighboring particles of bodies. Extraneous forces are of two kinds, pressures and moving forces: pres- sures simply tend to produce motion; moving forces actually produce motion. Thus, if gravity act on a fixed body, it creates pressure; if on a free body, it produces motion. Molecular forces are of two kinds, attractive and repellent: attractive forces tend to bind the particles of a body together; repellent forces tend to thrust them asunder. Both kinds of molecular forces are continu- ally exerted between the molecules of bodies, and on the predominance of one or the other depends the physical state of a body, as solid, liquid, or gaseous. The Unit of Force used in engineering, by English writers, is the pound avoirdupois. Strictly, it is the force which would give to a pound of matter an acceleration of 32.1740 feet per sec. per sec., or tho force with which gravity attracts a pound of matter at 45 latitude at the sea level. In the French C. G. S. or centimeter-gram-second system, the unit of force is the force which acting on a mass of one gram will produce in one second a velocity of one centimeter per second. This unit is called a "dyne" = 1/980-665 gram. An attempt has been made by some writers on physics to introduce the so-called "absolute system" into English weights and measures, and to define the "absolute unit" of force as that force which acting on the mass whose weight is one pound at London will in one second produce a velocity of one foot per second, and they have given this unit the name "poundal." The use of this unit only makes confusion for students, and it is to be hoped that it will soon be abandoned in high-school text- books. Professor Perry, in his "Calculus for Engineers," p. 26, says, FORCE, STATICAL MOMENT, EQUILIBRIUM, ETC. 513 " One might as well talk Choctaw in the shops as to speak about ... so many poundals of force and so many foot-poundals of work."* Inertia is that property of a body by virtue of which it tends to con- tinue in the state of*rest or motion in which it may be placed, until acted on by some force Newton's Laws of Motion. 1st Law. If a body be at rest, it will remain at rest, or if in motion it will move uniformly in a straight line till acted on by some force. 2d Law. If a body be acted on by several forces, it will obey each as though the others did not exist, and this whether the body be at rest or in motion. (This law is expressed in different forms by various authors. One of these forms is: Change of the motion of a body is proportional to the force and to the time during which the force acts, and is in tho same direction as the force.) 3d Law. If a force act to change the state of a body with respect to rest or motion, the body will offer a resistance equal and directly opposed to the force. Or, to every action there is opposed an equal and opposite reaction. Graphic Representation of a force. Forces may be represented geometrically by straight lines, proportional to the forces. A force is given when we know its intensity, its point of application, and the direc- tion in which it acts. When a force is represented by a ! ine, the length of the line represents its intensity; one extremity represents the point of application; and an arrow-head at the other extremity shows the direc- tion of the force.- Composition of Forces is the operation of finding a single force whose effect is the same as that of two or more given forces. The required force is called the resultant of the given forces. Resolution of Forces is the operation of finding two or more forces whose combined effect is equivalent to that of a given force. The required forces are called components of the given force. The resultant of two forces applied at a point, and acting in the same di- rection, is equal to the sum of the forces. If two forces act in opposite directions, their resultant is equal to their difference, and it acts in the direction of the greater. If any number of forces be applied at a point, some in one direction and others in a contrary direction, their resultant is equal io the sum of those that act in one direction, diminished by the sum of those that act in the opposite direction; or, the resultant is equal to the algebraic sum of the components. Parallelogram of Forces. If two forces acting on a point be rep- resented in direction and intensity by adjacent sides of a parallelogram, their resultant will be represented by that diagonal of the parallelogram which passes through the point. Thus OR, Fig. 99, is the resultant of OQ and OP. /5 FIG. 99. FIG. 100. Polygon of Forces. If several forces are applied at a point and act in a single plane, their resultant is found as follows: Through the point draw a line representing the first force; through the * Professor Perry himself, however, makes a slip on the same page in saying : " Force in pounds is the space-rate at which work in foot-pounds is done; it is also the time-rate at which momentum is produced or de- stroyed." He gets this idea, no doubt, from the equations FT = MV, F = MV/T, F = Yi MV 2 -r- S. Force is not these tilings: it is merely numerically equivalent, when certain units are chosen, to these last two quotients. We might as- well say, since T = MV/F, that time is the force-rate of momentum, 514 MECHANICS. extremity of this draw a line representing the second force; and so on, throughout the system; finally, draw a line from the starting-point to the extremity of the last line drawn, and this will be the resultant required. Suppose the body A, Fig. 100, to be urged in the directions Al. A2, A3, A4, and A5 by forces which are to each other as the lengths of those lines. Suppose these forces to act successively and the body to first move from A to 1 ; the second force A2 then acts and finding the body at 1 would take it to 2'; the third force would then carry it to 3', the fourth to 4', and the fifth to 5'. The line A5' represents in magnitude and direction the resultant of all the forces considered. If there had been an additional force, Ax, in the group, the body would be returned by that force to its original position, supposing the forces to act successively, but if they had actea simul- taneously the body would never have moved at all; the tendencies to motion balancing each other. It follows, therefore, that if the several forces which tend to move a body can be represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a closed polygon taken in order, the body will remain at rest; but if the forces are represented by the sides of an open polygon, the body will move and the direction will be represented by the straight line which closes the polygon. Twisted Polygon. The rule of the polygon of forces holds true even when the forces are not m one plane. In this case the lines Al, 1-2', 2 / -3', etc., form a twisted polygon, that is, one whose sides are not in one plane. Parallelopipedon of Forces. If three forces acting on a point be represented by three edges of a parallelopipedon which meet in a common point, their resultant will be represented by the diagonal of the parallelo- pipedon that passes through their common point. Thus O#,Fig. 101, is the resultant of OQ, OS and OP. OM is the result- ant of OP and OQ, and. OR is the resultant of OM and OS. FIG. 102. Moment of a Force. The moment of a force (sometimes called statical moment), with respect to a point, is the product of the force by the perpendicular distance from the point to the direction of the force. The fixed point is called the center of moments; the perpendicular distance is the lever-arm of the force; and the moment itself measures the tendency of the force to produce rotation about the center of moments. If the force is expressed in pounds and the distance in feet, the moment is expressed in foot-pounds. It is necessary to observe the distinction be- tween foot-pounds of statical moment and foot-pounds of work or energy. (See Work.) In the bent lever, Fig. 102 (from Trautwine), if the weights n and m represent forces, their moments about the point / are respectively n X af and m X fc. If instead of the weight m a pulling force to balance the weight n is applied in the direction bs, or by or bd, s, y, and d being the amounts of these forces, their respective moments are sXft,yX fb, It the forces acting on the lever are in equilibrium it remains at rest, and the moments on each side of / are equal, that is, n X af = m Xfc, or s X ft. or y Xfb, or dX hf. The moment/ of the resultant of any number offerees acting together in . the sarr FORCE, STATICAL MOMENT, EQUILIBRIUM, ETC. 515 e same plane is equal to the algebraic sum of the moments of the forces taken separately. Statical Moment. Stability. The statical moment of a body is the product of its weight by the distance of its line of gravity from some assumed line of rotation. The line of gravity is a vertical line drawn from its center of gravity through the body. The stability of a body is that resistance which its weight alone enables it to oppose against forces tend- ing to overturn it or to slide it along its foundation. To be safe against turning on an edge the moment of the forces tending to overturn it, taken with reference to that edge, must be less than the statical moment. When a body rests on an inclined plane, the line of gravity, being vertical, falls toward the lower edge of the body, and the condition of its not being overturned by its own weight is that the line of gravity must fall within this ed^e. In the case of an inclined tower resting on a plane the same condition holds the line of gravity must fall within the base. The condition of stability against sliding along a horizontal plane is that the horizontal component of the force exerted tending to cause it to slide shall be less than the product of the weight of the body into the coefficient of friction between the base of the body and its supporting plane. This coefficient of friction is the tangent of the angle of repose, or the maximum angle at which the supporting plane might be raised from the horizontal before the body would begin to slide. (See Friction.) The Stability of a Dam against overturning about its lower edge is calculated by comparing its statical moment referred to that edge with the resultant pressure of the water against its upper side. The horizontal pressure on a square foot at the bottom of the dam is equal to the weight of a column of water of one square foot in section, and of a height equal to the distance of the bottom below water-level ; or, if // is the height, the pressure at the bottom per square foot = 62.4 X H Ibs. At the water-level the pressure is zero, and it increases uniformly to the bottom, so that the sum of the pressures on a vertical strip one foot in breadth may be represented by the area of a triangle whose base is 62.4 X H and whose altitude is H t or 62.4 H 2 -* 2. The center of gravity of a triangle being Va of its altitude, the resultant of all the horizontal pressures may be taken as equivalent to the sum of the pressures acting at 1/3 H, and the moment of the sum of the pressures is therefore 62.4 X // 3 -s- 6. Parallel Forces. If two forces are parallel and act in the same direc- .tion. their resultant is parallel to both, and lies between, them, and the intensity of the resultant is equal to the sum of the intensities of the two forces. Thus in Fig. 102 the resultant of the forces n and m acts verti- cally downward at /, and is equal to n + vn. If two parallel forces act at the extremities of a straight line and in the same direction, the resultant divides the line joining the points of CK FIG. 103. / FIG. 104. *R application of the components, inversely as the components. Thus in Fig. 102 m: n:: af: fc* and in Fig. 103, P: Q:: SN: SM. The resultant of two parallel forces acting in opposite directions is parallel to both, lies without both, on the side and in the direction of the greater, and its intensity is equal to the difference of the intensities of the two forces. Thus the resultant of the two forces Q and P, Fig. 104, is equal to Q P = R. Of any two parallel forces and their resultant each is pro- portional to the distance between the other two: this in both Figs. 103 and 104, P:Q: R:: SN: SM: MN. Couples. If P and Q be equal and act in opposite directions, R = 0; that is, they have no resultant. Two such forces constitute a couple. The tendency of a couple is to produce rotation; the measure of this tendency, called the moment of the ample- is the product of one of the forces by the distance between the two. J 516 MECHANICS. Since a couple has no single resultant, no single force can balance a couple. To prevent the rotation of a body acted on by a couple the application of two other forces is required, forming a second couple. Thus in Fig. 105, P and Q, forming a couple, may be balanced Iby a second couple formed by R and S. The point of application of either R or S may be a fixed pivot or axis. Moment of the couple PQ = P(c + b + a) = moment of RS = Rb. Also, P + R = Q + S. The forces R and S need not be parallel to P and Q, but if not, then their components par- allel to PQ are to be taken instead of the forces themselves. Equilibrium of Forces. A system of forces applied at points of a solid body will be equilibrium when they have no tendency to produce motion, either of translation or of rotation. The conditions of equilibrium are: 1. The algebraic sum of the com- ponents of the forces in the direction of any three rectangular axes must separately equal 0. 2. The algebraic sum of the moments of the forces, with respect to any three rectangular axes, must separately equal 0. If the forces lie in a plane: 1. The algebraic sum of the components of the forces, in the direction of any two rectangular axes, must be separately equal to 0. 2. The algebraic sum of the moments of the forces, with respect to any point in the plane, must be equal to 0. If a body is restrained by a fixed axis, as in case of a pulley, or wheel and axle, the forces will be in equilibrium when the algebraic sum of the moments of the forces with respect to the axis is equal to 0. CENTER OF GRAVITY. The center of gravity of a body, or of a system of bodies rigidly con- nected together, is that point about which, if suspended, all jthe parts will be in equilibrium, that is, there will be no tendency to rotation. It is the point through which passes the resultant of the efforts of gravitation on each of the elementary particles of a body. In bodies of equal heavi- ness throughout, the center of gravity is the center of magnitude. (The center of magnitude of a figure is a point such that if the figure be divided into equal parts the distance of the center of magnitude of the whole figure from any given plane is the mean of the distances of he centers of magnitude of the several equal parts from that plane.) A body suspended at its center of gravity is in equilibrium in all positions. If suspended at a point outside of its center of gravity, it will take a position so that its center of gravity is vertically below its point of suspension. To find the center of gravity of any plane figure mechanically, sus- pend the figure by any point near its edge, and mark on it the direction of a plumb-line hung from that point; then suspend it from some other point, and again mark the direction of the plumb-line in like manner. The center of gravity will be at the intersection of the two marks. The Center of Gravity of Regular Figures, whether plane or solid, is the same as their geometrical center; for instance, a straight line, parallelogram, regular polygon, circle, circular ring, prism,, cylinder, sphere, spheroid, middle frustums of spheroid, etc. Of a triangle: On a line drawn from any angle to the middle of the opposite side, at a distance of one-third of the line from the side; or at the intersection of such lines drawn from any two angles. Of a trapezium or trapezoid: Draw a diagonal, dividing it into two tri- angles. Draw a line joining their centers of gravity. Draw the other diagonal, making two other triangles, and a line joining their centers of gravity. The intersection of the two lines is the center of gravity. Of a sector of a circle: On the radius which bisects the arc, 2 cr -r 3-1 from the center, c being the chord, r the radius, and I the arc. Of a semicircle: On the middle radius, 0.4244 r from the center. Of a Quadrant: On the middle radius, 0.600 r from the center, Of a segment of a circle: c 3 -j- ] 2a from the center, c = chord, a =area. Of a paraboic surface: In the axis, 3/ 5 of its length from the vertex. Of a semi-parabola (surface): s/ 5 length of the axis from the vertex, and s/s of the semi-base from the axis, MOMENT OF INERTIA. , 517 Of a cone or pyramid: In the axis, 1/4 of its length from the base. Of a paraboloid: In the axis, 2/3 of its length from the vertex. . Of a cylinder, or regular prism: In the middle point of the axis. Of a frustum of a cone or pyramid' Let a = length of a line drawn from the vertex of the cone when complete to the center of gravity of the base, and a' that portion of it between the vertex and the top of the frustum; then distance of center of gravity of the frustum from center of gravity of its base = j - Af 2 _? a . , , 2S - 4 4(a 2 + aa + a 2 ) For two bodies, fixed one at each end of a straight bar, the common center of gravity is in the bar, at that point which divides the distance between their respective centers of gravity in the inverse ratio of the weights. In this solution the weight of the bar is neglected. But it may be taken as a third body, and allowed for as in the following directions: For more than two bodies connected in one system: Find the common center of gravity of two of them; and find the common center of these two jointly with a third body, and so on to the last body of the group. Another method, by the principle of moments: To find the center of gravity of a system of bodies, or a body consisting of several parts, whoso several centers are known. If the bodies are in a plane, refer their several centers to two rectangular coordinate axes. Multiply each weight by its distance from one of the axes, add the products, and divide the sum by the eum of the weights; the result is the distance of the center of gravity from that axis. Do the same with regard to the other axis. If the bodies are not in a plane, refer them to three planes at right angles to each other, and determine the mean distance of the sum of the weights from each plane. MOMENT OF INERTIA. The moment of inertia of the weight of a body with respect to an axis is the algebraic sum of the products of the weight of each elementary particle by the square of its distance from the axis. If the moment of inertia with respect to any axis = 7, the weight of any element of the body = w, and its distance from the axis = r, we have I = 2(wr 2 ). The moment of inertia varies, in the same body, according to the position of the axis. It is the least possible when the axis passes through the center of gravity. To find the moment of inertia of a body, referred to a given axis, divide the body into small parts of regular figure. Multi- ply the weight of each part by the square of the distance of its center of gravity from the axis. The sum of the products is the moment of inertia. The value of the moment of inertia thus obtained will be more nearly exact, the smaller and more numerous the divisions of the body. MOMENTS OF INERTIA OF REGULAR SOLIDS. Rod, or bar, of uniform thickness, with respect to an axis perpendicular to the length of the rod, (I 2 \ W = weight of rod, 21 = length, d = distance of center of gravity from axis. Thin circular plate, axis in its ) T=w(-i-d 2 \ (2) own plane, J \4 /' r = radius of plate. Circular plate, axis perpendicular to ) T __ w (^ , \ m the plate, f* \2 / Circular ring, axis perpendicular to) J^TV (r 2 + r' 2 J its own plane, f \ 2 r and r' are the exterior and interior radii of the ring. r = radius of base. 2 1 = length of the cylinder. By making d = in any of the above formulae, we find the moment of inertia for a parallel axis through the center of gravity. The moment of inertia, 2iur 2 , numerically equals the weight of a body which, if concentrated at the distance unity from the axis of rotation, would require the same work to produce a given increase of angular velocity that the actual body requires. It bears the same relation to angular acceleration which weight does to linear acceleration (Rankine). The term moment of inertia is also used in regard to areas, as the cross- 518 MECHANICS. sections of] beams under strain. In this case / =2ar2, a being any ele- mentary area, and r its distance from the center. (See Strength of Ma- terials, p. 293.) Some writers call 2wir2 = ^wr^^-g the moment of inertia. CENTERS OF OSCILLATION AND OF PERCUSSION. Center of Oscillation. If a body oscillate about a fixed horizontal axis, not passing through its center of gravity, there is a point in the line drawn from the center of gravity perpendicular to the axis whose motion is the same as it would be if the whole mass were collected at that point and allowed to vibrate as a pendulum about the fixed axis. This point is called the center of oscillation. The Radius of Oscillation, or distance of the center of oscillation from the point of suspension = the square of the radius of gyration -s- dis- tance of the center of gravity from the point of suspension or axis. The centers of oscillation and suspension are convertible. If a straight line, or uniform thin bar or cylinder, be suspended at one end, oscillating about it as an axis, the center of oscillation is at 2/ 3 the length of the rod from the axis. If the point of suspension is at 1/3 the length from the end, the center of oscillation is also at 2/3 the length from the axis, that is, it is at the other end. In both cases the oscillation will be performed in the same time. If the point of suspension is at the center of gravity, the length of the equivalent simple pendulum is infinite, and therefore the time of vibration is infinite. F9r a sphere suspended by a cord, r radius, h = distance of axis of motion from the center of the sphere, h' = distance of center of oscillation from center of sphere, I = radius of oscillation = h + h' = h + 2 /5 (r2-h h). If the sphere vibrate about an axis tangent to its surface, h = r, and l = r+2/5r. If h = 10 r, I = 10 r+ (r-r-25). Lengths of the radius of oscillation of a few regular plane figures or thin plates, suspended by the vertex or uppermost point. 1st. When the vibrations are perpendicular t9 the plane of the figure: In an isosceles triangle the radius of oscillation is equal to 8/4 of the height of the triangle. In a circle, / 8 of the diameter. In a parabola, 5/ 7 of the height. 2d. When the vibrations are edgewise, or in the plane of the figure: In a circle the radius of oscillation is 3/ 4 of the diameter. In a rectangle suspended by one angle, 2/3 of the diagonal. In a parabola, suspended -by the vertex, 5/ 7 of the height plus 1/3 of the parameter. In a parabola, suspended by the middle of the base, 4/7 of the height plus 1/2 the parameter. Center of Percussion. The center of percussion of a body oscillat- ing about a fixed axis is the point at which, if a blow is struck by the body, the percussive action is the same as if the whole mass of the bodv were concentrated at the point. It is identical with the center of oscillation. CENTER AND RADIUS OF GYRATION. The center of gyration, with reference to an axis, is a point at which, if the entire weight of a body be concentrated, its moment of inertia will re- main unchanged; or, in a revolving body, the point in which the whole weight of the body may be conceived to be concentrated, as if a pound of platinum were substituted for a pound of revolving feathers,, the angular velocity and the accumulated work remaining the same. The distance of this point from the axis is the radius of gyration. If W = the weight of a body, / = 2wr a = its moment of inertia, and k = its radius of gyration, The moment of inertia = the weight X the square of the radius of gyration. To find the radius of gyration divide the body into a considerable number of equal small parts, the more numerous the more nearly exact is the result, then take the mean of all the squares of the distances of the parts from the axis of revolution, and find the square root of the mean square. Or, if the moment o.f inertia is known, divide it by the weight and extract the square root. For radius of gyration of an area, divide the moment of inertia of the area by the area and extract the square root. CENTEK AND RADIUS OF GYRATION. 519 The radius of gyration is the least possible when the axis passes through the center of gravity. This minimum radius is called the principal radius of gyration. If we denote it by k and any other radius of gyration by k', we have for the five cases given under the head of moment of inertia above the following values: (1) Rod, axis perpen. length, - I ; *.- + (P. (2) Circular plate, axis in) /. _ r , ,., _ i/C 4. ^2 its plane, t 2 : * " V 4~ ' (3) Circular plate, axis per- ) k = 4 /I . pen. to plane, J V 2' (4) Circular ring, axis per- ) *. pen. to plane, J (5) Cylinder, axis pen. to length, per- Principal Radii of Gyration and Squares of Radii of Gyration. (For radii of gyration of sections of columns, see page 295.) Surface or Solid. Rad. of Gyration. Square of R. of Gyration. Parallelogram: ) axis at its base 0.5773/1 0.2886 ft 0.5773Z 0.2886J 1/3 h 2 Vl2/i 2 Vs/ 2 *fo* (b 2 + c 2 ) -s- 3 4^2 + 52 height h ) " mid-height .. .. Straight rod: , ) . t d length J. or thin S ^Sengtn rectang. plate ) Rectangular prism: axes 2 a, 2b, 2c, referred to axis 2 a Parallelepiped: length I, base &, axis at ) 0.577 Vb 2 + c 2 0.289 v / IF~Tl>2 0.289\//i2 +K2 .408 h Hollow square tube: out. side h, inner h' t axis mid-length .... very thin, side = h, axis mid-length .... Thin rectangular tube: sides 6, h, axis ) 12 (W + h'*} + n /l2-6 h 2 h + 3b 12'TTft l/ 4 r 3 = /i 2 - 16 (fc* + h' 2 ) -s- 16 p: > 12^ 4 1/2 r2 (ft 2 + r 2 ) ?- 2 ; 2 L ft 2 + r 0.289A J\ + \ b Thin circ. plate: rad. r, diam. h, ax. diam. Flat circ. ring: ciiams. h, ll' t axis diam.. . . Solid circular cylinder: length I, axis di- ) ameter at mid-length ( h + b 1/4 V#z + fc'2 0.289 V/2 + 3 r 2 0.7071r 0.7071 VRZ + r 2 Circular plate: solid wheel of uniform j thickness, or cylinder of any length, } referred to axis of cyl ) Hollow circ. cylinder, or flat ring:! 1, length; R, r, outer and inner radii. 1 Axis, 1, longitudinal axis; 2, diam. at J mid-length . . . J .289V/2+3 (/e2 +r2 ) 0.289V^ + 6/^2 r 0.707lr 0.6325r 0.6325r 0.5773r 12 ' 4 / 2 72 2 12 + 2 r 3 r 2 1/2 r 2 2/5 r 2 2/5 r 2 Vr 2 6* + e 2 2 ^5 - r 5l5TT7i ^ Same: very thin, axis its diameter radius r ; axis, longitudinal axis . . Circumf . of circle, axis its center " diam Sphere: radius r, axis its diam Spheroid: equatorial radius r, revolving) Dolar axis a . } Paraboloid: r=rad. of base, rev. on axis. Ellipsoid: semi-axes a, 6, c; revolving on ) axis 2 a J 0.4472V&2 + C 2 Spherical shell: radii R t r, revolving on ) 0.25l/f 3 " rS 3 Same: very thin, radius r V R 3 -r 3 8165 r 0.5477r Solid cone: r==rad. of base, rev. on axis. . 520 MECHANICS. THE PENDULUM. A body of any form suspended from a fixed axis about which it oscil- lates by the force of gravity is called a compound pendulum. The ideal body concentrated at the center of oscillation, suspended from the cen- ter of suspension by a string without weight, is called a simple pendulum. This equivalent simple pendulum has the same weight as the given body, and also the same moment of inertia, referred to an axis passing through the point of suspension, and it oscillates in the same time. The ordinary pendulum of a given length vibrates in equal times when the angle of the vibrations does not exceed 4 or 5 degrees, that is, 2 or 2 y? each side of the vertical. This property of a pendulum is called its isochronism. The time of vibration of a pendulum varies directly as the square root of the length, and inversely as the square root of the acceleration due to gravity at the given latitude and elevation above the earth's surface. If T = the time of vibration, I length of the simple pendulum, g = IT vT the acceleration, then T = IT \ _; since TT is constant Too >r . At a \0 Vg giyen location g is constant and T oo \/T. If I be constant, then for any 1 n*l location T oo -7^. If Tbe constant, g T 2 = n 2 1; I ao g; g = -=-. From this \7g . T 2 equation the force of gravity at any place may be determined if the length of the simple pendulum, vibrating seconds, at that plaee is known. At New York this length is 39.1017 inches = 3.2585 ft., whence g = 32.16 ft. Time of vibration of a pendulum of a given length at New York -H; I VT J 39. 1017 6.253 t being in seconds and I in inches. Length of a pendulum having a given time of vibration, I = t* X 39.1017 inches. The time of vibration of a pendulum may be varied by the addition of a weight at a point above the center of suspension, which counteracts the lower weight, and lengthens the period of vibration. By varying the, height of the upper weight the time is varied. To find the weight of the upper bob of a compound pendulum, vi- brating seconds, when the weight of the lower bob and the distances of the weights from the point of suspension are given: _ (39- 1 * D) - D* " (39.1 X d) +&* W = the weight of the lower bob, w = the weight of the upper bob; D = the distance of the lower bob, and d = the distance of the upper bob from the point of suspension, in inches. Thus, by means of a second bob, short pendulums may be constructed to vibrate as slowly as longer pendulums. By increasing w or d until the lower weight is entirely counterbalanced the time of vibration may be made infinite. Conical Pendulum. A weight suspended by a cord and revolving at a uniform speed in the circumference of a circular horizontal plane whose radius is r, the distance of the plane below the point of suspension being h, is held in equilibrium by three forces the tension in the cord, the centrifugal force, which tends to increase the radius r, and the force of gravity acting downward. If v = the velocity in feet per second of the center of gravity of the weight, as it describes the circumference, g = 32.16, and r and h are taken in feet, the time in seconds of performing one revolution is (at New York or other place where g = 32.16) JL; h = --, : = 0.8146 *2. g 4*2 If t = 1 second, h = 0.8146 foot =9.775 inches. The principle of the conical pendulum is used in the ordinary fly-ball governor for steain -engines. (See Governors,) VELOCITY, ACCELERATION, FALLING BODIES. 521 CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. A body revolving in a curved path of radius = R in feet exerts a force, called centrifugal force, F, upon the arm or cord which restrains it from moving in a straight line, or " flying off at a tangent." If W = weight of the body in pounds, N = number of revolutions per minute, v = linear velocity of the center of gravity of the body, in feet per second, g = 32.174* then , 27T/2JV E , W& Wv* W47r*RN* WRN* ='00034084 TF^MbS. If n = number of revplutions per second, F = 1.2270 WRri*. (For centrifugal force in fly-wheels, see Fly-wheels.) VELOCITY, ACCELERATION, FALLING BODIES. Velocity is the rate of motion, or the speed of a body at any instant. If s = space in feet passed over in t seconds, and v = velocity in feet per ~ J , if the velocity is uniform, _ s ,_**_. ~~ t ' s v ' ~~ v If the velocity varies uniformly, the mean velocity v m = 1/2 (i + v 2 ), in which Vi is the velocity at the beginning. and v 2 the velocity at the end of the time t. s = i/2 (vi + Vz) t (1) If vi = 0, then s = 1/2 v. vz = 2 s/t. If the velocity varies, but not uniformly, v for an exceedingly short interval of time = s/t, or in calculus v = ds/dt. Acceleration is the change in velocity which takes place in a unit^of time. The unit of acceleration is 1 foot per second in one second. For uniformly accelerated motion the acceleration (a) is a constant quantity Vz ~V\ i V 2 ~ Vi ^rtX Q " ; Vo == V\ -f* dt ', V\ == V 2 &' I ' == * t V<"/ If the body start from rest, Vi = 0; then if v m = mean velocity t= = __ = \ g 32.16 \ g 4.01 ~ v ' u = space fallen through in the rth second = g (T y^). If Vi =0,5= 1/2 V 2 t. Retarded Motion. If the body start with a velocity Vi and come to rest, v 2 = 0; then s = l/2Vit. In any case, if the change in velocity is v, s _^. s _ _!. s _ t 2 ~ 2*' S ~ 2a' S " 2 > For a body starting from or ending at rest, we have the equations r -at; s = |f; s = y;v2 = 2 as. Falling Bodies. In the case of falling bodies the acceleration due to gravity, at 40 latitude, is 32.16 feet per second in one second, = g. Then if v = velocity acquired at the end of t seconds, or final velocity, and h = height or space in feet passed over in the same time, 8.02V'Ji =* ~; - - 20 64.32 2' g 32.16 . = space fallen through in the rth second = g (T - } 522 MECHANICS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 4 9 16 25 36 From the above formulae for falling bodies we obtain the following* During the first second the body starting from a state of rest (resistance of the air neglected) falls g -* 2 = 16.08 feet; the acquired velocity is g = 32.16 ft. per sec.; the distance fallen in two seconds is h = ~ = 16.08 X 4 = 64.32 ft.; and the acquired velocity is v = gt = 64.32 ft. The acceler- ation, or increase of velocity in each second, is constant, and is 32.16 ft. per second. Solving the equations for different times, we find for Seconds, t Acceleration, g 32.16 X Velocity acquired at end of time, v . . . . 32.16 X OO 1 C Height of fall in each second, u - X Total height of fall, h 32.16-4-2 x Value of g. The value of g increases with the latitude, and decreases with the elevation. At the latitude of Philadelphia, 40. its value is 32.16. At the sea-level, Everett gives g - 32.173 - .082 cos 2 lat. .000003 height in feet. At lat. 45 Everett's formula gives g = 32.173. The value given by the International Conference on Weights and Measures, Paris, 1901, is 32. 1740. Values of ^2g, calculated by an equation given by C. S. Pierce, are given in a table in Smith's Hydraulics, from which we take the following: Latitude 10 20 30 40 50 60 Value of ^2g.. 8.0112 8.0118 8.0137 8.0165 8.0199 8.0235 8.0269 Valueofp 32.090 32.094 32.105 32.132 32.160 32.189 32.216 The value of ^2g decreases about .0004 for every 1000 feet increase in elevation above the sea-level. For all ordinary^ calculations for the United States, g is generally taken at 32.16, and V2g at 8.02. In England g = 32.2. \/2~g = 8.025. Practi- cal limiting values of g for the United States, according to Pierce, are: Latitude 49 at sea-level g = 32. 186 25 10,000 feet above the sea g = 32 .089 Local values of g are used in the calculation of problems that involve local gravitational force, such as those of falling bodies, lifting loads, and power of waterfalls. In all cases in which g appears in an equation as a divisor of w (standard weight in pounds), as in the equation for centrifugal force on the preceding page, the value 32.174 should be used. Fig. 106 represents graphically the velocity, space, etc., of a body falling for six seconds. The vertical line at the left is the time in : horizontal lines represent the acquired velocities at the end of each second = 32.16 1. The area of the small triangle at the top represents the height fallen through in the first second = 1/29= 16.08 feet, and each of the other triangles is an equal space. The number of triangles between each pair of horizontal lines rep- resents the height of fall in each second, and the number of triangles between any horizontal line and the top is the total height fallen during the time. The figures under k, u and v adjoining the cut are to bemultiplied by 16.08 toobtain the actual velocities and heights for the given times. Angular and Linear Velocity of a Turning Body. Let r = radius of a turning oody in feet, n = number of revo- lutions per minute, v= linear velocity of a point on the circumference in feet per second, and 60 v = velocity in feet per minute. i seconds, the h u, v t .434 2" 9 5 6 3" 16 7 8 4" 9 .10 5" \ v\ U 13 6- \\\ -~ 60 v = 2 rrn, FIG. 106, PARALLELOGRAM OF VELOCITIES. 523 velocity is a term used to denote the angle through which any radius of a body turns in a second, or the rate at which any point in it having a radius equal to unity is moving, expressed in feet per second. The unit of angular velocity is the angle which at a distance = radius from the center is subtended by an arc equal to the radius. This unit 360, or the circumference. angle = ~ degrees = 57.3. 2irX 57.3 If A called a radian, angular velocity, v = Ar, A - T 1 80 The unit angle is Height Corresponding to a Given Acquired Velocity. Velocity. ,d bC "S w Velocity. 1 Velocity. 1 5 S Velocity. ^ M ' Velocity. Height. Velocity. Height. 1 feet feet feet feet feet feet per feet. per feet. per feet. per feet. per feet. per foot. sec. sec. sec. sec. sec. sec .25 0.0010 13 2.62 34 17.9 55 47.0 76 89.8 97 146 .50 0.0039 14 3.04 35 19.0 56 48.8 77 92.2 98 149 .75 0.0087 15 3.49 36 20.1 57 50.5 78 94.6 99 152 1.00 0.016 16 3.98 37 21.3 58 52.3 79 97.0 100 155 1.25 0.024 17 4.49 38 22.4 59 54.1 80 99 5 105 171 1.50 0.035 18 5.03 39 23.6 60 56.0 81 102.0 110 188 1 75 048 1? 5.61 40 24.9 61 57.9 82 104.5 115 205 2 062 20 6.22 41 26.1 62 59.8 83 107.1 120 224 2.5 0.097 21 6.85 42 27.4 63 61.7 84 109.7 130 263 3 0.140 22 7.52 43 28.7 64 63.7 85 112.3 140 304 3 5 0.190 23 8.21 44 30.1 65 65.7 86 115.0 150 330 4 248 24 8.94 45 31.4 66 67.7 57 117.7 175 476 4.5 0.314 25 9.71 46 32.9 67 69.8 88 120.4 200 622 5 388 26 10.5 47 34.3 68 71.9 89 123.2 300 1399 6 559 27 11.3 48 35.8 69 74.0 90 125.9 400 2488 7 761 28 12.2 49 37.3 70 76.2 91 128.7 500 3887 8 0.994 29 13.1 50 38.9 71 78.4 92 131.6 600 5597 9 1.26 30 14.0 51 40.4 72 80.6 93 134.5 700 7618 10 1.55 31 14.9 52 42.0 73 82.9 94 137.4 800 9952 H 1 88 32 15.9 53 43.7 74 85.1 95 140.3 900 12,593 12 2.24 33 16.9 54 45.3 75 87.5 96 143.3 1000 15,547 3 B Parallelogram of Velocities. The principle 9f the composition and resolution of forces may also be applied to velocities or to distances moved in given intervals of time. Referring to Fig. 99, page 513, if a body at O has a force applied to it which acting alone would give it a velocity represented by OQ per second, and at the same time it is acted on by another force which acting alone would give it a velocity OP per second, the result of the two forces acting together for one sec- ond will carry it to R, OR being the diagonal of the parallelogram of OQ and OP, and the resultant velocity. If the two component velocities are uniform, the resultant will be uniform and the line OR will be a straight line; but if either velocity is a varying one, the line will be a curve. Fig. 107 shows the resultant velocities, also the path traversed lin ifm-m by a body acted on by two forces, one of which would carry it at a unit velocity over the intervals 1, 2, 3, B, and the other of which would carry it by an accelerated motion over the intervals a.b.c.D m the same times. At FIG. 107. 524 MECHANICS. Falling Bodies: Velocity Acquired by a Body Falling a Given Height. >> >, >> >> fA ;>> a 'S w 'o O 15 r* J3 W! '3 W 'S _o 13 > 4 9 H 'G jO IS > i as H-l 'S s > 1 'o "S . > 4 33 w 'o o 13 > feet. feet p. sec. feet. feet p.sec. feet. feet p.sec. feet. feet p.sec. feet. feet p.sec. feet. feet p.sec. 0.005 .57 0.39 5.01 .20 8.79 5. 17.9 23. 38.5 72 68.1 v.CIO .80 0.40 5.07 .22 8.87 .2 18.3 .5 38.9 73 68.5 0.015 .98 0.41 5.14 .24 8.94 .4 18.7 24. 39.3 74 69.0 0.020 .13 0.42 5.20 .26 9.01 .6 19.0 .5 39.7 75 69.5 0.025 .27 0.43 5.26 .28 9.08 .8 19.3 25 40.1 76 69 9 0.030 .39 0.44 5.32 .30 9.15 6. 19.7 26 40.9 77 70.4 0.035 .50 0.45 5.38 .32 9.21 .2 20.0 27 41.7 78 70.9 0.040 .60 0.46 5.44 .34 9.29 .4 20.3 28 42.5 79 71.3 0.045 .70 0.47 5.50 .36 9.36 .6 20.6 29 43.2 80 71.8 0.050 .79 0.48 5.56 .38 9.43 .8 20.9 30 43.9 81 72.2 0.055 .88 0.49 5.61 .40 9.49 7. 21.2 31 44.7 82 72.6 0.060 .97 0.50 5.67 .42 9.57 .2 21.5 32 45.4 83 73.1 0.055 2.04 0.51 5.73 .44 9.62 .4 21.8 33 46.1 84 73.5 0.070 2.12 0.52 5.78 .46 9.70 .6 22.1 34 46.8 85 74.0 0.075 2.20 0.53 5.84 .48 9.77 .8 22.4 35 47.4 86 74.4 0.080 2.27 0.54 5.90 .50 9.82 8. 22.7 36 48.1 87 74.8 0.085 2.34 0.55 5.95 .52 9.90 .2 23.0 37 48.8 88 75.3 0.090 2.41 0.56 6.00 .54 9.96 .4 23.3 38 49.4 89 75.7 0.095 2.47 0.57 6.06 .56 10.0 .6 23.5 39 50.1 90 76.1 0.100 2.54 0.58 6/11 .58 10.1 .8 23.8 40 50.7 91 76.5 0.105 2.60 0.59 6.16 .60 10.2 9. 24.1 41 51.4 92 76.9 0.110 2.66 0.60 6.21 .65 10.3 .2 24.3 42 52.0 93 77.4 0.115 2.72 0.62 6.32 .70 10.5 .4 24.6 43 52.6 94 77.8 0.120 2.78 0.64 6.42 .75 10.6 .6 24.8 44 53.2 95 78.2 0.125 2.84 0.66 6.52 .80 10.8 .8 25.1 45 53.8 96 78.6 C.130 2.89 0.68 6.61 .90 11.1 10. 25.4 46 54.4 97 79.0 C.14 3.00 0.70 671 2. 11.4 .5 26.0 47 55.0 98 79.4 0.15 3.11 0.72 6.81 2.1 11.7 11. 26.6 48 55.6 99 79.8 0.16 3.21 0.74 6.90 2.2 11.9 .5 27.2 49 56.1 100 80.2 0.!7 3.31 .0.76 6.99 2.3 12.2 12. 27.8 50 56.7 125 89.7 0.18 3.40 0.78 7.09 2.4 12.4 .5 28.4 51 57.3 150 98.3 0.19 3.50 0.80 7.18 2.5 12.6 13. 28.9 52 57.8 175 106 0.20 3.59 0.82 7.26 2.6 12.0 .5 29.5 53 58.4 200 114 0.21 3.68 0.84 7.35 2.7 13.2 14. 30 54 59.0 225 120 0.22 3.76 0.86 7.44 2.8 13.4 .5 30.5 55 59.5 250 126 0.23 3.85 0.88 7.53 2.9 13.7 15. 31.1 56 60.0 275 '133 0.24 3.93 0.90 7.61 3. 13.9 .5 31.6 57 60.6 300 139 0.25 4.01 0.92 7.69 3.1 14.1 16. 32.1 58 61.1 350 150 0.26 4.09 0.94 7.78 3.2 14.3 .5 32.6 59 61.6 400 160 0.27 4.17 0.96 7.86 3.3 14.5 17. 33.1 60 62.1 450 170 0.28 4.25 0.98 7.94 3.4 14.8 .5 33.6 61 62.7 500 179 0.29 4.32 .00 8.02 3.5 15.0 18. 34.0 62 63.2 550 188 0.30 4.39 .02 8.10 3.6 15.2 .5 34.5 63 63.7 600 197 0.31 4 47 .04 8.18 3.7 15.4 19. 35.0 64 64.2 700 212 0.32 4.54 .06 8.26 3.8 15.6 .5 35.4 65 64.7 800 227 0.33 4.61 .08 8.34 3.9 15.8 20. 35.9 66 65.2 900 241 34 4.68 .10 8.41 4. 16.0 .5 36.3 67 65.7 1000 254 35 4 74 .12 8.49 .2 16.4 21. 36.8 68 66.1 2000 359 0.36 4.81 .14 8.57 .4 16.8 .5 37.2 69 66.6 3000 439 37 4.88 .16 8.64 .6 17.2 22. 37.6 70 67.1 4000 507 0.38 4.94 .18 8.72 .8 17.6 .5 38.1 71 67.6 5000 567 FORCE OF ACCELERATION. 525 the end of the respective intervals the body will be found at C\, 2, Cs, C, and the mean velocity during each interval is represented by the dis- tances between these points. Such a curved path is traversed by a shot, the impelling force from the gun giving it a uniform velocity in the direction the gun is aimed, and gravity giving it an accelerated velocity downward. The path of a projectile is a parabola. The distance it will travel is greatest when its initial direction is at an angle 45 above the horizontal. FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS IN DYNAMICS. (Uniformly Accelerated Motion) Much difficulty to students of Mechanics has resulted from the use in various text-books of such terms as "poundal" as a unit of force (see page 512), "gee-pound," "slug," or "engineers' unit of mass" ( = 32.2 Ibs. of matter), and by the various definitions given to the words "mass" and "weight." The following elementary treatment of the subject, in which all of these troublesome words are avoided, is taken from an article by the author in Science, March 19, 1915. It is urgently commended to the attention of text-book writers and teachers, and constructive criticism of it is solicited. The fundamental problem is: Given a constant force F Ibs. acting for T seconds on a quantity of matter W Ibs., at rest at the beginning of the time, but free to move, what are the results, assuming that there is no frictional resistance? The first result is motion, at a gradually increasing velocity. The relati9n between the elapsed time and the velocity is determined by experiment. The velocity varies directly as the time and as the force, and inversely as the quantity of matter, and the equation is V oo FT/ W or V = KFT/W, K being a constant whose value is approximately 32, provided V is in feet per second, F and W in pounds and T in seconds. Accurate determinations, involving precise measurements of both F and W, and of S, the distance .traversed during the time T, from which Vis determined, and precautions to eliminate resistance due to friction, give K = 32.1740. This figure is twice the number of feet that the body would fall in vacua in one second at or near latitude 45 at the sea level. It is commonly represented by g, or by go, to distinguish it from other values of g that may be obtained by experiments on falling bodies (or on pendulums) at other latitudes and elevations. The fundamental equation then is V = FTg/W ..... ...... (1) The quantity g is commonly called the acceleration due to gravity. but it also may be considered either as an abstract figure, the constant g in equation (1), or as the velocity acquired at the end of 1 second by a falling body, or as the distance a body would travel in 1 second atJ that same velocity if the force ceased to act and the velocity remained constant. If the velocity varies directly as the time (uniformly accelerated motion), then the distance is the product of the mean velocity and the time. As the body starts from rest when the velocity is 0, and the velocity is V at the end of the time T, the mean velocity is 1/2 V and the distance is 1/2 VT, whence V= 2S/T and T = 2S/V. The velocity V in feet per second, at the end of the time T is numer- ically equal to the number of feet the body would travel in one second after the expiration of the time T if the force had then ceased to act and the body continued to move at a uniform velocity. In equation (1) substitute for V its value 2S/T and we obtain S FT2ff (K = ~~ We have four elementary quantities F, T, S, W, one derived quan- tity V, and one constant figure 32.1740. It is understood that F is measured in standard pounds of force, one pound of force being the force that gravity exerts on a pound of matter at the standard loca- tion where g = 32.1740. Each equation contains four variables, V, F, T, W, or S, F, T, W, and in either equation if values be given to any three the fourth may be found. By transposition, or by giving new symbols to the product or 526 MECHANICS. quotient of two of the variables, many different equations may T oe derived from them, the most important of which are given below. From (1), let F = W, the case of a body falling at latitude 45 at the sea level; then V = gT. If T also = 1, then V = g, that is the velocity at the end of 1 second is g. In the equation V = gT substitute for T its value 2S/V and we have V = 2gS/ V, whence V 2 = 2gS. In the case of falling bodies, the height of fall H is usually substituted for S, and we obtain V=V2gH (3) Equation (2) with F = W gives V= 1/2 gT*. From (1), by transposition we obtain FT= WX V/g,orFT = VxW/g (4) The product FT is sometimes called Impulse, and the expression W X V/g is called momentum. It is convenient to use the letter M instead of W/g, so that the equation becomes FT = MV (5) Impulse = Momentum In (4) we may substitute for T its value in terms of S and V above given, viz., T = 2S/V and obtain F2S/V = MV; whence FS = 1/2 MV 2 , (6) Work expended = Kinetic energy. Acceleration. The quotient V/T is called the acceleration. It is denned as the rate of increase of velocity. In the problem under con- sideration, the action of a force on a body free to move, with no retarda- tion by friction, the acceleration is a constant, V/T = A. Equation (5) then may be written F = MA (7) Force = M times the acceleration.* If a given body is acted on at two different times by two forces F and FI, and if A and A\ are the corresponding accelerations, then Fi =MAi whence F / Fl =^Ml (8) By the use of these eight equations and their transformations all problems relating to uniformly accelerated motion may be solved. Force of Acceleration. Force has been denned as that which causes, or tends to cause, or to destroy, motion. It may also be defined as the cause of acceleration; and the unit of force, the pound, as the force re- quired to produce an acceleration of 32.174 ft. per second per second of one pound of matter free to move. Force equals the product of the mass by the acceleration,* or/ = ma. Also, if v = the velocity acquired in the time t, ft = mv; * = mv -r- 1; the acceleration being uniform. The force required to produce an acceleration of g (that is, 32.174 ft. per sec. in one second) is / = m g = g = w, or the weight of the body. Also, / = ma = m *** ~ *. in which vz is the velocity at the end, and vi the velocity at the beginning of the time t, and / = mg = 2 = ^ a; = -; or, tijie force required to give any acceleration to a body is to the weight of the body as that acceleration is to the acceleration pro- * Equation (7) is sometimes read "force equals mass times acceler- ation," which is strictly true in the dyne-centimeter-gram-second, or "absolute" system of measurements, in which force is measured in dynes, but it is not true in the pound-foot-second system, nor in the metric system where the kilogram is used as a unit of both force and quantity of matter, unless it is understood that the word "mass" means the quotient of W divided by g. FORCE OF ACCELERATION. 527 duced by gravity. In problems in which the local attraction of gravity is a factor the local value of g must be used if great accuracy is desired. EXAMPLE. Tension in a cord lifting a weight. A weight of 100 Ibs. is lifted vertically by a cord a distance of 80 feet in 4 seconds, the velocity uniformly increasing from to the end of the time. What tension must be maintained in the cord, assuming the local value of g to be 32.108 or 0.998 of the standard value? Mean velocity = v m =20 ft. per sec.; final velocity = vi = 2v m = 40; acceleration a = ~ = -^- = 10. Force / = ma = = ^ X 10 = 31.08 Ibs. The standard value of g, 32.174 must be used here, for the force required for acceleration is independent of local gravitation. This is the force required to pro- duce the acceleration only ; to it must be added the force required to lift the weight without acceleration, or 100 Ibs. X 0.998 = 99.8 Ibs., making a total of 130.88 Ibs. (The factor 0.998 is used here because the force of gravity at the given locality is 0.002 less than at the standard locality) . The Resistance to Acceleration is the same as the force required to pro- duce the acceleration = - <. Q t Formulae for Accelerated Motion. For cases of uniformity accel- erated motion other than those of falling bodies, we have the formulae already given, / = a, = . If the body starts from rest, v\ = 0, v-2 = v and/ = - ~r\fgt = wv. We also have s = ^-. Transforming * id substituting for g its value 32.174, we obtain f _ wv ~ wv _Jf?. s _. _ _ 2 _i 1 L^ - 64.35_/s. J " 64.35 S~ 32.17 t ~ 16.09 F ' v v* wv 2 " 64.35 / t- 16.09 //a vt m Ifs 32.17ft, W __2' \ w w 32.17 / 4.01 \ / For any change in velocity,/ = w (^ ~ Vl " ) . \ O4.OO o / (See also Work of Acceleration, under Work.) Motion on Inclined Planes. The velocity acquired by a body de- scending an inclined plane by the force of gravity (friction neglected) is equal to that acquired by a body falling freely from the height of the plane. The times of descent down different inclined planes of the same height vary as the length of the planes, The rules for uniformly accelerated motion apply to inclined planes. If a is the angle of the plane with the horizontal, sin a = the ratio of the height to the length = j- , and the constant accelerating force is g sin a. The final velocity at the end of t seconds is v = gt sin a. The distance passed over in t seconds is I = 1/2 gt 2 sin a. The time of descent is I | g sin a 4.01 ^/h Momentum, in many books erroneously defined as the quantity of motion in a body, is the product of the mass by the velocity at any instant, = mv = v. By "mass" is "meant the quotient w/g. Since ft = mv, the product of a constant force into the time in which it acts equals numerically the momentum. Momentum may be defined as numerically equivalent to the number of pounds of force that will stop a moving body in 1 second, or the num- ber of pounds of force which acting during 1 second will give it the given velocity. 528 MECHANICS. Vis-viva, or living force, is a term used by early writers on Mechanics to denote the energy stored in a moving body. The term is now obso- lete, its place being taken by the word energy. WORK, ENERGY, POWER. The fundamental conceptions in Mechanics are: Matter, Force, Time, Space, represented by W, F, T, S. In English units W and F are measured in pounds, T in seconds, 5 in feet. Velocity = space divided by time, V = S -f- T, if V be uniform. V at end of time T (uniformly accelerated motion) = 2S -f- T. Resistance is that which is opposite to an acting force. It is equal and opposite to force. Work is the overcoming of resistance through a certain distance. It is measured by the product of the resistance into the space through which it is overcome. It is also measured by the product of the moving force into the distance through which the force acts in overcoming the resistance. Thus in lifting a body from the earth against the attraction of gravity, the resistance is the weight, of the body, and the product of this weight into the height the body is lifted is the work done. The Unit of Work, in British measures, is the foot-pound, or the amount of work done in overcoming a pressure or weight equal to one pound through one foot of space. The work performed by a piston in driving a fluid before it, or by a fluid in driving a piston before it, may be expressed in either of the fol- lowing ways: Resistance X distance traversed = intensity of pressure X area X distance traversed ; = intensity of pressure X volume traversed. By intensity of pressure is meant pressure per unit of area, as Ibs. per sq. in. The work performed in lifting a body is the product of the weight of the body into the height through which its center of gravity is lifted. If a machine lifts the centers of gravity of several bodies at once to heights either the same or different, the whole quantity of work per- formed in so doing is the sum of the several products of the weights and heights ; but that quantity can also be computed by multiplying the sum of all the weights into the height through which their common center of gravity is lifted. (Rankine.) Power is the rate at which work is done, and is expressed by the quo- tient of the work divided by the time in which it is done, or by units of work per second, per minute, etc., as foot-pounds per second. The most common unit of power is the horse-power, established by James Watt as the power of a strong London draught-horse to do work during a short interval, and used by him to measure the power of his steam-engines. This unit is 33,000 foot-pounds per minute = 550 foot-pounds per sec- ond = 1,980,000 foot-pounds per hour. Power exerted for a certain time produces work; PT = FS = FVT, if V be uniform. Horse-power Hours, an expression for work measured as the product of a power into the time during which it acts, = PT. Sometimes it is the summation of a variable power for a given time, or the average power multiplied by the time. Energy, or stored work, is the capacity for performing work. It is measured by the same unit as work, that is, in foot-pounds. It may be either potential, as in the case of a body of water stored in a reservoir, capable of doing work by means of a water-wheel, or actual, sometimes called kinetic, which is the energy of a moving body. Potential energy is measured by the product of the weight of the stored body into the dis- tance through which it is capable of acting, or by the product of the pressure it exerts into the distance through which that pressure is cap- able of acting. Potential energy may also exist as stored heat, or as stored chemical energy, as in fuel, gunpowder, etc., or as electrical en- ergy, the measure of these energies being the amount of work that they are capable of performing. Actual energy of a moving body is the work which it is capable of performing against a retarding resistance before being brought to rest, and is equal to the work which must be done upon it to bring it from a state of rest to its actual velocity. WORK OF ACCELERATION, 529 The measure of actual energy is the product of the weight of the body into the height from which it must fall to acquire its actual velocity. If v = the velocity in feet per second, according to the principle of falling bodies, h, the height due to the velocity, = ^\ and if w = the weight, the energy = 1/2 nW 1 = wv% -i- 2g = wh. Since energy is the capacity for performing work, the units of work and energy are equivalent, or FS = 1/2 mv z = wh. Energy exerted = work done. The actual energy of a rotating body whose angular velocity is A and A.' 2 ! moment of inertia 2uT 2 = I is , that is, the product of the moment of inertia into the height due to the velocity, A, of a point whose distance from the axis of rotation is unity ; or it is equal to -jr , in which w is the weight of the body and v is the velocity of the center of gyration. Work of Acceleration. The work done in giving acceleration to a body is equal to the product of the force producing the acceleration, or of the resistance to acceleration, into the distance moved in a given time. This force, as already stated, equals product of the mass into the acceler- ation, or / = ma =~ . If the distance traversed in the time t = s t Q t ^ W V 1 Vi then work =fs = -- - -- s. EXAMPLE. What work is required to move a body weighing 100 Ibs. horizontally a distance of 80 ft. in 4 seconds, the velocity uniformly increasing, friction neglected? Mean velocity v m = 20 ft. per second; final velocity = V2 = 2 v m =40; initial velocity vi = 0; acceleration, a = - = = 10; force = " a = lUrr x 10 = 3L1 lbs>; distance 80 ffc - work = f s = 3i.i x so = 2488 foot-pounds. The energy stored in the body moving at the final velocity of 40 ft. per second is 1/2 ro* = \ y v 2 = Ifj^^j = 2488 foot-pounds, which equals the work of acceleration, _ w V-i _WV2V2lW JS ~JT S ~ g~t~2 *- 2 7^ If a body of the weight W falls from a height H, the work of accelera- tion is simply WH, or the same as the work required to raise the body to the same height. Work of Accelerated Rotation. Let A angular velocity of a solid body rotating about an axis, that is, the velocity of a particle whose radius is unity. Then the velocity of a particle whose radius is r is v = Ar. If the angular velocity is accelerated from Ai to Az, the in- crease of the velocity of the particle is v* Vi = r (Ai A*), and the work of accelerating it is w^ Vi- vi 2 _ wr- A&_ Ai* _ ___ = __ _ , in which w is the weight of the particle. A is measured in radians. The work of acceleration of the whole body is The term Sir r^ is the moment of inertia of the body. " Force of the Blow " of a Steam Hammer or Other Falling Weight. The question is often asked: "With what force does a fall- ing hammer strike? " The question cannot be answered directly, and it is based upon a misconception or ignorance of fundamental mechanical 530 MECHANICS. laws. The energy, or capacity for doing work, of a body raised to a given height and let fall cannot be expressed in pounds, simply, but only in foot- pounds, which is the product of the weight into the height through which it falls, or the product of its weight *- 64.32 into the square of the velocity, in feet per second, which it acquires after falling through the given height. If F = weight of the body, M its mass, g the acceleration due to gravity, S the height of fall, and v the velocity at the end of the fall, the energy in the body just before striking is FS = 1/2 Mv 2 = Wv 2 -*- 2 g = Wv 2 -s- 64.32, which is the general equation of energy of a moving body. Just as the energy of the body is a product of a force into a distance, so the work it does when it strikes is not the manifestation of a force, which can be ex- pressed simply in pounds, but it is the overcoming of a resistance through a certain distance, which is expressed as the product of the average resist- ance into the distance through which it is exerted. If a hammer weighing 100 Ibs. falls 10 ft., its energy is 1000 foot-pounds. Before being brought to rest it must do 1000 foot-pounds of work against one or more resistances. These are of various kinds, such as that due t9 motion imparted to the body struck, penetration against friction, or against resistance to shearing pr other deformation, and crushing and heating of both the falling body and the body struck. The distance through which these resisting forces act is generally indeterminate, and therefore the average of the resisting forces, which themselves generally vary with the distance, is also indeter- minate. Impact of Bodies. If two inelastic bodies collide, they will move on together as one mass, with a common velocity. The momentum of the combined mass is equal to the sum of the momenta of the two bodies before impact. If Wj and m 2 are the masses of the two bodies and Vi and v 2 their respective velocities before impact, and v their common velocity after impact, (mi + w 2 )v = miVi + m 2 v 2 , mi + m 2 If the bodies move in opposite directions, v= ^-. , or the velocity mi -f- m 2 of two inelastic bodies after impact is equal to the algebraic sum of their momenta before impact, divided by the sum of their masses. If two inelastic bodies of equal momenta impinge directly upon one an- other from opposite directions they will be brought to rest. Impact of Inelastic Bodies Causes a Loss of Energy, and this loss is equal to the sum of the energies due to the velocities lost and gained by the bodies, respectively. 1/2 miVi 2 + 1/2 m 2 V2 2 - V2 (mi + m 2 ) v z =1/2 mi (vi - v) 2 + 1/2 mz (v* - i>) 2 ; in which vi v is the velocity lost by m\ and v vi the velocity gained by mi. EXAMPLE. Let mi = 10, m* = 8, Vi = 12, v 2 = 15. 1 Q vy -jo _ O N/ 1 J If the bodies collide they will come to rest, for v= 10 + 8 = - The energy loss is 1/2 10 X 144+ l/ 2 8 X 225 -1/ 2 18X = 1/2 10 (12 -0)2+1/28(15- O) 2 = 1620 ft. -Ibs. What becomes of the energy lost? Ans. It is used doing internal work on the bodies themselves, changing their shape and heating them. For imperfectly elastic bodies, let e = the elasticity, that is, the ratio which the force of restitution, or the internal force tending to restore the shape of a body after it has been compressed, bears to the force of com- pression- and let mi and m 2 be the masses, Vi and v 2 their velocities before impact, and Vi, vj their velocities after impact; then , _ m^i + 7712^2 _ m 2 e (vi v 2 ) _ mi + W2 mi + mt iVi + mzvz m\e (vi ^2 mi + ma mi + mz ENERGY. 531 If the bodies are perfectly efastic, their relative velocities before and after impact are the same. That is, v\ f vi' = v 2 vi. In the impact of bodies, the sum of their momenta after impact is the same as the sum of their momenta before impact. miVi + m 2 V'2 f = miVi + m 2 v 2 . For demonstration of these and other laws of impact, see Smith's Me- chanics; also, Weisbach's Mechanics. Energy of Recoil of Guns. (Eng'g, Jan. 25, 1884, p. 72.) Let W = the weight of the gun and carriage; V = the maximum velocity of recoil; w = the weight of the projectile; v = the muzzle velocity of the projectile. Then, since the momentum of the gun and carriage is equal to the rromentum of the projectile (because both are acted on by equal force, tne pressure of the gases in the gun, for equal time), we have WV wv, or V = wv -f- W. Taking the case of a 10-inch gun firing a 400-lb. projectile with a muzzle velocity of 2000 feet per second, the weight of the gun and carriage being 22 tons = 50,000 Ibs., we find the velocity of recoil = ^- 25 - 18feet per a^. Now the energy of a body in motion is WV 2 -*- 2 g. 5 Q * Therefore the energy of recoil = ' = 198,800 foot-pounds. Z X oZ.4 The energy of the projectile is 4 * 2 o 2 = 24,844,000 foot-pounds. i X d-Z.-Z Conservation of Energy. No form of energy can ever be pro- duced except by the expenditure of some other form, nor annihilated ex- cept by being reproduced in another form. ' Consequently the sum total of energy in the universe, like the sum total of matter, must always remain the same. (S. Newcomb.) Energy can never be destroyed or lost; it can be transformed, can be transferred from one body to another, but no matter what transformations are undergone, when the total effects of the exertion of a given amount of energy are summed up the result will be exactly equal to the amount originally expended from the source. This law is called the Conservation of Energy. (Cotterill and Slade.) A heavy body sustained at an elevated position has potential energy. When it falls, just before it reaches the earth's surface it has actual or -kinetic energy, due to its velocity. When it strikes, it may penetrate the earth a certain distance or may be crushed. In either case friction results by which the energy is converted into heat, which is gradually radiated into the earth or into the atmosphere, or both. Mechanical energy and heat are mutually convertible. Electric energy is also convertible into heat or mechanical energy, and either kind of energy may be converted into the other. Sources of Energy. The principal sources of energy on the earth's surface are the muscular energy of men and animals, the energy of the wind, of flowing water, and of fuel. These sources derive their energy from the rays of the sun. Under the influence of the sun's rays vegetation grows and wood is formed. The wood may be used as fuel under a steam- boiler, its carbon being burned to carbon dioxide. Three-tenths of its heat energy escapes in the chimney and by radiation, and seven-tenths appears as potential energy in the steam. In the steam-engine, of this seven-tenths six parts are dissipated in heating the condensing water and are wasted; the remaining one-tenth of the original heat energy of the wood is con- verted into mechanical work in the steam-engine, which may be used to drive machinery. This work is finally, by friction of various kinds, or pos- sibly after transformation into electric currents, transformed into neat which is radiated into the atmosphere, increasing its temperature. Thus 532 MECHANICS. all the potential heat energy of the wood is, after various transformations, converted into heat, which, mingling with the store of heat in the atmos- Ehere, apparently is lost. But the carbon dioxide generated by the com- ustion of the wood is, again, under the influence of the sun's rays, absorbed by vegetation, and more wood may thus be formed having poten- tial energy equal to the original. Perpetual Motion. The law of the conservation of energy, than which no law of mechanics is more firmly established, is an absolute barrier to all schemes for obtaining by mechanical means what is called " perpetual motion," or a machine which will do an amount of work greater than the equivalent of the energy, whether of heat, of chemical combination, of elec- tricity, or mechanical energy, that is put into it. Such a result would be the creation of an additional store of energy in the universe, which is not possible by any human agency. The Efficiency of a Machine is a fraction expressing the ratio of the useful work to the whole work performed, which is equal to the energy expended. The limit to the efficiency of a machine is unity, denoting the efficiency of a perfect machine in which no work is lost. The difference between the energy expended and the useful work done, or the loss, is usually expended either in overcoming friction or in doing work on bodies surrounding the machine from which no useful work is received. Thus in an engine propelling a vessel part of the energy exerted in the cylinder does the useful work of giving motion to the vessel, and the remainder is spent in overcoming the friction of the machinery and in making currents and eddies in the surrounding water. A common and useful definition of efficiency is " output divided by input." ANIMAL POWER. Work of a Man against Known Resistances. (Rankine.) Kind of Exertion. R, Ibs. F, ft. per sec. T" 3600 (hours per day). R V, ft.-lbs. per sec. RVT, ft.-lbs. per day. 1. Raising his own weight up stair or ladder 143 0.5 8 71.5 2,059,200 2. Hauling up weights with rope, and lowering the rope un- loaded 40 0.75 6 30* 648,000 3. Lifting weights by hand. ..... 4. Carrying weights up-stairs and returning unloaded 44 143 0.55 0.13 6 6 24.2 18.5 522,720 399,600 5. Shoveling up earth to a height of 5 ft 3 in 6 1.3 10 7.8 280,800 6. Wheeling earth in barrow up slope of 1 in 12, 1/2 horiz. veloc. 0.9 ft. per sec., and re- turning unloaded 132 26.5 0.075 2.0 10 8 9.9 53 356,400 1,526,400 7. Pushing or pulling horizon- tally (capstan or oar) !12.5 5.0 62.5 8. Turning a crank or winch 18.0 20.0 2.5 14.4 8 2 rain. 45 288 '1,296,666 9 Workin " pump 13.2 2.5 10 33 1,188.666 10. Hammering 15 8? ? 480,000 EXPLANATION. R, resistance; F, effective velocity = distance through which R is overcome -*- total time occupied, including the time of moving unloaded, if any; T", time of working, in seconds per day; T" -* 3600, same time, in hours per day; RV, effective power, in foot- pounds per second; RVT, daily work. ANIMAL POWER. 533 Performance of a Man in Transporting Loads Horizontally. (Rankine.) T" LV, LVT, Kind of Exertion. L, Ibs. y, ft.-sec. 3600 (hours per Ibs. con- veyed Ibs. con- veyed 1 foot. day). 1 foot. 11. Walking unloaded, trans- porting his own weight. . . 12. Wheeling load L in 2-whld. 140 5 10 700 25,200,000 barrow, return unloaded . 224 12/3 10 373 13,428,000 13. Ditto in 1-wh. barrow, ditto. . 132 12/3 10 220 7 920,000 14. Traveling with burden. ...... 90 21/2 7 225 5.670,000 15. Carrying burden, returning unloaded 140 12/3 6 233 5,032,800 !252 16. Carrying burden, for 30 sec- 126 11.7 1474.2 y 23.1 EXPLANATION. L, load; V, effective velocity, computed as before; T", time of working, in seconds per day; T" *- 3600, same time in hours per day; LV, transport per second, in Ibs. conveyed one foot; LVT, daily transport. In the first line only of each of the two tables above is the weight of the man taken into account in computing the work done. Clark says that the average net daily work of an ordinary laborer at a pump, a winch, or a crane may be taken at 3300 foot-pounds per minute, or one-tenth of a horse- power, for 8 hours a day; but for shorter periods from four to five times this rate may be exerted. Mr. Glynn says that a man may exert a force of 25 Ibs. at the handle of a crane for short periods; but that for continuous work a force of 15 Ibs. is all that should be assumed, moving through 220 feet per minute. Man-wheel. Fig. 108 is a sketch of a very efficient man-power hoist- ing-machine which the author saw FIG. 108. in Berne, Switzerland, in ^o^. The face of the wheel was wide enough for three men to walk abreast, so that nine men could work in it at one time. Work of a Horse against a Known Resistance. (Rankine.) Kind of Exertion. R. V. T" 3600 RV. RVT. 1. Cantering and trotting, draw- ing a light railway carriage (thoroughbred) !min. 221/2 mean 301/2 max 50 j 142/3 4 4471/2 6,444,000 2. H^rse drawing cart or boat, walking (draught-horse) . . . 120 3.6 8 432 12,441,600 3. Horse _ drawing a gin or mill, walking 100 3.0 8 300 8,640,000 4. Ditto trotting 66 6.5 41/9 429 6,950,000 534 MECHANICS. EXPLANATION. R, resistance, in Ibs.; V, velocity, in feet per second; T" -f- 3600, hours work per day; RV, work per second; RVT 9 work per day. The average power of a draught-horse, as given in line 2 of the above table, being 432 foot-pounds per second, is 432/550 = 0.785 of the con- ventional value assigned by Watt to the ordinary unit of the rate of work of prime movers. It is the mean of several results of experiments, and may be considered the average of ordinary performance under favor- able circumstances. Performance of a Horse in Transporting Loads Horizontally. (Rankine.) Kind of Exertion. L. V. T. LV. LVT. 5. Walking with cart, always loaded 1500 3 6 10 5400 194 400 000 6. Trotting ditto . . 750 7 2 41/2 5400 87 480 000 7. Walking with cart, going loaded, returning empty; V, mean velocity 1500 2 10 3000 108 000 000 8. Carrying burden, walking. . 9. Ditto trotting .. 270 180 3.6 7 2 10 7 972 1296 34,992,000 32 659 200 EXPLANATION. L, load in Ibs. ; F, velocity in feet per second ; T, work- ing hours per day; LV, transport per second; LVT, transport per day. This table has reference to conveyance on cpmmon roads only, and those evidently in bad order as respects the resistance to traction upon them. Horse-Gin. In this machine a horse works less advantageously than in drawing a carriage along a straight track. In order that the best possible results may be realized with a horse-gin, the diameter of the cir- cular track in which the horse walks should not be less than about forty feet. Oxen, Mules, Asses. Authorities differ considerably as to the power of these animals. The following may be taken as an approximative com- parison between them and draught-horses (Rankine): Ox. Load, the same as that of average draught-horse; best velocity and work, two-thirds of horse. Mule. Load, one-half of that of average draught-horse; best velocity, the same as horse; work, one-half. Ass. Load, one-quarter that of average draught-horse; best velocity, the same; work, one-quarter. Reduction of Draught of Horses by Increase of Grade of Roads. (Engineering Record, Prize Essays on Roads, 1892.) Experiments on English roads by GayfRer & Parnell: Calling load that can be drawn on a level 100: On a rise of 1 in 100. 1 in 50. 1 in 40. 1 in 30. 1 in 26. 1 in 20. 1 in 10. A horse can draw only 90 81 72 64 54 40 25 The Resistance of Carriages on Roads is (according to Gen. Morin) given approximately by the following empirical formula: R = I [a + b (u - 3.28)]. In this formula R = total resistance; r = radius of wheel in inches; W = gross load; u = velocity in feet per second; while a and b are constants, whose values are: For good broken-stone road, a = 0.4to0.55, b = 0.024 to 0.026: for paved roads, a = 0.27, b = 0.0684. Rankine states that on gravel the resistance is about double, and on sand five times, the resistance on good broken-stone roads. Ow ELEMENTS OF MACHINES. 535 ELEMENTS OP MACHINES. The object of a machine is usually to transform the work or mechanical energy exerted at the point where the machine receives its motion into work at the point where the final resistance A r n is overcome. The specific result may be to v ;f ? change the character or direction of mo- tion, as from circular to rectilinear, or vice versa, to change the velocity, or to overcome a great resistance by the application of a moderate force. In all cases the total energy w no exerted equals the total work done, the latter * IG ' LUJ * including the overcoming of all the frictional resistances of the machine as well as the use- ful work performed. No increase of power c"an be obtained from any machine, since this is impossible according to the law of conser- vation of energy. In africtionless machine the "^ product of the force exerted at the driving- point into the velocity of the driving-point. I cr the distance it moves in a given interval Ow of time, equals the product of the resistance into the distance' through which the resist- w 110 ance is overcome in the same time. ri(j * 11Ut The most simple machines, or elementary machines, are reducible to three classes, viz., the Lever, the C9rd, and the Inclined Plane. The first class includes every machine con- sisting of a solid body capable of revolving on an axis, as the Wheel and Axle. The second class includes every machine in which force is transmitted by means of flexi- ble threads, ropes, etc., as the Pulley. The third class includes every machine iri p IQ m \yhich a hard surface inclined to the direc- tion of ^motion is introduced, as the Wedge and the Screw. A Lever is an inflexible rod capable of motion about a fixed point, called a fulcrum. The rod may be straight or bent at any angle, or curved. It is generally regarded, at first, as without weight, but its weight may be considered as another force applied in a vertical direction at its center of gravity. The arms of a lever are the portions of it intercepted between the force. P, and fulcrum, C, and between the weight or load, W, and fulcrum. Levers are divided into three kinds or orders, according to the relative positions of the applied force, load, and fulcrum. In a lever of the first order, the fulcrum lies between the points at which the force and load act. "(Fig. 109.) In a lever of the second order, the load acts at a point between the fulcrum and the point of action of the force. (Fig. 110.) In a lever of the third order, the point of action of the force is between that of the load and the fulcrum. (Fig. 111.) In all cases of levers the relation between the force exerted or- the pull, P, and the load lifted, or resistance overcome, W, is expressed by the equation PX AC = W X BC, in which AC is the lever-arm of P, and BC is the lever-arm of W, or moment of the force = the moment of the resistance. (See Moment.) In cases in which the direction of the force (or of the~resistance) is not at right angles to the arm of the lever on which it acts, the "lever-arm" is the length of a perpendicular from the -fulcrum to the line of direction of the force (or of the resistance). W : P : : AC : BC, or, the ratio of the resistance to the applied force is the inverse ratio of their lever-arms. Also, if y^is the velocity of TF, and Vp is the velocity of P, W : P : : Vp: Vw, and P X Vp = WX Vw. If 8p is the distance through which the applied force acts, and Sw is the distance the load is lifted or through which the resistance is over- come, W ; P ; ; Sp : Sw : W X Sw = P X Sp, or the load into the dis- 536 MECHANICS. tance it is lifted equals the force into the distance through which it is exerted. These equations are general for all classes of machines as well as for levers, it being understood that friction, which in actual machines in- creases the resistance, is not at present considered. The Bent Lever. In the bent lever (see Fig. 102, p. 514), the lever- arm of the weight m is cf instead of bf. The lever is in equilibrium when n X af = m X cf, but it is to be observed that the action of a bent lever may be very different from that of a straight lever. In the latter, so long as the i'orce and the resistance act in lines parallel to each other, the ratio of the lever-arms remains constant, although the lever itself changes its inclination with the horizontal. In the bent lever, however, this ratio changes: thus, in the cut, if the arm bf is depressed to a horizontal direction, the distance cf lengthens while the horizontal projection of af shortens, the latter becoming zero when the direction of af becomes vertical. As the arm af approaches the vertical, the weight n which may be lifted with a given force s is very great, but the distance through which it may be lifted is very small. In all cases the ratio of the weight m to the weight n is the inverse ratio of the horizontal projection of their respective lever-arms. The Moving Strut (Fig. 112) is similar to the bent lever, except that one of the arms is missing, and that the force and the resistance to be overcome act at the same end of the single arm. The resistance in the case shown in the cut is not the load W, but its resistance to being moved, R, which may be simply that due to its friction on the hori- zontal plane, or some other oppos- ing force. When the angle between the strut and the horizontal plane changes, the ratio of the resistance to the applied force changes. When the angle becomes very small, a moderate force will overcome a very great resistance, which tends FIG. 112. to become infinite as the angle ap- proaches zero. If a =the angle, P X cos a = R X sin a. If a = 5 degrees, cos a = 0.99619, sin a = 0.08716, R = 11.44 P. The stone-crusher (Fig. 113) shows a practical example of the use of two moving struts. The Toggle-joint is an elbow or knee-joint consisting of two bars so connected that they; may be brought into a straight line and made to produce great endwise pressure when a force is applied to bring them into this position. It is a case of two moving struts placed end to end, FIG. 113. FIG. 114. the moving force being applied at their point of junction, in a direction at right angles to the direction of the resistance, the other end of one of the struts resting against a fixed abutment, and that of the other against the body to be moved. If a the angle each strut makes with the straight line joining the points about which their outer ends rotate, the rati9 of the resistance to the applied force is R : P : : cos a : 2 sin q; 2 R sin a = P cos a. The ratio varies when the angle varies, becoming infinite when the angle becomes zero. ELEMENTS OF MACHINES. 537 The toggle-joint is used where great resistances are to be overcome through very small distances, as in stone-crushers (Fig. 114). The Inclined Plane, as a mechanical element, is supposed perfectly hard and smooth, unless friction bs considered. It assists in sustaining a heavy body by its reaction. This reaction, however, being normal to the plane, cannot entirely counteract the weight of the body, which acts vertically downward. Some other force must therefore be made to act upon the body, in order that it may be sustained. If the sustaining force act parallel to the plane (Fig. 115), the force is to the weight as the height of the plane is to its length, measured on the incline. If the force act parallel to the base of the plane, the force is to the weight as the height is to the base. If the force act at any other angle, let i the angle of the plane with. the horizon, and e= the FIG. 115. le of the direction of the applied force with the angle of the plane. P : W : : sin i : cos e; P X cos e = W sin i. Problems of the inclined plane may be solved by the parallelogram of forces thus: Let the weight W be kept at rest on the incline by the force P, acting in the line bP', parallel to the plane. Draw the vertical line ba to repre- sent the weight; also bb' perpendicular to the plane, and complete the parallelogram b'c. Then the vertical weight bais the resultant of bb', the measure of support given by the plane to the weight, and be, the force of gravity tending to draw the weight down the plane. The force required to maintain the weight in equilibrium is represented by this force be. Thus the force and the weight are in the ratio of be to ba. Since the triangle of forces abc is similar to the triangle of the incline ABC, the latter may be substituted for the former in determining the relative magnitude of the forces, and P : W : : be : ab : : BC : AB. The Wedge is a pair of inclined planes united by their bases. In the application of pressure to the head or butt end of the wedge, to cause it to penetrate a resisting body, the applied force is to the resistance as the thickness of the wedge is to its length. Let t be the thickness, I the length, W the resistance, and P the applied force or pressure on the head of the wt Pf wedge. Then, friction neglected, P: W : : t : I; P = -^; W = =^- I t The Screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder in such a way that the height of the plane is parallel to the axis of the cylinder. . If the screw is formed upon the internal surface of a hollow cylinder, it is usually called a nut. When force is applied to raise a weight or overcome a resistance by means of a screw and nut, either the screw or the nut may be fixed, the other being movable. The force is generally applied at the end of a wrench or lever-arm, or at the circumference of a wheel. If r = radius of the wheel or lever-arm, and p pitch of the screw, or distance between threads, that is, the height of the inclined plane for one revo- lution of the screw, P = the applied force, and W = the resistance overcome, then, neglecting resistance due to friction, 2 irr X P = Wp; W = 6.283 Pr + p. The ratio of P to W is thus independent of the diameter of the screw. In actual screws, much of A, ----- the power transmitted is / x lost through friction. The Cam is a revolv- ing inclined plane. It may be either an in- clined plane wrapped around a cylinder in such FIG. 116. a way that the height of the plane is radial to the 117 cylinder, such as the ordinary lifting-cam, used in stamp-mills (Fig. 11G), 538 MECHANICS. or it may be an inclined plane curved edgewise, and rotating in a plane parallel to its base (Fig. 117). The relation of the weight to the applied force is calculated in the same manner as in the case of the screw. Efficiency of a Screw. Let a = angle of the thread, that is, the angle whose tangent is the pitch of the screw divided by the circum- ference of a circle whose diameter is the mean of the diameters at the top and bottom of the thread. Then for a square thread Efficiency = (1 - /tan a) -f- (1 -f/cotan a), in which/ is the coefficient of friction. (For demonstration, see Cotterill and Slade, Applied Mechanics.) Since cotan = 1 -;- tan, we may sub- stitute for cotan a the reciprocal of the tangent, or if p == pitch, and c = mean circumference of the screw, Efficiency = (1 -fp/c) -r- (1 +fc/p). EXAMPLE. Efficiency of square-threaded screws of 1/2 inch pitch. Diameter at bottom of thread, in. . . 1 2 3 4 Diameter at top of thread, in 11/2 21/2 3 1/2 41/2 Mean circumference of thread, in.. . . 3.927 7.06910.21 13.35 Cotangent a = c * p =7.85414.14 20.42 26.70 Tangenta = p-^c =0.1273 .0707 .0490 .0375 Efficiency if/ = 0.10 =55.3% 41.2% 32.7% 27.2% Efficiency if / = 0.15 =45% 31.7% 24.4% 19.9% The efficiency thus increases with the steepness of the pitch. The above formulae and examples are for square-threaded screws, and consider the friction of the screw-thread only, and not the friction of the collar or step by which end thrust is resisted, and which further reduces the efficiency. The efficiency is also further reduced by giving an inclina- tion to the side of the thread, as in the V-threaded screw. For discussion of this subject, see paper by Wilfred Lewis, Jour. Frank. Inst. 1880; also Trans. A. S.M. E., vol. xii, 784. Efficiency of Screw-bolts. Mr. Lewis gives the following approxi- mate formula for ordinary screw-bolts (V-threads, with collars): p= pitch of screw, d = outside diameter of screw, F = force applied at circum- ference to lift a unit of weight, E = efficiency of screw. For an average case, in which the coefficient of friction may be assumed at 0.15, F = (P + d) ^ 3d, E = p -T- (p + d). For bolts of the dimensions given above, i/2-inch pitch, and outside diameters 11/2, 21/2, 3 1/2, and 41/2 inches, the efficiencies according to this formula would be, respectively, 0.25, 0.167, 0.125, and 0.10. James McBride (Trans. A. S. M. E., xii, 781) describes an experiment with an ordinary 2-inch screw-bolt, with a V-thread, 41/2 threads per inch, raising a weight of 7500 pounds, the force being applied by turning the nut. Of the power applied 89.8 per cent was absorbed by friction of the nut on its supporting washer and of the threads of the bolt in the nut. The nut was not faced, and had the flat side to the washer. Professor Ball in his "Experimental Mechanics" says: "Experiments showed in two cases respectively about 2/ 3 and 3/ 4 of the power was lost. " , Weisbach says: "The efficiency is from 19 per cent to 30 per cent." JW B. a FiQ. U8, ELEMENTS OF MACHINES. 539 Pulleys or Blocks. P force applied, or pull; W ' = load lifted, or resistance. In the simple pulley A (Fig. 118) the point P on the pulling rope descends the same amount that the" load is lifted, therefore P = W. In B and C the point P moves twice as far as the load is lifted, therefore W = 2P. In B and C there is one movable block, and two plies of the rope engage with it. In D there are three sheaves in the movable block, each with two plies engaged, or six in all. Six plies of the rope are therefore shortened by the same amount that the load is lifted and the point P moves six times as far as the load, consequently W = 6 P. In general, the ratio of W to P is equal to the number of plies of the rope that are shortened, and also is equal to the number of plies that engage the lower block. If the lower block has 2 sheaves and the upper 3, the end of the rope is fastened to a hook in the top of the lower block, and then there are 5 plies shortened instead of 6, and W = 5 P. If V = velocity of W, and v = velocity of P, then in all cases V W vP, whatever the number of sheaves or their arrangement. If the hauling rope, at the pulling end, passes first around a sheave in the upper or stationary block, it makes no difference in what direction the rope is led from this block to the point at which the pull on the rope is applied ; but if it first passes around the movable block, it is necessary that the pull be exerted in a direc- tion parallel to the line of action of the resistance, or a line joining the. centers of the two blocks, in order to obtain the maximum effect. If the rope pulls on 'the lower block at an angle, the block will be pulled out of the line drawn between the load and the upper block, and the effective pull will be less than the actual pull on the rope in the ratio of the cosine of the angle the pulling rope makes with the vertical, or line of action of the resistance, to unity. Differential Pulley. (Fig. 119. ) Two pulleys, B and C, of different radii, rotate as one piece about a fixed axis, A. An endless chain, BDECLKH, passes over both pulleys. The rims of the pulleys are shaped so as to hold the chain and prevent it from slipping. One of the bights or loops in which the chain hangs, DE. passes under and supports the running block F. The other loop or bight, HKL, hangs freely, and is called the hauling part. It is evident that the velocity of the haul- ing part is equal to that of the pitch-circle of the pulley B. In order that the velocity-ratio may be exactly uniform, the radius of the sheave F should be an exact mean between the radii of B and C. Consider that the point B of the cord BD moves through an arc whose length = AS, during the same time the point C or the cord CE will move downward a distance = AC. The length of the bight or loop BDEC will be shortened by AB - AC, which will cause the pulley F to be raised half of this amount. If P = the pulling force on the cord HK, and W the weight lifted at F, then P X AB = W X 1/2 (AB - AC}. To calculate the length of chain required for a differential pulley, take the following sum: Half the circumference of A + half the circumference of B + half the circumference of F + twice the greatest distance of F from A + the least, length of loop HKL. The last quantity is fixed according to convenience. A Wheel and Axle, or Windlass, resembles two pulleys on one axis, having different diameters. If a weight be lifted by means of a rope wound over the axle, the force being applied at the rim of the wheel, the action is like that of a lever of which the shorter arm is equal to the radius of the axle plus half the thickness of the rope, and the longer arm is equal to the radius of the wheel. A wheel and axle is therefore sometimes classed as a perpetual lever. If P = the applied force, D = diameter of the wheel, W = the weight lifted, and d the diameter of the axle + the diameter of the rope, PD = Wd. Toothed-wheel Gearing is a combination of two or more wheels and axles (Fig. 120 ). If a series of wheels and pinions gear into each other, as in the cut, friction neglected, the weight lifted, or resistance over- come, is to the force applied inversely as the distances through which FIG. 119. 540 MECHANICS. they act in a given time. If R, Ri, R 2 be the radii of the successive wheels, measured to the pitch-line of the teeth, and r, r t , r 2 the radii of the cor- responding pinions, P the applied force, and W the weight lifted, P X R X R\ X #2 == W X r X n X n, or the applied force is to the weight as the product of the radii of the pinions is to the product of the radii of the wheels; or, as the product of the numbers expressing the teeth in each pinion is to the product of the numbers expressing the teeth in each wheel. FIG\ 120. FIG. 121. Endless Screw, or Worm-gear. (Fig. 121.) This gear is com- monly used to convert motion at high speed into motion at very slow speed. When the handle P describes a complete circumference, the pitch- line of the cog-wheel moves through a distance equal to the pitch of the screw, and the weight W is lifted a distance equal to the pitch of the screw multiplied by the ratio of the diameter of the axle to the diameter of the pitch-circle of the wheel. The ratio of the applied force to the weight lifted is inversely as their velocities, friction not being considered; but the friction in the worm-gear is usually very great, amounting sometimes to three or four times the useful work done. If v = the distance through which the force P acts in a given time, say 1 second, and V = distance the weight W is lifted in the same time, r= radius of the crank or wheel through which P acts, t = pitch of the screw, and also of the teeth on the cog-wheel, d = diameter of the axle, and D = diameter of the pitch-line of the cog-wheel,] v = -^. - ^ X V; V = v X td -- 6.283 rD. Pv = WV + friction. The Differential Windlass (Fig. 122) is identical in principle with the differential pulley, the difference in construction being that in the dif- ferential windlass the running block hangs in the bight of a rope whose two parts are wound round, and have their ends respectively made fast to two barrels of different radii, which rotate as one piece about the axis A. The differential windlass is little used in practice, because of the great length of rope which it requires. The Differential Screw (Fig. 123) is a com- pound .screw of different pitches, in which the threads wind the same way. Ni and N z are the two nuts; SiSi, the longer-pitched thread; 8282. the shorter-pit ched thread: in the figure both these threads are left-handed. At each turn of the screw the nut N 2 advances relatively to Ni through- a distance equal to the difference of the pitches. The use of the differential screw is to combine the slowness of advance due to a fine pitch with the .strength of thread which can be obtained by means of a coarse pitch only. FIG. 123. FIG. 122. STRESSES IN FRAMED STRUCTURES. 541 Efficiency of a Differential Screw. A correspondent of tile American Machinist describes an experiment with a differential screw- punch, consisting of an outer screw 2 inch diameter, 3 threads per inch, and an inner screw 13/ 8 inch diameter, 3 1/2 threads per inch. The pitch of the outer screw being 1/3 inch and that of the inner screw 2/ 7 inch the punch would advance in one revolution 1/3 2 /7 = V2t inch. Experiments were made to determine the force required to punch an ii/16-inch hole in iron 1/4 inch thick, the force being applied at the end of a lever-arm of 473/ 4 inch. The leverage would be 473/ 4 x 2* X 21 = 6300. The mean force applied at the end of the lever was 95 pounds, and the force at the punch, if there was no friction, would be 6300 X 95 = 598,500 pounds. The force required to punch the iron, assuming a shearing resistance of 50,000 pounds per square inch, would be 50,000 X n/16 XT X 1/4 = 27,000 pounds, and the efficiency of the punch would be 27,000 * 598,500 = only 4.5 per cent. With the larger screw only used as a punch the mean force at the end of the lever was only 82 pounds. The leverage in this case was 473/4 x 2ir X 3 = 900, the total force referred to the punch, including friction, 900 X 82 = 73,800, and the efficiency 27,000 *- 73,800 = 36.7 per cent. The screws were of tool- steel, well fitted, and lubricated with lard-oil and plumbago. STRESSES IN FRAMED STRUCTURES. Framed structures in general consist of one or more triangles, for the reason that the triangle is the one polygonal form whose shape cannot be changed without distorting one of its sides. Problems in stresses of simple framed structures may generally be solved either by the applica- tion of the triangle, parallellogram, or polygon of forces, by the principle of the lever, or by the method of moments. We shall give a few ex- amples, referring the student to the works of Burr, Dubois, Johnson, and others for more elaborate treatment of the subject. 1. A Simple Crane. (Figs. 124 and 125.} A is a fixed mast, B a brace or boom, T a tie, and P the load. Required the strains in B and T. The weight P, considered as acting at the end of the boom, is held in equilibrium by three forces: first, gravity acting downwards; second, the tension in T; and third, the thrust of B. Let the length of the line p represent the magnitude of the downward force exerted by the load, and draw a parallelogram with sides bt parallel, respectively, to B and T, such that p is the diagonal of the parallelogram. Then 6 and t are the components drawn to the same scale as p, p being the resultant. Then if the length p represents the load, t is the tension in the tie, and b is the compression in the brace. Or, more simply, T, B, and that portion of the mast included between them or A' may represent a triangle of forces, and the forces are propor- tional to the length of the sides of the triangle; that is, if the height of the \ 1 a> t \ \ B A & FIG. 124. FIG. 125. FIG. 126. triangle A' = the load, then B the compression in the brace, and T = the tension in the tie; or if P the load in pounds, the tension ia T = T R P X -* and the compression in B = P X -p* Als t it a = the angle the inclined member makes with the mast, the other member being 542 MECHANICS. horizontal, and the triangle being right-angled, then the length of the inclined member -= height of the triangle X secant a, and the strain in the inclined member = P secant a. Also, the strain in the horizontal member = P tan. a. The solution by the triangle or parallelogram of forces, and the equa- tions Tension in T=P X T/A', and Compression in B = PX B/A', hold true even if the triangle is not right-angled, as in Fig. 126 ; but the trigono- metrical relations ab9ve given do not hold, except in the case of a right- angled triangle. It is evident that as A' decreases, the strain in both T and B increases, tending to become infinite as A' approaches zero. If the tie T is not attached to the mast, but is extended to the ground, as shown in the dotted line, the tension in it remains the same. 2. A Guyed Crane or Derrick. (Fig. 127 ) The strain in B is, as before, P X B/A', A f being that portion of the vertical included between B and T, wherever T may be attached to A. If, ITowever, the tie T is attached to B beneath its extremity, there may be in addition a bending strain in B due to a tendency to turn about the point of attachment of T as a fulcrum. The strain in T may be calculated by the principle of moments. The moment of P is PC, that is, its weight X its perpendicular distance from the point of rotation of B on the mast. The moment of the strain on T is the product of the strain into the perpendicular distance from the line FIG. 127. of its direction to the same point of rotation of B, or Td. The strain in T therefore = PC * d. As d decreases, the strain on T increases, tending to infinity as d approaches zero. * The strain on the guy-rope is also calculated by the method of moments. The moment of the load about the bottom of the mast O is, as before, PC. If the guy is horizontal, the strain in it is F and its moment is Ff, and F = PC -^ /. If it is inclined, the moment is the strain G X the perpendicular distance of the line of its direction from O, or Gg, and G = Pc-j-g. The guy-rope having the least strain is the horizontal one F, and the strain in G = the strain in F X the secant of the angle between F and G. As G is made more nearly vertical g decreases, and the strain increases, becoming infinite when g = 0. D 3. Shear-poles with Guys. (Fig. 128.) First assume that the two masts act as one placed at BD, and the two guys as one at AB. Calculate the strain in BD and AB as in Fig. 126. Multiply half the strain in BD (or AB) by the secant of half the angle the two masts (or guys) make with each other to find the strain in each mast (or guy). Two Diagonal Braces and a Tie-rod. (Fig. 129.) Sup- pose the braces are used to sustain a single load P. Compressive stress on AD = 1/2 PXAD * AB\ on CA = 1/2 PX CA -T- AB. This is true only if CB and BD STRESSES IN FRAMED STRUCTURES. 543 are of equal length, in which case 1/2 of P is supported by each abutment C and D. If they are unequal in length (Fig. 130), then, by the principle of the lever, find the reactions of the abutments Ri and R 2 . If P is the load applied at the point B on the lever CD, the fulcrum being D, then Ri X CD = P X BD and R X CD = P X BC; Ri = P X BD -f- C'L>; R 2 = PXBC + CD. The strain on A(7 = Ri X AC -*- AJS, and on AD = R 2 X AD -*- AB. The strain on the tie = RiX CB + AB = RzX BD + AB. When CB = BD, Ri = R z , and the strain on the tie is equal to l / 2 CD ~ AB. FIG. 131. If the braces support a uniform load, as a pair of rafters, the strains caused by such a load are equivalent to that caused by one-half of the load applied at the center. The horizontal thrust of the braces against each other at the apex equals the tensile strain in the tie. King-post Truss or Bridge. (Fig. 131. ) If the load is distributed over the whole length of the truss, the effect is the same as if half the load were placed at the center, the other half being carried by the abutments. Let P = one-half- the load on the truss, then tension in the vertical tie AB = P. Com- pression in each of the inclined braces = V2 P X AD * AB. Tension in the tie CD = 1/2 P X BD -T- AB. Horizontal thrust of inclined brace AD at D = the tension in the tie. If W = the total load on one truss uniformly distributed, I = its length and d = its depth, then the tension on the horizontal tie = Wl -* 8 d. Inverted King-post Truss. (Fig. 132 ) If P = a load applied at B, or one-half of a uniformly distributed load, then compression on AB = P (the floor-beam CD not being considered to have any resistance to a slight bend- ing). Tension on AC or AD = 1/2 P X AD -* AB. Compression on CD = V2 P X BD + AB. Queen-post Truss. (Fig. 133.) If uniformly loaded, and the queen-posts divide the length into three equal bays, the load may be considered to be divided into three equal parts, two parts of which, Pi and Pa, are concentrated at the panel joints and the remainder is equally divided between the abutments and supported by them directly. The two parts Pi and Pz only are considered to affect the members of the truss. Strain in the vertical ties BE and CF each equals Pi or Pi. Strain on AB and CD each = Pi X' CD + CF. Strain on the tie AE or EFoT ED = Pi X FD + CF. Thrust on BC = tension FIG. 133. on EFf For stability to resist heavy unequal loads the queen-post truss have diagonal braces from B to F ancl from C to E, FIG. 132. 544 MECHANICS. Inverted Queen-post Truss. (Fig. 134.) Compression on EB and FC each = Pi or P 2 . Compression on AB or BC or CD = Pi X AB + EB. Tension on AE or FD = Pi X AE-*- EB. Tension on EF = compression on BC. For stability to resist unequal loads, ties should be run from C to E and from B to F. Burr Truss of Five Panels. (Fig. 135. ) Four-fifths of the load may betaken as concentrated at the points E, K, L and F, the other fifth being supported directly by the two abutments. For the strains in BA and CD the truss may be considered as a queen-post truss, with the loads Pi, P 2 concentrated at E, and the loads P 3 , P 4 concentrated at F. Then compressive strain on AB = (Pi + P 2 ) x AB + BE. The strain on CD is the same if the loads and panel lengths are equal. The tensile B strain on BE or CF = Pi + P 2 . That portion of the truss between E and F may be considered as a smaller queen-post truss, supporting the loads P 2 , Pa at K and L. The strain on EG or HF = P 2 X EG -f- GK. The diagonals GL and KH receive no strain unless the truss is unequally loaded. The verticals GK and HL each receive a tensile strain equal to P 2 or P 3 . For the strain in the horizontal members: BG and CH receive a thrust equal to the horizontal component of the thrust in A B or CD, = (Pi + P 2 ) X tan angle ABE, or (Pi + P 2 ) X AE -r- BE. GH receives this thrust, and also, in addition, a thrust equal to the horizontal component of the thrust in EG or HF, or, in all, (Pi 4- P 2 + P 3 ) X AE -^ BE. The tension in AE or FD equals the thrust in BG or HC, and the ten* sion in EK, KL, and LF equals the thrust in GH. Pratt or Whipple Truss. (Fig. 136.) In this truss the diagonals are ties, and the verticals are struts or columns. . Calculation by the method of distribution of strains: Consider first the load Pi. The truss having six bays or panels, 5/ 6 of the load is trans- mitted to the abutment H, and 1/6 to the abutment O, on the principle of the lever. As the five-sixths must be transmitted through JA and AH, write on these members the figure 5. The one-sixth is transmitted successively through JC, CK, KD, DL, etc., passing alternately through a tie and a strut. Write on these members, up to the strut GO inclusive, the figure 1. Then consider the load P 2 , of which 4/6 goes to AH and 2/6 to GO. Write on KB, BJ, JA, and AH the figure 4, and on KD, DL, LE, etc., the figure 2. The load P 3 transmits 3/ 6 in each direction; write 3 on each of the members through which this stress passes, and so on for all the loads, when the figures on the several members will appear as on the cut. Adding them up, we have the following totals: TVncinn nn rlinc ^nslc J ^ BH BK CJ CL DK DM EL EN FM FO GN L on diagonals { 15 10 1 6 3 3 6 1 10 15 ** f/ C f D E 7 M ' ?? Each of the figures in the first line is to be multiplied by Ve P X secant of angle HAJ, or V0PX AJ -f- AH, to obtain the tension, and each Compression on verticals { STRESSES IN FRAMED STRUCTURES. 545 figure in the lower line is to be multiplied by 1/8 P to obtain the com- pression. The diagonals HB and FO receive no strain. It is common to build this truss with a diagonal strut at HB instead of the post HA and the diagonal AJ; in which case 5/ 6 of the load P is carried through JB and the strut BH , which latter then receives a strain = l/6 P X secant of HBJ. %H ~]J |K |L \M N 0|| 66666 P! P 2 P 3 P 4 P 5 FIG. 136. The strains in the upper and lower horizontal members or chords in- crease from the ends to the center, as shown in the case of the Burr truss. AB receives a thrust equal to the horizontal component of the tension in AJ, or 15/e P X tan AJB. BC receives the same thrust + the horizontal component of the tension in BK, and so on. ^The tension in the lower chord of each panel is the same as the thrust in the upper chord of the same panel. (For calculation of the chord strains by the method of moments, see below.) The maximum thrust or tension is at the- center of the chords and is equal to . in which W is the total load supported by the truss, L is the length, and D the depth. This is the formula for maximum stress in the chords of a truss of any form whatever. The above calculation is based on the assumption that all the loads Pi, f*2, etc., are equal. If they are unequal, the value of each has to be taken into account in distributing the strains. Thus the tension in AJ, with unequal loads, instead of being 15 X Ve P secant 9 would be seed X (5/e Pi + 4/6 P 2 + 3/6 P 3 4- 2/6 P 4 + 1/6 PS). Each panel load, Pi, etc., includes its fraction of the weight of the truss. General Formula for Strains in Diagonals and Verticals. Let n = total number of panels, x = number of any vertical considered from the nearest end, counting the end as 1, r = rolling load for each panel, P = total load for each panel, Strain on verticals = ' ^ + o~n ' * For a uniformly distributed load, leave out the last term, [r(x - 1)+ (x - 1) 2 J -5- 2n. Strain on principal diagonals (AJ, GN, etc.) = strain on verticals X secant 0, that is secant of the angle the diagonal makes with the vertical. Strain on the counterbraces (BH, CJ, FO, etc.): The strain on the counterbrace in the first panel is 0, if the load is uniform. On the 2d, 1 1-4-2 i i o i o 3d, 4th, etc., it is P secant X -^ -~ n > etc., P being the total load in one panel. Strain in the Chords Method of Moments. Let the truss be uniformly loaded, the total load acting on it = W. Weight supported at each end, or reaction of the abutment = W/2. Length of the truss = L. Weight on a unit of length = W/L. Horizontal distance from the nearest ' abutment to the point (say M in Fig. 136) in the chord where the strain is to be determined = x. Horizontal strain at that point (tension on the lower chord, compression in the upper) = //. Depth of the truss = D. 546 MECHANICS. By the method of moments we take the difference of the moments, about the paint M, of the reaction of the abutment and of the load between M and the abutments, and equate that difference with the moment of the resistance, or of the strain in the horizontal chord, considered with reference to a point in the opposite chord, about which the truss would turn if the first chord were severed at M . The moment of the reaction of the abutment is W x/2. The moment of the load from the abutment to M is (W/Lx) X the distance of, its center of gravity from M, which is x/2, or moment = Wx* + 2 L. Moment of the Wx Wx? W t T-\ stress in the chord = HD = - whence H = (x- '\ If x = or L, H = 0. - W I If x = L/2, H = -:- which is the horizontal strain at the middle of the chords, as before given. FIG. 137. The Howe Truss. (Fig. 137.) In the Howe truss the diagonals are struts, and the verticals are ties. The calculation of strains may be made in the same method as described above for the Pratt truss. The Warren Girder. (Fig. 138. ) In the Warren girder, or triangu- lar truss, there are no vertical struts, and the diagonals may transmit either tension or compression. The strains in the diagonals may be calculated by the method of distribution of strains as in the case of the rectangular truss. FIG. 138. . On the principle of the lever, the load Pi being Vio of the length of the span from the line of the nearest support a, transmits 9/io of its weight to a and l/io to g. Write 9 on the right hand of the strut la, to represent the compression, and 1 on the right hand of Ib, 2c, 3d, etc., to represent com- pression, and on the left hand of 62, c3, etc., to represent tension. The load Pz transmits 7/i of its weight to a and 3/ 10 to g. Write 7 on each member from 2 to a, and 3 on each member/ rom 2 to g, placing the figures representing compression on the right hand of the member, and those representing tension on the left. Proceed in the same manner with all the loads, then sum up the figures on each side of each diagonal, and write the difference of each sum beneath, and on the side of the greater Bum, to show whether the difference represents tension or compression. The results are as follows: Compression, la, 25; 26, 15; 3c. 5; 3d, 5; 4e, 15; &g, 25. Tension, U>, 15; 2c, 5; 4d, 5; 5e, 15. Each of these figures is to STRESSES IN FKAME0 STKUCTUKES. 547 6e multiplied by Vio of one of the loads as Pi, and by the secant of the angle the diagonals make with a vertical line. The strains in the horizontal chords may be determined by the method of moments as in the case of rectangular trusses. Roof-truss. Solution by Method of Moments. The calculation of strains in structures by the method of statical moments consists in taking a cross-section of the structure at a point where there are not more than three members (struts, braces, or chords). To find the strain in either one of these members take the moment about the intersection of the other two as an axis of rotation. The sum of the moments of these members must be if the structure is in equilibrium. But the moments of the two members that pass through the point of ref- erence or axis are both 0, hence one equation containing one unknown quantity can be found for each cross-section. FIG. 139. In the truss shown in Fig. 139 take a cross-section at ts, and determine the strain in the three members cut by it, viz., CE, ED, and DF. Let X = force exerted in direction CE, Y = force exerted in direction DE, Z = force exerted in direction FD. For X take its moment about the intersection of Y and Z at D = Xx. For Y take its moment about the intersection of X and Z at A = Yy. For Z take its moment about the intersection of X and Y at E = Zz. Let z = 15, x = 18.6, y = 38.4, AD = 50, CD = 20 ft. Let PI, P 2 , PS, P4 be equal loads, as shown, and 3 1/2 P the reaction of the abutment A. The sum of all the moments taken about D or A or E will be when the structure is at rest. Then - Xx + 3.5 PX 50 - P 3 X 12.5 - P 2 X 25 - Pi X 37.5 = 0. The + signs are for moments in the direction of the hands of a watch or " clockwise " and signs for the reverse direction or anti-clockwise. Since P = Pi = P 2 = P 3 , - 18.6 X + 175 P - 75 P = 0; - 18.6 X = - 100 P; X = 100 P-5- 18.6 = 5.376 P. - Yy + P 3 X 37.5 + P 2 X 25 -i- P x X 12.5 = 0; 38.4 Y = 75 ; Y = 75 P +- 38.4 = 1.953 P. - Zz + 3.5 P X 37.5 - Pi X 25 - P 2 X 12.5 - P 3 X = 0; 15 3 = 93.75P;Z = 6.25 P. In the same manner the forces exerted in the other members have been found as follows: EG = 6.73 P;GJ = 8.07 P;JA = 9A2P;JH = 1.35 P; GF = 1.59 P; AH = 8.75 P; IIP = 7.50 P. The Fink Roof-truss. (Fig. 140.) An analysis by Prof. P. H. Philbrick (Van N. Mag., Aug., 1880) gives the following results: W= total load on roof; N= No. of panels on both rafters; W/N= P = load at each joint b, d, /, etc.; V= reaction at A = l/ 2 W = 1/2 NP = 4P: AD= S-, AC = L\ CD = D; ti,h,ta= tension on De, eg, gA, respectively; ci t ca, c, Ci= compression oa C6, bd t df, and/A. 548 MECHANICS. Strains in 1, orDe - 2, "eg - fe - 3 PS * Z); 3, M 0A = k=7/2 PS 7,or 6C==Ci=7/ 2 8, " 6cor/0= PS 9," L; 4, " Af = c 4 =7/2 PL -s- D; 10, " cd or dg= V 2 PS -*- Z); 5, " fd = c 8 =7/ 2 PL/D-PD/L; 11," ec = PS -5- D; " " 6, " db - c 2 = 12," cG A g e D B FIG. 140. EXAMPLE. Given a Fink roof-truss of span 64 ft., depth 16 ft., with four panels on each side, as in hecut; total load 32 tons, or 4 tons each at the points /, d, b, C, etc. (and 2 tons each at A and B, which trans- mit no strain to the truss members). Here W = 32tons, P = 4 tons, S=32 ft., D = 16 ft., L = V^2 + >2 = 2.236 X D. L + D = 2.236, D -* L = 0.4472, -f-D = 2, S -s- L = -0.8944. The strains on the numbered members then are as follows: 1, 2X4X2 -16 tons; 2, 3X4X2 =24 3, 7/2X4X2 =28 " 4, 7/2X4X2.236-31.3 " 5, 31.3-4X0.447 = 29.52 " 6, 31.3-8X0.447 = 27.72 " 7,31.3-12X0.447 -25.94 tons. 8, 4X0.8944= 3.58 " 9, 8X0.8944= 7.16 " 10, 2X2 =4 11, 4X2 =8 " 12, 6X2 =12 The Economical Angle. A structure of tri- angular form, Fig. 141, is supported at a and b. It sustains any load L, the elements cc being in com- pression and t in tension. Required the angle so that the total weight of the structure shall be a minimum. F. R. Honey (Sci. Am. Supp., Jan. 17, 1891) gives a solution of this problem, with the result tan = C+ T in which C and T represent ,-, the crushing and the tensile strength respectively of the, material employed. It is applicable to any material. For C = T, = ^43/^. For C = 0.4 T (yellow pine), 493/4. For C 0.8 T (soft steel), = 53V*. For C = 6 T (cast iron), *= 691/4. PYROMETRY. 549 HEAT. THERMOMETERS. The Fahrenheit thermometer is generally used in English-speaking countries, and the Centigrade, or Celsius, thermometer in countries that use the metric system. In many scientific treatises in English, however, the Centigrade temperatures are also used, either with or without their Fahrenheit equivalents. The Reaumur thermometer is used to some extent on the Continent of Europe and in breweries in this country In the Fahrenheit thermometer the freezing-point of water is taken at 32, and the boiling-point of water at mean atmospheric pressure at the sea-level, 14.7 Ibs. per sq. in., is taken at 212, the distance between these two points being divided into 180. In the Centigrade and Re"aumur thermometers the freezing-point is taken at 0. The boiling-point is 100 in the Centigrade scale, and 80 in the Reaumur. 1 Fahrenheit degree = 5/ 9 deg. Centigrade = 4/gdeg. Reaumur. 1 Centigrade degree = 9/5 deg. Fahrenheit = 4/5 deg. Reaumur. 1 Reaumur degree = 9/ 4 deg. Fahrenheit =5/4 deg. Centigrade. Temperature Fahrenheit = 9/ 5 x temp. C. + 32 = 9/ 4 R. + 32. Temperature Centigrade = 5/ 9 (temp. F. - 32) =5/ 4 R. Temperature Reaumur = 4/ 5 temp. C. =4/9 (F. 32). HANDY RULE FOR CONVERTING CENTIGRADE TEMPERATURE TO FAH- RENHEIT. Multiply by 2, subtract a tenth, add 32. EXAMPLE. 100 C. X 2 = 200, - 20 = 180, + 32= 212 F. Mercurial Thermometer. (Rankine, S. E., p. 234.) The rate of expansion of mercury with rise of temperature increases as the temperature becomes higher; from which it follows, that if a thermometer showing the dilatation of mereury simply were made to agree with an air thermometer at 32 and 212, the mercurial thermometer would show lower temperatures than the air thermometer between those standard points, and higher tem- peratures beyond them. For example, according to Regnault, when the air thermometer marked 350 C. ( = 662 F.), the mercurial thermometer would mark 362.16 C. (= 683.89 F.), the error of the latter being in excess 12.16 C. ( = 21.89 F.). Actual mercurial thermometers indicate intervals of temperature pro- portional to the difference between the expansion of mercury and that of glass. The inequalities in the rate of expansion of the glass (which are very different for different kinds of glass) correct, to a greater or less extent, the errors arising from the inequalities in the rate of expansion of the mercury. For practical purposes connected with heat engines, the mercurial ther- mometer made of common glass may be considered as sensibly coinciding with the air-thermometer at all temperatures not exceeding 500 F. If the mercury is not throughout its whole length at the same tempera- ture as that being measured, a correction, k, must be added to the tem- perature t in Fahrenheit degrees; k = 95 D (t-f) -f- 1,000,000, where D is the length of the mercury column exposed, measured in Fahrenheit degrees, and t is the temperature of the exposed part of the thermometer. When long thermometers are used in shallow wells in high-pressure steam pipes this correction is often 5 to 10 F. (Moyer on Steam Turbines.) PYROMETRY. Principles Used in Various Pyrometers. Pyrometers may be classified according to the principles upon which they operate, as follows: 1. Expansion of mercury in a glass tube. When the space above the mercury is filled with compressed nitrogen, and a specially hard glass is used for the tube, mercury thermometers may be made to indicate tem- peratures as high as 1000 F. TEMPERATURES, CENTIGRADE AND FAHRENHEIT. c. F C F. C F. r, F. C F F C, F -40 -40. 26 78.8 92 197.6 158 316.4 224 435.2 290 554 950 1742 -39 -38.2 27 80.6 93 199.4 159 318.2 225 437. 300 572 960 1760 -38 -36.4 28 82.4 94 201.2 160 320. 226 438.8 310 590 970 1778 -37 -34.6 29 84.2 95 203. 161 321.8 227 440.6 320 608 980 1796 -36 -32.8 30 86. 96 204.8 162 323.6 228 442.4 330 626 990 1814 -35 -31. 31 87.8 97 206.6 163 325.4 229 444.2 340 644 1000 1832 -34 -29.2 32 89.6 98 208.4 164 327.2 230 446. 350 662 1010 1850 -33 -27.4 33 91.4 99 210.2 165 329. 231 447.8 360 680 1020 1868 -32 -25.6 34 93.2 100 212. 166 330.8 232 449.6 370 698 1030 1886 -31 -23.8 35 95. 101 213.8 167 332.6 233 451.4 380 716 1040 1904 -30 -22. 36 96.8 102 215.6 168 334.4 234 453.2 390 734 1050 1922 -29 -20.2 37 98.6 103 217.4 169 336.2 235 455. 400 752 1060 1940 -28 -18.4 38 100.4 104 219.2 170 338. 236 456.8 410 770 1070 1958 -27 - 16.6 39 102.2 105 221. 171 339.8 237 458.6 420 788 1080 1976 -26 -14.8 40 104. 106 222.8 172 341.6 238 460.4 430 806 1090 1994 -25 -13. 41 105.8 107 224.6 173 343.4 239 462.2 440 824 1100 2012 -24 -11.2 42 107.6 108 226.4 174 345.2 240 464. 450 842 1110 2030 -23 - 9.4 43 109.4 109 228.2 175 347. 241 465.8 460 860 1120 2048 -22 - 7.6 44 111.2 110 230. 176 348.8 242 467.6 470 878 1130 2066 -21 - 5.8 45 113. 1 1 1 231.8 177 350.6 243 469.4 480 896 1140 2084 -20 - 4. 46 114.8 112 233.6 178 352.4 244 471.2 490 914 1150 2102 -19 - 2.2 47 116.6 113 235.4 179 354.2 245 473. 500 932 1160 2120 -18 - 0.4 48 118.4 114 237.2 180 356. 246 474.8 510 950 1170 2138 -17 + 1.4 49 120.2 115 239. 181 357.8 247 476.6 520 968 1180 2156 -16 3.2 50 122. 116 2408 182 359.6 243 478.4 530 986 1190 2174 -15 5. 51 123.8 117 242.6 183 361.4 249 480.2 540 1004 1200 2192 -14 6.8 52 125.6 118 244.4 184 363.2 250 482. 550 1022 1210 2210 -13 8.6 53 127.4 119 246.2 185 365. 251 483.8 560 1040 1220 2228 -12 10.4 54 129.2 120 248. 186 366.8 252 485.6 570 1058 1230 2246 -11 12.2 55 131. 121 249.8 187 368.6 253 487.4 530 1076 1240 2264 -10 14. 56 132.8 122 251.6 188 370.4 254 489.2 590 1094 1250 2282 - 9 15.8 57 134.6 123 253.4 .189 372.2 255 491. e0o 1112 1260 2300 - 8 17.6 58 136.4 124 255.2 190 374. 256 492.8 610 1130 1270 2318 7 19.4 59 138.2 125 257. 191 375.8 257 494.6 620 1148 1280 2336 - 6 21.2 60 140. 126 258.8 192 377.6 258 496.4 630 1166 1290 2354 - 5 23. 61 141.8 127 260.6 193 379.4 259 498.2 640 1184 1300 2372 - 4 24.8 62 143.6 128 262.4 194 381.2 260 500. 650 1202 1310 2390 - 3 26.6 63 145.4 129 264.2 195 383. 261 501.8 660 1220 1320 2408 - 2 28.4 64 147.2 130 266. 196 384.8 262 503.6 670 1238 1330 2426 - 1 30.2 65 149. 131 267. 197 386.6 263 505.4 680 1256 1340 2444 32. 66 150.8 132 269.6 198 388.4 264 507.2 690 1274 1350 2462 + 1 33.8 67 152.6 133 271.4 199 390.2 265 509. 700 1292 1360 2480 2 35.6 68 154.4 134 273.2 200 392. 266 510.8 710 1310 1370 2498 3 37.4 69 156.2 135 275. 201 393.8 267 512.6 720 1328 1380 2516 4 39.2 70 153. 136 276.8 202 395.6 268 514.4 730 1346 1390 2534 5 41. 71 159.8 137 278.6 203 397.4 269 516.2 740 1364 1400 2552 6 42.8 72 161.6 138 280.4 204 399.2 270 518. 750 1382 1410 2570 7 44.6 73 163.4 139 282.2 205 401. 271 519.8 760 1400 1420 2588 8 46.4 74 165.2 140 284. 206 402.8 272 521.6 770 1418 1430 2606 9 48.2 75 167. 141 285.8 207 404.6 273 523.4 780 1436 1440 2624 10 50. 76 168.8 142 287.6 208 406.4 274 525.2 790 1454 I4M) 2642 11 51.8 77 170.6 143 289.4 209 408.2 275 527. 800 1472 1460 2660 12 53.6 78 172.4 144 291.2 210 410. 276 528.8 310 1490 1470 2678 13 55.4 79 174.2 145 293. 211 411.8 277 530.6 320 1508 1480 2696 14 57.2 80 176. 146 294.8 212 413.6 278 532.4 330 1526 1490 2714 15 59. 81 177.8 147 296.6 213 415.4 279 534.2 840 1544 1500 2732 16 60.8 82 179.6 148 298.4 214 417.2 280 536. 85011562 510 2750 17 62.6 83 181.4 149 300.2 215 419. 281 537.8 360 1580 1520 2768 18 64.4 "84 183.2 150 302. 216 420,8 282 539.6 870 1598 530 2786 19 66.2 85 185. 151 303.8 217 422.6 283 541.4 330 1616 540 2804 20 68. 86 186.8 152 305.6 218 424.4 284 543.2 390 1634 550 2822 21 69.8 87 188.6 153 307.4 219 426.2 285 545. 900 1652 600 2912 22 71.6 88 190.4 154 309.2 220 428. 286 546.8 910 1670 650 3002 23 73.4 89 192.2 155 311. 221 429.8 287 548.6 920 1688 700 3092 24 75.2 90 194. 156 312.8 222 431.6 288 550.4 930 1706 750 3182 25 77. 91 195.8 157 314.6 223 433.4 289 552.2 940 1724 800 3272 550 TEMPERATURES, FAHRENHEIT AND CENTIGRADE. F. C. F. C. F. C. F. C. F. C. F. C. F. C. -40 -40 26 -3.3 92 33.3 158 70. 224 106. 290 143. 360 182.2 -39 -39.4 27 -2.8 93 33.9 159 70.6 225 107.2 29 143. 370 187.8 -38 -389 28 2 2 94 34.4 160 71.1 226 107.8 292 144. 380 193.3 -37 -383 29 -17 95 35. 16 71.7 227 108.3 293 145. 390 198.9 -36 -378 30 -1.1 96 35.6 162 72.2 228 108.9 294 145.6 400 204.4 -35 -372 31 -0.6 97 36.1 163 72.8 229 109.4 295 146. 410 210. -34 -36.7 32 0. 98 36.7 164 73.3 230 110. 296 146.7 420 215.6 -33 -36.1 33 + 0.6 99 37.2 165 73.9 231 110.6 297 147.2 430 221.1 -32 -35.6 34 1.1 100 37.8 166 74.4 232 111. 298 147.8 440 226.7 -31 -35. 35 1 7 101 38.3 167 75. 233 1117 299 148.3 450 232.2 -30 -34.4 36 2^2 102 38.9 168 75.6 234 112.2 300 148.9 460 237.8 -29 -33.9 37 2.8 103 39.4 169 76.1 235 112.8 301 149.4 470 243.3 -28 -33.3 38 3.3 104 40. 170 76.7 236 113.3 302 150. 480 248.9 -27 -32.8 39 3.9 105 40.6 171 77.2 237 113.9 303 150.6 490 254.4 -26 -322 40 4.4 106 41.1 172 77.8 238 114.4 304 151.1 500 260. -25 -31 7 41 5. 107 41.7 173 78.3 239 115. 305 151.7 510 265.6 -24 -31.1 42 5.6 108 42.2 174 78.9 240 115.6 306 152.2 520 271.1 -23 -30.6 43 6.1 109 42.8 175 79.4 241 116.1 307 152.8 530 276.7 -22 -30. 44 6.7 110 43.3 176 80. 242 116.7 308 153.3 540 282.2 -21 -29.4 45 7.2 1 1 1 43.9 177 80.6 243 117.2 309 153.9 550 287.8 -20 -28.9 46 7.8 112 44.4 178 81.1 244 117.8 310 154.4 560 293.3 -19 -28.3 47 8.3 113 45. 179 81.7 245 118.3 311 155. 570 298.9 -18 -27.8 48 8.9 114 45.6 180 82.2 246 118.9 312 155.6 580 304.4 -17 -27.2 49 9.4 115 46.1 181 82.8 247 119.4 313 156.1 590 310. -16 -26.7 50 10. 116 46.7 182 83.3 248 120. 314 156.7 600 315.6 -15 -26.1 51 10.6 117 47.2 183 83.9 249 120.6 315 157.2 610 321.1 -14 -25.6 52 11.1 118 47.8 184 84.4 250 121.1 316 157.8 620 326.7 -13 -25. 53 11.7 119 48.3 185 85. 251 121.7 317 158.3 630 332.2 -12 -24.4 54 12.2 120 48.9 186 85.6 252 122.2 318 158.9 640 337.8 -11 -23.9 55 12.8 121 49.4 187 86.1 253 122.8 319 59.4 650 343.3 -10 -23.3 56 13.3 122 50. 188 86.7 254 123.3 320 60. 660 348.9 - 9 -22.8 57 13.9 123 50.6 189 87.2 255 123.9 321 60.6 670 354.4 - 8 -22.2 58 14.4 124 51.1 190 87.8 256 124.4 322 61.1 680 360. - 7 -21.7 59 15. 125 51.7 191 88.3 257 125. 323 61.7 690 365.6 - 6 -21.1 60 15.6 126 52.2 192 88.9 258 125.6 324 62.2 700 371.1 - 5 -20.6 61 16.1 127 52.8 193 89.4 259 126.1 325 62.8 710 376.7 - 4 -20. 62 16.7 128 53.3 194 90. 260 126.7 326 63.3 720 382.2 - 3 -19.4 63 17.2 129 J3.9 195 90.6 261 127.2 327 63.9 730 387.5 - 2 -18.9 64 17.8 130 4.4 196 91.1 262 127.8 328 64.4 740 3933 - 1 -18.3 65 18.3 131 55. 197 91.7 263 128.3 329 65. 750 398.9 -17.8 66 18.9 132 5.6 198 92.2 264 128.9 330 65.6 760 404.4 + 1 -17.2 67 19.4 133 6.1 199 92.8 265 129.4 331 66.1 770 410. 2 -16.7 68 20. 134 6.7 200 93.3 266 130. 332 66.7 780 415.6 3 -16.1 69 20.6 135 7.2 201 93.9 267 130.6 333 67.2 790 421.1 4 -15.6 70 21.1 136 7.8 202 94.4 268 131.1 334 67.8 800 426.7 5 -15. 71 21.7 137 8.3 203 95. 269 131.7 335 68.3 810 432.2 6 -14.4 72 22.2 138 8.9 204 95.6 270 132.2 336 68.9 820 437.8 7 -13.9 73 22.8 139 9.4 205 96.1 271 132.8 337 69.4 830 443.3 8 -13.3 74 23.3 140 60. 206 96.7 272 133.3 338 70. 840 448.9 9 -12.8 75 23.9 141 60.6 207 97.2 273 133.9 339 70.6 850 45^,4 10 -12.2 76 24.4 142 61.1 208 97.8 274 134.4 340 71.1 860 460. 11 -11.7 77 25. 143 61.7 209 98.3 275 135. 341 71.7 870 465.6 12 - 11.1 78 25.6 144 62.2 210 98.9 276 135.6 342 72.2 880 471.1 13 -10.6 79 26.1 145 62.8 211 99.4 277 136.1 343 72.8 890 476.7 14 -10. 80 26.7 146 63.3 212 00. 278 136.7 344 73.3 900 482.2 15 - 9.4 81 27.2 147 63.9 213 00.6 279 137.2 345 73.9 910 487.8 16 - 8.9 82 27.8 148 644 214 01.1 280 137.8 346 74.4 920 493.3 17 - 8.3 83 28.3 149 65. 215 01.7 281 138.3 347 75. 930 498.9 18 - 7.8 84 28.9 150 65.6 216 02.2 282 138.9 348 75.6 940 504.4 19 - 7.2 85 29.4 151 66.1 217 02.8 283 139.4 349 76.1 950 510. 20 - 6.7 86 30. 152 66.7 218 03.3 284 140. 350 76.7 960 515.6 21 - 6.1 87 30.6 153 67.2 219 03.9 285 140.6 351 77.2 970 521.1 22 - 5.6 88 31.1 154 67.8 220 04.4 286 141.1 352 77.8 980 526.7 23 - 5. 89 31.7 155 68.3 221 05. 287 141.7 353 78.3 990 532.2 24 - 4.4 90 32.2 156 68.9 222 05.6 288 142.2 354 78.9 000 537.8 25 - 3.9 91 32.8 157)69.4 223 06.1 289 142.8 355 79.4 010 543.3 551 552 HEAT. Temperature Conversion Table. (By Dr. Leonard Waldo.) Reprint from Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering* c 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 -200 -100 -0 F -328 -148 +32 F -346 -166 + 14 F -364 -184 -4 F -382 -202 -22 F -400 -220 -40 F -418 -238 -58 F -436 -256 -76 F -454 -274 -94 F -292 -112 F -310 -130 32 50 68 86 104 122 140 158 176 194 100 200 300 212 392 572 230 410 590 248 428 608 266 446 626 284 464 644 302 482 662 320 500 680 338 518 698 356 536 716 374 554 734 400 500 600 752 932 1112 770 950 1130 788 968 1148 806 986 1166 824 1004 1184 842 1022 1202 860 1040 1220 878 1058 1238 896 1076 1256 914 1094 1274 700 800 900 1292 1472 1652 1310 1490 1670 1328 1508 1688 1346 1526 1706 1364 1544 1724 1382 1562 1742 1400 1580 1760 1418 1598 1778 1436 1616 1796 1454 1634 1814 1000 1832 1850 1868 1886 1904 1922 1940 1958 1976 1994 1100 1200 1300 2012 2192 2372 2030 2210 2390 2048 2228 2408 2066 2246 2426 2084 2264 2444 2102 2282 2462 2120 2300 2480 2138 2318 2498 2156 2336 2516 2174 2354 2534 1400 1500 1600 2552 2732 2912 2570 2750 2930 2588 2768 2948 2606 2786 2966 2624 2804 2984 2642 2822 3002 2660 2840 3020 2678 2858 3038 2696 2876 3056 2714 2894 3074 1700 1800 1900 3092 3272 3452 3110 3290 3470 3128 3308 3488 3146 3326 3506 3164 3344 3524 3182 3362 3542 3200 3380 3560 3218 3398 3578 3236 3416 3596 3254 3434 3614 2000 3632 3650 3668 3686 3704 3722 3740 3758 3776 3794 2100 2200 2300 3812 3992 4172 3830 4010 4190 3848 4028 4208 3866 4046 4226 3884 4064 4244 3902 4082 4262 3920 4100 4280 3938 4118 4298 3956 4136 4316 3974 4154 4334 2400 2500 2600 4352 4532 4712 4370 4550 4730 4388 4568 4748 4406 4586 4766 4424 4604 4784 4442 4622 4802 4460 4640 4820 4478 4658 4838 4496 4676 4856 4514 4694 4874 2700 2800 2900 4892 5072 5252 4910 5090 5270 4928 5108 5288 4946 5126 5306 4964 5144 5324 4982 5162 5342 5000 5180 5360 5018 5198 5378 5036 5216 5396 5054 5234 5414 3000 5432 5450 5468 5486 5504 5522 5540 5558 5576 5594 3100 3200 3300 5612 5792 5972 5630 5810 5990 5648 5828 6008 5666 5846 6026 5684 5864 6044 5702 5882 6062 5720 5900 6080 5738 5918 6098 5756 5936 6116 5774 5954 6134 3400 3500 3600 6152 6332 6512 6170 6350 6530 6188 6368 6548 6206 6386 6566 6224 6404 6584 6242 6260 6422 6440 6602| 6620 6278 6458 6638 6296 6476 6656 6314 6494 6674 3700 3800 3900 6692 6872 7052 6710 6890 7070 6728 6908 7088 6746 6926 7106 6764 6944 7124 6782 6962 7142 50 6800 6980 7160 6818 6998 7178 6836 7016 7196 6854 7034 72.14 C OJ 10 20 30 40 60 70 80 90 EXAMPLES: 1347. C = 2444 F+ 12.6F=2456.6F: 3367 F= 1850 I852.78 C. For other tables of temperatures, see pages 550 and 551- PYEOMETRY. 553 2. Contraction of clay, as in the old Wedgwood pyrometer, at one time used by potters. This instrument was very inaccurate, as the contraction of clay varied with its nature. 3. Expansion of air, as in the air-thermometer, Wiborgh's pyrometer. Uehling and Steinbart's pyrometer, etc. 4. Pressure of vapors, as in some forms of Bristol's recording pyrometer. 5. Relative expansion of two metals or other substances, as in Brown's, Bulkley's and other metallic pyrometers, consisting of a copper rod or tube inside of an iron tube, or vice versa, with the difference of expansion multiplied by gearing and indicated on a dial. 6. Specific heat of solids, as in the copper-ball and platinum-ball pyrometers. 7. Melting-points of metals, alloys, or other substances, as in approxi- mate determination of temperature by melting pieces of zinc, lead, etc., or as in Seger's fire-clay pyrometer. 8. Time required to heat a weighed quantity of water inclosed in a vessel, as in one form of water pyrometer. , 9. Increase in temperature of a stream of water or other liquid flow- ing at a given rate through a tube inserted into the heated chamber. 10. Changes in the electric resistance of platinum or other metal, as in the Siemens pyrometer. 11. Measurement of an electric current produced by heating the junction of two metals, as in the Le Chatelier pyrometer. 12. Dilution by cold air of a stream of hot air or gas flowing from a heated chamber and determination of the temperature of the mixture by a mercury thermometer, as in Hobson's hot-blast pyrometer. 13. Polarization and refraction by prisms and plates of light radiated from heated surfaces, as in Mesure" and Nouel's pyrometric telescope or optical pyrometer, and Warmer's pyrometer. 14. Heating the filament of an electric lamp to the same color as that of an incandescent body, so that when the latter is observed through a telescope containing the lamp the filament becomes invisible, as in Hoi- born and Kurlbaum's and Morse's optical pyrometers. The current required to heat the filament is a measure of the temperature. 15. The radiation pyrometer. The radiation from an incandescent surface is received in a telescope containing a thermo-couple, and the electric current generated therein is measured, as in Fdry's radiation pyrometer. (See "Optical Pyrometry " by C. W. W. Waidner and G. K. Burgess, Bulletin No. 2. Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce and Labor; also Eng'g, Mar. 1, 1907.) The "Veritas" Pyrometer (called Buller's Rings in England) is an improvement on the Wedge wood pyrometer. It is based on the con- traction of a flat ring of a special clay mixture, which is made with great care to secure uniformity of composition. The contraction is found to be directly proportional to the increase of temperature above 800 C. (1472 F.) and its amount is measured by a multiplying index. The rings are 21/2 in. external and 3 A in. internal diam., 5/16 in. thick. They are made by Veritas Firing System Co., Trenton, N. J., and are largely used by potters. Platinum or Copper Ball Pyrometer. A weighed piece of platinum, copper, or iron is allowed to remain in the furnace or heated chamber till it has attained the temperature of its surroundings. It is then suddenly taken out and dropped into a vessel containing water of a known weight and temperature. The water is stirred rapidly and its maximum tem- perature taken. Let W = weight of the water, w the weight of the ball, I = the original and T the final heat of the water, and S the specific heat of the metal; then the temperature of fire may be found from the formula The mean specific heat of platinum between 32 and 446 F. is 0.03333 or 1/30 that of water, and it increases with the temperature about 0.000305 for each 100 F. For a fuller description, by J. C. Hoadley, see Trans. A. S. M. E., vi, 702. Compare also Henry M. Howe, Trans. A. I. M. E. t "\\. 728. 'or accuracy corrections are required for variations in the specific heat xviii. 728. F< 554 HEAT. of ttie water and of the metal at different temperatures, for loss of heat by radiation from the metal during the transfer from the furnace to the water, and from the apparatus during the heating of the water; also for the heat- absorbing capacity of the vessel containing the water. Fire-clay or fire-brick may be used instead of the metal ball. L,e Chatelier's Thermo-electric Pyrometer. For a very full description, see paper by Joseph Struthers, School of Mines Quarterly, vol. xii, 1891; also, paper read by Prof. Roberts- Austen before the Iron and Steel Institute, May 7, 1891. The principle upon which this pyrometer is constructed is the measure- ment of a current of electricity produced by heating a couple comp9sed of two wires, one platinum and the other platinum with 10% rhodium the current produced being measured by a galvanometer. The composition of the gas which surrounds the couple has no influence on the indications. When temperatures above 2500 F. are to be studied, the wires must have an isolating support and must be of good length, so that all parts of a furnace can be reached. The wires are supported in an iron tube 1/3 inch interior diameter and held in place by a cylinder of refractory clay having two holes bored -through, in which the wires are placed. The shortness of time (five seconds) allows the temperature to be taken with- out deteriorating the tube. Tests made by this pyrometer in measuring furnace temperatures under a great variety of conditions show that the readings of the scale unconnected are always within 45 F. of the correct temperature, and in the majority of industrial measurements this is sufficiently accurate. Graduation of Le Chatelier's Pyrometer. W. C. Roberts- Austen in his Researches on the Properties of Alloys, Froc. Inst. M. E., 189 says: The electromotive force produced by heating the thermo- junction to any given temperature is measured by the movement of the spot 01 light on tne scale graduated in millimeters. The scale is calibrated by heating the thermo-junction to temperatures which have been carefully deter- mined by the aid of the air-thermometer, and plotting the curve from the data so obtained. Many fusion and boiling-points have been estab- lished by concurrent evidence of various kinds, and are now generally accepted. The following table contains certain of these: Deg. F. Deg. < > Deg. F. Deg. C 212 618 100 326 ^'Water boils. Lead melts. 1733 1859 945 1015 Silver melts. Potassium sulphate 676 779 358 415 Mercury boils. Zinc melts. 1913 1045 melts. Gold melts. 838 1157 448 625 Sulphur boils. Aluminum melts. 1929 2732 1054 1500 Copper melts. Palladium melts. 1229 665 Selenium boils. 3227 1775 Platinum melts. Chatelier Vtates lhat^by^eans^This"py"ometerhe j has discovered that " .en The Temperatures Developed in Industrial Furnaces. hatelier states that by the temperatures whicn occur in melting steel and in other industrial - " finds the melting ray cast iron 1220 "Mild steel melts at 1475 (2687 F.), and hard steel at 1410 (257G J F ) The furnace for hard porcelain at the end of the baking has a heat of 1370 (2498 F.). The heat of a normal incandescent lamp is 1800 (3272 F.), but it may be pushed to beyond 2100 (3812 F.). Prof Roberts- Austen (Recent Advances in Pyrometry, Trans. A.I.M.E., Chicago Meeting, 1893) gives an excellent description of modern forms of pyrometers. The following are some of his temperature determinations. TEN-TON OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE, WOOLWICH ARSENAL. Degrees Degrees Centigrade. Fahr. Temperature of steel, 0.3% carbon, pouring into ladle. 1645 Steel, 0.3 % carbon, pouring into large mold 1 ^7b Reheating furnace, interior v Cupola furnace, No. 2 cast iron, pouring into ladle The following determinations have been effected by M. Le Chatelier: PYBOMETKY. 555 i BESSEMER PROCESS. SIX-TON CONVERTER. Deg. O. Deg F,. A. Bath of Slag 1580 2876 B. Metal in ladle , 1640 2984 C. Metal in ingot mold 1580 2876 D. Ingot in reheating furnace 1200 2192 E. Ingot under the hammer 1080 1976 OPEN-HEARTH FURNACE (Semi-mild Steel). A. Fuel gas near gas generator 720 1328 B. Fuel gas entering into bottom of regenerator chamber 400 752 C. Fuel gas issuing from regenerator chamber 1200 2192 Air issuing from regenerator chamber 1000 1832 Chimney gases. Furnace in perfect condition 300 590 End of the melting of pig charge 1420 2588 Completion of conversion 1500 2732 Molten steel. In the ladle Commencement of casting. 1580 2876 End of casting 1490 2714 In the molds 1520 2768 For very mild (soft) steel the temperatures are higher by 50 C. BLAST-FURNACE (Gray-Bessemer Pig). Opening in face of tuyere 1930 3506 Molten metal Commencement of fusion 1400 2552 End, or prior to tapping 1570 2858 HOFFMAN RED-BRICK KILN Burning temperatures 1100 2012 R. Moldenke (The Foundry, Nov., 1898) determined with a Le Chatelier pyrometer the melting-point of 42 samples of pig iron of different grades. The range was from 2030 F. for pig containing 3.98% combined carbon to 2280 for pig containing 0.13 combined car- bon and 3.43% graphite. The results of the whole series may be ex- pressed within 30 F. by the formula Temp. = 2300 - 70 X % of combined carbon. Hobson's Hot-blast Pyrometer consists of a brass chamber having three hollow arms and a handle. The hot blast enters one of the arms and induces a current of atmospheric air to flow into the second arm. The two currents mix in the chamber and flow out through the third arm, in which the temperature of the mixture is taken by a mercury thermometer. The openings in the arms are adjusted so that the pro- portion of hot blast to the atmospheric air remains the same. The Wiborgh Air-pyrometer. (E. Trotz, Trans. A.I.M.E., 1892.) The inventor using the expansion-coefficient of air, as determined by Gay-Lussac, Dulon, Rudberg, and Regnault, bases his construction on the following theory: If an air- volume, V, inclosed in a porcelain globe and connected through a capillary pipe with the outside air, be heated to the temperature T (which is to be determined) and thereupon the connection be discontinued, and there be then forced into the globe containing V another volume of air V of known temperature t, which was previously under atmospheric pressure H , the additional pressure h, due to the addition of the air- volume V to the air- volume V, can be measured by a manometer. But this pressure is of course a function of the temperature T. Before the introduction of V, we have the two separate air-volumes, V at the temperature T, and V at the tempera- ture t, both under the atmospheric pressure H. After the forcing in of V into the globe, we have, on the contrary, only the volume V of the temperature T, but under the pressure H + h. Seger Cones. (Stowe-Fuller Co., Cleveland, 1914). Seger Cones were developed in 1886 in Germany, by Dr. Herman A. Seger. They comprise a series of triangular cones, of pyramidal shape, of differing mineral compositions, each one of which requires a different amount of heat work to soften and deform it. They are used principally in the clay, pottery, and allied industries to determine the proper heat con- ditions of kilns, furnaces, etc. The difference in softening point between any two adjoining member of the series, is kept as nearly equal as possible, so that the cones form a sort of pyrometric scale. The softening or fusion is not altogether a matter of temperature, the element of time entering in also. A longer exposure at a slightly lower temperature will accomplish the same amount of heat work in clay- working as a shorter exposure at a somewhat higher temperature, pro- 556 HEAT. vided it is always above the critical temperature at which chemical reactions take place in the clay. Although the time element must be considered, a melting point in degrees F. has been assigned to each cone number for convenience. For rapid burning, this temperature is fairly accurate, but in commercial clay-burning, the cones melt at lower temperatures than those given in the table. In extremely long firings the difference between the actual and assigned temperatures may be as much as 100 or 150 C. (212 to 297 F.) Dr. Seger's original series consisted of twenty different mixtures, and covered a relatively narrow range of temperatures. Several other series have since been devised, as follows: Hecht series, used by china and glass decorators, consisting of fusible lead-soda borate glass and kaolin, the glass alone making the softest cone, successive addi- tions of kaolin raising the fusing point. The Cremer series, used for red burning clays and for soft glazes, sewer pipe, drain tiles, roof tiles, etc., consisting of a lime-soda borate glass, oxide of iron, feldspar, carbonate of lime, potters flint and kaolin, it begins witja a large amount of glass for the softest cone, and decreasing to almost none at the upper end. The Seger series, used for harder red burning wares of vitrified variety, and for all buff burning and white burning clay wares consisting of potters flint, feldspar, carbonate of lime and feldspar, oxide of iron appearing in the three lowest temperature cones; no glass is used and the proportion of kaolin and flint increases with the fusion temperature. High temperature series, used for testing refractory materials only, consisting except in the two lowest numbers of kaolin potters flint, and oxide of alumina; the highest cone consists of pure oxide of alumina. No temperatures can be assigned to this series, although 1850 C. (3362 F.) has been set as the melting point of No. 36. The table gives the approximate fusion points of the various cones. Fusion Points of Seger Cones. Symbol or Cone No. Melting Point Sym- bol or Cone No. Melting Point Sym- bol or Cone No. Melting Point Deg.C Deg.F Deg.C Deg.F Deg.C Deg.F HECHT SERIES 04 1070 1958 13 1390 2534 022 590 1094 03 1090 1994 14 1410 2570 021 620 1148 02 1110 2030 15 1430 2606 020 650 1202 01 1130 2066 16 1450 2642 019 680 1256 SEGER 17 1470 2678 SERIES 018 710 1310 1 1150 '2102 18 1490 2714 017 740 1364 2 1170 2138 19 1510 2759 016 770 1418 3 1190 2174 20 1530 2786 HIGH 015 800 1472 4 1210 2210 TEMP. 012V 2 875 1607 5 1230 2246 SERIES CREMER SERIES 6 1250 2282 26 Lowest Grade for No. 2 Refractories. 010 950 1742 7 1270 2318 30 Lowest Grade for No. 1 Refractories. 09 970 1778 8 1290 2354 32 Good Qual. No. 1 Firebrick. 08 07 06 990 1010 1030 1814 1850 1886 9 10 11 1310 1330 1350 2390 2476 2462 34 36 38 Excellent Qual. No. 1 Firebrick. Melting point pure Kaolin. Melting point good qual. Bauxite. 05 1050 1922 12 1370 2498 42 Melting point pure Alumina. The German cones are manufactured by the German Government at the Royal Porcelain Factory, Charlottenburg, and can be obtained in the United States through Eimer and Amend, New York, and other chemical supply houses. In 1896, Prof. Edw. Orton, Jr., of the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, began their manufacture in Amer- ica. The American cones agree with the German cones in all re- pects, and have come into general use in America. They are not sold through dealers, but must be obtained direct from the maker. Mesure and NouePs Pyrometric Telescope. (H. M. Howe, E. and M. J., June 7, 1890) Mesure and Nouel's telescope gives an immediate PYROMETRY. 657 determination of the temperature of incandescent bodies, and is there- fore better adapted to cases where a great number of observations are to be made, and at short intervals, than Seger's. The little telescope, carried in the pocket or hung from the neck, can be used by foreman or heater at any moment. It is based on the fact that a plate of quartz, cut at right angles to the axis, rotates the plane of polarization of polarized light to a degree nearly inversely proportional to the square of the length of the waves; and, further, on the fact that while a body at dull redness merely emits red light, as the temperature rises, the orange, yellow, green, and blue waves successively appear. If, now, such. a plate of quartz is placed between two Nicol prisms at right angles, "a ray of monochromatic light which passes the first, or polarizer, and is watched through the second, or analyzer, is not extin- guished as it was before interposing the quartz. Part of the light passes the analyzer, and, to again extinguish it, we must turn one of the Nicols a certain angle," depending on the length of the waves of light, and hence on the temperature of the incandescent object which emits this light. Hence the angle through which we must turn the analyzer to extinguish the light is a measure of the temperature of the object observed. The Uehling and Steinbart Pyrometer. (For illustrated descrip- tion see Engineering, Aug. 24, 1894.) The action of the pyrometer is based on a principle which involves the law of the flow of gas through minute apertures in the following manner: If a closed tube or chamber be supplied with a minute inlet and a minute outlet aperture, and air be caused by a constant suction to flow in through one and out through the other of these apertures, the tension in the chamber between the apelrtures will vary with the difference of temperature between the inflowing and outflowing air. If the inflowing air be made to vary with the tem- perature to be measured, and the outflowing air be kept at a certain con- stant temperature, then the tension in the space or chamber between the two apertures will be an exact measure of the temperature of the inflow- ing air, and hence of the temperature to be measured. In operation it is necessary that the air be sucked into it through the first minute aperture at the temperature to be measured, through the second aperture at a lower but constant temperature, and that the suc- tion be of a constant tension. The first aperture is therefore located in the end of a platinum tube in the bulb of a porcelain tube over which the hot blast sweeps, or inserted into the pipe or chamber containing the gas whose temperature is to be ascertained. The second aperture is located in a coupling, surrounded by boiling water, and the suction is obtained by an aspirator and regulated by a column of water of constant height. The tension in the chamber between the apertures is indicated by a manometer. The Air-thermometer. (Prof. R. C. Carpenter, Eng'g News, Jan. 5, 1893.) Air is a perfect thermometric substance, and if a given mass of air be considered, the product of its pressure and volume divided by its absolute temperature is in every case constant. If the volume of air remain constant, the temperature will vary with the pressure; if the pressure remain constant, the temperature will vary with the volume. As the former condition is more easily attained, air-thermometers are usually constructed of constant volume, in which case the absolute temperature will vary with the pressure. If we denote pressures by p and p', and the corresponding absolute temperatures by T and T' t we should have p :p' :: T : rand T' = p f - The absolute temperature T is to be considered in every case 460 higher than the thermometer-reading expressed in Fahrenheit degrees. From the form of the above equation, if the pressure p corresponding to a known absolute temperature T be known, T' can be found. The quotient T/p is a constant which may be used in all determinations with the instrument. The pressure on the instrument can be expressed in inches of mercury, and is evidently the atmospheric pressure b as shown by a barometer, plus or minus an additional amount h shown by a manometer attached to the air-thermometer. That is, in general, p = b h. 558 HEAT. casr -0+ ij* SS*** ihe *<> <* melting ice, in which case 1 = 460 + 32 = 492 F. This temperature can~be produced bv sur rounding the bulb in melting ice and leaving it several [ mfnutes^so that the \C^n t a h tUre - f - the f C ?i? f \ n f d air sha11 acquire that of the surrounding ice TV hen the air is at that temperature, note the reading of the attached manometer ft and that of a barometer; the sum will be the value of p corresponding to the absolute temperature of 492 F The constant = p ' ^ btained ' can be ^M o*? 1 ? 11 Tem P e ?*atures judged by Color. The temperature of a body pSrilfe ?n P % C S imate J y J u ans - A - s - M - E - 18 "). which are given Howe. C. F. White and Taylor. C. F. Lowest red vis- Dark blood-red, black- ible in dark . . 470 878 red 990 Lowest red vis- Dark red,' biood-Ved,' low ible in day- re j 55 6 j 050 n % h t- ........ 475 887 Dark cherry-red:'.: '. 635 1175 u r d ........ 550 ,! 625 1022to1157 Medium cherry- red. .. 1250 Full cherry.... 700 1292 Cherry, full red .......... 746 1375 feJSi * r . d ...... 8 50 1A/ ^ 1562 Light cherry, light red*. 843 1550 Full yellow ..... 950 to 1000 1742 to 1832 Orange, free scalingheat 899 1650 Light yellow... 050 1922 Light orange ..... ...... 941 1725 Whl te ......... 1150 2102 Yellow..... . 996 1825 Light yellow ............. 1079 1975 White ................... 1205 2200 * Heat at which scale forms and adheres on iron and steel, i.e., does not fall away from the piece when allowed to cool in air. Skilled observers may vary 100 F. or more in their estimation of relatively low temperatures by color, and beyond 2200 F. it is practically impossible to make estimations with any certainty whatever. (Bulletin No. 2, Bureau of Standards, 1905.) In confirmation of the above paragraph we have the following, in a booklet published by the Halcomb Steel Co., 1908. C. F. Colors. C. F. Colors. 400 752 Red, visible in the dark. 1000 1832 Bright cherry-red. 474 885 Red, visible in the twilight. 1100 2012 Orange-red. 525 975 Red, visible in the day- 1200 2192 Orange-yellow. light. 1300 2372 Yellow-white. 581 1077 Red, visible in the sun- 1400 2552 White welding heat. light. 1500 2732 Brilliant white. 700 1292 Dark red. 1600 2912 Dazzling white (bluish 800 1472 Dull cherry-red. white). 900 1652 Cherry-red. Different substances heated to the same temperature give out the same color tints. Objects which emit the same tint and intensity of light cannot be distinguished from each other, no matter how different their texture, surface, or shape may be. When the temperature at all parts of a furnace at a low yellow heat is the same, different objects inside the furnace (firebrick, sand, platinum, iron) become absolutely invisible. (H. M. Howe.) A bright bar of iron, slowly heated in contact with air, assumes the fol- lowing tints at annexed temperatures (Claudel): Cent. Fahr. Yellow at 225 437 Orange at 243 473 Red at 265 509 Violet at 277 531 Cent. Fahr. Indigo at 288 5 30 Blue at 293 559 Green at 332 630 "Oxide-gray"... 400 762 The Halcomb Steel Co. (1908) gives the following heats and temper colors of steel: MELTING POINTS OF METALS. 559 Cent. Fahr. Colors. Cent.Fahr. Colors. 221.1 430 Very pale yellow. 265.6 510 Spotted red-brown. 226.7 440 Light yellow. 271.1 520 Brown-purple. 232.2 450 Pale straw-yellow. 276.7 530 Light purple. 237.8 460 Straw-yellow. 282.2 540 Full purple. 243.3 470 Deep straw-yellow. 287.8 550 Dark purple. 248.9 480 Dark yellow. 293.3 560 Full blue. 254.4 490 Yellow-brown. 298.9 570 Dark blue. 260.0 500 Brown-yellow. 315.6 600 Very dark blue. BOILING-POINT AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 14.7 Ib. per square inch. Ether, sulphuric 100 F. Saturated brine 226 F. Carbon bisulphide 118 Nitric acid 248 Chloroform 140 Oil of turpentine 315 Bromine 145 Aniline 363 Aqua ammonia, sp.gr. 0.95. 146 Naphthaline 428 Wood spirit 150 Phosphorus 554 Alcohol 173 Sulphur 800 Benzine 176 Sulphuric acid 590 Water 212 Linseed oil 597 Average sea-water 213.2 Mercury 676 The boiling-points of liquids increase as the pressure increases. 3IELTING-POINTS OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. The following figures are given by Clark (on the authority of Pouillett Claudel, and Wilson), except those marked *, which are given by Prof. Roberts- Austen, and those marked t, which are given by Dr. J. A. Marker. These latter are probably the most reliable figures. Sulphurous acid - 148 F. Cadmium 442 F. Carbonic acid - 108 Bismuth 504 to 507 Mercury - 39, - 38f Lead 618*, 620f Bromine + 9.5 Zinc 779*, 786f Turpentine 14 Antimony 1150, 1169J Hyponitric acid . . 16 Aluminum 1157*, 1214f Ice 32 Magnesium 1200 Nitro-glycerine 45 NaCl, common salt 1472f Tallow 92 - Calcium Full red heat. Phosphorus 112 Bronze 1692 Acetic acid 113 Silver 17b3*, 1751" Stearine 109 to 120 Potassium sulphate.. 1859*, 1958" Spermaceti 120 Gold 1913*, 1947" Margaric acid .... 131 to 140 Copper 1929*, 1943" Potassium 136 to 144 Nickel 2600" Wax 142 to 154 Cast iron, white 1922,2075" Stearic acid 158 " gray 2012 to 2786, 2228* Sodium 194 to 208 Steel 2372 to 2532* Iodine.. 225 " hard . . . 2570*; mild, 2687 Sulphur 239 Wrought iron 2732 to 2912, 2737* Alloy, 1 1/2 tin, 1 lead 334, 367f Palladium 2732* Tin 446, 449f Platinum 3227*, 3110t Cobalt and manganese, fusible in highest heat of a forge. Tungsten and chromium, not fusible in forge, but soften and agglomerate. Plati- num and iridium, fusible only before the oxyhydrogen blowpipe, or in an electrical furnace. For melting-point of fusible alloys see Alloys. For boiling and freezing points of air and other gases see p. 606. Melting Points of Rare Metals. H. Von Wartenberg has deter- mined the melting points of some rare metals. The temperature was measured by a Wanner pyrometer. The following melting points were thus obtained: Vanadium 1710 C. = 3110 F. Rhodium 1970 C. = 3578 F. Iridium 2360 C. = 4280 F. Molybdenum over 2550 C. = 4622 F. Tungsten 2900 C. = 5252 F. The metals were as pure as possible. It is. stated that the vanadium 560 HEAT. used was of 97% purity. The results were published in a German periodical. Brass World, June, 1910. QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. Unit of Heat. The British thermal unit, or heat unit (B.T.U.), is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 Ib. of pure water from 62 to 63 F. (Peabody>, or i/igo of the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 Ib. of water from 32 to 212 F. (Marks and Davis, see Steam, p. 867). The French thermal unit, or calorie, is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of pure water from 15 to 16 C. 1 French calorie = 3.968 British thermal units; 1 B.T.U. = 0.252 calorie. The "pound calorie" is sometimes used by English writers; it is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 Ib. of water 1 C. 1 Ib. calorie = 9/ 5 B.T.U. = 0.4536 calorie. The heat of combustion of carbon to CO 2 is said to be 8080 calories. This figure is used either for French calories or for pound calories, as it is the number of pounds of water that can be raised 1 C. by the complete combustion of 1 Ib. of carbon, or the number of kilograms of water that can be raised 1 C. by the combustion of 1 kilo, of carbon; assuming in each case that all the heat generated is transferred to the water. The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat is the number of foot-pounds of mechanical energy equivalent to one British thermal unit, heat and mechanical energy being mutually convertible. Joule's experiments, 1843-50, gave the figure 772, which is known as Joule's equivalent. More recent experiments by Prof. Rowland (1880) and others give higher figures; 778 is generally accepted, but 777.6 is probably more nearly correct. (Goodenough's " Properties of Steam and Ammonia," 1915.) 1 heat-unit is equivalent to 778 ft.-lbs. of energy. 1 ft.-lb. = 1/778 = 0.0012852 heat-unit. 1 horse-power = 33,000 ft.-lbs. per minute = 2545 heat-units per hour = 42.416 + per minute = 0.70694 per second. 1 Ib. carbon burned to CO 2 = 14,600 heat-units. 1 Ib. C per H.P. per hour = 2545 -=- 14,600 = 17.43% efficiency. Heat of Combustion of Various Substances in Oxygen. Heat-units. Authority. Cent. Fahr. Hydrogen to liquid water at C. . to steam at 100 C Carbon (wood charcoal) to car- bonic acid, CO2J ordinary tem- peratures . . I 34,462 \ 33,808 ( 34,342 28,732 ( 8,080 \ 7,900 ( 8,137 7,859 7,861 7,901 2,473 ( 2,403 i 2,431 ( 2,385 5,607 (13,120 \ 13, 108 ( 13,063 (11,858 h 1,942 (11,957 ( 10,102 1 9,915 2,250 62,032 60,854 61,816 51,717 14,544 14,220 14,647 14,146 14,150 14,222 4,451 4,325 4,376 4,293 10,093 23,616 23,594 23,513 21,344 21,496 21,523 18,184 17.847 4,050 Favre and Silbermann. Andrews. Thomsen. Favre and Silbermann. Andrews. Berthelot. Fay re and Silbermann. Andrews. Thomsen. Favre and Silbermann. Thomsen. Andrews. Favre and Silbermana. Andrews. Thomsen. Favre and Silbermann. N. W. Lord. Carbon, diamond to CO2 black diamond to COa graphite to CO2 . Carbon to carbonic oxide, CO Carbonic oxide to CO2 per unit of CO . CO to CO2 per unit of C=21/s x 2403 Marsh-gas,Methane, CH4,to water and CO2 Olefiant gas, Ethylene, C2H 4 , to water and CO2 Benzole gas,CeH6,to water and CO2 Sulphur to sulphur dioxide, SO2. . . HEAT OF COMBUSTION. 561 In calculations of the heating value of mixed fuels the value for carbon Is commonly taken at 14,600 B.T.U., and that of hydrogen at 62,000. Taking the heating value of C burned to CO2 at 14,600, and that of C to CO at 4450, the difference, 10,150 B.T.U., is the heat lost by the imperfect combustion of each Ib. of C burned to CO instead of to CO2. If the CO formed by this imperfect combustion is afterwards burned to CO2 the lost heat is regained. In burning 1 pound of hydrogen with 8 pounds of oxygen to form 9 pounds of water, the units of heat evolved are 62,000; but if the resulting product is not cooled to the initial temperature of the gases, part of the heat is rendered latent in the steam. The total heat of 1 Ib. of steam at 212 F. is 1150.0 heat-units above that of water at 32, and 9 X 1150 10,350 heat-units, which deducted from 62,000 gives 51,650 as the heat evolved by the combustion of 1 Ib. of hydrogen and 8 Ibs. of oxygen at 32 F. to form steam at 212 F. Some writers subtract from the total heating value of hydrogen only the latent heat of the 9 Ibs. of steam, or 9 X 970.4 = 8734 B.T.U., leaving as the " low " heating value 53,266 B.T.U. The use of heating values of hydrogen "burned to steam," in compu- tations relating to combustion of fuel, is inconvenient, since it necessi- tates a statement of the conditions upon which the figures are based ; and It is, moreover, misleading, if not inaccurate, since hydrogen in fuel is not often burned in pure oxygen, but in air; the temperature of the gases before burning is not often the assumed standard temperature, and the Droducts of combustion are not often discharged at 212. In steam- boiler practice the chimney gases are usually discharged above 300; but if economizers are used, and the water supplied to them is cold, the gases may be cooled to below 212, in which case the steam in the gases is con- densed and its latent heat of evaporation is utilized. If there is any need at all of using figures of the "available" heating value of hydrogen, or its heating value when "burned to steam," the fact that the gas is burned in air and not in pure oxygen should be taken into consideration. The resulting figures will then be much lower than those above given, and they will vary with different conditions. (Kent, '* Steam Boiler Economy," p. 23.) Suppose that 1 Ib. of H is burned in twice the quantity of air required for complete combustion, or 2 X (8 O + 26.56 N) = 69.12 Ibs. air supplied at 62 F., and that the products of combustion escape at 562 F. The heat lost in the products of combustion will be Q Ibs. water heated from 62 to 212 1352 B.T.U. Latent heat of 9 Ibs. H 2 O at 212, 9 X 969.7 8727 Superheated steam, 9 Ibs. X (562 - 212) X 0.48 (sp. ht.) 1512 Nitrogen, 26.56 X (562 - 62) X 0.2438 3238 Excess air, 34.56 X (562 - 62) X 0.2375 4104 Total 18,933 " which subtracted from 62,000 gives 43,067 B.T.U. as the net available heating value under the conditions named. Heating Value of Compound or Mixed Fuels. The heating value of a solid compound or mixed fuel is the sum of its elementary constituents, and is calculated as follows by Dulong's formula: B.T.U. = i[ 14,600 C + 62,000 (H - Q + 4500 SJ ; in which C, H, O, and S are respectively the percentages of the several elements. The term H - 1/8 O is called the "available" or "disposable" hydrogen, or that which is not combined with oxygen in the fuel. For all the common varieties of coal, cannel coal and some lignites excepted, the formula is accurate within the limits of error of chemical analyses and calorimetric determinations. Heat Absorbed by Decomposition. By the decomposition of a chemical compound as much heat is absorbed or rendered latent as was evolved when the compound was formed. If 1 Ib. of carbon is burned to COz, generating 14,600 B.T.U., and the CO2 thus formed is immediately reduced to CO in the presence of glowing carbon, by the reaction CO2 4- C = 2 CO. the result is the same as if the 2 Ibs. C had been purned directly to 2 CO, generating 2X4450=8900 B.T.U. The 2 Ibs. C burned to CO 3 562 HEAT. would generate 2 X 14,600 = 29,200 B.T.U., the difference, 29 200 - 8900 = 20,300 B.T.U., being absorbed or rendered latent in the 2 CO 'or 10,150 B.T.U. for each pound of carbon. In like manner if 9 Ibs. of water be injected into a large bed of glowing coal, it will be decomposed into 1 Ib. H and 8 Ibs. O. The decomposition will absorb 62,000 B.T.U., cooling the bed of coal this amount, and the same quantity of heat will again be evolved if the H is subsequently burned with a fresh supply of O. The 8 Ibs. of O will combine with 6 Ibs. C, forming 14 Ibs. CO (since CO is composed of 12 parts C to 16 parts O) generating 6 X 4450 = 26,700 B.T.U. , and 6 X 10,150 = 60,900 B.T.U. will be latent in this 14 Ibs. CO, to be evolved later if it is burned to CO 2 with an additional supply of 8 Ibs. O. SPECIFIC HEAT. Thermal Capacity. The thermal capacity of a body between two temperatures To and T\ is the quantity of heat required to raise the tem- perature from To to Ti. The ratio of the heat required to raise the temper- ature of a certain weight of a given substance one degree to that required to raise the temperature of the same weight of water from 62 to 63 F. is commonly called the specific heat of the substance. Some writers object to the term as being an inaccurate use of the words " specific " and " heat." A more correct name would be " coefficient of thermal capacity." Determination of Specific Heat. Method by Mixture. The body whose specific heat is to be determined is raised to a known temperature, a,nd is then immersed in a mass of liquid of which the weight, specific heat, and temperature are known. When both the body and the liquid have attained the same temperature, this is carefully ascertained. Now the quantity of heat lost by the body is the same as the quantity of heat absorbed by the liquid. Let c, w, and t be the specific heat, weight, and temperature of the hot body, and c', w', and t f of the liquid. Let T be the temperature the mix- ture assumes. Then, by the definition of specific heat, c X w X (t T) = heat-units lost by the hot body, and cf X w/ X (T t') = heat-units gained by the cold liquid. If there is no heat lost by radiation or conduction, these must be equal, and cw (t- c'w* (T-n or c Electrical Method. This method is believed to be more accurate in many cases than the method by mixture. It consists in measuring the quantity of current in watts required to heat a unit weight of a substance One degree in one minute, and translating ,the result into heat-units. i Watt =0.0569 B.T.U. per minute. Specific Heats of Various Substances. The specific heats of substances, as given by different authorities show considerable lack of agreement, especially in the case of gases. The following tables give the mean specific heats of the substances named according to Regnault. (From Rontgen's Thermodynamics, p. 134.) These specific heats are average values, taken at temperatures which usually come under observation in technical application. The actual specific heats of all substances, in the solid or liquid state, increase slowly as the body expands or as the temperature rises. It is probable that the specific heat of a body when liquid is greater than when solid. For many bodies this has been verified by experiment. SOLIDS. Antimony . 0508 Copper . 0951 Gold. 0.0324 Wrought iron 0. 1138 Glass 0.1937 Cast iron 0. 1298 Lead 0.0314 Platinum . 0324 Silver... 0,0570 Hn 0.0582 Steel (soft) 0.1165 Steel (hard) 0.1175 Zinc . 0956 Brass . 0939 Ice : 0.5040 Sulphur 0.2026 Charcoal . 2410 Alumina 0. 1970 Phosphorus 0. 1887 SPECIFIC HEAT. 563 Water 1.0000 Lead (melted) 0.0402 Sulphur " 0.2340 Bismuth " . 0308 Tin " 0.0637 Sulphuric acid 0.3350 LIQUIDS. Mercury . 0333 Alcohol (absolute) . 7000 Fusel oil 0.5640 Benzine . 4500 Ether 0.5034 GASES. Constant Pressure. Air 0.23751 Oxygen 0.21751 Hydrogen 3 . 40900 Nitrogen 0. 24380 Superheated steam* 0. 4805 Carbonic acid . 217 Olefiant gas C 2 H 4 (ethylene). , '. . . 0.404 Carbonic oxide. . 2479 Ammonia "..... . 508 Ether 0.4797 Alcohol * 0.4534 Acetic acid 0. 4125 Chloroform 0. 1567 In addition to the above, the following are given by other authorities. (Selected from various sources.) METALS. Platinum, 32 to 446 F.. . . 0.0333 (increased .000305 for each 100 F.) Cadmium . 0567 Brass , . 0939 Copper, 32 to 212 F 0.094 32 to 572 F 0.1013 Zinc, 32 to 21 2 F 0.0927 32 to 572 F 0.1015 Nickel 0.1086 Aluminum, F. to melting- point (A. E. Hunt) 0..2185 Dr.-Ing. P. Oberhoffer, in Zeit. des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure (Eng. Digest, Sept., 1908), describes some experiments on the specific heat of nearly pure iron. The following mean specific heats were obtained: Temp. F. 500 600 800 1000 1200 1300 Sp. Ht. 0.1228 0.1266 0.1324 0.1388 0.1462 0.1601 Temp. F. 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 Sp. Ht. 0.1698 0.1682 0.1667 0.1662 0.1666 The specific heat increases steadily between 500 and 1200 F. Then It increases rapidly to 1400, after which it remains nearly constant. OTHER SOLIDS. Constant Volume. 0.16847 0.15507 2.41226 0.17273 0.346 0.171 0.332 0.1758 0.299 0.3411 0.399 Wrought iron (Petit & Dulong). 32 to 212.. 0.109S- 32 to 392.. 0.115 32 to 572. . 0.1218 32 to 662. . 0.1255 Iron at high temperatures. (Pionchon, Comptcs Rendus, 1887.) > 1382 3 to 1832 F 0.213 1749' to 1843 F.. . . . 0.218 1922 to 2192 F 0.199 Brickwork and masonry, about . 20 Marble 0.210 Chalk 0. 215 Quicklime 0. 217 Magnesian limestone 0. 217 Silica. . % 0. 191 Corundum 0. 198 Stones generally 0. 2 to 0. 22 WOODS. Oven dried, 20 varieties, sp. ht. nearly the same for all, average 0.327. (U. S. Forest Service, 1911.) LIQUIDS. Coal 0.20 to 0.241 Coke 0.203 Graphite 0. 202 Sulphate of lime 0. 197 Magnesia 0. 222 Soda 0.231 Quartz 0. 188 River sand 0. 195 Alcohol, density 0.793 0.622 Sulphuric acid, density 1.87. . 0.335 1.30. . 0.661 Hydrochloric acid 0. 600 Olive oil 0. 310 Benzine . 393 Turpentine, density 0.872 . . . 472 Bromine I. Ill * See Superheated Steam, page 869. 564 HEAT. GASES. At Constant At Constant Pressure. Volume. Sulphurous acid 0. 1553 0. 1246 Light carbureted hydrogen, marsh gas (CH 4 ) . . 5929 . 4683 Blast-furnace gases . 2277 ........ Specific Heat of Water. (Peabody's Steam Tables, from Barnes and Regnault.) C. F. Sp. Ht. .c. T. Sp. Ht. c. F. Sp. Ht. c. F. Sp. Ht. 5 10 20 25 30 32 41 50 68 77 86 1.0094 1.00530 1.00230 1.00030 0.99895 0.99806 0.99759 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 95 104 113 122 131 140 149 0.99735 0.99735 0.99760 0.99800 0.99850 99940 1.00040 70 75 80 85 90- 95 100 158 167 176 188 194 203 21? .00150 .00275 .00415 .00557 .00705 .00855 .01010 120 140 160 180 200 220 248 284 320 356 392 428 .01620 .02230 .02850 .03475 .04100 .04760 Specific Heat of Salt Solution. (Schuller.) Per cent salt in solution .... 5 10 15 20 25 Specific heat 0.9306 0.8909 0.8606 0.8490 0.8073 Specific Heat of Air. Regnault gives for the mean value at constant pressure Between 30 C. and + 10 C 0.23771 C. ' 100 C 0.23741 0C. ' 200 C 0.23751 Hanssen uses 0.1686 for the specific heat of tir it constant volume. The value of this constant has never been found to any degree 'of accuracy by direct experiment. Prof. Wood gives 0.2375 -f- 1.406 = 0.1689. The ratio of the specific heat of a fixed gas at constant pressure to the sp. ht. at constant volume is given as follows by different writers (Eng'g, July 12, 1889): Regnault, 1.3953; Moll and Beck, 1.4085; Szathmari, 1.4027; J. Macfarlane Gray, 1.4. The first three are obtained from the velocity of sound in air. The fourth is derived from theory. Prof. Wood says: The value of the ratio for air, as found in the days of La Place, was 1.41, and we have 0.2377 *- 1.41 = 0.1686, the value used by Clausius, Hanssen, and many others. But this ratio is not definitely known. Rankine in his later writings used 1.408, and Tait in a recent work gives 1.404, while some experiments give less than 1.4, and others more than 1.41. Prof. Wood uses 1,406. Specific Heat of Gases. Experiments by Mallard and Le Chatelier indicate a continuous increase in the specific heat at constant volume of steam, CO2, and even of the perfect gases, with rise of temperature. The variation is inappreciable at 100 C., but increases rapidly at the high tem- peratures of the gas-engine cylinder. (Robinson's Gas and Petroleum Engines.) Thermal Capacity and Specific Heat of Gases. (From Damour'a 11 Industrial Furnaces.") The specific heat of a gas at any temperature is the first derivative of the function expressing the thermal capacity. It is not possible to derive from the specific heat of a gas at a given temper- ature, or even from the mean specific heat between and 100 C., the thermal capacity at a temperature above 100 C. The specific heats of gases under constant pressure between and 100 C., given by Regnault, are not sufficient to calculate the quantity of heat absorbed by a gas in heating or radiated in cooling, hence all calculations based on these figures are subject to a more or less grave error. The thermal capacities of a molecular volume (22.32 liters) of gases from absolute ( 273 C.) to a temperature T ( = 273 + t) may be expressed by the formula Q = 0.001 aT + 0.000,001 bT z , in which a is a constant, 6.5, for all gases, and b has the following values for different gases: O 2 , N, H 2 , CO, 0.6; H 2 O vapor, 2.9; CO 2 , 3.7; CH 4 , 6.0. The tables on page 565 give the thermal capacities of different gases under varying conditions of pressure, temperature and volume. EXPANSION BY HEAT. 565 SPECIFIC HEATS OF GASES PER KILOGRAM. Gases. Under Constant Pressure. Under Constant Volume. Oxygen 213+ 38X10 ~*t 150+ 38X10" 6 * Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide. . Hydrogen 0.243+ 42X10 -t 3.400+600X10 ~ & t 0.171+ 42X10~ 6 * 2.400+600X10~ 6 Z Water Vapor . ... 447+324X10 ~ 6 t 0.335+324X10 ~ 6 t Carbon Dioxide 0.193 + 168X10 ~ 6 t 0.150 + 168X10- 6 * Methane 0.608+748X10 ~ 6 t 0.491 +748X10 ~*t THERMAL CAPACITIES OF GASES PER KILOGRAM IN CENTIGRADE DEGS. Gases. Under Constant Pressure. Under Constant Volume. Oxygen 213^+ 19X10~ 6 J 2 150*+ 19X10~ 6 < 2 Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide. . Hydrogen 0.243+ 21 X10- 6 * 2 3.400+300X10~ 6 Z 2 0.171 t + 21 XlO~ 6 t 2 2.400<+300X10~ 2 Water Vapor 447 + 162XlO~ 6 2 3352 + 162X10- 6 * 2 Carbon Dioxide Methane or Marsh Gas 0.193J+ 84X10- 6 * 2 0.608^+374XlO~n 2 0.150J+ 84X10- 6 * 2 0.491 <+374XlO~ 6 * 2 THERMAL CAPACITIES OF GASES PER KILOGRAM. Temperatures. 2 N 2 ,CO H 2 H 2 CO 2 CH 4 Degrees Centigrade. 200. . 47 50 700 100 43 1 136.6 400 88 100 1400 203 91 303 600. . 134 154 2150 326 145 499.0 800 181 207 2900 461 208 726 1000. . 232 264 3700 609 277 982 1200 284 325 4550 770 354 1269 1400. . 334 383 5350 943 435 1584 1600 391 445 6250 1130 523 1931 1 800 . . 444 508 7100 1330 618 2307 2000 . . 503 575 8050 1542 728 2712 2200 . . 558 637 8950 1751 840 3148 2400 670 708 9900 1985 950 3614 2600 . . 681 777 10900 2241 1070 4109 2800 . . 735 850 11900 2520 1200 4635 3000 810.0 921 12950 2799 1355.0 5190.0 EXPANSION BY HEAT. In the centigrade scale the coefficient of expansion of air per degree is 0.003665 = 1/273; that is, the pressure being constant, the volume of a perfect gas increases 1/273 of its volume at C. for every in- crease in temperature of 1 C. In Fahrenheit units it increases 1/491.6 = 0.002034 of its volume at 32 F. for every increase of 1 F. Expansion of Gases by Heat from 32 to 212 F. (Regnault.) Increase in Volume, Pressure Constant. Volume at 32 Fahr. = 1.0, for Increase in Pressure, Volume Constant. Pressure at 32 Fahr. = 1.0, for 100 C. 1F. 100 C. 1F. Hydrogen. . 0.3661 0.3670 0.3670 0.3669 0.3710 0.3903 0.002034 0.002039 0.002039 0.002038 0.002061 0.002168 0.3667 0.3665 0.3668 0.3667 0.3688 0.3845 0.002037 0.002036 0.002039 0.002037 0.002039 0.002136 Atmospheric air Nitrogen . . . Carbon monoxide . . Carbon dioxide ". Sulphur dioxide If the volume is kept constant, the pressure varies directly as the absolute temperature. 5G6 HEAT. Lineal Expansion of Solids at Ordinary Temperature*. (Mostly British Board of Trade; from Clark.) For 1Fahr. Length For lCent. Length Cxpan- sion from 32 to 212 F. Accord- ing to Other Author- ities. Aluminum (drawn) . . 0.00001360 0.00001234 0.00000627 0.00000957 0.00001052 0.00000306 0.00000300 0.00000985 0.00000975 0.00000594 0.00000795 0.00000887 0.00004278 0.00000451 0.00000499 0.00000397 0.00000438 0.00000498 0.00000786 0.00000356 0.00000648 0.00000556 0.00001571 0.00002450 .00002221 .00001129 .00001722 .00001894 .00000550 .00000540 r!774 1755 0.00001070 0.00001430 0.00001596 3.00007700 3.00000812 0.00000897 0.00000714 .00000789 0.00000897 0.00001415 0.00000641 0.00001166 0.00001001 0.00002828 . 002450 0.002221 3.001129 3.001722 0.001894 0.000550 0.005400 0.001774 0.001755 0.001070 0.001430 0.001596 0.007700 0.000812 0.000897 0.000714 0.000789 0. 000897 0.001415, 0.00064 0.001166 0.00100 0.00282 Aluminum, (cast) . ... 1661683 0.001868 Antimony (cryst.) Brass plat6 Brick Brick (fire) Bronze (Copper, 17; Tin, 21/ 2 ; Zinc, 1). . 0.001392 Cement Portland (mixed), pure. . Concrete: cement-mortar and pebbles. . 0.001718 Ebonite Glass, English flint Glass thermometer ... . 1 . . Granite red dry 0.001235 0.001110 Lead . . 0.002694 0.00000308 0.00000786 0.00000256 0.00000494 0.00009984 0.00000695 0.00001129 0.00000922 00000479 0.00000453 0.00000200 0.00000434 0.00000788 00001079 0.00000577 0.00000636 0.00000689 0.00000652 0.00000417 0.00001163 0.00000489 0.0000027 0.0000140 0.0000149 0.00000554 0.00001415 0.00000460 0.00000890 0.0001797 0.00001251 0.00002033 0.00001660 0.00000863 0.00000815 0.00000360 0.00000781 0.00001419 0.00001943 0.00001038 0.00001144 0.00001240 0.00001174 0.00000750 0.00002094 0.00000881 0.00000496 0.00002532 0.00002692 0.00055 0.00141 0.00046 0.00089 0.01797 0.00125 0.00203 0.00166 0.00086 0.00081 0.00036 0.00078 0.00141 0.00194 0.00103 0.00114 0.00124 0.00117 0.00075 0.00209 0.00088 0.00049 0.00253 0.00269 Marbles, various j to Masonry, brick j to Mercury (cubic expansion) 0.018018 0.001279 Nickel Pewter Platinum 85% Iridium, 15% 0.000884 Quartz, parallel to maj. axis, to 40 C Quartz, perpend, to maj. axis, to 40C 0.001908 6!66io79 Slate Steel, cast Steel tempered . . . . ... Stone (sandstone) Rauville . . Tin 0.001938 "Wedgwood ware Wood, pine Zinc , 0.002942 Zinc. 8. Tin. 1 . . Invar (see next page), .000.000.374 to for 1 C. Cubical expansion, or expansion of volume = linear expansion X 3. Expansion of Steel at High Temperatures. (Charpy and Grenet. Comptes Rendut, 1902.) Coefficients of expansion (for l b C.) of annealed carbon and nickel steels at temperatures at which there is no transformer ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE. 567 tion of the sieel. The results seem to show that iron and carbide of iron have appreciably the same coefficient of expansion. [See also p. 449.] Composition of Steels. Mean Coefficients of Expansion from Coefficients between C Mn Si P 1.5to 200 200to500 500to650 c 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.013 11.8X10-6 14.3X10-6 17.0X10~ ( '2475X10-6 880 & 950 0.25 0.04 0.05 0.010 11.5 14.5 17.5 23.3 800 & 950 0.64 0.12 0.14 0.009 12.1 14.1 16.5 23.3 720 & 950 0.93 0.10 0.05 0.005 11.6 14.9 16.0 27.5 1.23 0.10 0.08 0.005 11.9 14.3 16.5 33.8 1.50 0.04 0.09 0.010 11.5 14.9 16.5 36.7 3.50 0.03 0.07 0.005 11.2 14.2 18.0 33.3 Nickel Steels. Mean Coefficients of Expansion from Ni C Mn 15 to 100 100 to 200 200 to 400 400 to 600 600 to 900 26.9 0.35 0.30 1 1.0X10~ 6 18.0X10-6 18.7X10~6 22.0X10-6 23.0X10-6 28.9 0.35 0.36 10.0 21.3 1< ).0 20.0 22.7 30.1 0.35 0.34 9.5 14.0 19.5 19.0 21.3 34.7 0.36 0.36 2.0 2.f 1 .75 19.5 20.7 36.1 0.39 0.39 1.5 1.5 11.75 17.0 20.3. 32.8 0.29 0.66 8.0 14.C I If $.0 21.5 22.3 3?. 8 0.31 0.69 2.5 2.5 12.5 18.75 19.3 37.4 0.30 0.69 2.5 1.5 8.5 19.75 18.3 25.4 1.01 0.79 12.5 18.5 1< >.75 21.0 35.0 29.4 0.99 0.89 11.0 12.5 19.0 20.5 31.7 34.5 0.97 0.84 3.0 3.5 13.0 18.75 26.7 Invar, an alloy of iron with 36 per cent of nickel, has a smaller coeffi- cient of expansion with the ordinary atmospheric changes of tempera- ture than any other metal or alloy known. This alloy is sold under the name of "Invar," and is used for scientific instruments, pendulums of clocks, steel tape-measures for survey work, etc. The Bureau of Stand- ards found its coefficient of expansion to range from 0.000 000 374 to 0.00000044 for 1 C.,qr about 1/28 of that of steel. For all surveys except in the most precise geodetic work a tape of invar may be used without correction for temperature. (Eng. News, Aug. 13, 1908.) Platinite, an alloy of iron with 42 per cent of nickel, has the same coefficient of expansion and contraction at atmospheric temperatures as has glass. It can, therefore, be used for the manufacture of armored glass, that is, a plate of glass into which a network of steel wire has toeen rolled, and which is used for fire-proofing, etc. It can also be used in- stead of platinum for the electric connections passing through the glass plugs in the base of incandescent electric lights. (Stoughton's "Metal- lurgy of Steel.") Expansion of Liquids from 32 to 212 F. Apparent expansion in glass (Clark). Water Water saturated with salt. Mercury Alcohol Volume at 212 0466 05 0182 11 1.11 1.08 1.07 volume at 32 being 1: Nitric acid Olive and linseed oils Turpentine and ether Hydrochloric and sulphuric acids . 1.06 For water at various temperatures, see Water. For air at various temperatures, see Air. ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE ABSOLUTE ZERO. The absolute zero of a gas is a theoretical consequence of the law of expansion by heat, assuming that it is possible to continue the cooling of a perfect gas until its volume is diminished to nothing. 568 HEAT. The volume of a perfect gas increases 1/273-1 of its volume at C. for every increase of temperature of 1 C., and decreases 1/273-1 of its volume at C . for every decrease of temperature of 1 C . At - 273 . 1 C . . the volume would then be reduced to nothing. This point, - 273. 1 C. = 459.6 F., or 491.6 F. below the temperature of melting ice, is called the absolute zero, and absolute temperatures are measured on either the Centigrade or the Fahrenheit scale, from this zero. The freezing-point, 32 F., corresponds to 491.6 F. absolute. If p be the pressure and VQ the volume of a perfect gas at 32 F. = 491.6 absolute, = To, and p the pressure and v the volume of the same weight of gas at any other absolute temperature T, then pv __T_ = < + 459.6. pv poVo = _ poVo To~ 491.6 ' T = To A cubic foot of dry air at 32 F. at the sea level (barometer = 29.921 in. of mercury) weighs 0.080728 Ib. The volume of one pound is 1/0.080728 = 12.387 cu. ft. The pressure is 2116.3 Ib. per sq. ft. D - P< - 2116.3 X 12.387 _ 26,214 _ KQ , -~ZV~ 491.6 ~ = LATENT HEATS OF FUSION AND EVAPORATION. Latent Heat means a quantity of heat which has disappeared, having been employed to produce some change other than elevation of tempera- ture. By exactly reversing that change, the quantity of heat which has disappeared is reproduced. Maxwell defines it as the quantity of heat which must be communicated to a body in a given state in order to convert it into another state without changing its temperature. Latent Heat of Fusion. When a body passes from the solid to the liquid state, its temperature remains stationary, or nearly stationary, at a certain melting-point during the whole operation of melting; and in order to make that operation go on, a quantity of heat must be trans- ferred to the substance melted, being a certain amount for each unit of weight of the substance. This quantity is called the latent heat of fusion. When a body passes from the liquid to the solid state, its temperature remains stationary or nearly stationary during the whole operation of freezing; a quantity of heat equal to the latent heat of fusion is pro- duced in the body and rejected into the atmosphere or other surround- ing bodies. The following are examples in British thermal units per pound, as given in Landolt and Bernstein's " Physikalische-Chemische Tabellen" (Berlin, 1894). Miih5tanr>p<3 Latent Heat QnhtanrPs Latent Heat ^stances. o f Fusion. ubstances. O f Fusion. Bismuth ......... 22.75 Silver ........... 37.93 Cast iron, gray ... 41.4 Beeswax ......... 76.14 Cast iron, white. . . 59.4 Parafflne ......... 63.27 Lead ............ 9.66 Spermaceti ....... 66.56 Tin .............. 25.65 Phosphorus ...... 9.06 Zinc ............. 50.63 Sulphur .......... 16.86 The latent heat of fusion of ice is generally taken at 144 B.T.U. per Ib. The U. S. Bureau of Standards (1915) gives it as 79.76 20-calories per gram = 143.57 B.T.U. per Ib. Latent Heat of Evaporation. When a body passes from the solid or liquid to the gaseous state, its temperature during the operation remains stationary at a certain boiling-point, depending on the pressure of the vapor produced; and in order to make the evaporation go on, a quantity of heat must be transferred to the substance evaporated, whose amount for each unit of weight of the substance evaporated depends on the temperature. That heat does not raise the temperature of the sub- stance, but disappears in causing it to assume the gaseous state, and it is called the latent heat of evaporation. When a body passes from the gaseous state to the liquid or solid state. its temperature remains stationary, during that operation, at the boiling- point corresponding to the pressure of the vapor : a quantity of heat equal to the latent heat of evaporation at that temperature is produced EVAPORATION AND DRYING. 569 in the body; and in order that the operation of cond'ensation may go on, that heat must be transferred from the body condensed to some other body. The following are examples of the latent heat of evaporation in British thermal units, of one pound of certain substances, when the pressure of the vapor is one atmosphere of 14.7 Ibs. on the square inch: Boiling-point under Latent Heat in one atm. Fahr. British units. Water 212.0 965.7 (Regnault). Alcohol..; 172.2 364.3 (Andrews). Ether 95.0 162.8 Bisulphide of carbon 114.8 156.0 The latent heat of evaporation of water at a series of boiling-points ex- tending from a few degrees below its freezing-point up to about 375 degrees Fahrenheit has been determined experimentally by M. Regnault. The results of those experiments are represented approximately by the formula, in British thermal units per pound, I nearly = 1091.7 - 0.7 (t - 32) = 965.7 - 0.7 (t - 212). Henning (Ann. der Physik, 1906) gives for t from to 100 C. Forl kg., 1= 94.210 (365-T C.) 0.31249. Forl lb., 1 = 141. 124 (689-2 F.) 0.31249. The last formula gives for the latent heat at 212 F., 969.7 B.T.U. The Total Heat of Evaporation is the sum of the heat which dis- appears in evaporating one pound of a given substance at a given tem- perature (or latent heat of evaporation) and of the heat required to raise its temperature, before evaporation, from some fixed temperature up to the temperature of evaporation. The latter part of the total heat is called the sensible heat. In the case of water, the experiments of M. Regnault show that the total heat of steam from the temperature of melting ice increases at a uniform rate as the temperature of evaporation rises. The following is the formula in British thermal units per pound: h = 1091.7 + 0.305 (t - 32). H. N. Davis (Trans. A. S. M. E., 1908) gives, in British units, h -1150 +0.3745 (t- 21 2) -0.000550 (J-212)*. For the total heat, latent heat, etc., of steam at different pressures, see table of the Properties of Saturated Steam. For tables of total heat, latent heat, and other properties of steams of ether, alcohol, acetone, chloroform, chloride of carbon, and bisulphide of carbon, see ROntgen's Thermodynamics (Dubois's translation). For ammonia and sulphur dioxide, see Wood's Thermodynamics; also, tables under Refrigerating Machinery, in this book. EVAPORATION AND DRYING. In evaporation, the formation of vapor takes place on the surface; in boiling, within the liquid: the former is a slow, the latter a quick, method of evaporation. If we bring an open vessel with water under the receiver of an air-pump and exhaust the air, the water in the vessel will commence to boil, and if we keep up the vacuum the water will actually boil near its freezing-point. The formation of steam in this case is due to the heat which the water takes out of the surroundings. Steam formed under pressure has the same temperature as the liquid in which it was formed, provided the steam is kept under the same pressure. By properly cooling the rising steam from boiling water, as in the mul- tiple-effect evaporating systems, we can regulate the pressure so that the water boils at low temperatures. Evaporation of Water in Reservoirs. Experiments at the Mount Hope Keservoir, Rochester, N. Y., in 1891, gave the following results: July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Mean temperature of air in shade 70.5 70.3 68.7 53.3 44 water in reservoir. .. 68.2 70.2 66.1 54.4 " humidity of air, per cent 67.0 74.6 75.2 74.7 Evaporation in inches during month 5.59 4.93 4.05 3.23 Rainfall in inches during month 3 . 44 2 , 95 1 . 44 2,16 570 HEAT. Evaporation of Water from Open Channels. (Flynn's Irrigation Canals and Flow of Water.) Experiments from 1881 to 1885 in Tulare County, California, showed an evaporation from a pan in the river" equal to an average depth of i/s in. per day throughout the year. When the pan was in the air the average evaporation was less than 3/i6 in. per day. The average for the month of August was 1/3 in. per day, and for March and April 1/12 in. per day. Experiments in Colorado show that evaporation ranges from 0.088 to 0.16 in. per day during the irrigating season. In Northern Italy the evaporation was from 1/12 to 1/9 inch per day while in the south, under the influence of hot winds, it was from 1/e to l /5 inch per day. In the hot season in Northern India, with a decidedly hot wind blow- ing, the average evaporation was 1/2' inch per day. The evaporation increases with the temperature of the water. Evaporation by the Multiple System. A multiple effect is a series of evaporating vessels each having a steam chamber, so connected that the heat of the steam or vapor produced in the first vessel heats the second, the vapor or steam produced in the second heats the third, and so on. The vapor from the last vessel is condensed in a condenser. Three vessels are generally used, in which case the apparatus is called a Triple Effect. In evaporating in a triple effect the vacuum is gradu- ated so that the liquid is boiled at a constant and low temperature. A series distilling apparatus of high efficiency is described by W.F. M. Goss in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1903. It has seven chambers in series, and is designed to distill 500 gallons of water per hour with an effi- ciency of approximately 60 Ibs. of water per pound of coal. Tests of Yaryan six-effect machines have shown as high as 44 Ibs. of water evaporated per pound of fuel consumed. Mach'y, April, 1905. A description of a large distilling apparatus, using three 125-H.P. boilers and a Lillie triple effect, with record of tests, is given in Eng. Ncu-s. Mar. 29, 1900, and in Jour. Am. Soc'y of Naval Engineers, Feb., 1900. . Tests of heating and evaporating apparatus used in sugar houses, " including calandrias, multiple effects, vacuum pans, and condensers, are described by E. W. Kerr in a 178-page pamphlet, Bulletin 149 g|*8 l*a| "8*1 3 *? o I 52 ' c s| -S o-l *s S"* * Si's .a | 'i jj .* c .2 3 o ^0 o3 &5 'l^f'-S "w "3 03 & 5 K? 1 ^ O *g C 13 o o t* Q ^ e3 c3 53 S GO PQ 2 PH ^ "^ PH "" o Pn J 09 1 0.26 .002 0.265 8.347 0.022 2,531 21,076 3,513 0.569 2 0.52 .003 0.530 8.356 0.044 1,264 10,510 1,752 1.141 4 1.04 .007 1.060 8.385 0.088 629.7 5,227 871.2 2.295 6 1.56 .010 1.590 8.414 0.133 418.6 3,466 577. / 3.462 8... 2.08 .014 2.120 8.447 0.179 312.7 2,585 430.9 4.641 10 2.60 .017 2.650 8.472 0.224 249.4 2,057 342.9 5.833 12.... 3.12 .021 3.180 8.506 0.270 207.0 1,705 284.2 7.038 14 3.64 .025 3.710 8.539 0.316 176.8 1,453 242.2 8.256 16.... 4.16 .028 4.240 8.564 0.364 154.2 1,265 210.8 9.488 18 4.68 .032 4.770 8.597 0.410 136.5 1,118 186 3 10.73 20 5.20 .035 5.300 8.622 0.457 122.5 1,001 176.8 11.99 30 7.80 .054 7.950 8.781 0.698 80.21 648.4 108.1 18.51 40 10.40 .073 10.600 8.939 0.947 59.09 472.3 78.71 25.41 50 13.00 .093 13.250 9.105 1.206 46.41 366.6 61.10 32.73 60 15.60 .114 15.900 9.280 1.475 37.94 296.2 49.36 40.51 70 18.20 .136 18.550 9 464 1.755 31.89 245.9 40.98 48.80 80... 20.80 .158 21.200 9.647 2.045 27.38 208.1 34.69 57.65 90 23.40 1.182 23.850 9.847 2.348 23.84 178.8 29.80 67.11 100 26.00 .205 26.500 10.039 2.660 21.04 155 3 25.88 77 26 Solubility of Sulphate of Lime in Pure Water. (Marignac.) Temperature F. degrees..^ 32 64.5 89.6 100.4 105.8 127.4 186.8 212 371 368 370 375 417 452 470 466 468 474 528 572 Parts water to dissolve!, , ,- 1 part gypsum 410 Parts water to dissolve part anhydrous CaSO* s.. 32 lve }415 3 U-or 34 r- In salt brine sulphate of lime is much more soluble than in pure water. In the evaporation of salt brine the accumulation of sulphate of lime tends 572 HEAT. to stop the operation, and it must be removed from the pans to avoid waste of fuel. The average strength of brine in the New York salt districts in 1889 was 69.38 degrees of the salinometer. Concentration of Sugar Solutions.* ( From " Heating and Con- " centrating Liquids by Steam," by John G.Hudson; The Engineer, June 13, 1890.) In the early stages of the process, when the liquor is of low density, the evaporative duty will be high, say two to three (British) gallons per square foot of heating surface with 10 Ibs. steam pressure, but will gradually fall to an almost nominal amount as the final stage is approached. As a generally safe basis for designing, Mr. Hudson takes an evaporation of one gallon per hour for each square foot of gross heating surface, with steam of the pressure of about 10 Ibs. As examples of the evaporative duty of a vacuum pan when performing the earlier stages of concentration, during which all the heating surface can be employed, he gives the following: COIL VACUUM PAN. 4 3 Ain. copper coils, 528 square feet of surface; steam in coils, 15 Ibs.; temperature in pan, 141 to 148; density of feed, 2o Baume*, and concentrated to 31 Baume*. First Trial. Evaporation at the rate of 2000 gallons per hour = 3.8 gallons per square foot ; transmission, 376 units per degree of difference of temperature. Second Trial. Evaporation at the rate of 1503 gallons per hour = 2.8 gallons per square foot ; transmission, 265 units per degree. As regards the total time needed to work up a charge of massecuite from liquor of a given density, the following figures, obtained by plotting the results from a large number of pans, form a guide to practical working. The pans were all of the coil type, some with and some without jackets, the gross heating surface probably averaging, and not greatly differing from, 0.25 square foot per gallon capacity, and the steam pressure 10 Ibs. per square inch. Both plantation and refining pans are included, making various grades of sugar: Density of feed (degs. Baume') 10 15 20 25 30 Evaporation required per gallon masse- cuite discharged 6.1233.62.261.5 .97 Average working hours required per charge . 12. 9. 6.5 5. 4. Equivalent average evaporation per hour per square foot of gross surface, assum- ing 0.25 sq. ft. per gallon capacity 2.04 1.61.391.2 0.97 Fastest working hours required per charge . 8.5 5.53.8 2. 75 2.0 Equivalent average evaporation per hour per square foot 2.88 2.62.382.181.9 The quantity of heating steam needed is practically the same in vacuum as in open pans. The advantages proper to the vacuum system are pri- marily the reduced temperature of boiling, and incidentally the possibility of using heating steam of low pressure. In a solution of- sugar in water, each pound of sugar adds to the volume of the water to the extent of 0.061 gallon at a low density to 0.0638 gallon at high densities. A Method of Evaporating by Exhaust Steam is described by Albert Stearns in Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. viii. A pan 17' 6" X 11' X I' 6. fitted with cast-iron condensing pipes of about 250 sq. ft. of surface, evaporated 120 gallons per hour from clear water, condensing only about one-half of the steam supplied by a plain slide-valve engine of 14" X 32" cylinder, making 65 revs, per min., cutting off about two-thirds stroke, with steam at 75 Ibs. boiler pressure. It was found that keeping the pan-room warm and letting only sufficient air in to carry the vapor up out of a ventilator adds to its efficiency, as the average temperature of the water in the pan was only about 165 F. Experiments were made with coils of pipe in a small pan, first with no agitator, then with one having straight blades, and lastly with troughed blades; the evaporative results being about the proportions of one, two, and three respectively. In evaporating liquors whose boiling-point is 220 F.. or much above that of water, it is found that exhaust steam can do but little more than * For other sugar data, see Bagasse as Fuel, under Fuel. EVAPORATION AND DRYING. 573 bring them up to saturation strength, but on weak liquors, sirups, glues, etc., it should be very useful. Drying in Vacuum. An apparatus for drying grain and other sub- stances in vacuum is described by Mr. Emil Passburg in Proc.Inst. Mech. Engrs., 1889. The three essential lequirements for a successful and eco- nomical process of drying are: 1. Cheap evaporation of the moisture; 2. Quick drying at a low temperature; 3. Large capacity of the apparatus, The removal of the moisture can be effected in either of two ways: either by slow evaporation, or by quick evaporation that is, by boiling. Slow Evaporation. The principal idea carried into practice in machines acting by slow evaporation is to bring the wet substance repeatedly into contact with the inner surfaces of the apparatus, which are heated by steam, while at the same time a current of hot air is also passing througk the substances for carrying off the moisture. This method requires much heat, because the hot-air current has to move at a considerable speed in order to shorten the drying process as much as possible; consequently a great quantity of heated air passes through and escapes unused. As a carrier of moisture hot air cannot in practice be charged beyond half its full saturation; and it is in fact considered a satisfactory result if even this proportion be attained. A great amount of heat is here produced which is not used; while, with scarcely half the cost for fuel, a much quicker removal of the water is obtained by heating it to the boiling-point. Quick Evaporation by Boiling. This does not take place until the water is brought up to the boiling-point and kept there, namely, 212 F. t under atmospheric pressure. The vapor generated then escapes freely. Liquids are easily evaporated in this way, because by their motion conse- quent on boiling the heat is continuously conveyed from the heating sur- faces through the liquid, but it is different with solid substances, and many more difficulties have to be overcome, because convection of the heat ceases entirely in solids. The substance remains motionless, and consequently a much greater quantity of heat is required than with liquids for obtaining the same results. Evaporation in Vacuum. All the foregoing disadvantages are avoided If the boiling-point of water is lowered, that is, if the evaporation is carried out under vacuum. This plan has been successfully applied in Mr. Passburg's vacuum drying apparatus, which is designed to evaporate large quantities of water con- tained in solid substances. The drying apparatus consists of a top horizontal cylinder, surmounted by a charging vessel at one end, and a bottom horizontal cylinder with a discharging vessel beneath it at the same end. Both cylinders are incased in steam-jackets heated by exhaust steam. In the top cylinder works a revolving cast-iron screw with hollow blades, which is also heated by exhaust steam. . The bottom cylinder contains a revolving drum of tubes, consisting of one large central tube surrounded by 24 smaller ones, all fixed in tube-plates at both ends; this drum is heated by live steam direct from the boiler. The substance to be dried is fed into the charg- ing vessel through two manholes, and is carried along the top cylinder by the screw creeper to the back end, where it drops through a valve into the bottom cylinder, in which it is lifted by blades attached to the drum and travels forward in the reverse direction; from the front end of the bottom cylinder it falls into a discharging vessel through another valve, having by this time become dried. The vapor arising during the process is carried off by an air-pump, through a dome and air-valve on the top of the upper cylinder, and also through a throttle-valve on the top of the lower cylinder; both of these valves are supplied with strainers. As soon as the discharging vessel is filled with dried material the valve connecting it with the bottom cylinder is shut, and the dried charge taken out without impairing the vacuum in the apparatus. When the charging vessel requires replenishing, the intermediate valve between the two cylin- ders is shut, and the charging vessel filled with a fresh supply of wet mate- rial; the vacuum still remains unimpaired in the bottom cylinder, and has to be restored only in the top cylinder after the charging vessel has been closed again. . In this vacuum the boiling-point of the water contained in the wet mate- rial is brought down as low as 110 F. The difference between tnis tern* 574 HEAT. perature and that of the heating surfaces is ampiy sufficient for obtaining good results from the employment of exhaust steam for heating all the surfaces except the revolving drum of tubes. The water contained in the solid substance to be dried evaporates as soon as the latter is heated to about 110 F., and as long as there is any moisture to be removed the solid substance is not heated above this temperature. Wet grains from a brewery or distillery, containing from 75% to 78% of water, have by this drying process been converted from a worthless incum- brance into a valuable fo9d-stuff. The water is removed by evaporation only, no previous mechanical pressing being resorted to. At Guinness's brewery in Dublin two of these machines are employed. In each of these the top cylinder is 20 ft. 4 in. long and 2 ft. 8 in. diam., and the screw working inside it makes 7 revs, per min.; the bottom cylinder is 19 ft. 2 in. long and 5 ft. 4 in. diam., and the drum of the tubes inside it makes 5 revs, per min. The drying surfaces of the two cylinders amount together to a total area of about 1000 sq. ft., of which about 40% is heated by exhaust steam direct from the boiler. There is only one air- pump, which is made large enough for three machines; it is hori- zontal, and has only one air-cylinder, which is double-acting, 173/4 in. diam. and 173/4 in. stroke; and it is driven at about 45 revs, per min. As the result of about eight months' experience, the two machines have been drying the wet grains from about 500 cwt. of malt per day of 24 hours. Roughly speaking, 3 cwt. of malt gave 4 cwt. of wet grains, and the latter yield 1 cwt. of dried grains; 500 cwt. of malt will therefore yield about 670 cwt. of wet grains, or 335 cwt. per machine. The quantity of water to be evaporated from the wet grains is from 75% to 78% of their total weight, or, say, about 512 cwt. altogether, being 256 cwt. per machine. Driers and Drying. (Contributed by W. B. Ruggles, 1909.) Materials of different physical and chemical properties require different types of drying apparatus. It is therefore necessary to classify mate- rials into groups, as below, and design different machines for each grpup. Group A: Materials which may be heated to a high temperature and are not injured by being in contact with products of combustion. These include cement rock, sand, gravel, granulated slag, clay, marl, chalk, ore, graphite, asbestos, phosphate rock, slacked lime, etc. The most simple machine for drying these materials is a single revolving shell with lifting flights on the inside, the shell resting on bearing wheels and having a furnace at one end and a stack or fan at the other. The advantage of this style of machine is its low cost of installation and the small number of parts. The disadvantages are great cost of repairs and excessive fuel consumption, due to radiation and high temperature of the stack gases. If the material is fed from the stack and towards the furnace end, the shell near the furnace gets red-hot, causing excessive radiation and frequent repairs. Should the feed be reversed the exhaust temperature must be kept above 212 F. t or recondensation will take place, wetting the material. In order to economize fuel the shell is sometimes supported at the ends and brickwork is erected around the shell, the hot gases passing under the shell and back through it. Although this method is more economical in the use of fuel, the cost of installation and the cost of repairs are greater. Group B: Materials such as will not be injured by the products of com- bustion but cannot be raised to a high temperature on account of driving off water of crystallizatipn, breaking up chemical combinations, or en account of danger from ignition. Included in these are gypsum, fluor- spar, iron pyrites, coal,. coke, lignite, sawdust, leather scraps, cork chips, tobacco stems, fish scraps, tankage, peat, etc. Some of these materials may be dried in a single-shell drier and some in a bricked-in machine, but none of them in a satisfactory way on account of the difficulty of regulating the temperature and, in some cases, the danger of explosion of dust. Group C: Materials which are not injured by a high temperature but which cannot be allowed to come into contact with products of combus- EVAPORATION AND DRYING. 575 tion. These are kaolin, ocher and other pigments, fuller's earth, which is to be used in filtering vegetable or animal oils, whiting and similar earthy materials, a large proportion of which would be lost as dust in direct-heat drying. These may be dried by passing through a single-shell drier incased in brickwork and allowing heat to come into contact with the shell only, but this is an uneconomical machine to operate, due to the high temperature of the escaping gases. Group D: Organic materials which are used for food either by man or the lower animals, such as grain which has been wet, cotton seed, starch feed, corn germs, brewers' grains, and breakfast foods, which must be dried after cooking. These, of course, cannot be brought into contact with furnace gases and must be kept at a low temperature. For these materials a drier using either exhaust or live steam is the only practical one. This is generally a revolving shell in which are arranged steam pipes. Care should be exercised in selecting a steam drier which has perfect and automatic drainage of the pipes. The condensed steam always amounts to more than the water evaporated from the material. Group E: Materials which are composed wholly or contain a large pro- portion of soluble salts, such as nitrate of soda, nitrate of potash, car- bonates of soda or potash, chlorates of soda or potash, etc. These in drying form a hard scale which adheres to the shell, and a rotary drier cannot be profitably used on account of frequent stops for cleaning. The only practical machine for such materials is a semicircular cast-iron trough having a shaft through the center carrying paddles that C9n- stantl.y stir up the material and feed it through the drier. This machine has brick side walls and an exterior furnace; the heat from the furnace passing under the shell and back through the drying material or out through a stack or fan without passing through the material, as may bo desired. Should the material also require a low temperature, the same type of drier can be used by substituting steam-jacketed steel sections instead of cast iron. The efficiency of a drier is the ratio of the theoretical heat required to do the drying to the total heat supplied. The greatest loss is the heat carried out by the exhaust or waste gases; this may be as great as 40% of the total heat from the fuel, or with a properly designed drier may be as small as 8%. The radiation from the shell or walls may be as high as 25% or as low as 4%. The heat carried away by the dried material may amount under conditions of careless operation to as much as 25% or may be as low as nothing. A properly designed drier of the direct-heat type for either group " A " or "B" will give an efficiency of from 75% to 85%; a bricked-in return- draught single-shell drier, from 60% to 70%; and a single-shell straight- draught dryer, from 45% to 55%. A properly designed indirect-heat drier for group "C" will give an efficiency of 50% to 60%, and a poorly designed one may not give more than 30%; The best designed steam drier for group " D," in which the losses in the boiler producing the steam must be considered, will not often give an efficiency of more than 42%; and, while a poorly designed one may have an equal efficiency, its capacity may be not more than one-half of a good drier of equal size. The drier described for group "E" will not give an efficiency of more than 55%. PERFORMANCE OF A STEAM DRIER. Material; Starch feed. Moisture, initial 39.8%, final 0.22%. Dried* material per hour, 831 Ibs. Water evaporated per hour, 548 Ibs. Steam consumed per hour, 793 Ibs. Water evaporated per pound steam, 0.691 Ib. Temperature of material, moist, 58, dry, 212. Steam pressure, 98 Ibs. gauge. Total heat to evaporate 548 Ibs. water at 58 into steam, 548 X (154.2 + 969.7) = 615,897 B.T.U. Heat supplied by 793 Ibs. steam condensed to water at 212, 793 X (1188.2 - 180.3) = 799,265 B.T.U. Heat used to evaporate water, (615,897 -f- 799,265) = 77.1%. Heat used to raise temperature of material, (831 X 154 X 0.492) = 62,963 = 7.9%. Loss by radiation . . 100 - (77.1 + 7.9) = 15%. Total efficiency . 85.0%. 576 HEAT. Performance of Different Types of Driers. (W. B. Ruggles.) . s !l Type of drier l| Is ^.S g Hi t-< > 3| "o 6* V M ^si2 |J| '5c J '12"^ Q^ 1? .A| I* -u ^q Material ,,,,,,,..,,., Sand Coal Cement Lime- Nitrate Moisture, initial, per cent ....... 4 58 10 2 slurry. 61 2 stone. 3 6 of soda. 7 2 Moisture, final, per cent 40 7 5 3 Calorific value of fuel, B.T.U. . . 12100 12290 13200 13180 13600 Fuel consumed per hour, Ibs. . . Water evaporated per hour, Ibs Water evap. per pound fuel, Ibs Material dried per hour, Ibs. . . . Fuel per ton dried material, Ibs. Heat lost in exhaust air, per cent 398 2196 5.3 36460 21.8 11.3 213.6 924.2 4.3 8300 51.3 42.8 667 4057 6.1 7680 17.3 38.4 460 1325 2.3 41400 22.2 38.2 87 349 4.0 4581 38.0 40.7 Heat lost by radiation, etc., per cent 7.6 7.7 12 5 15 6 13 8 Heat used to evaporate water, per cent 52 5 39 4 52 24 4 33 1 Heat used to raise temperature of material, per cent 28.6 10.1 7 1 21 8 12 4 Total efficiency, per cent 81 1 49 5 59 1 46 2 45 5 M 3 WATER EVAPORATED AND HEAT REQUIRED FOR DRYING. percentage of moisture in material to be dried. Ibs. water evaporated per ton (2000 Ibs.) of dry material. = British thermal units required for drying, per ton of dry material. M Q H M Q H M Q H 1 20.2 85,624 14 325.6 424,884 35 1,077 1,269,240 2 40.8 108,696 15 352.9 458,248 40 1,333 1,555,960 3 61.9 130,424 16 381.0 489,720 45 1,636 1,895,320 4 83.3 156,296 17 409.6 521,752 50 2,000 2.303,000 5 105.3 180,936 18 439.0 554,680 55 2,444 2,800,280 6 127.7 206,024 19 469.1 588,392 60 3,000 3,423,000 7 150.,? 231,560 20 500.0 623,000 65 3,714 4,222,680 8 173.9 257,768 21 531.6 658,392 70 4,667 5,290,040 9 197.8 284,536 22 564.1 694,792 75 6,000 6,783,000 10 222.2 311.864 23 597.4 732.088 80 8,000 9,023,000 11 247.2 339,864 24 631.6 770,392 85 11,333 12,755.960 12 272.7 368,424 25 666.7 809,704 90 18,000 20,223,000 13 298.9 397,768 30 857.0 1 .022,840 95 38,000 42,623,000 Formulae: Q = 1120 Q + 63,000. The value of H is found on the assumption that the moisture is heated from 62 to 212 and evaporated at that temperature, and that the specific heat of the material is 0.21. [2000 X (212 - 62) X 0.21] = 63,000. Calculations for Design of Drying Apparatus. A most efficient system of drying of moist materials consists in a continuous circulation of a volume of warm dry air over or through the moist material, then passing the air charged with moisture over the cold surfaces of condenser coils to remove the moisture, then heating the same air by steam-heating coils or other means, and again passing it over the material. In the design of apparatus to work on this system it is necessary to know the amount of moisture to be removed in a given time, and to calculate the volume of air that will carry that moisture at the temperature at which it leaves the material, making allowanceforthefactthatthemoist, warm air on leaving EVAPORATION AND DRYING. 577 the material may not be fully saturated, and for the fact that the cooled air is nearly or fully saturated at the temperature at which it leaves the cooling coils. A paper by Wm. M. Grosvenor, read before the Am. Inst. of Chemical Engineers (Heating and Ventilating Mag., May, 1909) con- tains a "humidity table" and a "humidity chart" which greatly facilitate the calculations required. The table is given in a condensed form below. It is based on the following data: Density of air 4- 0.04% CO> = 0.001293052 .. __. _ 1 + 0.00367 X Temp. C. (m Kg ' P6F CU ' m ' ) ' DenSlty af Water Vapor = 0.62186 X density of air. Density at partial pressure * density at 760 m.m. =partiai pressure * 760 m.m. Specific heat of water vapor = 0.475; ep. ht. of air = 0.2373. Kg. per cu. meter X 0.062428 = Ibs. per cu. ft. The results given in the table agree within 1/4% with the figures of the U. S. Weather Bureau. (Compare also the tables of H. M. Prevost Murphy, given under "Air," page 612.) The term "humid heat" in the heading of the table is defined as the B.T.U. required to raise 1 F. one pound of air plus the vapor it may carry when saturated at the given temperature and pressure; and "humid volume" is the volume of one pound of air when saturated at the given temperature and pressure. Humidity Table. Temp. F. Vapor Tension, Milli- meters of Mercury. Lbs. Water Vapor per Ib. Air. Humid Heat, B.T.U. Humid Volume cu.ft. Density, Ibs. per cu.ft. at 760 Millimeters. Volume in cu. ft. per Ib. of Dry Air. Sat'd Mix. Dry Air. Sat'd Mix. 32 4.569 0.003761 0.2391 12.462 0.080726 0.080556 12.388 12.414 35 5.152 .0042435 .2393 12.549 .080231 .080085 12.464 12.496 40 6.264 .0050463 ,2398 12.695 .079420 .079181 12.590 12.629 45 7.582 .0062670 .2403 12.843 .078641 .078348 12.718 12.763 50 9.140 .0075697 .2409 12.999 .077867 .077511 12.842 12.901 55 10.980 .0091163 .2416 13.159 .077109 .076685 12.968 13.041 60 13.138 .010939 .2425 13.326 .076363 .075865 13.095 13.180 65 15.660 .013081 .2435 13.501 .075635 .075039 13.222 13.325 70 18.595 .Oi5597 .2447 13.683 .074921 .074219 13.348 13.471 75 22.008 .018545 .2461 13.876 .074218 .073471 13.474 13.624 80 25.965 .021998 .2478 14.081 .073531 .072644 13.600 13.777 85 30.573 .026026 .2497 14.301 .072852 .071744 13.726 13.938 90 35.774 .030718 .2519 14.539 .072189 .070894 13.852 14.106 95 41.784 .036174 .2545 14.793 .071535 .070051 13.979 14.275 100 48.679 .042116 .2575 15.071 .070894 .069179 14.106 14.455 105 56.534 .049973 .2610 15.376 .070264 .068288 14.232 14.643 110 65.459 .058613 .2651 15.711 .069647 .067383 14.358 14.840 115 75.591 .068662 .2699 16.084 .069040 .066447 14.484 15.050 120 87.010 .080402 .2755 16.499 .068443 .065477 14.611 15.272 125 99.024 .094147 .2820 16.968 .067857 .064480 14.736 15.509 130 114.437 .11022 .2896 17.499 .067380 .063449 14.863 15.761 135 130.702 .12927 .2987 18.103 .066713 .062374 14.989 16.032 140 148.885 .15150 .3093 18.800 .066156 .061255 15.116 16.325 145 169.227 .17816 .3219 19.609 .065601 .060104 15.242 16.643 150 191.860 .21005 .3371 20.559 .065154 .058865 15.368 16.993 155 216.983 .24534 .3553 21.687 .064539 .057570 15.494 17.370 160 244.803 .29553 .3776 23.045 .064016 .056218 15.621 17.788 165 275.592 .35286 .4054 24.708 .063502 .054795 15.748 18.250 170 309.593 .42756 .4405 26.790 .062997 .053305 15 874 18.761 175 347.015 .52285 .4856 29.454 .062500 .051708 16.000 19.339 180 388.121 .64942 .5458 32.967 .062015 .050035 16.126 19.987 185 433.194 .82430 .6288 37.796 .061529 .048265 16.253 20.719 190 482.668 1 .00805 .7519 44.918 .061053 .046391 16.379 21.557 195 536.744 1.4994 .9494 56.302 .060588 .044405 16.505 22.521 200 595.771 2.2680 1.3147 77.304 .060127 .042308 16.631 23.638 205 660.116 4.2272 2.1562 131.028 .059674 .040075 16.758 24.954 210 730.267 15.8174 15.9148 562.054 .059228 .037323 16.884 26.796 578 HEAT. RADIATION OF HEAT Radiation of heat takes place between bodies at all distances apart, and follows the laws for the radiation of light. The heat rays proceed in straight lines, and the intensity of the rays radiated from any one source varies inversely as the square of their distance from the source. This statement has been erroneously interpreted by some writers, who have assumed .from it that a boiler placed two feet above a fire would re- ceive by radiation only one-fourth as much heat as if it were only one foot above. In the case of boiler furnaces the side walls reflect those rays that are received at an angle, following the law of optics, that the angle oj incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, with the result that the intensity of heat two feet above the fire is practically the same as at one foot above, instead of only one-fourth as much. The rate at which a hotter body radiates heat, and a colder body absorbs heat, depends upon the state of the surfaces of the bodies as well as on their temperatures. The rate of radiation and of absorption are increased by darkness and roughness of the surfaces of the bodies, and diminished by smoothness and polish. For this reason the covering absorbing power under the same circumstances. When a polished body is struck by a ray of heat, it absorbs part of the heat and reflects the rest. - - A1 - -j complement of its absorb- power. ft'erent bodies has been determined by experiment, as shown m the table below, but as far as quantities of heat are C9ncerned, says Prof. Trowbridge (Johnson's Cyclopaedia, art. Heat), it is doubtful whether anything further than the said relative determinations can, in the present state of our knowledge, be depended upon, the actual or absolute quantities for different tem- peratures being still uncertain. The authorities do not even agree on the relative radiating powers. Thus, Leslie gives for tin plate, gold, silver, and copper the figure 12, which differs considerably from the figures in the table below, given by Clark, stated to be on the authority of Leslie, De La Provostaye and Desains, and Melloni. Relative Radiating and Reflecting Power of Different Substances. Radiating or Absorbing Power. Reflecting Power. Radiating or Absorbing Power. Reflecting Power. 100 100 100 98 93 to 98 90 85 72 27 25 23 23 2 7 to 2 10 15 28 73 75 77 77 Zinc, polished Steel, polished Platinum, polished. Platinum in sheet . . Tin 19 17 24 17 15 11 14 7 5 3 3 81 83 76 83 85 89 93 86 93 95 97 97 Water Carbonate of lead . . . ^Vri ting-paper Ivory, jet, marble... Ordinary glass Ice Brass, cast, dead Gum lac Brass, bright pol- ished Silver-leaf on glass . . Cast iron, bright pol- Copper, varnished. . Copper, hammered . Gold plated.. .. Mercury, about Wrought iron, pol- ished Gold on polished steel . . Silver, polished bright. Experiments of Dr. A.M. Mayer give the following: The relative radi- ations from a cube of cast iron, having faces rough, as from the foundry, CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION OF HEAT. 579 planed, "drawfiled,"and polished, and from the same surfaces oiled, are as below (Prof. Thurston, in Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xvi): Rough. Planed. Drawfiled. Polished. 100 60 49 45 Surface dry 100 32 20 18 It here appears that the oiling of smoothly polished castings, as of cylinder-heads of steam-engines, more than doubles the loss of heat by radiation, while it doer- not seriously affect rough castings. " Black Body " Radiation. Stefan and Boltzman's Law. (Eng'q, March 1, 1907.) Kirchhoff defined a black body as one that would absorb all radiations falling on it, and would neither reflect nor transmit any. The radiation from such a body is a function of the temperature alone, and is identical with the radiation inside an inclosure all parts ol wtncn have the same temperature. By heating the walls of an inclosure as uniformly as possible, and observing the radiation through a very small opening, a practical realization of a black body is obtained. Stefan and Boltzman's law is: The energy radiated by a black body is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature, or E = K (T 4 T 4 ), where E = total energy radiated by the body at T to the body at TO, and K is a constant. The total radiation from other than black bodies increases more rapidly than the fourth power of the absolute temperature, so that as the temperature is raised the radiation of all bodies approaches that of the black body. A confirmation of the Stefan and Boltzman law is given in the results of experiments by Lummer and Kurlbaum, as below (T Q = 290 degrees C. t abs. in all cases). 7*= 492. 654. 795. 108.4 109.9 6.56 8.14 33.1 36.6 E (Black body 109.1 =ri \ Polished platinum. . 4 .28 - T " 4 (Iron oxide 33.1 1108. 1481. 1761 k 109.0 110.7 12.18 16.69 19.64 46.9 65.3 The Stefan-Boltzman law as applied to radiation from a given body may be written W = 5.7 e [(0.001T) 4 - (0.001 T e )] 4 ; W = energy in watts radiated per square centimeter of surface, T = temperature of the hot body, T e = temperature of the surrounding space, e = relative emissivity, a characteristic of the radiating body, always less than unity. For clean polished metal surfaces e ranges from 0.02 to 0.20; for non-metallic surfaces, from about 0.3 to about 0.9. CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION OF HEAT. Conduction is the transfer of heat between two bodies or parts of a body which touch each other. Internal conduction takes place between the parts of one continuous body, and external conduction through the surface of contact of a pair of distinct bodies. The rate at which conduction, whether internal or external, goes on, being proportional to the area of the section or surface through which it takes place, may be expressed in thermal units per square foot of area per hour. Internal Conduction varies with the heat conductivity, which depends upon the nature of the substance, and is directly proportional to the difference between the temperatures of the two faces of a layer, and in- versely as its thickness. The reciprocal of the conductivity is called the internal thermal resistance of the substance. If r represents this resist- ance, x the thickness of the layer in inches, T f and T the temperatures on the two faces, and q the quantity in thermal units transmitted per hour per square foot of area, q Pe"clet gives the following values of r: (Rankine.) Gold, platinum, silver 0.0016 Copper 0.0018 Iron 0.0043 Zinc 0.0045 Lead 0.0090 Marble 0.0716 Brick 0.1500 680 HEAT. Metals. Relative Heat-conducting Power of Metals. *C.&J. fW.&F. Silver 1000 ' 1000 Gold 981 532 Gold, with 1 % of silver. 840 Copper, rolled 845 736 Copper, cast 811 Mercury 677 Mercury, with 1.25% of tin.... 412 Aluminum 665 ... Zinc: cast vertically 628 cast horizontally. . . 608 rolled 641 * Calvert & Johnson. Metals. *C.&J. fW.&F. Cadmium 577 Wrought iron 436 Tin 422 Steel 397 Platinum. 380 Sodium 365 Cast iron 359 Lead 287 Antimony: cast horizontally. . 215 cast vertically. ... 192 Bismuth 61 119 145 116 84 85 18 t Weidemann & Franz. INFLUENCE OF A NON-METALLIC SUBSTANCE IN COMBINATION ON THE CONDUCTING POWER OF A METAL. Influence of carbon on iron: Wrought iron 436 Steel 397 Cast iron 359 Cast copper , 811 Copper with 1 % of arsenic 570 with 0.5% of arsenic. . 669 with 0.25% of arsenic, 771 The Rate of External Conduction through the bounding surface between a solid body and a fluid is approximately proportional to the difference of temperature, when that is small; but when that difference is considerable, the rate of conduction increases faster than the simple ratio of that difference. (Rankine.) If r, as before, is the coefficient of internal thermal resistance, e and e f the coefficient of external resistance of the two surfaces, x the thickness of the plate, and T f and T the temperatures of the two fluids in contact with the two surfaces, the rate of conduction is q Accord- ing to Pellet, e + e' = e + e' + rx in which the constants A and A [1 -f B (T f - T}\ B have the following values: B for polished metallic surfaces . 0028 B for rough metallic surfaces and for non-metallic surfaces . . 0. 0037 A for polished metals, about 0.90 A for glassy and varnished surfaces 1 . 34 A for dull metallic surfaces 1 . 58 A for lampblack 1 . 78 When a metal plate has a liquid at each side of it, it appears from experi- ments by Pe"clet that B = 0.058, A = 8.8; The results of experiments on the evaporative power of boilers agree very well with the following approximate formula for the thermal resist- ance of boiler plates and tubes: e+er -(T^T)' which gives for the rate of conduction, per square foot of surface per hour, (T r -T 7 ) 2 This formula is proposed by Rankine as a rough approximation, near enough to the truth for its purpose. The value of a lies between 160 and 200. Experiments on modern boilers usually give higher values. Convection, or carrying of heat, means the transfer and diffusion of the heat in a fluid mass by means of the motion of the particles of that mass. The conduction, properly so called, of heat through a stagnant mass of fluid is very slow in liquids, and almost, if not whplly, inappreciable in gases. It is only by the continual circulation and mixture of the particles of the fluid that uniformity of temperature can be maintained in the fluid mass, or heat transferred between the fluid mass and a solid body. The free circulation of each of the fluids which touch the side of a solid plate is a necessary condition of the correctness of Rankine's formulae for tne conduction of heat through that plate; and in these formulae it is CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION OF HEAT. 581 fmplied that the circulation of each of the fluids by currents and eddies is such as to prevent any considerable difference of temperature between the fluid particles in contact with one side of the solid plate and those at con- siderable distances from it. When heat is to be transferred by convection from one fluid to another, through an intervening layer of metal, the nations of the two fluid masses should, if possible, be in opposite directions, in order that the hottest par- ticles of each fluid may be m communication with the hottest particles of the other, and that the minimum difference of temperature between the adjacent particles of the two fluids may be the greatest possible. Thus, in the surface condensation of steam, by passing it through metal tubes immersed in a current of cold water or air, the cooling fluid should be made to move in the opposite direction to the condensing steam. Coefficients of Heat Conduction of Different Materials. (W. Nusselt, Zeit des Ver. Deut. Ing., June, 1908. Eng. Digest, Aug., 1908.) The materials were inclosed between two concentric metal vessels, the inner of which contained an electric heating device. It was found that the materials tested all followed Fourier's law, the quantity of heat transmitted being directly proportional to the extent of surface, the duration of flow and the temperature difference between the inner and outer surfaces; and inversely proportional to the thickness of the mass of material. It was also found that the coefficient of conduction increased as the temperature increased. The table gives the British equivalents of the average coefficients obtained. COEFFICIENTS OF HEAT CONDUCTION AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES FOR VARIOUS INSULATING MATERIALS. (B.T.U. per hour = Area of surface in square feet X coefficient -f- thick- ness in inches.) Lb. per cu. ft. Materials. 32 F. 212 F. 392 F. 572 F. 752 F. 10 Ground cork 0.250 0.387 0.443 8.5 Sheep's wool* 0.266 0.403 6 3 Silk waste 0.306 0.411 9.18 5 06 Silk, tufted Cotton wool 0.314 0.379 0.419 0.476 J1.86 Charcoal (carbonized cabbage leaves) 0.403 0.508 13 42 Sawdust (0 443 at 1 12 F ) 10 Peat refusef (0 443 at 77 F ) 2' .85 Kieselguhr (infusorial earth), loose .... ... 3.419 0.532 3.596 0.629 12.49 Asphalt-cork composition (0.492 at65F.). . 25.28 12 49 Composition, j loose Kieselguhr stone ... 0.484 0.516 0.613 0.629 0.653 0.742 J!854' o:%r 12 17 Peat refusef (0 564 at 68 -F ) 36.2 Kieselguhr, dry and compacted (0 669 at 302 F 991 at 662 F.) 43.07 Composition, compacted (0.806 at 302 F 967 at 428 F.) 22.47 Porous blast-furnace slag (0.766 at I12F.) .... 35 96 Asbestos (1 .644 at 1112 F.) 1.048 1.346 1.451 1.499 1.548 34 33 Slag concrete! (1 532 at 112 F ) 18.23 Eumice stone gravel (1.612 at 112 F ) 128.5 Portland cement, neat (6.287 at 95 F.) Tufted, oily, and containing foreign matter. Used in Linde's apparatus, t Hygroscopic; measurements made in moist zones. \ Cork, asbestos, kieselguhr and chopped straw, mixed with a binder and made in sheets for application to steam pipes in successive layers, the whole being wrapped in canvas and painted. Kieselguhr, mixed with a binder and burned; very porous and hygroscopic. Ingredients of ($) mixed with water and compacted. || 1 part cement, 9 parts porous blast-furnace slag, by volume. 582 HEAT. Heat Resistance, the Reciprocal of Heat Conductivity. (W. Kent, Trans. A. S. M. E., xxi-7, 278.) The resistance to the passage of heat through a plate consists of three separate resistances; viz., the resistances of the two surfaces and the resistance of the body of the plate which latter is proportional to the thickness of the plate. It is probable also that the resistance of the surface differs with the nature of the body or medium with which it is in contact. A complete set of experiments on the heat-resisting power of heat- insulating substances should include an investigation into the difference in surface resistance when a surface is in contact with air and when it is in contact with another solid body. Suppose we find that the total resist- ance of a certain non-conductor may be represented by the figure 10, and that similar pieces all give the same figure. Two pieces in contact give 16. One piece of half the thickness of the others gives 8. What is the resist- ance of the surface exposed to the air in either piece, of the surface in contact with another surface, and of the interior of the body itself? Let the resistance of the material itself, of the regular thickness, be rep- resented by A, that of the surface exposed to the air by a, and that of the surface in contact with another surface by c. We then have for the three cases, Resistance of one piece .4 -t- 2 a ^ 10 of two pieces in contact .... 2A+2c+2a = 16 of the thin piece i/2A+2a= 8 These three equations contain three unknown quantities. Solving the equations we find A = 4, a = 3, and c = 1. Suppose that another experiment be made with the two pieces separated by an air space, and that the total resistance is then 22. If the resistance of the air space be represented by s we have the two equations: Resistance of one piece, A + 2 a = 10; resistance of two pieces and air space, 2 A + 4a + a = 22, from which we find s = 2. Having these results we can easily estimate what will be the resistance to heat transfer of any number of layers of the material, whether in contact or separated by air spaces. The writer has computed the figures for heat resistance of several insulating substances from the figures of conducting power given in a table Published by John E. Starr, in Ice and Refrigeration, Nov., 1901. Mr. tarr's figures are given in terms of the B.T.U. transmitted per sq. ft. o* surface per day per degree of difference of temperatures of the air adjacent to each surface. The writer's figures, th9se in the last column of the table given on p. 583, are calculated by dividing Mr. Starr's figures by 24, to obtain the hourly rate, and then taking their reciprocals. They may be called "coefficients of heat resistance" and defined as the reciprocals of the B.T.U. per sq. ft. per hour per degree of difference of temperature. Analyzing some of the results given in the last column of the table, we observe that, comparing Nos. 2 and 3, 1 in. added thickness of pitch increased the coefficient 0.74; comparing Nos. 4 and 5, 1 1/2 in. of mineral wool increased the coefficient 1.11. If we assume that the 1 in. of mineral wool in No. 4 was equal in heat resistance to the additional 11/2 in. added in No. 5, or 1.11 reciprocal units, and subtract this from 5.22, we get 4.11 as the resistance of two 7/ 8 -in. boards and two sheets of paper. This would indicate that one 7/g-in. boaj*d and one sheet of paper give nearly twice as much resistance as 1 in. of mineral wool. In like manner any number of deductions may be drawn from the table, and some of them will be rather questionable, such as the comparison of No. 15 and No. 16, showing that 1 in. additional sheet cork increased the resistance given by four sheets 6.67 reciprocal units, or one-third the total resistance of No. 15. This result is extraordinary, and indicates that there must have been considerable differences of conditions during the two tests. For comparison with the coefficients of heat resistance computed from Mr. Starr's results we may take the reciprocals of the figures given by Mr. Alfred R. Wolff as the result of German experiments on the heat transmitted through various building materials, as below: K = B.T.U. transmitted per hour per sq. ft. of surface, per degree F. difference of temperature. C = coefficient of heat resistance = reciprocal of K. The irregularity of the differences of C computed from the original values of K for each increase of 4 inches in thickness of the brick walls inoUcates a difference in the conditions of the experiments. The average CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION OF HEAT. 583 HEAT CONDUCTING AND RESISTING VALUES OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS. Insulating Material. Conductance, B.T.U. per Sq. Ft. per Day per Deg., Difference of Temperature. Coefficient of Heat Resistance. C. 1. 5/ 8 -in. oak board, 1 in. lampblacK, 7/g-in. pine board (ordinary family refrigerator) 2. 7/8-in. board, 1 in. pitch, 7/ 8 -in. board 3 7/8-in board 2 in pitch 7/8-in. board. . . . 5.7 4.89 4.25 4.6 3.62 3.38 3.90 2.10 4.28 3.71 3.32 1.35 1.80 2.10 1.20 0.90 1.70 3.30 2.70 2.52 2.48 4.21 4.91 5.65 5.22 6.63 7.10 6.15 11.43 5.61 6.47 7.23 17.78 13.33 11.43 20.00 26.67 14.12 7.27 8.89 9.52 9.68 4. 7/s-in. board' paper, 1 in. mineral wool, paper, 7/8-in. board 5. 7/8-in. board, paper, 21/2 in. mineral wool, paper, 7/8-in. board 6. 7/8-in. board, paper, 21/2 in. calcined pumice, 7/8-in. board 7 Same as above when wet 8. 7/8-in. board, paper, 3 in. sheet cork, 7/8-in. board . 9. Two 7/8-in. boards, paper, solid, no air space, 10. Two 7/8-in. boards, paper, 1 in. air space, 11. Two 7/8-in. boards, paper, 1 in. hair felt, paper two 7/8-in boards 12. Two 7/8-in. boards, paper, 8 in. mill shav- ings paper two 7/8-in boards 15. Two 7/8-in. boards, paper, 3 in. air, 4 in. sheet cork paper two 7/8-in. boards... . . . . 1 7 Same with 4 in granulated cork . 18 Same with 1 in sheet cork 19. Four double 7/ 8 -in. boards (8 boards), with paper between, three 8-in. air spaces 20. Four 7/8-in. boards, with three quilts of l/4-in hair between, papers separating boards . . 21. 7/8-in. board, 6 in. patented silicated straw board, finished inside with thin cement. . difference of C for each 4 inches of thickness is about 0.80. Using this average difference to even up the figures we find the value of C is ex- pressed by the approximate formula C = 0.70 + 0.20 t, in which t is the thickness in inches. The revised values of C, computed by this formula, and the corresponding revised values of K, are as follows: Thick., In. 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 C 1 50 2 30 3 10 3 90 4 70 5 50 6 30 7 10 7 90 8 70 K, revised.. K, original . Difference. . 0.667 0.68 0.013 0.435 0.46 0.025 0.323 0.32 0.003 0.256 0.26 0.004 0.213 0.23 0.017 0.182 0.20 0.018 0.159 0.174 0.015 0.141 0.15 0.009 0.127 0.129 0.002 0.115 0.115 0.0 The following additional values of C are computed from Mr. Wolff's figures for K: Wooden beams planked over, or ceiled : K C As flooring 0.083 12.05 As ceiling 0.104 9.71 Fireproof construction, floored over: As flooring 0.124 8.06 As ceiling 0.145 6.90 Single window : 1.030 0.97 Single skylight 1.118 0.89 Double window 0.518 1.93 Double skylight . 621 1 . 61 Poor,, , , .0.414 2,42 584 HEAT. It should be noted that the coefficient of resistance thus defined will be approximately a constant quantity for a given substance under certain fixed conditions, only when the difference of temperature of the air on its two sides is small say less than 100 F. When the range of tem- perature is great, experiments on heat transmission indicate that the quantity of heat transmitted varies, not directly as the difference of tem- perature, but as the square of that difference. In this case a coefficient of resistance with a different definition may be found viz., that ob- tained from the formula a = (T t) 2 * q, in which a is the coefficient, T t the range of temperature, and q the quantity of heat transmitted, in British thermal units per square foot per hour, Steam-pipe Coverings. Experiments by Prof. Ordway, Trans. A. S. M. E., vi, 168; also Circular No. 27 of Boston Mfrs. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 1890. Substance 1 In. Thick. Heat Applied, 310 F. Pounds of Water Heated 10 F., per Hour, Through 1 Sq. Ft. British Thermal Units per Sq. Ft. per Minute. Solid Mat- ter in 1 Sq. Ft., 1 In. Thick, Parts in 1000. Air included. Parts in 100. 8.1 .35 56 944 9.6 60 50 950 3. Carded cotton wool 10.4 73 20 980 4 Hair felt 10 3 72 185 815 5 Loose lampblack. 9 8 63 56 944 6. Compressed lampblack 10.6 77 244 756 7 Cork charcoal 11 9 1 98 53 947 8. White-pine charcoal 13 9 2 32 119 881 35.7 5.95' 506 494 10 Loose calcined magnesia 12 4 2 07 23 977 1 1 . Compressed calcined magnesia . . 12. Light carbonate of magnesia. . . . 13. Compressed carb. of magnesia.. . 1 4 Loose fossil-meal 42.6 13 7 15.4 14 5 7.10 2.28 2.57 2 42 285 60 15<0 60 715 940 850 940 1 5 Crowded fossil-meal ... 15 7 2 62 112 888 16. Ground chalk (Paris white). 1 7 Dry plaster of Paris . 20.6 30 9 3.43 5 15 253 368 747 632 1 8 Fine asbestos 49 8 17 81 919 48.0 8 00 1000 20 Sand 62 1 10 35 529 471 2 1 . Best slag- wool 13. 2 17 22. Paper 14. 2.33 23. Blotting-paper wound tight . . . 21 3 50 21.7 3.62 25 Cork strips bound on . . . 14 6 2 43 18. 3. 27 Loose rice chaff . 18 7 3 12 28. Paste of fossil-meal with hair . . 16.7 2 78 29. Paste of fossil-meal with asbestos. 22. 3.67 30. Loose bituminous-coal ashes. . . . 21. 3.50 31. Loose anthracite-coal ashes 27. 4.50 32. Paste of clay and vegetable fiber 30.9 5. 15 It will be 9bserved that several of the incombustible materials are nearly as efficient as wool, cotton, and feathers, with which they may be compared in the preceding table. The materials which may be con- sidered wholly free from the danger of being carbonized or ignited by slow contact with pipes or boilers are printed in Roman type. Those which are more or less liable to be carbonized are printed in italics. The results Nos. 1 to 20 inclusive were from experiments with the various non-conductors each used in a mass one inch thick, placed on a flat surface of iron kept headed by steam to 310 F, The substances CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION OF HEAT. 585 Nos. 21 to 32 were tried as coverings for two-inch steam-pipe; the results being reduced to the same terms as the others for convenience of comparison. Experiments on still air gave results which differ little from those of Nos. 3, 4, and 6. The bulk of matter in the best non-conductors is relatively too small to have any specific effect except to trap the air and keep it stagnant. These substances keep the air still by virtue of the roughness of their fibers or particles. The asbestos, No. 18, had smooth fibers. Asbestos with exceedingly fine fiber made a somewhat better showing, but asbestos is really one of the poorest non-conductors. It may be used advantageously to hold together other incombustible sub- stances, but the less of it the better. A "magnesia" covering, made of carbonate of magnesia with a small percentage of good asbestos fiber and containing 0.25 of solid matter, transmitted 2.5 B.T.U. per square foot per minute, and one containing 0.396 of solid matter transmitted 3.33 B.T.U. Any suitable substance which is used to prevent the escape of steam heat should not be less than one inch thick. Any covering should be kept perfectly dry, for not only is water a good carrier of heat, but it has been found that still water conducts heat about eight times as rapidly as still air. Tests of Commercial Coverings were made by Mr. Geo. M. Brill and reported in Trans. A. S. M. E., xvi, 827. A length of 60 feet of 8-inch steam-pipe was used in the tests, and the heat loss was determined by the condensation. The steam pressure was from 109 to 117 Ibs. gauge, and the temperature of the air from 58 to 81 F. The difference between the temperature of steam and air ranged from 263 to 286, averaging 272. The following are the principal results: 1 Is I fto3 si 8 . i-i II 1] *! 3 ss s 1 . S l| 0) -^2 Kind of Covering. "8 IU ""-SIS ! 0) d W o 03 ^ ft s 9 03 -2 ^ ft *" -6| x ~ n -% 02 1 g||| IK | 51 ?fl H ~ W ca GQ"" W p^W W ' d Bare pipe.. . 0.846 12.27 2.706 100. 2.819 Magnesia .25 0.120 1.74 0.384 0.726 14 2 400 Rock wool .60 0.080 1.16 0.256 0.766 9.5 0.267 Mineral wool .30 0.089 1.29 0.285 0.757 10 5 297 Fire-felt 30 157 2 28 0.502 689 18 6 523 Manville sectional .70 0.109 1.59 0.350 0.737 12.9 0.364 Manv. sect and hair-felt 2.40 0.066 0.96 0.212 0.780 7.8 0.221 Manville wopl-cement . . . 2.20 0.108 1.56 0.345 0.738 12.7 0.359 Champion mineral wool . 1.44 0.099 1.44 0.317 0.747 11.7 0.330 Hair-felt H2 0.132 1.91 0.422 0.714 15.6 0.439 Riley cement 75 298 4.32 0.953 0.548 35 2 993 Fossil-meal 0.75 0.275 3.99 0.879 0.571 32 5 919 Tests of Pipe Coverings by an Electrical Method. (H. G. Stott, Power, 1902.) A length of about 200 ft. of 2-in. pipe was heated to a known temperature by an electrical current. The pipe was covered with different materials, and the heat radiated by each covering was deter- mined by measuring the current required to keep the pipe at a constant temperature. A brief description of the various coverings is given below. No. 2. Sclid sectional covering, 11/2 in. thick, of granulated cork molded under pressure and then baked at a temperature of 500 F.; 1/8 in. asbestos paper next to pipe. No. 3. Solid 1-in. molded sectional, 85% carbonate of magnesia. 580 HEAT. No. 4. Solid 1-in. sectional, granulated cork molded under pressure and baked at 500 F.; 1/8 in. asbestos next to pipe. No. 5. Solid 1-in. molded sectional, 85% carbonate of magnesia; out- side of sections covered with canvas pasted on. No. 6. Laminated 1-in. sectional, nine layers of asbestos paper with granulated cork between; outside of sections covered with canvas, i/s in. asbestos paper next to pipe. No. 7. Solid 1-in. molded sectional, of 85% carbonate of magnesia; outside of sections covered with light canvas. No. 8. Laminated 1-in. sectional, seven layers of asbestos paper indented with i/4-in. square indentations, which serve to keep the asbestos layers from coming in close contact with one another; 1/8 in. asbestos paper next to pipe. No. 9. Laminated 1-in. sectional, 64 layers of asbestos paper, in which were embedded small pieces of sponge; outside covered with canvas. No. 10. Laminated li/2-in. sectional, 12 plain layers of asbestos paper with corrugated layers between, forming longitudinal air cells; 1/8 in. asbestos paper next to pipe; sections wired on. No. 11. Laminated 1-in. sectional, 8 layers of asbestos paper with corrugated layers between, forming small air ducts radially around the covering. No. 12. Laminated 11/4-in. sectional, 6 layers of asbestos paper with corrugated layers; outside of sections covered with two layers of canvas. No. 15. "Remanit," composed of 2 layers wound in reverse direction with ropes of carbonized silk. Inner layer 21/2 in. wide and 1/2 in. thick; outer layer 2 in. wide and 3/ 4 in. thick, over which was wound a network of fine wire; Vsin. asbestos next to pipe. Made in Germany. No. 16. 2i/2-in. covering, 85% carbonate of magnesia, 1/2-in. blocks about 3 in. wide and 18 in. long next to pipe and wired on; over these blocks were placed solid 2-in. molded sectional covering. No. 17. 2i/2-in. covering, 85% magnesia. Put on in a 2-in. molded section wired on; next to the pipe and over this a i/2-in. layer of magnesia plaster. No. 18. 2 i/2-in. covering, 85% carbonate of magnesia. Put on in two solid 1-in. molded sections with i/2-in. layer of magnesia plaster between; two 1-in. coverings wired on and placed so as to break joints. No. 19. 2-in. covering, of 85% carbonate of magnesia, put on in two 1-in. layers so as to break joints. No. 20. Solid 2-in. molded sectional, 85% magnesia. No. 21. Solid 2-in. molded sectional, 85% magnesia. Two samples covered with the same thickness of similar material give different results;- for example, Nos. 3 and 5, and also Nos. 20 and 21. The cause of this difference was found to be in the care with which the joints between sections were made. A comparison between Nos. 19 and 20, having the same total thickness, but one applied in a solid 2-in. section, and the other in two 1-in. sections, proved the desirability of breaking joints. An attempt was made to determine the law governing the effect of increasing the thickness of the insulating material, and for all the 85% magnesia coverings the efficiency varied directly as the square root of the thickness, but the other materials tested did not follow this simple law closely, each one involving a different constant. To determine which covering is the most economical the following quantities must be considered: (1) Investment in covering. (2) Cost of coal required to supply lost heat. (3) Five per cent interest on capital invested in boilers and stokers rendered idle through having to supply lost heat. (4) Guaranteed life of covering. (5) Thickness of covering. The coverings Nos. 2 to 15 were finished on the outside with resin paper and 8-ounce canvas; the others had canvas pasted on outside of the sec- tions, and an 8-oz. canvas finish. The following is a condensed statement of the results with the temperature of the pipe corresponding to 160 Ib. steam pressure. CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION OF HEAT. 587 ELECTRICAL TEST OF STEAM-PIPE COVERINGS. No. Covering. Aver. Thick- ness. B.T.U. Loss per Min. persq. ft. at 160 Ib. Pres. B.T.U. persq. ft. per Hr. per Deg. Diff. of Temp. Per cent Heat Saved by Cover- ing. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 15 16 17 J8 (9 20 21 Solid cork 1.68 .13 .20 .19 .48 .12 .26 .24 .70 .22 .29 1.51 2.71 2.45 2.50 2.24 2.34 2.20 1.672 2.008 2.048 2.130 2.123 2.190 2.333 2.552 2.750 2.801 2.812 1.452 1.381 .387 .412 .465 .555 .568 13. 0.348 0.418 0.427 0.444 0.442 0.456 0.486 0.532 0.573 0.584 0.586 0.302 0.288 0.289 0.294 0.305 0.324 0.314 2.708 87.1 84.5 84.2 83.6 83.7 S3. 2 83.1 80.3 78.8 78.5 78.4 88.8 89.4 88.7 89.0 88.7 88.0 87.9 85 % magnesia/ Solid cork 85% magnesia Laminated asbestos cork . . 85% magnesia Asbestos air cell [indent! Asbestos sponge felted '. Asbestos air cell [long] " Asbestoscel " [radial] Asbestos air cell [long] " Remanit" [silk] wrapped 85 % magnesia, 2" sectional and 1/2" block 85 % magnesia, 2!' sectional and 1/2" plaster . . 85% magnesia, two 1" sectional 85% magnesia, two \" sectional . 85% magnesia 2" sectional 85% magnesia, 2" sectional . . . . Bare pipe [from outside tests] Transmission of Heat, through Solid Plates, from Water to Water. (Clark, S. E.) M. Pe"clet found, from experiments made with plates of wrought iron, cast iron, copper, lead, zinc, and tin, that when the fluid in contact with the surface of the plate was not circulated by artificial means, the rate of conduction was the same for different metals and for plates of the same metal of different thicknesses. But when the water was thoroughly circulated over the surfaces, and when these were perfectly clean, the quantity of transmitted heat was inversely proportional to the thickness, and directly as the difference in temperature of the two faces of the plate. When the metal surface became dull, the rate of trans- mission of heat through all the metals was very nearly the same. It follows, says Clark, that the absorption of heat through metal plates is more active whilst evaporation is in progress when the circulation of the water is more active than while the water is being heated up to the boiling-point. Transmission from Steam to Water. M. Pellet's principle is supported by the results of experiments made in 1867 by Mr. Isherwood on the conductivity of different metals. Cylindrical pots, 10 inches in diameter, 211/4 inches deep inside, and Vs inch, 1/4 inch, and 3/ 8 inch thick, turned and bored, were formed of pure copper, brass (60 copper and 40 zinc), rolled wrought iron, and remelted cast iron. They were immersed in a steam bath, which was varied from 220 to 320 F. Water at 212 was supplied to the pots, which were kept filled. It was ascer- tained that the rate of evaporation was in the direct ratio of the difference of the temperatures inside and outside of the pots; that is, that the rate of evaporation per degree of difference of temperatures was the same for all temperatures; and that the rate of evaporation was exactly the same for different thicknesses of the metal. The respective rates of conductiv- ity of the several metals were as follows, expressed in weight of water evaporated from and at 212 F, per square foot of the interior surface of the pots per degree of difference of temperature per hour, together witfc tbe equivalent quantities of heat-units: 588 HEAT. Water at 212. Heat-units. Ratio. Copper 0.665 Ib. 642.5 1.00 Brass 577 ' 556.8 0.87 Wrought iron .387 " 373.6 .58 Cast iron .327 - 315.7 .49 Whitham, "Steam Engine Design," p. 283, also Trans. A. S. M. E., ix f 425, in using these data in deriving a formula for surface condensers, calls these figures those of perfect conductivity, and multiplies them by a coefficient C, which he takes at 0.323, to obtain the efficiency of con- denser surface in ordinary use, i.e., coated with saline and greasy deposits. Transmission of Heat from Steam to Water through Coils of Iron Pipe. H. G. C. Kopp and F. J. Meystre (Stevens Indicator, Jan., 1894) give an account of some experiments on transmission of heat through coils of pipe. They collate the results of earlier experiments as follows, for comparison: Steam con- Heat trans- ID n densed per square foot per degree difference of mitted per square foot per degree difference of i 1 "3 temperature per hour. temperature per hour. Remarks. d B B ffi bC co .' bC . ' B O 2 If Rc'c Jfcj i c^ ft X w I w a W^ a &M |2 Laurens . Copper coils . . 2 Copper coils 0.292 0.981 1 20 315 974 1120 Havrez . . Copper coil . . . 0.268 1.26 280 1200 Perkins. . Iron coil 0.24 215 ( Steam pressure = 100. " 0.22 208.2 ( Steam pressure i =10. Box Iron tube 0.235 230 " " 0.196 207 d i 206 210 Havrez . . Cast-iron boiler 0.077 0.105 82 "166" From the above it would appear that the efficiency of iron surfaces Is less than that of copper coils, plate surfaces being far inferior. In all experiments made up to the present time, it appears that the temperature of the condensing water was allowed to rise, a mean between the initial and final temperatures being accepted as the effective tempera- ture. But as water becomes warmer it circulates more rapidly, thereby causing the water surrounding the coil to become agitated and replaced by cooler water, which allows more heat to be transmitted. Again, in accepting the mean temperature as that of the condensing medium, the assumption is made that the rate of condensation is in direct proportion to the temperature of the condensing water. In order to correct and avoid any error arising from these assumptions and approximations, experiments were undertaken,, in which all the condi- tions were constant during each test. The pressure was maintained uniform throughout the coil, and pro- vision was made for the free outflow of the condensed steam, in order to obtain at all times the full efficiency of the condensing surface. The con- densing water was continually stirred to secure uniformity of temperature, which was regulated by means of a steam-pipe and a cold-water pipe entering the tank in which the coil was placed. CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION OF HEAT. 589 The following is a condensed statement of the results. HEAT TRANSMITTED PER SQUARE FOOT OF COOLING SURFACE, PER HOUR, PER DEGREE OF DIFFERENCE OF TEMPERATURE. (British Thermal Units.) Temperature of Condens- ing Water. 1-in. Iron Pipe; Steam inside, 60 Ibs. Gauge Pressure. H/2-in. Pipe; Steam inside, 10 Ibs. Pressure. 1 1/2-m. Pipe; Steam outside, 10 Ibs. Pressure. 1 1/2-in. Pipe; Steam inside, 60 Ibs Pressure. 80" 265 128 200 100 120 140 160 180 200 269 272 277 281 299 313 130 137 145 158 174 230 260 267 271 270 239 247 276 306 349 419 The results indicate that the heat transmitted per degree of difference of temperature in general increases as the temperature of the condensing water is increased. The amount transmitted is much larger with the steam on the outside of the coil than with the steam inside the coil. This may be explained in part by the fact that the condensing water when inside the coil flows over the surface of conduction very rapidly, and is more efficient for cooling than when contained in a tank outside of the coil. This result is in accordance with that found by Mr. Thomas Craddock, which indicated that the rate of cooling by transmission of heat through metallic surfaces was almost wholly dependent on the rate of circulation of the cooling medium over the surface to be cooled. Transmission of Heat in Condenser Tubes. (Eng'g, Dec. 10, 1875, p. 449.) In 1874 B. C. Nichol made experiments for determining the rate at which heat was transmitted through a condenser tube. The results went to show that the amount of heat transmitted through the walls of the tube per estimated degree of mean difference of temperature increased considerably with this difference. For example: Estimated mean difference of temperature between inside and outside of tube, degrees Fahr. . . . Vertical Tube. Horizontal Tube. 128 151.9 152.9 111.6 146.2 150.4 Heat-units transmitted per hour per square foot of surface per degree of mean diff. of temp 422 531 561 610 737 823 These results seem to throw doubt upon Mr. Isherwood's statement that the rate of evaporation per degree of difference of temperature is the same for all temperatures. Mr. Thomas Craddock found that water was enormously more efficient than air for the abstraction of heat through metallic surfaces in the process of cooling. He proved that the rate of cooling by transmission of heat through metallic surfaces depends upon the rate of circulation of the cool- in? medium over the surface to be cooled. A tube filled with hot 'water, moved by rapid rotation at the rate of 59 ft. per second, through air, lost as much heat in one minute as it did in still air in 12 minutes. In water, at a velocity of 3 ft. per second, as much heat was abstracted in half a minute as was abstracted in one minute when it was at rest in the water. Mr. Craddock concluded, further, that the circulation cf the cooling fluid became of greater importance as the difference of temperature on the two sides of the plate became less. (Clark, R. T. D., p. 461.) G. A. Orrok (Power, Aug. 11, 1908) gives a diagram showing the relation of the B.T.U. transmitted per hour per sq. ft. of surface per degree of difference of temperature to the velocity of the water in the condenser tubes, in feet per second, as obtained by different experimenters. Approx* Imate figures taken from the several curves are given below. 590 HEAT. Authority. Tubes. Velocity of Water, Feet per Second. 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 B.T.U. per sq. ft. per hr. per deg. difif. 1. Stanton 2. Stanton 3. Nichols 4. Nichols 5. Hepburn 6. Hepburn . . . 7. Richter 8. Weighton. . . 9. Alien l/2-jn. vert, copper l/2~i n - vert, copper . 325 420 340 500 365 560 400 470 370 530 590 465 525 405 560 520 560 435 585 550 585 460 615 470 650 3/4-in. vert, brass 3/4-in. horiz. brass 1 i/4-in. horiz. copper. . . . 1 l/4-in. horiz. corrugated 1 1/2-in. horiz. corrugated 5/g-in. plain tubes. . . . "250" 360 <60 380 225 615 290 760 365 865 940 5/s-in. horizontal No. 1, water flowing up. Nos. 2 and 3, water flowing down. Transmission of Heat in Feed-water Heaters. (W. R. Billings, The National Engineer, June, 1907.) Experiments show that the rate of transmission of heat through metal surfaces from steam to water increases rapidly with the increased rate of flow of the water. Mr. Billings there- fore recommends the use of small tubes in heaters in which the water is inside of the tubes. He says: A high velocity through the tubes causes friction between the water and the walls of the tubes; this friction is not the same as the friction between the particles of water themselves, and it tends to break up the column of water and bring fresh and cooler particles against the hot walls of the tubes. The following results were obtained in tests: li/4-m. smooth tubes j ^ II 1 ||' 5 \}Q 67Q 1 i/2-in. corrugated tubes j ^ II 3 ^| 4 |^ ,g| ,,! V = velocity of the water, ft. per min. U = B.T.U. transmitted per sq. ft. per hour per degree difference of temperature. (See Condensers.) In calculations of heat transmission in heaters it is customary to take as the mean difference of temperature the difference between the tem- perature of the steam and the arithmetical mean of the initial and final temperatures of the water; thus if S = steam temperature, / = initial and F = final temperature of the water, and D = mean difference, then D = S - 1/2 (/ + F). Mr. Billings shows that this is incorrect, and on the assumption that the rate of transmission through any portion of the surface is directly proportional to the difference he finds the true mean to be D - hyp lQg [( /_- f) 7 + {S _ pn (This formula was derived by Cecil P. Poole in 1899, Power, Dec., 1906.) The following table is calculated from the formula: DEGREES OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STEAM TEMPERATURE AND ACTUAII AVERAGE TEMPERATURE OF WATER. Vacuum Heaters Between Engine and Condenser. Initial Temperature of Water. 26" Vac. Temp. 126 F. 24" Vac. Temp. 141 F. Final Temp, of Water. Final Temp, of Water. 105 110 115 120 105 110 115 120 125 130 40.6 37.9 35.0 32.2 29.2 40. ,, 46.1 42.8 39,3 35.6 31.8 41.6 38.4 35.3 31.9 28.3 36.9 33.6 30.7 27,6 24,3 30.1 27.6 25.0 22,4 19.6 62.9 59.2 55.5 51.6 47.6 60.2 56.6 52.1 48.2 44.2 55.3 51.8 48.4 45.0 41.2 50.9 47.7 44.4 41.0 37.3 46.1 43.2 40.1 36,9 33.6 30., 60... 70.,, 80 CONDUCTION ATSTD CONVECTION OF HEAT. 591 Initial Temp, of Water. Atmospheric Heaters. Atmos. Press. Temp. 212 F. Initial Temp, of Water. Atmos. Press. Temp. 212 F. Final Temp, of Water. Final Temp, of Water. 192 196 200 204 208 210 192 196 200 204 208 210 40 70.6 67.9 65.1 62.2 59.4 65.7 63.1 60.4 57.7 54.9 60.1 57.6 55.2 52.6 50.0 53.5 51.2 48.9 46.6 44.2 44.8 42.8 40.7 38.7 36.6 38.0 36.4 34.7 32.9 31.0 105 110 115 120 125 51.9 50.3 48.8 47.2 45.6 47.9 46.4 45.0 43.5 41.9 43.4 42.1 40.6 39.2 37.8 38.2 36.9 35.7 34.4 33.1 31.4 30.2 29.2 28.0 26.9 26.4 25.5 24.5 23.5 22.5 50... 60 .. 70... 80 The error in using the arithmetic mean for the value of D is not impor- tant if F is very much lower than S, but if it is within 10 of S then the error may be a large one. With S = 212, 7 = 40, F = 110, the arith- metic mean difference is 137, and the value by the logarithmic formula 131, an error of less than 5%; but if F is 204, the arithmetic mean is 90, and the value by the formula 53.5. It should be observed, however, that the formula is based on an assump- tion that is probably greatly in error for high temperature differences, i.e., that the transmission of heat is directly proportional to the tem- perature difference. It may be more nearly proportional to the square of the difference, as stated by Rankine. This seems to be indicated by the results of heating water by steam coils, given below. Heating Water by Steam Coils. A catalogue of the American Radiator Co. (1908) gives a chart showing the pounds of steam condensed per hour per sq. ft. of iron, brass and copper pipe surface, for different mean or average differences of temperature between the steam and the water. Taking the latent heat of the steam at 966 B.T.U. per lb., the fol- lowing figures are derived from the table. Mean Lb. Steam Condensed per Hour per Sq. Ft. of Pipe. Lb. Steam Condensed per Hour per Sq. Ft. per Deg. Diff. B.T.U. per Sq. Ft. per Hour per Deg. Diff. Iron. Brass. Copper Iron. Brass. Copper Iron. Brass Cop. 50 100 150 200 7.5 18.5 32.2 48 12.5 38 76.5 128 14.5 43.5 87.8 144 0.150 0.185 0.215 0.240 0.250 0.380 0.510 0.640 0.290 0.435 0.585 0.720 101 179 208 232 198 367 493 618 280 415 565 696 The chart is said to be plotted from a large number of tests with pipes placed vertically in a tank of water, about 20 per cent being deducted from the actual results as a margin of safety. W. R. Billings (Eng. Rec., Feb., 1898) gives as the results of one set of experiments with a closed feed-water heater: Diff. bet. temp, of steam and final temp, of water, deg. F 5 6 8 11 15 18 B.T.U. per sq. ft. per hr. per deg. mean diff ... 67 79 89 114 129 139 Heat Transmission through Cast-iron Plates Pickled in Nitric Acid. Experiments by R. C. Carpenter (Trans. A. S. M. E., xii, 179) show a marked change in the conducting power of the plates (from steam to water), due to prolonged treatment with dilute nitric acid. 592 HEAT. The action of the nitric acid, by dissolving the free iron and not attack- ing the carbon, forms a protecting surface to the iron, which is largely composed of carbon. The following is a summary of results: Increase Proportionate in Tem- Thermal Units Rela- perature Transmitted for tive Character of Plates, each plate 8.4 in. by 5.4 in., exposed surface 27 sq. ft. of 3.125 Ibs. of each Degree* of Difference of Trans- mission Water Temperature per of each Square Foot per Heat. Minute. Hour. Cast iron untreated skin on, but clean, free from rust 13 90 113 2 100 Cast iron nitric acid, 1 % sol., 9 days . . 11.5 97J 86J 1% sol., 18 days 9.7 80.08 70.7 1% sol., 40 days 9.6 77.8 68.7 5% sol., 9 days.. 9.93 87.0 76. 8 5% sol., 40 days 10.6 77.4 68. 5 Plate of pine wood, same dimensions as the plate of cast iron 0.33 1 .9 J.6 The effect of covering cast-iron surfaces with varnish has been investi- gated by P. M. Chamberlain. He subjected the plate to the action of strong acid for a few hours, and then applied a non-conducting varnish. One surface only was treated. Some of his results are as follows: tfo <#=+-! o> b oT W 170. As finished greasy. 152. washed with benzine and dried. 169. Oiled with lubricating oil. 162. After exposure to nitric acid sixteen hours, then oiled (linseed oil). 166. After exposure to hydrochloric acid twelve hours, then oiled (linseed oil). 113. (After exposure to sulphuric acid 1, water 2, for 48 < hours, then oiled, varnished, and allowed to dry for 117. ( 24 hours. Transmission of Heat through Solid Plates from Air or other Dry Gases to Water. (From Clark on the Steam Engine.) The law of the transmission of heat from hot air or other gases to water, through metallic plates, has not been exactly determined by experiment. The general results of experiments on the evaporative action of different portions of the heating surface of a steam-boiler point to the general law that the quantity of heat transmitted per degree difference of temperature is practically uniform for various differences of temperature. The communication of heat from the gas to the plate surface is much accelerated by mechanical impingement of the gaseous products upon the surface. Clark says that when the surfaces are perfectly clean, the rate of trans- mission of heat through plates of metal from air or gas to water is greater for copper, next for brass, and next for wrought iron. But when the surfaces are dimmed or coated, the rate is the same for the different metals. With respect to the influence of the conductivity of metals and of the thickness of the plate on the transmission of heat from burnt gases to water, Mr. Napier made experiments with small boilers of iron and copper placed over a gas-flame. The vessels were 5 inches in diameter and 2 1/2 inches deep. From three vessels, one of iron, one of copper, and one of iron sides and copper bottom, each of them i/so inch in thickness, CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION OF HEAT. 593 equal quantities of water were evaporated to dryness, in the times as follows: Water. Iron Vessel. Copper Vessel. Iron f c d es C e ?. Pper 4 ounces 19 minutes 18.5 minutes 11 " 33 30.75 5J/2 " 50 " 44 4 " 35.7 ' 36.83 minutes Two other vessels of iron sides 1/30 inch thick, one having a i/4-inch copper bottom and the other a i/4-inch lead bottom, were tested against the iron and copper vessel, Vso inch thick. Equal quantities of water were evaporated in 54, 55, and 531/2 minutes respectively. Taken generally, the results of these experiments show that there are practically but slight differences between iron, copper, and lead in evaporative activity, and that the activity is not affected by the thickness of the bottom. . Mr. W. B. Johnson formed a like conclusion from the results of his observations of two boilers of 160 horse-power each, made exactly alike, except that one had iron flue-tubes and the other copper flue-tubes. No difference could be detected between the performances of these boilers. Divergencies between the results of different experimenters are attrib- utable probably to the difference of conditions under which the heat was transmitted, as between water or steam and water, and between gaseous matter and water. On one point the divergence is extreme: the rate of transmission of heat per degree of difference of temperature. Whilst from 400 to 600 units of heat are transmitted from water to water through iron plates, per degree of difference per square foot per hour, the quantity of heat transmitted between water and air, or other dry gas, is only about from 2 to 5 units, according as the surrounding air is at rest or in move- ment: In a locomotive boiler, where radiant heat was brought into play, 17 units of heat were transmitted through the plates of the fire-box per degree of difference of temperature per square foot per hour. Transmission of Heat through Plates from Flame to Water. Much controversy has arisen over the assertion by some makers of live- steam feed-water heaters that if the water fed to a boiler was first heated to the boiling point before being fed into the boiler, by means of steam taken from the boiler, an economy of fuel would result; the theory being that the rate of transmission through a plate to water was very much greater when the water was boiling than when it was being heated to the boiling point, on account of the greatly increased rapidity of circulation of the water when boiling. (See Eng'g, Nov. 16, 1906, and Bnff. Review [London], Jan., 1908.) Two experiments by Sir Wm. Anderson (1872), with a steam- jacketed pan, are quoted, one of which showed an increased transmission when boiling of 133%, and the other of 80%; also an experiment by Sir F. Bramwell, with a steam-heated copper pan, which showed a gain of 164% with boiling water. On the other hand, experiments by S. B. Bil- brough (Transvaal Inst. Mining Engineers, Feb., 1908) showed in tests with a flame-heated pan that there was no difference in the rate of trans- mission whether the water was cold or boiling. W. M. Sawdon (Ptiwer, Jan. 12, 1909) objects to Mr. Bilbrough's conclusions on the ground that no corrections for radiation were made, and finds by a similar experiment, with corrections, that the increased rate of transmission with boiling water is at least 38%. All of these experiments were on a small scale, and in view of their conflict no conclusions can be drawn from them as to the value of live-steam feed-water heating in improving the economy of a steam boiler. A. Blechynden's Tests. A series of steel plates from 0.125 in. to 1.187 in. thick were tested with hot gas on one side and water on the other with differences of temperature ranging from 373 to 1318 F. Trans.') Inst. Naval Architects, 1894.) Mr. Blechynden found that the heat transmitted is proportional to the square of the difference between the temperatures at the two sides of the plate, or: Heat transmitted per sq. ft. -4- (diff. of temp.) 2 = a constant. A study of the results of these tests is made in Kent's " Steam Boiler Economy," p. 325, and it is shown that the value of a in Rankine's formula q =(T\ T) 2 -5- a, which a is the reciprocal of Mr. Blechynden's constant and is a function of the thickness of the plate. One of the plates, A, originally 1.187 in. thick, was reduced 594 HEAT. in four successive operations, by machining to 0.125 in. Another, , was tested in four thicknesses. The other plates were tested in one or two thicknesses. Each plate was found to have a law of transmission of its own. For plate A the value of a is represented closely by the formula a = 40 4- 20 t, in which t is the thickness in inches. The formula a = 40 + 20 t 10 covers the whole range of the experiments. The whole range of values is 38.6 to 71.9, which are very low when compared with values of a computed from the results of boiler tests, which are usually from 200 to 400, the low values obtained by Blechynden no doubt being due to the exceptionally favorable conditions of his tests as compared with those of boiler tests. Rankine says the value of a lies between 160 and 200, but values below 200 are rarely found in tests of modern types of boilers. (See Steam-Boilers.) Cooling of Air. H. F. Benson (Am. Mach., Aug. 31, 1905) derives the following formula for transmission of heat from air to water through copper tubes. It is assumed that the rate of transmission at any point of the surface is directly proportional to the difference of temperature between the air and water. Let A = cooling surface, sq. ft.; K = Ib. of air per hour; S a = specific heat of air; T ai temp, of hot inlet air; T a ^ =temp. of cooled outlet air; d = actual average diff. of temp, bet ween "the air and the water; 17 = B.T.U. absorbed by the water per degree of diff. of temp, per sq. ft. per hour. W = Ib. of water per hour; T Wl = temp, of inlet water; T W2 = temp, of outlet water. Then AdU = KS a (T ai - A = KS a (T ai - - dU. KSgW W-KS n T a , ~ T w T * in T W2 - (S a K + W) (T ai - T a J + T wr The more cooling water used, the lower is the temperature T wr Also the less T Wz is, the larger d becomes and the less surface is needed. About 10 is the largest value of W/K that it is economical to use, as there is a saving of less than 0.5% in increasing it from 10 to 15. When desirable to save water it will be advisable to make W/K = 5. Values of U obtained by experiment with a Wainwright cooler made with corrugated copper tubes are given in the following table. K and W are in Ib. per minute, B a = B.T.U. from air per min., B w = B.T.U. from water per min., Vw = velocity of water, ft. per min. r.i ** T l Wt T /H>2 K W * B* v w U 221.0 76.3 50.0 169.0 125.2 28.50 4303 3392 2.20 6.75 217.0 64.3 45.8 146.4 122.8 36.73 4452 3695 2.84 7.12 224.0 63.3 45.7 149. 2 126.3 40.30 4819 4171 3.11 7.91 209.6 54.0 43.8 125.9 122.1 50.00 4511 4105 3.86 8.81 214.5 46.3 43.0 106.2 124.6 68.95 4976 4357 5.32 10.55 234.6 63.6 52.6 120.2 124.4 73.25 5051 4852 5.65 8.41 214.2 43.5 43.0 94.7 117.3 79.84 4753 4128 6.16 14.32 242.9 61.7 55.3 114.0 133.6 92.72 5649 5443 7.15 10.01 223.0 46.0 40.1 79.1 130.5 114 80 5484 4477 8.86 7.86 239.3 57.5 51.0 95.2 130.0 125.70 5612 5556 9.70 9.38 246 58.0 52.3 95.1 133.8 145.90 5977 6244 11.26 10.57 Sixteen other tests were made besides those given above, and their plotted results all come within the field covered by those in the table. CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION OF HEAT. 595 There is apparently an error in the last line of the table, for the heat gained by the water could not be greater than that lost by the air. The excess lost by the air may be due to radiation, but it shows a great irregu- larity. It appears that for velocities of water between 2.2 and 5.3 ft. per min. the value of U increases with the velocity, but for higher velocities the value of U is very irregular, and the cause of the irregularity is not explained. Chas. L. Hubbard (The Engineer, Chicago, May 18, 1902) made some tests by blowing air through a tight wooden box which contained a nest of 30 li/2-in. tin tubes, of a total surface of about 20 sq. ft., through which cold water flowed. The results were as follows: Cu. ft. of air per minute 768 268 469 469 636 636 Velocity over cooling surface Initial temperature of air 638 77 638 72 1116 72 1116 74 1514 74 1514 74 Drop in temperature 12 8 10 8 10 Average temp, of water Average temp, of air 50 68 43 66 48 68 48 69 50 70 44 68 Difference 18 23 20 21 20 24 B.T.U. per hour per sq. ft. per degree difference 6.5 7.6 10.2 12.1 13.8 14.4 Transmission of Heat through Plates and Tubes from Steam or Hot Water to Air. The transfer of heat from steam or water through a plate or tube into the surrounding air is a complex operation, in which the internal and external conductivity of the metal, the radiating power of the surface, and the convection of heat in the surrounding air, are all concerned. Since the quantity of heat radiated from a surface varies with the condition of the surface and with the surroundings, according to laws not yet determined, and since the heat carried away by convection varies with the rate of the flow of the air over the surface, it is evident that no general law can be laid down for the total quantity of heat emitted. The following is condensed from an article on "Loss of Heat from Steampipes," in The Locomotive, Sept. and Oct., 1892. A hot steam-pipe is radiating heat constantly off into space, but at the same time it is cooling also by convection. Experimental data on which to base calculations of the heat radiated and otherwise lost by steam-pipes are neither numerous nor satisfactory. In Box's " Practical Treatise on Heat" a number of results are given for the amount of heat radiated by different substances when the temperature of the air is 1 Fahr. lower than the temperature of the radiating body. A portion of this table is given below. It is said to be based on Pellet's experiments. HEAT UNITS RADIATED PER HOUR, PER SQUARE FOOT OP SURFACE, FOR 1 FAHRENHEIT EXCESS IN TEMPERATURE. Copper, polished 0.0327 Tin, polished 0.0440 Zinc and brass, polished . . . 0.0491 Tinned iron, polished 0.0858 Sheet iron, polished 0.0920 Sheet lead 0.1329 Sheet iron, ordinary 0.5662 Glass 0.5948 Cast iron, new 0.6480 Common steam-pipe, in- ferred 0.6400 Cast and sheet iron, rusted . . 0.6868 Wood, building stone, and brick. . ... 0.7358 When the temperature of the air is about 50 or 60 Fahr., and the radiat- ing body is not more than about 30 hotter than the air, we may calculate the radiation of a given surface by assuming the amount of heat given off by it in a given time to be proportional to the difference in temperature between the radiating body and the air. This is " Newton's law of cooling. " But when the difference in temperature is great, Newton's law does not hold good; the radiation is no longer proportional to the difference in tern* perature, but must be calculated by a complex formula established experi- mentally by Dulong and Petit. Box has computed a table from thit 596 HEAT. formula, which greatly facilitates its application, and which is given below: FACTORS FOR REDUCTION TO DULONG'S LAW OF RADIATION. Differences in Tem- perature between Radiating Body and the Air. Temperature of the Air on the Fahrenheit Scale. 32 50 59 68 86 104 122 140 158 176 194 212 C Deg. Fahr. 18 .00 .07 .12 .16 .25 .36 .47 .58 1.70 1.85 1.99 2.15 36 .03 .11 .16 .21 .30 .40 .52 .68 1.76 1.91 2.06 2.23 54 .07 .16 .20 .25 .35 .45 .58 .70 1.83 1.99 2.14 2.31 72 .12 .20 .25 .30 .40 .52 .64 .76 1.90 2.07 2.23 2 40 90 .16 .25 .31 .36 .46 .58 .71 .84 1.98 2.15 2.33 2.51 108 .21 .31 .36 .42 .52 .65 .78 .92 2.07 2.28 2.42 2.62 126 .26 .36 .42 .48 .60 .72 .86 2.00 2.16 2.34 2.52 2.72 144 .32 .42 .48 .54 .65 .79 .94 2.08 2.24 2.44 2.64 2.83 162 .37 .48 .54 .60 .73 .86 2.02 2.17 2.34 2.54 2.74 2.96 180 44 .55 61 .68 .81 .95 2.11 2.27 2.46 2.66 2.87 3.10 198 .50 .62 .69! .75ll.89 l 2.04 2.21 2.38 2.56 2.78 3. CO 3.24 216 .58 .69 .76 .83 1.97 2.13 2.32 2.48 2.68 2.91 3.13 3.38 234 .64 .77 .84 .90 2.06 2.23 2.43 2.52 2.80 3.03 3.28 3.46 252 .71 .85 .92 2.00 2.15 2.33 2.52 2.71 2.92 3.18 3.43 3.70 270 .79 .93 2.01 2.09 2.26 2.44 2.64 2.84 3.06 3.32 3.58 3 87 288 .89 2.03 2.12 2.20 2.37 2.56 2.78 2.99 3.22 3.50 3.77 4.07 306 .98 2.13 2.22 2.31 2.49 2.69 2.90 3.12 3.37 3.66 3 95 4.26 324 2.07 2.23 2.33 2.42 2.62 2.81 3.04 3.28 3.53 3.84 4.14 4.46 342 2.17 2.34 2.44 2.54 2.73 2.95 3.19 3.44 3.70 4.02 4.34 4.68 360 2.27 2.45 2.56 2.66 2.86 3.09 3.35 3.60 3.88 4,22 4.55 4.91 378 2.39 2.57 2.68 2.79 3.00 3.24 3.51 3.78 4.08 4.42 4.77 5.15 396 2.50 2.70 2.81 2.93 3.15 3.40 3.68 3.97 4.28 4.64 5.01 5.40 414 2.63 2.84 2.95 3.07 3.31 3.56 3.87 4.12 4.48 4.87 5.26 5.67 432 2 76 7 98 3 10 ^ 73 3 47 3 76 4 10 4 37, 4 61 5 17 5 53 6.04 The loss of heat by convection appears to be independent of the nature of the surface, that is, it is the same for iron, stone, wood, and other materials. It is different for bodies of different shape, however, and it varies with the position of the body. Thus a vertical steam-pipe will not lose so much heat by convection as a horizontal one will; for the 'air heated at the lower part of the vertical pipe will rise along the surface of the pipe, protecting it to some extent from the chilling action of the sur- rounding cooler air. For a similar reason the shape of a body has an important influence on the result, those bodies losing most heat whose forms are such as to allow the cool air free access to every part of their surface. The following table from Box gives the number of heat units that horizontal cylinders or pipes lose by convection per square foot of surface per hour, for one degree difference in temperature between the pipe and the air. HEAT UNITS LOST BY CONVECTION FROM HORIZONTAL PIPES, PER SQUARE FOOT OF SURFACE PER HOUR, FOR A TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE OF 1 FAHR. External Diameter of Pipe in Inches. Heat Units Lost. External Diameter of Pipe in Inches. Heat Units Lost. External Diameter of Pipe in Inches. Heat Units Lost. 2 3 4 5 6 0.728 0.626 0.574 0.544 523 7 8 9 10 12 0.509 0.498 0.489 482 472 18 24 36 48 0.455 0.447 438 434 THERMODYNAMICS. 597 The loss of heat by convection is nearly proportional to the difference In temperature between the hot body and the air, but the experiments of Dulong and Pficlet show that this is not exactly true, and we may here also resort to a table of factors for correcting the results obtained by sample proportion. FACTORS FOR REDUCTION TO DULONG'S LAW OF CONVECTION. Difference in Temp, between Hot Body and Air. Factor. Difference in Temp, between Hot Body and Air. Factor. Difference in Temp, between Hot Body and Air.. Factor. 18 F. 36 540 72 90 108 126 144 162 0.94 .11 .22 .30 .37 .43 49 .53 .58 H80F. 198 216 234 252 270 288 306 324 1.62 .65 .68 .72 .74 .77 .80 .83 .85 342 F. 360 378 396 414 432 450 468 .87 .90 .92 .94 .96 .98 2.00 2.02 EXAMPLE IN THE USE OF THE TABLES. Required the total loss of heat by both radiation and convection, per foot of length of a steam-pipe 211/33 in. external diameter, steam pressure 60 Ibs., temperature of the air in the room 68 Fahr. Temperature corresponding to 60 Ibs. equals 307; temperature dif- ference = 307 - 68 = 239. Area of one foot length of steam-pipe = 211/32 X 3.1416 -*- 12 = 0.614 sq. ft. Heat radiated per hour per square foot per degree of difference, from table, 0.64. Radiation loss per hour by Newton's law = 239 X 0.614 ft. X 0.64 = 93 9 heat units. Same reduced to conform with Dulong's law of radiation: factor from table for temperature difference of 239 and temperature of air 68 = 1.93. 93.9 X 1.93 = 181.2 heat units, total loss by radiation. Convection loss per square foot per hour from a 2ii/32-inch pipe: by interpolation from table, 2" = 0.728, 3" = 0.626, 211/32" = 0.693. Area, 0.614 X 0.693 X 239 = 101.7 heat units. Same reduced to conform with Dulong's law of convection: 101.7 X 1.73 (from table) = 175.9 heat units per hour. Total 'loss by radiation and convection = 181.2 + 175.9 = 357.1 heat units per hour. Loss per degree of difference of temperature per linear foot of pipe per hour = 357.1 -* 239 = 1.494 heat units = 2.433 per sq. ft. It is not claimed, says The Locomotive, that the results obtained by this method of calculation are strictly accurate. The experimental data are not sufficient to allow us to compute the heat-loss from steam-pipes with any great degree of refinement: yet it is believed that the results obtained as indicated above will be sufficiently near the truth for most purposes. An experiment by Prof. Ordway, in a pipe 211/33 in. diam. 'under the above conditions (Trans. A. S. M. E. t v. 73), showed a condensation of steam of 181 grams per hour, which is equivalent to a loss of heat of 358.7 heat units per hour, or within half of one per cent of that given by the above calculation. The quantity of heat given off by steam and hot-water radiators in ordinary practice of heating buildings by direct radiation varies from 1.25 to about 3.25 heat units per hour per square foot per degree of difference of temperature. (See Heating and Ventilation.) THERMODYNAMICS. Thermodynamics, the science of heat considered as a form of energy, is useful in advanced studies of the theory of steam, gas, and air engines, refrigerating machines, compressed air, etc. The method of treatment adopted by the standard writers is severely mathematical, involving constant application of the calculus. The student will find the subject 598 HEAT. thoroughly treated in the works by Rontgen (Dubois's translation), Wood. Peabody, and Zeuner. First Law of Thermodynamics. ' Heat and mechanical energy are mutually convertible in the ratio of about 778 foot-pounds for the British thermal unit. (Wood.) Second Law of Thermodynamics. The second law has by different writers been stated in a variety of ways, and apparently with ideas so diverse as not to cover a common principle. (Wood, Therm., p. 389.) It is impossible for a self-acting machine, unaided by any external. agency, to convert heat from one body to another at a higher temperature. (Clausius.) If all the heat absorbed be at one temperature, and that rejected be at one lower temperature, then will the heat which is transmuted into work be to the entire heat absorbed in the same jatio as the difference between the absolute temperature of the source and refrigerator is to the absolute temperature of the source. In other words, the second law is an expression for the efficiency of the perfect elementary engine. (Wood.) The expression ~ = l ^ 2 may be called the symbolical or algebraic enunciation of the second law, the law which limits the efficiency of heat engines, and which does not depend on the nature of the working medium employed. (Trowbridge.) Qi and T\ = quantity and absolute temperature of the heat received; 2 and Tz = quantity and absolute temperature of the heat rejected. The expression 1 ~ - represents the efficiency of a perfect heat engine which receives all its heat at the absolute temperature T\, and rejects heat at the temperature Tz, converting into work the difference between the quantity received and rejected. EXAMPLE. What is the efficiency of a perfect heat engine which receives heat at 388 F. (the temperature of steam of 200 Ibs. gauge Pressure) and rejects heat at 100 F. (temperature of a condenser, pressure Ib. above vacuum)? pv o let it In the actual engine this efficiency can never be attained, for the difference between the quantity of heat received into the cylinder and that rejected into the condenser is not all converted into work, much of it being lost by radiation, leakage, etc. In the steam engine the phenomenon of cylinder condensation also tends to reduce the efficiency. The Carnot Cycle. Let one pound of gas of a pressure p it volume v\ and absolute temperature T\ be enclosed in an ideal cylinder, having non- conducting walls but the bottom a perfect cpn- ductor, and having a moving non-conducting frictionless piston. Let the pressure and volume of the gas be represented by the point A on the or pressure- volume diagram, Fig. 142, and it pass through four operations, as follows: 1. Apply heat at a temperature of T\ to the bottom of the cylinder and let the gas expand, doing work against the piston, at the constant temperature Ti, or isothermally, to p*oz. or B. .., 2. Remove the source of heat and put a non- X IG. 14J. conducting cover on the bottom, and let the gas expand adiabatically, or without transmission of heat, to pzvz, or C, while its temperature is being reduced to 7Y 3. Apply to the bottom of the cylinder a cold body, or refrigerator, of the temperature !T 2 , and let the gas be compressed by the piston isother- mally to the point D, or p*V4, rejecting heat into the cold body. 4. Remove the cold body, restore the non-conducting bottom, and compress the gas adiabatically to A , or the original pm, while its tempera- ture is being raised to the original T\. The point D on the isothermal line CD is chosen so that an adiabatic line passing through it will also pass through A, and so that ft/ft'"" v*/vt. The area aABCc represents the work done by the gas on the piston; a THERMOD Y N AMICS. 599 the area CDAac the negative work, or the work done by the piston on the gas; the difference, ABCD, is the net work. la. The area aABb represents the work done during isothermal expan- sion. It is equal in foot-pounds to Wi = pivi \og e (v area ABCD, is the heat utilized or converted into work. The ratio of this area to the whole area aABc is the efficiency; it is the same as the ratio (T\ T 2 ) '* Ti. It appears from this diagram that the efficiency may be increased by in- creasing T\ or by decreasing T 2 ; also that since T 2 cannot be lowered by any self-acting engine below the temperature of the surrounding atmos- phere, say 460+ 62 F.= 522 F., it is not possible even in a perfect engine to obtain an efficiency of 50 per cent unless the temperature of the source of heat is above 1000 F. It is shown also by this diagram that the Carnot cycle gives the highest possible efficiency of a heat engine working between any given temperatures T\ and Tz, and that the admis- sion and rejection of heat each at a constant temperature gives a higher efficiency than the admission or rejection at any variable temperatures within the range Ti Tz. The Reversed Carnot Cycle Refrigeration. Let a pound of cool gas whose temperature and entropy are represented by the "state- point" D on the diagram (1) receive heat at a constant temperature Ti (the temperature of a refrigerating room) until its entropy is C; (2) then let it be compressed adiabatically (no heat transmission, CB} to a high temperature T\-, (3) then let it reject heat into the atmosphere at this temperature Ti (isothermal compression); (4) then let it expand adia- batically, doing work, as through a throttled expansion cock, or by pushing a piston, it will then cool to a temperature which may be far below that of the atmosphere and be used to absorb heat from the atmosphere. (See Refrigeration.) Principal Equations of a Perfect Gas. Notation: P = pressure in Ib. per sq. ft. V= volume in cu. ft. PoVo, pressure and volume at 32 F. T, absolute temperature = t F. + 459.6. C p , specific heat at constant pressure. C v , specific heat at constant volume. K p = C p X 777. 6; K v = C v X 777.6; specific heats taken in foot-pounds of energy. R, a constant, = K p - K v . y = C p /C v . r = ratio of iso- thermal expansion or compression = P 2 /Pi or Vi/V 2 . For air; C p = 0.2375; C v = 0.1689; K p = 184.8; K v = 131.4; R = 53.32; y = 1.406. Boyle's Law, PV = constant when T is constant. PiVi = P 2 V2. For 1 Ib. air PoVo = 2116.3 X 12.387 = 26,215 ft.-lb. Charles's Law, PiVi/Ti = P 2 V 2 /T 2 ; Pi Vi = PoVo X Ti/To; To = 32 + 459.6 = 491.6; Pi Vi for air = 26,215 -^ 491.6 = 53.32. v General Equation, PV = RT. R is a constant which is different for different gases. , Internal or Intrinsic Energy K v (Ti - To) = R (Ti - To) -5- (y - 1) = PiVi -T- (y - 1) = amount of heat in a body, measured above abso- lute zero. For air at 32 F., K v (Ti - To) = 131.4 X 491.6 = 64,600 ft.-lb. When air is expanded or compressed isothermally, PV = con- stant, and the internal energy remains constant, the work done in expansion = the heat added, and the work done in compression = the heat rejected. THERMODYNAMICS. 601 Work done by Adiabatic Expansion, no transmission of heat, from PiFi to p 2 F 2 = PiFi }l - (Fi/VV) 7 "^ -*(?- 1), = (PiFi - P 2 F 2 ) -5- (y - 1) r -I - Pi Fiji ~(P 2 /Pl) Y } - (y - 1). Work of Adiabatic Compression from PiFi to P 2 F 2 (P 2 here being the higher pressure) = Pi Fi {(Fi/Fo) 7 " 1 -l} *- (y- 1) = (P 2 F 2 -PiFi)-^ y-1 ( *=! ) = PiFi {(Pa/Pi) y -IJ-J-(y-l). 7^m w/ Intrinsic Energy in adiabatic expansion, or gain in compression = K V (T\. T->), T\ being the higher temperature. Work of Isothermal Expansion, temperature constant, = heat expended = Pi Fi log e Fo / Fi = Pi Ft log e r = R T log e r. Work of Isothermal Compression from Pi to P 2 = PiFi log e Pi/P 2 = RT\og e r= heat discharged. Relation between Pressure, Volume and Temperature: For air, y = 1,406; y - 1 = 0.406; 1/y- = 0.711; l/(y - 1) = 2.463; y/(y-l)= 3.463; (y - l)/y = 0.289. Differential Equations of a Perfect Gas. Q = quantity of heat. $ = entropy. T (IT f?P dQ = C p dT+ (C v -C p ) dV. d4>= C p ~ + (C v - Cp) ~ . T T riP f?V dQ=C v jjdP+C p | dV. di= C v Q -f+C p y- fr-i = C v log e -^ + (C p - C v ) log e ^ + (C v - C p ) log e || < 2 - ^i = C v log e ^ + C p log e / F 2 ,7 F V* Work of Isothermal Expansion, W= PiFi I ^ =PiFi log e ~ / FI i Heat supplied during isothermal expansion, ^ - (C p - C v ) ITi log, ^ Heat added = work done= ^/eT 7 ! log e F 2 /Fi= ^PiFi log e F 2 /Fi; (A* 1/778). Work of adiabatic expansion, w- pav= Vl yp t f^^^-^h-^ JV\ F Y-1 1 MV 602 HEAT. Construction of the Curve P V = C. (Am. Mach., June 21, 1900.) Referring to Fig. 144, on a system of rectangular coordinates YOX lay off OB = pi and BA v\. Draw 0.7, extended, at any convenient angle a, say 15, with OX, and OC at an angle ft with OY. ft is found from the equation 1 + tan B =[l + tana] n . Draw AJ parallel to YO. From B draw BC at 45 with 0, and draw CE parallel to OX. From J draw J# at 45 with A J, and draw HE and ///] parallel to YO. The inter- section of CE and HE is the second point on the curve, or pzvz. From J\ draw JiHi at 45 to HJi and draw the vertical JtHiR. Draw D# at 45 to DOi and KE parallel to OX. R is the third point on the curve, and so on. Conversely, if we have a curve for which we wish 144. to derive an exponent, we can, by working backward, locate the lines OC and OJ, measure the angles a and ft, and solve for n. A The smaller the angle a is taken the more closely the points of the curve may be located. If a = ft the curve is the isothermal curve, pv = constant. If a = 15 and ft = 21 30' the curve is the adiabatic for air, n = 1.41. (See Index of the Curve of an Air Diagram, p. 636.) Temperature-Entropy Diagram of Water . and Steam. The line OA, Fig. 145, is the origin from which entropy is measured on horizontal tines, and the line Og is the line of zero temperature, absolute. The diagram represents the changes in the state of one pound of water due to the addition or subtraction of heat or to changes in temperature. Any point on the diagram is called a "state point." A is the state of 1 Ib. of water at 32 F. or 492 abs., B the state at 212, and C at 392 F., correspond- ing to about 226 Ibs. absolute pres- sure. At 212 F. the area OABb is the heat added, and Ob is the increase of entropy. At 392 F., bBcC is the further addition of heat, and the entropy, measured from OA, is Oc. The two quantities added are nearly the same, but the second increase of entropy is the smaller, since the mean temperature at which it is added is higher. If Q = the quantity of heat added, and T\ and Tz are respectively the lower and the higher temperatures, the addition of entropy, , is approximately Q -H i/ 2 (7*2 4- Ti) = 180 *- 1/2 (672 + 492) = 0.3093. More accurately it is = log e (Tz/Ti) = 0.3119. In both of these expressions it is assumed that the specific heat of water = 1 at all temperatures, which is not strictly true. Accurate values of the entropy 9f water, taking into account the variation in specific heat, will be found in. Marks and Davis 's Steam Tables. Let the l Ib. of water at the state have heat added to it at the eon-, Abs.., QCO C 5 T 2 D / P /j X Ti ft t \ OO- 492 / To \ 460 A O & c d e f 9 K - I Entropy > \ FIG. 145. PHYSICAL PKOPEKTIES OF GASES. 603 slant temperature of 212 F. until it is evaporated. The quantity of heat added will be the latent heat of evaporation at 212 (see Steam Table) or L = 970.4 B.T.U., and it will be represented on the diagram by the rectangle bBFf. Dividing by T\ = 672, the absolute temperature, gives 2 -i = 1.444 = BF. Adding fa = 0.312 gives fa = 1.756, the entropy of 1 Ib. steam at 212 F. measured from water at 32 F. In like manner if we take L = 834.4 for steam at 852 abs., $* $\ = 0.980 = CE, and 4>i = entropy of water at 852 = 0.556, the sum fa^ 1.536. = Oe on the diagram. E is the state point of dry saturated steam at 852 abs. and F the state point at 672. The line EFG is the line of saturated steam and the line ABC the water line. The line CE represents the increase of entropy in the evaporation of water at 852 abs. If entropy CD only is added, or cCDd of heat, then a part of the water will remain unevaporated, viz.: the fraction DE/CE of 1 Ib. The state point D thus represents wet steam having a dry ness fraction of CD/CE. If steam having a state point E is expanded adiabatically to 672 abs. its state point is then ei, having the same entropy as at E, a total heat less by the amount represented by the area BCEei, and a dryness fraction Bei/BF. If it is expanded while remaining saturated, heat must be added equal to eEFf, and the entropy increases by ef. If heat is added to the steam at E, the temperature and the entropy both increase, the line EH representing the superheating, and the area EH, down to the line Og, is the heat added. If from the state point H the steam is expended adiabatically, the state point follows the line HJ until it cuts the line JEFG, when the steam is dry saturated, and if it crosses this line the steam becomes wet. If the state point follows a horizontal line to the left, it represents condensation at a constant temperature, the amount of heat rejected being shown by the area under the horizontal line. If heat is rejected at a decreasing temperature, corresponding with the decreasing pressure at release in a steam engine, or condensation in a cylinder at a decreasing pressure, the state point follows a curved line to the left, as shown in the dotted curved line on the diagram. In practical calculations with the entropy-temperature diagram it is necessary to have at hand tables or charts of entropy, total heat, etc., Bucn as are given in Peabody's or Marks and Dayis's Steam Tables, and other works. The diagram is of especial service in the study of steam turbines, and an excellent chart for this purpose will be found in Moyer's Steam Turbine. It gives for all pressures of steam from 0.5 to 300 Ibs. absolute, and for different degrees of dryness up to 300 of superheating, the total heat contents in B.T.U. per pound, the entropy, and the velocity of steam through nozzles. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OP GASES. (Additional matter on this subject will be found under Heat, Air, Gas and Steam.) When a mass of gas is inclosed in a vessel it exerts a pressure against the walls. This pressure is uniform on every square inch of the surface of the vessel; also, at any point in the fluid mass the pressure is the same in every direction. In small vessels containing gases the increase of pressure due to weight may be neglected, since all gases are very light; but where liquids are concerned, the increase in pressure due to their weight must always be taken into account. Expansion of Gases, Mariotte's L.aw. The volume of a gas dimin- ishes in the same ratio as the pressure upon it is increased, if the tem- perature is unchanged. This law is by experiment found to be very nearly true for all gases, and is known as -Boyle's or Mariotte's law. If p = pressure at a volume v, and pi = pressure at a volume Vi, pivi = pv, Pi = ^ P; pv = a constant. The constant, C, varies with the temperature, everything else re- maining the same. 604 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF GASES^, Air compressed by a pressure of seventy-five atmospheres has a volume about 2 % less than that computed from Boyle's law, but this is the greatest divergence that is found below 160 atmospheres pressure. Law of Charles. The volume of a perfect gas at a constant pressure is proportional to its absolute temperature. If VQ be the volume of a gas at 32 F., and vi the volume at any other temperature, h, then jh + 459. 6\ / ., , ti 32 \ Vi = r ' or vi = [I + 0.002034 (ti - 32 )] VQ. If the pressure also change from pa to pi, The Densities of the elementary gases are simply proportional to their atomic weights. The density of a compound gas, referred to hydrogen as 1, is one-half its molecular weight; thus the relative den- sity of CO 2 is 1/2 (12 + 32) = 22. Avogadro's Law. Equal volumes of all gases, under the same condi- tions of temperature and pressure, contain the same number of molecules. To find the weight of a gas in pounds per cubic foot at 32 F., multiply half the molecular weight of the gas by 0.00559. Thus 1 cu. ft. of marsh- gas, CH 4 , = 1/2 (12 + 4) x 0.00559 = 0> o447 Ib. When a certain volume of hydrogen combines with one-half its volume of oxygen, there is produced an amount of water vapor which will occupy the same volume as that which was occupied by the hydrogen gas when at the same temperature and pressure. Physical Laws of Methane Gas. (P. F. Walker, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1914.) The specific heat of CH* under constant pressure at tempera- tures from 18 to 218 C. is 0.5929 according to Landolt and Bornsfcein's Tables. The same tables, on the authority of Lussana, give values of 0.5915 at a pressure of 1 atmosphere and 0.6919 at 30 atmospheres. The ratio of specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume is given variously at from 1.235 to 1.315. The gas shows a considerable varia- tion from Boyle's law. PV = constant, or P V = P\V\. The variation amounts to as much as 4% in the case of CH* gas at 300 Ib. per square inch reduced to the equivalent volume at atmospheric pressure. The difference is of commercial importance when natural gas is sold measured at high pressures and the price based on. the equivalent volume at atmospheric pressure. The relation of pressure and volume is ex- pressed by PV n = a constant and the value of n for C7/4 ranges from 0.98 to 0.995, varying with pressure and temperature, averaging 0.99. Sufficient data are not yet available for the construction of tables showing the variation of the pressure-volume relation from that given by Boyle's law. Saturation Point of Vapors. A vapor that is not near the satura- tion point behaves like a gas under changes of temperature and pressure; but if it is sufficiently compressed or cooled, it reaches a point where it begins to condense: it then no longer obeys the same laws as a gas, but its pressure cannot be increased by diminishing the size of the vessel con- taining it, but remains constant, except when the temperature is changed. The only gas that can prevent a liquid evaporating seems to be its own vapor. Dalton's Law of Gaseous Pressures. Every pprtion of a mass of gas inclosed in a vessel contributes to the pressure against the sides of the vessel the same amount that it would have exerted by itself had no other gas been present. Mixtures of Vapors and Gases. The pressure exerted against the interior of a vessel by a given quantity of a perfect gas inclosed in it is the sum of the pressures which any number of parts into which such quan- tity might be divided would exert separately, if each were inclosed in a vessel of the same bulk alone, at the same temperature. Although this law is not exactly true for any actual gas, it is very nearly true for many. Thus if 0.080728 Ib. of air at 32 F., being inclosed in a vessel of one cubic foot capacity, exerts a pressure of one atmosphere, or 14.7 pounds, oji each PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF GASES. 605 square inch of the interior of the vessel, then will each additional 0.080728 Ib. of air which is inclosed, at 32, in the same vessel, produce very nearly an additional atmosphere of pressure. The same law is applicable to mixtures of gases of different kinds. For example, 0.1 2344 Ib. of carbonic- acid gas, at 32, being inclosed in a vessel of one cubic foot in capacity, exerts a pressure of one atmosphere; consequently, if 0.080728 Ib. of air and 0.12344 Ib. of carbonic acid, mixed, be inclosed at the temperature of 32, in a vessel of one cubic foot of capacity, the mixture will exert a pressure of two atmospheres. As a second example: Let 0.080728 Ib. of air, at 212, be inclosed in a vessel of one cubic foot; it will exert a pressure of = 1.366 atmospheres. Let 0.03797 Ib. of steam, at 212, be inclosed in a vessel of one cubic foot ; it will exert a pressure of one atmosphere. Consequently, if 0.080728 Ib. of air and 0.03797 Ib. of steam be mixed and inclosed together, at 21 2, in a vessel of one cubic foot, the mixture will exert a pressure of 2.366 atmospheres. It is a common but erroneous practice, in elementary books on physics, to describe this law as constituting a difference between mixed and homogeneous gases; whereas it is obvious that for mixed and homogeneous gases the law of pressure is exactly the same, viz., that the pressure of the whole of a gaseous mass is the sum of the pressures of all its parts. This is one of the laws of mixture of gases and vapors. A second law is that the presence of a foreign gaseous substance in con- tact with the surface of a solid or liquid does not affect the density of the vapor of that solid or liquid unless there is a tendency to chemical com- bination between the two substances, in which case the density of the vapor is slightly increased. (Rankine, S. E., p. 239.) If 0.0591 Ib. of air, = 1 cu. ft. at 212 and atmospheric pressure, is con- tained in a vessel of 1 cu. ft. capacity, and water at 212 is introduced, heat at 212 being furnished by a steam jacket, the pressure will rise to two atmospheres. If air is present in a condenser along with water vapor, the pressure is that due to the temperature of the vapor plus that due to the quantity of air present. Flow of Gases. By the principle of the conservation of energy, it may be shown that the velocity with which a gas under pressure will escape into a vacuum is inversely proportional to the square root of its density; that is, oxygen, which is sixteen times as heavy as hydrogen, would, under exactly the same circumstances, escape through an opening only one fourth as fast as the latter gas. Absorption of Gases by Liquids. Many gases are readily absorbed by water. Other liquids also possess this power in a greater 9r less degree. Water will, for example, absorb its own volume of carbonic-acid gas, 800 times its volume of ammonia, 2 Va times its volume of chlorine, and only about 1/20 of its volume of oxygen. The weight of gas that is absorbed by a given volume of liquid is pro- portional to the pressure. But as the volume of a mass of gas is less as the pressure is greater, the volume which a given amount of liquid can absorb at a certain temperature will be constant, whatever the pressure. Water, for example, can absorb its own volume of carbonic-acid gas at atmospheric pressure; it will also dissolve its own volume if the pressure is twice as great, but in that case the gas will be twice as dense, and con- sequently twice the weight of gas is dissolved. Liquefaction of Gases. Liquid Air. (A. L. Rice, Trans. A.S.M. E., xxi, 156.) Oxygen was first liquefied in 1877 by Cailletet and Pictet, working independently. In 1884 Dewar liquefied air, and in 1898 he liquefied hydrogen at a temperature of - 396.4 F., or only 65 above the absolute zero. The method of obtaining the low temperatures required for liquefying gases was suggested by Sir W. Siemens, in 1857. It consists in expanding a compressed gas in a cylinder doing work, or through a small orifice, to a lower pressure, and using the cold gas thereby produced to cool, before expansion, the gas coming to the apparatus. Hampson claims to have condensed about 1.2 Quarts of liquid air per hour at an 606 AIR. expenditure of 3.5 H.P. for compression, using a pressure of 120 atmos- pheres expanded to 1, and getting 6.6 per cent of the air handled as liquid. The following table gives some physical constants of the principal gases that have been liquefied. The critical temperature is that at which the properties of a liquid and its vapor are indistinguishable, and above wnich the vapor cannot be liquefied by compression. The critical pressure is the pressure of the vapor at the critical temperature. Criti- cal Temp. Deg. F. Criti- cal Pres- sure in Atmo- spheres Temp, of Satu- rated Vapor at Atmos. Pres- sure Deg. F. Freez- ing Point. Deg. F. Density of Liquid at Temperature Given. Water.. . HjjO 689 200 212 32 1 at 39 F. Ammonia. NH 4 266 115 27 107 0.6364 at 32 F. Acotylene 98 6 121 113 8 Carbon Dioxide EthylenC iV? 2 CO2 C 2 H 4 88 50 75 51.7 112 150 69 272 0. 83 at 32 F. Methane . . . CH 4 115.2 54.9 263.4 302.4 l 0.415 1 Oxygen C 2 182 50.8 294.5 ( at 263 F. ) 1 1J24 A -185.8 50.6 304.6 309.3 \ at 294 F. I ( about 1.5 | 1 of ini TT ( Carbon Monoxide CO 219 1 35.5 310 340.6 Air 220 39 312.6 ( 0.933 ) N 2 231 35 318 353.2 ( at 313 F. 1 ( 0.885 ) I of 31R T? Hydrogen H 2 389 20 -405 AIR. Properties of Air. Air is a mechanical mixture of the gases oxygen and nitrogen, with about 1% by volume of argon. Atmospheric air of ordinary purity contains about 0.04% of carbon dioxide. The com- position of air is variously given as follows : I >y Volume . 1 By Weight N Ar N O Ar 1.. 79.3 20.7 77 23 2 79 09 20 91 76 85 23 15 3 78.122 20 941 0.937 75.539 23.024 1 437 4 78.06 21. 0.94 75.5 23.2 1.3 (1) Values formerly given in works on physics. (2) Average results of several determinations, Hempel's Gas Analysis. (3) Sir. Wm. Ram- say, Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, No. 330. (4) A. Leduc, Comptes Rendus, 1896, Jour. F. I., Jan., 1898. Leduc gives for the density of oxygen relatively to air 1.10523; for nitrogen 0.9671; for argon, 1.376. The weight of pure air at 32 F. and a barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury, or 14.6963 Ibs. per sq. in., or 2116.3 Ibs. per sq. ft., is 0.080728 Ib. per cubic foot. Volume of 1 Ib. = 12.387 cu. ft. At any other temperature and barometric pressure its weight in Ibs. per cubic foot is W > wnere B = height of the barometer, T = tern- . . perature Fahr., and 1.3253 = weight in Ib. of 459.6 cu. ft. of air at F. and one inch barometric pressure. Air expands 1/491.6 of its volume at AIR. 607 32 F. for every increase of 1 F., and its volume varies inversely as the pressure. Conversion Table for Air Pressures. le & +*% 1 & M $$ Ft. of Water. o % M & Ft. of Air at 62 F. |&! n >& i* 1 Ib. per sq. ft . . 1 in. water at 62 F 5.196 9 62.355 70.73 144 2116.3 (2) 0.19245 1.732 12 13.612 27.712 407.27 (3) V9 0.5774 1 6.928 7.859 16 ' (4) ' .01604 Vl2 0.1443 1 1.1343 2.3094 33.94 (5) 0.01414 0.07347 0.1272 0.8816 2.036 29.921 (6) Vl44 0.036085 Vl6 0.43302 0.49117 1 14.6963 (7) 13.14 68.30 118.3 819.6 929.6 1893 27,815 (8) 29.1 66.3 87.2 230 245 349 1338 (9) 1 oz. per sq. in . . 1 ft. water at 62 F 1 in. mercury at 32 F 1 Ib. per sq. in . . 1 atmosphere. . . (1) The figures in column (8) show the head in feet of air of uniform density at atmospheric pressure and 62 F. corresponding to the pres- sure in the preceding columns, and those in column (9) the theoretical velocities corresponding to these heads, or the velocities of a jet flowing from a frictionless conical orifice whose flow coefficient is unity. The Air-manometer consists of a long, vertical glass tube, closed at the upper end, open at the lower end, containing air, provided with a scale, and immersed, along with a thermometer, in a transparent liquid, such as water or oil, contained in a strong cylinder of glass, which com- municates with the vessel in which the pressure is to be ascertained. The scale shows the volume occupied by the air in the tube. Let vo be that volume, at the temperature of 32 Fahrenheit, and mean pressure of the atmosphere, po ; let vi be the volume of the air at the temperature t, and under the absolute pressure to be measured pi ; then U + 459.6) pwo 491.6V! Pressure of the Atmosphere at Different Altitudes. At the sea level the pressure of the air is 14.7 pounds per square inch; at 1/4 of a mile above the sea level it is 14.02 pounds; at 1/2 mile, 13.33; at Simile, 12.66; at 1 mile, 12.02; at li/4mile, 11.42; at 11/2 mile, 10.88; and at 2 miles, 9.80 pounds per square inch. For a rough approximation we may assume that the pressure decreases 1/2 pound per square inch for every 1000 feet of ascent. (See table, p. 608.) It is calculated that at a height of about 31/2 miles above the sea level the weight of a cubic foot of air is only one-half what it is at the surface of the earth, at seven miles only one-fourth, at fourteen miles only one- sixteenth, at twenty-one miles only one sixty-fourth, and at a height of over forty-five miles it becomes so attenuated as to have no appreciable weight. The pressure of the atmosphere increases with the depth of shafts, equal to about one inch rise in the barometer for each 900 feet increase in depth: this may be taken as a rough-and-ready rule for ascertaining the depth of shafts. Leveling by the Barometer and by Boiling Water. (Trautwine.) Many circumstances combine to render the results of this kind of leveling unreliable where great accuracy is required. It is difficult to read off from an aneroid (the kind of barometer usually employed for engineering purposes) to within from two to five or six feet, depending on its size. The moisture or dryness of the air affects the results; also winds, the vicinity of mountains, and the daily atmospheric tides, which cause incessant and irregular fluctuations in the barometer. A barometer hanging quietly in a room will often vary Vio of an inch within a few 608 Am. hours, corresponding to a difference of elevation of nearly 100 feet. No formula can be devised that shall embrace these sources of error. Boiling Point of Water. Temperature in degrees F., barometer in in. of mercury. In. 1 .2 .3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 28 29 30 208.7 210.5 212.1 208.9 210.6 212.3 209.1 210.8 212.4 209.2 210.9 212.6 209.4 211.1 212.8 209.5 211.3 212.9 209.7 211.4 213.1 209.9 211.6 213.3 210.1 211.8 213.5 210.3 212.0 213.6 To Find the Difference in Altitude of Two Places. Take from the table the altitudes opposite to the two boiling temperatures, or to the two barometer readings. Subtract the one opposite the lower reading from that opposite the upper reading. The remainder will be the required height, as a rough approximation. To correct this, add together the two thermometer readings, and divide the sum by 2, for their mean. From table of corrections for temperature, take the number under this mean. Multiply the approximate height just found by this number At 70 F. pure water will boil at 1 less of temperature tor an average of about 550 feet of elevation above sea level, up to a height of 1/2 a mile. At the height of 1 mile, 1 of boiling temperature will correspond to aoout 560 feet of elevation. In the table the mean of the temperatures at the two stations is assumed to be 32 F., at which no correction- for temperature is necessary in using the table. &-$' a 8.1 . , . r d . 1 21- *-#c 1 Isl* tit* 23 1 4 o^l 3-S8* ^ 02 f 25 & tP 1 3*8* ^ 02 |IS 8 Sgjjf 3-8 * ^ WJ 184 16.79 15,221 196 21.71 8,481 208 27.73 2,063 185 17.16 14,649 197 22.17 7,932 208.5 28.00 1,809 186 17.54 14,075 198 22.64 7,381 209 28.29 1,539 187 17.93 13,498 199 23.11 6,843 209.5 28.56 1,290 188 18.32 12,934 200 23.59 6,304 210 28.85 1,025 189 18.72 12,367 201 24.08 5,764 210.5 29.15 754 190 19.13 11,799 202 24.58 5,225 2.11 29.42 512 191 19.54 11,243 203 25.08 4,697 211.5 29.71 255 192 19.96 10,685 204 25.59 4,169 212 30.00 S.L.= 193 20.39 10,127 205 26.11 3,642 212.5 30.30 261 194 20.82 9,579 206 26.64 3,115 213 30.59 511 195 21.26 9,031 207 27 18 2589 CORRECTIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. Mean temp. F. in shade Multiply by .933 10l 20 .9541.975 30 .996 40 1.016 50 1 60 1.036|1.058 70 1.079 80 1.100 90 1.121 100 1.142 Pressure of the Atmosphere per Square Inch and per Square Foot at Various Readings of the Barometer. r RULE. Barometer in inches x 0.49 16 = pressure per square inch; pressure per square inch X 144 = pressure per square foot. Barometer. Pressure per Sq. In. Pressure per Sq. Ft. Barometer. Pressure per Sq. In. Pressure per Sq. Ft. In. : 28.00 ' 28.25 28.50 28.75 29.00 29.25 29.50 Lb. 13.75 13.88 14.00 14.12 14.24 14.37 14.49 Lb.* 1980 1998 2016 2033 2051 2069 2086 In. 29.75 30.00 30.25 30.50 30.75 31.00 Lb. 14.61 14.73 14.86 14.98 15.10 15.23 Lb.* 2104 2122 2140 2157 2175 2193 * Decimals omitted. For lower pressures see table of the Properties of Steam AIB. 609 Barometric Readings corresponding with Different Altitudes, in French and English Measures. Alti- tude. Read- ing of Barom- Altitude. Reading of Barom- Alti- tude. Reading of Barom- Altitude. Reading of Barom- eter. eter. eter. eter. meters mm. feet. inches. meters. mm. feet. inches. 762 0. 30. 1147 660 3763.2 25.98 21 760 68.9 29.92 1269 650 4163.3 25.59 127 750 416.7 29.52 1393 640 4568.3 25.19 234 740 767.7 29.13 1519 630 4983.1 24.80 342 730 1122.1 28.74 1647 620 5403.2 24.41 453 720 1486.2 28.35 1777 610 5830.2 24.01 564 710 1850.4 27.95 1909 600 6243. 23.62 678 700 2224.5 27.55 2043 590 6702.9 23.22 793 690 2599.7 27.16 2180 580 7152.4 22.83 909 680 2962.1 26.77 2318 570 7605.1 22.44 1027 670 3369.5 26.38 2460 560 8071. 22.04 Weight of Air per Cubic Foot at Different Pressures and . Temperatures. Formula: W = 0.080728 X - Tempera- ture Gage. P = 14.6963 P= 15.696 2 P = 16.696 5 P = 19.696 10 P = 24.696 20 P = 34.696 40 P = 54.696 60 P = 74.696 80 P = 94.696 100 P = 1 14.696 120 P = 134.696 D f Ab. 459.6 .086349 .09222 .09810 .11573 .14511 .20385 .32137 .43S8& .55639 .67391 .79141 32 491.6 .080728 .08622 .09171 .10819 .13566 . 19059 .30045 .41031 .52017 .63004 .73990 42 501.6 .079119 .08450 .08989 .10604 13295 .18679 .29446 .40213 .50980 .61748 .72515 52 511.6 .077572 .08285 .08813 . 10396 .13035 .18314 .28871 .39427 .49984 .60541 .71097 62 521.6 076085 .08126 .08644 .10197 .12786 .17963 .28317 .38671 .49026 .59380 .69734 70 529.6 .074936 .08004 .08513 . 10043 .12592 .17691 .27887 .38087 .48285 .58483 .68681 80 539.6 073547 07855 08356 .09857 .12359 .17364 .27372 .37381 .47390 .57399 .67408 90 549.6 072209 07712 08204 .09678 .12134 . 17048 .26874 .36701 .46528 .56355 .66182 100 559.6 070918 07574 08057 .09504 .11937 .16743 .26394 .36045 .45697 .55348 .64999 120 579.6 068471 07313 07779 .09177 .11506 .16165 .25483 .34802 .44120 .53438 .62756 140 599.6 066187 07069 07519 .08871 .11122 .15626 . 24633 .33641 .42648 .51656 .60663 160 619.6 064051 06841 07277 . 08584 .10763 .15122 .23838 .32555 .41272 .49988 .58705 180 639.6 062048 06627 07049 08316 .10427 .14649 .23093 .31537 .39981 .48425 .56869 200 659.6 060167 06426 06835 08064 .10111 .14205 .22393 .30581 .38769 .46957 .55145 250 709.6 055927 05973 06354 .07496 .09398 .13204 .20815 .28426 .36037 .43649 .51259 300 759.6.052245 05580 05936 .07002 .08779 .12335 . 19445 .26555 .33665 .40775 .47885 350 809.6.049019 05236 05569 .06570 .08237 .11573 .18244 .24915 .31586 .38257 .44925 400 859.6.046163 04931 05245 .06188 . 07758 .10900 .17183 .23466 .29748 .36032 .42314 450 909.6 043630 04660 04957 .05847 .07332 . 10301 .16238 .22176 .28113 .34051 .39988 500 959.6.041357 04417 04699 .05543 .06950 .09764 .15392 .21020 .26648 .32277 .37905 550 1009.6 .039309 04198 04466 .05268 .06606 .09280 .14630 . 19979 .25329 .30678 .36028 600 1059.6 .037454 04000 04255 .05020 .06294 .08842 .13939 .19037 .24133 .29230 .34327 650 1109.6 .035766 03820 04063 .04793 .06010 .08444 .13311 .18179 .23046 .27913 .32781 700 1159.6.034224 .03655 .03888 .04587 .05751 .08080 .12737 .17395 .22052 .26710 .31367 800 1259.6.031507 . 03365 .03579 .04223 .05294 .07438 .11726 .16014 .20301 .24589 .28877 900 1359.6.029190 .03118 .03316 .03912 .04905 .06891 .10864 .14836 .18808 .22781 .26753 1000 1459. 6). 0271901.02904 .03089 .03644 .04569 .06419 .10119 .13830 .17519 .21220 .24920 Moisture in the Atmosphere. Atmospheric air always contains a small quantity of carbonic acid (see Ventilation), and a varying quantity of aqueous vapor or moisture. The relative humidity of the air at anytime is the percentage of moisture contained in it as compared with the amount it is capable of holding at the same temperature. The degree of saturation or relative humidity of the air is determined bv the use of the dry and wet bulb thermometer. The degree of satura- tion for a number of different readings of the thermometer is given In 610 AIR. the following table, condensed from the Hygrometric Tables of the U. S. Weather Bureau: RELATIVE HUMIDITY, PER CENT. if* H g M $! Difference between the Dry and Wet Thermometers, Deg. F. | 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|10|1 1|12|13|14[15|16|17118|19|20J21|22|23|24[26|28|3Q Relative Humidity, Saturation being 100. (Barometer = 30 in.) 32 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 89 79 69|59 49 3930|20| II 2 92 83 75 68 60 52 45 37 29 23j 15 93 87 80 74167161 554943 38 32 27 21 16 94 89 83;78 73 i 68!63!58!53!48i43 39 34 30 26 21 95 90|86j81 77 72 68 64 59 55 51 48;44I40 36 33 29J25 22 96 91 187 83 7975 72 ; 68 64J61 |57;54 50i47 44J41 96 92,89 85 81 78 74 71 68i65|61 58 55 52 49 47 44141 39 36 34 31 29 26 22 17 13 96 93 89 86183180 77i73 70]68:65i62 59!56 54 51 49|46|44|41 39 37 35 33 28 24 21 97 93^90 87 84 81 78 75 73 70'67 65;62i60 57 55 52 ! 50 48 46j44 42 40J38 34,30 26 97 94 91 88:85 82 80 77 74 72 69 67<65 \62\6Q 58i55 i 53 51 49147 45 43 41 ,38j34 31 97 95 92!89i87j84l82!79l77 75!73i7Q!68;66S64l62;60i58|56l54i53 51 49|47|44|41|38 17 13 38J35 32 29 ! 26|23|20 18 12 7 Mixtures of Air and Saturated Vapor. (From Goodenough's Tables.) ' Pressure of Weight of Volume -Q > "op -fi^EJ Saturated Saturated in Cu. Ft. (-3 o "csH ^'fe "cS fe Vapor. Vapor. fc OJ o> h ft In., Mer- Lb. per Per Cu. PerLb. nf Of 1 Lb. Of one Ib.Dry ^tfc ft ^I i cury. Sq. In. Ft. OI Dry Air. Dry Air. Air + Vapor. o rt * Q|| 0.0375 0.0184 0.0000674 0.000781 11.58 11.59 0.0 0.964 0.964 10 .0628 .0308 .0001103. .001309 11.83 11.86 2.411 1.608 4.019 20 .1027 .0504 .000177 .002144 12.09 12.13 4.823 2.623 7.446 32 .1806 .0887 .000303 .003782 12.39 12.47 7.716 4.058 11.783 35 .2036 .1000 .000340 .004268 12.47 12.55 8.44 4.57 13.02 40 .2478 .1217 .000410 .005202 12.59 12.70 9.65 5.56 15.21 45 .3003 .1475 .000492 .00632 12.72 12.85 10.86 6.73 17.59 50 .3624 .1780 .000588 .00764 12.84 13.00 12.07 8.12 20.19 55 .4356 .2140 .000699 .00920 12.97 13.16 13.28 9.76 23.04 60 .5214 .2561 .000829 .01105 13.10 13.33 14.48 11.69 26.18 65 .6218 .3054 .000979 .01323 13.22 13.50 15.69 13.96 29.65 70 .7386 .3628 .001153 .01578 13.35 13.69 16.90 16.61 33.51 75 .8744 .4295 .001352 .01877 13.48 13.88 18.11 19.71 37.81 80 1.0314 .5066 .001580 .02226 13.60 14.09 19.32 23.31 42.64 85 1.212 .5955 .001841 .02634 13.73 14.31 20.53 27.51 48.04 90 1.421 .6977 .002137 .03109 13.86 14.55 21.74 32.39 54.13 95 1.659 .8148 .002474 .03662 13.98 14.80 22.95 38.06 61.01 100 1.931 .9486 .002855 .04305 14.11 15.08 24.16 44.63 68.79 105 2.241 1.1010 .003285 .0505 14.24 15.39 25.37 52.26 77.63 110 2.594 1.274 .003769 .0593 14.36 15.73 26.58 61.11 87.69 115 2.994 1.470 .004312 .0694 14.49 16.10 27.79 71.40 99.10 120 3.444 1.692 .004920 .0813 14.62 16.52 29.00 83.37 112.37 130 4.523 2.221 .006356 .1114 14.88 17.53 31.42 113.64 145.06 140 5.878 2.887 .008130 .1532 15.13 18.84 33.85 155.37 189.22 150 7.566 3.716 .01030 .2122 15.39 20.60 36.27 214.03 250.3 160 9.649 4.739 .01294 .2987 15.64 23.09 38.69 299.55 338.2 170 12.20 5.990 .01611 .4324 15.90 26.84 41.12 431.2 472.3 180 15.29 7.51 .01991 .6577 16.16 33.04 43.55 651.9 695.5 190 19.01 9.34 .02441 1.0985 16.41 45.00 45.97 1082.3 1128.3 200 23.46 11.53 .02972 2.2953 16.67 77.24 48.40 2247.5 2296 Below 32 F. the pressure of saturated vapor in contact with ice is given. Values in the last column do not include the heat of the liquid. Below 32 F. the heat of sublimation of ice rather than tue latent heat of vaporization is used. AIR. 611 Moisture in Air at Different Pressures and Temperatures. (H. M. Prevost Murphy, Eng. News, June 18, 1908.) 1. The maximum amount of moisture that pure air can contain depends only on its temperature and pressure, and has an unvarying value for each condition. 2. "The higher the temperature of the air, the greater Is the amount of moisture that it can contain. 3. The higher the pressure of the air, the smaller is the amount of moisture that it can contain. 4. When air is compressed, the rise of temperature due to the com- pression, in all cases found in practice, far more than offsets the opposite effect of the rise of pressure on the moisture-carrying capacity of the air. Water is deposited, therefore, by compressed air as it passes from the com- pressor to the various portions of the system. Suppose that a certain amount of atmospheric air enters a compressor and that it contains all the moisture possible at the existing outside tem- perature and pressure. As this air is compressed its moisture-carrying capacity rapidly increases, consequently all the moisture is retained by the air and passes with it into the main or storage reservoir. Now if this air is permitted to pass from the reservoir into the various parts of the system before being cooled to the outside temperature, it will carry more moisture than it is capable of holding when the temperature finally drops to the normal point, and this excess quantity will be de- posited, because, the pressure being high, the air cannot hold as much moisture as it did at the same temperature and only atmospheric pressure. In order to reduce the moisture to a minimum, it is desirable to cool the air to the outside temperature before it leaves the reservoir, thereby causing it to deposit all of its excess moisture, which may be easily removed by drain cocks. Although compressed air may be properly dried before leaving the main reservoirs, some moisture may be temporarily deposited when the air is subsequently expanded to lower pressures, as its moisture-carry- ing capacity is usually affected more by the drop in temperature, result- ing from the expansion, than by the drop in pressure, but when the air again attains the outside temperature, the moisture thus deposited will be re-absorbed if it is freely exposed to the compressed air. In order to determine what percentage of moisture pure air can contain at various pressures and temperatures, to ascertain how low the "rela- tive humidity" of the atmosphere must be in order that no water will be deposited in any part of a compressed-air system and also to find to what temperature air drawn from a saturated atmosphere must be cooled in order to cause the deposition of moisture to commence, the following formulae and tables are used, based on Dalton's law of gaseous pressures, which may be stated as follows: The total pressure exerted against the interior of a vessel by a given quantity of a mixed gas enclosed in it is the sum ot the pressures which each of the component gases, or vapors, would exert separately if it were enclosed alone in a vessel of the same bulk, at the same temperature. [The derivation of the formulae is given at length in the original paper.) Formulae for the Weight, in Lbs., of 1 Cu. Ft. of Dry Air, of 1 Cu. Ft. of Saturated Steam or Water Vapor and the Maximum Weight of Water Vapor that 1 IJb. of Pure Air Can Carry at Any Pressure and Temperature. (Copyright, 1908, by H. M. Prevost Murphy.) The values K and H being given in the table for various temperatures, t, in Fahrenheit degrees, the formulae are: Weight of 1 cu. ft. saturated steam = 77 = elastic force or tension of water vapor or saturated steam, in in. of mercury corresponding to the temperature t (Fahr.) = 2.036 X (gauge pres- sure -t- atmospheric pressure, in pounds per square inch). K = the ratio of the weight of a volume of saturated steam to an equal volume of pure dry air at the same temperature and pressure, Values of K and 77 corresponding to the various temperatures t are given in the table on p. 612, 612 AIB. Weight of 1 cu. ft. pure dry air = 1.325271 M ~_ 2.698192 P 459.2 + 1 * 459.2 + t M = absolute pressure in inches of mercury. P == absolute pressure in pounds per square inch. W = maximum weight, in Ibs., of water vapor, that 1 Ib. of pure air can contain, when the temperature of the mixture is t, and the total, or observed, absolute pressure in pounds per square incli is P. KH ~" 2.036 P - H' NOTE. The results obtained by the use of any of the above formulae agree exactly with the average data for air and steam weights as given by the most reliable authorities and careful experiments, for all pres- sures and temperatures; the value of K being correct for all tempera- tures up to the critical steam temperature of 689 F. VALUES OF "IT" AND "H" CORRESPONDING TO TEMPERATURES t FROM - 30 TO 434 P. t K H t K H t K H t K H t K H -30 .6082 .0099 64 .61 88'. 5962 158 .63239.177 252 .6501 62.97 344 .6739 254.2 -28 .6084 .0111 66 .6190 .6393 160 .63269.628 254 .6505 65.21 346 .6745 261.0 -26 .6086 .0123 68 .6193 .6848 162 .6330 10.10 256 .6510 67.49 348 .6751268.0 -24 .6088 .0137 70 .6196 .7332 164 .6333 10.59 258 .6514 69.85 350 .6757 275.0 -22 .6090 .0152 72 .6198 .7846 166 .6336 11.10 260 .6518 72.26 352 .6763282.2 -20 .6092 .0168 74 .6201 .8391 168 .6340 11.63 262 .6523 74.75 354 .6770289.6 -18 .6094 .0186 76 .6203 .3969 170 .6343 12.18 264 .6528 77.30 356 .6776297.1 -16 .6096 .0206 78 .6206 .9585 172 .6346 12.75 266 .6532 79.93 358 .6783304.8 -14 .6098 .0227 80 .6209 .024 174 .6350 13.34 268 .6537 82.62 360 .6789312.6 -12 .6100 .0250 82 .6211 .092 176 .6353 13.96 270 .6541 85.39 362 .6795320.6 -10 .6102 .0275 84 .6214 .165 178 .6357 14.60 272 .6546 88.26 364 .6803328.7 - 8 .6104 .0303 86 .6217 .242 180 .6360 15.27 274 .6551 91.18 366 .6809337.0 - 6 .6107 .0332 88 .6219 .324 182 .6364 15.97 276 .6555 94.18 368 .6816345.4 - 4 .6109 .0365 90 .6222 .410 184 .6367 16.68 278 .6560 97.26 370 .6822 354.0 - 2 .6111 .0400 92 .6225 .501 186 .6371 17.43 280 .6565 100.4 372 .6829362.8 .6'113 .0439 94 .6227 .597 188 .6374 18.20 282 .6570 103.7 374 .6836371.8 2 .6115 .0481 96 .6230' .698 190 .6377 19.00 284 .6575 107.0 376 .6843 380.9 4 .6117 .0526 98 .6233 .805 192 .6381 19.83 286 .6580 110.4 378 .6850390.2 6 .6120 .0576 100 .6236 .918 194 .6385 20.69 288 .6584 113.9 380 .6857399.6 8 .6122 .0630 102 .62382.036 196 .6389 21.58 290 .6590 117.5 382 .6865409.3 10 .6124 .0690 104 .6241 2.161 198 .6393 22.50 292 .6594 121.2 384 .6871 419.1 12 .6126 .0754 106 .62442.294 200 .6396 23.46 294 .66CO 125.0 386 .6879429.1 14 .6128 .0824 108 .62472.432 202 .6400 24.44 296 .6604 128.8 388 .6886439.3 16 .6131 .0900 110 .6250 ! 2.578 204 .6404 25.47 298 .6610 132.8 390 .6893 449.6 181.6133 .0983 112 .625312.731 206 .6407 26.53 300 .6615 136.8 392 .6901 460.2 20'.6135 .1074 114 .62562.892 208 .6411 27.62 302 .6620 141.0 394 .6908 470.9 22-. 6137 .1172 116 .62583.061 210 .6415 28.75 304 .6625 145.3 396 .6915481.9 24J.6140 .1279 118 .6261 3.239 212 .6419 29.92 306 .6631 149.6 398 ,6923 493.0 26 ! .6142 .1396 120 .6264 3.425 214 .6423 31.14 308 .6636 154.1 400 .69311504.4 28 .6144 .1523 122 .6267 3.621 216 .6426 32.38 310 .6641 158.7 402 .6939515.9 30 .6147 .1661 124 .6270 3.826 218 .6430 33.67 312 .6647 163.3 404 .6947527.6 32 .6149 .1811 126 .6273 4.042 220 .643435.01 314 .6652 168.1 406 .6955539.5 34 .6151 .1960 128 .62764.267 222 .643836.38 316 .6658 173.0 408 .6962551.6 36 .6154 .2120 130 .62794.503 224 .644237.80 318 .6663 178.0 4101.6970564.0 38 ..6156 .2292 132 .62824.750 226 .644639.27 320 .6669i183.1 412 .6979576.5 40 .6158 .2476 134 .6285 5.008 228 .6451 40.78 322 .66741 188. 3 414 .6987 ; 589.3 42 .6161 .2673 136 .62885.280 230 .6455 42.34 324 .6680 193.7 416 .6995602.2 44 .6163 .2883 138 .6291 5.563 232 .6458 43.95 326 .6686 199.2 418 .7003*615.4 46 .6166 .3109 140 .62945.859 234 .6463 45.61 328 .6691 204.8 420 .7012628.8 48 .6168 .3350 142 .629816.167 236 .6467 47.32 330 .6697 210.5 422 .70211642.5 50 .6170 .3608 144 .6301 6.490 238 .6471 49.08 332 .6703216.4 424 .7029656.3 52 .6173 .3883 146 .6304 6.827 240 .647550.89 334 .6709222.4 426 .7037 670.4 54 .6175 .4176 148 .630717.178 242 .647952.77 336 .6715228.5 428 .7046684.7 56 .6178 .4490 150 .6310 7.545 244 .648454.69 338 .6721 234.7 430 .7055699.2 58 .6180 .4824 152 ! .6313 7.929 246 .6488 56.67 340 .6727(241.1 432 .7064713.9 60 .6183 .5180 154;. 6317 8. 328 248 .6492 58.71 342 .6733 i247.6 434 .7073728.9 62 .6185 .5559 156 .632018.744 250 .649660.811 AIK. 613 Weights In Pounds, of Pure Dry Air, Water Vapor and Saturated Mixtures of Air and Water Vapor at Various Temperatures, at Atmospheric Pressure, 29.921 In. of Mercury or 14.6963 Lb. per Sq. In. Also the Elastic Force or Pressure of the Air and Vapor Present in Saturated Mixtures. (Copyright, 1908, by H. M. Prevost Murphy.) Saturated Mixtures of Air and Water Vapor. , d . i*" = S3 .^ N 8> +3&H *"* III l|lii l^|^l ii jsi^ gg-s OJg.Q &S8 1 ^ o^ "43 *** ' "S S kS J3 ^u-i ^-rt fid * 'os3 S p SQ 'SlS 2 ^ ' d'sJ-S J ~ ft g" . '55 tn -^ 2 '5 0.086354 0.0439 29.877 0.000077 0.086226 0.086303 0.000898 12 0.084154 0.0754 29.846 0.000130 0.083943 0.084073 0.001548 22 0.082405 0.1172 29.804 0.000198 0.082083 0.082281 0.002413 32 0.080728 0.1811 29.740 0.000300 0.080239 0.080539 0.003744 42 0.079117 0.2673 29.654 0.000435 0.078411 0.078846 0.005554 52 0.077569 0.3883 29.533 0.000621 0.076563 0.077184 0.008116 62 0.076081 0.5559 29.365 0.000874 0.074667 0.075541 0.011709 72 0.074649 0.7846 29.136 0.001213 0.072690 0.073903 0.016691 82 0.073270 1.092 28.829 0.001661 0.070595 0.072256 6.023526 92 0.071940 1.501 28.420 0.002247 0.068331 0.070578 0.032877 02 0.070658 2.036 27.885 0.002999 0.065850 0.068849 0.045546 112 0.069421 2.731 27.190 0.003962 0.063085 0.067047 0.062806 122 0.068227 3.621 26.300 0.005175 0.059970 0.065145 0.086285 132 0.067073 4.750 25.171 0.006689 0.056425 0.063114 0.118548 142 0.065957 6.167 23.754 0.008562 0.052363 0.060925 0.163508 152 0.064878 7.929 21.992 0.010854 0.047686 0.058540 0.227609 162 0.063834 10.097 19.824 0.013636 0.042293 0.055929 0.322407 172 062822 12.749 17.172 0.016987 0.036055 0.053042 0.471146 182 0.061843 15.965 13.956 0.021000 0.028845 0.049845 0.728012 192 " 0.060893 19.826 10.095 0.025746 0.020545 0.046291 1.25319 202 0.059972 24.442 5.479 0.031354 0.010982 0.042336 2.85507 212 0.059079 29.921 0.000 0.037922 0.000000 0.037922 Infinite- Applications of the Formula 1 and Tables. EXAMPLE 1. How low must the relative humidity be, when the at- mospheric pressure is 14.7 Ib. per sq. in. and the outside temperature is 60, in order that no moisture may be deposited in any part of a com- pressed air system carrying a constant gauge pressure of 90 Ib. per sq. in? A n s. The maximum amount of moisture that 1 Ib. of pure air can contain at 90 Ib. gauge, = 104.7 Ib. (absolute pressure) and 60 F., is W - KH - 0.6183X0.5180 __ 2.036 P-r-H~ 2.036 X 104.7 - 0.5180 ~ a The maximum weight of moisture that 1 Ib. of air can contain at 60 F. and 14.7 Ib. (absolute pressure) is W (at 14 7) - 0-618 X 0.5180 _ 14>7} " 2.036 X 14.7 - 05180 ' 01 lb * In order that no moisture may be deposited, the relative humidity must not be above (0.001506 -^ 0.01089) X 100 = 13.83%. NOTE. Air is said to be saturated with water vapor when it contains the maximum amount possible at the existing temperature and pressure. EXAMPLE 2. When compressing air into a reservoir carrying a con- stant gauge pressure of 75 lb., from a saturated atmosphere of 14.7 lb. abs. press, and 70 F., to what temperature must the air be cooled after compression in order to cause the deposition of moisture to commence? Ans. First find the maximum weight of moisture contained in 1 lb. of pure air at 14.7 lb. pressure and 70 F. 614 AIR. KH 0.6196 X 0.7332 2.036P-# = 2d36~X 14.7 - 0.7332 = ' 1556 lb ' The temperature to which the air must be cooled in order to cause the deposition of moisture may be found by placing this value of 0.01556 together with P equal to 75 + 14.7 in the equation thus: _ _ 2.036 X 89.7 -# ~ 182.63 - H 2 842 or H . ' ; ~ , and the temperature which satisfies this equation U.Ulooo ~r zi. is found by aid of the table [by trial and error] to be approximately 129 F. EXAMPLE 3, When the outside temperature is 82 F., and the pressure of the atmosphere is 14.6963 Ib. per sq. in., the relative humid- ity being 100%, how many cu. ft. of free air must be compressed and delivered into a reservoir at 100 Ib. gauge in order to cause 1 Ib. of water to be deposited when the air is cooled to 82 F.? Ans. Weight of moisture mixed with 1 Ib. of air at 82 F. t and atmospheric pressure = 0.023526 Ib. For 100 Ib. gauge pressure, W- KH 0.6211 X 1.092 _o 002918 Ib 2.036 P-H 2.036 X 114.6963 - 1.092 ~ Weight of moisture deposited by each Ib. of compressed air = 0.023526 0.002918 = 0.020608 Ib. Each cu. ft. of the moist atmosphere con- tains 0.070595 Ib. of pure air, therefore the number of cu. ft. that must be delivered to cause 1 Ib. of water to be deposited is X TTT; ^= 687.37 cu. ft. 0.070595 0.020608 EXAMPLE 4. Under the same conditions as stated in Example 3, what is the loss in volumetric efficiency of the plant when the excess moisture is properly trapped in the main reservoirs? Ans. Before compression, each pound of air is mixed with 0.023526 Ib. of water vapor and the weight of 1 cu. ft. of the mixture is 0.072256 Ib., consequently the volume of the mixture is 1.023526 ^ 0.072256 = 14.165 cu. ft. For 100 Ib. gauge pressure and 82 F. as shown in Example 3, 1 Ib. of air can hold 0.002918 Ib. of water in suspension, having deposited 0.020608 Ib. in the reservoir. The weight of 1 cu. ft. of water vapor at 82 is 0.001661 Ib., consequently by Dalton's law the volume of the. mix- ture of 1 Ib. of air and 0.002918 Ib. of water vapor at 100 Ib. gauge press- ure is the same as that of the vapor or saturated steam alone; that is, 0.002918 + 0.001661 = 1.757 cu. ft. By Mariotte's law, the volume of the 1.757 cu. ft. of mixed gas at 114.6963 Ib. absolute when expanded to atmospheric pressure will be (114.6963 -^ 14.6963) X 1.757 = 13.712 cu. ft.; consequently the decrease of volume, that is, the loss of volumetric efficiency, is 14.165 - 13.712 = 0.453 cu. ft., or (0.453 -f- 14.165) X 100 = 3.2%. This example shows that, particularly in warm, moist climates, there Is a very appreciable loss in the efficiency of compressors, due to the condensation of water vapor. Specific Heat of Air at Constant Volume and at Constant Pressure. Volume of 1 Ib. of air at 32 F. and pressure of 14.7 Ibs. per sq. in. = 12.387 cu. ft. =a column 1 sq. ft. area X 12.387 ft. high. Raising tem- perature 1 F. expands it 1/492, or to 12.4122 ft. high, a rise of 0.02522ft. Work done = 2116 Ibs. per sq. ft. X .02522 = 53.37 foot-pounds, or 53.37 -i- 778 = 0.0686 heat units. The specific heat of air at constant pressure, according to Regnault, is 0.2375; but this includes the work of expansion, or 0.0686 heat units; hence the specific heat at constant volume = 0.2375 0.0686 = 0.1689. Ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to specific heat at constant volume = 0.2375 -T- 0.1689 = 1.406. (See Specific Heat, p. 562.) FLOW OF AIR THROUGH ORIFICES. 615 Flow of Air through Orifices. Tne tneoreticai velocity in feet per second of_flow of any fluid, liquid, or gas through an orifice is v = ^2~gh = 8.02 V/i, in which h the " head " or height of the fluid in feet required to produce the pressure of the fluid at the level of the orifice. (For gases the formula holds good only for small difference of pressure on the two sides of the orifice.) The quantity of flow in cubic feet per second is equal to the product of this velocity by the area of the orifice, in square feet, multiplied by a "coefficient of flow," which takes into account the con- traction of the vein or flowing stream, the friction of the orifice, etc. For air flowing through an orifice or short tube, from a reservoir of the pressure p\ into a reservoir of the pressure pz, Weisbach gives the following values for the coefficient of flow, obtained from his experiments. FLOW OP AlR THROUGH AN ORIFICE. Coefficient c in formula v = c \/2'gh Diam. 1 cm. = 0.394 in.: Ratio of pressures ... 1.05 1.09 1.43 1.65 1.89 2.15 Coefficient 555 .589 .692 .724 .754 .788 Diam. 2.14 cm. '= 0.843 in.: Ratio of pressures ... 1.05 1.09 1.36 1.67 2.01 Coefficient 558 .573 .634 .678 .723 FLOW OF AlR THROUGH A SHORT TUBE. Diam. 1 cm., = 6.394 in., length 3 cm. = 1.181 in. Ratio of pressures pi -&-p2... 1.05 1.10 1.30 Coefficient 730 .771 .830 Diam. 1.414 cm. = 0.557 in., length 4.242 cm. = 1.670 in.: Ratio of pressures 1.41 1 . 69 Coefficient 813 .822 Diam. 1 cm. = 0.394 in., length 1.6 cm. = 0.630 in. Orifice rounded: Ratio of pressures 1.24 1.38 1.59 1.85 2.14 Coefficient 979 .986 .965 .971 .978.... Clark (Rules, Tables, and Data, p. 891) gives, for the velocity of flow of air through an orifice due to small differences of pressure, V - C i^ k X 773.2 X (l 1 * ~ 32 ) >< 29 - 92 in which V = Velocity in feet per second; 2 g = 64.4; h height of the column of water in inches, measuring the difference of pressure; t = the temperature Fahr.; and p = barometric pressure in inches of mercury. 773.2 is the volume of air at 32 under a pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury when that of an equal weight of water is taken as 1. For 62 F., the formula becomes V = 363 C ^h/p, and if p = 29.92 inches, V = 66.35 C Vft. The coefficient of efflux C, according to Weisbach, is: For conoidal mouthpiece, of form of the contracted vein, with pressures of from 0.23 to 1.1 atmospheres C = 0.97 to 0.99 Circular orifices in thin plates C = 0.56 to 79 Short cylindrical mouthpieces C = 0.81 to 0.84 The same rounded at the inner end C = 92 to 93 Conical converging mouthpieces C = 0.90 to 0.99 JR. J. Durley, Trans. A. S. M. E., xxvii, 193, gives the following: The consideration of the adiabatic flow of a perfect gas through a frictionless orifice leads to the equation 2 7 + 1 W = weight of gas discharged per second in pounds. A = area of cross section of jet in square feet. P\ pressure inside orifice in pounds per square foot. Jrt pressure outside orifice. Vi = specific volume of gas inside orifice in cu. ft. per Ib. y = ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume. 616 AIR. For air, where y = 1.404, we have for a circular orifice of diameter d inches, the initial temperature of the air being 60 Fahr. (or 521 abs.), W = 0.000491 d*l In practice the flow is not frictionless, nor is it perfectly adiabatic, and the amount of heat entering or leaving the gas is not known. Hence the weight actually discharged is to be found from the formulas by in- troducing a coefficient of discharge (generally less than unity) dep'end- ing on the conditions of the experiment and on the construction of the particular form of orifice employed. If we neglect the changes of density and temperature occurring as the air passes through the orifice, we may obtain a simpler though approximate formula for the ideal discharge: W 0.01369 d- \l~ (3) in which d = diam. in inches, i = difference of pressures measured in inches of water, P = mean absolute pressure in Ibs. per sq. ft., and T = absolute temperature on the Fahrenheit scale = degrees F. + 461. In the usual case, in which the discharge takes place into the atmosphere, P is approximately 2117 pounds per square foot and W = 0.6299 d 'V? (4) To obtain the actual discharge the values found by the formula are to be multiplied by an experimental coefficient C, values of which are given in the table below. Up to a pressure of about 20 ins. of water (or 0.722 Ibs. per sq. in.) above the atmospheric pressure, the results of formulae (2) and (4) agree very closely. At higher differences of pressure divergence becomes noticeable. They hold good only for orifices of the particular form experimented with, and bored in plates of the same thickness, viz.: iron plates 0.057 in. thick. The experiments and curves plotted from them Indicate that: (1) The coefficient for small orifices increases as the head increases, but at a lesser rate the larger the orifices, till for the 2-in. orifice it is almost constant. For orifices larger than 2 ins. it decreases as the head increases, and at a greater rate the larger the orifice. (2) The coefficient decreases as the diameter of the orifice increases, and at a greater rate the higher the head. (3) The coefficient does not change appreciably with temperature (between 40 and 100 F.). (4) The coefficient (at heads under 6 ins.) is not appreciably affected by the size of the box in which the orifice is placed if the ratio of the areas of the box and orifice is at least 20 : 1. MEAN DISCHARGE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT OF ORIFICE PER SECOND AS FOUND FROM EXPERIMENTS. Diameter Orifice, Inches. 1-inch Head Discharge per Sq. Ft. 2-inch Head Discharge per Sq. Ft. 3-inch Head Discharge per Sq. Ft. 4-inch Head Discharge per Sq. Ft. 5-inch Head Discharge per Sq. Ft. 0.3125 3.060 4.336 5.395 6.188 7.024 0.5005 3.012 4.297 5.242 6.129 6.821 1.002 3.058 4.341 5.348 6.214 6.838 ' 1.505 3.050 4.257 5.222 6.071 6.775 2.002 2.983 4.286 5.284 6.107 6.788 2.502 3.041 4.303 5.224 5.991 6.762 3.001 3.078 4.297 5.219 6.033 6.802 3.497 3.051 4.258 5.202 5.966 6.814 4.002 3.046 4.325 5.264 5.951 6.774 4.506 3.075 4.383 5.508 6.260 7.028 FLOW OF AIR IN PIPES. 617 COEFFICIENTS OF DISCHAEGE FOI^VARIOUS HEADS AND DIAMETERS OF ORIFICE. Diameter of Orifice, Inches. 1-inch Head. 2-inch Head. 3-inch Head. 4-inch Head. 5-inch Head. 5 /16 0.603 * 0.606 0.610 0.613 0.616 V2 0.602 0.605 0.608 0.610 0.613 0.601 0.603 0.605 0.606 0.607 H/2 0.601 0.601 0.602 0.603 0.603 2 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 21/2 0.599 0.599 0.599 0.598 0.598 3 0.599 0.598 0.597 0.596 0.596 31/2 0.599 0.597 0.596 0.595 0.594 4 0.598 0.597 0.595 0.594 0.593 41/2 0.598 0.596 0.594 0.593 0.592 CORRECTED ACTUAL DISCHARGE IN POUNDS PER SECOND AT 60 F. AND 14.7 LBS. BAROMETRIC PRESSURE FOR CIRCULAR ORIFICES IN PLATE 0.057 IN. THICK. Diameter of Orifice in Inches. rt or Wo 0.3125 0.500 | i.OOO 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.000 I 172 U/ 2 21/2 31/2 41/2 5V2 6 0.00114 OC162 0.00293 00416 0.0117 0166 0.0263 0373 0.0468 0663 0.0732 103 0.105 149 0.143 202 0.187 264 0.237 0.334 0.292 413 0.00199 0.00510 0.0203 0.0457 .081 1 0.127 0.182 0.248 0.323 0.409 0.505 0.00231 00259 C. 00590 00662 0.0235 0.0263 0.0528 1591 0.0937 105 0.146 0.163 0.210 235 0.285 319 0.373 416 0.471 0.526 0.582 649 0.00285 0.00726 0.0289 0.0648 0.115 0.179 0.257 0.349 0.455 0.575 0.710 0.00308 0.00786 0.0312 0.0700 0.124 0.193 0.277 0.377 0.491 0.621 0.766 0.00330 0.00351 0.00371 0.00390 0.00408 0.00842 0.00695 0.00945 .00993 0.01049 0.0334 0.0355 0.0375 0.0393 0.0411 0.0749 0.0794 0.0838 0.0879 0.0918 0.133 0.141 0.148 0.155 0.162 0.206 0.219 0.231 0.242 0.252 0.296 0.314 0.331 0.347 0.362 0.402 0.426 0.449 0.471 0.492 0.525 0.556 0.586 0.613 0.640 0.663 0.702 0.739 0.774 0.808 0.817 0.865 0.912 0.953 0.995 Fliegner's Equation for Flow of Air through an Orifice. (Peabody's "Thermodynamics," also Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. 27, p. 194.) - W = flow in pounds per second; A = area of the orifice (or sum of the areas of all the orifices) in square inches; P = absolute pressure in the orifice chamber Ib. per sq. in.; T = absolute temperature, deg. F., of the air in the chamber. The formula applies only when the absolute pressure in the reservoir is greater than twice the atmospheric pressure, and for orifices properly made. The orifices are in hardened steel plates 3/ 8 in. to 1/2 in. thick, accurately ground, with the inside orifice rounded to a radius I/IG in. less than the thickness of the plate, leaving 1/16 in. of the hole straight. FLOW OF AIR IN PIPES. In the steady flow of any liquid or gas, without friction, the sum of the velocity head, V 2 -5- 2 g, pressure head p/w, and potential head, z, (that is the distance in feet above an assumed datum) at any section of the pipe is a constant quantity. ~ + + z = a constant. This statement is known as Bernoulli's theorem. V = velocity in ft. per sec.; 2 g = 64.35; p = absolute pressure in pounds per sqiiare feet; w = density, pounds per cubic feet; z = height of the section above a given datum level. When the pipe is level we may take its axis as datum, and then 2=0. When "fluid friction" or "skin friction" is taken into account there 618 AIK. is a "loss of head" or "friction head" between any two selected points, / D 2 such as the two ends of the pipe, H ~ fLv* * R 2 g; or H = 4/ ; H is the loss of head, or head causing the flow, measured in feet of the fluid, / is a coefficient of friction and R the mean hydraulic radius, which in circular pipes = 1/4 D. L is the length of the pipe and D the diameter, both in feet. By transposition the .velocity in feet per second is V=^ f ^ = 4.0103 ^/y^- The value of/ in this formula varies through a considerable range with the roughness of the pipe, with the diameter, and probably to some extent with the velocity. For a rough approximation its value for air and other gases may be taken as 0.005. For convenience in calculation, the loss of head in feet of H may be replaced by the difference in pressure in Ib. per sq. in., H = 144 (p\ pz) -r W, and the diameter d may be taken in inches. We thus obtain v = The quantity of flow in cubic feet per minute, Q = 60 A V. A being the area in sq. ft. =60 X 0.7854 X d 2 -r- 144, whence we have (by multi- plying 60 X 0.7854 X 13.89 4- 144), Q = 4.546 ^~ X i P 2 ) which is the common formula for flow of any liquid or w gas when Q is in cubic feet per minute measured at the density w cor- responding to the higher pressure pi. To reduce this to the equivalent volume of "free air" at atmospheric pressure, Qa = Q X T* The weight flowing per minute is Q w = W = c - Values of c corresponding to different values of/ are as follows: /. . . . 003 . 0035 . 004 . 0045 . 005 . 0055 . 006 . 0065 . 007 . 0075 C... 83.0 76.9 71.9 67.8 64.3 61.3 58.7 56.4 54.7 52.4 The experimental data from which the values of c and / for air and gas may be determined are few in number and of doubtful accuracy. Probably the most reliable are those obtained by Stockalper at the St. Gothard tunnel. Unwin found from these data that the value of/ varied with the diameter and that it might be expressed by the formula /= 0.0028 (1 + 3.6/tf), d being taken in inches. Ford= I 2 3 4 6 12 24 48 In. / = 0.013 .0078 .0062 .0053 .0045 .0036 .0032 .0030 c=40.0 51.3 57.9 62.3 67.9 75.3 80.1 82.8 Unwin 's formula may be given the form Q = K \ w jf(I~+ ? 3 6d)' in which K = 4.546 V 1 -T- .0028 = 85.9. This is practically the same as Babcock's formula for steam, in which / is taken at 0.0027, giving K = 87.5. Formulae for Flow with Large Drop in Pressure. The above for- mulae are based on the assumption that the drop in pressure is small, and that, therefore, the density remains practically constant during the flow. When the drop is large the density decreases with the pres- sure and the velocity increases. Church ("Mechanics of Engineering," p. 791) and Unwin (Ency. Brit., llth ed., vol. xiv., p. 67), develop formulae for compressible fluids with large drop of pressure and in- creasing velocity. The temperature is assumed to be constant, the heat generated by friction balancing the cooling due to the work done in expansion. FLOW OF AIR IN PIPES. 619 Church's formula: Q = 1/4 ir d* -V/T77 w^ ^ l * ~" p *^' Unwind formula: v- V = velocity, ft. per sec. ; Q = volume, cu. ft. per sec. at the pressure PI; g = 32.2; R = the constant in the formula PV = RT (see Thermody- namics) = 53.32 for air; d = diam., and L = length, in feet; pi, pz = absolute!- pressures in Ib. per sq. ft.; w = density, Ib. per cu. ft.; 2'== temperature F. + 459.6. The value of / is given by Church as from 0.004 to 0.005. Unwin makes it vary with the diameter as stated above. These two formulae give identical results when the value of/ is taken the same in both, for RT/pi 2 =1-7- wpi. J. E. Johnson, Jr. (Am. Mach., July 27, 1899) gives Church's formula in a simpler form as follows: pi 2 pz z = KQ*L -5- d 5 , in which pi and pz are the initial and final pressures in Ib. per sq. in., Q the volume of free air (that is the volume reduced to atmospheric pressure) in cubic feet per minute, d the diameter of the pipe in inches, L the length in feet, and K a numerical coefficient which from the Mt. Cenis and St. Gothard experiments has a value of about 0.0006. E. A. Rix, in a paper on the Compression and Transmission of Illuminating Gas, read before the Pacific Coast Gas Ass'n, 1905, says he uses Johnson's formula, with a coefficient of 0.0005, which he considers more nearly correct than 0.0006. For gas the velocity varies inversely as the square root of the density, and for gas of a density G, relative to air as 1, Rix gives the formula Pl z _ p 2 2 = 0.0005 VOX Q*L/d*. If Church's formula is translated into the same form as Johnson's, taking/ = 0.005, w = 0.07608 for air at 62 F., and atmospheric pressure, 14.7 Ibs. per sq. in., the value of K is 0.00054. A more convenient form is Q a = Ci l ~ i n w hich Ci = \/^/K. With K in Johnson's formula taken at 0.0006, Ci = 40.8. With / in Church's formula taken at 0.005, Ci = 43.0. Note that Church's formula gives Q in cubic feet per second meas- ured at the pressure p\, while Johnson's Qa is in cubic feet per minute reduced to atmospheric pressure. Both Church and Johnson assume that the flow varies as \/d*, the coefficients/ and K being independent of the diameter. In this respect their formulae are faulty, for, as Unwin shows, the coefficient of friction is a function of the diameter. The relation between the results given by these formulae and those given by the common formula is the relation between \/pi* - pz 2 and \/pi pz. Taking pi (in any unit) as 100, and different drops in pressure, the relative results are as follows: Pressure drop .............. 1 10 20 40 60 80 Values of pz. . . ....... ........ 99 90 80 60 40 20 Vpi*-pz 2 + Vpi - PZ ...... 14.1 13.8 13.4 12.2 11.8 10.8 Ratio, 14.1 = 100 ........... 100 97.6 95.0 86.5 83.7 76.6 It thus appears that the calculated result by Johnson's formula is not more than 5 per cent less than that calculated by the common formula, when the same value of / is used, if the drop in pressure is not greater than 20 per cent of p\. Comparison of Different Formulae. We may compare the several formulas given above by applying them to the data of the St. Gothard experiments, as in table p. 620. The value of Q is given as reduced to atmospheric pressure, 14.7 Ib. per sq. in. and 62 F. The length of the pipe 7.87 in. diam. was 15,092 ft., and that of the pipe 5.91 in diam., 1712.6 ft. The mean tempera- ture of the air in the large pipe was 70 F. and in the small pipe 80 F, 620 AIR. In the table, Formula (1) Is the commonTormula, Qi CAT (Pi - P2) ( w L Formula (2) is Unwin's, Formula (3) is Johnson's, Q } d Qi = cubic ft. per min. at pressure pi. Q a = cubic ft. per min. reduced to atmospheric pressure =Q pi -7-14.7. Di- am- eter, In. Mean Vel. Ft. Per Sec. Cu. Ft. Per Min. Q Lb. Per Sec. Absolute Pressures. Ib. per sq. in. Coefficient in Formula. Ratio of Coefficient to Average Value. (0 c ( l> & Pi P2 (D (2) (3) 7.87 7.87 7.87 5.91 5.91 Av< 19.3 16.3 15.6 37.1 29.3 jrage. 2105 1401 1169 2105 1169 2.669 1.776 1.483 2.669 1.483 82.32 63.95 56.45 77.03 53.66 77.03 60.71 53.66 73.50 52.04 76.0 73.5 70.2 74.8 65.5 89.6 86.5 82.8 94.9 83.1 51.3 49.3 46.0 44.5 43.6 1.06 1.02 0.98 1.04 0.91 1.03 0.99 0.95 1.09 0.95 1.09 1.05 0.98 0.95 0.93 72.0 87.4 46.9 The above comparison shows that no one of three formulae fits the St. Gotnard experiments better than any other; each one when applied with the average value of its coefficient may give a result that differs as much as 9 per cent from the observed result. Arson's Experiments. Unwin quotes some experiments by A. Arson on the flow of air through cast-iron pipes which showed that the co- efficient of friction varied with the velocity. For a velocity of 100 ft. per sec., and without much error for higher velocities, Unwin finds that the values of / agree fairly with the formula /= 0.005 (1 +3.6/d). Translating the figures given by him for the varying values 9f / into values of c for use in the common formula, we have the following: Diameter of pipe, inches.. . .1.97 3.19 4.06 10 12.8 19.7 volume ( V = 10 ft. per sec. 35 . 7 39.4 39.8 49.2 52.8 64.7 Values J 5Q ,. ,. 38 6 42 5 45 51 5 55 7 65 2 ofc - ( 100 " " ' 41.3 45.5 46.0 53.6 56.4 65.4 The values of c for the same diameter with / = 0.0028 (1 +3.6/d), as deduced by Unwin from Stockalper's experiments are: 51.4, 57.9, 62.3, 73.7, 75.9, 79.1. Unwin says that Stockalper's pipes were probably less rough than Arson's. The values of c according to Stockalper's experiments range from 21 to 37 per cent higher than those calculated from the formula derived from Arson's experiments. Use of the Formulae. It is evident from the above comparisons that any formula for the flow of air or gas must be considered as only a rough approximation to the actual flow, and that an observed result may differ as much as 40 per cent from that calculated by a formula. Part of this error is due to variations in the roughness of pipes, part due to error in measurements of the actual flow, and part due to the fact that the coefficients of the several formulae are based on too few experiments. In the light of our present knowledge, Unwin's formula for moderate drop, Q = 87 (pi is probably the best one 1 w L (I + 3.6/rf) to use for all cases in which the drop in pressure does not exceed 20 per cent of the absolute initial pressure, and Johnson's formula, Qa= 47-J (pl2 ~^ 22) rf5 for cases in which the drop is larger and the pipes FLOW OF AIR AT LOW PRESSURES. 621 are not less than 12 inches diameter. For smaller pipes the term (1 + 3.6/d) had better be used after L in the denominator. These formulae with the coefficients given apply only to straight pipes with a fairly smooth interior surface. For crooked or rough pipes it may be well to use the common formula with the coefficients derived from Arson's experiments, given above. Another comparison of the three formulas may be made by applying them to some extreme cases, as follows: The initial pressure is taken at 100 Ib. absolute per sq. in., the corresponding, density is 0.5176 Ib. per cu. ft.; diameters are assumed at 1 in. and 48 in., the drop in pres- sure 1 Ib. and 40 Ib. and the length 100 ft. and 40,000 ft., making eight cases in all. A ninth case is taken with intermediate values: diameter, 10 in.; length, 1,000 ft.; and drop, 1 Ib. The results are given in the following table. The results obtained by Johnson's for- mula have been reduced by dividing them by the ratio (100 -%- 14.7) to obtain Q. The value of c in the common formula is taken at 72, the average figure from the St. Gothard experiments. Diarri., In. 1 48 10 1 1,000 Pi- P2, Ib. 1 40 1 40 L, f t 100 40,000 100 40,000 100 1 40,000 100 40,000 Formula Cubic feet of air per minute at the pressure p. Common .... 10.08 5.64 9.75 0.50 0.28 0.49 63.3 35.7 55.3 3.16 1.78 2.76 1 59,800 186,200 155,600 7,990 9,310 7,778 1,010,000 1,178,000 882,300 50,500 58,900 44,110 1,008 1,037 974 Unwin Johnson Ratio of results to Unwin's = 1. Common Johnson 1.79 1.73 1.79 1.75 1.78 1.55 1.78 1.55 0.86 0.84 0.86 0.84 0.86 0.75 0.86 0.75 0.96 0.94 These figures show that while the three formulae agree fairly well for the 10-in. pipe with 1-lb. drop in 1,000 ft., they show wide disagreements when a great range of diameters, lengths, and drops in pressure are taken. For the 1-in. pipe Unwin's figures are from 35 to 45 per cent lower than those given by the common formula or by Johnson's, but they are not therefore certainly too low. We have a check on them in Culley and Sabine's experiments on 2 V4-in. lead pipes, 2000 to nearly 6000 ft. long, quoted by Unwin, which gave a value of = 0.07. Unwin's formula, / = 0.0028 (1 + 3.6/rf) gives / = 0.0073. The cor- responding values of c in the common formula are 54.7 and 53.2. Formula for Flow of Air at Low Pressures. For ventilating and similar purposes, air is usually carried at pressures, but slightly above that of the atmosphere. Pressures are measured in inches of w T ater column or in ounces per square inch above atmospheric pressure. For smooth and straight circular pipes, probably the best formula to use is Unwin's, Q rived from the St. = 87 \l if P ~ the coefficient 87 being de- j f W Li \L . Gothard experiments on compressed air. In order to put the formula into a more convenient form for low pres- sures, let h = head or difference in pressures measured in inches of water column, = 27.712 (pi - p 2 ), and take w = 0.07493 = density of air, Ib. per cu. ft. at 70 and atmospheric pressure, then Q = 87 X 27.71 .07493 L (1 + 3.6/d) 60.37 L (I +3.6/d)' or Q =3 L~' in which C is a coefficient varying with the diameter, values for different diameters being given in the table below. For other temperatures and pressures, the flow varying inversely as the square root of the density, the figure 0.07493 in the above equation should be replaced by 0.07493 X ~ X in which p = absolute pressure, 622 AIR. Ib. per sq. in.; and T = degrees F. Q is the quantity in cubic feet per minute measured at the given pressure and temperature. Flow of Air at Low Pressures. Q - cubic feet per minute = C , h = drop in pressure, inches of water column, d = diameter in inches, L = length of pipe in feet. C, a coefficient varying with the diameter. The values of C in the table are based on air at atmospheric pressure and 70 F., and the values of Q are calculated for the same pressure and temperature and for a drop of 1-inch water column in 100 ft. d. 4 5 6 7 8 9 C. Q. d. C. Q. d. ~22~ 24 26 28 30 36 C. Q. d. C. Q. 43.9 46.1 47.7 49.1 50.1 51.0 140 257 421 636 908 1,240 10 12 14 16 18 20 51.8 53.0 53.9 54.6 55.1 55.6 1,637 2,642 3,950 5,585 7,579 9,946 56.0 56.3 56.6 56.8 57.1 57.6 12,700 15,880 19,500 23,580 28,130 44,760 42 48 54 60 66 72 57.9 58.2 58.4 58.6 58.8 58.9 66,240 92,930 125,200 163,500 208,000 259,200 For any other pressure drop than 1-inch water column per 100 ft., multiply Q by the square root of the drop, or by the factor given below: Drop, h.... 0.5 2 3468 10 12 14 16 18 20 Factor 0.71 1.41 1.73 2 2.45 2.83 3.16 3.46 3.74 4 4.24 4.47 For drop in ounces per square inch (1 oz. = 1.732 in. of water) the factors are: Drop, oz. . 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Factor 0.93 1.32 1.86 2.28 2.63 2.94 3.22 3.48 3.72 3.95 4.16 4.56 Loss of Pressure in Ounces per Square Inch. B. F. Sturtevant Co. gives the following formula: ^25,000 dpi. d = 0.0000025 L& PI = loss of pressure, ounces per sq. in. ; v = velocity, ft. per sec. ; d = diameter, inches; L = length, ft. From the value of v we obtain the flow in cubic feet per minute. Q = 60 a v = 60 X 0.7854rf 2 -f- 144 x 25,000 dpi _ K1 f?A ^ IPI d* Jf the drop . g taken , n inches Qf water V 51.74 column, h, then Q = 39.24 \l~~f~* This formula gives a value of Q 9 per cent less than that given in the above table for a 4-inch pipe, and 33 per cent less for a 72-inch pipe. Flow in Rectangular Pipes. It is common practice to make air pipes for ventilating purposes rectangular instead of circular section in order to economize space. No records of experiments on the flow of air in such pipes are available, but a fair estimate of their capacity as compared with that of circular pipes of the same area may be made on the assumption that they follow the law of Chezy's formula for flow of water, viz.: that the flow is proportional to the square root of the mean hydraulic radius r, which is defined as the quotient of the area divided by the perimeter of the wetted surface. For a circular pipe r = 1/4 diameter in feet, and for a square pipe of the same area, r = 0.222d. For rectangles of the same area r will decrease as the ratio of the longer to the shorter side increases. For different proportions of sides, the values of r and the ratio of \/Fto the value of \XrT. the hydraulic radius of a circular pipe having the same area, are as below: Ratio of sides .. (circle) l(sq.) 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 r = ^0.25 0.222 0.217 0.209 0.192 0.177 0.165 0.155 Ratio vT* \/n . 1 -0.942 0.932 0.914 0.875 0.842 0.813 0.787 That is, a square pipe will have 94 percent of the carrying capacity of a circular pipe of the same area, and a rectangular pipe whose sides are in the ratio of 6 to 1 will have only 79 per cent of thf capacity of a circular pipe of the same area. fLOW OF AIR. 623 sa fl - o5.2^ !Q NO Ooo GQQQQ coooom'f 3TJ-COOO ^cviaNt- - ^eNr^oo 00 ( poo - 60 CO ;aB* o I 55 o 624 Volume of Air Transmitted in Cubic Feet per Minute in Pipes of Various Diameters, Formula Q = 0.7854 144 Is Actual Diameter of Pipe in Inches. ll 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 1 0.327 1.31 2.95 5.24 8.18 11.78 20,94 32.73 47.12 83.77 130^ 188 5 2 0.655 2.62 5.89 10.47 16.36 23.56 41'. 89 65.45 94.25 167.5 261 8 377 3 0.982 3.93 8.84 15.7 24.5 35.3 62.8 98.2 141.4 251.3 392.7 565 .'5 4 1.31 5.24 11.78 20.9 32.7 47.1 83.8 131 188 335 523 754 5 1.64 6.54 14.7 26.2 41.0 59.0 104 163 235 419 654 942 6 1.96 7.85 17.7 31.4 49.1 70.7 125 196 283 502 785 1131 7 2.29 9.16 20.6 36.6 57.2 82.4 146 229 330 586 916 1319 8 2.62 0.5 23,5 41.9 65.4 94 167 262 377 670 1047 1508 9 2.95 1.78 26.5 47 73 106 188 294 424 754 1178 1696 10 3.27 3.1 29.4 52 82 118 209 327 471 838 1307 1885 12 3.93 5.7 353 63 98 141 251 393 565 1005 1571 2262 15 4.91 9.6 44.2 78 122 177 314 491 707 1256 1963 2827 18 5.89 23.5 53 94 147 212 377 589 848 1508 2356 3393 20 6.54 26.2 59 105 164 235 419 654 942 1675 2618 3770 24 7.85 31.4 71 125 196 283 502 785 1131 2010 3141 4524 25 8.18 32.7 73 131 204 294 523 818 1178 2094 3272 4712 28 9.16 36.6 82 146 229 330 586 916 1319 2346 3665 5278 30 9.8 39.3 88 157- 245 353 628 982 1414 2513 3927 5655 Effect of Bends in Pipes. (Norwalk Iron Works Co.) Radius of elbow, in diameter of pipe = 5321i/2li/4l 3/ 4 l/ 3 Equivalent lengths of straight pipe, diams. 7.85 8.24 9.03 10.36 12.72 J 7.51 35.09 121 .2 E. A. Rix and A. E. Chodzko, in their treatise on Compressed Air (189G), give the following as the loss in pressure through 90 bends. Had. of bend 4- internal diam. of pipe , . . 1 2 3 4 5 Loss in lb. per sq. in O.OOSr 2 .0022r 2 .0016i> 2 .0013r 2 .0012r 2 v is the velocity of air at entrance, in feet per second. Friction of Air in Passing through Valves and Elbows. W. L. Saunders, Compressed Air, Dec., 1902. The following figures give the length in feet of straight pipe which will cause a reduction in pressure equal to that caused by globe valves, elbows, and tees in different diameters of pipe. Diam. of pipe, in.. 1 H/ 2 2 2l/ 2 3 31/2 4 5 6 7 8 10 Globe Valves 24 7 10 13 16 20 28 36 44 63 70 Elbows and Tees .23 5 7 911 13 19 24 30 35 47 Measurement of the Velocity of Air in Pipes by an Anemometer. Tests were made by B. Donkin, Jr. (hist. Civil Engrs., 1892). to com- pare the velocity of air in pipes from 8 in. to 24 in. diam., as shown by an anemometer 2 3/4 in. diam. with the true velocity as measured by the time of descent of a gas-holder holding 1622 cubic feet. A table of the results with discussion is given in Eng'g News, Dec. 22, 1892. In pipes from 8 in. to 20 in. diam. with air velocities of from 140 to 690 feet per minute the anemometer showed errors varying from 14.5% fast to 10% slow. With a 24-inch pipe and a velocity of 73 ft. per minute, the anemometer gave from 44 to 63 feet, or from 13.6 to 39.6% slow. The practical conclusion drawn from these experiments is that anemometers for the measurement of velocities of air in pipes of these diameters should be used with great caution. The percentage of error is not constant, and varies considerably with the diameter of the pipes and the speeds of air. The use of a baffle consisting of a perforated plate, which tended to equalize the velocity in the/center and at the sides in some cases diminished the error. PLOW OF AIR. 625 The impossibility of measuring the true quantity of air by an anemometer held stationary in one position is shown by the following figures, given by Win. Daniel (Proc. Inst. M. E.. 1875), of the velocities of air found at different points in the cross-sections of two different airways in a mine. DIFFERENCES OF ANEMOMETER READINGS IN AIRWAYS. 8ft. square. 5 x8ft. 1712 1622 1795 1859 1329 1685 1344 1782 1091 1477 1262 1524 1049 1356 1293 1333 Average 1132. Average 1469. Equalization of Pipes. It is frequently desired to know what number of pipes of a given size are equal in carrying capacity to one pipe of a larger size. At the same velocity of flow the volume delivered by two pipes of different sizes is proportional to the squares of their diameters; thus, one 4-inch pipe will deliver the same volume as four 2-inch pipes, With the same head, however, the velocity is less in the smaller pipe, and the volume delivered varies about as the square root of the fifth power (i.e., as the 2.5 power). The following table has been calculated on this basis. The figures opposite the intersection of any two sizes is the num- ber of the smaller-sized pipes required to equal one of the larger. Thus one 4-inch pipe is equal to 5.7 two-inch pipes. | d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 2 5.7 15.6 2.8 , 4 32,0 57 2,1 1 5 55.9 9.9 3.6 1.7 1 6 88.2 15.6 5.7 2.8 1,6 1 7 130 22.9 8.3 4.1 2.3 1.5 1 8 181 32.0 11.7 5.7 3.2 2.1 1.4 1 9 243 43 15 6 7,6 4.3 2 8 1 9 1 3 1 10 316 55.9 20.3 9.9 5.7 3.6 2.4 1.7 1.3 1 11 401 70 9 25.7 12 5 7,2 4.6 31 2 2 1 7 1 3 12 499 88.2 32.0 15.6 8.9 5.7 3.8 2.8 2.1 1.6 1 13 609 108 39,1 19 10.9 7.1 4.7 3.4 2.5 1.9 12 14 733 130 47.0 22.9 13.1 8.3 5.7 4.1 3.0 2.3 1.5 15 871 154 55.9 27.2 i5.6 9.9 6,7 4.8 3.6 2.8 1.7 .2 16 181 65.7 32.0 18.3 11.7 7.9 5.7 4.2 3.2 2.1 .4 1 17 711 76 4 37 221 3 13 5 9 7 6 6 4 9 3 fl ? 4 6 1 ? 18 7.43 88 ?, 43.024.6 15 6 10 6 76 5 7 4 3 2.8 ,9 1 3 1 19 778 101 49 1j28 1 17 8 17 1 8 7 6 5 5 3 ? ? 1 1 5 1 1 70 316 115 55 Q 37 70 3 1* 8 9 9 7 4 5 7 3 6 2 4 1 7 1 3 1 401 146 70 9 40 6 75 7 17 5 1? 5 Q 3 7 ? 4 6 3 1 1 7 1 3 24 499 181 88 ? 50 5 37 71 8 15 6 11 6 8 9 5 7 3 8 ?, 8 7 1 1 6 1 ?n 609 108 61 7 39 1 26 6 19 14 7 10 9 4 7 3 4 ? 5 1 9 1 ? 28 733 266 130 74 2 47 37. 22 9 17 1 13 1 8.3 5.7 4.1 3,0 23 1 5 30 871 316 154 88 7 55 Q 38 ?7 7 70 3 15 6 9 9 6 7 4 8 3 6 ? 8 1 7 36 499 J30 88 2 60 43 32 74 6 15 6 10 6 7 6 5 7 4 3 ? 8 42 733 357 ?05 130 88 7 63 ? 47 36 ? 19 15 6 11 ? 8 3 6 4 4 1 48 499 286 181 123 88 7 6? 7 50 5 3? 71 8 15 6 11 6 8 9 5 7 14 670 383 ?43 165 118 88 ? 67 8 43 79 2 ?rt 9 15 6 1? 7 6 60 871 499 316 215 154 115 88.2 55.9 38.0 27.2 20.3 15.6 9.9 626 AIR. WIND. Force of the Wind. Smeaton in 1759 published a table of the velocity and pressure of wind, as follows: VELOCITY AND FORCE OP WIND, IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH | Miles per 1 Hour. li If Force per Sq. Ft., Pounds. Common Appella- tion of the Force of Wind. I Miles per j Hour. Feet per Second. M-3 q>" c P ~3 && Common Appella- tion of the Force of Wind. 1 1.47 0.005 Hardly perceptible. 18 26.4 1.55 ) 2 3 2.93 4.4 0.020 0.044 Just perceptible. 20 25 29.34 36.67 1.968 3.075 > Very brisk. A 5 5.87 7.33 0.079 0.123 Gentle, pleasant 30 35 44.00 51.34 4.429 6.027 High wind. 6 8.8 0.177 wind. 40 58.68 7.873 7 8 10.25 11.75 0.241 0.315 45 50 66.01 73.35 9.963 12.30 Very high storm. 9 13.2 0.400 55 80.7 14.9 1G 14.67 0.492 60 88.00 17.71 12 17.6 0.708 Pleasant, brisk gale 65 95.3 20.85 Great storm. 14 20.5 0.964 70 102.5 24.1 15 16 22.00 23.45 1.107 1.25 75 80 110.00 117.36 27.7 31.49 Hurricane. 100 146.67 49.2 Immense hurri- cane. The pressures per square foot in the above table correspond to the formula P = 0.005 F 2 , in which V is the velocity in miles per hour. Eng'g News, Feb. 9, 1893, says that the formula was never well established, and has floated chiefly on Smeaton's name and for lack of a better. It was put forward only for surfaces for use in windmill practice. The trend of modern evidence is that it is approximately correct only for such surfaces, and that for large, solid bodies it often gives greatly too large results. Observations by others are thus compared with Smeaton's formula: Old Smeaton formula ........................ P = 0.005 F 2 As determined by Prof. Martin ................ P = 0.004 F 2 ' Whipple and Dines .......... P = 0.0029 F a At 60 miles per hour these formulas give for the pressure per square foot, 18, 14.4, and 10.44 Ibs., respectively, the pressure varying by all of them as the square of the velocity. Lieut. Crosby's experiments (Eng'g, June 13, 1890), claiming to prove that P = fV instead of P = /F 2 , are discredited. Experiments by M. Eiffel on plates let fall from the Eiffel tower in Paris gave coefficients of F 2 ranging from 0.0027 for small plates to 0.0032 for plates 10 sq. ft. area. For plates larger than 10 sq. ft. the coefficient remained constant at 0.0032. Eng'g, May 8, 1908. A. R. Wolff (" The Windmill as a Prime Mover," p. 9) gives as the theo- retical pressure per sq. ft. of surface, P=dQv/g, in which d = density of air in pounds per cu. ft. = . p being the barometric pres- sure per square foot at any level, and temperature of 32? F., t any absolute temperature, Q = volume of air carried along per square foot in one second, v=* velocity of the wind in feet per second, # = 32. 16. Since Q = v cu. ft. per sec., P=dv 2 /g. Multiplying this by a coefficient 0.93 nt, and substituting the above value of d, he obtains found by experime ... p _ 0.017431 X P t X 32.16 , and when p = 2116.5 Ib. per sq. ft.,or average atmospheric pressure at the sea-level, P =* . oo- 1ft ^ 36 89^9 -0.018743 pression in which the pressure is shown, to vary with the temperature; and he gives a table showing the relation between velocity and pressure WINDMILLS. 627 for temperatures from to 100 F., and velocities from 1 to 80 miles per hour. For a temperature of 45 F. the pressures agree with those in Smeaton's table, for F. they are about 10 per cent greater, and for 100, x 10 per cent less. ^rof. H. Allen Hazen, Eng'g News, July 5, 1890, says that experiments with whirling arms, by exposing plates to direct wind, and on locomotives with velocities running up to 40 miles per hour, have invariably shown the resistance to vary with V 2 . The coefficient of V 2 has been found in some experiments with very short whirling arms and low velocities to vary with the perimeter of .the plate, but this entirely disappears with longer arms or straight line motion, and the only question now to be determined is the value of the coefficient. Perhaps some of the best experiments for determining this value were tried in France in 1886 by carrying flat boards on trains. The resulting formula in this case was, for 44.5 miles per nour, p = 0.00535 SV 2 . Prof. Kernot. of Melbourne (Eng. Rec., Feb. 20, 1894), states that experiments at the Forth Bridge showed that the average pressure on sur- faces as /arge as railway carriages, houses, or bridges never exceeded two- thirds of that upon rmall surfaces of one or two square feet, and also that an inertia effect, which is frequently overlooked, may cause some forms of anemometer to give false results enormously exceeding the correct indication. Experiments made by Prof. Kernot at speeds varying from 2 to 15 miles per hour agreed with the earlier authorities. The pressure upon one side of a cube, or of a block proportioned like an ordinary carriage, was found to be 0.9 of that upon a thin plate of the same area. The same result was obtained for a square tower. A square pyramid, whose height was three times its base, experienced 0.8 of the pressure upon a thin plate equal to one of its sides, but if an angle was turned to the wind the pressure was increased by fully 20%. A bridge consisting of two plate-girders connected by a deck at the top was found to expe- rience 0.9 or the pressure on a thin plate equal in size to one girder, when the distance between the girders was equal to their depth, and this was increased by one-fifth when the distance between the girders was double the depth. A lattice- work in which the area of the openings was 55% of the whole area experienced a pressure of 80% of that upon a plate of the same area. The pressure upon cylinders and cones was proved to be equal to half that upon the diametral planes, and that upon an octagonal prism to be 20% greater than upon the circumscribing cylinder. A sphere was subject to a pressure of 0.36 of that upon a thin circular plate of equal diameter. A hemispherical cup gave the same result as the sphere; when its concavity was turned to the wind the pressure was 1.15 of that on a flat plate of equal diameter. When a plane surface parallel to the direc- tion of the wind was brought nearly into contact with a cylinder or sphere, the pressure on the latter bodies was augmented by about 20%, owing to the lateral escape of the air being checked. Thus it is possible for the security of a tower or chimney to be impaired by the erection of a building nearly touching it on one side. Pressures of Wind Registered in Storms. Mr. Frizell has examined the published records of Greenwich Observatory from 1849 to 1869, and reports that the highest pressure of wind he finds recorded is 41 Ib. per sq. ft., and there are numerous instances in which it was between 30 and 40 Ib. per sq. ft. Prof. Henry says that on Mount Washington, N. H., a velocity of 150 miles per hour has been observed, and at New York City 60 miles an hour, and that the highest winds observed in 1870 were of 72 and 63 miles per hour, respectively. Lieut. Dunwoody, U. S. A., says, in substance, that the New England coast is exposed to storms which produce a pressure of 50 Ib. per sq. ft. Eng. News, Aug. 20, 1880. WINDMILLS. Power and Efficiency of Windmills. Rankine, S. E., p. 215, gives the following: Let Q volume of air which acts on the sail, or part of a sail, in cubic feet per second, v = velocity of the wind in feet per second, 8 =* sectional area of the cylinder, or annular cylinder of wind, through which the sail, or part of the sail, sweeps in one revolution, & a coeffi- cient to be found by experience; then =* cvs. Rankine, from experi- mental data given by Smeaton, and taking c to include an allowance for 628 AIR. friction, gives for a wheel with four sails, proportioned in the best manner, c = 0.75. Let A = weather angle of the sail at any distance from the axis, i.e., the angle the portion of the sail considered makes with its plane of revolution. This angle gradually diminishes from the inner end of the sail to the tip; u = the velocity of the same portion of the sail, and E = the efficiency. The efficiency is the ratio of the useful work performed to the whole energy of the stream of wind acting on the surface s of the wheel, which energy is D s v 3 * 2 g, D being the weight of a cubic foot of air* Rankine's formula for efficiency is in which c = 0.75 and / is a coefficient of friction found from Smeaton's data = 0.016. Rankine gives the following from Smeaton's data: A = weather-angle =7 13 19 V # v *= ratio of speed of greatest efficiency, for a given weather-angle, to that ofthewind =2.63 1.86 1.41 #-* efficiency = 0.24 0.29 0.31 Rankine gives the following as the best values for the angle of weather at different distances from the axis: Distance in sixths of total radius 12345 6 Weather angle 18 19 18 16 121/2 7 But Wolff (p. 125) shows that Smeaton did not term these the best angles but simply says they "answer as well as any," possibly any that were in existence in "his time. Wolff says that they ** cannot in the nature of things be the most desirable angles." Mathematical considerations, he says, conclusively show that the angle of impulse depends on the relative velocity of each point of the sail and the wind, the angle growing larger as the ratio becomes greater. Smeaton's angles do not fulfil this condition. Wolff develops a theoretical formula for the best angle of weather, and from it calculates a table of the best angles for different relative velocities of the blades and the wind, which differ widely from those given by Rankine. A. R. Wolff, in an article in the American Engineer, gives the following (see also his treatise on Windmills) : Let c = velocity of wind in feet per sec9nd; n = number of revolutions of the windmill per minute; 6ot hi fo, b x be the breadth of the sail or blade at distances Zo, h, It, 1 3 , and I, respectively, from the axis of the shaft; Z = distance from axis of shaft to beginning of sail or blade proper. I = distance from axis of shaft to extremity of sail proper; V , vi, vz, v 3 , v x = the velocity of the sail in feet per second at dis- tances IQ, li, Iz, h, I, respectively, from the axis of the shaft; do, 01, 02, a 3 , a x = the angles of impulse for maximum effect at dis- tances TO, li t k, 3, I, respectively, from the axis of the shaft; a = the angle of impulse when the sails or blocks are plane surfaces so that there is but one angle to be considered; N = number of sails or blades of windmill; K = 0.93; d = density of wind (weight of a cubic foot of air at average tem- perature and barometric pressure where mill is erected); W = weight of wind-wheel in pounds; / = coefficient of friction of shaft and bearings; D = diameter of bearing of windmill in feet. The effective horse-power of a windmill with plane sails will equal L of < v Q fsin a cos ajb cos a WINDMILLS. 629 The effective horse-power of a windmill of shape of sail for maximum effect equals N (I- Ip) Kdc 3 2200 g X mean ./2sin 2 H Mi o 1 ; sin 2 a 2 sin 2 ai - 1 . sin 2 ai 2 sin 2 a x - 1 ' 5E?aI Z /TFX 0.05236 nD g 550 The mean value of quantities in brackets is to be found according to Simpson's rule. Dividing I into 7 parts, finding the angles and breadths corresponding to these divisions by substituting them in quantities within brackets will be found satisfactory. Comparison of these formulae with the only fairly reliable experiments in windmills (Coulomb's) showed a close agreement of results. Approximate formulae of simpler form for windmills of present con- struction can be based upon the above, substituting actual average values for o, c, d, and e, but since improvement in the present angles is possible, it is better to give the formulas in their general and accurate form. Wolff gives the following table, based on the practice of an American manufacturer. Since its preparation, he says, over 1500 windmills have been sold on its guaranty (1885), and in all cases the results obtained did not vary sufficiently from those presented to cause any complaint. The actual results obtained are in close agreement with those obtained by theoretical analysis/ of the impulse of wind upon windmill blades. Capacity of the Windmill. A d d ~v * CO p gflf s w DO fl Gallons of Water raised per Minute to an Elevation of 3 0) * J .2 ^1 .P -^i'g jISs"! cj .1 $ ^2 I .loo & Q "w Jl i > W 2 a* 13 I 25 50 75 100 150 200 5"5 o> 5>I5n3 Q ^ * feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. feet. O < +H'^ ^P,^? wheel 81/9 ft 16 70 to 75 6 162 3.016 04 8 10 16 60 to 65 19.179 9.563 6.638 4.750 12 8 12 16 55 to 60 33.941 17.952 11.851 8.485 5.680 0.21 8 14 16 50 to 55 45.139 22.569 15.304 11.246 7.807 4 998 0.28 8 16 16 45 to 50 64.600 31.654 19.542 16.150 9.771 8 '.075 0.41 8 18 16 40 to 45 97.682 52.165 32.513 24.421 17.485 12.211 0.61 8 20 16 35 to 40 124.950 63.750 40.800 31.248 19.284 15.938 0.78 8 25 16 30 to 35 212.381 106.964 71.604 49.725 37.349 26.741 1.34 8 These windmills are made in regular sizes, as high as sixty feet diameter of wheel; but the experience with the larger class of mills is too limited to enable the presentation of precise data as to their performance. If the wind can be relied upon in exceptional localities to average a higher velocity for eight hours a day than that stated in the above table, the performance or horse-power of the mill will be increased, and can be obtained by multiplying the figures in the table by the ratio of the cube of the higher average velocity of wind to the cube of the velocity above recorded. He also gives the following table showing the economy of the windmill. All the items of expense, including both interest and repairs, are reduced to the hour by dividing tha costs per annum by 365 X 8 = 2920; the Interest, etc., for the twenty-four hours being charged to the eight hours of actual work. By multiplying the figures in the 5th column by 584, the first cost of the windmill, in dollars, is obtained. 630 AIR. Economy of the Windmill. 1 J> 4 *!! Expense of Actual Useful Power Developed, in Cents, per Hour. "" o o 2 a '1 . t, 3 fl . Designa- tion of Mill. of Water r , per Hour jnt Actual rse-power JJ-0J 2 .2 cj 31I| 03 fl - r^ c3'-5^ ftg^^ tendance. O m *e8 W.J2 1$ !*! |jj| ^4J3^S g o ^ co ^ . IS| 3 |si ^J IES&S? !^ (2 |&3 wheel 81/2 ft. 370 0.04 8 0.25 0.25 0.06 0.04 0.60 15.0 10 1151 0.12 8 0.30 0.30 0.06 0.04 0.70 5.8 12 2036 0.21 8 0.36 0.36 0.06 0.04 0.82 5.9 14 2708 0.28 8 0.75 0.75 0.06 0.07 1.63 5.8 16 3876 0.41 8 1.15 1.15 0.06 0.07 2.43 5.9 18 5861 0.61 8 1.35 1.35 0.06 0.07 2.83 4.6 20 7497 0.79 8 1.70 1.70 0.06 0.10 3.56 4.5 25 12743 1.34 8 2.05 2.05 0.06 0.10 4.26 3.2 Prof. De Volson Wood (Am. Mach., Oct. 29, 1896) quotes some results by Thos. O. Perry on three wheels, each 5 ft. diam.: A, a good "stock" wheel, B and C, improved wheels. Each wheel was tested with a dyna- mometer placed 1 ft. from the axis of the wheel, and it registered a constant load at that point of 1.9 Ibs. The velocity of the wind in each ;est was 8.45 miles per hour = 12.4 ft. per second. The number of turns per minute was: A, 30.67; B, 38.13; C, 56.50. The efficiency was: A t 0.142; B, 0.176; C, 0.261. The work of wheel C was 674.5 ft. Ib. per min. = 0.020 H.P. Assuming that the power increases as the square of the diameter and as the cube of the velocity, a wheel of the quality of C, 121/2 ft. diam., with a wind velocity of 17 miles per hour, would be re- quired for 1 H.P.; but wheel C had an exceptionally high efficiency, and such a high delivery would not likely be obtained in practice. Prof. O. P. Hood (Am. Mach., April 22, 1897) quotes the following results of experiments by E. C. Murphy; the mills were tested by pumping water: Wind, miles per hour 8 12. 16. 20. 25. 30 Strokes per min., Mill No. 1, 8-ft. wheel . . 10.2 19.3 25.3 28.1 25 Strokes per min., Mill No. 2, 8-ft. wheel 8 20.2 26.1 28. 27.5 . . Strokes per min., Mill No. 3, 12-ft. wheel . . 4.8 12.7 18.8 23.3 25 Strokes per min., Mill No. 4, 12-ft. wheel . . 6.2 11.9 14.7 16. Mill No. 3 was loaded nearly 90% heavier than mill No. 4. In a 25-mile wind, seven 12-ft. mills developed, respectively, 0.379, 0.291, 0.309, 0.6, 0.247, 0.219, and 0.184 H.P.; and five 8-ft. mills, 0.043, 0.099, 0.059, 0.099, and 0.005 H.P. These effects include the effects of Sumps of unknown and variable efficiency. The variations are largely ue to the variable relation of the fixed load on the mill to the most favorable load which that mill might carry at each wind velocity. With each mill the efficiency is a maximum only for a certain load and a certain velocity, and for different loads and velocities the efficiency varies greatly. The useful work of mill No. 3 was equal to 0.6 H.P. in a 25-mile wind, and its efficiency was 5.8%. In a 16-mile wind the efficiency rose to 12.1 %, and in a 12-mile wind it fell to 10.9%. The rule of the power developed, varying as the cube of the velocity, is far from true for a single wheel fitted with a single non-adjustable pump, and can only be true when the work of the pump per stroke is adjusted by varying the stroke of the pump, or by other means, for each change of velocity. R. M. Dyer (The Iowa Engineer, July, 1906; also Mach'y, Aug., 1907) gives a brief review of the history of windmills, and quotes experiments by T. O. Perry, E. C. Murphy, Prof. F. H. King, and the Aermotor Co. Mr. Perry's experiments are reported in pamphlet No. 20 of the Water WINDMILLS. 631 Supply and Irrigation Papers of the U. a. Geological Survey, Mr. Murphy's In pamphlets Nos. 41 and 42 of the same Papers, and Prof. lung's, in Bulletin No. 82 of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin. The Aermotor Co .'s experiments are described in catalogues of that company. Some of Mr. Dyer's conclusions are as follows: Experiments showed that 7/ 8 of the zone of interruption could be covered with sails ; that the gain in power in from 3/4 to 1/3 of the surface was so small that the use of the additional material was not justifiable; that the sail surface should extend only two-thirds the distance from the outer diam- eter to the center; that a wheel running behind the carrying mast is not nearly as efficient as one running in front of the mast; that there should be the least possible obstruction behind the wheel; that to be efficient the velocity of the travel of the vertical circumference of the wheel should be from 1 to U/4 times the velocity of the wind, hence the necessity of back gearing to reduce the pump speed to 40 strokes per minute as a maximum, which is the limit of safety at which ordinary pumps can be operated. I hold that no manufacturer will be able to produce a marketable motor which will absorb and deliver, when acted upon by an elastic fluid, like air, in which it is entirely surrounded and submerged, more than 35% of the kinetic energy of the impinging current. Theoretical demonstrations show that the kinetic energy of the air, impinging on the intercepted area of a wheel, varies as the cube of the wind velocity; consequently, the power of windmills of the same type varies theoretically as the square of the diameter, and as the cube of the wind velocity; but as a wheel is designed to give its best efficiency in low winds, say 10 to 15 miles per hour, we cannot expect that the same angle of sail would obtain the same percentage of efficiency in winds of Considerably higher velocity. The ordinary wheel works most efficiently under wind velocities of from 10 to 12 miles per hour; such wheels will give reasonable efficiency in from 5- to 6-mile winds, while, if the wind blows more than 12 miles per hour, there will be power to spare. Our wheel must work in light winds, such being nearly always present, while the higher velocities only occur at intervals. Mills built for grinding purposes, or geared mills, will develop power almost approaching to the cube of the wind velocity, within reason- able limits, as their speed need not be kept down to a certain number of revolutions per minute, as in the case of the pumping mill. Should this theoretic condition hold, the following table, showing the amount of power for different sizes of mills at different wind velocities, would apply: Figures show Horse Power,, 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Size mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. mile. 8ft 0.011 0.088 0.297 0.704 1.375 2.176 12ft 0.025 0.20 0.675 1.6 3.125 5.4 8.57 12.8 16ft 0.045 0.36 1.215 2.88 5.52 9.75 15.3 21.04 These figures have been proven by laboratory tests at velocities ranging from 10 to 25 miles per hour and more practically by the Murphy tests on mills actually in use, which show very close relation at the wind velocities at which the mills are best adapted. The Murphy figures are as follows: Size of mill. 10 mile. 15 mile. 20 mile. 12 ft. 0.21 H.P. 0.58 H.P. 1.05 H.P. 16 ft. 0.29 0.82 1.55 For higher wind velocities the Murphy values fall much under the theoretical values, but the range of velocities over which his experi- ments extend does not justify any change in the general law except inasmuch as common sense teaches us that theoretic conditions can rarely be attained in actual practice. In view of the fact that a windmill does not work as efficiently in high winds as in winds under 20 miles per hour my experience would lead me to believe that the following figures (H.P.) would be the probable extension of the Murphy tests: Size of mill. 25 mile. 30 mile. 35 mile. 40 mile. 12 ft. 2.5 4 5 6 16 ft. 4. 6 8 10 A 20-ft. mill would deliver approximately 50% greater than a 16-ft 632 AIR. The foregoing table must be translated with reasonable allowances for conditions under which wind wheels must work and which cannot well be avoided, e.g: Pumping mills must be made to regulate off at a certain maximum speed to prevent damage to the attached pumping devices. The regulating point is usually between 20- and 25-mile wind velocities, so that no matter how much higher the wind velocity may be the power absorbed and delivered by the wheel will be no greater than that indicated at the regulating point. Electric storage and lighting from the power of a windmill has been tested on a large scale for several years by Charles F. Brush, at Cleveland, Ohio. In 1887 he erected on the grounds of his dwelling a windmill 56 ft. in diameter, that operates with ordinary wind a dynamo at 500 revolutions per minute, with an output of 12,000 watts 16 electric horse-power charging a storage system that gives a constant lighting capacity of 100 16 to 20 candle-power lamps. The current from the dynamo is auto- matically regulated to commence charging at 330 revolutions and 70 volts, and cutting the circuit at 75 volts. Thus, by its 24 hours' work, the storage system of 408 cells in 12 parallel series, each cell having a capacity of 100 ampere-hours, is kept in constant readiness for all the requirements of the establishment, it being fitted up with 350 incandescent lamps, about 100 being in use each evening. The plant runs at a mere nominal expense for oil, repairs, and attention. (For a fuller description of this plant, and of a more recent one at Marblehead Neck, Mass., see Lieut. Lewis's paper in Engineering Magazine, Dec., 1894, p. 475.) COMPRESSED AIR. Heating of Air by Compression. Kimball, in his treatise on Physi- cal Properties of Gases, says: When air is compressed, all the work which is done in the compression is converted into heat, and shows itself in the rise in temperature of the compressed gas. In practice many devices are employed to carry off the heat as fast as it is developed, and keep the tem- perature down. But it is not possible in any way to totally remove this difficulty. But, it may be objected, if all the work done in compression is converted into heat, and if this heat is got rid of as soon as possible, then the work may be virtually thrown away, and the compressed air can have no more energy than it had before compression. It is true that the com- pressed gas has no more energy than the gas had before compression, if its temperature is no higher, but the advantage of the compression lies in bringing its energy into more available form. The total energy of the compressed and uncompressed gas is the same at the same temperature, but the available energy is much greater in the former. When the compressed air is used in driving a rock-drill, or any other piece of machinery, it gives up energy equal in amount to the work it does, and its temperature is accordingly greatly reduced. Causes of Loss of Energy in Use of Compressed Air. (Zahner, on Transmission of Power by Compressed Air.) 1. The compression of air always develops heat, and as the compressed air always cools down to the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere before it is used, the mechanical equivalent of this dissipated heat is work lost. 2. The heat of compression increases the volume 9f the air-, and hence it is necessary to carry the air to a higher pressure in the compressor in order that we may finally have a given volume of air at a given pressure, and at the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere. The work spent in effecting this excess of pressure is work lost. 3. Friction of the air in the pipes, leakage, dead spaces, the resistance offered by the valves, insufficiency of valve-area, inferior workmanship, and slovenly attendance, are all more or less serious causes of loss of power. The first cause of loss of work, namely, the heat developed by compres- sion, is entirely unavoidable. The whole of the mechanical energy which the compressor-piston spends upon the air is converted into heat. This heat is dissipated by conduction and radiation, and its mechanical equiva- lent is work lost. The compressed air, having again reached thermal COMPRESSED-AIR. 633 equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere, expands and does work in an air motor, losing temperature and intrinsic energy in proportion to the work dt>ne. A large fall in temperature will cause any moisture in the air to freeze, and, unless the air is pre-heated before use in the motor, per- mitting it to expand to more than two volumes will cause difficulties. It is for this reason, and also because of the heat-losses in the compressor, that the lower the pressure at which compressed air is used for power transmission the more efficient is the system. Against the increased efficiencies of the lower pressures must be balanced the higher cost of the mechanisms, on account of size, to utilize the lower pressures. The intrinsic energy of any gas is the energy which it is capable of exerting against a piston in changing from a given state as to temper- ature and volume to a total privation of heat and indefinite expansion. The intrinsic energy of 1 Ib. of gas at any pressure and volume is the product of its absolute temperature and its specific heat .at constant volume. (See Thermodynamics.) Loss due to Excess of Pressure caused by Heating In the Com- pression-cylinder. If the air during compression were kept at a con- stant temperature, the compression-curve of an indicator-diagram taken from the cylinder would be an isothermal curve, and would follow the law of Boyle and Mariotte, pv = a constant, or pwi = Pov 0t or pi = p ,povo being the pressure and volume at the beginning of compression, and PIVI the pressure and volume at the end, or at any intermediate point. But as the air is heated during compression the pressure increases faster than the volume decreases, causing the work required for any given pres- sure to be increased. If none of the heat were abstracted by radiation or by injection of water, the curve of the diagram would be an adiabatic / v \ 1.405 curve, with the equation pi = p Mj . Cooling the air during com- pression, or compressing it in two cylinders, called compounding, and cooling the air as it passes from one cylinder to the other, reduces the exponent of this equation, and reduces the quantity of work necessary to effect a given compression. F. T. Cause (Am. Mach., Oct. 20, 1892), describing the operations of the Popp air-compressors in Paris, says: The greatest saving realized in compressing in a single cylinder was 33 per cent of that theoretically possible. In cards taken from the 2000 H.P. compound compressor at Quai De La Gare, Paris, 'the saving realized is 85 per cent of the theoretical amount. Of this amount only 8 per cent is due to cooling during C9rnpression, so that the increase of economy in the compound compressor is mainly due to cooling the air between the two stages of compression. A compression-curve with exponent 1.25 is the best result that was obtained for compression in a single cylinder and cooling with a very fine spray. The curve with exponent 1.15 is that which must be realized in a single cylinder to equal the present economy of the compound compressor at Quai De La Gare. Adiabatic and Isothermal Compression. Theoretically, air may be compressed adiabatically, in which case all the heat of compression is retained in the air, or isothermally, in which case the heat of com- pression is removed as rapidly as it is generated, by some refrigerating process. Adiabatic compression is impossible as some of the heat will be radiated into the compressor walls, and isothermal compression is practically impossible, as the heat must be generated before it can be absorbed. The best practical results that have been obtained by compressing air in a single stage compressor make it possible to save approximately one-third of the loss due to the heat generated in the compressor. Formulae for Adiabatic Compression or Expansion of Air (or Other Sensibly Perfect Gas). Let air at an absolute temperature Ti, absolute pressure pi, and volume vi be compressed to an absolute pressure #2 and corresponding volume v* and absolute temperature Tz', or let compressed air of an initial pressure, volume, and temperature #2, vz, and Ti be expanded to pi, vi, and T\, there being no transmission of heat from or into the air during the operation/. 634 AIR. Then the following equations express the relations -between pressure, volume, and temperature (see works on Thermodynamics): B = (&\' n . & = (vi\ lmU . vi = /TYv 2 ' 46 . vt \pj pi \vj m \Tj T2_M\- T? /PA ' 29 P? /?l2\ 3 - 46 Ti~W ' Ti~\pJ ; pi^VTi/ The exponents are derived from the ratio c p -* c v = k of the specific heats of air at constant pressure and constant volume. Taking k = 1.406, 1 -s- k = 0.711; k - 1 = 0.406; 1 -*- (k - 1) = 2.463; k + (k - 1) = 3.463; (k - 1) *- k = 0.289. Work of Adiabatic Compression of Air. If air is compressed in a cylinder without clearance from a volume vi and pressure pi to a smaller volume vz and higher pressure pz, work equal to p\vi is done by the external air on the piston while the air is drawn into the cylinder. Work is then done by the piston on the air, first, in compressing it to the pressure pa and volume vz, and then in expelling the volume vz from the cylinder against the pressure p 2 . If the compression is adiabatic, piVj. = Pzv a => constant, k = 1.406. . The work of compression of a given quantity of air is, in foot-pounds, - 1 k-l(\p f /?)A"'*1 % f /7)o\0-29 \ or 2.463 P m {(I) -1} -2.463 ft* {(I) -l}. The work of expulsion is pzvi Pivi ( } ~ \Pi/ The total work is the sum of the work of compression and expulsion less the work done on the piston during admission, and it equals PlVl The mean effective 'pressure during the stroke is Pi and p 2 are absolute pressures above a vacuum, in pounds per square foot. EXAMPLE. Required the work done in compressing 1 cubic foot of air per second from 1 to 6 atmospheres, including the work of expulsion from the cylinder. pi -* pi = 6; 6 - 29 - 1 = 0.681; 3.463 X 0.681 = 2.358 atmospheres X 14.7 = 34.66 Ib. per sq. in. mean effective pressure, X 144 = 4991 Ib. persq. ft., XI ft. stroke = 4991 ft.-lb.,-*- 550 ft.-lb. per second = 9.08 H.P. If R ratio of pressures = pz * pi, and if Vi = 1 cubic foot, the work done in compressing 1 cubic foot from pi to pz is, in foot-pounds, 3.463 pi CRo-29_ i), Pi being taken in Ib. per sq. ft. For compression at the sea level PI may be taken at 14 Ibs. per sq. in. = 2016 Ib. per sq. ft., as there is some loss of pressure due to friction of valves and passages. Horse-power required to compress and deliver 100 cubic feet of free air per minute = 1.511 Pj (fl' 29 - 1); Pj being the pressure of the free air in pounds per sq. in., absolute. EXAMPLE. To compress 100 cu. ft. from 1 to 6 atmospheres. Pj= 14.7: R 6: 1.511 X 14.7 X 0.681 = 15.13 H.P. Indicator-cards from compressors in good condition and under working- speeds usually follow the adiabatic line closely. A low curve indicates piston leakage. Such cooling as there may be from the cylinder- jacket an<1 the re-expansion of the air in clearance-spaces tends to reduce the COMPRESSED AIR. 635 mean effective pressure, while the "camel-backs" in the expulsion-line, due to resistance to opening of the discharge-valve, tend to increase it. Work of one stroke of a compressor, with adiabatic compression, in foot-pounds, W= 3.463 Pi Vi (R ' 29 - 1). in which Pi = initial absolute pressure in Ib. per sq. ft. and Vi = volume traversed by piston in cubic feet. The work done during adiabatic compression (or expansion) of 1 pound of air from a volume vi and pressure p\ to another volume vz and pressure Pz is equal to the mechanical equivalent of the heating (or cooling). ti is the higher and h the lower temperature, Fahr., the work done is c v J (ti fe) foot-pounds, c v being the specific heat of air at constant volume = 0.1689, and J = 778, c v J = 131.4. The work during compression also equals R a being the value of pv + absolute temperature for 1 Ib. of air = 53.32. The work during expansion is t/ Vl> \ 0.29-1 r / v .\ 0.29 "I l -&) J = 2 - 463p2 n(s) - J J' in which pivi are the initial and pzVz the final pressures and volumes. Compound Compression, with Air Cooled between the Two Cyl- inders. (Am. Mach., March 10 and 31, 1898.) Work in low-pressure cylinder = W^ in high-pressure cylinder TF 2 . Total work Wi + W 2 = 3.46 PxFi [r^-29 + #0.29 x Ti -0-29 _ 2 ]. TI = ratio of pressures in 1. p. cyl., r 2 = ratio in h.p. cyl., R = nr 2 . When ri = r' 2 = ^ R, the sum Wi + W 2 is a minimum. Hence for a given total ratio of pressures, R, the work of compression, will be least when the ratios of the pressures in each of the two cylinders are equal. The equation may be simplified, when ri = **/R, to the following: Wj. + W 2 = 6.92 P^ffl -^ - 1]. Dividing by TI gives the mean effective pressure reduced to the low- pressure cylinder M.E.P. = 6.92 PI [R Q -^ - 1]. In the above equati9n the compression in each cylinder is supposed to be adiabatic, but the intercooler is supposed to reduce the temperature of the air to that at which compression began. Horse-power required to compress adiabatically 100 cu. ft. of free air per minute in two stages with interceding, and with equal ratio of com- ression in each cylinder, = 3.022 Pj (R 145 -1); PI being the pressure in DS. per sq. in., absolute, of the free air, and Rthe total ratio of compression. EXAMPLE. To compress 100 cu. ft. per min. from 1 to 6 atmospheres P = 14.7; R = 6; 3.022 X 14.7 X 0.2964 = 13.17 H.P. Mean Effective Pressures of Air Compressed in Two Stages, assum- ing the Intercooler to Reduce the Temperature to that at which Compression Began. (F. A. Halsey, Am. Mach., Mar. 31, 1898.) p I R. 0.145. M.E.P. from 14 Ibs. Initial. Ultimate Saving by Com- pound- ing^. R. 0.145. M.E.P. from 14 Ibs. Initial. Ultimate Saving by Com pound- ing,%. 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 .263 .280 .296 .312 .326 .336 .352 .364 25.4 27.0 28.6 30.1 31.5 32.8 34.0 35.2 11.5 12.3 12.8 13.2 13.7 14.3 14.8 15.3 9.0 9.5 10 11 12 13 14 15 .375 .386 .396 .416 .434 .451 .466 .481 36.3 37.3 38.3 40.2 41.9 43.5 45.0 46.4 15.8 16.2 16.6 17.2 17.8 18.4 19.0 19.4 R = final -T- initial absolute pressure. M.E.P. = mean effective pressure, Ib. per sq. in., based on 14 Ib. absolute initial pressure reduced to the low-pressure cylinder. 636 AIK. To find the Index of the Curve of an Air-diagram. If P, V l be pressure and volume at one point on the curve, and P V the pressure and P /Vi\ x volume at another point, then -p- = fyj , in which x is the index to be found. Let P -$-_Pi = R, and Vi + V r; then R = r x ; log R =x log r. whence x = log R -r- log r. (See also graphic method on page 602.) Pressures, Volumes, Mean Effective Pressures, and Final Temper- atures, in Single-stage Compression from 1 Atmosphere and 60 Fahr. (Contributed by M. C. Wilkinson, San Pedro, CaL, 1914.) Pressure. Volume. M.E.P.of Stroke Final Tem- perature. * 1 i. ,,-i m 1 | 1 Jr pi & o II |2 |ll f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14.7 1.0 1 .0000 1.000 1 .000 0.000 o.ooo 60.0 60.0 15.7 1 .068 0.9363 0.948 0.954 0.974 0.982 66.3 70.0 2 16.7 .136 .8803 .903 .910 1 .896 1 .913 73.4 79.6 3 17.7 .204 .8305 .862 .876 2.778 2.810 79.7 88.8 4 18.7 .272 .7862 .825 .841 3.624 3.681 85.6 97.6 5 19.7 .340 .7463 .791 .812 4.432 4:510 91.7 106.1 10 24.7 .680 .5952 .660 .692 8.041 8.267 116.9 144 5 15 29.7 2.020 .4950 .570 .607 11.099 11.515 .138.5 177.7 20 34.7 2.360 .4237 .503 .544 13.774 14.396 157.5 207.1 25 39.7 2.701 .3702 .452 .494 16.155 16.998 174.3 233.6 30 44.7 3.041 .3288 .411 .454 18.309 19.375 189.5 257.9 35 49.7 3.381 .2955 .377 .421 20 259 21.569 203.5 280.3 40 54.7 3.721 .2687 .349 .393 22.101 23.610 216.3 301.2 45 59.7 4.061 .2462 .326 .370 23.777 25.529 228.2 320 8 50 64.7 4.401 .2272 .303 .349 25.358 27.331 239.4 339.2 55 69.7 4.742 .2109 .288 .329 26 842 29.037 249.9 356.7 60 74.7 5.082 .1968 .272 .315 28.239 30.661 259.8 373.2 65 79.7 5.422 .1844 .258 .301 29.562 32.808 269.2 388.9 70 84.7 5.762 .1736 .247 .288 30.826 33.680 278.1 404.0 75 89.7 6.102 .1639 .235 .277 32.031 35.105 286.6 418.6 80 94.7 6.442 .1552 .225 .266 33.185 36.469 294.8 432.5 85 99.7 6.782 .1474 .216 .257 34.288 37.782 302.6 446.0 90 104.7 7.122 .1404 .208 .248 35.346 39.050 310.1 458.9 95 109.7 7.463 .1340 .200 .240 36.368 40.277 317.3 471.4 100 114.7 7.803 .1282 .192 .233 37.354 41 .463 324.3 483.5 105 119.7 8.143 .1228 .186 .226 38.401 42.613 331.0 495.3 110 124.7 8.483 .1179 .181 .219 39.220 43.728 337.5 506.7 115 129.7 8.823 .1133 .175 .213 40.109 44.813 343.8 517.8 120 134.7 9.163 .1091 .170 .207 40.969 45.866 349.9 528.6 125 139.7 9.503 .1052 .165 .202 41 .807 46.900 355.8 539.1 130 144.7 9.844 .1015 .160 .197 42.623 47.898 361.6 549.3 135 149.7 10.184 .0982 .156 .192 43.416 48.880 367.2 559.3 140 154.7 10.524 .0950 .152 .188 44.189 49.832 372.6 569.0 145 159.7 10.864 .0921 .148 .184 44.938 50.769 377.9 578.6 150 164.7 11 .204 .0893 .145 .180 45.766 51.681 383.1 587.9 160 174.7 11 .884 .0841 .138 .172 47.084 53.451 393.1 606.0 170 184.7 12.565 .0796 .132 .166 48.429 55.147 402.7 623.3 180 194.7 13.245 .0755 .126 .160 49.723 56.781 411.8 641 .0 190 204.7 13.295 .0718 .121 .154 50.968 58.359 420.6 656.1 200 214.7 14.605 .0685 .117 .147 52.156 59.881 429.0 671.7 Columns 1, 2 and 3 give the relative pressure readings in gage, absolute and atmospheric pressures. COMPRESSED AIR. 637 Column 4 gives the relative volumes of the air after compression and with the temperature reduced to 60 F. These are the volumes that are available for use in the operation of the driven mechanisms. Column 5 gives the relative volumes of the air as the compressor has to deal with it. Column 7 gives the mean effective pressures of a single stroke of the compressor, including the compression and expulsion of air from the cylinder. In computing the power required to operate the com- pressor a certain percentage (usually from 5 to 20) must be added for mechanical friction and valve resistance and other compressor characteristics. Column 9 gives the temperature of the air as it leaves the com- pressor. Columns 6, 8 and 10 give the theoretical, final volumes, mean effec- tive pressures and final temperatures of air compressed adiabatically. Mean Effective Pressures of Air Compressed Adiabatically. (F. A. Halsey, Am. Mack., Mar. 10, 1898.) 1_ R-. M.E.P. from Hlbs. Initial. R. #0.29. M.E.P. from I41bs. Initial. ..25 .067 3.24 4.75 .570 27.5 1.59 .125 6.04 5 .594 28.7 1.75 .176 8.51 5.25 .617 29.8 2 .223 10.8 5.5 .639 30.8 2.25 .265 12.8 5.75 .660 31.8 2.5 .304 14.7 6 .681 32.8 2.75 .341 16.4 6.25 .701 33.8 3 .375 18.1 6.5 .720 34.7 3.25 .407 19.6 6.75 .739 35 6 3.5 .438 21.1 7 .757 36.5 3.75 .467 22.5 7.25 .775 37.4 4 .495 23.9 7.5 .793 ,.38.3 4.25 .521 25.2 8 .827 39.9 4.5 .546 26.4 R final -4- initial absolute pressure. M.E.P. =mean effective pressure, Ib. per sq. in., based on 14 Ib. initial. Horse-power required to com- press and deliver One Cubic Foot of Free Air per minute to a given pressure with no cooling of the air during the compression; also the horse power required, supposing the air to be maintained at constant temperature during the compression. H.P. required to compress and deliver One Cubic Foot of Com- pressed Air per minute at a given pressure (the air being measured at the atmospheric temperature) with no cooling of the air during the compression; also supposing the air to be maintained at constant tem- perature during the compression. Gauge- Air hot Air constant Gauge- Air not Air constant pressure. cooled. temperature. pressure. cooled. temperature. 5 0.0196 0.0188 5 0.0263 0.0251 10 0.0361 0.0333 10 0.0606 0.0559 20 0.0628 0.0551 20 0.1483 0.1300 30 0.0846 0.0713 30 0.2573 2168 40 0.1032 0.0843 40 0.3842 0.3138 50 0.1195 0.0946 50 0.5261 0.4166 60 0. 1342 0.1036 60 0.6818 0.5266 70 0.1476 0.1120 70 0.8508 0.6456 80 0.1599 0.1195 80 1.0302 0.7700 90 0.1710 0.1261 90 1.2177 0.8979 100 0.1815 0.1318 100 1.4171 1.0291 The. horse-power given above is the theoretical power, no allowance being made for friction of the compressor or other losses, which may amount to 10 per cent or more. 638 AIR. Compressed-air Engines, Adiabatic Expansion. Let the initial pressure and volume taken into the cylinder be pi Ib. per sq. ft. and Vi cubic feet ; let expansion take place to PZ and vi according to the adiabatic law pivi 1 - 41 = P202 1 - 41 ; f/hen at the end of the stroke let the pressure drop to the back-pressure p 3 , at which the air is exhausted. Assuming no clearance, the work done by one pound of air during admission, measured above vacuum, is PIVI, the work during expansion is 2.463 PiVi I / P2 v 0.29-1 ( J , and the negative or back pressure work is p^vz. The total t/7)A 0-29~| 1 _ f ? ) _ p 3V2> an d the mean effective pres- va/ J sure is the t9tal work divided by vt. If the air is expanded down to the back-pressure PS the total work is 3.463 PiVi 1 1 - ( \ J , or, in terms of the final pressure and volume, I /T)i\Q'2& ) I \P3/ 9 and the mean effective pressure is The actual work is reduced by clearance. When this is considered, the product of the initial pressure PI by the clearance volume is to be sub- tracted from the total work calculated from the initial volume vi, including clearance. (See p t 961 under " Steam-engine. ") Mean and Terminal Pressures of Compressed Air used Expansively for Gauge Pressures from 60 to 100 Ib. (Frank Richards, Am. Mack., April 13, 1893.) to Initial Pressure. 1 60 70 80 90 100 1 . p 1 , ^ 41 U || lt| sUi |,s flj "3 .s 'o C w Pi 1 00 cu, ft. capacity are made, usually of special designs, 642 AIR. 'IMPERIAL XB-1" DUPLEX POWER-DRIVEN COMPRESSORS. Air Pressure, 15 to 100 Pounds per sq. in. d X"" i , 8 |KS * Ig WTJ 1 tt ilc IS t <*J || | I**? 11 W|| 1 |fe? EI! .^ oT Q o ^ ^'5? lovS s I Q O a IS '|,4a O +*< S w'aJ g .2 .fa ! P J3 aj a as 3 h 1 AH' tf 111 .!> ^ *I Q m w Q^ *-> -5 7 7 10 225 198 60-100 28-38 10 14 14 185 916 35-40 96-105 7 8 10 225 258 40-55 30-36 10 16 14 185 1198 25-30 103-116 7 9 10 225 327 27-35 27-34 10 18 1.4 185 1518 15-20 90-112 7 10 10 225 405 22-25 29-34 7 11 10 225 491 15-20 29-36 12 13 16 170 826 80-100 141-161 12 14 16 170 959 65-75 149-162 8 8 12 210 289 75-100 48-57 12 15 16 170 1103 45-60 135-163 8 9 12 210 367 55-70 51-60 12 17 16 170 1419 30-40 135-165 8 10 12 210 454 40-50 53-61 12 19 16 170 1775 20-25 128-151 8 11 12 210 549 27-35 46-59 12 21 16 170 2171 15-20 131-164 8 12 12 210 655 22-25 47-56 8 13 12 210 770 15-20 46-57 14 15 16 170 1100 80-100 186-212 14 16 16 170 1253 55-75 173-209 9 9 12 210 365 85-100 65-72 14 18 16 170 1592 35-50 166-212 9 10 12 210 453 60-80 67-79 14 21 16 170 2168 25-30 183-208 9 11 12 210 549 47-55 69-78 14 24 16 170 2836 15-20 168-209 9 12 12 210 654 37-45 69-81 9 13 12 210 769 25-35 66-84 14 15 20 150 1213 75-100 196-232 9 15 12 210 1025 15-20 61-76 14 17 20 150 1562 50-70 204-251 14 19 20 150 1955 35-45 204-242 10 11 14 185 563 80-100 98-110 14 22 20 150 2626 25-30 224-255 10 12 14 185 671 60-75 98-112 14 25 20 150 3395 15-20 203-253 10 13 14 185 789 45-55 97-110 COMPOUND STEAM CYLINDERS FOR "IMPERIAL X" COMPRESSORS. For substituting in place of Duplex Steam Cylinders in the "Imperial X-l and X-2" Tables for Steam-Pressures of 100 to 120 Lbs. Condensing of Non-Condensing. Compound Engines with Plain "D" Steam Valves. Compound Engines with Meyer Cut-off Valves. Standard Standard Standard Standard Duplex Steam Compound Steam Stroke. Duplex Steam Compound Steam Stroke. Cylinders. Cylinders. Cylinders. Cylinders. 7& 7 7& 11 10 10& 10 12& 19 14 8&8 8& 13 12 12& 12 14&22 16 9&9 10& 16 12 14& 14 16& 25 16 14& 14 16&25 20 Tests of Power-driven Air Compressors. R. L. Webb, Portland, Ore., has furnished the author with a copy of a complete report of a test made by him in 1912, of three air compressors, two of them 18 in. diam. X 12 in. stroke, rated at 1000 cu. ft. per min. displacement, and the third 22 X 12 in., rated at 1500 cu. ft. Nos. 1 and 3 were designed for 35 to 45 Ib. gage-pressure and No. 2 for 15 to 20 Ib. The compres- sors were driven by 500 volt d.c. shunt, commutating pole' motors, with a speed range of 2 to 1 , through Link-Belt silent chain drives, 2 in. pitch, 9 in. wide, chain speed, 1600 ft. per min., pinions 17 and 64 teeth, chain gear efficiency about 98%; gear submerged in oil. The speed control was regulated by the air pressure. The air delivered was measured 644 AIR. by the orifice method, using Fliegner's equation. The results of the tests are summarized in the table below: TESTS OF AIR COMPRESSORS. I t.3 s l Volumetric Efficiency Per cent. Electric Horse- pttwer. $ Compressor No. 1, 18 X 12 in. 71.6 502.1 412.3 82.11 45.6 61.2 51.75 84.5 44.6 102.0 715.3 597.4 83.2 67.7 90.7 75.28 83.0 44.5 143.0 1002.8 873.3 87.1 87.1 133.4 106.73 80.0 44.2 Compressor No. 2, 22 X 12 in. 70.7 749.8 657.1 85.6 42.1 56.4 48.3 85.7 19.6 103.8 1100.8 986.0 89.5 65.0 87.1 73.1 83.0 19.2 141.0 1495.3 1333.9 89.2 97.6 130.8 106.5 80.0 19.5 Compressor No. 3, 18 X 12 in. 70.2 101.0 145.0 492.3 708.3 1016.9 371.1 567.2 837.1 75.4 80.1 82.3 43.9 65.8 100.7 58.8 88.3 135.0 50.0 73.4 109.1 85.0 84.0 80.7 44.8 44.7 44.4 Steam Required to Compress 100 Cu. Ft. of Free Air. (O. S. Shantz, Power, Feb. 4, 1908.) The following tables show the number of pounds of steam required to compress 100 cu. ft. of free air to different gauge pressures, by means of steam engines using from 12 to 40 Ibs. of steam per I.H.P. per hour. The figures assume adiabatic compression in the air cylinders, with intercooling to atmospheric temperature in the case of two-stage compression, and 90% mechanical efficiency of the compressor. STEAM CONSUMPTION OF AIR COMPRESSORS SINGLE-STAGE COMPRESSION. Air Gage Pres- sure. Steam per I.H.P. Hour. Lb. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36 40 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1.36 1 84 1.58 ? 14 1.82 ? 45 2.04 ? 76 2.26 3.06 [ 2.49 3 37 2.72 3 68 2.94 3.98 3.17 4 29 3.40 4.60 3.61 4.90 4.08 5 51 4.54 6 17. 2.26 2.62 2 92 2.64 3.06 3 41 3.02 3.50 3 % 3.39 3.93 4 38 3.77 4.36 4 80 4.15 4.80 5 36 4.52 5.25 5 85 4.90 5.68 6 32 5.26 6.10 6 80 5.65 6.55 7 30 6.03 7.00 7 80 6.78 8.86 8 76 7.50 8.71 9 71 3.22 3.50 3.72 3.96 4.18 4.38 3.76 4.08 4.34 4.61 4.87 5.11 4.30 4.67 4.96 5.29 5.58 5.85 4.83 5.25 5.58 5.95 6.26 6.57 5.36 5.84 6.20 6.60 6.96 7.30 5.90 6.42 6.82 7.25 7.66 8.04 6.45 7.00 7.45 7.92 8.36 8.76 6.97 7.59 8.05 8.58 9.05 9.50 7.50 8.15 8.66 9.22 9.75 10.20 8.05 8.75 9.30 9.90 10.45 10.95 8.60 9.34 9.94 10.56 11.15 11.66 9.66 10.50 11.15 11.88 12.52 13.13 10.70 11.61 12.35 13.15 13.90 14.55 TWO-STAGE COMPRESSION. 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 2.82 3.01 3.19 3.37 3.54 3.69 3.83 3.96 4.10 3.25 3.51 3.72 3.93 4.14 4.30 4.46 4.62 4.76 3.76 4.03 4.26 4.50 4.74 4.93 5.11 5.29 5.46 4.23 4.52 4.79 5.05 5.32 5.54 5.75 5.94 6.14 4.69 5.02 5.32 5.61 5.91 6.15 6.38 6.60 6.81 5.16 5.53 5.85 6.19 6.51 6.78 7.03 7.26 7.50 5.63 6.03 6.38 6.74 7.10 7.38 7.66 7.92 6.74 6.10 6.53 6.91 7.30 7.70 8.00 8.30 8.60 8.86 6.56 7.03 7.44 7.85 8.27 8.61 8.92 9.23 9.55 7.04 7.53 7.98 8.42 8.86 9.24 9.57 9.90 10.20 7.50 8.03 8.50 8.99 9.46 9.85 10.20 10.56 10.90 8.45 9.05 9.57 10.10 10.64 11.05 11.48 11.88 12.26 9.35 10.01 10.60 11.20 11.80 12.27 12.72 13.15 13.60 COMPRESSED AIR FOR PUMPING. 645 Cubic Feet of Air Required to Run Rock Drills at Various Pressures and Altitudes. (Ingersoll-Rand Co., 1908.) TABLE I. CUBIC FEET OF FREE AIR REQUIRED TO RUN ONE DRILL. Gauge Pressure, Lb. per Sq. In. Size and Cylinder Diameter of Drill. A 35 A 32 A 86 B C D D D E F F G H H9 2" 21/4* 21/2" 23/4* 3" 31/8* 33/16* 31/ 4 " 31/2* 35/ 8 " 41/4* 5" 5V2" 60 70 80 90 100 50 56 63 70 77 60 68 76 84 92 68 77 86 95 104 82 93 104 115 126 90 102 114 126 138 95 108 120 133 146 97 110 123 136 149 100 113 127 141 154 108 124 131 152 166 113 129 143 159 174 130 147 164 182 199 150 170 190 210 240 164 181 207 230 252 TABLE II. MULTIPLIERS TO GIVE CAPACITY OF COMPRESSOR TO OPERATE FROM 1 TO 70 ROCK DRILLS AT VARIOUS ALTITUDES. Number of Drills. ^g +2GQ < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 1030 2330 3300 5300 8030 13330 13030 1. 1.03 1.07 1.10 1.17 1.26 1.32 1.43 1.8 1.85 9? 2.7 2.78 789 3.4 3.5 3 64 4.1 4.22 439 4.8 4.94 5 14 5.4 5.56 5 78 6.0 6.18 64? 6.5 6.69 695 7.1 7.3 760 9.5 9.78 10.17 11.7 12.05 1252 13.7 14.1 1466 15.8 16.3 169 21.4 22.0 22.9 23.54 25.04 26.% 28.25 30.6 25.5 26.26 27.28 28.05 29.84 32.13 33.66 36.49 .98 2.10 2.27 2.38 2.57 2.97 3.16 3.40 3.56 3.86 3.74 3 98 4.28 4.49 4.86 4.51 4.8 5.17 5.41 5.86 5.28 5.62 6.05 6.34 6.86 5.94 6.32 6.8 7.13 7.72 6.6 7.02 7.56 7.92 8.58 7.15 7.61 8.19 8.58 9.3 7.81 8.31 8.95 9.37 10.15 10.45 11.12 11.97 12.54 13.58 12.87 13.69 14.74 15.44 16.73 15.07 16.03 17.26 18.08 19.59 17.38 18.49 19.9 20.86 22.59 EXAMPLE. Required the amount of free air to operate thirty 5-inch "H" drills at 8,000 ft. altitude, using air at a gauge pressure of 80 Ib per sq. in. From Table I, we find that one 5-inch " H " drill operating at 80 Ib. fauge pressure requires 190 cu. ft. of free air per minute. From Table I, the factor for 30 drills at 8,000 feet altitude is 19.9; 190 X 19.9 = 3781 = the displacement of a compressor under average conditions, to which must be added pipe line losses. The tables above are for fair conditions in ordinary hard rock. In soft material, where the drilling time is short more drills can be run with a given compressor than when working in hard material. In tunnel work, more rapid progress can be made if the drills are run at high air pressure, and it is advisable to have an excess of compressor capacity of about 25%. No allowance has been made in the tables for friction of pipe line losses. Compressed-air Table for Pumping Plants* (Ingersoll-Rand Co., 1908.) The following table shows the pressure and volume of air required for any size pump for pumping by compressed air. Reasonable allowances have been made for loss due to clearances in pump and friction in pipe. To find the amount of air and pressure required to pump a given quan- tity of water a given height, find the ratio of diameters between water and air cylinders, and multiply the number of gallons of water by the 646 AIR. figure found in the column for the required lift. The result is the number of cubic feet of free air. The pressure required on the pump will be found directly above in the same column. For examole: The ratio between cylinders being 2 to 1, required to pump 100 gallons, height of lift 250 feet. We find under 250 feet at ratio 2 to 1 the figures 2.11 ; 2.11 X 100 = 211 cubic feet of free air. The pressure required is 34.38 pounds deliv- ered at the pump piston. Ratio of Diameters. Perpendicular Height, in Feet, to which the Water is to be Pumped. 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 1 to 1 1 1/2 to 1 1 3/4 to 1 2 to 1 2 1/4 to 1 2l/ 2 to 1 { A B A B A B A B A B A B 13.75 0.21 27.5 0.45 12.22 0.65 41.25 0.60 18.33 0.80 13.75 0.94 55.0 0.75 24.44 0.95 19.8 1.14 13.75 1.23 68.25 0.89 30.33 1.09 22.8 1.24 17.19 1.37 13.75 1.53 82.5 1.04 36.66 1.24 27.5 1.30 20.63 1.52 16.5 1.68 13.2 1.79 96.25 1.20 42.76 1.39 32.1 1.54 24.06 1.66 19.25 1.83 15.4 1.98 110.0 1.34 48.88 1.53 36.66 1.69 27.5 1.81 22.0 1.97 17.6 2.06 61.11 1.83 45.83 1.99 34.38 2.11 27.5 2.26 22.0 2.34 73.32 2.12 55.0 2.39 41.25 2.40 33.0 2.56 26.4 2.62 97.66 2.70 73.33 2.88 55.0 2.98 44.0 3.15 35.2 3.18 A = air-pressure at pump. B = cubic feet of free air per gallon of water. Compressed-air Table for Hoisting-engines. (Ingersoll-Rand Co., 1908.) The following table gives an approximate idea of the volume of free air required for operating hoisting-engines, the air being delivered to the engine at 60 Ibs. gauge. There are so many variable conditions to the operation of hoisting-engines in common use that accurate computations can only be offered when fixed data are given. In the table the engine is assumed to actually run but one-half of the time for hoisting, while the compressor runs continuously. If the engine runs less than one-half the time, the volume of air required will be proportionately less, and vice versa. The table is computed for maximum loads, which also in practice may vary widely. From the intermittent character of the work of a hoisting-engine the parts are able to resume their normal temperature between the hoists, and there is little probability of freezing up the exhaust-passages. Volume of Free Air Required for Operating Hoisting-engines, the Air Compressed to 6O Pounds Gauge Pressure. SINGLE-CYLINDER HOISTING-ENGINE. Diam. of Cylinder, Inches. Stroke, Inches. Revolu- tions per Minute. Normal Horse- power. Actual Horse- power. Weight Lifted, Single Rope. Cubic Ft. of Free Air Required. 5 61/4 81/4 , 8 o V2 6 8 8. 10 10 12 12 200 160 160 125 125 110 110 3 4 6 10 . 15 20 25 5.9 6.3 9.9 12.1 16.8 18.9 26.2 600 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 5,000 6000 75 80 125 151 170 238 330 COMPRESSED AIR. DOUBLE-CYLINDER HOISTING-ENGINE. 647 Diam. of Cylinder, Inches. Stroke, Inches. Revolu- tions per Minute. Normal Horse- power. Actual Horse- power. Weight Lifted, Single Rope. Cubic Ft. of Free Air Required. 5 6 200 6 11.8 1 ,000 150 5 8 160 8 12.6 1,650 160 61/4 8 160 12 19.8 2,500 250 7 10 125 20 24.2 3,500 302 81/4 10 125 30 33.6 6000 340 81/2 12 110 40 37.8 8000 476 10 12 110 50 52.4 lO'.OOO 660 121/4 15 100 75 89.2 1,125 14 18 90 100 125. 1,587 Practical Results with Compressed Air. Compressed-air System at the Chapin Mines, Iron Mountain, Mich. These mines are three miles from the falls which supply the power. There are four turbines at the falls, one of 1000 horse-power and three of 900 horse-power each. The pressure is 60 pounds at 60 Fahr. Each turbine runs a pair of compress- ors. The pipe to the mines is 24 ins. diameter. The power is applied at the mines to Corliss engines, running pumps, hoists, etc., and direct to rock-drills. A test made in 1888 gave 1430.27 H.P. at the compressors, and 390.17 H.P. as the sum of the horse-power of the engines at the mines. There- fore, only 27% of the power generated was recovered at the mines. This includes the loss due to leakage and the loss of energy in heat, but not the friction in the engines or compressors. (F. A. Pocock, Trans. A. I. M. E., 1890.) W. L. Saunders (Jour. F.I., 1892) says: "There is not a properly designed compressed-air installation in operation to-day that loses over 5% by transmission alone. The question is altogether one of the size of pipe; and if the pipe is large enough, the friction loss is a small item. " The loss of power in common practice, where compressed air is used to drive machinery in mines and tunnels, is about 70% . In the best prac- tice, with the best air-compressors, and without reheating, the loss is about 60%. These losses may be reduced to a point as low as 20% by combin- ing the best systems of 'reheating with the best air-compressors." Gain due to Reheating:. Prof. Kennedy says compressed-air trans- mission system is now being carried on, on a large commercial scale, in such a fashion that a small motor four miles away from the central station can indicate in round numbers 10 horse-power, for 20 horse- power at the station itaelf, allowing for the value of the coke used in heat- ing the air. The limit to successful reheating lies in the fact that air-engines can- not work to advantage at temperatures over 350. The efficiency pf the common system of reheating is shown by the re- sults obtained with the Popp system in Paris. Air is admitted to the reheater at about 83, and passes to the engine at about 3i5, thus being increased in volume about 42%. The air used in Paris is about 11 cubic feet of free air per minute per horse-power. The ordinary practice in America with cold air is from 15 to 25 cubic feet per minute per horse- power. When the Paris engines were worked without reheating the air consumption was increased to about 15 cubic feet per horse-power per minute. The amount of fuel consumed during reheating is trifling. Effect of Temperature of Intake upon the Discharge of a Com- pressor. Air should be drawn from outside the engine-room, and from as cool a place as possible. The gain in efficiency amounts to one per cent for every five degrees that the air is taken in lower than the temperature of the engine-room. The inlet conduit should have an area at least 50% of the area of the air-piston, and should be made of wood, brick, or other non-conductor of heat. Discharge of a compressor having an intake capacity of 1000 cubic feet per minute, and volumes of the discharge reduced to cubic feet at atmos- pheric pressure and at temperature of 62 degrees Fahrenheit: Temperature of Intake, F. ... 32 62 75 80 90 100 110 V"Jume discharged, cubic ft. U35 1060 1000 975 966 949 932 910 648 AIR. Compressed-Air Motors with a Return Air Circuit. In the ordinary use of motors, such as rock-drills, the air, after doing its work in the motor, is allowed to escape into the atmosphere. In some systems, however, notably in the electric air-drill, the air exhausted from the cylinder of the motor is returned to the air compressor. A marked increase in economy is claimed to have been effected in this way (Cass. Mag., 1907). Intercoolers for Air Compressors. H. V. Haight (Am. Mach., Aug. 30, 1906). In multi-stage air compressors, the efficiency is greater the more nearly the temperature of the air leaving the intercooler ap- proaches that of the water entering it. The difference of these tem- peratures for given temperatures of the entering water and air is diminished by increasing the surface of the intercooler and thereby decreasing the ratio of the quantity of air cooled to the area of cooling surface. Numerous tests of intercoolers with different ratios of quan- tity of air to area of surface, on being plotted, approximate to a straight- line diagram, from which the following figures are taken. Cu. ft. of free air per min. per sq. ft. of air cooling surface 5 10 15 Diff.of temp. F. between water entering and air leaving 12.5 25 37.5 Centrifugal Air Compressors. The General Electric Company has placed on the; market a line of single stage centrifugal air compressors with pressure ratings from 0.75 to 4 Ib. per sq. in., and capacity from 500 to 10,000 cu. ft. of free air per min. The compresspr consists essentially of a rotating impeller surrounded by a rigid cast-iron casing and suitable conversion nozzles to convert velocity of the air into pressure. It is similar to the centrifugal pump, efficiency depending entirely upon the design of the passages throughout the machine. The compressors are driven by Curtis steam-turbines or by electric motors specially designed for thein. The induction nwtors used are of the squirrel-cage type which do not permit any variation in the speed and care must be taken to specify a pressure sufficiently high to coyer the operating requirements, because the pressure cannot be varied at constant speed without altering the design of the impeller. The pressure of the D. C. motor-driven unit can be changed by changing the speed of the motor by means of the field rheostat. Standard Off-Standard Off-Standard Designs, Designs, Designs, Motor 3450 r.p.m. 3450 r.p.m. 3850 r.p.m. Pipe Rating H.P. Lb. Cu. Ft. Lb. Cu. Ft. Lb. Cu. Ft. Diam., Inches. per per per per per per Sq. In. Min. Sq. In. Min. Sq. In. Min. 5 800 0.75 1,100 .25 600 10 10 1,600 0.75 2,100 .25 1,300 12 20 3,200 0.75 4,100 .25 2,600 16 30 4,500 0.75 5,900 .25 3,800 20 50 7,200 0.75 8,800 .25 6,000 20 75 10,200 0.75 12,000 .25 8,700 26 10 2 750 1.5 1,000 2.50 500 8 20 2 1,600 1.5 2,103 2.50 1,200 10 30 2 2,500 1.5 3,300 2.50 1,900 12 50 2 4,200 1.5 5,400 2.50 3,300 16 75 2 6,200 1.5 8,000 2.50 5,000 20 30 3.25 1,250 2.5 1,800 4.00 900 8 50 3.25 2,400 2.5 3,200 4.00 1,900 12 75 3.25 3,800 2.5 5,000 4.00 3,000 14 Multi-stage compressors have been built in the following sizes: Cubic feet free air per 'minute 4,500 9,000 16,000 25,000 40,000 50,000. Pressure, pounds per square inch. . 6 to 35 6 to 25 8 to 25 12 to 30 12 to 30 12 to 30 AS in the case of centrifugal pumps, the pressure depends upon the HIGH PRESSURE CENTRIFUGAL FANS. 649 peripheral velocity of the impeller. The volume of free air delivered is limited, however, by the capacity of the driver. It must never be operated without being piped to a load sufficient to restrict the flow of air to the rated value, otherwise the driver will become seriously overloaded. The power required to drive the centrifugal compressor varies ap- proximately with the volume of air delivered when operating at a constant speed, between the limits of 50 per cent and 125 per cent of the rated load. This gives flexibility and economy to the centrifugal type where variable volumetric loads are required. When the compressor is operating as an exhauster discharging against atmospheric pressure, the rated pressure P, in Ib. per sq. in., must be multiplied by 14.7 and then divided by 14.7 plus P to obtain the vacuum in Ibs. per sq. in. below atmosphere. The rated pressures are ?iven for an atmospheric pressure of 14.7 Ib. per sq. in. and a tempera- ture of 60 F. When the compressors are operated at an altitude, the pressure will be reduced directly in proportion to the barometric pressure. For other temperatui es, the pressures will be inversely proportioned to the absolute temperature, or P X 520 -r- (460 + T). When operated on gas the rated pressure is to be corrected by multiply- ing it by the relative density of the gas, taking air = 1. A large number of machines have been installed to operate on illuminating ?as, by-product coke oven gas, or producer gas. Constant suction governors controlling the speed of the turbine drivers are employed where close control of the suction head is desired, as in the case of gas exhausters. Ten large machines (2000 to 5000 H.P.) for blowing blast furnaces have also been installed. These have steam turbines for drivers and are controlled by constant volume governors, giving a constant speed, so that a definite volume of air per minute is delivered, regardless of the resistance of the furnace. High-Pressure Centrifugal Fans. (A. Rateau, Engg., Aug. 16, 1907.) In 1900, a single wheel fan driven by a steam turbine at 20,200 revs, per min. gave an air pressure of 81/4 IDS. per sq. in.; an output of 26.7 cu. ft. free air per second; useful work in H.P. adiabatic compression, 45.5; theoretical work in H.P. of steam-flow, 162; efficiency of the set, fan and turbine, 28%. An efficiency of 30.7% was obtained with an output of 23 cu. ft. per sec. and 132 theoretical H.P. of steam. The pressure obtained with a fan is all things being equal proportional to the specific weight of the gas which flows through it ; therefore, if, instead of air at atmospheric pressure, air, the pressure of which has already been raised, or a gas of higher density, such as carbonic acid, be used, com- paratively higher pressures still will be obtained, or the engine can. run at lower speeds for the same increase of pressure. Multiple Wheel Fans. The apparatus having a single impeller gives satisfaction only when the duty and speed are sufficiently high. The speed is limited by the resistance of the metal of which the impeller is made, and also by the speed of the motor driving the fan. But by con- necting several fans in series, as is done with high-lift centrifugal pumps, it is possible to obtain as high a pressure as may be desired. Turbo-Compressor, Bethune Mines, 1906. This machine compresses air to 6 and 7 atmospheres by utilizing the exhaust steam from the winding- engines. It consists of four sets of multi-cellular fans through which the air flows in succession. They are fitted on two parallel shafts, and each shaft is driven by a low-pressure turbine. A high-pressure turbine is also mounted on one of the shafts, but supplies no work in ordinary times. An automatic device divides the load equally between the two shafts. Between the two compressors are fitted refrigerators, in which cold water is made to circulate by the action of a small centrifugal pump keyed at the end of the shaft. In tests at a speed of 5000 r.p.m., the volume of air drawn per second was 31.7 cu. ft. and the discharge pressure 119.5 Ib. per sq. in. absolute. These conditions of working correspond to an effect- ive work in isothermal compression of 252 H.P. The efficiency of the compressor has been as high as 70%. The results of two tests of the compressor are given below. In the first test the air discharged, reduced to atmospheric pressure, was 26 cu. Ct. per sec.; in the second test it was 46 cu, *W 650 FIRST TEST. Stages. 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. Abs. pressure at inlet, Ibs. per sq. in. ... 15.18 23.37 38.69 66.44 Abs. pressure at discharge 24 . 10 39 . 98 66 . 44 102 . 60 Speed, revs, per min 4660 4660 4660 4660 Temperature of air at inlet, deg. F. ... 57.2 67.8 63. 66. Temperature of air at discharge, deg. F. 171. 205. 216. 215.6 Adiabatic rise in temp., deg. F 106. 122. 114.8 105.8 Actual rise in temperature; deg. F. ... 113.8 137.2 153. 149.6 Efficiency, per cent 60.5 60.5 54. 46.2 SECOND TEST. Stages. 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. Abs. pressure at inlet, Ibs. per sq. in 15.18 21.31 37.33 65.12 Abs. pressure at discharge 23.52 38 . 22 65 . 1 2 99 . 66 Speed, revs, per min 5000 5000 4840 4840 Temp, of air at inlet, deg. F 55 . 69 . 8 64 . 4 68 . 5 Temp, of air at discharge, deg. F 160.7 208.4 208.4 199.6 Adiabatic rise in temp., deg. F 102.2 131. 123.8 100.4 Efficiency, per cent 62.3 66.6 58.7 48.6 The Gutehoffnungshiitte Co. in Germany have m course of construc- tion several centrifugal blowing-machines to be driven by an electric motor, and up to 2000 H.P. Several machines are now being designed for Bessemer converters, some of which will develop urj to 4000 H.P. The multicellular centrifugal compressors are identical in every point with centrifugal pumps. In the new machines cooling water is intro- duced inside the diaphragms, which are built hollow for this purpose, and also inside the diffuser vanes. By this means it is hoped to reduce proportionally the heating of the air: thus approaching isothermal com- pression much more nearly than is done in the case of reciprocating compressors. Test of a Hydraulic Air Compressor. (W. O. Webber, Trans. A. S. M. E., xxii, 599.) The compressor embodies the principles of the old trompe used in connection with the Catalan forges some centuries ago, modified according to principles first described by J. P. Frizell, in Jour. F. /., Sept., 1880, and improved by Charles H. Taylor, of Montreal. (Patent July 23, 1895.) It consists principally of a down-flow passage having an enlarged chamber at the bottom and an enlarged tank at the top. A series of small air pipes project into the mouth of the water inlet and the large chamber at the upper end of the vertically descending passage, so as to cause a number of small jets of air to be entrained by the water. At the lower end of the apparatus, deflector plates in connection with a gradually enlarging section of the lower end of the down-flow pipe are used to decrease the velocity of the air and water, and cause a partial separation to take place. The deflector plates change the direction of the flow of the water and are intended to facilitate the escape of the air, the water then passing out at the bottom of the enlarged chamber into an ascending shaft, maintaining upon the air a pressure due to the height of the water in the uptake, the compressed air being led on from the top of the enlarged chamber by means of a pipe. The general dimensions of the compressor plant are: Supply penstock, 60 ins. diam.; supply tank at top, 8 ft. diam. X 10 ft. high; air inlets (feeding numerous small tubes), 34 2-in. pipes; down tube, 44 ins. diam.: down tube, at lower end, 60 ins. diam.; length of taper in down tube, 20 ft.; air chamber in lower end of shaft, 16 ft. diam.; total depth of shaft below normal level of head water, about 150ft.; normal head and fall, about 22 ft.; air discharge pipe, 7 ins. diam. It is used to supply power to engines for operating the printing depart- ment of the Dominion Cotton Mills, Magog, P. Q., Canada. There were three series of tests, viz.: (1) Three tests at different rates of flow of water, the compressor being as originally constructed. (2) Four tests at different rates of flow of water, the compressor inlet tubes for air being increased by 30 3/ 4 -in. pipes. (3) Four tests at different rates of flow of water, the compressor inlet tubes for air being increased by 153/4-m. pipes. HYDRAULIC AIR COMPRESSION. 651 The water used was measured by a weir, and the compressed air by air meters. The table on p. 623 shows the principal results: Test 1, when the flow was about 3800 cu. ft. per min., showed a decided advantage by the use of 30 3/ 4 _in. extra air inlet pipes. Test 5 shows, when the flow of water is about 4200 cu. ft. per mm., that the economy is highest when only 15 extra air tubes are employed. Tests 8 and 9 show, when the flow is about 4600 cu. ft. per min., that there is no advantage in increasing the air-inlet area. Tests 10 and 11 show that a flow of 5000 or more cu. ft. of water is in excess of the capacity of the plant. These four tests may be summarized as follows: The tests show: (1) That the most economic rate of flow of water with this particular installation is about 4300 cu. ft. per min. (2) That this plant has shown an efficiency of 70.7 % under such a flow, which is ex- cellent for a first installation. (3) That the compressed air contains only from 30 to 20% as much moisture as does the atmosphere. (4) That the air is compressed at the temperature of the water. Using an old Corliss engine without any changes in the valve gear as a motor there was recovered 81 H.P. This would represent a total efficiency of work recovered from the falling water, of 51.2%. When the compressed air was preheated to 267 F. before being used in the engine, 111 H.P. was recovered, using 115 Ibs. coke per hour, which would equal about 23 H.P. The efficiency of work recovered from the falling water and the fuel burned would be, therefore, about 61 1/2% . On the basis of Prof. Riedler's experiments, which require only about 425 cu. ft. of air per B.H.P. per hour, when preheated to 300 F. and used in a hot-air jacketed cylinder, the total efficiency secured would have been about 871/2%. Test No 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 Flow of water, cu. ft. per min.. . Available head in ft. . . . 3772 20.54 146.3 864 51.9 83.3 56.8 68.3 66 4.37 61 51.5 3628 20.00 136.9 901 53.7 88.2 64.4 57.7 65.5 4.03 77.5 44 4066 20.35 156.2 967 53.2 94.3 60,3 66.4 66.4 4.20 7! 38.5 4292 19.51 158.1 1148 53.3 111.74 70.7 65.2 66.5 3.74 68 35 4408 19.93 165.8 1091 53.7 107 64.5 59.7 67 4.04 90 29 4700 19.31 171.4 1103 52.9 r06.8 62.2 65 66.5 4.26 60.5 31.2 5058 18.75 179.1 1165 53.3 113.4 63.3 64.2 66 4.34 63 30 Gross water, H.P Cu. ft. air, at atmos. press., per minute Pressure of air at comp., Ibs Effective work in compressing, H.P Efficiency of compressor, % Temp, of external air, deg. F.. . . Temp, of water and comp. air, deg. F Ratio of water to air, volumes... Moisture in external air, p. c. of saturation , Moisture in comp. air, p. c. of saturation Tests 1, 4, and 7 were made with the original air inlets; 2, 5, 8 and 10 with the inlets increased by 153/4-in. pipes, and 3, 6, 9 and 11 with the inlets increased by 303/4-in. pipes. Tests 2, 6,9 and 11 are omitted here. They gave, respectively, 55.5, 61.3, 62, and 55.4% efficiency. Three other hydraulic air-compressor plants are mentioned in Mr. Webber's paper, some of the principal data of which are given below: Peterboro, Norwich, Ont. Conn. Head of water 14ft. 18^ ft. Gauge pressure 25 Ibs. 85 Ibs. Diam. of shaft 42 in. 24 ft. Diam. of compressor pipe 18 ft. 13 ft. Depth below tailrace 64 ft. 215 ft. Horse-power 1365 Cascade Range, Wash. 45 ft. 85 Ibs. 3 ft. 200 In the Cascade Range plant there is no shaft, as the apparatus is con- structed against the vertical walls of a canyon. The diameter of tne up- flow pipe is 4 ft. 9 in. 652 AIR. A description of the Norwich plant is given by J. Herbert Shedd In a paper read before the New England Water Works Assn., 1905 (Compressed Air, April, 1906). The shaft, 24 ft. diam., is enlarged at the bottom into a chamber 52 ft. diam., from which leads an air reservoir 100 ft. long, 18 ft. wide and 15 to 20 ft. high. Suspended in the shaft is a downflow pipe 14 ft. diam. connected at the top with a head tank, and at the bottom with the air-chamber, from which a 16-in. main conveys the air four miles to Norwich, where it is used in engines in several establishments. The Mekarski Compressed-air Tramway at Berne, Switzerland. (Eng'q News, April 20, 1893.) The Mekarski system has been intro- duced in Berne, Switzerland, on a line about two miles long, with grades of 0.25% to 3.7% and 5.2%. The air is heated by passing it through superheated water at 330 F. It thus becomes saturated with steam, which subsequently partly condenses, its latent heat being absorbed by the expanding air. The pressure in the car reservoirs is 440 Ib. per sq. in. The engine is constructed like an ordinary steam tramway locomotive, and drives two coupled axles, the wheel-base being 5.2 ft. It has a pair of outside horizontal cylinders, 5.1 X 8.6 in.; four coupled wheels, 27.5 in. diameter. The total weight of the car, including compressed air, is 7.25 tons, and with 30 passengers, including the driver and conductor, about 9:5 tons. The authorized speed is about 7 miles per hour. The aisad vantages of this system consist in the extremely delicate adjust- ment of the different parts of the system, in the comparatively small supply of air carried by oie motor car, which necessitates the ear return- ing to the depot for refilling after a run of only four miles or 40 minutes, although on the Nogent and Paris lines the cars, which are, moreover, larger, and carry outside passengers on the top, run seven miles, and the loading pressure is 547 Ib. per sq. in. as against only 440 Ib. at Berne. For description of the Mekarski system as used at Nantes, Franco, see paper by Prof. D. S. Jacobus, Trans. A. S. M. E., xix. 553. American Experiments on Compressed Air for Street Railways. Experiments have been made in Washington, D. C., and in New York City on the use of compressed air for street-railway traction. The air was compressed to 2000 Ib. per sq. in. and passed through a reducing- valve and a heater before being admitted to the engine. The system has since been abandoned. For an extended discussion of the relative merits of compressed air and electric traction, with an account of a test of a four-stage compressor giving a pressure of 2500 Ib. per sq. in., see Eng'g News, Oct. 7 and Nov. 4, 1897. A summarized statement of the probable efficiency of compressed-air traction is given as follows: Efficiency of com- pression to 2000 Ib. per sq. in. 65%. By wire-drawing to 100 Ibs. 57.5% of theavailable energy of the air will be lost, leaving 65 X 0.425 = 27.625% as the net efficiency of the air. This may be doubled by heating, making 55.25%, and if the motor has an efficiency of 80% the net efficiency of traction by compressed air will be 55.25 X 0.80 = 44.2%. For a descrip- tion of the Hardie compressed-air locomotive, designed for street-railway work, see Eng'g News, June 24, 1897. For use of compressed air in mine haulage, see Eng'g News, Feb. 10, 1898. Operation of Mine Pumps by Compressed Air. The advantages of compressed air over steam for the operation of mine pumps are: Absence of condensation and radiation losses in pipe lines; high efficiency of com- pressed-air transmission; ease of disposal of exhaust; absence of danger from broken pipes. The disadvantage is that, at a given initial pressure without reheating, a cylinder full of air develops less power than steam. The power end of the pump should be designed for the use of air, with low clearances and with proper proportions of air and water ends, with regard to the head under which the pump is to operate. Wm. Cox (Comp. Air Mag., Feb., 1899) states the relations of simple or single-cylinder pumps to be A/W = Vzh/p, where A = area of air cylinder, sq. in., W = area of water cylinder, sq. in., h = head, ft., and p = air pressure, Ib. per sq. in. Mr. Cox gives the volume V of free air in cu. ft. per minute to operate a direct-acting, single-cylinder pump, working without cut off, to be V = 0.093 W 2 hG/P. Where W 2 = volume of 1 cu. ft. of free air corresponding: to 1 cu. ft. of free air at pressure P, G => gallons of water to be raised per minute, P => FANS AND BLOWERS. 653 receiver-gauge pressure of air to be used, and h = head in feet under which pump works. This formula is based on a piston speed of 100 ft. per minute arid 15% has been added to the volume ot air to cover losses. The useful work done in a pump using air at full pressure is greater at low pressures than at high, and the efficiency is increased. High pressures are not so economical for simple pumps as low pressures. As high-pressure air is required for drills, etc., and as the air for pumps is drawn from the same main, the air must either be wire-drawn into the pumps, or a reducing valve be inserted between the pump and main. Wire-drawing causes a low efficiency in the pump. If a reducing valve is used, the increase of volume will be accompanied with a drop in temperature, so that the full value of the increase is not realized. Part of the lost heat may be regained by friction, and from external sources. The efficiency of the system may be increased by the use of underground receivers for the expanded air before it passes to the pump. If the receiver be of ample size, the air will regain nearly its normal temperature, the entrained moisture will be deposited and freezing troubles avoided. By compounding the pumps, the efficiency may be increased to about 25 per cent. In simple purnps it ranges from 7 to 16 per cent: For much further information on this sub- ject see Peele's " Compressed- Air Plant for Mines," 1908. FANS AND BLOWEES. Centrifugal Fans. The ordinary centrifugal fan consists of a number of blades fixed to arms revolving at high speed. The width of the blade is parallel to the shaft. The experiments of W. Buckle (Proc. Inst. M. E., 1847) are often quoted as still standard. Mr. Buckle's conclusions, how- ever, do not agree with those of modern experimenters, nor do the propor- tions of fans as determined by him have any similarity to those of modern fans. The experiments were made on fans of the " paddle-wheel" type, and have no bearing on the more modern multiblade fans of the " Sirocco " type. The rules laid down by Buckle do not give a fan the highest volu- metric efficiency without loss of mechanical efficiency. By volumetric efficiency is meant the ratio of the volume of air delivered per revo- lution to the cubical contents of the wheel, if the wheel be considered a solid whose dimensions are those of the wheel. Inasmuch as the loss due to friction of the air entering the fan will be less with a large inlet than with a small one, in a wheel of given diameter, more power will be consumed in delivering a given volume of air with a small inlet than with a larger one. In the ordinary fan the number of blades varies from 4 to 8, while with multiblade fans it is from 48 to 64. The number of blades has a direct relation to the size of the inlet. This is made as large as possible for the reason given above. Any increase in the diameter of the inlet necessarily decreases the depth of the blade, thus di- minishing the capacity and pressure. To overcome this decrease, the number of blades is increased to the limit placed by construc- tional considerati9ns. A properly proportioned fan is one in which a balance is obtained between these two features of maximum inlet and maximum number of blades. In some cases two fans mounted on one shaft may be more useful than a single wide one, as in such an arrangement -twice the area of inlet opening is obtained, as compared with a single wide fan. Such an arrangement may be adopted where occasionally half the full quantity of air is required, as one of the fans may be put out of gear and thus save power. Rules for Fan Design. It is impossible to give any general rules or formulse covering the proportions of parts of fans and blowers. There are no less than 14 variables involved in the construction and operation of fans, a slight change in any one producing wide variations in the perform- ance. The design of a new fan by manufacturers is largely a matter of trial and error, based on experiments, until a compromise with all the variables is obtained which most nearly conforms to the given conditions. Pressure Due to Velocity of the Fan Blades. The pressure of the air due to the velocity of the fan blades .may be determined by the formula itic ^ ^ ^$ i,aU 7C55 ^^- t o3^f^ iSS-j ^ . ^^ ^ ^^ Total E fficiei icy s x -J ^ ^ - ^ igns. ^" s* ^ ^ < ^- -^ X 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 16 Per Cent of Rated Capacity FIG. 148. CHARACTERISTICS OF A MULTI-BLADE FAN. small fans at high speeds delivering the same volume, the type of fan being the same. The theoretical values are greatly modified by vari- ations in practical conditions. For every fan running at constant speed there is a pressure and corresponding volume at which a fan will operate at its maximum efficiency (see characteristic curves), and a FANS AND BLOWERS. C57 wide variation in these conditions will give a great drop in efficiency. In selecting a fan for any purpose the catalogues and bulletins issued by manufacturers should be examined, and a tabular comparison made of the sizes, speed, etc., of different fans which may be used for the given purpose and conditions. The following is an example of such a comparison of three multi-blade fans (Sturtevant) which may be used to deliver approximately 15,000 cu. ft. of air against a resistance, of 5 in. of water column. . Wheel Resistance, 5 in. Size R P M H P Inches. Vol. R.P.M. H.P. Turbovane.. 221/2 15,500 2210 25 Smallest Highest Medium Supervane. . Multivane. . 25 26 15,400 15,900 1033 1103 23.5 26 Medium Largest Lowest Medium Lowest Highest Experiments on a Fan with Constant Discharge-opening and Varying Speed. The first four columns are given by Mr. Snell, the others are calculated by the author. , . ._ ^ vi i i +* X I ^ 9 J 4) Ol i S'\ ? P ft 3 . o a 1 O || i ?! || o B l 5? w 0) ft fe *2 <<-S a >> ^ S* * ^H ^-S^ ^ ^ ft $ QJ 3 *1 *o ft i 13 -is III a g 2 2 " o--- ft 13 S5 11 1 w > o *". t> .. H 8 600 0.50 1336 0.25 60.2 56.6 85.1 3,630 0.182 73 800 0.88 1787 0.70 80.3 75.0 85.6 4,856 0.429 61 1000 1.38 2245 1.35 100.4 94 85.4 6,100 0.845 63 1200 2.00 2712 2.20 120.4 113 85.1 7,370 1.479 67 1400 2.75 3177 3.45 140.5 133 84.8 8,633 2.283 66 1600 3.80 3670 5.10 160.6 156 82.4 9,973 3.803 74 1800 4.80 4172 8.00 180.6 175 82.4 11,337 5.462 68 2000 5.95 4674 11.40 200.7 195 85.6 12,701 7.586 67 Mr. Snell has not found any practical difference between the mechanical efficiencies of blowers with curved blades and those with straight radial ones. From these experiments, says Mr. Snell, it appears that we may expect to receive back 65% to 75% of the power expended, and no more. The great amount of power often used to run a fan is not due to the fan itself, but to the method of selecting, erecting, and piping it. (For opin- ions on the relative merits of fans and positive rotary blowers, see discus- sion of Mr. Snell's paper, Trans. A. S. M. E., ix. 66, etc.) Comparative Efficiency of Fans and Positive Blowers. (H. M. Howe, Trans. A. I. M. E., x. 482.) Experiments with fans and positive (Baker) blowers working at moderately low pressures, under 20 ounces, .show that they work more efficiently at a given pressure when delivering large volumes (i.e., when working nearly up to their maximum capacity) than when delivering comparatively small volumes. Therefore, when great variations in the quantity and"^ pressure of blast required are liable to arise, the highest efficiency would be obtained by having a number of blowers, always driving them up to their full capacity, ana regulating the amount of blast by altering the number of blowers at work, instead of having one or two very large blowers and regulating the amount of blast by the speed of the blowers. There appears to be little difference between the efficiency of fans and of Baker blowers when each works under favorable conditions as regards quantity of work, and when each is in good order. For a given speed of fan, any diminution in the size of the blast-orifice decreases the consumption of power and at the same time raises the pros- 658 AIR. sure of tlie blast; but it increases the consumption of power per unit of prince for a given pressure of blast. When the orifice has been reduced to the normal size for any given fan, further diminishing it causes but slight elevation of the blast pressure; and, when the orifice becomes compara- tively small, further diminishing it causes no sensible elevation of the blast pressure, which remains practically constant, even when the orifice is entirely closed. Many of the failures of fans have been due to too low speed, to too small pulleys, to improper fastening of belts, or to the belts being too nearly ver- tical; m brief, to bad mechanical arrangement, rather than to inherent defects in the principles of the machine. If several fans are used, it is probably essential to high efficiency to pro- vide a separate blast pipe for each (at least if the fans are of different size or speed), while any number of positive blowers may deliver into the same pipe without lowering their efficiency. The Sturtevant Multi-blade Fans. The B. F. Sturteyant Co. has developed three styles of fans with numerous blades which have been given the trade names Multivane, Supervane, and Turbovane. The Multivane and Supervane fans are used for the same kind of service, that is, mostly for heating, ventilating, and mechanical draught. For a given diameter, the Supervane operates at lower speed and requires less power than the Multivane. The Turbovane fan is designed for high-speed direct-connected drives, such as steam turbines. It is a very wide fan, made double inlet, and for a given volume and pressure will be smaller in diameter and operate at about twice the speed of the Multivane and require about the same power. The Turbovane and Supervane fans have blades considerably deeper than the Multivane. The curvature is also radically different in all three types. The spiral or housing is considerably different in the three types. Sturtevant Multivane Fan. Resistance 1/2 in. Resistance 2 in. Resistance 5 in. |ll s|. g L % gs rf g ! N 'SnJ 34* g PH' 04 o^d'S W PH ^s's PH' PH' -^55 S3 W t> gj g ^ gj w > ti g fe 2 21 1,300 705 0.220 2,850 1471 2.15 3,980 2205 6.6 13 3 26l'2 2,030 565 0.345 4,440 1178 3.3 6,210 1764 10.0 161/2 4 31 1/2 2,920 470 0.495 6,400 980 4.8 8,940 1471 14.5 191/2 5 37 3,980 404 0.67 8,720 840 6.5 12,200 1260 20 23 6 42 5,200 353 0.88 11,400 735 8.5 15,900 1103 26 26 61/2 47 6,570 314 1.10 14,400 654 11.0 20,100 980 33 291/2 7 521/2 8,110 282 1.40 17/800 588 13.5 24,800 882 41 32 1/2 8 63 11,700 235 2.00 25,600 490 19 35,800 735 60 39 9 73V2 15,900 202 2.70 34,800 420 26 48,700 631 80 451/2 10 831/2 20,800 176 3.50 45,500 368 34 63,600 552 105 52 11 94 26,300 157 4.45 57,600 327 43 80,500 490 135 581/2 12 1041/2 32,500 141 5.5 71,000 294 54 99,400 441 165 65 13 115 39,400 128 6.7 86,100 268 j 64 121,000 401 200 71 1/2 14 1251/2 46,800 118 7.9 102,000 245 76 143,000 368 235 78 15 . 136 54,800 109 9.3 120,000 226 90 168,000 340 275 841/2 16 1461/2 63,500 101 11.0 139,000 210 105 195.000 315 320 91 17 157 73,000 94 12.5 160,000 196 120 224,000 294 370 971/2 18 167 83,100 88 14 182,000 184 135 255,000 276 420 104 20 188 105,000 78 18 230,000 163 170 322,000 245 530 117 22 209 130,000 71 22 285,000 147 : 215 398.000 221 655 130 24 230 157,000 64 27 344,000 134 260 481,000 200 795 143 26 2501/2 187,000 55 32 410,000 115305 573.000 173 945 156 FANS AND BLOWERS. 659' Sturtevant Supervane Fan. Resistance 1/2 in. Resistance 2 in. Resistance 5 in. b<- 7 oj & g g a ^ S ft . ^' l-2 N 'Soli -oVe PH P^ oV P^ PH 'oVl P^ PH' 33 OQ PJ W > tf W > PJ W ^ A 26 1,470 645 0.235 2,940 1290 1.90 4,160 1980 6.4 13 B 32 2,230 525 0.355 4,460 1051 2.90 6,320 1610 9.7 16 C 38 3,150 442 0.50 6,300 885 4.05 8,910 1358 13.5 19 D 44 4,200 382 0.67 8,420 764 5.4 11,900 1171 18.0 22 E 491/2 5,450 337 0.87 10,900 673 7.0 15,400 1033 23.5 25 F 55V2 6,820 300 1.10 13,600 600 8.8 19,300 921 30 28 G 631/2 8,900 262 1.40 17,800 525 11.5 25,200 805 38 32 H 73V2 11,300 233 1.80 22,600 467 14.5 32,000 716 49 36 J 791/2 13,900 210 2.20 27,800 420 18 39,400 645 60 40 K 9H/2 18,500 183 2.90 36,900 365 24 52,300 560 80 46 L 103 23,500 162 3.75 47,000 323 30 66,600 496 100 52 M 115 29,300 145 4.65 58,500 290 38 83,000 444 125 58 N 127 35,600 131 5.7 71,200 263 46 101,000 403 155 64 P 139 42,700 120 6.8 85,400 240 56 121,000 368 185 70 1501/2 50,300 111 8.0 101,000 221 66 143,000 339 220 76 R 166V2 61,400 100 9.8 123,000 200 80 174,000 307 265 84 S 1821/2 73,500 91 11.5 147,000 183 96 208,000 280 320 92 T I98V2 86,900 84 14.0 174,000 168 110 246,000 258 375 100 U 2141/2 102,000 78 16.0 204,000 156 130" 288,000 239 440 108 V 230 117,000 72 18.5 234,000 145 150 332,000 222 505 116 W 254 143,000 66 23 285,000 131 185 404,000 202 615 128 X 2771/2 171,000 6027 341,000 120 220 483,000 184 740 140 Y 301 1/2 201,000 5532 401,000 111 260 569,000 170 870 152 Sturtevant Turbovane Fan. Resistance 1 in. Resistance 3 in. Resistance 6 in. o -^ Too all 3 d g gY. ,a 8 . g 3 11 N rl J+rg PH' PH ^c's pj PH 'o'd's PH' PH j55S 33 W >. tf W !*_ PH' W >*" P4 W ^ 40 28 1,670 1958 0.53 2,930 3400 2.85 4,010 47oO 7.8 IH/2 45 35 2,610 1563 0.83 4,560 2720 4.4 6,250 3800 12.0 141/2 50 42 3,770 1300 1.20 6,600 2260 6.5 9,050 3161 17.5 17 55 49 5,100 1118 1.65 8,950 1940 8.8 12,300 2719 23.5 20' 60 56 6,700 978 2.15 11,700 1700 11.0 16,100 2380 31 221/2 65 63 8,500 868 2.75 14,900 1510 14.5 20,400 2115 39 251/2 70 70 10,500 781 3.35 18,300 1358 17.5 25,100 1900 48 281/2 80 84 15,100 651 4.85 26,300 1131 26 36,100 1582 70 34 90 97 20,500 558 6.5 35,800 971 35 49,100 1360 92 39 1/2 100 112 26,800 490 8.5 46,800 851 45 64,000 1192 120 45 110 126 34,000 435 11.0 59,500 755 58 81,500 1058 155 51 120 140 41,800 391 13.5 73,000 679 70 101,000 950 190 561/2 130 154 50,500 353 16.5 88,500 617 86 122,000 865 230 62 140 168 60,500 326 19.5 106,000 566 100 145,000 792 280 67 1/2 150 182 71,000 300 22.5 124,000 521 120 170,000 729 325 73 1/2 160 196 82,000 279 26 144,000 485 140 197,000 680 380 79 660 AIR. Capacity of Fans and Blowers. The folio wing .tables supplied (1909) by the American Blower Co., Detroit, show the capacities of exhaust fans and volume and pressure blowers. The tables are all based on curves established by experiment. The pressures, volumes and horse-powers were all actually measured with the apparatus working against maintained resistances formed by restrictions equivalent to those found in actual prac- tice, and which experience shows will produce the best results. Speed, Capacity and Horse-power of Steel Plate Exhaust Fans. (American Blower Co., Type E, 1908.) Diameter of wheel, in. i '5 ft s 9 15 .g 1/2 oz. pres- sure. 3/4 oz. pres- sure. 1 oz. pres- sure. 2 oz. pres- sure. fc ft . | b 0) ft . ft 1. 1 ft. 1 ^ II w si cTC- 5 aj t 3 o fl 11 O 11 P^ tf o O % 1 PH P3 " C 11 O -o % si |a PS <+" 3. 1 S 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 38 44 50 61/8 71/8 81/8 93/8 107/s 123/g 131/2 151/8 161/2 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 29 985 830 715 630 563 508 464 415 375 328 1,09 1 580 2,155 2,820 3 560 4,400 5,330 6,350 7,440 10,050 0.30 0.43 0.59 0.77 0.97 1.20 1.45 1.73 2.02 2.75 1200 1012 876 772 689 622 567 509 459 402 1,345 1,940 2,635 3,450 4,360 5,390 6,525 7,775 9,120 12,100 0.56 0.80 1.08 1.41 1.78 2.20 2.66 3.18 3.72 4.94 1390 1170 1010 890 795 719 655 587 530 464 1 555 2,240 3,040 3.980 5030 6,220 7,530 8,960 10.500 13,980 0.85 1.22 1.66 2.17 2.74 3.39 4.10 4.89 5.72 7.62 1966 1655 1430 1260 1125 1015 927 830 750 656 2.200 3,175 4,310 5.646 7,140 8,820 10,650 12700 14,875 19,800 2.40 3.46 4.70 0.15 7.79 9.63 11.60 13.85 16.20 21.60 Speed, Capacity and Horse-power of Volume Blowers. (American Blower Co., Type V, 1909.) 1/2 oz. pres- 3/4 oz. pres- 1 oz. pres- 1 1/2 oz. pres- sure. sure. sure. sure. ft ~.s (_ JLi -, i> t_ "o.d o> ~ .. ft. cc ft. g ft. ft. _r ^c *- O j/ o ^ ^^ o ^ Ji ^ 1 * fi < c s 1 a * . Xs *'~ T3 1 5 /8 o '*"' .s is .S'ft Q 63/ 4 Area of outlet, sq.ft. Oz. 10 17.28 11 19.02 12 13 14 15 16 In. 20.75 22.5 24.22 25.95 27.66 Circum whee H.P. const, at 1000 cu.ft. 6.20 6.82 7.44 8.07 8.69 9.30 9.9.. 17 4.45 0.2485 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 3740 1093 6.78 3920 1148 7.83 4090 1196 8.9 3 191/2 17/8 5.11 73/ 4 0.327 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 3255 1440 8.93 3415 1510 10.3 3570 1575 11.72 3710 1642 13.26 3955 1700 14.75 3985 1762 16.4 4120 1820 18.05 4 5 6 22 241/2 2V8 5.76 83/4 93/4 0.4176 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 2890 1840 11.40 3030 1930 13.16 3163 2012 14.96 3290 2095 16.9 3420 2175 18.9 3535 2250 20.9 3650 2325 23.1 23/8 6.41 0.519 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 2595 2280 14.13 2720 2395 16.33 2845 2500 18.6 2960 2605 21.05 3075 2700 23.45 3180 2800 26.05 3280 2885 28.66 27 27/8 7.06 103/4 0.63 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 2355 2770 17.18 2470 2910 19.85 2580 3033 22.6 2685 3165 25.55 2790 3280 28.50 2885 3395 31.55 2980 3500 34.7 7 8 32 33/8 8.39 121/2 0.852 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 1983 3750 23.25 2080 3930 26.80 2170 4110 30.6 2260 4276 34.5 2345 4430 33. 5 2430 4590 42.7 251C 4730 47. 37 37/8 9.70 14 1.069 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 1715 4700 29.15 1800 4930 33.66 1880 5150 38.33 1955 5360 43.25 2030 5560 48.30 2100 5760 53.55 2170 5940 59. 9 42 43/8 10.98 16 1.396 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 1515 6150 38.15 1590 6450 44.00 1660 6730 50.15 1728 7010 56.60 1792 7270 63.2 1855 7525 70. 1916 7760 77. 10 11 47 47/8 12.30 171/2 1.67 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 1352 7350 45.60 1418 7715 52.66 1480 8055 60, 1540 8390 67.66 1600 8700 75.6 1655 9010 83.9 1710 9300 92.25 52 53/8 57/8 3.6 91/4 2.02 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 1222 8900 55.20 1282 9330 63.6 1340 9750 72.5 1393 10140 82. 1447 10520 91.5 1498 10890 101.2 1546 H220 111.33 12 57 4.92 2, 2.405 R.P.M. C.F. H.P. 1113 10580 65.5 1168 11100 75.70 1220 11600 86.33 1270 12080 97.5 1318 12520 10? 1363 12960 120.5 1410 13380 132.75 Caution in Regard to Use of Fan and Blower Tables. Many en- gineers report that some manufacturers' tables overrate the capacity of their fans and underestimate the horse-power required to drive them. In some cases the complaints may be due to restricted air outlets, long and crooked pipes, slipping of belts, too small engines, etc. It may also be due to the fact that the volumes are stated without being accompanied by information as to the maintained resistance, and the volumes givea FANS AND BLOWERS. 663 may be those delivered with an unrestricted inlet and outlet. As this condition is not a practical one, the volume delivered in an installation is much smaller than that given in the tables. The underestimating of horse-power required may be due to the fact that the volumes given in tables are for operation against a practical resistance, and in an installa- tion it might be that the resistance was low, consequently the volume and also the horse-powei required would be greater. Capacity of Sturtevant High-Pressure Blowers (1908). Number of blower. Capacity in cubic feet per minute, 1/2 lb. pres- sure. Revolutions per minute. Inside dia. of inlet and outbt, inches. Approx. weight, pounds.* 000 1 to 5 200 to 1000 13 ' 8 40 00 5 to 25 375 to 800 11/3 80 25 to 45 370 to 800 21/2 140 ] 45 to 130 240 to 600 3 330 2 130 to 225 300 to 500 4 550 3 225 to 325 380 to 525 4 760 4 325 to 560 350 to 565 6 1,080 5 560 to 1 ,030 300 to 475 8 1,670 6 1,030 to 1,540 290 to 415 10 2,500 7 1,540 to 2,300 280 to 410 10 3,200 8 2,300 to 3,300 265 to 375 12 4,700 9 3,300 to 4,700 250 to 350 16 6,100 10 4,700 to 6,000 260 to 330 16 8,000 11 6,000 to 8,500 220 to 310 20 12,100 12 8500 to 11,300 190 to 250 24 18,700 13 11, 300 to 15,500 190 to 260 30 22,700 * Of blower for 1/2 lb. pressure. Performance of a No. 7 Steel Pressure Blower under Varying Conditions of Outlet. Per cent of Rated Ca- pacity 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Per cent of Rated H.P. 28 42 57 72 86 100 116 130 144 159 173 187 202 Total pres- sure, oz 10.211.411.912.011.911.410.910.39.7 9.1 8.5 7.9 7.2 Static pres- sure, oz .. 10.29.2 8.0 6.6 5.0 3.5 1.9 0.3 Efficiency, per cent 26 40 50 56 60 62 61 59 56 52 48 45 The above figures are taken from a plotted curve of the results of a test by the Buffalo Forge Co. in 1905. A letter describing the test eavs : The object was to determine the variation of pressure, power and efficiency obtained at a constant speed with capacities varying from zero discharge to free delivery. A series of capacity conditions were secured by restricting the outlet of the blower by a series of converging cones, so arranged as to make the convergence in each case very slight, and of sufficient length to avoid any noticeable inequality in velocities at the discharge orifice. The fan was operated as nearly at constant speed as possible. The velocity of the air at the point of discharge was measured by a Pitot tube and draft gauge of usual construction. Readings were taken over several points of the outlet and the average taken, although 664 AlE. the variation under nearly all conditions was scarcely perceptible. A coefficient of 93% was assumed for the discharge orifice. The pressure was taken as the reading given by the Pitot tube and draft gauge at outlet. The agreement of this reading with the static pressure in a chamber from which a nozzle was conducted had been checked by a previous test in which the two readings, i.e., velocity and static pressure, were found to agree exactly within the limit of accuracy of the draft gauge, which was about 0.01 in., or, in this case, within 1% The horse- power was determined by means of a motor which had been previously calibrated by a series of brake tests. Variations in speed were assumed to produce variation in capacity in proportion to the speed, variation in pressure to the square of the speed, and variation in H.P. in proportion to the cube of the speed. These relations had been previously shown to hold true for fans in other tests. They were also checked up by oper- ating the fan at various speeds and plotting the capacities directly with the speed as abscissa, the pressure with the square of the speed as abscissa, and the horse power with the cube of the speed as abscissa. These were found, as in previous cases, to have a practically straight-line relation, in which the line passed through the origin. Effect of Resistance upon the Capacity of a Fan. A study of the figures in the above table shows the importance of having ample capacity in the air mains and delivery pipes, an.i of the absence of sharp bends or other obstructions to the flow which may increase the resistance or pressure against which the fan operates. The fan delivering its rated capacity against a static pressure of 10.2 ounces delivers only 40 % of that capacity, with the same number of revolutions, if the pressure is increased to 11.6 ounces; the power is reduced only to 57%, instead of 40%, and the efficiency drops from 60% to 40%. Dimensions of Sirocco Fans. (American Blower Co., 1909.) s i i .2 ^d <3 Ov> 1 1% "S.si .S *.S ^ t, to W 93 ^ U m ^ > *? ^S tsj " E? 3.8 "o 5g lit 3j | JH ^j? o5 -oW| 5 n c3 -S Q -g,jO S_^Q *i ^ W s s "" H H & ^ ^ s < ^ ** ^ 6 3 48 56 ii" 4 10" .23 .123 .11 .12 3" 9 41/2 48 127 r 4" 6 r 3" .49* .349 .25 .35 41/4" 12 6 64 226 r 9" 8 ,/ 7 // .85 .616 .44 .60 53/ 4 " 15 71/2 64 353 2' 4" 10 2' 0" 1.46 .957 .69 .92 71/ 4 ;; 18 9 64 509 2' 10" 12 2' 5" 1.87 1.37 1.00 1.40 21 101/2 64 693 3 / 4 // 14 2' 10" 2.40 1.87 1.34 1.87 10" 2 24 12 64 904 y 8" 16 y 3" 3.14 2.46 1.78 2.40 1 1 1/2" 27 131/2 64 1144 4 / 3" 18 3' 7" 4.59 3.11 2.25 3.14 13" 30 15 64 1413 4' 7" 20 4' 0" 5.58 3.83 2.78 3.83 1 4 1/2" 36 18 64 2036 5' 6" 24 4' 10" 7.87 5.50 4.00 5.58 17" 42 21 64 2770 6' 5" 23 5' 7" 10.56 7.47 5.44 7.47 20" 48 24 64 3617 7' 3" 32 6' 5" 13.6 9.79 7.11 9.85 23" 54 27 64 4578 8' 2" 36 7' 3" 17.0 12.3 9.00 12.3 26" 60 30 64 5652 y ,// 40 S' 0" 20.9 15.2 11.11 15.3 281/ 2 " 66 33 64 6839 y ||// 44 8' 10'J 25.2 18.4 13.41 18.3 311/ 2 " 72 36 64 8144 lO' 10" 43 9, r 29.8 22.2 16.00 22.3 341/ 2 " Sirocco or Multtvane Fans. There has recently (1909) come into use a fan of radically different proportions and characteristics from the ordi- nary centrifugal fan. This fan is composed of a great number of shallow vanes, ranging from 48 to 64, set close together around the periphery of the fan wheel. Over a large range of sizes, 64 vanes appear to give the Speed, Capacities and Horse-power of Sirocco Fans. (American Blower Co., 1909.) The figures given represent dynamic pressures in oz. per sq. in. For static pressure, deduct 28.8%; for velocity pressure, deduct 71.2%. 4, . N P N eo~ o 1 1/4 OZ. N O o o N O 6 9 \2 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 42 48 Cu.ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 155 1,145 .0185 220 1,615 .052 270 1,980 .095 310 2,290 .147 350 2,560 .205 380 2,800 .270 410 3,025 .34 440 3,230 .42 490 3,616 .58 540 3,960 .76 Cu.ft, R.P.M. B.H.P. 350 762 .042 500 1,076 .118 610 1,320 .216 700 1,524 .333 790 1,700 .463 860 1,866 .610 930 2,020 .77 1,000 2,152 .95 1,110 2,408 1.32 1,220 2,640 1.73 Cu.ft, R.P.M. B.H.P. 625 572 .074 880 808 .208 1,080 990 .381 1,250 1,145 .588 1,400 1,280 .82 1,530 1,400 1.08 1,650 1,512 1.36 1,770 1,615 1.66 1,970 1,808 2.32 2,170 1,980 3.05 Cu.ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 975 456 .115 1,380 645 .326 1,690 790 .600 1,950 912 .923 2,180 1,020 1.29 2,400 1,120 1.69 2,590 1,210 2.14 2,760 1,290 2.61 3,090 1,444 3.65 3,390 1,580 4.8 "4^880 1,320 6.9 Cu. ft, R.P.M. B.H.P. 1,410 381 .167 1,990 538 .470 2,440 660 .862 2,820 762 1.33 3,160 850 1.85 3,450 933 2.43 3,720 1,010 3.07 3,980 1,076 3.75 4,450 1,204 5.25 Cu. ft, R.P.M. B.H.P. 1,925 326 .227 2,710 462 .640 3,310 565 1.17 3,850 652 1.81 4,290 730 2.53 4,700 800 3.33 5,070 864 4.18 5,420 924 5.11 6,060 1,032 7.15 6,620 1,130 9.4 Cu. ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 2,500 286 .296 3,540 404 .832 4,340 495 1.53 5,000 572 2.35 5,600 640 3.28 6,120 700 4.32 6,620 756 5.44 7,080 807 6.64 7.900 904 9.3 8,680 990 12.2 Cu. ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 3,175 254 .373 4,490 359 1.05 5,500 440 1.94 6,350 508 2.98 7,100 568 4.16 7,780 622 5.48 8,400 672 6.90 8,980 718 8.44 10,050 804 11.8 11,000 880 15.5 Cu. ft, R.P.M. B.H.P. 3,910 228 .460 5,520 322 1.30 6,770 395 2.40 7,820 456 3.68 8,750 510 5.15 9,600 560 6.75 10,350 604 8.53 11,050 645 10.4 12,350 722 14.5 13,550 790 19.1 Cu.ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 5,650 190 .665 7,950 269 1.87 9,750 330 3.44 11,300 381 5.30 12,640 425 7.40 13,800 466 9.72 14,900 504 12.25 15,900 538 15.0 17,800 602 20.9 19,500 660 27.5 Cu. ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 7,700 163 .903 10,850 231 2.55 13,300 283 4.69 15,400 326 7.24 "207)00 286 9.40 17,170 365 10.1 18,800 400 13.3 20,300 432 16.7 21,700 462 20.4 24,250 516 28.5 26,600 566 37.5 Cu.ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 10,000 143 1.18 14,150 202 3.32 17,350 248 6.10 22,400 320 13.1 24,500 350 17.2 26,500 378 21.75 28,300 403 26.6 31,600 452 37.1 34,700 495 48.8 54 60 66 72 78 84 Cu. ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 12,700 127 1.49 17,950 179 4.20 22,000 220 7.75 25,400 254 11.9 28,400 284 16.6 31,100 311 21.9 33,600 336 27.6 35,900 359 33.7 40,200 402 47.1 44,000 440 62. Cu. ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 15,650 114 1.84 22,100 161 5.20 2MOO 147 6.30 27,100 198 9.58 31,300 228 14.7 35,000 255 20.6 38,400 280 27.0 41,400 302 34.1 44,200 322 41.6 49,400 361 58.2 54,200 396 76.5 Cu. ft. R.P.M. B.H.P. 18,950 104 2.23 32,850 180 11.6 37,900 208 17.8 42,300 232 24.9 46,400 254 32.7 50,100 275 41.2 53,600 294 50.4 60,000 328 70.4 65,700 360 92.6 78,000 330 110. Cu. ft. R.P.M. B.II.P. 22,600 95 2.66 31,800 134 7.48 39,000 165 13.7 45,200 190 21.2 50,600 212 29.6 55,200 233 38.9 59,600 252 49.0 63,600 269 59.8 71,200 301 83.6 Cu. ft. R.P.M B.H.P. 26,400 88 3.10 37,350 124 8.77 45,800 153 16.1 52,800 176 24.8 59,100 197 34.7 64,700 215 45.6 70,000 233 57.5 74,700 248 70.2 83,500 278 98. 91,600 305 129. Cu. ft. R.P.M. B.H.P 30,800 81 3.61 43,400 115 10.2 53,200 142 18.7 61,600 163 28.9 68,700 182 40.4 75,200 200 53.0 81,200 216 66.8 86,800 231 81.7 97,100 258 114. 106,400 283 150. 90 Cu. ft R.P.M B.H.P 35,250 76 4 14 49,800 107 1 11.7 61.000 132 21.5 70,500 152 33.1 78,800 170 46.2 86,400 186 60.7 93,300 201 76.7 99,600 214 93 6 111,200 241 131. 122.000 264 172. 665 666 AIR. best results. The vanes, measured radially, have a depth l/ie the fan diameter. Axialiy, they are much longer than those of the ordinary fan, being 3/ 5 the fan diameter. The fan occupies about 1/2 the space, and is about 2/3 the weight of the ordinary fan. The vanes are concaved in the direction of rotation and the outer edge is set forward of the inner edge. The inlet area is of the same diameter as the inner edge of the blades. Usually the inlet is on one side of the fan only, and is unobstructed, the wheel being overhung from a bearing at the opposite end. A peculiarity of this type of fan is that the air leaves it at a velocity about 80 per cent in excess of the peripheral speed of the blades. The velocity of the air through the inlet is practically uniform over the entire inlet area. The power consumption is relatively low. This type of fan was invented by S. C. Davidson of Belfast, Ireland, and is known at the "Sirocco" fan. It is made under that name in this country by the American Blower Co., to which the author in indebted for the preceding tables. A Test of a " Sirocco " Mine Fan at Llwnypia, Wales, is reported in Eng'g., April 16, 1909. The fan is 11 ft. Sin. diam., double inlet, direct- coupled to a 3-phase motor. Average of three tests: Revs, per min., 184; Seripheral speed, 6,705 ft. per min.; water-gauge in fan drift and in main rift, each 6 in.; area of drift, 184.6 sq. ft.; av. velocity of air, 1842 ft. per min; volume of air, 340,033 cu. ft. per min.; H.P. input at motor, 420; Brake H.P. on fan shaft, 390; Indicated H.P. in air, 321.5; efficiency of motor, 93%; mechanical efficiency of fan, 82.43%; combined mechan- ical efficiency of fan and motor, 76.6%. High-Pressure Centrifugal Fans. (See page 648.) The Conoidal Fan. A multiblade fan in which the blades are not parallel to the shaft, but inclined to it, so that their tips form the shape of a cone, the inlet being the large diameter, is made by the Buffalo Forge Co. It is known as the Buffalo Niagara Conoidal Fan. A table of the regular sizes of these fans is given below. Capacities of Buffalo Niagara Conoidal Fans. Under Average Working Conditions at 70 F. and 30 in. Barometer. Static Pressure is 77.5% of Total Pressure. Volumes in cu. ft. per min. J P 1-in. Total Pressure, or 0.577 oz. 2-in. Total Pressure, or 1.154 oz. 4-in. Total Pressure, or 2.307 oz. 6 ll O a Uj a d cuS J/2 PH ,_; p* PH ,_; PH* PH PH c3 E ii tf O w A {> w P4 > H ~3~ 155/8 1.31 675 2,440 0.54 955 3,450 1.54 1350 4,480 4.35 31/2 181/8 1.79 579 3,320 0.74 818 4,690 2.09 1157 6,640 5.92 201/2 2.33 506 4,340 0.97 716 6,130 2.73 1013 8,670 7.73 41/2 231/2 2.95 450 5,490 1.22 636 7,760 3.46 900 10,970 9.78 5 261,8 3.64 405 6,770 1.51 573 9,580 4.27 810 13,550 12.1 51/2 283/4 4.41 368 8,200 1.83 521 11,590 5.17 736 16,390 14.6 6 313/8 5.25 338 9,750 2.17 477 13,790 6.15 675 19,510 17.4 7 361/2 7.14 289 13,280 2.96 409 18,770 8.37 579 26,550 23.7 8 42 9.33 253 17,340 3.87 358 24,520 10.9 506 34,680 30.9 9 47 11.81 225 21,950 4.89 318 31,020 13.8 450 43.890 39.1 10 52 14.58 203 27,090 6.04 286 38,310 17.1 405 54,180 48.3 11 58 17.64 184 32,780 7.31 260 46,360 20.7 368 65,560 58.5 12 63 21.00 169 39,010 8.70 239 55,170 24.6 338 78,020 69.6 13 68 24.65 156 45,780 10.2 220 64,730 28.9 312 91,560 81.6 14 73 28.68 145 53,100 11.8 205 75,090 33.5 289 106,200 94.7 15 78 32.80 135 60,960 13.6 191 86,200 38.4 270 121,920 108.7 16 84 37.32 127 69,360 15.5 179 98,060 43.7 253 138,700 123.7 . 17 89 42.14 119 78,300 17.5 169 110,720 49.4 238 156,600 139.6 18 94 47.24 113 87,780 19.6 159 124,110 55.3 225 175,550 156.5 19 99 52.63 107 97,800 21.8 151 138,280 61.7 213 195,600 174.4 20 1105 58.32 101 108,370 24.2 143 153,250 68.3 202 216,720 193.2 FANS AND BLOWERS. ' 667 METHODS OF TESTING FANS. Anemometer Method. Measurements by anemometers are liable to be very inaccurate (see page 625) and results obtained by them should be considered only as rough approximations. Water Gauge Readings at End of Tapered Cone. This method is also far from accurate on account of variable eddies in the air column. Pitot Tube Readings in Center of Discharge Pipe. This method gives fairly accurate results when the discharge pipe is the same size as the fan outlet, when the Pitot tube is placed at a distance equal to at least 15 diameters of the pipe from the fan outlet, when the tube is so made that it will give correct readings of the static pressure, and when the velocities computed from the readings are corrected by a coefficient (0.87 to 0.92 in different experiments) for the ratio between the average velocity and the velocity at the center of the tube. Pitot Tube Readings in Zones of Equal Area. More accurate results may be obtained if the tube is traversed across two diameters of the tube at right angles to each other, placing the nozzle successively at points which will divide the cross-sectional area into equal annular areas (with one central circular area). If ten such points are taken on each diameter, the radial distances of the points from the center . of the pipe will be 31, 55, 71, 84, and 95% of the radius of the pipe from the center. Since the velocity at any point is proportional to the square root of the velocity head, it is necessary for accurate results to take the average of the square root of the readings, and square this average to obtain the mean velocity head of the whole area of the pipe. For low pressures an inclined manometer should be used with the Pitot tube, and it should contain gasoline instead of water, as it keeps the tubes clean, has a definite meniscus and almost no capillary attraction for the glass. The readings of the tube are to be corrected for the inclination and for the specific gravity of the gasoline to reduce them to equivalent inches of water column. The best form of Pitot tube is one made of two thin brass tubes, the outer one i/4-in. and the inner one i/s-in. external diameter, each about 4 or 5 in. long, the two being soldered together at one end and the end then tapered down to a sharp edged nozzle. Each tube is connected near the rear end to tubes at right angles to the double tube, leading to two manometers, one for reading the total, or dynamic or impact pressure, the other the static pressure. The difference between these two readings is the velocity head. It may be obtained in one reading by connecting both parts of the tube to a single manometer. The outer, or static, tube has two or more smooth holes drilled in it, diamet- rically opposite, at right angles to the axis, to receive the static pressure. The exact form of the nozzle of the impact tube is not of importance, as different forms give identical readings, but care must be taken with the holes of the static tube or errors will be made in the readings due to action of the dynamic pressure on these holes if they are not properly made. A thin slot instead of the holes has been found to give in- accurate readings. (See papers by Chas. S. Treat, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. 34, and W. C. Rowse, Jour. A. S. M. E., Sept., 1913.) For accurate scientific work it is well to check the static tube read- ings by manometer readings from a piezometer ring, which is a narrow annular channel encircling the pipe and soldered to it to make it air- tight. Six or more smooth holes are bored into the pipe at right angles to its axis, to connect the interior of the pipe with the ring. The Pitot tube may also be calibrated by means of a Thomas electric gas meter. The Thomas Electric Meter for air and gas consists of an enlargement of section of the flow pipe into a chamber of a diameter equal to about two diameters of the pipe, with conical ends connecting it with the pipe. In the interior is placed an electric heater made of bare resistance wire mounted on a fiber frame and equally distributed over the section of the chamber, and also two electric resistance thermometers, one in front of and the other behind the heater. An electric current, meas- ured by a wattmeter, is passed through the heater and the temperatures before and after the heating are measured by the thermometers. If Ti and T* are the temperatures before and after the heating, H the heat units corresponding to the watts delivered to the heater (1 watt 668 AIK. 3.415 B.T.TJ. per hour), .and S the Specific heat of the air, then the weight of air heated in Ib. per min. is W = f . nfsf r r -r- OUO \2 2 JL I). When the Pitot tube is correctly made and used its formula is v = \/2gh, in which h is the mean velocity head, measured as the height in feet of a column of air which would produce the observed velocity and v the velocity in ft. per sec. To convert the velocity head as measured in the Pitot tube in inches of water column into velocity of the air in feet per min. we have the following formulae: p = velocity pressure in inches of water gage. h = corresponding heat in feet of a column of air. v = velocity of air in ft. per sec. V = velocity in ft. per min. w = weight of 1 cu. ft. of air under existing conditions. , = 62 - 3 *>. = . / 64.32X62.3 p. = 1R 97 ^ fi> I to" 12 w V = 18.27 V, ft. per min. = 1096.2 *I!L \tc The average weight of 1 cu. ft. of air was found by the American Blower Co. in a large number of tests to be 0.0715 Ib. per cu. ft., whence V The velocity of flow of air at a given density produced by a pres- sure of 1 in. of water is called the "velocity constant" of air at that density. A table of such constants is given by the American Blower Co., from which the following table is condensed: AIR CONSTANTS FOR DRY AIR AT SEA LEVEL, BAR. 29.92 IN. o. . Sfe H K. 6 33 & d . Sfe EH K. .2 3 d . Sfc K. a i tf d 6fe H K. _o 3 -40 -20 10 20 30 40 50 3567 3651 3733 3773 3813 3852 3891 3930 0.890 .911 .932 .942 .952 .961 .971 .981 60 70 80 90 100 HO 120 140 3968 4006 4044 4081 4118 4155 4191 4263 0.990 .000 .009 .018 .028 .037 .046 .064 160 180 200 250 300 350 400 450 4333 4402 4470 4636 4796 4890 5101 5246 .082 .098 .114 .157 .197 .236 .273 .310 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 5389 5663 5925 6177 6418 6650 6873 7090 .345 .413 .478 .542 .602 .660 .715 .770 Constant K weight of 1 cu " ft ' water at 62 F ' 12 X weight of 1 cu. ft. air at temp, stated. The values under Ratio give ratios of fan speeds necessary at the various temperatures to produce the same water gage indication. Horse-power of a Fan. If C = cu. ft. of air delivered per minute, W = weight of 1 cu. ft. of air under existing conditions, H the height in feet of an air column equivalent to the total pressure, D the dynamic pressure in inches of water column = WH -h 5.2, the horse-power developed by the delivery of the air is A = CWH -r- 33,000 = CD -f- 6356. One inch water gage = 5.2 Ib. per sq. ft. The total pressure D with which the fan should be credited is the difference between the total pressure in the discharge pipe and that in the inlet pipe. The air horse-power divided by the power required to drive the fan, as measured by a dynamometer, gives the mechanical efficiency of the fan. From the above formulae the air horse-power is a function of two variables, volume and pressure. To obtain what is called the " static efficiency," the fan should be credited with the difference between the static pressure in the medium from which the fan is drawing air and the static pressure in the discharge pipe. To obtain the FANS AND BLOWERS. 669 Impact or total efficiency the fan should be credited with the kinetic energy in the air in the discharge pipe or with the difference between the static pressure in the medium from which the fan is drawing air and the total or impact pressure in the discharge pipe. The work of compression is negligible, as these methods have to do with air under low pressure. When readings are taken on the suction side of the fan, for the purpose of determining static efficiency, the fan should be credited only with the difference between the static pressure in the discharging medium and the impact pressure in the inlet pipe. If the object is to determine the impact efficiency where readings are taken at the suction side of the fan, the pressure with which the fan should be credited is the difference between the impact reading at the fan discharge and the impact reading obtained in the inlet pipe. This total pressure with which the fan is credited may also be expressed as the difference between the static pressure in the discharge pipe and the static suction in the inlet pipe, plus the increase of the velocity pressure in the outlet pipe over the velocity pressure in the inlet pipe. Accuracy of Pitot Tube Measurements. To obtain even approx- imately accurate results v/ith Pitot tubes it is necessary both to have the tube properly made and to take great precautions in using it. W. C. Rowse, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. 35 (1913), p. 633, tested several forms of tube, comparing their readings with those of a Thomas electric gas meter. He found the best tube to be one made of a i/4-in. outer and a Vs-in. inner thin brass tube, 4 or 5 in. long, soldered together at one end, which was tapered for 3/4 in. down to the internal diameter of the inner tube, which was thus given a sharp edge. The outer tube was perforated with a small smooth hole 0.02 in. diameter on each side at the middle of its length. The rear end of the small tube and the annular space between the two tubes were each con- nected to 1/4 in. upright tubes, from which rubber tubes led to two manometers. The inner tube received the impact pressure and the annular space the static pressure. The difference between the two is the velocity pressure, a direct reading of which could be made by connecting the two rubber tubes, or branches from them, to the two legs of a single manometer. The manometers were U tubes, of glass about 1/2 in. internal diameter, containing gasoline, and were inclined at an angle of 1 vertical to 10 horizontal in order to magnify the readings. The scale was graduated so as to read in hundredths of ari inch of water column. To obtain mean velocities and pressures the tube was traversed across two diameters of the pipe, vertical and horizontal, ten readings being taken on each diameter, at points located at the center of five annular areas into which the total area of the pipe was divided. The radial distances of these points from the center of the pipe were 32, 55, 71, 84 and 95 per cent, respectively, of the radius of the pipe. (See Appendix No. 6 of the report of the Power Test Committee of the A. S. M. E., 1915.) The results of these tests showed that accuracy within 1 % could be obtained when all readings were obtained with a sufficient degree of refinement and when the Pitot tube was preceded by a length of pipe 20 to 38 times the pipe diameter in order to make the flow as nearly uniform across the section of the pipe as possible. When readings were taken at the center of a 12-in. galvanized iron pipe the mean pressure was 0.80 of the pressure at the center, corre- sponding to a mean velocity of "^0.80 or 0.894 of the velocity at the center, within a limit of error of 2%. The mean velocity head was obtained by taking the square of the average of the square roots of each of the 20 readings. Tests of Pitot tubes with long narrow slots in the outer tube, instead of the small holes, gave results which were in error from 3.5 to 10%. The Thomas Electric Gas Meter, referred to above, is. described in Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. 31, p. 655. It consists in an enlarged section of the gas or air pipe containing an electric heating device with electric instruments for determining both the increase of tem- perature and the energy absorbed in heating. Given the specific neat, the rise in temperature, and the watts of energy absorbed, the weight of gas flowing in a given time may be computed. 670 AIR. Flow of Air through an Orifice. VELOCITY, VOLUME, AND H.P. REQUIRED WHEN AIR UNDER GIVEN PRESSURE IN OUNCES PER SQ. IN. IS ALLOWED TO ESCAPE INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. (B. F. Sturtevant Co.) sr t-, 1 ft 1| : i S, & t_, 1 ||g. o ^ "** S - j3 (-> . .2 -t-s *-" * c3'3 Q 0J2 >< .3 & 4J 2 * cf-~ O> W *J}<3 "I "5 d 2 Isg O 3 d GO "t 5 d ^ 0-5 ^ 1*3 -, 0) S l 'o d '~ ^ S 6* 3) ft |>S~ Jo d IH 0) 3 o w fl 'o d 1*^*8, i>S-^ ^|d o,S !* I 1 "Q '+-<+_, o S'Sb'o ol'g Bia i'a !-' o S'Ei'o 1- PL. ^ w w PH > > w 1/8 0.216 1.828 12.69 0.00043 0.0340 2 7.284 50.59 0.02759 0.5454 1/4 0.432 2,585 17.95 0.00122 0.0680 21/8 7.507 52.13 0.03021 0.5795 3/8 0.648 3,165 21.98 0.00225 0.1022 21/4 7.722 53.63 0.03291 0.6136 1/2 0.864 3.654 25.37 0.00346 0.1363 23/8 7.932 55.08 0.03568 0.6476 5/8 .080 4.084 28.36 0.00483 0.1703 21 2 8.136 56.50 0.03852 0.6818 3/4 .296 4.473 31.06 0.00635 0.2044 25/ 8 8,334 57.88 0.04144 0.7160 7/8 .512 4.830 33.54 0.00800 0.2385 23/4 8.528 59.22 0.04442 0.7500 .728 5.162 35.85 0.00978 0.2728 27/8 8,718 60.54 0.04747 0.7841 H/8 .944 5.473 38.01 0.01166 0.3068 3 8.903 61.83 0.05058 0.8180 2.160 5.768 40.06 0.01366 0.3410 31/8 9.084 63.08 0.05376 0.8522 13/8 2.376 6.048 42.00 0.01575 0.3750 31/4 9.262 64.32 0.05701 0.8863 U/2 2.59? 6.315 43.86 0.01794 0.4090 33/8 9.435 65.52 0.06031 0.9205 15/8 2.808 6.571 45.63 0.02022 0.4431 31/2 9.606 66.71 0.06368 0.9546 13/4 3.024 6.818 47.34 0.02260 0.4772 35/8 9,773 67.87 0.06740 0.9887 17/8 3.240 7,055 49.00 0.02505 0.5112 33/4 9.938 69.01 0.07058 1.0227 37/8 10.100 70.14 0.07412 1 .0567 (0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) d) (3) (4) (5) (6) The headings of the 3d and 4th columns in the above table have been abridged from the original, which read as follows: Velocity of dry air, 50 F., escaping into the atmosphere through any shaped orifice in any pipe or reservoir in which the given pressure is maintained. Volume of air in cubic feet which may be discharged in one minute through an orifice having an effective area of discharge of one square inch. The 6th column, not in the original, has been calculated by the author. The figures repre- sent the horse-power theoretically required to move 1000 cu. ft. of air of the given pressures through an orifice, without allowance for the work of compression or for friction or other losses of the fan. These losses may amount to 60% or more of the given horse-power. The change in density which results from a change in pressure has been . taken into account in the calculations of the table. The volume of air at a given velocity discharged through an orifice depends upon its shape, and is always less than that measured by its full area. For a given effective area the volume is proportional to the velocity. The power required to move air through an orifice is measured by the product of the velocity and the total resisting pressure. This power for a given orifice varies as the cube of the velocity. For a given volume it varies as the square of the velocity. In the movement of air by means of a fan there are unavoidable resistances which, in proportion to their amount, increase the actual power considerably above the amount here given. Pipe Lines for Fans and Blowers. In installing fane and blowers careful consideration should be given to the pipe line conducting the air from the fan or blower. Bends and turns in the pipe, even of long radii, will cause considerable drop in pressure, and in straight pipe the friction of the moving air is a source of considerable loss. The friction increases with the length of the pipe and is inversely as the diameter. It also varies as the square of the velocity. In long runs of pipe, the increased cost of a larger pipe can often be compensated by the decreased cost of the motor and power for operating the blower. The advisability of using a large pipe for conveying the air is shown by FANS AND BLOWERS. 671 the following table which gives the size of pipe which should be used for pressure losses not exceeding one-fourth and one-half ounce per square inch, for various lengths of pipe. Diameters of Blast Pipes. (B. F. Sturtevant Co., 1908.) (H H Length of Pipe in Feet. ft o '3 .A "1 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 *L 41 1 Diameter of Pipe with Drop of |l fa 1* 1/4 Oz. 1/2 Oz. 1/4 Oz. 1/2 Oz. 1/4 Oz. 1/2 Oz. 1/4 Oz. 1/2 Oz. 1/4 Oz. 1/2 Oz. ol 1/4 Oz 1/2 Oz. 1 23 500 6 5 7 6 7 6 8 7 9 8 9 8 9 8 2 27 1,000 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 9 11 10 12 11 12 11 3 30 1,500 10 8 11 10 11 10 12 11 13 11 13 12 14 12 4 32 2,000 11 9 12 11 13 12 14 12 15 .13 15 14 16 14 5 36 2,500 12 10 14 12 15 13 15 14 16 14 17 15 17 15 6 39 3,000 13 11 15 13 16 14 17 15 18 15 18 16 18 16 7 42 3,500 13 12 15 13 17 15 17 15 18 16 19 17 20 18 8 45 4,000 15 12 16 15 18 15 18 16 19 17 20 18 21 18 9 48 4,500 15 13 17 15 18 16 19 17 20 18 21 19 22 19 10 54 5,000 15 13 18 15 19 17 20 18 21 18 22 19 23 20 11 54 5,500 16 14 18 16 20 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 23 20 12 60 6,000 17 14 19 17 20 17 21 19 22 20 23 21 24 21 13 60 6,500 17 14 19 17 21 18 23 19 23 20 24 21 25 22 14 60 7,000 18 15 20 18 22 19 23 20 24 21 25 22 26 23 15 66 7,500 18 16 21 18 22 19 24 21 25 22 26 22 27 23 16 66 8,000 18 16 22 18 23 20 24 22 26 22 26 23 27 24 17 66 8.500 18 16 22 18 23 20 24 22 26 22 27 24 28 24 18 72 9,000 18 17 22 18 24 21 25 22 27 23 27 24 28 25 19 72 9,500 20 17 -23 20 24 22 26 23 28 23 28 25 29 26 20 72 10,000 20 18 23 20 25 22 27 23 28 24 29 25 30 26 21 78 10,500 21 18 24 21 26 23 27 23 29 25 30 26 30 26 22 78 11,000 21 18 24 21 27 23 28 24 29 26 30 27 31 27 23 78 11,500 21 19 25 21 27 24 28 25 30 26 30 27 31 27 24 84 12,000 22 19 25 22 28 24 28 25 31 26 31 27 32 28 25 84 12,500 22 19 26 22 28 24 29 26 31 27 32 28 33 28 26 84 13,000 22 19 26 22 28 24 29 26 31 27 32 28 33 28 27 90 13.500 23 20 26 23 28 24 30 26 31 27 32 28 34 28 28 90 14,000 23 20 27 23 29 25 30 27 32 28 33 29 34 29 29 90 14,500 23 20 27 23 29 26 31 27 32 28 33 29 34 30 30 90 15.000 24 21 27 24 29 26 31 27 32 28 34 30 35 30 The minimum radius of each turn should be equal to the diameter of the pipe. For each turn thus made add three feet in length, when using this table. If the turns are of less radius, the length added should be increased proportionately. The above table has been constructed on the following basis: A loss of, say, 1/2 oz. pressure was allowed as a standard for the transmission of a given quantity of air through a given length of pipe of any diameter. The increased loss due to increasing the length of pipe was compensated for by increasing the diameter sufficiently to keep the loss still at 1/2 oz. Thus, if 2500 cu. ft. of air is to be delivered per minute through 100 ft of pipe with a loss of not more than i/ 2 oz., a H-in. pipe will be required, If it is 672 AIR. necessary to increase the length of pipe to 140 ft., a pipe 15 in. diameter will be required if the loss in pressure is not to exceed 1/2 oz. In deciding the size of pipe the loss in pressure in the pipe must be added to the pres- sure to be maintained at the fan or blower, if the tabulated efficiency of the latter is to be secured at the delivery end of the pipe. Centrifugal Ventilators for Mines. Of different appliances for ven- tilating mines various forms of centrifugal machines having proved their efficiency have now almost completely replaced all others. Most if not all of the machines in use in this country are of this class, being either open- periphery fans, or closed, with chimney and spiral casing, of a more or less modified Guibal type. The theory of such machines has been demonstrated by Mr. Daniel Murgue in " Theories and Practices of Centrifugal Ventilating Machines," translated by A. L. Stevenson, and is discussed in a paper by R. Van A. Norris, Trans. A. I. M. E., xx. 637. From this paper the following formula are taken: Let a = area in sq. ft. of an orifice in a thin plate, of such area that its resistance to the passage of a given quantity of air equals the resistance of the mine; o = orifice in a thin plate of such area that its resistance to the pas- sage of a given quantity of air equals that of the machine; Q^= quantity of air passing in cubic feet per minute; V = velocity of air passing through a in feet per second; V = velocity of air passing through o in feet per second ; h, = head in feet air-column to produce velocity V; ho = head in feet air-column to produce velocity VQ. , feet per minute 0.403 Q = Q = 0.65 aV; V = ^Tgh; Q = Q.65a^2gh' t a = , = equivalent orifice of mine; 0.65 v 2 gh or, reducing to water-gauge in inches and quantity in thousands of cubic fpftt, npr minute. = 0.65 oF ; Fo = ^2 ^ ; (? = 0.65 o ^ / 2gh - l v/ O 2 equivalent orifice of machine. 0.65%2 g The theoretical depression which can be produced by any centrifugal ventilator is double that due to its tangential speed. The formula T y 2 H -2~g- 2~g' in which Tis the tangential speed, V the velocity of exit of the air from the space between the blades, and H the depression measured in feet of air- column, is an expression for the theoretical depression which can be pro- duced by an uncovered ventilator: this reaches a maximum when the air leaves the blades without speed, that is, V = 0, and H = T z * 2 g. Hence the theoretical depression which can be produced by any uncov- ered ventilator is equal to the height due to its tangential speed, and one- half tnat which can be produced by a covered ventilator with expanding chimney. Practical considerations in the design of the fan wheel and casing will probably cause the actual results obtained with fans to vary considerably from these formulae. So long as the condition of the mine remains constant: (1) The volume produced by any ventilator varies directly as the speed of rotation. (2) The depression produced by any ventilator varies as the square of the speed of rotation. (3) For the same tangential speed with decreased resistance the quantity of air increases and the depression diminishes, MINE VENTILATING FANS. 673 The following table shows a few results, selected from Mr. Norris's paper, giving the range of efficiency which may be expected under dif- ferent circumstances. Details of these and other fans, with diagrams of the results, are given in the paper. Experiments on Mine-Ventilating Fans. tf t-i "2 * vi ."1* 49 S -t5 1 l CJS !* O 'P O p o'S ffl I a |^| 84 5517 236,684 2818 3040 4290 1 80 67.13 88.40 75.9 ^ S 100 6282 336,862 3369 3040 5393 2.50 132.70 155.43 85.4 11 1 1 1 6973 347,396 3130 3040 5002 3.20 175.17 209.64 83.6 rS 123 7727 394,100 3204 3040 5100 3.60 223.56 295.21 75.7 )> 100 6282 188,888 1889 1520 3007 1.40 41.67 97.99 42.5 130 8167 274,876 2114 1520 3366 2.00 86.63 194.95 44.6 22 CJ 59 3702 59,587 1010 1520 1610 1.20 11.27 16.76 67.83 < 83 5208 82,969 1000 1520 1593 2.15 27.86 48.54 57.38 n J 40 3140 49,611 1240 3096 1580 0.87 6.80 13.82 49.2 32 D l 70 5495 137,760 1825 3096 2507 2.55 55.35 67.44 82.07 50 2749 147,232 2944 1522 5356 0.50 11.60 28.55 40.63 E s 69 3793 205,761 2982 1522 5451 1.00 32.42 45.98 70.50 83 ( 96 5278 299,600 3121 1522 5676 2.15 101.50 120.64 84.10 200 7540 133,198 666 746 1767 3.35 70.30 102.79 68.40 26.9 200 7540 180,809 904 746 2398 3.05 86.89 129.07 67.30 38.3 200 7540 209,150 1046 746 2774 2.80 92.50 150.08 61.70 46.3 10 785 28,896 2890 3022 3680 0.10 0.45 1.30 35. 20 1570 57,120 2856 3022 3637 0.20 1.80 3.70 49. 25 1962 66,640 2665 3022 3399 0.29 2.90 6.10 48. 30 2355 73,080 2436 3022 3103 0.40 4.60 9.70 47. 52 G,^ 35 2747 94,080 2688 3022 3425 0.50 7.40 15.00 48. ^ 40 3140 112,000 2800 3022 3567 0.70 12.30 24.90 49. 50 3925 132,700 2654 3022 3381 0.90 18.80 38.80 48. 60 4710 173,600 2893 3022 3686 1.35 36.90 66.40 55. 70 5495 203,280 2904 3022 3718 1.80 57.70 107.10 54. m 6280 222,320 2779 3022 3540 2.25 78.80 152.60 52. Type of fan. Diam. Width. No. inlets. Diam. inlets. A. Guibal, double . ... 20ft. 6ft. 4 8ft. 10 in. B. Same, only left hand running C Guibal 20 20 6 6 4 2 8 10 8 10 D. Guibal 25 8 1 11 6 E. Guibal double 171/o 4 4 8 F. Capell...... 12 10 2 7 G. Guibal 25 8 12 An examination of the detailed results of each test in Mr. Norris's table shows a mass of contradictions from which it is exceedingly diffiault to draw any satisfactory conclusions. The following, he states, appear to be more or less warranted by some of the figures: 1. Influence of the Condition of the Airways on the Fan. Mines with varying equivalent orifices give air per 100 ft. speed of tip of fan, within limits as follows, the quantity depending on the resistance of the mine; 674 AIR. E quivalent orifice, sq. ft. Cu.ft.air per 100 ft. speed of fan. Average. Equivalent orifice, sq. ft. Cu.ft. air per 100 ft. speed of fan. Average. Under 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 1100 to 1700 1300 to 1800 1500 to 2500 2300 to 3500 13QO 1600 2100 2700 60 to 70 70 to 80 80 to 90 90 to 100 3300 to 5100 4000 to 4700 3000 to 5600 4000 4400 4800 50 to 60 2700 to 4800 3500 100 to 114 5200 to 6200 5700 The influence of the mine on the efficiency of the fan does not seem to be very clear. Eight fans, with equivalent orifices over 50 square feet, give efficiencies over 70%; four, with smaller equivalent mine-orifices, give about the same figures; while, on the contrary, six fans, with equivalent orifices of over 50 square feet, give lower efficiencies, as do ten fans, all drawing from mines with small equivalent orifices. It would seem that, on the whole, large airways tend to assist somewhat in attaining high efficiency. 2. Influence of the Diameter of the Fan. This seems to be practically nil, the only advantage of large fans being in their greater width and the lower speed required of the engines. 3. Influence of the Width of a Fan. This appears to be small as regards the efficiency of the machine; but the wider fans are, as a rule, exhausting more air. However, increasing the width of the fan of a given diameter causes an increase in the velocity of the air through the wheel inlet, and this increased velocity will become at a certain point a serious loss and will decrease the mechanical efficiency. 4. Influence of Shape of Blades. This appears, within reasonable limits, to be practically nil. Thus, six fans with tips of blades curved forward, three fans with flat blades, and one with blades curved back to a tangent with the circumference, all give very high efficiencies over 70 per cent. A prominent manufacturer claims, however, that his tests show a higher efficiency with vanes curved forward as compared with straight or back- wardiy curved vanes. 5. Influence of the Shape of the Spiral Casing. This appears to be considerable. The shapes of spiral casing in use fall into two classes, the first presenting a large spiral, beginning at or near the point of cut-off, and the second a circular casing reaching around three-quarters of the circumference of the fan, with a short spiral reaching to the evasee chimney. Fans having the first form of casing appear to give in almost every case high efficiencies. Fans that have a spiral belonging to the first class, but very much con- tracted, give only medium efficiencies. It seems probable that the proper shape of spiral casing would be one of such form that the air between each pair of blades could constantly and freely discharge into the space between the fan and casing, the whole being swept along to the evasee chimney. This would require a spiral beginning near the point of cut-off, enlarging by gradually increasing increments, to allow for the slowing of the air caused by its friction against the casing, and reaching the chimney with an area such that the air could make its exit with its then existing speed some- what less than the periphery-speed of the fan. 6. Influence of the Shutter. The shutter certainly appears. to be an ad- vantage, as by it the exit area can be regulated to suit the varying quantity of air given by the fan, and in this way re-entries can be prevented J not uncommon to find shutterless fans, into the chimneys of which bits of paper may be dropped, which are drawn into the fan, make the circuit, and are again thrown out. This peculiarity has not been noticed with fans provided with shutters. 7. Influence of the Speed at which a Fan is Run. It is noticeable that most of the fans giving high efficiency were running at a rather high periphery velocity. The best speed seems to be between 5000 and 6000 feet per minute. The fans appear to reach a maximum efficiency at some- where about the speed given, and to decrease rapidly in efficiency when this maximum point is passed. The same manufacturer mentioned in note 4 states that the efficiency is not affected by the tip speed, providing that the comparison is always made at the same point in the efficiency curve. ' DISK FANS. 675 In discussion, of Mr. JN orris's paper, Mr. A. H. Starrs says: From the " cu- bic feet per revolution" and "cubical contents of fan-blades," as given in the table, we find that the enclosed fans empty themselves from one-half to twice per *re volution, while the open fans are emptied from one and three- quarters to nearly three times ; this for fans of both types, on mines covering the same range of equivalent orifices. One open fan, on a very large orifice, was emptied nearly four times, while a closed fan, on a still larger orifice, only shows one and one-half times. For the open fans the "cubic feet per 100 ft. motion" is greater, in proportion to the fan width and equivalent orifice, than for the enclosed type. Notwithstand- ing this apparently free discharge of the open fans, they show very low efficiencies. As illustrating the very large capacity of centrifugal fans to pass air, if the conditions of the mine are made favorable, a 16-ft. diam. fan, 4 ft. 6 in. wide, at 130 revolutions, passed 360,000 cu. ft. per min., and another, of same diameter, but slightly wider and with larger intake circles, passed 500,000 cu. ft., the water-gauge in both instances being about 1/2 in. T. D. Jones says: The efficiency reported in some cases by Mr. Norris is larger than I have ever been able to determine by experiment. My own experiments, recorded in the Pennsylvania Mine Inspectors' Reports from 1875 to 1881, did not show more than 60% to 65%. DISK FANS. Efficiency of Disk Fans. Prof. A. B. W. Kennedy (Industries, Jan. 17, 1890) made a series of tests on two disk fans, 2 and 3 ft. diameter, known as the Verity Silent Air-propeller. The principal results and conclusions are condense'd as below. Propeller, 2ft. diam. i Propeller, 3 ft. diam. Speed of fan, revolutions per minute. . Net H P to drive fan and belt 750 42 676 0.32 577 0.227 576 1.02 459 0.575 373 0.324 Cubic feet of air per minute 4,183 3,830 3,410 7,400 5,800 4,470 Mean velocity of air in 3-ft. flue, feet 593 5'43 482 1,046 820 632 Mean velocity of air in flue, same diameter as fan/ 1,330 1,220 1,085 Cu. ft. of air per min. per effective H.P Motion given to air per rev. of fan, ft.. Cubic feet of air per rev. of fan 9,980 1.77 5.58 11,970 1.81 5.66 15,000 1.88 5.90 7,250 1.82 12.8 10,070 1.79 12.6 13,800 1.70 12.0 In each case the efficiency of the fan, that is, the quantity of air delivered per effective horse-power, increases very rapidly as the speed diminishes, so that lower speeds are much m9re economical than higher pnes. On the other hand, as the quantity of air delivered per revolution is very nearly constant, the actual useful work done by the fan increases almost directly with its speed. Comparing the large and small fans with about the same air delivery, the former (running at a much lower speed, of course) is much the more economical. Comparing the two fans running at the same speed, however, the smaller fan is very much the more economical. The delivery of air per revolution of fan is very nearly directly propor- tional to the area of the fan's diameter. The air delivered per minute by the 3-ft. fan is nearly 12.5 R cubic feet (R being the number of revolutions made by the fan per minute). For the 2-ft. fan the quantity is 5.7R cubic feet. For either of these or any other similar fans of which the area is A square feet, the delivery will be about 1.8 A R cubic feet. Of course any change in the pitch of the blades might entirely change these figures. The net H.P. taken up is not far from proportional to the square of the number of revolutions above 100 per minute. Thus for the 3-ft. fan the net ' while for the 2 - ft - fan the net H - p is . The denominators of these two fractions are very nearly proportional inversely to ,the square of the fan areas or the fourth power of the fan 676 AIR. diameters. The net H.P. required to drive a fan of diameter D feet or area A square feet, at a speed of R revolutions per minute, will therefore The 3-ft. fan was also noiseless The 2-ft. fan was noiseless at all speeds. up to over 450 revolutions per minute. Experiments made with a Blackmail Disk Fan, 4 ft. diam. by Geo. A. Suter, to determine the volumes of air delivered under various con- ditions, and the power required; with calculations of efficiency and ratio of increase of power to increase of velocity, by G. H. Babcock. (Trans. A.S.M.E.,vii.54,7): gj a 1 > i Cu. ft. of Air delivered per min., j_T o jgj O i.S . ,Sr* ^ s r~ d p id Wt s *o vj& |fc& | Ratio of In- crease of Delivery Ratio of In- crease of Power. Exponent x, HP* V x . Exponent y, fcoo yy. Efficiency of Fan. 350 25 797 65 1 682 440 32575 2 29 257 262 3 523 5 4 9553 534 41,929 4 42 .186 .287 1.843 2.4 1.062 612 47 756 7 41 146 139 1 677 3 97 9358 For series .749 .851 11.140 4. 340 20372 76 7110 453 26660 1 99 .332 .308 2.6J8 3.55 .6063 536 31 649 3 86 183 187 1 940 3 86 5205 627 36543 '6 47 .167 .155 1.676 3 59 .4802 For series .761 .794 8.513 3.63 340 9 983 1 12 28 3939 430 534 570 n;oi7 17,018 18,649 For 3.17 6.07 8.46 series 0.47 0.75 0.87 .265 .242 .068 .676 .304 .307 .096 .704 2.837 1.915 1.394 7.554 3.93 2.25 3.63 3.24 1.95 1.74 1.60 1.81 .3046 .3319 .3027 330 8399 1 31 26 2631 437 516 10,071 11,157 For 3.27 6.00 series 0.45 0.75 .324 .181 563 .199 .103 329 3.J42 1.457 4 580 6.31 3.66 5 35 3.06 4.96 3 72 .2188 .2202 Nature of the Experiments. First Series: Drawing air through 30 ft. of 48-in. diam. pipe on inlet side of the fan. Second Series: Forcing air through 30 ft. of 48-in. diam. pipe on outlet side of the fan. Third Series: Drawing air through 30 ft. of 48-in. pipe on inlet side of the fan the pipe being obstructed by a diaphragm of cheese-cloth. Fourth Series: Forcing air through 30 ft. of 48-in. pipe on outlet side of fan the pipe being obstructed by a diaphragm of cheese-cloth. Mr. Babcock says concerning these experiments: The first four experi- ments are evidently the subject of some error, because the efficiency is such as to prove on an average that the fan was a source of power sufficient to overcome all losses and help drive the engine besides. The second series is less questionable, but still the efficiency in the first two experi- ments is larger than might be expected. In the third and fourth series the resistance of the cheese-cloth in the pipe reduces the efficiency largely, as would be expected. In this case the value has been calculated from the height equivalent to the water-pressure, rather than the actual veloc- ity of the air. This record of experiments made with the disk fan shows that this kind of fan is not adapted for use where there is any material resistance to the flow of the air. In the centrifugal fan the power used is nearly propor- tioned to the amount of air moved under a given head, while in this fan the power required for the same number of revolutions of the fan increases very materially with the resistance, notwithstanding the quantity of air moved is at the same time considerably reduced. In fact from the inspec- POSITIVE ROTARY BLOWERS. 677 tion of the third and lourth series of tests, it would appear that the power required is very nearly the same for a given pressure, whether more or less air be in motion. It would seem that the main advantage, if any, of the disk fan over the centrifugal fan for slight resistances consists in the fact that the delivery is the full area of the disk, while with centrifugal fans intended to move the same quantity of air the opening is much smaller. It will be seen by columns 8 and 9 of the table that the power used in- creased much more rapidly than the cube of the velocity, as in centrifugal fans. The different experiments do not agree with each other, but a general average may be assumed as about the cube root of the eleventh power. Capacity of Disk Fans. (C. L. Hubbard, The Metal Worker, Sept. 5, 1908.) The rated capacities given in catalogues are for fans revolving in free air that is, mounted in an opening without being connected with ducts or subject to other frictional resistance. The following data, based upon tests, apply to fans working against a resistance equivalent to that of a shallow heater of open pattern, and connecting with ducts of medium length through which the air flows at a velocity not greater than 600 or 800 ft. per minute. Under these con- ditions a good type of fan will propel the air in a direction parallel to the shaft, a distance equal to about 0.7 of its diameter at each revolution. From this we have the equation Q = 0.7 D X R X A, in which Q = cu. ft. of air discharged per minute; D = diam. of fan, in ft.; R = revs, per min.; A = area of fan, in sq. ft. The following table is calculated on this basis. Diam. of fan, in. 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 Cu. ft per rev. 1.85 4.40 8.59 14.8 23.6 35.2 50.1 68.7 118.7188.6 281.5 Revolutions per min. for velocity of air through fan = 1000 ft. per min. 952 714 571 476 408 357 317 286 238 204 179 The velocity of the air through the fan is proportional to the number of revolutions. For the conditions stated the H.P. required per 1000 cu. ft of air moved will be about 0.16 when the velocity through the fan is 1000 ft. per min., 0.14 for a velocity of 800 ft., and 0.18 for 1200 ft. For a fan moving in free air the required speed for moving a given volume of air will be about 0.6 of the number of revolutions given above and the H.P. about 0.3 of that required when moving against the resistance stated. POSITIVE ROTARY BLOWERS. Rotary Blowers, Centrifugal Fans, and Piston Blowers. (Cata- logue of the Connersville Blower Co.) In ordinary work the advantage of a positive blower 9ver a fan begins at about 8 oz. pressure, and the efficiency of the positive blower increases from 8 oz. as the pressure goes up to a point where the ordinary centrifugal fan fails entirely. The highest efficiency of rotary blowers is when they are working against pressures ranging between 1 and 8 Ibs. Fans, when run at constant speed, cannot be made to handle a constant volume of fluid when the pressure is variable; and they cannot give a high efficiency except for low and uniform pressures. When a fan blower is used to furnish blast for a cup9la it is driven at a constant speed, and the amount of air discharged by it varies according to the resistance met with in the cupola. With a positive blower running at a constant speed, however, there is a constant volume of air forced into the cupola, regardless of changing resistance. A rotary blower of the two-impeller type is not an economical com- pressor, because the impellers are working against the full pressure c.t all times, while in an ideal blowing engine the theoretical mean -effective pressure on the piston, when discharging air at 15 Ibs. pressure, is 111/2 Ibs. For high pressures, on account of the increase of leakage and the increase of power required because it does not compress gradually, the rotary blower must give way to the piston type of machine. Commercially, the line is crossed at about 8 Ibs. pressure. 1. A fan is the cheapest in first cost, and if properly applied may be used economically for pressures up to 8 oz. 678 AIR. 2. A rotary blower costs more than a fan, but much less than a blowing engine; is more economical than either between 8 oz..and 8 Ibs. pressure, and can be arranged to give a constant pressure or a constant volume. 3. Piston machines cost much more than rotary blowers, but should be used for continuous duty for pressures above 8 Ibs., and may be econom- ical if they are properly constructed and not run at too high a piston speed. The horse-power required to operate rotary blowers is prop9rtional to the volume and pressure of air discharged. In making estimates for power it is safe to assume that for each 1000 cu. ft. of free air discharged, at one pound pressure, 5 H.P. should be provided. Test of a Rotary Blower. (Connersville Blower Co.) The test was made in 1904 on two 39 X 84 in. blowers coupled direct to two 12 and 24 X 36 in. compound Corliss engines. The results given below are for the combined units. Air pressure, Ibs Engine, I.H.P 19.30 0.05 23.76 0.5 52.83 1.0 100.91 1.5 132.67 2. 176.11 2.5 223.20 3. 256.87 3.5 287.56 Displacement, cu.ft. 19,212 18,727 18,508 18,344 18,200 18,028 17,966 17,863 Efficiency 68.5 79 84 85.6 86 86 85.9 In calculating the efficiency the theoretical horse-power was taken as the power required to compress adiabatically and to discharge the net amount of air at the different pressures and at the same altitude. The test was made up to 3.5 Ibs. only. Estimated efficiencies for higher pressures from an extension of the plotted curve are: 6 Ibs. 84%, 8 Ibs. 82%, 10 Ibs. 79.5%. The theoretical discharge of the blower was 19,250 cu. ft. CAPACITY OF ROTAIIY BLOWERS FOR CUPOLAS. Cu.ft per rev. Revs, per min. Tons per hour. Suitable for cupola in. diam.* Cu. ft. per rev. Revs, per min. Tons per hour. Suitable for cupola in. diam. 1.5 ( 200 i 400 2 | 18 to 20 45 ( 135 \ 165 12 15 i 54 to 66 3.3 i 175 { 335 2 | 24 to 27 ( 200 ( 130 18 15 1 6 j 185 i 275 2 3 } 28 to 32 57 1 155 ( 185 18 21 60 to 72 10 \ 200 \ 250 4 5 j 32 to 38 65 ( 140 < 160 18 21 [ 66 to 84 ( 150 4 ! I 185 24 ) 13 t 190 ( 175 5 61/2 32 to 40 84 ( 125 ] 145 21 24 [ 72 to 90 ( 150 5 ) I 160 27 ) 17 < 205 ( 250 61/2 81/ 2 j- 36 to 45 100 ( 120 1 135 24 27 \ 84 to 96 ( 166 8 ) ( 160 30 ) 24 < 200 ( 240 ( 150 10 12 10 > 42 to 54 ) 118 ( 115 < 130 ( 140 27 30 33 ) Two ( cupolas ) 60 to 66 33 < 180 12 > 48 to 60 ( 210 14 ) * Inside diam. The capacity in tons per hour is based on 30,000 cu. ft. of air Der ton of iron melted. For smith fires: an ordinary fire requires about 60 cu. ft. per min. For oil furnaces : an ordinary furnace burns about 2 gallons of oil per hour and 1800 cu. ft. of air should be provided for each gallon of oil. For each 100 cu. ft. of air discharged per minute at 16 oz. pressure, 1/2 H.P. should be provided. Sizes of small blowers. 173 288 576 cu. in. per rev. Revs, per min 800 to 1500 500 to 900 300 to 600 Diam. of outlet, in 21/2 21/2 3 STEAM JET BLOWER AND EXHAUSTER. G79 ROTARY GAS EXHAUSTERS. Cu. ft. per rev 2ft H/2 3.3 6 10 13 17 24 33 Rev. per min. . 200 180 170 160 150 150 140 130 120 Diam. of pipe open- ing . . . 4 6 8 10 12 12 16 16 20 Cu. ft. per rev 45 57 65 84 100 118 155 200 300 Rev. per min 110 100 95 90 85 82 80 80 75 Diam. pipe opening 20 24 24 30 30 30 36 36 42 There is no gradual compressing of air in a rotary machine, and the unbalanced areas of the impellers are working against the full difference of pressure at all times. The possible efficiency of such a machine under ordinary temperature and conditions of atmosphere, assuming no me- chanical friction, leakage, nor radiation of heat of compression, would be as follows: Gauge pres. Ib 1 2 3 4 5 10 - 15 Efficiency % 97.5 95.5 93.3 91.7 90 82.7 76.7 The proper application of rotary positive machines when operating in air or gas under differences of pressures from 8 oz. to 5 Ibs. is where con- stant quantities of -fluid are required to be delivered against a variable resistance, or where a constant pressure is required and the volume is variable. These are the requirements of gas works, pneumatic-tube transmission (both the vacuum and pressure systems), foundry cupolas, smelting furnaces, knobbling fires, sand blast, burning of fuel oil, con- veying granular substances, the operation of many kinds of metallurgical furnaces, etc. J. T. Wilkin, Trans. A. S. M. E., Vol. xxiv. STEAM-JET BLOWER AND EXHAUSTER The Steam-jet as a Means for Ventilation. Between 1810 and 1850 the steam-jet was employed to a considerable extent for ventilating English collieries, and in 1852 a committee of the House of Commons reported that it was the most powerful and at the same time the cheapest method for the ventilation of mines; but experiments made shortly after- wards proved that this opinion was erroneous, and that furnace ventila- tion was less than half as expensive, and in consequence the jet was soon abandoned as a permanent method of ventilation. For an account of these experiments see Colliery Engineer, Feb., 1890. The jet, however, is sometimes advantageously used as a substitute, for instance, in the case of a fan standing for repairs, or after an explosion, when the furnace may not be kept going, or in the case of the fan having been rendered useless. A Blower and Exhauster is made by Schutte & Koerting Co., Phil- adelphia, on the principle of the steam-jet ejector. The following is a table of capacities. Diameter of Pipes, Inches. Capacity per Diameter of Pipes, Inches. Capacity Per Diameter of Pipes, Inches. Capacity TT/vni _ A :- Steam. Cu. ft. Air. Steam. H-.,,- Cu. ft. Air. Steam. Cu. ft. V. l /4 300 2 3 /4 4,000 5 2 27,000 a /4 3 /8 600 2V'2 6,000 6 2 35,000 1 3 /8 1,000 3 M/4 12,000 7 2V2 48,000 IVa Va 2,000 4 n/ 2 18,000 8 3 60,000 When used as exhausters with a steam pressure of 45 Ib., these machines will produce a vacuum of 20 in. mercury (23.3 ft. water column), but they can be specially constructed to produce a vacuum of 25 in. mercury (29.3 ft. water column). G80 AIR. When used as compressors, they will operate against a counter-pres- sure equal to 1/7 of the steam pressure. Another steam-jet blower is used for boiler-firing, ventilation, and similar purposes where a low counter-pressure or rarefaction meets the requirements. The y9lumes as given in the following table of capacities are under the supposition of a steam-pressure of 60 Ibs. and a counter-pressure of, say, from 0.5 to 2 inches of water: Diameter in Inches. Capacity per Hour, Cubic Feet. Diameter in Inches. Capacity per Hour, Cubic Feet. Diameter in Inches. Capacity per Hour, Cubic Feet. 4 4 if M 4 || 4 ^5 6 cJ 4 8 9 3 4 6 J/8 V2 V2 3 /4 10,000 20,000 30,000 45,000 11 12 14 16 7 8 10 12 V4 1 1 60,000 90,000 120,000 180,000 18 24 32 42 14 18 24 32 2 2V2 240,000 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 Maximum coal burning capacity per hour = cu. ft. air per hr. -:- 200. BLOWING-ENGINES. Blowing- engines. The following table showing dimensions, capacity, etc., of Corliss horizontal cross-compound condensing blowing engines is condensed from a table published about 1901 by the Philadelphia Engineering Works. Similar engines are built by William Tod & Co., Youngstown, Ohio, and other builders. Corliss Horizontal Cross-compound Condensing Blowing- engines. Indicated Horse-power. d a I CO k o> tf * 53.J3 o< 1 - 1-3 ad 4 J 02 CG M -ft- ' s ^ g |J9 l Q a o> -OC i 4S Blast Cylinders, Diam., in. StrokeofAllCyl- inders, in. s ,C bO tc' | P,G . ^5S i ft . &$% /* &%$ $*> 15 Exp. 125 Ib. Steam. 1,596 13 Exp. 100 Ib. Steam. 2,280 2,060 "i.980" 1,702 1,386 1,175 822 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 45,600 45,600 45,600 39,600 39,600 39,600 23,500 23,500 15 12 10 15 12 10 15 10 44 42 32 40 38 36 34 28 78 72 60 72 70 66 60 50 (2) 84 (2) 84 (2) 84 (2) 78 (2) 78 (2) 78 (2) 72 (2) 72 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 505,000 475,000 355,000 445,000 425,000 415,000 340,000 270,000 605,000 550,000 436,000 545,000 491,000 450,000 430,000 300,000 Vertical engines are built of the same dimensions as above, except that the stroke is 48 in. instead of 60, and they are run at a higher number of revolutions to give the same piston-speed and the same I.H.P. The calculations of power, capacity, etc., of blowing-engines are the same as those for air-compressors. They are built without any provision for cooling the air during compression. About 400 feet per minute is the usual piston-speed for recent forms of engines, but with positive air-valves, which have been introduced to some extent, this speed may be increased. The efficiency of the engine, that is, the ratio of the I.H.P. of the air- cylinder to that of the steam-cylinder, is usually taken at 90 per cent, the losses by friction, leakage, etc., being taken at 10 per cent. Horse-power of Steam Cylinders of Blowing-engines. (Wm. Tod & Co., 1914.) To find the indicated horse-power to be developed in the steam cylinders of a blowing-engine, multiply the number of HEATING AND VENTILATION. 681 cubic feet of free air to be compressed per minute by the figures given below for the respective pressures named. Gage press. Ib. persq. in. ... 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Factor... 0.0226 .0415 .0577 .0722 .0853 .0973 .1084 .1187 These factors are based on the theoretical horse-power required to compress and deliver 1 cu. ft. of air to the pressure stated, plus an allowance of 15%, which is stated to be about right for mechanically- operated air valves. With poppet air valves the loss may be about 10%. HEATING AND VENTILATION. Ventilation. (A. R. Wolff, Stevens Indicator, April, 1890.) The popular impression that the impure air falls to the bottom of a crowded room is erroneous. There is a constant mingling of the fresh air admitted with the impure air due to the law of diffusion of gases, to difference of temperature, etc. The process of ventilation is one of dilution of the impure air by the fresh, and a room is properly ventilated in the opinion of the hygienists when the dilution is such that the carbonic acid in the air does not exceed from 6 to 8 parts by volume in 10,000. Pure country air contains about 4 parts CO2 in 10,000, and badly-ventilated quarters as high as 80 parts. An ordinary man exhales 0.6 of a cubic foot of CO2 per hour. New York gas gives 9ut 0.75 of a cubic feet of CO 2 for each cubic foot of gas burnt. An ordinary lamp gives out 1 cu. ft. of CO 2 per hour. An ordinary candle gives out 0.3 cu. ft. per hour. [The use of gaslight for interior lighting does not affect the atmosphere deleteriously. See pamphlet issued by National Commercial Gas Assn., 1914. 1 To determine the quantity of air to be supplied to the inmates of an unlighted room, to dilute the air to a desired standard of purity, we can establish equations as follows: Let v = cubic feet of fresh air to be supplied per hour. r = cubic feet of CO 2 in each 10,000 cu. ft. of the entering air; R = cubic feet of CO 2 which each 10,000 cu. ft. 9f the air in the room may contain for proper health conditions ; n = number of persons in the room ; 0.6 = cubic feet of COz exhaled by one man per hour. Tnen in nrm +- 6 n equals cubic feet of CO2 communicated to the room 1U,UUU during one hour. This value divided by v and multiplied by 10,000 gives the proportion of COa in 10,000 parts of the air in the room, and this should equal R, the standard of purity desired. Therefore c ' TV R-r If we place r at 4 and R at 6, v = 6000 n -f- (6 - 4) = 3000 n, or the quantity of air to be supplied per person is 3000 cubic feet per hour. If the original air in the room is of the purity of external air, and the cubic contents of the room is equal to 100 cu. ft. per inmate, only 3000 100 = 2900 cu. ft. of fresh air from without will have to be supplied the first hour to keep the air within the standard purity of 6 parts of CCh in 10,000. If the cubic contents of the room equals 200 cu. ft. per inmate, only 3000 200 = 2800 cu. ft. will have to be supplied the first hour to keep the air within the standard purity, and so on. Again, if we only desire to maintain a standard of purity of 8 parts Of carbonic acid in 10,000, the equation gives as the required air-supply per hour v=- 8 _ 4 - n 1500 n, or 1500 cu. ft. of fresh air per inmate per hour. 682 HEATING AND VENTILATION. Cubic feet of air containing 4 parts of carbonic acid in 10,000 necessary per person per hour to keep the air in room at the composition of 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 parts of CO 2 in 10,000. 3000 2000 1500 1200 1000 545 375 cubic feet. If the original air in the room is of purity of external atmosphere (4 parts of carbonic acid in 10,000), the amount of air to be supplied the first hour, for given cubic spaces per inmate, to have given standards of purity not exceeded at the end of the hour, is obtained from the following table: Cubic Feet of f Space in Room per Individ- ual. Proportion of Carbonic Acid in 10,000 Parts of the Air, not to be Exceeded at End of Hour. a | 7 8 9 10 15 20 Cubic Feet of Air, of Composition 4 Parts of Carbonic Acid in 10,000, to be Supplied the First Hour. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 2500 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1500 1000 500 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 500 None 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 None 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 None 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 None 445 345 245 145 45 None 275 175 75 None It is exceptional that systematic ventilation supplies the 3000 cubic feet per inmate per lumr, which adequate health considerations demand. For large auditoriums in which the cubic space perindividual is great, and in which the atmosphere is thoroughly fresh before the rooms are occupied, and the occupancy is of two or three hours' duration, the systematic air- supply may be reduced, and 2000 to 2500 cubic feet per inmate per hour is a satisfactory allowance. In hospitals where, on account of unhealthy excretions of various kinds, the air-dilution must be largest, an air-supply of from 4000 to 6000 cubic feet per inmate per hour should be provided, and this is actually secured in some hospitals. A report dated March 15, 1882, by a commission ap- pointed to examine the public schools of the District of Columbia, says: " In each class-room not less than 15 square feet of floor-space should be allotted to each pupil. In each class-room the window-space should not be less than one-fourth the floor-space, and the distance of desk most remote from the window should not be more than one and a half times the height of the top of the window from the floor. The height of the class- room should never exceed 14 feet. The provisions for ventilation should be such as to provide for each person in a class-room not less than 30 cubic feet of fresh air per minute (1800 per hour), which amount must be intro- duced and thoroughly distributed without creating unpleasant draughts, or causing any two parts of the room to differ in temperature more than 2 Fahr., or the maximum temperature to exceed 70 Fahr." [The provi- sion of 30 cu. ft. p_T minute for each person in a class-room is now (1909) required by law in several states.] When the air enters at or near the floor, it is desirable that the velocity of inlet should not exceed 2 feet per second, which means larger sizes of register openings and flues than are usually obtainable, and much higher velocities of inlet than two feet per second are the rule in practice. The velocity of current into vent-flues can safely be as high as 6 or even 10 feet per second, without being disagreeably perceptible. The entrance of fresh air into a room is coincident with, or dependent on, the removal of an equal amount of air from the room. The ordinary means of removal is the vertical vent-duct, rising to the top of the build- HEATING AND VENTILATION. 683 Ing. Sometimes reliance for the production of the current in this vent- duct is placed solely on the difference of temperature of the air in the room and that of the external atmosphere; sometimes a steam coil is placed within the flue near its bottom to heat the air within the duct sometimes steam pipes (risers and returns) run up the duct performing the same functions: or steam jets within the flue, or exhaust fans, driven by steam or electric power, act directly as exhausters; sometimes the heating of the air in the flue is accomplished by gas-jets. The draft of such a duct is caused by the difference of weight of the heated air in the duct, and of a column of equal height and cross-sectional area of the external air. Let d density, or weight in pounds, of a cubic foot of the external air. Let d\ = density, or weight in pounds, of a cubic foot of the heated air within the duct. Let h = vertical height, in feet, of the vent-duct. h (d di) = the pressure, in pounds per square foot, with which the air is forced into and out of the vent-duct. This pressure expressed in height of a column of air of density within the vent-duct is h (d di) -r- d\. Or, if t = absolute temperature of external air, and ti = absolute tem- perature of the air in the vent-duct, then the pressure = h (t\ - t) *- t. The theoretical velocity, in feet per second, with which the air would travel through the vent-duct under this pressure is 2gh(t l -t) t = 8.02 The actual velocity will be considerably less than this, on account of loss due to friction. This friction will vary with the form and cross-sectional area of the vent-duct and its connections, and with the degree of smooth- ness of its interior surface. On this account, as well as to prevent leakage of air through crevices in the wall, tin lining of vent-flues is desirable. The loss by friction may be estimated at approximately 50%, and the actual velocity of the air as it flows through the vent-duct is ii, it/ 2gh y - -, or, approximately, v=4 y h V = velocity of air in vent-duct, in feet per minute, and the external _-r be at 32 Fahr., since the absolute temperature on Fahrenheit scale equals thermometric temperature plus 459.4, fro = 240^ 491.4 >m which has been computed the following table: Quantity of Air, in Cubic Feet, Discharged per 3Iinute through a Ventilating Duct, of which the Cross-sectional 'Area is One Square Foot (the External Temperature of Air being 32 Fahr.). Height of Excess of Temperature of Air in Vent-duct above that of External Air. feet. 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 150 10 77 108 133 153 171 188 242 342 419 15 94 133 162 188 210 230 297 419 514 20 108 153 188 217 242 265 342 484 593 25 . 121 171 210 242 271 297 383 541 663 30 133 188 230 265 297 325 419 593 726 35 . 143 203 248 286 320 351 453 640 784 40 153 217 265 306 342 375 484 683 838 43 162 230 282 325 363 398 514 723 889 50... 171 242 297 342 383 419 541 760 937 684 HEATING AND VENTILATION. Multiplying the figures in preceding table by 60 gives the cubic feet of air discharged per hour per square foot of cross-section of vent-duct. Knowing the cross-sectional area of vent-ducts we can find the total dis- charge; or for a desired air-removal, we can proportion the cross-sectional area of vent-ducts required. Heating and Ventilating of L.arge Buildings. (A. R. Wolff, Jour. Frank. Inst., 1893.) The transmission of heat from the interior to the exterior of a room or building, through the walls, ceilings, windows, etc., is calculated as follows: S = amount of transmitting surface in square feet ; t = temperature F. inside, = temperature outside; K = a coefficient representing, for various materials composing build- ings, the loss by transmission per square foot of surface in British thermal units per hour, for each degree of difference of tempera- ture on the two sides of the material; Q total heat transmission = SK (t o). This quantity of heat is also the amount that must be conveyed to the room in order to make good the loss by transmission, but it does not cover the additional heat to be conveyed on -account of the change of air for purposes of ventilation. (See Wolff's coefficients below, page 688.) These coefficients are to be increased respectively as follows: 10% when the exposure is a northerly one, and winds are to be counted on as impor- tant factors; 10% when the building is heated during the daytime only, and the location of the building is not an exposed one: 30% when the building is heated during the daytime only, and the location of the build- ing is exposed; 50% when the building is heated during the winter months intermittently, with long intervals (say days or weeks) of non-heating. The value of the radiating-surface is about as follows: Ordinary bronzed cast-iron radiating-surfaces, in American radiators (of Bundy or similar type), located in rooms, give out about 250 heat-units per hour for each square foot of surface, with ordinary steam-pressure, say 3 to 5 Ibs, per sq. in., and about 0.6 this amount with ordinary hot-water heating. Non-painted radiating-surfaces, of the ordinary "indirect" type (Climax or pin surfaces), give out about 400 heat-units per hour for each square foot of heating-surface, with ordinary steam-pressure, say 3 to 5 Ibs. per sq. in.; and about 0.6 this amount with ordinary hot-water heating. A person gives out about 400 heat-units per hour; an ordinary gas- burner, about 4800 heat-units per hour; an incandescent electric (16 candle-power) light, about 200 heat-units per hour. The following example is given by Mr. Wolff to show the application of the formula and coefficients : Lecture-room 40 X 60 ft., 20 ft. high, 48,000 cubic feet, to be heated to 69 F.; exposures as follows: North wall, 60 X 20 ft., with four windows, each 14 X 8 feet, outside temperature F. Room beyond west wall and room overhead heated to 69, except a double skylight in ceiling, 14 X 24 ft., exposed to the outside temperature of 0. Store-room beyond east wall at 36. Door 6X12 ft. in wall. Corridor beyond south wall heated to 59. Two doors, 6 X 12, in wall. Cellar below, temperature 36. If we assume that the lecture-room must be heated to 69 F. in the daytime when unoccupied, so as to be at this temperature when first persons arrive, there will be required, ventilation not being considered, and bronzed direct low-pressure steam-radiators being the heating media, about 113,550 -s- 250 = 455 sq. ft. of radiating-surface. If we assume that there are 160 persons in the lecture-room, and we provide 2500 cubic feet of fresh air per person per hour, we will supply 160 X 2500 = 400,000 cubic feet of air per hour (i.e., over eight changes of contents of room per hour). To heat this air from F. to 69 F. will require 400,000 X 0.01785 X 69 = 492.660 thermal units per hour (0.01785 being the product of the weight of a cubic foot, 0.075, by the specific heat of air, 0.238). Accord- ingly there must be provided 492,660 * 400 = 1232 sq. ft. of indirect HEATING AND VENTILATION. 685 surface, to heat the air required for ventilation, in zero weather. If the room were to be warmed entirely indirectly, that is, by the air supplied to room (including the heat to be conveyed to cover loss by transmission through walls, etc.), there would have to be conveyed to the fresh-air supply 492,660 + 118,443 = 611,103 heat-units. This would imply the provision of an amount of indirect heating-surface of the "Climax" type of 611,103 + 400 = 1527 sq. ft., and the fresh air entering the room would have to b? at a temperature of about 86 F., viz., The above calculations do not, however, take into account that 160 persons in the lecture-room give out 160 X 400 = 64,000 thermal units per hour; and that, say, 50 electric lights give out 50 X 200 = 10,000 thermal units per hour; or, say, 50 gaslights, 50 X 4800 = 240,000 thermal units per hour. The presence of 160 people and the gaslighting would diminish considerably the amount of heat required. If the 50 gaslights give out 240,000 thermal units per hour, the air supplied for ventilation must enter considerably below 69 Fahr., or the room will be heated to an unbearably high temperature. If 400,000 cubic feet of fresh air per hour are supplied, and 240,000 thermal units per hour generated by the gas must be abstracted, it means that the air must, under these 240 000 conditions, enter .^^ ^ OM785 - about 34 less than 86. or at about 52 Fahr. Recent researches show that the increase of CO 2 in air due to gas lighting is not detrimental to health. The following table shows the calculation of heat transmission (some figures changed from the original) : * . .g~ fe * n!^ Kind of Transmitting Surface. Thickness of Wall in inches. Calculation of Area of Transmit- ting Sur- face. Square feet of Surface. 3 t uj Thermal Units. 69 69 33 33 10 10 10 10 69 69 33 Outside wall 36" 36* 24" 36" 63x22-448 4x 8X 14 42x22- 72 6x12 45x22- 72 6x12 17x22- 72 6x12 32x42-336 14x24 62x42 wall, 10%.. 938 448 852 72 918 72 302 72 1,008 336 2,604 10 83 4 19 2 5 5 10 35 4 9,380 37,186 3,408 1,368 1,836 360 302 360 10,080 11,760 10,416 Four windows (single) . . . . Inside wall (store-room) Door Inside wall (corridor) Inside wall (corridor) Door Roof Double skylight Floor I Supplementary allowance, north outside Supplementary allowance, north outside Exposed location and intermittent day c Total thermal units 86,456 ^938 3,718 windows, 1C r night use, '. % M)%.r..... 91,112 27,333 118,445 Comfortable Temperatures and Humidities. A. G. Woodman and J. F. Norton, in a work on Air, Water, and Food (1914), give, on the authority of Hill's Recent Advances in Physiology and Biochemistry, a "curve of comfort," practically a straight line, which runs from 20% relative humidity at 87 F. to 75% at 55 F. It approximates 40, 50 and 60% respectively at 75, 70 and 65 F, showing that to secure comfort as temperature rises, the humidity must be decreased. The most comfortable conditions for indoor workers are given at 40% humidity at 68 and 60 % at 64 F. Carbon Dioxide Allowable in Factories. Haldane and Osborne (London, 1902) recommend that the COa in the air at the breathing 686 HEATING AND VENTILATION. line in factories, and away from the immediate influence of special sources of contamination, such as persons or gas lights, should not rise during daylight, or after dark when electric lights only are used, beyond 12 volumes in 10,000 of air, and when gas or oil is used for lighting not over 20 volumes after dark. A pamphlet issued by the National Commercial Gas Association (1914) states that the use of gas for interior lighting does not affect the atmosphere of interiors deleteriously. Heat Produced by Human Beings. According to Landry and Roseman, the average man produces every 24 hours per kilogram of body 32 to 38 calories when at rest, 35 to 45 when in easy action, and 50 to 70 when at hard work. Translating this into British thermal units per hour, and taking the weight of an average man at 140 lb., these figures are equivalent, approximately, to a man giving off 336 to 400 B. T. U. per hour when at rest, 368 to 473 when in easy action, and 525 to 735 when at hard work. Atwater and Rosa, average of 13 experiments, found that a man gave off 2200 cal. per 24 hours at rest and 3400 at work, equivalent to 364 and 562 B. T. U. per hour, respectively. Standards of Ventilation. (C-E.A. Winslow, N. Y. State Com- mission on Ventilation, 'Science, April 30, 1915.) Pettenkoffer in 1863 showed that CO2 in itself is without effect in the highest concentrations which it ever attains in occupied rooms. During the last fifteen years the researches of Fliigge, Haldane, Hill, Benedict and others indicate that the effects experienced in a badly ventilated room are due to the heat and moisture produced by the bodies of the occupants rather than to CO2 or other substances from the breath. Subjects immured in close chambers are not at all relieved by breathing pure outdoor air through a tube, but are relieved completely by keeping the chamber artificially cool, and to a considerable extent by the mere circulating of the air by an electric fan. The experiments of the N. Y. State Commission show that the work- ing of the circulatory and heat regulating machinery of the body was markedly influenced by a slight increase in room temperature, as from 68 to 75 with 50% relative humidity in both cases. Psychological tests failed to show that 86 and 80 % relative humidity had any effect on the power to dp mental work, but with physical work (lifting dumb bells and riding a stationary bicycle), when the subjects had a choice they accomplished 15 % less work at 75, and 37 % less at 86, than they did at 68. As to the effect of stagnant breathed air contaminated so as to show from 20 to 60 parts CO 2 per 10,000, the re- sults are entirely negative so far as mental and physical tests are con- cerned. In practice, an unventilated room is an overheated room. Ventila- tion is just as essential to remove the heat produced by human bodies as it was once thought to be to remove the CO2 produced by the lungs. The quantitative standards of air change established on the old chemical basis serve very well in the new, or heat change, basis. An average adult producing 400 B.T.U. per hour will require 2000 cubic feet of air per hour at 60 to prevent the temperature rising above 70. An ordinary gas burner produces 300 B.T.U. per candle-power hour, and requires 1500 cubic feet of air per hour per candle power. In crowded auditoria every bit of the 2000 cubic feet of air per hour per person is needed, and in many industrial processes, where the heat from human beings is reinforced by friction and other sources, even more will be required. Recent research has on the whole strengthened the arguments for ventilation. The thermometer is the first essential; a rise above 70 must be recognized as a sign of discomfort, of decreased efficiency and lowered vitality. The standard of 30 cubic feet of air per minute per capita remains as the amount necessary to supply if an occupied room is to be kept cool and fresh. The question of humidity remains to be solved. A lack of humidity makes hot air feel cooler and cold air feel warmer. Extreme dryness, at high or moderate temperatures, is believed by many to be in itself harmful, but there is no solid experimental evidence on this point. Air Washing. (D D. Kimball, N. Y. State Commission on Ventila- tion, Science, April 30, 1915.) An air washer consists of a sheet-metal HEATING AND VENTILATING PROBLEMS. 687 chamber in which the air is passed through a heavy mist and then through baffles or eliminator plates by which the entrained moisture is remoTed. The base of the washer is a tank into which the spray falls and from which it is drawn by a centrifugal pump. The pump forces the water through spray nozzles in the spray chamber of the washer. Manufacturers customarily guarantee the removal of 98% of the dust in the air. Practically all the larger particles are removed, but there is always a residue of fine dust which no washer will remove. When there is very little dust in the air, as after a heavy rain, the percentage of the remaining dust that can be removed is quite small. M. C. Whipple's tests showed that the dust removed varied from 64 % down to 7%. The best results in artificial humidification have been obtained by means of the air washer. The degree of humidification is controlled by thermostatic devices. The air washer may also be used for air cooling. The evaporation in the spray chamber will lower the temperature to the extent of 75% or more of the difference between the wet and dry bulb temperatures, equivalent to a temperature reduction often amounting to 10 to 15 degrees. Unfortunately cooling by means of an air washer is expensive. Roughly, the cost of cooling 10 degrees equals the cost of heating 70 degrees. Contamination of Air. The following data are found in "The Air and Ventilation of Subways," by G. A. Soper (1908). Carbon dioxide in air in streets of European cities, 3.01 to 5.02 parts in 10,000. Center of Paris annual average varied from 3.06 to 3.44 parts. Average 'of 309 analyses in New York, 3.67 parts. An average adult inhales about 396 cubic inches per minute. Analysis of inspired air: O, 20.81; N, 79.15; CO 2 , 0.04. Expired air: O, 16.00; N, 79.59; CO-2, 4.38. Air highly charged with CO2 is not dangerous to breathe for a considerable time. CCh must be present to 40 times the amount present when the room begins to smell "stuffy" before it in- creases the rate of breathing. Neither does a decrease of 2 or 3 per cent in the oxygen produce any immediate effect. Long before the air be- comes so vitiated as this other impurities from the lungs make the air extremely unpleasant. The CO2 in badly vitiated places seldom rises above 50 parts in 10,000. The air becomes uncomfortably close and musty when CCh exceeds 8 parts in 10,000. Amount of CO2 exhaled by a man, average per hour: at rest, 16.11 grams, or 8198 cu. cm.; at work, 30.71 grams, or 15,628 cu. cm. STANDARD VALUES FOR USE IN CALCULATION OF HEATING AND VENTILATING PROBLEMS. Heating Value of Coal. Volatile Matter in the Com- bustible, Per Cent. Heating Value per Ib. Combustible, B.T.U. Aver- age. Moisture, in Air-dried Coal, Per Cent. Ash in Air-dried Coal, Per Cent. Anthracite Semi-anthracite . . Semi-bituminous . Bit. eastern Bit western Lignite 3 to 7.5 7.5 to 12.5 12.5 to 25 25 to 40 35 to 50 Over 50 14,700 to 14,900 14,900 to 15,500 15,500 to 16,000 14,800 to 15,000 13,500 to 14,800 11, 000 to 13,500 14,800 15,200 15,750 15,150 14,150 12,250 0.5 to 1.0 0.5 to 1.0 0.5 to 1.0 1. to 4. 4. to 14. 10. to 18. 10. to 18. 10. to 18. 5. to 10. 5. to 15. 10. to 25. 5. to 25. Average Heating Value of Air-Dried Coal. Anthracite, 12,600; semi- anthracite, 12,950; semi-bituminous, 14,450; bituminous eastern, 13,250; bituminous western, 10,400; lignite, 9,700. Eastern bituminous coal is that of the Appalachian coal field extending from Pennsylvania and Ohio to Alabama. Western bituminous coal is that of the great coal fields west of Ohio. Steam Boiler Efficiency. The maximum efficiency obtainable with anthracite in low-pressure steam b9ilers, water heaters or hot-air furnaces is about 80 per cent, when the thickness of. the coal bed and the draft are such as to cause enough air to be supplied to effect complete combus- tion of the carbon to CO2. With coals high in volatile matter the max- 688 HEATING AND VENTILATION. imum efficiency is probably not over 70 per cent. Very much lower efficiencies than these figures are obtained when* the air supply is either deficient or greatly in excess, or when the furnace is not adapted to burn the volatile matter in the coal. D. T. Randall, in tests made in 1908 for the U. S. Geological Survey, with house-heating boilers, obtained efficiencies ranging from 0.62 with coke, 0.61 with anthracite, and 0.58 with semi-bituminous, down to 0.39 with Illinois coal. Available Heating Value of the Coal. Using the figures given above as the average heating value of coal stored in a dry cellar, the following are the probable maximum values in B. T.U., of the heat available for fur- nishing steam or heating water or air, for the several efficiencies stated : Anthracite. Semi-An. Semi-Bit. Bit. East. Bit. West. Lignite. Eff'y 0.80 0.77 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 B.T.U... 10,080 9,933 10,837 9,275 6,760 5.820 For average values in practice, about 10 per cent may be deducted from these figures. (It is possible that an efficiency higher than 80% may be obtained with anthracite in some forms of air-heating furnaces in which the escaping chimney gases are cooled, by contact with the cold air inlet pipes, to comparatively low temperatures.) The value 10,000 B.T.U. is usually taken as the figure to be used in calculation for design of heating and ventilating apparatus. For coals with lower available heating values proper reductions must be made. Heat Transmission through Walls, Windows, etc., in B.T.U. per Sq. Ft. per Hour per Degree of Difference of Temperature. Wolff. B.T.U. Hauss. B.T.U. Wolff. B.T.U. Hauss . B.T.U. GLASS SURFACES. Vault light 1.42 FLOORS. Toists with double 0.10 0.31 0.07 Single window Double window Single skylight 1.20 0.56 1.03 0.50 40 1.00 0.46 1.06 0.48 0.40 Concrete floor Fireproof construc- tion, planked over. Wooden beam con- struction, planked over 0.124 083 Double skylight DOORS. Door l-in. pine...- Concrete floor on brick arch 0.22 0.20 0.16 0.20 0.09 0.08 0.10 0.14 2-in. pine PARTITIONS. Solid plaster, 1 3/4 to 2 1/4 in 0.28 0.60 0.48 Stone floor on arches Planks laid on earth. Planks laid on as- phalt Arch with air space Stones laid on earth. CEILINGS. Joists with single floor 2 1/2 to 3 1/4 in.... Fireproof 0.30 0.28 2-in. pine board A.rches with air space BRICK WALLS. Thickness , In. Wolff. Hauss. Average . B.T.U.* Thickness, In. Wolff. Hauss. Average, B.T.U.* 4 0.66 0.537 25 18 188 43/ 4 0.48 508 28 18 017? 8 0.45 397 30 16 163 10 0.34 0.351 32 0.16 154 12 6.33 313 35 Oil 01 A\ 15 0.26 0.272 36 145 140 16 0.27 260 40 13 01? 01 ?fl 20 0.23 0.22 0.222 45 0.11 116 24 0.20 194 fure for brick walls was obtained by plotting the 's and Hauss 's figures and drawing a straight line * The average _ reciprocals of Wo] RESIDENCE HEATING. 689 SOLID SANDSTONE WALLS. (Hauss.) Thickness, in. . . 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 B.T.U 0.45 0.39 0.35 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.19 For limestone walls, add 10 per cent. Allowances for Exposures. Wolff adds 25% for north and west ex- posures, 15% for east, and 5% for south exposures, also 10% additional for reheating, and 10% to the transmission through floor and ceilings. The allowance for reheating Mr. Wolff explains as follows in a letter to the author, Mar. 10, 1905. The allowance is made on the basis that the apparatus will not be run continuously; in other words, that it will not be run at all, or only lightly, overnight. The rooms will cool off below the required temperature of 70, and to be able to heat up quickly in the morning an allowance of 10% is made to the transmission figures to meet this condition. Hauss makes allowances as follows: 5% for rooms with unusual exposure; 10% where exposures are north, east, northeast, northwest and west; 81/3% where the height of ceiling is more than 13 ft.; 62/3% where it is more than 15 ft.; 10% where it is more than 18 ft. For rooms heated daily, but where heating is interrupted at night, add A = 0.0025 [(N - 1) Wi] - Z. For rooms not heated daily, add B = [0.1 W (8 Z)] * Z. In these formulas W\ = B.T.U. transmitted per hour by exposed sur- faces; W = total B.T.U. necessary, including that for ventilation or changes of air; AT = time from cessation of heating to time of starting fire again, hours; Z time necessary after fire is started until required room temperature is reached, hours. Allowance for Exposure and for Leakage. In calculations of the quantity of neat required by ordinary residences, the formula total heat (Ti- To) (~+ G + } is commonly used. Ti = temp, of room, To = outside temp., W = exposed wall surface less window surface, O = glass surface, C = cubic C9ntents of room, n = number of changes of air per hour. The factor n is usually assumed arbitrarily or guessed at; some writers take its value at 1, others 1 for the rooms, 2 for the halls, etc.; others object to the use of C as a factor, saying that the allowance for exposure and leakage should be made proportional to the exposed wall and glass surface since it is on these surfaces that the leakage occurs, and omitting the term nC/56 they multiply the remainder of the ex- pression by a factor for exposure, c = 1.1 to 1.3, depending on toe direc- ion of the exposure. To show what different results may be obtained by the use of the two methods, the following table is calculated, apply- ing both to six rooms of widely differing sizes. Two sides of each room, north and east, are exposed. Ti = 70; T Q = 0; G = 1/5 (W + G). O s *-. Total Wall, <5 + + CD* g Size, ft. o (W + G) U 1 . II sq. ft. 1 + 5 ] &J & O is* ^t^. o l>. 0>i bib- "S.S ^.s tii ^ c 0} O i||j Size of 0> 1^ ls-il J** |s<2 ins. sq.ft. ins. sq.ft. 4 450 18x19 2.37 68 29 10 2250 24x63 10.5 212 20 5 600 18x25 3.75 84 23 6 2200 36x36 9 256 28 6 750 18x31 3.87 100 26 7 2700 36x43 11.74 298 26 7 900 18x37 4.65 116 25 8 3200 36x50 13.33 340 26 8 1050 18x43 5.37 132 25 9 3700 36x57 14.25 382 26 5 1000 24x30 5 111 22 10 4200 36x64 16 424 26 6 1250 24x36 6 128 21 11 4700 36x71 17.5 466 27 7 1500 24x43 7.16 149 21 12 5200 36x78 19.5 508 26 8 1750 24x50 8.33 170 20 13 5700 36x84 21 550 26 9 2000 24x57 9.5 191 20 14 6200 36x90 22.5 592 26 It appears from this list that there are three sets of proportions, corre- sponding to the three widths of grate surface. The average ratio of heating to grate surface in the three sets is respectively 25.0, 20.7, and 25.8; the rated sq. ft. of radiating surface per sq. ft. of grate is 185, 208, and 259, and the sq. ft. of radiating surface per sq. ft. of boiler heating surface is 7.4, 10.1, and 9.8. Taking 10,000 B.T.U. utilized per Ib. of coal, and 250 B.T.U. emitted per sq. ft. of radiating surface per hour, the rate of combustion required to supply the radiating surface is respec- tively 4.62, 5.22, and 6.40 Ibs. per sq. ft. of grate per hour. Coefficient of Heat Transmission in Direct Radiation. The value of K, or the B.T.U. transmitted per sq. ft. of radiating surface per hour per degree of difference of temperature between the steam (or hot water) and the air in the room, is commonly taken at 1.8 in steam heating, with a temperature difference of about 142, and 1.6 in hot-water heat- ing, with a temperature difference averaging 80. Its value as found by test varies with the conditions; thus the total heat transmitted is not directly proportional to the temperature difference, but increases at a faster rate; single pipes exposed on all sides transmit more heat than pipes in a group; low radiators more than high ones; radiators exposed to currents of cool air more than those in relatively quiet air; radiators with a free circulation of steam throughout more than those that are partly filled with water or air, etc. The total range of the value of K, for ordinary conditions of practice, is probably between 1.5 and 2.0 for steam-heating with a temperature difference of 140, averaging 1.8, and between 1.2 and 1.7, averaging 1.6, for hot-water heating, with a tem- perature difference of 80. C. F. Hauss, Trans. A. S. H. V. E., 1904, gives as a basis for calcula- tion, for a room heated to 70 with steam at 11/2 Ibs. gauge pressure (temperature difference 146 F.) 1 sq. ft. of single column radiator gives off 300 B.T.U. per hour; 2-column, 275; 3-column, 250; 4-column, 225. Value of K in Cast-iron Direct Radiators. (J. R. Allen, Trans. A. S. H. V. E., 1908.) Ts = temp, of steam; Tj_= temp, of room. Ts - T! = 110 120 130 140 150 160 2-col. rad .... .1.71 1 .745 1.76 1. 82 1, ,855 1 .895 3-col. rad .1.65 1 .695 1.745 1. 79 1. 835 1. ,885 Ts -5Ti = 170 180 200 220 240 260 2-col. rad .1.93 1 .965 2.04 2. 11 2. ,185 2 ,265 3-col. rad.... .1.93 1 .98 2.075 2 .165 2. 260 2. 36 698 HEATING AND VENTILATION. B.T.U. Transmitted per Hour per Sq. Ft. of Heating Surface in Indirect Radiators. (W. S. Munroe, Eng. Rec., Nov. 18, 1899.) Cu. ft. of air per hour per sq. ft. of surface. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 B.T.U. per hour per sq. ft. of heating surface. "Gold Pin ")(a). .. 200 325 450 560 370 780 870 950 1030 radiator ((&). 300 550 760 950 1130 1300 "Whittier" (6)... 250 400 520 620 710 B.T.U. per hr. per sq. ft. per deg. diff. of temp.* Gold Pin (a) 1.3 2.2 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.2 5.8 6.3 6.9 Gold Pin (6) 2.0 3.7 5.1 6.3 7.7 8.7 Whittier (6) 1.7 2.7 3.5 4.1 4.7 Temperature difference between steam and entering air, (a) 150; (6) 215. * Between steam and entering air. Short Rules for Computing Radiating-Surfaces. In the early days of steam-heating, when little was known about " British Thermal Units," it was customary to estimate the amount of radiating-surface by dividing the cubic contents of the room to be heated by a certain factor supposed to be derived from "experience." Two of these rules are as follows: One square foot of surface will heat from 40 to 100 cu. ft. of space to 75 in 10 latitudes. This range is intended to meet conditions of exposed or corner rooms of buildings, and those less so, as intermediate ones of a block. As a general rule, 1 sq. ft. of surface will heat 70 cu. ft. of air in outer or front rooms and 100 cu. ft. in inner rooms. In large stores in cities, with buildings on each side, 1 to 100 is ample. The following are approximate proportions: One square foot radiating-surface will heat: In Dwellings, In Hall, Stores, In Churches, Schoolrooms, Lofts, Factories, Large Audito- Offices, etc. etc. riums, etc. By direct radiation.. . . 60 to 80 ft. 75 to 100 ft. 150 to 200 ft. By indirect radiation.. 40 to 50 ft. 50 to 70 ft. 100 to 140 ft. Isolated buildings exposed to prevailing north or west winds should have a generous addition made to the heating-surface on their exposed sides. 1 sq. ft. of boiler-surface will supply from 7 to 10 sq. ft. of radiating- surface, depending upon the size of boiler and the efficiency of its surface, as well as that of the radiating-surface. Small boilers for house use should be much larger proportionately than large plants. Each horse- power of boiler will supply from 240 to 360 ft. of 1-in. steam-pipe, or 80 to 120 sq. ft. of radiating-surface. Under ordinary conditions 1 horse-power will heat, approximately, in Brick dwellings, in blocks, as in cities 15,000 to 20,000 cu. ft. Brick stores, in blocks 10,000 15,000 Brick dwellings, exposed all round 10,000 15,000 Brick mills, shops, factories, etc 7,000 10,000 Wooden dwellings, exposed 7,000 10,000 Foundries and wooden shops 6,000 10,000 Exhibition buildings, largely glass, etc 4,000 15,000 Such "rules of thumb," as they are called, are generally supplanted by the modern "heat-unit" methods. Carrying Capacity of Pipes in Low -Pressure Steam Heating. (W. Kent, Trans. A. S. II. V. E., 1907.) The following table is based on an assumed drop of 1 pound pressure per 1000 feet, not because that is the drop which should always be used in fact the writer believes that in large installations a far greater drop is permissible but because it gives a basis upon which the flow for any other drop may be calculated, FLOW OF STEAM IN PIPES. 699 merely by multiplying the figures in the tables by the square root 9f the assigned drop. The formula from which the tables are calculated is the in which W= weight of steam well known one, W in Ibs. per hour; weight of steam in pounds per cubic foot, at eng n ee. e coecens c are erve rom acocs o (see page 618) which is believed to be as accurate as any that has been derived from the very few recorded experiments on steam. Nominal diam. of pipe 1/2 3/4 1 U/4 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 Value of c 334 37.5 41 .3 45.8 48.4 52.5 55.5 59.0 61 3 Nominal diam. of pipe 4 41/2 5 6 7 8 9 10 1?. Value of c 63.2 64.8 66.5 68.7 70.7 72.2 73.4 74.5 76.3 Flow of Steam in Pipes for a Drop of 1 Ifo. per 1000 Ft. Length. (Pounds per Hour.) i .2 fi IH Pi =0.3 pi=1.3 Pi=2.3 Pi=3.3 pi=4.3 pi=5.3 Pi = 6.3 pi = 8.3 pi=10.3 3.0. 3 s W w W w~ w= W w = w= W 'SvH 11 .03732 .04042 .04277 .04512 .04746 .04980 .05213 .05676 .0614 T~~ H/4 1.049 1.380 17.1 37.6 17.8 39.4 18.3 40.2 18.8 41.3 19.2 42.4 19.7 43.4 20.2 44.4 21.0 46.3 21.9 48.2 H/2 1.610 58.4 60.7 62.5 64.1 65.8 67.4 68.9 71.9 74.8 2 2.067 118.2 123.0 126.6 130.0 133.3 136.6 139.7 145.8 151.6 21/2 2.469 194.9 202.8 208.7 214.3 219.7 225.1 230.3 240.3 250.0 3 3.068 356.6 371.0 381.8 392.0 402.1 411.9 421.4 439.7 457.3 31/2 3.548 532.7 554.5 570.5 585.8 600.8 615.4 629.8 481.5 683.8 4 4.026 753.6 784.2 807.0 828.6 849.6 870.6 890.4 929.4 966.6 41/2 4.506 1025. 1066. 1096. 1126. 1154. 1184. 1210. 1262. 1315. 5 5.047 1395. 1451. 1494. 1534. 1573. 1611. 1649. 1720. 1789. 6 6.065 2281. 2374. 2443. 2509. 2573. 2635. 2696. 2813. 2926. 7 7.023 3387. 3525. 3628. 3725. 3820. 3913. 4003. 4177. 4345. 8 7.981 4776. 4970. 5114. 5250. 5385. 5518. 5644. 5889. 6123. 9 8.941 6429. 6693. 6885. 7070. 7250. 7430. 7604. 7934. 8251. 10 10.020 8676 9030. 9294. 9545. 9785. 10025. 10259. 10702. 11123. It 11.000 11106. 11556. 11892. 12210. 12522. 12828. 13128. 13698. 14244. 12 112.000 13950. 14520. 14940. 15342. 15732. 16116. 16488. 17202. 17892. Pi = initial pressure, by gauge, Ib. per sq. in. w = density, Ib. per cu. ft. For any other drop of pressure per 1000 feet length, multiply the fig- ures in the table by the square root of that drop, or by the factor below. Drop Ib. per 1000 ft.... 14 1/2 2 3 4 Factor 0.5 0.71 1.41 1.73 2.0 6 8 10 15 20 2.45 2.83 3.16 3.87 4.47 In all cases the judgment of the engineer must be used in the assump- tion of the drop to be allowed. For small distributing pipes it will gen- erally be desirable to assume a drop of not more than one pound per 1000 feet to insure that each single radiator shall always have an ample supply for the worst conditions, and in that case the size of piping given in the table up to two inches may be used; but for main pipes supplying totals of more than 500 square feet, greater drops may be allowed. '700 HEATING AND VENTILATION. Proportioning Pipes to Radiating Surface. FIGURES USED IN CALCULATION OF RADIATING SURFA.CE. P = Pressure by gauge, Ibs. per sq. in. 0. 0.3 1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 8.3 L = latent heat of evaporation, B.T.U. per lb.* 965.7 965.0 962.6 960.4 958.3 956.3 954.4 952.6 949.1 945.8 10.3 212. Temperature Fahrenheit, T\. 213. 216.3 219.4 222.4 225.2 227.9 142. 143. Hi = T t X 1.8 230.5 2.35.4 240.0 !T 2 = TI 70, difference of temperature. 146.3 149.4 152.4 155.2 157.9 160.5 165.4 170.0 heat transmission per sq. ft. radiating surface, B.T.U. per hour. 255.6 257.4 263.3 268.9 274.3 279.2 284.2 288.9 297.7 306.0 H t + L = steam condensed per sq. ft. radiating surface, Ibs. per hour. 0.2647 0.267 0.274 0.280 0.286 0.292 0.298 0.303 0.314 0.324 Heciprocal of above = radiating surface per lb. of steam condensed per hour. 3.42 3.36 3.78 3.75 3.65 3.57 3.50 3.30 3.18 3.09 The last three lines of figures are based on the empirical constant 1.8 for the average British thermal units transmitted per square foot of radi- ating surface per hour per degree of difference of temperature. This figure is approximately correct for several forms of both cast-iron radia- tors and pipe coils, not over 30 inches high and not over two pipes in width. RADIATING SURFACE SUPPIJED BY DIFFERENT SIZES OF PIPE. On basis of steam in pipe at 0.3 and 10.3 Ibs. gauge pressure, tempera- ture of room 70, heat transmitted per square foot radiating surface 257.4 and 306 British thermal units per hour, and drop of pressure in pipe at the rate of 1 lb. per 1000 feet length; = pounds of steam per hour in the table on the preceding page, 1st column, X 3.75, and last column, X 3.09. Size of Pipe. Radiating Surface, Sq. Ft. Size of Pipe, Radiating Surface, Sq.Ft. Size of Pipe. Radiating Surface, Sq. Ft. In. 0.3 lb. 10.3 lb. In, 0.3 lb. 10.3 lb. In. 0.3 lb. 10.31b. 1/2 16 16 21/2 734 769 6 7,541 7,90! 3/4 36 38 3 1,296 1,357 7 11,010 11,535 1 71 75 31/2 1,895 1,986 8 15,307 16,040 11/4 150 157 2,630 2,755 9 20,482 21,451 H/2 230 241 41/2 3,520 3,686 10 27,427 28,718 2 453 475 5 4,695 4,919 12 43,312 45,423 For greater drops than 1 lb. per 1000 ft. length of pipe, multiply the figures by the square root of the drop. * The latest steam tables (1909) give somewhat higher figures, but the difference is unimportant here. SIZES OF STEAM PIPES FOB HEATING, 701 Sizes of Steam Pipes in Heating Plants. G. W. Stanton, in HeatinQ and Ventilating Mag., April, 1908, gives tables for proportioning pipes to radiating surface, from which the following tablets condensed: Sup- ply Pipe. Ins. Radiating Surface Sq. Ft. Returns. Drips. Connections. A B C D B CxD A BAD At A2BA 1 H/4 H/2 BjA U'4 H/2 2l/ 2 31/2 h 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 24 60 125 250 600 800 1,000 1,600 1,900 2,300 4,100 6,500 9,600 13,600 60 100 200 400 700 1,000 1,600 2,300 3,200 4 100 6,500 9,600 13,600 36 72 120 280 528 900 1,320 1,920 2,760 3,720 6,000 9,000 12,800 17,800 23,200 37,000 54,000 76,000 60 120 240 480 880 1,500 2,200 3,200 4,600 6,200 10,000 15,000 21,600 30,000 39,000 62,000 92,000 130,000 1 1 11/4 I V2 2 21/2 21/ 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 1 1 U/4 U/2 21/2 21/2 3 31/2 3 V , 4 41/2 6 7 8 3/4 1 3/4 H/4 U/4 11/2 U/2 U/2 3/4 3/4 1 U/4 U/4 U/4 11/4 U/4 u/ 2 2V, 31/2 41/2 U/4 U/2 Supply mains and risers are of the same size. Riser connections on the two-pipe system to be the same size as the riser. A. For single-pipe steam-heating system to riser connections. A 2, radiator connections. Ib. pressure. A\, B. Two-pipe system to 5 Ib. pressure; Bi, Ci, radiator connections, supply; B%, Ci, radiator connections, return. C, D. Two-pipe system 2 and 5 Ibs. respectively, mains and risers not over 100 ft. length. For other lengths, multiply the given radiating surface by factors, as below: Length, ft... . 200 Factor ...... 0.71 300 0.58 400 0.5 500 0.45 600 0.41 700 0.38 800 0.35 900 0.33 1000 0.32 Mr. Stanton says: Theoretically both supply and return mains could be much smaller, but in practice it has been found that while -smaller pipes can be used if a job is properly and carefully figured and propor- tioned and installed, for work as ordinarily installed it is far safer to use the sizes that have been tried and proven. By using the sizes given a job will circulate throughout with 1 Ib. steam pressure at the boiler. Resistance of Fittings. Where the pipe supplying the radiation con- tains a large number of fittings, or other conditions make such a refine- ment necessary, it is advisable to add to the actual distance of the radia- tion from the source of supply a distance equivalent to the resistance offered by the fittings, and by the entrance to the radiator, the value of which, expressed in feet of pipe of the same diameter as the fitting, will be found in the accompanying table. Power, Dec., 1907. FEET OF PIPE TO BE ADDED FOR EACH FITTING. Size Pipe. ' U/4 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 6 7 8 9 10 Elbows... 3 4 5 7 8 10 12 13 15 17 20 23 27 30 33 Globe V.. 7 8 10 13 17 20 23 27 30 33 40 47 53 60 67 Entrance 5 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 23 25 30 35 40 45 50 702 HEATING AND VENTILATION. Overhead Steam-pipes. (A. R. Wolff, Stevens Indicator, 1887.) When the overhead system of steam-heating is employed, in which sys- tem direct radiating-pipes, usually 1 1/4 in. in diam., are placed in rows overhead, suspended upon horizontal racks, the pipes running horizon- tally, and side by side, around the whole interior of the building from 2 to 3 ft. from the walls, and from 2 to 4 ft. from the ceiling, the amount of li/4-in. pipe required, according to Mr. C. J. H. Woodbury, for heating mills (for which use this system is deservedly much in vogue), is about 1 ft. in length for every 90 cu. ft. of space. Of course a great range of difference exists, due to the special character of the operating machinery in the mill, both in respect to the amount of air circulated by the ma- chinery, and also the aid to warming the room by the friction of the journals. Removal of Air from Radiators. Vacuum Systems. In order that a steam radiator may work at its highest capacity it is necessary that it be neither water-bound nor air-bound. Proper drainage must therefore be provided, and also means for continuously, or frequently, removing air from the system, such as automatic air-valves on each radiator, an air-pump or an air-ejector on a chamber or receiver into which the returns are carried, or separate air-pipes connecting each radiator with a vacuum chamber. When a vacuum system is used, especially with a high vacuum, much lower temperatures than usual may be used in the radiators, which is an advantage in moderate weather. Steam-consumption in Car-heating. C., M. & ST. PAUL RAILWAY TESTS. (Engineering, June 27, 1890, p. 764.) Outside Temperature. Inside Temperature. ^^rte^THw^ 40 70 70 Ibs. 30 70 85 10 70 100 Heating a Greenhouse by Steam. Wm. J. Baldwin answers . a question in the American Machinist as below: With five pounds steam- pressure, how many square feet or inches of heating-surface is necessary to heat 100 square feet of glass on the roof, ends, and sides of a green- house in order to maintain a night heat of 55 to 65, while the thermom- eter outside ranges at from 15 to 20 below zero: also, what boiler- surface is necessary? Which is the best for the purpose to use 2" pipe or 1 1/4" pipe? Ans. Reliable authorities agree that 1.25 to 1.50 cubic feet of air in an enclosed space will be cooled per minute per sq. ft. of glass as many degrees as the internal temperature of the house exceeds that of the air outside. Between + 65 and 20 there will be a difference of 85, or, say, one cubic foot 9f air cooled 127.5 F. for each sq. ft. of glass for the most extreme condition mentioned. Multiply this by the number of square feet of glass and by 60, and we have the number of cubic feet of air cooled 1 per hour within the building or house. Divide the number thus found by 48, and it gives the units of heat required, approximately. Divide again by 953, and it will give the number of pounds of steam that must be condensed from a pressure and temperature of five pounds above atmosphere to water at the same temperature in an hour to main- tain the heat. Each square foot of surface of pipe will condense from 1/4 to nearly 1/2 lb. of steam per hour, according as the coils are exposed or well or poorly arranged, for which an average of 1/3 lb. may .be taken. According to this, it will require 3 sq. ft. of pipe surface per lb. of steam to be condensed. Proportion the heating-surface of the boiler to have about one fifth the actual radiating-surface, if you wish to keep steam over night, and proportion the grate to burn not more than six pounds of coal per sq. ft. of grate per hour. With very slow combustion, such as takes place in base-burning boilers, the grate might be proportioned for four to five pounds of coal per hour. It is cheaper to make coils of H/4" pipe than of 2", and there is nothing to be gained by using 2" pipe unless the coils are very long. The pipes in a greenhouse should be under or in front of the benches, with every chance for a good circulation HOT-WATER HEATING. 703 of air. "Header" coils are better than "return-bend" coils for this purpose. Mr. Baldwin's rule may be given the following form: Let H = heat- units transferred per hour, T = temperature inside the greenhouse, t = temperature outside, S = sq. ft. of glass surface; then H = 1.5 S (T t) X 60 -*- 48 = 1.875 S (T t). Mr. Wolff's coefficient K for single sky- lights gives H = 1.03 S (T - 0, and for single windows, 1.20 S (T - t). Heating a Greenhouse by Hot Water. W. M. Mackay, of the Richardson & Boynton Co., in a lecture before the Master Plumbers' Association, N. Y., 1889, says: I find that while greenhouses were for- merly heated by 4-inch and 3-inch cast-iron pipe, ,on account of the large body of water which they contained, and the supposition that they gave better satisfaction and a more even temperature, florists of long experi- ence who have tried 4 -inch and 3-inch cast-iron pipe, and also 2-inch wrought-iron pipe for a number of years in heating their greenhouses by hot water, and who have also tried steam-heat, tell me that they get better satisfaction, greater economy, and are able to maintain a more even temperature with 2-inch wrought-iron pipe and hot water than by any other system they have used. They attribute this result principally to 'the fact that this size pipe contains less water and on this account the heat can be raised and lowered quicker than, by any other arrangement of pipes, and a more uniform temperature maintained than by steam or any other system. HOT- WATER HEATING. The following notes are from the catalogue of the Nason Mfg. Co.: There are two distinct forms or modifications of hot-water apparatus, depending upon the temperature of the water. In the first or open-tank system the water is never above 212 tempera- ture, arfd rarely above 200. This method always gives satisfaction where the surface is sufficiently liberal, but in making it so its cost is considerably greater than that for a steam-heating apparatus. In the second method, sometimes called (erroneously) high-pressure hot-water heating, or the closed -system apparatus, the tank is closed. If it is provided with a safety-valve set at 10 Ibs. it is practically as safe as the open-tank system. Law of Velocity of Flow. The motive power of the circulation in a hot-water apparatus is the difference between the specific gravities of the water in the ascending and the descending pipes. This effective pressure is very small, and is equal to about one grain for each foot in height for each degree difference between the pipes; thus, with a height of 1 ft. " up " pipe, and a difference between the temperatures of the up and down pipes of 8, the difference in their specific gravities is equal to 8.16 grains (0.001166 Ib.) on each square inch of the section of return- pipe, and the velocity of the circulation is proportioned to these differ- ences in temperature and height. Main flow-pipes from the heater, from which branches may be taken, are to be preferred to the practice of taking off nearly as many pipes from the heater as there are radiators to supply. It is not necessary that the main flow and return pipes should equal in capacity that of all their branches. The hottest water will seek the highest level, while gravity will cause an even distribution of the heated water if the surface is properly proportioned. It is good practice to reduce the size of the vertical mains as they ascend, say at the rate of one size for each floor. As with steam, so with hot water, the pipes must be unconfined to allow for expansion of the pipes consequent on having their temperatures in- creased. An expansion tank is required to keep the apparatus filled with water, which latter expands 1/24 of its bulk on being heated from 40 to 212, and the cistern must have capacity to hold certainly this increased bulk. It is recommended that the supply cistern be placed on level with or above the highest pipes of the apparatus, in order to receive the air which collects in the mains and radiators, and capable of holding at least 1/30 of the water in the entire apparatus. Arrangement of Mains for Hot-water Heating. (W. M. Mackay, Lecture before Master Plumbers' Assoc., N. Y., 1889). There are two different systems of mains in general use, either of which, if properly 704 HEATING AND VENTILATION. placed, will give good satisfaction. One is the taking of a single large- flow main from the heater to supply all the radiators on the several floors, with a corresponding return mam of the same size. The other is the tak- ing of a number of 2-inch wrought-iron mains from the heater, with the same number of return mains of the same size, branching off to the several radiators or coils with li/4-inch or 1-inch pipe, according to the size of the radiator or coil. A 2-inch main will supply three U/4-inch or four 1-inch branches, and these branches should be taken from the top of the horizontal main with a nipple and elbow, except in special cases where it it is found necessary to retard the flow of water to the near radiator, for the purpose of assisting the circulation in the far radiator; in this case the branch is taken from the side of the horizontal main. The flow and return mains are usually run side by side, suspended from the basement ceiling, and should have a gradual ascent from the heater to the radiators of at least 1 inch in 10 feet. It is customary, and an advantage where 2-inch mains are used, to reduce the size of the main at every point where a branch is taken off. The single or large main system is best adapted for large buildings ; but there is a limit as to size of main which it is not wise to go beyond generally 6-inch, except in special cases. The proper area of cold-air pipe necessary for 100 square feet of indi- rect radiation in hot-water heating is 75 square inches, while the hot-air pipe should have at least 100 square inches of area. There should be a damper in the cold-air pipe for the purpose of controlling the amount of air admitted to the radiator, depending on the severity of the weather. Sizes of Pipe for Hot-water Heating. A theoretical calculation of the required size of pipe in hot-water heating may be made in the follow- ing manner. Having given the amount of heat, in B.T.U. to be emitted by a radiator per minute, assume the temperatures of the water entering and leaving, say 160 and 140. Dividing the B.T.U. by the difference in temperatures gives the number of pounds of water to be circulated, and this divided by the weight of water per cubic foot gives the number of cubic feet per minute. The motive force to move this water, per square inch of the area of the riser, is the difference in weight per cu. ft. of water at the two temperatures, divided by 144, and multiplied by H, the height of the riser, or for Ti = 160 and T 2 = 140, (61.37 - 60.98) + 144 = q.00271 Ib. per sq. in. for each foot of the riser. Dividing 144 by 61.37 gives 2.34, the ft. head of water corresponding to 1 Ib. per sq. in., and 0.00271 X 2.34 = 0.0066 ft. head, or if the riser is 20 ft. high, 20 X 0.0066 = 0.132 ft. head, which is the motive force to move the water over the whole length of the circuit, overcoming the friction of the riser, the return pipe, the radiator and its connections. If the circuit has a resistance equal to that of a 50-ft. pipe, then 50 -*- 0.132 = 380 is the ratio of length of pipe to the head, which ratio is to be taken with the number of cubic feet to be circulated, and by means of formulae for flow of water, such as Darcy's, or hydraulic tables, the diameter of pipe re- quired to convey the given quantity of water with this ratio of length of pipe to head is found. This tedious calculation is made more complicated by the fact that estimates have to be made of the frictional resistance of the radiator and its connections, elbows, valves, etc., so that in practice it is almost never used, and "rules of thumb" and tables derived from experience are used instead. On this subject a committee of the Am. Soc. Heating and Ventilating Engineers reported in 1909 as follows: The amount of water of a certain temperature required per hour by radiation may be determined by the following formula: g)-x*eo/xeo - cu - ft - ot water per minute - R = square feet of radiation; X = B.T.U. given off per hour by 1 sq. ft. of radiation (150 for direct and 230 for indirect) with water at 170*. Twenty is the drop in temperature in degrees between the water entering- the radiation and that leaving it; 60.8 is the weight of a cubic foot of water at 170 degrees; 60 is to reduce the result from hours to minutes. The average sizes of mains, as used by seven prominent engineers in regular practice for 1800 square feet of radiation, are given below: HOT- WATER HEATING. 705 2-pipe open-tank system, 100 ft. mains, 5-in. pipe = 26.6 ft. per min. 1-pipe open-tank system, 100 ft. mains, 6-in. pipe = 18.4 ft. per min. Overhead open-tank system, 100 ft. mains, 4-in. pipe = 41.8 ft. per min. Overhead open-tank system, 100 ft. mains, 3-in. pipe = 72.1 ft. per min. For 1200 sq; ft. indirect radiation with separate main, 100 ft. long, direct from boiler, open system, the bottom of the radiator being 1 ft. above the top of the boiler 5-in. pipe = 22.4 ft. per min. CAPACITY OF MAINS 100 FT. LONG. Expressed in the number of square feet of hot-water radiating sur- face they will supply, the radiators being placed in rooms at 70 F., and 20 drop assumed. Diameter of Pipes, Ins. Two-Pipe up Feed Open Tank. One-Pipe up Feed Open Tank. Overhead Open Tank. Overhead Closed Tank. Two-Pipe Open Tank. H/4 75 45 127 250 48 I 1/2 107 65 181 335 69 2 200 121 339 667 129 21/2... 314 190 533 1,060 202 3 540 328 916 1,800 348 31/2 780 474 1,334 2,600 502 4. 1 060 645 1,800 3,350 684 5 1 860 1 130 3 150 6200 1 200 6 2960 1,800 5,000 9] 800 1,910 7 ... 4,280 2,700 7,200 13,900 2,760 8 5,850 3,500 9,900 19500 3,778 The figures are for direct radiation except the last column which is for indirect, 12 in. above boiler. CAPACITY OF RISERS. Expressed in the number of sq. ft. of direct lK)t-water radiating sur- face they will supply, the radiators being placed in rooms at 70 F., and 20 drop-assumed. The figures in the last column are for the closed-tank overhead system the others are for the open-tank system. Diameter of Riser. Inches. 1st Floor. 2d Floor. 3d Floor. 4th Floor. Drop Risers, not exceeding 4 floors. 1 33 46 57 64 48 1 1/4. . . 71 104 124 142 112 11/2 . 100 140 - 175 200 160 2. ........ 187 262 325 375 300 21/7 . 292 410 492 580 471 3/ 2 :. :.:::::::.. 500 755 875 1,000 810 All horizontal branches from mains to risers or from risers to radiators, more than 10 ft. long (unless within 15 ft. of the boiler), should be in- creased one size over that indicated for risers in the above table. For indirect radiation, the amount of surface may be computed as follows : Temperature of the air entering the room, 110 = T. Average temperature of the air passing through the radiator, 55. Temperature of the air leaving the room, 70 = t. Velocity of the air passing through the radiator, 240 ft. per min. Cubic feet of air to be conveyed per hour, = C = (H X 55) + (T - f). H = exposure loss in B.T.U. per hour. Heat necessary to raise this air to the entering temperature from F., T X C + 55 =- JJ . 706 HEATING AND VENTILATION. The amount of radiation is found by dividing the total heat by the emission of heat by indirect radiators per square foot per hour per degree difference in temperature. This varies with the velocity, as shown below: Velocity, ft. per min... . 174 246 300 342 378 400 428 450 474 492 B.T.U 1.70 2.00 2.22 2.38 2.52 2.60 2.67 2.72 2.76 2.80 The difference between 170 degrees (average temperature of the water in the radiator) and 55 degrees (average temperature of the air in the radiator) being 115, the emission at 240 ft. per min. is 2. per degree differ- ence or 230 B.T.U. Ordinarily the amount of indirect radiation required is computed by adding a percentage to the amount of direct radiation [computed by the usual rules], and an addition of 50% has been found sufficient in many cases; but in buildings where a standard of ventilation is to be maintained, the formula mentioned seems more likely to give satisfactory results. Free area between the sections of radiation to allow passage of the re- quired volume of air at the assumed velocity must be maintained. The cold-air supply duct, on account of less frictional resistance, may ordi- narily have 80% of the area between the radiator sections. The hot-air flues may safely be proportioned for the following air velocities per min- ute: First floor, 200 feet; second floor, 300 feet; third floor, 400 feet. PIPE SIZES FOR HOT- WATER HEATING. Based on 20 difference in temperature between flow and return water. (C. L. Hubbard, The Engineer July 1, 1902.) Diam. of ) i -Pipe, f ' U/4 H/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 5 ' 6 7 Length of Run. Square Feet of Direct Radiating Surface. Feet. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 100 200 1st story 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 30 60 50 100 75 50 200 150 125 100 75 350 250 200 175 150 125 550 400 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 850 600 450 400 350 325 300 250 225 1,200 850 700 600 525 475 450 400 350 1,400 1,150 1.000 900 850 775 725 650 ,600 ,400 ,300 ,200 ,150 ,000 1,700 1,600 1,500 Square Feet of Indirect Radiation. 15 30 20 50 30 100 70 200 120 300 200 400 300 600 400 1,000 700 Square Feet of Direct Radiating Surface. 30 55 65 75 85 95 60 90 110 125 140 160 100 140 165 185 210 240 200 275 375 425 500 350 275 550 850 The size of pipe required to supply any given amount of hot-water radiating surface depends upon (1) The square feet of radiation; (2) its elevation above the boiler; (3) the difference in temperature of the water in the supply and return pipes; (4) the length of the pipe connecting the radiator with the boiler. In estimating the length of a pipe the number of bends and valves must be taken into account. It is customary to consider an elbow as equivalent to a pipe 60 diameters in length, and a return bend to 120 diameters. A globe valve may be taken about the same as an elbow. A series of articles on The Determination of the Sizes of Pipe for Hot Water Heating, by F. E. Geisecke, is printed in Domestic Engineering, beginning in May, 1909. HOT -WATER HEATING. 707 Sizes of Flow and Return Pipes Approximately Proportioned to Surface of Direct Radiators for Gravity Hot-Water Heating. (G. W. Stanton, Heat. & Ventg. Mag., April, 1908.) Mains. Branches of Mains. Size of Mains. In Cellar or Basement. On One or More Floors. Average. First Floor 10'-15'. Second Floor 15'-25'. Third Floor 25'-35'. Fourth or Fifth Floor 35'-45'. Square Feet of Radiating Surface. ,, H/4 u/ 2 21/2 3 V2 41/2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 40 75 120 195 320 490 650 870 1,120 1,400 45 80 135 210 350 525 690 920 1,185 1,485 50 85 150 230 370 550 730 970 1,250 1,560 50 110 180 290 400 620 820 1,050 1,325 100 135 225 320 500 650 850 1,050 1,350 2,900 3,900 5,000 6,300 7,900 9,500 11,400 135 220 350 460 675 850 1,100 1,350 1,700 3,600 4,800 6,200 7,700 9,800 11,800 14.000 Note. The heights of the several floors are taken as: 1st. 10 to 15ft.; 2d. 15 to 25 ft. 3d. 25 to 35 ft.; 4th. 35 to 45 ft. Sizes of Pipe for Gravity Hot-Water Heating. (John Jaeger, Heating and Ventilating Mag., Feb., 1912.) The assumed temperature of the water supplied to the radiators is 185, and the drop 36, giving a mean temperature of 170. The temperature difference creates a water pressure of 0.148 in. of water per foot of height. With the assumed heights, H, between the center of the boiler and the center of the radiator on the several floors, and the assumed lengths, L, of the circuit, making allowance for resistance of connections, as given in the table, and using the ordinary tables for flow of water in pipes, the figures for number of square feet of radiating surface that will be supplied by different sizes of pipe are obtained, assuming that each square foot emits 170 B. T. U. per hour. L. Size of Pipe, In. Ft. 1/2 3/ 4 1 11/4 11/2 Sq. Ft. of Radiating Surface. Floor H. Ft. Basement. . . . First floor . . . Second floor . . Third floor. . . Fourth floor . , 3.5 6 19 31 42 80 100 125 150 175 11 13 22 26.5 29 32 39 62 74 81 57 70 130 160 175 127 180 156 221 238 377 290 450 314 490 Heating by Hot Water, with Forced Circulation. The principal defect of gravity hot-water systems, that the motive force is only the difference in weight of two columns of water of different temperatures, is overcome by giving the water a forced circulation, either by means of a pump or by a steam ejector. For large installations a pump gives facili- ties for forcing the hot water to any distance required. The design of such a system is chiefly a problem in hydraulics. After determining the quantity of heat to be given out by each radiator, a certain drop in temperature is assumed, andjrom that the volume of water required by each radiator is calculated. The piping system then has to be designed so that it will carry the proper supply of water to each radiator without short-circuiting, and with a minimum total cost for power to force the water, for loss by radiation, and for interest, etc., on cost of plant. No short rules or formulae have been established for designing a forced hot- water system, and each case has to be studied as an original problem to 708 pEATTNG AND VENTILATION. be solved by application or tne laws of heat transmission and hydraulics. Forced systems using steam ejectors have come into use to some dtent in Europe in small installations, and some of them are described in the Transactions of the Amer. Soc'y of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. A system of distributing heat and power to customers by means of hot water pumped from a central station was adopted by the Boston Heating Co. in 1888. It was not commercially successful. A description of the plant is given by A. V. Abbott in Trans. A. I. M. E., 1888. Corrosion of Pipe in Hot-Water Heating .Systems. The chief agent of internal corrosion in hot- water pipes appears to be oxygen dissolved in the water. If this is removed corrosion is prevented. Buildings equipped with closed heating systems have suffered serious damage in six or eight years, while no such damage has been found in open or vented systems, in which the air dissolved in the water is allowed to escape in an open tank placed at the top of the system. (F. N. Speller, Eng. News, Feb. 13, 1913.) THE BLOWER SYSTEM OF HEATING. The system provides for the use of a fan or blower which takes its sup- ply of fresh air from the outside of the building to be heated, forces it over steam coils, located either centrally or divided up into a number oi independent groups, and then into the several ducts or flues leading to the various rooms. The movement of the warmed air is positive, and the delivery of the air to the various points of supply is certain and entirely independent of atmospheric conditions. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Plenum System. (Prof. W. F. Barrett, Brit. Inst. H. & V. Engrs., 1905.) Advantages: (1) The evenness of temperature produced; (2) the ventilation of the building is concurrent with its warming; (3) the air can be drawn from sources free from contamination and can be filtered from suspended impurities, warmed and brought to the proper hygrometric state before its intro- duction to the different rooms or wards; (4) the degree of temperature and of ventilation can be easily controlled in any part of the building, and (5) the removal of ugly pipes running through the rooms has a great architectural and esthetic advantage. Disadvantages: (1) The most obvious is that no windows can be opened nor doors left open; double doors with an air lock between must also be provided if the doors are frequently opened and closed; (2) the mechanical arrangements are elaborate and the system requires to be used with intelligent care; (3) the whole elaborate system needs to be set going even if only one or two rooms in a large building require to be warmed, as often happens in the winter vacation of a college; (4) the temporary failure of the system, through the breakdown of the engines or other cause, throws the whole system into confusion, and if, as in the Royal Victoria Hospital, the windows are not made to open, imminent danger results; (5) then, also, in the case of hospital wards and asylums it is possible that the outlet ducts may become coated with disease germs, and unless periodically cleansed, a back current, through a high wind or temporary failure of the system may bring a cloud of these disease germs back into the wards. Heat Radiated from Coils in the Blower System. The committee on Fan-blast Heating, of the A. S. H. V. E., in 1909, gives the following formula for amount of heat radiated from hot-blast coils with different velocities of air passing through the heater: # = B.T.U. per sq. ft. of sur- face per hour per degree of difference between the average temperature of the air and the steam temperature, = V4 v, in which V= velocity of the air through the free area of the coil in feet per second. A plotted curve of 20 tests of different heaters shows that the formula represents the aver- age results, but individual tests show a wide variation from the average, thus: For velocity 1000 ft. per min., average 9 B.T.U., range 7.5 to 11; 1600 ft. per min., average 10.4, range 9.5 to 12. The committee also gives the following formula for the rise in tem- perature of each two-row section of a coil: ' A X V m X W X 60 X 0.2377 In which R = degrees F. rise for each two-row section ; T s = tern- THE BLOWER SYSTEM OF HEATING. 709' perature of steam; T a = temperature of air; H ** square feet of sur- face in two-row section-, B = B.T.U. per degree difference between air and steam; E >/4 F s , in which V s air velocity in ft. per sec.; A = area through heater in sq. ft.; V m = velocity of air in ft. per min.; TF = weight of 1 cu. ft. of air, Ibs. The value of R is computed for each two-row section in a coil, and the results added. From a set of curves plotted from the formula the follow- ing figures are taken. Number of Rows. 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Temperature Rise, Degrees. Steam, 80 Ibs: V m = 1,200. . . 43 36 31 25 83 68 53 48 115 96 80 68 144 122 100 85 167 145 118 101 189 165 133 115 209 182 146 128 Steam, 80 Ibs. Vm = 1,800 Steam, 5 Ibs. Vm = 1,200. . . Steam, 5 Ibs. V m = 1,800 A formula for the rise in temperature of air in passing through the coils of a hot-blast heater is given by Perry West, Trans. A. S. H. V. E., 1909, page 57, as follows: R= KDZ m N -r- %/V, in which #=rise in temperature of the air; K = a constant depending on the kind of heat- ing surface; D = an average of the summation of temperature differ- ences between the air and the steam = -(Ti-T D ) * log e [(T s - To) -* (T s - Ti)]; Z = number of sq. ft. of heating surface per sq. ft. of clear area per unit depth of heater, m a power applicable to Z and depend- ing on the type of heating surface; N = number of units in depth of heater- V = velocity of the air at 70 F. in ft. per min. through the clear area- n = a root applicable to F and depending on experiment. For practical purposes and within the range of present knowledge on the subject the formula may be written #= 0.085 DZN -*- %Jv, and from this formula with T s = 227 and T = 0, with different values of Ti, the temperature of the air leaving the coils, a set of curves is plotted, from which the figures in the following table are taken. Sq. ft. of heating surface * sq. ft. free area through heater. Velocity, Ft. per Min. 20 30 40 50 60 70 CO 90 100 | 120 Rise in Temperature, Degrees F. 500 43 38 36 34 29 63 55 52 49 42 79 70 66 63 55 95 84 79 75 66 108 97 92 87 76 120 108 102 98 86 131 118 112 108 95 141 128 121 117 104 151 138 130 125 112 170 157 147 140 127 800 1000 .. 1200 2000 Burt-S. Harrison (Htg, and Ventg. Mag., Oct. and Nov., 1907) gives the folio wing for 2 4' ' in which 2^ = temp, of steam in coils, i = temp. of air entering coils, V = velocity of air through coils in ft. per sec., N= no. of rows of 1-in. pipe in depth of heater. Charts are given by means of which heaters may be designed for any set of con- ditions. Tests of Cast-iron Heaters for Hot-blast Work. An extensive series of tests of the Amer. Radiator Go's, "Vento" cast-iron heater is described by Theo. Weinshank in Trans. A. S. H. V. E., 1908. The tests were made under the supervision of Prof, J. H. Kinealy. The principal results are given in the table on page 710. 710 HEATING AND VENTILATION. TESTS OF A "VENTO" CAST-IRON HEATER. Velocity, Ft. per Min. Number of sections heater is deep. Number of sections heater is deep. 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 1 2 3 1 4 5 | 6 Rise of temperature, K, per de- gree difference between tem- perature of steam and mean temperature of air for differ- ent velocities of air. Heat units transmitted per square foot of heating surface per hour per degree difference between the temperature of the steam and the mean tem- perature of the air. 1600... 1500 0.124 0.132 0.139 0.147 0.154 0.162 0.170 0.177 0.185 0.253 0.261 0.268 0.276 283 0.395 0.403 0.410 0.418 425 0.527 0.535 0.542 0.550 557 0.649 0.657 0.664 0.672 679 0.761 0.769 0.776 0.784 791 11.94 11.91 11.70 11.50 11 11 12.17 11.76 11.28 10.79 10 21 12.67 12.11 11.50 10.89 10.22 12.67 12.06 11.41 10.75 10 05 12.50 11.86 11.18 10.51 9 81 12.20 11.56 10.89 10.22 9.52 1400 1300 1200 1100 0.291 0.299 0.306 0.314 0.433 0.441 0.448 0.456 0.565 0.573 0.580 0.588 0.687 0.695 0.702 0.710 0.799 0.807 0.814 0.822 10.72 10.23 9.59 8.90 9.63 8.99 8.28 7.56 9.55 8.84 8.08 7.31 9.34 8.61 7.85 7.08 9.09 8.36 7.60 6.48 8.82 8.10 7.35 6.60 1000 900 800 Velocity, Ft. per Min. Final temperature, T, of air when entering heater at F. Temperature of steam in heater, 227. Friction loss in inches of water due to the sections. 1600... ?6 5 51 74 9 94 7 111 3 17<> 7 236 288 416 543 0.672 0.590 0.514 0.443 0.378 0.318 0.262 212 0.800 0.703 0.613 0.528 0.450 0.378 0.312 253 1500 1400 1300... 28.1 29.5 31.1 32.4 34.0 35.6 36 9 52.4 53.8 55.0 56.4 57.7 59.1 60.1 76.3 77.2 77.6 79.6 80.5 82.0 83 95.8 96.7 97.9 99.0 100.0 100.1 102.1 112.4 113.3 114.3 115.3 116.2 117.2 118 126.0 126.8 127.7 128.7 1 29/6 130.5 131.3 0.207 0.180 0.156 0.133 0.111 0.092 074 0.253 0.220 0.190 0.162 0.136 0.112 091 0.366 0.318 0.274 0.234 0.197 0.162 132 0.477 0.415 0.358 0.306 0.257 0.212 172 1200 1100 .. 1000 900 800 38.5 61.6 84.3 103.1 119.0 132.3 0.059 0.072 0.104 0.136 0.167 0.200 Formulae. s = no. of sections; V= velocity, ft. per min., air meas- ured afc70; k = rise of temp, per degree difference; t = final tempera- ture. / = friction loss in in. of water, t = 454 k -t- (2 + k) . k = s (0.167 - 0.005 s) - 0.061 (^ g Q) /= (-8s + 0.2) (V/4000)2. Values of k and/ when s = 2 or more. Factory Heating by the Fan System. In factories where the space provided per operative is large, warm air is recirculated, sufficient air for ventilation being provided by leakage through the walls and windows. The air is commonly heated by steam coils furnished with exhaust steam from the factory engine. When the engine is not running, or when it does not supply enough exhaust steam for the purpose, steam from the boilers is admitted to the coils through a reducing valve. The following proportions are commonly used in de- signing. Coils, pipes 1-in., set 2i/s in. centers; free area through coils, 40% of cross area. Velocity of air through free area, 1200 to 1800 ft. per min. ; number of coils in series 8 to 20 ; circumferential speed of fan, 4000 to 6000 ft. per min.; temperature of air leaving coils, 120 to 160 F.; velocity of air at outlet of coil stack, 3000 to 4000 ft. per min.; veloc- ity in branch pipes, 2000 to 2800 ft., the lower velocities in the longest pipes. In factories in which mechanical ventilation as well as heating is re- quired, outlet flues at proper points must be provided, to avoid the neces- sity of opening windows, and the outflow of air in them may be assisted either by exhaust fans or by steam coils in the flues. Cooling Air for Ventilation. The chief difficulty in the artificial cooling of air is due to the moisture it contains, and the great quantity of heat that has to be absorbed or abstracted from the air in order to condense this moisture. The cooled THE BLOWER SYSTEM OF HEATING. 711 and moisture-laden air also needs to be partially reheated in order to bring it to a degree of relative humidity that will make it suitable for ven- tilation. To cool 1 Ib. of dry air from 82 to 72 requires the abstracting of 10 X 0.2375 B.T.U. (0.2375 being the specific heat at constant pres- sure). If thejdr at 82 is saturated, or 100% ^relative humidity, it __ . -_, 100% relative humidity contains 0.0235 Ib. of water vapor, while 1 Ib. at 72 contains 0.0167 BO that 0.0068 Ib. will be condensed in cooling from vapor at 82 to water at 72. The total heat (above 32) in 1 Ib. vapor at 82 is 1095.6 B.T.U. and that in 1 Ib. of water at 72 is 40 B.T.U. The difference, 1055.6 X 0.0068 = 7.178 B.T.U., is the amount of heat abstracted in condensing the moisture. The B.T.U. in 1 Ib. vapor at 72 is 1091.2. and the B.T.U. abstracted in cooling the remaining vapor from 82 to 72 is 0.0167 X (1095.6 - 1091.2) = 0.073 B.T.U. The sum, 7.251 B.T.U., is more than three times that required to cool the dry air from 82 to 72. Expressing these principles in formulae we have: Let Ti = original and Tz the final temperature of the air, a = vapor in 1 Ib. saturated air at Ti; b = do. at Tz, H = relative humidity of the air at Ti\h desired do. at Tz, U = total heat, in B.T.U., in 1 Ib. vapor at Ti; u = do. at Tz, w = total heat in water at Ti. Then total heat abstracted in cooling air from T\ to Tz = (aH bh) X (U _ W ) -|- bh (u - u) + 0.2375 (Ti - Tz), or aHU - bhu - (aH - bh) w + 0.2375 (Ti - Tz), or aH (U- w) - bh (u - w) + 0.2375 (Ti - Tz). EXAMPLE. Required the amount of heat to be abstracted per hour in cooling the air for an audience chamber containing 1000 persons, 1500 cu. ft. (measured at 70 P.), being supplied per person per hour, the temperature of the air before cooling being 82, with relative humidity 80%, and after cooling 72, with humidity 70%. 1000 X 1500 = 1,500,000 cu. ft., at 0.075 Ib. per cu. ft. = 112,500 Ibs. For 1 Ib. aH (U - w) - bh (u - w) + 0.2375 (Ti - Tz). 0.0235 X 0.8 X (1095.6 - 40) - 0.0167 X 0.7 X (1091.2 - 40) + 2.375 = 9.932 B.T.U. 112,500 X 9.932 = 1,061,100 B.T.U. Taking 142 B.T.U. as the latent heat of melting ice, this amount is equivalent to the heat that would melt 7472 Ibs. of ice per hour. See also paper by W. W. Macon, Trans. A. S. H. V. E., 1909, and Air-cooling of the New York Stock Exchange, Eng. Rec., April, 1905, and The Metal Worker, Aug. 5, 1905. Capacities of Fans or Blowers for Hot-Blast or Plenum Heating. (Computed by F. R. Still, American Blower Co., Detroit, Mich.) ^ i o > 0) ^0,0; d ?! i s TJ o ft '33 .s 1 fi *t! d to 1 ! 03 ft 1. d d III ! ^ eg ll ri_ || .2 M (a, g SjjS tM IH 2 o .s 3 a 'Srd ^ 8d ^ 3 w ^ tt.S *-. 2 "8 a ^ g 1/8 Pn'C f^'S plH g 'S 8 frH .l -P tn Ul Ss w e3 . 2 St^M a W o ft<3 o^c ^ S^ U ftft . 0} w Q PH W Q o W > W a 70 80 42 48 360 320 1* 6,900 8,500 415,200 510,000 1,021,000 1,255,000 900 7.7 9.45 1760 580 714 90 54 280 4 10,500 630,000 1,550,000 " 11.66 880 100 60 250 5 12,500 750,000 1,845,000 " 13.9 1050 110 66 230 6 15,800 948,000 2,335,000 " 17.55 1325 120 72 210 8 19,800 1,118,000 2,900,000 " 22. 1650 140 84 180 10 26,200 1,572,000 3,870,000 " 29.1 2200 160 96 160 12 33,000 1,980,000 4,870,000 " 36.7 2770 180 108 140 15 41,600 2,496,000 6,130,000 " 46.3 3490 200 120 125 18 50,000 3,000,000 7.375,000 " 55.5 4140 712 HEATING AND VENTILATION. Capacities of Fans or Blowers for Hot-blast or Plenum Heating Continued. M *g T^ OJ # 10 o ^ , > i a 9 a V i 1 |& o 1 ^ ?' ^ ^1 ||| M a A a 73 r! '3 3 n< |l ^ |3 gj ^S. ^"0^ of Blower-Housi 1& ids of Steam Coi r Hour to 2 12. Steam-Main Req Return-Main Rei co IT T t-i a 6 1 '.CO c3 A o> . (4 ""^-2 Ft. Grate-Surf ac . Ft. Heating Su . Ft. Grate. me Air Will Ex] Heating from O c pacity per Minul i of Conduit in 900Ft. Velocity] 9. Volume Deli verec ce Being Made f n Equal to 100 Ft it. S |s S 0) itiw tf . Jf f^o oj^o "5 $s*- CO r ^ CO CO PQ CO CO > ^ 5 70 1,740 1055 31/2 2 35 525 15 8,700 9.67 8,200 80 2,142 1295 4 2 43 645 18 10,700 13.05 10,000 90 2,640 1600 41/2 21/2 53 795 23 13,200 14.72 12,500 100 3,150 1900 5 2V2 63 945 27 15,800 17.55 15,000 110 3,975 2410 51/2 3 80 1200 34 19,900 22.20 18,900 120 4,950 2990 6 3 100 1500 43 25,000 27.80 23,800 140 6,600 3990 7 31/ 2 133 1995 57 33,100 36.80 31,400 160 8,310 5025 8 4 167 2505 72 41,700 46 30 39,600 180 10,470 6325 9 41/9 211 3165 90 52,500 58.40 50,000 200 12,420 7560 10 5 252 3780 108 63,200 70.25 60,000 Temperature of fresh air, 0; of air from coils, 120; of steam, 227; Pressure of steam, 5 Ibs. Pe ipheral velocity of fan-tips, 4000 ft.; number of pipes deep in coil, 24; depth of coil, 60 inches; area of coils approximately twice free area. Relative Efficiency of Fans and Heated Chimneys for Ventila- tion. W. P. Trowbridge, Trans. A.S. M. E. vii. 531, gives a theoretical solution of the relative amounts of heat expended to remove a given volume of impure air by a fan and by a chimney. Assuming the total efficiency of a fan to be only 1/25, which is made up of an efficiency of l/io for the engine, 5/ 10 for the fan itself, and 8/ 10 for efficiency as regards friction, the fan requires an expenditure of heat to drive it of only Vss of the amount that would be required to produce the same ventilation by a chimney 100 ft. high. For a chimney 500 ft. high the fan will be 7.6 times more efficient. The following figures are given by Atkinson (Coll. Engr., 1889), show- ing the minimum depth at which a furnace would be equal to a ventilating. machine, assuming that the sources of loss are the same in each case, i.e., that the loss of fuel in a furnace from the cooling in the upcast is equiva- lent to the power expended in overcoming the friction in the machine, and also assuming that the ventilating-rnachine utilizes 60 per cent of the engine-power. The coal consumption of the engine per I.H.P. is taken at 8 Ibs. per hour. Average temperature in upcast 100 F. 150 F. ' 200 F. Minimum depth for equal economy.. 960 yards. 1040 yards. 1130 yards. PERFORMANCE OF HEATING GUARANTEE. Heating a Building to 70 F. Inside when the Outside Tempera- ture is Zero. It is customary in some contracts for heating to guaran- tee that the apparatus will heat the interior of the building to 70 in zero weather. As it may not be practicable to obtain zero weather for the purpose of a test, it may be difficult to prove the performance of the guarantee unless an equivalent test may be made when the outside tem- perature is above zero, heating the building to a higher temperature than 70, The following method was proposed by the author (Eng. Rec tt ELECTRICAL HEATING. 713 Aug. 11, 1894) for determining to what temperature the rooms should be heated for various temperatures of the outside atmosphere and of the steam or hot water in the radiators. Let S = sq. ft. of surface of the steam or hot-water radiator; W = sq. ft. of surface of exposed walls, windows, etc.; T s = temp, of the steam or hot water, 7\= temp, of inside of building or room, TO = temp, of outside of building or room ; a = heat-units transmitted per sq. ft. of surface of radiator per hour per degree of difference of temperature; 6 = average heat-units transmitted per sq. ft. of wails per hour per degree of difference of temperature, including allow- ance for ventilation. Tt is assumed that within the range of temperatures considered New- ton's law of cooling holds good, viz., that it is proportional to the differ- ence of temperature between the two sides of the radiating-surface, hW Then aS (T s - 7\) = bW (^ - T ~). Let -^ = C; then T\- r - TS + CT r - T * ~ Tl -L Q) i * 1 i f i t W - - i f i t W Tfi Tfi * 1-rU ./I 1 o T s - 70 If T 7 ! = 70, and T Q = 0, C = -^ Let T s = 140 160 180 200 212 220 250 300 Then C = 1 1.286 1.571 1.857 2.029 2.143 2.571. 3.286 and from the formula TI= (T s + CTo) --s- (1 + C) we find the inside temperatures corresponding to the given values of T s and T which should be produced by an apparatus capable of heating the building to 70 in zero weather. For T Q = -20 - 10 10 20 30 40 F. Inside Temperatures TV For Ts = 140 F. 60 65 70 75 .80 85 90 160 58.7 64.3 70 75.6 81.3 86.9 92.5 180 57.8 63.9 70 76.1 82.2 88.4 94.5 200 57.0 63.5 70 76.5 83.0 89.5 96.0 212 56.6 63.3 70 76.7 83.4 90.1 96.8 220 56.4 63.2 70 76.8 83.6 90.5 97.3 250 55.6 62.8 70 77.2 84.4 91.6 98.8 300 54.7 62.4 70 77.7 85.3 93.0 100.7 J. R. Allen (Trans. A. S. H. V. E., 1908) develops a complex formula for the inside temperature which takes into consideration the fact that the coefficient of transmission of the radiator is not constant but in- creases with the temperature. With T s = 227 and a two-column cast-iron radiator he finds for T = -20 -10 10 20 30 40 Tj. = 58 64 70 77.5 83 90 97 For all values of T n between 10 and 40 these figures are within one ree of those computed by the author's method. ELECTRICAL HEATING. Heating by Electricity. If the electric currents are generated by a dynamo driven by a steam-engine, electric heating will prove very ex- pensive, since the steam-engine wastes in the exhaust-steam and by radiation about 90% of the heat-units supplied to it. In direct steam- heating, with a good boiler and properly covered supply-pipes, we can utilize about 60% of the total heat value of the fuel. One pound of coal, with a heating value of 13,000 heat-units, would supply to the radiators about 13,000 X 0.60 = 7800 heat-units. In electric heating, suppose we have a first-class condensing-engine developing 1 H.P. for every 2 Ibs. of coal burned per hour. This would be equivalent to 1,980,000 ft.-lbs. -t- 714 HEATING AND VENTILATION. 778 = 2545 heat-units, or 1272 heat-units for 1 Ib. of coal. The friction of the engine and of the dynamo and the loss by electric leakage and by heat radiation from the conducting wires might reduce the heat- units delivered as electric current to the electric radiator, and there con- verted into heat, to 50% of this, or only 636 heat-units, or less than one twelfth of that delivered to the steam-radiators in direct steam-heating. Electric heating, therefore, will prove uneconomical unless the electric current is derived from water or wind power which would otherwise be wasted. (See Electrical Engineering.) MINE-VENTILATION. Friction of Air in Underground Passages. In ventilating a mine or other underground passage the resistance to be overcome is, according to most writers on the subject, proportional to the extent of the fric- tional surface exposed; that is, to the product lo of the length of the ganr- way by its perimeter, to the density of the air in circulation, to the square of its average speed, v, and lastly to a coefficient k, whose numer- ical value varies according to the nature of the sides of the gangway and the irregularities of its course. The formula for the loss of head, neglecting the variation in density as ks v 2 unimportant, is p = , in which p = loss of pressure in pounds per square foot, s = square feet of rubbing-surface exposed to the air, v the velocity of the air in feet per minute, a the area of the passage in square feet, and k the coefficient of friction. W. Fairley, in Colliery Engineer, Oct. and Nov., 1893, gives the following formulae for all the quantities involved, using the same notation as the above, with these additions: h = horse-power of ventilation; I = length of air-channel; o = perimeter of air-channel; q = quantity of air circulating in cubic feet per minute u = units of work, in foot-pounds, applied to circulate the air ; w = water^ gauge in inches. Then, _ ksv 2 _ ksv 2 q _ ksv 3 _ _w _ g " p " u ~ pv ~ pv ~ v ' u gj> _ 5.2 qw ~ 33,000 ~" 33,000 ~~ 33,000 * 3 fc = pa = u = - P = 5>2 w sv 2 sv 3 sv 2 * a sv 2 *- a' '' kv*o' 5 o = - = pa - I kvH ' ks j a q av' I AY ' C 7. pa = ksv 2 = i / r- ) ks = - ; pa 3 = ksq 2 . W r/ v _ __ i /% = 4 /*L O y ks y ks ' u ksv 3 8. - . - - - pa_ u_ _ qp_ vpa , kv* kv* kv* kv* 10. u = qp = vpa = ^2- = ksv 3 = 5.2 qw = 33,000 h. U v _ M. _ ff _ //^ _ t 3 /^ = 4 /P* m ~ pa ~ a ~ ks ks ks MINE -VENTILATION. 715 * fi 5.2 a To find the quantity of air with a given horse-power and efficiency (e) of engine: h X 33,000 X e "- The value of fc, the coefficient of friction, as stated, varies according to the nature of the sides of the gangway. Widely divergent values have been given by different authorities (see Colliery Engineer, Nov., 1893), the most generally accepted one until recently being probably that of J. J. Atkinson, .0000000217, which is the pressure per square foot in decimals of a pound for each square foot of rubbing-surface and a velocity of one foot per minute. Mr. Fairley, in his "Theory and Practice of Ventilating Coal-mines," gives a value less than half of Atkinson's or .00000001; and recent experiments by D. Murgue show that even this value is high under most conditions. Murgue's results are given in his paper on Experi- mental Investigations in the Loss of Head of Air-currents in Under- ground Workings, Trans. A. I. M. E., 1893, vol. xxiii. 63. His coefficients are given in the following table, as determined in twelve experiments: Coefficient of Loss of Head by Friction. French. British. (Straight, normal section ......... 00092 .000,000,00486 Straight, normal section ......... 00094 Straight, large section ........... 00104 Brick-lined arched gangways. Timbered gangways. I Straight, normal section 00122 Straight, normal section 00030 Straight, normal section 00036 Continuous curve, normal section . 00062 Sinuous, intermediate section 00051 Sinuous, small section 00055 ! Straight, normal section 00168 Straight, normal section 00144 Slightly sinuous, small section. . . . 00238 .000,000,00497. .000,000,00549 .000,000,00645 .000,000,00158 .000,000,00190 .000,000,00328 .000,000,00269 .000,000,00291 .000,000,00888 .000,000,00761 .000,000,01257 The French coefficients which are given by Murgue represent the height of water-gauge in millimeters for each square meter of rubbing-surface and a velocity of one meter per second. To convert them to the British measure of pounds per square foot for each square foot of rubbing-surface and a velocity of one foot per minute they have been multiplied by the factor of conversion, .000005283. For a velocity of 1000 feet per minute, since the loss of head varies as -y 2 , move the decimal point in the coefficients six places to the right. Equivalent Orifice. The head absorbed by the working-chambers of a mine cannot be computed a priori, because the openings, cross- passages, irregular-shaped gob-piles, and daily changes in the size and shape of the chambers present much too complicated a network for accu- rate analysis. In order to overcome this difficulty Murgue proposed in 1872 the method of equivalent orifice. This method consists in substitut- ing for the mine to be considered the equivalent thin-lipped orifice, requiring the same height of head for the discharge of an equal volume of air. The area of this orifice is obtained when the head and the dis- charge are known, by means of the following formulae, as given by Fairley: Let Q = quantity of air in thousands of cubic feet per minute; w = inches of water-gauge; A = area in square feet of equivalent orifice. Then 0.37 * Murgue gives A and Norris A ^ 0.403^ V'U See page 072, ante. 716 WATER. Motive Column or the Head of Air Due to Differences of Tem- perature, etc. (Fairley.) Let M = motive column in feet; T = temperature of upcast; / = weight of one cubic foot of the flowing air; t temperature of downcast; D = depth of downcast. Then T-t _5.2Xt _, y M . w _ /XM_ P . -JXM,W - 52 - M = D- T+459" 1 / To find diameter of a round airway to pass the same amount of air as a square airway, the length and power remaining the same: Let D ~ diameter of round airway, A = area of square airway; O = perimeter of square airway. Then D 3 = t / A * X 3.1416 y 0.7854 3 X O If two fans are employed to ventilate a mine, each of which when worked separately produces a certain quantity, which may be indicated by A and B, then the quantity of air that will pass when the two fans are worked together will be <\/A*+B*. (For mine-ventilating fans, see page 672.) WATER. Expansion of Water. The following table gives the relative vol- umes of water at different temperatures, compared with its volume at 4 C. according to Kopp, as corrected by Porter. Cent. Fahr. Volume. Cent. Fahr. Volume. Cent. Fahr. Volume. 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 39.1 41 50 59 68 77 86 .09000 .00001 .00025 .00083 .00171 .00286 .00425 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 95 104 113 122 131 140 149 .00586 .00767 .00967 .01186 .01423 .01678 .01951 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 158 167 176 185 194 203 212 .02241 .02548 .02872 .03213 .03570 .03943 .04332 Weight of 1 cu. ft. at 39.1 F. = 62.4245 Ib. -4- 1.04332 = 59.833. weight of 1 cu. ft. at 212 F. Weight of Water at Different Temperatures. The weight of water at maximum density, 39.1, is generally taken at the figure given by Rankine, 62.425 Ibs. per cubic foot. Some authorities give as low as 62.379. The figure 62.5 commonly given is approximate. The highest authoritative figure is 62.428. At 62 F. the figures range from 62.291 to 62.360. The figure 62.355 is generally accepted as the most accurate. At 32 F. figures given by different writers range from 62.379 to 62.418. Hamilton Smith, Jr. (from Rosetti) gives 62.416. Weight of Water at Temperatures above 200 F. BOrnstein's Tables, 1905.) (Landolt and Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Deg. Per Deg. Per Deg. Per Deg. Per Deg. Per Deg. Per . F. Cu. F. Cu. F. Cu. F. Cu. F. Cu. F Cu. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 200 60.12 270 58.26 340 55.94 410 53.0 480 49.7 550 45.6 210 59.88 280 57.96 350 55.57 420 52.6 490 49.2 560 44.9 220 59.63 290 57.65 360 55.18 430 52.2 500 48.7 570 44.1 239 59.37 300 57.33 370 54.78 440 51.7 510 48.1 580 43.3 240 59.11 310 57.00 380 54.36 450 51.2 520 47.6 590 42.6 250 58.83 320 56 66 390 53.94 460 50.7 530 47.0 600 41.8 260 58.55 330 56.30 400 53.5 470 50.2 540 46.3 WATER. 717 Weight of Water per Cubic Foot, from 32 to 212 F., and heat* units per pound, reckoned above 32 F.: The figures for weight of water in following table, made by interpolating the table given by Clark as cal- culated from Rankine's formula, with corrections for apparent errors, was published by the author in 1884, Trans. A. S. M. E., vi. 90. The figures tor heat units are from Marks and Da vis's Steam Tables, 1909. & &M g 0> &H3 H As ',0 It .2? o> 2 > ft Heat-units. L* l^fcc j5- Jo ~~3 A +: .^2 2&2 Heat-units. h fa- is* fl 3 0> +-~ -S.2 ""-Q ill ^ a & Heat-units. Tempera- ture, deg. F. J "~1' Q A *. 1 |fc! Heat-units. 32 62.42 0. 78 62.25 46.04 123 61.68 90.90 168 60.81 135.86 33 62.42 1.01 79 62.24 47.04 124 61.67 91.90 169 60.79 136.86 34 62.42 2.02 80 62.23 48.03 125 61.65 92.90 170 60.77 137.87 35 62.42 3.02 81 62.22 49.03 126 61.63 93.90 171 60.75 138.87 36 62.42 4.03 82 62.21 50.03 127 61.61 94.89 172 60.73 139.87 37 62.42 5.04 83 62.20 51.02 128 61.60 95.89 173 60.70 140.87 38 62.42 6.04 84 62.19 52.02 129 61.58 96.89 174 60.68 141.87 39 62.42 7.05 85 62.18 53.02 130 61.56 97.89 175 60.66 142.87 40 62.42 8.05 86 62.17 54.01 131 61.54 98.89 176 60.64 143.87 41 62.42 9.05 87 62.16 55.01 132 61.52 99.88 177 60.62 144.88 42 62.42 10.06 88 62.15 56.01 133 61.51 100.88 178 60.59 145.88 43 62.42 11.06 89 62.14 57.00 134 61.49 101.88 179 60.57 146.88 44 62.42 12.06 90 62.13 58.00 135 61.47 102.88 180 60.55 147.88 45 62.42 13.07 91 62.12 59.00 136 61.45 103.88 181 60.53 148.88 46 62.42 14.07 92 62.11 60.00 137 61.43 104.87 182 60.50 149.89 47 62.42 15.07 93 62.10 60.99 138 61.41 105.87 183 60.48 150.89 48 62.41 16.07 94 62.09 61.99 139 61.39 106.87 184 60.46 151 89 49 62.41 17.08 95 62.08 62.99 140 61.37 107.87 185 60.44 152.89 50 62.41 18.08 96 62.07 63 98 141 61.36 108 87 186 60.41 153.89 51 62.41 19.08 97 62.06 64.98 142 61.34 109.87 187 60.39 154.90 52 62.40 20.08 98 62.05 65.98 143 61.32 110.87 188 60.37 155.90 53 62.40 21.08 99 62.03 66.97 144 61.30 111.87 189 60.34 156.90 54 62.40 22.08 100 62.02 67.97 145 61.28 112.86 190 60.32 157.91 55 62.39 23.08 101 62.01 68.97 146 61.26 113.86 191 60.29 158.91 56 62.39 24.08 102 62.00 69.96 147 61.24 114.86 192 60.27 159.91 57 62.39 25.08 103 61.99 70.96 148 61.22 115.86 193 60.25 160.91 58 62.38 26.08 104 61.97 71.96 149 61.20 116.86 194 60.22 161.92 59 62.38 27.08 105 61.96 72.95 150 61.18 117.86 195 60.20 162.92 60 62.37 28.08 106 61.95 73.95 151 61.16 118.86 196 60.17 163.92 61 62.37 29.08 107 61.93 74.95 152 61.14 119.86 197 60.15 164.93 62 62.36 30.08 108 61.92 75.95 153 61.12 120.86 198 60.12 165.93 63 62.36 31.07 109 61.91 76.94 154 61.10 121.86 199 60.10 166.94 64 62.35 32.07 110 61.89 77.94 155 61.08 122.86 200 60.07 167.94 65 62.34 33.07 1 1 1 61.88 78.94 156 61.06 123.86 201 60.05 168.94 66 62.34 34.07 112 61.86 79.93 157 61.04 124.86 202 60.02 169.95 67 62.33 35.07 113 61.85 80.93 158 61.02 125.86 203 60.00 170.95 68 62.33 36.07 114 61.83 81.93 159 61.00 126.86 204 59.97 171.96 69 62.32 37.06 115 61.82 82.92 160 60.98 127.86 205 59.95 172.96 70 62.31 38.06 116 61.80 83.92 161 60.96 128.86 206 59.92 173.97 71 62.31 39.06 117 61.78 84.92 162 60.94 129.86 207 59.89 174.97 72 62.30 40.05 118 61.77 85.92 163 60.92 130.86 208 59.87 175.98 73 62.29 41.05 119 61.75 86.91 164 60.90 131.86 209 59.84 176.98 74 62.28 42.05 120 61.74 87.91 165 60.87 132.86 210 59.82 177.99 75 62.28 43.05 121 61.72 88.91 166 60.85 133.86 211 59.79 178.99 76 62.27 43.04 122 61.70 89.91 167 60.83 134.86 212 59.76 180.00 77 62.261 45.04 Later authorities give figures for the weight of water which differ in the second decimal place only from those given above, as follows: Temp. F 40 50 60 70 80 90 Lbs. per cu. ft 62.43 62.42 62.37 62.30 62.22 62.11 110 Temp. F 100 Lbs. per cu. ft... 62.00 Temp. F 160 170 Lbs. per qu. ft. . . 61 . 00 60 . 80 120 61.86 61.71 180 60.50 130 140 150 61.55 61.38 61.18 190 200 210 60.36 60.12 59.88 718 WATER. Comparison of Heads of Water in Feet with Pressures in Various Units. One foot of water at 39.1 Fahr. = 62.425 Ibs. on the square foot; = 0.4335 Ibs. on the square inch; = 0.0295 atmosphere; = 0.8826 inch of mercury at 32; = 77 o o ( feet of air at 32 and \ atmospheric pressure; One Ib. on the square foot, at 39.1 Fahr.. = 0.01602 foot of water- One Ib. on the square inch, at 39.1 Fahr . One atmosphere of 29 . 922 in. of mercury . One inch of mercury at 32 One foot of air at 32, and 1 atmosphere. One foot of average sea-water One foot of water at 62 F . . One foot of water at 62 F One inch of water at 62 F. = .5774 ounce One Ib. of water on the square inch at 62 F One ounce of water on the square inch at 62 F = 1 . 732 inches of water. 2.307 feet of water; = 33.9 feet of water; = 1.133 feet of water; = 0.001293 feet of water; = 1 . 026 foot of pure water; = 62.355 Ibs. per sq. foot; = 0.43302 Ib. per sq. inch; 0.036085 Ib. per sq. inch 2.3094 feet of water. Pressure in Pounds per Square Inch for Different Heads of Water. At 62 F. 1 foot head = 0.433 Ib. per square inch, 0.433 X 144 = 62.352 Ibs. per cubic foot. Head, feet. ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.433 0.866 1.299 1.732 2.165 2.598 3.031 3.464 3.897 10 4.330 4.763 5.196 5.629 6.062 6.495 6.928 7.361 7.794 8.227 20 8.660 9.093 9.526 9.959 10.392 10.825 11.258 11.691 12.124 12.557 30 12.990 13.423 13.856 14.289 14.722 15.155 15.588 16.021 16.454 16.887 40 17.320 17.753 18.186 18.619 19.052 19.485 19.918 20.351 20.784 21.217 50 21.650 22.083 22.516 22.949 23. 382123.815 24.248 24.681 25.114 25.547 60 25.980 26.413 26.846 27.279 27.712 28.145 28.578 29.011 29.444 29.877 70 30.310 30.743 31.176 31.609 32.042 32.475 32.908 33.341 33.774 34.207 80 34.640 35.073 35.506 35.939 36.372 36.805 37.238 37.671 38.104 38.537 90 38.970 39.403 39.836 40.269 40.702 41.135 41.568 42.001 42.436 42.867 Head in Feet of Water, Corresponding to Pressures in Pounds per Square Inch. 1 Ib. per square inch = 2.30947 feet head, 1 atmosphere = 14.7 Ibs. per sq. inch = 33.94 ft. head. Pressure. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2.309 4.619 6.928 9.238 11.547 13.857 16.166 18.476 20.785 10 23.0947 25.404 27.714 30.023 32.333 34.642 36.952 39.261 41.570 43.880 20 46.1894 48.499 50.808 53.118 55.427 57.737 60.046 62.356 64.665 66.975 30 69.2841 71.594 73.903 76.213 78.522 80.831 83.141 85.450 87.760 90.069 40 92.3788 94.688 96.998 99.307 101.62 103.93 106.24 108.55 110.85 113.16 50 115.4735 117.78 120.09 122.40 124.71 127.02 129.33 131.64 133.95 136.26 60 138.5682 140.88 143.19 145.50 147.81 150.12 152.42 154.73 157.04 159.35 70 161.6629 163.97 166.28 168.59 170.90 173. 211175. 52 177.83 180.14 182.45 80 184.7576 187.07 189.38 191.69 194.00 196.31 198.61 200.92 203.23 205.54 96 207,8523 210.16 212.47 214.78 217,09 219.40221.71 224.02 226.33 228.64 WATER. 719 Pressure of Water due to its Weight. The pressure of still water in pounds per square inch against the sides of any pipe, channel, or vessel of any shape whatever is due solely to the " head," or height of the level surface of the water above the point at which the pressure is con- sidered, and is equal to 0.43302 Ib. per square inch for every foot of head, or 62.355 Ibs. per square foot for every foot of head (at 62 F.). ' The pressure per square inch is equal in all directions, downwards, upwards, or sideways, and is independent of the shape or size of the containing vessel. The pressure against a vertical surface, as a retaining-wall, at any point is in direct ratio to the head above that point, increasing from at the level surface to a maximum at the bottom. The total pressure against a vertical strip of a unit's breadth increases as the area of a right-angled triangle whose perpendicular represents the height of the strip and whose base represents the pressure on a unit of surface at the bottom; that is, it increases as the square of the depth. The sum of all the horizontal pressures is represented by the area of the triangle, and the resultant of this sum is equal to this sum exerted at a point one third of the height from the bottom. (The center of gravity of the area of a triangle is one third of its height.) The horizontal pressure is the same if the surface is inclined instead of vertical. (For an elaboration of these principles see Trautwine's Pocket-Book, or the chapter on Hydrostatics in any work on Physics. For dams, retaining-walls, etc., see Trautwine.) The amount of pressure on the interior walls of a pipe has no appreci- able effect upon the amount of flow. Buoyancy. When a body is immersed in a liquid, whether it float or sink, it is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the bulk of the liquid displaced by the body. The weight of a floating body -is equal to the weight of the bulk of the liquid that it displaces. The upward pressure or buoyancy of the liquid may be regarded as exerted at the center of gravity of the displaced water, which is called the center of pressure or of buoyancy. A vertical line drawn through it is called the axis of buoyancy or of flotation. In a floating body at rest a line joining the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy is vertical, and is called the axis of equilibrium. When an external force causes the axis of equilibrium to lean, if a vertical line be drawn upward from the center of buoyancy to this axis, the point where it cuts the axis is called the metacenter. If the metacenter is above the center of gravity the distance between them is called the metacentric height, and the body is then said to be in stable equilibrium, tending to return to its original position when the external force is removed. Boiling-point. Water boils at 212 F. (100 C.) at mean atmos- pheric pressure at the sea-level, 14.696 Ibs. per square inch. The tem- perature at which water boils at any given pressure is the same as the temperature of saturated steam at the same pressure. For boiling-point of water at other pressure than 14.696 Ibs. per square inch, see table of the Properties of Saturated Steam. The Boiling-point of Water may be Raised. When water is entirely freed of air, which may be accomplished by freezing or boiling, the cohe ion of its atoms is greatly increased, so that its temperature may be raised over 50 above the. ordinary bailing-point before ebullition takes place. It was found by Faraday that when such air-freed water did boil the rupture of the liquid was like an explosion. When water is surrounded by a film of oil, its boiling temperature may be raised considerably above its normal standard. This has been applied as a theoretical explanation in the instance of boiler explosions. The freezing-point also may be lowered, if the water is perfectly quiet, to 10 C., or 18 Fahrenheit below the normal freezing-point. (Hamilton Smith, Jr., on Hydraulics, p. 13.) Kreezing-point. Water freezes at 32 F. at the ordinary atmos- pheric pressure, and ice melts at the same temperature. In the melting of 1 pound of ice into water at 32 F. about '142 heat-units are absorbed, or become latent; and in freezing 1 Ib. of water into ice a like quantity of heat is given out to the surrounding medium. Sea-water freezes at 27 F. The ice is fresh, (Trautwine.) 720 WATER. ^Sf in nd 67.50 Ibs.; ( rom Cla ? 1 cubic foot of ice at 32 F. weighs pound of ice at 32 F. has a volume of 0.0174 cu. ft. = 30.067 Relative volume of ice to water at 32 F., 1.0855, the expansion in passing into the solid state being 8.55%. Specific gravity of ice = 0.922, water at 02 .r . being 1 . , m elting-point of ice is lower than 32 F., being at F. for each additional atmosphere of pressure. The specific heat of ice "s 0.504, that of water being 1. 1 cubic foot of fresh snow, according to humidity of atmosphere: iV 12 * lbs r rt Ju cubl ,, foot of snow moistened and compacted by rain: 15 Ibs. to 50 Ibs. (Trautwine.) The latent heat of fusion of ice is 143.6 B.T.U. per Ib. Specific Heat of Water. (From Davis and Marks's Steam Tables.) Deg. Sp. F. Ht. Deg. Sp. F. Ht. Deg. Sp. F. Ht. Deg. Sp. F. Ht. Deg. Sp. F. Ht. Deg. Sp. F. Ht. 20 1.0168 120 0.9974 220 .007 320 .035 420 .072 520 .123 30 1.0098 130 0.9974 230 .009 330 .038 430 .077 530 .128 40 1.0045 140 0.9986 240 .012 340 .041 440 .082 540 .134 50 1.0012 150 0.9994 250 .015 350 .045 450 .086 550 .140 60 0.9990 160 .0002 260 .018 360 .048 460 .091 560 .146 70 0.9977 170 .0010 270 .021 370 .052 470 .096 570 .152 80 0.9970 180 .0019 280 .023 380 .056 480 .101 580 .158 90 0.9967 190 .0029 290 .026 390 .060 490 .106 590 .165 100 0.9967 200 .0039 300 .029 400 .064 500 .112 600 .172 110 0.9970 210 .0050 310 .032 410 .068 510 .117 These figures are based on the mean value of the heat unit, that is, Viso of the heat needed to raise 1 Ib. of water from 32 to 212. Compressibility of Water. Water is very slightly compressible. Its compressibility is from 0.000040 to 0.000051 for one atmosphere, decreasing with increase of temperature. For each foot of pressure dis- tilled water will be diminished in volume 0.0000015 to 0.0000013. Water is so incompressible that even at a depth of a mile a cubic foot of water will weigh only about half a pound more than at the surface. THE IMPURITIES OF WATER. (A. E. Hunt and G. H. Clapp, Trans. A. I. M. E., xvii. 338.) Commercial analyses are made to determine concerning a given water*. (1) its applicability for making steam; (2) its hardness, or the facility with which it will "form a lather" necessary for washing; or (3) its adaptation to other manufacturing purposes. At the Buffalo meeting of the Chemical Section of the A. A. A. S. it was decided to report all water analyses in parts per thousand, hundred- thousand, and million. To convert grains per imperial (British) gallon into parts per 100,000, divide by 0.7. To convert parts per 100,000 into grains per IT. S. gallon, multiply by 0.5835.- To convert grains per U. S. gallon into parts per million multiply by 17.14. The most common commercial analysis of water is made to determine its fitness for making steam. Water containing more than 5 parts per 100,000 of free sulphuric or nitric acid is liable to cause serious corrosion, not only of the metal of the boiler itself, but of the pipes, cylinders, pistons, and valves with which the steam comes in contact. The total residue in water used for making steam causes the interior linings of boilers to become coated, and often produces a dangerous hard THE IMPURITIES OF WATEB. 721 scale, which prevents the cooling action of the water from protecting the metal against burning. Lime and magnesia bicarbonates in water lose their excess of carbonic acid on boiling, and often, especially when the water contains sulphuric acid, produce, with the other solid residues constantly being formed by the evaporation, a very hard and insoluble scale. A larger amount than 100 parts per 100,000 of total solid residue will ordinarily cause troublesome scale, and should condemn the water for use in steam-boilers, unless a better supply cannot be obtained. The following is a tabulated form of the causes of trouble with water for steam purposes, and the proposed remedies, given by Prof. L. M. Norton. CAUSES OF INCRUSTATION. 1. Deposition of suspended matter. 2. Deposition of deposed salts from concentration. 3. Deposition of carbonates of lime and magnesia by boiling off carbonic acid, which holds them in solution. 4. Deposition of sulphates of lime, because sulphate of lime is but slightly soluble in cold water, less soluble in hot water, insoluble above 270 F. 5. Deposition of magnesia, because magnesium salts decompose at high temperature. 6. Deposition of lime soap, iron soap, etc., formed by saponification of grease. MEANS FOR PREVENTING INCRUSTATION. 1. Filtration. 2. Blowing off. 3. Use of internal collecting apparatus or devices for directing the circulation. 4. Heating feed-water. 5. Chemical or other treatment of water in boiler. 6. Introduction of zinc into boiler. 7. Chemical treatment of -water outside of boiler. TABULAR VIEW. Troublesome Substance. Trouble. Remedy or Palliation. Sediment, mud, clay, etc. Incrustation. Filtration; blowing off. Readily soluble salts. Blowing off. Bicarbonates of lime, magnesia, ) .< ( magnesia, etc". Quir^oto r,f li " f Addition of carb. soda, 1 barium hydrate, etc. Chloride and sulphate of mag-) p rtrrrt0 : nn j Addi ion of caibonate of nesium. f u< on - ( soda, etc. Carbonate of soda in large) T>_: .. (Addition of barium chlo- amounts. J J ng - { ride, etc. Acid (in mine waters). Corrosion. Alkali. Di nlv!jpn carbonic acid and } Corrosion, j toiler! to formTthhi in- ternal coating. G rease (from condensed water). l[? rr s ^R ^Different cases require dif- Primine ! ferent remedies. Consult Organic matter (sewage). ) corrosion or I a specialist on the sub- (incrustation/ Jeci< The mineral matters causing the most troublesome boiler-scales are bicarbonates and sulphates of lime and magnesia, oxides of iron and alumina, and silica. The analyses of some of the most common and troublesome boiler-scales are given in the following table: 722 WATER. Analyses of Boiler-scale. (Chandler.) Sul- Per- Car- X-" phate of Mag- nesia. Silica. oxide of Water. bonate of Lime. Iron. Lime. N.Y.C.&H.R.Ry.,No. 1 74.07 9.19 0.65 0.08 1.14 14.78 No. 2 71.37 1.76 No. 3 62.86 J8. 95 2.60 0.92 1.28 12.62 No. 4 53.05 4.79 No. 5 46.83 5.32 No. 6 30.80 31.17 7.75 1.08 2.44 26.93 No. 7 4.95 2.61 2.07 1.03 0.63 86.25 No. 8 0.88 2.84 0.65 0.36 0.15 93.19 No. 9 4.81 2.92 No. 10 30.07 8.24 Analyses in parts per 100,000 of Water giving Bad Results in Steam-boilers. (A. E. Hunt.) . .5 '<8 bio '.TO U c3 O g ^PQ 1 .si "GO | 32 '3 C o> | "Si! |l $ 1 o S t O'co Oce ^ a i 0) o '5 4 ^g 1 c3 0) jj QJ 3 d a o ,- i S o .Si^ o^ o "Q "^ o B 3 PQ PQ H ^ 02 O (-H o ' Coal-mine water 110 25 119 39 890 5QO 780 30 640 Salt-well 151 38 190 48 360 Q90 38 21 30 1310 Spring 75 89 95 PO 310 75 10 80 36 Moriongahela River no 161 710 38 70 80 70 94 81 719 710 90 it 37 87 61 104 78 190 38 Allegheny R., near Oil-works. . 30 50 41 68 890 47 Many substances have been added with the idea of causing chemical action which will prevent boiler-scale. As a general rule, these do more harm than good, for a boiler is one of the worst possible places in which to carry on chemical reaction, where it nearly always causes more or less corrosion of the metal, and is liable to cause dangerous explosions. In cases where water containing large amounts of total solid residue is necessarily used, a heavy petroleum oil, free from tar or wax, which is not acted upon by acids or alkalies, not having sufficient wax in it to cause saponification, and which has a vaporizing-point at nearly 600 F., will give the best results in preventing boiler-scale. Its action is to form a thin greasy film over the boiler linings, protecting them largely from the action of acids in the water and greasing the sediment which is formed, thus preventing the formation of scale and keeping the solid residue from the evaporation of the water in such a plastic suspended condition that it can be easily ejected from the boiler by the process of "blowing off." If the water is not blown off sufficiently often, this sediment forms into a "putty" that will necessitate cleaning the boilers. Any boiler using bad water should be blown off every twelve hours. PURIFYING WATER. 723 Hardness of Water. The hardness of water, or its opposite quality, Indicated by the ease with which it will form a lather with soap, depends almost altogether upon the presence of compounds of lime and magnesia. Almost all soaps consist, chemically, of oleate, stearate, and palmitate of an alkaline base, usually soda and potash. The more lime and magnesia in a sample of water, the more soap a given volume of the water will decompose, so as to give insoluble oleate, palmitate, and stearate of lime and magnesia, and consequently the more soap must be added in order that the necessary quantity of soap may remain in solution to form the lather. The relative hardness of samples of water is generally expressed in terms of the number of standard soap-measures consumed by a gallon of water in yielding a permanent lather. In Great Britain the standard soap-measure is the quantity required to precipitate one grain of carbonate of lime: in the U. S. it is the quantity required to precipitate one milligramme. If a water charged with a bicarbonate of lime, magnesia, or iron is boiled, it will, on the excess of the carbonic acid being expelled, deposit a considerable quantity of the lime, magnesia, or iron, and con- sequently the water will be softer. The hardness of the water after this deposit of lime, after long boiling, is called the permanent hardness and the difference between it and the total hardness is called temporary hardness. Lime salts in water react immediately on soap-solutions, precipitating the oleate, palmitate, or stearate of lime at once. Magnesia salts, on the contrary, require some considerable time for reaction. They are, how- ever, more powerful hardeners; one equivalent of magnesia salts con- suming as much soap as one and one-half equivalents of lime. The presence of soda and potash salts softens rather than hardens water. Each grain of carbonate of lime per gallon of water causes an increased expenditure for soap of about 2 ounces per 100 gallons of water. (Eng'g News, Jan. 31, 1885.) Low degrees of hardness (down to 200 parts of calcium carbonate (CaCOs) per million) are usually determined by means of a standard solution of soap. To 50 c.c. of the water is added alcoholic soap solu- tion from a burette, shaking well after each addition, until a lather is obtained which covers the entire surface of the liquid when the bottle is laid on its side and which lasts five minutes. From the number of c.c. of soap solution used, the hardness of the water may be calculated by the use of Clark's table, given below, in parts of CaCOs per million. c.c. Soap Sol. Pts. CaCOs. c.e. Soap .Sol. Pts. CaCO 3 . c.c. Soap Sol. Pts. CaCOs. c.c. Soap Sol. Pts. CaCOa. 7 4 46 8 . 103 12 164 1 . .. 5 50.. ...60 9.0... ...118 13.0. . .180 2 19 6 74 10 133 14 196 3.0. 32 7.0 89 11.0 ....148 15.0 . ...212 For waters which are harder than 200 parts per million, a solution of soap ten times as strong may be used, the end or determining point being reached when sufficient soap has been added to deaden the harsh sound produced on shaking the bottle containing the water. A. H. Gill, En- gine-Room Chemistry. Purifying Feed-water for Steam-boilers. (See also Incrustation and Corrosion, p. 927.) When the water used for steam-boilers con- tains a large amount of scale-forming material it is usually advisable to purify it before allowing it to enter the boiler rather than to attempt the prevention of scale by the introduction of chemicals into the boiler. Carbonates of lime and magnesia may be removed to a considerable extent by simple heating of the water in an exhaust-steam feed-water heater or, still better, by a live-steam heater. (See circular of the Hoppes Mfg. Co., Springfield, O.) When the water is very bad it is best treated 724 WATER. with chemicals lime, soda-ash, caustic soda, etc. --in tanks, the pre- cipitates being separated by settling or filtering. For a description of several systems of water purification see a series of articles on the sub- ject by Albert A. Gary in Eng'g Mag., 1897. Mr. H. E. Smith, chemist of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co., in a letter to the author, June, 1902, writes as follows concerning the chemical action of soda-ash on the scale-forming substances in boiler waters: Soda-ash acts on carbonates of lime and magnesia in boiler water in the following manner: The carbonates are held in solution by means of the carbonic acid gas also present which probably forms bicarbonates of lime and magnesia. Any means which will expel or absorb this carbonic acid will cause the precipitation of the carbonates. One of these means is soda ash (carbonate of soda), which absorbs the gas with the forma- tion of bicarbonate of soda. This method would not be practicable for softening cold water, but it serves in a boiler. The carbonates precipi- tated in this manner are in flocculent condition instead of semi-crystalline as when thrown down by heat. In practice it is desirable and sufficient to precipitate only a portion of the lime and magnesia in flocculent condition. As to equations, the following represent what occurs: Ca (HCOa)j 4- Na 2 CO 3 = CaCO 3 + 2 NaHCOs. Mg (HCO)i 4- Na 2 CO 3 = MgCO 3 + 2 NaHCOs. (free) CO 2 + Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 O = 2 NaHCO 3 . Chemical equivalents: 106 pounds of pure carbonate of soda equal to about 109 pounds of commercial 58 degree soda-ash are chemically equivalent to i.e., react exactly with the following weights of the substances named: Calcium sulphate, 136 Ibs.; magnesium sulphate, 120 Ibs.; calcium carbonate, 100 Ibs.; magnesium carbonate, 84 Ibs.; calcium chloride, 111 Ibs.; magnesium chloride, 95 Ibs. Such numbers are simply the molecular weights of the substances reduced to a common basis with regard to the valence of the component atoms. Important work in this line should not be undertaken by an amateur. " Recipes" have a certain field of usefulness, but will not coyer the whole subject. In water purification, as in a problem of mechanical engineer- ing, methods and apparatus must be adapted to the conditions presented. Not only must the character of the raw water be considered but also the conditions of purification and use. Water-softening Apparatus. (From the Report of the Committee on Water Service, of the Am. Railway Eng'g and Maintenance of Way Assn., Eng. Rec., April 20, 1907). Between three and four hours is nec- essary for reaction and precipitation. Water taken from running streams in winter should have at least four hours' time. At least three feet of the bottom of each settling tank should be reserved for the accumulation of the precipitates. The proper capacities for settling tanks, measured above the space reserved for sludge, can be determined as follows: a = capacity of soft- ener in gallons per hour; b = hours required for reaction and precipitation; c = number of settling tanks (never less than two); x = number of hours required to fill the portion of settling tank above the sludge portion; y = number of hours required to transfer treated water from one settling tank to the storage tank (y should never be greater than x). Where one pump alternates between filling and emptying settling tanks, x y. Settling capacity in each tank= 2 ax = ab -s- (c 1). For plants where the quantity of water supplied to the softener and the capacity of the plant are equal, the settling capacity of each tank is equal to ax. The number of hours required to fill all the settling tanks should equal the number of hours required to fill, precipitate and empty one tank, as expressed by the following equation: ex = x + b 4- y. If y =* x t ax = ab -* (c 2). If y - 1/2 *, oz - 06 -* (c - 1.5). PURIFYING WATER. 725 An article on "The Present Status of Water Softening," by G. C. Whipple, in Cass. Mag., Mar., 1907, illustrates several different forms of water-purifying apparatus. A classification of degrees of hardness cor- responding to parts of carbonates and sulphates of lime and magnesia per million parts of water is given as follows: Very soft, to 10 parts; soft, 10 to 20; slightly hard, 25 to 50; hard, 50 to 100; very hard, 100 to 200; excessively hard, 200 to 500; mineral water, 500 or more. The same article gives the following figures showing the quantity of chemicals required for the various constituents of hard water. For each part per million of the substances mentioned it is necessary to add the stated number of pounds per million gallons of lime and soda. For Each Part per Million of Pounds per Million Gallons. Lime. Soda. Free CC>2 10.62 4.77 4.67 0.00 19.48 9.03 8.85 Free acid (calculated as 112804) Alkalinity Incrustants Magnesium The above figures do not take into account any impurities in the chemicals. These have to be considered in actual operation. An illustrated description of a water-purifying plant on the Chicago & Northwestern Ry. by G. M. Davidson is found in Eng. News, April 2, 1903. Two precipitation tanks are used, each 30 ft. diarn., 16 ft. high, or 70,000 gallons each. As some water is left with the sludge in the bottom after each emptying, their net capacity is about 60,000 gallons each. The time required for filling, precipitating, settling and trans- ferring the clear water to supply tanks is 12 hours. Once a month the sludge is removed, and it is found to make a good whitewash. Lime and soda-ash, in predetermined quantity, as found by analysis of the water, are used as precipitants. The following table shows the effect of treat- ment of well water at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Before Treatment. After Treatment. Total solid matter, grains per gallon 53.67 31.35 Carbonates of lime and magnesia 25 57 3 14 Sulphates of lime and magnesia 19 55 Silica and oxides of iron and aluminum 1.76 40 Total incrusting solids 46 88 3 54 Alkali chlorides. 1.21 1 27 Alkali sulphates ... . 5 58 26 32 Total non-incrusting solids 6.79 27.81 Pounds scale-forming matter in 1000 gals 6.69 0.51 The minimum amount of scaling matter which will justify treatment cannot be stated in terms of analysis alone, but should be stated in terms of pounds incrusting matter held in solution in a day's supply. Besides the scale-forming solids, nearly all water contains more or less free car- bonic acid. Sulphuric acid is also foifnd, particularly in streams adjacent to coal mines. Serious trouble from corrosion will result from a small amount of this acid. In treating waters, the acids can be neutralized, and the incrusting matter can be reduced to at least 5 grains per gallon in most cases. 726 HYDRAULICS. QUANTITY OF PURE REAGENTS REQUIRED TO REMOVE ONE POUND OF INCRUSTING OR CORROSIVE MATTER FROM THE WATER. Incrusting or Corrosive Substance Held in Solution. Amount of Reagent. (Pure.) Foaming Mat- ter Increased. Sulphuric acid . 57 Ib . lime plus 1 . 08 Ibs . soda ash 1 45 Ibs Free carbonic acid .... 1.27 Ibs. lime None Calcium, carbonate 56 Ib. lime Calcium sulphate 78 Ib. soda ash 04 Ibs Calcium chloride. 96 Ib. soda ash 05 Ibs Calcium nitrate 65 Ib soda ash 04 Ibs Magnesium carbonate 1 33 Ibs. lirne Magnesium sulphate. . . . Magnesium chloride Magnesium nitrate Calcium carbonate 0.47lb.lime plus 0.88 Ib. soda ash. 0.59 Ib. lime plus 1.11 Ibs. soda ash 0.38 Ib. lime plus 0.72 Ib. soda ash. 1 71 Ibs barium hydrate .18 Ibs. .22 Ibs. .15 Ibs. Magnesium carbonate 4 05 Ibs barium hydrate. . None Magnesium sulphate 1 42 Ibs. barium hydrate. . . . None *Calcium sulphate 1 .26 Ibs. barium hydrate None * In precipitating the calcium sulphate, there would also be precipi- tated 0.74 Ib. of calcium carbonate or 0.31 Ib. of magnesium carbonate, the 1.26 Ibs. of barium hydrate performing the work of 0.41 Ib. of lime and 0.78 Ib. of soda-ash, or for reacting on either magnesium or calcium sulphate, 1 Ib. of barium hydrate performs the work of 0.33 Ib. of lime plus 0.62 Ib. of soda-ash, and the lime treatment can be correspondingly reduced. Barium hydrate has no advantage over lime as a reagent to precipitate the carbonates of lime and magnesia and should not be considered except in connection with the treating of water containing calcium sulphate. HYDRAULICS -FLOW OF WATER. Formulae for Discharge of Water through Orifices and Weirs. For rectangular or circular orifices, with the head measured from center of the orifice to the surface of the still water in the feeding reservoir: Q = c ^2gHX a (1) For weirs with no allowance for increased head due to velocity of approach: Q = C2/ s V2gHXLH (2) For rectangular and circular or other shaped vertical or inclined orifices: formula based on the proposition that each successive horizontal layer of water passing through the orifice has a velocity due to its respective head: Q For rectangular vertical weirsj Q = C 2/ 3 V20#XZ,/? (4) Q = quantity of water discharged in cubic feet per second; C = ap- proximate coefficient for formulas (1) and (2): c = correct coefficient for (3) and (4). Values of the coefficients c and C are given below. g = 32.16; *^2g = 8.02; H = head in feet measured from center of orifice to level of still water; #5 = head measured from bottom of orifice; HI = head measured from top of orifice; h = H, corrected for velocity of approach, V a H + 1.33 V a z /2 g for weirs with no end con- traction, and H + 1.4 V 2 /2 g for weirs with end contraction; a* area in square feet; L -length in feet, HYDRAULICS. 727 Flow of Water from Orifices. The theoretical velocity of water flowing from an orifice is the same as the velocity of a falling body which has fallen from a height equal to the head of water, = */2 gll. The actual velocity at the smaller section of the vena contracta is substan- tially the same as the theoretical, but the velocity at the plane of the orifice is C ^2 gH, in which the coefficient C has the nearly constant value of 0.62. The smallest diameter of the vena contracta is therefore about 0.79 of that of the orifice. If C be the approximate coefficient = 0.62, and c the correct coefficient, the ratio C/c varies with different ratios of the head to the diameter of the vertical orifice, or toH/D. Ham- ilton Smith, Jr., gives the following: H/D = 0.5 0.875 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 5. 10. C/c =0.9604 0.9849 0.9918 0.9965 0.9980 0.9987 0.9997 1. For vertical rectangular orifices of ratio of head to width W; ForH/W= 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. C/c = .9428 .9657 .9823 .9890 .9953 .9974 .9988 .9993 .9996 .9998 For H * D or H -f- W over 8, C = c, practically. For great heads, 312 ft. to 336 ft., with converging mouthpieces, c has a value of about one, and for small circular orifices in thin plates, with full contraction, c = about 0.60. Mr. Smith as the result of the collation of many experimental data of others as well as hi's own, gives tables of the value of c for vertical orifices, with full contraction, with a free discharge into the air, with the inner face of the plate, in which the orifice is pierced, plane, and with sharp inner corners, so that the escaping vein only touches these inner edges. These tables are abridged below. The coefficient c is to be used in the formulae (3) and (4) above. For formulae (1) and (2) use the coefficient C found from the values of the ratios C/c above. Values of Coefficient c for Vertical Orifices with Sharp Edges, Full Contraction, and Free Discharge into Air. (Hamilton Smith, Jr.) Head from Center of Orifice H. Square Orifices. Length of the Side of the Square, in feet. 07 03 04 05 07 .10 .12 .15 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.0 0.4 0.6 1.0 3.0 6.0 10 643 637 628 621 616 .611 .660 .648 .632 .623 616 .645 .636 .622 .616 611 .636 .628 .616 .630 .622 .612 .623 .618 .609 .617 .613 607 .613 .610 606 .610 .608 .606 .605 .605 .605 .601 .603 605 .598 .601 604 .596 .600 .603 '!599 60^ .612 608 .609 .606 .607 605 .605 604 .605 .604 .605 .603 .604 .603 .604 .603 .603 .602 .602 .602 .602 601 20. 100. (?) .606 .599 .605 .598 .604 .598 .603 .598 .602 .598 .602 .598 .602 .598 .602 .598 .602 .598 .601 .598 .601 .598 .601 .598 .600 .598 Circular Orifices. Diameters, in feet. H. 0? 03 04 05 07 10 1? 15 70 40 60 .80 1.0 0.4 637 67.8 618 ,612 .606 0.6 .655 .640 .630 .624 .618 .613 .609 .605 .601 .596 .593 .590 1.0 644 ,631 67.3 617 617. ,608 ,605 603 600 .598 .595 .593 .591 2. .632 .621 .614 .610 .607 .604 .601 .600 .599 .599 .597 .596 .595 4. 67.3 614 609 605 603 607, 600 ,599 .599 .598 .597 .597 .596 6. .618 .611 .607 .604 607. .600 .599 .599 .598 .598 .597 .596 .596 10. 611 606 603 601 .599 598 .598 .597 .597 .597 .596 ,596 .595 20. 601 600 599 598 597 596 596 596 596 596 ,596 .595 .594 50.(?) ,596 596 595 ,595 594 .594 .594 .594 .594 .594 .594 .593 .593 100. (?) .593 .593 .592 .592 .592 .592 .592 .592 .592 .592 .592 .592 .592 728 HYDRAULICS, HYDRAULIC FORMULA. FLOW OF WATER IN OPEN AND CLOSED CHANNELS. Flow of Water in Pipes. The quantity of water discharged through a pipe depends on the "head"; that is, the vertical distance between the level surface of still water in the chamber at the entrance end of the pipe and the level of the center of the discharge end of the pipe; also upon the length of the pipe, upon the character of its interior surface as to smoothness, and upon the number and sharpness of the bends; but it is independent of the position of the pipe, as horizontal, or inclined upwards or downwards. The head, instead of being an actual distance between levels, may be caused by pressure, as by a pump, in which case the head is calculated as a vertical distance corresponding to the pressure, 1 Ib. per sq. in. = 2.309 ft. head, or 1 ft. head = 0.433 Ib. per sq. in. The total head operating to cause flow is divided into three parts: 1. The velocity-head, which is the height through which a body must fall in vacuo to acquire the velocity with which the water flows into the pipe = v z -f- 2 g, in which v is the velocity in ft. per sec. and 2 g = 64.32; 2. the entry-head, that required to overcome the resistance to entrance to the pipe. With sharp-edged entrance the entry-head = about 1/2 the velocity-head; with smooth rounded entrance the entry-head is inap- preciable; 3. the friction-head, due to the frictional resistance to flow within the pipe. In ordinary cases of pipes of considerable length the sum of the entry and velocity heads required scarcely exceeds 1 foot. In the case of long pipes with low heads the sum of the velocity and entry heads is generally so small that it may be neglected. General Formula for Flow of Water in Pipes or Conduits. Mean velocity in ft. per sec. = c v'mean hydraulic radius X slope Do. for pipes running full - c y dlameter x slope, in which c is a coefficient determined by experiment. (See pages following.) area of wet cross-section The mean hydraulic- radius wet perimeter In pipes running full, or exactly half full, and in semicircular open channels, running full it is equal to 1/4 diameter. The slope = the head (or pressure expressed as a head, in feet) * length of pipe measured in a straight line from end to end. In open channels the slope is the actual slope of the surface, or its fall per unit of length, or the sine of the angle of the slope with the horizon. Chezy's Formula: v = c *^r V = c ^rs; r = mean hydraulic idius, s = slope = ' * * dimensions in feet. radius, s = slope = head -s- length, v = velocity in feet per second, all -'--i fee" Quantity of Water Discharged. If Q discharge in cubic feet per second and a = area of channel, Q = av = ac v'rs. mu and one completely filled. Values of the Coefficient c. (Chiefly condensed from P. J. Flynn in Flow of Water.) Almost all the old hydraulic formulae for finding the HYDRAULIC FORMULAE. 729 mean velocity in open and closed channels have constant coefficients, and are therefore correct for only a small range of channels. They have often been found to give incorrect results with disastrous effects. Ganguillet and Kutter thoroughly investigated the American, French, and other experiments, and they gave as the result of their labors the formula now generally known as Kutter's formula. There are so many varying conditions affecting the flow of water, that all hydraulic for- mulae are only approximations to the correct result. When the surface-slope measurement is good, Kutter's formula will give results seldom exceeding 71/2% error, provided the rugosity co- efficient of the formula is known for the site. For small open channels Darcy's and Bazin's formulae, and for cast-iron pipes Darcy's formulas, are generally accepted as being approximately correct. Table giving Fall in Feet per Mile, the Distance on Slope corresponding to 1 Ft. Fall, the Fall in 1000 Ft., the Equivalent Loss in Pressure in Pipes per 1000_Ft. Length; also Values of VTfor Use in the Formula v = c \/rs~. ' s = H -5- L = sine of angle of slope = fall of water surface (Jf) in any distance (L) divided by that distance. Loss of Loss of Fall Slope, Pres- Fall Slope, Pres- in Feet per S,0 F pe, In Feet per 1000. sure per 1000 Feet. VT in Feet per Slope, IFt. In Feet 1000. sure per 1000 Feet. vT Mile. Lb. per Mile. Lb. per sq. in. sq. in. 0.25 21120ft. 0.0473 0.02048 0.00688 20 264 ft. 3.7879 1.640 0.06155 .30 17600 .0568 .02459 .00754 21.12 250 4.0000 1.732 .06325 .40 13200 .0758 .03282 .00870 22 1240 4.1667 1.804 .06455 .50 10560 .0947 .04101 .00973 24 220 4.5455 1.968 .06742 .60 8800 .1136 .04919 .01066 26.4 200 5.0000 2.165 .07071 .80 6600 .1515 .06560 .01231 28 188.6 5.3030 2.296 .07282 1 5280 .1894 .08201 .01376 31.68 166.7 6.0000 2.598 .07746 1.056 5000 .2000 .08660 .01414 35.20 150 6.6667 2.887 .08165 1.25 4224 .2367 .1025 .01539 42.24 125 8.0000 3.464 .08944 1.5 3520 .2841 .1230 .01685 44 120 8.3333 3.608 .09129 1.75 3017 .3314 .1435 .01821 48 110 9.0909 3.936 .09535 2 2640 .3788 .1640 .01946 52.8 100 . 10.000 4.330 .10000 2.5 2112 .4735 .2050 .02176 60 88 11.364 4.913 .10660 2.64 2000 .5000 .2165 .02236 63.36 83.3 12.000 5.196 .10954 3 1760 .5632 .2460 .02384 66 83 12.500 5.413 .11180 3.5 1508 .6631 .2871 .02575 70.4 75 13.333 5.773 .11547 4 1320 .7576 .3280 .02752 79.20 66.7 15.000 6.495 .12247 5 1056 .9470 .4101 .03077 88 60 16.667 7.217 .12910 5.28 1000 .0000 .4330 .03162 105.6 50 20.000 8.660 .14142 6 880 .1364 .4921 .03371 120 44 22.727 9.841 .15076 7 754.3 .3257 .5740 .03642 132 40 25.000 10.83 .15811 8 660 .5152 .6561 .03893 160 33 30.303 13.12 .17408 9 586.6 .7044 .7380 .04129 220 24 41.667 18.04 .20412 10 528 .8939 .8201 .04352 264 20 50.000 21.65 .22361 10.56 500 2.0000 .8660 .04472 330 16 62.500 27.06 .25000 12 440 2.2727 .9841 .04767 440 12 83.333 36.08 .28868 13 406.1 2.4621 1.066 .04962 528 10 100.00 43.30 .31623 14 377.1 2.6515 1.148 .05149 660 8 125.00 54.13 .35355 15 352 2.8409 1.230 .05330 880 6 166.67 72.17 .40825 16 330 3.0303 1.312 .05505 1056 5 200 86.60 .44721 18 293.3 3.4091 1.476 .05839 1320 4 250 108.25 .50000 730 HYDRAULICS. Values of Vr" for Circular Pipes, Sewers, and Conduits of Different Diameters. r = mean hydraulic depth = funning full or exactly half full. p^Hmeter = 1/4 diam * for circular Diam., ft. in. V7 In Feet. Diam., ft. in. Vr in Feet. Diam., ft. in. V7 in Feet. Diam., ft. in. v; in Feet. 3/8 0.088 2 0.707 4 6 .061 9 .500 1/2 .102 2 1 .722 4 7 .070 9 3 .521 3/4 .125 2 2 .736 4 8 .080 9 6 .541 1 .144 2 3 .750 4 9 .089 9 9 .561 H/4 .161 2 4 .764 4 10 .099 10 .581 U/2 .177 2 5 .777 4 11 .109 10 3 .601 13/4 .191 2 6 .790 5 .118 10 6 .620 2 .204 2 7 .804 5 1 .127 10 9 .639 21/2 .228 2 8 .817 5 2 .137 11 .658 3 .251 2 9 .829 5 3 .146 11 3 .677 4 .290 2 10 .842 5 4 .155 11 6 .696 5 .323 2 11 .854 5 5 .164 11 9 .714 6 .354 3 .866 5 6 .173 12 .732 7 .382 3 1 .878 5 7 .181 12 3 .750 8 .408 3 2 .890 5 8 .190 12 6 .768 9 .433 3 3 .901 5 9 .199 12 9 .785 10 .456 3 4 .913 5 10 .208 13 ,803 11 .479 3 5 .924 5 11 .216 13 3 .820 .500 3 6 .935 6 .225 13 6 .837 | .520 3 7 .946 6 3 .250 14 .871 2 .540 3 8 .957 6 6 .275 14 6 .904 3 .559 3 9 .968 6 9 .299 15 .936 4 .577 3 10 .979 7 .323 15 6 .968 5 .595 3 11 .990 7 3 .346 16 2. 6 .612 4 7 6 .369 16 6 2 031 7 .629 4 1 !oio 7 9 .392 17 2.061 8 .646 4 2 .021 8 .414 17 6 2.091 9 .661 4 3 .031 8 3 .436 18 2.121 1 10 .677 4 4 .041 8 6 .458 19 2.180 1 11 .692 4 5 .051 8 9 .479 20 2.236 Kutter's Formula for measures in feet is 1.811 + 41.6 + 0.00281 1+ ( 41 . 6+ M0281) X \ S / Vi a in which v = mean velocity in feet per second ; r = - = hydraulic mean depth in feet = area of cross-section in square feet divided by wetted perimeter in lineal feet ; s = fall of water-surface (/i) in any distance (I) divided by that distance, = r = sine of slope; n = the coefficient of rugosity, depending on the nature of the lining or surface of the channel. If we let the first term of the right-hand side of the equation equal c, we have Chezy's formula, v c vVs = c X ^/rX Vs. Values of n in Kutter's Formula. The accuracy of Kutter's for- mula depends, in a great measure, on the proper selection of the coefficient HYDRAULIC FORMULAE. 731 of roughness n. Experience is required in order to give the right value to this coefficient, and to this end great assistance can be obtained, in making this selection, by consulting and comparing the results obtained from experiments on the flow of water already made in different channels. In some cases it would be well to provide for the contingency of future deterioration of channel, by selecting a high value of rc, as, for instance, where a dense growth of weeds is likely to occur in small channels, and also where channels are likely not to be kept in a state of good repair. The following table, giving the value of n for different materials, is compiled from Kutter, Jackson, and Hering, and this value of n applies also in each instance to the surfaces of other materials equally rough. VALUE OP n IN KUTTER'S FORMULA FOR DIFFERENT CHANNELS. n .009, well-planed timber, in perfect order and alignment; otherwise, perhaps .01 would be suitable. n = .010, plaster in pure cement; planed timber; glazed, coated, or enameled stoneware and iron pipes; glazed surfaces of every sort in perfect order. n = .011, plaster in cement with one-third sand, in good condition; also for iron, cement, and terra-cotta pipes, well joined, and in best order. n = .012, unplaned timber, when perfectly continuous on the inside; flumes. n = .013, ashlar and well-laid brickwork; ordinary metal; earthen and stoneware pipe in good condition, but not new; cement and terra-cotta pipe not well jointed nor in perfect order, plaster and planed wood in imperfect or inferior condition; and, generally, the materials mentioned with n = .010, when in imperfect or inferior condition. n = .015, second class or rough-faced brickwork; well-dressed stone- work; foul and slightly tuberculated iron; cement and terra-cotta pipes, with imperfect joints and in bad order; and canvas lining on wooden frames. n .017, brickwork, ashlar, and stoneware in an inferior condition; tuberculated iron pipes; rubble in cement or plaster in good order; tine gravel, well rammed, Vs to 2/3 inch diameter; and, generally, the materials mentioned with n = .013 when in bad order and condition. n = .020, rubble in cement in an inferior condition; coarse rubble, rough set in a normal condition; coarse rubble set dry: ruined brickwork and masonry; coarse gravel well rammed, from 1 to 11/3 inch diameter; canals with beds and banks of very firm, regular gravel, carefully trimmed and rammed in defective places; rough rubble with bed*partially covered with silt and mud; rectangular wooden troughs with battens on the inside two inches apart; trimmed earth in perfect order. n = .0225, canals in earth above the average in order and regimen. n = .025, canals and rivers in earth of tolerably uniform cross-section; slope and direction, in moderately good order and regimen, and free from stones and weeds. n = .0275, canals and rivers in earth below the average in order and regimen. n = .030, canals and rivers in earth in rather bad order and regimen, having stones and weeds occasionally, and obstructed by detritus. n = .035, suitable for rivers and canals with earthen beds in bad order and regimen, and having stones and weeds in great quantities. n = .05, torrents encumbered with detritus. Kutter's formula has the advantage of being easily adapted to a change in the surface of the pipe exposed to the flow of water, by a change in the value of n. For cast-iron pipes it is usual to use n = .013 to provide for the future deterioration of the surface. _ __ Reducing Kutter's formula to the form v = c X **r X ^s, and taking n, the coefficient of roughness in the formula, = .011, .012, and .013, and a = .001, we have the following values of the coefficient c of different diameters of conduit. 732 HYDRAULICS. Values of c in Formula * = e X vVx ^s~toT Metal Pipes and Moderately Smooth Conduits Generally. By KUTTER'S FORMULA, (s =0.001 or greater.) Diameter. n = .OI1 n=.0l2 n = .013 Diameter. n = .011 n = .0)2 n =.013 ft. in. c = c = c = ft. c = c = c = 6 87.4 77.5 69.5 8 155.4 141.9 130.4 1 105.7 94.6 85.3 9 157.7 144.1 132.7 1 6 116.1 104.3 94.4 10 159.7 146 134.5 2 123.6 111.3 101.1 11 161.5 147.8 136.2 3 133.6 120.8 110.1 12 163 149.3 137.7 4 140.4 127.4 116.5 14 165.8 152 140.4 5 145.4 132.3 121.1 16 168 154.2 142.1 6 149.4 136.1 124.8 18 169.9 156.1 144.4 7 152.7 139.2 127.9 20 171.6 157.7 146 For circular pipes the hydraulic mean depth r equals 1/4 of the diameter. According to Kutter's formula the value of c, the coefficient of discharge, is the same for all slopes greater than 1 in 1000. At a slope of 1 in 5000 the value of c is slightly lower, and it further decreases as the slope becomes flatter. The reliability of the values of the coefficient of Kutter's formula for pipes of less than 6 in. diameter is considered doubtful. Values of c ror Earthen Channels, by Kutter's Formula, for Use in Formula v = c vV*. Coefficient of Roughness, Coefficient of Roughness, n=.0225. n=.035. >/r in feet. V^ in feet. 0.4 1.0 1.8 2.5 4.0 0.4 1 .0 1.8 2.5 I 4.0 Slope, 1 in c c c c c c c c c c 1,000 35.7 62.5 80.3 89.2 99.9 19.7 37.6 51.6 59.3 69 2 1,250 35.5 62.3 80.3 89.3 100.2 19.6 37.6 51.6 59.4 69 4 1,667 35.2 62.1 80.3 89.5 100.6 19.4 37.4 51.6 59.5 69 8 2,500 34.6 61.7 80.3 89.8 101.4 19.1 37.1 51.6 59.7 70 4 3333 34. 61.2 80.3 90.1 102.2 18.8 36.9 51.6 59.9 71.0 5,000 33. 60.5 80.3 90.7 103.7 18.3 36.4 51.6 60.4 7? ? 7,500 31.6 59.4 80.3 91.5 106.0 17.6 35.8 51.6 60.9 73 9 10,000 30.5 58.5 80.3 92.3 107.9 17.1 35.3 51.6 60.5 75 4 15,840 28.5 56.7 80.2 93.9 112.2 16.2 34.3 51.6 62.5 78 6 20,000 27.4 55.7 80.2 94.8 115.0 15.6 33.8 51.5 63.1 80.6 Darcy's Formula for clean iron pipes under pressure is rs ) 1/2 v= ) ' , , 0.00000162 0.00007726 + According to Unwin and other authors Darcy's experiments are represented approximately by the formula in which/, called the "coefficient of friction," =0.006 I 1 +~[2d ) ' ^ being the loss of head, I the length of the pipe, h/l the slope s, and d/4 the mean hydraulic radius r, of the Chezy formula. All the dimen- sions are in feet. Darcy's formula, as given by J. B. Francis, for old cast-iron pipe, lined with deposit and under pressure is / 144d 2 s \l/2 =1 . . . . I . in which d V0,00082(12f+l)/ = diameter in feet. HYDRAULIC FORMULA. 733 .s d i E . P^ ffi t fno* CO c or^sO^ o ~ O O o o O o O O ' ' ' ~ ' < ~ 500 r ~ * 8OOOO (NC^ro, OOOOOOOOO -o^rris OON^O'OO^<^rOOvO ; v = 1.80 3 to 6 in, diam. ( Rough, Q 2 =0.785 M*; v 1.1 t Smooth, Q z = 1 .57 M 5 ; v = 1 .6 FLOW OF WATER EXPERIMENTS AND TABLES. The Flow of Water through New Cast-iron Pipe was measured by S. Bent Russell, of the St. Louis, Mo., Water-works. The pipe was 12 inches in diameter, 1631 feet long, and laid on a uniform grade from end to end. Under an average total head of 3.36 feet the flow was 43,200 cubic feet in seven hours; under an average head of 3.37 feet the flow was the same; under an average total head of 3.41 feet the flow was 46,700 cubic feet in 8 hours and 35 minutes. Making allowance for loss of head due to entrance__and to curves, it was found that the value of c in the formula v = c Vrs was from 88 to 93. (Eng'g Record, April Flow of Water in a 20-inch Pipe 75,000 Feet Long. A com- parison of experimental data with calculations by different formulae is given by Chas. B. Brush, Trans. A. S. C. E., 1888. The pipe experi- mented with was that supplying the city of Hoboken, N. J. RESULTS OBTAINED BY THE HACKENSACK WATER Co., FROM 1882-1887, IN PUMPING THROUGH A 20-iN. CAST-IRON MAIN 75,000 FEET LONG. Pressure in Ibs. per sq. in. at pumping-station: 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 Total effective head in feet: 55 66 77 89 100 112 123 135 Discharge in U. S. gallons in 24 hours, 1 = 1000: 2,848 3,165 3,354 3,566 3,804 3,904 4,116 4,255 Theoretical discharge by Darcy's formula: 2,743 3,004 3,244 3,488 3,699 3,915 4,102 4,297 Actual velocity in main in feet per second: 2,00 2,24 2,36 2.52 2,63 2,70 2,92 3,00 738 HYDRAULICS. Flow of Water In Circular Pipes, Sewers, etc., Flowing Full. Based on Kutter's Formula, with n - 0.013. Discharge in cubic feet per second. Diam- eter. Slope, or Head Divided by Length of Pipe. 1 in 40 1 in 70 1 in 100| 1 in 200| 1 in 300| 1 in 400| 1 in 500[ 1 in 600 5 in. 6 " 7 " 8 " 9 " 0.456 0.762 1.17 1.70 2.37 0.344 0.576 0.889 1.29 1.79 0.288 0.482 0.744 1.08 1.50 0.204 0.341 0.526 0.765 1.06 0.166 0.278 0.430 0.624 0.868 0.144 0.241 0.372 0.54 0.75 0.137 0.230 0.355 0.516 0.717 0.118 0.197 0.304 0.441 0.613 10 in. S It " 12 " 13 " 14 " 1 in 60 2.59 3.39 4.32 5.38 6.60 1 in 80 2.24 2.94 3.74 4.66 5.72 1 in 100 2.01 2.63 3.35 4.16 5.15 1 in 200 1.42 1.86 2.37 2.95 3.62 1 in 300 1.16 1.52 1.93 2.40 2.95 1 in 400 1.00 1.31 1.67 2.08 2.57 1 in 500 0.90 1.17 1.5 1.86 2.29 1 in 600 0.82 1.07 1.37 1.70 2.09 s = 15 in. 16 " 18 " 20 " 22 " 1 in 100 6.18 7.38 10.2! 13.65 17.71 1 in 200 4.37 5.22 7.22 9.65 12.52 1 in 300 3.57 4.26 5.89 7.88 10.22 1 in 400 3.09 3.69 5.10 6.82 8.85 1 in 500 2.77 3.30 4.56 6.10 7.92 1 in 600 2.52 3.01 4.17 5.57 7.23 1 in 700 2.34 2.79 3.86 5.16 6.69 1 in 800 2.19 2.61 3.61 4.83 6.26 , s = 2ft. 2ft.2in. 2 " 4" 2 " 6 " 2 " 8 " 1 in 200 15.88 19.73 24.15 29.08 34.71 1 in 400 11.23 13.96 17.07 20.56 24.54 1 in 600 9.13 11.39 13.94 16.79 20.04 1 in 800 7.94 9.87 12.07 14.54 17.35 1 in 1000 7.10 8.82 10.80 13.00 15.52 1 in 1250 6.35 7.89 9.66 11.63 13.88 1 in 1500 5.80 7.20 8.82 10.62 12.67 1 in 1800 5.29 6.58 8.05 9 69 11.57 2ft.lofnT 3 " 3 " 2in. 3 " 4 " 3 " 6 " 1 in 500 25.84 30.14 34.90 40.08 45.66 1 in 750 21.10 24.61 28.50 32.72 37.28 1 in 1000 18.27 21.31 24.68 28.34 32.28 1 in 1250 16.34 19.06 22.07 25.35 28.87 1 in 1500 14.92 17.40 20.15 23.14 26.36 1 in 1750 13.81 16.11 18.66 21.42 24.40 1 in 2000 12.92 15.07 17.45 20.04 22.83 1 in 2000 25.87 29.18 32.74 44.88 59.46 1 in 2500 11.55 13.48 15.61 17.93 20.41 1 in 2500 23.14 26.10 29.28 40.14 53.18 3ft. 8in. 3 " 10 " 4 " 4 " 6in. 5 " 1 in 500 51.74 58.36 65.47 89.75 118.9 1 in 750 42.52 47.65 53.46 73.28 97.09 1 in 1000 36.59 41.27 46.30 63.47 84.08 1 in 1250 32.72 36.91 41.41 56.76 75.21 1 in 1500 29.87 33.69 37.80 51.82 68.65 lin 1750 27.66 31.20 34.50 47.97 63.56 5ft.6in7 6 " 6 " 6 " 7 " 7 " 6 " 1 in 750 125.2 157.8 195.0 237.7 285.3 1 in 1000 108.4 136.7 168.8 205.9 247.1 1 in 1 500 88.54 111.6 137.9 168.1 201.7 1 in 2000 76.67 96.66 119.4 145.6 174.7 1 in 2500 68.58 86.45 106.8 130.2 156.3 1 in 3000 62.60 78.92 97.49 118.8 142.6 1 in 3500 57.96 73.07 90.26 110.00 132.1 1 in 4000 54.21 68.35 84.43 102.9 123.5 s = 8ft. 8 " 6in. 9 " 9 " 6 " 10 " 1 in 1500 239.4 281.1 327.0 376.9 431.4 1 in 2000 207.3 243.5 283.1 326.4 373.6 1 in 2500 195.4 217.8 253.3 291.9 334. 1 1 in 3000 169.3 198.8 231.2 266.5 305.0 1 in 3500 156.7 184.0 214.0 246.7 282.4 1 in 4000 146.6 172.2 200.2 230.8 264.2 1 in 4500 138.2 162.3 188.7 217.6 249.1 1 in 5000 131.1 154.0 179.1 206.4 236.3 For U. S. gallons multiply the figures in the table by 7.4805. For a given diameter the quantity of flow varies as the square root of the sine of the slope. From this principle the flow for other slopes than those given in the table may be found. Thus, what is the flow for a FLOW OF WATER IN PIPES. 739 pipe 8 feet diameter, slope 1 in 125? From the table take Q = 207.3 for slope 1 in 2000. The given slope 1 in 125 is to 1 in 2000 as 16 to 1, and the square root of this ratio is 4 to 1. Therefore the flow required is 207.3 X 4 = 829.2 cu. ft. Circular Pipes, Conduits, etc., Flowing FulL Values of the factor ac \/r in the formula Q = ac \/r X \/s corre- sponding to different values of the coefficient of roughness, n. (Based on Kutter's formula.) Diam., Ft. In. Value of ac \A. w=.010. n=.011. n=.012. n=.013. n=.015. n=.017. 2 307.6 274.50 247.33 224.63 188.77 164 2 3 421.9 377.07 340.10 309.23 260.47 223.9 2 6 559.6 500.78 452.07 411.27 347.28 299.3 2 9 722.4 647.18 584.90 532.76 451.23 388.8 3 911.8 817.50 739.59 674.09 570.90 493.3 3 3 1128.9 1013.1 917.41 836.69 709.56 613.9 3 6 1374.7 1234.4 1118.6 1021.1 866.91 750.8 3 9 1652.1 1484.2 1345.9 1229.7 1045 906 4 1962.8 1764.3 1600.9 1463.9 1245.3 1080.7 4 6 2682.1 2413.3 2193 2007 1711.4 1487.3 5 3543 3191.8 2903.6 2659 2272.7 1977 5 6 4557.8 4111.9 3742.7 3429 2934. 8 2557.2 6 5731.5 5176.3 4713.9 4322 3702.3 3232.5 6 6 7075.2 6394.9 5825.9 5339 4588.3 4010 7 8595.1 7774.3 7087 6510 5591.6 4893.2 7 6 10296 9318.3 8501.8 7814 6717 5884.3 6 12196 11044 10083 9272 7978.3 "6995.3 8 6 14298 12954 11832 10889 9377.9 8226.7 9 16604 15049 13751 12663 10917 9580 9 6 19118 17338 15847 14597 12594 11061 10 21858 19834 18134 16709 14426 12678 10 6 24823 22534 20612 18996 16412 14434 11 28020 25444 23285 21464 18555 16333 11 6 31482 28593 26179 24139 20879 18395 12 35156 31937 29254 26981 23352 20584 12 6 39104 35529 32558 30041 26012 22938 13 43307 39358 36077 33301 28850 25451 13 6 47751 43412 39802 36752 31860 28117 14 52491 47739 43773 40432 35073 30965 14 6 57496 52308 47969 44322 38454 33973 15 62748 57103 52382 48413 42040 37147 16 74191 67557 62008 57343 49823 44073 17 86769 79050 . 72594 . 67140 58387 51669 18 00617 91711 84247 77932 67839 60067 19 115769 105570 96991 89759 78201 69301 20 32133 120570 110905 102559 89423 79259 Flow of Water in Pipes from 3/g Inch to 13 Inches Diameter for a Uniform Velocity of 100 Ft. per Min. Diam. ID In. Area Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. per. Min. U. S. Gallons per Min. Diam. in In. Area Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. per Min. U.S. Gallons per Min. 3/8 .00077 0.077 .57 4 .0873 8.73 65.28 !/2 .00136 0.136 1.02 5 .136 13.6 102.00 3/4 .00307 0.307 2.30 6 .196 19.6 146.88 .00545 0.545 4.08 7 .267 26.7 199.92 n/4 .00852 0.852 6.38 8 .349 34.9 261.12 11/2 .01227 1.227 9.18 9 .442 44.2 330.48 13/4 .01670 1.670 12.50 10 .545 54.5 408.00 .02182 2.182 16.32 11 .660 66.0 493.68 21/2 .0341 3.41 25.50 12 .785 78.5 587.52 3 .0491 4.91 36.72 740 HYDRAULICS. Flow of Water in Circular Pipes, Conduits, etc., Flowing; under Pressure. Based on Darcy's formulae for the flow of water through cast-iron pipes. With comparison of results obtained by Kutter's formula, with ft = 0.013. (Condensed from Flynn on Water Power.) _ Values of a, and also the values of the factors c Vr and ac vV for use In the formulae Q = av; v = c \/ r X Vs, and Q = ac V7x ^s. Q = discharge in cubic feet per second, a = area in square feet, v = velocity in feet per second, r = mean hydraulic depth, 1/4 diam. for pipes running full, s, = sine of slope. (For values of V? see page 729.) Size of Pipe. Clean Cast-iron Pipes. Value of ac Vrby Kutter's Formula, when n=.OI3. Old Cast-iron Pipes Lined with Deposit. ddiam. in ft. in. a = area in square feet. For Velocity, For Dis- charge, For Velocity, For Discharge, 2 3.142 78.80 247.57 224.63 52.961 166.41 2 2 3.687 28.15 302.90 55.258 203.74 2 4 4.276 85.39 365.14 57.436 245.60 2 6 4.909 88.39 433.92 411.37 59.455 291.87 2 8 5.585 91.51 511.10 61.55 343.8 2 10 6.305 94.40 595.17 63.49 400.3 3 7 068 97.17 686.76 674.09 65.35 461.9 3 2 7.875 99.93 786.94 67.21 529.3 3 4 8.726 102.6 895.7 69 602 3 6 9.621 105.1 1011.2 1021.1 70.70 680.2 3 8 10.559 107.6 1136.5 72.40 764.5 3 10 11.541 110.2 1271.4 74.10 855.2 4 12.566 112.6 1414.7 1463.9 75.73 951.6 4 3 14.186 116.1 1647.6 78.12 1108.2 4 6 15.904 119.6 1901.9 2007 80.43 1279.2 4 9 17.721 122.8 2176.1 82.20 1456.8 5 19.635 126.1 2476.4 2659 84.83 1665.7 5 3 21.648 129.3 2799.7 86.99 1883.2 5 6 23.758 132.4 3146.3 3429 89.07 2116.2 5 9 25 967 135.4 3516 91.08 2365 5 28.274 138.4 3912.8 4322 93.08 2631.7 6 6 33 183 144.1 4728.1 5339 96.93 3216.4 7 38 485 149.6 5757.5 6510 100.61 3872.5 7 6 44 179 154.9 6841.6 7814 104.11 4601.9 g 50 266 160 8043 9272 107.61 5409.9 8 6 56.745 165 9463.7 10889 111 6299.1 9 63.617 169.8 10804 12663 114.2 7267.3 9 6 70 882 174.5 12370 14597 117.4 8329.6 10 78.540 179.1 14066 16709 120.4 9460.9 10 6 68.590 183.6 15893 18996 123.4 10690 11 95 033 187.9 17855 21464 126.3 12010 11 6 103 869 192.2 19966 24139 129.3 13429 12 113.098 196.3 22204 26981 132 14935 12 6 122 719 200.4 24598 30041 134.8 16545 13 132.733 204.4 27134 33301 137.5 18252 13 6 143 139 208.3 29818 36752 140.1 20056 14 153 938 212.2 32664 40432 142.7 21971 14 6 15 165.130 176 715 216.0 219.6 35660 38807 44322 48413 145.2 147.7 23986 26103 15 6 16 188.692 201 062 223.3 226.9 42125 45621 52753 57343 150.1 152.6 28335 30686 16 6 213 825 230.4 49273 62132 155 33144 17 226 981 233.9 53082 67140 157.3 35704 17 i 240 529 237.3 57074 72409 159.6 38389 18 254 170 240.7 61249 77932 161.9 41199 19 283 529 247.3 70154 89759 166.4 47186 20 314.159 253.8 79736 102559 170.7 53633 FLOW OP WATEB IN PIPES. 741 Flow of Water in Circular Pipes from 3/s Inch to 12 Inches Diameter. Based on Darcy's formula for clean cast-iron pipes. Q = ac v'r VJ. Value Dia. Slope, or Jlead Divided by Length of Pipe. ofocVr. in. 1 in 10 1in20 1 in 40 1 in 60 1 in 80 1 in 100 1 in 150 1 in 200 Quan tityin cubic feet per second. .00403 s /8 .00127 .00090 .00064 .00052 .00045 .00040 .00033 .00028 .00914 1/2 .00289 .00204 .00145 .00118 .00102 .00091 .00075 .00065 .02855 3/4 .00903 .00638 .00451 .00369 .00319 .00286 .00233 .00202 .06334 .02003 .01416 .01001 .00818 .00708 .00633 .00517 .00448 .11659 11/4 .03687 .02607 .01843 .01505 .01303 .01166 .00952 .00824 .19115 U/9 .06044 .04274 .03022 .02468 .02137 .01912 .01561 .01352 .28936 13/4 .09140 .06470 .04575 .03736 .03235 .02894 .02363 .02046 .41357 .13077 .09247 .06539 .05339 .04624 .04136 .03377 .02927 .74786 21/2 .23647 .16722 .11824 .09655 .08361 .07479 .06106 .05288 1.2089 3 .38225 .27031 .19113 .15607 .13515 .12089 .09871 .08548 2.5630 4 .81042 .57309 .40521 .33088 .28654 .25630 .20927 .18123 4.5610 5 1.4422 1.0198 .72109 .58882 .50992 .45610 .37241 .32251 '7.3068 6 2.3104 1 .6338 1.1552 .94331 .81690 .73068 .59660 .51666 10.852 7 3.4314 2.4265 1.7157 1.4110 1.2132 1.0852 .88607 .76734 15.270 8 4.8284 3.4143 2.4141 1.9713 1.7072 1.5270 1.2468 1 .0797 20.652 9 6.5302 4.6178 3.2651 2.6662 2.3089 2.0652 1.6862 1.4603 26.952 10 8.5222 6.0265 4.2611 3.4795 3.0132 2.6952 2.2006 1.9058 34.428 11 10.886 7.6981 5.4431 4.4447 3.8491 3.4428. 2.8110 2.4344 42.918 12 13.571 9.5965 6.7853 5.5407 4.7982 4.2918 3.5043 3.0347 Value of Vs^ 0.3162 0.2236 0.1581 0.1291 0.1118 0.1 0.08165 0.07071 Value f A / Dia 1 in 250 1 in 300 1 in 350 1 in 400 1 in 450 1 in 500 1 in 550 1 in 600 of ocv r. in. .00403 3/8 .00025 .00023 .00022 .00020 .00019 .00018 .00017 .00016 .00914 1/2 .00058 .00033 .00049 .00046 .00043 .00041 .00039 .00037 .02855 3 /4 .00181 .00165 .00153 .00143 .00134 .00128 .00122 .00117 .06334 1 .00400 .00366 .00339 .00317 .00298 .00283 .00270 .00259 .11659 H/4 .00737 .00673 .00623 .00583 .00549 .00521 .00497 .00476 .19115 H/2 .01209 .01104 .01022 .00956 .00901 .00855 .00815 .00780 .28936 13/4 .01830 .01671 .01547 .01447 .01363 .01294 .01234 .01181 .41357 2 .02615 .02388 .02211 .02068 .01948 .01849 .01763 .01688 .74786 21/2 .04730 .04318 .03997 .03739 .03523 .03344 .03189 .03053 1.2089 3 .07645 .06980 .06462 .06045 .05695 .05406 .05155 .04935 2.5630 4 .16208 .14799 . 13699 .12815 .12074 .11461 .10929 . 10463 4.5610 5 .28843 .26335 .24379 .22805 .21487 .20397 .19448 .19620 7.3068 6 .46208 .42189 .39055 .36534 .34422 .32676 .31156 .29830 10.852 7 .68628 .62660 .58005 .54260 .51124 .48530 .46273 .44303 15.270 8 .96567 .88158 .81617 .76350 .71936 .68286 .65111 .62340 20.652 9 1 3060 1.1924 1.1038 1.0326 .97292 .92356 .88060 .84310 26.952 10 1.7044 1.5562 1.4405 1 .3476 1.2697 1.2053 1.1492 1.1003 34.428 11 2.1772 1.9878 1.8402 1.7214 1.6219 1.5396 1.4680 1.4055 42.918 12 2.7141 2.4781 2.2940 2.1459 2.0219 1.9193 1.8300 1.7521 Value of VJ= .06324 .05774 .05345 .05 .04711 .04472 .04264 .04082 For U. S. gals, per sec., multiply the figures in the table by 7.4805 " min., " " ... 448.83 " " hour, " " 26929.8 " " 24hrs. t " " ...646315. 'or any other slope the flow is proportional to the square root of the thus, flow in slope of 1 in 100 is double that in slope of 1 in 400. 742 HYDRAULICS. I o sO s 42 So S =s : fi- ll If- s -1 {> a *$ l! b s o* 8 o O fS (S -^ >O ON fS sO O vi O ^-i>.i^-^i. I OO (Nr}-QOf^c^TfoO\OrOfNC^r^iArorsJt>.f p^ TJ- vO (N Psl m iTi \O OO f^ .oo C OOOOOO i m o tN 00 ^T O^ O C^ -* rj- cor^rsjt>i ro Or> "~OO f>Tj-cO 70 2.80 6.40 0.92 4.10 1.13 4.50 Vel.ft.persec.. Hd.duevel.ft . 0.016 2 0.062 3 0.14 4 0.25 5 0.39 6 0.56 7 0.76 8 1.0 9 1.3 10 1.6 It 1.9 12 2.2 Vel.ft.persec.. Hd.duevel.ft.. 13 2.6 14 3.1 15 3.5 16 4.0 17 4.5 18 5.0 19 5.6 20 6.2 25 9.3 30 14.0 40 24.8 50 38.8 These losses are for new, clean, straight, tar-coated, cast-iron pipes. For pipes that have been in service a number of years the losses will be larger on account of corrosion and incrustation, and 10 years 1.3 the losses in the tables should be multiplied under average 20 1.6 conditions by the factors opposite; but they must be used 30 2.0 with much discretion, for some waters corrode pipes much 50 2.6 more rapiclly than others. 75 3.4 The same figures may be used for wrought-iron pipes which are not subject to a frequent change of water. 746 HYDRAULIC FORMULAE Hydraulic Formulae. (The Lombard Governor Co., Head (#) in feet. Pressure (P). in Ibs. per sq. in. Diameter (>) in feet Area (A) m sq. ft. Quantity (Q) in cubic ft. per second. Time (T) in seconds. Spouting velocity = 8.02 \/~H. Time (TJ to acquire spouting velocity in a vertical pipe, or (Ti) in a pipe on an angle (0) from horizontal: T!= 8.02 *SH + 32.17, T 2 = 8.02 V# + 32.17 sin Q. Head (H) or pressure (P) which will vent any quantity (Q) through a round orifice of any diameter (Z>) or area (A): H = Q2 .=- 14.1 >4 = QZ + 23.75 A2; P = Q* -*- 34.1 M = 2 -j- 55.3 A\ Quantity (Q) discharged through a round orifice of any diameter (D) or area (A) under any pressure (P) or under any head (H} : Q = VP X 55.3 X A 2 =Vpx 34.1 X Z> 4 ; = V# x 23.75 X A 2 =V#X 14.71 X Z> 4 . Diameter (D) or area (A) of a round orifice to vent any quantity (Q) under any head (H) or under any pressure (P): Time (T) of emptying a vessel of any area (A) through an orifice of any area (a) anywhere in its side: T = 0.416 A VH * a. ; Time (T) of lowering a water level from (H) to (ft) in a tank of area A through an orifice of any area (a) in its side. 2 7 =0.416A(V / ^ \/&) -=- a . Kinetic energy (K) or foot-pounds in water in a round pipe of any diameter (Z>) when moving at velocity (F): K = 0.76 X D 2 X L X V 2 . Area (a) of an orifice to empty a tank of any area (A) in any time (T) from any head (H): a = T * 0.409 A V#. Area (a) of an orifice to lower water in a tank of area (A) from head (//) to (ft) in time (T 7 ): a = T * 0.409 X AX (^H - Vft). Compound Pipes and Pipes with Branches. (Unwin.) Loss of head in a main consisting of different diameters. (1) Constant discharge. Total loss of head H = hi + ft 2 + ft 3 = 0.1008/Q 2 (li/dj + h/dv> + h/d^}. (2) Constant velocity in the main, the discharge Diminishing from sec- tion to section. H = 0.0551 /y 5 /2(Z 1 /x / Q 1 + 1 2 /VQ 2 + 1 3 /VQ S ), Equiv- alent main of uniform diameter. Length of equivalent main Loss of head in a main of uniform diameter in which the discharge de- creases uniformly along its length, such as a main with numerous branch pipes uniformly spaced and delivering equal quantities: ft = 0.0336 fQH/d*, Q being the quantity entering the pipe. The loss of head is just one-third of the loss in a pipe carrying the uniform quantity Q through- out its length. Loss of head in a pipe that receives Q cu. ft. per sec. at the inlet, and delivers Q x cu. ft. at x ft. from the inlet, having distributed qx cu. ft. uniformly in that distance, h x 0.1008/z (Q x + 0.55 qx)/d 5 . Delivery by two or more mains, in parallel. Total discharge = Q t + Q 4-Qa = 3.149 ^h/f (V^s/k+Vd^H- VdsVfc) . Diameter ofan equivalent main to discharge the same total quantity, d=(v^+v / (/ 2 5+\/^5) 2 /5. Rifled Pipes for Conveying Heavy Oils. (Eng. Rec., May 23, 1908.) The oil from the California fields is a heavy, viscous fluid. Attempts to handle it in long pipe lines of the ordinary type have not been practi- cally successful. High pumping pressures are required, resulting in large expense for pipe and for pumping equipment. LOSS OF HEAD. 747 The method of pumping in the rifled-pipe line is to inject about 10 per cent of water with the oil and to give the cil and water a centrifugal motion, by means of the rifled pipe, sufficient to throw the water to the outside, where it forms a thin film of 'lubrication between the oil and the sides of the pipe that greatly reduces the friction. The rifled pipe de- livers at ordinary temperatures eight t9 ten times as much oil, through a long line, as does a line of ordinary pipe under similar conditions. An 8-in. rifled pipe line 282 miles in length has been built from the Kern oil fields to Porta Costa, on tidewater near San Francisco. The pipe is rifled with six helical grooves to the circumference, these grooves making a complete turn through 360 deg. in 10 ft. of length. Loss of Pressure Caused by Valves and Fittings The data given below are condensed from the results of experiments by John R. Freeman for the Inspection Department of the Assoc. Facty. Mut. Ins. Cos. The friction losses in ells and tees are approximate. Fittings of the same nom- inal size with the different curvatures and different smoothness as made by different manufacturers will cause materially different friction losses. The figures are the number of feet of clean, straight pipe of same size which would cause the same loss as the fitting. Grinnell dry-pipe valve. 6-in., 80 ft.; 4-in., 47 ft. Grinnell alarm check, 6-in., 100 ft.; 4-in., 47 ft. Pratt & Cady check valve, 6-in., 50 ft.; 4-in., 25 ft. 4-in. Walworth globe check valve, 6-in., 200 ft.; 4-in., 130' ft. 21/2 in. to 8-in. ells, long-turn, 4 ft.; short-turn 9 ft. 3-in. to 8-in, tees, long-turn, 9 ft.; short-turn, 17 ft. One-eighth bend, 5 ft. Effect of Bends and Curves in Pipes. Weisbach's rule for bends: Loss of head in feet = [0.131 + 1.847 (^) 7/2 J X ~ X ^~, in which r * internal radius of pipe in feet, R- = radius of curvature of axis of pipe, v = velocity in feet per second, and a = the central angle, or angle sub- tended by the bend. Hamilton Smith, Jr., in his work on Hydraulics, says: The experimental data at hand are entirely insufficient to permit a satisfactory analysis of this quite complicated subject; in fact, about the only experiments of value are those made by Bossut and Dubuat with small pipes. Curves. If the pipe has easy curves, say with radius not less than 5 diameters of the pipe, the flow will not be materially diminished, provided the tops of all curves are kept below the hydraulic grade-line and provision be made for escape of air from the tops of all curves. (Trautwine.) Williams, Hubbell and Fenkel (Trans. A. S. C. E., 1901) C9nclude from an extensive series of experiments that curves of short radius, down to about 21/2 diameters, offer less resistance to the flow of water than do those of longer radius, and that earlier theories and practices regarding curve resistance are incorrect. For a 90 curve in 30 in. cast-iron pipe, 6 ft. radius, they found the loss of head 15.7% greater than that of a straight pipe of equal length; with 10 ft. radius. 17.3% greater: with 25 ft. radius, 52.7% greater; and with 60 ft. radius, 90.2% greater. Friction Heads for Elbows. Heads Required to Overcome the Resistance of Circular 90 Bends. (U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co.) Velocity Radius of Bend in Diameters of Pipe. in Feet Per 0.5 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.5 | 2.0 3.0 5.0 Second. Head, in Feet. 1 0.016 0.005 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 2 .062 .018 .009 .007 .005 .005 .004 .004 3 .140 .041 .020 .015 .012 .011 .010 .009 4 .245 .072 .036 .026 .021 .019 .017 .016 5 .388 .113 .056 .041 .033 .029 .027 .025 6 .559 .162 .081 .059 .048 .042 .038 .036 7 .761 .221 .110 .080' .066 .057 .052 .050 8 .994 .288 .144 .104 .086 .074 .069 .065 9 1.260 .365 .182 .132 .108 .094 .086 .082 10 1.550 .450 .225 .163 .134 .116 .106 .101 12 2.340 .649 .324 .236 .192 .167 .153 .145 748 HYDRAULICS. Loss of Head In Pipes, Tees and Elbows. Results of tests made on locomotive water columns by Arthur N. Talbot and Melvin L. Enger (Bulletin No. 48, Univ. of 111. Engineering Experiment Station) may be expressed by the following formula: Loss of head in 100 ft. of new cast-iron pipe for sizes above 6 in. diam. = 0.044 v 1 * * d 1 - 25 , in which v = velocity of flow in feet per sec., and d = internal diameter of pipe, in ft. The results for pipes from 8 to 24 in. in diameter agree closely with those obtained by Williams and Hazen for pipes after about three years of service, with the diagram given in Turneaure and Russell's "Public Water Supplies," and with the formula of Unwin; they are, however, generally smaller than those given by the Ellis and Howland tables and by Darcy's formula. The following tables are taken from diagrams included in the Bulle- tin; they give the values selected by the Committee on Water Service, Am. Ry. Eng'g and Maintenance of Way Association, as representing the maximum results of numerous tests. LOSS OF HEAD IN TEES, IN FEET. Discharge, Gal per Cu. Ft. Sizes o f Tees. Min. Sec. 8 In. 10 In. 12 In. 14 In. 16 In. 18 In. 1000. ., 20.5 1.1 0.4 0.25 2000. ., 41 4 1 7 95 40 25 13 3000 61 5 8 7 3 9 1 95 1 00 60 35 4000 82 6 7 3 35 1 75 1.10 65 5000. . 102 5 10 3 5 20 2 70 1 60 1 00 6000. ., 123 7 30 3 90 2 30 1 45 7000 143.5 5 30 3 10 2 00 8000 164 6.80 3.90 2.60 LOSS OF HEAD IN ELBOWS, IN FEET. (Radius of curvature of elbow axis = 1.5 X diameter of elbow.) Discharge, Gal per Cu. Ft. Der Sizes of Elbows. Min. Sec. 8 In. 10 In. 12 In. 14 In. 16 In. 18 In. 1000. . 20.5 0.2 2000 41 1.2 0.5 0.20 0.10 3000. ., 61.5 2.8 ] 1 50 25 15 4000 82 1 9 95 50 25 10 5000 6000. . 102.5 123 3.2 1.50 2 20 0.75 1 15 0.40 60 0.15 25 7000 ' ! 8000.., 143.5 164 3.00 1.65 2.10 0.87 1.15 0.50 0.70 (Radius of curvature = 3 X diameter.) 1000 2000. .. 20.5 41 0.25 0.75 0.35 10 3000 61.5 2.00 0.80 0.40 0.15 4000. ., 82 4 00 1 45 70 33 12 5000 6000. 102.5 123 2.25 1.10 1 60 0.50 70 0.20 40 0.07 10 7000. . 143 5 2 20 1 00 58 25 8000 164 3.00 1.45 0.85 0.45 Hydraulic Grade-line. In a straight tube of uniform diameter throughout, running full and discharging freely into the air, the hydraulic grade-line is a straight line drawn from the discharge end to a point imme- diately over the entry end of the pipe and at a depth below the surface equal to the entry and velocity heads. (Trautwine.) In a pipe leading from a reservoir, no part of its length should be above the hydraulic grade-line. Air-bound Pipes. A pipe is said to be air-bound when, In conse- quence of air being entrapped at the high points of vertical curves in the line, water will not flow out of the pipe, although the supply is higher than the outlet. The remedy is to provide cocks or valves at the high points, FIRE-STREAMS. . 749 through which the air may be discharged. The valve may be made automatic by means of a float. Water-Hammer. When selecting valves and fittings, the possibility of shock or strain due to water-hammer, in excess of the average work- ing pressure of the line or system, should be considered. Many valves and fittings, installed where the working pressure under nomal con- ditions would be low, have failed because of pressure due to water- hammer. This danger can be avoided by proper cushioning of the line by air chambers, or by relief valves. When a valve in a pipe is closed while the water is flowing, the velocity of the water behind the valve is retarded and a dynamic pressure is produced. When the valve is closed quickly this dynamic pressure may be very great. It is then called "water-hammer" or "water- ram," and it causes in many cases fracture of the pipe. It is provided against by arrangements which prevent the rapid closing of the valve. Formulae for the pressure produced by this shock are (see Merriman's Hydraulics) p = 0.027 H_po + pi. . . (1) P=63v-Po+Pi (2) where po = the static pressure, Ib. per sq. in., when there is no flow, Pi = the static pressure when the flow is in progress, p = the maximum dynamic pressure due to the water-hammer in excess over the pressure p* v = the velocity in feet per second, L = length of pipe back from the valve in feet, and t = time of closing the valve in seconds. Formula (1) is to be used when t is greater than 0.000428L and (2) when t is equal to or less than this. From the first of these formulae the value of t when p is found to be t = 0.027 Lv - (PO-PI), which is the time required for the valve closing in order that there may be no water-hammer. Vertical Jets. (Molesworth.) H = head of water, h = height of jet, d = diameter of jet, K = coefficient, varying with ratio of diameter of jet to head;' then h = KH. If H = d X 300 600 1000 1500 1800 2800 3500 4500 K = 0.96 0.9 O.S5 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.25 Water Delivered through Meters. (Thomson Meter Co.) The best modern practice limits the velocity in water-pipes to 10 lineal feet per second. Assume this as a basis of delivery, and we find, for the sev- eral sizes of pipes usually metered, the following approximate results: Nominal diameter of pipe in inches: 3/8 5 /8 3/4 1 11/2 2 3 4 6 Quantity delivered, in cubic feet per minute, due to said velocity: 0.46 1.28 1.85 3.28 7.36 13.1 29.5 52.4 117.9 Prices Charged for Water in Different Cities. (National Meter Co.) Average minimum price for 1000 gallons in 163 places .9.4 cents. Average maximum price for 1000 gallons in 163 places 28 Extremes, 21/2 cents to 100 FIRE-STREAMS. Fire-Stream Tables. The tables on pages 750 and 751 are con- densed from one contained in the pamphlet of "Fire-Stream Tables" of the Associated Factory Mutual Fire Ins. Cos., based on the experi- ments of John K. Freeman, Trans. A. S. C. E., vol. xxi, 1889. The pressure in the first column is that indicated by a gauge attached at the base of the play pipe and set level with the end of the nozzle. The vertical and horizontal distances, in 2d and 3d cols., are those of effective fire-streams with moderate wind. The maximum limit of a " fair stream " is about 10% greater for a vertical stream; 12% for a horizontal stream. In still air much greater distances are reached by the extreme drops. The pressures given are for the best quality of rubber-lined hose, smooth inside. The hose friction varies greatly in different kinds of hose, accord- ing to smoothness of inside surface, and pressures as much as 50% greater are required for the same delivery in long lengths of inferior rubber-lined or linen hose. The pressures at the hydrant are those while the stream is flowing, and are those required with smooth nozzles. Ring 750 HYDRAULICS. nozzles require greater pressures. With the same pressures at the base 01 tne play pipe, the discharge of a3/ 4 -in. smooth nozzle is the same as that or a 7/8-m. ring nozzle; of a 7/g-in. smooth nozzle, the same as that of a ' 1-in. ring nozzle. The figures for hydrant pressure in the body of the table are derived py adding to the nozzle or play-pipe pressure the friction loss in the nose, and also the friction loss of a Chapman 4-way independent gate hydrant ranging from 0.86 Ib. for 200 gals, per min. flowing to 2.31 Ibs. for 600 gals. The following notes are taken from the pamphlet referred to. The discharge as stated in Ellis's tables and in their numerous copies in trade catalogues is from 15 to 20% in error. In the best rubber-lined hose, 2i/2-in. diam., the loss of head due to friction, for a discharge of 240 gallons per minute, is 14.1 Ibs. per 100 ft. length; in inferior rubber-lined mill hose, 25.5 Ibs., and in unlined linen hose, 33.2 Ibs. Less than a ll/s-in. smooth-nozzle stream with 40 Ibs. pressure at the base of the play pipe, discharging about 240 gals, per min., cannot be called a first-class stream for a factory fire. 80 Ibs. per sq. in. is con- sidered the best hydrant pressure for general use; 100 Ibs. should not be exceeded, except for very high buildings, or lengths of hose over 300 ft. Hydrant Pressures Required with Different Sizes and Lengths of Hose. (J. R. Freeman, Trans. A. S. C. E., 1889.) 3/4-inch smooth nozzle. * J r 1 Fire- steam Distance. Gal. per Min. Hydrant Pressure with Different Lengths of Hose to Maintain Pressure at Base of Play Pipe. Vert. Hor. 50ft. 100ft. 200ft. 300ft. 400ft. 500ft. 600ft. 800ft. 1000 ft. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 17 33 48 60 67 72 76 79 81 83 19 29 37 44 50 54 58 62 65 68 52 73 90 104 116 127 137 147 156 164 10 21 31 42 52 63 73 84 94 105 11 22 32 43 54 65 75 86 97 108 11 23 34 46 57 68 80 91 102 114 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 13 25 38 50 63 76 88 101 113 126 13 26 40 53 66 79 92 106 119 132 14 28 41 55 69 83 97 111 124 138 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 16 32 49 65 81 97 114 130 146 163 7/8-inch smooth nozzle. 10 18 21 71 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 22 20 34 33 100 22 23 25 27 30 32 34 39 43 30 49 42 123 33 34 38 41 45 48 51 58 65 40 62 49 142 43 46 50 55 59 64 68 78 87 50 71 55 159 54 57 63 69 74 80 86 97 108 60 77 61 174 65 69 75 82 89 96 103 116 130 70 81 66 188 76 80 88 96 104 112 120 136 152 80 85 70 201 87 91 101 110 119 128 137 155 173 90 88 74 213 98 103 113 123 134 144 154 174 195 100 90 76 224 109 114 126 137 148 160 171 194 216 1-inch smooth nozzle. 10 18 21 93 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 26 30 20 35 37 132 23 25 29 33 37 41 45 52 60 30 51 47 161 34 37 43 49 55 61 67 79 90 40 64 55 186 46 50 58 66 73 81 89 105 120 50 73 61 208 57 62 72 82 92 102 111 131 151 60 79 67 228 69 75 87 98 110 122 134 157 181 70 85 72 246 80 87 101 115 128 142 156 183 211 80 89 76 263 92 100 115 131 147 162 178 209 241 90 92 80 279 103 112 130 147 165 183 200 236 .... 100 96 83 295 115 125 144 164 183 203 223 FIBE-STREAMS. 751 Hydrant Pressures Required with Different Sizes and Lengths of Hose. Continued. 1 i/8-inch smooth nozzle. A Fire- Steam Distance. a 1. h a "08 o Hydrant Pressure with Different Lengths of Hose to Maintain Pressure at Base of Play Pipe. Vert. Hor. 50ft. 100ft. 200ft. 300ft. 400ft. 500ft. 600ft. 800ft. 1000 ft. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 18 36 52 65 75 83 88 92 96 99 22 38 50 59 66 72 77 81 85 89 119 168 206 238 266 291 314 336 356 376 12 25 37 50 62 74 87 99 112 124 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 17 34 52 69 86 103 120 138 155 172 20 41 61 81 102 122 143 163 183 204 24 47 71 94 118 141 165 188 212 236 27 54 80 107 134 160 187 214 241 30 60 90^ 120 150 180 209 239 36 73 109 145 181 218 254 43 85 128 171 213 256 1 i/4-inch smooth nozzle. 10 20 30 40 50 60 19 37 53 67 77 85 22 40 54 63 70 76 1-48 209 256 296 331 363 14 27 41 55 68 82 16 32 49 65 81 97 21 42 63 84 106 127 26 52 78 104 130 156 31 62 93 124 155 186 36 72 108 144 180 216 41 82 123 164 204 245 51 101 152 203 254 61 121 182 243 70 91 81 39? 96 113 148 182 217 252 80 95 85 410 110 129 169 208 248 90 99 90 444 123 145 190 234 100 101 93 468 137 162 211 261 1 3/8-inch smooth nozzle. 10 20 30 40 20 38 55 69 23 42 56 66 182 257 315 363 16 31 47 62 19 39 58 77 27 53 80 107 34 68 103 137 42 83 125 166 49 98 147 196 56 113 169 226 71 143 214 86 173 259 50 79 73 405 78 96 134 171 208 245 60 87 79 445 93 116 160 205 250 70 92 84 480 109 135 187 239 80 97 88 514 \?A 154 214 90 100 92 M 1 ) 140 173 240 too 103 96 574 156 193 Pump Inspection Table. Discharge of nozzles attached to 50 ft. of 2 1 ,/2-in. best quality rubber- lined hose, inside smooth. (J. R. Freeman.) d 3 Size of Smooth Nozzle. Ring Nozzle. Wftj 1 3/4 1 1/2 1 3/8 1 V4 1 VS. 1 7/8 3/4 1 3 /8 1 V4 1 1/8 10 193 163 146 127 107 87 68 5? 118 101 84 20 274 232 206 179 151 123 96 72 167 143 119 30 335 283 251 219 184 150 118 88 205 175 145 40 387 327 291 253 213 173 136 101 237 202 168 50 432 366 323 283 238 194 152 113 264 226 188 60 473 400 357 309 261 213 167 124 289 247 205 70 510 432 385 334 281 230 180 134 313 267 222 80 546 461 412 357 301 246 192 144 334 285 237 90 579 490 437 379 319 261 204 152 355 303 252 100 610 515 461 400 337 275 215 161 374 319 266 752 HYDRAULICS. Pipe Sizes for Ordinary Fire-Streams. (U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 1914.) No. 40 Lb. 50 Lb. 60 Lb. 70 Lb. 80 Lb. 90 Lb. of 1 l/o Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. / 8 In. a a d ^a 3 Hose Noz- || 1 II o .11 o it o li o |i ! zles. *'& E c/] | Pn03 E fig g f^'m g ftai E 1 4 20 6 23 6 25 6 27 6 29 6 30 2 6 40 8 45 8 50 8 53 8 57 8 61 3 8 61 8 68 10 74 10 80 10 86 10 91 4 10 81 10 90 10 99 10 107 12 114 12 121 5 10 101 12 113 12 124 12 134 12 143 12 152 6 12 121 12 135 12 149 14 160 14 172 14 182 7 12 141 14 158 14 174 14 187 14 200 16 212 8 12 162 14 181 14 199 16 214 16 229 16 242 9 14 182 14 203 16 223 16 241 16 257 18 273 10 14 202 16 226 16 248 16 267 18 286 18 303 11 16 222 16 248 18 273 18 294 18 314 18 333 12 16 243 18 271 18 298 18 321 20 343 20 364 13 16 263 18 293 18 323 20 348 20 372 20 394 14 18 283 18 316 20 348 20 374 20 400 20 424 15 18 303 20 339 20 372 20 401 20 429 24 455 Flow given in cubic feet per minute. Figures are based on 1 %-in. smooth-bore nozzles, playing simultaneously and attached to 200 ft. of best quality rubber-lined hose; pressures measured at hose connec- tions. Velocity of water in pipe, approximately 3 ft. per second. Friction Loss in Rubber-Lined Cotton Hose with Smoothest Lining. 03 1 "o a c3 3 2 21/8 21/4 23/8 21/2 18 fa * Gallons per Minute Flowing. dj |l > & Velocity Head 72 - 20. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 Friction Loss, Pounds per 100ft. Length. Ft. Lbs. 0.17 0.69 1.5 2.7 4.2 6.1 8.2 10.7 13.6 16.7 6.836 5.170 3.790 2.895 2.240 1.748 1.391 1.097 0.900 0:416 0.214 27.3 20.7 15.2 11.6 9.0 7.0 5.6 4.4 3.6 1.7 0.9 61.5 46.5 34.1 26.1 20.2 15.7 12.5 9.9 8.1 3.7 1.9 109 82.7 60.6 46.3 35.8 23.0 22.3 17.6 14.4 6.7 3.4 171 129 94.7 72.4 56.0 43.7 34.8 27.4 22.5 10.4 5.4 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0.39 1.6 3.5 6.2 9.7 14.0 19.0 24.8 31.4 38.8 189 136 104 80.6 62.9 50.1 39.5 32.4 15.0 7.7 186 138 110 85.7 68.2 53.8 44.1 20.4 10.5 185 143 112 89.0 70.2 57.6 26.6 13.7 224 175 139 110 90 41.6 21.4 The above table is computed on the basis of 14 Ibs. per 100 ft. length of 2i/2-in. hose with 250 gals, per min. flowing, as found in Freeman's tests, assuming that the loss varies as the square of the quantity, and for different diameters and the same quantity inversely as the 5th power of the diameter. Rated Capacities of Steam Fire-engines, which is perhaps one third greater than their ordinary rate of work at fires, are substantially as follows : 3d size, 550 gals, per min., or 792,000 gals, per 24 hours. 2d " 700 " 1,008,000 1st " 900 " " 1,296,000 1 ext.. 1,100 " !' 1.584,000 !! FLOW OF WATER THROUGH NOZZLES. 753 p.b fe _ f>rxf - M>^ou">'Oinom* ooo^^ooo >o r> iobo > > r p, _ .. . ,-^> . f>. __ Tj-i>>OCSOOCSvO T fs - cscs ,2 i5 ^ d^csoo^-ro-r^ovo^odd^oduS o >> T3 c3 C 2 01 ' W 2 g| & +* r>obf<^ininOri ^ oorNinr>m' >O"- -.s O 0- V 02 CC O ^ . R.89^SM8Q 8ft S^S889^8 2 8^ B o' ' N ft ! " fts ^ o o cs cs CN i cs i cs cs w> c^> f^i \**\ T ^t in \tr\ m \o i >c i t>i I r> i oo i oo i o o o cs bC . S- O s: h N gS-= SSi o 5 ^ _ oooooooo ooo ''' '-- cscscscscscs J--S ^ . II * a ^ 754 HYDRAULICS. THE SIPHON. The Siphon is a bent tube of unequal branches, open at both ends, and is used to convey a liquid from a higher to a lower level, over an interme- diate point higher than either. Its parallel branches being in a vertical plane and plunged into two bodies of liquid whose upper surfaces are at different levels, the fluid will stand at the same level both within and without each branch of the tube when a vent or small opening is made at the bend. If the air be withdrawn from the siphon through this vent, the water will rise in the branches by the atmospheric pressure without, and when the two columns unite and the vent is closed, the liquid will flow from the upper reservoir as long as the end of the shorter branch of the siphon is below the surface of the liquid in the reservoir. If the water was free from air the height of the bend above the supply level might be as great as 33 feet. If A = area of cross-section of the tube in square feet, H = the differ- ence in level between the two reservoirs in feet, D the density of the liquid in pounds per cubic foot, then ADH measures the intensity of the force which causes the movement of the fluid, and V = ^2gH= 8.02 "*/H is the theoretical velocity, in feet per second, which is reduced by the loss of head for entry and friction, as in other cases of flow of liquids through pipes. In the case of the difference of level being greater than 33 feet, however, the velocity of the water in the shorter leg is limited to that due to a height of 33 feet, or that due to the difference between the atmospheric pressure at the entrance and the vacuum at the bend. Long Siphons. Prof. Joseph Torrey, in the Amer. Machinist, de- scribes a long siphon which was a partial failure. The length of the pipe was 1792 feet. The pipe was 3 inches diameter, and rose at one point 9 feet above the initial level. The final level was 20 feet below the initial level. No automatic air valve was provided. The highest point in the siphon was about one third the total distance from the pond and nearest the pond. At this point a pump was placed, whose mission was to fill the pipe when necessary. This siphon would flow for about two hours and then cease, owing to accumulation of air in the pipe. When in full operation it discharged 431/2 gallons per minute. The theoretical discharge from such a sized pipe with the specified head is 551/2 gallons per minute. Siphon on the Water-supply of Mount Vernon, X, T. (Eng'g News, May 4, 1893.) A 12-inch siphon, 925 feet long, with a maximum lift of 22.12 feet and a 45 change in alignment, was put in use in 1892 by the New York City Suburban Water Co. At its summit the siphon crosses a supply main, which is tapped to charge the siphon. The air- chamber at the siphon is 12 inches by 16 feet long. A i/2-inch tap and cock at the top of the chamber provide an outlet for the collected air. It was found that the siphon with air-chamber as described would run until 125 cubic feet of air had gathered, and that this took place only half as soon with a 14-foot lift as with the full lift of 22.12 feet. The siphon will operate about 12 hours without being recharged, but more water can be gotten over by charging every six hours. It can be kept running 23 hours out of 24 with only one man in attendance. With the siphon as described above it is necessary to close the valves at each end of the siphon to recharge it. It has been found by weir measurements that the discharge of the siphon before air accumulates at the summit is practically the same as through a straight pipe. A successful siphon is described by R. S. Hale in Jour. Assoc. Eng. Soc., 1900. A 2-in. galvanized pipe had been used, and it had been nec- essary to open a waste-pipe and thus secure a continuous flow in order to keep the siphon in operation. The trouble seemed to be due to very small air leaks in the joints. When the 2-in. iron pipe was replaced by a 1-in lead pipe, the siphon was entirely successful. The maximum rise of the pipe above the level of the pond was 12 ft., the discharge about 850 ft. below the level, and the length 500 ft. VELOCITY OF ^ATER IN OPEN CHANNELS. 755 VELOCITY OF WATER IN OPEN CHANNELS. Irrigation Canals. The minimum mean velocity required to pre- vent the deposit of silt or the growth of aquatic plants is in Northern India taken at 1 1/2 feet per second. It is stated that in America a higher velocity is required for this purpose, and it varies from 2 to 3 1/2 feet per second. The maximum allowable velocity will vary with the nature of the soil of the bed. A sandy bed will be disturbed if the velocity exceeds 3 feet per second. Good loam with not too much sand will bear a velocity of 4 feet per second. The Cavour Canal in Italy, over a gravel bed, has a velocity of about 5 per second. (Flynn's "Irrigation Canals.") Mean Surface and Bottom Velocities. According to the formula of Bazin. v= 1W^- 25-4 Vrs; v = Vb + 10.87 \/rs. .*. vj) =* v 10.87 Vrs, in which v = mean velocity in feet per second, v max = maximum surface velocity in feet per second, v&= bottom velocity in feet per second, r = hydraulic mean depth in feet = area of cross-section in square feet divided by wetted perimeter in feet, s = sine of slope. The least velocity, or that of the particles in contact with the bed, is almost as much less than the mean velocity as the greatest velocity is greater than the mean. Rankine states that in ordinary cases the velocities may be taken as bearing to each other nearly the proportions of 3, 4, and 5. In very slow currents they are nearly as 2, 3, and 4. Safe Bottom and Mean Velocities. Ganguillet & Kutter give the following table of. safe bottom and mean velocities in channels, calculated from the formula v = Vb + Material of Channel. Safe Bottom Velocity Vfr, in Feet per Second. Mean Velocity v, in Feet per Second. Soft brown earth 249 328 499 656 Sar d 1 000 1 312 Gravel 1.998 2.625 Pebbles 2 999 3 938 Broken stone, flint . 4 003 5 579 Conglomerate, soft slate. . . . Stratified rock 4.988 6 006 6.564 8 204 Hard rock 10.009 13.127 Ganguillet & Kutter state that they are unable for want of observations to judge how far these figures are trustworthy. They consider them to be rather disproportionately small than too large, and therefore recommend them more confidently. Water flowing at a high velocity and carrying large quantities of silt is very destructive to channels, even when constructed of the best masonry. Resistance of Soils to Erosion by Water. W. A. Burr, En&g News, Feb. 8, 1894, gives a diagram showing the resistance of various soils to erosion by flowing water. Experiments show that a velocity greater than 1.1 feet per second will erode sand, while pure clay will stand a velocity of 7.35 feet per second. The greater the proportion of clay carried by any soil, the higher the per- missible velocity. Mr. Burr states that experiments have shown that the line describing the power of soils to resist erosion is parabolic. From his diagram the following figures are selected as representing different classes of soils: Pure sand resists erosion by flow of 1.1 feet per second. Sandy soil, 15% clay 1.2 ' " Sandy loam, 40% clay 1.8 Loamy soil, 65% clay 3.0 Clay loam, 85% clay 4.8 Agricultural clay, 95% clay 6.2 Clay. ! 7.35 Abrading and Transporting Power of Water. Prof. J. LeConte, in his "Elements of Geology," states: The erosive power of water, or its power of overcoming cohesion, 5. varies as the square of the velocity of the current, 756 HYDFAULTCS. The transporting power* of a current varies as "the sixth power of the velocity. * * * If the velocity therefore be increased ten times, the transporting power is increased 1,000,000 times. A current running three feet per second, or about two miles per hour, will bear fragments of stone of the size of a hen's egg, or about three ounces weight. A current of ten miles an hour will bear fragments of one and a half tons, and a torrent of twenty miles an hour will carry fragments of 100 tons. The transporting power of water must not be confounded with its erosive power. The resistance to be overcome in the one case is weight, in the other, cohesion; the latter varies as the square: the former as the sixth power of the velocity. In many cases of removal of slightly cohering material, the resistance is a mixture of these two resistances, and the power of removing mate- rial will vary at some rate between v 2 and v 6 . Baldwin Latham has found that in order to prevent deposits of sewage silt in small sewers or drains, such as those from 6 inches to 9 inches diameter, a mean velocity of not less than 3 feet per second should be produced. Sewers from 12 to 24 inches diameter should have a velocity of not less than 21/2 feet per second, and in sewers of larger dimensions in no case should the velocity be less than 2 feet per second. The specific gravity of the materials has a marked effect upon the mean velocities necessary to move them. T. E. Blackwell found that coal of a sp. gr. of 1.26 was moved by a current of from 1.25 to 1.50 ft. per second, while stones of a sp. gr. of 2.32 to 3.00 required a velocity of 2.5 to 2.75 ft. per second. Chailly gives the following formula for finding the velocity required to move rounded stones or shingle: v = 5.67 ^ag, in which v = velocity of water in feet per second, a = average diameter in feet of the body to be moved, g = its specific gravity. Geo. Y. Wisner, Eng'g News, Jan. 10, 1895, doubts the general accuracy of statements made by many authorities concerning the rate of flow of a current and the size of particles which different velocities will move. He says: The scouring action of any river, for any given rate of current, must be an inverse function of the depth. The fact that some engineer has found that a given velocity of current on some stream of unknown depth will move sand or gravel has no bearing whatever on what may be ex- pected of currents of the same velocity in streams of greater depths. In channels 3 to 5 ft. deep a mean velocity of 3 to 5 ft. per second may produce rapid scouring, while in depths of 18 ft. and upwards current velocities of 6 to 8 ft. per second often have no effect whatever on the Channel bed. Frictional Resistance of Surfaces Moved in Water. (Ency. Brit., llth ed. Vol. xiv, p. 58.) Froude's experiments were made by pulling boards 19 in. wide, 3/ 8 in. thick, finely sharpened at both ends, set edge- wise in water. The following table gives: A, the power of the speed to which the resistance is proportional; B, the mean resistance in pounds per sq. ft. of the whole surface of a board of the lengths stated In the table, at the standard speed of 10 ft. per second. Surface. Length of Surface, in Feet. 2ft. 8ft. 20ft. 50ft. Varnish ..... A 2.00 B 0.41 0.38 0.30 0.87 0.81 0.90 1.10 A 1.85 1 .94 1.99 1.92 2.00 2.00 2.00 B 0.325 0.314 0.278 0.626 0.583 0.625 0.714 A 1.85 1.93 1.90 1.89 2.00 2.00 2.00 B 0.278 0.271 0.262 0.531 0.480 0.534 0.588 A 1.83 B 0.226 Paraffin Tinfoil 2.J6 1.93 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.83 1 .87 2.06 2.00 0.232 0.423 0.337 0.456 Calico .... Fine Sand Medium Sand. . Coarse Sand . . . Unwin's experiments (Proc. Inst. Civ. Engrs., Ixxx) were made with disks 10, 15, and 20 in. diam. rotated in water by a vertical shaft, in Chambers 22 in. diam., and 3, 6, and 12 in. deep r In all cases the fric- MEASUREMENT OF FLOWING WATER, 757 tional resistances increased a little as the chamber was made larger. The friction depends not only on the surface of the disk, but to some extent on the surface of the chamber in which it rotates. For the smoother surface the friction varied as the 1.85 power of the velocity. For rougher surfaces it varied as the 1.9 to the 2.1 power. The friction decreased 18 per cent with increase of temperature from 41 to 130 P. The resistances in pounds per sq. ft. at 10 ft. per second were as follows for different surfaces: Bright brass, 0.202 to 0.229; Varnish, 0.220 to 0.233; Fine sand, 0.339; Very cparse sand, 0.587 to 0.715. The results agree fairly well with those obtained by Froude with planks 50 ft. long. Grade of Sewers. The following empirical formula is given in Bau- meister's "Cleaning and Sewerage of Cities," for the minimum grade for a sewer of clear diameter equal to d inches, and either circular or oval in section: ' Minimum grade, in per cent As the lowest limit of grades which can be flushed, 0.1 to 0.2 per cent may be assumed for sewers which are sometimes dry, while 0.3 per cent is allowable for the trunk sewers in large cities. The sewers should run dry as rarely as possible. MEASUREMENT OF FLOWING WATER. Piezometer. If a vertical or oblique tube be inserted into a pipe containing water under pressure, the water will rise in the former, and the vertical height to which it rises will be the head producing the pressure at the point where the tube is attached. Such a tube is called a piezom- eter or pressure measure. If the water in the piezometer falls below its proper level it shows that the pressure in the main pipe has been reduced by an obstruction between the piezometer and the reservoir. If the water rises above its proper level, it indicates that the pressure there has been increased by an obstruction beyond the piezometer. If we imagine a pipe full of water to be provided with a number of pie- zometers, then a line joining the tops of the columns of water in them la the hydraulic grade-line. Pitot Tub 6 Gauge. The Pitot tube is used for measuring the veloc- ity of fluids in motion. It has been used with great success in measuring the flow of natural gas. (S. W. Robinson, Report Ohio Geol. Survey, 1890.) (See also Van Nostrand's Mag., vol. xxxv.) It is simply a tube so bent that a short leg extends into the current of fluid flowing from a tube, with the plane of the entering orifice opposed at right angles to the direction of the current. The pressure caused by the impact of the current is trans- mitted through the tube to a pressure-gauge of any kind, such as a column of water or of mercury, or a Bourdon spring-gauge. From the pressure thus indicated and the known density and temperature of the flowing gas is obtained the head corresponding to the pressure, and from this the velocity. In a modification of the Pitot tube described by Prof Robinson, there are two tubes inserted into the pipe conveying the gas, one of which has the plane of the orifice at right angles to the current, to receive the static pressure plus the pressure due to impact; the other has the plane of its orifice parallel to the current, so as to receive the static pressure only. These tubes are connected to the legs of a t/tube partly filled with mercury, which then registers the difference in pressure in the two tubes, from which, the velocity may be calculated. Comparative tests of Pitot tubes with gas-meters, for measurement of the flow of natural gas, have shown an agreement within 3%. It appears from experiments made by W. M. White, described in a paper before the Louisiana Eng'g Socy., 1901, by Williams, Hubbell and Fenkel (Trans. A. S. C. E., 1901), and by W. B. Gregory (Trans. A. 8. M. E., 1903), that in the formula, for the Pitot tube, V=cV2gH t ln which V is the velocity of the current in feet per second, // the head in feet cf the fluid corresponding to the pressure measured by the tube, and c an experimental coefficient, c = 1 when the plane at the point of 758 HYDRAULICS. the tube is /exactly at right angles with the direction of the current and when the static pressure is correctly measured. The total pressure produced by a jet striking an extended plane surface at right angles to it, and escaping parallel to the plate, equals twice the product of the area of the jet into the pressure calculated from the " head due the veloc- Ufc'I a > nd for ^ 1S case H = 2 * V2/2 9 inste ad of V*/2 g; but as found in Whites experiments the maximum pressure at a point on the plate exactly opposite the jet corresponds to h= V*/2 g. Experiments made with four different shapes of nozzles placed under the center of a falling stream of water showed that the pressure produced was capable of sus- l t0 the height * the Tests by J. A. Knesche (Indust. Eng'g, Nov., 1909), in which a Pitot tube was inserted ma 4-m. water pipe, gave C = about 0.77 for velocities f 2.5 to 8 ft. per sec., and smaller values for lower velocities. He holds that the coefficient of a tube should be determined by experiment before its readings can be considered accurate. For a brief discussion of various theories of the Pitot tube see Eng'g News, April 17, June 5, and July 31, 1913. Maximum and Mean Velocities in Pipes. Williams, Hubbell and Fenkel (Trans. A. S. C. E., 1901) found a ratio of 0.84 between the mean and the maximum velocities of water flowing in closed circular conduits, under normal conditions, at ordinary velocities; whereby observations of velocity taken at the center under such conditions, with a properly rated Pitot tube, may be relied on to give results within 3 % of correctness. The Venturi Meter, invented by Clemens Herschel, and described in a pamphlet issued by the Builders' Iron Foundry of Providence, R.I. , la named from Venturi, who first called attention, in 1796, to the relation be- tween the velocities and pressures of fluids when flowing through converg- ing and diverging tubes. It consists of two parts the tube, through which the water flows, and the recorder, which registers the quantity of water that passes through the tube. The tube takes the shape of two trun- cated cones joined in their smallest diameters by a short throat-piece. At the up-stream end and at the throat there are pressure-chambers, at which points the pressures are taken. The action of the tube is based on that property which causes the small section of a gently expanding frustum of a cone to receive, without material resultant loss of head, as much water at the smallest diameter as is dis- charged at the large end, and on that further property which causes the pressure of the water flowing through the throat to be less, by virtue of its greater velocity, than the pressure at the up-stream end of the tube, each pressure being at the same time a function of the velocity at that point and of the hydrostatic pressure which would obtain were the water motionless within the pipe. Tne recorder is connected with the tube by pressure-pipes which lead to it from the chambers surrounding the up-stream end and the throat of the tube. It may be placed in any convenient position within 1000 feet of the meter. It is operated by a weight and clockwork. The difference of pres- sure or head at the entrance and at the throat of the meter is balanced in the recorder by the difference of level in two columns of mercury in cylindrical receivers, one within the other. The inner carries a float, the position of which is indicative of the quantity of water flowing through the tube. By its rise and fall the float varies the time of contact between an integrating drum and the counters by which the successive readings are registered. There is no limit to the sizes of the meters nor the quantity of water that may be measured. Meters with 24-inch, 36-inch, 48-inch, and even 20-foot tubes can be readily made. Measurement by Venturi Tubes. (Trans. A. S. C. E., Npv., 1887, and Jan., 1888.) Mr. Herschel recommends the use of a Venturi tube, in- serted in the force-main of the pumping engine, for determining the quantity of water discharged. Such a tube applied to a 24-inch main has a total length of about 20 feet. At a distance of 4 feet from the end nearest the engine the inside diameter of the tube is contracted to a throat having a diameter of about 8 inches. A pressure-gauge is attached to each of two chambers, the onesurroundingand communicating with.the entrance or main pipe, the other with the throat. According to experiments made tirrn f.wn f. MEASUREMENT OF FLOWING WATER, 759 upon two tubes of this kind, one 4 in. in diameter at the throat and 12 in. at the entrance, and the other about 36 in. in diameter at the throat and 9 feet at its entrance, the quantity of water which passes through the tube is very nearly the theoretical discharge through an opening having an area equal to that of the throat, and a velocity which is that due to the difference in head shown by the two gauges. Mr. Herschel states that the coefficient for these two widely-varying sizes of tubes and for a wide range of velocity through the pipe, was found to be within two per cent, either way, of 98%. In other words, the quantity of water flowing through the tube per second is expressed within two per cent by the formula W= 0.98 X A X ^2 gh, in which A is the area of the throat of the tube, h the head, in feet, corre- sponding to the difference in the pressure of the water entering the tube and that found at the throat, and g = 32.16. Coefficient of Flow in Venturi Meters. (Allen Hazen, Eng. News, July 31, 1913.) The formula for flow in a Venturi meter is d and D respectively are diameters of the throat and entrance, in inches, h is the head on the meter, C a coefficient which depends on the fractional resistance and has an average value of very close to 0.99 for ordinary waterworks conditions. K = 28",276 if Q is the quantity in U. S. gal- lons per 24 hours and h is measured in feet of water. If C = 0.99 then KC = 27,993 for h in feet of water, 8081 if h is in inches of water and 28,684 if h is in inches of mercury. For Q in cubic feet per second, di- vide these figures by 646,315 giving respectively KC = 0.04331, 0.01250 and 0.04438. Measurement of Discharge of Pumping-engines by means of Nozzles. (Trans. A. S. M. E., xii, 575.) The measurement of water by computation from its discharge through orifices, or through the nozzles of fire-hose, furnishes a means of determining the quantity of water de- livered by a pumping-engine which can be applied without much difficulty. John R. Freeman, Trans. A. S. C. E., Nov., 1889, describes a series of ex- periments covering a wide range of pressures and sizes, and the results showed that the coefficient of discharge for a smooth nozzle of ordinary good form was within one-half of one per cent, either way, of 0.977; the diameter of the nozzle being accurately calipered, and the pressures being determined by means of an accurate gauge attached to a suitable piezom- eter at the base of the play-pipe. In order to use this method for determining the quantity of water dis- charged by a pumping-engine, it would be necessary to provide a pressure- box, to which the water would be conducted, and attach to the box as many nozzles as would be required to carry off the water. According to Mr. Freeman's estimate, four 1 1/4-inch nozzles, thus connected, with a pressure of 80 Ibs. per square inch, would discharge the full capacity of a two-and-a-half-million engine. He also suggests the use of a portable apparatus with a single opening for discharge, consisting essentially of a Siamese nozzle, so-called, the water being carried to it by three or more lines of fire-hose. To insure reliability for these measurements, it is necessary that the ehut-off valve in the force-main, or the several shut-off valves, should be tight, so that all the water discharged by the engine may pass through the nozzles. The Lea V-Notch Recording Water Meter is described by D. Robert YarnaU in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1912. It is extensively used in large power plants for recording the flow of boiler feed water. It consists of a metering tank or flume from which the water passes over a 90 V-notch into a catch basin below, the height of the water above the notch being recorded on a clock-driven paper chart which revolves once in 24 jiours. The formula for the 90 V-notch is cu. ft. per min. = Q.3Q5H 2 \/H, in which H is the height in inches of the still water behind the notch measured above the level of the bottom of the notch. Tests by Mr. YarnaU of a recording meter made on this principle showed an 760 HYDEAULICS. average error of 0.5%. The Yarnall- Waring Co., Philadelphia, makers of the meter give the following figures for the flow of water in pounds per hour corresponding to different heights of water in inches above the notch: Height, in.: 1234 Flow, Ib. per hour: 1,140 6,480 17,830 36,610 Height, in.: 9 10 11 Flow, Ib. per hour: 277,960 361,740 459,030 5 63,940 12 568,720 6 100,860 13 694,710 7 148,290 14 836,110 8 207,060 15 993,510 Flow through Rectangular Orifices. (Approximate. See p. 727.) CUBIC FEET OF WATER DISCHARGED PER MINUTE THROUGH AN ORIFICE ONE INCH SQUARE, UNDER ANY HEAD OF WATER FROM 3 TO 72 INCHES. For any other orifice multiply by its area in square inches. Formula, Q' = 0.624 *Sh" X a. Q'*= cu. ft. per min.; a = area in sq. in. 1 g W) . $. ? w> 1 "S M ' i t> "S g & V *" Si . d j s.s d m 8S.S d u Js.S Cl n? s.e fl oJ o> fe.S d s.s d : SS-9 i-i If Cubic F Dischj per m i-s $.s H Cubic F Dischj per m "2J-S ; $ w Cubic F Dischj per m S g i! a Cubic F Dischs H H Cubic F Disch: Heads i: inches Cubic F Disch! a -S-g 8.S n ^-ga |ln 3 .12 13 2.20 23 2.90 33 3.47 43 3.95 53 4.39 63 4.78 4 .27 14 2.28 24 2.97 34 3.52 44 4.00 54 4.42 64 4.81 5 .40 15 2.36 25 3.03 35 3.57 45 4.05 55 4.46 65 4.85 6 .52 16 2.43 26 3.08 36 3.62 46 4.09 56 4.52 66 4.89 7 .64 17 2.51 27 3.14 37 3.67 47 4.12 57 4.55 67 4.92 8 .75 18 2.58 28 3.20 38 3.72 48 4.18 58 4.58 68 4.97 9 .84 19 2.64 29 3.25 39 3.77 49 4.21 59 4.63 69 5.00 10 .94 20 2.71 30 3.31 40 3.81 50 4.27 60 4.65 70 5.03 11 2.03 21 2.78 31 3.36 41 3.86 51 4.30 61 4.72 71 5.07 12 2.12 22 2.84 32 3.41 42 3.91 52 4.34 62 4.74 72 5.09 Measurement of an Open Stream by Velocity and Cross-section. Measure the depth of the water at from 6 to 12 points across the stream at equal distances between. Add all the depths in feet together and divide by the number of measurements made; this will be the average depth of the stream, which multiplied by its width will give its area or cross-section. Multiply this by the velocity of the stream in feet per minute, and the result will be the discharge in cubic feet per minute of the stream. The velocity of the stream can be found by laying off 100 feet of the bank and throwing a float into the middle, noting the time taken in passing over the 100 ft. Do this a number of times and take the average; then, divid- ing this distance by the time gives the velocity at the surface. As the top of the stream flows faster than the bottom or sides the average velocity being about 83% of the surface velocity at the middle it is convenient to measure a distance of 120 feet for the float and reckon it as 100 MEASUREMENT OF FLOWING WATER. 761 Miner's Inch Measurements. (Pelton Water Wheel Co.) The cut, Fig. 149, shows the form of measuring-box ordinarily used, and the following table gives the discharge in cubic feet per minute of a miner's inch of water, as measured under the various heads and different lengths and heights of apertures used in California. FIG. 149. Length Openings 2 Inches High. Openings 4 Inches High. of Opening in Head to Head to Head to Head to Head to Head to inches. Center, 5 inches. Center, 6 inches. Center, 7 inches. Center, 5 inches. Center, 6 inches. Center, 7 inches. Cu. ft. Cu. ft. Cu.ft. c j.ft. Cu. ft. Cu. ft. 4 .348 .473 .589 .320 .450 1.570 6 .355 .480 .596 .336 .470 1.595 8 .359 .484 .600 .344 .481 .608 10 .361 .485 .602 .349 .487 .615 12 .363 .487 .604 .352 .491 .620 14 .364 .488 .604 .354 .494 .623 16 .365 .489 .605 .356 .496 .626 18 .365 .489 .606 .357 .498 .628 20 .365 .490 .606 .359 .499 .630 22 .366 .490 .607 .359 .500 .631 24 .366 .490 .607 .360 .501 .632 26 .366 .490 .607 .361 .502 .633 28 .367 .491 .607 .361 .503 .634 30 .367 .491 .608 .362 .505 .635 40 .367 .492 .608 .363 .505 .637 50 .368 .493 .609 .364 .507 .639 60 .368 .493 .609 .365 .508 .640 70 .368 .493 .609 .365 .508 .641 80 .368 .493 .609 .366 .509 .641 90 .369 .493 1.610 .366 .509 .641 100 .369 .494 1.610 .366 .509 .642 NOTE. The apertures from which the above measurements were ob- tained were through material 1 1/4 inches thick, and the lower edge 2 inches above the bottom of the measuring-box, thus giving full contraction,. 762 HYDRAULICS. Flow of Water Over Weirs. Weir Dam Measurement. " (Pelton Water Wheel Co.) Place a board or plank in the stream, as shown in the sketch, at some point where a pond will form above. The length of the notch in the dam should be from two to four times its depth for small quantities and longer for large quantities. The edges of the notch should be beveled -to ward the intake side, as shown. The overfall below the notch should not be less than twice its depth. Francis says a fall below the crest equal to one-half the head is sufficient, but there must be a free access of air under the sheet. FIG. 150. In the pond, about 6 ft. above the dam, drive a stake, and then obstruct the water until it rises precisely to the bottom of the notch and mark the stake at this level. Then complete the dam so as to cause all the water to flow through the notch, and, after time for the water to settle, mark the stake again for this new level. If preferred the stake can be driven with its top precisely level with the bottom of the notch and the depth of the water be measured with a rule after the water is flowing free, but the marks are preferable in most cases. The stake can then be withdrawn; and the distance between the marks is the theoretical depth of flow corresponding to the quantities in the weir table on the following page. Francis's Formulae for Weirs. Q = discharge in cubic feet per second, L = length of the weir, H = depth of water on the weir, h = head due the velocity of ap- proach = V2 ~- 64.3; dimensions in feet, velocity in feet per second. Francis's formula, Q = 3.33 (L - 0.2H) X H *h. This formula applies to weirs having perfect contraction at each end and the velocity of approach negligible. When the velocity of approach is considered the formula is Q = 3.33 (L - 0.2 H} X [(H + h) 3 / 2 - h 3 / 2 ]. The Francis formula is not applicable when the depth on the weir exceeds one- third of the length nor to very small depths. The distance from the side of the canal to the end of the weir should not be less than three times the .depth on the weir, MEASUREMENT OP FLOWING WATER. 763 With both end contractions suppressed the term 0.2 H is omitted from the formula, and with one end contraction suppressed it becomes 0.1 tf. If Q' - discharge in cubic feet per minute, and I' and h' are taken in inches, the first of the above formulae reduces to Q' = 0.4 I' h' 3 /2- From this formula the following table is calculated. The values are sufficiently accurate for ordinary computations of water-power for weirs without end contraction, that is, for a weir the full width of the channel of approach. For weirs with full end contraction multiply the values taken from the table by the length of the weir crest in inches less 0.2 times the head in inches, to obtain the discharge. Weir Table. GIVING CUBIC FEET OF WATER PER MINUTE THAT WILL FLOW OVER" A. WEIR ONE INCH WIDE AND FROM 1/3 TO 207/8 INCHES DEEP. For other widths multiply by the width in inches. Depth. 1/8 in. 1/4 in. 3/8 in. 1/2 in. 5/8 in. 3/4 in. 7/8 in. In. cu. ft. cu.ft. cu.ft. cu.ft. cu.ft. cu.ft. cu.ft. cu.ft. .00 .01 .05 .09 .14 .19 .26 .32 1 .40 .47 .55 .64 .73 .82 .92 1.02 2 1.13 1.23 1.35 1.46 1.58 1.70 1.82 1.95 3 2.07 2.21 2.34 2.48 2.61 2.76 2.90 3.05 4 3.20 ,3.35 3.50 3.66 3.81 3.97 4.14 4.30 5 4.47 4.64 4.81 4.98 5.15 5.33 3.51 5.69 6 5.87 6.06 6.25 6.44 6.62 6.82 7.01 7.21 7 7.40 7.60 7.80 8.01 8.21 8.42 8.63 8.83 8 9.05 9.26 9.47 9.69 9.91 10.13 10.35 10.57 9 10.80 11.02 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.17 12.41 10 12.64 12.88 13.12 13.36 13.60 13.85 14.09 14.34 11 14.59 14.84 15.09 15.34 . 15.59 15.85 16.11 16.36 12 16.62 16.88 17.15 17.41 17.67 17.94 18.21 18.47 13 18.74 19.01 19.29 19.56 19.84 20.11 20.39 20.67 14 20.95 21.23 21.51 21.80 22.08 22.37 22.65 22.94 15 23.23 23.52 23.82 24.11 24.40 24.70 25.00 25.30 16 25.60 25.90 26.20 26.50 26.80 27.11 27.42 27.72 17 28.03 28.34 28.65 28.97 29.28 29.59 29.91 30.22 18 30.54 30.86 31.18 31 .50 31.82 32.15 32.47 32.80 19 33.12 33.45 33.78 34.11 34.44 34.77 35.10 35.44 20 35.77 36.11 36.45 36.78 37.12 37.46 37.80 38.15 When the velocity of the approaching water is less than 1/2 foot per second, the result obtained by the table is fairly accurate. When the vel- ocity of approach is greater than 1/2 foot per second, a correction should be applied, see page 727. For more accurate computations, the coefficients of flow of Hamilton Smith, Jr., or of Bazin should be used. In Smith's Hydraulics will be found a collection of results of experiments on orifices and weirs of various shapes made by many different authorities, together with a discussion of their several formula. (See also Trautwine's Pocket Book, Unwin's Hydrau- lics, Church's Mechanics of Engineering, Merriman's Hydraulics, Williams and Hazen's Hydraulic Tables, Hughes and Safford's Hydrau- lics, and Weir Experiments, Coefficients and Formulas, by R. E. Horton, Water Supply and Irrigation paper No. 200 of the U. S. Geological Survey.) Bazin's Experiments. M. Bazin (Annales des Fonts et Chaussees, Oct., 1888, translated by Marichal and Trautwine, Proc. Engrs. Club of Phila., Jan., 1890) made an extensive series of experiments with a sharp- crested weir without lateral contraction, the air being admitted freely be- hind the falling sheet, and found values of m varying from 0.42 to 0.50, with variations of the length of the weir from 19 3/ 4 to 78 3/ 4 in., of the height of the crest above the bottom of the channel from 0.79 to 2.46 ft., 764 HYDRAULICS. and of the head from 1.97 to 23.62 In. the following formula: From these experiments he deduces 0.425+ 0.21 (-5-^-77) In which P is the height in feet of the crest of the weir above the bottom of the chanriel of approach, L the length of the weir, H the head, both in feet, and Q the discharge in cu. ft. per sec. This formula, says M. Bazin, is entirely practical where errors of 2% to 3% are admissible. The following table is condensed from M. Bazin's paper: VALUES .OF THE COEFFICIENT m IN THE FORMULA Q- = mLH V2 gH, FOR A SHARP-CRESTED WEIR WITHOUT LATERAL CONTRACTION; THE Am BEING ADMITTED FREELY BEHIND THE FALLING SHEET. Head, H. Height of Crest of Weir Above Bed of Channel. Feet... 0.66 Inches 7.87 0.98 11.81 1.31 15.75 1.64| 1.97 19.69|23.62 2.62 31.50 3.28 39.38 4.92 59.07 6.56 78.76 00 00 Ft. 0.164 0.230 0.295 0.394 0.525 0.656 0.787 919 .050 .181 .312 .444 .575 .706 .837 .969 In. 1.97 2.76 3.54 4.72 6.30 7.87 9.45 11.02 12.60 14.17 15.75 17.32 18.90 20.47 22.05 23.62 m 0.458 0.455 0.457 0.462 0.471 0.480 0.488 0.496 m 0.453 0.448 0.447 0.448 0.453 0.459 0.465 0.472 0.478 0.483 0.489 0.494 m 0.451 0.445 0.442 0.442 0.444 0.447 0.452 0.457 0.462 0.467 0.472 0.476 0.480 0.483 0.487 0.490 m 0.450 0.443 0.440 0.438 0.438 0.440 0.444 0.448 0.452 0.456 0.459 0.463 0.467 0.470 0.473 0.476 m 0.449 0.442 0.438 0.436 0.435 0.436 0.438 0.441 0.444 0.448 0.451 0.454 0.457 0.460 0.463 0.466 m 0.449 0.441 0.436 0.433 0.431 0.431 0.432 0.433 0.436 0.438 0.440 0.442 0.444 0.446 0.448 0.451 m 0.449 0.440 0.436 0.432 0.429 0.428 0.428 0.429 '0.430 0.432 0.433 0.435 0.436 0.438 0.439 0.441 m 0.448 0.440 0.435 0.430 0.427 0.425 0.424 0.424 0.424 0.424 0.424 0.425 0.425 0.426 0.427 0.427 m 0.448 0.439 0.434 0.430 0.426 0.423 0.422 0.422 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.421 m 0.4481 0.4391 0.4340 0.4291 0.4246 0.4215 0.4194 0.4181 0.4J68 0.4156 0.4144 0.4134 0.4122 0.4112 0.4101 0.4092 A comparison of the results of this formula with those of experiments, says M. Bazin, justifies us in believing that, except in the unusual case of a very low weir (which should always be avoided), the preceding table will give the coefficient m in all cases within 1% ; provided, however, that the arrangements of the standard weir are exactly reproduced. It is especially important that the admission of the air behind the falling sheet be perfectly assured. If this condition is not complied with, m may vary within much wider limits. The type adopted gives the least possible variation in the coefficient. Triangular Weir. For the formula of the triangular or V-notch weir, see the Lea Recorder, page 759. The Cippoleti, or Trapezoidal Weir. Cippoleti found that by using a trapezoidal weir with the sides inclined 1 horizontal to 4 vertical, with end contraction, the discharge is equal to that of a rectangular weir without end contraction (that is with the width of the weir equal to the width of the channel) and is represented by the simple formula Q = 3.367 L# 3 /2. A. D. Flinn and C. W. D. Dyer (Trans. A. S. C. E. t 1894), in experiments with a trapezoidal weir, with values of L from 3 to 9 ft. and .of H from 0.24 to 1.40 ft., found the value of the coefficient to aver- age 3.334, the water being measured by a rectangular weir and the results being computed by Francis's formula, and 3.354 when Smith's formula was used. They conclude that Cippoleti's formula when applied to a properly constructed trapezoidal weir will give the discharge with an error due to combined inaccuracies, not greater than 1%. WATEK-POWEfU 765 WATER-POWER, Power of a Fall of Water Efficiency. The gross power of a fall Kf water is the produc* of the weight of water discharged in a unit of time ito the total head, i.e., the difference of vertical elevation of the upper surface of the water at the points where the fall in question begins and ends. The term "head" used in connection with water-wheels is the difference in height from the surface of the water in the wheel-pit to the surface in the pen-stock when the wheel is running. If Q = cubic feet of water discharged per second, D = weight of a cubic foot of water = 62.36 Ibs. at 60 F., H = total head in feet; then DQH = gross power in foot-pounds per second, and DQH -* 550 = 0.1134 QH = gross horse-power. If Q f is taken in cubic feet per minute, H.P.= Q ' X ' 36 = .00189Q'g. A water-wheel or motor of any kind cannot utilize the whole of the head H, since there are losses of head at both the entrance to and the exit from the wheel. There are also losses of energy due to friction of the water in its passage through the wheel. The ratio of the power developed by the wheel to the gross' power of the fall is the efficiency of the wheel. For 75 % efficiency, net horse-power = 0.00142 Q'H = -g A head of water can be made use of in one or other of the following ways, viz.: 1st. By its weight, as in the water-balance and in the overshot-wheel. 2d. By its pressure, as in turbines and in the hydraulic engine, hydraulic press, crane, etc. 3d. By its impulse, as in the undershot-wheel, and in the Pelton wheel. 4th. By a combination of the above. Horse-power of a Running Stream. The gross horse-power is H.P. = QH X 62.36 *- 550 = 0.1134 QH, in which Q is the discharge in cubic feet per second actually impinging on the float or bucket, and H = 1)2 i and the tangent to Pthe vane at 1. fj. = angle between v n and w n . 5 = angle between c n and the tangent to the outer rim. h = height, in feet, from the surface of head- water to that of tail-water. h hn = h e i g h t respectively from a point halfway between the crowns (top and bottom of the vanes) and the head-water and tail- water. e = height or vertical dis- tance between crowns. h 7*2 radii of inner and outer edges of the wheel. Q = cubic feet of water used per second, in steady flow. 7 = weight of 1 cubic foot Wheel or Runner Horizontal Section N A X. FIG. 151. Fourneyron Turbine* of water, Ib. Pi Pn ~ internal pressure of the water at entrance and exit of the wheel. p a = pressure of atmosphere, Ib per sq. ft. b = height of the water barometer in feet. If the wheel is run at the proper speed and the angle ft has been given a value such that the tangent to the vane curve at 1 coincides in direction with the relative velocity CL there will be no "elbow" or sharp turn in the absolute path of the water as it enters the wheel, but the path will be a smooth curve, GIN, Fig. 1520. In this way impact or shock and the corresponding loss of energy are avoided. The quantities, Q, hi h n , 7, r\, TZ, a, and 5 being given, it is required to determine the best value for the velocity v n of the outer wheel-rim and the proper height e between crowns so that the whole available flow Q may be utilized. Nine unknown quantities are involved, viz.: Vi, v n , Wi, w n , e, GI, c n , PI, and p n , and nine independent and simul- taneous equations are needed. Disregarding friction for the present, the following are the equations: (1) d2 = Wi* + Vi 2 2 Wi vi cos a. (2) Wrf = C n 2 + V n 2 -2C n V n COS g. 768s WATER-POWER 2g (5) Vn *= c n , when tne angle 5 is small. (6) [27r ri e sin a] w l = [2wr n e sin 5] c n . (7) Q = [27rr n e sin 5] c n . (9) p n = 7^ + P a - From these equations the following are derived: (10) Velocity of outer rim for max. efficiency, v n = . gh (tan a) sin 5 (11) Power, ft.-lbs. per sec. exerted by the water on the turbine, L = Q7h ~. This power L equals the whole theoretic power of the mill-site less the kinetic energy carried away per second by the water leaving the wheel at N. - ~ (Wi vi cos a - [w n cos M] %). (12) L Efficiency, i\ = 1 - (2 tan a sin2 --T- sin 6). FIG. 152. Path of Water. ft. FIG. 152a. Velocity Diagrams. From (17) v n = 0.92 From this expression we see that the smaller the angles a and 5 can be made the greater the efficiency. In practice a is taken from 20 to 30 and 5 from 15 to 20. With a = 25 and 5 = 15 we obtain t] = 0.92, but in actual practice this figure is reduced to 80 per cent or less (unless in ex- ceptional cases) on account of fluid friction and imperfect guidance of the water; 75 per cent is a fairly good perform- ance. When a turbine (fric- tionless) is running with the speed of maximum efficiency, the following formula holds good for an kinds of turbines: (13) Wi Vi cos a = gh. EXAMPLE. Given 7i = 60 ft., Q = 150 cu. ft. per sec., n = 2 ft., r n = 2.5 ft., angle a = 20, 5 = 15, it is required to de- sign an outward radial dis- charge turbine having parallel crowns, to find the outer rim velocity v n for the best effect, the vane tangent angle p at entrance and the proper dis- tance e between crowns, that all the water available may be used at full gate. = 48 ft. per sec, HYDRAULIC TURBINES. 769 48 X 60 With r n = 2.5 ft. this is equivalent to 2 ^ ^ 2 5 = 183 revs, permin. From (6) taking c n = v n , v n r n sin 5 43 x 2.5 X 0.259 5.4 ft. per sec. 2.0X0.342 From (8) Vi = n % *- r n = (2-5- 2.5) 48 = 38.4 ft. per sec. From (14 ) tan USO* - ft - - Whence 180 - ft = 105 19'; /3 = 74 41'. From (15) e = Q -f- 2irr n sin 5 v n = 150 -f- (2?r x 2.5 X 0.259 X 48) = 0.768 ft., or, adding 10 per cent for thickness of vanes, 0.845 ft. Assuming 75 per cent efficiency, the power of this wheel is 0.75 X Qjh = 0.75 X 150X 62.4 X 60 = 421,200 ft.-lbs. per sec. = 766 H.P. The formulae above given apply to inward flow as well as to outward ial flow turbines. For axial flow turbines r\ = r^ = r, which is measured ining the wheel vanes. v n for the best effect, assuming to the middle point of the ring containing the wheel vanes. Another formula for the value of v n for the best 8 per cent friction losses, is % = 0.92 o r n F n being the aggregate sectional area of the exit passages of the turbine, that of each passage being taken at right angles to the relative velocity c n , and F o the aggregate sectional areas of the guide passages at the entrance point, 1. To find j8, the vane tangent angle at the point 1, (14) tan (180 - . i - Wi cos a To find e, the distance between crowns (the common height of all the wheel passages at full gate), (15) e = Q -r 2wr n (sin 6) %. This value should be increased somewhat (perhaps 10 per cent in some cases) to allow for the thickness of the vanes. When friction is taken into account, the value of v n (the velocity of the outer rim) for best effect is } l f and f n are coefficients of resistance due to friction, respectively, of the passages between the head water surface and the guide outlets and the passages through the vanes. According to Weisbach, each of these coefficients may be taken at from 0.05 to 0.10. Taking the larger value the equation reduces to (17) v n = 0.92 Besides the loss due to friction of the passages there are other losses, such as those due to the friction of the wheel in the tail-water, to axle friction, and to leakage between the edges of the wheel-crowns and the guides. Refined analysis of these losses is impracticable, and the efficiency of any given wheel can be determined only by actual test. The formulae given above may be used for approximate computations in the preliminary design of a turbine, but in practical design many 769A WATER-POWER considerations enter which the formulas do not cover, such as the number of vanes and guides, their shape and proportions. Determination of the Dimensions of Water Turbine Runners. S. J. Zowski (Eng. News, Jan. 6, 1910) developed a series of empirical formulae for the design of water turbine runners. The starting point of the theory upon which the formulae are built is the formula for the peripheral velocity of the mean circumference of the runner; Transformations of this equation and the application of certain constants result in the empirical formulae given in the accompanying table: Comparison of Formulae for Dimensions of Hydraulic Turbines (Zowski). Bucket Angle ft deg. Vane Angle a deg. Speed Constant Entrance Diameter D No. of Buckets n No. of Guide Vanes n' Low speed 60-90 20 or less 5 4.588 to 87 to 99 / 3.7 V^~ 2.5 VoT N NH Medium speed. 901 25-32 5.198 99 _ 3.0Vd~ 3.0 Vd" High speed. . . . 90-135 30-40 5 5. 198 to \ 7.006 99 to 134 2.2Vd~ 3.5 V D" FIG. 153. Limiting Profiles of Three Types of Radial Inward Flow Turbine. The capacity of runners may be characterized by the capacity constant If a series of values, as in the table below, be assigned to Kq and these values substituted in the above equation, we may obtain the diameter of the runner in terms of the discharge per foot of head. The constants and resulting formulae for diameter are as follows: Type of Turbine. Range of K v. Diam. in Terms of Qi. Discharge Loss in Terms of Total Head. Low speed, low capa- city 21 to 89 (2.20 to 1.06) V(?i (0.04 to 0.06) H Medium speed, medi- um capacity 0.89 to 2. 19 (1.06 to 0.67) V5i (00.5 to 0.08)H High speed, high capa- city 2. 19 to 4.66 (0.67 to 0.46) V2 V H D* Kq is the specific discharge of a runner with its diameter reduced to 1 ft. Kq will have nearly the same value for all runners of the same type and is a criterion for ca- pacities of different runner types. FIG. 154. Horizontal and Vertical Sections of High-speed Turbine. The speed and capacity criteria, however, fail to give the information as to what ex- tent each type of runner meets the require- ment of highest possible speed with highest capacity in cubic feet per second. Two runners with different values of K v and Kq may be equiv- alent when the speed and capacity are considered together. A third criterion K>. known as the type characteristic or specific speed, which HYDRAULIC TURBINES. 770A combines K v and K q must be introduced to give this information. A convenient method of combination has been indicated by Professor Camerer, of Munich, and gives a value of K^ - Values of H I >M for different heads are given below. VALUES OP H #1.25 H Hl-25 H Hi.25 H Hi.25 H Hi.25 2 2.38 35 85.13 140 841.6 400 1789 900 4930 4 5.66 40 100.6 160 569.0 450 2073 950 5274 6 9.39 45 116.6 180 659.3 500 2364 1000 5623 8 13.45 50 133.0 200 752.2 550 2663 1200 7079 10 17.78 60 167.0 220 847.3 600 2970 1400 8564 12 22.33 70 202.5 240 944.6 650 3282 1600 10120 15 29.52 80 239.3 260 1044 700 3601 1800 11724 20 42.29 90 277.2 280 1145 750 3925 2000 13375 25 55.90 100 316.2 300 1249 800 4255 2500 17678 30 70.21 120 397.2 350 1514 850 4590 3000 22202 The value of K^ is an absolute criterion for turbines in reference to the combination of highest speed, highest capacity and good efficiency. Its meaning can be found by assuming H.P. = 1 and H = 1, when KI = N in r. p. m. The following table compares the capacity and speed constants and type characteristics of the standard American turbines by means of this criterion: Mean Values of Capacity Constants, Speed Constants and Type Char- acteristics of American High-Speed Runners. Values in Foot and Pound System. Capa- Speed Type Velocity Coefficient, K> V Name of Runner Type. Maker city Con- stant, JC fl Con- stant, K v Charac- teristic, *t V V17H Kv ( 2 VT5 Smith , 3.68 7.26 80.6 0.905 Improved New American . . Leviathan 2 3 3.43 2.96 7!47 79 74.1 0.885 0.931 Improved Samson 4 3.18 7.07 73.1 881 Victor Increased Capacity.. Victor Standard Capacity. . Trump 5 5 6 3.59 3.26 3.52 6.1 6.1 5.87 66.6 63.5 63.4 0.761 0.761 0.729 New Success 1 2 75 5.88 55 733 New American 2 2.8 5.6 54.1 0.69 McCormick* 1 ) Jolly McCormick* 7 } 2.8 5.35 51.4 0.667 Alcott High Duty Special. . Risdon Double Capacity. . . 3 X 3 2.25 1.7 5.46 5.9 46.7 43.8 0.681 0.735 *These two runners are identical and have the same characteristics. The makers of the above turbines are as follows: 1. S. Morgan Smith Co. 2. Dayton Globe Iron Works Co. 3. Risdon-Alcott Turbine Co. 4. The James Leffel & Co. 5. Platt Iron Works Co. 6. Trump Mfg. Co. 7. Wellman- Seaver-Morgan Co. The data were gathered from catalogs of the different concerns and the values of power and speed tabulated in the catalogs were based on tests made in the Holyoke flume. The values of the discharge are based on tfoe assumption of 80 per cent efficiency, 770s WATER-POWER . Specific Discharge. Prof. Merriman (Hydraulics, 10th ed., p. 476) uses a coefficient or efficiency which he calls the specific discharge. It is the discharge of a 1-H.P. turbine under a head of 1 foot. If Q is the discharge of a turbine, in cubic feet per second, // the head in feet and H.P. the horsepower, then the specific discharge Q s =QH/H.P. The specific discharge is characteristic of the efficiency of a given type, and is the greater the lower the efficiency. For high, medium and low efficiency, respectively, the specific discharge is less than 10, from 10.5 to 11.5 and greater than 12. The specific diameter of a given type is the diameter D correspond- ing to a head of 1 foot and the specific speed N 8 (or type characteristic KI). By means of a test on one size of a given type the quantities N s , Q s and a constant, k\, can be computed. For any other size of that type under any head H N = N S ft 1 ' 25 + V HJF Q =Qo H.P. - H D = ki V1F-*- N N VHJP? Qs- ND H.P. The following values of these constants have been obtained in tests of the turbines named : Manufacturer. Allis-Chalmers Co Type. ( A j B Specific Speed ^s 13.4 20.4 29.4 40.6 47 47.5 74.1 53 57 81 etermine March 2, Specific Specific Dis- Con- charge, stant Qs *i 11.6 1078 11.6 1149 11.6 1224 11.1 1280 11.1 1250 10.4 1350 11.0 1714 11.0 1260 11.0 1350 10.9 1660 the Size and Type 1911) discusses the Risdon-Alcott Co. . . ) c ( D ( Alcott I Risdon ( Leviathan 1 McCormick S. Morgan Smith Co. . . . < New Success ( Smith The Use of Type Characteristics to DI of Turbines. N. Baashuus (Eng. News, use of type characteristics as developed by Zowski for determining the size and type of turbine to be used in power plants. If H.P. be the horsepower capacity of a single turbine unit, N the speed of the turbine in r. p m., H effective head at the turbine casing in N /H P feet, KV = T?A/ The value of KV for radial inward flow tur- H \ Vtf bines will lie between 10 and 100, while for impulse wheels it will lie between 5 and 1, or even a lower figure. The practical type char- acteristics will always be within these limits irrespective of the capacity, speed, head, size or design of the turbine. Where an inward flow turbine has more than one runner, or the impulse wheel more than one nozzle, the H.P. to be applied in the above formula is the power developed by one runner or one nozzle only. EXAMPLE. Assuming an available effective head of 324 feet and an available flow of about 310 cu. ft. per sec. at the power-plant site, = 9,100. Of this, 103 H.P. will be the total capacity is H.P.i = required for exciters and lighting purposes, calling for two 100-H.P. exciter units running at 550 r. p. m., one being in reserve. The remain- ing 9,000 H.P. would be generated by three 3,000-H.P. units run- ning at 500 r. p. m. with a fourth unit as a reserve. From these data we find the type characteristic of the main unit K t = ^ - 5= 2J calling for a radial inward flow turbine, Likewise for an exciter HYDRAULIC TURBINES. 771 unit, KI = 4.25, calling for an impulse wheel. This characteristic is not only intended to give information as to the class of wheel to be used, but it will also indicate the particular variety in each class. The accompanying table shows the values of K^ and the efficiency Classes of Radial Inward Flow Turbines Type of Turbine. *t* Efficiency! Maximum. Power. Efficiency at Half Power. Low speed. . . . 10 to 20 30 to 50 60 to 80 90 to 100 82 82 80 73 3/ 4 3/4 8/10 9/10 76 75 70 53 Medium speed High speed Very high speed of various classes of radial inward flow types. The figures are only approximate and there are turbine tests on record showing better results. The table, however, is a guide as to the particular type of machine to be installed. Similarly the relation of type characteristic to efficiency in impulse wheels is as follows: K t l Efficiency at about = 12345 powert =80 79 78 77 76 In selecting a type for a proposed turbine plant, the speed in revolu- tions can be chosen so that turbines of high efficiency are secured. In cases of low head, the turbines would run too slowly for most pur- poses, which disadvantage can be overcome by keying several runners to one shaft. For instance: A 750-H.P. dynamo is to be driven at 257 r. p. m. under 36 ft. head. We may use one, two or four turbines to develop the power, the values of K^ being 80, 56.5 and 40 respec- tively. The first corresponds to the high-speed turbine which would be unsuitable if water were scarce in dry seasons. The second would utilize water in a more economical way, while the third combination represents the most favorable type as to efficiency. Similarly, the number of runners or nozzles on impulse wheel installations may be determined. With a 400-ft. head, and 1300 H.P. to be developed at an efficiency of not less than 78 per cent, a turbine whose value of K^ is about 3 Lould be used. The revolutions with a single turbine wheel will be N = K t XHX T/H7N = 150. If this is too slow, two nozzles can be arranged to supply water to the runner, each supplying one-half of the 1300 H.P., and the cor- responding r. p. m. would be 212. Likewise, with four nozzles N = 300, and with six N = 357, giving the same efficiency in each case. The characteristic K^ also can be used to determine the principal dimensions of turbines for any given installation. The various di- mensions of a given type of standard turbine can usually be expressed as functions of the diameter of the runner, which functions are prac- tically the same for all sizes of the same type. If a turbine plant of a certain type characteristic K^ is proposed, it may be compared with *KI refers to the maximum power of one runner only. In some cases where K^ exceeds 100, multiplex turbines must be used. fAt maximum power the efficiencies are a few per cent lower than at maximum efficiency. %K refers to maximum power of one nozzle only. In cases where the type characteristic is between 5 and 10, turbines with more than one nozzle must be used. IfAt maximum and half power, the efficiencies are a few per cent lower. 77U WATER-POWER. any existing plant of the same type characteristic built in the same way as the natural conditions dictate that the new one should be built. Standardized turbines of the same type will have runner diameters in the ratio of ^N/H, and this ratio may be applied to the dimensions of the existing plant, to determine those of the new one. EXAMPLE. A proposed power house is to have three turbines on horizontal shafts, two runners per turbine, developing 625 H.P. per runner at 257 r. p. m. under an effective head of 39 ft. The type characteristic for a twin turbine is __ 257 1250 Assume that the dimensions of an existing plant of similar type to the proposed are available, and that this plant operates under an effective head of 53 ft., and develops 650 H.P. per runner in twin tur- bines, at 360 r. p. m. Its type characteristic would be 64, which would be close enough to that of the proposed plant for our purpose. The ratio between the sizes of the turbines would be a. IV 257 = 1.2 and all dimensions of turbines in the new plant would be 1.2 times those of the old. This method is, of course, approximate, and it may be sometimes advisable to increase somewhat the obtained results. Estimating the Weight of a Turbine. A preliminary approximate estimate of the weight of a turbine may be determined in the same manner from the known weights of existing plants. If designed for the same head, turbines of different sizes of a standardized series will have weights approximately proportional to a function of the ratio of diameters: The first value should be used with D^/Di less than 1, and the second with DZ/DI greater than 1. For different heads the weights of turbines of the same size are approximately in the proportion: The first value should be used with H 2 /Hi less than 1, and the second with HZ /Hi greater than 1. Wi t DI and if i always refer to the installation whose weight is known. Selecting a Turbine. In selecting a turbine for a given location manufacturers' catalogs should be consulted, and the characteristics of the several designs that seem to fit the conditions should be com- pared before making a decision. Considerations of first cost, space occupied, number of revolutions, regulation, etc., tend to complicate the problem. The type of wheel that is best suited for different heads is roughly indicated in the following table: Head. Type. Remarks. Under 30 ft. Open flume. Except single units of less than 100 H.P. when the encased type may be preferable. 30 to 50ft. Open flume or The latter most economical for units of less steel encased. than 500 H.P. 50 to 100 ft. Steel-plate en- Except small units, when cast-iron casings cased. may be lower in cost. 100 to 600 ft. Cast-iron cas- Cast steel for large units under high heads. ings. 300 to 600 ft. Impulse wheels. For wheels under about 500 H.P. 600 to 3000 ft. Impulse wheels. Reaction wheels for special conditions, where little or no regulation is required. Limits to type characteristics K^ may be imposed by runner strength, tendency to erosion or pitting, or limits in the generator construction. HYDRAULIC TURBINES 771s The approximate relation of the characteristic ,to the head, in general use, is as follows: Head in feet 20 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 Type characteristic 90 70 50 37 31 28 26.5 25 The relation of type characteristic K^ to other ^variables is about as below : K t 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.64 0.68 0.71 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.83 5.1 5.4 5.7 11 18 25 89 100 6 33 110 6.2 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 42 120 48 53 57 60 130 140 149 157 Speed coeff.* ____ 4.8 Width of runner, per cent of I>i.. 7 Runner discharge diam.%ofZ>i.. 48 72 *Runner inlet peripheral velocity, ft. per sec., for 1 ft. head. Di t inlet diameter. Efficiency of Turbine Wheels. Up to about 1910, the opinion was commonly held that high efficiencies were unobtainable with wheels of high type characteristics (K t ). Tests of turbines at the Holyoke flume of wheels designed since that time, show that this opinion is erroneous. S. J. Zowski (Eng. Rec., Nov. 28, 1914, Dec. 26, 1914) presents curves of several tests wherein remarkably high efficiencies have been obtained with high type characteristic wheels. The follow- ing table gives the principal data and best efficiency of the several wheels. Efficiency of Turbine Wheels. Holyoke Test No. Diam., In. Best Efficiency, Per Cent. Normal Speed, R.P.M.* Normal Power, H.P.i* Type Charac- teristic, *f B'lder. See note. 1900 2060 2068 2121 2122 2208 2359 2363 35 30 30 30 30 30 35 30 90 87.2 83.2 89.2 89.3 90.1 93.07 90.7 45.3 49.0 51.8 48.0 49.9 47.8 47.2 50 2.48 3.19 3.20 2.65 3.25 3.60 2.7 4.17 71.3 87.4 92.8 78.0 90.0 91.0 77.6 102 A B B B B C A A *The normal power and normal speed are the speed jmd power of thejurbine reduced to 1 ft. head. H.P.], = H.P. -^ H V-ff. N! = N + V H where H.P. is the actual horsepower developed, N the actual r.p.m. and H the head in feet. NOTE. The builders of the above turbines are: A The James Leffel & Co. ; B Allis-Chalmers Co. ; C I. P. Morris Co. Further details of the tests of the last two turbines are reported by the maker as follows. Holyoke Test No. 3359, Vertical 35, Type F Turbines Rev. per Min. Propor- tional Gateage. 1 1 Ft. Head. 14 Ft. Head. 17 Ft. Head. 20 Ft. Head. Effi- ciency. Horse- Power. Effi- ciency. Horse- Power. Effi- ciency. Horse- Power. Effi- ciency. Horse- Power. 175 175 175 175 175 175 1.000 .889 .833 ,778 .667 .556 88.00 89.30 86.45 84.85 81.25 76.00 108.5 99.6 87.0 80.1 66.9 49.5 87.47 91.08 93.00 90.80 87.45 83.45 154.5 147.6 141.4 127.5 103.2 80.1 86.00 88.60 90.15 90.10 88.00 84.83 202.4 190.6 182.2 172.4 141.6 112.2 84.25 86.30 86.65 86.70 86.60 84.35 251.5 234.5 222.5 210.0 180.2 142.3 772 WATER-POWER , Holyoke Test No. 2362, Vertical 30, Type Z Turbines Rev. per Min. Propor- tional Gateage . 1 1 Ft. Head. 14 Ft. Head. 17 Ft. Head. 20 Ft. Head. Effi- ciency. Horse- Power. Effi- ciency. Horse- Power. Effi- ciency. Horse- Power. Effi- ciency. Horse- Power. 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 1.000 .891 .796 .749 .700 .600 .500 83.50 87.30 88.35 86.65 84.20 77.20 70.90 162.3 160.0 148.7 137.8 127.0 100.4 77.8 83.35 87.30 90.00 90.50 89.55 83.90 77.20 227.5 223.5 215.5 206.5 192.5 155.2 121.0 81.40 85.35 87.90 89.07 89.28 87.23 80.65 288.0 285.0 273 ;o 265.0 252.0 215.5 168.0 79.30 83.30 85.85 86.75 87.00 85.90 81.60 348.0 344.0 330.5 320.8 305.0 269.5 217.5 Relation of Gate Opening to Efficiency. The per cent of gate opening corresponding to different efficiencies and different type characteristics are approximately as follows in modern types of turbines: Effi- ciency. 85 90 85 80 75 70 20 30 40 -Type Characteristics. 50 60 70 80 90 100 Gate Openings Corresponding to the Stated Efficiencies. 95 57 45' 36 27 96 75 56 44 35 26 97 65-82 55 44 35 25 98 65-82 55 45 36 26 68-80 57 47 37 28 98 72-78 60 50 39 32 97 77 64 55 46 38 96 94 70 60 55 48 82 70 64 60 Relation of Efficiency and of Water Consumption to Speed. Fig. 155 (from Church) shows graphically the results of tests of a 160-H.P. 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 . Keys, per Second 1.6 FIG. 155. Test Results of a 160-H.P. Fourneyron Turbine. Fourneyron turbine. It will be seen that there is a certain speed at which the turbine gives its maximum efficiency, and that the efficiency decreases rapidly as the speed is either decreased or increased. Tests at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876 (R. H. Thurston, Trans. A. S. M. E., viii, 359). Twenty wheels were tested, of which thirteen fave efficiencies ranging from 75.15 to 87.68 at full gate, averaging 8.66 per cent. The other seven gave results between 65 and 75 per _ . HYDRAULIC TURBINES. 773 cent. At less than full gate the following average results were ob- tained from the thirteen wheels : Per cent of full discharge, about 9/10 7/8 3/4 5/8 l/ 2 1 Number of wheels tested 4 6 8 6 4 1 Efficiencies, average 73.5 74.6 70.8 65.1 70.7 55.0 Rating and Efficiency of Turbines. The following notes and tables are condensed from a pamphlet entitled "Turbine Water-wheel Tests and Power Tables," by it. E. Horton. Water-supply and Irrigation Paper No. ISO, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1906. Theory does not indicate the numbers of guides of buckets most de- sirable. If, however, they are too few, the stream will not properly follow the flow lines indicated by theory. If the buckets are too small and too numerous, the surface-friction factor will be large. It is customary to make the number of guide chutes greater than the number of buckets, so that any object passing through the chutes will be likely to pass through the buckets also. With most forms of gates the size of the jet is decreased as the gate is closed, the bucket area remaining unchanged, so that the wheel operates mostly by reaction at full gate and by impulse to an increasing extent as the gate is closed. Hence, the speed of maximum efficiency varies as the gate is closed. The ratio peripheral velocity -5- velocity due head for maximum efficiency for a 36-inch Hercules turbine is given below: Proportional gate opening. Full 0.806 0.647 0.489 0.379 Maximum efficiency 85 . 6 87 . 1 86 . 3 80 73 . 1 Periph. vel. + vel.due head 0.677 0.648 0.641 0.603 0.585 The double Fourneyron turbine used in the first installation of the Niagara Falls Power Co. is operated under a head of about 135 ft. Two wheels are used, one being placed at the top and the other at the bottom of the globe penstock. The runner and buckets are attached to the ver- tical shaft. Holes are provided in the upper penstock drum to allow water under full pressure of the head to pass through and act vertically against the upper runner. In this way the vertical pressure of the great column of water is neutralized and a means is provided to counter- balance the weight of the long vertical shaft and the armature of the dynamo at its upper end. These turbines discharge 430 cu. ft. per second, make 250 rev. per min., and are rated at 5000 H.P. A Fourneyron turbine at Trenton Falls, N. Y., operates under 265 ft. gross head and has 37 buckets, each 5y 2 in. deep and is/ieinch wide at the least section. The total area of outflow at the minimum section is 165 sq. in. The wheel develops 950 H.P. The theoretical horse-power of a given quantity of water Q, in cu. ft. per min., falling through a height H, in ft., is H.P. = 0.00189 QH. In practice the theoretical power is multiplied by an efficiency factor E to obtain the net power available on the turbine shaft as determin- able by dynamometer test. Manufacturers' rating tables are usually based on.efficiencies of about 80%. In selecting turbines from a maker's list the rated efficiency may be obtained by the following formula: E = tabled efficiency. H.P. = tabled horse-power. Q = tabled dis- charge (cu.ft.per min.) for any head H. E = - 3 f; *!* J*- = 528.8 5i b^ . 4 X Q fi Q a. Relations of Power, Speed and Discharge. Nearly all American tur- bine builders publish rating tables showing the discharge in cu. ft. per min., rev. per min., and H.P. for each size pattern under heads varying from 3 or 4 ft. to 40 ft. or more. Examples of each size of a number of the leading types of turbines have been tested in the Holyoke flume. For such turbines the rating tables have usually been prepared directly from the tests. Let M, R, and Q denote, respectively, the H.P., r.p.m., and discharge in cu. ft. per min. of a turbine, as expressed in the tables, for any head H in feet. The subscripts 1 and 16 added signify the power, speed, and discharge for the particular heads 1 and 16 ft., respectively. Let P, N, and F denote coefficients of power, speed, and discharge^ 774 WATER-POWER. which represent, respectively, the H.P., r.p.m., and discharge in cu. ft. per sec. under a head of 1 ft. The speed of a turbine or the number of rev. per min. and the dis- charge are proportional to the square root of the head. The H.P. varies with the product of the head and discharge, and is consequently proportional to the three-halves power of the head. Given the values of M, R, and Q from the tables for any head H, these quantities for any other head h are: M H :M h :: H 3 /2 : 7i 3 /2; R H : E h : : H^ : fti/2; Q H : Q h : : H 1 '*' : tf/2. If H and h are taken at 16 ft. and 1 ft., respectively, the values of the coefficients P, N, and F are: P = Mi6/H 3/2 = Mi6/64 = 0.01562 M w N = #i 6 /H 1/2 = #16/4 = 0.25 #16 F = #16/60 H J/ 2 = Che/240 = 0.00417 Qie. P, N, and F, when derived for a given wheel, enable the power, speed, and discharge to be calculated without the aid of the tables, and for any head H, by means of the following formula : M R = Q = Since at a head of 1 ft^andMi, Ri, and Q\ equal P, N, and 60 F, re- spectively, JJi 3 /2 and \/H\ each equals 1. Calculations involving .72^2 may be facilitated by the use of the appended table of three-halves powers. Rating tables for sizes other than those tested are computed usually on the following basis: 1. The efficiency and coefficients of gate and bucket discharge for the sizes tested are assumed to apply to the other sizes also. 2. The discharge for additional sizes is computed in proportion to the measured area of the vent or discharge orifices. Having these data, together with the efficiency, the tables of dis- charge and horse-power can be prepared. The peripheral speed cor- responding to maximum efficiency determined from tests of one size of turbine may be assumed to apply to the other sizes also. From this datum the revolutions per minute can be computed, the number of revolutions required to give a constant peripheral speed being inversely proportional to the diameter of the turbine. In point of discharge, the writer's observation has been that the rat- ing tables are usually fairly accurate. In the matter of efficiency there are undoubtedly much larger discrepancies. The discharge of turbines is nearly always expressed in cubic feet per minute. The "vent" in square inches is also used by millwrights and manufacturers, although to a decreasing extent. The vent of a turbine is^the area of van orifice which would, under any given head, theoretically discharge the same quantity of water that is vented or passed through a turbine under that same head when the wheel is so loaded as to be running at maximum efficiency. If V = vent in sq. in., Q = disc H , F = discharge in cu. ft. per sec. under a head of 1 foot, then Q = If y = vent in sq. in., Q = discharge in cu. ft. per min. under a head 60 V/144\/2 gH = 3.344 V\/H, and V= 0.3 Q/VH; also V= 17.94 F and F = 0.0557 V. The vent of a turbine should not be confused with the area of the outlet orifice of the buckets. The actual discharge through a turbine is commonly from 40 to 60% of the theoretical discharge of an orifice whose area equals the combined cross-sectional areas of the outlet ports measured in the narrowest section. Tests of Turbine Discharge by Salt Solution. Abraham Streiflf (Eng. Rec., Jan. 31, 1914) describes a method of determining the dis- charge of a turbine by means of a concentrated salt solution injected in the head or tail race. The degree of dilution of the salt in the tail race after a certain period of time is an index of the discharge of the turbine. The ratio of the discharge of the initial solution to the discharge of tiie turbine varies inversely as their concentrations. (Continued on page 778) HYDBAULIC TURBINES.' 775' TABLE OP H 3/2 FOB CALCULATING HORSE-POWER OF TURBINES. o * w fe 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 T3 |e 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.00 0.09 0.25 0.46 0.72 1 1.00 1.32 1.66 2.02 2.42 51 364.21 366.36 368.50 370.66 372.82 2 2.83 3.26 3.72 4.19 4.69 52 374.98 377.14 379.31 381.48 383.66 3 5.20 5.72 6.27 6.83 7.41 53 385.85 388.03 390.22 392.42 394.61 4 8.00 8.61 9.23 9.87 10.52 54 396.81 399.02 401.23 403.45 405.67 11.18 11.86 12.55 13.25 13.97 55 407.89 410.11 412.35 414.58 416.82 6 14.70 15.44 16.19 16.96 17.73 56 419.07 421.31 423.56 425.81 428.07 18.52 19.32 20.13 20.95 21.78 57 430.34 432.60 434.87 437.15 439.43 8 22.63 23.48 24.35 25.22 26.11 58 441.71 444.00 446.29 448.58 450.88 9 27.00 27.91 28.82 29.75 30.68 59 453.09 455.49 457.80 460.12 462.43 10 31.62 32.58 33.54 34.51 35.49 60 464.75 467.08 469.41 471.75 474.08 11 36.48 37.48 38.49 39.51 40.53 61 476.42 478.77 481.12 483.47 485.82 12 41.57 42.61 43.66 44.73 45.79 62 488.19 490.55 492.92 495.29 497.67 13 46.87 47.96 49.05 50.15 51.26 63 500.04 502.43 504.82 507.20 509.60 14 52.38 53.51 54.64 55.79 56.94 64 512.00 514.40 516.80 519.22 521.63 15 58.09 59.26 60.43 61.61 62.80 65 524.04 526.46 528.89 531.31 533.75 16 64.00 65.20 66.41 67.63 68.85 66 536.18 538.62 541.07 543.51 545.96 17 70.09 71.33 75.58 73.84 75.10 67 548.42 550.87 553.33 555.80 558.27 18 76.37 77.64 78.93 80.22 81.52 68 560.74 563.22 565.70 568.18 570.66 19 82.82 84.13 85.45 86.77 88.10 69 573.16 575.65 578.14 580.65 583.15 20 89.44 90.79 92.14 93.50 94.86 70 585.66 588.17 590.68 593.20 595.73 21 96.23 97.61 99.00 100.39 101.79 71 598.25 600.79 603.32 605.85 608.39 22 103.19 104.60 106.02 107.44 108.87 72 610.93 613.48 616.04 618.59 621.15 23 110.30 111.74 113.19 114.65 116.11 73 623.71 626.27 628.84 631.41 633.99 24 117.58 119.05 120.53 122.01 123.50 74 636.57 639.15 641.74 644.33 646.92 25 125.00 126.50 128.01 129.53 131.05 75 649.52 652.11 654.72 657.33 659.94 26 132.57 134.11 135.65 137.19 138.74 76 662.55 665,17 667.79 670.41 673.04 27 140.30 141.86 143.43 145.00 146.58 77 675.67 678.20 680.94 683.58 686.23 28 148.16 149.75 151.35 152.95 154.56 78 688.87 691.52 694.18 696.84 699.50 29 156.17 157.79 159.41 161.04 162.68 79 702.16 704.83 707.50 710.18 712.85 30 164.32 165.96 167.61 169.27 170.93 80 715.54 718.22 720.92 723.60 726.30 i 31 172.60 174.27 175.95 177.64 179.33 81 729.00 731.70 734.40 737.11 739.82 32 181.02 182.72 184.42 186.13 187.85 82 742.54 745.26 747.98 750.70 753.43 33 189.57 191.30 193.03 194.76 196.51 83 756.16 758.90 761.63 764.38 767.12 34 198.25 200.00 201.76 203.52 205.29 84 769.87 772.62 775.37 778.13 780.89 35 207.06 208.84 210.62 212.41 214.20 85 783.66 786.42 789.20 791.97 794.75 36 216.00 217.80 219.61 221.42 223.24 86 797.53 800.31 803.10 805.89 808.68 37 225.06 226.89228.72 230.56 232.40 87 811.48 814.27 817.08 819.88 822.70 38 234.25 236.10237.96 239.82 241.68 88 825.51 828.32 831.15 833.97 836.79 39 243.56 245.43247.31 249.20 251.09 89 839.62 842.45 845.29 848.13 850.96 40 252.98 254.88'256.79 258.70 260.61 90 853.81 856.66 859.51 848.37 865.22 41 262.53 264.45266.38 268.31 270.25 91 868.08 870.94 873.81 876.68 879.55 42 272.19 274.14 276.09 278.05 280.01 92 882.43 885.30 888.19 891.07 893.96 43 281.97 283.94 285.91 287.89 289.88 93 896.86 899. 75 1902.65 905.55 908.45 44 291.86 293.86 295.85 297.85 299.86 94 911.36 914.27 917.18 920.10 923.02 45 301.87 303.88 305.90 307.93 309.95 95 925.94 928.87 931.79 934.73 937.66 46 311.99 314.02 316.07 318.11 330.16 96 940.60 943.54 946.48 949.43 952 38 47 322.22 324.27 326.34 328.41 330.48 97 955.33 958.29 961.25 964.21 967.17 48 332.55 334.63 336.72 338.81 340.90 98 970.14 973.11 976.09 979.07 982.05 49 343.00 345.10 347.21 349.32 351.43 99 985.03 988.02 991.01 994.00 996.99 50 353.55 355.67 357.80359.93 362.07 100 1000.00 776 WATER-POWER. Power Table for Turbines LEFPEL VERTICAL STANDARD SAMSON TYPE (1916) P = horsepower; W = quantity of water, cu. ft. per sec.; S = speed, r.p.m. Size. Head, Feet. 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 p 1.1 2.5 7.0 12.9 19.9 27.8 36.5 46.2 56. 3- 78.0 W 252 325 460 553 650 727 796 860 919 1026 S 161 208 294 360 416 464 510 550 588 657 p 1.5 3.2 9.2 16.9 25.9 36.2 47.6 60.3 73.5 102.0 W 328 423 601 734 848 948 1039 1121 1199 1338 S 161 208 294 360 416 464 510 550 588 657 ( p 2.0 4.3 12.1 22.2 34.1 47.7 62.6 79.4 96.7 135.0 17C-< W 433 558 791 967 1116 1248 1367 1476 1579 1763 1 S 161 208 294 360 416 464 510 550 588 657 I p 2.4 5.3 14.9 27.4 42.1 58.9 77.3 97.9 119.0 167.0 17B^ W 533 689 975 1193 1377 1540 1687 1821 1948 2179 1 S 161 208 294 360 416 464 510 550 588 657 ( p 3.2 6.9 19.5 35.6 55.0 77.0 101.0 128.0 156.0 218.0 17A-J W 697 900 1275 1559 1800 2013 2205 2381 2546 2846 S 161 208 294 360 416 464 510 550 588 657 ( p 4.2 9.0 25.5 46.9 72.2 101. 133.0 167.0 204.0 285.0 20 4 W 914 1180 1669 2044 2360 2639 2891 3127 3338 3731 ( S 140 182 257 315 364 407 445 481 514 575 ( p 5.5 11.9 33.8 62.0 95.5 133.0 175.0 221.0 270.0 377.0 23 \ W 1209 1561 2207 2703 3122 3489 3823 4130 4415 4935 1 S 127 158 224 274 316 354 387 418 447 500 p 7.10 15.2 43.2 79.3 121.0 171.0 224.0 283.0 345.0 482.0 W 1545 1995 2821 3455 3919 4460 4886 5278 5642 6306 S 108 140 198 242 280 313 343 370 396 442 p 9.44 20.3 57.5 106.0 162.0 227.0 299.0 376.0 460.0 642.0 W 2057 2656 3756 4600 5312 5938 6505 7026 7512 8400 S 94 121 171 210 242 271 297 321 343 381 I p 12.8 27.5 77.9 143.0 220.0 308.0 405.0 510.0 623.0 871.0 35 \ W 2789 3600 5091 6236 7200 8050 8818 9525 10183 11385 I S 81 104 147 180 208 232 255 275 294 329 ( p 16.8 36.1 102.0 188.0 289.0 404.0 531.0 668.0 817.0 1143.0 40 W 3657 4722 6677 8178 9443 10558 11565 12472 13354 14930 1 S 70 91 129 157 182 203 223 240 257 288 ( p 21.2 45.7 129.0 238.0 366.0 511.0 672.0 847.0 1034.0 1448.0 45 W 4629 5975 8450 10350 11951 13361 14636 15809 16901 18900 / S 63 81 114 140 162 181 198 214 229 256 ( p 26.2 56.4 160.0 293.0 451.0 631.0 829.0 1045.0 1280.0 1789.0 50 - W 5714 7377 10433 12777 14754 16496 18070 19518 20870 23330 1 S 56 73 103 126 145 162 178 192 205 230 \ p 32.9 70.8 200.0 368.0 566.0 791.0 1040.0 1314.0 1602.0 2239.0 56 W 7168 9254 13087 16028 18508 20692 22667 24506 26200 29260 ) S 50 65 92 112 130 145 159 172 183 205 I p 40.3 86.8 245.0 451.0 694.0 970.0 1275.0 1608.0 1963.0 2743.0 63 \ W 8787 11344 16042 19648 22688 25365 27786 30092 32100 35900 I S ' 45 59 83 102 117 131 144 155 166 186 ( p 48.5 104.0 295.0 542.0 835.0 1167.0 1534.0 1932.0 2361.0 3300.0 68 \ W 10570 13645 19297 23634 27290 30511 33450 36120 38620 43200 i S 41 53 76 93 107 120 131 142 152 170 ( p 57.5 124.0 350.0 642.0 992.0 1382.0 1818.0 2292.0 2800.0 3912.0 74 1 W 12517 16159 22852 27988 32318 36132 39560 42750 45700 51100 1 S 38 49 70 85 99 110 120 130 139 156 HYDRAULIC TURBINES. 777 Power Table for Turbines. LEFPEL VERTICAL Z-TYPE (1916). = horsepower; W = quantity of water, cu. ft. per sec.; S = speed, r.p.m. Size. Head, Feet 6 7 8 10 15 W 25 30 35 40 I p 9.05 11.53 14.30 20.40 38.15 58.90 82.30 108.2 136.2 166.5 13 J W 1035 1120 1202 1352 1670 1933 2160 2368 2557 2730 1 s 306.0 331.0 354.0 395.0 484.0 559.0 625.0 685.0 740.0 790.0 ( p 14.47 18.24 22.50 31.85 60.20 93.00 130.0 171.0 215.5 263.0 15 J W 1625 1755 1885 2115 2620 3030 3390 3710 4015 4280 1 s 245.0 265.0 283.0 316.0 387.0 447.0 500.0 548.0 592.0 632.0 p 21.08 26.70 32.80 46.40 87.50 135.0 189.5 249.0 314.0 383.0 W 2350 2550 2725 3060 3785 4385 4910 5375 5805 6200 s 204.0 221.0 236.0 263.0 323.0 372.0 417.0 456.0 493.0 526.0 ( p 29.05 36.72 45.30 63.90 121.0 187.0 261.5 343.0 433.0 528.0 31 J W 3225 3485 3740 4190 5200 6015 6730 7370 7965 8505 1 s 175.0 189.1 202.0 225.5 277.0 319.0 357.0 391.0 423.0 452.0 p 38.35 48.50 60.00 84.50 160.0 247.0 345.0 454.0 571.5 698.0 W 4230 4580 4920 5510 6835 7900 8840 9680 10460 11170 s 153.0 165.5 177.0 197.5 242.0 279.0 312.5 342.0 370.0 395.0 p 49.25 62.00 76.60 108.1 204.5 316.0 442.2 580.0 732.0 893.0 W 5375 5825 6250 7000 8700 10040 11225 12300 13300 14200 s 136.0 147.0 157.0 175.6 215.0 248.5 278.0 304.5 329.0 351.0 ( p 61.40 77.50 95.70 135.0 255.5 395.4 551.5 725.0 912.5 1116.0 30 -1 W 6680 7230 7760 8700 10790 12500 13960 15295 16500 17640 1 s 122.5 132.2 141.4 158.1 193.6 223.5 250.0 274.0 296.0 316.0 ( p 74.25 93.55 115.2 163.2 308.0 479.0 670.0 879.0 1108.0 1355.0 33 - W 8050 8720 9350 10500 13000 15110 16900 18500 19950 21340 1 s 111.3 120.5 128.5 143.5 176.0 203.0 227.0 249.0 269.0 287.0 ( p 88.15 111.9 138.0 195.0 367.5 570.0 796.0 1045.0 1318.0 1613.0 36 I W 9610 10420 11180 12560 15510 18000 20100 22000 23750 25400 1 s 102.0 110.5 118.0 131.5 161.0 186.0 208.0 228.0 247.0 263.0 { p 103.7 131.0 162.0 228.3 431.5 669.0 935.0 1229.0 1548.0 1892.0 W 11290 12210 13110 14700 18200 21110 23600 25820 27900 29800 s 94.0 102.0 109.0 121.5 148.9 172.0 192.2 211.0 227.5 243.0 t p 120.1 152.0 187.7 265.0 500.0 776.0 1085.0 1423.0 1703.0 2188.0 & \ W 13100 14170 15210 17050 21130 24500 27350 29990 32340 34590 I s 87.5 94.5 101.0 113.0 138.5 159.5 178.5 195.5 211.0 226.0 p 138.0 174.5 215.3 304.0 575.0 890.0 1245.0 1634.0 2060.0 2512.0 W 15030 16270 17450 19570 24270 28100 31400 34400 37100 39700 s 81.5 88.3 94.2 105.4 129.0 149.0 166.5 182.5 197.2 211.0 \ p 157.0 199.2 245.0 346.0 654.0 1013.0 1417.0 1858.0 2342.0 2855.0 48 \ W 17100 18515 19860 22300 27600 32000 35720 39150 42250 45120 1 s 76.5 82.7 88.4 98.7 121.0 139.5 156.0 171.0 185.0 197.5 ( p 176.5 224.0 276.5 391.0 738.0 1144.0 1600.0 2100.0 2645.0 3225.0 51 1 W 19300 20900 22410 25150 31160 36100 40290 44120 47600 51000 I s 72.0 78.0 83.2 93.0 114.0 131.5 147.0 161.0 174.0 186.0 p 198.0 251.3 310.0 438.0 827.5 1283.0 1792.0 2353.0 2950.0 3610.0* W 21640 23430 25120 28200 34930 40450 45250 49550 53400 57100" s 68.0 73.6 78.5 87.8 107.5 124.0 139.0 152.0 164.5 176.5 ( p 220.6 280.0 345.2 488.0 921.0 1430.0 1998.0 2623.0 3290.0 4027.0 57 \ W 24120 26120 28000 31400 38900 45150 50360 55150 59500 63650 ( s 64.5 69.6 74.5 83.0 101.7 117.6 131.5 144.0 156.0 166.5 ( p 244.5 310.0 383.0 541.0 1020.0 1584.0 2212.0 2904.0 3640.0 4465.0 60 i W 26730 28920 31040 34800 43125 50000 55840 61180 65950 70550 } s 61.2 66.2 70.7 79.0 96.7 111.7 125.0 137.0 148.0 158.0 778 WATER-POWER. Three conditions must be fulfilled to obtain accuracy! (1) Constant initial discharge of solution; (2) perfect mix; (3) precise titration of the salt solutions. The solution should be clear and free from im- purities. The amount of initial solution injected should be about 0.0001 of the approximate discharge of the turbine, and a volumetric analysis of the salt solution can measure the discharge with an ac- curacy of 0.1 per cent. To make the analysis, three solutions are needed: Silver nitrate, salt and potassium chromate. If D is the discharge of the turbine in liters per second, NI the cubic centimeters of silver nitrate solution required to titrate one liter of initial salt solution, n the cubic centimeters of silver nitrate required to titrate one liter of turbine discharge before the test, N 2 the cubic centimeters of silver nitrate solution to titrate one liter of turbine dis- charge after the test, and d the cubic centimeters discharge of initial solution The value of D may be expressed in cu. ft. by multiplying the result by 0.03531. Results of a comparison of this method of measuring the discharge of a 5500 H.P. turbine at 500 r. p. m. under a head of 2300 ft., with a weir, a current meter and a moving screen, are as follows: Salt Current Moving Weir. Solution. Meter. Screen. Discharge, cu. ft. per sec ....... = 46 . 086 45 . 585 45 . 867 46 . 326 Mr. Streifl describes (Eng. Rec., Sept. 5, 1914) the application of this method to the testing of the low-head turbines of the Grand Rapids-Muskegon Power Co. The plant comprised two 7200-H.P. horizontal, 8-runner units operating at 225 r. p. m. under 39^ ft. head. The water consumption was found to be 2140 cu. ft. per sec. The results were within 1.3 per cent of the results as obtained by Ott current meters. Draft Tubes. Conical draft tubes are commonly used with inward flow turbines for the purpose of enabling the turbine to be set high above the tail- water and also of reducing the loss of power due to the velocity of the discharge. The maximum height of these tubes should not be over 20 ft., and the angle of flare should not be greater than 7 with the vertical. For the best results a parabolic cone should be used, so as to decrease the velocity in direct proportion to the height above the tail water, and in that case the angle of flare at the bottom may be increased, so that the velocity of the water at the exit does not exceed 6 ft. per second or 0.1 V2 gH. Recent Turbine Practice (H. Birchard Taylor, Gen. Elec. Rev., June, 1914). The single runner vertical unit has (1914) almost dis- placed the multi-runner, horizontal type of turbine in large first-class, low-head installations. It has had increasing application in moderate and high-head plants. Present practice favors molding of the volute casing directly in the substructure of the power house for all low-head turbines. For heads exceeding 100 ft., the amount of concrete rein- forcement required is usually sufficiently great to warrant the use of cast-iron casings, which must be increased in thickness with increase of head, until at 250 ft. head, cast steel becomes the standard material. The thrust bearing of vertical wheels is almost universally located above the generator on a cast-iron supporting truss which forms at the same time a generator head cover. This truss must be rigid and the upper face on which the bearing is mounted must be level. Up to about 1909, the thrust bearing comprised an annular chamber be- tween a revolving and stationary disk, into which oil under pressure was pumped. The disadvantage of the oil pressure bearing is that an excessive drop in pressure; or a momentary failure of the oil supply to the bearing will result in its immediate destruction. This bearing has now (1914) been generally superseded by roller bearings or a com- bination of roller and pressure bearing. Lignum vitse guide bearings have recently come into general use with vertical turbines for both high- and low-head installations. These [HYDRAULIC TURBINES. 779 bearings are now so designed as to present a somewhat greater projected area to the shaft than is called for by a babbitted bearing. The lignum vitae is dovetailed into the bearing boxes in the form of strips running parallel to the axis of the shaft, and with the end grain of the wood pre- sented normally to the surface of the shaft. Twenty or more of these strips are used, evenly spaced in a liberal length and separated by spaces for cooling water circulation. The resultant bearing pressure may be made so light as to eliminate the necessity of making adjustment to take up wear. Clear water is piped to these bearings in the same manner as oil. A bronze sleeve is used on the shaft where it passes through the bearing and stuffing box. A 10,000 H.P. Turbine at Sno- qualmie, Wash. (Arthur Giesler, Enq. News, Mar. 20, 1906). The fall is about 270 ft. high. The wheel was designed by the Platt Iron Works Co., Dayton, O., for an effective head of 260 ft. and 300 r.p.m., the latter being fixed by the limitations of dynamo design. The turbine is a horizontal shaft machine, of the Francis Turbine Runner. Francis type, radial inward flow with central axial discharge. The turbine proper has only one bearing, 8% X 26 in., the generator having three bearings. The wheel is 66 in. out- side diam. by 9 in. wide through the vanes. It has 34 vanes which ex- tend a short distance beyond the end plate of the wheel on the dis- charge side. There are 32 guide vanes, of the swivel type, connected to a rotatable ring which is actuated by a Lombard governor. The tur- bine wheel or runner is an annular steel casting. It is bolted to a disk 46 in. diam., which is an enlargement of the 13 Ms in. hollow nickel-steel shaft. A test for efficiency was made, in which the output was measured on the electrical side, and the input by the drop of head across the head gate. At 10,000 H.P. the efficiency shown was 84%, the figure being subject to the inaccuracy of the water measurement. The maximum capacity registered was 8250 K.W. or 11,000 H.P. With the generator and the governor disconnected, with full gates and no load, the wheel ran at 505 r.p.m. Turbines of 13,500 H.P. Four Francis turbines, with vertical shafts, rated at 13,500 H.P. each, have been built by Allis-Chalmers Co., for the Great Northern Power Co., Duluth, Minn. The available head is 365 ft., and the wheels run at 375 r.p.m.; discharging, at full load, about 400 cu. ft. per second, each. The runners are 62 in. diameter. The penstock for each wheel is 84 in. diameter, reduced gradually to 66 in. at the wheel. Some Large Turbines. Much larger turbines than those above noted have been built in the years 1910^-1915. From a long list of turbines constructed by I. P. Morris Co. in these years, the following are selected: Capacity No. Each Head Rev. Location. Date of Unit, in per Units. H.P. Ft. Min. McCall Ferry, Penna .. 1910 5 13,500 53 94 Holtwood, Pa., Susquehanna R. 1913 2 17,000 62 116 Grandmere, P. Q., Canada ..... 1915 6 20,000 76 120 Shawinigan Falls, P. Q ........ 1913 2 18,500 145 225 Long Lake, Washington ....... 1912 2 22,500 168 200 Grace Station, Idaho .......... 1913 2 16,500 482 514 Feather River, Cal ............ 19H 2 18,500 465 400 780 WATER-POWER. The " Fall-increaser" for Turbines. A circular issued Nov.; 1908, by Clemens Herschel, the inventor of the Venturi meter, illustrates a device, based on the principle of the meter, for diminishing the back- water head which acts against the turbine. The surplus water, which would otherwise run to waste, is caused to flow into a tube of the Venturi shape, and the pressure in the narrow section, or throat of this tube, is less than that due to the head of the back-water into which the tube discharges. The throat is perforated with a great number of 6-in. holes, through which the discharge-water of the turbine is caused to flow, the velocity through the holes being never over 4 ft. per second. The circular says, that fall-increasers add about 10% to the annual output of power with no appreciable increase in operating expenses. For half the days of the year the fall-increasers are shut down be- cause there is not enough, or only enough, water to supply the plain turbines ; but for the other half of the year the f all-increasers keep the output of power practically constant, and at the full output, where this power output would fall to half the full output or less if the fall-increases had not been built. An illustrated description of the fall-increaser, with results of tests, is given in the Harvard Eng'g Journal, June, 1908. See also U. S. Pat. No. 873,435 and Eng. News, June 11, 1908. TANGENTIAL OE IMPULSE WATER-WHEELS. The Pelton Water-wheel. Mr. Ross E. Browne (Eng'g News, Feb. 20, 1892) thus outlines the principles upon which this water-wheel is constructed : The function of a water-wheel, operated by a jet of water escaping from a nozzle, is to convert the energy of the jet, due to its velocity, into useful work. In order to utilize this energy fully the wheel-bucket, after catching the jet, must bring it to rest before discharging it, with- out inducing turbulence or agitation of the particles. This cannot be fully effected, and unavoidable difficulties necessitate the loss of a portion of the energy. The principal losses occur as follows: First, in sharp or angular diversion of the jet in entering, or in its course through the bucket, causing impact, or the conversion of a portion of the energy into heat instead of useful work. Second, in the FIG. 155a. FIG. 156&. FIG. i5bc. so-called frictional resistance offered to the motion of the water by the wetted surfaces of the buckets. Third, in the velocity of the water, as it leaves the bucket, representing energy which has not been con- verted into work. Hence, in seeking a high efficiency: 1. The bucket-surface at the en- trance will be approximately parallel to the relative course of the jet, and the bucket should be curved in such a manner as to avoid sharp angular deflection of the stream. 2. The path of the jet in the bucket should be short; in other words, the total wetted surface of the bucket should be small. 3. The discharge end of the bucket should be as nearly tangential to the wheel periphery as compatible with the clearance of the bucket which follows; and great differences of velocity in the parts of the escaping water should be avoided. In order to bring the water to rest at the discharge end of the bucket, it is shown, mathematically, that the velocity of the bucket should be one-half the velocity of the jet. A bucket, such as shown in Fig. 156a, will cause the heaping of more or less dead or turbulent water at the point indicated by dark shading. This dead water is subsequently thrown from the wheel with con- siderable velocity, and represents a large loss of energy. The intro- duction of the wedge in the Pelton bucket (see Fig. 156&) avoids this loss. TANGENTIAL OR IMPULSE WATER-WHEELS. 781 A wheel of the form of the Pelton (Fig. 156c) conforms closely in con- struction to each of these requirements. [In wheels as now made (1916) the sharp corners shown in this bucket are eliminated. 1 Considerations in the Choice of a Tangential Wheel (Joshua Hendy Iron Works). The horse-power that can be developed by a tan- gential wheel does not depend upon the size of the wheel but solely upon the head and volume of water available. The number of revolutions per minute that a wheel makes (running under normal conditions) depends solely upon two factors, viz., its diameter and the head of water. The choice of the diameter of a wheel is not therefore controlled by tho power required but by the speed required when working under a given head. If a wheel has no load, and is not governed, it will speed up until the periphery is revolving at approximately the same velocity as tho spouting velocity of the jet, but as soon as the wheel commences to The diameter of pulley wheels on wheel shaft and countershafts of machinery should be so proportioned that the water-wheel shall run at the speed given in the table. The width, area and curvature of buckets are designed to meet conditions of volume of flow under given heads. The higher the peripheral velocity of the wheel, the greater the volume of water that the buckets can handle, and consequently the same standard wheel can handle more water, the higher the head. Wheels designed for a given horse-power can be used for smaller powers (within reasonable limits) with very little loss of efficiency, but an increase in the volume to be used requires a larger bucket. If, for the purpose of maintaining the same speed conditions, the same diam- eter of wheel is to be adhered to, then a special wheel must be built with either very large buckets or with two or more nozzles, or else a double or multiple unit must be adopted. It is advised to subdivide large streams between two, three or more runners, as this insures a greater freedom from breakdown and is often cheapest in the end. Single-nozzle, multiple runner units are easier to govern than multiple-nozzle, single runner units. When two or more nozzles are used in combination on one runner, the increased volume to be dealt with is divided between the different nozzles, which ar.3 so arranged that their respective jets impinge on different buckets at different parts of the periphery. Combined Heads. When two or moue water powers are available at the same site, but under different heads, it is possible to utilize them by mounting wheels of different diameters in parallel, or, when the differ- ence of head and volume is very great, it would even be possible to arrange for a turbine for the low head and a tangential wheel for the high head, although, in the latter case, it would probably be best to mount them independently and connect to the machinery through the medium of belts and countershafts. In either case, separate pipe lines must be employed. Reversible Wheels. In the case of reversible wheels desired for use with hoists, cableways, etc., two wheels of proper dimensions and the same type may be mounted parallel on the same shaft, one of the wheels having the buckets and nozzles arranged to run in the opposite direction to the other. Suitable valves, levers and pipe connections, can be ar- ranged to cut the water off one wheel and turn it on to the other. Control of Tangential Water-wheels. The methods of regulating tangential water-wheels may be classified under ftve heads: 1. Permanently or semi-permanently altering the area of efflux of the nozzles, with water economy and without loss of efficiency. 2. Reducing the volume of flow without altering the area of efflux, with water economy but with loss of efficiency. 3. Variable alteration of the area of efflux without loss of efficiency and with water economy. 4. Deflection of the jet, so that only a portion of its energy is trans- mitted to the wheel, without water economy. 5. Combined regulation of 3 and 4, producing an effect whereby the energy of the jet is reduced rapidly without water ram and the area of efflux reduced slowly to effect water economy, or by a combination of 3 with some form of by-pass. 782 WATER-POWER. Governors.* Of the five methods of control enumerated above, the first cannot be done automatically ; the other four, however, are suscep- tible to either hand regulation or automatic regulation by means of gov- ernors, the function of the governor being merely to automatically bring into action the particular controlling device with which the wheel has been equipped. There are two leading types of governors, the hydraulic and the mechanical. In the first, the mechanism of the water-wheel regulator is actuated by a hydraulically operated piston, the motive power being taken from a small branch pipe from the main water supply, or from an independent high-pressure oil-pumping system, the position of the piston in the cylinder and consequent relative position ef the controlling mechanism being dependent upon the amount of fluid under pressure admitted to the cylinder at either end. This is controlled by a main valve, operated by a very sensitive relay valve which, in turn, is directly controlled by the centrifugal balls of the governor. The second type, or mechanically operated governor, consists of a device for automatically controlling and directing the transmission of the requisite amount of energy taken from the wheel shaft, to operate the water-regulating mechanism. The Lombard governor represents the first type, and the Lombard-Replogle governor the second. The close regulation that can be obtained with the latter is remark- able. Any size will go into operation and make correction at so slight a deviation as one-tenth of one per cent from normal, and in installa- tions which have been made they will not permit of a departure of more than five to eight per cent temporarily where there is an instantaneous drop from full load to practically no load. When there is sufficient fly-wheel effect, the deviation will not be over two per cent. The adoption of fly wheels greatly facilitates many problems of governing. Efficiency of the Doble Nozzle. The nozzle tip is of brass, highly polished in the interior, with concave curves near the end. It contains a conical regulating needle, which is set at any desired distance from the opening to regulate the size of the opening and the diameter of the jet. A jet flowing from the nozzle has a clear, glassy appearance. Tests by H. C. Crowell and G. C. D. Lenth, at Mass. Inst. of Tech., 1903, gave efficiencies under constant head from 96.4 to 99.3 % for different settings of the needle, the coefficient of velocity being from 0.982 to 0.997. The efficiency of a jet is equal to the ratio of the velocity head in the jet to the total head at the entrance to the nozzle, and equal to the square of the coefficient of velocity. Bulletin of the Abner Doble Co., No. 6, 1904. Tests of a 12-in. Doble Laboratory Motor (Bulletin No. 12, 1908. Abner Doble Co.). The tests were made by students at the University of Missouri. The available head was 46 ft. The needle valve was opened two, four, six and eight turns in the four series of tests, and with each opening different loads were applied by a Prony brake. The results were recorded and plotted in curves showing the relation of speed, load and efficiency, and from these curves the following approxi- mate figures are taken: Speed, Revolutions per Minute. Valve open 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Two turns B.H.P.. Effy. % 0.20 62 0.26 75 0.27 80 0.26 77 0.22 64 0.14 41 0.03 13 Four turns B.H.P.. Effy. % 0.36 57 0.45 75 0.51 85 0.50 85 0.42 71 0.30 50 0.12 19 B.H.P.! 0.41 0.55 0.63 0.66 0.60 0.41 0.20 oix turns Eight turns Effy. % B.H.P.? Effy. % 48 0.48 53 64 0.62 70 73 0.70 79 76 0.71 81 74 0.64 72 66 0.43 50 51 0. 19 23 Water-power Plants Operating under High Pressures. The fol- lowing notes are contributed by the Pel ton Water Wheel Co.: The Consolidated Virginia & Col. Mining Co., Virginia, Nev., has a 3-ft. steel-disk Pelton wheel operating under 2100 ft. fall, equal to 911 Ib. per sq. in. It runs at a peripheral velocity of 10,804 ft. per minute and has a capacity of over 100 H. P; The rigidity with which water under such a high pressure as this leaves the nozzle is shown in the fact that it is impossible to cut the stream with an axe, however heavy the blow, as it will rebound just as it would from a steel rod traveling at a high rate of speed. TANGENTIAL OK IMPULSE WATER-WHEELS. 783 In the hydraulic power-hoist of the Milwaukee Mining Co., Idaho, one cage travels up as the other descends ; the maximum load of 5500 Ibs. at a speed of 400 ft. per min. is carried by one of a pair of Pelton wheels (one for each cage). Wheels are started and stopped by opening and closing a small hydraulic valve at the engineer's stand which operates the larger valves by hydraulic pressure. An air-chamber takes up the shock that would otherwise occur on the pipe line under the pressure due to the 850 ft. fall. The Mannesmann Cycle Tube Works, North Adams, Mass., are using four Pelton wheels, having a fly-wheel rim, under a pump pressure of 600 Ibs. per sq. in. These wheels are direct-connected to the rolls through which the ingots are passed for drawing out seamless tubing. The Alaska Gold Mining Co., Douglass Island, Alaska, has a |22-ft Pelton wheel on the shaft of a Riedler duplex compressor. It is used as a fly-wheel as well, weighing 25,000 lb., and develops 500 H.P. at 75 revolutions. A valve connected to the pressure-chamber starts and stops the wheel automatically, thus maintaining the pressure in the air-receiver. At Pachuca in Mexico five Pelton wheels having a capacity of 600 Amount of Water Required to Develop a Given Horse-Power, with a Given Available Effective Head. Effective Head in Feet. Horse-Power Based on 85% Efficiency of the Water "Wheel. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Flow in Cubic Feet of Water per Minute Required to Develop Power. 50 125 104 88 77 70 63 59 52 48 45 42 39 37 35 33 31 30 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 16 16 250 208 177 155 140 125 118 104 96 89 83 78 73 69 65 62 59 57 54 52 50 48 46 45 43 42 41 40 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 375 312 266 232 210 186 176 156 143 133 125 117 110 104 98 93 89 85 81 78 75 72 69 67 65 62 60 59 57 55 53 52 50 49 48 47 500 416 355 311 280 248 234 208 192 178 166 155 146 138 132 124 118 113 108 104 100 96 92 89 86 83 80 78 76 74 71 69 67 66 64 63 625 520 444 388 350 312 293 260 240 222 208 195 183 172 164 155 148 141 135 130 125 120 115 111 107 104 100 97 94 92 89 86 84 82 80 77 750 624 532 466 420 372 350 312 287 266 250 233 220 207 198 186 177 169 162 155 149 144 138 133 129 124 120 117 113 110 106 102 100 98 96 94 875 726 621 544 490 435 410 364 335 310 292, 272 256 242 230 218 206 198 190 181 174 167 161 156 150 145 140 136 132 128 124 121 117 114 111 105 1000 830 709 622 560 498 467 415 385 355 332 312 293 276 262 248 236 225 216 207 199 191 184 178 172 166 160 156 151 146 142 138 134 130 127 124 1125 934 798 699 630 558 525 467 430 400 375 350 330 310 295 280 . 266 255 243 233 224 215 207 200 193 187 180 175 170 165 160 155 151 147 144 140 1250 1038 886 876 700 622 585 520 478 443 416 388 365 345 326 310 295 283 270 258 248 238 230 222 215 208 200 194 . 188 183 178 172 168 164 160 156 60.. . 70 80. . . 90 100. 110.. . 120 130 140 150.. . 160 . 170.. . 180 190.. . 200 210. . . 22*0 230. . . 240 250.. . 260 270.. . 280 29"0.. . 300. . 310 320.. . 330 340. .. 350 360. . . 370. . . 380... 390.. . 400 784 POWER OF OCEAN WAVES. H.P. each under 800 ft. head are driving an electric transmission plant. These wheels weigh less than 500 Ib. each, showing over a horse-power per pound of metal. Formulae for Calculating the Power of Jet Water-wheels, such as the Pelton (F. K. Blue). H.P. = horse-power delivered; d = 62.36 Ib. per cu. ft.; E = efficiency of turbine; q = quantity of water, cubic feet per minute; h = feet effective head: d = inches diameter of jet; p = pounds per square inch effective head ; c = coefficient of discharge from nozzle which may be ordinarily taken at 0.9. H.P.= d2= 201.6 .Ec Vft 3 J^C VpS c Y//i c >y^ Tangential Water-wheel Tables. The tables on pages 785 and 786 are compiled on the following basis : The head (h) is the net effective head at the nozzle. Proper allow- ance must be made for all losses in the pipe line. The velocity of efflux ( V) is the approximate spouting velocity of the , jet in ft. per min. as it issues from the nozzle = \/2 gh X 60 = 481.2 \/hl The discharge in cubic feet per minute = Q = V X a, where a equals the cross-section area of nozzle opening in sq. ft., no allowance being made for friction in the nozzle. The weight of a cubic foot of water is taken at 39.2 Fahr. = 62.425 Ib. The theoretical horse-power = Q X 62.425 X h ~ 33,000 = 0.00189ft. The horse-power in the tables is based on 85 % mechanical efficiency for the wheels. The diameter is the effective diameter at the line of the nozzle center, where the jet impinges on the center of the bucket. The number of revolutions is based on a peripheral speed for the effective diameter, of half the velocity of efflux of the jet, and equals V -T- 2 C, where C = the circumference (in feet) of the effective diameter. Small wheels, up to 24-in. diam., are commonly called motors. THE POWER OF OCEAN WAVES. Albert W. Stahl, U. S. N. (Trans. A. S. M. E., xiii, 438), gives the following formulae and table, based upon a theoretical discussion of wave motion : The total energy of one whole wave-length of a wave H feet high, L feet long, and one foot in breadth, the length being the distance between successive crests, and the height the vertical distance between the\ crest and the trough, is E = 8 LH% t I 4.935 j foot-pounds. The time required for each wave to travel through a distance equal to its own length is P <= -%/ seconds, and the number of waves passing 60 /5 1^3 any given point in 0110 minute is N = -p = 60^ ' *" Hence the total energy of an indefinite series of such waves, expressed in horse-power per foot*of breadth, is By substituting various values for H -*- L, within the limits of such values actually occurring in nature, we obtain the table on page 787. The figures are correct for trochoidal deep-sea waves only, but they (Continued on pag* 786) TANGENTIAL OR IMPULSE WATER WHEELS. 785 Tangential Water- Wheel Table. (Joshua Hendy Iron Works.) P = horse-power, Q = cubic feet per minute, R = revs, per min. The smaller figures in the first column give the spouting velocity of the jet in feet per minute. (The table is greatly condensed from the original; 6-in., 15-in., and 30-in. wheels are also listed. P and Q are the same, with any given head, for a 30 as for a 36-in. wheel, but R is 20% greater.) - f K.S 12 Inch. 18 Inch. 24 Inch. 36 Inch. 48 Inch. 60 Inch. 72 Inch. 8 Feet. 10 Feet. 12 Feet. 20 ' P .12 .37 .66 1.50 2.64 4.18 6.00 10.64 16.48 23.80 91')'? J 3.91 11.72 20.83 46.93 83.32 130.36 187.72 332.70 515.04 748.95 L\ JL 1 R 342 228 171 114 85 70 57 43 34 29 *A( P .23 .69 1.22 2.76 4.88 7.69 11.04 19.53 30.00 43.80 30 ) ?f\if\ i 4.79 14.36 25.51 57.44 102.04 159.66 229.76 407.03 630.00 916.4? iOJO 1 R 418 279 209 139 104 83 69 52 41 35 **( P .35 U)6 1.89 4.24 7.58 11.85 16.96 30.08 46.60 67.60 40) 5.53 16.59 29.46 66.36 107.84 184.36 265.44 470.27 728.16 1058.86 3043 ( R 484 323 242 161 121 96 80 62 49 40 ... ( P .49 1.49 2.65 5.98 10.60 16.63 23.93 42.05 65.00 94.50 50 ) 6.18 18.54 32.93 74.17 131.72 206.13 296.70 525.90 814.32 1184.15 3403 ( R 541 361 270 180 135 108 90 69 55 46 CA ( P .65 1.96 3.48 7.84 13.94 21.77 31.36 55.20 85.62 124.50 60 V 6.77 20.31 36.08 81.25 144.32 225.80 325.00 576.00 892.00 1297.00 3727 ) R 592 395 296 197 148 118 98 75 60 50 ( P .82 2.47 4.39 9.88 17.58 27.51 39.52 70.00 107.80 157.50 70 Q 7.31 21.94 38.97 87.76 155.88 243.89 351.04 624.00 966.24 1405.17 4026 ( R 640 427 320 2.13 160 130 106 81 64 54 / P 1.00 3.01 5.36 12.04 21.44 33.54 48.16 85.76 134.16 192.64 80 Q 7.82 23.46 41.66 93.84 166.64 260.73 375.36 666.56 1042.92 1501.44 4304 ( R 684 456 342 228 171 137 114 87 69 58 ( P 1.20 3.60 6.39 14.40 25.59 40.04 57.60 102.36 160.16 230.40 90 Q 8.29 24.88 44.19 99.52 176.75 276.55 398.08 707.00 1106.20 1592.32 4565 ( R 726 484 363 242 181 145 121 93 73 62 ( P 1.40 4.21 7.49 16.84 29.93 46 85 67.36 119.72 187.40 269.44 100 ) Q 8.74 26.22 46.58 104.88 186.32 291.51 419.52 745.28 1166.04 1678.08 4812 ( R 765 510 382 255 191 152 127 96 77 64 ( P 1.84 5.54 9.85 22.18 39.41 61.66 88.75 157.64 246.64 355.00 120) Q 9.57 28.72 51.02 114.91 204.10 319.33 459.64 816.40 1277.32 1838 56 5271 ( R 838 559 419 279 209 167 139 105 83 70 1>IA ( P 2.33 6.99 12.41 27.96 49.64 77.71 111.85 198.56 310.84 447.40 140 ) 10.34 31.03 55.11 124.12 220.44 344.92 496.48 881.76 1379.68 1985.92 5694 ) R 906 604 453 302 226 181 151 114 90 75 ( P 2.84 8.54 15.17 34.16 60.68 94.94 136.65 242.72 377.76 546.60 160 11.05 33.17 58.92 132.68 235.68 368.73 530.75 942.72 1474.92 2123.00 6087 ( R 969 646 484 323 242 193 161 121 97 81 t P 3.39 10.19 18.10 40.77 72.41 113.30 163.08 289.64 453.20 652.32 183 ) 11.72 35.18 62 49 140.74 249.97 391.10 562.96 999.83 1564.40 2251.84 6455 ) 1024 683 513 342 256 206 171 128 103 86 ( P 3.97 11.93 21.20 47.75 84.81 132.70 191.00 339.24 530.80 764.00 200 ) Q 12.36 37.08 65.87 148.35 263.49 412.25 593.40 1053.96 1649.00 2373.60 6805 ) R 1080 720 540 360 270 216 180 135 108 90 QC ( P 56 99 101.20 158 38 227 96 404 80 633 52 911 84 4/0 \ 7215 \ Q 157 J3 279^44 437.23 629 '.32 1117^76 1748 92 2517.28 R 382 287 229 191 144 115 96 250 ( P 5.56 16.68 29.63 66.74 118.54 185.47 266.96 474.16 741.88 1067.84 7608 j 3 13.82 41.46 73.64 165.86 294.59 460.91 663.45 1178.36 1843.64 2653.80 H 1209 806 605 403 302 241 202 151 n\ 101 786 WATER-POWER. Tangential Water- Wheel Table. Continued. d^ g* W.2 12 Inch. 18 Inch. 24 Inch. 36 Inch. 48 Inch. 60 Inch. 72 Inch. 8 Feet. 10 Feet. 12 Feet. O7 C { P 77 00 136.76 214 00 308 00 547.04 856 00 173? nn f 9 1 7O7R < 173 94 308.92 483 39 695 ! 76 1235 68 1 933 56 1 /,->. UU 7783 (\A S7/J 1 -o 423 317 253 211 J59 127 /OJ . lH IflA 300 ( P 7.31 21.93 38.95 87.73 155.83 243.82 350.94 623.32 975.28 IUO 1403 76 8335 ) Q 15.13 45.42 80.67 181.59 322.71 504.91 726.76 1290.84 2019.64 2907 . 04 ( R 1326 884 663 442 331 265 221 166 133 QOK ( P 98 93 175 68 274 94 395 72 702 72 1099 76 1582 88 325 ) 8A77 i 189' 10 335 '84 525 '50 756 '. 40 1343 36 2102 00 3025 60 OO/Z i R 460 344 276 230 J72 J38 J15 350 ( P 9.21 27.64 49.09 110.56 196.38 307.25 442.27 785.52 1229 00 1769 08 9002 i Q 16.35 49.06 87.14 196.25 348.57 545.36 785.00 1394.28 2181.44 3140.00 R 1432 955 716 477 358 275 238 179 143 119 400 ( P 11.25 33.77 59.98 135.08 239.94 375.40 540.35 959.76 1501.60 2161.40 9624 / Q 17.48 52.45 93.16 209.80 372.64 583.02 839.20 1490.56 2332.08 3356.80 R 1531 1021 765 510 382 306 255 101 153 128 450 ( P 13.43 40.79 71.57 161.19 286.31 447.95 644.78 1145.24 1791.80 2579.12 10208 j Q 18.54 55.63 98.81 222.52 395.24 618.38 890.11 1580.96 2473.52 35,60.44 R 1624 1083 812 541 406 324 270 203 162 135 500 ( P 15.73 47.20 83.83 188.80 335.34 524.66 755.20 1341.36 2098.64 3020.80 10760 / Q 19.54 58.64 104.15 234.56 416.62 651.83 938.25 1666.48 2607.02 3753.00 R 1713 1142 856 571 428 342 285 214 171 143 - f p 217 82 386 84 605 31 871 28 1547 36 2421.24 3485 12 550 ) 1 1*770 \ Q 246.00 436.92 683 62 984.00 1747 '68 2734 48 3936 00 1 IZ/y || R 599 449 359 299 225 J79 150 600 ( P 24.26 62.04 110.19 248.16 440.77 689.63 992.65 1763.08 2758.52 3970.60 1 1 787 ) Q 25.12 64.24 114.09 256.95 456.38 714.05 1027.80 1825.52 2856.20 4111.20 R 1876 1251 938 625 469 375 312 235 188 156 f p 270 97 484.16 748 80 1083 88 1936.64 2995 20 4335 52 640 } Q 264 '63 466 12 73l'59 1058 '52 1864 48 292636 4234^08 12169 ) R 644 483 387 322 242 194 161 7Afl ( p 30.57 78.18 138.86 312.73 555.46 869.06 1250.92 2221.84 3476.24 5003 68 1 UU 17731 ) Q 27.13 69.38 123.23 277.54 492.95 771.26 1110.16 1971.80 3085.04 4440.64 l/j>l 1 R 2026 1351 1013 675 506 405 337 253 203 169 7CA ( P 33.91 86.70 154.00 346.83 616.03 963.82 1387.34 2464.12 3855.28 5549.36 f OIF I 13178 i Q 28.08 71.82 127.56 287.28 510.25 798.33 1149.13 2041.00 3193.32 4596.52 R 2098 1309 1049 699 524 419 349 262 210 175 Qf\f\ \ P 37.35 95.52 169.66 382.09 678.66 1061.81 1528.36 2714.64 4247.24 6113.44 oUU ) 13610 ) Q 29.00 74.17 131.74 296.70 526.99 824.51 1186.81 2107.96 3298.04 4747.24 R 2166 1444 1083 722 542 433 361 271 217 181 QAA ( p 44.57 113.98 202.45 455.94 809.82 1267.02 1823.76 3239.28 5068.08 7295.04 i/UU I IXXIA S Q 30.76 78.67 139.74 314.70 558.96 874.53 1258.81 2235.84 3498.12 5035.24 1 *HjO i R .2298 15321 1149 766 574 459 383 287 229 192 i ftftft ( P 52.20 133.50 237.12 534.01 948.48 1483.97 2136.04 3793 92 5935.88 8544.16 1UUU 1 Q 32.42 82.93 147.30 331.72 589.19 921.83 1326.91 2356.76 3687.32 5287.64 15217 ) 11 2420 1615 1210 807 605 484 403 | 303 242 202 give a close approximation for any nearly regular series of waves in deep water and a fair approximation for waves in shallow water. The utilization of the energy in ocean waves divides itself into: 1. The various motions of the water which may be utilized for power. 2. The wave-motor proper. That is, the portion of the apparatus in direct contact with the water, and receiving and transmitting the energy thereof; together with the mechanism for transmitting this energy to the machinery for utilizing the same. 3. Regulating devices, for obtaining a uniform motion, from the TIDAL POWER. 787 irregular and more or less spasmodic action of the waves, as well as for adjusting the apparatus to the state of the tide and condition of the sea. 4. Storage arrangements for insuring a continuous and uniform out- put of power during a calm, or when the waves are comparatively small. The motions that may be utilized for power purposes are the following : 1. Vertical rise and fall of particles at and near the surface. 2. Hori- zontal to-and-fro motion of particles at and near the surface. 3. Vary- ing slope of surface of wave. 4. Impetus of waves rolling up the beach in the form of breakers. 5. Motion of distorted verticals. All of these motions, except the last one mentioned, have at various times been proposed to be utilized for power purposes ; and the last is proposed to be used in apparatus described by Mr. Stahl. The motion of distorted verticals is thus denned: A set of particles, originally in the same vertical straight line when the water is at rest, does not remain in a vertical line during the passage 9f the wave; so that the line connecting a set of such particles, while vertical and straight in still water, becomes distorted, as well as displaced, during the passage of the wave, its upper portion moving farther and more rapidly than its lower portion. Mr. Stahl's paper contains illustrations of several wave-motors de- signed upon various principles. His conclusion as to their practicability is as follows : ' ' Possibly none of the methods described in this paper may ever prove commerically successful; indeed the problem may not be susceptible of a financially successful solution. My own investigations, however, so far as I have yet been able to carry them, incline me to the belief that wave-power can and will be utilized on a paying basis." TOTAL ENERGY OF DEEP-SEA WAVES IN TERMS OP HORSE-POWER PER FOOT OP BREADTH Ratio of Length to Height of Waves. Length of Waves in Feet. 25 50 75 100 150 | 200 300 | 400 50 40 30 20 15 10 5 0.04 0.06 0.12 0.25 0.42 0.98 3.30 0.23 0.36 0.64 1.44 2.83 5.53 18.68 0.64 1.00 1.77 3.96 6.97 15.24 51.48 1.31 2.05 3.64 8.13 14.31 31.29 105.68 3.62 5.65 10.02 21.79 39.43 86.22 291.20 7.43 11.59 20.57 45.98 80.94 177.00 597.78 20.46 31.95 56.70 120.70 223.06 487.75 1647.31 42.01 65.58 116.38 260.08 457.89 1001.25 3381.60 Continuous Utilization of Tidal Power (P. Decceur, Proc. Inst. C, E. 1890). In cpnnection with the training- walls to be constructed in the estuary of the Seine, it is proposed to construct large basins, by means of which the power available from the rise and fall of the tide could be utilized. The method proposed is to have two basins separ- ated by a bank rising above high water, within which turbines would be placed. The upper basin would be in communication with the sea during the higher one-third of the tidal range, rising, and the lower basin during the lower one- third of the tidal range, falling. The tur- bine proposed is of an improved model designed to utilize a large flow with a moderate diameter. One has been designed to produce 300 horse-power, with a minimum head of 5 ft. 3 in. at a speed of 15 revo- lutions per minute, the vanes having 13 ft. internal diameter. The speed would be maintained constant by regulating sluices. 788 PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. Theoretical Capacity of a Pump. Let Q'*= cu. ft. per min., C' U. S. gals, per min. = 7.4805 Q* \ d = diam. of pump in inches; */ = stroke in inches ; N == number of single strokes per rain. Capacity in cu. ft. per min. I'iarn = - 004545 ^: 4 231 Capacity in U. S. gals, per min. i Capacity in gals, per hour Diameter required for a ) d = 46 Q given capacity per min. ) If v = piston speed in feet per min., d If the piston speed is 100 feet per min.: ' 0.0034 AW; = 0.204 Nd*l. ^ = 17.15 -v/-t7% V7T, /7S7 ^ =4.95\y. Nl = 1200, and d = 1.354 , 0.495 G' = 4.08 d z per min. The actual capacity will be from 60% to 95% of the theoretical, accord- ing to the tightness of the piston, valves, suction-pipe, etc. Theoretical Horse-power .Required to Raise Water to a Given Height. Horse-power = Volume in cu. ft. per min. X pressure per sq. ft. _ Weight X height of lift 33,000 33,000 Q' = cu. ft. per min.; G' = gals, per min.; W = wt. in Ibs.; P =* pressure in Ibs. per sq. ft.; p = pressure in Ibs. per sq. in.; // = height of lift in ft.; W = 62.355 Q', P - 144 p, p = 0.433 H, H = 2.3094 p, G' = 7.4805 Q'. = Q'P ^ Q' H X 144 X 0.433 = Q'H _ G'H = 1.0104 G'H 33,000 33,000 529,23 3958.9 4000 HP. = WH Q' X 62.355 X 2.3094 p = Q'p G'p 33,000 229.17 " 1714.3' 33,000 For the actual horse-power required an allowance must be made for the friction, slips, etc., of engine, pump, valves, and passages. Depth of Suction. Theoretically a perfect pump will draw water to a height of nearly 34 feet, or the height corresponding to a perfect vacuum (14.7 Ibs. X 2.309 = 33.95 feet); but since a perfect vacuum cannot be obtained on account of valve-leakage, air contained in the water, and the vapor of the water itself, the actual height is generally (ess than 30 feet. When the water is warm the height to which it can be lifted by suction decreases, on account of the increased pressure of the vapor. In pumping hot water, therefore, the water must flow into the pump by gravity. The following table shows the theoretical maximum depth of suction for different temperatures, leakage not considered: Temp. Fahr. Absolute Pressure of Vapor, Ibs. per sq. in. Vacuum in Inches of Mercury. Max. Depth ( of Suc- tion, feet. Temp. Fahr. Absolute Pressure of Vapor, Ibs. per sq. in. Vacuum in Inches of Mercury. Max. Depth of Suc- tion, feet. 102 1 1 27.88 31.6 182.9 8 13.63 15.4 126.3 2 25.85 29.3 188.3 9 11.60 13.1 141.6 3 23.83 27.0 193.2 10 9.56 10.8 153.1 4 21.78 24.7 197.8 11 7.52 8.5 162.3 5 19.74 22.3 202.0 12 5.49 6.2 170.1 6 17.70 20.0 205.9 13 3.45 3.9 176.9 7 15.67 17.7 209.6 14 1.41 1.6 PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. 789 The Deane Single Boiler-feed or Pressure Pump. pumping clear liquids at a pressure not exceeding 150 Ibs. Suitable for Sizes. Capacity Sizes of Pipes. per min. at Given 0> Speed. 8 .s 1 . j. -7- *H o> .s & 1 1 t-4 || "2 o 2 3 1 to | i 3 fl 1 3 |1 02 || SOQ 1" | 3 1 1 1 A o 1 3 2 5 .07 150 10 291/ 2 7 1/2 3/4 U/4 1 31/2 21/4 5 .09 150 13 331/2 71/2 1/2 3/4 U/4 U/2 4 23/8 5' .10 150 15 331/2 71/2 1/2 3/4 U/4 2 4 21/2 5 .11 150 16 331/2 71/2 1/2 3/4 U/4 21/2 43/4 3 5 .15 150 22 34 81/2 1/2 3/4 H/2 1/4 3 5 31/4 7 .25 125 31 431/ 2 91/4 3/4 1 2 1/2 4 51/2 33/4 7 .33 125 42 43l/ 2 91/4 3/4 1 2 U/2 41/ 2 7 41/4 8 .49 120 58 511/o 12 1 U/2 3 2 5 7 41/2 10 .69 100 69 55 12 1 U/2 3 2 6 71/2 5 10 .85 100 85 55 12 1 U/2 3 2 61/2 8 5 12 1.02 100 102 63 14 1 U/2 3 2V2 7 10 6 12 1.47 100 147 69 19 1 1/2 2 4 4 8 12 7 12 2.00 100 200 69 19 2 21/2 5 4 9 14 8 12 2.61 100 261 69 21 2 21/2 5 5 The Deane Single Tank or Light-service Pump. These pumps will all stand a constant .working pressure of 75 Ibs. on the water-cylinders. Sizes. Capacity per min. Sizes of Pipes. 03 \ "Speed o * J, o . . *o 4; a^ M d .S -^ g g fijj QJ o 11 B fl JO tc 5 a S .2 1 o "08. S 02 ^^ 2 9 72 i jd w m ^ ^ O OQ O ^ m S 03 Q 4 4 5 .27 130 35 33 91/2 1/2 3/4 2 H/2 3 4 7 .38 125 48 451/2 15 3/4 1 3 2V2 5V2 51/2 7 .72 125 90 451/2 15 3/4 ] 3 21/2 7V2 71/2 10 1.91 110 210 58 17 1 1V2 5 4 8 6 12 1.46 100 146 67 201/2 1 11/2 4 4 6 7 12 2.00 100 200 66 17 3/4 4 4 8 7 12 2.00 100 200 67 201/2 1 U/2 5 4 8 8 12 2.61 100 261 68 30 1 1 V2 5 5 10 8 12 2.61 100 261 681/ 2 30 11.2 5 5 8 10 12 4.08 100 408 68 20i/ 2 U/2 8 8 10 10 12 4.08 100 408 681/2 30 U/2 2 8 8 '12 10 12 4.08 100 408 64 24 2 2V2 8 8 10 12 12 5.87 100 587 681/ 2 30 U/2 2 8 8 12 12 12 5.87 100 587 64 281/ 2 2 21/2 8 8 10 12 18 8.79 70 616 95 25 H/2 2 8 8 12 12 18 8.79 70 616 95 281/2 2 21/2 8 8 12 14 18 12.00 70 840 95 281/ 2 2 21/2 8 8 14 16 18 15.66 70 1096 95 34 2 21/2 12 10 16 16 18 15.66 70 1096 95 34 2 21/2 12 10 18 16 18 15 66 70 1096 97 34 3 3V2 12 10 16 18 24 26.42 50 1321 115 40 2 21/2 14 12 18 18 24 26.42 50 1321 135 40 3 3V2 14 12 790 PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. Amount of Water raised by a Single-acting Lift-pump. It Is common to estimate that the quantity of water raised by a single-acting bucket-valve pump per minute is equal to the number of strokes in one direction per minute, multiplied by the volume traversed by the piston in a single stroke, on the theory that the water rises in the pump only when the piston or bucket ascends; but the fact is that the column of water does not cease flowing when the bucket descends, but flows on continuously through the valve in the bucket, so that the discharge of the pump, if it is operated at a high speed, may amount to considerably more than that calculated from the displacement multiplied by the num- ber of single strokes in one direction. Proportioning the Steam-cylinder of a Direct-acting Pump, Let A = area of steam-cylinder; a = area of pump-cylinder; D = diameter of steam-cylinder; d = diameter of pump-cylinder; P = steam-pressure, Ibs. per sq. in.; p = resistance per sq. in. on pumps; H = head = 2.309 p; p = 0.433 H\ work done in pump-cylinder E - efficiency of the pump = work done by ' .- - EP' p * \EP' - = ^ = OA ** H ', # = 2.309 #P . If #=75%, H = 1.732P-- d JbJr MiP d O> E is commonly taken at 0.7 to 0.8 for ordinary direct-acting pumps. For the highest class of pumping-engines it may amount to 0.9. The steam-pressure P is the mean effective pressure, according to the indi- cator-diagram; the water-pressure p is the mean total pressure acting on the pump plunger or piston, including the suction, as could be shown by an indicator-diagram of the water-cylinder. The pressure on the pump-piston is frequently much greater than that due to the height of the lift * on account of the friction of the valves and passages, which increases rapidly with velocity of flow. Speed of Water through Pipes and Pump-passages. The speed of the water is commonly from 100 to 200 feet per minute. If 200 feel per minute is exceeded, the loss from friction may be considerable. gallons per minute The diameter of pipe required is *.95^ vd ^ ty in f ^ t per For a velocity of 200 feet per minute, diam. = 0.35 X ^gallons per min. Sizes of Direct-acting Pumps. The tables on pages 789 and 791 are selected from catalogues of manufacturers, as representing the two common types of direct-acting pump, viz., the single-cylinder and the duplex. Both types are made by most of the leading manufacturers. Efficiency of Small Direct-acting Pumps. Chas. E. Emery, in Reports of Judges of Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876, Group xx., says: " Experiments made with steam-pumps at the American Institute Exhibi- tion of 1867 showed that average-sized steam-pumps do not, on the aver- age utilize more than 50 per cent of the indicated power in the steam- cylinders, the remainder being absorbed in the friction of the engine, but more particularly in the passage of the water through the pump It may be safely stated that ordinary steam-pumps rarely require less than 120 pounds of steam per hour for each horse-power utilized m raising water, equivalent to a duty of only 15,000,000 foot-pounds per 100 pounds of coal. With larger steam-pumps, particularly when they are proportioned for the work to be done, the duty will be materially in- creased," PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. The Worthington Duplex Pump. STANDARD SIZES FOR ORDINARY SERVICE. 791 03 & "S-3 >> i & . ' US Sizes of Pipes for Short Lengths. (j e 03 3 2 'i' 2 ' To be increased as 1 03 fl o tl flw c ^ "^ s length increases. .s I S 03 jij'rjw rt 8* s s 1 IS, t* e ' J p K O> ^ Ps 3 G cs 8 a V << O d 03 W >>^ S w TJ 02 u, a i * | ^0 'o5 S m # B" Q 1 JOi E2 i 6 190 126 251/4 ,547 47.7 25.45 37.43 22.95 45.97 1,978 0.481 10 190 148 251/2 ,536 56.65 24.42 50.44 34.95 70.75 1,958 0617 | 188 155.2 25 ,553 59.6 24.06 61.50 44.54 94.9 ,860 0.747 2 188 153.5 251/4 ,547 58.9 24.21 61.86 44.55 100.37 ,759 0.756 3 188 150.7 251/4 ,540 57.7 24.33 61.47 43.59 106.94 ,615 0.755 4 188 143.5 251/2 ,549 54.8 24.53 60.00 40.72 115.46 ,398 0.743 188 161 253/s ,540 47.5 24.5 54.47 31.80 125.85 ,001 0.676 6A 189 5 170 251/2 565 24 9 Shut- offT 142 15 t? 189' 169.5 1 537 45.15 43.85 95.14 ,87.6 1 189 189 169 169.7 535 45 12 43.82 99.05 753 ,538 44.62 42.93 104.42 ,629 * The brake H.P. and the steam per B.H.P. hour were calculated by a formula derived from Prony brake tests of the turbine, t Non-condensing. TEST OF ELECTRIC MOTOR CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. DIAM. OF PUMP WHEE& 89/32 IN. RATED AT 1200 GALS. PER MIN. 45 FT. HEAD. 2000 REVS. PER MIN. V 0) T? d 1 % J P 3 *^ A & !i 1 H ^ e 1 txj ^- ^ Is fS ll| i o 1 li ? >, 0* > s W CQ $ * H-Q H -3 (H . qjj u M 3 S3 2 "d"8 S 0^ 5 H |o '3 1.. 242.5 55.2 17.94 15.07 2,006 3.158 10.25 28.52 ,417 0.680 2.. 242.3 54.8 17.80 14.94 1,996 3.126 10.67 30.12 ,403 0.714 3.. 242 59 19.14 16.22 1,996 2.885 11.80 36.1 ,295 0.728 4.. 242 62.4 20.24 17.27 2,005 2.826 12.18 38.05 ,268 706f 5.. 241.8 62.9 20.39 17.41 2,000 2.525 13.06 45.66 ,133 0.750 6.. 240.8 66 21.30 18.28 2,005 2.504 13.40 47.25 ,124 0.733f 7.. 241.4 64 20.71 17.71 2,003 2.197 13.12 52.7 986 0.742 8.. 239.7 66.3 21.30 18.28 1,997 2.179 13.15 53.28 978 0.720t 9.. 240.9 63.2 20.41 17.43 2,007 1.735 11.42 58.10 779 0.665f 10.. 242 62 20.11 17.14 2,003 1.760 11.71 58.76 790 0.683 11.. 248 34 11.30 8.74 2,040 Shut-off 68.39 * Brake H.P. calculated from a formula derived from a brake test of the motor. f Tests marked t were made with the pump suction throttled so as to make the suction equal to about 22 ft. of water column. In the other tests the suction was from 5,6 to 10.9 ft. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. 801 TEST OF STEAM TURBINE TWO-STAGE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. RATED AT 250 GALS. PER MIN. 700 FT. HEAD. LARGE PUMP WHEEL, 2050 R.P.M.; SMALL WHEEL, 20,500 R.P.M. Steam G" tj 00 "* . Press, at 1 & 0) ^ O.*3 "8 d II the Gover- 1 . g ft "^ >4 'rf (S ^!^ 8l gW nor Valve. "S M CO s 0) '-5 tx 2| o3 t< Lbs. per Sq. In. - e o* *| M g^J $ W Vacuum, y 1.1 1 a > ,2 u -*j W o o3 "el a >> 1-5 & "8 P* 02 ^ * 1 186 120.7 28.1 25.25 341 2,104 0.830 135.76 12.83 373 18.63 106.2 175 138.3 27.5 24.4 2,092 0.799 193.85 17 54 359 181 162.3 27.05 25.5 '385 2,074 0.790 288 25.78 354 28.73 68.9 178 173.7 26.2 25.5 316 2,056 0.775 358.78 31.50 347 32.9 60.2 180 180.3 26 25.3 326 2,027 0.750 420.5 35.60 336 36.00 54.9 181 182 25.3 25.25 325 2,001 0.731 494.35 40.92 328 41.55 47.7 180 182 24.9 25.35 1,962 0.697 585.06 46.19 312 186 188.3 25.5 26.3 'iii 2,014 0.664 632.6 47.58 299 47.43 41.77 185 185 30 25.3 331 2,012 0.558 756.38 47.81 251 47.67 41.5 185 184 29 ' 26.5 325 2,029 0.544 781.4 48.15 244 48.88 40.50 . A Test of a Lea-Deagan Two-Stage Pump, by Prof. J. E. Denton, is reported in Eng. Rec., Sept. 29, 1906. The pump had a 10-in. suction and discharge line, and impellers 24 in. diam., each with 8 blades. The following table shows the principal results, as taken from plotted curves of the tests. The pump w"as designed to give equal efficiency at different speeds. Gal. per min. 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 Efficiency. 400 r.p.m. 42 61 69 75 77 77 70 39 56 65 71 75 77 77.6 77 74* *70' ' 35 50 62 68 71 74 76 77 78 78 500 600 Head. 400 r.p.m. 55 500 " 63 76 54 55 600 53 84 126 127 125 87 55 51 47 42 34 ... 82 78 73 67 63 58 51 122 118 115 107 104 101 97 The following results were obtained under conditions of maximum efficiency: 400 r.p.m. 77.7% effy. 2296 gals, per min. 500 " 77.6 " 2794 " " 600 " 77.97 " 3235 " 43.6 ft. lift 67.4 100.7 np A High-Duty Centrifugal Pump. A 45,000,000 gal. centrifugal punr at the Deer Island sewage pumping station, Boston, Mass., was testea in 1896 and showed a duty of 95,867,476 ft.-lbs., based on coal fired to the boilers*. (Allis-Chalmers Co., Bulletin No. 1062.) Rotary Pumps. Pumps with two parallel geared shafts carrying vanes or impellers which mesh with each other, and other forms of posi- tive driven apparatus, in which the water is pushed at a nwderate veloc- ity, instead of being rotated at a high velocity as in centrifugal pumps, are known as rotary pumps. They have an advantage over recipro- cating pumps in being valveless, and over centrifugal pumps in working under variable heads. They are usually not economical, but when care- fully designed with the impellers of the correct cycloidal shape, like those used in positive rotary blowers, they give a high efficiency. They are especially useful in handling large volumes of water at beads from JO to 50 feet arid also as vacuum pumps for condenser^. 802 PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. They are not well adapted for lifting small quantities of water at high pressure. By calibrating the discharge per revolution and attaching a revolu- tion counter a rotary pump may be used as a water meter. An improvement in rotary pumps is to drive the two impellers by a cross-compound engine, the two cylinders of which are so set that the high-pressure pistpn drives one impeller and the low-pressure pis- ton the other. In this arrangement the transmission of power from one impeller shaft to the other through gearing is avoided. (Conners- ville Blower Co., 1915.) Tests of Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps. (W. B. Gregory, Bull. 183 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1907.) These pumps are used for irri- gation and drainage in Louisiana. A few records of small pumps, giving very low efficiencies, are omitted. Oil was used as fuel in the boilers, except in the pump of the New Orleans drainage station No. 7 (figures in the last column), which was driven by a gas-engine. Actual lift 15.5 72.6 127.5 155.6 81.7 72 1 16.2 157.0 287.4 671.2 42.9 34 3 11.2 116.0 147.1 229.8 64.2 40 7 30.2 93.2 318.0 648.0 49.0 33 8 9.5 71.4 76.5 137.7 55.6 23.7 68.7 222.8 503.9 44.3 33 9 31.7 85.6 306.8 452.3 67.9 78 ? 6.8 1-30.5 98.8 193.6 51.0 31 4 31.6 152.9 547.9 657.7 83.3 75 4 13.4 30.5 46.2 90.6 51.0 Disch. cu. ft. per sec.. . Water horse-power I.H.P Effy., engine, gearing and pumps. Duty, per 1000 Ibs. stea. Duty, per million B.T.U. in fuel 37.8 8.16 a,f 18.3 4.23 b,g 20.7 4.68 b,g 24.2 4.16 b,g 22.1 c, g 17.3 4.09 b,g 51.1 9.70 a, g 16.7 3.93 d,g 50.1 9.61 a, g 82.4 e.g Therm, effy. f ronxstea. Kind of engine, and pump .a, Tandem compound condensing Corliss; 6, Simple condensing Cor- liss; c, Simple non-condensing Corliss; d, Triple-expansion condensing, vertical; e, Three-cylinder vertical gas-engine, with gas-producer, 0.85 Ib. coal per I.H.P. per hour; /, Rotary pump; g, Cycloidal rotary. The relatively low duty per million B.T.U. is due to the low efficiency of the boilers. The test whose figures are given in the next to the last column is reported by Prof. Gregory in Trans. A. S. M. E., to vol. xxviii. DUTY TRIALS OF PUMPING-ENGINES. A committee of the A. S. M. E. (Trans., xii. 530) reported in 1891 on a standard method of conducting duty trials. Instead of the old unit of duty of foot-pounds of work per 1 00 Ibs. of coal used, the committee recom- mend a new unit, foot-pounds of work per million heat-units furnished by the boiler. The variations in quantity of coal make the old standard unfit as a basis of duty ratings. The new unit is the precise equivalent of 100 Ibs. of coal in cases where each pound of coal imparts 10,000 heat-units to the water in the boiler, or where the evaporation is 10,000 + 970.4 = 10.305 Ibs. of water from and at 2 1 2 per pound of fuel. This evaporative result is readily obtained from all grades of Cumberland or other semi-bitumi- nous coal used in horizontal return tubular boilers, and, in many cases, from the best grades of anthracite coal. The committee on Power Tests (1915) reaffirmed the new unit, de- fining it as follows: The duty per million heat-units is found by dividing the number of foot-pounds of work done during the trial by the total number of heat- units consumed, and multiplying the quotient by 1,000,000. The amount of work is found in the case of reciprocating pumps by mul- tiplying the net area of the plunger in sq. in., the total head expressed in pounds per square inch * by the length of the stroke in feet, and the total number of single strokes during the trial ; finally correcting * The total head is determined by adding together the pressure shown by the gage on the force main, the vacuum shown by the gage on -the suction main, and the vertical distance between the center of the force-main gage and the point where |the suction-gage pipe con- nects to the suction main, all expressed in the same units (pounds per nch or foot). A pet-cock should l?e attacfiec} to the gage pipe DUTY TRIALS OF PUMPING ENGINES. 803 for the percentage of leakage of the pump. In cases where the water delivered is determined by weir or other measurement, the work done is found by multiplying the weight of water discharged during the trial by the total head in feet. The water noise-power of a pump is found by dividing the num- ber of foot-pounds of work done per minute by 33,000. Capacity. The capacity in gallons per 24 hours for reciprocating pumps in cases where the water delivered is not measured, is found by multiplying the net area of the plunger in square inches by the length of the stroke in feet (in direct-connected engines the average length of stroke); then by the number of single strokes per minute; and the product of these three by the constant 74.8; finally correcting for the percentage of leakage of the pump. Leakage of Pump. The percentage of leakage is the percentage borne by the quantity of leakage, found on the leakage trial, to the quantity of water discharged on the duty run determined from plunger displacement. Leakage Test of Pump. The leakage of an inside plunger (the only type which requires testing) is most satisfactorily determined by making the test with the cylinder-head removed. A wide board or plank may be temporarily bolted to the lower part of the end of the cylinder, so as to hold back the water in the manner of a dam, and an opening made in the temporary head thus provided for the reception of an overflow-pipe. The plunger is blocked at some intermediate point in the stroke (or, if this position is not practicable, at the end of the stroke), and the water from the force main is admitted at full pressure behind it. The leakage escapes through the overflow-pipe, and it is collected in barrels and measured. The test should be made, if possible, with the plunger in various positions. In the case of a pump so planned that it is difficult to remove the cylinder-head, it may be desirable to take the leakage from one of the openings which are provided for the inspection of the suction- valves, the head being allowed to remain in place. It is assumed that there is a practical absence of valve leakage. Exami- nation for such leakage should be made, and if it occurs, and it is found to be due to disordered valves, it should be remedied before making the plunger test. Leakage of the discharge valves will be shown by water passing down into the empty cylinder at either end when they are under pressure. Leakage of the suction-valves will be shown by the disappear- ance of water which covers them. If valve leakage is found which cannot be remedied the quantity of water thus lost should also be tested. One method is to measure the amount of water required to maintain a certain pressure in the pump cylinder when this is introduced through a pipe temporarily erected, no water being allowed to enter through the discharge valves of the pump. > Friction. The percentage of total friction in a reciprocating Eurnp is the percentage of the friction horse-power to the indicated orse-power of the steam cylinders. Data and Results. The data and results should be reported In accordance with the form given herewith, adding lines for data not below each gage cock, and opened occasionally so as to free the pipe of air in the case of the force-main gage and of water in the case of the suction gage. If the suction main is under a pressure instead of a vacuum the suction gage should be attached at such a level that the connecting pipe may be filled with water when the pet-cock is opened, in which case the correction for difference in elevation of gages is the vertical distance between the centers of the gages, and the reading of the suction gage is to be subtracted from that of the force-main gage. If the water is drawn from an open well beneath the pump, the total head is that shown by the force-main gage corrected for the elevation of the center of the gage above the level of water in the pump well. If there is a material difference in velocity of the water at *,he points where the two gages are attached, a correction should be made for tne corresponding difference in "velocity-head." 1 804 PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. provided for, or omitting those not required, as may conform to the object in view. In the case of a pumping engine of the reciprocating class for which a record of the complete performance is desired, the additional engine data and results given in the Steam Engine Code may supplement those here given. DATA AND RESULTS OF STEAM PUMPING MACHINERY TEST. Code of 1915. 1. Test of pump located at To determine Test conducted by DIMENSIONS, ETC. 2. Type of machinery 3. Rated capacity in gallons per 24 hrs gals. 4. Size of engine or turbine 5. Size of pump 6. Auxiliaries (steam or electric driven) 7. Date 8. Duration hrs. AVERAGE PRESSURES AND TEMPERATURES. 9. Pressure in steam pipe near throttle by gage Ibs. 10. Vacuum in condenser ins. 11. Temperature of steam, if superheated, at throttle degs. 12. Temperature corresponding to pressure in exhaust pipe near engine or turbine degs. 13. Pressure in force main by gage Ibs. 14. Vacuum or pressure in suction main by gage ins. or Ibs. (a) Correction for difference in elevation of the two gages Ibs. 15. Total head expressed in Ibs. perssure per sq. in Ibs. (a) Total head expressed in feet ft. QUALITY OF STEAM- 1 6. Percentage of moisture in steam, degrees superheating, % or degs. TOTAL QUANTITIES, 17. Total water fed to boilers Ibs. 18. Total condensed steam from surface condenser (corrected i for condenser leakage) Ibs. 19. Total dry steam consumed (Item 19 or 20 less moisture in steam) Ibs. 20. Total gals, of water discharged, by measurement gals. (a) Total gals, of water discharged, by plunger dis- placement, uncorrected gals. (6) Percentage of slip ("^f^" "" 2 ) X 100. percent. (c) Leakage of pump gals. (d) Total gals, of water discharged, by calculation from plunger displacement, corrected for leakage gals. (e) Total weight of water discharged, as measured . . Ibs. (/) Total weight of water discharged, by calculation from plunger displacement, corrected for leakage Ibs, HOURLY QUANTITIES. 21. Total water fed to boilers or drawn from surface con- denser per hr Ibs. 22. Total dry steam consumed for all purposes per hour, (Item 19 -5- Item 8) Ibs. - DUTY TRIALS OF PUMPING ENGINES. 805 23. Steam consumed per hour for all purposes foreign to main engine Ibs. 24. Dry steam consumed by engine or turbine per hour (Item 23 - Item 24) Ibs. 25. Weight of water discharged per hour, by measurement. . Ibs. (a) Weight of water discharged per hour, calculated from plunger displacement, corrected Ibs. HOURLY HEAT DATA. 26. Heat-units consumed by engine or turbine per hour (Item 24 X total heat of one Ib. of steam above exhaust temperature of Item 12) B.T.U. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. Mean effective pressure, each steam cylinder Ibs. per sq. in. (a) Mean effective pressure, each water cylinder. Ibs. per sq. in SPEED AND STROKE. 28. Revolutions per minute R.P.M . (a) Number of single strokes per minute strokes (b) Average length of stroke feet. . POWER. 29. Indicated horse-power developed I.H.P. 30. Water horse-power H.P. 31. Friction horse-power (Item 29 - Item 30) H.P. 32. Percentage of I.H.P. lost in friction per cent* CAPACITY. Gallons of water pumped in 24 hrs., as measured gals. (a) Gals, of water pumped in 24 hrs., calculated from plunger displacement, corrected gals. (b) Gals, of water pumped per minute, as measured . . gals. (c) Gals, of water pumped per minute, calculated from plunger displacement, corrected gals. ECONOMY RESULTS. 34. Heat-units consumed per I.H.P.-hr , B.T.U. EFFICIENCY RESULTS. 35. Thermal efficiency referred to I.H.P. (2546.5 + Item 34) X 100 per cent. DUTY. 36. Duty per 1,000,000 heat-units ft.-lbs. WORK DONE PER HEAT-UNIT. 37. Ft.-lbs. of work per B.T.U. (1,980,000 -T- Item 34) ft.-lbs. The Nordberg Pumping Engine at Wildwood, Pa. Eng. News May 4, 1899, Aug. 23, 1900, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1899. The peculiar feature of this engine is the method used in heating the feed-water. The engine is quadruple expansion, with four cylinders and three receivers. There are five feed-water heaters in series, a, b, c, d, e. The water is taken, from the hot-well and passed in succession through a which is heated by the exhaust steam on its passage to the condenser; b receives its heat from the fourth cylinder, and c, d and e respectively from the third, second and first receivers. An approach is made to the requirement of the Carnot thermodynamic cycle, i.e., that heat entering the system should be entered at the highest temperature; in this case the water receives the heat from the receivers at gradually increasing temperatures. The temperatures of the water leaving the several heaters were, on the test, 105, 136, 193, 260, and 311 F. The economy obtained with this engine was the highest on record at the date (1900) viz., 162,948,824 ft. Ibs. per million B,T.U M and it has not yet been exceeded (1909), 806 PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. Notable High-duty Pumping Engine Records. Date of test ,& Wildwood, Pa. (2) 1900 St. Louis (10). (3) 1900 Boston, Chest- nut Hill & Boston, Spot Pond. (5) 1906 St. Louis (3) Bissell's Point. Locality* Capacity, mil. gal., 24 hrs. . . Diam. of steam cylinders, in. Stroke in 6 .19.5,29,49.5 57.5x42 (2,14^ 504 200 712 6.95 93.05 12.26, 11.4 186* 162.9*147.5f 150.2* 22.81 15 34, 62,92 X42 ,$ 292 126 801 3.16 96.84 10.68 202 158.07 179.45 21.00 30 30, 56,87 x66 m & 140 185 801 6.71 93.29 10.34 196 156.8 178.49 21.63 30 22,41.5,62 x60 (3) 30.5 244 125 151 464 3.47 96.53 11.09 203 156.59 172.40 20.84 20 34, 62,94 (3) %! 238 146 859 2.27 97.73 No. and diam. of plungers. . . Piston speed, ft. per min Total head, ft Steam pressure .... Indicated Horse-power Friction % Mechanical efficiency, % Dry steam per I.H.P. hr B.T.U. per J.H.P. per min.. . Duty, B.T.U. basis.. Duty per 1000 Ibs. steam Thermal efficiency. %..., 202.8 158.85 181.30 20.92 * With reheaters. t Without reheaters. (1), (2). From Eng. Alews, Sept. 27, 1900. (3) Do. Aug. 23, 1900. (4) Do. Nov. 4, 1901. (5) Allis-Chalmers Co., Bulletin No. 1609. The Wildwood engine has double-acting plungers. The coal consumption of the Chestnut Hill engine was 1.062 Ibs. per I.H.P. per hour, the lowest figure on record at that date, 1901. VACUUM PUMPS. . The Pulsometer. In the pulsometer the water is raised bv suction into the pump-chamber by the condensation of steam within it, and is then forced into the delivery-pipe by the pressure of a new quantity of steam on the surface of the water. Two chambers are used which work alternately, one raising while the other is discharging. Test of a Pulsometer. A test of a pulsometer is described by De Volson Wood in Trans. A. S. M. E., xiii. It had a SVz-inch suction-pipe, stood 40 in. high, and weighed 695 Ibs. The steam-pipe was 1 inch in diameter. A throttle was placed about 2 feet from the pump, and pressure gauges placed on both sides of the throttle, and a mercury well and thermometer placed beyond the throttle The wire drawing due to throttling caused superheating. The pounds of steam used were computed from the increase of the temperature of the water in passing through the pump. Pounds of steam X loss of heat = Ibs. of water sucked in X increase of temp. The loss of heat in a pound of steam is the total heat in a pound of saturated steam as found from "steam tables" for the given pressure plus the heat of superheating, minus the temperature of the discharged water; or Pounds of steam = . water X increase of temp. . The results for the four tests are given in the table on p. 807. Of the two tests having the highest lift (54.05 ft.), that was more efficient which had the smaller suction (12.26 ft.), and this was also the most efficient of the four tests. But, on the other hand, the other two tests having the same lift (29.9 ft.), that was the more efficient which had the greater suction (19.67), so that no law in this regard was established. The pressures used, 19, 30, 43.8, 26.1, follow the order of magnitude of the total heads, but are not proportional thereto. No attempt was made to determine what pressure would give the best efficiency for any par- THE JET PUMP. Test of a Pulso meter. 807 Data and Results. 1 2 3 4 Strokes per minute 71 60 57 64 Steam pressure in pipe before 114 110 127 104.3 Steam pressure after throttling.. Steam temp, after throttling, F. . Steam superheating F 19 270.4 3.1 30 277 3.4 43.8 309.0 17.4 26.1 270.1 1.4 1617 931 1518 1019.9 \Vater pumped Ibs . 404,786 186,362 228,425 248,053 Water temp, before entering pump "Water temperature ris of 75.15 4.47 80.6 5.5 76.3 7.49 70.25 4.55 Water head by gauge on lift, ft.. . . Water head by gauge on suction. . Water head by gauge, total (//) Water head by measure, total (/i) Coeffi. of friction of plant, h/H .... Efficiency of pulsometer 29.90 12.26 42.16 32.8 0.777 012 54.05 12.26 66.31 57.80 0.877 0.0155 54.05 19.67 73.72 66.6 0.911 0.0126 29.90 19.67 49.57 41.60 0.839 0.0138 Eff'y of plant exclusive of boiler Eff'y of plant if that of boiler be 0.7 Duty, if 1 Ib. evaporates 10 Ibs. water 0.0093 0.0065 10,511,400 0.0136 0.0095 13,391,000 0.0115 0.0080 11,059,000 O'.OI 16 0.0081 12,036,300 ticular head. The 'pressure used was intrusted to a practical runner, and he judged that when the pump was running regularly and well, the pressure then existing was the proper one. It is peculiar that, in the first test, a pressure of 19 Ibs. of steam should produce a greater number of strokes and pump over 50% more water than 26.1 Ibs., the lift being the same as in the fourth experiment. Chas. E. Emery in discussion of Prof. Wood's paper says, referring to tests made by himself and others at the Centennial Exhibition in 1876 (see Report of the Judges, Group xx.), that a vacuum-pump tested by him in 1871 gave a duty of 4.7 millions; one tested by J. F. Flagg, at the Cincinnati Exposition in 1875, gave a maximum duty of 3.25 millions. Several vacuum and small steam-pumps, compared later on the same basis, were reported to have given duties of 10 to 11 millions, the steam- pumps doing no better than the vacuum-pumps. Injectors, when used for lifting water not required to be heated, have an efficiency of 2 to 5 millions; vacuum-pumps vary generally between 3 and 10; small steam- pumps between 8 and 15; larger steam-pumps, between 15 and 30, and pumping-engines between 30 and 140 millions. 1893 A very high record of test of a pulsometer is given in Eng'g, Nov. 24, , p. 639, viz.: Height of suction 11.27 ft.; total height of lift, 102.6 ft.; horizontal length of delivery-pipe, 118 ft.; quantity delivered per hour, 26,188 British gallons. Weight of steam used per H. P. per hour, 92.76 Ibs.; work done per pound of steam 21,345 foot-pounds, equal to a duty of 21,345,000 foot-pounds per 100 Ibs. of coal, if 10 Ibs. of steam were generated per pound of coal. The Jet-pump. This machine works by means of the tendency of a stream or jet of fluid to drive or carry contiguous particles of fluid along with it. The water-jet pump, in its present form, was invented by Prof. James Thomson, and first described in 1852. In some experiments on a small scale as to the efficiency of the jet-pump, the greatest efficiency was found to take place when the depth from which the water was drawn by the suction-pipe was about nine tenths of the height from which the water fell to form the jet; the flow up the suction-pipe being in that case about one fifth of that of the jet, and the efficiency, consequently, 9/io X 1/5 = 0.18. This is but a low efficiency; but it is probable that it may be increased by improvements in proportions of the machine. (Rankine, S. E.) The Injector when used as a pump has a very low efficiency. (See Injectors, under Steam-boilers.) 808 PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. GAS-ENGINE PUMPS. The Humphrey Gas Pump is a single-acting reciprocating pumping engine, the motive power of which is furnished by the explosion of a mixture of gas and air, as in a gas engine, the force of the explosion acting directly on the surface of a column of water in the vertical cylindrical part of a J or V-shaped pipe instead of on a reciprocating piston. The upper part of the cylinder contains the combustion chamber and valves similar to those of an Otto cycle gas engine. The lower part contains a suction valve box through which water enters into the "play pipe" and through which it passes to a surge tank and thence to the delivery pipe or reservoir. The charge of gas and air for starting is forced into the combustion chamber by a 2-cylinder air-compressor. When the explosion takes place the water is forced into the surge tank while the products of combustion expand to a low pressure, the inertia of the moving column of water in the play pipe causing it to continue in motion after the pressure upon it has decreased to atmospheric pressure. The scavenging valves of the gas cylinder and the suction valves of the water pump then open, admitting air and water. Most of the water follows the moving column in the play pipe while the rest rises in the explosion cylinder. After the kinetic energy in the moving column is expended in forcing water into the surge tank the column comes to rest and starts to flow back into the cylinder, the suction valves closing. When the surface reaches the level of the exhaust valves of the gas cylinder these are closed and the kinetic energy of the backward moving column is expended in compressing the imprisoned mixture of gases and scavenging air to a pressure higher than that of the surge tank, which starts the water moving downward again until the pressure is again reduced below that of the atmosphere. A fresh charge of gas and air is then drawn into the explosion chamber, compressed by the next return of the to-and-fro moving water column and then ignited. The motion of the water is similar to the swing of the pendulum of a clock, the time of vibration being nearly proportional to the square root of the length of the moving column. The pump was invented in 1906 by Mr. H. A. Humphrey. For illustrated descriptions see Eng'g, Nov. 26 and Dec. 3, 1909, and circulars of the Humphrey Gas Pump Co., Syracuse, N. Y... makers under the Humphrey and Smyth patents. Tests of five pumps at Chingford, England, gave the following figures: Four pumps, capacity each 47,000 to 48,000 U. S. gal. per min.; lift 30 to 32 ft.; water H.P. developed, 301 to 323; gas used per min., 390 to 400 cu. ft. (at 60 F. and 30 in. bar.); heating value of gas (lower value) B.T.U. per cu. ft., 142 to 146; thermal efficiency, 22.19 to 24.07%; anthracite per water H.P.-hour, 0.881 to 0.957 Ib. A smaller pump, capacity 26,000 U. S. gal. per min., gave a thermal efficiency of 26.63% and a coal consumption of 0.796 Ib. per water H.P.-hour. The cylinders of the larger engine are 7 ft. diam., the play pipe, 6 ft. (Eng'g, Feb. 14, 1913). A Humphrey gas pump of 26,000 gal. capacity per min. at 37 ft. head has been installed for irrigation purposes at Del Rio, Texas. It is guar- anteed to deliver not less than 26,000 gal. per min. with a thermal efficiency of 20% when using producer gas of a heating value of not less than 100 B.T.U. per cu. ft. The principal dimensions are: Ex- plosion cylinder, 66 in. diam. X 41 in.; water cylinder, 66 in. X 89 in. long; valve boxes, 66 in. X 73 in. long; number of 5-in. valves, 400; lift, 1 in.; total discharge area of valves, 4160 sq. in.; play pipe diam., 66 in., length, including 135 bend, 106 ft. Number of explosions, 12 to 20 per min. Humphrey pumps without discharge valves are limited to heads of about 15 to 40 ft., but a pump with an intensifier and discharge valves is made for heads up to 150 ft. PUMPING BY COMPRESSED AIR THE AIR-LIFT PUMP. Air-lift Pump. The air-lift pump consists of a vertical water-pipe with its lower end submerged in a well, and a smaller pipe delivering air into it at the bottom. The rising column in the pipe consists of air mingled with water, the air being in bubbles of various sizes, and is there- fore lighter than a column of water of the same height; consequently the PtJMPING BY COMPRESSED AIE. 809 water in the pipe is raised above the level of the surrounding water. This method of raising water was proposed as early as 1797, by Loescher, of Freiberg, and was mentioned by Collon in lectures in Paris in 1876, but its first practical application probably was by Werner Siemens in Berlin in 1885. Dr. J. G. Pohle experimented on the principle in Cali- fornia in 1886, and U. S. patents on apparatus involving it were granted to Pohle and Hill in the same year. A paper describing tests of the air- lift pump made by Randall, Browne and Behr was read before the Tech- nical Society of the Pacific Coast in Feb., 1890. The diameter of the pump-column was 3 in., of the air-pipe 0.9 in., and of the air-discharge nozzle 5/s in. The air-pipe had four sharp bends and a length of 35 ft. plus the depth of submersion. The water was pumped from a closed pipe-well (55 ft. deep and 10 in. in diameter). The efficiency of the pump was based on the least work theoretically required to compress the air and deliver it to the receiver. If the efficiency of the compressor be taken at 70%, the efficiency of the pump and compressor together would be 70% of the efficiency found for the pump alone. For a given submersion (ft) and lift (#), the ratio of the two being kept within reasonable limits, (#) being not much greater than (ft), the effi- ciency was greatest when the pressure in the receiver did not greatly exceed the head 'due to the submersion. The smaller the ratio H * ft, the higher was the efficiency. The pump, as erected, showed the following efficiencies: For H *- ft = 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Efficiency =50% 40% 30% 25% The fact that there are absolutely no moving parts makes the pump especially fitted for handling dirty or gritty water, sewage, mine water, and acid or alkali solutions in chemical or metallurgical works. In Newark, N. J., pumps of this type are at work having a total capacity of 1,000,000 gallons daily, lifting water from three 8-in. artesian wells. The Newark Chemical Works use an air-lift pump to raise sulphuric acid of 1.72 gravity. The Colorado Central Consolidated Mining Co., in one of its mines at Georgetown, Colo., lifts water in one case 250 ft., using a series of lifts. For a full account of the theory of the pump, and details of the tests above referred to, see Eng'g News, June 8, 1893. Numerous tests of air-lift pumps are described in Greene's "Pumping Machinery." Greene says that the air pipe should be introduced near the bottom of the discharge pipe and should be immersed so that the ratio hi fh is 3 to 1 at the start and 2.2 to 1 in operation, hi is the depth of immersion below the water level and h the height of the dis- charge at the top of the well measured above the water level. Different tests give the following efficiencies for various ratios hi/h. h/hi = 3.1 to 2.2 0.6 1 1.4 2.4 3.91.5 1 0.660.50.43 Efficiency, % : 36 16 to 43 19 to 42 34 to 41 15 to 24 2 50 40 30 25 20 The efficiency is the ratio of the work done in raising the water to the work of compressing the air. The amount of free air required varies according to different manu- facturers. One gives cu. ft. air per min. = LW + 19; another L W H-15; L = lift of water above the water level, in ft., W = cu. ft. of water per min. Air-Lifts for Deep Oil- Wells are described by E. M. Ivens, in Trans. A. S. M . E. 1909, p. 341. The following are some results obtained in wells in Evangeline, La.: Cu. ft. free air per minute, displacement of compressor 650 442 702 536 Cu. ft. oil pumped per minute 4.35 4.87 13.7 5.54 Air pressure at well, Ibs. per sq. in 155 200 202 252 Pumping head, from oil level while pumping, ft. 1155 1081 1076 917 Submergence, from oil level to air entrance, ft. 358 412 419 583 Submergence -s- total ft. of vertical pipe, %. . . 23.6 27.6 28 39 Pumping efficiency, % 9.3 13.4 19.5 10.3 810 PUMPS AND PUMPING ENGINES. Artesian Well Pumping by Compressed Air. H. Tipper, Eng. News, Jan. 16, 1908, mentions cases where 1-in. air lines supplied air for 6-in. Wells, with the inside air-pipe system; the length of the pipe was 300 ft. from the well top, and another 350 ft. to the compressor. The wells pumped 75 gals, per min., using 200 cu. ft. of air, the efficiency being 61/2%. Changing the pipes to 21/2 in. above the well, and 2 in. in the well, and putting an air receiver near the compressor, raised the delivery to 180 gals, per min., with a little less air, and the efficiency to 23%. A large receiver capacity, a large pipe above ground, a submergence of 55%, well piping proportioned for a friction loss of not over 5%, with lifts not over 200 ft., gave the best results, 1 gal. of water being raised per cu. ft. of air. The utmost net efficiency of the air-lift is not over 25 to 30%. Eng. News, June 18, 1908, contains an account of tests of eleven wells at Atlantic City. The Atlantic City wells were 10 in. diam., water pipes, 4 to 51/4 in., air pipes, 3/ 4 to 11/4 in. The maximum lift of the several wells ranged from 26 to 40 ft., the submergence, 37 to 49 ft., ratio of sub- mergence to lift, 0.9 to 1.8, submergence % of length of pipe, 53 to 64. Capacity test, 3,544,900 gals, in 24 hrs., mean lift, 26.88 ft., air pressure, 31 Ibs., duty of whole plant, 19,900,000 ft. Ibs. per 1000 Ibs. of steam used by the compressors. Two-thirds capacity test, delivery, 2,642,900 gals., mean lift, 25.43 ft., air pressure, 26 Ibs., duty, 24,207,000. An article in The Engineer (Chicago), Aug. 15, 1904, gives the following formulae and rules for the design of air-lifts of maximum efficiency. The authority is not given. Ratio of area of air pipe to area of water pipe, 0.16. Submerged portion = 65% of total length of pipe. Economical range of submersion ratio, 55 to 80%. Velocity of air in air pipe, not over 4000 ft. per min. Volume of air to raise 1 cu. ft. of water, 3.9 to 4.5 cu. ft. C cu. ft. of water raised per min., A = cu. ft. of air used, L =* lift above water level, D = submergence, in feet. A = LC * 16.824; C = 8.24 AD -r- L*. Where L exceeds 180 ft. it will be more economical to use two or more air-lifts in series. THE HYDRAULIC RAM. Efficiency. The hydraulic ram is used where a considerable flow of water with a moderate fall is available, to raise a small portion of that flow to a height exceeding that of the fall. The following are rules given by Eytelwem Us the results of his experiments (from Rankine) . et Q be the whole supply of water in cubic feet per second, of which q is lifted to the height h above the pond, and Q q runs to waste at the depth // below the pond; L, the length of the supply-pipe, from the pond to the waste-clack; D, its diameter in feet; then Efficiency, ^J^ - = 1.12-0.2 T^JJ , when ^does not exceed 20; or 1-4- (1 4- ft/10 H) nearly, when h/H does not exceed 12. D'Aubuisson gives Q^ =1.42-0.28 -%/ - . Clark, using five sixths of the values given by D'Aubuisson's formula, gives: Ratio of lift to fall. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Efficiency per cent. 72 61 52 44 37 31 25 19 14 9 4 The efficiency as calculated by the two formulas given above is nearly the same for high ratios of lift, but for low ratios there is considerable difference. For example: Let Q = 100, H = 10, II + li = ' 20 40 100 200 Efficiency, D'Aubuisson's formula, % 80 72 44 14 q = effy. X QH -J- (H + h)= 40 18 4.4 0.7 Efficiency by Rankine's formula, % 662/3 65.9 41.4 13.4 D'Aubuisson's formula is that of the machine itself, on the basis that THE HYDBAXJLIC RAM. 811 the energy put into the machine is that of the whole" column of water, Q, falling through the height h and that the energy delivered is that of q raised through the whole height above the ram, H + h; while Rankine's efficiency is that of the whole plant, assuming that the energy put in is and that the work done is j ram but only from that of rr-s *- the one in harmony with the usual definition of efficiency. It also is applicable (as Rankine's is not) to the case of a ram which uses the quantity Q from one source of supply to pump water of different quality from a source at the level of the ram. An extensive mathematical investigation of the hydraulic ram, by L. F. Harza, is contained in Bulletin No. 205 of the University of Wiscon- sin, 1908, together with results of tests of a Rife "hydraulic engine," which appear to verify the theory. It was found both by theory and by experiment that the efficiency bears a relation to the velocity in the drive pipe. From plotted diagrams of the results the following figures (roughly approximate) are taken: Length of 2-in. drive pipe, 85.4 ft.; supply head, 8.2 ft. Max. vel. in drive pipe, ft. per sec 1.5 2 3 4 56 Efficiency of machine, %. Pumping head, ft 2.6 12.3 23.2 43.5 63.1 60 60 55 30 60 65 60 60 20 45 53 53 55 15 33 40 42 50 18 20 30 28 The author of the paper concludes that the comparison of experiment and theory has demonstrated the practicability of the logical design of a hydraulic ram for any given working conditions. An interesting historical account, with illustrations, of the develop- ment of the hydraulic ram, with a description of PearsaH's hydraulic engine, is given by J. Richards in Jour. Assn. Eng'g Societies, Jan., 1898. For a description of the Rife hydraulic engine see Eng. News, Dec. 31. 1896. The Columbia Steel Co., Portland, Ore., furnished the author in July, 1908, records of tests of four hydraulic rams, from which the following is condensed, the efficiency, by D'Aubuisson's formula, being calculated from the data given. L = length in ft. and D = diam. in ins. of the drive pipe, I and d, length and diameter of the discharge pipe. Size of Ram. H h + H Q* ^ V w O ~ Carbon 49.1 18.65 30.45 12.35 18.10 3.57 14.53 1.42 13.11 Hydrogen. . . 6 3 3 25 3.05 1.85 1.20 0.93 71 0.14 0.13 Oxygen 44.6 24.40 20.20 18.13 2.07 1.32 0.65 0.65 0.00 100.0 46.30 53.70 32.33 21.37 5.82 15.45 2.21 13.24 CLASSIFICATION OF SOLID FUELS. 819 Classification of Coals. It is convenient to classify the several varieties of coal according to the relative percentages of carbon and volatile matter contained in their combustible portion as determined by proximate analysis. The follow- ing is the classification given in the author's " Steam-boiler Economy": Heating Relative Fixed Carbon. Volatile Matter. Value per Ib. of Combustible Value of Combus- tible. Semi- B.T.U. bit. = 100 Anthracite 97 to 90 3 to 10 14800 to 15400 93 Semi-anthracite 90 to 85 10 to 15 15400 to 15500 97 Semi-bituminous 85 to 70 15 to 30 15400 to 16000 100 Bituminous, Eastern. . 70 to 55 30 to 45 14800 to 15600 96 Bituminous, Western . 65 to 50 35 to 50 12500 to 14800 90 Lignite under 50 over 50 11000 to 13500 77 The anthracites, with some unimportant exceptions, are confined to three small fields in eastern Pennsylvania. The semi-anthracites are found in a few small areas in the western part of the anthracite field. The semi-bituminous coals are found on the eastern border of the great Appalachian coal field, extending from north central Pennsylvania across the southern boundary of Virginia into Tennessee, a distance of over 300 miles. They include the coals of Clearfield, Cambria, and Somerset counties, Pennsylvania, and the Cumberland, Md., the Pocahontas, Va and the New River, W. Va., coals. It is a peculiarity of the semi-bituminous coals that their combustible portion is of remarkably uniform composition, the volatile matter usually ranging between 18 and 22% of the combustible, and approaching in its analysis marsh gas, CH 4 , with very little oxygen. They are usually low also in moisture, ash, and sulphur, and rank among the best steaming coals in the world. The eastern bituminous coals occupy the remainder of the Appala- chian coal field, from Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio to Alabama They are higher in volatile matter, ranging from 30 to over 40%, the higher figures in the western portion of the field. The volatile matter is of lower heating value, being .higher in oxygen. The western bituminous coals are found in most of the states west of Ohio. They are higher in volatile matter and in oxygen and moisture than the bituminous coals of the Appalachian field, and usually give off a denser smoke when burned in ordinary furnaces. A later classification by the author (Trans. A. S. M. E., 1914; " Steam-boiler Economy," 2d edition, 1915) is given in the table below. It divides the bituminous coals into three grades, high, medium and low, the chief distinction between them being the percentage of moisture found in the coal after it is air-dried. The coals highest in inherent moisture are also highest in oxygen. Classes: I. Anthracite. II. Semi-anthracite. III. Semi-bitumi- nous. IV. Cannel. V. Bituminous, high grade. VI. Bituminous, me- dium grade. VII. Bituminous, low grade. VIII. Sub-bituminous and lignite. Class. Volatile Matter, % of Com- bustible. Oxygen in Com- bustible Per Cent. Moisture in Air-dry, Ash-free Coal, % B.T.U. per Ib. Combustible. B.T.U. per Ib. Air-dry, Ash-free Coal J IV* V VI VII VIII less than 10 10 to 15 15 to 30 45 to 60 30 to 45 32 to 50 32 to 50 27 to 60 1 to 4 Ito 5 1 to 6 5 to 8 5 to 14 6 to 14 7 to 14 10 to 33 less than 1.8 less than 1.8 less than 1.8 less than 1.8 1 to 4 2.5 to 6.5 5 to 12 7 to 26 14,800 to 15,400 15,400 to 15,500 15,400 to 16,050 15,700 to 16,200 14,800 to 15,600 13,800 to 15,100 12,400 to 14,600 9,600 to 13,250 14,600 to 15,400 15,200 to 15,500 15,300 to 16,000 15,500 to 16,050 14,350 to 14,400 11, 300 to 14,400 11, 300 to 13,400 7,400 to 11,650 * Eastern cannel. The Utah caonel is much lower in heating value. - 820 FUEL. The U. S. Geological Survey classifies coals into six groups, as follows: (1) anthracite; (2) semi-anthracite; (3) semi-bituminous; (4) bitu- minous; (5) sub-bituminous, or black lignite; and (6) lignite. Classes 5 and 6 are described as follows: Sub-bituminous coal is commonly known as "lignite," "lignitic coal," "black lignite," "brown coal," etc. It is generally black and shining, closely resembling bituminous coal, but it weathers more rapidly on exposure and lacks the prismatic structure of bituminous coal. Its calorific value is generally less than that of bituminous coal. The local- ities in which this sub-bituminous coal is found include Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. Lignite is commonly known as "lignite," "brown lignite," or "brown coal." It usually has a woody structure and is distinctly brown in color, even on a fresh fracture. It carries a higher percentage of moisture than any other class of coals, its mine samples showing from 30 to 40% of moisture. The localities in which lignite is found are chiefly North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. The following analyses of representative coals of the six classes are given by Prof. N. W. "Lord: Class 1 Anthracite Culm. Penna. Class 2 Semi-anthracite. Arkansas. Class 3 Semi-bituminous. W. Va. Class 4(a) Bituminous coking. Connellsville, Pa. Class 4(ft) Bituminous non-coking. Hocking Valley, Ohio. Class 5 Sub-bituminous. Wyoming, black lignite. Class 6 Lignite. Texas. COMPOSITION OF ILLUSTRATIVE COALS CAR-LOAD SAMPLES. Proximate Analysis of "Air-dried" Sample. Class , 1 2 3 4a 4b 5 6 Moisture 2.08 1.28 0.65 0.97 7.55 8.68 9.88 Vol. comb 7.27 12.82 18.80 29.09 34.03 41.31 36.17 Fixed carbon 74.32 73.69 75.92 60.85 52.57 46.49 43.65 Ash 16.33 12.21 4.63 9.09 5.85 3.52 10.30 Loss on air-drying . 3.40 1.10 1.10 4.20 Undet. 11.30 23.50 Ultimate Analysis of Coal Dried at 105 C. Hydrogen 2.63 3.63 4.54 4.57 5.06 5.31 4.47 Carbon 76.86 78.32 86.47 77.10 75.82 73.31 64.84 Oxygen 2.27 2.25 2.68 6.67 10.47 15.72 16.52 Nitrogen 0.82 1.41 1.08 1.58 1.50 1.21 1.30 Sulphur 0.78 2.03 0.57 0.90 0.82 0.60 1.44 Ash 16.64 12.36 4.66 9.18 6.33 3.85 11.43 Results Calculated to an Ash and Moisture-Free Basis. Volatile comb 8.91 14.82 19.85 32.34 39.30 47.05 45.31 Fixed carbon 91.09 85.18 80.15 67.66 60.70 52.95 54.69 Ultimate Analysis. Hydrogen 3.16 4.14 4.76 5.03 5.41 5.50 5.05 Carbon 92.20 89.36 90.70 84.89 80.93 76.35 73.21 Oxygen 2.72 2.57 2.81 7.34 11.18 16.28 18.65 Nitrogen 0.98 1.61 1.13 1.74 1.61 1.25 1.47 Sulphur 0.94 2.32 0.60 1.00 0.87 0.62 1.62 Calorific Value in B.T.U. per lb., by Dulong's formula. Air-dried coal. 12,472 13,406 15,190 13,951 12,510 11,620 10,288 Combustible .. 15,286 15,496 16,037 15,511 14,446 13,235 12,889 Caking and Non-caking Coals. Bituminous coals are sometimes classified as caking and non-caking coals, according to their behavior when subjected to the process of coking. The former undergo an incipi- ent fusion or softening when heated, so that the fragments coalesce and yield a compact coke, while the latter (also called free-burning) preserve their form, producing a coke which is only serviceable when made from CLASSIFICATION OF SOLID FUELS. 821 large pieces of coal, the smaller pieces being incoherent. The reason of this difference is not clearly understood, as non-caking coals are often of similar ultimate chemical composition to caking coals. Some coals which cannot be made into coke in a bee-hive oven are easily coked in gas-heated ovens. Cannel Coals are coals that are higher in hydrogen than ordinary coals. They are valuable as enrichers in gas-making. The following are gome ultimate analyses: C. H. O+N. S. Ash. Combustible. C. H. O+N. Boghead, Scotland Albertite, Nova Scotia . . Tasmanite, Tasmania . . . 63.10 82.67 79.34 8.91 9.14 10.41 7.25 8.19 4.93 0.96 19.78 79.61 82.67 83.80 11.24 9.14 10.99 9.15 8.19 5.21 5.32 Rhode Island Graphitic Anthracite. A peculiar variety of coal is found in the central part of Rhode Island and in Eastern Massachusetts. It resembles both graphite and anthracite coal, and has about the follow- ing composition (A. E. Hunt, Trans. A. I. M. E., xvii. 678: Graphitic carbon, 78%; volatile matter, 2.60%; silica, 15.06%; phosphorus, .045%. It burns with extreme difficulty. ANALYSIS AND HEATING VALUE OF COALS. Coal is composed of four different things, which may be separated by proximate analysis, viz.: fixed carbon, volatile hydrocarbon, ash and moisture. In making a proximate analysis of a weighed quantity, such as a gram of coal, the moisture is first driven off by heating it to about 250 F. then the volatile matter is driven off by heating it in a closed crucible to a red heat, then the carbon is burned out of the remaining coke at a white heat, with sufficient air supplied, until nothing is left but the ash. The fixed carbon has a constant heating value of about 14,600 B.T.U. per Ib. The value of the volatile hydrocarbon depends on its composi- tion, and that depends chiefly on the district in which the coal is mined. It may be as high as 21,000 B.T.U. per Ib., or about the heating value of marsh gas, in the best semi-bituminous coals, which contain very small percentages of oxygen, or as low as 12,000 B.T.U. per Ib., as in those from some of the western states, which are high in oxygen. The ash has no heating value, and the moisture has in effect less than none, for its evaporation and the superheating of the steam made from it to the tem- perature of the chimney gases, absorb some of the heat generated by the combustion of the fixed carbon and volatile matter. The analysis of a coal may be reported in three different forms, as per- centages of the moist coal, of the dry coal or of the combustible, as in the following table. By "combustible" is always meant the sum of the fixed carbon and volatile matter, the moisture and ash being excluded, By some writers it is called "coal dry and free from ash" and by others "pure coal." Moist Coal. Dry Coal. Combus- tible. Moisture Volatile matter 10 30 33.33 37.50 50 55.56 62.50 Ash.... 10 11.11 100 100.00 100.00 The sulphur, commonly reported with a proximate analysis, is deter- mined separately. In the proximate analysis part of it escapes with the volatile matter and the rest of it is found in the ash as sulphide of iron. The sulphur should be given separately, in the report of the analysis. The relation of the volatile matter and of the fixed carbon in the com- bustible portion of the coal enables us to judge the class to which the coal belongs, as anthracite, semi-anthracite, semi-bituminous, bituminous 822 FUEL. or lignite. Coals containing less than 10 per cent volatile matter in the combustible would be classed as anthracite, between 10 and 15 per cent as semi-anthracite, between 15 and 30 per cent as semi- bituminous, between 30 and 50 per cent as bituminous, and over 50 per cent as lig- nitic coals or lignites. In the classification of the U.S. Geological Sur- vey the sub-bituminous coals and lignites are distinguished by their structure and color rather than by analysis. The figures in the second column, representing the percentages in the dry coal, are useful in comparing different lots of coal of one class, and they are better for this purpose than the figures in the first column, for the moisture is a variable constituent, depending to a large extent on the weather to which the coal has been subjected since it was mined, on the amount of moisture in the atmosphere at the time when it is analyzed , and on the extent to which it may have accidentally been dried during the process of sampling. The heating value of a coal depends on its percentage of total combus- tible matter, and on the heating value per pound of that combustible. The latter differs in different districts and bears a relation to the per- centage of volatile matter. It is highest in the semi-bituminous coals, being nearly constant at about 15,750 B.T.U. per pound. It is between 14,800 and 15,500 B.T.U. in anthracite, and ranges from 15,500 down to 13,000 in the bituminous coals, decreasing usually as we go westward, and as the volatile matter contains an increasing percentage of oxygen. In some lignites it is as low as 10,000. In reporting the heating value of a coal, the B.T.U. per pound of com- bustible should always be stated, for convenient comparison with other reports. In 1892 the author deduced from Mahler's tests on European coals the following table of the approximate heating value of coals of differ- ent composition. APPROXIMATE HEATING VALUES OF COALS. Equivalent Equivalent Per Cent Volatile Matter in Heating Value, B.T.U. Water Evapora- tion from Per Cent Volatile Matter in Heating Value, B.T.U. Water Evapora- tion from Coal Dry and Free from Ash. per Ib. Combus- tible. and at 212 per Ib. Combus- Coal Dry and Free from Ash. per Ib. Combus- tible. andat212 c per Ib. Combus- tible. tible. 14,580 15.09 32 15.480 16.03 3 14,940 15.47 37 15,120 15.65 6 15,210 15.75 40 14,760 15.28 10 15,480 16.03 43 14,220 14.72 13 15,660 16.21 45 13.860 14.35 20 15.840 16.40 47 13.320 13.79 28 15.660 16.21 49 12.420 12.86 The experiments of Lord and Haas on American coals (Trans. A.I.M.E., 1897) practically confirm these figures for all coals in which the percentage of fixed carbon is 60% and over of the combustible, but for coals containing less than 60 % fixed carbon or more than 40 % volatile matter in the combustible, they are liable to an error in either direction of about 4%. It appears from these experiments that the coal of one seam in a given district has the same heating value per pound of com- bustible within one or two per cent [true only of some districts], but coals of the same proximate analysis, and containing over 40 % volatile matter, but mined in different districts, may vary 6 or 8 % in heating value. The coals containing from 72 to 87 per cent of fixed carbon in the com- bustible have practically the same heating value. This is confirmed by Lord and Haas's tests of Pocahontas coal. A study of these tests and of Mahler's indicates that the heating value of all the semi-bituminous coals, 75 to 87.5% fixed carbon, is within 1 H% of 15,750 B.T.U. per pound. The heating value of any coal may also be calculated from its ultimate analysis, with a probable error not exceeding 2%, by Dulong's formula: ANALYSES AND HEATING VALUE OF COALS. 823 Heating value per Ib. = 146 C -f 620/H - ^-l + 40 S in which C, H, S, and O are respectively the percentages of carbon, hydrogen, sulphur and oxygen. Its approximate accuracy is proved by both Mahler's and Lord and Haas's experiments, and any deviation of the calorimetric determination of any coals (cannel coals and lignites excepted) more than 2 % from that calculated by the formula, is more likely to proceed from an error in either the calorimetric test or the analysis, than from an error in the formula. Average Results of Lord and Haas's Tests. (" Steam Boiler Economy," p. 156.) Name of Coal. C. H. O. N. S. ,d $ 'o ri O 1 l,f tf H 03 % > ft fi >^ ft Pocahontas, Va. 84.87 4.20 2.84 0.85 0.59 5.89 0.76 18.51 74.84 19.82 15766 Thacker, W. Va. 78.65 5.00 6.01 1.41 1.28 6.27 1.38135.68 56.67 38.62 15237 Pittsburg, Pa.. . 75.24 5.01 7.04 1.51 1.79 8.02 1.3736.80 53.81 40.61 14963 Middle Kittan- ing, Pa 75,. 19 4.91 7.47 1.46 1.98 7.18 1.81 36.32 54.69 39.91 14800 Upper Freeport, Pa. and O . 72.65 4.82 7.26 1.34 2.89 9.10 1.93 37.35 51.63 41.98 14755 Mahoning, O . . . 71.13 4.56 7.17 1.23 1.86 10.90 3.15 35.00 50.95 40.72 14728 Jackson Co., O. . 70.72 4.45 10.82 1.47 1.13 3.25 8.17 35.79 52.78 40.41 14141 Hocking Val- ley, O 68.03 4.97 9.87 1.44 1.59 8.00 6.59 35.77 49.64 41.84 14040 * Per Ib. of combustible, by the Mahler calorimeter. The average figures calculated from the ultimate analyses agreed within 0.5 %, except in the case of the Jackson Co. coal, in which the calorimetric result was 1.6% higher than that computed from the analysis. Sizes of Anthracite Coal. When anthracite is mined it is crushed in a " breaker," and passed over screens separating it into different sizes, which are named as follows: Lump, passes over bars set 3 1/2 to 5 in. apart; steamboat, over 3 1/2 in. and out of screen; broken, through 4 1/2 in., over 3 1/4 in.; egg, 3 1/4 to 2 s/ 16 in. ; stove, 2 5/i 6 to 1 5/g in. ; chestnut, 1 5/ 8 to 7/ 8 in. ; pea, 7/8 to 9/16 in.; buckwheat, No. 1, 9/ 16 to5/i 6 in.; No. 2, 5/i 6 to3/ 16 ; No. 3, 3/ 16 to 3/32 in.; culm, through 3/ 32 in. The terms "buckwheat," "rice" and "barley" are used in some localities instead of No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 buckwheat. When coal is screened into sizes for shipment the purity of the dif- ferent sizes as regards ash varies greatly. Samples from one mine gave results as follows: LName of Coal. Screened. Analyses. Through Inches. Over Inches. Fixed Carbon. Ash. 2.5 1.75 1.25 0.75 0.50 1.75 1.25 0.75 0.50 0.25 88.49 83.67 80.72 79.05 76.92 5.66 10.17 12.67 14.66 16.62 omve . . Chestnut. . Pea Buckwheat .... Space Occupied by Anthracite Coal. (J. C. I. W., vol. iii.) The cubic contents of 2240 Ib. of hard Lehigh coal is a little over 36 feet; an average Schuylkill white-ash, 37 to 38 feet; Shamokin, 38 to 39 feet; Lorberry, nearly 41. According to measurements made with Wilkes-Barre anthracite coal from the Wyoming Valley, it requires 32.2 cu. ft. of lump, 33.9 cu. ft. 824 FUEL. broken, 34. 5 cu. ft. egg, 34.8 cu. ft. of stove, 35.7 cu. ft. of chestnut, and 36.7 cu. ft. of pea, to make one ton Of coal of 2240 Ib. ; while it requires 28.8 cu. ft. of lump, 30.3 cu. ft. of broken, 30.8 cu. ft. of egg, 31.1 cu. ft. of stove, 31.9 cu. ft. of chestnut, or 32.8 cu. ft. of pea, for one ton (2000 Ib.) Bernice Basin, Pa., Coals. Water Vol. H.C. Fixed C. Ash. Sulphur. Bernice Basin, Sullivan^ 0.96 3.56 82.52 3.27 0.24 and Lycoming Cos!; > to to to to to range of 8 J 1.97 8.56 89.39 9.34 1:04 This coal is on the dividing-line between the anthracites and semi- anthracites, and is similar to the coal of the Lykens Valley district. More recent analyses (Trans. A. I. M. E., xiv. 721) give: Water VoL H.C. Fixed C. Ash. Sulphur Working seam 0.65 9.40 83.69 5.34 0.91 60 ft. below seam 3.67 15.42 71.34 8.97 0.59 The first is a semi-anthracite, the second a semi-bituminous. Connellsville Coal and Coke. (Trans. A. I. M. E., xiii. 332.) The Connellsville coal-field, in the southwestern part of Pennsylvania, is a strip about 3 miles wide and 60 miles in length. The mine workings are confined to the Pittsburgh seam, which here has its best development as to size, and its quality best adapted to coke-making. It generally af- fords from 7 to 8 feet of coal. The following analyses by T. T. Morrell show about its range of com- position: Moisture. Vol. Mat. Fixed C. Ash. Sulphur. Phosph's. HeroldMine 1.26 28.83 60.79 8.44 0.67 0.013 KintzMine. 0.79 31.91 56.46 9.52 1.32 0.02 In comparing the composition of coals across the Appalachian field, in the western section of Pennsylvania, it will be noted that 'the Con- nellsville variety occupies a peculiar position between the rather dry semi-bituminous coals eastward of it and the fat bituminous coals flank- ing it on the west. Indiana Coals. (J. S. Alexander, Trans. A. I. M. E., iv. 100.) The typical block coal of the Brazil (Indiana) district differs in chemical composition but little from the coking coals of Western Pennyslvania. The physical difference, however, is quite marked; the latter has a cuboid structure made up of bituminous particles lying against each other, so that under the action of heat fusion throughout the mass readily takes place, while block coal is formed of alternate layers of rich bituminous matter and a charcoal-like substance, which is not only very slow of combustion, but so retards the transmission of heat that agglu- tination is prevented, and the coal burns away layer by layer, retaining its form until consumed. Illinois Coals. The Illinois coals are generally high in moisture, volatile matter, ash and sulphur, and the volatile matter is high in oxygen; consequently the coals are low in heating value. The range of quality is a wide one. The Big Muddy coal of Jackson Co., which has a high reputation as a steam coal in the St. Louis market, has about 36% of volatile matter in the combustible, while a. coal from Staunton, Macoupin Co., tested by the author in 1883 (Trans. A. S. M. E., v. 266) had 68%. A boiler, test with this coal gave only 6.19 Ibs. of water evaporated from and at 212 per Ib. of combustible, in the same boiler that had given 9.88 Ibs. with Jackson, O., nut. Prof. S. W. Parr, in Bulletin No. 3 of the 111. State Geol. Survey, 1906, reports the analyses and calorimetric tests of 150 Illinois coals. The two having the lowest and the highest value per pound of combustible have the following analysis: Air-dried Coal. Pure Coal. Moist. Ash. Vol. Fixed C. S. Vol. Fixed C. B.T.U. per Ib. Lowest. . Highest . 9.90 5.68 5.02 8.90 40.75 33.32 44.33 52.10 2.00 1.18 47.90 39.02 52.10 60.98 12,162 14,830 The poorest coal of the series had a heating value of only 8645 B.T.U. ANALYSES AND HEATING VALUE OF COALS. 825 per lb., air dry; it contained 9.70 moisture and 31.18 ash, -and the B.T.U. per lb. combustible was 14,623. The best coal had a heating value of 13,303 per lb.; moistures 4.20, ash 5.50, B.T.U. per lb. combustible, 14,734. Of the 150 coals, 28 gave between 14,500 and 14,830 B.T.U. per lb. combustible; 82 between 14,000 and 14,500; 32 between 13,500 and 14,000; 6 between 13,000 and 13,500; one 12,535 and one 12,162. The average is about 14,200. The volatile matter ranged from 36.24% to 53.80% of the combustible; the sulphur from 0-.62 to 4.96%; the ash from 2.32 to 31.18%, and the moisture from 3.28 to 12.74%, all calcu- lated from the air-dried samples. The moisture in the coal as mined is not stated, but was no doubt considerably higher. The author has found over 14% moisture in a lump of Illinois coal that was apparently dry, having been exposed to air, under cover, for more than a month. Colorado Coals. The Colorado coals are of extremely variable com- position, ranging all the way from lignite to anthracite. G. C. Hewitt (Trans. A. I. M. E., xvii. 377) says: The coal seams, where unchanged by heat and flexure, carry a lignite containing from 5 % to 20 % of water. In the southeastern corner of the field the seams have been metamor- phosed so that in four miles the same seams are an anthracite, coking, and dry coal. The dry seams also present wide chemical and physical changes in short distances. A soft and loosely bedded coal has in a hundred feet become compact and hard without the interventi9n of a faul( . A couple of hundred feet has reduced the water of combination from 12% to 5%. Western Arkansas and Oklahoma (formerly Indian Territory). (H. M. Chance, Trans. A. I. M. E., 1890.) The western Arkansas coals are dry semi-bituminous or semi-ant hracitic coals, mostly non-coking, or with quite feeble coking properties, ranging from 14% to 16% in volatile matter, the highest percentage yet found, according to Mr. Winslow's Arkansas report, being 17.65. In the Mitchell basin, about 10 miles west from the Arkansas line, the coal shows 19 % volatile matter; the Mayberry coal, about 8 miles farther west, contains 23 % ; and the Bryan Mine coal, about the same distance west, shows 26%. About 30 miles farther west, the coal shows from 38% to 41.5 % volatile matter, which is also about the percentage in coals of the McAlester and Lehigh districts. Analyses of Foreign Coals. (Selected from D. L. Barnes's paper on American Locomotive Practice, Trans. A. S. C. E., 1893.) Volatile Matter. Fixed Carbon. 1 Volatile Matter. Fixed Carbon. 1 Great Britain: South- Wales South- Wales Lancashire, Eng. Derbyshire, " Durham, Staffordshire, " Scotlandf Scotlandj 8.5 6.2 17.2 17.7 15.05 20.4 17.1 17.5 21.93 88.3 92.3 80.1 79.9 86.8 78.6 63.1 80.1 70.55 3.2 1.5 2.7 2.4 1 .1 1.0 19.8 2.4 7.52 South America: Chili, Chiroqui. . Patagonia 24.11 24.35 40.5 26.8 26.9 15.8 14.98 26.5 6.16 38.98 62.25 57.9 60.7 67.6 64.3 82.39 70.3 63.4 36.91 13.4 1.6 12.5 5.5 10.0 2.04 14.2 30.45 Brazil Canada: Nova Scotia .... Cape Breton. . .. Australia: Lignite. South America: Chili Sydney, N.S.W.. Borneo Tasmania * Semi-bit, coking coal. t Boghead cannel gas coal. J Semi-bit, steam-coal. An analysis of Pictou, N. S., coal, in Trans. A. I. M. E., xiv. 560, is: vol., 29.63; carbon, 56.98; ash, 13.39; and one of Sydney, Cape Breton, coal is: vol., 34.07; carbon, 61.43; ash, 4.50. Sampling 'Coal for Analysis. J. P. Kimball, Trans. A. I. M. E., xii. 317, says: The unsuitable sampling of a coal-seam, or the improper preparation of the sample in the laboratory, often gives rise to errors in 826 FUEL. determinations of the ash so wide in range as to vitiate the analysis for all practical purposes; every other single determination, excepting mois- ture, showing its relative part of the error. The determinations of sul- phur and ash are especially liable to error, as they are intimately asso- ciated in the slates. Wm. JForsyth, in his paper on The Heating Value of Western Coals (Eng'g News, Jan. 17, 1895) , says: This trouble in getting a fairly average sample of anthracite coal has compelled the Reading R. R. Co., in get- ting its samples, to take as much as 300 Ib. for one sample, drawn direct from the chutes, as it stands ready for shipment. The directions for collecting samples of coal for analysis at the C., B. & Q. laboratory are as follows: Two samples should be taken, one marked "average," the other "select." Each sample should contain about 10 Ib., made up of lumps about the size of an orange taken from different parts of the dump or car, and so selected that they shall represent as nearly as possible, first, the average lot; second, the best coal. An example ol the difference between an "average" and a "select" sample, taken from Mr. Forsyth's paper, is the following of an Illinois coal: Moisture. Vol. Mat. Fixed Carbon. Ash. Average 1.36 27.69 35.41 35.54 Select 1.90 34.70 48.23 15.17 The theoretical evaporative power of the former was 9.13 Ibs. of water from and at 212 per Ib. of coal, and that of the latter 11.44 Ibs. For methods of sampling see Kent's "Steam Boiler Economy," 2d edition (1915), also Report of the Power Test Committee, A. S. M. E., 1915, and Technical Paper No. 8 of the U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1913. RELATIVE VALUE OF STEAM COALS. The heating value of a coal may be determined, with more or less approximation to accuracy, by three different methods. 1st, by chemical analysis; 2d, by combustion in a coal calorimeter; 3d, by actual trial in a steam-boiler. The accuracy of the first two methods depends on the precision of the method of analysis or calorimetry adopted, and upon the care and skill of the operator. The results of the third method are subject to numer- ous sources of variation and error, and may be taken as approximately true only for the particular conditions under which the test is made. Analysis and calorimetry give with considerable accuracy the heating value which may be obtained under the conditions of perfect combus- tion and complete absorption of the heat produced. A boiler test gives the actual result under conditions of more or less imperfect combustion., and of numerous and variable wastes. It may give the highest practical heating value, if the conditions of grate-bars, draft, extent of heating surface, method of firing, etc., are the best possible for the particular C9al tested, and it may give results far beneath the highest if these con- ditions are adverse or unsuitable to the coal. In a paper entitled Proposed Apparatus for Determining the Heating Power of Different Coals (Trans. A. I. M. E., xiv. 727) the author de- scribed and illustrated an apparatus designed to test fuel on a large scale, avoiding the errors of a steam-boiler test. It consists of a fire- brick furnace enclosed in a water casing, and two cylindrical shells con- taining a great number of tubes, which are surrounded by cooling water and through which the gases of combustion pass while being cooled. No steam is generated in the apparatus, but water is passed through it and allowed to escape at a temperature below 200 F. The product of the weight of the water passed through the apparatus by its increase in temperature is the measure of the heating value of the fuel. A study of M. Mahler's calorimetric tests shows that the maximum difference between the results of these tests and the calculated heating power by Dulong's law in any single case is only a little over 3%, and the results of 31 tests show that Dulong's formula gives an aver- age of only 47 thermal units less than the calorimetric tests, the RELATIVE VALUE OF oTEAM COALS. 827 average total heating value being over 14.000 B.T.U., a difference of less than 0.4%.* The close agreement of the results of calorimetric tests when properly conducted, and of the heating power calculated from the ultimate chemi- cal analysis indicates that either the chemical or the calorimetric method may be accepted as correct enough for all practical purposes for deter- mining the total heating power of coal. The results obtained by either method may be taken as a standard by which the results of a boiler test are to be compared, and the difference between the total heating power and the result of the boiler test is a measure of the inefficiency of the boiler under the conditions of any particular test. The heating value that can be obtained in boiler practice from any given coal depends upon the efficiency of the boiler, and this largely upon the difficulty of thoroughly burning the volatile combustible matter in the boiler furnace. With the best anthracite coal, in which the combustible portion is, say, 97% fixed carbon and 3% volatile matter, the highest result that can be expected in a boiler-test with all conditions favorable is 12.2 Ib. of water evaporated from and at 212 per Ib. of combustible, which is 79% of 15.47 Ib., the theoretical heating-power. With the best semi- bituminous coals, such as Cumberland and Pocahontas, in which the fixed carbon is 80% of the total combustible, 12.5 Ib., or 76% of the theoretical 16.4 Ib., may be obtained. For Pittsburgh coal, with a fixed carbon ratio of 68%, 11 Ib., or 69% of the theoretical 16.03 Ib., is about the best practically obtainable with the best boilers when hand- fired, with ordinary furnaces. (The author has obtained 78% with an automatic stoker set in a "Dutch oven" furnace.) With some good Ohio coals, witli a fixed carbon ratio of 60%, 10 Ib., or 66% of the the- oretical 15.28 Ib., has been obtained, under favorable conditions, with a fire-brick arch over the furnace. With coals mined west of Ohio, with lower carbon ratios, the boiler efficiency is not apt to be as high as 60% unless a special furnace, adapted to the coal, is used. From these figures a table of probable maximum boiler-test results with ordinary furnaces from coals of different fixed carbon ratios may be constructed as follows: Fixed carbon ratio 97 80 68 60 54 50 Evap. from and at 212 per Ib. combustible, maximum in boiler-tests: 12.2 12.5 11 10 8.3 7.0 Boiler efficiency, per cent 80 76 69 66 60 55 Loss, chimney, radiation, imperfect combustion, etc.: 20 24 31 34 40 45 The difference between the loss of 20% with anthracite and the great- er losses with the other coals is chiefly due to imperfect combustion of the bituminous coals, the more highly volatile coals sending up the chimney the greater quantity of smoke and unburned hydrocarbon gases. It is a measure of the inefficiency of the boiler furnace and of the inefficiency of heating-surface caused by the deposition of soot, the latter being primarily caused by the imperfection of the ordinary furnace and its unsuitability to the proper burning of bituminous coal. If in a boiler-test with an ordinary furnace lower results are obtained than those in the above table, it is an indication of unfavorable condi- tions, such as bad firing, wrong proportions of boiler, defective draft, a rate of driving beyond the capacity of the furnace, or beyond the capacity of the boiler to absorb the heat produced in the furnace. It is quite possible, however, with automatic stokers and fire-brick com- bustion chambers to obtain an efficiency of 70% with the highly volatile western coals. Under exceptionally good conditions, with mechanical stokers, very large combustion chambers, and the air supply controlled according to the indications of gas analyses, as high as 81 % efficiency has been obtained. See under Steam- Boilers, page 898. * The formula commonly used in the United States is 14,600 C + 62,000 (H - l/gO) + 4050 S. F9r a description of the Mahler catori- meter and its method of operation see the author's "Steam Boiler Economy." Prof. S. W. Parr, of the University of Illinois, has put a calorimeter on the market which gives results practically equal to those obtained with Mahler's instrument. Classified List of Coals. As Received. Combustible. ' Air-dry, Ash-free Moist. Ash. B.T.U. Vol. S. 0. B.T.U. Moist. B.T.U. I. ANTHRACITE. Alaska. 7.43 14.36 11,891 8.8 0.73 4.04 15,203 1.55 14,968 Colo... 2.70 5.83 14,099 3.6 0.87 1.32 15,413 1.08 15,247 Pa 2.80 7.83 13,298 1.3 1.00 2.13 14,882 1.43 14,666 Pa 330 9.12 13,351 3.7 0.68 2.41 15,248 0.83 15,123 Wash 8.5 0.72 2.67 15.410 0.80 15.367 II. SEMI-ANTHRACITE. Ark....| 2.36 12.08 13,259 14.8 2.33 2.57 15,496 1.45 15,272 Pa 3.38 11.50 13,156 10.0 D.74 2.17 15,457 0.91 15,398 Va | 4.80 18.03 11,961 13.1 0.82 4.18 15,500 0.90 15.439 III. SEMI-BITUMINOUS. Ala.... 3.08 3.75 14,681 28.8 0.59 4.45 15,757 1.15 15,577 Ala.... 2.38 4.88 14,487 27.9 1.58 3.42 15,620 0.94 15,475 Alaska . 5.14 5.00 14,065 15.5 1.29 3.02 15.651 0.60 15,559 Ark. . . . 2.77 9.07 13,774 16.7 3.16 1.69 15,624 0.86 15.525 Ark.... 3.21 9.29 13,588 17.0 3.57 1.25 15,530 0.92 15,387 Colo. . . 0.96 8.62 14,330 23.8 0.58 4.34 15,849 0.83 15.716 Colo... 3.07 9.16 13,990 25.8 0.72 2.29 15,939 1.43 15.712 Ga 3.80 14.49 12,791 19.4 1.55 5.96 15,653 0.74 15,540 Md... 3.20 6.70 14,100 16.0 1.02 2.54 15,640 1.10 15,478 Md.... 2.60 6.80 14,360 17.5 0.98 2.47 15,856 0.66 15,746 Mont. . 2.05 8.31 14,092 18.3 0.96 2.93 15,721 0.61 15,625 Okla... 2.37 8.83 13,840 21.7 1.15 2.87 15.586 0.53 15,504 Okla... 5.11 8.03 13,662 15.7 1.36 1.87 15,728 0.70 15,619 Pa 425 7.87 13,513 24.8 1.81 5.50 15,376 0.40 15,316 Pa 1.10 7.41 14,499 17.3 1.63 2.82 15,847 0.65 15,744 Va 4.00 4.31 14,520 19.0 0.68 3.42 15,840 0.54 15,750 Va 4.10 3.18 14,740 17.5 0.68 2.23 15,910 0.64 15,795 Wash.. 5.81 17.04 11,776 16.3 0.48 3.97 15,264 1.67 15,013 W.Va.. 3.71 3.39 14,306 25.3 0.86 4.13 15,399 1.18 15,218 W.Va.. 1.75 4.58 15,023 19.9 0.60 2.80 16,038 0.69 15.998 IV. CANNEL.* Ky.... 2.36 10.49 13,770 55.5 1.38 7.57 15,800 0.92 15,646 Ky.... 1.70 9.31 14,251 57.0 1.15 7.61 16,013 1.44 15784 W.Va.. 1.80 3.44 15,330 47.4 0.92 5.34 16,176 0.84 16,042 Utah... 7.35 23.24 10,355 67.6 2.32 13.68 14,918 8.26 13,686 V. BITUMINOUS, HIGH-GRADE. Ala.... 2.18 2.79 14,816 33.4 1.13 6.99 15,590 1.23 15,400 Ala 3.83 5.48 13,799 35.3 1.07 7.00 15,214 1.77 14,947 Colo... 2.64 5.21 13,529 31.3 0.72 9.38 14,681 1.01 14,533 Colo. . . 2.28 9.16 13,781 33.7 0.56 8.77 15,559 0.87 15,423 Ill 7.81 8.38 12,418 40.0 2.82 9.74 14,818 2.34 14,470 Kan... 2.50 12.45 12,900 39.8 6.68 5.26 15,167 2.86 14,734 Kan... 9.04 15.72 11,142 39.5 4.93 7.27 14,809 2.49 14,436 Ky 3.41 5.73 13,928 35.3 0.58 8.05 15,328 1.64 15,095 N.Mex. 2.78 14.57 12,294 41.5 0.74 8.79 14,875 1.64 14,630 N.Mex. 2.45 17.40 12,200 34.4 0.96 6.93 15,221 0.80 15,099 Ohio... 3.53 9.12 13,072 42.9 3.97 7.04 14,965 2.38 14,642 Ohio... 5.59 8.29 12,773 42.8 3.66 9.01 14,832 3.83 14,431 Okla... 2.09 20.07 11,695 35.5 7.36 3.71 15,025 1.38 14,814 Okla... 2.81 8.75 13,320 40.8 2.06 7.35 15,061 1.57 14,825 Pa. .... 2.61 6.17 13,997 38.3 1.38 6.94 15,345 1.42 15,127 Pa 5.13 8.71 13,365 32.4 1.00 7.35 15,511 1.07 15,346 Tenn. . . 6.39 9.53 12,578 38.4 1.17 7.94 1 4,960 1.97 14,665 Tenn... 3.89 14 .43 12,514 33.8 0.95 6.70 15,320 1.08 15,137 Va 4.44 5.98 13,363 40.2 0.85 12.18 14.918 2.52 14,381 Va 3.31 3.76 14,209 35.3 0.97 5.65 15,291 1.49 15,069 Wash.. 2.32 13.58 12,443 44.0 5.23 13.93 14,796 1.55 14,569 W.Va.. 4.21 7.22 13,379 40.0 0.72 10.10 15,107 2.11 14,787 W.Va. . 2.86 5.83 14,105 36.4 0.73 5.14 15,448 1.36 15,237 Wyo... 5.49 3.12 13,570 39.3 0.99 11.40 14,848 2.13 14,552 * H in combustible: Ky., 7.13, and 7.40; W. Va., 7.13; Utah, 7.73 The highest II in the other coals is 5.78, a Missouri bituminous. ANALYSIS AND HEATING VALUE OF COALS. 829 Classified List of Coals. Continued. As Received. Combustible. Air-dry,Ash-free Moist. Ash. B.T.U. Vol. S. o. B.T.U. Moist. B.T.U. VI. BITUMINOUS MEDIUM GRADE Ala.... 3.95 14.59 11,785 37.7 1.37 10.45 14,467 2.69 14,078 Alaska . 7.06 21.78 9,846 44.2 1.83 14.11 13,838 2.55 13,484 Cal.... 6.95 6.23 12,447 53.8 4.80 11.47 14,336 5.19 13,593 Ill 8.12 8.63 1 2,064 41.4 1.36 12.02 14,492 5.15 13,745 111 8.86 11.66 1 1 ,702 39.3 3.10 9.03 14,724 3.71 14,177 Ind.... 16.91 17.37 9,524 40.9 2.88 9.50 14,492 5.48 13,698 Ind.... 7.88 14.20 11,146 47.3 6.60 9.96 14,305 5.01 13,576 Iowa. . . 13.88 14.01 10,244 51.2 8.53 8.96 14,206 5.35 13,445 Iowa. . . 8.24 16.00 11,027 40.6 6.64 8.03 14,555 6.24 13,647 Kan . . . 6.95 12.19 1 1 ,905 44.2 9.94 5.64 14,724 4.09 14,121 Kan... 2.50 12.45 1 2,900 39.8 5.22 5.98 14,922 4.30 14,269 Ky.... 7.92 10.06 12.022 44.0 4.29 8.90 14,657 6.52 13.702 Ky.... 5.27 14.18 11,950 43.5 5.64 7.46 14,836 2.98 14,394 Mich... 11.91 6.84 11,781 38.8 1.53 9.54 14,499 4.70 13,818 Mich... 11.55 3.25 12,442 37.1 1.11 10.51 14,603 5.59 13,786 Mo.... 17.30 23.38 8,240 44.6 4.96 11.83 13,892 3.42 13,416 Mo.... 12.67 4.83 12,487 50.2 6.21 6.12 15,134 5.68 14.276 Mont. . 3.51 19.50 10,881 34.3 4.86 9.50 14,134 2.42 13.791 Mont . . 5.77 10.57 12,281 39.6 0.60 9.77 14,681 2.30 14,342 N.Mex. 5.02 12.00 12,064 44.3 0.68 12.70 14,539 3.06 14,093 Ohio... 4.14 9.38 12,874 37.8 0.63 11.58 14,269 4.69 14,152 Ohio... 7.71 11.95 11,515 47.7 5.74 9.44 1 4,332 3.30 13,523 Okla... 7.04 10.01 12,202 41.7 2.31 9.26 14,711 4.31 14,075 Utah... 5.58 8.99 12,170 45.6 0.60 13.30 14,245 4.98 13,536 Utah... 6.05 4.87 13,151 47.2 0.62 10.93 14,764 2.47 14,399 Wash.. 6.02 19.35 10,708 41.8 0.57 12.38 14,348 3.26 13,879 Wyo... 3.96 4.77 13,502 39.6 0.84 9.25 14,793 2.73 14,391 VTI. BITUMINOUS Low GRADE. Alaska. 10.77 14.87 9,641 40.8 0.94 18.83 12,964 5.42 12,261 Ill 11.35 13.40 10,733 46.0 6.33 10.53 14,263 6.75 13.300 111 14.43 13.28 1 0,064 40.8 5.55 12.02 13,921 6.02 13,084 Ind.... 12.11 6.83 11,952 42.2 1.78 10.55 14,746 9.60 13,329 Ind.... 13.18 15.63 10,030 44.8 6.73 9.69 14,089 6.17 13,220 Iowa. . . 14.08 10.96 10,723 47.5 5.69 9.73 14,305 11.33 12.684 Mo 15.36 10.99 10,460 47.3 4.85 10.68 14,202 7.37 13,156 Mont . . 9.76 16.42 10,235 37.5 0.86 16.21 13,865 7.58 12,813 Mont. . 10.88 26.88 7.742 32.6 2.88 16.14 12,438 8.09 11,432 N.Mex. 12.29 6.99 11,252 42.8 0.78 14.00 13,939 11.70 12,309* N.Mex. 15.79 9.37 9,970 46.8 2.38 15.69 13,322 7.87 12,008* Okla... 8.29 25.05 9,110 45.9 5.93 10.62 13,667 7.74 12,609 Ore 48 1 1 65 14618 11.88 1 2,882 Utah... 10.35 9.62 10,874 45.4 7.27 16.05 13,586 9.65 12,276 Utah... 14.19 9.92 9.927 44.0 7.10 14.18 13,081 11.47 11,374 Wash.. 12.05 10.41 10,414 47.5 0.44 17.11 13.423 6.56 12,548 VIII. SUB-BITUMINOUS AND LIGNITE. Ark.... 39.43 9.71 6,356 52.1 0.96 21.17 12,497 22.00 9,750 Cal.... 18.51 15.49 8,507 53.5 4.62 16.79 12,890 10.95 11.478 Colo... 19.65 6.00 8,638 41.4 0.44 16.97 11,619 8.21 10,664 Colo. . . 19.28 4.70 9,064 45.5 0.51 16.52 13,239 15.35 10,094 Mont. . 30.00 11.90 6,914 69.0 1.86 23.47 11,900 15.55 10.143 Mont. . 24.59 14.01 6,208 54.1 0.67 26.64 10,211 25.02 7.656 N.Dak. 35.96 7.75 7,069 56.7 2.04 17.69 12,557 26.20 8,886 N.Dak. 38.92 5.39 6,739 45.9 0.86 22.67 12,101 11.66 10,885 Ore 16.10 13.17 9.031 44.0 1.15 19.68 12,769 10.16 11,471 Ore.... 13.77 7.46 9,054 47.0 5.52 11,493 7.05 10,684 S. Dak. 30.45 12.15 6,944 40.0 0.68 12,098 15.77 10,189 Tex.... 34.70 11.20 7,056 59.6 1.46 J8.99 13,043 15.73 11,077 Tex 33.71 7.28 7,348 49.6 0.90 20.54 12.452 11.82 11.036 (Table continued on p. 830.) 830 FUEL. Classified List of Coals. Continued. As Received. Combustible. Air-dry, Ash-free Moist. Ash. B.T.U. Vol. S. o. B.T.U. Moist. | B.T.U. VIII. SUB-BITUMINOUS AND LIGNITE. Continued. Utah... 16.59 13.44 7,882 46.6 4.88 22.14 1 1 ,264 15.35 9*535 Wash.. 27 .17 10.92 7,569 54.6 0.53 22.06 12,226 17.21 10,122 Wyo... 10.26 9.83 10,354 27.8 1.09 10.94 12,956 9.56 11,573 Wyo... 31.37 10.12 5,634 50.6 2.17 29.86 9.630 22.69 7,458t NOT CLASSIFIED^ R. I... 23.68 30.77 5,976 6.6 0.05 5.59 13,120 1.26 12,955 R. I . . . 2.41 19.06 10,996 6.3 0.09 3.27 14,002 0.52 13,930 Alaska . 5.71 34.15 8,386 21.7 10.76 5.28 13,945 4.77 13,279 Ark. . . . 5.26 24.81 10,451 21.0 1.43 6.44 14,945 1.77 14,722 Idaho.. 34.28 13.38 8,613 50.9 4.77 16,457 16.42 13,757 * These two samples are classed as sub-bituminous by the Bureau of Mines. t Sample from surface exposure; coal badly weathered. t The Rhode Island coals are graphitic and are not used as fuel. The two samples from Alaska and Arkansas may be classed as semi-bitumi- nous by their percentage of volatile matter, but they are higher in oxygen and in moisture, and lower in heating value than other semi- bituminous coals. The Idaho coal is apparently a cannel coal very high in moisture, but the ultimate analysis is lacking. Purchase of Coal under Specifications. It is customary for large users of coal to purchase it under specifications of its analysis or heating value with a penalty attached for failure to meet the specifications. The following standards for a specification were given by the author in his "Steam Boiler Economy," 1901. (Revised in 2d edition, 1915): Anthracite and Semi-anthracite. The standard is a coal containing 5 % volatile matter, not over 2 % moisture, and not over 10 % ash. A premium of 0.5% on the price will be given for each per cent of volatile matter above 5% up to and including 15%, and a reduction of 2% on the price will be made for each 1% of moisture and ash above the standard. Semi-bituminous and Bituminous. The standard is a semi-bitumi- nous coal containing not over 20% volatile matter, 2 % moisture, 6 % ash. A reduction of 1 % in the price will be made for each 1 % of volatile mat- ter in excess of 25 % , and of 2 % for each 1 % of ash and moisture in excess of the standard. For western coals in which the volatile matter differs greatly in its percentage of oxygen, the above specification based on proximate analy- sis may not be sufficiently accurate, and it is well to introduce either the heating value asdetermined by a calorimeter or the percentage of oxygen. The author has proposed the following for Illinois coal: The standard is a coal containing not over 6% moisture and 10% ash in an air-dried sample, and whose heating value is 14,500 B.T.U. per pound of combustible. For lower heating value per Ib. of the com- bustible, the "price shall be reduced proportionately, and for each 1% increase in ash or moisture above the specified figures, 2% of the price shall be deducted. Several departments of the U. S. government now purchase coal under specifications. See paper on the subject by D. T. Randall, Bulletin No. 339, U. S. Geological Survey, 1908, also "Steam Boiler Economy,' 2d edition. Weathering of Coal. (I. P. Kimball, Trans. A. I. M. E., viii, 204.) The effect of the weathering of coal, while sometimes increasing it weight, is to diminish the carbon ana disposable hydrogen and to increase the oxygen and indisposable hydrogen. Hence a reduction in the cal- orific value. An excess of pyrites in coal tends to produce rapid oxida- tion and mechanical disintegration of the mass, with development of heat, loss of coking power, and spontaneous ignition. The only appreciable results of the weathering of anthracite are con- PRESSED FUEL. 831 fined to the oxidation of its accessory pyrites. In coking coals, however, weathering reduces and finally destroys the coking power. Richters found that at a temperature of 158 to 180 Fahr., three coals lost in fourteen days an average of 3.6% of calorific power. It appears from the experiments of Richters and Reder that when there is no rise of temperature of coal piled in heaps and exposed to the air for nine to twelve months, it undergoes no sensible change, but when the coal becomes heated it suffers loss of C and H by oxidation and increases in weight by the fixation of oxygen. (See also paper by R. P. Rothwell, Trans. A. I. M. E., iv. 55.) Experiments by S. W. Parr and N. D. Hamilton (Bull. No. 17 of Univ'y of 111. Eng'g Experiment Station, 1907) on samples of about 100 Ib. each, show that no appreciable change takes place in coal sub- merged in water. Their conclusions are: (a) Submerged coal does not lose appreciably in heat value. (ft) Outdoor exposure results in a loss of heat value varying from 2 to 10 per cent. (c) Dry storage has no advantage over storage in the open except with high sulphur coals, where the disintegrating effect of sulphur in the process of oxidation facilitates the escape or oxidation of the hydrocar- bons. |* (d) In most cases the losses in storage appear to be practically com- plete at the end of five months. From the seventh to the ninth month the loss is inappreciable. This paper contains also a historical review of the literature on weath- ering and on spontaneous combustion, with a summary of the opinions of various authorities. Later experiments on storing carload lots of Illinois coals (W. F. Wheeler, Trans. A. I. M. E., 1908) confirms the above conclusions, ex- cept that 4 per cent seems to be amply sufficient to coyer the losses sus- tained by Illinois coals under regular storage-conditions, the larger losses indicated in the former series being probably due to the small size of the samples exposed. Investigations by the U. S. Bureau of Mines in 1910 (Technical Paper No. 2) showed that New River (Va.) coal lost less than 1% in heating value in one year by weathering in the open, and Pocahontas coal less than 0.4%. Pressed Fuel. - (E. F. Loiseau, Trans. A. I. M. E., viii. 314.) Pressed fuel has been made from anthracite dust by mixing the dust with ten per cent of its bulk of dry pitch, which is prepared by separating from tar at a temperature of 572 F. the volatile matter it contains. The mixture is kept heated by steam to 212, at which temperature the pitch acquires its cementing properties, and is passed between two rollers, on the periphery of which are milled out a series of semi-oval cavities. The lumps of the mixture, about the size of an egg, drop out under the rollers on an endless belt, which carries them to a screen in eight minutes, which time is sufficient to cool the lumps, and they are then ready for delivery. The enterprise of making the pressed fuel above described was not commercially successful, on account of the low price of other coal. In France, however, "briquettes" are regularly made of coal-dust (bitu- minous and semi-bituminous). Experiments with briquets for use in locomotives have been made by the Penna. R. R. Co., with favorable results, which were reported at the convention on the Am. Ry. Mast. Mechs. Assn. (Eng. News, July 2, 1908). A rate of evaporation as high as 19 Ib. per sq. ft. of heating surface per hour was reached. The comparative economy of raw coal and of briquets was as follows: Evap.persq. ft. heat. surf. per hr.,lbs. 8 10 12 14 16 Evap. from and at / Lloy dell coal.. . 9.5 8.8 8.0 7.3 6.6 2 1 2 per Ib. of fuel \Briquettedcoal. 10.7 10.2 9.7 9.2 8.7 The fuel consumed per draw-bar horse-power with the locomotive running at 37.8 miles per hour and a cut-off of 25% was: with raw coal, 4.48 Ibs.; with round briquets, 3.65 Ibs. Experiments on different binders for briquets are discussed by J. E. Mills in Bulletin No. 343 of the U. S. Geological Survey, 1908. Briquetting tests made at the St, Louis exhibition, 1904, with 832 FUEL. descriptions of the machines used are reported in Bulletin No. 201 of the U. S. Geological Survey, 1905. See also paper on Coal Briquet ting in the U. S., by E. W. Parker, Trans. A. I. M. E., 1907. Spontaneous Combustion of Coal. (Technical Paper 16, U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1912.) Spontaneous combustion is brought about by slow oxidation in an air supply sufficient to support the oxidation, but insufficient to carry away all the heat formed. Mixed lump and fine, i. e., run-of-mine, with a large percentage of dust, and piled so as to admit to the interior a limited supply of air, make ideal conditions for spontaneous heating. High volatile matter does not of itself in- crease the liability to spontaneous heating. Pocahontas coal gives a great deal of trouble with spontaneous fires in the large storage piles at Panama. The high- volatile coals of the west are usually very liable to spontaneous heating. The influence of moisture and that of sulphur upon spontaneous heating of coal are questions not yet settled. Observation by the Bureau of Mines in many actual cases has not developed any instances where moisture could be proven to promote heating. Sulphur has been shown to have, in most cases, only a minor influence. On the other hand, a Boston company, using Nova Scotia coal of 3 to 4 per cent sulphur, has much trouble with spontaneous fires in storage. Freshly mined coal and even fresh surfaces exposed by crushing lump coal exhibit a remarkable avidity for oxygen, but after a time be- come coated with oxidized material, "seasoned," as it were, so that the action of the air becomes much less vigorous. It is found that if coal which has been stored for six weeks or two months and has even be- come already somewhat heated, be rehandled and thoroughly cooled by the air, spontaneous heating rarely begins again. While the following recommendations may under certain conditions be found impracticable, they are offered as being advisable precautions for safety in storing coal whenever their use does not involve an un- reasonable expense. 1. Do not pile over 12 feet deep nor so that any point in the interior will be over 10 feet from an air-cooled surface. 2. If possible, store only in lump. 3. Keep dust out as much as possible; therefore reduce handling to a minimum. 4. Pile so that lump and fine are distributed as evenly as possible; not, as is often done, allowing lumps to roll down from a peak and form air passages at the bottom. 5. Rehandle and screen after two months. 6. Keep away external sources of heat even though moderate in degree. 7. Allow six weeks' "seasoning" after mining before storing. 8. Avoid alternate wetting and drying. 9. Avoid admission of air to interior of pile through interstices around foreign objects such as timbers or irregular brick work; also through porous bottoms such as coarse cinders. 10. Do not try to ventilate by pipes, as more harm is often done than good. COKE. Coke is the solid material left after evaporating the volatile ingredi- ents of coal, either by means of partial combustion in furnaces called coke ovens, or by distillation in the retorts of gas-works. Coke made in ovens is preferred to gas coke as fuel. It is of a dark gray color, with slightly metallic luster, porous, brittle, and hard. The proportion of coke yielded by a given weight of coal is very differ- ent for different kinds of coal, ranging from 0.9 to 0.35. Being of a porous texture, it readily attracts and retains water from the atmosphere, and sometimes, if it is kept without proper shelter, from 0.15 to 0,20 of its gross weight consists of moisture. COKE. 833 Analyses of Coke. (From report of John R. Proctor, Kentucky Geological Survey.) Where Made. Fixed Carb'n. Ash. Sul- phur. Connellsville, Pa. (Average of 3 samples) 88.96 80.51 87.29 92.53 92.38 93.23 9.74 16.34 10.54 5.74 7.21 5.69 0.810 1.595 1.195 0.597 0.562 0.749 Chattanooga, Tenn. " 4 ' Birmingham, Ala " 4 ' Pocahontas, Va. " 3 ' New River, W. Va. " 8 ' Big Stone Gap, Ky. " 7 ' Experiments In Coking. CONNELLSVILLE REGION. (John Fulton.'Amer. Mfr., Feb. 10, 1893.) __ V X Per cent of Yield. In S 1 3 .S a aj s. 1 1 1 U is 8221 British thermal units. If the wood, as ordinarily dried in air, contains 25 % of moisture, then the heating value of a pound of such wood is three quarters of 8221 = 6165 heat-units, less the heat required to heat and evaporate the 1/4 Ib. of water from the atmospheric temperature, and to heat the steam made from this water to the temperature of the chimney gases, say 150 heat-units per pound to heat the water to 212, 970 units to evap- orate it at that temperature, and 100 heat-units to raise the temperature of the steam to 420 F., or 1220 in all = 305 for 1/4 Ib., which, subtracted from the 6165, leaves 5860 heat-units as the net fuel value of the wood per pound, or about 0.4 that of a pound of carbon. Composition of Wood. (Analysis of Woods, by M. Eugene Chevandier.) Woods. Carbon. Hydro- gen. Oxygen. Nitrogen. Ash. Beech . . 49.36% 6.01% 42.69% 0.91% 1 06% Oak. . 49 64 5.92 41.16 1 29 1 97 Birch 50.20 6.20 41.62 1 15 81 Poplar. . 49.37 6 21 41 60 96 1 86 Willow 49.96 5.96 39.56 0.96 3.37 Average 49.70% 6.06% 41.30% 1.05% 1,80% 836 The following table, prepared by M. Violette, shows the proportion of water expelled from wood at gradually increasing temperatures: Temperature. Water Expelled from 100 Parts of Wood. Oak. Ash. Elm. Walnut. 257 Fahr 15.26 17.93 32.13 35.80 44.31 14.78 16.19 21.22 27.51 33.38 15.32 17.02 36.94? 33.38 40.56 15.55 17.43 21.00 41.77? 36.56 302 Fahr 347 Fahr. . 392 Fahr 437 Fahr The wood operated upon had been kept in store during two years. When wood which has been strongly dried by means of artificial heat is left exposed to the atmosphere, it reabsorbs about as much water as it contains in its air-dried state. A cord of wood =4X4X8= 128 cu. ft. About 56% solid wood and 44% interstitial spaces. (Marcus Bull, Phila., 1829. J. C. I. W., vol. i. p. 293.) B. E. Fernow gives the percentage of solid wood in a cord as deter- mined officially in Prussia (J". C. I. W., vol. iii. p. 20): Timber cords, 74.07% = 80 cu. ft. per cord; Firewood cords (over 6" diam.), 69.44% = 75 cu. ft. per cord; "Billet" cords (over 3" diam.), 55.55% = 60 cu. ft. per cord; "Brush" woods less than 3" diam., 18.52%; Roots, 37.00%. CHARCOAL. Charcoal is made by evaporating the volatile constituents of wood and peat, either by a partial combustion of a conical heap of the material to be charred, covered with a layer of earth, or by the combustion of a separate portion of fuel in a furnace, in which are placed retorts con- taining the material to be charged. According to Peclet, 100 parts by weight of wood when charred in a heap yield from 17 to 22 parts by weight of charcoal, and when charred in a retort from 28 to 30 parts. This has reference to the ordinary condition of the wood used in char- coal-making, in which 25 parts in 100 consist of moisture. Of the re- maining 75 parts the carbon amounts to one half, or 37 ^ % of the gross weight of the wood. Hence it appears that on an average nearly half of the carbon in the wood is lost during the partial combustion in a heap, and about one quarter during the distillation in a retort. To char 100 parts by weight of wood in a retort, 12 ^ parts of wood must be burned in the furnace. Hence in this process the whole expen- diture of wood to produce from 28 to 30 parts of charcoal is 112% parts; so that if the weight of charcoal obtained is compared with the whole weight of wood expended, its amount is from 25% to 27% and the pro- portion lost is on an average 11 Yz + 37 % = 0.3, nearly. According to Peclet, good wood charcoal contains about 0.07 of its weight of ash. The proportion of ash in peat charcoal is very variable and is estimated on an average at about 0.18. (Rankine.) Much information concerning charcoal may be found in the Journal of the Charcoal-iron Workers' Assn., vols. i. to vi. From this source the following notes have been taken: Yield of Charcoal from a Cord of Wood. From 45 to 50 bushels to the cord in the kiln, and from 30 to 35 in the meiler. Prof. Egleston in Trans. A. I. M. E., viii, 395, says the yield from kilns in the Lake Champlain region is often from 50 to 60 bushels for hard wood and 50 for soft wood; the average is about 50 bushels. The apparent yield per cord depends largely upon whether the cord is a full cord of 128 cu. ft. or not. In a four months' test of a kiln at Goodrich, Term., Dr. H. M. Pierce found results as follows: Dimensions of kiln inside diameter of base, 28 ft. 8 in. ; diam. at spring of arch, 26 ft. 8 in. ; height of walls, 8 ft. ; rise of arch, 5 ft. ; capacity, 30 cords. Highest yield of charcoal per cord of wood (measured) 59.27 bushels, lowest 50.14 bushels, average 53.65 bushels. No. of charges 12, length of each turn or period from one charging to another 11 days. 7. C. I. W., vol. vi. p. 26.) MISCELLANEOUS SOLID FUELS. 837 Results from Different Methods of Charcoal-making* Yield. 11 a! Coaling Methods. Character of Wood Used. Bg II to O< o s |1 jj* O t, 0) V Hts ^0,0 Odelstjerna's experiments Birch dried at 230 F ^ 9 Mathieu's retorts, fuel ex- cluded !Air dry, av. good yel- low pine weighing abt.281bs.percu.ft. 77.0 65.8 28.3 24.2 63.4 54.2 15.7 15.7 Mathieu's retorts, fuel in- Swedish ovens, av. results f Good dry fir and pine, \ mixed. 81.0 27.7 66.7 13.3 Swedish ovens, av. results ( Poor wood, mixed fir \ and pine. 70.0 25.8 62.0 13.3 Swedish meilers excep- !Fir and white-pine 72.2 24.7 59.5 13.3 tional . . wood mixed. Av. 25 Swedish meilers, av. results Ibs. per cu. ft. 52,5 18.3 43.9 13.3 American kilns, av. results !Av. good yellow pine 54.7 22.0 45.0 17.5 American meilers, av. re- weighing abt. 25 Ibs. 17.5 eults... t>er cu. ft. 42 9 17 1 35.0 Consumption of Charcoal in Blast-furnaces per Ton of Pig Iron: average consumption according to census of 1880, 1.14 tons charcoal per ton of pig. The consumption at the best furnaces is much below this average. As low as 0.853 ton is recorded of the Morgan furnace; Bay furnace, 0.858; Elk Rapids, 0.884. (1892.) Absorption of Water and of Gases by Charcoal. Svedlius, in his hand-book for charcoal-burners, prepared for the Swedish Government, says: Fresh charcoal, also reheated charcoal, contains scarcely any water, but when cool it absorbs it very rapidly, so that, after twenty-four hours, it may contain 4 % to 8 % of water. After the lapse of a few weeks the moisture of charcoal may not increase perceptibly, and may be esti- mated at 10% to 15%, or an average of 12%. A thoroughly charred piece of charcoal ought, then, to contain about 84 parts carbon, 12 parts water, 3 parts ash, and 1 part hydrogen. M. Saussure, operating with blocks of fine boxwood charcoal, freshly burnt, found that by simply placing such blocks in contact with certain gases they absorbed them in the following proportion: t Volumes. Volumes. Ammonia 90 . 00 Carbonic oxide 9 . 42 Oxygen 9 . 25 Nitrogen " 6 . 50 Carburetted hydrogen 5 . 00 Hydrogen 1 . 75 Hydrochloric-acid gas 85 . 00 Sulphurous acid 65 . 00 Sulphuretted hydrogen .... 55 . 00 Nitrous oxide (laughing-gas) 40 . 00 Carbonic acid 35 . 00 It is this enormous absorptive power that renders of so much value a comparatively slight sprinkling of charcoal over dead animal matter, as a preventive of the escape of odors arising from decomposition. In a box or case containing one cubic foot of charcoal may be stored without mechanical compression a little over nine cubic feet of oxygen, representing a mechanical pressure of one hundred and twenty-six pounds to the square inch. From the store thus preserved the oxgyen can be drawn by a small hand-pump, MISCELLANEOUS SOLID FUELS. Dust Fuel Dust Explosions. Dust when mixed in air burns with such extreme rapidity as in some cases to cause explosions. Explosions of flour-mills have been attributed to ignition of the dust in confined passages. Experiments in England in 1876 on the effect of coal-dust in carrying flame in mines showed that in a dusty passage the flame from a 838 FUEL. blown-out shot may travel 50 yards. Prof. F. A. Abel (Trans. A. I. M. E., xiii. 260) says that coal-dust in mines much promotes and extends explosions, and that it may readily be brought into operation as a fiercely burning agent which will carry flame -rapidly as far as its mixture with air extends, and will operate as an explosive agent through the me- dium of a very small proportion of fire-damp in the air of the mine. The explosive violence of the combustion of dust is largely due to the instantaneous heating and consequent expansion of the air. (See also paper on "Coal Dust as an Explosive Agent." by Dr. R. W. Raymond, Trans. A. I. M. E., 1894.) Experiments made in Germany in 1893 show that pulverized fuel may be burned without smoke, and with high economy. The fuel, instead of being introduced into the fire-box in the ordinary manner, is first reduced to a powder by pulverizers of any con- struction. In the place of the ordinary boiler fire-box there is a com- bustion chamber in the form of a closed furnace lined with fire-brick and provided with an air-injector. The nozzle throws a constant stream of fuel into the chamber, scattering it throughout the whole space of the fire-box. When this powder is once ignited, and it is very readily done by first raising the lining to a high temperature by an open fire, the combustion continues in an intense and regular manner under the action of the current of air which carries it in. (Mfrs. Record, April, 1893.) Records of tests with the Wegener powdered-coal apparatus, which is now (1900) in use in Germany, are given in Eng. News, Sept. 16, 1897. Illustrated descriptions of different forms of apparatus are given in the author's " Steam Boiler Economy." Coal-dust fuel is now extensively used in the United States in rotary kilns for burning Portland cement. Powdered fuel was used in the Crompton rotary puddling-furnace at Woolwich Arsenal, England, in 1873. (Jour. I. & S. I., i. 3873, p. 91.) Numerous experiments on the use of powdered fuel for steam boilers were made in the U. S. between 1895 and 1905, but they were not com- mercially successful. Peat or Turf, as usually dried in the air, contains from 25 % to 30% of water, which must be allowed for in estimating its heat of combustion. This water having been evaporated, the analysis of M. Regnault gives, in 100 parts of perfectly dry peat of the best quality: C, 58%; H, 6%; O, 31%; Ash, 5%. In some examples of peat the quantity of ash is greater, amounting to 7% and sometimes to 11%. The specific gravity of peat in its ordinry state is about 0.4 or 0.5. It can be compressed by machinery to a much greater density. (Rankine.) Clark (Steam-engine, i. 61) sives as the average composition of dried Irish peat: C, 59%; H, 6%; O, 30%; N, 1.25%; Ash, 4%. Applying Dulong's formula to this analysis, we obtain for the heating value of perfectly dry peat 10,260 heat-units per pound, and for air- dried peat containing 25% of moisture, after making allowance for evaporating the water, 7,391 heat-units per pound. A paper on Peat in the U. S., by M. R. Campbell, will be found in Mineral Resources of the U. S. (U. S. Geol. Survey) for 1905, p. 1319. Sawdust as Fuel. The heating power of sawdust is naturally the same per pound as that of the wood from which it is derived, but if allowed to get wet it is more like spent tan (which see below). The conditions necessary for burning sawdust are that plenty of room should be given it in the furnace, and sufficient air supplied on the surface of the mass, preferably by means of a fan-blast. The same applies to shav- ings, refuse lumber, etc. Sawdust is frequently burned in saw-mills, etc., by being blown into the furnace by a fan-blast. Wet Tan Bark as Fuel. Tan, or oak bark, after having been used in the processes of tanning, is burned as fuel. The spent tan consists of the fibrous portion of the bark. The principal cause of poor economy in the burning of tan bark besides the difficulty of securing good com- bustion in the furnace, is the amount of heat that is carried away in the shape of superheated steam in the chimney gases. If the bark, after partial drying by compression, were further dried in a rotary drier by waste heat from the chimney gases, there would be an important gain in economy. For calculations showing the advantages of drying, and for illustrations of tan-bark furnaces, see "Steam Boiler Economy." D. M. Myers (Trans. A. S. M. E., 1909) describes some experiments on tan as a'boiler fuel. One hundred Ib. of air-dried bark fed to the mill will produce 213 Ib. of spent tan containing 65% moisture. Tak* MISCELLANEOUS SOLID FUELS. 839 ing 9500 B.T.U. as the heating value per Ib. of dry tan and 500 F. as the temperature of the chimney gases, the available heat in 1 Ib. of wet tan is 2665 B.T.U. Based on this value as much as 71% efficiency has been obtained in a boiler test with a special furnace, or 1.93 Ib. of water evaporated from and at 212 per Ib. of wet tan. The average heating value of dry hemlock tan, as found by a bomb calorimeter in six tests by Dr. Sherman, is 9504 B.T.U. The composition of dry tan is Ash, 1.42; C, 51.80; H,6.04; O, 40.74. By Dulong's formula the heating value would be 8152 B.T.U. Straw as Fuel. (Eng'g Mechanics, Feb. 1893, p. 55.) Experiments in Russia showed that winter-wheat straw, dried at 230 F., had the following composition, C, 46.1; H, 5.6; N, 0.42: O, 43.7; Ash, 4.1. Heat- ing value in British thermal units: dry straw, 6290; with 6% water. 5770; with 10% water, 5448. With straws of other grains the heating value of dry straw ranged from 5590 for buckwheat to 6750 for flax. Clark (S. E., vol. 1, p. 62) gives the mean composition of wheat and barley straw as C, 36; H, 5; O, 38; N, 0.50; Ash, 4.75; Water, 15.75, the two straws varying less than 1 % . The heating value of straw of this composition, according to Dulong's formula, and deducting the heat lost in evaporating the water, is 5155 heat-units. Clark erroneously gives it as 8144 heat-units. Bagasse as Fuel in Sugar Manufacture. Bagasse is the name given to refuse sugar-cane, after the juice has been extracted. Prof. L. A. Becuel, in a paper read before the Louisiana Sugar Chemists' Associa- tion, in 1892, says: " With tropical cane containing 12.5% woody fibre, a juice containing. 16. 13% solids, and 83.87% water, "bagasse of, say, 66% and 72% mill extraction has the following percentage composition: 66% bagasse: Woody Fibre, 37; Combustible Salts, 10; Water, 53. 72% bagasse: Woody Fibre, 45; Combustible Salts, 9; Water, 46. "Assuming that the woody fibre contains 51% carbon, the sugar and other combustible matters an average of 42.1%, and that 12,906 units of heat are generated for every pound of carbon consumed, the 66% bagasse is capable of generating 297,834 heat-units per 100 Ib. as against 345,200, or a difference of 47,366 units in favor of the 72% bagasse. "Assuming the temperature of the waste gases to be 450 F., that of the surrounding atmosphere and water in the bagasse at 86 F., and the quantity of air necessary for the combustion of one pound of carbon at 24 Ib., the lost heat will be as follows: In the waste gases, heating air from 86 to 450F., and in vaporizing the moisture, etc., the 66 % bagasse will require 112,546 heat-units, and 116,150 for the 72% bagasse. "Subtracting these quantities from the above, we find that the 66% bagasse will produce 185,288 available heat-units per 100 Ib., or nearly 24 % less than the 72 % bagasse, which gives 229,050 units. Accordingly one ton of cane of 2000 Ib. at 66% mill extraction will produce 680 Ib. bagasse, equal to 1,259,958 available heat-units, while the same cane at 72% extraction will produce 560 Ib. bagasse, equal to 1,282,680 units. "A similar calculation for the case of Louisiana cane containing 10% woody fiore, and 16% total solids in the juice, assuming 75% mill ex- traction, shows that bagasse from one ton of cane contains 1,573,956 heat-units, from which 561,465 have to be deducted, which makes such bagasse worth on an average nearly 92 Ib. coal per ton of cane ground. "It appears that with the best boiler plants, those taking up all the available heat generated, by using this heat economically the bagasse can be made to supply all the fuel required by our sugar-houses." The figures below are from an article by Samuel Vickess (The Engineer, Chicago, April 1, 1903). When canes with 12% fibre are ground, the juice extractions and liquid left in the residual bagasse are generally as follows: With Per Cent of Normal Juice Extracted on Weight of Cane. Per Cent of Liquid Left in Bagasse on Weight" of Bagasse. Double crushing 70 62 72 76 82 60 68 57 50 50 Single crushing Crusher and double crushing Triple Crushing . Crusher and triple crushing with saturation 840 FUEL. The value of bagasse as a fuel depends upon the amount of woody fibre it contains, and the amount of combustible matter (sucrose, glucose, and gums), held in the liquid it retains. 100 Ib. cane with triple crushing gives 76 Ib. juice, and 24 Ib. bagasse, which consists of 12 Ib. fibre and 12 Ib. juice. The 12 Ib. of juice contains 16% or 1.92 Ib. sucrose, 0.5% or 0.06 Ib. glucose, 2.5% other organic matter and 1% or 0.12 Ib. ash, making a total of 20% or 2.4 Ib. of solid matter, and 80% or 9.6 Ib. of water. Reducing these figures to quantities corresponding to 1 Ib. of bagasse, and multiplying by the heating values of the several substances as given by Stohlmann, viz.: fibre, 7461; sucrose, 6957; glucose, 6646; organic matter, 7461, we find the heating value of the com- bustible in 1 Ib. of bagasse to be 4397 B.T.U. This is the gross heating value which would be obtained in a calorimeter in which the products of combustion were cooled to the temperature of the atmosphere. To find approximately the heat available for generating steam in a boiler we may assume that 10 Ib. of air is used in burning each pound of ba- gasse, that the atmospheric temperature is 82 and the flue gas tempera- ture 462, and that in addition to the 0.4 Ib. water per Ib. bagasse half of the remaining 0.6 Ib. is oxygen and hydrogen in proportions which form water, making 0.7 Ib. water w r hich escapes in the flue gas as super- heated steam. The heat lost in the flue gases per pound of bagasse is 10 X 0.24 X (462 - 82) + 0.7 [(212 - 82) + 970 + 0.5 (462 - 212)] = 1770 B.T.U. , which subtracted from 4397 leaves 2627 B.T.U. as the net or available heating value, which is equivalent to an evaporation of 2.7 Ib. of water from and at 212. Mr. Vickess states that in practice 1 Ib. of such green bagasse evaporates 2 to 21/4 Ib. from feed water at 100 into steam at 90 Ib. pressure. This is equivalent to from 2.31 to 2.59 Ib. from and at 212. E. W. Kerr, in Bulletin No. 117 of the Louisiana Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Baton Rouge, La., gives the results of a study of many different forms of bagasse furnaces. An equivalent evaporation of 2 1/4 Ib. of steam from and at 212 was obtained from 1 Ib. of wet bagasse of a net calorific value of 3256 B.T.U. This net value is that calculated from the analysis by Dulong's formula, minus the heat required to evaporate the moisture and to heat the vapor to the temperature of the escaping chimney gases, 594 F. The approximate composition of bagasse of 75% extraction is given as 51% free moisture, and 28% of water combined with 21 % of carbon in the fibre and sugar. For the best results the bagasse should be burned at a high rate of combustion, at least 100 Ib. per sq. ft of grate per hour. Not more than 1.5 Ib. of bagasse per sq. ft. of heating surface per hour should be burned under ordinary conditions, and not less than 1.5 boiler horse-power should be provided per ton of cane per 24 hours. For illustrations of bagasse furnaces see " Steam Boiler Economy." LIQUID FUEL. Products of the Distillation of Crude Petroleum. Crude American petroleum of sp. gr. 0.800 may be split up by fractional distillation as follows (" Robinson's Gas and Petroleum Engines "): Temp, of Distillation Fahr. Distillate. Per- cent- ages. Specific Gravity. Flashing Point. Deg. F. 113 Rhigolene. I traces. 590 to .625 113 to 140 140 to 158 Chymogene. J Gasoline (petroleum spirit) . 1.5 .636 to .657 158 to 248 248 to Benzine, naphtha C.benzolene ( Benzine, naphtha B \ Benzine naphtha A 10. 2.5 2. .680 to .700 .714 to .718 .725 to .737 14 '"32 " 347 ( Polishing oils 338 and ) Kerosene (lamp-oil) 50. 802 to .820 100 to 122 upwards. J 482 ' Lubricating oil 15. .850 to .915 230 2 Residue and Loss 16. LIQUID FUEL. 841 Lima Petroleum, produced at Lima, Ohio, is ol a dark green color, very fluid, and marks 48 Baume at 15 C. (sp. gr., 0.792). The distillation in fifty parts, each part representing 2% by volume, gave the following results: Sp. Per Sp. Per Sp. Per Sp. Per Sp. cent. 50 l 52] to ! 58 t 60 62 64 Per Sp. Per cent. Gr. cent. Gr. cent: Gr. 2 0.680 18 0.720 34 0.764 .728 36 .768 .730 38 .735 40 .740 42 .742 44 .746 46 .683 20 .685 22 .690 24 .694 26 .698 28 .700 30 .706 32 .760 48 .772 .778 .782 .788 .792 .800 RETURNS. Gr. .802 .806 .800 .804 .808 .812 cent. 68 0, 70 , 72 73 76 , 78 82 86 Gr. ,820 ,825 .830 .830 .810 .820 .818 .816 cent. 88 90 92) to [ 100 J * Gr. 0.815 .815 1 1 16 per cent naphtha, 70 Baume. 6 per cent parafflne oil. 68 per cent burning oil. 10 per cent residuum. The distillation started at 23 C., this being due to the large amount of naphtha present, and when 60% was reached, at a temperature of 310 C. the hydrocarbons remaining in the retort were dissociated, when gases escaped, lighter distillates were obtained, and, as usual in such cases, the temperature decreased from 310 C. down gradually to 200 C., until 75% of oil was obtained, and from this point the temperature remained constant until the end of the distillation. Therefore these hydrocarbons in statu moriendi absorbed much heat. (Jour. Am. Chem. Soc.) There is not a good agreement between the character of the materials designated gasoline, kerosene, etc., and the temperature of distillation and densities employed in different places. The following table shows one set of values that is probably as good as any. Name. Boiling Point. Specific Gravity. Density at 59 F. Petroleum, ether F. 104-158 650-0.660 Baume. 85-80 Gasoline 158-176 .660- .670 80-78 Naphtha C 176-212 .670- 707 78-68 Naphtha B 212-248 .707- .722 68-64 Naphtha A 248-302 .722- .737 64-60 , Kerosene 302-572 . .753- .864 56-32 Gasoline is different from a simple substance with a fixed boiling point, and therefore theoretical calculations on the heat of combustion, air necessary, and conditions for vaporizing or carbureting air are of little value. (C. E. Lucke.) Value of Petroleum as Fuel. Thos. Urquhart, of Russia (Proc. Inst. M. E., Jan., 1889), gives the following table of the theoretical evaporative power of petroleum in comparison with that of coal, as determined by Messrs. Favre and Silbermann: Specific Gravity Cherh. Comp. Heating power, Theoret. Evap., Lb. of Fuel. 790 T7I British Water per Thermal Ib. Fuel, Water = 1.000 C. H. 0. Units. from and at 212 F. Penna. heavy crude oil .... Caucasian light crude oil . . 0.886 0.884 84.9 86.3 13.7 13.6 1.4 0.1 20.736 22,027 21.48 22.79 Caucasian heavy crude oil . 0.938 86.6 12.3 1.1 20,138 20.85 Petroleum refuse 0.928 87.1 11.7 1.2 19,832 20.53 Good English coal 1.380 80.0 5.0 8.0 14,112 14.61 In experiments on Russian railways with petroleum as fuel Mr. Urquhart obtained an actual efficiency equal to 82 % of the theoretical 842 FUEL. heating-value. The petroleum is fed to the furnace by in cans of a spray-injector driven by steam. An induced current of air is carried in around the injector-nozzle, and additional air is supplied at the bottom of the furnace. Beaumont, Texas, oil analyzed as follows (Eng. News, Jan. 30, 1902) : C, 84.60; H, 10.90; S, 1.63; O, 2.87. Sp. gr. ; 0.92; flash point, 142 F.; burning point, 181 F. ; heating value per lb., by oxygen calorimeter, 19,060 B.T.U. A test of a horizontal tubular boiler with this oil, by J. E. Den ton gave an efficiency of 78.5%. As high as 82 % has been re- ported for California oil. Bakersfield, Cal., oil: Sp. gr. 16 Baume; Moisture, 1%; Sulphur, 0.5%. B.T.U. per lb., 18,500. Redondo, Cal., oil. six lots: Moisture, 1.82 to 2.70%; Sulphur, 2.17 to 2.60%; B.T.U. per lb., 17,717 to 17,966. Kilowatt-hours generated per barrel (334 lb.) of oil in a 5000 K.W. plant, using water-tube boilers, and reciprocating engines and generators having a combined efficiency of 90.2 to 94.75% (boiler economy and steam-rate of engine not stated). 2000 K.W. load, 237.3; 3000 K.W., 256.7; 5000 K.W., 253.4; variable load, 24 hours, 243.8. (C. R. Weymouth, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1908.) The following table shows the relative values of petroleum and coal. It is based on the following assumed data: B.T.U. per lb. of oil, 19,000; sp. gr., 0.90 =7.57 lb. per gal ; 1 barrel = 42 gal. =315 lb. Coal, B.T.U. per lb. 1 lb. oil = lb. coal. 1 barrel oil = lb. coal. 1 ton coal = barrels oil. 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 .9 .727 .583 .462 .357 .267 598 544 499 460 427 399 3.34 3.68 4.01 4.34 4.68 5.01 From this table we see that if coal of a heating value of only 10,000 B.T.U. per lb. costs $3.34 per ton, and coal of 14,000 B.T.U. per lb. costs $4.68 per ton, then the price of oil will have to be as low as $1 a barrel to compete with coal; or, if the poorer coal is $3.34 and the better coal $4.68 per ton, then oil will be the cheaper fuel if it is below $1 per barrel. Heating Values of California Fuel Oils. (R. "W. Fenn, Eng. News, May 13, 1909.) . Degree Baume. at P i! i |! offfl c'> '5 g CO |! fr IS 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 1.000 0.986 0.972 0.959 0.947 0.934 0.922 0.910 0.899 150 346 341 336 332 327 323 319 315 18,380 18,500 18,620 18,740 18,860 18,980 19,100 19,220 19.340 6442 6394 6345 6302 6257 6212 6173 6133 6093 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 0.887 0.875 0.865 0.854 0.844 0.835 0.825 0.816 0.806 311 307 303 299 296 293 289 286 283 19,460 19,580 19,700 19,820 19,940 20,050 20,150 20,250 20,350 6051 6008 5973 5935 5901 5865 5827 5789 5751 Fuel Oil Burners. A great variety of burners are on the market, most of them based on the principle of using a small jet of steam at the boiler pressure to inject the oil into the furnace, in the shape of finely divided spray, and at the same time to draw in the air supply and mix it intimately with the oil. So far as economy of oil is concerned these burners are all of about equal value, but their successful operation de- pends on the construction of the furnace. This should have a large combustion chamber, entirely surrounded with fire brick, and the jet should be so directed that it will strike a fire-brick surface and re- bound before touching the heating surface of the boiler. Burners ALCOHOL AS FUEL. 843 using air at high pressure, 40 Ib. per sq. in., without steam, have been used with advantage. Lower pressures have been found not sufficient to atomize the oil. Mechanical atomizers have now (1915) largely replaced steam jet oil burners. See "Steam Boiler Economy." When boilers are forced, with a combustion chamber too small to allow the oil spray to be completely burned in it before passing to the boiler surface, dense clouds of smoke result, with a deposit of lampblack or soot. Crude Petroleum vs. Indiana Block Coal for Steam-raising at the South Chicago Steel Works. (E. C. Potter, Trans. A. I. M. E., xvii. 807.) With coal, 14 tubular boilers 16 ft. X 5 ft. required 25 men to operate them; with fuel oil, 6 men were required, a saving of 19 men at $2 per day, or $38 per day. For one week's work 2731 barrels of oil were used, against 848 tons of coal required for the same work, showing 3.22 barrels of oil to be equiva- lent to 1 ton of coal With oil at 60 cents per barrel and coal at $2.15 per ton, the relative cost of oil to coal is as $1.93 to $2.15. No evapora- tion tests were made Petroleum as a Metallurgical Fuel. C. E. Felton (Trans. A. I. M. E., xvii. 809) reports a series of trials with oil as fuel hi steel-heating and open-hearth steel-furnaces, and in raising steam, with results as follows: 1. In a run of six weeks the consumption of oil, partly refined (the paraffine and some of the naphtha being removed) , in heating 14- inch ingots in Siemens furnaces was about 6 1/2 gallons per ton of blooms. 2. In melting in a 30-ton open-hearth furnace 48 gallons of oil were used per ton of ingots. 3. In a six weeks' trial with Lima oil from 47 to 54 gallons of oil were required per ton of ingots. 4. In a six months' trial with Siemens heating-furnaces the consumption of Lima oil was 6 gal- lons per ton of ingots. Under the most favorable circumstances, charging hot ingots and running full capacity, 4 1/2 to 5 gallons per ton were required. 5. In raising steam in two 100-H.P. tubular boilers, the feed- water being supplied at 160 F., the average evaporation was about 12 pounds of water per pound of oil, the best 12 hours' work being 16 pounds. Specifications for the Purchase of Fuel Oil. The U. S. government specifications for the purchase of fuel oil (1914) contain the following requirements : The oil should not have been distilled at a temperature high enough to burn it, nor at a temperature so high that flecks of carbonaceous mat- ter begin to separate. It should not flash below 140 F., in a closed Abel-Pensky or Pensky- Martins tester. The specific gravity should range from 0.85 to 0.96 at 59 F. It should flow readily, at ordinary atmospheric temperatures and under a head of 1 ft. of oil, through a 4-in. pipe 10 ft. in length. It should not congeal nor become too sluggish to flow at 32 F. It should have a calorific value of not less than 18,000 B.T.U. per Ib. A bonus is to be paid or a penalty deducted as the fuel oil delivered is above or below the standard. It should be rejected if it contains more than 2% water, more than 1 % sulphur, or more than a trace of sand, clay or dirt. ALCOHOL AS FUEL. Denatured alcohol is a grain or ethyl alcohol mixed with a denaturant in order to make it unfit for beverage or medicinal purposes. Under acts of Congress of June 7, 1906, and March 2, 1907, denatured alcohol became exempt from internal revenue taxation, when used in the industries. The Government formulae for completely denatured alcohol are: 1. To every 100 gal. of ethyl or grain alcohol (of not less than 180% proof) there shall be added 10 gal. of approved methyl or wood alcohol and % gal. of approved benzine. (180% proof = 90% alcohol, 10% water, by volume.) 2. To every 100 gal. of ethyl alcohol (of not less than 180% proof) there shall be added 2 gal. of approved methyl alcohol and Yi gal. of approved pyridin (a petroleum product) bases. 844 FUEL. Methyl alcohol, benzine and pyridin used as denaturants must con- form to specifications of the Internal Revenue Department. The alcohol which it is proposed to manufacture under the present law is ethyl alcohol, C^HsOH. This material is seldom, if ever, obtained pure, it being generally diluted with water and containing other alco- hols when used for engines. SPECIFIC GKAVITY OF ETHYL ALCOHOL AT 60 P. COMPARED WITH WATER AT 60. (Smithsonian Tables.) Sp. Gr. Per cent Al- cohol. Sp. Gr. Per cent Al- cohol. Sp. Gr. Per cent Al- cohol. Weight. Vol. Weight. Vol. Weight. Vol. 0.834 .832 .830 .828 85.8 86.6 87.4 88.1 90.0 90.6 91.2 91.8 0.826 .824 .822 .820 88.9 89.6 90.4 91.1 92.3 92.9 93.4 94.0 0.818 .816 .814 .812 91.9 92.6 93.3 94.0 94.5 95.0 95.5 96.0 The heat of combustion of ethyl alcohol, 94% by volume, as deter- mined by the calorimeter, is 11,900 B.T.U. per Ib. a little more than half that of gasoline (Lucke). Favre and Silbermann obtained 12,913 B.T.U for absolute alcohol. Dulong's formula for C 2 H 6 OH gives 13,010 B.T.U. The products of complete combustion of alcohol are HzO and COz. Under certain conditions, with an insufficient supply of air, acetic acid is formed, which causes rusting of the parts of an alcohol engine. This may be prevented by addition to the alcohol of benzol or acetylene. With any good small stationary engine as small a consumption as 0.70 Ib. of gasoline, or 1.16 Ib. of alcohol per brake H.P. hour may .reasonably be expected under favorable conditions (Lucke) . References. H. Diederichs, Intl. Marine Eng'g, July, 1906; Machy., Aug., 1906. C. E. Lucke and S. M. Woodward, Farmer's Bulletin, No. 277. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1907. Eng. Rec., Nov. 2, 1907. T. L. White, Eng. Mag., Sept., 1908. VAPOR PRESSURE OF SATURATION FOR VARIOUS LIQUIDS, IN MILLIMETERS OF MERCURY. (To convert into pounds per sq. in., multiply by 0.01934; to convert into inches of mercury, multiply by 0.03937.) Tem- pera- ture. Pure Ethyl Alco- hol. Pure Methyl Alco- hol. Water. Gaso- line. Tem- pera- ture. Pure Ethyl Alco- hol. Pure Methyl Alco- hol. Water. Gaso- line. 0* 5 10 15 20 25 30 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 12 17 24 32 44 59 78 30 40 54 71 94 123 159 5 9 13 17 24 32 99 115 133 154 179 210 251 35* 40 45 50 55 60 65 95 104 113 122 131 140 149 103 134 . 172 220 279 350 437 204 259 327 409 508 624 761 42 55 71 92 117 149 187 301 360 422 493 561 648 739 VAPOR TENSION OF ALCOHOL AND WATER, AND DEGREE OF SATURATION OF AlR WITH THESE VAPORS. Temp., Degs. F. Vapor Tension, Inches Mercury. 1 Pound of Air Contains in Saturated Condition, in Pounds. At 28.95 Inches. At 26.05 Inches. Alcohol Vapor. Water Vapor. Alcohol. Vapor. Water. Vapor. Alcohol Vapor. Water. Vapor. u 50 59 68 77 86 104 122 0.950 1.283 1.723 2.325 3.090 5.270 8.660 0.359 0.500 0.687 0.925 1.240 2.162 3.620 0.055 0.075 0.104 0.144 0.200 0.390 0.827 0.008 0.011 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.063 0.135 0.061 0.084 0.117 0.162 0.227 0.450 1.002 0.009 0.013 0.018 0.025 0.036 0.072 0.164 . FUEL GAS. 843 FUEL GAS. The following notes are extracted from a paper by W. J. Taylor on "The Energy of Fuel" (Trans. A. I. M. E., xviii. 205): Carbon Gas. In the old Siemens producer, practically all the heat of primary combustion that is, the burning of solid carbon to carbon monoxide, or about 30% of the total carbon energy was lost, as little or no steam was used in the producer, and nearly all the sensible heat of the gas was dissipated in its passage from the producer to the furnace, which was usually placed at a considerable distance. Modern practice has improved on this plan, by introducing steam with the air blown into the producer, and by utilizing the sensible heat of the gas in the combustion-furnace. It ought to be possible to oxidize one out of every four Ibs. of carbon with oxygen derived from water- vapor. The thermic reactions in this operation are as follows: Heat-units. 4 Ibs. C burned to CO (3 Ibs. gasified with air and 1 Ib. with water) develop 17,600 1 5 Ibs. of water (which furnish 1.33 Ibs. of oxygen to combine with 1 Ib. of carbon) absorb by dissociation 10,333 The sas consisting of 9.333 Ibs. CO, 0.167 Ib. H, and 13.39 Ibs. N, heated 600, absorbs 3,748 Leaving for radiation and loss . 3,519 17,600 The steam which is blown into a producer with the air is almost all con r densed into finely-divided water before entering the fuel, and conse- quently is considered as water in these calculations. The 1.5 Ibs. of water liberates : 167 Ib. of hydrogen, which is delivered to the gas, and yields in combustion the same heat that it absorbs in the producer by dissociation. According to this calculation, therefore, 60% of the heat of primary combustion is theoretically recovered by the dis- sociation of steam, and, even if all the sensible heat of the gas be counted, with radiation and other minor items, as loss, yet the gas must carry 4 X 14,500 - (3748 + 3519) = 50,733 heat-units, or 87% of the calo- rific energy of the carbon. This estimate shows a loss in conversion of 13% without crediting the gas with its sensible heat, or charging it with the heat required for generating the necessary steam, or taking into account the loss due to oxidizing some of the carbon to CO2. In good producer-practice the proportion of CO2 in the gas represents from 4% to 7% of the C burned to CO2, but the extra heat of this combustion should be largely recovered in the dissociation of more water-vapor, and there- fore does not represent as much loss as it would indicate. As a con- veyer of energy, this gas has the advantage of carrying 4.46 Ibs less nitrogen than would be present if the fourth pound of coal had been gasified with air; and in practical working the use of steam reduces tha amount of clinkering in the producer. Anthracite Gas. In anthracite coal there is a volatile combustible varying in quantity from 1.5% to over 7%. The amount of energy derived from the coal is shown in the following theoretical gasification made with coal of assumed composition: Carbon, 85%; vol. HC, 5%; ash, 10%- 80 Ibs carbon assumed to be burned to CO; 5 Ibs. carbon burned to COa; three fourths of the necessary oxygen derived from air, and one fourth from water. r- Products. % Process. Pounds. Cubic Feet. Anal, by Vol. 80 Ibs. C burned to CO 186.66 25 29-24 33.4 5 Ibs. C burned to CO 2 18.33 157.64 2.0 5 Ibs. vol. HC (distilled) 5.00 116.60 1.6 120 Ibs. oxygen are required, of which 30 Ibs. from H 2 O liber- ate H 3.75 712.50 9.4 90 Ibs. from air are associated with N 301.05 4064.17 53.6 614.79 7580.15 100.0 846 FUEL. Energy in the above gas obtained from 100 Ibs. anthracite: 186. 66 Ibs. CO 807,304 heat-units. 5.00 " CH 4 117,500 3.75 " H 232,500 " 1,157,304 Total energy in gas per Ib 2,248 " Total energy in 100 Ibs. of coal 1,349,500 " Efficiency of the conversion 86%. The sum of CO and H exceeds the results obtained in practice. The sensible heat of the gas will probably account for this discrepancy and therefore, it is safe to assume the possibility of delivering at least 82% of the energy of the anthracite. Bituminous Gas. A theoretical gasification of 100 Ibs of coal, con- taining 55% of carbon and 32% of volatile combustible (which is above the average of Pittsburgh coal), is made in the following table. It is assumed that 50 Ibs. of C are burned to CO and 5 Ibs. to CO2; one fourth of the O is derived from steam and three fourths from air; the heat value of the volatile combustible is taken at 20,000 heat-units to the pound. In computing volumetric proportions all the volatile hydrocarbons, fixed as well as C9ndensing, are classed as marsh-gas, since it is only by some such tentative assumption that even an approximate idea of the volumetric composition can be formed. The energy, however, is calcu- lated from weight: , : Prod ucts . Process. Pounds. Cubic Feet. Anal, by Vol. 50 Ibs. C burned to CO 116.66 1580.7 27.8 5 Ibs. C burned to CO 2 18.33 157.6 2.7 32 Ibs. vol. HC (distilled) 32 . 00 746 . 2 13.2 80 Ibs. O are required, of which 20 Ibs., derived from H2O, liber- ate H 2.5 475.0 8.3 60 Ibs. O, derived from air, are as- sociated with N 200.70 2709.4 47.8 370.19 5668.9 99.8 Energy in 116.66 Ibs. CO 504,554 heat-units. " 32.00 Ibs. vol. HC 640,000 2.50 Ibs. H 155,000 1,299,554 Energy in coal 1,437,500 Per cent of energy delivered in gas 90.0 Heat-units m 1 Ib. of gas 3,484 Water-gas. Water-gas is made in an intermittent process, by blow- Ing up the fuel-bed of the producer to a high state of incandescence (and in some cases utilizing the resulting gas, which is a lean producer-gas), then shutting off the air and forcing steam through the fuel, which dis- sociates the water into its elements of oxygen and hydrogen, the former combining with the carbon of the coal, and the latter being liberated. This gas can never play a very important part in the industrial field, owing to the large loss of energy entailed in its production, yet there are places and special purposes where it is desirable, even at a great excess in cost per unit of heat over producer-gas; for instance, in small high- temperature furnaces, where much regeneration is impracticable, or where the "blow-up" gas can be used for other purposes instead of being wasted. The reactions and energy required in the production of 1000 feet of water-gas, composed, theoretically, of equal volumes of CO and H, are as follows: 500 cubic feet of H weigh 2 . 635 Ibs. 500 cubic feet of CO weigh 36 . 89 Total weight of 1000 cubic feet 39 . 525 Ibs. Now, as CO is composed of 12 parts C to 16 of O', the weight of C in 36.89 Ibs. is 15.81 Ibs. and of O 21.08 Ibs. When this oxygen is derived FUEL GAS. 847 from water it liberates, as above, 2.635 Ibs. of hydrogen. The heat de- veloped and absorbed in these reactions (roughly, as we will not take into account the energy required to elevate the coal from the tempera- ture of the atmosphere to, say, 1800) is as follows: Heat-units 2.635 Ibs. H. absorb in dissociation from water 2.635 X 62,000 = 163,370* 15.81 Ibs. C burned to CO develops 15.81 X 4400 = 69,564 Excess of heat-absorption over heat-development = 93,806 If this excess could be made up from C burnt to CO 2 without loss by radiation, we would only have to burn an additional 4.83 Ibs. C to supply this heat, and we could then make 1000 feet of water-gas from 20.64 Ibs. of carbon (equal 24 Ibs. of 85% coal). This would be the perfection of gas-making, as the gas would contain really the same energy as the coal; but instead, we require in practice more than double this amount of coal and do not deliver more than 50% of the energy of the fuel in the gas, because the supporting heat is obtained in an indirect way and with imperfect combustion. Besides this, it is not often that the sum of CO and H exceed 90%, the balance being CO2 and N. But water-gas should be made with much less loss of energy by burning the "blow-up" (pro- ducer) gas in brick regenerators, the stored-urj heat of which can be returned to the producer by the air used in blowing-up. The following table shows what may be considered average volumetric analyses, and the weight and energy of 1000 cubic feet, of the four types of gases used for heating and illuminating purposes: Natural Gas. Coal- gas. Water- gas. Producer-gas. Anthra. Bitu. CO. 0.50 2.18 92.6 0.31 0.26 3.61 0.34 6.0 46.0 40.0 4.0 0.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 32.0 735,000 45.0 45.0 2.0 27.0 12.0 1.2 27.C 12.0 2.5 0.4 2.5 56.2 0.3 H CH t C 2 H 4 COa. . . 4.0 2.0 0.5 1.5 45.6 322,000 2.5 57.0 0.3 N O Vapor . ... Pounds in 1000 cubic feet 45.6 1,100,000 65.6 137,455 65.9 156,917 Heat-units in 1000 cubic feet Natural Gas in Ohio and Indiana. (Enq. and M. J., April 21, 1894.) Fos- toria, O. Find- Ia o y ' St. Mary's, O. Muncie, Ind. Ander- son, Ind. Koko- mo, Ind. Mar- ion, Ind. Hydrogen 1.89 1.64 1.94 2.35 1.86 1.42 1.20 Marsh-gas 92.84 93.35 93.85 92.67 93.07 94.16 . 93.57 Olefiant gas .20 .35 .20 .25 .47 .30 .15 Carbon monoxide . Carbon dioxide Oxygen .55 .20 .35 .41 .25 .39 .44 .23 .35 .45 .25 .35 .73 .26 .42 .55 .29 .30 .60 .30 .55 Nitrogen .... 3.82 3.41 2.98 3.53 3.02 2.80 3.42 Hydrogen sulphide .15 .20 .21 .15 .15 .18 .20 Natural Gas as a Fuel for Boilers. J. M. Whitham (Trans. A. S. /. E., 1905) reports the results of several tests of water-tube boilers with natural gas. The following is a condensed statement of the results : Kind of Boiler. | Cook Vertical. | Heine. | Cahall Vert. Rated H.P. of boilers H.P. developed 1500 1642 1500 1507 200 155 200 218 200 258 300 340 300 260 Temperature at chimney Gas pressure at burners, oz. Cu. ft. of gas per boiler. . H.P.-hour 521 6.9 44.9* 494 6.4 41.0* 386 46. Of 450 40. 7f 465 38. 3t 406 4.8 42.3 374 7 to 30 34 Boiler efficiency, % 72.7 65.8 74.9 *Reduced to 4 oz. press, and 62 F. fReduced to atmos. press, and 32 F. 848 FUEL. Six tests by Daniel Ashworth on 2-flue horizontal boilers gave cu. ft. of gas per boiler H.P. hour, 58.0; 59.7; 67.0; 63.0; 74.0; 47.0. On the first Cook boiler test, the chimney gas, analyzed by the Orsat apparatus, showed 7.8 CO2; 8.05 O; 0.0 CO; 84.15 N. This shows an excessive air supply. White versus Blue Flame. Tests were made with the air supply throt- tled at the burners, so as to produce a white flame, and also unthrottled, producing a blue flame with the following results: Pressure of gas at burners, oz 4 6 8 Kind of flame White Blue White Blue White Blue Boiler H.P.made per 250-H.P. boiler Cu. ft. of gas (at 4 oz. and 60 F.) per H.P. hour 247 41 213 41 297 41.6 271 M 9 255 49 227 43 1 Chimney temperature 436 503 478 511 502 508 Average of 6 tests White, 266 H.P., 43.6 cu. ft.; Blue, 237 H.P., 43.8 cu. ft., showing that the economy is the same with each flame, but the capacity is greatest with the white flame. Mr. Whitham's principal conclusions from these tests are as follows: (1) There is but little advantage possessed by one burner over another. (2) As good economy is made with a blue as with a white or straw flame, and no better. (3) Greater capacity may be made with a straw-white than with a blue flame. (4) An efficiency as high as from 72 to 75 per cent in the use of gas is seldom obtained under the most expert conditions. (5) Fuel costs are the same under the best conditions with natural gas at 10 cents per 1000 cu. ft. and semi-bituminous coal at $2.87 per ton of 2240 Ibs. (6) Considering the saving of labor with natural gas, as compared with hand-firing of coal, in a plant of 1500 H.P., and coal at $2 per ton of 2240 Ibs., gas should sell for about 10 cents per 1000 cu. ft, ANALYSES OF NATURAL GAS. Illuminants Carbonic oxide Hydrogen Marsh gas. Ethane Carbonic acid Oxygen Nitrogen B.T.U. per cu. ft. at 60 F. and 14.7 Ibs. barometer 0.45 0.00 0.20 81.05 17.60 0.00 0.15 0.55 1030 0.15 0.00 0.30 83.20 15.55 0.20 0.10 0.50 1020 0.50 0.15 0.25 83.40 15.40 0.00 0.00 0.30 1026 1.6 1.8 0.3 81.9 13.2 0.0 0.4 0.8 1098 The first three analyses are of the gas from nine wells in Lewis Co., W. Va.; the last is from a mixture from fields in three states supplying Pittsburg, Pa., used in the tests of the Cook boiler. Producer-gas from One Ton of Coal. (W. H. Blauvelt, Trans. A. I. M. E., xviii, 614.) Analysis by Vol . Per Cent. Cubic Feet. Lbs. Equal to CO 25 3 33 213 84 2451.20 1050.51 Ibs. C + 1400. 7 Ibs H 9.2 12,077.76 63.56 63.56 H. CH4 3.1 4,069.68 174.66 174.66 CH 4 . C2H4 8 1,050 24 77.78 77.78 C2H 4 . CO2 3.4 4,463.52 519.02 141.54 C + 377. 44 Ibs O N (by difference) 58.2 76,404.96 5659.63 7350.17 Air. 100.0 131,280.00 8945.85 FUEL GAS. 849 Calculated upon this basis, the 131,280 ft. of gas from the ton of coal contained 20,311,162 B.T.U., or 155 B.T.U. per cubic ft., or 2270 B. T.U, per Ib. The composition of the coal from which this gas was made was as follows: Water, 1.26%; volatile matter, 36.22%; fixed carbon, 57.98%; sulphur, 0.70%; ash, 3.78%. One ton contains 1159.6 Ibs. carbon and 724.4 Ibs. volatile combustible, the energy of which is 31,302,200 B.T.U. Hence, in the processes of gasification and purification there was a loss of 35.2% of the energy of the coal. The composition of the hydrocarbons in a soft coal is uncertain and quite complex; but the ultimate analysis of the average coal shows that it approaches quite nearly to the composition of CH 4 (marsh-gas). Mr. Blauvelt emphasizes the following points as highly important in soft-coal producer-practice: Fii the air before being used. To prevent these sources of loss, the pr< should be placed so as to lose as little as possible of the sensible heat of the gas, and prevent condensation of the hydrocarbon vapors. A high fuel-bed should be carried, keeping the producer cool on top, thereby preventing the breaking-down.of the hydrocarbons and the deposit of soot, as well as keeping the carbonic acid low. Second. That a producer should be blown with as much steam mixed with the air as will maintain incandescence. This reduces the percentage of nitrogen and increases the hydrogen, thereby greatly t enriching the gas. The temperature of the producer is kept down, diminishing the loss of heat by radiation through the walls, and in a large measure preventing clinkers. The Combustion of Producer-gas. (H. H. Campbell, Trans. A. I. M. E., xix, 128.) The combustion of the components of ordinary pro- ducer-gas may be represented by the following formulEe: C 2 H 4 4- 60 = 2C0 2 +2H 2 0; 2H -f O = H 2 O; CH 4 + 4 O = CO 2 + 2 H 2 O; CO + O = CO 2 . AVERAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME OF PRODUCER-GAS: A, MADE WITH OPEN GRATES, NO STEAM IN BLAST; B, OPEN GRATES, STEAM-JET IN BLAST. 10 SAMPLES OF EACH. 002. O. C 2 H4 CO. H. CH 4 . N. A min 3.6 0.4 0.2 20.0 5.3 3.0 58.7 A max 5.6 0.4 0.4 24.8 8.5 5.2 64.4 A average 4.84 0.4 0.34 22.1 6.8 3.74 61.78 B min 4.6 0.4 0.2 20.8 6.9 2.2 57.2 B max 6.0 0.8 0.4 24. 9.8 3.4- 62. B average 5.3 0.54 0.36 22.74 8.37 2.56 60.13 The coal used contained carbon 82%, hydrogen 4.7%. The following are analyses of products of combustion: C0 2 . O. CO. CH 4 . H. N. Minimum 15.2 0.2 trace. trace. trace. 80.1 Maximum 17.2 1.6 2.0 0.6 2.0 83.6 Average 16.3 0.8 0.4 0.1 0.2 82.2 Proportions of Gas Producers and Scrubbers. (F. C. Tryon, Power, Dec. 1, 1908.) Small inside diameter means excessive draft through the fire. If a fire is forced, as will be necessary with too small an inside diam- eter, the results will be clinkers and blow-holes or chimneys through the fire bed, with excess CO 2 and weak gas; clinkers fused to the lining, and burning out of grates. If sufficient steam is used to keep down the ex- cessive heat, the result is likely to be too much hydrogen in the gas, with the attendant engine troubles. The lining should never be less than 9 in. thick even in the smaller sizes, and a 100-H.P., or larger, producer should have at least 12 in. of generator lining. The lining next to the fire bed should be of the best quality of refractory material. A good lining consists of a course of soft common bricks put in edgewise next to the steel shell of the generator, laid in Portland cement; then a good firebrick 6 in. thick laid inside to fit the circle, the bricks being dipped as laid in a fine grouting of ground firebrick. If we take H/4 Ibs. of coal per H.P.-hour as a fair average and 10 Ibs, of 850 FUEL. coal per hour per squaie foot of internal fuel-bed cross-section, with 9 in. of refractory lining up to 100 H.P. and at least 12 in. of lining on larger sizes, the generator will give good gas without forcing and without excess- ive heat in the zone of complete combustion. A 200-H.P. producer on this basis consumes 250 Ibs. of coal at full load, and at 10 Ibs. per sq. ft. internal area 25 sq. ft. will be necessary. With a 12-in. lining the outside diameter will be 92 in. Practice has shown that the depth of the fuel bed should never be less than the inside diameter up to 6 ft.; above this size the depth can be adjusted as experience indicates the best working results. Assuming for a 200-H.P. producer 18 in. for the ashpit below the grate, 12 in. for the thickness of the grate and the ashes to protect it, 68 in. depth of fuel bed, 24 in. above the fuel to the gas outlet, the height will be 10 ft. 4 in. to the top of the generator; above this the coal-feeding hopper, say 32 in. high, is mounted; this makes the height over all 13 ft. The wet scrubber of a gas producer should be of ample size to cool the gas to atmospheric temperature and wash out most of the impurities. A good rule is to make its diameter three-fourths that of the inside diam- eter of the generator and the height one and one-half times the height of the generator shell. For a 100-H.P. producer, 4 ft. inside diam., the wet scrubber should be 3 ft. inside diam., and if the generator shell is 8 ft. 6 in. high, the scrubber should be 12 ft. 9 in. high. When filled with the proper amount of baffling and scrubbing material (coke is commonly used), the scrubber will have space for about 30 cu. ft. of gas. A 100-H.P. gas engine using 12,000 B.T.U. per H.P.-hour will use 160 cu. ft. of 125- B.T.U. gas per minute. The wet scrubber will therefore be emptied 51/3 times every minute, and would require about 8 Va gallons of water per minute; if the diameter of the scrubber were reduced one-third the vol- ume of water necessary to cool and scrub the gas would have to be doubled. Gas must be cooled below 90 F. to enable it to give up the impurities it carries in suspension, and even lower than this to condense its moisture. A separate dry scrubber with two compartments should always be pro- vided and the piping between the two scrubbers so arranged that the gas can be turned into either part of the dry scrubber at will. The dry scrubber should be equal in area to the inside of the generator, and the depth of each part should be sufficient to accommodate at least 2 cu. ft. of scrubbing material and give 1 cu. ft. of space next to the outlet. Oil- soaked excelsior is a good scrubbing material and should be packed as closely as possible. Taking as the standard the dimensions above stated for the different parts of a producer-gas plant, a list of dimensions for different horse-power capacities would be about as in the following table. DIMENSIONS OF GAS PRODUCERS AND SCRUBBERS. H.P. Producers. Wet Scrub- bers. Dry Scrubbers. Inside Diam. Out- side Diam. Height. Diam. Height. Diam. Height. 25 35 50 60 75 100 125 150 175 200 in, 24 28 34 37 ' 42 48 54 58 63 68 in. 42 46 52 55 60 72 78 82 87 92 ft. in. 6 6 6 10 7 4 7 7 8 8 6 9 6 9 10 10 3 10 8 in. 18 21 26 28 32 36 41 44 48 51 ft. in. 9 9 10 3 11 11 5 12 12 9 14 3 14 9 15 5 16 Single.. . . . do .... in. 24 28 34 37 42 48 52 58 63 68 ft. in. 3 3 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 Double . ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... The inside diameter of the producers corresponds to the formula H.P. = 6.25d 2 . GAS PRODUCERS. 851 Gas Producer Practice. The following notes on gas producers are condensed from the catalogue of the Morgan Construction Co. The Morgan Continuous Gas Producer is made in the following sizes: Diam. inside of lining, ft 6 8 10 12 Area of gas-making surface, sq. ft. . . . 28 50 78.5 113 24-hour capacity with good coal, tons 4 7 10 15 Diam. of outlet, in 20 27 33 40 The best coal to buy for a producer in any locality is that which by analysis or calorimeter test shows the most heat units for a dollar. It rarely pays to buy gas coal unless it can be had at a moderate cost over the ordinary steam bituminous grade. For very high temperature melting operations a fairly high percentage of volatile matter is necessary to give a luminous flame and intensify the radiation from the roof of the furnace. Freely burning gas coals are the most easily gasified, and the capacity of the producer to handle these coals is twice as great as when a slaty, dirty coal, high in ash and sulphur, is used. It is usually best to use "run-of- mine" coal, crushed at the mine to pass a 4-in. ring. It never pays to use slack coal, for it cuts down the capacity by choking the blast, which has to be run at high pressure to get through the fire, overheating the gas and lowering the efficiency of the producer. There is always a certain amount of CO2 formed, even in the best practice; in fact, it is inevitable, and if kept within proper limits does not constitute a net loss of efficiency, especially with very short gas flues, because the energy of the fuel so burned is represented in the sensible heat or tem- perature of the gas, and results in delivering a hot gas to the furnace. The best result is at about 4% CO2, a gas temperature between 1100 and 1200 F., and flues less than 100 ft. long. The amount of steam required to blow a gas producer is from 33% to 40% of the weight of the fuel gasified. If 30 Ibs. of steam is called a standard horse-power, we have therefore to provide about 1 H.P. of steam for every 80 Ibs. of coal gasified per hour or for every ton of coal gasified in 24 hours. In the original Siemens air-blown producer about 70% of the whole gas was inert and 30% combustible. Then with the advent of steam-blown producers the dilution was reduced to about 60%, with 40% combustible. Now, under the system of automatic feed, uniform conditions, perfect distribution and adjustment of the steam blast here presented, we are able to reduce the nitrogen to 50% and sometimes less. In the best practice the volume of gas from the producer is now reduced to about 60 cu. ft. per pound of coal, of which 30 cu. ft. are nitrogen. These volumes are measured at 60 F. The temperature of the gas leaving the producer under best modern conditions is about 1200 F. It can be run cooler than this, but not much, except at a sacrifice of both quantity and quality. At this temperature, the sensible heat carried by the gas is 1200 X 0.35 (average specific heat) = 420 B.T.U. per pound. As one pound of good gas is about 16 cu. ft. and carries about 16 X 180 = 2880 heat units at normal temperature, we see that the sensible heat carried away represents about one-seventh, or over 14% of the combustive energy, which is much too large a percentage to lose whenever it can be utilized by using the gas at the temperature at which it is made. Capacity of Producers. The capacity of a gas producer is a varying quantity, dependent upon the construction of the producer and upon the quality of the coal supplied to it. The point is, not to push the producer so hard as to burn up the gas within it; also to avoid blowing dust through into the flues. These two limitations in a well-constructed automatically fed gas producer occur at about the same rate of gasification, namely, at about 10 Ibs. per sq. ft. of surface per hour with bituminous coal carry- ing 10% of ash and 1 1/3 % of sulphur. With gas coal, having high volatile percentage and low ash, this rate can be safely increased to 12 Ibs. and in some cases to 15 Ibs. per sq. ft. At 10 Ibs. per sq. ft., the capacity of a gas producer 8 ft. internal diameter is 500 Ibs. per hour, which with gas coals may be increased to a maximum of about 700 Ibs. It frequently happens that the cheapest coal available is of such quality that neither of these figures can be reached, and the gasification per sq. ft. has to be cut down to 6 or 7 Ibs. per hour to get the best results. 852 FUEL Flues. It is necessary to provide large flue capacity and to carry the full area right up to the furnace ports, which latter may be slightly reduced to give the gas a forward impetus. Generally speaking, the net area of a flue should not be less than Vie of the area of the gas-making surface in the producers supplying it. Or it may be stated thus: The carrying capa- city of a hot gas flue is equivalent to 200 Ibs. of coal per hour per sq. ft. of section. Loss of Energy in a Gas Producer. The total loss from all sources in the gasification of fuel in a gas producer under fairly good conditions, when the gas is used cold or when its sensible heat is not utilized, ranges between 20% and 25%, which under very bad conditions may be increased to 60%. The loss under favorable conditions, using the gas hot, is reduced to as low as 10%,. which also includes the heat of the steam used in blowing. Test of a Morgan Producer. The following is the record of a test made in Chicago by Robert W. Hunt & Co. The coal used was Illinois " New Kentucky" run-of-mine of the following analysis: Fixed carbon, 50.87; volatile matter, 37.32; moisture, 5.08; ash (1.12 sulphur) ,6.73. The average of all the gas analyses by volume is as follows : CO, 24.5; H, 17.8; CH 4 and C 2 H 4 , 6.8; total combustibles, 49.1%; CO 2 , 3.7; O, 0.4; N, 46.8; total non-combustibles, 50.9%. Average depth of fuel bed, 3 ft. 4 in. Average pressure of steam on blower, 4.7 Ibs. per sq. in. Analysis of ash: combustible, 4.66%; non- combustible, 95.34%. Percentage of fuel lost in the ash, 4.66 X 6.73 * 100 = 0.3%. High Temperature Required for Production of CO. In an ordinary coal fire, with an excess of air CO2 is produced, with a high temperature. When the thickness of the coal bed is increased so as to choke the air sup- ply CO is produced, with a decreased temperature. It appears, however, that if the temperature is greatly lowered, CO2 instead of CO will be pro- duced notwithstanding the diminished air supply. Herr Ernst (Eng'g, April 4, 1893) holds that the oxidation of C begins at 752 F., and that COz is then formed as the main product, with only a small amount of CO, whether the air be admitted in large or in small quantities. When the rate of combustion is increased and the temperature rises to 1292 F. the chief product is CO2 even when the exhaust gases contain 20% by volume of COs, which is practically the maximum limit, proving that all the oxygen has been consumed. Above 1292 F. the proportion of CO rapidly increases until 1823 F. is reached, when CO is exclusively produced. Experiments reported by J. K. Clement and H. A. Grine in Bulletin No. 393 of the U. S. Geological vSurvey, 1909, show that with the rate of flow of gas and the depth of fuel bed which obtain in a gas producer a temper- ature of 1100 C. (2012 F.) or more is required for the formation of 90% CO gas from CO 2 and charcoal, and 1300 (2372 F.) for the same percen- tage from CO 2 and coke, and from CO 2 and anthracite coal. With a tem- perature 100 C. (180 F.) lower than these the resultant gas will contain about 50% CO. It follows that the temperature of the fuel bed of the gas producer must be at least 1300 C. in order to yield the highest possible percentage of CO. The Mond Gas Producer is described by H. A. Humphrey in Proc. Inst. C. E., vol. cxxix, 1897. The producer, which is combined with a by-prod- uct recovery plant, uses cheap bituminous fuel and recovers from it 90 Ibs. of sulphate of ammonia per ton, and yields a gas suitable for gas engines and all classes of furnace work. The producer is worked at a much lower temperature than usual, due to the large quantity of superheated steam introduced with the air r amounting to more than twice the weight of the fuel. The gas containing the ammonia is passed through an absorb- ing apparatus, and treated so that 70% of the original nitrogen of the fuel is recovered. The result of a test showed that for every ton of fuel about 2.5 tons of steam and 3 tons of air are blown through the grate, the mixture being at a temperature of about 480 F. The greater part of this steam passes through the producer undecomposed, its heat being used in a regenerator to furnish fresh steam for the producer. More than 0.5 ton of steam is decomposed in passing through the hot fuel, and nearly 4.5 tons of gas are produced from a ton of coal, equal to about 160,000 cu. ft. at ordinary atmospheric temperature. The gas has a calorific power of 81 % of that of the original fuel. Mr. Humphrey gives the following table Showing the relative value of different gases. FUEL GAS. 853 i fl M /I , "."S , !"*< fcjj^. I . 1 Volume per cent. |p J 2 00 Ill II ti . *| * M o C S**" 1 " S * S 03 +i ^8 o.s ^2 J31 m I s 5 s 3 Hydrogen (H) 24 8 8 6 18 73 20.0 56.9 48 22 Marsh gas (CH 4 ) 2 3 2 4 31 22 6 39 5 67 C W H2^ gases . nil nil 31 4 or?) 3 3.8 6 Carbonic oxide (CO) 13 2 24 4 25 07 21 8.7 7.5 0.6 Nitrogen (N) . . 46 8 59 4 48 98 49 5 5 8 5 3 Carbonic acid (CO2) 12 9 5 2 6 57 5 3.0 nil 6 Total volume 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total combustible gases 40 3 35 4 44 42 45 91.2 98 8 95 6 Theoretical. Air required for combustion .... 112.4 101.4 113.2 154.0 410.0 581.0 806.0 Calorific value per cu. ft., ) in Ib. C. units j 85.9 74.7 88.9 115.3 284.0 381.0 495.8 Do., B.T.U. per cu. ft 154.6 134.5 160.0 207.5 511.2 658.8 892.4 Do., per litre, gram C. units . . . 1,374 1,195 1,432 1,845 4,544 6,096 7,932 NOTE. Where the volume per cent does not add up to 100 the slight difference is due to the presence of oxygen. The following is the analysis 9f gas' made in a Mond producer at the works of the Solvay Process Co. in Detroit, Mich. (Mineral Industry, vol. viii, 1900): CO 2 , 14.1; O, 0.3; N, 42.9; H, 25.9; CH 4 , 4.1; CO, 12.7. Com- bustible, 42.7%. Calories per litre, 1540, --= 173 B.T.U. per cu. ft. Relative Efficiencies of Different Coals in Gas Producer and Engine Tests. The following is a condensed statement of the principal results obtained in the gas-producer tests of the U. S. Geological Survey t St. Louis in 1904. (R. H. Fernald, Trans. A. S. M. #., 1905.) B.t.u. Pounds per elec- trical H.P. hour B.t.u. Pounds per elec- trical H.P. hour per at switchboard. per at switchboard. Sample. Ib. Sample. Ib. bus- tible. Coal as fired. Dry coal. Com- bus- tible. bus- tible. Coal as fired. Dry coal. Com- bus- tible. Ala. No. 2... 14820 1.71 .64 .53 Ky.No. 3.. 14650 2.05 1.91 .72 Colo. No. 3... 13210 2.14 .71 .58 Mo. No. 2.. 14280 1.94 1.71 .43 111. No. 3 14560 1.93 .79 .60 Mont. No. 1 13580 2.54 2.25 .98 111. No. 4 14344 2.01 .76 .57 N.Dak.No.2 12600 3.80 2.29 2.05 Ind.No. 1.... 14720 2.17 .93 .71 Texas No. 1 12945 3.34 2.22 .88 Ind.No.2.... 14500 1.68 .55 39 Texas No. 2 12450 2.58 1.71 .52 Okla.No. 1... 14800 1.92 .83 66 W.Va.No.l 15350 1.60 1.57 .48 Okla.No.4... 13890 1.57 .43 .17 W.Va.No.4 15600 1.32 1.29 .17 Iowa No. 2. . . 13950 2.07 .73 .30 W.Va.No.7 15800 1.53 1.50 .40 Kan. No. 5... 15200 1.69 .62 .43 Wyo.No.2 13820 2.28 2.07 .60 The gas was made in a Taylor pressure producer rated at 250 H.P. Its inside diam. was 7 ft., area of fuel bed 38.5 sq. ft., height of casing 15 ft.; rotative ash table; centrifugal tar extractor. The engine was a 3-cylinder 851 FUEL. vertical Westinghouse, 19 in. diam., 22 in. stroke, 200 r.p.m., rated at 235 B.H.P. Comparing the results of the W. Va. No. 7 coal, the best on the list, with the North Dakota coal, the one which gave the poorest results, the heat values per Ib. combustible of the coals are as 1 to 0.808; reciprocal, 1 to 1.24; the Ibs. combustible per E. H. P. hour as 1 to 1.75, and Ibs. coal as fired per E. H. P. hour as 1 to 2.88. The relative thermal efficiencies of the engine with the two coals are as 2.05 to 1.17, or as 1 to 0.578. The analyses by volume of the dry gas obtained from the two coals was: C0 2 O CO H CH 4 N Total combustible. W. Va 10.16 0.24 15.82 11.16 3.74 5888 30.72 N. Dak 8.69 0.23 20.90 14.33 4.85 51.00 40.08 The dry-gas analysis shows the North Dakota gas to be by far the best ; its much lower result in the engine test is due to the smaller quantity of gas produced per Ib. of coal, which was 22.7 cu. ft. per Ib. of coal as fired, as compared with 70.6 cu. ft. for the W. Va. coal, measured at 62 F. and 14.7 Ib. absolute pressure. Use of Steam in Producers and in Boiler-furnaces. (R. W. Ray- mond, Trans. A. I. M. E. t xx, 635.) No possible use of steam can cause a gain of heat. If steam be introduced into a bed of incandescent carbon 't is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen. The heat absorbed by the reduction of one pound of steam to hydrogen is much greater in amount than the heat generated by the union of the oxygen thus set free with carbon, forming either carbonic oxide or car- bonic acid. Consequently, the effect of steam alone upon a bed of incan- descent fuel is to chill it. In every water-gas apparatus, designed to produce by means of the decomposition of steam a fuel-gas relatively Free from nitrogen, the loss of heat in the producer must be compensated by some reheating device. This loss may be recovered if the hydrogen of the steam is subsequently burned, to form steam again. Such a combustion of the hydrogen is contemplated, in the case of fuel-gas, as secured in the subsequent use of that gas. Assuming the oxidation of H to be complete, the use of steam will cause neither gain nor loss of heat, but a simple transference, the heat absorbed by steam decomposition being restored by hydrogen com- bustion. In practice, it may be doubted whether this restoration is ever complete. But it is certain that an excess of steam would defeat the reaction altogether, and that there must be a certain proportion of steam, which permits the realization of important advantages, without too great a net loss in heat. The advantage to be secured (in boiler furnaces using small sizes of anthracite) consists principally in the transfer of heat from the lower side of the fire, where it is not wanted, to the upper side, where it is wanted. The decomposition of the steam below cools the fuel arid the grate-bars, whereas a blast of air alone would produce, at that point, intense combustion (forming at first CO2), to the injury of the grate, the fusion of part of the fuel, etc. Gas Analyses by Volume and by Weight. To convert an analysis of a mixed gas by volume into analysis by weight: Multiply the percentage of each constituent gas by its relative density, viz: CO2 by 11, O by 8, CO and N each by 7, and divide each product by the sum of the products. Conversely, to convert analysis by weight into analysis by volume, divide the percentage by weight of each gas by its relative density, and divide each Quotient by the sum of the quotients. Gas-fuel for Small Furnaces. E. P. Reichhelm (Am. Mack., Jan. 10, 1895) discusses the use of gaseous fuel for forge fires, for drop-forging, in annealing-ovens and furnaces for melting brass and copper, for case- hardening, muffle-furnaces, and kilns. Under ordinary conditions, in such furnaces he estimates that the loss by draught, radiation, and the heating of space not occupied by work is, with coal, 80%, with petro- leum 70%, and with gas above the grade of producer-gas 25%. He gives the following table of comparative cost of fuels, as used in these furnaces: ACETYLENE AND CALCIUM CAKfilDE. 855 Kind of Gas. "i 2 ! E.S 3 SSS |1 No. of Heat- units in Fur- naces f after Deducting 25 % Loss. Average Cost per 1000 Ft. Co?t of 1,000,- 000 Heat- units Ob- tained in, Fiirnar.es. Natural 1,000,000 675,000 646,000 690,000 313,000 377,000 185,000 150,000 306,365 750,000 506,250 484,500 517,500 234,750 282,750 138,750 112,500 229,774 Coal-gas 20 candle-power $1.25 1.00 .90 .40 .45 .20 .15 .15 $2.46 2.06 .73 .70 .59 .44 .33 .65 .73 .73 Gasolene gas 20 candle-power \Vater-gas from, bituminous coal Water-gas and producer-gas mixed Producer-gas . Naphtha-gas, fuel 21/2 gals, per 1000 ft. . Coal, $4 per ton, per 1,000,000 heat-units Crude petroleum, 3 cts. per gal., per 1,( utilized )00,000 heat-units Mr. Reichhelm gives the following figures from practice in melting brass with coal and with naphtha converted into gas: 1800 Ibs. of metal require 1080 Ibs. of coal, at $4.65 pei ton, equal to $2.51, or, say, 15 cents per 100 Ibs. Mr,. T.'s report: 2500 Ibs. of metal require 47 gals, of naphtha, at 6 cents per gal., equal to $2.82, or, say, 111/4 cents per 100 Ibs. Blast-Furnace Gas. The waste-gases from iron blast furnaces were formerly utilized only for heating the blast in the hot-blast ovens and for raising steam for the blowing-engine pumps, hoists and other auxiliary apparatus. Since the introduction of gas engines for blowing and other purposes it has been found that there is a great amount of surplus gas available for other uses, so that a large power plant for furnishing electric current to outside consumers may easily be run by it. H. Freyn, in r <* paper presented before the Western Society of Engineers (Eng. Rec., Jan. 13, 1906), makes an elaborate calculation for the design of such a plant in connection with two blast furnaces of a capacity of 400 tons of pig iron each per day. Some of his figures are as follows: The two fur- naces would supply 4,350,000 cu. ft. of gas per hour, of 90 B.T.U. average heat value per cu. ft. The hot-blast stoves would require 30% of this, or 1,305,000 cu. ft.; the gas-blowing engines 720,000 cu. ft.; pumps, hoists and lighting machinery, 120,000 cu. ft.; gas-cleaning machinery, 120,000 cu. ft.; losses in piping, 48,000 cu. ft.; leaving available for outside uses, in round numbers, 2,000,000 cu. ft. per hour. At the rate of 100 cu. ft. of gas per brake H.P. hour this would supply engines of 20,000 H.P., but assum- ing that on account of irregular working of the furnaces only half this amount would be available for part of the time, a 10,000-H.P. plant could be run with the surplus gas of the two furnaces. Taking into account the cost of the plant, figured at $61.60 per B.H.P., interest, depreciation, labor, etc-., the annual cost of producing one B.H.P., 24 hours a day, is $17.88, no value being placed on the blast-furnace gas, and 1 K.W. hour would cost 0.295 cent, which is far below the lowest figure ever reached with a steam-engine power plant. Blast-furnace gas is composed of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, the latter being the combustible constituent. An analysis reported in Trans. A.I.M.E., xyii, 50, is, by volume, CO2, 7.08; CO, 27.80; O, 0.10; N, 65.02. The relative proportions of COa and CO vary con- siderably with the conditions of the furnace. ACETYLENE AND CALCIUM CARBIDE. Acetylene, C2H2, contains 12 parts C and 1 part H, or 92.3% C,7.7% H. It is described as follows in a paper on Calcium Carbide and Acetylene by J. M. Morehead (Am. Gas Light Jour., July 10, 1905. Revised, Acetylene is a colorless and tasteless gas. When pure it has a sweef etheral odor, but in the commercial form it carries small percentages of phosphoreted and sulphureted hydrogen which give it a pungent odor. 856 FtJEL. Pure acetylene is -without toxic or physiological effect. It may be in- haled or swallowed with impunity. One cu. ft. requires 11.91 cu. ft. of air for its complete combustion. Its specific gravity is 0.92, air being 1. It is the nearest approach to gaseous carbon, and it possesses a higher candle power and flame temperature than any other known substance, 240 candles for 5 cu. ft., 4078 F. when burned in air, 7878 F. in oxygen. Its ignition temperature with air is 804 F., with oxygen 782 F. It is soluble in its own volume of water, and in varying proportions in ether, alcohol, turpentine, and acetone. The solubility increases with pressure. It liquefies under a pressure of 700 Ibs. per sq. in. at 70 F. The pres- sure necessary for liquefaction varies directly with the temperature up to 98, which is its critical temperature, beyond which it is impossible to liquefy the gas at any pressure. When calcium carbide is brought into contact with water, the calcium robs the water of its oxygen and forms lime and thus frees the hydrogen, which combines with the carbon of the carbide to form acetylene. Sixty-four Ibs. of calcium carbide combine with thirty-six Ibs. of water and produce twenty-six Ibs. of acetylene and 74 Ibs. of pure slacked lime. [The chemical reaction is CaC2 + 2H 2 O = C2H2 + Ca(OH) 2 .] Chemically pure calcium carbide will yield at 70 F. and 30 in. mer- cury 5.83 cu. ft. acetylene per pound of carbide. Commercially pure carbide is guaranteed to yield 5 cu. ft. of acetylene per pound, and usually exceeds the guarantee by a few per cent. The reaction between calcium carbide and water, and the subsequent slacking of the calcium oxide produced, give rise to considerable heat. This heat from one pound of chemically pure calcium carbide amounts to sufficient to raise the temperature of 4.1 Ibs. of water from the freezing to the boiling point. There are two types of generators; one in which a varying quantity of water is dropped on to the carbide, the other in which the carbide is dropped into a large excess of water. Owing to the large amount of heat generated by the reaction, and the susceptibility of the acetylene to heat, the first, or dry type, is* confined to lamps and to small machines. Acetylene produces 1475 B.T.U. per cubic foot (at 70 F. and 30 in.), as compared with 1000 for natural gas and 600 for coal or water gas. At the present state of development of the acetylene industry and the calcium carbide manufacture, this gas will not compete with coal gas or water gas, or with electricity as supplied in our cities. The explosive limits of acetylene and air are from 3 % acetylene and 97% air to 24% acetylene and 76% air, the point of maximum explo- sibility being 7.7% acetylene and 92.3% air. The combustion of acetylene requires theoretically 2 % volumes of oxygen for 1 volume of acetylene. In autogenous welding and other oxy-acetylene processes, however, a consid?rable part of the necessary oxygen is taken from the air, and hence only from 1.25 to 1.75 cubic feet of oxygen per cubic foot of acetylene need be supplied. Of the 1475 heat units contained in a cubic foot of acetylene, 227 are endothermic energy, which it is believed is higher than that for any other substance. The balance of the energy is derived from the com- bination of the carbon and hydrogen of the acetylene with oxygen, as is the case with other combustible gases. Due to the extraordinary endothermic energy of acetylene the gas will explode of itself if it is ignited while at a pressure slightly in excess of 15 Ibs. to the square inch. The compression, storage, use and trans- portation of unabsorbed acetylene at pressures in excess of this figure are forbidden by the fire, police, insurance and transportation authorities in practically all cities. Danger of explosion from compressed acetylene is removed and the use of compressed acetylene is rendered safe and feasible for motor car, yacht, railroad train and all other portable uses by absorbing the acetylene in acetone, which is itself absorbed in turn in asbestos, Keisselgour or other non-inflammable substances. Calcium carbide was discovered on May 4, 1892, at the plant of the Willson Aluminum Co., in North Carolina. It is a crystalline body, hard, brittle and varying in color from almost black to brick red. Its specific gravity is 2.26. A cubic foot of crushed carbide weighs 138 Ibs., and in weight, color and most of its physical characteristics is about like granite. If broken hot, the fracture shows a handsome, bluish purple iridescence and the crystals are apt to be quite large. ACETYLENE AND CALCIUM CARBIDE. 857 Calcium carbide, CaC2, contains 62.5% Ca and 37.5% C. It is in- soluble in most acids and in all alkalies; it is non-inflammable, infusible, non-explosive, unaffected by jars, concussions or time, and, except for the property of giving off acetylene when brought in contact with water, it is an inert and stable body. It is made by the reduction in an electric arc furnace of a mixture of finely pulverized and intimately mixed cal- cium oxide or quicklime and carbon in the shape of coke (CaO + 3C = CaC2 + CO). The furnaces employ from 12,000 to 15,000 electric H.P. each and produce from 50 to 75 tons per day. The output is crushed to different sizes and it is sold in steel drums for $70 per ton at the works. The entire use for calcium carbide is for the production of acetylene. [Wohler, in 1862, obtained calcium carbide by heating an alloy of cal- cium and zinc together with carbon to a very high temperature.] Acetylene Generators and Burners. Lewes classifies acetylene generators under four types: (1) Those in which water drips or flows slowly on a mass of carbide; (2) those in which water rises, coming in contact with a mass of carbide; (3) those in which water rises, coming in contact with successive layers of carbide; (4) those in which the carbide is dropped or plunged into an excess of water. He shows that the first two classes are dangerous; that some generators of the third-class, are good, 1)ut that those of the fourth are the best. Of the various burners used for acetylene, those of the Naphey type are among the most satisfactory. Two tubes leading from the base of the burner are so adjusted as to cause two jets of flame to impinge upon each other at some little distance from the nozzles, and mutually to splay each other out into a flat flame. The tips of the nozzles, usually of steatite, are formed on the principle of the Bunsen burner, insuring a thorough mixture of the acetylene with enough air to give the best illumination. (H. C. Biddle, Cal Jour, of Tech., 1907.) Acetylene gas is an endothermic 'compound. In its formation heat is absorbed, and there resides in the acetylene molecule the power of spon- taneously decomposing and liberating this heat if it is subjected to a temperature or pressure beyond the capacity of its unstable nature to withstand. (Thos. L. White, Eng. Mag., Sept., 1908.) Mr. White recommends the use of acetylene for carbureting the alcohol used ir. alcohol motors for automobiles. The Acetylene Blowpipe. (Machy., July, 1907.) The acetylene is produced in a generator and stored in a tank at a pressure of 2.2 to 3 Ibs. per sq. in. The oxygen is compressed in a tank at about 150 Ibs. pressure. The acetylene is conveyed to the burner through a 1-in. pipe with one Y%-\n branch leading to each blowpipe connection. The oxygen is conveyed through 2/g-in. pipe with ^-in. branches. The blowpipe is of brass, made on the injector principle. As acetylene is so rich in car- bon containing 92.3 % it is possible, when mixed with air in a Bunsen burner, to. obtain 3100 F., and when combined with oxygen, 6300 F., which is the hottest flame known as a product of combustion, and nearly equals the electric arc. This is about 1200 higher than the oyx- hydrogen blowpipe flame. In lighting the blowpipe, the acetylene is first turned on full; then the oxygen is added until the flame is only a single cone. At the apex of this cone is a temperature of 6300 F. In welding, this point is held from % to ^t in. distant from the metal to be welded. Too much acetylene pro- duces two cones and a white color ; an excess of oxygen is indicated by a violet tint. Theoretically, 2 y> 5-* Ibs. bush. Pittsburgh Pa 36.76 36.00 37.50 40.00 43.00 46.00 53.50 51.93 58.00 56.90 53.30 40.00 41.00 44.50 7.07 6.00 5.60 6.70 17.00 13.00 2.00 Vo',642 10,528 10,765 9800 13,200 15,000 Westmoreland, Pa Sterling, O 16.62 18.81 20.41 34.98 42.79 28.70 1544 1480 1540 1320 1380 1056 40 36 36 32 32 44 6420 3993 2494 2806 4510 Despard, W. Va Petonia, W. Va Grahamite, W. Va The products of the distillation of 100 Ibs. of average gas-coal are about as follows. They vary according to the quality of coal and the tempera- ture of distillation. Coke, 64 to 65 Ibs.; tar, 6.5 to 7.5 Ibs.; ammonia liquor, 10 to 12 Ibs.; purified gas, 15 to 12 Ibs.; impurities and loss, 4.5% to 3.5%. The composition of the gas by volume ranges about as follows ; Hydro- ILLUMINATING^ GAS. 859 gen, 38% to 48%; carbonic oxide, 2% to 14%; marsh-gas (Methane, CH 4 ), 43% to 31%; heavy hydrocarbons (CwH 2 w, ethylene, propylene, benzole vapor, etc.), 7.5% to 4.5%; nitrogen, 1% to 3%. In the burning of the gas the nitrogen is inert: the hydrogen and car- bonic oxide give heat but no light. The luminosity of the flame is due to the decomposition by heat of the heavy hydrocarbons into lighter hydro- carbons and carbon, the latter being separated in a state of extreme subdivision. By the heat of the flame this separated carbon is heated to intense whiteness, and the illuminating effect of the flame is due to the light of incandescence of the particles of carbon. The attainment of the highest degree of luminosity of the flame de- pends upon the proper adjustment of the proportion of the heavy hydro- carbons (with due regard to their individual character) to the nature or the diluent mixed therewith. Investigations of Percy F. Frankland show that mixtures of ethylene and hydrogen cease to have any luminous effect when the proportion of ethylene does not exceed 10% of the whole. Mixtures of ethylene and carbonic oxide cease to have any luminous effect when the proportion of the former does not exceed 20%, while all mixtures of ethylene and marsh-gas have more or less luminous effect. The luminosity of a mix- ture of 10% ethylene and 90% marsh-gas being equal to about 18 candles, and that of one of 20% ethylene and 80% marsh-gas about 25 candles. The illuminating effect of marsh-gas alone, when burned in an argand burner, is by no means inconsiderable. For further description, see the treatises on gas by King, Richards, and Hughes; also Appleton's Cyc. Mech., vol. i. p. 900. Water-gas. Water-gas is obtained by passing steam through a bed of coal, coke, or charcoal heated to redness or beyond. The steam is decomposed, its hydrogen being liberated and its oxygen burning the carbon of the fuel, producing carbonic-oxide gas. The chemical reaction is, C + H 2 O = CO + 2 H, or 2 C + 2 H 2 O = C + CO 2 + 4 H, followed by a splitting up of the CO 2 , making 2 CO + 4 H. By weight the normal gas CO + 2 H is composed of C + O + H = 28 parts CO and 2 parts H, 12 + 16 + 2 or 93.33% CO and 6.67% H; by volume it is composed of equal parts of carbonic oxide and hydrogen. Water-gas produced as above described has great heating-power, but no illuminating-power. It may, however, be used for lighting by causing it to heat to whiteness some solid sub- stance, as is done in the Welsbach incandescent light. An illuminating-gas is made from water-gas by adding to it hydro- carbon gases or vapors, which are usually obtained from petroleum or some of its products. A history of the development of modern illumi- nating water-gas processes, together with a description of the most recent forms of apparatus, is given by Alex. C. Humphreys, in a paper on " Water- gas in the United States," read before the Mechanical Section of the British Association for Advancement of Science, in 1889. After describ- ing many earlier patents, he states that success in the manufacture of water-gas may be said to date from 1874, when the process of T. S. C. Lowe was introduced. All the later most successful processes are the modifications of Lowe's, the essential features of which were "an apparatus consisting of a generator and superheater internally fired; the super- heater being heated by the secondary combustion from the generator, the heat so stored up in the loose brick of the superheater being used, in the second part of the process, in the fixing or rendering permanent of the hydrocarbon gases; the second part of the process consisting in the passing of steam through the generator fire, and the admission of oil or hydrocarbon at some point between the fire of the generator and the loose filling of the superheater." The water-gas process thus has two periods: first the " blow," during which air is blown through the bed coal in the generator, and the par- tially burned gaseous products are completely burned in the superheater, giving up a great portion of their heat to the fire-brick work contained in it, and then pass out to a chimney; second, the "run" during which the air blast is stopped, the opening to the chimney closed, and steam is blown through the incandescent bed of fuel. The resulting water-gas passing into the carburetting chamber in the base of the superheater is there charged with hydrocarbon vapors, or spray (such as naphtha and other distillates or crude oil) , and passes through the superheater, where 860 ILJAJMINATING- GAS. the hydrocarbon vapors become converted into fixed illuminating gases. From the superheater the combined gases are passed, as in the coal-gas process, through washers, scrubbers, etc., to the gas-holder. In this case, however, there is no ammonia to be removed. The specific gravity 01 water-gas increases with the increase of the heavy hydrocarbons which give illuminating power. The following figures, taken from different authorities, are given by F. H. Shelton in a paper on " Water-gas," read before the Ohio Gas Light Association, in 1894: Candle-power.... 19.5 20.22.5 24. 25.426.3 28.3 29.6 .30 to 31. 9 Sp. gr. (Air = l).. .571 .630 .589 .60 to .67 .64 .602 .70 .65 .65 to .71 Analyses of Water-gas and Coal-gas Compared. The following analyses are taken frorn a report of Dr. Gideon E. Moore on the Granger Water-gas, 1885: Composition by Vol. Composition by Weight. Water-gas. Coal- gas. Heidel- berg. Water-gas. Coal- gas. Wor - [ Lake, cester. | Wor- cester. Lake. Nitrogen . ... 2.64 0.14 0.06 11.29 0.00 1.53 28.26 18.88 37.20 3.85 0.30 0.01 12.80 0.00 2.63 23.58 20.95 35.88 2.15 3.01 0.65 2.55 1.21 1.33 8.88 34.02 46.20 0.04402 0.00365 0.00114 0.18759 0.06175 0.00753 0.00018 0.20454 0.04559 0.09992 0.01569 0.05389 0.03834 0.07825 0.18758 0.41087 0.06987 Carbonic acid Oxygen Ethylene Propylene Benzole vapor . . 0.07077 0.46934 0.17928 0.04421 0.11700 0.37664 0.19133 0.04103 Carbonic oxide Marsh-gas ...... 100.00 100.00 100.00 1 .00000 1 .00000 1 .00000 Density: Theory 0.5825 0.5915 0.6057 0.6018 0.4580 Practice . . . B.T.U.fromlcu.ft.: Water liquid 650.1 597.0 688.7 646.6 642.0 577.0 vapor Flame-temperature, F . . . 5311.2 5281.1 5202.9 Average candle-power 22.06 26.31 The heating- values (B.T.U.) of the gases are calculated from the analysis by weight, by using the multipliers given below (computed from results of J. Thomsen), and multiplying tha result by the weight Of 1 cu. ft. of the gas at 62 F., and atmospheric pressure. The flame- temperatures (theoretical) are calculated on the assumption Of complete combustion of the gases in air, without excess of air. The candle-power was determined by photometric tests, using a pres- sure of l/2-in. water-column, a candle consumption of 120 grains of sper- maceti per hour, and a meter rate of 5 cu. ft. per hour, the result being corrected for a temperature at 62 F. and a barometric pressure of 30 in. It appears that the candle-power may be regulated at the pleasure of the person in charge of the apparatus, the range of candle-power being from 20 to 29 candles, according to the manipulation employed. Calorific Equivalents of Constituents of Illuminating-gas. Heat-units from 1 Ib. Heat-units from 1 Ib. Water Water Water Water Liquid. Vapor. Liquid. Vapor. Ethylene 21,524.4 20,134.8 Carbonic oxide . 4,395.6 4,395.6 Propylene. .. .21,222.0 19,834.2 Marsh-gas 24,021.0 21,592.8 Benzole vapor .18,954.0 17,847.0 Hydrogen 61 .524.0 51 804,0 ILLUMINATING- GAS. 861 Efficiency of a Water-gas Plant. The practical efficiency of an illuminating water-gas setting is discussed in a paper by A. G. Glasgow (Proe. Am. Gaslight Assn., 1890) from which the following is abridged: The results refer to 1000 cu. ft. of unpurifiedcarburetted gas, reduced to 60 F. The total anthracite charged per 1000 cu. ft. of gas was 33.4 Ibs., ash and unconsumed coal removed, 9.9 Ibs., leaving total combustible consumed, 23.5 Ibs., which is taken to have a fuel-value of 14,500 B.T.U. per pound, or a total of 340,750 heat-units. Com- posi- tion by Vol. Weight KxTcu. Ft. Com- posi- tion by W'ht. Specific Heat. I. Carburetted Water-gas. . CO 2 + H 2 S C M H 2 . ... CO CH 4 H... 3.8 14.6 28.0 17.0 35.6 .465842 1.139968 2.1868 .75854 .1991464 0.09647 .23607 .45285 .15710 .04124 0.02088 .0872H .11226 .09314 .14041 N 1.0 .078596 .01627 .00397 100.0 4.8288924 1.00000 .45786 CO 2 CO... 3.5 43.4 .429065 3.389540 .1019 .8051 .02205 .19958 II. Uncarburetted gas H 51.8 .289821 .0688 .23424 N 1.3 .102175 .0242 .00591 100.0 4.210601 1.0000 .46178 CO 2 ... 17.4 2.133066 .2464 .05342 III. Blast products escap- o 3.2 .2856096 .0329 .00718 ing from superheater . . N 79.4 6.2405224 .7207 .17585 100.0 8.6591980 1.0000 .23645 CO 2 ... 9.7 1.189123 .1436 .031075 CO 17.8 1.390180 .1680 .041647 IV. Generator blast-gases. . N 72.5 5.698210 .6884 .167970 100.0 8.277513 1.0000 .240692 The heat-energy absorbed by the apparatus is 23.5 X 14,500 = 340,750 heat-units = A. Its disposition is as follows* J3, the energy of the CO produced; C, the energy absorbed in the decomposition of the steam; D, the difference between the sensible heat of the escaping iauminating- gases and that of the entering oil; E, the heat carried off by the escaping blast products; F, the heat lost by radiation from the shells; G t the heat carried away from the shells by convection (air-currents); //, the heat rendered latent in the gasification of the oil; 7, the sensible heat in the asn and unconsumed coal recovered from the generator. The heat equation lsA=B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I: A 280 being known. A comparison of the CO in Tables I and II show that j^ t or 64.5% of the volume of carburetted gas, is pure water-gas, distributed thus: CO 2 , 2.3%; CO, 28.0%; H, 33.4%; N, 0.8%; = 64.5%. 1 Ib. of CO at 60 F. = 13,531 cu. ft. CO per 1000 cu. ft. of gas = 280 + 13.531 = 20.694 Ibs. Energy of the CO = 20.694 X 4395.6 = 91,043 heat- units = B. 1 Ib. of H at 60 F. = 189.2 cu. ft. H per M of gas = 334 * 189.2 = 1.7653 Ibs. Energy of the H per Ib. (according to Thomsen, considering the steam generated by its combustion to be condensed to water at 75 F.) = 61,524 B.T.U. In Mr. Glasgow's experiments the steam entered the generator at 331 F.; the heat required to raise the product of combustion of 1 Ib. of H, viz., 8.98 Ibs. H 2 O, from water at 75 to steam at 331 must therefore be deducted from Thomsen's figure, or 61,524 - (8.98 X 1140.2) = 51,285 B.T.U. per Ib. of H. Energy of the H, then, is 1.7653 X 51,285 = 90,533 heat-units = C. The best shell of the apparatus gave figures for the amount of heat lost by radia- tion = 12,454 heat-units = F, and by S62 ILLUMINATING-GAS. lost due to the sensible heat in the illuminating-gases, their temperature being 1450 F., and that of the entering oil 235 F., is 48.29 (weight) X.45786 (sp. heat) X 1215 (rise of temperature) = 26,864 heat-units = D. (The specific heat of the entering oil is approximately that of the issuing gas.) The heat carried off in 1000 cu. ft. of the escaping blast products is 86.592 (weight) X .23645 (sp. heat) X 1474 (rise of temp.) = 30,180 heat-units: the temperature of the escaping blast gases being 1550 F., and that of the entering air 76 F. But the amount of the blast gases, by registration of an anemometer, checked by a calculation from the analyses of the blast gases, was 2457 cubic feet for every 1000 cubic feet of carburetted gas made. Hence the heat carried off per M. of carburetted gas is 30,180 X 2.457 = 74,152 heat-units = E. Experiments made by a radiometer covering four square feet of the he amount of heat lost by radia- convection = 15,696 heat-units The heat rendered latent by the gasification of the oil was found by taking the difference between all the heat fed into the carburetter and superheater and the total heat dissipated therefrom to be 12,841 heat- units = H. The sensible heat in the ash and unconsumed coal is 9.9 Ibs. X 1500 X .25 (sp. ht.) = 3712 heat-units = /. The sum of all the items B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I = 327,295 heat-units, which subtracted from the heat-energy of the com- bustible consumed, 340,750 heat-units, leaves 13,455 heat-units, or 4 per cent unaccounted for. Of the total heat-energy of the coal consumed, or 340,750 heat-units, the energy wasted is the sum of items D, E : F, G, and 7, amounting to 132,878 heat-units, or 39 per cent; the remainder, or 207,872 heat-units, or 61 per cent, being utilized. The efficiency of the apparatus as a heat machine is therefore 61 per cent. Five gallons, or 35 Ibs. of crude petroleum, were fed into the carburetter per 1000 cu. ft. of gas made; deducting 5 Ibs. of tar recovered, leaves 30 Ibs. X 20,000 = 600,000 heat-units as the net heating- value of the petroleum used. Adding this to the heating-value of the coal, 340,750 B.T.U., gives 940,750 heat-units, of which there is found as heat-energy in the carburetted gas, as in the table below, 764,050 heat-units, or 81 per cent, which is the commercial efficiency of the apparatus, i.e., the ratio of the energy contained in the finished product to the total energy of the coal and oil consumed. The heating-power per M. cu. ft. of the carburetted gas is CO 2 38.0 C 3 H 6 *146.0x. 117220x21222.0=363200 CO 280.0 x. 078100 x 4395.6= 96120 CH 4 170.0 x. 044620x24021.0- 1822 10 H 356.0 x. 005594x61524.0 =122520 N 10.0 1000.0 764050 The heating-power per M. of the un carburetted gas is CO 2 35.0 CO 434.0 x. 0781 00 x 4395.6=148991 H 518.0X. 005594X61524.0- 178277 N 13.0 1000.0 327268 The candle-power of the gas is 31, or 6.2 candle-power per gallon of oil used. The calculated specific gravity is .6355, air being 1. For description of the operation of a modern carburetted water-gas plant, see paper by J. Stelfox, Eng'g, July 20, 1894, p. 89. Space Required for a Water-gas Plant. Mr. Shelton, taking 15 modern plants of the form requiring the most floor-space, figures the average floor-space required per 1000 cubic feet of daily capacity as follows: Water-gas Plants of Capacity Require an Area of Floor-space for each in 24 hours of 1000 cu. ft. of about 100,000 cubic feet 4 square feet. 200,000 " " 3.5 400,000 " " 2.75 " 600,000 " " 2 to 2.5 sq. ft. 7 to 10 million cubic feet 1.25 to 1.5 sq. ft. The heating- value of the illuminants C n H 2n is assumed to equal that ILLUMINATING-GAS. 863 These figures include scrubbing and condensing rooms, but not boiler and engine rooms. In coal-gas plants of the most modern and compact forms one with 16 benches of 9 retorts each, with a capacity of 1,500,000 cubic feet per 24 hours, will require 4.8 sq. ft. of space per 1000 cu. ft. of gas, and one of 6 benches of 6 retorts each, with 300,000 cu. ft. capacity per 24 hours, will require 6 sq. ft. of space per 1000 cu. ft. The storage- room required for the gas-making materials is: for coal-gas, 1 cubic foot of room for every 232 cubic feet of gas made; for water-gas made from coke, 1 cubic foot of room for every 373 cu. ft. of gas made; and for water-gas made from anthracite, 1 cu. ft. of room for every 645 cu. ft. of gas made. The comparison is still more in favor of water-gas if the case is con- sidered of a water-gas plant added as an auxiliary to an existing coal- gas plant ; for, instead of requiring further space for storage of coke, part of that already required for storage of coke produced and not at once sold can be cut off, by reason of the water-gas plant creating a constant demand for more or less of the coke so produced. Mr. Shelton gives a calculation showing that a water-gas of 0.625sp. gr. would require gas-mains eight per cent greater in diameter than the same quantity coal-gas of 0.425 sp. gr. if the same pressure is maintained at the holder. The same quantity may be carried in pipes of the same diam- eter if the pressure is increased in proportion to the specific gravity. With the same pressure the increase of candle-power about balances the decrease of flow. With five feet of coal-gas, giving, say, eighteen candle- power, 1 cubic foot equals 3.6 candle-power; with water-gas of 23 candle- power, 1 cubic foot equals 4.6 candle-power, and 4 cubic feet gives 18.4 candle-power, or' more than is given by 5 cubic feet of coal-gas. Water- gas may be made from oven-coke or gas-house coke as well as from an- thracite coal. A water-gas plant may be conveniently run in connection with a coal-gas plant, the surplus retort coke of the latter being used as the fuel of the former. In coal-gas making it is impracticable to enrich tne gas to over twenty candle-power without causing too great a tendency 10 smoke, but water- gas of as high as thirty candle-power is quite common. A mixture of coal-gas and water-gas of a higher C.P. than 20 can be advantageously distributed. Fuel- value of Illuminating-gas. E. G. Love (School of Mines Qtly, January, 1892) describes F. W. Hartley's calorimeter for determin- ing the calorific power of gases, and gives results obtained in tests of the carbureted water-gas made by the municipal branch of the Consoli- dated Co. of New York. The tests were made from time to time during the past two years, and the figures give the heat-units per cubic foot at 60 F. and 30 'inches pressure: 715, 692, 725, 732, 691, 738, 735, 703, 734, 730, 731, 727. Average, 721 heat-units. Similar tests of mixtures of coal- and water-gases made by other branches of the same company give 694, 715, 684, 692, 727, 665, 695, and 686 heat-units per foot, or an average of 694.7. The average of all these tests was 710.5 heat-units, and this we may fairly take as representing the calorific power of the illuminating gas of New York. One thousand feet of this gas, costing $1.25, would therefore yield 710,500 heat-units, which would be equiva- lent to 568,400 heat-units for $1.00. The common coal-gas of London, with an illuminating power of 16 to 17 candles, has a calorific power of about 668 units per foot, and costs from 60 to 70 cents per thousand. The product obtained by decomposing steam by incandescent carbon, as effected in the Motay process, consists of about 40% of CO, and a little over 50% of H. This mixture would have a heating-power of about 300 units per cubic foot, and if sold at 50 cents per 1000 cubic feet would furnish 600,000 units for $1.00, as compared with 568,400 units for $1.00 from illuminating gas at $1.25 per 1000 cubic feet. This illuminating-gas if sold at $1.15 per thousand would therefore be a more economical heating agent than the fuel-gas mentioned, at 50 cents per thousand, and be much more advan- tageous than the latter, in that one main, service, and meter could be used to furnish gas for both lighting and heating. A large number of fuel-gases tested by Mr. Love gave from 184 to 470 heat-units per foot, with an average of 309 units. Taking the cost of heat from illuminating-gas at tlie lowest figure given 864 ILLUMINATING-GAS . by Mr. Love, viz., $1.00 for 600,000 heat-units, it is a very expensive fuel, equal to coai at $40 per ton of 2000 Ibs., the coal having a, calorific power of only 12,000 heat-units per pound, or about 83% of that of pure carbon. 600,000: (12,000 X 2000) :: $1 : $40. FLOW OF GAS IN PIPES. The rate of flow of gases of different densities, the diameter of pipes required, etc., are given in King's Treatise on Coal Gas, vol. ii, 374, aa follows: If d = diameter of pipe in inches, Q = quantity of gas in cu. ft. per hour, I = length of pipe in yards, /, h = pressure in inches of water, s = specific gravity of gas, air being 1, Moiesworth gives Q = 1000 y J. P. Gill, Am. Gas-light Jour., 1894, gives Q = 1291 (1350)2/i' (1350)2^ ' = 1350(^2 = 1350 V~ 291 \ - ' S -,- - d") This formula is said to be based on experimental data, and to make allowance for obstructions by tar, water, and other bodies tending to check the flow of gas through the pipe. King's formula translated into the form of the common formula for the flow of compressed air 9r steam in pipes, Q = c */(PI P2) d*>/wL, in which Q = cu. ft. per min., PI p* = difference in pressure in Ibs. per sq. in; w = density in Ibs. per cu. ft., L = length in ft., d = diam. in ins., gives 56.6 for the value of the coefficient c, which is nearly the same as that commonly used (60) in calculations of the flow of air in pipes. For values of c based on Darcy's experiments on flow of water in pipes see Flow of Steam. An experiment made by Mr. Clegg, in London, with a 4-in. pipe, 6 miles long, pressure 3 in. of water, specific gravity of gas 0.398, gave a discharge into the atmosphere of 852 cu. ft. per hour., after a correction of 33 cu. ft. was made for leakage. Substituting this value, 852 cu. ft., for Q in the formula Q = C Vd 5 ft -4- si, we find C, the coefficient, = 997, which corresponds nearly with the formula given by Moiesworth. Wm. Cox (Am. Mach., Mar. 20, 1902) gives the following formula for flow of gas in long pipes. Q _ 3000 Q= discharge in cu. ft. per hour at atmospheric pressure; d = diam. of pipe in ins.; p t = initial and p% = terminal absolute pressure, Ibs. per sq. in.; I = length of pipe in feet, L = length in miles. For Pi 2 p 2 2 may be substituted (PI + p 2 ) (Pi . 2). The specific gravity of "the gas is assumed to be 0.65, air being 1. For fluids of any other sp. gr., s, multiply the coefficients 3000 or 41.3 by V0.65/S. For air, s = 1, the coefficients become 2419 and 33.3. J. E. Johnson Jr.'s formula for air, page 619, translated into the same notation as Mr. Cox's, makes the coeffU cients 2449 and 33.5. Services for Lamps. (Moiesworth.) Lamps. Ft. from Main. Require Pipe-bore. Lamps. Ft . from Main. Require Pipe-bore. 2 40 3 'gin. 15 130 1 in. 4 . 40 1/2 in. 20... 150 11/4 in. 6 50 5/8 i n - 25 180 1 1/9 in. to too 3/4 in. 30 200 1 3/4 in. (In cold climates no service less than 3/ 4 in. shouH te used,) FLOW OF GAS IN PIPES. 865 Factors for Reducing Volumes of Gas to Equivalent Volumes at 60 F. and 30-inches Barometer. (Multiply the observed volume by the factor to obtain the equivalent volume.) d^ Barometer. II HQ 30.0 29.8 29.6 29.4 29.2 29.0 28.8 28.6 28.4 28.2 28.0 -30 2095 1 2014 1934 1853 1772 1692 1611 1530 1450 1 1369 1 1288 -25 .1956 1.1876 .1796 .1716 .1637 .1557 .1476 .1398 .1318 .1238 .1159 -20 18201 1741 1662 1583 1505 1426 1347 1268 1189 1111 1032 -15 .1687 1.1609 .1531 .1453 .1375 .1297 .1219 .1141 .1064 .0986 .0908 -10 .15571.1480! .1403 .1326 .1249 .1172 .1095 .1018 .0941 .0863 .0786 - 5 .14301.1354 .1277 .1201 .1125 .1049 .0973 .0896 .0820 .0744 .0668 .13061.1230! .1155 .1079 .1004 .0929 .0853 .0778 .07031 .0627 .0552 5 .1184; 1.1 109 .1035 .0960 .0885 .0811 .0736 .0662 .0587 .0513 .0438 10 .10651.0991 .0917 .0843 .0770 .0696 .0622 .0548 .0474 .0401 .0327 15 .09481.0875 .0802 .0729 .0656 .0585 .0510 .0437 .0364 1.0291 .0218 20 .0834 1.0762 .0689 .0617 .0545 .0473 .0401 .0328 .0256 1.0184 .0112 25 .0722 1.0651 .0579 .0508 .0436 .0365 .0293 .0222 .0150 1.0079 .0007 30 .0613 1.0542 .0471 .0401 .0330 .0259 .0188 .0118 .0047 0.9976 0.9905 35 .0506 1.0435 .0365 .0295 .0225 .0155 .0085 .0015 0.9945 .9875 .9805 40 .0400 1.0331! .0261 .0192 .0123 .0053 0.9984 0.9915 .9845 .9776 .9707 45 .0297 1.0229J .0160 1.0091 .0023 0.9954 .9885 .9817 .9748 .9679 .9611 50 .01961.0128 .0060 0.9992 0.9924 .9856 .9788 .9720 .9652 .9584 .9516 55 .0097 1.00300.9962 .9895 .9828 .9761 .9693 .9626 .9559 .9491 .9424 60 .00000.99331 .9867 .9800 .9733 .9667 .9600 .9533 .9467 .9400 .9333 65 0.9905 .9838 .9772 .9706 .9640 .9574 .9508 .9442 .9376 .9310 .9244 70 .9811 .9746 .9680 .9615 .9550 .9484 .9419 .9353 .9288 .9223 .9157 75 .9719 .9655 .9590 .9525 .9460 .9395 .9331 .9266 .9201 .9136 .9071 80 .9629 .9565 .9501 .9437 .9373 .9308 .9244 .9180 .9116 .9052 .8987 85 .9541 .94773 .9414 .9350 .9286 .9223 .9159 .9096 .9032 .8968 .8905 90 .9454 .9391 .9328 .9265 .9202 .9139 .9076 .9013 .8950 .8887 .8824 95 .9369 .9306 .9244 .9181 .9119 .9056 .8994 .8931 .8869 .8807 .8744 100 .9285 .9223 .9161 .9099 .9037 .8976 .8914 .8852 .8790 .8728 .8666 105 .9203 .9141 .9080 .9019 .8957 .8896 .8835 .8773 .8712 .8651 .8589 110 .9122 .9061 .9000 .8940 .8879 .8818 .8757 .8696 .8636 .8575 .8514 115 .9043 .8982 .8922 .8862 .8801 .8741 .8681 .8621 .8560 .8500 .8440 120 .8965 .8905 .8845 .8785 .8726 .8666 .8606 .8546 .8486 .8427 .8367 Formula: Equivalent volume = observed volume X . . ' > X ^r ~~ Maximum Supply of Gas through Pipes in cu. ft. per Hour, Specific Gravity being taken at 0.45, calculated from the Formula Q = 1000 \/d*ti TsL ( Moles worth .) LENGTH OF PIPE = 10 YARDS. Diameter of Pressure by the Water-gage in Inches. Inches. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 , : '= n/4 1V 2 26 73 149 260 411 843 37 103 211 368 581 1192 46 126 258 451 711 1460 53 145 298 521 821 1686 59 162 333 582 918 1886 64 187 365 638 1006 2066 70 192 394 689 1082 2231 74 205 422 737 1162 2385 79 218 447 781 1232 2530 83 230 471 823 1299 2667 (Continued on p. 866) ILLUMINATING- GAS. Maximum Supply of Gas through Pipes in cu. ft. per Hour, Specific Gravity being taken at 0.45, calculated from the Formula Q = 1000 \/&h 4- si. (Molesworth.) (Continued) LENGTH OF PIPE = 100 YARDS. Diam. of Pipe, Inches. Pressure by the Water-gage in Inches. e.i 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 2 2.5 3 /4 23 32 42 46 51 63 73 81 89 103 115 1 47 67 82 94 105 129 149 167 183 211 236 M/4 82 116 143 165 184 225 260 291 319 368 412 1V> 130 184 225 260 290 356 411 459 503 581 649 2 267 377 462 533 596 730 843 943 1033 1193 1333 IVi 466 659 807 932 1042 1276 1473 1647 1804 2083 2329 3 735 1039 1270 1470 1643 2012 2323 2598 2846 3286 3674 3V 2 1080 1528 1871 2161 2416 2958 ! 3416 3820 4184 4831 5402 4 1508 2133 2613 3017 3373 4131 I 4770 5333 5842 6746 7542 LENGTH OF PIPE = 1000 YARDS. Diam. of Pipe, Inches. Pressure by the Water-gage in Inches. 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 . 2.5 3.0 > f 5 6 33 92 189 329 520 1067 1863 2939 41 113 231 403 636 1306 2282 3600 47 130 267 466 735 1508 2635 4157 58 159 327 571 900 1847 3227 5091 67 184 377 659 1039 2133 3727 5879 75 205 422 737 1162 2385 4167 6573 82 226 462 807 1273 2613 4564 7200 LENGTH OF PIPE = 5000 YARDS. Diameter of Pipe in Inches. Pressure by the Water-gage in Inches. 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 2 119 146 169 189 207 3 329 402 465 520 569 4 675 826 955 1067 1168 5 1179 1443 1667 1863 2041 6 1859 2277 2629 2939 3220 7 2733 3347 3865 4321 4734 8 3816 4674 5397 6034 6610 9 5123 6274 7245 8100 8873 10 6667 8165 9428 10541 11547 12 10516 12880 14872 16628 18215 Mr. A. C. Humphreys says his experience goes to show that these tables give too small a flow, but it is difficult to accurately check the tables, on account of the extra friction introduced by rough pipes, bends, etc. For bends, one rule is to allow 1/42 of an inch pressure for each right-angle bend. Where there is apt to be trouble from frost it is well to use no service of less diameter than 3/ 4 in., no matter how short it may be. In ex- tremely cold climates this is now often increased to 1 in., even for a single lamp. The best practice in tUe U. S. now condemns any service less than 3/ 4 in. STEAM. 867 STEAM. The Temperature of Steam in contact with water depends upon the pressure under which it is generated. At the ordinary atmospheric pressure (14.7 Ib. pej sq. in.) its temperature is 212 F. As the pressure is increased, as by the steam being generated in a closed vessel, its tem- perature, and that of the water in its presence, increases. Saturated Steam is steam of the temperature due to its pressure not superheated. Superheated Steam is steam heated to a temperature above that due to its pressure. Dry Steam is steam which contains no moisture. It may be either saturated or superheated. Wet Steam is steam containing intermingled moisture, mist, or spray. It has the same temperature as dry saturated steam of the same pressure. Water introduced into the presence of superheated steam will flash into steam until the temperature of the steam is reduced to that due its pressure. Water in the presence of saturated steam has the same temperature as the steam. Should cold water be introduced, lowering the temperature of the whole mass, some of the steam will be con- densed, reducing the pressure and temperature of the remainder, until equilibrium is established. Total Heat of Saturated Steam (above 32 F.). According to Marks and Davis, the formula for total heat of steam, based on researches by Henning, Knoblauch, Linde and Klebe, is H = 1150.3 + 0.3745 (t - 212) - 0.000550 (t - 212)2, in which H is the total heat in B.T.U. above water at 32 F. and t is the temperature Fahrenheit. Latent Heat of Steam. The latent heat, or heat of vaporization, is obtained by subtracting from the total heat at any given temperature the heat of the liquid, or total heat above 32 in water of the same tem- perature. The total heat in steam (above 32) includes three elements: 1st. The heat required to raise the temperature of the water to the temperature of the steam. 2d. The heat required to evaporate the water at that temperature, called internal latent heat. 3d. The latent heat of volume, or the external work done by the steam in making room for itself against the pressure of the superincumbent at- mosphere (or surrounding steam if inclosed in a vessel) . The sum of the last two elements is called the latent heat of steam. Heat required to Generate 1 Ib. of Steam from water at 32 F. Heat-units. Sensible heat, to raise the water from 32 to 212 = 180.0 Latent heat, 1, of the formation of steam at 212 = 897 . 6 2, of expansion against the atmospheric pressure, 2116.4 Ib. per sq. ft. X 26.79 cu. ft. = 55,786 foot-pounds -4- 778= 72.8 970.4 Total heat above 32 F 1150 . 4 The Heat-Unit, or British Thermal Unit. The old definition of the heat-unit (Rankine), viz., the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 Ib. of water 1 F., at or near its temperature of maxi- mum density (39.1 F.), is now (1909) no longer used. Peabody defines it as the heat required to raise a pound of water from 62 to 63 F., and Marks and Davis as i/igo of the heat required to raise 1 Ib. of water from 32 to 212 F. By Peabody 's definition the heat required to raise 1 Ib. of water from 32 to 212 is 180.3 instead of 180 units, and the heat of va- porization at 212 is 969.7 instead of 970.4 units. Specific Heat of Saturated Steam. When a unit weight of saturated steam is increased in temperature and in pressure, the volume decreasing so as to just keep it saturated, the specific heat is negative, and decreases as temperature increases. (See Wood, Thermodynamics, p. 147; Pea- body, Thermodynamics, p. 93.) 868 'STEAM. Absolute Zero. The value of the absolute zero has been variously given as from 459.2 to 460.66 degrees below the Fahrenheit zero. Marks and Davis, comparing the results of Berthelot (1903) , Buckingham, 1907, and Ross-Innes, 1908, give as the most probable value 459.64 F. The value 460 is close enough for all engineering .calculations. The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. The value generally accepted, based on Rowland's experiments, is 778 ft.-lb. Marks and Davis give the value 777.52 standard ft.-lb., based on later experiments, and on the value of (7 = 980.665 cm. per sec. 2 , = 32.174 ft. per sec. 2 , fixed by inter- national agreement (1901). [With this value of g and the mean gram- calorie being taken as equivalent to 4.1834 X 10 7 dyne-centimeters, the equivalent of 1 B.T.U. is 777.54 ft.-lb.] These values of the absolute zero and of the mechanical equivalent of heat have been used by Marks and Davis in the computation of their steam tables. In refined in- vestigations involving the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat the value of g for the latitude in which the experiments are made must be considered. Marks and Davis give the value of the mean gram-calorie as 4.1834 joules, which is equivalent to 777.54 ft.-lb. = 1 B.T.U. Goodenough, taking 1 mean calorie = 4.184 joules, gives 1 mean B.T.U. = 777.64 ft.-lb. Pressure of Saturated Steam. Holborn and Henning, Zeit. des Ver. deutscher Ingenieure, Feb. 20, 1909, report results of measurements of the pressures of saturated steam at temperatures ranging from 50 to 200 C. (112 to 392 F.). Their values agree closely with those ob- tained in 1905 by Knoblauch, Linde and Klebe. From a table in the article giving pressures for each degree from to 200 C., the following values have been transformed into English measurements (Eng. Digest, April, 1909). Deg. F. Lb. per sq. in. Deg. F. Lb. per sq. in. Deg. F. Lb. per sq. in. 32 68 100 0.0885 0.3386 0.9462 150 200 250 3.715 11.527 29.819 300 350 400 66.972 134.508 248.856 Volume of Saturated Steam. The values of specific volumes of satu- rated steam are computed by Clapeyron's equation (Marks and Davis's Tables), which gives results remarkably close to those found in the ex- periments of Knoblauch, Linde and Klebe. Goodenough's Steam Tables. (Properties of Steam and Ammonia, John Wiley & Sons, 1915.) These tables are based on the same original data as those of Marks and Davis, and on some later ones. They adopt the same definition of the thermal unit, the mean B.T.U. or i/iso of the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 Ib. of water from 32 to 212 F. The differences between the figures given in the two sets of tables are in general small ; the most important being that the latent heat of steam at 212 F. is given as 971.7 B.T.U. instead of 970.4, the figure given by Marks and Davis. A comparison of some figures from the two tables is given on p. 869, Goodenough's values being given in the upper lines (G), and Marks and Davis's in the lower lines (M), only the digits which differ from those in the upper lines being given. Properties of Saturated Steam at High Temperatures. (From G. A. Goodenough's Properties of Steam and Ammonia, 1915.) Temp. o F Pressure Lb. per Sq. in. Volume of 1 Lb., Cu. ft. Weight of 1 Cu. ft., Lb. Heat of Liquid B.T.U. Heat of Vapor, B.T.U. Latent Heat, B.T.U. 600 620 640 660 680 700 706.3 1540 1784 2057 2361 2699 3075 3200 0.272 0.226 0.186 0.151 0.118 0.080 0.048 3.68 4.43 5.38 6.60 8.5 12.5 20.90 604.5 633 664 700 745 820 921 1164.2 1151 1134 1112 1080 1018 921 488.9 452 409 358 290 171 STEAM 869 Properties of Saturated Steam. Comparison of Goodenough and Marks and Davis (see p. 868.) Abso- lute Pres- sure. Tem- pera- ture o p Total Heat Above 32. Latent Heat. Vol- ume, Cu.Ft. in 1 Lb. Weight of 1 Cu.Ft. Entropy. In Water. In Steam. Water. Vapor- ization. G. 0.0887 32 1073.0 1073.0 3296 0.000304 2.1826 M. '* " " .4 .4 4 M " 32 G. 0.949 100 68.00 1104.6 1036.6 350.3 0.002855 0.1296 1.8523 M. 11 " 7.97 3.6 5.6 .8 1 5 05 G. 14.7 212 180 1151.7 97f.7 26.81 0.03730 0.3120 1.4469 M. " " 0.4 0.4 .79 2 18 47 G. 50 281 249.8 1175.6 925.9 8.53 0.1173 0.4108 1.2501 M. " 50.1 3.6 3.5 5 13 468 G. 100 327.8 297.9 1188.4 890.5 4.442 0.2251 0.4736 1.1309 M. " 8.3 6.3 88.0 29 8 43 277 G. 150 358.5 329.8 1194.7 864.9 3.020 0.3311 0.5131 1.0573 M. " " 30.2 3.4 3.2 12 20 42 50 G. 200 381.9 354.5 1198.5 844.0 2.292 0.4364 0.5426 1.0030 M. 11 " .9 .1 3,2 70 37 19 G. 250 401.1 374.9 1200.6 825.8 1.846 0.542 0.5663 0.9595 M. " " 5.2 1.5 6.3 50 1 76 600 G. 300 417.5 392.4 1201.9 809.4 1.545 0.647 0.5863 0.9229 M. " M .7 4.1 11.3 51 5 78 51 G. 400 444.8 422.0 1202.5 780.6 1.162 0.860 0.6190 0.8631 M. " " " 8. 6. 70 ** 210 80 G. 500 467.2 446.6 1201.7 755.0 0.928 1.077 0.6455 0.8146 M. " .3 8. 10. 62. 30 80 80 220 G. 600 486.5 468.0 1199.8 731.8 0.770 1.30 0.6679 0.7735 M. " .6 9. 210. 41. 60 2 700 830 Volume of Superheated Steam. Linde's equation (1905), pv = 0.5962 T - p (1 + 0.0014 p) in which p is in Ib. per sq. in., v is in cu. ft. and T is the absolute temperature on the Fahrenheit scale, has been used in the computation of Marks and Davis's tables. Specific Heat of Superheated Steam. Mean specific heats from the temperature of saturation to various temperatures at several pressures English and metric units. Knoblauch and Jakob (from Peabody's Tables). Kg. per sq. cm. Lb. per sq. in. . Temp., sat.C. Temp., sat. F. 1 14.2 99 210 2 28.4 120 248 4 56.9 143 289 6 85.3 158 316 8 113.3 169 336 10 142.2 179 350 12 170.6 187 368 14 199.1 194 381 16 227.5 200 392 18 256.0 206 403 20 284.4 211 412 F. 212 302 392 482 572 662 752 o r~* 100 150 200 250 300 350 0.463 .462 .462 .463 .464 .468 0.478 .475 .474 .475 .477 0.515 .502 .495 .492 .492 0.530 .514 .505 .503 0.560 .532 .517 .512 0.597 .552 .530 .522 0.635 .570 .541 .529 0.677 .588 .550 536 0.609 .561 543 0.635 .572 550 0.664 .585 557 .473 .481 .494 .504 .512 .520 .526 .531 .537 .542 .547 870 STEAM. Properties of Superheated Steam. See the table on page 875, con- densed from Marks and Davis's tables. The Specific Density of Gaseous Steam, that is, steam considerably superheated, is 0.622, that of air being 1. That is to say, the weight of a cubic foot of gaseous steam is about five-eighths of that of a cubic foot of air, of the same pressure and temperature. The density or weight of a cubic foot of gaseous steam is expressible by the same formula as that of air, except that the multiplier or coefficient is less in proportion to the less specific density. Thus, 1.684 p +460' n= +460 in which D is the weight of a cubic foot, p the total pressure per square inch and t the temperature Fahrenheit. (Clark's "Steam-engine.) H. M. Prevost Murphy (Eng. News, June 18, 1908) shows that the specific density is not a constant, but varies with the temperature, and n OQS*/ that the correct value is 0.6113 + ^ / ooO t The Rationalization of Regnault's Experiments on Steam. (J. McFarlane Gray, Proc. Inst. M. E., July, 1889.) The formulae con- structed by Regnault are strictly empirical, and were based entirely on his experiments. They are therefore not valid beyond the range of tem- peratures and pressures observed. Mr. Gray has made a most elaborate calculation, based not on experi- ments but on fundamental principles of thermodynamics, from which he deduces formulae for the pressure and total heat of steam, and presents tables calculated therefrom which show substantial agreement with Regnault's figures. He gives the following examples of steam-pressures calculated for temperatures beyond the range of Regnault's experiments. Temperature. Pounds per Sq. In. Temperature. Pounds per Sq. In. C. Fahr. C. Fahr. 230 240 250 260 280 300 320 446 464 482 500 536 572 608 406.9 488.9 579.9 691.6 940.0 1261.8 1661.9 340 360 380 400 415 427 644 680 716 752 779 800.6 2156.2 2742.5 3448.1 4300.2 5017.1 5659.9 These pressures are higher than those obtained by Regnault's formula, which gives for 415 C. only 4067.1 Ibs. per square inch. Available Energy in Expanding Steam. Rankine Cycle. (J. B. Stanwood, Power, June 9, 1908.) A simple formula for finding, with the aid of the steam and entropy tables, the available energy per pound ol steam in B.T.U. when it is expanded adiabatically from a higher to a lower pressure is: U = H - Hi + T (Ni - N). U available B.T.U. in 1 Ib. of expanding steam; H and Hi total heat in 1 Ib. steam at the tw9 pressures; T = absolute temperature at the lower pressure; N Ni, difference of entropy of 1 Ib. of steam at the two pressures. EXAMPLE. Required the available B.T.U. in 1 Ib. steam expanded from 100 Ibs. to 14.7 Ibs. absolute. H = 1186.3; Hi = 1150.4; T = 672; N = 1.602; Ni = 1.756. 35.9 + 103.5 = 138.4. Efficiency of the Cycle. Let the steam be made from feed-water at 212. Heat required = 1186.3 180 1006.3; efficiency = 138.4 * 1006.3 = 0.1375. Rankine Cycle. This efficiency is that of the Rankine cycle, which assumes that the steam is expanded adiabatically to the exhaust pres- sure and temperature, and that the feed-water from which the steam is made is introduced into the system at the temperature of the exhaust. Carnot Cycle. The Carnot ideal cycle, which assumes that all the heat entering the system enters at the highest temperature, and in which the efficiency is (Ti - T 2 ) + Ti, gives (327.8 - 212) + (327.8 + 460) = 0.1470 and the available energy in B.T.U. = 0.1470 X 1006.3 = 147.9 B.T.U. $71 Properties of Saturated Steam. (Condensed from Marks and Davis's Steam Tables and Diagrams, 1909, by permission of the publishers, Longmans, Green & Co.) 2 d" Total Heat ^ni Ug O 4 iP . . above 32 F . *r"i 53 I I M J |f 3-f 1 $ 1 3 |2 33 ~| ^ s . 0) ^ S L> '^ -2 "3 i ^ r fl Is >^ >>o 2 1^ B o> -i> 5 $ |*5 Q)>- M j.s! f ft * KS 82 > 4^ H +-> QJ .5 W S w J*P >__ 6si W K 29.74 0.0886 32 0.00 1073.4 1073.4 3294 0.000304 0.0000 2.1832 29.67 0.1217 40 8,05 1076.9 1068.9 2438 0.000410 0.0162 2.1394 29.56 0.1780 50 18.08 1081.4 1063.3 1702 0.000587 0.0361 2.0865 29.40 0.2562 60 28.08 1085.9 1057.8 1208 0.000828 0.0555 2.0358 29.13 0.3626 70 38.06 1090.3 1052.3 871 0.001148 0.0745 1.9868 28.39 0.505 80 48.03 1094.8 1046.7 636.8 0.001570 0.0932 1 .9398 28.50 0.696 90 58.00 1099.2 1041.2 469.3 0.002131 0.1114 1 .8944 28.00 0.946 100 67.97 1103.6 1035.6 350.8 0.002851 0.1295 1.8505 27.88 1 101.83 69.8 1104.4 1034.6 333.0 0.00300 0.1327 1.8427 25.85 2 126.15 94.0 1115.0 1021.0 173.5 0.00576 0.1749 1.7431 23.81 3 141.52 109.4 1121.6 1012.3 118.5 0.00845 0.2008 1.6840 21.78 4 153.01 120.9 1126.5 1005.7 90.5 0.01107 0.2198 .6416 19.74 3 162.28 130.1 1130.5 1000.3 73.33 0.01364 0.2348 1.6084 17.70 6 170.06 137.9 1133.7 995.8 61.89 0.01616 0.2471 .5814 15.67 7 176.85 44.7 1136.5 991.8 53.56 0.01867 0.2579 .5582 13.63 8 182.86 50.8 1139.0 988.2 47.27 0.02115 0.2673 .5380 11.60 9 188.27 56.2 1141.1 985.0 42.36 0.02361 0.2756 .5202 9.56 10 193.22 61.1 1143.1 982.0 38.38 0.02606 0.2832 .5042 7.52 11 197.75 65. Z 1144.9 979.2 35.10 0.02849 0.2902 .4895 5.49 12 201 .96 69.9 1146.5 976.6 32.36 0.03090 0.2967 .4760 3.45 13 205.87 73.8 1148.0 974.2 30.03 0.03330 0.3025 .4639 1.42 14 209.55 77.5 1149.4 971.9 28.02 0.03569 0.3081 .4523 Ibs. gage. 14.70 212 80.0 1150.4 970.4 26.79 0.03732 0.3118 .4447 0.3 15 213.0 81.0 1150.7 969.7 26.27 0.03806 0.3133 .4416 1.3 16 216.3 84.4 1152.0 967.6 24.79 0.04042 0.3183 .4311 2.3 17 219.4 87.5 1153.1 965.6 23.38 0.04277 0.3229 .4215 3.3 18 222.4 90.5 1154.2 963.7 22.16 0.04512 0.3273 .4127 4.3 19 225.2 93.4 1155.2 961.8 21.07 0.04746 0.3315 .4045 5.3 20 228.0 96.1 1156.2 960.0 20.08 0.04980 0.3355 .3965 6.3 21 230.6 98.8 1157.1 958.3 19.18 0.05213 0.3393 .3887 7.3 22 233.1 201.3 1158.0 956.7 18.37 0.05445 0.3430 .3811 8.3 23 235.5 203.8 1158.8 955.1 17.62 0.05676 0.3465 .3739 9.3 24 237.8 206.1 1159.6 953.5 16.93 0.05907 0.3499 .3670 10.3 25 240.1 208.4 1160.4 952.0 16.30 0.0614 0.3532 .3604 11.3 26 242.2 210.6 1161.2 950 r 6 15.72 0.0636 0.3564 .3542 12.3 27 244.4 212.7 1161.9 949.2 15.18 0.0659 0.3594 .3483 13.3 28 246.4 214.8 1162.6 947.8 14.67 0.0682 0.3623 .3425 14.3 29 248.4 216.8 1163.2 946.4 14.19 0.0705 0.3652 .3367 15.3 30 250.3 18.8 1163.9 945.1 13.74 0.0728 0.3680 .3311 16.3 31 252.2 20.7 1164.5 943.8 13.32 0.0751 0.3707 .3257 17.3 32 254.1 22.6 1165.1 942.5 12.93 0.0773 0.3733 .3205 18.3 33 255.8 24.4 1165.7 941.3 12.57 0.0795 0.3759 .3155 19.3 34 257.6 26.2 1166.3 940.1 12.22 0.0818 0.3784 .3107 20.3 35 259,3 27.9 1166.8 938.9 11.89 0.0841 0.3808 .3060 21.3 36 261,0 29.6 1167.3 937.7 11.58 0.0863 0.3832 .3014 22.3 37 262.6 31.3 1167.8 936.6 11.29 0.0886 0.3855 .2969 23.3 38 264.2 32.9 1168.4 935.5 11.01 0.0908 0.3877 .2925 24.3 39 265.8 34.5 1168.9 934.4 10.74 0.0931 0.3899 .2882 25.3 40 267.3 36.1 1169.4 933.3 10.49 0.0953 0.3920 .2841 41 268.7 37.6 1169.8 932.2 10.25 0.0976 0.3941 .2800 27.3 42 270.2 39.1 1170.3 931.2 10.02 0.0998 0.3962 1.2759 28.3 43 271.7 40.5 1170.7 930.2 9.80 0.1020 0.3982 1.2720 29.3 44 273.1 42.0 1171.2 929.2 9.59 0.1043 0.4002 1.2681 30.3 45 274.5 43.4 1171.6 928.2 9.39 0.1065 0.4021 1.2644 872 Properties of Saturated Steam. (Continued.) a* gd Total Heat ^J5> 0) 4, * 1? B II above 32 F. || "8 53 -^ 5 <$ .^ *& |J !] II 0) .Jj a> 2 1 ^ aT S g c3 3 .?> || II 3^ M OJ^H "5 a "5 Si "^3 ii D "o-Scc 'Sjit c O ^ H W 31.3 46 275.8 1244.8 1172.0 927.2 9.20 0.1087 0.4040 1.2607 32.3 47 277.2 246.1 1172.4 926.3 9.02 0.1109 0.4059 .2571 33.3 48 278.5 247.5 1172.8 925.3 8.84 0.1131 0.4077 .2536 34.3 49 279.8 248.8 1173.2 924.4 8.67 0.1153 0.4095 .2502 35.3 50 281.0 250.1 1173.6 923.5 8.51 0.1175 0.4113 .2468 36.3 51 282.3 251.4 1174.0 922.6 8.35 0.1197 0.4130 .2432 37.3 52 283.5 252.6 1174.3 921.7 8.20 0.1219 0.4147 .2405 38.3 53 284.7 253.9 1174.7 920.8 8.05 0.1241 0.4164 .2370 39.3 54 285.9 255.1 1175.0 919.9 7.91 0.1263 0.4180 .2339 40.3 55 287.1 256.3 1175.4 919.0 7.78 0.1285 0.4196 .2309 41.3 56 288.2 257.5 1175.7 918.2 7.65 0.1307 0.4212 .2278 42.3 57 289.4 258.7 1176.0 917.4 7.52 0.1329 0.4227 .2248 43.3 58 290.5 259.8 1176.4 916.5 7.40 0.1350 0.4242 .2218 44.3 59 291.6 261.0 1176.7 915.7 7.28 0.1372 0.4257 .2189 45.3 60 292.7 262.1 1177.0 914.9 7.17 0.1394 0.4272 .2160 46.3 61 293.8 263.2 1177.3 914.1 7.06 0.1416 0.4287 .2132 47.3 62 294.9 264.3 1177.6 913.3 6.95 0.1438 0.4302 .2104 48.3 63 295.9 265.4 1177.9 912.5 6.85 0.1460 0.4316 .2077 49.3 64 297.0 266.4 1178.2 911.8 6.75 0.1482 0.4330 .2050 50.3 65 293.0 267.5 1178.5 911.0 6.65 0.1503 0.4344 .2024 51.3 66 29?. 268.5 1178.8 910.2 6 56 0.1525 0.4358 1998 52.3 67 300.0 269.6 1179.0 909.5 6.47 0.1547 0.4371 .1972 53.3 68 301.0 270.6 1179.3 908.7 6.38 0.1569 0.4385 .1946 54.3 69 ' 302.0 271.6 1179.6 908.0 6.29 0.1590 0.4398 .1921 55.3 70 302.9 272.6 1179.8 907.2 6.20 0.1612 0.4411 .1896 56.3 71 303.9 273.6 1180.1 906.5 6.12 0.1634 0.4424 .1872 57.3 72 304.8 274.5 1180.4 905.8 6.04 0.1656 0.4437 .1848 58.3 73 305.8 275.5 1180.6 905.1 5.96 0.1678 0.4449 .1825 59.3 74 306.7 276.5 1180.9 904.4 5.89 0.1699 0.4462 .1801 60.3 75 307.6 277.4 1181.1 903.7 5.81 0.1721 0.4474 .1778 61.3 76 308.5 278.3 1181.4 903.0 5.74 0.1743 0.4487 .1755 62.3 77 309.4 279.3 1181.6 902.3 5.67 0.1764 0.4499 .1730 63.3 78 310.3 280.2 1181.8 901.7 5.60 0.1785 0.4511 .1712 64.3 79 311.2 281.1 1182.1 901.0 5.54 0.1808 0.4523 .1687 65.3 80 312.0 282.0 1182.3 900.3 5.47 0.1829 0.4535 .1665 66.3 81 312.9 282.9 1182.5 899.7 5.41 0.1851 0.4546 .1644 67.3 82 313.8 283.8 1182.8 899.0 5.34 0.1873 0.4557 .1623 68.3 83 314.6 284.6 1183.0 898.4 5.28 0.1894 0.4568 1602 69.3 84 315.4 285.5 1183.2 897.7 5.22 0.1913 0.4579 .'1581 70.3 85 316.3 286.3 1183.4 897.1 5.16 0.1937 0.4590 .1561 71.3 86 317.1 287.2 1183.6 896.4 5.10 0.1959 0.4601 .1540 72.3 87 317.9 288.0 1183.8 895.8 5.05 0.1980 0.4612 .1520 73.3 88 318.7 288.9 1184.0 895.2 5.00 0.2001 0.4623 .1500 74.3 89 319.5 289.7 1184.2 894.6 4.94 0.2023 0.4633 .1481 75.3 90 320.3 290.5 1184.4 893.9 4.89 0.2044 4644 .1461 76.3 91 321.1 291.3 1184.6 893.3 4.84 0.2065 0.4554 .1442 77.3 92 321.8 292.1 1184.8 892.7 4.79 0.2087 0.4664 .1423 78.3 93 322.6 292.9 1185.0 892.1 4.74 0.2109 0.4674 1404 79.3 94 323.4 293.7 1185.2 891.5 4.69 0.2130 0.4684 .1385 80.3 95 324.1 294.5 1185.4 890.9 4.65 0.2151 0.4694 1367 81.3 96 324.9 295.3 1185.6 890.3 4.60 0.2172 0.4704 .1348 82.3 97 325.6 296.1 1185.8 889.7 4.56 0.2193 0.4714 .1330 83.3 98 326.4 296.8 1186.0 889.2 4.51 0.2215 0.4724 .1312 84.3 99 327.1 297.6 1186.2 888.6 4.47 0.2237 0.4733 .1295 85.3 100' 327.8 298.3 1186.3 888.0 4.429 0.2258 0.4743 .1277 87.3 102 329.3 299.8 1186.7 886.9 4.347 0.2300 0.4762 .1242 89.3 104 330.7 301.3 1187.0 885.8 4.268 0.2343 0.4780 .1208 Properties of Saturated Steam. (Continued.) 873 a? . 8"d Total Heat 1^4. . o i, d above32F. ^.8 "8 ^3 I k $ o 1 1^ il 1 | 1 ^ ^ o? B *o g *^rr> s ' II 8>? ftl 2*5 o^5 1^'S O J3 |j 11 3.Q JBi-i gjpn "*"* > S c) -^ II D |.SoQ K^f^ ~c^ a o 6^ < H fl td M 5 W w * W W 91.3 106 332.0 302.7 1187.4 884.7 4.192 0.2336 0.4798 .117 93.3 108 333.4 304.1 1187.7 883.6 4.118 0.2429 0.4816 .114 95.3 110 334.8 305.5 1188.0 882.5 4.047 0.2472 0.4834 .110 97.3 112 336. 1 306.9 1188.4 881.4 3.978 0.2514 0.4852 .107 99.3 114 337.4 308.3 1188.7 880.4 3.912 0.2556 0.4869 .104 101.3 116 338.7 309.6 1189.0 879.3 3.848 0.2599 0.4886 .101 103.3 118 340.0 311.0 1189.3 878.3 3.786 0.2641 0.4903 .098 105.3 120 341.3 312.3 1189.6 877.2 3.726 0.2683 0.4919 .095 107.3 122 342.5 313.6 1189.8 876.2 3.668 0.2726 0.4935 .092 109.3 124 343.8 314.9 1190.1 875.2 3.611 0.2769 0.4951 .089 111.3 126 345.0 316.2 1190.4 874.2 3.556 0.2812 0.4967 .086 113.3 128 346.2 317.4 1190. 7 873.3 3.504 0.2854 0.4982 .083 115.3 130 347.4 318.6 1191.0 872.3 3.452 0.2897 0.4998 .080 117.3 132 348.5 319.9 1191.2 871.3 3 402 0.2939 0.5013 .078 119.3 134 349.7 321.1 1191.5 870.4 3.354 0.2981 0.5028 .075 121.3 136 350.8 322.3 1191.7 869.4 3.308 0.3023 0.5043 .072 123.3 138 352.0 323.4 1192.0 868.5 3.263 0.3065 0.5057 .070 125.3 140 353. 1 324.6 1192.2 867.6 3.219 0.3107 0.5072 .067 127.3 142 354.2 325.8 1192.5 866.7 3.175 0.3150 0.5086 .064 129.3 144 355.3 326.9 1192.7 865.8 3.133 0.3192 0.5100 .062 131.3 146 356.3 328.0 1192.9 864.9 3.092 0.3234 0.5114 .059 133.3 148 357.4 329.1 1193.2 864.0 3.052 0.3276 0.5128 .057 135.3 150 358.5 330.2 1193.4 863.2 3.012 0.3320 0.5142 .055 137.3 152 359.5 331.4 1193.6 862.3 2.974 0.3362 0.5155 .052 139.3 154 360.5 332.4 1193.8 861.4 2.938 0.3404 0.5169 .050 141.3 156 361.6 333.5 1194.1 860.6 2.902 0.3446 0.5182 .047 143.3 158 362.6 334.6 1194.3 859.7 2.868 0.3488 0.5195 .045 145.3 160 363.6 335.6 1194.5 858.8 2.834 0.3529 0.5208 .043 147.3 162 364.6 336.7 1194.7 858.0 2.801 3570 0.5220 .040 149.3 164 365.6 337.7 1194.9 857.2 2.769 0.3612 0.5233 .038 151.3 166 366.5 338.7 1195.1 856.4 2.737 0.3654 0.5245 .036 153.3 168 367.5 339.7 1195.3 855.5 2.706 0.3696 0.5257 .034 155.3 170 368.5 340.7 1195.4 854.7 2.675 0.3738 0.5269 .032 157.3 172 369.4 341.7 1195.6 853.9 2.645 0.3780 0.5281 .030 159.3 174 370.4 342.7 1195.8 853.1 2.616 0.3822 0.5293 .027 161.3 176 371.3 343.7 1196.0 852.3 2.588 0.3864 0.5305 .025 163.3 178 372.2 344.7 1196.2 851.5 2.560 0.3906 0.5317 .023 165.3 180 373.1 345.6 1196.4 850.8 2.533 0.3948 0.5328 .021 167.3 182 374.0 346.6 1196.6 850.0 2.507 0.3989 0.5339 .019 169.3 184 374.9 347.6 1196.8 849.2 2.481 . 0.4031 0.5351 .017 171.3 186 375.8 348.5 1196.9 848.4 2.455 0.4073 0.5362 .015 173.3 183 376.7 349.4 1197.1 847.7 2.430 0.4115 0.5373 .013 175.3 190 377.6 350.4 1197.3 846.9 2.406 0.4157 0.5384 .Oil 177.3 192 378.5 351.3 1197.4 846.1 2.381 0.4199 0.5395 .009 179.3 194 379.3 352.2 1197.6 845.4 2.358 0.4241 0.5405 .007 181.3 196 380.2 353.1 1197.8 844.7 2.335 0.4283 0.5416 .005< 183.3 198 381.0 354.0 1197.9 843.9 2.312 0.4325 0.5426 .0031 185.3 200 381.9 354.9 1198.1 843.2 2.290 0.437 0.5437 .001 190.3 205 384.0 357.1 1198.5 841.4 2.237 0.447 0.5463 0.997 195.3 210 386.0 359.2 1198.8 839.6 2.187 0.457 0.5488 0.992 200.3 215 388.0 361.4 1199.2 837.9 2.138 0.468 0.5513 0.988 205.3 220 389.9 363.4 1199.6 836.2 2.091 0.478 0.5538 0.984 210.3 225 391.9 365.5 1199.9 834.4 2.046 0.489 0.5562 0.979 215.3 230 393.8 367.5 1200.2 832.8 2.004 0.499 0.5586 0.975 220.3 235 395.6 369.4 1200.6 831.1 1.964 0.509 0.5610 0.971 225.3 240 397.4 371.4 1200.9 829.5 1.924 0.520 0.5633 0.967 230.3 245 399.3 373.3 1201.2 827.9 1.887 0.530 0.5655 0.963 874 Properties of Saturated Steam. (Continued.) " tfd Total Heat ^ ' 0) D, S 1^ oT-tJ above 32 F. ^ fe'o PH-! *5 I ^ gCQ S n g 0*^ ~ s" *o S *| ^1 ll | 1 -2 ^ 1 ^ rj.fi l a' Ij 3J ~J2 aJi rt eg rt J* S^'c G .5P^-> " 0^ J^ H 5 S -5 8 5 II|D g.-co | fe 1 c o W 235.3 250 401.1 375.2 1201.5 826.3 1.850 0.541 0.5676 0.9600 245.3 260 404.5 378.9 1202.1 823.1 1.782 0.561 5719 9525 255.3 270 407.9 382.5 1202.6 820.1 .718 0.582 5760 0.9454 265.3 280 411.2 386.0 1203.1 817. f .658 0.603 0.5800 0.9385 275.3 290 414.4 389.4 1203.6 814.2 .602 0.624 0.5840 9316 285.3 300 417.5 392.7 1204.1 811.3 .551 0.645 5878 0.9231 295.3 310 420.5 395.9 1204.5 808.5 .502 0.666 0.5915 0.9187 305.3 320 423.4 399.1 1204.9 805.8 .456 0.687 0.5951 0.9125 315.3 330 426.3 402.2 1205.3 803.1 .413 0.708 0.5986 9065 325.3 340 429.1 405.3 1205.7 800.4 .372 0.729 0.6020 9006 335.3 350 431.9 408.2 1206.1 797.8 .334 0.750 0.6053 0.8949 345.3 360 434.6 411.2 1206.4 795.3 .298 0.770 0.6085 0.8894 355.3 370 437.2 414.0 1206.8 792.8 .264 0.791 0.6116 0.8840 365.3 380 439.8 416.8 1207.1 790.3 .231 0.812 0.6147 0.8788 375.3 390 442.3 419.5 1207.4 787.9 .200 0.833 0.6178 0.8737 385.3 400 444.8 422 1208 786 .17 0.86 0.621 0.868 435.3 450 456.5 435 1209 774 .04 0.96 0.635 844 485.3 500 467.3 448 1210 762 0.93 1.08 0.648 0.822 535.3 550 477.3 459 1210 751 0.83 1.20 0.659 0.801 585.3 600 486.6 469 1210 741 0.76 1.32 0.670 0.783 Properties of Superheated Steam, Marks & Davis and Goodenough Compared. v = volume, cu. ft. per lb.; h = total heat above 32 F.; n = entropy. The figures in the upper lines are from Marks and Davis 's tables, those in the lower lines (the differing digits only being given) are inter- polated from Goodenough 's tables, in which the figures are for steam of given temperatures, not even degrees of superheat. Abso- lute Pres- sure. Temp. Sat. Steam. Superheat, Degrees Fahrenheit. 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 20 228.0 V 21.69 23.25 24.80 26.33 27.85 29.37 32.39 35.40 8 3 .77 .29 1 1 1 30 h 1179.9 1203.5 1227.1 1250.6 1274.1 1297.6 1344.8 1392.2 7.3 6.0 9.8 3.5 7.0 300.7 8.5 7.0 n K7652 1.7961 1.8251 1.8524 1.8781 1.9026 1.9479 1.9893 86 8000 92 64 823 69 530 956 100 327.8 V 4.79 5.14 5.47 5.80 6.12 6.44 7.07 7.69 " 3 6 .79 1 3 4 h 1213.8 1239.7 1264.7 1289.4 1313.6 1337.8 1385.9 1434.1 5.9 42.5 8.3 93.6 8.7 43.7 93.6 43.9 n 1.6358 1.6658 1.6933 1.7188 1.7428 1.7656 1.8079 1.8468 84 91 74 235 84 720 159 566 200 381.9 V 2.49 2.68 2.86 3.04 3.21 3.38 3.71 .50 9 5 2 .18 4 .66 h 1229.8 1257.1 1282.6 1307.7 1332.4 1357.0 1405.9 I 8.0 5.7 12.7 9.0 65.1 16.8 n 1.5823 1.6120 1.6385 1.6632 1.6862 1.7082 1.7493 09 5 411 76 922 156 596 300 417.5 v 1.69 1.83 1.96 2.09 2.21 2.33 2.55 2 4 6 .18 .29 h 1240.3 1268.2 1294.0 1319.3 1344.3 1369.2 1418.6 35.0 5.9 5.2 23.3 51.0 78.1 31.5 n 1.5530 1.5824 1.6082 1.6323 1.6550 1.6765 1.7168 458 784 76 44 94 829 265 STEAM. 875 Properties of Superheated Steam. (Condensed from Marks and Davis's Steam Tables and Diagrams.) v = specific volume in cu. ft. per lb., h = total heat, from water at 32 F. in B.T.U. per lb., n = entropy, from water at 32. W 0> a g^o? b if Degrees of Superheat. 20 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 20 228 v20.08 20.73 21.69 23.25 24.80 26.33 27.85 29.37 32.39 35.40 h 1156.2 1165.7 1179.9 1203.5 1227.1 1250.6 1274.1 1297.6 1344.8 1392.2 n 1 . 7320 1.7456 1.7652 1.7961 1.8251 1.8524 1.8781 1.9026 1.9479 1.9893 40 267.3 v 10.49 10.83 11.33 12.13 12.93 13.70 14.48 15.25 16.78 18.30 h 1169 4 1179.3 1194.0 1218.4 1242.4 1266.4 1290.3 1314.1 1361.6 1409.3 n 1.6761 1.6895 1.7089 1.7392 1.7674 1.7940 1.8189 1.8427 1.8867 1.9271 60 292.7 v7.17 7.40 7.75 8.30 8.84 9.36 9.89 10.41 11.43 12.45 h 1177.0 1187.3 1202.6 1227.6 1252.1 1276.4 1300.4 1324.3 1372.2 1420.0 n 1.6432 1.6568 1.6761 1 . 7062 1.7342 1.7603 1.7849 1 081 1.8511 1.8908 89 312.0 v5.47 5.65 5.92 6.34 6.75 7.17 7.56 7>5 8.72 9 49 h 1182.3 1193.0 1208.8 1234.3 1259.0 1283.6 1307.8 1331.9 1379.8 1427.9 11 1.6200 1.6338 1.6532 1.6833 1.7110 1.7368 1.7612 1.7840 1.8265 1.8658 100 327.8 v4.43 4.58 4.79 5.14 5.47 5.80 6.12 6.44 7.07 7.69 h 1186.3 1197.5 1213.8 1239.7 1264.7 1289.4 1313.6 1337.8 1385.9 1434.1 n 1.6020 1.6160 1.6358 1.6658 1.6933 1.7188 1.7428 1.7656 1.8079 1.8468 120 341.3 v3.73 3.85 4.04 4.33 4.62 4.89 5.17 5.44 5.96 6.48 h 1189.6 1201.1 1217.9 1244.1 1269.3 1294.1 1318.4 1342.7 1391.0 1439.4 n 1.5873 1.6016 1.62(6 1.6517 1.6789 1.7041 1.7280 1.7505 1.7924 1.831 (40 353.1 v3.22 3.32 3.49 3.75 4.00 4.24 4.48 4.71 5.16 5.61 h 1192.2 1204.3 1221.4 1248.0 1273.3 1298.2 1322.6 1346.9 1395.4 1443.8 n 1.5747 1.5894 1.6096 1.6395 1 .6666 1.6916 1.7152 1.7376 1 . 7792 1.8177 160 363.6 v2.83 2.93 3.07 3.30 3.53 3.74 3.95 4.15 4.56 4.95 h 1194.5 1207.0 1224.5 1251.3 1276.8 1301.7 1326.2 1350.6 1399.3 1447.9 n 1.5639 1.5789 1.5993 1.6292 K6561 1.6810 1.7043 1.7266 1.7680 1.8063 180 373.1 v2.53 2.62 2.75 2.96 3.16 3.35 3.54 3.72 4.09 4.44 h 1196.4 1209.4 1227.2 1254.3 1279.9 1304.8 1329.5 1353.9 1402.7 1451.4 n 1.5543 1.5697 1.5904 1.6201 1.6468 1.6716 1.6948 1.7169 1.7581 1.7962 200 381.9 v2.29 2.37 2.49 2 68 2.86 3.04 3.21 3.38 3.71 4.03 h 1198.1 1211. 6 1229.8 1257.1 1282.6 1307.7 1332.4 1357.0 1405.9 1454.7 n 1.5456 1.5614 1.5823 1.6120 1.6385 1 .6632 1.6862 1.7082 1.7493 1.7872 220 389.9 v2.09 2.16 2.28 2.45 2.62 2.78 2.94 3.10 3.40 3.69 h 1199.6 1213.6 1232.2 1259.6 1285.2 1310.3 1335.1 1359.8 1408.8 1457.7 n .5379 1.5541 1.5753 1.6049 1.6312 1 .6558 1.6787 1.7005 1.7415 1.7792 240 397.4 v .92 1.99 2.09 2.26 2.42 2.57 2.71 2.85 3.13 3.40 h 200.9 1215.4 1234.3 1261.9 1287.6 1312.8 1337.6 1362.3 1411 5 1460.5 n .5309 1.5476 1.5690 1.5985 1.6246 1.6492 1 .6720 1.6937 1.7344 1.7721 260 404.5 v .78 1.84 1.94 2.10 2.24 2.39 2.52 2.65 2.91 3.16 h 202.1 1217.1 1236.4 1264 1 1289.9 1315.1 1340.0 1364.7 1414.0 1463.2 n .5244 1.5416 1.5631 1.5926 1.6186 1.6430 1.6658 1.6874 1.7280 1.7655 280 411.2 v .66 1.72 1.81 1.95 2.09 2.22 2.35 2.48 2.72 2.95 h 203.1 1218.7 1238.4 1266.2 1291 .9 1317.2 1342.2 1367.0 1416.4 1465. 7 n .5185 1 . 5362 1.5580 1.5873 1.6133 1.6375 1.6603 1.6818 1.7223 1 7597 300 417.5 v .55 J.60 1.69 1.83 1.96 2.09 2.21 2.33 2.55 2.77 h 204.1 1220.2 1240.3 1268.2 1294.0 1319.3 1344.3 1369.2 1418.6 1468.0 n .5129 1.5310 1.5530 1.5824 1 .6082 1.6323 1.6550 1.6765 1.7168 1.7541 350 431.9 v .33 1.38 1.46 1.58 1.70 1.81 1.92 2.02 2.22 2.41 h 206.1 1223.9 1244.6 1272.7 1298.7 1324.1 1349.3 1374.3 1424.0 1473.7 n .5002 1.5199 1.5423 1.5715 1.5971 1.6210 1 .6436 1.6650 1 . 7052 1.7422 400 444.8 v .17 1.21 1.28 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.79 1.97 2.14 h 207.7 1227.2 1248.6 1276.9 1303.0 1328.6 1353.9 1379.1 1429.0 1478.9 n .4894 1.5107 1.5336 1.5625 1.5880 1.6117 1.6342 1.6554 1.6955 1.7323 450 456.5 v .04 1.08 1.14 1.25 1.35 1.44 1.53 1.61 1.77 1.93 h1209 1231 1252 1281 1307 1333 1358 1383 1434 1484 n 1.479 1.502 1.526 1.554 1.580 1.603 1.626 1.647 1.687 1.723 $00 467.3 vO.93 0.97 1.03 1.13 1.22 1.31 1.39 1.47 1.62 1.76 h 1210 1233 1256 1285 1311 1337 1362 1388 1438 1489 n 1.470 1.496 1.519 1.548 1.573 1.597 1.619 1.640 1.679 1.713 876 STEAM. FLOW OF STEAM. Flow of Steam through a Nozzle. (From Clark on the Steam- engine.) The flow of steam of a greater pressure into an atmosphere of a less pressure increases as the difference of pressure is increased, until the external pressure becomes only 58% of .the absolute pressure in the boiler. The flow of steam is neither increased nor diminished by the fall of the ex- ternal pressure below 58%, or about 4/ 7 of the inside pressure, even to the extent of a perfect "vacuum. In flowing through a nozzle of the best form, the steam expands to the external pressure, and to the volume aue to this pressure, so long as it is not less than 58% of the internal pressure. For an external pressure of 58%, and for lower percentages, the ratio of expansion is 1 to 1 .624. When steam of varying initial pressures is discharged into the atmos- phere the atmospheric pressure being not more than 58% of the initial pressure the velocity of outflow at constant density, that is, supposing the initial density to be maintained, is given by the formula V = 3.5953 V&' V = velocity in feet per second, as for steam of the initial density; h = the height in feet of a column of steam of the given initial pressure, the weight of which is equal to the pressure on the unit of base. The lowest initial pressure to which the formula applies, when the steam is discharged into the atmosphere at 14.7 Ibs. per sq. in., is (14.7 X 100/58) = 25.37 Ibs. per sq. in. From the contents of the table below it appears that the velocity of out- flow into the atmosphere, of steam above 25 Ibs. per sq. in. absolute pres- sure, increases very slowly with the pressure, because the density, and the weight to be moved, increase with the pressure. An average of 900 ft. per sec. may, for approximate calculations, be taken for the velocity of out- flow as for constant density, that is, taking the volume of the steam at the initial volume. For a fuller discussion of this subject see "Steam Tur- bines, page 1085- Outflow of Steam into the Atmosphere. External pressure per square inch, 14.7 Ibs. absolute. Ratio of expansion in nozzle. 1.624. i < Q H < > ^ Q M Ibs. feet p. sec. feet per sec . Ibs. H.P. Ibs. feet p. sec. feet per sec. Ibs. H.P. 25.37 863 1401 22.81 45.6 90 895 1454 77.94 155.9 30 867 1408 26.84 53.7 100 898 1459 86.34 172.7 40 874 1419 35.18 70.4 115 902 1466 98.76 197.5 50 880 1429 44.06 88.1 135 906 1472 115.61 231.2 60 885 1437 52.59 105.2 155 910 1478 132.21 264.4 70 889 1444 61.07 122.1 165 912 1481 140.46 280.9 75 891 1447 65.30 130.6 ' 215 919 1493 181.58 363.2 Rateau's Formula. A. Rateau, in 1895-6, made experiments with converging nozzles 0.41, 0.59 and 0.95 in. diam., on steam of pressures from 1.4 to 170 Ibs. per sq. in. In his paper read at the Intl. Eng'g. Congress at Glasgow (Ena. Rec., Oct. 16, 1901) he gives the following formula, appli- cable when the final pressure, absolute, is less than 58% of the initial. Pounds per hour per sq. in. area of orifice = 3.6 P (16.3 0.96 log P). P absolute pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. Napier's Approximate Rule. Flow in pounds per second = ab- solute pressure X area in square inches * 70. This rule gives results FLOW OF STEAM. 877 whfrh closely correspond with those in the above table, and with results computed by Rateau's formula, as shown below. Abs. press., Ibs. per sq. in ....... 25.37 40 60 75 100 135 165 215 Discharge per m in. , by table, Ibs.... 22.81 35.18 52.59 65.30 86.34 115.61 140.46 181.58 By Rateau's for- mula % 22.76 35.43 52.49 65.25 86.28 115.47 140.28 181.39 By Napier's rule. 21.74 34.29 51.43 64.29 85.71 115.71 141.43 184.29 Flow of Steam in Pipes. The commonly accepted formula for flow of air, steam or gas in pipes is W = c w (p * ~ d " in which W = the weight in pounds per minute, pi and p* = initial and final pressures in pounds per square inch, w = density in pounds per cubic foot, d = internal diameter of the pipe in inches, and L = length in feet, and c an experimental coefficient, which varies with the diameter of the pipe. It varies also with the velocity and with the smoothness of the pipe, but there are no authentic data for the amount of the variations due to these causes. For the derivation of the formula, see Ency. Brit., llth ed., vol. xiv, p. 67, also "Steam," 1913 edition, published by the Babcock & Wilcox Co. The value of the coefficient c, as deduced by G. H. Babcock from : study of published experiments, is 87 3.6/d It is probably as Si, " learly correct as can be derived from the few experimental records that are available. For the different standard sizes of lap welded pipe the value of c computed from Babcock's formula are as below: VALUES OF c FOR STANDARD SIZES OF LAP-WELDED PIPE. Size, In. "1/2 , 3/4 H/4 H/2 21/2 31/2 Inter. Diam., In. c Size, In. Inter. Diam., In. e Size, In. Inter. Diam., In. c 0.622 0.824 1 .049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 3.548 33.4 37.5 41.3 45.8 48.4 52.5 55.5 59.0 61 .3 4 4V, 6 7 8 9 10 11 4.026 4.506 5.047 6.065 7.023 7.981 8.941 10.02 11 .00 63.2 64.8 66.5 68.7 70.7 72.2 73.4 74.5 75.5 12 13 14 15 17O.D. 18O.D. 20 O.D. 22 O.D. 24 O.D. 12.00 13.25 14.25 15.25 16.214 17.182 19.182 21.25 23.25 76.3 77. 1 77.7 78.2 78.7 79.1 79.8 80.4 81.0 The table, page 878, calculated from the formula with the above values of c gives the flow of steam in pounds per minute for a drop of 1 Ib. pressure per 1000 ft. of length. For any other ratio of drop to length multiply the figures in the table by the factors given below. FACTORS FOR CORRECTION OF TABLE OF FLOW OF STEAM. Drop Ib. per 1000ft. 14 K 2 346 8 10 15 20 25 Factor 0.5 0.707 1.414 1.732 2 2.45 2.83 3.16 3.87 4.47 5 For Flow of Steam at low pressures, see Heating and Ventilation, page 699. Flow of Steam in Long Pipes. Ledoux's Formula. In the flow of steam or other gases in long pipes, the volume and the velocity are increased as the drop in pressure increases. Taking this into account a correct formula for flow would be an exponential one. Ledoux gives 699 .5/ \/ Y - T: - r-s; , his notation being reduced to English meas- pi 1 ** 4 pz Mines, 1S92; Trans. A. S. M. E., xx., 365; Power, June, ures. (Annales des . . . ., 1907.) See Johnson's formula for flow of air, page 619. 878 m STEAM. iA CN tN> H !}-_ rs J^ TJ- jq ^-CAt^sO'A' >ANOcoOcOOONCA, ^S .OCN ci 5SiSSSSS95S5588!8$SSSo.**_^ 5 ii fN NO ANOoOO ^NO^OO'A c8 ^ 3SlpsliSllsii5llasas22a ddddd FLOW OF STEAM. 879 Carrying Capacity of Eitra Heavy Steam Pipes. (Power Specialty Co.) _ rt 200 150 100 50 _ S S e 200 150 100 50 J*oS 5 |-S Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. J'o.S Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. ill l-g " Pounds of steam per 1|| jj * Pounds of steam per 2k, <5'w.S hour. a -< 2 .~ hour. 1 0.71 1210 872 618 362 6 25.93 40800 31600 22600 13210 I 1/4 1.27 2000 1555 1105 646 7 34.47 54600 42250 30000 17600 1 V2 1.75 2750 2140 1525 894 8 44.18 69500 54000 38400 22450 2 2.93 4610 3590 2550 1525 9 58.42 92000 71500 50800 29800 21/2 4.20 6610 5150 3660 2140 10 74.66 117300 91500 65000 38100 6.56 10300 8050 5720 3450 11 90.76 142800 111500 79200 46300 31/2 8.85 13900 10820 7720 4520 12 108.43 170500 133000 94750 55400 11.44 18000 14000 10000 5850 14 153.94 242000 188200 133900 78600 41/2 14.18 22300 17350 12320 7230 16 176.71 277500 216200 153800 90500 18.19 28610 22250 15800 9300 18 226.98 357000 278000J197500 115700 The quantities in the above table are based on the following velocities: Steam superheated degrees F. 50 100 150 200 250 Velocity, ft. per min 8000 8500 8950 9450 9900 10450 Resistance to Flow by Bends, Valves, etc. (From Briggs on Warming Buildings by Steam.) The resistance at the entrance to a tube when no special bell-mouth is given consists of two parts. The head v* * 20 is expended in giving the velocity of flow; and the head 0.505 v z -*- 2 g in .overcoming the resistance of the mouth of the tube Hence the whole loss of head at the entrance is 1.505 v 2 *- 2g. This resist- ance is equal to the resistance of a straight tube of a length equal to about 60 times its diameter. The loss at each sharp right-angled elbow is the same as in flowing through a length of straight tube equal to about 40 times its diameter. For a globe steam stop-valve the resistance is taken to be I 1 /a times that of the right-angled elbow. Sizes of Steam-pipes for Stationary Engines. An old common rule is that steam-pipes supplying engines should be of such size that the mean velocity of steam in them does not exceed 6000 feet per minute, in order that the loss of pressure due to friction may not be excessive The velocity is calculated on the assumption that the cylinder is filled at each stroke. In modern practice with large engines and high pressures, this rule gives unnecessarily large and costly pipes. For such engines the allowable drop in steam pressure should be assumed and the diameter calculated by means of the formulae given above. An article in Power, May, 1893, on proper area of supply-pipes for engines gives a table showing the practice of leading builders. To facili- tate comparison, all the engines have been rated in horse-power at 40 pounds mean effective pressure. The table contains all the varieties of simple engines, from the slide-valve to the Corliss, and it appears that there is no general difference in the sizes of pipe used in the different types. The averages selected from this table are as follows: DIAMETERS OF CYLINDERS CORRESPONDING TO VARIOUS SIZES OF STEAM-PIPES BASED ON PISTON-SPEED OF ENGINE OF 600 FT. PER MINUTE, AND ALLOWABLE MEAN VELOCITY OF STEAM IN PIPE OF 4000, 6000, AND 8000 FT. PER MINUTE. (STEAM ASSUMED TO BE ADMITTED DURING FULL STROKE.) Diam. of pipe, inches . . 2 Vel. 4000 5.2 Vel. 6000 6.3 Vel. 8000 7.3 Horse-power, approx. . . 20 Diam. of pipes, inches . 7 Vel. 4000 18.1 20.7 Vel. 6000 22.1 25.3 Vel. 8000 25.6 29.2 Horse-power, approx. . . 245 320 Formula. Area of pipe = A^ mean velocity of steam in pipe For piston-speed of 600 ft. per min. and velocity in pipe of 4000, 6000, 2 V2 3 3V2 4 4V2 5 6 6.5 7.7 9.0 10.3 11.6 12.9 15.5 7.9 9.5 11.1 12.6 14.2 15.8 19.0 9.1 10.9 12.8 14.6 16.4 18.3 21.9 31 45 62 80 100 125 180 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20.7 23.2 25.8 28.4 31.0 33.6 36.1 25.3 28.5 31.6 34.8 37.9 41.1 44.3 29.2 32.9 36.5 40.2 43.8 47.5 51.1 320 406 500 606 718 845 981 Area of cy] Linder X piston-speed . 880 STEAM. and 8000 ft. per min., area of pipe = respectively 0.15, 0.10, and 0.075< area of cylinder. Diam. of pipe-respectively 0.3873, 0.3162, -and 0.2739X diam. of cylinder. The reciprocals of these are 2. 582,3. 162and3. 651. The first line in the above table may be used for proportioning exhaust pipes, in which a velocity not exceeding 4000 ft. pe* minute is advisable. The last line, apprpx. H.P. of engine, is based on the velocity of 60CO ft. per min. in the pipe, using the corresponding diameter of piston, and taking H.P. = 1/2 (diam. of piston in inches) 2 . Sizes of Steam-pipes for Marine Engines. In marine-engine practice the steam-pipes are generally not as large as in stationary practice for the same sizes of cylinder. Seaton gives the following rules: Main Steam-pines should be of such size that the mean velocity of flow does not exceed 8000 ft. per min. In large engines, 1000 to 2000 H.P., cutting off at less than half stroke, the steam-pipe may be designed for a mean velocity of 9000 ft., and 10,000 ft. for still larger engines. In small engines and engines cutting off later than half stroke, a velocity of less than 8000 ft. per minute is desirable. Taking 8100 ft. per min. as the mean velocity, S speed of piston in feet per min., and D the diameter of the cylinder, Diam. of main steam-pipe* v D 2 S * 8100 =>!> V& + 90. Stop and Throttle Valves should have a greater area of passages than the area of the main steam-pipe, on account of the friction through the cir- cuitous passages. The shape of the passages should be designed so as to avoid abrupt changes of direction and of velocity of flow as far as possible. Area of Steam Ports and Passages Area of piston X speed of piston in ft. per min. __ (Diam.)2 X speed 6000 7639 Opening of Port to Steam. To avoid wire-drawing during admission the area of opening to steam should be such that the mean velocity of flow does not exceed 10,000 ft. per min. To avoid excessive clearance the width of port should be as short as possible, the necessary area being obtained by length (measured at right angles to the line of travel of the valve). In practice this length is usually 0.6 to 0.8 of the diameter of the cylinder, but in long-stroke engines it may equal or even exceed the diameter. Exhaust Passages and Pipes. The area should be such that the mean velocity of the steam should not exceed 6000 ft. per min., and the area should be greater if the length of the exhaust-pipe is comparatively long. The area of passages from cylinders to receivers should be such that the velocity will not exceed 5000 ft. per min. The following table is computed on the basis of a mean velocity of flow of 8000 ft. per min. for the main steam-pipe, 10,000 for opening to steam, and 6000 for exhaust. A = area of piston, D its diameter. STEAM AND EXHAUST OPENINGS. Piston- speed, Diam. of Steam-pipe Area of Steam-pipe Diam. of Exhaust Area of Exhaust Opening to Steam ft. per min. ^ D. + A. * >. 4- A. *- A. 300 0.194 0.0375 0.223 0.0500 0.03 400 0.224 0.0500 0.258 0.0667 0.04 500 0.250 0.0625 0.288 0.0833 0.05 600 0.274 0.0750 0.316 0.1000 0.06 700 0.296 0.0875 0.341 0.1167 0.07 800 0.316 0.1000 0.365 0.1333 0.08 900 0.335 0.1125 0.387 0.1500 0.09 1000 0.353 0.1250 0.400 0.1667 0.10 proportioning Steam-Pipes for Minimum Total Loss by Radiation ana Friction. For a given size of pipe and quantity of steam to be carried the loss of pressure due to friction is calculated by formulae given above, or taken from the tables. The work of friction, being converted into heat, tends to dry or superheat the steam, but its influence is usually so small that it may be neglected. The loss of heat by radiation tends to destroy the superheat and condense some of the steam into water. For FLOW OF STEAM. 881 weU-covered steam-pipes this loss may be estimated at about 0.3 B.T.U. per sq. ft. of external surface of the pipe per hour per degree of difference of temperature between that of the steam and that of the surrounding atmosphere (see Steam-pipe Coverings, p. 584). A practical problem in power-plant design is to find the diameter of pipe to carry a given quantity of steam with a minimum total loss of available energy due to both radiation and friction, considering also the money loss due to interest and depreciation on the value of the pipe and covering as erected. Each case requires a separate arithmetical computation, no formula yet being constructed to fit the general case. An approximate method of solution, neglecting the slight gain of heat by the steam from the work of friction, and assuming that the water con- densed by radiation of heat is removed by a separator and lost, is as fol- lows: Calculate the amount of steam required by the engine, in pounds per minute. From a steam pipe formula or table find the several drops of pressure, in Ibs. per sq. in., in pipes of different assumed diameters, for the given quantity of steam and the given length of pipe. Compute from a theoretical indicator diagram of steam expanding in the engine the loss of available work done by 1 Ib. of steam, due to the several drops already found, and the corresponding fraction of 1 Ib. of steam that will have to be supplied to make up for this loss of work. State this loss as equiva- lent to so many pounds of steam per 1000 Ibs. of steam carried. Calcu- late the loss in Ibs. of steam condensed by radiation in the pipes of the different diameters, per 1000 Ibs. carried. Add the two losses together for each assumed size of pipe, and by inspection find which pipe gives the lowest total loss. The money loss due to cost and depreciation may also be figured approximately in the same unit of Ibs. of steam lost per 1000 Ibs. carried, by taking the cost of the covered pipe, assuming a rate of interest and depreciation, finding the annual loss in cents, then from the calculated value of steam, which depends on the cost of fuel, find the equivalent quantity of steam which represents this money loss, and the equivalent Ibs. of steam per 1000 Ibs. carried. This is to be added to the sum of the louses due to friction and radiation, and it will be found to modify somewhat the conclusion as to the diameter of pipe and the drop which corresponds to a minimum total loss. Instead of determining the loss of available work per pound of steam from theoretical indicator diagrams, it may be computed approximately on the assumption, based on the known characteristics of the engine, that its efficiency is a certain fraction of that of an engine working between the same limits of temperature on the ideal Carnot cycle, as shown in the table below, and from the efficiency thus found, compared with the efficiency at the given initial pressure less the drop, the loss of work may be calculated. AVAILABLE MAXIMUM THERMAL EFFICIENCY OF STEAM EXPANDED BETWEEN THE GIVEN PRESSURES AND 1 LB. ABSOLUTE, BASED ON THE CARNOT CYCLE. (E = Ti - Tz) * Ti. Initial Pressure less than Maxi- mum, Lbs. Maximum Initial Absolute Pressures. 100 125 | 150 175 | 200 225 | 250 275 I 300 Maximum Thermal Efficiency. o 0.287 .286 .284 .280 .272 0.302 .301 .299 .296 .290 0.314 .313 .312 .309 .304 0.324 .323 .322 .320 .316 0.333 .332 .331 .329 .326 0.341 .340 .339 .337 .335 0.348 .347 .346 .345 .342 0.354 .354 .353 .352 .349 0.360 .359 .359 .358 .356 2. . 5 10. . 20 This table shows that if the initial steam pressure is lowered from 100 Ibs. to 80 Ibs., the efficiency of the Carnot cycle is reduced from 0.287 to 0.272, or over 5%, but if steam of 300 Ibs. is lowered to 280 Ibs. the efficiency is reduced only from 0.360 to 0.356 or 1.1%. With high- pressure steam, therefore, much greater loss of pressure by friction of steam pipes, valves and ports is allowable than with steam of low pressure. Theoretically the loss of efficiency due to drop in pressure on account of friction of pipes should be less than that indicated in the above table, since the work of friction tends to superheat the steam, but practically most, if not all, of the superheating is lost by radiation. 882 STEAM. By a method of calculation somewhat similar to that above outlined, the following figures were found, in a certain case, of the cost per day of the transmission of 50,000 Ibs. of steam per hour a distance of 1000 feet, with 100 Ibs. initial pressure. Diameter of Pipe. 6 in. 7 in. 8 in. 10 in. 12m. 1. Interest, etc., 12% per annum. . 2. Condensation $0.39 1.51 $0.46 1.76 $0.53 2.01 $0.66 2.51 $0.84 3.02 3. Friction 86 38 19 06 0.02 Total per day $2.76 $2.60 $2.73 $3.23 $3.88 STEAM-PIPES. Bursting-tests of Copper Steam-pipes. (From Ileport of Chief Engineer Melville, U. S. N., for 1892.) Some tests were made at the New York Navy Yard which show the unreliability of brazed seams in copper pipes. Each pipe was 8 in. diameter inside and 3 ft. 1 5/g in. long. Both ends were closed by ribbed heads and the pipe was subjected to a hot-water pressure, the temperature being maintained constant at 371 F. Three of the pipes were made of No. 4 sheet copper (Stubs gauge) and the fourth was made of No. 3 sheet. The following were the results, in Ibs. per sq. in., of bursting-pressure: Pipe number 1 2 3 4 4' Actual bursting-strength. . 835 785 950 1225 1275 Calculated " 1336 1336 1569 1568 1568 Difference 501 551 619 343 293 The tests of specimens cut from the ruptured pipes show the injurious action of heat upon copper sheets; and that, while a white heat does not change the character of the metal, a heat of only slightly gieater degree causes it to lose the fibrous nature that it has acquired in rolling, and a serious reduction in its tensile strength and ductility results. A Failure of a Brazed Copper Steam-pipe on the British steamer Prodano was investigated by Prof. J. O. Arnold. He found that the brazing was originally sound, but that it had deteriorated by oxidation of the zinc in the brazing alloy by electrolysis, which was due to the presence of fatty acids produced by decomposition of the oil used in the engines. A full account of the investigation is given in The Engineer, April 15, 1898. -Reinforcing Steam-pipes. (Eng., Aug. 11, 1893.) In the Italian Navy copper pipes above 8 in. diam. are reinforced by wrapping them with a close spiral of copper or Delta-metal wire. Two or three independent spirals are used for safety in case one wire breaks. They are wound at a tension of about 11/2 tons per sq. in. Materials for Pipes and Valves for Superheated Steam. (M. W. Kellogg, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1907.) The latest practice is to do away with fittings entirely on high-pressure steam lines and put what are known as "nozzles" on the piping itself. This is accomplished by welding wrought-steel pipe on the side of another section, so as to accomplish the same result as a fitting. In this way rolled or cast steel flanges and a Rockwood or welded joint can be used. This method has three distinct advantages: 1. The quality of the metal used. 2. The lightening of the entire work. 3. The doing away with a great many joints. As a general average, at least 50% of the joints can be left out; some- times the proportion runs up as high as 70%. Above 575 F. the limit of elasticity in cast iron is reached with a pressure varying from 140 to 175 pounds. Under such conditions the material is strained and does not resume its former shape, eventually showing surface cracks which increase until the pipe breaks. [This state- ment concerning cast iron does not seem to agree with the one on page 464, to the effect that no diminution in its strength takes place under 900 F.I Tests by Bach on cast steel show that at 572 F. the reduction in break- ing strength amounts only to 1.1% and at 752 F. to about 8', ( . The effect of temperature on nickel is similar to that on cast steel and in consequence this material is very suitable for use in connection with STEAM-PIPES. 883 superheated steam. Bach recommends that bronze alloys be done away with for use on steam lines above a temperature of about 390 F. The old-fashioned screwed joint, no matter how well made, is not suitable for superheated steam work. In making up a joint, the face of all flanges or pipe where a joint is made should be given a fine tool finish and a plane surface, and a gasket should be used. The best results have been obtained with a corrugated soft Swedish steel gasket with "Smooth-on" applied, and with the McKim gasket, which is of copper or bronze surrounding asbestos. On super- heated steam lines a corrugated copper gasket will in time pit out iu some part of the flange nearly through the entire gasket. Specifications for pipes and fittings for superheated steam service were published by Crane Co., Chicago, in the Valve World, 1907. Riveted Steel Steam-pipes have been used for high pressures. See paper on A Method of Manufacture of Large Steam-pipes, by Chas. H. Manning, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xv. Valves in Steam-pipes. Should a globe-valve on a steam-pipe have the steam-pressure on top or underneath the valve is a disputed question. With the steam-pressure on top, the stuffing-box around the valve-stem cannot be repacked without shutting off steam from the whole line of pipe; on the other hand, if the steam-pressure is on the bottom of the valve it all has to be sustained by the screw-thread on the valve-stem, and there is danger of stripping the thread. A correspondent of the American Machinist, 1892, says that it is a very uncommon thing in the ordinary globe- valve to have the thread give out, but by water-hammer and merciless screwing the seat will be crushed down quite frequently. Therefore with plants where only one boiler is used he advises placing the valve with the boiler-pressure underneath it. On plants where several boilers are connected to one main steam-pipe he would reverse the position of the valve, then when one of the valves needs repacking the valve can be closed and the pressure in the boiler whose pipe it controls can be reduced to atmospheric by lifting the safety- valve. The repacking can then be done without interfering with the operation of the other boilers of the plant. He proposes also the following other rules for locating valves: Place valves with the stems horizontal to avoid the formation of a water-pocket. Never put the junction-valve close to the boiler if the main pipe is above the boiler, but put it on the highest point of the junction-pipe. If the other plan is followed, the pipe fills with water whenever this boiler is stopped and the others are running, and breakage of the pipe may cause serious results. Never let a junction-pipe run into the bottom of the main pipe, but into the side or top. Always use an angle- valve where convenient, as there is more room in them. Never use a gate valve under high pressure unless a by-pass is used with it. Never open a blow-off valve on a boiler a little and then shut it; it is sure to catch the sediment and ruin the valve; throw it well open before closing. Never use a globe-valve on an indicator-pipe. For water, always use gate or angle valves or stop-cocks to obtain a clear passage. Buy if possible valves with renewable disks. Lastly, never let a man go inside a boiler to work, especially if he is to hammer on it, unless you break the joint between the boiler and the valve and put a plate of steel between the flanges. The " Steam-Loop " is a system of piping by which water of con- densation in steam-pipes is automatically returned to the boiler. In its simplest form it consists of three pipes, which are called the riser, the horizontal, and the drop-leg. When the steam-loop is used for returning to the boiler the water of condensation and entrainment from the steam- pipe through which the stearn flows to the cylinder of an engine, the riser is generally attached to a separator; this riser empties at a suitable height into the horizontal, and from thence the water of condensation is led into the drop-leg, which is connected to the boiler, into which the water of condensation is fed as soon as the hydrostatic pressure in the drop-leg in connection with the steam-pressure in the pipes is sufficient to overcome the boiler-pressure. The action of the device depends on the following principles: Difference of pressure may be balanced by a water- column; vapors or liquids tend to flow to the point of lowest pressure; rate of flow depends on difference of pressure and mass; decrease of static pressure in a steam-pipe or chamber is proportional to rate of conden- 884 STEAM. sation; In a steam-current water will be carried or swept along rapidly by friction. (Illustrated in Modern Mechanism, p. 807. Patented by J. H. Blessing, Feb. 13, 1372, Dec. 28, 1883.) Mr. Blessing thus describes the operation of the loop in Eng. Review, Sept., 1907. The heating system is so arranged that the water of condensation from the radiators gravitates towards some low point and thence isled into the top of a receiver. After this is done it is found that owing to friction caused by the velocity of the steam passing through the different pipes and condensation due to radiation, the steam pressure in the small drip receiver is much less than that in the boiler. This difference will deter- mine the height, or the length of the loop, that must be employed so that the water will gravitate through it into the boiler; that is to say, if there is 10 Ibs. difference in pressure, the descending leg of the loop should extend about 30 feet above the water-level in the boiler, since a column of water 2.3 ft. is equal to 1 Ib. pressure, and a difference in pressure of 10 Ibs. would require a column 23 ft. high. If we make the loop 30 feet high we shall have an additional length of 7 ft. with which to overcome fric- tion. The water, after it reaches the top of the loop, composed of a larger section of pipe, will flow into the boiler through the descending leg with a velocity due to the extra 7 ft. added to the discharging leg. Loss from an Uncovered Steam-pipe. (Bjorling on Pumping- engines.) The amount of loss by condensation in a steam-pipe carried down a deep mine-shaft has been ascertained by actual practice at the Clay Cross Colliery, near Chesterfield, where there is a pipe 712 in. internal diam., 1100 ft. long. The loss of steam by condensation was ascertained by direct measurement of the water deposited in a receiver, and was found to be equivalent to about 1 Ib. of coal per'I.H.P. per hour for every 100 ft. of steam-pipe; but there is no doubt that if the pipes had been in the up- cast shaft, and well covered with a good non-conducting material, the loss would have been less. (For Steam-pipe Coverings, see p. 584, ante.) Condensation in an Underground Pipe Line. (W. W. Christie, Eng. Rec., 1904.) A length of 300 ft. of 4-in. pipe, enclosed in a box of li/4-in. planks, 10 ins. square inside, and packed with mineral wool, was laid in a trench, the upper end being 1 ft. and the lower end 5 ft. below the surface. With 80 Ibs. gauge pressure in the pipe the condensation was equivalent to 0.275 B.T.U. per minute per sq. ft. of pipe surface when the outside temperature was 31 F., and 0.222 per min. when the temperature was 62 F. Steam Receivers on Pipe Lines. (W. Andrews, Steam Eng'g, Dec. 10, 1902.) In the four large power houses in New York City, with an ultimate capacity of 60,000 to 100,000 H.P. each, the largest steam mains are not over 20 ins. in diameter. Some of the best plants have pipes which run from the header to the engine two sizes smaller than that called for by the engine builders. These pipes before reaching the engine are carried into a steel receiver, w r hich acts also as a separator. This ' receiver has a cubical capacity of three times that of the high-pressure cylinder and is placed as close as possible to the cylinder. The pipe from the receiver to the cylinder is of the full size called for by the engine builder. The objects of this arrangement are: First, to have a full supply of steam to the throttle; second, to provide a cushion near the engine on which the cut-off in the steam chest may be spent, thereby preventing vibrations from being transmitted through the piping system; and third, to produce a steady and rapid flow of steam in one direction only, by having a small pipe leading into the receiver. The steam flows rapidly enough to make good the loss caused during the first quarter of the stroke. Plants fitted up in this way are successfully running where the drop in steam pressure is not greater than 4 Ibs., although the engines are 500 ft. away from the boilers. Equation of Pipes. F9r determining the number of small sized pipes that are equal in carrying capacity to one of greater size the table given under Flow of Air, page 625, is commonly used. It is based on the equation N = ^ds + di 6 , in which N is the number of smaller pipes of diameter d\ equal in capacity to one pipe of diameter d. A more accurate equation, based on Unwin's formula for flow of fluids, is N = - 1+ 3 ' 6 ; (d and di in inches). For d= 2di, the first formula giv 3.6 THE STEAM-BOILER. 885 JV = 5.7, and the second N = 6.15, an unimportant difference, but for d = 8di, the first gives N = 181 and the second N = 274, a considerable difference. (G. F. Gebhardt, Power, June, 1907). Identification of Power House Piping by Different Colors. (W. H. Bryan, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1908.) In large power plants the multi^ piicity of pipe lines carrying different fluids causes confusion and may lead to danger by an operator opening a wrong valve. It has therefore become customary to paint the different lines of different colors. The paper gives several tables showing color schemes that have been adopted in different plants. The following scheme, adopted at the New York Edison Co.'s Waterside Station, is selected as an example. Pipe Lines. Colors of Pipe. Bands, Cou- plings, Valves, etc. Steam, high pressure to engines, boiler cross-overs leaders and headers Black Buff Orange Orange Green Slate Dark Brown Blue Maroon Green Slate Blue Vermilion Brown Brown Brown Black Brass Black Red Black Black Red Blue Red Same Red Black Black Same Black Green Red Same All other steam lines Steam exhaust Steam, drips including traps Blow-offs, drips from water columns Drains from crank pits Cold water to primary heaters and Hot-water mains, primary heaters to pumps, and cooling-water returns. . . . Air pump discharge to hot well . Cooling water pumps to engines Fire lines Cylinder oil high pressure Engine oil . THE STEAM-BOILER. The Horse-power of a Steam-boiler. The term horse-power has two meanings in engineering: First, an absolute unit or measure of the rate of work, that is, of the work done in a certain definite period of time, by a source of energy, as a steam-boiler, a waterfall, a current of air or water, or by a prime mover, as a steam-engine, a water-wheel, or a wind-mill. The value of this unit, whenever it can be expressed in foot-pounds of energy, as in the case of steam-engines, water-wheels, and waterfalls, is 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. In the case of boilers, where the work done, the conversion of water into steam, cannot be expressed in foot- pounds of available energy, the usual value given to the term horse-power is the evaporation of 30 Ibs. of water of a temperature of 100 F. into steam at 70 Ibs. pressure above the atmosphere. Both of these units are arbitrary; the first, 33,000 foot-pounds per minute, first adopted by James Watt, being considered equivalent to the power exerted by a good London draught-horse, and the 30 Ibs. of water evaporated per hour being con- sidered to b^ the pfparn reauirement per indicated horse-power of an average engine (in 1876). The Committee of Judges of the Centennial Exhibition, 1876, in report- ing the trials of competing boilers at that exhibition adopted the unit, 30 Ib. of water evaporated into dry steam per hour from feed-water at 100 P., and under a pressure of 70 Ib. per square inch above the atmos- phere, these conditions being considered by them to represent fairly average practice. The A. S. M. E. Committee on Boiler Tests, 1884, accepted the same unit, and defined it as equivalent to 34.5 Ib. evaporated per hour from a 886 THE STEAM-BOILER. feed-water temperature of 212 into steam at the same temperature. The committee of 1899 adopted 34.5 Ib. per hour, from and at 212, as the unit of commercial horse-power, and it was reaffirmed in the Boiler Code of the Power Test Committee, 1915. Using the figures for total heat of steam given in Marks and Davis's steam tables (1909), 34 Yi Ib. from and at 212, is equivalent to 33,479 B.T.U. per hour, or to an evaporation of 30.018 Ib. from 100 feed- water temperature into steam at 70 Ib. pressure. The second definiti9n of the term horse-power is an approximate meas- ure of the size, capacity, value, or "rating" of a boiler, engine, water- wheel, or other source or conveyer of energy, by which measure it may be described, bought and sold, advertised, etc. No definite value can be given to this measure, which varies largely with local custom or indivi- dual opinion of makers and users of machinery. The nearest approach to uniformity which can be arrived at in the term "horse- power,' ' used in this sense, is to say that a boiler, engine, water-wheel, or other machine, "rated" at a certain horse-power, should be capable of steadily developing that horse-power for a long period of time under ordinary conditions of use and practice, leaving to local custom, to the judgment of the buyer and seller, to written contracts of purchase and sale, or to legal decisions upon such contracts, the interpretation of what is meant by the term "ordinary conditions of use and practice." (Trans. A. 5. M. ?., vol. vii, p. 226.) Contracts for power-plant apparatus should specify the leading dimensions of the apparatus and its rated capacity. If a specific guarantee of capacity is made, either working or maximum capacity, the operating conditions under which the guarantee is to be met should be clearly set forth; such, for example, as steam pressure, speed, vacuum, quality of fuel, force of draft, etc. Likewise if a contract contains a guarantee of economy all the conditions should be fully specified. The commercial rating of capacity determined on for power-plant apparatus, whether for the purpose of contracts for sale or otherwise, should be such that a sufficient reserve capacity beyond the rating is available to meet the contingencies of practical operation ; such con- tingencies, for example, as the loss of steam pressure and capacity due to cleaning fires, inferior coal, oversight of the attendants, sudden de- mand for an unusual output of steam or power, etc. The Committee of 1899 says: A boiler rated at any stated capacity should develop that capacity when using the best coal ordinarily sold in the market where the boiler is located ,when fired by an ordinary fireman, without forcing the fires, while exhibiting good economy; and further, the boiler should develop at least one-third more than the stated capacity when using the same fuel and operated by the same fireman, the full draught being employed and the fires being crowded; the available draught at the damper, unless otherwise understood, being not less than 1/2 inch water column. Unit of Evaporation. (Abbreviation, U. E.) It is the custom to reduce results of boiler-tests to the common standard of the equivalent evaporation from and at the boiling-point at atmospheric pressure, or " from and at 212 F." This unit of evaporation, or one pound of water evaporated from and at 212, is equivalent to 970.4 British thermal units. 1 B.T.U. = the mean quantity of heat 'equired to raise 1 Ib. of water 1 F. between 32 and 212. Measures for Comparing the Duty of Boi ers. The measure of the efficiency of a boiler is the number of pounds >f water evaporated per pound of combustible (coal less moisture and ash), the evaporation being reduced to the standard of "from and ai 212." The measure of the capacity of a boiler is the amount of " boiler horse- power" developed, a horse-power being defined as the evaporation of 34.5 Ib. per hour from and at 212. The measure of relative rapidity of steaming of boilers is the number of pounds of water evaporated from and at 212 per hour per square foot of water-heating surface. The measure of relative rapidity of combustion of fuel in boiler- furnaces is the number of pounds of coal burned per hour per square foot of grate-surface, STEAM-BOILER PROPORTIONS. 887 STEAM-BOILER PROPORTIONS. Proportions of Grate and Heating Surface required for a given Horse-power. The term horse-power here means capacity to evap- orate 34.5 Ib. of water from and at 212 F. Average proportions for maximum economy for land boilers fired with good anthracite coal (ordinary hand firing) : Heating surface per horse-power 11 . 5 sq. ft. Grate surface per horse-power 1/3 Ratio of heating to grate surface 34 . 5 Water evap'd from and at 212 per sq. ft. H.S. per hr . . . 3 Ib. Combustible burned per H.P. per hour. . 3 Coal with 1/6 refuse, Ib. per H.P. per hour 3.6 Combustible burned per sq. ft. grate per hour 9 Coal with 1/6 refuse, Ib. per sq. ft. grate per hour 10.8 Water evap'd from and at 212 per Ib. combustible. ... 11.5 Water evap'd from and at 212 per Ib. coal (i/e refuse) . 9.6 Heating-surface. For maximum economy with any kind of fuel a boiler should be proportioned so that at least one square foot of heating- surface should be given for every 3 IDS. of water to be evaporated from and at 212 F. per hour. Still more liberal proportions are required if a portion of the heating-surface has its efficiency reduced by: 1. Tendency of the heated gases to short-circuit, that is, to select passages of least resistance and now through them with high velocity, to the neglect of other passages. 2. Deposition of soot from smoky fuel. 3. Incrusta- tion. If the heating-surfaces are clean, and the heated gases pass over it uniformly, little if any increase in economy can be obtained by increasing the heating-surface beyond the proportion of 1 sq. ft. to every 3 Ibs. of water to be evaporated, and with all conditions favorable but little decrease of economy will take place if the proportion is 1 sq. ft. to every 4 Ibs. evaporated; but in order to provide for driving of the boiler beyond its rated capacity, and for possible decrease of efficiency due to the causes above named, it is better to adopt 1 sq. ft. to 3 Ibs. evaporation per hour as the minimum standard proportion. Where economy may be sacrified to capacity, as where fuel is very cheap, it is customary to proportion the heating-surface much less liber- ally. The following table shows approximately the relative results that may be expected with different rates of evaporation, with anthracite coal. Lbs. water evapor'd from and at 21 2 per sq.ft. heating-surf ace per hour: 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sq. ft. heating-surface required per horse-power: 17.3 13.8 11.5 9.8 8.6 6.8 5.8 4.9 4.3 3.8 3.5 Ratio of heating to grate surface if 1/3 sq. ft. of G.S. is required per H.P.: 52 41.4 34.5 29.4 25.8 20.4 17.4 13.7 12.9 11.4 10.5 Probable relative economy: 100 100 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Probable temperature of chimney gases, degrees F.: 450 450 450 518 585 652 720 787 855 922 990 The relative economy will vary not only with the amount of heating- surface per horse-power, but with the efficiency of that heating-surface as regards its capacity for transfer of heat from the heated gases to the water, which will depend on its freedom from soot and incrustation, and upon the circulation of the water and the heated gases. With bituminous coal the efficiency will largely depend upon the thoroughness with which the combustion is effected in the furnace. The efficiency with any kind of fuel will greatly depend upon the amount of air supplied to the furnace in excess of that' required to support com- bustion. With strong draught and thin fires this excess may be great, causing a serious loss of economy. The subject is further discussed below. Measurement of Heating-surface. The usual rule is to consider as heating-surface all the surfaces that are surrounded by water on one side and by flame or heated gases on the other, using the external instead of the internal diameter of tubes, for greater convenience in calculation, external diameters of boiler-tubes usually being made in even inches or half inches. This method, however, is inaccurate, for the true heating- surface of a tube is the side exposed to the hot gases, the inner surface in a fire-tube boiler and the outer surface in a water-tube boiler. The re- 888 THE STEAM-BOILER. Distance to the passage of heat from the hot gases on one side of a tube or plate to the water on the other consists almost entirely of the resistance to the passage of the heat from the gases into the metal, the resistance of the metal itself and that of the wetted surface being practically nothing. See paper by C. W. Baker, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xix. RULE for finding the heating-surface of vertical tubular boilers: Multiply the circumference 9f the fire-box (in inches) by its height above the grate; multiply the combined circumference of all the tubes by their length, and to these two products add the area of the lower tube-sheet; from this sum subtract the area of all the tubes, and divide by 144: the quotient is the number of square feet of heating-surface. RULE for finding the heating-surface of horizontal tubular boilers: Take the dimensions in inches. Multiply two-thirds of the circumference of the shell by its length; multiply the sum of the circumferences of all the tubes by their common length; to the sum pi these products add two thirds of the area of both tube-sheets; from this sum subtract twice the combined area of all the tubes; divide the remainder by 144. to obtain the result in square feet. RULE for finding the square feet of heating-surface in tubes: Multiply the number of tubes by the diameter of a tube in inches, by its length in feet, and by 0.2618. Horse-power, Builder's Rating. Heating-surface per Horse- power. It is a general practice among builders to furnish about 10 square feet of heating-surface per horse-power, but as the practice is not uniform, bids and contracts should always specify the amount of heating- surface to be furnished. Not less than one-third square foot of grate-sur- face should be furnished per horse-power with ordinary chimney draught, not exceeding 0.3 in. of water column at the damper, for anthracite coal, and for poor varieties of soft coal high in ash, with ordinary furnaces. A smaller ratio of grate surface may be allowed for high grade soft coal and for forced draught. Horse-power of Marine and Locomotive Boilers. The term horse- power is not generally used in connection with boilers in marine practice, or with locomotives. The boilers are designed to suit the engines, and are rated by extent of grate and heating-surface only. Grate-surface. The amount of grate-surface required per horse- power, and the proper ratio of heating-surface to grate-surface are ex- tremely variable, depending chiefly upon the character of the coal and upon the rate of draught. With good coal, low in ash, approximately equal results may be obtained with large grate-surface and light draught and with small grate-surface and strong draught, the total amount of coal burned per hour being the same in both cases. With good bituminous coal, like Pittsburgh, low in ash, the best results apparently are obtained with strong, draught and high rates of combustion, provided the grate- surfaces are cut down so that the total coal burned per hour is not too great for the capacity of the heating-surface to absorb the heat produced. With coals high in ash, especially if the ash is easily fusible, tending to choke the grates, large grate-surface and a slow rate of combustion are required, unless means, such as shaking grates, are provided to get rid of the ash as fast as it is made. The amount of grate-surface required per " horse-power under various conditions may be estimated as follows: Si? ^J. . ScsT'eS 03 O .j m O ^ ta ftO Lbs. Coal per H.P. per hour. Pounds of Coal burned per square foot of Grate per hour. 8 10 12 15 20 | 25 30 | 35 | 40 Sq. Ft. Grate per H.P. .09 .10 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .17 .25 Good coal and boiler, Fair coal or boiler, Poor coal or boiler, Lignite and poor boiler, )10 [ 9 ( 8.61 R H ( 6 - 9 M {3.45 3.45 3.83 4. 4.31, 4.93 5. 5.75 6.9 10. .43 .48 .50 .54 .62 .63 .72 .86 1.25 .35 .38 .40 .43 .49 .50 .58 .69 1.00 .28 .32 .33 .36 .41 .42 .48 .58 .83 .23 .25 .26 .29 .33 .34 .38 .46 .67 .17 .19 .20 .22 .24 .25 .29 .35 .50 .14 .15 .16 .17 .20 .20 .23 .28 .40 .11 .13 .13 .14 .17 .17 .19 .23 .33 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .17 .22 .29 PERFORMANCE OF BOILERS. 889 In designing a boiler for a given set of conditions, the grate-surface should be made as liberal as possible, say sufficient for a rate of combus- tion of 10 Ibs. per square foot of grate for anthracite, and 15 Ibs. per square foot for bituminous coal, and in practice a portion of the grate-surface may be bricked over if it is found that the draught, fuel, or other condi- tions render it advisable. Proportions of Areas of Flues and other Gas-passages. Rules are usually given making the area of gas-passages bear a certain ratio to the area of the grate-surface; thus a common rule for horizontal tubular boilers is to make the area over the bridge wall 1/7 of the grate-surface, the flue area 1/8, and the chimney area 1/9. For average conditions with anthracite coal and moderate draught, say a rate of combustion of 12 Ibs. coal per square foot of grate per hour, and a ratio of heating to grate surface of 30 to 1, this rule is as good as any, but it is evident that if the draught were increased so as to cause a rate of com- bustion of 24 Ibs., requiring the grate-surface to be cut down to a ratio of 60 to 1, the areas of gas-passages should not be reduced in proportion. The amount of coal burned per hour being the same under the changed conditions, and there being no reason why the gases should travel at a higher velocity, the actual areas of the passages should remain as before, but the ratio of the area to the grate-surface would in that case be doubled. Mr. Barrus states that the highest efficiency with anthracite coal is obtained when the tube area is 1/9 to 1/10 of the grate-surface, and with bituminous coal when it is 1/6 to 1/7, for the conditions of medium rates of combustion, such as 10 to 12 Ibs. per square foot of grate per hour, and 12 square feet of heating-surface allowed to the horse-power. The tube area should be made large enough not to choke the draught and so lessen the capacity of the boiler; if made too large the gases are apt to select the passages of least resistance and escape from them at a high velocity and high temperature. This condition is very commonly found in horizontal tubular boilers where the gases go chiefly through the upper rows of tubes; sometimes also in vertical tubular boilers, where the gases are apt to pass most rapidly through the tubes nearest to the center. It may to some extent be remedied by placing retarders in those tubes in which the gases travel the quickest. Air-passages through Grate-bars. The usual practice is, air- opening = 30% to 50% of area of the grate; the larger the better, to avoid stoppage of the air-supply by clinker; but with coal free from clinker much smaller air-space may be used without detriment. See paper by F. A. Scheffler, Trans. A. S. M . E., vol. xv, p. 503. Distance .from Dead Plate to Shell in Horizontal Tubular Boiler Settings. Rules of the Department of Smoke Inspection, Chicago, 1912. Diameter of shell, in 72 66 60 54 48 42 36 Dead plate to shell, in. . . 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 The department has required that all boilers be set higher than has formerly been the practice in order to provide greater combustion space and to allow the installation of proper furnaces. . PERFORMANCE OF BOILERS. The performance of a steam-boiler comprises both its capacity for gener- ating steam and its economy of fuel. Capacity depends upon size, both of grate-surface and of heating-surface, upon the kind of coal burned, upon the draught, and also upon the economy. Economy of fuel depends upon the completeness with which the coal is burned in the furnace, on the proper regulation of the air-supply to the amount of coal burned, and upon the thoroughness with which the boiler absorbs the heat generated in the furnace. The absorption of heat depends on the extent of heating-sur- face in relation to the amount of coal burned or of water evaporated, upon the arrangement of the gas-passages, and upon the cleanness of the sur- faces. The capacity of a boiler may increase with increase of economy when this is due to more thorough combustion of the coal or to better regu- lation of the air-supply, 9r it may increase at the expense of economy when the increased capacity is due to overdriving, causing an increased loss of heat in the chimney gases. The relation of capacity to economy is therefore a complex one, depending on many variable conditions. 890 THE STEAM-BOILER. A formula expressing the relation between capacity, rate of driving, or evaporation per square foot of heating-surface, to the economy, or evaporation per pound of combustible is given on page 893. Selecting the highest results obtained at different rates of driving with anthracite coal in the Centennial tests (in 1876) and the highest results with anthracite reported by Mr. Barrus in his book on Boiler Tests, the author has plotted two curves showing the maximum results which may be expected with anthracite coal, the first under exceptional conditions such as obtained in the Centennial tests, and the second under the best conditions of ordinary practice. (Trans. A. S. M. E., xviii, 354). From these curves the following figures are obtained. Lbs. water evaporated from and at, 212 per sq. ft. heating-surface per hour: 1.6 1.7 2 2.6 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 7 8 Lbs. water evaporated from and at 212 per Ib. combustible: Centennial... 11.8 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.05 12 11.85 11.7 11.5 10.85 9.8 8.5 Barrus 11.4 11.5 11.55 11.6 11.6 11.5 11.2 10.9 10.6 9.9 9.2 8.5 Avg. Cent'l 12.0 11.6 11.2 10.8 10.4 10.0 9.6 8.8 8.0 7.2 The figures in the last line are taken from a straight line drawn as nearly as possible through the average of the plotting of all the Centennial tests. The poorest results are far below these figures. It is evident that no for- mula can be constructed that will express the relation of economy to rate oi driving as well as do the three lines of figures given above. 'For semi-bituminous and bituminous coals the relation of economy tc the rate of driving no doubt follows the same general law that it does with anthracite, i.e., that beyond a rate of evaporation of 3 or 4 Ibs. per sq. ft. oi heating-surface per hour there is a decrease of economy, but the figures obtained in different tests will show a wider range between maximum and average results on account of the fact that it is more difficult with bitumi- nous than with anthracite coal to secure complete combustion in the furnace. The amount of the decrease in economy due to driving at rates exceeding 4 Ibs. of water evaporated per square foot of heating-surface per hour differs greatly with different boilers, and with the same boiler it may diffei with different settings and with different coal. The arrangement and size of the gas-passages seem to have an important effect upon the relation oi economy to rate of driving. A comparison of results obtained from different types of boilers leads to the general conclusion that the economy with which different types oi boilers operate depends much more upon their proportions and the con- ditions under which they work, than upon their type; and, moreover, that when the proportions are correct, and when the conditions are favor- able, the various types of boilers give substantially the same economic result. Conditions of Fuel Economy in Steam-boilers. 1. That the boiler has sufficient heating surface to absorb from 75 to 80% of all the heat generated by the fuel. 2. That this surface is so placed, and the gas pas- sages so controlled by baffles, that the hot gases are forced to pass uni- formly over the surface, not being short-circuited. 3. That the furnace is of such a kind, and operated in such a manner, that the fuel is completely burned in it, and that no unburned gases reach the heating surface of the boiler. 4. That the fuel is burned with the minimum supply of air re- quired to insure complete combustion, thereby avoiding the carrying of an excessive quantity of heated air out of the chimney. There are two indices of high economy. 1. High temperature, ap- proaching 3000 F. in the furnace, combined with low temperature, below 600 F., in the flue. 2. Analysis of the flue gases showing between 4 ynd 8% of free oxygen. Unfortunately neither of these indices is available to the ordinary fireman; he cannot distinguish by the eye any temperature above 2000, and he cannot know whether or not an excessive amount oi oxygen is passing through the fuel. The ordinary haphazard way of firing therefore gives an average of about 10% lower economy than can be obtained when the firing is controlled, as it is in many large plants, by re- cording furnace pyrometers, or by continuous gas analysis, or by both- Low CO2 in the flue gases may indicate either excessive air supply in the furnace, or leaks of air into the setting, or deficient air supply with the presence qf CO, and, therefore imperfect combustion. The latter, if exces- PERFORMANCE OF BOILERS. 891 sive, is indicated by low furnace temperature. The analysis for CO2 should be made both of the gas sampled just beyond the furnace and of the gas sampled at the flue. Diminished CO 2 in the latter indicates air-leakage. Less than 4% of free oxygen in the gases is usually accompanied with CO, and it therefore indicates imperfect combustion from deficient air, supply. More than 8% means excessive air supply and corresponding waste of heat. Air Leakage or infiltration of air through the firebrick setting is a common cause of poor economy. It may be detected by analysis as above Stated, and should be prevented by stopping all visible cracks in the brick- work, and by covering it with a coating impervious to air. Autographic CO2 Recorders are used in many large boiler plants for the continuous recording of the percentage of carbon dioxide in the gases. When the percent age of CO 2 is between 12 and 16.it indicates good fur- nace conditions, when below 12 the reverse. Continuous Records are an important element in securing maximum economy in modern boiler plants. They include records of coal and water consumption, of draft at the furnace and the chimney, of the analyses of the gases, of the flue temperature, and of the steam de- livered. For description of steam flow meters and other recording apparatus see Steam Boiler Economy. 2d edition. Efficiency of a Steam-boiler. The efficiency of a boiler is the percentage of the total heat generated by the combustion of the fuel which is utilized in heating the water and in raising steam. With anthra- cite coal the heating-value of the combustible portion is very nearly 14,800 B.T.U. per lb., equal to an evaporation from and at 212 of 14,800 * 970 = 15.26 Ibs. of water. A boiler which when tested with anthra- cite coal shows an evaporation of 12 Ibs. of water per lb. of combustible, has an efficiency of 12 -s- 15.26 = 78.6%, a figure which is approximated, but scarcely ever quite reached, in the best practice. With bituminous coal it is necessary to have a determination of its heating-power made by a coal calorimeter before the efficiency of the boiler using it can be determined, but a close estimate may be made from the chemical analysis of the coal. (See Coal.) The difference between the efficiency obtained by test and 100% is the sum of the numerous wastes of heat, the chief of which is the necessary loss due to the temperature of the chimney-gases. If we tyave an analysis and a calorimetric determination of the heating-power of the coal (properly sampled), and an average analysis of the chimney-gases, the amounts of the several losses may be determined with approximate accuracy by the method described below. Data given: 1. ANALYSIS OF THE COAL. 2. ANALYSIS OF THE DRY CHIMNEY- Cumberland Semi-bituminous. GASES, BY WEIGHT. Carbon . 80.55 C. O. N. Hydrogen 4.50 CO 2 = 13.6 = 3.71 9.89 Oxygen ... 2.70 CO = 0.2 = 0.09 0.11 Nitrogen 1.08 O = 11.2= 11.20 Moisture 2.92 N = 75.0=.. 75.00 Agh c 05 100.0 3.80 21.20 75.00 100.00 Heating-value of the coal by Dulong's formula, 14,243 heat-units. The gases being collected over water, the moisture in them is not deter- mined. 3. Ash and refuse as determined by boiler-test, 10.25, or 2% more than that found by analysis, the difference representing carbon in the ashes Obtained in the boiler-test. 4. Temperature of external atmosphere, 60 F. 5. Relative humidity of air, 60%, corresponding (see air tables) to 0.007 lb. of vapor in each lb. of air. 6. Temperature of chimney-gases, 560 F. Calculated results: The carbon in the chimney-gases being 3.8% of their weight, the total weight of dry gases per lb. of carbon burned is 100 -*- 3.8 = 26.32 Ibs. Since the carbon burned is 80.55 - 2 = 78.55% of the weight of the coal, the weight of the dry gases per lb. of coal is 26.32 X 78.55 -f- 100 = 20.67 Ibs. 892 THE STEAM-BOILER, Each pound of coal furnishes to the dry chimney-gases 0.7855 lb. C, and 0.0108 N, a total of 0.7963, say 0.80 lb. This subtracted from 20.67 Ibs. leaves 19.87 Ibs. as the quantity of dry air (not including moisture) which enters the furnace per pound of coal, not counting the air required to burn the available hydrogen, that is, the hydrogen minus one-eighth of the oxygen chemically combined in the coal. Each lb. of coal burned contained 0.045 lb. H, which requiras 0.045 X 8 = 0.36 lb. O for its combustion. Of this, 0.027 lb. is furnished by the coal itself, leaving 0.333 lb. to come from the air. The quantity of air needed to supply this oxygen air containing 23 % by weight of oxygen) is 0.333 -r- 0.23 = 1.45 lb., which added to "the 19.87 Ibs. already found gives 21.32 Ibs. as the quantity of dry air supplied to the furnace per lb. of coal burned. The air carried in as vapor is 0.0071 lb. for each lb. of dry air, or 21.3 X 0.0071 = 0.15 lb. for each lb. of coal. Each lb. of coaj contained 0.029 lb. of moisture, which was evaporated and carried into the chimney-gases. The 0.045 lb. of H per lb. of coal when burned formed 0.045 X 9 = 0.405 lb. of H 2 O. From the analysis of the chimney-gas it appears that 0.09 -^ 3.80 = 2.37% of the carbon in the coal, or 0.0237 X 0.7855 = 0.0186 lb. C per lb. of coal, was burned to CO instead of to COz. We now have the data for calculating the various losses of heat, as follows, for each pound of coal burned: Heat- Per cent of units. Heat-value of the Coal. 20.67 Ibs. dry gas X (560 - 60) X sp. heat 0.24 = 2480.4 17.41 0.15 lb. vapor in air X (560 - 60) X sp. ht. 0.46 --= 34.5 0.24 0.029 lb. moist, in coal heated from 60 to 212 = 4.4 0.03 0.029 lb. evap. from and at 212; 0.029 X 970 = 28.1 0.20 0.029 lb. steam (heated 212 to 560) X 348X 0.46 = 4.6 0.03 0.405 lb. H 2 O from H in coal X (152 + 970 + 348 X 0.46) 519.2 3.65 0.0186 lb. C burned to CO; loss by incomplete combustion, 0.0186 X (14,6QO - 4450) 188.8 1.33 0.02 lb. carbon lost in ashes: 0.02 X 14,600 292.0 2.05 Radiation and unaccounted for, by difference = 676.1 4.75 4228.1 29.69 Utilized in making steam, equivalent evapora- tion 10.37 Ibs. from and at 212 perlb. of coal = 10,014.9 70.31 14,243.0 100.00 The heat lost by radiation from the boiler and furnace is not easily determined directly, especially if the boiler is enclosed in brickwork, or is protected by non-conducting covering. It is customary to estimate the heat lost by radiation by difference, that is, to charge radiation with all the heat lost which is not otherwise accounted for. One method of determining the loss by radiation is to block off a portion of the grate- surface and build a small fire on the remainder, and drive this fire with just enough draught to keep up the steam-pressure and supply the heat lost by radiation without allowing any steam to be discharged, weighing the coal consumed for this purpose during a test of several hours' dura- tion. Estimates of radiation by difference are apt to be greatly in error, as in this difference are accumulated all the errors of the analyses of the coal and of the gases. An average value of the heat lost by radiation from a boiler set in brickwork is about 3 % . When several boilers are in a battery and enclosed in a boiler-house the loss by radiation may be very much less, since much of the heat radiated from the boiler is returned to it in the air supplied to the furnace, which is taken from the boiler-room. An important source of error in making a "heat balance" such as the one above given, especially when highly bituminous coal is used, may be due to the non-combustion of part of the hydrocarbon gases distilled from the coal immediately after firing, when the temperature of the furnace may be reduced below the point of ignition of the gases. Each pound of hydro- gen which escapes burning is equivalent to a loss of heat in the furnace of PERFORMANCE OF BOILERS. 893 62,000 heat-units. Another source of error, especiallywith bituminous slack coal nigii in moisture, is due to the formation of water-gas, CO + H, by the decomposition of the water, and the consequent absorption of heat, this water-gas escaping unburned on account of the choking of the air supply when fine fresh coal is supplied to the fire. In analyzing the chimney-gases by the usual method the percentages of the constituent gases are obtained by volume instead of by weight. To reduce percentages by volume to percentages by weight, multiply the per- centage by volume of each gas by its specific gravity as compared with air, and divide each product by the sum of the products. Instead of using the percentages by weight of the gases, the percentage by volume may be used directly to find the weight of gas per pound of carbon by the formula given below. If O, CO, CO2, and N represent the percentages by volume of oxygen, carbonic oxide, carbonic acid, and nitrogen, respectively, in the gases of combustion: Lb. of air required to burn ) = 3 . 032 N ^ one pound of carbon J CO2 + CO N Ratio Of total air to the theoretical requirement = j^_~ 3 782 (O - 1/2 CO)* Lb. of air per pound \ __ j Lb. of air per pound ) v j Per cent of car- [ of coal i t of carbon j A | bon in coal \ 11CO 2 +80+7(CO+N) Lb. dry gas produced per pound of carbon = 37CO 4- CO) Relation of Boiler Efficiency to the Rate of Driving, Air Supply, etc. In the author's Steam Boiler Economy (p. 294) a formula is de- veloped showing the efficiency that may be expected, when the com- bustion of the coal is complete, under different conditions. The formula is Ba_ K- tcf 970 __ _ ~E^~~ K (1 + RS/W) K (K - tcf) S ' K = heating value per Ib. of combustible; Ea= actual evaporation from and at 212 per Ib. of combustible; E p = possible evaporation = K * 970; t elevation of the temperature of the water in the boiler above the atmospheric temperature; c specific heat of the chimney gases, taken at 0.24;/ = weight of flue gases per Ib. of combustible; S square feet of heating surface; W = pounds of water evaporated per hour; W/S = rate of driving; R= radiation loss, in units of evaporation per sq. ft. of heating-surface per hour; a is a coefficient found by experiment; it may be called a coefficient of inefficiency of the boiler, and it depends on and increases with the resistance to the passage of heat through the metal, soot or scale on the metal, imperfect combustion, short-circuiting, air leakage, or any other defective condition, not expressed in terms in the formula, which may tend to lower the efficiency. Its value is between 200 and 400 when records of tests show high efficiency, and above 400 for lower efficiencies. The coefficient a is a criterion of performance of a boiler when all the other terms of the formula are known as the results of a test. By trans- position its value is f K-tcf 1 . C*f* W L970 (1 + RS/W) a \ ' (K- tcf) S On the diagram below (Fig. 159), with abscissas representing rates of driving and ordinates representing efficiencies are plotted curves showing the relation of the efficiency to rate of driving for values of a= 100 to 400 and values of f from 20 to 35. together with a broken line showing the maximum efficiencies obtained by six boilers at the Centennial Exhi- bition, and other lines showing the poor results obtained from five other boilers. The curves are also based on the following values, K = 14.800; c = 0.24; = 300 (except one curve, t = 250); R = 0.1. An inspection of the curves shows the following. 1. The maximum Centennial results all lie below the curve / = 20, a = 200, by 2 to 4%, but they follow the general direction of the curve. This curve may 894 THE! SiEAM-B OILER. therefore be taken as representing the maximum possible boiler per- formance with anthracite coal, as the results obtained in 1876 have never been exceeded with anthracite. 2. With/ = 20 and a = 200 the efficiency for maximum performance, according to the curve, is a little less than 82% at 2 Ibs. evaporation pel sq. ft. of heating-surface per hour, but it decreases very slowly at hignei rates, so that it is 80% at 31/2 Ibs., and 76% at 5S/ 4 Ibs. With a = 200 and / greater than 20, the efficiency has a lower maxi- mum, reaches the maximum at a lower rate of driving, and falls off rapidly as the rate increases, the more rapidly the higher the value of /. showing excessive air supply to be a potent cause of low economy. 12 3 4 5 6 *7 Lbs. of Water EvaporatecLfrom and at 212 F. per s9 boiler, such as a furnace) have been performed. 2. To determine the relative economy of different kinds of fuel, of different kinds of furnaces, or of different methods of driving. 3. To determine whether or not the boilers, as ordinarily run under the every-day conditions of the plant, are operated as economically as they should be. 4. To determine, in case the boilers either fail to furnish easily the quantity of steam desired, or else furnish it at what is supposed to be an excessive cost for fuel, whether any additional boilers are needed or whether some change in the conditions of running is a sufficient remedy for the difficulty. For the first of the above-named purposes, it is necessary that the test should be made with every precaution to insure accuracy, such as those described in the Code of the Committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,* which is printed in abridged form below. INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING TESTS IN GENERAL. (Code of 1915). OBJECT. Ascertain the specific object of the test, and keep this in view not only in the work of preparation, but also during the progress of the test. If questions of fulfillment of contract are involved, there should be * Trans. A.S.M.E., 1915. Reprinted in pamphlet form by the Society. The first committee of the society on boiler-tests reported in 1885, the second in 1899. In 1909 a committee on Tests of Power Plant Apparatus was appointed; its preliminary report was published In 1912. and its final reoort in 1915. 900 THE STEAM-BOILER. a clear understanding between all the parties, preferably in writing, as to the operating conditions which should obtain during the trial,' the methods of testing to be followed, corrections to be made in case the conditions actually existing during the test differ from those specified, and all other matters about which dispute may arise, unless these are already expressed in the contract itself, PREPARATIONS. Dimensions Measure the dimensions of the principal parts of the apparatus to be tested, so far as they bear on the objects in view, or determine them from working drawings. Notice the general features of the apparatus, both exterior and interior, and make sketches, if needed, to show unusual points of design. The areas of the heating surfaces of boilers and superheaters to be found are those of surfaces in contact with the fire or hot gases. The submerged surfaces in boilers at the mean water level should be considered as water-heating surfaces, and other surfaces which are exposed to the gases as superheating surfaces. Examination of Plant. Make a thorough examination of the phys- ical condition of all parts of the plant or apparatus which concern the object in view, and record the conditions found. In boilers examine for leakage of tubes and riveted or other metal joints. Note the condition of brick furnaces, grates and baffles. Examine brick walls and cleaning doors for air leaks, either by shut- ting the damper and observing the escaping smoke or by candle- flame test. Determine the condition of heating surfaces with refer- ence to exterior deposits of soot and interior deposits of mud or scale. If the object .of the test is to determine the highest efficiency or capacity obtainable, any physical defects, or defects of operation. tending to make the result unfavorable should first be remedied; all fouled parts being cleaned, and the whole put in first-class condition. If, on the other hand, the object is t9 ascertain the performance under existing conditions, no such preparation is either required or desired. Precautions against Leakage. In steam tests make sure that there is no leakage through blow-offs, drips, etc., or any steam or water con- nections, which would in any way affect the results. All such con- nections should be blanked off, or satisfactory assurance should be obtained that there is leakage neither out nor in. Apparatus and Instruments. See that the apparatus and instru- ments are substantially reliable, and arrange them in such a way as to obtain correct data. Weighing Scales. For determining the weight of coal, oil, water, etc., ordinary platform scales serve every purpose. Too much depend- ence, however, should not be placed upon their reliability without first calibrating them by the use of standard weights, and carefully examining the knife-edges, bearing plates, and ring suspensions, to see that they are all in good order. For testing locomotives and some classes of marine boilers, wh< room is lacking, sacks or bags are sometimes required to facilitate the handling of coal, the sacks being weighed at the time of filling. /* SAMPLING AND DRYING COAL. Select a representative shovelful from each barrow-load as it is drawn from the coal-pile or other source of supply, and store the samples in a cool place in a covered metal receptacle. When all the coal has thus been sampled, break up the lumps, thoroughly mix the whole quantity, and finally reduce it by the process of repeated shin - -, - , ly filled and preserved for subsequent determinations of moisture, calorific value, and chemical composition. When the sample lot of coal has been reduced by quartering to RULES FOR CONDUCTING BOILER TESTS. 901 8av 100 Ibs., a portion weighing say 15 to 20 Iba. should be with- drawn for the purpose of immediate moisture determination. This is placed in a shallow iron pan and dried on the hot iron boiler flue for at least 12 hours, being weighed before and after drying on scales reading to quarter ounces. The moisture thus determined is approximately reliable for an- thracite and semi-bituminous coals, but not for coals containing much inherent moisture. For such coals, and for all absolutely reliable determinations the method to be pursued is as follows: Take one of the samples contained in the glass jars, and subject it to a thorough air drying, by spreading it in a thin layer and exposing it for several hours to the atmosphere of a warm room, weighing it before and after, thereby determining the quantity of surface moisture it contains. Then crush the whole of it by running it through an ordinary coffee mill or other suitable crusher adjusted so as to pro- duce somewhat coarse grains (less than Vie in.), thoroughly mix the crushed sample, select from it a portion of from 10 to 50 grams (say MOZ. to 2 oz.), weigh it in a balance which will easily show a * variation as small as 1 part in 1000, and dry it for one hour in an air or sand bath at a temperature between 240 and 280 F. Weigh it and record the loss, then heat and weigh again until the minimum weight has been reached. The difference between the original and the minimum weight is the moisture in the air-dried coal. The sum of the moisture thus found and that of the surface moisture is the total moisture. If a larger drying oven is available the moisture may be deter- mined by heating one of the glass jars full of coal, the cover being removed, at a temperature between 240 and 280 F. until it reaches the minimum weight. SAMPLING STEAM. Construct a sampling pipe or nozzle made of y 2 -m. iron pipe and insert it in the steam main at a point where, the entrained moisture is likely to be most thoroughly mixed. The inner end of the pipe, which should extend nearly across to the opposite side of the main, should be closed and the interior portion perforated with not less than twenty Vg-m. holes equally distributed from end to end and preferably drilled in irregular or spiral rows, with the first hole not less than half an inch from the wall of the pipe. The sampling pipe should not be placed near a point where water may pocket or where such water may affect the amount of moisture contained in the sample. RULES FOR CONDUCTING EVAPORATIVE TESTS OF BOILERS. OBJECT AND PREPARATIONS. Determine the object of the test, take the dimensions, note the physical conditions, examine for leakages, install the testing appli- ances, etc., as pointed out in the general instructions and make prep- arations for the test accordingly. Determine the character of fuel to be used. For tests of maximum efficiency or capacity of the boiler to compare with other boilers, the coal should be of some kind which is commercially regarded as a standard for the locality where the test is made. A coal selected for maximum efficiency and capacity tests should be the best of its class, and especially free from slagging and unusual clinker-forming impurities. For guarantee and other tests with a specified coal containing not more than a certain amount of ash and moisture, the coal selected should not be higher in ash and in moisture than the stated amounts 902 THE STEAM-BO1LEK. because any increase is liable to reduce the efficiency and capacity more than the equivalent proportion of such increase. OPERATING CONDITIONS. Determine what the operating conditions and method of firing should be to conform to the object in view, and see that they prevail throughout the trial, as nearly as possible. DURATION. The duration of tests to determine the efficiency of a hand-fired boiler should be at least ten consecutive hours. In case the rate of combustion is less than 25 Ibs. per sq. ft. of grate per hour the tests should be continued for such a time as may be required to burn a total of 250 Ibs. of coal per square foot of grate. Tests of longer^duration than 10 hours are advisable in order to obtain greater accuracy. In the case of a boiler using a mechanical stoker, the duration, where practicable, should be at least 24 hours. If the stoker is of a type that permits the quantity and condition of the fuel bed at beginning and end of the test to be accurately estimated, the dura- tion may be reduced to 10 hours, or such time as may be required to bum the total of 250 Ibs. per square foot. STARTING AND STOPPING. The conditions regarding the temperature of the furnace and boiler, the quantity and quality of the live coal and ash on the grates, the water level, and the steam pressure, should be as nearly as pos- sible the same at the end as at the beginning of the test. To secure the desired equality of conditions with hand-fired boilers, the following method should be employed: The furnace being well heated by a preliminary run, burn the fire low* and thoroughly clean it. leaving enough live coal spread evenly over the grate (say 2 to 4 ins.),* to serve as a foundation for the new fire. Note quickly the thickness of the coal bed as nearly as it can be estimated or measured, also the water level, f the steam pressure, and the time, and record the latter as the starting time. Fresh coal should then be fired from that weighed for the test, the ash-pit thoroughly cleaned and the regular work of the test proceeded with. Before the end of the test the tire should again be burned low and cleaned in such a manner as to leave the same amount of live coal on the grate as at the start. When this condition is reached, observe quickly the water level, t the steam pressure, and the time, and record the latter as the stopping time. If the water level is lower than at the beginning, a correction should be made by computation, rather than by feeding additional water. Finally remove the ashes and refuse from the ashpit. In a plant containing several boilers where it is not practicable to clean them simultaneously, the fires should be cleaned one after the other as rapidly as may be, and each one after cleaning charged with enough coal to maintain a thin fire in good working condition. After the last fire is cleaned and in working condition, burn all the fires low (say 4 to 6 ins.), note quickly the thickness of each, also the water levels, steam pressure, and time, which last is taken as the starting time. Likewise when the time arrives for closing the test, the fires should be quickly cleaned one by one, and when this work is completed they should all be burned low the same as at the start and the various observations made as noted. * 1 to 2 ins. for small anthracite coals. t Do not blow down the water-glass column for at least one hour before these readings are taken. An erroneous indication may other- wise be caused by a change of temperature and density of the water within the column and connecting pipe. RULES FOR CONDUCTING BOILER TESTS. 903 In the case of a large boiler having several furnace doors requiring the fire to be cleaned in sections one after the other, the above directions pertaining to starting and stopping in a plant of several boilers may be followed. To obtain the desired equality of conditions of the fire when a mechanical stoker other than a chain grate is used, the procedure should be modified where practicable as follows: Regulate the coal feed so as to burn the fire to the low condition required for cleaning. Shut off the coal-feeding mechanism and fill the hoppers level full. Clean the ash or dump plate, note quickly the depth and condition of the coal on the grate, the water level, the steam pressure, and the time, and record the latter as the starting time. Then start the coal-feeding mechanism, clean the ashpit, and proceed with the regular work of the test. When the time arrives for the close of the test, shut off the coal- feeding mechanism, fill the hoppers and burn the fire to the same low point as at the beginning. When this condition is reached, note the water level, the steam pressure, and the time, and record the latter as the stopping time. Finally clean the ash plate and haul the ashes. In the case of chain-grate stokers, the desired operating conditions should be maintained for half an hour before starting a test and for a like period before its close, the height of the stoker gate or throat plate and the speed of the grate being the same during both these periods. EECOEDS. Half-hourly readings of the instruments are usually sufficient. If there are sudden and wide fluctuations, the readings in such cases should be taken every fifteen minutes, and in some instances oftener. The coal should be weighed and delivered to the firemen in portions sufficient for one hour's run, thereby ascertaining the degree of uniformity of firing. An ample supply of coal should be maintained at all times, but the quantity on the floor at the end of each hour should be as small as practicable, so that the same may be readily estimated and deducted from the total weight. The records should be such as to ascertain also the consumption of feed-water each hour, and thereby determine the degree of uni- formity of evaporation. QUALITY OF STEAM. If the boiler does not produce superheated steam the percentage of moisture in the steam should be determined -by the use of a throttling or separating calorimeter. If the boiler has superheating surface, the temperature of the steam should be determined by the use of a thermometer inserted in a thermometer well. SAMPLING AND DRYING COAL. During the progress of the test the coal should be regularly sampled for the purpose of analysis and determination of moisture. ASHES AND REFUSE. The ashes and refuse withdrawn from the furnace and ash-pit daring the progress of the test and at its close should be weighed so far as possible in a dry state. If wet, the amount of moisture should be ascertained and allowed for, a sample being taken and dried for this purpose. This sample may serve also for analysis and the deter- mination of unburned carbon. CALORIFIC TESTS AND ANALYSES OF COAL. The quality of the fuel should be determined by calorific tests and Analyses of the coal sample above ivferml tO- 904 THE STEAM-BOILER. ANALYSES OF FLUE GASES. For approximate determinations of the composition of the flue gases, the Orsat apparatus, or some modification thereof, should be employed. If momentary samples are obtained the analyses should be made as frequently as possible, say every 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the skill of the operator, noting at the time the sample is drawn the furnace and firing conditions. If the sample drawn is a continuous one, the intervals may be made longer. SMOKE OBSERVATIONS. In tests of bituminous coals requiring a determination of the amount of smoke produced, observations should be made regularly through- out the trial at intervals of five minutes (or if necessary every minute) , noting at the same time the furnace and firing conditions. For tests of furnaces, methods of firing, or smoke prevention devices, observations every 10 or 15 seconds, continued during an hour, are advisable. CALCULATION OF RESULTS. (a) Corrections for Quality of Steam. When the percentage of moisture is less than 2 per cent it is sufficient merely to deduct the percentage from the weight of water fed, in which case the factor of correction for quality is _ % moisture 100 When the percentage is greater than 2 per cent, or if extreme accu- racy is required, the factor of correction is - H-h in which P is the proportion of moisture, H the total heat of 1 Ib. of saturated steam, hi the heat in water at the temperature of satu- rated steam, and h the heat in water at the feed temperature. When the steam is superheated the factor of correction for quality of steam is H s -h H-h in which H s is the total heat of 1 Ib. of superheated steam of the observed temperature and pressure. (6) Correction for Live Sleam, if any, used for Aiding Combustion. The quantity of steam or power, if any, used for producing blast, inject- ing fuel, or aiding combustion should be determined and recorded in the table of data and results. (c) Equivalent Evaporation. The equivalent evaporation from and at 212 is obtained by multiplying the weight of water evaporated, corrected for moisture in steam, by the "factor of evaporation." The latter equals H-h 970.4 in which H and h are respectively the total heat of saturated steam and of the feed-water entering the boiler. The "factor of evaporation" and the "factor of correction for quality of steam" may be combined into one expression in the case of superheated steam as follows : H s -h "970.4* (d) Efficiency. The "efficiency of boiler, furnace and grate" is the relation between the heat absorbed per pound of coal fired, and the calorific value of 1 Ib. of coal. The "efficiency based on combustible" is the relation between RULES FOR CONDUCTING BOILER TESTS. 905 the heat absorbed per pound of combustible burned, and the calorific value of 1 Ib. of combustible. This expression of efficiency furnishes a means for comparing the results of different tests, when the losses of unburned coal due to grates, cleanings, etc., are eliminated. The "combustible burned" is determined by subtracting from the weight of coal supplied to the boiler, the moisture in the coal, the weight of ash and unburned coal withdrawn from the furnace and ash-pit, and the weight of dust, soot, and refuse, if any, with- drawn from the tubes, flues, and combustion chambers, including ash carried away in the gases,, if any, determined from the analyses of coal and ash. The "combustible" used for determining the cal- orific value is the weight of coal less the moisture and ash found by analysis. The "heat absorbed" per pound of coal or combustible is cal- culated by multiplying the equivalent evaporation from and at 212 per pound of coal or combustible by 970.4. CHART. In trials having for an object the determination and exposition, of the complete boiler performance, the entire log of readings and data should be plotted on a chart and represented graphically. Data and Results of Evaporative Test.* 1. Test of boiler located at 2. Number and kind of boilers 3. Kind of furnace 4. Grate surface (width length ) sq. ft. 5. Water heating surface sq. ft. 6. Superheating surface sq. ft. 7 Total heating surface sq. ft. e. Distance from center of grate to nearest heating surface ft. DATE, DURATION, ETC. 8. Date 9. Duration hrs. 10. Kind and size of coal AVERAGE PRESSURES, TEMPERATURES, ETC. 11. Steam pressure by gage Ibs. per sq. in. 12. Temperature of steam, if superheated degs. 13. Temperature of feed- water entering boiler degs. 14. Temperature of escaping gases leaving boiler degs. 15. Force of draft between damper and boiler ins. c. Draft in furnace ins. d. Draft or blast in ash-pit ins. 16. State of weather a. Temperature of external air degs. &. Temperature of air entering ash-pit degs. c. Relative humidity of air entering ash-pit degs 17. QUALITY OF STEAM Percentage of moisture in steam or degrees of super- heating % or degs. 18. Factor of correction for quality of steam % or degs. TOTAL QUANTITIES. 19. Total weight of COP! as fired Ibs. 20. Percentage of moisture in coal as fired- per cent . 21. Total weight of dry coal fired Ibs. * This table contains the principal items of the table in the Code of 1915 of the A.S.M.E. Committee on Power Tests. 906 THE STEAM-BOILER. 22. Total ash, clinkers, and refuse (dry) ................. Ibs. 23. Total combustible burned (.Item 21 Item 22) ....... Ibs. 24. Percentage pf ash and refuse in dry coal ............. per cent. 25. Total weight of water fed to boiler .................. Ibs. 26. Total water evaporated, corrected for quality of steam (Item 25 X Item 18) ................................ Ibs. 27. Factor of evaporation based on temperature of water entering boiler .................................. 28. Total equivalent evaporation from and at 212 (Item 26 X Item 27) .................................. Ibs. HOURLY QUANTITIES AND RATES. 29. Dry coal per hour ................................. Ibs, 30. Dry coal per square foot of grate surface per hour ..... Ibs. 31. Water evaporated per hour, corrected for quality of steam ........................................ . . Ibs. 32. Equivalent evaporation per hour from and at 212. . . . Ibs. 33. Equivalent evaporation per hour from and at 212 per square foot of water-heating surface ............... Ibs. CAPACITY. 34. Evaporation per hr. from and at 212 (same as Item 32) Ibs. a. Boiler horse-power developed (Item 34 + 34 >/2) ... Bl. H.P. 35. Rated capacity per hour, from and at 212 ........... Ibs. a. Rated boiler horse-p9wer ...................... Bl. H.P. 36. Percentage of rated capacity developed .............. per cent. ECONOMY. 37. Water fed per pound of coal as fired (Item 25 -5- Item 19) Ibs. 38. Water evaporated per pound of dry coal (Item 26 -5- Item 21) ........ ............................... Ibs. 39. Equivalent evaporation from and at 212 per pound of coal as fired (Item 28 -j- Item 19) ................. Ibs. 40. Equivalent evaporation from and at 212 per pound of dry coal (Item 28 -f- Item 21) ..................... Ibs. 41. Equivalent evaporation from and at 212 per pound of combustible (Item 28 -* Item 23) .................. Ibs. EFFICIENCY. 42. Calorific value of 1 Ib. of dry coal by calorimeter ...... B.T.U. 43. Calorific value of 1 Ib. of combustible by calorimeter. . B.T.U. 44. Efficiency of boiler, furnace and grate ................ per cent. Item 40X970. 4 ~~Item 42 45. Efficiency based on combustible ...................... per cent. ^ Item 41X970. 4 Item 43 COST OF EVAPORATION. 46. Cost of coal per ton of . . . .Ibs. delivered in boiler room, dollars. 47. Cost of coal required for evaporating 1000 Ibs. of water under observed conditions ........................ dollars. 48. Cost of coal required for evaporating 1000 Ibs. of water from and at 212 ...... . ......................... dollars. SMOKE DATA. 49. Percentage of smoke as observed .................... per cent. FIRING DATA. 50. Kind of firing, whether spreading, alternate, or coking a. Average interval between times of leveling or breaking up ................................ min. EXILES FOR CONDUCTING BOILER TESTS. ANALYSES AND HEAT BALANCE. 907 51. Analysis of dry gases by volume. a. Carbon dioxide (COa) per cent. b. Oxygen (O) per cent. c. Carbon monoxide (CO) per cent. d. Hydrogen and hydrocarbons per cent. e. Nitrogen, by difference (N). per cent. As Fired. Dry Coal. Combustible. 52. Proximate analysis of coal a. Moisture b. Volatile Matter c. Fixed carbon d. Ash 100% 100% 100% e. Sulphur, separately determined, referred to dry coal . per cent. 53. Ultimate analysis of dry coal. a. Carbon (C) per cent. b. Hydrogen (H) per cent. c. Oxygen (O) per cent. d. Nitrogen (N) per cent. e. Sulphur n j Acid ---- Not ver 0.05 Not over ........... 0.04 Phosphorus J Basic Not over 04 Not over ........... 035 Sulphur ........... > .Not over 0.05 Not over ........... 0.04 Copper .............. Not over ........... 0.05 Tensile strength, lb. per sq. in. . . . 55,00065,000 55,00063,000 Yield point, min., lb. per sq. in. . . 0.5 tens. str. 0.5 tens. str. . 1,500,000 1,500,000 Elongation in 8-m., mm., per cent ^^-^ - Tens, str. For material over 3/4 in. in thickness a deduction of 0.5 from the percentage of elongation shall be made for each increase of 1/8 in. in thickness above 3/ 4 in., to a minimum of 20%. Cold bending and quonch bending tests are also required, and for fire- box steel a homogeneity test (see page 507). Rivet steel: Tensile strength, 45,000-55,000, Elongation in 8 in. 1,500,000 -T- tensile strength, but need not exceed 30%. Stay bolt steel, T. S., 50,000-60,000. Queiich-bend Tests. The test specimen, when heated to a light cherry red as seen in the dark (not less than 1200 F.), and quenched at once in water the temperature of which is between 80 and 90, shall bend through 180 without cracking on the outside of the bent portion, as follows: For material 1 in. or under in thickness, flat on itself; for material over I in. in thickness, around a pin of a diameter equal to the thickness. Boiler tubes are now generally made of soft steel, but charcoal iron tubes are still preferred by some users. Shells; Water and Steam Drums. The cylindrical structure, in- cluding the ends, of a fire-tube boiler, is usually called the shell. The cylinder superposed on the tubes of a water-tube boiler is called a" water and steam drum. Shells of marine boilers of the Scotch type have been built of diameters as large as 16 ft. Water and steam drums of water-tube boilers are rarely made of greater diameter than 42 in. The thickness of shell for a given pressure is found from the common formula for safe strength of thin cylinders, P = 2 1 Tf *dF; whence t=PdF + 2Tf. P = safe working pressure; T = tensile strength of plate, both in lb. per sq. in., t = thickness of plate in inches: / = ratio of the strength of a riveted joint to that of the solid plate; F = factor of safety allowed; and d = diameter of shell or drum in inches. The value taken for T is commonly that stamped on the plates by the manufacturer, / is taken from tables of strength of riveted joints or is computed, and F must be taken at a figure not less than is prescribed by local or State laws, or, in the case of marine boilers, by the rules of the U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors, and may be more than this figure if a greater margin of safety is desired. Strength of Circumferential Seam. Safe working pressure P = 4tT f + dF; t = PdF + 4:Tf, notation as above. The strength of a shell against rupture on a circumferential line is twice that against rupture on a longitudinal line, therefore single riveting is sufficient on the circumferential seams while double, triple or quadruple rivet- ing is used for the longitudinal seams. Thickness of Plates; Riveting. (Mass. Boiler Rules, 1910). The longitudinal joints of a boiler, the shell or drum of which exceeds 36 in. diameter, shall be of butt and double strap construction; if it does not 914 THE STEAM-BOILER. exceed 36 in. lap-riveted construction may be used, the maximum pressure on such shells being 100 Ib. per sq. in. Minimum thickness of plates in flat-stayed surfaces, 5/ie in. The ends of stay bolts shall be riveted over or upset. Rivets shall be of sufficient length to completely fill the rivet holes and form a head equal in strength to the body of the rivet. Rivets shall be machine driven wherever possible, with sufficient pressure to fill the rivet holes, and shall be allowed to cool and shrink under pressure. Rivet holes shall be drilled full size with plates, butt straps and heads bolted in position; or they may be punched not to exceed 1/4 in. less than full size for plates over 5/ 16 in. thick, and 1/8 in. or less for plates not exceeding 5/i 6 in. thick, and then drilled or reamed to full size with plates, butt straps and heads bolted up in position. The longitudinal joints, of horizontal return-tubular boilers shall be located above the fire-line of the setting. The thickness of plates in a shell or drum shall be of the same gage. Minimum thickness of shell plates (Mass. Rules and A. S. M. E. Code) : Diam. 36 in. or under, 1/4 in.; over 36 to 54 in., 5/16 in.; over 54 to 72 in., 3/ 8 m.; over 72 in., 1/2 in. Minimum thickness of butt straps: Straps, in . | 1/4 Plates, in. U/4 to 11/32 3/ 8 to !3/ 32 7/ 16 to l5/ 32 l/ 2 to 9/ 16 5/ 8 to 3/ 4 7/ 8 1 to U/8 UA 6/16 Vl6 I V2 |5/8 3/4 I VS Minimum thickness of tube sheets: Diam. of tube sheet, in . . 42 or under Over 42 to 54 Over 54 to 72 Over 72 Thickness, in 3/8 7/16 V2 9/16 Convex or Bumped Heads. Minimum thickness of convex heads, t = i/id F P -T- T- d = diameter in inches; F = 5 = factor of safety; P = working pressure, Ib. per sq. in. ; T = tensile strength stamped on the head. When a convex head has a manhole opening the thickness is to be increased not less than i/g in. When the head is of material of the same quality and thickness as that of the shell, the head is of equal strength with the shell when the radius of curvature of the head equals the diameter of the shell, or when the rise of the curve = 0.134 diam. of shell. [The A. S. M. E. Boiler Code specifies a higher factor of safety, 5.5, and adds l/g in. to the thickness, making the formula t = 2.75 PR/T + l/g in., R being the radius to which the head is dished, in inches. When R is less than 0.8 d the thickness shall be at least that found by the formula when R = 0.8 d. Dished heads with the pressure on the convex side are allowed a maximum working pressure equal to 60% of that for heads of the same dimensions with the pressure on the concave side. When the dished head has a manhole opening the thick- ness as found by these rules shall be increased by not less than i/g in. The corner radius of a dished head shall be not less than iy 2 in. nor more than 4 in., and not less than 0.03#. A manhole opening in a dished head shall be flanged to a depth not less than three times the thickness of the head measured from the outside.] Efficiency of Riveted Joints. (Mass. Boiler Rules, 1910.)* X = efficiency = ratio of strength of unit length of riveted joint to the strength of the same length of a solid plate. T = tensile strength of the material, in pounds per square inch. t = thickness of plate, in inches. b = thickness of butt strap, in inches. JP = pitch of rivets, in inches, on the row having the greatest pitch, d = diameter of rivet, after driving, in inches. a = cross-section of rivet after driving, in square inches, s = strength of rivet in single shear, in pounds per square inch. S = strength of rivet in double shear, in pounds per square inch. * The same rules are given hTthe A. S. M. E. Boiler Code of 1914, which was modeled on the Massachusetts Rules. STRENGTH OF STEAM-BOILERS. 915 c - crushing strength of rivet, in pounds per square inch. n = number of rivets in single shear in a length of joint equal to P. 2V = number of rivets in double shear in the same length of joint. For single-riveted lap joints: A - strength of solid plate = PtT. B = strength of plate between rivet holes = (P d)tT. C shearing strength of one rivet = nsa. D = crushing strength of plate in front of one rivet = dtc. ~K C* T) X = -r or or , whichever is least. A A A For double-riveted lap joints: A and B as above, C and D to be taken for two rivets. X = B, C, or D (whichever is least) divided by A. For butt and double strap joint, double-riveted: A = strength of solid plate = PtT. B = strength of plate between rivet holes in the outer row = (P - d)tT. C = shearing strength of two rivets in double shear, plus shearing strength of one rivet in single shear = NSa -\- nsa. D = strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the shearing strength of one rivet in single shear in the outer row = (P - 2d)tT + nsa. E = strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of one rivet in the outer row = (P - 2d)tT + dbc. F = crushing strength of plate in front of two rivets, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of one rivet = Ndtc + 7idbc. G = crushing strength of plate in front of two rivets, plus the shearing strength of one rivet in single shear = Ndtc + nsa. X = B, C, D, E, F, or G (whichever is least) divided by A. For butt and double strap joint, triple-riveted: The same as for double-riveted, except that four rivets instead oi two are taken for N in computing C, F, and G. For butt and double strap joint, quadruple-riveted: A, B, and D the same as for double-riveted joints. C = shearing strength of eight rivets in double shear and three rivets in single shear = NSa + nsa. E = strength of plate between rivet holes in the third row (the outer row being the first) plus the shearing strength in single shear of two rivets in the second row and one rivet in the outer row = (P 4d)tT -f- nsa. F = strength of plate between rivet holes in the second row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of one rivet in the outer row = (P - 2d)tT + dbc. G = strength of plate between rivet holes in the third row, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of two rivets in the second row and one rivet in the outer row = (P -4d)tT + ndbc. H - crushing strength of plate in front of eight rivets, plus the crushing strength of butt strap in front of three rivets = Ndtc + ndbc. I = crushing strength of plate in front of eight rivets, plus the shearing strength in single shear of two rivets in the second row and one in the outer row = Ndtc + nsa. X= B, C, D, E, F, G, H, or / (whichever is least) divided by A. The Massachusetts Rules allow the crushing strength of mild steel to be taken at 95,000 Ib. per sq. in. The maximum shearing strength of rivets, in Ib. per sq. in. of cross-section, is taken as follows: In single shear, iron, 38,000; steel, 42,000. In double shear, iron, 70,OOO; steel, 78,000. The A. S. M. Boiler Code also allows 95,000 Ib. per sq. in. for ing strength, but for shearing strength gf rivets allows: In single shear, iron 38,000; steel 44,000. In double shear, iron 76,000; steel 88,000. 916 THE STEAM-BOILER. Allowable Stresses on Braces and Staybolts. (Massachusetts Rules.) The maximum allowable stress per square inch net cross-sectional area of stays and stay bolts shall be as follows: Weldless mild steel, head to head or through stays, 8000 lb., 9000 lb.; diagonal or crow- foot stays, 7500 lb., 8000 lb.; mild steel or wrought-iron stay bolts 6500 lb., 7000 lb. The first figure in each case is for size up to 1 1/4 in. diameter or equivalent area, the second for size over 1 1/4 in. or equivalent area. The A. S. M. E. Boiler Code allows for welded stays 6000 lb. per sq. in.; for unwelded stays (a) 7500; (&) 9500; (c) 8500. (a) less than 20 diameters long, screwed through plates with ends riveted over; (6) lengths between supports not exceeding 120 diameters; (c) exceeding 120 diameters. Allowable Pressure on Staybolted Surfaces. The U. S. Supervising Inspectors' rule (for steamboat service) is: P = W + S 2 P = allowable pressure, lb. per sq. in., 5 = maximum pitch in inches, t = thickness in sixteenths of an inch, k = 112 for plates up to 7/ie in., and 120 for plates over 7/ 16 in. The A. S. M. E. Boiler Code gives the same formula with the follow- ing values of the constants: For stays screwed through plates with ends riveted over, plates jnot over 7/ 16 in. thick, C 112; over 7/i 6 in. thick, C = 120; for stays screwed through plates and fitted with single nuts outside of plate, C = 135; for stays fitted with inside nuts and outside washers, the diameters of washers not less than 0.4 S and thickness not less than t, C = 175. Staybolts. Staybolts in water-legs are subject not only to longi- tudinal stress due to the boiler pressure, and to corrosion, but also to bending stress caused by relative motions of the outer and inner sheets of the furnace or waterleg due to the variations in temperature to which the two are subjected. A staybolt usually fails by transverse fracture close to the outer sheet, which is supposed to be due to the fact that the fire-box sheet is generally thinner than the outer sheet, and therefore holds the end of the stay less rigidly. Staybolts are some- times drilled with a small hole at one end through which water will be blown out as soon as a fracture extends far enough across the section to reach the hole, thus calling attention to the failure of the stay. A better form is one in which the hole extends the whole length of the stay. The inner portion of the stay is turned to i/g in. smaller diameter than the ends, in order to make the stay more flexible and diminish the chances of fracture. Tube Spacing in Horizontal Tubular Boilers. In modern practice the tubes are arranged in vertical and horizontal rows (not staggered as in earlier practice), with not less than 1 in. space between adjacent tubes, not less than 2 in. between the two central vertical rows, and not less than 2 Y^ in. between the shell and the nearest tube. In boilers 60 in. diameter and larger a manhole is put in the front head beneath the central rows of tubes. Tubes and Tube Holes. (Mass. Boiler Rules) . Tube holes shall be drilled full size, or they may be punched not to exceed ^ in. less than the full size, and then drilled, reamed or finished full size with a rotating cutter. The edge of tube holes shall be chamfered to a radius of about 1/16 in. A fire-tube boiler shall have the ends of the tubes substantially beaded. The ends of all tubes, suspension tubes and nipples shall be flared not less than 1/8 in. over the diameter of the tube hole on all water-tube boilers and superheaters, and shall project through the tube sheets or headers not less than 1/4 in. nor more than 1/2 in. Separately fired superheaters shall have the tube ends protected by refractory ma- terial where they connect with drums or headers. Holding Power of Expanded Tubes. (The Locomotive, Sept., 1893.) Tubes 3 in. external diameter, 0.109 in. thick were expanded in a 3/g-in. plate by rolling with a Dudgeon expander, without the pro- jecting part being flared or beaded. Stress was applied to draw the tubes out of the plates. The observed stress which caused yielding was, in three specimens, 6500, 5000 and 7500 lb. Two other specimens were flared so that the diameter of the extreme end of the tube pro- STRENGTH OF STEAM-BOILERS. 917 jecting 3/i6 in. beyond the plate was 3.2 in., the diameter of the tube where it entered the plate being 3.1 in. The observed stress which caused the yielding of . these specimens was 21,000 and 19.500 Ib. The Locomotive estimates that the factor of safety of the plain rolled tubes is nearly 4 and that of the flared tubes about 15 against the stress to which they are subjected in a boiler at 100 Ib. gage pressure. It is considered that the tubes act as stays for that portion of the flat head that is within two inches of the upper row of tubes, and that the seg- ment above this (except that portion that lies with 3 in. of the shell) re- quires to be braced, Size of Boiler Tubes. The following table gives the dimensions of the tubes commonly used in stoam-boilers, together with their calculated surface per foot of length, and the length per square foot of surface, internal and external: Dimensions of Standard Boiler Tubes .i A 1 55 J. 9 * t_, ** v External D ameter, Ii Standard Thickness In. 11 lij Length per Sq. ft. of Inside Surface. Outside Su] face per Fc of Length Sq. ft. .1 Internal Area, Sq. External Area, Sq. 2 0.095 1.810 0.4738 2.110 0.5236 .910 0.0179 0.0218 21/4 .095 2.060 .5393 .854 .5890 .698 .0231 .0276 .109 2.282 .5974 .674 .6545 .528 .0284 .0341 23/4 .109 2.532 .6629 .508 .7199 .389 .0350 .0412 3 .109 2.782 .7283 .373 .7854 .273 .0422 .0491 31/4 .120 3.010 .7880 .269 .8508 .175 .0494 .0576 3V 2 .120 3.260 .8535 .172 .9163 .091 .0580 .0668 3V4 .120 3.510 .9189 .088 .9817 .018 .0672 .0767 4 .134 3.732 ' .9770 .024 1 .0472 0.955 .0760 .0873 Flues Subjected to External Pressure. The rules of the U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors, Steamboat Inspection Service, 1909, give tile following rules for flues subjected to external pressure only: Plain lap-welded flues 7 to 13 in. diameter. Furnaces. The tensile- strength of steel used in the construction of ' corrugated or ribbed furnaces shall not exceed 67,000, and be not less than 54,000 Ib. ; and in all other furnaces the minimum tensile strength shall not be less than 58,000, and the maximum not more than 67,000 Ib. The minimum elongation in 8 inches shall be 20%. All corrugated furnaces having plain parts at the ends not ex- ceeding 9 inches m length (except flues especially provided for), when new, and made to practically true circles, shall be allowed a steam pressure in accordance with the formula P = C X T + D. P = pressure in Ib. per sq. in., T = thickness in inches, C = a con- stant, as below. Leeds suspension bulb furnace. . . C = 17,000, T not less than 5/i 6 in. Morison corrugated type C = 15,600, T not less than 5/ 16 in. Fox corrugated type C = 14,000, T not less than 5/16 jn. Purves type, rib projections C = 14,000, T not less than 7/i 6 in. Brown corrugated type C = 14,000, T not less than 5/ 16 in. Type having sections 18 ins. long C = 10,000, T not less than 7/ie in. Limiting dimensions from center of the corrugations or projecting ribs, and of their depth, are given for each furnace. Working Pressure on Boilers with Triple Riveted Joints. A triple riveted double butt and strap joint, carefully designed, may be made to have an efficiency something higher than 85 per cent. Good boiler plate steel may be considered to have a tensile strength of 55,000 Ib. per sq. in. Taking these figures and a iactor of safety of 5, we have safe working pressure 2T_tf _ 2 X 55, OOP 5< 1X0.85 _ 187001 dF = 5d d ' from which the following table is calculated. 918 THE STEAM-BOILER. Safe Working Pressure for Shells with Joints of 85% Efficiency. Thickness, In. . . 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 V2 9/16 5/8 n/18 3/4 13/16 V8 15/16 1 Diameter, In. 24 IP5 747 30 .. 156 195 734 36... no 16? 195 777 760 42 139 167 195 773 750 48... 1?? 146 170 195 719 743 54 108 no 151 173 195 716 738 60 117 136 156 175 195 714 733 66 .. 106 174 147 159 177 195 71? 730 72 114 130 146 16? 179 195 711 ??7 78 170 135 150 165 180 195 710 775 84... 175 139 153 167 181 195 209 223 90 117 130 143 156 169 18? 195 708 96 121 134 146 158 170 183 195 Shells of externally fired boilers are rarely made over 9/ 16 in. thick. Pressures Allowed on Boilers. (Mass. Boiler Rules.) The pressure allowed on a boiler constructed wholly of cast iron shall not exceed 25 Ib. per sq. in. The pressure allowed on a boiler the tubes of which are secured to cast-iron headers shall not exceed 160 Ib. per sq. in. The maximum pressure to be allowed on a shell or drum of a boiler shall be determined from the minimum thickness of the shell plates, the lowest tensile strength stamped on the plates by the manufacturer, the efficiency of the longitudinal joint or of the ligament between the tube holes, whichever is least, the inside diameter of the outside course, and a factor of safety not less than five. The lowest factor of safety to be used for boilers the shells or drums of which are exposed to the products of combustion, and the longi- tudinal joints of which are lap riveted, shall be as follows: 5 for boiler j not over 10 years old; 5.5 for boilers over 10 and not over 15 years old; 5.75 for boilers over 15 and not over 20 years old; 6 for boilers over 20 years old. The lowest factor of safety to be used for boilers the longi- tudinal joints of which are of butt and double strap construction is 4.5 A hydrostatic test is to be applied if in the judgment of the in- spector or of the insurance company it is advisable. The maximum pressure in a hydrostatic test shall not exceed 1 1 A times the maximum allowable working pressure, except that twice the maximum allowable working pressure may be applied on boilers permitted to carry not over 25 Ib. pressure, or on pipe boilers. Fusible Plugs. (A. S. M. E. Code.) Fusible plugs, if used, shall be filled with tin with a melting point between 400 and 500 P. The least diameter of fusible metal shall be not lessithan ^ in., except for maximum allowable working pressures of over 175 Ib. per sq. in. or when it is necessary to place a fusible plug in a tube, in which case the least diameter, of fusible metal shall be not less than 3/g in. Steam-domes. Steam-domes or drums were formerly almost uni- versally used on horizontal boilers, but their use is now generally discon- tinued, as they are considered a useless appendage to a steam-boiler, and unless properly designed and constructed are an element of weakness. IMPROVED METHODS OF FEEDING COAL. Mechanical Stokers. (William R. Roney, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xii.) Mechanical stokers have been used in England to a limited extent since 1785. In that year one was patented by James Watt. (See D. K. Clark's Treatise on the Steam-engine.) After 1840 many styles of mechanical stokers were patented in England, but nearly all were variations and modifications of the two forms of stokers patented by John Jukes in 1841 and by E. Henderson in 1843. i The Jukes stoker consisted of longitudinal fire-bars, connected by IMPROVED METHODS OF FEEDING COAL. 919 links, so as to form an endless chain. The small coal was delivered from a hopper on the front of the boiler, on to the grate, which, slowly movirfg from front to rear, gradually advanced the fuel into the furnace and discharged the ash and clinker at the back. The Henderson stoker consists primarily of two horizontal fans revolv- ing on vertical spindles, which scatter the coal over the fire. The first American stoker was the Murphy stoker, brought out in 1878. It consists of two coal magazines placed in the side walls of the boiler furnace, and extending back from the boiler front 6 or 7 feet. In the bottom of these magazines are rectangular iron boxes, which are moved from side to side by means of a rack and pinion, and serve to push the coal upon the grates, which incline at an angle of about 35 from the inner edge of the coal magazines, forming a V-shaped recep- tacle for the burning coal. The grates are composed of narrow parallel bars, so arranged that each alternate bar lifts about an inch at the lower end, while at the bottom of the V, and filling the space between the ends of the grate-bars, is placed a cast-iron toothed bar, arranged to be turned by a crank. The purpose of this bar is to grind the clinker com- ing in contact with it. Over this V-shaped receptacle is sprung a fire- brick arch. In the Roney mechanical stoker the fuel to be burned is dumped into a hopper on the boiler front. Set in the lower part of the hopper is a "pujher," which, by a vibratory motion, gradually forces the fuel over the 'dead-plate" and on the grate. The grate-bars in their normal con- dition form a series of steps. Each bar is capable of a rocking motion through an adjustable angle. All the grate-bars are coupled together by a "rocker-bar." A variable back-and-forth motion being given to the "rocker-bar," through a connecting-rod, the grate-bars rock in unison, now forming a series of steps, and now approximating to an inclined plane, with the grates partly overlapping, like shingles on a roof. When the grate-bars rock forward the fire will tend to work down in a body. But before the coal can move too far the bars rock back to the stepped position, checking the downward motion. The rocking motion is slow, being from 7 to 10 strokes per minute, according to the kind of coal. This alternate starting and checking motion is continuous, and finally lands the cinder and ash on the dumping-grate below. The Hawley Down-draught Furnace. A foot or more above the ordinary grate there is carried a second grate, composed of a series of water-tubes, opening at both ends into steel drums or headers, through which water is circulated. The coal is fed on this upper grate, and as it is partially consumed falls through it upon the lower grate, where the combustion is completed in the ordinary manner. The draught through the coal on the upper grate is downward through the coal and the grate. The volatile gases are therefore carried down through the bed of coal, where they are thoroughly heated, and are burned in the space beneath, where they meet the excess of hot air drawn through the fire on the lower grate. In tests in Chicago, from 30 to 45 Ib. of coal were burned per square foot of grate upon this system, with good economical results. (See catalogue of the Hawley Down-draught Furnace Co., Chicago.) The Chain Grate Stoker, made by Jukes in 1841, is now (1909) widely used in the United States. It is made by the Babcock & Wilcox Co., Green Engineering Co., and others. Under-feed Stokers. Results similar to those that may be obtained with downward draught are obtained by feeding the coal at the bottom of the bed, pushing upward the coal already on the bed which has had its volatile matter distihed from it. The volatile matter of the freshly fired coal then has to pass through a body of ignited coke, where it meets a supply of hot air. (See circular of The Underfeed Stoker Co., Chicago.) The Taylor Gravity Stoker is a combination of an underfeed stoker containing two horizontal rows of pushers with an inclined or step grate through which air is blown by a fan. The Riley Stoker is an underfeed stoker with a single horizontal row of pushers in combination with moving grate-bars, and moving pushers at the rear of the furnace for continuously dumping the refuse. 920 THE STEAM-BOILEK SMOKE PREVENTION. The following article was contributed by the author to a " Report on Smoke Abatement," presented by a committee to the Syracuse Cham- ber of Commerce, published by the Chamber in 1907. Smoke may be made in two ways: (1) By direct distillation of tarry condensible vapors from coal without burning; (2) By the partial burn- ing or splitting up of hydrocarbon gases, the hydrogen burning and the carbon Deing left unburned as smoke or soot. These causes usually act conjointly. The direct cause of smoke is that the gases distilled from the coal are not completely burned in the furnace before coming in contact with the surface of the boiler, which chills them below the temperature of ignition. The amount and quality of smoke discharged from a chimney may vary all the vyay from a dense cloud of jet-black smoke, which may be ' carried by a light wind for a distance of a mile or more before it is finally dispersed into the atmosphere, to a thin cloud, which becomes invisible a few feet from the chimney. Often the sanje chimney will for a few minutes immediately after firing give off a dense black cloud and then a few minutes later the smoke will have entirely disappeared. The quantity and density of smoke depend upon many variable causes. Anthracite coal produces no smoke under any conditions of furnace. Semi- bituminous, containing 12.5 to 25% of volatile matter in the combustible part of the coal, will give off more or less smoke, depending on the con- ditions under which it is burned, and bituminous coal, containing from 25 to 50% of volatile matter, will give off great quantities of smoke with all of the usual old-style furnaces, even with skillful firing, and this smoke can only be prevented by the use of special devices, together with proper methods of firing the fuel and of admission of air. Practically the whole theory of smoke production and prevention may be illustrated by the flame of an ordinary gas burner or gas stove. When the gas is turned down very low every particle of gas, as it emerges from the burner, is brought in contact with a sufficient supply of hot air to effect its complete and instantaneous combustion, with a pale blue or almost invisible flame. Turn on the gas a little more and a white flame appears. The gas is imperfectly burned in the center of the flame. Par- ticles of carbon ha^e been separated which are heated to a white heat. If a cold plate is brought in contact with the white flame, these carbon particles are deposited as soot. Turn on the gas still higher, and it burns with a dull, smoky flame, although it is surrounded with an unlimited quantity of air. Now, carry this smoky flame into a hot fire-brick or porcelain chamber, where it is brought in contact with very hot air, and it will be made smokeless by the complete burning of the particles. We thus see: (1) That smoke may be prevented from forming if each particle of gas, as it is made by distillation from coal, is immediately mixed thoroughly with hot air, and (2) That even if smoke is formed by the absence of conditions for preventing it, it may afterwards be burned if it is thoroughly mixed with air at a sufficiently high temperature. It is easy to burn smoke when it is made in small quantities, but when made in great volumes it is difficult to get the hot air mixed with it unless special apparatus is used. In boiler firing the formation of smoke must be prevented, as the conditions do not usually permit of its being burned. The essential conditions for preventing smoke in boiler fires may be enumerated as follows: 1. The gases must be distilled from the coai at a uniform rate. 2. The gases, when distilled, must be brought into intimate mixture with sufficient hot air to burn them completely. 3. The mixing should be done in a fire-brick chamber. 4. The gases should not be allowed to touch the comparatively cold surfaces of the boiler until they are completely burned. This means that the gases shall have sufficient space and time in which to burn before they are allowed to come in contact with the boiler surface. Every one of these four conditions is violated in the ordinary method of burning coal under a steam boiler. (1) The coal is fired intermittently and often in large quantities at a time, and the distillation proceeds at so rapid a rate that enough air cannot be introduced into the. furnace to burn the gas. (2) The piling of fresh coal on the grate in itself chokes the air SMOKE PREVENTION. 921 supply. (3) The roof of the furnace is the cold shell, or tubes, of the boiler, instead of a fire-brick arch, as it should be, and the furnace is not of a sufficient size to allow the gases time and space in which to be thoroughly mixed with the air supply. In order to obtain the 'conditions for preventing: smoke it is necessary: (I) That the coal be delivered into the furnace in small quantities at a time. (2) That the draught be sufficient 'o carry enough air into the furnace to burn the gases as fast as they are distilled. (3) That the air itself be thoroughly heated either by passing through a bed of white-hot coke or by passing' through channels in hot brickwork, or by contact with hot fire-brick surfaces. (4) That the gas and the air be brought into the most complete and intimate mixture, so that each paiticle of carbon it the gas meets, before it escapes from the furnace, its necessary supply ol air. (5) That the flame produced by the burning shall be completely extinguished by the burning of every particle of the carbon into invisible carbon dioxide. If a white flame touches the surface of a boiler,' it is apt to deposit soot and to produce smoke. A white flame itself is the visible evidence of incomplete combustion. The first remedy for smoke is to 9btain anthracite coal. If this is not commercially practicable, then obtain, if possible, coal with the smallest amount of volatile matter. Coal of from 15 to 25% of volatile matter makes much less smoke than coals containing higher percentages. Pro- vide a proper furnace for burning coal. Any furnace is a proper furnace which secures the conditions named in the preceding paragraphs. Next, compel the firemen to follow instructions concerning the method of firing. It is impossible with coal containing over 30% of volatile matter and with a water-tube boiler, with tubes set close to the grate and vertical gas passages, as in an anthracite setting, to prevent smoke even by the . most skillful firing. This style of setting for a water-tube boiler should be absolutely condemned. A Dutch oven setting, or a longitudinal setting with fire-brick baffle walls, is highly recommended' as a smoke- preventing furnace, but with such a furnace it is necessary to use con- siderable skill in firing. Mechanical mixing of the gases and the air by steam jets is sometimes successful in preventing smoke, but it is not a universal preventive, especially when the coal is very high in volatile matter, when the firing is done unskillfully, or when the boiler is being driven beyond its normal capacity. It is essential to have sufficient draught to burn the coal prop- erly and this draught may be obtained either from a chimney or a fan. There is no especial merit in forced draught. except that it enables a larger quantity of coal to be burned and the boiler to be driven harder in case of emergency, and usually the harder the boiler is driven, the more difficult it is to suppress smoke. Down-draught furnaces and mechanical stokers of many different kinds are successfully used for smoke prevention, and when properly designed and installed and handled skillfully, and usually at a rate not beyond that for which they are designed, prevent all smoke. If these appliances are found giving smoke, it is always due either to overdriving or to un- skillful handling. It is necessary, however, that the design of these stokers be suited to the quality of the coal and the quantity to be burned, and great care should be taken to provide a sufficient size of furnace with a fire-brick roof and means of introducing air to make them completely 'successful. Burning Illinois Coal without Smoke. (L. P. Breckenridge, ' Bulletin No. 15 of the Univ. of 111. Eng'g Experiment Station, 1907.) Any fuel may be burned economically and without smoke if it is mixed with the proper amount of air at a proper temperature. The boiler plant of the University of Illinois consists of nine units aggregating 2000 H.P. Over 200 separate tests have been made. The following is a condensed statement of the results in regard to smoke prevention. Boilers Nos. 1 and 2. Babcock & Wilcox. Chain-grate stoker. Usual vertical baffling. Can be run without smoke at from 50 to 120 % of rated capacity. No. 3. Stirling boiler. Chain-grate stoker. Usual baffling and com- 922 THE STEAM-BOILER. bustion arches. Can be run without smoke at capacities of 50 to 140%. No. 4. National water-tube. Chain-grate stoker. Vertical baffling No smoke at capacities of 50 to 120%. With the Murphy furnace it was smokeless except when cleaning fires. No. 5. Babcock & Wilcox. Roney stoker. Vertical baffling Nearly smokeless (maximum No. 2 on a chart in which 5 represents black smoke) up to 100% of rating, but cannot be run above 100% without objection- able smoke. No. 6. Babcock & Wilcox. Roney stoker. Horizontal tile-roof baf- fling. Can be run without smoke at capacities of 50 to 100% of rating. N9S. 7 and 8. Stirling, equipped with Stirling bar-grate stoker. Usual baffling and combustion arches. Can be run without smoke at 50 to 140% of rating. No. 9. Heine boiler. Chain-grate stoker. Combustion arch and tile- roof furnace. Can be run without smoke at capacities of 50 to 140%. It is almost impossible to make smoke with this setting under any con- dition of operation. As much as 46 Ibs. of coal per sq. ft. of grate surface has been burned without smoke. Conditions of Smoke Prevention. Bulletin No. 373 of the U. S. Geological Survey, 1909 (188 pages), contains a report of an extensive research by D. T. Randall and J. T. Weeks on The Smokeless Combustion of Coal in Boiler Plants. A brief summary of the conclusions reached is as follows: Smoke prevention is both possible and economical. There are many types of furnaces and stokers that are operated smokelessly. Stokers or furnaces must be set so that combustion will be complete before the gases strike the heating surfaces of the boiler. When partly burned gases at a temperature of say 2500 F. strike the tubes of a boiler at say 350 F., combustion may be entirely arrested. The most economical hand-fired plants are those that approach most nearly to the continuous feed of the mechanical stoker. The fireman is ' so variable a factor that the ultimate solution of the problem depends on the mechanical stoker in other words, the personal element must be eliminated. A well designed and operated furnace will burn many coals without smoke up to a certain number of pounds per hour, the rate varying with different coals.' If more than this amount is burned, the efficiency will decrease and smoke will be made, owing to the lack of furnace capacity to supply air and mix gases. High volatile matter in the coal gives low efficiency, and vice versa. When the furnace was forced the efficiency decreased. With a hand-fired furnace the best results were obtained when firing was done most frequently, with the smallest charge. Small sizes of coal burned with less smoke than large sizes, but developed lower capacities. Peat, lignite, and sub-bituminous coal burned readily in the tile-roofed furnace and developed the rated capacity, with practically no smoke. Coals which smoked badly gave efficiencies three to five per cent lower than the coals burning with little smoke. Briquets were found to be an excellent form for using slack coal in a hand-fired plant. In the average hand-fired furnace washed coal burns with lower effi- ciency and makes more smoke than raw coal. Moreover, washed coal offers a means of running at high capacity, with good efficiency, in a well-designed furnace. Forced draught did not burn coal any more efficiently than natural draught. It supplied enough air for high rates of combustion, but as the capacity of the boiler increased, the efficiency decreased and the per- centage of black smoke increased. Fire-brick furnaces of sufficient length and a continuous, or nearly continuous, supply of coal and air to the fire make it possible to burn most coals efficiently and without smoke. Coals containing a large percentage of tar and heavy hydrocarbons are difficult to burn without smoke and require special furnaces ancj than ordinary care in firing. . FORCED COMBUSTION IN STEAM-BOILERS. 923 FORCED COMBUSTION IN STEAM-BOILERS. For the purpose of increasing the amount of steam that can be gener- ated by a boiler of a given size, forced draught is of great importance. It is universally used in the locomotive, the draught being obtained by a steam-jet in the smoke-stack. It is now largely used in ocean steamers, especially in ships of war, and to a small extent in stationary boilers. Economy of fuel is generally not attained by its use, its advantages be- ing confined to the securing of increased capacity from a boiler of a given bulk, weight, or cost. There are three different modes of using the fan for promoting com- bustion: 1, blowing direct into a closed ash-pit; 2, exhausting the gases by the suction of the fan ; 3, forcing air into an air-tight boiler-room or stoke-hold. Each of these three methods has its advantages and dis- advantages. In the use of the closed ash-pit the blast-pressure frequently forces the gases of combustion from the joint around the furnace doors in so great a quantity as to affect both the efficiency of the boiler and the health of the firemen. The chief defect of the second plan is the great size of the fan required to produce the necessary exhaustion, on account of the higher exit tem- perature enlarging the volume of the waste gases. The third method that of forcing cold air by the fan into an air-tight boiler-room the closed stoke-hold system though it overcame the difficulties in working ^belonging to the two forms first tried, has serious defects of its own, as it cannot be worked, even with modern high-class boiler-construction, much, if at all, above the power of a good chimney draught, in most boilers, without damaging them. (J. Howden, Proc. Eng'g Congress at Chicago, in 1893.) In 1880 Mr. Howden designed an arrangement intended to overcome the defects of both the closed ash-pit and the closed stoke-hold systems. An air-tight chamber is placed on the front end of the boiler and sur- rounding the furnaces. This reservoir, which projects from 8 to 10 inches from the end 9f the boiler, receives the air under pressure, which is passed by valves into the ash-pits and over the fires in proportions suited to the kind of fuel and the rate of combustion. The air used above the fires is admitted to a space between the outer and inner furnace- doors, the inner having perforations and an air-distributing box through which the air passes under pressure. By means of the balance of pres- sure above and below the fires all tendency of the fire to blow out at the door is removed. A feature of the system is the combination of the heating of the air of combustion by the waste gases with the controlled and regulated admis- sion of air to the furnaces. This arrangement is effected most conve- niently by passing the hot fire-gases after they leave the boiler through stacks of vertical tubes enclosed in the uptake, their lower ends being immediately above the smoke-box doors. Installations on Howden's system have been arranged for a rate of combustion to give an average of from 18 to 22 I.H.P. per square foot of fire-grate with fire-bars from 5 to 5 y z ft. in length. It is believed that with suitable arrangement of proportions even 30 I.H.P. per square foot can be obtained. For an account of uses of exhaust-fans for increasing draught, see paper by W. R. Roney, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xv. Calculations for Forced Draft. In designing a forced draft installa- tion the principal data needed are: 1, The maximum number of pounds of coal that will have to be burned per hour at the most rapid rate of driving, when the efficiency of the boiler, furnace and grate is lowest; 2, the number of pounds of air used per pound of coal. If C, H and O are respectively the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in 1 Ib. of coal, then the number of pounds of air required, theoretically, for complete com- bustion is 34.56(C/3 -f H + O/8). With mechanical stokers and CO 2 apparatus for control of the air supply 50% excess air supply is ample, but with ordinary hand-firing the actual air supply may be 100% or more in excess, In the author's " Steam Boiler Economy," 2d ed. 1915, p. 242, there is given a calculation of the number of cubic feet of air per minute required per boiler horsepower developed, giving results as follows: 924 THE STEAM-BOtLEU. Cvstc FEET OF Am PEH MINUTE AT 70 6 F. PEE BOILER HORSEPOWER. Semi- East. West. Fuel Anth. bit. Bitu. Bitu. Lignite Oil Air* 50% excess .11,52 11.30 10.99 11.86 13.63 11.13 Air 100% excess 15.36 15.07 14.65 15.82 16.17 14.84 Note that these figures are based not upon the rated horse-power of the boiler, but upon that actually developed, which may be far m excess of the rated power. For induced draft the figures given should be multiplied by (T+ 460) -i- 530, in which T is the temperature of the gases to be handled by the induced draft fan. FUEL ECONOMIZERS. Economizers for boiler plants are usually made of vertical cast-iron tubes contained in a long rectangular chamber of brickwork. The feed- water enters the bank of tubes at one end, while the hot gases enter the chamber at the other end and travel in the opposite direction to the water. The tubes are made of cast iron because it is more non-corrosive than wrought iron or steel when exposed to gases of combustion at low temperatures. An automatic scraping device is usually provided for the purpose of removing dust from the outer surface of the tubes. The amount of saying of fuel that may be made by an economizer varies greatly according to the conditions of operation. With a given quantity of chimney gases to be passed through it, its economy will be greater '(1) the higher the temperature of these gases; (2) the lower the temperature of the water fed into it ; and (3) the greater the amount of its heating surface. From (1) it is seen that an economizer will save more fuel if added to a boiler that is overdriven than if added to one driven at a nominal rate. From (2) it appears that less saving can be expected from an economizer in a power plant in which the feed-water is heated by exhaust steam from auxiliary engines than when the feed-water entering it is taken directly from the condenser hot-well. The amount of heat- ing surface that should be used in any given case depends not only on the saving of fuel that may be made, but also on the cost of coal, and on the annual C9sts of maintenance, including interest, depreciation, etc. The following table shows the theoretical results possibly attainable from economizers under the conditions specified. It is assumed that the coal has a heating value of 15,000 B.T.U. per Ib. of combustible; that it is completely burned in the furnace at a temperature of 2500 F. ; that the boiler gives efficiencies ranging from 60 to 75 % according to the rate of driving; and that sufficient economizer surface is provided to reduce the temperature of the gases in all cases to 300 F. Assuming the specific heat of the gases to be constant, and neglecting the loss of heat by radi- ation, the temperature of the gases leaving the boiler and entering the economizer is directly proportional to (100- % of boiler efficiency), and the combined efficiency of boiler and economizer is (2500 300) -T- 2500 = 88%, which corresponds to an evaporation of (15.000 -f- 970) X 0.88 = 13.608 Ib. from and at 212 per Ib. of combustible; or as- suming the feed-water enters the economizer at 100 F. and the boiler makes steam of 150 Ib. absolute pressure, to an evaporation of 11.729 Ib. under these conditions. Dividing this figure into the number of heat units utilized by the economizer per Ib. of combustible gives the heat-units added to the water, from which, by reference to a steam table, the temperature may be found. With these data we obtain the results given in the table below. Boiler Efficiency, per cent. 60 65 70 75 B.T.U. absorbed by boiler per Ib. combustible g 'p u jjj chimney gases leaving boiler 9000 6000 1000 300 4200 28 9.278 4.330 448 70 9750 5250 875 300 3450 23 10.051 3.557 389 65.7 10500 4500 750 300 2700 18 10.824 2.884 327 60 11250 3750 625 300 1950 13 1 1 .598 2.010 265 52 Estimated temp, of gases leaving boiler Estimated temp of gases leaving economizer . . J3 T u saved by economizer Efficiency gained by economizer per cent Equivalent water evap. per Ib. comb, in boiler B.T.U. saved by econ. equivalent to evap. of Ib Temp of water leaving economizer . ... Efficiency of the economizer, per cent ECONOMIZEES. 925 Equation of the Economizer. Let W '=* Ib. of water evaporated by the boiler, under actual conditions of feed-water temperature and steam pressure, per Ib. of combustible; G = Ib. of flue-gas per Ib. combustible; Ti and T 2 = temperatures of gas entering and leaving the economizer; ti and fa = temperatures of water entering and leaving the economizer; then assuming no loss by radiation and leakage, and taking the specific heat of the gas at 0.24 and that of the water at 1, j. U. per cent." The absurdity of the last statement may be shown by a simple caicti Mion. Suppose a clean boiler is giving 75% efficiency with a furnace temperature of 2400 F. above the atmospheric temperature, Neglectn the radiation and assuming a constant specific heat for the gases, the temperature of the chimney gases will be 600. A certain amount fuel and air supply will furriish 100 Ibs. of gas. In the boiler with 1/4 iru * A committee of the Am. Ky. Mast. Mechs. Assn. in 1872 quoted from a paper by Dr. Jos. G. Rodgers before the Am. Assn. for Adv. of Science (date not stated): "It has been demonstrated [how and by whom not stated] that a scale Vie in. thick requires the expenditure of 15% more fuel As the scale thickens the ratio increases; thus when it is V4 in. thick, 60% more is required," INCRUSTATION AND CORROSION. 929 scale 66% more fuel will make 66 Ibs. more gas. As the extra fuel does no work in evaporating water, its heat must all go into the chimney gad. We have then in the chimney gases 100 Ibs. at 600 F., product 60,000 66 Ibs. at 2400 F., product 158,400 ... ^^ ^lo,4(JU which divided by 166 gives 1370 above atmosphere as the temperature of the chimney gas, or more than enough to make the flue connection and damper red hot. (Makers of boiler compounds, etc., please copy.) Another writer says: "Scale of Vie inch thickness will reduce boiler efficiency Vs, and the reduction of efficiency increases as the square of the thickness of the scale." This is still more absurd, for according to it if Vie in. scale reduces the efficiency i/g, then 3/ 16 in. will reduce it 9/s, or to below zero. From a series of tests of locomotive tubes covered with different thick- nesses of scale up to Vs in. Prof. E. C. Schmidt (Bull. No. 11 Univ. of 111. Experiment Station, 1907) draws the following conclusions: 1. Considering scale 9f ordinary thickness, say varying up to Vs inch, the loss in heat transmission due to scale may vary in individual cases from insignificant amounts to as much as 10 or 12 per cent. 2. The loss increases somewhat with the thickness of the scale. 3. The mechanical structure of the scale is of as much or more impor- tance than the thickness in producing this loss. 4. Chemical composition, except in so far as it affects the structure of the scale, has no direct influence on its heat-transmitting qualities. In 1896 the author made a test of a water-tube boiler at Aurora. 111., which had a coating of scale about 1/4 in. thick throughout its whole heating surface, arid obtained practically the same evaporation as in another test, a few days later, after the boiler had been cleaned. This is only one case, but the result is not unreasonable when it is known that the scale was very soft and porous, and was easily removed from the tubes by scraping. Prof. R. C. Carpenter (Am. Electrician, Aug., 1900) says: So far as I am able to determine by tests, a lime scale, even of great thickness, has no appreciable effect on the efficiency of a bpiler, as in a test which was conducted by myself the results were practically as good when the boiler was thickly covered with lime scale as when perfectly clean. . . . Ob- servations and experiments have shown that any scale porous to water has little or no detrimental effect on economy of the boiler. There is, I think, good philosophy for this statement; the heating capacity is affected principally by the rapidity with which the heated gases will surrender heat, as the water and the metal have capacities for absorbing heat more than a hundred times faster than the air will surrender heat. A thin film of grease, being impermeable to water, keeps the latter from contact with the metal and generally produces disastrous results. It is much more harmful than a very thick scale of carbonate of lime. Boiler-scale Compounds. The Bavarian Steam-boiler Inspection Assn. in 1885 reported as follows: Generally the unusual substances in water can be retained in soluble form or precipitated as mud by adding caustic soda or lime. This is especially desirable when the boilers have small interior spaces. It is necessary to have a chemical analysis of the water in order to fully determine the kind and quantity of the preparation to be used for the above purpose. All secret compounds for removing boiler-scale should be avoided. (A list of 27 such compounds manufactured and sold by German firms is then given which have been analyzed by the association.) Such secret preparations are either nonsensical or fraudulent, or contain either one of the two substances recommended by the association for removing scale, generally soda, which is colored to conceal its presence, and sometimes adulterated with useless or even injurious matter. These additions as well as giving the compound some strange, fanciful name, are meant simply to deceive the boiler owner and conceal from him the fact that he is buying colored soda or similar substances, for which he is paying an exorbitant price. Kerosene and other Petroleum Oils: Foaming, Kerosene ha? been recom mended as a scale preventive. See paper by k. F, 930 THE STEAM-BOILER. ffrans. A. S. M. E., ix. 247)^ The Am. Mach~' May 22, 1890,~says: Kerosene used in moderate quantities will not make the boiler foam; it is recommended and used for loosening the scale and for preventing the formation of scale. The presence of oil in combination with other im- purities increases the tendency of many boilers to foam, as the oil with the impurities impedes the free escape of steam from the water surface. The use of common oil not only tends to cause foaming, but is dangerous otherwise. The grease appears to combine with the impurities of the water, and when the boiler is at rest this compound sinks to the plates and clings to them in a loose, spongy mass, preventing the water from coming in contact with the plates, and thereby producing overheating, which may lead to an explosion. Foaming may also be caused by forcing the fire, or by taking the steam from a point over the furnace or where the ebullition is violent ; the greasy and dirty state of new boilers is another good cause for foaming. Kerosene should be used at first in small quan- tities, the effect carefully noted, and the quantity increased if necessary for obtaining the desired results. R. C. Carpenter (Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xi) says: The boilers of the State Argicultural College at Lansing, Mich., were badly incrusted with a hard scale. It was fully 3/ 8 in. thick in many places. The first appli- cation of the oil was made while the boilers were being but little used, by inserting a gallon of oil, filling with water, heating to the boiling-point and allowing the water to stand in the boiler two or three weeks before removal. By this method fully one-half the scale was removed during the warm season and before the boilers were needed for heavy firing. The oil was then added in small quantities when the boiler was in actual use. For boilers 4 ft. in diam. and 12 ft. long the best results were obtained by the use of 2 qts. for each boiler per week, and for each boiler 6 ft. in diam. 3 qts. per week. The water used in the boilers has the fol- lowing analysis: CaCO 3 , 206 parts in a million; MgCOs, 78 parts; Fe 2 CO 3 , 22 parts; traces of sulphates and chlorides of potash and soda. Total solids, 325 parts in 1,000,000. Petroleum Oils heavier than kerosene have been used with good re- sults Crude oil should never be used. The more volatile oils it contains make explosive gases, and its tarry constituents are apt to form a spongy Incrustation. Removal of Hard Scale. When boilers are coated with a hard scale difficult to remove the addition of 1/4 lb. caustic soda per horse-power, and steaming for some hours, according to the thickness of the scale, just before cleaning, will greatly facilitate that operation, rendering the scale soft and loose. This should be done, if possible, when the boilers are not otherwise in use. (Steam.) Corrosion in Marine Boilers. (Proc. Inst. M. E., Aug., 1884.) The investigations of the Committee on Boilers served to show that the internal corrosion of boilers is greatly due to the combined action of air and sea-water when under steam, and when not under steam to the com- bined action of air and moisture upon the unprotected surfaces of the metal. There are other deleterious influences at work, such as the corro- sive action of fatty acids, the galvanic action of copper and brass, and the Inequalities of temperature; these latter, however, are considered to be of minor importance. Of the several methods recommended for protecting the internal sur- faces of boilers, the three found most effectual are: First, the formation of a .thin layer of hard scale, deposited by working the boiler with sea- water- second, the coating of the surfaces with a thin wash of Portland cement particularly wherever there are signs of decay; third, the use of tine slabs suspended in the water and steam spaces. As to general treatment for the preservation of boilers when laid up In the reserve, either of the two following methods is adopted. First, the boilers are dried as much as possible by airing-stoves, after which 2 to 3 cwt of quicklime is placed on trays at the bottom of the boiler and Dn the tubes. The boiler is then closed and made as air-tight as possible, inspection is made every six months, when if the lime be found slacked t is renewed. Second, the boilers are filled with sea or fresh water, saving added soda to it in the proportion of 1 lb. to every 100 or 120 Ibs. >f water The sufficiency of the saturation can be tested by introducing: $ piece of clean new iron and leaving it in tne boiler for ten or twelve INCKUSTATION AND CORROSION. 931 hours: if it shows signs of rusting, mure &oda should be added. It is essential that the boilers be entirely filled, to the complete exclusion of air. Mineral oil has for many years been exclusively used for internal lubrication of engines, with the view of avoiding the effects of fatty acid, as this oil does not readily decompose and possesses no acid properties. Of all the preservative methods adopted in the British service the use of zinc properly distributed and fixed has been found the most effectual in saving the iron and steel surfaces from corrosion, and also in neutral- izing by its own deterioration the hurtful influences met with in water as ordinarily supplied to boilers. The zinc slabs now used in the navy boilers are 12 in. long, 6 in. wide, and ^ in. thick; this size being found convenient for general application. The amount of zinc used in new boilers at present is one slab of the above size for every 20 I.H.P., or about 1 sq. ft. of zinc surface to 2 sq. ft. of grate surface. Rolled zinc is found the most suitable for the purpose. Especial care must be taken to insure perfect metallic contact between the slabs and the stays or plates to which they are attached. The slabs should be placed in such positions that all the surfaces in the boiler are protected. Each slab should be periodically examined to see that its connection remains per- fect, and to renew any that may have decayed; this examination is usually made at intervals not exceeding three months. Under ordinary circumstances of working these zinc slabs may be expected to last in fit condition from 60 to 90 days, immersed in hot sea-water; but in new boilers they at first decay more rapidly. The slabs are generally secured by means of iron straps 2 in. X 3 /8 in., and long enough to reach the nearest stay, to which the strap is attached by screw-bolts. To promote the proper care of boilers when not in use the following order has been issued to the French Navy by the Government: On board all ships in the reserve, as well as those which are laid up, the boilers will be completely filled with fresh water. In the case of large boilers with large tubes there will be added to the water a certain amount of milk of lime, or a solution of soda. In the case of tubulous boilers with small tubes milk of lime or soda may be added, but the solution will not be so strong as in the case of the larger tube, so as to avoid any danger of contracting the effective area by deposit from the solution; but the strength of the solution will be just sufficient to neutralize any acidity of the water. (Iron Age, Nov. 2, 1893.) Use of Zinc. : Zinc is often used in boilers to prevent the corrosive action of water on the metal. The action appears to be an electrical one, the iron being one pole of the battery and the zinc being the other. The hydrogen goes to the iron shell and escapes as a gas into the steam. The oxygen goes to the zinc. On account of this action it is generally believed that zinc will always prevent corrosion, and that it cannot be harmful to the boiler or tank. Some experiences go to disprove this belief, and in numerous cases zinc has not only been of no use, but has even been harmful. In one case a tubular boiler had been troubled with a deposit of scale consisting chiefly of organic matter and lime, and zinc was tried as a preventive. The beneficial action of the zinc was so obvious that its continued use was advised, with frequent opening of the boiler and cleaning out of detached scale until all the old scale should be removed and the boiler become clean. Eight or ten months later the water-supply was changed, it be- ing now obtained from another stream supposed to be free from lime and to contain only organic matter. Two or three months after its introduction the tubes and shell were found to be coated with an ob- stinate adhesive scale, composed of zinc oxide and the organic matter or sediment of the water used. The deposit had become so heavy in places as to cause overheating and bulging of the plates over the fire. (The Locomotive.) Effect of Deposit on the Fire-surface of Flues. (Rankine.) An external crust of a carbonaceous kind is often deposited from the flame and smoke of the furnaces in the flues and tubes, and if allowed to accu- mulate, seriously impairs the economy of fuel. It is removed from time to time by means of scrapers and wire brushes. The accumulation of this crust is the probable cause of the fact that in some steamships the consumption of coal per I.H.P. per hour goes on gradually increasing 932 THE STEAM-BOILER. until it reaches one and a half times its original amount, and sometimes more. Dangerous Steam-boilers discovered by Inspection. Tlje Hartford Steam-boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. reported in The Locomotive the following summary of defects in boilers discovered by its inspectors in the year 1912: Number of visits of inspection made 183,519 Total number of boilers examined 337,178 Number found uninsurable 977 Whole Nature of Defects Number Dangerous Cases of sediment or loose scale 26,299 1,553 Cases of adhering scale 40,336 1,436 Cases of grooving 2,700 252 Cases of internal corrosion 15,403 Cases of external corrosion 10,411 895 Cases of defective bracing 1,391 Cases of defective staybolting 1,712 345 Settings defective 8,119 768 Fractured plates and heads 3,288 510 Burned plates 4,965 517 Laminated plates 445 55 Cases of defective riveting 1,816 405 Cases of leakage around tubes 10,159 1,607 Cases of defective tubes or flues 11,488 4,780 Cases of leakage at seams 5,304 401 Water-gages defective 3,663 816 Blow-offs defective 4,429 1,398 Cases of low water , 447 151 Safety-valves overloaded 1,349 380 Safety-valves defective 1,534 419 Pressure-gages defective 6,765 568 Boilers without pressure-gages 633 102 Miscellaneous defects 2,268 420 Total 164,924 18,932 The above-named company publishes annually a summary like the above, and also a classified list of boiler-explosions, compiled chiefly from newspaper reports, showing that from 200 to 300 explosions take place in the United States every year, killing from 200 to 300 persons, and in- juring from 300 to 450. The lists are not pretended to be complete, and may include only a fraction of the actual number of explosions. Steam-boilers as Magazines of Explosive Energy. Prof. R. H. Thurston (Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. vi), in a paper with the above title, presents calculations showing the stored energy in the hot water and steam of various boilers. Concerning the plain tubular boiler of average form and dimensions he says: It is 60 in. in diameter, containing 66 3-in. tubes, and is 15 ft. long. It has 850 sq . ft. of heating and 30 sq . ft. of erate surface; is rated at 60 H.P., but is oftener driven lip to 75; weighs 500 lb., and contains nearly its own weight of water, but only 21 lb. of steam when under a pressure of 75 lb. per sq. in., which is below its safe allowance. It stores 52,000,000 foot-pounds of energy, of which but 4 % is in the steam, and this is enough to drive the boiler just about one mile into the air, with an initial velocity of nearly 600 ft. per second. SAFETY-VALVES. Calculation of Weight, etc., for Lever Safety-valves. Let W = weight of ball at end of lever; w = weight of lever itself; V = weight of valve and spindle, all in pounds; L = distance between ful- crum and center of ball; I = distance between fulcrum and center of valve; g = distance between fulcrum and center of gravity of lever, all in inches; A = area of valve, in sq. in.; P = pressure of steam, in lb. per set. in., at which valve will open. SAFETY-VALVES. 933 Then PA X I - W X L + w X g + V X I; whence P = (WL + wg + VI) -h Al; W = (PAl - wg - VI) -J- L; L = (PAZ - w0 - VO - W. EX\MPLE. Diameter of valve, 4 in. ; distance from fulcrum to'center of bail, 36 in. ; to center of valve, 4 in. ; to center of gravity of lever, 15 y. in.; weight of valve and spindle, 3 lb.; weight of lever, 7 lb.; re- quired the weight of ball to make the blowing-off pressure 80 lib. per sq. in. ; area of 4-in. valve = 12.566 sq. in. Then = PAl -wg -VI = 80 X 12.566 X 4 - 7 X 151/2 - 3 X 4 = 1Qg 4 ^ L, 36 By the rules of the U.S. Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels the use of lever safety-valves is prohibited on all boilers built for steam vessels after June' 30, 1906. A method for calculating the size of safety-valve is given in The Loco- motive July, 1892, based on the assumption that the actual opening should be sufficient to discharge all the steam generated by the boiler. Napier's rule for flow of steam is taken, viz., flow through aperture of one sq. in. in Ibs. per second = absolute pressure -s- 70, or in Ibs. per hour = 51.43 X absolute pressure. If the angle of the seat is 45, the area of opening in sq. in. = circum- ference of the disk X the lift X 0.71, 0.71 being the cosine of 45; or diameter of disk X lift X 2.23. Spring-loaded Safety-Valves. Spring-loaded safety-valves to be used on U. S. merchant vessels must conform to the rules prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors, and on vessels for the U. S. Navy to specifications made by the Bureau of Steam Engineering, U. S. N. Valves to be used on stationary boilers must conform in many cases to the special laws made by various states. Few of these rules are on a logical basis, in that they take no account of the lift of the valve, and it is quite clear that the rate of steam discharge through a safety-valve depends upon the area of opening, which varies with the circumference of the valve and the lift. Experiments made by the Consolidated Safety Valve Co. showed that valves made by the differ- ent manufacturers and employing various combinations of springs with different designs of valve lips and huddling chambers give widely different lifts. Lifts at popping point of different makes of safety-valves, at 200 Ibs. pressure, are as follows: 4-in. stationary valves, in., 0.031, 0.056, 0.064, 0.082, 0.094, 0.094, 0.137. Av. 0.079 in. 3V2-in. locomotive valves, in., 0.040, 0.051, 0.065, 0.072, 0.076-, 0.140 ins. Av. 0.074 in. United States Supervising Inspectors' Rule (adopted in 1904). A = 0.2074 W /P. A = area of safety valve in sq. in. per sq. ft. of grate surface; W = Ibs. of water evaporated per sq. ft. of grate surface per hour; P = boiler pressure, absolute, Ibs. per sq. in. This rule assumes a lift of 1/32 of the nominal diameter, and 75% of the flow calculated by Napier's rule. This 75% corresponds nearly to the cosine of 45, or 0.707. Massachusetts Rule of 1909. A = 770 W/P, in which W = Ibs. evapo- rated per sq. ft. of grate per second; A and P as above. This is the same as the U. S. rule with a 3.2% larger constant. Philadelphia Rule. A = 22.5 G -f- (P + 8.62). A = total area of valve or valves, sq. in.; G = grate area, sq. ft.; P = boiler pressure (gauge). This rule came from France in 1868. It was recommended to the city of Philadelphia by a committee of the Franklin Institute, although the committee "had not found the reasoning upon which the rule had been based." Philip G. Darling (Trans. A. S. M. E., 1909) commenting on the above rules says: The principal defect of these rules is that they assume that valves of the same nominal size have the same capacity, and they rate them the same without distinction, in spite of the fact that in actual prac- tice some have but one-third of the capacity of others. There are other .defects, such as varying the assumed lift as the valve diameter, while in 934 THE STEAM-BOILER. reality with a given design the lifts are more nearly the same in the dif- ferent sizes, not varying nearly as rapidly as the diameters. And further than this, the actual lifts assumed for the larger valves are nearly double the actual average obtained in practice. The direct con- clusion is that existing rules and statutes are not safe to follow. Rules of the A. S. M. E. Boiler Code Committee. In 1914 the Com- mittee had several conferences with the principal safety-valve manu- facturers of the country and an agreement was finally reached on the rules given in condensed form below. The discharging capacity of a valve is based on Napier's rule with a coefficient of discharge of 0.96. The formula being W = 3600 X 3.1416 XDLX 0.96 X 0.707 X P/7Q or W = 109.66 D L P pounds per hour for a 45 bevel seat valve. For flat seat valves the factor 0.707 is omitted and the formula becomes W = 155.11 DLP pounds per hour. The following table is calcu- lated from the first formula. Discharge Capacities of Direct Spring-Loaded Pop Safety-Valves with 45 Bevel Seats. Pounds per Hour. A Diam. 1 in. Diam. 1^ in. Diam. 2 in. Diam. 2y 2 in. m S.8. Lift, in. rh-Q Min. Int. Max. Min. Int. Max. Min. Int. Max. Min. Int. Max. cs 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.06 0.08 15 65 131 163 ~l46 245 293 261 391 456 326 488 651 25 87 174 218 196 326 392 349 523 610 435 653 871 50 142 284 354 320 532 639 568 851 994 710 1064 1419 75 197 393 492 443 738 886 787 1181 1377 984 1475 1968 100 252 503 629 566 944 1133 1007 1510 1761 1258 1887 2516 125 307 613 767 689 1149 1379 1224 1836 2145 1532 2299 3064 150 362 723 904 813 1355 1625 1438 2158 2529 1806 2710 3613 175 416 833 1040 936 1561 1872 1664 2497 2913 2081 3121 4161 200 471 941 1178 1060 1766 2119 1884 2826 3296 2354 3532 4709 225 526 1052 1315 1183 1972 2366 2104 3154 3680 2629 3944 5258 250 581 1161 1451 1307 2177 2613 2322 3484 4064 2903 4355 5807 275 635 1271 1589 1430 2383 2860 2542 3813 4448 3177 4766 6355 300 698 1397 1746 3155 2589 3107 2762 4143 4832 3452 5177 6903 Capacities of Safety-Valves. Continued. ri Diam. 3 in. Diam. 3 y 2 in. Diam. 4 in. Diam. 4^ in. SP Lift, in. .,-. *S Min. Int. Max. Min. Int. Max. Min. Int. Max. Min. Int. Max. 0:2 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.06 0.09 0.11 0.07 0.10 0.12 0.08 0.11 0.13 IT 489 782 977 684 1026 1254 912 1303 1564 1173 1613 1906 25 653 1046 1307 914 1372 1676 1219 1742 2090 1568 2156 2547 50 1064 1703 2129 1490 2235 2732 1987 2839 3406 2555 3513 4151 75 1475 2361 2951 2066 3099 3788 2754 3935 4722 3542 4870 5756 100 1887 3019 3774 2642 3963 4843 3522 5032 6038 4529 6227 7358 125 2299 3677 4596 3218 4826 5899 4290 6128 7354 5516 7583 8963 150 2710 4335 5419 3794 5690 6954 5058 7226 8670 6503 8940 10566 175 3121 4993 6242 4369 6553 8010 5824 8320 9984 7490 10298 12173 200 3532 5b5l 7064 4946 7418 9068 6593 9420 11305 8475 11655 13773 225 3944 6310 7890 5521 8280 10120 7361 10514 12616 9465 13013 15383 250 4355 6968 8708 6097 9143 11175 8130 11614 13938 10448 14366 16980 275 4766 7620 9533 6672 10005 12333 8895 12707 15248 11438 15728 18585 300 5177 8280 10358 7248 10875 13290 9668 13807 16568 12428 17088 20195 Safety-Valve Requirements. Each boiler shall have two or more safety-valves, except a boiler for which one safety-valve 3-in. size or smaller is required by these Rules. The safety-valve capacity for each boiler shall be such that the safety-valve or valves will discharge all the steam that can be generated SAFETY-VALVES. 935 bv the boiler without allowing the pressure to rise more than 6% above the maximum allowable working pressure, or more than 6 % above the highest pressure to which any valve is set. One or more safety-valves on every boiler shall be set at or below the maximum allowable working pressure. The remaining valves may be set within a range of 3% above the maximum allowable working pressure but the range of setting of all of the valves on a boiler shall not exceed 10% of the highest pressure to which any valve is set. Safety-valves shall be of the direct spring-loaded pop type. The vertical lift of the valve disk may be made any amount desired up to a maximum of 0.15 in. The diameter measured- at the inner edge of the valve seat shall be not less than 1 in. or more than 4 ^ in. Each safety-valve shall have plainly stamped or cast on the body: (a) The name or trade-mark of the manufacturer, (b) The nominal diameter with the words " Bevel Seat" or " Flat Seat." (c) The steam pressure at which it is set to blow, (rf) The lift of the valve disk from its seat, measured immediately after the sudden lift due to the pop. (e) The weight of steam discharged in pounds per hour at the pressure for which it is set to blow. The minimum capacity of a safety-valve or valves to be placed on a boiler shall be determined on the basis of 6 Ib. of steam per hour per sq. ft. of boiler heating surface for water tube boilers, and 5 Ib. for all other types of power boilers, and upon the relieving capacity marked on the valves by the manufacturer, provided such marked capacity does not exceed that given in the table, in which case the minimum safety-valve capacity shall be determined on the basis of the maximum relieving capacity given in the table for the particular size of valve and working pressure for which it was constructed. The heating surface shall be computed for that side of the boiler surface exposed to the products of combustion, exclusive of the superheating surface. Valves 1 M in. diam. with lifts 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 in. give a discharge for 0.04-in. lift the same as that of a 1-in. valve with 0.05-in. lift; with 0.03-in. lift 25% less and with 0.05-in. lift 25% greater. The discharge capacity of a fl?t seat valve is 1.41 times that of a 45 bevel seat valve of the same diameter and lift. Safety-Valves for Locomotives. A Committee of theAmerican Railway Master Mechanics Association presented a report on safety-valves in 1912, giving the following formula for 45 bevel seat valves: D L P = 0.036 H, in which D = total of the diameters of the inner edge of the seats of the valves required; L = vertical lift in inches; P = absolute pressure, Ib. per sq. in. ; H = total heating surface of boiler, sq. ft. (superheating surface not included). Every locomotive should be equipped with not less than two and not more than three safety- valves, the size to be determined by the formula. The valves are to be set as follows: The first at boiler pressure, second 2 Ib. in excess, third 3 Ib. in excess of the second. Manufacturers should be required to stamp on the valve the lift in inches as determined by actual test. The formula corresponds to the discharge calculated by Napier's rule with a coefficient of flow of 0.973 and an evaporation of 4 Ib. per square foot of heating surface per hour. It is evident that safety- valve? proportioned according to this formula will have a relieving capacity much less than the evaporative capacity of locomotive boilers with large fire-boxes and short flues. The Consolidated Safety Valve Co. suggests the formula D L P = Ci Hi + Cz Hz in which Hi is fire-box and Hz flue heating-surface, sq. ft., and Ci and Cz are constants to be determined by experiment. Ci being considerably larger than 2. Unequal expansion of safety-valve parts under steam temperatures tends to cause leakage, and as this temperature effect becomes more serious in the large sizes the manufacturers do not recommend the use of valves larger than 4 1/2 ins. If greater relieving capacity be required it is the best practice to use duplex valves or additional single valves. For an extended discussion on safety-valves, see Trans, A. 5. M. E,, 936 THE STEAM-BOILER. THE INJECTOR. Equation of the Injector. Let S be the number of pounds of steam used; W the number of pounds of water lifted and forced Into the boiler; h the height in feet of a column of water, equivalent to the absolute pressure in the boiler; h Q the height in feet the water is lifted to the injector; t t\ the temperature of the water before it enters the injector; tz the temperature of the water after leaving the injector; H the total heat above 32 F. in one pound of steam in the boiler, L the work in friction and the equivalent lost work due to radiation and lost heat; 778 the mechanical equivalent of heat. Then - = ,- / the moisture in the steam leaving the separator was less than 1% when that in the steam supplied ranged from 6% to 21%. Experiments by Prof. G. F. Gebhardt (Power, May 11, 1909) on six separators of different makes led to the following conclusions: (1) The efficiency of separation decreases as the velocity of the steam increases. (2) The efficiency increases as the percentage of moisture in the enter- ing steam increases. (3) The drop in pressure increases rapidly with the increase in velocity. The six separators are described as follows: U: 2-in. vertical; no baffles; current reversed once. V: 4-in. horizontal with single baffle plate of the fluted type; current reversed once. W: 4-in. vertical with two baffle plates of the smooth type; current reversed once. X: 3-in. horizontal f several fluted baffle plates; no reversal of current. Y: 6-in. vertical; centrifugal type; current reversed once. Z: 3-in. horizontal; current reversed twice; steam impinges on hori- zontal fluted baffle during reversal. The efficiency is defined as the ratio of the water removed from the steam by the separator to the water injected into the dry steam for the purpose of the test. With steam at 100 Ibs. pressure containing 10% water, the efficiencies, taken from plotted curves, were as follows: U V W X Y Z At 2000 ft. per min 64 69 86 88 79 66 At 3000 ft. per min 37 45 80 60 61 48 942 THE STEAM-BOILER. DETERMINATION OF THE MOISTURE IN STEAM STEAM CALORIMETERS. In all boiler-tests it is important to ascertain the quality of the steam, i.e., 1st, whether the steam is "saturated" or contains the quantity of heat due to the pressure according to standard experiments; 2d, whether the quantity of heat is deficient, so that the steam is wet; and 3d, whether the heat is in excess and the steam superheated. The best method of ascertaining the quality of the steam is undoubtedly that employed by a committee which tested the boilers at the American Institute Exhibition of 1871-2, of which Prof. Thurston was chairman, i.e., condensing all the water evaporated by the boiler by means of a surface condenser, weighing the condensing water, and taking its temperature as it enters ana as it leaves the condenser; but this plan cannot always be adopted. A substitute for this method is the barrel calorimeter, which with careful operation and fairly accurate instruments may generally be relied on to give results within two per cent of accuracy (that is, a sample of steam which gives the apparent result of 2% of moisture may contain anywhere between and 4%). This calorimeter is described as follows: A sample of the steam is taken by inserting a perforated l/2-inch pipe into and through the main pipe near the boiler, and led by a hose, thoroughly felted, to a barrel, holding preferably 400 Ibs. of water, which is set upon a platform scale and provided with a cock or valve for allowing the water to flow to waste, and with a small propeller for stirring the water. To operate the calorimeter the barrel is filled with water, the weight and temperature ascertained, steam blown through the hose outside the barrel until the pipe is thoroughly warmed, when the hose is suddenly thrust into the water, and the propeller operated until the temperature of the water is increased to the desired point, say about 110 usually. The hose is then withdrawn quickly, the temperature noted, and the weight again taken. An error of 1/10 of a pound in weighing the condensed steam, or an error of 1/2 degree in the temperature, will cause an error of over 1 % in the calculated percentage of moisture. See Trans. A . S. M. E., vi, 293. The calculation of the percentage of moisture is made as below ; Q = quality of the steam, dry saturated steam being unity. H = total heat of 1 Ib. of steam at the observed pressure. T = total heat of 1 Ib. of water at the temperature of steam of the observed pressure. h = total heat of 1 Ib. of condensing water, original. hi = total heat of 1 Ib. of condensing water, final. W = weight of condensing water, corrected for water-equivalent of the apparatus. w = weight of the steam condensed. Percentage of moisture = 1 Q. If Q is greater than unity, the steam is superheated, and the degrees of superheating = 2.0833 (H - T) (Q - 1). Difficulty of Obtaining a Correct Sample. Experiments by Prof. D. S. Jacobus (Trans. A. S. M. E., xvi, 1017), show that it is practically impossible to obtain a true average sample of the steam flowing in a pipe. For accurate determinations all the steam made by the boiler should be passed through a separator, the water separated should be weighed a-nd a calorimeter test made of the steam just after it has passed the separator. Coil Calorimeters. Instead of the open barrel in which the steam is condensed, a coil acting as a surface-condenser may be used, which is placed in the barrel, the water in coil and barrel being weighed separately. For a description of an apparatus of this kind designed by the author, which he has found to give results with a probable error not exceeding 1/2 per cent of moisture, see Trans. A. S. M. E., vi, 294. This calorimeter may be used continuously, if desired, instead of intermittently. In this case a continuous flow of condensing water into and out of the barrel must be established, and the temperature of inflow and outflow and of tne condensed steam read at short intervals of time DETEKMINATION OF THE MOISTUBE IN STEAM. 943 Throttling Calorimeter. For percentages of moisture not exceed- ing 3 per cent the throttling calorimeter is most useful and convenient and remarkably accurate. In this instrument the steam which reaches it in a i/2-inch pipe is throttled by an orifice 1/J6 inch diameter; opening into a chamber which has an outlet to the atmosphere. The steam in this chamber has its pressure reduced nearly or quite to the pressure of the atmosphere, but the total heat in the steam before throttling causes the steam in the chamber to be superheated more or less according to whether the steam before throttling was dry or contained moisture. The only observations required are those of the temperature and pressure of the steam on each side of the orifice. The author's formula for reducing the observations of the throttling calorimeter is as follows (Experiments on Throttling Calorimeters, Am. Mach., Aug. 4, 1892): w = 100 X H ^ h ~ ^ (T ~ Q, in which w = percentage of moisture in the steam; H = total heat, and L= latent heat of steam in the main pipe ; h = total heat due the pressure in the discharge side of the calorimeter, = 1150.4 at atmospheric pressure; K = specific heat of superheated steam ; T = temperature of the throttled and superheated steam in the calorimeter; t = temperature due to the pressure in the calorimeter, = 212 at atmospheric pressure. Taking K at 0.46 and the pressure in the discharge side of the calo- rimeter as atmospheric pressure, the formula becomes = 100 X H- 1150.4 - 0.46 (T - 212) From this formula the following table is calculated: MOISTURE IN STEAM DETERMINATIONS BY THROTTLING CALORIMETER. Degree of Super- heating T - 212. Gauge-pressures. 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 60 70 75 80 | 85 | 90 Per Cent of Moisture in Steam. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Dif. p. deg.. . 0.51 0.01 0.90 0.39 1.54 1.02 0.51 0.00 2.06 1.54 1.02 0.50 2.50 1.97 1.45 0.92 0.39 2.90 2.36 1.83 1.30 0.77 0.24 3.24 2.71 2.17 1.64 1.10 0.57 0.03 3.56 3.02 2.48 1.94 1.40 0.87 0.33 3.71 3.17 2.63 2.09 1.55 1.01 0.47 3.86 3.32 2.77 2.23 1.69 1.15 0.60 0.06 3.99 3.45 2.90 2.35 1.80 1.26 0.72 0.17 .0544 4.13 3.58 3.03 2.49 1.94 1.40 0.85 0.31 .0503 .0507 .0515 .0521 .0526 .0531 .0535 .0539 .0541 .0542 .0546 Degree of Super- heating T - 212. Gauge-pressures. 100 | 110 | 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 j 190 | 200 I 250 Per Cent of Moisture in Steam. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 4.39 3.84 3.29 2.74 2.19 1.64 1.09 0.55 0.00 4.63 4.08 3.52 2.97 2.42 1.87 1.32 0.77 0.22 4.85 4.29 3.74 3.18 2.63 2.08 1.52 0.97 0.42 5.08 4.52 3.96 3.41 2.85 2.29 1.74 1.18 0.63 0.07 5.29 4.73 4.17 3.61 3.05 2.49 1.93 1.38 0.82 0.26 5.49 4.93 4.37 3.80 3.24 2.68 2.12 1.56 1.00 0.44 5.68 5.12 4.56 3.99 3.43 2.87 2.30 1.74 1.18 0.61 0.05 5.87 5.30 4.74 4.17 3.61 3.04 2.48 1.91 1.34 0.78 0.21 6.05 5.48 4.91 4.34 3.78 3.21 2.64 2.07 1.50 0.94 0.37 6.22 5.65 5.08 4.51 3.94 3.37 2.80 2.23 1.66 1.09 0.52 6.39 5.82 5.25 4.67 4.10 3.53 2.96 2.38 1.81 1.24 0.67 0.10 7.16 6.58 6.00 5.41 4.83 4.25 3.67 3.09 2.51 1.93 1.34 0.76 .0581 Dif. p. deg. . . .0549 .0551 .0554 .0556 .0559 .0561 .0564 .0566 .0568 .0570 .0572 Separating Calorimeters. For percentages of moisture beyond the range of the throttling calorimeter the separating calorimeter is used, 944 CHIMNEYS. which is simply a steam separator on a small scale. An improved form of this calorimeter is described by Prof. Carpenter in Power, Feb., 1893. For fuller information on various kinds of calorimeters, see papers by Prof. Peabody, Prof. Carpenter, and Mr. Barrus in Trans. A. S< M. E. t vols. x, xi, xii, 1889 to 1891; Appendix to Report of Com. on Boiler Tests, A. S. M. E., vol. vi, 1884; Circular of Schaeffer & Budenberg, N. Y., "Calorimeters, Throttling and Separating." Identification of Dry Steam by Appearance of a Jet. Prof. Denton (Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. x) found that jets of steam show un- mistakable change of appearance to the eye when steam varies less than 1% from the condition of saturation in the direction of either wetness or of superheating. If a jet of steam flow from a boiler into the atmosphere under circum- stances such that very little loss of heat occurs through radiation, etc., and the jet be transparent close to the orifice, or be even a grayish-white color, the steam may be assumed to be so nearly dry that no portable condensing calorimeter will be capable of measuring the amount of water in the steam. If the jet be strongly white, the amount of water may be roughly judged up to about 2%, but beyond this only a calorimeter can determine -the exact amount of moisture. A common brase pet-cock may be used as an orifice, but it should, if possible, be set into the steam-drum of the boiler and never be placed further away from the latter than 4 feet, and then only when the inter- mediate reservoir or pipe is well covered. Usual Amount of Moisture in Steam Escaping from a Boiler. In the common forms of horizontal tubular land boilers and water-tube boilers with ample horizontal drums, and supplied with water free from substances likely to cause foaming, the moisture in the steam does not generally exceed 2% unless the boiler is overdriven or the water-level is carried too high. CHIMNEYS. Chimney Draught Theory. The commonly accepted theory of chimney draught, based on Peclet's and Rankine's hypotheses (Rankine, S E.), is discussed by Prof. De Volson Wood, Trans. A, S. M. E., vol. xi. Peclet represented the law of draught by the formula in which h is the "head," defined as such a height of hot gases as, if added to the column of gases in the chimney, would produce the same pressure at the furnace as a column of outside air, of the same area of base, and a height equal to that of the chimney; u is the required velocity of gases in the chimney; G a constant to represent the resistance to the passage of air through the coal; I the length of the flues and chimney; m the mean hydraulic depth or the area of a cross-section divided by the perimeter; / a constant depending upon the nature of the surfaces over which the gases pass, whether smooth, or sooty and rough. Rankine's formula (Steam Engine, p. 288),. derived by giving certain values to the constants (so-called) in Peclet's formula, is ^( 0.0807^ , x u=^ - (H-H-Hs-i)* lo(o.084 ) in which H - t^Wrfthe eyjn^eet^ T,= absolute temperature of the gases in the chimney; T 2 = absolute temperature of the external air. CHIMNEYS. 945 Prof. Wood derives from this a still more complex formula which gives the height of chimney required for burning a given quantity of coal per second, and from it he calculates the following table, showing the height of chimney required to burn respectively 24, 20, and 16 Ibs. of coal per square foot of grate per hour, for the several temperatures of the chimney gases given. Outside Air. _L 520 absolute or I59F. Chimney Gas. Coal per sq. ft. of grate per hour, Ibs. T i Absolute. Temp. Fahr. 24 20 16 Height H, feet. 700 800 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 2000 239 339 539 639 739 939 1139 1539 250.9 172.4 149.1 148.8 152.0 - 159.9 168.8 206.5 157.6 115.8 100.0 98.9 100.9 105.7 111.0 132.2 67.8 55.7 48.7 48.2 49.1 51.2 53.5 63.0 Rankine's formula gives a maximum draught when ^ = 21/12*2, or 622 F., when the outside temperature is 60. Prof. Wood says: "This result is not a fixed value, but departures from theory in practice do not affect the result largely. There is, then, in a properly constructed chimney properly working, a temperature giving a maximum draught,* and that temperature is not far from the value given by Rankine, although in special cases it may be 50 or 75 more or less." All attempts to base a practical formula for chimneys upon the theoret- ical formula of Peclet and Rankine have failed on account of the impos- sibility of assigning correct values to the so-called "constants" G and /. (See trans. A. S. M. E., xi, 984.) Force or Intensity of Draught. The force of the draught is equal to the difference between the weight of the column of hot gases inside of the chimney and the weight of a column of the external air of the same height. It is measured by a draught-gauge, usually a U-tube partly filled with water, one leg connected by a pipe to the interior of the flue, and the other open to the external air. If D is the density of the air outside, d the density of the hot gas inside, in Ibs. per cubic foot, h the height of the chimney in feet, and 0.192 the factor for converting pressure in Ibs. per sq. ft. into inches of water column, then the formula for the force of draught expressed in inches of water is, F = 0.192/1 (D - d). The density varies with the absolute temperature (see Rankine). d= ^0.084; D = 0.0807 , Tl T 2 where T O is the absolute temperature at 32 F., = 493, TI the absolute temperature of the chimney gases and r 2 that of the external air. Sub- stituting these values the formula for force of draught becomes ,.0.192 ft - il^l) -ft ( 7 -M - - 5 ). T2 Tl J \ T 2 Tl / * Much confusion to students of the theory of chimneys has resulted from their understanding the words maximum draught to mean maxi- mum intensity or pressure of draught, as measured by a draught-gauge. It here means maximum quantity or weight of gases passed up the chimney. The maximum intensity is found only with maximum tem- perature, but after the temperature' reaches about 622 F. the density of the gas decreases more rapidly than its velocity increases, so that the weight is a maximum about 622 F,, as shown by Rankine. W. K. 946 CHIMNEYS. To find the maximum intensity of draught for any given chimney, the heated column being 600 F., arid the external air 60, multiply the height above grate in feet by 0.0073, and the product is the draught in inches of water. Height of Water Column Due to Unbalanced Pressure in Chimney 10O Feet High.' (The Locomotive, 1884.) ' S o! Temperature of the External Air Barometer, 14.7 Ibs. per sq. in. |l| 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 H o 200 0.453 0.419 0.384 0.353 0.321 0.292 0.263 0.234 0.209 0.182 0.157 220 .488 .453 .419 .388 .355 .326 .298 .269 .244 .217 .192 240 .520 .488 .451 .421 .388 .359 .330 .301 .276 .250 .225 260 .555. .528 .484 .453 .420 .392 .363 .334 .309 .282 .257 280 .584 .549 .515 .482 .451 .422 .394 .365 .340 .313 .288 300 .611 .576 .541 .511 .478 .449 .420 .392 .367 .340 .315 320 .637 .603 .568 .538 .505 .476 .447 .419 .394 .367 .342 340 .662 .638 .593 .563 .530 .501 .472 .443 .419 .392 .367 360 .687 .653 .618 .588 .555 .526 .497 .468 .444 .417 .392 380 .710 .676 .641 .611 .578 .549 .520 .492 .467 .440 .415 400 .732 .697 .662 .632 .598 .570 .541 .513 .488 .461 .436 420 .753 .718 .684 .653 .620' .591 .563 .534 .509 .482 .457 440 .774 .739 .705 .674 .641 .612 .584 .555 .530 .503 .478 460 793 .758 .724 694 660 .632 603 574 549 522 497 480 .810 .776 .741 .710 .678 .649 .620 .591 .566 .540 .515 500 .829 .791 .760 .730 .697 .669 .639 .610 .586 .559 .534 For any other height of chimney than 100 ft. the height of water column is found by simple proportion, the height of water column being directly proportioned to the height of chimney. The calculations have been made for a chimney 100 ft. high, with various temperatures outside and inside of the flue, and on the supposition that the temperature of the chimney is uniform from top to bottom. This is the basis on which all calculations respecting the draught-power of chimneys have been made by Rankine and other writers, but it is very far from the truth in most cases. The difference will be shown by com- paring the reading of the draught-gauge with the table given. In one case a chimney 122 ft. high showed a temperature at the base of 320, and at the top of 230. Box, in his "Treatise on Heat," gives the following table: DRAUGHT POWERS OF CHIMNEYS, ETC., WITH THE INTERNAL AIR AT 552 AND THE EXTERNAL AIR AT 62, AND WITH THE DAMPER NEARLY CLOSED. sf- -u.S ^ Theoretical Velocity in feet per second. It di Theoretical Velocity in feet per second. til |s Cold Air Hot Air 111 3'~ 03 Cold Air Hot Air w g O 8*0 Entering. at Exit. *6 PH Entering. at Exit. 10 0.073 17.8 35.6 80 0.585 50.6 101.2 20 0.146 25.3 50.6 90 0.657 53.7 107.4 30 0.219 31.0 62.0 100 0.730 56.5 113.0 40 0.292 35.7 71.4 120 0.876 62.0 124.0 50 0.365 40.0 80.0 150 1.095 69.3 138.6 60 0.438 43.8 87.6 175 1.277 74.3 149.6 70 0.511 47.3 . 94.6 200 1.460 80.0 160.0 CHIMNEYS. 947 Bate of Combustion Due to Height of Chimney. Trowbridge's "Heat and Heat Engines" gives the following figures for the heights of chimney for producing certain rates of combustion per sq. ft. of grate. They may be approximately true for anthracite in moderate and large sizes, but greater heights than are given in the table are needed to secure the given rates of combustion with small sizes of anthracite, and for bituminous coal smaller heights will suffice if the coal is reasonably free from ash 5% or less. Height, feet. I Lbs. of Coal per Sq. Ft. of Grate. 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 Height, feet. 45 50 55 60 65 Lbs. of Coal per Sq. Ft. of Grate. Height, feet. 12.4 13.1 13.8 14.5 15.1 70 75 80 85 90 Lbs. of Coal per Sq. Ft. of Grate. 15.8 16.4 16.9 17.4 18.0 Height, feet. Lbs. of Coal per Sq. Ft. of Grate. 95 100 105 110 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 W. D. Ennis (Eng. Mag., Nov., 1907), gives the following as the force of draught required for burning No. 1 buckwheat coal: Draught, in. of water 0.3 0.45 0.7 1.0 Lbs. coal per sq. ft. grate per hour 10 15 20 25 Thurston's rule for rate of combustion effected by a giyen height of chimney (Trans. A. S. M. E., xi, 991) is: Subtract 1 from twice the square root of the height, and the result is the rate of combustion in pounds per square foot of grate per hour, for anthracite. Or rate = 2 V/i 1, in which h is the height in feet. This rule gives the following: h = 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 125 150 175 200 - 1 = 13.14 14.49 15.73 16.8917.97 19 19.9721.3623.4925.4527.28 The results agree closely with Trowbridge's table given above. In practice the high rates of combustion for high chimneys given by the formula are not generally obtained, for the reason that with high chimneys there are usually long horizontal flues, serving many boilers, and the friction and the interference of currents from the several boilers are apt to cause the intensity of draught in the branch flues leading to each boiler to be much less than that at the base of the chimney. The draught of each boiler is also usually restricted by a damper and by bends in the gas- passages. In a battery of several boilers connected to a chimney 150 ft. high, the author found a draught of 3/ 4 -inch water-column at the boiler nearest the chimney, and only i/4-inch at the boiler farthest away. The first boiler was wasting fuel from too high temperature of the chimney- gases, 900, having too large a grate-surface for the draught, and the last boiler was working below its rated capacity and with poor economy, on account of insufficient draught. The effect of changing the length of the flue leading into a chimney 60 ft. high and 2 ft. 9 in. square is given in the following table, from Box on "Heat": Length of Flue in feet. Horse-power. Length of Flue in feet. Horse-power. 50 100 200 400 600 107.6 100.0 85.3 70.8 62.5 800 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 56.1 51.4 43.1. 38.2 31.7 and The temperature of the gases in this chimney was assume^ to be 552 F., id that or the atmosphere 62. 948 SIZE OF CHIMNEYS. High Chimneys not Necessary. Chimneys above 150 ft. in height I are very costly, and their increased cost is rarely justified by increased effi- ciency. In recent practice it has become somewhat common to build two or more smaller chimneys instead of one large one. A notable example i is the Spreckels Sugar Refinery in Philadelphia, where three separate chimneys are used for one boiler-plant of 7500 H.P. The three chimneys are said to have cost several thousand dollars less than a single chimney of their combined capacity would have cost. Very tall chimneys have been characterized by one writer as "monuments to the folly of their builders." Heights of Chimney required for Different Fuels. The minimum height necessary varies with the fuel, wood requiring the least, then good bituminous coal, and fine sizes of anthracite the greatest. It also varies with the character of the boiler the smaller and more circuitous the gas-passages the higher the stack required ; also with the number of boilers, a single boiler requiring less height than several that discharge into a horizontal flue. No general rule can be given. C. L. Hubbard (Am. Electrician, Mar., 1904) says: The following heights have been found to give good results in plants of moderate size, and to produce sufficient draught to force the boilers from 20 to 30 per cent above their rating: With free-burning bituminous coal, 75 feet; with anthracite of medium and large size, 100 feet: with slow-burning bituminous coal, 120 feet; with anthracite pea coal, 130 feet; with anthracite buckwheat coal, 150 feet. For plants of 700 or 800 horse-power and over, the chimney should not be less than 150 feet high regardless of the kind of coal to be used. SIZE OF CHIMNEYS. The formula given below, and the table calculated therefrom for chim- neys up to 96 in. diameter and 200 ft. high, were first published by the author in 1884 (Trans. A. S. M. E., vi, 81). They have met with much approval since that date by engineers who have used them, and have been frequently published in boiler-makers' catalogues and elsewhere. The table is now extended to cover chimneys up to 12 ft. diameter and 300 ft. high. The sizes corresponding to the given commercial horse-powers are believed to be ample for all cases in which the draught areas through the boiler-flues and connections are sufficient, say not less than 20% greater than the area of the chimney, and in which the draught between the boilers and chimney is not checked by long horizontal passages and right-angled bends. Note that the figures in the table correspond to a coal consumption of 5 Ibs. of coal per horse-power per hour. This liberal allowance is made to cover the contingencies of poor coal being used, and of the boilers being driven beyond their rated capacity. In large plants, with economical boilers and engines, good fuel and other favorable conditions, which will reduce the maximum rate of coal consumption at any one time to less than 5 it per H.P. per hour, the figures in the table may be multiplied by the ratio of 5 to the maximum expected coal consumption per H.P. per hour. Thus, with conditions which make the maximum coal consumption only 2.5 Ibs. per hour, the chimney 300 ft. high X 12 ft. diameter should be sufficient for 6155 X 2 = 12,310 horse-power. The formula is based on the following data: 1. The draught power of the chimney varies as the square root of the height. 2. The retarding of the ascending gases by friction may be considered as equivalent to a diminution of the area of the chimney, or to a lining or the chimney by a layer of gas which has no velocity. The thickness of this lining is assumed to be 2 inches for all chimneys, or the diminution of area equal to the perimeter X 2 inches (neglecting the overlapping ol the corners of the lining). Let D = diameter in feet, A = area, and E = effective area in square feet: 8 D 2 /"~~ For square chimneys, E = D 8 jy "* A ~~ 3 Am For round chimneys, E = ^ (l) 2 - ^j\ = A - 0.591 ^A. i CHIMNEYS. 949 For simplifying calculations, the coefficient of VA may be taken as 0.6 for both square and round chimneys, and the formula becomes E - A - 0.6 VI. 3 The power varies directly as this effective area E. 4. A chimney should be proportioned so as to be capable of giving sufficient draught to cause the boiler to develop much more than its rated power, in case of emergencies, or to cause the combustion of 5 Ibs. of fuel per rated horse-power of boiler per hour. 5 The power of the chimney varying directly as the effective area, /t>.OOaO O < o r^ o ' ' (S CM r^. \O ^ - OO m i> -n- m o sd !>.' O f^ so r^sO O^ m fA t^ r>. o N_ oo O >o (N oo T^mm O f*i OO Sf^r^ O OO in rA t>.r>iOv-- .2 w Q.2 oo -T r^ OfAv tMs(s tnc^ ofsoo-^- oorsjoo -rorgT pt>.r>oQ CHIMNEYS. 951 Velocity of Gas in Chimneys. The velocity of the heated gas, Teased on the chimney porportions given in the table, may be found from the following data: A = Lb. coal per hour = boiler horsepower X 5 ; B = Lb. gas per lb. coal = say 20 Ib.;' C = Cu. ft. of gas per Ib. Of gas = 12.4 X (temp, of gas + 460) -f- 492; -= 25 cu. ft. for 532 F. = 500 cu. ft. per lb. coal; A X B X C 1 V = Velocity of gas. feet per second = chimney area (JqTftT Based on a gas temperature of 532 F., 5 lb. coal per hour per rated H.P., and 20 lb. gas per lb. of coal we have Cu. ft. gas per second per lb. of coal per hour = 0.1389; Cu. ft. gas per second per boiler horse-power = 0.6944; and the velocities in feet per second, based on the effective areas given in the table, corresponding to different heights of chimney are: Height, ft. . Velocity, ft. per sec.. . 50 16 3 60 17 8 70 19 4 80 ?0 7 90 77 100 73 7 110 74 3 125 75 Q 150 78 3 175 30 6 200 3? 7 225 34 7 250 36 6 300 40 1 Chimney Table for Oil Fuel. (C. R. Weymouth, Journal A. S. M.E. t October, 1912.) Conditions: Sea level; atmospheric temperature, 80 F. ; draught at chimney side of damper, 0.30 in. ; excess air, less than 50 % , assumed 50 % for calculations of efficiency and chimney dimensions ; temperature of gases leaving chimney, 500 F. ; boiler efficiency, 73 % ; actual boiler horse-power, 150 per cent of rated; lb. gas per actual boiler H.P.,54.6; height of chimney above pointpf draught measurement. 12 ft. less than tabulated height. When building conditions permit select chimneys of least height in table for minimum cost of chimney. Chimney capacities stated are maximum for continuous load equally divided on all boilers. For large plants or swinging load, reduce capacity 10 to 20%. Breeching 20% in excess of stack area; length not exceed- ing 10 chimney diameters. Size of Chimneys for Oil Fuel Height in Feet above Boiler Room Floor. Area, Sq. ft. 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 120 | 130 140 150 | 160 Actual Horse-power = 1 50 Per cent of Rated. . 1.77 63 75 84 91 96 101 104 108 110 24 3.14 123 148 166| 180 191 201 208 215 221 30 4.91 206 249 280 304 324 340 354 366 377 36 7.07 312 379 427 466 497 523 545 564 58! 42 9.62 443 539 609| 665 711 749 782 810 830 48 12.57 599 729 827 904 967 1,020 1,070 1,110 1,145 54 15.90 779 951 1,080 1,180 1,270 1,340 1,400 1,460 1,500 60 19.64 985 1,200 1,370 1,500 1,610 1,710 1,790 1,860 1,920 66 23.76 1,220 1,490 1,700 1,860 2,000 2,120 2,220 2,310 2,390 72 28.27 1,470 1,810 2,060 2,260 2,430 2,580 2.710 2,820 2,910 78 33.18 1,750 2,150 2,460 2,710 2,910 3,000 3.250 3,380 3,500 84 38.49 2,060 2,530 2,900 3,190 3,440 3,650 3,840 4,000 4,150 96 50.27 2,750 3,390 3,880 4,290 4,630 4,920 5,180 5,400 5,610 108 63.62 3,550 4,380 5,020 5,550 6,000 6,390 6,730 7,030 7,300 120 78.54 4.440 5,490 6,310 6,990 7.560 8,060 8,490 8,890 9,240 132 95.03 5,450 6,740| 7,760 8,600 9,310 9,930 10,500 11,000:11.400 144 113.1 6,550 8,1 20i 9,350 10.400 11,200 12,000 12,700 13.300! 13.800 156 132.7 7,760 9,630 11,100 12, 300 113,400 14,300 15,100 15.800 16,500 168 153.9 9,060 I1,300;i3,000 14.400 15.700 16,800 17,700 18,600 19.400 180 176.7 10.500 13,000 15.100 16,700 18,200 19,50020,600 21,60022,600 In using the above table it must be noted that the conditions upon which it is based are aU fairly good. With unskilful handling of oil 952 CHIMNEYS. fuel the excess air is apt to be much more than 50% and the efficiency much less than 73%. In that case the actual horse-power developed by a given size of chimney may be much less than the figure given in the table DRAUGHT OF CHIMNEYS 100 FT. HIGH OIL FUEL. Temp. "of gases enter- ing chimney 300 400 500 600 700 Net chimney draught, inches of water f 60 F. 0.367 0.460 0.534 0.593 0.642 Temp, of outside air. \ 80 0.325 0.417 0.490 0.550 0.599 [100 0.284 0.377 0.451 0.510 0.559 . The net draught is the theoretical draught due to the difference in weight of atmospheric air and chimney gases at the stated temperatures, multiplied by a coefficient, 0.95, for temperature drop in stack, and by 6/6 as a correction for friction. For high altitudes the draught varies directly as the normal barometer. For other heights than 100 feet (measured above the level of entrance of the gases) the draught varies as the square root of the height. Chimneys with Forced Draught. When natural, or chimney, draught only is used, the function of the chimney is 1, to produce such a dif- ference of pressure, or intensity of draught, between the bottom of the chimney and the ash-pit as will cause the flow of the required quantity of air through the grate-bars and the fuel bed, and the flow of the gases of combustion through the gas passages, the damper and the breeching; ai^d 2, to convey the gases above the tops of surrounding buildings and to such a height that they will not become a nuisance. With forced draught the blower produces the difference of pressure, and the only use of the chimney is that of conveying the gases to a place where they will cause no inconvenience; and in that case the height of the chimney may ")e much less than that of a chimney for natural draught. With oil or natural gas for fuel, the resistance of the grates and of the Aiiel bed is eliminated, and the height of the chimney may be much less than that of one desired for coal firing. When oil or gas is substituted for coal, and the chimney is a high one, it may be necessary to restrict its draught power by a damper or other means, in order to prevent its creating too greata negative pressure in the furnace and thereby too great an admission of air, which will cause a decrease in efficiency. The Largest Chimney in the World, in 1908, is that of the Montana smelter, at Great Falls, Mont. Height 506 ft. Internal diam. at top 50 ft. Built of Custodis radial brick. Designed to remove 4,000,000 cu. ft. of gases per minute at an average temperature of 600 F. Erected on top of a hill 500 ft. above the city, and 246 ft. above the floor of the fur- naces, which are about 2000 ft. distant. Designed for a wind pressure of 331/3 IDS. per sq. ft. of projected area; bearing pressure limited to 21 tons per sq. ft. at any section. Foundation: 111 ft. max. diam., 221/2 ft. deep; bearing pressure on bottom (shale rock) 4.83 tons per sq. ft.; octagonal outside, 103 ft. across at bottom, 81 ft. at top. with inner circular open- ing 47 ft.- diam. at bottom, 64 ft. at top; made of 1 cement, 3 sand, 5 crushed slag. Four flue openings in the base, each 15 ft. wide, 36 ft. high. The stack proper consists of an octagonal base, 46 ft. in height, which has a taper of 8%, and above this a circular barrel, the first 180 ft. above the base having a taper of 7%, the next 100 ft. of 4%, and the remaining 180 ft. to the cap 2%. The chimney wall varies from 66 in. at the base to 181/8 in. at the top by uniform decrements of 2 in. per section, excepting at the section imme- diately above the top of the base, where the thickness decreases from 60 in. to 54 in. The outside diameters of the stack are 781/2 ft. at the base, 53 ft. 9 in. at the base of the cap; the inside diameters range from 661/2 ft. at the foundation line to 50 ft. at the top. The chimney is lined with 4- inch acid-proof brick, laid in sections carried on corbels from the main shell. A description of the methods of design and of erection of the Great Falls chimney is given in Eng. Rec.> Nov. 28, 1908. CHIMNEYS. Some Tall Brick Chimneys (1895). 953 i Outside Diameter. Capacity by the Author's Formula. 5 Pounds 9 g H. P. Coal I- o G t i 3 tt D, per Hour. 1. Hallsbruekner Hfltte, Saxony 460 15 7' 33' 16' 13 221 66,105 2 Townsend's Glasgow 454 32 3. Tennant's, Glasgow 4. Dobson & Barlow, Bol- 435 13' 6" 40 9,795 48,975 ton ling 367 1/2 13' 2" 33' 10" 8,245 41,225 5. Fall River Iron Co., Bos- 350 11 30 21 5,558 27,790 6. Clark Thread Co., New- ark N J 335 11 28' 6" 14 5,435 27,175 7. Merrimac Mills, Lowell, Mass 282' 9" 12 5,980 29,900 8. Washington Mills, Law- 250 10 3,839 19,195 9. Amoskeag Mills, Man- chester N H 250 10 3,839 19,195 10. Narragansett E. L. Co., 238 14 7,515 37,575 1 1 . Lower Pacific Mills, Law- rence Mass 214 8 2,248 11,240 12. Passaic Print Works, 200 9 2,771 13,855 13. Edison Station Brooklyn, Two each . . . 150 50" x 120" each 1,541 7,705 NOTES ON THE ABOVE CHIMNEYS. 1. This chimney is situated near Freiberg at an elevation of 219 ft. above that of the foundry works, so that its total height above the sea will be 7113/ 4 ft. The furnace-gases are conveyed across river to the chimney on a bridge, through a pipe 3227 ft. long. It is built of brick, and cost about $40,000. Mfr. & Bldr. 2. Owing to the fact that it was struck by lightning, and somewhat damaged, as a precautionary measure a copper extension subsequently was added to it, making its entire height 488 feet. 1, 2, 3, and 4 were built of these great heights to remove deleterious gases from the neighborhood, as well as for draught for boilers. 5 The structure rests on a solid granite foundation, 55 X 30 feet, and 16 feet deep. In its construction there were used 1,700,000 bricks, 2000 tons of stone, 2000 barrels of mortar, 1000 loads of sand, 1000 barrels of Portland cement, and the estimated cost is $40,000. It is arranged for two flues, 9 feet 6 inches by 6 feet, connecting with 40 boilers, which are to be run in connection with four triple-expansion engines of 1350 horse- power each. 6. It has a uniform batter of 2.85 ins. to every 10 ft. Designed for 21 boilers of 200 H.P. each. It is surmounted by a cast-iron coping which weighs six tons, and is composed of 32 sections bolted together by inside flanges so as to present a smooth exterior. The foundation is 40 ft. square and 5 ft. deep. Two qualities of brickf were used; the outer portions were of the first quality North River, and the backing up was of good quality New Jersey brick. Every twenty feet in vertical measurement an iron ring, 4 ins. wide and 3/ 4 to 1/2 in. thick, placed edge- wise, was built into the walls about 8 ins. from the outer circle As the chimney starts from the base it is double. The outer wall is 5 ft. 2 ins. in thickness, and inside of this is a second wall 20 ins. thick arid spaced 954 CHIMNEYS. off about 20 ins. from main wall. From the interior surface of the main wall eight buttresses are carried, nearly touching this inner or main flue wall in order to keep it in line should it tend to sag. The interior wall, starting with the thickness described, is gradually reduced until a height of about 90 ft. is reached, when it is diminished to 8 inches.^. At 165 ft. it ceases, and the rest of the chimney is without lining. The total weight of the chimney and foundation is 5000 tons. It was completed in Sep- tember, 1888. 7. Connected to 12 boilers, with 1200 sq. ft. of grate. Draught 1 9/i 6 ins. 8. Connected to 8 boilers, 6 ft. 8 in. diam. X 18 ft. Grate 448 sq. ft. 9. Connected to 64 Manning vertical boilers, total grate surface 1810 sq. ft. Designed to burn 18,000 Hxs. anthracite per hour. 10. Designed for 12,000 H.P. of engines; (compound condensing). 11. Grate-surface 434 square feet; H.P. of boilers about 2500. 13. Eight boilers (water-tube) each 450 H.P.; 12 engines, each 300 H.P. For the first 60 feet the exterior wall is 28 ins. thick, then 24 ins. for 20 ft., 20 ins. for 30 ft., 16 ins. for 20 ft., and 12 ins. for 20 ft. The inte- rior wall is 9 ins. thick of fire-brick for 50 ft., and then 8 ins. thick of red brick for the next 30 ft. Illustrated in Iron Age, Jan. 2, 1890. A number of the above chimneys are illustrated in Power, Dec., 1890. More Recent Brick Chimneys (1909). Heller & Merz Co., Newark, N. J. 350 ft. high, inside diam., 8 ft. Outside diam., top 9 ft. 10 1/4 in., bottom 27 ft. 61/2 in. Outside taper 5.2 in 100. Outer shell 7Vs in. at the top, 38 in. at the bottom. Custodis radial brick laid in mortar of 1 cement, 2 lime, 5 sand. The changes in thickness are made by 2-in. offsets on the inside every 20 ft. Iron band 3 1/2 X 5 /i6 in., three courses below the top. Lined with 4 in. of special brick to resist acids. The lining is sectional, being carried on corbels projecting from the shell every 20 ft. An air space of 2 ins. is left between the lining and the shell. The lining bricks are laid in a mortar made of silicate of soda and white asbestos wool, tempered to the consistency of fire-clay mortar. This mortar is acid-proof, and its binding power, which is considerable in comparison to that of fire-clay mortar, is unaffected by temperatures up to 2000 F. (Eng. News, Feb. 15, 1906.) Supported on 324 piles driven 60 ft. to solid rock, and covering an area 45 ft. square. Total cost $32,000. The standard Custodis radial brick is 4*/2 in. thick and 6 1/2 in. wide; radial lengths are 4, 51/2, 7i/s, 85/s and 105/sins. The smallest size has six vertical perforations, 1 in. square, and the largest fifteen. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Height 366 ft.; internal diam. at top 9 ft. 10 ins., at bottom 20 ft. 10 ins.; outside diam., top 11 ft., bottom 27 ft. 10 ins. Radial brick, with 4-in. acid-resisting brick lining. Some notable tall chimneys built by the Alphonse Custodis Chimney Construction Co. are: Dolgeville, N. Y., 6 X 175 ft.; Camden, N. J., 7 X 210 ft.; Newark, N. J., 8 X 350 ft.; Rochester, N. Y., 9 X 366 ft.; Constable Hook, N. J., 10 X 365 ft.; Providence. R. I.. 16 X 308 ft.: Garfield. Utah. 30 X 300 ft. ; Great Falls Mont., 50 X 506 ft. Interior Stack of the Equitable Building, New York City (Eng. News, Nov. 12, 1914). The stack is 11 ft. outside diam., 596 ft. high, made of steel plates 5/16 in. thick. It is supported on the. steelwork of the building at every other story. It has a 2-in. lining of J. & M. Vitribestos, alternate layers of plain and corrugated asbestos board coated with a supposedly vitrified compound. The rated H.P. of this chimney, taking 10 ft. 7 in. as the inside diameter, is 6710, equivalent to the burning of 33,550 Ib. of coal per hour. Stability of Chimneys. Chimneys must be designed to resist the maximum force of the wind in the locality in which they are built. A general rule for diameter of base of brick chimneys, approved by many years of practice in England and the United States, is to make the diam- eter of the base one-tenth of the height. If the chimney is square of rectangular, make the diameter of the inscribed circle of the base one- tenth of the height. The "batter" or taper of a chimney should be from I/in to 1/4 inch to the foot on each side. The brickwork should be one brick (8 or 9 inches) thick for the first 25 feet from the top, increasing 1/2 brick (4 or 41/2 inches) for each 25 feet from the top downwards, the inside diameter exceeds 5 feet, the top length should be 11/2 bricks; and if under 3 teet. it may be 1/2 brick for ten feet.. (From The Locomotive, 1884 ami 1886.) For chimneys of four feet in STABILITY OF CHIMNEYS. 955 diameter and one hundred feet high, and upwards, the best form is cir- cular witn a straignt oatter on me outside. Chimneys of any considerable height are not built up of uniform thickness from top to bottom, nor with a uniformly varying thickness of wall, but the wall, heaviest of course at the base, is reduced by a series of steps. Where practicable the load on a chimney foundation should not exceed two tons per square foot in compact sand, gravel, or loam. Where a solid rock-bottom is available for foundation, the load may be greatly increased. If the rock is sloping, all unsound portions should be removed, and the face dressed to a series of horiz9ntal steps, so that there shall IDO no tendency to slide after the structure is finished. All boiler-chimneys of any C9nsiderable size should consist of an outer stack of sufficient strength to give stability to the structure, and an inner stack or core independent of the outer one. This core is by many engineers extended up to a height of but 50 or 60 feet from the base of the chimney, but the better practice is to run it up the whole height of the chimney: it may be stopped off, say, a couple of feet below the top, and the outer shell contracted to the area of the core, but the better way is to run it up to about 8 or 12 inches of the top and not C9ntract the outer shell. But under no circumstances should the core at its upper end be built into or connected with the outer stack. This has been done in several instances by bricklayers, and the result has been the expansion of the inner core which lifted the top of the outer stack squarely up arid cracked, the brick- work. For a height of 100 feet we would make the outer shell in three steps, the first 20 feet high, 16 inches thick, the second 30 feet high, 12 inches thick, the third 50 feet high and 8 inches thick. These are the minimum thicknesses admissible for chimneys of this height, and the batter should be not less than 1 in 36 to give stability. The core should also be built In three steps, each of which may be about one-third the height of tha chimney, the lowest 12 inches, the middle 8 inches, and the upper step 4 inches thick. This will insure a good sound core. The top of a chimney may be protected by a cast-iron cap; or perhaps a cheaper and equally good plan is to lay the ornamental part in some good cement, and plaster the top with the same material. C. L. Hubbard (Am. Electrician, Mar., 1904) says: The following approximate method may be used for determining the thickness of walls. If the inside diameter at the tpp is less than 3 ft. the walls may be 4 ins. thick for the first 10 ft., and increased 4 ins. for each 25 ft. downward. If the inside diameter is more than 3 ft. and less than 5 ft., begin with a wall 8 ins. thick, increasing 4 ins. for each 25 ft. downward. If the diam- eter is over 5 ft., begin with a 12-in. wall, increasing below the first 10 ft. as before. The lining or core may be 4 ins. thick for the first 20 ft. from the top, 8 ins. for the next 30 ft., 12 ins. for the next 40 ft., 16 ins. for the next 50 ft., and 20 ins. for the next 50 ft. .Using this method for an outer wall 200 ft. high and assuming a cubic foot of brickwork to weigh 130 Ibs., it gives a maximum pressure of 8.2 tons per sq. ft. of section at the base; while a lining 190 ft. high would have a maximum pressure of 8.6 tons per sq. ft. The safe load for brickwork may be taken at from 8 to 10 tons per sq. ft., although the strength of best pressed brick will run much higher. James B. Francis, in a report to the Lawrence Mfg. Co. in 1873 (Eng. News, Aug. 28, 1880), concerning the probable effects of wind on that company's chimney as then constructed, says: The stability of the chimney to resist the force of the wind depends mainly on the weight of its outer shell, and the width of its base. The cohesion of the mortar may add considerably to its strength; but it is too uncertain to be relied upon. The inner shell will add a little to the stability, but it may be cracked by the heat, and its beneficial effect, if any, is too uncertain to be taken into account. The effect of the joint action of the vertical pressure due to the weight of the chimney, and the horizontal pressure due to the force of the wind is to shift the center of pressure at the base of the chimney, from the axis toward one side, the extent of the shifting depending on the relative magnitude of the two forces. If the center of pressure is brought too near the side of the chimney, it will crush the brickwork ou that side, and the 955 CHIMNEYS. chimney will fall. A line drawn through the center of pressure, perpen- dicular to the direction of the wind, must leave an area of brickwork between it and the side of the chimney, sufficient to support half the weight of the chimney: the other half of the weight being supported by the brick- work on the windward side of the line. Different experimenters on the strength of brickwork give very different results. Kirkaldy found the weights which caused several kinds of bricks, laid in hydraulic lime mortar and in Roman and Portland cements, to fail slightly, to vary from 19 to 60 tons (of 2000 Ibs.) per sq. ft. If we take in this case 25 tons per sq. ft. as the weight that would cause it to begin to fail, we shall not err greatly. Rankine, in a paper printed in the transactions of the Institution of Engineers, in Scotland, for 1867-68, says: "It had previously been ascer- tained by observation of the success and failure of actual chimneys, and especially of those which respectively stood and fell during the violent storms of 1856, that, in order that a round chimney may be sufficiently stable, its weight should be such that a pressure of wind, of about 55 Ibs. per sq. ft. of a plane surface, directly facing the wind, or 27V2 Ibs. per sq. ft.' of the plane projection of a cylindrical surface, . . . shall not cause the resultant pressure at any bed-joint to deviate from the axis of the chimney by more than one-quarter of the outside diameter at that joint." Steel Chimneys are largely used, especially for tall chimneys of iron- works, from 150 to 300 feet in height. The advantages claimed are: greater strength and safety; smaller space required; smaller cost, by 30 to 50 per cent, as compared with brick chimneys; avoidance of infiltra- tion of air and consequent checking of the draught, common in brick chimneys. They are usually made cylindrical in shape, with a wide curved flare for 10 to 25 feet at the bottom. A heavy cast-iron base-plate is provided, to which the chimney is riveted, and the plate is secured to a massive foundation by holding-down bolts. No guys are used. Design of Self-supporting Steel Chimneys. John D. Adams (Eng. News, July 20, 1905) .gives a very full discussion of the design of steel chimneys, from which the following is adapted. The bell-shaped bottom of the chimney is assumed to occupy one-seventh of the total height, and the point of maximum strain is taken to be at the top of this bell portion. Let D = diam. in inches, H = height in feet, T = thickness in inches, S = safe tensile stress, Ibs. per sq. in. The general formula for moment of resistance of a hollow cylinder is M = 1/32 it (D*- Z)i 4 ) S/D. When the thickness is a small fraction of the diameter this becomes approxi- mately M = 0.7854 D Z TS. With steel plate of 60,000 Ibs. tensile strength, riveting of 0.6 efficiency, and a factor of safety of 4, we have S = 9000 pounds per sq. in., and the safe moment of resistance = 7070 D Z T. The effect of the wind upon a cylinder is equal to the wind pressure multiplied by one-half the diametral plane, and taking the maximum wind pressure at 50 Ibs. per sq. ft., we get Total wind pressure = 50 X 1/12 D X 1/2 X */iR = 25 DH/14. The distance of the center of pressure above the top of the bell por- tion = 3/7 H, multiplied by the total wind pressure, gives us the bend- ing moment due to the wind, inch-pounds, 25 DH/14 X 8/7 H X 12 = 9.184 DH*. Equating the bending and the resisting moment we have T = 0.0013 With this formula the maximum thickness of plates was calculated for different sizes of chimneys, as given in the table on p. 957. In tlie above formula, no attention has been paid to the weight of the steel in the stack above the bell portion, which weight has a tendency to decrease the tension on the windward side and increase the com- pression on the ieeward side of the stack. A column of steel 150 ft. high would exert a pressure of approximately 500 Ib. per sq. in., which, with steel of 60,000 Ib. tensile strength, is less than 1 % of the ultimate strength, and may safely be neglected. From the table'it appears that a chimney 12 X 120 ft. requires, as far as fracture by bending of a tubular section is concerned, a thickness of but little over i/g in. In designing a stack of such extreme proportions SIZE OF CHIMNEYS. 057 as 12 X 120 ft., there are other factors besides bending to take Into con- sideration that ordinarily could be neglected. For instance, such a stack should be provided with stiffening angles, or else made heavier, to guard against lateral flattening. Ordinarily, however, the strength of the chimney determined as a tubular section will be the prime factor in deter- mining the maximum thickness of plates. THICKNESS OP BASE-RING PLATES OF SELF-SUPPORTING STEEL STACKS. For normal wind pressure of 50 Ibs. per sq. ft. on half the diametral plane Diameter of Stack in feet. Sl > 5 4 5 6 7 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 11 12 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 0.152 0.198 0.224 0.310 0.375 0.446 0.523 0.607 0.696 .133 .182 .219 .271 328 .390 .458 .531 .609 .693 .106 .139 .175 .217 .262 .312 .366 .425 .487 .555 .626 .702 1 ... .116 .146 .181 .218 .260 .305 .354 .406 .462 .522 '.585 .652 -.099 .125 .155 .187 .223 .262 .303 .348 .396 .447 .501 .559 .620 .682 .111 .135 .164 .195 .228 .265 .305 .346 .391 .439 .489 .542 .596 .655 .717 .127 .154 .183 .215 .250 .286 .326 .368 .413 .460 .510 .562 .617 .674 .734 .120 .146 .173 .203 .236 .271 .308 .348 .390 .434 .481 .531 .582 .637 .693 .752 .138 .164 .193 .223 .257 .292 .330 .370 .411 .456 .503 .552 .603 .657 .713 .131 .156 .183 .212 .244 .277 .313 .351 .391 .433 .478 .524 .573 .624 .677 .119 .142 .166 .193 .222 .252 .285 .319 .356 .394 .434 .476 .521 .567 .615 'J30' .153 .180 .203 .231 .261 .293 .326 .361 .398 .437 .477 .520 .564 Foundation. Neglecting the increase of wind area due to the flare at the base of the chimney, which has but a very small turning effect, if all dimensions be taken in feet, we have Total wind pressure = i/ 2 D X H X 50 = 25 DH; lever-arm =* l/ 2 H; hence, turning moment = 12.5 DH 2 . Let d = diameter and h = height of foundation. For average con- ditions h =s 0.4 d, then volume of foundation = 0.7854 d z h, and for concrete at 150 Ibs. per cu. ft., weight of foundation = W = 0.7854 d*h X 150 = 47.124 d>. The stability of the foundation or the tendency to resist overturning is equal to the weight of the foundation multiplied by its radius or 1/2 Wd = 23.562 d*. Applying a factor of safety of 21/2, which is indicated by current practice, gives safe stability = 9.425 d 4 . Equating this to the overturning moment we obtain d= 1.07 <\JDH 2 , in which all dimensions are in feet. Anchor-bolts. The holding power of the bolts depends on three factors: the number of bolts, the diameter of the bolt circle, and the diameter of the bolts. The number of bolts is largely conventional and may ^e selected so as not to necessitate bolts of too large a diameter. The diameter of the bolt circle is also more or less arbitrary. The bolts will be stretched and therefore strained, in proportion to their distance from the ttxis of turning, assuming, as we must, that the cast-iron ring at the base of the chimney is rigid. The leverage at which any bolt acts is also directly proportional to its distance from the axis of turning. Therefore, since the effectiveness of any one bolt, as regards overturning, depends upon the strain in that bolt, multiplied by its leverage, it is evident that the effectiveness of any bolt varies as the square of its distance from the axis of turning. If we lay out, say, 12 or 24 bolts equidistant on a circle and :,dd all the squares of these distances, we will find that we may con- sider the total as though the bolts were all placed at a distance of 3/ 8 the diameter of the bolt circle from the axis of turning, which is the tan- gent to the bolt circle. Let & SB diameter of bolt in inches, n = number of bolts, diameter 958 CHIMNEYS. of bolt circle Take safe working stress at 8000 pounds per sq. inch. Then resistance to overturning^ = 0.7854 b 2 X 8000 X 2/ 3 d x 3/ 8 X N = 6283 b*Nd/4. Equating this to the turning moment, 12.5 DH*, gives v = 0.0257 H\/^7~d for 12 bolts, 0.0222 H\/D/d for 18 bolts, and 0.0182 H VD/d for 24 bolts. Reinforced Concrete Chimneys began extensively to come into use in the United States in 1901. Some hundreds of them are now (1909) in use. The following description of the method of construction of these chimneys is condensed from a circular of the Weber Chimney Co., Chicago. The foundation is comparatively light and made of concrete, consisting of 1 cement, 3 sand, and 5 gravel or macadam. The steel reenforcement consists of two networks usually made of T steel of small size. The bars for the lower network are placed diagonally and the bars for the second network (about 4 to 6 ins. above .the first one) run parallel to the sides. The vertical bars, forming the reenforcement of the chimney itself, also go down into the foundation and a number of these bars are bent in order to secure an anchorage for the chimney. f The chimney shaft consists of two parts, the lower double shell and the single shell above, which are united at the offset. The inside shell is usually 4 ins. thick, while the thickness of the outer shell depends on the height and varies from 6 to 12 ins. The single shell is from 4 to 10 ins. thick. The height of the double shell depends upon the purpose of the chimney, nature and heat of the gases, etc. Between the two shells in the lower part there is a circular air space 4 ins. in width. An expansion joint is provided where the two shells unite. The concrete above the ground level consists of one part Portland cement and three parts of sand. No gravel or macadam is used. The bending forces caused by wind pressure are taken up by the vertical steel reenforcement. The resistance of the concrete itself against tension is not considered in calculation. The vertical T bars are from 1 X 1 X Vs to 1 1/ 2 XI 1/2 X 1/2 in., the weight and number depending upon the dimensions of the chimney. The bars are from 16 to 30 ft. long and overlap .not less than 24 ins. They are placed at regular intervals of 18 ins. and encircled by steel rings bent to the desired circle. The following is a list of some of the tallest concrete chimneys that have been built of their respective diameters: Butte, Mont., 350 X 18 ft.; Seattle, Wash., 278 X 17 ft.; Portland, Ore., 230 X 12 ft.; Lawrence, Mass., 250 X 11 ft.; Cincinnati, Ohio, 200 X 10 ft.; Worcester, Mass, 220 X 9 ft.; Atlanta, Ga., 225 X 8 ft.; Chicago. 175 X 7 ft.; Rockville, Conn., 175 X 6 ft.; Seymour, Ind., 150 X 5 ft.; lola, Kans., 143 X 4 ft.; St. Louis, Mo., 130 X 3 ft. 4 in.; Dayton, Ohio, 94 X 3 ft. Sizes of Foundations for Steel Chimneys. (Selected from circular of Phila. Engineering Works.) HALF-LINED CHIMNEYS. Diameter, clear, feet 3456 Height, feet 100 100 150 150 Least diam. foundation.. 15'9" 16' 4" 20'4" 21'10' Least depth foundation.. 6' 6' 9' Height, feet 125 200 200 Least diam. foundation 18'5" 23'8" 25' Least depth foundation 7' Weight of Sheet-iron Smoke-stacks per Foot (Porter Mfg. Co.) 150 22'7" 9' 250 29'8" 12' 9 150 23'8" 10' 275 33'6" 12' 11 150^ 10' 300 36' 14' Diam. inches. Thick- ness. W. G. Weight per ft. Diam. inches. Thick- ness. W. G. Weight per ft. Diam. inches. Thick- ness. W. G. Weight per ft. 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 No. 16 7.20 8.66 9.58 11.68 13.75 15.00 16.25 26 28 30 10 12 14 16 No ; 16 No 14 17.50 18.75 20.00 9.40 11.11 13.69 15.00 20 22 24 26 28 30 No ; 14 18.33 20.00 21.66 23.33 25.00 26.66 : --^.^m THE STEAM ENGINE. 959 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Expansion of Steam. Isothermal and Adiabatic. According to Mariotte's law, the volume of a perfect gas, the temperature being kept constant, varies inversely as its pressure, or p i/v; pv = a constant. The curve constructed from this formula is called the isothermal curve, or curve of equal temperatures, and is a common or rectangular hyperbola. The expansion of steam in an engine is not isothermal, since the temper- ature decreases with increase of volume, but its expansion curve approxi- mates the curve of pv = a constant. The relation of the pressure and volume of saturated steam, as deduced from Regnault's experiments, and as given in steam tables, is approximately, according to Rankine (S. E., p. 403), for pressures not exceeding 120 Ibs., p cc 1/vii, or p oc -y~is or pv^ = pfli-0626a constant. Zeuner has found that the exponent 1.0646 gives a closer approximation. When steam expands in a closed cylinder, as in an engine, according to Rankine (S. E., p. 385), the approximate law of the expansion is p oc 1/vV*. orpc-y~9' or pv l ' m = a constant. The curve constructed from this formula is called the adiabatic curve, or curve of no transmission of heat. Peabody (Therm., p. 112) says: "It is probable that this equation was obtained by comparing the expansion lines on a large number of indicator- diagrams. . . . There does not appear to be any good reason for using an exponential equation in this connection, . . . and the action of a lagged steam-engine cylinder is far from being adiabatic. . . . For general pur- poses the hyperbola is the best curve for comparison with the expansion curve of an indicator-card. ..." Wolff and Denton, Trans. A. S. M. E. t ii, 175, say: " From a number of cards examined from a variety of steam- engines in current use, we find that the actual expansion line varies between the 10/9 adiabatic curve and the Mariotte curve." Prof. Thurston (Trans. A.S. M. E.,i\, 203) says he doubts if the exponent ever becomes the same in any two engines, or even in the same engine at different times of the day and under varying conditions of the day. Expansion of Steam according to Mariotte's Law and to the Adiabatic Law. (Trans. A. S. M. E., ii, 156.) Mariotte's law pv = vn 1 PIVI; values calculated from formula = -5 (1 + hyp log R), in which Pi K R = vn, even with the best work, the results are liable to variable errors lich may amount to 2 or 3 per cent. See Barrus, Trans. A. S. M. E., 310; Denton, Trans. A. S. M. E., xi, 329; David Smith, U. S. N., Proc. *'g Congress, 1893, Marine Division. . ther errors of indicator diagrams are those due to inaccuracy of the straight-line motion of the indicator, to the incorrect design or position of the "rig" or reducing motion, to long pipes between the indicator and the engine, to throttling of these pipes, to friction or lost motion in the indicator mechanism, and to drum-motion distortion. For discussion of the last named see Power, April, 1909. For methods of testing indicators, see paper by D. S. Jacobus, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1898. Indicator "Rigs," or Reducing-motions; Interpretation of Diagrams for Errors of Steam-distribution, etc. For these see circulars of manu- facturers of Indicators; also works on the Indicator. Pendulum Indicator Rig. Power (Feb., 1893) gives a graphical representation of the errors in indicator-diagrams, caused by the use of incorrect forms of the pendulum rigging. It is shown that the "brumbo" pulley on the pendulum, to which the cord is attached, does not generally give as good a reduction as a simple pin attachment. When the end of the pendulum is slotted, working in a pin on the crosshead, the error is apt to be con- siderable at both ends of the card. With a vertical slot in a plate fixed to the cross- head, and a pin on the pendulum working in this slot, the reduction is perfect, when the cord is attached to a pin on the pendulum, a slight error being introduced if the brumbo pulley is used. With the connection be- tween the pendulum and the crosshead made by means of a horizontal link, the reduction whk 1 strai FIG. 163. is nearly perfect, if the construction is such that the connecting link vibrates equally above and below the horizontal, and the cord is attached by a pin. If the link is horizontal at mid-stroke a serious error is intro- duced, which is magnified if a brumbo pulley also is used. The adjoin- ing figures show the two forms recommended. The Manograph, for indicating engines of very high speed, invented by Prof. Hospitalier, is described by Howard Greene in Power, June, 1907. It is made by Carpentier, of Paris. A small mirror is tilted upward and downward by a diaphragm which responds to the pressure variations in the cylinder, and the same mirror is rocked from side to side by a reducing mechanism which is geared to the engine and reproduces the reciprocations D70 fHE STEAM-ENGINE. of the engine piston on a smaller scale. A beam of light is reflected by the mirror to the ground-glass screen, and this beam, by the oscillations of the mirror, is made to traverse a path corresponding to that of the pencil point of an ordinary indicator. The diagram, therefore, is made continuously but varies with varying conditions in the cylinder. A plate-holder carrying a photographic dry plate can be substituted for the ground -glass screen, and the diagram photographed, the exposure required varying from half a second to three seconds. By the use of special diaphragms and springs the effects of low pressures and vacuums can be magnified, and thus the instrument can be made to show with remarkable clearness the action of the valves of a gas engine on the suction and exhaust strokes. The Lea Continuous Recorder, for recording the steam consumption of an engine, is described by W. H. Booth in Power, Aug. 31, 1909. It comprises a tank into which flows the condensed steam from a condenser, a triangular notch through which the water flows from the tank, and a mechanical device through which the variations in the level of the water In the tank are translated into the motion of a pencil, which motion is made proportionate to the quantity flowing, and is recorded on paper moved by clockwork. INDICATED HORSE-POWER OF ENGINES, SINGLE-CYLINDER. Indicated Horse-power, I.H.P. = , oo,000 in which P = mean effective pressure in Ibs. per sq. in.; L = length of stroke in feet; a = area of piston in square inches. For accuracy, one half of the sectional area of the piston-rod must be subtracted from the area of the piston if the rod passes through one head, or the whole area of the rod if it passes through both heads; n = No. of single strokes per min. 2 X No. of revolutions of a double-acting engine. n~ r> I.H.P. =^-7:7^ in which *S = piston speed in feet per minute. 00,000 I.H.P. = = = - 0000238 PLd*n = 0.0000238 P&S, In which d = diam. of cyl. in inches. (The figures 238 are exact, since 7854 * 33 = 23.8 exactly.) If product of piston-speed X mean effec- tive pressure = 42,017, then the horse-power would equal the square of the diameter in inches. Handy Rule for Estimating the Horse-power of a Single-cylinder Engine. Square the diameter and divide by 2. This is correct whenever the product of the mean effective pressure and the piston-speed = 1/2 of 42,017, or, say, 21,000, viz., when M.E.P. = 30 and S = 700; when M.E.P. = 35 and S = 600; when M.E.P. = 38.2 and S = 550; and when M.E.P. = 42 and S = 500. These conditions correspond to those of ordinary practice with both Corliss engines and shaft-governor high-speed engines. Given Horse-power, Mean Effective Pressure, and Piston-speed, to find Size of Cylinder. , .. ^. , ./I.H. Area = -- - - Diameter = 205 y ps 33,000 X I.H.P ^. , ./I.H.P. -- - - = Brake Horse-power is the actual horse-power of the engine as measured at the fly-wheel by a friction-brake or dynamometer. It is the indicated horse-power minus the friction of the engine. Electrical Horse-power is the power in an electric current, usually measured in kilowatts, translated into horse-power. 1 H.P. = 33,000 ft. Ibs. per min.; 1 K.W.= 1.3405 H.P.; 1 H.P. = 0.746 kilowatts, or 746 watts. EXAMPLE. A 100-H.P. engine, with a friction loss of 10% at rated load, drives a generator whose efficiency is 90%, furnishing current to a motor of 90% effy., through a line whose loss is 5%. I.H.P. = B.H.P. = 90; E.H.P. at generator 81, at end of line 76.95. H.P, delivered by motor 69.26. INDICATED HORSE-POWER OP ENGINES. 971 Table for Roughly Approximating the Horse-power of a Com- pound Engine from the Diameter of its Low-pressure Cylinder. The indicated horse-power of an engine being 42 017' in which P=* mean effective pressure per sq. in., s = piston-speed 'in ft. per min., and d = diam. of cylinder in inches; if s = 600 ft. per min., which is approxi- mately the speed of modern stationary engines, and P = 35 Ibs., which is an approximately average figure, for the M.E.P. of single-cylinder engines, and of compound engines referred to the low-pressure cylinder, then I.H.P. = i/2^ 2 ; hence the rough-and-ready rule for horse-power given above: Square the diameter in inches and divide by 2. This applies to triple and quadruple expansion engines as well as to single cylinder and compound. For most economical loading, the M.E.P. referred to the low-pressure cylinder of compound engines is usually not greater than that of simple engines; for the greater economy is obtained by a greater number of expansions of steam of higher pressures, and the greater the number of expansions for a given initial pressure the lower the mean effective pressure. The following table gives approximately the figures of mean total and effective pressures for the different types of engines, together with the factor by which the square of the diameter is to be multiplied to obtain the horse-power at most economical loading, for a piston-speed of 600 ft. per minute. Type of Engine. - d H o SB'S Ill mi 53 O> US o> X Non-condensing. Single Cylinder . . Compound 100 120 5. 7 5 20 16 0.522 402 52.2 48 2 15.5 15.5 36.7 32.7 600 0.524 467 Triple 160 10. 16 .330 52.8 15.5 37.3 n .533 Quadruple 200 12.5 16 .282 56.4 15.5 40.9 " .584 Condensing Engines. Single Cylinder.. Compound 100 120 10. 15 10 8 0.330 247 33.0 29 6 2 2 31.0 27 6 600 0.443 390 Triple 160 20. 8 .200 32.0 2 30 M .429 Quadruple 200 25. 8 .169 33.8 2 31.8 " .454 For any other piston-speed than 600 ft. per min., multiply the figurei in the last column by the ratio of the piston-speed to 600 ft. Horse-power Constant of a given Engine for a Fixed Speed product of its area of piston in square inches, length of stroke in feet and number of single strokes per minute divided by 33,000, or ' oo.UUU C. The product of the mean effective pressure as found by the dia- gram and this constant is the indicated horse-power. Horse-power Constant of any Engine of a given Diameter of Cylinder, whatever the length of stroke, = area of piston -H 33,000 = square of the diameter of piston in inches X 0.0000238. A table of constants derived from this formula is given on page 973. The constant multiplied by the piston-speed in feet per minute and by the M.E.P. gives the I.H.P. Table of Engine Constants for Use in Figuring Horse-power. "Horse-power constant" for cylinders from 1 inch to 60 inches in diam- eter, advancing by 8ths. for one foot of piston-speed per minute and one pound of M.E.P. Find the diameter of the cylinder in the column -at the side. If the diameter contains no fraction the constant will be found in the column headed Even Inches. If the diameter is not in even inches, follow the line horizontally to the column corresponding to the required fraction. The constants multiplied by the piston-speed and by the M.E.P. give the horse-power. "972 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Engine Constants, Constant X Piston Speed X M.E.P. *=H.P. Diam.o Cylin- der. Even Inches. + 1/8 + 1/4 + 3/8 + 1/2 + 5/8 + 3/4 + 7/8 1 .0000238 .0000301 .0000372 .0000450 .0000535 .0000628 .0000729 .0000837 2 .0000952 .0001074 .0001205 .0001342 .0001487 .0001640 .0001800 .0001967 3 .0002142 .0002324 .0002514 .0002711 .0002915 .0003127 .0003347 .0003574 4 .0003808 .0004050 .0004299 .0004554 .0004819 .0005091 .0005370 .0005656 5 .0005950 .0006251 .0006560 .0006876 .0007199 .0007530 .0007869 .0008215 6 .0008568 .0008929 .0009297 .0009672 .0010055 .0010445 .0010844 .0011249 7 .0011662 .0012082 .0012510 .0012944 .0013387 .0013837 .0014295 .0014759 8 .0015232 .0015711 .0016198 .0016693 .0017195 .0017705 .0018222 .0018746 9 .0019278 .0019817 .0020363 .0020916 .0021479 .0022048 .0022625 .0023209 10 .0023800 .0024398 .0025004 .0025618 .0026239 .0026867 .0027502 .0028147 11 .0028798 .0029456 .0030121 .0030794 .0031475 .0032163 .0032859 .0033561 12 .0034272 .0034990 .0035714 .0036447 .0037187 .0037934 .0038690 .0039452 13 .0040222 .0040999 .0041783 .0042576 .0043375 .0044182 .0044997 .0045819 14 .0046648 0047484 .0048328 .0049181 .0050039 .0050906 .0051780 .0052661 15 .0053550 0054446 .0055349 .0056261 .0057179 .0058105 .0059039 .0059979 16 .0060928 0061884 .0062847 .0063817 .0064795 .0065780 .0066774 .0067774 17 0068782 0069797 .0070819 .0071850 .0072887 .0073932 .0074985 .0076044 18 0077112 0078187 .0079268 .0080360 .0081452 .0082560 .0083672 .0084791 19 0085918 0087052 0088193 0089343 .0090499 .0091663 .0092835 .0094013 20 0095200 0096393 0097594 0098803 .0100019 .0101243 .0102474 .0103712 21 0104958 0106211 0107472 0108739 .0110015 .0111299 .0112589 .0113886 22 0115192 0116505 0117825 0119152 .0120487 .0121830 .0123179 .0124537 23 0125902 0127274 0128654 0130040 .0131435 .0132837 .0134247 .0135664 24 0137088 0138519 0139959 0141405 .0142859 .0144321 .0145789 .0147266 25 0148750 0150241 0151739 0153246 .0154759 .0156280 .0157809 .0159345 26 0160888 0162439 0163997 0165563 0167135 .0168716 .0170304 .0171899 27 0173502 0175112 0176729 0178355 .0179988 .0181627 .0183275 .0184929 28 0186592 0188262 0189939 0191624 0193316 .0195015 .0196722 0198436 29 0200158 0201887 0203634 0205368 0207119 .0208879 .0210645 0212418 30 0214200 0215988 0217785 0219588 0221399 .0223218 .0225044 0226877 31 0228718 0230566 0232422 0234285 0236155 .0238033 .0239919 0241812 32 0243712 0245619 0247535 0249457 0251387 .0253325 .0255269 0257222 33 0259182 0261149 0263124 0265106 0267095 .0269092 .0271097 0273109 34 0275128 0277155 0279189 0281231 0283279 .0285336 .0287399 0289471 35 0291550 0293636 0295729 0297831 0299939 .0302056 .0304179 0306309 36 0308448 0310594 0312747 0314908 0317075 .0319251 .0321434 0323624 37 0325822 0328027 0330239 0332460 0334687 .0336922 .0339165 0341415 38 0343672 0345937 0348209 0350489 0352775 .0355070 0357372 .0359681 39 0361998 0364322 0366654 0368993 8371339 .0373694 0376055 .0378424 40 0380800 0383184 0385575 0387973 0390379 .0392793 0395214 .0397642 41 0400078 0402521 0404972 0407430 0409895 .0412368 0414849 .0417337 42 0419832 0422335 0424845 0427362 0429887 0432420 0434959 .0437507 43 0440062 0442624 0445194 0447771 0450355 0452947 0455547 .0458154 44 0460768 0463389 0466019 0468655 0471299 0473951 0476609 .0479276 45 0481950 0484631 0487320 0490016 0492719 0495430 0498149 .0500875 46 0503608 0506349 0509097 0511853 0514615 0517386 0520164 .0522949 47 0525742 0528542 0531349 0534165 0536988 0539818 0542655 .0545499 48 0548352 0551212 0554079 0556953 0559835 0562725 0565622 .0568526 49 0571438 0574357 0577284 0580218 0583159 0586109 0589065 .0592029 50 0595000 0597979 0600965 0603959 0606959 0609969 0612984 .0616007 51 0619038 0622076 0625122 0628175 0632235 0634304 0637379 .0640462 52 0643552 0646649 0649753 0652867 0655987 0659115 0662250 .0665392 53 0668542 0671699 0674864 0678036 0681215 0684402 0687597 .0690799 54 0694008 0697225 0700449 0703681 0705293 0710166 0713419 .0716681 55 , 0719950 0724226 0726510 0729801 0733099 0736406 0739719 .0743039 56 0746368 0749704 0753047 0756398 0759755 0763120 0766494 .0769874 57 0773262 0776657 0780060 0783476 0786887 0790312 0793745 .0797185 58 0800632 0804087 0807549 0811019 0814495 0817980 0821472 .0824971 59 0828478 0831992 0835514 0839043 0842579 0846123 .0849675 .0853234 60 0856800 0860374 0863955 0867543 0871139 0874743 .0878354 .0881973 INDICATED HORSE-POWER OF ENGINES. 973 Horse-power per Pound Mean Effective Pressure. Formula, Area in sq. in. X piston-speed -5- 33,000. Diam of Cylinder, inches. Speed of Piston in feet per minute. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 4 .0381 .0762 .1142 .1523 .1904 .2285 .2666 .3046 .3427 41/2 .0482 .0964 .1446 .1928 .2410 .2892 .3374 .3856 .4338 5 .0595 .1190 .1785 .2380 .2975 .3570 .4165 .4760 .5355 31/2 .0720 .1440 .2160 .2880 .3600 .4320 .5040 .5760 .6480 6 .0857 .1714 .2570 .3427 .4284 .5141 .5998 .6854 .7711 61/2 .1006 .2011 .3017 .4022 .5028 .6033 .7039 .8044 .9050 7 .1166 .2332 .3499 .4665 .5831 .6997 .8163 .9330 .0496 71/2 .1339 .2678 .4016 .5355 .6694 .8033 .9371 .0710 .2049 8 .1523 .3046 .4570 .6093 .7616 .9139 .0662 .2186 .3709 81/2 .1720 .3439 .5159 .6878 .8598 .0317 .2037 .3756 .5476 9 .1928 .3856 .5783 .7711 .9639 .1567 .3495 .5422 .7350 91/2 .2148 .4296 .6444 .8592 1.0740 .2888 .5036 .7184 .9532 10 .2380 .4760 .7140 .9520 1.1900 .4280 .6660 .9040 2.1420 11 .2880 . .5760 .8639 1.1519 1.4399 .7279 2.0159 2.3038 2.5818 12 .3427 .6854 .0282 1.3709 1.7136 2.0563 2.3990 2.7418 3.0845 13 .4022 .8044 .2067 1 .6089 2.0111 2.4133 2.8155 3.2178 3.6200 14 .4665 .9330 .3994 1.8659 2.3324 2.7989 3.2654 3.7318 4.1983 15 .5355 .0710 .6065 2.1420 2.6775 3.2130 3.7485 4.2840 4.8195 16 .6093 .2186 .8278 2.4371 3.0464 3.6557 4.2650 4.8742 5.4835 17 .6878 .3756 2.0635 2.7513 3.4391 4.1269 4.8147 5.5026 6.1904 18. .7711 .5422 2.3134 3.0845 3.8556 4.6267 5.3978 6.1690 6.9401 19 .8592 .7184 2.5775 3.4367 4.2959 5.1551 6.0143 6.8734 7.7326 20 .9520 .9040 2.8560 3.8080 4.7600 5.7120 6.6640 7.6160 8.5680 21 .0496 2.0992 3.1488 4.1983 5'. 2479 6.2975 7.3471 8.3966 9.4462 22 .1519 2.3038 3.4558 4.6077 5.7596 6.9115 8.0634 9.2154 10.367 23 .2590 2.5180 3.7771 5.0361 6.2951 7.5541 8.8131 10.072 11.331 24 .3709 2.7418 4.1126 5.4835 6.8544 8.2253 9.5962 10.967 12.338 25 .4875 2.9750 4.4625 5.9500 7.4375 8.9250 10.413 11.900 13.388 26 .6089 3.2178 4.8266 6.4355 8.0444 9.6534 11.262 12.871 14.480 27 .7350 3.4700 5.2051 6.9401 8.6751 10.410 12.145 13.880 15.615 28 .8659 3.7318 5.5978 7.4637 9.3296 1 1 . 196 13.061 14.927 16.793 29 2.0016 4.0032 6.0047 8.0063 10.008 12.009 14.011 16.013 18.014 30 2.1420 4.2840 6.4260 8.5680 10.710 12.852 14.994 17.136 19.278 31 2.2872 4.5744 6.8615 9.1487 11.436 13.723 16.010 18.297 20.585 32 2.4371 4.8742 7.3114 9.7485 12.186 14.623 17.060 14.497 21.934 33 2.5918 5.1836 7.7755 10.367 12.959 15.551 18.143 20.735 23.326 34 2.7513 5.5026 8.2538 11.005 13.756 16.508 19.259 22.010 24.762 35 2.9155 5.8310 8.7465 11.662 14.578 17.493 20.409 23.324 26.240 36 3.0845 6.1690 9.2534 12.338 15.422 18.507 21.591 24.676 27.760 37 3.2582 6.5164 9.7747 13.033 16.291 19.549 22.808 26.066 29.324 38 3.4367 6.8734 10.310 13.747 17.184 20.620 24.057 27.494 30.930 39 3.6200 7.2400 10.860 14.480 18.100 2 .720 25.340 28.960 32.580 40 3.8080 7.6160 11.424 15.232 19.040 22.848 26.656 30.464 34.272 41 4.0008 8.0016 12.002 16.003 20.004 24.005 28.005 32.006 36.007 42 4.1983 8.3866 12.585 16.783 20.982 25.180 29.378 33.577 37.775 43 4.4006 8.8012 13.202 17.602 22.003 26.404 30.804 35.205 39.606 44 4.6077 9.2154 13.823 18.431 23.038 27.646 32.254 36.861 4 .469 45 4.8195 9.6390 14.459 19.278 24.098 28.917 33.737 38.556 43.376 46. 5.0361 10.072 15.108 20.144 25.180 30.216 35.253 40.289 45.325 47 5.2574 10.515 15.772 21 .030 26.287 31.545 36.802 42.059 47.317 48 5.4835 10.967 16.451 21.934 27.418 32.901 38.385 43.868 49.352 49 5.7144 11.429 17.143 22.858 28.572 34.286 40.001 45.715 51.429 50 .9:00 11.900 17.850 23.800 29.750 35.700 41.650 47.600 3.550 5! .1904 12.381 18.571 24.762 30.952 37.142 43.333 49.523 5.713 52 .4355 12.871 19.307 25.742 32.178 38.613 45.049 1.484 7.920 53 .6854 13.371 20.056 26.742 33.427 40.113 46.798 3.483 60.169 54 .9401 13.880 20.820 27.760 34.700 41.640 48.581 5.521 2.461 55 7.1995 14.399 2 .599 28.798 35.998 43.197 50.397 7.596 4.796 56 7.4637 14.927 22.391 29.855 37.318 44.782 52.246 9.709 7.173 57 7.7326 15.465 23.198 30.930 38.663 46.396 54.128 1.861 9.597 58 8.0063 16.013 24.019 32.025 40.032 48.038 56.044 4.051 2.054 59 8.2848 16.570 24.854 33.139 41.424 49.709 57.993 6.278 4.563 60 8.5680 17.136 25.704 34.272 42.840 51.408 59.976 8.544 7.112 974 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Nominal Horse-power. The term "nominal horse-power "originated in -the time of Watt, and was used to express approximately the power of an engine as calculated from its diameter, estimating the mean pressure in the cylinder at 7 Ibs. above the atmosphere. It has long been obsolete. Horse-power Constant of a given Engine for Varying Speeds = product of its area of piston and length of stroke divided by 33,000. This multiplied by the mean effective pressure and by the number of jingle strokes per minute is the indicated horse-power. To draw the Clearance-line on the Indicator-diagram, the ac- tual clearance not being known. The clearance-line may be obtained approximately by drawing a straight line, cbad, across the compression FIG. 164. curve, first having drawn OX parallel to the atmospheric line and 14.7 Ibs. below. Measure from a the distance ad, equal to cb, and draw YO perpendicular to OX through d; then will TB divided by AT be the per- centage of clearance. The clearance may also be found from the expan- sion-line by constructing a rectangle efhg, and drawing a diagonal gj to intersect the line XO. This will give the point 0, and by erecting a perpendicular to XO we obtain a clearance-line OY. Both these methods for finding the clearance require that the expan- sion and compression curves be hyperbolas. Prof. Carpenter (Power, Sept., 1893) says that with good diagrams the methods are usually very accurate, and give results which check substantially. The Buckeye Engine Co., however, says that, as the results obtained are seldom correct, being sometimes too little, but more frequently too much, and as the indications from the two curves seldom agree, the operation has little practical value, though when a clearly defined and apparently undistorted compression curve exists of sufficient extent to admit of the application of the process, it may be relied on to give much more correct results than the expansion curve. To draw the Hyperbolic Curve on the Indicator-diagram. Select any point / in the actual curve, and from this point draw a line perpen- dicular to the line JB, meeting the latter in the point J. The line JB may be the line of boiler-pressure, but this is not material; it may be drawn at any convenient height near the top of the diagram and parallel to the atmospheric line. From J draw a diagonal to K, the latter point being the intersection of the _ vacuum and clearance lines; from 7 FIG. 165. draw IL parallel with the atmos- pheric line. From L, the point of Intersection of the diagonal JK and the horizontal line /, draw the verti- WATER-CONSUMPTION OF ENGINES. 975 16 16 less 2 Ibs. back pressure, = 38.83 - 2 = 36.83. In practice only about 0.7 of this pressure is actually attained, so that 36.83 x 0.7 = 25.781 Ibs. is the M.E.P. upon which the engine is to be proportioned. To obtain 900 H.P. we must have 33,000 X 900 = 29,700,000 Toot- pounds, and this divided by the mean pressure (25.78) and by the speed in feet (800) will give 1440 sq. in. as the area of the l.p. cylinder, about equivalent to 43 in. diam. Now as one-third of the work is to be done in the l.p. cylinder, the M.E.P. in it will be 25.78 * 3 = 8.59 Ibs. The cut-off in the high-pressure cylinder is generally arranged to cut off at 0.6 of the stroke, and so the ratio of the h.p. to the l.p. cylinder is equal to 16 X 0.6 = 9.6, and the h.p. cylinder will be 1440 -* 9.6 = 150 sg. in. area, or about 14 in. diameter, and the M.E.P. in the h.p. cylinder is equal to 9.6 X 8.59 == 82.46 Ibs. If the intermediate cylinders made a mean size between the other two, . its size would be determined by dividing the area of the l.p. cylinder by the square root of the ratio between the low and the high; but in practice this is found to give a result too large to equalize the stresses, so that instead the area of the int. cylinder is found by dividing the area of the l.p. piston by 1.1 times the square root of the ratio of l.p. to h.p. cylinder, which in this case is 1440 * (1.1 V^6) = 422.5 sq.in., or a little more than 23 in. diam. The choice of expansion ratio is governed by the initial pressure, and is generally chosen so that the terminal pressure in the l.p. cylinder shall be about 10 Ibs. absolute. Formulae for Proportioning Cylinder Areas of Triple-Expansion Engines. The following formulae are based on the method of first finding the cylinder areas that would be required if an ideal hyperbolic dia- gram were obtainable from each cylinder, with no clearance, compression, wire-drawing, drop by free expansion in receivers, or loss by cylinder condensation, assuming equal work to be done in each cylinder, and then dividing the areas thus found by a suitable diagram factor, such as those given on page 962, expressing the ratio which the area of an actual diagram, obtained in practice from an engine of the type under consider- ation, bears to the ideal or theoretical diagram. It will vary in different classes of engine and in different cylinders of the same engine, usual values ranging from 0.6 to 0.9. When any one of the three stages of expansion takes place in two cylinders, the combined area of these cylinders equals the area found by the formulae. 984 THE STEAM-ENGINE. NOTATION. Pi = initial pressure in the high-pressure cylinder. Pt = terminal pressure in the low-pressure cylinder. #5 = back pressure in the low-pressure cylinder. Pt = term, press, in h.p. cyl. and initial press, in intermediate cyl. p-3= term, press, in int. cyl. and initial press, in l.p. cyl. Ri, Ri, Rz, ratio of exp. in h.p. int. and l.p. cyls. R = total ratio of exp. = Ri x Rz X Rz- P = M.E.P. of the combined ideal diagram, referred to the l.p. cyL Pi, P 2 , P 3 = M.E.P. in the h.p., int., and l.p. cyls. // P = horse-power of the engine = PLA S N -4- 33,000. L = length of stroke in feet ; N = number of single strokes per niin. Ai, A 2 , Az, areas (sq. ins.) of h.p. int. and l.p. cyls. (ideal). W = work done in one cylinder per foot of stroke. r-z = ratio of A 2 to A\; r 3 = ratio of Az to Ai. Fi, F 2 , F 3 , diagram factors of h.p. int. and l.p. cyl. Ci, 2, a 3 , areas (actual) of h.p. int. and l.p. cyl. Formulae. (1) R = p l -^ p t . (2) P = p t (1 + hyp log R) - p bf " Ps = V3 P. Hyp log # 3 = (Ps - Pt+ Pb) -* Pf (5) RiRz = R -5- Rz; Ri = Rz = ^RiRz. (6) ps = p t X Rs. S7) P2 P3 X #2. 8) pi = pz X Ri. 9) P 2 = pz (hyp log fl 2 ) fe= PzRs. 10) Pi = p2 (hyp log ^i) = P 2 ^2. 11) W = 11,000 HP -5- LN, 12) Ai = W + Pi; At = W + P z 13) r 2 = ^2 -* Ai = Pi -4- P 2 = I 14) 01 = <3) (4) ^3 = W i or #2; rs * Ai Pi ~- P 8 . From these formulae the figures in the following tables have been calculated: THEORETICAL MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURES, CYLINDER RATIOS, ETC., OF TRIPLE-EXPANSION ENGINES. Back pressure, 3 Ibs. Terminal pressure, 8 Ibs. (absolute). Pi. If. P. P 3 . Rz. Ri, Rt, Or T2. Ps. P2. P 2 . Pi. r, 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 26.66 27.90 28.97 29.91 30.75 31.51 32.21 8.89 9.30 9.66 9.97 10.25 10.50 10.74- .626 .712 .790 .861 .928 .990 2.049 3.037 3.197 3.343 3.477 3.601 3.718 3.826 13.01 13.70 14.32 14.89 15.42 15.91 16.39 39.51 43.79 47.86 51.77 55.54 59.16 62.72 14.45 15.92 17.29 18.55 19.76 20.90 22.00 43.89 50.89 57.76 64.52 71.16 77.69 84.16 4.939 5.472 5.980 6.471 6.942 7.397 7.839 THEORETICAL MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURES, CYLINDER RATIOS, ETC., OF TRIPLE-EXPANSION ENGINES. Back pressure, 3 Ibs. Terminal pressure, 10 Ibs. (absolute). Pi. R. P. P 3 . R 3 . Ri, Rt, or rz. Pa. pz. P 2 . Pi. T3. 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 8 16 18 20 22 24 31.85 33.39 34.73 35.90 36.96 37.91 38.78 10.62 11.13 11.58 11.97 12.32 12.64 12.93 .436 .511 .580 .643 .702 .757 .809 2.890 3.044 3.182 3.310 3.428 3.538 3.642 14.36 15.11 15.80 16.43 17.02 17.57 18.09 41.50 45.99 50.28 54.38 58.34 62.15 65.88 15.24 16.82 18.29 19.66 20.97 22.20 23.38 44.04 51.20 58.20 65.09 71.88 78.54 85.15 4.148 4.600 5.027 5.439 5.834 6.215 6.587 Given the required H.P. of an engine, its speed and length of stroke, TRIPLE-EXPANSION ENGINES. 985 a,nd the assumed diagram factors Fi. F 2 , Fs for the three cylinders, tne areas of the cylinders may be found by using formula (11), (12), and (14), and the values of Pi, Pz, and Ps in the above table. A Common Rule for Proportioning the Cylinders of multiple- expansion engines is: for two-cylinder compound engines, the cylinder ratio is the square root of the number of expansions, and for triple- expansion engines the ratios of the high to the intermediate and of the intermediate to the low are each equal to the cube root of the number of expansions, the ratio of tht high to the low being the product of the two ratios, that is, the square of the cube root of the number of expansi9ns. Applying this rule to the pressures above given, assuming a terminal pressure (absolute) of 10 Ibs. and 8 Ibs. respectively, we have, for triple- expansion engines: Boiler- pressure (Absolute) . Terminal Pressure, 10 Ibs. Terminal Pressure, 8 Ibs. No. of Ex- pansions. Cylinder Ratios, areas. Nc. of Ex- pansions. Cylinder Ratios, areas. 130 140 150 160 13 14- 15 16 1 to 2.35 to 5. 53 1 to 2. 41 to 5.81 1 to 2. 47 to 6. 08 1 to 2. 52 to 6. 35 161/4 171/2 20 83/4 1 to 7.53 to 6. 42 1 to 2. 60 to 6. 74 1 to 2. 66 to 7. 06 1 to 2. 71 to 7.37 The ratio of the diameters is the square root of the ratios of the areas, and the ratio of the diameters of the first and third cylinders is the same as the ratio of the areas of first and second. Seaton, in his Marine Engineering, says: When the pressure of steam employed exceeds 115 Ibs. absolute, it is advisable to employ three cylinders, through each of which the steam expands in turn. The ratio of the low-pressure to high-pressure cylinder in this system should be 5, when the steam-pressure is 125 Ibs.. absolute; when 135 Ibs., 5.4; when 145 Ibs., 5.8; when 155 Ibs., 6.2; when 165 Ibs., 6.6. The ratio of low- pressure to intermediate cylinder should be about one-half that between low-pressure and high-pressure, as given above. That is, if the ratio of l.p. to h.p. is 6, that of l.p. to int. should be about 3, and consequently that of int. to h.p. about 2. In practice the ratio of int. to h.p. is nearly 2.25, so that the diameter of the int. cylinder is 1.5 that of the h.p. The introduction of the triple-compound engine has admitted of ships being propelled at higher rates of speed than formerly obtained without exceed- ing the consumption of fuel of similar ships fitted with ordinary com- pound engines; in such cases the higher power to obtain the speed has been developed by decreasing the rate of expansion, the low-pressure cylin- der being only 6 times the capacity of the high-pressure, with a working pressure of 170 Ibs. absolute. It is now a very general practice to make the diameter of the low-pressure cylinder equal to the sum of the diameters of the h.p. and int. cylinders; hence, Diameter of int. cylinder =1.5 diameter of h.p. cylinder; Diameter of l.p. cylinder = 2.5 diameter of h.p. cylinder. In this case the ratio of l.p. to h.p. is 6.25; the ratio of int. to h.p. is 2.26; and ratio of l.p. to int. is 2.78. Ratios of Cylinders for Different Classes of Engines. (Proc. Inst. M. E., Feb., 1887, p. 36.) As to the best ratios for the cylinders in a triple engine there seems to be great difference of opinion. Considerable latitude, however, is due to the requirements of the case, inasmuch as it would not be expected that the same ratio would be suitable for an economical land engine, where the space occupied and the weight were of minor importance, as in a war-ship, where the conditions were reversed. In the land engine, for example, a theoretical terminal pressure of about 7 Ibs. above absolute vacuum would probably be aimed at, which would give a ratio of capacity of high pressure to low pressure of 1 to 8 Viz or 1 to 9; whilst in a war-ship a terminal pressure would be required of 12 to 13 Ibs. which would need a ratio of capacity of 1 to 5; yet in both these instances the cylinders were correctly proportioned and suitable to the requirements of the case. It is obviously unwise, therefore, to introduce any hard-and-fast rule. Types of Three-stage Expansion Engines, 1. Three cranks at THE STEAM-ENGINE. 120 (leg. 2. Two cranks with 1st and 2d, cylinders tandem. 3. Two cranks with 1st and 3d cylinders tandem. The most common type is the first, with cylinders arranged in the sequence high, intermediate, low. Sequence of Cranks. Mr. Wyllie (Proc. Inst. M. E., 1887) favors the sequence high, low, intermediate, while Mr. Mudd favors high, inter- mediate, low. The former sequence, high, low, intermediate, gave an approximately horizontal exhaust-line, and thus minimizes the range of temperature and the initial load; the latter sequence high, intermediate, low, increased the range and also the load. Mr. Morrison, in discussing the question of sequence of cranks, pre- sented a diagram showing that with the cranks arranged in the sequence high, low, intermediate, the mean compression into the receiver was 19V2 per cent of the stroke; with the sequence high, intermediate, low, it was 57 per cent. In the former case the compression was just what was required to keep the receiver-pressure practically uniform ; in the latter case the compression caused a variation in the receiver-pressure to the extent sometimes of 22V2 Ibs. Velocity of Steam tjirough Passages in Compound Engines. (Proc. Inst. M. E., Feb., 1887.) In the SS. Para, taking the area of the cylinder multiplied by the piston-speed in feet per second and dividing by the area of the port the velocity of the initial steam through the high- pressure cylinder port would be about 100 feet per second; the exhaust would be about 90. In the intermediate cylinder the initial steam had a velocity of about 180, and the exhaust of 120. In the low-pressure cylinder, the initial steam entered through the port with a velocity of 250, and in the exhaust-port the velocity was about 140 feet per second. A Double-tandem Triple-expansion Engine, built by Watts, Campbell & Co., Newark, N. J., is described in Am. Mack., April 26, 1894. It is two three-cylinder tandem engines coupled to one shaft, cranks at 90, cylinders 21, 32 and 48 by 60 in. stroke, 65 revolutions per minute, rated H.P. 2000; fly-wheel 28 ft. diameter, 12 ft. face, weight 174,000 bs.; main shaft 22 in. diameter at the swell; main journals 19 X 38 in.; ^rank-pins 91/2 X 10 in.; distance between center lines of two engines 24 ft. 7 1/2 in.; Corliss valves, with separate eccentrics for the exhaust- calves of the l.p. cylinder. QUADRUPLE-EXPANSION ENGINES. H. H. Suplee (Trans. A. S. M. E., x, 583) states that a study of 14 different quadruple-expansion engines, nearly all intended to be operated at a pressure of 180 Ibs. per sq. in., gave average cylinder ratios of 1 to 2, to 3.78, to 7.70, or nearly in the proportions 1, 2, 4, 8. If we take the ratio of areas of any two adjoining cylinders as the fourth root of the number of expansions, the ratio of the 1st to the 4th will be the cube of the fourth root. On this basis the ratios of areas for different pressures and rates of expansion will be as follows: Gauge- pressures. Absolute Pressures. Terminal Pressures. Ratio of Expansion. Ratios of Areas of Cylinders. !12 14.6 : 1 95 : 3 81 : 7 43 160 175 10 8 SI2 17.5 21.9 16.2 : 2. 05: 4. 18: 8.55 : 2.16: 4.68: 10.12 : 2.01 : 4 02: 8.07 180 195 '8 19.5 24.4 : 2.10: 4.42: 9.28 : 2 22 : 4 94 : 10 98 200 220 215 235 P ,1 h 17.9 21.5 26.9 19.6 23.5 29.4 : 2. 06: 4. 23: 8.70 : 2.15: 4.64: 9.98 : 2.28: 5.19: 11.81 : 2. 10: 4. 43: 9.31 : 2.20: 4.85: 10.67 : 2.33: 5.42: 12.62 Seaton says: When the pressure of steam employed exceeds 190 Ibs. absolute, four cylinders should be employed, with tag steam expanding ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. 987 through each successively; and the ratio of l.p. to h.p. should be at least 7.5, and if economy of fuel is of prime .consideration it should be 8; then the ratio of first intermediate to h.p. should be 1.8, that of second inter- mediate to first int. 2, and that of l.p. to second int. 2.2. .in a paper read before the North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 1890, William Russell Cummins advocates the use of a four-cylinder engine with four cranks as being more suitable for high speeds than the three-cylinder three-crank engine. The cylinder ratios, he claims, should be designed so as to obtain equal initial loads in each cylinder. The ratios determined for the triple engine are 1, 2.04, 6.54, and for the quadruple, 1, 2.08, 4.46, 10.47. He advocates long stroke,, high piston-speed, 100 revolutions per minute, and 250 Ibs. boiler-pressure, unjacketed cylinders, and separate steam and exhaust valves. ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. Economy of Expansive Working under Various Conditions, Single Cylinder. (Abridged from Clark on the Steam Engine.) 1. SINGLE CYLINDERS WITH SUPERHEATED STEAM, NON-CONDENSING. Inside cylinder locomotive, cylinders and steam-pipes enveloped by the hot gases in the smoke-box. Net boiler pressure 100 Ibs.; net maximum pressure in cylinders 80 Ibs. per sq. in. Cut-off, per cent 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 Actual ratio of expan- sion 3.91 3.31 2.87 2.53 2.26 1.86 1.59 1.39 1.23 Water per I.H.P. per hour, Ibs 18.5 19.4 20 21.2 22.2 24.5 27 30 33 2. SINGLE CYLINDERS WITH SUPERHEATED STEAM, CONDENSING. - The best results obtained by Him, with a cylinder 233/ 4 x 67 in. and steam superheated 150 F., expansion ratio 33/4 to 41/2, total maximum pressure in cylinder 63 to 69 Ibs., were 15.63 and 15.69 Ibs. of water per I.H.P. per hour. 3. SINGLE CYLINDERS, NOT STEAM-JACKETED, CONDENSING. The best result is from a Corliss-Wheelock engine 18 X 48 in.; cut-off, 12.5%; actual expansion ratio, 6.95; maximum absolute pressure in cylinder 104 Ibs.; steam per I.H.P. hour, 19.58 Ibs. Other engines, with lowei steam pressures, gave a steam consumption as high as 26.7 Ibs. Feed-water Consumption of Different Types of Engines. The following tables are taken from the circular of the Tabor Indicator (Ash- croft Mfg. Co., 1889). In the first of the two columns under Feed-water required, in the tables for .simple engines, the figures are obtained by computation from nearly perfect indicator diagrams, with allowance lor cylinder condensation according to the table on page 936, but without .allowance for leakage, with back-pressure in the non-condensing table taken at 16 Ibs. above zero, and in the condensing table at 3 Ibs. above zero. The compression curve is supposed to be hyperbolic, and commences at 0.91 of the return-stroke, with a clearance of 3% of the piston-displace- ment. Table No. 2 gives the feed-water consumption for jacketed compound- condensing engines of the best class. The water condensed in the jackets is included in the quantities given. The ratio of areas of the two cylinders is as 1 to 4 for 120 Ibs. pressure: the clearance of each cylinder is 3% and the cut-off in the two cylinders occurs at the same point of stroke. The initial pressure in the l.p. cylinder is 1 Ib. per sq. in. below the back- pressure of the h.p. cylinder. The average back-pressure of the whole stroke in the l.p. cylinder is 4.5 Ibs. for 10% cut-off; 4.75 Ibs. for 20% cut-off; and 5 Ibs. for 30% cut-off. The steam accounted tor by the indicator at cut-off in the h.p. cylinder (allowing a small amount for leak- age) is 0.74 at 10% cut-off, 0.78 at 20%, and 0.82 at 30% cut-off. Tbe loss by condensation between the cylinders is such that the steam ac- counted for at cut-off in the l.p. cylinder, expressed in proportion of that shown at release in the h.p. cylinder, is 0.85 at 10% cut-off, 0.87 at 20% cut-off, and 0.89 at 30% cut-off. 988 THE STEAM-ENGINE. TABLE No. 1. FEED-WATER CONSUMPTION, SIMPLE ENGINES. NON-CONDENSING ENGINES. CONDENSING ENGINES. A Feed-water Re- * Feed- water Re- o JS quired per I.H.P. per Hour. 1 J quired per I.H.P. per Hour. 2? i 3 J4 A"Sfi . 1 1 M 41* M o v S 3 yj o G ^ g 3 M i PH o >-3 O c3 JS c3 d M o ^ ^ 1-3 td o o IJ 1 ^ ! 8 w 605 ,S 3 on . 8 K5-S ^o^ 2 5 CO . ' *5"5 'S -w u 5 & ||li vJ g & 1 |'? CO 111! 3? a a~- sS^ i !S -" d a 12 . l* t-l 1 V S a S g&flcj o^.S.S l/ 2 16 18 22 241/2 27 .2 cT rX 2 DQ Revs, per Minute. H.P.w cutting at 1/5 str ten off oke. H.P. when cutting off at 1/4 stroke. H.P. when cutting off at 1/3 stroke Dimen- sions of Wheels, dia. face Steam-pipe, ins. Exhaust- pip*. 1 70 Ibs. 80 Ibs. 90 Ibs. 70 Ibs. 80 Ibs. 90 Ibs. 70 Ibs. 80 Ibs. 90 Ibs. Ft. In. 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 34 370 318 277 246 222 181 158 138 120 112 20 27 41 53 66 95 119 179 221 269 25 32 49 64 80 115 144 216 267 325 30 39 60 77 96 138 173 26 1 322 392 26 34 52 67 84 120 151 227 281 342 31 41 62 81 100 144 181 272 336 409 36.5 36 47 71 93 116 166 208 313 386 470 42 32 41 63 82 102 146 183 276 340 414 37 48 74 96 120 172 215 324 400 487 43 56 85 Hi 198 248 373 460 560 4 41/9 5'9" 6'8" 71/2 8'4" 10 n'8" 13' 4" 14' 2* 4 61/2 :i 15 19 28 34 41 18 31/2 4 % 6 7 8 3 31/2 4V2 6 7 8 9 10 M.E.P.,lb3. ... Ratio of exp.... Term'! press, (about), Ibs. . Cyl. cond'n, %- Steam per I. H. P. hour, Ibs 2.4 29 35 30.5 37 43.5 50 Note. The nominal-power rating of the en- gines is at 80 Ibs. gauge pressure, steam cut-off at 1/4 stroke. 5 4 3 17.9 26 32.9 20 26 30 22.3 26 27.4 22.4 24 31.2 25 24 29.0 27.6 24 27.9 29.8 21 32 33.3 21 31.4 36.8 21 30 Compound Engines Non-condensing High-pressure Cylinder and Receiver Jacketed. Diam. Cylinder, inches. Stroke, inches. Revolutions per 1 Minute. | H.P., cutting off at 1/4 Stroke in h.p. Cylinder. H.P., cutting off at 1/3 Stroke in h.p. Cylinder. H.P., cutting off at 1/2 Stroke in h.p. Cylinder. Cyls. 31/s: 1. Cy!s. 4i/ 2 : 1. Cyls. 3l/ 3 : 1. Cyls. 4i/ 2 : 1. Cyls. 31/ 3 : 1. Cyk 41/ 2 : *. cm W Pk w ti ^ 80 Ibs. 90 Ibs. 130 Ibs. 150 Ibs. 80 Ibs. 90 Ibs. 130 Ibs. 150 Ibs. 80 Ibs. 90 Ibs. 130 Ibs. 150 Iba. 53/4 63/ 8 73 /4 J0 2 V 2 ir /2 18 20 241/ 2 281/2 61/2 7 1/2 uv, !?$ l81/ 2 2% I? 1 * 12 131/2 16l /2 gV2 281/.> ^ 43 52 60 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 34 42 48 370 318 277 246 222 185 158 138 120 112 93 80 7 9 14 18 26 32 43 57 74 94 138 180 15 19 28 37 53 65 88 118 152 194 285 374 19 24 36 47 68 84 112 151 194 249 365 477 32 40 60 78 112 139 186 249 321 412 603 789 23 29 43 57 81 100 135 180 232 297 436 570 31 39 58 76 109 135 181 242 312 400 587 767 35 45 67 87 125 154 206 277 357 457 670 877 46 59 87 114 164 202 271 363 468 601 880 1151 44 56 83 109 156 192 258 346 446 572 838 1096 55 70 104 136 195 241 323 433 558 715 1048 1370 64 81 121 158 226 279 374 502 647 829 1215 1589 79 101 159 196 231 346 464 623 803 1030 1508 1973 Mean eff. pressure, Ibs.. Ratio of expansion Cyl. condensation, % . . Ter. pres. (abt.), Ibs... Loss from expanding below atmosphere, % St.perl.H.P.hour.lbs. 3.3 6.8 8.7 14.4 10.4 14.0 16 21 20 25 29 36 131/2 181/4 101/4 133/4 63/ 4 91/4 14 7.3 34 55 14 7.7 15 42 16 7.9 17. 47 16 9 3 29 12 9.2 5 33.3 12 10.4 27.7 13 10.5 28.7 13 12 25.4 10 14 30 10 15.5 26.2 11 14.6 21 It 17.8 20 990 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Compound Engines Condensing Steam-jacketed. Diam. Cylinder, inches. Stroke, inches. t-c 0) ft GO | "3 "5 11 rt 370 318 277 246 222 185 158 138 120 112 93 80 H.P. when cutting off at 1/4 Stroke inh.p. Cylinder. H.P. when cutting off at 1/3 Stroke inh.p. Cylinder. H.P. when cutting off at 1/2 Stroke inh.p. Cylinder. Ratio, 3V3: 1. Ratio, 4: 1. Ratio, 31/s: 1. Ratio, 4: 1. Ratio, 31/3: 1. Ratio, 4: 1. fc W ^ w ^ H-i 80 Ibs. 110 Ibs. 115 Ibs. 125 Ibs. 80 Ibs. 110 Ibs. 115 Ibs. 125 Ibs. 80 Ibs. 110 Ibs. 115 Ibs. 125 Ibs. 106 134 200 261 374 462 619 830 1070 1373 2012 2632 6 61/2 8V4 91/2 11 12V2 14 17 19 21 26 30 61/2 7l /2 101/2 131/2 151/2 181/2 201/ 2 221/2 2 f/2 12 131/2 |6 V2 If /2 281/ 2 ? 8 i/2 43 52 60 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 34 42 48 44 56 83 109 156 192 258 346 446 572 838 1096 59 76 112 147 210 260 348 467 602 772 1131 1480 53 67 100 131 187 231 310 415 535 686 1006 1316 62 78 116 152 218 269 361 484 624 801 1174 1534 55 70 104 136 195 241 323 433 558 715 1048 1370 70 90 133 174 250 308 413 554 .714 915 1341 1757 68 87 129 169 242 298 400 536 691 887 1299 1699 75 95 141 185 265 327 439 588 758 972 1425 1863 70 90 133 174 250 308 413 554 714 915 1341 1757 97 123 183 239 343 423 568 761 981 1258 1844 2411 95 120 179 234 335 414 555 744 959 1230 1801 2356 Mean eff . press., Ibs Ratio of expansion Cyl. condensation, %. . . St. per I.H.P. hour, Ibs. 20 27 24 28 25 32 31 34 32 44 43 48 131/2 161/4 10 121/4 63/4 81/4 18 I 18 17.3)16.6 20 16.6 20 15.2 15 17.0 15 16.4 18 16.3 18 15.8 12 17.5 12 17.0 14 16.8 14 16.C Triple-expansion Engines, Non-condensing Receiver only Jacketed. Diameter Cylinders, inches. I o r, 1 1 Horse-power when cutting off at 42% of Stroke in First Horse-power when cutting off at 50% of Stroke in First Horse-power when cutting off at 67% of Stroke in First oT Cylinder. Cylinder. Cylinder. n O H.P. T.P. L.P. 0)*jH 180 Ibs. 200 Ibs. 180 Ibs. 200 Ibs. 180 Ibs. 200 Ibs. 'Jl PH 43/4 71/2 12 10 370 55 64 70 84 95 108 5V2 81/2 131/7 12 318 70 81 90 106 120 137 61/2 J61/ ? 14 277 104 121 133 158 179 204 71/2 12 19 16 246 136 158 174 207 234 267 9 141/ 2 221/3 18 222 195 226 250 296 335 382 10 16 25 ZO 185 241 279 308 366 414 471 111/2 18 281/2 24 158 323 374 413 490 555 632 13 22 33l/ ? 28 138 433 502 554 657 744 848 15 241/ 2 38 32 120 558 647 714 847 959 1093 17 27 43 34 112 715 829 915 1089 1230 1401 20 33 52 42 93 1048 1215 1341 1592 1801 2053 231/ 2 38 60 48 80 1370 1589 1754 2082 2356 2685 Mean eff. press., Ibs 25 29 32 38 43 49 No. of expansions 16 13 10 Cyl. condensation, % 14 12 10 Steam p. I.H.P.p.hr., Ibs. 20.76 19J6 19.25 17.00 17.89 17.20 Lbs.coalat81b.evap.,lbs. 2.59 2.39 2.40 2.12 2.23 2.15 ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. 991 Triple-expansion Engines Condensing Steam- jacketed. IH Horse- Horse- Horse- Horse- Diameter Cylinders, inches. g 1 * lutions p lute. power when cutting off at 1/4 Stroke in First Cyl. power when cutting off at 1/3 Stroke in First Cyl. power when cutting off at 1/2 Stroke in First Cyl. power when cutting off at 3/4 Stroke in First Cyl. AH fl| PH 2 o.a ^ 120 140 160 120 140 160 120 140 160 120 140 160 W ^ CO Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. 43/ 4 ?!/> 12 10 370 35 42 48 44 53 59 57 72 84 81 97 110 51/J !/> 131/9 12 318 45 53 62 56 67 76 73 92 107 104 123 140 6l/o 101/9 161/9 14 277 67 79 92 83 100 112 108 137 159 154 183 208 71/2 12 19 16 246 87 103 120 109 131 147 141 180 208 201 239 272 9 141/9 221/9 18 222 125 148 172 156 187 211 203 257 299 289 343 390 10 16 25 20 185 154 183 212 192 7.3 1 7.60 250 317 368 356 423 481 1U/9 18 281/9 24 158 206 245 284 258 310 348 335 426 494 477 568 645 13 22 331/9 28 138 277 329 381 346 415 467 450 571 663 640 761 865 15 241/9 38 32 120 357 424 491 446 535 602 580 736 854 825 981 1115 n 27 43 34 112 458 543 629 572 686 777. 744 944 1095 1058 1258 1430 20 33 52 42 93 670 796 922 838 1006 1131 1089 1383 1605 1551 1844 2096 231/2 38 60 .48 80 877 1041 1206 1096 1316 1480 1424 1808 2099 2028 2411 2740 Mean eff. press., Ibs 16 19 22 20 24 27 26 33 38.3 37 44 50 No. of expansions 26.8 20.1 13.4 8 9 Cyl. condensation, % . . 19 19 19 16 16 16 12 12 12 8 8 8 St. p. I.H.P. p. hr., Ibs.. 14 7 n 9 13 3 14 3 13 9 13 2 14 3 13 6 13 15 7 14 9 14 7 Coal at 8 Ibs. evap., Ibs- 1.8 1.73 1.66 1.78 1.7 41.65 1.78 1.70 1.62 1.96 1.86 1.72 The Willans Law. Total Steam Consumption at Different Loads. Mr. Willans found with his engine that when the total steam consump- tion at different loads was plotted as ordinates, the loads being abscissas, the result would be a straight inclined line cutting the axis of ordinates at some distance above the origin of coordinates, this distance representing the steam consumption due to cylinder condensation at zero load. This statement applies generally to throttling engines, and is known as the Willans law. It applies also approximately to automatic cut-off engines of the Corliss, and probably of other types, up to the most economical load. In Mr. Barrus's book there is a record of six tests of a 16 X 42-in. Corliss twin-cylinder non-condensing engine, which gave results as follows: I.H.P... 37 100 146 222 250* 287 342 Feed-water per I.H.P. hour. 73.63 38.28 31.47 25.83 25.0* 25.39 25.91 Total feed-water per hour... 2724 3825 4595 5734 6250 7287 8861 * Interpolated from the plotted curve. The first five figures in the last line plot in a straight line whose equa- tion is y = 2122 -I- 16.55 H.P., and a straight line through the plotted position of the last two figures has the equation y = 28.62 H.P. 927. These two lines cross at 253 H.P., which is the most economical load, the water rate being 24.96 Ibs. and the total feed 6314 Ibs. . The figure 2122 represents the constant loss due to cylinder condensation, which is just over one-third of the total feed-water at the most economical load. In Geo. H. Barrus's book on "Engine Tests " there is a diagram of condensation and leakage in tight or fairly tight simple engines using sat- urated steam. The average curve drawn through the several observations shows the condensation and leakage to be about as follows for different percentages of cut-off: Cut-off, % of stroke = 1 5 10 15 20 Condens. and leakage, % = p. . . 60 43 35 29 c = IX p -4- (100 - p) = 7.5 7.5 8 8.2 25 30 35 42 24 20 17 15 7.9 7.5 7.2 7.4 The figures in the last line represent the condensation and leakage as a percentage of the volume of the stroke of the piston, that is, in the same/ 992 THE STEAM-ENGINE. terms as the first line, instead of as a percentage of the total steam sup- plied, in which terms the figures of the second line afe expressed. They indicate that the amount of cylinder condensation is nearly a constant quantity for a given engine with a given steam pressure and speed, what- ever may be the point of cut-off. Economy of Engines under Varying Loads. (From Prof. W. C. Unwin's lecture before the Society of Arts, London, 1892.) The general result of numerous trials with large engines was that with a constant load an indicated horse-power should be obtained with a consumption of 11/2 Ibs. of coal per I.H.P. for a condensing engine, and 13/4 Ibs. for a non-conden- sing engine, corresponding to about 13/4 Ibs. to 2 1/8 Ibs. per effective H. P. In electric-lighting stations the engines work under a very fluctuating load, and the results are far more unfavorable. An excellent Willans non-condensing engine, which on full-load trials worked with under 2 Ibs. per effective H.P. hour, in the ordinary daily working of the station used 71/2 Ibs. in 1886, which was reduced to 4.3 Ibs. in 1890 and 3.8 Ibs. in 1891 . Probably in very f ew cases were the engines at electric-light stations working under a consumption of 41/2 Ibs. per effective H.P. hour. In the case of small isolated motors working with a fluctuating load, still more extravagant results were obtained. At electric-lighting stations the load factor, viz., the ratio of the average load to the maximum, is extremly small, and the engines worked under very unfavorable conditions, which largely accounted for the excessive fuel consumption at these stations. In steam-engines the fuel consumption has generally been reckoned on the indicated horse-power. At full-powet trials this w r as satisfactory enough, as the internal friction is then usually a small fraction of the total. Experiment has, however, shown that the internal friction is nearly constant, and hence, when the engine is lightly loaded, its mechanical efficiency is greatly reduced. At full load small engines have a mechan- ical efficiency of 0.8 to 0.85, and large engines might reach at least 0.9, but if the internal friction remained constant this efficiency would be much reduced at low powers. Thus, if an engine working at 100 I.H.P. had an efficiency of 0.85, then when the I.H.P. fell to 50 the effective H.P. would be 35 H.P. and the efficiency only 0.7. Similarly, at 25 H.P. the effective H.P. would be 10 and the efficiency 0.4. Experiments on a Corliss engine at Creusot gave the following results: Effective power at full load 1.0 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.125 Condensing, mechanical efficiency . 82 0.79 0.74 . 63 . 48 Non-condensing, mechanical efficiency. . 86 0.83 . 78 . 67 . 52 Steam Consumption of Engines of Various Sizes. W. C. Unwin (Cassier's Magazine, 1894) gives a table showing results of 49 tests of engines of different types. In non-condensing simple engines, the steam consumption ranged from 65 Ibs. per hour in a 5-horse-power engine to 22 Ibs. in a 134-H.P. Harris-Corliss engine. In non-condensing compound engines, the only type tested was the Willans, which ranged from 27 Ibs. in a 10-H.P. slow-speed engine, 122 ft. per minute, with steam-pressure of 84 Ibs., to 19.2 Ibs. in a 40-H.P. engine, 401 ft. per minute, with steam- pressure 165 Ibs. A Willans triple-expansion non-condensing engine, 39 H.P., 172 Ibs. pressure, and 400 ft. piston speed per minute, gave a consumption of 18.5 Ibs. In condensing engines, nine tests of simple engines gave results ranging only from 18.4 to 22 Ibs. In compound- condensing engines over 100 H.P., in 13 tests the range is from 13.9 to 20 Ibs. In three triple-expansion engines the figures are 11.7, 12.2, and 12.45 Ibs., the lowest being a Sulzer engine of 360 H.P. In marine com- pound engines, the Fusiyama and Colchester, tested by Prof. Kennedy, gave steam C9nsumption of 21.2 and 21.7 Ibs.; and the Meteor and Tartar triple-expansion engines gave 15.0 and 19.8 Ibs. Taking the most favorable results which can be regarded as not excep- tional it appears that in test trials, with constant and full load, the ex- penditure of steam and coal is about as follows: Ibs. Per I.H.P. hour. Per Effective H.P. hr. Kind of Engine. Co ^ " steam,' 'Coal, Steam,' Non-condensing 1.80 16.5 2.00 18.0 Condensing 1.50 13,5 1.75 15. 9 ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. 993 These may be regarded as minimum values, rarely surpassed by the most efficient machinery, and only reached with very good machinery in the favorable conditions of a test trial. Small Engines and Engines with Fluctuating Loads are usually very wasteful of fuel. The following figures, illustrating their low ^econ- omy, are given by Prof. Unwin, Cassiw's Magazine, 1894. Small engines in workshops in Birmingham, Eng. Probable I.H.P. at full load Average I.H.P. during observation Coal per I.H.P. per hour during observation, Ibs. 36.0 12 45 60 2.96 7.37 8.2 45 8.6 75 60 60 23.64 19.08 20.08 21.25 22.61 18.13 11.68 9.53 8.50 It is largely to replace such engines as the above that power will be distributed from central stations. Tests at Royal Agricultural Society's'show at Plymouth, Eng. Engi- neering, June 27, 1890. Rated H.P. Com- pound or Simple. Diam. of Cylinders. Stroke, ins. Max. Steam- pressure. Per Brake H.P. per hour. 3 ce - o a h.p. l.p. Coal. Water. 5 3 2 simple compound simple 7 3 41/2 "6" 10 6 7V2 75 110 75 12.12 4.82 11.77 78.1 Ibs. 42.03 " 89 9 " 6. lib. 8.72 " 7.64" Steam-consumption, of Engines at Various Speeds. (Profs. Den- ton and Jacobus, Trans. A. S. M. E., x, 722.) 17 X 30 in. engine, non-condensing, fixed cut-off, Meyer valve. (From plotted diagrams.) Revs, per min . . 1/8 cut-off, Ibs. . . 1/4 cut-off, Ibs. . . 1/2 cut-off, Ibs. . . 8 12 16 20 39 35 32 30 39 34 31 29.5 39 36 34 33 24 29.3 29 32 32 29 28.4 30.8 40 28.7 28 29.8 28.5 27.5 29.2 56 72 88 28.3 28 27.7 27.1 26.3 25.6 28.8 28.7 Steam-consumption of same engine ; fixed speed, 60 revs, per minute. Varying cut-off compared with throttling-engine for same horse-powe r and boiler-pressures: Cut-off, fraction of stroke 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Steam, 90 Ibs.. . 29 27.5 27 27 27.2 27.8 28.5 Steam, 60 Ibs.. . 39 34.2 32.2 31.5 31.4 31.6 32.2 34.1 36.5 39 Throttling-engine, 7/ 8 cut-off, for corresponding horse-powers. Steam, 90 Ibs.. . 42 37 33.8 31.5 29.8 , Steam, 60 Ibs 50.1 49 46.8 44.6 41 ... Some of the principal conclusions from this series of tests are as follows: 1. There is a distinct gain in economy of steam as the speed increases for 1/2, i/s, and 1/4 cut-off at 90 Ibs. pressure. The loss in economy for about 1/4 cut-off is at the rate of 1/1? Ib. of water per I.H.P. per hour for each decrease of a revolution per minute from 86 to 26 revolutions, and at the rate of 5/ 8 ib. of water below 26 revolutions. Also, at all speeds the 1/4 cut-off is more economical than either the 1/2 or 1/8 cut-off. 2. At 90 Ibs. boiler-pressure and above 1/3 cut-oftVto produce a given H.P. requires about 20% less steam than to cut off at 7/ 8 stroke and regu- late by the throttle. 3. For the same conditions with 60 Ibs. boiler-pressure, to obtain, by throttling, the same mean effective pressure at 7/g cut-off that is obtained by cutting off about 1/3, requires about 30% more steam than for the latter condition. Capacity and Economy of Steam Fire Engines. (Eng. News, Mar. 28, 1895.) Tests of fire engines by Dexter Brackett for the Board of Fire Commissioners, Boston, Mass, are tabulated on p. 994. 994 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Results of Tests of Steam Fire Engines. No. of engine. Boiler heating Surface. s 03 - sL J-sl c8 "O y fiisi ^ &t4-4 IP.O Av. water pumped per min, 1 , 101 Ibs. 191 Ibs. 2 26 Ibs. 90 2 Ibs. 143 2 7 619 800 galls. 549 1 184 92 3 124 9*632*700 499 2 . 85 191 2 66 78 4 123 3 5900 000 535 3... 74 141 6' 3 57 75 7 113 8 5' 882' 000 482 4 86 5 138 4 2 88 71 5 136 4 8*112 900 459 5 86 163 7 102 7 121 2 8*736*300 449 5... 103 3 5 87 72 1 119 6 14 026 000 545 6 86 181 6 3 45 92 7 143 9*678*400 536 7 .. 112 117 3 4 94 68 8 119 2 10*201*600 596 8... 140 5 172 1 3 51 101 3 112 8 7*758*300 910 9 174 142 5 4 49 76 5 111 5 7*187*400 482 10 .. 225 91 1 4 22 59 102 1 6*482*100 419 10... 151 4 4 10 87 8 126 8 7*993*400 564 11.... 229 148 4 3 76 74 7 128 1 7 265 000 572 Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Amoskeag engines; Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8, Clapp & Jones; Nos. 9, 10, 11, Silsby. . The engines all show an exceedingly high rate of combustion, and correspondingly low boiler efficiency and pump duty. Economy Tests of High-speed Engines. (F. W. Dean and A. C. Wood, Jour. A.S.M. E., June, 1908.) S9me of these engines had been In service for a long time, and therefore their valves may not have been in the best condition. The results may be taken as fairly representing the economy of average engines of the type, under usual working conditions. The engines were all non-condensing. The 16 X 15-in. engine was vertical, the others horizontal. They were all direct-connected to gen- erators. No. of Test. Size of engine, ins Hours in service Revs, per min Valves ; . . . . Generator, K.W Steam per I.H.P.-hr. Steam per K.W.-hr . . 1 15 X H 15,216 240 Iflat 100 37.2,t 36.2* 60.2, 58.4 2 16X15 20,000 240 Iflat 2-50 36.7,t 35.8 61.0 59.7 3 14 X 12 28,644 300 1 flat 2-40 31.7,f 32.0 57.1, 57.4 4 16XM 719 270 4 flat 125 37.5,* 36 7 54.9, 54.7 No. of Test. Size of engine, ins. . . Hours in service Revs, per min Valves Generator, K.W Steam per I.H.P.-hr.. Steam per K.W.-hr. . . 5 18X18 32,000 220 1 piston 150 39.3, f 34.7,* 29.51 61.8, 51.8, 43.4 15X 16 5,600 250 1 piston 100 36.3,* 33.6 55.2, 49.4 7 12 X 18 10,800 190 f 2 flat inlet \ 2 Corliss exh. 44.0, t 36.7, 34.1 79.3, 60.5, 53.7 * 3/4 load ; f V2 load ; $ 1 1/4 load ; 1 1/2 load ; the others full load. Some of the conclusions of the authors from the results of these tests are as follows: The performances of the perfectly balanced flat valve engines are so relatively poor as to disqualify them, unless this type of valve can be made with some mechanism by which wear will not increase leakage. The four valve engines, which were built to be more economical than single-valve ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM ENGINES. 995 engines, have utterly failed in their object. The duplication of valves used in both four-valve engines simply increased the opportunity for leak- age. The most economical result was obtained from a piston valve engine, No. 5, heavily loaded. With the lighter loads that are comparable the fiat valve engine, No. 3, surpassed No. 5 in economy. The Hat valve engines give a flatter load curve than the piston valve engines. Compar- ing the results of the flat valve engines, the most economical results \\ere obtained from engine No. 3, which had a valve which automatically takes up wear, and if it does not cut, must maintain itself tight for long periods. From the results we are justified in thinking that most high-speed en- gines rapidly deteriorate in economy. On the contrary, slower running Corliss or gridiron valve engines improve in economy for some time and then maintain the economy for many years. It is difficult to see that the speed is the cause of this, and it must depend on the nature of the valve. The steam consumption of small single-valve high-speed engines non- condensing, is not often less than 30 Ibs. per I.H.P. per hour. Two Water- town engines, 10 X 12 tested by J. W. Hill for the Philadelphia Dept. of Public Works in 1904, gave respectively 30.67 and 29.70 Ibs. at full load, 61.8 and 63.9 I.H.P., and 28.87 and 29.54 Ibs. at approximately half-load, 37.63 and 36.36 I.H.P. High Piston-speed in Engines. (Proc. Inst. M. E., July, 1883, p. 321.) The torpedo boat is an excellent example of the advance towards high speeds, and shows what can be accomplished by studying lightness and strength in combination. In running at 22 1/2 knots an hour, an engine with cylinders of 16 in. stroke will make 480 revolutions per minute, which gives 1280 ft. per minute for piston-speed; and it is remarked that engines running at that high rate work much more smoothly than at lower speeds, and that the difficulty of lubrication diminishes as the speed increases. A High-speed Corliss Engine. A Corliss engine, 20 X 42 in., has been running a wire-rod mill at the Trenton Iron Co.'s works since 1877, at 160 revolutions or 1120 ft. piston-speed per minute (Trans. A. S. M. E., ii, 72). A piston-speed of 1200 ft. per min. has been realized in locomotive practice. The Limitation of Engine-speed. (Chas. T. Porter, in a paper on the Limitation of Engine-speed, Trans. A. S. M. E., xiv, 806.) The practical limitation to high rotative speed in stationary reciprocating steam-engines is not found in the danger of heating or of excessive wear, nor, as is gen^ erally believed, in the centrifugal force of the fly-wheel, nor in the tendency to knock in the centers, nor in vibration. He gives two objections to very high speeds: First, that "engines ought not to be run as fast as they can be; " second, the large amount of waste room in the port, which is required for proper steam distribution. In the important respect of economy of steam, the high-speed engine has thus far proved a failure. Large gain was looked for from high speed, because the loss by condensation on a given surface would be divided into a greater weight of steam, but this expectation has not been realized. For this unsatisfactory result we have to lay the blame chiefly on the excessive amount of waste room. The ordinary method of expressing fhe amount of waste room in the percentage added by it to the total piston displacement, is a misleading one. It should be expressed as the percentage which it adds to the length of steam admission. For example, if the steam is cut off at 1/5 of the stroke, 7c added by the waste room to the total piston displacement means 40% added to the volume of steam admitted. Engines of four, five and six feet stroke may properly be run at from 700 to 800 ft. of piston travel per minute, but for ordinary sizes, says Mr. Porter, 600 ft. per minute should be the limit. British High-speed Engines. (John Davidson, Power, Feb. 9, 1909.) The following figures show the general practice of leading builders: J.H.P. 50 100 200 500 750 1000 1500 2000 Revs, per min.. 600-700 550-600 500 350-375 325 250 200 160-180 Piston speed, ft. per min. 600 650 675 750 775 800 900 1000 Rapid strides have been made during the last few years, despite the 996 THE STEAM-ENGINE. competition of the steam turbine. The single-acting type (Brotherhood, Willans and others) has been superseded by double-acting engines with forced lubrication. There is less wear in a high-speed than in a low-speed engine. A 500-H.P. 3-crank engine after running 7 years, 12 hours per day and 300 days per year, showed the greatest wear to be as follows: crank pins, 0.003 in.; main bearings, 0.003 in.; eccentric sheaves, 0.015 in.; crosshead pins, 0.005 in. All pins, where possible, are of steel, case- hardened. High-speed engines have at least as high economy and effi- ciency as any other type of engine manufactured. A triple-expansion mill engine, with steam at 175 Ibs., vacuum 26 ins., superheat 100 F. t gave results as shown below, [figures taken from curves in the original]. Fraction of full load 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Lbs. steam per I.H.P. hour.. 12.7 11.85 11.4 11.1 10.9 10.S 10.75 10.75 10.8 11.0 Lbs. steam per B.H.P.hour.. 16.0 14.8 13.7 12.9 12.4 12.05 11.85 11.8 11,8 11.8 Owing to the fprced lubrication and throttle-governing, the economical performance at light loads is relatively much better than in slow-speed engines. The piston valves render the use of superheat practicable. At 200 superheat the saving in steam consumption of a triple-expansion engine is 26%. [A curve of the relation of superheat to saving shows that the percentage of saving is almost uniformly 1.4% for each additional 10 from to 160 of superheat.] The method of governing small high-speed engines is by means of a plain centrifugal governor fixed to the crank shaft and acting directly on a throttle. Several makers use a governor which at light loads acts by throttling, and at heavy loads by altering the expansion in the high- pressure cylinder. The crank-shaft governor used in America has been found impracticable for high speeds, except perhaps for small engines. Advantage of High Initial and Low Back Pressure. The theoretical advantage due to the use of high steam pressure and low back pressure or high vacuum is shown in the following table, which gives the effi- ciencies of an ideal engine operating on the Rankine cycle with different initial and back pressures, using dry saturated steam. The method of calculating the Rankine cycle efficiency, and a table showing the efficiencies with superheated steam will be found under Steam Turbines, page 1089. Rankine Cycle Efficiencies Saturated Steam. Initial Pressure, Absolute, Lb. Vacuum, In. of Mercury. 26 27 28 28.5 | 29 Efficiencies, Per Cent. 100... 13.9 16.7 18.7 19.4 20.0 23.6 25.9 27.4 28.0 28.6 24.8 27.0 28.5 29.1 29.7 26.3 28.4 29.9 30.5 31.0 27-. 4 29.4 30.9 31.4 32.0 28.9 30.8 32.2 32.7 33.2 150 200 ... 225 250 In practice the efficiencies given in the above table cannot be reached on account of the imperfection of the engine and its losses due to cylinder condensation, leakage, radiation and friction. The relative advantages of high pressure and low back pressure are probably pro- portional to the figures in the table, provided the expansion is divided into two or more stages at pressures above 100 Ib. The possibility of obtaining very high vacua is limited by the temperature of the con- densing water available and by the imperfections of the air pump. The use of high initial pressures is limited by the safe working pressure of the boiler and engine. EC ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. 997 Comparison of the Economy of Compound and Single-cylinder Corliss Condensing Engines, each expanding about Sixteen Times. (D. S. Jacobus, Trans., A. S. M. E., xii, 943.) The engines used in obtaining comparative results are located at Stations I and II of the Pawtucket Water Co. The tests show that the compound engine is about 30% more economical than the single-cylinder engine. The dimensions of the two engines are as follows: Single 20 X 48 ins.; compound 15 and 301/8 X 30 ins. The steam used per I.H.P. hour was: single 20.35 Ibs., compound 13.73 Ibs. Both of the engines are steam-jacketed, practically on the barrels only, with steam at full boiler-pressure, viz., single 106.3 Ibs., compound 127.5 Ibs. The steam-pressure in the case of the compound engine is 127 Ibs., or 21 Ibs. higher than for the single engine. If the steam-pressure be raised this amount in the case of the single engine, and the indicator-cards be increased accordingly, the consumption for the single-cylinder engine would be 19.97 Ibs. per hour per horse-power. Two-cylinder vs. Three-cylinder Compound Engine. A Wheelock triple-expansion engine, built for the Merrick Thread Co., Holyoke, Mass., is constructed so that the intermediate cylinder may be cut out of the circuit and the high-pressure and low-pressure cylinders run as a two- cylinder compound, using the same conditions of initial steam-pressure and load. The diameters of the cylinders are 12, 16, and 24 13/33 ins., the stroke of the first two being 36 ins. and that of the low-pressure cylinder 48 ins. The results of a test reported by S. M. Green and G. I. Rockwood, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xiii, 647, are as follows: In Ibs. of dry steam used per I.H.P. per hour, 12 and 2413/32 in. cylinders only used, two tests 13.06 and 12,76 Ibs. .average 12.91. All three cylinders used, two tests 12.67 and 12.90 Ibs., average 12.79. The difference is only 1%, and would indicate that more than two cylinders are unnecessary in a compound engine, but it is pointed out by Prof. Jacobus, that the conditions of the test were especially favorable for the two-cylinder engine, and not rela- tively so favorable for the three cylinders. The steam-pressure was 142 Ibs. and the number of expansions about 25. (See also discussion on the Rockwood type of engine, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xvi.) Economy of a Compound Engine. (D. S. Jacobus, Trang.A.S.M.E., 1903.) A Rice & Sargent engine, 20 and 40 X 42 ins., was tested with steam about 149 Ibs., vacuum 27.3 to 28.8 ias. or 0.82 to 1.16 Ibs. abso- lute. r.D.m. 120 to 122. with results as follows: I.H.P 1004 853 820 627 491 340 Water per I.H.P. per hr... 12.75 12.33 12.55 12.10 13.92 14.58 B.T.U. per I.H.P. per min. 231.8 226.3 229.9 222.7 256.8 267.7 The Lentz Compound Engine is described in The Engineer (London), July 10, 1908. It is the latest development of the reciprocating engine with four double-seated poppet valves to each cylinder, each valve op^ crated by a separate eccentric mounted on a lay-shaft driven by bevel- gearing from the main shaft. The throw of the high-pressure steam eccentrics is varied by slide-blocks which are caused to slide along the lay- shaft by the action of a centrifugal inertia governor, which is also mounted on the lay-shaft. No elastic packing is used in the engine, the piste n-rod stuffing box being fitted with ground cast-iron rings, and the valve stems being provided with grooves and ground to fit long bushings to 0.001 in. Two tests of a Lentz engine built in England, 141/2 and 243/ 4 by 271/3 in., gave results as follows: Saturated steam, 170 Ibs., vacuum 26 in., I.H.P. 366, steam per I.H.P. per hour 12.3 Ibs. Steam 170 Ibs. superheated 150 F., vac. 26 in., I.H.P. 366, steam per I.H.P. per hour, 10.4 Ibs. Revs, ner min. in both cases 167. Piston speed 767 ft. per min. Engines are built for speeds up to 900 ft. per min., and up to 350 r.p.m. The Lentz engine is built in the United States by the Erie City Iron Works. The Stumpf Uniflow Engine is a single cylinder engine with a very long piston and with exhaust ports in the middle of the cylinder which are uncovered as the piston travels beyond them. The inlet ports are at the ends. The exhaust steam therefore does not have to flow back to the ends of the cylinder in order to escape, and the cooling of the ends and of the ports is thereby avoided. It is claimed that this single cylinder engine gives a steam economy equal to that of a compound engine. Uniflow engines are built by Ames Iron Works, Oswego, N.Y. 998 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Steam Consumption of Sulzcr Compound and Triple-expansion Engines with Superheated Steam. The figures in the table below were furnished to the author in 1902 by Sulzer Bros., Winterthur, Switzerland. Results of official tests: Saturated Steam. Superheated Steam. . r . 3 -! r' ^ 1 1 fo *"" M OO O o C .f. l| dg" |l * 1^ . 0) a 'Sb CC W d| S gU ri gfi t *SCL Q> \A 0) W^ c *sfi 0) w M W 1 "*^ H HoQ > 00^^ 130 356 26.4 850 13.30 A | 132 122 428 482 26.4 26.6 842 1719 12.05 12.42 136 357 28 481 13.00 ) 135 547 28 515 11.32 134 356 28 750 13.10 [ B H 132 533 27.8 788 11.52 135 356 27.6 1078 14.10 i ( 134 546 27.2 1100 11.88 130 358 28.2 1076 14.10 132 496 28.3 1071 11.73 129 358 28 1316 14.50 [ c i 136 527 * 1021 15.37 190 397 27.2 2880 11.28 D 188 606 28 2860 8.97 196 381 26.2 3040 11.57 E 189 613 27 ' 2908 9.41 Superheated Steam. ) ( 127 655 27.2 788 9.91f 135 1 557 26.4 519 10.80f \ F G^ 127 664 27.2 797 9.68f 135 1 554 26.4 347 10.35tl) 1 128 572 27.1 788 10.70f A B C D E F G Normal, H.P. 1500 to 1800 800 to 1000 950 to 1150 3000 triple expan. 3000 triple expan. 400 to 500 1000 to 1200 Cylinders, In. R.P.M. 30.5 & 49.2 X 59.1 83 24 & 40.4 X 51.2 83 26 & 42.3 X 51.2 86 32 1/4, 47 1/4, & 58 X 59 85 34, 49, & 61 X 51 83.5 17.7 & 30.5 X 35.4 110 26.9 & 47.2 X 66.9 65 * Non-condensing, t With intermediate superheating. Tempera- ture of steam at entrance to low-pressure cylinder, 307 to 349 F. Test of a Non-condensing Engine with Superheated Steam. Prof. J. A. Moyer reports in Power, Dec. 2, 1913, the following results of tests of a simple Lentz horizontal engine, cylinder, 191/32 in. X 2015/16 in. stroke, 207 to 211 r.p.m. Steam pressure, absolute, 170.1 to 171.9 Ib. Back pressure, to 0.34 in. of mercury. Indicated horse-power ... . 162 . 7 227 . 6 282 . 1 322 . 5 Steam per I. H.P. hour, Ib 17.25 15.78 15.24 15.48 Superheat, deg. F 98.3 139.4 141.5 159.7 Saving of Steam due to Superheating. The following figures are given by Power Specialty Co., makers of the Foster superheater. A 3300 horse-power Lentz cross-compound engine having 37 i/2-in. and 63-in. cylinders, 55-in. stroke, at Charlottenburg, Germany, with* 192-lb. gage pressure, 26-in. vacuum, 107 revs, per min., gave the follow- ing steam consumption: Temp, of Steam. Super- heat. Load. V4 V2 3 /4 Vi V4 570 660 185F. 275 F. Steam per I.H.P. hr., Ib . . . . Steam per I.H.P. hr., Ib. . . . 11.1 10.6 10.1 9.7 9.5 9.0 9.2 8.8 9.7 9.2 The saving in steam effected by superheating 100 degrees, as com- pared with saturated steam, is, approximately, for steam turbines, 10 per cent; triple-expansion engines, 12 per cent; compound engines, 14 per cent; simple engines, 18 per cent and over. ECi ECONOMIC PEEFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. 999 Tests of Buckeye engines, simple, 12 X 16 in., and compound, 10 and '1/2 X 16 in., with steam at 100 to 110 Ib. pressure, gave the following: Engine. Per Cent of Rated Load. Degrees of Superheat. 50 100 150 200 Lb. Steam per I.H.P. Hr. Simple, non-condensing Simple, non-condensing 30 50 100 100 100 35 31.5 28.5 28 25 ..5 24.0 24 22 20 17.5 14 21.5 19 18 15.5 12.5 19.5 17.5 17.5 14.6 11.5 Simple non-condensing Compound, non-condensing Compound, condensing 18 16.5 Steam Consumption of Different Types of Engines. Tests of a Ridgway 4- valve non-condensing engine, 19 X 18 in., at 200 r.p.m. and 100 Ib. pressure, are reported in Power, June, 1909, as 7.9 9.75 10.50 11.80 follows: Load 1/4 1/2 V4 Full H/4 Steam per I.H.P. hour. ... 30.7 24.4 23.2 23.8 | 25.4 The best result obtained at 130 Ib. pressure was 21.6 Ib.; at 115 Ib. pressure, 22.6 Ib. ; and at 85 Ib. pressure, 24.3 Ib. Maintained economy In this type of engine is dependent upon reduction of unnecessary over- travel, properly fitted valves, valves which do not span a wide arc, close approach of the movement of the valves to that of a Corliss engine, and good materials. The probable steam consumption of condensing engines of different types with different pressures of steam is given in a set of curves by R. H. Thurston and L. L. Brinsmade, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1897, from which curves the following approximate figures are derived. Steam pressure, absolute, Ibs. per sq. in. 250 Ideal Engine (Rankine cycle) Quadruple Exp. Wastes 20% Triple Exp. Wastes 25% Compound. Wastes 33% Simple Engine. Wastes 50% 14.00 15.00 15.80 The same authors give the records of tests of a three-cylinder engine at Cornell University, cylinders 9, 16 and 24 ins., 36-in. stroke, first as a triple-expansion engine; second, with the intermediate cylinder omitted, making a compound engine with a cylinder ratio of 7 to 1 : and third, omitting the third cylinder, making a compound engine with a ratio of a little over 3 to 1. The boiler pressure in the first case was 119 Ibs.. in the second 115, and in the third 117 Ibs. Charts are given showing the steam consumption per I.H.P. and per B.H.P. at different loads, from which the following figures are taken. Indicated Horse-power 40 60 80 100 110 120 130 Steam consumption per I.H.P. per hour. Triple Exp 19.1 16.7 15.3 14.2 13.7 13.8 14.4 Comp. 7 to 1 . . 19.6 18.2 17.0 16.3 16. 15.8 15.8 Comp. 3 to 1 19.7 18.4 18.1 18.5 Steam consumption per B.H.P. hour. Triple Exp 30.5 23.0 19.6 17.1 16.2 16.2 16.7 Comp. 7 to 1 26.2 21.7 19.3 18.7 18.5 18.4 18.5 Comp. 3 to 1 23.4 20.6 20. 20 The most economical performance was as follows: Triple Comp. 7 to 1 ComD. 3 to 1 Indicated Horse-power 112.7 130.0 67.7 Steam per I.H.P. hour 13.68 15.8 18.03 400 6.95 8.75 9.25 10.50 14.00 300 7.5 9.15 9.95 11.25 15.00 200 8.45 10.50 11.15 12.70 16.80 150 9.20 11.60 12.30 13.90 18.40 100 75 50 10.50 11.40 12.9 13.0 14.0 15.8 14.0 15.1 16.7 15.6 16.9 18.S 20.4 22.7 25.2 1000 THE STEAM-ENGINE. A test of a 7500-#.P. engine, at the 59th St. Station of the Interborough Rapid Transit Co., New York, is reported in Power, Feb., 1906. It is a double cross compound engine, with horizontal h.p. and vertical l.p. cylinders. With steam at 175 Ibs. gauge and vacuum 25.02 ins., 75 r.p.m. it developed 7365 I.H.P., 5079 K.W. at switchboard. Friction and elec- trical losses 417.3 K.W. Dry steam per K.W. hour 17.34 Ibs.; per I.H.P. hour, 11. 96 Ibs. A test of a Fleming; 4-valve engine, 15 and 40.5 in. diam., 27-in. stroke, positive-driven Corliss valves, fly-wheel governor, is reported by B. T. Allen in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1903. The following: results were obtained. The speed was above 150 r.p.m. and the vacuum 26 in. Fraction of full load about 1/6 5/8 Vio Full load 1.1 Horse-power 87.1 321.5 348.3 501.6 553.5 Steam per I:H.P. hour 14.42 13.59 12.33 12.66 12.7 Relative Economy of Compound Non-condensing Engines under Variable Loads. F. M. Rites, in a paper on the Steam Dis- tribution in a Form of Single-acting Engine (Trans. A.S.M. E., xiii, 537), discusses an engine designed to meet the following problem: Given an extreme range of conditions as to load or steam-pressure, either or both, to fluctuate together or apart, violently or with easy gradations, to construct an engine whose economical performance should be as good as though the engine were specially designed for a momentary condition the adjustment to be complete and automatic. In the ordinary non-con- densing compound engine with light loads -the high-pressure cylinder is frequently forced to supply all the power and in addition drag along with it the low-pressure piston, whose cylinder indicates negative work. Mr. Rites shows the peculiar value of a receiver of predetermined volume which acts as a clearance chamber for compression in the high-pressure cylinder. The Westinghouse compound single-acting engine is designed upon this principle. The following results of tests of one of these engines rated at 175 H.P. for most economical load are given: WATER RATES UNDER VARYING LOADS, LBS. PER H.P. PER HOUR. Horse-power 210 170 140 115 100 80 50 Non-condensing 22.6 21.9 22.2 22.2 22.4 24.6 28.8 Condensing 18.4 18.1 18.2 18.2 18.3 18.3 20.4 Efficiency of Non-condensing Compound Engines. (W. Lee Church, Am. Mach., Nov. 19, 1891.) The compound engine, non-con- densing, at its best performance will exhaust from the low-pressure cylin- der at a pressure 2 to 6 pounds above atmosphere. Such an engine will be limited in its economy to a very short range of power, for the reason that its valve-motion will not permit of any great increase beyond its rated power, and any material decrease below its rated power at once brings the expansion curve in the low-pressure cylinder below atmos- phere. In other words, decrease of load tells upon the compound engine somewhat sooner, and much more severely, than upon the non-compound engine. The loss commences the moment the expansion line crosses a line parallel to the atmospheric line, and at a distance above it repre- senting the mean effective pressure necessary to carry the frictional load of the engine. When expansion falls to this point the low-pressure cylinder becomes an air-pump over more or less of its stroke, the power to drive which must come from the high-pressure cylinder alone. Under the light loads common in many industries the low-pressure cylinder is thus a positive resistance for the greater portion of its stroke. A careful study of this problem revealed the functions of a fixed intermediate clearance, always in communication with the high-pressure cylinder, and having a volume bearing trie same ratio to that of the high-pressure cylinder that the high-pressure cylinder bears to the low-pressure. Engines laid down on these lines have fully confirmed the judgment of the de- signers. The effect of this constant clearance is to supply sufficient steam to the low-pressure cylinder under light loads to hold its expansion curve up to atmosphere, and at the same time leave a sufficient clearance volume in the high-pressure cylinder to permit of governing the engine on its compression under light loads. Tests of two non-condensing Corliss engines by G. H. Barrus are re- ported in Power, April 27, 1909. The engines were built by Rice & Sargent, One is a simple engine 22 X 30, and the other a tandern j ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. 1001 compound 22 and 36 X 36 ins. Both engines are jacketed in both heads, and the compound engine has a reheating receiver with 0.6 sq. ft. o{ brass pipes per rated H.P. (600). The guarantees were: compound engine, not to exceed 19 Ibs. of steam per I. H.P. per hour, with 130 Ibs. steam pressure and 1 Ib. back pressure in the exhaust pipe, and the simple engine not to exceed 23 Ibs. The friction load, engine run with the brushes off the generator and the field not excited, was not to exceed 4V2 H.P. in either engine. The results were: compound engine, 99.2 r.p.m., .608.3 H.P.; 18.33 Ibs. steam per I. H.P. per hour; friction load 3.8% of 600 H.P.; simple engine, 98.5 r.p.m.; 306.2 LH.P.; 20.98 Ibs. per I.H.P. per hour; friction 3.6% of 300 H.P. A single-cylinder engine 12 X 12 ins., made by the Buffalo Forge Co., was tested by Profs. Reeve and Allen. (EL World, May 23, 1903.) Some of the results were: I.H.P 16.39 37.20 56.00 69.00 74.10 81.4 89.3 125.9* 86.42f Water-rate... 52.3 35.3 33.3 31.9 30.6 34.6 33.1 27.6 27.5 * Steam pressure 125 Ibs. gauge, all the other tests 80 Ibs. t Con- densing, other tests all non-condensing. Effect of Water contained in Steam on the Efficiency of the Steam-engine. .(From a lecture by Walter C. Kerr, before the Franklin Institute, 1891.) Standard writers make little mention of the effect of entrained moisture on the expansive properties of steam, but by common consent rather than any demonstration they seem to agree that moisture produces an ill effect simply proportional to the percentage amount of its presence. That is, 5% moisture will increase the water rate of an engine 5%. Experiments reported in 1893 by R. C. Carpenter and L. S. Marks, Trans. A. S. M. E., xy, in which water in varying quantity was intro- duced into the steam-pipe, causing the quality of the steam to range from 99% to 58% dry, showed that throughout the range of qualities used the consumption of dry steam per indicated horse-power per hour remains practically constant, and indicated that the water was an inert quantity, doing neither good nor harm. Influence of Vacuum and Superheat on Steam Consumption. (Eng. Digest, Mar., 1909.) Herr Roginsky ("Die Turbine") discusses the economies effected by the use of superheat and high vacuums. In a certain triple-expansion engine, working under good average conditions, there was found a saving of approximately 6% for each 10% increase in vacuum beyond 50%. The Batulli-Tumlirz formula for superheated steam is: p (v + a) = RT. in which p = steam pressure in kgs. per sq. meter, v = cubic meters in 1 kg. of superheated steam at pressure p t a = 0.0084, R = 46.7, and T = absolute temperature in deg. C. Using this expression, it is found that, neglecting the fuel used for superheating, for each 10 C. of superheat at pressures ranging from 100 to 185 Ibs. per sq. in. there is an average increase of volume of 2.8%. The work done by the expansion of superheated steam, as shown by diagrams, is about 1.6% less for 10 of superheating, so that the net saving for each 10 of superheat is 2.8 1.6 = 1.2%, approx. (0.66% for each 10 F.). Rateau's formula for the steam consumption (K) per H.P.-hr. of an ideal steam turbine, in which the steam expands from pressure p\ to pa, in K = 0.85 (6.95 - 0.92 log p 2 ) /(log P! - log p 2 \ K being in kilograms and p\ and pz in kgs. per sq. meter. From this formula the following table is calculated, the values being transformed into British units. Lbs. per sq. in. Lbs. Steam at 50% Vacuum. Reduction of Steam Consumption (%) by using a Vacuum of 60% 70% 80% 90% ?5% 184.9 156.5 128 99.6 11.11 11.75 12.57 13.84 5. 5.8 6.6 7.6 11.1 11.8 12.9 14.4 18. 1\ 19.3 20.5 22. 27.8 28.8 20.8 33.3 34.6 36.4 38.5 40.6 1002 THE STEAM-ENGINE. From the entropy diagram it is seen that in expanding from pressures in excess of 100 Ibs. per sq.in. down to 1.42 Ibs. absolute, approximately 1 % more work is performed for every 10 F. of superheat. The effect of increasing the degree of vacuum is summed up in the following table: Increasing the Vacuum from Decreases Steam Consumption. in Reciprocating Engines. in Steam Turbines. 50% to 60% 50% to 70% 50% to 80% 50% to 90% 50% to 95% 5.8% 11.6% 17.3% 23.1% 26.0% 6.2% 12.6% 20.0% 30.1% 37.4% In the last case (from 50% to 95%) the decrease in steam consumption Is 44% greater for a steam turbine than for a reciprocating engine. The following results of tests of a compound engine using superheated steam are reported in Power, Aug., 1905. The cylinders were 21 and 36 X 36 ins. The steam pressure was about 117 Ibs. gauge. R.p.m. 100, vacuum 26.5 ins. Test No 1 Indicated H.P 481 Superheat of steam entering h.p. cyl. . . 253 F B.T.U. supplied per I.H.P. per min 198.2 B.T.U. theoretically required. Rankine cycle 142.4 Efficiency ratio 0.72 Thermal efficiency % 21.39 Lbs. steam per I.H.P. hour 9.098 9.267 8.886 8.585 8.682 8.742 The Practical Application of Superheated Steam is discussed in a paper by G. A. Hutchinson in Trans. A. S. M. E. t 1901. Many different forms of superheater are illustrated. Some results of tests on a 3000-H.P., four-cylinder, vertical, triple-ex- pansion Sulzer engine, using steam from Schmidt independently fired superheaters, are as follows. (Eng. Rec. t Oct. 13, 1900.) 2 461 3 347 4 145 5 333 6 258 242* 221 202 232 210 201.7 197.6 192.1 194.0 194.0 142.5 0.71 21.02 130.2 0.66 21.46 128.0 0.67 22.07 126.0 0.65 21.86 128.5 0.66 21.86 Tests Using Steam. Highly Superheated. Mod- erately Super- heated Saturated. Initial pressure in h.p. cyl. (absolute) Ibs . 187.3 582 2,900 9.64 477 195.5 585 2,779 .9.67 482 188.4 614 2,868 9.56 479 190.3 531 2,850 10.29 447 194.6 381 2,951 11.77 438 195.9 381 2,999 11.75 435 Temp, of steam in valve chest deg. F ... Total I.H.P Lbs. steam per I.H.P. hour Watt hours per Ib. of coal. The saving due to the use of highly superheated steam is (482-438) * 482 = 9.1%. Tests of a 4000-H.P. double-compound engine (Van den Kerchove, of Brussels) with superheated steam are reported in Power, Dec. 29, 1908. The cylinders are 34 1/4 and 60 ins., stroke 5 ft. Ratio of areas 2.97. The following are the principal results, the first figures given being for the full- load test, and the second (in parentheses) for the half-load test. Steam pressure at drier, 136.5 Ibs. (137.9). R.p.m. 84.3 (84.06). Temp, of steam entering engine 519 F. (498), leaving l.p. cyl. 121.5 (121.5). Vacuum in condenser, ins., 27.5 (27). I.H.P. 3776 (2019). Steam per I.H.P. hour, Ibs., 9.62 (9.60). The saving due to the use of superheated steam is reported in numerous ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. 1003 tests as being all the way from less than 10% to more than 40%. The greater saving is usually found with engines that are the most inefficient with saturated steam, such as single-cylinder engines with light loads, in which the cylinder condensation is excessive. R. P. Bolton (Eng. Mag., May, 1907) states that tests of superheated steam in locomotives, by the Prussian Railway authorities in 1904, with 50, 104 and 158 F. superheat, showed a saving of water respectively of 2.5, 10 and 16%, and a saving of coal of 2, 7 and 12%. Mr. Bolton's paper concludes with a long list of references on the subject of super- heated steam. A paper by J. R. Bibbins in Elec. Jour., March, 1906, gives a series of charts showing the saving made by different degrees of super- heating in different types of engines, including steam turbines. For description of the Foster superheater, see catalogue of the Power Specialty Co., New York. The Wolf (French) semi-portable compound engine of 40 H.P. with superheater and reheater, the engine being mounted on the boiler, is reported by R. E. Mathot, Power, July, 1906, to have given a steam consumption as low as 9.9 IDS. per I. H.P. hour, and 10.98 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour. The steam pressure in the boiler was 172.6 Ibs., and was super- heated initially to 657 F., and reheated to 361 before entering the l.p. cylinder. This is a remarkable record for a small engine. A testfof a Rice & Sargent cross-compound horizontal engine 16 and 28X42 ins., with superheated steam, is reported by D. S. Jacobus in Trans. A. S. M. E. , 1904. The steam pressure at the throttle was 140 Ibs. gauge, the superheating was 350 to 400, and the vacuum 25 to 26 ins., r.p.m. 102. In three tests with superheated and one with saturated, steam the results were: I.H.P. developed ! . . . .474.5 420.4 276.8 406.7 Water consumption per I. H.P. hour 9.76 9.56 "9.70 13.84 Coal consumption per I.H.P. hour 1.265 1.257 1.288 1.497 B.T.U. per min. per I.H.P 205.0 203.7 208.8 248.2 Temp, of steam entering h.p. cyl 634 659 672 Temp, of steam leaving h.p. cyl 346 331 288 262 Temp, of steam entering l.p. cyl 408 396 354 269 Temp, of steam leaving l.p. cyl 135 141 117 Performance of a Quadruple Engine. O. P. Hood (Trans. A. S, M. E., 1906) describes a test of a high-duty air compressor, with four steam cylinders, 14.5, 22, 38 and 54 in. diam., 48-in. stroke. The clearr ances were respectively 6, 5.7, 4.4 and 3.5%. R.p.m. 57. Steam pressure, gauge, near throttle, 242.8 Ibs., in 1st. receiver 120.7 Ibs., in 2d, 30.8 Ibs., in 3d, vac., 1.24 ins. Moisture in steam near throttle, 5.74%. Steam in No. 1 receiver, dry; in No. 2, 17 superheat; in No. 3, 9 superheat. The engine has poppet valves on the h.p. cylinder and Corliss valves on the other cylinders. The feed-water heaters are four in number, in series, on the Nordberg system; No. 1 receives its steam from the exhaust of No. 4 cylinder; No. 2 from the jacket of No. 4 cyl.; No. 3 from the jackets of No. 3 cylinder and No. 3 reheater; No. 4 from the jacket of No. 2 cylinder. The reheaters are supplied with steam from the boilers. The temperatures of steam and water were as follows: Temperatures of steam: Fed to No. 1 engine, 403; leaving receivers, No. 1, 351; No. 2, 291; No. 3, 216. Exhaust entering preheater, 114. Temperature corre- sponding to condenser pressure, 109.6. Temperatures of water: Fed to preheater, 93; fed to heaters, No. 1, 114; No. 2, 173; No..3. 202; No. 4, 269; leaving heater No. 4 as boiler feed, 334. The principal results of the test are as follows: Cylinder 1 2 3 4 I.H.P. developed in steam cylinders 181.47 256.96 275.71 275.56 I.H.P. used in the cylinders 220.04 222.12 226.20 214.84 Total indicated horse-power, steam cylinders 989.7 Total horse-power used in air cylinders 883.2 Total indicated horse-power of auxiliaries 11.0 Horse-power representing friction of the machine 95.5 Per cent of friction 9.65% Mechanical efficiency engine and compressor 90.35% Heat consumed by engine per hour per I.H.P., 10,157 B.T.U. ; per B.H.P., 11,382 B.T.U. Equivalent standard coal consumption per 1004 THE STEAM-ENGINE. hour assuming 10,000 B.T.U. imparted to the boiler per pound coal, per I.H.P., 1,016 IDS.; per B.H.P., 1,138 Ibs. Dry steam per hour per I.H.P., 11.23 Ibs.; per B.H.P., 12.58 Ibs. Heat units consumed per minute, per I.H.P., 169.29 B.T.U. ; per B.H.P., 189.70 B.T.U. Efficiency of Carnot cycle between the temperature of incoming steam and that corresponding to pressure in the condenser... 34.0 % Actual heat efficiency attained by this engine 25.05% Relative efficiency compared with Carnot cycle 73.69% Relative efficiency compared with Rankine'cycle 88.2 % Duty, ft.-lbs. per million B.T.U. supplied 194,930,000 This engine establishes a new low record for the heat consumed per hour per I.H.P., being 9% lower than that used by the Wild wood pumping engine reported in 1900. (See Pumping Engines.) The Use of Reheaters in the receivers of multiple-expansion engines is discussed by R. H. Thurston in Trans. A.S.M.E., xxi, 893. He shows that such receivers improve the economy of an engine very little unless they are also superheaters; in which case marked economy may be effected by the reduction of cylinder condensation. The larger the amount of cylinder condensation and the greater the losses, exterior and interior, the greater the effect of any given amount of superheating. The same statement will hold of the use of reheaters: the more wasteful the engine without them and the more effectively they superheat, the larger the gain by their use. A reheater should be given such area of heating surface as will insure at least moderate superheating. Influence of the Steam-jacket. Tests of numerous engines with and without steam-jackets show an exceeding diversity of results, ranging all the way from 30% saying down to zero, or even in some cases showing an actual loss. The opinions of engineers at this date (1894) is also as diverse as the results, but there is a tendency towards a general belief that the jacket is not as valuable an appendage to an engine as was for- merly supposed. An extensive rtsum& of facts and opinions on the steam- jacket is given by Prof. Thurston in Trans. A. S. M. E., xiv, 462. See also Trans. A. S. M. E. t xiv, 873 and 1340; xiii, 176; xii, 426 and 1340; and Jour. F. I., April, 1891, p. 276. The following are a few statements selected from these papers. /The results of tests reported by the research committee on steam-jackets appointed by the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1886, indicate an increased efficiency due to the use of the steam-jacket of from 1% to over 30%, according to varying circumstances. Professor Unwin considers that "in all cases and "on all cylinders the jacket is useful; provided, of course, ordinary, not superheated, steam is used; but the advantages may diminish to an amount not worth the in- terest on extra cost." Professor Cotterill says: Experience shows that a steam-jacket is advan- tageous, but the amount to be gained will vary according to circumstances. In many cases it may be that the advantage is small. Great caution is necessary in drawing conclusions from any special set of experiments on the influence of jacketing. In the Pawtucket pumping-engine, 15 and 30 1/8 X 30 in., 50 revs, per min., steam-pressure 125 Ibs. gauge, cut-off i/4in h.p. and 1/3 in l.p. cylinder, the barrels only jacketed, the saving by the jackets was from 1% to 4%. The superintendent of the Holly Mfg. Co. (compound pumping-engines) says: "In regard to the benefits derived from steam-jackets on our steam- cylinders, I am somewhat of a skeptic. From data taken on our own engines and tests made I am yet to be convinced that there is any practical value in the steam-jacket." Professor Schrooter from his work on the triple-expansion engines at Augsburg, and frlm the results of his tests of the jacket efficiency on a small engine of the Sulzer type in his own laboratory, concludes: (1) The value of the jacket may vary within very wide limits, or even become negative. (2) The shorter the cut-off the greater the gain by the use of a jacket. (3) The use of higher pressure in the jacket than in the cylinder produces an advantage. The greater this difference the better. (4) The high-pressure cylinder may be left unjacketed without great loss, but the other should always be jacketed. The test of the Laketon triple-expansion pumping-engine showed a gain ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. 1005 of 8.3 % by the use of the jackets, but Prof. Denton points out (Trans. A. S. M. E., xiv, 1412) that all but 1.9% of the gain was ascribable to the greater range of expansion used with the jackets. Test of a Compound Condensing Engine with and without Jackets at different Loads. (R. C. Carpenter, Trans. A. S. M. E., xiv, 428.) Cylinders 9 and 16 in. X 14 in. stroke; 112 Ibs. boiler- pressure; rated capacity 100 H.P.; 265 revs, per min. Vacuum, 23 in. From the results of several tests curves are plotted, from which the following principal figures are taken. Indicated HP.. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 10 120 125 Steam per I.H.P. per hr. With jackets, Ibs Without jackets, Ibs.. . 22.6 21.4 20.3 19 6 22 19 ?0 5 18.7 19 6 18.6 19 ? 18.9 19 1 19.5 19 3 20.4 20 1 21.0 Saving by jacket. % ... 10 9 7 3 4 6 3 1 1 -1 -1 5 This table gives a clue to the great variation in the apparent saving due to the steam-jacket as reported by different experimenters. With this particular engine it appears that when running at its most econom- ical rate of 100 H.P., without jackets, very little saving is made by use of the jackets. When running light the jacket makes a considerable saving, but when overloaded it is a detriment. At the load which corresponds to the most economical rate, with no steam in jackets, or 100 H.P., the use of the jacket makes a saving of only 1%; but at a load of 60 H.P. the saving by use of the jacket is about 11%, and the shape of the curve indicates that the relative ad- vantage of the jacket would be still greater at lighter loads than 60 H.P. The Best Economy of the Piston Steam-Engine at the Advent of the Steam Turbine is the subject of a paper by J. E. Denton at the International Congress of Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, 1904. (Power Oct. 26, 1905.) Prof. Denton says: During the last two years the following records have been established: (1) With an 850 : H.P. Rice & Sargent compound Corliss engine, running at 120 r.p.m., having a 4 to 1 cylinder ratio, clearances of 4% and 7% live jackets on cylinder heads and live steam in reheater, Prof. Jacobus found for 600 H.P. of load, with 150 Ibs. saturated steam, 28.6 ins. vacuum, and 33 expansions, 12.1 Ibs. of water per I.H.P., with a cylinder-conden- sation loss of 22%, and a jacket consumption of 10.7% of the total steam consumption. (2) With a 250-H.P. Belgian poppet-valve compound engine, 126 r.p.m. with 2.97 to 1 cylinder ratio, clearances of 4%, steam-chest jackets on barrels and head, and no reheater, Prof. Schroter, of Munich, found with 117 H.P. of load, 130 Ibs. saturated steam, 27.6 ins. of vacuum, and 32 ex- pansions, 11.98 Ibs. of water per H.P. per hour, with a cylinder-condensa- tion loss of 23.5%, and a jacket consumption of 7% of the total steam consumption in the high cylinder jacket and 7% in the low jacket. ( 3 ) With the Westinghouse twin compound combined poppet-valve and Corliss-valve engine, at the New York Edison plant, running 76 r p m with 5.8 to 1 cylinder ratio, clearances of 10.5% and 4%, without jackets or reheater, Messrs. Andrew, Whitham and Wells found for the full load if 5400 H.P 185 Ibs. steam pressure, 27.3 ins. vacuum, and 29 expan- sions^l 1.93 Ibs. of water per I.H.P. per hour, with an initial condensation These facts show that the minimum water consumption of the compound engine of the present date, using saturated steam, is not dependent upon any particular cylinder ratio and clearance nor upon any system of jacket- ing, but that tne essential condition is the use of a ratio of expansion ai about 30, above which the cylinder-condensation loss is liable to prevail over the influence of the law of expansion. The conclusion appears warranted, therefore, that if this ratio of expansion is secured with any the current cylinder and clearance ratios, and with any existing system of jackets and reheaters, or without them, a water consumption of 12 4 Ibs horse-power is possible, and that a variation of 04 Ib. below or above igure may occur by the accidental favorable, or unfavorable, jacket ad cylinder-wall expenses which are beyond the control of the designer Compound Piston Engine Economy vs. that of Steam Turbine. In order to compare the economy of the piston engine with that of the steam tur- 1006 THE STEAM-ENGINE. bine, we must use the water consumption per brake horse-power, since no indicator card is possible from the turbine; and furthermore, we must use the average water consumption for the range of loads to which engines are subject in practice. In all of the public turbine tests to date, with one exception the output was measured through the electric power of a dynamo whose efficiency is not given for the range of loading employed, so that the average brake horse-power is not known. This exception is the Dean and Main test of a 600-H.P. Westinghouse-Parsons turbine using saturated steam at 150 Ibs. pressure, and a 28-in. vacuum. We may compare the results of this test with that of the 850-H.P. Rice & Sargent and of the 250-H.P. Belgian engine, by assuming that the power absorbed by friction in these en- gines is 3 % of the indicated load plus the power shown by friction cards taken with the engine unloaded. The latter showed 5% of the rated power in the R.& S. engine and 8 % in the Belgian engine. The results are : Per cent of full load 41 75 100 125 Avg. 85% Lbs. Water per Brake H.P. Hour. 600-H.P. Turbine 13.62 13.91 14.48 16.05 14.51 800-H. P. Comp. Engine 13.78 13.44 13.66 17.36 14.56 250 H.P. Belgian Engine 15.10 14.15 13.99 15.31 14.64 These figures show practical equality in economy of the types of engines. The full report of the Van den Kerchove Belgian engine is given in Power, June, 1903. For large-sized units Prof. Denton compares the Elberfeld test of a Parsons turbine at the full load of 1500 electric H.P., allowing 5% for attached air pump, 95% for generator efficiency, with the 5400-H.P. Westinghouse compound engine at the New York Edison station, whose friction at full load was found to be 4%. The turbine with 150 Ibs. steam and 28 ins. vacuum required 13.08 Ibs. of saturated steam per B.H.P. hour, a gain of 4% over the 600-H.P. turbine. The engine with 18.5 Ibs. boiler pressure gave 12.5 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour. Crediting the turbine with the possible influence of the difference in size and steam pressure, there is again practical equality in economy between it and the piston engine. Triple-expansion Pumping Engines. The triple-expansion engine has failed to supplant the compound for electric light and mill service, be- cause the gain in fuel economy due to its use was not sufficient to over- come its higher first cost, depreciation, etc. It is, however, almost uni- versally used in" marine practice, and also in large-sized pumping engines. Prof. Denton says: Pumping engines in the United States have been de- veloped in x the triple-expansion fly- wheel type to a degree of economy superior to that afforded by any compound mill or electric engine, and, for saturated steam, superior to that of the pumping engines of any other country. This is because their slow speed permits of greater benefit from jackets and reheaters and of less losses from wire-drawing and back pressure. These causes, together with the greater subdivision of the range of expansion, have resulted in records made between 1894 and 1900 of 11.22, 11.26 and 11.05 Ibs. of saturated steam per I.H.P., with 175 Ibs. steam pressure and from 25 to 33 expansions, in the cases of the Leavitt, Snow and Allis pumping engines, respectively, the corresponding heat consumption being by different dispositions of the jacket drainage, 204, 208 and- 212 thermal units per I.H.P. minute; while later the Allis pump, with 185 Ibs. steam pressure, has lowered the record to 10.33 Ibs. of satu- rated steam per I.H.P., with 196 B.T.U. per H.P. minute. Gain from Superheating. In the Belgian compound engine above de- scribed, with steam at 130 Ibs., vacuum 27. 6 ins., the average consumption of saturated steam, between 45 and ]25% of load, was 12.45 Ibs. per I.H.P. hour, or 225 B.T.U. per I.H.P. minute. With steam superheated 224 F. the average consumption for the same loads was 10.09 Ibs. per I.H.P. hour, computed to be equivalent to 209 B.T.U. per H.P. minute, a gain due to superheating of 7%. With steam supei heated 307 and the load about 80% of rating the water consumption \\as 8.99 Ibs. per I.H.P. hour, equivalent to 192 B.T.U. per H.P. minute. The same load with saturated steam requires 221 B.T.U., showing a gain due to super- heating of 13%. .The best performance reported for superheated steam used in the tur- ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF STEAM-ENGINES. 1007 bine is that of Brown & Boveri Parsons, Frankfort, 4000-H.P. machine, which, with 183 Ibs. gauge pressure and 190 F. superheat, afforded 10.28 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour, assuming a generator efficiency of 0.95. Reckoning from the feed temperature of its vacuum of 27.5 ins., the heat consumption is 214 B.T.U. per H.P. minute. The heat consumption of the 250-H.P. Belgian compound engine per B.H.P. hour at the highest superheating of 307 F. is 220 B.T.U. The turbine, therefore, probably holds the record for brake horse-power econ- omy over the piston engine for superheated steam by a margin of about 3%, although had the compound engine been of the same horse-ppwer as the turbine, so that its friction load would be only 8% of its power instead of the 13% here allowed, it would have excelled the turbine in brake horse-power economy by a margin of about 2.5%. The Sulphur-dioxide 'Addendum. If the expansion in piston engines could continue until the pressure of 1 pound was attained before exhaust occurred, considerable more work could be obtained from the steam. This cannot be done, for two reasons: first, because the low cylinder would have to be about five times greater in volume, which is commercially impracticable; and, second, because the velocity of exit through the largest exhaust ports possible is so great that the frictional resistance of the steam makes the back pressure from 1 to 3 pounds higher than the condenser pressure in the best engines of ordinary piston speed. All the work due to this extra expansion can be obtained by exhausting the steam at 6 Ibs. pressure against a nest of tubes containing sulphur dioxide which is thereby boiled to a vapor at about 170 Ibs. pressure. Professor Josse, of Berlin, has perfected this sulphur-dioxide system of improvement, and reliable tests have shown that if cooling water of 65 is available, and to the extent of about twice the quantity usually em- ployed for condensing steam under 28 ins. of vacuum, a sulphur-dioxide cylinder of about half the size of the high-pressure cylinder of a com- pound engine will do sufficient work to improve the best economy of such engines at least 15%. The steam turbine expands its steam to the pressure of its exhaust chamber, and as unlimited escape ports can bo provided from this chamber to a condenser, it follows that the turbine can practically expand its steam to the pressure of the condenser. There- fore a steam turbine attached to a piston engine to operate with the latter's exhaust should effect the same saving as the sulphur-dioxide cylinder. Standard Dimensions of Direct-connected Generator Sets. From a report by a committee of the A. S. M. E., 1901. Capacity of unit, K.W 25 35 50 75 100 150 200 Revolutions per minute 310 300 290 275 260 225 200 Armature bore, center crank engines. .. 4 4 41/2 51/2 678 Armature bore, side-crank engines 41/2 51/2 61/2 71/2 81/210 11 The diameter of the engine shaft at the armature fit is 0.001 in. greater than the bore, for bores up to and including 6 ins., and 0.012 in. greater for bores 6 1/2 ins. and larger. Dimensions of Some Parts of Large Engines in Electric Plants. The Electrical World, Sept. 27, 1902, gives a table of dimensions of the engines in the five large power stations in New York City at that date. The following figures are selected from the table. Name of station Metro- politan. Manhat- tan. Kings- bridge. Rapid Transit. Edison. Type of engine . ... Vert. Cross- Double, 2 hor. Vert. Cross- Double 2 hor. 3 Cyl. Vert. Comp. 2 vert. Cyls. Comp. 2 vert. Cyls. Rated H.P.. . Cylinders, (60" stroke) Piston rods, diam., in. Crank pins 4500 46, 86 in. 9, 10 14 X 14 8000 44, 88 in. 8 18 X 18 4500 46, 86 in. 9, 10 14 X 14 8900 42, 86 in. 8, 10 20 X 18 5200 43l/2,2-75J/"in. 9 22 & 16 X 14 Wrist pins 14 X 14 12 X 12 14 X 14 12 X 12 14 X H Shaft length max. diam bearings 27 ft. 4 in. 37 in. 34 X 60 25 ft. 3 in. 37 in. 34 X60 27ft. 39 in. 34 X60 25 ft. 3 in. 37 in. 34 X60 35 ft. 293/8 in. 26 X 60 1008 THE STEAM-ENGINE. The shafts are hollow, with a 16-in. hole, except the Edison which has 10 in. The speed of all the engines is 75 r.p.m., or 750 ft. per min. The crank-pins of the Manhattan and Rapid Transit engines each are at- tached to two connecting-rods, side by side,"hor. and vert., each rod hav- ing a bearing 9 in. long on the pin. The crank-pins of the Edison en- gine are 16 in. diam. for the side-cranks, and 22 in. for the center-crank. The four 8000-horse-power engines in the Manhattan station, new in 1902, were replaced in 1914-15, although still as good as new, by four 30,000 K.W. steam turbines occupying the same space. The turbines will have a water rate 30 per cent lower than the engines. (Power, April 27, 1915.) Some Large Rolling-Mill Engines. Cylinders. (^ tf Type. 8.3 pu^ Fly-wheel. Location. Builders. Diam. Ft. Wt. Lbs. 44 & 82 X60 65 Cross-C . 140 24 150,000 Republic I. & S. Filer & Co., Youngs- Stowell. town, Ohio. 46 & 80X60 80 Tandem. 150 24 110.000 Carnegie S. Co., Wiscon- Donora, Pa. sin Eng. Co. 52 & 90X60. Tandem 25 250,000 Carnegie S. Co., Wm. Tod Youngstown, Co. Ohio. 2 each 42 & 70 X54 Double. Tandem. 150 none Carnegie S. Co., S. Sharon, Pa. Allis Chal- mers Co. Carnegie S. Co., Du- Mackin- quesne, Pa. tosh, 2 each . . 60 Double. 150 none Jones & Hemp- 44 & 70X60 Tandem. Laughlin hill & Steel Co., Co. Aliquippa,Pa. Some details: Main bearings, No. 1, 25 X 431/2 in.; No. 2, 30 X 52 in.; No. 3, 30 X 60 in. Shaft diam. at wheel pit, No. 1, 26 in.; No. 3, 36 in. Crank pins, No. 1, h.p. 14 X 14; l.p., 14 X 23 in.; No. 2, 18 X 18 in. Crosshead pins, No. 1, 12 X 14; No. 2, 16 X 20 in. No. 4 is a reversing engine, with the Marshall gear. No. 5 is a reversing engine with piston valves below the cylinders. Counterbalancing Engines. Prof. Unwin gives the formula for counterbalancing vertical engines: Wi = Wzr/p, (1) in which W\ denotes the weight of the balance weight and p the radius to its center of gravity, W 2 the weight of the crank-pin and half the weight of the connecting-rod, and r the length of the crank. For horizontal engines: Wi = 2/3 (Wz + TF 3 ) r/p to 3/4 (Wz + TF 3 ) r/p (2) In which TF 3 denotes the weight of the piston, piston-rod, cross-head, and the other half of the weight of the connecting-rod. The American Machinist, commenting on these formulae, says: For horizontal engines formula (2) is often used; formula (1) will give a coun- terbalance too light for vertical engines. We should use formula (2) for computing the counterbalance for both horizontal and vertical engines, excepting locomotives, in which the counterbalance should be heavier. For an account of experiments on counterbalancing large engines, with a method of recording vibrations, see paper by D. S. Jacobus, Trans. A. S. M. #., 1905. Preventing Vibrations of Engines. Many suggestions have been made for remedying the vibration and noise attendant on the working of the big engines which are employed to run dynamos. A plan which has given great satisfaction is to build hair-felt into the foundations of the engine. An electric company has had a 90-horse-power engine removed from its foundations, which were then taken up to the depth of 4 feet. A COMMERCIAL ECONOMY COSTS OF POWER. 1009 layer of felt 5 inches thick was then placed on the foundations and run tip 2 feet on all sides, and on the top of this the brickwork was built up. Safety Valve. Steam-engine Foundations Embedded in Air. In the sugar- refinery of Claus Spreckels, at Philadelphia, Pa., the engines are distrib- uted practically all over the buildings, a large proportion of them being on upper floors. Some are bolted to iron beams or girders, and are con- sequently innocent of all foundation. Some of these engines ran noise- lessly and satisfactorily, while others produced more or less vibration and rattle. To correct the latter the engineers suspended foundations from the bottoms of the engines, so that, in looking at them from the lower floors, they were literally hanging in the air. Iron Age, Mar. 13, 1890. COMMERCIAL, ECONOMY. COSTS OF POWER. The Cost of Steam Power is an exceedingly variable quantity. The principal items to be considered in estimating total annual cost are: load factor ; hours run per year ; percentage of full load at different hours of the day ; cost and quality of fuel ; boiler efficiency and steam consumption of engines at different loads ; cost of water and other supplies ; cost of labor, first cost of plant, depreciation, repairs, interest, insurance and taxes. In figuring depreciation not only should the probable life of the several parts of the plant, such as buildings, boilers, engines, condensers, etc., be considered, but also the possibility of part of the plant, or the whole of it, depreciating rapidly in value on account of obsolescence of the machinery or of changes in the conditions of the business. When all of the heat in the exhaust steam from engines and pumps, in- cluding water of condensation, is used for heating purposes the fuel cost of steam-engine power may be practically nothing, since the exhaust contains all of the heat in the steam delivered to the engine except from 5 to 10 per cent which is converted into work, and a trifling amount lost by radiation. Most Economical Point of Cut-off in Steam-engines. (See paper by Wolff and Denton, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. ii, p. 147-281; also, Ratio of Expansion at Maximum Efficiency, R. H. Thurston, vol. ii, p. 128.) The problem of the best ratio of expansion is not one of economy of con- sumption of fuel and economy of cost of boiler alone. The question of in- terest on cost of engine, depreciation of value of engine, repairs of engine, etc., enters as well; for as we increase the rate of expansion, and thus, within certain limits fixed by the back-pressure and condensation of steam, decrease the amount of fuel required and cost of boiler per unit of work, we have to increase the dimensions of the cylinder and the size of the engine, to attain the required power. Type of Engine to be used where Exhaust-steam is needed for Heating. In many factories more or less of the steam exhausted from the engines is utilized for boiling, drying, heating, etc. Where all the exhaust-steam is so used the question of economical use of steam in the engine itself is eliminated, and the high-pressure simple engine is entirely suitable. Where only part of the exhaust-steam is used, and the quantity so used varies at different times, the question of adopting a simple, a condensing, or a compound engine becomes more complex. This problem is treated by C. T. Main in Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. x, p. 48. He shows that the ratios of the volumes of the cylinders in compound engines should vary according t9 the amount of exhaust-steam that can be used for heating. A case is given in which three different pressures of steam are required or could be used, as in a worsted dye-house: the high or boiler pressure for the engine, an intermediate pressure for crabbing, and low- pressure for boiling, drying, etc. If it did not make too much compli- cation of parts in the engine, the boiler-pressure might be used in the high- pressure cylinder, exhausting into a receiver from which steam could be taken for running small engines and crabbing, the steam remaining in the receiver passing into the intermediate cylinder and expanded there to from 5 to 10 Ibs. above the atmosphere and exhausted into a second receiver. From this receiver is drawn the low-pressure steam needed for drying, boiling, warming mills, etc., the steam remaining in the receiver passing into the condensing cylinder. Cost of Steam-power. (Chas. T. Main, Trans. A. S. M. E., x, 48.) Estimated costs in New England in 1888, per horse-power, using com- 1010 THE STEAM-ENGINE. pound condensing, and non-condensing engines, and based on engines of 1000 H.P. are as follows: Compound Condens- Non-con- Engine. ing Engine, densing 1. Cost engine and piping, complete $25.00 . 2. Engine-house 8.00 3. Engine foundations 7.00 4. Total engine plant 40.00 5. Depreciation, 4% on total cost, l 60 6. Repairs, 2% on total cost 0.80 7. Interest, 5% on total cost 2.00 8. Taxation, 1.5% on 3/ 4 cost 45 9. Insurance on engine and house 165 Total of lines 5, 6, 7, 3, 9 5.015 10. 11. Cost boilers, feed-pumps, etc 9.33 12. Boiler-house 2.92 13. Chimney and flues 6. XI Total boiler-plant 18.36 14. 15. Depreciation, 5% on total cost 0.918 16. Repairs, 2% on total cost 0.367 17. Interest, 5% on total cost 0.918 18. Taxation, 1.5% on 3/ 4 cost 0.207 19. Insurance, 0.5% on total cost 0.092 20. Total of lines 15 to 19 2.502 21. Coal used per I.H.P. per hour, Ibs. . . 1.75 22. Cost of coal per I.H.P. per day of 10 1/4 cts. hours at $5.00 per ton t>f 2240 Ibs. . . . 4.00 23. Attendance of engine per day 0.60 24. Attendance of boilers per day 0.53 25. Oil, waste, and supplies, per day . . . 0.25 Total daily expense 5.38 26. 27. Yearly running expense, 308 days, per I.H.P. : . '. P . . $16.570 28. Total yearly expense, lines 10. 20, and 27 24.087 29. Total yearly expense per I.H.P. for power if 50% of exhaust-steam is used for heating 12.597 30. Total if all exhaust-steam is used for heating 8.624 33.00 1.32 0.66 1.65 0.371 0.138 4.139 24.80_ 1.240 0.496 1.240 0.279 0.124 3.379 2.50 cts. 5.72 0.40 0.75 0.22 7.09 $21.837 29.355 14.907 7.916 Engine. $17.50 7.50 4.50 29.50 1.18 0.59 1.475 0.332 0.125 3.702 5.00 8.00 29.00 1.450 0.580 1.450 0.326 0.145 3.951 3.00 cts. 6.86 0.35 0.90 0.20 8.31 When exhaust-steam or a part of the receiver-steam is used for heating, or if part of the steam in a condensing engine is diverted from the con- denser, and used for other purposes than power, the value of such steam should be deducted from the cost of the total amount of steam generated in order to arrive at the cost properly chargeable to power. The figures in lines 29 and 30 are based on an assumption made by Mr. Main of losses of heat amounting to 25% between the boiler and the exhaust-pipe, an allowance which is probably too large. See also two papers by Chas. E. Emery on "Cost of Steam Power," Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xii, Nov., 1883, and Trans. A. 1. E. E., vol. x, a c'ost of Coal for Steam-power. The following table shows the amount and the cost of coal per day and per year for various horse-powers from 1 to 1000, based on the assumption of 4 Ibs. of coal being used per COMMERCIAL ECONOMY COSTS OF POWER. 1011 hour per horse-power. It is useful, among other things, in estimating the saving that may be made in fuel by substituting more economical boilers and engines for those already in use. Thus with coal at $3.00 per ton of 2000 ibs., a saving of $9000 per year in fuel may be made by replacing a steam plant of 1000 H.P., requiring 4 Ibs. of coal per hour per horse-power, with one requiring only 2 Ibs. Coal Consumption, at 4 Ibs. per H.P. hour; 10 hours a day; 300 days per Year. $2 per Short $3 per Short $4 per Short Ton. Ton. Ton. 1 Lbs. Long Tons. Short Tons. e Cost in Cost in Cost In 1 Per Per Per VOQ T Per Per Y- Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Day. Day. lear. Day. r. Day. Yr. Day. Yr. Day. Yr. 1 40 0.0179 53.57 0.02 6 0.04 12 0.06 18 0.08 24 10 400 0.1786 53.57 0.20 60 0.40 120 0.60 180 0.80 240 25 1,000 0.4464 133.92 0.50 150 1.00 300 1.50 450 2.00 600 50 2,000 0.8928 267.85 1.00 300 2.00 600 3.00 900 4.00 1,200 75 3,000 1 .3393 401.78 1.50 450 3.00 900 4.50 1,350 6.00 1,800 100 4,000 1.7857 535.71 2.00 600 4.00 1,200 6.00 1.800 8.00 2,400 150 6,000 2.6785 803.56 3.00 900 6.00 1,800 9.00 2,700 12.00 3,600 200 8,000 3.5714 1,071.42 4.00 1,200 8.00 2,400 12.00 3,600 16.00 4,800 250 10,000 4.4642 1,339.27 5.00 1,500 10. CO 3,000 15.00 4.500 20.00 6,000 300 12,000 5.3571 1,607.13 6.00 1,800 12.00 3,600 18.00 5,400 24.00 7,200 350 14,000 6.2500 1,874.98 7.00 2,100 14.00 4,200 21.00 6,200 28.00 8,400 400 16,000 7.1428 2,142.84 8.00 2,400 16.00 4,800 24.00 7,200 32.00 9600 450 18,000 8.0356 2,410.69 9.00 2,700 18.00 5,400 27.00 8,100 36.00 10^800 500 20.000 8.9285 2,678.55 10.00 3,000 20.00 6,000 30.00 9,000 40.00 12,000 600 24,000 10.7142 3,214.26 12.00 3,600 24.00 7,200 36.00 10,800 48.00 14,400 700 28,000 12.4999 3,749.97 14.00 4,200 28,00 8,400 42.00 11,600 56.00 16,800 800 32,000 14.2856 4,285.68 16.00 4,800 32.00 9,600 48.00 12,400 64.00 19,200 900 36,000 16.0713 4,821.39 18.00 5,400 36.00 10,800 54.00 14,200 72.00 21,600 1000 40,000 17.8570 5,357.10 20.00 6,000 40.00 12,000 60.00 18,000 80.00 24,000 It is usual to consider that a factory working 10 hours a day requires 101/2 hours coal consumption on account of the coal used in banking or in starting the fires, and that there are 306 wprking days in the year. For these conditions multiply the costs given in the table by 1.071. For 24 hours a day 365 days in the year, multiply them by 2.68. For other rates of coal consumption than 4 Ibs. per H.P. hour, the figures are to be modified proportionately. Relative Cost of Different Sizes of Steam-engines. (From catalogue of the Buckeye Engine Co., Part III.) Horse-power.. . . Cost per H. P., $ 50 20 75 171/2 100 16 125 15 150 141/2 200 131/2 250 13 300 123/4 350 12.5 400 12.6 500 12.8 600 131/4 700 14 800 15 Power Plant Economies. (H. G. Stott, Trans. A. I. E. E., 190G.) The table on the following page gives an analysis of the heat losses found in a year's operation of one of the most efficient plants in existence. The following notes concerning power-plant economy are condensed from Mr. Stott's paper. Item 1. B.T.U.per Ib. of coal. The coal is bought and paid for on the basis of the B.T.U, found by a bomb calorimeter, 1012 THE STEAM-ENGINE. AVERAGE LOSSES IN THE CONVERSION OF 1 LB. OF COAL INTO ELECTRICITY,, B.T.U. % B.T.U. % 1. B.T.U. per Ib. of coal supplied 14,150 100.0 2. Loss in ashes 340 2.4 3. Loss to stack 3,212 22.7 4. 5. Loss in boiler radiation and air leakage Returned by feed-water heater 441 3.1 1,131 8.0 6. Returned by economizer 960 6.8 7. Loss in pipe radiation 28 0.2 8. Delivered to circulator 223 1.6 9. Delivered to feed purnp 203 1.4 10. Loss in leakage and high-pressure drips 152 1.1 11. Delivered to small auxiliaries 51 0.4 12. Heating _. 31 0.2 13. Loss in engine friction 111 0.8 14. Electrical losses 36 0.3 15. Engine radiation losses 28 0.?. 16. Rejected to condenser 8,524 60.1 17. To house auxiliaries 29 0.2 15,551 109.9 14,099 99.6 14,099 99.6 Delivered to bus bar 1,452 10.3 Item 3. The chimney loss is very large, due to admitting too much air to the combustion chamber. This loss can be reduced about half by the use of a CO2 recorder and proper management of the fire. Item 4. This loss is largely due to infiltration of air into the brick setting. It can be saved by having an air-tight sheet-iron casing enclosing a magnesia lining outside of the brickwork. Item 5. All auxiliaries should be driven by steam, so that their exhaust may be utilized in the feed-water heater. Item 6. In all cases where the load factor exceeds 25% the investment in economizers will be justified. Item 7. The pipes are covered with two layers of covering, each about 1.5 in. thick. Item 10. The high-pressure drips can be returned to the boiler, so practically all the loss under this heading is recoverable. Item 13. Recent tests of a 7500-H.P. reciprocating engine show a mechanical efficiency of 93.65%, or an engine friction of 6.35%. The engine is lubricated by the flushing system. Item 16. The maximum theoretical efficiency of an engine working between 175 Ibs. gauge and 28 ins. vacuum is (Ti - T 2 ) -f- Ti = (837 - 560) -^ 837 = 33%. The actual best efficiency of this engine is 17 Ibs. per K.W.-hour = 16.7% thermal efficiency: dividing by 0.98, the generator efficiency, gives the net thermodynamic efficiency of the engine, = 17%. The difference between the theoretical and the actual efficiency is 33 - 17 = 16%, of which 6.35% is due to engine friction, and the balance. 9.65%, is due to cylinder con- densation, incomplete expansion, and radiation. [Some of this difference is due to the fact that the engine does not work on the Carnot cycle, in which the heat is all received at the highest temperature, and part of this loss might be saved by the Nordberg feed-water heating system. There may also be a slight loss from leakage. W.K.J Superheated steam, to such an extent as to insure dry steam at the point 01 cut-off in the low- pressure cylinder, might save 5 or 6%. The present type 01 power plant using reciprocating engines can be im- proved in efficiency as follows: Reduction of stack losses, 12%; boiler radiation and leakage, 5%; by superheating, 6%; resulting in a net in- crease of thermal efficiency of the entire plant of 4.14% and bringing the total from 10.3 to 14.44%. The Steam Turbine. The best results from the steam turbine up to date show that its economy on dry saturated steam is practically equal to that of the reciprocating engine, and that 200 J superheat reduces its steam consumption 13.5%. The shape of the economy curve is much c< iOMMERCIAL ECONOMY COSTS OF POWER. 1013 Maintenance and Operation Costs of Different Types of Plant. Recip- rocating Engines. Steam Turbines Recip- rocating Engines and Steam Turbines. Gas- Engine Plant. Gas Engines and Steam Turbines. MAINTENANCE. 1. Engine room mechan- ical 2.57 0.51 1.54 2.57 1.54 2. Boiler room or pro- ducer room 4 61 4 30 3.52 1.15 1.95 3. Coal- and ash-han- dling apparatus . . . 4. Electrical apparatus OPERATION. 5. Coal; and ash-han- dling labor 0.58 1.12 2 26 0.54 1.12 2.11 0.44 1.12 1.74 0.29 1.12 1.13 0.29 1.12 1.13 6. Removal of ashes 7. Dock rental 1.06 0.74 0.94 0.74 0.80 0.74 0.53 0.74 0.53 0.74 8. Boiler-room labor. . . . 9. Boiler- room oil.waste, 7.15 0.17 6.68 0.17 5.46 0.17 1.79 0.17 3.03 0.17 10 Coal 61 30 57 30 46.87 26.31 25.77 1 1 . Water 7.14 0.71 5.46 3.57 2.14 12. Engine-room me- chanical labor 13. Lubrication 14. Waste, etc 6.71 1.77 30 1.35 0.35 0.30 4.03 1.01 0.30 6.71 1.77 0.30 4.03 1.06 0.30 15. Electrical labor 2 52 2 52 2 52 2.52 2.52 Relative cost of mainte- nance and operation . . 100.00 79.64 75.72 50.67 46.32 Relative investment in per cent 100.00 82.50 77.00 100.00 91.20 flatter [from 3300 to 8000 K. W. the range of steam consumption is between 14.6 and 15.0 Ibs. per K.W.-hour], so that the all-day efficiency would be considerably better than that of the reciprocating engine, and the cost would be about 33% less for the combined steam motor and electric generator. High-pressure Reciprocating Engine with Low-pressure Turbine. The reciprocating engine is more efficient than the turbine in the higher pres- sures, while the turbine can expand to lower pressures and utilize the gain of full expansion. The combination of the two would therefore be more efficient than a turbine alone. The Gas Engine. The best result up to date obtained from gas pro- ducers and gas engines is about as follows: Loss in producer and auxiliaries, 20%; in jacket water, 19%; in exhaust gases, 30%; in engine friction, 6.5%; in electric generator, 0.5%. Total losses, 76%. Converted into electric energy, 24%. Only one important objection can be raised to this motor, that its range of economical load is practically limited to between 50% and full load. This lack of overload capacity is probably a fatal defect for the ordinary railway power plant acting under a violently fluctuating load, unless protected by a large storage-battery. At light loads the economy of gas and liquid fuel engines fell off even more rapidly than in steam-engines. The engine friction was large and nearly constant, and in some cases the combustion was also less perfect at light loads. At the Dresden Central Station the gas-engines were kept working at nearly their full power by the use of storage-batteries. The results of some experiments are given below: 1014 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Brake-load, per Gas-engine, cu. ft. cent of full of Gas per Brake Petroleum Eng., Lbs. of Oil per Petroleum Eng., Lbs. of Oil per Power. H.P. per hour. B.H.P. per hr. B.H.P. per hr. 100 22.2 0.96 0.88 75 23.8 1.11 0.99 59 28.0 1.44 1.20 20 40.8 2.38 1.82 121/2 66.3 4.25 3.07 Combination of Gas Engines and Turbines. A steam turbine unit can be designed to take care of 100% overload -for a few seconds. If a plant were designed with 50% of its normal capacity in gas engines and 50% in steam turbines, any fluctuations in load likely to arise in practice could be. taken care of. By utilizing the waste heat of the gas engine in econ- omizers and superheaters there can be saved approximately 37% of this waste heat, to make steam for the turbines. The average total thermal efficiency of such a combination plant would be 24.5%. This combina- tion offers the possibility of producing the kilowatt-hour for less than one- half its present cost. The table on p. 1013 shows the distribution of estimated relative main- tenance and operation costs of five different types of plant, the total cost of current with the reciprocating engine plant being taken at 100. Storing Heat in Hot Water. (See also p. 927.) There is no satisfac- tory method for equalizing the load on the engines and boilers in electric- light stations. Storage-batteries have been used, but they are expensive in first cost, repairs, and attention. Mr. Halpin, of London, proposes to store heat during the day in specially constructed reservoirs. As the water in the boilers is raised to 250 Ibs. pressure, it is conducted to cylin- drical reservoirs resembling English horizontal boilers, and stored there for use when wanted. In this way a comparatively small boiler-plant can be used for heating the water to 250 Ibs. pressure all through the twenty-four hours of the day, and the stored water may be drawn on at any time, according to the magnitude of the demand. The steam-engines are to be worked by the steam generated by the release of pressure from this water, and the valves are to be arranged in such a way that the steam shall work at 130 Ibs. pressure. A reservoir 8 ft. in diameter and 30 ft. long, containing 84,000 Ibs. of heated water at 250 Ibs. pressure, would supply 5250 Ibs. of steam at 130 Ibs. pressure. As the steam consump- tion of a condensing electric-light engine is about 18 Ibs. per horse-power hour, such a reservoir would supply 286 effective horse-power hours. In 1878, in France, this method of storing steam was used on a tramway. M. Francq, the engineer, designed a smokeless locomotive to work by steam-power supplied by a reservoir containing 400 gallons of water at 220 Ibs. pressure. The reservoir was charged with steam from a stationary boiler at one end of the tramway. An installation of the Rateau low-pressure turbine and regenerator system at the rolling mill of the International Harvester Co., in Chicago, is described in Power, June, 1907. The regenerator is a cylindrical shell 11 1/2 ft. diam., 30 ft. long, containing six large elliptical tubes perforated with many 3/ 4 _in. holes through which exhaust steam from a reversing blooming-mill engine enters the water contained in the shell. A large steam pipe leads from the shell to the turbine. A series of tests of the combination was made, giving results as follows: The 42 X 60 in. blooming mill engine developed 820 I. H.P. on the average, with a water rate of 64 Ibs. per I. H.P. hour. It delivered its exhaust, averaging a little above at- mospheric pressure, to the regenerator, at an irregular rate corresponding to the varying work of the rolling-mill engine. The regenerator furnished steam to the turbine, which in four different tests developed 444, 544, 727 and 869 brake H.P. at the turbine shaft, with a steam consumption of 47.7, 37.1, 30.7 and 33.7 Ibs. of steam per B.H.P. hour at the turbine. Had the turbine been of sufficient capacity to use all the exhaust of the mill engine, 1510 H.P. might have been delivered at the switchboard, which added to the 820 of the mill engine would make 2330 H.P. for 52,400 Ibs. of steam, or a steam' rate of 22,5 Ibs. per H,P. liour for tne .combination, EULES FOR CONDUCTING ENGINE TESTS. 1015 UTILIZING THE SUN'S HEAT AS A SOURCE OF POWER. John Ericsson, 1868-1875, experimented on "solar engines," in which reflecting surfaces concentrated the sun's rays at a central point causing them to boil water. A large motor of this type was built at Pasadena, Cal., in 1898. The rays were concentrated upon a water heater through which ether or sulphur dioxide was pumped in pipes, and utilized in a vapor engine. The apparatus was commercially unsuccessful on account of variable weather conditions. Eng. News, May 13, 1909, describes the solar heat systems of F. Shuman and of H. E. Willsie and John Boyle, Jr. In the Shuman invention a tract of land is rolled level, forming a shallow trough. This is lined with asphaltum pitch and covered with about 3 ins. of water. Over the water about Vie in. of paraffine is flowed, leaving between this and a glass cover about 6 ins. of dead air space. It is esti- mated that a power plant of this type to cover a heat-absorption area of 160,000 sq. ft., or nearly four acres, would .develop about 1000 H.P. Provision is made for storing hot water in excess of the requirements of a low-pressure turbine during the day, to be utilized for running the turbine during the period when there is no absorption of heat. The heated water is run from the heat absorber to the storage tank, thence to the turbine, through a condenser and back to the heat absorber. The water enters the thermally insulated storage tank, or the turbine, at about 202 F. With a vacuum of 28 ins. in the condenser, the boiling-point of the water is reduced to 102, and as it enters the turbine nearly 10% explodes into steam. Mr. Shuman estimates that a 1000-H.P. plant built upon his plan would cost about $40,000. The Willsie and Boyle plant also utilizes the indirect system of absorb- ing solar heat and storing the hot water in tanks. This hot water cir- culates in a boiler containing some volatile liquid, and the vapor generated is used to operate the engine, is condensed, and returned to the boiler to be used again. Mr. Willsie compares the cost per H.P.-hour in a 400-H.P. steam-electric and solar-electric power plant, and finds that the steam plant would have to obtain its coal for $0.66 a ton to compete with the sun power plant in districts favorable to the latter. RULES FOR CONDUCTING TESTS FOR RECIPROCATING STEAM-ENGINES. (Abstract of the 1915 Code of the Power Test Committee of the Am. Soc. M. E.) The code for steam engine tests applies to tests for determining the performance of the engine alone (including reheaters and jackets, if any) apart from that of steam-driven auxiliaries which are neces- sary to its operation. For tests of engine and auxiliaries combined, and tests of multiple expansion engines from which steam is with- drawn Jf or heating feed water or otherwise, refer to the Code for Com- plete Steam Power Plants. OBJECT AND PREPARATIONS. ^ Determine the object of the test, take the dimensions, and note the physical conditions, not only of the engine, but of all parts of the plant that are concerned in the determinations, examine for leakages, install the testing appliances, etc., and prepare for the test accordingly . The determination of the heat and steam consumption of an engine by feed-water test requires the measurement of the various supplies of water fed to the boiler; that of the water wasted by separators and drips on the main steam line, that of steam used for other purposes than the main engine cylinders, and that of water and steam which escape by leakage of the boiler and piping; all of these last being de- ducted from the total feed water measured. Where a surface condenser is provided and the steam consumption is determined from the water discharged by the air pump, no such measurement of drips and leakage is required, but assurance must be had that all the steam passing into the cylinders finds -its way 1016 THE STEAM-ENGINE. into the condenser. If the condenser leaks, the defects causing such leakage should be remedied, or suitable correction should be made. When no other method is available the steam consumption may be determined by the use of a steam meter, bearing in mind the caution that it should be calibrated under the exact conditions of use. The steam consumed by steam-driven auxiliaries which are re- quired for the operation of the engine should be included in the total steam from which the heat consumption is calculated and the quan- tity of steam thus used should be determined and reported. OPERATING CONDITIONS. Determine what the operating conditions should be to conform to the object in view, and see that they prevail throughout the trial. DURATION. A test for steam or heat consumption, with substantially constant load, should be continued for such time as may be necessary to obtain a number of successive hourly records, during which the results are reasonably uniform. For a test involvirg the measurement of feed- water for this purpose, five hours' duration is sufficient. Where a surface condenser is used, and the measurement is that of the water discharged by the air pump, the duration may be somewhat shorter. In this case, successive half-hourly records may be compared and the time correspondingly reduced. When the load varies widely at different times of the day, the duration should be such as to cover the entire period of variation. STARTING AND STOPPING. The engine and appurtenances having been set to work and thor- oughly heated under the prescribed conditions of test (except in cases where the object is to obtain the performance under working condi- tions) note the water levels in the boilers and feed reservoir, take the time and consider this the starting time. Then begin the measure- ments and observations and carry them forward until the end of the period determined on. When this time arrives, the water levels and steam pressure should be brought as near as practicable to the same points as at the start. This being done, again note the time and consider it the stopping time of the test. If there are differences in the water levels, proper corrections are to be applied. Where a surface condenser is used, the collection of water dis- charged by the air pump begins at the starting time, and the water is thereafter^measured or weighed until the end of the test. RECORDS. Half-hourly readings of the instruments are sufficient, excepting where there are wide fluctuations. A set of indicator diagrams should be obtained at intervals of 15 or 20 minutes, and often er if the nature of the test makes it necessary. Mark on each card the cylinder and the end on which it was taken, also the time of day. Record on one card of each set the readings of the steam pressure and vacuum gages. These records should be subsequently entered on the general log, together with the areas, pressures, lengths, etc., measured from the diagrams, when these are worked up. CALCULATION OF RESULTS. Dry Steam. The quantity of dry steam consumed is determined by deducting the moisture, if any, found by the calorimeter test from the total amount of feed-water (the latter being corrected for leakages and other losses) or from the amount of air-pump dis- charge, as the case may be. If the steam is superheated, no cor- rection is to be made for the superheat. Heat Consumption. The number of heat-units consumed by the engine is found by multiplying the weight of feed-water consumed, RULES FOR CONDUCTING STEAM-ENGINE TESTS. 1017 corrected for moisture in the steam, if any, and for plant leakages and other exterior losses, by the total heat of I Ib. of steam (sat- urated or superheated) less the heat in 1 Ib. of water at the tem- perature corresponding to the pressure in the exhaust pipe near the engine. Indicated Horse-power. In a single double-acting cylinder the indi- cated horse-power is found by using the formula PLAN 33,000* in which P represents the average mean effective pressure in pounds per square inch measured from the indicator diagrams, L the length of stroke in feet, A the area of the piston less 9ne-half the area of the piston rod, or the mean area of the rod if it passes through both cylinder heads, in square inches, and N the number of single strokes per minute. Brake Horse-power. The brake horse-power is found by multiplying the net pressure or weight in pounds on the brake arm (the gross weight minus the weight when the brake is entirely free from the pulley) in pounds, the circumference of the circle whose radius is the horizontal distance between the center of the shaft and the bearing point at the end of the brake arm in feet, and the number of revolutions of the brake shaft per minute; and dividing the product by 33,000. Electrical Horse-power. The electrical horse-power of a direct-con- nected generator is found by dividing the output at the terminals expressed in kilowatts, by the decimal 0.7457. With alternating current generators the net output is to be used, this being the total output less that consumed for excitation and for separately-driven ventilating fans. Efficiency. The thermal efficiency, that is, the percentage of the total heat consumption which is converted into work, is found by dividing the quantity 2546.5, which is the B.T.U. equivalent of one H. P. -hour, by the number of heat-units actually consumed per H! P. -hour. The Rankine cycle efficiency is found by dividing the heat con- sumption of an ideal engine conforming to the Rankine cycle by the actual heat consumption. Steam Accounted for by Indicator Diagrams at Points Near Cut-off and Release. The steam accounted for, expressed in pounds per I.H.P. per hour, may be found by using the formula IJOOrKC + E) W c - (H + E} W h ], in which M.E.P. = mean effective pressure; C = proportion of direct stroke completed at points on ex- pansion line near cut-off or release; E = proportion of clearance; H = proportion of return stroke uncompleted at point on compression line just after exhaust closure; W c = weight of 1 cu. ft. steam at pressure shown at cut-off or release point; W n = weight of 1 cu. ft. steam at pressure shown at compres- sion point. In multiple expansion engines the mean effective pressure to be used in the above formula is the aggregate M.E.P. referred to the cylinder under consideration. In a compound engine the aggregate M.E.P. for the h.p. cylinder is the sum of the actual M.E.P. of the h.p. cylinder and that of l.p. cylinder multiplied by the cyl- inder ratio. Likewise the aggregate M.E.P. for the l.p. cylinder is the sum of the actual M.E.P. of the l.p. cylinder and the M.E.P. of the h.p. cylinder divided by the cylinder ratio. The relation between the weight of steam shown by the indicator at any point in the expansion line and the weight of the mixture of steam and water in the cylinder, may be represented graphically by plotting on the diagram a saturated steam curve showing the 1018 THE STEAM-ENGINE. total consumption per stroke (including steam retained at com- pression) and comparing the abscissae of this curve with the absciss* of the expansion line, both measured from the line of no clearance. Cut-off and Ratio of Expansion. To find the percentage of cut-off, or what may best be termed the "commercial cut-off," the fol- lowing rule should be observed: Through the point of maximum pressure during admission draw a line parallel to the atmospheric .line. Through a point on the expansion line where the cut-off is complete, draw a hyperbolic curve. The intersection of these two lines is the point of commercial cut-off, and the proportion of cut-off is found by dividing the length measured on the diagram up to this point by the total length. To find the ratio of expansion divide the volume corresponding to the piston displacement, including clearance, by the volume of the steam at the commercial cut-off, including clearance. In a multiple expansion engine, the ratio of expansion is found by dividing the volume of the l.p. cylinder, including clearance, by the volume of the h.p. cvlinder at the commercial cut-off, in- cluding clearance. DATA AND RESULTS. The data and results should be reported in accordance with the form given herewith, adding lines for data not provided for, or omitting those not required, as may conform to the object in view. If the principal data and results pertaining to steam consumption only are desired, the subjoined abbreviated table may be used. DATA AND RESULTS OF STEAM-ENGINE TEST Code of 1915. 1. Test of engine located at To determine Test conducted by , DIMENSIONS, ETC. 2. Type of engine (simple or multiple expansion). 3. Class of service (mill, marine, electric, etc.) . . . 4. Auxiliaries (steam or electric driven) . 5. Rated power of engine 1st 2d 3d 6. Diameter of cylinders in! 7. Stroke of pistons ft (a) Diameter of piston-rod, each end, in : 8. Clearance (average) in per cent of piston displacement 1 to 9. H. P; constant 1 Ib. 1 rev H.P . (a) Cylinder ratio (based on net pis- ton displacement 1 to 10. Capacity of generator or other apparatus consuming power of engine H.P DATE AND DURATION. 11. Date ' 12. Duration hr. AVERAGE PRESSURES AND TEMPERATURES. 13. Pressure in steam pipe near throttle, by gage Ibs. per sq, in. 14. Barometric pressure ins. 15. Pressure in 1st receiver, by gage Ibs. per sq. in. 16. Pressure in 2d receiver, by gage Ibs. per sq. in. 17. Vacuum in condenser ins. 18. Pressure in jackets and reheaters . . . Ibs. per sq. in. 19. Temperature of steam near throttle, if superheated degs. 20. Temperature corresponding to pressure in exhaust pipe near engine I RULES FOR CONDUCTING STEAM-ENGINE TESTS. 1019 QUALITY OF STEAM. ; 21. Percentage of moisture in steam near throttle, or degrees of superheating % or deg. TOTAL QUANTITIES. Water fed to boilers, from main supply Ibs. Water fed to boilers from additional supplies Ibs. Total water fed to boilers Ibs. Total condensed steam from surface condenser (corrected for condenser leakage) Ibs. 26. Total dry steam consumed (Item 24 to 25 less moisture in steam) - Ibs. HOURLY QUANTITIES. 27. Water fed to boilers from main supply per hour Ibs. 2S. Water fed to boilers from additional supplies per hour. . Ibs. 29. Total water fed to boilers or drawn from surface con- denser per hour Ibs. 30. Total -dry steam consumed for all purposes per hour (Item 26 ~ Item 12) Ibs. 31. Steam consumed per hour for all purposes foreign to the main engine (including drips and leakage of plant) . . . Ibs. 32. Dry stearn consumed by engine per hour (Item 30 Item 31) Ibs. 33. Heat units consumed by engine per hour (Item 32 X total heat of steam per Ib. above exhaust temperature of Item 20) B.T.U. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS. lstCyl.2dCyl. 3d Cyl. 34. Commercial cut-off in per cent of stroke, per cent 35. Initial pressure above atmosphere Ibs. per sq. in 36. Back pressure at lowest point above or below atmosphere Ibs. per sq. in 37. Mean effective pressure Ibs. per sq. in 38. Aggregate M.E.P. referred to each cyl- inder Ibs. per sq. in . . , f 39. Steam accounted for per I.H.P.-hr. at point on expansion line shortly after cut-off Ibs 40. Stearn accounted for per I.H.P.-hr. at point on expansion line just before release Ibs. . SPEED. 41. Revolutions per minute R.P.M. 42. Piston speed per minute ft. (a) Variation of speed between no load and full load . per cent. (b) Momentary fluctuation of speed on suddenly changing from full load to half load per cent. 43. Indicated H.P. developed, whole engine. I.H.P. (a) I.H.P. developed by 1st cylinder I.H.P. (b) I.H.P. developed by 2d cylinder I.H.P. (c) I.H.P. developed by 3d cylinder I.H.P. 44. Brake H.P B.H.P. 45. Friction of engine (Item 43 Item 44) H.P. (a) Friction expressed in percentage of I.H.P. (Item 45 -4- Item 43 X 100) per cent. (&) Indicated H.P. with no load, at normal speed. . . . I.H.P. 1020 THE STEAM-ENGINE. ECONOMY RESULTS. 46. Dry steam consumed by engine per I.H.P. per hr Ibs. 47. Dry steam consumed by engine per brake H.P.-hr Ibs. 48. Percentage of steam consumed by engine accounted for by indicator at point near cut-off per cent. 49. Percentage of steam consumed near release per cent. 50. Heat-units consumed by engine per I. H.P.-hr. (Item 33 -r- Item 43) B.T.U. 51. Heat-units consumed by engine per brake H.P.-hr. (Item 33 -=- Item 44) B.T.U. 52. Heat-units consumed per H.P.-hr. by ideal engine, based on Rankine cycle B.T.U. EFFICIENCY RESULTS. 53. Thermal efficiency of engine referred to I.H.P. (2546.5 -4- Item 50) per cent. 54. Thermal efficiency of engine referred to Brake H.P. (2546.5 -i- Item 51) per cent. 65. Efficiency of engine based on Rankine cycle referred to I.H.P. (Item 52 4- Item 50) per cent. 56. Efficiency of engine referred to Brake H.P. (Item 52 -r- * Item 51) per cent. WORK DONE PER HEAT-UNIT. 57. Foot-pounds of net work per B.T.U. consumed by engine (1,980,000 -r- Item 51) ft.-lbs. SAMPLE DIAGRAMS. 58. Sample diagrams from each cylinder NOTE: For an engine driving an electric generator the form should be enlarged to include the electrical data, embracing the average voltage, number of amperes each phase, number of watts, number of watt-hours, average power factor, etc.; and the economy results based on the electric output embracing the heat-units and steam consumed per electric H.P. per hour and per kw.-hr., together with the efficiency of the generator. Likewise, in a marine engine having a shaft dynamometer, the form should include the data obtained from this instrument, in which case the Brake H.P. becomes the Shaft H.P. PRINCIPAL DATA AND RESULTS OF RECIPROCATING ENGINE TEST. 1. Dimensions of cylinders 2. Date 3. Duration hrs. 4. Pressure in steani pipe near throttle by gage Ibs. per sq. in. 5. Pressure in receivers Ibs. per sq. in. 6. Vacuum in condenser ins. 7. Percentage of moisture in steam near throttle or number of degrees of superheating / % or deg. 8. Net steam consumed per hour Ibs. 9. Mean effective pressure in each cylinder. . Ibs. per sq. in. 10. Revolutions per minute R.P.M. 11. Indicated horse-power developed H.P. 12. Steam consumed per I.H.P. per hr Ibs. 13. Steam accounted for at- cut-off each cylinder Ibs. 14. Heat consumed per I.H.P. per hr B.T.U. DIMENSIONS OP PARTS OF ENGINES. 1021 DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OF ENGINES. The treatment of this subject by the leading authorities on the steam- engine is very unsatisfactory, being a confused mass of rules and for- mulae based partly upon theory and partly upon practice. The practice of builders shows an exceeding diversity of opinion as to correct dimen- sions. The treatment given below is chiefly the result of a study of the works of Rankine, Seaton, Unwin, Thurston, Marks, and Whitham, and is largely a condensation of a series of articles by the author published in the American Machinist, in 1894, with many alterations and much additional matter. (Two notable papers on the subject, however, have appeared: 1, Cur- rent Practice in Engine Proportions, by Prof. John H. Barr, 1897; and 2, Current Practice in Steam-engine Design, by Ole N. Trooien, 1909. Both of these are abstracted on pages 1039 and 1040.) Cylinder. (Whitham) Length of bore = stroke 4- breadth of pis- ton-ring i/8-to 1/2 in.; length between heads = stroke + thickness of piston -f sum of clearances at both ends ; thickness of piston = breadth of ring -f- thickness of flange on one side to carry the ring + thickness of follower-plate. Thickness of flange or follower. . . 3 /g to 1/2 in. 3/ 4 in. 1 in. For cylinder of diameter 8 to 10 in. 36 in. 60 to 100 in. Clearance of Piston. (Seaton.) The clearance allowed varies with the size of the engine from i/g to 3/g m - f r roughness of castings and 1/16 to i/s in. for each working joint. Naval and other very fast-running engines have a larger allowance. In a vertical direct-acting engine the parts which wear so as to bring the piston nearer the bottom are three, viz., the shaft journals, the crank-pin brasses, and piston-rod gudgeon- brasses. Thickness of Cylinder. In the earlier editions of this book eleven formulae, from seven different authorities, were given for thickness of cylinders and they were applied to six engines, the dimensions of which are given in the following table. DIMENSIONS, ETC., OF ENGINES. Indicated horse-pow'er I.H P 50 450 1250 Diam. of cyl., in D 10 30 50 Stroke, feet. L 1 2 2V 2 5 4 8 Revs, per min T 250 . 125 130 65 90 45 Piston speed, ft. per min s 500 650 700 Area of piston, sq. in. . . . OL 78 54 706 86 1963 5 Mean effective pressure M E P. 42 32 3 30 Max. total unbalanced pressure. Max. total pressure per sq. in. . . P P 7854 100 70,686 100 196.350 100 The thickness of the cylinders of these engines, according to the eleven formulae, ranges for engines 1 and 2 from 0.33 to 1.13 in., for 3 and 4 from 0.99 to 2.00 in., and for 5 and 6 from 1.56 to 3.00 in. The averages of the eleven are, for 1 and 2, 0.76 in.; for 3 and 4, 1.48 in.; for 5 and 6, 2.26 in. The average corresponds nearly to the formula t = 0.00037 Dp -}- 0.4 in. A convenient approximation is t = 0.0004 Dp -f 0.3 in., which gives for Diameters 10 20 30 40 50 60 in. Thicknesses . 70 1 . 10 1 . 50 1 . 90 2 . 30 2 . 70 in. The last formula corresponds to a tensile strength of cast iron of 12,500 lb., with a factor of safety of 10 and an allowance of 0.3 in. for reboring. Thickness of Cylinder and Its Connections for Marine Engines. (Seaton.) D = the diam. of the cylinder in inches; p = load on the safety-valves in lb. per sq. in. ; /, a constant multiplier, = thickness of barrel + 0.25 in. 1022 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Thickness of metal of cylinder barrel or liner, not to be less thai* PXD + 3000 when of cast iron.* Thickness of cylinder-barrel = p X D -~ 5000 + O.G in. Thickness of liner = 1.1 X / Thickness of liner when of steel = p X D -5- 0000 + 0.5 in. Thickness of metal of steam-ports = 0.6 X /. Thickness of metal valve-box sides = 0.65 X /. Thickness of metal of valve-box covers = 0.7 X /. cylinder bottom =1.1 X /, if single thickness. = 0.65 X/. if double covers =1.0 X/, if single = 0.6 X/, if double cylinder flange =1.4 x/. cover-flange =1.3 X/. valve-box flange = 1.0 X/. door-flange =0.9 X /. face over ports =1.2 X/. " = 1.0 X/, when there is a false- face. false-face =0.8 X /, when cast iron. = 0.6 X /, when steel or bronze. Cylinder-heads. Applying six different formulae to the engines of 10, 30, and 50 inches diameter, with maximum unbalanced steam-pressure of 100 Ib. per sq. in., we have For cylinder 10 in. diam., 0.35 to 1,15 in.; for 30 in. diam., 0.90 to 1.75 in. ; for 50-in. diam., 1.50 to 2.75 in. The averages are respectively 0.65, 1.38, and 2.10 in. The average is expressed by the formula t = 0.00036 Dp -{- 0.31 inch. Web-stiffened Cylinder-covers. Seaton objects to webs for stiffening cast-iron cylinder-covers as a source of danger. The strain on one web is one of tension, and if there should be a nick r defect in the outer edge of the web the sudden application of strain is apt to start a crack. He recommends that high-pressure cylinders over 24 in. and low-pressure cylinders over 40 in. diam. should have their covers cast hollow, with two thicknesses of metal. The depth of the cover at the middle should be about 1/4 the diam. of the piston for pressures of 80 Ib. and upwards, and that of the low-pressure cylinder-cover of a com- pound engine equal to that of the high-pressure cylinder. Another rule is to make the depth at the middle^not less than 1.3 times the diameter of the piston-rod. In the British Navy the cylinder-covers are made of steel castings, 3/4 to 1 1/4 in. thick, generally cast without webs, stiffness being obtained by their form, which is often a series of corrugations. Cylinder-head Bolts. Diameter of bolt-circle for cylinder-head = diameter of cylinder + 2 X thickness of cylinder + 2 X diameter of bolts. The bolts should not be more than 6 in. apart (Whitham). Marks gives for number of bolts b = 0.7854 Dip -=- 5000 c, in which c = area of a single bolt, p = boiler-pressure in Ib. per sq. in.; 5000 Ib. is taken as the safe strain per sq. in. on the nominal area of the bolt. Thurston says: Cylinder flanges are made a little thicker than the cylinder, and usually of equal thickness with the flanges of the heads. Cylinder-bolts should be so closely spaced as not to allow springing of the flanges and leakage, say, 4 to 5 times the thickness of the flanges. Their diameter should be proportioned for a maximum stress of not over 4000 to 5000 Ib. per square inch. If D = diameter of cylinder, p = maximum steam-pressure, b = number of bolts, s = size or diameter of each bolt, and. 5000 Ib. be allowed per sq. in. of actual area at the root of the thread, 0.7854 D?p = 3927 &s2; whence 652 = 0.0002 D*p. b = 0.0002 5^; s = 0.01414 D A [?. For the three engines we have: * When made of exceedingly good material, at least twice melted, the thickness may be 0.8 of that given by the above rules. DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OF ENGINES. 1023 Diameter of cylinder, inches 10 30 50 Diameter of bolt-circle, approx 13 35 57,5 Circumference of circle, approx 40.8 110 180 Minimum no. of bolts, circ. -T- 6 7 18 30 Diam of bolts, s = 0.01414 D+f 3/ 4 in. 1 . 00 1 . 29 The diameter of bolt for the 10-inch cylinder is 0.54 in. by the formula, but 3/4 inch is as small as should be taken, on account of possible over- strain by the wrench in screwing up the nut. The Piston. Details of Construction of Ordinary Pistons. (Seaton.) Let D be the diameter of the piston in inches, p the effective pressure per square inch on it, x a constant multiplier, found as follows: x = (D + 50) X VP~+ 1. The thickness of front of piston near the b9ss = 0.2 X x. rim back boss around the rod flange inside packing-ring at edge packing-ring junk- ring at edge inside packing-ring at bolt-holes metal around piston edge breadth of packing-ring depth of piston at center lap of junk-ring on the piston space between piston body and packing-ring = 0.3 diameter of junk-ring bolts =0.1 = 0.17 X x. = 0.18 X x. = 0.3 X x. = 0.23 X x. = 0.25 X x. = 0.15 X x. - 0.23 X x. = 0.21 X x. 0.35 X X. 0.25 X*. = 0.63 X x. = 1.4 X x. = 0.45 X x. X x. X x +0.25 in. pitch of junk-ring bolts = 10 diameters. number of webs in the piston = (D -f 20) -5- 12. thickness of webs in the piston = 0.18 X x. Marks gives the approximate rule: Thickness of pist9n-head m which I = length of stroke, and D = diameter of cylinder in inches. Whitham says: In a horizontal engine the rings support the piston, or at least a part of it, under ordinary conditions. The pressure due to the weight of the piston upon an area equal to 0.7 the diameter of the cylinder X breadth of ring-face, should never exceed 200 Ib. per sq. in. He also gives a formula much used in this country: Breadth of ring- face = 0.15 X diameter of cylinder. For our engines we have diameter = ....... 10 30 50 Thickness of piston-head. Marks, 'i/lD; long stroke ............ 3.31 5.48 7.00 Marks, 'f/lD'; short stroke ............ 3 . 94 6.51 Seaton, depth at center =\Ax ........ 4.20 9.80 Seaton, breadth of ring = 0.63 x ....... 1 . 89 4 . 41 Whitham, breadth of ring = 0. 15 D ____ 1 . 50 4 . 50 8 .32 15.40 6 . 93 7 . 50 Diameter of Piston Packing-rings. These are generally turned, before they are cut, about 1/4 inch diameter larger than the cylinder, for cylinders up to 20 inches diameter, and then enough is cut out of the rings to spring them to the diameter of the cylinder. For larger -cylin- ders the rings are turned proportionately larger. Seaton recommends an excess of 1 %. of the diameter of the cylinder. A theoretical paper on Piston Packing Rings of Modern Steam En- gines by O. C. Reymann will be found in Jour. Frank. Inst., Aug., 1897. Cross-section of the Rings. The thickness is commonly made 1/30 of the diam. of cyl. + i/g inch, and the width = thickness + i/ginch. For an eccentric ring the mean thickness may be the same as for a ring of uniform thickness, and the minimum thickness = 2/3 the maximum. A circular issued by J. H. Dunbar, manufacturer of packing-rings, Youngstown, Ohio, says: Unless otherwise ordered, the thickness of rings will be made equal to 0.03 X their, diameter. This thickness has been found to be satisfactory in practice. It admits of the ring being 1024 THE STEAM-ENGINE. made about 3/i 6 in. to the foot larger than the cylinder, and has, when new, a tension of about two pounds per inch of circumference, which is ample to prevent leakage if the surface of the ring and cylinder are smooth. As regards the width of rings, authorities "scatter" from very narrow to very wide, the latter being fully ten times the former. For instance, Unwin gives W = 0.014 d + 0.08. Whitham's formula is W = 0.15 d. In both formulae W is the width of the ring in inches, and d the diameter of the cylinder in inches. Un win's formula makes the width of a 20-in, ring W = 20 X 0.014 -f 0.08 = 0.36 in., while Whitham's is 20 X 0.15 = 3 in. for the same diameter of ring. There is much less difference in the practice of engine-builders in this respect, but there is still room for a standard width of ring. It is believed that for cylinders over 16 in. diameter 8/4 in. is a popular and practical width, and 1/2 in. for cylinders of that size and under. Fit of Piston-rod into Piston. (Seaton.) The most convenient and reliable practice is to turn the piston-rod end with a shoulder of i/ie inch for small engines, and i/s inch for large ones, make the taper 3 in. to the foot until the section of the rod is three-fourths of that of the body, then turn the remaining part parallel ; the rod should then fit into the piston so as to leave i/g in. between it and the shoulder for large pistons and 1/16 in. for small. The shoulder prevents the rod from splitting the piston, and allows of the rod being turned true after long wear without encroaching on the taper. The piston is secured to the rod by a nut, and the size of the rod should be such that the strain on the section at the bottom of the thread does not exceed 5500 Ib. per sq. in. for iron, 7000 Ib. for steel. The depth of this nut need not exceed the diameter which would be found by allow- ing these strains. The nut should be locked to prevent its working loose. Diameter of Piston-rods. Taking d = diam. of piston-rod, D = diam. of piston, I = length of stroke, p = maximum unbalanced pres- sure, Ib. per_sq. in., Unwin gives, for iron rods, d = 0.0167 D\/p; steel, 0.0144 D^/p. Marks gives: (1) d = 0.0179 Z>Vp"for iron; (2) 0.0105 ZVp for steel; and (3) d = 0.0390 ^DU^p for iron; (4) 0.0352 ffDH*p for steel. Deduce the diameter of the rod by (1) or (2) and if this diameter is less than 1/12? then use (3) or (4). Applying these four formulae to the six engines and taking the average results, we have the following : Diameter of Piston-rods. Diameter of Cylinder, inches 1 3 5 Stroke, inches 12 24 30 60 48 96 Diam. of rod, average for iron " " average for steel 1.49 1.33 1.82 1.59 4.30 3.83 5.26 4.52 7.11 6.33 8.74 7.46 An empirical formula which gives results approximating the above averages is d" = c\/Dlp, the values of c being for short stroke engines, iron, 0.0145; steel, 0.0129; and for long stroke engines, iron, 0.0126, steel, 0.0108. The calculated results for this formula, for the six engines, are, re- spectively: Iron 1.59 1.95 4.35 5.36 7.11 8.73 Steel 1.31 1.67 3.87 4.58 6.32 7.48 In considering an expansive engine, p, the effective pressure, should be taken as the absolute working pressure, or 15 Ib. above that to which the boiler safety-valve is loaded ; for a compound engine the value of p for the high-pressure piston should be taken as the absolute pressure, less 15 Ib., or the same as the load on the safety-valve; for the medium- pressure the load may be taken as that due to half the absolute boiler- pressure; and for the low-pressure cylinder the pressure to which the escape- valve is loaded + 15 Ib., or the maximum absolute pressure which can be got in the receiver, or about 25 Ib. It is an advantage to make all the rods of a compound engine alike, and this is now the rule. Piston-rod Guides. The thrust on the guide, when the connecting- DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OF ENGINES. 1025 rod is at its maximum angle with the line of the piston-rod, is found from the formula: Thrust = total load on piston X tangent of maximum angle of connecting-rod = p tan 0. ' This angle, 9, is the angle whose sine = half stroke of piston -~ length of connecting-rod. Ratio of length of connecting-rod to stroke . . 2 21/2 3 Maximum angle of connecting-rod with line of piston-rod .......................... 14 29' 11 33' 9 36' Tangent of the angle ....................... 0.258 0.204 0.169 Secant of the angle .................. ...... 1.0327 1.0206 1 .014 Thurston says: The rubbing surfaces of guides are so proportioned that if V be their relative velocity in feet per minute, and p be the in- tensity of pressure on the guide hi Ib. per sq. in., pV < 60,000 and pV> 40,000. The lower is the safer limit; but for marine and stationary engines it is allowable to take p = 60,000 -s- V. According to Rankine, for loco- motives, p = -TTo/ where p is the pressure in Ib. per sq. in. and V the velocity of rubbing in feet per minute. This includes the sum of all pressures forcing the two rubbing surfaces together. Some British builders of portable engines restrict the pressure between the guides and cross-heads to less than 40, sometimes 35 Ib. per sq. in. For a mean velocity of 600 feet per minute, Prof. Thurston's formulae give, p < 100, p > 66.7; Rankine's gives p = 72.2 Ib. per sq. in. Whitham gives, A = area of slides in square inches = - -==. = P - p Q \/n 2 - 1 p Q Vn 2 - I in which P = total unbalanced pressure, pi = pressure per square inch on piston, d = diameter of cylinder, p = pressure allowable per square inch on slides, and n = length of connecting-rod -j- length of crank. This is equivalent to the formula, A = P tan 6 ~ po. For n = 5, p\ = 100 and p a = 80, A = 0.2004 d 2 . For the three engines 10, 30, and 50 in. diam., this would give for area of slides, A = 20, 180, and 500 sq. in., respectively. Whitham says: The normal pressure on the slide may be as high as 500 Ib. per sq. in., but this is when there is good lubrication and freedom from dust. Stationary and marine engines are usually designed to carry 100 Ib. per sq. in., and the area in this case is reduced from 50% to 60% by grooves. In locomotive engines the pressure ranges from 40 to 50 Ib. per sq. in. of slide, on account of the inaccessi- bility of the slide, dirt, cinder, etc. The Connecting-rod. Ratio of length of connecting-rod to length of stroke. Experience has led generally to the ratio of 2 or 2 1/2 to 1, the latter giving a long and easy-working rod, the former a rather short, but yet a manageable one (Thurston) . Whitham gives the ratio of from 2 to 4 1/2 and Marks from 2 tcL.4. Dimensions of the Connecting-rod. The calculation of the diameter of a connecting-rod on a theoretical basis, considering it as a strut sub- ject to both compressive and bending stresses, and also to stress due to its inertia, in high-speed engines, is quite complicated. See Whitham, Steam-engine Design, p. 217; Thurston, Manual of S. E., p. 100. Applying seven formulae given by different authorities to the six engines the average diameters (at the middle of the rod) are given below : Diameter of Connecting-rods. Diameter of Cylinder, inches 1 3 5 Stroke, inches 12 24 30 60 48 96 Length of connecting-rod 1 30 60 75 150 120 240 Diameter of rod, inches 2.24 2.26 6.38 6.27 10.52 10.26 The average figures show but little difference in diameter between long- and short-stroke engines; this is what might be expected, for while the connecting-rod, considered simply as a column, would require an Increase of diameter for an increase of length, the load remaining the 1026 THE STEAM-ENGINE. same, yet in an engine generally the shorter the connecting-rod the greater the number of revolutions, and consequently the greater the strains due to inertia. The influences tending to increase the diameter therefore tend to balance each other, and to render the diameter to some extent independent of the length. The_average figures correspond nearly to the simple formula d = 0.021 D\/p. The diameters of rod for the three diameters of engine by this formula are, respectively, 2.10, 6.30, and 10.50 in. Since the total pressure on_the piston P = 0.7854 D*p, the formula is equivalent to d = 0.0237 \/~P. Seaton and Sennett give the diameter at the necks of a connecting- rod = 0.9 the dianv at the middle. Whitham gives it as 1.0 to 1.1 the diam. of the piston-rod. Connecting-rod Ends. For a connecting-rod end of the marine type, where the end is secured with two bolts, each bolt should be pro- portioned for a safe tensile strength equal to two-thirds of the maximum pull or thrust in the connecting-rod. The cap is to be proportioned as a beam loaded with the maximum pull of the connecting-rod, and supported at both ends. The calcula- tion should be made for rigidity as well as strength, allowing a maximum deflection of Vioo inch. For a strap^and-key connecting-rod end the strap is designed for tensile strength, considering that two-thirds of the |)ull on the connecting-rod may come on one arm. At the point where the metal is slotted for the key and gib, the straps must be thickened to make the cross-section equal to that of the remainder of the strap. Be- tween the end of the strap and the slot the strap is liable to fail in double shear, and sufficient metal must be provided at the end to prevent such failure. The breadth of the key is generally one-fourth of the width of the strap, and the length, parallel to the strap, should be such that the cross- section will have a shearing strength equal to the tensile strength of the section of the strap. The taper of the key is generally about 5/8 inch to the foot. Tapered Connecting-rods. In modern high-speed engines it is cus- tomary to make the connecting-rods of rectangular instead of circular section, the sides being parallel, and the depth increasing regularly from the cross-head end to the crank-pin end. According to Grashof, the bending action on the rod due to its inertia is greatest at 6/ 1( ) the length from the cross-head end, and, according to this theory, that is the point at which the section should be greatest, although in practice the section is made greatest at the crank-pin end. Professor Thurston furnished the author with the following rule for tapered connecting-rods of rectangular section: Take the section as com- puted by the formula d" = 0.1 A/ 'DL\/~p~+ 3/4 for a circular section, and for a rod 4/3 the actual length, placing the computed section at 2/3 the length from the small end, and carrying the taper straight through this fixed section to the large end. This brings the computed section at the surge point and makes it heavier than the rod for which a tapered form is not required. Taking the above formula, multiplying L by 4/3. and changing it to I in inches, it becomes d = 1/30 V-DJ \/P~+ 3 /4 in. Taking a rectangular section of the same area as the round section whose diameter is rf, and making the depth of the section h = twice the thickness t, we have 0.7854 d* = hi = 2 &, whence t = 0.627; d = 0.0209 V Dl\/l) + 0.47in., which is the formula for the thickness or distance between the parallel sides of the rod. Making the depth at the cross-head end = 1.5 t, and at 2/3 the length = 2 t, the equivalent depth at the crank end is 2.25 t. Applying the formula to the short-stroke engines of our examples, we have Diameter of cylinder, inches 10 30 50 Stroke, inches . 12 30 48 Length of connecting-rod 30 75 120 Thickness t - 0209 "V ' Dl VP+ 47 = 1.61 3.60 5.59 2.42 5.41 8.39 Depth at crank end, 21/42 3.62 8.11 12.58 DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OF ENGINES. 1027 The thicknesses t, found by the formula t = 0.0209 V Dl\/P + 0.47, agree closely with the more simple formula t = 0.01 D\/~p + 0.60 in., the thicknesses calculated by this formula being respectively 1.6, 3.6, and 5.6 in. The Crank-Pin. A crank-pin should be designed (1) to avoid heat- ing, (2) for strength, (3) for rigidity. The heating of a crank-pin depends on the pressure on its rubbing surface, and on the coefficient of friction, which latter varies greatly, according to tile effectiveness of the lubrication. It also depends upon the facility with which the heat produced may be carried away : thus it appears that locomotive crank- pins may be prevented to some degree from overheating by the cooling action of the air through which they pass at a high speed. Marks states as a general law, within reasonable limits as to pressure and speed of rubbing, the longer a bearing is made, for a given pressure and number of revolutions, the cooler it will work; and its diameter has no effect upon its heating. Whitham recommends for pressure per square inch of projected area, for naval engines 500 pounds, for merchant marine engines 400 pounds, for paddle-wheel engines 800 to 900 pounds. Thurston says the pressure on a steel crank-pin should, in the steam- engine, never exceed 1000 or 1200 pounds per square inch. He gives the formula for length of a steel pin, in inches. I = PR + 600,000, in which P and R are the mean total load on the pin in pounds, and the number of revolutions per minute. For locomotives, the divisor may be taken as 500,000. Pins so proportioned, if well made and well lubri- cated, may always be depended upon to run cool; if not well formed, perfectly cylindrical, well finished, and kept well oiled, no crank-pin can be relied upon. It is assumed above that good bronze or white- metal bearings are used. By calculating lengths of iron crank-pins for the engines 10, 30, and 50 inches diametor, long and short stroke, by the formulae given by dif- ferent writers, it is found that there is a great difference in the results, so that one formula in certain cases gives a length three times as great as another. The average of the calculated lengths of iron crank-pins for the several cases by five formulae are given in the table below, together with the calculated lengths by two formulee for steel. Length of Crank-pins. Diameter of cylinder ... D 10 250 50 7,854 42 3,299 2.72 W 2 ' 7,854 42 3,299 1.36 30 % 450 70,686 32.3 22,832 9.86 30 65 450 70,686 32.3 22,832 4.93 50 4 90 1,250 196,350 30 58,905 17.12 50 8 45 1.250 196,350 30 58,905 8.56 Stroke L (ft ) Revolutions per minute ... R Horse-power . s I.H.P. Maximum pressure Ibs. Mean pressure P. Length of crank-pin, average for iron. . Unwin, best steel, I =0.1 I.H.P. -=-r Thurston, steel, I = P R + 600,000 0.83 1.37 0.42 0.69 3.0 4.95 1.5 2.47 5.21 8.84 2.61 4.42 The calculated lengths for the long-stroke engines are too low to pre- vent excessive pressures. See "Pressures on the Crank-pins," below. The Strength of the Crank-pin is determined substantially as is that of the crank. In overhung cranks the load is usually assumed as carried at the middle of the pin, and, equating its moment with that of the resistance of the pin, l/ 2 PI and d= 5.1 PI in which d _ diameter of pin in inches, P maximum load on the piston, t = the maximum allowable stress on a square inch of the metal. For iron it may be taken at 9000 Ibs, For steel the diameters found by this formula may be reduced 10%. (Thurston.) 1028 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Unwin gives the same formula in another form, viz.: the last form to be used when the ratio of length to diameter is assumed, For wrought iron, t = 6000 to 9000 Ibs. per sq. in., -\/5.1/="o.0947 to 0.0827; ^ / 57l7i = 0.0291 to 0.0238. For steel, t = 9000 to 13,000 Ibs. per sq. in., 6 2 29 1 82 7 34 5 82 12 40 9 84 Marks, d = 0.066 ^p^F 2 1.39 0.85 6.44 3.78 12.41 7.39 Pressures on the Crank-pins. - If we take the mean pressure upon the crank-pin = mean pressure on piston, neglecting the effect of the varying angle of the connecting-rod, we have the following, using the average lengths already found, and the diameters according to Unwin and Marks: Engine No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diameter of cylinder inches .... 10 10 30 30 50" 50 Stroke, feet 1 2 2V2 5 4 8 3,299 3,299 22,832 22,832 58,905 58,905 Projected area of pin, Unwin 6 23 2 36 72.4 28.7 2!2 3 84 2 Projected area of pin Marks 3 78 1 16 63 5 18 6 212 5 63 3 Pressure per square inch, Unwin Pressure per square inch, Marks 530 873 1,398 2,845 315 360 7% 1,228 277 277 700 930 The results show that the application of the formulae for length and diameter of crank-pins give quite low pressures per square inch of pro- jected area for the short-stroke high-speed engines of the larger sizes, but too high pressures for all the other engines. It is therefore evident that after calculating the dimensions of a crank-pin according to the formulae given, the results should be modified, if necessary, to bring the pressure per square inch down to a reasonable figure. In order to bring the pressures down to 500 pounds per square inch, we divide the mean pressures by 500 to obtain the projected area, or DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OF ENGINES. 1029 product of length by diameter. Making I = 1.5 d for engines Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 6, the revised table for the six engines is as follows: Engine No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Length of crank-pin, inches. . 3.15 3.15 9.86 8.37 17.12 13.30 Diameter of crank-pin 2 . 10 2.10 7 . 34 5 . 58 12 ..40 8 . 87 Crosshead-pin or Wrist-pin. Seaton says the area, calculated by multiplying the diameter of the journal by its length, should be such that the pressure does not exceed 1200 Ib. per sq. in., taking the maxi- mum load on the piston as the total pressure on the pin. For small engines with the gudgeon shrunk into the jaws of the con- necting-rod, and working in brasses fitted into a recess in the piston-rod end and secured by a wrought-iron cap and two bolts, Seaton gives: Diameter of gudgeon = 1 . 25 X diam. cf piston-rod, Length of gudgeon = 1 . 4 X diam. of piston-rod. If the pressure on the section, as calculated by multiplying length by diameter, exceeds 1200 Ibs. per sq. in., this length should be increased. J. B. Stanwood, in his "Ready Reference" book, gives for length of crosshead-pin 0.25 to 0.3 diam. of piston, and diam. =0.18 to 0.2 diam. of piston. Since he gives for diam. of piston-rod 0.14 to 0.17 diam. of piston, his dimensions for diameter and length of crosshead-pin are about 1.25 and 1.8 diam. of piston-rod respectively. Taking the maximum allowable pressure at 1200 Ibs. per sq. in. and making the length of the crosshead-pin = 4/ 3 of its diameter, we have d= v 'p ~- 40, 1 = Vp-*. 30, in which P= maximum total load on piston in Ibs., d = diam. and 1= length of pin in inches. For the engines of our example we haves Diameter of piston, inches 10 30 50 Maximum load on piston, Ibs 7854 70,686 196,350 Diameter of crosshead-pin, inches. .... 2. 22 6 . 65 11 . 08 Length of crosshead-pin, inches - 2.96 8.86 14.77 Stanwood's rule gives diameter, ins. ... 1.8 to 2 5 . 4 t :> 6 9.0 to 10 Stanwood's rule gives length, inches. . . 2.5 to 3 7.5 to 9 12.5 to 15 Stanwood's largest dimensions give pressure per sq. in., Ibs 1309 1329 1309 These pressures are greater than the maximum allowed by Seaton. The Crank-arm. The crank-arm is to be treated as a lever, so that If ais the thickness in adirection parallel to the shaft-axis and b its breadth at a section x inches from the crank-pin center, then, bending moment M at that section = Px, P being the thrust of the connecting-rod, and / the safe strain per square inch r 1030 THE STEAM-ENGINE. The crank-eye or boss into which the pin is fitted should bear the same relation to the pin that the bos does to the shaft. The diameter of the shaft-end onto which th^ crank is fitted should be 1.1 X diameter of shaft. Tnurston says: Tne empirical proportions adopted by builders will commonly be found to tali well within tne calculated safe margin. Tne.se proportions are, from the practice of successful designers, about as follows: The hub is 1.75 to 1.8 times the least diameter of that part of the shaft carrying full load; the eye is 2.0 to 2.25 tne diameter of the inserted portion of tne pin and their depths are, for the hub, 1.0 to 1.2 the diameter of snaft, anc* for tne eye, 1.25 to 1.5 the diameter of pin. The web is made vj.7 to 0.75 the widtn of the adjacent hub or eye, and is given a depth of 0.5 to 0.6 that of the adjacent hub or eye. Tne cranK-shaft is usually enlarged at the seat of the crank to about 1.1 its diameter at the journal. The size should be nicely adjusted to allow for the shrinkage or forcing on of the crank. A difference of diameter of 0.2 % will usually suffice. Tne formulae given by different writers for crank-arms practically agree, since they all consider the crank as a beam loaded at one end and fixed at the other. The relation of breadth to thickness may vary according to the taste of the designer. Calculated dimensions for our six engines are as follows: Dimensions of Crank-arms. Diam of cylinder ins. 10 10 30 30 50 50 Stroke S ins 12 24 30 60 48 96 Max. pressure on pin P (approx ) Ibs 7854 7854 70,686 70,686 196,350 196,350 Diam crank-pin d 2.10 2.10 7.34 5.58 12.40 8.87 Dv^ff J-T\/ ' D (a'= 4.69, 5. 09 and 5. 22).... Length of boss, 0.8 D Thickness of boss, 0.4 D Diam. of boss, 1.8 D Length crank-pin eye, 0.8 d Thickness of crank-pin eye, 4d 2.74 2.19 1.10 4.93 1.76 0.88 3.46 2.77 1.39 6,23 1.76 0.88 7.70 6 16 3.08 13.86 5.87 2.94 9.70 7.76 3.88 17.46 4.46 2.23 12.55 10.04 5.02 22.59 9.92 4.46 15.82 12.65 6.32 28.47 7.10 3.55 Max. mom. T at distance V2*S r V2> from center of 37 149 80 661 788 149 1 848 439 3 479,322 7,871,671 Thickness of crank-arm a = 75 D 2.05 2 60 5.78 7.28 9.41 11.87 Greatest breadth, b = V6 T * 9000 a Min. mom. TO at distance d from center of pin= Pd. Least breadth, 3.48 16,493 4.55 16,493 9.54 528,835 13.0 394,428 15.7 2,434,740 21.0 1,741,625 & 1= V6 T + 9000 a 2.32 2.06 7.81 6.01 13.13 9.89 The Shaft. Twisting Resistance. From the general formula for torsion, we have: T = -^ d*S = 0.19635 d?S, whence d = ^I^-L T ^ in which T = torsional moment in inch-pounds, d = diameter in inches, and ,S = the shearing resistance of the material, Ib. per sq. in. If a constant force P were applied to the crank-pin tangentially to its path, the work done in foot-pounds per minute would be P X L X 2rr X R + 12 = 33,000 X I.H.P., in which L = length of crank in inches, and R = revs, per min., and the mean twisting moment T = l.H.P. -*- H X 63,025. Therefore T -T- S = ^321,427 l.H.P. -* ^^'. DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OP ENGINES. 1031 This may take the form d = ^I.H.P.X FIR, or d = a S/I.H.P. + R t in which F and a are factors that depend on the strength of the material and on the factor of safety. Taking S at 45,000 pounds per square inch for wrought iron, and at 60,000 for steel, we have, for simple twisting by a uniform tangential force, Factor of safety =568 10 56810 Iron F = 35.7 42.8 57.1 71.4 a = 3.3 3.5 3.85 4.15 Steel F= 26.8 32.1 42.8 53.5 a = 3.0 3.18 3.5 3.77 Unwin, taking for safe working strength of wrought iron 9000 Ibs., steel 13,500 Ibs., and cast iron 4500 Ibs., gives a = 3.294 for wrought iron, 2.877 for steel, and 4.15 for cast iron. Thurston, for crank-axles of wrought iron, gives a = 4.15 or more. Seaton says: For wrought iron, /, the safe strain per square inch, should not exceed 9000 Ibs., and when the shafts are more than 10 inches diameter, 8000 Ibs. Steel, when made from the ingot and of good materials, will admit of a stress of 12,000 Ibs. for small shafts, and 10,000 Ibs. for those above 10 inches diameter. The difference in the allowance between large and small shafts is to com- pensate for the defective material observable in the heart of large shaft- ing, owing to the hammering failing to affect it. The formula d = a -\/I.H.P. -4- R assumes the tangential force to be uniform and that it is the only acting force. For engines, in which the tangential force varies with the angle between the crank and the connect- ing-rod, and with the variation in steam-pressure in the cylinder, and also is influenced by the inertia of the reciprocating parts, and in which also the shaft may be subjected to bending as well as torsion, the factor a must be increased, to provide for the maximum tangential force and for bending. Seaton gives the following table showing the relation between the maximum and mean twisting moments of engines working under various conditions, the momentum of the moving parts being neglected, which is allowable: Max. Description of Engine. Steam Cut-off at Twist Divided by Cube Root of the Mean Twist. Ratio. * Moment. Single-crank expansive . 0.2 2.625 .38 0.4 2 125 29 i i< 0.6 .835 .22 * 8 698 20 Two-cylinder expansive, cranks at 90 . 0.2 .616 .17 . i 0.3 .415 .12 0.4 .298 .09 * " 0.5 .256 .08 i 0.6 .270 .08 ' " 0.7 .329 .10 0.8 .357 .11 Three-cylinder compound, cranks 120. Three-cylindercompound.l.p. cranks op oosite one another, and h.p. midway i h.p. 0.5, l.p.0.66 .40 .26 .12 .08 For the engines we are considering it will be a very liberal allowance for ratio of maximum to mean twisting moment if we take it as equal to the ratio of the maximum to the mean pressure on the piston. The factor a, then, in the formula for diameter of the shaft will be multiplied by the cube root of this ratio, or ^~ = 1 .49 for the 10. 30, and 50-in. engines, respectively. Taking a = 3.5, which corresponds to a shearing strength of 60,000 a.nd a factor of safety of 8 for 1032 THE STEAM-ENGINE. steel, or to 45,000 and a factor of 6 for iron, we have for the new coeffi- cient ai in the formula d\ a\ y'l.H.P. -*- R, the values 4.69, 5.08, and 5.22 from which we obtain the diameters of shafts of the six engines as follows: Engine No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diam. of cyl 10 10 30 30 50 50 Horse-power, I.H.P 50 50 450 450 1250 " 1250 Revs, per min., R 250 125 130 65 90 45 Diam. of shaft d = 2.743.46 7.67 9.7012.5515.82 These diameters are calculated for twisting only. When the shaft is also subjected to bending strain the calculation must be modified as below: Resistance to Bending. The strength of a circular-section shaft to resist bending is one-half of that to resist twisting. If B is the bending moment in inch-lbs., and d the diameter of the shaft in inches, B = 2 X ^' and d = / is the safe strain per square inch of the material of which the shaft is composed, and its value may be taken as given above for twisting (Seaton). Equivalent Twisting Moment. When a shaft is subject to both twisting and bending simultaneously, the combined strain on any section of it may be measured by calculating what is called the equivalent twisting moment; that is, the two strains are. so combined as to be treated as a twisting strain only of the same magnitude and the size of shaft calculated accordingly. Rankine gave the following solution of the combined action of the two strains. If T = the twisting moment, and B = the bending moment on a section of a shaft, then the equivalent twisting moment T\ = B+ v/ ^ 2 + T 2 . The two principal strains vary throughout the revolution, and the maximum equivalent twisting moment can only be obtained accurately by a series of calculations of bending and twisting moments taken at fixed intervals, and from them constructing a curve of strains. Considering the engines of our examples to have overhung cranks, the maximum bending moment resulting from the thrust of the connecting- rod on the crank-pin will take place when the engine is passing its centers (neglecting the effect of the inertia of the reciprocating parts), and it will be the product of the total pressure on the piston by the distance between two parallel lines passing through the centers of the crank-pin and of the shaft bearing, at right angles to their axes; which distance is equal to 1/2 length of crank-pin bearing + length of hub 4- 1/2 length of shaft- bearing + any clearance that may be allowed between the crank and the two bearings. For our six engines we may take this distance as equal to 1/2 length of crank-pin + thickness of crank-arm + 1.5 X the diam- eter of the shaft as already found by the calculation for twisting. The calculation of diameter is then as below: Engine No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diam. of cyl., in.... Horse-power . 10 50 10 50 30 450 30 450 50 1250 50 1250 Revs, per rain Max. press, on pis,P Leverage,* L in Bd.mo.P=in.-lb Twist, mom. T .... Equiv. twist morn. 250 7,854 6.32 49,637 47,124 125 7,854 7.94 62,361 94,248 130 70,686 22.20 1,569,222 1,060,290 65 70,686 26.00 1,837,836 2,120,580 90 196,350 36.80 7,225,680 4,712,400 45 196,350 42.25 8,295,788 9,424,800 Ti= B+ Vj32 +r2 (approx.) 118,000 175,000 3,463,000 4,647,000 15,840,000 20,850,000 * Leverage = distance between centers of crank-pin and shaft bearing - 1/2 Z + 2.25d. Having already found the diameters, on the assumption that the shafts were subjected to a twisting moment T only, we may find the . DIMENSIONS OF PAHTS OF ENGINES. 1033 for resisting combined bending and twisting by multiplying the diameters already found by the cube roots of the ratio T\ -* T, or 1.40 1.27 1.46 1.34 1.64 1.36 Giving correqted diameters di = 3.84 4.3911.3512.99 20.58 21.52 By plotting these results, using the diameters of the cylinders for abscis- sas and diameters of the shafts for ordinates, we find that for the long- stroke engines the results lie almost in a straight line expressed by the formula, diameter of shaft = 0.43 X diameter of cylinder; for the short- stroke engines the line is slightly curved, but does not diverge far from a straight line whose equation is, diameter of shaft = 0.4 diameter of cylinder. Using these two formulas, the diameters of the shafts will be 4.0, 4.3, 12.0, 12.9, 20.0, 21.5. J. B, Stanwood, in Engineering, June 12, 1891, gives dimensions of shafts of Corliss engines in American practice for cylinders 10 to 30 in. diameter. The diameters range from 415/16 to 1415/ie, following precisely the equation, diameter of shaft = 1/2 diameter of cylinder Vie inch. Fly-wheel Shafts. Thus far we have considered the shaft as resist- ing the force of torsion and the bending moment produced by the pressure on the crank-pin. In the case of fly-wheel engines the shaft on the opposite side of the bearing from the crank-pin has to be designed with reference to the bending moment caused by the weight of the fly-wheel, the weight of the shaft itself, and the strain of the belt. For engines in which there is an outboard bearing, the weight of fly-wheel and shaft being supported by two bearings, the point of the shaft at which the bending moment is a maximum may be taken as the point midway between the two bearings or at the middle of the fly-wheel hub, and the amount of the moment is the product of the weight supported by one of the bearings into the distance from the center of that bearing to the middle point of the shaft. The shaft is thus to be treated as a beam supported at the ends and loaded in the middle. In the case of an over- hung fly-wheel, the shaft having only one bearing, the point of maximum moment should be taken as the middle of the bearing, and its amount is very nearly the product of half the weight of the fly-wheel and the shaft into the distance of the middle of its hub from the middle of the bear- ing. The bending moment should be calculated and combined with the twisting moment as above shown, to obtain the equivalent twisting moment, and the diameter necessary at the point of maximum moment calculated therefrom. In the case of our six engines we assume that the weights of the fly- wheels, together with the shaft, are double the weight of fly-wheel rim d?s obtained from the formula T7= 785,400 ff2 ^ 2 (given under Fly-wheels); that the shaft is supported by an outboard bearing, the distance between the two bearings being 2 1/2, 5, and 10 feet for the 10-in., 30-in., and 50-in. engines, respectively. The diameters of the fly-wheels are taken such that their rim velocity will be a little less than 6000 feet per minute. Engine No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diam. of cyl., inches 10 10 30 30 50 50 Diam. of fly-wheel, ft. ... 7.5 15 14.5 29 21 42 Revs, per min 250 125 130 65 90 45 Half wt. fly-wheel and shaft, Ibs 268 536 5,968 11,936 26,384 52,769 Lever arm for maximum moment, in 15 15 30 30 60 60 Maximum bending mo- ment, in.-lbs 4020 8040 179,040 358,080 1,583,070 3,166,140 As these are very much less than the bending moments calculated from the pressures- on the crank-pin, the diameters already found are sufficient for the diameter of the shaft at the fly-wheel hub. In the case of engines with heavy band fly-wheels and with long fly- wheel shafts it is of the utmost importance to calculate the diameter of the shaft with reference to the bending moment due to the weight of the fly-wheel and the shaft. B. H. Coffey (Power, October, 1892) gives the formula for combined bending jmd twisting resistance, Ti = 0.196 d*S, in which T\ = B + 2 ; r being the maximum, not the mean twisting moment; and 1034 THE STEAM-ENGINE. finds empirical working values for 0.196 S as below. He says: Four points should be considered in determining this value: First, the nature of the material; second, the manner of applying the loads, with shock or otherwise; third, the ratio of the bending moment to the torsional moment the bending moment in a revolving shaft produces reversed strains in the material, which tend to rupture it; fourth, the size of the section. Inch for inch, large sections are weaker than small ones. He puts the dividing line between large and small sections at 10 in. diameter, and gives the following safe values of S X 0.196 for steel, wrought iron, and cast iron, for these conditions. VALUE OF S X 0.196. Ratio. Heavy Shafts with Shock. Light Shafts with Shock. Heavy Shafts No Shock. Light Shafts No Shock. B to T. Steel. Wro't Iron. Cast Iron. Steel. Wro't Iron. Cast Iron. Steel. Wro't Iron. Cast Iron. 3 to 10 or less 1045 941 855 784 880 785 715 655 440 393 358 328 1566 1410 1281 1176 1320 1179 1074 984 660 589 537 492 2090 1882 1710 1568 1760 1570 1430 1310 880 785 715 655 3 to 5 or less 1 to 1 or less B greater than T. . . Mr. Coffey gives as an example of improper dimensions the fly-wheel shaft of a 1500 H.P. engine at Willimantic, Conn., which broke while the engine was running at 425 H.P. The shaft was 17 ft. 5 in. long between centers of bearings, 18 in. diam. for 8 ft. in the middle, and 15 in. diam. for the remainder, including the bearings. It broke at the base of the fillet connecting the two large diameters, or 561/2 in. from the center of the bearing. He calculates the mean torsional moment to be 446,654 inch-pounds, and the maximum at twice the mean; and the total weight on one bearing at 87,530 Ibs., which, multiplied by 561/2 in., gives 4,945,445 in.-lbs. bending moment at the fillet. Applying the formula Ti = B+^/B* + T z , gives for equivalent twisting moment 9,971,045 in.- lbs. Substituting this value in the f9rmula T\ = 0.196/ScZ 3 gives for S the shearing strain 15,070 Ibs. persq. in., or if the metal had a shearing strength of 45,000 lb., a factor of safety of only 3. Mr. Coffey considers that 6000 lb. is all that should be allowed for S under these circum- stances. This would give d = 20.35 in. If we take from Mr. Coffey's table a value of 0.196 5 = 1100, we obtain cP = 9000 nearly, or d = 20.8 in. instead of 15 in., the actual diameter. Length of Shaft-bearings. There is as great- a difference of opinion among writers, and as great a variation in practice concerning length of journal-bearings, as there is concerning crank-pins. The length of a journal being determined from considerations of its heating, the observa- tions concerning heating of crank-pins apply also to shaft-bearings, and the formulee for length of crank-pins to avoid heating may also be used, using for the total load upon the bearing the resultant of all the pres- sures brought upon it, by the pressure on the crank, by the weight of the fly-wheel, and by the pull of the belt. After determining this pressure, however, we must resort to empirical values for the so-called constants of the formulae, really variables, which depend on the power of the bearing to carry away heat, and upon the quantity of heat generated, which latter depends on the pressure, on the number of square feet of rubbing surface passed over in a minute, and upon the coefficient of friction. This coefficient is an exceedingly variable quantity, ranging from 0.01 or less with perfectly polished journals, having end-play, and lubricated by a pad or oil-bath, to 0.10 or more with ordinary oil-cup lubrication. Thurston says that the maximum allowable mean- intensity of pressure may be, for all cases, computed by his formula for journals, I - PV + 60,000 d, or by Rankine's, I = P(V 20) 4- 44,800 d, in which P is the mean total pressure in pounds, V the velocity of rubbing surface in feet per minute, and d the diameter of the shaft in inches. It must be borne in mind, he says, that the friction work on the main bearing next the crank is the sum of that due the action of the piston on the pin and that due DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OF ENGINES. 1035 that portion of the weight of wheel and shaft and of pull of the belt which is carried there. The outboard bearing carries practically only the latter two parts of the total. The crank-shaft journals will be made longer on one side, and perhaps shorter on the other, than that of the crank-phi, in proportion to the work falling upon each, i.e., to their respective products of mean total pressure, speed of rubbing surfaces, and coefficients of friction. Unwin says: Journals running at 150 revolutions per minute are often only one diameter long. Fan shafts running 150 revolutions per minute have journals six or eight diameters long. The ordinary empirical mode of proportioning the length of journals is to make the length proportional to the diameter, and to make the ratio of length to diameter increase with the speed. For wrQught-iron journals: Revs.permin. = 50 100 150 200 250 500 1000 Z/d 0.004 fl + 1. Length + diam. = 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 3.0 5.0. Cast-iron journals may have l + d = 9/ 10 , and steel journals Z-s-cf = li/4, of the above values. Unwin gives the following, calculated from the formula I = . 4 H.P. -r- r r in which r is the crank radius in inches, and H.P. the horse-power trans- mitted to the crank-pin. THEORETICAL JOURNAL LENGTH IN INCHES. Load on Journal in Pounds. Revolutions of Journal per minute. 50 100 200 300 500 1000 1,000 2,000 4,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50.000 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 10. 0.4 0.8 1.6 4! 6. 8. 12. 16. 20. 0.8 1.6 3.2 4. 8. 12. 16. 24. 32. 40. 1.2 2.4 4.8 6. 12. 18. 24. 36. 2. 4. 8. 10. 20. 30. 40. 4. 8. 16. 20. 40. Applying six different formulae to our six engines, we have: Engine No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 Diam. cyl 10 10 30 30 50 50 Horse-power 50 50 450 450 1 250 1 250 Revs per min 250 125 130 65 90 45 Mean pressure on crank-pin = S Half wt. of fly-wheel and shaft = Q. . . . Resultant pressure on bearing 3,299 268 3,299 536 23,185 5,968 23,185 11,936 58,905 26,470 58,905 52,940 V^+5-Bj. Diam. of shaft journal 3,310 3 84 3,335 4 39 23,924 11 35 26,194 12 99 64,580 20 58 79,200 21 52 Length of shaft journal: Marks, 2 = 0.0000325 /#i#(/=0.10) Whitham,Z = 0.00005 15 fR 1 R(f =0.10) Thurston, Z = PFn- (60,000 d) Rankine, l=P(V+20) + (44,800 d).. . Unwin, Z=(0. 004/2+ 1) d. ... 5.38 4.27 3.61 5.22 7 68 2.71 2.15 1.82 2.78 6 59 20.87 16.53 14.00 21.70 17 25 11.07 8.77 7.43 10.85 16 36 37.78 29.95 25.36 35.16 27 99 23.17 18.35 15.55 22.47 25 39 Unwin, Z = 0.4H.P.-*-r 3 33 1 60 12 00 6 00 20 83 10 42 Average 4.92 2.99 17.05 10.00 29.54 19.22 If we divide the mean resultant pressure on the bearing by the pro- jected area, that is, by the product of the diameter and length of the journal, using the greatest and smallest lengths out Of the seven lengths 1036 THE STEAM-ENGINE. for each journal given above, we obtain the pressure per square inch upon the bearing, as follows: Engine No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Press, per sq. in., shortest journal Longest journal 259 112 455 115 176 97 336 123 151 83 353 145 Average journal 175 254 124 202 106 191 Journal of length = diam 173 155 175 Many of the formulas give for the long-stroke engines a length of journal less than the diameter, but such short journals are rarely used in practice. The last line in the above table has been calculated on the supposition that the journals of the long-stroke engines are made of a length equal to the diameter. In the dimensions of Corliss engines given by J. B. Stanwood (Eng., June 12, 1891), the lengths of the journals for engines of diam. of cyl. 10 to 20 in. are the same as the diam. of the cylinder, and a little more than twice the diam. of the journal. For engines above 20 in. diam. of cyl. the ratio of length to diam. is decreased so that an engine of 30 in. diam. has a journal 26 in. long, its diameter being 1415/16 in. These lengths of journal are greater than those given by any of the formulae above quoted. There thus appears to be a hopeless confusion in the various formulae for length of shaft journals, but this is no more than is to be expected from the variation in the coefficient of friction, and in the heat-conducting power of journals in actual use, the coefficient varying from 0.10 (or even 0.16 as given by Marks) down to 0.01, according to the condition of the bearing surfaces and the efficiency of lubrication. Thurston's formula, I = reduces to the form I = 0.000004363 PR, in which P = mean total load on journal, and R = revolutions per minute. This is of the same form as Marks's and Whitham's formulae, in which, if /, the coefficient of friction, be taken at 0.10, the coefficients of PR are, respec- tively, 0.0000065 and 0.00000515. Taking the mean of these three formulae, we have I = 0.0000053 PR, if / = 0.10 or I = 0.000053 fPR for any other value of /. The author believes this to be as safe a formula as any for length of journals, with the limitation that if it brings a result of length of journal less than the diameter, then the length should be made equal to the diameter. Whenever, with/ = 0.10 it gives a length which is inconvenient or impossible of construction on account of limited space, then provision should be made to reduce the value of the coefficient of friction below 0.10 by means of forced lubrication, end play, etc., and to carry away the heat, as by water-cooled journal-boxes. The value of P should be taken as the resultant of the mean pressure on the crank, and the load brought on the bearing by the weight of the shaft, fly-wheel, etc., as calculated by the formula already given, viz., Ri = ^Q 2 + 2 for horizontal engines, and Ri = Q 4- S for vertical engines. For our six engines the formula I = 0.0000053 PR gives, with the limitation for the long-stroke engines that the length shall not be less than the diameter, the following: Engine No ............. 1 2 Length of journal ....... 4.39 4.39 Pressure per square inch on journal ............ 196 173 Crank-shafts with Center-crank center-crank engines, one of the crank-arms, and its adjoining journal, called the after journal, usually transmit the power of the engine to the work to be done, and the journal resists both twisting and bending mo- ments, while the other journal is subjected to bending moment only. For the after crank- journal the diameter should be calculated the same as for an overhung crank, using the formula for combined bending and twisting moment, T\ = B + \/ B* + T2, in which Ti is the equivalent twisting moment, B the bending moment, and T the twisting moment. This value of T\ is -to be used in the formula, diameter = tyliTTTIS. The 3 16.48 4 12.99 5 30.80 6 21.52 128 155 102 171 and Double-crank Arms. In DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OF ENGINES. 1037 bending moment is taken as the maximum load on piston multiplied Dy one-f9urth of the length of the crank-shaft between middle points of the two journal bearings, if the center is midway between the bearings, or by one-half the distance measured parallel to the shaft from the middle of the crank-pin to the middle of the after bearing. This supposes the crank-shaft to be a beam loaded at its middle and supported at the ends, but Whitham would make the bending moment only one-half of this, considering the shaft to be a beam secured or fixed at the ends, with a point of contraflexure one-fourth of the length from the end. The first supposition is the safer, but since the bending moment will in any case be much less than the twisting moment, the resulting diameter will be but little greater than if Whitham's supposition is used. For the for- ward journal, which is subjected to bending moment only, diameter of shaft = ^/10.2 BIS, in which B is the maximum bending moment and S the safe shearing strength of the metal per square inch. For our six engines, assuming them to be center-crank engines, and considering the crank-shaft to be a beam supported at the ends and loaded in the middle, and assuming lengths between centers of shaft bearings as given below, we have: Length of^ shaft, assumed, in., L. . 20 24 48 60 76 96 Max. press, on crank-pin, P Max. bending mo- 7,854 7,854 70,686 70,686 196,350 196,350 ment, B =1/4 PL, Twisting mom., T 39,270 47,124 49,637 94,248 848,232 1,060,290 1,060,290 2,120,580 3,729,750 4,712,400 4,712,400 9,424,800 Equiv. twist, mom. B + ^B 2 + T 2 ... Diam. of after jour. 101,000 156,000 2,208,000 3,430,000 9,740,000 15,240,000 - 4/5.1 Ti 3QO 4 AH ni ^ i -j nn d V 8000 " . vo .OU . \j \j .UU 18.25 21 .20 Diam. of forw. jour., d iV 10 - 2jB 3Afl 3QQ 1 A 00 dl V 8000 .DO . yy lu.zo 1 1 . 16 16.82 18. 18 The lengths of the journals would be calculated in the same manner as in the case ot overhung cranks, by the formula I = 0.000053 fPR, in which P is the resultant of the mean pressure due to pressure of steam op the piston, and the load of the fly-wheel, shaft, etc., on each of the two bearings. Unless the pressures are equally divided between the twc bearings, the calculated lengths of the two will be different; but it is usually customary to make them both of the same length, and in no casb to make the length less than the diameter. The diameters also are usually made alike for the two journals, using the largest diameter found by calculation. The crank-pin for a center crank should be of the same length as for an overhung crank, since the length is determined from considerations of heating, and not of strength. The diameter also will usually be the same, since it is made great enough to make the pressure per square inch on the projected area (product of length by diameter) small enough to allow of free lubrication, and the diameter so calculated will be greater than is required for strength. Crank-shaft with Two Cranks coupled at 90. If the whole power of the engine is transmitted through the after journal of the after crank-shaft, the greatest twisting moment is equal to 1.414 times the maximum twisting moment due to the pressure on one of the crank-pins. If T = the maximum twisting moment produced by the steam-pressure on one of the pistons, then 2 7 i, the maximum twisting moment on the after part of the crank-shaft, and on the line-shaft produced, when each crank makes an angle of 45 with the center line of the engine, is 1.414 T. Substituting this value in the formula for diameter to resist simple torsion, viz.. d = ^5.1 T -r S, we have d = ^5.1 X 1.414 T -r S t or 1038 THE STEAM-ENGINE. d = 1.932 ty T/S, in which T is the maximum twisting moment pro- duced by one of the pistons, d = diameter in inches, and S = safe working shearing strength of the material. For the forward journal of the after crank, and the after journal of the forward crank, the torsional moment is that due to the pressure of steam on the forward piston only, and for the forward journal of the forward crank, if none of the power of the engine is transmitted through it, the torsional moment is zero, and its diameter is to be calculated for bending moment only. For Combined Torsion and Flexure. Let B^ = bending moment on either journal of the forward crank due to maximum pressure on forward piston, B 2 = bending moment on either journal of the after crank due to maximum pressure on after piston, T\ = maximum twisting moment on after journal of forward crank, and Tz = maximum twisting moment on after journal of after crank, due to pressure on the after piston. Then equivalent twisting moment on after journal of forward crank Bi + Vtfi* -}- T 7 ! 2 . On forward journal of after crank = _ _ On after journal of after crank = J5 2 -f ^B Kb; K = 2.2 to 4, mean 2.7. L. S. (generally 5 cranks long, cir- cular sections only): C = 0.082 to 0.105. mean 0.092. Cross-head Slides. Maximum pressure in Ibs. per sq. in. of shoe, due to the vertical component of the force on the connecting-rod. H. S.: 10.5 to 38, mean 27. L. S.: 29 to 58, mean 40. Cross-head Pins. I = length; d = diam.; projected area = a = dl CA; A = area of piston; I = Kd. H. S.: C = 0.06 to 0.11, mean 0.08; K = 1 to 2, mean 1.25. L. S.: C = 0.054 to 0.10, mean 0.07; K = 1 to 1 .*5, mean 1 . 3. Crank-pin. H. P. = horse-power of engine; L= length of stroke; 1 = length of pin; I = C X H.P. /L+ B; d = diam. of pin; A = area of piston; dl = KA. H. S.: C = 0.13 to 0.46, mean 0.30; B = 2.5 in.; K = 0.17 to 0.44, mean 0.24. L. S.: C = 0.4 to 0.8, mean 0.6; B = 2 in.; K = 0.065 to 0.115, mean 0.09. _ Crank-shaft Main Journal. d= C ^/H.P.-J- N; d= diam.; Z = length; N = revs, per min.; projected area = MA; A = area of piston. H. S.: (7 = 6.5 to 8.5, mean 7.3; l = Kd; K = 2 to 3, mean 2.2; M = 0.37 to 0.70, mean 0.46. L. S.: C = 6'to 8, mean 6.8; K= 1.7 to 2.1, mean 1.9; M = 0.46 to 0.64, mean 0.56. Piston-speed. H. S.: 530 to 660, mean 600; L. S.: 500 to 850, mean 600. Weight of Reciprocating Parts (piston, piston-rod, cross-head, and one- half of connecting-rod). W = CD 2 *- LN Z \ D = diam. of piston; L = length of stroke, in.; AT = revs, per min. H. S. only: C = 1,200,000 to 2,300,000, mean 1,860,000. Belt-surface per I HfP. S = C X H.P. + B; S = product of width of belt in feet by velocity of belt in ft. per min. H. S.: C = 21 to 40, mean 28; 5 = 1800. L. S.; S = CX H.P., C = 30 to 42, mean = 35. Fly-wheel (H. S. only). Weight of rim in Ibs.: W = C X H.P.-*- DrW 3 ; Di = diam. of wheel in in.; C = 65 X 10 10 to 2 X 10 12 mean = 12 X 10", or 1,200,000,000,000. Weight of Engine per I.H.P. in Ibs., including flv-wheel. W = C X H.P. H. S.: C= 100 to 135, mean 115. L. S.: "C = 135 to 240, mean 175. Current Practice in Steam-engine Design, 1909. (Ole N. Trooien, Bull. Univ'y of Wis., No. 252; Am. Mach., April 22, 1909.) Practice in prop9rtioning standard steam-engine parts has settled down to certain definite values, which have by long usage been found to give satisfactory results. These values can readily be expressed in formulas showing the relation between the more important factors entering the problem of design. These formulae may be considered as partly rational and partly em- DIMENSIONS OF PAKTS OP ENGINES. 1041 pirical; rational in the sense that the variables enter in the same manner as in a strict analysis, and empirical in the sense that the constants, instead of being obtained from assumed working strength, bearing pressures etc., are derived from actual practice and include elements whose values are not accurately known but which have been found safe and economical. The following symbols of notation are used in the formulas given: D = diameter of piston. A = area of piston. L = length of stroke. 7> = unit steam pressure, taken as 125 Ibs. per sq. in. above exhaust as a standard pressure. H.P. = rated horse-power. N = revs, per min. Cand K, constants, and tf = diam. and Z = length of unit under consider- ation. All dimensions in inches. The commercial point of cut-off is taken at 1/4 of the stroke. H. S., high-speed engines. L. S., low-speed, or long-stroke engines. Piftton Rod d = C ^DL. H. S.: (7 = 0.15 (min., 0.125; max., 0.187): L. S.: C = 0.114 (min., 0.1; max., 0.156). Winder. Thickness of wall in ins. CD 4-0.28. C =0.054 (min., 0.035; max.. 0.072). Clearance volume 5 to 11% for H.S. engines, and from 2 to 5% for Corliss eneines. Stud BoUs. Number =0.72 D for H. S. (0.65 D for Corliss.) Diam. in ins. = 0.04D -1-0.375. Ratio (C) of Stroke to Cylinder Diameter (L /DV For N > 200, C = 1.07 (min.. 0.82; max., 1.55): for N = 110 to 200, C = 136 (min., 1 . 03: max., 1 . 88) ; for AT < 110 (Corliss engines), C = (L - 8) /D = 1 . 63 (min., 1.15; max., 2.4). Piston. Width of face in ins. = CD + 1. Mean value of C = 0.32 for H. S, (0,26 for Corliss). Thickness of shell = thickness of cylinder wall X 0.6 (0.7 for Corliss). Piston Speeds. H. S., 605 ft. per min. (min. 320; max., 920)- Corliss, 592 ft. per min. (min., 400; max., 800). Cross-head. Area of shoes in sq. ins. =0.53 A (min., 0.37; max., 0.72). Cross-head Pin. Diameter = . 25 D (min., 0.17; max., 0.28). Length for H.S. = diam. X 1.25 (min., I; max., 1.5); for Corliss = diam. X 1.43 (min., 1; max., 1.9). _ Connecting-rods. Breadth for H. S. =0.073 ^L C D (min., 0.55; max., 0.094). Height = breadth X 2.28 (min., 1.85; max., 3). For L. S., diam. of circular rod =0.092 ^L C D (min., 0.081; max., 0.104). L c = length center to center of bearings. Crank-pin. Diam. for H.S. center-crank engines *= . 4 D (min., 0.28; max., 0.526). Diam. for side-crank Corliss = 0.27 D (min.," 0.21; max., 0.32). Length for H. S. = diam. X0.87 (min., 0.66; max., 1.25). Length for Corliss = diam. X 1.14 (min., 1; max., 1.3). Main Journals of Crank-shaft. For H. S. center-crank engines, diam. = 6.6 ^H.P./iV (min., 5.4; max., 8.2). For Corliss, diameter = 7^2 (min., 6.4; max., 8). ... Fly-wheels. Total weight in pounds for H.S. up to 175 H.P. = 1 300,000,000,000 H.P. /DrW 3 , where Di = diam. of wheel in ins. (min., 660,000,000,000; max., 2,800,000,000,000). For larger H.S. engines, weight = (C X H.P. /Z>i 2 A 73 ) 4- 1000, where C = 720,000,000,000 (min., 330,000,000,000; max., 1,140,000,000,000). For Corliss engines, weight = (C X H.P. /DW 3 ) -K, where C = 890,000,000,000 (min., 625,- 000,000,000; max., 1,330,000,000,000), and # = 4000 (min., 2,800; max., 6000). Diam. in ins.= 4.4X length of stroke. Belt Surface per I. H.P. Square feet of belt surface per minute (S) for H. S. = H.P. X 26.5 (min., 10; max., 55). For Corliss engines, S = 1000 + (21 X H.P.) (min., 18.2; max., 35). Velocity of Wheel Rim. For H. S. 70 ft. per sec. (min., 48; max., 70); for Corliss, 68 ft. per sec. (min., 40; max., 68). Weight of Reciprocating Parts (Piston + piston rod + crosshead + 1/2 connecting-rod). Weight in Ibs. W = (D 2 /ZJV 2 ) X 2,000,000 (min., 1,370,000; max., 3,400,000). Balance weight opposite crank-pin = 'Weight of engine per I.H.P. Lbs. per I. H.P. for belt-connected H. S. 1042 THE STEAM-ENGINE. engines = H.P. X 82 (min., 52; max., 120). Do., for Corliss = H.P. X 1^2 (min., 102; max., 164). Shafts and Bearings of Engines. (James Christie, Proc. Engrs. Club of Phila., 1898.) The dimensions are determined by two independent considerations: 1. Sufficient size to prevent excessive deflection or torsional yield. 2. To provide sufficient wearing surface; to prevent excessive wear of journals. Usually, when the first condi- tion is preserved, the other is provided for. When the bearings are flexible, and excessive deflection within the limit of ordinary safety affects nothing external to the bearings, considerable deflection can be tolerated. When bearings are rigid, or deflection may derange external mechanism, for example, an overhung crank, then the deflection must be more restricted. The effect of deflection is to concentrate pressure on the ends of journals, rendering the apparent bearing surface Inefficient. In direct-driven electric generators a deflection of 0.01 in. per foot of length has caused much trouble from hot bearings. I have proportioned such shafts so that the deflection will not exceed one-half this extent. In some shafts, especially those having an oscillating movement, torsional elasticity is a prime consideration, and the limits can be known only by experience. Reuleaux says: "Limit the torsional yield to 0.1 degree per foot of length." This in some cases can be readily tolerated; in others, it has proved excessive. I have adopted the following as a general guide: Permissible twist per foot of length = 0.10 degree for easy service, without severe fluctuation of load ; 0.075 degree for fluctu- ating loads suddenly applied ; 0.050 degree f9r loads suddenly reversed. Sufficiency of wearing surface and the limitation of pressure per unit of surface are determined by several conditions: 1. Speed of movement. 2. Character of material. 3. Permissible wear of journals or bearings. 4. Constancy of pressure in one direction. 5. Alternation of the direction of pressure. Taking the product of pressure per sq. in. of surface in Ibs., and speed of movement in ft. per min., we obtain a quantity, which we can term the permissible foot-pounds per minute for each sq. in. of wearing surface. This product varies in good practice under various conditions from 50,000 to 500,000 ft.-lbs. per min. For instance, good practice, in later years, has largely increased the area of crosshead slide surfaces. For crossheads having maximum speed of 1000 feet per minute, the pressure per inch of wearing surface should not exceed 50 pounds, giving 50,000 ft.-lbs. per min.; whereas crank-pins of the requisite grade of steel, with good lining metal in the boxes and efficient lubrication, will endure 200,000 ft.-lbs. per min. satisfactorily, and more than double this when speeds are very high and the pressure intermittent. On main shafts, with pressures constant in one direction, it is advisable not to exceed 50,000 ft.-lbs. per min. for heavily loaded shafts at low velocity. This may be increased to 100,000 for lighter loads and higher velocities. It can be inferred, therefore, that the product of speed and pressure cannot be used, in any comprehensive way, as a rational basis for proportioning wearing surfaces. The pressure per unit of surface must be reduced as the speed is increased, but not in a constant ratio. A g9od example of journals severely tested are the recent 110,000-pound freight cars, which bear a pressure of 400 Ibs. per sq. in. of journal bearing, and at a speed of ten miles per hour make about 60,000 foot-pounds per minute. . Calculating the Dimensions of Bearings. (F. E. Cardullo, Mach'y, Feb"., 1907.) The durability of the lubricating film is affected in great measure by the character of the load that the bearing carries. When the load is unvarying in amount and direction, as in the case of a shaft carry- ing a heavy bandwheel, the film is easily ruptured. In those cases where the pressure is variable in amount and direction, as in railway journals and crank-pins, the film is much more durable. When the journal only rotates through a small arc, as with the wrist-pin of a steam-engine, the circumstances are most favorable. It has been found that when all other circumstances are exactly similar, a car journal will stand about twice the unit pressure that a fly-wheel journal will. A crank-pin, since the load completely reverses every revolution, will stand three times, and a wrist-Din will stand four times the unit pressure that the fly-wheel journal DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OF ENGINES. 1043 The amount of pressure that commercial oils will endure at low speeds without breaking down varies from 500 to 1000 Ibs. per sq. in., where the load is steady. It is not safe, however, to load a bearing to this extent, since it is only under favorable circumstances that the film will stand this pressure without rupturing. On this account, journal bearings should not be required to stand more than two-thirds of this pressure at slow speeds, and the pressure should be reduced when the speed increases. The approximate unit pressure which a bearing will endure without seizing is p = PK -*- (DN + A') (1). p = allowable pressure in Ibs. per sq. in. of projected area, D = diam. of the bearing in ins., N = r.p.m. and P and K depend upon the kind of oil, manner of lubrication, etc. P is the maximum safe unit pressure for the given circumstances, at a very slow speed. In ordinary cases, its value is 200 for collar thrust bearings, 400 for shaft bearings, 800 for car journals, 1200 for crank-pins, and 1600 for wrist-pins. In exceptional circumstances, these values may be increased by as much as 50%, but only when the workmanship is of the best, the care the most skillful, the bearing readily accessible, and the oil of the best quality, and unusually viscous. In the great units of the Subway power plant in New York, the value of P for the crank- The factor K depends upon the method of oiling, the rapidity of cool- ing, and the care which the journal is likely to get. It will have about the following values: Ordinary work, drop-feed lubrication, 700; first- class care, drop-feed lubrication, 1000; force-feed lubrication or ring- oiling 1200 to 1500; extreme limit for perfect lubrication and air-cooled bearings, 2000. The value 2000 is seldom used, except in locomotive work where the rapid circulation of the air cools the journals. Higher values than this may only be used in the case of water-cooled bearings. In case the bearing is some form of a sliding shoe, the quantity 240 V should be substituted for the quantity DN, V being the velocity of rubbing in feet per second. There are a few cases where a unit pressure sufficient to break down the oil film is allowable, such as the pins of punching and shearing machines, pivots of swing bridges, etc, In general, the diameter of a shaft or pin is fixed from considerations of strength or stiffness. Having obtained the proper diameter, we must next make the bearing long enough so that the unit pressure shall not exceed the required value. This length may be found by the equation: L = (W + PK) X (N +K/D) ...... (2) where L is the length of the bearing in ins., W the load upon it in lbs. ( and P, K, N, and D are as before. A bearing may give poor satisfaction because it is too long, as well as because it is too short. Almost every bearing is in the condition of a loaded beam, and therefore it has some deflection. Shafts and crank-pins must not be made so long that they will allow the load to concentrate at any point. A good rule for the length is to make the ratio of length to diameter about equal to VsV. This quantity may be diminished by from 10 to 20% in the case of crank-pins and increased in the same proportion in the case of shaft bearings, but it is not wise to depart too far from it. In the case of an engine making 100 r.p.m., the bearings would be by this rule from 11/4 to 11/2 diams. in length. In the case of a motor running at 1000 r.p.m., the bearings would be about 4 diams. long. The diameter of a shaft or pin must be such that it will be strong and stiff enough to do its work properly. In order to design it for strength and stiffness, it is first necessary to know its length. This may be assumed tentatively from the equation K. ...... . (3) The diameter may then be found by any of the standard equations for the strength of shafts or pins given in the different works on machine design. [See The Strength of the Crank-pin, page 1027.] The length is then recomputed from formula No. 2, taking this new value if it does not differ materially from the one first assumeoU If it does, and espe- cially if it is greater than the assumed length, take the mean .value of the assumed and computed lengths, and try again. . EXAMPLE. We will take the case of the crank-pin of an engine with a 1044 THE STEAM-ENGINE. 20-in. cylinder, running at 80 r.p.m., and having a maximum unbalanced steam pressure of 100 Ibs. per sq. in. The total steam load on the piston is 31,400 pounds. P is taken at 1200, and K as 1000. We will therefore obtain for our trial length: L = (20X 31 ,400 X ^80) -s- ( 1200X1000) = 4. 7, or say 43/4 ins. In order that the deflection of the pin shall not be sufficient to destroy the lubricating film we have which limits the deflection to 0.003 in. This gives D= 3.85 or say 37/s ins. With this diameter, formula No. 2 gives L = 8.9, say 9 ins. The mean of this value and the one obtained before is about 7 ins. Substituting this in the equation for the diameter, we get 5 1/4 ins. sub- stituting this new diameter in equation No. 2 we have L = 7.05, say Probably most good designers would prefer to take about half an inch off the length of this pin, and add it to the diameter, making it 53/ 4 X61/2 inches, and this will bring the ratio of the length to the diameter nearer ~ Engine-frames or Bed-plates. No definite rules for the design of engine-frames have been given by authors of works on the steam- engine. The proportions are left to the designer who uses "rule of thumb " or copies from existing engines. F. A. Halsey (Am. Mach., Feb. 14, 1895) has made a comparison of proportions of the frames of horizontal Corliss engines of several builders. The method of comparison is to compute from the measurements the number of square inches in the smallest cross-section of the frame, that is, immediately behind the pillow btock, also to compute the total maximum pressure upon the piston, and to divide the latter quantity by the former. The result gives the number of pounds pressure upon the piston allowed for each square inch of metal in the frame. He finds that the number of Ibs. per sq. in. of smallest section of frame ranges from 217 for a 10 X 30 in. engine up to 575 for a 28 X 48 in. A 30 X 60 in. engine shows 350 Ibs., and a 32-in. engine which has been running for many years shows 667 Ibs. Generally the strains increase with the size of the engine, and more cross-section of metal is allowed with relatively long strokes than with short ones. From the above Mr. Halsey formulates the general rule that in engines of moderate speed, and having strokes up to 1 1/2 times the diameter of the cylinder, the load per square inch of smallest section should be for a 10-in. engine 300 ibs., which figure should be increased for larger bores up to 500 Ibs. for a 30-in. cylinder of the same relative stroke. For high speeds or for longer strokes the load per square inch should be reduced. FLY-WHEELS. The function of a fly-wheel is to store up and to restore the periodical fluctuations of energy given to or taken from an engine or machine, and thus to keep approximately constant the velocity of rotation. Eankine calls the quantity -^-=r the coefficient of fluctuation of speed or of un- Z Ji/Q steadiness, in which E is the mean actual energy, and A/7 the excess of energy received or of work performed, above the mean, during a given interval. The ratio of the periodical excess or deficiency of energy A" to the whole energy exerted in one period or revolution General Morin found to be from i/e to 1/4 for single-cylinder engines using expan- sion; the shorter the cut-off ^he higher the value. For a pair of engines with cranks coupled at 90 the value of the ratio is about 1/4, and for three engines with cranks at 120, 1/12 of its value for single-cylinder engines. For tools working at intervals, such as punching, slotting and plate-cutting machines, coining-presses, etc., &E is nearly equal to the whole work performed at each operation. A fly-wheel reduces the coefficient to a certain fixed amount, being 2 lilQ about 1/32 for ordinary machinery, and 1/50 or Veo for machinery for fine purposes. FLY-WHEELS. 1045 If m be the reciprocal of the intended value of the coefficient of fluc- tuation of speed, A# the fluctuation of energy, / the moment of inertia of the fly-wheel alone, and a its mean angular velocity, / = 2 As the rim of a fly-wheel is usually heavy in comparison with the arms, / may be taken to equal VFr 2 , in which W = weight of rim in pounds, and r the radius of the wheel; then W = ^~ = -^~ , if v be the velocity of the rim in feet per second. The usual mean radius of the fly-wheel in steam-engines is from three to five times the length of the crank. The ordinary values of the product mg, the unit of time being the second, lie between 1000 and 2000 feet. (Abridged from Rankine, S. E., p. 62.) Thurston gives for engines with automatic valve-gear W = 250,000 , in which A = area of piston in square inches, S = stroke in feet, p = mean steam-pressure in Ibs. per sq. in., R = revolutions per minute, D = outside diameter of wheel in feet. Thurston also gives for ordinary forms of non-condensing engine with a ratio of expansion between 3 and 5 t w = jL, in which a ranges from 10,000,000 to 15,000,000, averaging 12,000,000. For gas-engines, in which the charge is fired with every revolution, the American Machinist gives this latter formula, with a doubled, or 24,000,000. Presumably, if the charge is fired every other revolution, a should be again doubled. Rankine ("Useful Rules and Tables," p. 247) gives ^=475,000 ASx) VD*R* ' ia whicil V is the variation of speed, per cent of the mean speed. Thurston's first rule above given corresponds with this if we take V = 1.9. Hartnell (Proc. InsL M. E., 1882, 427) says: The value of V, or the variation permissible in portable engines, should not exceed 3% with an ordinary load, and 4% when heavily loaded. In fixed engines, for ordi- nary purposes, V = 2 1/2 to 3%. For good governing or special purposes, such as cotton-spinning, the variation should not exceed 11/2 to 2%. F. M. Rites (Trans. A. S. M. E., xiv, 100) develops a new formula for C X I H P weight of rim, viz., W = 32 ' , and weight of rim per horse-power , in which C varies from 10,000,000,000 to 20,000,000,000; also using the latter value of C, he obtains for the energy of the fly-wheel M& = W (3.14) 2 Z> 2 /? 2 = CX H.P. (3.14) 2 D 2 /? 2 = 850,000 H.P. F1 2 64.4 3600 = WD* X 64 . 4 X 3600 R wheel energy per H.P. = 850,000 -s- R. The limit of variation of speed with such a weight of wheel from excess of power per fraction of revolution is less than 0.0023. The value of the constant C given by Mr. Rites was derived from practice of the Westinghouse single-acting engines used for electric- lighting. For double-acting engines in ordinary service a value of C 5,000,000,000 would probably be ample. From these formulas it appears that the weight of the fly-wheel for a given horse-power should vary inversely with the cube of the revolutions and the square of the diameter. J. B. Stanwood (Eng'g, June 12, 1891) says: Whenever 480 feet is the lowest piston-speed probable for an engine of a certain size, the fly-wheel weight for that speed approximates closely to the formula W = 700,000 (Ps -f- D 2 # 2 . W = weight in pounds, d = diameter of cylinder in inches, s = stroke in inches, D = diameter of wheel in feet, R = revolutions per minute, corresponding to 480 feet piston-speed. In a Ready Reference Book published by Mr. Stanwood, Cincinnati; 1892, he gives the same formula, with coefficients as follows: For slide- valve engines, ordinary duty, 350,000: same, electric lighting, 700,000; for automatic high-speed engines, 1,000,000; for Corliss engines, ordinary duty 700,000, electric lighting 1,000,000. 1046 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Thurston's formula above given, W = aAS -j- R*D* w ith a =12,000,000 if reduced to terms of d and s in ins., becomes W = 785,400 d"s -H R^D*. If we reduce it to terms of horse-power, we have I.H.P. = 2 ASPR + 33,000, in which P = mean effective pressure. Taking this at 40 Ibs., we obtain W = 5,000,000,000 I.H.P. -=- RW*. If mean effective pres- sure = 30 Ibs., then W = 6,666,000,000 I.H.P. -=- jR3)2. Emil Theiss (Am. Mach., Sept. 7 and 14, 1893) gives the following values of d, the coefficient of steadiness, which is the reciprocal of what Rankine calls the coefficient of fluctuation: For engines operating Hammering and crushing machinery d = 5 Pumping and shearing machinery d = 20 to 30 Weaving and paper-making machinery d = 40 Milling machinery d = 50 Spinning machinery d = 50 to 100 Ordinary driving-engines (mounted on bed- plate) , belt transmission d = 35 Gear-wheel transmission d = 50 Mr. Theiss's formula for weight of fly-wheel in pounds is W = i X d X I H P V2 v *' wnere ^ * s tne coefficient of steadiness, V the mean velocity of the fly-wheel rim in feet per second, n the number of revolutions per minute, i = a coefficient obtained by graphical solution, the values of which for different conditions are given in the following table. In the lines under "cut-off," p means "compression to initial pressure," and O "no compression." VALUES OF i. SINGLE-CYLINDER NON-CONDENSING ENGINES. Piston- speed, ft. per min. Cut-off, 1/6. Cut-off, 1/4. Cut-off, 1/3. Cut-off, 1/2. Comp. P Comp. P 242,010 208,200 168,590 162,070 O Comp. P 220,760 188.510 165.210 Comp. P 200 400 600 800 272,690 240,810 194,670 158,200 218,580 187,430 145,400 108.690 209,170 179,460 1 36.460 135,260 201,920 170.040 146,610 193,340 174.630 182.840 167,860 SINGLE-CYLINDER CONDENSING ENGINES. Piston- speed, ft. per min. Cut-off, 1/8. Cut-off, 1/6- Cut-off, 1/4. Cut-off, .1/3. Cut-off, 1/9. Comp. P Comp. P Comp. P O Comp. P Comp. P 200 400 600 265.560 194,550 148,780 176,560 117,870 140,090 234,160 174,380 173,660 118,350 204,210 164,720 167,140 133,080 189,600 174.630 161,830 151,680 172,690 156,990 TWO-CYLINDER ENGINES, CRANKS AT 90. Piston- Cut-off, l/e. Cut-off, 1/4. Cut-off, 1/3. Cut-off, 1/2. speed, ft. Comp. Q Comp. o Comp. Q Comp. Q P P P P 200 400 600 71,980 70,160 70.040 } { Mean [60,140 59,420 57,000 57,480 Mean 54,340 49.272 49.150 40 9?ft Mean 50,000 37,920 35,000 1 Mean \ 36,950 800 70.040 J 60.140 J THREE-CYLINDER ENGINES, CRANKS AT 120. Piston- speed, ft. per min. Cut-off, 1/6. Cut-off, 1/4. Cut-off, 1/3. Cut-off, 1/2. Comp. P Comp. P Comp. P Comp. P O 200 800 33.810 30.190 32.240 31,570 33,810 35,140 35,500 33,810 34,540 36,470 33.450 32,850 35,260 33,810 32.370 32.370 As a mean value of i for these engines we may use 33,810. FLY-WHEELS. 1047 Weight of Fly-wheels for Alternating-current Units. (J. Begtrup, Am. Mach., July 10, 1902.) In which T7= weight of rim of fly-wheel in pounds, D = mean diameter of rim in feet, W\ = weight of armature in pounds, D\= mean diameter of armature in feet, // = rated horse-power of engine, U = a factor of steadiness, N = number of revolutions per minute, V = maximum instantaneous displacement in degrees, not to exceed 5 degrees divided by the number of poles on the generator, according to the rule of the General Electric Company. For simple horizontal engines, length of connecting-rod = 5 cranks, U = 90; (ditto, no account being taken of angularity of connecting-rod, U = 64) ; cross-compound horizontal engines, connecting-rod = 5 cranks, U = 51; ditto, vertical engines, heavy reciprocating parts, unbalanced, U = 78; vertical compound engines, cranks 180 degrees apart, recipro- cating parts balanced, U = 60. The small periodical variation in velocity (not angular displacement) can be determined from the following formula: 387,700,000 HZ in which H = rated horse-power, Z = a factor of steadiness, N = revs. per min., D = mean diameter of fly-wheel rim in feet, W= weight of fly- wheel rim in pounds, Di = mean diameter of armature or field in feet, Wi = weight of armature, F = variation in per cent of mean speed. For simple engines and tandem compounds, Z = 16; for horizontal cross-compounds, Z = 8.5; for vertical cross-compounds, heavy recip- rocating parts, Z = 12.5; for vertical compounds, cranks opposite, weights balanced, Z 14. F represents here the entire variation, between extremes not variation from mean speed. It generally varies from 0.25% of mean speed to 0.75% evidently a negligible quantity. A mathematical treatment of this subject will be found in a paper by J. L. Astrom, in Trans. A. 8. M. E., 1901. Centrifugal Force in Fly-wheels. Let W = weight of rim in pounds; R = mean radius of rim in feet; r = revolutions per minute, g = 32.16; v = velocity of rim in feet per second = 2nRr *- 60. Centrifugal force of whole rim = F = ^ = *^? r * = 0.000341 WRr*. ffK oOUU Q The resultant, acting at right angles to a diameter, of half of this force tends to disrupt one half of the wheel from the other half, and is resisted by the section of the rim at each end of the diameter. The resultant of half the radial forces taken at right angles to the diameter is 1 -5- i/V = 2/7T of the sum of these forces ; hence the total force F is to be divided by 2X2X1. 5708 = 6. 2832 to obtain the tensile strain on the cross-section of the rim, or, total strain on the cross-section = S = 0.00005427 WRr*. The weight IFi of a rim of cast iron 1 inch square in section is 2 nR X 3.125 = 19.635/2 pounds, whence strain per square inch of sectional area of rim = Si = 0.0010656 /? 2 r 2 = 0.0002664 D 2 r 2 = 0.0000270 F a , In which D = diameter of wheel in feet, and V is velocity of rim in feet per minute. Si = 0. 0972 v 2 , if v is taken in feet per second. For wrought iron: .Sj = 0.0011366 # 2 r 2 = 0.0002842 D 2 r 2 = 0.0000288 V 2 . For steel: Si = 0.0011593 # 2 r 2 = 0.0002901 > 2 r 2 = 0.0000294 V 2 . For wood: Si = 0.0000888 #V 2 = 0.0000222 >V 2 = 0.00000225 V 2 . The specific gravity of the wood being taken at 0.6 = 37.5 Ibs. per cu. ft., or 1/12 the weight of cast iron. EXAMPLE. Required the strain per square inch in the rim of a cast- iron wheel 30 ft. diameter, 60 revolutions per minute. Answer. 15 2 X 60 2 X 0.0010656 = 863. 1 Ibs. Required the strain per square inch in a cast-iron wheel-rim running a mile a minute. Answer. 0.000027 X 5280 2 = 752.7 Ibs. 1048 THE STEAM-ENGINE. In cast-iron fly-wheel rims, on account of their thickness, there is difficulty in securing soundness, and a tensile strength of 10,000 Ibs. per sq. in. is as much as can be assumed with safety. Using a factor of safety of 10 gives a maximum allowable strain in the rim of 1000 Ibs. per sq. in., which corresponds to a rim velocity of 6085 ft. per minute. For any given material, as cast iron, the strength to resist centrifugal force depends only on the velocity of the rim, and not upon its bulk or weight. Chas. E. Emery (Cass. Mag., 1892) says: It does not appear that fly- wheels of customary construction should be unsafe at the comparatively low speeds now in common use if proper materials are used in con- struction. The cause of rupture of fly-wheels that have failed is usually either the "running away of the engine, such as may be caused by the breaking or slackness of a governor-belt, or incorrect design or de- . fective materials of the fly-wheel. Chas. T. Porter (Trans. A.S.M.E., xiv, 808) states that no case of the bursting of a fly-wheel with a solid rim in a high-speed engine is known. He attributes the bursting of wheels built in segments to insufficient strength of the flanges and bolts by which the segments are held together. [The author, however, since the above was written, saw a solid rim fly- wheel of a high-speed engine which had burst, the cause being a large shrinkage hole at the junction between one of the arms and the rim. The wheel was about 6 ft. diam. Fortunately no one was injured by the accident.] (See also Thurston, "Manual of the Steam-engine," Part II, page 413.) Diameters of Fly-wheels for Various Speeds. If 6000 feet per minute be the maximum velocity of rim allowable, then 6000 = nRD, in which R = revolutions per minute, and D= diameter of wheel in feet, whence D = 6000 * irR = 1910 -s- R. W. H. Boehm, Supt. of the Fly-wheel Dept. of the Fidelity and Casu- alty Co. (Eng. News, Oct. 2, 1902), says: For a given material there is a definite speed at which disruption will occur, regardless of the amount of material used. This mathematical truth is expressed by the formula: V = 1.6 VSIW\ In which V is the velocity of the rim of the wheel in feet per second at which disruption will occur, W the weight of a cubic inch of the material used, and S the tensile strength of 1 square inch of the material. For cast-iron wheels made in one piece, assuming 20,000 Ibs. per sq. in. as the strength of small test bars,- and 10,000 Ibs. per sq. in. in large castings, and applying a factor of safety of 10, V = 1.6 ^1000/0.26 = 100 ft. per second for the safe speed. For cast steel of 60,000 Ibs. per sq. in., V = 1.6 Veooo *- 0.28 = 233 ft. per second. This is for wheels made in one piece. If the wheel is made in halves, or sections, the efficiency of the rim joint must be taken into consideration. For belt wheels with flanged and bolted rim joints located between the arms, the joints average only one-fifth the strength of the rim, and no such joint can be designed having a strength greater than one-fourth the strength of the rim. If the rim is thick enough to allow the joint to be reinforced by steel links shrunk on, as in heavy balance wheels, one-third the strength of the rim may be secured in the joint; but this construction can not be applied to belt wheels having thin rims. For hard maple, having a tensile strength of 10,500 Ibs. per sq. in., and weighing 0.0283 Ib. per cu. in., we have, using a factor of safety of 20, and remembering that the strength is reduced one-half because the wheel is built up of segments, F = 1.6 ^262.5 -*- 0.0283 = 154 ft. per second. The stress in a wheel varies as the square of the speed, and the factor of safety on speed is the square root of the factor of safety on strength. Mr. Boehm gives the following table of safe revolutions per minute of cast-iron wheels of different diameters. The flange joint is taken at . 25 of the strength of a wheel with no joint, the pad joint, that is a wheel made in six segments, with bolted flanges or pads on the arms, = 0.50. and the link joint =- 0.60 of the strength of a solid rim. FLY-WHEELS. 1049 SAFE REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE OF CAST-IRON FLY-WHEELS. No Flange Pad Link No Flange Pad Link joint. joint. joint. joint. joint. joint. joint. joint. Diam. 3iam. in R.P.M. R.P.M. R.P.M. R.P.M. in R.P.M. R.P.M R.P.M. R.P.M. Ft. Ft. 1 1910 955 1350 1480 16 120 60 84 92 2 955 478 675 740 17 112 56 79 87 3 637 318 450 493 18 106 53 75 82 A 478 239 338 370 19 100 50 71 78 5 382 191 270 296 20 95 48 68 74 6 318 159 225 247 21 91 46 65 70 7 273 136 193 212 22 87 44 62 67 8 239 119 169 185 23 84 42 59 64 9 212 106 150 164 24 80 40 56 62 10 191 96 135 148 25 76 38 54 59 11 174 87 123 135 26 74 37 52 57 12 159 80 113 124 27 71 35 50 55 13 147 73 104 114 28 68 34 48 53 14 136 68 96 106 29 66 33 47 51 _L 128 64 90 99 30 64 32 45 49 The table is figured for a margin of safety on speed of approximately 3, which is equivalent to a margin on stress developed, or factor of safety in the usual sense, of 9. (Am. Mack., Nov. 17, 1904.) Strains in the Rims of Fly-band Wheels Produced by Centrif- ugal Force. (James B. Stanwood, Trans. A. S. M. E., xiv, 251.) Mr. Stanwood mentions one case of a fly-band wheel where the periphery velocity on a 17 ft. 9 in. wheel is over 7500 ft. per minute. In band-saw mills the blade of the saw is operated successfully over wheels 8 and 9 ft. in diameter, at a periphery velocity of 9000 to 10,000 ft. per minute. These wheels are of cast iron throughout, of heavy thick- ness, with a large number of arms. In shingle-machines and chipping-machines where cast-iron disks from 2 to 5 ft. in diameter are employed, with knives inserted radially, the speed is frequently 10,000 to 11,000 ft. per minute at the periphery. If the rim of a fly-wheel alone be considered, the tensile strain in pounds per square inch of the rim section is T = F 2 /10 nearly, in which V = velocity in feet per second; but this strain is modified by the resistance of the arms, which prevent the uniform circumferential expansion of the rim, and induce a bending as well as a tensile strain. Mr. Stanwood discusses the strains in band-wheels due to transverse bending of a section of the rim between a pair of arms. When the arms are lew in number, and of large cross-section, the rim will be strained transversely to a greater degree than with a greater num- ber of lighter arms. To illustrate the necessary rim thicknesses for vari- ous rim velocities, pulley diameters, number of arms, etc., the- following table is given, based upon the formula t- 0.475 r = l /2 3 ; Sin 1/2 a Sill 1/2 ft Crank-angles for Connecting-rods of Different Lengths. FORWARD AND RETURN STROKES. Ratio of Length of Connecting-rod to Length of Stroke. II 1 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 5 Infi- nite ta ** B For. cc o For. Ret. For. Ret. For. Ret. For. Ret. For. Ret. For. Ret. or o Ret. .01 10.3 13.2 10.5 12.8 10.6 12.6 10.7 12.4 10.8 12.3 10.9 12.1 11.5 .02 14.6 18.7 14.9 18.1 15.1 17.8 15.2 17.5 15.3 17.4 15.5 17.1 16.3 .03 17.9 22.9 18.2 22.2 18.5 21.8 18.7 21.5 18.8 21.3 19.0 21.0 19.9 .04 20.7 26.5 21.1 25.7 21.4 25.2 21.6 24.9 21.8 24.6 22.0 24.3 23.1 .05 23.2 29.6 23.6 28.7 24.0 28.2 24.2 27.8 24 4 27.5 24.7 27.2 25.8 .10 33.1 41.9 33.8 40.8 34.3 40.1 34.6 39.6 34.9 39.2 35.2 38.7 36.9 .15 41 51.5 41.9 50.2 42.4 49.3 42.9 48.7 43.2 48.3 43.6 47.7 45.6 .20 48 59.6 48.9 58.2 49.6 57.3 50.1 56.6 50.4 56.2 50.9 55.5 53.1 .25 54.3 66.9 55.4 65,4 56.1 64.4 56.6 63.7 57.0 63.3 57.6 62.6 60.0 .30 60.3 73.5 61.5 72.0 62.2 71.0 62 8 70.3 63.3 69.8 63.9 69.1 66.4 .35 66.1 79.8 67.3 78.3 68.1 77.3 68.8 76.6 69.2 76.1 69.9 75.3 72.5 .40 71.7 85.8 73.0 84.3 73.9 83.3 74.5 82.6 75.0 82.0 75.7 81.3 78.5 .45 77 2 91 5 78.6 90.1 79 6 89 1 80 2 88 4 80 7 87 9 81 4 87.1 84 3 .50 82.8 97.2 84.3 95.7 85.2 94.8 85.9 94.1 86.4 93.6 87.1 92.9 90.0 .55 88.5 102.8 89.9 101.4 90.9 100.4 91.6 99.8 92.1 99.3 92 9 98 6 95.7 .60 94.2 108.3 95.7 107.0 96.7 106.1 97.4 105.5 98.0 105.0 98.7 104.3 101.5 .65 100.2 113.9 101.7 112.7 102.7 111.9 103.4 III. 2 103.9 110.8 104.7 110.1 107.5 .70 106.5 119.7 108.0 118.5 109.0 117.8 109.7 117.2 110.2 116.7 110.9 116.1 113.6 .75 113.1 125.7 114.6 124.6 115.6 123.9 116.3 123.4 116.7 123.0 117.4 122.4 120.0 .80 120.4 132 121.8 131.1 122.7 130.4 J23.4 129.9 123.8 129.6 124.5 129.1 126.9 .85 128.5 139 129.8 138.1 130.7 137.6 131.3 137.1 131.7 136.8 132.3 136.4 134.4 .90 138. 1 146.9 139.2 146.2 139.9 145.7 140.4 145.4 140.8 145.1 141.3 144.8 143.1 .95 150.4 156.8 151.3 156.4 151.8 156.0 152.2 155.8 152.5 155.6 152.8 155.3 154.2 .96 153.5 159.3 154.3 158.9 154.8 158.6 155.1 158.4 155.4 158.2 155.7 158.0 156.9 .97 157.1 162.1 157.8 161.8 158.2 161.5 158.5 161.3 158.7 161.2 159.0 161.0 160.1 .98 161.3 165.4 161.9 165.1 162.2 164.9 162.5 164.8 162.6 164.7 162.9 164.5 163.7 .99 166.8 169 7 167 2 169 5 167 4 169 4 167 6 169 3 167 7 169 2 167 9 169 1 168.5 1.00 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 Ratio of Lap and of Port-opening to Valve-travel. The table on page 1059, giving the ratio of lap to travel of valve and ratio of travel to port-opening, is abridged from one given by Buei in Weisbach-Dubois, THE SLIDE- V At VE. 1059 vol. ii. It is calculated from the above formulae. Intermediate values may be found by the formulae, or with sufficient accuracy by interpolation from the figures in the table. By the table on page 1068 the crank-angle may be found, that is, the angle between its position when the engine is on the center and its position at cut-off, release, or compression, when these are known in fractions of the stroke. To illustrate the use of the tables the following example is given by Buel: width of port = 2.2 in.; width of port-opening = width of port +0.3 in.; overtravel = 2.5 in.; length of connecting-rod = 2 1/2 times stroke; cut-off = 0.75 of stroke; release = 0.95 of stroke; lead-angle, 10. From the first table we find crank-angle = 114.6; add lead-angle, making 124.6. From the second table, for angle between admission and cut-off, 125, we have ratio of travel to port-opening = 3.72, or for 124.6 = 3.74, which, multiplied by port-opening 2.5, gives 9.45 in. travel. The ratio of lap to travel, by the table, is 0.2324, or 9.45 X 0.2324 = 2.2 in. lap. For exhaust- lap, we have for release at 0.95, crank-angle = 151.3; add lead-angle 10 = 161 .3. From the second table, by interpolation, ratio of lap to travel = 0.0811, and 0.0811 X 9.45 = 0.77 in., the exhaust-lap. Lap-angle = 1/2(180 lead-angle crank-angle at cut-off); = 1/2(180 - 10 - 114.6) = 27.7. Angular advance lap-angle + lead-angle = 27.7 + 10 = 37.7. Exhaust lap-angle = crank-angle at release + lap-angle + lead -angle 180 = 151. 3+27. 7+10-180 = 9. Crank-angle at com- ) pression measured > = 1 80 lap-angle lead-angle exhaust lap-angle on return stroke ) = 180-27.7-10-9=133.3; corresponding, by table, to a piston position of .81 of the return stroke; or Crank-angle at compression = 180 (angle at release angle at cut-off) + lead-angle = 180 - (151 .3-114. 6) +10= 133.3. The positions determined above for cut-off and release are for the forward stroke of the piston. On the return stroke the cut-off will take place at the same angle, 114.6, corresponding by table to 66.6% of the return stroke, instead of 75%. By a slight adjustment of the angular advance and the length of the eccentric-rod the cut-off can be equalized. The width of the bridge should be at least 2.5 + .23 - 2.2 = .55 in. Lap and Travel of Valve. S'Sfcg *o i ^^" *o >i S*Ste" ti >i IIP I'312 flf 38 o Travel el of Vab Port-ope fill o'oO-c ftp^ncj fl o Travel 3S C5 5| ajpL, iixl 3 fl ? 0-50^3 d^ o Travel .2 o cs a > o *S tJ - * c S a >*-, S * c 0, ft * c S a |*o . 'i"S.2 c5 3 ^TJ ! o A I'c'i J g a H^ "3b*-i ""^ ^ * II .2^bb Slsl II 1| b - |ojff! ii o^ ^ r I' S y |3.a |; t 8 ? r I 5 ' 30 0.4830 58.70 85 0.3686 7.61 135 0.1913 3.24 35 .4769 43.22 90 .3536 6.83 140 .1710 3.04 40 .4699 33.17 95 .3378 6.17 145 .1504 2.86 45 .4619 26.27 100 .3214 5.60 150 .1294 2.70 50 .4532 21.34 105 .3044 5.11 155 .1082 2.55 55 .4435 17.70 110 .2868 4.69 160 .0868 2.42 60 .4330 14.93 115 .2687 4.32 165 .0653 2.30 65 .4217 12.77 120 .2500 4.00 170 .0436 2.19 70 .4096 11.06 125 .2309 3.72 175 .0218 2.09 75 .3967 9.68 130 .2113 3.46 180 .0000 2.00 80 3830 8 55 1 1060 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Relative Motions of Crosshead and Crank. L = length of coru necting-rod, R length of crank, = angle of crank with center line of engine, D = displacement of crosshead from the beginning of its stroke, V = velocity of crank-pin, F t = velocity of piston. sin0 (L- COS/8 in. to 6 in., and laps of from 1/2 in. to 11/2 i n - a s calculated for in the second table, is exhibited by comparison of the periods of admission in the table, for the same lap and travel. The greater lead shortens the period of admis- sion, and increases the range for expansive working. Periods of Admission, or Points of 'Cut-off, for Given Travels and Laps of Slide-valves. 1M -6 Periods of Admission, or Points of Cut-off, for the following Laps of Valves in inches. H ! A 2 l3/ 4 H/2 U/4 1 7/8 3/4 5/8 VL> 3/8 in. 12 1/4 88 3 8 95 96 V 98 98 99 99 10 V4 82 87 89 92 95 96 97 98 98 99 8 V4 72 78 84 88 92 94 95 96 98 98 6 1/4 50 62 71 79 86 89 91 94 96 97 51/2 1/8 43 56- 68 77 85 88 91 94 96 97 1/8 32 47 61 72 82 86 89 92 95 97 41/2 1/8 14 35 51 66 78 83 87 90 94 96 4 1/8 17 39 57 72 78 83 88 92 95 31/2 1/8 20 44 63 71 79 84 90 94 1/8 23 50 61 71 79 86 91 21/2 1/8 27 43 57 70 80 88 2 Vg 33 52 70 81 THE SLIDE-VALVE. 1061 Periods of Admission, or Points of Cut-off, for given Travels and Laps of Slide-valves. Constant lead, 5/16- Travel. I ,ap. * Inches. V2 V8 3/4 ' 7/ 8 1 U/8 H/4 13/8 1 1/2 ]5/ 8 19 13/4 39 17/8 47 17 2 55 34 21/ 8 61 42 14 21/4 65 50 30 23/8 68 55 38 13 21/2 71 59 45 27 25/ 8 74 63 49 36 12 23/4 76 67 56 43 26 27/8 78 70 59 47 32 11 3 80 73 62 50 38 23 31/8 81 74 65 55 44 30 10 31/4 83 76 68 59 48 34 22 33/8 31/2 84 85 78 80 71 73 62 64 51 53 40 45 29 34 9 20 \i <* 41/ 4 41/2 43/4 5V3 86 87 87 88 89 90 92 93 94 95 81 82 83 84 86 87 89 90 92 93 75 76 78 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 66 68 70 72 76 79 81 83 86 88 57 60 63 66 70 73 76 78 82 85 49 52 55 58 63 . 67 70 73 78 82 38 42 46 49 56 61 65 67 73 78 26 32 36 40 47 54 58 62 68 74 9 19 25 29 37 45 51 56 63 69 Platon- valve. The piston-valve is a modified form of the slide- valve. The lap, lead, etc., are calculated in the same manner as for the common slide-valve. The diameter of valve and amount of port-opening are calculated on the basis that the most contracted portion of the steam- passage between the valve and the cylinder should have an area such that the velocity of steam through it will not exceed 6000 ft. per minute. The area of the opening around the circumference of the valve should be ab9ut double the area of the steam-passage, since that portion of the opening that is opposite from the steam-passage is of little effect. Setting the Valves of an Engine. The principles discussed above are applicable not only to the designing of valves, but also to adjustment of valves that have been improperly set; but the final adjustment of the eccentric and of the length of the rod depends upon the amount of lost motion, temperature, etc.; and can be effected only after trial. After the valve has been set as accurately as possible when cold, the lead and lap for the forward and return strokes being equalized, indicator diagrams should be taken and the length of the eccentric-rod adjusted, if necessary, to correct slight irregularities. To Put an Engine on its Center. Place the engine in a position where the piston will have nearly completed its outward stroke, and opposite some point on the crosshead, such as a corner, make a mark upon the guide. Against the rim of the pulley or crank-disk place a pointer and mark a line with it on the pulley. Then turn the engine over the center until the crosshead is again in the same position on its inward stroke. This will bring the crank as much below the center as it was above it before. With the pointer in the same position as before make a second mark on the pulley rim. Divide the distance between the marks in two and mark the middle point. Turn the engine until the pointer is opposite this middle point, and it will then be on its center. To avoid 1062 THE STEAM-ENGINE. the error that may arise from the looseness of crank-pin and wrist-pin bearings, the engine should be turned a little above the center and then be brought up to it, so that the crank-pin will press against the same brass that it does when the first two marks are made. Link Motion. Link-motions, of which the Stephenson link is the most commonly used, are designed for two purposes: first, for reversing the motion of the engine, and second, for varying the point of cut-off by varying the travel of the valve. The Stephenson link-motion is a combination of two eccentrics, called forward and back eccentrics, with a link connecting the extremities of the eccentric-rods ; so that by vary- ing the position of the link the valve-rod may be put in direct connec- tion with either eccentric, or may be given a movement controlled in part by one and in part by the other eccentric. When the link is moved by the reversing lever into a position such that the block to which the valve-rod is attached is at either end of the link, the valve receives its maximum travel, and when the link is in mid-gear the travel is the least and cut-off takes place early in the stroke. In the ordinary shifting-link with open rods, that is, not crossed, the lead of the valve increases as the link is moved from full to mid-gear, that is, as the period of steam admission is shortened. The variation ot lead is equalized for the front and back strokes by curving the link to the radius of the eccentric-rods concavely to the axles. With crossed eccentric-rods the lead decreases as the link is moved from full .to mid- gear. In a valve-motion with stationary link the lead is constant. (For illustration see Clark's "Steam-engine," vol. ii, p. 22.) The linear advance of each eccentric is equal to that of the valve in full gear, that is, to lap + lead of the valve, when the eccentric-rods are attached to the link in such position as to cause the half-travel of the valve to equal the eccentricity of the eccentric. The angle between the two eccentric radii, that is, between lines drawn from the center of the eccentric disks to the center of the shaft, j equals 180 less twice the angular advance. i Buel, in Appletpn's "Cyclopedia of Mechanics," vol. ii, p. 3 16, discusses the Stephenson link as follows: "The Stephenson link does not give a perfectly correct distribution of steam; the lead varies for different points of cut-off. The period of admission and the beginning of ex- haust are not alike for both ends of the cylinder, and the forward motion varies from the backward. "The correctness of the distribution of steam by Stephenson's link- motion depends upon conditions which, as much as the circumstances will permit, ought to be fulfilled, namely: 1. The link should be curved in the arc of a circle whose radius is equal to the length of the eccentric- rod. 2. The eccentric-rods ought to be long, the longer they are in pro- portion to the eccentricity the more symmetrical will the travel of the valve be on both sides of the center of motion. 3. The link ought to be short. Each of its points dascribes a curve in a vertical plane, whose ordinates grow larger the farther the considered point is from the center of the link; and as the horizontal motion only is transmitted to the valve, vertical oscillation will cause irregularities. 4. The link-hanger ought to be long. The longer it is the nearer will be the arc in which the link swings to a straight line, and thus the less its vertical oscillation. If the link is suspended at its center, the curves tkat are described by points equidistant on both sides from the center are not alike, and hence results the variation between the forward and backward gears. If the link is suspended at its lower end, its lower half will have less vertical oscillation and the upper half more. 5. The center from which the link-hanger swings changes its position as the link is lowered or raised, and also causes irregularities. To reduce them to the smallest amount the arm of the lifting-shaft should be made as long as the eccentric-rod, and the center of the lifting-shaft should be placed at the height corresponding to the central position of the center on which the link-hanger swings." All these conditions can never be fulfilled in practice, and the variations in the lead and the period of admission can be somewhat regulated in an artificial way, but for one gear only. This is accomplished by giving different lead to the two eccentrics, which difference will be smaller the longer the eccentric-rods are and the shorter the link, and by suspending THE STEPHENSON LINK-MOTION. 1063 the link not exactly on its center line but at a certain distance from it, giving what is called "the offset." For application of the Zeuner diagram to link-motion, see Holmes on the Steam-engine, p. 290. See also Clark's Railway Machinery (1855), Clark's Steam-engine, Zeuner's and Auchincloss's Treatises on Slide- valve Gears, and Halsey's Locomotive Link Motion. (See page 1119.) The following rules are given by the American Machinist for laying out a link for an upright slide-valve engine. By the term radius of link is meant the radius of the link-arc, ab, Fig. 173, drawn through the center of the slot ; this radius is generally made equal to the distance from the Fig. 173. center of shaft to center of the link-block pin P when the latter stands midway of its travel. The distance between the centers of the eccentric- rod pins e\ 62 should not be less than 2 1/2 times, and, when space will permit, three times the throw of the eccentric. By the throw we mean twice the eccentricity of the eccentric. The sl9t link is generally sus- pended from the end next to the forward eccentric at a point in the link- arc prolonged. This will give comparatively a small amount of slip to the link-block when the link is in forward gear; but this slip will be increased when the link is in backward gear. This increase of slip is, however, considered of little importance, because marine engines, as a rule, work but very little in the backward gear. When it is necessary that the motion shall be as efficient in backward gear as in forward gear, then the link should be suspended from a point midway between the two eccentric- rod pins; in marine engine practice this point is generally located on the link-arc; for equal cut-offs it is better to move the point of suspension a small amount towards the eccentrics. For obtaining the dimensions of the link in inches: Let L denote the length of the valve, 5 the breadth, p the absolute steam-pressure per sq. in., and R a factor of computation used as below; then R = 0.01 *^L XB X p RX 1.6 RX 0.8 72X2.5 (RX 0.7) + l/4ih. (RX 0.6) + 1/4 in. (RX 0.8) + 1/4 in. = R + 1/4 in. Diameter of block-pin when secured at both ends . = (R X . 8) + 1/4 io. Breadth of the link. Thickness T of the bar Length of sliding-block Diameter of eccentric-rod pins Diameter of suspension-rod pin Diameter of suspension-rod pin when overhung. . . Diameter of block-pin when overhung. 1064 THE STEAM-ENGINE. The length of the link, that is, the distance frcm a to 6, measured on a straight line joining the ends of the link-arc in the slot, should be such as to allow the center of the link-block pin P to be placed in a line with the eccentric-rod pins, leaving sufficient room for the slip of the block. Another type of link frequently used in marine engines is the double-bar link, and this type is again divided into two classes: one class embraces those links which have the eccentric-rod ends as well as the valve-spindle end between the bars, as shown at B (with these links the travel of the valve is less than the throw of the eccentric); the other class embraces those links, shown at C, for which the eccentric-rods are made with fork- ends, so as to connect to studs on the outside of the bars, allowing the block to slide to the end of the link, so that the centers of the eccentric- rod ends and the block-pin are in line when in full gear, making the travel of the valve equal to the throw of the eccentric. The dimensions of these links when the distance between the eccentric-rod pins is 2 1/2 to 23/4 times the throw of eccentrics can be found as follows: Depth of bars.. = (R X 1.25)4- Vain. Thickness of bars = (R X 0.5 ) -f 1/4 in. Diameter of center of sliding-block = R X 1.3 When the distance between the eccentric-rod pins is equal to 3 or 4 times the throw of the eccentrics, then Depth of bars = (R X 1 . 25) + 3/ 4 in. Thickness of bars = (R X . 5 ) -f 1/4 in. All the other dimensions may be found by the first table. These are empirical rules, and the results may have to be slightly changed to suit given conditions. In marine engines the eccentric-rod ends for all classes of links have adjustable brasses. In locomotives the slot-link is usually employed, and in these the pin-holes have case-hardened bushes driven into the pin-holes, and have no adjustable brasses in the ends of the eccentric-rods. The link in B is generally suspended by one of the eccentric-rod pins; and the link in C is suspended by one of the pins in the end of the link, or by one of the eccentric-rod pins. (See note on Locomotive Link Motion, p. 1119.) The Walschaerts Valve-gear. Fig. 174. This gear, which was invented, in Belgium, has for many years been used on locomotives in Europe, and it has now (1909) come largely into use in the United States. The return crank Q, which takes the place of an eccentric, through the rod B oscillates the link on the fixed pin F. The block D is raised and lowered in the link by the reversing rod I, operating through the bell- FIG. 174. The Walschaerts Valve-gear. , crank levers H , H, and the supporting rod G. When the block is in its lowest position the radius rod U has a motion corresponding in direction to that of the rod B ; when the block is at its upper position U moves in an opposite direction to B. The valve-rod E is moved by the combined action of U and a lever T whose lower end is connected through the rod S to the cross-head R. Constant lead is secured by this gear. (The main crank and the return crank should be shown in the cut as inclin- ing to the right to correspond with the position of the cross-hea.! ?74 Revolutions per minute, balls open fully Q8 10? 105 107 11? 117 Variation per cent of mean speed to 6 5 ^ 1 _ i The speed at which the governor would become isochronous is 114. Any spring will give the right variation at some speed; hence in experi- menting with a governor the correct spring may be found from any wrong one by a very simple calculation. Thus, if a governor with a spiing whose stiffness is 50 Ibs. per inch acts best when the engine runs at 95, 90 /90 \ 2 being its proper speed, then 50 X ( ^ j =45 Ibs. is the stiffness of spring required. To determine the speed at which the governor acts best, the spring may be screwed up until the governor begins to "hunt" and then be slackened until it is as sensitive as is compatible with steadiness. CONDENSERS, AIR-PUMPS, CIRCULATING-PUMPS, ETC. The Jet Condenser. In practice the temperature in the hot-well varies from 110 to 120, and occasionally as much as 130 is maintained. To find the quantity of injection-water per pound of steam to be condensed: Let T\ = temperature of steam at the exhaust pressure; T = temper- ature of the cooling-water; T% = temperature of the water after condensa- tion, or of the hot-well; Q = pounds of the cooling-water per Ib. of steam condensed; then prr TT Another formula is: Q= 5-, in which W is the weight of steam con- K densed, H the units of heat given up by 1 Ib. of steam in condensing, and R the rise in temperature of the cooling-water. This is applicable both to jet and to surface condensers. Quantity of Cooling-water. The quantity depends chiefly upon Its initial temperature, which in Atlantic practice may vary from 40 in the winter of temperate zone to 80 in subtropical seas. To raise the temperature to 100 in the condenser will require three times as many thermal units in the former case as in the latter, and therefore only one- third as much cooling-water will be required in the former case as in the latter. It is usual to provide pumping power sufficient to supply 40 times the weight of steam for general traders, and as much as 50 times for ships stationed in subtropical seas, when the engines are compound. If the circulating pump is double-acting, its capacity may be 1/53 in the former and 1/42 in the latter case of the capacity of the low-pressure cylinder. (Seaton.) The following table, condensed from one given by W. V. Terry in Power, Nov. 30, 1909, shows the amount of circulating water required under different conditions of vacuum, temperature of water entering the con- denser, and drop. The "drop" is the difference between the temperature of steam due to a given vacuum and the temperature of the water leaving the condenser. CONDENSERS, AIR-PUMPS, ETC, 1069 POUNDS OF CIRCULATING WATER PER POUND OP STEAM CONDENSED. Vac- uum. Ins. Drop. D ff Injection Water Temperature, Deg. F. 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 29.0 6 37.5 45.7 58.3 80.8 12 47.8 61.8 87.5 18 65.7 95.5 28.5 6 25.6 29.2 33.9 40.3 50.0 65.7 95.5 12 30.0 35.0 42.0 52.5 70.0 18 36.2 43.8 55.3 75.0 28.0 6 21.5 23.9 26.9 30.9 36.3 43.8 55.3 75.0 12 24.4 27.7 31.8 37.5 45.7 58.3 80.8 18 28.4 32.8 38.9 47.8 61.8 87.5 27.0 6 16.4 17.8 19.5 21.5 23.9 27.0 30.9 36.2 43.8 55.3 12 18.1 19.8 21.9 24.4 27.7 31.8 37.5 45.7 58.3 80.8 18 20.3 22.4 25.0 28.4 32.8 38.9 47.8 61.8 87.5 26.0 6 14.0 15.0 16.2 17.5 19.1 21.0 23.4 26.3 30.0 35.0 12 15,2 16.4 17.8 19.5 21.5 23.9 26.9 30.9 36.3 43.8 18 16.8 18.1 19.8 21.9 24.4 27.7 31.8 37.5 45.7 58.3 Ejector Condensers. For ejector or injector condensers (Bulkley's, Schutte's, etc.) the calculations for quantity of condensing-water is the same as for jet condensers. The Barometric Condenser consists of a vertical cylindrical chamber mounted on top of a discharge pipe whose length is 34 ft. above the level of the hot well. The exhaust steam and the condensing water meet in the upper chamber, the water being delivered in such a manner as to expose a large surface to the steam. The external atmosphere maintains a col- umn of water in the tube, as a column of mercury is maintained in a barometer, and no air pump is needed. The Bulkley condenser is the original form of the type. In some modern forms a small air pump draws from the chamber the residue of air which is not drawn out by the de- scending column of water, discharging it into the column below the chamber. The Surface Condenser Cooling Surface. In practice, with the compound engine, brass condenser-tubes, 18 B.W.G. thick, 13 Ibs. of steam per sq. ft. per hour, with the cooling-water at an initial temperature of 60, is considered very fair work when the temperature of the feed- water is to be maintained at 120. It has been found that the surface in the condenser may be half the heating surface of the boiler, and under some circumstances considerably less than this. In general practice the following holds good when the temperature of sea-water is about 60: Terminal pres., Ibs., abs. . 30 20 15 121/2 10 8 6 Sq. ft. per I.H.P 3 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.50 For ships whose station is in the tropics the allowance should be in- creased by 20%, and for ships which occasionally visit the tropics 10% increase will give satisfactory results. If a ship is constantly employed in cold climates 10% less suffices. (Seaton, Marine Engineering.) Whitham (Steam-engine Design, p. 283, also Trans. A.S.M. E., ix, 43] ) gives the following: S= ,, _. , in which S = condensing-surface in sq. ft.; Ti = temperature Fahr. of steam of the pressure indicated by the vacuum-gauge; t = mean temperature of the circulating water, or the arithmetical mean of the initial and final temperatures: L = latent heat of saturated steam at temperature T\\ k = perfect conductivity of 1 sq. ft. of the metal used for the condensing-surface for a range of 1 F. (or 550 B.T.U. per hour for brass, according to Isher wood's experiments); c = fraction denoting the efficiency of the condensing-surface; W = 1070 THE STEAM-ENGINE. v pounds of steam condensed per hour. From experiments by Loring and Emery, on U.S.S. Dallas, c is found to be 0.323, and ck = 180; making the equation B = 180 ^_ t) - Whitham recommends this formula for designing engines having inde- pendent circulating-pumps.. When the pump is worked by the main engine the value of S should be increased about 10%. Taking Ti at 135 F., and L = 1020, corresponding to 25 in. vacuum, and t for summer temperatures at 75, we have: 5=^ 77-77 L =^n = ~TS7r LoU (loO to' loU Much higher results than those quoted by Whitham are obtained from modern forms of condensers. The literature on the subject of condensers from 1900 to 1909 has been quite voluminous, and much difference of opinion as to rules of proportioning condensers is shown. Coefficient of Heat Transference in Condensers. (Prof. E. Josse of Berlin. Condensed from an abstract in Power, Feb. 2, 1909. See also Transmission of Heat from Steam to Water, pages 587 to 5890 The coefficient U, the number of heat units transferred per hour through 1 sq. ft. of metallic condenser wall when the temperature of the steam is 1 F. higher than that of the water, can be deduced from the formula l/U = l/Ai + d,L + 1/Az, in which \/A\ is the resistance to transmission from steam to metal, 1/Ag the resistance to transmission from metal to water,, and d/L the resistance to transmission of heat through the metal, d being the usual thickness of condenser tubes (1 m.m. or .0393 in.). For this thickness the value of L is fairly well known and may be given as 18,430 for brass, 6,500 for copper, 11,270 for iron, 5740 for zinc, 11,050 for tin and 2660 for alumi- num. The middle term d/L would have the value of 1/18,430 and be of comparatively little importance. The term l/Az is the most important and has been investigated with the aid of two concentric tubes, water being sent both through the inner tube and the annular jacket. The values of various experimenters differ greatly. Ser gives the approximate formula__ A - 2 = 510 vY, where V is the velocity of water through the tubes in ft. per sec. This velocity is far more important than the material of the condenser tubes and their thickness, and also of greater consequence than the velocity of the steam, about which, or, rather, the term 1/Ai, there is even less agreement. Prof. Josse adopts the figure 3900. The velocity of the steam has its influence, but the whole term does not count for much. For water flowing at the rate of 1 .64 ft. per sec. Josse's formula would be: l/U = 1/3900 -f 1/18,430 + 1/653 = 1/445, and U = 445. If A i be increased to twice its value U would rise only to 475, and if the tube thickness be doubled U would hardly be affected. An increase, however, in the rate of flow of water from 1.64 to 5 feet per second would raise U to 625. As an increase of the steam flow is undesirable 'the best plan is to accelerate the flow of the circulating water, and by introducing the baffle strips or retarders into his condenser tubes, in order to break the water currents up into vortices, Josse raised the value of U at a velocity of 3.28 feet per second from 614 to 922. Opinions differ concerning the increase' of U with greater differences of temperature. According to some the heat transferred should increase proportionately to the difference; according to Weiss and others, pro- portionally to the square of the temperature differences. Josse's investi- gations were conducted by placing thermo couples in different portions of the condenser tubes. If the heat transferred increases as a linear function of the difference, then the rise of the temperature in the cool- ing water should follow an exponential law, and it was found to be so. Curves showing the relation of the extent of surface to the temperatures Of steam and water show an agreement with the formula Surface 6 j-^ CONDENSERS, AIR-PUMPS, ETC. 1071 where t s is the saturation temperature and c the temperature of the cooling- water at entrance, t being the discharge temperature;. Air Leakage. Air passes into the condenser with the exhaust steam, the temperature of the air being that of the steam; the pressure of the mixture will be the sum of the partial stearn pressure and of the partial air pressure. The air must be withdrawn by the air-pump. If the with- drawal takes place at the temperature corresponding to the condenser pressure the partial steam pressure would be equal to the condenser pressure, 'and the pump would have to deal with an enormous air volume. The air temperature should, therefore, be lowered, at the spot where the air is withdrawn, below the saturation temperature of the condenser pressure. In steam turbines it is more easy to keep air out than in reciprocating engines. Experiments with a 300-kw. Parsons turbine show that not more than 1/2 Ib. of air was delivered per hour when 6600 Ibs.of steam was used per hour. Condenser Pumps. The air and condensed water may either be removed separately, by a so-called dry-air pump, or both together, by a wet-air pump. As dry-air pumps have to deal with high compression ratios, with high vacua and single-stage pumps, the clearances must be small. When the clearance amounts to 5% the vacuum cannot be main- tained at more than 95%, and the clearance must be reduced, or other expedients adopted. Three are mentioned: (1) the air-pump may be built in two stages; (2) the pump may be fitted with an equalizing pipe so that the two sides of the piston are connected near the end of each stroke; the volumetric efficiency is raised by this expedient, but consider- ably more power is absorbed to accomplish the result; (3) with the wet- air pump the clearance space is made to receive the condensed water, which will fill at least part of it. Contraflow and Ordinary Flow. Prof. Josse questions the distinction between contraflow and ordinary flow. For the greater portion of the condenser there is a rise of temperature only on the water side; the tem- perature of the steam side remains that of the saturated steam, and the term "contraflow" should, strictly speaking, only be applied if there is a temperature fall in the one direction and a corresponding temperature rise in the opposite direction. As far as the condensation is concerned, it is immaterial in which direction the water flows. The contraflow principle is, however, correct and necessary for the smaller portion of the condenser in which the condensed liquid is cooled together with the air; for the air must be withdrawn from the coldest spot. It seems inadvisable to attempt to direct the flow of the steam on the contraflow principle, as that would obstruct the steam flow and create a pressure difference between different portions of the condenser which would be injurious to the main- tenance of high vacua. The Power Used for Condensing Apparatus varies from about 1 1/2 to 5% of the indicated power of the main engine, depending on the efficiency of the apparatus, on the degree of vacuum obtained, the tem- perature of the cooling-water, the load on the engine, etc. J. R. Bibbins (Power, Feb., 1905) gives the records of test of a 300-kw. plant from which the following figures are taken. Cooling-water per Ib. of steam 32 to 37 Ibs. Vacuum 27.3 to 27.8 ins. Temp, cooling-water 73. Hot-well 102 to 105. Indicated H.P 151 220 238 260 291 294 457 589 % of total power used . . . 4.69 3.51 3.22 3.22 3.08 2.97 2.80 2.47 % for air cylinder 1.63 1.36 1.27 1.21 1.19 1.09 0.95 0.83 % for water pump 3.07 2.14 1.95 2.00 1.90 1.89 1.85 1.52 Vacuum, ins. of Mercury, and Absolute Pressures. The vacuum as shown by a mercury column is not a direct measure of pressure, but only of the difference between the atmospheric pressure and the absolute pressure in the vacuum chamber. Since the atmospheric pressure varies with the altitude and also with atmospheric conditions, it is necessary when accuracy is desired to give the reading of the barometer as well as that of the vacuum gauge, or preferably to give the absolute pressure in Ibs. per SQ. in. above a perfect vacuum. 1072 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Temperatures, Pressures and Volumes of Saturated Air. (D. B, Morison, on the influence of Air on Vacuum in Surface Condensers, Eng'g, April 17, 1908.) VOLUME OF 1 LB. OF Am WITH ACCOMPANYING VAPOR. & & !.* 2^ rt Vacuum, ins. of Mercury, and Ibs. absolute. 24 in., 2.947. 26 in., 1.962. 27 in., 1.474. 28 in., 0.9823. 28.5 in., 0.7368. 28.8 in., 0.5894. 29 in., 0.4912. 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0.17 0.25 0.36 0.50 0.69 0.94 1.26- 1.68 P 2.78 2.70 2.59 2.45 2.26 2.01 1.69 1.27 V 68 71 75 81 90 103 125 170 P .79 .71 .60 .46 .27 .02 0.70 0.28 V 105 113 124 137 163 203 304 770 P 1.30 1.22 1.11 0.97 0.78 0.53 0.21 V 147 158 178 204 260 390 (a) P 0.81 0.73 0.62 0.48 0.29 0.042 V 233 263 315 420 700 (&) P 0.57 0.49 0.38 0.24 0.05 V 336 393 520 832 (c) P 0.42 0.34 0.23 0.09 V 450 566 852 (d) P 0.32 0.24 0.13 V 592 800 1536 P = partial pressure of air, Ibs. per sq. in. V = volume of 1 Ib. of air with accompanying vapor, cu. ft. (a) over 1000; (6) nearly 5000; (c) about 4000; (d) over 2000. TEMPERATURES AND PRESSURES OF SATURATED AIR. Vacuum, Ins. Proportions of Air and Steam by Weight. with Barom. at 30 in. Saturated Steam. Air, 0.25. Steam, 1. Air, 0.5. Steam, 1. Air, 0.75. Steam, 1. Air, 1. Steam, 1. 29 28 27 26 25 24 79. 5 F. 101.5 115 126 134 141 75 96.5 110 120.2 128.4 135.2 71 92.4 105.6 115.5 123.5 130.3 67.5 88.8 1C1.7 111.5 119 2 125.8 64.5 85.3 98.6 108.3 116.2 122.3 From this table it is seen that a temperature of 126 F. corresponds to a 24-in. vacuum if the steam in the condenser has 75% of its weight of air mingled with it, and to a 26-in. vacuum if it is free from air. One cubic foot of air measured at 60 F. and atmospheric pressure becomes 10 cii. ft. at 27 in. and 30 cu. ft. at 29 in. vacuum at the same temperature; 10.9 cu. ft. at 105 and 27 in.; 30.5 cu. ft. at 70 F. and 29 in. The same cu. ft. of air saturated with water vapor at 70 F. and 29 in. becomes 124.3 cu. ft., or 44.9 cu. ft. at 105 and 27 in. vacuum. The temperatures 105 and 70 are about 10% below the temperatures of saturated steam at 27 in. and 29 in. respectively. Condenser Tubes are generally made of solid-drawn brass tubes, and tested both by hydraulic pressure and steam. They are usually made of a composition of 68% of best selected copper and 32% of best Silesian spelter. The Admiralty, however, always specify the tubes to be made of 70% of best selected copper and to have 1% of tin in the composition, and test the tubes to a pressure of 300 Ibs. per sq. in. (Seaton.) The diameter of the condenser tubes varies from 1/2 in. in small con- densers, when they are very short, to 1 in. in very large condensers and long tubes. In the mercantile marine the tubes are, as a rule, 3/ 4 in. diam. externally, and 18 B.W.G. thick (0.049 inch); and 16 B.W.G. (0 .065), under some exceptional circumstances. In the British Navy the tubes are also, as a rule, 3/ 4 in. diam., and 18 to 19 B.W.G., tinned on both sides: when the condenser is brass the tubes are not required to be tinned. Some of the smaller engines have tubes 5/g in. diam., and 19 B. W. G. The smaller the tubes, the larger is the surface which can be put in a certain space. (Seaton.) In the merchant service the almost universal practice is to circulate the water through the tubes. Whitham says the velocity of flow through the tubes should not be less than 400 nor more than 700 ft. per min. CONDENSERS, AIR-PUMPS, ETC. 1073 Tube-plates are usually made of brass. Rolled-brass tube-plates snould be from 1.1 to 1.5 times the diameter of tubes in thickness, depending on the method of packing. When the packings go completely through the plates, the latter thickness, but when only partly through, the former, is sufficient. Hence, for 3/ 4 _in. tubes the plates are usually 7/8 to 1 in. thick with glands and tape-packings, and 1 to 11/4 ins. thick with wooden ferrules. The tube-plates should be secured to their seat- ings by brass studs and nuts, or brass screw-bolts: in fact there must be no wrought iron of any kind inside a condenser. When the tube-plates are of large area it is advisable to stay them by brass rods, to prevent them from collapsing. Spacing of Tubes, etc. The holes for ferrules, glands, or india- rubber are usually 1/4 inch larger in diameter than the tubes; but when absolutely necessary the wood ferrules may be only 3/ 32 inch thick. The pitch of tubes when packed with wood ferrules is usually 1/4 inch more than the diameter of the ferrule-hole. For example, the tubes are generally arranged zigzag, and the number which may be fitted into a square foot of plate is as follows: Pitch of Tubes, In. No. in a Sq. Ft. Pitch of Tubes, In. No. in a Sq. Ft. Pitch of Tubes, In. No. in a Sq. Ft. 1 Vl6 H/8 172 150 137 1 5/32 13/16 1 V32 128 121 116 1 1/4 19/32 1 5/16 110 106 99 Air-Pump. The air-pump in all condensers abstracts the water con- densed and the air originally contained in the water when it entered the boiler. In the case of jet-condensers it also pumps out the water of con- densation and the air which it contained. The size of the pump is calcu- ' la ted from these conditions, making allowance for efficiency of the pump. In surface condensation allowance must be made for the water oc- casionally admitted to the boilers to make up for waste, and the air cpntained in it, also for slight leaks in the joints and glands, so that the air-pump is made about half as large as for jet-condensation. Seaton says: The efficiency of a single-acting air-pump is generally taken at 0.5 and that of a double-acting pump at 0.35. When the temperature of the sea is 60, and that of the (jet) condenser is 120, Q being the volume of the cooling-water and q the volume of the con- densed water in cubic feet, and n the number of strokes per minute, The volume of the single-acting pump ='2.74 (Q + q) 4- n. The volume of the double-acting pump = 4 (Q + q) + n. W. H. Booth, in his "Treatise on Condensing Plant," says the volume to be generated by an air-pump bucket should not be less than 0.75 cu. ft. per pound. of steam dealt with by the condensing plant. Mr. R. W. Allen has made tests with as little air-pump capacity as 0.5 cu. ft. and lie gives 0.6 cu. ft. as a minimum. An Edwards pump with three 14-in. barrels, 12-in. stroke, single-acting, 150 r.p.m., is rated at 45,000 Ibs. of steam per hour from a surface condenser, which is equiva- lent to 0.66 cu. ft. per pound of feed-water. In the Edwards pump, the base of the pump and the bottom of the piston are conical in shape. The water from the condenser flows by gravity into the space below the piston, which descending projects it' through ports into the space in the barrel above the piston, whence on the ascending stroke of the piston it is discharged through the outlet valves. There are no bucket or foot- valves, and the pump may be run at much higher speeds than older forms of pump. (See Catalogue of the Wheeler Condenser and Engineering Co.) The Area through Valve-seats and past the valves should not be less than will admit the full quantity of water for condensation at a velocity not exceeding 400 ft. per minute. In practice the area is gen- erally in excess of this. (Seaton.) Area through foot-valves = D 2 X 2 X S_+ 800 square inches. Diameter of discharge-pipe = D X \/S * 35 inches. D = diam. of air-pump in inches, S = its speed in ft. per min. James Tribe (Am. Mach., Oct. 8, 1891) gives the following rule for air- 1074 THE STEAM-ENGINE. pumps used with jet-condensers: Volume of single-acting air-pumpdrivea by main engine = volume of low-pressure cylinder in cubic feet, multiplied by 3.5 and divided by the number of cubic feet contained in one pound of exhaust steam of the given density. For a double-acting air-pump the same rule will apply, but the volume of steam for each stroke of the pump will be but one-half. Should the pump be driven independently of the engine, then the relative speed must be considered. Volume of jet- condenser = volume of air-pump X 4. Area of injection valve = vol. of air-pump in cubic inches *- 520. The Work done by an Air-pump, per stroke, is a maximum the- oretically, when the vacuum is between 21 and 22 ins. of mercury. As- suming adiabatic compression, the mean effective pressure per stroke is P = 3 .46 PI If j - 1 1 1 where p = absolute pressure of the vacuum and pz the terminal, or atmospheric, pressure, = 14 .7 Ibs. per sq. in. The horse-power required to compress and deliver 1 cu. ft. of air per minute, measured at the lower pressure, is, neglecting friction, P X 144 -5- 33,000. The following table is calculated from these formulae (R. R. Pratt, Power, Sept.,,7, 1909). Vac. in Ins. of Mer- Abs. Press., Ins. of Mer- P2 Pi Theo- retic. M.E.P. Theo- retic. H.P. Vac. in Ins. of Mer- Abs. Press., Ins. of Mer- P2 Pi Theo- retic. M.E.P. Theo- retic. H.P. cury. cury. cury. cury. 29 1 30.00 2.86 0.0124 18 12 2.50 6.21 0.0271 26 2 15.00 4.05 0.0177 16 14 2.14 5.89 0.0256 27 3 10.00 4.83 0.0211 14 16 .87 5.42 0.02.36 26 4 7.50 5.40 0.0235 12 18 .67 4.88 0.0212 25 5 6.00 5.78 0.0252 10 20 .50 4.23 0.0184 24 6 5.00 6.05 0.0264 8 22 .36 3.52 4153 23 7 4.28 6.23 0.0271 6 24 .25 2.73 0.0119 22 8 3.75 6.33 0.0276 4 26 .15 1.88 0.0082 21 9 3.33 637 0.0278 2 28 .07 0.96 0.0042 20 10 3.00 6.36 0.0277 1 29 .03 0.49 002! The work done by the air-pump is to compress the saturated mixture if air and water vapor at the condenser pressure to atmospheric pressure and to discharge it into the atmosphere together with the water of condensation (and with the cooling water in the case of jet condensers operated vith an air-pump). The amount of air to be discharged varies with the amount of air in the feed-water and with the leakage of air through the stuffing-boxes. Geo. A. Orrok (Jour. A. S. M. E., 1912, p. 1625) found the volume of air in city water at 52 deg. F. to be over 4 per cent; and in feed-water at 187 degrees less than 1 per cent. With turbines of from 5,000 to 20,000 kw. capacity the air discharged by the air-pump at atmospheric pressure and temperature varied from 1 cu. ft. per min. with the units in the best condition to 15 or 20 when ordinary leakage was present, or to 30 to 50 when the units were in bad condition. Stodola states that we may ordinarily expect the air to amount to 1.5 to 2.5 cu. ft. per min. for each 1000 kw. capacity. T. C. McBride (Power, July 14, 1908) gives results of tests in which the amount of air varied from 18 to 74 volumes per 10,000 volumes of exhaust steam. C. L. W. Trinks (Proc. Engrs. Soc. of W. Penna., June, 1914) gives the weight of air normally expected by builders of air- pumps as 0.25 to 0.50 per cent of the weight of steam. W. H. Herschel (Power, June 1, 1915), after quoting the above figures, gives the results of calculations based upon assumed air leakages of 20, 40, and 60 volumes of air per 10,000 volumes of steam, corresponding respectively to 0.31, 0.62, and 0.93 per cent of the weight of steam, or approximately to 15, 30, and 45 cu. ft. per min. for every 1000 kw. capacity, the smallest amount being that which may be obtained with stuffing-boxes in the best condition, while the largest value may be reached, or even exceeded, with stuffing-boxes in poor condition. Following are his figures for the extreme conditions: CONDENSERS, AIR-PUMPS, ETC. 1075 TOTAL WORK OF AN AIR-PUMP, INCLUDING DISCHARGE OF COOLING WATER. SM^ Hi Vacuum, In., Leakage 0.31 %. i Vacuum, In., Leakage 0.93%. 29 28.5 28 27 26 29 28.5 28 27 | 26 Temperature of Condenser F. Temperature of Condenser F. 32 50 60 70 80 Ft.-lb 32 50 60 70 80 Lb. 32 50 60 70 80 63 68 71 76 Work 2150 3300 4820 8220 71 77 79 83 86 perLb 1560 2120 2740 4010 7750 g Wat 25.6 36.7 52.3 75.8 164.0 78 83 86 89 94 . Stearr 1280 1650 2000 2670 3930 er per 21.7 30.2 37.9 52.2 70.0 87 92 96 100 104 iCond 1000 1210 1410 1700 2110 Lb. S 18.2 24.7 27.5 32.8 41 .0 96 100 104 109 111 ensed 840 990 1120 1280 1530 ;eam. 15.6 19.9 22.6 25.2 31 .8 32 50 60 70 80 Ft.-lb. 32 50 60 70 80 Lb. 32 50 60 70 80 55 64 68 72 Work 3840 5760 8440 13250 62 71 75 80 82 perLb 2880 3730 4720 6610 11330 ig Wat 32.8 47.3 66.0 98.8 493.0 68 78 82 86 92 Stearr 2380 2920 3450 4410 6960 3r per 28.0 35.5 45.1 61.8 82.0 77 85 88 95 99 iCond 1840 2150 2440 2850 3520 Lb. St 24.5 28.6 35.7 39.6 52.0 77 9t 96 103 106 ensed. 1530 1760 1960 2210 2560 earn. 21.5 24.5 27.8 30.1 38.1 Coolin 32.1 55.0 89.8 164.0 Coolir 42.7 70.8 123.8 494.0 Most Economical Vacuum for Turbines. Mr. Herschel, taking the air-pump work given in the above table for the several conditions named, an efficiency of 50 per cent for the air-pump, and assuming a turbine working with dry steam 150-lb. gage, without superheat, cal- culates the net work of the turbine in foot-pounds per Ib. of steam with the most economical vacuum for different temperatures of cooling water. He compares the results with those calculated for the same air-pump conditions, but for a turbine using steam of 140 Ib. super- heated 218 F. The results are tabulated below, the vacuum giving the best economy being given in parentheses. The lines marked S are for the superheated steam turbine. It appears that 29 in. vacuum is the most economical only for low temperatures of cooling water, and that the vacuum giving the best economy decreases with increase of leakage and with increasing temperature of the cooling water. Temperature of cooling water, F. 32 I 50 | 60 | 70 Net Work of Turbine, Ft.-lb. per Lb. of Steam. 80 Leakage of (o.31% air % weight of ] steam. 0.93% I 56000(29) I 53700(29) I S. 76200(29) I 73900(29) I 52120(28.5) I 50360(28) I 48980(27) I 71620(28.5) I 69080(28.5) | 65240(28) 52620(29) 150140(28.5) I 48800(28) 8.72820(29) | 69640(28.5) 167660(28.5) I 47500(27) I 64280(28) I 46160(27) I 62060(27) Circulating-pump. Let Q be the quantity of cooling-water in cubic feet, n the number of strokes per minute, and S the length of stroke in feet. Capacity of circulating-pump = Q * n cubic feet. Diameter of circulating-pump = 13.55 ^Q-^-nS inches. The clear area through the valve-seats and past the valves should be such that the mean velocity of flow does not exceed 450 feet per minute. The flow through the pipes should not exceed 500 ft. per min, in small pipes and 600 in large pipes. (Seaton.) For Centrifugal Circulating-pumps, the velocity of flow in the inlet and outlet pipes should not exceed 400 ft. per min. The diameter of the fan- wheel is from 21/2 to 3 times the diam, of the pipe, and the speed, at H$ periphery 450 to 500 ft. per min. 1076 THE STEAM-ENGINE. The Leblanc Condenser (made by the Westinghouse Machine Co.) accomplishes the separate removal of water and air by means of a pair ol relatively small turbine-type rotors on a common shaft in a single casing, which is integral with or attached directly to the lower portion of the condensing chamber. The condensing chamber itself is but little more than an enlargement of the exhaust pipe. The injection water is pro- jected downwards through a spray nozzle, and the combined injection water and condensed steam flow downward to a centrifugal discharge pump under a head of 2 or 3 ft., which insures the filling of the pump. The space above the water level in the condensing chamber is occupied by water vapor plus the air which entered with the injection water and with the exhaust steam, and this space communicates with the air-pump through a relatively small pipe. The air-pump differs from pumps of the ejector type in that the vanes in traversing the discharge nozzle at high speed constitute a series of pistons, each one of which forces ahead of it a small pocket of air, the high velocity of which effectually prevents its return to the condenser. A small quantity of water is supplied to the suction side of the air-purnp to assist in the performance of its functions. The power required for the pumps is said to approximate 2 to 3 per cent of the power generated by the main engine. Feed-pumps for Marine Engines. With surface-condensing engines the amount of water to be fed by the pump is the amount con- densed from the main engine plus what may be needed to supply auxiliary engines and to supply leakage and waste. Since an accident may happen to the surface-condenser, requiring the use of jet-condensation, the pumps of engines fitted with surface-condensers must be sufficiently large to do duty under such circumstances. With jet-condensers and boilers using salt water the dense salt water in the boiler must be blown off at intervals to keep the density so low that deposits of salt will not be formed. Sea- water contains about 1/32 of its weight of solid matter in solution. The boiler of a surface-condensing engine may be worked with safety when the quantity of salt is four times that in sea-water. If Q net quantity of feed-water required in a given time to make up for what is used as steam, n number of times the saltness of ^he water in the boiler is to that of sea-water, then the gross feed-water = nQ -s- (n 1). In order to be capable of filling the boiler rapidly each feed-pump is made of a capacity equal to twice the gross feed-water. Two feed-pumps should be supplied so that one may be kept in reserve to be used while the other is out of repair. If Q be the quantity of net feed-water in cubic feet, I the length of stroke of feed-pump in feet , and n the number of strokes per minute, Diameter of each feed-pump plunger in inches = ^550 Q + nl. If W be the net feed-water in pounds, Diameter of each feed-pump plunger in inches = ^8.9 W+nl. An Evaporative Surface Condenser built at the Virginia Agricul- tural College is described by James H. Fitts (Trans. A.S. M. E., xiv, 690). It consists of two rectangular end chambers connected by a, series of horizontal rows of tubes, each row of tubes immersed in a pan of water. Through the spaces between the surface of the water in each pan and the bottom of the pan above air is drawn by means of an exhaust-fan. At the top of one of the end chambers is an inlet for steam, and a horizontal diaphragm about midway causes the steam to traverse the upper half of the tubes and back through the lower. An outlet at the bottom leads to the air-pump. The passage of air over the water surfaces removes the vapor as it rises and thus hastens evaporation. The heat necessary to produce evaporation is obtained from the steam in the tubes, causing the steam to condense. It was designed to condense 800 Ibs. steam per hour and give a vacuum of 22 in., with a terminal pressure in the cylinder of 20 Ibs. absolute. Results of tests show that the cooling-water required is practically equal in amount to the steam used by the engine. And since the consumption of steam is reduced by the application of a con- denser, its use will actually reduce the total quantity of water required. The Continuous Use of Condensing-water is described in a series of articles in Power, Aug.-Dec., 1892. It finds its application in situations where water for condensing purposes is expensive or difficult to obtain. CONDENSERS, AIR-PTTMPS, ETC. 1077 The different methods described include cooling pans on the roof; fountains and other spray pipes in ponds, fine spray discharged at an elevation above a pond; trickling the water discharged from the hot-well over parallel narrow metal tanks contained in a large wooden structure, while a fan blower drives a current of air against the films of water falling from the tanks, etc. These methods are suitable for small powers, but for large powers they are cumbersome and require too much space, and are practically supplanted by cooling towers. The Increase of Power that may be obtained by adding a condenser giving a vacuum of 26 inches of mercury to a non-condensing engine may ..-.-....,.. M * * f j- ffiP"' / / / / / / /Ab'sqiut'e Mean Pressure'in Pounds / "7 /// / 30J 4/5,0 60 /TO 8fo /90 /1 00/1 1 01 20 1 30 1 40 1 50^160 1 7,0 1 SOxtgO-^OO 120 60 40 30 24 20 17 15 13 12 11 10 Per Cent ot Power Gained by Vacuum Fig. 175. toe approximated by considering it to be equivalent to a net gain of 12 Ibs. mean effective pr essure per sq. in. of piston area. If A = area of piston in sq ins , S = piston speed in ft. per min., then 12 AS 33,000 ** AS -t 2750 = H.P. made available by the vacuum. If the vacuum 13 2 Ibs per sq. in. = 27 .9 in. of mercury, then H.P. = AS j 2500. t The saving of steam for a given horse-power will be represented approxi- mately by the shortening of the cut-off when the engine is run with the condenser. Clearance should be included in the calculation. To the mean effective pressure non-condensing, with a given actual cut-off clearance considered, add 3 Ibs. to obtain the approximate mean total pressure, condensing. From tables of expansion of steam find what actual cut-off will give this mean total pressure The difference between this and the original actual cut-off, divided by the latter and by 100, will ' catalogue of H. R. Worthington) shows the percentage of power that may be gained by attaching a condenser to a non-condensing engine assuming that the vacuum is 12 Ibs. per sq. 1078 THE STEAM-ENGINE. in. The diagram also shows the mean pressure in the cylinder for a given initial pressure and cut-off, clearance and compression not considered. The pressures given in the diagram are absolute pressures above a vacuum. To find the mean effective pressure produced in an engine cylinder with 90 Ibs. gauge (= 105 Ibs. absolute) pressure, cut-off at 1/4 stroke: find 105 in the left-hand or initial-pressure column, follow the horizontal line to the right until it intersects the oblique line that corresponds to the 1/4 cut-off, and read the mean total pressure from the row of figures directly above the point of intersection, which in this case is 63 Ibs. From this subtract the mean absolute back pressure (say 3 Ibs. for a condensing engine and 15 Ibs. for a non-condensing' engine exhausting into the atmosphere) to obtain the mean effective pressure, which in this case, for a non-condensing engine, gives 48 Ibs. To find the gain of power by the use of a condenser with this engine, read on the lower scale the figures that correspond in position to 48 Ibs. in the upper row, in this case 25%. As the diagram droes not take into consideration clearance or compression, the results are only approximate. Advantage of High Vacuum in Reciprocating Engines. (R. D. Tomli#son, Power, Feb. 23, 1909.) Among the transatlantic liners, the best ships with reciprocating engines are carrying from 26 to -28 and more inches of vacuum. Where the results are looked into, the engineers are required to keep the vacuum system tight and carry all the vacuum they can get, and while it is true that greater benefits can be derived from high vacua in a steam turbine than in a reciprocating engine, it is also true that, where primary heaters are not used, the higher the vacuum carried the greater is the justifiable economy which can be obtained from the plant. The Interborough Rapid Transit Company, New York City, changed the motor-driven air-pump and jet-condenser for a barometric type of condenser and increased the vacuum on each of the 8000-H.P. Allis- Chalmers horizontal vertical engines at the 74th Street station from 26 to 28 ins., thereby increasing the power on each of the eight units approximately 275 H.P., and the economy of the station was increased nearly in the same ratio. This change was made about seven years ago and the plant is still operating with 28 ins. of vacuum, measured with mercury columns connected to the exhaust pipe at a point just below the exhaust nozzle of the low-pressure cylinders. A careful test made on the 59th Street station showed a decrease steam consumption of 8% when the vacuum was raised from 25 to 28 ins. These engines drive 5000-kw. generators. The Choice of a Condenser. Condensers may be divided into two general classes: First. Jet condensers, including barometric condensers, siphon condensers, ejector condensers, etc., in which the cooling-water mingl~~ with the steam to be condensed. Second. Surface condensers, in which the cooling-water is separated from the steam, the cooling- water circulating on one side of this surface and the steam coming into contact with the other. In the jet-condenser the steam, as soon as condensed, becomes mixed with the cooling-water, and if the latter should be unsuitable for boiler- feed because of scale-forming impurities, acids, salt, etc., the pure distilled water represented by the condensed steam is wasted, and, if it were necessary to purchase other water for boiler-feeding, this might represent a considerable waste of money. On the other hand, if the cooling- water is suitable for boiler-feeding, or if a fresh supply of good water is easily obtainable, the jet-condenser, because of its simplicity and low cost, is unexcelled. Surface condensers are recommended where the cooling-water is un- fitted for boiler-feed and where no suitable and cheap supply of pure boiler-feed is available. Where a natural supply of cooling-water, as from a well, spring, lake or river, is not available, a water-cooling tower can be installed and the same cooling-water used over and over. (Wheeler Condenser and Eng. Co.) Owing to their great cost as compared with jet-condensers, surface condensers should not be used except where absolutely necessary, i.e., where lack of feed- water for the boiler warrants the extra cost. Of course there are cases, such as at sea, where surface condensers are indispensable. 1/11 he in vo on Les *d COOLING TOWEBS. 1079 On land, suitable feed-water can always be obtained at some expense, and that cost capitalized makes it a simple arithmetical problem to determine the extra investment permissible in order to be able to return condensed steam as feed-water to the boiler. Unfortunately there is another point which greatly complicates the matter, and one which makes it impossible to give exact figures, viz., the corrosion and deterioration of the condenser tubes themselves, the exact cause of which is not often understood. With clean, fresh water, free from acid, the tubes of a con- denser last indefinitely, but where the cooling-water contains sulphur, as in drainage from coal mines, or sea-water contaminated by sewage, such as harbor water, the deterioration is exceedingly rapid. A better vacuum may possibly be obtained from a surface condenser where there is plenty of cooling-water easily handled. The better vacuum is due to the fact that the air-pump will have much less air to handle inas- much as the air carried in suspension by the cooling-water does not have to be extracted as in the case of jet-condensers. Water in open rivers, the ocean, etc., is said to carry in suspension 5% by volume of air. It may be said that except for leakages, which should not exist, the air- pump will have no work to do at all inasmuch as the water will have no opportunity to become aerated. On the other hand, if the cooling-water is limited, these advantages are offset by the fact that a surface condenser cannot heat the cooling-water so near to the temperature of the exhaust steam as can a jet-condenser. (F. Hodgkinson, El. Jour., Aug., 1909.) A barometric condenser used in connection with a 15,000-k.w. steam- engine-turbine unit at the 59th St. station of the Rapid Transit Co., New York, contains approximately 25,000 sq. ft. of cooling surface arranged in the double two-pass system of water circulation, with a 30-in. centrifugal circulating pump having a maximum capacity of 30,000 gal. per hour. The dry vacuum pump is of the single-stage type, 12- and 29-in. X 24-in., with Corliss valves on the air cylinder. The condensing plant is capable of maintaining a vacuum within 1.1 in. of the barometer when condensing 150,000 Ib. of steam per hour when supplied with circulating water at 70 F. (H. G. Stott, Jour. A.S.M.E., Mar., 1910.) Cooling Towers are usually made in the shape of large cylinders of sheet steel, filled with narrow boards or lath arranged in geometrical forms, or hollow tile, or wire network, so arranged that while the water, which is sprayed over them at the top, trickles down through the spaces it is met by an ascending air column. The air is furnished either by disk fans at the bottom or is drawn in by natural draught. In the latter case the tower is made very high, say 60'to 100 ft., so as to act like a chimney. When used in connection with steam condensers, the water produced by the condensation of the exhaust steam is sufficient to compensate for the evaporation in the tower, and none need be supplied to the system. There is, on the contrary, a slight overflow, which carries with it the oil from the engine cylinders, and tends to clean the system of oil that would otherwise accumulate in the hot-well. The cooling of water in a pond, spray, or tower goes on in three ways first, by radiation, which is" practically negligible; second, by conduction or absorption of heat by the air, which may vary from one-fifth to one- third of the entire effect; and, lastly, by evaporation. The latter is the chief effect. Under certain conditions the water in a cooling tower can actually be cooled below the temperature of the atmosphere, as water is cooled by exposing it in porous vessels to the winds of hot and dry climates. The evaporation of 1 Ib. of water absorbs about 1000 heat units. The rapidity of evaporation is determined, first, by the temperature of the water, and, second, by the .vapor tension in the air in immediate contact with the water. In ordinary air the vapor present is generally in a con- dition corresponding to superheated steam, that is, the air is not saturated. If saturated air be brought into contact with colder water, the cooling of the vapor will cause some of it to be precipitated out of the air; on the other hand, if saturated air be brought into contact with warmer water, , some of the latter will pass into the form of vapor. This is what occurs in the cooling tower, so that the latter is in a large measure independent of climatic conditions; for even if the air be saturated, the rise in tem- perature of the atmospheric air from contact with the hot water in the cooling tower will greatly increase the water-carrying capacity of the air, enabling a large amount of beat to be absorbed through the evaporation 1080 THE STEAM-ENGINE. of the water. The two things to be sought after in coofing-towei design are, therefore, first, to present a large surface of water to the air, and, second, to provide for bringing constantly into contact with this surface the largest possible volume of new air at the least possible expenditure of energy. (Wheeler Condenser and Engineering Co.) The great advantage of the cooling tower lies in the fact that large surfaces of water can be presented to the air while the latter is kept in rapid motion. Calculation of the Air Supply for a Cooling Tower. Let T\ and T% be the temperatures of the water entering and leaving; t\ temperature of the air supply; z its relative humidity; t2, temperature of the air leaving; mi mz, pounds of moisture in one pound of saturated air at temperatures ti, t-2', e\., e-2, total heat, B.T.U., above 32 F. per pound of water vapor at temperatures ti, t%\ A Ib. of air supplied per Ib. of entering water. All temperatures are in degrees F. Then, for each 1 Ib. of water entering the tower the heat (B.T.U.) carried in is: by the water, Ti 32; by the air, 0.2375 A (ti 32) +A m\ e\z. The heat carried out is: by the water, [l-(ra2-rai2)] X (T2-32); by the air, 0.2375 A (tz-32) + A (mz e-2). Neglecting loss by radiation, the heat carried into the tower equals the heat leaving it. Equating these Quantities and solving for A we have: Ti - Tz + (mi - miZ) (r 2 -32) 0.2375 (fa - ti) + From this equation the table on p. 1081 has been calculated. Water Evaporated in a Cooling Tower. The following table gives the values of (mzmiz) per pound of air in the cooling-tower formula. Multiplying these values by the number of pounds of air per pound of water for the given conditions, w r i.U give the amount of water evapo- rated, or make-up water required with surface condensers, per pound of the inflowing water. Pounds Water Evaporated per Pound of Air. li = 50 70 80 Ti= 100 2=0.5 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 ( 92 * 2 = { 88 ( 84 .02912 .02503 .02141 .02761 .02352 .01990 .02610 .02201 .01839 .02510 .02101 .01739 .02198 .01789 .01427 .01887 .01478 .01116 .02188 .01779 .01417 .01748 .01339 .00977 .01308 .00899 .00537 TI= 110 li = 50 70 90 ( 102 tf-X 98 / 94 .04179 .03626 .03135 .04028 .03475 .02984 .03877 .03324 .02833 .03777 .03224 .02733 .03465 .02912 .02421 .03154 .02601 .02110 .03017 .02464 .01972 .02402 .01848 .01357 .01785 .01232 .00741 Ti= 120 ti = 50 70 90 (112 2= J108 (104 .05905 .05151 .04482 .05754 .05000 .04331 .05603 .04845 .04180 .05503 .04749 .04080 .05191 .04437 .03768 .04880 .04126 .03457 .04743 .03989 .03320 .04127 .03373 .02704 .03511 .02757 .02088 Tests of a Cooling Tower and Condenser are reported by J. H. Vail in Trans. A . S. M . E ., 1898. The tower was of the Barnard type, with two chambers, each 12 ft. 3 in. X 18 ft. X 29 ft. 6 in. high, containing gal- vanized-wire mats. Four fans supplied a strong draught to the two cham- bers. The rated capacity of each section was to cool the circulating water needed to condense 12,500 Ibs. of steam, from 132 to 80 F., when the atmosphere does not exceed 75 F. nor the humidity 85%. The fol- lowing is a record of some observations. Date, 1898. Jan. 31. Feb. June 20. July. Aug. 26. Nov. 4. Aug. 2. Max. Min. Temperature atmosphere . Temp, condenser discharge Temp, water from tower.. Heat extracted by tower. . Speed of fans, r.p.m Vacuum, inches 30 110 65 45 36 251/2 36 110 84 26 26 78 120 84 36 145 25 96 130 93 37 '162 241/2 85 '118 88 30 150 251/2 59 129 92 37 148 25 103 128 98 32 160 26 83 106 9,0 21 140 26 The quantity of steam condensed or of water circulated is uot stated, COOLING TOWERS. 1081 Pounds of Air per Pound of Circulating Water. Outflowing air saturated. Ti=100 i = 50 70 80 T 2 *, 2=0.5 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 (92 739 0.767 0.798 0.962 1.044 .175 1.144 1.382 1.755 70-^88 (84 0.846 0.975 0.884 1 .026 0.926 1.083 1 .124 1 .366 1 .278 1.604 .482 .944 1.428 1.850 1.831 2.598 2.562 4.394 (92 80 < 88 0.508 580 0.527 605 0.547 0.632 0.644 0.767 0.713 0.869 0.800 .004 0.783 0.971 0.939 1.239 1.187 1.725 (84 0.665 0.699 0.737 0.927 1.086 .312 1.253 1.751 2.947 ( 92 0.280 0.287 0.297 0.348 0.382 0.424 0.422 0.496 0.619 90^88 0.313 0.356 0.326 0.372 0.338 0.390 0.409 0.491 0.460 0.569 0.527 0.680 0.514 0.655 0.647 JO. 904 0.888 1.500 T^llO /! = 50 70 90 ( 102 710 729 0.750 0.838 0.898 0.966 .135 1.388 1.790 7CK 98 0.804 0.829 0.856 0.975 1.056 1.155 .406 1.821 2.596 j 94 0.915 0.948 0.983 1 .144 1.260 1 .403 .796 2.543 4.395 ( 102 546 0.561 0.576 0.644 0.688 0.739 0.868 1 .055 1 .358 80 < 98 0.617 0.636 0.655 0.746 0.807 0.880 .071 1.382 1.962 ( 94 0.700 0.724 0.751 0.873 0.960 1.067 .364 1 .898 3.312 ( 102 0.383 0.392 0.402 0.449 0.478 0.512 0.600 0.726 0.926 90 K 98 0.430 0.442 0.455 0.517 0.558 0.606 0.736 0.942 1.328 ( 94 0.484 0.501 0.518 0.602 0.659 0.730 0.931 1.311 2.229 T!=120 h = 50 70 90 ( 112 0.651 0.663 0.677 0.732 0.767 0.806 0.394 1 .007 1.155 70^ 108 0.733 . 749 0.766 0.839 0.886 0.939 1 .061 1.227 1 .458 ( 104 0.828 0.849 0.871 0.967 1.031 1 .104 .278 1.530 1.918 ( 112 0.533 0.544 0.554 0.599 0.627 0.656 0.729 0.820 0.938 80^ 108 0.599 0.612 0.625 0.687 0.722 0.764 0.863 0.996 1 .180 f 104 0.675 0.692 0.710 0.787 0.838 0.896 1 .037 1.246 1.548 ( 112 0.416 0.423 0.432 0.468 0.487 0.510 0.565 0.633 0.721 90- 108 0.465 0.475 0.485 0.531 0.558 . 590 0.666 0.765 0.902 1 104 0.522 0.535 0.548 0.607 0.645 0.688 0.796 0.947 1.178 Temp. deg.F. . 50 B. T. U 1081.4 Temp. deg. F. . . 94 .. 1101.0 VALUES OF e\ OR ez. 70 80 84 1090.3 1094.8 1096.6 98 102 104 1102.7 1104.5 1105.4 88 92 1098.3 1100.1 108 112 1107.1 1108.9 Temp. d< B. T. U Weight of Water Vapor Mixed with 1 Lb. of Air at Atmospheric Pressure. Full Saturation. Values interpolated from table on page 613. Deg. F. Mois- ture, Ib. Deg. Mois- ture, Ib. Deg. Mois- ture. Ib. Deg. Mois- ture, Ib. Deg. Mois- ture, Ib. 32 0.00374 54 0.00874 76 0.01917 98 0.04002 120 0.08099 34 .00406 56 .00940 78 .02054 100 .04270 122 .08629 36 .00439 58 .01012 80 .02200 102 .04555 124 .09193 38 .00475 60 .01089 82 .02353 104 .04858 126 .09794 40 .00514 62 .01171 84 .02517 106 .05182 128 .10437 42 .00555 64 .01259 86 .02692 108 .05527 130 .11123 44 .00600 66 ..01353 88 .02879 110 .05893 132 .11855 46 .00648 68 .01453 90 .03077 112 .06281 134 .12637 48 .00699 70 .01557 92 .03288 114 .06695 136 .13473 50 .00753 72 .01669 94 .03511 116 .07134 138 .14367 52 .00812 74 .01789 96 .03750 118 .07601 140 .15324 - 1082 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Iwt in the two tests on Aug. 2 the H.P. developed was 900 I.H^P. in the first and 400 in the second, the engine being a tandem compound, Corliss type, 20 and 36 X 42 in., 120 r.p.m. J. R. Bibbins (Trans. A.S.M.E., 1909) gives a large amount of informa- tion on the construction and performance of different styles of cooling towers. He suggests a type of combined fan and natural draft tower suited to most efficient running on peak as well as light loads. Evaporators and Distillers are used with marine engines for the pur- pose of providing fresh water for the boilers or for drinking purposes. Weir's Evaporator consists of a small horizontal boiler, contrived so as to be easily taken to pieces and cleaned. The water in it is evaporated by the steam from the main boilers passing through a set of tubes placed in its bottom. The steam generated in this boiler is admitted to the low- Sressure valve-chest, so that there is no loss of energy, and the water con- ensed in it is returned to the main boilers. In Weir's Feed-heater the feed-water before entering the boiler is heated up very nearly to boiling-point by means of the waste water and steam from the low-pressure valve-chest of a compound engine. ROTARY STEAM-ENGINES STEAM TURBINES. Rotary Steam-engines, other than steam turbines, have been invented by the thousands, but not one has attained a commercial success, as regards economy of steam. For all ordinary uses the possible advantages, such as saving of space, to be gained by a rotary engine are overbalanced by its waste of steam. Rotary engines are in use, however, for special pur- poses, such as steam fire-engines and steam feeds for sawmills, in which steam economy is not a matter of importance. impulse and Reaction Turbines. A steam turbine of the simplest form is a wheel similar to a water wheel, which is moved by a jet of steam impinging at high velocity on its blades. Such a wheel was designed by Branca, an Italian, in 1629. The De Laval steam turbine, which is similar in many respects to a Pelton water wheel, is of this class. It is known as an impulse turbine. In a book written by Hero, of Alexan- dria, about 150 B.C., there is shown a revolving hollow metal ball, into which steam enters through a trunnion from a boiler beneath, and escapes tangentially from the outer rim through two arms which are bent backwards, so that the steam by its reaction causes the ball to rotate in an opposite direction to that of the escaping jets. This wheel is the prototype of a reaction turbine. In most modern steam turbines both the impulse and reaction principles are used, jets of steam striking blades or buckets inserted in the rim of a wheel, so as to give it a forward impulse, and escaping from it in a reverse direction so as to react upon it. The name impulse wheel, however, is now generally given to wheels like the De Laval, in which the pressure on the two sides of a wheel con- taining the blades is the same, and the name reaction wheel to one in which the steam decreases in pressure in passing through the blades. The Parsons turbine is of this class. The De Laval Turbine. The distinguishing features of this turbine are the diverging nozzles, in which the steam expands down to the at- mospheric pressure in non-condensing, and to the vacuum pressure in condensing wheels; a single forged steel disk carrying the blades on its periphery; a slender, flexible shaft on which the wheel is mounted and which rotates about its center of gravity; and a set of reducing gears, usually 10 to 1 reduction, to change the very high speed of the turbine to a moderate speed for driving machinery. Following are the sizes and speeds of some De Laval turbines: Horse-power 5 30 100 300 Revolutions per minute 30,000 20,000 13,000 10,000 Diam. to center of blades, ins. 3.94 8.86 19.68 29.92 The number and size of nozzles vary with the size of the turbine. The nozzles are provided with valves, so that for light loads some of them may be closed, and a relatively high efficiency is obtained at light loads. The taper of the nozzles differs for condensing and non-condens- ing turbines. Some turbines are provided with two sets of nozzles, one for condensing and the other for non-condensing operation. The disk of the De Laval turbine is not mounted midway between the shaft bearings, but considerably nearer to the spherical bearing ROTARY STEAM-ENGiNES STEAM TURBINES. 1Q83 at the governor end. At low speeds the shaft bends, but as the speed increases the gyroscopic action of the disk causes it to rotate in a plane at right angles to an axis through the center of gravity of the shaft and disk. The speed just below that at which this takes place, and at which the vibration of the shaft is greatest, is called the critical speed. It is about 1/5 to 1/8 of the normal speed of the turbine. The diameter of the shaft of a De Laval 100-H.P. turbine is 1 in., and that of a 300-H.P. about 15/i 6 in. The teeth of the pinions of the reducing gear are cut in an enlarged section of the shaft. The pitch of the gears is very small, 0.15 in. in the smallest and 0.26 in. in the largest sizes. The shaft is said to be made of 0.60 to 0.80 C steel and the gears of 0.20 C steel. The Zolley or Rateau Turbine. The Zolley or Rateau turbines are developments of the De Laval and consist of a number of De Laval elements in series, each succeeding element utilizing the exhaust steam from the preceding. The steam is partly expanded in the first row of nozzles, strikes the first row of buckets and leaves them with practically zero velocity. It is then further expanded through the second row of nozzles, strikes a second row of moving buckets and again leaves them with zero velocity. This process is repeated until the steam is com- pletely expanded. The Parsons Turbine. In the Parsons, or reaction type of turbine, there are a large number of rows of blades, mounted on a rotor or revolv- ing drum. Between each pair of rows there is a row of stationary blades attached to the casing, which take the place of nozzles. A set of sta- tionary blades and the following set of moving blades constitute what is known as a stage. The steam expands and loses pressure in both sets. The speed of rotation, the peripheral speed of the blades and the velocity of the steam through the blades are very much lower than in the De Laval turbine. The rotor, or drum, on which the moving blades are carried, Is usually made in three sections of different diameters, the smallest at the high-pressure end where steam is admitted, and the largest at the exhaust end. In each section the radial length of the blades and also their width increase from one end to the other, to correspond with the increased volume of steam. The Parsons turbine is built in the United States by the Westinghouse Machine Co. and by the Allis-Chalmers Co. The Westinghouse Double- flow Turbine. For sizes above 5000 K.W. a turbine is built in which the impulse and reaction types are combined. It has a set of non-expanding nozzles, an impulse wheel with two velocity stages (that is two wheels with a set of stationary non-expanding blades between), one intermediate section and two low-pressure sections with Parsons blading. After steam has passed through the impulse wheel and the intermediate section it is divided into two parts, one going to the right and the other to the left hand low-pressure section. There is an exhaust pipe at each end. In this turbine, the end thrust, which has to be balanced in reaction turbines of the usual type, is almost entirely avoided. Other advantages are the reduction in size and weight, due to higher permissible speed; blades and casing are not exposed to high temperatures; reduction of size of exhaust pipes and of length of shaft; avoidance of large balance pistons. The Curtis Turbine, made by the General Electric Company, is an impulse wheel of several stages. Steam is expanded in nozzles and enters a set of three or more blades, at least one of which is stationary. The blades are all non-expanding, and the pressure is practically the same on both sides of any row of blades*. In smaller sizes of turbines, only one set of stationary and movable blades is used, but in large sizes there are from two to five sets, each forming a pressure stage, separated by diaphragms containing additional sets of nozzles. The smaller sizes have horizontal shafts, but the larger ones have vertical shafts supported on a step bearing supplied with oil or water under a pressure sufficient to support the whole weight of the shaft and its attached rotating disks. Curtis turbines are made in sizes from 15 K.W. at 3600 to 4000 revs, per minute up to 9000 K.W. at 750 revs, per minute. The Spiro Turbine consists of two " herring-bone" helical gear wheels meshed together and revolving in a closely fitting casing. The steam enters through two non-expanding nozzles at mid-length of the gears, expands into the spaces between adjacent gear teeth and escapes at 1084 THE STEAM-ENGINE. the outer ends of the teeth when they pass the line of contact between the two rotors. The turbine is made in small sizes, under 100 H.P., and is used non-condensing. Its merits are compactness and simplicity, but it is not economical of steam. Mechanical Theory of the Steam Turbine. In the impulse turbine of the De Laval type, with a single disk containing blades at its rim, steam at high pressure enters the smaller end or throat of a tapering nozzle, and, as it passes through the nozzle, is expanded adiabatically down to the pressure in the casing of the turbine, that is to the pressure of the atmosphere, in a non-condensing turbine, or to the pressure of the vacuum, if the turbine is connected to a condenser. The steam thus expanded has its volume and its velocity enormously increased, its pressure energy being converted into energy of velocity. It then strikes tangentially the concave surfaces of the curved blades, and thus drives the wheel forward. In passing through the blades it has its direc- tion reversed, and the reaction of the escaping jet also helps 'to drive the wheel forward. If it were possible for the direction of the jet to be com- pletely reversed, or through an arc of 180, and the velocity of the blade in the direction of the entering jet was one-half the velocity of the jet, then all the kinetic energy due to the velocity of the jet would be con- verted into work on the blade, and the velocity of the jet with reference to the earth would be zero. This complete reversal, however, is impos- sible, since room has to be allowed between the blades for the passage of the steam, and the blades, therefore, are curved through an arc consid- erably less than 180, and the jet on leaving the wheel still has some kinetic energy, which is lost. The velocity of the entering steam jet also is so great that it is not practicable to give the wheel rim a velocity equal to one-half that of the jet, since that would be beyond a safe speed. The speed of the wheel being less than half that of the entering jet, also causes the jet to leave the wheel with some of its energy unutilized. The mechanical efficiency of the wheel, neglecting radiation, friction, and other internal losses, is expressed by the fraction (E^ #2) * EI, in which EI is the kinetic energy of the steam jet impinging on the wheel and Ez that of the steam as it leaves the blades. In multiple-stage impulse turbines, the high velocity of the wheel is reduced by causing the steam to pass through two or more rows of blades, which rows are separated by a row of stationary curved blades which direct the steam from the outlet of one row to the inlet of the next. The passages through all the blades, both movable and secondary, are parallel, or non-expanding, so that the steam does not change its pressure in passing through them. The wheel with two rows of movable blades running at half the velocity of a single-stage turbine, or one with three rows at one-third the velocity, causes the same total reduction in velocity as the single-stage wheel; and a greater reduction in the velocity of the wheel can be obtained by increasing the number of rows. It is, therefore, possible by having a sufficient number of rows of blades, or velocity stages, to run a wheel at comparatively slow speed and yet have the steam escape from the last set of blades at a lower absolute velocity than is possible with a single-stage turbine. In the reaction turbine . the reduction of the pressure and its conversion into kinetic energy, or energy of velocity, takes place in the blades, which are made of such shape as to allow the steam to expand while passing through them. The stationary blades also allow of expansion in volume, thus taking the place of nozzles. In all turbines, whether of the impulse, reaction, or combination type, the object is to take in steam at high pressure and to discharge it into the atmosphere, or into the condenser, at the lowest pressure and largest volume possible, and with the lowest possible absolute velocity, or velocity with reference to the earth, consistent with getting the steam away from the wheel, and to do this with the least loss of energy in the wheel due to friction of the steam through the passages, to shock due to incorrect shape, or position of the blades, to windage of frictional resistance of the steam in contact with the rotating wheel, or other causes. The minimizing of these several losses is a problem of extreme difficulty which is being solved by costly experiments. Heat Theory of the Steam Turbine. The steam turbine may also be considered as a heat engine, the object of which is to take a pound of NOTARY STEAM-ENGINES STEAM TURBINES. 1085 steam containing a certain quantity of heat, Hi, transform as great a part of this heat as possible into work, and discharge the remaining part, HZ, into the condenser. The thermal efficiency of the operation is (Hi - HZ) -J- HI, and the theoretical limit of this efficiency is (Ti TZ) i- T 2 , in which Ti is the initial and T 2 the final absolute temperature. Referring to temperature entropy dia- gram, Fig. 176, the total heat above 32 F. ff of 1 Ib. of steam at the temperature Ti is J[ represented by the area OACDG and its ^ /I entropy is 0!. Expanding adiabatically to r> Ti d D/ ] TZ part of its heat energy is converted into / work, represented by the area BCDF, I while OABFG represents the heat dis- / Ta/ 1 F charged into the condenser. The total B/ H heat of 1 Ib. of dry saturated steam at TZ / is greater than this by the area EFGH, the fraction FE -5- BE representing moisture in the 1 Ib. of wet steam discharged. If HI = heat units in 1 Ib. of dry steam at the state-point D, and HZ = heat units in 1 Ib. of dry steam at the state-point E, at the temperature Tz, then the energy converted into work =BCDF=Hi -Hz+ (0 2 - 0i) T 2 . This quantity is called the available en- ergy Ea, of 1 Ib. of steam between the j JG temperatures TI and T 2 . ^ , ^ , - If the steam is initially wet, as repre- L _!.$ ]J sented by the state-point d and entropy L ZlzU-* 0*, then the work done in adiabatic expan- ^~ sion is BCdfB, which is equal to E a = FIG. 176. HI -H 2 + (02 - 0i) T 2 - (0i - 0*) (.Ti -Tz). The quantity 0! - 0* = (L/T{) (l-x), in which L = latent heat of evaporation at the temperature Ti, and x = the moisture in 1 Ib. of steam. The values of Hi, HZ, 4>i, 2 , etc., for different temperatures, may be taken from steam tables or diagrams. If the steam is initially superheated to the temperature T s , as repre- sented by the state-point j, the entropy being < 3 , then the total heat at j is Hi + C (T s - Ti), in which C is the mean specific heat of super- heated steam between T\ and T s . The increase of entropy above 0i is 03 -0! = C loge (Ts/Ti). The energy converted into work is E a = Hi - H 2 + (02 - 0l) TZ + [V2 (Ts + TI) - TZ} (03 - 0l) Velocity of Steam in Nozzles. Having obtained the total available energy in steam expanding adiabatically between two temperatures, as shown above, the maximum possible flow into a vacuum is obtained from the common formula, Energy, in foot-pounds, = 1/2 W/g X V 2 , in which Wis the weight (in this case 1 Ib.), V is the velocity in feet per second, and g = 32.2. As the energy E a is in heat units, it is multi- which Wis the weight (in this case 1 Ib.), V is the velocity in feet per second, and g = 32.2. As the energy E a is in heat units plied by 778 to convert it into foot-pounds, and we have V = V778X2gE a = 223.8 \/~W a . This is the theoretically maximum possible velocity. It cannot be obtained in a short nozzle or orifice, but is approximated in the long expanding nozzles used in turbines. In the throat or narrow section of an orifice, the velocity and the weight of steam flowing per second may be found by Napier's or Bateau's formula, see page 876, or from Gras- hof's formula as given by Moyer, F = AoPiW? -H 60, or A = 60 F -f- PO-97, in which A is the area of the smallest section of the nozzle, sq. in., F is the flow of steam (initially dry saturated) in Ibs. per sec., and P is the absolute pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. This formula is appli- cable in all cases where the final pressure P 2 does not exceed 58 % of the initial pressure. For wet steam the formula becomes F = AoP\wi -v- 60 \/~x, Ao = 60 F \/~x -T- PiO.97, in which x is the dryness quality of the inflowing steam, 1 x being the moisture. For superheated steam F = ^oPiO-97 (i -f 0.00065 D) -r- 60; A => 60 F -i- P^-97 (1 -f 0.00065 D), D being the superheat in degrees F. 1086 THE STEAM-ENGINE. When the final pressure p2 is greater than 0.58 P?., a coefficient is to be applied to F in the above formulae, the value of which is most con- veniently taken from a curve given by Rateau. The values of this co- efficient, c, for different ratios of Pi/Pz, are approximately as follows: P 2 -e-Pi= 0.580.60 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.720.740.760.78 C= 1. 0.995 0.985 0.975 0.965 0.955 0.945 0.93 0.91 0.88 0.85 Pa -7- Pi = 0.800.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.940.960.981.00 c= 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.72 0.675 0.625 0.57 0.51 0.42 0.30 0.00 The quality of steam after adiabatic expansion, xz, is found from the formula xz = (x 1 Li/7 T i + X #2) 7VZ/2, (8) in which Q\ and 61 are the entropies of the liquid, LI and Lt the latent heats of evaporation, and Xi and xz the dryness quality, at the initial and final conditions respectively. Curves of steam quality are plotted in an entropy-total heat chart given in Moyer's "Steam Turbines" and also in Marks and Da vis's "Steam Tables and Diagrams." The area of the smallest section or throat of the nozzle being found, the area of any section beyond the throat is inversely proportional to the velocity and directly proportional to the specific volume and to the dryness, or Ai/A = V /Vi X Vi/v X XI/X Q , in which A is in the area in sq. ins., V the velocity in ft. per sec., v the volume of 1 Ib. of steam in cu. ft., and x the dryness fraction, the subscript referring to the smallest section and the subscript 1 to any other section. The ratio Ai/Ao for the largest cross section of a properly designed nozzle depends upon the ratio of the initial to the final pressure. Moyer gives it as Ai/A = 0.172 Pi/Pa + 0.70, and for Pi/P 2 greater than 25, Ai/Ao = 0.175 In practice expanding nozzles are usually made so that an axial sec- tion shows the inner walls in straight lines. The transverse section is usually either a circle or a square with rounded corners. The diver- gence of the walls is about 6 degrees from the axis for the non-condens- ing and as much as 12 degrees for condensing turbines for low vacuums. 'Mover gives an empirical formula for the length between the throat and 'the mouth, L = Vl5 ,4 inches. The De Laval turbine uses a much longer nozzle for mechanical reasons. The entrance to the nozzle above the throat should be well rounded. The efficiency of a well-made nozzle with smooth surfaces as measured by the velocity is about 96 to 97%, corresponding to an energy efficiency of 92 to 94%. Speed of the Blades. If VI = peripheral velocity of the blade, Vi = absolute velocity of the steam entering the blades and a the nozzle angle, or angle of the nozzle to the plane of the wheel, then (in impulse turbines with equal entrance and exit angles of the blade with the plane of the wheel) for maximum theoretical efficiency of the blade, V b = 1/2 Vi cos a. The nozzle angle is usually about 20, cos a = 0.940, and the efficiency of a single row of blades is (0.94 - V b / Vi) 4 V b / Vi. For Vi = 3000 ft. per sec., the efficiency for different blade speeds is about as follows: 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 23 44 60 72 81 87 89 87 80 71 The highest efficiency is obtained when h. V b = about 1/2 V2. It is difficult, for mechan- ical reasons, to use speeds much greater than 500 ft. per sec., therefore the highest effi- ciencies are often sacrificed in commercial I machines. The blade speeds used in practice vary from 500 to 1200 ft. per sec. For an impulse wheel with more than one row of mov- ing blades in a single pressure stage, efficiency 4NV b Referring to Fig. 177, if Vi is the absolute direction and velocity of the entering jet, V b the direction and velocity of the blade, the resultant, Vr, is the velocity and direction of the jet relatively to th blade, and the edge of the blade is made tangent to this direction. Also . 77 ROTARY STEAM-ENGINES STEAM TURBINES. 1087 V x , the resultant of V^ and V r ~at the other edge of the blade, is the absolute velocity and direction of the steam escaping from the wheel. If Q is the angle between V r and Vfr, the maximum energy is abstracted from the steam when the angle between V x and VJF, = 90 - 1/2 8, and the efficiency is cos Q + cos2 1/2 @. For details of design of blades, and of turbines in general, see Moyer, Foster, Thomas, Stodola and other works on Steam Turbines, also Peabody's "Thermodynamics." Calculations of stages, nozzles, etc., are much facilitated by the use of Peabody's " Steam Tables" and Marks and Davis's "Steam Tables and Diagrams." Comparison of Commercial Impulse and Reaction Turbines. (Moyer.) IMPULSE. REACTION. 1. Few stages. 1. Many stages. 2. Expansion in nozzles. 2. No nozzles. 3. Large drop in pressure in a 3. Small drop in pressure in a stage. stage. 4. Initial steam velocities 1000 to 4. All steam velocities low, 300 to 4000 ft. per sec. 600 ft. per sec. 5. Blade velocities 400 to 1200 ft. 5. Blade velocities 150 to 400 ft. per sec. per sec. 6. Best efficiency when the blade 6. Best efficiency when the blade velocity is nearly half the ini- velocity is nearly equal to tial velocity. of steam. the highest velocity of the steam. Xoss due to Windage (or friction of a turbine wheel rotating in steam). Moyer gives for the friction of a plain disk without blades, F w , and of one row of blades without the disk, F^, in horse-power: F w = 0.08 .3dl^tt/100)to-*. (1 + 0.00065 D)*, in which d = diam. of disk to inner edge of blade, in feet ; u = peripheral velocity of disk, in ft. per sec.: w = density of dry saturated steam at the pressure surrounding the disk, in Ibs. per cu. ft., and D = super- heat in degrees F. The sum of F w and F b is the friction of the disk and blades. For moist sieam the term 1 + 0.00065 D if to be omitted, and the expression multiplied by a coefficient c, whose value is approxi- mately as follows: ^fure^nSeam 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 Coefficient c. .. 1.01 1.05 1.10 1.16 1.25 1.37 1.65 2.00 2.44 At high rotative speeds the rotation loss of a non-condensing turbine with wheels revolving in steam at atmospheric pressure is quite large, and in small turbines it may be as much as 20% of the total output. The loss decreases rapidly with increasing vacuum. In a turbine with more than one stage part of the friction loss of rotation is converted into heat which in the next stage is converted into kinetic energy, thus partly compensating for the loss. Efficiency of the Machine. The maximum possible thermodynamic efficiency of a steam turbine, as of any other steam engine, is expressed by the ratio which the available energy between two temperatures bears to the total heat, measured above absolute zero, of the steam at the higher temperature. In the temperature-entropy diagram Fig. 176 it is represented by the ratio of the area BCDF to OACDG. Of this avail- able energy, from 50 to 75 and possibly 80 per cent is obtainable at the shaft of turbines of different sizes and designs. As with steam engines, the highest mechanical and thermal efficiencies are reached only with large sizes and the most expensive designs. The several losses which tend to reduce the efficiency of turbines below the theoretical maximum are- 1, residual velocity, or the kinetic energy due to the velocity of the steam escaping from the turbine; 2, friction and imperfect expansion in the nozzles; 3, windage, or friction due to rotation of the wheel in steam; 4, friction of the steam traveling through the blades; 5, shocks, impacts, eddies, etc., due to imperfect shape or roughness of blades; 6, leakage around the ends of the blades or through clearance spaces; 7, shaft friction: 8, radiation. The sum of all these losses amounts to about 25% of the available energy in the largest and best design and or more in small sizes or poor Designs, 1088 THE STEAM-ENGINE. Steam Consumption of Turbines. The steam consumption of any steam turbine is so greatly influenced by the conditions of pressure, moisture or superheat, and vacuum, that it is necessary to know the effect of these conditions on any turbines whose performances are to be com- pared with each other or with a given standard. Manufacturers usually furnish with their guarantees of performance under standard conditions of pressure, superheat and vacuum, a statement or set of curves showing the amount that the steam consumption per K.W.-hour will be increased or diminished by stated variations from these standard conditions. When a test of steam consumption is made under any conditions varying from the standard, the results should be corrected in order to compare them with other tests. Moyer gives the following example of applying corrections to a pair of tests made in 1907, to reduce them both to a steam pressure of 179 Ibs. gauge, 28.5 iris, vacuum, and 100 F. superheat. 7500-K.W. Westing- house- Parsons. Correc- tions, per cent. 9000-K.W. Curtis. Correc- tions, per cent. Averacre steam pressure 177.5 -0 15 179 Average vacuum, ins., referred 27.3 -3.36 29 55 + 12 39 Avera.se superheat deg F. . 95 7 -0 29 116 + 1 28 Average load on generator K TV. 9830 5 8070 Steam cons Ibs. per K W.-hr. . 15.15 13 Net correction, per cent/ -3.80 + 13.67 Corr. st. cons., Ibs. per K.W.-hr. 14.57 14.77 For the 7500-K.W. turbine, the following corrections given by the manu- facturer were used: pressure, 0.1% for each pound; vacuum, 2.8% for each inch; superheat, 7% for each 100 F. For the 9000-K.W. turbine, the following corrections were used: superheat, 8% for 100 F.; vacuum, 8% for each inch. The results as corrected show that the two turbines would give practi- cally the same economy if tested under uniform conditions. The results are equivalent respectively to 9.58 and 9.72 Ibs. per I. H. P. -hour, as- suming 97% generator efficiency and 91% mechanical efficiency of a steam-engine. The proper correction for moisture in a steam turbine test is stated to be a little more than twice the percentage of moisture. There is a large increase in the disk and blade rotation losses when wet steam is used. Effect of Vacuum on Steam Turbines. M. R. Bump (Power, June 15, 1909) gives the following as the steam consumption per K.W. hour of a 1000 K.W. turbine at full rated load, 175 Ib. gage pressure, 100 superheat: Vacuum, in.. 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Steam per K.W. hr. Ib. . 15.35 16.55 17.50 18.55 19.35 20.00 20.6 21.1 21.6 The gain in economy per inch of vacuum at different vacuums is given as follows in Mech. Engr., Feb. 24, 1906. Inches of Vacuum. 28 27 26 25 Curtis, per cent gain per inch of vacuum. . Parsons, per cent gain per inch of vacuum 5.1 5.0 4.8 4.0 4.6 3.5 4.2 3.0 Westi .ghouse- Parsons, per cent gain per inch of vacuum . 3 14 3.05 2 95 2 87 Theoretical per cent gain per inch of vac.. 5.2 4.4 3.7 3.0 Tests of Turbines. The following results of tests of turbines are selected from a series of tables in Moyer 's "Steam Turbines." ROTARY STEAM-ENGINES STEAM TURBINES. 1089 3^ &* Bfe < o> en Ig ^ *J* |1s? *-* Vacuum, ins. ^ && 2 A A g jH & W- < S| 3& |l1 *-* a SI Si S* 2000 ( C. \ 555 1067 2024 155 170 166 204 120 207 28.5 28.4 28.5 18.09 16.31 15.02 300 ( W.-P.j 233 461 688 145 145 140 4.1 4.8 7.0 28.0 28.0 27.2 15.99 13.99 15.73 5374 182 133 29.4 13.15 383 153 2 28.2 14.15 8070 179 116 7.9.4 13.00 756 149 1 27.8 13.28 10186 176 147 29.5 12.90 500 1122 149 5 26.5 14.32 13900 198 140 29.3 13.60 W.-P. 386 148 3 0.8 24.94 1500 ( 530 1071 145 131 110 124 28.9 28.3 21.58 18.24 767 1144 147 126 3 11 0.8 0.8 22.10 24.36 P. ) 1585 128 125 27.5 17.60 1 nnn ( 752 151 27.5 14.77 300 ( P. I 303 297 158 161 26.6 23.15 34.20 IUUU ) W.-P.| 1503 2253 147 145 27.0 25.2 13.61 15.29 1000 J 194 425 171 144 47 21 27.7 27.6 31.97 24.91 3000 ( W.-P.I 2295 4410 152 144 102 87 26.2 26.2 12.36 11.85 R. 1 871 166 11 23.6 24.61 3OA 196 198 16 27.4 15.62 1024 164 10 25.0 21.98 J\J(J 298 197 64 27.4 14.35 352 199 84 27.2 13.94 C., Curtis; P., Parsons; W.-P., Westinghouse-Parsons; R., Rateau; D M De Laval. Note that the figures of steam consumption in the first half of the table are in Ibs. per K.W.-hour; in second half, in Ibs. per Brake H.P.-hour. A test of a Westinghouse double-flow turbine at the Williamsburff power station, Brooklyn N. Y., gave the following results (Eng. News, Dec. 30, 1909): Speed, 750 r.p.m.; Steam pressure at throttle, 203.4 Ibs.; Superheat, 80.1 F.; Vacuum, 28.6 ins.; Load, 13,384 K.W.; Steam per K.W.-hour, 14.4. Ibs.; Efficiency of generator, 98%; Windage, 2.0%; Equivalent B. H. P., 18,620; Steam per B. H. P.-hour, 10.3 Ib. Efficiency of the Rankine Cycle, and the Rankine Cycle Ratio. An ideal engine operating on the Rankine cycle expands the steam adiabatically to the condenser pressure and the exhaust steam heats the feed water to the condenser temperature. It has no clearance nor loss by leakage or radiation. The efficiency of the Rankine cycle is the quotient of the number of heat-units converted into work by the ideal engine per Ib. of steam divided by the difference between the total heat per Ib. of the entering steam and the total heat of 1 Ib. of feed- water at the condenser temperature. The Rankine Cycle Ratio is the ratio between the thermal efficiency of an actual engine or turbine and the efficiency of an ideal engine operating on the Rankine cycle between the same temperature and pressure limits as those of the actual engine. The available energy of 1 Ib. of steam supplied = heat utilized per Ib. in an ideal engine operating on the Rankine cycle = U = H_ Hz + Tz(Nz - N s ) in which H = heat-units per Ib. of the entering steam, whether saturated or superheated. H 2 = heat units per Ib. of the exhaust steam. Tz absolute temperature of the exhaust. N and Nz = respectively the entropy of the entering and of the exhaust steam. If the exhaust steam is superheated (as it roay be in the case of the high-pressure cylinder of a triple expansion engine using highly super- heated steam) U = H s - H 2 - Tz(N b -~ sit). (These formulae may be derived from a study of the aitropy temperature diagram, page 1085.) EXAMPLE. A steam curbine operating with 225 Ib. absolute pre,~ sure, 150 superheat, and 28,5 in. vacuum uses 10 Ib. of steam per 1090 THE STEAM-ENGINE. brake horse-power hour. Required the available energy per Ib. steam, the Bankine cycle efficiency and the Rankine cycle ratio. H s = 1285.9; H* = 1099.2; Tz = 549.6; h = heat units per Ib. of feed-water at the temperature T 2 = 58. W = Ib. steam per H.P.-hour = 10. A = heat equivalent of one H.P.-hour = 1,980,000 -r- 777.54 = 2546.5 B.T.U.; JV S = 1.6296; N 2 = 2.0058 W(H S - h) = total heat per H.P.-hour = 10 X (1285.9 - 58) = 12,279 B.T.U. Thermal ficiency E = 2546.5 + W(H - h) = 20.74%. Available energy per Ib., U = 1285.9 - 1099.2 + 549.6 (2.0058 - 1.6296) = 393.5 B.T.U. Rankine cycle efficiency ER = U -r- (H s - h) = 393.5 -=- 1227.9 = 32.04%. Rankine cycle-ratio R = E + ER = 20.74 + 32 = 64.7%. Factors for Reduction to Equivalent Rankine Efficiency. When engines are tested with different pressures, superheat and vacuum, it is often desirable to reduce the results to a common standard of assumed conditions. The conditions stated in the above example correspond with good modern practice and they probably furnish as good a standard for comparison as any other. The Rankine cycle efficiency ER, for this set of conditions is 32.04% ; the thermal efficiency, for W = 10 Ib. is 20.74 % ; and the ratio E -f- ER is 64.7 %. For another set of conditions, pressure 150 Ib., vacuum 27 in., and dry saturated steam ER is 27.0. The quotient 32.04 -r 27.0 = 1.187, may be used as a factor to reduce the Rankine efficiency, the Rankine cycle ratio, and the steam consumpti9n per H.P.-hour to the equivalent for stand- ard conditions; thus, equivalent E = 27 X 1.187 = 32.04, equivalent R (assuming W= 11.87 and E = 17.48%) = 17.48 X 1.187 = 20.74, and equivalent W = 11.87 -r- 1.187 = 10 Ib., provided the percentage losses due to friction, radiation and leakage are the same for the two condi- tions. The factor is used as a multiplier to obtain the equivalent thermal efficiency and Rankine cycle ratio, and as a divisor to obtain the equivalent steam consumption. The factor may be found also 32.04 (H s - h), from the equation F = pj -in which H s , h, and U are the values for the given set of conditions. The factors computed by this formula and the efficiency of the Rankine cycle for different conditions are given in the table at the top of p. 1091. Effect of Increase in Pressure, Vacuum and Superheat on Efficiency. Selecting from the table on p. 1091 the figures for Rankine cycle efficiency given in the table below and comparing them by taking differences between consecutive figures in both the horizontal and the vertical rows, we find that the increase of efficiency due to increasing either the pres- sure, the superheat or the vacuum cannot be expressed as a constant percentage, but that it varies with variations in each condition. EFFECT OF VARYING CONDITIONS ON RANKINE CYCLE EFFICIENCY. Pressure, Absolute . 150 Vacuum, In. Superheat. Diff. 150 Diff. 300 Diff. ,27,, 28,, ( 29.... 27.0 28.4 30.8 0.5 1.4 0.6 2.4 0.6 27.5 29.0 31.4 1.1 1.5 1.0 2.4 1.0 28.6 30.0 32.4 1.4 2.4 200 ,27,, 28,, (29.... 28.5 29.9 32.2 0.6 (1.5) 1.4 0.6 (1.5) 0.6 (1.4) 29.1 30.5 32.8 1.4 2.3 1.0(1.4) 30.1 31.5 33.8 1.4 2.3 (1.4) 250 ,27, 28,, (29.... 29.7 31.0 33.2 0.6 (1.2) 1.3 0.6(1.1) 2.2 0.6 (1.0) 30.3 31.6 33.9 0.9 (1.2) 0.9(1.1) 31.2 32.6 34.2 1.4 2.8 The figures in parentheses show the increase in efficiency due taf ROTARY STEAM-ENGINES STEAM TURBINES. 1091 Efficiency of Bankine Cycle, ER (per cent) and Factor JPfor Reduction to Standard Conditions, (225 Lb. Absolute Pressure, 150 Superheat, 28.5 In. Vacuum and Rankine Cycle efficiency of 32 per cent being taken as standard.) Absolut. Pres- sure, Lb. per Sq. In. Vacuum In. Mercury . Superheat, Degrees Fahrenheit. . 50 100 150 200 250 300 150 27 ir oo j EiR 28 ]p 28.5 { f* 29 |F" 27.0 1.187 28.4 1.127 29.4 1.088 30.8 1.040 27.1 1.182 28.5 1.122 29.6 1.083 31.0 1.035 27.3 1.174 28.7 1.115 29.8 1.076 31.1 1.028 27.5 1.163 29.0 1.105 30.0 1.067 31.4 1.020 27.8 1.150 29.3 1.094 30.3 1.057 31.7 1.011 28.2 1.136 29.6 1.081 30.6 1.046 32.0 1.001 28.6 1.122 30.0 1.068 31.0 1.033 32.4 0.989 200 27 { 28 ]' 28.5 {f- 29 {f. 28.5 1.124 29.9 1.072 30.9 1.038 32.2 0.995 28.6 1.119 30.0 1.067 31.0 1.033 32.3 0.990 28.8 1.111 30.2 1.060 31.2 1.026 32.6 0.984 29.1 1.100 30.5 1.051 31.5 1.018 32.8 0.977 29.4 1.090 30.8 1.041 31.8 1.009 33.1 0.968 29.7 1.078 31.1 1.030 32.1 0.998 33.4 0.959 30.1 1.064 31.5 1.018 32.4 0.988 33.8 0.949 225 - 250 27 {f" 28 {? 28.5 |f* 29 jf* 29.1 1.101 30.5 1.052 31.4 1.019 32.7 0.978 29.2 1.096 30.6 1.047 31.6 1.014 32.9 0.973 29.5 1.087 30.8 1.040 31.8 1.008 33.1 0.967 29.7 1.078 31.1 1.031 32.0 1.000 33.4- 0.960 30.0 1.068 31.3 1.022 32.3 0.991 33.6 0.952 30.3 1.056 31.7 1.011 32.6 0.981 34.0 0.943 30.7 1.044 32.0 1.000 33.0 0.971 34.3 0.934 27 jf 78 J E * 28 J F 90 r j ER 28.5 J F 29 j* 29.7 1.079 31.0 1.033 32.0 1.002 33.2 0.963 29.8 1.075 31.1 1.029 32.1 0.998 33.4 0.959 30.0 1.068 31.3 1.022 32.3 0.992 33.6 0.953 30.3 1.059 31.6 1.014 32.6 0.984 33.9 0.946 30.5 1.049 31.9 1.005 32.8 0.975 34.1 0.938 30.9 1.038 32.2 0.995 33.2 0.966 34.5 0.930 31.2 1.026 32.6 0.984 33.5 0.956 34.8 0.920 increase of 50 Ib. in pressure, the superheat and the vacuum being constant. Constant. Increase of Increases Efficiency. Pressure and vacuum j Superheat frc >m 150 to 150 " 300 0.5 t 0.9 o 0.6 a 1.1 v. 0.6 1.0 Pressure and j Vacuum 27 " 28 1.3 1.5 1.4 Superheat 1 28 " 29 2.2 2.4 2.3 Superheat and j Pressure 150 " 200 1.4 1.6 1.5 vacuum 1 200 " 250 1.0 1.2 1.1 W. H. Wallis (Eng'g, April 21, 1911) finds as the results of tests of a compound reaction turbine that the percentage reduction of steam consumption by increasing the vacuum from 25 in. to the figures given was as follows: Vacuum, 27 in.; reduction, 71/2%; 28 in., 12%; 28.6 in., Steam Consumption and Heat Consumption of the Ideal Engine. If the Rankine cycle efficiency is given for a stated set of conditions, 1092 THE STEAM-ENGINE. the corresponding theoretical steam consumption per H. P. -hour may be For the extreme cases in the table on p. 1090, we have: Pres- sure, Lb. Vac., In. Super- heat. ** h. E s. U. W. H s -h W (Hf-h). 150 250 27 29 300 1193.4 1363.5 82.0 44.6 27.0 34.8 299.7 459.1 8.49 5.60 1114.4 1318.9 9461 7376 The figures in the last column, W(H S - h), show the B.T.U. con- sumed (or supplied by the boiler) per H. P. -hour. The number of pounds of steam supplied under the second set of conditions is 33.3 % less than that supplied under the first set, but the saving of heat is only (9461 - 7376)- -v- 9461 = 22%. Westinghouse Turbines at the Manhattan 74th Street Station, New York. Each of the 30,000 Kw. cross-compound units consists of two turbines, a high and a low pressure, side by side. Each half drives a generator, the high pressure running 1500 r.p.m. and the low pressure 750, the generators being tied together electrically. The tur- bines are reaction throughout, having no impulse wheel. The h.p. is a single flow machine and the l.p. a double flow. The turbines are to have a vacuum of 97% = 29.1 in. mercury, or 0.442 Ib. per sq. in. absolute. The boilers will run at 215 Ib. pressure, and at peak of the load, twice each day of 24 hours, will run at 300% of rating. Under- feed stokers. Superheat at throttle, 120. (Power, April 27, 1915). A Steam Turbine Guarantee. A 22,500-Kw. steam turbine built in 1913 by C. A. Parsons Co., Newcastle, England, for the Common- wealth Edison Co., Chicago, was guaranteed as follows: At 750 r.p.m. 200 Ib. pressure by gage, 29 in. vacuum in the condenser Load, Kw.. 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Steam per Kw .-hour, Ib 12.50 11.65 11.25 11.65 Efficiency of a 5000-Kw. Steam Turbine Generator. (F. W. Ballard, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1914.) A plotted diagram of a series of tests shows that the total steam consumption at different loads follows the Willans straight-line law up to the point of maximum efficiency. The turbine was of the Allis-Chalmers-Parsons type, rated at 5000 Kw., 1800 r.p.m., 11,000 volts, A.C. With steam at 225 Ib. gage, superheat 125 F., vacuum 281/2 in., 90% power factor, the steam consumption at different loads was as follows (figures approximate, from the chart) : Load, Kw 2,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,900 Steam per Kw.- hour, Ib 15.5 13.75 13.50 13.20 13.00 13.10 13.30 Total steam per hour, Ib 31,000 55,000 67,500 79,000 85,000 91,500 105,000 Up to a load of 6500 Kw. the total consumption is 9000 + 12 X Kw. load, nearly. The efficiency ratio on the Rankine cycle was 0.68 at 6500 Kw. Comparison of Large Turbines and Reciprocating Engines. Moyer gives a set of curves of the steam consumption of a standard 5000-Kw. turbine generator and a 4-cylinder compound reciprocating steam- engine generator, assuming both units, operating under the same con- ditions. The following figures are taken from the curves: Load in Kilowatts 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 7500 Lb. Steam per Kilowatt-hour. Turbine 16.0 15.5 15.315.25 15.4 15.5 Reciprocating engine: With equal work in cylinders. 18.0 17.4 17.8 19.0 20.8 22.0 Unequal work in cylinders. . 18 . 4 17 . 17 . 2 17 . 5 18.4 19.0 EOTAHY STEAM-ENGINES STEAM TTJEBINES. 1093 Steam Consumption of Small Steam Turbines. Small turbines, from 5 to 200 H.P., are extensively used for purposes where high speed of rotation is not an objection, such as for driving electric generators, cen- trifugal fans, etc., and where economy of fuel is not as important as saving of space, convenience of operation, etc. The steam consump- tion of these turbines varies as greatly as does that of small high-speed steam-engines, according to the design, speed, etc. A paper by Geo. A. Orrok in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1909, discusses the details of several makes of machines. From a curve presented by R. H. Rice in discussion of this paper the following figures are taken showing the steam consumption in Ibs. per B.H.P.-hour of different makes of impulse turbines. Type. Sturte- vant. Terry. Bliss. Bliss. Kerr. Curtis. Curtis. Rated H.P 20 50 100 200 150 50 200 S to lPuflload.'; 11 1/4 load. . . 72 65 61 58 59 49 46 44 58 48 43 40 55 47 42 39 52 44 41 39 44 36 33 31 32 30 29 28 Dry steam, 150 Ibs. pressure; atmospheric exhaust. Mr. Orrok shows that the steam consumption of these turbines largely depends on their peripheral speed. From a set of curves plotted with speed as the base it appears that the steam consumption per B.H.P.-hour ranges about as follows: Peripheral speed, ft. per min 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Steam per B.H.P.-hour 45 to 70 38 to 60 31 to 52 29 to 45 29 to 40 Low-Pressure Steam Turbines. Turbines designed to utilize the ex- haust steam from reciprocating engines are used to some extent. For steam at or below atmospheric pressure the turbine has a great advan- tage over reciprocating engines in its ability to expand the steam down to the vacuum pressure, while a reciprocating condensing engine generally does not expand below 8 or 10 Ibs. absolute pressure. In order to ex- pand to lower pressures the low-pressure cylinder would have to be inordinately large, and therefore costly, and the increased loss from cylinder condensation and radiation would more than counterbalance the gain due to greater expansion. Mr. Parsons (Proc. Inst. Nav. Arch., 1908) gives the following figures showing that the theoretical economy of the combination of a recipro- cating engine and an exhaust steam turbine is about the same whether the turbine receives its steam at atmospheric pressure or at 7 Ibs. abso- lute, the initial steam pressure in the engine being 200 Ibs. absolute and the vacuum 28 ins. Back pressure of engines, Ibs. abs 16 131/2 8 Initial pressure, turbine, Ibs. abs 15 121/2 7 'in engine 178 189 218 in turbine 142 . 131 100 total 320 320 318 The following figures, by the General Electric Co., show the percentage over the output of a condensing reciprocating engine that may be made by installing a low-pressure turbine between the engine and the con- denser, the vacuum being 281/2 ins. Inches vacuum at admission valve 4 8 12 16 20 24 PC* cent of work gained ... 26.1 26.5 26.8 26.3 25.3 23.6 20 It appears that a well-designed reciprocating compound engine work- ing down to about atmospheric pressure is a more efficient machine than a turbine with the same terminal pressure, and that between the atmos- phere and the condenser pressure the turbine is far more economical; therefore a combination of an engine and a turbine can be designed which will give higher economy than either an engine or a turbine work- ing through the whole range of pressure. B.T.U. utilized per Ib. of steam 1094 THE STEAM-ENGINE. When engines are run intermittently, such as rolling-mill and hoisting engines, their exhaust steam may be made to run low-pressure turbines by passing it first into a heat accumulator, or thermal storage system, where it gives up its heat to water, the latter furnishing steam continu- ously to the turbines. (See Thermal Storage, pages 927 and 1014.) The following results of tests of a Westinghouse low-pressure turbine are reported by Francis Hodgkinson. Steam press.. Ib. abs 17.4 12.4 11.8 7.7 5 .2 11.6 8.7 6.1 4.5 Vacuum, ins. 26.0 26.0 27.0 27.0 27. .0 27.8 28.0 27.9 28.0 Brake H .P.. 920 472 592 321 102 586 458 234 114 Steam per B.H.P.-hr., Ibs 27.9 37.1 29.9 37.3 64, 4 28.0 30.4 38.6 54.8 Tests of a 1000-K.W. low-pressure double-flow Westinghouse turbine are reported to have given results as 'follows. (Approximate figures, from a curve.) Load, Brake H.P 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1500 2000 Pressure at inlet, Ibs. abs....- 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.2 8.3 9.4 11.0 13.5 Steam per ) 2?1/2 in yac> ?5 4? 5 3g 33 3Q 2g 26 . 5 24 . 5 hour Ibs ) 28 in ' vac ' 62 42 33 29 27 25.5 24.5 22.5 The total steam consumption per hour followed the Wilians law, being directly proportional to the power after adding a constant for load, viz.: for 27i/2-in. vacuum the total steam consumption per hour was 12,000 Ibs. + 18 X H.P., and for 28-in. vacuum, 9000 Ibs. + 18 X H.P. (approx.). The guaranteed steam consumption of a 7000-K.W. Rateau-Smoot low-pressure turbine generator is given in a curve by R. C. Smoot (Power, June 22, 1909), from which the following figures are taken. The admis- sion pressure is taken at 16 Ibs. absolute and the vacuum 281/2 ins. K.W. output 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Steam per K.W.-hr., Ib.. .. 40 37 32.5 29.5 27.6 26.2 25.7 Over-all efficiency, % 43 47 54 60 65 68 70 The performance of a combined plant of several reciprocating 2000- K.W. engines and a 7000-K.W. low-pressure turbine is estimated as fol- lows, the engines expanding the steam from 215 to"16 Ibs. absolute, and the turbines from 16 Ibs. to 0.75 Ib., the vacuum being 28.5 ins. with the barometer at 30 ins. Engine. Turbine. Theoretical steam per K.W.-hour, Ibs 18 17.8 Steam per K.W.-hr. at switchboard, Ibs 27.7 26.6 Combined efficiency of engine and dynamo, per cent ... 65 67 Steam per K.W.-hour for combined plant = 1 -i- (1/27.7 4- 1/26.6) = 13.6 Ibs. The combined efficiency is 66%, representing the ratio of the energy at the switchboard to the available energy of the steam delivered to the engine and expanded down to the condenser pressure, after allowing for all losses in engine, turbine, and dynamo. Very little difference is made in the plant efficiency if the intermediate pressure is taken anywhere from 3 or 4 Ibs. below atmosphere to 15 or 20 Ibs. above. M. B. Carroll (Gen. Elec. Rev., 1909) gives an estimate of the steam consumption of a combined unit of a 1000-K.W. engine and a low-pres- sure turbine. The engine, non-condensing, will develop 1000 H.P., with 32,000 Ibs. of steam per hour. Allowing 8% for moisture in the exhaust, 29,440 Ibs. of dry steam will be available for the turbine, which at 33 Ibs. per K.W.-hour will develop 893 K.W., making a total output of 1893 K.W. for 32,000 Ibs. steam, or 16.9 Ibs. per K.W.-hour. The engine alone as a condensing engine will develop 1320 K.W. at 24.2 Ibs. per K.W.- hour. The combined unit therefore develops 573 K.W., or 43.5% more than the condensing engine using the same amount of steam. The maximum capacity of the engine, non-condensing, is 1265 K.W., an exhaust valve. In a two-cycle single-acting engine an explosion takes place with every revolution, or with each forward stroke of the piston. Referring to the diagram Fig. 178 and beginning at E, when the exhaust port begins to open to allow the burned gases to escape, the pressure drops rapidly to F. Before the end of the stroke is reached an inlet port opens, admitting a mixture of gas and air from a reservoir in which it has been compressed. This mixture being under pressure assists in driving the burned gases out through the exhaust port. The inlet port and the exhaust port close early in the return stroke, and during the remainder of the stroke BC the mixture, which may include some of the burned gas, is compressed and the ignition takes place at C, as in the four-cycle engine. In one form of the two-cycle engine only compressed air is admitted while the exhaust port is open, the fuel gas being admitted under pressure after the exhaust port is closed. By this means a greater proportion ol the burned gases are swept out of the cylinder. This operation is known as " scavenging." Theoretical Pressures and Temperatures in Gas-Engines. Referring to Fig. 178, let P s be the absolute pressure at B, the end of the suction stroke, P c the pressure at C, the end of the compression stroke; P^the maximum pressure at D, when the gases of combustion are at their highest temperature; P e the pressure at E, when the exhaust valve begii to open For the hypothetical case of a cylinder with walls incapable of absorbing or conducting heat, and of perfect and instantaneous combustion INTEKNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. lOlJ? or explosion of the fuel, ail ideal diagram might be constructed which would have the following characteristics. In a four-cycle engine receiv- ing a charge of air and gas at atmospheric pressure and temperature, the pressure at B, or P s , would be 14.7 Ibs. per sq. in. absolute, and the temperature say 62 F. f or 522 absolute. The pressure at C, or P c , would depend on the ratio V t -i- Vz, V\ being the original volume of the mixture in the cylinder before compression, or the piston displacement plus the volume of the clearance space, and Vz the volume after compression, or the clearance volume, and its value would be P c = P s (Vi/Vz) n . The absolute temperature at the end of compression would be T c = 522 X ( IV F 2 ) n ~\ or it may be found from the formula P S F 5 -H T s = P C V C + T c , the subscripts s and c referring respectively to conditions at the beginning and end of compression. The compression would be adiabatic, and the value of the exponent n would be about the value for air, or 1.406. The work done in compressing the mixture would be calculated by the formula for compressed air (see page 634). The theoretical rise of tempera- ture at the end of the explosion, T x , above the temperature at the end of the compression T c may be found from the formula (T x - T c ) C v = H, in which // is the amount of heat in British thermal units generated by the combustion of the fuel in 1 Ib. of the mixture, and C v the mean specific heat, at constant volume, of the gases of combustion between the tem- peratures T x and T c . Having obtained the temperature, the correspond- n Ing pressure P x may be found from the formulaP^ = P C X (T x /T c } n ~' i . In like manner the pressure and temperature at the end of expansion, P e and T e , and the work done during expansion, may be calculated by the formula for adiabatic expansion of air. The ideal diagram of the adiabatic compression of air, instantaneous heating, and adiabatic expansion, differs greatly from the actual diagram of a gas-engine, and the pressures, temperatures, and amount of work done are different from those obtained by the method described above. In the first place the mixture at the beginning of the compression stroke is usually below atmospheric pressure, on account of the resistance of the inlet valve, in a four-cycle engine, but may be above atmospheric pressure in a two-cycle engine, in which the mixture is delivered from a receiver under pressure. Then the temperature is much higher than that of the atmosphere, since it is heated by the walls of the cylinder as it enters. The compression is not adiabatic, since heat is received from the walls during the first part of the stroke. If the clearance space is small and the pressure and temperature at the end of compression there- fore high, the gas may give up some heat to the walls during the latter part of the stroke. The explosion is not instantaneous, and during its continuance heat is absorbed by the cylinder walls, and therefore neither the temperature nor the pressure found by calculation will be actually reached. Poole states that the rise in temperature produced by com- bustion is from 0.4 to 0.7 of what it would be with instantaneous com- bustion and no heat loss to the cylinder walls. Finally the expansion is not adiabatic, as the gases of combustion, at least during the first part of the expanding stroke, are giving up heat to the cylinder. Calculation of the Power of Gas-Engines. If the mean effective pres- sure in a gas-engine cylinder be obtained from an indicator diagram, its power is found by the usual formula for steam-engines, H.P. = PLAN + 33,000, in which P is the mean effective pressure in Ibs. per sq. in., L the length of stroke in feet, A the area of the piston in square inches, and N the number of explosion strokes per minute. For purposes of design, however, the mean effective pressure either has to be assumed from a knowledge of that found in other engines of the same type and working under the same conditions as those of the design, or it may be calculated from the ideal air diagram and modified by the use of -a coefficient or diagram factor depending on the kind of fuel used and the compression pressure. Lucke gives the following 1098 INTEKNALr-COMBUSTtON ENGINES. factors for four-cycle engines by which the mean effective pressure of a theoretical air diagram is to be multiplied to obtain the actual M.E.P. for the several conditions named. Kind of Fuel and Method of Use. Compres- sion. Gauge Pressure. Factor. Per Cent- Kerosene when previously vaporized Lb. 45-75 30-40 Kerosene injected on a hot bulb may be as low as 20 Gasoline used in carburetor requiring a vacuum 25-40 Gasoline with but little initial vacuum. 80-130 50-30 Producer gas 100-160 56-40 Coal gas . Av. 80 Av. 45 Blast-furnace gas 130-180 48-30 Natural gas. 90-140 52-40 Factors for two-cycle engines are about O.S those for four-cycle engines. Pressures and Temperatures at end of Compression and at Re- lease. The following tables, greatly condensed from very full tables given by C. P. Poole, show approximately the pressures and tempera- tures that may be realized in practice under different conditions. Poole says that the value of n, the exponent in the formula for compression, ranges from 1.2 to 1.38, these being extreme cases; the values most commonly obtained are from 1.28 to 1.35. The tables for compression pressures and temperatures are based on n = 1.3 and 1.4, on compres- sion ratios or Vi/Va from 3 to 8, on absolute pressures in the cylinder before compression from 13 to 16 Ibs., and on absolute temperatures before compression of 620 to 780 (160 to 320 F.). The release pres- sures and temperatures are based on values of n of 1.29 and 1.32, abso- lute pressures at the end of the explosion from 240 to 360 Ibs. per sq. in., and absolute temperatures at the end of the explosion of 1800 to 3000 F. COMPRESSION PRESSURES. s d *f n= 1.3. I C n n= 1.34. a o.2 o oi P s =13 13.5 14 15 16 J"tf P s =13 13.5 ,4 15 16 3.00 54.2 56.3 58.4 62.6 66.7 3.00 56.7 58.9 61.0 65.4 69.7 4.00 78.8 81.9 84 9 90.9 97.0 4.00 83.3 86.5 89 7 96.1 102.5 5.00 105.4 109.4 113,5 121.6 129.7 5.00 112.3 116.7 121.0 129.6 138.3 6.00 133.5 138.7 143.8 154.1 164.3 6.00 143.4 148.9 154.5 165.5 176.5 7.00 163.2 169.4 175 7 188.3 200.8 7.00 176.3 183.1 189.9 203.5 217.0 8.00 194.0 201.5 209.0 223.9 238.7 8.00 210.9 219.0 227.1 243.4 259.6 COMPRESSION TEMPERATURES. Compres- sion Ratio r c . n = 1.3, Compres- sion Ratio r c . n=1.34. T 1 s 620 660 700 740 780 T s = 620 901 993 1072 1140 1201 1257 660 959 1057 1141 1214 1279 1338 700 740 780 1133 1250 1348 1434 1512 1582 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 862 940 1005 1061 1112 1157 918 1000 1070 1130 1183 1232 973 1061 1134 1198 1255 1306 1029 1122 1199 1267 1327 1381 1084 1182 1264 1335 1398 1456 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 1017 1122 1210 1287 1357 1420 1075 1186 1279 1361 1434 1501 INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES. 1009 ABSOLUTE PRESSURES PER SQUARE INCH AT RELEASE. Corresponding to Explosion Pressures commonly obtained. NOTE: The expansipn ratios in the left-hand column are based on the volume behind the piston when the exhaust valve begins to open. "w ** n e =1.29. a _o ^ n.-IJ2. K "^ Value of Pa- a-| Value of P x p4 240 270 300 330 360 &# 240 270 300 330 360 3.00 58.2 65.4 72.7 80.0 87.2 3 00 56.3 63 3 70.4 77.4 84.4 4.00 40.1 45.2 50.2 55.2 60.2 4.00 38.5 43.3 48.1 52.9 57.8 5.00 30.1 33.9 37.6 41.4 45.1 5 00 28.7 32.3 35.8 39.4 43.0 6.00 23.8 26.8 29.7 32.7 35.7 6.00 22.5 25.4 28.2 31.0 33.8 7.00 19.5 21.9 24.4 26.8 29.2 7 00 18.4 20.7 23.0 25.3 27.6 8.00 16.4 18.5 20.5 22.6 24.6 8.00 15.4 17.3 19.3 21.2 23.1 ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURES AT RELEASE. Corresponding to Explosion Temperatures commonly obtained. Expansion Ratio r e . n e =1.29. Expansion Ratio r e . n e =1.32. Value of T x 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 Value of T x 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3 00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 1309 1204 1129 1070 1024 985 1527 1405 1317 1249 1194 1149 1745 1606 1505 1427 1365 1313 1963 1806 1693 1606 1536 1477 2182 2007 1881 1784 1706 1641 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 1266 1155 1075 1015 966 925 1478 1348 1255 1184 1127 1079 1689 1540 1434 1353 1288 1234 1900 1733 1613 1522 1449 1388 2111 1925 1792 1691 1610 1542 Pressures and Temperatures after Combustion. According to Poole, the maximum temperature after combustion may be as high as 3000 absolute, F., and the maximum pressure as high as 400 Ibs. per sq. in. absolute; these are high figures, however, the more usual figures being about 2300 and 250 Ibs. Poole gives the following figures for the average rise in pressure, above the pressure at the end of compres- sion, produced by combustion of different fuels, with different ratios of compression. AVERAGE PRESSURE RISE IN LBS. PER SQ. IN. PRODUCED BY COMBUSTION. 4 A d 1 Ilium. Gas 650B.T.U.* Gasoline. o 0> M 4 3 d 1 Natural Gas 1000 B.T.U.* t o eg K d 1 Producer Gas 150B.T.U.* .2 I d 1 Blast-Furnace Gas 100 B.T.U.* 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 146 156 166 175 185 195 195 208 221 234 247 260 168 179 190 202 213 224 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 192 202 211 221 230 240 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 225 234 243 252 261 270 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 211 218 225 232 239 246 * Per cubic foot measured at 32 F. The following figures are given by Poole as a rough approximate ide to the mean effective pressures iu Ibs. per sq. in. obtained with 1100 INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES. different fuels and different compression pressures in a four-cycle engine. In a two-cycle engine the mean effective pressure of the pump diagram should be subtracted. The delivery pressure is usually from 4 to 8 Ibs. per sq. in. above the atmosphere, and the corresponding mean effective pressure of the pump about 3.8 to 7. PROBABLE MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE. SUCTION ANTHRACITE PRODUCER GAS. MOND PRODUCER GAS. Engine Compression Pressure, abs. Ibs. per sq. in. Engine H.P. Compression Pressure. too 115 130 145 160 100 115 130 145 160 10 25 50 100 250 500 55 60 65 70 75 80 60 65 70 75 80 85 65 70 75 80 85 90 75 80 85 90 90 80 85 90 90 10 25 50 100 250 500 60 65 65 70 75 65 65 70 70 75 80 65 65 70 75 80 85 65 70 75 80 85 90 75 80 85 90 90 NATURAL AND ILLUMINATING GASES. Engine Compression Pressure. Engine H.P. Compression Pressures. 65 75 85 100 115 75 85 100 115 130 10 25 50 60 65 70 65 70 75 70 75 80 75 80 90 85* 90 100 250 500 80 85 85 90 95 90 95 100 95 100 105 100 105 110 KEROSENE SPRAY. GASOLINE VAPOR. Engine H.P. ^ Compression Pressures. Engine H.P. Compression Pressures. 65 75 85 100 115 65 70 75 80 85 75 85 80 85 90 95 100 85 90 90 95 5 10 25 50 50 55 60 65 55 60 65 70 60 65 70 75 65 70 75 80 70 75 80 85 5 10 25 50 75 80 85 90 Sizes of Large Gas Engines. From a table of sizes of the Nu'rnberg gas engine, as built by the Allis-Chalmers Co., the following figures are taken. These figures relate to two-cylinder tandem double-acting engines. Diam. cyl., ins Stroke cyl., ins Revs, per min 18 24 150 20 24 150 21 30 125 22 30 125 24 30 125 24 36 115 26 36 115 28 36 115 30 42 100 32 42 100 Piston speed, ft. per min 600 600 625 625 625 690 690 690 700 700 Rated B.H.P 260 320 370 405 490 545 630 740 855 985 Factor C Diam., ins Stroke, ins 0.8 34 42 0.8 36 48 0.84 38 48 0.84 40 48 0.85 42 54 0.95 44 54 0.93 46 54 0.94 48 60 0.95 50 60 0.96 52 62 Revs, per min . 100 92 92 92 86 86 86 78 78 78 Piston speed... 700 736 736 736 774 774 774 780 780 780 Rated B.H P. 1105 1300 1460 1630 1875 2080 2280 2475 2720 2950 Factor C... 0.96 1 1.01 1.02 1.0ft 1.07 1 08 1.07 1.09 1 Oft The figures "factor C" are the values of C in the equation B.H.P. = C X -D 2 , in which D = diam. of cylinder in ins. For twin-cylinder double- acting engines, multiply the B.H.P. and the value of C by 0.95; for twin- INTEKNAL-COMBTISTION ENGINES. ,1101 tandem double-acting engines, multiply by 2; for two-cylinder single- acting, or for single-cylinder double-acting engines, divide by 2; for single-acting single-cylinders, divide by 4. The figures for B.H.P. corre- spond to mean effective pressures of about 66, 68, and 70 Ibs. per sq. in. for 20, 40, and 50 in. cylinders respectively if we assume 0.85 as the me- chanical efficiency, or the ratio B.H.P. * I.H.P. .Engine Constants for Gas Engines. The following constants for figuring the brake H.P. of gas engines are given in Power, Dec. 7, 1909. They refer to four-stroke cycle single-cylinder engines, single acting; for double-acting engines multiply by 2. Producer gas, 0.000056. Illumi- nating gas, 0.000065. Natural gas, 0.00007. Constant X diam. 2 X stroke in ins. X revs, per min.= probable B.H.P. A deduction should be made for the space occupied by the piston rods, about 5% for small engines up to 10% for very large engines. Rated Capacity of Automobile Engines. The standard formula for the American Licensed Automobile Manufacturers Association (called the A. L. A. M. formula) for approximate rating of gasoline engines used in automobiles is Brake H.P. = Diam. 2 X No. of cylinders -* 2.5. It is based on an assumed piston speed of 1000 ft. per min. The following ratings are derived from the formula: Bore, ins ......... 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 Bore, mm ......... 64 76 89 H. P., 1 cylinder... . 2V2 3.6 4.9 9.8 19.6 29.4 . ., .. H.P., 2 cylinders... H.P., 4 " ... H.P., 6 " ... 5 10 15 . 7.2 14.4 21.6 4 102 6.4 12.8 25.6 38. 4V 2 114 8.1 16.2 ?2 ~: 4 6 5 127 10 20 5V2 140 12.1 24.2 4 48 6 154 14.4 28.8 57.6 86.4 A committee of the Institution of Automobile Engineers recommends the following formula: B.H.P. = 0.45 (d + s) (d - 1.18)N, in which d = diam., in., s = stroke, in., N = number of cylinders. The formula was derived from the results of tests of engines in first-class condition on the test bench. For ordinary engines on the road the result should be multiplied by 0.6. (Eng'g, Feb. 10, 1911.) The American Power Boat Association's formula for rating 2-cycle engines is H.P. = area of piston X number of cylinders X length of stroke X 1.5. Approximate Estimate of the Horse-power of a Gas Engine.. From the formula I.H.P. = PLAN -* 33,000, in which P= mean effective pressure in Ibs. per sq. in., L = length of stroke in ft., A = area of piston in sq. ins., N = No. of explosion strokes per min., we have I.H.P. = Pd 2 5-*- 42,017, in which c/ = diam. of piston, and S = piston speed in ft. per min., for an engine in which there are two explosion strokes in each revolution, as in a 4-cycle double-acting, 2-cylinder engine, or a 2-cycle, 2-cylinder, single-acting engine. If the mechanical efficiency is taken at 0.84. then the brake horse power B.H.p. = Pd*S * 50,000. Under average con- ditions the product of P and S is in the neighborhood of 50,000, and in that case B.H.P. = d 2 . -Generally, B.H.P. = CX d 2 , in which C is a coefficient having values as below: M.E.P. Lbs. per Sq. In. Piston Speed, Ft. per Minute. 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Value of C for Two Explosions per Revolution. 150 60 70 80 90 100 110 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 0.60 0.72 0.84 0.96 1.08 1.20 1.32 0.70 0.84 0.98 1.12 1.26 1.40 1.54 0.80 0.96 .12 .28 .44 .60 .76 0.90 .08 .26 .44 .62 .80 .98 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 These values of C apply to 4-cylinders, 4-cycle, single-acting, to 2- cyl., 2-cycle, single-acting, and to 1-cyl., 2-cycle double-acting. For single cylinders, 4-cycle, single-acting, divide by 4; for single cylinders, 4-cycle, double-acting, or 2-cycle, single-acting, divide by 2. Oil and Gasoline Engines. The lighter distillates of petroleum, such as gasoline, are easily vaporized at moderate temperatures, and a gaso- line engine differs from a gas-engine only in having an atomizer attached, 1102 INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES. for spraying a fine jet of the liquid into the air-admission pipe. With kerosene and other heavier distillates, or crude oils, it is necessary to provide some method of atomizing and vaporizing the oil at a high temperature, such as injecting it into a hot vaporizing chamber at the end of the cylinder, or into a chamber heated by the exhaust gases. 1 The Diesel Oil Engine. The distinguishing features of the Diesel engine are: It compresses air only, to a predetermined temperature above the firing point of the fuel. This fuel is blown as a cloud of vapor (by air from a separate small compressor) into the cylinder when compres- sion has been completed, ignites spontaneously without explosion, solely by reason of the heat of the air generated by the compression, and burns steadily with no essential rise in pressure. The temperature of gases, developed and rejected, is much lower than with engines of the explosive type. The engine uses crude oil and residual petroleum prod- ucts. Guarantees of fuel consumption are made as low as 8 gallons of oil (not heavier than 19 Baume) for each 100 brake H.P. hour at any load between half and full rated load. American Diesel engines are built for stationary purposes, in sizes of 120, 170, and 225 H.P. in three cylinders, and in "double units" (six cylinders) of 240, 340 and 450 H.P. See catalogue of the American Diesel Engine Co., St. Louis, 1909. Much larger sizes have been built in Europe, where they are also built for marine purposes, including submarines in the French and other navies. For the theory of the Diesel engine see a lecture by Rudolph Diesel, in Zeit. des Ver Deutscher Ing., 1897, trans, in Progressive Age, Dec. 1 and 15, 1897, and paper by E. D. Meier in Jour. Frank. Inst. t Oct. 1898. The De La Vergne Oil Engine is described in Eng. News, Jan. 13, 1910. It is a four-cycle engine. After the charge of air is compressed to about 200 Ibs. per sq. in., the charge of oil is injected, by a jet of air at about 600 Ibs. per sq. in., into a vaporizing bulb at the end of the cylinder. Ig- nition of the oil is caused by the high temperature in this bulb. Average results of tests of an engine developing 128 H.P. showed an oil consump- tion per B.H.P. hour of 0.408 Ib. with Solar fuel oil, and 0.484 Ib. with California crude oil. Alcohol Engines. Bulletin No. 392 of the U.S. Geol. Survey (1909,) on Comparisons of Gasolene and Alcohol Tests in Internal Combustion Engines, by R. M. Strong, contains the following conclusions: The "low" heat value of completely denatured alcohol will average 10,500 B.T.U. per Ib., or 71,900 B.T.U. per gallon. The low heat value of 0.71 to 0.73 sp. gr. gasolene will average 19,200 B.T.U. per Ib., or 115,800 B.T.U. per gallon. A gasolene engine having a compression pressure of 70 Ibs. but other- wise as well suited to the economical use of denatured alcohol as gasolene, will, when using alcohol, deliver about 10% greater maximum power than when using gasolene. When the fuels for which they are designed are used to an equal advan- tage, the maximum B.H.P. of an alcohol engine having a compression pressure of 180 Ibs. is about 30% greater than that of a gasolene engine of the same size and speed having a compression pressure of 70 Ibs. Alcohol diluted with water in any proportion, from denatured alcohol, which contains about 10% water, to mixtures containing about as much water as denatured alcohol, can be used in gasolene and alcohol engines if the engines are properly equipped and adjusted. When used in an engine having constant compression, the amount of pure alcohol required for any given load increases and the maximum available horse- power of the engine decreases with diminution in the percentage of pure alcohol in the diluted alcohol supplied. The rate of increase and decrease, respectively, however, is such that the use of 80% alcohol instead of 90% has but little effect upon the performance; so that if 80% alcohol can be had for 15% less cost than 90% alcohol and could be sold without tax when denatured, it would be more economical to use the 80% alcohol. Ignition. The "hot-tube" method of igniting the compressed mixture of gas and air in the cylinder is practically obsolete, and electric systems are used instead, Of these the " make-and-break " and the " jump- Spark " systems are in common use, In the former two insulated contact INTEKNAIi-COMBUSTiON ENGINES. 1103 pieces are located in the end of the cylinder, and through them an electric current passes while they are in contact. A spark-coil is included in the circuit, and when the circuit is suddenly broken at the proper time for ignition, by mechanism operated from the valve-gear shaft, a spark is made at the contacts, which ignites, the gas. In the "jump-spark" system two insulated terminals separated about 0.03 in. apart are located in the cylinder, and the secondary or high-tension current of an induction coil causes a spark to jump across the space between them when the circuit of the primary current is closed by mechanism operated by the engine. In some oil engines the mixture of air and oil vapor is ignited automatically by the temperature generated by compression of the vapor, in a chamber at the end of the cylinder, called the vaporizer, which is not water-jacketed and therefore is kept hot by the repeated ignitions. Before starting the engine the vaporizer is heated by a Bunsen burner or other means. Timing. By adjusting the cam or other mechanism operated by the valve-gear shaft for causing ignition, the time at which the ignition takes place, with reference to the end of the compression stroke, can be regulated. The mixture is usually ignited before the end of the stroke, the advance depending upon the inflammability of the mixture and on the speed of the engine. A slow-burning mixture requires to be ignited earlier than a rapid-burning one and a high-speed earlier than a slow-speed engine, Governing. - Two methods of governing the speed of an engine are in common use, the " hit-and-miss " and the throttling methods. In the former the engine receives its usual charge of air and gas only when the engine is running at or below its normal speed; at higher speeds the ad- mission of the charge is suspended until the engine regains its normal speed. One method of accomplishing this is to interpose between the valve-rod and its cam or other operating mechanism, a push-rod, or other piece, the position of which with reference to the end of the valve- rod is controlled by a centrifugal governor so that it hits the valve-rod if the speed is at or below normal and misses it if the speed is above normal. The hit-and-miss method is economical of fuel, but it involves irregularity of speed, making a large and heavy fly-wheel necessary if reasonable uniformity of speed is desired. The throttling method of regulating is similar to that used in throttling steam engines; the quantity of mixture admitted at each charge being varied by varying the position of a butter- fly valve in the inlet pipe. Cut-off methods of governing are also used, such as varying the time of closing the admission valve during the suction stroke, or varying the time of admission of the gas alone, or " quality regulation." Gas and Oil Engine Troubles. The gas engine is subject to a greater number of troubles than the steam engine on account of its greater mechanical complexity and of the variable quality of its operating fluid. Among the causes of troubles are: the variable composition of the fuel; too much or too little air supply; compression ratio not right for the kind of fuel; ignition timer set too late or too early; pre-ignition; back- firing; electrical and mechanical troubles with the igniting system; carbon deposits in the cylinder and on the igniting contacts. For a very full discussion of these and many other troubles and the remedies for them, see Jones on the Gas-Engine. Conditions of Maximum Efficiency. The conditions which appear to give the highest thermal efficiency in gas and oil engines are: 1, high temperature of cooling water in the jackets; 2, high pressure at the end of compression; 3, lean mixture; 4, proper timing of the ignition; 5, maximum load. The higher economy of a lean mixture may be due to the fact that high compressions may be used with such a mixture, while with rich mixtures high compression pressures cannot be used without danger of pre-ignition. The effect of different timing on economy is shown in a test by J. R. Bibbins, reported by Carpenter and^)iederichs, of an engine using natural gas of a lower heating value* of 934 B.T.U. per cu. ft., delivering 71 H.P. at 297 revs, per min. The maximum thermal efficiency, 23.3%, was obtained when the timing device was set for igni-- * By "lower heating value" is meant the value computed after sub- tracting the latent heat of evaporation of 9 Ibs. of water per pound of hydrogen contained in the gas. bee page 561. 1104 INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES. tlon 30 in advance of the dead center, while the efficiency with ignition at the center was 19%, and with ignition 55 in advance 17.3%. Other things being equal, the hotter the walls of the cylinder the less heat is transferred into them from the hot gases, and therefore the highei the efficiency. Cool walls, however, allow of higher compression without pre-ignition, and high compression is a cause of high efficiency. Cool walls also tend to give the engine greater capacity, since with hot walls the fuel mixture expands more on entering the cylinder, reducing the weight of charge admitted in the suction stroke. Heat Losses in the Gas Engine* The difference between the thermal efficiency, which is the proportion of heat converted into work in the engine, and 100%, is the loss of heat, which includes the heat carried away in the jacket water, that carried away in the waste gases, and that lost by radiation. The relative amounts of these three losses vary greatly, depending on the size of the engine and on the amount of water used for cooling. Thurston, in Heat as a Form of Energy, reports a test in which the heat distribution was as follows: Useful work, 17.3%; jacket water, 52%; exhaust gas, 16%; radiation, 15%. Carpenter and Diederichs quote the following, showing that the distribution of the heat losses varies with the rate of compression and with the speed. Ratio of Com- pres- sion. R.p.m. M.E.P. Ibs. per sq. in. Ratio Air to Gas. Heat- ing Value of Charge, B.T.U. Work done by 1 B.T.U., Ft.-lbs. Ex- haust Temp. Deg. F. Heat Distribution, Per Cent. Work. Jacket Water. Ex- haust. 2.67 187 54.3 7.11 18.5 .140 1022 18.0 51.2 30.8 2.67 247 51.5 7.35 17.4 141 1137 18.1 45.6 36.3 4.32 187 69.3 7.43 17.0 190 867 24.4 53.8 21.8 4.32 247 65.2 7.40 16.8 184 992 23.7 49.5 26.8 In the long table of results of tests reported by Carpenter and Diede- richs, figures of the distribution of heat show that of the total heat re- ceived by the engines the heat lost in the jacket water ranged from 25.0 to 50.4%, and that lost in the exhaust gases from 55 to 23.4%. In small air-cooled gasoline engines, such as those used in some auto- mobile engines, in which the cylinders are surrounded by thin metal ribs to increase the radiating surface, and air is propelled against them by a fan, the air takes the place of the jacket water, and the total loss of heat is that carried away by the air and by the exhaust gases. Economical Performance of Gas Engines. The best performance of a gas engine using producer gas (1909) is about 30% better than the best recorded performance of a triple-expansion steam engine, or about 0.71 Ib. coal per I.H.P. hour, as compared with 1.06 Ibs. for the steam engine. It is probable that the performance of the combination of a high-pressure reciprocating engine, using superheated steam generated in a well-proportioned boiler supplied with mechanical stokers and an econo- mizer, and a low-pressure steam turbine will ere long reduce the steam engine record to 0.9 Ib. per I.H.P. hour. As compared with an ordinary steam engine, however, the gas engine with a good producer is far more economical than the steam engine. Where gas can be obtained cheaply, such as the waste-gas from blast furnaces, or natural gas, the gas-engine can furnish power much more cheaply than it can be obtained from the same gas burned under a boiler to furnish steam to a steam engine. In tests made for the U. S. Geological Survey at the St. Louis Exhibi- tion, 1904, of a 235-H.P. gas engine with different coals, made into gas In the same producer, the best result obtained was 1.12 Ibs. of West Virginia coal per B.H.P. hour, and the poorest result 3.23 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour, with North Dakota lignite. A 170-H.P. Crossley (Otto) engine tested in England in 1892, using producer gas, gave a consumption of 0.85 Ib. coal per I.H.P. hour, or a thermal efficiency of engine and producer combined of 21.3%. Experiments on a Taylor gas producer using anthracite coal and a TESTS OF GAS AND OIL ENGINES. 1105 100-H.P. Otto gas engine showed a consumption of 0.97 Ib. carbon per I.H.P. hour. (Iron Age, 1893.) In a table in Carpenter and Diederichs on Internal Combustion Engines the lowest recorded coal consumption per B.H.P. hour is 0.71 Ib., with a Tangye engine and a suction gas producer, using Welsh anthracite coal. Other tests show figures ranging from 0.74 Ib. to 1.95, the last with a Westingnouse 500-H.P. engine and a Taylor producer using Colorado bituminous coal. In the same book are given the following figures of the thermal efficiency on brake H.P. with different gas and liquid fuels. Illuminating gas, 6 tests, 16.1 to 31.0%; natural gas, 4 tests, 16.1 to 29.0%; coke-oven gas, 1 test, 27.5%; Morid gas, 1 test, 23.7%; blast-furnace gas, Stests, 20.4 to 28.2%; gasoline, 8 tests, 10.2 to 28%; kerosene, Diesel engine, 3 tests, 25. 8 to 31.9%; kerosene, other engines, 8 tests, 9.2 to 19.7%; crude oil, Diesel engine, 1 test, 28.1%; alcohol, 4 tests, 21.8 to 32.7%. Tests of Diesel engines operating centrifugal pumps in India are reported in Eng. News, Nov. 25, 1909. Using Borneo petroleum residue of 0.934 sp. gr., and a fuel value of 18,600 B.T.U. per Ib., an average of 151 B.H.P. during a season, for a total of 6003 engine hours, was obtained with a consumption of 0.462 Ib. of fuel per B.H.P. hour, or one B.H.P. for about 8600 B.T.U. per hour, equal to a thermal efficiency of 29.5%. The pump efficiency at maximum lift of 14 to 16 ft. was 70%, and the fuel consumption per water H.P. hour at the same lift was 0.7 Ib. Utilization of Waste Heat from Gas Engines. The exhaust gases from a gas engine may be used to heat air by passing them across a nest of tubes through which air is flowing. A design of this kind, for heating the Ives library building, New Haven, Conn., by Harrison Engineering Co., New York, is illustrated in Heat, and Vent. Mag., Jan., 1910. The waste heat might also be used in a boiler to generate steam at or below atmospheric pressure, for use in a low pressure steam turbine. On account of the comparatively low temperature of the exhaust gases, however, the boiler would require a much greater extent of heating sur- face for a given capacity than a boiler with an ordinary coal-fired furnace. RULES FOR CONDUCTING TESTS OF GAS AND OIL ENGINES. (Abstract from the A. S. M. E. Code of 1915.) Object and Preparations. Determine the object, take the dimensions, note the physical condi- tion of the engine and its appurtenances, install the testing appliances, etc., as explained in the general instructions, and make preparations for the test accordingly. Operating Conditions. Determine what the operating conditions should be to conform to the object in view, and see that they prevail throughout the trial. Duration. The test of a gas or oil engine with substantially constant load should be continued for such time as may be necessary to obtain a number of successive records covering periods of half an hour or less during which the results are found to be uniform. In such cases a duration of three to five hours is sufficient for all practical purposes. Starting and Stopping. The engine having been set to work under the prescribed condi- tions, the test is begun at a certain predetermined time by commencing to weigh the oil, or measure the gas, as the case may be, and taking other data concerned; after which the regular measurements and observations are carried forward until the end. Calorific Tests and Analyses. The quality of the oil or gas should be determined by calorific tests and analyses made on representative samples. 1106 INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES. Calculation of Results. The ascertained volume of gas is reduced to the equivalent volume at a temperature of 60 deg. and at atmospheric pressure of 30 in. The number of heat units consumed by the engine is found by mul- tiplying the heat units per Ib. of oil or per cu. ft. of gas (higher value), as determined by calorimeter test, by the total weight of oil in Ib. or volume of dry gas in cu. ft. consumed. The indicated horse-power, brake horse-power, and efficiency are computed by the same methods as those explained in the Steam Engine Code. Heat Balance. The various quantities showing the distribution of heat in the heat balance are computed in the following manner: The heat converted into work per I.H.P.-hour (2546.5 B.T.U.) is found by dividing the work representing 1 H.P., or 1,980,000 ft.-lb., per hour by the number of ft.-lb. representing 1 B.T.U., or 777.5. The heat rejected in the cooling water is obtained by multiplying the weight of water supplied by the number of degrees rise of tem- perature, and dividing the product by the indicated horse-power. The heat rejected in the -dry exhaust gases per I.H.P.-hr. is found by multiplying the weight of these gases per I.H.P.-hr. by the sensible heat of the gas reckoned from the temperature of the air hi the room and by its specific heat. The weight of the dry exhaust gases per I.H.P.-hr. is the product of the weight of fuel per I.H.P.-hr. by the weight of the dry gatees per Ib. of fuel. The latter is the product of the proportion of carbon in 1 Ib. of fuel by the weight of the dry gases per Ib. of carbon, which may be found by the formula _n_CO2 + 8 O + 7 (CO +JN)__ 3 (CO 2 + CO) ~ in. which CO 2 , O, CO, and N are percentages of the dry exhaust gases by volume. When the weight of air supplied per Ib. of fuel is determined the weight of dry gas per pound of fuel may be found by the formula 1 + Ib. air per Ib. fuel - 9 H in which H te the proportion of hydrogen in 1 Ib. of fuel. The heat lost in the moisture formed by the burning of hydrogen in the fuel gas is found by multiplying the total heat of 1 Ib. of super- heated steam at the temperature of the exhaust gases, reckoning from the temperature of the air in the room, by the proportion of the hydrogen in the fuel as determined from the analysis, and multiplying the result by 9. The heat lost in superheating the moisture contained in the gas and air is determined by multiplying the difference between the temperature of the exhaust gases and that of the gas and air by the average specific heat of superheated steam for the range of temperature and pressure. The heat lost through incomplete combustion is obtained by analyz- ing the exhaust gases and computing the heat of the unburned products wlu'ch would have been produced by their combustion. The above rules do not apply to engines with hit-and-miss governors. Data and Results. The data and results should be reported in accordance with the form given herewith, adding lines for data not provided for, or omitting those not required, as may conform to the object in view. If a shorter form is desired, items designated by letters of the alphabet may be omitted. Unless otherwise indicated, the items should be the aver- ages of the data. DATA AND RESULTS OF GAS OR OIL ENGINE TEST. Code of 1915. 1. Test of engine, located at To determine Test conducted by TESTS OF GAS AND OIL ENGINES. 1107 Dimensions, Etc. 2. Type of engine, whether oil or gas 3. Class of engine, (mill, marine, motor for vehicle, pumping, or other) (a) Number of strokes of piston for one cycle, and class of cycle. (6) Method of ignition (c) Single or double acting (d) Arrangement of cylinders (e) Vertical or horizontal 5. Diameter of working cylinders in. 6. Stroke of pistons ft. 4. Rated power H.P Date, Duration, Etc. 7. Date, r- 8. Duration hr. 9. Kind of oil or gas Average Pressure and Temperature. 10. Pressure of gas near meter in. 11. Temperature of gas near meter deg. (a) Temperature of cooling water, inlet (&) Temperature of cooling water, outlet (c) Temperature of air by dry-bulb thermometer .... (d) Temperature of air by wet-bulb thermometer .... (e) Temperature of exhaust gases at cylinder Total Quantities. 12. Gas or oil consumed cu. ft. or Ib. 13. Moisture in gas, in per cent by weight, referred to dry gas per cent 14. Equivalent dry gas at 60 deg. and 30 in cu. ft. (a) Air supplied in cu. ft 15. Cooling water supplied to jackets Ib. (a) Water or steam fed to cylinder ' 16. Calorific value of oil per Ib., or of dry gas per cu. ft. at 60 deg. and 30 in. by calorimeter test (higher value) . .B.T.U. Hourly Quantities. 17. Gas or oil consumed per hour cu.ft.orlb. 18. Equivalent dry gas per hour at 60 deg. and 30 in cu. ft. 19. Cooling water supplied per hour Ib. 20. Heat units consumed per hour (Item 16 X Item 18) B.T.U. Analyses. 21-24. Analysis of oil: C; H; O; S; moisture 25-30. Analysis of Fuel Gas by Volume: CO2; CO; O; H; CH 4 ; C n H m ; N by difference 31-34. Analysis of Exhaust Gases by Volume: CO2; CO; O; N Indicator Diagrams. 35. Pressure in Ib. per sq. in. above atmosphere Ib. (a) Maximum pressure (&) Pressure at beginning of stroke . . (c) Pressure at end of expansion .... (d) Exhaust pressure at lowest point 36. Mean effective pressure in Ib. per sq. in Speed. 37. Revolutions per minute rev, 38. Average number of explosions or firing strokes per minute . (a) Variation of speed between no load and full load . . rev, (b) Momentary fluctuation of speed on suddenly changing from full load to half load * 1108 LOCOMOTIVES. Power. 39. Indicated horse-power I.H.P. 40. Brake horse-power br. H.P. 41 Friction horse-power by difference (Item 39 - Item 40)* fr.-H.P. (a) Friction horse-power by friction diagrams 42. Percentage of indicated horse-power lost in friction Item 41 per cent Economy Results. 43. Heat units consumed by engine per J.H.P.-hourf B.T.U. 44. Heat units consumed by engine per B.H.P.-hour 45. Pounds of oil or cubic feet of dry gas at 60 deg. and .'50 in. consumed per I.H.P. hour Ib. cu. ft. 46. Pounds of oil or cubic feet of dry gas per B.H.P.-hour. . Efficiency. 47. Thermal efficiency referred to indicated horse-power . . . per cent 48. Thermal efficiency referred to brake horse-power Work Done per Heat Unit. 49. Ft.-lb. of net work per B.T.U. consumed (1,980,000 ~ Item 40) ft.-lb. HEAT BALANCE. 50. Heat balance, based on B.T.U. per I.H.P. per hour B.T.U. Per cent (a) Heat converted into work 2546 .5 (&) Heat rejected in cooling water * (c) Heat rejected in the dry exhaust gases (d) Heat lost due to moisture formed by burning of hydrogen (e) Heat lost in superheating moisture in gas and air (/) Heat lost by incomplete combustion (0) Heat unaccounted for, including radia- tion (h) Total heat consumed per I.H.P.-hr., same as Item 43 Sample Diagrams. 51. Sample indicator diagrams from each cylinder and if possible a stop-motion light-spring diagram showing inlet and exhaust pressures LOCOMOTIVES. Resistance of Trains. Resistance due to Speed. Various formulae and tables for the resistance of trains at different speeds on a straight level track have been given by different writers. Among these are the following: By D. L. Barnes, Eng. Mag., June, 1894: Speed, miles per hour 50 60 70 80 90 100 Resistance, pounds per gross ton . . 12 12 . 4 13 . 5 15 17 20 By Engineering News, March 8, 1894: Resistance in Ibs. per ton of 2000 Ibs. = 1/4 v + 2. Speed 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Resistance. 3 1/4 4.5 53/ 4 7 81/4 9.5 103/ 4 12 14.5 17 19.5 22 24.5 27 * In two cycle engines this includes the power required for compres- sion. t If these results, in the case of a gas engine, are based on the low value of the heat of combustion that fact should be so stated. LOCOMOTIVES. 1109 This formula seems to be more generally accepted than the others. It gives results too small, however, below 10 miles an hour. At starting, the resistance is about 17 Ibs. per ton, dropping to 4 or 5 Ibs. at 5 miles an hour. By Baldwin Locomotive Works: Resistance in Ibs. per ton of 2000 Ibs. = 3 + v *- 6. Speed.. .5 10 15 20 2530 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 Resistance. 3.8 4.7 5.5 6.3 7.2 8 8.8 9.7 10.5 11.3 12.2 13 14.7 16.3 18 19.7 The resistance due to speed varies with the condition of the track, the number of cars in a train, and other conditions. For tables showing that the resistance varies with the area exposed to the resistance and friction of the air per ton of loads, see Dashiell, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xiii. p. 371. P. H. Dudley (Bulletin International Ry. Congress, 1900, p. 1734) shows that the condition of the track is an important factor of train resistance which has not hitherto been taken account of. The resist- ance of heavy trains on the N. Y. Central R. R. at 20 miles an hour is only about 31/2 Ibs. per ton on smooth 80-lb. 5i/8-m. rails. The resist- ance of an 80-car freight train, 60,000 Ibs. per car, as given by indicator cards, at speeds between 15 and 25 miles per hour, is represented by the formula R = 1 + 1/8 V, in which R = resistance in Ibs. per ton and V = miles per hour. These values are much below the average and should not be used in estimating the hauling power needed. New Formulas for Re-nstance. The Amer. Locomotive Co. (Bulletin No. 1001, Feb., 1910) states that the figures obtained from the old formulae for train resistance are much too high foj* modern loaded freight cars of 40 to 50 tons capacity, and in some instances too low for very light or empty cars. The best data available show that the resistance varies from about 2.5 to 3 Ibs. per ton- (of 2000 Ibs.) for 72-ton cars (including weight of empty car) to 6 to 8 Ibs. for 20-ton cars. From speeds between 5 to 10 and 30 to 35 miles an hour, the resistance of freight cars is prac- tically constant. The resistance of the engine and tender is figured separately, and is composed of the following factors: (a) Engine friction = 22.2 Ibs. per ton, or 1.11% of the weight on drivers. (6) Head air resist- ance = cross-sectional area (taken at 120 sq. ft.) X 0.002 V 2 , V being the speed in miles per hour, (c) Resistance due to weight on engine trucks and trailing wheels, and t9 the tender, the same per ton as that due to the cars, (d) Grade resistance = 20 Ibs. per ton for each per cent of grade, (e) Curve resistance, which varies with the wheel-base of the locomotive, and is taken as 0.4 + cD Ibs. per ton, in which D is the degree of the curve and c a constant whose value is, For wheel-base, ft. 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 15 16- 20 Value of c 0.380 .415 .460 .485 .520 .625 .660 .730 .765 .905 The sum of these resistances is to be deducted from the tractive force of the locomotive to obtain the available tractive force for overcoming tht resistance of the cars. (See Tractive Force, below.) The maximum tractive force is taken for low speeds at 85% of that due to the boiler pressure; for piston speeds over 250 ft. per min. this is to be multiplied by a speed factor to obtain the actual force. Speed factors and percent- ages of maximum horse-power corresponding to different piston speeds are given below. S = piston speed, ft. per min., F = speed factor, p = % of maximum H.P. S 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 F 1.00 .954 .908 .863 .817 .772 .727 .680 .636 .592 .550 P 60.469.177.283.789.093.596.898.799.7 100 100 S... . 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 F 0.517 .487 .460 .435 .412 .372 .337 .307 .283 .261 .241 P 100 100 100 100 100 9997.896.895.7 94.793.5 The resistance of freight cars, according to experiments on the Penna. R.R., varies with the weight in tons per car as follows: Tons per car 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 72 Resistance, Ibs. per ton 13.10 7.84 6.62 5.78 4.66 3.94 3.44 3.06 3.00 1110 LOCOMOTIVES. From plotted curves of resistances of trains of empty and loaded cars the following figures are derived. R = resistance in IDS. per ton. Wt. loaded, tons.., 75 70 65 60 55 50 Wt. empty, tons 21 20.3 19.5 18.6 17.6 165 Per cent of loaded wt 28 29 30 31 32 33 R loaded 2.90 3.07 3.24 3.43 3.65 3.90 R empty 5.63 5.82 6.00 6.26 6.50 6.85 Wt. loaded, tons 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Wt. empty, tons 15.3 14.0 12.6 11.1 9.5 7.8 6.0 Percent of loaded wt.... 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 R loaded 4.18 4.40 4.74 5.07 5.44 5.91 6.40 R empty 7.26 7.65 8.05 8.45 9.05 9.60 10.3 'the resistance of passenger cars is derived from the formula R = 5.4 + 0.002(7 - 15)2+ 100 ^ (V + 2). V in miles per hour, R = resistance in Ibs. per ton (2000 Ibs.) H.P. = horse-power per ton. V = 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 R= 5.89 5.51 5.42 5.46 5.60 5.85 6.20 H.P. = 0.079.147 .217 .291 .374 .469 .578 F=.., 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 R = 6.65 7.20 7.85 9.4511.4513.8516.65 H.P.= 709 .864 1.047 1.515 2.135 2.95 4.00 Resistance of Electric Railway Cars and Trains. W. J. Davis, Jr. (Street Ry. Jour., Dec. 3, 1904), gives as a result of numerous experiments the following formulae: (A) For light open platform street cars, 8 tons to 20 tons; maximum speed, 30 miles per hour; cross-section, 85 sq. ft. O ^ V2 R = 6 + 0.11V + ^|^- [l-f-0.1 (n- 1)J. (B) For standard interurban electric cars, 25 tons to 40 tons; maximum speed, 60 m.p.h.; cross section, 100 sq. ft. R = 5-fO.lSF-f O.SFV^fl-f 0.1 (n - 1)}. (C) For heavy interurban electric cars, or steam passenger coaches, 40 tons to 50 tons; maximum speed, 75 m.p.h.; crosss-ection, 110 sq. ft. R = 4 + 0.13 V + 0.33 FV? 7 [1 -f 0.1 (n - 1)]. (D) For heavy freight trains, cars weighing 45 tons loaded; maximum speed, 35 m.p.h.; average cross-section, 110 sq. ft. R = 3.5 +0. 13 V-f- 0.385 V^/T(l+ 0.1 (n - 1)]. R = resistance in Ibs. per ton of 2000 Ibs., V= speed in miles per hour T = weight of train in tons, n = number of cars in train, including lead- ing motor car. The cross-section includes the space bounded by the wheels between the top of rails and the body. Resistance due to Grade. The resistance due to a grade of 1 ft. per mile is, per ton of 2000 Ibs., 2000 X 1/5280 = 0.3788 Ib. per ton, or if R g = resistance in Ibs. per ton due to grade and G = ft. per mile R g = 0.3788 G. If the grade is expressed as a percentage of the length, the resistance is 20 Ibs. per ton for each per cent of grade. Resistance due to Curves. Mr. G. R. Henderson in his book entitled "Locomotive Operation" gives the resistance due to curvature at 0.7 Ib. per ton of 2000 Ibs. per degree of the curve. (For definition of degrees of a railroad curve see p. 54.) For locomotives, this factor is sometimes doubled, making the resistance in Ibs. per ton = 0.7 c for cars and 1.4 c for locomotives, c being the number of degrees. The Baldwin Locomotive Works take the approximate resistance due to each degree of curvature as that due to a straight grade of 1 1/2 ft. per mile. This corresponds to R c 0.5682 c. The Amer. Locomotive Co. takes 0.8 Ib. per ton per degree of curva- ture for the resistance of cars on curves. LOCOMOTIVES. HH For mine cars, with short wheel-bases and wheels loose on the axles, experiments quoted by the Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1904, lead to the formula, Resistance due to curvature, in pounds, = 0.20 X wheel-base X weight of loaded cars in pounds, * radius of curve in feet. Resistance due to Acceleration. This may be calculated by the ordi- nary formula (see page 529), or reduced to common railroad units, and including the rotative energy of wheels and axles, which increases the effect of the weight of the cars by an equivalent of about 5%, we have p = 70 ^ =95.6 ? = 70 V ** ~ Fl * , where P= the accelerating force in o t o pounds per ton,. V = the velocity in miles per hour, S = the distance In feet, and t = the time in seconds in which the acceleration takes place. Fi and Vi = the smaller and greater velocities, respectively, in miles per hour, for a change of speed. Total Resistance. The total resistance in Ibs. per ton of 2000 Ibs. due to speed, to grade, to curves, and to acceleration is the sum of the resist- ances calculated above. The Baldwin Locomotive Works in their "Locomotive Data' take the total resistance on a straight level track at slow speeds at from 6 to 10 Ibs. per ton, and in a communication printed in the fourth edition (1898) of this Pocket-book, p. 1076, say: "We know that in some cases, for in- stance in mine construction, the frictional resistance has been shown to be as much as 60 Ibs. per ton at slow speed. The resistance should be approximated to suit the conditions of each individual case, and the increased resistance due to speed added thereto." Resistance due to friction. In the above formulae no account has been taken of the resistance due to the friction of rhe working parts. This is rather an obscure subject. Mr. Henderson estimates the percentage of the indicated power consumed by friction to be 0.15 V + c, where V = speed in miles per hour and c =- a constant, whose value may vary from 2 to 8, the latter figure being the safest to use for heavy work at slow speeds. Ordinarily 8% of the indicated power is consumed by internal resistance under these conditions. Professor Goss gives the following formula, obtained from tests at the Purdue locomotive testing laboratory: Let d = diameter of cylinder: S = stroke of piston; D = diameter of drivers, all in inches. Then the internal friction = 3.8d 2 /Z), in pounds at the circumference of the drivers. Concerning the effect of increasing speed on tractive force, Mr. Render- son says (1906): From a number of tests and information from various roads and au- thorities it seems as if, for ordinary simple engines, the coefficient 0.8 in the equation Actual tractive force = >s could be modified in ac- cordance with the speed in order to obtain the actual tractive force at various speeds about as follows: Revs, per min. = 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Coefficient = . 80 0.80 0.80 0.70 0.61 0.53 0.46 0.40 Revs, per min. = 180 200 220 240- 260 280 300 320 340 Coefficient = 0.35 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.19 Efficiency of the Mechanism of a locomotive. Frank C.Wagner (Proc. A. A. A. S.j 1900, p. 140) gives an account of some dynamometer tests 4 which indicate that in ordinary freight service the power used to drive the locomotive and tender and to overcome the friction of the mechanism is from 10% to 35% of the total power developed in the steam- cylinder. In one test the weight of the locomotive and tender was 16% of the total weight of the train, while the power consumed in the loco- motive and tender was from 30% to 33% of the indicated horse-power. Adhesion. The limit of the hauling capacity of a locomotive is the adhesion due to the weight on the driving wheels. Holmes gives the adhesion, in English practice, as equal to 0.15 of the load on the driving wheels in ordinary dry weather, but only 0.07 in damp weather or when the rails are greasy. In American practice it is generally taken as from Vi to 1/5 of the load on the drivers. 1112 LOCOMOTIVES. Tractive Force of a Locomotive. Single Expansion. Let F = indicated tractive force in Ibs. p = average effective pressure in cylinder in Ibs. per sq. in. S = stroke of piston in inches. d = diameter of cylinders in inches. D = diameter of driving-wheels in inches. Then _ 4 7cd z pS _ (J 2 pS 4 nD D The average effective pressure can be obtained from an indicator* diagram, or by calculation, when the initial pressure and ratio of expan- sion are known, together with the other properties of the valve-motion. The subjoined table from Auchincloss gives the proportion of mean effective pressure to boiler-pressure above atmosphere for various pro- portions of cut-off. Stroke, Cut-off at M.E.P. (Boiler- pres. =1). Stroke, Cut-off at M.E.P. (Boiler- pres. = 1). Stroke, Cut-off at M.E.P. (Boiler- pres. = 1). 0.1 0.15 0.333 = 1/3 0.5= 1/2 0.625 = 5/ 8 0.79 .125 = l/ 8 .2 .375 = 3/ 8 .55 ' .666 = 2/3 .82 .15 .24 .4 .57 .7 .85 .175 .28 .45 .62 .75 = 3/4 .89 .2 .32 .5 = l/ 2 .67 .8 .93 .25 = 1/4 .4 .55 .72 .875 = 7/8 .98 .3 .46 These values were deduced from experiments with an English locomo- tive by Mr. Gooch. As diagrams vary so much from different" causes, this table will only fairly represent practical cases. It is evident that the cut-off must be such that the boiler will be capable of supplying sufficient steam at the given speed. We can, however, allow for wire drawing to the steam chest and drop in pressure due to expansion, and internal friction by writing the formula: 8 Pd 2 S Actual Tractive Force = '- ^ - , d, S, and D being as before and P representing boiler pressure in Ibs. per sq. in. Compound Locomotives. The Baldwin Locomotive Works give the fol- lowing formulae for compound engines of the Vauclain four-cylinder type: , C*S X 2/3 P , c*S X 1/4 P ~~D~~ ~D~ T tractive force in Ibs. C= diam. of high-pressure cylinder in ins. c= diam. of low-pressure cylinder in ins. P= boiler-pressure in Ibs. S= stroke of piston in ins. Z>= diam. of driving-wheels in ins. For a two-cylinder or cross-compound engine it is only necessary to con- sider the high-pressure cylinder, allowing a sufficient decrease in boiler pressure to compensate for the necessary back-pressure. The formula is D The above formulae are for speeds of from 5 to 10 miles an hour, or less; above that the capacity 9f the boiler limits the cut-off which can be used, and the available tractive force is rapidly reduced as the speed increases. _ For a full discussion of this, see page 375 of Henderson's " Locomotive Operation." The Size of Locomotive Cylinders is usually taken to be such that the engine will just overcome the adhesion of its wheels to the rails under favorable circumstances. The adhesion is taken by a committee of the Am. Ry. Master Mechan- ics' Assn. as 0.25 of the weight on the drivers fop passenger engines, 0.24 for freight, and 0.22 for switching engines; and the mean effective pres- sure in the cylinder, when exerting the maximum tractive force, is taken at 0.85 of the boiler-pressure. LOCOMOTIVES. 1113 Let W = weight on drivers in Ibs.; P = tractive force In Ibs., = say 0.25 W; pi = boiler-pressure in Ibs. per sq. in.; p = mean effective pressure, = 0.85 p\\ d = diam. of cylinder, 8 = length of stroke, and D = diam. of driving-wheels, all in inches. Then 4ff X 0.8 Whence Von Borries's rule for the diameter of the low-pressure cylinder of a compound locomotive is d- = 2 ZD -f- ph, in which d= diameter of l.p. cylinder in inches; D = diameter of driving-wheel in inches; p = mean effective pressure per sq. in., after deducting .internal machine friction; h = stroke of piston in inches; Z = tractive force required, usually 0.14 to 0.16 of the adhesion. The value of p depends on the relative volume of the two cylinders, and from indicator experiments may be taken as follows: ri*cc rt TTnm-nA Ratio of Cylinder pin percent of p for Boiler-pres' Volumes. Boiler-pressure, sure of 176 Ibs. Large-tender eng's. 1 : 2 or 1 : 2.05 42 74 Tank-engines 1 : 2 or 1 : 2.2 40 71 Horse-power of a Locomotive. For each cylinder the horse-powei is H.P. = pLaN *- 33,000, in which p = mean effective pressure, L = stroke in feet, a = area of cylinder = 1/4 ?rd 2 , N = number of single strokes per minute, LN = piston speed, ft. per min. Let M = speed of train in miles per hour, S = length of stroke in inches, and D = diam- eter of driving-wheel in inches. Then LN = MX8&X2S + xD. Whence for the two cylinders the horse-power is xD X 33,000 375 D REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE FOR VARIOUS DIAMETERS OF WHEELS AND SPEEDS. Miles per Hour. Diameter of Wheel. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 50 in. 67 134 201 268 336 403 470 538 56 in. 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 60m. 56 112 168 224 280 336 392 448 62 in. 54 108 162 217 271 325 379 433 66 in. 51 102 153 204 255 306 357 408 68 in. 49 99 148 198 247 296 346 395 72 in. 47 93 140 187 233 279 326 373 78 in. 43 86 129 172 215 258 301 344 80 in. 42 84 126 168 210 252 294 336 84 in. 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 90 in. 37 75 112 150 186 224 261 299 The Size of Locomotive Boilers. (Forney's Catechism of the Loco- motive.) They should be proportioned to the amount of adhesive weight and to the speed at which the locomotive is intended to work. Thus a locomotive with a great deal of weight on the driving-wheels could pull a heavier load, would have a greater cylinder capacity than one with little adhesive weight, would consume more steam, and there- fore should have a larger boiler. The weight and dimensions of locomotive boilers are in nearly all cases determined by the limits of weight and space to which they are necessarily confined. It may be stated generally that within these limits Q locomotive boiler cannot be made too large. In other words, boilers for 1114 LOCOMOTIVES. locomotives should ahyays be made as large as is possible under the conditions that determine the weight and dimensions of the locomotives. (See also Holmes on the Steam-engine, pp. 371 to 377 and 383 to 389 and the Report of the Am. Ry. M. M. Ass'n. for 1897, pp. 218 to 232.) ' Holmes gives the following from English practice: Evaporation, 9 to 12 Ibs. of water from and at 212. Ordinary rate of combustion, 65 Ibs. per sq. ft. of grate per hour. Ratio of grate to heating surface, 1 : 60 to 90. Heating surface per Ib. of coal burnt per hour. 0.9 to 1.5 sq. ft Mr. Henderson states the approximate heating surface needed per indicated horse-power as follows: Compound Locomotives 2 square feet. Simple Locomotives (cut-off 1/2 stroke or less) 2 1/3 square feet. Simple Locomotives (cut-off 1/2 to 3/ 4 stroke) 2 2/3 square feet. Simple Locomotives (full stroke) 3 square feet. For the ratio of heating surface to grate area the Master Mechanics Ass'n Committee of 1902 advised as below: Fuel. Passenger. Freight. Simple. Com- pound. Simple. Com- pound . 65 to 90 50 to 65 40 to 50 35 to 40 28 to 35 75 to 95 60 to 75 35 to 60 30 to 35 24 to 30 70 to 85 45 to 70 35 to 45 30 to 35 25 to 30 65 to 85 50 to 65 45 to 50 40 to 45 30 to 40 Slow burning bituminous Bituminous slack and free burning. . Low grade bituminous, lignite and slow burning anthracite A. E. Mitchell, (Eng'g News, Jan. 24, 1891) says: Square feet of boiler- heating surface for bituminous coal should not be less than 4 times the square of the diameter in inches of a cylinder 1 inch larger than the cylinder to be used. One tenth of this should be in the fire-box. On anthracite locomotives more heating-surface is required in the fire-box, on account of the larger grate-area required, but the heating-surface of the flues should not be materially decreased. Wootten's Locomotive. (Clark's Steam-engine; see also Jour. Frank. Inst. 1891, and Modern Mechanism, p. 485.) J. E. Wootten designed and constructed a locomotive boiler for the combustion of an- thracite and lignite, though specially for the utilization as fuel of the waste produced in the mining and preparation of anthracite. The special feature of the engine is the fire-box, which is made of great length and breadth, extending clear over the wheels, giving a grate-area of from 64 to 85 sq. ft. The draught diffused over these large areas is so gentle as not to lift the fine particles of the fuel. A number of express-engines having this type of boiler are engaged on the fast trains between Phila- delphia and Jersey City. The fire-box shell is 8 ft. 8 in. wide and 10 ft. 5 in. long; the fire-box is 8 X 91/2 ft., making 76 sq. ft. of grate-area. The grate" is composed of bars and water-tubes alternately. The regular types of cast-iron shaking grates are also used. The height of the fire- box is only 2 ft. 5 in. above the grate. The grate is terminated by a bridge of fire-brick, beyond which a combustion-chamber, 27 in. long, leads to the flue-tubes, about 184 in number, 13/4 in. diam. The cylin- ders are 21 in. diam., with a stroke of 22 inches. The driving-wheels, four-coupled, are 5 ft. 8 in. diam. The engine weighs 44 tons, of which 29 tons are on driving wheels. The heating-surface of the fire-box is 135 sq. ft., that of the flue-tubes is 982 sq. ft.: together, 1117 sq. ft., or 14.7 times the grate-area. Hauling 15 passenger-cars, weighing with passengers 360 tons, at an average speed of 42 miles per hour, over ruling gradients of 1 in 89, the engine consumes 62 Ibs, of fuel per mile, of 34 Vl Iks, per sq, ft, of grate per hour, LOCOMOTIVES. 1115 Grate-surface, Smoke-stacks, and Exhaust-nozzles for Ix>como- motives. A. E. Mitchell, Supt. of Motive Power of the Erie R. R., says (1895) that some roads use the same size of stack, 131/2 in. diam. at throat, for all engines up to 20 in. diam. of cylinder. The area of the orifices in the exhaust-nozzles depends on the quantity and quality of the coal burnt, size of cylinder, construction of stack, and the condition of the outer atmosphere. It is therefore impossible to give rules for computing the exact diameter of the orifices. All that can be done is to give a rule by which an approximate diameter can be found. The exact diameter can only be found by trial. Our experi- ence leads us to believe that the area of each orifice in a double exhaust- nozzle should be equal to 1/400 part of the grate-surface, and for single nozzles 1/200 of the grate-surface. These ratios have been used in finding the diameters of the nozzles given in the following table. The same sizes are often used for either hard or soft coal-burners. [These sizes are small at the present day (1909) as locomotives have enormously in- creased in size.] Double Single Size of Cylinders, in inches. Grate-area for Anthra- cite Coal, in sq. in, Grate-area for Bitumin- ous Coal, in sq. in. Diameter of Stacks, in inches. Nozzles. Nozzles. Diam. of Orifices, in Diam. of Orifices, in inches. inches. 12x20 1591 1217 91/2 2 213/16 13x20 1873 1432 101/2 21/8 3 14x20 2179 1666 111/4 25/ie 3V4 15x22 2742 2097 121/2 29/i 6 311/16 16x24 3415 2611 14 27/8 41/16 17x24 3856 2948 15 3Vl6 45/16 18x24 4321 3304 153/4 31/4 - 45/g 19x24 4810 3678 161/2 37/16 413/ie 20x24 5337 4081 171/2 35/8 51/16 Exhaust-nozzles in Locomotive Boilers. A committee of the Am. Ry. Master Mechanics' Ass'n. in 1890 reported that they had, after two years of experiment and research, come to the conclusion that, owing to the great diversity in the relative proportions of cylinders and boilers, together with the difference in the quality of fuel, any rule which does not recognize each and all of these factors would be worthless. The committee was unable to devise any plan to determine the size of the exhaust-nozzle in proportion to any other part of the engine or boiler. The conditions desirable are: That it must create draught enough on the fire to make steam, and at the same time impose the least possible amount of work on the pistons in the shape of back pressure. It should be large enough to produce a nearly uniform blast without lifting or tearing the fire, and be economical in its use of fuel. The Annual Report of the Association for 1896 contains interesting data on this subject. Much important information regarding stacks and exhaust nozzles is embodied in the tests at Purdue University, reported to the Master Mechanics' Ass'n. in 1896 and in the tests reported in the American Engineer in 1902 and 1903. Fire-brick Arches in Locomotive Fire-boxes. A committee of the Am. Ry. Master Mechanics' Ass'n. in 1890 reported strongly in favor of the use of brick arches in locomotive fire-boxes. They say: It is the unanimous opinion of all who use bituminous coal and brick arch, that it is most efficient in consuming the various gases composing black smoke and by impeding and delaying their passage through the tubes, and mingling and subjecting them to the heat of the furnace, greatly lessens the volume ejected, and intensifies combustion, and does not in the least check but rather augments draught, with the consequent saving of fuel and increased steaming capacity that might be expected from such results, This in particular when used in connctioa with extension front, 1116 WCOMOTIVES. Arches now (1009) ate not quite so much in favor, largely on account of the difficulty and delay caused to workmen when flues must be calked, as occurs frequently in bad water districts, and some of their former advocates are now omitting them altogether. Economy of High Pressures. Tests of a Schenectady locomotive with cylinders 16 X 24 ins., at the Purdue University locomotive testing plant, gave results as follows: (Eng. Digest, Mar., 1909; Bull. No. 26, Univ. of 111. Expt. Station). Boiler pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Steam per 1 H.P. hour, Ibs. 29.1 27.7 26.6 26. 25.5 25.1 24.7 Coal per 1 H.P. hour, Ibs. 4 3.77 3.59 3.50 3.43 3.37 3.31 In the same series of tests the economy of the boiler at different rates of driving and different pressures was determined, the results leading to the formula E = 11.305 0.221 H, in which E = Ibs. evaporated from and at 212" per Ib. of Youghiogheny coal, and H the equivalent evaporation per sq. ft. of heating surface per hour, with an average error for any pressure which does not exceed 2.1%. Leading American Types of Locomotive for Freight and Passenger Service 1. The eight-wheel or '* American" passenger type, having four coupled driving-wheels and a four-wheeled truck in front. 2. The "ten-wheel" type, for mixed traffic, having six coupled drivers and a leading four-wheel truck. 3. The "Mogul" freight type, having six coupled driving-wheels and a pony or two-wheel truck in front. 4. The "Consolidation" type, for heavy freight service, having eight coupled driving-wheels and a pony truck in front. Besides these there is a great variety of types for special conditions of service, as four-wheel and six-wheel switching-engines, without trucks; the Forney type used on elevated railroads, with four coupled wheels under the engine and a four-wheeled rear truck carrying the water-tank and fuel; locomotives for local and suburban service with four coupled driving-wheels, with a two-wheel truck front and rear, or a two-wheel truck front and a four-wheel truck rear, etc. "Decapod" engines for heavy freight service have ten coupled driving-wheels and a two-wheel truck in front, O OA n O O O OB O O OB O O O h F O O O Oc O O O o o o n on o on o OH Classification of Locomotives (Penna. R. R. Co., 1900). Class A, two pairs of drivers and no truck. Class B, three pairs of drivers and no truck. Class C, four pairs of drivers and no truck. Class D, two pairs of drivers and four-wheel truck. Class E, two pairs of drivers, four-wheel truck, and trailing wheels. Class F, three pairs of driving-wheels and two-wheel truck. Class G, three pairs of drivers and four-wheel truck. Class H, four pairs of drivers and two-wheel truck. Class A is com- monly called a "four-wheeler"; B, a "six-wheeler"; D, an "eight- wheeler," or "American" type; E, "Atlantic" type; F, "Mogul"; G s "ten- wheeler"; H, "Consolidation." Modern Classification. The classes shown above, lettered A, B, C, etc., are commonly represented respectively by the symbols 0-4-0; 0-6-0; 0-8-0, 4-4-0; 4-4-2, 2-6-0; 4-6-0; 2-8-0; the first figure being the number of wheels in the truck, the second the driving-wheels, and the tbird the trailers. Other types are the "Pacific," 4-6-2; the "Prairie," 2-6-2; LOCOMOTIVES. 1117 and the "Santa Fe," 2-10-2. Engines on the Mallet system, with two locomotive engines under one boiler, are classified 0-8-8-0, 2-6-6-2, etc. Formulae for Curves. (Baldwin Locomotive Works.) Approximate Formula for Radius. Approximate Formula for Swing, R - 0.7646 W + 2 P. ' (T - TF) T -H 2 S - R. R =- radius of min. curve in feet. P play of driving-wheels in decimals of 1 ft. W = rigid wheel-base in feet. W = rigid wheel-base. T = total wheel-base. R = radius of curve. S = swing on each side of centre. Steam-distribution for High-speed Locomotives. (C. H. Quereau, Eng'g News, March 8, 1894. Balanced Valves. Mr. Philip Wallis, in 1886, when Engineer of Tests for the C., B. & Q. R. R., reported that while 6 H.P. was required to work unbalanced valves at 40 miles per hour, for the balanced valves 2.2 H.P. only was necessary. [Later tests were reported by the Master Mechanics' Committee in 1896. Unbalanced valves required from 3/ 4 to 2 1/2 per cent of the I. H.P. for their motion, balanced valves from 1/3 to 1/2 as much, and piston valves about 1/5 or I/G. Generally in balanced valves, the area of balance = area of exhaust port + area of two bridges 4- area of one steam port.J Effect of Speed on Average Cylinder-pressure. Assume that a locomo- tive has a train in motion, the reverse lever is placed in the running notch, and the track is level; by what is the maximum speed limited? The resistance of the train and the load increase, and the power of the locomotive decreases with increasing speed till the resistance and power are equal, when the speed becomes uniform. The power of the engine depends on the average pressure in the cylinders. Even though the cut-off and boiler-pressure remain the same, this pressure decreases as the speed increases; because of the higher piston-speed and more rapid valve-travel the steam has a shorter time in which to enter the cylinders at the higher speed. The following table, from indicator-cards taken from a locomotive at varying speeds, shows the decrease of average pressure with increasing speed: Miles per hour 46 51 51 Speed, revolutions 224 248 248 Average pressure per sq. in.: Actual 51.5 44.0 47.3 . Calculated ....... T 46l5 53 258 43.0 44.7 54 263 41.3 43.8 57 277 42.5 41.6 60 292 66 321 37.3 36.3 39.5 35.9 The "average pressure calculated" was figured on the assumption that the mean effective pressure W9uld decrease in the same ratio that the speed increased. The main difference lies in the higher steam-line at the lower speeds, and consequent higher expansion-line, showing that more steam entered the cylinder. The back pressure and compression- lines agree quite closely for all the cards, though they are slightly better for the slower speeds. That the difference is not greater may safely be attributed to the large exhaust-ports, passages, and exhaust tip, which is 5 in. diameter. These are matters of great importance for high speeds. Boiler-pressure. Assuming that the train resistance increases as the speed after about 20 miles an hour is reached, that an average of 50 Ibs. per sq. in. is the greatest that can be realized in the cylinders of a given engine at 40 miles an hpur. and that this pressure furnishes just sufficient power to keep the train at this speed, it follows that, to increase the speed to 50 miles, the mean effective pressure must be increased in the same proportion. To increase the capacitv for speed of any locomotive its power must be increased, and at least by as much as the speed is to ue increased. One way to accomplish this is to increase the boiler- 1118 LOCOMOTIVES. pressure. That this is generally realized, is shown by the increase In boiler-pressure in the last ten years. For twenty-three single-expansion locomotives described in the railway journals this year the steam-pres- sures are as follows: 3, 160 Ibs.; 4, 165 Ibs.; 2, 170 Ibs.; 13 180 Ibs.- 1, 190 Ibs. Valve-travel. An increased average cylinder-pressure may also be obtained by increasing the valve-travel without raising the boiler- pressure, and better results will be obtained by increasing both. The longer travel gives a higher steam-pressure in the cylinders, a later exhaust-opening, later exhaust-closure, and a larger exhaust-opening all necessary for high speeds and economy. I believe that a 20-in. port and 6i/2-in. (or even 7-in.) travel could be successfully used for high-speed engines, and that frequently by so doing the cylinders could be economically 'reduced and the counter-balance lightened. Or, better still, the diameter of the drivers increased, securing lighter counterbal" ance and better steam-distribution. Size of Drivers. Economy will increase with increasing diameter of drivers, provided the work at average speed does not necessitate a cut-off longer than one fourth the stroke. The piston-speed of a locomotive with 62-in. drivers at 55 miles per hour is the same as that of one with 68-in. drivers at 61 miles per hour. Steam-ports. The length of steam-ports ranges from 15 in. to 23 in., and has considerable influence on the power, speed, and economy of the locomotive. In cards from similar engines the steam-line of the card from the engine with 23-in. ports is considerably nearer boiler-pressure than that of the card from the engine with 171/4-in. ports. That the higher steam-line is due to the greater length of steam-port there is little room for doubt. The 23-in. port produced 531 H.P. in an 18i/ 2 -in. cylinder at a cost of 23.5 Ibs. of water per I. H.P. per hour. The 171/4 in. port, 424 H.P., at the rate of 22.9 Ibs. of water, in a 19-in. cylinder. Allen Valves. There is considerable difference of opinion as to the advantage of the Allen ported-valve. (See Eng. News, July 6, 1893.) A Report on the advantage of Allen valves was made by the Master Mechanics' Committee of 1896. Speed of Railway Trains. In 1834 the average speed of trains on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway was 20 miles an hour; in 1838 it was 25 miles an hour. But by 1840 there were engines on the Great Western Railway capable of running 50 miles an hour with a train and 80 miles an hour without. (Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xiii, 363.) The limitation to the increase of speed of heavy locomotives seems at present to be the difficulty of counterbalancing the reciprocating parts. The unbalanced vertical component of the reciprocating parts causes the pressure of the driver on the rail to vary with every revolution. Whenever the speed is high, it is of considerable magnitude, and its change in direction is so rapid that the resulting effect upon the rail is not inappropriately called a "hammer blow." Heavy rails have been kinked, and bridges have been shaken to their fall under the action of heavily balanced drivers revolving at high speeds. The means by which the evil is to be overcome has not yet been made clear. See paper by W. F. M. Goss, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xvi. Much can be accomplished, however, by carefully designing and proportioning the counter-balance in the wheels and by using light, but strong, reciprocating parts. Pages 41-74 of "Locomotive Operation," gives complete rules and results. Balanced compound locomotives, with 4 cylinders, the adjacent pis- tons and crossheads being connected 180 apart have also done much to reduce the disturbance of the moving parts. Engine No. 999 of the New York Central Railroad ran a mile in 32 seconds equal to 112 miles per hour, May 11, 1893. Speed in) _ circum. of driving-wheels in in. X no. of rev, per min. X 60 hour ) 63,360 = diam., of driving-wheels in in. X no. of rev. per min. X.003 (approximate, giving result 8/ 10 of 1 per cent too great). Performance of a High-speed Locomotive. The Baldwin com- pound locomotive No. 1027, on the Phila. & Atlantic City Ry., in 1897 made a record as follows: LOCOMOTIVES. 1119 For the 52 days the train ran, from July 2d to August 31st, the average time consumed on the run of 551/2 miles from Camden to Atlantic City was 48 minutes, equivalent to a uniform rate of speed from start to stop Of 69 miles per hour. On July 14th the run from Carnden to Atlantic City was made in 461/2 min., an average of 71.6 miles per hour for the total distance. On 22 days the train consisted of 5 cars and on 30 days it was made up of 6, the weight of cars being as follows: combination car, 57,200 Ibs.; coaches, each, 59,200 Ibs.; Pullman car, 85,500 Ibs. The general dimensions of the locomotive are as follows: cylinders, 13 and 22 X 26 in.; height of drivers, 841/4 in.; total wheel-base, 26 ft. 7 in.; driving-wheel base, 7 ft. 3 in.; length of tubes, 13 ft.; diameter of boiler, 583/4 in.; diameter of tubes, 13/ 4 in.; number of tubes, 278; length of fire-box, 1137/gin.; width of fire-box, 96 in.; heating-surface of fire- box, 136.4 sq. ft.; heating-surface of tubes, 1614.9 sq. ft.; total heating- surface, 1835.1 sq. ft.; tank capacity, 4000 gallons; boiler-pressure, 200 Ibs. per sq. in.; total weight of engine and tender, 227,000 Ibs.; weight on drivers (about), 78,600 Ibs. Fuel Efficiency of American Locomotives. Prof. W. M. Goss, as a result of a series of tests run on the Purdue locomotive, finds the dis- position of the heat developed by burning coal in a locomotive fire-box to be on the average ab9ut as shown in the following table: Absorbed by steam in the boiler, 52 %; by the superheater, 5 %; total, 57 %. Losses: In vaporizing moisture in the coal, 5 %; discharge of CO., 1 %; high temperature of the products of combustion, 14 %; unconsumed fuel in the form of front-end cinders, 3 % ; cinders or sparks passed out of the stack, 9 %; unconsumed fuel in the ash, 4 %; radia- tion, leakage of steam and water, etc., 7 %. Total losses, 43 %. It is probable that these losses are considerably less than the losses which are experienced in the average locomotive in regular railway service. -*- (Bulletin No. 402, U.S. Geol. Survey, 1909.) Locomotive Link Motion. Mr. F. A. Halsey, in his work on " Loco- motive Link Motion," 1898, shows that the Iocati9n of the eccentric-rod pins back of the link-arc and the angular vibrations of the eccentric- rods introduce two errors in the motion which are corrected by the angular vibration of the connecting-rod and by locating the saddle-stud back of the link-arc. He holds that it is probable that the opinions of the critics of the locomotive link motion are mistaken ones, and that it comes little short of all that can be desired for a locomotive valve motion. The increase of lead from full to mid gear and the heavy compression at mid gear are both advantages and not defects. The cylinder problem of a locomotive is entirely different from that of a stationary engine. With the latter the problem is to determine the size of the cylinder and the dis- tribution of steam to drive economically a given load at a given speed. With locomotives the cylinder is made of a size which will start the heaviest train which the adhesion of the locomotive will permit, and the problem then is to utilize that cylinder to the best advantage at a greatly increased speed, but under a greatly reduced mean effective pressure. Negative lead at full gear has been used in the recent practice of some railroads. The advantages claimed are an increase in the power of the engine at full gear, since positive lead offers resistance to the motion of the piston; easier riding; reduced frequency of hot bearings; and a slight gain in fuel economy. Mr. Halsey gives the practice as to lead on several roads as follows, showing great diversity: Full Gear Forward, in. Full Gear Back, in. Reversing Gear, in. New York, New Haven & Hartford 1/16 POS. 1/4 neg. 1/4 pos. Majne Central o 1/4 neg. Illinois Central . . . . 1/32 POS. abt 3/ 16 Lake Shore 1/16 neg. 9/64 neg. *Yl6 pos. Chicago Great Western Chicago & Northwestern 3/16 neg. 3 /16 to 9/16 1/4 pos 1120 LOCOMOTIVES. DIMENSIONS OF SOME LARGE AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVES, 1893 AND 1904. Of the four locomotives described in the table on the next page the first two were exhibited at the Chicago Exposition in 1893. The dimen- sions are from Engineering News, June, 1893. The first, or Decapod engine, has ten-coupled driving-wheels. It is one of the heaviest and most powerful engines built up to that date for freight service. The second is a simple engine, of the standard American 8-wheel type, 4 driving-wheels, and a 4- wheel truck in front. This engine held the world's record for speed in 1893 for short distances, having run a mile in 32 seconds. The other two engines formed part of the exhibit of the Baldwin Locomotive Works at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904. The Santa Fe type engine has five pairs of driving-wheels, and a two-wheeled truck at the front and at the rear. It is equipped with Vauclain tandem com- pound cylinders. Dimensions of Some American Locomotives. (Baldwin Loco. Wks. 1904-8.) i Boilers. Tubes. Heating Surface. Driving Wheels Weight, Ibs. 11 gS Ba J N,. | 1) X * Diam., on Total 1 QQ ok of 734 pages and over 800 illustrations, published by the Penna. R.R. Co., Philadelphia, 1906. See also pamphlet on Locomotive Tests, pub- lished by Amer. Locomotive Co., New York, 1906, and Trans. A.S. M. E. t vii, 610. Weights and Prices of Locomotives, 1885 and 1905. (Baldwin Loco. Wks.) 160 3.25 800 2.3 900 240 3.0 1000 Type. W'gt Price Price per Ib. Type. W'ght Price Price per Ib. American. . . . Mogul 80,857 72,800 85,000 92,400 $6,695 6,662 7.583 7,888 $ 0828 .0912 .0892 .0854 American Atlantic 102,000 187,200 227,000 156,000 192,460 $9,410 15,750 15,830 13,690 14,500 $.092 .083 .070 .088 .075 Ten wheel. . . Consolidation Pacific Ten wheel Consolidation . LOCOMOTIVES. 1125 The price per pound is figured from the weight of the engine in working order, without the tender. Depreciation of Locomotives. (Baldwin Loco. Wks.) It is suggested that for the first five years the full second-hand value of the locomotive (75% of first cost) be taken; for the second five years 85% of this value; for the third five years, 70% ; after 15 years, 50% of the second-hand value; and after 20 years, and as long as the engine remains in use, 25% of the first cost. The Average Train Loads of 14 railroads increased from 229 tons of 2000 Ibs. in 1895 to 385 tons in 1904. On the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. the average load increased from 152 tens in 1895 to 281 tons in 1903, and on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. from 318 tons in 1895 to 615 tons in 1903. In the same time the average cost of transpor- tation per ton mile on the C., M. & St. P. Ry. decreased from 0.67 to 0.58 cent; and on the L. S. & M. S. Ry. increased from 0.39 to 0.41 cent, the decrease in cost due to heavier train loads being offset by higher cost for labor and material. Tractive Force of Locomotives, 1893 and 1905. (Baldwin Loco. Wks.) Passenger, 1893. Weight on Driver. Trac- tive Force. Passenger, 1905. Weight on Driver. Trac- tive Force. American, single-ex. American, comp 75,210 83,860 17,270 12,900 Atlantic, comp. .. . Atlantic, single-ex. 101,420 103,600 22,180 23,800 American, single-ex.. American, comp .... Ten- wheel type, com. 64,560 78,480 93,850 15,550 14,050 16,480 15,250 Pacific, single-ex. . Pacific, single-ex. . Atlantic, single-ex. 141,290 114,890 80,930 29,910 25,610 21,740 24,648 Freight, 1893. Freight, 1905. Consolidation, comp. Ten-wheel, s'gle-ex.. Mogul, single-ex Decapod, compound 120,600 101,000 91,340 172,000 21,190 23,310 21,030 35,580 Sante Fe type, comp. 3onsol., 2-cyl. comp.. 3onsol., single-ex.. .. 3onsol., single-ex.... Consol., single-ex. . . . 234,580 166,000 151,490 171,560 165,770 62,740 40,200 40,150 44,080 45,170 25,277 46,468 Waste of Fuel in Locomotives. In American practice economy of fuel is necessarily sacrificed to obtain greater economy due to heavy train-loads. D. L. Barnes, in Eng. Mag., June, 1894, gives a diagram showing the reduction of efficiency of boilers due to high rates of com- bustion, from which the following figures are taken: Lbs. of coal per sq. ft. of grate per hour. . . 12 Per cent efficiency of boiler 80 80 67 120 59 160 51 200 43 A rate of 12 Ibs. is given as representing stationary-boiler practice, 40 Ibs. English locomotive practice, 120 Ibs. average American, and 200 Ibs. maximum American, locomotive practice. Pages 473 and 475 of Henderson's "Locomotive Operation" giv* diagrams of evaporation per Ib. of various kinds of coal for different rates of combustion per sq. ft. grate area and heating surface. Advantages of Compounding. Report of a Committee of the American Railway Master Mechanics' Association cm Compound Loco, motives (Am, Mack., July 3, 1890) gives the following summary of the advantages gained by compounding: (a) It has achieved a saving in the fuel burnt averaging 18% at reasonable boiler-pressures, with encourag- in? possibilities of further improvement in pressure and in fuel and water economy. (6) It has lessened the amount of water (dead weight) to bt 1126 LOCOMOTIVES* hauled, so that (c) the tender and its load are materially reduced In weight, (d) It has increased the possibilities of speed far beyond 60 miles per hour, without unduly straining the motion, frames, axles, 01 axle-boxes of the engine, (e) It has increased the haulage-power at full speed, or, in other words, has increased the continuous H.P. devel- oped, per given weight of engine and boiler. (/) In some classes has increased the starting-power, (g) It has materially lessened the slide- valve friction per H.P. developed, (h) It has equalized or distributed the turning force on the crank-pin, over a longer portion of its path, which, of C9urse, tends to lengthen the repair life of the engine, (i) In the two-cylinder type it has decreased the oil consumption, and has even done so in the Woolf four-cylinder engine, (j) Its smoother and steadier draught on the fire is favorable to the combustion of all kinds of soft coal; and the sparks thrown being smaller and less in number, it lessens the risk to property from destruction by fire, (k) These advantages arid economies are gained without having to improve the man handling the engine, less being left to his discretion (or careless indifference) than in the simple engine. (I) Valve- motion, of avery ^comotive type, can be used in its best working and most effective position, (m) A wider elasticity in locomotive design is permitted; as, if desired, side-rods can be dispensed with, or articulated engines of 100 tons weight, with inde- pendent trucks, used for sharp curves on mountain service, as suggested by Mallet and Brunner. Of 27 compound locomotives in use on the Phila. and Reading Rail- road (in 1892), 12 are in use on heavy mountain grades, and are designed to be the equivalent of 22 X 24 in. simple consolidations; 10 are in some- what lighter service and correspond to 20 X 24 in. consolidations; o are in fast passenger service. The monthly coal record shows: Gain in Fuel Class of Engine. No Economy. Mountain locomotives. . . . . . 12 25% to 30% Heavy freight service 10 12% to 17% Fast passenger 5 9% to 11 % (Report of Com. A. R. M. M. Assn. 1892.) For a description of the various types of compound locomotive, with discussion of their relative merits, see paper by A. Von Borries, of Germany, the Development of the Compound Locomotive, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1893, vol. xiv, p. 1172. As a rule compounds cost considerably more for repairs, and require ^ better class of engineers and machinists to obtain satisfactory results. (Henderson.) Balanced Compound Locomotives, There are two high-pressure cylinders placed between the frames and two low-pressure cylinders outside. The inside crank shaft has cranks 90 apart, and each outside crank pin is 180 from the inside crank pin on the same side, so that the, engine on each side is perfectly balanced. The balanced piston valve is so made that high-pressure steam may be admitted to the low-pressure cylinder for starting. See circular of the Baldwin Loco. Wks., No. 62, 1907. Superheating in Locomotives. (R. R. Age Gazelle, Nov. 20, 1908.) Superheating steam in locomotives has been found to effect a saving of 10 to 15% in the fuel consumption of a locomotive, and 8 to 12% of the water used, or with the same fuel to increase the horse-power and the tractive force. The Baldwin Locomotive Works builds a superheater in the smoke-box, where it utilizes part of the heat of the waste gases in drying the steam and superheating it 50 to 100 F. The heating surface of the superheater is from 12 to 22% of the heating surface in the tubes and fire-box of the boiler. It is recommended to use a boiler pressure of about 160 Ibs. when a superheater is used, and to have cylinders of larger dimen- sions than when ordinary steam of 200 Ibs. pressure is used. For an illus- trated and historical description of the use of superheating in locomotives, see paper by H. H. Vaughan, read before the Am. Ry. Mast. Mechs.' Assn., Eng. News, June 22, 1905. Counterbalancing Locomotives. Rules for counterbalancing, adopted by different locomotive-builders, are quoted in a paper by Prof. Lanza (Trans. A. *S. M. E., x, 302.) See also articles on Counterbalan- cing Locomotives, in R. R. & Eng. Jour., March and April, 1890; Trans. A. . M . E., vol. xvi, 305; and Trans. Am c Ry. Master Mechanics' Assru LOCOMOTIVES. 1127 1897. W. E. Dalby's book on the "Balancing of Engines" (Longmans, Green & Co., 1902) contains a very full discussion of this subject. See also Henderson's "Locomotive Operation" (The Railway Age, 1904). Narrow-gauge Railways in Manufacturing Works. A tramway of 18 inches gauge, several miles in length, is in the works of the Lan- cashire and Yorkshire Railway. Curves of 13 feet radius are used. The locomotives used have the following dimensions (Proc. Inst. M. E.. July, 1888): The cylinders are 5 in. in diameter with 6 in. stroke, and 2 ft. 31/4 in. centre to centre. Wheels 161/4 in. diameter, the wheel-base 2 ft. 9 in.; the frame 7 ft. 4*/4 in. long, and the extreme width of the engine 3 feet. Boiler, of steel, 2 ft. 3 in. outside diam. and 2 ft. long between tube-plates, containing 55 tubes of 13/ 8 in. outside diam.; fire- box, of iron and cylindrical, 2 ft. 3 in. long and 17 in. inside diam. Heat- ing-surface 10.42 sq. ft. in the fire-box and 36.12 in the tubes, total 46.54 sq. ft.; grate-area, 1.78 sq. ft.; capacity of tank, 261/2 gallons; working- pressure, 170 Ibs, per sq. in. tractive power, say, 1412 Ibs., or 9.22 Ibs. per fb. of effective pressure per sq. in., on the piston. Weight, empty, 2.80 tons; full and in working order, 3.19 tons. For description of a system of narrow-gauge railways for manufac- tories, see circular of the C. W. Hunt Co., New York, Light Locomotives. For dimensions of light locomotives used for mining, etc., arid for much valuable information concerning them, see catalogue of H. K. Porter Co., Pittsburgh. Petroleum-burning Locomotives. (From Clark's Steam-engine.) The combustion of petroleum refuse in locomotives has been success- fully practised by Mr. Thos. Urquhart, on the Grazi and Tsaritsin Rail- way, Southeast Russia. Since November, 1884, the whole stock of 143 locomotives under his superintendence has been fired with petroleum refuse. The oil is injected from a nozzle through a tubular opening in the back of the fire-box, by means of a jet of steam, with an induced current of air. A brickwork cavity or "regenerative or accumulative combustion, chamber" is formed in the fire-box, into which the combined current breaks as spray against the rugged brickwork slope. In this arrange- ment the brickwork is maintained at a white heat, and combustion is complete and smokeless. The form, mass, and dimensions of the brick- work are the most important elements in such a combination. Compressed air was tried instead of steam for injection, but no appre- ciable reduction in consumption of fuel was noticed. The heating-power of petroleum refuse is given as 19,832 heat-units, equivalent to the evaporation of 20.53 Ibs. of water from and at 212 F., or to 17.1 Ibs. at 81/2 atmospheres, or 125 Ibs. per sq. in., effective pres- sure. The highest evaporative duty was 14 Ibs. of water under 81/2 atmospheres per Ib. of the fuel, or nearly 82% efficiency. There is no probability of any extensive use of petroleum as fuel for locomotives in the United States, on account of the unlimited supply of coal and the comparatively limited supply of petroleum. Texas and California oils are now (1902) used in locomotives of the Southern Pacific Railway and the Santa Fe System. Self-propelled Railway Cars. The use of single railway cars con- taining a steam or gasolene motor has become quite common in Europe. For a description of different systems see a paper on European Railway Motor Cars by B. D. Gray in Trans A. S. M. E., 1907. Tireless Locomotive. The principle of the Francq locomotive is that it depends for the supply of steam on its spontaneous generation from a body of heated water in a reservoir. As steam is generated and drawn off the pressure falls; but by providing a sufficiently large volume of water heated to a high temperature, at a pressure correspondingly high, a margin of surplus pressure may be secured, and means may tmif be provided for supplying the required quantity of steam for the trip. The fireless locomotive designed for the service of the Metropolitan Railway of Paris has a cylindrical reservoir having segmental ends, about S^ft. 7 in. in diameter, 261/4 ft. in length, with a capacity of about 620 cubic feet. Four-fifths of the capacity is occupied by water, which 3 heated by the aid of a powerful jet of steam supplied from stationary boilers. The water is heated until equilibrium is established between the boilers and the reservoir. The temperature is raised to about 390 F. t corresponding to 225 Ibs. per sq. in. The steam from the reservoir it 1128 LOCOMOTIVES passed through a reducing-valve, by which the steam is reduced to the required pressure. It is then passed through a tubular superheater situated within the receiver at the upper part, and thence through the Ordinary regulator to the cylinders. The exhaust-steam is expanded to a low pressure, in order to obviate noise of escape. In certain cases the exhaust-steam is condensed in closed vessels, which are only in part filled with water. In working off the steam from a pressure of 225 Ibs. to 67 Ibs., 53G cubic feet of water at 390 F. is sufficient for the traction of the trains, for working the circulating-pump for the condensers, for the brakes, and for electric-lighting of the train. At the stations the locomotive takes from 2200 to 3300 Ibs. of steam nearly the same as the weight of steam consumed during the run between two consecutive charging stations. There is 210 cubic feet of condensing water. Taking the initial temperature at 60 F., the temperature rises to about 180 F. after the longest runs underground. The locomotive has ten wheels, on a base 24 ft long, of which six are coupled. 41/2 ft. in diameter. The extreme wheels are on radial axles. The cylinders are 231/2 in. in diameter, with a stroke of 231/2 in. The engine weighs, in working order, 53 tons, of which 36 tons are on the coupled wheels. The speed varies from 15 miles to 25 miles per hour. The trams weigh about 140 tons. Compressed-air Locomotives. A compressed-air locomotive con- sists essentially of a storage tank mounted upon driving wheels, with two engines similar to those of a steam locomotive. One or more reservoirs or storage tanks are located on the line, from which the locomotive tank is charged. These reservoirs are usually riveted steel cylinders, designed for about 1000 Ibs. working pressure; but sometimes seamless steel cylinders of small diameter, designed for a working pressure of 2000 Ibs. or upwards, are used. The customary maximum pressure in the locomotive tank is 800 Ibs. gauge, and the working pressure in the cylinders is from 130 to 140 Ibs. The following table is condensed from one in a circular of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, No. 46, 1904. See account of the Mekarski compressed-air locomotives, page 652 ante. DIMENSIONS AND TRACTIVE POWER OF FOUR COUPLED COMPRESSED-AIR LOCOMOTIVES HAVING Two STORAGE TANKS. Class 4-4-C 4-6-C 4-8-C 4-10-C 4-1 2-C 4-16-C 4-18-C Cylinders, inches .... Diam. of drivers Wheel base 5X10 22" 4f 0" 6X10 24" 4' 3" 7X12 24" 4' 6" 8X14 26" 5' V f 9X14 28" y y, 11X14 28" y 6" 12X16 30" 6' 0" Approx. weight, Ibs.. Inside dia. of tanks. . Aggregate tank vol., cu. ft 10,000 26" 75 14,000 28* 100 18,000 30" 130 23,000 32" 170 27,000 34" 200 37,000 38" 280 44,00$ 40* 320 App. height 4 y 4 10" y o" y 4 5' 8" 6' 0* d 4* App. width ever tanks . . 4' 10* y 2" y 6" y 10* & y i 7' 0* 7 4* App. width over cyl- Gauge +24" Gauge +26" Gauge +27" Gauge +28" Gauge +30" Gauge +32" Gauge + 33" App. length over 12' 0" If 0" 15' 0" 17' 0" 18' 0" 2(X 0" 20 7 6' t,Full stroke ' g 3/4 Stroke cut-off o V2 Stroke cut-off PL, l/ 4 Stroke cut-off 1350 1290 940 510 1785 1700 1240 670 2915 2780 2025 1100 4100 3900 2840 1540 4820 4580 3345 1815 7200 6860 4995 2710 9140 8705 6340 3440 Draw-bar pull on any grade= tractive power - (.0075 + % of grade) X weight of engine. Working pressure in cylinders 140 Ibs.; tank storage pressure, 800 Ibs. Other sizes of engines are 51/2X 10 in., 6X12 in., and 8 X12in., 24-in, item, of drivers; 9X14 in., 26-in. drivers, and 10 X 14 in.. 28-in. drivers. . COMPRESSED-AIK LOCOMOTIVES. 1129 CUBIC FEET OF Am, AT ^DIFFERENT STORAGE PRESSURES, REQUIRED TO HAUL ONE TON ONE MILE AT HALF STROKE CUT-OFF, WITH 20, 30 AND 40 LBS. FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE PER TON. (Baldwin Loco. Wks.) Storage pressure Cylinder working pressure 600 130 700 135 800 140 600 130 700 135 800 140 600 130 700 135 800 140 Grade. R V V V R V V V R V V V 1.74 2.23 2.73 1 70 Level 20.0 31.2 42.4 64.8 87.2 109 6 1.16 1.81 2.47 1 7ft 0.99 1.56 2.12 1 74 0.87 1.36 1.85 7 8S 30.0 41.2 52.4 74 8 1.74 2.40 3.05 4 15 1.50 2.05 2.61 ^ 73 1.31 1.79 2.28 3 76 40.0 51.2 62.4 84 8 2.33 2.98 3.64 4 94 1.99 2.56 3.11 4 ?4 1/2% 1% 2% 3% 5.08 6 39 4.35 5 48 3.81 4 79 97.2 119 6 5.67 6 97 4.86 5 97 4.25 5 7^ 107.2 129 6 6.25 7 56 5.35 6 47 4.69 5.67 6.64 4%.. 5% 132.0 7.69 6.60 5.77 142.0 8.27 7.09 6.20 152.0 8.86 7.60 R= resistance per ton of 2240 Ibs. in pounds. V = cubic feet of air. Air Locomotives with Compound Cylinders and Atmospheric Interheater^ are built by H. K. Porter Co. The air enters the high-pressure cylinder at 250 Ibs. gauge pressure and is expanded down to 50 Ibs., overcoming resistance, while the temperature drops about 140 F. This loss of heat is practically all restored in the atmospheric interheater, which is a cylindrical reservoir filled with brass tubes located in the passage-way from the high- to the low-pressure cylinder. The air enters the low- pressure cylinder at 50 Ibs. gauge and a temperature within 10 or 20 of that of the surrounding atmosphere. The exhaust is used to induce a draught of atmospheric air through the tubes of the interheater. This combination permits of expanding the air from 250 Ibs. down to atmos- phere without unmanageable refrigeration. The following calculation shows the relative economy of a single- cylinder locomotive using air at 150 Ibs. and of a compound using air at 250 Ibs. in the high-pressure and 50 Ibs. in the low-pressure cylinder, non-expan- sive working being assumed in both cases. 11.2 cu. ft. of free air at 150 Ibs. gauge and atmospheric temperature would fill a cylinder of 1 cu. ft. capacity, and in moving a piston of 1 sq. ft. area one foot would develop 144 X 150 = 21,600 ft. Ibs. of energy. 11.2 cu. ft. of free air at 250 Ibs. gauge if used in a cylinder 0.623 sq. ft. area and 1 ft. stroke would develpp 0.623 X 144 X 250= 22,425 ft. Ibs. If expanded in two cylinders with a ratio of 4 to 1 the energy developed would be 0.623 X 144 X 200 plus 4 X 0.623 X 144 X 50 = 35,880 ft. Ibs., if the heat is restored between the two cylinders. Gain by compounding with interheating, over simple cylinders with 150 Ibs. initial pressure, 35,880 ^ 21,600 = 1.66. . These results are about the best that can be obtained with either simple or compound locomotives, as any improvement due to expansive working just about balances the losses due to clearance and initial refrig- eration. The work done per cubic foot of free air in the two systems is: with simple cylinders, 21,600 * 11.2 = 1840 ft. Ibs.; with compound cylinders and atmospheric interheater, 35,880 -* 11.2 = 3205 ft.' Ibs. The above calculations have been practically confirmed by actual tests which show 1900 ft. Ibs. of work per cubic foot of free air with the simple locomotive and 3000 ft. Ibs. with the compound, the gain due to expansive working and the losses due to internal friction being some- what greater in the compound than in the simple machine. In the operation of compressed-air locomotives the air compressor is generally delivering compressed air at a pressure fluctuating between 30 and 1000 Ibs. per sq. in. into the storage reservoir, and it requires an average of about 12,000 ft. Ibs. per cubic foot of free air to compress and deliver it at these pressures. The efficiency of the two systems then is: 1900 -4- 12000 = 16% for the simple locomotive, and 3000 -*- 12000 = 25% for the compound with atmospheric mterheater. SHAFTING. SHAFTING. (See also TORSIONAL STRENGTH; also SHAFTS OF STEAM ENGINES.) For shafts subjected to torsion only, let d = diam. of the shaft in ins., P = a force in Ibs. applied on a lever arm at a distance = a ins. from the axis, S = shearing resistance at the outer fiber, in Ibs. per sq. in., then If R = revolutions per minute, then the horse-power transmitted = Pa27cR nd*S X2xR RSd* . 33,000X12 16X33,000X12 321,000' 3 /321,OOOH.'pT_ A 3 /CXH.P. " V " RS = V W~ In practice, empirical values are given to S and to the coefficients K = S/5.1and C = 321,000/5, according to the factor of safety assumed, depending on the material, on whether the shaft is subjected to steady, fluctuating, bending, or reversed strains, on the distance between bear- ings, etc. Kimball and Barr (Machine Design) state that the following factors of safety are indicated by successful practice: For head shafts, 15; for line shafts carrying pulleys, 10; for small short shafts, counter- shafts, etc., 7. For steel shafting the allowable stress, S, for the above factors would be about 4000, 6000 and 8500 Ibs. respectively, whence 8 i > t/ 80 ^' P ' ; for head shafts d= i/ p " ; for line shafts d= i/ p ; for short shafts d = /QO TT T> 7dS U..V. VR Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. gives the following for steel shafts: Turned. Cold-rolled. For simply transmitting power ) and short countershafts, bear-J H.P. = d z R * 50 H.P = d 3 R -* 40 ings not more than 8 ft. apart ) As second movers, or line shafts, I TT -p ^ar> . on u r> MT> , 7n bearings 8 ft. apart } H ' P ' = d R * As prime movers or head shafts! carrying mairi driving pulley I TT r> _ ,731? . 10 * w T> _ ^ao inn or gear, well supported by\ a "^'~ aK ' bearings J Jones & Laughlins give the following notes: Receiving and transmit- ting pulleys should always be placed as close to bearings as possible; and it is good practice to frame short "headers" between the main tie- beams of a mill so as to support the main receivers, carried by the head shafts, with a bearing close to each side as is contemplated in the for- mulae. But if it is preferred, or necessary, for the shaft to span the full width of the "bay" without intermediate bearings, or for the pulley to be placed away from the bearings towards or at the middle of the bay, the size of the shaft must be largely increased to secure the stiffness necessary to support the load without undue deflection. Diameter of_sh_aft D to carry load at center of bays from 2 to 12 ft. span, D = t/- d 4 , in which d is the diameter derived from the formula for head shafts, c = length of bay in inches, and Ci= distance in inches between centers of bearings in accordance with the formula for horse- SHAFTING. 1131 power of head shafts. (Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.) different diameters d are as follows: Values of c\ for d Cj d c, d GI d d d c\ d Cj 1 to 13/8 15 213/10 25 3 15/ie & 4 37 51/4 & SS/g 55 63/8 71 73/8 88 Ul/16 & l 3 /4 16 27/8 to 3 26 43/16 40 51/2 57 61/2 73 71/2 95 H3/16 & 17/8 17 3 l/s to 3 1/4 28 41/4 41 55/ 8 59 65/8 75 75/s 93 1 15/16 to 2 l/s 18 33/8 30 47/ie & 41/2 44 53/4 61 63/4 77 73/4 96 23/16 & 2 1/4 19 25/16 to 27/ifl 20 21/2 to 25/8 24 37/ie & 31/2 31 39/ 16 &35/ 8 33 3 11/ie & 3 3/4 34 43/4 47 413/16 49 5 51 57/ 8 63 6 65 61/8 67 67/8 79 7 81 71/8 84 77/8 99 8 101 81/2 112 '2H/16 & 23/4 22 37/ 8 36 5V8 52 61/4 69 71/4 86 9 123 Should the load be applied near one end of the span or bay instead of at the center, multiply the fourth power of the diameter of the shaft required to carry the load at the center of the span or bay by the prod- uct of the two parts of the shaft when the load is near one end, and divide this product by the product of the two parts of the shaft when the load is carried at the center. The fourth root of this quotient will be the diameter required. The shaft in a line which carries a receiving-pulley, or which 'carries a transmitting-pulley to drive another line, should always be considered a head-shaft, and should be of the size given by the rules for shafts carrying main pulleys or gears. The greatest admissible distance between bearings of shafts subject to no transverse strain except from their own weight is for cold-rolled. shafts, L = 5 /8 4.3 8.6 12.8 17.1 21 3 27 54 81 108 135 1 n /16 4.8 9.6 14.4 19.2 24 3V8 31 61 91 122 152 13/4 5.4 10.7 16.1 21 27 33/ie 32 65 97 129 162 1 !3/i6 5.9 11.9 17.8 24 30 31/4 34 69 103 137 172 17/8 6.6 13.1 19.7 26 33 33/8 38 77 115 154 192 115/16 7.3 14.5 22 29 36 37/i 6 41 81 122 162 203 2 8.0 16.0 24 32 40 3V2 43 86 128 171 214 2Vl6 8.8 17.6 26 35 44 39/16 45 90 136 180 226 2V8 9.6 19.2 29 38 48 35/s 48 95 143 190 238 23/16 10.5 21 31 42 52 3U/16 50 100 150 200 251 21/4 11.4 23 34 45 57 33/4 55 105 158 211 264 25/16 12.4 25 37 49 62 37/8 58 116 174 233 291 23/8 13.4 27 40 54 67 315/ 16 61 122 183 244 305 27/16 14.5 29 43 58 72 4 64 128 192 256 320 21/2 15.6 31 47 62 78 43/16 74 147 221 294 367 29/16 16.8 34 50 67 84 41/4 77 154 230 307 383 25/8 18.1 36 54 72 90 47/16 88 175 263 350 438 211/16 19.4 39 58 77 97 4V2 91 182 273 365 456 23/4 21 41 62 83 104 43/4 107 214 322 429 537 213/16 22 44 67 89 111 5 125 250 375 500 625 For H.P. transmitted by turned steel shafts, as prime movers, etc., Cold-rolled Turned 1.43 1.11 . multiply the figures by 0.8. For sha .. hafts, as second movers or line shafts, ) bearings 8 ft. apart, multiply by J For simply transmitting power, short counter- shafts, etc., bearings not over 8 ft. apart, multi- ply by 2.50 SHAFTING. 1133 The horse-power is directly proportional to the number of revolutions per minute. SPEED OF SHAFTING. Machine shops 120 to 240 Wood-working 250 to 300 Cotton and woollen mills . . 300 to 400 Flange Couplings. The bolts should be designed so that theii combined resistance to a torsional moment around the axis of the shaft is at least as great as the torsional strength of the shaft itself; and the bolts should be accurately fitted so as to distribute the load evenly among them. Let D = diam. of the shaft, d = diam. of the bolts, r = radius of bolt circle, in inches, n = number of bolts, S = allowable shear- ing stress per sq. in., then ;rd 3 *$f-r-16 = i/4 nd z rS, whence d= 0.5 V'DVCw)- Kimball and Barr give n = 3 +D/2, but this number may be modified for convenience in spacing, etc. Effect of Cold Boiling. Experiments by Prof. R. H. Thurston in 1902 on hot-rolled and cold-rolled steel bars (Catalogue of Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.) showed that the cold-rolled steel in tension had its elastic limit increased 15 to 97%; tensile strength increased 20 to 45%; ductility decreased 40 to 69%. In transverse tests the resistance in- creased 11 to 30% at the elastic limit and 13 to 69% at the yield point. In torsion the resistance at the yield point increased 31 to 64%, and at the point of fracture it decreased 4 to 10%. The angle of torsion at the elastic limit increased 59 to 103%, while the ultimate angle de- creased 19 to 28%. Bars turned from 13/4 in. diam. to various sizes down to 0.35 in. showed that the change in quality produced by cold rolling extended to the center of the bar. The maximum strength of the cold-rolled bar of full size was 82,200 Ibs. per sq. in., and that of the smallest bar 73,600 Ibs. In the hot-rolled steel bars the maximum strength of the full-sized bar was 62,900 Ibs. and that of the smallest bar 58,600 Ibs. per sq. in. Hollow Shafts. Let d be the diameter of a solid shaft, and d t d 2 the external and internal diameters of a hollow shaft of the same material. Then the shafts will be of equal torsional strength when d 3 = - J ^ - a\ A 10-inch holtow shaft with internal diameter of 4 inches will weigh 16% less than a solid 10-inch shaft, but its strength will be only 2.56% less. If the hole were increased to 5 inches diameter the weight would be 25% less than that of the solid shaft, and the strength 6.25% less. Table for Laying Out Shafting. The table on the next page (from the Stevens Indicator, April, 1892) is used by Wm. Sellers & Co. to facilitate the laying out of shafting. The wood-cuts at the head of this table show the position of the hangers and position of couplings, either for the case of extension in both direc- tions from a Central head-shaft or extension in one direction from that head -shaft. Sizes of Collars for Shafting, Wm. Sellers & Co., Am. Mack. Jan. 28, 1897. D, diam. of collar; T, thickness; d, diam. of set screw; I, length. All in inches. LOOSE COLLARS. Shaft D T d I Shaft D T d I Shaft D t d H/4 11/2 1 5 /8 l3/ 4 13/4 17/8 21/4 25/8 23/4 3/4 13/16 15/16 U/16 H/8 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 V2 5/8 5/16 3/8 7/16 7/16 9 /16 9/16 21/4 2V2 23/4 31/4 3V2 33/8 33/4 4 41/2 47/8 53/ie 13/16 H/4 15/16 17/16 15/8 13/4 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 5/8 11/16 H/16 13/16 13/16 15/16 4 41/2 51/2 6 513/16 67/16 615/ie 71 /2 17/8 17/8 n/ 8 2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 FAST COLLARS. Shaft D T Shaft D T Shaft D T Shaft D T 13/16 U/4 13/8 11/2, U/2 13/4 2V4 2 2V4 25/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 9/16 2V2 23/4 3V4 31/4 35/8 4V4 9 /16 5/8 H/16 U/16 31/2 4 41/2 45/8 53/8 6 7 7/8 15 /16 H/8 51/2 6 61/2 ^/8 81/4 93/ 4 1134 SHAFTING. m J l! eaqonr ffj&fl ?5l l^5f |l saqoui 'q^Sua^j sui 'xog jo *sui -j'eag jo t^Siia r j 00 11 'c 2 S *-" =1 ~ & " C ' ^ ^ " cK !i!li' - - Distance from Center of Bearing to End of Shaft for Coupling. See B, Figs. 1, 2, an !H5 .S y * . *N *^ p^ USE OF TABLE. Look for size of first shaft i under the head of Size of first shaft, and in the top 1 Size of second shaft, find the size of the shaft to be intersection gives the length R this added to the le Irom center to center of bearing, and in cases simil length C, gives the length of the first shaft, thus as in length ; Fig. 2, C + A + S length. {3W ^^rt M S * S 2" S NO s"||i| s | RS f Ir> s?5 | s |_ 1 % affslls ! * N ! ^T asassssl * slaaafaftf 1 ^M ^(Nf^csr^r^ C<1 M W .& c* ^ N w" 5 __ tsr^j ^ ;? 2 ;? p*~d N 43 ** w c r>l c^> ** N rt n> ^ J; g bo $ " If-fjj fjsfjj S ~ "Illil Nominal Size of 2d Shaft. IN? . ' $ s : ^^mi.L^H. Ij "OTS - "W^-O S f ' N N 00 *< * *< 00-C 00 H * 00 M N 1 H* is* i"^f5"^rt^J9 ^*^"e00 O (Nl r^ T m vO tx PULLEYS. 1135 PULLEYS. ft = breadth of arm at hub Proportions of Pulleys. (See also Fly-wheels, page 1049.) Let n = number of arms, D = diameter of pulley, S = thickness of belt, t = thickness of rim at edge, T = thickness in middle, B = width of rim, = width of belt, h = breadth of arm at hub, hi = breadth of arm at rim, e thickness of arm at hub, e\ = thickness of arm at rim, c = amount of crowning; dimensions in inches. Unwin. Reuleaux. B = width of rim. 9/ 8 (p + o .4) % P to 5/4 # t = thickness at edge of rim 0.75+0 .005 D { ( ^ to V?ft T = thickness at middle of rim ... 2t+ c For single /BD belts = 0.6337V IT R n 1/ ' a. _ -i_ For double . 3 /BD /4in< "*" 4 * 20~n belts = 0.798 y T hi = breadth of arm at rim 2/ 3 h O.Sh e thickness of arm at hub A h .5 h ei = thickness of arm at rim .4 hi .5 hi n = number of arms, for a single set 3 + ^^7) */2 ( 5 + ^-g ) {B for sin.-arrr> pulleys. 2 B for double, arm pulleys. M = thickness of metal in hub htoS/ih c = crowning of pulley 1/24 B The number of arms is really arbitrary, and may be altered if necessary, (Unwin.) Pulleys with two or three sets of arms may be considered as two or three separate pulleys combined in one, except that the proportions of the arms should be .8 or .7 that of single-arm pulleys. (Reuleaux.) EXAMPLE. Dimensions of a pulley 60 in. diam., 16 in. face, for double belt 1/2 in. thick. Solution by n h hi e e\ t T L M c Unwin 9 3.792.531.521.010.651.9710.73.80.67 Reuleaux 4 5.0 4.0 2.5 2.0 1.25 16 5 The following proportions are given in an article in the Amer. Machinist authority not stated: h = .0625 D + .5 in., hi = .04 D + .3125 in., e = .025 D + .2 In., ei = .016 D + .125 in. These give for the above example: h = 4.25 in., hi = 2.71 in., e = 1.7 in., ei = 1 .09 in. The section of the arms in all cases is taken as elliptical. The following solution for breadth of arm is proposed by the author: Assume a belt pull of 45 Ibs. per inch of width of a single belt, that the whole strain is taken in equal proportions on one-half of the arms, and that the arm is a beam loaded at one end and fixed at the other. We have the formula for a beam of elliptical section fP = .0982 Rbd z +1, in which P = the load, R = the modulus of rupture of the cast iron, b = breadth, d = depth, and I = length of the beam, and/ = factor of safety. Assume a modulus of rupture of 36,000 Ibs., a factor of safety of 10, and an addi- tional allowance for safety in taking I = 1/2 the diameter of the pulley instead of 1/2 D less the radius of the hub. Take d = h, the breadth of the arm at the hub, and 6 = e 0.4 h the thickness. We then have fP - 10 X -^^ = 900 - = 3535xo - 4/i3 - n 1/2 D ' QOO 7? D *V 7? 7) whence h = i/ = 0.633\/ , which is practically the same as v oooo n, V' ?i the value reached by Unwin from a different set of assumptions. 1136 PtILLEYS. Relation of Belt Width to Pulley Pace. (Am. Mach., Feb. 11, 1915.) Carl G. Barth recommends that the relation between the face of the pulley and the belt be expressed by the formula F 1 3/j 8 B + 3/g in., in which F and B are the widths respectively of the pulley face and belt, both in inches. If the limits of design make it impractical to use the dimension given by the equation, the following equation may be substituted: F = 1 3/ 32 B + 3/ 16 in. Convexity of Pulleys. Authorities differ. Morin gives a rise equal to 1/10 of the face; Molesworth, 1/24; others from i/g to Vge- Scott A. Smith says the crown should not be over 1/8 inch for a 24-inch face. Pulleys for shifting belts should be " straight," that is, without crowning. Mr. Barth uses the formula H = 0.03125 F 2 /3, in which H is the height of crown and F the width of face in inches. CONE OB STEP PULLEYS. To find the diameters for the several steps of a pair of cone-pulleys: 1. Crossed Belts. Let D and d be the diameters of two pulleys connected by a crossed belt, L = the distance between their centers, and = the angle either half of the belt makes with a line joining the centers of the pulleys: then total length of belt =(D+c?) ~ + (D + d) ^~ f 2 L cos p. fl ** angle whose sine is . L Cos p= i/L 2 ( ? j ' The length of the belt is constant when D + d is constant; that is, in a pair of step-pulleys the belt tension will be uniform when the sum of the diameters of each opposite pair of steps is constant. Crossed belts are seldom used for cone-pulleys, on account of the friction between the rubbing parts of the belt. To design a pair of tapering speed-cones, so that the belt may fit equally tight in all positions: When the belt is crossed, use a pair of equal and similar cones tapering opposite ways. 2. Open Belts. When the belt is uncrossed, use a pair of equal and similar conoids, tapering opposite ways, and bulging in the middle, according to the following formula: Let L denote the distance between the axes of the conoids; R the radius of the larger end of each; r the radius of the smaller end; then the radius in the middle, r , is found as follows: R + r (R - r) 2 2 6.28L (Rankine.) If DO = the diameter of equal steps of a pair of cone-pulleys, D and d = the diameters of unequal opposite steps, and L = distance between the axes, DO D+d (D - d) 2 2 12. 566 L' If a series of differences of radii of the steps, R r, be assumed, then for each pair of steps - = r\> ' ~ T r , and the radii of each may A O .ZO Li be computed from their half sum and half difference, as follows: R + r R - r R R+r R r 2 2 ; 2 2 A. J. Frith (Trans. A. S. M. E., x, 298) shows the following application of Rankine's method: If we had a set of cones to design, the extreme diameters of which, including thickness of belt, were 40 ins. and 10 ins., and the ratio desired 4, 3, 2, and 1, we would make a table as follows, L being 100 ins.: Trial Sum of D+ d Ratio. Trial Diams. Values of (D-d)s Amount to be Added. Corrected Values. D | d 12.56 L D d 50 50 50 50 4 3 2 40 37.5 33.333 25 10 12.5 16.666 25 0.7165 .4975 .2212 .0000 0.0000 .2190 .4953 .7165 40 37.7190 33.8286 25.7165 10 12.7190 17.1619 25.7165 The above formulae, are approximate, and they do not give satisfactory CONE AND S?t> PULLEYS. 1137 results when the difference of diameters of opposite steps is large and when the axes of the pulleys are near together, giving a large belt-angle. Two more accurate solutions of the problem, one by a graphical method, and another by a trigonometrical method derived from it, are given by C. A. Smith (Trans. A. S. M. E. x, 269). These were copied in earlier editions of this Pocket-book, but are now replaced by formulae derived from a graphical solution by Burmester (" Lehrbuch der Kinematic"; Mach'y Reference Series, No. 14, 1908), which give results far more accurate than are required in practice. In all cases 0.8 of the thickness of the belt should be subtracted from che calculated diameter to obtain the actual diameter of the pulley. This should be done because the belt drawn tight around the pulleys is not the same length as a tape-line measure around them. (C. A. Smith.) Using Burmester's diagram the author has devised an algebraic solu- tion of the problem (Indust. Eng., June, 1910) which leads to the follow- ing equations: Let L = distance between the centers. TO = radius of the steps of equal diameter on the two cones. r, f r 2 = radii of any pair of steps. a = 0.79057 L - TO. If r, is given, r 2 = Vi.25 L 2 - (0.79057 L - r + rj) 2 - 0.79057 L + r . If the ratio TZ -* r t is given, let r^r\ = c: r 2 = cr\. We then have a + cr t = VRZ ( a + ri )2 f which reduces to (1 + c 2 ) rj2 + 2 a (1 + c) r t = 1.25 L 2 - 2 a 2 , a quadratic equation, In which a = 0.79057 L r . Substituting the value of a we have (l + ct)rkH-(1.58ll -2 r ) (l+c)rt = 3.16228Z,r - 2r 2 , in which L, r and c are given and r t is to be found. Let L = 100, c = 4, r = 12.858 as in Mr. Frith's example, page 1136. Then 17ri 2 + 10ar t , = 12,500 -8764.62, from which r t =5.001, r 2 =20.004. If c = 3, r, = 6.304, r 2 = 18.912. If c = 2, rj = 8.496, r 2 = 16.992. Checking the results by the approximate formula for length of belt. page 1148, viz, Length = 2 L + * (r t + r 2 ) + (r 2 - n) 2 -* L, we have for c = 1, 200 + 80.79 + = 280.79 2, 2004-80.07 + 0.72 = 280.79 3, 200+ 79.22+ 1.59 = 280.81 4, 200+ 78.56 + 2.25 = 280.81 The maximum difference being only 1 part in 14,000. J. J. Clark (Indust. Eng., Aug., 1910) gives the following solution: Using the same notation as above, ir(c+l)ri2icro .................. (1). ^|f)=2,ro ............ ....... (2) s-(r a -r,) -*!,* .......................... (3) The quadratic equation (1) gives the value of ri with an approximation to accuracy sufficient for all practical purposes. If greater accuracy is for any reason desired it may be obtained by (2) and (3), using in (3) the values of r, and r 2 , = cr lt already found from (1). Taking n = 3.1415927, the re- sult will be correct to the seventh figure. Speeds of Shaft with Cone Pulleys. If S speed (revs, per min.) of the driving shaft, si, s 2 , s 3 , s n = speeds of the driven shaft, Z>i, Z>2, Z>3, D n = diameters of the pulleys on the driving cone, di, dz, ds, d n =diams. of corresponding pulleys on the driven cone, SDi^s^; SDz =szdz t etc. Si/S = D l /d l = r i; s n /S = D n /d n , = r n . The speed of the driving shaft being constant, the several speeds of 1138 BELTING* the driven shaft are proportional to the ratio of the diameter of the driving pulley to that of the driven, or to D/d. Speeds in Geometrical Progression. If it is desired that the speed ratios shall increase by a constant percentage, or in geometrical progres- sion, thenr 2 /r l rz/r 2 = r n /r n _ l = c, a constant. EXAMPLE. If the speed ratio of the driven shaft at its lowest speed, to the driving shaft be 0.76923, and at its highest speed 2.197, the speeds being in geometrical progression, what is the constant multiplier if w=5? Log 2.197 = 0.341830 Log 0.76923 = 1.886056 0.455774 Divide by n- !,= 4, 0.113943 = log of 1.30. If Dz/dz = 1, then Dt/di = 1 -s- 1.3 = 0.769; Z> 3 d 3 = 1.30; ZVct* l.u<); X/5/(*5 ==s 2.197* BELTING. Theory of Belts and Bands. A pulley is driven by a belt by means of the friction between the surfaces in contact. Let T\ be the tension on the driving side of the belt, Tz the tension on the loose side; then ,= T\ ITa, is the total friction between the band and the pulley, which is equal to the tractive or driving force. Let / = the coefficient of friction, 6 the ratio of the length of the arc of contact to the length of the radius, a = the angle of the arc of contact in degrees, e = the base of the Nape- rian logarithms = 2.71828, m= the modulus of the common logarithms = 0.434295. The following formulae are derived by calculus (Rankine's Mach'y and Mill work, p. 351; Carpenter's Exper. Eng'g, p. 173): AjL pf&~ To Ti . To Ti * Ti n p'~f&\ T* ' l2 ~ e fe' 1/1 l2 ~~ e fd - T! _ T 2 = Ti (1 - e~f e ) = Ti (1 - 10 ~f em ) => Ti (1 - lO" ' 00758 /^) I _1 = 1() 0.00758> ; Ti a Tz If the arc of contact between the band and the pulley expressed in turns and fractions of a turn = n, 6 = 2*n; ef e = lo 2 - 7288 -/"; that is, ef 6 is the natural number corresponding to the common logarithm 2.7288/n. The value of the coefficient of friction /depends on the state and mate- rial of the rubbing surfaces. For leather oelts on iron pulleys, Morin found / = .56 when dry, .36 when wet, .23 when greasy, and .15 when oily. In calculating the proper mean tension for a belt, the smallest value, / = .15, is to be taken if there is a probability of the belt becom- ing wet with oil. The experiments of Henry R. Towne and Robert Briggs, however (Jour. Frank. Inst., 1868), show that such a state of lubrication is not of ordinary occurrence; and that in designing machinery we may in most cases safely take / = .42. Reuleaux takes / = .25. Later writers have shown that the coefficient is not a constant quantity, but is extremely variable, depending on the velocity of slip, the condition of the surfaces, and even on the weather. The following table shows the values of the coefficient 2.7288 /, by which n is multiplied in the last equation, corresponding to different values of /; also the corresponding values of various ratios among the forces, when the arc of contact is half a circumference: /=0.15 0.25 0.42 0.56 88/=0.4 2.7288/=0.41 0.68 1.15 1.53 Let = TT and n = 1/2, then Ti -* T 2 = 1 .603 2.188 3.758 5.821 Ti -* S = 2.66 1.84 1.36 1.21 -* 2S= 2.16 1.34 0.86 0.71 BELTING. 1139 Tn ordinary practice it is usual to assume Tz = S; Ti = 2 5; T\ + Tz -5- 25 = 1.5. This corresponds to / = 0.22 nearly. For a wire rope on cast iron / may be taken as .15 nearly; and if the groove of the pulley is bottomed with gutta-percha, .25. (Rankine.) Centrifugal Tension of Belts. When a belt or band runs at a high velocity, centrifugal force produces a tension in addition to that existing when the belt is at rest or moving at a low velocity. This centrifugal tension diminishes the effective driving force. Rankine says: If an endless band, of any figure whatsoever, runs at a given speed, the centrifugal force produces a uniform tension at each cross-section of the band, equal to the weight of a piece of the band whose length is twice the height from which a heavy body must fall in oraer to acquire the velocity of the band. (See Cooper on Belting, p. 101.) If T c = centrifugal tension; V velocity in feet per second; g= acceleration due to gravity = 32.2; W= weight of a piece of the belt 1 ft. long and 1 sq. In. sectional area, - Leather weighing 56 Ibs. per cubic foot gives W = 56 + 144 = .388. T c =- WV* * g =- 0.388 V 2 + 32.2 = .01272. Belting Practice. Handy Formulae for Belting. Since in the practical application of the above formulae the value of the coefficient of friction must be assumed, its actual value varying within wide limits (15% to 135%), and since the values of T\ and Tz also are fixed arbi- trarily, it is customary in practice to substitute for these theoretical formulae more simple empirical formula and rules, some of which are given below. Let d=diam. of pulley in inches; *d= circumference; V velocity of belt in ft. per second; v = vel. in ft. per minute; a = angle of the arc of contact: L = length of arc of contact in feet == irda * (12 X 360); F=tractive force per square inch of sectional area of belt; w = width in inches; t = thickness; S = tractive force per inch of width = F X t; r.p.m. = revs. per minute; r.p.s. = revs, per second = r.p.m. -s- 60. v= j2 X r.p.m.; = .2618 d X r.p.m. Svw SVw Swd X r.p.m. Horse-power, H.P. =5^ = -^ - 126050 -- If F= working tension per square inch =275 Ibs., and t= 7/32 inch, - 60 Ibs. nearly, then H.P.= -^ =0.109 Vw = .000476 wd X r.p.m. = wa * T *' m ' - (1) If F = 180 Ibs. per square inch, and t = Va inch, S = 30 Ibs., then H.P. = ~ =0.055 Vw =0.000238 wd X r.p.m. = ^^g'' (2) If the working strain is 60 Ibs. per inch of width, a belt 1 inch wide traveling 550 ft. per minute will transmit 1 horse-power. If the working strain is 30 Ibs. per inch of width, a belt 1 inch wide traveling 1100 ft. per minute will transmit 1 horse-power. Numerous rules are given by different writers on belting which vary between these extremes. A rule commonly used is: 1 inch wide traveling 1000 ft. per min. = 1H.P. H ' P - = l?^ =0 - 067w = - 000262 ^ Xr -P- m -= !E ^F 1 *- (3) This corresponds to a working strain of 33 Ibs. per inch of width. Many writers give as safe practice for single belts in good condition a working tension of 45 Ibs. per inch of width. This gives H.P. = ^| = 0.08187^=0. 000357 ^ X r.p.m. = ^^ . (4 ) 1140 BELTING. For double belts of average thickness, some writers say that the trans- mitting efficiency is to that of single belts as 10 to 7, which would give H.P. = = 0.1169 Vw = 0.00051 wd X r.p.m. = Wd *' m ' (5) (1) For S = 60 Ibs. per inch wide; (2) " 8 = 30 " (3) " S = 33 " (4) s = 45 " (5) " S = 64.3" Other authorities, however, make the transmitting power of double belts twice that of single belts, on the assumption that the thickness of a double belt is twice that of a single belt. Rules for horse-power of belts are sometimes based on the number of square feet of surface of the belt which pass over the pulley in a minute. Sq. ft. per min. = wv * 12. The above formulae translated into this form give: H.P. = 46 sq. ft. per minute. H.P. = 92 " H.P. = 83 " H.P. = 61 H.P. =- 43 ' (double belt). The above formulae are all based on the supposition that the arc of con- tact is 180. For other arcs, the transmitting power is approximately proportional to the ratio of the degrees of arc to 180. Some rules base the horse-power on the length of the arc of contact in feet. Since L - and H.P. 12 X 360 we obtain by substitution H.P. 33000 " 33000 X 12 X r - P ' m ' X 180* Sw X L X r.p.m., and the five for- H.P. = (4); muise then take the following form for the several values of S: _wL X r.p.m. wL X r.p.m. wL X r.p.m wL X r.p.m. 275 '".' " 550 UJI 500 367 TT T /j T-I i- i^v wL X r.p.m. ,_,. H.P. (double belt) = ^^ (5). ^o/ None of the handy formulae take into consideration the centrifugal tension of belts at high velocities. When the velocity is over 3000 ft. per minute the effect of this tension becomes appreciable, and it should be taken account of, as in Mr. Nagle's formula, which is given below. Horse-power of a Leather Belt One Inch wide. (Nagle.) Formula: H.P. = CVtw (S - 0.012 V) -5- 550. For/ = 0.40, a = 180, C = 0.715, w = 1. *i Laced Belts, S = 275. u -S Riveted Belts, S = 400. ft Thickness in inches = t. fc P, Thickness in inches = t. L 1/7 1/6 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 1/3 o . "a if > 7/32 1/4 5/16 1/3 3/8 7/16 1/2 10 0.51 0.59 0.63 0.73 0.84 1.05 1.18 15 1.69 1.94 2.42 2.58 2.91 3.39 3.87 15 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.16 1.32 1.66 1.77 20 2.24 2.57 3.21 3.42 3.85 4.49 5.13 20 .00 1.17 1.32 1.54 1.75 2.19 2.34 25 2.79 3.19 3.98 4.25 4.78 5.57 6.37 25 .23 1.43 1.61 1.88 2.16 2.69 2.86 30 3.31 3.79 4.74 5.05 5.67 6.62 7.58 30 .47 1.72 1.93 2.25 2.58 3.22 3.44 35 3.82 4.37 5.46 5.83 6.56 7.65 8.75 35 .69 1.97 2.22 2.59 2.96 3.70 3.94 40 4.33 4.95 6.19 6.60 7.42 8.66 9.90 40 .90 2.22 2.49 2.90 3.32 4.15 4.44 45 4.85 5.49 6.86 7.32 8.43 9.70 10.98 45 2.09 2.45 2.75 3.21 3.67 4.58 4.89 50 5.26 6.01 7.51 8.02 9.02 10.52 12.03 50 2.27 2.65 2.98 3.48 3.98 4.97 5.30 55 5.68 6.50 8.12 8.66 9.74 11.36 13.00 55 2.44 2.84 3.19 3.72 4.26 5.32 5.69 60 6.09 6.96 8.70 9.28 10.43 12.17 13.91 60 2.58 3.01 3.38 3.95 4.51 5.64 6.02 65 6.45 7.37 9.22 9.83 11.06 12.90 14.75 65 2.71 3.16 3.55 4.14 4.74 5.92 6.32 70 6.78 7.75 9.69 10.33 11.62 13.56 15.50 70 2.81 3.27 3.68 4.29 4.91 6.14 6.54 75 7.09 8.11 10.13 10.84 12.16 14.18 16.21 75 2.89 3.37 3.79 4.42 5.05 6.31 6.73 80 7.36 8.41 10.51 11.21 12.61 14.71 16.81 80 2.94 3.43 3.86 4.50 5.15 6.44 6.86 85 7.58 8.66 10.82 11.55 13.00 15.16 17.32 85 2.97 3.47 3.90 4.55 5.20 6.50 6.93 90 7.74 8.85 11.06 11.80 13.27 15.48 17.69 90 2.97 3.47 3.90 4.55 5.20 6.50 6.93 100 7.96 9.10 11.37 12.13 13.65 15.92 18.20 The H.P. becomes a maximum The H.P. becomes a maximum at at 87, 41 ft. per sec. = 5245ft. p. min. 105.4 ft. per sec. = 6324 ft. per min. BELTING. 1141 In the above table the angle of subtension, a, is taken at 180. Should it be ....... Multiply above values by ..... . 100 C .70 110* .75 120< 130' .83 140< .87 150' -.91 160 ( .94 170' ,.97 180< 200 1.05 A. F. Nagle's Formula (Trans. A. S: M. E., vol. ii, 1881, p. 91. Tables published in 1882). 550 /' C = 1 - io-- 00758 -fc : t = thickness in inches; a = degrees of belt contact; v = velocity in feet per second; / = coefficient of friction; S= stress upon belt per square Inch. w = width in inches: Taking S at 275 Ibs. per sq. in. for laced belts and 400 Ibs. per sq. in, for lapped and riveted belts, the formula becomes H.P.= CVtw(0.50 - 0.0000218 F 2 ) for laced belts: H.P. = C Vtw (0 .727 - .0000218 V 2 ) for riveted belts. VALUES OF C= 1 - 10-0-00758 fa. (NAGLE.) Degrees of contact = a. j = coeuicient of friction. 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 200 0.15 0.210 0.230 0.250 0.270 0.288 0.307 0.325 0.342 0.359 0.376 0.408 .20 .270 .295 .319 .342 .364 .386 .408 .428 .448 .467 .503 .25 .325 .354 .381 .407 .432 .457 .480 .503 .524 .544 .582 .30 .376 .408 .438 .467 .494 .520 .544 .567 .590 .610 .649 .35 .423 .457 .489 .520 .548 .575 .600 .624 .646 .667 .705 .40 .467 .502 .536 .567 .597 .624 .649 .673 .695 .715 .753 .45 .507 .544 .579 .610 .640 .667 .692 .715 .737 .757 .792 .50 .543 .582 .617 .649 .679 .705 .730 .753 .772 .792 .826 .55 .578 .617 .652 .684 .713 .739 .763 .785 .805 .822 .853 .60 .610 .649 .684 .715 .744 .769 .792 .813 .832 .848 .877 1.00 .792 .825 .853 .877 .897 .913 .927 .937 .947 .956 .969 The following table gives a comparison of the formulae already given for the case of a belt one inch wide, with arc of contact 180. Horse-power of a Belt One Inch wide, Arc of Contact 180. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT FORMULAE. .2 v *? .3 a' $z i Form. I H.P. = Form .2 H.P. = Form. 3 H.P. = Form. 4 H.P. = Form. 5 double belt Nagle's Form. 7/32-in- single sff 's ft d wv .wv wv wv H.P.= belt. >*** "53^ !><" -*2 550 1100 1000 733 wv 513 Laced. Riv't'd 10 600 50 1.09 0.55 0.60 0.82 1.17 0.73 1.14 70 1200 100 2.18 1.09 1.20 1.64 2.34 1.54 2.24 30 1800 150 3.27 1.64 1.80 2.46 3.51 2.25 3.31 40 2400 200 4.36 2.18 2.40 3.27 4.68 2.90 4.33 50 3000 250 5.45 2.73 3.00 4.09 5.85 3.48 5.26 60 3600 300 6.55 3.27 3.60 4.91 7.02 3.95 6.09 70 4200 350 7.63 3.82 4.20 5.73 8.19 4.29 6.78 80 4800 400 8.73 4.36 4.80 6.55 9.36 4.50 7.36 90 5400 450 9.82 4.91 5.40 7.37 10.53 4.55 7.74 100 6000 500 10.91 5.45 6.00 8.18 11.70 4.41 7.96 110 6600 550 4.05 7.97 120 7200 600 3.49 7.75 Width of Belt for a Given Horse-power. The width of belt required for any given horse-power may be obtained by transposing the 1142 BELTING. formulae for horse-power so as to give the value of w. Thus: From formula (1), w --. H *=- ^ 7 H P '- 2101 H P ' - 275 H ' P - From formula (2), w = From formula (3) , w = From formula (4), w- From formula (5),*iy = v V d X r.p.m. L Xr.p.m." 1100 H.P.^ 18. 33 H.P. = 4202 H.P. ^530 H.P. . v V dX r.p.m. LXr.p.m." 1000 H.P. = 16 .67 H.P. = 3820 H.P. ^ 500 H.P. , v V d X r.p.m."" L x r.p.m. 733 H.P. = 12 .22 H.P. = 2800 H.P. _ 360 H.P. v V dx r.p.m. L xr.p.m/ 513 H.P. 8. 56 H.P. 1960 H.P. _ 257 H.P L Xr.p.m.* v V d Xr.p.m. _,,..., ___ Many authorities use formula (1) for double belts and formula (2) or (3) for single belts. To obtain the width by Nagle's formula, u> = F2) . divide the given horse-power by the figure in the table corresponding to the given thickness of belt and velocity in feet per second. The formula to be used in any particular case is largely a matter of judg- ment. A single belt proportioned according to formula (1), if tightly stretched, and if the surface is in good condition, will transmit the horse- power calculated by the formula, but one so proportioned is objectionable, first, because it requires so great an initial tension that it is apt to stretch, slip, and require frequent restretching and relacing; and second, because this tension will cause an undue pressure on the pulley-shaft, and therefore an undue loss of power by friction. To avoid these difficulties, formula (2), (3), or (4), or Mr. Nagle's table, should be used; the latter especially in cases in which the velocity exceeds 4000 ft. per min. The following are from the notes of the late Samuel Webber. (Am. Mach. May 11, 1909.) Good oak-tanned leather from the back of the hide weighs almost exactly one avoirdupois ounce for each one-hundredth of an inch in thick- ness, in a piece of leather one foot square, so that Lbs. P 1t sq ' Approx. Thick- ness. Actual Thick- ness. Vel. per Inch for 1 H.P. Safe Strain per Inch Width. Single belt..... 16 oz. 1/0 in. 16 in 625ft 52 8 Ib-? Light double 24 " 1/4 " 24 " 417 " 78.1 " Medium 28 " 5 /16 " 0.28 " 357 " 92.5 " Standard 33 " Vq " 33 " 303 " 109 " 3-oly 45 " & - 0.45 " 222 " 148 " The rule for velocity per inch width for 1 H.P. is: Multiply the denominator of the fraction expressing the thickness of the belt in inches by 100, and divide it by the numerator; Good, well-calendered rubber belting made with 30-ounce duck and new (i. e.. not reclaimed vulcanized) rubber will be as follows: Nomenclature. Approximate Thickness. Safe Working Strain for 1 Inch Width. Velocity per Inch for for 1 H.P. }* 6 l ? 0.18h 0.24 ' 0.30 ' 0.35 ' 0.40 0.45 4 i. 45 pounds 65 " 85 " 105 125 145 " 735 ft. p 508" 388" 314" 264" 218" er mm. M M The thickness of rubber belt does not necessarily govern the strength, but the weight of duck does, and with 30-ounce duck, the safe working strains are as above. Belt Factors. W. W. Bird (Jour. Worcester Polyt. Inst., Jan. 1910.) The factors given in the table below, for use in the formula H.P. =* vw + F,tp. which F is an empirical factor, are based on the following assumptions: A belt of single thickness will stand a stress on | the tight *For double Jbelts, BELTING. 1143 side, Ti, of 60 Ibs. per inch of width, a double belt 105 Ibs., and a triple belt 150 Ibs., and have a fairly long life, requiring only occasional taking up; the ratio of tensions Ti/Tz should not exceed 2 on small, 2. 5 on 'medium and 3 on large pulleys ; the creep (travel of the belt relative to the surface of te pulley due to the elasticity of the belt and not to slip) should not exceed 1% this requires that the differ- ence m tensions T\ - Tz should not be greater than 40 ibs. per Inch of width for single, 70 for double and 100 for triple belts. Pulley diam, Under 8 in. 8 to 36 in. Over 3ft. Under 14 in. 14 to 60 in. Over 5ft. Under 21 in. 21 to 84 in. Over 7ft. Belt thick- ness. Single. S'gle. S'gle. Dbl. Dbl. Dbl. Triple. Triple. Triple. Factor Ti-T* Creep, %.... ?\- T 2 7 1 , 1100 30 0.74 2 60 920 36 0.89 2.5 60 830 40 0.99 3 60 630 52.5 0.74 2 105 520 63 0.89 2.5 105 470 70 0.99 3 105 440 75 0.74 2 150 370 90 0.89 2.5 150 330 100 0.99 3 150 These factors are for an arc of contact of 180. For other arcs they are to be multiplied by the figures given below. Arc 220 210 200 190 170 160 150 140 130 120 Multiply by... 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.97 1.04 1.07 1.11 1.16 1.21 1 27 Taylor's Rules for Belting. F. W. Taylor (Trans. A. S, M. E., xv, 204) describes a nine years' experiment on belting in a machine shop, giving results of tests of 42 belts running night and day. Some of these belts were run on cone pulleys and others on shifting, or fast-and-loose, pulleys. The average net working load on the shifting belts was only 0.4 of that of the cone belts. The shifting belts varied in dimensions from 39 ft. 7 in. long, 3.5 in. wide, .25 in. thick, to 51 ft. 5 in. long, 6 .5 in. wide, .37 in. thick. The cone belts varied in dimensions from 24 ft. 7 in. long, 2 in. wide, .25 in. thick, to 31 ft. 10 in. long, 4 in. wide, .37 in. thick. Belt-clamps were used having spring-balances between the two pairs of clamps, so that the exact tension to which the belt was subjected was accurately weighed when the belt was first put on, and each time it war tightened. The tension under which each belt was spliced was care fully figured so as to place it under an initial strain while the belt was at rest immediately after tightening of 71 Ibs. per inch of width of double belts. This is equivalent, in the case of Oak tanned and fulled belts, to 192 Ibs. per sq. in. section; Oak tanned, not fulled belts, to 229 " Semi-raw-hide belts, to 253 ' Raw-hide belts to 284 ' From the nine years experiment Mr. Taylor draws a number of con. elusions, some of which are given in an abridged form below. In using belting so as to obtain the greatest economy and the most satisfactory results, the following rules should be observed: Oak Tanned and Fulled Leather Belts. Other Types of Leather Belts and 6- to 7-ply Rubber Belts. A double belt, having an arc of contact of 180, will give an effective pull on the face of a pulley per inch of widtn of belt of Or, a different form of same rule: The number of sq. ft. of double belt passing around a pulley per minute required to transmit one horse-power is 35 Ibs. 80 sq. ft. 30 ibs. 90 sq. ft. Or: The number of lineal feet of double belting 1 in. wide passing around a pulley per minute required to transmit one horse- power is 950 ft. 1100ft. Or: A double belt 6 in. wide, running 4000 to 5000 ft. per min., will transmit 30 H.P. 25 H.P. 1144 BELTING. The terms "initial tension," "effective pull,'* etc., are thus explained by Mr. Taylor: When pulleys upon which belts are tightened are at rest both strands of the belt (the upper ana lower) are unaer the same stress per in. of width. By "tension," "initial tension," or "tension while at rest," we mean the stress per in. of width, or sq. in. of section, to which one of the strands of the belt is tightened, when at rest. After the belts are in motion and transmitting power, the stress on the slack side, or strand, of the belt becomes less, while that on the tight side or the siae which does the pulling becomes greater than when the belt was at rest. By the term "total load" we mean the total stress per in. of width, or sq. in. of section, on the tight side of belt while in motion. The difference between the stress on the tight side of the belt and its slack side, while in motion, represents the effective force or pull which is transmitted from one pulley to another. By the terms "working load," "net working load," or "effective pull," we mean the difference in the tension of the tight and slack sides of the belt per in. of width, or sq. in. section, while in motion, or the net effective force that is transmitted from one pulley to another per in. of width or sq. in. of section. The discovery of Messrs. Lewis and Bancroft (Trans. A. S. M. E., vii, 549) that the "sum of the tension on both sides of the belt does not remain constant," upsets all previous theoretical belting formulae. The belt speed for maximum economy should be from 4000 to 4500 ft. per minute. The best distance from center to center of shafts is from 20 to 25 ft. Idler pulleys work most satisfactorily when located on the slack side of the belt about one-quarter way from the driving-pulley. Belts are more durable and work more satisfactorily made narrow and thick, rather than wide and thin. It is safe and advisable to use: a double belt on a pulley 12 in. diameter or larger; a triple belt on a pulley 20 in. diameter or larger; a quadruple belt on a pulley 30 in. diameter or larger. As belts increase in width they should also be made thicker. The ends of the belt should be fastened together by splicing and cement- ing, instead of lacing, wiring, or using hooks or clamps of any kind. A V-splice should be used on triple and quadruple belts and when idlers are used. Stepped splice, coated with rubber and vulcanized in place, is best for rubber belts. For double belting the rule works well of making the splice for all belts up to 10 in. wide, 10 in. long; from 10 in. to 18 in. wide the splice should be the same width as the belt, 18 in. being the greatest length of splice required for double belting. Belts should be cleaned and greased every five to six months. Double leather belts will last well when repeatedly tightened under a strain (when at rest) of 71 Ibs. per in. of width, or 240 Ibs. per sq. in. section, but they will not maintain this tension for any length of time. Belt-clamps having spring-balances between the pairs of clamps should be used for weighing the tension of the belt each time it is tightened. The stretch, durability, cost of maintenance, etc., of belts proportioned (A) according to the ordinary rules of a total load of 111 Ibs. per inch of width, corresponding to an effective pull of 65 Ibs. per inch of width, and (B) according to a more economical rule of a total load of 54 Ibs., corre- sponding to an effective pull of 26 Ibs. per inch of width, are found to be as follows: When it is impracticable to accurately weigh the tension of a belt in tightening it, it is safe to shorten a double belt one-half inch for every 10 ft. of length for (A) and one inch for every 10 ft. for (B), if it requires tightening. Double leather belts, when treated with great care and run night and day at moderate speed, should last for 7 years (A); 18 years (B). The cost of all labor and materials used in the maintenance and repairs of double belts, added to the cost of renewals as they give out, through a term of years, will amount on an average per year to 37% of the original cost of the belts (A); 14% or less (B). In figuring the total expense of belting, and the manufacturing cost chargeable to this account, by far the largest item is the time lost on the machines while belts are being relaced and repaired. The total stretch of leather belting exceeds 6% of the original length. BELTING. 1145 The stretch during the first six months of the life of belts is 36% ol their entire stretch (A); 15% (B). A doubie belt will stretch 0.47% of its length before requiring to be tightened (A); 0.81% (B). The most important consideration in making up tables and rules for the use and care of belting is how to secure the minimum of interruptions to manufacture from this source. The average double belt (A), when Tunning night and day in a machine- shop, will cause at least 26 interruptions to manufacture during its life, or 5 interruptions per year, but with (B) interruptions to manufacture will not average oftener for each belt than one in sixteen months. The oak-tanned and fulled belts showed themselves to be superior in all respects except the coefficient of friction to either the oak-tanned not fulled, the semi-raw-hide, or raw-hide with tanned face. Belts of any width can be successfully shifted backward and forward on tight and loose pulleys. Belts running between 5000 and 6000 ft. per min. and driving 300 H.P. are now being daily shifted on tight and loose pulleys, to throw lines of shafting in and out of use. The best form of belt-shifter for wide belts is a pair of rollers twice the width of belt, either of which can be pressed onto the flat surface of the belt on its slack side close to the driven pulley, the axis of the roller making an angle 'of 75 with the center line of the belt. Remarks on Mr. Taylor's Rules. (W. Kent, Trans. A. S, M. E., xy, 242.) The most notable feature in Mr. Taylor's paper is the great dif- ference between his rules for proper proportioning of belts and those given by earlier writers. A very commonly used rule is, one horse-power may be transmitted by a single belt 1 in. wide running x ft. per min., sub- stituting for x various values, according to the ideas of different engineers, ranging usually from 550 to 1100. The practical mechanic of the old school is apt to swear by the figure 600 as being thoroughly reliable, while the modern engineer is more apt to use the figure 1000. Mr. Taylor, however, instead of using a figure from 550 to 1100 for a single belt, uses 950 to 1100 for double belts. If we assume that a double belt is twice as strong, or will carry twice as much power, as a single belt, then he uses a figure at least twice as large as that used in modern practice, and would make the cost of belting for a given shop twice as large as if the belting were proportioned according to the most liberal of the customary rules. This great difference is to some extent explained by the fact that the Eroblem which Mr. Taylor undertakes to solve is quite a different one rom that which is solved by the ordinary rules with their variations. The problem of the latter generally is, "How wide a belt must be used, or how narrow a belt may be used, to transmit a given horse-power?" Mr. Taylor's problem is: " How wide a belt must be used so that a given horse- power may be transmitted with the minimum cost for belt repairs, the longest life to the belt, and the smallest loss and inconvenience from stop- ping the machine while the belt is being tightened or repaired?" The difference between the old practical mechanic's rule of a l-in. .wide single belt, 600 ft. per min., transmits one horse-power, and the rule commonly used by engineers, in which 1000 is substituted for 600, is due to the belief of the engineers, not that a horse-power could not be trans- mitted by the belt proportioned by the older rule, but that such a pro- portion involved undue strain from overtightening to prevent slipping e which strain entailed too much journal friction, necessitated frequent tightening, and decreased the length of the life of the belt. Mr. Taylor's rule substituting 1100 ft. per min. and doubling the belt. Is a further step, and a long one, in the same direction. Whether it will be taken in any case by engineers will depend upon whether they appre- ciate the extent of the losses dne to slippage of belts slackened by use under overstrain, and the loss of time in tightening and repairing belts, to such a degree as to induce them to allow the first cost of the belts to be doubled in order to avoid these losses. It should be noted that Mr. Taylor's experiments were made on rather narrow belts, used for transmitting power from shafting to machinery, and his conclusions may not be applicable to heavy au4 wide belts, %3 engine fly-wheel belts. 1146 BELTING. Earth's Studies on Belting. (Trans. A. S. M. E., 1909.) Mr. Carl G. Barth has made an extensive study of the work of earlier writers on the subject of belting, and has derived several new formulae and dia- grams showing the relation of the several variables that enter into the belt problem. He has also devised a slide rule by which calculations of belts may easily be made. He finds that the coefficient of friction de- pends on the velocity of the belt, and may be expressed by the formula / = 0.54 - 50Q+ y, in which V is the velocity in feet per minute. Taking Mr. Taylor's data as a starting point, Mr Earth has adopted the rule, as a basis for use of belts on belt-driven machines, that for the driving belt of a machine the minimum initial tension must be such that when the belt is doing the maximum amount of work intended, the sum of the tension in the tight side of the belt and one-half the tension in the slack side will equal 240 Ibs. per square inch of cross-section for all belt speeds; and that for a belt driving a countershaft, or any other belt inconvenient to get at for retightening or more readily made of liberal dimensions, this sum will equal 160 Ibs. Further, the maximum initial tension, that is, the initial tensi9n under which a belt is to be put up in the first place, and to which it is to be retightened as often as it drops to the minimum, must be such that the sum defined above is 320 Ibs. for a machine belt, and 240 Ibs. for a counter-shaft belt or a belt simi- larly circumstanced. From a set of curves plotted by Mr. Barth from his formula the follow- ing tables are derived. The figures are based upon the conditions named in the above rule, and on an arc of contact = 180. Belts on Machines. Tension in tight side -f- 1/2 tension in slack side JJOll/O VJ1J. J-TiOr^lilUCO. = 240 Ibs. J. CHOHJ. LJ 111 ngi 1U IU.C T VZ I custiuu in BUbUJ v t >1UC! Velocity, ft. per min. . . 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Initial tension, 124 120 121 128 136 144 152 Centrifugal tension t c . + 3 13 31 56 86 124 Difference, t t c 123 117 108 97 80 58 28 Tension on tight side, h 210 212 211 207 198 187 173 Tension on slack side, tz 60 54 57 68 84 107 134 ^Effective pull, ti - h. . 150 158 154 139 114 80 39 Sum of tensions ti 4- tz 270 268 269 274 282 294 307 H.P. per sq. in. of sec- tion 2.27 4.79 9 .33 1 2.64 13.82 12 .12 7 .09 H.P. per in. width, 5/ 16 in. thick 0.71 1.50 2 .82 3.95 4.32 3 .71 2 .22 Belts driving countershafts, 1 1 + 1/2 tz = = 160 Ibs. Velocity of belt, ft. per min 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Initial tension, 82 81 83 89 96 102 Tension on tight side, t\ ...... 140 141 140 134 125 114 Tension on slack side, tz 40 38 41 53 69 92 Effective pull, fc - tz 100 103 99 81 56 22 Sum of tensions 180 179 181 187 194 206 H.P. per sq. in. of section 1 .51 3 .12 6.04 7.36 6 .79 3 .33. H.P. per in. width, s/ 16 in. thick .47 .97 1.87 2.30 2 .12 1 .04 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON BELTING. Formulas are useful for proportioning belts and pulleys, but they fur- nish no means of estimating how much power a particular belt may be transmitting at any given time, any more than the size of the engine is a measure of the load it is actually drawing, or the known strength of a horse is a measure of the load on the wagon. The only reliable means of determining the power actually transmitted is some form of dynamometer. (See Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xii, p. 707.) If we increase the thickness, the power transmitted ought to increase in proportion; and for double belts we should have half the width required for a single belt under the same conditions. With large pulleys and moderate velocities of belt it is probable that this holds good. With l pulleys, however, when a double belt. is used, there is not such per- MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON BELTING. 1147 feet contact between the pulley-face and tlie belt, due to the rigidity of the latter, and more work is necessary to bend the belt-fibers than when a thinner and more pliable belt is used. The centrifugal force tending to throw the belt from the pulley also increases with the thickness, and for these reasons the width of a double belt required to transmit a given, horse-power when used with small pulleys is generally assumed not less than seven-tenths the width of a single belt to transmit the same power, (Flather on "Dynamometers and Measurement of Power.") F. W. Taylor, however, finds that great pliability is objectionable, and favors thick belts even for small pulleys. The power consumed in bending the belt around the pulley he considers inappreciable. According to Rankine's formula for centrifugal tension, this tension is proportional to the sectional area of the belt, and hence it does not increase with increase of thickness when the width is decreased in the same proportion, the sectional area remaining constant. Scott A. Smith (Trans. A.S.M. E., x, 765) says: The best belts are made from all oak-tanned leather, and curried with the use of cod oil and tallow, all to be of superior quality. Such belts have continued in use thirty to forty years when used as simple driving-belts, driving a proper amount of power, and having had suitable care. The flesh side should not be run to the pulley-face, for the reason that the wear from contact with the pulley should come on the grain side, as that surface of the belt is much weaker in its tensile strength than the flesh side; also as the grain is hard it is more enduring for the wear of attrition; further, if the grain is actually worn off, then the belt may not suffer in its integrity from a ready tendency ef the hard grain side to crack. The most intimate contact of a belt with a pulley comes, first, in the smoothness of a pulley-face, including freedom from ridges and hollows left by turning-tools; second, in the smoothness of the surface and even- ness jn the texture or body of a belt ; third, in having the crown of the driv- ing and receiving pulleys exactly alike, as nearly so as is practicable in a commercial sense; fourth, in having the crown of pulleys not over 1/8 in. for a 24-in. face, that is to say, that the pulley is not to be over 1/4 in. larger in diameter in its center; fifth, in having the crown other than two planes meeting at the center; sixth, the use of any material on or in a belt, in addition to those necessarily used in the currying process, to keep them pliable or increase their tractive quality, should wholly depend upon the exigencies arising in the use of belts; non-use is safer than over-use; seventh, with reference to the lacing of belts, it seems to be a good practice to cut the ends to a convex shape by using a former, so that there may be a nearly uniform stress on the lacing through the center as compared with the edges. For a belt 10 ins. wide, the center of each end should recede 1/10 in, Lacing of Belts. In punching a belt for lacing, use an oval punch, the longer diameter of the punch being parallel with the sides of the belt. Punch two rows of holes in each end, placed zigzag. In a 3-in. belt there should be four holes in each end two in each row. In a 6-in. belt, seven holes four in the row nearest the end. A 10-in. belt should have nine holes. The edge of the holes should not come nearer than 3/ 4 in. from the sides, nor 7/g in. from the ends of the belt. The second row should be at least 13/4 ins. from the end. On wide belts these distances should be even a little greater. Begin to lace in the center of the belt and take care to keep the ends exactly in line, and to lace both sides with equal tightness. The lacing should not be crossed on the side of the belt that runs next the pulley. In taking up belts, observe the same rules as in putting on new ones. Setting a Belt on Quarter-twist. A belt must run squarely on to the pulley. To connect with a belt two horizontal shafts at right angles with each other, say an engine-shaft near the floor with a line attached to the ceiling, will require a quarter-turn. First, ascertain the central point on the face of each pullev at the extremity of the horizontal diameter where the belt will leave the pulley, and then set that point on the driven pulley plumb over the corresponding point on the driver. This will cause the belt to run squarely on to each pulley, and it will leave at an angle greater or less, according to the size of the' pulleys and their distance from each other. In quarter-twist belts, in order that the belt may remain on the pulleys* 1148 BELTING. the central plane on each pulley must pass through the point of delivery of the other pulley. This arrangement does not admit of reversed motion. To find the Length of Belt required for two given Pulleys. When the length cannot be measured directly by a tape-line, the follow- ing approximate rule may be used: Add the diameter of the two pulleys together, divide the sum by 2, and multiply the quotient by 31/4, and add the product to twice the distance between the centers of the shafts. (See accurate formula below.) To find the Angle of the Arc of Contact of a Belt. Divide the difference between the radii of the two pulleys in inches by the distance between their centers, also in inches, and in a table of natural sines find the angle most nearly corresponding with the quotient. Multiply this angle by 2, and add the product to 180 for the angle of contact with the larger pulley, or subtract it from 180 for the smaller pulley. Or, let R = radius of larger pulley, r = radius of smaller; L = distance between centers of the pulleys; a = angle whose sine is (R r) * L. Arc of contact with smaller pulley = 180 2 a; Arc of contact with larger pulley = 180 + 2 a. To find the Length of Belt in Contact with the Pulley. For the larger pulley, multiply the angle a, found as above, by .0349, to the Sroduct add 3.1416, and multiply the sum by the radius of the pulley. r length of belt in contact with the pulley = radius X (* + .0349 a) = radius X w(l + 3/90). For the smaller pulley, length = radius X OT .0349 a) = radius X *r(l - a) -s-90. The above rules refer to Open Belts. The accurate formula for length of an open belt is, Length = irR(l + a/90) + wr(l -a/90) -f 2 L cos a. = R (IT + 0.0349 a) + r (TT-O .0349 a) + 2 L cos a, in which R = radius of larger pulley, r = radius of smaller pulley, L ~ distance between centers of pulleys, and a = angle whose sine is (R - r) -J- L; cos a = An approximate formula Is Length = 2 L -f- * (R + r) '4- (R - r)V For L = 4, R = 2, r = 1, this formula gives length = 17.6748, the accurate formula giving 17.6761 For Crossed Belts the formula is Length of belt = irR(l +j8/90) -f- irr (1 4- /90) 4- 2 L cos /5 = (R + r) X (^ + 0.0349 ) + 2 L cos j8, In which /3 = angle whose sine is (R + r) -s- L ; cos = V'z, 2 (R + r) 2 + L. To find the Length of Belt when Closely Rolled. The sum of the diameter of the roll, and of the eye in inches, X the npmber of turns made by the belt and by 0.1309, = length of the belt in feet. To find the Approximate Weight of Belts. Multiply the length of belt, in feet, by the width in inches, and divide the product by 13 for single and 8 for double belt. Good oak-tanned leather from the back of the hide weighs almost exactly 1 oz. per sq. ft. per 0.01 in. thickness. The thickness of single belts is 0.16 in. ; of light double belts, 0.24 in. ; of medium weight double belt, 0.28 in.; of standard double belt, 0.33 in.; of 3-ply belts, 0.45 in. (W. O. Webber, in Trans. Natl. Assoc. Cotton Mfrs., 1908, p. 345.) Relations of the Size and Speeds of Driving and Driven Pulleys. The driving pulley is called the driver, D, and the driven piillcy the driven, 'd. If the number of teeth in gears is used instead of diameter, in these calculations, number of teeth must be substituted wherever diameter occurs. R = revs, per min. of driver, r = revs, per min. of driven. D MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON BELTING. 1149 Diam. of driver diam. of driven X revs, of driven -r revs, of driver. d = DR -r r; Diam. of driven = diam. of driver x revs, of driver + revs, of driven. R = dr -s- D\ Revs, of driver = revs, of driven x diam. of driven * diam. of driver. r = DR + d\ Revs, of driven = revs, of driver X diam. of driver -s- diam. of driven. Evils of Tight Belts. (Jones and Laughlins.) Clamps with power- ful screws are often used to put on belts with extreme tightness, and with most injurious strain upon the leather. They should be very judiciously used for horizontal belts, which should be allowed sufficient slackness to move with a loose undulating vibration on the returning side, as a test that they have no more strain imposed than is necessary simply to trans- mit the power. On this subject a New England cotton-mill engineer of large experience says: I believe that three-quarters of the trouble experienced in broken pulleys, hot boxes, etc., can be traced to the fault of tight belts. The enormous and useless pressure thus put upon pulleys must in time break them, if they are made in any reasonable proportions, besides wearing out the whole outfit, and causing heating and consequent destruction of the bearings. Below are figures showing the power taken, in average modern mills with first-class shafting, to drive the shafting alone: Mill No. Whole Load, H.P. Shafting Alone. Mill No. Whole Load, H.P. Shafting Alone. Horse- power. Per cent of whole. Horse- power. Per cent of whole. 4 199 472 486 677 51 111.5 134 190 25.6 23.6 27.5 28.1 5 6 7 8 759 235 670 677 172.6 84.8 262.9 182 22.7 36.1 39.2 26.8 These may be taken as a fair showing of the power that is required in many of our best mills to drive shafting. It is unreasonable to think that all that power is consumed by a legitimate amount of friction of bearings and belts. I know of no cause for such a loss of power but tight belts. These, when there are hundreds or thousands in a mill, easily multiply the friction on the bearings, and would account for the figures. Sag of Belts. Distance between Pulleys. In the location of shafts that are to be connected with each other by belts, care should be taken to secure a proper distance one from the other. This distance should be such as to allow of a gentle sag to the belt when in motion. A general rule may be stated thus: Where narrow belts are to be run over small pulleys 15 feet is a good average, the belt having a sag of 1 1/2 to 2 inches. For larger belts, working on larger pulleys, a distance of 20 to 25 feet does well, with a sag of 21/2 to 4 inches. For main belts working on very large pulleys, the distance should be 25 to 30 feet, the belts working well with a sag of 4 to 5 inches. If too great a distance is attempted, the belt will have an unsteady flapping motion, which will destroy both the belt and machinery. Arrangement of Belts and Pulleys. If possible to avoid it, con- nected shafts should never be placed one directly over the other, as in such case the belt must be kept very tight to do the work. For this purp9se belts should be carefully selected of well-stretched leather. It is desirable that the angle of the belt with the floor should not exceed 45. It is also desirable to locate the shafting and machinery so that belts should run off from each shaft in opposite directions, as this arrange- ment will relieve the bearings from the friction that would result when the belts all pull one way on the shaft. In arranging the belts leading from the main line of shafting to the counters, those pulling in an opposite direction should be placed as near each other as practicable, while those pulling in the same direction should be separated. This can often be accomplished by changing the relative positions of the pulleys on the counters. By this procedure much of the friction on the journals may be avoided. If possible, machinery should be so placed that the direction of the belt 1150 BELTING. motjon shall be from the top of the driving to the top of the driven pulley, when the sag will increase the arc of contact. The pulley should be a little wider than the belt required for the work. The motion of driving should run with the laps of the belts. Tightening or guide pulleys should be applied to the slack side of belts and near the smaller pulley. Jones and Laughlins, in their Useful Information, say: The diameter of the pulleys should be as large as can be admitted, provided they will not produce a speed of more than 4750 feet of belt motion per minute. They also say: It is better to gear a mill with small pulleys and run them at a high velocity, than with large pulleys and to run them slower. A mill thus geared costs less and has a much neater appearance than with large heavy pulleys. M. Arthur Achard (Proc. Inst. M. E., Jan., 1881, p. 62) says: When the belt is wide a partial vacuum is formed between the belt and the pulley at a high velocity. The pressure is then greater than that computed from the tensions in the belt, and the resistance to slipping is greater. This has the advantage of permitting a greater power to be transmitted by a given belt, and of diminishing the strain on the shafting. On the other hand, some writers claim that the belt entraps air between itself and the pulley, which tends to diminish the friction, and reduce the tractive force. On this theory some manufacturers perforate the belt with numerous holes to let the air escape. Care of Belts. Leather belts should be well protected against water, loose steam, and all other moisture, with which they should not come in contact. But where such conditions prevail fairly good results are obtained by using a special dressing prepared for the purpose of water- proofing leather, though a positive water-proofing material has not yet been discovered. Belts made of coarse, loose-fibered leather will do better service in dry and warm places, but if damp or moist conditions exist then the very finest and firmest leather should be used. (Fayerweather & Ladew.) Do not allow oil to drip upon the belts. It destroys the life of the leather. Leather belting cannot safely stand above 130 of heat. "Duxbak" waterproof belt is advertised to withstand any amount of moisture, and temperatures up to 200 degrees. Strength of Belting. The ultimate tensile strength of belting does not generally enter as a factor in calculations of power transmission. j The strength of the solid leather in belts is from 2000 to 5000 Ibs. per square inch; at the lacings, even if well put together, only about 1000 to 1500. If riveted, the joint should have half the strength of the solid belt. The working strain on the driving side is generally taken at not over one-third of the strength of the lacing, or from one-eighth to one- sixteenth of the strength of the solid belt. Dr. Hartig found that the tension in practice varied from 30 to 532 Ibs. per sq. in. , averaging 273 Ibs. Effect of Humidity Upon a Leather Belt. (W. W. Bird and F. W. Roys, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1915.) Tests with a 4-in. oak-tanned single belt, with constant horse-power transmitted, and with the center dis- tance and humidity varying, showed increase of the sum of the tensions as the humidity decreased, figures taken from curves of the results being as follows: Center distance: 9 ft. 6 in., 9 ft. 61/2 in., 9 ft. 7 in., 9 ft. 71/2 in. Relative Humidity. Sum of the Tensions, pounds. 90 95 210 325 445 55 125 260 400 550 20 150 310 465 620 Increase of temperature as well as increase of humidity tends to lengthen the belt and decrease the tension. The most important con- clusions are: 1. If a belt be set up at a medium relative humidity, the tensions will not be excessive at lower relative humidities, nor will there be any great danger of slipping at high relative humidities unless there are excessive temperature changes. 2. If a belt be set up at any relative humidity with a spring or gravity tightener, a load 50 per cent greater than the standard can be transmitted at either high or low humidity without danger of stretch- ing the belt, slipping, or excessive pressure on the bearings. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON BELTING. 1151 Adhesion Independent of Diameter. (Schultz Belting Co".) 1. The adhesion of the belt to the pulley is the same the arc or number of degrees of contact, aggregate tension or weight being the same without reference to width of belt or diameter of pulley. 2. A belt will slip just as readily on a pulley four feet in diameter as It will on a pulley two feet in diameter, provided the conditions of the faceg of the pulleys, the arc of contact, the tension, and the number of feet the belt travels per minute are the same in both cases. 3. To obtain a greater amount of power from belts the pulleys may be covered with leather; this will allow the belts to run very slack and give 25% more durability. Endless Belts. If the belts are to be endless, they should be put on and drawn together by "belt clamps" made for the purpose. If the belt is made endless at the belt factory, it should never be run on to the pulleys, (est the irregular strain spring the belt. Lift out one shaft, place the belt on the pulleys, and force the shaft back into place. Belt Data. A fly-wheel at the Amoskeag Mfg. Co., Manchester, N.H., 30 feet diameter, 110 inches face, running 61 revs, per min., carried two heavy double-leather belts 40 inches wide each, and one 24 inches wide. The engine indicated 1950 H.P., of wliich probably 1850 H.P. was trans- mitted by the belts. The belts were heavily loaded, but not overtaxed, the speed being 323 ft. per min. for 1 H.P. per inch of width. Samuel Webber (Am. Mach., Feb. 22, 1894) reports a case of a belt 30 ins. wide, 3/ 8 in. thick, running for six years at a velocity of 3900 ft. per min., on to a pulley 5 ft. diameter, and transmitting 556 H.P. This gives a velocity of 210 ft. per min. for 1 H.P. per in. of width. By Mr. Nagle's table of riveted belts this belt would be designed for 332 H.P. By Mr. Taylor's rule it would be used to transmit only 123 H.P. The above may be taken as examples of what a belt may be made to do, but they should not be used as precedents in designing. It is not stated how much power was lost by the journal friction due to over- tightening of these belts. The United States Navy Department Specifications for Leather Belting. Belting to be cut from No. 1 native packer steer hides or their equal. ~A11 hides to be tanned with white or chestnut oak by slow process (six to eight months) and chemical processes imist not be used. The leather is to be thoroughly cured by hand and must not be stuffed or loaded for artificial weight. Leather must not crack open on grain side when doubled strongly by hand with grain side out. Belting is to be cut from central part of the hide no further than 15 in. from backbone or more than 48 in. from tail toward shoulder. Belts 8 in. and over must be cut to include backbone. All leather is to be stretched 6 in. in lengthwise direction of the butt and is not to exceed 54 in. after stretching. Centers and sides are to be stretched 6 in. separately. That is, all side leathers from which widths under 8 in. are to be cut, must be stretched after the belting is removed from the backbone center section. Center sections are to be stretched in exactly the same size for which they are to be used. For single belts up to 6 in., laps must not exceejd. 6 in. nor be less than 3 1/2 in. long. For single belts over 6 in. laps must not be more than 1 in. wider than belt. For double belts, laps must not exceed 5 1/2 in. nor to be less than 31/2 in. No filling straps will be permitted. All laps must be held securely at every part with the best quality of belt cement, and when pulled apart shall show no resinous, vitreous, oily or watered condition. Belting is to be stretched again after manufacture. Belting is to weigh for all sizes of single belts 16 oz. per sq. ft. and for double belts per sq. ft. as follows: 1 to 2 in., 26 oz.; 21/2 to 4 in., 28 oz.; 41/2 to 5 in., 30 oz.; 6 in. and over, 32 oz. Only hand cut, green slaughter hides of the best quality are to be used for lacing. Raw hide laces to be cut 1/4. 5 /i6, 3 /8, 7 /i6, V2, 5 /8, and 3/4-in. sizes. They must be cut lengthwise from the hide and have an ultimate tensile strength of not less than Width, in 1/4 5/16 3/ 8 7/i 6 l/ 2 5/ 8 8/4 Tensile strength, Ib 95 125 155 165 180 205 J230 Belt Dressings. We advise that no belt dressing should be used, except when the belt becomes d.ry and husky, and iu sucb instances wa 1152 BELTING. recommend the use of a dressing. Where this is not used beef tallow at blood-warm temperature should be applied and then dried in, either by artificial heat or the sun. The addition of beeswax to the tallow will be of some service if the belts are used in wet or damp places. Resin should never be used on leather belting. (Fayerweather & Ladew.) Belts should not be soaked in water before oiling, and penetrating oils should only be used when a belt gets very dry and husky from neglect. It may then be moistened a little, and neatsfoot oil applied. Frequent applications of such oils to a new belt render the leather soft and flabby, thus causing it to stretch, and making it liable to run out of line. A composition of tallow and oil, with a little resin or beeswax, is better to use. Prepared castor-oil dressing is good, and may be applied with a brush or rag while the belt is running. (Alexander Bros.) Some forms of belt Dressing, the compositions of which have not been published, appear to have the property of increasing the coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley, enabling a given power to be transmitted with a lower belt tension than with undressed belts. C. W. Evans (Power, Dec., 1905), gives a diagram, plotted from tests, which shows that three of these compositions gave increased transmission for a given tension, ranging from about 10% for 90 Ibs. tension per inch of width to 100% increase with 20 Ibs. tension. Cement for Doth, or Leather. (Moles worth.) 16 parts gutta- percha, 4 india-rubber, 2 pitch, 1 shellac, 2 linseed-oil, cut small, melted together and well mixed. Rubber Belting. The advantages claimed for rubber belting are perfect uniformity in width and thickness; it will endure a great degree of heat and cold without injury; it is also specially adapted for use in damp or wet places, or where exposed to the action of steam; it is very durable, and has great tensile strength, and when adjusted for service it has the most perfect hold on the nullevs. hence is less liable to slip than leather. Never use animal oil or grease on rubber belts, as it will soon destroy! them. Rubber belts will be improved, and their durability increased, by putting on with a painter's brush, and letting it dry, a composition made of equal parts of red lead, black lead, French yellow, and litharge, mixed with boiled linseed-oil and japan enough to make it dry quickly. The effect of this will be to produce a finely polished surface. If, from dust or other cause, the belt should slip, it should be lightly moistened on the pulley side with boiled linseed-oil. (From manufacturers' circulars . ) The best conditions are large pulleys and high speeds, low tension and reduced width of belt. 4000 ft. per min. is not an excessive speed on proper sized pulleys. H.P. of a 4-plv rubber belt = flength o f arc of contact on smaller pulley in ft. X width of belt in ins. X revs, per min.) -r- 325. For a 5-ply belt multiply by ll/s, for a 6-ply by 12/ 3 , for a 7-ply by 2, for an 8-ply by 21/3. When the proper weight of duck is used a 3- or 4-piy rubber belt is equal to a single leather belt and a 5- or 6-oly rubber to a double leather belt. When the arc of contact is 180, H.P. of a 4-ply belt = width in ins. X velocity in ft. per min. -r- 650. (Boston Belting Co.) Steel Belts. The Eloesser-Kraftband-Gesellschaft, of Berlin, has introduced a steel belt for heavy power transmission at high speeds (Am. Mach., Dec. 24, 1908). It is a thin flat band of tempered steel. The ends are soldered and then clamped by a special device consisting of %wo steel plates, tapered to thin edges, which are curved to the radius of the smallest pulley to be used, and joined together by small screws which pass through holes in the ends of the belt. It is stated that the slip of these belts is less than 0.1%; they are about one-fifth the width of a leather belt for the same power, and they are run at a speed of 10,000 ft. per minute or upwards. The following figures give a comparison of a rope drive with six ropes 1.9 ins. diam., a leather belt 9.6 ins. wide and a steel belt 4 ins. wide, for transmitting 100 H.P. on pulleys 3 ft. diam. 30 ft. apart at 200 r.p.m. Rope Leather Steel Drive. Belt. Belt. Weight of pulley, Ibs 2200 1120 460 Weight of rope or belt, Ibs 530 240 30 Total cost of drive $335 $425 $250 ?ower lost, percent of 100 H.P,,.. ,..,,,., 13 6 0,5 EOLLER CHAIN AND SPROCKET DRIVES. 1153 ROLLER CHAIN AND SPROCKET DRIVES. The following is abstracted from an article by A. E. Michel, in Mach'y, Feb., 1905. (Revised, March, 1915.) Steel chain of accurate pitch, high tensile strength, and good wearing qualities, possesses, when used within proper limitations, advantages enjoyed by no other form of transmission. It is compact, affords a posi- tive speed ratio, and at slow speeds is capable of transmitting heavy strains. On short transmissions it is more efficient than belting and will operate more satisfactorily in damp or oily places. There is no loss of power from stretch, and as it allows of a low tension, journal friction is minimized. Roller chain has been known to stand up at a speed of 4,000 ft. per min., and transmit 25 H.P. at 1,250 ft. per min.; but speeds of 1,000 ft. per min. and under give better satisfaction. Block chain is adapted to slower speeds, say 700 ft. per min. and under, and is extensively used on bicycles, small motor cars and machine tools. Where speed and pull are not fixed quantities, it is advisable to keep the speed high, and chain pull low, yet it should be borne in mind that high speeds are more de- structive to chains of large than to those of small pitch. The following table of tensile strengths, based on tests of " Diamond" chains taken from stock, may be considered a fair standard: ROLLER CHAIN. Pitch, in ..... 1/2 5/8 3/4 l 11/4 11/2 13/4 2 ' Tens, strength, Jbs ........ 2,500 3,900 5,600 10,000 15,600 18,500 30,500 40,000 Block chain.. . 1 inch, 1,200 to 2,500; 11/2 inch, 5,000. The safe working load of a chain is dependent on the amount of rivet bearing surface, and varies from i/e to 1/30 of the tensile strength, ac- cording to the spead, size of sprockets, and other conditions peculiar to each case. The tendency now is to use the widest possible chain in order to secure maximum rivet bearing surface, thus insuring minimum wear from friction. Manufacturers are making heavier chains than heretofore for the same duty. As short pitch is always desirable, special double and even triple width chains are now made to conform to the requirements when a heavy single width chain of greater pitch is not practical. A double chain has a little more than twice the rivet bearing surface and half again as much tensile strength as the corre- sponding single one. The length of chain for a given drive may be found by the following formula: All dimensions in inches. D = Distance between centers of shafts. L = Distance between limiting points of contact. R = Pitch radius of large sprocket, r = Pitch radius of small sprocket. N = Number of teeth of large sprocket, n = Number of teeth of small sprocket. P = Pitch of chain and sprockets. (180 + 2 a) == angle of contact on large sprocket. (180 - 2 a) = angle of contact on small sprocket. a = angle whose sine is (R r)/D. A = D cos ct. Length of chain required: For block chain, the total length specified in ordering should be in multiples of the pitch. For roller chain, the length should be in multi- ples of twice the pitch, as a union of the ends can be effected only with an outside and an inside link. Wherever possible, the distance between centers of shafts should per- mit of adjustment in order to regulate the sag of the chain. A chain should be adjusted, in proportion to its length, to show slack when running, care being taken to have it neither too tight nor too loose, as either condition is destructive. If a fixed center distance must be used, and results in too much sag, the .looseness should be taken up by an idler, and when there is any considerable tension on the slack side, this idler must be a sprocket. Where an idler is not practical, another combination of sprockets giving approximately the same speed ratio may be tried, and in this manner a combination giving the proper sag may always be obtained. The Diamond Chain and Mfg. Co. says that the center 1154 BELTING. line distance between sprockets should not be less than H/2 times the diameter of the larger sprocket nor more than 10 or 12 ft. In automobile drives, too much sag or too great a distance between shafts causes the chain to whip up and down a condition detrimental to smooth running and very destructive to the chain. In this class of work a center distance of over 4 ft. has been used, but greater effi- ciency and longer life are secured from the chain on shorter lengths, say 3 ft. and under. Sprocket Wheels. Properly proportioned and machined sprockets are essential to successful chain gearing. The important dimensions of a sprocket are the pitch diameter and the bottom and outside diameters. For block chain these are obtained as follows: N = No. of teeth, b = Diameter of round part of chain block. B = Center to center of holes in chain block. A = Center to center of holes in side links, a = 180/JV. Tan Q = sin a 4- (B/A + cos a). M Pitch diameter = A /sin Q. Bottom diam. = pitch diam. - 6. Outside diam. = pitch diam. -f b. For roller chain: N = Number of teeth. P = Pitch of chain. D = Diameter of roller, a = 180 /N. Pitch diameter = P/sin a. Bottom diam. = pitch diam. D. For sprockets of 17 teeth and over, outside diam. = pitch diam. + D. The outside diameters of small sprockets are cut down so that the teeth will clear the roller perfectly at high speeds. Outside diam. = pitch diam. -f D E. Pitch. Values of E. 8 to 12 Teeth. 13 to 16 Teeth. 1/2 in. to 3/4 in . . 0.062 in. 0.125 in. 0.031 in. 0.062 in. 1 in. to 2 in Sprocket diameters should be very accurate, particularly the base diameter, which should not vary more than 0.002 in. from the calculated values. Sprockets should be gauged to discover thick teeth and inaccur- ate diameters. A poor chain may operate on a good sprocket, but a bad sprocket will ruin a good chain. Sprockets of 12 to 60 teeth give best results. Fewer may oe used, but cause undue elongation In the chain, wear the sprockets and consume too much power. Eight-tooth sprockets ruin almost every roller chain applied to them, and ten and eleven teeth are fitted only for medium and slow speeds with other conditions unusu- ally favorable. Sprocket teeth seldom break from insufficient strength, but the tooth must be properly shaped. A chain will not run well unless the sprockets have sidewise clearance and teeth narrowed at the ends by curves begin- ning at the pitch line. Calling W the width cf the chain between the links, A = 1/2 W = width of tooth at top. B = uniform width below pitch line. B = W 1/64 in. when W = 1/4 in. or less. = jp 1/32 in. when W = 5/ ie to 5/g in. inclusive. W Vie in. when W = 3/ 4 in. or over. If the sprocket is flanged the chain must seat itself properly without the side bars coming into contact with the flange. The principal cause of trouble within the chain is elongation. It Is the result of stretch of material or natural wear of rivets and their bearings. To guard against the former, chain makers use special materials of high tensile strength, but a chain subjected to jars and jolts bey9nd the limit ; of elasticity of the material may be put in worse condition in an instant than in months of natural wear. If for any reason a link elongates unduly it should be replaced at once, as one elongated link will eventually ruin the entire chain. Such elongation frequently results from all the load being thrown on at once. To minimize natural wear, chains should be well greased inside and , out protected from mud and heavy grit, cleaned often and replaced to , ROLLER CHAIN AND SPROCKET DRIVES. 1153 run in the same direction and same side up. A new chain should never be applied to a much-worn sprocket. Importance of pitch line clearances: In a sprocket with no clearances a new chain fits perfectly, but after natural wear the pitch of chain and sprocket become unlike. The chain is then elongated and climbs the teeth, which act as wedges, producing enormous strain, and it quickly wrecks itself. With the same chain on a driven sprocket, cut with clearances, all rollers seat against their teeth. After long and useful life, the working roller shifts to the top, and the other rollers still seat with the same ease as when new. Theoretically, all the rollers share the load. This never occurs in practice, for infinitesimal wear within the chain causes one, and only one, roller to bear perfectly seated against the working face of the sprocket tooth at any one time. Clearance alone on the driver will not provide for elongation. To operate properly the pitch of the driver must be lengthened, which is done by increasing the pitch diameter by an amount dependent upon the clearance allowed. For theoretical reasoning on this subject see " Roller Chain Gear," a treatise on English practice, by Hans Renold. When the load reverses, each sprocket becomes alternately driver and driven. This happens in a motor car during positive and negative accel- eration, or in ascending or descending a hill. In this event, the above construction is not applicable, for a driven sprocket of longer pitch than the chain will stretch it. No perfect method of equalizing the pitch of a roller chain and its sprockets under reversible load and at all periods of chain elongation has been found. This fault is eliminated in the " silent " type of chain; hence it runs smooth at a very much greater speed than roller chain will stand. In practice there are comparatively few roller chain drives with chain pull always in the same direction, so manufacturers generally cut the driver sprockets for these with normal pitch diameter, same as the driven. Recent experiments have proven that the difficulties are greatly lessened by cutting both driver and driven with liberal pitch line clear- rfhce. Accordingly, chain makers now advise the following pitch line clearance for standard rollers: Pitch, in., 1/2 3/4 1 11/4 1V 2 i3/ 4 2 Clearance, In., 1/32 Vie 3 /32 3 /i6 7 /32 Vs 5 /32 Cutters may be obtained from Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. with thia clearance. Belting versus Chain Drives. Chains are suitable for positive transmissions of very heavy powers at slow speed. They are properly used for conveying ashes, sand, chemicals and liquids which would cor- rode or destroy belting. Chains of this kind are generaUy made of malleable iron. For conveyers for clean substances, 'flour, wheat ana other grains, belts are preferable, and in the best installations leather is preferred to cotton or rubber, being more durable. Transmission chains have to be carefully made. If the chain is to run smoothly, noiselessly, and without considerable friction, both the links and the sprockets must be mathematically correct. This perfection of design is found only in the highest and best makes of steel chain. Deterioration of chains starts in with the beginning of service. Even in such light and flexible duty as bicycle transmission, a chain is sub- jected to sudden severe strains, which either stretch the chain. or distort the bearing surfaces. Either mishap is fatal to smooth, frictionless running. If the transmissi9n is positive, as from motor or shaft to a machine tool, sudden variations in strain become sledge-hammer blows, and the chain must either break or the parts yield. To avoid the evils arising from the stretching of the chain, self-ad justing forms of teeth have been invented, and the Renold and the Morse silent-chain gears are examples. Chain drives are recommended for use under the following conditions: (1) Where room is lacking for the proper size pulleys for belts. (2) Where the centers between shafts are too short for belts. (3) Where a positive speed ratio is desired. (4) Where there is moisture, heat or dust that would prevent a belt working properly. (5) Where a maxi- mum power per inch of width is desired. The Renold and the Morse chain gears use springs in the sprocket 1156 BELTING. wheel to absorb the shock when a reversal of strain takes place, which is infrequent in ordinary power transmission, but is found in reciprocat- ing air-compressors and pumps, in gas-engine drives where an insufficient balance wheel is supplied, and where a heavy shock load occurs and it is desirable to cushion the effect by mounting the wheel on springs. Nickel steel is generally used for the chains. The joint pins are made from 31/2% nickel chrome steel, heat-treated. The ends of the joint pins are softened by an electric arc to facilitate riveting to the chain links. Data Used in the Preliminary Design of Morse Silent Chain Drives Pitch, in 1/2 5/8 3/4 9/10 12/10 1 1/2 2 3 Minimum no. of teeth: Small sprocket driver.. Small sprocket driven . 13 17 13 17 13 21 15 25 15 29 17 29 17 31 17 35 19-31 Desirable no. of teeth in small sprockets 15-17 17-21 17-21 17-23 17-23 17-27 17-31 Maximum no. of teeth in large sprockets. (See Note 3.) 99 109 115 125 129 129 129 131 Desirable no. of teeth in large sprockets 55-75 55-75 55-85 55-95 55-105 55-115 55-115 55-115 Pitch diam. of wheel = no. of teeth X 0.159 0.199 0.239 0.2865 0.382 0.477 0.636 0.955 Addendum for outside diam. of sprockets 20 to 130T. (See Note 1.), in. 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.24 0.30 0.40 0.60 Maximum r.p.m 2400 1800 1200 1100 850 600 400 250 Tension per in. width of chain, lb.: Small sprocket driver.. Small sprocket driven . 80 65 100 80 120 95 150 120 200 160 270 210 450 350 750 600 Radial clearance beyond tooth required for chain, in 0.50 0.62 0.75 0.90 1.2 1.5 2.0 3.0 Approx. weight of chain per in. wide, 1 ft. long, 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 C for solid pinions 0.0045 0.0063 0.009 0.013 0.023 0.035 0.058 0.145 C for armed sprockets . . 0.16 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.7 1.0 2.0 4.0 APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS FOR SOLID AND ARMED SPROCKETS. T = Number of teeth. F = Face in inches. C = Constant in lb. per in. in face per tooth as per table. Weight of armed sprocket = T X F X C. Add 25 % for split and 50 % for spring and split sprockets. r Weight of solid pinion = T2 x (F + 1) X C. NOTES. 1. Number of teeth = T. Exact outside diameter = D. For T less than 20 teeth, D = pitch diameter. For T more than 20 teeth, D = pitch diameter -f addendum. 2. Use sprockets having an odd number of teeth whenever possible. 3. When specially authorized, a larger number of teeth than shown may be cut in large sprocket. 4. Thickness of sprocket rim, including teeth, should be at least 1.2 times the chain pitch. 5. The number of grooves in the sprocket, their width and distance apart, varies according to pitch and width of chain. Leave the designing and turning of grooves to the manufacturer. 6. The width of the sprocket should be i/g to 1/4 in. greater on small drives, and 1/4 to 1/2 in. greater on large drives than the nomina 1 width of the chain. GEARING. 1157 7. An even number of links in the chain and an odd number of teeth in the wheels are desirable. 8. Horizontal drives preferred; tight chain on top necessary for short drives without center adjustment, and desirable for long drives with or without center adjustment. 9. Adjustable wheel centers desirable for horizontal drives and necessary for vertical drives. 10. Avoid vertical drives. 11. Allow a side clearance for chain (parallel to axis of sprockets and measured from nominal width of chain) equal to the pitch. 12. Maximum linear velocity for commercial service, 1200 to 1600 ft. per min. Comparison of Rope and Chain Drives. Horse-power, 1200; 240 to 80 r.p.m. Rope. Chain. Distance between centers 42 ft. 8 ft. 4 in. Diameter driving sheave or sprocket 6 ft. 4 1/2 in. 30.21 in. Diameter driven sheave or sprocket 20 ft. 89.42 in. The rope drive has 30 ropes, each 1 3/ 4 in. diameter. The chain drive has a Morse silent chain, length, 33.5 ft.; width, 27 in.; pitch, 3 in. Data of Some Chain Drives that Have Given Good Service Speed, Sprockets, Center Rev. H.P. Pitch, Width, Ft. per No of Distance, per Trans- In. In. Min. Teeth. In. Min. mitted. V8 21/2 1550 17 & 75 25.5 1750 & 397 7.5 H/2 12 1150 95 & 95 85 97 & 97 200 H/2 18 715 59 & 95 169 97 & 60 200 2 5 1400 29 & 57 68 418 & 290 85 3* 12 1450 61 & 77 135 95 & 75 500 3 24 1450 61 & 83 103 95 & 70 1000 3 27 1870 30 & 89 100 240 & 80 1200 2 24 780 26 & 120 144 300 & 65 350 A chain transmission gear of 5000 H.P. has been built, with the total width of chain 168 in. The efficiency of the best chain drives when in good condition is claimed to be from 98 to 99%. GEARING. TOOTHED-WHEEL, GEARING. Pitch, Pitch-circle, etc. If two cylinders with parallel axes are pressed together and one of them is rotated on its axis, it will drive the other by means of the friction between the surfaces. The cylinders may be considered as a pair of spur-wheels with an infinite number of very small teeth. If actual teeth are formed upon the cylinders, making alternate elevations and depressions in the cylindrical surfaces, the distance between the axes remaining the same, we have a pair of gear-wheels which will drive one another by pressure upon the faces of the teeth, if the teeth are properly shaped. In making the teeth the cylindrical surface may entirely disappear, but the position it occupied may still be considered as a cylindrical surface, which is called the "pitch-surface," and its trace on the end of the wheel, or on a plane cutting the wheel at right angles to its axis, is called the "pitch-circle" or "pitch-line." The diameter of this circle is called the pitch-diameter, and the distance from the face of one tooth to the corresponding face of the next tooth on the same wheel, measured on an arc of the pitch-circle, is called the "pitch of the tooth," or the circular pitch. If two wheels having teeth of the same pitch are geared together so that their pitch-circles touch, it is a property of the pitch-circles that their diameters are proportional to the number of teeth in the wheels, and vice versa; thus, if one wheel is twice the diameter (measured on the pitch-circle) of the other, it has twice as many teeth. If the teeth are properly shaped the linear velocities of the two wheels are equal, and the angular velocities, or speeds of rotation, are inversely proportional to the 1158 GEARING. Thus the wheel that has twice as *,/ " number of teeth and to the diameter, many teeth as the other will revolve just half as many times in a minute. The "pitch," or distance meas- ured on an arc of the pitch-circle from the face of one tooth to the face of the next, consists of two parts the "thickness" of the tooth and the "space" between it and the next tooth. The space is larger than the thickness by a small amount called the "backlash," which is allowed for imperfections of workmanship. In finely cut gears the backlash may be almost nothing. The length of a tooth in the direction of the radius of the wheel is called the "depth," and this is divided into two parts: First, the "addendum," the height of the tooth above the pitch line; second, the "dedendum, " the depth below the pitch-line, which is an amount equal to the addendum of the mating gear. The depth of the space is usually given a little "clearance" to allow for inaccuracies of workmanship, especially in cast gears. Referring to Fig. 178 , pi, pi are the pitch-lines, al the addendum-line, rl the root-line or dedendum-line, cl the clearance-line, and b the back- lash. The addendum and dedendum are usually made equal to each Other. (Some writers make the dedendum include the clearance.) No of teeth 3.1416 Diametral pitch = Circular pitch = diam. of pitch-circle in inches diam.X 3.1416 3.1416 circular pitch' No. of teeth . diametral pitch Some writers use the term diametral pitch to mean circular pitch diam. No. of teeth but the first definition is the more common and the more 3.1416 convenient. A wheel of 12 in. diam. at the pitch-circle, with 48 teeth, is 48/12 =4 diametral pitch, or simply 4 pitch. The circular pitch of the same wheel is 12 X 3.1416 -r- 48 = 0.7854, or 3.1416 -;-_4 = 0.7854 in. Relation of Diametral to Circular Pitch.' Diame- tral Pitch. Circular Pitch. Diame- tral Pitch. Circular Pitch. Circular Pitch. Diame- tral Pitch. Circular Pitch. Diame- tral Pitch. 1 3. 142 in. 11 0.286 in. 3 .047 15/16 3.351 1 1/2 2.094 12 .262 21/2 .257 7/8 3.590 2 1.571 14 .224 2 .571 13/16 3.867 21/4 1.396 16 .196 7/8 .676 3/4 4.189 21/2 1.257 18 .175 3/4 .795 H/16 4.570 23/ 4 1.142 20 .157 5/8 .933 5/8 5.027 3 1.047 22 .143 1/2 2.094 9/16 5.585 3l/ 2 0.898 24 .131 7/16 2.185 1/2 6.283 4 .785 26 .121 3/8 2.285 7/16 7.181 5 .628 28 .112 5/16 2.394 3/8 8.378 6 .524 30 .105 1/4 2.513 5/16 10.053 7 .449 32 .098 3 /16 2.646 1/4 12.566 8 .393 36 .087 1/8 2.793 3/16 16.755 9 .349 40 .079 1/16 2.957 1/8 25.133 10 .314 48 .065 3.142 1/16 50.266 Since circ. pitch = diam. X 3.1416 No. of teeth diam. circ. pitch X No. of teeth 3.1416 which always brings out the diameter as a number with an inconvenient fraction if the pitch is in even inches or simple fractions of an inch. By TOOTHED-WHEEL GEARING. 1159 the diametral-pitch system this inconvenience is avoided. The diameter may be in even inches or convenient fractions, and the number of teeth is usually an even multiple of the number of inches in the diameter. Diameter of Pitch-line of Wheels from 10 to 100 Teeth of 1 In. Circular Pitch. 0*5 * 5 4 ;> I.a 5 0*1 * is Q 4 1 d s. 6*1 *& is Q ol * |.a 10 3.183 26 8.276 41 13.051 56 17.825 71 22.600 86 27.375 11 3.501 27 8.594 42 13.369 57 18.144 72 22.918 87 27.693 12 3.820 28 8.913 43 13.687 58 18.462 73 23.236 88 28.011 13 4.138 29 9.231 44 14.006 59 18.781 74 23.555 89 28.329 14 4.456 30 9.549 45 14.324 60 19.099 75 23.873 90 28.648 15 4.775 31 9.868 46 14.642 61 19.417 76 24.192 91 28.966 16 5.093 32 10.186 47 14.961 62 19.735 77 24.510 92 29.285 17 5.411 33 10.504 48 15.279 63 20.054 78 24.828 93 29.603 18 5.730 34 10.823 49 15.597 64 20.372 79 25.146 94 29.921 19 6.048 35 11.141 50 15.915 65 20.690 80 25.465 95 30.239 20 6.366 36 11.459 51 16.234 66 21.008 81 25.783 96 30.558 21 6.685 37 11.777 52 16.552 67 21 .327 82 26.101 97 30.876 22 7.003 38 12.096 53 16.870 68 21 .645 83 26.419 98 31 194 23 7.321 39 12.414 54 17.189 69 21.963 84 26.738 99 31.512 24 7.639 40 12.732 55 17.507 70 22.282 85 27.056 100 31.831 25 7.958 For diameter of wheels of any other pitch than 1 in., multiply the figures in the table by the pitch. Given the diameter and the pitch, to find the number of teeth. Divide the diameter by the pitch, look in the table under diameter for the figure nearest to the quotient, and the number of teeth will be found opposite. _ Proportions of Teeth. Circular Pitch = 1. ~ 2. | 3. 4. 5. | 6. Depth of tooth above pitch-line 0.35 30 37 0.33 30 30 Depth of tooth below pitch-line Working depth of tooth Total depth of tooth .40 .70 .75 .40 .60 .70 .43 .73 80 "]66 .75 .40 '76 .35 65 Clearance at root Thickness of tooth .05 45 .10 45 .07 47 45 475 485 Width of space. . . 54 55 53 55 525 515 Backlash 09 '10 06 10 05 03 Thickness of rim 47 45 70 65 Depth oi tooth above pitch- line. . 25 to 33 30 318 1 ' P Depth of tooth below pitch- line. . 35 to 42 35+ 08" 369 1 157 p Working depth of tooth. . . 637 2 + P Total depth of tooth Clearance at root .6 to .75 .65 +.08" .687 .04 to 05 2.157+P 157-rP Thickness of tooth 48 to 485 48 03" 48 to 5 { 1.51 + Pto Width of space .52 to 515 52+ 03" 52 to 5 { 1.57 -v-P 1.57 -5-Pto Backlash .04 to .03 .04+ .06" .0 to .04 1.63 -T- P .Oto .06-7- P * In terms of diametral pitch. AUTHORITIES. 1. Sir Wm. Fairbairn. 2, 3. Clark, R. T. D.; "used by engineers in good practice. " 4. Molesworth. 5,6. Coleman Sellers: 5 for cast, 6 for cut wheels. 7, 8. Unwin. 9, 10. Leading American manufacturers of cut gears. The Chordal Pitch (erroneously called "true pitch" by some authors) is the length of a straight line or chord drawn from center to center of two adiacent teeth. The term is now but little used, except in connection frtth chain and sprocket gearing, 1160 GEARING. Chordal pitch = diam. of pitch-circle X sine of Chordal 180 No. of teeth pitch of a wheel of 10 in. pitch diameter and 10 teeth, 10 X sin 18 3.0902 in. Circular pitch of same wheel = 3.1416. Chorda! pitch is used with chain or sprocket wheels, to conform to the pitch of the chain. Gears with Short Teeth. There is a tendency in recent years to depart widely from the proportions of teeth given in the above and to use much shorter teeth, especially for heavy machinery. C. W. Hunt gives addendum and dedendum each = 0.25, and the clearance 0.05 of the circular pitch, making the total depth of tooth 0.55 of the circular pitch. The face of the tooth is involute in form, and the angle of action is 141/2, C. H. Logue uses a 20 involute with the following proportions: Addendum 0.25P' = 0.7854 -^P; dedendum 0.30 P' = 0.9424 -* P; clearance, 0.05P' = 0.157P: whole depth 0.55P' = 1.7278 *- P. P' = circular pitch, P = diametral pitch. See papers by R. E. Flanders and Norman Litchfield in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1908. John Walker (Am. Mach., Mar. 11, 1897) says: For special purposes of slow-running gearing with great tooth stress I should prefer a length of tooth of 0.4 of the pitch, but for general work a length of 0.6 of the ititch. In 1895 Mr. Walker made two pairs of cut steel gears for the Chicago cable railway with 6-in. circular pitch, length = 0.4 pitch. The pinions had 42 teeth and the gears 62, each 20-in. face. The two pairs were set side by side on their shafts, so as to stagger the teeth, making the total face 40 ins. The gears transmitted 1500 H.P. at 60 r.p.m. replac- ing cast-iron gears of 7V2 in. pitch which had broken in service. Formulae for Determining the Dimensions of Small Gears. (Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co.) P = diametral pitch or the number of teeth to one inch of diameter of pitch-circle; Larger Wheel. * These df ~ diameter of pitch-circle together. Smaller Wheel. V = velocity a = distance between the centers of the two wheels; b = number of teeth in both wheels; t = thickness of tooth or Cutter on pitch-circle; s = addendum; D" = working depth of tooth; / = amount added to depth of tooth for rounding the corners and for clearance; D" + f = whole depth of tooth; TT = 3.1416. P' = circular pitch, or the distance from the center of one tooth to tha center of the next measured on the pitch-circle. Formulae for a single wheel: N+2 D N_ D'' 1 >' = DX^V N +2' N 2 T\rr _ o i D - p -2 S , JV = PD-2; 5 =1=^=0.3183P'; D' N D D = fry? 1.57 + /=j>(l+f ) -0.3685 P. =1/2 P'. Formulae for a pair of wheels: nv V : PD'V v ' PD'V 2a(AT+2) 6 2 a (n+2) TOOTHED-WHEEL GEARING. 1161 TV_ ~ 2 2aV = v + V' Width of Teeth. The width of the faces of teeth is generally made from 2 to 3 times the circular pitch, that is from 6.28 to 9.42 divided by the diametral pitch. There is no standard rule for width. The following sizes are given in a stock list of cut gears in " Grant's Gears:" Diametral pitch. . 346 8 12 16 Face, inches 3 and 4 21/2 13/ 4 and 2 1 1/4 and 1 1/ 2 3/ 4 and 1 l/ 2 and 5/ 8 The Walker Company gives: Circular pitch, in. . 1/2 5/g 3/4 7/8 1 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 11/2 Face, in.* ' li/ 4 li/ 2 13/4 2 21/2 41/2 6 7V2 9121620 The following proportions of gear-wheels are recommended by Prof. Coleman Sellers^ (Stevens Indicator, April, 1892.) Proportions of Gear-wheels. Inside of Pitch-line. Width of Space. Diametral Pitch. Circular Pitch. P Outside of Pitch-line. P X0.3. For Cast or Cut Bevels or for Cast Spurs. For Cut Spurs. PX0.35. For Cast Spurs or Bevels. PX0.525. For Cut Bevels or Spurs. PX0.51. PX0.4. 12 0.2618 0.075 .079 0.100 .105 0.088 .092 0.131 .137 0.128 .134 10 0.31416 .094 .126 .11 .165 .16 3/8 .113 .150 .131 .197 .191 8 0.3927 .118 .157 .137 .206 .2 7 0.4477 .134 .179 .157 .235 .228 6 V2 0.5236 .15 .157 .20 .209 .175 .183 .263 .275 .255 .267 9/16 .169 .225 .197 .295 .287 5 0.62 8 832 .188 .188 .25 .251 .219 .22 .328 .33 .319 .32 4 3/4 0.7854 .225 .236 .3 .314 .263 .275 .394 .412 .383 .401 7/8 .263 .35 .307 .459 .446 1 .3 .4 .35 .525 .51 3 1.0472 .314 .419 .364 .55 .534 H/8 .338 .45 .394 .591 .574 2 3/4 1.1424 .343 .457 .40 .6 .583 21/2 1.25664 .375 .377 .5 .503 .438 .44 .656 .66 .638 .641 13/8 .413 .55 .481 .722 .701 U/2 .45 .6 .525 .788 .765 2 1.5708 .471 .628 .55 .825 .801 13/4 .525 .7 .613 .919 .893 2 .6 .8 .7 .05 .02 U/2 2.0944 \628 .838 .733 .1 .068 21/4 .675 .9 .788 .181 .148 2V2 .75 .0 .875 .313 .275 23/4 .825 .1 .963 .444 .403 3 .9 .2 1.05 .575 .53 3.1416 .942 .257 1.1 .649 .602 31/4 .975 .3 1.138 .706 .657 31/2 1.05 .4 1 225 838 .785 Thickness of rim below root = depth of toottu 1162 GEARING. Rules for Calculating the Speed of Gears and Pulleys, The relations of the size and speed of driving and driven gear-wheels are the same as those of belt pulleys. In calculating for gears, multiply or divide by the diameter of the pitch-circle or by the number of teeth, as may be requiied. In calculating for pulleys, multiply or divide by their diameter in inches. If D = diam. of driving wheel, d = diam. of driven, R = revolution* per minute of driver, r = revs, per min. of driven, RD = rd; R = rd ~ D; r = RD + d; D = dr -r R; d = DR -r r. If N = No. of teeth of driver and n = No. of teeth of driven, NR = nr; N = nr -? R; n = NR -^ r; R = rn * N- r= RN ~ n. To find the number of revolutions of the last wheel at the end of a train of spur-wheels, all of which are in a line and mesh into one another, when the revolutions of the first wheel and the number of teeth or the diameter or the first and last are given: Multiply the revolutions of the first wheel by its number of teeth or its diameter, and divide the product by the number of teeth or the diameter of the last wheel. To find the number of teeth in each wheel for a train of spur-wheels, each to have a given velocity: Multiply the number of revolutions of , the driving-wheel by its number of teeth, and divide the product by the number of revolutions each wheel is to make. To find the number of revolutions of the last wheel in a train of wheels and pinions, when the revolutions of the first or driver, and the diameter, the teeth, or the circumference of all the drivers and pinions are given; Multiply the diameter, the circumference, or the number of teeth of all the driving-wheels together, and this continued product by the number of revolutions of the first wheel, and divide this product by the contin- ued product of the diameter, the circumference, or the number of teeth of all the driven wheels, and the quotient will be the number of revolutions of the last wheel. EXAMPLE. 1. A train of wheels consists of four wheels each 12 in. diameter of pitch-circle, and three pinions 4, 4, and 3 in. diameter. The large wheels are the drivers, and the first makes 36 revs, per mill. Re- quired the speed of the last wheel. 2. What is the speed of the first large wheel if the pinions are the drivers, the 3-in. pinion being the first driver and making 36 revs, per min. ? Milling Cutters for Interchangeable Gears. The Pratt & Whit- ney Co. makes a series of cutters for cutting epicycloidal teeth. The number of cutters to cut from a pinion of 12 teeth to a rack is 24 for each pitch coarser than 10. The Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. makes a similar series, and also a series for involute teeth, in which eight cutters are made for each pitch, as follows: No. 1 2345678 Will cut from . 135 55 35 26 21 17 14 12 to Rack 134 54 34 25 20 16 13 FORMS OF THE TEETH. In order that the teeth of wheels and pinions may run together smoothly and with a constant relative velocity, it is necessary that their working faces shall be formed of certain curves called odontoids. The essential property of these curves is that when two teeth are in contact the com- mon normal to the tooth curves at their point of contact must pass through the pitch-point, or point of contact of the two pitch-circles. Two such curves are in common use the cycloid and the involute. The Cycloidal Tooth. In Fig. 179 let PL and pi be the pitch- circles of two gear-wheels: GC and gc are two equal generating-cm whose radii should be taken as not greater than one-half of the raaius of the smaller pitch-circle. If the circle gc be rolled to the left on tne larger pitch-circle PL, the point will describe an epicycloid, Qefgri. ir the other srenerating-circle GC be rolled to the right on PL. the point C will describe a bypocycloid a&ccZ. These two curves, which are tangent FORMS OF THE TEETH. 1163 at 0, form the two parts of a tooth curve for a gear whose pitch-circle is PL The upper part Oh is called the face and the lower part Gd is called the'flank. If the same circles be rolled on the other pitch-circle pi, they will describe the curve for a tooth of the gear pi, which will work properly The cvcloidal curves may be drawn without actually rolling the gen- erating-circle as follows: On the line PL, from 0, step off and mark equal distances, as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. From 1, 2, 3, etc., draw radial lines toward the center of PL, and from 6, 7, 8, etc., draw radial lines from .the same center but beyond PL. With the radius of the generating-circle, and w1?h centers successively placed on these radial lines draw arcs of circles tangent to PL at 1, 2, 3, 6, 7. 8, etc. _ With the dividers set jto one ,of the and lay them on on me several arcs oe, //, oy, vit,, <*i through the points efgh and abed draw the tooth curves. FIG. 179. The curves for the mating tooth on the other wheel may be found in like manner by drawing arcs of the generating-circle tangent at equidistant points on the pitch-circle pi. The tooth curve of the face Oh is limited by the addendum-line r or r t , and that of the flank OH by the root curve R or R lt R and r represent the root and addendum curves for a large number of small teeth, and Rir the like curves for a small number of large teeth. The form or appearance of the tooth therefore varies according to the number of teeth, while the pitch-circle and the generating-circle may remain the same. In the cycloidal system, in order that a set of wheels of different diam- eters but equal pitches shall all correctly work together, it is necessary that the generating-circle used for the teeth of all the wheels shall be the same, and it should have a diameter not greater than half the diam- eter of the pitch-line of the smallest wheel of the set. The customary standard size of the generating-circle of the cycloidal system is one having a diameter equal to the radius of the pitch-circle of a wheel having 12 teeth., (gome gear-makers adopt 15 teeth.) This circle gives a radial flank to the teeth of a wheel having 12 teeth. A pinion of 10 or even a smaller number of teeth can be made, but in that case the flanks will be 1164 GEARING. undercut, and the tooth will not be as strong as a tooth with radial flanks. If in any case the describing circle be half the size of the pitch- circle, the flanks will be radial; if it be less, they will spread out toward the root of the tooth, giving a stronger form; but if greater, the flanks will curve in toward each other, whereby the teeth become weaker and difficult to make. In some cases cycloidal teeth for a pair of gears are made with the generating-circle of each gear having a radius equal to half the radius of its pitch-circle. In this case each of the gears will have radial flanks. This method makes a smooth working gear, but a disadvantage is that the wheels are not interchangeable with other wheels of the same pitch but different numbers of teeth. The rack in the cycloidal system is equivalent to a wheel with an infinite number of teeth. The pitch is equal to the circular pitch of the mating gear. Both faces and flanks are cycloids formed by rolling the generating-circle of the mating gear-wheel on each side of the straight pitch-line of the rack. Another method of drawing the cycloidal curves is shown in Fig. 180. It is known as the method of tangent arcs. The generating-circles, as before, are drawn with equal radii, the length of the radius being less than half the radius of pi, the smaller pitch-circle. Equal divisions 1, 2, FIG. 180. 3, 4, etc., are marked off on the pitch-circles and divisions of the same length stepped off on one of the generating-circles, as 0, a, b, c. From the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on the linepO, with radii successively equal to the chord distances a, 06, Oc, Od,Qe, draw the five small arcs F. A line drawn through the outer edges of these small arcs, tangent to them all, will be the hypocycloidal curve for the flank of a tooth below the pitch-line pi. From the points 1, 2, 3, etc., on the line 01, with radii as before, draw the small arcs G. A line tangent to these arcs will be the epicycloid for the face of the same tooth for which the flank curve has already been drawn. In the same way, from centers on the line PO, and OL, with the same radii, the tangent arcs H and K may be drawn,, which will Rive the tooth for the gear whose pitch-circle is PL. FORMS OF THE TEETH. 1165 If the generating-circle had a radius just one-half of the radius of pi, the hypocycloid F would be a straight line, and the flank of the tootb would have been radial. The Involute Tooth. In drawing the involute-tooth curve, Fig. 181, the angle of obliquity, or the angle which a common tangent to the teeth, when they are in contact at the pitch-point, makes with a line joining the centers of the wheels, is first arbitrarily determined. It is customary to take it at 15. The pitch-lines pi and PL being drawn in contact at O, the line of obliquity AB is drawn through O normal to a common tangent to the tooth curves, or at the given angle of obliquity to a common tan- gent to the pitch-circles. In the cut the angle is 20. Erom the centers ol the pitch-circles draw circles c and d tangent to the line AB. These circles are called base-lines or base-circles, from which the involutes F and K are drawn. By laying off convenient distances, 0, 1, 2, 3, which should each be less than Vio of the diameter of the base-circle, small arcs can be drawn with successively increasing radii, which will form the involute. The involute extends from the points F and K down to their FIG. 181. respective base-circles, where a tangent to the involute becomes a radius of the circle, and the remainders of the tooth curves, as G and H, are radial straight lines. To draw the teeth of a rack which is to gear with an involute wheel (Fig. 182). Let AB be the pitch-line of the rack and AI= IT = the pitch. Through the pitch-point / draw EF at the given angle of obliquity. FIG. 182. Draw AE and 1'F perpendicular to EF. Through E and F draw lines EGG' and FH parallel to the pitch-line. EGG' will be the addendum- line and HF the flank-line. From / draw IK perpendicular to AB equal to the greatest addendum in the set of wheels of the given pitch and obliquity plus an allowance for clearance equal to 1/8 of the addendum. Through K, parallel to AB, draw the clearance-line. The fronts of the teeth are planes perpendicular to EF, and the backs are planes inclined at the same angle to AB in the contrary direction. The outer half of the working face AE may be slightly curved. Mr. Grant makes it a circular arc drawn from a center on the pitch-line' with a radius = 2.1 Jnches divided by the diametral pitch, or 0.67 in. X circular pitch. In the involute system the customary standard form of tooth is one having an angle of obliquity of 15 (Brown and Sharpe use 14 1/2). an 1166 GEARING. addendum of about one-third the circular pitch, and a clearance of about one-eighth of the addendum. In this system the smallest gear ol a set has 12 teeth, this being the smallest number of teeth that will gear together when made with this angle of obliquity. In gears with less than 30 teeth the points of the teeth must be slightly rounded over to avoid interference (see Grant's Teeth of Gears). All involute teeth of the same pitch and with the same angle of obliquity work smoothly together. The rack to gear with an involute-toothed wheel has straight faces on its teeth, which make an angle with the middle line of the tooth equal to the angle of obliquity, or in the standard form the faces are inclined at an angle ot 30 with each other. To Draw an Angle of 15 without using a Protractor. From C, on the line A (7, with radius AC, draw an arc AB, and from A, with the same radius, cut the arc at B. Bisect the arc BA by drawing small arcs at D from A and B as centers, with the same radius, which must be greater than one-half of AB. Join DC, cutting BA at E. The angle EGA is 30. Bisect the arc AE in like manner, and the angle FCA will be 15. A property of involute-toothed wheels is that the distance between the axes of a pair of gears may be altered to a considerable extent without interfering with their ac- tion. The backlash is therefore variable at will, and may be ad- FIG. 183. justed by moving the wheels farther from or nearer to each other, and may thus be adjusted so as to be no greater than is necessary to prevent jamming of the teeth. The relative merits of cycloidal and involute-shaped teeth are a subject of dispute, but there is an increasing tendency to adopt the involute tooth for all purposes. Clark (R. T. D., p. 734) says: Involute teeth have the disadvantage of being too much inclined to the radial line, by which an undue pressure is exerted on the bearings. Unwin (Elements of Machine Design, 8th ed., p. 265) says: The obliquity of action is ordinarily alleged as a serious objection to involute wheels. Its importance has perhaps been overrated. George B. Grant (Am. Mach., Dec. 26, 1885) says: 1. The work done by the friction of an involute tooth is always less than the same work for any possible epicycloidal tooth. 2. With respect to work done by friction, a change of the base from a gear of 12 teeth to one of 15 teeth makes an improvement for the epicycloid of less than one-half of one per cent. 3. For the 12-tooth system the involute has an advantage of 11/5 per cent, and for the 15-tooth system an advantage of 3/ 4 per cent. 4. That a maximum improvement of about one per cent can be accom- plished by the adoption of any possible non-interchangeable radial flank tooth in preference to the 12-tooth interchangeable system. 5. That for gears of very few teeth the involute has a decided advan- tage. 6. That the common opinion among millwrights and the mechanical public in general in favor of the epicycloid is a prejudice that is founded on long-continued custom, and not on an intimate knowledge of the properties of that curve. Wilfred Lewis (Proc. Engrs. Club of Phila., vol. x, 1893) says a strong reaction in favor of the involute system is in progress, and he believes that an involute tooth of 22 1/2 obliquity will finally supplant all other forms. Approximation by Circular Arcs. Having found the form of the actual" tooth-curve on the drawing-board, circular arcs may be found by trial which will give approximations to the true curves, and these may be used in completing the drawing and the pattern of the gear-wheels. The FORMS Of THE TEETH. 1167 root of the curve is connected to the clearance by a fillet, which should be as large as possible to give increased strength to the tooth, provided it is not large enough to cause interference. Molesworth gives a method of construction by.circular arcs as follows : From the radial line at the edge of the tooth on the pitch-line, lay off the line HK at an angle of 75 with the radial line; on this line will be the centers of the root AB and the point EF. The lines struck from these centers are shown hi thick lines. Circles drawn through centers thus found will give the lines in which the remaining centers will be. The radius DA for striking the root AB is the pitch + the thickness of the tooth. The radius CE for striking the point of the tooth EF = the pitch. FIG. 184. George B. Grant says: It is sometimes attempted to construct the curve by some handy method or empirical rule, but such methods are generally worthless. Stub Gear Teeth. The stub gear tooth developed by the Fellows Gear Shaper Co. has been largely adopted for automobile drives. The stub gear tooth has a shorter addendum and dedendum than the ordinary involute tooth. The pressure angle is 20 and the teeth are based on two diametral pitches, one of which is used to obtain the dimensions of the addendum and dedendum, while the other is used for the dimensions of the tooth thickness, the number of teeth and pitch diameter. Stub tooth gears are designated by a fraction as Vs pitch, 10/12 pitch, etc. The numerator designates the pitch deter- mining the thickness of the tooth and number of teeth. The denomi- nator designates the pitch determining depth of the tooth. The clearance is (0.25 -T- diametral pitch). The advantages of this form of tooth compared to the ordinary involute gear tooth are: greater strength; same arc of rolling contact as in 141/2 involute tooth; avoid- ance of extreme sliding contact; more even wearing contact. Dimen- sions of the Fellows system of stub gear teeth are given in the table below: Fellows Stub Gear Tooth System (Dimensions in Inches). Diametral Pitch. Thick- ness of Tooth. Adden- dum. Working Depth. Depth of Space Below Pitch Line. Clear- an e. Whole Depth of Tooth. 4/5 5/7 6/8 7/9 8/10 9/11 10/12 12/ u 0.3927 .3142 .2618 .2244 .1963 .1745 .1571 .1309 0.2000 .1429 .1250 JOOO .0909 .0833 .0714 0.4000 .2858 .2500 .2222 .2000 .1818 .1667 .1429 0.2500 .1786 .1562 .1389 .1250 .1136 .1041 .0993 0.0500 .0357 .0312 .0278 .0250 .0227 .0208 .0179 0.4500 .3214 .2812 .2500 .2250 .2045 .1875 .1607 Another system of stub gear teeth is also in use, in which the tooth dimensions are based upon circular pitcL. The addendum is 0.250 X circular pitch, and the dedendum is 0.300 X circular pitch. The former system is the ons in more general use. 1168 GEARING. Stepped Gears. Two gears of the same pitch and diameter mounted side by side on the same shaft will act as a single gear. If one gear is keyed on the shaft so that the teeth of the two wheels are not in line, but the teeth of one wheel slightly in advance of the other, the two gears form a stepped gear. If mated with a similar stepped gear on a parallel shaft the number of teeth in contact will be twice as great as in an ordinary gear, which will increase the strength of the gear and its smoothness of action. Twisted Teeth. If a great number of very thin gears were placed together, one slightly in advance of the other, they would still act as a stepped gear. Con- tinuing the subdivision until the thickness of each separate gear is infinitesimal, the faces of the teeth instead of being in steps take the form of a spiral or twisted surface, and we have a twisted gear. The twist may take any shape, and if it is in one direction for half the width of the gear and in the opposite direction for the other half, we have what is known as the herring- bone or double helical tooth. The obliquity of the twisted tooth if twisted in one direction causes an end thrust on the shaft, but if the herring-bone twist is FIG. 185. used, the opposite obliquities neutralize each other. This form of tooth is much used in heavy rolling-mill practice, where great strength and resistance to shocks are necessary. They are frequently made of steel castings (Fig. 185). The angle of the tooth with a line parallel to the axis of the gear is usually 30. Spiral or Helical Gears. If a twisted gear has a uniform twist it becomes what is commonly called a spiral gear (properly a helical gear). The line in which the pitch-surface intersects the face of the tooth is part of a helix drawn on the pitch-surface. A spiral wheel may be made with only one helical tooth wrapped around the cylinder several times, in which it becomes a screw or worm. If it has two or three teeth so wrapped, it is a double- or triple-threaded screw or worm. A spiral-gear meshing into a rack is used to drive the table of some forms of planing- machine. For methods of laying out and producing spiral gears see Brown and Sharpe's treatise on Gearing and Halsey's Worm and Spiral Gearing, also Machy., May 1906 and Machifs Reference Series No. 20. Worm-gearine. When the axes of two spiral gears are at right angles, and a wheel of one, two, or three threads works with a larger wheel of many threads, it becomes a worm-gear, or endless screw, the smaller wheel or driver being called the worm, and the larger, or driven wheel, the worm-wheel. With this arrangement a high velocity ratio may be obtained with a single pair of wheels. For a one-threaded wheel the veloc- ity ratio is the number of teeth in the worm-wheel. The worm and wheel are commonly so constructed that the worm will drive the wheel, but the wheel wUl not drive the worm. To find the diameter of a worm-wheel at the throat, number of teeth and pitch of the worm being given: Add 2 to the number of teeth, multiply the sum by 0.3183, and by the pitch of the worm in inches. To find the number of teeth, diameter at throat and pitch of worm being given: Divide 3.1416 times the diameter by the pitch, and subtract 2 from the quotient. In Fig. 186 ab is the diam. of the pitch-circle, cd is the diam. at the throat. EXAMPLE. Pitch of FIG. 186. worm 1/4 in., number of teeth 70; required the diam. at the throat. (70 + 2) X .3183 X .25 = 5 .73 in. For design of worm gearing see Kimball and Barr's Machine Design. For efficiency of worm-gears see page 1171. FORMS OF THE TEETH. 1169 The Hindley Worm. In the Hindley worm-gear the worm, in- stead of being cylindrical in outline, is of an hour-glass shape, the pitch line of the worm being a curved line corresponding to the pitch line of the gear. It is claimed that there is surface contact between the faces of the teeth of the worm and gear, instead of only line contact as in the case of the ordinary worm gear, but this is denied by some writers. For discussion of the Hindiey worm see Am. Mach., April 1, 1897 and Machy., Dec. 1908. The Hindley gear is made by the Albro-Clem Elevator Co., Philadelphia. Teeth of Bevel-wheels. (Rankine's Machinery and Millwork.) The teeth of a bevel-wheel have acting surfaces of the conical kind, gen- erated by the motion of a line traversing the apex of the conical pitch- surface, while a point in it is carried round the traces of the teeth upon a spherical surface described about that apex. The operations of drawing the traces of the teeth of bevel-wheels exactly, whether by involutes or by rolling curves, are in every respect analogous to those for drawing the traces of the teeth of spur-wheels; except that in the case of bevel-wheels all those operations are to be performed on the surface of a sphere described about the apex, instead of on a plane, sub- stituting poles for centers and great circles for straight lines. In consideration of the practical difficulty, especially in the case of large wheels, of obtaining an accurate spherical surface, and of drawing upon it when obtained, the follow- ing approximate method, proposed originally by Tredgold, is generally used: Let O, Fig. 187, be the common apex of the pitch-cones, OBI, OB'I, of a pair of bevel-wheels; OC, OC', the axes of those cones; OI their line of contact. Perpendicular to 01 draw AIA', cutting the axes in A, A'; make the outer rims of the patterns and of the wheels portions of the cones ABI, A'B'I, of which the narrow zones occupied by the teeth will be sufficiently near for practical purposes to a spherical surface described about O. As the cones ABI, A'B'I cut the pitch- cones at right angles in the outer pitch-circles IB, IB', they may be called the normal cones. To find the traces of the teeth upon the normal cones, draw on a flat surface circular arcs, ID, ID', with the radii AI, A' I; those arcs will be the developments of arcs of the pitch-circles IB, IB' when the conical surfaces ABI, A'B'I are spread out flat. Describe the traces of teeth for the developed arcs as for a pair of spur-wheels, then wrap the developed arcs on the normal cones, so as to make them coincide with the pitch-circles, and trace the teeth on the conical surfaces. For formulae and instructions for designing bevel-gears, and for much other valuable information on the subject of gearing, see "Practical Treatise on Gearing," and "Formulas in Gearing," published by Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co.; and "Teeth of Gears, " by George B. Grant, Lexington, Mass. The student may also consult Rankine's Machinery and Millwork, Reuleaux's Constructor, and Unwin's Elements of Machine Design. See also article on Gearing, by C. W. MacCord in App. Cyc. Mech., vol. ii. Annular and Differential Gearing. (S. W. Balch, Am. Mach., Aug. 24, 1893.) In internal gears the sum of the diameters of the describ- ing circles for faces and flanks should not exceed the difference in the pitch diameters of the pinion and its internal gear. The sum may be equal to this difference or it may be less; if it is equal, the faces of the teeth of each wheel will drive the faces as well as the flanks of the teeth of the other wheel. The teeth will therefore make contact with each other at two points at the same time. Cycloidal tooth-curves for interchangeable gears are formed with de- scribing circles of about 5/ 8 the pitch diameter of the smallest gear of the series. To admit two such circles between the pitch-circles of the pinion and internal gear the number of teeth in the internal gear should exceed 1170 GEAEING. the number in the pinion by 12 or more, if the teeth are of the customary proportions and curvature used in interchangeable gearing. Very often a less difference is desirable, and the teeth may be modified in several ways to make this possible. First. The tooth curves resulting from smaller describing circles may be employed. These will give teeth which are more rounding and nar- rower at their tops, and therefore not as desirable as the regular forms. Second. The tips of the teeth may be rounded until they clear. This is a cut-and-try method which aims at modifying the teeth to such out- lines as smaller describing circles would give. Third. One of the describing circles may be omitted and one only used, which may be equal to the difference between the pitch-circles. This will permit the meshing of gears differing by six teeth. It will usu- ally prove inexpedient to put wheels in inside gears that differ by much less than 12 teeth. If a regular diametral pitch and standard tooth forms are determined on, the diameter to which the internal gear-blank is to be bored is calcu- lated by subtracting 2 from the number of teeth, and dividing the re- mainder by the diametral pitch. The tooth outlines are the match of a spur-gear of the same number of teeth and diametral pitch, so that the spur-gear will fit the internal gear as a punch fits its die, except that the teeth of each should fail to bottom in the tooth spaces of the other by the customary clearance of one- tenth the thickness of the tooth. Internal gearing is particularly valuable when employed in differential action. This is a mechanical movement in which one of the wheels is mounted on a crank so that its center can move in a circle about the center of the other wheel. Means are added which restrain the wheel on the crank from turning over and confine it to the revolution of the crank. The ratio of the number of teeth in the revolving wheel compared with the difference between the two will represent the ratio between the revolv- ing wheel and the crank-shaft by which the other is carried. The advan- tage in accomplishing the change of speed with such an arrangement, as compared with ordinary spur-gearing, lies in the almost entire absence of friction and consequent wear of the teeth. But for the limitation that the difference between the wheels must not be too small, the possible ratio of speed might be increased* almost indefi- nitely, and one pair of differential gears made to do the service of a whole fcrain of wheels. If the problem is properly worked out with bevel-gears this limitation may be completely set aside, and external and internal bevel-gears, differing by but a single tooth if need be, made to mesh per- fectly with each other. EFFICIENCY OF GEARING. An extensive series of experiments on the efficiency of gearing, chiefly worm and spiral gearing, is described by Wilfred Lewis in Trans. A. S. M. E., vii, 273. The average results are shown in a diagram, from which the following approximate average figures are taken: EFFICIENCY OF SPUR, SPIRAL, AND WORM-GEARING. Gearing. Pitch. Velocity at pitch-line in feet per min. 3 10 40 100 200 Spur pinion 0.90 .81 .75 .67 .61 .51 .43 .34 0.935 .87 .815 .75 .70 .615 .53 .43 0.97 .93 .89 .845 .805 .74 .72 .60 0.98 .955 .93 .90 .87 .82 .765 .70 0.985 .965 .945 .92 .90 .86 .815 .765 45 30 20 15 '10 7 5 Spiral pinion or worm The experiments showed the advantage of spur-gearing over all other kinds in both durability and efficiency. The variation from the mean results rarely exceeded 5% in either direction, so long as no cutting occurred, but the variation became much greater and very irregular as soon as cutting began. The loss of power varies with the speed, the EFFICIENCY OF GEARING. 1171 pressure, the temperature, and the condition of the surfaces. The high friction of worm- and spiral-gearing is largely due to end thrust on the collars of the shaft, and may be considerably reduced by roller-bearings for the collars. When two worms with opposite spirals run in two spiral worm-gears that also work with each other, and the pressure on one gear is opposite that on the other, there is no thrust on the shaft. Even with light loads a worm will begin to heat and cut if run at too high a speed, the limit for safe working being a velocity of the rubbing surfaces of 200 to 300 ft. per minute, the former being preferable where the gearing has to work continuously. The wheel teeth will keep cool, as they form part of a casting having a large radiating surface; but the worm itself is so small that its heat is dissipated slowly. Whenever the heat generated increases faster than it can be conducted and radiated away, the cutting of the worm may be expected to begin. A low efficiency for a worm-gear means more than the loss of power, since the power which is lost reappears as heat and may cause the rapid destruction of the worm. Unwin (Elements of Machine Design, p. 294) says: The efficiency is greater the less the radius of the worm. Generally the radius of the worm = 1 .5 to 3 times the pitch of the thread of the worm or the circular pitch of the worm-wheel. For a one-threaded worm the efficiency is only 2/5 to 1/4: for. a two-threaded worm, 4/ 7 10.2/5; for a three-threaded worm, 2/3 to 1/2 . As so much work is wasted hi friction it is natural that the wear is excessive. The table below gives the calculated efficiencies of worm-wheels of 1,2,3, and 4 threads and ratios of radius of worm to pitch of teeth of from 1 to 6, with a coefficient of friction of 0.15. No. of Threads. Radius of Worm Pitch. 1 H/4 H/2 13/4 2 21/2 3 4 6 2 3 4 0.50 .67 .75 .80 0.44 .62 .70 .76 0.40 .57 .67 .73 0.36 .53 .63 .70 0.33 .50 .60 .67 0.28 .44 .55 .62 0.25 .40 .50 .57 0.20 .33 .43 .50 0.14 .25 .33 .40 Efficiency of Worm Gearing. Worm gearing as a means of trans- mitting power has generally been looked upon with suspicion, its efficiency being" considered necessarily low and its life short. When properly pro- portioned, however, it is both durable and reasonably efficient. Mr. F. A. Halsey discusses the subject in Am. Machinist, Jan. 13 and 20, 1898. He quotes two formulas for the efficiency of worm gearing: In which E = efficiency; a = angle of thread, being angle between thread and a line perpendicular to the axis of the worm:/ = coefficient of friction. Eq. (1) applies to the worm thread only, while (2) applies to the worm and step combined, on the assumption that the mean friction radius of the two is equal. "Eq. (1) gives a maximum for E when tan a = VI + /a / . . . (3) and eq. (2) a maximum when tan a: = V2+4/ 2 - 2f .... (4) Using 0.05 for/gives a in (3) = 43 34' and in (4) = 52 49'. On plotting equations (1) and (2) the curves show the striking influence of the pitch-angle upon the efficiency, and since the lost work is expended in friction and wear, it is plain why worms of low angle should be short- lived and those of high angle long-lived. The following table is taken from Mr. Halsey 's plotted curves: RELATION OF THREAD-ANGLE, SPEED AND EFFICIENCY OF WORM-GEARS. Velocity of Pitch-line, Feet per Minute. Angle of Thread. 5 -10 20 30 40 45 Efficiency. 3 10 20 40 100 200 35 40 47 52 60 70 76 52 56 62 67 74 82 85 66 69 74 78 83 88 91 73 76 79 83 87 91 92 76 79 82 83 88 91 92 77 80 82 86 88 91 92 1172 GEARING. The experiments of Mr. Wilfred Lewis on worms show a very satisfac- tory correspondence with the theory. Mr. Halsey gives a collection of data comprising 16 worms doing heavy duty and having pitch-angles ranging between 4 30' and 45, which show that every worm having an angle above 12 30' was successful in regard to durability, and every worm below 9 was unsuccessful, the overlapping region being occupied by worms some of which were successful and some unsuccessful. In several cases worms of one pitch-angle had been replaced by worms of a different angle, an increase in the angle leading in every case to better results and a decrease to poorer results. He concludes with the following table from experiments by Mr. James Christie, of the Pencoyd Iron Works, and gives data connecting the load upon the teeth with the pitch-line velocity of the worm. LIMITING SPEEDS AND PRESSURES OF WORM GEARING. Double- Double- Single-thread thread thread Worm \" Pitch, Worm 2'- Worm 21/o' 27/8 Pitch Diam. Pitch. 27/8 Pitch, 41/2 Pitch Diam. Pitch Diam. Revolutions per minute Velocity at pitch-line, feet per minute 128 96 201 150 272 705 425 37,0 128 96 201 150 272 7.05 201 735 272 319 425 498 Limiting nressure. oounds. . . 1700 1300 1100 700 1100 1100 1100 1100 700 400 Efficiency of Automobile Gears. (G. E. Quick, Horseless Age, Feb. 12, 1908.) A set of slide gears was tested by an electric-driven absorption ' dynamometer. The following approximate results are taken from a | series of plotted curves: Horse-power input 2 4 6 8 | 10 14 18 r.p.m. Efficiency, per cent. Direct driven, third speed.. . . 800 89 95 97 97,5 97 5 97 5 96 Direct driven, third speed.. . . 1,500 80 89 93 95 96 5 97 97 Second speed, ratio 1 .76 to 1 800 87 97 5 94 95 94 93 Second speed, ratio 1.76 to 1 1,500 79 88 9? 5 94 95 95 94 First speed, ratio 3.36 to 1 .. . 800 75 87,5 93 94 94 93 5 97 * First speed, ratio 3.36 to 1... . 1,500 70 84 89 97 93 92 Reverse speed, ratio 4.32 to 1 . 800 75 84 87 87 86 87 5 Reverse speed, ratio 4.32 to 1... 1,500 70 79 83 86 87 85 Worm-gear axle, ratio 6.83 to 1.. Worm-gear axle, ratio 6.83 to 1 .. 400 800 85 87 87 86.5 88 5 85.5 89 84 89 80 88 75 87 Worm-gear axle, ratio 6.83 to 1.. 1,500 80 85 87.5 88.5 89 89 89 Two bevel- wheel axles were tested, one a floating type, ratio 15 to 32. 141/2 involute; the other a solid wheel and axle type, ratio 13 to 54, 20 involute. Both gave efficiencies of 95 to 96 % at 800 to 1500 r.p.m., and 10 to 26 H.P., with lower efficiencies at lower power and at lower speed. The friction losses include those of the journals and thrust ball bearings. The worm was 6-threaded, lead, 4.69 in.; pitch diam., 2.08 in.; the gear had 41 teeth; pitch diam., 10.2 in. The worm was of hardened steel and the gear of phosphor-bronze. A test of a steel gear and steel worm gave somewhat lower efficiencies. In both tests the heating was excessive both in the gears and in the thrust bearings, the balls in which were7/ le in. diam. STRENGTH OF GEAR-TEETH. The strength of gear-teeth and the horse-power that may be transmitted by them depend upon so many variable and uncertain factors that it is not surprising that the formulas and rules given by different writers show a wide variation. In 1879 John H. Cooper (Jour. Frank. Inst., July, 1879) found that there were then in existence about 48 well-estab- j lished rules for horse-power and working strength, differing from each other in extreme cases about 500%. In 1886 Prof. Wm. Harkness (Proc. A. A. A. S. t 1886), from an examination of the bibliography of the ' subject, beginning in 1796, found that according to tne constants and STRENGTH OF GEAR-TEETH. 1173 'formulae used by various authors there were differences of 15 to 1 in the power which could be transmitted by a given pair of geared wheels. The various elements which enter into the constitution of a formula to represent the working strength of a toothed wheel are the following: 1. The strength of the metal, usually cast iron, which is an extremely variable quantity. 2. The shape of the tooth, and especially the relation of its thickness at the root or point of least strength to the pitch and to the length. 3. The point at which the load is taken to be applied, assumed by some authors to be at the pitch-line, by others at the extreme end, along the whole face, and by still others at a single outer corner. 4. The consideration of whether the total load is at any time received by a single tooth or whether it is divided between two teeth. 5. The influence of velocity in causing a tendency to break the teeth by shock. 6. The factor of safety assumed to cover all the uncertainties of the other elements of the problem. Prof. Harkness, as a result of his investigation, found that all the formulae on the subject might be expressed in one of three forms, viz.; Horse-power = CVpf, or CFp 2 , or CVp*f; in which C is a coefficient, V = velocity of pitch-line in feet per second, p = pitch in inches, and / = face of tooth in inches. *'rom an examination of precedents he proposed the following formula for cast-iron wheels: H.p. = - 910 Vpf 0.65 V He found that the teeth of chronometer and watch movements were subject to stresses four times as great as those which any engineer would dare to use in like proportion upon cast-iron wheels of large size. It appears that all of the earlier rules for the strength of teeth neglected the consideration of the variations in their form; the breaking strength, aa said by Mr. Cooper, being based upon the thickness of the teeth at the pitch-line or circle, as if the thickness at the root of the tooth were the same in all cases as it is at the pitch-line. Wilfred Lewis (Proc. Eng'rs Club, Phila., Jan., 1893; Am. Mach., June 22, 1893) seems to have been the first to use the form of the tooth in the construction of a working formula and table. He assumes that in well-constructed machinery the load can be more properly taken as well distributed across the tooth than as concentrated in one corner, but that it cannot be safely taken as concentrated at a maximum distance from the root less than the extreme end of the tooth. He assumes that the whole load is taken upon one tooth, and considers the tooth as a beam loaded at one end, and from a series of drawings of teeth of the involute, cycloidal, and radial flank systems, determines the point of weakest cross-section of each, and the ratio of the thickness at that section to the pitch. He thereby obtains the general formula, W = spfy; In which W is the load transmitted by the teeth, in pounds; s is the safe working stress of the material, taken at 8000 Ibs. for cast iron, when the working speed is 100 ft. or less per minute; p = pitch; / = face, in inches; y = a factor depending on the form of the tooth, whose value for different cases is given in the table on page 1174. The values of s in the above table are given by Mr. Lewis tentatively, in the absence of sufficient data upon which to base more definite values, but they have been found to give satisfactory results in practice. EXAMPLE. Required to find the working strength of a 12-toothed pin- ion, 1-inch pitch, 2 H-hich face, driving a wheel of 60 teeth at 100 feet or less per minute, and let the teeth be of the 20-degree involute form. In the formula W = spfy we have for a cast-iron pinion s = 8000, pf =2.5, and y = 0.078; and multiplying these values together, we have W = 1560 pounds. For the wheel we have y = 0.134 and W = 2680 pounds. The cast-iron pinion is, therefore, the measure of strength; but if a steel pinion be substituted we have s = 20,000 and W = 3900 pounds, in which combination the wheel is the weaker, and it therefore becomes the measure of strength. For bevel- wheels Mr. Lewis gives the following, referring to Fig. 188: 1174 GEAKING. D = large diameter of bevel; d = small diameter of bevel; p = pitch at large diameter; n = actual number of teeth; / = face of bevel; N formative, number of teeth = n X secant a, or \ the number corresponding to radius R; y = factor de- r v T^fj pending upon shape of teeth and formative number N; x ^^ /^ \\W = working load on teeth, assumed to be applied at ' the large end of the bevel gear on the pitch line. W spfy -- ; or . more simply, W spfy ; FIG. 188. which gives almost identical results when d is not less than 2/3 D, as is the case in good practice. In Am. Mach., June 22, 1893, Mr. Lewis gives the following formulae for the working strength of the three systems of gearing, which agree very closely with those obtained by use of the table: For involute, 20 obliquity, W = spf ( 0. 154 - ^? ) ; For involute 15, and cycloidal, W = spf (o.!24 - ^^) : For radial flank system, W = spf (o.075 - ^p): in which the factor within the parenthesis corresponds to y in the general formula. For the horse-power transmitted, Mr. Lewis's general formula W = spfy = 33 ' OOOH - P -, may take the form H.P. = ^rrz> wh ich V oo,UUU -> = velocity in feet per minute; or since v = dir X r.p.m. * 12 :) .2618 d X r.p.m., in which d = diameter in inches, It must be borne in mind, however, that in the case of machines which consume power intermittently, such as punching and shearing machines, the gearing should be designed with reference to the maximum load W, which can be brought upon the teeth at any time, and not upon the average horse-power transmitted. VALUES OF y IN LEWIS'S FORMULA. Factor for Strength y. Factor for Strength, y. No. of Teeth. Involute 20 Ob- liquity. Involute 15 and Cycloidal Radial Flanks. No. of Teeth. Involute 20 Ob- liquity. Involute 15 and Cycloidal Radial Flanks. 12 0.078 0.067 0.052 27 0.111 0.100 0.064 13 .083 .070 .053 30 .114 .102 .065 14 .088 .072 .054 34 .118 .104 .066 15 .092 .075 .055 38 .122 .107 .067 16 .094 .077 .056 43 .126 .110 .068 17 .096 .080 .057 50 .130 .112 .069 18 .098 .083 .058 60 .134 .114 .070 19 .100 .087 .059 75 .138 .116 .071 20 .102 .090 .060 100 .142 .118 .072 21 .104 .092 .061 150 .146 .120 .073 23 .106 .094 .062 300 .150 .122 .074 25 .108 .097 .063 Rack. .154 .124 .075 SAFE WORKING STRESS, s, FOR DIFFERENT SPEEDS. Speed of Teeth in Ft. per Minute. , "ft Q L & Q "3 t-jT3 & 3 H.3 <3-d S3 a *8 . 6 S j I 8 . d S H =3 3 &H IM fl 6 &* V4 ,V3 u/ 2 3 6 8 10 12 16 20 7? 18 6. 6. 3.70 2.50 2.30 2.30 1 2 3 3 4 7 62 82 110 120 114 124 110 130 135 140 130* 135* 140* 68 87 94 115 132 142 145 145 160 160 122 216 246 308 557 21 31 35 42 69 84 126 126 168 210 176* 40 59 80 93 126 155 195 252 310 390 24 30 36 42 38 8. 4. 4.8 3.6 2.3 1.7 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.6 1 1 16. 8. 9.6 7.2 4.6 3.5 2.6 2.2 1.6 1.2 ? ? 24. 12. 14.4 10.8 6.9 5.2 3.9 3.3 2.4 1.8 1 1 1 I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4. 2. 2.40 1.80 1.10 0.80 0.65 0.50 0.35 0.30 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 168* 8 1 6 ? 4 4 710* 0.6 1.2 1.8 4 * On each of the two hand-chains. t The number of men is based on each man pulling not over 80 Ib One man pulling 160 Ib. or less, as given in the first two columns, can lift the full capacity of any Triplex or Duplex Block. Efficiency of Hoisting Tackle. (S. L. Wonson, Eng. News, June 11, 1903. 1 1/4 to 2-in. Manila rope. Parts of line. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ratio of load to pull 1 91 ? 64 '\ 10 1 84 4 '-H 4 7? 5 OH 5 M Efficiency, per cent 96 88 ,83 77 72 67 64 60 3/4-in. Wire rope. Parts of line. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 13 Ratio load to pull Efficiency, per cent 2.73 91 3.47 87 4.11 82 4.70 78 5.20 74 5.68 71 6.08 68 6.46 65 6.787.08 62 1 59 7.34 56 Proportions of Hooks. The following formulae are given by Henry R. Towne, in his Treatise on Cranes, as a result of an extensive experi- mental and mathematical investigation. They apply to hooks of capacities from 250 Ib. to 20,000 Ib. Each size of hook is made from some commercial size of round iron. The basis in each case is. there- fore, the size of iron of which the hook is to be made, indicated by A in the diagram. The dimension D is arbitrarily assumed. The other dimensions, as given by the formulae, are those which, while preserving a proper bearing-face on the interior of the hook for the ropes or chains which may be passed through it, give the greatest resistance to spread- ing and to ultimate rupture, which the amount of material in the original bar admits of. The symbol A is used to indicate the nominal capacity of the hook in tons of 2000 Ib. The formulae which determine the lines HOOKS. 1183 of the other parts of the hooks of the several sizes are as follows, the measurements being all expressed in inches : D = 0.5 A + 1.25; E = 0.64 A+ 1.60; F = 0.33 A + 0.85; G = 0.75 D; H = 1.08 A; / = 1.33 A; J = 1.20 A; K= 1.13 A; L = 1.05 A; M= 0.50^4; AT =0.85 -0.16; O = 0.363 A + 0.66; Q = 0.64 A + 1.60; U= 0.866 A. The dimensions A are necessarily based upon the ordinary merchant sizes of round iron. The sizes which it has been found best to select are the follow- ing: FIG. 189. Capacity of hook: 1/8 1/41/2 111/22 345 6 8 10 tons Dimension A: 5/8 H/16 3/4 11/ 16 11/4 13/ 8 1 8/4 2 21/4 21/2 2 7/ 8 31/4 in. Experiment has shown that hooks made according to the above formulae will give way first by opening of the jaw, which, however, will not occur except with a load much in excess of the nominal capacity of the hook. This yielding of the hook when overloaded becomes a source of safety, as it constitutes a signal of danger which cannot easily be over- looked, and which must proceed to a considerable length before rupture will occur and the load be dropped. Heavy Crane Hooks. A. E. Holcomb, vice-pres. of the Earth Mov- ing Machinery Co., contributes the following (1908). Seven years ago, while engaged in the design of a 100- ton crane, I made a study of the variations in strength with the different sectional forms for hooks in most i common use. As a result certain values which gave the best results were ! substituted in "Gordon's" formula and a formula was thereby obtained which was good for hooks of any size desired, provided the proper allowable fiber stress per square inch was made use of when designing. From this * formula the enclosed table was made up and was published in the American Machinist of Oct. 31, 1901. Since that time hundreds of hooks of cast or hammered steel have been designed and made according to my formula, 1 and not one of them, so far as I know, has ever failed. The Industrial Works, Bay City, Michigan, manufacturers of heavy cranes, in December, 1904, made the following test under actual working i conditions: A hook was made of hammered steel having an elastic limit or yield point at approximately 36,000 Ibs. per sq. in. fiber stress and having the following important dimensions: d = 75/8 in.; r = 41/2 in.; D = 207/i 6 in. When the applied load reached 150,000 Ibs. the hook straightened out until the opening at the mouth of the hook was 21/2 in. larger than formerly, and the distance from center of action line of load to center of gravity of section was found to have decreased 1/2 in., at which point the nook held the load. Upon increasing the load still further, the hook opened still more. From the dimensions of the hook as originally formed, i we find from the formula or table that the fiber stress with a load of 150,000 Ibs. was 37,900 Ibs. per sq. in., or in excess of the yield point, ! whereas making use of the dimensions obtained from the hook when it held we find that the fiber stress per square inch was reduced to 35,940 Ibs., or under the yield point. The designer must use his own judgment as to the selection of a proper allowable fik er stress , being governed therein by the nature of the material 1184 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. to be used and the probability of the hookibeing overloaded at some time. Under average conditions I have made use of the following values for (/): Values of (/) in pounds for a load of 1,000 to 5000 Ibs. 5,000 to 15,000 Ibs. 15,000 to 30,000 Ibs. 30,000 to 60,000 Ibs. 60,000 to 100,000 Ibs. 100,000 Ibs. and up. Cftst iron 2,000 6,000 12,000 2,500 8,000 16,000 Steel casting 10,000 20,000 11,250 22,500 12,500 25,000 "27,566' Hammered steel Mr. Hplcomb's formula is given below, and his table in condensed form is given on page i!85. DIRECTIONS. P and /being known, assume r to suit the requirements for which the hook is to be designed. Divide P by /and find the quotient in the column headed by the required r. At the side of the Table, in the same row, will be found the necessary depth of section, d. Notation. P = load. S = area of section. R* = square of the radius of gyration. / = allowable fiber stress in Ibs. per sq. in., 20,000 Ibs. for hammered steel. For other letters see Fig. 190. ?. = ~__ . General formula. n S = - - <*2(&2+ 4&C + C 2 ). (1) Vr^X^ (3) b + c 3 :^ + r. . (4) 0.66d; c = 0.22d, Assuming b we have: 7.44 d+ 12.393 r - K. (5) D = 2r+ 1.5 d. FIG. 190. For values of K and r intermediate to those given in the taoie approx- imate values of d may be found by interpolation. Thus, for K = 3.700, r = 2.75. r = 2.5 3.0 Int. for 2.75 K = 3.462 3.213 3.338 K = 4.128 3.842 3.985 ((3.700-3.338)) Tabular values, d = 6.50 d = 7.00 Whence: = 6.5-t- X (7.0 - 6.5) = 6.78. 1(3.985-3.338)) In like manner, if d and r are given the value of K and the corresponding safe load may be found. Strength of Hooks and Shackles. (Boston and Lockport Block Co., 1908.) Tests made at the Watertown arsenal on the strength of hooks and shackles showed that they failed at the loads given in the table on page 1 185. In service they should be subjected to only 50 % of the figures in the table. Ordinarily the hook of a block gives way first, and where heavy weights are to be handled shackles are superior to hooks and should be used wherever possible. Horse-power Required to Raise a Load at a Given Speed. H.P. = Gross weight in Ib. X speed in ft. per min. To this add 25 % to 50 % for 33,000 friction, contingencies, etc. The gross weight includes the weight of HOOKS. 1185 Values of K. d. 0.50 | 0.75 | 1.00 | 1.50 [ 2.00 | 2.50 | 3.00 | 3.50 | 4.00 | 5.00 [ 6.00 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5 75 0.379 .496 .629 .778 .944 1.143 1.342 1.558 1.790 2.038 2.304 2.586 2.884 3.214 3.532 0.331 .437 .559 .697 .852 .039 .226 .429 .649 .886 2.138 2.408 2.694 3.008 3.315 3.651 0.292 .391 .504 .632 .776 .953 .129 .321 .530 .754 .995 2.253 2.527 2.828 3.124 3.447 3.787 4.516 5.311 6.173 7.102 8.096 9.158 0.240 .329 .420 .532 .659 .801 .957 .148 .336 .544 .760 .996 2.248 2.525 2.801 3.101 3.418 4.100 4.848 5.661 6.540 7.485 8.496 9.574 10.788 12.098 13.374 14.717 16.126 17.601 0.203 .275 .360 .460 .572 .700 .841 .998 1.187 1.373 1.575 1.793 2.072 2.281 2.538 2.818 3.115 3.754 4.459 5.227 6.061 6.960 7.924 8.954 10.220 11.381 12.608 13.901 15.261 16.686 18.178 19.735 21.359 23.050 24.807 26.630 28.520 0.176 .239 .316 .404 .506 .621 .750 .893 .067 .239 .426 .627 .843 2.081 2.321 2.583 2.861 3.463 4.128 4.855 5.648 6.504 7.424 8.409 9.460 10.746 11.922 13.173 14.485 15.862 17.305 18.814 20.389 22.031 23.738 25.511 27.351 0.155 .212 .281 .360 .454 .559 .677 .808 .953 .129 .321 .490 .691 .913 2.140 2.385 2.646 3.213 3.842 4.533 5.287 6.104 6.984 7 928 8.932 10.008 11 316 12.518 13.785 15.117 16 514 17.976 19.504 21.098 22.758 24.483 26.274 "0.411 .508 .617 .738 .873 .038 .214 .374 .563 .770 .983 2.215 2.461 2.998 3.594 4.252 4.970 5.750 6.593 7.498 8.467 9.499 10.766 11.926 13.150 14.442 15.792 17.210 18.694 20.242 2 .846 23.535 25.388 0.805 0.943 .124 .275 .453 .647 .849 2.067 2.300 2.809 3.377 4.003 4.689 5.436 6.243 7.113 8.044 9.039 10.267 11.388 12.572 13.820 15.132 16.508 17.948 19.453 2 .023 22.658 24.358 1.628 1.825 2.035 2.496 3.012 3.584 4.213 4.900 5.645 6.450 7.316 8.241 9.228 10.448 11.558 12.730 13.965 15.263 16.624 18.049 19.536 21.088 22.704 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 4.003 4.757 5.578 2.246 2.719 3.244 3.825 4.460 5.152 5.901 6.708 7.573 8.498 9.482 10.697 11.802 12.967 14.195 15.484 16.835 18.248 19.724 21.262 Strength of Hooks and Shackles. HOOKS.* | SHACKLES. 4 g 4 M c? I Inches. Z% 1| l| Description of Fracture. tnches. -a ^ |j Description of Fracture. ,1" H 1 i S 1 H 1/2 1 890 isfo 17310 103 750 Eye of shackle 9/16 2^560 H/o 20*940 119800 Eye of shackle. fc 3,020 4,470 15/8 13/ 4 23,670 27,420 125,900 146,804 Eye of shackle. Sheared shackle 20,700 Eye of shackle. 7/8 6,280 38,100 Eye of shackle. pin. 1 12,600 13,520 51,900 62,900 Eye of shackle. Sheared shackle 17/8 36,120 38,100 162,700 196,600 Eye of shackle. Shackle at neck pin. of eye. H/4 16,800 75,200 Eye of shackle. 21/2 55.380 210,400 Eye of shackle. * AU the hooks failed by straightening the hook, 1186 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. cage, rope, etc. In a shaft with two cages balancing each other use the net load + weight of one rope, instead of the gross weight. To find the load which a given pair of engines will start. Let A = area of cylinder in square inches, or total area of both cylinders, if there are two; P = mean effective pressure in cylinder in Ib. per sq. in.; S = stroke of cylinder, inches; C = circumference of hoisting-drum, inches; L load lifted by hoisting-rope, Ib.; F = friction, expressed as a diminution of the load. Then L = A x ^ x2 ^ _ Ff An example in ColVy Engr., July, 1891, is a pair of hoisting-engines 24* X 40", drum 12 ft. diam., average steam-pressure in cylinder = 59.5 Ib.; A = 904.8; P = 59.5; S = 40; C = 452.4. Theoretical load, not allowing for friction, A X P X 2 S -*- C * 9589 Ib. The actual load that could just be lifted on trial was 7988 Ib., making friction loss F = 1601 Ib., or 20 + per cent of the actual load lifted, or 162/3% of the theo- retical load. . The above rule takes no account of the resistance due to inertia of the load, but for all ordinary cases in which the acceleration of speed of the cage is moderate, it is covered by the allowance for friction, etc. The resistance due to inertia is equal to the force required to give the load the velocity acquired in a given time, or, as shown in Mechanics, equal to the wv product of the mass by the acceleration, or R = ^ in which R ~ resistance in Ib. due to inertia; W = weight of load in Ib.; V = maximum velocity in ft. per second; T = time in seconds taken to acquire the velocity V; g = 32.16. ' Safe Loads for Ropes and Chains. The table on p. 1187 was pre- pared by the National Founder's Association and published hi Indust. Eng., Sept., 1914. It shows the safe loads that can be carried by wire rope, crane chain and manila rope of the sizes given when used hi the positions and combinations shown. The loads in the table are lower than those usually specified, in order to insure absolute safety. When handling molten metal, the ropes and chains should be 25 per cent stronger than the figures in the table. Effect of Slack Rope upon Strain in Hoisting. A series of tests with a dynamometer are published by the Trenton Iron Co., which show that a dangerous extra strain may be caused by a few inches of slack rope. In one case the cage and full tubs weighed 11,300 Ib.; the strain when the load was lifted gently was 11,525 Ib.; with 3 in. of slack chain it was 19,025 Ib.; with 6 in. slack 25,750 Ib., and with 9 in. slack 27,950 Ib. Limit of Depth for Hoisting. Taking the weight of a cast-steel hoisting-rope of IVsm. diameter at 2 Ib. per running foot, and its break- Ing strength at 84,000 Ib., it should, theoretically, sustain itself until 42 000 feet long before breaking from its own weight. But taking the usual factor of safety 01 7, then the safe working length of such a rope would be only 6000 ft. If a weight of 3 tons is now hung to the rope, which is equivalent to that of a cage of moderate capacity with its loaded cars the maximum length at which such a rope could be used, with the factor of safety of 7, is 3000 ft., or 2 x + 6000 84,000 ~ 7; /. X = 3000 feet. This limit may be greatly increased by using special steel rope of higher strength, by using a smaller factor of safety, and by using taper ropes. (See paper by H. A. Wheeler, Trans. A. I. M. E xix. 107.) Large Hoisting Records. At a colliery in North Derbyshire during the first week in June, 1890, 6309 tons were raised from a depth of o09 yards, the time of winding being from 7 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. At two other Derbyshire pits, 170 and 140 yards in depth, the speed of winding and changing has been brought to such perfection that tubs are drawn and changed three times in one minute. (Proc. Inst. M. E., 1890.) At the Nottingham Colliery near Wilkesbarre, Pa., in Oct., 1891, 70,152 tons were shipped in 24.15 days, the average hoist per day being 1318 mine cars The depth of hoist was 470 ft., and all coal came from 9ne opening. The'engines were first motion, 22 X48 in., conical drums 4ft. 1 in. long, 7ft. diameter at small end and 9 ft. at large end. (Eng'g News, Nov. 1891 .) Large Engines. Two 34 X 60 in. four-cylinder engines built by Nordberg Mfg. Co. for the Tamarack copper mine at Calumet, Mich., ar PNEUMATIC HOISTING. 1187 Safe Loads for Ropes and Chains. When Used When Used When Used When Used NOTE. The safe loads in table are for each SINGLE Straight. at 60 Angle. at 45 Angle. at 30 Angle. rope or chain. When used double or in other multiples the loads may b e increased yv proportionately. /\ ^X Dia. In. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. PLOW STEEL WIRE 3/8 . 1,500 1,275 1,050 750 KROPE. 1/2 2,400 2,050 1,700 1,200 5/8 4,000 3,400 2,800 2,000 strands of 9 or 3/4 6,000 5,100 4,200 3,000 37 wires.] 7/8 8,000 6,800 5,600 4,000 1 10,000 8,500 7,000 5,000 If crucible steel rope 1 1/8 13,000 11,000 9,000 6,500 is used reduce 1 oads H/4 16,000 13,500 11,000 8,000 one-fifth. 13/8 19,000 16,000 13,000 9,500 1 1/2 22,000 19,000 16,000 11,000 3 V* 600 500 425 300 CRANE CH/ LlN. 3 3/ 8 1,200 1,025 850 600 2,400 2,050 1,700 1,200 [Best grade of O 5/g 4,000 3,400 2,800 2,000 wrought iron, h and- ** 3/4 5,500 4,700 3,900 2,750 made, tested, short- link chain.] 6 H/8 7,500 9,500 12,000 6,400 8,000 10,200 5,200 6,600 8,400 3,700 4,700 6,000 .2 1 1/4 15,000 12,750 10,500 7,500 ^ 13/8 22,000 19,000 .16,000 11,000 Dia. Cir. In. In. 3/8 1 120 100 85 60 MANILA ROPE. 1/2 U/2 250 210 175 125 5/8 2 360 300 250 180 3/4 21/4 520 440 360 260 [Best long fibre 7 /8 23/4 620 520 420 300 grade.] 1 3 750 625 525 375 H/8 31/2 . 1,000 850 700 500 H/4 33/4 1,200 1,025 850 600 H/2 41/2 1,600 1,350 1,100 800 13/4 51/2 2,100 1,800 1,500 1,050 2 6 2,800 2,400 2,000 1,400 21/2 71/2 4,000 3,400 2,800 2,000 3 9 6,000 5,100 4,200 3,000 designed to lift a load from a depth of 6,000 ft. at an average hoisting speed of 5,000 ft. per min. The load is made up of ore, 12,000 Ibs. ; cage and cars, 8,500 Ibs.; 6,500 ft. 9f 1^-in. rope, 21,200 Ibs.; total, 41,700 Ibs. The center lines of the cylinders are placed 90 apart and the cranks 135 apart. By this arrangement three of the four cylinders are al- ways available for starting the hoist. Pneumatic Hoisting. (H. A. Wheeler, Trans. A. I. M. E. xix, 107.) A pneumatic hoist was installed in 1876 at Epinac, France, consisting of two continuous air-tight iron cylinders extending from the bottom to the top of the shaft. Within the cylinder moved a piston from which was hung the cage. It was operated by exhausting J/he air from, above the piston, the lower side being open to the atmosphere. Its use was discontinued on account of the failure of the mine. Mr. Wheeler gives a description of the system, but criticizes it as not being equal on the whole to hoisting by steel ropes. Pneumatic hoisting-cylinders using compressed air have been used at blast-furnaces, the weighted piston counterbalancing the weight of the 1188 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. cage, and the two being connected by a wire rope passing over a pulley- sheave above the top of the cylinder. In the more modern furnaces steam-engine or electric hoists are generally used. Electric Mine-Hoists. An important paper on this subject, 'by D. B. Rushfhore and K. A. Pauly, will be found ill Trans. A. I. M. E. t 1910. See also Electrical Hoisting, page 1464. Counterbalancing of Winding-engines. (H. W. Hughes, Columbia JColl. Qly.) Engines running unbalanced are subject to enormous variations in the load; for let W = weight of cage and empty tubs, say 6270 Ib.; c = weight of coal, say 4480 Ib.; r = weight of hoisting rope, eay 6000 Ib.; r' = weight of counterbalance rope hanging down pit, say 6000 Ib. The weight to be lifted will be: If weight of rope is unbalanced. II weight of rope is balanced. At beginning of lift: W + c + r - W or 10,480 Ib. W + c + r - (W + r'), At middle of lift: or f-4480 Ib. 2 2 \ At end of lift: W + c - (W + r) or minus 1520 Ib. W + c + r' - (W + r), , That counterbalancing materially affects the size of winding-engines is shown by a formula given by Mr. Robert Wilson, which is based on the fact that the greatest work a winding-engine has to do is to get a given mass into a certain velocity uniformly accelerated from rest, and to raise a load the distance passed over during the time this velocity is being obtained. Let W the weight to be set in motion: one cage, coal, number of. empty tubs on cage, one winding rope from pit head-gear to bottom, and one rope from banking level to bottom. v = greatest velocity attained, uniformly accelerated from rest; g = gravity = 32.2; t = time in seconds during which v is obtained; L = unbalanced load on engine; R = ratio of diameter of drum and crank circles; P = average pressure of steam in cylinders; N = number of cylinders; S = space passed over by crank-pin during time t : (7 = 2/3, constant to reduce angular space passed through by crank to the distance passed through by the piston during the time t; A = area of one cylinder, without margin f9r friction. To this an addition for friction, etc., of engine is to be made, varying from 10 to 30% of A. 1st. Where load is balanced. A PNSC 2d. Where load is unbalanced: The formula is the same, with the addition of another term to allow for the variation in the lengths of the ascending and descending ropes. In [this case /ii = reduced length of rope in t attached to ascending cage; fe 2 = increased length of rope in t attached to descending cage; w weight of rope per foot in pounds. Then \fWv\ , ( /, vt\ hiw 4- hzw i "1 p l(-2^) + {( L 2)- 2 \\ R ~~ Applying tne above formula when designing new engines, Mr. Wilson found that 30 in. diameter of cylinders would produce equal results, when balanced, to those of the 36-in. cylinder in use, the latter being unbalanced. Counterbalancing may be employed in the following methods: (a) Tapering Rope. At the initial stage the tapering rope enables us to wind from greater depths than is possible with ropes of uniform section. CRANES. 1189 The thickness of such a rope at any point should only be such as to safely bear the load on it at that point. With tapering ropes we obtain a smaller difference between the initial and final load, but the difference is still considerable, and for. perfect equalization of the load we must rely on some other resource. The theory of taper ropes is to obtain a rope of uniform strength, thinner at the cage end where the weight is least, and thicker at the drum end where it is greatest. (6) The Counterpoise System C9nsists of a heavy chain working up and down a staple pit, the motion being obtained by means of a special small drum placed on the same axis as the winding drum. It is so arranged that the chain hangs in full length down the staple pit at the commence- ment of the winding; in the center of the run the whole of the chain rests on the bottom of the pit, and, finally, at the end of the winding the counter- poise has been rewound upon the small drum, and is in the same con- dition as it was at the commencement. (c) Loaded-wagon System. A plan, formerly much employed, was to have a loaded wagon running on a short incline in place of this heavy chain; the rope actuating this wagon being connected in the same manner as the above to a subsidiary drum. The incline was constructed steep at the commencement, the inclination gradually decreasing to nothing. At the beginning of a wind the wagon was at the top of the incline, and during a portion of the run gradually passed down it till, at the meet of cages, no pull was exerted on the engine the wagon by this time being at the bottom. In the latter part of the wind the resistance was all against the engine, owing to its having to pull the wagon up the incline, and this resistance increased from nothing at the meet of cages to its greatest quantity at the conclusion of the lift. (d) The Endless-rope System is preferable to all others, if there is suffi- cient sump room and the shaft is free from tubes, cross timbers, and other impediments. It consists in placing beneath the cages a tail rope, similar in diameter to the winding rope, And, after conveying this down the pit, it is attached beneath the other cage. (e) Flat Ropes Coiling on Reels. This means of winding allows of a certain equalization, for the radius of the coil of ascending rope continues to increase, while that of the descending one continues to diminish. Conse- quently, as the resistance decreases in the ascending load the leverage increases, and as the power increases in the other, the leverage diminishes. The variation in the leverage is a constant quantity, and is equal to the thickness of the rope where it is wound on the drum. By the above means a remarkable uniformity in the load may be ob- tained, the only objection being the use of flat ropes, which weigh heavier and only last about two-thirds the time of round ones. '(/) Conical Drums. Results analogous to the preceding may be obtained by using round ropes coiling on conical drums, which may either be smooth, with the successive coils lying side by side, or they may be provided with a spiral groove. The objection to these forms is, that perfect equalization is not obtained with the conical drums unless the sides are very steep, and consequently there is great risk of the rope slipping; to obviate this, scroll drums were proposed. They are, however, expen- sive, and the lateral displacement of the winding rope from the center line of pulley becomes very great, owing to their necessary large width. (<7) The Koepe System of Winding. An iron pulley with a single cir- cular groove takes the place of the ordinary drum. The winding rope passes from one cage, over its head-gear pulley, round the drum, and, after passing over the other head-gear pulley, is connected with the second cage. The winding rope thus encircles about half the periphery of the drum in the same manner as a driving-belt on an ordinary pulley. There is a balance rope beneath the cages, passing round a pulley in the sump; the arrangement is like an endless rope, with the cages as points of attachment. CRANES. Classification of Cranes. (Henry R. Towne, Trans. A. S. M. E. iv.; 288. Revised in Hoisting, published by The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co.) A Hoist is a machine for raising and lowering weights. A Crane is a hoist with the added capacity of moving the load in a horizontal or lateral direction. 1190 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. Cranes are divided into two classes, as to their motions, viz. Rotary and Rectilinear, and into four groups, as to their source of motive power, viz. : Hand. When operated by manual power. Power. When driven by power derived from line shafting. Steam, Electric, Hydraulic, or Pneumatic. When driven by an engine or motor attached to the crane, and operated by steam, electricity, water, or air transmitted to the crane from a fixed source of supply. Locomotive. When the crane is provided with its own boiler or other generator of power, and is self-propelling; usually being capable of both rotary and rectilinear motions. Rotary and Rectilinear Cranes are thus subdivided. ROTAEY CRANES. (1) Swing-cranes. Having rotation, but no trolley motion. (2) Jib-cranes. Having rotation, and a trolley traveling on the jib. (3) Column-cranes. Identical with the jib-cranes, but rotating around a fixed column (which usually supports a floor above). (4) Pillar-cranes. Having rotation only; the pillar or column being supported entirely from the foundation. (5) Pillar Jib-cranes. Identical with the last, except in having a jib and trolley motion. (6) Derrick-cranes. Identical with jib-cranes, except that the head of the mast is held in position by guy-rods, instead of by attachment to a roof or ceiling. (7) Walking-cranes. Consisting of a pillar or jib-crane mounted on wheels and arranged to travel longitudinally upon one or more rails. (8) Locomotive-cranes. Consisting of a pillar-crane mounted on a truck, and provided with a steam-engine capable of propelling and rotat- ing the crane, and of hoisting and lowering the load. RECTILINEAR CRANES. (9) Bridge-cranes. Having a fixed bridge spanning an opening, and a trolley moving across the bridge. (10) Tram-cranes. Consisting of a truck, or short bridge, traveling longitudinally on overhead rails, and without trolley motion. (11) Traveling-cranes. Consisting of a bridge moving longitudinally on overhead tracks, and a trolley moving transversely on the bridge. (12) Gantries. Consisting of an overhead bridge, carried at each end by a trestle traveling on longitudinal tracks on the ground, and having a trolley moving transversely on the bridge. (13) Rotary Bridge-cranes. Combining rotary and rectilinear move- ments and consisting of a bridge pivoted at one end to a central pier or post, and supported at the other end on a circular track; provided with a trolley moving transversely on the bridge. For descriptions of these several forms of cranes see Towne's " Treatise on Cranes." Stresses in Cranes. See Stresses in Framed Structures, p. 541, ante. Position of the Inclined Brace in a Jib-crane. The most econom- ical arrangement is that in which the inclined brace intersects the jib at a distance from the mast equal to four-fifths the effective radius of the crane. (Hoisting.) Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes. (From data supplied by Alliance Machine Co., Alliance, O., and Pawling & Harnischfeger, Mil- waukee.) Electric overhead traveling cranes usually have 3 motors, for hoisting, traversing the hoist trolley on the bridge and for moving the bridge, respectively. The usual range of motor sizes is as follows: Hoist, 15-50 H.P.; trolley, 3-15 H.P.; bridge, 15-50 H.P. The speeds at which the various motions are made range as follows, the figures being feet per minute: Hoist, 8-60; trolley traverse, 75-200; bridge travel, 200-600. These speeds are varied in the same capacity of crane to suit each par- ticular installation. In general, the speed of the bridge in feet per minute should not exceed (length of runway + 100). If the runway is long and covered by more than one crane, the speed may be made equal to the average distance between cranes + 100. Usually 300 ft. per min. is a good speed. ^For small cranes in special cases, the speeds may be increased, but for cranes of over 50 tons capacity the speed should be below 300 ft. per min. unless the building is made especially strong to stand the strains incident to starting and stopping heavy cranes geared for high speeds. CRANES. 1191 Cranes of over 15 tons capacity usually have an auxiliary hoist of 1/5 the capacity of the main hoist, and usually operated by a separate motor. Wire rope is now almost exclusively used for hoisting: with cranes. The diameter of the drums and sheaves should be not less than 30 times the diameter of the hoisting rope, and should have a factor of safety of 5. Cranes are equipped with automatic load brakes to sustain the load when lifted and to regulate the speed when lowering, it being necessary for the hoist to drive the load down. The voltage now standard for crane service is 220 volts at the crane motor, although 110 volts for small cranes is not objectionable. Voltages of 500-600 are inadvisable, especially in foundries and steel works, where dust and metallic oxides cover many parts of the crane and necessitate frequent cleaning to avoid grounds. On account of the danger from the higher voltages, the operators are apt to neglect this part of their work. Power Required to Drive Cranes. (Morgan Engineering Co., Alliance, O., 1909.) The power required to drive the different parts of cranes is determined by allowing a certain friction percentage over the power required to move the dead load. On hoist motions 331/3% la allowed for friction of the moving parts, thus giving a motor of 1/3 greater capacity than if friction were neglected. For bridge and trolley motions, a journal friction of the track wheel axles of 10% of the total weight of the crane and load is allowed. There is then added an allowance of 33 1/3% of the horse-power required to drive the crane and load plus the track wheel axle friction, to cover friction of the gearing. In selecting motors, the most important consideration is the maximum starting torque which the motor can exert. With alternating-current motors, this is less than with direct-current motors, requiring a larger motor, particularly on the bridge and trolley motions which require the greatest starting torque. Walter G. Stephan says (Iron Trade Rev., Jan. 7, 1909) that the bridge girders should be made of two plates latticed, or box girders, their depth varying from 1/10 to 1/20 of the span. Ihe important feature of crane girder design is ample strength and stiffness, both vertically and laterally. . Especial attention should be given to the transverse strain on the bridge due to sudden stopping or starting of heavy loads. The wheel base on the end trucks should have a ratio to the crane span of 1 to 6, although for long spans this ratio must necessarily be reduced to 1 to 8. Quick- traveling cranes should have as long a wheel base as possible, since the tendency to twist increases with the speed. Where several wheels are necessary at each end to support the crane, equalizing means should be used. A recent development in cranes is the four- or six-girder crane for han- dling ladles of molten metal in steel works. The main trolley runs on the outer girders, with the hoist ropes depending between the outer and inner girders. The auxiliary trolley runs on the inner girders, thus being able to pass between the main ropes, and tilt the ladle in either direction. Dimensions and Wheel Loads of Electric Traveling Cranes. Based on 60-ft. span and 25-ft. lift; wire rope hoist. (Alliance Machine Co., 1908.) Capacity, Tons (2000 Lb.). ~T 25 40 50 Distance Run- way Rail to Highest Point. Distance Center of Rail to Ends of Crane. Wheel Base of End Truck. Maximum Load per Wheel; Trol- ley at End of Bridge. Ft. In. 6 6 6 7 4 8 8 9 In. 9 10 12 12 12 Ft. In. 9 10 11 6 12 3 12 6 Pounds. 20,000 27,000 51,000 82,000 48,000* * Has 8 track wheels on bridge. Standard cranes are built in intermediate sizes, varying by 5 tons, up (o 40 tons, 1192 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. Standard Hoisting and Traveling Speeds of Electric Cranes. (Pawling & Harnischfeger, 1908.) Tons (2000 Lb.). Hoisting Speed, Ft. per Min. Bridge Travel Speed, Ft. per Min. Capacity Aux. Hoist, Tons. Speed Aux. Hoist, Ft. per Min. 10 25-100 20-75 300-450 300-450 3 30-75 23 10-40 25Q-350 d 50-125) 25-60 f 40 9-30 250-350 ,2 40-100 [ 25-60 f 50 8-30 200-300 4 40-100 \ 25-6(1 } 75 6-25 200-250 15 20-50 25 5-15 200-250 25 20-50 150 5-15 200-250 25 20-50 Trolley travel speed from 100-150 ft. per min. in all cases. Notable Crane Installations. (1909.) ^ X H.P.of ^ & - . , fl fl 1 5 "^ Hoist W) CJ g QJ g cs'd' c 'S3 H 2*"" "8J w Motor. 8 w i QS 02"^ H |S S g c: . vg *-. ^ o| Jl h acL ^1 *o^ M ^ I a " I- H Ab fej .H-^ ^5 S f 5 1 6 02 d |i 1 3.5 W w w fe S^ H* 1 il" Ft. In. Ft.In. 150 65 1 25 75f f351 \10J 30 75 8-24 150-200 100-150 7 4 150 55 1 30 120 50 35 50 8 150-200 75-100 5 150 65 2 15 75f 30f 18f 75 10-25 150-200 100-150 7"6" 4 125* 120 2 110 50f rsoi \30/ 18 poi U5/ 10f 100} 52J 10 10-25 200 150-300 f 801 \125/ 100-150 5 10 5 5 6 7 56 7 2 10 100 65 2 10 50f 18 10f 50 10-25 200-250 100-150 5 5 8 80 74 2 10 40f 18f iot 40 10-25 200-250 100-150 5 10l/ 2 9 50 129 111/4 I 15 50 25 71/2 50 10 100-150 80-100 8 6 10 50 125 10 ] 15 50 25 71/2 50 10 100-150 80-100 8 6 11 50 121 2 1 5 75 15 15 75 lH/2 225 125 8 4 12 * Four-girder ladle crane, t On each trolley. 4. Divided equally between 2 motors for series-parallel control. 1. Pawling & Harnischieger; 2. Alliance Mach. Co.; 3. Morgan Ea- glneering Co.; 4. Midvale Steel Co., Phila.; 5. Homestead Steel Works, Munhall, Pa.; 6. Indiana Steel Co., Gary, Ind.; 7. Oregon Ry. & Nav. Co., Portland, Ore.; 8. El Paso & S. W. Ry., El Paso, Tex.; 9. C. & E. I. Ry., Danville, 111.; 10. 3d Ave. Ry., N. Y. City; 11. United Rys. Co., Baltimore; 12. Carnegie Steel Co., Youngstown, Ohio. A 150-ton Pillar-crane was erected in 1893 on Finnieston Quay, Glasgow. The jib is formed of two steel tubes, each 39 in. diam. and 90 ft. long. The radius of sweep for heavy lifts is 65 ft. The jib and its load are counterbalanced by a balance-box weighted with 100 tons of iron and steel punchings. In a test a 130-ton load was lifted at the rate of 4 ft. per minute, and a complete revolution made with this load in 5 minutes. Eng'g News, July 20, 1893. Compressed-air Traveling-cranes. Compressed-air overhead travel- ing-cranes have been built by the Lane & Bodley Co., of Cincinnati. They are of 20 tons nominal capacity, each about 50 ft. span and 400 ft. length of travel, and are of the triple-motor type, a pair of simple reversing- engines being used for each of the necessary operations, the pair of engines for the bridge and the pair for the trolley travel being each 5-inch bore by 7-inch stroke, while the pair for hoisting is 7-inch bore by 9-inch stroke. LIFTING MAGNETS. 1193 The air-pressure when required is somewhat over 100 pounds. The air- compressor is allowed to run continuously without a governor, the speed being regulated by the resistance of the air in a receiver. An auxiliary receiver is placed on each traveler, whose object is to provide a supply of air near the engines for immediate demands and independent of the hose connection. Some of the advantages said to be possessed by this type of crane are: simplicity; absence of all moving parts, excepting those required for a particular motion when that motion is in use; no danger from fire, leakage, electric shocks, or freezing; ease of repair: variable speeds and reversal without gearing; almost entire absence of noise; and moderate cost. Quay-cranes. An illustrated description of several varieties of sta- tionary and traveling cranes, with results of experiments, is given in a paper on Quay-cranes in the Port of Hamburg by Chas. Nehls, Trans. A. S. C. E., 1893. Hydraulic Cranes, Accumulators, etc. See Hydraulic Pressure Transmission, page 812, ante. Electric versus Hydraulic Cranes for Docks. A paper by V. L. Raven, in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1904, describes some tests of capacity and efficiency of electric and hydraulic power plants for dock purposes at Mid- dlesbrough, Eng, In loading two cargoes of rails, weighing respectively 1210 and 1225 tons, the first was done with a hydraulic crane, in 7 hours, with 3584 Ibs. of coal burned in the power station, and the second with an electric crane in 5V4 hours, with 2912 Ibs. of coal. The total cost in- cluding labor, per 100 tons, was 327 pence with the hydraulic and 245 pence for the electric crane, a saving by the latter of 25 %. Loading and Unloading and Storage Machinery for coal, ore, etc., is described by G. E. Titcomb in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1908. The paper illustrates automatic ore unloaders for unloading ore from the hold of a vessel and loading it onto cars, and car-dumping machinery, by which a 50-ton car of coal is lifted, turned over and its contents discharged through a chute into a vessel. Methods of storage of coal and of re- loading it on cars are also described. Power Required for Traveling-Cranes and Hoists. Ulrich Peters, in Machy, Nov. 1907, develops a series of formulse for the power re- quired to hoist and to move trolleys on cranes. The following is a brief abstract. Resistance to be overcome in moving a trolley or crane- bridge. PI = rolling friction of trolley wheels, Pz = journal friction of wheels or axles, Ps = inertia of trolley and load. P = sum of these resistances=P 1 +P 2 4-P 3 = (r+L) (&&& + in which T= weight of trolley, L = load, ./i = coeff. of rolling, friction, about 0.002, (0.001 to 0.003 for cast iron on steel); / 2 = coeff. of journal friction, = 0.1 for start- ing and 0.01 for running, assuming a load on brasses of 1000 to 3000 Ib. per sq. in.; [fz is more apt to be 0.05 unless the lubrication is perfect. See Friction and Lubrication, W. K.] d = diam. of journal; D = diam. of wheels; v = trolley speed in ft. per min.; t = time in seconds in which the trolley under full load is required to come to the maximum ^speed. Horse-power = sum of the resistances X speed, ft. per min. * 33,000. Force required for hoisting and lowering: Fh = actual hoisting force, F = theoretical force or pull, L = load, v = speed in ft. per min. of the rope or chain, c = hoisting speed of the load L, c/v = transmission ratio of the hoist, e = efficiency = FQ/F^. The actual work to raise the load per minute = Fhv = Lc = F v -*- e. The efficiency e is the product of the efficiencies of all the several parts of the hoisting mech- anism, such as sheaves, windlass, gearing, etc. Methods of calculating these efficiencies, with examples, are given at length in the original paper by Mr. Peters. Lifting Magnets. (From data furnished by the Electric Controller and Mfg. Co., Cleveland, and the Cutler-Hammer Clutch Co., Milwaukee). Lifting magnets first came into use about 1898. They have had wide application for handling pig iron, scrap, castings, etc. A lifting magnet comprises essentially a maynet winding, a pole-piece, a shoe and a pro- tecting case, which is ribbed to afford ample radiating surface to dissi- pate the heat generated in operation. The winding usually consists of coils, each wound with copper ribbon and insulated with asbestos. The insulation must be designed to withstand a higher voltage than the line 1194 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. voltage, due to the inductive kick when the circuit is opened. The weaf- ing plate, which takes the shocks incident to picking up the load, is usually made of manganese steel. The shape of the pole piece or lifting surface of the magnet must be varied, as the same shape is not usually applicable to all classes of materials. For handling pig iron, scrap, etc., a concave pole surface is usually superior to a flat one, which is adapted to hand- ling plates or flat material of similar character, and which bear equally on the piece to be lifted at both the edge and center. A test of a lift- ing magnet made at the works of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co., in 1907, showed the following results: Total pig iron unloaded, 109,350 pounds; weight of average lift, 785 pounds; time required, 2 hours. 15 minutes; current on magnet, 1 hour 15 minutes; current required, 30 amperes. The No. 3 and No. 4 magnets are particularly fitted for use on steam- driven locomotive cranes, and when so used are usually supplied with current from a small steam-driven generator set mounted on the crane, steam being drawn from the boiler of the crane. Nos. 5 and 6 are adapted for use with overhead electric traveling cranes in cases where large lifts and high speed of handling are essential. SIZES AND CAPACITIES OF THE ELECTEIC CONTROLLER & MFG. Co.'s TYPE S-A LIFTING MAGNETS (1909). Size. Diam. Weight. Average Current at 220 Volts. Lifts in Machine Cast Pig Iron. Maximum Lift. Average Lift. 3 4 5 6 In. 36 43 52 61 Lb. 2,100 3,200 4,800 6,600 Amp. 27 35 45 Lb. 1,405 2,180 3,087 4,589 Lb. 750 1,250 1,800 2,600 SIZES AND CAPACITIES OF LIFTING MAGNETS (CUTLER-HAMMER), 1908. Size, In. Weight Lb. Maximum* Lifting Capacity, Lb. Average Lifting Capacity, Current Required at 220 Volts, Amperes. Head-room Required, 10 75 800 100-300 1 35 50 1,650 5,000 5,000 20,000 500-1,000 1,000-2,000 15-18 30-35 4 6 *This capacity can be obtained only under the most favorable con- ditions, with complete magnetic contact between the magnet and the piece to be lifted. The capacity of a lifting magnet in service depends on many other factors than the design of the magnet. Most important is the character of the material handled. Much more can be handled at a single lift with material like billets, ingots, etc., than with scrap, wire, pig iron, etc. The speed of the crane, from which the magnet is suspended, and the distance it must transport the material are also important factors to be considered in calculating the capacity of a given magnet under given conditions. The following results have been selected from a great num- ber of tests of the Electric Controller and Mfg. Co.'s No. 2 Type S magnets in commercial service, and represent what is probably average practice. It should be borne in mind that the average lift is determined from a large number of lifts, including lifts made from a full car of, say, pig iron, where the magnetic conditions are very favorable, and also the " lean " lifts where the car is nearly empty, and magnetic conditions unfavorable; the magnet can reach only a few pigs at one time on the lean lifts, with a consequent heavy decrease in the size of the load. The average lift is therefore less than the maximum lift in handling a given lot 9f material. When operated from an ordinary electric overhead traveling crane a magnet of the type used in these trials will handle from 20 to 30 tons per hour of the scrap used by open-hearth furnaces. If operated from a special fast crane, the amount may be somewhat increased. Average lifts in pounds for various materials are as follows: LIFTING MAGNETS. 1195 Skull cracker balls up to 20,000; ingot (or if ground man places magnet, two), each, 6,000; billet slabs, 900-6,000. The above weights depend on dimensions and whether in pile or stacked evenly. Machine cast pig iron, 1,250; sand cast pig iron, 1,150. These are values obtained in unloading railway cars, including lean lifts in cleaning up. Machine cast pig iron, 1,350; sand cast pig iron, 1,200. The above are average lifts from stockpile. Heavy melting stock (billets, crop ends of billets, rails or structural shapes, 1,250; boiler plate scrap, 1,100; farmers' scrap (harvesting machinery parts, plow points, etc.), 900; small risers from steel castings, 1,600; fine wire scrap, scrap tubing not over 3 ft. long, loose even or lamination scrap, 500; bundled scrap, 1,200; miscellaneous junk deal- ers' scrap, 400-800. COMMERCIAL RESULTS WITH A 52-iNCH, 5,000 POUND MAGNET. (Electric Controller & Mfg. Co., 1908.) Hoist speed, ft. per min. Crane. Trolley speed, ft. per min. 80 80 80 80 200 200 200 200 171 171 171 171 Bridge speed, ft. per min. 315 315 315 315 550 550 550 550 160 160 160 160 Distance moved. > a 03 O o 60 35 39.3 33.9 78. 78 26 ' 80 25 112 7 5 8 & 73 55 60 55 132 168 30 300 25 56 8 4 II 1,650 1,275 1,328 1,234 1,182 929 173 534 2,000 4,000 1,740 2,660 oT . II 75 60 60 55 135 190 45 300 80 120 15 10 II 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * 1. Machine cast pig handled from stock pile to charging boxes. 2. Bull heads, ditto. 3. Sand cast pig unloaded from car to stock pile. 4. Baled tin and wire untoaded from car to stock pile. 5. Boiler plate scrap handled from stock pile to charging boxes. 6. Farmers' scrap, com- prising knoiiers and butters from threshing and binding machines, sections of cutter bars from mowers, broken steel teeth from hay rakes, plow points, etc. f from stock pile to charging boxes. 7. Small risers from steel castings, handled from stock pile to charging boxes. 8. Laminated plates from armatures and transformers, mixed sizes, from stock pile to charging boxes. 9. Cast iron sewer pipe, 3 feet diameter, weighing 2,000 pounds each, lifted from cars to flat boat. Each pipe had to be blocked and lashed to prevent washing overboard. 10. Pennsylvania Railroad East- River tunnel section castings, convex on one side, concave on other, weighing 4,000 pounds each. Handled from local float to barge for ship- ment. 11. Steel plate i/2-inch X 10 inches X6 feet inches handled from car to float. 12. Steel rails, 40 pounds per yard, 25 feet long. Handled from car to lighter, about 8 rails per lift. The above results of tests relate to the Electric Controller & Mfg. Co.'s No. 2 Type " S " magnet, 52 in. diameter and weighing 5200 Ibs. and are the average of a large number of tests made at various plants between the years 1905 and 1908. This type of magnet is being super- seded by the No. 4 Type S-A magnet which is 43 in. diameter, weighs 3200 Ibs, and gives substantially the same average lift. '1196 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. TELPHERAGE. Telpherage Is a name given to a system of transporting materials !n which the load is suspended from a trolley or small truck running on a cable or overhead rail, and in which the propelling force is obtained from an electric motor carried on the trolley. The trolley, with its motor, is called- a " telpher." A historical and illustrated description of the system is given in a paper by O. M. Clark, in Trans. A. I. E. E., 1902. A series of circulars of the Link Belt Co., Philadelphia, show numerous illustrations of the system in operation for handling different classes of materials. Telpherage is especially applicable for moving packages in warehouses, on wharfs, etc. The moving machinery consists of the telpher or the conveying power, with accompanying trailers; the portable electric hoist or the vertical elevating power, and the carriers containing the load. Among the accessories are brakes, switches and controlling devices of many kinds. An automatic line is controlled by terminal and intermediate switches which are operated by the men who do the loading and unloading, no additional labor being required. A non-automatic line necessitates a boy to accompany the telpher. The advisability of using the non- automatic rather than the automatic line is usually determined by the distance between stations. COAL-HANDLING MACHINERY. The following notes and tables are supplied by the Link-Belt Co. In large boiler-houses coal is usually delivered from hopper-cars into a track-hopper, about 10 feet wide and 12 to 16 feet long. A feeder set under the track-hopper feeds the coal at a regular rate to a crusher, which reduces it to a size suitable for stokers. After crushing, the coal is elevated or conveyed to overhead storage- bins. Overhead storage is preferred for several reasons: 1. To avoid expensive wheeling of coal in case of a breakdown of the coal-handling machinery. 2. To avoid running the coal-handling machinery continuously. 3. Coal kept under cover indoors will not freeze in winter and clog the supply-spouts to the boilers. 4. It is often cheaper to store overhead than to use valuable ground- space adjacent to the boiler-house. 5. As distinguished from vault or outside hopper storage, it is cheaper to build steel bins and supports than masonry pits. Weight of Overhead Bins. Steel bins of approximately rectangular cross-section, say 10 X 10 feet, will weigh, exclusive of supports, about one-sixth as much as the contained coal. Larger bins, with sloping bottoms, may weigh one-eighth as much as the contained coal. Bag bottom bins of the Berquist type will weigh about one-twelfth as much as the contained coal, not including posts, and about one-ninth as much, including posts. Supply-pipes from Bins. The supply-pipes from overhead bins to the boiler-room floor, or to the stoker-hoppers, should not be less than 12 inches in diameter. They should be fitted at the top with a flanged cast- ing and a cut-off gate, to permit removal of the pipe when the boilers are to be cleaned or repaired. Types of Coal Elevators. Coal elevators consist of buckets of various shapes attached to one or more strands of link-belting or chain, or to rubber belting. The buckets may either be attached continuously or at intervals. The various types are as follows: Continuous bucket elevators consist usually of one strand of chain and two sprocket-wheels with buckets attached continuously to the chain. Each bucket after passing the head wheel acts as a chute to direct the flow from the next bucket. This type of elevator will handle the larger sizes of coal. It runs at slow speeds, usually from 90 to 175 feet per min- ute, and has a maximum capacity of about 120 tons per hour. Centrifugal discharge elevators consist usually of a single strand of chain, Vvith the buckets attached thereto at intervals. They are used to handle the smaller sizes of coal in small quantities. They run at high speeds, usuallv 34 to 40 revolutions of the head wheel per minute, and have a capacity up to 40 tons per hour. COAL-HANDLING MACHINERY. 1197 Perfect discharge elevators consist of two strands of chain, with buckets at intervals between them. A pair of idlers set under the head wheels cause the buckets to be completely inverted, and to make a clean delivery into the chutes at the elevator head. This type of elevator is useful in handling material which tends to cling to the buckets. It runs at slow speeds, usually less than 150 feet per minute. The capacity depends on the size of the buckets. Combined Elevators and Conveyors are of the following types: Gravity discharge elevators, consisting of two strands of chain, with spaced V-shaped buckets fastened between them. After passing the head wheels the buckets act as conveyor-flights and convey the coal in a trough to any desired point. This is the cheapest type of combined elevator and .conveyor, and is economical of power. A machine carrying 100 tons of coal per hour, in buckets 20 inches wide, 10 inches deep, and 24 inches long, spaced 3 feet apart, requires 5 H.P. when loaded and 1 1/2 H.P. when empty for each 100 feet of horizontal run, and 1/9 H.P. for each foot of vertical lift. Rigid bucket-carriers consist of two strands of chain with a special bucket rigidly fastened between them. The buckets overlap and are so shaped that they will carry coal around three sides of a rectangle. The coal is carried to any desired point and is discharged by completely inverting the bucket over a turn-wheel. Pivoted bucket-carriers consist of two strands of long pitch steel chain to which are attached, in a pivotal manner, large malleable iron or steel buckets so arranged that their adjacent lips are close together' or overlap. Overlapping buckets require special devices for changing the lap at the corner turns. Carriers in which the buckets do not overlap should be fitted with auxiliary pans or buckets, arranged in such a manner as to catch the spill which falls between the lips at the loading point, and so shaped as t9 return the spill to the buckets at the corner turns. Pivoted bucket-carriers will carry coal around four sides of a rectangle, the buckets being dumped on the horizontal run by striking a cam suitably placed. Buckets for these carriers are usually of 2 ft. pitch, and range in width from 18 in. to 48 in. They run at low speeds, usually not over 50 ft. per minute, 40 ft. per minute being most usual. At the latter speed, the capacities when handling coal vary from 40 tons per hour for the 18 in. width to 120 tons for the 48 in. width. On account of the superior con- struction of these carriers and the slow speed at which they run, they are economical of power and durable. The rollers mounted on the chain joints are usually 6 in. diameter, but for severe duty 8-in. rollers are often used. It is usual to make these hollow to carry a quantity of oil for internal lubrication. Coal Conveyors. Coal conveyors are of four general types, viz., scraper or flight, bucket, screw, and belt conveyors. The flight conveyor consists of a trough of any desired cross-section and a single or double strand of chain carrying scrapers or flights of approxi- mately the same shape as the trough. The flights push the coal ahead of them in the trough to any desired point, where it is discharged through openings in the bottom of the trough. For short, low-capacity conveyors, malleable link hook-joint chains are used. For heavier service, malleable pin-joint chains, steel link chains, or monobar, are required. For the heaviest service, two strands of steel link chain, usually with rollers, are used. Flight conveyors are of three types: plain scraper, suspended flight, and roller flight. In the plain scraper conveyor, the flight is suspended from the chain and drags along the bottom of the trough. It is of low first cost and is useful where noise of operation is not objectionable. It has a maximum capacity of about 30 tons per hour, and requires more power than either of the other two types of flight conveyors. Suspended flight conveyors use one or two strands of chain. The flights are attached to cross-bars having wearing-shoes at each end. These wear- ing-shoes slide on angle-iron tracks on each side of the conveyor trough. The flights do not touch the trough at any point. This type of conveyor is used where quietness of operation is a consideration. It is of higner first cost than the plain scraper conveyor,, but requires one-fourth less power for operation. It is economical up to a capacity of about 80 tons per hour. 1198 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. The roller flight conveyor is similar to the suspended flight, except that the wearing-shoes are replaced by rollers. It is highest in first cost of all the flight conveyors, but has the advantages of low power consumption (one-half that of the scraper), low stress in chain, long life of chain, trough, and flights, and noiseless operation. It has an economical maximum capacity of about 120 tons per hour. The following formula gives approximately the horse-power at the head wheel required to operate flight conveyors: H.P, = (ATL + BWS) -- 1000. T = tons of coal per hour; L = length of conveyor in feet, center to center; W = weight of chain, flights, and shoes (both runs) in pounds; iS = speed in feet per minute ; A and B constants depending on angle of incline from horizontal. See example below. EXAMPLE. Required the H.P. for a monobar conveyor 200 ft. center to center carrying 100 tons of coal per hour, up a 10 incline at a speed of 100 feet per minute. Conveyor has No. 818 chain and 8 X19 suspended flights, spaced 18 inches apart. H P 0-5 X 100X200 + 0.008 (400 X 5.7 + 267 X 15.55) X 100 _ 15 15 1000 The following table shows the conveying capacities of various sizes of flights at 100 feet per minute in tons, of 2000 lb., per hour. The values are true for continuous feed only. Size of Flight. Horizontal Conveyors, Tons. Inclined Conveyors, Tons. Flight Every 16". Flight Every 18". Flight Every 24". Pounds Coal per Flight. 10 Flights Every 20 Flights Every 30 Flights Every 24". 6X14 8X19 10X24 10X30 10X36 10X42 69.75 62 130 46.5 97.5 172.5 220 268 315 31 65 115 147 179 210 40.5 78 150 184 225 264 31.5 62 120 146 177 210 22.5 52 90 116 142 167 Bucket Conveyors. Rigid bucket-carriers are used to convey large quantities of coal over a considerable distance when there is no inter- mediate point of discharge. These conveyors are made with two strands of steel roller chain. They are built to carry as much as 10 tons of coal per minute. Screw Conveyors. Screw conveyors consist of a helical steel flight, either in one piece or in sections, mounted on a pipe or shaft, and running in a steel or wooden trough. These conveyors are made from 4 to 18 inches in diameter, and in sections 8 to 12 feet long. The speed ranges from 20 to 60 revolutions per minute and the capacity from 10 to 30 tons of coal per hour. It is not advisable to use this type of conveyor for coal, as it will only handle the smaller sizes and the nights are very easily dam- aged by any foreign substance of unusual size or shape. Belt Conveyors. Rubber and cotton belt conveyors are used for handling coal, ore, sand, gravel etc., in all sizes. They combine a high carrying capacity with low power consumption. In some cases the belt is flat, the material being fed to the belt at its center in a narrow stream. In the majority of cases, however, the belt is troughed by means of idler pulleys set at an angle from the horizontal and placed at intervals along the length of the belt. Rubber belts are often made more flexible for deep troughing by removing some of the layers of cotton from the belt and substituting therefor an extra thickness of rubber. Belt conveyors may be used for elevating materials up to about 23 incline. On greater inclines the material slides back on the belt and spills. With many substances it is important to feed the belt steadily if the con- veyor stands at or near the limiting angle. If the flow is interrupted the material may slide back on the belt. Belt conveyprs are run at any speed from 200 to 800 feet per minute, and are made in widths varying from 12 inches to 60 inches. CONVERGES. 1199 Values of A and B. Angle, Deg. A B Angle, Deg. A B Angle, Deg. A B 2 6 8 0.343 0.378 0.40 0.44 0.47 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 10 14 18 22 26 0.50 0.57 0.63 0.69 0.74 0.01 0.01 0.009 0.009 0.009 30 34 38 42 46 0.79 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.95 0.009 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.007 For suspended flight conveyors take B as 0.8 and for roller flights as 0.6, of the values given in the table. Weight of Chain in Pounds per Foot. LINK-BELTING. MONOBAR. Chain No. Pitch of Flights, Inches. Chain No.* Pitch of Flights, Inches. 12 18 24 36 12 18 24 3 6 36 48 54 72 78 88 85 103 108 110 114 122 124 2.4 2.8 3.1 4.6 4.9 5.6 6.3 8.1 8.9 2.3 2.7 2.8 ' 4.4 4.7 5.2 6.0 7.7 8.4 2.26 2.6 2.7 4.3 4.4 4.9 5.9 7.4 8.2 2.2 2.5 2.6 4.2 4'.1 4.7 5.7 7.2 7.9 612 618 818 824 1018 1024 1224 1236 1424 3.9 3 5 3.0 S 7 2.8 5 5 2.7 5.3 4 9 4.7 4.6 ' '8.8* 13.8 11.34 19.4 11.5 '9!6 14.7 10.7 ii*8 ' 9.07 14.04 10.4 ?0 5 19.7 * In monobar the first one or two figures in the number of the chain denote the diameter of the chain in eighths of an inch. The last two figur.es denote the pitch in inches. PIN CHAINS. ROLLER CHAINS. No. Pitch of Flights, Inches. No. Pitch of Flights, Inches. 12 18 24 36 12 7.7 9.5 10.5 18 6.9 8.8 9.5 24 "672 8.0 9.0 36 T7 7.5 7.8 720 730 825 5.9 6.9 9.6 5.6 6.6 9.3 5.4 6.4 9.1 5.3 6.3 8.9 1112 1113 1130 Weight of Flights with Wearing-shoes and Bolts. Size, Inches. Steel. Malleable Iron. Suspended Flights. Size. Weight, Lb. 4X10 3.5 4.3 6X14 12.37 4X12 3.9 4.7 8X19 15.55 5X10 4.1 5.2 10X24 25.57 5X12 4.6 5.7 10X30 29.37 5X15 5.8 5.9 10X36 33.17 6X18 8.1 9.2 10X42 34.97 8X18 10.1 12.7 8X20 11.0 13.4 8X24 12.6 14.4 10X24 15.2 17.4 Capacity of Belt Conveyors in Tons of Coal per Hour. Width of S: i 18 Velocity, Feet per Minute. Width of Belt, Ins. Velocity, Feet per Minute. 300 34 47 62 78 350 400 300 350 400 450 500 72 91 82 104 20 24 30 36 96 139 218 315 112 162 254 368 128 186 290 420 210 326 472 520 1200 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. For materials other than coal, the figures in the above table should be multiplied by the coefficients given in the table below: Material. Coefficient. Material. Coefficient. Ashes (damp) 86 Earth 1.4 Cement 1.76 Sand 1.8 Clay 1.26 Stone (crushed) 2.0 Coke 0.60 Belt Conveyor Construction. (C. K. Baldwin, Trans. A. S. M. E.^ 1908.) The troughing idlers should be spaced as follows, depending on the weight of the material carried: Belt width 12-16 in. 18-22 in. 24-30 in. 32-36 in. Spacing, ft. 4>^-5 4-4 Y 2 3^-4 3-3 Y 2 The stress in the belt should not exceed 18 to 20 Ib. per inch of width per ply with rubber belts. This may be increased about 20% with belts in which 28 oz. duck is used. Where the power required is small the stiffness of the belt fixes the number of plies. The minimum num- ber of plies is as follows: Belt width, in. 12-14 16-20 22-28 30-36 Minimum plies 3456 Pulleys of small diameter should be avoided on heavy belts, or the con- stant bending of the belt under heavy stress will cause the friction to lose its hold and destroy the belt. In many cases it is advisable to cover the driving pulley with a rubber lagging to increase the tractive power, particularly in dusty places. The minimum size of driving pulleys to be used is shown in the table below. Smallest Diameter of Driving Pulleys for Belt Conveyors. Width of Belt. Diameter of Pulley. Width of Belt. Diameter of Pulley. Width of Belt. Diameter of Pulley. In. 12 14 16 16 In. 16-18 16-18 20-24 20 24 In. 22 24 26 28 In. 20-30 24-30 24-30 24-30 In. 32 34 36 In. 30-36 30-42 30-48 20 20-24 30 30-36 Horse-power to Drive Belt Conveyors. (C. K. Baldwin, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1908.) The power required to drive a belt conveyor de- pends on a great variety of conditions, as the spacing of idlers, type of drive, thickness of belt, etc. In figuring the power required, the belt should run no faster than is necessary to carry the desired load.f If it should be necessary to increase the speed, the load should be increased in proportion and the power figured accordingly. For level conveyors H.P. = CX TXL + 1000. , For inclined conveyors H.P. = (C X T XL -J- 1000) + (T XH -5- 1000). C ~ power constant from table below; T = load, tons per hour; L = length of conveyor, center to center, ft. ; H = vertical height material is lifted, ft.; S = belt speed, ft, per minute; B = width of belt, in. For each movable or fixed tripper add horse-power in column 3 of table. Add 20% to horse-power for each conveyor under 50 ft. long. Add 10% to horse-power for each conveyor between 50 ft. and 100 ft. long. The formulae above do not include gear friction, should the conveyor be gear-driven. When horse-power ana speed are known the stress in the belt in pounds per inch of width is Stress .H.P.XM.OOO. From this the number of plies can be found, using 20 Ib. per ply per inch of width as a maximum for rubber belts. Relative Wearing Power of Conveyor Belts. (T. A. Bennett, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1908.) Different materials used in the construction PNEUMATIC CONVEYING. Constants for Formulae for Belt Conveyors. 1201 ; 1 2 3 4 5 Width of Belt, In. C for Mate- rial Weigh- ing from 25 Lb. to 75 Lb. per Cu. Ft. C for Mate- rial Weigh- ing from 75 Lb. to 125Lb. per Cu. Ft. H.P. Re- quired for Each Mov- able or Fixed Tripper. Minimum Plies of Belt. Maximum Plies of Belt. 12 0.234 0.147 1/2 3 4 14 0.226 0.143 1/2 3 4 16 0.220 0.140 3/4 4 5 18 0.209 0.138 1 4 5 20 0.205 0.136 1 1/4 4 6 22 0.199 0.133 1 1/2 5 6 24 0.195 0.131 13/4 5 7 26 0.187 0.127 2 5 7 28 0.175 0.121 21/4 5 8 30 0.167 0.117 21/2 6 8 32 0.163 0.115 23/4 6 9 34 0.161 0.114 3 6 10 36 0.157 0.112 31/4 6 10 Of conveyors were subjected to the uniform action of a sand blast for 45 minutes, and the relative abrasive resisting qualities were found to be as follows, taking the volume of rubber belt worn away as 1.0: Rubber belt 1.0 Woven cotton belt, high grade 6 . 5 Rolled steel bar 1.5 Stitched duck, high grade 8.0 Cast iron 3.5 Woven cotton belt, low grade, 9.0 to Balata belt, including gum cover 5.0 15.0 A Symposium on Hoisting and Conveying was presented at the Detroit meeting of the A. S. M. E, 1908 (Trans., vol. xxx.), in papers by G. E. Titcomb, S. B. Peck, C. K. Baldwin, C. J. Tomlinson and E. J. Haddock. Among the subjects discussed are the loading and unloading of cargo steamers; car unloaders; storing of ore and coal; continuous conveying of merchandise; conveying in a Portland cement plant, and suspension cable ways. PNEUMATIC CONVEYING Pneumatic Conveying. A pneumatic conveying system consists of a pipe line, a feeding hopper, a blower or exhauster, and a receiver. It is used for conveying grain, slack coal, sawdust, shavings, and other light material. Grain has been carried over 2,000 ft. Iwrizontally and raised to any desired height. The pressure system is simpler and requires less pipe than the vacuum system, but the latter is more com- mon and is adapted to a greater variety of conditions. The principal advantages of the pneumatic system, as against all types of mechanical conveyors, are simplicity, adaptability to peculiar conditions, the little attention required, few repairs, and shut-downs. (For details of apparatus, etc., see bulletins of the Connersville Blower Co.) Pneumatic Postal Transmission. A paper by A. Falkenau (Eng'rs Club of Philadelphia, April, 1894), entitled the "First United States Pneumatic Postal System," gives a description of the system used in London and Paris, and that recently introduced in Philadelphia between the main post-office and a substation. In London the tubes are 2 ]4 and 3-inch lead pipes laid in cast-iron pipes for protection. The carriers used in 2 J^-inch tubes are but 1 H inches diameter, the remaining space being taken up by packing. Carriers are despatched singly. First, vacuum alone was used ; later, vacuum and compressed air. The tubes used in the Continental cities in Europe are wrought iron, the Paris tubes being 2 y 2 inches diameter. There the carriers are despatched in trains of six to ten, propelled by a piston. In Philadelphia the size of tube adopted is 6 y% inches, the tubes being of cast iron bored to size. The lengths of the outgoing and return tubes are 2928 feet each. The pressure 1202 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. at the main station is 7 lb., at the substation 4 lb., and at the end of the return pipe atmospheric pressure. The compressor has two air-cylinders 18 X 24 in. Each carrier holds about 200 letters, but 100 to 150 are taken as an average. Eight carriers may be despatched in a minute, giving a delivery of 48,000 to 72,000 letters per hour.* The time required in transmission is about 57 seconds. Pneumatic postal transmission tubes were laid in 1898 by the Batcheller Pneumatic Tube Co. between the general post-offices in New York and Brooklyn, crossing the East River on the Brooklyn bridge. The tubes are cast iron, 12-ft. lengths, bored to 8 1/8 in. diameter. The joints are bells, calked with lead and yarn. There are two tubes, one operating in each direction. Both lines are operated by air-pressure above the atmospheric pressure. One tube is operated by an air-compressor in the New York office and the other by one located in the Brooklyn office. The carriers are 24 in. long, in the form of a cylinder 7 in. diameter, and are made of steel, with fibrous bearing-rings which fit the tube. Each carrier will contain about 600 ordinary letters, and they are despatched at intervals of 10 seconds in each direction, the time of transit between the two offices being 31/2 minutes, the carriers travelling at a speed of from 30 to 35 miles per hour. One of the air-compressors is of the duplex type and has two steam- cylinders 10 X 20 in. and two air-cylinders 24 X 20 in., delivering 1570 cu. ft. of free air per minute, at 75 r.p.m. The power is about 50 H.P. Two other duplex air-compressors have steam-cylinders 14 X 18 in. and air-cylinders 261/4X18 in. They are designed for 80 to 90 r.p.m. and to compress to 20 lb. per sq. in. Another double line of pneumatic tubes has been laid between the main office and Postal Station H, Lexington Ave. and 44th St., in New York City. This line is about 31/2 miles in length. There are three intermediate stations. The carriers can be so adjusted when they are put into the tube that they will traverse the line and be discharged auto- matically from the tube at the station for which they are intended. The tubes are of the same size as those of the Brooklyn line and are operated in a similar manner. The initial air-pressure is about 12 to 15 lb. On the Brooklyn line it is about 7 lb. There is also a tube system between the New York Post-office and the Produce Exchange. For a very complete description of the system and its machinery see "The Pneumatic Despatch Tube System," by B. C. Batcheller, J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1897. WIRE-ROPE HAULAGE. Methods for transporting coal and other products by means of wire rope, though varying from each other in detail, may be grouped in five classes: I. The Self-acting or Gravity Inclined Plane. II. The Simple Engine-plane. III. The Tail-rope System. IV. The Endless-rope System. V. The Cable Tramway. The following brief description of these systems is abridged from a pamphlet on Wire-rope Haulage, by Wm. Hildenbrand, C.E., published by John A. Roebling's Sons Co., Trenton, N. J. I. The Self-acting Inclined Plane. The motive power for the self-acting inclined plane is gravity; consequently this mode of transport- ing coal finds application only in places where the coal is conveyed from a higher to a lower point and where the plane has sufficient grade for the loaded descending cars to raise the empty cars to an upper level. At the head of the plane there is a drum, which is generally constructed of wood, having a diameter of seven to ten feet. It is placed high enough to allow men and cars to pass under it. Loaded cars coming from- the pit are either singly or in sets of two or three switched on the traclf of the plane, and their speed in descending is regulated by a brake on the drum. Supporting rollers, to prevent the rope dragging on the ground, are * A report of a U. S. Postal Commission states that up to the present time (1910), the sending and receiving apparatus does not permit the successful operation of carrier service with an interval of less than 13 to 15 seconds between carriers, for 6- and 8-in, tubes. WIRE-ROPE HAULAGE. 1203 generally of wood, 5 to 6 in. in diameter and 18 to 24 in. long, with 3/4 to 7/ 8 in. iron axles. The distance between the rollers varies from 15 to 30 ft., steeper planes requiring less rollers than those with easy grades. Considering only the reduction of friction and what is best for the preserva- tion of rope, a general rule may be given to use rollers of the greatest possible diameter, and to place them as close as economy will permit The smallest angle of inclination at which a plane can be made self- acting will be when the motive and resisting forces balance each other. The motive forces are the weights of the loaded car and of the descending rope. The resisting forces consist of the weight of the empty car and ascending rope, of the rolling and axle friction of the cars, and of the axle friction of the supporting rollers. The friction of the drum, stiffness of rope, and resistance of air may be neglected. A general rule cannot be given, because a change in the length of the plane or in the weight of the cars changes the proportion of the forces; also, because the coefficient ot friction, depending on the condition of the road, construction of the cars, etc., is a very uncertain factor. For working a plane with a 5/ 8 _in. steel rope and lowering from one to four pit cars weighing empty 1400 Ib. and loaded 4000 lb., the rise in 100 ft. necessary to make the plane self-acting will be from about 5 to 10 ft., decreasing as the number of cars increase, and increasing as the length or plane increases. A gravity inclined plane should be slightly concave, steeper at the top than at the bottom. The maximum deflection of the curve should be at an inclination of 45 degrees, and diminish for smaller as well as for steeper inclinations. II. The Simple Engine-plane. The name " Engine-plane" is given to a plane on which a load is raised or lowered by means of a single wire rope and stationary steam-engine. It is a cheap and simple method of conveying coal underground, and therefore is applied wherever circum- stances permit it. Under ordinary conditions such as prevail in the Pennsylvania mine region, a train of twenty-five to thirty loaded cars will descend, with reasonable velocity, a straight plane 5000 ft. long on a grade of 1 s/ 4 ft. in 100, while it would appear that 21/4 ft. in 100 is neces- sary for the same number of empty cars. For roads longer than 5000 ft. or containing sharp curves, the grade should be correspondingly larger. III. The Tail-rope System. Of all methods for conveying coal underground by wire rope, the tail-rope system has found the most appli- cation. It can be applied under almost any condition. The road may be straight or curved, level or undulating, in one continuous line or with side branches. In general principle a tail-rope plane is the same as an engine- plane worked in both directions with two ropes. One rope, called the *' main rope," serves for drawing the set of full cars outward; the other, called the " tail-rope," is necessary to take back the empty set, which ou a level or undulating road cannot return by gravity. The two drums may be located at the opposite ends of the road, and driven by separate engines, but more frequently they are on the same shaft at one end of the plane, In the first case each rope would require the length of the plane, but in the second case the tail rope must be twice as long, being led from the drum around a sheave at the other end of the plane and back again to its starting- point. When the main rope draws a set of full cars out, the tail-rope drum runs loose on the shaft, and the rope, being attached to the rear car, un- winds itself steadily. Going in, the reverse takes place. Each drum is provided with a brake to check the speed of the train on a down grade and prevent its overrunning the forward rope. As a rule, the tail rope is strained less than the main rope, but in cases of heavy grades dipping out- ward it is possible that the strain in the former may become as large, or even larger, than in the latter, and in the selection of the sizes reference should be had to this circumstance. IV. The Endless-rope System. The principal features of this system are as follows: 1. The rope, as the name indicates, is endless. 2. Motion is given to the rope by a single wheel or drum, and friction is obtained either by a grip-wheel or by passing the rope several times around the wheel. 3. The rope must be kept constantly tight, the tension to be produced by artificial means. It is done in placing either the return-wheel or an extra tension wheel on a carriage and connecting it with a weight hanging over a pulley, or attaching it to a fixed post by a screw which occasionally can be 1204 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. shortened. 4. The cars are attached to the rope by a grip or clutch, which can take hold at any place and let go again, starting and stopping the train at will, without stopping the engine or the motion of the rope 5. On a single-track road the rope works forward and backward, but on a double track it is possible to ran it always in the same direction, the full cars going on one track and the empty cars on the other. This method of conveying coal, as a rule, has not found as general an in- troduction as the tail-rope system, probably because its efficacy is not so apparent and the opposing difficulties require greater mechanical skill and more complicated appliances. Its advantages are, first, that it requires one-third less rope than the tail-rope system. This advantage, however, is partially counterbalanced by the circumstance that the extra tension in the rope requires a heavier size to move the same load than when a main and tail rope are used. The second and principal advantage is that it is possible to start and stop trains at will without signaling to the engineer. On the other hand, it is more difficult to work curves with the endless sys- tem, and still more so to work different branches, and the constant stretch of the rope under tension or its elongation under changes of temperature frequently causes the. rope to slip on the wheel, in spite of every attention, causing delay in the transportation and injury to the rope. Stress in Hoisting-ropes on Inclined Planes. (Trenton Iron Co., 1906.) 3 "3 18 8 3d . 49 fa*! -2 " C< J. 3 d . sl J, "o A i s. o a "1 .SHJ^ feS ?! Hj3 IJ li "H^3 d 03 O ft'C . * ro o X'H M O o ^ ^o w o "5b h ^O gt 1 +3 ^ tfS * 02 g a OQ 2 1 ra "Ft! Ft. Ft. 2 52' 140 55 28 49' 1003 110 47 44' 1516 10 5 43' 240 60 30 58' 1067 120 50 12' 1573 15 8 32' 336 63 33 02' 1128 130 52 26' 1620 20 11 18' 432 70 35 OO 7 1185 140 54 28' 1663 25 14 03' 527 75 36 53' 1238 150 56 W 1699 30 16 42' 613 80 38 40' 1287 160 58 (XK 1730 35 19 18' 700 85 40 22' 1332 170 59 33' 1758 40 21 49' 782 90 42 00' 1375 180 60 57' 1782 45 24 14' 860 95 43 32' 1415 190 62 15' 1804 50 26 34' 933 100 45 OW 1454 200 63 27' 1822 The above table is based on an allowance of 40 Ib. per ton for rolling friction, but an additional allowance must be made for stress due to the weight of the rope proportional to the length of the plane. A factor of safety of 5 to 7 should be taken. In hoisting the slack-rope should be taken up gently before beginning the lift, otherwise a severe extra strain will be brought on the rope. V. Wire-rope Tramways. The methods of conveying products on a suspended rope tramway find especial application in places where a mine is located on one side of a river or deep ravine and the loading station on the other. A wire rope suspended between the two stations forms the track on which material in properly constructed " carriages " or " buggies" is transported. It saves the construction of a bridge or trestlework and is practical for a distance of 2000 feet without an intermediate support. There are two distinct classes of rope tramways: 1. The rope is stationary, forming the track on which a bucket holding the material moves forward and backward, pulled by a smaller endless wire rope. 2. The rope is movable, forming itself an endless line, which serves at the same time as supporting track and as pulling rope. Of these two the first method has found more general application, and is especially adapted for long spans, steep inclinations, and heavy loads. WIRE-ROPE HAULAGE. 1205 The second method is used for long distances, divided into short spans, and is only applicable for light loads delivered at regular intervals. For detailed descriptions of the several systems of wire-rope transporta- tion, see circulars of John A. Roebling's Sons Co., The Trenton Iron Co., A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co. See also paper on Two-rope Haulage Sys- tems, by R. Van A. Norris, Trans. A. S. M. E., xii. 626. In the Bleichert System of wire-rope tramways, in which the track rope is stationary, loads up to 2000 Ib. are carried at a speed cf 3 to 4 miles per hour. While the average spans on a level are from 150 to 200 ft., in cross- ing rivers, ravines, etc., spans up to 1500 ft. are frequently adopted. In a tramway on this system at Bingham, Utah, the total length of the line is 12,700 ft. with a fall of 1120 ft. The line operates by gravity and carries 35 tons per hour. The cost of conveying on this carrier is 73/4 cents per ton of 2000 Ib. for labor and repairs, without any apparent deterioration in the condition of track cables and traction rope. The Aerial Wire-rope Tramway of A. Leschen & Sons Co. is of the double-rope type, in which the buckets travel upon stationary track cables and are propelled by an endless traction rope. The buckets are attached to the traction rope by means of clips spaced according to the desired tonnage. The hold on the rope is positive, but the clip is easily removable. The bucket is held in its normal position in the frame by two malleable, iron latches one on each side. A tripping bar engages these latches at the unloading terminal when the bucket dis- charges its material. This operation is automatic and takes place while the carriers are moving. At the loading terminal, the bucket is auto- matically returned to its normal position and latched. Special carriers are provided for the accommodation of any class of material. At each of the terminal stations is a 10-ft. sheave wheel around which the trac- tion rope passes, these wheels being provided with steel grids for the control of the traction rope. When the loaded carriers travel down grade and the difference in elevation is sufficient, this tramway will operate by the force due to gravity, otherwise the power is applied to the sheaves through bevel gearing. Numerous modifications of the system are in use to suit different conditions. An Aerial Tramway 21.5 miles long, with an elevation of the loading end above the discharging end of 11,500 ft., built by A. Bleichert & Co. for the government of the Argentine Republic, connecting the mines 9! La Mejicana with the town of Chilecito, is described by Wm. Hewitt in Indust. Eng., Aug. 15, 1909. Some of the inclinations are as much as 45 deg., there are some spans nearly 3000 ft. long, and there is a tunnel nearly 500 ft. long. The line is divided into eight sections, each with an independent traction rope. The gravity of the descending loaded carriers is sufficient to make the line self-operating when it is once set in motion, but in order to ensure full control, and to provide for carrying four tons upward while the descending carriers are empty, four steam engines are installed, one for each two sections. The carriers hold 10 cu. ft., or about 1100 Ibs. of ore. The speed is 500 ft. per minute, and the interval between carriers 45 seconds. The stress in the traction rope is as high as 11,000 Ibs. in some sections. Suspension Cableways or Cable Hoist-conveyors. (Trenton Iron Co.) In quarrying, rock-cutting, stripping, piling, dam-building, and many other operations where it is necessary to hoist and convey large individual loads economically, it frequently happens that the application of a system of derricks is impracticable, by reason of the limited area of their effi- ciency and the room which they occupy. To meet such conditions cable hoist-conveyors are adopted, as they can be operated in clear spans up to 1500 ft., and in lifting individual loads up to 15 tons. Two types are made one in which the hoisting and conveying are done by separate running ropes, and the other applicable only to inclines in which the carnage descends by gravity, and but one running rope is required. The moving of the carriage in the former is effected by means of an endless rope, and these are commonly known as " endless-rope " hoist-conveyors istinguish them from the latter, which are termed "inclined" hoist- conveyors. 1206 HOISTING AND CONVEYING. The general arrangement of the endless-rope hoist-conveyors consists of a main cable passing over towers, A-frames or masts, as may be most convenient, and anchored firmly to the ground at each end, the requisite tension in the cable being maintained by a turnbuckle at one anchorage. Upon this cable travels the carriage, which is moved back and forth over the line by means of the endless rope. The hoisting is done by a separate rope, both ropes being operated by an engine specially designed for the purpose, which may be located at either end of the line, and is constructed in such a way that the hoisting-rope is coiled up or paid out automatically as the carriage is moved in and out. Loads may be picked up or discharged at any point along the line. Where sufficient inclination can be obtained in the main cable for the carriage to descend by gravity, and the loading and unloading are done at fixed points, the endless rope can be dispensed with. The carriage, which is similar in construction to the carriage used in the endless-rope cableways, is arrested in its descent by a | stop-block, which may be clamped to the main cable at any desired point, the speed of the descending carriage being under control of a brake on the engine-drum. A Double-suspension Cableway, carrying loads of 15 tons, erected near Williamsport, Pa., by the Trenton Iron Co., is described by E. G. Spilsbury in Trans. A. I. M. E., xx. 766. The span is 733 ft., crossing the Susque- hanna River. Two steel cables, each 2 in. diam., are used. On these cables runs a carriage supported on four wheels and moyed by an endless cable 1 inch in diam. The load consists of a cage carrying a railroad-car loaded with lumber, the latter weighing about 12 tons. The power is furnished by a 50-H.P. engine, and the trip across the river is made in about three minutes. A hoisting cableway on the endless-rope system, erected by the Lidger- wood Mfg. Co., at the Austin Dam, Texas, had a single span 1350 ft. in length, with main cable 2 1/2 in. diam., and hoisting-rope 13/ 4 in. diam. Loads of 7 to 8 tons were handled at a speed of 600 to 800 ft. per minute. Another, of still longer span, 1650 ft., was erected by the same company at Holyoke, Mass., for use in the construction of a darn. The main cable is the Elliott or locked-wire cable, having a smooth exterior. In the con- struction of the Chicago Drainage Canal twenty cableways, of 700 ft. span and 8 tons capacity, were used, the towers traveling on rails, Tension required to Prevent Slipping of Rope on Drum. (Trenton Iron Co., 1906.) The amount of artificial tension to be applied in an endless rope to prevent slipping on the driving-drum depends on the char- acter of the drum, the condition of the rope and number of laps which it makes. If T and S represent respectively the tensions in the taut and slack lines of the rope; W, the necessary weight to be applied to the tail- sheave; R, the resistance of the cars and rope, allowing for friction; n, the number of half-laps of the rope on the driving-drum; and /, the coefficient of friction, the following relations must exist to prevent slipping: T = Sef nir , W = T+ S, and R = T - S] ffnir , i from which we obtain W = ; R, ef nir - I In which e 2.71828, the base of the Naperian system of logarithms. The following are some of the values of/: Dry. Wet. Greasy. Wire-rope on a grooved iron drum 0.120 0.085 0.070 Wire-rope on wood-filled sheaves 0. 235 0. 170 0. 140 Wire-rope on rubber and leather filling . 495 . 400 . 205 The importance of keeping the rope dry is evident from these figures. afmr i i The values of the coefficient -j corresponding to the above values of/, for one UD to six half-laps of the rope on the driving-drum or sheaves. are given in the table at the top of p. 1207. When the rope is at rest the tension is distributed equally on the two lines of the rope, but when running there will be a difference in the tensions of the taut and slack lines equal to the resistance, and the values of T and S may be readily computed from the foregoing formulae. WIRE-ROPE HAULAGE. 1207 VALUES OF COEFFICIENT (ef nir -f i) 4- l) / n = Number of Half-laps on Driving-wheel. 1 I 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 6 0.070 9.130 4.623 3. 141 2.418 .999 .729 0.085 7.536 3.833 2.629 2.047 .714 .505 0.120 5.345 2.777 .953 .570 .358 .232 0.140 4.623 2.418 .729 .416 .249 .154 0.170 3.833 2.047 .505 .268 .149 .085 0.205 3.212 1.762 .338 .165 .083 .043 0.235 2.831 1.592 .245 .110 .051 .024 0.400 1.795 1.176 .047 .013 .004 .001 0.495 1.538 1 093 .019 .004 .001 The increase in tension in the endless rope, compared with the main rope. of the tail-rope system, where the stress in the rope is equal to the resistance, is about as follows: n = 123456 Increase in tension in endless rope, compared with direct stress %.... 40 9 21/3 2/3 1/5 \/\Q These figures are useful in determining the size of rope. For instance, if the rope makes. two half-laps on the driving drum, the strength of the rope should be 9 % greater than a main rope in the tail-rope system. General Formulae for Estimating the Deflection of a Wire Cable Corresponding to a Given Tension. (Trenton Iron Co., 1906.) Let s = distance between supports or spanrAl?; m and n = arms into which the span is divided by a vertical through the required point of deflection x, m representing the arm corresponding to the loaded side; y horizontal distance from load to point of support corresponding with m;w = wt. of rope per ft.; g = load; t tension; h = required deflection at any point x\ all measures being in feet and pounds. A B s- n --= FIG. 191. For deflection due to rope alone, , mnw . ws 2 ^ h = -r-j- at x, or -7 at center of span. iL t o t For deflection due to load alone, h = -T- at x, or ^ at center of span. is A t If y = 1/2 $, h = ^ at #, or ^ at center of span, at x, or j-. at center of span. If y = m, h = For total deflection, wmns + 2 any h = - Z IS A at x, or ws z + 4 gu T\ yy o t A at center of span. rf , wmn -f gn . ws* + 2 gs . If 2/ = V2 s, h = y at x, or - at center of span. 2t of wmns + 2 gmn A ws z + 2 gs . If y = m, h = - at re, or - . at center of span. ^ tS o I If the tension is required for a given deflection, transpose t and h in above formulae. 1208 TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY WIRE ROPE. Taper Ropes of Uniform Tensile Strength. The true form of rope is not a regular taper but follows a logarithmic curve, the girth rapidly increasing toward the upper end. Mr. Chas. D. West gives the following formula, based on a breaking strain of 80,000 Ib. per sq. in. of the rope, core included, and a factor of safety of 10: log G = F -7-36804- log g, in which F = length in fathoms, and G and g the girth in inches at any two sections F fathoms apart. The girth g is first calculated for a safe strain of 8000 Ib. per sq. in., and then G is obtained by the formula. For a mathematical investigation see The Engineer, April, 1880, p, 267. TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY WIRE ROPE. The following notes have been furnished to the author by Mr. Wm. Hewitt, Vice-President of the Trenton Iron Co. (See also circulars of the Trenton Iron Co. and of the J9hn A. Roebling's Sons Co., Trenton, N. J.; " Transmission of Power by Wire Ropes," by A. W. Stahl, Van Nostrand's Science Series, No. 28; and Reuleaux's Constructor.) The load stress or working tension should not exceed the difference between the safe stress and the bending stress as determined by the tablfe on page 1209. The approximate strength of iron-wire rope composed of wires hav- ing a tensile strength of 75,000 to 90,000 Ibs. per sq. in. is half that of cast-steel rope composed of wires of a tensile strength of 150,000 to 190,000 Ibs. per sq. in. Extra strong steel wires have a tensile strength of 190,000 to 225,000 and plow-steel wires 225,000 to 275,000 Ibs. per sq. in. The 19-wire rope is more flexible than the 7-wire, and for the same load stress may be run around smaller sheaves, but it is not as well adapted to withstand abrasion or surface wear. The working tension may be greater, therefore, as the bending stress is less; but since the tension in the slack portion of the rope cannot be less than a certain proportion of the tension in the taut portion, to avoid slipping, a ratio exists between the diameter of sheave and the wires composing the rope corresponding to a maximum safe working tension. This ratio depends upon the number of laps that the rope makes about the sheaves, and the kind of filling in the rims or the character of the ma- terial upon which the rope tracks. For ordinary purposes the maximum safe stress should be about one-third the ultimate, and for shafts and eleva- tors about one-fourth the ultimate. * l^H ofT Hi In estimating the stress due to the load T m i\vm W f or shafts and elevators, allowance ! should be made for the additional stress due to acceleration in starting. For short inclined planes not used for passengers a factor of safety as low as 2 1 A is sometimes used, and for derricks, in which large sheaves cannot be used, and long life of the rope is not expected, the factor of safety may be as low as 2. The Seale wire rope is made of six strands of 19 wires, laid 9 around 9 around 1, the intermediate layer being smaller than the others. It is intermediate in flexibility between the 7-wire and the ordinary 19-wire rope. (In the Seale cable d = diam. of larger wires.) All ropes 6 strands each. Extra flexible rope has 8 strands. Section of Rim. FIG. 192. as The sheaves (Fig. 192), are usually of cast iron, and are made as light possible consistent with the requisite strength. Various materials have been used for filling the bottom of the groove, such as tarred oakum, jute yarn, hard wood, India-rubber, and leather. The filling which gives the best satisfaction, however, in ordinary transmissions consists of TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY WIRE ROPE. 1209 Approximate Breaking Strength of Steel-Wire Ropes. 6 Strands of 19 Wires Each. 6 Strands of 7 Wires Each. m fi Wt. Approximate Breaking Stress, Lbs. ^ c wt. Approximate Breaking Stress, Lbs. If Lbs. Cast Steel. Extra Strong Steel. Plow Steel. I| Lbs. Cast Steel. Extra Strong Steel. Plow Steel. 21/4 8.00 312,000 364,000 416,000 U/2 3.55 136,000 158,000 182,000 13/4 6.30 4.85 248,000 192,000 288,000 224,000 330,000 256,000 13/8 11/4 3.00 2.45 116,000 96,000 136,000 112,000 156,000 128,000 >4 15 168,000 194,000 222,000 2.00 80,000 92,000 106,000 1 1/2 3.55 144,000 168,000 192,000 ] 1.58 64,000 74,000 84,000 13/8 3.00 124,000 144,000 164,000 7/8 1.20 48,000 56,000 64,000 U/4 2.45 100,000 116,000 134,000 3/4 0.89 37,200 42,000 48,000 U/8 2.00 84,000 98,000 112,000 0.75 31,600 36,800 42,000 1 1 58 68,000 78,000 88,000 5/8 0.62 26,400 30,200 34,000 7/8 1.20 52,000 60,000 68,000 9/10 0.50 21,200 24,600 28,000 0.89 38,800 44,000 50,000 V2 0.39 16,800 19,400 22,000 5/8 0,62 27,200 31,600 36,000 7/16 0.30 13,200 15,000 17,100 0.50 22,000 25,400 29,000 3/8 0.22 9,600 11,160 12,700 39 17 600 20 200 22 800 15 6800 7 760 7/1A 30 13600 15 600 17 700 9/QO 125 5*600 6440 3/Q 22 10*000 if 500 13 100 5/1 fi 15 6 800 8*100 1/4 0.10 4'800 5,400 segments of leather and blocks of India-rubber soaked in tar and packed alternately in the groove. Where the working tension is very great, however, the wood filling is to be preferred, as in the case of long- distance transmissions where the rope makes several laps about the sheaves, and is run at a comparatively slow speed. The Bending Stress is determined by the formula fc= Ea 2.06 (R -T- d) + C k = bending stress in Ibs.; E = modulus of elasticity = 28,500,000; a = aggregate area of wires, sq. ins.; R = radius of bend; d = diam. of wires, ins. For 7-wire rope d = 1/9 diam. of rope; C = 9.27. ' 19-wire " d = 1/15 " " C = 15.45. " the Scale cable d =. 1/12 C = 12.36. From this formula the tables below and on p. 1210 have been cal- culated. Bending Stresses, 7-wire Rope. Diam. bend. 24 36 48 60 72 84 [ 96 j 108 | 120 | 132 Diam. Rope. V4 826 553 412 333 277 238 208 185 166 15! 9 /32 1,120 750 563 451 376 323 282 251 226 20ft 5 /16 1,609 1,078 810 649 541 464 406 361 325 29d 3/8 2,774 1,859 1,398 1,120 934 801 702 624 562 511 7/16 4,385 2,982 2,217 1,777 1,482 1,272 1,113 990 892 811 Va 6,200 4,161 3,131 2,510 2,095 1,797 1,574 1,400 1,260 1,146 9/16 9,072 6,095 4,589 3,679 3,071 2,635 2,308 2,053 1,848 1,681 5/8 8,547 6,438 5,164 4,310 3,699 3,240 2,882 2,595 2,360 Jl/16 3/4 10,922 14,202 8,230 10,706 6,603 8,591 5,513 7,174 4,731 6,158 4,144 5,394 3,687 4,799 3,320 4,322 3,020 3,931 7 /8 ...... 22,592 17,045 13,685 11,431 9,815 8,599 7,651 6,892 6,269 1 25 476 20 464 17 100 14686 12869 11 452 10317 9386 U/8 36289 29*165 24,416 20,942 18,355 16,336 14718 13,391 U/4 40,020 33,464 28,754 25,206 22,437 20,216 18,396 13/8 44,551 38.290 33.571 29.888 26.933 24.510 n/2 57,835| 49,718[43,599|38,821 134,987| 31,842 1210 TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY WIRE ROPE. Bending Stresses, 19-wire Rope. Diam.Bend. 13 34 36 48 60 73 84 96 108 130 Diam.Rope. V4 993 502 336 252 202 168 144 126 112 101 5/16 1,863 944 632 475 380 317 272 238 212 191 3/8 2,771 1,406 942 708 567 473 406 355 316 285 7/16 4,859 2,473 1,658 1,247 1,000 834 716 627 557 502 V2 7,125 3,635 2,440 1,836 1,472 1,228 1,054 923 821 739 o/ie 5,319 3,573 2,690 2,157 1,800 1,545 1,353 1,203 1,084 5/8 7,452 5,011 3,774 3,027 2,526 2,169 1,900 1,690 1,522 U/16 9,767 6,572 4,953 3,973 3,317 2,847 2,494 2,219 1,998 3/4 12,512 8,427 6,352 5,098 4,257 3,654 3,201 2,848 2,565 7/8 19,436 13,111 9,891 7,941 6,633 5,696 4,990 4,440 3,999 1 29,799 20,136 15,205 12,214 10,206 8,766 7,681 6,836 6,158 j;/8 28,153 21,276 17,099 14,293 12,278 10,761 9,578 8,689 11/4 38034 28,766 23,130 19340 16 618 14 567 12 967 1 1 683 13/8 51*609 39*,067 31*430 26*290 22*594 19*811 17*637 15*893 H/2 66065 50*049 40*284 33*707 28*976 25*410 22*625 20*390 15/8 - 13/4 62', 895 79 749 50*,647 64,252 42*,391 53 798 36*,450 46 270 31*,969 40,590 28*, 470 36 152 25*,661 32 589 17/8 97018 78,202 65*, 500 56*347 49*438 44*039 39*701 2 94*016 78*769 67778 59*478 52*989 47*777 21/4 134*319 112*611 96*943 85*103 75*840 68 396 2V2 154*, 870 133 ",386 117*. 137 104I.417 94*189 Horse-Power Transmitted* The general formula for the amount of power capable of being transmitted is as follows: H.P. = [cd 2 In which d = diameter of the rope in inches, v = velocity of the rope In feet per second, w = weight of the rope, QI = weight of the terminal sheaves and shafts, 02 weight of the intermediate sheaves and shafts (all in Ibs.), and c = a constant depending on the material of the rope, the filling in the grooves of the sheaves, and the number of laps about the sheaves or drums, a single lap meaning a half-lap at each end. The values of c for one up to six laps for steel rope are given in the following table: Number of laps about sheaves or drums C lor steei rope on 1 2 3 4 5 6 Iron 5.61 8.81 10.62 11.65 12.16 12.56 Wood 6.70 9.93 11.51 12.26 12.66 12.83 Rubber and leather 9.29 11.95 12.70 12.91 12.97 13.00 The values of c for iron rope are one half the above. When more than three laps are made, the character of the surface in contact is immaterial as far as slippage is concerned. From the above formula we have the general rule, that the actual horse-power capable of being transmitted by any wire rope approximately equals c times the square of the diameter of the rope in inches, less six mil' lionths the entire weight of all the moving parts, multiplied by the speed of the rope, in feet per second. Instead of grooved drums or a number of sheaves, about which the rope makes two or more laps, it is sometimes' found more desirable, especially where space is limited, to use grip-pulleys. The rim is fitted with a continuous se/ies of steel jaws, which bite the rope in contact by reason of the pressure of the same against them, but as soon as relieved of this pressure they open readily, offering no resistance to the egress of the rope. In the ordinary or " flying " transmission of power, where the rope makes a single lap about sheaves lined with rubber and leather or wood, the ratio between the diameter of the sheaves and the wires of the rope, Corresponding to a maximum safe working tension, is,: For 7-wire rope, TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY WIRE ROPE. 1211 steel, 79.6; iron, 160.5. For 12-wire rope, steel, 59.3; iron, 120. For 19-wire rope, steel, 47.2; iron, 95.8. Diameters of Minimum Sheaves in Inches, Corresponding to a Maxi- mum Safe Working Tension. Diameter of Rope, In. Steel. Iron. 7-Wire. 12- Wire. 19- Wire. 7-Wire. 12-Wire. 19- Wire. 1/4 20 15 12 40 30 24 5/16 25 19 15 50 38 30 3/8 30 22 18 60 45 36 7/16 35 26 21 70 53 42 1/2 40 30 24 80 60 48 9/16 45 33 27 90 68 54 5/8 50 37 30 100 75 60 H/16 55 41 32 110 83 66 8 /4 60 44 35 120 90 72 7/8 70 52 41 140 105 84 1 80 59 47 160 120 96 Assuming the sheaves to be of equal diameter, and of the sizes in the above table, the Horse-power that may be transmitted by a steel rope making a single lap on wood-filled sheaves is given in the table below. The transmission of greater horse-powers than 250 is impracticable with filled sheaves, as the tension would be so great that the filling would quickly cut out, and the adhesion on a metallic surface would be insuffi- cient where the rope makes but a single lap. In this case it becomes necessary to use the Reuleaux method, in which the rope is given more than one lap, as referred to below, under the caption " Long-distance Transmissions." Horse-power Transmitted by a Steel Rope on Wood-filled Sheaves. Diameter of Rope, In. Velocity of Rope in Feet per Second. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 I 90 100 & % f U/16 %* 7/8 4 10 13 17 22 27 32 38 52 68 8 13 19 26 34 43 53 63 76 104 135 13 20 28 38 51 65 79 95 103 156 202 17 26 38 51 67 86 104 126 150 206 21 33 47 63 83 106 130 157 186 25 40 56 75 99 128 155 186 223 28 44 64 88 115 147 179 217 32 51 73 99 130 167 203 245 37 57 80 109 144 184 225 40 62 89 121 159 203 24> The horse-power that may be transmitted by iron ropes is one-half of the above. This table gives the amount of horse-power transmitted by wire ropes under maximum safe working tensions. In using wood-lined sheaves, therefore, it is well to make some allowance for the stretching of the rope, and to advocate somewhat heavier equipments than the above table would give; that is, if it is desired to transmit 20 horse-power, for in- stance, to put in a plant that would transmit 25 to 30 horse-power, avoid- ing the necessity of having to take up a comparatively small amount of stretch. On rubber and leather filling, however, the amount of power capable of being transmitted is 40 per cent greater than for wood, so that this filling is generally used, and in this case no allowance need be made for stretch, as such sheaves will likely transmit the power given by the table, under all possible deflections of the rope. Under ordinary conditions, ropes of seven wires to the strand, laid about a hemp core, are best adapted to the transmission of power, but conditions often occur where 12- or 19-wire rope is to be preferred, as stated below, under " Limits of Span." Deflections of the Rope. The tension of the rope is measured by the amount of sag or deflection at the center at the span, and the deflec- 1212 TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY WIRE ROPE. tion corresponding to the maximum safe working tension is determined by the following formulae, in which S represents the span in feet : Steel Rope. Iron Rope. Def. of still rope at center, in feet . .h = .00004 S z h = .00008 S z driving " ...hi = .000025 S* 7i t = .00005 S 2 slack " ...fo = .0000875 2 ^ = .00017 5S 2 Limits of Span. On spans of less than sixty feet, it is impossible to splice the rope to such a degree of nicety as to give exactly the required deflection, and as the rope is further subject to a certain amount of stretch, it becomes necessary in such cases to apply mechanical means for producing the proper tension in order to avoid frequent splicing, which is very objectionable; but care should always be exercised in using such tightening devices that they do not become the means, in unskilled hands, of overstraining the rope. The rope also is more sensitive to every irregularity in the sheaves and the fluctuations in the amount of power transmitted, and is apt to sway to such an extent beyond the narrow limits of the required deflections as to cause a jerking motion, which is very injurious. For this reason on very short spans it is found desirable to use a considerably heavier rope than that actually required to transmit the power; or in other words, instead of a 7-wire rope cor- responding to the conditions of maximum tension, it is better to use a 19-wire rope of the same size wires, and to run this under a tension con- siderably below the maximum. In this way are obtained the advantages of increased weight and less stretch, without having to use larger sheaves, while the wear will be greater in proportion to the increased surface. In determining the maximum limit of span, the contour of the ground and the available height of the terminal sheaves must be taken into con- sideration. It is customary to transmit the power through the lower portion of the rope, as in this case the greatest deflection in this portion occurs when the rope is at rest. When running, the lower portion rises and the upper portion sinks, thus enabling obstructions to be avoided which otherwise would have to be removed, or make it necessary to erect very high towers. The maximum limit of span in this case is determined by the maximum deflection that may be given to the upper portion of the rope when running, which for sheaves of 10 ft. diameter is about 600 feet. Much greater spans than this, however, are practicable where the con- tour of the ground is such that the upper portion of the rope may be the driver, and there is nothing to interfere with the proper deflection of the under portion. Some very long transmissions of power have been effected in this way without an intervening support, one at Lockport, N.Y., having a clear span of 1700 feet. Long-distance Transmissions. When the distance exceeds the limit for a clear span, intermediate supporting sheaves are used, with plain grooves (not filled), the spacing and size of which will be governed by the contour of the ground and the special conditions involved. The size of these sheaves will depend on the angle of the bend, gauged by the tangents to the curves of the rope at the points of inflection. If the cur- vature due to this angle and the working tension, regardless of the size of the sheaves, as determined by the table on the next page, is less than that of the minimum sheave (see table p. 1211), the intermediate sheaves should not be smaller than such minimum sheave, but if the curvature is greater, smaller intermediate sheaves may be used. In very long transmissions of power, requiring numerous intermediate supports, it is found impracticable to run the rope at the high speeds maintained in " flying transmissions." The rope therefore is run under a higher working tension, made practicable by wrapping it several times about grooved terminal drums, with a lap about a sheave on a take-up or counter- weighted carriage, which preserves a constant tension in the slack portion. Inclined Transmissions. When the terminal sheaves are not on the same elevation, the tension at the upper sheave will be greater than that at the lower, but this difference is so slight, in most cases, that it may be ignored. The span to be considered is the horizontal distance between the sheaves, and the principles governing the limits of span will TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY WIRE ROPE. 1213 hold good in this case, so that for every steep inclinations it becomes necessary to resort to tightening devices for maintaining the requisite tension in the rope. The limiting case of inclined transmissions occurs when one wheel is directly above the other. The rope in this case pro- duces no tension whatever on the lower wheel, while the upper is sub- ject only to the weight of the rope, which is usually so insignificant that it may be neglected altogether, and on vertical transmissions, therefore, mechanical tension is an absolute necessity. Bending Curvature of Wire Ropes. The curvature due to any bend in a wire rope is dependent on the tension, and is not always the same as the sheave in contact, but may be greater, which explains how it is that large, ropes are frequently run around comparatively small sheaves without detriment, since it is possible to place these so close that the bending angle on each will be such that the resulting curvature will not overstrain the wires. This curvature may be ascertained from the formula and table below, which give the theoretical radii of curvature in inches for various sizes of ropes and different angles for one pound tension in the rope. Dividing these figures by the square root of the actual tension in pounds, gives the radius of curvature of the rope when this exceeds the curvature of the sheave. The rigidity of the rope or internal friction of the wires and core has not been taken into account in these figures, but the effect of this is insignificant, and it is on the safe side to ignore it. By the "angle of bend' T is meant the angle between the tangents to the curves of the rope at the points of inflection.- When the rope is straight the angle is 180. For angles less than 160 the radius of curvature in most cases will be less than that corresponding to the safe working tension, and the proper size of sheave to use in such cases will be governed by the table headed "Diameters of Minimum Sheaves Corresponding to a Maximum Safe Working Tension" on p. 1211. Radius of Curvature of Wire Ropes in Inches for 1-Ib. Ten- sion. Formula: R 2 = Ed*n+ 20 (1 sin ^ 0); in which R = radius of curvature; E = modulus of elasticity = 28,500,000; d = diameter of wires; n = no. of wires in the rope; 6 = angle of bend; t = working stress (Ibs. and ins.). Divide by square root of stress in pounds to obtain radius in inches. Diam. of Rope. 120 140 160 165 170 174 m c 178 C 172 ~> i 7- Wire Rope. 19- Wire Rope, j iA 38 61 87 116 155 195 238 66 103 145 198 259 328 406 56 91 129 174 232 290 355 98 153 216 295 386 489 605 112 181 257 346 461 578 708 196 306 430 587 769 975 1205 149 242 342 461 615 770 943 261 407 572 782 1024 1298 1606 223 362 513 690 921 1154 1414 391 610 858 1172 1535 1946 2407 373 604 856 1151 1536 1925 2358 651 1018 1431 1954 2559 3246 4013 559 1282 1725 2302 2885 3533 976 1525 2145 2929 3835 4864 6015 1126 1824 2586 3479 4643 5818 7125 1969 3076 4325 5907 7735 9809 12129 2181 3533 5007 6737 8991 11266 13797 3812 5957 8375 11438 14978 18994 23487 H ?I: ... | . s 2 * ' S I a 1 || 12 S 1 4* I* |^EH 43 w vO i" 8 | 3/4 0.5625 0.20 3,950 112 6 8 28 760 7 /8 7656 0.26 5,400 153 6 8 4 32 650 -I 1. 0.34 7,000 200 7 10 14 36 570 H/8 1.2656 0.43 8,900 253 7 10 16 40 510 I V4 1.5625 0.53 10,900 312 7 10 16 46 460 13/8 1.8906 0.65 13,200 378 8 12 16 50 415 U/2 15/8 13/4 2.25 2.6406 3.0625 0.77 0.90 1.04 15,700 18,500 21,400 450 528 612 8 8 8 12 12 12 18 18 18 54 60 64 380 344 330 2 4 1.36 28,000 800 9 14 20 72 290 2V4 21/2 5.0625 6.25 1.73 2.13 35,400 43,700 1,012 1,250 9 10 14 16 20 22 82 90 255 230 Weight of transmission rope Breaking strength Maximum allowable tension Diam. smallest practicable sheave, Velocity of rope (assumed) =- 0.34 X diam.* = 7,000 X diam. 2 = 200 X diam. 2 36 X diam. = 5.400 ft. per min. enough so that a 7/ 8 -in. rope would not bottom. In order to determine the value of the drive a common 7/ 8 -in. rope was put in at first, and lasted six years, working under a factor of safety of only 1'4. He recommends, how- ever, for continuous rope-driving a factor of safety .of not less than 20. A heavy rope-drive on the separate, or English, rope system is described and illustrated in Power, April, 1892, It is in use at the India Mill at Dar- wen, England, and is driven by a 2000-H.P. engine at 54 revs, per min. The fly-wheel is 30 ft. diameter, weighs 65 tons, and is arranged with 30 grooves for 1 3/4-in. ropes. These ropes lead off to receiving-pulleys upon the several floors, so that each floor receives its power direct from the fly- wheel. The speed of the ropes is 5089 ft. per min., and five 7-ft. receivers are used. Lambeth cotton ropes are used. (For much other information on this subject see " Rope-Driving," by J. J. Flather, John Wiley & Sons.) Cotton Ropes are advantageously used as bands or cords on the smaller machine appliances; the fiber, being softer and more flexible than manila hemo, gives good results for small sheaves; but for large drives, where power transmitted is in considerable amounts, cotton rope, as compared with manila, is hardly to be considered, on account of the following disadvantages: It is less durable; it is injuriously affected by the weather, so that for exposed drives, paper-mill work, or use in water-wheel pits, it is absolutely unsatisfactory; it is difficult, if not impossible, to splice uniformly; even the best quality cotton rope is much inferior to manila in strength, the breaking strain of the highest grade being but 4000 X diam. 2 as against 7000 X diam. 2 for manila; while, for the transmission of equal powers, the cost of a cotton rope varies from one-third to one-half more than manila. (" Blue Book " of the Amer. Mfg. Co.) A different opinion is found in a paper by E. Kenyon in Proc. lust. Engrs. and Shipbuilders of Scotland, 1904. He says: Evidences of the progress of cotton in the manufacture of driving-ropes are so far-reaching that its superiority may be considered as much an accepted principle in rope transmission as the law of gravitation is in science. As to the longevity of cotton ropes, 24 cotton ropes 13/4-in. diam. are transmitting 820 H.P. at a peripheral speed of 4396 ft. per min., from a driving pulley 28 ft. diam. All the card-room ropes in this drive have been running since 1878, a period of 26 years, without any attention whatever. FKICTION AND LUBRICATION, 1219 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. , Friction is defined by Rankine as that force which acts between two bodies at their surface of contact so as to resist their sliding on each other, and which depends on the force with which the bodies are pressed together. Coefficient of Friction. The ratio of the force required to slide a body along a horizontal plane surface to the weight of the body is called the coefficient of friction. It is equivalent to the tangent of the angle of repose, which is the angle of inclination to the horizontal of an inclined plane on which the body will just overcome its tendency to slide. The angle is usually denoted by 0, and the coefficient by /. / = tan 6. Friction of Eest and of Motion. The force required to start a body sliding is called the friction of rest, and the force required to con- tinue its sliding after having started is called the friction of motion. Rolling Friction is the force required to roll a cylindrical or spheri- cal body on a plane or on a curved surface. It depends on the nature of the surfaces and on the force with which they are pressed together, but is essentially different from ordinary, or sliding, friction. Friction of Solids. Rennie's experiments (1829) on friction of solids, usually unlubricated and dry* led to the following conclusions: 1. The laws of sliding friction differ with the character of the bodies rubbing together. 2. The friction of fibrous material is increased by increased extent of surface and by time of contact, and is diminished by pressure and speed. 3. With wood, metal, and stones, within the limit of abrasion, friction varies only with the pressure, and is independent of the extent of surface, time of contact, and velocity. 4. The limit of abrasion is determined by the hardness of the softer of the two rubbing parts. 5. Friction is greatest with soft and least with hard materials. 6. The friction of lubricated surfaces is determined by the nature of the lubricant rather than by that of the solids themselves. Friction of Rest. (Rennie.) Pressure, Lbs. per Square Inch. Values of /. Wrought Iron on Wrought Iron. Wrought on Cast Iron. Steel on Cast Iron. Brass on Cast Iron. 187 224 336 448 560 672 784 0.25 .27 .31 .38 .41 Abraded 0.28 .29 .33 .37 .37 .38 Abraded 0.30 .33 .35 .35 .36 .40 Abraded 0.23 .22 .21 .21 .23 .23 .23 Law of Unlubricated Friction. A. M. Wellington, Eng'g News, April 7, 1888, states that the most important and the best determined of all the laws of unlubricated friction may be thus expressed: The coefficient of unlubricated friction decreases materially with velocity, is very much greater at minute velocities of 0+, falls very rapidly with minute increases of such velocities, and continues to fall much less rapidly with higher velocities up to a certain varying point, following closely the laws which obtain with lubricated friction. Friction of Steel Tires Sliding on Steel Rails. (Westinghouse & Galton.) Speed, miles per hour 10 15 25 . 38 45 50 Coefficient of friction 0.110 .087 ,08O .051 .047 .040 Adhesion, Ibs. per gross ton 246 195 179 128 114 90 Rolling Friction is a consequence of the irregularities of form and the roughness of surface of bodies rolling one over the other. Its laws are not yet definitely established in consequence of the uncertainty which exists in experiment as to how much of the resistance is due to roughness of surface, how much to original and permanent irregularity of form, and how much to distortion under the load. (Thurston.) 1220 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. Coefficients of Rolling Friction. If R = resistance applied at the circumference of the wheel, W = total weight, r = radius of the wheel, and / = a coefficient, R = fW -f- r. /is very variable. Coulomb gives 0.06 for wood, 0.005 for metal, where W is in pounds and r in feet. Tred- gold made the value of / for iron on iron 0.002. For wagons on soft soil Morin found / = 0.065, and on hard smooth roads 0.002. A Committee of the Society of Arts (Clark, R. T. D.) reported a loaded omnibus to exhibit a resistance on various loads as below: Pavement. Speed per hour. Coefficient. Resistance. Granite 2.87 miles. 0.007 17. 41 per ton. Asphalt 3.56 " 0.0121 27.14 Wood 3.34 0.0185 41.60 Macadam, graveled 3.45 0.0199 44.48 Macadam, granite, new.. .. 3.51 0.0451 101.09 Thurston gives the value of/ for ordinary railroads, 0.003; welf-laiQ railroad track, 0.002; best possible railroad track, 0.001. The few experiments that have been made upon the coefficients ol rolling friction, apart from axle friction, are too incomplete to serve as a basis for practical rules. (Trautwine.) Laws of Fluid Friction. For all fluids, whether liquid or gaseous, the resistance is (1) independent of the pressure between the masses in contact; (2) directly proportional to the area of rubbing-surface; (3) pro- portional to the square of the relative velocity at moderate and high speeds, and to the velocity nearly at low speeds; (4) independent of the nature of the surfaces of the solid against which the stream may flow, but dependent to some extent upon their degree of roughness; (5) proportional to the density of the fluid, and related in some way to its viscosity. (Thurston.) The Friction of Lubricated Surfaces approximates that of solid friction as the journal is run dry, and that of fluid friction as it is flooded with oil. Angles of Repose and Coefficients of Friction of Building Materials. (From Rankine's Applied Mechanics.) e. / = tan 9. 1 -r- tan Dry masonry and brickwork. . . Masonry and brickwork with damp mortar. 31 to 35 361/2 22 35 to 162/3 26 1/2 to 11 1/3 31 to 111/3 14 to 81/2 27 181/4 14 to 45 21 to 37 45 17 39 to 48 0.6 to 0.7 0.74 about 0.4 0.7 to 0.3 0.5 to 0.2 0.6 to 0.2 0.25 to 0.15 0.51 0.33 0.25 to 1.0 0.38 to 0.75 1.0 0.31 0.81 1.67 to 1.4 1.35 2.5 1.43 to 3. 3 2 to 5 1.67 to 5 4 to 6.67 1.96 3. 4 to 1 2.63 to 1.33 3.23 1.23 to 0.9 Iron on stone Timber on timber Timber on metals Metals on metals Masonry on dry clay . . . Masonry on moist clay Earth on earth Earth on earth, dry sand, clay, and mixed earth Earth pn earth, damp clay Earth on earth wet clay Earth on earth, shingle, and gravel Coefficients of Friction of Journals. (Morin.) Material. Unguent. Lubrication. Intermittent . Continuous. Cast iron on cast iron | Oil, lard, tallow. Unctuous and wet Oil, lard, tallow. Unctuous and wet Oil, lard. Oil, lard, tallow. Oil, lard. Unctuous. Olive oil. Lard. 0.07 to 0.08 0.14 0.07 to 0.08 0.16 0.03 to 0.054 0.03 to 0.054 0.09 0.03 to 0.054 Cast iron on lignum vitae . . . Wrought iron on cast iron . ) Wrought iron on bronze. . j Iron on lignum vitas | Bronze on bronze | 0.07 to 0.08 0.11 0.19 0.10 09 FRICTION AND LTJBEICATION. 1221 Prof. Thurston says concerning the foreg9ing figures that much better results are probably obtained in good practice with ordinary machinery. Those here given are so modified by variations of speed, pressure, and temperature, that they cannot be taken as correct for general purposes. Friction of Motion.- The following is a table of the angle of repose 0, the coefficient of friction / = tan 0, and its reciprocal, 1 + f, for the materials of mechanism condensed from the tables of General Morin (1831) and other sources, as given by Rankine: No. Surfaces. I I f. 1 Wood on wood, dry 14 to 26 1/2 0.25 to 0.5 4 to 2 7 " " " soaped 1 1 1/2 to 2 02 to 04 5 to 25 1 Metals on oak dry 261/2 to 31 05 to 6 2 to 1 .67 4 " wet 131/2 to 14 0.24 to 0.26 4.17 to 3. 85 *> ** " soapy . . . 1 1 1/2 2 ft " elm dry 111/2 to 14 0.2 to 0.25 5 to 4 28 0.53 1.89 8 18l/ 2 0.33 3 9 Leather on oak 15 to 191/2 0.27 to 0.38 3. 7 to 2. 86 10 29l/ 2 0.56 1.79 11 12 13 14 ** metals, wet greasy . . oily Metals on metals dry 20 13 81/2 81/2 to 11 0.36 0.23 0.15 0.15 to 0.2 2.78 4.35 6.67 6.67 to 5 |5 *' " " wet 161/2 0.3 3.33 16 Smooth surfaces, occasion- ally greased 4 to 41/2 0.07 to 0.08 14.3 to 12.5 17 Smooth surfaces, continu- ously greased 3 0.05 20 18 Smooth surfaces, best results 1 3/ 4 to 2 0.03 to 0.036 19 Bronze on lignum vitse, con- stantly wet 3? 0.05? Average Coefficients of Friction. Journal of cast iron in bronze bearing; velocity 720 feet per minute; temperature 70 F.; intermittent feed through an oil-hole. (Thurston on Friction and Lost Work.) Pressures, Pounds per Square Inch. 8 16 32 48 Sperm, lard, neatsfoot, etc. . Olive, cotton-seed, rape, etc. Cod and menhaden .159 .160 ?48 to to to .250 .283 778 .138 to .107 to 124 to .192 .245 167 .086 .101 097 to to to .141 .168 10? .077 .079 081 to to to .144 .131 1?? Mineral lubricating-oils .... .154 to .261 .145 to .233 .086 to .178 .094 to .222 With fine steel journals running in bronze bearings and continuous lubrication, coefficients far below those above given are obtained. Thus with sperm-oil the coefficient with 50 Ibs. per square inch pres- sure was 0.0034; with 200 Ibs., 0.0051; with 300 Ibs., 0.0057. For very low pressures, as in spindles, the coefficients are much higher. Thus Mr. Woodbury found, at a temperature of 100 and a velocity of 600 feet per minute, Pressures, Ibs. per sq. in. . . 1 23 4 5 Coefficient 0.38 0.27 0.22 0.18 0.17 These high coefficients, however, and the great decrease in the co- efficient at increased pressures are limited as a practical matter only to the smaller pressures which exist especially in spinning machinery, where the pressure is so light and the film of oil so thick that the viscos- ity of the oil is an important part of the total frictional resistance. Experiments on Friction of a Journal Lubricated by an Oil- bath (reported by the Committee on Friction, Proc. Inst. M. E., Nov., 1883) show that the absolute friction, that is, the absolute tan- gential force per square inch of bearing, required to resist the tendency of the brass to go round with the journal, is nearly a constant under all loads, within ordinary working limits. Most certainly it does not in- 1222 FBICTION AND LUBRICATION crease in direct proportion to the load, as it should do according to thd ordinary theory of solid friction. The results of these experiments seem to show that the friction of a perfectly lubricated journal follows the laws of liquid friction much more closely than those of solid friction. They show that under these circumstances the friction is nearly inde- pendent of the pressure per square inch, and that it increases with the velocity, though at a rate not nearly so rapid as the square of the velocity. The experiments on friction at different temperatures indicate a great diminution in the friction as the temperature rises. Thus in the case of lard-oil, taking a speed of 450 r.p.m., the coefficient of friction at a tem- perature of 120 is only one-third of what it was at a temperature of 60. The journal was of steel, 4 ins. diameter and 6 ins. long, and a gun- metal brass, embracing somewhat less than half the circumference of the journal, rested on its upper side, on which the load was applied. When the bottom of the journal was immersed in oil, and the oil therefore carried under the brass by rotation of the journal, the greatest load carried with rape-oil was 573 Ibs. per sq. in., and with mineral oil 625 Ibs. In experiments with ordinary lubrication, the oil being fed in at the center of the top of the brass, and a distributing groove being cut in the brass parallel to the axis of the journal, the bearing would not run cool with only 100 Ibs. per sq. in., the oil being pressed out from the bearing- surface and through the oil-hole, instead of being carried in by it. On introducing the oil at the sides through two parallel grooves, the lubrica- tion appeared to be satisfactory, but the bearing seized with 380 Ibs. per sq. in. When the oil was introduced through two oil-holes, one near each end of the brass, and each connected with a curved groove, the brass refused to take its oil or run cool, and seized with a load of only 200 Ibs. per sq. in. With an oil-pad under the journal feeding rape-oil, the bearing fairly carried 551 Ibs. Mr. Tower's conclusion from these experiments is that the friction depends on the quantity and uniformity of distribution of the oil, and may be anything between the oil-bath results and seizing, accord- ing to the perfection or imperfection of the lubrication. The lubrication may be very small, giving a coefficient of Vioo; but it appeared as though it could not be diminished and the friction increased much beyond this point without imminent risk of heating and seizing. The oil-bath prob- ably represents the most perfect lubrication possible, and the limit beyond which friction cannot be reduced by lubrication; and the experi- ments show that with speeds of from 100 to 200 feet per minute, by properly proportioning the bearing-surface to the load, it is possible to reduce the coefficient of friction to as low as Viooo. A coefficient of Visoo is easily attainable, and probably is frequently attained, in ordinary engine-bearings in which the direction of the force is rapidly alternating and the oil given an opportunity to get between the surfaces, while the duration of the force in one direction is not sufficient to allow time for the oil film to be squeezed out. Observations on the behavior of the apparatus gave reason to believe that with perfect lubrication the speed of minimum friction was from 100 to 150 feet per minute, and that this speed of minimum friction tends to be higher with an increase of load, and also with less perfect lubrica- i tion. By the speed of minimum friction is meant that speed in approach- ing which from rest the friction diminishes, and above which the friction increases. Coefficients of Friction of Motion and of Rest of a Journal. A cast-iron journal in steel boxes, tested by Prof. Thurston at a sneed of rubbing of 150 feet per minute, with lard "and with sperm oil, gave the | following : Press, per sq. in., Ibs . 50 100 250 500 750 1000 Coeff., with sperm. .. 0.013 0.008 0.005 0.004 0.0043 0.009 ! Coeff., with lard 0.02 0.01370.0085 0.00530.0066 0.125: The coefficients at starting were: Withsperm 0.07 0.135 0.14 0.15 0.185 0.18 Withlard 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.12 The coefficient at a speed of 150 feet per minute decreases with in- i crease of pressure until 500 Ibs. per sq. in. is reached; above this it creases. The coefficient at rest or at starting increases with the pressure throughout the range of the tests. FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. 1223 Coefficients of Friction of Journal with Oil-bath. Abstract of results of Tower's experiments on friction (Proc. Inst. M. E., Nov., 1883). Journal, 4 in. diam., 6 in. long; temperature, 90 F. Lubricant in Bath. Nominal Load, in Lbs. per Sq. In. 625 520 415 310 205 153 100 Coefficient of Friction. Lard, oil' 157 ft per rnin .0009 .0017 .0014 .0022 seized .0012 .0021 .0016 .0027 .0015 .0021 .0009 .0016 .0012 .002 0014 .0029 .0022 .004 .0011 .0019 .0008 .0016 .0014 .0024 0056 .0020 .0042 .0034 .0066 .0016 .0027 .0014 .0024 .0021 .0035 0098 .0027 .0052 .0038 .0083 .0019 .0037 .002 .004 .0042 .009 .0076 .0151 .003 .0064 .004 .007 .004 .007 .0125 .0152 .0099 .0133 " 471 " " Mineral grease: 157 ft. per min 471 " " .... .001 .002 "471 " Rape-oil* 157ft per min (573 lb. .001 .001 .0015 .0012 .0018 "471 " " Mineral-oil: 157 ft. per min "471 " " Rape-oil fed by ' siphon lubricator:{]57ft, t per min. Rape-oil, pad under journal: j]^^. per min. .0013 ..... .0068 0099 .0077 0105 0099 0078 Comparative friction of different lubricants under same circumstances, temperature 90, oil-bath: sperm-oil, 100; rape-oil, 106; mineral oil, 129; lard, 135; olive oil, 135; mineral grease, 217. Value of Anti-friction Metals. (Denton.) The various white metals available for lining brasses do not afford coefficients of friction lower than can be obtained with bare brass, but they are less liable to "overheating," because of the superiority of such material over bronze in ability to permit of abrasion or crushing, without excessive increase of friction. Thurston (Friction and Lost Work) says that gun-bronze, Babbitt, and other soft white alloys have substantially the same friction; in other words, the friction is determined by the nature of the unguent and not by that of the rubbing-surfaces, when the latter are in good order. The soft metals run at higher temperatures than the bronze. This, however, does not necessarily indicate a serious defect, but simply deficient con- ductivity. The value of the white alloys for bearings lies mainly in their ready reduction to a smooth surface after any local or general injury by alteration of either surface or form. Cast Iron for Bearings. (Joshua Rose.) Cast iron appears to be an exception to the general rule, that the harder the metal the greater the resistance to 'vear, because cast iron is softer in its texture and easier to cut with steel tools than steel or wrought iron, but in some situations it is far more durable than hardened steel; thus when surrounded by steam it will wear better than will any other metal. Thus, for instance, ex- perience has demonstrated that piston-rings of cast iron will wear smoother, better, and equally as long as those of steel, and longer than those of either wrought iron or brass, whether the cylinder in which it works be composed of brass, steel, wrought iron, or cast iron; the latter being the more noteworthy, since two surfaces of the same metal do not, as a rule, wear or work well together. So also slide-valves of brass are not found to wear so long or so smoothly as those of cast iron, let the metal of which the seating is composed be whatever it may; while, on the other hand, a cast-iron slide-valve will wear longer of itself and cause less wear tc its seat, if the latter is of cast iron, than if of steel, wrought iron, or brass. Friction of Metals under Steam-pressure. The friction of brass upon iron under steam-pressure is double that of iron upon iron. (G. H. Babcock, Trans. A. S. M. E. t i, 151.) Morin's "Laws of Friction." 1. The friction between two bodies is directly proportioned to the pressure-, i.e., the coefficient is constant *or all pressures. 1224 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. 2. The coefficient and amount of friction, pressure being the same, are independent of the areas in contact. 3. The coefficient of friction is independent of velocity, although static friction (friction of rest) is greater than the friction of motion. Eng'g News, April 7, 1888, comments on these "laws" as follows: From 1831 till about 1876 there was no attempt worth speaking of to enlarge our knowledge of the laws of friction, which during all that period was assumed to be complete, although it was really worse than nothing, since it was for the most part wholly false. In the year first mentioned Morin began a series of experiments which extended over two or three years, and which resulted in the enunciation of these three "funda- mental laws of friction," no one of which is even approximately true. For fifty years these laws were accepted as axiomatic, and were quoted as such without question in every scientific work published during that whole period. Now that they are so thoroughly discredited it has been attempted to explain away their defects on the ground that they cover only a very limited range of pressures, areas, velocities, etc., and that Morin himself only announced them as true within the range of his con- ditions. It is now clearly established that there are no limits or con- ditions within which any one of them even approximates to exactitude, and that there are many conditions under which they lead to the wildest kind of error, while many of the constants were as inaccurate as the laws. For example, in Morin's "Table of Coefficients of Moving Friction of Smooth Plane Surfaces, perfectly lubricated," which may be found in hundreds of text-books now in use, the coefficient of wrought iron on brass is given as 0.075 to 0.103, which would make the rolling friction of railway trains 15 to 20 Ibs. per ton instead of the 3 to 6 Ibs. which it actually is. General Morin, in a letter to the Secretary of the Institution of Mechan- ical Engineers, dated March 15, 1879, writes as follows concerning his experiments on friction made more than forty years before: "The results furnished by my experiments as to the relations between pressure, surface, and speed on the one hand, and sliding friction on the other, have always been regarded by myself, not as mathematical laws, but as close approxi- mations to the truth, within the limits of the data of the experiments themselves. The same holds, in my opinion, for many other laws of practical mechanics, such as those of rolling resistance, fluid resistance, etc. " Prof. J. E. Denton (Stevens Indicator, July, 1890) says: It has been generally assumed that friction between lubricated surfaces follows the simple law that the amount of the friction is some fixed fraction of the pressure between the surfaces, such fraction being independent of the intensity of the pressure per square inch and the velocity of rubbing, between certain limits of practice, and that the fixed fraction referred to is represented by the coefficients of friction given by the experiments of Morin or obtained from experimental data which represent conditions of practical lubrication, such as those given in Webber's Manual of Power. By the experiments of Thurston, Woodbury, Tower, etc., however, it appears that the friction between lubricated metallic surfaces, such as machine bearings, is not directly proportional to the pressure,is not independent of the speed, and that the coefficients of Morin and Webber are about tenfold too great for modern journals. Prof. Denton offers an explanation of this apparent contradiction of authorities by showing, with laboratory testing-machine data, that Morin's laws hold for bearings lubricated by a restricted feed of lubricant, such as is afforded by the oil-cups common to machinery; whereas the modern experiments have been made with a surplus feed or superabun- flance or lubricant, sucn as is provided only in railroad-car journals, and a few special cases of practice. That the low coefficients of friction obtained under the latter conditions are realized in the case of car-journals, is proved by the fact that the temperature of car-boxes remains at 100 at high velocities; and experi- ment shows that this temperature is consistent only with a coefficient of friction of a fraction of one per cent. Deductions from experiments on train resistance also indicate the same low degree of friction. But these low coefficients do not account for the internal friction of steam-engines as well as do the coefficients of Morin and Webber, AND LUfi&ICATlON. 1225 In American Machinist, Oct. 23, 1890, Prof, Benton says: Morin's measurements of friction of lubricated journals did not extend to light pressures. They apply only to the conditions of general shafting and engine work. He clearly understood that there was a frictional resistance, due solely to the viscosity of the oil, and that therefore, for very light pressures, the laws which he enunciated did not prevail. He applied his dynamometers to ordinary shaft-journals without special preparation of the rubbing-surfaces, and without resorting to artificial methods of supplying the oil. Later experimenters have with few exceptions devoted themselves exclusively to the measurement of resistance practically due to viscosity alone. They have eliminated the resistance to which Morin confined his measurements, namely, the friction due to such contacts of the rubbing- surfaces as prevail with a very thin film of lubricant between compara- tively rough surfaces. Prof. Denton also says (Trans. A. S. M. E., x, 518): "I do not believe there is a particle of proof in any investigation of friction ever made, that Morin's laws do not hold for ordinary practical oil-cups or restricted rates of feed." Laws of Friction of Well-lubricated Journals. John Goodman (Trans. Inst. C. E., 1886, Eng'g News, April 7 and 14, 1888), reviewing the results obtained from the testing-machines of Thurston, Tower, and Stroudley, arrives at the following laws: LAWS OF FRICTION: WELL-LUBRICATED SURFACES. (Oil-bath.) 1. The coefficient of friction with the surfaces efficiently lubricated in from Ve to Vio that for dry or scantily lubricated surfaces. 2. The coefficient of friction for moderate pressures and speeds varies approximately inversely as the normal pressure; the frictional resistance varies as the area in contact, the normal pressure remaining constant. 3. At very low journal speeds the coefficient of friction is abnormally high; but as the speed of sliding increases from about 10 to 100 ft. per min., the friction diminishes, and again rises when that speed is exceeded, varying approximately as the square root of the speed. 4. The coefficient of friction varies approximately inversely as the temperature, within certain limits, namely, just before abrasion takes place. The evidence upon which these laws are based is taken from various modern experiments. That relating to Law 1 is derived from the " First Report on Friction Experiments," by Mr. Beauchamp Tower. Method of Lubrication. Coefficient of Friction. Comparative Friction. Oil-bath 00139 1 00 Siphon lubricator 0.0098 7 06 Pad under journal 0.0090 6.48 With a load of 293 Ibs. per sq. in. and a journal speed of 314 ft. per min. Mr. Tower found the coefficient of friction to be .0016 with an oil- bath, and 0.0097, or six times as much, with a pad. The very low co- efficients obtained by Mr. Tower will be accounted for by Law 2, as he found that the frictional resistance per square inch under varying loads is nearly constant, as below: Load in Ibs. per sq. in. 529 468 415 363 310 258 205 153 100 Frictional resist, per J Q 416 0>5U Q 498 . 4 72 0.464 0.438 0.43 0.458 0.45 The frictional resistance per square inch is the product of the coefficient of friction into the load per square inch on horizontal sections of the brass. Hence, if this product be a constant, the one factor must vary inversely as the other, or a high load will give a low coefficient, and vice versa. For ordinary lubrication, the coefficient is more constant under varying loads- the frictionai resistance then varies directly as the load, as shown by Mr, Tower in Table VIII of bis report (Proc. Inst. M. E.\ 1883), 1226 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION* With respect to Law 3, A. M. Wellington (Trans. A. S. C. E., 1884), in experiments on journals revolving at very low velocities, found that the friction was then very great, and nearly constant under varying conditions of the lubrication, load, and temperature. But as the speed increased the friction fell slowly and regularly, and again returned to the original amount when the velocity was reduced to the same rate. This is shown in the following table: Speed, feet per minute: 0+ 2.16 ' 3.33 4.86 8.82 21.42 35.37 53.01 89.28 106.02 Coefficient of friction : 0.118 0.094 0.070 0.069 0.055 0.047 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.026 It was also found by Prof. Kimball that when the journal velocity was increased from 6 to 110 ft. per min., the friction was reduced 70%; in another case the friction was reduced 67% when the velocity was increased from 1 to 100 ft. per min. ; but after that point was reached the coefficient varied approximately with the square root of the velocity. The following 'results were obtained by Mr. Tower: Feet per minute 209 262 314 366 419 471 Nominal Load per Sq. In. Coeff . of friction ( u 0.0010 .0013 .0014 0.0012 .0014 .0015 0.0013 .0015 .0017 0.0014 .0017 .0019 0.0015 .0018 .0021 0.0017 .002 .0024 520 Ibs. 468 Ibs. 415 Ibs. The variation of friction with temperature is approximately in the inverse ratio, Law 4. Take, for example, Mr. Tower's results, at 262 ft. per minute: Temp. F. 110 100 90 80 70 60 Observed. 0044 0.0051 0.006 0.0073 0.0092 0.0119 Calculated 0.00451 0.00518 0.00608 0.00733 0.00964 0.01252 This law does not hold good for pad or siphon lubrication, as then the coefficient of friction diminishes more rapidly for given increments of temperature, but on a gradually decreasing scale, until the normal temperature has been reached; this normal temperature increases directly as the load per sq. in. This is shown in the following table taken from Mr. Stroudley's experiments with a pad of rape-oil: Temp. F 105 110 115 120 0.0140 0.0020 125 130 135 140 145? Coefficient Decrease of coeff . . 0.022 0.0180 0.0040 0.0160 0.0020 0.0125 0.0015 0.0115 0.0010 0.0110 0.0005 0.0106 0.0004 0.0102 0.0002 In the Galton-Westinghouse experiments it was found that with velocities below 100 ft. per min., and with low pressures, the frictional resistance varied directly as the normal pressure ; but when a velocity of 100 ft.per min. was exceeded, the coefficient of friction greatly diminished ; from the same experiments Prof. Kennedy found that the coefficient of friction for high pressures was sensibly less than for low. Allowable Pressures on Bearing-surfaces. (Proc. InsL M. E. t May, 1888.) The Committee on Friction experimented with a steel ring of rectangular section, pressed between two cast-iron disks, the annular bearing-surfaces of which were covered with gun-metal, and were 12 in. inside diameter and 14 in. outside. The two disks were rotated together, and the steel ring was prevented from rotating by means of a lever, the Iwlding force of which was measured. When oiled through grooves cut in each face of the ring and tested at from 50 to 130 revs. per min., it was found that a pressure of 75 Ibs. per sq. in. of bearing- surface was as much as it would bear safely at the highest speed without seizing, although it carried 90 Ibs. per sq. in. at the lowest speed. The coefficient of friction is also much higher than for a cylindrical bearing, and the friction follows the law of the friction of solids much more nearly than that of liquids. This is doubtless due to the much less perfect lubrication applicable to this form of bearing compared with a cylindrical one. The coefficient of friction appears to be about the same with the same load at all speeds, or, in other words, to be independent of the speed; but it seems to diminish somewhat as the load is increased, and may be stated approximately as 1/20 at 15 Ibs. per sq. in., diminishing to 1/30 at 75 Ibs. per sq. in. The high .coefficients of friction are explained by the difficulty of lubri- cating a collar-bearing. It" is similar to the slide-block of an engine; FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. 1227 which can carry only about one-tenth the load per sq. in. that can be> carried by the crank-pins. * In experiments on cylindrical journals it has been shown that when a cylindrical journal was lubricated from the side on which the pressure bore, 100 Ibs. per sq. in. was the limit of pressure that it would carry; but when it came to be lubricated on the lower side and was allowed to drag the oil in with it, 600 Ibs. per sq. in. was reached with impunity; and if the 600 Ibs. per sq. in., which was reckoned upon the full diameter of the bearing, came to be reckoned on the sixth part of the circle that was taking the greater proportion of the load, it followed that the pressure upon that part of the circle amounted to about 1200 Ibs. per sq. in. In connection with these experiments Mr. Wicksteed states that in drilling-machines the pressure on the collars is frequently as high as 336 Ibs. per sq. in., but the speed of rubbing in this case is lower than it was in any of the experiments of the Research Committee. In machines working very slowly and intermittently, as in testing-machines, very much higher pressures are admissible. Prof. Thurston (Friction and Lost Work, p. 240) says 7000 to 9000 Ibs. pressure per square inch is reached on the slow working and rarely moved pivots of swing bridges. Mr. Adamson mentions the case of a heavy upright shaft carried upon a small footstep-bearing, where a weight of at least 20 tons was carried on a shaft of 5 in. diameter, or, say, 20 sq. in. area, giying a pressure of 1 ton per sq. in. The speed was 190 to 200 revs, per min. It was neces- sary to force the oil under the bearing by means of a pump. For heavy horizontal shafts, such as a fly-wheel shaft, carrying 100 tons on two jour- nals, his practice for getting oil into the bearings was to flatten the journal along one side throughout its whole length to the extent of about an eighth of an inch in width for each inch in diameter up to 8 in. diameter; above that size rather less flat in proportion to the diameter. At first sight it appeared alarming to get a continuous flat place coming round in every revolution of a heavily loaded shaft; yet it carried th a oil effec- tually into the bearing, which ran much better in consequence than a truly cylindrical journal without a flat side. In thrust-bearings on torpedo-boats Mr. Thornycroft allows a pressure of never more than 50 Ibs. per sq. in. Mr. Tower says (Proc. Inst. M. E., Jan., 1884) : In eccentric-pins of punch- ing and shearing machines very high pressures are sometimes used with- out seizing. In addition to the alternation in the direction, the pressure is applied for only a very short space of time in these machines, so that the oil has no time to be squeezed out. In the discussion on Mr. Tower's paper (Proc. Inst. M. E.. 1885) it was stated that it is well known from practical experience that with a con- stant load on an ordinary journal it is difficult and almost impossible to have more than 200 Ibs. per square inch, otherwise the bearing would get hot and the oil go out of it ; but when the motion was reciprocating, so that the load was alternately relieved from the journal, as with crank- pins and similar journals, much higher loads might be applied than even 700 or 800 Ibs. per square inch. Mr. Goodman (Proc. Inst. C. E., 1886) found that the total frictional resistance is materially reduced by diminishing the width of the brass. The lubrication is most efficient in reducing the friction when the brass subtends an angle of from 120 to 60. The film is probably at its best between the angles 80 and 110. In the case of a brass of a railway axle-bearing where an oil-groove is cut along its crown and an oil-hole is drilled through the top of the brass into it, the wear is invariably on the off side, which is probably due to the oil escaping as soon as it reaches the crown of the brass, and so leaving the off side almost dry, where the wear consequently ensues. In railway axles the brass wears always on the forward side. The same observation has been made in marine-engine journals, which always wear in exactly the reverse way to what might be expected. Mr. Stroud- ley thinks this peculiarity is due to a film of lubricant being drawn in from the under side of the journal to the aft part of the brass, which effectually lubricates and prevents wear on that side; and that when the lubricant reaches the forward side of the brass it is so attenuated down to a wedge shape that there is insufficient lubrication, and greater wear consequently follows. 1228 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. C. J. Field (Power, Feb., 1893) says: One of the most vital points of an engine for electrical service is that of main bearings. They should have a surface velocity of not exceeding 350 feet per minute, with a mean bearing-pressure per square inch of projected area of journal of not more than 80 Ibs. This is considerably within the safe limit of cool perform- ance and easy operation. If the bearings are designed in this way, it would admit the use of grease on all the main wearing-surface, which in a large type of engines for this class of work we think advisable. Oil-pressure in a Bearing. Mr. Beauchamp Tower (Proc. Inst. M. E., Jan., 1885) made experiments with a brass bearing 4 ins. diameter by 6 ins. long, to determine the pressure of the oil between the brass and the journal. The bearing was half immersed in oil, and had a total load of 8008 Ibs. upon it. The journal rotated 150 r.p.m. The pressure of the oil was determined by drilling small holes in the bearing at different points and connecting them by tubes to a Bourdon gauge. It was found that the pressure varied from 310 to 625 Ibs. per sq. in., the greatest pressure being a little to the "off" side of the center line of the top of the bearing, in the direction of motion of the journal. The sum of the up- ward force exerted by these pressures for the whole lubricated area was nearly equal to the total pressure on the bearing. The speed was re- duced from 150 to 20 r.p.m., but the oil-pressure remained the same, showing that the brass was as completely oil-borne at the lower speed as at the higher. The following was the observed friction at the lower speed: Nominal load, Ibs. per sq. in.. .. 443 333 211 89 Coefficient of friction .00132 .00168 .00247 .0044 | The nominal load per square inch is the total load divided by the product of the diameter and length of the journal. At the low speed of 20 r.p.m. it was increased to 676 Ibs. per sq. in. without any signs of heating or seizing. Friction of Car-lournal Brasses. (J. E. Denton, Trans. A. 5. M. E., xii, 405.) A new brass dressed with an emery-wheel, loaded with 5000 ibs., may have an actual bearing-surface on the journal, as shown by the polish or a portion of the surface, of only 1 square inch. With this pressure of 5000 Ibs. per sq. in., the coefficient of friction may be 6%, and the brass may be overheated, scarred and cut, but, on the contrary, it may wear down evenly to a smooth bearing, giving a highly polished area of contact of 3 sq. ins., or more, inside of two hours of running, gradually decreasing the pressure per square inch of contact, and a coefficient of friction of less than 0.5%. A reciprocating motion in the direction of the axis is of importance in reducing the friction. With such polished sur- faces any oil will lubricate, and the coefficient of friction then depends on the viscosity of the oil. With a pressure of 1000 Ibs. per sq. in., revo- lutions from 170 to 320 per min., and temperatures of 75 to 113 F., with both sperm and paramne oils, a coefficient of as low as 0.11% has been obtained, the oil being fed continuously by a pad. Experiments on O verheating of Bearings. Hot Boxes. (Denton.) Tests with car brasses loaded from 1100 to 4500 Ibs. per sq. in. gave 7 cases of overheating out of 32 trials. The tests show how purely a matter of chance is the overheating, as a brass which ran hot at 5000 Ibs. load on one day would run cool on a later date at the same or higher pressure. The explanation of this apparently arbitrary difference of behavior is that tne accidental variations of the smoothness of the sur- faces, almost infinitesimal in their magnitude, cause variations of friction which are always tending to produce overheating, and it is solely a matter of chance when these tendencies preponderate over the lubricating influence of the oil. There is no appreciable advantage shown by sperm- oil, when there is no tendency to overheat that is, paraffine can lubri- cate under the highest pressures which occur, as well as sperm, when the surfaces are within the conditions affording the minimum coefficients of Sperm and other oils of high heat-resisting qualities, like vegetable oil and petroleum cylinder stocks, differ from the more volatile lubricants, like paraffine, only in their ability to reduce the chances of the continual accidental infinitesimal abrasion producing overheating. The effect of emery or other gritty substance in reducing overheating of a bearing is thus explained: FRICTION AND LUBRICATION* 1229 The effect of the emery upon the surfaces of the bearings is to cover the latter with a series of parallel grooves, and apparently after such grooves are made the presence of the emery does not practically increase the friction over its amount when pure oil only is between the surfaces. The infinite number of grooves constitute a very perfect means of insuring a uniform oil supply at every point of the bearings. As long as grooves in the journal match with those in the brasses the friction appears to amount to only about 10% to 15% of the pressure. But if a smooth journal is placed between a set of brasses which are grooved, and pres- sure be applied, the journal crushes the grooves and becomes brazed or coated with brass, and then the coefficient of friction becomes upward of 40%. If then emery is applied, the friction is made very much less by its presence, because the grooves are made to match each other, and a uniform oil supply prevails at every point of the bearings, whereas before the application of the emery many spots of the bearing receive no oil between them. Moment of Friction and Work of Friction of Sliding-surfaces, etc. Moment of Friction, Energy lost b'y Fric- inch-lbs. tion in ft.-lbs. per min. Flat surfaces ............................ fWS Shafts and journals ......... 1/2 fWd 0.2QlSfWdn Flat pivots ---- ' ............ 2/3/fPr 0.349 /PFm Collar-bearing .............. Conical pivot ............... 2/sfWr cosec a 0.349/TFrn cosec a Conical journal ............. 2/sfWr sec a 0.349 fWrn sec a Truncated-cone pivot ........ 2 /^ r ^f O'^^f^ Hemispherical pivot ........ fWr 0.5236 fWrn Tractiix, or Schiele's "anti- friction" pivot ........... fWr 0.5236 fWrn In the above / = coefficient of friction; W = weight on journal or pivot in pounds; r = radius, d = diameter, in inches; S = space in feet through which sliding takes place; TZ = outer radius, r t = inner radius; n = number of revolutions per minute; a * the half-angle of the cone, i.e., the angle of the slope with the axis. To obtain the horse-power, divide the quantities in the last column by 33,000. Horse-power absorbed by friction of a shaft = / og r.^ t The formula for energy lost by shafts and journals is approximately true for loosely fitted bearings. Prof. Thurston shows that the correct formula varies according to the character of fit of the bearing; thus for loosely fitted journals, if U = the energy lost, wn inch-pounds - - 26 / 18/Wn foot-lbs. For perfectly fitted journals U = 2.54 fvrWn inch-lbs.= 0.3325 fWdn ft.-lbs. For a bearing in which the journal is so grasped as to give a uniform pressure throughout, U = f^rWn inch-lbs. = 0.4112 fWdn ft.-lbs. Resistance of railway trains and wagons due to friction of trains: Pull on draw-bar = /X 2240 & R pounds per gross ton, in which R is the ratio of the radius of the wheel to the radius .of journal. A cylindrical journal, perfectly fitted into a bearing, and carrying a total load, distributes the pressure due to this load unequally on the bearing, the maximum pressure being at the extremity of the vertical radius, while at the extremities of the horizontal diameter the pressure is zero. At any point of the bearing-surface at the extremity of a radius which makes an angle 6 with the vertical radius the normal pressure is proportional to cos 0. If p = normal pressure on a unit of surface, 1230 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. w = total load on a unit of length of the journal, and r = radius of journal, w cos = 1.57 rp, p = w cos tt *- 1.57 r. Tests of Large Shaft Bearings are reported by Albert Kingsbury in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1905. A horizontal shaft was supported in two bearings 9 X 30 ins., and a third bearing 15 X 40 ins., midway between the other two, was pressed upwards against the shaft by a weighed lever, so that it was subjected to a pressure of 25 to 50 tons. The journals were flooded with oil from a supply tank. The shaft was driven by an electric motor, and the friction H.P. was determined by measuring the current supplied. Following are the principal results: Load, tons* 25 25 25 25 25 33.6 42.3 47 47 50.5 Load per sq. in.* 83 83 83 83 83 112 141 157 157 168 Speed, r.p.m. 309 506 180 179 301 454 480 946 1243 1286 Speed, ft. per min.* 1215 1990 708 704 1180 1785 1890 3720 4900 5050 Friction H.P.f 12.6 21.7 6.43 5.12 10.1 16 17.9 41.9 47.8 52.3 Coeff. of frictionf .0045 .0048 .0040 .0037 .0037 .0029 .0024 .0025 .0022 .0022 * On the large bearing. t Three bearings. The last three tests were with paraffin oil; the others with heavy machine oil. Clearance between Journal and Bearing. John W. Upp, in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1905 gives a table showing the diameter of bore of horizontal and vertical bearings according to the practice of one of the leading builders of electrical machinery. The maximum diameter of the journal is the same as its nominal diameter, with an allowable variation below maximum of 0.0005 in. up to 3 in. diam., 0.001 in. from 31/2 to 9 in., and 0.0015 in. from 10 to 24 in. The maximum bore of a horizontal bear- ing is larger than the diam. of the journal by from 0.002 in. for a i/2-in. journal to 0.009 'for 6 in., f9r journals 7 to 15 in. it is 0.004 + 0.001 X diam., and for 16 to 24 in. it is uniformly 0.02 in. For vertical journals the clearance is less by from 0.001 to 0.004 in. according to the diameter. The allowable variation above the minimum bore is from 0.001 to 0.005. Allowable Pressures on Bearings. J. T. Nicholson, in a pap._ read before the Manchester Assoc. of Engrs. (Am. Mach., Jan. 16, 1908, Eng. Digest, Feb., 1908), as a result of a theoretical study of the lubrication of bearings and of their emission of heat, obtains the formula p = P/ld 40 (dN) /*, in which p = allowable pressure per sq. in. of projected area, P = total pressure, I = length and d = diam. of journal, N = revs, per min. It appears from this formula that the greater the speed the greater the allowable pressure per sq. in., so that for a 1-in. journal the allowable pressure per sq. in. is 126 Ibs. at 100 r.p.m. and 189 Ibs. at 500 r.p.m., and for a 5-in. journal 189 Ibs. at 100 and 283 Ibs. at 500 r.p.m. W. H. Scott (Eng. Digest, Feb., 1908) says this is contrary to the teaching of practical experience, and therefore the formula is inaccurate. Mr. Scott, from a study of the experiments of Tower, Lasche, and Stribeck, derives the following formulae for the several conditions named: For main bearings of double-acting vertical engines, p = 750 44 horizontal 4t . p = 660 44 single-acting four-cycle gas en- gines ....................................... p = 1350 D1 /i2/N l /4 For crank pins of vert, and hor. double-acting engines . p = 1560 " " " " single-acting four-cycle gas engines, p = 3000 For dead loads with ordinary lubrication .......... p = 400 N 11 forced " ........ p = 1600 N' p allowable pressure in Ibs. per sq. in. of projected area; D = diam,. in ins. ; N = revs. per. min. FKICTION AND LUBRICATION. 1231 F. W. Taylor (Trans. A. S. M. E., 1905), as the result of an investigation of line shaft and mill "bearings that were running near the limit of dura- bility and heating yet not dangerously heating, gives the formula PV =* 400. P = pressure in Ibs. per sq. in. of projected area, V = velocity of circumference of bearing in ft. per sec. The formula is applicable to bearings in ordinary shop or mill use on shafting which is intended to run with the care and attention which such bearings usually receive, and gives the maximum or most severe duty to which it is safe to subject ordinary chain or oiled ball and socket bearings which are babbitted. It is not safe for ordinary shafting to use cast-iron boxes, with either sight feed, wick feed, or grease-cup oiling, under as severe conditions as P X V = 200. Arcbbutt and Deeley's "Lubrication and Lubricants " gives the follow- ing allowable pressures in Ibs. per sq. in. of projected area of bearings. Crank-pin of shearing and punching machine, hard steel, inter- mittent load bearing 300C Bronze crosshead neck journals 1200 Crank pins, large slow engine 80 X S Crank pins, marine engines 400-500 Main crankshaft bearing, fast marine 40C Same, slow marine 600 Railway coach journals 300-400 Flywheel shaft journals 150-200 Small engine crank pin 150-200 Small slide block, marine engine 100 Stationary engine slide blocks 25-125 Same, usual case 30- 60 Propeller thrust bearings 50- 70 Shafts in cast-iron steps, high speed 15 . Bearing Pressures for Heavy Intermittent Loads. (Oberlm Smith, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1905.) In a punching press of about 84 tons capa- city, the pressure upon the front journal of the main shaft is about 2400 Ibs. per sq. in. of projected area. Upon the eccentric the pressure against the pitman driving the ram is some 7000 Ibs. per sq. in. both surfaces being of cast iron, and sometimes running at a surface speed of 140 feet per minute. Such machines run year in and year out with but little trouble in the way of heating or " cutting." An instance of excessive pressure may be cited in the case of a Ferracute toggle press, where the whole ram pressure of 400 tons is brought to bear upon hardened steel toggle-pins, running in cast iron or bronze bearings, 3 in. in diam. by nearly ^4 in. long. These run habitually, for maximum work, under a load of 20,000 Ibs. per sq. in. Bearings for Very High Rotative Speeds. (Proc. Inst. M. E., Oct., 1888, p. 482.) In the Parsons steam-turbine, which has a speed as high as 18,000 rev. per min., as it is impossible to secure absolute accuracy of balance, the bearings are of special construction so as to allow of a certain very small amount of lateral freedom. For this purpose the bearing is surrounded by two sets of steel washers Vi6 in. thick and of different diameters, the larger fitting close in the casing and about 1/32 in. clear of the bearing, and the smaller fitting close on the bearing and about V32 in. clear of the casing. These are arranged alternately, and are pressed together by a spiral spring. Consequently any lateral movement of the bearing causes them to slide mutually against one another, and by their friction to check or damp any vibrations that may be set up in the spindle. The tendency of the spindle is then to rotate about its axis of mass, and the bearings are thereby relieved from excessive pressure, and the machine from undue vibration. The allowing of the turbine itself to find its own center of gyration is a well-known device in other branches of mechanics: as in the instance of the centrifugal hydro-extractor, where a mass very much out of balance is allowed to find its own center of gyration; the faster it runs the more steadily does it revolve and the less is the vibration Another illustration is to be found in the spindles of spinning machinery which run at about 10,000 or 11,000 revs, per min.: although of very small dimensions, the outside diameter of Mie largest portion or driving whorl being perhaps n9t more than 11/4 in., it is found impracticable to run them at that speed in what might be called a hard- and-fast bearing. They are therefore run with some elastic substance 1232 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. surrounding the bearing, such as steel springs, hemp, or cork. Any elastic substance is sufficient to absorb the vibration, and permit of absolutely steady running. Bearing Pressures in Shafts of Parsons Turbines. The product of the bearing pressure in Ib. per sq. in. and the peripheral velocity in ft. per sec. is generally about 2500 (Proc., Inst. Elect. Engrs., June, 1905). Thrust Bearings in Marine Practice. (G. W. Dickie, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1905.) The approximate pressure on a thrust bearing of a propeller shaft assuming two thirds of the indicated horse-power to be effective on the propeller is P = I.H.P. X ^^ * ^080 = ^nF' X 2l7 ' 1 ' in which S = speed of ship in knots per hour, P = total thrust in Ibs. The following are data of water-cooled bearings which have given satisfactory service: Speed in knots 22 221/2 28 21 Thrust-ring surface, horse-shoe type, sq. ins 1188 891 581 2268 Horse-power, one engine, I.H.P 11,500 6,800 4,200 15,000 Indicated pressure on bearing, Ibs,. .. 112,700 89,000 33,600 154,000 Pressure per sq. in. of surface, Ibs 95 100 58 68. 1 Mean speed of bearing surfaces, ft. per min , 642 610 827 504 Bearings for Locomotives. (G. M. Basford, Trans., A. S. J\f. E., 1905.) Bearing areas for Ioc9motive journals are determined chiefly by the possibilities of lubrication. On driving journals the following figures of pressure in Ibs. per sq. in. of projected area give good service: passenger, 190; freight, 200; switching, 220 Ibs. Crank pins may be loaded from 1500 to 1700 Ibs.; wrist pins to 4000 Ibs. per sq. in. Car and tender bearings are usually loaded from 300 to 325 Ibs. per sq. in. Bearings of Corliss Engines. (P. H. Been, Trans, A. S. M. E., 1905.) In the practice of one of the largest builders the greatest pressure allowed per sq. m. of projected area for all shafts is 140 Ibs. On most engines the pressure per sq. in. multiplied by the velocity of the bearing surface in ft. per sec. lies between 1000 and 1300. Edwin Reynolds says that a main engine bearing to be safe against undue heating should be of such a size that the product of the square root of the speed of rubbing-surface in feet per second multiplied by the pounds per square inch of projected area, should not exceed 375 for a horizontal engine, or 500 for a vertical engine when the shaft is lifted at every revo- lution. Locomotive driving boxes in some cases give the product as high as 585, but this is accounted for by the cooling action of the air. (Am. Mach., Sept. 17, 1903.) Temperature of Engine Bearings. (A. M. Mattice, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1905.) An examination of the temperature of bearings of a large num- ber of engines of various makes showed more above 135 F. than below that figure. Many bearings were running with a temperature over 150, and in one case at 180, and in all of these cases the bearings were giving no trouble. PIVOT-BEARINGS. The Schiele Curve. W. H. Harrison (Am. Mack., 1891) says the Schiele curve is not as good a form for a bearing as the segment of a sphere. He says: A mill-stone weighing a ton frequently bears its whole weight upon the flat end of a hard-steel pivot 1 Vs in. diam., or 1 sq. in. area of bearing; but to carry a weight of 3000 Ibs. he advises an end bearing about 4 ins. diam., made in the form of a segment of a sphere about 1/2 in. in height. The die or fixed bearing should be dished to fit the pivot. This form gives a chance for the bearing to adjust itself, which it does not have when made flat, or when made with the Schiele curve. If a side bearing is necessary it can be arranged farther up the shaft. The pivot and die should be of steel, hardened; cross-gutters should be in the die to allow oil to flow, and a central oil-hole should be made in the shaft. The advantage claimed for the Schiele bearing is that the pressure is uniformly distributed over its surface, and that it therefore wears uni- formly. Wilfred Lewis (Am. Mach., April 19, 1894) says that its merits BALL-BEARINGS, BOLLER-BEAHINGS, ETC. 1233 as a thrust-bearing have been vastly overestimated; that the term "anti-friction" applied to it is a misnomer, since its friction is greater than that of a flat step or collar of the same diameter. He advises that flat thrust-bearings should always be annular in form, having an inside diameter one-half of the external diameter. Friction of a Flat Pivot-bearing. The Research Committee on Friction (Proc. Inst. M. E., 1891) experimented on a step-bearing, flat- tended, 3 in. diam., the oil being forced into the bearing through a hole in its center and distributed through two radial grooves, insuring thorough lubrication. The step was of steel and the bearing of manganese-bronze. At revolutions per min. 50 128 194 290 353 The coefficient of friction \ 0.0181 0.0053 0.0051 0.0044 0.0053 varied between / and 0.0221 0.0113 0.0102 0.0178 0.0167 With a white-metal bearing at 128 revs, the coefficient of friction was a little larger than with the manganese-bronze. At the higher speeds the coefficient of friction was less, owing to the more perfect lubrication, as shown by the more rapid circulation of the oil. At 128 revs, the bronze-bearing heated and seized on one occasion with a load of 260 Ibs., and on another occasion with 300 Ibs. per sq. in. The white-metal bear- ing under similar conditions heated and seized with a load of 240 Ibs. per sq. in. The steel footstep on manganese-bronze was afterwards tried, lubricating, with three and with four radial grooves; but the friction was from one and a half times to twice as great as with only the two grooves. Mercury-bath Pivot. A nearly frictionless step-bearing may be obtained by floating the bearing with its superincumbent weight upon mercury. Such an apparatus is used in the lighthouses of La Heve, Havre. It is thus described in Eng'g, July 14, 1893, p. 41: The optical apparatus, weighing about 1 ton, rests on a circular cast- iron table, which is supported by a vertical shaft of wrought iron 2.36 in. diameter. This is kept in position at the top by a bronze ring and outer iron support, and at the bottom in the same way, while it rotates on a removable steel pivot resting in a steel socket, which is fitted to the base of the support. To the vertical shaft there is rigidly fixed a floating cast- iron ring 17.1 in. diameter and 11.8 in. in depth, which is plunged into and rotates in a mercury bath contained in a fixed outer drum or tank, the clearance between the vertical surfaces of the drum and ring being only 0.2 in., so as to reduce as much as possible the volume of mercury (about 220 Ibs.), while the horizontal clearance at the bottom is 0.4 in. BALL-BEARINGS, BOIXEB-BEABINGS, ETC. Friction-rollers. If a journal instead of revolving on ordinary bearings be supported on friction-rollers the force required to make the journal revolve will be reduced in nearly the same proportion that the diameter of the axles of the rollers is less than the diameter of the rollers themselves. In experiments by A. M. Wellington with a journal 31/2 in. diam. supported on rollers 8 in. diam., whose axles were 13/4 in. diam., the friction in starting from rest was 1/4 the friction of an ordinary 3V2-in bearing, but at a car speed of 10 miles per hour it was V.2 that of the ordi- nary bearing. The ratio of the diam. of the axle to diam. of roller was 13/4: 8, or as 1 to 4.6. Coefficients of Friction of Boiler Bearings. C. H. Benjamin, Machy. Oct., 1905. Comparative tests of plain babbitted, McKeel plain roller, and Hyatt roller bearings gave the following values of the coefficient of friction at a speed of 560 r.p.m.: Diameter of Journal. Hyatt Bearing. McKeel Bearing. Babbitt Bearing. Max. Min. Ave. Max. Min. Ave. .022 Max. Min. Ave. 1 15/15 23/ 16 27/J6 2 15/1 6 .032 .019 .042 .029 .012 .011 .025 .022 .018 .014 .032 .025 .033 .017 .074 .088 .114 .125 .029 .078 .083 .089 .043 .082 .096 .107 .028 .039 .015 .019 .021 .027 The friction of the roller-bearing is from one-fifth to one-third that ol a plain bearing at moderate loads and speeds. It is noticeable that as. the load on a roller-bearing increases the coefficient of friction decreases. A slight change in the pressure due to the adjusting nuts was sufficient to increase the friction considerably. In the McKeel bearing the rolls 1234 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. t>ore on a cast-iron sleeve and in the Hyatt on a soft-steel one. If rollcH bearings are properly adjusted and not overloaded a saving of from 2-3 to 3-4 of the friction may be reasonably expected. McKeel bearings contained rolls turned from solid steel and guided by spherical ends fitting recesses in cage rings at each end. The cage rings were joined to each other by steel rods parallel to the rolls Lubrication is absolutely necessary with ball and roller bearings, although the contrary claim is often advanced. Under favorable con- ditions an almost imperceptible, film is sufficient; a sufficient quantity to immerse half the lowest ball should always be provided as a rust preventive. Rust and grit must be kept out of ball and roller bearings. Acid or rancid lubricants are as destructive as rust. (Henry Hess.) Both ball and roller bearings, to give the best satisfaction, should be made of steel, hardened and ground; accurately fitted, and in proper alignment with the shaft and load; cleaned and oiled regularly, and fitted with as large-size balls or rollers as possible, depending upon the revolutions per minute and load to be carried. Oil is absolutely necessary on both ball and roller bearings, to prevent rust. (S. S. Eveland.) Roller Bearings. The Mossberg roller bearings for journals are made in the sizes given in the table below. D = diam. of journal; d = diam. of roll; N = number of rolls; P = safe load on journals, in Ibs. The rolls are enclosed in a bronze supporting cage. (Trans. A. S. M. E., 1905.) i ^ d N P D d N P D d N P 2 V4 20 3,500 6 U/16 24 50,000 15 13/8 28 255,000 21/2 5/16 3/8 22 22 7,000 13,000 7 8 is/16 7/8 22 22 70.COO 90,000 18 20 13/8 11/2 32 34 325,000 400,000 4 7/lfl 24 24,000 9 1 24 115,000 24 U/o 38 576,000 5 tt/te 24 37,000 12 H/4 26 175,000 Surface speed of journal to 50 ft. per min. Length of journal li/2 diameters. The rolls are made of tool steel not too high in carbon, and of spring temper. The journal or shaft should be made not above a medium spring temper. The box should be made of high carbon steel and tem- pered as hard as possible. Conical Roller Thrust Bearings. The Mossberg thrust bearing is made of conical rollers contained in a cage, and two collars, one being stationary and the other fixed to the shaft and revolving with it. One side of each collar is made conical to correspond with the rollers which bear on it. The apex of the cones is at the center of the shaft. The angle of the cones is 6 to 7 degrees. Larger angles are objectionable, giving excessive end thrust. The following sizes are made: Diameter of Shaft. Ins. Outside Diameter of Ring. Ins. No. of Rolls. Safe Pressure on Bearing. Area of Pressure Plate. Sq. ins. Speed 75 Rev. Lbs. Speed 150 Rev. Lbs. 21/16-21/4 31/16-31/4 41/16-41/4 51/16-51/4 61/16-61/2 81/16-81/2 91/16-91/2 59/16 105/ 16 $ lo 8 ^ 30 30 30 30 30 32 32 10 20 35 54 78 132 162 19,000 40,000 70,000 108,000 125,000 200,000 300,000 9500 20,000 35,000 56,000 62,000 100,000 150,000 Plain Roller Thrust Bearings. S. S. Eveland, of the Standard Roller Bearing Co., contributes the following data of plain roller thrust bearings in use in 1903. The bearing consists of a large number of short cylindrical rollers enclosed in openings in a disk placed between two hardened steel plates. He says "our plain roller bearing is theoretically wrong, but in practice it works perfectly, and has replaced many thou* sand ball-bearings which have proven unsatisfactory." BALL-BEARINGS, ROLLER-BEARINGS, ETC. 1235 Size of Bearing, Ins. Number and Size of Rollers, Ins. R.p.m. Wt. on Bearings, Lbs. Lineal Inches. Weight per lin. in., Lbs. Weight on each Roll,Lb. 43/ 4 X 6H/16 43/4X 71/4 5 1/2 X 8 1/2 7 Xl03/ 8 71/2X11 5/16 8 X151/2 36 5/ 8 X5/16 32 3/4 X5/8 54 3/4X5/ 8 48 1 XV2 54 I Xl/2 70 1 1/4 X5/8 500 470 . 420 370 325 300 6.000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 60,000 11 V4 12 201/4 24 27 45 546 833 750 833 988 1334 167 312 279 417 463 833 The Hyatt Roller Bearing. (A. L. Williston, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1 1905.) The distinctive feature of the Hyatt roller bearing is a flexible roller, made of a strip of steel wound into a coil or spring of uniform diam- eter. A roller of this construction insures a uniform distribution of the : load along the line of contact of the roller and the surfaces on which it ! operates. It also permits any slight irregularities in either journal or box without causing excessive pressure. The roller is hollow and serves as ; an oil reservoir. For a heavy load, a roller of heavy stock can be made- while for a high-speed bearing under light pressure a roller of light weight, ; made from thin stock, can be used. Following are the results of some tests i of the Hyatt bearing in comparison with other bearings: A shaft 152 ft. long, 215/ 16 in. diam. supported by 20 bearings, belt- : driven from one end, gave a friction load of 2.28 H.P. with babbitted i bearings, and 0.80' H.P. with Hyatt bearings. With 88 countershafts j running in babbitted bearings, the H.P. required was 8.85 when the main shaft was in babbitted bearings and 6.36 H.P. when it was in Hyatt bearings. Comparative tests of solid rollers and of Hyatt rollers were made in ! 1898 at the Franklin Institute by placing two sets of rollers between three fiat plates, putting the plates under load in a testing machine and measur- ing the force required to move the middle plate. All the rollers were 8/4 in. diam., 10 ins. long. The Hyatt rollers were made of 1/2 X Vs in. . Bteel strip. With 2000 Ibs. load and plain rollers it took 26 Ibs. to move : the plate, and with the Hyatt rollers 9 Ibs. With 3000 Ibs. load and plain rollers the resistance was 34 Ibs., with Hyatt rollers 17 Ibs. In teats with a pendulum friction testing machine at the Case Scientific School, with a bearing 115/ 16 in. diam. the coefficient of friction with the Hyatt bearing was from 0.0362 down to 0.0196, the loads increasing from 64 to 264 Ibs.; with cast-iron bearings and the same loads the coefficient was from 0.165 to 0.098. In tests at Purdue University with bearings 4 X 1V2 ins. and loads from 1900 to 8300 Ibs., the average coefficients with different bearings and : different speeds were as follows: Hyatt bearing 130 r.p.m. 0.0114 302 r.p.m. 0.0099 585 r.p.m. 0.0147 Cast-iron bearing 128 " 0.0548 302 " 0.0592 410 " 0.0683 Bronze bearing 130 " 0.0576 320 " 0.0661 582 " 0.140 The cast-iron bearing at 128 r.p.m. seized with 8300 Ibs., and at 410 r.p.m. with 5900 Ibs. The bronze bearing seized at 130 r.p.m. with 3500 Ibs., at 320 r.p.m. with 5100 Ibs., and at 582 r.p.m. with 2700 Ibs. - The makers have found that the advantages of roller bearings of the type described are especially great with either high speeds or heavy loads. i Generally, the best results are obtained for line-shaft work up to speeds of 600 rev. per min., when a load of 30 Ibs. per square inch of projected area is allowed. For heavy load at slow speed, such as in crane and truck wheels, a load of 500 Ibs. gives the best results. The Friction Coefficient of a well-made annular ball-bearing is 0.001 and 0.002 of the load referred to the shaft diameter and is independent of the speed and load. The friction coefficient of a good roller bearing is from 0.0035 to 0.014; it rises very much if the load is light. It in- creases also when the speeds are very low, though not so much as with plain bearings. (Henry Hess.) Notes on Ball Bearings. The following notes are contributed by Mr. Henry Hess, 1910. Ball bearings in modern use date from the bi- cycle. That brought in the adjustable cup and cone and three-point contact type. Under the demands for greater load resistance and relia- bility the two-point contact type, without adjustability, was evolved; that is now used under loads from a few pounds to many tons. Such a 1236 FKICTION AND 'LUBRICATION. bearing consists of an inner race, an outer race and the series of balls that roll in tracks of curved cross section. Various designs are used, differing chiefly in the devices for separating the balls and in the arrange- ment for introducing the balls between the races. The most widely used type has races that are of the same cross section throughout, un- broken by any openings for the introduction of balls. To introduce the balls the two races are first eccentrically placed; the balls will fill slightly more than a half circumference; elastic separators or solid cages are used to space the balls. Another type has a filling opening of sufficient depth cut into one race; the race continuity is restored by a small piece that is let in. This type is usually filled with balls, without cages or separators. The filling opening is always placed at the unloaded side of the bearing, where the weakening of the race is not important. This type has been almost en- tirely discarded in favor of the one above described. A third type has a filling opening cut into each race not quite deep enough to tangent the bottom of the ball track. As this weakened section necessarily comes under the load during each revolution, the carrying capacity is reduced. After slight wear there develops an inter- ference of the balls with the edges of these openings, which seriously reduces the speeds and load capacity. This interference precludes the use of this type to take end thrust. The carrying capacity of a ball-bearing is directly proportional to the number of balls and to the square of the ball diameter. It may be written as: L = Knd 2 , in which L = load capacity in pounds; n = number of balls; d^ball diameter in eighths of an inch. K varies with the condition and type of bearing, as also with the material and speed. For a certain special steel that hardens throughout and is also unusu- ally tough, employed by " DWF" or " HB" (the originators of the modern two-point type), the following values apply. For other steels lesser values must be used. I. For Radial Bearings : K =* 9 for uninterrupted race track, cross-section curvature = 0.52 and 9/ 16 in. ball diameter respectively for inner and outer races, separated balls, uniform load, and steady speed up to 3000 revs, per min. K = 5 for full ball type, filling opening in one race at the unloaded side, otherwise as above. K = 2.5 for both ball tracks interrupted by filling openings, inelastic cage separators f9r balls, or full ball, speeds not above 2000 revs, per min., uniform load. K = 0.9 for thrust on a radial bearing of the first type, as above. The larger the balls the smaller K. The type with filling openings in each race is not suitable for end thrust. The radial load bearing is, up to high speeds, practically unaffected by speed, as to carrying capacity. II. Thrust Bearings: With the thrust type, consisting of one flat plate and one seat plate with grooved ball races, the load capacity decreases with speed or KI= constant for material and race cross-section, etc., R = revolu- tions per minute. R ranges from about 3000 revs, per min. down to 1 rev. per min. as for crane hooks and similar elements. KI= 25 to 40 for material used by the DWF or HB, and race cross- section radius = approx. 1.66 ball radius. KI= 0.5 for unhardened steel, occasionally used for very large races; a steel that is fairly hard without tempering must be used, and then only when there is no hammering or sharp load variation. Balls must be carefully selected to make sure that all that are used in the same bearing do not vary among one another by more than O.OOOi inch. A ball that is more than that larger than its fellows will sustain more than its proportion of the load, and may therefore be overloaded and will in turn overload the races. BALL-BEARINGS, ROLLER-BEARINGS, ETC. 1237 The usual test of ball quality, which consists in compressing a ball between flat plates and noting the load at rupture, gives the quality of the plates, but not of the balls. It is the ability of the ball to resist permanent deformation that is of importance. As the deformations involved are very small the test is a difficult one to carry out. Of even greater importance than a small deformation under load is uniformity of such deformation between the balls employed; a hard ball will deform less than its softer mate and so will carry more than its share of the load, and will therefore be overloaded and in turn overload the races. Coned bearings for balls are objectionable. The defect in all these forms of bearings is their adjustable feature. A bearing properly propor- tioned with reference to a certain load may be enormously overloaded by a little extra effort applied to the wrench, or on the other hand the bear- ing may be adjusted with too little pressure, so that the balls will rattle, and the results consequently be unsatisfactory. The prevalent idea that coned ball-bearings can be adjusted to compensate for wear is erroneous. Mr. Hess's paper, in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1907, contains a great deal of useful information on the practical design of ball-bearings, including different forms of raceways. He prefers a two-point bearing, in which the ball races have a curved section, with sustaining surfaces at right angles with the direction of the load. Formulae for Number of Balls in a Bearing. (H. Rolfe, Am. Mach., Dec. 3, 1896.) Let D = diam. 9f ball circle (the circle passing through the centers of the balls); d diam. of balls; n = number of balls; s = average clearance space between the balls. Then D = (d + s) -r- sin (180/n); d = D sin (180/n) - s; s = D sin (180 /n) - d; n =180 4- angle whose sine is (d + s) -=->. The clearance s should be about 0.003 in. VALUES OF 180/n AND OF SIN 180/n. 8 \ n. 1 n. s 1 . n. i 1 .S *w 1 a '53 .& '53 i a z 3 60 0.86603 15 12 0.20791 27 '6.667 0.11609 39 4.615 0.08047 A 45 .70711 16 11.250 .19509 28 6.429 .11197 40 4.500 .07846 5 36 .58799 17 10.588 .18375 29 6.207 .10812 41 4.390 .07655 6 30 .50000 18 10 .17365 30 6 .10453 42 4.286 .07473 7 25.714 .43388 19 9.474 .16454 31 5.806 .10117 43 4.186 .07300 8 22.500 .38268 20 9. . 15643 32 5.625 .09801 44 4.091 .07134 9 20 .34202 21 8.571 .14904 33 5.455 .09506 45 4 .06976 10 18 .30902 22 8.182 .14233 34 5.294 .09227 46 3.913 .06825 11 16.364 .28173 23 7.826 .13616 35 5.143 .08963 47 3.830 .06679 12 15 .25882 24 7.500 . 13053 36 5 .08716 48 3.750 .06540 13 13.846 .23931 25 7.200 . 12533 37 4.865 .08510 49 3.673 .06407 14 12.857 .22252 26 6.923 .12055 38 4.737 .08258 50 3.600 .06279 Grades of Balls for Bearings. (S. S. Eyeland, Trans. A. S. M. E. t 1905.) "A" grade balls vary about 0.0025 in. in diameter; "B" grade, 0.001 to 0.002 in.; while " high-duty" or special balls are furnished varying not over 0.0001 in. The crushing strength of balls is of little importance as to the load a bearing will carry, the revolutions per minute being quite as important as the load. Saving of Power by Use of Bali-Bearings. Henry Hess (Trans. A. S. M. E., 1909) describes a series of tests made by Dodge and Day pn a 2 15 /16 in. line shaft 72 ft. long, alternately equipped with plain ring-oiling babbitted boxes and with H ess-Bright ball-bearings. Eight countershafts were driven from pulleys on the line shaft. The countershaft pulleys had plain bearings. The conclusions from the tests made under normal belt conditions of 44 and 57 Ibs. per inch width of angle of single belt are as follows: a. Savings due to the substitution of ball-bearings for plain bearings on line shafts may be safely calculated by using 0.0015 as the coefficient of ball-bearing friction, 0.03 as the coefficient of line shaft friction, and 0.08 as the coefficient of countershaft friction. b. When the belts from line shaft to countershaft pull all in one direc- tion and nearly horizontally the saving due to the substitution of ball- 1238 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. bearings for plain bearings on the line shaft may be safely taken as 35% of the bearing friction. c. When ball-bearings are used also on the countershafts the savings will be correspondingly greater and may amount to 70% or more of the bearing friction. d. These percentages of savings are percentages of the friction work lost in the plain bearings; they are not percentages of the total power transmitted. The latter will depend upon the ratio of the total power transmitted to that absorbed in the line and countershafts. e. The power consumed in the plain line and countershafts varies, as is well known, from 10 to 60% in different industries and shops. The- substitution of ball-bearings for plain bearings on the line shaft only, under conditions of paragraph "a," will thus result in saving of total power of 35 X 0.10 = 3.5% to 35 X 0.60 = 21%. By using ball-bearings on the countershafts also, the saving of total power will be from 70 X 0.10 = 7% to 70 X 0.60 = 42%. KNIFE-EDGE BEARINGS. Allowable loads on knife-edges vary with the manner in which the pivots or knife-edges are held in the lever and the pivot supports or seats secured to the base of weighing machines. The extension of the pivot beyond the solid support is practically worthless. A high-grade uniform tool steel with carbon 0.90% to 1.00% should be used. The temper of the seats should be drawn to a very light straw color; that of the pivots should be slightly darker. The angle of 90 for the knife-edge has given good results for heavy loads. For ordinary weighing ma- cliinery and most testing machinery 5000 Ib. per in. of length is ample. Loads of 10,000 Ib. per inch of length are permissible, but the pivot must be flat at its upper portion, normal to the load and supported its whole length, with a minimum deflection of parts to secure reasonable accuracy. The edge may be made perfectly sharp, for loads up to 1000 Ib. per inch of length. For greater loads the sharp edge is rubbed with an oilstone, so that a smoothness is just visible. A pronounced radius of knife-edge will decrease the sensibility of the apparatus. (Jos. W. Bramwell, Eng. News, June 14, 1906.) FRICTION OF STEAM-ENGINES. Distribution of the Friction of Engines. Prof. Thurston, in his "Friction and Lost Work," gives the following: 3. 35.0 21.0 Main bearings 1. . . . . 47 2. 35 4 Piston and rod . ... 32.9 25 Crank-pin 6 8 5 1 54 4 1 Valve and rod 25 26 4 Eccentric strap 53 4 Link and eccentric. . . 13.0 22.0 9.0 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 No. 1, Straight-line, 6 x 12 in., balanced valve; No. 2, Straight-line, 6 x 12 in., unbalanced valve; No. 3, 7 x 10 in., Lansing traction, locomo- tive valve-gear. Prof. Thurston's tests on a number of different styles of engines indicate that the friction of any engine is practically constant under all loads. (Trans. A. S. M. E., viii, 86; ix, 74.) In a straight-line engine, 8 x 14 in., I.H.P. from 7.41 to 57.54, the friction H.P. varied irregularly between 1.97 and 4.02, the variation being independent of the load. With 50 H.P. on the brake the I.H.P. was only 52.6, the friction being only 2.6 H.P., or about 5%. A compound condensing-engine, tested from to 102.6 brake H.P., gave I.H.P. from 14.92 to 117.8 H.P., the friction H.P. varying only from 14.92 to 17.42. At the maximum load the friction was 15.2 H.P., or 12.9%. The friction increases with increase of the boiler-pressure from 30 to 70 IDS., and then becomes constant. The friction generally increases with Increase of speed, but there are exceptions to this rule. Prof. Den ton (Stevens Indicator, July, 1890), comparing the calculated friction on a number of engines with the friction as determined by measure- FHICTION BRAKES AND FHICTION CLUTCHES. 1239 ment, finds that in one case, a 75-ton ammonia ice-machine, the friction of the compressor, 171/2 H.P., is accounted for by a coefficient of friction, of 71/2% on all the external bearings, allowing 6% of the entire friction of the machine for the friction of pistons, stuffing-boxes, and valves. In the case of the Pawtucket pumping-engine, estimating the friction of the external bearings with a coefficient of friction of 6% and that of the pistons, valves, and stuffing-boxes as in the case of the ice-machine, we have the total friction distributed as follows: Horse- Percent Crank-pins and effect of piston-thrust on main shaft .71* ^11 4* Weight of fly-wheel and main shaft 1 .95 33 4 Steam-valves 23 37 Eccentric '07 1 '2 Pistons .43 7 '2 Stuffing-boxes, six altogether 72 113 Air-pump 2.10 32 '.& Total friction of engine with load 6 .21 100 Total friction per cent of indicated power. 4.27 The friction of this engine, though very low in proportion to the indi- cated power, is satisfactorily accounted for by Morin's law used with a coefficient of friction of 5%. In both cases the main items of friction are those due to the weight of the fly-wheel and main shaft and to the piston- thrust on crank-pins and main-shaft bearings. In the ice-machine the latter items are the larger owing to the extra crank-pin to work the pumps, while in the Pawtucket engine the former preponderates, as the crank- thrusts are partly absorbed by the piump-pistons, and only the surplus effect acts on the crank-shaft. Prof. Denton describes in Trans. A. S. M. E., x. 392, an apparatus by which he measured the friction of the piston packing-ring. When the parts of the piston were thoroughty devoid of lubricant, the coefficient of friction was found to be about 7 1/2%; with an oil-feed of one drop in two minutes the coefficient was about 5%; with one drop per minute it was about 3%. These rates of feed gave unsatisfactory lubrication, the piston groaning at the ends of the stroke when run slowly, and the flow of oil left upon the surfaces was found by analysis to contain about 50% of iron. A feed of two drops per minute reduced the coefficient of friction to about 1%, and gave practically perfect lubrication, the oil retaining its natural color and purity. FRICTION BRAKES AND FRICTION CLUTCHES. Friction Brakes are used for slowing down or stopping a moving machine by converting its energy of motion into heat, or for controlling the speed of a descending load. The simplest form is the block brake, commonly used for railway car wheels, which resists the motion of the wheel not only with the force due to ordinary sliding friction, but with that due to cutting or grinding away the surface of the metals in contact. If P = total pressure acting normal to the sliding surface, / = coefficient of friction, and v velocity in feet per minute, then the energy absorbed, in foot-pounds per minute, is Pfv. If the surface is lubricated and the pressure per square inch not great enough to squeeze out the lubricant, then the value of / for different materials may be taken from Morin's tables for friction of motion, page 1221, but if the pressure is great enough to force out the lubricant, then the coefficient becomes much greater and the surfaces will cut and wear, with a rapid' rise of temperature. Other forms of brakes are disk brakes and cone brakes, in which a disk or cone is carried by the rotating shaft and a mating disk or cone is pressed against it by a lever or other means; and band brakes, also called strap or ribbon brakes, in which a flexible band encircles the cylindrical surface of a rotating drum or wheel, and tension applied to one end of the band brings it in contact with that surface. For band brakes the theory of friction of belts applies. See page 1138. For much information on the theory and practice of friction brakes see articles by C. F. Blake in Mach'y, Jan., 1901, Mar., 1905, and Aug., 1906, and by 3. R. Douglas, Am. Mach., Dec. 26, 1901, and R. B. Brown, Mach'y. April, 1909. For friction brake dynamometers see Dynamometers. 1240 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. Friction Clutches are used for putting shafts in motion gradually, without shock. If two shafts, in line with each other, one in motion and the other at rest, each having a disk keyed to the end, and the disks almost touching, are moved toward each other so that the disks are brought in contact with some pressure, the shaft at rest will be put in motion gradually, while the disks rub on each other, until it acquires the velocity of the driving shaft, when the friction ceases and the disks may then be locked together. This is an elementary form of friction clutch. A great variety of styles are made in which the sliding surfaces may be disks, cones, and gripping btocks of various forms. The work done by a clutch while the surfaces are in sliding contact, and before they are locked together is the overcoming of the inertia of the driven shaft and of all the mechanism driven by it, and giving it the velocity of the driving shaft. The principles of friction brakes apply to friction clutches. The sliding surfaces must be of sufficient area to keep the normal pressure below tha,t at which they will overheat, cut and wear, and to dissipate the heat generated by friction. The following values of the coefficient of friction to be used in designing clutches are given by C. W. Hunt: cork on iron, 0.35; leather on iron, 0.3; wood on iron, 0.2; iron on iron, 0.25 to 0.3. Lower values than these should be assumed for velocities exceeding 400 ft. per minute. The pressure per square inch in disk clutches should not exceed 25 or 30 Ibs., and wooden surfaces should not be loaded beyond 20 to 25 Ibs. per sq. in. See Kimball and Barr on Machine Design, also Trans. A. S. M. E., 1903 and 1908. Electrically Operated Brakes are discussed by H. A Steen in a paper read before the Engrs. Socy. of W. Penna., reprinted in Iron Trade Rev., Dec. 24, 1908. Formulae are given for the time required for stop- ping, for the heat generated and the temperature rise, for different types of brakes. Magnetic and Electric Brakes. For braking the load on electric cranes a band brake is used which is held off the drum by the action of a magnet or solenoid, and is put on by the action of a spring or weight. The solenoid usually consists of a coil of wire connected in series with the motor, and a plunger working inside of the coil. It should be so pro- portioned that its action is not delayed by residual magnetism when the current is cut off. Too rapid action is prevented by making the end of the solenoid an air dash-pot. For electric-driven machinery an electric motor makes a most efficient brake by reversing the directi9n of the electric current, causing the motor to become a generator supplying current to a rheostat in which it is con- verted into heat and dissipated. In some cases the electric current generated, instead of being absorbed in a rheostat, is fed into the main electric circuit. In this case the energy of the rotating mass, instead 9f being wasted in friction or in electrical heating, is converted into electric energy and thus conserved for further use. Design of Band Brakes. (R. A. Greene, Am. Mach. t Oct. 8, 1908.) In the practice of the Browning Engineering Co., Cleveland, O., in regard to the design of band brakes the equations are: 2 T T= PX, t = T -P, S = * J , #= S X DX 0.262 X revolutions per L) X r minute, in which T = the greater tension on the band, t = the lesser tension on the band, P = equivalent load on the brake drum, X = factor from the accompanying table, X = \r _ -, i n which N = 10 27288 / C where / = the coefficient of friction and c the length of arc of contact in degrees divided by 360. D = diam. of brake drum, F = width of face of brake drum, S = a checking factor which has a maximum limit of 65, 1? = a checking factor which has a limit of 54,000 (Yale & Towne practice) or 60,000 (Brown hoist practice). EXAMPLE. A band brake is to be designed having an arc of contact of 260, coefficient of friction = 0.2, drum diameter 30 ins., face 4 ins , speed 100 r.p.m., and a load of 3000 Ibs. acting on a diameter of 20 ins. Then P= 3000 X 20-4- 30=2000 pounds, X = 1.68 (from table), T = 2000 X 1.68 = 3360 pounds, t = 3360 - 2000 = 1360 pounds, S = 2 X3360-*- (30X4)=56 (within the limit), * = 56X30 X 0.262 X 100=44,000 (within the limit). FRICTION OF HYDRAULIC PLUNGER PACKING. 1241 Degrees. Values of X. Degrees. Values of X. f =0.2. / =0.3. / =0.4. f =0.2. / =0.3. / =0.4. 180 195 210 240 250 2.14 2.03 1.93 1.76 1.72 .64 ' .56 .50 .40 .37 .40 .35 .30 .23 .21 260 270 280 290 300 .68 .64 .60 .57 .54 .35 .32 .30 .28 .26 .19 .18 .17 .15 .14 FRICTION OF HYDRAULIC PLUNGER PACKING. The "Taschenbuch der Hutte" (15th edition, vol. 1, p. 202) says: "For stuffing-boxes with hemp, cotton or leather packing, with water pressures between 1 and 50 atmospheres, the frictional loss is dependent upon the water pressure, the circumference of the packed surface, and a coefficient n, which is constant lor this range of pressure. The loss is independent of the depth of stuffing-box or leather ring, and is given by the formula F = Kpd, in which F = total frictional loss in pounds, p pressure in pounds per sq. in., d diameter of plunger in inches. K is a coefficient, which depends on the kind and condition of the pack- ing, and is given as follows for various cases. For cotton or hemp, loose or braided, dipped in hot tallow; plungers smooth, glands not pulled down too tight, packing therefore retaining its elasticity; dimensions such as usually occur, K = 0.072. Same conditions, after packing is some months old, K = 0.132. Materials the same, but with hard packing, unfavorable conditions, etc., /C = as much as 0.299. Leather packing; soft leather, well made, etc., K = 0.036 to 0.084. Hard, stiffly tanned leather, K = 0.12 to 0.156. Unfavorable conditions; rough plungers, gritty water, etc., K=&s much as 0.239. Weisbach-Hermann, " Mechanics of Hoisting Machinery," gives a formula which when translated into the same notation as the one in " Hutte " is F = 0.0312 pd to 0.0767 pd. Since the total pressure on a plunger is l /4nd?p, the ratio of the loss of pressure to the total pressure is Kpd-- l /47td 2 p, or, using the extreme values of K, 0.0312 and 0.299. the ratio ranges from 0.04 -s-d to Q.38 + d, or from 4 to 38 per cent divided by the diameter in inches. Walter Ferris (Am. Mack., Feb. 3, 1898) derives from the formula given above the following formula for the pressure produced by a hemp- packed hydraulic intensitier made with two plungers of different diameters: A-KD in which ^2 = pressure per sq. in. produced by the intensifier, pi= initial Sressure, A=area and D = diam. of the larger plunger, o = area and d = iam. of the smaller plunger, and K an experimental coefficient. He gives the following results of tests of an intensifier with a small plunger 8 ins. diam. and two large plungers, 14V4 and 173/4 ins., either one of which could be used as desired. Diam. of large plunger, in. 141/4 141/4 173/4 173/4 Initial pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. 285 475 335 350 Intensified pressure, ibs. per sq. in. 750 1450 1450 1510 Intensified if there were no friction 905 1505 1650 1725 Intensified calculated by formula* 806 1433 1572 1643 Efficiency of machine 0.83 0.965 0.88 0.875 LUBRICATION. Measurement of the Durability of Lubricants. (J. E. Denton, Trans. A. S. M. E., xi, 1013.) Practical differences of durability of lubricants depend not on any differences of inherent ability to resist being "worn out" by rubbing, but upon the rate at which they flow through and away from the bearing-surfaces. The conditions which * Assuming K = 0.2. each case was 0,953, The efficiency calculated by the formula in 1242 FRICTION AND LUBRICATION. control this flow are so delicate in their influence that all attempts thus far made to measure durability of lubricants may be said to have failed to make distinctions of lubricating value having any practical significance. In some kinds of service the limit to the consumption of oil depends upon the extent to which dust or other refuse becomes mixed with it, as in railroad-car lubrication and in the case of agricultural machinery. The economy of one oil over another, so far as the quality used is concerned that is, so far as durability is concerned is simply proportional to the rate at which it can insinuate itself into and flow out of minute orifices or cracks. Oils will differ in their ability to do this, first, in proportion to their viscosity, and, second, in proportion to the capillary properties which they may possess by virtue of the particular ingredients used in their composition. Where the thickness of film between rubbing-surfaces must be so great that large amounts of oil pass through bearings in a given time, and the surroundings are such as to permit oil to be fed at high temperatures or applied by a method not requiring a perfect fluidity, it is probable that the least amount of oil will be used when the viscosity is as great as in the petroleum cylinder stocks. When, however, the oil must flow freely at ordinary temperatures and the feed of oil is restricted, as in the case of crank-pin bearings, it is not practicable to feed such heavy oils in a satisfactory manner. Oils of less viscosity or of a fluidity approximating to lard-oil must then be used. Relatiw Value of Lubricants. (J. E. Denton, Am. Mach., Oct 30 1890.) The three elements which determine the value of a lubricant are the cost due to consumption of lubricants, the cost spent for coal to overcome the frictional resistance caused by use of the lubricant, and the cost due to the metallic wear on the journal and the brasses. The Qualifications of a Good Lubricant, as laid down by W. H. Bailey, in Proc. Inst. C. E., vol. xlv, p. 372, are: 1. Sufficient body to keep the surfaces free from contact under maximum pressure. 2. The greatest possible fluidity consistent with the foregoing condition. 3. The lowest possible coefficient of friction, which in bath lubrication would be for fluid friction approximately. 4. The greatest capacity for storing and carrying away heat. 5. A high temperature of decomposition. 6. Power to resist oxidation or the action of the atmosphere. 7. Freedom from corrosive action on the metals upon which the lubricant is used. The Examination of Lubricating Oils. (Prof. Thos. B. Stillman, Stevens Indicator, July, 1890.) The generally accepted conditions of a good lubricant are as follows: 1. "Body" enough to prevent the surfaces to which it is applied from coming in contact with each other. (Viscosity.) 2. Freedom from corrosive acid, of either mineral or animal origin. 3. As fluid as possible consistent with "body." 4. A minimum coefficient of friction. 5. High "flash" and burning points. 6. Freedom from materials liable to produce oxidation or "gumming." The examinations to be made to verify the above are both chemical and mechanical, and are usually arranged in the following order: 1. Identification of the oil, whether a simple mineral oil, or animal oil, or a mixture. 2. Density. 3. Viscosity. 4. Flash-point. 5. Burning- point. 6. Acidity. 7. Coefficient of friction. 8. Cold test. Detailed directions for making all of the above tests are given in Prof, Stillman's article. See also Stillman's Engineering Chemistry, p. 366. Notes on Specifications for Petroleum Lubricants. (C. M. Everest, Vice-Pres. Vacuum Oil Co., Proc. Engineering Congress, Chicago World's Fair, 1893.) The specific gravity was the first standard established for determining quality of lubricating oils, but it has long since been dis- carded as a conclusive test of lubricating quality. However, as the specific gravity of a particular petroleum oil increases the viscosity also increases. The object of the fire test of a lubricant, as well as its flash test, is the prevention of danger from fire through the use of an oil that will evolve inflammable vapors. The lowest fire test permissible is 300, which gives a liberal factor of safety under ordinary conditions. The cold test of an oil, i.e., the temperature at which the oil will congeal, should be well below the temperature at which it is used; otherwise the coefficient of friction would be correspondingly increased," IMBRICATION. 1243 Viscosity, or fluidity, of an oil is usually expressed in seconds of time in which a given quantity of oil will flow through a certain orifice at the tem- perature stated, comparison sometimes being ma.de with water, sometimes with sperm-oil, and again with rape-seed oil. It seems evident that within limits the lower the viscosity of an oil (without a too near approach to metallic contact of the rubbing surfaces) the lower will be the coefficient of friction. But we consider that each bearing in a mill or factory would probably require an oil of different viscosity from any other bearingin the mill, in order to give its lowest coefficient of friction, and that slight variations in the condition of a particular bearing would change the re- quirements of that bearing; and further, that when nearing the "danger point" the question of viscosity alone probably does not govern. The requirement of the New England Manufacturers' Association, that an oil shall not lose over 5% of its volume when heated to 140 Fahr. for 12 hours, is to prevent losses by evaporation, with the resultant effects. The precipitation test gives no indication of the quality of the oil itself, as the free carbon in improperly manufactured oils can be easily removed. It is doubtful whether oil buyers who require certain given standards of laboratory tests are better served than those who do not. Some of the standards are so faulty that to pass them an oil manufacturer must supply oil he knows to be faulty; and the requirements of the best stand- ards can generally be met by products that will give inferior results in actual serivce. Penna. B. B. Specifications for Petroleum Products, 1900. Five different grades of petroleum products will be used. The materials desired under this specification are the products of the distillation and refining of petroleum unmixed with any other substances. 150 Fire-test Oil. This grade of oil will not be accepted if sample (1) is not "water-white" in color; (2) flashes below 130 Fahrenheit; (3) burns below 151 Fahrenheit; (4) is cloudy or shipment has cloudy barrels when received, from the presence of glue or suspended matter; (5) becomes opaque or shows cloud when the sample has been 10 minutes at a temperature of Fahrenheit. 300 Fire-test Oil. This grade of oil will not be accepted if sample (1) is not "water-white" in color; (2) flashes below 249 Fahrenheit; (3) burns below 298 Fahrenheit; (4) is cloudy or shipment has cloudy barrels when received, from the presence of glue or suspended matter; (5) becomes opaque or shows cloud when the sample has been 10 minutes at a temperature of 32 Fahrenheit; (6) shows precipitation when some of the sample is heated to 450 F. The precipitation test is made by having about two fluid ounces of the oil in a six-ounce beaker, with a thermometer suspended in the oil, and then heating slowly until the thermometer shows the required temperature. The oil changes color, but must show no precipitation. Parafflne and Neutral Oils. These grades of oil will not be accepted if the sample from shipment (1) is so dark in color that printing with long-primer type cannot be read with ordinary daylight through a layer of the oil 1/2 inch thick; (2) flashes below 298 F.: (3) has a gravity at 60 F., below 24 or above 35 Baume"; (4) from October 1st to May 1st has a cold test above 10 F., and from May 1st to October 1st has a cold- test above 32 F. The color test is made by having a layer of the oil of the prescribed thickness in a proper glass vessel, and then putting the printing on one side of the vessel and reading it through the layer of oil with the back of the observer toward the source of light. x Well Oil. This grade of oil will not be accepted if the sample from shipment (1) flashes, from May 1st to October 1st, below 298 F., or from October 1st to May 1st, below 249 F.; (2) has a gravity at 60 F., below 28 or above 31 Baume; (3) from October 1st to May 1st has a cold test above 10 F., and from May 1st to October 1st has a cold test above 32 F.; (4) shows any precipitation when 5 cubic centimeters are mixed with 95 c.c. of gasoline. The precipitation test is to exclude tarry and suspended matter. It is made by putting 95 c.c. of 88 B. gasoline, which must not be above 80 F. in temperature, into a 100 c.c. graduate, then adding the prescribed amount of oil and shaking thoroughly. Allow to stand ten minutes. With satisfactory oil no separated or precipitated material can foe seen. 1244 FRICTION AND LUBBICATION. 500 Fire-test Oil This grade of oil will not be accepted if sample from shipment (1) flashes below 494 F.; (2) shows precipitation with gasoline when tested as described for well oil. Printed directions for determining flashing and burning tests and for making cold tests and taking gravity are furnished by the railroad company. Penna. R. K. Specifications for Lubricating Oils (1894). (In force in 1902.) Constituent Oils. Parts by volume. Extra lard-oil 1 "4" Extra, No 1 lard-oil 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 "4 1 1 "t 1 2 .... >3 500 fire-test oil 1 Paraffine oil Well oil 1 A Used for B c t C 2 C 3 Di D 2 E A, freight dars; engine oil on shifting-engines; miscellaneous greasing in foundries, etc. B, cylinder lubricant on marine equipment and on stationary engines. C, engine oil; all engine machinery; engine and tender truck boxes; shafting and machine tools; bolt cutting; general lubrication except cars. D, passenger-car lubrication. E, cylinder lubricant for locomotives. Ci, Di, for use in Dec., Jan., and Feb.; Ct, Dz, in March, April, May, Sept., Oct., and Nov.; Cs, Ds, in June, July, and August. Weights per gallon, A, 7.4 Ibs.; B, C, D, E, 7.5 Ibs. Grease Lubricants. Tests made on an Olsen lubricant testing machine at Cornell University are reported in Power, Nov. 9, 1909. It was found that some of the commercial greases stood much higher pressures than the oils tested, and that the coefficients of friction at moderate loads were often as low as those of the oils. The journal of the testing machine was 33/4 in. diam., 3 1/2 in. long, and the babbitt bearing shoe had a projected area of 5.8 sq. in. The speed was 240 r.p.m. and each test lasted one hour, except when the bearing showed overheating. The following are the coefficients of friction obtained in the tests: Lbs. per sq.in. Min- eral Grease, Ani- mal Grease. Graph- ite Grease. Min- eral Grease. Engine Oil. Engine Oil. Grease. Grease. 86.2 172.4 258.6 344.8 431.0 0.024 0.021 0.021 0.025 0.050 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.025 0.035 0.04 0.05 0.023 0.018 0.018 0.019 0.028 0.019 0.04 0.06 0.015 0.022 0.037 0.020 0.015 0.014 0.017 0.026 0.025 0.022 0.020 0.020 0.019 Testing Oil for Steam Turbines. (Robert Job, Trans. Am. Soc. for Testing Mails., 1909.) In some types of steam-turbines, the bearings are very closely adjusted and, if the oil is not clear and free from waxy substances, clogging and heating quickly results. A number of red engine and turbine oils some of which had given good service and others bad service were tested and it was found that clearness and freedom from turbidity were of importance, but mere color, or lack of color, seemed to have little influence, and good service results were obtained with oils which were of a red color, as well as with those which were filtered to an amber color. Heating Test. It was found that on heating the oils to 450 F. all which had given bad service showed a marked darkening of color, while those which had proved satisfactory showed little change. With oils that had been filtered or else had been chemically treated in such manner that the so-called " amorphous waxes " had been completely removed, on applying the heating test only a slight darkening of color resulted. It is of advantage in addition to other requirements to specify that an oil for steam turbines on being heated to 450 F. for five minutes shall show not more than a slight darkening of color. The test is that com- monly used in test of 300 oil for burning purposes. Separating Test. It is known that elimination of the waxes causes an increase in the ease with which the oil separates from hot water when thoroughly shaken with it. This condition can be taken advantage 9f py prescribing that when one ounce of the oil is place'd in a 4-oz. bottle LUBRICATION. .' 1245 " with twd ounces of boiling water, the bottle corked and shaken narcr tor one minute and let stand, the oil must separate from the water within a specified time, depending upon the nature of the oil, and that there must be no appearance of waxy substances at the line of demarcation between the oil and the water. Quantity of Oil needed to Run an Engine. The Vacuum Oil Co. in 1892, in response to an inquiry as to cost of oil to run a 1000-H.P. Corliss engine, wrote: The cost of running two engines of equal size of the same make is not always the same. Therefore, while we could furnish figures showing what it is costing some of our customers having Corliss engines of 1000 H.P., we could only give a general idea, which in itself might be considerably out of the way as to the probable cost of cylinder- and engine-oils per year for a particular engine. Such an engine ought to run readily on less than 8 drops of 600 W oil per minute. If 3000 drops are figured to the quart, and 8 drops used per minute, it would take about two and one half barrels (52.5 gallons) of 600 W cylinder-oil, at 65 cents per gallon, or about $85 for cylinder-oil per year, running 6 days a week and 10 hours a day. Engine-oil would be even more difficult to guess at what the cost would be, because it would depend upon the number of cups required on the engine, which varies somewhat according to the style of the engine. It would doubtless be safe, however, to calculate at the outside that not more than twice as much engine-oil would be required as of cylinder-oil. The Vacuum Oil Co. in 1892 published the following results of practice with "600 W" cylinder-oil: rnrii^ pnmnrmnri Anmnp I 2 ^ and 33 x 48; 83 revs, per min.; 1 drop of ine ' 1 oil per min. to 1 drop in two minutes, triple exp. ' 20, 33, and 46 x 48; 1 drop every 2 minutes. (20 and 36 x 36; 143 revs, per min.; 2 dro^s Porter- Allen of oil per min., reduced afterwards to . drcp ( per min. (15 and 25 x 16; 240 revs, per min.; 1 drop ( every 4 minutes. Results of tests on ocean-steamers communicated to the author by Prof. Denton in 1892 gave: for 1200-H.P. marine engine, 5 to 6 English gallons (6 to 7.2 U. S. gals.) of engine-oil per 24 hours for external lubri- cation; and for a 1500-H.P. marine engine, triple expansion, running 75 revs, per min., 6 to 7 English gals, per 24 hours. The cylinder-oil consumption is exceedingly variable, from 1 to 4 gals, per day on different engines, including cylinder-oil used to swab the piston-rods. Cylinder Lubrication. J. H. Spoor, in Power, Jan. 4, 1910, has made a study of a great number of records of the amount of oil used for lubri- cating icylinders of different engines, and has reduced them to a sys- tematic basis of the equivalent number of pints of oil used in a 10-hour day for different areas of surface lubricated. The surface is determined in square inches by multiplying the circumference of the cylinder by the length of stroke. The results are plotted in a series of curves for different types of engines, and approximate average figures taken from these curves are given below: Compound Engines. Sq. ins. lubricated 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 18,000 Pints of oil used in 10 hrs. 2 3.5 4.3 5 5.5 6 6.5 Corliss Engines. Sq. ins. lubricated 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Pints of oil in 10 hrs. Avge 0.9 1.65 2.25 3.75 Max 1.2 2.25 Min 1.00 Automatic high-speed engines, about 2 pints per 1,000 sq. in. Simple slide-valve engines, about 0.5 pint per 1,000 sq. in. As shown in the figures under 2,000 Corliss, a certain engine may take 21/4 times as much oil as another engine of the same size. The difference maybe due to smoothness of cylinder surf ace, kind and pressure of piston rings, quality of oil, method of introdiicing the lubricant, etc. Variations in speed of a given type of engine and in steam pressure do not appear to make much difference, but the small automatic high-speed engine takes more oil than any other type. Vertical marine engines are commonly run 1246 FKICTION AND LUBRICATION. without any cylinder oil, except that used occasionally to swab the piston rods. Quantity of Oil used on a Locomotive Crank-pin. Prof. Denton. Trans. A. S. M. E. % xi, 1020, says: A very economical case of practical oil-consumption is when a locomotive main crank-pin consumes about six cubic inches of oil in a thousand miles of service. This is equivalent to a consumption of one milligram to seventy square inches of surface rubbed over. Soda Mixture for Machine Tools* (Penna. R. R. 1894.) Dissolve 6 Ibs. of common sal-soda in 40 gallons of water and stir thoroughly. When needed for use mix a gallon of this solution with about a pint of engine oil. Used for the cutting parts of machine tools instead of oil. Water as a Lubricant. (C. W. Naylor, Trans. A. S. M. E. t 1905.) Two steel jack-shafts 18 ft. long with bearings 5 X 14 ins. each receiving 175 H.P. from engines and driving 5 electric generators, with six belts all pulling horizontally on the same side of the shaft, gave trouble by heating when lubricated with oil or grease. Water was substituted, and the shafts ran for 11 years, 10 hours a day, without serious interruption. Oil was fed to the shaft before closing down for the night, to prevent rusting. The wear of the babbitted bearings in 11 years was about 1/4 in., and of the shaft nil. Acheson's " Deflocculated " Graphite. (Trans. A.I.E.E., 1907; Eng. News, Aug. 1, 1907.) In 1906, Mr. E. G. Acheson discovered a process of producing a fine, pure, unctuous graphite in the electric fur- nace. He calls it deflocculated graphite. By treating this graphite in the disintegrated form with a water solution of tannin, the amount of tannin being from 3% to 6% of the weight of the graphite treated, he found that it would be retained in suspension in water, and that it was in such a fine state of subdivision that a large part of it would run through the finest filter paper, the filtrate being an intensely black liquid in which the graphite would remain suspended for months. The addition of a minute quantity of hydrochloric acid causes the graphite to floccu- late and group together so that it will no longer flow through filter paper. The same effect has been obtained with alumina, clay, lampblack and siloxicon, by treatment with tannin. The graphite thus suspended in water, known as "aquedag" has been successfully used as a lubricant for journals with sight-feed and with chain-feed oilers. It also prevents rust in iron and steel. The deflocculated graphite has also been sus- pended in oil, in a dehydrated condition, making an excellent lubricant known as "mtdag." Tests by Prof. C. H. Benjamin of oil with 0.5% of graphite showed that it had a lower coefficient of friction than the oil alone. SOLID LUBRICANTS. Graphite in a condition of powder and used as a solid lubricant, so called, to distinguish it from a liquid lubricant, has been found to do well where the latter has failed. Rennie, in 1829, says: "Graphite lessened friction in all cases where it was used." General Morin, at a later date, concluded from experiments that it could be used with advantage under heavy pressures; and Prof. Thurston found it well adapted for use under both light and heavy pres- sures when mixed with certain oils. It is especially valuable to prevent abrasion and cutting under heavy loads and at low velocities. For comparative tests of various oils with and without graphite, see paper on lubrication and lubricants, by C. F. Mabery, Jour. A.S.M.E., Feb., 1910. Soapstone, also called talc and steatite, in the form of powder and mixed with oil or fat, is sometimes used as a lubricant. Graphite or soapst9ne, mixed with soap, is used on surfaces of wood working against either iron or wood. Metaline is a solid compound, usually containing graphite, made in the form of small cylinders which are fitted permanently into holes drilled in the surface of the bearing. The bearing thus fitted runs without any other lubrication. Bushings fitted with graphite packed into grooves are made by the Graphite Lubricating Co., Bound Brook, N. J. THE FOUNDRY. 1247 THE FOUNDRY. (See also Cast-iron, pp. 437 to 445, and Fans and Blowers, pp. 653 to 673.) Cupola Practice. The following table and the notes accompanying it are condensed from an article by Simpson Bolland in Am. Mach., June 30, 1892: Diam. of lining in 36 48 54 60 66 72 84 Height to char'g door, ft. .. Fuel used in bed, Ibs 12 840 13 1380 14 1650 15 1920 15 2190 16 2460 16 3000 First charge of iron, Ibs.. . . Other fuel charges, Ibs 2520 302 4140 554 4950 680 5760 806 6570 932 7380 1058 9000 1310 Other iron charges, Ibs Diam. blast pipe, in 2718 14 4986 18 6120 20 7254 22 8388 22 9522 24 11,790 26 No. of 6-in. round tuyeres. . Equiv. No. flat tuyeres Width of flat tuyeres, in Height of flat tuyeres, in. . . Blast pressure oz 3.7 4 2 13.5 8 6.8 6 2.5 13.5 12 10.7 8 2.5 15.5 14 13.7 8 16.5 14 15.4 8 18.5 14 19 10 3 18.5 16 31 16 3.5 16 16 Size of Root blower, No Revs, per min 2 241 4 212 4 277 5 192 240 6 163 160 Engine for blower, H.P Sturtevant blower, No Engine for blower, H.P Melting cap., Ibs. per hr. . . . 2.5 4 3 4820 10 6 93/ 4 10,760 14 7 16 13,850 ,8V, 22 16,940 23 8 22 21,200 33 9 35 26,070 47 10 48 37,530 Mr. Bolland says that the melting capacities in the table are not sup-; posed to be all that can be melted in the hour by some of the best cupolas, but are simply the amounts which a common cupola under ordinary circumstances may be expected to melt in the time specified. By height of cupola is meant the distance from the base to the bottom side of the charging door. The distance from the sand-bed, after it has been formed at the bottom of the cupola, up to the under side of the tuyeres is taken at 10 ins. in all cases. All the amounts for fuel are based upon a bottom of 10 ins. deep. The quantity of fuel used on the bed is more in proportion as the depth is increased, and less when it is made shallower. The amount of fuel required on the bed is based on the supposition that the cupola is a straight one all through, and that the bottom is 10 ins. deep. If the bottom be more, as in those of the Colliau type, then addi- tional fuel will be needed. First Charge of Iron. The amounts given are safe figures to work upon in every instance, yet it will always be in order, after proving the ability of the bed to carry the load quoted, to make a slow and gradual increase of the load until it is fully demonstrated just how much burden the bed will carry. Succeeding Charges of Fuel and Iron. The highest proportions are not favored, for the simple reason that successful melting with any greater proportion of iron to fuel is not the rule, but, rather, the except^n. Diameter of Main Blast-pipe. The sizes given are of sufficient area for all lengths up to 100 feet. Tuyeres. Any arrangement or disposition of tuyeres may be made, which shall answer in their totality to the areas given in the table. On no consideration must the tuyere area be reduced; thus, an 84-inch cupola must have tuyere area equal to 31 pipes 6 ins. diam., or 16 flat tuyeres 16 X 31/2 ins. The tuyeres should be arranged in such a manner as will concentrate the fire at the melting-point into the smallest possible com- pass, so that the metal in fusion will have less- space to traverse while exposed to the oxidizing influence of the blast. To accomplish this, recourse has been had to the placing of additional rows of tuyeres in some instances the "Stewart rapid cupola" having three rows, and the "Colliau cupola, furnace" having two rows, of tuyeres* 1248 THE FOUNDRY. [Cupolas as large as 84 inches in diameter are now (1906) built without boshes. The most recent development with this size" cupola is to place a center tuyere in the bottom discharging air vertically upwards.] Blast-pressure. About 30,000 cu. ft. of air are consumed in melting a ton of iron, which would weigh about 2400 pounds, or more than both iron and fuel. When the proper quantity of air is supplied, the com- bustion of the fuel is perfect, and carbonic-acid gas is the result. When the supply of air is insufficient, the combustion is imperfect, and car- bonic-oxide gas is the result. The amount of heat evolved in these two cases is as 15 to 4V2, showing a loss of over two-thirds of the heat by imperfect combustion. fCombustion is never perfect in the cupola except near the tuyeres. The CO2 formed by complete combustion is largely reduced to CO in passing through the hot coke above the fusion zone.] It is not always true that we obtain the most rapid melting when we are forcing into the cupola the largest quantity of air. Too much air absorbs heat, reduces the temperature, and retards combustion, and the fire in the cupola may be extinguished with too much blast. Slag in Cupolas. A certain amount of slag is necessary to protect the molten iron which has fallen to the bottom from the action of the blast ; if it was not there, the iron would suffer from decarbonization. When slag from any cause forms in too great abundance, it should be led away by inserting a hole a little below the tuyeres, through which it will find its way as the iron rises in the bottom. With clean iron and fuel, slag seldom forms to any appreciable extent in small heats; but when the cupola is to be taxed to its utmost capacity it is then incumbent on the melter to flux the charges all through the heat, carrying it away in the manner directed. The best flux for this purp9se is the chips from a white-marble yard. About 6 pounds to the ton of iron will give good results when all is clean. [Fluor-spar is now largely used as a flux.] When fuel is bad, or iron is dirty, or both together, it becomes imperative that the slag be kept running all the time. Fuel for Cupolas. The best fuel for melting iron is coke, because it requires less blast, makes hotter iron, and melts faster than coal. When coal must be used, care should be exercised in its selection. All anthra- cites which are bright, black, hard, and free from slate, will melt iron admirably. For the best results, small cupolas should be charged with the size called "egg," a still larger grade for medium-sized cupolas, and what is called "lump" will answer for all large cupolas, when care is taken to pack it carefully on the charges. Melting Capacity of Different Cupolas. The following figures are given by W. B. Snow, in The Foundry, Aug., 1908, showing the records of capacity and the blast pressure of several cupolas: Diam. of lining, ins 44 44 47 49 54 54 54 60 60 60 74 Tons per hour .. 6.7 7.3 8.4 9.1 7.7 8.8 10.212.414.813.813.0 Pressure, oz. per sq. in 12.9 16.4 17.5 11.8 13.6 11.0 20.8 15.5 16.8 12.6 8.7 From plotted diagrams of records of 46 tests of different cupolas the following figures are obtained: Diam. of lining, ins 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Max. tons per hour 3 5 7.3 9.512 15 18 21 Avge. " " " 2.5 4 5.5 7.5 9 11 13 16 Max. pressure, oz 11 12 13.5 14 14.6 15.2 15.7 16 For a given cupola and blower the melting rate increases as the square root of the pressure. A cupola melting 9 tons per hour with 10 ounces pressure will melt about 10 tons with 12.5 ounces, and 11 t9ns with 15 ounces. The power required varies as the cube of the melting rate, so that it would require (11/9) 3 = 1.82 times as much power for 11 tons as for 9 tons. Hence the advantage of large cupolas and blowers with light pressures. Charging a Cupola. Chas. A. Smith (Am. Mach., Feb. 12, 1891) gives the following: A 28-in. cupola should have from 300 to 400 Ibs. of coke on bottom bed; a 36-in. cupola, 700 to 800 Ibs.; a 48-in. cupola, 1500 Ibs.; and a 60-in, cupola should have one ton of fuel ou bottom bed, THE FOUNDRY. 1249 To every pound of fuel on the bed, three, and sometimes four pounds of metal can be added with safety, if the cupola has proper blast ; in after- charges, to every pound of fuel add 8 to 10 pounds of metal; any well- constructed cupola will stand ten. F. P. Wolcott (Am. Mach., Mar. 5, 1891) gives the following as the practice of the Colwell Iron-works, Carteret, N. J.: "We melt daily from twenty to forty tons of iron, with an average of 11.2 pounds of iron to one of fuel. In a 36-in. cupola seven to nine pounds is good melting, but in a cupola that lines up 48 to 60 inches, anything less than nine pounds shows a defect in arrangement of tuyeres or strength of blast, or in charging up." "The Holder's Text-book," by Thos. D. West, gives forty-six reports in tabular form of cupola practice in thirty States, reaching from Maine to Oregon. Improvement of Cupola Practice. The following records are given by J. R. Fortune and H. S. Wells (Proc. A. S. M. E. t Mar., 1908) showing how ordinary cupola practice may be improved by making a few changes. The cupola is 13 ft. 4 in. in height from the top of the sand bottom to the charging door, and of three diameters, 50 in. for the first 3 ft. 6 in., then 54 in. for the next 2 ft. 4 in., then 60 in. to the top. When driven with a No. 8 Stuftevant blower, the maximum melting rate, from iron down to blast otf, was 8.5 tons per hour. A No. 11 high-pressure blower was then installed. Test No. 1 in the table below gives the result with cupola charges as follows in pounds: Bed, 590 coke, followed by 826 coke, 2000 iron; 400 co&e, 2000 iron; 300 coke, 2000 iron; and thereafter all charges were 200 eoke, 2000 iron. The time between starting fire and start- ing blast was 2 hr. 30 min., and the time from blast on to iron down, 11 min. The melting rate, tons per hour, is figured for the time from iron down to blast off. The tuyeres were eight rectangular openings Hi/4 in. high and of a total area of 1/9.02 of the area of the 54-in. circle. No. of Test. 1 2 8 9 10 22.35 11 17 Total tons... Tons per hr 22.7 9 45 24. 8 88 22.15 8 86 24.25 9 15 24.25 9 66 22.65 10 24 24. 10 43 20.30 10 91 23.85 11 35 Lbs. per min* Iron -T- cokef Blast, oz 19.81 7.54 11.60 18.61 7.40 10.63 18.55 7.28 10.00 19.17 8.58 9.47 20.25 8.94 9.80 21.44 8.71 9.86 21.82 9.02 10.00 22.95 9.02 10.13 23.77 10.02 10.55 23.39 9.49 10.55 * Per sq. ft. cupola area at 54 in. diam. from iron down to blast off. t Including bed. The tuyeres were then enlarged, making their area 1/5.98 of the cupola (54 in.) area, and the results are shown in tests No. 2 and 3 of the table. The iron was too hot, and the coke charge was decreased to a ratio of 1/13.33 instead of 1/10, the bed of coke being increased. The result, test No. 4, was an increased rate of melting, a decrease in the amount of coke, and a decrease in the blast pressure. Tests 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were then made, the coke being decreased, while the blast pressure was in- creased, resulting in a decided increase in the melting speed. In tests 5, 6 and 7 the iron layer was 13.33 times the weight of the coke layer; in test 8, 14.28 times; and in test 9, 15.38 times. In test 9 it was noticed that the iron was not at the proper temperature, and in test 10 the coke layer was increased to a ratio of 1 to 14.28 without altering the blast pressure; this resulted in a decreased melt per hour. It has been found that a coke charge of 150 Ibs. to 2000 Ibs. of iron, with a blast pressure of 10.5 ounces, results in a melt of 11.5 tons per hour, the iron coming down at the proper temperature. An excess of coke decreases the melting rate. Iron in the cupola is melted in a fixed zone, the first charge 9f iron above the bed being melted by burning coke in the bed. As this iron is melted, the charge of coke above it descends and restores to the bed the amount which has been burned away. If there is too much coke in the charge, the iron is held above the melting zone, and the excess coke must be burned away before it can be melted, and this of course decreases the economy and the melting speed. 1250 THE FOUNDRY. Cupola Charges in Stove-foundries. (Iron Age, April 14, 1892.) No two cupolas are charged exactly the same. The amount of fuel on the bed or between the charges differs, while varying amounts of iron are used in the charges. Below will be found charging-lists from some of the prominent stove-foundries in the country: Ibs. A Bed of f uel, coke 1,500 First charge of iron 5,000 All other charges of iron 1,000 First and second charges of coke, each 200 Ibs. Four next charges of coke, each 150 Six next charges of coke, each 120 Nineteen next charges of coke, each 100 Thus for a melt of 18 tons there would be 5120 Ibs. of coke used, giving a ratio of 7 to 1. Increase the amount of iron melted to 24 tons, and a ratio of 8 pounds of iron to 1 of coal is obtained. Ibs. Ibs Second and third charges of fuel 130 All other charges of fuel, each 100 B Bed of fuel, coke 1,600 First charge of iron 1 ,800 First charge of fuel ......... 1 50 All other charges of iron, each 1,000 For an 18-ton melt 5060 Ibs. of coke would be necessary, giving a ratio of 7.1 Ibs. of iron to 1 pound of coke. Ibs. C Bed of fuel, coke 1,600 First charge of iron 4,000 First and second charges of coke 200 In a melt of 18 tons 4100 Ibs. of coke would be used, or a ratio of 8.5 to 1. All other charges of iron . . . All other charges of coke. . . Ibs. 2,000 150 Ibs. D Bed of fuel, coke 1 ,800 First charge of iron 5,600 Ibs. All charges of coke, each 200 All other charges of iron 2,900 In a melt of 18 tons, 3900 ibs. of fuel would be used, giving a ratio of 9.4 pounds of iron to 1 of coke. Very high, indeed, for stove-plate. Ibs. All other charges of iron, each 2,000 All other charges of coal, each 175 Ibs. E-Bed of fuel, coal 1,900 First charge of iron 5,000 First charge of coal 200 In a melt of 18 tons 4700 Ibs. of coal would be used, giving a ratio of 7.7 Ibs. of iron to 1 Ib. of coal. These are sufficient to demonstrate the varying practices existing among different stove-foundries. In all these places the iron was proper for stove-plate purposes, and apparently there was little or no difference in the kind of work in the sand at the different foundries. Foundry Blower Practice. (W. B. Snow, Trans. A. S. M. E. t 1907.) The velocity of air produced by a blower is expressed by the formula V = ^2 gp/d. If p, the pressure, is taken in ounces per sq. in., and d, the density, in pounds per cu. ft. of dry air at 50 and atmospheric pressure of 14.69 Ibs. or 235 ounces. = 0.77884 Ib., the formula reduces to'F = v^.746, 700 p/(235 4- p), no allowance being made for change of temperature during discharge. From this formula the following figures are obtained. Q = volume discharged per min. through an orifice of 1 sq. ft. effective area, H.P. = horse-power required to move the given volume under the given conditions, p = pressure in ounces per sq. in. P I 2 3 4 5 Q H.P. P 6 7 8 9 10 Q H.P. P Q H.P. P H .P. 35.85 50.59 61.83 71.24 79.48 0.00978 0.02759 0.05058 0.07771 0.1084 86.89 93.66 99.92 105.76 111.25 0.1422 0.1788 0.2180 0.2596 0.3034 11 12 13 14 15 116.45 121.38 126.06 130.57 134.89 0.3493 0.3972 0.447C 0.4986 0.5518 16 17 18 19 20 139.03 143.03 146.88 150.61 154.22 0.6067 0.6631 0.7211 0.7804 0.8412 The greatest effective area over which a fan will maintain the maximum velocity of discharge is known as the "capacity area" or "square inches of blast." As originally established by Sturtevant it is represented by = diam, of wheel in ins., W = width of wheel at circumference, THE FOUNDRY. 1251 In inches. For the ordinary type of fan at constant speed maximum efficiency and power are secured at or near the capacity area; the powei per unit of volume and the pressure decrease as the discharge area and volume increase; with closed outlet the power is approximately one-third of that at capacity area. The following table is calculated on these bases: Capacity area per inch of width at periphery of wheel = 1/3 of diam. Air, 50 F. Velocity of discharge = circumferential speed of the wheel. Power = double the theoretical. In rotary positive blowers, as well as in fans, the velocity and the volume vary as the number of revolutions, the pressure varies as the square, and the power as the cube of the number of revolutions. In the fan, however, increase of pressure can be had only by increasing the revolutions, while in the rotary blower a great range of pressure is obtainable with constant speed by merely varying the resistance. With a rotary blower at constant speed, theoretically, and disregarding the effect of changes in temperature arid density, the volume is constant: the velocity varies inversely as the effective outlet area; the pressure varies inversely as the square of the outlet area, hence as the square of the velocity; and the power varies directly as the pressure. The maximum power is required when a fan discharges against the least, and when a rotary blower discharges against the greatest resistance. PERFORMANCE OF CUPOLA FAN BLOWERS AT CAPACITY AREA PER INCH OF PERIPHERAL WIDTH. B o'S P .2-3 Q Item. Total Pressure in Ounces per Square Inch. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ! r.p.m. cu. ft. h.p. 2660.0 520.0 1.7 2860.0 560.0 2.1 3050.0 600.0 2.6 3230.0 640.0 3.1 3400.0 670.0 3.6 3560.0 700.0 4.2 3710.0 730.0 4.8 3850.0 760.0 5.4 3990.0 780.0 6.0 4120.0 810.0 6.6 4250.0 830.0 7.3 -1 r.p.m. cu. ft. h.p. 2000.0 700.0 2.3 2150.0 750.0 2.9 2290.0 800.0 3.5 2420.0 850.0 4.2 2550.0 890.0 4.9 2670.0 930.0 5.6 2780.0 970.0 6.4 2890.0 1010.0 7.1 2990.0 1040.0 8.0 3090.0 1080.0 8.8 3190.0 1110.0 9.7 -1 r.p.m. cu. ft. h.p. 1590.0 870.0 2.8 1720.0 940.0 3.6 1830.0 1000.0 4.4 1940.0 1060.0 5.2 2040.0 1110.0 6.1 2140.0 1160.0 7.0 2230.0 1210.0 7.9 2310.0 1260.0 8.9 2390.0 1310.0 10.0 2470.0 1350.0 11.0 2550.0 1390.0 12.1 -1 r.p.m. cu. ft. h.p. 1330.0 1040.0 1430.0 1120.0 1530.0 1200.0 1620.0 1270.0 1700.0 1340.0 1780.0 1400.0 1850.0 1460.0 1930.0 15100 2000.0 1570 2060.0 16200 2120.0 16700 3.4 4.3 5.2 6.2 7.3 8.4 9.5 10.7 11.9 13.2 14.5 -! r.p.m. cu. ft. h.p. 1140.0 1220.0 3.9 1230.0 1310.0 5.0 1310.0 1400.0 6.1 1380.0 1480.0 7.3 1460.0 1560.0 8.5 1530.0 1630.0 9.8 1590.0 1700.0 11.1 1650.0 1770.0 12.5 1710.0 1830.0 13.9 1770.0 1890.0 15.4 1820.0 1950.0 17.0 1 r.p.m. cu. ft. h.p. 1000.0 1390.0 4.5 1070.0 1500.0 5.7 1150.0 1600.0 7.0 1210.0 1690.0 8.3 1270.0 1780.0 9.7 1330.0 1860.0 11.2 1390.0 1940.0 12.7 1450.0 2020.0 14.3 1500.0 2090.0 15.9 1550.0 2160.0 17.7 1590.0 2230.0 21.0 The air supply required by a cupola varies with the melting ratio, the density of the charges, and the incidental leakage. Average practice is represented by the following: Lbs. iron per Ib. coke 6 7 8 9 10 Cu. ft. air per ton of iron 33,000 31,00029,000 27,00025,000 It is customary to provide blower capacity on a basis of 30,000 cu. ft., which corresp9nds to 75 to 80% of the chemical requirements for complete combustion with average coke, and a melting ratio of 7.5 to 1. In comparative tests with a 54-inch lining cupola under identical con- ditions as to contents, alternately run with a No. 10 Sturtevant fan and a 33 cu. ft. Connersville rotary, with the fan the pressure varied between 12V2 and 141/8 ounces in the wind box, the net power from 25 to 38.5 H.P., while with the rotary blower the pressure varied between 10 1/2 and 25 ounces, and the power between 19 and 45 H,P. With the fan 28.84 tons 1252 THE FOUNDRY. were melted m 3.77 hours, or 7.65 tons per hour, while with the rotary Dlower 2.82 hours were required to melt 31.5 tons, an hourly rate of 10 6 tons, an increase of nearly 40 per cent in output. This reduces to a net input of 4.09 H.P. per ton melted per hour with the fan, and 2.98 H.P. with the rotary blower; an apparent advantage of 27% in favor of the rotary. Had the rotary been of smaller capacity such excessive pressures would not have been necessary, the power would have been decreased, and the duration of the heat prolonged, with probable decrease in the H.P. hours per ton. Had the fan been run at higher speed the H.P. would have increased, the time decreased and the power per ton per hour would have more closely approached that required by the rotary blower. Theoretically, for otherwise constant conditions, the following relations hold for cupolas and melting rates within the range of practical operation: For a givenjcupolaj For a given melting rate: For a given volume; M oc F.v/P.or^/HJP. V oc 1 -r- Z>* M*D V^M P oc d For a given cupola P oo F 2 H.P. oc P or 1 * D E OG M 2 , or P H.P. oc Af 3 or VP* E oc M, P, or 1 * D 4 Duration of heat oc 1 -f- Vp M = melting rate; V = volume; P = pressure; H.P. = horse-power; D = diam. of lining; E = operating efficiency = power per ton per hour; d = depth of the charge; oc, varies as. These relations might be the source of formulae for practical use were it possible to establish accurate coefficients. But the variety in cupolas, tuyere proportions, character of fuel and iron, and difference in charging practice are bewildering and discouraging. Maximum efficiency in a given case can only be assured after direct experiment. Something short of the maximum is usually accepted in ignorance of the ultimate possi- bilities. The actual melting range of a cupola is ordinarily between 0.6 and 0.75 ton per hour per sq. ft. of cross section. The limits of air supply per minute per sq. ft. are roughly 2500 and 4000 cu. ft. The possible power required varies even more widely, ranging from 1.5 to 3.75 H.P. per sq. ft., corresponding to 2.5 and 5 H.P. per ton per hour for the melting rates specified. The power may be roughly calculated, from the theoreti- cal requirement of 0.27 H.P. to deliver 1000 cu. ft. per minute against 1 oz. pressure. The rjower increases directly with the pressure, and de- pends also on the efficiency of. the blower. Current practice can only be expressed between limits as in the following table. RANGE OF PERFORMANCE OF CUPOLA BLOWERS. Diameter inside Lining, in. Capacity per Hour, tons. Pressure per sq. m., oz. Volume of Air permin., cu. ft. Horse- power. 18 25- 0.5 5- 7 150^ 300 05-15 24 .. 1.00- 1.5 7- 9 600- 900 20-60 30 2 00- 3 5 8-11 1 200- 2 000 5 0- 15 36 . 4.00- 5.0 8-12 2 200- 2 800 10 0- 23 42... 5.00- 7.0 8-13 2,700- 3,700 12.0- 32.0 48 8 00-10 8-13 4 000- 5 000 18 0- 45 54... 9.00-12.0 9-14 4,500- 6,000 22.0- 60.0 60 12 00-15 9-14 6 000- 7 500 30 0- 75 66... 14.00-18.0 9-15 7,000- 9 000 35.0- 90 72 17 00-21 10-15 8 500- 10' 500 45 0-110 78 19 00-24.0 10-16 9,500-12,000 52.0-130 84 21.00-27.0 10-16 10,500-13,500 60.0-150.0 Results of Increased Driving. (Erie City Iron-works, 1891.) May-Dec., 1890: 60-in. cupola, 100 tons clean castings a week, melting 8 tons per hour; iron per pound of fuel, 7V2 Iks.; per cent weight of good castings to iron charged, 753/4. Jan.-May, 1891: Increased rate of melt- ing to 111/2 tons per hour: iron per Ib. fuel, 91/2; per cent weight of good castings, 75; one week, 131/4 tons per hour, 10.3 Ibs. iron per Ib. fuel; per cent weight of good castings, 75.3. The increase was made by putting m an additional row of tuyeres and using stronger blast, 14 ounces. Coke was used as fuel. (W. O. Webber, Trans. A. S. M . E., xii, 1045.) THE FOUNDRY. 1253 Power Required for a Cupola Fan. (Thos. D. West, The Foundry, April, 1904.) The power required when a fan is connected with a cupola depends on the length and diameter of the piping, the number of bends, valves, etc., and on the resistance to the passage of blast through the cupola. The approximate power required in everyday practice is the difference between the power required to run the fan with the outlet open and with it closed. Another rule is to take 75% of the maximum power or that with the outlet open. A fan driving a cupola 66 ins. diam., 1800 r.p.m., driven by an electric motor required horse-power and gave pressures as follows : Outlet open, 146.6; outlet closed, 37.2, pressure 15 oz.; attached to cupola, with no fuel in it, 120.5, 5 oz.; after kindling and coke had been fired, 101.0, 10 oz.; during the run 70.8 to 76.7, 11 to 13 oz., the variations being due to changes in the resistances to the passage of the blast. Utilization of Cupola Gases. Jules De Clercy, in a paper read before the Amer. Foundrymen's Assn., advises the return of a portion of the gases from the upper part of the charge to the tuyeres, and thus utilizing the carbon monoxide they contain. He says that A. Baillot has thereby succeeded in melting 15 Ibs. of iron per Ib. of coke, and at the same time obtained a greater melting speed and a superior quality of castings. Loss in Melting Iron in Cupolas. G. O. Vair, Am. Mack., March 5, 1891, gives a record of a 45-in. Colliau cupola as follows: Ratio of fuel to iron, 1 to 7.42. Good castings 21,314 Ibs. K New scrap 3,005 " Millings 200 " Loss of metal 1,481 ' Amount melted 26,000 Ibs. Loss of metal, 5.69%. Ratio of loss, 1 to 17.55. se of Softeners in Foundry Practice. (W. Graham, Iron Age, June 27, 1889.) In the foundry the problem is to have the right pro- portions of combined and graphitic carbon in the resulting casting; this is done by getting the proper proportion of silicon. The variations in the proportions of silicon afford a reliable and inexpensive means of producing a cast iron of any required mechanical charae-ter which is possible with the material employed. In this way, by mixing suitable irons in the right proportions, a required grade of casting can be made more cheaply than by using irons in which the necessary proportions are already found. Hard irons, mottled and white irons, and even steel scrap, all containing low percentages of silicon and high percentages of combined carbon, could be employed if an iron having a large amount of silicon were mixed with them in sufficient amount. This would bring the silicon to the proper proportion and would cause the combined carbon to be forced into the graphitic state, and the resulting casting would be soft. High-silicon irons used in this way are called "softeners." Mr. Keep found that more silicon is lost during the remelting of pig of over 10% silicon than in remelting pig iron of lower percentages of silicon. He also points out the possible disadvantage of using ferro-silicons con- taining as high a percentage of combined carbon as 0.70% to overcome the bad effects of combined carbon in other irons. The Scotch irons generally contain much more phosphorus than is desired in irons to be employed in making the strongest castings. It is a mistake to mix with strong low-phosphorus irons an iron that would increase the amount of phosphorus for the sake of adding softening qualities, when softness can be produced by mixing irons of the same low phosphorus. (For further discussion of the influence of silicon, see pages 438 and 447.) Weakness of Large Castings. (W. A. Bole, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1907.) Thin castings, by virtue of their more rapid cooling, are almost certain to be stronger per unit section than would be the case if the same metal were poured into larger and heavier shapes. Many large iron castings are of questionable strength, because of internal strains and lack of har- mony between their elements, even though the casting is poured out of iron of the best quality. This may be due to lack of experience on the part of 1254: THE FOUNDRY. the designer, especially in the cooling and shrinking of the various parts of a large casting after being poured. Castings are often designed with a .useless multiplicity 9f ribs, walls, gussets, brackets, etc., which, by their asynchronous cooling and their inharmonious shrinkage and contraction, may entirely defeat the intention of the designer. There are some castings which, by virtue of their shapes, can be specially treated by the foundryman, and artificial cooling of certain critical parts may be effected in order to compel such parts to cool more rapidly than they would naturally do, and the strength of the casting may by such means be beneficially affected. As for instance in the case of a fly-wheel with heavy rim but comparatively light arms and hub; it may be bene- ficial to remove the flask and expose the rim to the air so as to hasten its natural rate of cooling, while the arms and hub are still kept muffled up in the sand of the mold and their cooling retarded as much as possible. Large fillets are often highly detrimental to good results. Where two walls meet and intersect, as in the shape of a T, if a large fillet is swept at the juncture, there will be a pool of liquid metal at this point which will remain liquid for a longer time than either wall, the result being a void, or "draw," at the juncture point. Risers and sink heads should often be employed on iron castings. In large iron-foundry work interior cavities may exist without detection, and some of these may be avoided by the use of suitable feeding devices, risers and sink heads. Specimens from a casting having at one point a tensile strength as high as 30,250 Ibs. per sq. in. have shown as low as 20,500 in another and heavier section. Large sections cannot be cast to yield the high strength of specimen test pieces cast in smaller sections. The paper describes a successful method of artificial cooling, by means of a coil of pipe with flowing water, of portions of molds containing cylinder heads with ports cast in them. Before adopting this method the internal ribs in these castings always cracked by contraction. Shrinkage of Castings. The allowance necessary for shrinkage varies for different kinds of metal, and the different conditions under which they are cast. For castings where the thickness runs about one inch, cast under ordinary conditions, the following allowance can be made: For cast iron, Vs inch per foot. For zinc, 5/ 16 inch per foot. ' brass, 3/ 16 ' tin, 1/12 ' " steel, V4 * aluminum, 3/ 16 ' ' mal. iron, 1/8 ' britannia, V32 ' Thicker castings, under the same conditions, will shrink less, and thinner ones more, than this standard. The quality of the material and the man- ner of molding and cooling will also make a difference. (See also Shrinkage of Cast Iron, page 447.) Mr. Keep (Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xvi) gives the following "approxi- mate key for regulating foundry mixtures" so as to produce a shrinkage of Vs in. per ft. in castings of different sections: Size of casting 1/2 1 2 3 4 in. sq. Silicon required, per cent 3.25 2.75 2.25 1.75 1.25 per cent. Shrinkage of a i/2-in. test-bar.. 0.125 .135 .145 .155 .165 in per. ft. Growth of Cast Iron by Heating. (Proc. I. and S. Inst., 1909.) Investigations by Profs. Rugan and Carpenter confirm Mr. Outerbridge's experiments. (See- page 449 ) They found: 1. Heating white iron causes it to become gray, and it expands more than sufficient to overcome the original shrinkage. 2. Iron when heated increases in weight, probably due to absorption of oxygen. 3. The change in size due to heating is not only a molecular change, but also a chemical one. 4. The growth of one bar was shown to be due to penetration of gases. When heated in vacuo it contracted. Hard Iron due to Excessive Silicon. W. J. Keep in Jour. Am. Foundry men's Assn., Feb., 1898, reports a case of hard iron containing graphite, 3.04; combined C, 0.10; Si, 3.97; P, 0.61; S, 0.05; Mn, 0.56. He says: For stove plate and light hardware castings it is an advantage to have Si as high as 3.50. When it is much above that the surface of the castings often become very hard, though the center will be very soft. THE FOUNDRY. 1255 The surface of heavier parts of a casting having 3.97 Si will be harder than the surface of thinner parts. Ordinarily if a casting is hard an increase of silicon softens it, but after reaching 3.00 or 3.50 per cent, silicon hardens Ferro-Alloys for Foundry Use. E. Houghton (Iron Tr. Rev., Oct. 24, 1907.) The objects of the use of ferro-alloys in the foundry are: 1, to act as deoxidizers and desulphurizers, the added element remaining only in small quantities in the finished casting; 2, to alter the composition of the casting and so to control its mechanical properties. Some of these alloys are made in the blast furnace, but the purest grades are made in the electric furnace. The following table shows the range of composition of blast furnace alloys made by the Darwen & Mostyn Iron Co. All of these alloys may be made of purer quality in the electric furnace. Ferro Mn. Spiegel- eisen. Silicon Spiegel. Ferro- sil. Ferro- phos. Ferro* Chrome. Mn... 41.5- 87.9 0.10- 0.63 0.09- 0.20 5.62- 7.00 nil 9.25-29.75 0.42- 0.95 0.06- 0.09 3.94- 5.20 nil-trace 17.50-20.87 9.45-14.23 0.07- 0.10 1.05- 1.89 nil 1.17- 2.20 8.10-17.00 0.06- 0.08 0.90- 1.75 0.02- 0.05 3.00- 5.90 0.50- 0.84 15.71-20.50 0.27- 0.30 0.16- 0.33 1.55-2.30 0.13-0.36 0.04- 0.07 5.34- 7.12 Cr, 13.50-41.39 Si p C ... s The following are typical analyses of other alloys made in the electric furnace: Si Fe Mn Al Ca Mg C S P TI Ferro-tftanium ... 1.21 30 3.28 0.55 1.14 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 53.0 Ferro-aluminum-silicide Fei ro-calcium-silicide 45.65 69.80 44.15 11.15 tr. 0.22 9.45 2.55 nil 15.05 nil 0.26 Ferro-aluminum, Al, 5, 10 and 20%. Metallic manganese. Mn, 95 to 98; Fe, 2 to 4; C, under 5. Do. refined. Mn, 99; Fe, 1 ; C, 0. Dangerous Ferro-silicon. Phosphoretted and arseniuretted hydro- gen, highly poisonous gases, are said to be disengaged in a humid atmos- phere from ferro-silicon containing between 30 and 40% and between 47 and 65% of Si, and there is therefore danger in transporting it in passenger steamships. A French commission has recommended the abandonment of the manufacture of FeSi of these critical percentages. (La Lumiere Electrique, Dec. 11, 1909. Elep. Rev., Feb. 26, 1910.) Quality of Foundry Coke. (R. Moldenke, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1907.) Usually the sulphur, ash and fixed carbon are sufficient to give a fair idea of the value of coke, apart from its physical structure, specific gravity, etc. The advent of by-product coke will necessitate closer attention to moisture Beehive coke, when shipped in open cars, may, through inattention, cause the purchase of from 6 to 10 per cent of water at coke prices. Concerning sulphur, very hot running of the cupola results in less sulphur in the iron. In good coke, the amount of S should not exceed 1.2 per cent; but, unfortunately, the percentage often runs as high as 2.00. If the coke has a good structure, an average specific gravity, not over 11 per cent of ash and over 86 per cent of fixed carbon, it does not matter much whether it be of the "72 hour" or "24 hour" variety. Departure from the normal composition of a coke of any particular region should place the foundryman on his guard at once, and sometimes the plentiful use of limestone at the right moment may save many castings. Castings made in Permanent Cast-iron Molds. E. A. Custer, in a paper before the Am. Foundrymen's Assn. (Eng. News, May 27, 1909), describes the method of making castings in iron molds, and the quality of these castings. Very heavy m9lds are used, no provision is made against shrinkage, and the casting is removed from the mold as soon as 1 it has set, giving it no time to chill or to shrink by cooling. Over 6000 pieces have been cast in a single mold without its showing any signs of 1256 THE FOUNDRY. failure. The mold should be so heavy that it will not become highly heated in use. Casting a 4-in. pipe weighing 65 Ibs. every seven min- utes in a mold weighing 6500 Ibs. did not raise the temperature above 300 F. In using permanent molds the iron as it comes from the cupola should be very hot. The best results in casting pipe are had with iron containing over 3% carbon and about 2% silicon. Iron when cast in an iron mold and removed as soon as it sets, possesses some unusual prop- erties. It will take a temper, and when tempered will retain magnetism. If the casting be taken from the mold at a bright heat and suddenly quenched in cold water, it has the cutting power of a good high-carbon steel, whether the iron be high or low in silicon, phosphorus, sulphur or manganese. There is no evidence of "chill"; no white crystals are shown. Chilling molten iron swiftly to the point of setting, and then allowing it to cool gradually, produces a metal that is entirely new to the art. It has the chemical characteristics of cast iron, with the exception of com- bined carbon, and it als9 possesses some of the properties of high-carbon steel. A piece o-f cast iron that has 0.44% combined, and over 2% free carbon, has been tempered repeatedly and will do better service in a lathe than a good non-alloy steel. Once this peculiar property is imparted to the casting, it is impossible to eliminate it except by remelting. A bar of iron so treated can be held in a flame until the metal drips from the end, and yet quenching will restore it to its original hardness. The character of the iron before being quenched is very fine, close- grained, and yet it is easily machined. If permanent molds can be used with success in the foundry, and a system of continuous pouring be inaugurated which in duplicate work would obviate the necessity of having molders, why is it necessary to melt pig iron in the cupola? What could be more ideal than a series of permanent molds supplied with molten iron practically direct from the blast furnace? The interposition of a reheating ladle such as is used by the steel makers makes possible the treatment of the molten iron. The molten iron from the blast furnace is much hotter than that ob- tained from the cupola, so that there is every reason to believe that the castings obtained from a blast fur'nace would be of a better quality than when the pig is remelted in the cupola. It is immaterial whether an iron contains 1.75 or 3% silicon, so long as the molten mass is at the proper temperature, so that the high tempera- tures obtained from .he blast furnace would go far toward offsetting the variations in the impurities. R. H. Probert (Castings, July, 1909) gives the following analysis of molds which gave the best results: Si, 2.02; S, 0.07; P, 0.89; Mn, 0.29: C.C., 0.84: G.C., 2.76. Molds made from iron with the following analysis were worthless: Si, 3.30; S, 0.06; P, 0.67; Mn, 0.12; C.C., 0.19; G.C., 2.98. Weight of Castings determined from Weight of Pattern. (Rose's Pattern-makers' Assistant.) A Pattern weighing One Pound, made of Will weigh when cast in Cast Iron. Zinc. Copper. Yellow Brass. Gun metal. Mahogany Nassau Ibs. 10.7 12.9 8.5 12.5 16.7 14.1 Ibs. 10.4 12.7 8.2 12.1 16.1 13.6 Ibs. 12.8 15.3 10.1 14.9 19.8 16.7 Ibs. 12.2 14.6 9.7 14.2 19.0 16.0 Ibs. 12.5 15. 9.9 14.6 19.5 16.5 Honduras Spanish Pine r^d 1 white MoWing Sand. (Walter Bagshaw, Proc. Tnst. M. E., 1891.) The chemical composition of sand will affect the nature of the casting, no matter what treatment it undergoes. Stated generally, good sand is composed of 94 parts silica, 5 parts alumina, and traces of magnesia and *xide of iron. Sand containing much of the metallic oxides, and especially THE FOUNDRY. 1257 lime, is to be avoided. Geographical position is the chief factor governing the selection of sand ; and whether weak or strong, its deficiencies are made up for by the skill of the inolder. For this reason the same sand is often used f9r both heavy and light castings, the proportion of coal varying according to the nature of the casting. A common mixture of facing- sand consists of six parts by weight of old sand, four of new sand, and one of coal-dust. Floor-sand requires only half the above proportions of new sand and coal-dust to renew it. German founders adopt one part by measure of new sand to two of old sand; to which is added coal-dust in the proportion of one-tenth of the bulk for large castings, and one-twen- tieth for small castings. A few founders mix street-sweepings with the coal in order to get porosity when the metal in the mold is likely to be a long time in setting. Plumbago is effective in preventing destruction of the sand; but owing to its refractory nature, it must not be dusted on in such quantities as to close the pores and prevent free exit of the gases. Powdered French chalk, soapstone, and other substances are sometimes used for facing the mold; but next to plumbago, oak charcoal takes the best place, notwithstanding its liability to float occasionally and give a rough casting. For the treatment of sand in the molding-shop the most primitive method is that .of hand-riddling and treading. Here the materials are roughly proportioned by volume, and riddled over an iron plate in a flat heap, where the mixture is trodden into a cake by stamping with the feet; it is turned over with the shovel, and the process repeated. Tough sand can be obtained in this manner, its toughness being usually tested by squeezing a handful into a ball and then breaking it; but the process is slow and tedious. Other things being equal, the chief characteristics of a good molding-sand are toughness and porosity, qualities that depend on the manner of mixing as well as on uniform ramming. Toughness of Sand. In order to. test the relative toughness, sand mixed in various ways was pressed under a uniform load into bars 1 in. sq. and about 12 in. long, and each bar was made to project further and further over the edge of a table until its end broke off by its own weight. Old sand from the shop floor had very irregular cohesion, breaking at all lengths of projections from 1/2 in. to 1 1/2 in. New sand in its natural state held together until an overhang of 23/4 in. was reached. A mixture of old sand, new sand, and coal-dust Mixed under rollers broke at 2 to 2 1/4 in. of overhang. in the centrifugal machine ... '* 2 " 2Vi " through a riddle " 1 3/ 4 " 2Vs " showing as a mean of the tests only slight differences between the last three methods, but in favor of machine-work. In many instances the fractures were so uneven that minute measurements were not taken. Heinrich Ries (Castings, July, 19QS) says that chemical analysis gives little or no information regarding the bonding power, texture, permea- bility or use of sand, the only case in which it is of value being in the selection of a highly silicious sand for certain work such as steel casting. Dimensions of Foundry Ladles. The following table gives the dimensions, inside the lining, of ladles from 25 Ibs. to 16 tons capacity. All the ladles are supposed to have straight sides. (Am. Mach., Aug. 4, 1892.) Cap'y. Diam. Depth. Cap'y. Diam. Depth. Cap'y. Diam. Depth. 16 tons 14 12 10 8 6 4 m. 54 52 49 46 43 39 34 in. 56 53 50 48 44 40 35 3 tons 2 " U/2" 1 ton 3/4" 1/2" 1/4" in. 31 27 !f /2 20 17 13V 2 in. 32 28 25 22 20 17 131/2 300 Ibs. 250 " 200 " 150 " 100 " 75 " 50 " in. 1U/2 ,03 /4 9 8 7 61/2 j|i /2 '88 81/2 7V2 61/2 1258 THE MACHINE-SHOP. THE MACHINE-SHOP. SPEED OF CUTTING-TOOLS IN LATHES, MILLING MACHINES, ETC. Relation of diameter of rotating tool or piece, number of revolution and cutting-speed: Let d = diam. of rotating piece in inches, n = No. of revs, per min.; = speed of circumference in feet per minute; *dn ,,_ S ' 3.82 J 3.825 S = S - T2~ d = Approximate rule: Number of revolutions per minute = 4 X speed Ln feet per minute * diameter in inches. Table of Cutting-speeds. Feet per minute. {J 1J 10 20 30 40 50 75 too 150 200 250 300 Revolutions per minute. */4 152.8 305.6 458.4 611.2 764.0 1145.9 1527.9 2291.83055.8)3819.74583.7 3/8 1/2 101.9 76.4 203.7 152.8 305.6 229.2 407.4 305.6 509.3 382.0 763.7 572.9 1018.6 763.9 1 527.51 2036. 7i 2545. 8 3055.0 1145.9 1527.9 1909.92291.8 5/8 61.1 122.2 183.4 244.5 305.6 458.4 611.2 916.7 1222.3 1527.9 1833.5 3/4 50.9 101.8 152.8 203.7 254.6 382,0 509.3 763.9 1018.611273.2 1527.9 7/ 8 43.7 87.3 130.9 174.6 218.3 327.4 436.6 654.9 873. 3! 1091. 5 1309.8 1 38.2 76.4 114.6 152.8 191.0 286.5 382.0 573.0 763.9 954.9 1145.9 1 1/8 34.0 67.9 101.8 135.8 169.7 254.4 339.5 508.8 678.4 848.0 1017.6 1 1/4 30.6 61.1 91.7 122.2 152.8 229.2 305.6 458.4 611.2 763.9 916.7 1 3 /8 27.8 55.6 83.3 111.1 138.9 208.3 277.7 416.5 555.4 694.2 833.1 H/2 25.5 50.9 76.4 101.8 127.2 190.8 254.4 381.6 508.8! 636.0 763.2 13/4 21.8 43.7 65.5 87.3 109.2 163.6 218.1 327.2 436.2| 545.3 654.3 2 19.1 38.2 57.3 76.4 95.5 143.2 191.0 286.5 382 477.5 573.0 21/4 17.0 34.0 50.9 67.9 84.9 127.2 169.6 254.4 339.2 424.0 508.8 21/2 15.3 30.6 45.3 61.1 76.4 114.6 152.8 229.2 305.6 382 Oi 458.4 23/4 13.9 27.8 41.7 55.6 69.5 104.0 138.7 208.3 277.3 346.6 416.0 12.7 25.5 38.2 50.9 63.7 95.4 127.2 190.8 254.4 318.0 381.6 31/2 109 21 .8 32.7 43.7 54.6 81.6 108.9 163.3 217.7 272.2 326.6 4 9.6 19.1 28.7 38.2 47.8 71.6 95.5 143.2 191.0 238.7 286.5 41/2 8.5 17.0 25.5 34.0 42.5 63.6 84.8 127.2 169.6 212.0 254.4 7.6 15.3 22.9 30.6 33.1 57.3 76.4 114.6 152.8 191.0 229.2 51/2 6.9 13.9 20.8 27.8 34.7 52.1 69.4 104.2 138.9 173.6 208.3 6 6.4 12.7 19.1 25.5 31.8 47.6 63.4 95.1 126.8 158 5 190.2 7 5.5 10.9 16.4 21.8 27.3 41.0 54.6 81.9 109.2 136. 6^ 163.9 8 4.8 9.6 14.3 19.1 23.9 35.8 47.7 71.6 95.5 119.4 143.2 9 4.2 8.5 12.7 17.0 21.2 31.8 42.4 63.6 84.8 106.0 127.2 10 3.8 7.6 11.5 15.3 19.1 28.6 38.2 57.3 76.4 95.5 114.6 11 3.5 6.9 10.4 13.9 17.4 26.0 34.7 52.1 69.4 86.8 104.2 12 3.2 6.4 9.5 12.7 15.9 23.8 31.7 47.6 63.4 79.3 95.1 13 2.9 5.9 8.8 11.8 14.7 22.1 29.4 44.1 58 8 73.5 88.2 14 2.7 5.5 8.2 10.9 13.6 20.5 27.3 40.9 54.6 68.3 81.9 15 2.5 5.1 7.6 10.2 12.7 19.1 25.4 38 2 50.9 63. 6| 763 16 2.4 4.8 7.2 9.5 11.9 17.9 23.9 35.8 47.8 59 7 71 6 18 2.1 4.2 6.4 8.5 10.6 15.9 21.2 31.8 42.4 530 63.6 20 .9 3.8 57 7.6 9.6 14 3 19.1 28.6 38.2 47.8 57 3 22 .7 3.5 5.2 6.9 8.7 12.9 17.2 25.8 34.4 43.0 51 6 24 .6 3.2 4.8 6.4 8.0 11.9 15.9 23.8 31.7 40.1 47.6 26 .5 2.9 4.4 5.9 7.3 10.9 14.5 21.8 29.0 36.3 43.5 28 .4 2.7 4.1 5.5 6.8 10.3 13.7 20.5 27.3 34.2 41.0 30 .3 2.5' 3.8 5.1 6.4 9.5 12.7 19.1 25.4 31.8 38.2 36 2.1 3.2 4.2 5.3 7.9 10.6 15.9 21.2 26.5 31.8 42 0^9 1.8 2.7 3.6 4.5 6.8 9.1 13.6 18.2 22.8 27.3 48 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 6.0 7.9 12.0 15.9 19.9 23.9 54 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.5 5.3 7.0 10.6 14.1 17.6 21.1 60 0.6 1.3 1.9 2.5 3.2 4.8 6.3 9.5 12.7 15.8 19.0 GEARING OF LATHES. 1259 The Speed of Counter-shaft of the lathe is determined by an assumption of a slow speed with the back gear, say 6 feet per minute, on the largest diameter that the lathe will swing. EXAMPLE. A 30-inch lathe will swing 30 inches =, say, 90 inches circumference = 7 feet 6 inches; the lowest triple gear should give a speed of 5 or 6 feet per minute. Spindle Speeds of Lathes. The spindle speeds of lathes are usu- ally in geometric progression, being obtained either by a combination of cone-pulley and back gears, or by a single pulley in connection with a gear train. Either of these systems may be used with a variable speed motor, giving a wide range of available speeds. It is desirable to keep work rotating at a rate that will give the most economical cutting speed, necessitating, sometimes, frequent changes in spindle speed. A variable speed motor arranged for 20 speeds in geometric progression, any one of which can be used with any speed due to the mechanical combination of belts and back gears, gives a fine gradation of cutting speeds. The spindle speeds obtained with the higher speeds of the motor in connection with a certain mechanical arrangement of belt and back gears may overlap those obtained with the lower speeds avail- able in the motor in connection with the next higher speed arrangement of belt and gears, -but about 200 useful speeds are possible. E. R. Douglas (Elec. Rev., Feb. 10, 1906) presents an arrangement of variable speed motor and geared head lathe, with 22 speed variations in the motor and 3 in the head. The speed range of the spindle is from 4.1 to 500 r.p.m. By the use of this arrangement, and taking advantage of the speed changes possible for different diameters of the work, a saving of 35.4 per cent was obtained in the time of turning a piece ordinarily requiring 289 minutes. Rule for Gearing Lathes for Screw-cutting. (Garvin Machine Co.) Read from the lathe index the number of threads per inch cut by equal gears, and multiply it by any number that will give for a pro- duct a gear on the index; put this gear upon the stud, then multiply the number of threads per inch to be cut by the same number, and put the resulting gear upon the screw. EXAMPLE. To cut . . threads per inch. We find on the index that 48 into 48 cuts 6 threads per inch, then 6 X 4 = 24, gear on stud, and \\ 1 A X 4 = 46, gear on screw. Any multiplier may be used so long as the products include gears that belong with the lathe. For instance, instead of 4 as a multiplier we may use 6. Thus, 6 X 6 = 36, gear upon stud, and 11 ^ X 6 = 69, gear upon screw. Rules for Calculating Simple and Compound Gearing where there is no Index. (Am. Mach.) If the lathe is simple-geared, and the stud runs at the same speed as the spindle, select some gear for the screw, and multiply its number of teeth by the number of threads per inch in the lead-screw, and divide this result by the num- ber of threads per inch to be cut. This will give the number of teeth in the gear for the stud. If this result is a fractional number, or a number which is not among the gears on hand, then try some other gear for the screw. Or, select the gear for the stud first, then multiply its number of teeth by the number of threads per inch to be cut, and divide by the number of threads per inch on the lead-screw. This will give the num- ber of teeth for the gear on the screw. If the lathe is compound, select at random all the driving-gears, multiply the numbers of their teeth together, and this product by the number of threads to be cut. Then select at random all the driven gears except 'one; multiply the numbers of their teeth together, and this product by the number of threads per inch in the lead-screw. Now divide the first result by the second, to obtain the number of teeth in the remaining driven gear. Or, select at random all the driven gears. Multiply the numbers of their teeth ' together, and this product by the number of threads per inch in the lead-screw. Then select at random all the driving-gears except one. Multiply the numbers of their teeth together, and this result by the num- ber of threads per inch of the screw to be cut. Divide the first result by the last, to obtain the number of teeth in the remaining driver. When the gears on the compounding stud are fast together, and cannot be changed, then the driven one has usually twice as many teeth as the other, or driver, in which case in the calculations consider the lead-screw to fcave twice as many threads per inch as it actually has, and then ignore 1260 THE MACHINE-SHOP. the compounding entirely. Some lathes are so constructed that the stud on which the first driver is placed revolves only half as last as the spindle. This can be ignored in the calculations by doubling the number of threads of the lead-screw. If both the last conditions are present ignore them in the calculations by multiplying the number of threads per inch in the lead-screw by four. If the thread to be cut is a fractional one, or if the pitch of the lead-screw is fractional, or if both are fractional, then reduce the fractions to a common denominator, and use the numerators of these fractions as if they equaled the pitch of the screw to be cut, and of the lead-screw, respectively. Then use that part of the rule given above which applies to the lathe in question. For instance, suppose it is desired to cut a thread of 25/ 32 -inch pitch, and the lead-screw has 4 threads per inch. Then the pitch of the lead-screw will be 1/4 inch, which is equal to 8/32 inch. We now have two fractions, 25/ 32 and 8/ 32 , and the two screws will be in the proportion of 25 to 8, and the gears can be figured by the above rule, assuming the number of threads to be cut to be 8 per inch, and those on the lead-screw to be 25 per inch. But this latter number may be further modified by conditions named above, such as a reduced speed of the stud, or fixed compound gears. In the instance given, if the lead-screw had been 2 1/2 threads per inch, then its pitch being Vio inch, we have the fractions 4/io and 25/ 32 , which, reduced to a common denominator, are 64/ 160 and 125/ 160 , and the gears will be the same as if the lead -screw had 125 threads per inch, and the screw to be cut 64 threads per inch. On this subject consult also "Formulas in Gearing," published by Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., and Jamieson's Applied Mechanics. Change-gears for Screw-cutting Lathes. There is a lack of uniformity among lathe-builders as to the change-gears provided for screw-cutting. W. R. Macdonald, in Am. Mach., April 7, 1892, pro- posed the following series, by which 33 whole threads (not fractional) may be cut by changes of only nine gears: Spindle. fc Whole Threads. I 20 30 40 50 60 70 110 120 130 20 8 6 44/5 4 33/7 22/n 2 1 H/13 2 11 22 44 30 18 9 7V* 6 51/7 33/n 3 2 10/13 3 12 24 48 40 24 16 12 93/5 8 66/ 7 44/u 4 39/13 4 13 26 52 50 30 20 15 10 84/7 55/u 5 48/13 5 14 28 66 60 36 24 18 H2/5. 102/ 7 66/11 6 57/ 13 6 15 30 72 70 42 28 21 164/ 5 14 77/n 7 68/ 13 7 16 33 78 110 66 44 33 262/5 22 186/ 7 11 102/ 13 8 18 36 120 72 48 36 284/5 24 204/ 7 131/n 1 1 Vl3 9 20 39 130 78 52 39 31 Vs 26 223/7 142/n 13 10 21 42 Ten gears are sufficient to cut all the usual threads, with the exception of perhaps 111/2, the standard pipe-thread; in ordinary practice any fractional thread between 11 and 12 will be near enough for the custom- ary short pipe-thread; if not, the addition of a single gear will give it. In this table the pitch of the lead-screw is 12, and it may be objected to as too fine for the purpose. This may be rectified by making the real pitch 6 or any other desirable pitch, and establishing the proper ratio between the lathe spindle and the gear-stud. "Quick Change Gears." About 1905, lathe manufacturers began building "quick change" lathes in which gear changing for screw- cutting is eliminated. The lead-screw carries a cone of gears, one of which is in mesh with a movable gear in a nest of gears driven from the spindle. By changing the position of this movable gear, in relation to the cone 9f gears, the proper ratio of speeds between the spindle and lead-screws is obtained for cutting any desired thread usual in the range of the machine. About 16 different numbers of threads per inch can usually be cut by means of the "quick change" gear train. Different threads from those usually available can be cut by means of change gears between the spindle TAYLOR'S EXPERIMENTS. 1261 and " quick change " gear train. The threads per inch usually available range from 2 to 46 in a 12-in. lathe to 1 to 24 in a 30-in. lathe. Catalogs of lathe manufacturers should be consulted for constructional details. Shapes of Tools. For illustrations and descriptions of various forms of cutting- tools, see Taylor's Experiments, below; also see Standard Planer Tools, p. 1271, and articles on Lathe Tools in Appleton's Cyc. Mech., vol. ii, and in Modern Mechanism. Cold Chisels. Angle of cutting-faces (Joshua Rose): For cast steel, about 65 degrees; for gun-metal or brass, about 50 degrees; for copper and soft metals, about 30 to 35 degrees. Metric Screw-threads may be cut on lathes with inch-divided lead- ing-screws, by the use of change- wheels with 50 and 127 teeth; since 127 centimeters = 50 inches (127 X 0.3937 = 49.9999 in.). Rule for Setting the Taper in a Lathe. (Am. Mach.) IjTo rule can be given which will produce exact results, owing to the fapt that the centers enter the work an indefinite distance. If it were not for this circumstance the following would be an exact rule, and it is an approx- imation as it is. To find the distance to set the center over: Divide the difference in the diameters of the large and small ends of the taper by 2, and multiply this quotient by the ratio which the total length of the shaft bears to the length of the tapered portion. EXAMPLE: Suppose a shaft three feet long is -to have a taper turned on the end one foot long, the large end of the taper being two inches and the small end one inch diameter, inches. F Lubricants for Lathe Centers. Machinery recommends as lubri- cants for lathe centers to prevent cutting or abrasion: 1. Dry or powdered red lead mixed with a good mineral oil to the consistency of cream. 2. White lead mixed with sperm oil, together withi enough graphite to give the mixture a dark red color. 3. One part graphite, four parts tallow, thoroughly mixed. TAYLOR'S EXPERIMENTS. Fred W. Taylor directed a series of experiments, extending over 26 years, on feeds, speeds, shape of tool, composition of tool steel, and heat treatment. His results are given in Trans. A. S. M. E., xxviii, "The Art of Cutting Metals." The notes below apply mainly to tools r of high speed steel and to heavy work requiring tools not less than V2 by 3/4 inch in cross-section. Proper Shape of Lathe Tool. Mr. Taylor discovered the best shape for lathe tools to be as shown in Fig. 194 with the angles given in the following table, when used on materials of the class shown. The exact outline of the nose of the tool is shown in Fig. 195. The actual dimensions of a 1-inch roughing tool are shown in Fig. 196. Let R = radius of point of tool, A = width of tool, L length of shank, and // = height of shank, all in inches. Then L = I4A -f 4; H = 1.5A; R = 0.5 A 0.3125 for cutting hard steel and cast iron; R =? 0.5A 0.1875 for soft steel. The meaning of the terms back slope, etc., is shown in Fig. 194. Angles for Tools. * Material cut. a = clearance. b = back slope. c = side slope. Cast iron; Hard steel. 6 degrees. 8 degrees. 14 degrees. Medium or Soft steel. 6 degrees. 8 degrees. 22 degrees. Tire steel. 6 degrees. 5 degrees. 9 degrees. * As far as the shape of the tool is concerned, Taylor divided metals to be cut into general classes: (a) cast iron and hard steel, steel of 0.45-0.50 per cent carbon, 100,000 pounds tensile strength, and 18 per cent stretch, being a low limit of hardness; (6) soft steel, softer than above; (c) chilled iron; (d) tire steel; (e) extremely soft steel of carbon, say, 0.10-0.15 per cent. The table presupposes the use of an automatic tool grinder. If tools are ground by hand the clearance angle should be 9 degrees. The lip angles for tools cutting hard steel and cast iron should be 68 degrees; Clearance- Flank- Section Through Line A-B Showing Greatest, or True Slope of Lip Surface. FIQ. 194. FIG. 195. TAYLOR S EXPERIMENTS. 1263 for soft steel, 61 degrees; for chilled iron, 86 to 90 degrees; for tire steel, 74 degrees; for extremely soft steel, keener than 61 degrees. A tool should be given more side than back slope; it can then be ground more times without weakening, the chip does not strike the tool post or clamps, r FIG. 196. and it is also easier to feed. The nose of the tool should be set to one side, as in Fig. 196 above, to avoid any tendency to upset. To use a tool of this shape, lathe tool posts should be set lower below the center of the work than is now (1907) customary. Forging and Grinding Tools. The best method of dressing a tool is to turn one end up nearly at right angles to the shank, so that the nose will be high above the top of the body of the tool. Dressing can be thus done in two heats. Tools should leave the smith shop with a clearance angle of 20 degrees. Detailed directions for dressing a tool are given in Mr. Taylor's paper. To avoid overheating the tool in grind ing, a stream of water, of at least five gallons a minute, should be thrown at low velocity on the nose of the tool where it is in contact with the emery wheel. In hand grinding, tools should not be held firmly against the wheel, but should be moved over its surface. It is of the utmost importance that high speed steel tools should not be heated above 1200 F. in grinding. Automatic tool grinders are economical, even in a small shop. Grinding machines should have some means for automatically adjusting the pressure of the tool against the grinding wheel. Each size of tool should have adapted to it a pressure, automatically adjusted, and which is just sufficient to grind rapidly without overheating the tool. Standard shapes should be adopted, to which all tools should be ground, there being no economy in automatic grinding without standard shapes, Best Grinding Wheel. The best grinding wheel was found to be a corundum wheel, of a mixture of 24 and 30 grit. 1264 THE MACHINE-SHOP. Pressure of Tool, etc. Mr. Taylor found that there is no definite relation between the cutting speed of tools and the pressure with which the chip bears on the lip surface of the tool. He found, however, that the pressure per square inch of sectional area of the chip increases slightly as the thickness of the chip decreases. The feeding pressure of the tool is sometimes equal to the entire driving pressure of the chip against the lip surface of the tool, and the feed gears should be designed to deliver a pressure of this magnitude at the nose of the tool. Chatter. Chatter is caused by: too small lathe dogs; imperfect bearing at the points where the face plate drives the dogs; badly made or badly fitted gears; shafts in the machine of too small diameter, or of too great length; loose fits in bearings. A tool which chatters must be run at a cutting speed about 15 per cent slower than can be used if the tool does not chatter, irrespective of the use or non-use of water on the tool. A higher cutting speed can be used with an intermittent cut, as occurs on a planer, or shaper, or in turning, say, the periphery of a gear, than with a steady cut. To avoid chatter, tools should have curved cutting edges, or two or more tools should be used at the same time in the same machine. The body of the tool should be greater in height than width, and should have a true, solid bearing on the tool support, which latter should extend to almost beneath the cutting edge of the tool. Machines should be made massive beyond the metal needed for strength alone, and steady rests should be used on long work. It is advisable to use a steady rest, when turning any cylindrical piece of diameter D, when the length exceeds 12 Z), Use of Water on Tool. With the best high speed steel tools, a gain of 14 per cent in cutting speed can be made in cutting cast-iron and hard steel to 35 per cent on very soft steel by throwing a heavy stream of water directly on the chip at the point where it is being re- moved from the forging by the tool. Not less than three gallons a minute should be used for a 2 X 2i/2-in. tool. The gain is practically the same for all qualities of steel, regardless of hardness and whether thick or thin chips are being cut. Interval between Grindings. Mr. Taylor derived a table showing how long various sizes of tools should run without regrinding to give the maximum work for the lowest all-around cost. Time a tool should run continuously without regrinding equals 7 X (time to change tool + proper portion of time for redressing -f time for grinding + time equi- valent to cost of the tool steel ground off). INTERVAL BETWEEN GRINDINGS, AT MAXIMUM ECONOMICAL CUTTING SPEEDS. Size of tool. Inches. Hours. 1/2 X3/4 S/g &' *&' 78 7/ 8 X 1 3/8 1X.V, Size of toot. Inches. Hours. 1 V4X 1 7/8 U/2X2 1/4 13/ 4 X2 3/ 4 2 X 3 2.75 If the proper cutting speed (A) is known for a cut of given duration, the speed for a cut (B) of different duration can be obtained by multiply- ing (A) by the factor given in the following table: Duration of cut in minutes: At known speed (A) 20 40 20 40 80 80 At derived speed (B) 40 80 80 20 40 20 Factor 0.92 0.92 0.84 1.09 1.09 1.19 For cutting speeds of high-speed lathe tools to last 11/2 hours, see tables on pages 1266 and 1267. Effect of Feed and Depth of Cut on Cutting Speed. With a given depth of cut, metal can be removed faster with a coarse feed and slow speed, than with fine feed and high speed. 'With a given depth of cut. a cutting speed of S, and a feed of F, 5 varies approximately as 1[\/F. With tools of the best high speed steel, varying the feed and depth of cut varies the cutting speed in the same ratio when cutting hard steel as when cutting soft steel. TAYLOR'S EXPERIMENTS. 1265 Best High Speed Tool Steel Composition Heat Treatment. Mr. Taylor and Maunsel White developed a number of high speed steels, the one showing the best all-around qualities having the following chemical composition: Vanadium, 0.29; tungsten, 18.19; chromium, 5.47; carbon, 0.674; manganese, 0.11; silicon, 0.043. The use of vanadium materially improves high speed steel. The following method of treatment is described as the best for this or any other composition of high speed steel. The tool should be forged at a light yellow heat, and, after forging slowly and uniformly heated to a bright cherry red, allowing plenty of time for the heat to penetrate to the center of the tool, in order to avoid danger of cracking due to too rapid heating. The tool should then be heated from a bright cherry red to practically its melting-point as rapidly as possible in an intensely hot fire; if the extreme nose of the tool is slightly fused no harm is done. Time should be allowed for the tool to become uniformly hot from the heel to the lip surface. After the high heat has been given the tools, as above described, they should be cooled rapidly until they are below the "breaking-down point, or. say, down to or below 1550 F. The quality of the tool will be but little affected whether it is cooled rapidly or slowly from this point down to the temperature of the air. Therefore, after all parts of a tool from the outside to the center have reached a uniform temperature below the breaking-down point, it is the practice sometimes to lay it down in any part of the room or shop which is free from moisture, and let it cool in the air, and sometimes to cool it in an air blast to the temperature of the air. The best method of cooling from the high heat to below the breaking- down point is to plunge the tools into a bath of red-hot molten lead below the temperature of 1550 F. They should then be plunged into a lead bath maintained at a uniform temperature of 1150 F., because the same bath is afterward used for reheating the tools to give them their second treatment. This bath should contain a sufficiently large body of the lead so that its temperature can be maintained uniform; and for this purpose should be used preferably a lead bath containing about 3600 Ib. of lead. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the importance of never allowing the tool to have its temperature even slightly raised for a very short time during the process of cooling down. The temperature must either remain absolutely stationary or continue to fall after the operation of cooling has once started, or the tool will be injured. Any temporary rise of temperature during cooling, however small, will injure the tool. This, however, applies only to cooling the tool to the temperature of about 1240 F. Between the limits of 1240 degrees and the temperature of the air, the tool can be raised or lowered in temperature time after time and for any length of time without injury. And it should also be noted that during the first operation of heating the tool from its cold state to the melting-point, no injury results from allowing it to cool slightly and then reheating. It is from reheating during the operation of cooling from the high heat to 1240 F. that the tool is injured. The above-described operation is commonly known as the first or high- heat treatment. To briefly recapitulate, the first or high-heat treatment consists of heating the tool (a) slowly to 1500 F.; (b) rapidly from that temperature to just below the melting-point. (c) coqiing fast to below the breaking-down point, i.e., 1550F. (d) cooling either fast or slowly from 1550 F. to temperature of the air. Second Treatment, Reheating the Cooled Tool. After air- temperature has been reached the tool should be reheated to a temperature of from 700 to 1240 F., preferably by plunging it in the before-mentioned lead bath at 1150 F. and kept at that temperature at least five minutes. To avoid danger of fire cracks, the tool should be heated slowly before immersing in the bath. The above tool heated in this fashion possesses a high degree of "red hardness" (ability to cut steel with the nose of the tool at red heat), while it is not extraordinarily hard at ordinary tem- peratures. It is difficult to injure it by overheating on the grindstone or in the lathe. It will operate at 90 per cent of its maximum cutting speed, even without the second or low-heat treatment. A coke fire is prefer- able for giving the first heat, and it should be made as deep as possible. 1266 THE MACHINE-SHOP. I c I I 41 grss's" 000* CON ' ; *N -G 06 ; SSKSS2 ppppepr* ppOON O s k ' (6 r* <*N -^rocor. : Oao co in fd is .^ ass pppppp pppp-oq $338 : : pppcq I X od o ^O^'O^T mqq I I ' M^.^ ^fl^l ?5llrl il I I * I * I # I TAYLOR'S EXPERIMENTS. 1267 & qrv-vo KMNIAO mines OO CO I OO T IS* i i 8*383 SS85S i i oocqwcD < " w 3j9 tb s f A fe 1 jK J2 So rt h-t 5 ' p Jl M . I* tx a S i bo 3 I a.S T3 CB r 1 S 25 31/2 9 10 6 1 1/2 1/8 5 18 500 458 30 1/2 2 S 25 31/2 9 to 6 0.02 5 18 500 458 7.23 3 H 69 31/2 ^ 15 6 1 1/2 (1/16 I 510 470 301/2 4 L 16 15 1 U/2 j 3/16 M/4 f 510 835 301/2 1 7-Tooth 1 5 G 7' M/2 12 10 H/4 -<30-PitchV.. 181/4 218 200 112 ( Gear. | 62 S 25 31/2 9 to 6 H/2 .Vi 5 21/2 87 80 20 1 Diametral Pitch. 2 Same cutter and block as in Test No. 1, but run without lubricant. Test stopped when cutter showed signs of distress after cutting 2*/2 in. Edges of teeth blued. NOTE. S, spiral mill; H, helical mill; L, slotting cutter; G, gear cutter. As a criterion of the life of cutters under the above conditions, a cutter of the type used in test No. 5, was run to destruction. It milled 6700 in., not including cutter approach, the equivalent of cutting 223 gears of 1-in. face, 7 pitch, 30 teeth. Limiting Factors of Milling Practice. Discussing the above tests Mr. Alford gives the following as the limiting factors of milling ma- chine practice: (1) Power of the machine. Increased speed requires greater power per cubic inch of metal removed; according to the Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., doubling the speed necessitates a 10% increase of power per cubic inch of metal removed. (2) Ability of the cutter to remove metal. Increased speed, with the same feed increases the ability of the cutter to cut, due to the smaller chip removed by each tooth. This means a decrease of strain, wear and heating effect. The total or final heating effect is increased, but this may be counter- acted by copious lubrication. (3) Size and spring of arbor. The size of the arbor is limited by the size of commercial cutters. The strain on the arbor depends on the feed per minute. An increase of speed, lessening the pressure per tooth, reduces the arbor strain, and tends to do away with the limitation imposed by the arbor. (4) Heating of the cutter, often the most important limitation. This can be over- come by sufficient lubricant to remove all heat as fast as it is generated. (5) Wear of the cutter. This is dependent on the number of lineal inches milled, depth of cut and feed per revolution being constant. Increased speed increases the wear per unit of time. Wear may be somewhat reduced with high speed by copious lubrication which washes away the chips, thus preventing the grinding action due to cutting up chips. (6) Breakage of cutters. Frail cutters limit production, as only a certain maximum feed per revolution, dependent on their 1284 THE MACHINE-SHOP. strength, can be taken. Increased speed, with constant feed, will increase production without increasing the cutter strain or danger of breakage. (7) Heating of work. Uneven local heating when milling will produce uneven surfaces, for the swelled portions will be cut away. This action is progressive as the total heat increases as the cut advances. The absence or prevention of heating by copious lubrication does away with this limitation. (8) Spring of work. This limitation is minimized for the same reasons given in (6). (9) Spring of fixture. The same analysis applies as in (6). If the pressure per tooth is re- duced, the pressure for holding may be reduced, and clamping fixtures may be made to operate more quickly. An increase in cutting speed therefore will tend to increase the speed of operation of the clamping devices and fixtures. (10) Spring of the machine. The same argu- ments apply as in (9). (11) Distance of revolution marks on the work. This is the limiting feature in perhaps 90% of milling work, which is governed by polishing or some subsequent operation. If the marks are far apart, polishing cannot be satisfactorily done. Increased speed, with constant feed will bring these marks closer together. (12) Smoothness of cuC. High speed milling, both by the action of centrif- ugal force and by copious flooding removes the chips completely from the cutter and eliminates the grinding effect on the finished surface. With a given distance between revolution marks, high speed will give a smoother surface. Speeds and Feeds for Gear Cutting. The speeds and feeds which can be used in gear cutting are affected by many variables, among which may be noted: The material and shape of the cutter, the latter condition involving both the strength and the ability of the teeth to clear themselves of chips; the material and shape of the gear, shape influencing the speed and feed in that a heavy rugged gear will permit , higher speeds and heavier feeds, even in hard material than will a light springy one; accuracy of finish required; quality of lubricant used; rigidity of machine. The following table shows tentative speeds recommended by Gould and Eberhardt, which may serve as a pre- liminary guide, pending the determination of the best combination for each particular case. They represent average practice in medium grades of cast iron and steel. High-Speed Steel Cutters. Carbon Steel Cutters. Min. Average. Max. Min. Average . Max. Cast iron, ft. per min.. Steel, ft. per min 60 45 70 50 80 55 35 25 60 40 45 30 The feeds in inches per minute recommended by the same company, depend on the capacity of the machine and on the size of the teeth. Thus, in a machine whose maximum capacity is for gears with teeth of one diametral pitch in cast iron and of 1 1/4 diametral pitch in steel, the feeds range from 2.3 ,in. per minute in cast iron for gears of 1 diametral pitch to 6.9 in. for gears of 6 diametral pitch, carbon steel cutters being used. For high-speed steel cutters, the corresponding fig- ures are 3.5 and 11.0 in. In steel, the feeds under the same conditions are 1.9 in. and 4.5 in. per minute with carbon steel cutters and 2.8 in. and 6.9 in. per minute with high-speed steel cutters. Likewise in a machine whose maximum capacity is teeth of 4 diametral pitch for cast-iron gears and 5 diametral pitch for steel gears, the feed given for carbon steel cutters for gears of 4 diametral pitch is 2.6 in. per minute in cast iron and 1.5 in. per minute in steel. For gears of 24 diametral pitch the figures are for cast iron 7.6 in. per minute, and for steel 5.8 in. per minute. Using high-speed steel cutters, the corresponding figures are: 4 diametral pitch, cast iron 4.5 in. per minute; steel, 3.5 in. per minute; 24 diametral pitch, cast iron 10 in. per minute; steel, 7.6 in. per minute. These figures merely show the range of feeds that are possible in gear cutting, and the tables furnished by the manufacturers of gear- cutting machines should be consulted for the proper feeds for particular cases. DRILLS AND DRILLING. 1285 DRILLS AND DRILLING. r Constant for Finding Speeds of Drills. For finding the speed in feet when the number of revolutions is given ; or the number of revolu- tions, when the speed in feet is given. Constant = 12 -=- (size of drill X 3.1416). Number of revolutions = Constant X speed in feet. Speed in feet = Number of revolutions -r- constant. Size Drill, In. Con- stant. Size Drill, In. Con- stant. Size Drill, In. Con- stant. Size Drill. In. Con- stant. Size Drill, In. Con- stant. 1/8 30.55 3/4 5.09 3/8 2.78 2 .91 25/ g .45 3/16 20.38 13/16 4.70 7/16 2.66 21/16 .85 2 H/16 .42 1/4 15.28 7/8 4.36 1/2 2.55 21/8 .80 23/4 .39 5/16 12.22 15/16 4.07 9/16 2.44 23/i 6 .75 2 13/16 .36 3/8 10.19 3.82 5/8 2.35 21/4 .70 27/ 8 .33 7/16 8.73 1/16 3.59 H/16 2.26 25/16 .65 2 15/16 .30 1/2 7.64 1/8 3.39 3/4 2.18 23/8 .61 3 .27 9/16 6.79 3/16 3.22 13/16 2.11 27/16 .57 31/16 .25 i 5/8 6.11 3.06 7/8 2.04 21/2 .53 31/8 .22 H/16 5.56 5/16 2.91 15/16 1.97 29/16 .49 31/4 .18 The Cleveland Twist Drill Co., Cleveland, states (1915) that it is safe to start carbon steel drills with a peripheral speed of 30 ft. per minute in soft tool and machinery steel, 35 ft. per min. in cast iron, and 60 ft. per min. in brass. In all cases a feed of from 0.004 to 0.007 in. per revolution should be used for drills 1/2 in. diam. and smaller, and of from 0.005 to 0.015 in. per revolution for drills larger than J^ in. In the case of high speed steel drills these fee\Js should not be changed, but the peripheral speed may be increased from 2 to 2 1/2 times. The table below is calculated on the basis of the speeds given above for carbon steel drills, and on the basis of speeds 2 1/3 times higher for high-speed drills. The running speed may be higher or lower than the starting speed, and must be determined by good individual judgment for each case. Starting Speeds for Carbon and High-Speed Steel Drills in Steel, Cast Iron and Brass, R. P. M. Steel. Cast Iron. Brass. Steel. Cast Iron. Brass. Drill Drill > Diam., T3 d d H Diam., J* 'd J* "8 c In. -si | .d! | In. A 0, .di, | 8 Jwo tfS rt .MM 8 bcc/2 Sf Sfw SPoa W O w u a o W u w 5 a 1/16 1833 4278 2139 4991 3667 H/8 102 238 119 278 204 475 1/8 917 2139 1070 2496 1833 4278 H/4 92 214 107 249 183 428 3/16 611 1426 713 1664 1222 2852 13/8 83 194 97 227 167 389 1/4 458 1070 535 1248 917 2139 H/2 76 178 89 208 153 357 5/16 367 856 428 998 733 1711 15/8 70 165 82 192 141 329 3/8 306 713 357 832 611 1426 13/4 65 153 76 178 131 306 7/16 262 611 306 714 524 1222 17/8 61 143 71 166 122 285 1/2 229 535 263 614 458 1070 2 57 134 67 156 115 267 5/8 183 428 215 500 367 856 2V4 51 119 60 139 102 238 3/4 153 357 178 415 306 713 21/2 46 107 54 125 92 214 7/8 131 306 153 357 262 611 23/4 42 97 49 114 83 194 1 115 267 134 312 229 535 3 38 89 45 104 76 178 A drill with a tendency to wear away on the outside is running too fast; if it breaks or chips on the cutting edges it has too much feed. Forms of Drills. The common form of twist drill is a cylinder with two spiral flutes milled in it. Another type, for heavy duty, consists of a twisted bar of flat steel. The angle that the cutting edges makes with the axis of the drill has been fixed at about 59. A decrease in this angle decreases the pressure required for feeding the drill, but increases the power required to turn it. The cutting edge of a spotting 1286 THE MACHINE-SHOP. drill should make an angle of about 50 with the axis of the drill. The clearance angle, that is, the angle between the surface back of the cutting edge and a plane perpendicular to the axis of the drill, ranges from 12 to 15, the angle increasing slightly toward the center. In general, the small clearance is best for hard metals and the large clearance for soft metals. Drilling Compounds. The following drilling compounds or lubri- cants are recommended when drilling the materials given below : Steel (hard) kerosene, turpentine, soda water. Steel (soft) soda water, lard oil. Iron (wrought) soda water, lard oil. Iron (malleable) soda water. Iron (cast) none or air blast. Brass paraffine oil. Aluminum soda water, kerosene. Warming the lubricant before applying it to high-speed drills is recommended, and precautions should be taken against suddenly chilling high-speed drills by the lubricant after they have become heated. Twist Drill and Steel Wire Gages. Three standards of gages for twist drills and steel wire are in use the Manufacturers' Standard, used by the Morse Twist Drill Co., Brown & Sharpe, and other manu- facturers, the Stubs gage, and that of the Standard Tool Co. The Stubs and Manufacturers' gages are given in the table on page 30. The Standard Tool Co. gage agrees with the Manufacturers' gage for sizes from Nos. 1 to 60, inclusive, and with the Stubs gage for sizes from Nos. 61 to 80. In addition it has additional H sizes interpolated at Nos. 601/2, 681/2, 69 1/2, 71 1/2. 731/2, 741/2, 781/2, and 791/2. Power Required to Drive High-Speed Drills. H. M. Norris, me- chanical engineer of the Cincinnnti-Bickford Tool Co., found (1914) that the power absorbed by a 6-foot, high-speed, high-power, plain radial drill fitted with a variable speed motor, in driving drills in machine steel under a stream of water, varied in accordance with the formula: H.P. = 0.152 (R + 2.1) di.s/o.74 [ r - / + 6.8 L \ d R = ratio between speed of the intake shaft and speed of the spindle; d = diameter of drill, in.; /= feed in thousandths of an inch per revolu- tion; r = rev. per min. The values deduced from this formula are given in the table, p. 1287; the figures 1, 2, and 4 in the column "Ratio R" represent the ratios of 1 to 1, 1 to 2, and 1 to 4 respectively. The table also gives the results obtained in drilling medium cast-iron, but these, at this writing, have not been reduced to a formula. The American Tool Works Co., Cincinnati, has furnished the author with the tests given in the table below, made in 1912, showing the power required to drive drills in a 6-foot plain triple-geared radial drill made by that company. This table shows the results obtained with speeds and feeds higher than those given by Mr. Norris. Power Required to Drive Drills. (Amer. Tool Works Co., 1912.) Size of Drill, In. Cast Iron. Steel. Speed. Feed. Horse- power Speed. Feed. Horse- power. Rev. per Min. Ft. Min. Per Rev., In. In. per Min. Rev. per Min. Ft. per Min. Per Rev., In. In. per Min. U/4 H/2 yA f, 430 430 430 430 297 202 178 143 111.25 140 157 197 156 119 116.5 112 0.049 .049 .049 .049 .049 .036 .036 .036 21.07 21.07 21.07 21.07 14.56 7.27 6.40 5.14 8.26 11.65 18.65 19.75 19.79 14.82 11.24 14.31 335 258 229 178 143 143 143 47.5 88 84.5 90 81.5 75 84.2 93.6 37.2 0.036 .026 .018 .018 .018 .018 .013 .026 12.06 6.70 4.12 3.20 2.57 2.57 1.86 1.21 13.50 10.43 14.86 9.91 12.32 15.06 13.51 12.46 DRILLS AND DRILLING. 1287 Power Required for Drilling Cast Iron and Steel. (H. M. N orris, 1915.) Cast Iron. Machinery Steel. c .S 0.020 in. 0.030 in. 0.040 in. 0.012 in. 0.016 in. 0.020 in. i9 r Ifc c Feed. Feed. Feed. Feed. Feed. Feed. .2 If ' & &5 M 0) M. si M ft-S fc Jd ft-~ | ** . fe fc .5 ft g g w ft "5 G < ft 5 G w p, "5 c 03 ft 3 c M ft 5 c tl 3 -p i '-P ft'3 g ft'3 O 8*1 o 1 i fa 8*1 Q O & tf Q w Q w Q W Q w Q W Q W 3/4 60 306 6.12 2.76 9.18 3.52 12.24 4.20 3.67 2.84 4.90 3.53 6.12 4.15 3/4 70 357 7.14 3.36 10.71 4.29 14.28 5.10 4.28 3.49 5.72 4.32 7.14 5.09 3/4 80 408 8.16 3.98 12.24 5.08 16.32 6.04 4.90 4.12 6.53 5.10 8.16 6.02 3/4 90 459 9.18 4.60 13.77 5.86 18.35 6.96 5.51 4.76 7.34 5.89 9.18 6.95 3/4 100 509 10.18 5.21 15.27 6.64 20.36 7.89 6.11 5.40 8.14 6.68 10.18 7.88 60 229 2 4.58 2.88 6.87 3.67 9.16 4.36 2.75 4.01 3.66 4.96 4.58 5.85 70 267 5.34 3.09 8.00 3.94 10.67 4.68 3.21 3.72 4.27 4.60 5.34 5.43 80 306 6.12 3.66 9.18 4.66 12.2-4 5.54 3.67 4.394.89 5.44 6.12 6.42 90 344 6.88 4.22 10.32 5.38 13.76 6.39 4.13 5.165.50 6.39 6.88 7.54 100 382' 7.64 4.79 11.46 6.11 15.27 7.26 4.59 5.79 6.11 7.17 7.64 8.46 U/4 60 183 1 2 3.66 3.10 5.49 3.95 7.32 4.70 2.19 4.21 2.93 5.21 3.66 6.15 11/4 70 214 2 4.28 3.80 6.42 4.84 8.56 5.75|2.57 5.173.42 6.40 4.28 7.55 11/4 80 245 2 4.90 4.50 7.36 5.74 9.80 6.822.94 5.96j3.92 7.57 4.90 8.93 11/4 90 275 5.48 3.95 8.22 5.04 11.00 5.993.29 5.3514.38 6.62 5.48 7.81 U/4 100 306 6.12 4.49 9.18 5.73 12.24 6.81 3.67 6.08 4.89 7.52 6.12 8.87 U/2 60 153 2 3.12 3.27 4.59 4.17 6.12 4.96 1.84 4.36 2.45 5.39 3.12 6.36 U/2 70 178 2 3.561 4.02 5.34 5.12 7.02 6.0812.14 5.352.85 6.62 3.56 7.81 U/2 80 204 2 4.08 4.77 6.06 6.08 8.16 7.232.45 6.35 3. 26| 7.86 4.08 9.27 11/2 90 230 2 4.60 5.51 6.90 7.03 9.20 8.362.76 7.353.68J 9.10 4.60 10.73 U/2 100 254 2 5.04 6.27 7.62 7.99 10.16 9.50 3.05 8.34 4.07 10.32 5.04 12.17 13/4 60 131 2 2.62 3.42 3.93 4.36 5.24 5.18 .57 4.48 2.10 5.55 2.62 6.55 13/4 70 153 2 3.06 4.2li 4.59 5.37 6.12 6.38 .84 5.532.45 6.84 3.06 8.07 13/4 80 175 2 3.50 5.00! 5.25 6.38 7.00 7.58i2.10 6.562.80 8.12 3.50 9.58 13/4 ! 90 196 2 2.921 5.80 5.88 7.39 7.84 8.78 : 2.35 7.602.14 9.41 3.92 11.10 13/4 100 218 2 4.36 6.59 6.52 8.40 9.12 9.98 2.62 8.633.49 10.68 4.36 12.60 2 60 115 4 2.30 4.87 3.45 6.22 4.60 7.39 .38 6.82 1.84 8.44 2.30 9.96 2 70 134 2.68 4.38 4.04 5.59 5.36 6.64 .61 5.662.14 7.00 2.68 8.26 2 80 153 2 3.06 5.21 4.59 6.65 6.12 7.90 .84 6.73 2.45 8.33 3.06 9.83 2 90 172 2 3.44 6.04 5.16 7.71 6.88 9.16 2.06 7.81 2.75 9.66 3.44 11.40 2 100 191 2 3.82 6.87 5.73 8.77 7.64 10.32 2.29 8.87 3.06 10.98 3.82 12.95 21/4 60 102 4 2.04 5.18 3.06 6.60 4.08 7.84 .22 6.95 1.63 8.60 2.04 10.14 21/4 70 119 4 2.38 6.40 3.57 8.16 4.76 9.70 .43 8.60 1.90 10.64 2.38 12.55 21/4 80 136 2 2.68 5.40 4.08 6.88 5.44 8.18 .63 6.88 2.18 8.52 2.68 10.05 21/4 90 153 2 3.06 6.27 4.59 7.99 6.12 9.50 .84 7.98 2.45 9.88 3.06 11.65 21/4 100 170 3.40 7.13 5.10 9.09 6.80 10.80 2.04 90.9 2.72 11.25 3.40 13.27 21/2 60 92 4 1.83 5.46 2.75 6.96 3.67 8.27 .10 7.06 1.47 8.74 1.83 10.31 21/2 70 107 4 2.14 6.76 3.21 8.63 4.28 10.26 .28 8.75 1.71 10.83 2.14 12.77 2V >' 80 122 4 2.44 8.06 3.66 10.29 4.88 12.23 .46 10.43 1.95 12.91 2.44 15.23 21/2 90 138 2 2.76 6.46 4.14 8.24 5.52 9.79 .66 8.14 2.21 10.08 2.76 11.89 21/2 100 153 2 3.06 7.36 4.59 9.39 6.12 11.16 .84 9.28 2.45 11.49 3.06 13.55 23/ 4 60 83 4 1.67 5.73 2.50 7.30 3.34 8.68 .00 7.15 1.33 8.85 1.67 10.44 23/4 70 97 4 1.94 7.11 2.92 9.06 3.89 10.77 .17 8.87 1.55 10.98 1.94 12.95 23/4 80 111 4 2.22 8.49 3.3310.83 4.44 12.87 .33 10.62 1.78 13.14 2.22 15.50 23/4 90 125 4 2.50 9.90 3.75 12.62 5.00 15.00 .50 12.34 2.00 15.27 2.50 18.00 23/4 100 139 2 2.78 7.59 4.17 9:68 5.56 11.50 .67 9.46 2.23 11.71 2.78 13.81 3 60 76 4 1.53 5.96 2.29 7.60 3.06 9.03 0.92 7.22 1.22 8.94 1.53 10.55 3 70 89 4 1.78 7.42 2.67 9.46 3.56 11.25 .07 8.98)1.43 11.12 1.78 13.12 3 80 102 4 2.04 8.88 3.06 11.32 4.08 13.45 .27 10.75 1.63 13.31 2.04 15.71 3 90 115 4 2.30 10.33 3.45 13.17 4.60 15. 6511.38 12.52 1.84 15.48 2.30 18.26 3 100 127 4 2.54il1.75 3.81 15.00 5.08 17.82'l.52 14.26 2.03 17.65 2.54 20.82 1288 THE MACHINE-SHOP. Feeds for Drills. According to Mr. Norris, the rate at which a drill may be advanced per revolution depends upon the toughness of the material to be drilled, the ability of the machine to resist thrust without forfeiture of alignment and upon the knowledge that is exercised in the grinding of the drill the size of its included angle, the width of its chisel point, and the keenness and evenness of its cutting edges, all being deciding factors. Were it not for the weakening effect on the drill it could be said that the stiff er the machine, the less the included angle; the narrower the chisel point, the smaller the degree of the spiral; the greater the uniformity of the cutting lips and the more efficacious the lubricant in minimizing the frictionai resistance of the chips, the coarser becomes the feed it is permissible to use. But, inasmuch as the durability of the drill must not be impaired, the advantage obtainable through the application of these axioms has its limitations. The keenness of edges needed to attain maximum efficiency in cutting cast- iron disqualifies for work in steel a drill suitable for use in cast-iron. The highest rate of feed at which drills of from 3/ 8 to 3 in. diam. may be operated in steel appears to be about 0.060 in. per revolution, but the employment of such feeds increases, rather than decreases the cost of work. The feeds provided in the product of the Cincinnati-Bickford Tool Co. range from 0.006 in. to 0.040 in. per revolution, which, under favorable conditions, may be utilized as follows: CAST IRON STEEL Hard . 006 to . 010 in. Medium 0.0X2 to 0.018 in. Soft 0. 020 to . 028 in. Hard. 0.015 to 0.020 in. Medium 0.020 to 0.030 in. Soft 0.030 to 0.040 in. Speed of Drills. Mr. Norris says further that while an occasional drill is found that will withstand for days a cutting speed of 150 ft. per minute, in either cast-iron or steel (the latter under a lubricant), it is rarely expedient to drive any but very small ones faster than 100 ft. per mih. Operating drills at an excessive speed is an expensive fad. It is more economical to err in the other direction. The most satis- factory results have been obtained at a cutting speed of 80 ft. per min. in cast-iron and ^ + 76 ft. in steel. This formula will decrease the cutting speed from 100 ft. per min. for a V^in. drill to 80 ft. for a 3-in. drill. The reason for this reduction is that a stream of liquid sufficient to keep a small drill cool is insufficient to prevent overheating in a large one. In order to facilitate the use of the formulae for horse-power there KO O is given in the following table the deduced values for /- 74 , d 1 - 25 , - + 6.8 and ^ + 76. Values of f*-, co 9 19 1.25, 2. + 6.8 and of = + 76. * I. oo A L 00 J! 3 fl^C3 * c w I ^ J| % N 1 2 Its I 2 I" 3 "13 *\. - 0.008 0.02807 1/2 0.421 111.2 100.0 0.022 0.05934 17/8 2.194 34.6 82 .4 .009 .03063 5/8 .556 90.3 95.2 .024 .06329 2 2.378 32.9 82 .0 .010 .03312 3/4 .698 76.4 92.0 .026 .06715 21/8 2.566 31.4 81 .6 .011 .03553 7/8 .846 66.6 89.7 .028 .07094 21/4 2.756 30.0 81 .3 .012 .03789 1.000 59.0 88.0 .030 .07466 23/8 2.948 28.8 81 .0 .013 .04021 11/8 .158 53.2 86.9 .032 .07831 21/2 3.144 27.7 80 .0 .014 .04248 H/4 .322 48.5 85.6 .034 .08190 25/8 3.342 26.7 80 .6 .015 .04470 13/8 .489 44.8 84.7 .036 .08544 23/4 3.541 25.8 80 .4 .016 .04689 11/2 .660 41.6 84.0 .038 .08894 27/8 3.741 25.0 80 .2 .018 .05115 15/8 .833 38.9 83.4 .040 .09237 3 3.948 24.2 80 .0 .020 .05530 13/4 2.013 36.6 82.9 ^. DRILLS AND DRILLING. 1289 Extreme Results with Drills. The Cleveland Twist Drill Co. furnishes the following table of results of drilling tests made at the convention of Railway Master Mechanics' Association at Atlantic City, N. J., June, 1911. The object of the tests was to demonstrate good shop practice, drilling being done at speeds and feeds considered economical under average shop conditions, and also to show what were the ultimate possibilities of drills and machines. The drills used were flat twisted drills, and the ordinary milled drill. The record per- formance for high-speed drilling is test No. 4, in which a 1 1/4 in. drill re- peatedly drilled through a casting at 57 1/2 in. per minute. In the tests to demonstrate good shop conditions, the drill in test No. 17 drilled 68 holes, removing 1418 cu. in. of metal without being reground, and was in good condition at the close of the test. The Cleveland Twist Drill Co. does not recommend the high speeds and heavy feeds attained as economical shop practice, but points out that the results can be duplicat- ed by carefully established ideal conditions of absolute rigidity in the machine, solid clamping of the work, perfect grinding of the drill and expert handling. Record Performances of High-Speed Drills. No. Sizes of Drill, In. Material R.P.M. Feed Rev. Inches Drilled per Min. Rev., Speed in Feet per Min. Cu. In. Metal Removed per Min. j H/4 500 0.050 25 163.6 30.68 2 HA o 325 0.100 321/2 106 39.88 3 H/4 jgj 475 0.100 471/2 155 58.29 4 H/4 H 575 0.100 571/2 188 70.56 5 U/2 ^ 300 0.030 9 117 15.90 6 U/2 rt 325 0.100 321/2 127.6 . 57.43 7 11/2 335 0.100 331/2 131.5 59.19 8 U/2 355 0.100 351/2 139.4 62.73 9 13/4 I I 235 0.100 231/2 107.6 56.52 10 13/4 M 350 0.100 35 160 84.19 11 25/16 a 190 0.050 91/2 115 39.90 12 3 o 120 0.100 12 94 84.82 13 H/4 350 0.030 101/2 113.7 12.88 14 15/8 225 0.040 9 94.8 18.66 15 25/16 41 165 0.020 31/4 100 13.86 16 25/16 C/2 O 200 0.020 4 121 16.80 17 21/2* bl 150 0.015 21/4 98 11.04 18 21/2* 5^ 150 0.040 6 98 29.45 19 21/2* 175 0.040 7 114.5 34.36 20 13/4 o^. 275 0.030 81/4 125 19.84 21 3 M| 150 0.030 41/2 117.8 31.81 22 31/4 150 O.C30 41/2 127 37.33 * Milled drills; all other drills are flat twisted drills. Experiments on Twist Drills. An extensive series of experiments on the forces acting on twist drills of high-speed steel when operating on cast-iron and steel is reported by Dempster Smith and A. Poliakoff, in Proc. Inst. M. &., 1909. Abstracted in Am. Mach., May, 1909, and Indust. Eng., May, 1909. Approximate equations derived from the first set of experiments are as follows: Torque in pounds-feet, 1= (1800 t+ 9) d\ for medium cast-iron; T = (3200 t + 20)d 2 , for medium steel. End thrust, lb., P = 115,000 t - 200, for medium cast-iron; P = 160,000(d - 0.5)- 1000, for medium steel; d = diam., t = feed per revolution of drill, both in inches. The steel was of medium hardness, 0.29 C, 0.625 Mn. The end thrust in enlarging holes in medium steel from one size to a larger was as follows: 3/ 4 in. to 1 in., P = 15,200 t + 60; 1 in. to 1 1/2 in., P = 25,500 t + ; 3/4 in. to 1 1/2 in., P = 30,000 t + 200. A second series of experiments with soft cast-iron of C.C., 0.2; G.C., 29; Si, 1,41; Mn, 0.68; S, 0.035; P, 1.48, and medium steel of C, 0.31; 1290 THE MACHINE-SHOPo Si, 0.07; Mn, 0.50; S, 0.018; P, 0.033; tensile strength, 72,600 Ib. per sq. in., gave results from which were derived the following approximate equations : Torque, lb.-ft., T = 740 di.8#.7, or 10 d2 + 100 (14 d2 + 3) for cast iron, T = 1640 di-8^o.7, or 28 d2(i + 100 t) for medium steel, End thrust, Ib. P = 35,500 do.? #.75, O r 200 d + 10,000 1 for cast iron, P = 35,500 do.7 0.3, or 750 d + 1000 t (75 d + 50) for medium steel, and for different sizes of drill the following equations: Drill. 3 /4 1 IVa Cast iron T = 5 + 1.1001 10 + 1,750 t 25 +3,700 t Cast iron P = . 1 25 +82, 000 t 200 +89 000 t 350 + 103 000 t Steel T = 7 5 +3,350 17 5 -f 4,400 40 -f-9,000 t Steel P = 550 + 109 ,000 t 750 + 131, 000 t 1.250 + 1 62,000 t Drill. 2 2V2 3 Cast iron T = Cast iron P =* 40 +5, 900 t 500 + 1 10,000 / 60 +8,800 t 600 + 1 26,000 t 90 + 1 2,900 / 850 + 140,000 t Steel T = 75 +1 2,500 / 112 5 + 19,050 t 175 +26,250 t Steel P = 1. 500 + 181, 250 t 1, 725 +224.375* 2,350 +280,000 t The tests above referred to were made'without lubricants. When lubricants were used in drilling steel the average torque varied from 72% with 1/400 in. feed to 92% with 1/35 in. feed of that obtained when operating dry. The thrust for soft, medium and hard steel is 26%, 37%, and 12% respectively less than when operating dry, no marked difference being found, as in the torque, with different feeds. The horse- power varies as 2-07 and as do.8 for a given drill and speed. The torque and horse-power when drilling medium steel is about 2.1 times that required for cast iron with the same drill speed and feed. The horse- power per cu. in. of metal removed is inversely proportional to dO-2 jo.3, and is independent of the revolutions. While the chisel point of the drill scarcely affects the torque it is ac- countable for about 20 % of the thrust. Tests made with a preliminary hole drilled before the main drill was used to enlarge the hole showed that the work required to drill a hole where only one drill is used is greater than that required to drill the hole in two operations, with drills of different diameter. For economy of power a drill with a larger point angle than 120 is to be preferred, but the increased end thrust strains the machine in propor- tion, and there is more danger of breaking the drill. Cutting Speeds for Tapping and Threading. (Am. Mach., Aug. 3, 1911.) The National Machine Co., for tapping and threading, uses speeds of 233 r.p.m. for sizes and holes up to 1/4 in. diameter, and 140 r.p.m. for sizes from 1/4 in. to 1/2 in. diameter, with a lubricant of screw-cutting oil. Both the Bignall & Keeler Co. and the Standard Engineering Co. recommend a cutting speed of 15 ft. per minute. The former recommends lard oil as a lubricant. The practice of the F. E. Wells Co. in tapping and the Landis Machine Co. in threading in machines of the bolt cutter type is as follows: Speeds for Tapping and Threading r. p. m. Mate- rial. F. E. Wells. Landis. Mate- rial. F. E. Wells. Landis. Steel. Cast Iron. Steel. Cast Iron. Steel. Cast Iron. Steel. Cast Iron. Lubri- cant. Oil. Oil or Soda Comp. Oil. Petro- leum. Lubri- cant. Oil. Oil or Soda Comp. Oil. Petro- leum. 1/4 in. 3/8 " 1/2 " /8 " 299 153 115 91 382 255 191 153 280 220 175 200 150 125 3/ 4 in. !/*;; 76 127 140 115 75 6 100 85 55 45 CASE-HARDENING. 1291 SAWING METALS. Speeds and Feeds for Cold Sawing Metals. (Mach'y, Jan., 1914). For sawing 0.30 carbon, open-hearth machine steel bars in a cold sawing machine, a feed of 1 in. per minute and a peripheral speed of approximately 45 ft. per minute was used. The bars were 5 in. diam- eter, and an average of 145 were sawed with one sharpening of the saw. For some classes of work a feed of 2 in. per minute can be used, but 3/4 in. per minute is advisable for 0.30 carbon steel with the saw in good condition. For tool steel and ajloy steel the best economy will be obtained with a feed of 1/2 in. per minute and a surface speed of 30 ft. per minute, with a grinding every 100 pieces. Hack Sawing Machines. Charles Wicksteed (Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., 1912) says that the important considerations to be observed in using hack sawing machines are: For ordinary work, a coarse pitch tooth, not less than 10 to the inch is best; extra strength of the saw is to be obtained by extra depth, not extra thickness, of blade; the greatest weight that a blade will take without injury is 7 Ib. per tooth or 70 Ib. per in. ; a 6-in. machine thus will use the full capacity of the blade on 4-in. bars with a weight of 210 Ib. on the blade. As the size of the machine increases, the weight increases proportionately, a 15-in. ma- chine employing 700 Ib. and using the full capacity of the blade when sawing a 10-in. surface. A hack sawing machine will cut true to 0.01 in. in a mild steel bar at a speed roughly of 1 to 2 sq. in. per minute. Saws for Copper. A special saw for cutting copper has teeth with a front rake of 10. The metal is ground away at the sides of the teeth to provide clearance. The number of teeth should be com- paratively small. A pitch of about 1 in. giving 10 teeth in 3-in. saw renders good service. CASE-HAEDENING, ETC. Case-hardening of Iron and Steel, Cementation, Harveyizing. When iron or soft steel is heated to redness or above in contact with charcoal or other carbonaceous material, the carbon gradually penetrates the metal, converting it into high carbon steel. The depth of penetra- tion and the percentage of carbon absorbed increase with the tempera- ture and with the length of time allowed for the process. In the ( old cementation process for converting wrought iron into "blister steel" for re-melting in crucibles flat bars were packed with charcoal in an oven which was kept at a red heat for several days. In the Harvey process of hardening the surface of armor plate, the plate is covered with charcoal and heated in a furnace, and then rapidly cooled by a spray of water. In case-hardening, a very hard surface is given to articles of iron or soft steel by covering them or packing them in a box or oven with a ma- terial containing carbon, heating them to redness while so covered, and then chilling them. Many different substances have been used for the purpose, such as wood or bone charcoal, charred leather, sugar, cyanide of patassium, bichromate of potash, etc. Hydrocarbons, such as illu- minating gas, gasolene or naphtha, are also used. Amer. Machinist, Feb. 20, 1908, describes a furnace made by the American Gas Furnace Company of Elizabeth, N. J., for case-hardening by gas. The best results are obtained with soft steel, 0.12 to 0.15 carbon, and not over 0.35 man- ganese, but steel of 0.20 to 0.22 carbon may be used. The carbon begins to penetrate the steel at about 1300 F., and 1700 F. should never be exceeded with ordinary steels. A depth of carbonizing of 1/64 in. is obtained with gas in one hour, and 1/4 in. in 12 hours. After carbonizing the steel should be annealed at about 1625 F. and cpoled slowly, then re-heated to about 1400 F. and quenched in water. Nickel-chrome steels may be carbonized at 2000 F. and tungsten steels at 2200 F. Change of Shape due to Hardening and Tempering. J. E. Storey. Am. Mack., Feb. 20, 1908, describes some experiments on the change of dimensions of steel bars 4 in. long, 7/s in. diam. in hardening and temper- ing. On hardening the length increased in different pieces .0001 to .0014 in., but in two pieces a slight shrinkage, maximum .00017, was found. The diameters increased .0003 to .0036 in. On tempering the length decreased .0017 to .0108 in. as compared with the original 4 ins. length, while the diameter was increased .0003 to .0029; a few samples showing a decrease, max. 0009 in. The general effect of hardening is a slight Increase in bulk, which increase is reduced by tempering. 1292 THE MACHINE-SHOP. POWER REQUIRED FOR MACHINE TOOLS. Resistance Overcome in Cutting Metal. (Trans. S. M. E. t viii, 308.) Some experiments made at the works of William Sellers & Co. showed that the resistance in cutting steel in a lathe would vary from 180,000 to 700,000 pounds per square inch of section removed, while for cast iron the resistance is about one-third as much. The power required to remove a given amount of metal depends on the shape of the cut and on the shape and sharpness of the tool used. If the cut is nearly square in section, the power required is a minimum; if wide and thin, a maximum. The dullness of a tool affects but little the power required for a heavy cut. F. W. Taylor, in the Art of Cutting Metals (Trans. A. S. M. E., xviii) gives the tangential pressure of the chip on the tool as ranging from 70,000 Ib. per sq. in. when cutting soft cast iron with a coarse feed, to 198,000 Ib. per sq. in. when cutting hard cast iron with a fine feed. In cutting steel, the pressure of the chip on the tool per sq. in. ranged from 184,000 Ib. to 376,000 Ib. The pressure, he found, is independent of the speed, and in the case of steel is independent of the hardness of the steel. It increases as the quality of the steel grows finer; that is, high grade steel, whether hard or soft, will give higher pressures than low grade steel. He also found that an increase in the tensile strength and ductility of the steel increases the pressure, the former having the greater effect. Horse-power Required to Run Lathes. The power required to do useful work varies with the depth and breadth of chip, with the shape of tool and with the nature and density of metal operated upon ; and the power required to run a machine empty is often a variable quantity. For instance, when the machine is new, and the working parts have not become worn or fitted to each other as they will be after running a few months, the power required will be greater than will be the case after the running parts have become better fitted. Another cause of variation of the power absorbed is the driving-belt; A tight belt will increase the friction. A third cause is the variation of journal-friction, due to slacking up or tightening the cap-screws, and also the end-thrust bearing screw. Owing to the demand imposed by high speed tool steels stouter machines are more necessary than formerly; these possess more rigid frames and powerful driving gears. The most modern (1915) forms of lathes obtain all speed changes by means of geared head-stocks, power being delivered at a single speed by a belt, or by a motor. If a motor drive is used, a speed variation may be obtained in addition to those available in the head, by using a variable speed motor, whose range usually is about 3:1. The tables on p. 1293 show the results of tests made by the Lodge & Shipley Co. in 1906 to determine the power required to remove metal in a 20-in. lathe with a cone pulley drive, and also in a similar lathe with a geared head. Power Required to Drive Machine Tools. The power required to drive a machine tool varies with the material to be cut. There is considerable lack of agreement among authorities on the power re- quired. Prof. C. H. Benjamin (Mach'y, Sept., 1902) gives a formula H.P. = cW, c being a constant and W the pounds of metal removed per hour, c varies both with the quality of metal and the type of machine. Values of c. Lathe. Planer. Shaper. Milling Machine. Cast iron 0.035 0.032 0.030 0.14 067 Tool steel 0.30 Bronze 0.10 In each case the power to drive the machine without load should be added. G. M. Campbell (Proc. Engr. Soc. W., Pa., 1906) gives, ex- clusive of friction losses, H.P. = Kw, K being a constant and w the pounds of metal removed per minute. For hard steel K = 2.5; for soft POWER REQUIRED FOR MACHINE TOOLS. 1293 Horse-power Kequired to Remove Metal in Lathes. (Lodge & Shipley Mach. Tool Co., 1906.) 20-lNCH CONE-HEAD LATHE. Cutting Cut, In. Diam. Cu. in. Lb. H.P. used by Lathe. Cu.in. Material Speed, of remov- remov- remov- Cut. ft. per min. Depth. Feed. work, in. ed per min. ed per hour. Idle. With Cut. ed per HJP. Crucible f 35 0.109 1/8 227/32 5.74 96 0.48 3.90 1.471 Steel S 65 0.055 V8 35/ 8 5.33 90 0.74 4.60 1.158 0.60 ) 62.5 0.109 Vl6 35/16 5.125 86 0.49 4.65 1.102 Carbon ( 32.5 0.094 VlO 3.656 62 0.49 2.64 1.384 f 62.5 0.273 1/1? 35/32 17.09 266 0.66 5.44 3.141 Cast ) 60 0.430 Vl9 221/64 16.27 253 0.59 4.77 3.410 Iron ) 37.5 0.334 1/16 221/32 10.76 167 0.45 3.91 2.751 ( 115 0.086 Vl2 155/64 9.88 153 0.21 2.54 3.889 Open- hearth Steel 0.30 Carbon % 50 ) 45 ) 45 ( 32.5 0.109 0.117 0.217 0.109 1/8 1/8 Vl9 1/8 2V 2 32 217/64 223/64 8.2 7.91 6.439 5.33 138 134 109 90 0.69 0.53 0.69 0.36 5.34 5.11 4.10 4.04 1.535 1.547 1.570 1.319 Average H.P. running idle 0.53; average H.P. with cut 4.25. 20-lNCH GEARED-HEAD LATHE, H.P. used Cutting Cut, in. Diam. Cu. in. Lb. by Lathe. Cu. in. Material. Speed, of remov- remov- remov- Cut. ft. per min. Depth. Feed. work in. ed per miii. ed per hour. Idle. With Cut. ed per H.P. 0.50 ( 40 0.266 VlO 227/32 12.75 215 2.11 11.1 1.142 Carbon )50 0.281 Vl5 11.25 190 .58 8.35 1.347 Crucible )75 0.281 1/15 227/32 16.87 285 .58 12.69 1.329 Steel. (85 0.109 1/15 2V4 7.43 126 .28 8.98 0.827 f 45 0.609 1/16 721/32 2057 320 .34 694 2.963 Cast )62.5 0.609 Vl6 721/32 28.56 445 .35 9.50 3.006 Iron )85 0.641 Vl6 721/32 40.82 636 .64 12.69 3.216 (80 0.281 1/8 3 3/32 33.75 526 .18 10.49 3.217 Open- hearth Qfool f 125 ) 105 0.250 0.188 V28 1/12 4 21/32 4 5/32 13.4 19.68 226 332 1.62 0.94 10.60 11.56 1.265 1.702 oteei 15 ) 40 0.172 1/6 13.75 232 1.75 12.49 1.100 Carbon ( 180 0.094 1/16 3 Vl6 12.65 213 2.15 11.20 1.129 Carbo TV! Average H.P. running idle 1.543; average H.P. with cut 10.55. This steel K = 1.8; for wrought iron, K = 2.0; for cast iron, K = 1.4. formula gives results aBout 50% lower than Prof. Benjamin's. L. L. Pomeroy (Gen. Elec. Rev., 1908) gives: H.P. required to drive = 12 FDSNC, in which F = feed and D = depth of cut, in inches, S = speed in ft. per min., N = number of tools cutting, C = a constant, whose values with ordinary carbon steel tools are: for cast iron, 0.35 to 0.5; soft steel or wrought iron, 0.45 to 0.7; locomotive driving-wheel tires, 0.7 to 1.0; very hard steel, 1.0 to 1.1. This formula is based on Prof. Flather's dynamometer tests. An analysis of experiments by Dr. Nicholson of Manchester, which confirm the formula, showed the average H.P. required at the motor per pound of metal removed per minute to be as follows : Medium or soft steel, or wrought iron, 2.4 H.P. ; hard steel, 2.65 H.P.; cast iron, soft or medium, 1.00 H.P.; cast iron, hard, 1.36 H.P. 1294 THE MACHINE-SHOP. Actual tests (1906) of a number of machine tools in the shops of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie R.R. showed the horse-power absorbed hi driving under the conditions given in the table on p. 1295. The results obtained are compared with those computed by Campbell's formula on p. 1292. It will be observed that the sizes of motors actu- ally used on the various machines in the table agree quite closely with the sizes recommend od in the tables, pp. 1294 to 1298. Sizes of Motors for Machine Tools. The size of motor applied to machine tools which are driven by an individual motor is usually deter- mined by the experience of the manufacturer, rather than by any formula. The same lathe, for instance, will be fitted with a larger motor if it is required to take heavy roughing cuts continuously in tough steel, than if it is to have a more general run of lighter work in cast iron. Even if it does, under the latter conditions of service, occasionally receive a job up to the limit of its capacity, the motor will be able to stand the temporary overload, whereas a continuous overload would soon ruin it. The conditions under which the machine will operate should therefore be stated when it or the motor to drive it is purchased. The tables given on pages 1294 to 1298 show the sizes of motors for machine tools as recommended by the Westinghouse Elect. & Mfg. Co. The sizes given embody average practice. The type of motor to be used varies with the conditions of servic*, and the type suitable for the different classes of machinery are indicated by the following symbols: A. Adjustable speed, shunt wound, direct current motor; used where a number of speeds are essential. B. Constant speed, shunt wound, direct current motor; used when the desired speeds are obtainable by. a cone pulley or gear box, or where only a single speed is required. C. Squirrel cage induction motor; used where direct current is not available. A cone pulley or gear box is necessary if more than one speed is desired. D. Constant speed, compound wound, direct-current motor, used when different speeds are obtainable by means of a cone pulley or gear box, or where but one speed is necessary. E. Wound secondary or squirrel cage induction motor with about 10% slip; used where direct current is not available, or where one speed is required. F. Adjustable speed, compound wound, direct current motor; used where a number of speeds are necessary. G. Standard bending roll motor. H. Standard machine tool traverse motor. Turning and Boring Machines* ENGINE LATHES Motor A, B or C. Swing, in 12 14 16 18 Horse-power, average 1/2 8/4-1 1-2 2-3 20-22 24-27 3 5 7.5-10 7.5-10 48-54 60-84 15-20 20-25 20-25 25-30 Horse-power, heavy 2 2-3 2-3 3-5 Swing, in 30 32-36 38-42 Horse-power, average 5-7.5 7.5-10 10-15 Horse-power, heavy 7.5-10 10-15 15-20 WHEEL LATHES Motor A, B or C. Size, in 48 51-60 79-84 90 100 Horse-power 15-20 15-20 25-30 30-40 40-50 H.P. of tail stock motor (jff) 555 5-7.5 5-7.5 AXLE LATHES Motor A, B or C. Single 5, 7.5, 10 Horse-power Double 10, 15, 20 BUFFING LATHES Motor B or C. Number of wheels 2 2 2 2 Diameter of wheels, in 6 10 12 14 Horse-power 1/4-1/2 1-2 2-3 3-5 For brass tubing and other special work use about double the above H.P. POWER REQUIRED FOR MACHINE TOOLS. 1295 Horse-power to Drive Machine Tools. J_ 72-in. wheel lathe ' Material. Cut, Inches. Speed, Ft. per Min. Wt. Removed, Lb. per Min. H.P.Re quired. 1 3 o I ,d a & 13 3 1 J3 ~B K O fa Hard steel Via 1/8 3/16 3 /16 3/16 & V4 3/16&V4 5 /16&3/8 3/8 &3/ 8 13.7 11.6 13.2 13.2 1.69 2.15 5.55 6.3 4.5 6.4 8.4 12.0 4.2 5.4 13.9 15.7 25 H.P. shunt wound vari- able speed. 90-in. wheel lathe Hard steel 3/16 3/16 1/5 3/16&3/16 5 /16& 5 /16 1/4 &V4 13.0 8.8 15.5 3.1 3.5 5.3 12.0 8.1 9.0 7.7 8.7 13.2 25 H.P. shunt wound vari- able speed. 42-in. lathe Soft steel Cast iron Vl6 Vl6 Vl6 1/16 Vl6 Vl6 1/4 1/8 >/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 44 44 44 108 46 58 2.33 1.17 1.17 2.63 1.74 2.12 3.8 1.7 2.6 5.8 2.9 2.2 4.2 1.9 1.9 3.7 2.5 3.0 15 H.P. shunt wound vari- able speed. 30-in. lathe Wro't iron Cast iron 1/8 1/8 3/32 3/32 1/64 3/16 3/16 5 /32 1/16 V4 54 42 42 61 47 4.2 3.2 1.92 1.12 2.30 6.6 4.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 T9 5.0 T9 2.6 9.6 7.2 2.6 2.7 8.4 6.4 2.7 1.6 3.2 10 H.P. shunt wound vari- able speed. Axle lathe Soft steel 3/16 Vl6 1/4 V4 27 51 4.3 2.7 7.7 4.9 35H.P.sh.w'd var. speed.^ 72-in. boring mill . . Soft steel Cast iron 1/8 3/16 1/8 1/8 1/16 Vl6 1/16&V32 1/32&V16 1/8 &V8 3/16 3/8 V4 44 40 51 47 28 39 1.76 2.38 5.41 3.75 2.05 1.90 3.2 4.3 9.7 6.8 2.9 2.7 25 H.P. shunt wound vari- able speed. 24-in. drill press . Wro't iron 1/64 1/64 1/64 1/64 1/64 11/4to3* 11/ 4 to3* 1l/4to3* 1 1/4 drill 11/4 drill 25.1 29.7 25.9 74.5 20.9 0.81 0.96 0.83 0.52 0.54 2.3 2.7 1.3 3.5 1.2 5.9 6.5 21.0 2.7 6.5 9.3 7.6 23.2 1.6 1.9 1.7 1.0 1.1 60-in. planer Soft steel Wro't iron Cast iron 1/6 1/6 * 1/8 1/8&V16 1/7 1/4 % 5 /16& 5 /16 1/32&V32 1/8 &Vl6 1/4 & 5 /16 V4 &V4 7/16&3/8 25.5 25.7 23 17.5 22.2 30 22.6 28.9 3.62 3.65 8.95 1.82 1.72 4.74 5.03 18.3 6.5 6.6 17.9 3.6 3.4 6.6 7.1 25.6 20 H.P. com- pound wound vari- able speed. 42-in. planer Soft steel Cast iron 5/32 1/8 3/16 3/16 3/8 3/8 24.3 36 37 37 4.73 3.7 4.06 2.71 2.1 7.8 4.7 4.1 9.5 1.4 5.7 3.8 5 H.P. com- pound wound vari- able speed. 19-in.slotter rlard steel Soft steel V32 1/32 1/4 3 /8 30.0 23.3 0.8 0.93 2.0 1.3 2.0 1.7 3 H.P. comp. w'd var. speed. Enlarging hole from smaller dimensions to larger. 1296 THE MACHINE-SHOP. BOEING AND TURNING MILLS Motor A, B or C. In. In. In. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 37-42 50 60-84 7-9 10-12 14-16 16-25 H. P., average.. 5-7.5 7.5 7.5-10 10-15 10-15 15-20 20-25 H.P., heavy... 7.5-10 7.5-10 10-15 30-40 ..... ..... CYLINDER BORING MACHINES Motor A, B or C. Diameter of spindle, in 4 6 8 Maximum boring diameter, in 10 30 40 Horse-power 7.5 10 35 HORIZONTAL BORING, DRILLING AND MILLING MACHINES Motors A, B or C. Size of spindle, in 3.5-4.5 4.5-5.5 5.5-6.5 Horse-power per spindle ... 5-7.5 7.5-10 10-15 Drilling Machines. Sensitive Drills up to 1/2 in i/ 4 -3/ 4 H.P. Motor A, B or C. UPRIGHT DRILLS Motor A, B or C. Size, in 12-20 24-28 30-32 36-40 50-60 Horse-power 1235 5-7.5 RADIAL DRILLS Motor A, B or C. Length of arm, ft 3 4 5-7 8-10 Horse-power, average 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-7.5 Horse-power, heavy 3 5-7.5 5-7.5 7.5-30 MULTIPLE SPINDLE DRILLS Motor A, B or C. Size of drill, in. l/ 32 -i/4 1/16-3/8 3/ 16 -l/ 2 i/ 4 -3/ 4 s/g-1 222 No. of spindles, up to 6-10 10 10 10 10 4 6 8 Horse-power.. 3 5 7.5 10 10-15 7.5 10 15 Planing Machinery. PLANERS Motor C, D or F. Width, in 22 24 27 30 36 42 Distance under rail, in. 22 24 27 30 36 42 Horse-power 3 3-5 3-5 5-7.5 10-15 15-20 Width, in 48 54 60 72 84 100 Distance under rail, in.. 48 54 60 72 84 100 Horse-power 15-20 20-25 20-25 25-30 30 40 SHAPERS Motor A, B or C. Traverse Head. Stroke, in 12-16 18 20-24 30 20 ~24 H. P., single head 2 2-3 3-5 5-7.5 7.5 10 SLOTTERS KEYSEATERS Motor A, B or C. Stroke, in 6 8 10 12 14 Horse-power 3 3-5 5 5 5-7 1/2 Stroke, in 16 18 20 24 30 Horse-power 7.5 7.5-10 10-15 10-15 10-15 Milling Machinery. PLAIN MILLING MACHINES Motor A, B or C. Table feed, in 34 42 50 Cross feed, in 10 12 12 Vertical feed, in 20 20 21 Horse-power 7.5 10 15 r UNIVERSAL MILLING MACHINES Motor 4^ B or C. Machine number 1 H/2 2 3 4 "5 Horse-power 1-2 1-2 3-5 5-7.5 7.5-10 10-15 POWER REQUIRED FOR MACHINE TOOLS. 1297 VERTICAL MILLING MACHINES Motor .4, 73 or C. Height under Spindle, in 12 14 18 20 24 Horse-power 5 7.5 10 15 20 VERTICAL SLABBING MACHINES Motor A, B or C. Width of work, in 24 32-36 42 Horse-power 7.5 10 15 HORIZONTAL SLABBING MACHINES Motor A, B or C. Width between housings, in . . 24 30 36 60 72 Horse-power, average 7.5-10 7.5-10 10-15 25 25 Horse-power, heavy 10-15 10-15 20-25 50-60 75 GEAR CUTTERS Motor A, B or C. Size, in 36X9 48X10 30X12 60X12 72X14 64X20 Horse-power.. 2-3 3-5 5-7.5 5-7.5 7.5-10 10-15 ROTARY PLANERS Motor A, B or C. Diam. of cutter, in.... 24 30 36-42 48-54 60 72 84 96-100 Horse-power. 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 SAWS, COLD AND CUT-OFF Motor A, B or C. Size of saw, in 20 26 32 36 42 48 Horse-power 3 5 7.5 10-15 20 25 Bolt and Nut Machinery. BOLT CUTTERS Motor A, B or C. Single. Double. Triple. Size, in. . . 1, .1 1/4; 1 1/2 H.P 1-2 1 3/4, 212 1/4, 3 l/ 2 I 4, 6 II, 1 1/2 1 2, 2 1/ 2 | 1, 1 1/2, 2 2! 1, 2-3 | 3-5 " 1 5-7.5 | 2-3" | 3-5 I 3-7.5 BOLT POINTERS Motor B or C. Size, in 1 1/2, 2 1/2 Horse-power 1-2 NUT TAPPERS Motor A, B or C. 4 Spindle. 6 Spindle. 10 Spindle. Size, in 1,2 2 2 Horse-power 3 3 5 NUT FACING MACHINE Motor B or C. Size, in 1,2 Horse-power 2-3 BOLT HEADING, UPSETTING AND FORGING Motor D, E or F. Size, in 3/ 4 -l l/ 2 H/2-2 2 1/2-3 4-6 Horse-power 5-7.5 10-15 20-25 30-40 Bending or Forming Machinery Hammers. BULLDOZERS Motor D or E. Width, in 29 34 39 45 63 Head movement, in 14 16 16 18 20 Horse-power 5 7.5 10 15 20 BENDING AND STRAIGHTENING ROLLS Motor E or G. Width, ft 4 6 6 6 8 10 10 24 Thickness, in 3/ 8 s/ 16 7/ 16 3/4 7/ 8 ii/ 8 u/ 2 1 Horse-power 5 5 7.5 15 25 35 50 50 HAMMERS Motor D or E. Size, Ib 15 to 75 100 to 200 Horse-power 1/2 to 5 5 to 7 . 5 Bliss drop hammers require approximately 1 H.P. for every 100 Ib. weight of hammer head. Pipe Threading and Cutting-off Machinery. i Motor A, B or C. Pipe size, in. . 1/4-2 1/2-3 1-4 H/4-6 2-8 3-10 4-12 8-18 24 Horse-power. 2 3 33-5 3-5 5 5 7.5 10 1298 THE MACHINE-SHOP. Punching and Shearing Machinery. Presses for^notching sheet-iron Motor A L B or C 1/2 to 3 H.P. PUNCHES Motor D or E. Diameter, in.. 3/ 8 i/ 2 5/ 8 s/ 4 7/ 8 i i n/ 4 is/ 4 2 2l/ 2 Thickness, in.. 1/4 1/2 Vs 3 /4 3/4 1/2 1. 1 1 1 H/2 Horse-power. . 1 2-3 2-3 3-5 5 5 7.5 7.5-10 10-15 10-15 15-25 SHEARS Motor D or E. Width, in 30-42 50-60 72-96 Horse-power to cut i/s-in. iron. 345 Horse-power to cut l/4-in. iron.. 5 7.5 10 Bolt shears 71/2 H.P. Double angle shears 10 H.P. LEVER SHEARS Motor D or E. Size, in 1X1 1 1/2 X 1 1/2 2X2 6X1 21/2X21/2 Horse-power 5 7.5 15 15 Size, in 1X7 2,3/4 X 23/ 4 H/ 2 X 8 31/2 X 31/2 41/2 round Horse-power 15 20 25 30 30 PLATE SHEARS Motor D or E. Size of plate, in., 3/8 X 24 1 X 24 2 X 14 1 X 42 1 1/2 X 42 1 1/4 X 54 1 1/2 X 72 1 1/4 X 100 Cuts per min., 35 20 15 20 15 18 20 10-12 Stroke, in., 3 3 41/4 4 41/2 6 151/2 71/2 Horse-power, 10 15 30 20 60 75 10 75 Hydrostatic Wheel Presses Motor B or C. Size, tons . 100 200 300 400 600 Horse-power 5 7.5 7.5 10 Grinding Machinery. GRINDING MACHINES (FOR SHAFTS, ETC.) Motor A, B or C. Wheels diameter, in. ... 10 10 10 10 14 18 18 18 Length of work, in 50 72 96 120 72 120 144 168 H.P., average work.... 555 5 10 10 10 10 ' heavy work 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 15 15 15 15 EMERY WHEEL GRINDERS, ETC. Motor B or C. K umber of wheels 2 2 2 2 2 2 Size of wheels, in 6 10 12 18 24 26 Horse-power 1/2-1 2 3 5-7.5 7.5-10 7.5-10 MISCELLANEOUS GRINDERS Motor B or C. Wet tool grinder, 2 to 3 H.P.; flexible swinging grinding and polish- ing machine, 3 H.P.; angle cock grinder, 3 H. P.; piston rod grinder, 3 H.P.; twist drill grinder, 2 H.P.; automatic tool grinder, 3 to 5 H.P. In selecting a motor for a machine tool, advantage should be taken of the fact that motors will stand considerable overloads for short periods. This will lead to the selection of smaller nu>tors than are usual. The tendency is to select a motor to fit the maximum capacity of the machine, rather than one whose capacity is more nearly that of the average capacity of the tool. A. G. Popcke (Am. Mach., Sept. 26 and Oct. 3, 1912) outlines more accurate methods of determining the sizes of motors required for driving machine tools, based upon an analysis of the working condi- tions, and also the considerations other than those of power which govern the selection of the motor. To determine motor capacity, the following data are necessary: Horse-power, speed and voltage; and in addition for alternating current, frequency and phase. To estimate the horse-power the following must be known: Type of tool; depth of cut (all tools being considered), inches; feed, in. per revolution; speed, ft. per minute; duration of both average and maximum cuts; duration of peak of maximum load ; number of peaks per hour. From the area of the cut (depth X feed) and the cutting speed, the cubic inches of POWER REQUIRED FOR MACHINE TOOLS. 1299 metal removed per minute can be calculated for both average and maximum cuts, and these figures, multiplied by the constants below give the horse-power required, to which the friction load of the machine must be added. HORSE-POWER CONSTANTS FOR CUTTING METAL. H.P. per Cu. In. per Min. Steel, 50 carbon or more. . 1.0 to 1.25 Brass and similar alloys. . 0.2 to 0.25 H.P. per Cu. In. per Min. Cast iron 0.3 to 0.5 Wrought iron 0.6 Machinery steel 0.6 These constants apply to round nose tools used in accordance with the conditions recommended by F. W. Taylor (see p. 1261). For twist drills the power requirements per cubic inch are about double the figures given above. The size of the motor selected will depend on the heating of the motor while under load, and as the load is usually intermittent, the heating will depend upon the square root of the mean square value of the power required. In a given cycle in which the several power values are Pi, Pi, Ps, utilized durmg periods of ti, h, t3, respectively, the square root of the mean square will be 'Pi 2 tl + P 2 2 fe + P 3 2 u \ ti + h + t 3 The heating of the motor will be the same as if it were run constantly at a load equal to the square root of the mean square load. In making the motor selection, however, it should be observed whether or not the duration of the maximum load will be greater than the motor can suc- cessfully withstand. Thus a 100% overload for a period of 10 seconds can easily be carried by a properly designed motor, while if prolonged such a load may burn it out. When selecting motors for widely fluctu- ating intermittent loads, the limits above rated load which must be taken into consideration are for alternating current, pull at starting torque, and speed regulation; and for direct current motors, commuta- tion, speed regulation and stability. The pull at the starting torque of an induction motor is from 2.5 to 3.5 times the full-load torque, and the speed regulation, or percentage drop in speed between no load and full load, known as the slip, is, at full load, from 5 to 7%. At other loads it is approximately proportional to the load. Commutating pole, direct current motors will stand 100% to 125% overload without sparking. The speed regulation at full load is 10 to 15 %, depending on the speed of the motor. With non-commutating pole motors the speed decreases with overloads in proportion to the loads, while on commutating pole motors it increases up to 100% overload, thus giving approximately the same speed at double load as at full load. A com- mutating pole motor can be made stable at overloads, which will in- crease the drop in speed. The better the speed regulation, however, the less certain is the stability and the motor for driving machine tools must be a compromise between these two factors. Motors, however, are available which can be safely operated on intermittent loads where the maximum load is 200% of the rated load. In machine tool work, a large speed reduction, giving a stable motor is advisable when varia- tions occur in the work done by the cutting tool on long jobs, thus protecting the cutting tools, the machines and the work. An adjust- able speed motor with a speed reduction of 25 % is of advantage under such circumstances. In applying the principles outlined above to the selection of a machine tool motor, the average and maximum conditions of service of the machine should be determined by laying out typical jobs in which these conditions are present. The power cycles are determined from the amount of metal removed on each cut as previously explained and the duration of each cut is ascertained from the length of the cut, the spindle speed and the feed per revolution. The square root of the mean square value of the power required is next determined, the time while the machine is idle during the periods of adjustment being added in the denominator of the formula for this value, A motor whose 1300 THE MACHINE-SHOP. capacity is in the neighborhood of the value ascertained is then selected, and the relation of the maximum load to the rated motor capacity is observed to ascertain whether or not the motor, in addition to carry- ing the average load, is capable of carrying the maximum load without injury. For instance, if the square root of the mean square value is 5.5 II. P. a 5-H.P. motor would be under an overload of 10%, which is well within the capacity of a well designed machine. If the maxi- mum load requires 8.3 H.P. for a period of three minutes the motor will be overloaded 66% for this period which is also within the limits set by good motor design. According to Mr. Popcke, other questions than horse-power govern the selection of a motor for a machine tool. The speed of the^motor depends upon the speed of the machine shaft, which ranges from 50 to 60 r.p.m. on forging machines to 200. to 300 r.p.m. on machine tools, and as high as 1000 to 2000 r.p.m. on grinding and wood-working ma- chinery. The speeds usually obtainable with 60-cycle alternating current motors are 1700-1800, 1100-1200, 850-900, 650-720 and 550-600 r.p.m. The speeds available on standard direct current motors are approximately the same. On 25-cycle alternating current motors the usual speeds are 700-750, 550^600, and 350-375 r.p.m. The following factors are considered in selecting motors for belt drives: Speed .reductions, pulley sizes, belt speeds, motor speeds, distance between pulley centers, arc of contact, use of idler pulleys, mounting of motor. Involved in the speed reductions are the sizes of the motor and machine pulleys and the belt speed. The standard sizes of motor pulleys which have been adopted in connection with standard speed ratings of the various sizes of motors have standardized the belt speeds. The maximum and minimum standard speed ratings of the motors, together with the maximum and minimum pulley diameters are given in the following table: HORSE-POWER OF MOTOR. 1 2 3 5 71/2 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 R.P.M , MAXIMUM. 1700 1700 18CO 1800 1700 1700 1700 1700 1400 1700 1700 1700 1700 Pulley Diameter, standard. 31/231/24 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 Pulley Diameter, minimum. 3 3 33l/ 2 441/ 2 5 6 6 1/ 2 61/2 7 7 1/2 8 R.P.M., MINIMUM. 850 850 850 650 600 600 650 600 600 675 600 565 Pulley Diameter, standard. 4 5 6 8 9 11 11 12 13 13 14 16 Pulley Diameter, minimum. 31/2 4 41/2 6 61/271/2 8 9 10 10 12 13 1/2 The minimum size of pulley is specified on account of the reduction of pulley size increasing the strains on the motor bearings and shaft. The arc of contact has great effect on the success of a belt-driven motor installation. The arc of contact depends on the distance between the pulley centers and on the speed reduction. Where it is necessary to increase the arc of contact, idler pulleys are of service. In machine work the size of the motor pulley is sometimes fixed by the necessity of belting the motor to the machine flywheel, in which case care must be taken that the diameter of the motor pulley is not less than the minimum size specified. The arc of contact must also be considered, as in a large speed reduction this will be decreased and will seriously affect the amount of power transmitted. The effect of decreasing the arc of contact is shown below, the power transmitted by a 180 deg. arc of contact being taken as 100. Arc of contact, deg 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 Power transmitted, % . . 100 94 89 83 78 72 67 The cost of a motor per horse-power increases as the speed decreases. Therefore, for maximum economy in first cost as high a speed as possible should be selected without, however, going below the minimum pulley diameter. Back geared motors are useful where extremely low speeds are required. A speed ratio of 6:1 between the armature and the motor countershaft is usually satisfactory, any further speed reduction to the machine pulley being obtained by means of the pulley POWER REQUIRED FOR MACHINE TOOLS. 1301 Data for Standard Geared Connections for Constant Speed Motors. Maximum Speed Rating. Minimum Speed Rating. No. of Teeth. .s No. of Teeth. .S 1 1 ^ S _ xlj g 1 S ^ t* o PH i id lg *l Id 5 g S S" T3 o & 'S OJ w c PH" 1 i 2 i| S-n .S'S . o d PH o> 5.2 .s^ -S'S TiS jjj w Q SS 3 S b Ss S s j 1700 8 17 15 13 940 1.63 1200 8 17 15 13 665 1.63 2 1700 8 17 15 13 940 1.63 850 6 18 21 19 615 2.38 3 1800 8 22 20 19 1300 2.38 850 6 18 18 18 670 3.0 5 1800 8 22 21 19 1300 2.38 850 6 21 19 18 990 3.0 7.5 1700 6 18 18 18 1400 3.0 650 5 20 18 18 685 3.6 10 1700 6 21 19 18 1420 3.0 600 5 21 19 19 665 3.8 15 1700 5 19 18 18 1700 3.6 600 41/9 22 19 19 770 4.22 20 1700 5 20 18 18 1780 3.6 650 4 21 18 18 890 4.5 25 1400 5 21 19 19 1550 3.8 600 4 22 19 18 864 4.5 30 1700 5 21 19 19 1880 3.8 600 31/4 20 18 970 5.53 35 1700 4V? 22 18 18 2180 4.0 675 31/4 20 .... 18 1080 5.53 40 1700 4 1/9 22 19 19 2180 4.22 600 3 18 15 940 5.0 50 1700 4 21 18 18 2340 4.5 565 3 20 18 990 6.0 Data for Standard Geared Connections for Adjustable Speed Motors. Maximum Speed Rating. Horse- Min. Gear Data. Pitch Line Power . Min. R.P.M. of Motor. Speed Ratio. Diam. of Pulley, in. Speed at Min. Diam. Min. No. of Teeth. Min. Diam., in. Diam. Pitch. Min. Max. j 740 3 3 19 2.38 8 460 1380 2 1100 2 3 19 2.38 8 690 1380 3 1000 2 3 19 2.38 8 625 1250 5 1000 2 4 18 3.0 6 790 1580 7V2 900 2 5 18 3.0 6 705 1410 10 850 2 6 18 3.6 5 800 1600 15 780 2 6l/ 2 19 3.8 5 780 1560 20 650 2 71/2 19 4.22 41/2 720 1440 25 550 2 9 18 4.5 4 645 1290 30 550 2 10 18 5.53 3l/ 4 800 1600 40 550 2 12 15 5.0 31/2 720 1440 50 500 2 121/2 18 6.0 3 790 1580 Minimum Speed Rating. 1 450 4 3 19 2.38 8 280 1120 2 450 4 4 18 3.0 6 355 1420 3 375 4 5 18 3.0 6 294 1176 5 375 4 6 18 3.6 5 355 1420 71/2 350 4 61/2 19 3.8 5 350 1400 10 375 4 7 18 4.0 41/2 390 1560 15 375 4 9 18 4.5 440 1760 20 300 4 12 15 5.0 3 390 1560 25 300 4 121/2 18 6.0 3 470 1880 30 250 4 14 18 6.0 3 390 1560 40 250 4 16 19 6.33 3 415 1660 50 325 3 16 19 6.33 3 540 1620 1302 THE MACHINE-SHOP. on the motor countershaft. Back geared motors are used where che machine speed is below 150 to 100 r.p.m. The initial speed of the back geared motor should not exceed 1200 r.p.m. when the horse-power is from 10 to 20 and should not exceed 900 or even 720 r.p.m. when the horse-power is greater than this figure. For equipment where the motor is geared to the machine, the follow- ing are the governing considerations: Speed reduction, pitch line speed, number of teeth on gears, width of face of gears, center distances, use of idler gears, motor mounting. Noise limits the pitch line speed to about 1000 feet per minute with steel gears. For speeds of 1000 to 2000 feet per minute, cloth or rawhide pinions should be used and speeds in excess of 2000 feet per minute should be avoided if possible. Stresses in bearings and motor shafts limit the minimum size of motor pinions just as they limit the size of pulleys. The maximum and minimum speed ratings and the corresponding standard and minimum sizes of pinions for constant speed and adjustable speed motors are given in the tables on the preceding page. The second table also gives the minimum pulley diameters for adjustable speed motors. For additional data on machine tool motors see Electrical Engineer- ing, p. 1466. Motor Requirements for Milling Machines. See p. 1278. Power Required for Drilling. See p. 1286. Motor Requirements of Planers. (A. G. Popcke, Am. Mach., Sept. 26, 1912.) Manufacturers usually specify motors for planers that are larger than necessary, due to the heavy peak load imposed at the instant of reversal. Before the advent of interpole, commutating motors, this peak load caused sparking unless a large motor was used. The com- mutating motor eliminates this trouble and permits the use of a smaller motor. A flywheel on the countershaft, from which the forward and reverse belts are driven, will assist in the carrying of the peak loads, and will allow the use of a smaller driving motor than otherwise. The table below shows the results of tests of planers with a graphic record- ing ammeter, and gives the power required at different portions of the planer cycle. It also shows the motors recommended and installed, which are handling the work satisfactorily, and also the size of motors specified by the makers of the tools. Power Requirements of Planers. Observed Power Motor Re quirements. Motor In- Size of Used _ 'cS stalled, Motor Planer. for & M o 0> o 3 on fied. ra Is S5 eftf Test. In. Ft. H.P. K.W. K.W. K.W. K.W. H.P. H.P. 56 X 15 3 1.3 3.5 4.0 5.3 Average work ) 5 1.8 2.8 3.5 5.3 5 Tons on table [ 5 15 ** 5 2.5 6 6 Short stroke f 54 X 16 30 4 "6 " 8 10.5 Average stroke 30 4 7 10 12 Short stroke i 5 15 5 1.8 2.3 3.5 5.5 Average stroke 48 X 12 5 2 7 8 9 Average work 71/2 15 24 X 10 71/2 2 4.5 4.3 5.5 { Motor geared balance wheel } * 71/2 42 X 12* 5 1.5 2.5 5 7 Average work 71/2 15 48 X 12 30 5 10 14 19 No. bal. wheel 71/2 15 37 X 8 36 X 8 5 5 1.8 1.5 3 2 4 2.5 6 4 Average work 5 3 10 5 36 X 8 5 1.8 2 3 5 " 3 5 * Open side. The Cincinnati Planer Co. has furnished the author with the results of a test of 72 in. X 24 ft. planer, fitted with a reversible motor drive, cutting cast iron, To run the table in the direction^ the cut required POWER REQUIRED FOR WOOD-WORKING MACHINES. 1303 2.06 H.P. ; reversing from cutting to return stroke, 13 H.P.; reversing from return to cutting stroke, 14.4 H.P. Test on 72 X 24-in. Reversible Motor-Driven Planer. -Depth of Cut, In. Feed, In. Number of Tools Cutting. Cutting Speed, Ft. per Min. H.P. Required, Including Friction. Pressure per Sq. In. in Cast Iron. 1/2 3/16 2 30 23 123,200 1/2 3/16 2 40 26.7 108,680 1/2 3/16 2 60 37.5 104,133 1/2 3/32 2 30 11.5 111.419 1/2 3/32 2 60 23 123,200 1/4 3/16 2 30 10.1 95,090 1/4 3/16 2 60 20.2 106,830 V4 . 3/32 2 30 7.3 124,572 1/4 3/32 2 60 14.4 145.726 Power Required for Wood-Working Machinery. (E. G. Fox, EL Rev., June 13, 1914.). The factors influencing the power required for wood- working machines are: Design, speed of working, including feed and depth of cut, condition of machine and cutters, nature of material. Machines handling one kind of material may be motored for their ordinary load, while those having diverse work must be motored for their heaviest service. The data below are based upon tests as well as on figures furnished by manufacturers. Band Saws. The motors should have good starting torque, and with resaws should be .capable of developing 1.5 full load torque at starting, and should have good overload characteristics. Belted motors are recommended for most installations. BAND-SAWS. Wheel diameter, in ............ 42 38 36 36 34 30 R.P.M ....................... 400-500 450 500 400 500 500 Maximum depth of timber, in .. 20 16 16 14 12 12 H.P. of motor ................. 5 553 3 BAND-RESAWS. Wheel diameter, in .......... 60 54 48 44 42 40 38 R.P.M ...................... 550 600 650 650 650 700 450 Width saw blade, in .......... 8 6 5 4 4 3 2 Maximum depth of timber, in .. 36 30 26 24 24 20 12 H.P. of motor ................ 50 40 30 20 15 15 7.5 R.P.M. of motor ............. 600 600 720 720 720 720 514 Add for jointing attachment on 48-in. saw, 7.5 H.P. BAND RIP SAWS POWER FEED. Wheel Diam., Max. Timber Motor Motor in. R.P.M. Depth, in. H.P. R.P.M. 42 650 12 15 720 40 600 15 10 600 Add 2 H.P. for return rolls, if used. Speeds given are for direct connection. Circular Saws. Circular saws are not as widely used as band-saws for resawing, as they require more power, run at lower speeds and waste more stock. Splitting with circular saws requires from 15 to 20% more power than cross-cutting. Band-saws require about the same power for both. CIRCULAR SAWS. Maximum diameter of saw, in ....... 42 36 R.P.M. of saw .................... 900 1000 Maximum capacity, in., horizontal. .. 17 14 4 vertical ............ Horse-power ...................... 25 25 32 30 24 1225 1200 1225 11 10 8 8 6 6 20 20 20 1304 THE MACHINE-SHOP. CIRCULAR RIP-SAWS. Maximum diameter of saw, in 20 16 12 Maximum R.P.M. of saw 2100 2600 2400 Maximum thickness of stock, in 6 5 2 Feed, ft. per min 60-180 64-194 50-100 Horse-power 15 15 7.5 HAND-FEED CIRCULAR RIP-SAWS. Maximum diameter of saw, in. 14 16 20 24 30 36 R.P.M. of saw 2700 2400 2000 1600 1250 1000 Horse-power 7.5 10 15 15 20 20 POWER-FEED GANG RIPPING-MACHINE. Number of saws 2 3 4 8 Maximum R.P.M 3400 2300 2500 2500 Diameter of saws, in 10 15 14 14 Feed, ft. per min 180 200 100-180 90-200 Horse-power 15 30 25 35 CIRCULAR CUT-OFF SAWS. . Maximum saw diameter, in 14 16 R.P.M. of saws 2700 2600 Hcrse-power 5 7.5 INSIDE MOLDERS. Maximum capacity, in 8X4 10 X 4 12 X 6 14X6 Horse-power 25 25 35 35 OUTSIDE MOLDERS. Maximum capacity, in. 4X4 6X4 8X4 10X4 12X5 14X6 Horse-power 10 15 20 25 30 35 STICKERS. Maximum size of timber, in... 16X4- 18X4 20 X 4 Horse-power ". 5 7.5 10 JOINTERS. Maximum width of. timber, in 8 12 16 20 24 36 Horse-power 2 2 3 5 7.5 7.5 The recommendations for molders, stickers and jointers are based on a maximum depth of cut of 3/ 32 in. If the cut is greater, the size of motor should be correspondingly increased. Surfacers. The motor sizes given below are for medium work with maximum depths of cut of i/g in. For planing mill work, on heavy stock with, deep cuts the sizes should be increased about 5 H.P. SINGLE SURFACERS. Maximum width of timber, in. 16 20 24 30 36 Horse-power 7.5 10 10 15 15 DOUBLE SURFACERS. Maximum width of timber, in 26 30 36 Horse-power, heavy work 35 35 Horse-power, medium work 20 25 30 Timber Sizers. The following figures apply to heavy service in dressing timber to size, surfacing four sides simultaneously. Max. size of timber, in. . 20 X 16 20 X 18 20 X 20 30 X 18 30 X 20 Horse-power 60 60-75 60-75 75 75 DRUM SANDERS. Number of drums 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Max. Width of Stock, in 30 36 42 30 36 42 48 Horse-power 10 15 15 20 20 20 25 Number of drums 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Maximum width of stock, in ... 30 36 42-48 54-66 72 78 84 Horse-power 20 25 30 35 40 40 50 When material is sanded to size and full width of sander is used with panels fed continuously, add 5 H.P. to above motor sizes. TENONERS HAND-FEED. Length of tenon, in 7 single 7 double Horse-power 7.5 10 POWER REQUIRED FOR MACHINES IN GROUPS. 1305 Shapers.- For ordinary service on reversible single- or two-spindle machines, use a 5 H.P. motor. For extra heavy work, as in carriage factories, railroad shops, etc., use a 7.5 H.P. motor. SCRAPING MACHINES. Maximum width of stock, in. . . 12 26 30 42 Horse-power 2 3 3 5 AUTOMATIC LATHES. Maximum diameter and length of stock, in. 2.75 X 72 3 X 50 5 X 50 Horse-power 10 15-20 20 BORERS. Number of bits 112 348 Maximum diameter of bits, in 1 2 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.5 Horse-power 3 5 3 5 5 10 CHISEL MORTISING-MACHINES. Maximum number of chisels 1 1 1 1 2 Maximum size of chisel square, in 0.5 0.75 0.75 1.25 1 Horse-power 2 2 3 5 3 Maximum number of chisels 3 4 5 6 7 Maximum size of chisel square, in 1 1 13/ie is/ig 13/ig Horse-power 5 5 5 7.5 7.5 PLANERS AND MATCHERS. For planing and matching timber at one operation. Maximum size of timber, in. . 9X6 15 X 6 20 X 6 24 X 6 26 X 8 Horse-power 35 40 45 45 45 Box board matchers are similar to planers and matchers, but the work is much lighter. Hand-fed machines usually require a 7.5 H.P. motor, while power-fed machines require 10 H.P. Horse-power Required to Drive Shafting. Samuel Webber in his "Manual of Power" gives, among numerous tables of power required to drive textile machinery, a table of results of tests of shafting. A line of 21/8-in. shafting, 342 ft. long, weighing 4098 lb., with pulleys weigh- ing 5331 lb., or a total of 9429 lb., supported on 47 bearings, 216 rev- olutions per minute, required 1.858 H.P. to drive it. This gives a coefficient of friction of 5.52 %. In seventeen tests the coefficient ranged from 3.34% to 11.4%, averaging 5.73%. J. T. Henthorn states (Trans. A. S. M. E., vi, 462) that in print-mills which he examined the friction of the shafting and engine was in 7 cases below 20% and in 35 cases between 20% and 30%, in 11 cases from 30% to 35% and in 2 cases above 35%, the average being 25.9%. Mr. Barrus in eight cotton- mills found the range to be between 18% and 25.7%, the average being 22%. Mr. Flather (Dynamometers) believes that for shops using heavy machinery the percentage of power required to drive the shafting will average from 40% to 50% of the total power expended. Under the head of shafting are included elevators, fans and blowers. Power Required to Drive Machines In Groups. L. P. Alford (Am. Mac/2., Oct. 31, 1907) gives the results of an investigation to determine the power required to drive machinery in groups. The method employed comprised disconnecting parts of the shafting in a belt-driven plant, and driving the disconnected porti9n with its ma- chines by an electric motor, readings of the power required being taken every 5 minutes. The average power required for the entire factory was considerably less than the sum of the power required for the in- dividual machines, due to tools being stopped at some portion of the day for adjustment, replacement of work, etc. The conditions of group driving are such that fixed rules cannot be laid down, but a study must be made of each individual case. The results of the several thou- sand observations made in the investigation are given in the accom- panying table. The observations were made before the introduction of high speed steel, and the figures probably should be modified some- what for more modern practice. The sum of the individual horsepower values as given in the table is about 20% higher than the power actual jy used in the factory, due to a lessening of the average horse-power in each department. The reason for this is the working conditions exist- ing, in that all tools were not used to their maximum or even average 1306 THE MACHINE-SHOP: capacity at the same time. In determining the size of motor for each department, the total horse-power required by the tools in that depart- ment, as given in the table, was diminished by 20%, and the friction load of line and countershafts was added. Power Required by Machine Tools in Groups. Size. Maxi- mum H.P. Aver- age H.P. Size. Maxi- mum H.P. Aver- age H.P. Size, Maxi- mum H.P. Aver- age H.P. Boring 36 in.i 42 2 Cam No. 2 " 4 " 5 Note 3 " 4 Cutting- 1 15/16 in. 2 in. 3 in. Drilling Note 5 " 6 " 7 " 8 " 9 " 10 " 11 16 in. 18 " 20 " 22 " 24 " 26 " 28 " 30 " 34 " 36 " 46 " 50 " Gear No. 4 1/2 3 3 Gr No. 312 " 4 " 111 3 2" 314 115 21 5 Mach 0.78 1.72 Cutte mes. 0.52 1.08 rs. 0.67 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 chine. 0.12 0.14-0.18 0.20-0.22 ines. 0.72 1.12 0.31 0.32 0.35 0.48 0.71 0.25 0.35 0.42 0.59 0.47 0.22 0.25 0.30 0.45 0.53 0.63 0.83 rs. 0.15-0.32 0.20 0.20 0.32 0.53 0.80 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.76 Grind Note 16 " 17 Drop 40 Ib. 250 400' 600 800 1000 1500 Power lOOlb. 150 " Ke No. 4 L 20 in.i* 30 " is 12 " 14 " 16 " 16 " 18 " 20 " 22 " 24 " 24 " 28 " 38 " 10 " 19 14 " 19 15 20 #21 No. I 22 2X24 in. 23 14 in. 24 16 " 24 36 " 25 Milling No. 1 " 3 " 4 " 41/2 " 6 ers (C< 3.29 Hamm mi.} 0.97 0.41-0.82 ers. * 0.10 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 lers. 1.50 1.75 0.28-0.32 0.35 0.41 0.24 0.26 0.34 0.36 0.39 0.44 0.32 0.25 0.31 0.31 0.58 0.10 0.12 0.25 0.70 0.33-0.63 1.20-1.80 0.31 0.36 1.30 ines. 0.30 0.26 0.19-0.29 0.13-0.19 0.26 Milling M No. 7 14 15 326 5 26 3 1 2 5 7 u/2 27 PI 17 in. 22 X 60 in. 22 X 60 24 X 72 26 X 60 30 X 72 30 X 96 36X120 50X108 34 in.28 24 29 Polishi No. 3 Fund- No. 3 Profilin No. T Ban 36 in. Circ 9 in. 13 " 13 " Ha 12-14 in. Screw No. 1 " 2 " 2 achine aners. 2.01 2.34 1.44 'l'.59' 4.91 5.46 4.00 2.94 7.75 3.40 ngSta i Press 2.59 y ]Mac s (Cow/.) 0.83 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.55 0.17-0.25 0.15 0.25 0.30 0.83 0.20 1.0 -0.43 1.16-0.53 0.70 0.84 0.81 1.31 1.56 1.60 1.14 3.70 2.00 nds. 1.00 1.09 es. 1.26 lines. 0.50 0.40 30 0.87 iw. 1.05 1.04 1.21 7. 0.06 nes. 0.60 0.37 0.72 0.48 0.48 off Ma 0.28 0.34 r Mach '3.*18' Hamn yseater 0.64 athes. 0.48 '6.48' 0.37 Cutte inders '1.42' 'j.63' 1.97 'i.5b' Mach 0.47 0.64 d-Saw 3.00 ular 82 3.77 3.75 5.82 ck Sav Machi NOTES. i Single head. 2 Double head. 3 Lathe type, single head. 4 Lathe type, double head. 5 No. radial. 6 No. 1 radial. 7 Single spindle, sensitive. 8 2-spindle. 3-spindle, sensitive. 1 4-spindle. n 6-spindle. 12 Cutter and reamer, i 3 Plain. "Surface. ^Universal. i fi Wet tool, carrying 20-in. wheel. l7 Wet grinder with two 24-in. wheels. 18 Boring lathe, is Speed lathe. 20 Squaring-up lathe. 21 Gisholt turret lathe. 22 Potter & Johnson semi-automatic. 23 Jones & Lamson flat turret. 21 Wood turning. 25 p u tnam gap lathe, used for wood turning. 26 Vertical. 2 ? Hand. 88 Wood panel planer. 29 Wood surfacer. 30 Used for pattern work. MACHINE TOOL DRIVES, SPEEDS AND FEEDS. 1307 A similar investigation, reported by H. C. Spillman (Mach'y, June, 1913), showed that but 20% of the total power supplied to the motor is applied in useful work in the machines, 72% being absorbed in friction losses in machines and shafting, and 8% disappearing as electrical losses. MACHINE TOOL DRIVES, SPEEDS AND FEEDS. Geometrical Progression of Speeds and Feeds. It has become generally accepted that the speeds available on a given machine tool should be in a geometric progression. There is, however, by no means a uniformity in the ratio of the various geometric series adopted by the different makers. This ratio will be found to range from 1.3 to 1.7 on the usual types of cone-driven machines, and the speeds available under different conditions of open belt and back gear operation present many duplications and are often far from a true geometric progression when considered over the entire range of speeds. Carl G. Barth (Am. Mach., Jan. 11, 1912) suggests a ratio of ^2~"= 1.189. With this ratio, the revolutions per minute of the spindle are doubled every fourth speed. An editorial (Am. Mach., Dec. 3, 1914) discussing the advan- tage of adopting this ratio for a speed series shows that it will fulfill all the ordinary requirements of machine tool work, and that practically any desired speed in either lathe or drill press can be obtained when the machine is speeded according to a geometric progression based on the ratio 1.189. At the present writing (1915) this ratio has been adopted by several machine tool builders. The necessity for the adoption of a standard ratio for speeds and feeds on machine tools is discussed in Am. Mach., Dec. 3 and 10, 1914, in describing the respeeding of machines at the Watertown arsenal and elsewhere. The speeds originally available on many of the machines presented many duplications of open belt speeds when back-geared, and the speeds on any one machine considered as a whole were not in any regular series. Thus a lathe with supposedly 20 speeds had practically, due to duplication of speeds in the open belt and back-gear series, only 12 speeds. The rearrangement of the gearing and the pulleys made all 20 speeds available, and in practical accord with a geometric series with a ratio of 1.189. In the same article there are tabulated the speeds of nine 16-in. lathes offered in response to a' request for bids. In no case did the speeds available on one lathe correspond with those on any other, nor did any set of speeds even approximate the ideal speeds. Even three machines offered by one maker had wide variations in their speeds. Such a condition precludes the possibility of using machines interchangeably for the same service, and, as stated by Mr. Barth, is the basis of much of the trouble regarding piece rates in machine shop work. See also article by Robert T. Kent, Iron Age, July 3, 1913. A geometrical progression of the fe^ds available on machine tools is also desirable, and Mr. Barth has recommended the same ratio for the feed series as for the speed series, *\/2~= 1.189. The reasons for adopting this ratio are given in the article above cited, Am. Mach., Jan. 11, 1912. Methods of Driving Machine Tools. P. A. Halsey in a lecture at Columbia University (Indust. Eng., Sept., 1914) compares the relative advantages of the ordinary 5-step cone pulley, the 3-step cone pulley, the constant speed pulley and the individual motor as a drive for machine tools. In the 5-step cone pulley drive the large intervals between the speeds available on the different cone steps decrease the output of the machine, due to the fact that except in those few cases where the cone speed is nearly equal to the cutting speed the next lower cone speed must be used. Also on account of the proportions of the cone, the belt speed is unnecessarily low, and as the belt is moved to the largest cone step its speed is still further decreased. On the larger steps the belt is frequently incapable of delivering the power required by the heavier cuts which go with large work. This defect is remedied in the 3-step cone pulley, in which the difference in the diameters of the steps is not so pronounced, the additional number of speed changes being obtained by double back gears. Mr. Halsey compares two specific cases: (1) A 5-step cone with single back gears, the cone step diameters being respectively 4, 6, 8, 30, 1308 THE MACHINE-SHOP. and 12 in. (2) A 3-step cone with double back gears, the cone step diameters being respectively 11 17/32, 129/32, and 13 in. In case 1 a 2 1/2- in. belt, and in case 2 a 4-in. belt, is used. The change from 3 to 5 steps reduces the ratio of the highest to the lowest speed on the cone, and ife increases the 'belt speed and therefore the power on all steps, but particularly on the large ones where it is most needed. The effect of these changes can be shown by calculating the respective powers with the belts on the largest steps of the two cones. Assume (case 1) that the speed with the belt on the 4-in. step is 100. Then the speed with the belt on the largest step will be 100 X 4 /i2 = 331/3. To maintain the same cone speed in case 2, the highest belt speed will be 100 (11 17/32 -=- 4) = 288 +; the lowest will be 288 (11 !7/ 32 + 13) = 255 +. The smallest step in case 1 is too small for a double belt, while in case 2 a double belt can be used on the smallest step. In order to compare the power capacities of the two machines the belt speed must be multiplied by a factor reprasenting the greater pulling power of the double belt, say 1.43, and also by the ratio of the belt widths, 1.6. If LI and Z/2 represent respectively the power capacities of the large steps of cases 1 and 2, and Si and 82 the power capacities of the small steps, then fs-fljx 1.43x1.6-6.5 - 803 . . That is, the power capacity of the 3-step cone is 6.5 times as great as that of the 5-step cone with the belt on the small step, and 17.5 times as great with the belt on the large step. The defect of the arrange- ment given in case 2 is that it provides a smaller number of speeds and a smaller range of speeds than does case 1. The remedy is the provision of additional back gears if the additional speeds or greater range is necessary. Mr. Halsey further points out that direct connec- tion between the cone pulley and the work spindle has been retained in many cases where it should have been discarded, since with large work the belt speed will become too low to transmit adequate power, and it is better practice to interpose gearing between the pulley and the spindle, and thus speed up the belt and pulley. In changing machines in accordance with the above suggestions, it is advisable to so design the gearing as to obtain speeds which will be in geometric progression as explained in a previous paragraph. For methods of laying out cone pulleys, see p. 1 136. For methods of laying out the driving gears of machine tools see "Halsey's Handbook for Machine Designers and Draftsmen," p. 77. In the Constant Speed Pulley dwve, the belt pulley of the machine is driven at a constant speed and the power is transmitted to the machine from the pulley through a train of gears arranged in a gear box. By the shifting of appropriate levers any particular set of gears can be put in engagement, thus making instantly available any speed in the range of the machine. This arrangement makes the obtaining of a geometric series of speeds a particularly easy matter. The constant speed pulley drive possesses the advantage of giving a self-contained machine, particularly adapted to the individual motor drive. It has found wide application in the milling machine and in certain types of lathes. The Individual Motor Drive has, according to Mr. Halsey, a field in the driving of portable floor plate tools, for machines in isolated posi- tions, or for tools so located that line shafts cannot be conveniently laid out for them, and for large machines where the cost of the motor Is a relatively small part of the total cost of the tool. The disadvantage of the individual motor for the small or medium size tool is that the power capacity of the motor must be equal to the maximum power requirement of the machine and that no advantage can be taken of the average power requirements of several machines as is possible in the group drive where one motor drives several machines. This in- creases the first cost of the motors, and they are also usually worked at low efficiency, due to the fact that they are most of the time underloaded. ABRASIVE PROCESSES 1309 ABRASIVE PROCESSES. Abrasive cutting is performed by means of stones, sand, emery, glass, corundum, carborundum, crocus, rouge, chilled globules of iron, and in some cases by soft, friable iron alone. (See paper by John Richards, read before the Technical Society of the Pacific Coast, Am. Mach. t Aug. 20, 1891, and Eng. & M. Jour., July 25 and Aug. 15, 1891.) The " Cold Saw." For sawing any section of iron while cold the cold saw is sometimes used. This consists simply of a plain soft steel or iron disk without teeth, about 42 inches diameter and 3/ 1( 5 inch thick. The velocity of the circumference is about 15,000 feet per minute. One of these saws will saw through an ordinary steel rail cold in about one minute. In this saw the steel or iron is ground off by the friction of the disk, and is not cut as with the teeth of an ordinary saw. It has generally been found more profitable, however, to saw iron with disks or band-saws fitted with cutting-teeth, which run at moderate speeds and cut the metal as do the teeth of a milling-cutter. Reese's Fusing-disk. Reese's fusing-disk is an application of the cold saw to cutting iron or steel in the form of bars, tubes, cylinders, etc., in which the piece to be cut is made to revolve at a slower rate or speed than the saw. By this means only a small surface of the bar to be cut is presented at a time to the circumference of the saw. The saw is about the same size as the cold saw above described, and is rotated at a velocity of about 25,000 feet per minute. The heat generated by the friction of this saw against the small surface of the bar rotated against it is so great that the particles of iron or steel in the bar are actually fused, and the "sawdust" welds as it falls into a solid mass. This disk will cut either cast iron, wrought iron, or steel. It will cut a bar of steel 13/g inch diameter in one minute, including the time of setting it in the machine, the bar being rotated about 200 turns per minute. Cutting Stone with Wire. A plan of cutting stone by means of a wire cord has been tried in Europe. While retaining sand as the cutting agent, M. Paulin Gay, of Marseilles, has succeeded in applying it by mechanical means, and as continuously as formerly the sand-blast and band-saw, with both of which appliances his system that of the "helicoidal wire cord" has considerable analogy. An engine puts in motion a continuous wire cord (varying from five to seven thirty-seconds of an inch in diameter, according to the work), composed of three mild- steel wires twisted at a certain pitch, that is found to give the best results in practice, at a speed of from 15 to 17 feet per second. The Sand-blast. In the sand-blast, invented by B. F. Tilghman, of Philadelphia, and first exhibited at the American Institute Fair, New York, in 1871, common sand, powdered quartz, emery, or any sharp cutting material is blown by a jet of air or steam on glass, metal, or other comparatively brittle substance, by which means the latter is cut, drilled, or engraved. To protect those portions of the surface which it is desired shall not be abraded it is only necessary to cover them with a soft or tough material, such as lead, rubber, leather, paper, wax, or rubber- paint. (See description in App. Cyc. Mech.; also U. fc>. report of Vienna Exhibition, 1873, vol. iii. 316.) A "jet of sand" impelled by steam of moderate pressure, or even by the blast of an ordinary fan, depolishes glass in a few seconds; wood is cut quite rapidly; and metals are given the so-called "frosted" surface with, great rapidity. With a jet issuing from under 300 pounds pressure, a hole was cut through a piece of corundum 1 1/2 inches thick in 25 minutes. The sand-blast has been a'pplied to the cleaning of metal castings and sheet metal, the graining of zinc plates for lithographic purposes, the frosting of silverware, the cutting of figures on stone and glass, and the cutting of devices on monuments or tombstones, the recutting of files, etc. The time required to sharpen a worn-out 14-inch bastard file is about four minutes. About one pint of sand, passed through a No. 120 sieve, and 4 H.P. of 60-lb. steam are required for the operation. For cleaning castings, compressed air at from 8 to 10 pounds pressure per square inch is employed. Chilled-iron globules instead of quartz or flint-sand are used with good results, both as to speed of working and cost of material, when the operation can be carried on under proper conditions. With the expenditure of 2 H.P. in compressing air, 2 square feet of ordinary scale on the surface of steel and iron plates can be 1310 THE MACHINE-SHOP. removed per minute. The surface thus prepared is ready for tinning, galvanizing, plating, bronzing, painting, etc. By continuing the opera- tion the hard skin on the surface of castings, which is so destructive to the cutting edges of milling and other tools, can be removed. Small castings are placed in a sort of slowly rotating barrel, open at one or both ends, through which the blast is directed downward against them as they tumble over and over. No portion of the surface escapes the action of the sand. Plain cored work, such as valve-bodies, can be cleaned perfectly both inside and out. One hundred Ibs. of castings can be cleaned in from 10 to 15 minutes with a blast created by 2 H.P. The same weight of small forgings can be scaled in from 20 to 30 minutes. Iron Age, March 8, 1894. Polishing and Buffing. The type of polishing wheel to be used de- pends on the class of work. For rough polishing on flat surfaces or where the corners are to be square, a paper or a wooden wheel, faced with leather to which emery or some other abrasive is glued is used. For large flat work, or curved surfaces, bull neck, solid canvas, solid sheepskin, paper or wooden wheels are used. These wheels are also used for such work as stove trimmings, agricultural implements, tools, cast iron and brass parts, etc. Loose or stitched sheepskin, loose or stitched canvas and solid or stitched laminated felt wneels are used for roughing irregular shapes requiring a soft faced wheel which will come in contact with every crevice of the work. Bull neck or wooden wheels are used whenever coloring or finishing is to be done on cast or sheet metal. For work requiring a high polish, as guns, cutlery, etc., sea horse is often employed. The hardness of the wheel depends on the service in which it is to be used, and in the case of linen, canvas, leather, or other built-up wheels on steel centers, is governed by the depth of the flanges clamping the wheel on the arbor; the larger the flanges the harder is the wheel. For most polishing operations, a peripheral speed of the wheel of from 3000 to 6000 ft. per minute is sufficient, and 4000 ft. will serve for most purposes. These are the speeds recommended for muslin, felt or sea horse wheels, although some claims are advanced for speeds as high as 7500 ft., it being stated that lower speeds will scratch the work. Buffing is the process of obtaining a grainless finish of high luster on plated surfaces. The degree of luster depends on the finish of the surface prior to plating. The work is done on a soft wheel to which a polishing composition has been applied. The polishing composition comprises a heavy grease containing polishing material, as flour-emery, rouge, tripoli, crocus, etc. According to the Chicago Wheel and Mfg. Co. the following compositions are adapted to the different varieties of work. For cutting down and polishing brass, bronze and Britannia metal preparatory to plating, tripoli composition; for smooth surfaces on nickel and brass, crocus composition; for coloring brass, copper, nickel, bronze, German silver, etc., either in solid or plated metal, White Diamond XXX composition; for chased or embossed parts, or for cutting down silver-plated pieces which are afterward to be colored with rouge and alcohol, White Diamond XXXX composition is used; for nickel-plated pieces with a high luster, White Coloring composition, made of Vienna lime is used. Where rapid, sharp, even cutting is desired, emery cake is used. Chandelier rouge is used to produce a deep color on brass and bronze parts. Laps and Lapping. A series of tests was made by W. -A. Knight and A. A. Case (Jour. A. S. M. E., Aug., 1915) to determine the effect on the rate of cutting with different combinations of abrasive lubricant and lap material. The tests were made with hardened steel speci- mens, and comparative results were obtained with emery, alunduin and carborundum used in connection with lard oil, machine oil, gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, alcohol and soda water. The lap materials were cast iron, soft steel and copper. The following conclusions were derived from the invesigation : The initial rate of cutting is not greatly different for the different abrasives; carborundum maintains its rate better than either of the others, alundum next, and emery the least; carborundum wears the lap about twice as fast, and alundum 11/4 times as fast as emery; there is no advantage in using an abrasive coarser than No. 150; the rate of cutting is practically proportional to EMERY WHEELS AND GRINDSTONES. 1311 the pressure; the wear of the laps is in the proportions of cast iron 1.00, steel 1.27, copper 2.62, and this wear is inversely proportional to the hardness by the Brinell test; in general, copper and steel cut faster than cast iron, but where permanence of form is a consideration, cast iron is the superior metal ; gasoline and kerosene are the best lubricants to use with cast-iron lap, kerosene, on account of its non-evaporative qualities, being first choice; machine and lard oil are the best lubri- cants to use with copper or steel lap, but they are least effective on the cast lap; for all laps and all abrasives (of those tested) the cutting is faster with lard oil than with machine oil; alcohol shows no particular merit for the work ; turpentine does fairly good work with carborundum, but in general, is not as good as kerosene or gasoline; soda water com- pares favorably with other lubricants, and on the whole it is slightly better than alcohol or turpentine; wet lapping is from 1.2 to 6 times as fast as dry lapping, depending on the material of the lap and the method of charging. EMERY WHEELS AND GRINDSTONES. References. "American Machinist Grinding Book"; "Grits and Grinds," Norton Company; "Points about Grinding Wheels and their Selection," Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co.; "Table of Causes of Grinding Wheel Accidents," Independence Inspection Bureau; "Safeguarding Grinding Wheels," Report of Committee of National Machine Tool Builders' Association; Bulletin, "Safeguarding High Speed Grinding Wheels, "National Founders' Association; "Operation of Grinding Wheels in Machine Grinding," Geo. I. Alden, Journal A.S.M.E., Jan., 1915. Selection of Abrasive Wheels. (Contributed by the Norton Com- pany, 1915.) The user of a modern grinding wheel should thoroughly understand these essential features; the definition of grain and grade, the particular conditions of grinding which cause them to vary; the methods of balancing and mounting; truing and dressing; the effect of machine vibration and arc of contact upon grain and grade; the rela- tion of work speed and wheel speed for production and finish; safe- guards and dust removal systems. Grain. Abrasive grains are numbered according to the meshes per lineal inch of the screen through which they have been graded. The numbers used in wheels are 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 46, 54, 60, 70, 80, 90, 120, 150, 180, 200; when finer than 200, the grains are termed flours, being designated as F, 2F, 3F, 4F, XF, 65C, 65F, F being the coarsest and 65F, the finest. Grits from 12 to 30 are generally used on all heavy work such as snagging; 36 to 80 cover nearly all tool grind- ing, saw gumming, and other operations where precision in measurement is sought; 90 and finer are used for special work such as grinding steel balls and fine edge work; the flour sizes are used mostly for sharpening and rubbing stones. The number representing the grades of abrasive leave a degree of smoothness of surface which may be compared to that left by files as follows: 8 and 10 represent the cut of a wood rasp; 16, 20, coarse-rough file; 24, 30, ordinary rough file; 36, 40, bastard file; 46, 60, second-cut file; 70, 80, smooth file; 90, 100, superfine file; 120F, 2F, dead-smooth file. Grade. When the retentive properties of the bond are great, the wheel is called hard ; when the grains are easily broken out, it is called soft. A wheel is of the proper grade when its cutting grains are auto- matically replaced when dulled. Wheels that are too hard glaze. Dress- ing re-sharpens them, the points of the dresser breaking out and break- ing off the cutting grains by percussion. Soft wheels are used on hard materials, like hardened steel. Here the cutting particles are quickly dulled and must be renewed. On softer materials, like mild steel and wrought iron, harder grades can be used, the grains not dulling so quickly. The area of surface to be ground in contact with the wheel is of the utmost importance in determining the grade. If it is a point contact like grinding a ball or if an extremely narrow fin is to be removed, we must use a very strongly bonded wheel, on account of the leverage ex- erted oil its grain, which tends to tear out the cutting particles before 1312 THE MACHINE-SHOP. Revolutions per Minute Required for Specified Rates of Periphery Speed. Also Stress per Square Inch on Norton Wheels at the Specified Rates. Surface Speeds, Feet per Minute. a* M 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 1000C Stress per Square Inch, Pounds. 1 3 12 27 48 75 108 147 192 243 300 15 Revolutions per Minute. i 3820 7639 11459 15279 19099 22918 26738 30558 34377 38197 2 1910 3820 5730 7639 9549 11459 13369 15279 17189 19098 3 1273 2546 3820 5093 6366 7639 8913 10186 11459 12732 4 955 1910 2865 3820 4775 5729 6684 7639 8594 9549 5 764 1528 2292 3056 3820 4584 5347 6111 6875 7639 6 637 1273 1910 2546 3183 3820 4456 5093 5729 6366 7 546 1091 1637 2183 2728 3274 3820 4365 4911 5457 8 477 955 1432 1910 2387 2865 3342 3820 4297 4775 10 382 764 1146 1528 1910 2292 2674 3056 3438 3820 12 318 637 955 1273 1591 1910 2228 2546 2865 3183 14 273 546 818 1091 1364 1637 1910 2183 2455 2728 16 239 477 716 955 1194 1432 1671 1910 2148 2387 18 212 424 637 849 1061 1273 1485 1698 1910 2122 20 191 382 573 764 955 1146 1337 1528 1719 1910 22 174 347 521 694 868 1042 1215 1389 1563 1736 24 159 318 477 637 796 955 1114 1273 1432 1591 30 127 255 382 509 637 764 891 1018 1146 1273 36 106 212 318 424 530 637 743 849 955 1061 Table to Figure Surface Speeds of Wheels. (Circumferences in Feet , Diameters in Inches. ) IN -M P=4 +a P4 d d d d d d 1 1 1 1 1 1 g B g g 1 | 5 8 q q Q 6 a '& 8 8 5 i .262 13 3.403 25 6.546 37 9.687 49 12.828 61 15.970 2 .524 14 3.665 26 6.807 38 9.948 50 13.090 62 16.232 3 .785 15 3.927 27 7.069 39 10.210 51 13.352 63 16.493 4 1.047 16 4.189 28 7.330 40 10.472 52 13.613 64 16.755 5 1.309 17 4.451 29 7.592 41 10.734 53 13.875 65 17.017 6 1.571 18 4.712 30 7.854 42 10.996 54 14.137 66 17.279 7 1.833 19 4.974 31 8.116 43 11.257 55 14.499 67 17.541 8 2.094 20 5.236 32 8.377 44 11.519 56 14.661 68 17.802 9 2.356 21 5.498 33 8.639 45 11.781 57 14.923 69 18.064 10 2.618 22 5.760 34 8.901 46 12.043 58 15.184 70 18.326 11 2.880 23 6.021 35 9.163 47 12.305 59 15.446 71 18.588 12 3.142 24 6.283 36 9.425 48 12.566 60 15.708 72 18.850 To find surface speed, in feet, per minute, of a wheel. RULE.- Multiply the circumference (see above table) by its revolu- tions per minute. Surface speed and diam. of wheel being given, to find number of revo- lutions of wheel spindle. RULE. Multiply surface speed, in feet, per min., by 12 arid divide the product by 3.14 times the diam, of the wheel in inches. ABRASIVES. 1313 they have done their work. If the contact is a broad one, as in grind- ing a hole, or where the work brings a large part pf the surface of the wheel into operation, softer grades must be used, because the depth of cut. is so infinitely small that the cutting points in work become dulled quickly and must be renewed, or the wheel glazes and loses its efficiency. Vibrations in grinding machines cause percussion on the cutting grains, necessitating harder wheels. Wheels mounted on rigid machines can be softer in grade and are much more efficient. Speeds of Grinding Wheels. The factor of safety in vitrified wheels is proportional to the grade of hardness. Bursting limits are from 12,000 to 25,000 feet per minute, surface speed. Wheels are tested by standard makers at speeds in excess of 9000 feet surface speed per minute. Running speeds in practice are from 4000 to 6000 feet, depending on work, condition of machine, and mounting. Generally speaking, grinding of tools, reamers, cutters, and surface grinding is done at about 4000 feet, snagging and rough forms of hand grinding at 5000 to 5500 feet, cylindrical grinding, or where the work is rigidly held and where the wheel feed is under control, from 5500 to 6500 feet, and in some instances as high as 7500 feet. These speeds are all for vitrified wheels. The same speeds will apply to wheels made by the elastic and silicate processes. Grain Depth of Cut. An analysis of the action of the wheel when in operation shows how theoretical considerations bear out the truth of the empirical rules for the use of grinding wheels in machine grinding. A paper by Geo. I. Alden (Jour. Am. Soc. M. E., Jan., 1915) gives the essential distinction between the radial or real depth at which the wheel cuts and the depth which the abrasive grain in the wheel cuts into the material being ground. The latter depth is termed the "grain depth of cut." This grain depth of cut is the controlling factor in se- curing the correct working of the wheel. A formula is deduced for com- puting the grain depth of cut, the application of the analysis is explained and these conclusions reached by Prof. Alden: 1 Other factors remain- ing consta.nt, increase of work speed increases grain depth of cut, and makes a wheel appear softer. 2 A decrease of wheel speed increases grain depth of cut. 3 Diminishing the diameter of the wheel increases the grain depth of cut; increasing the diameter of the wheel decreases the grain depth of cut. 4 Decreasing the diameter of work increases the grain depth of cut; conversely, increasing the diameter of work de- creases the grain depth of cut. A table pf arcs of contact of wheel and work for a limited range of diameters is given, also a table of values of one of the factors in the formula for grain depth of cut. Artificial Abrasives. Since 1900 artificial abrasives, made in various types of electric furnaces, have been displacing natural abra- sives, and they are to-day almost exclusively used. This has been due largely to the ability to control the purity of the raw material and to insure uniformity of cutting action of the finished products. Artificial abrasives are divided into the aluminous group (examples, Alundum, Aloxite and Boro-Carbone), and the silicon carbide group (examples, Crystolon, Carborundum, Carbolite). The abrasive action of the aluminous group is due to the amount of oxide of aluminum, which in these artificial abrasives is in excess of 90%, slightly more than the best corundum and considerably in excess of the alumina content of emery, which rarely exceeds 70%. The aluminous abrasives are characterized by a high degree of toughness and are particularly adapted for grinding materials of high tensile strength such as steel and its alloys. The sili- cate carbide group is not duplicated by Nature and is somewhat harder and more brittle than the aluminous group. The silicon carbide abra- sives are now recognized as standard for grinding materials of low tensile strength such as cast iron, brass pearl, marble, granite and leather. Selection of Emery Wheels. The Norton Co. (1915) publishes the accompanying table showing the proper grain and grade of wheel for different services. The column headed grain indicates the coarseness of the material composing the wheel, being designated by the number of 1314 THE MACHINE-SHOP. meshes per inch of a sieve through which the grains pass. A No. 20 grain will pass through a 20-mesh sieve, but not through a 30-mesh, etc. EXPLANATION OF GRADE LETTERS. Extremely Soft. A B C D Soft. E F G H Medium Soft. I J K L Medium. M N P Medium Hard. Q R S T Hard. U W Extremely Hard. Y Z FOP Grinding High-speed Tool Steel, The American Emery Wheel Co. recommends a wheel one number coarser and one grade softer than a wheel for grinding carbon steel for the same service. Balancing. The standard makers of grinding wheels send out wheels balanced within narrow limits, accomplished by inserting lead near the hole. As the wheels wear down it frequently becomes necessary for the user to balance them by removing some of the lead. Mounting Grinding Wheels Safety Devices. A code for the mount- ing of grinding wheels was adopted by 23 manufacturers of grinding wheels in the U. S. and Canada in 1914, and approved by the Na- tional Machine Tool Builders' Association. An abstract of the code is given in Indust. Eng., Jan., 1915. The code recognizes as safety devices protection flanges, protection hoods, and protection chucks. Protection flanges of the double or single concave type, used in con- junction with wheels having double or single convex tapered sides or side are recommended. For double tapered wheels they shall have a oaper of not less than 3/4 in. per foot for each flange. For single tapered wheels they shall have a taper of not less than 3/4 in. per foot. Each flange, whether straight or tapered, shall be recessed at the center at least 1/16 in. on the side next to the wheel. All tapered flanges over 10 in. diameter shall be of steel or material of equal strength. Both flanges in contact with the wheels shall be of the same diameter. Wheels should never be run without flanges. The following table gives the dimensions of flanges to be used where no hoods are provided: A = Maximum flat spot at center of flange. B = Flat spot at center of wheel. C = Minimum diameter of flange. D = thickness of flange at bore. E - minimum diameter of recess. F = Minimum thickness of each flange at bore; all dimensions are in inches. Dia. of Wheel. 6 8 AGO B C D E 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 044 4444 11 2 41/2 41/2 6666 35 6 6 8 10 12 14 16 3/8 3/8 1/2 5/ 8 2 31/2 4 4 5/8 5/ 8 51/2 7 3/4 3/4 3/4 24 4 6 18 3/4 26 4 6 20 3/4 28 4 6 22 7/8 30 4 6 24 8 9 101/2 12 131/2 141/2 16 F 3/ 8 3/ 8 l/ 2 5/ 8 8/4 7/ 8 1 1 1 l/ 8 1 1/ 8 1 1/ 8 1 1/4 1 1/4 Where protection hoods are provided, straight flanges and straight wheels may be used, the dimensions being as follows, and the reference letters having the same meaning as above: Dia. of Wheel. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 C 2 3 31/24 41/251/26 7 71/28 8 1/2 10 10 2 21/4 23/4 3 31/2 4 41/2! 5 51/26 77 E F 3/8 3/ 8 3/ 8 1/2 1/2 5/8 V8 5/ 8 5/ 8 5/ 8 8/4 3/ 4 Protection hoods shall be used where practical with wheels not provided with protection flanges, and shall be sufficiently strong to retain all pieces of a broken grinding wheel. They shall conform as nearly as possible to the periphery of the wheel, and leave exposed the EMERV WHEELS AND GRINDSTONES. 1315 Table for Selection of Grades. Class of Work. Alundum. Crystolon. Grain. Grade. Grain. Grade. Aluminum castings 36 to 46 3 to 4 Elas 20 to 24 20 " 24 24 " 36 30 " 46 16 " 30 20 " 30 16 " 24 20 " 30 20 " 30 36 "60 16 " 20 20 " 30 30 "36 24 " 30 24 " 46 j 70 " 80 1 80 30 to 46 30 " 50 P to R Q " R P " R I " L I " L Q " S Q " S Q " R Q I " L R " S Q " S K " L R " S J " M \ 1 A to 2 Elas J 12 to 5 ) Elas. KtoM Brass or bronze castings (large) . Brass or bronze castings (small) . Cast iron, cylindrical 24 comb 16 to 46 24 " 30 16 " 20 20 " 30 J to K H " K P " R Q " R P " U Cast iron, surfacing . Cast iron (small) castings. . . . Cast iron (large) castings .... Chilled iron castings Dies chilled iron Dies, steel 36 to 60 20 " 30 30 J to L P " R P " Q Hammers, cast steel Interior of Automobile Cylinders, (cast iron) Internal grinding, hardened steel Knives (paper), automatic grinding Knives (planer) , automatic grinding Knives (planing mill), hand grind- ing 46 to 60 36 " 46 30 " 46 46 " 60 30 " 60 46 "120 j 20 '24 | 20 '36 20 36 14 ' 20 20 '30 46 " 60 46 " 60 16 " 24 J to M J " K J " K J to M J " M J " M PSil. toP " Q P " U P " R I " M J " M Q " S Knives, shear and shear blades . Lathe centers Lathe and planer tools Machine-shop use, general . . . Malleable iron castings (large) Malleable iron castings (small) Milling cutters, automatic or semi- automatic grinding Milling cutters, hand grinding . . Plows (steel), surfacing Pulleys (C.I.), surfacing faces of . Radiators (cast iron), edges of . . Reamers, taps, milling cutters, etc., hand grinding Reamers, taps, milling cutters, 46 to 120 46 " 60 46 " 60 24 " 36 ;o| K " J " M J " M \y* " 2 Elas. Rolls, (cast iron) wet Rolls (chilled iron), finishing . . Rolls (chilled iron), roughing. . . Rubber . . . 30 to 50 36 " 50 60 ( 24 comb. 130 to 60 16 " 36 j 24 comb. 1 46 to 60 16 " 46 10 " 20 20 " 30 16 " 46 14 " 16 16 " 24 46 " 60 36 "60 12 " 30 46 " 60 J to K. M " N " Q L " P L " H " K K J to L H " K Q " W P " R L " P Q " U P " R M K to M P " U K " M Saws, gumming and sharpening . Saws, cold cutting-off . . . : . Steel (soft), cylindrical grinding . Steel (soft), surface grinding . . Steel (hardened), cylindrical grind- ing Steel (hardened) , surface grinding Steel, large castings Steel, small castings Steel (manganese), safe work . . Steel (manganese), frogs and switches Structural steel Twist drills, hand grinding . . . Twist drills, special machines . . Wrought iron Woodworking tools 1316 THE MACHINE-SHOP. least portion of the wheel compatible with the work. A sliding tongue to close the opening in the hood as the wheel is reduced in diameter should be provided. Protruding ends of the wheel arbors and their nuts shall be guarded. Cups, cylinders and sectional ring wheels shall be either protected with hoods, enclosed in protection chucks, or surrounded with protection bands. Not more than one-quarter of the height of such grinding wheels shall protrude beyond the provided protection. Grinding wheels shall fit freely on the spindles. Wheel arbor holes shall be made 0.005 in. larger than the machine arbor. The soft metal bushing shall not extend beyond the sides of the wheel at the center. Ends of spindles shall be threaded left and right so that the nuts on both ends will tend to tighten as the spindles revolve. Care should be taken that the spindles are arranged to revolve in the proper direction. Wheel washers of compressible material, such as blotting paper, rubber or leather, not thicker than 0.025 in., shall be fitted between the wheel and its flanges. It is recommended that the wheel washers be slightly larger than the diameter of the flanges used. When tightening clamping nuts, care shall be taken to tighten them only enough to hold the wheel flrmly. Flanges must be frequently in- spected to guard against the use of those which have become bent or out of balance. If a tapered wheel has broken, the flanges must be carefully inspected for truth before using with a new wheel. Clamping nuts shall also be inspected. Minimum Sizes of Machine Spindles in Inches for Various Diameters and Thickness of Grinding Wheels. - Thickness of Wheel in Inches 2 2X 2 1 A 3 222 2K 2M 2^ 2X 3 2 3 Safe Speeds. A peripheral speed of 5,000 "ft. per min. is recom- mended as the standard operating spee.d for vitrified and silicate straight wheels, tapered wheels and shapes other than those known as cup and cylinder wheels, which are used on bench, floor, swing frame and other machines for rough grinding. In no case shall a peripheral speed of 6500 ft. be exceeded. A peripheral speed of 4500 ft. per min. is recommended as the standard operating speed for vitrified and silicate wheels of the cup and cylinder shape, used on bench, floor, swing frame, and other machines for rough grinding. In no case shall 5500 ft. be exceeded. For elastic, vulcanite and wheels of other organic bonds, the recom- mendations of individual wheel manufacturers shall be followed. For precision grinding an operating peripheral speed of 6500 ft. per min. may be recommended. If a wheel spindle is driven by a variable-speed motor some device shall be used which will prevent the motor from being run at too high speeds. Cone pulleys determining the speed of a wheel should never be used unless belt-locking devices are provided. Machines should EMERY WHEELS AND GRINDSTONES. 1317 V be provided with a stop or some method of fixing the maximum size of wheel which may be used, at the speed at which the wheel spindle is running. If wheels become out of balance through wear and cannot be balanced by truing or dressing, they should be removed from the machine. A wheel used in wet grinding shall not be allowed to stand partly immersed in the water. The water-soaked portion may throw the wheel dangerously out of balance. Wheel dressers shall be equipped with rigid guards over the tops of the cutters, to protect operator from flying pieces of broken cutters. Goggles shall be provided for use of grinding wheel operators where there is danger of eye injury. Work shall not be forced against a cold wheel, but applied gradually, giving the wheel an opportunity to warm and thereby eliminate possible breakage. This applies to starting work in the morning in grinding rooms which are not heated in winter and new wheels which have been stored in a cold place. Grinding as a Substitute for Finish Turning in the Lathe. C. H. Norton (Trans. Am. Soc. M. E. 1912) recommends the use of the grinding machine as a substitute for the lathe for many forms of cylindrical work. He advocates the elimination of the finishing cut in the lathe, claiming it is more economical to grind to size immedi- ately after the roughing cut than to finish turn and then grind. For this practice, work should not be turned closer than 1/32 in. of finish diameter, and coarse feeds, often as coarse as four to the inch, should be used. He cites instances where this method produced pieces in 18 minutes, where the former method of rough and finish turning and then grinding to size required 28 % minutes. In 1913, the Norton Grinding Co. was using the grinding machine to the exclusion of the lathe for automobile crank-shafts and similar pieces, grinding to size from the rough forging. Instances and methods are shown in Indust. Eng. t April, 1913. Truing and Dressing. (Norton Co., 1915). A wheel is trued to make it concentric and to give it an accurate surface.. Dressing is to sharpen or renew the surface of the wheel when glazed or loaded. Truing on precision grinding machines is performed by a diamond held rigidly in a fixed tool post never in the hand. There should always be a liberal supply of lubricant or water flowing on the diamond while the truing is being done. In modern practice, truing is for two other purposes, as well as to make the wheel perfectly true: one for sharpening the wheel to obtain production and the other for dulling the wheel to obtain finish. Truing in rough grinding operations is performed by using a dresser, usually an instrument containing steel-cutting wheels, and in practice the rest is adjusted to form a rigid support for the lugs on the dresser, care being taken to see that the dresser is not caught between the wheel and the rest. In using the dresser to sharpen up the surface of the wheel, the rest is left in its usual close adjustment to the wheel. Truing and dressing are two of the most neglected and least understood features in the proper use of grinding wheels. Special Wheels. Rim wheels and iron-center wheels are specialties that require the maker's guarantee and assignment of speed. Safe Speeds for Grindstones and Emery Wheels. G. D. Hiscox (Iron Age, April 7, 1892), by an application of the formula for centri- fugal force in fly-wheels (see Fly-wheels), obtains the figures for strains in grindstones and emery wheels which are given in the tables below. His formulae are: Stress per sq. in. of section of a grindstone = (0.7071Z>xA r ) 2 X0.0000795 Stress per sq.in. of section of an emery wheel= (0.7071Z>XA0 2 X0.00010226 D = diameter in feet, N = revolutions per minute. He takes the weight of sandstone at 0.078 Ib. per cubic inch, and that of an emery wheel at 0.1 Ib. per cubic inch; Ohio stone weighs about 0.081 Ib. and Huron stone about 0.089 Ib. per cubic inch. The Ohio stone will bear a speed at the periphery of 2500 to 3000 ft. per min., which latter should never be exceeded. The Huron stone can be trusted up to 4000 ft., when properly clamped between flanges and not excessively wedged in setting. Apart from the speed of grindstones 1318 THE MACHINE-SHOP. as a cause of bursting, probably the majority of accidents have really been caused by wedging them on the shaft and over-wedging to true them. The holes being square, the excessive driving of wedges to true the stones starts cracks in the corners that eventually run out until the centrifugal strain becomes greater than the tenacity of the remain- ing solid stone. Hence the necessity of great caution in the use of wedges, as well as the holding of large quick-running stones between large flanges and leather washers. The Iron Age says the strength of grindstones when wet is reduced 40 to 50%. A section of a stone soaked all night in water broke at a stress of 80 Ib. per sq. in. A section of the same stone dry broke at 146 Ib. per sq. in. A better quality stone broke at stresses of 186 and 116 Ib. per sq. in. when dry and wet respectively. Strains in Grindstones. LIMIT OF VELOCITY AND APPROXIMATE ACTUAL STRAIN PER SQUARE INCH OF SECTIONAL AREA FOR GRINDSTONES OF MEDIUM TENSILE STRENGTH. Diam- ' eter. Revolutions per Minute. 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 feet. fy, 31/2 4V 2 6 7 Ibs. 1 .58 2.47 3.57 4.86 6.35 8.04 9.93 14.30 19.44 Ibs. 3.57 5.57 8.04 10.93 14.30 18.08 22.34 32.17 Ibs. 6.35 9.88 14.28 19.44 27.37 32.16 Ibs. 9.93 15.49 22.34 30.38 Ibs. 14.30 22.29 32.16 Ibs. 18.36 28.64 Ibs. 25.42 39.75 Approximate breaking strain ten times the strain for size opposite the bottom figure in each column. The figures at the bottom of columns designate the limit of velocity (in revolutions per minute at the head of the columns) for stones of the diameter in the first column opposite the designating figure. A general rule of safety for any size grindstone that has a compact and strong grain is to limit the peripheral velocity to 47 feet per second. Joshua Rose (Modern Machine-shop Practice) says: The average cir- cumferential speed of grindstones in workshops may be given as follows: For grinding machinists' tools, about 900 feet per minute. carpenters' 600 " The speeds of stones for file-grinding and other similar rapid grinding is thus given in the "Grinders' List." Diam. ft 8 71/2 7 61/2 6 51/2 5 41/2 4 31/2 3 Revs, per min. . : . . . 135 144 154 166 180 196 216 240 270 308 360 TAPER BOLTS, PINS, REAMERS, ETC. Standard Steel Mandrels. (The Pratt & Whitney Co.) These mandrels are made of tool-steel, hardened, and ground true on their centers. Centers are also ground to true 60 degree cones. The ends are of a form best adapted to resist injury likely to be caused by driving. They are slightly taper. Sizes, -1/4 inch diameter by 33/4 inches long to 4 inches diameter by 17 inches long, diameters advancing by 16ths. Taper Bolts for Locomotives. Bolt-threads, U. S. Standard, ex- cept stay-bolts and boiler-studs, V- threads, 12 per inch; valves, cocks, and plugs, V-threads, 14 per inch, and i/g-inch taper per 1 inch. Standard bolt taper 1/15 inch per foot. Taper Reamers. The Pratt & Whitney Co. makes standard taper reamers for locomotive work taper i/ie inch per foot from 1/4 inch diam- eter; 4-inch length of flute to 2-inch diameter, 18-inch length of flute, diameters advancing by 16ths and 32ds. P. & W. Co.'s standard taper pin reamers taper 1/4 inch per foot, are made in 15 sizes of diameters, 0.135 to 1.250 inches; length of flute, 1 7/ 16 inches to 14 inches. TAPER PINS, BOLTS, REAMERS, ETC. 1319 Morse Tapers. Number of J Taper. Diam of Plug at Small End. Diam. at End of Socket. Standard Plug Depth. Whole Length of Shank. Depth of Hole. End of Socket to Key- way. Length of Key- way, ' Width of Key- way. 4 "5 o MH 1 Diameter of Tongue. Thickness of Tongue. Had. of Mill for Tongue. 1 Radius of Tongue. Shank Depth. Taper per Foot. D A P B // K L TF T d t R a S 252 356 2 211/32 21/32 115/1G 9/16 .160 1/4 .235 5/32 5/32 .04 27/32 .625 1 .369 .475 21/8 29/16 23/16 21/16 3/4 .213 3/8 .343 13/64 3/16 .05 27/ie .600 2 .572 .700 29/16 3l/ 8 25/8 21/2 7/8 26 7/16 l7 /32 1/4 1/4 .06 215/16 .602 3 .778 .938 33/16 37/8 31/4 31/16 1Vl6 322 Vl6 23/32 5/16 9/32 .08 3U/16 .602 4 1.020 1.231 41/16 47/ 8 41/8 37/8 U/4 .478 5/8 31/32 15/32 5/16 .10 45/ 8 .623 5 1.475 1.748 53/16 61/8 51/4 415/ie U/2 .635 3 /4 U3/32 5/8 3/8 .12 57/ 8 .630 6 2.116 2.494 7V4 89/16 73/8 7 13/ 4 .76 11/8 2 3/4 V2 .15 81/4 .626 7 2.75 3.27 10 115/8 101/8 91/2 25/8 1.135 l3/ 8 25/8 11/8 3/4 .18 1U/4 .625 Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. publishes (Machy's Data Sheets) a list of 18 sizes of tapers ranging from 0.20 in. to 3 in. diam. at the small end; taper 0.5 in. to 1 ft., except No. 10, which is 0.5161 in. per ft. c J>~ i *- FIG. 216. Morse Tapers. See table above. The Jar no Taper is 0.05 inch per inch = 0.6 inch per foot. The number of the taper is its diameter in tenths of an inch at the small end, in eighths of an inch at the large end, and the length in halves of an inch. Thus, No. 3 Jarno taper is 11/2 inches long, 0.3 inch diameter at the small end ami % inch diameter at the large end, 1320 THE MACHINE-SHOP. ..?::::::::::: ^ i 2 -s . . .3 J3 -ds - -- -^ : s 3.c 3-* ^<^^ .* ** -^ ^^^^ * ^. ^ -So 1| oooooooo tnunirnA -u-nnmin t* >> JQ5 ft ^^j ^^^^-HO^^CO^t-^^^O.^OCC,, ^-1 _5 cp Jl !P !?5 . . .- . . .co- . _ _ ^!r; 03" fi - - - ^ ^ Q e '""* -oc;. ^

/rf2 _j_ 4^ f or a sharp-cornered cup, where x = diameter of blank, d = diameter of cup, h = height of cup. For a round-corner ed cup where the corner is small, say radius of corner less than 1/4 height of cup, the formula is x = (^(d* + 4d/0 r, about ;T being the radius of the corner. This is based upon the assumption that the thickness of the metal is not to be altered by the drawing operation. Pressure attainable by the Use of the Drop-press. (R. H. Thurston, Trans. A. S. M. E., v, 53.) A set of copper cylinders was prepared, of pure Lake Superior copper; they were subjected to the action of presses of different weights and of different heights of fall. Companion specimens of copper were compressed to exactly the same amount, and measures were obtained of the loads producing compression, and of the amount of work done in producing the compression by the drop. Comparing one with the other it was found that the work done with the hammer was 90 per cent, of the work which should have been FLY-WHEELS FOR PUNCHES, PRESSES, ETC. 1323 done witJi perfect efficiency. That is to say, the work done in the test- ing-machine was equal to 90 per cent of that due the weight of the drop falling the given distance. Formula: Mean pressure in pounds For pressures per square inch, divide by the mean area opposed to crushing action during the operation. Similar experiments on Bessemer steel plugs by A. W. Moseley and J. L. Bacon (Trans. A, S. M. E., xxvii. 605) indicated an efficiency for the drop hammer of about 70 per cent. An extensive series of experiments is reported in Am. Mach., Mar. 10, 1910. These were made by W. T. Sears, and consisted of the compression of lead plugs under a falling weight, ranging from 20 to 200 lb., dropped from heights ranging up to 360 in. The tests showed that after a certain velocity of the falling weight had been attained, the speed had little effect on the compression of the plug. This speed was fixed at 10 ft. per second, but its exact value is uncertain. Flow of Metals. (David Townsend, Jour. Frank. Inst., March, 1878.) In punching holes 7/ 16 -inch diameter through iron blocks 13/4 inches thick, it was found that the core punched out was only !Vi6 inches thick, and its volume was only about 32 per cent of the volume of the hole. Therefore, 68 per cent of the metal displaced by punching the hole flowed into the block itself, increasing its dimensions. Fly-wheels for Presses, Punches, Shears, etc. The function of the fly-wheel on punching and other machinery in which action is inter- mittent is to store up energy during that portion of the stroke when no work is being done and to give it out during the period of actual working. The giving up of energy is accompanied by a reduction in the velocity of the fly-wheel. Notation: E = total energy in the wheel at maximum velocity, ft.-lb. E\ = energy given out by the wheel during speed reduction, ft.-lb. vi = initial velocity of the center of gravity of fly-wheel rim, ft. per sec. V2 = velocity of center of gravijby of fly-wheel rim at end of period in which energy is given out. H.P. = horse-power required. N = strokes of press or shear per min. . T = time required per stroke, sees. t = time required for actual cutting of metal per stroke, sees, w = weight of fly-wheel rim, lb. d = diameter of rim at center of gravity. R = r.p.m. of fly-wheel at initial velocity. c and ci = constants. a = width of fly-wheel rim, in. b = depth of fly-wheel rim, in. y = ratio of depth to width of rim. g = acceleration due to gravity = 32.2 Formulae: p _ w vi z _ wvi z ~ 2 g ~ 64.4 _ 27r RN 60 A simplified method for calculating fly-wheels for punches and shears is given in Machinery's Handbook, p. 289. Using the notation as above, EN = E . _ / t __L\. ' 33,000 TX550V 1324 THE MACHINE-SHOP. For cast-iron fly-wheels with maximum stresses of 1000 Ib. per so; . in.i =aEii R= 1940 -i-D. VALUES OF c AND c\. Per Cent Reduction. 21/2 5 71/2 10 15 20 c 0.00000213 0.1250 0.00000426 0.0625 0.00000617 0.0432 0.00000810 0.0328 0.00001180 0.0225 0.00001535 0.0173 Ci. . For belt-driven machines, the limiting low velocity vz is the speed at which the belt will run off the pulley. Wilfred Lewis, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. vii, shows that this takes place when the slip exceeds 20 per cent of the belt speed. This gives a limiting condition for belt drives of punches and shears of W = 180 ( j FORCING, SHRINKING AND RUNNING FITS. Forcing Fits of Pins and Axles by Hydraulic Pressure. A 4-inch axle is turned 0.015 inch diameter larger than the hole into which it is to be fitted. They are pressed on by a pressure of 30 to 35 tons. (Lecture by Coleman Sellers, 1872.) For forcing the crank-pin into a locomotive driving-wheel, when the pinhole is perfectly true and smooth, the pin should be pressed in with a pressure of 6 tons for every inch of diameter of the wheel fit. When the hole is not perfectly true, which may be the result of shrinking the tire on the wheel center after the hole for the crank-pin has been bored, or if the hole is not perfectly smooth, the pressure may have to be increased to 9 tons for every inch of diameter of the wheel-fit. (Am. Machinist.) Pressure Table for Mounting Wheels and Crank Pins. (Santa Fe R.R. System, 1915.) Driving Axles. Eng. Truck Axles Crank Pins. Car Truck Axles. Diam. of Wheel Fit, In. Pressure, Tons. Wheel Centers. Ic i i O 3 s s 5 Pressure, Tons Wheel Centers. I iSo Pressure, Tons. Wheel Centers. Diam. of Wheel Fit, In. Pressure, Tons. Wheels. Cast Iron. Steel Cast Iron. Steel Q + g 3 3 4 5 i 7 71/2 8 V2 9V2 Cast Iron. Steel Cast Iron. Steel or Steel Tired* 4v, 6 8 9 10 11 12 45- 50 50- 55 60- 65 70- 75 80- 85 90- 95 100-105 110-115 120-125 72- 80 80- 88 96-104 112-120 128-136 144-152 160-168 176-184 192-200 3V 2 [1/2 fVi 6Vi rl /2 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 35- 42 42- 50 50- 57 57- 65 65- 72 72- 80 80- 87 87- 95 95-102 102-110 30 40 50 60 70 75 80 85 90 95 36- 45 53- 60 68- 75 83- 90 98-105 105-113 4 h 6V 2 25-35 35-45 40-50 45-55 50-60 55-65 30-40 45-55 50-60- 50-65 55-70 60-75 113-120 120-128 128-135 135-143 CRANK AXLES. All crank discs, 110-150 tons. All center webs 150-200 tons. * Tires on. NOTE. In mounting wheels and crank pins, care should be taken to see that for at least two-thirds of the wheel fit the pressure required shall be between the maximum and minimum limits given in the table, or if only one pressure is shown in the table, the actual pressure re- quired should be as near as possible to that pressure. In mounting driving wheels with tires on, the maximum pressures given in the tables or even 10 per cent higher pressure than the maxi- mum pressure may be used. Shrinkage of Tires. Allow i/64 inch for each 12 in. in diameter. FORCE AND SHRINK FITS. 1325 Ground Fits for Machine Parts. The practice of the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. in tolerances and allowances for ground fits is given hi a paper by W. A. Viall (Trans. A. S. M. E., xxxii) from which the table below has been prepared. The limfbs given can be recommended for satisfactory commercial work in the production of machine parts and may be followed under ordinary conditions. In special cases it may be necessary to vary slightly from the tables. Allowances and Tolerances for Fits Practice of the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. ^ Kind of Fit. Diameter, Up to and Including 1/2 In. 1 In. 2 In. RUNNING FITS Ordinary speed -.00025 to -.00075 -.0005 to -.001 -.00025 to -.0005 Oto -.00025 Oto +.00025 +.0005 to +.001 +.00075 to +.0015 +.00025 to +.0005 +.0005 to +.001 to +.0005 -.00075 to -.0015 -.001 to -.002 -.0005 to -.001 Oto -.0005 +.00025 to .0005 +.001 to +.002 +.0015 to +.0025 +.0005 to +.001 +.001 to +.0025 Oto +.00075 -.0015 to -.0025 -.002 to -.003 -.001 to -.002 Oto -.001 + 0005 to +.00075 +.002 to +.003 +.0025 to +.OC4 +.001 to +.0015 +.0025 to +.0035 to +.001 High speed, heavy pressure, rocker shafts SLIDING FITS STANDARD FITS. . DRIVING FITS For pieces to be taken apart Ordinary FORCING FITS .... SHRINKING FITS For pieces to take hardened shells 3/g in. thick or less. . . . For pieces to take shells more than 3/8 in. thick GRINDING LIMITS FOR HOLES Kind of Fit. Diameter Up to and Including 3 1/2 In. 6 In. 12 In. RUNNING FITS Ordinary speed.' - .0025 to - .0035 - .003 to - .0045 - .002 to - .0035 Oto -.0015 +.00075 to +.001 +.003 to +.004 +.004 to +.006 +.0015 to +.002 +.0035 to +.005 Oto +.0015 - .0035 to - .005 -.0045 to -.0065 - .003 to - .005 to - .002 +.001 to +.0015 +.004 to +.005 +.006 to +.009 +.002 to +.003 +.005 to +.007 to +.002 High speed, heavy pressure, rocker shafts SLIDING FITS STANDARD FITS DRIVING FITS For pieces to be taken apart Ordinary FORCING FITS SHRINKING FITS For pieces to take hardened shells 3/g in. thick or less. . . . For pieces to take shells more than % in. thick GRINDING LIMITS FOR HOLES to +.0025 Running Fits. Wm. Sangster (Am. Mach., July 8, 1909) gives the practice of different manufacturers as follows : An electric manufacturing Co. allows a clearance of 0.003 to 0.004 in. for shafts 1 1/2 to 2 1/4 in. diam, ; 0.003 to 0.006 for 21/2 in. ; 0.004 to 0.006 for 1326 THE MACHINE-SHOP. 23/4 to 31/2 ins.; 0.005 to 0.007 in. for 4 and 41/2 ins.; 0.006 to 008 in for 5 ins.; 0.009 to 0.011 in. for 6 ins. Dodge Mfg. Co. allows from I/R! for 1-in. ordinary bearings to a little over 1/32 in. for 6-in. Clutch sleeves 0.008 to 0.015 in.; loose pulleys as close as 0.003 in. in the smaller sizes! and about 1/64 in. on a 2i/2-in. hole. Watt Mining Car Wheel Co. allows Vi6 in. for all sizes of wheels, and Vie in. end play. A large fan-blower concern allows 0.005 to 0.01 in. on fan journals from 9/ 16 to 27/i 6 ins. Limits of Diameters for Fits. C. W. Hunt Co. (Am. Mack July 16 1903.) For parallel shafts and bushings (shafts changing): d = diam. in ins. Shafts: Press fit, + 0.001 d + (0 to 0.001 in.). Drive fit, + 0.0005 d + (0. to 0.001 in.). Shafts: Hand fit, + 0.001 to 0.002 in. for shafts 1 to 3 in.; 0.002 to 003 in. for 4 to 6 in.; 0.003 to 0.004 in. for 7 to 10 in. Holes: all fits to 0.002 in. for 1 to 3 in.; to 0.003 in. for 4 to 6 in to 0.004 in. for 7 to 10 in. Parallel journals and bearings (journals changing): Close fit - 0.001 d + (0.002 to 0.004 in.); Free fit - 0.001 d + (0 007 to 0.01 in.); Loose fit, - 0.003 d + (0.02 to 0.025). Limits of diameters for taper shaft and bushings (holes changing). Shaft turned to standard taper 3/ 16 in. per ft., large end to nominal size 0.001 in. Holes are reamed until the large end is small by from 0.001 d + 0.004 to 005 in for press fit, from 0.0005 d + 0.001 in. f9r drive fit, and from to 0.001 in. for hand fit. In press fits the shaft is pressed into the hole until the true sizes match, or Vi6 in. for each Viooo in. that the hole is small. The above formulae apply to steel shafts and cast-iron wheels or other members. Shaft Allowances for Electrical Machinery. The General Electric Co. (1915) gives the following table of allowances for sliding and press fits. Press Fit Press Fit Nominal Diam., In. ' Sliding Fit. Com- mutator and Split Hub. for Armature Spider Solid for Armature Spider Solid Press Fit for Coupling. Shrink Fit. Steel. Cast Iron. 2 -0.0015 +0.0005 4-0.00075 4-0.0015 4-0.00175 +0.0025 4 - .002 -I- .0005 + .0015 4- .0025 4- .003 + .004 8 - .004 + .001 4- .002 4- .0035 4- .0045 + .006 12 - .005 + .001 4- .0025 4- .0045 4- .0055 + .0075 16 - .0055 + .001 + .003 + .005 4- .006 + .009 20 - .006 + .0015 + .0035 4- .0055 4- .007 + .010 24 - .007 + .0015 4- .0035 4- .006 4- .0075 + .011 28 - .0075 + .0015 4- .004 4- -0065 4- .0085 + .012 32 - .008 + .0015 4- .0045 4- .007 4- .009 . + .0125 36 - .0085 + .002 4- .0045 4- .0075 4- .0095 + .0135 40 - .009 + .002 4- .005 4- .008 4- .010 + .014 44 - .0095 + .002 + .005 4- .0085 4- .0105 + .0145 48 - .010 4- .002 4- .0055 4- .009 4- .011 + .015 Pressure Required for Press Fits. (Am. Mach., March 7, 1907.) Crank fits up to D =10. P = 9.9 D - 14. Crank fits D = 12 to 24. P 5 D + 40. Straight crank-pins. P = 13 D. Taper crank-pins. P =* 14 D 7. The allowance for cranks and straight pins is 0.0025 inch per inch of diameter Taper cranks, taper Vie inch per inch, are fitted on the lathe to within i/s inch of shoulder and then forced home. Stresses due to Force and Shrink Fits. S. H. .Moore, Trans. A. S. M. ?., vol. xxiv, gives the following allowances for different fits: FORCE AND SHRINK FITS. 1327 For shrinkage fits, d =(17/ 16 u+ 0.5) * 1000. For forced fits, 'd = (2 D + 0.5) -s- 1000, For driven fits, d = (i/ 2 D + 0.5) * 1000. d = allowance or the amount the diameter of the shaft exceeds the diameter of the hole in the ring and D = nominal diameter of the shaft. A. L. Jenkins, Eng. News, Mar. 17, 1910, says the values obtained from the formula for forced fits are about twice as large as those frequently used in practice, and in many, cases they lead to excessive stresses in the ring. He calculates from Lamp's formula for hoop stress in a ring subjected to internal pressure the relation between the stress and the allowance for fit, and deduces the following formulae. Sfo = 15,000,000 d * (k + 0.6); S h , = 15,000,000 d -s- (1 + 0.6/fc) ; for a cast-iron ring on a steel shaft. S hl = 30,000,000 d -4- (1 + fc); S h2 = 30,000,000, d * (1 + 1/K); for a steel ring on a steel shaft. 8^= radial unit pressure between the surfaces; 8^=. unit tensile or hoop stress in the ring; d = allowance per inch of diameter, K a constant whose value depends on t, the thickness, and r, the radius of the ring, as follows. Values of t *- r, 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 3.0 Values of K, 3.083 2.600 2.282 2.058 1.892 1.766 1.666 1.492 1.380 1.300 1.250 1.133. The allowances for forced and shrinkage fits should be based on the stresses they produce, as determined by the above formula, and not on the diameter of the shaft. Force Required to Start Force and Shrink Fits. (Am. Mach., Mar. 7, 1907.) A series of experiments was made at the Alabama Poly- technic Institute on spindles 1 in. diam. pressed or shrunk into cast-iron disks 6 in. diam., 11/4. in. thick. The disks were bored and finished with a reamer to 1 in. diam. with an error believed not to exceed 0.00025 in. The shafts were ground to sizes 0.001 to 0.003 in. over 1 in. Some of the spindles were forced into the disks by a testing machine, the others had the disks shrunk on. Some of each sort were tested by pulling the spindle from the disk in the testing machine, others by twisting the disk on the spindle,. The force required to start 'the spindle in the twisting tests was reduced to equivalent force at the circumference of the spindle, for comparison with the tension tests. The results were as follows: D = diam. of spindle; F = force in Ibs.: Force Fits, Tension. Force Fits, Torsion. Shrink Fits, Tension. Shrink Fits, Torsion. D 1.001 1.0015 1.002 1 .0025 F.lbs. Per sq. in. D F.lbs. Per sq.in. D F.lbs. Per sq.in. D F.lbs. Per sq.in. 700 2290 3118 4395 5410 1000 2150 2570 4000 318 685 818 1272 1.0015 1.0015 1.002 1.0025 2200 2800 4200 4600 700 892 1335 1465 .001 .001 .002 .002 .0025 .0025 5320 5820 7500 8100 9340 9710 1695 1853 2385 2580 2974 3090 1.001 1.0015 1.0015 1.0025 1.003 2200 7200 9800 13800 17000 1328 THE MACHINE-SHOP. KEYS. Formulae for Flat and Square Keys. Great divergence exists in the dimensions of square and flat keys as given by various authorities. The following are the formulae in common use: Notation. D = diameter of shaft; w = width of key; t= thickness of key ; I = length of key, all dimensions being in inches. E. G. Parkhurst's rule: w = i/s D; t = i/g>; taper 1 /sin. per ft. Michigan saw-mill practice: w = 1/4 D; t = w. J. T. Hawkins's rule: w = 1/3 Z>; t = 1/4 D. Machinery's Handbook, rule 1: w = 1/4 D; t = i/e D\ I = 1.5 Z). Machinery's Handbook, rule 2: w = 3/ 16 D + i/ie; t = i/s D -f- l/s; I = 0.3 Z>2 -=- t. For splines or feather keys interchange w and t. F. W. Halsey (" Handbook for Machine Designers and Draftsmen") says: The common driven key for securing a crank or gear to a shaft is commonly made with a width of 1/4 -D up to about a 4-in. shaft, about 13/8 in. for a 6-in., 1 3/ 4 in. for an 8-in., and 21/4 in. for a 10-in. shaft. The depth should be from s/8 w to 3/ 4 w. If the work is at all severe the length should be at least 1.5 D. The taper is commonly 1/8 in. per ft. Unwin ("Elements of Machine Design ") gives: Width = 1/4 D+ i/s in. Thickness = i/s D -f i/s in. When wheels or pulleys transmitting only a small amount of power are keyed on large shafts, he says, these dimensions are excessive. In that case, if H.P. = horse-power trans- mitted by the wheel or pulley, JV = r.p.m., P = force acting at the cir- cumference, in pounds, and R = radius of pulley in inches, take 8 /100H.P. \~PR '. D = yN r V^30 John Richards, in an article in Gassier' s Magazine, writes as follows: There are two kinds or systems of keys, both proper and necessary, but widely different in nature. 1. The C9mmon fastening key, usually made in width one fourth of the shaft's diameter, and the depth five eighths to one-third the width. These keys are tapered and fit on all sides, or, as it is commonly described, "bear all over." They perform the double function in most cases of driving or transmitting and fastening the keyed-on member against movement endwise on the shaft. Such keys, when properly made, drive as a strut, diagonally from corner to corner. 2. The other kind or class of keys are not tapered and fit on their sides only, a slight clearance being left on the back to insure against wedge action or radial strain. These keys drive by shearing strain. For fixed work where there is no sliding movement such keys are com- monly made of square section, the sides only being planed, so the depth is more than the width by so much as is cut away in finishing or fitting. For sliding bearings, as in the case of drilling-machine spindles, the depth should be increased, and in cases where there is heavy strain there should be two keys or feathers instead of one. The following tables are from proportions adopted in practical use. Flat keys, as in the first table, are employed for fixed work when the parts are to be held not only against torsional strain, but also against movement endwise; and in case of heavy strain the strut principle being the strongest and most secure against movement when there is strain each way, as in the case of engine cranks and first movers generally. The objections to the system for general use are, straining the work out of truth, the care and expense required in fitting, and destroying the evidence of good or bad fitting of the keyed joint. When a wheel or other part is fastened with a tapering key of this kind there is no means of knowing whether the work is well fitted or not. For this reason such keys are not employed by machine-tool-makers, and in the case of accurate work of any kind, indeed, cannot be, because of the wedging strain, and also the difficulty of inspecting completed work. I. DIMENSIONS OF FLAT KEYS, IN INCHES. Diam. of shaft 1 1 V4 1 I/? 13/ 4 2 2 if?, 3 31/2 4 5 6 7 8 Breadth of keys. . . 1/4 5/1fi 3/8 7/1R l/? 5/8 3/ 4 7/8 ] H/8 13/8 M/2 13/4 Depth of keys.. . . 5/32 3/16 1/4 9/32 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 H/16 13/16 7/8 1 KEYS. 1329 II. DIMENSIONS OF SQUARE KEYS, IN INCHES. Diameter of shaft . . Breadth of keys . . . Depth of keys 1 5/32 3/16 1 V4 7/32 1/4 1 V2 9/32 5/16 1 3/4 H/32 3/8 2 13/32 7/16 21/2 15/32 1/2 3 17/32 9/16 31/2 9/32 5/8 H/16 3/4 III. DIMENSIONS OF SLIDING FEATHER KEYS, IN INCHES. Diameter of shaft . . 1 V4 1 1/7! 1 3/4 2 21/4 21/2 3 3V* 4 4 ^/?, Breadth of keys . . . 1/4 1/4 5/1fi 5/16 3/8 3/8 l/?, 9/16 9/16 5/8 Depth of keys 3/8 3/8 7/16 7/16 1/2 1/2 5/8 ' 3/4 3/4 7/8 Depth of Key Seats. The depth of- a flat or square key is equally divided between the shaft and the hub. The depth to which a milling cutter is sunk into the shaft in milling a key way is equal to one-half the depth of the key plus the height of the arc projecting above the intersection of the side of the key way with the circumference of the shaft. This height can be calculated from the formula h = r- Vr2 - (1/2 w)2 in which r is the radius of the shaft, h the height of the arc, and w the width of the key. The Lewis Key. The disadvantage of the ordinary flat key is that it must be carefully fitted. A key fitting tight on top and bottom of the keyway drives partly by friction. If fitted only on the sides of the keyway it exerts a prying action on the hub and shaft, and is sub- jected to severe bending and shearing stresses. Square or flat keys should fit tight on all four sides, but in practice this is prohibitive on account of the expense. To avoid the difficulty inherent in ordinary flat keys, the Lewis key shown in Fig. 217 was devised by Wilfred Lewis. It is subject to compression only, but is expensive to fit. FIG. 217. FIG. 218. The Earth Key. (Fred. Oyen, Am. Mach., Nov. 14, 1907, and Feb. 20, 1908.) The key shown in Fig. 218 was devised by Carl G. Earth to combine the advantages of the Lewis key with those of the ordinary rectangular key. The Barth key is rectangular with one-half of both sides bevelled at 45. The key does not need to fit tightly, as pressure tends to drive it into its seat. There is no tendency to turn it, and the only stress to which it is subject is compression. This key has been used in many cases as a feather to replace rectangular feather keys which have given trouble. It has found wide application as a feather key in drill sockets and drill shanks, reamers, etc., which are commonly driven with a tang. Reducing sockets for drill presses are fitted with a Barth key dove- tailed inside and a similar keyway on the outside. No. 1 Morse taper shank has a keyway for No. 1 Barth key and fits into a No. 1 reducing socket. No. 2 shank has No. 2 Morse taper and a keyway for No. 2 Barth key, etc. Dimensions of the various sizes of the Barth key are shown in the following table: 1330 THE MACHINE-SHOP. Dimensions of Dovetailed Bar th Keys. No. of Earth Key. No. of Morse Taper in Which Used. w, In. W, In. D, In. 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1/8 5/32 3/16 V4 5/16 0.132 0.165 0.199 0.264 0.329 5/128 3/64 Vl6 5/64 3/23 The Earth key has been adapted to a complete line of standard taper sockets, shanks, driving keys, holdback keys, drifts, adapters, and reducers at the Watertown Arsenal. The standards, which cover both Brown & Sharpe and Morse tapers are given in Am. Mach., Dec. 24, 1914. Do trick & Harvey Keys. (Am. Mach., Feb. 11, 1915.) The Detrick & Harvey Machine Co., Baltimore, uses square keys of dimensions shown in Pig. 219 and the following table. Although these are smaller than the square key generally used, there is no case known in which one of them has sheared off. The dimension C is for setting the key, and the dimension B gives the diameter across the corners of the key. All dimensions are in inches. FIG. 219. Dimensions of Detrick & Harvey Keys. D A B C D A B C D A B C 1/2 1/8 0.623 0.555 3/8 9/32 1.652 1.501 31/2 H/16 4.177 3.808 9/16 1/8 .685 .618 1/2 5/16 1.806 1.640 33/4 3/4 4.487 4.087 5/8 5/32 .778 .693 5/8 5/16 1.931 1.766 4 13/16 4.797 4.364 H/16 5/32 .841 .756 3/4 7/16 2.176 1.941 41/4 13/16 5.049 4.616 3/4 3/16 .933 .832 7/8 7/16 2.302 2.067 41/2 13/16 5.303 4.868 13/16 3/16 .996 .895 2 7/16 2.428 2.194 43/4 7/8 5.619 5.147 7/8 3/16 .058 .958 2 1/4 9/16 2.796 2.496 5 7/8 5.864 5.399 15/16 3/16 .122 1.022 21/2 9/16 3.050 2.749 51/4 7/8 6.115 5.650 1/4 .242 1.109 23/4 5/8 3.361 3.027 51/2 15/16 6.422 5.928 1 1/8 1/4 .368 1.236 5/8 3.616 3.280 53/4 15/16 6.676 6.180 H/4 9/32 .524 1.375 31/4 H/16 3.925 3.556 6 15/16 6.927 6.432 FIG. 220. The Kennedy Key. The Kennedy key, largely used in rolling mill work, is shown in Fig. 220. In these keys w = I = 1/4 D. They are tapered i/g in. per ft. on top, while the sides are a neat fit. The keys are so set in the shaft that diagonals through them intersect at the axis of the shaft. The hub is bored for a press fit and then is rebored eccen- trically about 1/64 D off center. The keyways are cut in the eccentric side. General practice is to use single keys for diameters up to and including 6 in. where the torque is constant and the power transmitted always in one direc- tion. For shafts above 6 in. diameter double keys should be used, and if the torque is intermittent and in alternate directions, double keys should be used down to shaft diameters of 4 in. KEYS. 1331 The Nordberg Key. The Nordberg Mfg. Co. has adopted for the ends of shafts round keys shown in Fig. 223. The advantages of this key are: No tendency toward deformation ; they are a driven fit in the direction of the shear; they are always in true shear and are cheaper than the square key. In manufacturing a hole A is drilled in the joint and next a hole B as large as the size of the keyway will admit is drilled in the shaft in order to avoid the ten- dency of the drill used for drilling the keyway to size to crowd into the soft cast iron. In the table the reamer diameters given are of the small end. The taper is i/ie in. per ft., measured on the diameter. FIG. 221. Dimensions of Nordberg Standard Round Keys. Diam. of Shaft, In. Diam. of Reamer In. Cutting Length of Reamer In. Diam. of Shaft, In. Diam. of Reamer In. Cutting Length of Reamer In. Diam. of Shaft, In. Diam. of Reamer In. Cutting Length of Reamer In. 2 15/16-3 3 7/ 16 -3 1/2 3 7/ 8 -4 4 3/ 8 -4 1/2 51/2 6 3/4 7/8 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 41/4 4V2 47/8 45/8 47/8 61/8 8> o ( 91 10 J 11 V 12) 13) 14V 15/8 2 29/16 6 7/ 8 & 8 101/4 12 16) 17V 18) 19) 20V 21 f 22) 23V 31/8 3 H/16 4 1/4 12 13 14 1/4 15\ 24 f The Woodruff Key. The Woodruff key shown in Fig. 222 is exten- sively used in machine construction. Dimensions are given in the following table. The key should project above the shaft a distance equal to one-half the thickness. For ordinary practice medium-sized keys should be used: .&. I STANDARD. FIG. 222. SPECIAL. Dimensions of Woodruff Standard Keys Inches. o, a a o " - ** H -H^ No. o . . s >> _, rt ^ No. . . ^ o >> _, cU y o^ * >> No. , i ^ >> 2s* Is QW .i* o K - 2 g H c is a > OJ 0) QW ll* Of/2 O 5t2 M* .2 OB 3 $ He i3 II m Otfi o Is QW II in! Ssz Utt^ 1 1/2 1/16 1/3? 3/64 12 7/8 7/3? 7/64 1/16 20 1/4 7/3? 7/64 5/64 2 1/2 3/3? 3/64 3/64 A 7/8 1/4 1/8 1/16 21 1/4 1/4 1/8 5/64 3 I/? 1/8 Vlfi 3/64 13 3/16 3/3? 1/16 D 1/4 5/16 5/3? 5/64 4 5/8 3/32 3/64 1/16 14 7/3? 7/64 1/16 E 1/4 3/8 3/16 5/64 5 5/8 1/8 1/16 Vl6 15 1/4 1/8 1/16 22 3/8 1/4 1/8 3/32 6 5/8 5/3? 5/64 1/16 B 5/16 5/30 1/16 23 3/8 5/16 5/3? 3/32 7 3/4 1/8 1/16 1/16 16 1/8 3/16 3/3? 5/64 F 3/8 3/8 3/16 3/32 8 3/4 5/3? 5/64 1/16 17 1/8 7/3? 7/64 5/64 24 1/2 1/4 1/8 7/64 9 3/ 4 3/1fi 3/3? 1/16 18 1/8 1/4 1/8 5/64 25 I/? 5/16 5/3? 7/64 10 7/8 5/3? 5/64 1/16 C 1/8 6/16 5/3? 5/64 G 1/2 3/8 3/16 7/fi4 11 7/8 3/16 3/32 1/16 19 1/4 3/16 3/32 5/64 1332 THE MACHINE-SHOP. Dimensions of Woodruff Special Keys Inches. No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Dimension a 6 d e 21/8 3/16 3/32 17/32 3/32 21/8 1/4 1/8 17/32 3/32 21/8 5/16 5/32 17/32 3/32 21/8 3/8 3/16 17/32 3/32 31/2 3/8 3/16 13/16 3/16 31/2 7/16 7/32 13/16 3/16 3l/ 2 1/2 1/4 13/16 ^ 3/16 3l/ 2 9/16 9/32 13/16 3/16 31/2 5/8 5/16 ^ I6 3 /16 Woodruff Keys Suitable for Different Shaft Diameters'. Shaft Diam. Key Nos. Shaft Diam. Key Nos. Shaft Diam. Key Nos. Shaft Diam. Key Nos. 5/16-3/8 7/16-1/2 9/16-5/8 H/16-3/4 1 2,4 3,5 3, 5.7 13/16 7/8-1-ViG I 1/16-1 1/8 6,8 6, 8, 10 9, 11, 13 9,11,13,16 1 3/16 1 1/4-1 5/i 6 1 3/8-1 7/i 6 1 1/2-1 5/8 11, 13, 16 12,14,17,20 14, 17.20 15, 18,21.24 1 H/16-1 3/4 1 13/16-2 2 1/16-21/2 18,21.24 23.25 25 Cw3 K Gib Keys. ''Machinery's Handbook " gives the following formulae for dimensions of gib keys. (See Pig. 223). All dimensions are in inches. D = diameter of shaft; w = width of key; T = thickness of key, large end; S = safe shearing strength of material in key; G = length of gib; h = projection of gib above top oi' key. w = 1/4 D up to 6 in.; over 6 in. w = 0.211 D. T = i/e D up to 6 in. ; over 6 in. T = l/s D. G = w. Length = length of hub + 1/2 in. Taper 1/s in. per ft. Safe twisting moment per in. of length of key = 1/2 D X W X S. Keyways for Milling Cutters. For keyways for milling cutters see p. 1277. Length FIG. 223. Minimum value 3/i 6 in. HOLDING-POWER OF KEYS AND SET-SCREWS. Tests of the Holding-power of Set-screws in Pulleys. (G. Lanza, Trans. A. S. M. E.,x, 230.) These tests were made by using a pulley fastened -to the shaft by two set-screws with the shaft keyed to the holders; then the load required at the rim of the pulley to cause it to slip was determined, and this being multiplied by the number 6,037 (obtained by adding to the radius of the pulley one-half the diameter of the wire rope, and dividing the sum by twice the radius of the shaft, since there were two set-screws in action at a time) gives the holding- power of the set-screws. The set-screws used were of wrought iron, 5/8 of an inch in diameter, and ten threads to the inch; the shaft used was of steel and rather hard, the set-screws making but little impression upon it. They were set up with a force of 75 pounds at the end of a ten-inch monkey-wrench. The set-screws used were of four kinds, marked respectively A, B, C, and D. The results were as follows: A, ends perfectly flat, 9/i6-in. diam. 1412 to 2294 Ibs. B, radius of rounded ends about l/2-m. 2747 to 3079 Ibs. C, radius of rounded ends about l/4-in. 1902 to 3079 Ibs. D, ends cup-shaped and case-hardened 1962 to 2958 Ibs. average 2064. average 2912. average 2573. average 2470. REMARKS. A. The set-screws were not entirely normal to the shaft; hence they bore less in the earlier trials, before they had become flattened by wear. > B. The ends of these set-screws, after the first two trials, were found to be flattened, the flattened area having a diameter of about 1/4 inch. InB. DYNAMOMETERS. 1333 The ends were found, after the first two trials, to be flattened, aa D. The first test held well because the edges were sharp, then the holding-power fell off till they had become flattened in a manner similar to B, when the holding-power increased again. Tests of the Holding-power of Keys. (Lanza.) The load was applied as in the tests of set-screws, the shaft being firmly keyed to the holders. The load required at the rim of the pulley to shear the keys was determined, and this, multiplied by a suitable constant, determined in a similar v/ay to that used in the case of set-screws, gives us the shear- ing strength per square inch of the keys. The keys tested were of eight kinds, denoted, respectively, by the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, arid the results were as follows: A, B, D, and F, each 4 tests; E, 3 tests; C, G, and H, each 2 tests. A, Norway iron, 2" X W X W32", 40,184 to 47,760 Ibs. ; average, 42,726 B, refined iron, 2" X 1/4" X is/32", 36,482 to 39,254 Ibs. ; average, 38,059 C, tool steel, 1" X 1/4" X 15/32", 91,344 & 100,056 Ibs. ; D, mach'y steel, 2" X 1/4" X 15/32" 64,630 to 70,186 Ibs.; average, 66,875 E, Norway iron, 1 1/3" X W X 7/io" 36,850 to 37,222 Ibs. ; average, 37,036 F, cast-iron, 2" X 1/4" X 15/32", 30,278 to 36,944 Ibs.; average, 33,034 G, cast-iron, 1 1/3" X 3/ 8 " X 7/ie", 37,222 & 38,700. H, cast-iron, V X 1/2" X 7/i 6 ", 29,814 & 38,978. The first dimension is the length, the second the width and the third the height. In A ana B some crushing took place before shearing. In E, the keys, being only 7/iQ inch deep, tipped slightly in the key-way. In H, in the first test, there was a defect in the key-way of the pulley. DYNAMOMETERS. Dynamometers are instruments used for measuring power. They are of several classes, as: 1. Traction dynamometers, used for determining the power required to pull a car or other vehicle, or a plow or harrow. 2. Brake or absorption dynamometers, in which the power of a rotating shaft or wheel is absorbed or converted into heat by the friction of a brake; and 3. Transmission dynamometers, in which the power in a rotating shaft is measured during its transmission through a belt or other connection to another shaft, without being absorbed. Traction Dynamometers generally contain two principal parts: (1) A spring or series of springs, through which the pull is exerted, the exten- sion of the spring measuring the amount of the pulling force; and (2) a paper-covered drum, rota- ted either at a uniform speed by clockwork, or at a speed propor- tional to the speed of the trac- tion, through gearing, on which the extension of the spring is reg- istered by a pencil. From the average height of the diagram drawn by the pencil above the FIG. 224. zero-line the average pulling force in pounds is obtained, and this multiplied by the distance traversed, in feet, gives the work done, in foot-pounds. The product divided by the time in minutes and by 33,000 gives the horse-power. The Prony brake is the typical form of absorption dynamometer. (See Fig. 224. from Flather on Dynamometers.) Primarily this consists of a lever connected to a revolving shaft or pul- ley in such a manner that the friction induced between the surfaces in contact will tend to rotate the arm in the direction in which the shaft revolves. This rotation is counterbalanced by weights P, hung in the scale-pan at the end of the lever. In order to measure the power for a given number of revolutions of pulley, we add weights to the scale-pan 1334 DYNAMOMETERS. and screw up on bolts &,&, until the friction induced balances the weights and the lever is maintained in its horizontal position while the revolu- tions of the shaft per minute remain constant. For small powers the beam is generally omitted the friction being measured by weighting a band or strap thrown over the pulley. Ropes or cords are often used for the same purpose. Instead of hanging weights in a scale-pan, as in Fig. 224, the friction may be weighed on a plat form-scale; in this case, the direction of rotation being the same, the lever-arm will be on the opposite side of the shaft. In a modification of this brake, the brake-wheel is keyed to the shaft, and its rim is provided with inner flanges which form an annular trough for the retention of water to keep the pulley from heating. A small stream of water constantly discharges into the trough and revolves with the pulley the centrifugal force of the particles of water overcoming the action of gravity ; a waste-pipe with its end flattened is so placed in the trough that it acts as a scoop, and removes all surplus water. The brake consists of a flexible strap to which are fitted blocks of wood forming the rubbing-surface; the ends of the strap are connected by an adjustable bolt-clamp, by means of which any desired tension may be obtained. The horse-power or work of the shaft is determined from the following : Let W = work of shaft, equals power absorbed, per minute; P = unbalanced pressure or weight in pounds, acting on lever- arm at distance L ; L = length of lever-arm in feet from center of shaft; V a= velocity of a point in feet per minute at distance L, if arm were allowed to rotate at the speed of the shaft; N = number of revolutions per minute; H.P. = horse-power. Then will W - PV =2 nLNP. Since H.P. = PV -*- 33,000, we have H.P. = 2 nLNP * 33,000. If L = 33 -* 2 it, we obtain H.P. = NP * 1000. 33 -J- 2 n is practically 5 ft. 3 in., a value often used in practice for the length of arm. If the rubbing-surface be too small, the resulting friction will show great irregularity probably on account of insufficient lubrication the jaws being allowed to seize the pulley, thus producing shocks and sudden vibrations of the lever-arm. Soft woods, such as bass, plane-tree, beech, poplar, or maple, are all to be preferred to* the harder woods for brake-blocks. The rubbing-sur- face should be well lubricated with a heavy grease. The Alden Absorption-dynamometer. (G. I. Alden, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol. xi, 958; also xii, 700 and xiii, 429.) This dynamometer is a friction-brake, which is capable in quite moderate sizes of absorbing large powers with unusual steadiness and complete regulation. A smooth cast-iron disk is keyed on the rotating shaft. This is inclosed in a cast-iron shell, formed of two disks and a ring at their circumference, which is free to revolve on the shaft. To the interior of each of the sides of the shell is fitted a copper plate, inclosing between itself and the side a water-tight space. Water under pressure from the city pipes is admitted into each of these spaces, forcing the copper plate against' the central disk. The chamber inclosing the disk is filled with oil. To the outer shell is fixed a weighted arm, which resists the tendency of the shell to rotate with the shaft, caused by the friction of the plates against the central disk. Four brakes of this type, 56 in. diam., were used in testing the experimental locomotive at Purdue University (Trans. A. S. M. E., xiii, 429). Each was designed for a maximum moment of 10,500 foot- pounds with a water-pressure of 40 Ibs. per sq. in. The area in effective contact with the copper plates on either side is represented by an annular surface having its outer radius equal to 28 ins. and its inner radius equal to 10 ins. The apparent coefficient of friction between the plates and the disk was 3V2%. Capacity of Friction-brakes. W. W. Beaumont (Proc. Inst. C. E.. 1889) has deduced a formula by means of which the relative capacity of brakes can be compared, judging from the amount of horse-power ascer- tained by their use. If W width of rubbing-surface on brake- wheel in inches; V vel. of point on Circqm, of wheel in feet per minute; K coefficient; then K~ WV -*-H.P. DYNAMOMETERS. 1335 Prof. Flather obtains the values of K given in the last column of the subjoined table: % Horse-power. R.P.M. Brake- pulley. Brake- pulley. g *. o*S J.S Design of Brake. Value of K. Sj 43 8 o a d b-t'~ Diameter, in feet . 21 19 20 40 33 130 24 180 475 125\ 250| 401 125 f 150 148.5 146 180 150 150 142 100 76.2 290\ 250 f 322) 290 f 7 7 7 10.5 10.5 10 12 24 24 24 13 5 5 5 5 5 9 6 5 7 4 4 33 33.38 32.19 32 32 '38.31 126.1 191 63 273/4 Royal Ag Soc compensating 785 858 802 741 749 282 1385 209 847 465 847 McLaren compensating Garrett water-cooled and comp Balk Gatelv & Kletsch water-cooled k ' The above calculations for eleven brakes give values of K varying from 84.7 to 1385 for actual horse-powers tested, the average being K = 655. Instead of assuming an average coefficient, Prof. Fiather proposes thq following: Water-cooled brake, non-compensating, K = 400; W = 400 H.P. -*- V. Water-cooled brake, compensating, K = 750; F" = 750 H.P. -* V. Non-cooling brake, with or without compensating device, / = 900: W = 900 H.P. +V. A brake described in Am. Mach., July 27, 1905, had an iron water- cooled drum, 30 in. diam., 20 in. face, with brake blocks of maple attached to an iron strap nearly surrounding the drum. At 250 r.p.m., or a cir- cumferental speed of 1963 ft. per min., the limit of its capacity was about 140 H.P.; above that power the blocks took fire. At 140 H.P. the total surface passing under the brake blocks per minute was 3272 sq. ft., or 23.37 per H.P. This corresponds to a value of K = 285. Several forms of Prony brake, including rope and strap brakes, are described by G. E. Quick in Am. Mach., Nov. 17, 1908. Some other forms are shown in Am. Electrician, Feb., 1903. A 6000 H.P. Hydraulic Absorption Dynamometer, built by the W T est- Inghouse Machine Co., is described by E. H. Longwell in Eng. News, Dec. 30, 1909. It was designed for testing the efficiency of the Melville and Me Alpine turbine reduction gear (see page 1095). This dynamometer consists of a rotor mounted on a shaft coupled to the reduction gear and rotating within a closed casing which is prevented from turning by a 6 ft. lever arm, the end of which transmits pressure through an I-beam lever to a platform scale. The rotor carries several rows of steam turbine vanes and the casing carries corresponding rows of stationary vanes, so arranged as to baffle and agitate the water passing through the brake, which is heated to boiling temperature by the friction. The dynamom- eter was run for 40 hours continuously, and proved to be a highly accurate instrument. Transmission Dynamometers are of various forms, as the Batchelder dynamometer, in which the power is transmitted through a "train-arm" of bevel gearing, with its modifications, as the one described by the author in Trans. A. I. M. E., viii, 177, and the one described by Samuel Webber in Trans. A. S. M. E., x, 514; belt dynamometers, as the Tatham; the Van Winkle dynamometer, in which the power is transmitted from a revolving shaft to another in line with it, the two almost touching, through the medium of coiled springs fastened to arms or disk keyed to the shafts; the Brackett and the Webb cradle dynamometers, used for measuring the power required to run dynamo-electric machines. De- scriptions of the four last named are given in Flather on Dynamometers, The Kenerson transmission dynamometer is described in Trans. A. S. M. E.. 1909. It has the form of a shaft coupling, one part of which con- 1336 ICE-MAKING OR REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. tains a cavity filled with oil and covered by a flexible copper diaphragm. The other part, by means of bent levers and a thrust ball-bearing, brings an axial pressure on the diaphragm and on the oil, and the pressure of the oil is measured by a gauge. Much information on various fprms of dynamometers will be found in Trans. A. S. M. E., vols. vii to xv, inclusive, indexed under Dynamometers. ICE-MAKING- OR REFRIGERATING MACHINES. References. An elab9rate discussion of the thermodynamic theory of the action of the various fluids used in the production of cold was published by M. Ledoiix in the Annales des Mines, and translated in Van Nostrand's Magazine in 1879. This work, revised and additions made in the light of recent experience by Professors Den ton, Jacobus, and Riesenberger, was reprinted in 1892. (Van Nostrand's Science Series, No. 46.) The work is largely mathematical, but it also contains much information of immediate practical value, from which some of the mat- ter given below is taken. Other references are Wood's Thermody- namics, Chap. V. and numerous papers by Professors Wood, Denton, Jacobus, and Linde in Trans. A. S. M. E., vols. x to xiv; Johnson's Cyclopaedia, article on Refrigerating-machines; and the following books: Siebel's Compend of Mechanical Refrigeration; Modern Refrigerating Machinery, by Lorenz, translated by Pope; Refrigerating Machines, by Gardner T. Voorhees; Refrigeration, by J. Wemyss Anderson, and Re- frigeration, Cold Storage and Ice-making, by A. J. Wallis-Taylor. For properties of Ammonia and Sulphur Dioxide, see papers by Professors Wood and Jacobus, Trans. A. S. M. E., vols. x and xii. For illustrated descriptions of refrigerating-machines, see catalogues of builders, as Frick & Co., Waynesboro, Pa.; De La Vergne Refrigerating- machine Co., New York; Vilter Mfg. Co., Milwaukee; York Mfg., York, Co., Pa.; Henry Vogt Machine Co., Louisville, Ky.; Carbondale Machine Co., Carbondale, Pa.; and others. See also articles in Ice and Refrigeration. Operations of a Refrigerating-machine. Apparatus designed for refrigerating is based upon the following series of operations: Compress a gas or vapor by means of some external force, then relieve it of its heat so as to diminish its volume; next, cause this compressed gas or vapor to expand so as to produce mechanical work, and thus lower its temperature. The absorption of heat at this stage by the gas, in resuming its original condition, constitutes the refrigerating effect of the apparatus. A refrigerating-machine is a heat-engine reversed. From this similarity between heat-motors and freezing-machines it results that all the equations deduced from the mechanical theory of heat to determine the performance of the first, apply equally to the second. The efficiency depends upon the difference between the extremes of temperature. The useful effect of a refrigerating-machine depends upon the ratio between the heat-units eliminated and the work expended in compressing and expanding. This result is independent of the nature of the body employed. Unlike the heat-motors, the freezing-machine possesses the greatest efficiency when the range of temperature is small, and when the final temperature is elevated. If the temperatures are the same, there is no theoretical advantage in employing a gas rather than a vapor in order to produce cold. The choice of the intermediate body would be determined by practical considerations based on the physical characteristics of the body, such as the greater or less facility for manipulating it, the extreme pressures required for the best effects, etc. Air offers the double advantage that it is everywhere obtainable, and that we can vary at will the higher pressures, independent of the tempera- ture of the refrigerant. But to produce a given useful effect the apparatus must be of larger dimensions than that required by liquefiable vanors. The maximum pressure is determined by the temperature of the con- denser and the nature of the volatile liquid ; this pressure is often high. BOILING POINTS OF REFRIGERATING LIQUIDS. 1337 When a change of volume of a saturated vapor is made under constant pressure, the temperature remains constant. The addition or subtraction of heat, which produces the change of volume, is represented by an increase or a diminution of the quantity of liquid mixed with the vapor. On the other hand, when vapors, even if saturated, are no longer in contact with their liquids, and receive an addition of heat either through compression by a mechanical force, or from some external source of heat, they comport themselves nearly in the same way as permanent gases, and become superheated. It results from this property, that refrigerating-machmes using a liquefiable gas will afford results differing according to the method of working, and depending upon the state of the gas, whether it remains constantly saturated, or is supejrheated during a part of the cycle of working. The temperature of the condenser is determined by local conditions. The interior will exceed by 9 to 18 the temperature of the water fur- nished to the exterior. This latter will vary from about 52 F., the temperatiye of water from considerable depth below the surface, to about 95 F., the temperature of surface-water in hot climates. The volatile liquid employed in the machine ought not at this temperature to have a tension above that which can be readily managed by the apparatus. On the other hand, if the tension of the gas at the minimum temperature is too low, it becomes necessary to give to the compression-cylinder large dimensions, in order that the weight of vapor compressed by a single stroke of the piston shall be sufficient t* & JJ 3 u M ^ V a Total Heat B.T.tf. Latent Heat B.T.U. Entropy. T3 s; J * l O o/+3 a oj >.S Si * -a 8| a s ti 1 -103.7 225.0 0.0044 644.6 603.0 .8107 5 - 62.0 49.3 0.0203 -98.1 519.1 617.2 571.5 -0.2207 .5523 10 - 40.4 25.75 0.0388 -75.7 526.4 602.2 554.6 -0.1661 .4363 15 -26.4 17.60 0.0568 -61.2 530.9 592.1 543.3 -0.1324 .3669 20 - 15.9 13.45 0.0744 -50.3 534.0 584.3 534.7 -0.1075 .3168 25 - 7.2 10.88 0.0919 -41.3 536.5 577.8 527.4 -0.0876 .2771 30 + 0.1 9.17 0.1090 -33.6 538.5 572.1 521.3 -0.0708 .2447 35 6.5 7.93 0. 1 260 -26.9 540.3 567.1 515.8 -0.0561 .2167 40 12.2 6.99 0.1430 -20.8 541.8 562.6 511.0 -0.0433 .1924 45 17.4 6.25 0.1598 -15.3 543.! 558.4 506.4 -0.0319 .1707 50 22.1 5.66 0.1765 -10.3 544.3 554.6 502.3 -0.0216 .1512 55 26.4 5.18 0.1931 - 5.7 545.3 551.1 498.6 -0.0122 .1338 60 30.5 4.77 0.2096 1 3 546.3 547.7 495.0 -0.0033 .1175 65 34.3 4.42 0.2261 + 2.7 547.2 544.5 491.6 +0.0051 .1023 70 37.9 4.12 0.2425 6.6 548.1 541.4 488.4 0.0128 .0883 75 41.3 3.86 0.2589 10.3 548.8 538.5 485.3 0.0201 .0751 80 44.5 3.63 0.2753 13.8 549.5 535.8 482.3 0.0271 .0627 85 47.6 3.43 0.2917 17.2 550.2 533.1 479.5 0.0336 .0511 90 50.5 3.25 0.3081 20.4 550.9 530.5 476.8 0.0398 .0400 95 53.3 3.08 0.3246 23.5 551.5 528.0 474.3 0.0458 .0295 100 56.0 2.93 0.3409 26.5 552.1 525.6 471.8 0.0516 .0195 110 61.1 2.678 0.3735 32.1 553.1 521.0 467.0 0.0625 .0006 120 65.8 2.466 0.4056 37.4 554.1 516.7 462.5 0.0725 0.9834 130 70.4 2.283 0.4381 42.5 555.0 512.5 458.2 0.0820 0.9672 140 74.5 2.124 0.4707 47.3 555.9 508.6 454.2 0.0910 0.9521 150 78.5 .989 0.5028 51.8 556.7 504.8 450.3 0.0993 0.9382 160 82.3 .868 0.5353 56.2 557.4 501.1 446.6 0.1074 0.9249 170 85.9 .763 0.5673 60.5 558.1 497.6 443.0 0.1152 0.9121 180 89.4 .666 0.6000 64.6 558.8 494.1 439.5 0.1226 0.9001 190 92.7 .580 0.6330 68.6 559.4 490.9 436.2 0.1296 0.8887 200 95.9 .504 0.665 72.3 560.0 487.6 433.0 0.1363 0.8779 220 101.8 .370 0.730 79.5 561.0 481.5 426.8 0.1488 0.8578 240 107.4 .258 0.795 86.4 562.0 475.6 421.0 0.1609 0.8389 260 112.7 .161 0.861 93.0 562.9 470.0 415.4 0.1722 0.8213 280 117.6 .079 0.927 99.2 563.8 464.6 410.2 0.1829 0.8048 300 122.4 .007 0.993 105.3 564.6 459.3 405.0 0.1932 0.7893 350 133.2 0.863 .159 119.6 566.4 446.8 392.8 0.2171 0.7538 400 142.9 0.752 .330 132.9 567.9 435.0 381.5 0.2390 0.7220 450 151.8 0.665 .504 145.6 569.3 423.8 370.8 0.2593 0.6931 500 160.0 0.597 .675 157.5 570.5 413.0 360.5 0.2786 0.6664 550 167.6 0.539 .855 169.2 571.7 402.5 350.8 0.2965 0.6419 600 174.7 0.491 2.038 180.4 572.7 392.3 341.3 0.3138 0.6186 650 181.4 0.449 2.227 191.4 573.6 382.2 332.0 0.3307 0.5963 700 187.7 0.414 2.416 202.1 574.4 372.2 322.8 0.3469 0.5758 761.4 195.0 0.376 2.660 215.2 575.4 360.2 311.8 0.3664 0.5503 1340 ICE-MAKING OR REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. f = volume, Pressure in Properties of Superheated Ammonia. (From Goodenough's Tables.) cu. ft. per lb., n = entropy, h = total heat, B.T.U. per Ib. lb. per sq. in. ; temperatures in deg. F. Pressure, 15 Temp. (-26.4 P.) 20 (-15.9) 25 (-7.2) 30 (+0.1) Sat. 25 50 100 150 200 240 V 17.6 18.9 21.1 23.3 25.5 27.7 29.3 n .234 .267 .320 .367 .410 .449 .479 h 530.9 545.2 571.1 596.4 621.4 646.5 666.9 V 13.4 14.0 15.8 17.5 19.1 21.4 22.0 n 1.209 1.229 1.284 1.332 1.376 1.431 1.446 h 534.0 542.9 569.8 595.5 620.8 656.2 666.4 V 10.9 11.1 12.6 13.9 15.2 16.5 17.6 n 1.190 1.199 1.256 1.305 1.349 1.389 1.419 h 536.5 540.8 568.4 594.5 620.1 645.6 666.0 V 9.17 id.4i 11.55 12.65 13.74 14.59 n 1.174 Y.233 1.283 1.327 1.367 1.398 h 538.5 56 7. i 593.7 619.5 645.2 665.7 Pressure, 40 Temp. ( 2.2) 50' (22.1) 60 (30.5) 70 (37.9) Sat. 50 100 150 200 300 6.99 7.72 8.59 9.44 10.26 .149 .195 .247 .292 .333 541.8 564.3 591.8 618.2 644.3 5.67 6.11 6.83 7.51 8.17 9.47 1.130 1.165 1.218 1.264 1.306 1.380 544.3 561.5 590.0 617.0 643.3 695.7 4.77 5.03 5.65 6.22 6.79 7.87 1.114 1.139 1.194 1.242 1.283 1.358 546.3 558.8 588.2 615.8 642.4 695.1 4.12 4.27 4.81 5.31 5.80 6.73 1.101 1.117 1.174 1.222 1.265 1.339 548.1 556.0 586.5 614.6 641.5 694.6 Pressure, 80 Temp. (44.5) 90 (50.5) 100 (56.0) 120 (65.8) Sat. 100 150 200 300 340 3.63 4.18 4.62 5.04 5.87 .090 .156 .205 .248 .323 549.5 584.7 613.4 640.6 694.1 3.25 3.69 4.09 4.47 5.21 5.50 1.080 1.140 1.190 1.233 .1.309 1.337 550.9 582.9 612.1 639.8 693.5 714.9 2.94 3.29 3.66 4.01 4.67 4.93 1.071 1.125 1.176 1.220 1.297 1.324 552.1 581.1 610.8 638.9 693.0 714.6 2.47 2.71 3.02 3.31 3.87 4.09 1.056 1.099 1.152 1.197 1.275 1.302 554.1 577.5 608.4 637.1 692.1 713.9 Pressure, 140 Temp. (74.5) 160 (82.3) 200 (95.9) 240 (107.4) Sat. 100 150 200 300 360 2.12 2.29 2.56 2.82 3.30 3.58 1.043 .076 .131 .177 .256 .297 555.9 573.9 605.9 635.3 691.1 723.9 1.87 1.97 2.22 2.44 2.66 3.12 1.032 1.056 1.112 1.160 1.202 1.281 557.4 570.3 603.5 633.6 662.1 722.9 1.50 1.52 1.73 1.92 2.27 2.47 1.014 1.020 1.080 1.130 1.212 1.254 560-0 563.1 598.4 630.0 687.7 721.0 1.26 1.42 1.57 1.87 2.04 1.000 Y.053 1.105 1.189 1.232 562.0 593.5 626.4 685.6 719.3 Thermal Properties of Liquid Ammonia. (From Goodenough's Tables.) Satu- Satu- ration Vol. Weight ration Vol. Weight Temp. Pres- of of 144 X Temp. Pres- of of 144 X Deg.F. sure, 1 Lb., 1 Cu. Apv. F. sure, 1 Lb., 1 Cu. Apv. Lb.per Cu. Ft. Ft., Lb. Lb.per Cu. Ft. Ft., Lb. Sq. In. Sq. In. -110 0.758 0.02202 45.42 0.003 60 107.7 0.02609 38.33 0.520 -100 1.176 .02220 45.04 .005 70 129.2 .02643 37.85 .632 - 80 2.626 .02258 44.28 .011 80 153.9 .02678 37.35 .76 - 60 5.358 .02299 43.51 .023 90 181.8 .02714 36.84 .92 - 40 10.12 .02342 42.71 .044 100 213.8 .02754 36.32 1.09 - 20 17.91 .02388 41.88 .079 120 289.9 .02839 35.23 1.52 29.95 .02437 41.04 .135 140 384.4 .02936 34.06 2.09 10 38.02 .02463 40.61 .173 160 500.1 .0305 32.80 2.82 20 47.75 .02490 40.17 .220 180 639.5 .0318 31.5 3.77 30 59.35 .02518 39.72 .247 200 805.6 .0335 29.9 4.99 40 73.03 .02547 39.27 .344 250 1357.4 .0404 24.8 10.2 50 89.1 .02577 38.81 .425 273.2 1690.0 .0678 14.75 21.2 A = reciprocal of Joule's equivalent = sq. in.; v vol. of 1 lb., cu ft. 1/777.6; p = pressure, lb. per PROPERTIES OF AMMONIA. 1341 Solubility of Ammonia. (Siebel.) One pound of water will dis- solve the following weights of ammonia at the pressures and tempera- tures F stated. 4 Abs. Press, per sq.m. 32 68 104 Abs. Press, per sq.m. 32 68 104 Abs. Press, per sq. in. 32 68 104 0.486 0.493 0.511 0.530 0.547 0.565 0.579 Ib. 14.67 15.44 16.41 17.37 18.34 19.30 20.27 Ib. 0.899 0.937 0.980 1.029 1.077 1.126 1.177 Ib. 0.518 0.535 0.556 0.574 0.594 0.613 0.632 Ib. 0.338 0.349 0.363 0.378 0.391 0.404 0.414 Ib. 21.23 22.19 23.16 24.13 25.09 26.06 27.02 Ib. .236 .283 .330 .385 .442 .496 .549 Ib. 0.651 0.669 0.685 0.704 0.722 0.741 0.761 Ib. 0.425 0.434 0.445 0.454 0.463 0.472 0.479 Ib. 27.99 28.95 30.88 32.81 34.74 36.67 38.60 Ib. .603 .656 .758 .861 .966 2.070 Ib. 0.780 0.801 0.842 0.881 0.919 0.955 0.992 Strength of Aqua Ammonia at 60 F. %NHabywt. 24 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Sp. gr. 0.986 .979 .972 .966 .960 .953 .945 .938 .931 % NHs 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Sp. gr. 0.925 .919 .913 .907 .902 .897 .892 .888 .884 Properties of Saturated Vapors. The figures in the following table are given by Lorenz, on the authority of M oilier and of Zeuner. ., Heat of Vaporization, B.T.U. per Ib. Heat of Liquid, B.T.U. per Ib. Absolute Pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. Volume of lib., cubic feet. NH 3 C0 2 SO 2 NH 3 CO 2 S0 2 NH 3 CO 2 SO 2 NH 3 CO 2 S0 2 8 06 - 4 + 14 32 50 68 86 104 589 117 6 171.0 -31.21 -17.19 -11.16 27.1 288.7 9.27 10 33 31? 580 110 7 168 2 -15 89 - 9 00 - 5.69 41.5 385 4 14 75 6 92 229 5 ?7 569.0 555 5 99.8 86 164.2 158 9 16 51 10 28 5 90 61.9 89 1 503.5 22.53 650 1 33 26 4.77 3 38 0.167 120 3.59 ? 44 539.9 521.4 500.4 66.5 27.1 152.5 144.8 135.9 33.58 51.28 69.58 23.08 45.45 12.03 18.34 24.88 125.0 170.8 227.7 826.447.61 040. 66.36 90.30 2.47 1.83 1.39 0.083 0.048 1.71 1.22 88 The figures for CO2 in the above table differ widely from those of Regnault,.and are no doubt more reliable. Heat Generated by Absorption of Ammonia. (Berthelot, from Siebel.) Heat developed when a solution of 1 Ib. NH 3 in n Ibs. watei is diluted with a great amount of water = Q = 142/n B.T.U. Assuming 925 B.T.U. to be developed when 1 Ib. NH 3 is absorbed by a great deal (say 200 Ibs.) of water, the heat developed in making solutions of different strengths (1 Ib. NH 3 to n Ibs. water) = Q t = 925 142/n B.T U Heat developed when b Ibs. NH 3 is added to a solution of 1 Ib. NH 3 + n Ibs water = Q 3 = 925&- 142 (26+ W)/n B.T.U. Let the weak liquor enter the absorber with a strength of 10 % = 1 Ib NH 3 + 9 Ibs. water, and the strong liquor leave the absorber with a strength of 25%, = 3 Ibs. NH 3 + 9 Ibs. water, b = 2, n = 9- Q 3 = 925 X 2 - 142 (4 + 4)/9 = 1724 B.T.U. Hence by dissolving 2 Ibs. of ammonia gas or vapor in a solution of 1 Ib. ammonia in 9 Ibs. water we obtain 12 Ibs. of a 25% solution, and the heat generated is 1724 B.T.U. Cooling Effect, Compressor Volume, and Power Required. The following table gives the theoretical results computed on the basis of a temperature in the evaporator of 14 F. and in the condenser of 68 F in the first three columns of figures the cooling agent is supposed to flow through the regulating valve with this latter temperature; in the last three it is previously cooled to 50 F. From the stroke-volume per 100,000 B.T.U. the minimum theoretical horse-power is obtained as follows: Adiabatic compression is assumed for the ratio of the absolute condenser pressure to that of the vaporizer and the mean pressure through the stroke thus found, in Ibs per sq ft multiplying this by the stroke volume per hour and dividing by 1 980 000 gives the net horse-power. The ratio of the mean effective pressure M.P., to the vaporizer pressure, V.P., for different ratios of condenser pressure, C.P., to vaporizer pressure is given on the next page. 1342 ICE-MAKING OK REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. Cooling Effect, Compressor Volume, and Power Required, with _ Different Cooling Agents. (Lorenz.) ___ Cooling Agent. NH 3 CO 2 S0 2 NH 3 C0 2 SO 2 1. Temp, in front of regulating valve . 68 68 68 50 50 50 2. Vaporizer pressure, Ibs. per sq. in 41 5 385 4 14 75 41 5 385 4 14 75 3. Condenser pressure, Ibs. per sq. in 125 826 4 47 61 125 826 4 47 61 4. Heat of evaporation, B.T.U. per Ib 580 2 110 7 168 2 580 2 110 7 168 2 5. Heat imparted to the liquid 6. Cold produced per Ib. B.T.U 7. Cooling agent circulated for yield of 100,000 B.T.U. per hour, Ibs .... 49.47 530.73 188 4 32.08 78.62 1272 17.72 150.48 664 3 32^4 547.8- 182 5 19.28 91.42 1094 11.59 156.61 638 5 8. Stroke volume for 100,666 B.T.U. per hour, cu. ft 9. Minimum H.P. per 100,000 B.T.U. per hour 1,300 4 98 292 4 98 3,507 4 98 1,264 4 98 242 4 98 3,365 4 98 10. Ratio Heat of evap. -* .cold produced . . 1 093 1 408 1 118 1 059 1 211 1 074 1 1 . Ratio total work to minimum 12. Total I.H.P. per 100,000 B.T.U. per hour 1.175 5 85 1.513 7 53 1.202 5 99 1.133 5 67 1.302 6 48 1.155 5 75 13. Cooling effect per I.H.P. hr.. 17,100 13,300 16.700 17,600 15,400 17.400 RATIOS OP CONDENSER PRESSURE, C. P., AND ME AN ^EFFECTIVE SURE, M. P., TO VAPORIZER PRESSURE, V. P. PRES- PH fc PH PH PH PH PH & PH PH PH > PH 1- f 1- * 1- ! * * 1- 4 1- 1- 6 PH a g PH a | PH a PH O PH % PH O PH S S PH % 1.0 0. 2.0 0.752 3.0 .249 4.0 .684 5.0 1.947 6.0 2.216 1.2 0.186 2.2 0.865 3.2 .344 4.2 .711 5.2 2.006 7.0 2.454 1.4 0.350 2,4 0.970 3,4 .414 4,4 .766 5.4 2.062 8.0 2.666 1 6 0.487 2 6 1 070 3 6 491 4 6 829 5 6 2.116 9 2 858 1.8 0.630 2.8 1.163 3.8 .564 4.8 .891 5.8 2.168 10 3.036 The minimum theoretical horse-power thus obtained is increased by the ratio of the heat of evaporation to the available cooling action (line 4 -*- line 6, = line 10 of the table) and by an allowance for the resistance of the valves taken at 7.5% to obtain the total H.P. given in the table. To the theoretical horse-power given in line 12 Lorenz makes numerous additions, viz.: friction of the compression and driving machine 0.90, 1.10, 0.90, 0.85, 0.95, 0.85 respectively for the six columns in the table; also H.P. for stirring 0.3; for cooling- water pumps, 0.45; for brine pumps, 2.2; for transmission of power, 0.6, making the total H.P. for the six cases 10.30, 12.18, 10.44, 10.07, 10.98, 10.15. He also makes deductions from the theoretical generation of cold of 100,000 B.T.U. per hour, for a brewery cooling installation, for irregularities of valves, etc., for NHs and SO2 machines 10% and for CO* machines 5%; for cooling loss through stirring 765 B.T.U., through brine pumps 5610 B.T.U., and through radiation 4500 B.T.U., making the net cooling for NH 3 and SOs machines 79,125 B.T.U. and for COs machines 84,125 B.T.U., and the cold generated per effective H.P. in the six cases, 7682, 6908, 7578, 7848, 7662, and 7796 B.T.U. The figures given in the tables are not to be considered as holding generally or extended t9 other condenser and evaporator temperatures. Each change of condition requires a separate calculation. The final results indicate that for the various cooling systems no appreciable difference exists in the work required for the same amount of cold delivered at the place where it is to be applied. PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENT COOLING AGENTS. 1343 Properties of Brine Used to Absorb Refrigerating Effect of Ammonia. (J. E. Den ton, Trans. A. S. M. E., x, 799). A solution of Liverpool salt in well-water having a specific gravity of 1.17, or a weight per cubic foot of 73 Ibs., will not sensibly thicken or congeal at.0 F. The mean specific heat between 39 and 16 Fahr. was found by Denton to be 0.805. Brine of the same specific gravity has a specific heat of 0.805 at 65 Fahr., according to Naumann. Naumann's values (Lehr-und Handbuch der Thermochemie, 1882) are: Specific heat 0.791 0.805*0.863 0.895 0.941 0.962 0.978 Specific gravity 1.187 1.170 1.103 1.072 1.044 1.023 1.012 Properties of Salt Brine (Carbondale Calcium Co.) Deg. Baume" 60 F 1 5 10 15 19 Deg. Salinometer 60 F 4 20 40 60 80 Sp. gravity 60 F 1.007 1.037 1.073 1.115 1.150 Per cent of salt, by wt.. .. 1 5 10 15 20 Wt. of 1 gallon, Ibs 8.40 8,65 8.95 9.30 9.60 Wt. of 1 cu. ft., Ibs 62.8 64.7 66.95 69.57 71.76 Freezing point F 31.8 25.4 18.6 12.2 6.86 Specific heat 0.992 0.960 0.892 0.855 0.829 23 100 1.191 25 9.94 74.26 1.00 0.783 brine. Chloride of Calcium solution is commonly used instead of According to Naumann, a solution of 1.0255 sp. gr. has a specific heat of 0.957. A solution of 1.163 sp. gr. in the test reported in Eng'g, July 22, 1887, gave a specific heat of 0.827. H. C. Dickinson (Science, April 23, 1909) gives the following values of the specific heat of solutions of chemically pure calcium chloride. Density Specific Heat Temperature, C. 1.07... 0.869 + 0.00057 t (- 5 to + 15) 1.14 0.773 + 0.00064 t (- 10 to + 20) 1.20 0.710 + 0.00064* (- 20 to + 20) 1.26 0.662 + 0.00064 t (- 25 to + 20) The advantages of chloride of calcium solution are its lower freezing point and that it has little or no corrosive action on iron and brass. Calcium chloride is sold in the fused or granulated state, in steel drums, contain- ing about 75% anhydrous chloride and 25% water, or in solution contain- ing 40 to 50% anhydrous chloride, in tank cars. The following data are taken from the catalogue of the Carbondale Calcium Co. PROPERTIES OF " SOLVAY " CALCIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION. &" m 02 I fflfa I. 5.5 11 17 20 1.007 1.041 1.085 1.131 1.159 +31.10 27.68 22.38 12.20 4.64 1.169 1.179 1.189 1.219 1.250 + 1.76 - 1.48 - 4.90 -17.14 -32.62 32 35 35.5 36.5 37.5 -54.40 -25.24 - 9.76 + 2.84 14.36 Quantity of 75% calcium chloride required to make solutions of different specific gravities and freezing points. Sp. gravity] 1.250 1.225 1.200 1.175 1.150 1.125 1.100 Lbs. per cu ft. solu- tion 28.06 25.06 22.05 19.15 16.26 13.47 10.70 Lbs. per gallon 3.76 3.36 2.95. 2.56 2.18 1.80 1.43 Freezing point F. .-32.6 -19.5 -8.7 Zero +7.5 +13.3 +18.5 Boiling points of calcium chloride solutions: Sp. Gr. at 59 F.. . . 1.104 1.185 1.238 1.341 1.383 solid at 59, Boiling point F... 215.6 221.0 230.0 240.8 248.0 266.0 282.2 306.5 Sp.gr.atboilingpoint 1.085 1.119 1.209 1.308 1.365 1.452 1.526 1.619 * Interpolated. 1344 ICE-MAKING OR REFRIGERATING-MACHINES "Ice-melting Effect." It is agreed that the term "ice-melting effect" means the cold produced in an insulated bath of brine, on the assumption that each 144 B.T.U. represents one pound of ice, this being the latent heat of fusion of ice, or the heat required to melt a pound of ice at 32 to water at the same temperature. The performance of a machine, expressed in pounds or tons of "ice-melting capacity," does not mean that the refrigerating-machine would make the same amount of actual ice, but that the cold produced is equivalent to the effect of the melting of ice at 32 to water of that temperature. in maKing artilicial ice tne water frozen is generally about 70 F. when submitted to the refrigerating effect of a machine; second, the ice is chilled from 12 to 20 below its freezing-point; third, there is a dissipa- tion of cold, from the exposure of the brine tank and the manipulation of the ice-cans: therefore the weight of actual ice made, multiplied by its latent heat of fusion, 144 thermal units, represents only about three- fourths of the cold produced in the brine by the refrigerating fluid per I.H.P. of the engine driving the compressing-pumps. Again, there is considerable fuel consumed to operate the brine-circulating pump, the condensing-water and feed-pumps, and to reboil, or purify, the condensed steam from which the ice fe frozen. This fuel, together with that wasted in leakage and drip water, amounts to about one-half that required to drive the main steam-engine. Hence the pounds of actual ice manu- factured from distilled water is just about half the equivalent of the refrigerating effect produced in the brine per indicated horse-power of the steam-cylinders. When ice is made directly from natural water by means of the "plate system," about half of the fuel, used with distilled water, is saved by avoiding the rebelling, and using steam expansively in a compound engine. Ether-machines, used in India, are said to have produced about 6 Ibs. of actual ice per pound of fuel consumed. The ether machine is obsolete, because the density of the vapor of ether, at the necessary working-pressure, requires that the compressing-cylinder shall be about 6 times larger than for sulphur dioxide, and 17 times larger than for ammonia. Air-machines require about 1.2 times greater capacity of compressing cylinder, and are, as a whole, more cumbersome than ether machines, but they remain in use on shipboard. In using air the expansion must take place in a cylinder doing work, instead of through a simple expansion- cock which is used with vapor machines. The work done in the expansion- cylinder is utilized in assisting the compressor. The Allen Dense Air Machine takes for compression air of considerable pressure which is contained in the machine and in a system of pipes. The air at 60 or 70 Ibs. pressure is compressed to 210 or 240 Ibs. It is then passed through a coil immersed in circulating water and cooled to nearly the temperature of the water. It then passes into an expander, which is, in construction, a common form of steam-engine with a cut-off valve. This engine takes out of the air a quantity of heat equivalent to the work done by the air while expanding, to the original pressure of 60 or 70 Ibs., and reduces its temperature to about 90 to 120 F. below the temperature of the cooling water supply. The return stroke of the piston pushes the air out through insulated pipes to the places that are to be refrigerated, from which it is returned to the compressor. The air pushed out by the expander is commonly about 35 to 55 below zero F. In arrangements where not all the cold is taken out of the air by the refrigerating apparatus, the highly compressed air after cooling in the coil is further Cooled by being brought in surface contact with the returning and still cold air, before entering the expander. By this means temperatures of 70 to 90 below zero may be obtained. The refrigerating: effect in B.T.U. per minute is: Lbs. of air handled per min. X 0.2375 X difference of temperature of air passing out of ex- pander and of that returning to the machine. Carbon-dioxide Machines are in extensive use on shipboard. S. H. Bunnell (Eng. News, April 9, 1903) says there are over 1500 CO 2 plants on shipboard. He describes a large duplex CO 2 compressor built by the Brown-Oochrane Co., Lorain, O. Tests of CO 2 machines by a committee of the Danish Agricultural Society were reported in 1899, in "Ice and MACHINES USING DIFFERENT COOLING AGENTS. 1345 Cold Storage," of London. Carbon-dioxide machines are built also by Kroeschel Bros., Chicago. Methyl-Chloride machines are made by Railway and Stationary Re- frigerating Co., New York City. The compressor is a rotary pump. When driven by an electric motor the complete apparatus is very com- pact, and is therefore suitable for refrigerator cars or other places where space is restricted Sulphur-Dioxide Machines. Results of theoretical calculations are given in a table by Ledoux showing an ice-melting capacity per hour per horse-power ranging from 134 to 63 Ibs., and per pound of coal rang- ing from 44.7 to 21.1 Ibs., as the temperature corresponding to the pres- sure of the vapor in the condenser rises from 59 to 104 F. The theoret- ical results do not represent the actual. Prof. Denton says concerning Ledoux's theoretical results: The figures given are higher than those obtained in practice, because the effect of superheating of the gas during admission to the cylinder is not considered. This superheating may cause an increase of work of about 25%. - tank, that i ^ - , _ conditions of an absolute pressure in the condenser 9f 56 Ibs. per sq. in. and the corresponding temperature of 77 F., will give about 22 Ibs. of ice-melting capacity per pound of coal, which is about 60% of the theor* etir-al amount neglecting friction, or 70^ including friction. Sulphur-dioxide machines are not (1910) used in the United States. Refrigera ting-Machines using Vapor of Water. (Ledoux.) In these machines, sometimes called vacuum machines, water, at ordinary temperatures, is injected into, or placed in connection with, a chamber in which a strong vacuum is maintained. A portion of the water vapor- izes, the heat to cause the vaporization being supplied from the water not vaporized, so that the latter is chilled or frozen to ice. If brine is used instead of pure water, its temperature may be reduced below the freez- ing-point of water. The water vapor is compressed from, say, a pressure of 0.1 Ib. per sq. in. to 1 Yi Ibs. and discharged into a condenser. It is then condensed and removed by means of an ordinary air-pump. The principle of action of such a machine is the same as that of volatile- vapor machines. A theoretical calculation for ice-making, assuming a lower temperature of 32 F., a pressure in the condenser of 1 Y^ Ibs. per sq. in. and a coal consumption of 3 Ibs. per I.H.P. per hour, gives an ice-melting effect of 34.5 Ibs. per pound of coal, neglecting friction. Ammonia for ice-making conditions gives 40.9 Ibs. The volume of the compressing cylinder is about 150 times the theoretical volume for an ammonia machine for these conditions. [The Patten Vacuum Ice Co., Of Baltimore, has a large plant on this system in operation (1910).] Ammonia Compression-machines. "Cold" vs. "Dry" Systems of Compression. In the "cold" system or "humid" system some of the ammonia entering the compression cylinder is liquid, so that the heat developed in the cylinder is absorbed by the liquid and the temperature of the ammonia thereby confined to the boiling-point due to the con- denser-pressure. No jacket is therefore required about the cylinder. In the " dry " or " hot " system all ammonia entering the compressor is gaseous, and the temperature becomes by compression several hundred degrees greater than the boiling-point due to the condenser-pressure. A water-jacket is therefore necessary to permit the cylinder to be properly lubricated. Dry, Wet and Flooded Systems. (York Mfg. Co.) An expansion system, or one where the ammonia leaves the coil slightly superheated, requires about 33 jf % more pipe surface than a wet compression system, in which the ammonia leaves the coils containing sufficient entrained liquid to maintain a wet compression condition in the compressor. The flooded system is ono where the ammonia is allowed to flow through the coils and into a trap, where the gas is separated from the liquid, the gas passing on to the compressor, while the liquid goes around through the coils again, together with the fresh liquid, which is fed into the trap. Such a system requires only about one-half the evaporating surface that 1346 ICE-MAKING OR REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. an expansion system does to do the same work. The relative proportions of the three systems may be expressed as follows: A Dry Compression plant will need, with an Expansion Evaporating System, a medium size compressor, a large size evaporating system, a small amount of ammonia. A Dry Compression plant will need, with a Flooded Evaporating Sys- tem, a small size compressor, a small size evaporating system, a large am; unt of ammonia. A Wet Compression plant will need, with a Wet Compression Evapo- rating System, a large size compressor, a medium size evaporating sys- tem, a medium amount of ammonia. The Ammonia Absorption-machine comprises a generator which contains a concentrated solution of ammonia in water; this generator is heated either directly by a fire, or indirectly by pipes leading from a steam-boiler. The vapor passes first into an " analyzer," a chamber con- nected with the upper part of the generator which separates some of the water from the vapor, then into a rectifier, where the vapor is partly cooled, precipitating more water, which returns to the generator, and then to the condenser. The upper part of the cooler or brine-tank is in communication with the lower part of the condenser. An absorption-chamber is filled with a weak solution of ammonia ; a tube puts this chamber in communication with the cooling-tank. The absorption-chamber communicates witfi the boiler by two tubes: one leads from the bottom of the generator to the top of the chamber, the other leads from the bottom of the chamber to the top of the generator. Upon the latter is mounted a pump, to force the liquid from the absorp- tion-chamber, where the pressure is maintained at about one atmosphere into the generator, where the pressure is from 8 to 12 atmospheres. To work the apparatus the ammonia solution in the generator is first heated. This releases the gas from the solution, and the pressure rises. When it reaches the tension of the saturated gas at the temperature of the condenser there is a liquefaction of the gas, and also of a small amount of steam. By means of a cock the flow of the liquefied gas into the refrigerating coils contained in the cooler is regulated. It is here vaporized by absorbing the heat from the substance placed there to be cooled. As fast as it is vaporized.it is absorbed by the weak solution in the absorbing-chamber. Under the influence of the heat in the boiler the solution is unequally saturated, the stronger solution being uppermost. The weaker portion is conveyed by the pipe entering the "top of the absorbing-chamber, the flow being regulated by a cock, while the pump sends an equal quantity of strong solution from the chamber back to the boiler. The working of the apparatus depends upon the adjustment and regu- lation of the flow of the gas and liquid ; by these means the pressure is varied, and consequently the temperature in the cooler may be controlled. The working is similar to that of compression-machines. The absorp- tion-chamber fills the office of aspirator, and the generator plays the part of compressor. The mechanical force producing exhaustion is here re- placed by the affinity of water for ammonia gas, and the mechanical force required for compression is replaced by the heat which severs this affinity and sets the gas at liberty. Reece's absorption apparatus (1870) is thus described by Wallis-Taylor. The charge of liquid ammonia (26 Baume) is vaporized by the application of heat, and the mixed vapor passed to the analyzer and rectifier, wherein the bulk of the water is condensed at a comparatively elevated temperature and returned to the generator. The ammoniacal vapor or gas is then passed to the condenser, where it is liquefied under the combined action of the cooling-water and of the pressure maintained in the generator. The liquid ammonia, practically anhydrous, is then used in the refrigerator, and tb^ vapor therefrom, still under considerable pressure, is admitted to the cylinder of an engine used to drive a pump for returning the strong solution to the generator, after which it is passed to the absorber, where it meets and is absorbed by the weak liquor from the generator, and the strong liquor so formed is forced back into the generator by means of the pump. The temperature exchanger, introduced in 1875, provides for the hot liquor on its way from the generator to the absorber giving up its heat to the cooler liquid from the absorber on its way to the generator. Wallis-Taylor describes also marine refrigerating, ice-making cold AMMONIA MACHINES. 1347 storage, the application of refrigeration in breweries, dairies, etc.; and the management and testing of apparatus. For the best results the following conditions are necessary (Voorhees): 1. The generator should have ample liquid evaporating surface to make dry gas. 2., The temperature of the gas to the rectifier should be as low as possible. 3. The drip Iiqu9r returned to the generator from the recti- fier should be as hot as possible. 4. The gas from the rectifier to the condenser should not be over 10 to 50 hotter than the condensing tem- perature of the gas. 5. The exchanger should exchange upwards of 90% of the heat ot the hot weak liquor to the cold strong liquor. The weight of strong liquor pumped should be from 7 to 8 times that of the anhydrous ammonia circulated in the refrigerator. To produce one ton of refrigeration at 8.5 Ibs. suction and 170 Ibs. gauge condenser pressure, about 3.5 times as many heat units are actually used by an absorption machine as by a compression machine (compound con- densing engine driven), but, 9wing to the low efficiency of the steam engine, due to the heat wasted in the exhaust and in cylinder condensation, the actual weight of steam used per hour per ton of refrigeration is the same for both the absorption machine and the compressor. Relative Performance of Ammonia Compression- and Absorp- tion- machines, assuming no Water to be Entrained with the Ammonia-gas in the Condenser. (Denton and Jacobus, Trans. A. S. M. E., xiii.) It is assumed in the calculation for both machines that 1 Ib. of coal imparts 10,000 B.T.U. to the boiler. The condensed steam from the generator of the absorption-machine is assumed to be returned Condenser. 61.2 59.0 59.0 59.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 85.0 104.0 104.0 969 967 931 1000 988 966 1025 1002 1002 1041 *5% of water entrained in the ammonia will lower the economy of the absorption-machine about 15 % to 20 % below the figures given in the table. to the boiler at the temperature of the steam entering 1 the generator. The engine of the compression-machine is assumed to exhaust through a feed- water heater that heats the feed-water to 212 F. The engine is assumed to consume 261/4 Ibs. of water per hour per horse-power. The figures for the compression-machine include the effect of friction, which is taken at 15% of the net work of compression. (For discussion of the efficiency of the ab^rption system, see Ledoux's work; paper by Prof. Linde, and discussion on the same by Prof. Jacobus, Trans. A. S. M. E. t xiv. 1416, 1436; and papers by Denton and Jacobus. Trans. A. S. M. E., x, 792, xiii, 507. 1348 ICE-MAKING OR REFRIGERATING-MACHlNES. Relative Efficiency of a Refrigerating-Machine. The efficiency of a refrigerating-machine is sometimes expressed as the quotient of the quantity of heat received by the ammonia from the brine, that is, the quantity of useful work done, divided by the heat equivalent of the mechanical work done in the compressor. Thus in column 1 of the table of performance of the 75-ton machine (page!363) the heat given by the brine to the ammonia per minute is 14,776 B.T.U. The horse-power of the ammonia cylinder is 65.7, and its heat equivalent = 65.7 x 33,000 * 778 = 2786 B.T.U. Then 14,776 * 2786 = 5.304, efficiency. The ap- parent paradox that the efficiency is greater than unity, which is im- possible in any machine, is thus explained. The working fluid, as ammonia, receives heat from the brine and rejects heat into the condenser. (If the compressor is jacketed, a portion is rejected into the jacket-water.) The heat rejected into the condenser is greater than that received from the brine; the difference (plus or minus a small difference radiated to or from the atmosphere) is heat received by the ammonia from the compressor. The work to be done by the compressor is not the mechanical equivalent of the refrigeration of the brine, but only that necessary to supply the dif- ference between the heat rejected by the ammonia into the condenser and that received from the brine. If cooling water colder than the brine were available, the brine might transfer its heat directly into the cooling water, and there would be no need of ammonia or of a compressor; but since such cold water is not available, the brine rejects its heat into the cplder ammonia, and then the compressor is required to heat the ammonia to such a temperature that it may reject heat into the cooling water. The maximum theoretical efficiency of a refrigerating machine is ex- pressed by the quotient T -*- (T t T ), in which T t is the highest and T the lowest temperature of the ammonia or other refrigerating agent. The efficiency of a refrigerating plant referred to the amount of fuel consumed is /-Pounds circulated per hour^ ( 1 x specific heat x range > Ice-melting capacity ) = I of temperature per pound of fuel j Cold Watet 144 X pounds of fuel used per hour 1 I _____ Compressor * ^ Condenser 309 339* '10 3 82 . i y 61 Brine Tank Ammonia Coils | { 85 * Heat received U^~~ Warm Water from compression. Heat received 9 o Brine Outlet Cold Rooa Heat rejected from brine DIAGRAM OF AMMONIA COMPRESSION MACHINE. II Condenser Torce Pump DIAGRAM OF AMMONIA ABSORPTION MACHINE. EFFICIENCY OF REFRIGERATING SYSTEMS. " 1349 The Ice-melting capacity is expressed as follows: Tons (of 2000 Ibs.) , { '" * MS heat } of brine drculated per Ice-melting ca- i = l x ra "ge of temp. ) nour pacity per 24 hours J 144 x 2000 The analogy between a heat-engine and a refrigerating-machine is as follows: A steam-engine receives heat from the boiler, converts a part of it into mechanical work in the cylinder, and throws away the differ- ence into the condenser. The ammonia in a compression refrigerating- machine receives heat from the brine- tank or cold room, receives an additional amount of heat from the mechanical work done in the com- pression-cylinder, and throws away the sum into the condenser. The efficiency of the steam-engine = work done -i- heat received from boiler. The efficiency of the refrigerating-machine = heat received from the brine-tank or cold-room -j- heat required to produce the work in the compression-cylinder. In the ammonia absorption-apparatus, the ammonia receives heat from the brine-tank and additional heat from the boiler or generator, and rejects the sum into the condenser and into the cooling water supplied to the absorber. The efficiency = heat received from the brine -5- heat received from the boiler. The Efficiency of Refrigerating Systems depends on the tempera- ture of the condenser water, whether there is sufficient condenser surface for the compressor and whether or not the condenser pipes are free from uncondensable foreign gases. With these things right, con- denser pressure for different temperatures of cooling water should be approximately as follows: 1 gallon per minute per ton per 24 hours Cooling water, F 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Condenser pressure, gage, Ib 183 200 220 235 255 280 300 Condensed liquid ammonia, F 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 2 gallons per minute per ton per 24 hours Condenser pressure, gage, Ib . 130 153 168 183 200 220 235 Condensed liquid ammonia, F 77 85 90 93 100 105 110 3 gallons per minute per ton per 24 hours Condenser pressure, gage, Ib. 125 140 155 170 185 200 215 Condensed liquid ammonia, F 75 85 90 93 95 100 105 The evaporating or back pressure within the expansion coils of a re- frigerating system depends upon the temperatures on the outside of such coils, i.e., the air or brine to be copied. For average practice back pres- sures for the production of required temperatures should be approxi- mately as follows: Tempera ture of room, P. ... 10 15 20 28 32 36 40 50 60 Back pressure, gage, Ib 10 12 15 22 25 27 30 35 40 Temperature of ammonia, F. 10 5 8 12 14 17 22 26 The condenser pressure should be kept as low as possible and the back pressure as high as possible, narrow limits between such pressures being as important to the efficiency of a refrigerating system as wide ones are to that of a steam engine in which the economy increases with the range between boiler pressure and condenser pressure. (F. E. Matthews, Power, Jan. 26, 1909.) Cylinder-heating. In compression-machines employing volatile vapors the principal cause of the difference between the theoretical and the practical result is the heating of the ammonia, by the warm cylinder walls, during its entrance into the compressor, thereby expanding it, so that to compress a pound of ammonia a greater number of revolutions must be made by the compressing-pumps than corresponds to the density of the ammonia-gas as it issues from the brine-tank. t Volumetric Efficiency. The volumetric efficiency of a compressor is the ratio of the actual weight of ammonia pumped to the amount calculated from the piston displacement. Mr. Voorhees deduces from Denton's experiments the formula: Volumetric efficiency = E 1 (ti fo)/1330, in which t\ = the theoretical temperature of gas after compression and h = temperature of gas delivered to the compressor. The temperature ti, = Ti 460, is calculated from the formula for adia- batic compression, Ti = To (Pi/Po) ' 24 . in which T\ and To are absolute temperatures and Pi and Po absolute pressures. In eight tests by Prof. Denton the volumetric efficiency ranged from 73.5% to 84%, and they 1350 ICE-MAKING OB REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. vary less than 1% from the efficiencies calculated by the formula. The temperature of the gas discharged from the compressor averaged 57 less than the theoretical. The volumetric efficiency of a dry compressor is greatest when the va- por comes to the compressor with little or no superheat; 30 superheat of the suction gas reduces the capacity of the compressor 4%, and 100 9%. The following table (from Voorhees) gives the theoretical discharge, temperatures (h) and volumetric efficiencies (E) by the formula, and the actual cubic feet of displacement of compressor (F) per ton of refrigera- tion per minute for the given gage. pressures of suction and condenser. Suction Pressures. 15 30 Cond. press., 140. . Cond. press., 1 70 . . Cond. press., 200. . ti 323 221 167 E 0.76 0.83 0.87 F 10.35 4.57 2.96 ti 358 254 192 E 0.73 0.81 0.86 F 11.02 4.78 3.07 ti 388 280 216 E 0.71 0.79 0.84 F 11.57 5.03 3.21 Pounds of Ammonia per Minute to Produce 1 Ton of Refrigeration, and Percentage of Liquid Evaporated at the Expansion Valve. Condenser Pressure and Temperature. 1401bs.,80. 1701bs.,90. 200 Ibs., 100. Refrigerator, pressure and temperature lbs.,-29... Refrigerator pressure and temperature 15 lbs.,-0... Refrigerator pressure and temperature, 30 lbs.,-17 .. 0.431 lb., 19% 0. 420 lb., 14.4% 0.4151b.,11.6% 0.441 lb., 20.8% 0. 430 lb., 16.2% 0. 425 lb., 13.4% 0. 451 lb.\ 22.5% 0.440 lb., 18.0% 0. 434 lb., 15.2% Mean Effective Pressure, and Horse-power. Voorhees deduces the following (Ice and Refrig., 1902) : M.E.P. = 4.333 p [(PI/PO) o- 231 1], po = suction and p\ condenser pressure, abs*. Ibs. per sq. in. The maxi- mum M.E.P. occurs when po = pi -r- 3.113. The percentage of stroke during which the gas is discharged from the compressor is Vi = (po/pi) ' 769 . The compressor horse-power, C.H.P., is 0.00437 F X M.E.P. The friction of the compressor and its engine combined is given by Voorhees as 33Va% of the compressor H.P. or 25% of the engine H.P. Values of the mean effective pressure per ton of refrigeration (M), the compressor horse-power (C) and the engine horse-power (E) are given below for the conditions named. Suction Pressure. 15 30 Cond. press., 140... Cond. press., 1 70 ... (M) 46.5 50.5 (C) 2.10 2.42 (E) 2.80 3.23 (M) 59.5 67.0 (C) 1.19 1.40 (E) 1.59 1.87 (M) 64.5 75.0 (C) 0.83 1.00 ffl 1.33 Cond. press., 200... 55.0 2.78 3.71 74.5 1.64 2.19 85.0 1.19 1.59 By cooling the liquid between the condenser and the expansion valve the capacity will be increased and the horse-power per ton reduced. With compression from 15 to 170 Ibs., if the liquid at the expansion valve is cooled to 76 instead of 90 the H.P. per ton will be reduced 3%. Prof. Lucke deduces a formula for the I. H.P. per ton of refrigerating capacity, as follows: p = mean effective pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. ; L = length of stroke in ft.; a = area of piston in sq. ins. ; n = no. of compressions per minute; EC = apparent volumetric efficiency, the ratio of the volume of ammonia apparently taken in per stroke to the full displacement of the piston; We = weight of 1 cu.ft. of ammonia vapor at the back pressure, as it- exists in the cylinder when compression begins; Lc = latent heat of vaporization available for refrigeration; 288,000 = B.T.U. equivalent to 1 ton of refrigeration ; T = tons refrigeration per 24 hours. I.H.P. = pLan + 33,000 0.87 x j^ T LaEc nwc X Lc X 60 X 24 ~ W C L C EC 144 X 288,000 The Voorhees Multiple Effect Compressor is based upon the fact that both the economy and the capacity of a compression machine vary with the back pressure. In the past it has always been necessary to run a compressor at a gas suction pressure corresponding to the lowest required QUANTITY OF AMMONIA KEQUIBED. 1351 temperature. The multiple effect compressor takes in gas from two or more refrigerators at two or more different suction pressures and tem- peratures on the same suction stroke of the compressor. The suction gas of the higher pressure helps to compress the lower suction pressure gas. There are two sets of suction valves in the compressor cylinder ; the low temperature and corresponding low back pressure being connected to one suction port, usually in the cylinder head, and the high back pres- sure connected to the other. At the beginning of the stroke the cylinder is filled with the low pressure gas and as the piston reaches the end of its suction stroke, the second or high back pressure port is uncovered, the low pressure suction valve closing automatically, and the cylinder is completely filled with gas at the high pressure. By this means the compressor operates with an economy and capacity corresponding to the higher back pressure, making a gain in capacity of often 50% or more. (Trans. Am. Soc. Refrig. Engrs., 1906.) Quantity of Ammonia Required per Ton of Refrigeration. The following table is condensed from one given by F. E. Matthews in Trans. A. S. M. E., 1905. The weight in Ibs. per minute is calculated from the formula P = (144 X 2000) -* [1440 1 - (fti - ho)] in which I is the latent heat of evaporation at the back pressure in the cooler, and hi and /?<> the heat of the liquid at the temperatures of the condenser and the cooler respectively. The specific heat of the liquid has been taken at unity. The ton of refrigeration is 2000 Ibs. in 24 hours = 288,000 B.T.U. B = Pounds of ammonia evaporated per minute. C = Cubic feet of gas to be handled per minute by the compressor. | Head or Condenser Gauge Pressure and Corresponding I. Temperature. w. B.P. 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. 63.5 68 72.6 77.4 80.3 83.8 87.4 90.8 93.8 96.9 100 572.78 ) B .4159 .4199 .4240 .4284 .4310 .4343 .4376 .4408 .4440 .4470 .4501 .0556 > ) C 7.482 7.551 7.626 7.703 7.761 7.812 7.870 7.929 7.986 8.041 8.095 566.14) B .4122 .4160 .4202 .4243 .4271 .4308 .4335 .4366 .4397 .4437 .4458 .0133 j C 5.636 5.675 5.732 5 .790 5.826 5.878 5.914 5.970 5.999 6.039 6.081 560.69 } B .4093 .4130 .4171 .4204 .4237 .4271 .4302 .4332 .4363 .4392 .4423 .0910 > 10 C 4.502 4.543 4.587 4.625 4.662 4.698 4.733 4.766 4.799 4.833 4.865 556.11 B .4068 .4106 .4145 .4186 .4211 .4244 .4276 .4288 .4336 .4365 .4394 .1083 > 15 C 3.756 3.791 3.827 3.866 3.889 3.918 3.948 3.975 4.003 4.030 4.058 552,83 B .4040 .4077 .4116 .4158 .4182 .4214 .4245 .4275 .4304 .4333 .4362 '20 C 3.211 3.241 3.272 3.305 3,324 3.350 3.375 3.398 3.422 3.444 3.467 548.40 J B .4025 .4062 .4102 .4140 .4167 .4198 .4229 .4258 .4287 .4316 .4345 if C 2.819 2.843 2.870 2.898 2.916 2.938 2.959 2.980 3.000 3.020 3.040 545.13 B .4013 .4049 .4088 .4128 .4152 .4184 .4213 .4243 .4273 .4300 .4329 .1600 > 30 ) C 2.507 2.530 2.555 2.580 2.600 2.615 2.633 2.653 2.671 2.687 2.706 542.80 B .3991 .4028 .4066 .4105 .4130 .4161 .4188 .4220 .4249 .4277 .4305 .1766 C 2.260 2.280 2.302 2.925 2.338 2.356 2.373 2.390 2.406 2.422 2.443 539.35 ) 1041 ( B .3984 .4020 .4058 .4098 .4122 .4153 .4183 .4211 .4240 .4269 .4296 . 1 V4 1 > 40 \ C 2.052 2.071 2.090 2.111 2.123 2.139 2.155 2.175 2.185 2.200 2.214 I, Latent heat of volatilization, w, weight of vapor per cubic foot. B.P. back pressure or suction gauge pressure. Back pressures 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Temperatures. -28.5 -17.5 -8.5 -15.66 11.5 16.8 21.7 26.1 Mr. Matthews defines a standard ton of refrigeration as the equiva- lent of 27 Ibs. of anhydrous ammonia evaporated per hour from liquid 1352 ICE-MAKING OR REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. at 90 F. into saturated vapor at 15.67 Ibs. gauge pressure (0 F.). which requires 12,000 B.T.U.; or 20,950 units of evaporation, each of which is equal to 572.78 B.T.U., the heat required to evaporate 1 Ib. of ammonia from a temperature of 28.5 F. into saturated vapor at atmospheric pressure. Size and Capacities of Ammonia Refrigerating - Machines. York Mfg. Co. Based on 15.67 Ibs. back pressure, 185 Ibs. condensing pressure, and condensing water at 60 F. SINGLE-ACTING COMPRESSORS. DOUBLE-ACTING COMPRESSOBS. Compressors . Engine. Capacity Compressors. Engine. Capacity Tons Tons Bore. Stroke. Bore. Stroke. Refrig- Bore. Stroke. Bore. Stroke. Refrig- eration. eration. 71/2 10 11 1/2 10 10 9 15 13 I/? 12 20 9 12 131/2 12 20 11 18 16 15 30 11 15 16 15 30 121/0 21 18 18 40 121/2 18 18 18 40 14 24 20 21 65 14 21 20 21 65 16 28 24 24 90 16 24 24 24 90 18 32 26 28 125 18 28 26 28 125 21 36 28 l/o 32 175 21 32 281/2 32 175 24 40 34 36 250 24 36 34 36 250 26 60 38 54 350 27 . 42 36 42 350 30 48 44 48 500 For larger capacities the machines are built with duplex compressors, driven by simple, tandem or cross dbmpound engines. DISPLACEMENT AND HORSE-POWER PER TON OF REFRIGERATION Dry Compression. S.A., Single-acting; D.A., Double-acting. Condenser Gauge Pressure and Corresp. Temp. of Liquid at Expansion Valve. Suction Gauge Pressure and Corresponding Temp. 51b.= - 17.5F. 101b.= - 8.5 F. 15.671b. = 0F. 20 Ib. = 5.7 F. 25 Ib. = 1I.5F. & v? 55 j ^ d j 5 a g ^ *& ^ 5 s 7829 8901 8092 9224 8362 9555 8630 9890 I.H.P. per Ton. *| a 5 J $1. & 3 5 I.H.P. per Ton. 1451b. 82 F., S.A... 145 Ib. 82 F., D.A.. 165 Ib. 89 F., S.A.. 165 Ib. 89 F., D.A. 1851b. 95.5 F., S.A. 185 Ib. 95.5 F.,D.A. 2051b.101.4F.,S.A. 2051b.l01.4F.,D.A. 12,608 14,645 13,045 15,203 13,491 15,774 13,947 16,362 1.654 1.921 1.834 2.137 2.013 2.354 2.192 2.571 9,811 11,300 10,148 11,720 10,487 12,150 10,834 12,590 .4 .612 .56 .802 .72 .993 .879 2.184 .195 .358 .341 .529 .4865 .7 .631 .87 6765 7625 6990 7898 7219 8176 7450 8459 .065 .2 .201 .357 .336 .513 .47 .67 5836 6522 6027 6751 6223 6985 6420 7222 0.943 .054 .071 .2 .197 .344 .323 .488 * Cu. in. Displacement per Min. per Ton of Refrigeration. The volumetric efficiency ranges from 63.5 to 76.5% for double-acting and from 74.5 to 85.5 % for single-acting compressors, increasing with the decrease of condenser pressure and with the increase of suction pressure. Where the liquid is cooled lower than the temperature corresponding to the condensing pressure, there will be a reduction in horse-power and displacement proportional to the increase of work done by each pound of liquid handled. The I.H.P. is that of the compressor. For Engine Horse-power add 17 % up to 20 tons capacity and 15 % for larger machines. SMALL SIZES OF REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. Single-acting, Vertical. Double-acting, Horizontal. Capacity, tons 1 1/4 3 6 21/2 6 10 Compressor, diam., in 4 1/2 5 6 6 6 6 2-6 6 8 6 4 6 6 8 51/2 8 8 8 7 10 10 10 Compressor, stroke, in . . . ... Engine diam , in Engine, stroke, in CONDENSERS FOR REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. 1353 Rated Capacity of Refrigerating -Machines. It is customary to rate refrigerating machines in tons of refrigerating capacity in 24 hours, on the basis of a suction pressure of 15.67 Ibs. gauge, corresponding to F. temperature of saturated ammonia vapor, and a condensing pressure of 185 Ibs. gauge, corresponding to 95.5 F. The actual capacity increases with the increase of the suction pressure, and decreases with the increase of the condensing pressure. The following table shows the calculated capacities and horse-power of a machine rated at 40 H.P., when run at different pressures. (York Mfg. Co.) The horse-power required increases with the increase of both the suction and the condensing pressure. Condenser Press. Temp. Suction Gauge Pressure and Corresponding Temp. 51b.= -17.5F 10 Ib. = -8.5 F. 15.67 Ib. = 0F. 20 Ib. = 5.7 F. 25 Ib. = 11.5 F. 30 Ib. = 16.8F. H OH w 1 Pk W 1 Pu W 1 Pk W 1 CM w 1 fC a 63.4 70.1 76.5 86.2 145 Ib. = 82 F.. 165 Ib. = 89 F 185 Ib. = 95.5 F...... 205 Ib. = 101.4 F 26.6 25.7 24.8 24 50.6 54.2 57.4 60.5 34.2 33.1 32 31 55.1 59.4 63.3 67 42.8 41.4 40 38.9 58.8 63.8 68.6 72.9 49.6 48 46.5 45 60.7 66.3 71.4 76.1 57.5 55.7 53.9 52.3 62.3 68.6 74.2 79.6 65.3 63.2 61.3 59.4 Piston Speeds and Revolutions per Minute. There is a great diver- sity in the practice of different builders as to the size of compressor, the piston speed and the number of revolutions per minute for a given rated capacity. F. E. Matthews, Trans. A. S. M. E., 1905, has plotted a diagram of the various speeds and revolutions adopted by four promi- nent builders, and from average curves the following figures are obtained: R.P.M Piston speeds. 90 200 78 215 73 68 228|240 64 250 60 270 581/2 280 57 286 56 290 55 293 54 296 53 300 52 315 51 340 481/2 378 46 425 Mr. Matthews recommends a standard rating of machines based on these revolutions and speeds and on an apparent compressor displace- ment of 4.4 cu. ft. per minute per ton rating. Condensers for Refrigerating^ Machines are of two kinds: sub- merged, and open-air evaporative. The submerged condenser requires a large volume of cooling water for maximum efficiency. According to Siebel the amount of condensing surface, the water entering at 70 and leaving at 80, is 40 sq ft. for each ton of refrigerating capacity, or 64 lineal feet of 2-in. pipe. Frequently only 20 sq. ft., or 90 ft. of li/4-in. pipe, is used, but this necessitates higher condenser pressures. If F. = sq. ft. of cooling surface, h = heat of evaporation of 1 Ib. ammonia at the condenser temperature, K . = Ibs. of ammonia circulated per minute, m = B.T.IT, transferred per minute per sq. ft. of condenser surface, t = temperature of the ammonia in the coils and t\ the temperature of the water outside, F = hK -* m(t - k). For t = 80 and t\ = 70, m may be taken at 0.5. Practically the amount of water required will vary from 3 to 7 gallons per minute per ton of refrigeration. When cooling water is scarce, cooling towers are commonly used. E. T. Shinkle gives the average surface of several submerged con- densers as equal to 167 lineal feet of 1-in. pipe per ton of refrigeration. Open air or evaporation surface condensers are usually made of a stack of parallel tubes with return bends, and means for distributing the water so that it will flow uniformly over the pipe surface. Shinkle gives as the average surface of open-air coolers 142 ft. of 1-in. pipe, or 99 ft. of 1 1/4 in. pipe per ton of refrigerating capacity. CAPACITY OF CONDENSERS. (York Mfg. Co.) The following table shows the capacities and horse-power per ton refrigeration of one section counter-current double-pipe condenser, li/4-in. and 2-in. pipe, 12 pipes high, 19 feet in length outside of water bends, for water velocities 100 ft. to 400 ft. per minute: initial temperature of condensing water 70. The horse-power per ton is for single-acting compressor with 15.67 Ibs. suction pressure. The friction in water pump and connections should be added to water horse-power and to total horse-power. 1354 ICE-MAKING OR REFR1GERATING-MACHINES. Capacity of Condensers High Pressure Constant. Condensing Water. Cap'y Tons Refrig. per 24 hours. Con- densing Pressure Lbs. per sq. in. Horse-power per Ton Refrigeration. Veloc- ity thr'gh 11/4-in. pipe. Ft. per min. Total gallons used per mm. Gallons per min per ton Refrig. Fric- tion thr'gh Coil. Lbs. per sq. in. Engine driving Com- pressor Circu- lating Water thr'gh Con- denser. Total Engine and Water Circu- lation. 100 150 200 250 300 400 7.77 11.65 15.54 19.42 23.31 31.08 .16 .165 .165 .18 .24 .30 2.28 5.75 9.98 15. 21.6 37.8 6.7 10. 13.4 16.4 18.8 24. 185 185 185 185 185 185 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 0.0016 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.016 0.030 .7116 .714 .717 .721 .726 .74 Capacity Constant. 100 150 200 250 300 400 7.77 11.65 15.54 19.42 23.31 31.08 0.777 1.165 1.554 1.942 2.331- 3.108 2.28 5.75 9.98 15. 21.6 37.8 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 225 185 165 155 148 140 2.04 .71 .54 .46 .40 .33 0.001 0.004 0.009 0.018 0.030 0.071 2.041 .714 .549 .478 .43 .401 Cooling-Tower Practice in Refrigerating - Plants. (B. F. Hart, Jr., Southern Engr., Mar., 1909.) The efficiency of a cooling-tower de- pends on exposing the greatest quantity of water surface to the cooling air-currents. In a tower designed to handle 100 gallons per minute the ranges of temperature found when handling different quantities of water were as follows: Gallons of water per minute 148 Temperature of the atmosphere 78- Relative humidity, % 47 Initial temperature 85.5 Final temperature 78 Range 7.5 109 78.5 49 85 76 9 58 78 47 86 75 11 The final temperatures which may be obtained when the initial temperature does not exceed 100 are as follows: Atmosphere Temp. 95 90 85 80 75 70 Final temperature of water leaving tower. (90 80 60 50 40 100 98 95 92 89 85 95 92 90 88 84 80 90 88 86 83 79 76 85 83 80 78 75 71 80 78 76 74 70 67 75 73 71 69 66 63 For ammonia condensers we figure on supplying 3 gallons per minute of circulating water per ton of refrigeration, or 6 gallons per minute per ton of ice made per 24 hours, and guarantee a reduction range from 150 to 160 down to about 100 when the temperature of the atmosphere does not exceed 80 nor the relative humidity 60%. When the temperature of the atmosphere and the humidity are both above 90 the speed of the pumps and the ammonia pressure must be increased. The Kefrigeratlng-Coils of a Pictet ice-machine described by Ledoux had 79 sq. ft. of surface for each 100,000 theoretic negative heat-units produced per hour. The temperature corresponding to the pressure of the dioxide in the coils is 10.4 F., and that of the bath (calcium chloride solution) in which they were immersed is 19.4. TEST-TRIALS OF REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. 1355 Comparison of Actual and Theoretical Ice-melting Capacity. The following is a comparison of the theoretical ice-melting capacity of an ammonia compression machine with that obtained in some of Prof. Schroter's tests on a Linde machine having a compression-cy Under 9.9-in. bore and 16.5 in. stroke, and also in tests by Prof. Den ton on a machine having two single-acting compression-cylinders, 12 in. X 30 in.: No of Temp, in Degrees F. Corresponding to Pressure of Vapor. Ice-melting Capacity per Ib. of Coal, assuming 3 Ibs. per hour per Horse-power. Test. Condenser. Suction. Theoretical Friction* Included. Actual. Per cent of Loss Due to Cylinder Superheating. & f 1 72.3 26.6 50.4 40.6 19.4 SI 2 70.5 14.3 37.6 30.0 20.2 1 3 69.2 0.5 29.4 22.0 25.2 &( 4 68.5 -11.8 22.8 16.1 29.4 | (24 84.2 15.0 27.4 24.2 11.7 c i 26 82.7 - 3.2 21.6 17.5 19.0 125 84.6 -10.8 18.8 14.5 22.9 * Friction taken at figures observed in the tests, which range from 14 % to 20 % of the work of the steam-cylinder. TEST-TRIALS OF REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. (G. Linde, Trans. A. S. M. E., xiv, 1414.) The purpose of the test is to determine the ratio of consumption and production, so that there will have to be measured both the refrigera- tive effect and the heat (or mechanical work) consumed, also the cool- ing water. The refrigerative effect is the product of the number of heat-units (Q) abstracted from the body to be cooled, and the quotient (T c - T) -5- T: in which T c = absolute temperature at which heat is transmitted to the cooling water, and T = absolute temperature at which heat is taken from the body to be cooled. The determination of the quantity of cold will be possible with the proper exactness only when the machine is employed during the test to refrigerate a liquid ; and if the cold be found from the quantity of liquid circulated per unit of time, from its range of refrigeration, and from its specific heat. Sufficient exactness cannot be obtained by the refrigera- tion of a current of circulating air, nor from the manufacture of a certain quantity of ice, nor from a calculation of the fluid circulating within the machine (for instance, the quantity of ammonia circulated by the com- pressor). Thus the refrigeration of brine will generally form the basis for tests making any pretension to accuracy. The degree of refrigeration should not be greater than necessary for allowing the range of temperature to be measured with the necessary exactness; a range of temperature of from 5 to 6 Fahr. will suffice. The condenser measurements for cooling water and its temperatures will be possible with sufficient accuracy only with submerged condensers. The measurement of the quantity of brine circulated, and of the cool- ing water, is usually effected by water-meters inserted into the conduits. If the necessary precautions are observed, this method is admissible. For quite precise tests, however, the use of two accurately gauged tanks which are alternately filled and emptied must be advised. To measure the temperatures of brine and cooling water at the entrance and exit of refrigerator and condenser respectively, the employment of specially constructed and frequently standardized thermometers is in- dispensable ; no less important is the precaution of using at each spot si- multaneously two thermometers, and of changing the position of one such thermometer series from inlet to outlet (and vice versa) after the expiration of one-half of the test, in order that possible errors may be compensated. It is important to determine the specific heat of the brine used in each instance for its corresponding temperature range, as small differ- ences in the composition and the concentration may cause considerable variations. (Continued on page 1358.) f 1 P 1 ? on i* ^oppression-machines. Ammonia gas possesses the advantage of affording about three times the useful effect ]rt of sulphur dioxide for the same volume described by the piston. Ihe perfection of ammonia apparatus now renders it so convenient and reliable that no practical advantage results from tne lower pressures afforded by sulphur dioxide. The results of the calculations for ammonia are given in the table below: '-' PERFORMANCE OF AMMONIA COMPRESSION-MACHINES. ir? 44"bs rh ers ed 'n^"??, ^ ompression as in ordinar y practice. Temperature of condenser, 64.4 Fahr. Pressure in condenser, g KING OR REFRIGERATING -raa jo a3mrg 'J O oe 3uiums -SB 'A*;io^dB3 3uj;jaui-aoi jo -M^ JO O .CHI* 000 rES. , ( |f J|| -un?a;g jo "j-jj jad jnoq jad JBOQ jo 'sq| f SuiuinssB 'JBOQ jo *qi jad A;iO'Bd"'B'^ 3ui;iaui-aoT 1 ;; irlP in thl T f for . ammonia are higher than the actual, for the same reasons that have been stated for suit mPntJhv ^ecase of ammonia the action of the cylinder-walls in superheating the entering vapor has been determin ^mmnn^ ^r i / H nt n ''7? r l d the amount found to agree with that indicated by theory. In these experir JSSSSS * C 3 rc , ulat ? d . m 4 , a 7 - ton refrigerating machine was measured directly by means of a special meter s addition to determining the effect of superheating, the latent heats can be calculated at the suction and condenser p * ; naniao 'Bid -SIQ UO;STJ |o ^ooj oiqnQ ja'd A'^jOBd'BQ Supjaui - aoj 03 1 r m o'o'o o> S <-< ^^ w* S 3 jaAibd -asjojj jad jnoq jaj ISS \O n O\ noi;oijj q;jAi ^ uoissajduioQi jo o> 10 ill o'o'o a 0) i 1 5 .2 I I Work of Com- pression. jo 'uojioij^ q^JAV ^ CO ooooS tn |8 pado|3A aAi;^3a^[ jo jaqumjj H PQ sss jaeuapuoQ ^ P H R*5 passajd g -raoQ sQ jo ;q3ia^i g 03 o' o' o* uotseajdraoQ jo pug[ ; s^o jo ain;uiaduia j, *- Q iis ^ ^ -aU nj ajrissajj* a;nio'sqv "I" M 0) . a . SI siioo-3ui;Bja3uja^; ui jod^'jo ajnssajj o; 3ui -puodsajjoQ ajn^jaduiaj^ i i TEST-TRIALS OF REFRIGERATING- MACHINES. 1357 MPLE COCK SSURE AND S ROUGH A AT THIS PR ZPfc 2s S | ail iP(8 igs |S| sSg* h S 3^K o o S5 fc 6 OR 0.1 2 SQ. IN., CORR I 4SB a c o F 1 URE ATING E ABSOL sjnoq ^g ui jo -aoj jo uoj, -sij jo -; s !d: n>^ Per Hour per H.P. uoi? * uoi; jad anojj -pnpui 'papuadx^j ' uopou^ ^no iM 'papuadxg - -tpUJ JO 'uOI^OIJtjJ q^IA 'iioissajduiOQ jo 3(j6 'uoissaaduioQ jo 00 T t> o O > ts i>. U-N ON >o NO rx r<^ ON 00 tx, NO papuad ?oa#g[ P oi jasuapuoQ raoij A'-BMra paia uoissaidraoo jo pug ;t3 aimuiaduiax jasuapuoQ m ainssajj a'jnjosqv jasuapuoQ ui jo -SS8JJ o^ anQ[ ' [Flip go i 9 OUGH A SIMPLE ESSURE AND THE *& AND AT T F. 386 B. O MMONIA KEN INTO THE COMPRE TEMPERATURE OF U. FT. OR Q. IN., AND OO -^ 1^ \O C'ON oo r>Ti>TNo"rr O /*! OO ON T\ INtNWMNO O NO OO OO 1358 ICE-MAKING OR REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. As regards the measurement of consumption, the programme will not have any special rules in cases where only the measurement of steam and cooling water is undertaken, as will be mainly the case for trials of absorp- tion-machines. For compression-machines the steam consumption depends both on the quality of the steam-engine and on that of the remgerating-machine, while it is evidently desirable to know the con- sumption of the former separately from that of the latter. As a rule steam-engine and compressor are coupled directly together, thus render- ing a direct measurement of the power absorbed by the refrigerating- machine impossible, and it will have to suffice to ascertain the indicated work both of steam-engine and compressor. By further measuring the work for the engine running empty, and by comparing the differences in power between steam-engine and compressor resulting for wide varia- tions of condenser-pressures, the effective consumption of work L e for the refrigerating-machine can be found very closely. In general, it will suffice to use the indicated work found in the steam-cylinder, especially as from this observation the expenditure of heat can be directly deter- mined. Ordinarily the use of the indicated work in the compressor- cylinder, for purposes of comparison, should be avoided; firstly, because there are usually certain accessory apparatus to be driven (agitators, etc.), belonging to the refrigerating-machine proper; and secondly, because the external friction would be excluded. Report of Test. Reports intended to be used for comparison with the figures found for other machines will have to embrace at least the following observations: Refrigerator: Quantity of brine circulated per hour r ........................ .... Brine temperature at inlet to refrigerator .......................... Brine temperature at outlet of refrigerator ....................... T Specific gravity of brine (at 64 Fahr.) ...... . ...................... Specific heat of brine ............................................ Heat abstracted (cold produced) . . .............................. Q e Absolute pressure in the refrigerator .............................. Condenser: Quantity of cooling water per hour ................................. Temperature at inlet to condenser ................................ Temperature at outlet of condenser ............................ T c Heat abstracted .............................................. Qi Absolute pressure in the condenser ..... ........................... Temperature of gases entering the condenser ............ ............ ABSORPTION-MACHINE . Still: Steam consumed per hour Abs. pressure of heating steam Temperature of condensed steam at outlet Heat imparted to still Q' e Absorber: Quantity of cooling water per hour . . Temperature at inlet Temperature at outlet Heat removed Qz Pump for Ammonia Liquor: Indicated work of steam-engine .... Steam-consumption for pump Thermal equivalent for work of pump ALp Total sum of losses by radiation and convection Qz Heat Balance: Qe + Q'e = Q I + Q Z ^ Q 3 - For the calculation of efficiency and for comparison of various tests, the actual efficiencies must be compared with the theoretical maximum of efficiency Q -T- GAL) max. = T + (T c - T} corresponding to the temperature range, COMPRESSION-MACHINE . Compressor: Indicated work .......... LI Temperature of gases at inlet Temperature of gases at exit Steam-engine: Feed-water per hour. Temperature of feed-water . . Absolute steam-pressure be- fore steam-engine Indicated work of steam-en- gine L e Condensing water per hour.. . Temperature of do Total sum of losses by radia- tion and convection. . Q$ Heat Balance: Q e + AL C = Qi Qs. PERFORMANCES OF ICE-MAKING MACHINES. 1359 Heat Balance. We possess an important aid for checking the cor- rectness of the results found in each trial by forming the balance in each case for the heat received and rejected. Only those tests should be re- garded as correct beyond doubt which show a sufficient conformity in the heat balance. It is true that in certain instances it may not be easy to account fully for the transmission of heat between the several parts of the machine and its environment by radiation and convection, but gener- ally (particularly for compression-machines) it will be possible to obtain for the heat received and rejected a balance exhibiting small discrepancies only. Temperature Range. For the temperatures (T and TC) at which the heat is abstracted in the refrigerator and imparted to the condenser, it is correct to select the temperature of the brine leaving the refrigerator and 'that of the cooling water leaving the condenser, because it is in principle impossible to keep the refrigerator pressure higher than would correspond to the lowest brine temperature, or to reduce the condenser pressure below that corresponding to the outlet temperature of the cooling water. Prof. Linde shows that the maximum theoretical efficiency of a com- pression-machine may be expressed by the formula Q -H (AL) = T + (T C - T 7 ), in which Q = quantity of heat abstracted (cold produced); AL = thermal equivalent of the mechanical work expended; L = the mechanical work, and A = I -*- 778: T = absolute temperature of heat abstraction (refrigerator); T c = absolute temperature of heat rejection (condenser). If u = ratio between the heat equivalent of the mechanical work AL and the quantity of heat Q' which must be imparted to the motor to produce the work L, then AL -J- Q' = u, and Q'/Q - (T c - 70 * (uT). It follows that the expenditure of heat Q' necessary for the production of the quantity of cold Q in a compression-machine will be the smaller, the smaller the difference of temperature T c T. Metering the Ammonia. For a complete test of an ammonia refrigerating-machine it is advisable to measure the quantity of ammonia circulated, as was done in the test of the 75-ton machine described by Prof. Den ton. (Trans. A. S. M. E., xii, 326.) ACTUAL PERFORMANCES OF ICE-MAKING MACHINES. The table given on page 1360 is abridged from Denton, Jacobus, and Riesenberger's translation of Ledoux on Ice-making Machines. The following shows the class and size of the machines tested, referred to by letters in the table, with the names of the authorities: Class of Machines. Authority. Dimensions of Com- pression-cylinder in inches. Bore. Stroke. A. Ammonia cold-compression Schroter. ( Renwick & \ Jacobus. Denton. 9.9 11.3 28.0 10.0 12.0 16.5 24.4 23.8 18.0 30.0 B. Pictet fluid dry-compression C. Bell-Coleman air D. Closed cycle air E. Ammonia dry-compression F. Ammonia absorption In class A, a German double-acting machine with compression cylinder 9.9 in. bore, 16 in. stroke, tested by Prof. Schroter, the ice-melting capac- ity ranges from 46.29 t9 16.14 Ibs. of ice per pound of coal, according as the suction pressure varies from about 45 to 8 Ibs. above the atmosphere, this pressure being the condition which mainly controls the economy of compression machines. These results are equivalent to realizing from 72% to 57% of theoretically perfect performances. The higher per cents appear to occur with the higher suction-pressures, indicating a greater loss from cylinder-heating (a phenomenon the reverse of cylinder conden- 1360 ICE-MAKING OK REFKIGERATING-MACHINES. sation in steam-engines), as the range of the temperature of the gas in the compression-cylinder is greater. In E, an American single-acting compression-machine, two compression cylinders each 12 X 30 in., operating on the "dry system," tested by Prof. Denton, the percentage of theoretical effect realized ranges from 69.5 % to 62.6 % . The friction losses are higher for the American machine. The latter's higher efficiency may be attributed, therefore, to more perfect displacement. The largest ' 'ice-melting capacity " in the American machine is 24. IGlbs. Actual .Performance of Ice-making Machines. & M.S . fit G - b 8 , jj .i 8:3 o>-d d W W gtJ * e3 ^JTJ *"* . cw o. 03 Q) cd E G X a*^ ^ <-i"S o v, ""O .(_ Q)++ 8 J -2 G'OJ Fj a t GO 6* m g *" G """* jjffi^O ** 2"*S o, ^ 8,* 80 d 2 03 lj ^rE 03 . a OQ -4-J O O tH 1 *S 5 oP |p ^g | 1 CJ *o g'd cj <*-i ^ P G 05 1 ^1, D S-g ill | (U j . o i v ^ V '-5 *"* 3 gi? oo O ta 3 t G 1 a 1 | G 0) i o jg 1 js II 1| l| ^ S o ^ rt 11 1 o O 3 8 w "G O tf o W fS M ^^ i i Q"" w I * A i 135 55 72 27 43 37 44.9 17.9 14.4 26.2 40.63 30.8 19.1 54.8 2 131 42 70 14 28 23 45.1 18.0 16.7 19.5 30.01 33.5 20.2 53.4 it 3 128 30 69 14 9 45.1 16.8 16.0 13.3 22.03 37.1 25.2 50.3 i 4 126 22 68 -12 30 - 5 44.8 15.5 19.5 9.0 16.14 42.9 29.1 44.7 t 5 200 42 95 14 28 23 45.0 24.1 10.5 16.5 19.07 36.0 28.5 77.0 6 136 60 72 30 44 37 45.2 17.9 10.7 29.8 46.29 28.5 19.9 56.8 i 7 131 45 71 18 28 23 45.1 18.0 12.1 21.6 33.23 31.3 21.9 56.4 * 8 126 24 68 - 9 - 6 44.7 15.6 18.0 9.9 17.55 41.1 28.3 46. J < 9 117 41 64 13 28 23 45.0 16.4 13.5 20.0 33.77 33.1 22.9 50.6 t 10 130 60 70 31 43 37 31.7 12.0 14.8 19.5 45.01 35.2 23.8 52.0 B 11 57 21 77 28 43 37 57.0 21.5 22.9 25.6 33.07 39.9 22.2 24.1 12 56 15 76 14 28 23 56.8 20.6 22.9 17.9 24.11 41.3 24.0 23.1 ii 13 55 10 75 - 2 14 9 57.1 18.5 24.0 11.6 17.47 42.2 25.2 20.4 1C 14 60 7 81 -16 - 6 57.6 15.7 25.7 5.7 10.14 54.5 38.5 16.8 M 15 91 15 104 14 28 23 59.3 27.2 16.9 15.7 16.05 36.2 23.1 31.5 1C 16 61 22 81 31 44 37 57.3 21.6 14.0 28.1 36.19 33.4 22.5 26.8 M 17 59 16 80 16 28 23 57.5 20.5 12.8 19.3 26.24 34.6 25.0 25.6 i 18 59 7 79 -16 - 6 57.8 15.9 21.1 6.8 11.93 47.5 33.4 18.0 M 19 54 22 75 31 43 37 35.3 12.4 22.3 17.0 38.04 39.5 22.6 22.6 20 89 16 103 16 28 23 42.9 19.9 14.7 11.9 16.68 37.7 27.0 32.7 21 62 6 82 -17 - 5 34.8 9.9 24.3 3.5 9.86 54.2 39.5 17.7 c 22 59 15 65* -53* 63.2 83.2 21.9 10.3 3.42 71.7 56.9 26.6 D 23 175 54 81* -40* 93.4 38.1 32.1 4.9 3.0 80.0 63.0 89.2 E 24 166 43 84 15 37' "28 58.1 85.0 22.7 73.9 24.16 32.8 11.7 65.9 25 167 23 85 -11 6 2 57.7 72.6 18.6 37.9 14.52 37.4 22.7 57.6 26 162 28 83 - 3 14 2 57.9 73.6 19.3 46.5 17,55 34.9 18.6 59.9 ii 27 176 42 88 14 36 28 58.9 88.6 19.7 74.4 23.31 30.5 13.5 70.5 F 28 152 40 79 13 21 16 4? ?. 70 1 47.8 * Temperature of air at entrance and exit of expansion-cylinder. f On a basis of 3 Ibs. of coal per hour per H.P. of steam-cylinder of compression-machine and an evaporation of 11.1 Ibs. of water per pound of combustible from and at 212 F. in the absorption-machine. J Per cent of theoretical with no friction. Loss due to heating during aspiration of gas in the compression- cylinder and to radiation and superheating at brine-tank. U Actual, including resistance due to inlet and exit valves. PERFORMANCES OF ICE-MAKING MACHINES. 1361 This corresponds to the highest suction-pressures used in American practice for such refrigeration as is required in beer-storage cellars using the direct-expansion system. The conditions most nearly corresponding to American brewery practice in the German tests are those in line 5, which give an "ice-melting capacity" of 19.07 Ibs. For the manufacture of artificial ice, the conditions of practice are those of lines 3 and 4, and lines 25 and 26. In the former the condensing pres- sure used requires more expense for cooling water than is common in American practice. The ice-melting capacity is therefore greater in the German machine, being 22.03 and 16.14 Ibs. against 17.55 and 14.52 for the American apparatus. CLASS B. Sulphur Dioxide or Pictet Machines. No records are available for determination of the "ice-melting capacity" of machines using pure sulphur dioxide. In the " Pictet fluid, " a mixture of about 97 % of sulphur dioxide and 3% of carbonic acid, the presence of the carbonic acid affords a temperature about 14 Fahr. degrees lower than is obtained with pure sulphur dioxide at atmospheric pressure. The latent heat of this mixture has never been determined, but is assumed to be equal to that of pure sulphur dioxide. For brewery refrigerating conditions, line 17, we have 26.24 Ibs. "ice- melting capacity," and for ice-making conditions, line 13, the "ice- melting capacity" is 17.47 Ibs. These figures are practically as econom- ical as those for ammonia, the per cent of theoretical effect realized ranging from 65.4 to 57.8. At extremely low temperatures, 15 Fahr., lines 14 and 18, the per cent realized is as low as 42.5. Performance of a 75-ton Ammonia Compression-machine. (J. E. Denton, Trans. A. S. M. E., xii, 326.) The machine had two single- acting compression cylinders 12 X 30 in., and one Corliss steam- cylinder, double-acting, 18 X 36 in. It was rated by the manufac- turers as a 50-ton machine, but it showed 75 tons of ice-refrigerating effect per 24 hours during the test. The most probable figures of performance hi eight trials are as follows: No. of Trials. Ammonia Pressures, Ibs. above Atmosphere. Brine Tempera- tures, Degrees F. w gg.3 ;p '8-c o tf V 3 ft * O 5^H- CM CM U| l^ . i f*N t>> ** fy u, ^> CQ, IG33 O j ^ Cj (_, oo 8. qt-ij a Water-consump- tion, gals, of Water per min. per ton of Ca- pacity. Ratio of Actual Weights of Am- monia circu- lated. | 1 3 oS & Con- densing Suc- tion. Inlet. Outlet. 8 7 4 6 2 151 161 147 152 105 135 28 27.5 13.0 8.2 7.6 15.7 36.76 36.36 14.29 6.27 6.40 4.62 28.86 28.45 2.29 2.03 -2.22 3.22 70.3 70.1 42.0 36.43 37.20 27.2 22.60 22.27 16.27 14.10 17.00 13.20 0.80 1.09 0.83 1.1 2.00 1.25 .0 .0 .70 .93 .91- 2.59 .C .c .60 .92 .88 2.57 The principal results in four tests are given in the table on page 1363. The fuel economy under different conditions of operation is shown in the following table: Condensing Pres- sure, Ibs. Suction-pressure, Ibs. Pounds of Ice-melting Effect with Engines B.T.U. per Ib. of Steam with Engines Non-con- densing. Non-com- pound Con- densing. Compound Con- densing. Non-condens- ing. Condensing. ll 65 fi * P-iU S g S fioQ . OJ O PnO S |! f^cc 6j JSJQ Perlb. Steam. 150 150 105 105 28 7 28 24 14 34.5 22 2.90 1.69 4.16 2.65" 30 17.5 43 27.5 3.61 2.11 5.18 3.31 37.5 21.5 54 34.5 4.51 2.58 6.50 4.16 393 240 591 376 513 300 725 470 640 366 923 591 1362 ICE-MAKING OK KEFR1GERATING-MACHINES. The non-condensing engine is assumed to require 25 Ibs. of steam per I.H.P. per hour, the non-compound condensing 20 Ibs., and the compound condensing 16 Ibs., and the boiler efficiency is assumed at 8.3 Ibs. of water per Ib. coal under working conditions. The following conclusions were derived from the investigation: 1. The capacity of the machine is proportional, almost entirely, to the weight of ammonia circulated. This weight depends on the suction- pressure and the displacement of the compressor-pumps. The practical suction-pressures range from 7 Ibs. above the atmosphere, with which a temperature of F. can be produced, to 28 Ibs. above the atmosphere, with which the temperatures of refrigeration are confined to about 28 F. At the lower pressure only about one-half as much weight of ammonia can be circulated as at the upper pressure, the proportion being about in accordance with the ratios of the absolute pressures, 22 and 42 Ibs. respectively. For each cubic foot of piston-displacement per minute a capacity of about one-sixth of a ton of refrigerating effect per 24 hours can be produced at the lower pressure, and of about one-third of a ton at the upper pressure. No other elements practically affect the capacity of a machine, provided the cooling-surface in the brine-tank or other space to be cooled is equal to about 36 sq. ft. per ton of capacity at 28 Ibs. back pressure. For example, a difference of 100% in the rate of circulation of brine, while producing a proportional difference in the range of tempera- ture of the latter, made no practical difference in capacity. The brine-tank was 101/2 X 13 X 10 2/3 ft., and contained 8000 lineal feet of 1-in. pipe as cooling-surface. The cqndensing-tank was 12 X10 X 10 ft., and contained 5000 lineal feet of 1-in. pipe as cooling-surface. 2. The economy in coal-consumption depends mainly upon both the suction-pressures and condensing-pressures. Maximum economy with a given type of engine, where water must be bought at average city prices, is obtained at 28 Ibs. suction-pressure and about 150 Ibs. condensiiig- pressure. Under these conditions, for a non-condensing steam-engine consuming coal at the rate of 3 Ibs. per hour per I.H.P. of steam-cylinders, 24 Ibs. of ice-refrigerating effect are obtained per Ib. of coal consumed. For the same condensing-pressure, and with 7 Ibs. suction-pressure, which affords temperatures of F., the possible economy falls to about 14 Ibs. of refrigerating effect per Ib. of coal consumed. The condensing-pressure is determined by the amount of condensing-water supplied to liquefy the ammonia in the condenser. If the latter is about 1 gallon per minute per ton of refrigerating effect per 24 hours, a condensing-pressure .of 150 Ibs. results, if the initial temperature of the water is about 56 F. Twenty-five per cent less water causes the condensing-pressure to in- crease to 190 Ibs. The work of compression is thereby increased about 20%, and the resulting "economy" is reduced to about 18 Ibs. of "ice effect" per Ib. of coal at 28 Ibs. suction-pressure and 11.5 at 7 Ibs. If, on the other hand, the supply of water is made 3 gallons per minute, the condensing-pressure may be confined to about 105 Ibs. The work of compression is thereby reduced about 25%, and a proportional increase of economy results. Minor alterations of economy depend on the initial temperature of the condensing-water and variations of latent heat, but these are confined within about 5% of the gross result, the main element of control being the work of compression, as affected by the back pressure and condensing-pressure, or both. If the steam-engine supplying the motive power may use a condenser to secure a vacuum, an increase of economy of 25% is available over the above figures, making the Ibs. of "ice effect" per Ib. of coal for 150 Ibs. condensing-pressure and 28 Ibs. suction-pressure 30.0, and for 7 Ibs. suction-pressure, 17.5. It is, however, impracticable to use a condenser in cities where water is bought. The latter must be practically free of cost to be available for this purpose. In this case it may be assumed that water will also be available for con- densing the ammonia to obtain as low a condensing-pressure as about 100 Ibs., and the economy of the refrigerating-machine becomes, for 28 Ibs. back pressure, 43.0 IDS. of " ice-effect " per Ib. of coal, or for 7 Ibs. back pressure 27.5 Ibs. of ice effect per Ib. of coal. If a compound con- densing-engine can be used with a steam-consumption per hour per horse-power of 16 Ibs. of water, the economy of the refrigerating-machine may be 25% higher than the figures last named, making for 28 Ibs. back pressure a refrigerating-effect of 54.0 Ibs. per Ib. of coal, and for 7 Ibs. back pressure a refrigerating effect of 34.0 Ibs. per Ib. of coal. PERFORMANCES OF ICE-MAKING MACHINES. 1363 Performance of a 75-ton Refrigerating-machine. (Denton.) * Maximum Capacity and Economy at 28 Ibs. Back Pressure. Maximum Capacity and Economy at Zero, Brine, and 8 Ibs. Back Pressure. Maximum Capacity and Economy for Zero, Brine, 13 Ibs. Back Pressure. Maximum Capacity and Economy at 27.5 Ibs. Back Pressure. Av high ammonia press above atmos 151 Ibs. 28 " 36.76 28.86 7.9 2281 44.65 83.66 39.01 442 25 24.0 *28.17 *71.3 + 14 34.2 *39 213 200 84.5 14776 2786 140 17702 17242 6C3 182 18032 330 22% 58.09 32.5 65.9 85.0 65.7 23.0 0.75 74.8 24.1 $0.166 $0.128 $0.294 152 Ibs. 8.2 " 6.27 2.03 4.24 2173 56.65 85.4 28.75 315 44 16.2 14.68 *68 -8 14.7 25 263 218 84.0 7186 2320 147 9653 9056 712 338 10106 453 31% 57.7 27.17 53.3 71.7 54.7 24.0 1.185 36.43 14.1 $0.283 $0.200 $0.483 147 Ibs. 13 " 14.29 2.29 12.00 943 46.9 85.46 38.56 257 40 16.4 16.67 *63.7 -5 3.0 10.13 239 209 82.5 8824 2518 167 11409 9910 656 250 10816 407 26% 57.88 27. S3 59.86 73.6 59.37 20.0 0.797 44 64 17.27 $0.231 $0.136 $0.467 161 Ibs. 27.5 " "28 '.45 7.91 2374 54.00 82.86* 28.80 601.5 14 29.1 28.32 76.7 14 29.2 34 221 168 88.0 14647 3020 141 17708 17359 406 252 18017 309 13% 58.89 32.97 70.54 88.63 71.20 19.67 0.990 74.56 23.37 $0.170 $0.169 $0.339 Av. back ammonia press, above atmos Av. temperature brine inlet Av temperature brine outlet Av range of temperature Lbs. of brine. circulated per minute AV temp condensing-water at inlet Av temp conderising-water at outlet .... Av range of temperature . Lbs. water circulated p. min. thro' cond'ser ijbs water per min through jackets Lbs ammonia circulated per min Probable temperature of liquid ammonia, entrance to brine-tank Temp, of amm. corresp. to av. back press. Av. temperature of gas leaving brine- tanks Temperature of gas entering compressor Av. temperature of gas leaving compressor Temperature due to condensing pressure. . . Heat given ammonia: By compressor B T U per minute By atmosphere B T U per minute .... Total heat rec. by amm., B.T.U. per min.... Heat taken from ammonia: By jackets, B.T.U. per min By atmosphere B.TU. per min Total heat rej. by amm., B.T.U. per min Dif . of heat rec'd and rej., B.T.U. per min.. . % work of compression removed by jackets Av. revolutions per min. .. Mean eff. press, steam-cyl., Ibs. per sq. in.. . Mean eff. press, amm.-cyl., Ibs. per sq. in. . . Av. H.P. steam-cylinder Av. H.P. ammonia-cylinder Friction in per cent of steam H.P Total cooling water, gallons per min. per ton per 24 hours Tons ice-melting capacity per 24 hours Lbs. ice-refrigerating eff. per Ib. coal at 3 Ibs. per H.P. per hour. . . . Cost coal per ton of ice-refrigerating effect at $4 per ton Cost water per ton of ice- refrigerating effect atSlperlOOOcu.ft Total cost of 1 ton of ice-refrigerating eff. . . Figures marked thus (*) are obtained by calculation; all other figures Obtained from experimental data; temperatures in Fahrenheit are degree* 1364 ICE-MAKING OR REFRIGERATING-MACHINES. Ammonia Compression-machine. ACTUAL RESULTS OBTAINED AT THE MUNICH TESTS. (Prof. Linde, Trans. A. S. M. E., xiv, 1419.) No. of Test 1 1 2 | 3 4 5 Temp, of refrig- ) Inlet, deg. F ... . crated brine J Outlet, deg. F... Specific heat of brine 43.194 37.054 0.861 1,039.38 .342,909 * 338. 76 15.80 24,813 21,703 1,100.8 28.344 22.885 0.851 908.84 263,950 260.83 16.47 18,471 16,026 785.6 13.952 8.771 0.843 633.89 172,776 187.506 15.28 12,770 11,307 564.9 -0.279 -5.879 0.837 414.98 121,474 139.99 14.24 10,140 8,530 435.82 28.251 23.072 0.851 800.93 220,284 97.76 21.61 11,151 10,194 512.12 Brine circ per hour cu ft Cold produced, B.T.U. per hour. . ^ Cooling water per hour, cu. ft . I.H.P. in steam-engine cylinder. . . Cold pro- ) Per I.H.P. in comp.-cyl duced per > Per I.H.P. in steam-cyl h.,B.T.U. ) Per Ib. of steam. . . A test of a 35-ton absorption-machine in New Haven, Conn., by Prof. Denton (Trans. A. S. M. E., x, 792), gave an ice-melting effect of 20.1 Ibs. per Ib. of coal on a basis of boiler economy equivalent to 3 Ibs. of steam per I.H.P. in a good non-condensing steam-engine. The ammonia was worked between 138 and 23 Ibs. pressure above the atmosphere. Performance of a Single-acting Ammonia Compressor. Tests were made at the works of the Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y., of a machine fitted with two York Mfg. Co.'s single-acting compressors, 15 in. diam., 22 in. stroke, to determine the horse-power per ton of refrigeration. Following are. the principal average results (Bulletin of York Mfg. Co.): Date of Test, 1908 Mar. CJMar. 7 Mar. 8 Mar. 9 Mar. 10. Mar. 11. Mar. 14. Temp, dischg. gas, av Temp, suction gas, av . . . . Temp, suction at cooler. . Temp, liquid at exp. valve Temp, brine inlet 216.2 15.2 9.33 74.85 22.89 13.58 45.1 20.76 20.11 183.96 69.35 49.08 1.418 217.8 14.3 9.36 74.16 23.19 13.96 45.0 20.43 19.90 184.41 69.80 48.79 1.427 250.6 16.8 10.37 71.98 25.26 14.44 45.1 21.04 19.97 186.99 70.05 50.38 1.389 245.8 14.8 9.29 77.91 22.73 13.02 34.3 15.59 20.04 187.27 52.57 37.01 1.422 253.0 13.5 9.90 76.61 27.35 15.53 56.0 25.99 20.18 187.90 89.48 61.39 1.425 242.9 18.2 13.20 82.88 28.41 16.06 67.8 255.5 17.9 9.13 76.98 23.43 12.87 44.8 20.40 20.38 183.81 68.61 49.31 1.375 Temp, brine, outlet Revs per min Lbs. liquid NHs per min. . Sue. press, at mach. Ib. . . Condenser pressure 18.13 186.8 105.11 66.65 1,439 Indicated H.P Tons Refrig. Capy, 24 hrs. I.H.P. per ton capacity . . Full details of these tests were reported to the Am. Socy. of Refrig. Engrs. and published in Ice and Refrigeration, 1908. Performance of Absorption Machines. From an elaborate review by Mr. Voorhees of the action of an absorption machine under certain stated conditions, showing the quantity of ammonia circulated per hour per ton of refrigeration, its temperature, etc., at the several stages of the operation, and its course through the several parts of the apparatus, the following condensed statement is obtained: Generator. 30.9 Ibs. dry steam, 38 Ibs. gauge pressure condensed, evaporates 32.2% strong liquor to 22.3% weak liquor. Exchanger. 3.01 Ibs. weak liquor at 264 cools to 111. Absorber. Adds 0.43 Ibs. vapor from the brine cooler, making 3.44 Ibs. strong liquor at 111 to go to the rnnn>. Exchanger. 3.44 Ibs. heated to 224, some of it is now gas, and the rest liquor of a little less than 32% NH 3 . Analyzer. (A series of shelves in a tank above the generator) delivers strong liquor to the generator, while the vapor, 91 % NH 3 , 0.4982 Ib., goes to the rectifier. Rectifier. Cools the gas to 110 separating water vapor as 0.0682 Ib. drip liquor which returns through a trap to the. generator. Condenser. 0.43 Ib. NHs gas at 110 cooled and condensed to liquid at 90 by 2 gals, of water per min. heated from 73 to 86. PERFORMANCES OF ICE-MAKING MACHINES. 1365 Expansion Valve and Cooler. Reduces liquid to and boils it at 0, cooling 3 gals, of brine per min. from 12 to 3. Gas passes to absorber and the cycle is repeated. Of the 2 gals, per min. of cooling water flowing from the condenser, 0.2 gal. goes to the rectifier, where it is heated to 142, and 1.8 gal. through the absorber, where it is heated to 110. Heat Balance. Absorbed in the generator 496; in the brine cooler, 200, Total 696 B.T.U. Rejected; condenser, 220; absorber, 383; rectifier, 93; Total 696 B.T.U. The following table shows the strength of the liquors and the quantity of steam required per hour per ton of refrigeration under the conditions stated: v Condenser Pressures. 140 170 200 Suction Pressures. 15 30 15 30 15 30 SI per cent . . . 24 13.13 30.1 1.7 35 25.75 27.9 1.6 42 33.70 22.9 1.4 22 10.85 41.3 2.1 32 22.3 30.9 1.9 38 29.15 26.2 1.8 18 6.28 48.7 2.4 28 17.7 34.1 2.3 36 26.9 27.9 2.2 Wl per cent SG, pounds SL, pounds SI, strong liquor; Wl, weak liquor; SG, Ibs. of steam per hour per ton of refrigeration for the generator, SL, do. for the liquor pump. Pressures are in Ibs. per sq. in., gauge. The following table gives the steam consumption in Ibs. per hour per ton of refrigeration, for engine-driven compressors and for absorption machines with liquor pump not exhausting into the generator at the suc- tion and condenser pressures (gauge) given: SC, simple non-condensing engine, CC. compound condensing engine, A, absorption machine. Condenser Pressures. 140 170 200 Suction Pressures. 15 30 15 30 15 30 sc 78.3 42.0 31.8 44.5 23.8 29.5 31.1 16.6 24.3 90.5 48.4 43.4 52.5 28.0 32.8 37.2 19.0 28.0 104.0 55.6 51.1 61.4 32.7 36.4 44.5 23.9 30.1 cc A The economy of the absorption machine is much better for all condi- tions than that of a simple non-condensing engine-driven compressor. At suction gauge pressures above 8 to 10 Ibs. the economy of the com- pound condensing engine-driven compressor exceeds that of the absorp- tion machine, the absorption machine giving the superior economy at suction pressures below 8 to 10 Ibs. Means for Applying the Cold. (M. C. Bannister, Liverpool Eng'g Soc'y, 1890.) The most useful means for applying the cold to vari9us uses is a saturated solution of brine or chloride of magnesium, which remains liquid at 5 Fahr. The brine is first cooled by being circulated in contact with the refrigerator-tubes, and then distributed through coils of pipes, arranged either in the substances requiring a reduction of temperature, or in the cold stores or rooms prepared for them; the air coming in contact with the cold tubes is immediately chilled, and the moisture in the air deposited on the pipes. It then falls, making room for warmer air, and so circulates until the whole room is at the tempera- ture of the brine in the pipes. The Direct Expansion Method consists in cpnveying the compressed cooled ammonia (or other refrigerating agent) directly to the room to be cooled, and then expanding it through an expansion cock into pipes in the room. Advantages of this system are its simplicity and its rapidity of 1366 ICE-MAKING OR REFBIGERATING-MACHINES. action in cooling a room; disadvantages are the danger of leakage of the gas and the fact that the machine cannot be stopped without a rapid rise in the temperature of the room. With the brine system, with a large amount of cold brine in the tank, the machine may be stopped for a con- siderable time without serious cooling of the. room. Air has also been used as the circulating medium. The ammonia-pipes refrigerate the air in a cooling-chamber, and large conduits are used to convey it to and return it from the rooms to be cooled. An advantage of this system is that by it a room may be refrigerated more quickly than by brine-coils. The returning air deposits its moisture on the ammonia- pipes, in the form of snow, which is removed by mechanical brushes. ' ARTIFICIAL-ICE MANUFACTURE. Under summer conditions, with condensing water at 70, artificial-ice machines use ammonia at a condenser pressure, about 190 Ibs. above the atmosphere and 15 Ibs. suction-pressure. In a compression type of machine the useful circulation of ammonia, allowing for the effect of cylinder-heating, is about 13 Ibs. per hour per indicated horse-power of the steam-cylinder. This weight of ammonia produces about 32 Ibs. of ice at 15 from water at 70. If the ice is made from distilled water, as in the "can system," the amount of the latter supplied by the boilers is about 33% greater than the weight of ice obtained. This excess represents steam escaping to the atmosphere from the re-boiler and steam-condenser, to purify the distilled water, or free it from air; also, the loss through leaks and drips, and loss by melting of the ice in extracting it from the cans. The total steam consumed per horse-power is, therefore, about 32 x 1.33 = 43.0 Ibs. About 7.0 Ibs. of this covers the steam-consumption of the steam-engines driving the the required amount of distilled water. There is, therefore, nothing to be gained by using steam at high rates of expansion in the steam-engines, in making artificial ice from distilled water. If the cooling water for the ammonia-coils and steam-condenser is not too hard for use in the boilers, it may enter the latter at about 175 F., by restricting the quantity to 11/2 gallons per minute per ton of ice. With good coal 8V2 Ibs. of feed- water may then be evaporated, on the average, per Ib. of coal. The ice made per pound of coal will then be 32 ~ (43.0 ~- 8.5) = 6.0 Ibs. This corresponds with the results of average practice. If ice is manufactured by the "plate system," no distilled water is used for freezing. Hence the water evaporated by the boiler may be reduced to the amount which will drive the steam-motors, and the latter may use steam expansively to any extent consistent with the powei required to compress the ammonia, operate the feed and filter pumps, and the hoisting machinery. The latter may require about 15% of the power needed for compressing the ammonia. If a compound condensing steam-engine is used for driving the com- pressors, the steam per indicated steam horse-power, or per 32 Ibs. of net ice, may be 14 IDS. per hour. The other motors at 50 Ibs. of steam per horse-power will use 7.5 Ibs. per hour, marking the total consumption per steam horse-power of the compressor 21.5 Ibs. Taking the evapora- tion at 8 Ibs., the feed-water temperature being limited to about 110, the coal per horse-power is 2.7 Ibs. per hour. The net ice per Ib. of coal is then about 32 -i- 2.7 =11.8 Ibs. The best results with "plate-system" plants, using a compound steam-engine, have thus far afforded about 10V2 Ibs. of ice per Ib. of coal. In the "plate system" the ice gradually forms, in from 8 to 10 days, to a thickness of about 14 inches, on the hollow plates, 10 x 14 feet in area, in which the cooling fluid circulates. In the "can system" the water is frozen in blocks weighing about 300 Ibs. each, and the freezing is completed in from 40 to 48 hours. The freezing-tank area occupied by the "plate system" is, therefore, about twelve times, and the cubic contents about four times, as much as required in the "can system." The investment for the "plate" is about one-third greater than for the "can' ! system. In the latter system ice is being drawn throughout the ARTIFICIAL-ICE MANUFACTURE. 1367 24 hours, and the hoisting is done by hand tackle. Some "can" plants are equipped with pneumatic hoists and on large hoists electric cranes are used to advantage. In the "plate system" the entire daily product is drawn, cut, and stored in a few hours, the hoisting being performed by power. The distribution of cost is as follows for the two systems, tak- ing the cost for the "can" or distilled-water system as 100, which repre- sents an actual cost of about $1.25 per net ton: Can System. Plate System. Hoisting and storing ice 14.2 2.8 Engineers, firemen, and coal-passer 15.0 13.9 Coal at $3.50 per gross ton 42 .2 20 .0 Water pumped directly from a natural source at 5 cts. per 1000 cubic feet 1.3 2.6 Interest and depreciation at 10% 24 .6 32 .7 Repairs 2.7 3.4 100.00 75.4 A compound condensing engine is assumed to be used by the "plate system." Test of the New York Hygeia Ice-making Plant. (By Messrs. Hupfel, Griswold, and Mackenzie; Stevens Indicator, Jan., 1894.) The final results of the tests were as follows: Net ice made per pound of coal, in pounds 7.12 Pounds of net ice per hour per horse-power 37 .8 Net ice manufactured per day (12 hours) in tons 07 Av. pressure of ammonia-gas at condenser, Ibs. per sq. in. above atmos 135 .2 Average back pressure of amm.-gas, Ibs. per sq. in. above atmos. 15.8 Average temperature of brine in freezing-tanks, degrees F 19 .7 Total number of cans filled per week 4389 Ratio of cooling-surface of coils in brine-tank to can-surface 7 to 10 An Absorption Evaporator Ice-making System, built by the Carbon- dale Machine Co. is in operation at the ice plant of the Richmond Ice Co., Clifton, Staten Island, N. Y., which produces the extra distilled water by an evaporator at practically no fuel cost, and thus about 10 tons of dis- tilled water ice per ton of coal is obtained. Steam from the boiler at 100 Ibs. pressure enters an evaporator, distilling off steam at 70 Ibs., which operates the pumps and auxiliary machinery. These exhaust into the ice machine generator under 10 Ibs. pressure, where the exhaust is condensed. In a 100-ton plant the evaporator will condense 43 tons of live steam, distilling off 40 tons of steam to operate the auxiliaries, which exhaust into the generator; 20 tons of live steam has to be added to this exhaust, making 60 tons in all, which is the amount required to operate the generator. The 60 tons of condensation from the generator and 43 tons from the evaporator go to the re-boiler, making 103 tons ol distilled water to be frozen into ice. The total steam consumption is the 60 tons condensed in the generator plus 3 tons for radiation, or 63 tons in all. Hence if the boiler evaporates 6.6 Ibs. water per pound of coal the economy of the plant will be 10 1/2 Ibs. ice per pound of coal, a result which cannot be obtained even with compound condensing engines and compression machines. Heat-excnangmg coils, on the order of a closed feed-water heater, are used to heat the feed-water going to the boiler. The condensation leav- ing the generator and evaporator at a high temperature is utilized for this purpose; by this means securing a feed-water temperature con- siderably in excess of 212. Ice-Making with Exhaust Steam. The exhaust steam from electric light plants is oeing utilized to manufacture ice on the absorption system. A 10-ton plant at the Holdredge Lighting Co., Holdredge, Neb., built by the Carbondale Machine Co., is described in Elec. World, April 7, 1910. Here 11 tons of ice were made per day with exhaust steam from the electric engines at 21/2 Ibs. pressure, using 6V3 K.W., or 8V2 H.P., for driving the circulating pumps. Tons of Ice per Ton of Coal. From a long table by Mr. Voorhees, showing the net tons of plate ice that may be made in. well-designed plants under a variety of conditions as to type of engine, the following figures are taken: 1368 MARINE ENGINEERING. Compression, Simple Corliss engine, non-condensing 6.1 tons Absorption liquor pump and auxiliaries not exhausting into generator, simple, non-condensing engine 10.0 Compression, C9mpound condensing engine 11.2 Compression triple-expansion condensing engine 12.8 Absorption, pump and auxiliaries exhausting into generator, Corliss non-condensing engine 13.3 Compression and absorption, compound engine, non-condensing 16.0 Compression, triple-expansion condensing engine, multiple effect 16.5 Compression and absorption, triple-expansion non-condensing engine, multiple effect 19.5 Standard Ice Cans or Moulds. (Buffalo Refrigerating Machine Co.) Weight of Block. Size of Can. Time of Freezing. Weight of Block. Size of Can. Time of Freezing. pounds 50 100 150 150 200 4x10x24 6x12x26 8x15x32 8x15x44 10x15x36 10x20x36 hours 12 20 36 36 48 48 pounds 100 200 300 400 200 11x11x32 11x22x32 11x22x44 11x22x56 14X14X40 hours 48 54 54 54 66 The above given time of freezing is with a brine temperature of 15 F. Cubic Feet of Well-insulated Space per Ton of Refrigeration. (F. W. Niebling Co., Cincinnati, *O.) Room Temperature. 0F. 10 20 32 36 Size of Room. Cubic Feet per Ton. Up to 1,000 cu. ft 200 600 1000 400 1200 2000 800 2500 4000 1400 4500 6000 2000 6000 8000 2500 8000 10.000 1,000 to 10,000 cu. ft Over 10,000 cu. ft MARINE ENGINEERING-. Rules for Measuring Dimensions and Obtaining Tonnage t>f Vessels. (Record of American and Foreign Shipping. American Bureau of Shipping, N. Y., 1890.) The dimensions to be measured as follows; I. Length, L. From the fore-side of stem to the after-side of stern- post measured at middle line, on the upper deck of all vessels, except those having a continuous hurricane-deck extending right fore and aft, in which the length is to be measured on the range of deck immediately below the hurricane-deck. Vessels having clipper heads, raking forward, or receding stems, or raking stern-posts, the length to be the distance of the fore-side of stem from aft-side of stern-post at the deep-load water-line measured at middle line. (The inner or propeller-post to be taken as stern-post in screw- steamers.) II. Breadth, B. To be measured over the widest frame at its widest part; in other words, the molded breadth. III. Depth, D. To be measured at the dead-flat frame and at middle line of yessel. It shall be the distance from the top of floor-plate to the upper side of upper deck-beam in all vessels except those having a con- tinuous hurricane-deck, extending right fore and aft, and not intended for the American coasting trade, in which the depth is to be the distance from top of floor-plate to ^midway between top of hurricane deck-beam and the top of deck-beam of the deck immediately below hurricane-deck. In vessels fitted with a continuous hurricane-deck, extending right fore and aft, and intended for the American coasting trade, the depth is MAKINE ENGINEERING. 1369 to be the distance from top of floor-plate to top of deck-beam of deck immediately below hurricane-deck. Rule for Obtaining Tonnage. Multiply together the length, breadth, and depth, and their product by 0.75; divide the last product by 100; the quotient will be the tonnage. L X B X D X 0.75-7-100 = tonnage. The U. S. Custom-house Tonnage Law, May 6, 1864, provides that " the register tonnage of a vessel shall be her entire internal cubic capacity in tons of 100 cubic feet each." This measurement includes all the space between upper decks, however many there may be. Explicit directions for making the measurements are given in the law. The Displacement of a Vessel (measured in tons of 2240 Ibs.) is the weight of the volume of water which it displaces. For sea-water it is equal to the volume of the vessel beneath the water-line, in cubic feet, divided by 35, which figure is the number of cubic feet of sea-water at 60 F. in a ton of 2240 Ibs. For fresh water the divisor is 35.93. The U. S. register tonnage will equal the displacement when the entire internal cubic capacity bears to the displacement the ratio of 100 to 35. The displacement or gross tonnage is sometimes approximately esti- mated as follows: Let L denote the length in feet of the boat, B its extreme breadth in feet, and D the mean draught in feet; the product of these three dimensions will give the volume of a parallelopipedon in cubic feet. Putting V for this volume, we have V = L X B X D. The volume of displacement may then be expressed as a percentage of the volume V, known as the " block coefficient. " This percentage varies far different classes of ships. In racing yachts with very deep keels it varies from 22 to 33: in modern merchantmen from 55 to 90; for ordinary small boats probably 50 will give a fair estimate. The volume of dis- placement in cubic feet divided by 35 gives the displacement in tons. Coefficient of Fineness. A term used to express the relation between the displacement of a Ship and the volume of a rectangular prism or box. whose lineal dimensions are the length, breadth, 'and draught. Coefficient of fineness = D X 35-J-(L X B X T7); D being the displace- ment in tons of 35 cubic feet of sea-water to the ton, L the length between perpendiculars, B the extreme breadth and W the mean draught, all in feet. Coefficient of Water-lines. An expression of the relation of the dis- placement to the volume of the prism whose section equals the midship section of the ship, and length equal to the length of the ship. Coefficient of water-lines = D X 35 * (area of immersed water sectionX-L). Seaton gives the following values: Coefficient Coefficient of of Fineness. Water-lines Finely-shaped ships .55 .63 Fairly-shaped ships 0.61 0.67 Ordinary merchant steamers 10 to 11 knots. . . .65 . 72 Cargo steamers, 9 to 10 knots % .70 .76 Modern cargo steamers of large size .78 .83 Resistance of Ships. The resistance of a ship passing through watei mav vary from a number of causes, as speed, form of body, displacement, midship dimensions, character of wetted surface, fineness of lines, etc. The resistance of the water is twofold; 1st. That due to the displacement of the water at the bow and -its replacement at the stern, with the con- sequent formation of waves. 2d. The friction between the wetted sur- face of the ship and the water, known as skin resistance. A common approximate formula for resistance of vessels is Resistance = speech x x/displacementsxa constant, or R = S*D 2 h X C. \f D l = displacement in pounds, Si = speed in feet per minute, R re- sistance in pounds, R = cS^Di 2 /3. The work done in overcoming the re- sistance through a distance equal to Si is R X Si = cS^Di 2 ^; and if E is the efficiency of the propeller and machinery combined, the indicated horse-power I.H.P. = cS^D^h ~ (E X 33,000). If S = speed in knots, D = displacement in tons, and C a constant which includes all the constants for form of vessel, efficiency of mechan- ism, etc., I.H.P. = SW 2 /3 + C. The wetted surface varies as the cube root of the square of the displace- ment: thus, let L be the length of edge of a cube just immersed, whose 1370 MARINE ENGINEERING. displacement is D and wetted surface W. Then D = L 3 or L =^D t and TF = 5X L* = 5 X (-\/D) 2 . That is, TF varies as Z) 2 ' 3 . Another approximate formula is I.H.P. = area of immersed midship section X 3 -~ K. The usefulness of these two formulae depends upon the accuracy of the so-called "constants" C and K, which vary with the size and form of the ship, and probably also with the speed. Seaton gives the following, which may be taken roughly as the values of C and K under the condi- tions expressed: General Description of Ship. Speed, knots. Value of C. Value of K. Ship"} over 400 feet long finely shaped 15 to 15 " 13 " 11 11 9 13 11 9 11 9 11 9 9 11 10 9 9 17 17 15 13 13 11 15 13 11 13 11 12 11 11 12 11 10 10 240 190 240 260 240 260 200 240 260 220 250 220 240 220 200 210 230 200 620 500 650 700 650 700 580 660 700 620 680 600 640 620 550 580 620 600 " 300 " .... 14 4 It Snips over 300 feet long fairly shaped Ships over 250 feet long finely shaped 4< 41 II Ships over 250 feet long fairly shaped Ships over 200 feet long, finely shaped . . Ships over 200 feet long, fairly shaped Ships under 200 feet long, finely shaped 41 ' II Ships under 200 feet long, fairly shaped Coefficient of Performance of Vessels. The quotient ^(displacement) 2 X (speed in knots)^- tons of coal in 24 hours gives a coefficient of performance which represents the comparative cost of propulsion in coal expended. Sixteen vessels with three-stage expan- sion-engines in 1890 gave an average coefficient of 14,810, the range being from 12,150 to 16,700. In 1881 seventeen vessels with two-stage expansion-engines gave an average coefficient of 11,710. In 1881 the length of the vessels tested ranged from 260 to 320, and in 1890 from 295 to 400. The speed in knots divided by the square root of the length in feet in 1881 averaged 0.539; and in 1890, 0.579; ranging from 0.520 to 0.641. (Proc. Inst. M. E. t July, 1891, p. 329.) Defects of the Common Formula for Resistance. Modern experiments throw doubt upon the truth of the statement that the resist- ance varies as the square of the speed. (See Robt. Hansel's letters in Engineering, 1891; also his paper on The Mechanical Theory of Steam- ship Propulsion, read before Section G of the Engineering Congress, Chicago, 1893.) Seaton says: In small steamers the chief resistance is the skin resistance. In very fine steamers at high speeds the amount of power required seems excessive when compared with that of ordinary steam&s at ordinary speeds. In torpedo-launches at certain high speeds the resistance increases at a lower rate than the square of the speed. In ordinary sea-going and river steamers the reverse seems to be the case. Rankine's Formula for total resistance of vessels of the "wave-lino" type is: R = ALBV* (1 + 4 sin2 9 + sin4 0), in which equation 9 is the mean angle of greatest obliquity of the stream- lines, A is a constant multiplier, B the mean wetted girth of the surface exposed to friction, L the length in feet, and V the speed in knots. The MARINE ENGINEERING. 1371 power demanded to impel a ship is thus the product of a constant to be determined by experiment, the area of the wetted surface, the cube ol the speed, and the quantity in the parenthesis, which is known as the " coefficient of augmentation. " In calculating the resistance of ships the last term of the coefficient may be neglected as too small to be practically \mportant. In applying the formula, the mean of the squares of the sines of the angles of maximum obliquity of the water-lines is to be taken for sin 2 8, and the rule will then read thus: To obtain the resistance of a ship of good form, in pounds, multiply the length in feet by the mean immersed girth and by the coefficient of aug- mentation, and then take the product of this "augmented surface," as Rankine termed it, by the square of the speed in knots, and by the proper constant coefficient selected from the following: For clean painted vessels, iron hulls A = 0.01 For clean coppered vessels A = 0.009 to 0.008 For moderately rough iron vessels A = 0.011 + The net, or effective, horse-power demanded will be quite closely obtained by multiplying the resistance calculated, as above, by the speed in knots and dividing by 326. The gross, or indicated, power is obtained by multiplying the last quantity by the reciprocal of the efficiency of the machinery and propeller, which usually should be about 0.6. Rankine uses as a divisor in this case 200 to 260. The form of the vessel, even when designed by skillful and experienced naval architects, will of ten vary to such an extent as to cause the above constant coefficients to vary somewhat: and the range of variation with good forms is found to be from 0.8 to 1.5 the figures given. For well-shaped iron vessels, an approximate formula for the horse- power required is H. P. = F 3 ~- 20,000, in which S is the "augmented surface." The expression SV 3 -f- H.P. has been called by Rankine the coefficient of propulsion. In the Hudson River steamer "Mary Powell," according to Thurston, this coefficient was as high as 23,500. The expression DF* *- H.P. has been called the locomotive performance. (See Rankine's Treatise on Shipbuilding, 1864; Thurston's Manual of the Steam-engine, part H, p. 16; also paper by F. T. Bowles, U. S. N., Proc. IT. S. Naval Institute, 1883.) Rankine's metnod for calculating the resistance is said by Seaton to give more accurate and reliable results than those obtained by the older rules, but it is criticised as being difficult and inconvenient of application Empirical Equations for Wetted Surface. (Peabody, Naval Archi- tecture, page 411). L = length, feet; B = beam; H = mean draught; D = displacement in tons; K= block coefficient. Taylor Surface = C\/T>L. Values of C for different ratios B -i- H are: B -f- H = 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 C =15.63 15.54 15.50 15.51 15.55 15.62 15.71 15.83 Normand Surface = 1.52 LH + (3.74 + 0.85 K*) LB. Mumford Surface = L (1.74 + KB). Errors of these approximate equations as applied to several types of vessels are shown by Professors Durand and McDermott (Trans. Soc. Nav. Archts. & Mar. Engrs., Vol. 2), as follows: Taylor - 2.69 to + 2.52%; Normand, - 1.55 to + 2.57%; Mumford, to - 0.95%, except one lake freight vessel, L = 299, B = 40.9, D = 15.9, K = 0.825, on which Mumford's formula was 12.55 % in error. E. R. Mumford's Method of Calculating Wetted Surfaces is given in a paper by Archibald Denny, Eng'g, Sept. 21, 1894. The following is his formula, which gives closely accurate results for medium draughts, beams, and finenesses; S = (L X D X 1.7) + (L X B X C), in which S = wetted surface in square feet; L -= length between perpen- diculars in feet; D = middle draught in feet; B = beam in feet; C block coefficient. The formula may also be expressed in the form S = L(1.7 D + BC). In the case of twin-screw ships having projecting shaft-casings, or in 1372 MARINE ENGINEERING. the case of a ship having a deep keel or bilge keels, an addition must be made for such projections. The formula gives results which are in general much more accurate than those obtained by Kirk's method. It underestimates the surface when the beam, draught, or block coefficients are excessive; but the error is small except in the case of abnormal forms, such as stern-wheel steamers having very excessive beams (nearly one- fourth the length), and also very full block coefficients. The formula gives a surface about 6% too small for such forms. The wetted surface of the block is nearly equal to that of the ship of the same length, beam and draught; usually 2% to 5% greater. In exceedingly fine hollow-line ships it may be 8% greater. Area of bottom of block = (F + M) X B; Area of sides = 2 M X H. Area of sides of ends = 4 X . X//; Tangent of half angle of entrance = i/zB/F = B/(2 F). From this, by a table of natural tangents, the angle of entrance may be obtained: Angle of Entrance Fore-body in of the Block Model, parts of length. Ocean-going steamers, 14 knots and upw'd 18 to 15 .3 to .36 12 to 14 knots ..... 21 to 18 .26 to 0.3 cargo steamers, 10 to 12 knots.. 30 to 22 .22 to .26 Dr. Kirk's Method. This method is generally used on the Clyde. The general idea proposed by Dr. Kirk is to reduce all ships to so definite and simple a form that they may be easily compared; and the magnitude of certain features of this form shall determine the suitability of the ship for speed, etc. The form consists of a middle body, which is a rectangular parallele- piped, and fore-body and after-body, prisms having isosceles triangles for Inses, as shown in Fig. 225. FIG. 225. This is called a block model, and is such that its length is equal to that of the ship, the depth is equal to the mean draught, the capacity equal to the displacement volume, and its area of section equal to the area of immersed midship section. The dimensions of the block model may be obtained as follows: Let AG = HB = length of fore- or after-body = F; GH = length of middle body = M; KL = mean draught = H; EK = area of immersed midship section * KL =B. Volume of block =(F+M) X BX H; midship section = BX H-, displacement in tons = volume in cubic ft. * 35. AH = AG -h GH = F + M = displacement X 35 - (B X #). To find the Indicated Horse-power from the Wetted Surface. (Seaton.) In ordinary cases the horse-power per 100 feet of wetted surface may be found by assuming that the rate for a speed of 1 is 5, and that the quantity varies as the cube of the speed. For example: To find the number of I.'H.P. necessary to drive a ship at a speed of 15 knots, having a wetted skin of block model of 16,200 square feet: The rate per 100 feet = (1 5/10)3 X 5 = 16.875. Then I.H.P. reauired = 16.875 X 162 *= 2734. When the ship is exeptionally well-proportioned, the bottom quite TVTA.RINL &NGINEEKING. 1373 clean, and the etticiency of the machinery high, as low a rate as 4 LH.P. per 100 feet of wetted skin of block model may be allowed. The gross indicated horse-power includes the power necessary to over- come the friction and other resistance of the engine itself and the shafting, and also the power lost in the propeller. In other words, I.H.P. is no meas'ire of the resistance of the ship, and can only be relied on as a means of deciding the size of engines far speed, so long as the efficiency of the engine and propeller is known definitely, or so long as similar engines and propellers are employed in ships to be compared. The former is difficult to obtain, and it is nearly impossible in practice to know how much of the power shown in the cylinders is employed usefully in overcoming the resistance of the ship. The following example is given to show the vari- ation in the efficiency of propellers: Knots. I.H.P. H.M.S. "Amazon," with a 4-bladed screw, gave 12.064 with 1940 H.M.S. "Amazon," with a 2-bladed screw, increased pitch, and fewer revolutions per minute 12.396 ' 1663 H.M.S. " Iris," with a 4-bladerf screw 16.577 " 7503 H.M.S. "Iris." with 2-bladed screw, increased pitch, fewer revolutions per knot 18.587 7556 Relative Horse-power Required for Different Speeds of Vessels. (Horse-power for 10 knots = 1.) The horsVpower is taken usually to vary as the cube of the speed, but in different vessels and at different speeds it may vary from the 2.8 power to the 3.5 power, depending upon the lines of the vessel and upon the efficiency of the engines, the pro- peller, etc. (The power may vary at a much higher rate than the 3.5 power of the speed when the speed is much less than normal, and the machinery is therefore working at less than its normal efficiency ) 13 03 Oj 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 HPoc g2-S .0769 .239 .535 .666 2.565 3.729 5.185 6.964 9.095 11.60 14.52 17 87 71 67 g2-9 .0701 .227 .524 .697 2,653 3 908 5 499 7 464 9 841 12 67 15 97 19 80 74 19 S3 .0640 .216 .512 .728 2.744 4 096 5.832 8 10,65 13,82 17,58 71 95 77 g3-l .0584 .205 .501 .760 2.838 4.293 6.185 8,574 11.52 15.09 19.34 74 33 30 14 g3-2 .0533 .195 .490 .792 2.935 4.500 6.559 9.189 12.47 16.47 21.28 26,97 33 63 g3-3 .0486 .185 .479 .825 3,0^6 4 716 6 957 9 849 13 49 17 98 73 41 79 90 37 54 g3-4 .0444 .176 .468 .859 3.139 4.943 7,378 10 56 14.60 19 62 25 76 33 14 41 00 gS-5 0405 167 458 893 3 747 5 181 7 874 11 31 15 79 71 47, 28.34 36.73 46.77 EXAMPLE IN USE OF THE TABLE. A certain vessel makes 14 knots speed with 587 I.H.P. and 16 knots with 900 I.H.P. What I.H.P. will be required at 18 knots, the rate of increase of horse-power wjth increase of speed remaining constant? The first step is to find the rate of increase, thus: 14* : 16* :: 587 : 9QO. x log 16 - x log 14 = log 900 - log 587; X (0.204120 - 0.146128) = 2.954243 - 2.768638, whence x (the exponent of S in formula H.P.oc S*) = 3.2. From the table, for S 3 - 2 and 16 knots, the I.H.P. is 4.5 times the I.H.P. at 10 knots; .-. H.P. at 10 knots = 900 -=- 4.5 = 200. From the table for ,S 3 - 2 and 18 knots, the I.H.P. is 6.559 times the I.H.P. at 10 knots; .-. H.P. at 18 knots = 200 X 6.559 = 1312 H.P. Resistance per Horse-power for Different Speeds. (One horse- power = 33.000 Ibs. resistance overcome through 1 ft. in 1 min.) The resistances per horse-power for various speeds are as follows: For a speed of 1 knot, or 6080 feet per hour = 10H/3 ft. per min., 33,000 * 1011/3 = 325.658 Ibs. per horse-power; and for any other speed 325.658 Ibs. divided by the speed in knots; or for 1 knot 325.66 Ibs. 2 knots 162.83 108.55 81.41 65.13 54.28 46.52 8 knots 40.71 Ibs. 9 10 11 12 13 14 36.18 32.57 29.61 27.14 25.05 23.26 15 knots 16 17 18 19 20 21.71 IDS. 20.35 19.16 18.09 17.14 16.28 1374 MARINE ENGINEERING. More accurate methods than those above given for estimating the horse- power required for any prop9sed ship are: 1. Estimations calculated from the results of trials of "similar" vessels driven at "corresponding" speeds; "similar", vessels being those that have the same ratio 01 length to breadth and to draught, and the same coefficient of fineness, and "corresponding" speeds ttwse which are proportional to the square roots of the lengths of the respective vessels, iroude found that the resistances of such vessels varied almost exactly as wetted surface X (speed) 2 2. The method employed by the British Admiralty and by some Clyde shipbuilders, viz., ascertaining the resistance of a model of the vessel, 12 to 20 ft. long, in a tank, and calculating the power from the results obtained. Estimated Displacement, Horse-power, etc. The table on the next page, calculated by the author, will be found convenient for making approximate estimates. The figures in 7th column are calculated by the formula H. P. S Z D$+ c in which c = 200 for vessels under 200 ft. long when C = 0.65, and 210 when C = 0.55; c = 200 for vessels 200 to 400 ft. long when C =0.75, 220 when C = 0.65, 240 when C = 0.55; c = 230 for vessels over 400 ft. long when C = 0.75, 250 when C = 0.65, 260 when C = 0.55. The figures in the 8th column -are based on 5 H.P. per 100 sq. ft. of wetted surface. The diameters of screw in the 9th column are from formula D = 3.31 -5/I.H.P., and in the 10th column from formula D = 2.71 ^/I.H.P. To find the diameter of screw for any other speed than 10 knots, revolu- tions being 100 per minute, multiply the diameter given in the table by the 5th root of the cube of the given speed * 10. For any other revolu- tions per minute than 100, divide by the revolutions and multiply by 100. To find the approximate horse-power for any other speed than 10 knots, multiply the horse-power given in the table by the cube of the ratio of the given speed to 10, or by the relative figure from table on p. 1373. F. E. Cardullo, Mach'y, April, 1907, gives the following formula as closely approximating the speed 6 f A modern types of hulls: S = 6.35 /T TT "P ', , in which S = speed in knots, D = displacement in tons. D '3 we take S = 10 knots, then I.H.P. -~ D 2 /3 = 3.906. Let D = 10,000, and. S = 10, then H.P. = 1813. The table on page 1375 gives for a displace- ment of 10,400 tons and a coefficient of fineness 0.65, 1966 and 1760 H.P., averaging 1863 H.P. Internal Combustion Marine Engines. Linton Hope (Eng'g, April 8, 1910), in a paper on the application of internal combustion engines to fishing boats and fine-lined commercial vessels, gives a table showing the brake H.P. required to propel such vessels at various speeds. The following table is an abridgment. L=load water line; D= displacement in tons. Block Coefficient. 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 4 5 1 6 7 8 | 9 10 L 78 71 65 59 54 50 46 41 38 35 32 30 28 D L | D L | D L D Brake Horse-power. 105 81 62 47 36 28 22 17 13 9 61/2 41/2 3V4 75 69 63 57 52 48 44 40 37 34 31 29 27 100 77 60 45 35 27 21 16 12 81/2 6 41/4 72 66 60 54 50 46 42 38 35 32 30 28 26 95 73 58 44 34 26 20 15 ,u/ 2 58 23/4 69 63 57 52 48 44 40 37 34 31 29 27 25 90 70 55 42 32 25 19 14 11 71/2 31/2 21/2 20 17 15 13 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2V2 30 25 22 19 16 13 12 11 9 h 41/2 43 37 32 27 24 20 17 15 13 11 9 7 6V2 60 51 44 39 34 29 25 22 19 16 14 12 11 81 69 60 53 48 44 40 37 34 110 93 82 76 71 150 Speed in Knots. MARINE ENGINEERING. 1375 Estimated Displacement, Horse-power, etc., of Steam-vessels of Various Sizes. jl" S*J If m a o si "a Si I IBUJ, uo IJ\[ JE9d "A -SIQ UOJ, d VTHT J9MOJ 'paadg TU, UO 'SUOJ, IBIJX uo 000000 00000 - -u O IT, c^ ^t^OvOOu^fNOv \o CN -r" V O O O O s O O "* O coO O O A '. ^ oooooooooooooooo ^ c<^ oo ir 00 QO'OO < >co 'OOOo liii lift jiii 4, ^ ?> 5 i~ 2 -3 -g g Jg ^ o ft THE SCREW-PROPELLER. 1377 THE SCREW-PROPELLER. The "pitch" of a propeller is the distance which any point in a blade describing a helix will travel in the direction of the axis during one revolu- tion, the point being assumed to move around the axis. The pitch of a propeller with a uniform pitch is equal to the distance a propeller will advance during one revolution, provided there is no slip. In a case of this kind, the term " pitch" is analogous to the term "pitch of the thread" of an ordinary single-threaded screw. Let P pitch of screw in feet, R = number of revolutions per second, V = velocity of stream from the propeller = P X R, v = velocity of the ship in feet per second, V v = slip, A = area in square feet of section of stream from the screw, approximately the area of a circle of the same diameter, A X V = volume of water projected astern from the ship in cubic feet per second. Taking the weight of a cubic foot of sea-water at 64 Ibs., and the force of gravity at 32, we have from the common for- mula for force of acceleration, viz.: F= M j = ~, or F vi, when t =1 second. Thrust of screw in pounds = ^ (V v) 2 AV (V v). O4 Rankine (Rules, Tables, and Data, p. 275) gives the following: To calculate the thrust of a propelling instrument (jet, paddle, or screw) in pounds, multiply together the transverse sectional area, in square feet, of the stream driven astern by the propeller; the speed of the stream relatively to the ship in knots? the real slip, or part of that speed which is impressed on the stream by the propeller, also in knots; and the constant 5.66 for sea-water, or 5.5 for fresh water. If S = speed of the screw in knots, s = speed of ship in knots, A area of the stream in square feet (of sea-water), Thrust in pounds = A X S (S - s) X 5.66. The real slip is the velocity (relative to water at rest) of the water pro- jected sternward ; the apparent slip is the difference between the speed of the ship and the speed of the screw; i.e., the product of the pitch of the screw by the number of revolutions. This apparent slip is sometimes negative, due to the working of the screw in disturbed water which has a forward velocity, following the ship. Negative apparent slip is an indication that the propeller is not suited to the ship. The apparent slip should generally be about 8% to 10% at full speed in well-formed vessels with moderately fine lines; in bluff cargo boats it rarely exceeds 5%. The effective area of a screw is the sectional area of the stream of water laid hold of by the propeller, and is generally, if not always, greater than the actual area, in a ratio which in good ordinary examples is 1.2 or there- abouts, and is sometimes as high as 1.4: a fact probably due to the stiffness of the water, which communicates motion laterally amongst its particles. (Rankine's Shipbuilding, p. 89.) Prof. D. S. Jacobus, Trans. A. S. M. E., xi, 1028, found the ratio of the effective to the actual disk area of the screws of different vessels to be as follows : Tug-boat, with ordinary true-pitch screw 1 .42 Tug-boat, with screw having blades projecting backward ... 57 Ferryboat " Bergen, " with or- ( at speed of 12.09 stat. miles per hr .' 1 '53 dinary true-pitch screw \ at speed of 13.4 stat. miles per hr. . 1 !48 Steamer "Homer Ramsdell," with ordinary true-pitch screw 1 .20 Size of Screw. Seaton says: The size of a screw depends on so many things that it is very difficult to lay down any rule for guidance, and much must always be left to the experience of the designer, to allow for all the circumstances of each particular case. The following rules are given for ordinary cases (Seaton and Rounthwaite's Pocket-book): P *= pitch of propeller in feet = jgQoo^e) ' in which s ~ s P eed in knots, R = revolutions per minute, and x = percentage Of apparent slip. For a slip of 10%, pitcn = U3,G S -r #, 1378 MARINE ENGINEERING. D =diameter of propeller = r~ , K being a coefficient given 100 / in the table below. If K = 20, D = 20,000 "^I.H.P. Total developed area of blades = C ^/I.H.P +R cient to be taken from the table r- (P x R) 3 . in which C is a coeffi- Another formula for pitch, given in'Seaton's Marine Engineering, is -, in which C= 737 for ordinary vessels, and 660 for slow- speed cargo vessels with full lines. Thickness of blade at root = \ ^ X &, in which d = diameter of tail shaft in inches, n = number of "blades, b = breadth of blade in inches where it joins the boss, measured parallel to the shaft axis; k = 4 for cast iron, 1.5 for cast steel, 2 for gun-metal, 1.5 for high-class bronze Thickness of blade at tip: Cast iron 0.04 D + 0.4 in.; cast steel 03 D 4- 0.4m.; gun-metal 0.03 D + 0.2 in.; high-class bronze 0.02 D +03 in where D = diameter of propeller in feet. Propeller Coefficients. Description of Vessel. III PO >- >> oo CM -< O tS vC5 vC5 O^ ICMCM-? O CS O T O c^i no pa'adg 3 SO -rr m . -~S S? 5 i ?? r~ mmr^oo c %Oir\ OOOO .*n3 :fl I JL.fi > O GO 0> Iiflsisgi 2"P-2-S bc^^ooo ^.23^ ftd o_io S-adO'ScjCoh. rsP^Jn^ri &o C j_-^ nVr>l> c f-5^0-2 Soo-g-d |oi^|eo dio^o'tHC) ^ .lla^s^ S'S-So^. 0) S'^H^o- 14 .^ eS>^c3&J) goio-g "St ^'^ = S -Sfe^ THE PADDLE-WHEEL. 1383 Queenstown to Sandy Hook, 2781 nautical miles, Nov. 3-8, 1908, 4 days, 18 hrs., 40m.: Averages: Steam pressure at bo>lers, 168 IDS.; temperature hot-well, 74.5; feed-water, 197; vacuum, 28.1 in.; speed, 24.25 knots; speed, best day, 24.8 knots; revolutions, 181.1; slip, 15.9%. Total coal, 4976 tons. Steam consumption: main turbines, 851,500 Ibs., = 13.1 Ibs. per shaft H.P. hr. (on a basis of 65,000 shaft H.P.); auxiliary machinery, 114,000 Ibs., = 1.75 per H.P. hr.; evaporating plant and heating, 32,500 Ibs., = 0.5.1b. per H.P. hr. Total, 998,000 Ibs., = 15.35 Ibs. per shaft H.P. hour. Average coal burned, 43 1/2 tons per hour. Water evaporated per lb., coal 10.2 Ibs. from feed at 196, = 10.9 Ibs. from and at 212. Coal for all purposes per shaft H.P. hour, 1.5 Ibs. Coal per sq. ft. of grate per hour, 24.1 Ibs. The coal was half Yorkshire, half South Wales. In September, 1909, the "Lusitania" made the westward passage, 2784 miles from Daunt's Rock near Queenstown to Ambrose Channel Lightship, off Sandy Hook, in 4 days 11 h. 42 m., averaging 25.85 knots for the entire passage. Four successive days runs, from noon to noon, were 650, 652. 651 and 674 miles. Reciprocating Engines with a Low-Pressure Turbine. The " Laurentic, " built for the Canadian trade of the White Star Line, 14,000 tons gross register, is a triple-screw steamer, with the two outer screws driven by' four-cylinder triple-expansion engines, and the central screw by a Parsons turbine. The steam, of 200 Ibs. boiler pressure, first passes to the reciprocating engines, where it expands to from 14 to 17 Ibs. absolute, and then passes to the turbine. For maneuvering the ship into and out of port the turbine is not used, and the steam passes directly from the engines to the condensers. During the trial trip the combined engine-turbine outfit developed 12,000 H.P., with a speed of 171/2 knots, and showed a coal consumption of 1.1 Ibs. and a water consumption of 11 Ibs. per indicated horse-power hour. (Power, May 18, 1909.) The " Kronprinzessin Cecilie" of the North German Lloyd Co., is probably the last high-speed transatlantic steamer of very great power that will be built with reciprocating engines. Its dimensions are: length, 706 ft.; beam, 72 ft.; depth, 44 ft. 2 in.; displacement, 26,000 tons. Four 12,000 H.P. engines, two on each shaft, in tandem. Cylinders, 373/8, 491/4, 74V8 and 1121/4 ins., by 6 ft. stroke. Steam, 230 Ibs., delivered from 19 cylindrical boilers, through four 17-in. steampipes. Coal used in 24 hours, 764 tons, in 124 furnaces; 1.4 Ibs. per H.P. hour, including auxiliaries. Speed on trial trip on a 60-mile course, 24.02 knots. (Set. Am., Aug. 24, 1907.) THE PADDLE-WHEEL. Paddle-wheels with Radial Floats. (Seaton's Marine Engineering.) The effective diameter of a radial wheel is usually taken from the centers of opposite floats; but it is difficult to say what is absolutely that diameter, as much depends on the form of float, the amount of dip, and the waves set in motion by the wheel. The slip of a radial wheel is from 15 to 30 per cent, depending on the size of float. Area of one float = C X I.H.P. *- D. D {3 the effective diameter in feet, and C is a multiplier, varying from 0.25 in tugs to 0.175 in fast-running light steamers. The breadth of the float is usually about 1/4 its length, and its thickness about i/g its breadth. The number of floats varies directly with the diam- eter, and there should be one float for every foot of diameter. (For a discussion of the action of the radial wheel, see Thurston, Manual of the Steam-engine, part ii, p. 182.) Feathering Paddle-wheels. (Seaton.) The diameter of a feather- ing-wheel is found as follows: The amount of slip varies from 12 to 20 per cent, although when the floats are small or the resistance great it is as high as 25 per cent; a well-designed wheel on a well-formed ship should not exceed 15 per cent under ordinary circumstances, If K is the speed of the ship in knots, S the percentage of slip, and R the revolutions per minute, Diameter of wheel at centers = K (100 + S) + (3.14 X R). The diameter, however, must be such as will suit the structure of the ship, so that a modification may be necessary on this account, and the revolutions altered to suit it. The diameter will also depend on the amount of "dip" or immersion of float. 1384- MARINE ENGINEERING. When a ship is working always in smooth water the immersion of the top edge should not exceed 1/8 the breadth of the float; and for general service at sea an immersion of 1/2 the breadth of the float is sufficient. If the ship is intended to carry cargo, the immersion when light need not be more than 2 or 3 inches, and should not be more than the breadth of float when at the deepest draught; indeed, the efficiency of the wheel falls off rapidly with the immersion of the wheel. Area of one float = C X I.H.P. * D. C is a multiplier, varying from 0.3 to 0.35; D is the diameter of the wheel to the float centers, in feet. The number of floats = 1/2 (7) +2). The breadth of the float = 0.35 X the length. The thickness of floats = 1/12 the breadth. Diameter of gudgeons = thickness of float. Seatonand Rounthwaite's Pocket-book gives: Number of floats = 60 -* V^5 where R is number of revolutions per minute. Area of one float (in square feet) = ^ where N number of floats in one wheel. For vessels plying always in smooth water K = 1200. For sea-going steamers K = 1400. For tugs and such craft as require to stop and start frequently in a tide-way K = 1600. It will be quite accurate enough if the last four figures of the cube (D X R) 3 be taken as ciphers. For illustrated description of the feathering paddle-wheel see Seaton's Marine Engineering, or Seaton and Rounthwaite's Pocket-book. The diameter of a feathering-wheel is about one-half that of a radial wheel for equal efficiency. (Thurston.) Efficiency of Paddle-wheels. Computations by Prof. Thurston of the efficiency of propulsion by paddle-wheels give for light river steamers with ratio of velocity of the vessel, v, to velocity of the paddle-float at center of pressure, V, or v/V, = 3/4, with a dip = 3/ 2 o radius of the wheel and a slip of 25 per cent, an efficiency of 0.714; and for ocean steamers with the same slip and ratio of v/V. and a dip =1/3 radius, an efficiency of 0.685. JET-PROPULSION. Numerous experiments have been made in driving a vessel by the reaction of a jet of water pumped through an orifice in the stern, but they have all resulted in commercial failure. Two-jet propulsion steamers, the " Waterwitch, " 1100 tons, and the "Squirt," a small torpedo-boat, were built by the British Government. The former was tried in 1867, and gave an efficiency of apparatus of only 18 per cent. The latter gave a speed of 12 knots, as against 17 knots attained by a sister-ship having a screw and equal steam-power. The mathematical theory of the efficiency of the jet was discussed by Rankine in The Engineer, Jan. 11, 1867, and he showed that the greater the quantity of water operated on by a jet- propeller, the greater is the efficiency. In defiance both of the theory and of the results of earlier experiments, and also of the opinions of many naval engineers, more than $200,000 were spent in 1888-90 in New York upon two experimental boats, the "Prima Vista" and the "Evolution," in which the jet was made of very small size, in the latter case only 5/g-inch diameter, and with a pressure of 2500 Ibs. per square inch. As had been predicted, the vessel was a total failure. (See article by the author in Mechanics, March, 1891.) The theory of the jet-propeller is similar to that of the screw-propeller. If A = the area of the jet in square feet, V its velocity with reference to the orifice, in feet per second, v = the velocity of the ship in reference to the .= 0.000002248! Ib. A dyne is that force which, acting on a mass of one gramme during one second, will give it a velocity of one centimeter per second. The weight of one gramme in latitude 40 to 45 is about 980 dynes, at the equator 973 dynes, and at the poles nearly 984 dynes. Taking the value of g, the acceleration due to gravity, in British measures at 32.1740 feet per second at lat. 45 at the sea level, and the meter = 39.37 inches, we have 1 gramme = 32.174 X 12 -s- 0.3937 = 980.665 dynes. Unit of work = 1 erg =1 dyne-centimeter = 0.000000073756 ft.-lb.; Unit of power = 1 watt = 10 million ergs per second, = 0.73756 foot-pound per second. = 55Q 56 = 7^7 horse-power = 0.0013410 H.P. C.G.S. unit magnetic pole is one which reacts on an equal pole at a centimeter's distance with the force of 1 dyne. C.G.S. unit of magnetic field strength, the gauss, is the intensity of field which surrounding unit pole acts on it with a force of 1 dyne. C.G.S. unit of electro-motive force = the force produced by the cuttingr of a field of 1 gauss intensity at a velocity of 1 centimeter per second (in a direction normal to the field and to the cpnductor) by 1 centimeter ol conductor. The volt is 100,000,000 times this unit. C.G.S. unit of electrical current == the current in a conductor (located in a plane normal to the field) when each centimeter is urged across a magnetic field of 1 gauss intensity with a force of 1 dyne. One-tenth of this is the ampere. The C.G.S. unit 9f quantity of electricity is that represented by the flow of 1 C.G.S. unit of current for 1 second. One-tenth of this is the coulomb. The Practical Units used in Electrical Calculations are: Ampere, the unit of current strength, or rate of flow, represented by /. Volt, the unit of electro-motive force, electrical pressure, or difference of potential, represented by E. Ohm, the unit of resistance, represented by R. Coulomb (or ampere-second), the unit of quantity, Q. Ampere-hour = 3600 coulombs, Q f . Watt (volt-ampere), the unit of power, P. Joule (or watt-second), the unit of energy or work, W. Farad, the unit of electrostatic capacity, represented by C. Henry, the unit of inductance, represented by L. Using letters to represent the units, the relations between them may be expressed by the following formulae, in which t represents one second and T one hour: /=|, Q = It, Q' = IT, C7 = |, W=QE, P = IE. As these relations contain no coefficient other than unity, the letters may represent any quantities given in terms of those units. For exam- ple, if E represents the number of volts electro-motive force, and R the number of ohms resistance in a circuit, then their ratio E -T- R will give the number of amperes current strength in that circuit. The above six formulae can be combined by substitution or elimination, * In the revision of this chapter the author has had the assistance of Mr. David B. Rushmore. STANDARDS OF MEASUREMENTS, 1397 so as to give the relations between any of the quantities. The most important of these are the following: The definitions of these units as adopted at the International Electrical Congress at Chicago in 1893. and as established by Act of Congress of the United States, July 12, 1894, are as follows: The ohm is substantially equal to 10 9 (or 1,000,000,000) units of resist- ance of the C.G.S. system, and is represented by the resistance offered to an unvarying electric current by a column of mercury at 32 F., 14.4521 grammes in mass, of a constant cross-sectional area, and of the length of 106.3 centimeters. The ampere is Vio of the unit of current of the C.G.S. system, and is the practical equivalent of the unvarying current which when passed through a solution of nitrate of silver in water in accordance with standard specifications deposits silver at the rate of 0.001118 gramme per second. The volt is the electro-motive force that, steadily applied to a con- ductor whose resistance is one ohm, will produce a current of one ampere, and is practically equivalent to 1000/1434 (or 0.6974) of the electro- motive force between the Doles or electrodes of a Clark's cell at a tem- perature of 15C., and prepared in the manner described in the standard specifications. [The e.m.f. of a Weston normal cell is 1.0183 volts at 20 C.] The coulomb is the quantity of electricity transferred by a current of one ampere in one second. The farad is the capacity of a condenser charged to a potential of one volt by one coulomb of electricity. The joule is equal to 10,000,000 units of work in the C.G.S. system, and is practically equivalent to the energy expended in one second by an ampere in an ohm. The watt is equal to 10,000,000 units of power in the C.G.S. system, and is practically equivalent to the work done at the rate of one joule per second. The henry is the induction jn a circuit when the electro-motive force induced in this circuit is one volt, while the inducing current varies at the rate of one ampere per second. The ohm, volt, etc., as above defined, are called the "international" ohm, volt, etc., to distinguish them from the "legal" ohm, B.A. unit, etc. The value of the ohm, determined by a committee of the British Asso- ciation in 1863, called the B.A. unit, was the resistance of a certain piece of copper wire. The so-called "legal" ohm, as adopted at the Inter- national Congress" of Electricians in Paris in 1884, was a correction of the B.A. unit, and was defined as the resistance of a column of mercury 1 square millimeter in section and 106 centimeters long, at a temperature of 32 F. 1 legal ohm =1.0112 B.A. units; 1 international ohm =1.0023 legal ohm; 1 legal ohm =0.9977 int. ohm. DERIVED UNITS. 1 megohm = 1 million ohms; 1 microhm = 1 millionth of an ohm; 1 milliampere = 1/1000 of an ampere; 1 micro-farad = 1 millionth of a farad. RELATIONS OF VARIOUS UNITS. 1 ampere .................. =1 coulomb per second; 1 volt-ampere (direct current) = 1 watt = 1 volt-coulomb per sec. ; ( = 0.73756 foot-pound per second, 1 watt .................... { = 0.00094859 heat-unit per sec. (Fahr.), = 1 /745-7 of one horse-power; = 0.73756 foot-pound, 1 joule = 10 7 ergs . 1 British thermal unit . : work done by one watt in one sec., = 0.00094859 heat-unit; = 0.23904 gram calories; = 1054.2 joules; = 777.54 foot-pounds; = 25.200 gram calories; 1398 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 1 mean gram calorie { I fc"***, 1 * * ; 1 kilowatt, or 1000 watts = 1000/745.7 or 1.3410 horse-powers; 1 kilowatt-hour 1000 volt-ampere hours ..... 1 British Board of Trade unit 1 horse-power 1.3410 horse-power hours, = 2,655,220 foot-pounds, = 3415 heat-units; = 745.7 watts = 745.7 volt-amperes, = 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. The ohm, ampere, and volt are denned in terms of one another as follows: Ohm, the resistance of a conductor through which a current of one ampere will pass when the electro-motive force is one volt. Ampere, the quantity of current which will flow through a resistance of one ohm when the electro-motive force is one volt. Volt, the electro-motive force required to cause one ampere to flow through a resistance of one ohm. For Methods of Making Electrical Measurements, Testing, etc., see "American Handbook for Electrical Engineers"; Karapetoff's "Experimental Electrical Engineering": Bedell's "Direct and Alter- nating Current Manual"; 1914 Standardization Rules of A. I. E. E. Equivalent Electrical and Mechanical Units. H. Ward Leonard published in The Electrical Engineer, Feb. 25, 1895, a table of useful equivalents of electrical and mechanical units, from which the table on page 1399 is taken, with some modifications. L Units of the Magnetic Circuit. Unit magnetic pole is a pole of such strength that when placed at a dis- tance of one centimeter from a similar pole of equal strength it repels it with a force of one dyne. Magnetic Moment is the product of the strength 'of either pole into the distance between the two poles. Intensity of Magnetization is the magnetic moment of a magnet divided by its volume. Intensity of Magnetic Field is the force exerted by the field upon a unit magnetic pole. The unit is the gauss. Gauss = unit of field strength, or density, symbol H is that intensity of field which acts on a unit pole with a force of one dyne, = one line of force per square centimeter. One gauss produces 1 dyne of force per centimeter length of conductor upon a 'current of 10 amperes, or an electro-motive force of 1/100,000,000 volt in a centimeter length of con- ductor when its velocity across the field is 1 centimeter per second. A field of H units is one which acts with H dynes on unit pole, or H lines per square centimeter. A unit magnetic pole has 4?r lines of. force proceeding from it. Maxwell = unit of magnetic flux, is the amount of magnetism passing through a square centimeter of a field of unit density. Symbol, $. In non-magnetic materials a unit of intensity of flux is the same as unit intensity of field. The name maxwell is given to a unit quantity of flux, and one maxwell per square centimeter in non-magnetic materials is the same as the gauss. In magnetic materials the flux produced by the molecular magnets is added to the field (Norris). Magnetic Flux, <, is equal to the average field intensity multiplied by the cross-sectional area. The unit is the maxwell. Maxwells per square inch= gausses X 6.45. Magnetic Induction, symbol B, is the flux or the number of magnetic lines per unit of area of cross-section of magnetized material, the area being at every point perpendicular to the direction of the flux. It is equal to the product of the field intensity, H, and the permeability, .. Gilbert = unit of magnetomotive force, is the amount of M.M.F. that would be produced by a coil of 10 -* 4rc or 0.7958 ampere-turns. Symbol F. The M.M.F. of a coil is equal to 1.2566 times the ampere-turns. If a solenoid is wound with 100 turns of insulated wire carrying a current of 5 amperes, the M.M.F. exerted will be 500 ampere-turns X 1.2566 = 628.3 gilberts. Oersted = unit of magnetic reluctance; a magnetic circuit has a re- luctance of 1 oersted when unit m.m.f. produces unit flux. Symbol, R. Reluctance is that quantity in a magnetic circuit which limits the flux *Mean of the values of Reynolds and Moorby and of Barnes- Marks & Davis, Steam Tables, 1909* EQUIVALENT ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL UNITS. 1399 cod Ill 83 a > O TO S fl) HH .*! ffJ lg I*P! T3 2 il: I I *: ii d 1 ' ii n pj w j^il^lilS g gc5 en rj in'o'cK'rx' si $ CNCH .1 -Pj! Wj 1400 ELECTRICAL. ENGINEERING. under a given M.M.F. It corresponds to the resistance in the electric cir- cuit. Permeance is the reciprocal of reluctance. The reluctivity of any medium is its specific reluctance, and in the C.G.S. system is the reluctance offered by a cubic centimeter of the body between opposed parallel faces. The reluctivity of nearly all substances, other than the magnetic metals, is sensibly that of vacuum, is equal to unity, and is independent of the flux density. Permeability is the reciprocal of magnetic reluctivity. It is a number and the symb9l is ft. Materials differ in regard to the resistance they offer to the passage of lines of force; thus iron is more permeable than air. The permeability of a substance is expressed by a coefficient, //, which denotes its relation to the permeability of air, which is taken as 1. If H = number of mag- netic lines per square centimeter which will pass through an air-space between the poles of a magnet, and B the number of lines which will pass through a certain piece of iron in that space, then n B -T- H. The permeability varies with the quality of the iron, and the degree of satura- tion, reaching a practical limit for soft wrought iron when B= about 18,000 and for cast iron when B = about 10,000 C.G.S. lines per square centimeter. The permeability of a number of materials may be determined by means of the table on page. 1431. ANALOGIES BETWEEN THE FLOW OF WATER AND ELECTRICITY. ELECTRICITY. Volts; electro-motive force; differ- ence of potential; E. or E.M.P. Ohms, resistance, R. Increases di- rectly as the length of the conduc- tor or wire and inversely as its sec- tional area, R c I -f- s. It varies with the nature of the conductor. Amperes; current; current strength; intensity of current; rate of flow; 1 ampere = 1 coulomb per second-. WATER. Head, difference of level, in feet. Difference of pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. Resistance of pipes, apertures, etc., increases with length of pipe, with contractions, roughness, etc.; de- creases with increase of sectional area. % Rate of flow, as cubic ft. per second, gallons per min., etc., or volume divided by the time. In the min- ing regions sometimes expressed in "miners' inches." Quantity, usually measured in cubic ) Coulomb, unit of quantity, Q, ft. or gallons, but is also equiva- I rate of flow X time, as ampere- lent to rate of flow X time, as cu. f seconds. 1 ampere-hour = 3600 ft. per second for so many hours. J coulombs. Joule, volt-coulomb, TF, the unit of Work, or energy, measured in foot- pounds; product of weight of fall- ing water into height of fall; in pumping, product of quantity in cubic feet into the pressure in Ibs. per square foot against which the water is pumped. Power, rate of work. Horse-power = ft.-lbs. of work in 1 min. -7- 33,000. In water flowing in pipes, rate of flow in cu. ft. per second X resist- ance to the flow in Ibs. per sq. ft. ^550. work, = product of quantity by the electro-motive force = volt- ampere-second. 1 joule = 0.7373 foot-pound. If / (amperes) = rate of flow, and E (volts) = difference of pressure between two points in a circuit, energy expended = IEt, = I 2 Rt. Watt, unit of power, P, = volts X amperes, current or rate of flow X difference of potential. 1 watt = 0.7373 foot-pound per sec. = 1/746 of a horse-power. ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. Laws of Electrical Resistance. The resistance, R, of any con- ductor varies directly as its length, I, and inversely as its sectional area, s, or R QC I -T- s. If r = the resistance of a conductor 1 unit in length and 1 square unit in sectional area, R = rl-i- $. The common unit of length for electrical ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE. 1401 calculations in English measure is the foot, and the unit of area of wires is the circular mil = the area of a circle 0.001 in. diameter. 1 mil-foot = 1 foot long 1 circ.-mil area. Resistance of 1 mil-foot of soft copper wire at 51 F. = 10 international ohms. EXAMPLE. What is the resistance of a wire 1000 ft. long, 0.1 in. diam ' 0.1 in. diam. = 10,000 circ. mils. R = rl -f- s = 10 X 1000 -f- 10,000 = 1 ohm. Specific resistance, also called resistivity, is the resistance of a material of unit length and section as compared with the resistance of soft copper Conductivity is the reciprocal of specific resistance, or the relative conducting power compared with copper taken at 100. Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance. Relative Conductivities of Different Metals at and 100 C. (Matthiessen.) Metals. Conductivities. Metals. Conductivities. At 0C. At 32 F. At 100C. At 21 2 F. At 0C. At 32 F. At 100C. At 212 F. Silver, .hard 100 99.95 77.96 29.02 23.72 18.00 16.80 71.56 70.27 55.90 20.67 16.77 Tin 12.36 8.32 4.76 4.62 1 60 8.67 5.86 3.33 3.26 Copper, hard. . . . Gold, hard Lead Arsenic Antimony Mercury, pure Zinc, pressed .... Cadmium Platinum, soft. . . Iron, soft Bismuth 1.245 0.878 Resistance of Various Metals and Alloys. Condensed from a table compiled by H. F. Parshall and H. M. Hobart from different authorities. R =~resistance in ohms per mil foot = resistance per centi- meter cube X 6.015. C = per cent increase of resistance per degree C. R C R | C Aluminum, 99% pure Aluminum, 94; copper, 6.. Al. bronze, Al 10; Cu, 90 . . Antimony, compressed. . . Bismuth, compressed Cadmium pure 15.4 17.4 75.5 211 780 60 9.35 9.54 17.7 37.8 31.7 53.0 89 5 0.423 .381 .105 .389 .354 .419 .428 .388 .158 .090 065 White cast iron 340 684 82.8 63 401 177 123 287 294 393 566 73.7 61.1 539 145 33.6 8.82 78.5 34.5 .127 .201 .411 .000 .000 .000 .072 .435 .354 .247 .133 .394 .400 .440 .406 Gray cast iron Wrought iron Soft steel, C, 0.045 . . . Manganese steel, Mn, 12. . Nickel steel, Ni, 4.35 Lead pure ... Copper annealed, (D). . . . Copper annealed, (M) ... Copper 88; silicon, 12 Copper 65.8; zinc, 34.2. . . . Copper 90; lead, 10 Copper, 97; aluminum, 3. . Cu, 87; Ni 6 5- Al 65 Manganin, Cu, 84; Mn, 12;Ni, 4 Cu, 80.5; Mn, 3;Ni, 16.5 Cu, 79.5;Mn, 19.7; Fe, 0.8 Mercury Nickel Copper, 65; nickel, 25 Cu, 70; manganese, 30 German silver Cu, 60; Zn, 25; Ni, 15.... Gold, 99.9% pure Gold 67- silver 33 205 605 180 13.2 61.8 54.5 .019 .004 .036 .377 .065 .625 Palladium pure Platinum, annealed Platinum, 67; silver, 33 ... Phosphor bronze Silver, pure Tin pure Iron, very pure Zinc, pure (D) Dewarand Fleming; (M) Matthiessen. Conductivity of Aluminum. J. W. Richards (Jour. Frank.. Inst. 9 Mar., 1897) gives for hard-drawn aluminum of purity 98.5, 99.0, 99.5, and 99.75% respectively a conductivity of 55, 59, 61, and 63 to 64%, copper being 100%. The Pittsburg Reduction Co. claims that its purest aluminum has a conductivity of over 64.5%. (Eng'g News, Dec. 17, 1896.) German Silver. The resistance of German silver depends on its composition. Matthiessen gives it as nearly 13 times that of copper, with a temperature coefficient of 0,0004433 per degree 0, Weston, how- 1402 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. ever (Proc. Electrical Congress, 1893, p. 179), has found copper-nickel- zinc alloys (German silver) which had a resistance of nearly 28 times nearly M^__. _, temperature coefficient or aho _ . atthiessen. Conductors and Insulators in Order of Their Value. that of copper, and a temperature coefficient of about one-half that Ma " CONDUCTORS. All metals Well-burned charcoal Plumbago Acid solutions Saline solutions Metallic ores Animal fluids Living vegetable substances Moist earth Water INSULATORS (NON-CONDUCTORS). Dry air Ebonite Shellac Gutta-percha Paraffin India-rubber Amber Silk Resins Dry paper Sulphur Parchment Wax Dry leather Jet Porcelain Glass Oils Mica According to Culley, the resistance of distilled water is 6754 million times as great as that of copper. Impurities in water decrease its resistance. Resistance Varies with Temperature. For every degree Centi- grade the resistance of copper increases about 0.4%, or for every degree F., 0.2222%. Thus a piece 9f copper wire having a resistance of 10 ohms at 32 would have a resistance of 11.11 ohms at 82 F. The following table shows the amount of resistance of a few sub- stances used for various electrical purposes by which 1 ohm is increased by a rise of temperature of 1 C. Platinoid 0.00021 Platinum silver 0.00031 German silver (see above) . . 0.00044 Gold, silver . 00065 Cast iron 0.00080 Copper . 00400 Annealing. Resistance is lessened by annealing. Matthiessen gives the following relative conductivities for copper and silver, the comparison being made with pure silver at 100 C. : Metal. Temp. C. Hard. Annealed. Ratio, Copper 11 95.31 97.83 1 to 1.027 Silver 14.6 95.36 103.33 1 to 1.084 Dr. Siemens compared the conductivities of copper, silver, and brass with the following results. Ratio of hard to annealed: Copper 1 to 1.058 Silver 1 to 1.145 Brass 1 to 1.180 STANDARD VALUES FOR RESISTIVITY AND TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF COPPER. Bureau of Standards, 1914. The Bureau of Standards made measurements of a large number of representative samples of copper and established standard values of resistivity and temperature coefficients, which have been adopted by the International Electrochemical Commission. Conductivity of Copper. The following rules of the International Electrical Commission have been adopted by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. The following shall be taken as normal values for standard annealed copper: (1) At a temperature of 20 C. the resistance of a wire of standard annealed copper one meter in length and of a uniform section of 1 square millimeter is 1/58 ohm = 0.017241. . . .ohm. (2) At a temperature of 20 C. the density of standard annealed copper is 8.89 grams per cubic centimeter. (3) At a temperature of 20 C. the "constant mass" temperature coefficient of resistance of standard annealed copper, measured between two potential points rigidly fixed to the wire, is 0.00393 = 1/254.45 , , , . per degree centigrade, RESISTANCE OF COPPER. 1403 * (4) As a consequence it follows from (1) and (2) that, at a temper- ature of 20 C. the resistance of a wire of standard annealed copper of uniform section, one meter in length and weighing one gram, is (1/58) X 8.89 = 0.15328 ohm. Paragraphs (1) and (4) define what are sometimes called "volume resistivity" and "mass resistivity" respectively. This may be ex- pressed in other units as follows: Volume resistivity = 1.7241 microhm-cm, (or microhms in a cm. cube) at 20 C. = 0.67879 microhm inch at 20 C. and mass resistivity = 875.20 ohms (mile, pound) at 20 C. The new value is known as the International Annealed Copper Standard, and is equivalent to 0.'017241 ohm (meter, mm2) at 20 C. The units of mass resistivity and volume resistivity are interrelated through the density; this was taken as 8.89 grams per cm 3 at 20 C. by the International Electrochemical Commission. The International Annealed Copper Standard, in various units of mass resistivity and volume resistivity, is: 0.15328 ohm (meter, gram) at 20 C. 875.20 ohms (mile, pound) at 20 C. 0.017241 ohm (meter, mm2) at 20 C. 1.7241 microhm-cm, at 20 C. 0.67879 microhm-inch at 20 C. 10.371 ohms (mil, foot) at 20 C. The Temperature Coefficient of Resistance of Copper. The Bureau of Standards' investigation of the temperature coefficient showed that the coefficient varies with different samples, but that the relation of conductivity to temperature coefficient is substantially a simple pro- portionality. The general law may be expressed by the following practical rule: The 20 C. temperature coefficient of a sample of copper is the product of the per cent, conductivity by 0.00393. There are sometimes cases when the temperature coefficient is more easily measured than the conductivity, and the conductivity can be computed from the relation: per cent, conductivity = 254.5 X temperature coefficient. When a temperature coefficient of resistance must be assumed the best value to assume for good commercial annealed copper wire is that corresponding to 100 per cent, conductivity, viz.: Co = 0.00427, ais = 0.00401, 2 o = 0.00393, a 2 & = 0.00385 / Rt - #20 This value was adopted as standard by the International Electro- chemical Commission in 1913. It would usually apply to instruments and machines, since they are generally wound with annealed wire. Experiment has shown that distortions such as those caused by winding and ordinary handling do not affect the temperature coefficient. Similarly, when assumption is unavoidable, the temperature coeffi- cient of* good commercial hard-drawn copper wire may be taken as that corresponding to a conductivity of 97.3 per cent., viz.: GO = 0.00414, aw = 0.00390, a w = 0.00382, an = 0.00375 Rule for reducing resistivity from one temperature to another: The change of resistivity of copper per degree C. is a constant, inde- pendent of the temperature of reference and of the sample of copper. This "resistivity-temperature constant" may be taken, for general purposes, as 0.00060 ohm (meter, gram), or 0.0068 microhm-cm. More exactly, it is: 0.000.597 ohm (meter, gram) or, 0.000.0681 ohm (meter, mm 2 ) or, 0.006.81 microhm-cm, or, 3.41 ohms (mile, pound) or, 0.002.68 microhm-inch, or, 0.040-9 ohm (mil, foot). Continued on p. 1406. 1404 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. t* g rt s ^ 2^ Its HS j w a * 8 ^ fa H ^s m ci s ~' ^ I w a E" ! o o mo m I si Ci d^ S a^! ^o o^ ooo . fNcocn ^rSt- SI? ooo- . " i * O CO ivD OOOfN rrt>i -r o^vo \OOiA . t^-oom sOOMA t^ro\O fNt>*-*f ^- fN| 500 O -A 00 CO C m o \Q fNfN 8S8 3O OOO OOO' OOO O oo t>i I s * co c in fNmo Of^vO '4-fAO Ocom ^^^ is - c TABLE. 1405 e. O K n\oOO> -t>O N)iAO> iA O OO vo'ooo' ^ ^ O | i |-iA\O 00 O m vO O vO < o oc s o K g Square Inches. 3 rf Ss 5a s= Cross-section of conductor in circular mils, I = Line current in amperes, p = per cent interest, then A = ^ X KI x 0.003 XLXD*. L B = K X I z X 10.5 X j=c 2 ^ x KI x 0.003 XLXD* = KXI*X lo.s'x ^, Z>2 = 592 I D* is the cross-section, in circular mils, that will give the most eco- nomical line loss. In the following, the above equation is worked out for three different rates of interest: For 4%, Z> 2 = 296 I \| ; For 5%, DZ = 265 I \l ; II KI i KI ' For 6%, D* = 242 I \l KI In determining the value of I, care must be taken that the annual mean value of the current is used. The value of K must also be the one for which the power, representing the line loss, can be produced, and not that for which it can be sold. Wire Tables. The tables on the following page show the relation between load, distance, and "drop" or loss by voltage in a two- wire direct-current circuit of any standard size of wire. The tables are based on the formula (21.6 IL) -7- A - Drop in volts. I = current in amperes, L = distance in feet from point of supply to point of delivery, A = sectional area of wire in circular mils. The factors I and L are combined in the table, in the compound factor "ampere feet." EXAMPLES IN THE USE OF THE WIRE TABLES. 1. Required the max- imum load in amperes at 220 volts that can be carried 95 feet by No. 6 wire without exceeding 11/2% drop. Find No. 6 in the 220-volt column of Table I; opposite this in the 1V2% column is the number 4005, which is the ampere-feet. Dividing this by the required distance (95 feet) gives the load, 42.15 amperes. Example 2. A 500- volt line is to carry 100 amperes 600 feet with a drop not exceeding 5 % ; what size of wire will be required? The ampere-feet will be 100 X 600 = 60,000. Referring to the 5% column of Table II, the nearest number of ampere-feet is 60,750, which is opposite No. 3 wire in the 500- volt column. These tables also show the percentage of the power delivered to a line that is lost in non-inductive alternating-current circuits. Such circuits are obtained when the load consists of incandescent lamps and the cir- cuit wires lie only an inch or two apart, as in conduit wiring. Efficiency of Electric Systems. The efficiency of a system is the ratio of the power delivered by the electric motors at the distant end of the line to the power delivered to the dynamo-electric machines at the other end. The efficiency of a generator or motor varies with its load and with the size of the machine, ranging about as follows: Average Full-load Efficiency of Generators: K.W 25 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 3000 Eff. % 88 90 91 92 93 94 94.5 95 Average Full-load Efficiency of Motors: H.P 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 Eff. % .... 80 82 85 87 88 90 * 91 92 93 The efficiency of both generators and motors decreases, at first very ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION, DIRECT CURRENT. 1413 WIRE TABLE RELATION BETWEEN LOAD, DISTANCE, Loss, AND SIZE OF CONDUCTOR. NOTE. The numbers in the body of the tables are Ampere-Feet, i.e., Amperes X Distance (length of one wire). See examples below. Table I. 110-volt and 220-volt Two-wire Circuits. Wire Sizes; B. & S. Gauge. Line Loss in Percentage of the Rated Voltage; and Power Loss in Percentage of the Delivered Power. 110V. 220V. 1 H/2 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 0000 000 0000 000 00 1 21,550 17,080 13,550 10,750 8,520 32,325 25,620 20,325 16,125 12,780 43,100 34,160 27,100 21,500 17,040 64,650 51,240 40,650 32,250 25,560 86,200 68,320 54,200 43,000 34,080 107,750 85,400 67,750 53,750 42,600 129,300 102,480 81,300 64,500 51,120 172,400 136,640 108,400 86,000 68,160 215,500 170,800 135,500 107,500 85,200 00 1 2 3 2 3 4 6 6,750 5,360 4,250 3,370 2,670 10,140 8,040 6,375 5,055 4,005 13,520 10,720 8,500 6,740 5,340 20,280 16,080 12,750 10,110 8,010 27,040 21,4^0 17,000 13,480 10,680 33,800 26,800 21,250 16,850 13,350 40,560 32,160 25,500 20,220 16,020 54,080 42,880 34,000 26,960 21,360 67,600 53,600 42,500 33,700 26,700 4 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 2,120 1,680 1,330 1,055 838 3,180 2,520 1,995 1,582 1,257 4,240 3,360 2,660 2,110 1,675 6,360 5,040 3,990 3,165 2,514 8,480 6,720 5,320 4,220 3,350 10,600 8,400 6,650 5,275 4,190 12,720 10,800 7,980 6,330 5,028 16,960 13,440 10,640 8,440 6,700 21,200 16,800 13,300 10,550 8,380 9 10 11 12 14 12 13 14 665 527 418 332 209 997 790 627 498 313 1,330 1,054 836 665 418 1,995 1,580 1,254 997 627 2,660 2,108 1,672 1,330 836 3,320 2,635 2,090 1,660 1.045 3,990 3,160 2,508 1,995 1,354 5,320 4,215 3,344 2,660 1,672 . 6.650 5J270 4,180 3,325 2,090 Table II. 500, 1000, and 2000 Volt Circuits. Wire Sizes; B. & S. Gauge. Line Loss in Percentage of the Rated Voltage ; and Power Loss in Percentage of the Delivered Power. 500V. 1000V. 2000V. 1 H/2 2 2V2 3 4 5 0000 000 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 14 0000 000 00 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 97,960 77,690 61,620 48,880 38,750 30,760 24,370 19,320 15,320 12,150 9,640 7,640 6,060 4,805 3,810 3,020 2,395 1,900 1,510 950 146,940 116,535 92,430 73,320 58,125 46,140 36,555 28,980 22,980 18,225 14,460 11,460 9,090 7,207 5,715 4,530 3,592 2,850 2,265 1,425 195,920 155,380 123,240 97,760 77,500 61,520 48,740 38,640 30,640 24,300 19,280 15,280 12,120 9,610 7,620 6,040 4,790 3,800 3,020 1,900 244,900 194,225 154,050 122,200 96,875 76,900 60,925 48,300 38,300 30,375 24,100 19,100 15,150 12,010 9,525 7,550 5,985 4,750 3,775 2.375 293,880 233,970 184,860 146,640 116,250 92,280 73,110 57,960 45,960 36,450 28,920 22,920 18,180 14,415 11,430 9,060 7,185 5,700 4,530 2,850 391,840 310,760 246,480 195,420 155,000 123,040 97,480 77,280 61,280 48,300 38,560 30,560 24,240 19,220 15,220 12,080 9,580 7,600 6,040 3,800 489,800 388,450 308,100 244,400 193,750 153,800 121,850 96,600 76,600 60,750 48,200 38,200 30,300 24,025 19,050 15,100 11,975 9,500 7,550 4,750 1414 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. slowly and then more rapidly, as the load decreases. Each machine has its "characteristic" curve of efficiency, showing the ratio of output to input at different loads. Roughly the decrease in efficiency for direct- current machines at half-load varies from 3% to 10% for the smallest sizes. The loss in transmission, due to fall in electrical pressure or "dop" in the line, is governed by the size of the wires, the other conditions remaining the same. For a long-distance transmission plant this will vary from 5 % upwards. With generator efficiency and motor efficiency each 90%, and trans- mission loss 5 %, the combined efficiency is 0.90 X 0.90 X 0.95 = 76.95 %. Resistances of Pure Aluminum Wire.* Conductivity 62 in the Matthiesen Standard Scale. Pure aluminum weighs 167.111 pounds per cubic foot. II OM gog etween Stops. Speed. 1/1 3/4 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 10 30. 14 15 5 16 7 18 5 19.7 21 22 22 5 23 9 40. . 15.4 18.1 20.0 22.7 24.5 26.7 28.0 28.9 30 8 50 16 2 19 5 21 9 25 6 27 9 31 32 9 34 2 37 2 60 17.0 20.8 23.6 27.9 30.9 34.8 37.5 39.3 43.6 The figures in the above tables include stops of 5 seconds each for the city service and of 15 seconds for the interurban service, besides a 15 % margin for line drop and traffic delays. The ratio of acceleration is approximately 1.5 miles per hour per second for the city service and 1.2 miles per hour per second for the interurban service, the braking being 1.5 miles per hour per second and the coasting approximately 10% of the running time exclusive of stop. Train Resistance. (General Electric Co.) The horse-power output at the rim of the wheels is equal to, H P = T XF.X Feet T X F X V 33,000 X Minutes 375 When reduced to Kilowatts, _ TXFX V X 746 _ 2 X TXFX V 375 X 1000 The kilowatt input to train is equal to, 1000 appro*. T , 2XTXFXV KW. = : 1000 X Eff. Where T = Total weight of train in tons. F = Train resistance, including that due to grades and curves, in Ibs. per ton. V = Speed in miles per hour. Eff = Efficiency of motors at speed V. The train resistance may be found from the following formula: Where F = Train resistance in Ibs., per ton. T = Total weight of train in tons. V = Speed in miles per hour. A = End cross-section in sq. ft. N = Number of cars in train. is limited to a value of 3.5. VT Tractive Resistance of a 28-ton Electric Car (Harold H. Dunn, Bull. 74, Univ'y of 111. Expt. Station, April, 1914). Mean of all tests: Miles per hr. .5 10 15 -20 25 30 35 40 45 Lb. per ton.. 5.25 6.80 8.62 10.75 13.03 15.75 18.75 22.13 26.12 Two formulae have been derived from the results: R = 4 + 0.222 S + 0.00582 S*. R = 4 + 0.222 3 + 0.00181 ~ S 2 . A = cross-sectional area of the car in sq. ft. W = weight of the car in tons. The formulae should not be used beyond the limit of 45 miles per hour. Rates of Acceleration. Electric Locomotive Passenger Service, 0.3 to 0.6 mile per hour per second. Electric Motor Cars, Interurban Service, 0.8 to 1.3 miles per hour per second. Electric Motor Cars, City Service, 1.5 miles per hour per second. Electric Motor Cars, Rapid Transit Service, 1.5 to 2.0 miles per hour per second. Highest Practical Bate, 2.0 to 2,5 miles per Jiour per second, 1416 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Safe Maximum Speed on Curves. Radius of Curve, Ft. 10,000 5000 2000 1000 500 200 100 50 Speed, miles per hr., 100 75 50 35 25 15 10 6 The above values apply only when full elevation is given the outer rail. For city service such elevation is not possible and the maxi- mum speed will, therefore, be less under such cpnditions. The same restriction applies with steel wheel flanges of 3/ 4 inch or less. Coefficient of Adhesion. The following are the average values of the coefficient of adhesion between wheels and rails, based on a uniform torque: Clean, dry rail, 30%. Wet rail, 18%; Rail covered with sleet, 15? Rail covered with dry snow, 10 , , Electrical Resistance of Steel Bails. The resistance of steel rails varies considerably, due to the difference in chemical composition. Ordinary traction rails have a specific resistance averaging 12 times that of copper, while for contact rails (third rails) the average is only 8 times. The values given in the following table are in ohms at 75 F. and with no joints. with sand, 22%. with sand, 20%. o', with sand, 15%. Weight of Rails, Lbs. per Yard. Actual Area, Sq. In. Actual Area in Circular Mils. Resistance per Mile, 8 to 1 Ratio. Resistance per Mile, 1 2 to 1 Ratio. 40. 3 92 4 918300 09 1 1 8 13395 45.. 4 42 5,627 700 07915 1 1 905 50... 4.90 6,238,800 07135 10710 60. 5 88 7 486 600 05955 08920 70... 6 86 8,734400 05105 07660 75.. 7.35 9,230,900 04780 07185 80. 7 84 9 982 1 00 04465 06695 90. . 8 82 1 1 ,229,900 03975 05955 100 9.80 12,477,700 0.03750 0.05365 Resistance of Rail Bonds. The resistance of bonded rails will vary, depending on the amount of contact made by the splice bars and rail ends, but in selecting bonds this element of the return circuit should be disregarded, as it is quite unreliable and frequently negligible. Size of Conductor. Diameter of Terminal, in Inches. Resistance per In. of Conductor. 75 Fahr. Carrying Capacity, Amp. 0. . , 1/2 00000829 210 00.. . 5/8 00000657 265 000. . 3/4 00000521 335 0000. . 7/8 000004 1 4 425 250,000 C. M . . 7/ 8 00000350 500 300,000 C. M. . 00000275 600 350,000 C. M. . . 00000250 700 400,000 C. M. . . 00000219 800 450,000 C. M. . 00000196 900 500,000 C. M .00000175 1000 Electric Locomotives. In selecting an electric locomotive the prin- cipal points to be determined are the weight of the locomotive, the type and capacity of the equipment, and the mechanical features. The weight upon the drivers must be enough to pull the heaviest trains under the most adverse conditions. Therefore the weight of the heaviest train, the maximum grade and curvature must be ascertained. It must be known whether the locomotive is expected to start the train under these conditions, or whether it will start upon the level and only meet maximum grade conditions when running. In order to determine the motor equipment all the data of the service conditions are required, such as the speed required under various condi- tions of load and grade. The maximum free-running speed will be ap- proximately 50 to 75 per cent greater than the rated full load speed. Mechanical limitations must also be considered, such as track clear- ajices, limiting weight on drivers, type of couplings, etc, RAILWAYS. 1417 -JgJSNO^jI * is is "8 I ! ,4 I I w H 5 I I 9 ON 5 ''ON ON CO -ONN -S r>.rx\o -NOflO -I ONONON -ONGO -O ^ 3 N ee ON ' -ON < ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON -NO -iA t^rJ-O ^f> .mt>. -m o "f -mo r^hN -mt^ H^ O^ pfM^-iAr^ ' ..O '^* -lAO WN 5 I I i S li i i o r is ers ers sfor smi rm rs.. ir fic|2gj J*|| f-rtwrrtHQ}W' 3 P !Illl! 8|881 * s-Bsigt?ii iiififii UawwwfeStS - l od ON o is aS 4 AaSb^rt^ a o; o> rt G, . 4. s^s-g^&s o 2nd 2nd C-J- 1418 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. g Aij >' rt 5**e3 f . T fe'S ".2 *3 jj 5 "8 'I'd J'g s 1 IS IS 3 li 1 'd ||| i 1 TJ B oj'd So HI I'd -d-d 1 o So -d ^^ 1 8 bo l-d 1 3 o EH "^ *".S T^^T! 7i ^-i S b< _g | ^ o ,2:5 g c c g 1 OOEH ooo oooo H '$ 1 I U H |l 1 1 1 M 888 888 8888 8 l~ c q^ cq^ J SH^ QOOO T s" tf tc ? 3 s *. w . NO. ^ ^ 00 w ^ l^*l NvO r^(N ON - . .0 ^ ^^^i 5 i/S f {Q ?53i 88 O T NO > '3 b >> b rt'rt c '> -u S 5 CJ c3 ^'S .1 S IS T ga BQ i 1 1 1 "3 3 d ^^ w rt 13 CJ P3 fi r-'EH H H H O H O '> d ^a | !l ... o o: 3 w 1 ^ 1 cj 03 "^ Jm w V* oT o j- ^ 8 V Y ^^ r^J ^ ^^i ^ V ^ > V c > Y OT 32j . * ^0 >^ S*J[ ^^ ^ ^o ^> ^ > -%& > 43^ 02 Jl | | i& f| || | 1=1 | | j.8 3, 8 <3- !} NO NO OQ CO ^ NO CO NO ^d J NO ^ r * |j ie of Road and Section Electrified. altimore & Ohio, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore Tunnels ew York Central R.R., New York to Harmon 1 ew York, New Haven & Hartford j R.R., New York to New Haven ! rand Trunk Ry. Co., St. Clair Tunnel Co., Pt. Huron, Mich., St. Clair Tunnel reat Northern R.R., Cascade Tun- nel, Washington .ichigan Central R.R., Detroit River Tunnel, Detroit, Mich. Dston & Maine R.R., North Adams, Mass., Hoosac Tunnel snn. Tunnel & Terminal R.R. Pennsylvania R.R. into New York City utte, Anaconda & Pacific R.R., j Butte to Anaconda, Montana orf oik & Western R.R., Bluefield to Elkhorn, W. Va. anadian Northern, Montreal, Can. Continuous Rating," which means Pounds Tractive Effort," in which 1 i m 2; Z O O 2 W DH PP z : 5 - ^3 * * i NC 30 -' * ELECTRIC WELDING. 1419 Relative Efficiencies of Electric Railway Distributing Systems. The table on p. 1417 shows the approximate all-day combined efficiencies from prime mover to train wheels for various methods of trunk line electrifications. The trains are supposed to be handled by electric locomotives, and in each instance a considerable length of line is con- templated, making it necessary to have a 100,000-volt high-tension primary distribution or a multiplicity of power sources. Space will not permit a complete treatment 9f the subject of Electric Railways in this work. For further information consult: "American Handbook for Electrical Engineers"; Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers"; "Foster's Electrical Engineer's Pocket Book"; Burch, "Electric Traction for Railway Trains"; Harding, "Electric Railway Engineering." ELECTRIC WELDING. Electric welding is divided into two general classes, arc heating and resistance heating. Arc Welding. In this process the heat of the arc is utilized to bring the metals to be welded to the melting temperature, when the- joint is filled with molten metal, usually introduced in the form of a rod. This system is usually operated by direct current, and as the positive side of a direct current arc generates heat at a rate approxi- mately three times that of the negative side, the positive side is used for performing the welding operation. Two kinds of arcs may be used for this class of welding, the carbon arc and the metallic arc. The former requires an e. m. f. varying from 50 to 100 volts and the value of the current is varied over a range of 100 to 750 amperes, 300 being the average. The metallic arc, how- ever, requires an e. m. f. of only from 15 to 30 volts, the length of the arc being very short as compared with the carbon arc. The arc should be as stable as possible, and the current should, therefore, be of a constant value. The regulation may be accomplished by inserting resistance in series in the circuit, but this system is nat- urally very wasteful and greater economy may be obtained by pro- viding motor-generator sets, with the generator of the variable voltage The following costs, Table I (from Electrical World) were compiled from the records of an electric railway repair shop: TABLE I. Data on Electric Welding Repairs in Railway Shops. Time in Minutes. Kw. Average Costs. Gear-case lugs .... 10 6 $0.07 Armature shaft (broken) 2-in 60 20-30 0.80 Dowel-pin holes .' 5-12 4-8 0.07 Broken motor cases 150-200 75-90 4.98 Broken lugs on a compressor cover, doors and grease-cup hinges . . .... 2-5 1-3 0.03 Broken truck frames 30-60 20-35 0.63 Worn bolt holes in motors and trucks ..... Enlarged and elongated holes in brake levers Armature shafts, 2-in., worn in journals . . . Armature shafts worn in keyways . ... 5-10 2-4 120-180 10-15 3-5 1 V 2 -3 60-90 7-12 0.05 0.03 3.75 0.10 Armature shaft, worn thread 20-30 10-15 0.24 Air-brake armature shafts (broken) . . 20-30 10-20 0.27 Leaking axle boxes 5-15 3-7 0.08 Resistance Welding. Resistance welding is done by the heat developed by a large amperage carrying through the joining metals by means of a low voltage. Single-phase alternating current is generally used for the operation, which may be broadly divided into two classes butt-welding and spot-welding. The former covers all work on which the ends or the sides of the material are welded together, while spot- welding is used for joining metal sheets together at any point by a spot the size of a rivet, without punching holes or using rivets. For resistance welding a very low voltage is used, varying from 2 to 8 volts, the line voltage being stepped down by special transformers. 1420 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. The current consumption, in amperes, varies with the work and the time taken to make the weld. The following tables (from Iron Trade Review) give the cost of resistance welding. Table II gives the results obtained by butt- welding round stock ranging from 1/4 to 1 inch diameter, in the short- est and longest time possible. The difference in current consumption is very great and in most cases the shorter time in seconds was the most economical of the two, although neither is the most economical rate at which the material can be welded. TABLE II. Shortest and Longest Butt-welding Periods. Size, In. Time, Seconds. Current Amperes. Volts per Square Inch. Size, In. Time, Seconds. Current Amperes. Volts per Square Inch. 1/4 i 3/8 $ 9/16 9/16 2.7 5 4 5.27 4 15.8 3.6 21.5 1960 1645 4330 2190 6600 1800 8400 3400 39.5 35.5 45.5 19.7 36.6 13 8 12.25 5/8 V8 3/4 3/4 V8 1 V8 1 3.5 10.85 4 22.2 17 33 114 9400 5510 10000 9400 11900 10550 7740 4450 33.7 18.85 16.26 19.7 27.7 19.6 10.35 16.1 Table III contains the results of tests made to determine the cost of power for making electric butt welds on material ranging from 1/4 to 2 inches in diameter. TABLE HI. Cost of Power. Area, Sq. In. Kw. Welding Time, Seconds. Cost per 1000 Welds* Area, Sq. In. Kw. Welding Time, Seconds. Cost per 1000 Welds* 0.05 0.11 0.20 0.31 0.44 0.60 h 10 12 15 5 6 10 12 15 20 $0.07 0.13 0.22 0.33 0.50 0.83 0.79 0.99 1.23 1.77 2.41 3.14 18 20 26 40 45 56 30 30 40 60 70 80 $1.50 1.66 , 2.89 6.67 8.75 ' 12.44 Table IV gives the time, power and! cost per 100 spot-welds, with current at 1/4 cent per Kw.-hr., for welding Nos. 10 to 28 gage sheets. TABLE IV. Cost of Welding. Gage. Kw. Time in Seconds. Cost per 1000 Welds, Cents.* Gage. Kw. Time in Seconds. Cost per 1000 Welds, Cents. 10 12 14 16 18 18 16 14 12 10 1.5 tlo 0.9 0.8 3.5 2.75 2.5 2.25 20 22 24 26 28 9 8 6 5 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 1.75 1.5 1.25 * Current at 1 cent per Kw.-hr. ELECTRIC HEATERS. Wherever a comparatively small amount of heat is desired to be auto- matically and uniformly maintained, and started or stopped on the instant without waste, there is the province of the electric heater. The elementary form of heater is some form of resistance, such as coils of thin wire introduced into an electric circuit and surrounded with a substance which will permit the conduction and radiafion of heat, and at the same time serve to electrically insulate the resistance. This resistance should be proportional to the electro-motive force of the current used and to the equation of Joule's law: H = imt X 0.24, ELECTRIC HEATING. 1421 where I is the current in amperes! R, the resistance in ohms; t, the time in seconds; and H, the heat in gram-centigrade units. Since the resistance of metals increases as their temperature increases, a thin wire heated by current passing through it will resist more, and grow hotter and hotter until its rate of loss of heat by conduction and radiation equals the rate at which heat is supplied by the current. In a short wire, before heat enough can be dispelled for commercial purposes, fusion will begin ; and in electric heaters it is necessary to use either long lengths of thin wire, or carbon, which alone of all conductors resists fusion. In the majority of heaters, coils of thin wire are used, separately embedded in some substance of poor electrical but good thermal conductivity. Relative Efficiency of Electric and of Steam Heating. Suppose that by the use of good coal, careful firing, well-designed boilers and triple-expansion engines we are able in daily practice to generate 1 H.P. at the fly-wheel with an expenditure of 2 1/2 Ib. of coal per hour. We have then to convert this energy into electricity, transmit it by wire to the heater, and convert it into heat by passing it through a resistance-coil. We may set the combined efficiency of the dynamo and line circuit at 85.%, and will suppose that all the electricity is converted into heat in the resistance-coils of the radiator. Then 1 brake H.P. at the engine =0.85 electrical H.P. at the resistance coil = 1,683,000 ft.-lb. energy per hour = 2180 heat-units. But since it required 2 1/2 Ibs. of coal to develop 1 brake H.P., it follows that the heat given out at the radiator per pound of coal burned in the boiler furnace will be 2180-^21/2 = 872 H.U. An ordinary steam-heating system utilizes 9652 H.U. per Ib. of coal for heating; hence the efficiency of the electric system is to the efficiency of the steam-heating system as 872 is to 9652, or about 1 to 11. (Eng'g News, Aug. 9, '90; Mar. 30, '92; May 15, '93.) Heat Required to Warm and Ventilate a Room. The heat re- quired to raise the temperature of a given space or room to a certain value depends upon the ventilation, the character of the walls, the di- mensions, proportions of the room, etc. One watt-hour of electrical energy will raise the temperature of one cubic foot of air (measured at 70) 191 F., or 1 watt will raise the temperature of a cubic foot of air at the rate of 0.0531 F. per second, or approximately 3.2 per minute. In addition to raising the temperature of the air to the desired value, the loss of heat through conduction and ventilation must be supplied. (See Heating and Ventilation.) EXAMPLE. Assume a room of a capacity of 3000 cu. ft., in which the air is changed every 20 minutes, the temperature to be main- tained 30 above the outside air. 3000 -T- 20 = 150 cu. ft. per minute. (150 X 30) -s- 3.2 = 1406 watts necessary to supply the ventilation loss. To begin with, to raise the air in the room 30 will require (3000 X 30) -T- 191 =471 watt-hours and therefore the total energy used during the first hour will be 1406 + 471 = 1877 watt-hours or 1.88 Kw.-hours. Domestic Heating. Electric heating is extensively used for house- hold cooking apparatus. The time taken to heat water in any quantity to any definite temperature not exceeding boiling point can be deter- mined by the formula: V (T* - Ti) 1831 PX Eff. Where t = time in minutes, V = number of pints, T\ = initial tem- perature, F., Tz = final temperature, F., P = energy consumption in watts, Eff. = Efficiency of cooking utensil, per cent. EXAMPLE. To heat 1 pint of water 100 F. with a 220- watt heater with 50% efficiency, time = (1 X 100 X 1831) -~ (220 X 50) = 16.6 min. The following table (compiled by the National Electric Light Asso- ciation) gives the watts consumed and cost of operation of different domestic heating devices, the cost of current being at the rate of 5 cents per Kw.-hr. 1422 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Cost of Operation of Domestic Heating Appliances. Apparatus. Watts. Cents per hr. Broilers, 3 heat* 300 to 1200 1.5 to 6 Chafing dishes, 3 heat 200 to 500 1 to 2.5 Coffee percolators for 6-in. stove 100 to 440 0.5 to 2.2 Curling-iron heaters 60 0.3 Double boilers for 6-in., 3-heat stove 100 to 440 0.5 to 2.2 Flatiron (domestic size) , 3 Ib 275 1 Flatiron (domestic size), 4 Ib 350 1.4 Flatiron (domestic size) , 5 Ib 400 2 Flatiron (domestic size), 6 Ib 475 2.4 Flatiron (domestic size), 7.5 Ib 540 2.7 Flatiron (domestic size), 9 Ib 610 3.05 Frying kettles, 8 in. diameter 825 4.125 Griddle-cake cookers, 9 in. by 12 in., 3-heat 330 to 880 1.7 to 4.4 Griddle-cake cookers, 12 in. by 18 in., 3-heat 500 to 1500 2.5 to 7.5 Ornamental stoves 250 to 500 1.25 to 2.5 Ovens 1200 to 1500 6 to 7.5 Plate warmers 300 J .5 Radiators . 700 to 6000 3.5 to 30 Ranges: 3-heat, 4 to 6 people 1000 to 4515 5 to 22 Ranges: 3-heat, 6 to 12 people 1100 to 5250 5.5 to 26 Ranges: 3-heat, 12 to 20 people 2000 to 7200 10 to 36 Toasters, 9 in. by 12 in., 3-heat 330 to 880 1.6 to 4.4 Urns, 1-gal., 3-heat 110 to 440 0.5 to 2.2 Urns, 2-gal., 3-heat 220 to 660 1.1 to 3.3 Experience has shown that 300 watt-hours per meal per person is a liberal allowance for electric cooking; or in a family of five, four kilo- watt hours per day is an average. ELECTBIC FURNACES. In the combustion furnace, no matter what form of fuel is used, the temperature cannot exceed 2000 C. (3632 F.), and for higher temper- atures the electric furnace must be used. The intensity of the heat in this type of furnace depends .on the amount of current that passes, and as most substances are conductors when hot, the degree of intensity possible is theoretically unlimited. In practice, however, the conduct- ing substance begins to fuse when heated to its melting point, and one is then confronted with the physical difficulty of keeping the con- ducting medium in place, or, if this be accomplished, the conducting medium ultimately vaporizes,, the gaseous materials escape, and heat is thus carried away from the furnace as rapidly as it is supplied. The temperature of the electric arc, which is somewhere between 3600 and 4000 C. (6512 - 7232 F.), is perhaps the highest temperature attainable at present. Electric furnaces may be divided in two broad classes, arc furnaces and resistance furnaces. In the former the heat is generated by passing an electric current through the space between the ends of two elec- trodes, forming the so-called arc. In the resistance furnace the heat is generated in the interior of a body due to its electrical resistance. There are three typical forms of arc furnaces, their common feature being that most and sometimes all of the heat is transmitted to the material by radiation, which extends in all directions. In all the fur- naces the arc must be started by a quick movement of the electrodes and afterwards these must be continuously fed together as they are consumed. The chief characteristics of the three main types of arc furnaces are: 1. The direct-heating type, in which two or more electrodes are used and the heating is accomplished by conduction and radiation. The current passes from one electrode down through the slag, across through the bath and up through the slag to the other electrode. The - Heroult furnace belongs to this type. The Girod furnace is also T>f the direct-heating type, the current arcing from the electrodes, which are connected to one side of the cir- cuit. to a fixed electrode in the bottom. * The apparatus can be set at three different heats or temperatures, ELECTRIC FURNACES. 1423 2. The indirect-heating type. To this type belongs the Stassano furnace, in which the arc extends between two or more carbon elec- trodes above the charge, and therefore passes over but does not come in contact with the charge, the heating being accomplished by radiation. 3. The smothered type, in which the arc extends from the end of the upper electrode, which extends beneath the surface of the charge, to the lower fixed electrode in the bottom of the furnace. The direct and indirect heating arc furnaces are extensively used for melting and refining metals, while examples of the smothered type are the ferro-silicon and calcium carbide furnaces. Resistance furnaces may also be divided in two distinct types, those of direct and indirect heating. 1. Direct heating. In these the heat is produced in the material by its own resistance, and enters the material at the highest efficiency. The material may be placed in a channel between two electrodes at the ends which lead the current to and from it, the charge being sur- rounded with insulating material to reduce the loss of heat. The Acheson graphite furnaces are of this type. Under this classification also come the induction furnaces in which the terminal electrodes are eliminated and the heat generated solely by induction. .The furnace consists essentially of an iron core, around one leg of which is wound a primary winding enclosed in a refractory case and usually cooled by means of forced draft. The annular hearth surrounds this primary coil and is separated from it by means of refractory material. This hearth contains the metal and acts as a secondary winding of one turn. The voltage induced in this turn is quite small so that the energy transformed from the primary coil results in a very large current in the secondary, which heats the metal and thus nearly all the electrical energy is converted into heat in the metal to be melted. The Kjellin and the Rochling-Rodenhauser fur- naces belong to this type. They are extensively used for steel refining. 2. Indirect heating furnaces have the heat generated in an internal or external resistor and it is transferred to the charge by conduction and radiation. Such furnaces are used for small moderate temperature work. Uses of Electric Furnaces. Pig Iron. When the electric furnace is used for smelting of iron ore it is only necessary to supply enough carbon for the reduction, this amount being approximately one-third of what is required in the ordinary blast furnace for both the heating and reduction. From re- peated trial runs with electric smelting furnaces in Norway and Sweden it has been found that coke as a reducing agent does not give "satisfac- tory results, and charcoal is therefore used exclusively. The table on p. 1424 gives a summary of the most important figures relating to the economical results which were obtained with the electric iron ore furnaces in Sweden. Steel Refining. Electric furnaces are used in the manufacture of crucible quality steel, and the number is constantly increasing, both arc and induction furnaces being in general use. The following data as to the cost of electric steel refining are taken from an article in Stahl und Eisen, April 10, 1913. This article gives the results which have been obtained in Germany by the Heroult furnace and it contains a discussion of electric steel production from a large-industry point of view. The total refining cost must include many items as well as the cost of current; for example, the cost of fluxes (ore, lime, sand, etc.), the additions of ferro-alloys, relining, maintenance, and repairs, electrode consumption, wages, and, finally, interest and depreciation. The totals of these items and the cost of current, which is the largest item, are given below: Total Refining Costs (Per Ton). 5- ton 10- ton 15-ton 20- ton Basic. Acid. Basic. Acid. Basic. Acid. Basic. Acid. Total costs .... $2.79 $1.79 $2.45 $1.45 $2.28 $1.34 $2.15 $1.25 Cost of current 1.19 0.77 1.07 0.59 1.01 0.54 0.95 0.48 The figures are based on prevailing market prices. Current is taken 1424 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Data on Electric Smelting of Pig Iron in Sweden. Nov. 15, 1910, May 29, 1911. Aug. 4, 1911, to June21,1912. Aug. 12, 1912, Sept. 30, 191 2. October to December, 1912. Ore, concentrates and briquettes, kg. Limestone kg. 4,336,338 345,405 7,917,214 647,479 1,406,530 1 08, 1 50 2,914,830 169,944 Charcoal hi.* 65,474 107,282 21,859 44,934 Coke kg. 70854 Elec. energy, kw. hrs. Iron in ore, per cent. Iron produced . . kg. Slag per ton of iron .... kg. 6,339,131 60.79 2,636,098 350 10,845,180 60.75 4,809,670 324 1,939,073 68.67 965,915 192 3,957,565 65.38 1,905,865 Electrodes per ton of iron, gross .kg. Electrodes per ton of iron, net. .kg. Charcoal per ton of iron. hi 10.00 4.95 24 84 6.08 5.17 22 31 3.02 3.02 22 63 2.78 2.78 23 58 Working time Hr. Min. 4,441 20 Hr. Min. 7,218 23 Hr. Min. 1 , 1 73 08 Hr. Min. 2,158 30 Repairs 236 53 506 07 13 47 49 30 Repairs in per cent, of total time .... Average load, kw . . Kw.-hrs. per ton of iron 5.05 1,427 2,405 6.55 1,502 2,255 1 .16 1,653 2,007 2.24 1,833 2,076 Iron per kw. year, tons .... 3.64 3.88 4.36 4.22 Iron per h.p. year, tons . . 2.68 2.86 3.20 3.10 * 1 hectoliter = 3.53 cu. ft. = 2.84 U. S. bushels. at 0.595c. per Kw.-hr., which is a figure that should be easy of attain- ment for most steel plants. The time per heat is taken as 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 hours. Three-phase furnaces are considered, and in the installation cost of the plant must be included transformers, cables, and switch- boards. The amount of current required is as follows: Size of Furnace, Tons 1 2 5 10 25 Kilowatts 300-350 400-450 750-800 1000-1200 3000-3500 Ferro- Alloys. The electric furnace has clearly demonstrated its advantages in the manufacture of ferro-alloys. The production of a ferro-alloy low in carbon or with a high percentage of the alloying element is limited in the blast furnace by three difficulties first, the temperature is too low for the reduction of some of the oxides of the alloying metals; second, it is difficult to obtain an alloy containing a high percentage of the special metal; and third, it is impossible to produce a ferro-alloy low in carbon, because of the great excess of carbon in the charge. With the crucible, owing to the small scale of operation necessary, the process is expensive. Owing to the temper- ature limitation, certain oxides can not be reduced and metals of high melting point can not be melted ; it is difficult to obtain an alloy with a high percentage of the special metal ; and if a graphite crucible is used, the percentage of carbon tends to be high in the ferro-alloy. Non-ferrous Metals. In the metallurgy of non-ferrous metals the electric furnace has had a greater application for the treatment of zinc ores than in the metallurgy of any of the other non-ferrous metals except aluminum. Since 1885, when an electric furnace for the treat- ment of zinc ores was patented by the Cowles brothers, experimental work has been done on a very large scale. However, the process has not been applied to any great extent because of the difficulty of con- densing the zinc vapor produced in smelting in the electric furnace, and ELECTRIC ACCUMULATORS. 1425 eo it may be said that the electric smelting of zinc ores is yet in the experimental stage. Silundum, or silicified carbon, is a product obtained when carbon is heated in the vapor of silicon in an electric furnace. It is a form of car- borundum, and has similar properties; it is very hard, resists high temperatures, and is acid-proof. It is a conductor of electricity, its resistance being about three times that of carbon. It can be heated in the air up to 1600 C. without showing any sign of oxidation. At about 3700, however, the silicon leaves the carbon and combines with the oxygen of the air. Silundum can not be melted. The first use to which the material was applied was for electric cooking and heating. For heating purposes the silundum rods can be used single, in lengths up to 32 in., depending on the diameter, as solid, round, flat, or square rods or tubes, or in the form of a grid mounted in a frame and provided with contact wires. (EL Review, London. Eng. Digest, Feb., 1909.) PRIMARY BATTERIES. Following is a partial list of some of the best known primary cells or batteries. Name. Elem< mts. + . Electrolyte. Depolarizer. E.M.F. volts. Daniell Gravity Cu Cu Pt C Cu C Pt Pt C Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn Cd Zn Dilute H 2 SO 4 ZnSO 4 Dilute H 2 SO 4 Dilute H 2 SO 4 Cone. NaOH NH 4 C1 ZnS0 4 CdS0 4 Various electro Concent. CuSO 4 Concent. CaSO 4 HN0 3 K ? Cr 2 O 7 CuO MnO 2 Hg 2 S0 4 Hg 2 S0 4 yte pastes. 1.07 i!f 2.1 0.7-0.9 1.4 1.44 1.02 1-1.8 Grove Fuller Edison- Lalande Leclanche Clark \Veston Dry battery The gravity cell is used for telegraph work. It is suitable for closed circuits, and should not be used where it is to stand for a long time on open circuit. The Fuller cell is adapted to telephones or any intermittent work. It can stand on open circuit for months without deterioration. The Edison-Lalande cell is suitable for either closed or open circuits. The Leclanche cell is adapted for open circuit intermittent work, such as bells, telephones, etc. The Clark and Weston cells are used for electrical standards. The Weston cell has largely superseded the Clark. Dry cells are in common use for house service, igniters for gas engines, etc. Batteries are coupled in series of two or more to obtain an e.m.f. .greater than that of one cell, and in multiple to obtain more amperes without change of e.m.f. Spark coils, or induction coils, with interrupters, are used to obtain ignition sparks for gas engines, etc. ELECTRIC ACCUMULATORS OR STORAGE BATTERIES. Secondary or storage batteries may be divided in two general classes: viz., the lead battery and the Edison alkaline battery. They are composed of a number of cells connected in series or multiple. The voltage is independent of the size of the cell and is a function of the electro -chemical properties used for the electrodes and electrolytes, being approximately two volts per cell. The current, however, is ap- proximately proportional to the surface of the electrodes that are sub- merged in the electrolyte. Lead Batteries. The lead battery consists of two electrodes, the positive and negative, immersed in the electrolyte. The two electrodes are sponge lead (Pb) for the negative, and peroxide of lead (Pbp2) for the positive, these forming the active couple, the electrolyte being di- lute sulphuric acid. The two sets of electrodes are called an element and they can be readily distinguished by their colors, the positive pe 1426 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. oxide plate being of a velvety brown chocolate color and the negative lead sponge plate of a light gray. Inside of the cell the current starts from the negative electrode to- ward the positive, and the positive electrode, therefore, is that por- tion of the battery from which the electric current passes out into the load circuit, this being termed "discharge," as compared to the storing of energy, which is termed "charge." When the cell gives out current, the elements gradually change in composition, becoming mixtures or compounds of lead and lead sulphate at the negative electrode, and lead peroxide and lead sulphate at the positive electrode, the chemical change caused by the giving out of electrical energy being a gradual formation of lead sulphate. Lead batteries are made with two different types of plates, the "formed" or Plante plate, and the "pasted" or Faure plate. In the former, the active material is formed electro-chemically on the surface of the plate body, while in the latter it is first applied mechanically in the form of lead oxide and afterward! subjected to the forming process. As a rule the negative plates are always of the Faure type. Positive Plante plates have a long life, while the life of positive Faure plates is limited to a considerable extent by the number of charges. The latter, how- ever, give a greater capacity for the same weight than the formed plate, and are, therefore, used where light weight is required, such as for elec- tric vehicles. Positive plates have ordinarily a shorter life than negative. The capacity of a storage battery is measured in ampere-hours, and varies with the discharge rate. An arbitrary standard of the 8-hour rate is now universally adopted, but if the rate is increased, the capacity is diminished. So, for example, at a one-hour discharge rate only about half the number of ampere-hours can be obtained from a cell that it can supply at the 8-hour rate. An 80-ampere-hour battery thus means one which will discharge 10 amperes continuously for eight hours without falling below the minimum allowable voltage. When a battery is being discharged, the voltage sinks gradually and it should never be discharged below some fixed limit, because an ex- cessive quantity cf sulphate will then form, which may injure the plates both electrically and mechanically, tending to crack and loosen the active material. This condition is indicated by the deposit of white sulphate on the surfaces of the plates. The voltage at which a lead battery is assumed to be completely discharged depends on the dis- charge rate and may be computed from the formula E = 1.66+ 0.0175* where t = time of discharge in hours. Thus for an 8-hour rate the discharge should be stopped when the voltage has dropped to 180, while for an 1-hour rate, it should be stopped when it has dropped to 168. The voltage rises gradually during the charging from about 2.15 per cell at the beginning to about 2.55 at the end. The rate of charging is usually specified by the manufacturer. In certain instances it is equal to the 8-hour discharge rate, while in others the instructions may be to start the charge between the 3- and 5-hour rate, reducing the current to the 8-hour rate as soon as the plates gas freely. The time required for a charge will, of course, depend upon the amount of the previous discharge. If this has been two-thirds of the rated capacity of the bat- tery, about three hours at the starting rate and an hour and a half or two hours afc the finishing rate will be necessary; i.e., from 10 to 15 per cent more charge than the amount taken out on the discharge is ordinarily required. At regularly weekly or bi-weekly intervals the battery should be given an overcharge f9r the purpose of equalizing all cells, reducing all sulphate, and keeping the plates in good general condition. Such overcharge is a regular charge continued until the voltage does not show any rise for four or five consecutive readings 15 minutes apart, all cells then gasing freely. A charging voltage of 2.7 volts should be provided for such overcharges. The specific gravity of the electrolyte, will reach a maximum in e same manner as the voltage, and readings of this in the various Is of the battery should be taken toward the end of the charge \ ELECTRIC ACCUMULATORS. 1427 with a hydrometer. These readings will act as a check on those taken on the voltage, and while it may not be found practicable to do this every time the battery is charged, it is very important and should be done at least once a week. If batteries are used intermittently and allowed to stand some time without charge or discharge, the electrolyte should be of low density, not over 1.210. Several different methods may be adopted for controlling the dis- charge voltage and maintaining a uniform pressure at the lights, viz.: (1) by connecting in additional or "end" cells one at a time, as the voltage drops, by means of an end cell switch; (2) by a rheostat, whose resistance is cut out step by step; (3) by counter electro-motive force cells, which, like a rheostat, cut down the battery voltage at the be- ginning of discharge, and are cut out of circuit one by one by means of an end cell switch. Also, several methods may be employed for obtaining the necessary increase of voltage for charging, viz.; (1) by dividing the battery into two equal parts and charging these in parallel through a suitable re- sistance, the generator running at normal (lamp) voltage; (2) by raising the voltage of the generator sufficiently to charge all the cells in one series; (3) by means of a booster, whose voltage is added to that of the generator, and is varied to give the total required. In a lead storage-cell, if the surface and quantity of active material be accurately proportioned, and if the discharge be commenced imme- diately after the termination of the charge, then a current efficiency of as much as 98 % may be obtained, provided the rate of discharge is low and well regulated. Since the current efficiency decreases as the dis- charge rate increases, and since very low discharge rates are seldom used in practice, efficiencies as high as this are never obtained practically, the average being about 90%. After a battery has been erected and all connections made and the current ready, the electrolyte may be poured into the jars, and as soon thereafter as possible the initial charging should commence. Never allow a battery to stand longer than two hours after the acid is put in, before starting the charge. This should be as continuous as possible, until all cells gas freely and the specific gravity and voltage show no rise over a period of 10 hours. The duration of such a charge may vary from 30 to 100 hours, and is always given by the manufacturer. The temperature in any one cell should not be permitted to go above 100 F. ; if this occurs, the charging rate must be reduced or the charge tem- porarily stopped. The level of the electrolyte should be kept above the top of the plates by adding pure fresh water. Addition of new electrolyte is seldom necessary and should be done only on advice from the manufacturer. The sediment which collects in the bottom of the cells should always be removed before it touches the plates. The battery room should be well ventilated, especially when charging, and great care taken not to bring an exposed flame near the cells when charging or shortly after. Metals or impurities of any kind must not be allowed to get into the cells. If this should happen, the impurity should be removed at once, and if badly contaminated, the electrolyte replaced with new. If in doubt as to the purity of electrolyte or water, the manufacturers should be consulted. To take cells out of commission, the electrolyte should be drawn off; the cells filled with water and allowed to stand for 12 or 15 hours. The water can then be drawn off and the plates allowed to dry. When putting into service again, the same procedure should be followed as with the initial charge. Lead storage batteries are extensively used for the following appli- cations: Stand-by service in central stations. Voltage regulation on D. C. distribution lines. To carry peak loads of central stations. Voltage regulation in isolated building plants. To carry load of isolated plant, when the plant is shut down for the night. To furnish country places with power where such places are off the line of central stations, 1428 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. To furnish current for talking circuits in telephone service. To furnish current for signal work. To light trains in connection with a generator system. To operate submarine torpedo boats. For ignition, starting and lighting on gas cars. To propel electric pleasure and commercial vehicles. To regulate long distance transmission lines. For a complete treatise on lead storage batteries see Lyndon, " Storage Battery Engineering." Edison Alkaline Battery. The Edison storage battery is considerably lighter, although not as efficient as the lead battery, and for that reason it is extensively used for vehicle service. Its weight varies from 14 to 18 watt-hours per pound. The active materials of this battery are oxides of nickel and iron in the positive and negative grids respectively, the electrolyte being a solution of caustic potash in water with a small amount of lithium hydrate. The first charging of a cell reduces the iron oxide to metallic iron while converting the nickel hydrate to a very high oxide of nickel, black in color. On discharge, the metallic iron goes back to iron oxide and the high nickel oxide goes to a lower oxide, but not to its orig- inal form of green nickel hydrate, and every cycle thereafter during charging the positive changes to a high nickel oxide. Current passing in either direction (charge or discharge) decomposes the potassium hydrate of the electrolyte and the oxidation and the reduction at the electrodes are brought about by the action of its elements. An amount of potassium hydrate equal to that decomposed is always reformed at one of the electrodes by a secondary chemical reaction, and con- sequently there is none of it lost and its density remains constant. The eventual results of charging, therefore, are a transference of oxygen from the iron to the nickel electrode and that of discharging is a transference back again. The density of the electrolyte does not change during charge or dis- charge and consequently hydrometer readings are unnecessary. To give the best output and efficiency, the manufacturer gives the normal rate of charge as 7 hours and discharge as 5 hours. The rates are, however, optional, and may with certain restrictions be based on the operating conditions. The discharge starts at 1.44 volts per cell, falls rapidly for the first hour, and slowly for 4 l /2 hours. The voltage at the end of 5 hours, the normal discharge period, is 1.11 per cell. The charge starts at 1.54 volts per cell, rises rapidly for three- quarters of an hour, and then slowly until it becomes practically con- Btant at the end of 7 hours. The voltage is then 1.81 per cell. ELECTROLYSIS. Electrolysis is the separation of a chemical compound into its con- stituents by an electric current. Faraday gave the nomenclature of electrolysis. The compound to be decomposed is the electrolyte, and the process electrolysis. The plates or poles of the battery are elec- trodes. The plate where the greatest pressure exists is the anode, and the other pole is the cathode. The products of decomposition are ions. Lord Rayleigh found that a current of one ampere will deposit 0.017253 grain, or 0.001118 gram of silver per second on one of the plates of a silver voltameter, the liquid employed being a solution of silver nitrate containing from ] 5 % to 20 % of the salt. The weight of hydrogen similarly set free by a current of one ampere is 0.00001038 gram per second. Knowing the amount of hydrogen thus set free, and the chemical equivalents of the constituents of other substances, we can calculate what weight of their elements will be set free or deposited in a given time by a given current. Thus, the current that liberates 1 gram of hydrogen will liberate 8 grams of oxygen, or 107.7 grams of silver, the numbers 8 and 107.7 being the chemical equivalents for oxygen and silver respectively. To find the weight of metal deposited by a given current in a given time, find the weight of hydrogen liberated by the given current in the given time, and multiply by the chemical equivalent of the metal. ELECTROLYSIS. 1429 The table below (from "Practical Electrical Engineering") is calcu- lated upon Lord Rayleigh's determination of the electro-chemical equivalents and Roscoe's atomic weights. ELECTRO-CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS. Clements. Valency.* Atomic Weight.f Chemical Equiv- alent. Electro-chemical Equivalent (mil- ligrams per coulomb). Coulombs per gram. Grams per ampere hour. ELECTRO-POSITIVE. Hi 1 00 1 00 010384 96293.00 0.03738 Potassium K{ 39 04 39 04 40539 2467 50 1.45950 Nai 22 99 22 99 23873 4188.90 0.85942 Aluminum A1 3 27 1 9 1 09449 1058 30 0.34018 Mo- 2 23 94 11 97 12430 804.03 0.44747 Gold 196 2 65 4 67911 1473 50 2.44480 Silver A 0-1 107 66 107 66 1 11800 894 41 4.02500 Copper (cupric) (cuprous) . . . Cu 2 Cut 63.00 63 00 31.5 63 00 0.32709 65419 3058.60 1525 30 1.17700 2.35500 Mercury (mercuric) .... (mercurous). . Tin (stannic) Hg 2 H gl Sn4 199.8 199.8 117 8 99.9 199.8 29 45 1 .03740 2.07470 30581 963.99 481.99 3270 00 3.73450 7.46900 1 10090 ' (stannous) Sn 2 117 8 58 9 61162 1635.00 2.20180 Fe 4 55 9 18 641 19356 5166.4 0.69681 " (ferrous) . . Fe 2 55 9 27 95 29035 3445.50 1 .04480 Nickel .. Ni 2 58 6 29 3 30425 3286 80 1 .09530 Zinc Zn<> 64*9 32 45 33696 2967.10 1.21330 Lead Pb2 206.4 103.2 1.07160 933.26 3.85780 ELECTRO-NEGATIVE. Oxygen On 15 96 7 98 08286 Chlorine cii 35 37 35 37 36728 Iodine I, 126 53 126 53 1 31300 Bromine Br, 79 75 79 7*> 82812 Nitrogen N 3 J 14]01 4.67 0.04849 * Valency is the atom-fixing or atom-replacing power of an element com- pared with hydrogen, whose valency is unity. fAtomic weight is the weight of one atom of each element compared with hydrogen, whose atomic weight is unity. tBecquerel's extension of Faraday's law showed that the electro-chemical equivalent of an element is proportional to its chemical equivalent. The latter is equal to its combining weight, and not to atomic weight *- valency, as denned by Thompson, Hospitalier, and others who have copied their tables. For example, the ferric salt is an exception to Thompson's rule, as are sesqui-salts in general. Thus: Weight of silver deposited in 10 seconds by a current of 10 amperes = weight of hvdrogen liberated per second X number of seconds X current strength X 107.7 = 0.00001038X10X10X107.7 = 0.1 1178 gram. Weight of copper deposited in 1 hour by a current of 10 amperes = 0.00001038 X 3600 X10X 31.5 = 11.77 grams. Since 1 ampere per second liberates 0.00001038 gram of hydrogen, strength of current in amperes = weight In grams of H liberated per second * 0.00001038 weight of element liberated per second ~~ 0.00001038 Xchemical equivalent of element 1430 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. THE MAGNETIC CIRCUIT. For units of the magnetic circuit, see page 1398. Lines and Loops of Force. It is conventionally assumed that the attractions and repulsions shown by the action of a magnet or a con- ductor upon iron filings are due to " lines of force " surrounding the magnet or conductor. The " number of lines " indicates the magnitude of the forces acting. As the iron filings arrange themselves in concentric. circles, we may assume that the forces may be represented by closed curves or *' loops of force." The following assumptions are made con- cerning the loops of force in a conductive circuit: 1. That the lines or loops of force in the conductor are parallel to the axis of the conductor. 2. That the loops of force external to the conductor are proportonal in number to the current in the conductor, that is, a definite current gener- ates a definite number of loops of force. These may be stated as the strength of field in proportion to the current. 3. That the radii of the loops of force are at right angles to the axis oi the conductor. The magnetic force proceeding from a point is equal at all points on the surface of an imaginary sphere described by a given radius about that point. A sphere of radius 1 cm. has a surface of 4 it square centimeters If <= total flux, expressed as the number of lines of force emanating from a magnetic pole having a strength M, . Magnetic moment of a magnet = product of strength of pole M and its length, or distance between its poles L. Magnetic moment = x a . ||| 00 6 1 jtJ m ll it "4* & a; g 10 20 7.95 15.90 20.2 40.4 4.3 5.7 27.7 36.8 11.5 13.8 74.2 89.0 13.0 14.7 83.8 94.8 14.3 15.6 92.2 100.7 30 23.85 60.6 6.5 41.9 14.9 96.1 15.3 98.6 16.2 104.5 40 31.80 80.8 7.1 45.8 15.5 100.0 15.7 101.2 16.6 107.1 50 39.75 101.0 7.6 49.0 16.0 103.2 16.0 103.2 16.9 109.0 60 47.70 121.2 8.0 51.6 16.5 106.5 16.3 105.2 17.3 111.6 70 55,65 141.4 8.4 59.2 16.9 109.0 16.5 106.5 17.5 112.9 80 63.65 161.6 8.7 56.1 17.2 111.0 16.7 107.8 17.7 114.1 90 71.60 181.8 9.0 58.0 17.4 112.2 16.9 109.0 18.0 116.1 100 79.50 202.0 9.4 60.6 17.7 114.1 17.2 110.9 18.2 117.3 150 119.25 303.0 10.6 68.3 18.5 119.2 18.0 116.1 19.0 122.7 200 159.0 404.0 11.7 75.5 19.2 123.9 18.7 120.8 1.96 126.5 250 198.8 505.0 12.4 80.0 19.7 127.1 19.2 123.9 20.2 130.2 300 238.5 606.0 13.2 85.1 20.1 129.6 19.7 127.1 20.7 133.5 H = 1.257 ampere-turns per cm. = 0.495 ampere-turns per inch. EXAMPLE. A magnetic circuit consists of 12 ins. of cast steel of 8sq. ins. cross-section; 4 ins. of cast iron of 22 sq. ins. cross-section; 3 ins. of sheet iron of 8 sq. ins. cross-section; and two air-g?pseach Vie in. long and of 12 sq. ins. area. Required, the ampere-turns to produce a flux of 768,000 maxwells, which is to be uniform throughout the magnetic circuit. - The flux density in the steel is 768,000-^8 = 96,000 maxwells; the am- pere-turns per inch of length, according to Sheldon's table, are 60.6, so that the 12 in. of steel will require 727.2 ampere-turns. The density in the cast iron is 768,000-^-22 = 34,900; the ampere-turn, = 4X 40=160. The density in the sheet iron = 768,000 *- 8 = 96,000; ampere-turns per inch = 30; total ampere-turns for sheet iron = 90. The air-gap density is 768,000 -* 12 = 64,000; ampere-turns per in. = 0.3133B; ampere-turns required for air-gap = 0.3133 X 64,000-^-8=2506.4. The entire circuit will require 727.2+ 160+ 90 + 2506.4 = 3483.6 am- pere-turns, assuming uniform flux throughout. In practice there is considerable "leakage" of magnetic lines of force; that is, many of the lines stray away from the useful path, there being no material opaque to magnetism and therefore no means of restricting it to a given path. The amount of leakage is proportional to the permeance of the leakage paths available between two points in a magnetic circuit which are at different magnetic potentials, such as opposite ends of a magnet coil. It is seldom practicable to predetermine with any approach to accuracy the magnetic leakage that will occur under given conditions unless one has profuse data obtained experimentally under similar con- ditions. In dynamo-electric machines the leakage coefficient varies from 1 .3 to 2. Tractive or Lifting Force of a Magnet. The lifting power or " pull " exerted by an electro-magnet upon an armature in actual contact with its pole-faces is given by the formula Lbs.= B2Nn * 10 8 ; whence ^/-MO 8 = AN1 = = 10 8 X2*X1.356 8.52 X 10* Let I length of armature in inches, d = diameter of armature in inches, B = flux density in maxwells per square inch, and let m = the ratio of the conductors under the influence of the pole-pieces to the whole number of conductors on the armature. Then < = iwe/X IX BXm. These formulae apply to both generators and motors. They show that torque is independent of the speed and varies directly with the current and the flux. The total peripheral force is obtained by dividing the torque by the radius (in feet) of the armature, and the drag on each conductor is obtained by dividing the total peripheral force by the number of conductors under the influence of the pole-pieces at one time. EXAMPLE. Given an armature of length I = 20 inches, diameter d = 12 inches, number of conductors N = 120, of which 80 are under the influence of the pole-pieces at one time; let the flux density B = 30,000 maxwells per sq. in. and the current / = 400 amperes. = i| X 20 X 30,000 X ~~ = 7,540,000. 7,540,000 X 120 X 400 T = 8.52X100,000,000 = 42 Total peripheral force = 424.8 -J- 0.5 = 849.6 Ibs. Drag per conductor = 849.6 *- 120 = 7.08 Ibs. The work done in one revolution = torque X circumference of a circle of 1 foot radius = 424.8 X 6.28 = 2670 foot-pounds. Let the revolutions per minute equal 500, then the horse-power _2670X500 33000 Torque, Horse-pow0* and Revolutions. T torque in pound-feet, H.P. = T X Rpm. >fe72832 t 33,000 = IE -=- 745.7. Whence Torque = 7. 0432 El -r- Rpm.xmJ?. times the watts 4- the revs, per min. nearly. Electromotive Force of the Armature Circuit. From the horse- power, calculated as above, together with the amperes, we can obtain theE.M.F., IE= H.P. X 745.7, whence E M F.or= H.P. X 745. 7^- 7. If H.P., as above, = 40.5, and 1= 400, E = 40 ' 5 ^ 45 ' 7 = 75.5 volts. The E.M.F. may also be calculated by the following formulae: /= Total current through armature; e a = E.M.F. in armature in volts; Af= Number of active conductors counted all around armature; p = Number of pairs of poles (p = 1 in a two-pole machine); n= Speed in revolutions per minute; tf= Total flux in maxwells. \ e f ,=4>N ~ 10~ 8 for two-pole machines. Electromotive 1 force: | _ p$N n^ for multipolar machines with series- [ e a~ 10 8 60 wound armature Strength of the Magnetic Field. Let / = current in amperes. N =* number of turns in the coil. A area of the cross-section of the core in * 1 ft.-lb. per second = 1.356 watts. DIRECT-CURRENT GENERATORS. 1437 square centimeters, 1= length of core In centimeters, p the permeability of the core, and #= flux in maxwells. Then Magnetomotive Force ^ 1.257 N 1 t * )a * Reluctance * ' In a dynamo-electric machine the reluctance will be made up of three separate quantities, viz.: that of the field magnet cores, that of the air spaces between the field magnet pole-pieces and the armature, and that of the armature. The total reluctance is the sum of the three. Let Li, L 2 , L 2 be the length of the path of magnetic lines in the field magnet cores,* in the air-gaps, and in the armature respectively; and let AI, A 2 , Az be the areas of the cross-sections perpendicular to the path of the magnetic lines in the field magnet cores, the air-gaps, and the armature respectively. Let the permeability of the field magnet cores be /n, and of the armature jus. The permeability of the air-gaps is taken as unity. Then the total reluctance of the machine will be .Li t L 2 + Lz 9 AIHI AZ ASUS 1.257 NT UX '^~ The ampere-turns necessary to create a given flux in a machine may be found by the formula, [(Li -? A t f*i) + (L 2 -^ 2 ) + (3 -s- Aw*)] 1.257 But the total flux generated by the field coils is not available to produce current in the armature. There is a leakage between the field magnets, and this must be allowed for in calculations. The leakage coefficient varies from 1.3 to 2 in different machines. The meaning of the coefficient is that if a flux of say 100 maxwells per square cm. are desired in the field coils, it will be necessary to provide ampere turns for 1.3 X 100 = 130 maxwells, if the leakage coefficient be 1.3. Another method of calculating the ampere-turns necessary to produce a given flux is to calculate the magnetomotive force required in each portion of the machine, separately, introducing the leakage coefficient in the calcu- lation for the field magnets, and dividing the sum of the magnetomotive forces by 1.257. In the ordinary type of multipolar machine there are as many magnetic circuits as there are poles. Each winding energizes part of two circuits. The calculation is made in the same manner as for a single magnetic circuit. DIRECT-CURRENT GENERATORS. Direct-current generators may be separately excited, in which case the field magnets are excited or magnetized from some external source, as, for instance, a storage battery or another continuous-current dynamo. Such generators are used to some extent in connection with regulating sets, but as a rule almost all direct-current generators are self-excited, in which case the magnetizing current for the field-coils is furnished by the dynamo Itself. Direct-current generators (as well as motors) may be classified accord- ing to the manner of the field- winding into : 1. Series-wound Dynamo. The field- winding and the external circuit are connected in series with the armature- winding, so that the entire armature current must pass through the field-coils. Since in a series-wound dynamo the armature-coils, the field, and the external circuit are in series, any increase in the resistance of the exter- nal circuit will decrease the electro-motive force from the decrease in the magnetizing currents. A decrease in the resistance of the external cir- * The length of the path in the field-magnet cores LI includes that portion of the path which lies in the piece joining the cores of the various field-magnets. 1438 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. cuit will, in a like manner, increase the electro-motive force from the increase in the magnetizing current. The use of a regulator avoids these changes in the electro-motive force. 2. Shunt-wound Dynamo. The field-magnet coils are placed in a shunt to the armature circuit, so that only a portion of the current generated passes through the field-magnet coils, but all the difference of potential of the armature acts at the terminals of the field-circuit. In a shunt- wound dynamo an increase in the resistance of the external circuit increases the electro-motive force, and a decrease in the resistance of the external circuit decreases the electro- motive force. This is just the reverse of the series-wound dynamo. In a shunt-wound dynamo a continuous balancing of the current occurs, the current dividing at the brushes between the field and the external circuit in the inverse proportion to the resistance of these circuits. If the resistance of the external circuit becomes greater, a proportionately greater current passes through the field magnets, and so causes the electro-motive force to become greater. If, on the con- trary, the resistance of the external circuit decreases, less current passes through the field, and the electro-motive force is proportionately decreased. 3. Compound-wound Dynamo. The field magnets are wound with two separate sets of C9ils, one of which is in series with the armature and the external circuit, and the other in shunt with the armature or the external circuit. A compound generator is made for the purpose of delivering current at constant potential either at the terminals of the machine or at some distant receiving point on the line. In the former case the machine is flat-compounded, the ideal being the same terminal voltage at full load as at no load, giving a practically horizontal voltage characteristic. In the latter case the machine is over-compounded, giving a terminal voltage which rises from no load to full load to compensate for line drop, so that at the receiving end of the line the voltage will be constant at all loads. The standard voltages for ordinary light and power service are 125 and 250 volts, while for railway service they have been built for voltages as high as 1200, and in one particular installation two such machines are connected in series furnishing a supply voltage of 2400 volts. Many direct-current generators are provided with commutatinp? poles, and such machines may be operated over an extremely wide range of load and voltage with fixed brush positions and sparkless commu- tation. The commutating winding produces a magnetic field which is in a direction to assist the reversal of current in the coil undergoing commutation and also directly opposed to the field generated by arma- ture reaction which tends to retard the reversal of current in this coil. The commutating field thus completely nullifies the distortive effect of armature reaction on the main field flux in the commutating zone, and generates an e.m.f. which helps the brush to commutate the current without sparking, and with a consequent increased life of the commu- tator and brushes. Commutating poles are placed between the main poles of direct- current generators and motors. They are used for the purpose of nullifying the effect of the armature reaction upon the magnetic field adjacent to the neutral point. The armature reaction tends to move the neutral point from its proper mechanical position, and it is obvious that a number of ampere turns setting up magnetic lines of force equal to and opposing the directions of those set up by the armature ampere turns will nullify that effect on the neutral occasioned by the armature reaction. The commutating pole winding is connected in series with the arma- ture and has a number of turns per pole sufficient to give a magnetic strength that will not only counteract the armature reaction above referred to, but will actually reverse the current in the coil when it is in the commutating zone. The commutating zone is the region over which the brushes may have to be moved in order to obtain good commutation between no load and full load. With commutating pole machines no such movement is necessary and the reversal takes place in the coils short circuited under the brushes. ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 1439 Inasmuch as the commutating windings are directly in series with the armature, their strength varies directly with the armature current and provides the correct rectifying effect for proper reversal of current in the coils at all loads. Hence it is unnecessary to shift the brushes as the load changes. Parallel Operation. The first requisite for satisfactory parallel operation of direct current generators is that they have the same char- acteristics. They must have the same degree of compounding for any percentage of their rated load. The resistance of series fields with their shunt resistances and cable connections to the bus-bar should further- more be inversely proportional to the capacities of the machines; i.e., no matter what size cables are used, the resistances of the two connections must be so proportioned that the drop will be the same for both ma- chines between the equalizer junction and the main bus-bar when each machine is delivering its full-load current. Three-Wire System. The chief advantage of the Edison three- wire system over the ordinary two-wire installation is that of econ- omy in distribution. In a two-wire system with a given load and a given percentage of voltage drop, the distribution at 250 volts requires only one-quarter the weight of copper required for a distribution at 125 volts. A neutral, wire in the three-wire system will, however, modify this proportion of copper, the final saving depending on the size of the neutral. In well-designed systems, the maximum unbalanced current carried by the neutral will be about 25 per cent of the full load. There- fore the size of the neutral need not be larger than 25 per cent of the capacity of the outside mains, and the weight of the copper in this case would be 9/32 of that used in distributing the same power by a two- wire system. The practical methods available for operating direct-current three- wire systems are: 1. Two generators. 2. One generator with balancer set. 3. One generator with storage battery. 4. One generator with balancing coil. 5. Three-wire generator. ALTERNATING CURRENTS.* The advantages of alternating over direct currents are: 1. Greater simplicity of dynamos and motors, no commutators being required; 2. The feasibility of obtaining high voltages, by means of static trans- formers, for cheapening the cost of transmission; 3. The facility of transforming from one voltage to another, either higher or lower, for different purposes. A direct current is uniform in strength and direction, while an alter- nating current rapidly rises from zero to a maximum, falls to zero, re- verses its direction, attains a maximum in the new direction, and again returns to zero. This series of changes can best be represented by a curve the abscissas of which represent time and the ordinates either current or electro-motive force (e.m.f.). The curve usually chosen for this purpose is the sine curve, Fig. 228 ; the best forms of alternators give a curve that is a very close approximation to the sine curve, and all calcu- lations and deductions of formulae are based on it. The equation of the sine curve is y = sin x, in which y is any ordinate, and x is the angle passed over by a moving radius vector. After the flow of a direct current has been once established, the only opposition to the flow is the resistance offered by the conductor to the passage of current through it. This resistance of the conductor, in treating of alternating currents, is sometimes spoken of as ohmic resist- ance. The word resistance, used alone, always means the ohmic resistance. In alternating currents, in addition to the resistance, sev- * Only a very brief treatment of the subject of alternating currents can be given in this book. The following works are recommended as val- uable for reference: Steinmetz, "Theoretical Elements of Electrical Engineering. Alternating Current Phenomena"; Cohen, "Formulae and Tables for the Calculation of Alternating Current Problems ' ' ; Jack- son, "Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinery"; Bedell, "Direct and Alternating Current Manual"; Timbie, "Alter- nating Currents," 1440 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. eral other quantities, which affect the flow of current, must be taken into consideratioa These quantities are inductance, capacity, and skin effect. They are discussed under separate headings. The current and the e.m.f. may be in phase with each other, that is they may attain their maximum strength at the same instant, or they may not, depending on the character of the circuit. In a circuit .con- taining only resistance, the current and e.m.f. are in phase; in a current containing inductance the e.m.f. attains its maximum value before the current, or leads the current. In a circuit containing capacity the cur- rent leads the e.m.f. If both capacity and inductance are present in a circuit, they will tend to neutralize each other. Maximum, Average, and Effective Values. The strength and the e.m.f. of an alternating current being constantly varied, the maximum value of either is attained only for an instant in each period. The maxi- mum values are little used in calculations, except in deducing formulae and for proportioning insulation, which must stand the maximum pressure. The average value is obtained by averaging the ordinates of the sine curve representing the current, and is 2 -j- IT or 0.637 of the maximum value. The value of greatest imp9rtance is the effective, or "square root of the mean square," value. It is obtained by taking the square root of the mean of the squares of the ordinates of the sine curve. The effective value is the value shown on alternating-current measuring instruments. The product of the square of the effective value of the current and the resistance of the circuit is the heat lost in the circuit. The relation of the maximum, average, and effective values is: } ^Effec. = %ax. X 0.707 ; # Aver . = Max . X 0.637 ; % ax . = 1.41 X %fec. Frequency. The time required for an alternating current to pass through one complete cycle, as from one maximum point to the next (a and b, Fig. 228) , is termed the period. The number of periods in a second is termed the frequency of the current. Since the current changes its direction twice in each period, the number of reversals or alternations is doable the frequency. A current of 120 alternations per second has a period of 1/60 and a frequency of 60. The frequency of a current is equal to one-half the number of poles on the generator, multiplied by the number of revolutions per second. Frequency is denoted by the letter/. The frequencies most generally used in the United States are 25, 40, 60, 125, and 133 cycles per second. The Standardization Report of the A I.E.E. recommends the adpptionof three frequencies, viz. 25, 60 and 120. With the higher frequencies both transformers and conductors will be less costly in a circuit of a given resistance but the capacity and inductance effects in each will be increased, and these tend to increase the cost. With high frequencies it also becomes difficult to operate alternators in parallel. A l9w frequency current cannot be used on lighting circuits, as the lights will nicker when the frequency drops below a certain figure. For arc lights the frequency should not be less than 40. For incandescent lamps it should not be less than 25. If the circuit is to supply both power and light a frequency of 60 is usually desirable. For power transmission to long dis- tances a l9w frequency, say 25, is considered desirable, in order to lessen the capacity effects. If the alternating current is to be converted into direct current for lighting purposes a low frequency may be used, as the frequency will then have no effect on the lights. Inductance. Inductance is that property of an electrical circuit by which it resists a change in the current. A current flowing through a conductor produces a magnetic flux around tne conductor, n tne current be changed in strength or directipn, the flux is also changed, producing in the conductor an e.m.f. whose direc- tion is opposed to that of the current in the conductor. This counter e.m.f. is the counter e.m.f. of inductance. It is proportional to the rate of change of current, provided that the perme- ability of the medium around the con- duet or remains constant, The unit of FJG. 228, ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 1441 Inductance is the henry, symbol L. A circuit has an inductance of one henry if a uniform variation of current at the rate of one ampere per second produces a counter e.m.f. of one volt. The effect of inductance on the circuit is to cause the current to lag behind the e.m.f. as shown in Fig. 228, in which abscissas represents time, and ordinates represent e.m.f. and current strengths respectively. Capacity. Any insulated conductor "has the power of holding a quan- tity of static electricity. This power is termed the capacity of the body. The capacity of a circuit 'is measured by the quantity of electricity in it when at unit potential. It may be increased by means of a condenser. A condenser consists of two parallel conductors, insulated from each other by a non-conductor. The conductors are usually in sheet form. The unit of capacity is a farad, symbol C. A condenser has a capacity of one farad when one coulomb of electricity contained in it produces a dif- ference of potential of one volt, or when a rate of change of pressure of one volt per second produces a current of one ampere. The farad is too large a unit to be conveniently used in practice, and the micro-farad or one-millionth of a farad is used instead. The effect of capacity on a circuit is to cause the e.m.f. to lag behind the current. Both inductance and capacity may be measured with a Wheatstone bridge by sub- stituting for a standard resistance a standard of inductance or a stand- ard of capacity. Power Factor. In direct-current work the power, measured in watts, is the product of the volts and amperes in the circuit. In alternating-cur- rent work this is only true when the current and e.m.f. are in phase. If the current either lags or leads, the values shown on the vole and ammeters will not be true simultaneous values. Referring to Fig. 228, it will be seen that the product of the ordinates of current and e.m.f. at any partic- ular instant will not be equal to the product of the effective values which are shown on the instruments. The power in the circuit at any instant is the product of the simultaneous values of current and e.m.f.. and the volts and amperes shown on the recording instruments must be multiplied together and their product multiplied by a power factor before the true watts are obtained. This power factor, which is the ratio of the volt- amperes to the watts, is also the cosine of the angle of lag or lead of the current. Thus P = I X E X power factor = I X E X cos 0, where is the angle of lag or lead of the current. A watt-meter, however, gives the true power in a circuit directly. The method of obtaining the angle of lag is shown on p. 1442. Reactance, Impedance, Admittance. In addition to the ohmic re- sistance of a circuit there are also resistances due to inductance, capacity, and skin effect. The virtual resistance due to inductance and capacity is termed the reactance of the circuit. If inductance only be present in circuit, the reactance will vary directly as the inductance. If capacity only be present, the reactance will vary inversely as the capacity. Inductive reactance =2 TT/L; Condensive reactance = * . 2 7T J O The total apparent resistance of the circuit, due to both the ohmic resist- ance and the total reactance, is termed the impedance, and is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the resistance and the reactance. Impedance =Z = ^/II 2 + (2 Tr/D 2 when inductance is present in the circuit. Impedance =Z=-y # 2 + (^fc] when ca P aci ty is present in the circuit. Admittance is the reciprocal of impedance, = 1 * Z. . If both inductance and capacity are present in the circuit, the reactance of one tends to balance that of the other; the total reactance is the alge- braic sum of the two reactances; thus, _ Total reactance = X = 2 TT/L - -^Jc ; Z = \ R * + ( 2 ** L ~ J^fC )*' In all cases the tangent of the angle of lag or lead is the reactance divided by the resistance, In the last case 1442 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Skin Effect. Alternating currents tend to have a greater density at the surface than at the axis of a conductor. The effect of this is to make the virtual resistance of a wire greater than its true ohmic resistance. "With low frequencies and small wires the skin effect is small, but it be- comes quite important with high frequencies and large wires. With magnetic material it is much higher than with non-magnetic. The skin effect factor, by which the ohmic resistance is to be multi- plied to obtain the virtual resistance is given by Berg in the following approximate formula: 1+X |777W 2 For Copper Cable: lj \ =0.0105 d z f; for Aluminum Cable: ( ^\ =0.0063 d 2 /, where d = diameter of cable, and / = frequency. For the same per cent increase, due to skin effect, a cable can have 13% larger diameter than a solid wire; in other words, the skin effect is the same as long as the ohmic resistance is the same, whether a solid wire or a cable is used. Ohm's Law applied to Alternating- Current Circuits. To apply Ohm's law to alternating-current circuits a slight change is necessary in the expression of the law. Impedance is substituted for resistance. The law should read E E 1 = Impedance Polygons. 1 . Series Circuits. The impedance of a circuit can be determined graphically as follows : Suppose a circuit to contain a resistance R and an inductance L, and to carry a current I of frequency /. In Fig. 229 draw the line ab proportional to R, and representing the direction of current. At b erect be perpendicular to ab and propor- tional to 2 irfL. Join a and c. The line, ac represents the impedance of the circuit. The angle 9 between ab and ac is the angle of lag of the cur- rent behind the e.m.f., and the power factor of the circuit is cosine 0. The e.m.f. of the circuit is E = IZ. FIG. 229. 27T/L R 61 FIG. 230. 1 27T/K FIG. 231. FlG. 232. If the above circuit contained, instead of the inductance I/, a capacity C, then would the polygon be drawn as in Fig. 230. The line be would be proportional to ^ ^ and would be drawn in a direction opposite to " 7TJ O that of be in Fig. 229. The impedance would again be Z, the e.m.f. would be Z X /, but the current would lead the e.m.f. by the angle 0. Suppose the circuit to contain resistance, inductance, and capacity, the lines of the impedance polygon would then be laid off as in Fig. 231. The impedance of ttye circuit would be represented by afl, ami the angle ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 1443 of lag by 0. If the capacity of the circuit had been such that cd was less than be, then would the e.m.f. have led the current. If between the inductance and capacity In the circuit in the previous ex- amples there be interposed another resistance, the impedance polygon will take the form of Fig. 232. The lines representing either resistances, in- \ ductances, or capacities in the circuit follow each other in all cases as do the resistances, inductances, and capacities in the circuit, each line having its appropriate direction and magnitude. EXAMPLE. A circuit (Fig. 233) contains a resistance, R it of 15 ohms, a capacity. C^ t of 100 microfarads (0.000100 farad), a resistance, R& of 12 FIG. 233. ohms, and inductance of Z/i, of 0.05 henry, and a resistance 72a, of 20 ohms. Find the impedance and electromotive force when a current of 2 amperes is sent through the circuit, and the current when e.m.f. of 120 volts is impressed on the circuit, frequency being taken as 60. Also find the angle of lag, the power factor, and the power in the circuit when 120 volts are impressed. The resistance is represented in Fig. 234 by the horizontal line 06, 15 units long. The capacity is represented by the line be, drawn downwards from b and whose length is a -".55 S 1 ii -j S * t? C CM e R 3 =20 . d 4. CJ R 2 =12 FIG. 23 2X3.1416X60X0.0001 From the point c a horizontal line cd, 12 units long, is drawn to represent R 2 . From the point d the line de is drawn vertically upwards to represent the inductance LI. Its length is 27T/Z,! =2X3.1416X60X0.05 = 18.85. From the point e a horizontal line ef, 20 units long, is drawn to represent Rs. The line adjoining a and / will represent the impedance of the circuit in ohms. The angle d, between ab and a/, is the angle of lag of the e.m.f. behind the current. The impedance in this case is 47.5 ohms, and the angle of lag is 9 15'. The e.m.f. when a current of 2 amperes is sent through is IZ = E = 2 X 47.5 = 95 volts. If an e.m.f. of 120 volts be impressed on the circuit, the current flowing through will be , 120 120 /= -5T- = T^T 2.53 amperes. 46 47. o The power factor == cos 6 = cos 9 15' = 0.987. The power in the circuit at 120 volts is I X E X cos e = 2.53 X 120 X 0.987 = 299.6 watts. 2. Parallel Circuits. If two circuits be ar- ranged in parallel, the current flowing in each circuit will be inversely proportional to the impedance of that circuit. The e.m.f. of each circuit is the e.m.f. across the terminals at either end of the main circuit, where the vari- ous branches separate. Consider a circuit, Fig. 235, consisting of two branches. The first branch contains a resistance R, and an inductance Lj. hi series with it. The second FIG. 235. 1444 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. branch contains a resistance # 2 in series with, an inductance L 2 . The impedance of the circuit may be determined by treating each of the two branches as a separate series circuit, and drawing the impedance polygon for each branch on that assumption. Having found the im- pedance the current flowing in either branch will be the reciprocal of the impedance multiplied by the e.m.f. across the terminals. The current in the entire circuit is the geometrical sum of the current in the two branches. The admittance of the equivalent simple circuit may be obtained by drawing a parallelogram, two of whose adjoining sides are made parallel to the impedance lines of each branch and equal to the two admittances respectively. The diagonal of the parallelogram will represent the admittance of the equivalent simple circuit. The admittance multiplied by the e.m.f. gives the total current in the circuit. EXAMPLE. Given the circuit in Fig. 236, consisting of two branches. Branch 1 consists of a resistance RI = 12 ohms, an inductance LI = 0.05 henry, a resistance R 2 = 4 ohms, and a capacity Ci = 120 microfarads (0.00012 farad). Branch 2 consists of an inductance L 2 = 0.015 henry, a resistance Rz =10 ohms, and an inductance La = 0.03 henry. An e.m.f. of 100 volts is impressed on the circuit at a frequency of 60. Find the ad- mittance of the entire circuit, the current, the power factor, and the power R 1 =12 U=.05 =.0619 FlG. 237. AWERNAT1NG CURRENTS. 1445 In the circuit. Construct the impedance polygons for the two branches separately as shown in Fig. 237, a and &. The impedance in branch 1 is 16.4 ohms, and the current is (1/16.4) X 100 = 6.19 amperes. The angle of lead of the current is 1 45'. The impedance in branch 2 is 19.5 ohms and the current is (1/19.5) X 100 = 5.13 amperes. The angle of lag of the current is 61. The current in the entire circuit is found by taking the admittances of the two branches, and drawing them from the point o, in Fig. 237 c, parallel to the impedance lines in their respective polygons. The diagonal from o is the admittance of the entire circuit, and in this case is equal to 0.092. The current in the circuit is 0.092 X 100 = 9.2 amperes. The power factor is 0.944 and the power in the circuit is 100 X 0.944 X 9.2 = 868.48 watts. Self-Inductance of Lines and Circuits. The following formulae and table, taken from Crocker's " Electric Lighting," give a method of cal- culating the self-inductance of two parallel aerial wires forming part of the same circuit and composed of copper, or other non-magnetic material: L per foot = (l5.24 + 140.3 log ~\ lO" 9 . (2 A\ 80.5 -f 740 log ~j-\ 10-. in which L is the inductance in henrys of each wire, A is the Interaxial dis- tance between the two wires, and d is the diameter of each, both in inches. If the circuit is of iron wire, the formulae become L per foot = (2286 + 140.3 log ^) 10-*. L per mile = (l2070 + 740 log ^-\ lO" 6 . INDUCTANCE, IN MILLIHENRYS PER MILE, FOR EACH OF Two PARALLEL COPPER WIRES. Interaxial Distance, Ins. American Wire Gauge Number. 0000 000 00 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 1.615 1.838 2.061 2.192 2.356 2.507 12 6 12 24 36 60 % .130 .353 .576 .707 .871 2.023 1.168 1.391 1.614 1.745 1.909 2.059 1.205 1.428 1.651 1.784 1.946 2.097 1.242 1.465 1.688 1.818 1.982 2J34 1.280 1.502 1.725 1.856 2.023 2.172 1.317 1.540 1.764 1.893 2.058 2.210 !:$ 1.800 1.931 2.095 2.246 1.392 1.614 1.838 1.968 2.132 2.283 1.466 1.689 1.912 2.043 2.208 2.358 1.540 1.764 1.986 2.117 2.282 2.433 1.690 1.913 2.135 2.266 2.432 2.582 Capacity of Conductors. AH conductors are included in three classes, viz.: 1. Insulated conductors with metallic protecti9n; 2. Single aerial conductor with earth return; 3. Metallic circuit consisting of two parallel aerial wires. The capacity of the lines may be calculated by means of the following formulae taken from Crocker's " Electric Lighting. Class 1. C per foot = ^^^,' C per mile- 38 ' 83 " ^ ' log(D + dy Class 2. C per foot = fj 3 , 1 * " , C per mile - log (D H- d) ' 38.83 X 10- 9 = log (4/1 -T- d) feperfootofeachwire^jfl^. OlaSS O. "^ i Q . n \f -I r\ t) C per mile of each wire - iy ' 4J ~log(2A+d) In which C is the capacity in farads, D the internal diameter of the metallic covering, d the diameter of the conductor, h the height of the conductor above the ground, and A the interaxial distance between two parallel wires all in inches; A: is a dielectric constant which for air is equal to 1 and for pure rubber is equal to 2.5. The formulae in classes 2 and 3 assume the wires to be bare. If they are insulated, k must be introduced in the numerator and given a value slightly greater than 1. Single-phase and Polyphase Currents. A single-phase current is a simple alternating current carried on a single pair of wires and is 1446 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. generated on a machine having a single armature winding. It is repre- sented by a single sine curve. Polyphase currents are known as two-phase, three-phase, six-phase, or any other number, and are represented by a corresponding number of sine curves. The most commonly used systems are the two-phase and three- phase. 1. Two-phase Currents. In a two-phase system there are two single- phase alternating currents bearing a definite time relation to each other and represented by two sine curves (Fig. 238). The two separate currents may be generated by the same or by separate machines. If by sepa- rate machines, the armatures of the two should be positively coupled together. Two-phase cur- rents are usually generated by a machine with two armature windings, each winding termi- nating in two collector rings. The two windings are so related that the two currents will be 90 vxy FIG. 238. apart. For this reason two phase-currents are also called " quarter- phase " currents. Two-phase currents may be distributed on either three or four wires. The three-wire system of distribution is shovyn in Fig. 239- One of the return wires is dispensed with, connection being made across to the other as shown. The common return wire should be made 1.41 times the area of either of the other two wires, these two being equal in size. The four-wire system of distribution is shown in Fig. 240. The two phases are entirely independent, and for lighting purposes may be operated as two single-phase circuits. FIG. 239. FIG. 240. 2. Three-phase Currents. Three-phase currents consist of three alter- nating currents, differing in phase by 120, and represented by three sine curves, as in Fig. 241. They may be distributed by three or six wires. If distributed by the six-wire system, it is analogous to the four-wire, two- phase system, and is equivalent to three single-phase circuits. In the three-wire system of distribution the circuits may be connected in two different ways, known respectively as the Y or star connection, and the A (delta) or mesh connection. XXX FIG. 241. FIG. 242. The Y connection is shown in Fig. 242. The three circuits are joined at the point o, known as the neutral point, and the three wires carrying the current are connected at the points a, b, and c, respectively. If the three circuits ao, bo, and co are compo3ed of lights, they must be equally loaded or the lights will fluctuate. If the three circuits are perfectly balanced, fche lights will remain steady. In this form of connection each wire may ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 1M7 be considered as the return wire for the other two. If the three circuits are unbalanced, a return wire may be run from the neutral ppint o to the neutral point of the armature wind- ing on the generator. The system will then be four-wire, and will work properly with un- balanced circuits. The A connection is shown in Fig. 243. Each of the three circuits ab, ac, be, receives the current due to a separate coil in the arma- ture winding. This form of connection will work properly even if the circuits are unbal- anced; and if the circuit contains lamps, they will not fluctuate when the circuit changes from a balanced to an unbalanced condition, or vice versa. Measurement of Power in Polyphase Circuits. 1. Two-phase Circuits. The power of two-phase currents distributed by four wires may be measured by two wattmeters introduced into the circuit as shown in Fig. 240. The sum of the readings of the two instruments is the total power. If but one wattmeter is available, it should be introduced first in one circuit, and then in the other. If the current or e.m.f. does not vary during the operati9n, the result will be correct. If the circuits are per- fectly balanced, twice the reading of one wattmeter will be the total power,, Wi FIG. 243. FIG. 244. FIG. 245. The power of two-phase currents distributed by three wires may be measured by two wattmeters as shown in Fig. 239. The sum of the two readings is the total power. If but one wattmeter is available, the coarse- wire coil should be connected in series with the wire ef and one extremity of the pressure-coil should be connected to some point on ef. The other end should be connected first to the wire a and then to the wire d, a read- ing being taken in each position of the wire. The sum of the readings gives the power in the circuits. 2. Three-phase Circuits. The power in a three-phase circuit may be measured by three wattmeters, connected as in Fig. 244 if the system is Y-connected, and as in Fig. 245 if the system is A-connected. The sum of the wattmeter readings gives the power in the system. If the circuits are perfectly balanced, three times the reading of one wattmeter is the total power. The power in a A-connected system may be measured by two watt-meters, as shown in Fig. 246. If the power factor of the system is greater than 0.50, the arith- metical sum of the readings is the power in the circuit. If the power factor is less than 0.50, the arithmetical difference of the readings is the power. Whether the power factor is greater or less than 0.50 may be discovered by interchanging the wattmeters without disturbing the rela- tive connection of their coarse- and fine- wire coils. If the deflections of the needles are reversed, the difference of the readings FIG. 246. is the power. If the needles are deflected in the same direction as at first, the sum of the readings is the power. 1448 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. ALTERNATING-CURRENT GENERATORS. Synchronous Generators. The function of the alternating-current synchronous generator is to transform mechanical energy into electrical energy, either single-phase or polyphase. It comprises a comparatively constant magnetic field and an armature generating electro-motive forces and delivering currents in synchronism with the motion of the machine. Alternating-current generators are generally designed to operate at normal load and 80% power factor without exceeding a specified tem- perature rise, and should such a machine have to be operated with a load of lower power factor, its rating will be reduced, when based on the same temperature guarantee. Synchronous generators are almost always of the revolving field type, and may be either of a horizontal or vertical design. Rating. The normal full-load rating is usually based on continu- ous operation with a certain rated voltage, current, power factor, fre- quency and speed. The overload guarantees should refer to the normal conditions of operation, and an overload capacity of 25% for two hours has generally been accepted as standard, although in several instances a 50% two-hour overload is required. Of late (1915), however, gen- erators are often given a maximum continuous rating with a temper- ature rise not exceeding 50 C. (122 P.). The rated full-load current is that current which, with rated terminal voltage, gives the rated kilowatts or rated kilovolt-amperes. In ma- chines in which the rated voltage differs from the no-load voltage, the rated current should refer to the former. The rated output may be determined as follows: If E = full-load terminal voltage and I = rated current, then for a El single-phase generator, K.V.A. = 77^-. lOUO For a two-phase generator the total output is equal to the output of the two single-phase circuits, and if I, in this case, is the rated current O 77 1 7 per circuit, the output for a two-phase generator is, K.V.A. = ^-. 100O For a three-phase generator there are three circuits to be considered, whether the machine is star or delta connected. If E is the terminal voltage and I the line current, then for a three-phase generator, KVA - V3X EI 1000 The capacity of a polyphase generator, whether operating two- or three-phase, is always the same, while, if operating under the same conditions single-phase, in which case one phase is ineffective, the rating is only about 71% of what it would be if operated as a poly- phase generator. This relation, however, does not hold true for a ma- chine which is initially built for single-phase service, and in such a case the distribution of the winding can be made such as to increase the capacity somewhat. The inherent regulation is generally made poorer thereby, but by the use of massive damping devices it can be materially improved. Efficiency. The efficiency of a generator is the ratio of the power output to the power input, the difference between these two quantities being equal to the losses. The method commonly and most readily used for obtaining the efficiency is to determine these losses and then compute the efficiency by dividing the power output by the sum of the power output plus the losses. The guaranteed efficiency should always refer to the energy load (the energy load is the load doing useful work, and is equal to the total K.V.A. X the power factor of the load), and if is most important that the power factor of the load is also given. In certain cases the guaran- teed efficiency is based on a K.V.A. output, but the inconsistency of such a method is apparent, as the following example will illustrate: Assume a generator rated 100 K.V.A. (ICO Kw. at unity power- factor) or 100 K.V.A. (80 Kw. 0.8 P.F.), and that the losses at unity and 80% power factors are 10 and 11 Kw. respectively, the efficiency is then; ALTERNATING-CURRENT GENERATORS. 1449 > Based on 100 Kw. 1.0 P.F., inn Based on 80 Kw. 0.8 P.F., Based on 100 K.V.A. 0.8 P.F., From the last two values it is seen that for 80% power-factor if based on ths K.V.A., a 2 % greater efficiency guarantee can be made, although this value has no meaning, as it is based on apparent power. The losses in the generator consist of: The copper losses in the armature and field, proportional to the square of the armature and field currents respectively; the core loss, slightly increasing from no-load to full-load; the load loss, having a value approximately one-third of the short-circuiting core loss; and finally, the friction and windage losses, which are practically constant. Regulation. Such a close inherent voltage- regulation as was for- merly required is not any longer desirable, since a good voltage regula- tion may readily be accomplished by means of automatic voltage regu- lators, which perform their function whether the fluctuations are due to a change of load, speed, or power factor. A close inherent regulation would require a low reactance generator, which means an expensive machine. A low reactance machine also, in case of short circuits, would allow a very large current to flow through the machine and through any other apparatus that may be within the circuit enclosed by the short-circuit. These short-circuit currents reach enormous values in large central stations, and in order to reduce the currents to safe values large reactances are necessary. It is, however, not possible to design high-speed turbo-generators for the necessary reactance, and external reactances must usually be inserted in the gen- erator leads or between the bus-sections. By so limiting the abnormal flow of current the generating system is relieved from the disastrous effects of such short circuits. Rating of a Generating Unit. In determining the proper rating and capacity of the generators for a power station, the generator and the prime mover must of necessity be treated together as a combination so as to secure the highest operating efficiency. With steam-engines the ratings are usually such that the engine is working under its most eco- nomical load at the rating of the electrical generator. With gas engines, however, the efficiency increases with the load beyond the capacity of the engine, and for this reason the rating of such an engine is generally made as nearly as possible to its maximum capacity with only a small margin for regulating purposes. With steam turbines the efficiency curve is very flat so that it is the desirable overload capacity which limits the rating of the turbine. In the water-wheel unit, the efficiency usually falls off rapidly above and below the maximum point, so that the rating of the generator should correspond to the point of maximum efficiency of the wheel. The effect of the power factor should also be considered when deter- mining the prime mover as well as the generator capacity, and many mistakes have been made in this respect. The generator may, for ex- ample, have been designed and rated on the basis of unity power factor operation with a, prime mover having a corresponding capacity. After installation it is, however, found that the actual operating power factor is 0.80, with the result that only 80 per cent of the prime mover capacity can be utilized without overloading the generator. Windings. The greatest number of all alternating-current gener- ators are wound three-phase with the armature windings connected in star. This is preferable to delta connection, as a smaller number of conductors is required for a given voltage, while on the other hand the danger of the circulation of triple-frequency currents in the closed armature winding is avoided. 1450 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Voltages. Standard generator voltages for all frequencies are 240, 480, 600, 1150, 2300, 4000, 6600, with the corresponding motor voltages 220, 440, 550, 1040, 2090, 6000. There is no nwtor voltage corresponding to 4000 volts, since this is only used on lighting three-phase, four-wire distributing systems. In addition 11,000 volts is also standard for 60 cycles, and 13,200 volts for 25 cycles. Parallel Operation. In order that an alternating-current generator shall be able to carry a load, a current must flow corresponding to this load. The e.m.f. required to generate this current is the resultant of the terminal and the induced e.m.f. 's of the generator, the displacement be- tween these e.m.f. 's being due to the impulse of the prime mover. In the same manner when two or more generators are operating in parallel the division in load between the different units is entirely dependent on the turning efforts of the prime movers, and a change in the field excita- tion, as with direct-current generators, will have no effect whatsoever. For a satisfactory parallel operation it is important that the e.m.f. 's and frequencies of the generators be the same, as. if this is not the case, cross currents will flow between the units. These cross currents may be either wattless or they may represent a transfer of energy, de- pending on whether they are caused by a difference in the e.m.f. or in the frequency of the machines. Exciters (E. A. Lof, in Coal Age). Synchronous generators as well as synchronous motors are dependent on a direct-current excitation for their operation, and the energy for the excitation is generally obtained from direct-current generators, termed "exciters." These should have a capacity sufficient to excite all of the synchronous apparatus in the station when these machines are operating at their maximum load and true operating power factor. It is not enough to provide for the excitation when operating at unity power factor, because the exci- tation which is required at lower power factors is considerably higher than at unity power factor. For small and medium size plants a 125- volt exciter pressure is gen- erally chosen, while for larger installations a 250- volt excitation will prove more economical. There are many different ways of driving exciters. They may be direct-connected to the main units if these are of moderate speed. Such an arrangement may prove satisfactory for two or three units, but when the number of units is higher the system becomes rather compli- cated. Another objection is that in case of trouble with an exciter, the whole generating unit will have to be shut down. When two direct- connected units are used, they should each have a capacity sufficiently large to excite both the generators, and with three units the capacity of either exciter should preferably be such that it can excite two of the generators. For four or more units it should only be necessary to give each exciter a capacity sufficient for one generator, and if necessary a motor-driven exciter unit can be installed as a reserve. The system, however, which seems to be the most widely used and which offers the greatest reliability, is that in which the excitation is obtained from a common source, consisting of as few exciters as possible. One or two units are then generally provided for normal excitation, de- pending on the size of the station, a third unit being installed as a re- serve. It is also common practice to have the regular units driven by prime movers, such as steam-engines or water-wheels, while the reserve unit is motor-driven. Still another system which is becoming common is to install low- voltage generators, driven either by a non-condensing steam turbine in case of a steam-plant or a water-wheel in a hydro-electric plant. The exciters are then motor-driven, current for driving them being obtained from the low voltage generator. The steam from the turbines would then, of course, be taken to the feed-water heaters, and in addition to the exciters, all the other auxiliaries, such as the circulating pumps, etc., would also be motor-driven. In order to insure a close voltage regulation of the system, automatic regulators are commonly installed in connection with the exciters, their principle being to automatically increase or decrease the excitation by rapidly opening or closing a shunt circuit across the exciter-field rheo- stat, and thus keep a constant bus-bar voltage regardless of the load. TRANSFORMERS. 1451 TRANSFORMERS. A transformer consists essentially of two coils of wire, one coarse and one fine, wound upon an iron core. Its function is to transform elec- trical energy from one potential to another, although it may also be used for phase transformation. If the transformer causes a change from high to low voltage, it is known as a "step-down" transformer; if from low to high voltage, it is known as a "step-up" transformer. Primary and Secondary. In regard to the use of the terms high- voltage, low- voltage, primary and secondary, the A.I.E.E. Standardiza- tion Rules read as follows: "The terms ' high- voltage ' and ' low- voltage ' are used to distinguish the winding having the greater from that having the lesser number of turns. The terms 'primary' and 'secondary' serve to distinguish the windings in regard to energy flow, the primary being that which receives the energy from the supply circuit, and the secondary that which re- ceives the energy by induction from the primary." The terms primary and secondary are, however, often confused, and in order to avoid any misunderstanding, it is preferable that the terms high- voltage and low- voltage be used instead of primary and secondary. Voltage Ratio. The A.I.E.E. Standardization Rules also state that " The voltage ratio of a transformer is the ratio of the r.m.s. (square root of mean square) primary terminal voltage to the r.m.s. secondary ter- minal voltage under specified conditions of load." It also defines "The ratio of a transformer, unless otherwise specified, as the ratio of the number of turns in the high-voltage winding to that in the low- voltage winding: i.e., the turn-ratio.' 11 The two ratios are equal when one of the windings is open and the transformer does not carry any load. When loaded, the resistance and inductance of the windings cause a drop in the voltage, thus modi- fying the ratio of transformation slightly. Rating. A transformer should be rated by its kilovolt - ampere (K.V.A.) output. It is equal to the product of the voltage and current, and is, therefore, the same whether the different coils are connected in series or parallel. If the load is of unity power factor, the kilowatt out- put is the same as the kilo volt-ampere output, but if the power factor is less, the kilowatt output will be correspondingly less. For example, a 100 K.V.A. transformer will have a full-load rating of 100 K.W. at 100% power factor, 90 K.W. at 90% power factor, etc. Efficiency. There are two sources of loss in the transformer, viz., the copper loss and the iron loss. The copper loss is proportional to the square of the current, being the 12 R loss due to heat. If Ii, Ri, be the current and resistance respectively of the primary, and Ii, Ri, the cur- rent and resistance respectively of the secondary, then the total copper loss is W c = /i2 .R! -f 7 2 2 #2 and the percentage of copper loss is * 2 ' , where W p is the energy delivered to the primary. The iron loss is constant at all loads, and is due to hysteresis and eddy currents. The efficiency of a transformer is the ratio of the output in watts at the secondary terminals to the input at the primary terminals. At full load the output is equal to the input less the iron and copper losses. The full-load efficiency of a transformer is usually very high, being from 92 per cent to 98 per cent. As the copper loss varies as the square of the load, the efficiency of a transformer varies considerably at different loads. Transformers on lighting circuits usually operate at full load but a very small part of the day, though they use some current all the time to supply the iron losses. For transformers operated only a part of the time, the "all-day" efficiency is more important than the full-load efficiency. It is computed by comparing the watt-hours output to the watt-hours input. The all-day efficiency of a 10-Kw. transformer, whose copper and iron losses at full load are each 1.5 per cent, and which operates 3 hours at full load, 2 hours at half load, and 19 hours at no load, is computed as follows: Iron loss, all loads = 10 X 0.015 = 0.15 K.W. Copper loss, full load = 10 X 0.015 = 0.15 K.W. 1452 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Copper less, 1/2 load = 0.15 X (1/2) 2 = 0.0375 K.W. Iron loss, K.W. hours = 0.15 X 24 = 3.6. Copper loss, full load, K.W. hours = 0.15 X 3 = 0.45. Copper loss, 1/2 load, K.W. hours = 0.0375 X 2 = 0.075. Output, K.W. hours = j (10 X 3) + (5 X 2) } =40. Input, K.W. hours = 40 + 3.6 + 0.45 + 0.075 = 44.125. All-day efficiency = 40 -r 44.125 = 0.907. Connections. Among the great variety of transformer manipula- tions in power and general distribution work, either for straight voltage transformation or for phase transformation, the following are the most generally used: Voltage Transformation: Single-phase. Two-phase. Three-phase, delta-delta. Three-phase, delta-star, and vice versa. Three-phase, star-star. Three-phase, open-delta. Three-phase, Tee. Phase Transformation: Two- or three-phase to single-phase. Two-phase to six-phase. Three-phase to two-phase. Three-phase to six-phase. The transformer connections mostly used are delta-delta or delta-star with neutral grounded. For moderate voltage systems, the isolated delta connection is to be preferred, although for high-tension systems with very high voltages FIG. 247. FIG. 249. practice has proved that the high-tension winding star connected and the neutral grounded will give a more satisfactory operation. Tee -Connection. (Fig. 247.) T- connection requires only two single transformers of which one is provided with a 50 per cent tap to which the other is connected. The latter may be designed for only 86.6% of the line or main transformer voltage, but generally it is made identical with the main transformer and operated at reduced flux density. Delta-Connection. (Fig. 248.) The e.m.f. between the mains is the same as that in any one transformer measured between terminals, and each transformer must, therefore, be wound for the full line voltage, but only for or 57.7 per cent of the line current. \/~3 Star-Connection. (Fig. 249.) In the star-connection each trans- former has one terminal connected to a common junction, or neutral point. Each transformer is wound for only 57.7 per cent of the line voltage, but for the full line current. Reactance. In order to obtain a good voltage regulation, it has been the custom to design the transformers with a reactance as low as H/2 to 2 per cent. Recent experience has, however, shown that in high power systems such transformers are unsafe, owing to the enormous mechan- ical strain produced on the transformer and system by the excessive short-circuit currents permitted by such low impedance transformers. SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTERS. 1453 A 2 per cent reactance means that at full load current, 2 per cent or 1/50 of the supply voltage is consumed by the reactance. At short circuit the total voltage would have to be consumed by the transformer re- actance, and the short-circuit current at full voltage is then fifty times full load current. Safety thus requires that in high power systems the transformers should be designed for a much higher reactance and the present practice (1915) is, therefore, to design such transformers for 6 to 8 per cent reactance, and sometimes even for as high as 10 per cent. Cooling. According to the method used in diss.'pating the heat generated by the losses, transformers may be classified as: 1. Oil cooled. 2. Water cooled. 3. Air blast. Parallel Operation. In order that two or more transformers or groups of transformers shall operate successfully in parallel, it is necessary that their polarity be the same, that their voltages and voltage ratios be identical, and that their impedances be inversely proportional to the ratings. Auto Transformers. -Auto transformers may be used where the required voltage change is small. Their action is similar to that of ordinary transformers, the essential difference between the two being that in the transformer the high- voltage and low-voltage windings are separate and insulated from each other while in the auto-transformer a portion of the winding is common to both the high and low voltage circuits. The high- and low- voltage currents in both types of transformers are in opposite direction to each other, and thus in an auto-transformer a portion of the winding carries only the difference between the two currents. Auto transformers are extensively used for alternating current motor starters, and also to some extent in moderate voltage generating stations. Constant-Current Transformers. The transformers heretofore dis- cussed are constant-potential transformers and operate at a constant voltage with a variable current. For the operation of lamps in series a constant-current transformer is required. There are a number of types of this transformer. That manufactured by the General Electric Co. operates by causing the primary and secondary coils to approach or to separate on any change in the current. SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTERS. A synchronous converter is essentially a continuous-current gener- ator, which, in addition to its commutator, is supplied with two or more collector rings connected to suitable points in the armature winding. If such a machine be driven by mechanical power, it will evidently deliver either alternating or direct current, and, conversely, if supplied with electric power, it will operate either as a synchronous motor, as a direct- current motor, or as a synchronous converter. When operated as a converter, the alternating current enters the armature winding through the collector rings, and aftei* being rectified by the commutator, is de- livered as direct current, or vice versa. The alternating and direct current e.m.f. stand hi a certain relation or ratio to each other, and this depends upon the number of phases and frequency of the system used, and also upon the ratio of maximum to the square root of the mean square value of the impressed e.m.f. (that is, the e.m.f. of the supply circuit). It also depends upon the load of the machine, the ohmic armature losses, the position of the direct- current brushes on the commutator, the excitation, the ratio of pole arc to pole pitch, and upon the operating conditions, that is, whether the machine is used to convert from alternating to direct current or vice versa. Synchronous converters for 60 cycles, which usually have a lower ratio of pole arc to pole pitch than 25 cycle converters, have, as a rule, a higher voltage ratio and, when used as inverted converters, a lower voltage ratio than corresponding 25 cycle machines. In the two-ring or single-phase converter, the two collector rings are connected to armature conductors with the same angular distance apart as commutator bars under adjacent sets of brushes. At this instant the e.m.f. between the collector rings is at its maximum value and equal to the e.m.f. between the direct-current brushes. Therefore, tne direct-current e.m.f. (JS) of a two-ring single-phase synchronous 1454 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. converter is equal to the maximum value (\/2~X E 2 ) of the sine wave e.m.f. between the two collector rings. Therefore, E E 2 = V^2 in which E% is the effective value of the single-phase alternating e.m.f. The effective e.m.f. between the two collector rings, which are con- nected to the armature winding at points 120 electrical degrees apart, that is, between any two rings of a three-ring three-phase converter, is represented by that chord of a polygon which subtends an angle of 120 degrees. Likewise, the e.m.f. between two rings which are con- nected to the armature winding at points 90 electrical degrees apart, as between two adjacent rings in a four-ring quarter-phase converter, is represented by the chord which subtends an 'angle of 90 electrical de- grees; and the chord which subtends an angle of 60 electrical degrees represents the e.m.f. between two adjacent rings of a six-ring six- phase synchronous converter. In general, the effective e.m.f., E\, between adjacent rings of an n-ring converter, is represented by that chord of a polygon which sub- n tends an angle of ^ or . Therefore, This gives the following theoretical values of the effective alternating e.m.f. between adjacent collector rings of a two-ring, three-ring, four- ring and six-ring synchronous converter, expressed in terms of the e.m.f., E, between the direct-current brushes: 7^ For single-phase Ei = -= = 0.707 E, For three-phase Ei = = 0.612 E, 2 \^2 77" For quarter-phase Ei = = 0.500 E, For six-phase Ei = E f __ = 0.354 E. 2 V2 The above ratios represent, as before stated, the effective alternating e.m.f. between two adjacent collector rings. For quarter- and six-phase converters the different phases of the supply circuit, however, are not connected as a rule to adjacent rings and the ratios given above are not the ones to be used for determining the alternating supply voltage for these types of synchronous converters. For the four-ring quarter-phase converter, each phase of the supply circuit is generally connected to diametrically opposite points of the armature winding and the ratio will, under such conditions, be equal to the ratio for the two-ring single-phase converters, that is, for quarter- phase Ei = -^L = 0.707 E. V/2 For six-phase synchronous converters two different arrangements of the connections are generally used. One is called the "double delta" connection and the other the "diametrical" connection. In the first case, the voltage ratio is the same as for the three-phase synchronous converter and simpfy consists of two "delta" systems. The trans- formers can also be connected in "double-star," and in such a case the ratio between the three-phase voltage between the terminals of each star and the direct voltage will be the same as for "double-delta," while the voltage of each transformer coil, or voltage to neutral, is = V^ times as much. With the diametrical connection the ratio is the same SYNCHRONOUS CONVEHTEKb. 1455 as for the two-ring single-phase converter, it being analogous to three such systems. Therefore Six-phase double-delta, JEj. = ?^ = 0.612 E. 2\/2 Six-phase diametrical, EI = -^L = 0.707 E. Vz The ratio of the effective e.m.f., E , between any collector ring and the neutral point is always E Q = -= = 0.354 E. 2 \/2 The given voltage ratios are, as stated, only theoretical , as the losses in the winding have been neglected and the assumption has been made that both the impressed and the counter generated converter e.m.f. has a sine wave shape. The ratio between the alternating and direct terminal voltages is somewhat different from the theoretical ratio due to the voltage drop in the armature and to the wave shapes of the e.m.f. 's. The exact ratios are always furnished by the manufacturer. Synchronous converters may be either of the shunt- or compound- wound type, the choice depending on the character of the service for which they are to be used. In the majority of installations, especially for power purposes, compound- wound converters are generally used because they automatically regulate for a comparatively constant direct-current voltage. In order to change the direct voltage in the ordinary type of syn- chronous converter with constant voltage ratio, it is necessary to provide means for changing the applied alternating voltage correspond- ingly. This can be done in several ways, one of which is to provide taps on the step-down transformers and adjust the ratio of transformation by means of a dial switch. A much better method, however, is the use of an induction regulator between the transformer secondary terminals and the synchronous converter. This regulator consists of a stationary series winding and a movable potential winding, which can be turned through a certain angle, and at each angular position will raise or lower the voltage at the collector rings a certain amount, through the mutual action of the current and potential windings. This method of control is generally used with shunt- wound synchronous converters in order to keep the voltage constant, when the line drop is excessive. The induc- tion regulator is either hand-operated by means of chain or motor drive, or the control can be made automatic by using a contact-making voltmeter and relay, which will automatically control the regulator motor. The voltage regulation can also be accomplished by taking ad van tag/" of the fact that an alternating current passing over an inductive circuit will decrease in potential if lagging, and increase if leading. By pro- viding the synchronous converter with a series field winding in addition to the shunt field, the excitation can be automatically regulated as the load comes on. The inductance of the supply circuit and step-down transformers is, however, frequently not sufficient to cause the required boost in the voltage, and in such a case it becomes necessary to insert extra reactance coils in the line or provide the step-down transformers with extra high reactance. There are three feasible methods of starting synchronous converters: First, the application of alternating current at reduced voltage to the collection rings; second, the application of direct current to the commu- tator and starting the machine as a direct-current motor; third, the use of an auxiliary starting motor mechanically connected. The alternating current starting method has many advantages over the other methods. It is self-synchronizing, and, therefore, entirely eliminates the difficulty of accurately adjusting the speed. When the speed of the prime movers is liable to be variable, the ability to start a machine quickly and get it on the line in the shortest possible time is a great advantage inherent to .this method of starting. It is possible for the Converter to drop into step with its direct-current voltage reversed from that of the bus to which the machine is to be connected, but the 1456 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. machine can easily be made to drop back a pole by a self-exciting field reversing switch on the machine frame. This method of starting makes the operation of the machine so simple that the liability of confusion and mistakes by operators Is greatly reduced. If several synchronous converters are to supply the same direct- current system, they can be connected in parallel in the same manner as shunt- or compound -wound generators, and they are even frequently operated in parallel with such generators and storage batteries. The different converters will divide the load according to their direct-current r s voltage regulation from no-load to 1 load, and if a battery is also operated in parallel the voltage drop should be sufficiently large so as to cause the battery to take the excessive loads. Synchronous converters operated in parallel should not be con- nected to the same transformer secondaries. Such a connection would form a closed local circuit in which heavy cross-currents would flow when any difference in the operating conditions of the machine occurs, as, for example, if the brushes of one of the machines were slightly displaced relative to the other. Compound-wound converters for parallel operation should be pro- vided with equalizer switches. For connecting a compound- wound con- verter in parallel with one already running, the equalizer switch is closed first, so as to energize the series field from the running machine. Next, the shunt field circuit is closed and the field adjusted so that the voltage will correspond to that of the first machine, and finally the main switch is closed. The load can then be transferred from the first to the second converter by weakening the shunt field of the former and strengthening that of the latter. MOTOR-GENERATORS. Motor-generator sets may be divided into three general classes: 1. Direct current to direct current sets, including balancing sets for three-wire lighting systems, and for variable speed motor work, boosters for storage battery charging and railway or lighting feeders. 2. Alternating current to direct current sets or vice versa. These are used for excitation purposes and for supply of lighting, railway or power systems. The sets may be driven either with synchronous or induction motors, the former being equipped with an auxiliary squirrel cage winding on the fields so as to be self-starting at reduced voltage. 3. Alternating current to alternating current sets between the two periodicities; commonly called "frequency changers." Balancers. The balancer set, a form of direct-current compensator, is a variation of the regular motor-generator set, in that the units of which it is composed may be, alternately, motor or generator, and the secondary circuit is interconnected with the primary. On account of the latter feature, the efficiency of transformation is higher and a larger output is obtainable from a given amount of material than in the straight motor-generator set. Balancer sets are widely used to provide the neutral of Edison three-wire lighting systems. They are also installed for power service in connection with the use of 250-volt motors on a 500-volt service or 125- volt motors on a 250-volt service. The potential of the system being given, the capacity of a three- wire balancer set is fixed by the maximum current the neutral wire is required to carry. This figure is a more definite specification of capacity than a statement in per cent of unbalanced load. As designed for power work and generally for lighting service, the brushes of each machine are set at the neutral point in order to get the best results for operating alternately either as a generator or motor. Where the changes of balance are so gradual as to permit of hand ad- justment, if desired, a considerable increase in output is obtainable. Boosters. Boosters are extensively used in railway stations to raise the potential of the feeders extending to distant points of the system; for storage-battery charging and regulation; and in connection with the Edison three-wire lighting system. The design of the various sets is closely dependent upon their application. ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUITS. 1457 Booster sets are constructed in either "series- or shunt-wound types, and they may be arranged for either automatic or hand regulation, depending on the nature of the service required. Where there are a number of lighting feeders connected and run at full load for only a short time each day it will generally be economical to install boosters rather than to invest in additional feeder copper. It is important, however, to consider each case where the question of installing a booster arises, as a separate problem, and to determine if the value of the power lost represents an amount lower than the interest charge on the extra copper necessary to deliver the same potential without the use of a booster. Dynamotors. A dynamotor is a machine for reducing a direct- current voltage, and it is extensively used in connection with high voltage railway equipments for obtaining a moderate voltage for the control. It has two armature windings and commutators on one drum, with the field between them. The control current is taken midway between the arma- tures and is returned to the ground side of the dynamotor. This insures that the maximum potential on the control circuit, under normal condi- tions, will be approximately one-half of the line voltage, and the potential to grounded parts no greater than when operated directly on a line voltage of one-half the amount. Frequency Changers. A periodicity of 25 cycles has been quite gen- erally selected for railway service. Also in certain large cities, current of the same frequency is generated in central stations and distributed: to substations in which are installed rotary converters supplying an Edison three-wire network. Inasmuch as the periodicity of 60 cycles is more favorable than 25 cycles for alternating current lighting, frequency changers, similar to that shown above, are installed to furnish high tension 60-cycle current for distribution to outlying districts beyond the reach of the three-wire system. In the design of frequency changers speeds must be selected that are common to the two periodicities of the system upon which they are tc . be used; since 300 r.p.m. is the highest speed common to 25 and 60 cycles, at which speed small sets are expensive per kilowatt, a line of sets with ' 4 or 8 pole motors and 10 or 20 pole generators has been developed, giving 62 1/2 cycles from 25 cycles or 60 cycles from 24 cycles. Where parallel operation is required between synchronous motor- driven frequency changers, a mechanical adjustment is necessary between the fields or armatures of the generator and motor to obtain equal division of the load. The adjustment is best obtained by the cradle construction. The stator of one machine is bolted to a cradle fastened to the base, and by taking out the bolts the frame can be turned around through a small angle relatively to the cradle, and therefore to the stator field of the other machine, where the bolts can be replaced. The Mercury Arc Rectifier consists of a mercury vapor arc enclosed In an exhausted glass vessel into which are sealed two terminal anodes connected to the two wires of an alternating-current circuit. A third terminal, at the bottom of the vessel, is a mercury cathode. When an arc is operating, it is a good conductor from either anode to the cathode, but practically an insulator in the other direction. The two anodes connected across the terminals of the alternating-current line become alternately positive and negative. While either anode is positive, there is an arc carrying the current between it and the cathode. When the polarity of the alternating-current reverses, the arc passes from the other anode to the mercury cathode, which is always negative. The current leading out from the mercury cathode is uni-directional. By means of reactances, the pulsations are smoothed out and the current at the cathode becomes a true direct current with pulsations of small amplitude. ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUITS. Calculation of Alternating-current Circuits. The following formulae and tables are issued by the General Electric Co. They afford a con- venient method of calculating the sizes of conductors for, and determining the losses in, alternating-current circuits. They apply only to circuits in which the conductors are spaced 18 inches apart, but a slight increase or decrease in this distance does not alter the figures appreciably. If 1458 KLECTH1CAL ENGINEERING. the conductors arc less than 18 inches apart, the loss of voltage is de- creased, and vice versa. Let W == total power delivered In watts: D = distance of transmission (one way) in feet; P* per cent loss of delivered power ( W) ; E = voltage between main conductors at consumers end of circuit-, K a constant; for continuous current = 2160; T = a variable depending on the system and nature of the load; for continuous current = 1; M = a variable, depending on the size of wire and frequency; for con- tinuous current = 1 ; A = a factor; for continuous current = 6.04. D X W X K Area of conductor, circular mills = p x E* Current in main conductors = Wx T + E; Volts lost in lines = P X E X M -r 100; ^ z>2 x WXKXA Pounds copper = - The value of M is found from the formula: M -- X = 0.000882 / flogio (} + 0.109J X = Reactance. R = Resistance, ohms per 1000 ft., at 60 F. sen's standard.) d = inches between wires. r = radius of wire, inches. / = cycles per second. (Wire 100% Matthics- VALUES OF M WIRES 18 IN. APART, f WIRES 36 IN. APART. $ 25 Cycles. 60 Cycles. 25 Cycles. Power Factors. 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 Wire Sizes. 0000 000 00 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 .17 1.16 1.12 1.06 .12 1.09 1.05 0.99 .08 1.04 0.99 .92 .05 1.00 .94 .87 .02 0.96 .90 .83 .00 .93 .86 .79 0.98 .91 .84 .76 .96 .89 .81 .74 .95 .88 .80 .72 .94 .86 .78 .70 .94 .85 .77 .69 .93 .85 .76 .68 .92 .84 .76 .67 .92 .83 .75 .67 ( .53 .41 .32 .24 .18 .12 .08 .05 .02 ( .00 ).98 .97 .95 .94 .64 .67 .66 .49 .50 .47 .36 .35 .31 .26 .24 .19 .17 .14 .08 .10 .06 .00 .05 0.99 0.93 .00 .94 .87 ).97 .90 .83 .94 .87 .79 .91 .84 .76 .89 .82 .74 .88 .80 .72 .86 .79 .71 .22 1.23 1.20 1.15 .16 1.15 1.11 1.05 .11 1.08 1.04 0.97 .07 1.03 0.98 .91 .04 0.99 .93 .86 .02 .95 .89 .82 JFor higher volt- ages, 10,000 to 200,- 000. Per cent of Power Factor. Value of K. Value of T. sL a 4 ** >*o 100 95 85 J0_ 3380 1690 1690 100 95 85 80 System: Single-phase 2160 1080 1080 2400,3000 1200 1500 1200 1500 1.00 1.05 1.17 0.500.530.59 0.58 0.61 0.68 1.25 0.62 0.72 6.04 12.08 9.06 Two-phase, 4- wire Three-phase, 3-wire * P should be expressed as a whole number, not as a decimal; thus a 5 per cent loss should be written 5, not .05. t As corrected by Harold Pender, see Elect. World, July 1, 1905. The formula for M is approximate, and gives values correct within 2 % for any case likely to arise in practice. ALTERNATING-CURRENT CIRCUITS. 1459 . Relative Weight of Copper Required in Different Systems for Equal Effective Voltages. Direct current, ordinary two- wire system 1 . 000 three-wire system, all wires same size 0. 375 neutral one-half size 0.313 Alternating current, single-phase two-wire, and two-phase four- wirel. 000 Two-phase three-wire, voltage between outer and middle wire same as in single-phase two-wire . 729 voltage between two outer wires same ... 1 . 457 Three-phase three- wire . 750 " four-wire 0.333 The weight of copper is inversely proportional to the squares of the voltages, other things being equal. The maximum value of an alter- nating e.m.f. is 1.41 times its effective rating. For derivation of the above figures see Crocker's "Electric Lighting," vol. ii. Approximate Rule for Size of Wires for Three-Phase Transmission Lines. (General Electric Co.) The table given below is for use in making rough estimates for the sizes of wires for three-phase transmission, as in the following example. Required. The size of wires to deliver 500 Kw. at 6000 volts, at the end of a three-phase line 12 miles long, allowing an energy loss of 10% and a power factor of 85%. If the example called for the transmission of 100 Kw. (on which the table is based), we should look in the 6000- volt column for the nearest figure to the given distance, and take the size of wire corresponding. But the example calls for the transmission of five times this amount of power, and the size of wire varies directly as the distance, which in this case is 12 miles. Therefore we look for the product 5 X 12 = 60 in the 6000- volt column of the table. The nearest value is 60.44 and the size of wire corresponding is No. 00, which is, therefore, the size capable of transmitting 100 Kw. over a line 60.44 miles long, or 500 Kw. over a line 12 miles long, as required by the example. If it is desired to ascertain the size of wire which will given an energy loss of 5%, or one-half the loss for which the table is computed, it is only necessary to multiply the value, obtained by 2, since the area varies inversely as the per cent energy loss. DISTANCES TO WHICH 100 Kw. THREE-PHASE CURRENT CAN BE TRANS- MITTED OVER DIFFERENT SIZES OF WIRES AT DIFFERENT POTEN- TIALS, ASSUMING AN ENERGY Loss OF 10% AND A POWER FACTOR OF 85%. Num- Area in Distance of Transmission for Various Potentials at ber Circular Receiving End, in Miles. B. & S. Mils. 2,000 4,000 6.000 8,000 10,000 15,000 20.000 25,000 30,000 6 26,250 1.32 5.28 11.92 21.12 33.1 74.50 132.4 206.75 298 5 33,100 1.66 6.64 15.00 26.56 41.6 93.75 166.4 260.00 375 4 41,740 2.10 8.40 18.96 33.60 52.6 118.50 210.4 328.75 474 3 52,630 2.54 10.16 23.84 40.64 66.2 149.00 254.8 413.75 596 2 66.370 3.33 13.32 30.04 53.28 83.4 187.75 333.6 521.25 751 83,690 4.21 16.84 37.92 67.36 105.3 212.00 421.2 658.00 948 105,500 5.29 21.16 47.68 84.64 132.4 298.00 529.6 827.50 1192 00 133,100 6.71 26.84 60.44 107.36 167.9 377.75 671.6 1049.25 1511 000 167,800 8.45 33.80 76.16 135.20 211.4 476.00 845.6 1321.25 1904 0000 211,600 10.62 42.48 95.68 169.92 265.7 598.00 1062.8 1660.50 2392 250,000 12.58 50.32 113.32 201.28 3147 708.25 1258.8 1966.75 2833 500,000 25.17 100.68 226.64 402.72 629.4 1416.50 2517.6 3933.75 5666 Notes on High-tension Transmission. The cross-sectional area and, consequently, weight of conductors vary inversely as the square of the voltage for a given power transmission. The cost of conductors is there- fore reduced 75% every time the voltage is doubled. The cost of other apparatus and appliances increases with increasing voltage. For long- distance lines the saving in copper with the 'highest practicable voltages is so great that the other expenses are rendered practically negligible. In the shorter lines, however, the" most suitable voltage must be determined 1460 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. in each individual case. The voltages in the following table will serve ad a guide. VOLTAGES ADVISABLE FOR VARIOUS LINE LENGTHS. Miles. Volts. Miles. Volts. Miles. Volts. 1-2 2-3 500-1000 1000-2300 2300-6600 3-10 10-15 15-20 6600-13,200 13,200-22,000 22,000-44,000 20-40 40-60 60-100 44,000- 66,000 66,000- 88,000 88,000-110,000 Standard machinery is made for 2300, 6600, 13,200, 22,000, 33,000, 44,000, 66,000, 88,000 and 110,000 volts, and standard generators are made for the above voltages up to and including 13,200 volts. When the line voltage is higjier than 13,200, step-up transformers must be employed. In a given case the saving in cost of conductor by using the higher voltage may be more than offset by the cost of transformers, and the question of voltage must be determined for each case. Line Spacing. Line conductors should be so spaced as to lessen the tendency to leakage and to prevent the wires from swinging together or against the towers. With suspended disk insulators the radius of free movement is increased, and special account should be taken of spacing when these insulators are used. The spacing should be only sufficient for safety, since increased spacing increases the self-induction of the line, and while it lessens the capacity, it does so only in a slight degree. The following spacing is in accordance with average practice. CONDUCTOR SPACING ADVISABLE FOR VARIOUS VOLTAGES. Volts. Spacing. Volts. Spacing. 33,000 3 feet. 88,000 8 feet. 44,000 4 feet. 110,000 10 feet. 66,000 6 feet. 140,000 12 feet. Aluminum Conductors. The conductivity of aluminum is generally taken at 63.3%, that of hard-drawn copper of the same cross-sectional area. The weight of Al is 30.2 % that of C9pper, and therefore an Al conductor of the same length and conductivity as a given copper con- ductor weighs 47.7% as much. The cost of Al must therefore be 2.097 times that of hard-drawn copper to give equal cost for the same length and conductivity. Owing to the mechanical unreliability of solid Al conductors, stranded conductors are used in all sizes, including even the smallest. The Size of the Line Conductors depends on both economical and electrical considerations, except where the length of the span is the gov- erning feature. With expensive steel towers it becomes necessary to string the conductors for higher stresses so as to reduce the sags and consequently the height of the towers as much as possible. It has, there- fore, become a general practice to erect the conductors so that the stress at the worst load conditions equals one-half the ultimate strength of the conductor material, which gives a factor of safety of two. The load to which a line conductor is subjected, besides its own weight and ice, is acting in a vertical direction, the pressure imposed by the wind acting in a horizontal direction. It is also evident that the stress will be greater in extremely cold weather because of the contraction of the wires, and it is generally agreed that the worst load condition would occur at F. with an actual wind velocity of 56 miles per hour (8 pounds pressure per square foot projected area) and with an ice covering one-half inch thick. The maximum temperature is considered to be 130 F., and the cables should be so supported that at this temperature the sag does not become excessive, but allows a clearance between the lowest conductor and ground of from 25 to 30 feet. Line conductors may be either of copper or aluminum. It is advisable for mechanical reasons in spans of 200 to 300 feet never to use smaller cable than No. 5 B. & S. copper, or No. 1. B. & S. aluminum (equivalent of No. 3 copper). For spans greater than 300 feet, the minimum sizes of cable allowable are those which will give a reasonable sag at the most severe^ climatic conditions assumed. Frequently the size of conductors, ELECTRIC MOTORS. 1461 determined by electrical considerations, limits the length of spans to a smaller value than is economical. This may occur even with moderately long spans 500 to 600 feet when the character of the country is such as to make transportation costly or when expensive foundations must be used. In such cases it will often be found that a saving can be made by increasing the size of conductor, thereby allowing an increase in the length of span and the use of fewer towers of approximately the same height and not greatly increased weight. The sag or deflection at the center of a span can be figured by the formula: ~ 8T where D = deflection in feet; S = length of span in feet; W = resultant of weight and wind in Ibs. per foot of cable; T = tension on cable in Ibs. A 135,000- Volt Three-phase Transmission System from Cook Falls, Mich., to Flint, Mich., 125 miles distant, is described in Power, Aug. 9, 1910. The generating equipment comprises three 3000-K.W. GCFcycle alternators, mounted on horizontal shafts driven by water- wheels. The available head of water is 40 ft., and the flow averages 1 100 cu. ft. per second. The transmission line consists of three No. copper wires carried on suspension-type insulators hung from the cross- arms of 55-ft. tripod steel towers. The wires are at the angles of an isosceles triangle with a 12-ft. base and 17-ft. sides, the lowest wire 40 ft. above the ground. The insulators have eight disks linked in series, each disk having been tested to withstand continuously 75,000 volts, and subjected to 100,000 volts for a brief period. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Classification. Motors maybe classified according to type, speed, and mechanical features. The first cover: Direct Current 1. Series. 2. Shunt. 3. Compound. Alternating Current (single-phase and polyphase) 1. Synchronous. 2. Synchronous Induction. 3. Induction. 3a. Phase- wound. 3 b. Squirrel- Cage. 4. Commutator. According to their speed, they are classified as Constant Speed: covering cases where the speed is constant or varies slightly. Adjustable Speed: covering cases where the speed may be varied over a considerable range, but when once fixed remains at this value independent of the load changes. Varying Speed: covering cases where the speed changes with the load, usually decreasing as the load increases. Multi-Speed: covering cases where several -distinct speeds may be obtained by changing the connections of the windings or by other means. According to their mechanical features motors may be classified as: (1) Open. (2) Mechanically Protected. (3) Semi-Enclosed. (4) Totally Enclosed. (5) Enclosed, Externally Ventilated. (6) Enclosed, Self- Venti- lated. (7) Moisture Proof. (8) Splash and Water Proof. (9) Submergible. (10) Acid Proof. (11) Explosion Proof. Limitations. The principal limitations in the ratings of motors are: (1) Mechanical Strength. (2) Heating. (3) Commutation. (4) Reg- ulation. (5) Efficiency. CHARACTERISTICS OF MOTORS AFFECTING THEIR APPLICATIONS. (D. B. Rushmore, "American Handbook for Electrical Engineers.") Series Motor. This motor is used when a powerful starting torque and rapid acceleration are required, without an excessive instantaneous de- mand of energy. The torque is practically independent of the voltage and at low-flux densities varies directly as the square of the current, but as the magnetization approaches saturation it becomes more nearly p:*opor- tional to the first power of the current. The maximum torque exists at 1462 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. low speed, this being the most valuable feature of the series motor. Dangerously high speeds may be attained by the armature with very light loads, and series motors should for this reason be either geared or direct connected to the load. Speed Control of Series Motor. The speed of a series motor on constant potential varies automatically with the load, increasing as the load decreases. The speed may, however, be adjusted if some means of varying the impressed voltage is provided. As the work required of a series motor is very often intermittent in character, the insertion of re- sistance in the armature circuit to reduce the speed is permissible from an economic standpoint in such cases. In others, such as railway work, where two or four motors are used, reduced voltage is most readily and economi- cally obtained by connecting the motors in series or in series parallel. Shunt Motor. This motor has good starting characteristics and a prac- tically constant speed, varying only slightly with load changes. The speed can, however, be adjusted, either by changing the e.m.f. impressed on the armature or by changing the field flux. Speed Adjustment by Armature-voltage Control, i.e., by changing the e.m.f. impressed on the armature, does not change the full-load torque which the motor is capable of exerting, since the rated torque depends only upon field flux and rated armature current. These methods are therefore constant-torque methods and are properly adapted to loads in which the torque remains constant regardless of speed. The method most generally used for varying the impressed e.m.f. with a single-voltage system is by means of inserting resistance in series with the armature. The efficiency with this method is, of course, very low at slow speeds. The speed regu- lation with varying loads may also be very poor. There are several systems of controlling the motor speeds by applying different voltages, such as by the use of three-wire generators or two-wire generators with balancer sets or by the Ward Leonard system. This latter system, which is the most practical, consists of a constant-speed motor driving a generator which supplies current to the motor whose speed is to be adjusted. This arrangement is very satisfactory, but on account of the expense of providing three full-sized machines instead of one to perform the work, the cost may be prohibitive except with very large motors, such iis for hoists, etc. Speed Adjustment by Shunt-field Control, i.e., by inserting resistance in the shunt-field circuit, is the simplest of all methods of speed variation, but with ordinary shunt motors the range of speed variation by this means is small. Where a variation of more than from 20 to 30 per cent is desired, a motor of modified design and of a certain increased size is generally re- quired, because the field must be more powerful with respect to the arma- ture than in the case of standard single-speed motors. Variable-speed motors of the field-weakening type are not constant torque, but constant- output motors, i.e., the torque falls proportionally as the speed increases. A speed variation up to 3 to 1 meets, as a rule, afl requirements, and such motors can readily be obtained in commercial sizes. Should a greater speed variation be desired, say 4 to 1 or 5 to 1, it is possible to accomplish this by the commutating-pole shunt motor with field control only. A combined field and armature control would, however, be a better method. Compound Motor. This motor is provided with both a series and a shunt field. The two fields are usually connected so that they act in the same direction, in which case the motor is called a "cumulative" com- pound motor. "Differential" compound motors, with the two fields opposing, are sometimes employed for special services. The cumulative, or ordinary, compound motor combines the characteristics of the shunt and series motors, having a speed not extremely variable under load changes, but developing a powerful starting torque and an increasing torque with increasing load. Motors having a comparatively weak series field are employed extensively in shop practice where the motor may be required to start under heavy load, but must maintain an approximately constant speed after starting, or when the load is removed. The heavily compounded motor is used where powerful starting torque and rapid accel- eration are necessary, with a speed not varying too widely under load changes, such as for rolling mills, etc. The speed control employed with compound motors may be any of the various methods explained in connection witn the shunt motor. For CHAHACTEtttSTtCS OF MOTORS. 1463 certain service the control may be entirely rheostatic, the series winding being cut out after the motor has come up to speed. Induction Mo toy. The induction motor is essentially a constant-speed machine, although the speed may be varied either by varying the applied stator frequency or by introducing resistance in the rotor circuit. It is built in two distinct types, namely, the squirrel-cage and the phase-wound. Squirrel-cage Motor. The squirrel-cage type is used for constant- speed service with infrequent starting. It has a relatively small starting torque per ampere and draws a large starting current from the line. By increasing the resistance of the rotor, it may, however, also be built in the smaller sizes for a high starting torque, rapid acceleration and frequent starting, for such applications as sugar and laundry centrifugals, etc., where simplicity of control is desirable. They are also used for operat- ing punches, shears, etc., where a fly-wheel is provided for storing the ' energy. Induction Motor with Wound Rotor. For service requiring high starting torque combined with moderate starting current a motor with the wound type of rotor is best adapted. A motor with the resistance mounted inside the rotor should not be used to operate machinery having large inertia or excessive static friction, since full starting current may be required for a long period before the apparatus attains full speed, and, as the capacity of the internal resistance is small, excessive temperatures may result. This type of motor is, as a rule, not built above 200 horse-power, due to mechanical difficulties involved in connection with the internal resistance. A motor with external resistance should be used for moderate and large sizes. The rotor must then be provided with collector rings and brushes. The contact resistance of these as well as the leads and the controller fingers, which are in the circuit all the time, may impair the efficiency and regulation of the motor, especially if the controller and the resistance are located some distance from the motor. The phase-wound induction motor with an external variable-rotor resistance is best adapted for a variable- speed service, as the losses necessary to obtain reduced speeds are external to the motor itself. Multi-speed Induction Motors. It often happens that the service is such that two or three speeds will be satisfactory for the operation of the machinery and that these speeds must be independent of the load. Under such conditions multi-speed motors can frequently be used. In these motors the different synchronous speeds are produced by changing the number of poles in the magnetic circuit. Each of these speeds is fixed, if no resistance is used in the secondary circuit. With multi-speed motors, as with single-speed motors, however, resistance may be used in the sec- ondary circuit for varying the speed. A change of the number of poles jnay be made hi any of the following ways: 1. By the use of single magnetic and electric circuits, changing the number of poles by re-grouping the coils. 2. By the use of single mag- netic circuits and independent electric circuits. 3. By means of separate magnetic and electric circuits, the so-called Cascade connection. Synchronous Motor. The speed of a synchronous motor is constant, being fixed by the number of poles and the frequency of the applied volt- age. The single-phase type is not self-starting and the polyphase type has in itself a very poor starting torque. They may, however, be made self- starting in the same manner as squirrel-cage induction motors, by the use- of an amortisseur or cage- winding, similar^in construction to that used for induction motors. The speed-torque curve of a synchronous motor is similar to that of an induction motor except that the torque values are lower for a given resis- tance of rotor winding on account of the construction of the machine. The starting winding must be designed with both the load at start and the load at synchronous speed in mind, because too great a slip may cause the ' motor to shut down when the field is put on. It is, however, seldom that the same motor will be called upon to start a heavy load and at the same time synchronize a heavy load, as the load usually consists principally of either static friction, as in the use of motor-generator sets, line shafting, etc., or it comes up with the speed as in the case of a fan blower or centrif- ugal pump. The former case would be met by a high-resistance squint cage winding and the latter would require a low resistance. 1464 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Single-phase Series Motor. This type of commutator 1 motor has a very powerful starting torque, high power factor, and relatively high efficiency. It is most generally used for traction work, the speed being controlled by varying the applied voltage which can most readily be done by means of an auto-transformer with a number of taps. Repulsion Induction Motor. This type of commutator motor has a limited speed and an increase of torque with decrease in speed. The action of the compensating field insures a power factor approximately unity at full load and closely approaching unity over a wide range in load. In ad- dition, it serves to restrict the maximum no-load speed and also permits, where varying speed service is involved, an increase over the synchronous speed. Starting of Repulsion Motors. A repulsion motor, if started by directly closing the line switch, will develop about 21/2 times full-load torque. The starting current corresponding to full-load starting torque is from 2 to 21/4 times full-load running current. 'As a general rule, starting boxes are not required up to and including 2-horse-power rating. From 2 to 5 horse-power the use of a rheostat is optional, dependent upon the degree and care to be exercised in maintaining voltage regulation. Start- ing boxes should, however, preferably be used on sizes above 5 horse- power, especially where light and power circuits are combined. Reversible Repulsion Motors. The repulsion motor may be designed for reversible service. This is accomplished by adding an auxiliary revers- ing winding spaced 90 from the main field winding and connected in series with it. By reversing the relative polarity of the two wincttngs, the direction of rotation is changed in a simpler manner than by mechani- cal shifting of the brush holder yoke. Instant reversal may be effected from full speed in one direction to full speed in the other, about 200 per cent of normal running torque being developed at the moment of speed reversal in either direction. Variable-speed Repulsion Motors. In addition to the constant-speed lepulsion motor, two other types are also available, one for constant- torque and variable-speed service, the other for adjustable speed inde- pendent of torque. In general, variable^speed repulsion motors are not applicable to lathes, boring mills, or similar machines where the service requires adjustable speed and constant horse-power at all speeds below and above normal. When a certain amount of variable speed is required lit approximately constant torque, such as in driving fans, blowers, print- ing presses, etc., the repulsion motor successfully meets a wide field of application. MOTOR APPLICATIONS. Pumps (E. A. Lof, in Coal Age), Pumps are either of the reciprocating or centrifugal type. In the former the volume of water can be varied either by changing the speed or by the use of a by-pass valve. The latter method is, of course, less economical, and speed variation is, therefore, preferable. In starting large pumps the water may, however, be delivered through a by-pass until the motor is up to speed, when this passage is gradually closed and the water delivered into the pipe system. The load at starting, therefore, only consists of the friction losses, and usually does not exceed 25 per cent of the full-load torque. Either direct- or alternating-current motors may be used for driving reciprocating pumps. When of the former class, the compound-wound type is generally selected for single-acting pumps on account of their rather pulsating load, while for duplex and triplex pumps, having steadier characteristics of power demand, the shunt- wound motor is used to ad- vantage. Both squirrel-cage and phase-wound induction motors are suitable, the latter as a rule being selected where it is desirable to reduce the starting current to a minimum or where a somewhat variable speed is required. Synchronous motors may also be used for driving large pumps of mod- erate speed, and are admirably adapted for such service, while their characteristics are such that by over-exciting their fields they may be made to considerably improve the power factor of the system. By-pass valves should preferably be provided on the pumps, when this type of motor is employed, so as to reduce the starting current as much as possible. In selecting the motor equipment for a centrifugal pump, its character- istics as affected by the service conditions must be carefully predetermined, MOTOR APPLICATIONS. 1465 and in some respects the operating features of this type of water lift are entirely opposite to those of reciprocating pumps. With constant speed an increase of the resistance against which the reciprocating pump operates increases the water pressure and, therefore, the load on the motor, while with the centrifugal pump an increase of the resistance reduces the load. The volume of water delivered by a recip- rocating pump is not affected by the reduction of the head, but the required power is lessened. A reduction of the head with a centrifugal pump, however, increases the volume of water, and as the efficiency at the same time goes down rapidly, the load increases. It is, therefore, of im- portance to know what this overload, caused by a reduction of the head, amounts to, and the duration of the overload; and the capacity of the motor should, as a rule, be governed by the low- and not the high-head conditions. The starting condition must be given careful consideration in selecting the motors. In starting a centrifugal pump the discharge valve may be entirely closed until the motor comes up to speed, so that the latter may start as nearly light as possible. As 'the machine accelerates, the water is churned around in the casing, causing the motor to load up as it ap- proaches full speed, when, with pumps of the usual design, it takes from 40 to 50 per cent of full-load torque to drive it even though pumping no water. Shunt-wound, direct-current motors and either squirrel-cage or phase- wound induction motors are well adapted for this type of pump and will readily meet the above conditions. A synchronous motor may lead to difficulties unless precautions are taken in designing the squirrel-cage starting winding with a sufficiently low resistance so that it will develop enough torque to pull the motor into synchronism. When this is done, however, the starting current is increased and a compromise must usually be made. Fans. Either direct- or alternating-current motors can be used for driving fans. Where the air-supply must be regulated, such as in mines, the motors must be of the adjustable-speed type. Direct-current motors may be either of the shunt- or compound- wound type, the speed regulation being accompanied by field control. Shunt-wound motors are generally used, but compound-wound motors are preferable for very large fans requiring a great starting torque. With an alternating-current system, the phase-wound induction motor should be used, the speed regulation being accomplished by inserting resistance in the secondary rotor circuit. Air Compressors. Air compressors may be divided in two classes, centrifugal and reciprocating. The former require a high speed for their operation, while the speed of the latter is comparatively low. Shunt-wound, direct-current motors and both squirrel-cage and phase- wound induction motors are used for driving them, the phase-wound type being preferable for larger units, where a low starting current is desirable. With direct-current systems, shunt-wound motors are usually used for centrifugal compressors and compound-wound for the reciprocating type. Hoists (E. A. Lof, in Coal Age}. The two principal classes of electric mine-hoist equipments are: The direct-current motor operated from its own motor-generator set by generator field control, and the induction motor. The direct-current motor lends itself well to direct connection, as the characteristics of slow-speed motors of this type are excellent. The cost of a direct-connected motor will, in practically all cases, be higher than that of a geared motor, but in. some instances this is largely offset by the saving in gearing, etc. Where, however, a considerable saving can be made by using a geared motor, and where the mechanical advantages of a direct-connected hoist are not an important consideration, a geared direct- current motor should be employed. Such a motor should be separately excited and shunt-wound, and the current should be obtained from a separately excited generator of similar type, both machines being driven by a direct-coupled induction motor where the source of supply is alter- nating current, as is almost invariably the case. The control of the hoist motor is effected by regulating and reversing the exciting current of the direct-current generator, thus varying the voltage impressed upon the motor terminals. The current for the motor and dynamo fields is supplied from the direct-connected exciter, and in, 1466 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. the case of the motor it is maintained constant. As the rapidity of hoist- ing is practically proportional to the voltage impressed upon the motor armature, the controlling gear is arranged so that the speed will be directly proportional to the distance by which the controlling lever is moved away from the neutral position. This system of hoisting has the great advan- tage that the rheostatic losses are reduced to a minimum and that the operator has perfect control over the motor. In many cases it is highly desirable to reduce the instantaneous peak loads and equalize the current input to the hoist. This is especially true where the power charge is based wholly or partly on the maximum de- mand, and any practicable method, therefore, by which energy may be taken from the line and stored during periods of light load and discharged when the hoist load is heavy, makes it possible to greatly reduce the maximum input and consequently the charge for power. The simplest method of effecting this is by adding a fly-wheel to the motor-generator set, previously described. In order to permit the fly- wheel to take care of the peaks, and equalize the load, the speed of the set must be varied according to the demand for power. This is accom- plished by an automatic slip regulator connected in i,he secondary circuit of the induction motor, which, in this case, must be of the phase-wound The second important class of electric hoisting systems is, as previously stated, driven by induction motors. Excessive low-speed motors of this type and of moderate capacities do not show particularly good electrical characteristics. For large-capacity hoists at high-rope speeds, using as small a drum diameter as is consistent with good practice, a direct- connected induction motor is, in some instances, entirely feasible, and a number of such equipments are in actual operation abroad. However, the great majority of induction- motor-driven hoists now in use and which will be installed in the future are and will continue to be of the geared type. The induction motor must be of the phase-wound type, and the speed control is accomplished by cutting in or out resistance in the secondary circuit. Drum controllers with grid rasistances are used up to about 200 lorse-power, while between this and 400 horse-power it is customary to provide a complete magnetic-contactor control. Above 400 horse-power the liquid rheostat is usually employed as a secondary resistance and control. For equalizing the load taken by an induction-motor-driven hoist, a fly-wheel motor balancer may be used. This consists of a shunt-wound or compound-wound direct-current motor, connected to a heavy fly-wheel and carrying a direct^connected exciter. The motor balancer is floated indirectly across the incoming line circuit, being tied in by means of a rotary converter or motor-generator set. A regulator actuated by the line current controls the direct-current motor field, so that when the power taken by the hoist drops below the average, the field is automati- cally reduced, causing the fly-wheel set to speed up and absorb power from the supply system and store it in the fly-wheel. When the load on the hoist motor exceeds the average, the operation is reversed, the fly- wheel set slows down, and power is returned to the system through the rotary converter. Machine Tools (Abstracted from C. Fair, General Electric Review, 1914). In general, the most satisfactory electrical equipment for machine shops, using a large number of motors, would be one having available both A.C. and D.C. distribution; A.C. for all constant speed machines and D.C. for adjustable speed machines. In the smaller shops, with rare exceptions, the cilice of motors would depend upon the current available, which in the majority of cases would be alternating current. The size and product of the small factory make a proper layout a comparatively simple matter, while in larger factories skill and ingenuity are essential to obtain the most advantageous equip- ment. The standard motor of to-day will answer for the majority of the machine tools, although special motors are in some cases necessary. When equipping tools with individual drives, the controlling apparatus as well as the motor should be attached directly to the tool whenever possible. In the case of portable tools this, of course, is a necessity. A graphic recording wattmeter in circuit with a tool is of value in efficient management, as it not only tells the actual power consumed t MOTOR APPLICATIONS. 1467 the machine, showing whether or not the tool is properly motored, but it also shows whether the tool is operating at its maximum rate, by register- ing the time of unproductive cycles or the length of time the tool is idle. By analysis, the cause of the lost time may be discovered and a change of operating conditions can be made with a corresponding increase in production. Motors for Machine Tools. Tool ] D. C. A. C. Shunt. Comp. * t Bolt cutter y * Bolt and rivet header . 120% # t Bulldozers / 40% {20% T Boring machines .... y (40% ' * ' Boring mills v * Raising and lowering cross rails on bor- ing mills and planers ** 20% f v * Bending machines {20% * t *# 140% {20% I 50% J 20% ' # jj Centering machines v I 50% ' * Chucking machines v * Boring, milling and drilling machines. . Drill, radial V * * Drill press . V * Grinder tool, etc v * Grinder castings ... v 20% * Gear cutters v . 20% * {20% t Keyseater milling broach v (40% ' * ' Keyseater reciprocating . 20% * - Lathes v * Lathe carriages ** 50% t Milling machines v * Heavy slab milling . . V 20% * Pipe cutters v * Punch presses \m * t Planers I 40% 20% ' * t Planers rotary . v io%? * Saw small circular v * Saw cold bar and I-beam 20% * Saw hot 20% * Screw machine ... .... . . v * Shapers v 10% * Shears . *- {20% * t Blotters v ( 40% 20% ' * ' Swaging *20% * t Tappers v *40% ' * ' Tumbling barrels or mills 20% * * Squirrel cage rotor. t Squirrel cage rotor high starting torque. j Slip ring induction motor with external rotor resistance. Does not apply to reversing motors. ** D. C. series mo tor. 1468 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. The table on p. 1467 will, in a general way, aid in the choice of motors. The great variety and size of tools of the same name make it necessary in a general list, such as this, to double-check a number of tools. It must be kept in mind, however, that various circumstances, such as size and roughness of work, and fly-wheel capacity, etc., may call for radical departures in the choice of motors, this list being compiled to meet average conditions. Shunt motors, for instance, are used in the following cases: When work is of a fairly steady nature, when considerable range of adjustment of speed is required, as on lathes and boring mills, and on group and line- shaft drives, etc. Compound-wound motors are used where there are sudden calls for excessive power of short duration, as on planers without reversing motor drives, punch presses, bending rolls, etc. Series motors should be used where speed regulation is not essential, and where excessive starting torque is required, as, for instance, in moving carriages of large lathes, in raising and lowering the cross rails of planers and boring mills, and for operating cranes, etc., but not where the motor can be run without load, through the opening of a clutch, or by a belt leaving ics pulley, as the motor would run away if the operator failed to shut off the power. When in doubt as to the choice of compound or series motors of small horse-power, the choice might be determined by the simplicity of control in favor of the series motor. The alternating-current motor of the squirrel-cage rotor type corre- sponds to the constant-speed, shunt, direct-current motor; but with a high-resistance rotor it approaches more closely the characteristics of a compound, direct-current motor. It is understood that the variable- speed machines checked in the table above under the alternating-current squirrel-cage rotor column have the necessary mechanical speed changes. The slip-ring induction motor with external rotor resistance would be used for variable speed, but this must not be construed to mean that it corresponds to a direct-current, adjustable-speed motor, as it has the characteristics of a direct- current shunt motor with armature control. The self-contained, rotor resistance type could be used for lineshaft drives, and for groups when of sufficient size. Multi-speed, alternating-current motors are those giving a number of definite speeds, usually 600 and 1200, or 600, 900, 1200, and 1800 r.p.m., and are made for both constant power and constant torque. These motors would be used where alternating current only was available, and where the speed ranges of the motor, together with one or two change gears, would give the required speeds. These motors should, however, be used with discretion, especially on sizes above six horse-power. The adjustable speed, A.C., commutator brush-shifting type of motor wifch shunt characteristics would, on account of high cost, be used mostly where an adjustable speed motor w^as highly desirable and where A.C. only was available and where there were not enough machines calling for adjustable speed drive to warrant putting in a motor-generator set. ILLUMINATION ELECTRIC AND GAS LIGHTING.* Illumination. Some writers distinguish "lighting" and "illumina- tion." Lighting refers to the character of the lights themselves, as dazzling, brilliant, or soft and pleasing, and illumination to the quantity of light reflected from objects, by which they are rendered visible. If the objects in a room are clearly seen, then the room is well illuminated. The quantity of light is estimated in candle-power per square foot of area or per cubic foot of space. The amount of illumination given by one candle at a distance of 1 ft. is known as a foot-candle. Since the illumination varies inversely as the square of the distance, one foot- candle is given by a 16-candle-power lamp at a distance of 4 ft., or by a 25-c.-p. lamp at a distance of 5 ft. Terms, Units, Definitions. Quantity of light proceeding from a source of light, measured in units of luminous flux, or lumens. Intensity with which the flux is emitted from a radiant in a single direction, called candle-power. Illumination, density of the light flux incident upon an area. * Contributed by Prof. W. H. Timbie. ILLUMINATION. 1469 Luminosity, brightness of surface; flux emitted per unit area of surface. Candle-power, the unit of luminous intensity. A spermaceti candlo- burning at the rate of 120 grains per hour is the old standard used in the gas industry. It is very unsatisfactory as a standard and is being displaced by others. The hefner lamp, burning amyl acetate, is the legal standard in Ger- many. The unit of luminous intensity produced by this lamp when constructed and operated as prescribed is called a hefner. The standard laboratories of Great Britain, France, and America have agreed upon the following relative values of the units used in the several countries: 1 International Candle = 1 Pentane Candle = 1 Bougie Decimale = J American Candle =1.11 Hefners = 0.104 Carcel unit. 1 Hefner = 0.90 International Candle. Intrinsic Brilliancy of a source of light = candle-power per square inch of surface exposed in a given direction. Lumen, the unit of luminous flux, is the quantity of light included in a unit solid angle and radiated from a source of unit intensity. A unit solid angle is the angular space subtended at the surface of a sphere by an area equal to the square of the radius, or by 1 -r-4n, or 1/12.5664 of the surface of the sphere. The light of a source whose average intensity in all directions is 1 candle-power, or one mean spherical candle-power, has a total flux of 12.5664 lumens. Foot-candle, the unit of illumination, = 1 lumen per square foot; the illumination received by a surface every point of which is distant one foot from a source of one candle-power. Lux, or meter-candle, 1 lumen per square meter; 1 foot-candle = 10.76 meter-candles. Law of Inverse Squares. The illumination of any surface is inversely proportional to the square of its distance from the source of light. This is strictly true when the source of light is a point, and is very nearly true in all cases when the distance is more than ten times the greatest dimension of the light-giving surface. Law of Cosines. When a surface is illuminated by a beam of light striking it at an angle other than a right angle, the illumination is pro- portional to the cosine of the angle the beam makes with a normal to the surface. If E = the illumination at any point in a surface, I the intensity of light coming from a source, Q the angle of deviation of the direction of the beam from a normal to the surface, and I the distance from the source, then E = I cos 6 ~ I*. Relative Color Values of Various Illuminants. The light pro- ceeding from any source may be analyzed in terms of the elementary color elements, red, green and blue, by means of the spectroscope, or by a colorimeter. The following relative values have been obtained by the Ives colorimeter (Trans. III., Eng. Soc., iii, 631). In all cases the red rays in the light are taken as 100, and the two figures given are respectively the proportions of green and blue relative to 100 red. Average daylight, 100,100. Blue sky, 106,120. Overcast sky, 92, 85. Afternoon sunlight, 91, 56. Direct-current carbon arc, 64, 39. Mercury arc (red 100), 130, 190. Moore carbon dioxide tube, 120, 520. Wels- bach mantle, 3/4% cerium, 81, 28. Do., 11/4% cerium, 69, 14.5. Do., 13/4% cerium, 63, 12.3. Tungsten lamp, 1.25 watts per mean horizon- tal candle-power, 55, 12.1. Nernst glower, bare, 51.5, 11.3. Tantalum lamp, 2 watts per m. h. c.-p., 49, 8.3. Gem lamp, 2.5 watts per m. h. c.-p., 48, 8.3. Carbon incandescent lamp, 3.1 watts per m. h. c.-p., 45, 7.4. Flaming arc, 36.5, 9. Gas flame, open fish-tail burner, 40, 5.8. Moore nitrogen tube, 28, 6.6. Hefner lamp, 35, 3.8. Relation of Illumination to Vision. Wickenden gives the following summary of the principles of effective vision: 1. The eye works with approximately normal efficiency, upon sur- faces possessing an effective luminosity of one foot-candle or more. 2. Excessive illumination and inadequate illumination strain and fatigue the eye in an effort* to secure sharp perception. 3. Intrinsic brilliancy of more than 5 c.-p. per sq. in. should be re- duced by a diffusing medium when the rays enter the eye at an angle below 60 with the horizontal. 1470 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 4. Flickering, unsteady, and streaky illumination strains the retina in the effort to maintain uniform vision. 5. True color values are obtained only from light possessing all the elements of diffused daylight in approximately equivalent proportions. 6. An excess of ultra-violet rays is to be avoided for hygienic reasons. 7. Esthetic considerations commend light of a faint reddish tint- as warm and cheerful in comparison with the cold effects of the green tints, although the latter are more effective in revealing fine detail. Types of Electric Lamps. The carbon arc lamp is now rapidly dis- appearing on account of the cost of maintenance of the open type and the low efficiency of the enclosed type. Gas-filled tungsten lamps now operate at less cost on the same circuits on which these arcs formerly burned. The Flaming Arc. The carbons are impregnated with calcium fluor- ide or other luminescent salts. The current is usually 8 to 12 amperes and the voltage per lamp 35 to 60. The regenerative flame arc is a highly efficient variety of the flame arc. The Magnetite Arc has for a cathode a thin iron tube packed with- a mixture of magnetite, FesCU, and titanium and chromium oxides. The anode consists of copper or brass. It is well adapted to series opera- tion with low currents. The 4-ampere lamp, using 80 volts per lamp, is highly successful for street illumination. The Tungsten Incandescent (vacuum) depends upon the heating of a drawn tungsten filament to incandescence in a vacuum. They are made in sizes for 25, 40, 60, 100, 150, 250, 400, 500, 750, and 1000 watts and average about 1 candle-power for each watt, with a life of 1000 hours, before the candle-power falls below 80% at rated voltage. The Tungsten Incandescent (gas-filled) has the advantage of having longer life and being smaller than the vacuum lamp of the same watt- age. They are filled with an inert gas, generally nitrogen or argon, and have an efficiency of 2 candle-power per watt in the larger 'sizes (the average being about 1.7 candle-power per watt), with a life of 1300 hours. The Mercury Vapor Lamp is an arc of luminous mercury vapor con- tained in a glass tube from which the air has been exhausted. A small quantity of mercury is contained in the tube, and platinum wires are inserted in each end. When the tube is placed in a horizontal position so that a thin thread of mercury lies along it, making electrical con- nection with the wires, and a current is passed through it, part of the mercury is vaporized, and on the tube being inclined so that the liquid mercury remains at one end, an electric arc is formed in the vapor throughout the tube. The tubes are made about one inch in diameter and of different lengths, as below. The mercury vapor lamp is very efficient, ranging from 1.9 c.-p. per watt for the 900 c.-p. size to 1.55 c.-p. per watt for the 300 c.-p. size. The color of the light is unsatis- factory, being deficient in red rays, but it possesses a very penetrating quality which makes it valuable in drafting rooms and wherever a light is needed to bring small details out sharply. The spectrum con- sists of three bands, of yellow, green, and violet, respectively. The intrinsic brilliancy of the lamp is very moderate, about 17 c.-p. per sq. in. Commercial lamps are made of the sizes given below. The lamp is essentially a direct-current lamp, but it may be adapted to alternat- ing-current by use of the principle of the mercury-arc rectifier. The tubes have a life ordinarily of about 1000 hours. The Quartz-Tube Mercury-Arc Lamp operates at a higher voyage and gives much nearer a white light. Owing to the injurious ultra- violet rays given out by this form, it must always be enclosed in a globe of clear glass. The efficiency ranges from 2.4 to 3.3 c.-p. per watt and the life averages 3000 hours. It is made in sizes from 1000 to 3500 c.-p. Street Lighting. Street lighting may be divided into three classes: (a) "White-Way" or display illumination. (b) Main road illumination. (c) Residence district lighting. The object of " White- Way" illumination is generally advertising and many more lights are used than are necessary for proper road illumina- tion. The lamps generally used are the titanium arc, the magnetite ILLUMINATION. 1471 arc, the yellow flaming arc, and the white flaming arc of over 1000 c.-p. See last column of Table VI. In "Main-road" illumination the purpose is to illuminate the road appreciably for night automobile travel. The lamps generally used are some type of the 300-watt flaming arc, the magnetite arc, or the titanium arc of Table IV. These are usually placed from 200 to 300 ft. apart at heights varying from 15 to 18 ft. For Residential-district Lighting, where vehicle travel is infrequent and slow, the smaller sizes (40 to 100 c.-p.) of tungsten lamps are used spaced from 100 to 200 ft. at height varying from 15 to 18 ft. according to shading of the road by the foliage. Tungsten lamps of the higher candle-powers of 200 to 450 are also used with spacings of 200 ft. and over, with reflectors designed to give the best distribution of the light. I Hum illation by Arc Lamps at Different Distances. Several dia- grams and curves showing the light distribution in a vertical plane and the illumination at different distances of different types of lamps are given by Wickenden. From the latter are taken the approximate figures in the table below. The carbon and the magnetite lamps were 25 ft. high, the flame arcs 21 ft. TABLE I. Illumination by Arc Lamps. Horizontal Distance from Lamp, Feet. 20 30 40 50 100 150 200 250 Kind of Lamp. Foot-candles, normal illumination. A. Open carbon arc, D.C., 6.6 amp. B. Enclosed carbon arc, A.C. 6.6 C. Flame arc, 10 D. Regenerative arc, 7 E. Magnetite arc, 6.6 F. Magnetite arc, 4 6!io 0.40 0.19 0.29 .135 0.20 0.10 1.10 0.65 0.51 0.21 .032 .027 .31 .15 .15 .07 .OH .013 .14 .055 .075 .035 .006 .006 .08 .03 .045 .022 .002 .002 .05 .02 .025 .018 0.85 0.69 0.30 6'.47 1.00 0.40 A. 6.6 amp., D.C., open arc, clear globe. B. 6.6 amp., A.C., enclosed arc, opal inner and clear outer globe, small reflector. C. 10 amp., flame arc, vertical electrodes; 50 volts, 1520 M.H. C.-P.*; 0.33 watt per M.L.H.C.-P.*; 10 hours per trim. D. 7 amp., regenerative flame arc, 70 volts, 2440 M.L.H.C.-P., 0.2 watt per M.L.H.C.-P., 70 hours per trim. E. 6.6 amp., B.C. series magnetite arc, 79 volts, 510 watts, 1450 M.L.H.C.-P. 75 to 100 hours per trim. F. 4 amp., B.C. series magnetite arc, 80 volts, 320 watts, 575 M.L.H. C.-P., 150 to 200 hours per trim. TABLE II. Data of Some Arc Lamps. Type of Lamp. Hours Trim. Am- peres. Ter- minal Volts. Ter- minal Watts. Watts per M.L.H. C.-P. D.C. series carbon, open 9 to 12 9 6 50 480 6 D.C. series carbon, enclosed A.C. series carbon, enclosed D.C. multiple carbon, enclosed. . A.C. multiple carbon, enclosed. . . D.C. flame arcs, open 100 to 150 70 to 1 00 100 to 150 70 to 100 10 to 16 6.6 7.5 5.0 6.0 10 72 75 110 110 55 475 480 550 430 440 0.9 1.25 2.25 2.40 0.45 Regenerative, semi-enclosed A.C. flame arcs, open 70 10 to 16 5 10 70 55 350 467 0.26 0.55 Magnetite, open 70 to 100 6.6 80 528 0.45 Values of watts per M.L.H. C.- P. approximate for open carbon arcs and magnetite arcs with clear globes, enclosed arcs with opalescent inner and clear outer globes, and for flame and regenerative arcs with opal globes. * M.H. C.-P. =mean horizontal candle-power; ,-P, =mean lower hemispherical candle-power, 1472 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Relative Efficiency of Dluminants. The advent of the gas-filled tungsten incandescent lamp of high efficiency and high candle-power has driven the less efficient arc lamps from the field. At present (1915) the incandescent lamp of the 200- or 300-watt size is more efficient than the arc lamp of the same candle-power. On the other hand, the 1000- c.-p. arcs are more efficient than the incandescent lamps of the same size. The field for the arc lamp seems to be in the higher candle-power sizes. Dr. Steinmetz in The General Electric Review for March, 1914, gives the following tables. r TABLE III. Relative Efficiency of Dluminants. (Irrespective of Size, in Available Mean Spherical C.-P. per Watt). Available Mean Spherical C.-P. per Watt. (Street Lighting) 10 C.-P.* per Watt Available Mean Spherical C.-P. 3.1 watt per h. c.-p. carbon filament. . . . 2.5 watt per h. c.-p. gem filament 450 watt 6.6 amp. series enclosed a.c. carbon arc . 0.21 0.26 0.39 0.4 0.5 0.5 Any Any 175 Nitrogen M^oore tube 45 480 watt 6.6 amp. series enclosed d.c. carbon arc (D.62 1.0 300 1 watt per h. c.-p. mazda lamp 500 watt d.c. "intensified" carbon arc . 0.64 0.78 1.25 Any 4 amp. 300 watt d.c. special magnetite arc Neon M^oore tube .0 2.2 ' 300 0.5 watt per h. c.-p. gas-filled mazda lamp 4 amp. 300 watt d.c. special magnetite arc 6.6 amp. 500 watt d.c. standard magnetite arc .28 .4 .5 2.5 3.0 3.2 Above 350 (420) 750 Mercury lamp in glass tube, best values 55 6.6 amp. 500 watt d.c. special magnetite arc . . . .7 3.6 850 220 watt a.c. titanium arc 300 watt yellow flame arc, best value. . . . 500 watt white flame arc, best values. . . . Mercury lamp in quartz tube, best values .9 .95 .95 2 4.0 4.0 4.0 420 (585) (975) Exper. 350 watt a.c. titanium arc Melting tungsten in vacuum 2.7 2 88 5.4 (950) 500 watt yellow flame arc, best value. . . . Exper. 500 watt a.c. titanium arc ....... Titanium arc, best values (high power) . . 3.1 3.6 5.2 6.2 7.0 (1550) (1800) *The expression 10 c.-p. per watt means the candle-power per watt on a circle 10 below the horizontal plane of the filament. TABLE IV. Efficiency of 300-Watt llluminants. Available Mean Spherical C.-P. per Watt. Available Mean Spherical C.-P. Mazda lamp (1 watt per h. c.-p).. . . ... 0.64 190 Standard 4 amp. d.c. magnetite arc .0 300 White flame carbon arc, best .2 360 Gas-filled mazda lamp (0.5 watt per h. c.-p.) .28 384 Special 4 amp. d.c. magnetite arc 4 420 Yellow flame carbon arc, best .95 585 A.C. titanium arc 2.4 720 ILLUMINATION. 1473 TABLE V. Efficiency of 500-Watt Illuminants. Available Mean Spherical C.-P. per Watt. Available Mean Spherical C.-P. A.C. series enclosed carbon arc 0.42 210 Mazda lamp (1 watt per h. c.-p.) 64 320 D.C. series enclosed carbon arc 0.65 325 Gas-filled mazda lamp (0.5 watt per h. c.-p.) 1.28 640 Standard 6.6 amp. d.c. magnetite arc 1.5 750 Special 6.6 amp. d.c. magnetite arc 1 7 850 White flame carbon arc, best 1 95 975 Quartz mercury lamp 2 1000 Yellow flame carbon arc, best 3 ] 1550 A.C. titanium arc 3.6 1800 Characteristics of Tungsten Lamps. Vacuum Type. The accom- panying Table VII refers to tungsten lamps of the 25, 60, and 100 watt size. They show the changes which take place in the candle-power, watts, watts per candle-power and life when used at the various voltages. It is to be noted that a 4% increase in voltage above the normal (100%) increases the candle-power 15%, the efficiency 6%, but decreases the life 38%. TABLE VI. Relative Efficiency of Various C-P. of Illiiminaiits. 200 Mean Spherical C.-P. 300 Mean Spherical C.-P. 400 Mean Spherical C.-P. 500 Mean Spherical C.-P. 1000 Mean Spherical C.-P. Type. S Type. 1 Type. 4^ 1 Type. Type. 1 A.C. carbon D.C. carbon Mazda 490 380 310 A.C. carbon D.C. carbon Mazda Standard magnetite Special magnetite. . 620 480 470 300 250 Mazda . . . 6?n Standard magnetite 400 Gas-filled mazda 780 700 55C 520 400 360 Standard magnetite. Gas-filled mazda Special magnetite. . Titanium. . 350 310 290 210 Gas-filled mazda Special magnetite . . White Flame Yellow Flame Titanium. . 390 350 350 280 250 Standard magnetite. . Special magnetite. . White Flame Yellow Flame Titanium . . Interior Illumination. There are three systems for artificially light- ing interiors. All three are easily adapted for the use of either gas or electricity or both: (1) Direct lighting; (2) indirect lighting; (3) semi- indirect lighting. (1) Direct Lighting. When the room is illuminated almost entirely by the light which comes directly from the lamps without reflection from walls and ceilings, it is said to be illuminated by direct lighting. This is the usual form of lighting. (2) Indirect Lighting. When a room is illuminated by the light of concealed lamps which is reflected from the walls and ceiling, ,the system of illumination is said to be indirect. The ceiling and walls must be light-colored. There is an entire lack of shadows in a room thus lighted. (3) Semi-indirect Lighting. When a room is illuminated mostly by light reflected from the walls and ceiling but still receives 15 or 20% directly from the lamps, the system of illumination is said to be semi- indirect. This system produces particularly pleasing effects. The Quantity of Electricity and Gas Necessary to Illuminate Various Rooms. Practically all modern illumination is done either by tungsten incandescent electric lamps or gas lamps with incandescent mantles. 1474 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. TABLE VII. Characteristics of Mazda (Vacuum) Lamps. Per Cent of Rated Voltage. o '. jjj s^ Per Cent of Rated Watts. Efficiency in C.-P. per Watt. Life in Per Cent of Rated Life. Per Cent of Rated Amperes. Per Cent of Rated Ohms. Per Cent of Rated Voltage. Per Cent of Rated C.-P. Per Cent of Rated Watts. Efficiency in C.-P. per Watt. Life in Per Cent of Rated Life. Per Cent of Rated Amperes . Per Cent of Rated Ohms. 50 8 33 67 77 10? 108 103 934 80 60 70 75 15 27 36 44 57 63 0.231 0.429 0.500 72 82 84 80 87 88 104 106 108 115 123 130 106 110 113 0.971 .01 .03 62 48 35 "103" "l6i' 80 45 71 578 88 92 110 139 117 08 25 106 104 85 57 77 0.658 91 94 115 161 .16 108 106 90 92 94 96 Q8 69 75 81 87 93 85 88 91 94 97 0.736 0.769 0.799 0.833 880 230 180 135 94 96 ' 96 ' '98 ' 120 125 130 140 150 187 213 242 133 142 .27 .35 .47 .67 85 112 114 117 122 127 108 110 112 115 118 100 100 100 0.909 100 100 100 The following table of electricity and gas necessary to light rooms used for given purposes is based on the fact that in the modern mazda lamps 1.1 watt produces 1 c.-p., and in the best gas lamps with incan- descent mantles, 0.04 cu. ft. per hour of gas produces 1 c.-p. Inasmuch as there are no bright spots in the room to fatigue the eye, when in- direct and semi-indirect systems are used, a lower degree of illumina- tion is sufficient to enable objects to be clearly seen. Hence, although the indirect and semi-indirect systems are less efficient, the following table applies to. all these methods : TABLE VIII. Electricity or Gas Necessary to Sufficiently Illuminate Booms. Use of Rooms. Watts S?2?- Work- ing Plane. Cu. Ft. per Hour per Sq. Ft. of Working Plane. Use of Rooms. Watts per Sq. Ft. of Work- ing Plane. Cu. Ft. per Hour per Sq. Ft. of Working Plane. Assembly hall .... Ball room . 0.8-0.1 1.2-1.3 0.032-0.04 0.05 -0.052 Library (book stacks) 0.3-0.6 0.012-0.24 Barber shop Bed room (resi- dence) Church Class room (school) Corridor Dining room (residence) Drafting room . . . Drill hall . . 1.5-1.7 0.3-0.35 1.0-1.3 1.2-1.3 0.4-0.5 0.9-1.0 2.5-2.8 0.5-0.6 0.06 -0.07 0.012-0.014 0.04 -0.05 0.048-0.052 0.016-0.02 0.036-0.04 0.10 -0.112 0.02 -0.025 Library (resi- dence) Lobby (hotel) Machine shop. . . . Music room (resi- dence) Office (banking and accounting) . Office (general).. . Operating room (hospital) 1.0-1.1 1.5-1.6 2.0-2.2 0.5-0.6 1.5-1.6 1.3-1.5 3.5-3.9 0.04 -0.044 0.06 -0.065 0.08 -O.OCC 0.02- 0.025 0.06 -0.065 0.052-0.06 0.14 -0.15 Foundry Kitchen Library (public reading room).. . 3.0-4.0 1.2-1.3 1.4-1.5 0.12 -0.16 0.05 -0.052 0.055-0.06 Restaurant Store Warerooms Wood-working shop 1.5-1.7 1.4-1.7 0.3-0.9 1.5-1.8 0.06 -0.07 0.055-0.07 0.012-0.030 0.06 -0.072 For gas-filled tungsten and Welsbach "Kinetic" use 0.6 of above values. Data on gas furnished by F. R. Pierce, Welsbach Co. ILLUMINATION. 1473 Example of Use of Table Tin. Specify the proper lighting arrangements for a banking office 25 ft. X 40 ft. with a 13-ft. ceiling. The four-lamp fixture is an efficient and pleasing arrangement of lamps. It does not give quite as uniform distribution of light as individual lamps uniformly spaced, but the effect is much more pleasing and the distribution is very satisfactory. Using Electricity. Watts per sq. ft. needed =1.5-1.6 (Table VIII). Total watts needed = 1.5 X 40 X 25. = 1500 watts. Using four-lamp fixtures, we shall need six fixtures, as in Fig. 250, in two rows of 3 each. Watts per fixture = ^p = 250. 250 Watts per lamp 4 = 62.5. On consulting Table IX we find we can use 60-watt lamps as the standard lamp nearest the size computed. If at any place more light is needed, 100-watt lamps may be substituted in the nearest fixture. Using Gas. To use gas with the same number of similar fixtures, we would have to use lamps which correspond to the 60-watt mazda. Allowing 25 watts to the cu. ft. per hour of gas, we would need a lamp which would burn or 2 1/2 cu. ft. c: \ /" ? % /^ V * / E' <-o ttT> jj V| ^ < [14 ft > ^ / = 14- ft: > u*. 1 V / f \ / V ^ ' ^ S 7 ^ FIG. 250. per hour of gas. By Table IX, we see that this is a standard size. The foregoing rules are merely intended to serve as a guide for planning correct illumination. They are not intended to take the place of judgment and intelligence. The details of each lighting project differ slightly from the details of every other lighting project and due weight should be given to ways in which these details affect the application of general rules. TABLE IX. Standard Units; Mazda and Welsbach. Watts (105- 125 Volts). C.-P. per Watt. Welsbach Inverted. Watts (105- 125 Volts). C.-P. per Watt. Welsbach Inverted. Wei Up sbach right. Cu. Ft. Equiv. Watts per Hour. Cu. Ft. Equiv. Watts per Hour. Cu. Ft. Equiv. Watts H^r. 10 15 20 25 40 60 100 0.77 0.80 0.855 0.88 0.91 0.935 0.98 150 250 400 500 750 1000 .11 .11 .33 .43 .67 .82 10 250 1.6 2.5 4.0 4.5 40 62.5 100 112.5 5.5 135.5 Cost of Electric Lighting. (A. A. Wohlauer, El World, May 16, 1908, corrected, July, 1915.) The following table shows the relative cost of 1000 candle-hours of illumination by lamps of different kinds, based on costs of 2, 4 and 10 cents per Kw.-hour for electric energy. The life, K, is that of the lamp for incandescent lamps, of the electrode " : arc lamps, and of the vapor tube for vapor lamps. 1476 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. L s mean spherical candle-power. S s = watts per mean spherical candle. P = renewal cost per trim or life, cents. K = life in hours. C r = 1000P/(KL S ). GI = (S s X R) + C r = cost'per 1000 candle-hours. R = rate in cts. per K.W. hour. Illuminant. I Amp. I Volts. | L s \ S s I P I K I C r \ Rating. Incandescent Lamps. R=2 4 10 Carbon ... . 0.31 110 13 2 3 8 16 450 2 7 16 c.-p. 10 3 17 9 40 7 Gem 0.45 110 16 5 3 OS ?0 450 2.7 20 c.-p. 8 8 14 9 33 ? Tungsten 0.91 110 72 1.4 70 1000 0.97 100 Watt 3.8 6.6 15.0 Direct-Current Arc Lamps. TT 8.6 9 9.2 7.11 5.4 3.6 1.76 Open arc Enclosed Carbon Miniature Magnetite. . . . Flaming Inclined flam- ing Inclined en- closed flaming 10 5.0 10 2.5 3.5 10 10 5.5 55 110 HO 110 110 55 55 100 400 1.3 260 2.1 5502.0 150 225 600 1100 1.8 1.7 0.75 0.5 1500 0.365 2 0.2 2 0.31 2.4 1.6 0.1 10 amp. 10 2.5 3.5 10 10 5.5 4.6 4.4 5.6 3.71 3.9 2.6 1.03 21.2 21 20 17.3 9.9 6.6 Mercury-Vapor Lamps. Cooper Hewittl 3.5 Quartz | 3.5 110 I 7701 0.5 220 113001 0.6 1200140000.4 I 70030000.135 3.5amp.| .4 12.4 15.4 .3412.5416.14 Recent Street Lighting Installations. (Preston S. Millar, Proc. A. I. E. E., July, 1915). & o Width, Roadway, Ft. No. of Lighting Units. Linear Spacing, Ft. 4 Height in Feet. Kind of Buildings. 5 Location of Lamps. 6 Kind of Mount. 9 Lamps. 10 Globesll. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 36 47 42 80 901 j 109 60 50 90 102 222 82 (twin) 123 2003 80 69 94 100 }i 100 100 100 18 24 25 14.5 14 15 19 13.5 B "B' B B A B B S s s s s o K P P P P P P P D.C., 6.6 amp. LA. A.C., SF. A.C., SF. 6.6 amp. Mag. 600 c.-p. Mazda C. 6.6 amp. Mag. 120v., 400w M.C. 400 c.-p., 15 amp. M.C. A B B A N A C K 9 10 50 92 56 400 92 17.5 19.8 R B s o P K 1000 c.-p. M.C. 4.0 amp. D.C. LA. A A 11 1? 80 36 79 105 220 22 22 Ap. note 7 note 8 P p 120v., 400w., M.C. 600 c.-p. M.C. C B 13 502 246 120 10.25 R S P 5.5 amp. series M.C. B (NOTES.) * Between building lines. 2 160 ft. between building lines. 8 Two per post. 4 Along one curb. 5 Kind of buildings: B, business structures; A, all kinds; Ap., apartments; R, residences. 6 O, both curbs, opposite; S, staggered. 7 In center of block (on center isle) . On curb of intersecting streets at house line of cross-street intersection, s East curb only. K, brackets on trolley poles; P, ornamental posts. ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS. 1477 10 LA, luminous arc; SF, series flame arc; Mag., inverted magnetite; M.C., Mazda C. "A, alabaster; B, alba; N, novulux; C, Carrara; R, C.R.I., globe and translucent glass reflectors. Cities. 1. 5th Ave., Pittsburgh; 2. Federal St., Pittsburgh; 3. Dearborn St., Chicago; 4. Main St., Rochester, N. Y.; 5. Main St., Hartford, Conn.; 6. Penna. Ave., Washington, D. C.; 7. 5th Ave., New York; 8. Market St., Corning, N. Y.; 9. Lake Ave., Rochester; 10. Grand Ave., Milwaukee; 11. 7th Ave., New York; 12. Troy St., Chicago; 13. 16th St., Washington. SYMBOLS USED IN ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS. a- SPST cb ED- SPOT a H~ DPST - Galvanometer. Ammeter. Voltmeter. Wattmeter* Switches; 5, single; wvyv\A_ D, double; P, pole; Non-inductive 1 , throw. Resistance. <> <> <>$ Lamps. Inductive Resistance. Capacity or Condense*. Motor Shunt-wound Motor Series-wound or Generator. or Generator. Motor or Generator. luuJ n Two-phase Three-phase Battery. Trans- Compound- Separately Generator. Generator. former, wound Motor excited Motor or Generator, or Generator. INDEX. A BBREVIATIONS, 1 /A Abrasion, resistance to, of * * manganese steel, 495 Abrasive processes, 1309-1318 Abrasives, artificial, 1313 Abscissas, 70 Absolute temperature, 567 zero, 567 Absorption of gases, 605 of water by brick, 370 refrigerating machines, 1346, 1364 Accelerated motion, 526 Acceleration, definition of, 521, 526 force of, 526 ratesof , on electric railways, 1415 work of, 529 Accumulators, electric, 1425 Acetylene and calcium carbide, 855 blowpipe, 857 flame welding, 488 generators and burners, 857 heating value of, 856 Acheson's deflocculated graphite, 1246 Acme screw thread, 234 Adhesion between wheels and rails, 1416 Adiabatic compression of air, 633 curve, 959 expansion, 601 expansion in compressed air- engines, 638 expansion of air, 635, 638 expansion of steam, 959 Admiralty metal, composition of, 390 Admittance of alternating cur- rents, 1441 Aerial tramways, track cable for, 260 Air (see also Atmosphere), 606-681 and vapor mixture, weight of, 610-613 -bound pipas, 748 carbonic acid allowable in, 681, 685 compressed, 623, 632-653 (see Compressed air) Air Compressors, centrifugal, 648 effect of intake temperatures, 647 electric motors for, 1465 Air compressors, high altitude, table of, 639 hydraulic, 650 intercoolers for, 648 steam consumption of, 644 tables of, 641-643 tests of, 643 Air, contamination of, 687 cooling of, 594, 710 density and pressure, 607, 613 Air, flow of, in pipes, 617-624 in long pipes, 618-624 in ventilating ducts, 683 through orifices, 615-617, 670 Air, friction of, in underground passages, 714 head of, due to temperature differences, 716 heating of (see also Heating) heating, heat-units absorbed in, 691 heating of, by compression, 632 horse-power required to com- press, 637 in feed-pump discharges, 1074 inhaled by a man, 687 leaks in steam boilers, 891 -lift pump, 808 -lift pump for oil wells, 809 liquid, 605 loss of pressure of, in pipes, 617-624 manometer, 607 pipes in house heating, capacity of, 691 pressures, conversion table for, 607 properties of, 606 -pump, 1071-1073 -pump for condenser, 1071, -pump, maximum work of, 1074 pyrometer, 555 saturated, temperatures, pres- sures and volume, table, 1072 saturated, volume at different vacuums, 1072 specific heat of, 564 thermometer, 557 velocity of, in pipes, by ane- mometer, 624 volume at different tempera- tures, 692 volume transmitted in pipes, table, 623, 624 1479 1480 air-alt INDEX. alt-ana Air, volumes, densities, and pres- sures, 607, 613 washing, 687 water vapor in 1 pound of, 1081 weight and volume of, 27 weight of, 176 weight of (table), 609, 613 Alcohol as fuel, 843 denatured, 843 engines, 1102 vapor tension of, 844 Alden absorption dynamometer, 1334 Algebra, 33-37 Algebraic symbols, 1 Alligation, 9 Alloy steels, 470-480 (see Steel) Alloys, 384-410 aluminum, 396-399 aluminum-antimony, 399 aluminum-copper, 396 aluminum-silicon-iron, 398 aluminum, tests of, 398 aluminum- tungsten, 399 aluminum-zinc, 399 antimony, 405, 407 bearing metal, 405 bismuth, 404 caution as to strength of, 398 composition by mixture and by analysis, 388 composition of, in brass foun- dries, 390 copper-manganese, 401 copper-tin, 384 copper-tin-lead, 394 copper-tin-zinc, 387-390 copper-zinc, 386 copper-zinc-iron, 393 ferro-, 1255 ferro-, manufacture of, 1424 for casting under pressure, 395 fusible, 404 Japanese, 393 liquation of metals in, 388 magnetic, of non-magnetic metals, 402 miscellaneous, analyses and properties, 392 nickel, 402 the strongest bronze, 389 vanadium and copper, 395 white metal, 407 Alternating currents, 1440-1460 admittance, 1441 average, maximum, and effec- tive values, 1440 calculation of circuits, 1457 capacity, 1440 capacity of conductors, 1446 converters, 1453 delta connection, 1446 frequency, 1440 generators, for, 1448 impedance, 1441 impedance polygons, 1442 inductance, 1440 induction motor, 1463 Alternating currents, measure- ment of power in polyphase circuits, 1447 motors, variable speed, 1463 Ohm's law applied to, 1442 power factor, 1440 reactance, 1441 single and polyphase, 1445 skin effect, 1442 standard voltages of, 1460 synchronous motors, 1463 transformers, 1451 Y-connection, 1446 Altitude by barometer, 608 Aluminum, 177, 380 alloys (see a Iso Alloys), 396-399 alloys, tests of, 398 alloys used in automobile con- struction, 400 brass, 397 bronze, 396 bronze wire, 248 coating on iron, 473 conductors, cost compared with copper, 1459 effect of, on cast iron, 439 electrical conductivity of, 1401 plates, sheets, and bars, weight of, tables, 230 properties and uses, 380 sheets and bars, table, 230 solder, 382-383 steel, 496 strength of, 381, 383 thermit process, 400 tubing, 226 wire, 248, 381, 383 wire, electrical resistance of, table, 1414 Ammonia, aqua, strength of, 1341 -absorption refrigerating ma- chine, 1346, 1364 -absorption refrigerating ma- chine, test of, 1364 carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide, cooling effect, and compressor volume, 1341 -compression machines, tests of, 1359-1364 -compression refrigerating ma- chines, 1345, 1356 gas, properties of, 1338 heat generated by absorption of, 1341 liquid, properties of, 1340 solubility of, 1341 superheated, properties of, 1340 Ampere, definition of, 1397 Analyses, asbestos, 270 boiler scale, 722 boiler water, 722 cast iron, 439-450 coals, 821-830 crucible steel, 490, 494 fire-clay, 269 gas, 854 gases of combustion. 817 magnesite, 270 ana-arm INDEX. art-baz 1481 Analyses of rubber goods, 378 Analytical geometry, 7O-73 Anchor bolts for chimneys, 957 forgings, strength of, 353 Anemometer, 624 Angle, economical, of framed structures, 548 of repose of building material, 1220 Angles, Carnegie steel, properties of, table, 317-321 plotting, without protractor, 53 problems in, 38 steel, gage lines for, 321 steel, tests of, 362 steel, used as beams, table of safe loads, 321 trigonometrical properties of, 66 Angular velocity, 522 Animal power, 532-534 Annealing, effect on conductivity, 1402 effect of, on steel, 479 influence of, on magnetic capac- ity of steel, 483 . malleable castings, 455 of steel, 484, 492 (see Steel) of steel forgings, 482 of structural steel, 484 Annuities, 15-17 Annular gearing, 1169 Anthracite, classification of, 819, 828 composition of, 819, 820, 828 gas, 845 sizes of, 823 space occupied by, 823 Anti-friction curve, 50, 1232 metals, 1223 Anti-logarithm, 136 Antimony, in alloys, 405, 407 properties of, 177 Apothecaries' measure and weight, 18, 19 Arbitration bar, for cast iron, 441 Arc, circular, length of, 58 circular, relations of, 58 lamps (see Electric lighting) lights, electric, 1469 Arcs, circular, table, 122-124 Arches, corrugated, 195 Area of circles, square feet, di- ameters in feet and inches, 131. 132 of circles, table, 111-119 of geometric .alplane figures, 54-61 of irregular figures, 56, 57 of sphere, 62 Arithmetic, 2-32 Arithmetical progression, 10 Armature circuit, e.m.f. of, 1436 torque of, 1435 "Armco ingot iron," 477 Armor-plates, heat treatment of, 482 Artesian well pumping by com- pressed air, 810 Asbestos, 270 Asphaltum coating for iron, 471 Asses, work of, 534 Asymptotes of hyperbola, 73 Atmosphere (see also Air) equivalent pressures of, 27 moisture in, 609-613 pressure of, 607, 608 Atomic weights (table), 173 Austenite, 480 Autogenous welding, 488 Automatic cut-off engines, water consumption of, 967 Automobile engines, rated capac- ity of, 1101 gears, efficiency of, 1172 screws and nuts, table, 232 Automobiles, steel used in, 510 Avogadro's law of gases, 604 Avoirdupois weight, 19 Axles, forcing fits of, by hydraulic pressure, 1324 railroad, effect of cold on, 465 steel, specifications for, 507, 509 steel, strength of, 354 BABBITT metal, 407, 408 Bagasse as fuel, 839 Balances, to weigh on in- correct, 20 Balls and rollers, carrying capac- ity of, 340 for bearings, grades of, 1237 hollow copper, resistance to collapse, 345 Ball-bearings, 1233, 1235 saving of power by, 1237 Band brakes, design of, 1240 Bands and belts for carrying coal, etc., 1198 and belts, theory of, 1138 Bank discount, 13 Bar iron (see Wrought iron) Bars, eye, tests of, 360 iron and steel, commercial sizes of, 182 Lowmoor iron, strength of, 352 of various materials, weights of, 181 steel (see Steel) twisted, tensile strength of, 280 wrought-iron, compression tests of, 359 Barometer, leveling with, 607 to find altitude by, 608 Barometric readings for various altitudes, 608 Barrels, to find volume of, 65 number of, in tanks, 134 Barth key, 1329 Basic Bessemer steel, strength of, 476 Batteries, primary electric, 1425 storage, 1425-1428 Baume's hydrometer, 175 Bazin's experiments on weirs, 763 1482 bea-bel INDEX. bcl-hlo Beams and girders, safe loads on, 1387 formula for flexure of, 299 formulae for transverse strength of, 299 of uniform strength, 301 special, coefficients for loads on, 300 steel, formulae for safe loads on, 298 wooden, safe loads, by building laws, 1387 yellow pine, safe loads on, 1387, 1393 Beardslee's tests on elevation of elastic limit, 275 Bearing-metal alloys, 405 practice, 407 Bearing-metals, anti-friction, 1223 composition of, 390 Bearing pressure on rivets, 426 pressure with intermittent loads, 1231 Bearings, allowable pressure on, 1226, 1230 and journals clearance in, 1230 ball, 1233, 1235 cast-iron, 1223 conical roller, 1234 engine, calculating dimensions of, 1042-1044 engine, temperature of, 1232 for high rotative speeds, 1231 for steam turbines, 1232 knife-edge, 1238 mercury pivot, 1233 of Corliss engines, 1232 of locomotives, 1232 oil pivot, in Curtis steam tur- bine, 1083 oil pressure in, 1228 overheating of, 1228 pivot, 1229, 1232 roller, 1233 shaft, length of, 1034 steam-engine, 1232, 1238 thrust, 1232 Bed-plates of steam-engine, 1044 Bell-metal, composition of, 390 Belt conveyors, 1198-1201 dressings, 1151 factors, 1142 Belts and pulleys, arrangement of, 1149 care of, 1150 cement for leather or cloth, 1 152 centrifugal tension of, 1139 effect of humidityon, 1150 endless, 1151 evil of tight, 1149 lacing of, 1147 length of, 1148 open and crossed, 1136 quarter twist, 1147 sag of, 1149 steel, 1152 Belting, 1138-1152 Earth's studies on, 1146 Belting, formulae, 1139 friction of, 1138 horse-power of, 1139-1142 notes on, 1146 practice, 1139 rubber, 1152 strength of, 357, 1150 Taylor's rules for, 1143 theory of, 1138 vs, chain drives, 1155 width for given horse-power, 1140 Bends, effects of, on flow of water in pipes, 747, 748 in pipes, 624 in pipes, table, 221, 222 pipe, flexibility of, 221 valves, etc., resistance to flow in, 879 Bending curvature of wire rope, 1213 Bent lever, 514, 536 Bernouilli's theorem, 617, 765 Bessemer converter, temperature in, 555 steel, 475 (see Steel, Bessemer) Bessemerized cast iron, 453 Bethlehem girder beams, proper- ties of, table, 331 I-beams, table, 332 steel H-columns, 333 Bevel wheels, 1169 Billets, steel, specifications for, 507 Binomial, any power of, 33 theorem, 37 Bins, coal-storage, 1196 Birmingham gage, 28 Bismuth alloys, 404 properties of, 178 Bituminous coal (see Coal) coating for pipe, 206 Black body radiation, 579 Blast area of fans, 655 pipes (see Pipes) Blast - furnace, consumption of charcoal in, 837 gas, 855 steam-boilers for, 899 temperatures in, 555 Blechynden's tests of heat trans- mission, 593 Blocks or pulleys, 538, 539, 1181 or pulleys, strength of, 1181 Blooms, steel weight of, table, 190 Blow, force of, 529 Blowers (see also Fans), 663-681 and fans, comparative efficiency, 656 blast-pipe diameters for, 671 in foundries, 1250 rotary, 677 rotary, for cupolas, 678 steam-jet, 679 Blowing-engines, dimensions of, 680 horse-power of, 680 Blowing-machines, centrifugal, 648, 649 bio-bra INDEX. bra-bul 1483 Blowpipe, acetylene, 857 Blue heat, effect on steel, 482 Board measure, 20 Boats (see Ships) Boats, motor, power required for, 1101 Bodies, falling, laws- of, 521 Boiler compounds, 930 explosions, 932 feed-pumps, 792 feeders, gravity, 938 furnaces, height of, 889 furnaces, use of steam in, 854 heads, 914 heads, strength of, 337, 338 heating-surface for steam heat- ing, 693-697 plate, strength of, at high temperatures, 463 scale, analyses of, 722 tube joints, rolled, slipping point of, 364 tubes, dimensions of, table, 204 tubes, expanded, holding power of, 364 Boilers for house heating, 693 for steam-heating, 694-697 horse-power of, 885 incrustation of, 721, 927-932 locomotive, 1113 natural gas as fuel for, 847 of the "Lusitania," 1381 steam, 885-944 (see Steam- boilers) Boiling-point of water, 719 of substances, 559 Boiling, resistance to, 570 Bolts and nuts, 231-238 and pins, taper, 1318 effect of initial strain in, 347 hanger, 243 holding power of in white pine, 346 square-head, table of weights of, 242 strength of, tables, 348 stud, 237 track, weight of, 244, 245 Bonds, rail, electric resistance of, 1416 Boosters, 1456 Boyle's or Mariotte's law, 600, 603 Braces, diagonal, stresses in, 542, 545 Brackets, cast-iron, strength of, 292 Brake horse-power, 970 horse-power, definition of, 1017 Prony, 1333 Brakes, band, design of, 1240 electric, 1240 friction, 1239 magnetic, 1240 Brass alloys, 390 and copper-lined iron pipe, 227 and copper tubes, coils and bends, 222 influence of lead on, 394 Brass plates, bars, and wire, tables, 228, 229 rolled, composition of, 391 sheets and bars, table, 228, 229 tube, seamless, table, 224, 225 wire, weight of, table, 229 Brazing metal, composition of, 390 of aluminum bronze, 397 solder, composition of, 390 Brick, absorption of water by, 370 fire, number required for vari- ous circles, table, 267 fire, sizes and shapes of, 266 kiln, temperature in, 555 magnesia, 269 piers, safe strength of, 1386 sand-lime, tests of, 371 specific gravity of, 177 strength of, 358, 370-372 weight of, 180, 370 zirconia, 270 Bricks and blocks, slag, 268 Brickwork, allowable pressures on, 1386 measure of, 180 weight of, 180 Bridge iron, durability of, 466 links, steel, strength of, 353 members, strains allowed in, 287 trusses, 543-547 Brine, boiling of, 570 properties of, 570, 571, 1343 Brinell's tests of hardness, 364 Briquettes, coal, 831 Britannia metal, composition of, 407 British thermal unit (B.T.U.), 560, 867 Brittleness of steel (see Steel) Bronze, aluminum, strength, ot, 396 ancient, composition of, 388 deoxidized, composition of, 395 Gurley's, composition of, 390 manganese, 401 navy-yard, strength of, 398 phosphor, 394 strength of, 356 Tobin, 391, 392 variation in strength of, 386 Buffing and polishing, 1310 Building-laws, New York City, 1388-1390 -laws on columns, New York, Boston, and Chicago, 292 -materials, coefficients of fric- tion of, 1220 -materials, sizes and weights, 177, 180, 191 Buildings, construction of, 1385- 1395 fire-proof, 1389 heating and ventilation of, 684 mill, approximate cost of, 1394 transmission of heat through walls of, 688 walls of, 1388 1484 hill-car INDEX. rar-oas Bulkheads, plating and framing for, table, 339 stresses in due to water-pres- sure, 338 Buoyancy, 719 Burners, acetylene, 857 fuel oil, 842 Burning of steel, 481 Burr truss, stresses in, 544 Bush-metal, composition of, 390 Bushel of coal and of coke, weight of, 834 Butt-joints, riveted, 428 CG. S. system of measure- ments, 1396 COa, (see also carbon dioxide, carbonic acid) COa recorders, autographic, 891 CO2, temperature required for production of, 852 Cable, formula for deflection of, 1207 traction ropes, 256 Cables (see Wire rope) chain, proving tests of, 264 chain, wrought-iron, 264, 265 galvanized steel, 255 suspension-bridge, 255 Cable-ways, suspension, 1205 Cadmium, properties of, 178 Calcium carbide and acetylene, 855 chloride in refrigerating-ma- chines, 1343 Calculus, 73-82 Caloric engines, 1095 Calorie, definition of, 560 Calorimeter for coal, Mahler bomb, 826 steam, 942-944 steam, coil, 943 steam, separating, 943 steam, throttling, 943 Calorimetric tests of coal, 826, 827 Cam, 537 Campbell's formulae for strength of steel, 477 Canals, irrigation, 755 Candle-power, definition of, 1469 of electric lights, 1468-1476 of gas lights, 860 per watt of lamps, 1475 Canvas, strength of, 357 Cap screws, dimensions of, 238 table of standard, 238 Capacity, electrical, 1440 electrical, of conductors, 1445 Car heating by steam, 702 journals, friction of, 1228 wheel, irons used for. 453 Cars, steel plate for, 507 Carbon, burning out of steel, 485 dioxide (see also CO 2) dioxide exhaled by a man, 687 dioxide in air, 687 dioxide, pressure, volume, etc., 1341 Carbon, effect of, on strength of steel, 476 gas, 845 Carbonic acid, allowable in air, 681, 685 Carbonizing (see Case-hardening) Carborundum* made in the elec- tric furnace, 1425 Cargo hoisting by rope, 414 Carnegie steel sections, proper- ties of, 305-321 Carnot cycle, 598, 600 cycle, efficiency of steam in, 881 Carriages, resistance of, on roads, 534 Carriers, bucket, 1197 Case-hardening of iron and steel, 510, 1291 Casks, volume of, 65 Cast copper, strength of, 356, 384 Cast-iron, 437-454 addition to, of ferro-silicon, titanium, vanadium, and manganese, 450 analyses of, 439-450 bad, 453 bars, tests of, 444 beams, strength of, 451 Bessemeri zed, 453 chemistry of, 438-443 columns, eccentric loading of, 296 columns, strength of, 289-292 columns, tests of, 290 columns, weight of, table, 200 combined carbon changed to graphite by heating, 448 compressive strength of, 283 corrosion of, 466 cylinders, bursting strength of, 452 durability of, 466 effect of cupola melting, 450 expansion in cooling, 448 growth of by heating, 1254 hard, due to excessive silicon, 1254 influence of length of bar on strength, 446 influence of phosphorus, sul- phur, etc., 438 journal bearings, 1223 malleable, 454 manufacture of, 437 mixture of, with steel, 453 mobility of molecules of, 449 permanent expansion of, by heating, 453 pipe, 196-200 (see Pipe, cast- iron) pipe-fittings, sizes and weights, 206-216 relation of chemical composi- tion to fracture, 446 shrinkage of, 438, 447, 1254 specific gravity and strength, 452 specifications for, 441 cas-cha INDEX. cha-chl 1485 Cast-iron strength in relation to silicon and cross-section, 447 strength in relation to size of bar and to chemical consti- tution, 446 strength of, 445-447 tests of, 352, 444-447 theory of relation of strength to composition, 446 variation of density and te- nacity, 452 water pipe, transverse strength of, 452 white, converted into gray by heating, 448 Castings, deformation of, by shrinkage, 448 from blast-furnace metal, 450 hard, from soft pig, 450 hard to drill, due to low Mn, 450 iron, analysis of, 439 iron, chemical standards for, 441 iron, strength of, 352 made in permanent cast-iron molds, 1255 shrinkage of, 1254 specifications for, 441 steel, 489, 510 steel, specifications for, 489, 510 steel, strength of, 355 weakness of large, 1253 weight of, from pattern, 1256 Catenary, to plot, 52 Cement as a preservative coating, 471 for leather belts, 1152 Portland, strength of. 358 Portland, tests of, 373 weight and specific gravity of, Cements, mortar, strength of, 372 Cementation or case-hardening, 510, 1291 Cementite, 439, 480 Center of gravity, 516 of gravity, of regular figures, 516 of gyration, 518 of oscillation, 518 of percussion, 518 Centigrade-Fahrenheit conver- sion table, 550, 551 Centigrade, thermometer scale, 550, 551 Centrifugal air compressors, 648, 649 fans (see Fans, centrifugal) fans, high-pressure, 648, 649 force, 521 force in fly-wheels, 1047 pumps (see Pumps, centrifugal), 796-802 tension of belts, 1139 Chain-blocks, efficiency of, 1181 Chain-cables, proving tests of, 264 weight and strength of, 264 Chain-drives, 1153 silent, 1156 vs. belting, 1155 Cham-hoists, 1181 Chains, formulae for safe load on, 348 link-belt, 1196 monobar, 1199 pin, 1199 pitch, breaking and working strains of, 265 roller, 1199 sizes, weights and properties, 264, 265 specifications for, 264 strength of, tables, 264, 265 tests of, 264, 265 Chalk, strength of, 371 Change gears for lathes, 1260 Channels, Carnegie steel, proper- ties of, table, 312-313 open, velocity of water in, 755 safe loads, table, 313 strength of, 352 Charcoal, 836-837 absorption of gases and water by, 837 mshe' bushel of, 180 composition of, 836 pig iron, 440, 452 results from different methods of making, 837 weights per cubic foot, 180 Charles's law, 600, 604 Chatter in tools, 1264 Chemical elements, table, 173 symbols, 173 Chemistry of cast iron, 438-443 Chezy's formula for flow of water, 728 Chilling cast iron, 441 Chimneys, 944-958 anchor bolts for, 957 draught intensity in, 945 draught, power of, 946 draught, theory, 944 draught with oil fuel, 952 effect of flues on draught, 947 for ventilating, 712 height of, 948 height of water column due to unbalanced pressure in, 946 interior, of Equitable building, 954 largest in the world, 952, 954 lightning protection of, 949 radial brick, 954 rate of combustion due to height of, 947 reinforced concrete, 958 sheet iron, 958 size of, table, 950 size of, for oil fuel, 951 stability of, 954 steel, 956 steel, design of, 956 steel, foundation for, 957-, 958 tall brick, 953 1486 chi-cla INDEX. cla-coe Chimneys, velocity of air in, 946 velocity of gas in, 951 with forced draught, 952 Chisels, cold, cutting angle of, 1261 Chord of circle, 58 Chords of trusses, strains in, 545 Chrome paints, anti-corrosive, 469 Chrome steel, 496 Chromium- vanadium steels, 500- 502 Cippoleti weir, 764 Circle, 57-60 area of, 57 circumferences in feet, diam- eters in inches, table, 1310 circumferences of, 1 inch to 32 feet, 120 diameter of to enclose a num- ber of rings, 51 equation of, 71 large, to describe an arc of, 51 length of arc of, 58 length of arc of, Huyghen's approximation, 58 length of chord of, 58 problems, 37-44 properties of, 57, 58 relation of arc, chord, etc., of, 58 relations of, to equal, inscribed and circumscribed square, 59 sectors and segments of, 60 Circles, area in square feet, diam- eter in inches (table of cyl- inders), 131, 132 circumference and area of, table, 111-119 diameter of and sides of equiva- lent square, 125 number inscribed in a larger circle, 125 ^Circuits, alternating current (see Alternating Current) electric (see Electric circuits) electric, e.m.f. in, 1406 electric, polyphase, 1445 (see Alternating currents) electric, power of, 1408 magnetic, 1430 Circular arcs, lengths of, 58 arcs, lengths of, tables, 122-124 curve, formulae for, 59 functions, Calculus, 81 inch, 18 measure, 20 mil, 18, 29, 30 mil wire gage, 29, 30 pitch of gears, 1158 ring, 60 segments, areas of, 121, 122 Circumference of circles, 1 inch to 32 feet, table, 120 of circles, table, 111-119 Cisterns and tanks, number of barrels in, 134 capacity of, 132-134 Classification of iron and steel, 436 Clay, cubic feet per ton, 181 fire, analysis, 269 melting point of, 556 Clearance between journal and bearing, 1230 in steam-engines, 966, 1021 of rivet heads, 322 Clutches, friction, 1179, 1239 Coal, analysis of, 821-830 analyses and heating values of various, tables, 828-830 and coke, Connellsville, 824 anthracite, sizes of, 823 approximate heating value of, 822 bituminous, classification of, 819 briquets, 831 burning, Illinois without smoke, 921 caking and non-caking, 820 calorimeter, 826 calorimetric tests of, 826, 827 cannel, 821 classification of, 819-821 conveyors, 1197 cost of for steam power, 1010 cubic feet per ton, 180 Dulong's formula for heating value of, 827 efficiencies of, in gas-engine tests, 853 foreign, analysis of, 825 -gas, composition of, 860 -gas, manufacture, 858 heating value of, 821-824, 828- 830 products of distillation of, 834 purchase of, by specification, 830 Rhode Island graphitic, 821 sampling, for analysis, 825, 900 semi-anthracite, 824 semi-bituminous, composition of, 819-823, 828 space occupied by anthracite,- 823 spontaneous combustion of, 832 steam, relative value of, 826 storage bins, 1196 tests of, 822, 823 vs. oil as fuel, 842, 843 washing, 833 weathering of, 830 weight of bushel of, 834 Welsh, analysis of, 825 Coals, furnaces for different, 827 Coatings, preservative, 471-474 Coatings, protective, for pipe, 206 Coefficient of elasticity, 274, 374 expansion, 566 (see Expansion by heat) fineness, 1369 friction, definition, 1219 friction of journals, 1220 friction, rolling, 1220 friction, tables, 1220-1223 performance of ships, 1370 propellers, 1378 INDEX. corn-corn 1487 Coefficient of transverse strength, 297 water lines, 1369 Coils and. bends of brass tubes, 222 electric, heating of, 1409 heat radiated from, in blower system, 708 Coiled pipes, 221 Coke, analyses of, 833 by-products of manufacture of, 833, 834 foundry, quality of, 1255 ovens, generation of steam from waste heat of, 834 weight of, 180, 834 Coking, experiments in, 833 Cold-chisels, form of, 1261 -drawing, effect of, on steel, 361 -drawn steel, tests of, 361 effect of, on railroad axles, 465 effect of, on strength of iron and steel, 464 -rolled steel, tests of, 361 -rolling, effect of, on steel, 479 -saw, 1309 Collapse of corrugated furnaces, 342 of tubes, tests of, 341-344 resistance of hollow cylinders to, 341-345 Collars for shafting, 1133 Cologarithm, 137 Color determination of tempera- ture, 558 Color scale for steel tempering, 493 Color values of various illumi- nants, 1469 Columns, built steel, tests of, 287 Carnegie channel, dimensions and safe loads, 323-327 Carnegie plate and angle, 323, 328-330 cast-iron, strength of, 289-292 cast-iron, tests of, 290 cast-iron, weight of, table, 200 comparison of formulae for, 286 eccentric, loading of, 296 Gordon's formula for, 284 Hodgkinson's formula for, 283 made of old boiler tubes, tests of, 363 mill, 1393 permissible stresses in, 286 strength of, by New York building laws, 1389 wrought-iron, tests of, 360 wrought-iron, ultimate strength of, table, 285 Combination, 10 Combined stresses, 335 Combustion, analyses of gases of, 817 heat of, 560 of fuels, 816 of gases, rise of temperature in, 818 Combustion, rate of, due to chim- neys, 947 spontaneous, of coal, 832 theory of, 816 Commutating-pole motors, 1437 Composition of forces, 513 Compound engines (sec Steam- engines, compound), 976-983 interest, 13, 14 locomotives, 1122, 1124 proportion, 7 numbers, 5 units of weights and measures, 27 Compressed-air, 623, 632-653 adiabatic and isothermal com- pression, 633 cranes, 1192 diagrams, curve of, 636 drills driven by, 645 engines, adiabatic expansion in, 638 engines, efficiency, 641 flow of, in pipes, 618-624 for motors, effect of heating, 639-641 formulae, 633 for street railways, 652 gain due to reheating, 647 hoisting engines, 646 horse-power required to com- press air, 637 locomotives, 1128 loss of energy in, 632 losses due to heating, 633 machines, air required to run, 645, 647 mean effective pressures, tables, 636, 637 mine pumps, 652 moisture in, 611 motors, 639-641 motors with return-air circuit, 648 Popp system, 639-641 practical applications of, 647 pumping with (see also Air-lift), 645 reheating of, 641 table for pumping plants, 645 tramways, 652 transmission, efficiencies of, 641 two-stage compression, 635 volumes, pressures, tempera- tures, table, 636 work of adiabatic compression, 634 Compressed steel, 488 Compressibility of liquids, 175 of water, 721 Compression, adiabatic, formulae for, 633 and flexure combined, 335 and shear combined, 335 and torsion combined, 335 in steam-engines, 965 of air, tables, 635-638 Compressive strength, 281-283 1488 coin-con INDEX. con-cop Compressive strength of iron bars, 359 strength of woods, 366 tests, specimens for, 282 Compressor volume in refrigerat- ing, 1341 Compressors, air, effect of intake temperature, 647 air, tables of, 641-643 Concrete, crushing strength of 12-in. cubes, 1386 durability of iron in, 466 reinforced, allowable working stresses, 1386 Condenser, barometric, 1069 the Leblanc, 1056 tubes, heat transmission in, 589 Condensers, 1069-1079 air-pump for, 1071, 1073 calculation of surface of, 939 choice of, 1078 circulating pump for, 1075 continuous use of cooling water in, 1076 contraflow, 1071 cooling- towers for, 1079 cooling water required, 1068 ejector, 1069 evaporative surface, 1076 for refrigerating machines, 1353 heat transference in, 1070 increase of power due to, 1077 jet, 1068 surface, 1069 tubes and tube plates of, 1072, 1073 Condensing apparatus, power used by, 1071 Conductance, electrical, 1401 Conduction of heat, 580 of heat, external and internal, 580 Conductivity, electrical, of metal, 1401 electric, of steel, 477 Conductors, electrical, heating of, 1408 electrical, in series or parallel, resistance of, 1407 Conduit, water, efficiency of, 766 Cone, measures of, 62 pulleys, 1136 Conic sections, 73 Connecting - rods , steam - engine, 1025 tapered, 1026 Connections, transformer, 1452 Conoid, parabolic, 65 Conoidal fans, 666 Conservation of energy, 531 Constantan, copper-nickel alloy, 403 Constants, steam-engine, 971-974 Construction of buildings, 1385- 1395 Controllers, for electric motors, 1462 Convection, Dulong's law of, table of factors, for, 597 loss of heat due to, 596 of heat, 580 Conversion tables, metric, 23-26 Converter, Bessemer, tempera- ture in, 555 Converters, electric, 1453 synchronous, 1453 Conveying of coal in mines, 1203 Conveyors, belt, 1198-1201 cable-hoist, 1205 coal, 1197 horse-power required for, 1198, 1200 screw, 1198 Cooling agents in refrigeration, 1342 air for ventilation, 710 effect, in refrigerating, 1341 of air, 594 of air by washing, 687 Cooling-tower, air per pound of circulating water, table, 1081 air supply required for, 1080 for condensers, 1079 practice in refrigerating plants, 1354 water evaporated per pound of . air, 1080 water vapor mixed with air, table, 1081 Co-ordinate axes, 70 Copper, 178 and brass-lined iron pipe, 227 ball pyrometer, 553 balls, hollow, 345 cast, strength of, 356, 384 castings of high conductivity, 368 density of, 1406 drawn, strength of, 356 effect of on cast-iron, 438 electric conductivity of, 1402 -manganese alloys, 401 -nickel alloys, 402 plates, strength of, 356 resistivity of, 1403 temperature coefficient of, 1403 tubing, bends and coils, 222 rods, weight of, table, 230 steels, 499 strength of at high tempera- tures, 368 -tin alloys, 384 -tin alloys, properties and com- position of, 384 -tin-zinc alloys, law of variation of strength of, 388 -tin-zinc alloys, properties and composition, 387 -vanadium alloys, 395 weight required in different sys- tems of transmission, 1459 Copper-wire and plates, weight of, table, 229 carrying capacity of, Under- writer's table, 1410 cop-era INDEX. cra-eur 1489 Copper-wire, cross-section required for a given current, 1410 electrical resistance, table, 1404 stranded, 253 table of electrical resistance, 1404 weight of for electric circuits, 1410 Copper-zinc alloys, strength of, 386 -zinc alloys, table of composition and properties, 386 -zinc-iron alloys, 393 Cord of wood, weight of, 181 yield of charcoal from, 836 Cordage, technical terms relating to, 411 weight of, 411, 415, Cork, properties of, 377 Corrosion by stray electric cur- rents, 470 due to overstrain, 470 electrolytic theory of, 468 of iron, 467 of pipe in hot-water heating, 708 of steam-boilers, 467, 927-932 prevention of, 468 resistance of aluminum alloys to, 401 resistance to of nickel steel, 498 Corrosive agents in atmosphere, 466 Corrugated arches, 195 furnaces, 342, 917 plates, properties of Carnegie steel, table, 310 sheets, sizes and weights, 194 Cosecant of an angle, table, 170- 172 Cosine of an angle, 66 of an angle, table, 170-172 Cost of coal for steam-power, 1010 of steam-power, 1009-1011 Cotangent of an angle, 66 Cotangents of angles, table, 170- 172 Cotton ropes, strength of, 357 Coulomb, definition of, 1397 Counterbalancing of hoisting- engines, 1188 of locomotives, 1126 of steam-engines, 1008 Counterpoise system of hoisting, 1189 Couples, 515 Couplings, flange, 1133 hose, standard sizes, 218 Coverings for steam-pipe, tests of, 584-587 Coversed sine of angles, table, 170- 172 Cox's formula for loss of head, . 734 Crane chains, 264, 265 installations, notable, 1192 pillar, 150-ton, 1192 Cranes, 1189-1193 Cranes and hoists, power required for, 1193 classification of, 1189 compressed air, 1192 electric, 1190-1192 electric, loads and speeds of, 1191 guyed, stresses in, 542 jib, 1190 power required for, 1191 quay, 1193 simple, stresses in, 541 traveling, 1190-1193 Crank angles, steam-engine, table, 1058 arm, dimensions of, 1029 pins, steam-engine, 1027-1029 pins, steel, specifications for, 507 shaft, steam-engine, torsion and flexure of, 1038 shafts, steam-engines, 1030- 1038 Cranks, steam-engines, 1029 Critical point in heat treatment of steel, 480 temperature and pressure of gases and liquids, 606 Cross-head guides, 1025 pin, 1029 Cross-sections of materials, for draftsmen, 271 Crucible steel, 475, 490-494 (see Steel, crucible) Crushing strength of masonry materials, 371 Crystallization of iron by fatigue, 466 Cubature of volumes, 77 Cube root, 9 roots, table of, 93-108 Cubes of decimals, table, 108 of numbers, table, 93-108 Cubic feet and gallons, table, 130 measure, 18 Cupola fan, power required for, 1253 gases, utilization of, 1253 loss in melting iron in, 1253 practice, 1247-1257 practice, improvement of, 1249 results of increased driving, 1252 Cupolas, blast-pipes for, 671 blast-pressure in, 1247-1251 blowers for, 661, 662 charges for, 1247-1250 charges in stove foundries, 1250 dimensions of, 1247 rotary blowers for, 678 slag in, 1248 Current motors, 765 Currents, electric (see Electric currents) Curve, railway degree of, 54 Curve of P V n , construction of , 602 Curves in pipe-lines, resistance of, 747 1490 cut-dif INDEX. dif-dyn Cut-off for various laps and travel 9f slide valves, 1060 Cutting metal by oxy-acetylene flame, 488 metal, resistance overcome in, 1292 speeds of machine tools, (see also Tools, cutting), 1258 speeds of tools, 1268 stone with wire, 1309 Cycloid, construction of, 50 differential equations of, 81 integration of, 81 measures of, 61 Cycloidal gear-teeth, 1162 Cylinder condensation in steam- engines, 966-968 lubrication, 1245 measures of, 62 Cylinders, cast-iron, weight of, 200 hollow, resistance of to collapse, 341-345 hollow, under tension, 339 hooped, 340 hydraulic press, thickness of, 340, 813 locomotive, 1112 steam-engine (see Steam-engines) tables of capacities of, 131 thick hollow, under tension, 339 thin hollow, under tension, 340 Cylindrical ring, 64 tanks, capacities of, table, 132 D ALTON'S law of gaseous pressures, 604 Dam, stability of, 515 Darcy's formula, flow of water, 732 formula, table, of flow of water in pipes, 740, 741 Decimal equivalents of feet and inches, 5 equivalents of fractions, 3 gage, 32, Decimals, 3 square and cubes of, 108 Delta connection for alternating currents, 1447 Delta connection transformers, 1452 metal wire, 248, 393 Denominate numbers, 5 Deoxidized bronze, 395 Derrick, stresses in, 542 Detrick and Harvey key, 1330 Diagonals, formulae for strains in, 545 Diametral pitch, 1158 Diesel oil engine, 1102 Differential calculus, 73-82 coefficient, 75 coefficient, sign of, 78 gearing, 1169 of exponential function, 79, 80 partial, 75 pulley, 539 screw, 540, 541 second, third, etc., 77 Differential windlass, 540 Differentials of algebraic func- tions, 74 Differentiation, formulae for, 74 Discount, 12 Disk fans (see Fans, disk) Displacement of ships, 1369, 1374 Distillation of coal, 834 Distiller for marine engines, 1082 Distilling apparatus, multiple system, 570 Doble motor, tests of, 782 nozzle, efficiency of, 782 Domed heads of boilers, 339 Domes on steam boilers, 918 Draught, chimney .intensity of, 945 chimney, with oil fuel, 952 forced, chimneys with, 952 forced for steam boilers, 923 power of chimneys, 945, 946 theory of chimneys, 944 Drawing-press, blanks for, 1322 Dressings, belt, 1151 Driers and drying, 574 performance of, 575 Drift bolts, resistance of in timber, 346 Drill gage, table, 30 Drills, feeds and speeds for, 1288 for pipe taps, 201 high-speed steel, 1285 performance of, 1289 rock, air required for, 645 speed of, 1285 tap, sizes of, 236, 1320 twist, experiments with, 1289 Drilling compounds, 1286 high-speed, data on, 1289 holes, speed of, 1287 steel and cast iron, power re- quired for, 1286, 1287 Drop hi electric circuits, 1407 press, pressures obtainable by, 1322 Drums, steam-boiler, 913 Dry measure, 19 Drying and evaporation, 569-577 apparatus, design of, 576 in a vacuum, 573 of different materials, 574 Ductility of metals, table, 180 Dulong's formula for heating value of coal, 827 law of convection, table of fac- tors for, 597 law of radiation, table of factors for, 596 Durability of cutting tools, 1268 of iron, 465-467 Durand's rule for areas, 56 Dust explosions, 837 fuel, 837 Duty, measure of, 27 of pumping-engines, 802 trials of pumping-engines, 802- 806 Dynamics, fundamental equations of, 525 dyn-ele INDEX. ele-ele 1491 Dynamo-electric machines, classi- fication of, 1437 e.m.f. of armature circuit, 1436 moving force of, 1435 torque of armature, 1435 strength of field, 1436 Dynamometers, 1333 Alden absorption, 1334 hydraulic absorption, 6000 H.P., 1335 Prony brake, 1333 traction, 1333 transmission, 1335 Dynamotors, 1457 Dyne, definition of, 512 EARTH, cubic feet per ton, 181 Eccentric loading of columns, 296 Eccentric, steam-engine, 1039 Economical angle of framed structures, 548 Economics of power-plants, 1011 Economizers, fuel (see Fuel econ- omizers), 924 Edison wire gage, 29, 30 Efficiency, definition of, 12 of a machine, 532 of compressed-air engines, 641 of compressed-air transmission, 641 of differential screw, 541 of electric systems, 1412 of fans, 656, 657 of hydraulic turbines, 7715 of injector, 937 of pumps, 790 of riveted joints, 428-434 of screw, 538 of screw bolts, 538 of steam-boilers, 891 of steam-engines, 964 Ejector condensers, 1069 Elastic Limit, 273-278 apparent, 273 Bauschinger's definition of, 275 elevation of, 275 relation of, to endurance, 275 Wohler's experiments on, 275 Elastic resilience, 274 resistance to torsion, 334 Elasticity, coefficient of, 274 moduli of, of materials, 374 modulus of, 274 Electric brakes, 1240 circuits (see Circuits, electric) conductivity of steel, 477 current, alternating, 1440-1461 (see Alternating currents) current, cost of fuel for, 796 current determining the direc- tion of, 1432 current required to fuse wires, 1409 currents, direct, 1406 currents, heating due to, 1408 currents, short-circuiting of, 1411 Electric furnaces, 1422 heaters, 713, 1420 heating, 713 lighting, 1468-1477 lighting, cost of, 1475 lighting, terms used in, 1468 locomotive, 1416 Electric Motors (see also Motors) , 1461 alternating current, variable speed, 1463 changing the number of poles, 1463 for the machine-shop, 1294- 1303, 1466 for machine tools, 1294-1303, 1467 for wood-working tools, 1303- 1305 selection of, for different ser- vice, 1464 speed control of, 1462 types used for various purposes, 1464 Electric power, cost of, 1012 process of treating iron sur- faces, 473 Electric Railways, 1414 adhesion between wheel and rail, 1416 cars, resistance of, 1110 efficiency of distributing sys- tems, 1417 safe speed on curves, 1416 steam railroads electrified, 1418 Eectric resistanceof steel rails. 1416 smelting of pig iron, 1424 stations, economy of engines in, 992 storage batteries, 1425-1428 transmission, direct current, 1410-1413 transmission, high tension, notes on, 1459 transmission, lines, spacing for high voltages, 1460 transmission, sag of wires, 1461 vs. steam heating, 1421 welding, 1419 wires (see Wires and Copper wires) Electrical and mechanical units, equivalent values of, 1399 Electrical engineering, 1396-1477 horse-power, 970, 1408 machinery, shaft fits, allow- ances for, 1326 resistance, 1400 resistance of different metals and alloys, 1401 . resistance of rail bonds, 1416 symbols, 1477 units, relations of, 1397, 1399 Electricity, analogies to flow of water, 1400 standardsof measurements, 1396 units used in, 1396 Electro-chemical equivalents, 1429 1492 ele-ent INDEX. ent-eye Electro - magnetic measurements, 1398 -magnets, 1430^1437 -magnets, polarity of, 1432 -magnets, strength of, 1431 -motive force of armature cir- cuit, 1436 Electrolysis, 1428 Electrolytic theory of corrosion, 468 Elements, chemical, table, 173 of machines, 535-541 Elevators, coal, 1196 gravity discharge, 1197 perfect discharge, 1197 Ellipse, construction of, 45-48 equations of, 71 measures of, 60 Ellipsoid, 64 Elongation, measurement of, 279 Emery, grades of, 1311 wheels, safe speeds, 1316, 1317 wheels, speed and selection of, 1310-1315 wheels, stress in, 1310 wheels, truing and dressing, 1317 E.M.P. of electric circuits, 1407 Endless screw, 540 Endurance of materials, relation of, to elastic limit, 275 Energy, available, of expanding steam, 870 conservation of, 531 definition of, 528 intrinsic or internal, 600 measure of, 528 mechanical, of steam expanded to various pressures, 963 of recoil of guns, 531 of water flowing in a tube, 746, 765 sources of, 531 Engines, alcohol, 1102 alcohol consumption in, 844 automobile, capacity of, 1101 blowing, 680 compressed air, efficiency of, 639-641 fire, capacities of, 752 gas, 1095-1108 (see G as-engines) hoisting (see Hoisting engines), 1186 hot-air or caloric, 1095 hydraulic, 815 internal combustion, 1095-1108 marine, steam-pipes for, 880 oil and gasoline, 1101 petroleum, 1102 pumping, 802-806 (see Pump- ing-engines) steam, 959-1095 (see Steam- engines) solar, 1015 winding (see Hoisting engines), 1186 Entropy, definition of, 599 of water and steam, 602 Entropy of water and steam, tables, 869, 871-873 -temperature diagram, 599 Epicycloid, 50 Equalization of pipes, 625, 884 Equation of payments, 14 Equation of pipes, 884 Equations, algebraic, 34-36 of circle, 71 of ellipse, 71 of hyberbola, 72 of parabola, 72 quadratic, 35 referred to co-ordinate axes, 70 Equilibrium of forces, 516 Equivalent orifice, mine ventila- tion, 715 E qui valen ts , electro-chemical ,1429 Erosion of soils by water, 755 Ether, petroleum, as fuel, 841 Euler's formula for long columns, 284 Evaporation, 569-577 by exhaust steam, 572 by multiple system, 570 factors of, 908-912 in a vacuum, 573 in salt manufacture, 570 latent heat of, 569 of sugar solutions, 572 of water from reservoirs and channels, 569 total heat of, 569- unit of, 886 Evaporator, for marine engines, 1082 Evolution, 8 Exciters, 1449 Exhauster, steam-jet, 679 Exhaust-steam, evaporation by, 572 for heating, 1009 Expansion, adiabatic, formulae for, 638 by heat, 565 coefficients of, 566 Expansion of air, adiabatic, 638 cast iron, permanent by heat- ing, 453 gases, construction of curve of, 602 gases, curve of, 73 iron and steel by heat, 465 liquids, 567 nickel steel, 499 solids by heat, 566 steam, 959 steam, actual ratios of, 965 timber, 367 water, 716 Explosions, dust, 837 of fuel economizers. 927 Explosive energy of steam-boilers, 932 Exponential function, differential of, 79, 80 Exponents, theory of, 36 Eye-bars, tests of, 360 fac-fec INDEX. fee-fla 1493 FACTOR of evaporation, 908 of safety, 374-377 of safety, formulae for, 376 of safety in steam-boilers, 918 Factory heating by fan system, 708, 710 Fahrenheit-Centigrade conversion table, 550, 551 Failures of stand-pipes, 350 of steel, 486 Fairbairn's experiments on riv- eted joints, 424 Fall increaser for turbines, 780 Falling bodies, graphic represen- tation, 522 height and velocity of tables, 523, 524 laws of, 521 Fan blowers, types of, 654 tables, caution in regard to, 662 Fans (see also Blowers) and blowers, 653-681 and chimneys for ventilation, 712 and rotary blowers, compara- tive efficiencies, 657 best proportions of, 653 blast-area of, 655 centrifugal, 648, 649, 653 centrifugal, high-pressure, 648 conoidal, 666 cupola, power required for, 1253 design of, 653 disk, 675-677 disk, influence of speed on effi- ciency, 675, 677 effect of resistance on capacity of, 664 efficiency of, 656, 657, 668 electric motors for, 1464 experiments on, 657 for cupolas, 661 high-pressure, capacity of, 663 horse-power of, 668 influence of spiral casings, 674 methods of testing, 667 multiblade, 655, 658 multiblade, characteristics of, 656 pipe lines for, 670 pressure characteristics of, 655 pressure due to velocity of, 653 quantity of air delivered by, 655 relation of speed volume, pres- sure and power, 656 Farad, definition and value of, 1397 Fatigue, crystallization of iron by, 465 effect of, on iron, 465 Feed and depth of cut, effect of, on speed of tools, 1264 -pump (see Pumps) Feeds and speeds of drills, 1288 Feed-water, cold, strains caused by, 939 heaters, 938-940 Feed-water heaters, capacity of, 939 heaters: closed vs. open, 940 heaters, proportions of, 940 heaters, transmission of heat in, 590 heating, Nordberg system, 1003 heating, saving due to, 938 purification of, 723-726 to boilers by gravity, 938 Feet and inches, decimal equiva- lents of, table, 5 Fellows stub tooth gear, 1167 Fence wires, corrosion of, 468 Ferrite, 439. 480 Ferro-alloys for foundry use, 1255 manufacture of, 1424 silicon, addition of, to cast-iron, 450 silicon, dangerous, 1255 Field, magnetic, 1398 Fifth roots and fifth powers of numbers, 109 powers, square roots of, 110 Fineness, coefficient of, 1369 Finishing temperature, effect of in steel rolling, 478 Fink roof truss, 547 Fire, temperature of, 817, 818 Fire-brick arches in locomotives, 1115 number required for various circles, table, 267 refractoriness of, 268 sizes and shapes of, 266 weight of, 266 Fire-clay, analysis of, 269 pyrometer, 553, 556 Fire-engines, capacities of, 752 Fire-proof buildings, 1389 Fire-streams. 749-752 discharge from nozzles at differ- ent pressures, 750, 753 effect of increased hose length, 750 friction loss in hose, 752 hydrant pressure required for, table, 750 Fireless locomotive, 1127 Fits, force and shrink, 1324-1327 force and shrink, pressure re- quired to start, 1327 limits of diameter for, 1325 press, pressure required for, 1324-1326 running, 1325 stresses due to, 1326 Fittings (see Pipe-fittings), 206- 216 Flagging, strength of, 373 Flanges, brass, 214, 215 cast-iron, forms of, 210, 214- 216 forged and rolled steel, 211 forged steel, for riveted pipe, 211 for riveted pipe, 211 pipe, extra heavy, tables, 210, 212 1494 fla-flo INDEX. flo-fou , is, pipe, tables, 209-213 __ during, dimensions of, 214 Flanged fittings, cast-iron, 208- 210 Flat plates in steam-boilers, 916 plates, strength of, 336 steel ropes, 258, 261 surfaces in steam-boilers, 916 .Flattened strand rope, 258, 261 Flexure and compression com- bined, 335 and tension combined, 335 and torsion combined, 335 of beams, formula for, 297, 299 Flight conveyors, 1197 Flights, sizes and weights of, 1 199 Floors, maximum load on, 1390- 1393 strength of, 1390-1393 Flow of air in long pipes, 618-624 air in pipes, 617-624 air through orifices, 615-617, 670 compressed air, 618-624 gas in pipes, 864-866 gas in pipes, tables, 865, 866 gases, 605 metals, 1323 Flow of steam at low pressure, 699 capacities of pipes, 877-878 in long pipes, 877 in pipes, 877-879 into atmosphere, 876 loss of pressure due to friction, 877 loss of pressure due to radiation, 880 Napier's rule, 876 resistance of bends, valves, etc., . 879 tables of, 699, 877-879 through a nozzle, 876, 1085 through safety valves, 934 Flow of water, 726-746 approximate formulae, 734, 737, 746 Chezy's formula, 728 D'Arcy's formula, 732 experiments and tables, 737- 753 exponential formula, 736 fall per mile and slope, table, formulae for, 726-746 in cast-iron pipe, 737 in house service pipes, table, 744 in pipes at uniform velocity, table, 739 in pipes, table from D'Arcy's formula, 740, 741 table from Hazen & Williams' formula, 742, 743 table from Kutter's formula, 738, 739 in riveted steel pipes, 734-736 in 20-in. pipe, 737 Kutter's formula, 730 Flow of water over weirs, 726, 762 through nozzles, table, 753 through orifices, 726 through rectangular orifices, 760 values of c, 732, 736 values of coefficient of friction, 734 Flowing water, horse-power of, 765 water, measurement of, 757-764 Flues, collapsing pressure of, 341 corrugated, 341, 917 (see also Tubes and Boilers) Flux, magnetic, 1398 Fly-wheels, arms of, 1050 centrifugal force in, 1047 diameters for various speeds, 1048 for presses, punches, shears, etc., 1323 for steam-engines, 1040, 1044- 1052 speed, variation in, 1044-1049 strains in, 1049 thickness of rim of, 1052 weight of, 1045-1048 weight of, for alternating cur- rent units, 1047 wire wound, for extreme speeds, 1052 wooden rim, 1051 Foaming or priming of steam- boilers, 721, 930 Foot-pound, unit of work, 528 Force, centrifugal, 521 definitions of, 512 graphic representation of, 513 moment of, 514 of a blow, 529, 1322 of acceleration, 526 units of, 512 work, power, etc., 528 Forces, composition of, 513 equilibrium of, 516 parallel, 515 parallelogram of, 513 parallelopipedon of, 514 polygon of, 513 resolution of, 513 Forced draught, chimneys with, 952 draught in steam-boilers, 923 Forcing and shrinking fits, 1323- 1327 (see Fits) Forging and grinding of tools, 1263 heating of steel for, 492 hydraulic, 814, 815 of tool steel, 488, 492, 1263 Forgings, steel, annealing of, 482 strength of, 353 Forging-press, hydraulic, 814 Fottinger transformer or hy- draulic pinion, 1095 Foundation walls, thickness of, 13S6 Foundations, masonry, allowable pressures on, 1386 fou-fru INDEX. fru-fur 1495 Foundations of buildings, 1386 Foundry coke, quality of, 1255 irons (see Pig iron and Cast iron) ladles, dimensions of, 1257 molding-sand, 1256 practice, 1247-1257 practice, shrinkage of castings, practice, use of softeners, 1253 use of ferro alloys in, 1255 Fractions, 2 product of, in decimals, 4 Framed structures, stresses in, 541-548 Frames, steam-engine, 1043 Framing, for tanks with flat sides, 339 Francis's formulae for weirs, 762 Freezing point of brine, 1343 point of water, 719 French measures and weights, 21 26 thermal, unit, 560 Frequency changers, 1457 of alternating currents, 1440 standard, in electric currents, 1440 Friction and lubrication, 1219- 1246 brakes and friction clutches, 1239 brakes, capacity of, 1334 clutches, 1179 coefficient of, definition, 1219 coefficient of, in water-pipes, 734 coefficients of, tables, 1219-1221 drives, power transmitted by, 1178 fluid, laws of, 1220 laws of, of lubricated journals, 1225 loss of head by, in water-pipes, 728, 735, 745 moment of, 1229 Morin's laws of, 1223 of air in mine passages, 714 of car journals, 1228 of hydraulic packing, 813, 1241 of lubricated journals, 1220- 1232 of metals, under steam pressure, 1223 of motion, 1219-1222 of pivot bearings, 1229, 1232 of rest, 1219 of solids, 1219 of steam-engines, 1238 of steel tires on rails, 1219 rollers, 1233 rolling, 1219 unlubricated, law of, 1219 work of, 1229 Frictional gearing, 1 178 resistance of surfaces moved in water, 756 Frustum of cone, 62 Frustum of parabolic conoid, 65 of pyramid, 62 of spheroid, 64 of spindle, 65 Fuel, 816-858 bagasse, 839 charcoal, 836-837 (sec Char- coal) coke, 824, 832-834 (see Coke) combustion of, 816 dust, 837 Fuel, economizers, 924-927 equation of, 925 explosions of, 927 heating surface of, 925 heat transmission in, 925 saving due to, 925 tests of, 926 Fuel for cupolas, 1248, 1255 gas, 845 (see Gas) gas, for small furnaces, 854 eat of combustion of, 560, 817 liquid, 840-844 peat, 838 pressed, 831 sawdust, 838 solid, classification of, 818 straw, 839 theory of combustion of, 816 turf, 838 value of illuminating gas, 863 weight of, 180 wet tan bark, 838 wood, 835, 836 Fuel-oil, burners for, 842 California, heating values of, 842 chimney draught with, 952 chimney table for, 951 specifications for purchaseof , 843 Functions, trigonometric, tables of, 170-172 trigonometric, of half an angle, 69 of sum and difference of angles, 68 of twice an angle, 69 Furnace for melting iron for malleable castings, 454 flues, steam-boiler, formulae for, 917 heating (see Heating) Furnaces, blast, gases of, 855 blast, temperature in, 555 corrugated, 342 917 down draught, 919 electric, 1422 for different coals, 827 for house heating, 690 gas, fuel for, 854 hot-air, heating by, 690 industrial, temperatures in, 554 open hearth, temperature in, 554, 555 steam-boiler (see Boiler-fur- naces) steam-boiler, combustion space in, 889 1496 ffns-gas INDEX. gas-gca Fusible alloys, 404 plugs in boilers, 404, 918 Fusibility of metals, 180 Fusing-disk, 1309 temperatures of substances, 554, 559 Fusion, latent heat of, 568 of electrical wires, 1409 g, value of, 522, 525 GAGE, decimal, 32 lines for steel angles, 321 sheet metal, 28, 29, 31, 32 Stub's wire, 28, Gages, limit, for iron for screw threads, 232 ' . wire, 28-30 Gallon, British and American, 27 Gallons and cubic feet, table, 130 per minute, cubic feet per second, 130 Galvanic action, corrosion by, 467 Galvanized sheets, weights of, 192 wire, test for, 474 wire rope, 255, 262 Galvanizing by cementation, 474 iron surfaces, 473. 474 of welded pipe 206 Gas (see also Fuel-gas, Water-gas, Producer gas, Illuminating- gas) ammonia, properties of, 1339 analyses by volume and weight, 854 and electric lighting, 1468 and oil engines, rules for testing, 1105 and vapor mixtures, laws of, 604 anthracite, 845 bituminous, 846 carbon, 845 coal, 858 exhausters, rotary, 679 fuel (see also Water-gas) fuel, cost of, 863 fuel for small furnaces, 854 flow of, in pipes, 864-866 (see Flow of gas) illuminating, 858-866 (see Il- luminating-gas ) lamps, pipe services for, 864 lights, candle-power of, 860 lights, Welsbach, standard sizes, 1474 meter, Thomas electric, 667, 669 natural, 847-848 perfect, equations of a, 600 pipe, cast-iron, weights and dimensions, 198, 199 produced from ton of coal, 848 producer, 848-855 (see also Gas- Producers) sulphur-dioxide, properties of, 1338, 1341 table of factors for equivalent volumes of, 865 Gas, water, 846, 859-864 (see Water-gas) Gases, absorption of, 605 Avogadrp's law of, 604 combustion of, rise of tempera- ture in, 818 cupola, utilization of, 1253 densities of, 604 _ expansion of, 601, 603 expansion of by heat, table, 565 flow of, 605 heat of combustion of, 560 ignition temperature of, 858 law of Charles, 600, 604 liquefaction of, 605 Mariotte's law of, 603 of combustion, analyses of, 817 physical properties of, 603-606 specific heats of, 563, 564 waste, use of, under boilers, 898, 899 weight and specific gravity of, table, 176 Gas-engine, 1095-1108 calculation of the power of, 1097 conditions of maximum effi- ciency, 1103 economical performance of, 1104 efficiency of, 1103 four-cycle and two-cycle, 1096 governing, 1103 heat losses in, 1104 horse-power, estimate of, 1101 ignition in, 1102 mean effective pressure in, 1098 pressures developed in, 1097 pumps, 808 sizes of, 1100 temperatures and pressures in, 1096, 1099 tests of, 1105-1108 tests with different coals, 853 Gas-producers, capacity of. 851 and scrubbers, proportions of, 849 combustion in, 849 practice, 851 use of steam in, 854 Gasoline engines, 1101 fuel value of, 841 vapor pressures of, 844 Gauss, definition and value of, 1398 Gear, reduction, for steam tur- bines, 1095 reversing, 1039 stub- tooth, 1167, wheels, calculation of speed of, 1162 wheels, formulae for dimensions of, 1160 wheels, milling cutters for, 1162 wheels, proportions of, 1161 worm, 540 Gears, automobile, efficiency of, 1172 lathe, for screw cutting, 1259 of lathes, quick change, 1260 gea-gor INDEX. goY-har 1497 Gears, spur, machine-cut, 1178 with short teeth, 1160 Gear-box drive for machine tools, 1308 -cutting, speeds and feeds for, 1284 Gearing, annular, 1169 bevel, 1169 chordal, pitch, 1159 comparison of formulae, 1174- 1177 cycloidal teeth, 1162 diameters for 1-inch circular pitch, 1159 differential, 1169 efficiency of , 1170-1172 forms of teeth, 1162-1167 f Fictional. 1178 involute teeth, 1165 pitch, pitch-circle, etc., 1157 proportions of teeth, 1159, 1161 racks, 1165 raw-hide, 1177 relation of diametral and cir- cular pitch, 1158 speed of, 1177 spiral, 1168 stepped, 1168 strength of, 1172-1177 stub- tooth, 1167 toothed-wheel, 539, 1157-1180 twisted, 1168 worm, 1168 worm, efficiency of, 1171 Generator sets, standard dimen- sions of, 1007 Generators, acetylene, 857 alternating-current, 1448 (see Dynamo electric machines) electric, 1437, 1448 Geometrical problems, 37-53 progression, 11 propositions, 53 Geometry, analytical, 70-73 German silver, 356, 402 conductivity of, 1401 Gesner process, treating iron sur- faces, 473 Gib keys, 1332 Gilbert, unit of magneto-motive force, 1398 Girder beams, Bethlehem steel/331 Girders, allowed stresses in plate and lattice, 289 and beams, safe load on, 1387 and beams, New York building laws, 1390 plate, strength of, 353 Warren, stresses in, 546 Glass, skylight, sizes and weights, 196 strength of, 365 weight of, 177 Gold, melting temperature of, 554, 559 properties of, 178 Gordon's formula for columns, 284 Governor, inertia, 1066 Governors, steam-engine, 1065 impulse wheel, 782 Governing of gas-engines, 1103 Grade line, hydraulic, 748 Grain, weight of, 180 Granite, strength of, 357, 370 Graphite, Acheson's defloccu- lated, 1246 lubricant, 1246 paint, 471 Grate-surface, for house heating, boilers and furnaces, 693 in locomotives, 1115 of a steam-boiler, 888 Gravel, cubic feet per ton, 181 Gravity, acceleration due to, 521, 525 boiler-feeders, 938 center of, 516 specific (see Specific gravity), Grease lubricants, 1244 Greatest common measure or divisor, 2 Greek letters, 1 Greenhouses, hot-water, heating of, 703 steam-heating of, 702 Grinding as a substitute for finish turning, 1317 of tools, 1263 wheel (see Grindstones and Emery wheels) wheel for high-speed tools, 1263, 1314 Grindstones, speed of, 1317 strains in, 1318 Guest's formula for combined stresses, 335 Gun-bronze, variation in strength of, 386 Gun-iron, variation in strength of, 452 Gun-metal (bronze), composition of, 390 Guns, energy of recoil of, 531 Gurley's bronze, composition of, 390 Guy ropes for stand-pipes, 349 ropes, wire, 255 Gyration, center of, 518 radius of, 293 table of radii of, 519 H- COLUMNS, Bethlehem steel, 333 Halpin heat storage system, 927, 1014 Hammering, effect of, on steel, 488 Hanger bolts, 243 Hardening and tempering, change of shape due to, 1291 of soft steel, 479 Hardness, electro-magnetic tests of, 365 of copper-tin alloys, 385 1498 har-hea INDEX. hea-hea Hardness of metals, Brinell's tests, 364 of water, 723 scleroscope tests of, 365 Harvey process of hardening steel, 1291 Harveyizing steel armor-plate, 1291 Haulage, wire-rope, 1202-1205 wire-rope, endless rope system, 1203 wire-rope, engine-plane, 1203 wire-rope, inclined-plane, 1202 wire-rope, tail-rope system, 1203 wire-rope tramway, 1204 Hauling capacity of locomotives, 1111 Hawley down-draught furnace, 919 Hawsers, steel wire, 262 Hazen & Williams' formula, table of flow of water, 742, 743 Head, loss of, 728, 735, 745 (see Loss of head) of air, due to temperature differ- ences, 716 of water, 728 of water, comparison of, with various units, 718 Heads of boilers, 914 of boilers, unbraced, wrought iron, strength of, 337 Heat, 549-597 conducting power of metals, 580 conduction by various sub- stances, 580-587 conduction of, 579 convection of, 579 effect of on gram of steel, 479 expansion due to, 565 generated by electric current, 1408 -insulating materials, tests of, 581 latent, 568 (see Latent heat) loss by convection, 596 losses in steam-power plants, 1012 mechanical equivalent of, 560, 868 of combustion, 560 of combustion of fuels, 560, 817 produced by human beings, 686 quantitative measurement of, 560 radiating power of substances, 578 radiation of, 578 (see also Ra- diation) reflecting power of substances, 578 resistance, coefficients of, 583 resistance, reciprocal of con- ductivity, 582 specific, 562-565 (see Specific heat) steam, storing of, 927, 1014 Heat storage, Halpin system, 927, 1014 Heat transmission, Blechynden's tests of, 593 from flame to water, 592 from gases to water, 592 from steam to water, 587 in condenser tubes, 589 in feed-water heater, 590 in radiators, 698 resistance of metals to, 580 through building walls, etc., 582, 688 through plates, 580, 591 through plates from steam or hot water to air, 595 Heat treatment of a motor-truck axle, 479 treatment of high speed tool steel, 1265 treatment of steel (see Steel) unit of, 560, 867 units per pound of water, 717 Heaters and condensers, calcula- tion of surface of, 939 cast iron, for hot-blast heating, 709 cast iron, tests of, 709 electric, 1420 feed-water, 938-940 feed- water, open-type, 940 feed-water, transmission of heat in, 590 Heating and Ventilation, 681-716 allowance for exposure and leakage, 688 blower system, 708710 boiler heating surface, 694 computation of radiating sur- face, 698 heating surface, indirect, 698 heating value of radiators, 684, 697 quantity of heat required, 690 steam-heating, 694-703 (see Steam-heating) transmission of heat through building walls, 688 Heating a building to 70 in zero weather, 711 air, heat absorbed in, 691 and ventilating by electric cur- rent, 1421 by blower system, capacity of fans for, 711 by electricity, 713 by exhaust steam, 1009 by hot-air furnaces, 690 by hot water, 703- 708 (see Hot- water heating) by overhead steam pipes, 702 by steam (see Steam-heating) domestic, by electricity, 1421 furnace, size of air pipes for, 692 furnace, with forced air supply, 690 guarantees, performance of, 712 of electrical conductors, 1408 bca-liol INDEX. hoi-how 1499 Heating of factories by blower sys- tem, 708, 710 of greenhouses, 702 of large buildings, 684 of steel for forging, 492 of tool steel, 492 problems, standard values in, 687 steam and electric, 1421 value of coals, 826-830 value of wood, 835 water by steam coils, 591 Seating-surface of steam-boiler, 887, 888 Height, table of, corresponding to a given velocity, 523 Helical steel springs, 418 Helix, 61 Hemp rope, strength of, 357 rope, table of strength and Weight of, 410, 415 Henry, definition and value of, 1397 High-speed tool steel (see Steel, and Tools) Hindley worm gear, 1169 Hobson's hot-blast pyrometer, 555 Hodgkinson's column formula, 283 Hoist, hydraulic, 783 Hoists, electric motors for, 1464 Hoisting by hydraulic pressure, 813 counterpoise system, 1189 cranes, 1189-1193 (see Cranes) effect of slack rope, 1186 endless rope system, 1189 engines, 1186 engines, compressed-air, 646 engines, counterbalancing of, 1188 horse-power required for, 1184 Koepe system, 1189 loaded wagon system, 1189 limit of depth for, 1186 of cargoes, 414 pneumatic, 1187 suspension cable ways, 1205 with tapering ropes, 1188 Hoisting-rope, 410-415 flexible steel wire, 258, 259 iron or steel, tables, 255-261 ion-spinning, 258, 261 tresses in, on inclined planes, 1204 tension required to prevent slipping, 1206 wire, sizes and strength of, 410 Holding power of bolts in white pine, 346 of expanded boiler tubes, 364 of lag-screws, 347 of nails in wood, 347 f nails, spikes and screws, 346, 347 of tubes expanded into sheets, 364 of wood screws, 346 Holes, tube, in steam-boilers, 916 Hollow cylinders, resistance of to collapse, 341-345 shafts, torsional strength of, 334 Homogeneity test for fire-box steel, 508 Hooks and shackles, strength of, 1184 heavy crane, 1183 proportions of, 1182 Horse gin, 534 work of, 533 Horse-power (see also Power) brake, 970 brake, definition of, 1017 computed from torque, 1436 constants, of steam-engines, 971-974 definition of, 27, 528 electrical, 970, 1408 electrical, brake and indicated, 1408 hours, definition of, 528 nominal, definition of, 974 of compound engine, estimat- ing, 971 of flowing water, 765 of marine and locomotive boil- ers, 888 of steam-boilers, 885 of steam-boilers, builders' rat- ing, 888 of steam-engines, 970-976 water and steam, cost of, 767 Hose couplings, national standard, 218 fire, friction losses in, 752 hydrant pressures required with different lengths of, 750 rubber-lined, friction loss in, 752 specifications for, 379 Hot-air engines, 1095 heating (see Heating) Hot-blast pyrometer, Hobson's, 555 Hot-blast system of heating, 708 (see Heating) Hot boxes, 1228 Hot-water Heating (see Heating), 703-708 arrangement of mains, 703 computing radiating surface, 704-706 corrosion of pipe in, 708 indirect, 705 of greenhouses, 703 rules for, 703 size of pipes for, 704 sizes of flow and return pipes, 707 velocity of flow, 703 with forced circulation, 707 House-heating (see Heating) House-service pipes, flow of water in, table, 744 Howden system of forced draught, 923 1500 How-Ill INDEX. ill-Int Howe truss, stresses in, 546 .tumidity and temperature, com- fortable, 685 relative, table of, 610 Humphrey gas pump, 808 Hyatt roller bearings, 1235 Hydraesfer process, treating iron surfaces, 473 Hydrant pressures required with different lengths of hose, 750 Hydraulic air compressor, 650 apparatus, efficiency of, 812 cylinders, thickness of, 813 engine, 815 forging, 814, 815 formulae, 726-746 formulae, approximate, 734, 737, 746 grade-line, 748 packing, friction of, 813 pipe, riveted, table, 219 power in London, 814 press, thickness of cylinders for, 340 presses hi iron works, 813 ram, 810-812 riveting machines, 814 turbines (see Turbines, hy- draulic) Hydraulics (see Flow of water) Hydraulic pressure, hoisting by, 813 transmission, 812-816 transmission, energy of, 812 transmission, speed of water through pipes and valves, 813 transmission, references, 816 Hydrometer, 175 Hygrometer, dry and wet bulb, 610 Hyperbola, asymptotes of, 73 construction of, 49 equations of, 72 Hyperbolic curve on indicator diagrams, 974 logarithms, tables of, 164-166 Hypocycloid, 50 I-BEAMS (see also Beams) Bethlehem steel, 332 Carnegie, table of, 307-310 safe loads on, 309 spacing, for uniform load, 311 Ice-making, absorption evapora- tor system, 1367 machines, 1336-1367 (see Re- frigerating machines) plant, test of, 1367 tons of ice per ton of coal, 1367 with exhaust steam, 1367 Ice, manufacture, 1366 -melting effect, 1343 properties of, 720 strength of, 368 Ignition in gas engines, 1102 temperature of gases, 858 Illuminants, relative color values of, 1469 Illuminants, relative efficiency of, 1472 Illuminating coal-gas, 858 Illuminating-gas, 858-866 calorific equivalents of constit- uents, 860 fuel value of, 863 space required for plants, 862 Illuminating water-gas, 859 Illumination by arc lamps at different distances, 1471 definition of, 1468 electric and gas lighting, 1468 interior, 1473 of buildings, watts per square foot, required for, 1369 relation of, to vision, 1469 Impact, 530 Impedance, 1441 polygons, 1442 Impulse water wheels, 780 (see Water wheel, tangential) Impurities of water, 720 Incandescent lamps (see Lamps), 1470 Inches and fractions as decimals of a foot, table, 5 Inclined plane, 527, 537 motion on, 527 stresses in hoisting ropes on, 1204 wire-rope haulage, 1202 Incrustation and scale, 721, 927 932 India rubber, action under ten- sion, 378 vulcanized, tests of, 378 Indicated horse-power, 970-976 Indicator diagrams, analysis of, 1017 diagrams, to draw clearance line on, 974 diagrams, to draw expansion curve, 974 diagrams, tests of locomotives, 1122 rig, 969 Indicators, steam-engine, 968-976 (see Steam-engines) steam-engine, errors of, 969 Indirect heating radiators, 698 Inductance, 1440 of lines and circuits, 1445 Induction, magnetic, 1398 motors, 1463 Inertia, definition of, 513 moment, of, 293, 517 Ingot iron, "Armco," 477 Injector, 807 efficiency of, 937 equation of, 936 performance of, 937 Inspection of steam-boilers, 932 Insulation, underwriters', 1410 Insulators, electrical value of, 1402 heat, 581 Integrals, 75 table of, 80, 81 Int-iro INDEX. irr-Iam 1501 Integration, 76 Intensity of magnetization, 1398 Interest, 12 compound, 13, 14 Intercoolers for air compressors, 648 Interpolation, formula for, 86 Invar, iron-nickel alloy, 499, 567 Involute, 52 gear-teeth, 1165 gear-teeth, approximation of, 1166 Involution, 7 Iridium, properties of, 178 Iron and steel, 178, 436-511 classification of, 436 effect of cold on strength of, 464 electric furnaces, 1423 inoxidizable surface for, 472 preservative coatings for, 471- 474 relative corrosion of, 468 rustless coatings for, 471-474 sheets, weight of, 183 tensile strength at high tem- peratures, 463 Iron bars (see Bars) bars, weight of square and round, 181, 184 bridges, durability of, 466 cast, 437-454 (see Cast-iron) castings, chemical standards for, 441 coated with aluminum, 473 coated with lead, 474 coefficients of expansion of, 465 color of at various tempera- tures, 558 -copper-zinc alloys, 393 corrosion of, 467 corrugated, sizes and weights, 194 durability of, 465-467 electrolytic, properties of, 460 flat-rolled, weight of, 188, 189 for stay-bolts, 462 inoxidizable surfaces, produc- tion of, 472 latent heat of fusion of, 568 malleable, 454 (see Malleable iron) pig (see Pig-iron and Cast-iron) plates, approximating weight'of , 486 plates, weight of, table, 187 properties of, 178 rivets, shearing resistance of, 430 rope, table of strength of, 410 shearing strength of. 362 sheets, weights, 31, 32, 183 -silicon-aluminum alloys, 398 specific heat of, 562, 563 tubes, collapsing pressure of, 341 wrought, 459-463 (see Wrought iron) ^ Irregular figure, area of, 56, 57 solid, volume of, 65 Irrigation canals, 755 Isothermal compression of air, 633 expansion, 601 expansion of steam, 959 JAPANESE alloys, composition of, 393 Jarno tapers, 1319 Jet condensers, 1068 propulsion of ships, 1384 reaction of a, 1385 water wheels, 781 Jets, steam (see Steam jets) vertical water, 749 Joints, pipe (see Pipe joints) riveted, 424-435 (see Riveted joints) Joists, contents of, 21 Joule, definition and value of, 1396, 1397 Joule's equivalent, 560 Journals (see also Shafts and Bearings) coefficients of friction of, 1220 Journal-bearings, cast-iron, 1223 friction of, 1220-1232 of engines, 1034 KAOLIN, melting point of, 556 Kelvin's rule for electric transmission, 1411 Kennedy key, 1330 Kerosene as fuel, 841 for scale in boilers, 929 Keys, dimensions of, 1328 gib, 1332 holding power of, 1332 various forms of, 1328 Key-seats, depth of, 1329 Keyways for milling cutters, 1277 Kinetic energy, 528 King-post truss, stresses in, 543 Kirkaldy's tests of strength of materials, 352-358 Knife-edge bearings, 1238 Koepe's system of hoisting, 1189 Knot, on nautical mile, 17 Knots, varieties of, 415, 416 Krupp steel tires and axles, 354 Kutter's formula, flow of water, 730 formula, tables of flow of water, 738, 739 LACING of belts, 1147 Ladles, foundry, sizes of, 1257 Lag screws, holding power of, 347 screws, sizes and weights, 241 Lamps, arc, 1470 arc, data of, 1471 arc, illumination by, at differ- ent distances, 1471 arrangement of, in rooms, 1475 electric, life of, 1476 incandescent, characteristics of, 1474 incandescent electric, 1470 1502 lam-Jin INDEX. lin-Ioc Lamps, mercury vapor, 1470 tungsten, 1473 Land measure, 17 Lang-lay wire-rope, 254 Lap and lead in slide valves, 1052- 1054 Lap joints, riveted, 426, 427 Laps and lapping, 1310 Latent heat of evaporation, 569 of fusion of iron, 568 of fusion of various substances, 568 Lathe, change-gears for, 1260 cutting speed of, 1259 horse-power to run, 1292, 1293 power required for, 1293 rules for screw-cutting gears, 1259 setting taper in, 1261 topis, forms of, 1261 Lattice girders, allowed stresses in, 289 Laws of falling bodies, 521 of motion, 513 Lead and tin tubing, 226, 227 coatings on iron surfaces, 474 effect of, on copper alloys, 394 -lined iron pipes, 227 paint as a preservative, 471 pipe, tin-lined, sizes and weights, table, 226 pipe, weights and sizes of, table, 226, 227 properties of, 178 sheet, weight of, 228 waste-pipe, weights and sizes of, 227 Leakage of steam in engines, 976 Least common multiple, 2 Leather, strength of, 357 Lea-Deagan two-stage pump, test of, 801 Le Chatelier's pyrometer, 554 Lentz compound, engine, 997 Leveling by barometer, 607 by boiling water, 607 Lever, 535 bent, 514, 536 Lewis's key, 1329 Lighting, electric and gas, 1468 electric, cost of, 1475 of streets, 1471 quantity of gas and electricity required for different rooms, 1473 street, recent installations, 1476 Lightning protection of chimneys, 949 Lights (see Lamps) Lignites, analysis of, 829 Lime and cement mortar, strength of, 372 and cement, weight of, 180 Limestone, strength of, 371 Limit, elastic, 273-278 gages for screw-thread iron, 232 Lines of force, 1430 Links, steel bridge, strength of, 353 Link-belting, sizes and weights, 1199 Link-motion, locomotive, 1119 steam-engine, 1062-1065 Lintels in buildings, 1390 Liquation of metals in alloys, 388 Liquefaction of gases, 605 Liquid air and other gases, 605, 606 measure, 18 Liquids, absorption of gases by, 605 Compressibility of, 175 expansion of, 567 specific gravity of, 175 specific heats of, 563 Loading and storage machinery, 1193 Lock- joints for pipes, 212 Locomotive boilers, 1113 boiler tubes, seamless, 222 boilers, size of, 1113 crank-pin, quantity of oil used on, 1246 engine performance, 1122 forgings, strength of, 353 Locomotives, 1108-1129 boiler pressure, 1117 classification of, 1116 compounding of, 1125 compressed-air, 1128 compressed-air, with compound cylinders, 1129 counterbalancing of, 1126 dimensions of, 1120-1122 drivers, sizes of, 1118 economy of high pressure in, 1116 effect of speed on cylinder pres- sure, 1117 efficiency of, 1111 exhaust-nozzles, 1115 fire-brick arches in, 1115 fireless, 1127 fuel efficiency of, 1119 fuel waste of, 1125 grate-surface of, 1115 hauling capacity of, 1111 horse-power of, 1113 indicator tests of, 1122 leading types of, 1116 light, 1127 link-motion, 1119 Mallet compound, 1120 narrow gage, 1127 performance of high speed, 1118 petroleum burning, 1127 safety valves for, 935 smoke-stacks, 1115 speed of, 1118 steam distribution of, 1117 steam-ports, size of, 1118 superheating in, 1126 testing, 1123 tractive force of, 1112. 1125 types of, 1116 valve travel, 1118 water consumption of, 1122 weight of, 1124 loc-mac INDEX. mac-man 1503 Locomotives, Wootten, 1114 Logarithmic curve, 73 ruled paper, 84 sines, etc., table, 167 Logarithms, 79 four-place, table, 168 hyperbolic, tables of, 164-166 six-place, table, 137-164 use of, 135-137 Logs, area of water required to store, 181 lumber, etc., weight Of, 181 weight of, 181 Long measure, 17 Loop, steam, 883 Loops of force, 1430 Lord and Haas's tests of coal, 822, 823 Loss and profit, 12 of head, Cox's formula, 734 of head in cast-iron pipe, tables, 745 of head in flow of water, 728, 735, 745 of head in riveted steel pipes, 735 Lowmoor iron bars, strength of, 352 Lubricant, water as a, 1246 Lubricants, examination of, 1242 grease, 1244 measurement of durability, 1241 oil, specifications for, 1242 qualifications of good, 1242 relative value of, 1242 soda mixture, 1246 solid, 1246 specifications for petroleum, 1242 Lubrication, 1241-1246 of engines, quantity of oil needed for, 1245 of steam-engine cylinders, 1245 Lumber, weight of, 181 Lumen, definition of, 1469 "Lusitania, " performance of, 1376, 1381 turbines and boilers of, 1381 Lux, definition of, 1469 MACHINE screws, A. S. M. E. standard, table, 234- 237 screws, taps for, 1320 shop, 1258-1333 shops, electric motors for, 1294- 1308, 1466 Machine tools, drives, feeds and speeds, 1307 electric motors for, 1294-1308, 1466 gear connections of, to motors, 1301 individual motors for driving, 1308 methods of driving, 1307 power required for, 1270, 1278, 1286, 1293 sizes of motors for, 1294 Machine tools, soda mixture for, 1246 speed of, 1258 Machines, dynamo-electric (see Dynamo-electric-machines) efficiency of, 532 elements of, 535-541 in groups, power required for driving, 1305 Machinery, coal-handling, 1196- 1199 horse-power required to run, 1292-1308 Maclaurin's theorem, 78 Magnalium, magnesium-alumi- num alloy, 399 Magnesia bricks, 269 Magnesite, analysis of, 270 Magnesium, properties of, 179 Magnet, electro, 1430 Magnets, lifting, 1193 Magnetic alloys, 402 balance, for testing steel, 483 brakes, 1240 capacity of iron and steel, ef- fect of annealing on, 483 circuit, 1430 circuit, units of, 1398 field, 1398 field, strength of, 1436 flux, magnetic induction, 1398 moment, 1398 pole, unit of, definition, 1398 Magnetization, intensity of, 1398 Magneto-motive force, 1398 Magnolia metal, composition of, 405 Mahler's calorimeter, 826 Malleability of metals, table, 180 Malleable cast iron, 454 castings, annealing, 455 castings, design of, 457 castings, tests of, 458 iron, pig iron for, 454 iron, composition and strength of, 454, 458 iron, improvement in quality, 458 iron, physical characteristics, 45 6 iron, shrinkage of, 455 iron, specifications, 457 iron, strength of, 454, 458 iron test bars, 457 Mandrels, standard steel, 1318 Manganese bronze, 401 -copper alloys, 401 effect of, on cast iron, 438, 450 effect of, on steel, 476 properties of, 179 steel, 494 sulphide, dangerous in steel, 486 Manganin, high resistance alloy, 404, 1402 Manhole openings in steam- boilers, 914 Manila rope, 411 rope, weight and strength of, 410-415 1504 man-mer INDEX. mer-mod Manograph, a high-speed engine- indicator, 969 Manometer, air, 607 work of, tables, 532, 533 Man-wheel, 533 Marble, strength of, 357 Marine engineering, 1368-1385 (see Ships and Steam-engines) engine, internal combustion, 1374 engine practice, advance in, 1380 Mariotte's law of gases, 603 Martensite, 439, 480 Masonry, allowable pressures on, 1386 crushing strength of, 371 materials,, weight and specific gravity of, 177 Mass, definition of, 511 Materials, 173-273 standard cross-sections, for draftsmen, 271 strength of, 272-379 strength of, Kirkaldy's tests, 352-358 various, weights of, table, 181 Maxima and minima, 78, 79 Maxwell, definition and value of, 1398 Measures and weights, compound units, 27 and weights, metric system, 21- 26 apothecaries, 19 board and timber, 20 circular, 20 dry, 19 liquid, 18 long, 17 nautical, 17 of work, power and duty, 27 old land, 17 shipping, 19, 1316 solid or cubic, 18 square, 18 surface, 18 time, 20 Measurement of air velocity, 624 of elongation, 279 of flowing water, 757-764 of vessels, 1368 Measurements, miner's inch, 761 Mechanics, 511-548 Mechanical equivalent of heat, 560, 868 and electrical units, equivalent values of, 1399 powers, 535 stokers, 918 Mekarski compressed-air tram- way, 652 Melting-points of substances, tem- peratures, 554, 559 Mensuration, 54-66 Mercurial thermometer, 549 Mercury-arc rectifier, 1456 Mercury-bath pivot, 1233 properties of, 179 Mercury vapor lamp, 1460 Mesure and Nonet's pyrometric telescope, 556 Metacenter, definition of, 719 Metals, anti-friction, 1223 coefficients of expansion of, 566 coefficients of friction of, 1220 electrical conductivity of, 1401 flow of, 1323 heat-conducting power of, 580 life of, under shocks, 276 properties of, 177-180 resistance overcome in cutting of, 1292 specific gravity of, 174 specific heats of, 562, 563 table of ductility, infusibility, malleability and tenacity, 180 tenacity of, at various tempera- tures, 463 weight of, 174 Metaline lubricant, 1246 Metallography, 480 Meter, Thomas electric, for meas- uring gas, 667, 669 Venturi, 758 water, V-notch recording, 759 Meters, water delivered through, 749 Methane gas, physical laws of, 604 Metric conversion tables, meas- ures and weights, 21-26 screw-threads, cutting of, 1261 Microscopic constituents of cast iron and steel, 439, 480 Mil, circular, 18, 29, Mill buildings, columns, 1393 buildings, approximate cost of, 1394 power, 766 Milling cutters, diameter, clear- ance and rake of, 1278 for gear-wheels, 1162 inserted teeth, 1276 keyways in, 1277 lubricant for, 1281 number of teeth in, 1276 side, 1275 spiral, 1275 Milling, high-speed, 1282 jobs, typical, 1281 machines, cutting speed of, 1280, 1284 machines, high results with, 1282 machines, typical jobs on, 1281 power required for, 1278 practice, modern, 1279, 1283 with or against the feed, 128O Mine fans, experiments on, 673 ventilating fans, 673 ventilation, 714 Mines, centrifugal fans for, 672 Miner's inch, 18 inch measurements, 761 Modulus of elasticity, 274 of elasticity of various materials 374 moci-nal INDEX. nap-orl 1505 Modulus of resistance, or section modulus, 294 of rupture, 297 Moisture in atmosphere, 609-613 in steam, determination of, 942- 944 in steam escaping from boilers, 944 Molding-sand, 1256 Molds, cast-iron, for iron castings, analysis of, 1256 Moment of a couple, 515 of a force, 514 of friction, 1229 of inertia, 293, 295, 517 statical, 514 Moments, method of, for deter- mining stresses, 545 of inertia of regular solids, 517 of inertia of structural shapes, 295 Momentum, 527 Mond gas producer, 852 Monel metal, copper-nickel alloy, 403 Monobar chain conveyor, 1197 Morin's laws of friction, 1223 Morse tapers, 1319 Mortar, strength of, 372 Motion, accelerated, formulae for. 527 friction of, 1219, 1221 Newton's laws of, 513 on inclined planes, 527 perpetual, 532 retarded, 521 Motor applications, 1464-1468 boats, power of engines for, 1374 -driven machine tools, 1308 generators, 1456 repulsion, induction, 1464 squirrel-cage, 1463 temperatures, limits of, 1432 Motors, alternating-current, 1463 commutating pole, 1437 compressed-air, 639-641 electric (see Electric motors) electric, classification of, 1461 gear connections of, for machine tools, 1301 sizes of, for machine tools, 1294 water current, 765 Moving strut, 536 Mule, work of, 534 Multiphase electric currents, 1445 Multiple system of evaporation, 570 Multivane fans, 658 Muntz metal, composition of, 390 Mushet steel, 496 NAILS, cut, table of sizes and weights, 244 cut vs. wire, 347 holding power of, 346 wire, table of sizes and weights, 246, 247 Nail-holding power of wood, 347 Naphtha as fuel, 841 Napier's rule for flow of steam, 876 Natural gas, 847, 848 Nautical measure, 17 mile, 17 Newton's laws of motion, 513 Nickel, effect .of on properties of steel, 498 Nickel, properties of, 179, 379 steel, 497 steel, tests of, 497 steel, uses of, 498 Nickel-copper alloys, 402 -vanadium steels, 499 Niter process, treating iron sur- faces, 473 Nordberg feed-water heating sys- tem, 1003 key, 1331 pumping-engine, 805 Nozzle, efficiency of Doble, 782 Nozzles, flow of steam through; 876, 1085 flow of water in, 753 for measuring discharge of pumping-engines, 759 water, efficiency of, 784 Nut and bolt heads, 231 OATS, weight of, 180 Ocean waves, power of, 784 Oersted, unit of magnetic reluctance, 1398 Ohm, definition and value of, 1397 Ohm's law, 1406 law applied to alternating cur- rents, 1442 law applied to parallel circuits, 1407 law applied to series circuits, 1407 Oil as fuel (see Fuel oil), 842, 843 engines, 1102 fire-test of, 1243 for scale removal in boilers, 930 for steam turbines, 1244 fuel, chimney draught with, 952 fuel, chimney table for, 951 lubricating, 1242-1245 (see Lub- ricants) paraffine, 1243 pressure in a bearing, 1228 quantity needed for engines, 1245 tempering of steel forgings 482 vs. coal as fuel, 842, 843 well, 1243 we.ls, air-lift pump for, 809 Open-hearth steel (see Steel, open-hearth), 475 furnace, temperatures in, 554 Ordinates and abscissas, 70 Ores, cubic feet per ton, 181 Orifice, equivalent, in mine ven- tilation, 715 flow of air through, 615-617, 670 1506 ori-pew INDEX pho-pip Orifice, flow of water through, 726 rectangular, flow of water through, table, 760 Oscillation, center of, 518 radius of, 518 Overhead steam-pipe radiators, 702 Ox, work of, 534 Oxy-acetylene welding, 488 Oxygen, effect of on strength of steel, 477 7T value and relations of, 57 PACKING, hydraulic, friction of, 1241 -rings of engines, 1023 Paddle-wheels, 1383 Paint, 471 chrome, preventing corrosion, 469 for roofs,' 192 qualities of, 472 quantity of, for surface, 472 Paper, logarithmic ruled, 84 Parabola, area of by calculus, 76 construction of, 48, 49 equations of, 72 path of a projectile, 525 Parabolic conoid, 65 spindle, 65 Parallel forces, 515 , operation of motors, 1439, 1450 Parallelogram area of, 54 of forces, 513 of velocities, 523 Parallelopipedon of forces, 514 Parentheses in algebra, 34 Partial payments, 14 Part-ing and threading tools, speed of, 1268 Patterns, weight of, for castings, 1256 Payments, equation of, 14 Pearlite, 439, 480 Peat, 838 Pelton water-wheel, 780 Pendulum, 520 conical, 520 Percentage, 12 Percussion, center of, 518 Perforated plates, strength of, 425 Permeability, magnetic, 1400, 1430 Permeance, magnetic, 1400 Permutation, 10 Perpetual motion, 532 Petroleum as a metallurgical fuel, 843 -burning locomotives, 1127 cost of as fuel, 842 engines, 1102 for scale removal in boilers, 930 Lima, 841 products of distillation of, 840 products, specifications for, 1242 value of as fuel, 841 Pewter, composition of, 407 Phosphor-bronze, composition of, 390 specifications for, 395 springs, 424 strength of, 395 Phosphorus, influence on steel, 476 influence of, on cast iron, 438 Piano-wire, strength of, 250 Pictet fluid, for refrigerating, 1337 Piezometer, 757 Pig Iron (see also Cast iron) analysis of, 439 charcoal, strength of, 452 distribution of silicon in, 448 electric smelting of, 1424 for malleable castings, 454 grading of, 437 influence of silicon, etc., on, 438 sampling, 443 specifications for, 443 Piles, bearing power of, 1386 Pillars, strength of, 283 Pine, strength of, 366 Pinions, raw-hide, 1177 Pins, forcing fits of by hydraulic pressure, 1324 Pins, taper, 1321 Pipe bends, flexibility of, 221 branches, compound pipes, for- mula for, 746 cast-iron, friction loss in, table, 747, 748 cast-iron , specifications for metal for, 441 cast-iron, threaded, 199 corrosion of in hot- water heat- ing, 708 coverings, tests of, 584-587 dimensions, Briggs standard, 221, 222 fittings, flanged, 208-214 fittings, screwed, 207, 216 fittings, strength of, 216 fittings, valves, etc., resistance of, 701 flanges, extra heavy, tables, 210, 212 flanges, tables, 209-213 iron and steel, strength of, 363 iron, lead-, brass- and copper- lined, 227 iron, lead-covered, 228 iron, tin- and lead-lined, 227 joints, bell and spigot, lead re- quired for, 199 lines for fans and blowers, 670 lines, long, 743 specialties, 205 threading of, force required for, 363 welded, weight and bursting strength of, 205 wooden stave, 218, 735 Pipes, see also Tubes air-bound, 748 air, loss of pressure in, 617-624 and valves for superheated steam, 882 pip-pip INDEX. pis-pla 1507 Pipes, bent and coiled, 221, 222 block-tin, weights and sizes of, 2^7 coiled, table of, 221 Pipes, cast-iron, bell and spigot for gas, 198 flanged, for gas, 199 for high-pressure service, 198 formulae for thickness of, 196 safe pressures for, tables, 196-198 thickness of, for various heads, 196-200 transverse strength of, 452 underground, weight of, 197 weight and dimensions, 196-200 Pipes, effects of bends in, 624, 747 equalization of, table 625 equation of, 884 flow of air in, 617-624 flow of gas in, 864-866 flow of steam in, 877-879 flow of water in, 728-746 for steam heating, 698 house-service, flow of water in, table, 744 iron and steel, corrosion of, 466, 467 lead, safe heads for, 226 lead, (tin-lined, sizes and weights, table, 227 lead, weights and sizes of, table, 226 maximum and mean velocities in, 758 proportioning to radiating sur- face, 699, 700 ' rectangular, flow of air in, 622 resistance of the inlet, 735 rifled, for conveying heavy oils, 746 riveted, flanges for, table, 211 riveted hydraulic, weights and safe heads, table, 219 riveted iron, dimensions of, table, 220 riveted steel, loss of head in, 734 riveted steel, water, 351 sizes of threads on, 201, 217 spiral riveted, table of, 220 steam (see Steam-pipes) steam, sizes of in steam heat- ing, 699-701 table of capacities of, 131 used as columns, 363 volume of air transmitted in, table, 623, 624 water, loss of head in, 728, 735, 745 (see Loss of head) welded, extra strong, 203, 204 welded, standard, table of di- mensions, 202 Pipe-joint, Converse lock-joint, 212 Matheson, 212 Rockwood, 212 Piping, power-house, identifica- tion of by different colors, 885 Piston rings, steam-engine, 1023 rods, steam-engine, 1024 valves, steam-engine, 1061 Pistons, steam-engine, 1023 Pitch, diametral, 1158 of gearing, 1157 of rivets, 427 of screw-propeller, 1377 Pitot tube, best form of, 667 gage, 757 measurements, accuracy of* 669. use in testing fans, 667 Pivot-bearings, 1229, 1232 mercury bath, 1233 Plane, inclined, 527, 537 (see In- clined plane) surfaces, mensuration of, 54 Planer, horse-power required to run, 1302 tools, standard, 1271-1274 work, 1270-1274 Planers, feeds and speeds of, 1270 power requirements of, 1302 Planing, time required for, 1271 work requiring, 1270 Planished and Russia iron, 473 Plank, wooden, maximum spans for, 1392 Plants, high pressure water-power, 782 Plate-girder, strength of, 353 -girders, allowed stresses in, 289 Plates (see also Sheets) acid pickled, heat transmission through, 591 areas of, in square feet, table, 128, 129 brass, weight of, tables, 228, 229 Carnegie trough, properties of, table, 308 circular, strength of, 336 copper, strength of, 356 copper, weight of, table. 229 corrugated steel, properties of, table, 310 flat, cast-iron, strength of, 336 flat, for steam-boilers, 916 flat, unstayed, strength of, 337 for stand-pipes, 349 iron and steel, approximating weight of, 486 iron, weight of, table, 187, 188 of different materials, table for calculating weights of, 181 perforated, strength of, 425 < punched, loss of strength in, 424 stayed, strength of, 338 steel boiler, specifications for, 507 steel, for cars, specifications for, 507 steel, specifications for, 507 steel, tests of, 353, 355 transmission of heat through, 587 transmission of heat through, from air to water, 592 1508 pla-prc INDEX. pre-pum Plates, transmission of heat through, from steam to w air, 595 Plating for bulkheads, table, 339 steel, stresses in, due to water pressure, 338 for tanks, table, 338 Platinite, 499, 567 Platinum, properties of, 179 pyrometer, 553 wire, 248 Plenum system of heating, 708 Plow-steel wire, 250 -steel wire-rope, 257, 259 Plugs, fusible, in steam boilers, 918 Plunger packing, hydraulic, fric- tion of, 1239 Pneumatic conveying, 1201 hoisting, 1187 postal transmission, 1201 Polarity of electro-magnets, 1432 Poles, tubular, 206 Polishing and buffing, 1310 wheels, speed of, 1310 Polyedron, 63 Polygon, area of, 55 construction of, 42-45 of forces, 513 Polygons, impedance, 1442 table of, 45, 55 Polyphase circuits, 1445 Popp system of compressed-air, 639-641 Population of the United States, 11 Port opening in steam-engines, 1057 Portland cement, strength of, 358 Postal transmission, pneumatic, 1201 Potential energy, 528 Pound, British avoirdupois, 26 -calorie, definition of, 560 Pounds per square inch, equiva- lents of, 27 Power, animal, 532 and work, definition of, 528 electrical, cost of, 1012 factor of alternating currents, 1440 hydraulic, in London, 814 measures of, 27 of a waterfall, 765 of electric circuits, 1408 of ocean waves, 784 required for machine tools, 1292-1302 required to drive machines in groups, 1305 tidal, 787 unit of, 528 Powers of numbers, algebraic, 33 of numbers, tables, 7, 8, 93- 110 Power-plant economics, 1011 Pratt truss, stresses in, 544 Preservative coatings, 471-474 Press fits, pressure required for, 1324-1326 forging, high-speed, steani hy- draulic, 815 hydraulic forging, 814 hydraulic, thickness of cylinders for, 340 Presses, hydraulic, in iron works, 813 punches and shears, fly-wheels for, 1323 punches, etc., 1321 Pressed fuel, 831 Pressure, collapsing of flues, 342 collapsing of hollow cylinders, 341 Pressures of fluids, conversion table for, 607 Priming, or foaming, of steam boilers, 721, 930 Prism, 62 Prismoid, 63 rectangular, 62 Prismoidal formula, 63 Problems, geometrical, 37-53 in circles, 39-44 in lines and angles, 37-39 in polygons, 42-45 in triangles, 41 Process, the Thermit, 400 Producer-gas, 848-855 (see Gas) Producers, gas (see Gas-producers) gas, use of steam in, 854 Profit and loss, 12 Progression, arithmetical and geo- metrical, 10, 11 Projectile, parabola path of, 525 Prony brake, 1333 Propeller, screw (see Screw-pro- peirer) 1377 shafts, strength of, 354 Proportion, 6 compound, 7 Protective coatings for pipes, 206 Pulleys, 1135-1138 arms of, 1050 cone, 1136 cone, on machine tools, 1307 convexity of, 1136 differential, 539 for rope-driving, 1217 or blocks, 538 proportions of, 1111 speed of, 1148, 1162 Pulsometer, 806 tests of, 807 Pumps, air-, for condensers, 1071, 1073 air-lift, 808 and pumping-engines, 788-812' boiler-feed, 792 boiler-feed, efficiency of, 937 centrifugal, 796-802 centrifugal, combination single stage and two stage, 798 centrifugal, design of, 797 centrifugal, multi-stage, 797 pum-pyr INDEX. qua-rca 1509 Pumps, centrifugal, relation of height of lift to velocity, 797 centrifugal, tests of, 798, 800, 802 circulating, for condensers, 1075 depth of suction of, 788 direct-acting, efficiency of, 790 direct-acting, proportion of steam cylinder, 790 electric motors for, 1463 feed, for marine engines, 1076 gas-engine, 808 high-duty, 793 horse-power of, 788 jet, 807 leakage, test of, 803 lift, water raised by, 790 mine, operated by compressed air, 652 piston speed of, 791, 792 rotary, 801 rotary, tests of, 802 speed of water in passages of, 790 steam, sizes of, tables, 789, 791 suction of, with hot water, 788 theoretical capacity of, 788 underwriters', sizes of, 792 vacuum, 806 valves of, 792, 793 Pump-inspection table, 751 Pumping by compressed air, 645, 808 (see also Air-lift) by gas-engines, cost of, 795 by steam pumps, cost of fuel for, 795 cost of electric current for, 794 Pumping-engine, 72,000,000 gal., screw, 794 the d'Auria, 793 Pumping-engines, duty trials of, 802-806 economy of, 794 high-duty records, 806 table of data for duty trials of, 803-805 use of nozzles to measure dis- charge of, 759 Punches and dies, clearance of, 1321 spiral, 1322 Punched plates, strength of, 425 Punching and drilling of steel, 483, 485 Purification of water, 723-726 Pyramid, 62 frustum of, 62 Pyrometer, air, Wiborgh's, 555 copper-ball, 553 fire-clay, Seger's, 555 Hobson's hot-blast, 555 Le Chatelier's, 554 principles of, 549 thermo-electric, 553 Uehling-Steinbart, 557 Pyrometers, graduation of, 554 Pyrometric telescope, 556 Pyrometry, 549 Q UARTER-TWIST belt, 1147 Queen-post truss, inverted, stresses in, 544 truss, stresses in, 543 Quenching test for soft steel, 507 RACK, gearing. 1165 Radian, definition of, 523 Radiating power of sub- stances, 578 surface, computation of, for hot-water heating, 704 surface, computation of, for steam heating, 698 surface, proportioning pipes for, 700 Radiation, black body, 579 of heat, 578 of various substances, 578, 595 Stefan and Boltzman's law, 579 table of factors for Dulong's laws of, 596 Radiators, experiments with, 697, 708 indirect, 698 overhead steam-pipe, 702 steam and hot-water, 697 steam, removal of air from, 702 transmission of heat in, 697 Radius of gyration, 293, 518 of gyration, graphical method for finding, 294 of gyration of structural shapes, 293, 294 of oscillation, 518 Rails, steel, electric resistance of, 1416 steel, specifications for, 508 ! steel, strength of, 353 Railroad axles, effect of cold on, 465 steam, electrifications of, table, 1418 track, material required for one mile of, 244, 245 trains, resistance of, 1108-1111 trains, speed of, 1118 Railway curve, degree of a, 54 street, compressed-air, 652 track bolts and nuts, 244, 245 Railways, electric (sec Electric railways), 1414 narrow-gage, 1127 Ram, hydraulic, 810 Rankine cycle efficiency for differ- ent conditions, 1091 cycle, efficiency of, 996, 1089 Rankine's formula for columns, 284 Ratio, 6 Raw-hide pinions, 1177 Reactance of alternating currents, 1441 in transformers, 1452 Reaction of a jet, 1385 Reamers, taper, 1318 Reaumur thermometer-scale, 549 1510 INDEX. ref-riv Recalescence of steel, 480 Receiver-space in engines, 980 Receivers on steam pipe lines, 884 Reciprocals of numbers, tables of, 87-92 use of, 92 Recorder, carbon dioxide, or CO*. 890 continuous, of water pr steam consumption, 970 Rectangle, definition of, 54 value of diagonal of, 54 Rectangular prismoid, 62 Rectifier, in absorption refrigerat- ing machine, 1346 mercury arc, 1456 Reduction, ascending and de- scending, 5 Reese's fusing disk, 1309 Reflecting power of substances, 578 Refrigerating (see also Ice-mak- ing), 1336-1367 air-machines, 1343 direct-expansion method, 1365 Refrigerating - machines, actual and theoretical capacity, 1355 ammonia absorption, 1346, 1364 ammonia compression, 1345, 1356 condensers for, 1353 cylinder-heating, 1349 diagrams of, 1348 dry, wet, and flooded systems, 1345 ether-machines, 1343 heat-balance, 1359 ice-melting effect, 1343 liquids for, pressure and boiling points of, 1337 mean effective pressure and horse-power, 1350 operations of, 1336 performance of, 1364 pipe-coils for, 1354 pounds of ammonia per minute, 1350 properties of brine, 1343 properties of vapor, 1337 quantity of ammonia required for, 1351 rated capacity of, 1353 relative efficiency of, 1348 relative performance of am- monia-compression and ab- sorption machines, 1347 sizes and capacities, 1352 speed of, 1353 sulphur-dioxide, 1345 temperature range, 1360 test reports of, 1358 tests of, 1355 using water vapor, 1345 volumetric efficiency, 1349 Vqorhees multiple-effect, 1351 Refrigerating plants, cooling-tower practice in, 1354 systems, efficiency of, 1349 Refrigeration, 1336-1367 a reversed heat cycle, 600 cooling effect, compressor vol- ume, and power required, 1341 cubic feet space per ton of, 1308 means of applying the cold, 1365 Regenerator, heat, 1014 Regnault's experiments on steam, 870 Reinforced concrete, working stresses of, 1387 Reluctance, magnetic, 1398, 1430 Reluctivity, magnetic, 1400 Reservoirs, evaporation of water in, 569 Resilience, elastic, 274 of materials, 274 Resistance, elastic to torsion, 334 Resistance, electrical (see also Electrical resistance), 1400 effect of annealing on, 1402 effect of temperature on, 1402 in circuits, 1406 internal, 1408 of copper wire, 1402, 1404 .of copper wire, rule for, 1406 of steel, 477 of steel rails, 1416 standard of, 1402 Resistance, elevation of ultimate, 275 frictional, of surfaces moved in water, 756 moment of, and section mod- ulus, 294, 295 of metals to repeated shocks, 276. of ships, 1369 of trains, 1108-1111 tractive, of an electric car, 1415 work of, of a material, 274 Resistivity, definition of, 1403 of copper, 1403, 1406 Resolution of forces, 513 Retarded motion, 521 Reversing-gear for steam-engines, dimensions of, 1039 Rhomboid, definition and area of, 54 Rhombus, definition and area of, 54 Rivet-iron and steel, shearing re- sistance of, 430 spacing for structural work, 321, 322 Rivets, bearing pressure on, 426 center distances, of staggered, 322 cone-head, 239 diameters of, for riveted joints, table, 429 in steam-boilers, rules for, 913, 914 length required for various grips, 241 minimum spacing and clear- ance, 322 rlv-rop IN&EX. rop-sca 1511 Rivets, oval head, sizes and weights, 238 pitch of, 426 pressure required to drive, 435 round head, weight of, 243 shearing value, area of rivets, and bearing value, 240 steel, chemical and physical tests of, 435 steel, specifications for, 505 tinners', table, 239 Riveted iron pipe, dimensions of, table, 220 Riveted joints, 355, 424-435 British rules for, 433 drilled, vs. punch holes, 424 efficiencies of, 428-434, 914 notes on, 425 of maximum efficiency, 431 proportions of, 427-434 single riveted lap, 427 table of proportions, 434 tests of double-riveted lap and butt, 429 tests of, table, 359 triple and quadruple, 431 triple, working pressures on steam-boilers with, 917 Riveted pipe, flow of water in, 734-736 pipe, weight of steel for, 221 Riveting, cold, pressure required for, 435 efficiency of different methods, 425 hand and hydraulic, strength of, 425 machines, hydraulic, 814 of structural steel, 484 pressure required for, 435 Roads, resistance of wagons on, 534 Rock-drills, air required for, 645 requirements of air-driven, 645 Rods of different materials, tables for calculating weights of, 181 Roller bearings, 1233 chain and sprocket drives, 1153 Rollers and balls, steel, carrying capacity of, 340 Rolling of steel, effect of finishing temperature, 478 Roof construction, 191-195 paints, 192 -truss, stresses in, 547 snow and wind loads on, 191 strength jof, 1389 Roofing materials and roof con- struction, 191-195 materials, weight of various, 191 Rope-driving, 1214-1218 English practice, 1218 horse-power of, 1215 pulleys for, 1217 sag of rope, 1216 tension of rope, 1214 weight of rope, 1218 Ropes and cables, 410-415 cotton and hemp, strength of ,357 Ropes, cotton, -for transmission, 1218 for hoisting or transmission, 410-415 hemp, iron and steel, table of strength and weight of, 410 hoisting (see Hoisting-rope) locked-wire, 262 manila, 411 manila, data of, 1214-1218 manila, hoisting and trans- mission, life of, 415 manila, weight and strength of, 410-415 splicing of, 412 table of strength of iron, steel and hemp, 410 taper, of uniform strength, 1208 technical terms relating to, 411 wire, "Lang Lay," 254 wire (see also Wire-rope) wire, track cable for aerial tram- ways, 260 Rotary blowers, 677 steam-engines, 1082 Rotation, accelerated, work of, 529 Rubber belting, 1152 goods, analysis of, 378 vulcanized, tests of, 378 Rule of three, 6, 7 Runnel's, hydraulic turbine, de- termination of dimensions, 769a Running fits, 1325 Rupture, modulus of, 297 Russia and planished iron, 473 SAFETY, factor of, 374-377 valves for locomotives, 935 valves for boilers, 932-935 valves, spring-loaded, 933 Sag of rope between pulleys, 1216 of wires between poles, 1461 Salt, solubility of, 571 weight of, 180 Salt-brine manufacture, evapora- tion in, 570 properties of, 570, 571, 1343 solution, specific heat of, 564 solution test of hydraulic tur- bine discharge, 774 Sampling coal for analysis, 825 Sand, cubic feet per ton, 181 molding, 1256' Sand-blast, 1309 Sand-lime brick, tests of, 371 Sandstone, strength of, 371 Saturation point of vapors, 604 Sawdust as fuel, 838 Sawing metal, 1309 -machines for metals, 1291 metals, speeds and feeds for,1291 Scale, boiler, 721, 927-932 boiler, analyses of, 722 effect of, on boiler efficiency, 928 removal of, from boilers, 930 Scales, thermometer comparison of,_550, 551 1512 sca-sha JNDEX. sha-she Scantling, table of contents of, 21 Schiele pivot bearing, 1233 Schiele's anti-friction curve, 50 Scleroscope, for testing hardness, 365 Screw, 61 -bolts* efficiency of, 538 conveyors, 1198 differential, 540 efficiency of a, 538 (element of machine) , 537 heads, machine, dimensions of, 237 -propeller, 1377 -propeller, coefficients of, 1378 -propeller, efficiency of, 1379 -propeller, slip of, 1379 Screws and nuts for automobiles, table, 233 cap, table of standard, 238 lag, holding power of, 347 lag, table of, 241 machine, A. S. M. E. standard, 234 machine, dimensions of, 234-238 set, table of standard, 238 wood, 236 wood, holding power of, 346 Screw-threads, 231-238 Acme, 234 A. S. M. E. standard, table, 237 British Association standard, 232 English or Whit worth standard, table, 232 International (metric) standard, 232 limit gages for, 232 metric, cutting of, 1261 standard sizes for bolts and taps, 235, 236 U.S. or Sellers standard, table of, 231 Scrubbers for gas producers, 849 Sea-water, freezing-point of, 719 Secant of an angle, 66 of an arc, 67 Secants of angles, table of, 170- 172 Section modulus of structural shapes, 294, 295 Sector of circle, 60 Sediment in steam-boilers, 928 Seger pyrometer cones, 555 Segment of circle, 60 Segments, circular, areas of, 121, 122 Segregation in steel ingots, 487 Self-inductance of lines and cir- cuits, 1445 "Semi-steel," 453 Separators, steam 941 steam, efficiency of, 941 Set-screws, dimensions of, 238 holding power of, 1332 standard table of, 238 Sewers, grade of, 757 Shackles, strength of, 1184 Shaft bearings, 1034 bearings, large, tests of, 1230 couplings, flange, 1133 fit, allowances for electrical ma- chinery, 1326 -governors, 1066 speeds in geometrical progres- sion, 1138 Shafts and bearings of engines, 1042-1044 bearings for, 1034 bending resistance of, 1032 dimensions of, 1030-1033 equivalent twisting moment of, 1032 fly-wheel, 1033 hollow, 1133 hollow, torsi onal strength of, 334 steam-engine, 1030-1038 steel propeller, strength of, 354 twisting resistance of, 1030 Shafting, 1130-1134 collars for, 1133 deflection of, 1131 formulae for, 1130 horse-power transmitted by, 1130 keys for, 1328 laying out, 1134 power required to drive, 1305 torsion tests of, 361 Shaku-do, Japanese alloy, 393 Shapers, motors required to run, 1296 Shapes of test specimens, 280 structural steel, dimensions and weights, 302-305 Shear and compression combined, 335 and tension combined, 335 poles, stresses in, 542 Shearing, effect of on structural steel, 483 resistance of rivets, 430 strength of iron and steel, 362 strength of rivets, 240 strength of woods, table, 367 strength, relation to tensile strength, 362 Sheaves, diameter of, for wire- rope, 1211 for wire-rope transmission, 1208, 1211 size of for manila rope, 414 Sheet aluminum, weight of, 230 brass, weight of, table, 228 copper, weight of, 229 iron and steel, weight of, 183 metal gage, 28, 29, 31, 32 metal, weight of, by decimal gage, 32 metals, strength of various, 356 Sheets (see Plates) Shelby cold-drawn tubing, 223 Shells for steam-boilers, material for, 908 spherical, strength, of, 339 she-sin INDEX. sin-spe 1513 tiherardizing, 474 Shibu-ichi, Japanese alloy, 393 Shingles, weights and areas of, 196 Ship " Lusitania," performance of, 1376, 1381 Ships, Atlantic steam, perform- ance of, 1376, 1383 coefficient of fineness of, 1369 coefficient of performance, 1370 C9efficient of water-lines, 1369 displacement of, 1369, 1374 horse-power for given speeds, horse-power of, from wetted surface, 1372 horse-power of internal com- bustion engines for, 1374 horse-power required for, 1373- 1375 jet propulsion of, 1384 relation of horse-power to speed, 1373/1376 resistance of, 1369 resistance of, per horse-power, 1373 resistance of, Rankine's for- mula, 137O rules for measuring, 1368 rules for tonnage, 1369 small sizes, engine power re- quired for, 1374 wetted surface of, 1371' wetted surface, empirical equa- tions for, 1371 with reciprocating engine, and turbine combined, 1383 Shipbuilding, steel for, 507 Shipping measure, 19, 1368 Shocks, resistance of metals to repeated, 276 stresses produced by, 276 Short circuits, electric, 1411 Shrinkage fits (see Fits, 1324) of alloys, 409 of castings, 1254 of cast iron, 438, 447 of malleable iron castings, 455 strains relieved by uniform cooling, 448 Sign of differential coefficients, 78 of trigonometrical functions, 67 Signs, arithmetical, 1 Silicon-aluminum-iron alloys, 398 -bronze, 395 -bronze wire, 248, 395 distribution of, in pig iron, 448 excessive, making cast iron hard, 1254 influence of, on cast iron, 438, 447 influence of, on steel, 476 Silundum, 1425 Silver, melting temperature, 554, 559 properties of, 179 Simpson's rule for areas, 56 * Sine of an angle, 66 4 Sines of angles, table, 170-172 Single-phase circuits, 1445 Sinking fund, 17 Siphon, 754 Sirocco fans, 653, 664-666 Skin effect in alternating currents, 1442 Skylight glass, sizes and weights, 196 Slag bricks and slag blocks, 268 in cupolas, 1248 in wrought iroh, 460 Slate roofing, sizes, areas, and weights, 195 Slide rule, 82 Slide-valve, cut-off for various' laps and travels, table, 1060, 1061 definitions, 1052 diagrams, 1053-1055 effect of lap and lead, 1052- 1057 lead, 1057 port opening, 1057 ratio of lap to travel, 1058 relative motion of cross-head and crank, 1060 steam-engine, .^1052-1062 Slope, table of, and fall in feet per mile, 729 Slotters, power required for, 1295 Smoke-prevention, 92O-922 Smoke-stacks, locomotive, 1115 sheet-iron, 958 Snow load on roofs, 191 weight of, 720 Soapstone lubricant, 1246 strength of, 371 Soda mixture for machine tools, 1246 Softeners in foundry work, 1253 Softening of water, 724 Soils, bearing power of, 1385 resistance of, to erosion, 755 Solar engines, 1015 Solder, brazing, composition of, 390 for aluminum, 382, 383 Solders, composition of various, 383, 409 Soldering aluminum-bronze, 397- Solid bodies, mensuration of, 61- 66 measure, 18 of revolution, 64 I Solubility of common salt, 571 | of sulphate of lime, 571 Soot, effect of on boiler tubes, 931 Sorbite, 480 i Sources of energy, 531 i Specific discharge of hydraulic < turbine, 7706 Specific gravity, 173-175 i and Baume's hydrometer com- pared, table, 175 and strength of cast iron, 452 of brine, 571 of cast iron, 452 of copper-tin alloys, 384 1514 spe-sph INDEX. sph-sta Specific gravity of coppor-zilic al- loys, 388 of gases, 170 of ice, 7 HO of li(|iiids, table, 175 of metals, table, 1 / I of steel, ISC) of stones, brick, etc., 177 Specific heal, 502 505. 720 determination of, 502 of air, 502, 614. of gases, 503, 504 of k-e, 720 of iron and steel, 502, 563 of liquids, 503 of superheated strain 809 Of metals, 502. 503 of solids, 502. 503 of saturated steam, 807 of water. 50-1. 720 of woods. 503 Specifications for boiler-plate, 507 castings. I II cast iron, 441 chains. 20-1 elliptical steel springs, 423 foundry pig iron, 443 fuel oil. 8-13 gal\ani/,ed \\ire, 250 helical steel springs, 423 liose. 379 malleable iron, 157 metal for cast-iron pipe, 441 oils. 12-12 petroleum lubricants. 1212 phosphor-bronze, 395 purchase of coal. 830 spring steel. 507 steel axles. 5O7. 5O9 steel billets. 5O7 steel castings. -189. 510 steel crank-pins, 507 steel for automobiles, 510 steel forgings, 500 steel for ships, 507 steel rails. 5OS steel ri\ ets, 505 steel splice-bars, 509 steel tires. 5O9 structural steel. 501 tin and (erne-plate, 191 \\ rought iron. 101 . 102 Sjieed of cut ting. elVect of feed and dept li of cut on. 120-1 of cutting tools, 1258 vessels. 1373 Speeds in geometrical progression, L807 Spelter, (.svc /inc) Sphere, measures of. 02 Spheres of different materials, table for calculating weight of. IS I (able of volumes and surfaces, 120. 127 Spherical pol>gon. area, of, 03 segment , volume of. (VI shells and domed boiler heads, 339 Spherical polvgon shells, strength of. 339 shells, thickness of, to resist a giren pressure, 339 t riangle, area of. 03 /one, area, and volume of, 0-1 Spheroid, <> 1 Spikes, holding power of, 3-10 railroad and boat, 215, 2 IS wrought-, 215 Spindle, surface and volume of, 0-1. 05 Spiral. 51. 01 conical, 01 construction of, 51 gears, 1 108 plane, 01 -rivet (vl pipe-fittings, table, 220 -riveted pipe, table of, 220 Splice-bars, steel, specifications for, 509 Splices, railroad track, tables, 245 Splicing of ropes. -112 Of wire i-o pe. 203 Spontaneous combustion of coal, 832 Springs, 117 -121 elliptical, si/es of. 123 elliptical, specifications for. -123 for engine-governors, 1000 loos helical, 118 -122 helical, formula' for deflection and strength, 1 18 helical, specification for. 123 helical, steel, tables of capacity and dellection. 1 IS 122 laminated steel. 1 17 phosphor-bronze, -12 1 semi-ellipt ical, 1 17 steel, chromium-vanadium, 121 steel, strength of. 355 to resist torsion, 123 Sprocket wheels. 1 15-1. 1 150 Spruce, strength of, 307 Square, definition of, 5-1 measure, 18 root. 8 roots of lift h powers. 1 1O roots, tables of, 93 108 side of. equivalent, to circle of same area. 125 \alue of diagonal of. 5 1 Squares of decimals, table, HIS of numbers, table. 93 I OS Squirrel-cage motor, 1-103 Stability of chimneys. 9;"> 1 of dam, 515 .Stand-pipes. 3-19 351 at Yonkers. N. V.. 350 failures of. 35O guy-ropes for. 3-19 heights of. for various diam- eters and plates, table. 351 thickness of plates of. table. 35 1 thickness of side plates. 3-19 wind-strain on, 319 sta-ste INDEX. >tc->te . transformers, 1 \^-2 ;tl moment. ")l") -holt iron. 462 May-bolts in steam-boilers, 916 steam-boiler, loads on. 91 1> steam-boiler, material for Stayed surfaces, strength of, 338 .Steam, 867-885 boilers (see Steam-boilers beloic) calorimeters, 942-944 consumption, continuous re- corder for, 970 consumption in engines, Wil- lan's law, 991 determining moisture in, 942- 945 -domes on boilers, 918 -drums, 913 dry, definition, 867 dry. identification of. 944 energy of, expanded to various pressures, 963 engines (see Steam-engines, be- lou:) entropy of. tables. -S7 1-874 expanding, available energy of, 870 expansion of, 959 fire-engines, capacity and econ- omy of. 993, 994 ' flow of. 876-882 (see Flow of steam) ous, 870 generation of. from waste heat of coke-ovens. 834 heat required to generate 1 pound of, 867 heating, 694-703 heating, diameter of supply- mains, 699. 701 heating, indiree' heating of greenhouses, 7o2 heating, pipes for, 699-701 heating, vacuum systems of, . jackets on engines, 1004 -jet bio we; -jet exhauster. 679 -jet ventilator, 679 latent heat of. 867 loop. 883 loss of pressure in pipes, 880 maximum efficiency of, in Car- not cyel. mean pressure of expanded, 960 -metal (bronze alloy;. 39O. moisture in, escaping from boilers. 945 pipe coverings, tests of, 584- 587 pipes (sec Steam -Pipes below) ports, area of. 880 power, cost of. 1009-1011 receivers on pipelines, 884 Regnault's experiments on, 870 sampling for moisture. 942 saturated, definition, 867 strain, satu i olume and latent heat of. M;<.I. s, i saturated, properties of at high temperatures. saturated, properties of. table, 869, 871-874 saturated, specific heat of, 867 saturated. temperature and pressure of, 868 saturated, total heat of, 867 separators. 941 separators, efficiency of, 941 -ships. Atlantic, performances of. 1376. ! superheated (see also Super- heated steam) superheated, definition, 867 superheated, economy of steam- engines with, 998 superheated, pipes and valves for, 882 superheated, properties of, 870, 875 superheated, specific heat of, 869 superheated, volume of , 869 temperature of, 867 vessels (see Ships) weight of, per cubic foot, table, 871 wet. definition, 867 Steam-boilers, 885-944 (see also Boilers) air-leakage in, 891 braces in 916 bumped heads, rules for, 914 combustion space in furnaces of, 889 compounds, 929 conditions to secure fuel econ- omy in, 890, 893 construction of, 908-918 corrosion of, 4G7, 927-932 curves of performance of, 894, 895 dangerous, 932 domes on, 918 down-draught furnace for. 919 effect of rate of driving, 893 effect of soot on, 931 Steam-boiler efficiency, at differ- ent rates of driving, 898 computation of, 687, 891 effect of excess air supply, 896' effect of imperfect combustion, 896 effect of quality of coal, 895 maximum, 898 obtained in practice. 897 relation of, to rate of driving, air-supply, etc., 893 straight line formula for. 896 Steam-boilers, evaporative tests of. 898, 899-908 excess air supply to, 896 explosive energy of. 932 factors of evaporation, 908-912 factors of safety of. 918 feed-pumps for, efficiency of, 937 1516 ste-ste INDEX. ste-ste Steam-boilers, feed- water heaters for, 938-940 (see Feed-water heaters) feed-water, saving due to heat- ing of, 938 flat plates in, rules for, 916 flues and gas passages, propor- tions of, 889 foaming or priming of, 721, 930 for blast-furnaces, 899 forced combustion in, 923 fuel economizers, 924 furnace formulae, 917 furnaces, height of, 889 fusible plugs in, 918 grate-surface, 887, 888 grate-surface, relation to heat- ing surface, 887 gravity feeders, 938 heating-surface in, 887, 888 heating-surface, relation of, to grate-surface, 887 heat losses in, 892 height of chimney for, 948, 950 high rates of evaporation, 898 horse-power of, 885 hydrostatic test of, 918 imperfect combustion in, 896 incrustation of, 927-932 injectors on, 936-938 (see In- jectors) man-hole openings in, 914 marine, corrosion of, 930 measure of duty of, 886 t mechanical stokers for, 918 moisture in steam escaping from, 944 performance of, 889 ' plates, ductility of, 913 plates, tensile strength of, 908, 913 pressure allowable in, 917, 918 proportions of, 887-889 proportions of grate- and heat- ing-surface for given horse- power, 887, 888 proportions of grate-spacing, 889 quench-bend tests of steel 'for, 913 riveting rules for, 914 safety-valves, 932-935 safety-valves, discharge of steam through, 934 safety-valves, formulae for, 932 safety-valves, spring-loaded, 933 safe working-pressure, 918 scale compounds, 929 scale in, 927-932 sediment in, 928 shells, material for, 908> smoke prevention, 920-923 stay-bolts in, 916 stays, loads on, 916 stays, material for, 908 steel for, 913 strain caused by cold feed- water, 939 Steam-boilers, strength of, 9C8- 918 strength of circumferential seams, 913 strength of rivets, 914 tests, heat-balance in, 907 tests, rules for, 899-9O8 thickness of plates, 913 tube holes, 916 tube-plates, rules for, 914 tube spacing in, 916 tubes, holding power of, 916 tubes, iron and steel, 916, 917 tubes, material for, 913 tubes, size of, 917 use of kerosene in, 929 use of zinc in, 931 using waste gases, 898, 899 working pressures on with triple riveted joints, 917 Steam-engines, 959-1095 advantages of compounding, 976 advantages of high initial and low back pressure, 996 and turbine, best economy of, in 1904, 1005 bearings, size of, 1034 bed-plates, dimensions of, 1044 clearance in, 966 Steam-engines, compound, 976- 983 best cylinder ratios, 982 calculation of cylinders of, 982 combined indicator diagram, 979 cylinder proportions, 980 economy of, 997 estimating horse-power of, 971 formulae for expansion and work in, 031 high-speed, performance of, 989, 990 high-speed, sizes of, 989, 990 non-condensing, efficiency of, 1000 receiver, ideal diagram, 977 receiver space in, 980 receiver type, 977 steam- jacketed, performances of, 989 steam-jacketed, tost of, 1005 Sulzer, water-consumption of, 998 test of with and without jackets, 1005 two-cylinder vs. three-cylinder, 997 velocity of steam in passages of, 986 water consumption of, 988 Woolf, ideal diagram, 977 Steam-engines, compression, ef- fect of, 965 condensers, 1069-1079 (see Con- densers) connecting-rod ends, 1026 ste-ste INDEX. ste-ste 1517 dteam- engines, connecting-rods, dimensions of, 1025, 1040, 1041 cost of power from, 1009-1011 counterbalancing of, 1008 crank-angles, table, 1058 crank-piiis,dimensions of, 1027, 1040, 1041 crank-pins, pressure on, 1028 crank-pins, strength of, 1027 cranks, dimensions of, 1027 crank-shafts, dimensions of, 1030-1038, 1040, 1041 crank-shaft^, formulae for torsion and flexure, 1038 crank-shafts for triple-expan- sion, 1038 crank-shafts, three-throw, 1038 cross-head and crank, relative motion of, 1060 cross-head, dimensions of, 1040, 1041 cross-head pin, dimensions of, 1029, 1040, 1041 cut-off, most economical point of, 1009 cylinder condensation, experi- ments on, 967 cylinder condensation, loss by, 966 cylinder, finding size of, 970 cylinders, dimensions of, 1021, 1022, 1039, 1041 cylinders, ratios of, 980, 982, 986 cylinder-head bolts, size of, 1022, 1039, 1041 cylinder-heads, dimensions of, 1022, 1039 design, current practice, 1039- 1041 dimensions of parts of, 1007, 1021-1042 eccentric-rods, dimensions of, 1039 eccentrics, dimensions of, 1039 economic performance of, 987 1007 Steam-engines, economy at vari- ous loads and speeds, 992, 993 effect on of wet steam, 1001 of in central stations, 992 of simple and compound com- pared, 997 tests of high speed, 994 under variable loads, 992 with superheated steam, 998 Steam-engines, effect of leakage on indicator diagram, 976 effect on, of moisture in steam, 1001 efficiency in thermal units per minute, 964 estimating I.H.P. of single cylinder and compound, 970 exhaust sjteam used for heating, 1009 expansions in, table, 965 fly-wheels (see Fly-wheels), 1040, 1041, 1044-X052 Steam-engines, foundations em- bedded in air, 1009 frames, dimensions of, 1044 friction of, 1238 governors, fly-ball, 1066 governors, fly-wheel, 1066 governors, shaft, 1066 governors, springs for, 1066-" 1068 guides, sizes of, 1024 highest economy of, 1003 high piston speed in, 995 high-speed, British, 995 high-speed Corliss, 995 high-speed, economy of, 994 high-speed, performance of, 988, 989, 992 high-speed, sizes of, 988-992 high-speed throttling, 996 horse-power constants, 971-974 indicated horse-power, 970-976 indicator diagrams, (see Indi- cator), 968-976 indicator rigs, 969 indicators, errors of, 969 influence of vacuum and super- heat on economy, 1001 Lentz compound, 997 limitations of speed of, 995 link motions, 1062-1065 mean and terminal pressures, 960 mean effective pressure, calcula- tions of, 961 measures of duty of, 963 non-condensing, 998990 oil required for, 1245 pipes for, 879, 1039, 1040 piston-rings, size of, 1023 piston-rod guides, size of, 1024 piston-rods, fit of, 1024 piston-rods, size of, 1024, 1040, 1041 pistons, clearance of, 1021 pistons, dimensions of, 1022, 1040, 1041 piston-valves, 1061 prevention of vibration in, 1008 proportions, current practice, 1039-1041 proportions of, 1021 1042 quadruple-expansion, 986 quadruple, performance of, 1003 Rankine cycle efficiencies, 996 ratio of cylinder capacity in compound marine, 980 ratio of expansion in, 962 reciprocating parts, weight of, 1040, 1041 relative cost of, 1011 reversing gear, dimensions of, 1039 rolling-mill, sizes of, 1008 rotary, 1082 rules for tests of, 1015 setting the valves of, 1061 shafts and bearings (see Snafts) , 1030-1033, 1040, 1041 single-cylinder, economy of, 987 1518 ste-ste INDEX. ste-ste Steam - engines , single - cylinder, high-speed, sizes and perform- ance of, 989 single-cylinder, water consump- tion of, 987-1007 slide valves (see Slide Valves), 1053-1055 small, coal consumption of, 993 small, water consumption of, 992 Sulzer compound and triple- expansion, 998 superheated steam in, 998 steam consumption of differ- ent types, 999 steam-jackets, influence of, 1004 steam-turbines and gas-engines compared, 1013 Stumpf uniflow, 997 test of with superheated steam. 998 three-cylinder, 1038 to change speed of, 1066 to put on center, 1061 Steam-engines, triple-expansion, 983-986 crank-shafts for, 1038 cylinder proportions, 983-985 cylinder ratios, 986 high-speed, sizes and perform- ances of, 990, 991 non-condensing, 990 sequence of cranks in, 986 steam-jacketed, performance of, 990, 991 theoretical mean effective pres- sures, 984 types of, 986 water consumption of, 998 Steam-engines, using superheated steam, 998-1002 use of reheaters in, 1004 valve-rods, dimensions of, 1038 Walschaerts valve-gear, 1064 water consumption of, 967, 975, 987-1006 water consumption from indi- cator-cards, 975 with variable loads, wasteful, 964 with sulphur-dioxide adden- dum, 1007 wrist-pin, dimensions of, 1029 Steam-pipes, 882-885 copper, strength of, 882 copper, tests of, 882 failures of, 882 for engines, 879 for marine engines, 880 proportioning for minimum loss by radiation and friction, 880 riveted-steel, 883 uncovered, loss from, 884 underground, condensation in, 884 valves in, 883 wire-wound, 882 Steam turbines, 1083-1095 and gas-engine, combined plant of, 10 14 Steam turbines and steam-engines compared, 1005, 1092 effect of pressure, vacuum and superheat, 1090 effect of vacuum on, 1088 efficiency of, 1087 heat consumption of ideal engine, 1091 impulse and reaction, 1082, 1087 low-pressure, 1069 low - pressure, combined with high - pressure reciprocating engine, 1383 most economical vacuum, 1075 Rankine cycle ratio of, 1089 reduction gear for, 1095 speed of the blades, 1086 steam consumption of, 1088, 1092 testing oil for, 1244 tests of, 1088 theory of, 1084 using exhaust, from reciprocat- ing engines, 1093, 1383 30,000 K.W., 1092 Steel, 475-511 analyses and properties of, 476 and iron, classification of, 436 alloy, heat treatment of, 502- 504 aluminum, 496 annealing of, 484, 492 axle, effect of heat treatment on, 479 axles, specifications for, 507, 509 axles, strength of, 354 bars, effect of nicking, 485 beams, safe load on, 298 bending tests of, 478 Bessemer basic, ultimate strength of, 476 Bessemer, range of strength of, 478 blooms, weight of, table, 190 bridge-links, strength of, 353 brittleness due to heating. 483 burning carbon out of, 485 burning, overheating, and re- storing, 481 Campbell's formulae for strength of, 477 castings, 489, 510 castings, specifications for, 489, 510 castings, strength of, 355 cementation or case-hardening of, 1291 chrome, 496 chromium nickel, 501 chromium-vanadium, 500-502 chromium -vanadium spring, 424 cold-drawn, tests of, 361 cold-rolled, tests of, 361 color-scale for tempering, 493 comparative tests of large and small pieces, 480 ste-ste INDEX. ste-stc 1519 Steel, copper-, 499 corrosion of, 467, 468 crank-pins, specifications for, 507 critical point in heat treatment of, 480 crucible, 475, 490-494 crucible, analyses of, 490, 494 crucible, effect of heat treat- ment, 481, 491 crucible, selection of grades of, 490 crucible, specific gravities of, 490 dangerous, containing mangan- ese sulphide, 486 effect of annealing, 47.9 effect of annealing on grain of, 479 effect of annealing on magnetic capacity, 483 effect of cold on strength of, 464 effect of finishing temperature in rolling, 478 effect of heating, 481 effect of heat on grain, 479, 491 effect of oxygen on strength of, 477 effect of vibration and load on, 278 electric conductivity of, 477 endurance of, under repeated stresses, 487 expansion of, by heat, 566 eye-bars, test of, 360 failures of, 486 fatigue resistance of, 500 fire-box, homogeneity test for, 508 fluid-compressed, 488 for bridges, specifications of, 504, 505 for car-axles, specifications, 507, 509 for different uses, analyses of, 505-510 forgings, annealing of, 482 forgings, oil-tempering of, 482 forgings, specifications for, 506 for rails, specifications, 508 for ships, specifications of, 507 for steam boilers, 913 hardening of soft, 479 Harvey i/ing, 1291 heating in a lead bath, 492 heating in melted salts by an electric current, 492 heating of, for forging, 492 heat treatment of Cr-Va steel, .502 high carbon, resistance of, to shock, 277 high-speed tool, 494 high-speed tool, emery wheel for grinding, 1263, 1314 high-speed tool, Taylor's experi- ments, 1261 high-speed tool, tests of, 1369 Steel, high-strength, for shipbuild- ing, 507 ingots, segregation in, 487 life of, under shock, 276 low strength of, 477 low strength of, due to insuffi- cient work, 478 manganese, 494 manganese, resistance to abra- sion of, 495 manufacture of, 475 melting temperature of, 555 mixture of, with cast iron, 453 Mushet, 490 nickel, 497 nickel, tests of, 497 nickel-vanadium, 499 of different carbons, uses of, 494 open-hearth, range of strength of, 478 plates (see Plates, steel) quench-bend tests of, for boilers, 913 rails, electric resistance of, 1416 . rails, specifications for, 508 rails, strength of, 353 range of strength in, 478 recalescence of, 480 relation between chemical com- position and physical char- acter of, 476 rivet, shearing resistance of, 430 rivets, specifications for, 505 shearing strength of, 362 sheets, weight of, 183 soft, quenching test for, 507 specific gravity of, 486 specifications for, 504-511 splice-bars, specifications for, 509 spring, strength of, 355 springs (see Springs, steel) static and dynamic properties of, 500 strength of, Campbell's formulae for, 477 strength of, Kirkaldy's tests, 353 strength of, variation in, 478 Steel, structural, annealing of, 484 effect of punching and shearing, 483 ' punching of, 483 punching and drilling of, 485 riveting of, 484 shapes, properties of, 305-321 specifications for, 504 treatment of, 483-485 upsetting of, 484 welding of, forbidden, 484 Steel struts, formulae for, 285 tempering of, 493 tensile strength of, at high temperatures, 463 tensile strength of, pure, 477 tires, .specifications for, 509 tires, strength of, 354 1520 ste-str INDEX. str-str Steel tool, composition and heat treatment of, 1265 tool, heating of, 492 tool, high-speed, 1265 tungsten, 496 used in automobile construc- tion, 510 very pure, low strength of, 477 water-pipe, 351 welding of, 484, 498 wire gage, tables, 30 working of, at blue heat, 482 working stresses in bridge members, 287 Stefan and Boltzman law of radiation, 579 Stellite, alloy for cutting tools, 1269 Sterro metal, 393 St. Gothard tunnel, loss of pres- sure in air-pipes in, 620 Stoker, Riley, 919 Taylor gravity underfeed, 919 Stokers, mechanical, for steam- boilers, 918 underfeed, 919 Stone-cutting with wire, 1309 strength of, 357, 370 weight and specific gravity of, table, 177 Storage batteries, 1425-1428 batteries, Edison alkaline, 1428 batteries, rules for care of, 1427 of steam heat, 927, 1014 Storms, pressure of wind in, 627 Stove foundries, cupola charges in, 1250 Stoves, for heating compressed- air, efficiency of, 641 Straight-line formula for columns, 285 formula for boiler efficiency, 896 Strain and stress, 272 Strand, steel wire, for guys, 255 Straw as fuel, 839 Stream, open, measurement of flow, 760 Streams, fire, 749-752 (see Fire streams) running, horse-power of, 765 Street-lighting installations, 1476 kinds of, 1472 Strength and specific gravity of cast iron, 452 compressive, 281-283 compressive, of woods, 368 loss of, in punched plates, 424 Strength of aluminum, 381 aluminum-copper alloys, 396 anchor forgings, 353 basic Bessemer steel, 476 belting, 357 blocks for hoisting, 1 181 boiler-heads, 337, 338 boiler-plate at high tempera- tures, 463 bolts, 348 brick, 358 Strength of brick and stone, 370- 372 bridge-links, 353 bronze, 356, 384 canvas, 357 castings, 352 cast iron, 444-447 cast-iron beams, 451 cast-iron columns, 289 cast-iron cylinders, 452 cast-iron flanged fittings, 452 cast iron, relation to size of bar, 444 cast-iron water-pipes, 196, 452 cement mortar, 372 chain cables, tables, 264, 265 chains, table, 264, 265 chalk, 371 columns, 283-293, 1389 copper at high temperatures, 368 copper plates, 356 copper- tin alloys, 385 copper-tin-zinc alloys, graphic representation, 388 copper-zinc alloys, 388 cordage, table, 410, 415, 1218 crank-pins, 1027 electro-magnet, 1431 flagging, 373 flat plates, 336 floors, 1390-1393 German silver, 356 glass, 365 granite, 357 gun-bronze, 386 hand and hydraulic riveted joints, 425 ice, 368 iron and steel, effect of cold on, 464 iron and steel pipe, 363 lime-cement mortar, 372 limestone, 371 locomotive forcings, 353 Lowmoor iron bars, 352 malleable iron, 454, 45S marble, 357 masonry materials, 371 materials, 272-379 materials, Kirkaldy's tests, 352- 358 perforated plates, 425 phosphor-bronze, 395 Portland cement, 358 riveted joints, 359, 424-435 roof trusses, 547 rope, 357, 411, 1218 sandstone, 371 silicon-bronze wire, 395 soapstone, 371 spring steel, 355 spruce timber, 367 stayed surfaces, 338 steam-boilers, 908-918 steel axles, 354 steel castings, 355 steel, formulae for, 476, 477 str-sul INDEX. sul-tay 1521 Strength of steel propeller-shafts, 354 steel rails, 353 steel tires, 354 structural shapes, 305-321 timber, 368 twisted iron, 280 unstayed surfaces, 337 various sheet metals, 356 welds, 264, 355 wire, 357, 358 wire and hemp rope, 356, 357 wrought-iron columns, 285 yellow pine, 368 zinc plates, 370 Strength, range of, in steel, 478 shearing, of iron and steel, 362 shearing, of woods, table, 367 tensile, 278 tensile, of iron -and steel at high temperatures, 463 tensile, of pure steel, 477 torsional, 334 transverse, 297-300 Stress and strain, 272 due to temperature, 335 Stresses allowed in bridge mem- bers, 287 combined, 335 effect of, 272 in framed structures, 541-548 in plating of bulkheads, etc., due to water-pressure, 338 in steel plating due to water pressure, 338 produced by shocks, 276 Structural materials, permissible stresses in, 1387, 1388 shapes, elements of, 294 shapes, moment of inertia of, 295 shapes, radius of gyration of, 295 shapes, steel (sec Steel, struc- tural, also Beams, angles, etc.) steel shapes, dimensions and weights, 302-305 steel shapes, properties of, 305- 321 work, rivet spacing for, 321, 322 Structures, framed, stresses in. ' 541-548 Strut, moving, 536 Struts, steel, formulae for, 285 strength of, 283 wrought-iron, formulae for, 285 Stub gear teeth, 1167 Stud bolts, 237 Stumpf uniflow engine, 997 Suction lift of pumps, 788 Sugar manufacture, 839 Sugar solutions, concentration of, 572 Sulphate of lime, solubility of, 571 S ulpliur-dioxide refrigerating-ma- chine, 1345 Sulphur - dioxide - addendum to steam-engine, 1007 dioxide, properties of, 1338 influence of, on cast iron, 438 influence of, on steel, 476 Sum and difference of angles, functions of, 68 Sun, heat of, as a source of power, 1015 Superheated steam, economy of steam-engines with, 998 * steam, effect of on steam con- sumption, 998 steam, practical application of, 1002 Superheating, economy duo to, 1006 in locomotives, 1126 Surface condensers, 1069 of sphere, table, 126, 127 Surfaces of geometrical solids, 61- 66 of revolution, quadrature of, unstayed flat, 337 Suspension cableways, 1205 Sweet's slide-valve diagram, 1054 Symbols, chemical, 173 electrical, 1477 Synchronous converters, 1453 generators, 1448, 1453 -motor, 1463 T -CONNECTIONS, trans- formers, 1452 T-shapes, properties of Car- negie steel, table, 313-315 T-slots, T-bolts and T-nuts, 1321 Tackle, hoisting, 1182 Tackles, rope, efficiency of, 415 Taggers, tin, 192 Tail-rope, system of haulage, 1203 Tanbark as fuel, 838 Tangent of an angle, 66 Tangents of angles, table of, 170- 172 Tangential or* impulse water wheels, tables of, 785 Tanks and cisterns, number of barrels in, 134 capacities of, tables, 132-134 with flat sides, plating and framing for, 339 Tap-drills, sizes of, 235, 23, i:*2O for pipe taps, 201 Taper pins, 1321 to set in a lathe, 1261 Tapers, Jarno, 1319 Morse, 1319 Tapered wire rope, 1208 Taps, A. S. M. E. standard, 235, 236 Tapping and threading, speeds for, 1290 Taylor's experiments on cutting tools of high-speed steel, 1261 Taylor's rules for belting, 1143 Taylor's theorem, 78 1522 tay-thr INDEX. thr-too Taylor -White high-speed tools, cutting speeds of, 1266 Teeth of gears, forms of, 1 162-1 167 of gears, proportions, 1159, 1161 Telegraph poles, tubular, 206 -wire, tests of, table, 250 Telpherage, 1196 Temperature, absolute, 567 and humidity, comfortable, 685 coefficient of resistance of copper, 1403 conversion table, 552 determination of by color, 558 determinations of melting- points, 554, 559 effect of on strength, 368, 463- 465 -entropy diagram, 600 -entropy diagram of water and steam, 602 of fire, 817, 818 rise of, in combustion of gases, 818 stress due to, 335 Temper carbon, in cast-iron, 439 Tempering, effect of, on steel, 493 oil, of steel forgings, 482 steel, change of shape due to, 1291 Tenacity of different metals, 180 of metals at various tempera- tures, 368, 463-465 Tensile strength (see Strength) strength, increase of, by twist- ing, 280 tests, precautions in making, 279 tests, specimens for, 280 Tension and flexure, combined, 335 and shear, combined, 335 Terne-plate, or roofing tin, 193 Terra cotta, weight of, 196 Tests, compressive (see Compres- sive strength) of steam-boilers, rules for, 899- 908 of steam-engines, rules for, 1015 of strength of materials (see Strength) quench-bend, of steel 913 tensile (see Strength and Ten- sile strength) Thermal capacity, 562 storage, 927, 1014 units, 560 Thermit process, 401 welding process, 488 Thermodynamics, 597-603 laws of, 598 Thermometer, air, 557 centigrade and Fahrenheit com- pared, tables, 550 Threads, pipe, standard, 201, 217 Threading and parting tools, speed of, 1268 and tapping, speeds for, 1290 pipe, force required for, 3(a Three-phase circuits, 1445 transmission, rule for sizes of wires, 1459 Throttle valves, size of, 880 Thrust bearings, 1232 Tides, utilization of power of, 787 Ties, railroad, required per mile of track, 245 Tiles, weight of, 196 Timber (see also Wood) beams, safe loads, 1387, 1393 beams, strength of, 368- expansion of, 367 measure, 20 preservation of, 368 strength of, 368-369 table of contents in feet, 21 to compute volume of square, 21 Time, measures of, 20 Tin, alloys of (see Alloys) lined iron pipe, 227 plates, 192-194 properties of, 179 Tires, locomotive, shrinkage fits, 1324 steel, friction of on rails, 1219 steel, specifications for, 509 steel, strength of, 354 Titanium, additions to cast-iron, 439, 451 -aluminum alloy, 401 Tobin bronze, 392 Toggle-joint, 536 Tonnage of vessels, 1369 Tons per mile, equivalent of, in Ibs. per yard, 27 Tools, cutting, durability of, 1268 cutting, effect of feed and depth of cut on speed of, 1264 cutting, in small shops, best method of treatment, 1268 cutting, interval between grind- ings of, 1264 cutting, pressure on, 1264 cutting, use of water on, 1264 economical cutting speed of, 1268 forging and grinding of, 1263 high speed, table of cutting speeds, 1266 machine (see Machine tools) parting and thread - cutting , speed of, 1268 standard planing, 1271 Tool-steel (see also Steel) best quality, 1265 high-speed, composition and heat-treatment of, 1265 high-speed, new (1909), tests of, 1269 high-speed, Taylor's experi- ments, 1265 in small shops, best treatment of, 1268 of different qualities, 1268 Toothed-wheel gearing, 539, 11 57-. 1180 tor-tri INDEX. tro-iur 1523 Torque computed from watts and revolutions, 1436 horse -power and revolutions, 1436 of an armature, 1435 Torsion and compression com- bined, 335 and flexure combined, 335 elastic resistance to, 334 of shafts, 1030, 1130 tests of shafting, 361 Torsional strength, 334 Track bolts, 244, 245 spikes, 245 Tractive force of locomotive, 1112 Tractrix, Schiele's anti-friction curve, 50 Train resistance, electric cars, 1415 loads, average, 1125 Trains, railroad, resistance of, 1108 railroad, speed of, 1187 Trammels, to describe an ellipse with, 45 Tramways, compressed-air, 652 wire-rope, 1204 Transformers, constant current, 1453 efficiency of, 1451 electrical, 1451 primary and secondary of, 1451 Transmission, compressed-air (see Compressed-air) electric, 1410, 1457 electric, area of wires, 1410, 1457 electric, economy of, 1411 electric, efficiency of, 1411 electric, weight of copper for, 1411, 1457 electric, wire table for, 1413, 1457 hydraulic-pressure (see Hydrau- lic-pressure transmission) of heat (see Heat) of power by wire-rope (see Wire-rope), 1208-1213 pneumatic postal, 1201 rope (see Rope-driving) rope, iron and steel, 256, 257 > wire-rope (see Wire-rope) Transporting power of water, 755 Transverse strength, 297-300 Trapezium and Trapezoid, 54 Trapezoidal rule, 56 Triangles, mensuration of, 54 problems in, 41 solution of, 69 spherical, 63 Trigonometrical computations by slide rule, 83 formulae, 68 functions, logarithmic, 167 functions, table, 170-172 Trigonometry, 66-70 Triple effect evaporators, 570 Triple-expansion engine (see Steam-engines) Triple-riveted joints, working pressures on boilers with, 917 Troostite, 480 Trough plates, properties of, 308 Troy weight, 19 Trusses, bridge, stresses in, 543- 547 roof, stresses in, 547 Tubes (see also Pipe) aluminum 226 aluminum bronze, 397 boiler (see Steam-boiler tubes) boiler, table, 204 boiler, used as columns, 336 brass, seamless, 224, 225 collapse of, formulae for, 341-344 collapse of, tests of, 341-344 collapsing pressure of, table, 334 copper, 225 expanded, holding power of, 364, 916 lead and tin, 227 of different materials, weight of, 181 seamless, 222-225 steel, cold-drawn, Shelby, 223 surface per foot of length, 224 Tube-plates, steam-boiler, rules for, 914 Tube-spacing in steam-boilers, 916 Tungsten and aluminum alloy, 399 electric lamps, 1473 steel. 496 Turbines, hydraulic, 768-780 American high-speed runners, comparison of, 770 capacity criterion, 770 capacity of, 769B determination of dimensions of runners, 7 69 A determination of sizes, 770, 770B, 771A discharge loss of, 769B draft tubes for, 778 efficiency of 77 IB estimating weights of, 771 A fall increaser for, 780 gate opening, relation of to efficiency, 772 10,000 H.P. machine at Sno- qualmie Falls, 779 13,500 H.P. machine at Du- luth, 779 limiting profiles of runners, 769B power table for, 776, 777 recent practice, 778 selection of, 771, 771 A some large, 779 specific discharge, 770, 770B specific speed, 770 speed criterion, 770 tests of discharge by salt solu- tion, 774 type characteristics, 770 Turbines, steam (see Steam- turbines) 1524 tur-vaii INDEX, van-wat Turf or peat, as fuel, 838 Turnbuckles, 243 Tuyeres for cupolas, 1247 Twist-drill (see Drills) and steel wire gages, 1286 gage, table, 30 sizes and speeds, 1285 Twisted steel bars, strength of, 280 Two-phase currents, 1445 Type characteristic of turbines, 770 -metal, 408 UEHLING and Steinbart pyrometer, 557 Underwriters' rules for elec- trical wiring, 1410 Unequal arms on balances, 20 U inflow steam-engines, Stumpf, 997 Unions, pipe fittings, 207 Unit of evaporation, 886 . of force, 512 of heat, 560 of power, 528 of work, 528 Units, electrical and mechanical, equivalent values of, 1399 electrical, relations of, 1397 of the magnetic circuit, 1399 united States, population of, 11 standard sheet metal gage, 29, Unstayed surfaces, strength of, 337 Upsetting of structural steel, 484 V -NOTCH recording water meter, 759 Vacuum at different tem- peratures, 788 drying in, 573 for turbines, most economical, 1075 high, advantage of, 1078 high, influence of on steam-en- gine economy, 1001 inches of mercury and absolute pressure, 1071 pumps, 806 systems of steam heating, 702 Valves and elbows, friction of air in, 624 and fittings, loss of pressure due to, 747, 748 and pipe fittings, description and sizes, 206-208 for superheated steam, 882 in steam pipes, 883 pump, 792, 793 straight-way gate, 217, 218 Valve-gear, Stephenson, 1062 Walschaerts, 1064 Valve-stem or rod, design of (see Steam-engines) , 1038 Vanadium-chrome steel, 500-502 -copper alloys, 395 effect of on cast iron, 439, 450 -nickel steels, 499 Vanadium steel spring, 424. Vapor and gases, mixtures of, 604 pressures of various liquids, 844 saturation point of, 604 water, and air mixture, weight of, 610-613 Vapors used in refrigerating, properties of, 1341 Varnishes, 471 Velocity, angular, 522 due to falling a given height, of gas in chimneys, 951 parallelogram of, 523 table of height corresponding to a given, 523 Ventilating ducts, quantity of air carried by, 683 fans, 653-660, 672 Ventilation (see also Heating and Ventilation) by chimneys, 712 by steam-jet, 679 cooling air for, 710 of mines (see Mine- ventilation) of mines, equivalent orifice. 715 problems, standard values in, 687 standards of, 686 Ventilators, centrifugal for mines, 672 Venturi meter, 758 Versed sine of an arc, 67 sines, table, 170-172 Verticals, formulae for strains in, 545 Vessels (see also Ships) framing of, table, 339 Vibrations in engines, preventing, 1008 Vis-viva, 528 Volt, definition of, 1397 Voltages used in long-distance transmission, 1459 Volumes of revolution, cubature of, 77 Vulcanized India rubber, 378 WALLS of buildings, thick- ness of, 1388 of warehouses, factories, etc., 1388 windows, etc., heat loss through, 688 Walschaerts valve-gear, 1064 j Warren girder, stresses in, 546 Washers, cast and wrought, tables of, 242, 243 Washing of coal, 833 Water, 716-726 abrading power of, 755 amount of to develop a given horse-power, 783 analysis 9f , 722 as a lubricant, 1246 boiling-point at various baro- metric pressures, 608 boiling-point of, 719 wat-wat INDEX. wat-wlr 1525 Water, comparison of head in feet with various units, 718 compressibility of, 720 conduits, long, efficiency of, 766 consumption of locomotives 1122 consumption of steam-engines (sec Steam-engines) current motors, 765 drums for boilers, 913 erosion and abrading by, 755 flow of (sec Flow of water) flowing in a tube, power of, 765 flowing, measurement of, 757- 764 freezing-point of, 719 frictional resistance of surfaces moved in, 756 -gas, 846, 859-864 -gas analyses of, 860 -gas, manufacture of, 859 -gas plant, efficiency of, 861 -gas plant, space required for, 862 hammer, 749 hardness of, 723 head of, 718 heating of, by steam coils, 591 heat-units per pound of, 717 horse-power required to raise, 788 impurities of, 720 in pipes, loss of energy in, 812 jets, vertical, 749 meter, V-notch recording, 759 meters, capacity of, 749 pipe, cast-iron, transverse strength of, 452 pipes, compound with branches, 746 -power, 765 -power plants, high pressure, 782 -power, value of, 766 pressure on vertical surfaces, 719 pressure per square inch, equiv- alents of, 27, 718 pressures and heads, table, 718 prices charged for in cities, 749 pumping by compressed air, 808 purification of, 723-726 -softening apparatus, 724 specific heat of, 564, 720 total heat and entropy of, 869, 87 1-873 tower (see Stand-pipe) lower at Yonkers, N. Y., 350 transporting power of, 755 under pressure, energy of, 765 units of pressure and head, 718 vapor and air mixture, weight of, 610-613 velocity of, in open channels, 755 weight at different tempera- tures, 716, 717 weight of one cubic foot, 27 Waterfall, power of a, 765 Water-wheels, 768 impulse, 780 jet, power of, 784 Pelt-on, 780 tangential, choice of, 781 tangential, governing, 782 tangential, power of, 784, 785 tangential, reversible, 781 Waves, ocean, power of, 784 Weathering of coal, 830 Wedge, 537 Wedge, volume of, 62 Weighing on incorrect balance, 20 Weight and specific gravity of materials, 174-177 (see also Material in question) . definition of, 511 measures of, 19 Weights and measures, 17-27 Weir dam measurement, 762 flow of water over, 762 trapezoidal, 764 triangular or V-notch, 759 Welds, strength of, 355 electric, 1419 electric arc, 1419 of steel, 484, 487 Welding, oxy-acetylene, 488 process, the thermit, 488 Well, artesian, pumping by com- pressed air, 810 Welsbach gas lights, standard sizes, 1474 Wheat, weight of, 180 Wheel and axle, 539 Wheels, turbine (see Turbine wheel) Whipple truss, 544 White-metal alloys, 407 Whitworth process of compressing steel, 488 Wiborgh air-pyrometer, 555 Wild wood pumping-engine, high economy of, 805 Willans law of steam consump- tion. 991 Wind, 626, 627 force of, 627 loads on roofs, 191 pressure of, in storms, 627 strain on stand-pipes, 349 Winding engines (see Hoisting engines) 1186 Windlass, 539 differential, 540 Windows, heat-loss through, 688 Windmills, 627-632 capacity and economy, 627-632 Wire, aluminum, properties of, 248, 1414 aluminum-bronze, 248 brass, properties of, 248 brass, weight of, table, 229 copper, hard-drawn specifica- tion for, 251, 252 copper, rule for resistance of, 140G 1526 wir-wlr INDEX. Woh-zon Wire, copper, stranded, 253 copper, telegraph and tele- phone, 251, 252 copper, weight of bare and in- sulated, 252 gages, tables, 28 galvanized, for telegraph and telephone lines, 250 galvanized iron, specifications for, 250 galvanized steel strand, 255 insulated copper, 252 nails, 246, 247 of different metals, 248 phosphor-bronze, 248 piano, strength of, 250 platinum, properties of, 248 plow steel, 250 silicon-bronze, 248, 395 steel, properties of, 249 stranded feed, table, 253 telegraph, tests of, 250 weight per mile-ohm, 250 -wound fly-wheels, 1052 Wires of various metals, strength of, 358 sag of between poles, 1461 Wire-rope, 253-263 bending curvature of, 1213 bending of, 254 breaking strength of, 254, 1209 exposure to heat, 256 extra flexible, 258, 259 flat, 260, 261 flattened strand, 258, 261 flexible hoisting, 258, 259 galvanized, 255, 262 galvanized steel hawser, 262 haulage (see Haulage) horse-power transmitted by, 1210 iron and steel, table of strength of, 261, 410 locked, 262 notes on use of, 254, 256 plow steel, 257-259 protection of, 256 radius of curvature of, 1213 sag or deflection of, 1211 sheaves for, 1208, 1211 splicing of, 263 steel-clad hoisting, 260 strength of, 356 table of strength of, 410 tapered, 1208 tramways, 1204 varieties and uses, 254, 256 Wire-rope transmission, deflec- tion of rope, 1207, 1211 inclined, 1212 limits of span, 1212 long distance, 1212 of power by, 1208 sheaves for, 1211 Wiring rules, Underwriters', 1410 table for direct currents, 1413 table for three-phase transmis- sion lines, 1459 Wohlor's experiments on strength of materials, 275 Wood (sec also Timber) as fuel, 835, 836 composition of, 835 drying of, 368 expansion of, by heat, 368 expansion of, by water, 368 heating value of, 835 holding power of bolts in, 346 nail-holding power of, 346, 347 screws, 236 screws, holding power of, 346 strength of, 368, 369 strength of, Kirkaldy 's tests, 358 weight of, 181 weight and specific gravity of, table, 176 weight and heating values of, 835 weight per cord, 181 Woods, American shearing strength of, 367 tests of, 366 Wood-working machinery, power required for, 1303 Wooden fly-wheels, 1051 stave pipe, 218, 735 Woodruff key, 1331, 1332 Woolf compound engines, 977 Wootten locomotive, 1114 Work, definition of, 27, 528 energy, power, 528 of accelerated rotation, 529 of acceleration, 529 of a man, horse, etc., 532-534 of friction, 1229 Worm gearing, 540, 1168 Wrist-pins, dimensions of, 1029 Wrought-iron, chemical composi- tion of, 460 effect of rolling on strength of, 460 manufacture of, 459 slag in, 460 specifications, 461, 462 strength of, 352, 359, 459-463 strength of, at high tempera- tures, 463 strength of, Kirkaldy 's tests, 352 ACHT rigging,' galvanized steel rope, 255 Yield point, 273 Z-BARS, Carnegie, properties of, 316 Zero, absolute, 567, 868 Zeuner's slide-valve diagram, 1055 Zinc alloys (see Alloys) plates, strength of, 370 properties of, 179 sheet, weight of, table, 228 use of in steam-boilers, 931 Zirconia, 270 Zone of spheroid, 64 of spindle, 65 spherical, 64 Y UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW MAR 3 1.19V 1933' 1933 MAY 2 7 10 / j\PR4 MAy 4 1937 IA\ MAY 10 1937 OCT 1 8 19: Mft$ MAY 1 1 '41 W0V4 1949 5?n-10,'22 40P.P.M Kent TJ151 The mac ha Vijf>r>lriai fr Vinrtlr lical enginee rs f K4 f2PUHC U*" 1 U UU K. 1916 j ViflV I OCT 1 8 1 33t iiwrs ^ . 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