m r AL 140! Japan Society THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CONTRIBUTED TO THE JAPANESE AMERICAN RESEARCH PROJECT BY Mr. Richard Zumwinkle February, 1968 His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan 1912-1913 JAPAN SOCIETY TO PROMOTE FRIENDLY RELATIONS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN AND TO DIFFUSE AMONG THE AMERICAN PEOPLE A MORE ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE PEOPLE OF JAPAN, THEIR AIMS, ARTS, SCIENCES, INDUSTRIES AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS EUGENE C. WORDEN, Secretary 165 Broadway NEW YORK 1912 Oriental Uhcary URL OFFICERS 1912-1913 President LINDSAY RUSSELL Honorary President HIS EXCELLENCY VISCOUNT S. CHINDA Vice-President AUGUST BELMONT Honorary Vice-Presidents JACOB H. SCHIFF DR. JOKICHI TAKAMINE GENERAL STEWART L. WOODFORD EMERSON McMILLIN Secretary EUGENE C. WORDEN 165 Broadway Honorary Secretaries R. ARAI SAMUEL T. DUTTON Treasurer BANKERS TRUST COMPANY Wall Street, corner Nassau Honorary Treasurers R. ICHINOMIYA ISAAC N. SELIGMAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Consists of the Officers and the following: C. VANDERBILT BARTON BISHOP CHARLES S. BURCH HENRY CLEWS WILLIAM NORTH DUANE ABRAM I. ELKUS DR. JOHN H. FINLEY JOHN FRANKLIN FORT CHARLES L. FREER HAMILTON HOLT M. HONDA FRANCIS B. LOOMIS HOWARD MANSFIELD WALTER H. PAGE DR. LOUIS LIVINGSTON SEAMAN K. SEKO MELVILLE E. STONE COL. ROBERT M. THOMPSON ALEXANDER TISON D. J. R. USHIKUBO ADVISORY COUNCIL TOKIO Chairman BARON EIICHI SHIBUSAWA Members Baron Korekiyo Takahashi Pres. Bank of Japan Baron Rempei Kondo, Pres. Japanese Mail S. S. Co. Takashi Masuda, Mitsui & Co. Giichi lida, Mitsui & Co. Senkichiro Hayakawa, Mitsui & Co. Buyei Nakano, Pres. Tokio Chamber of Commerce Viscount Yataro Mishima, Pres. Yokohoma Specie Bank Juichi Soyeda, Pres. Japanese Industrial Bank Ichizaemon Morimura, Morimura Bros. Ryohei Toyokawa, Mitsubishi & Co. Kahei Ohtani, Pres. Yokohoma Chamber of Commerce. Osuke Hibiya, Kanegafuchi Cotton Mill Kokichi Sonoda, Pres. 15th Bank Soichiro Asano, Pres. Toyo Kisen Kaisha Kenzo Ikeda, 100th Bank Kihachiro Okura, Okura & Co. Kichibei Murai, Pres. Murai Bank Shinzo Takata, Takata & Co. Tokugoro Nakahashi Pres. Osaka Shosen Kaisha ADVISORY COUNCIL SAN FRANCISCO Chairman H. P. BOWIE, San Mateo, Cal. Members F. W. Dohrman, 1815 California St., San Francisco, Cal. R. L. Hale, 6th and Market Sts., San Francisco, Cal. H. J. McCoy, Golden Gate and Loth Sts., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Holla V. Watt, Pine and Sansome Sts., San Francisco, Cal. Robert Dollar, 160 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Dr. David Starr Jordan, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal. Prof. W. F. Bade, 2616 College Ave., Berkeley, Cal. H. Morton, Broadway and 14th Sts., Oakland, Cal. Rev. Herbert B. Johnson, 2634 Benvenue Ave., Berkeley, Cal. George Shima, 2601 College Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Y. Nakashima, Merchants' Exchange Building, California St., San Francisco, Cal. J. Fujihira, Montgomery Street (Yokohama Specie Bank), San Francisco, Cal. K. Abiko, 340 Mason St., San Francisco, Cal. Copyright, 7909, by Pach Bros. Hon. Wm. H. Taft, President of the United States RULES (Adopted November 12, 1907) The name of the Society shall be: JAPAN SOCIETY. II The objects of the Society shall be: The promotion of friendly relations between the United States and Japan and the diffusion among the American people of a more accurate knowledge of the people of Japan, their aims, ideals, arts, sciences, in- dustries and economic conditions. Ill The Officers shall be an honorary President, honorary Vice-Presi- dents, two honorary Secretaries, two honorary Treasurers, and also a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who, together with twenty other members, shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Society. The said Officers shall be elected annually. IV The members shall be Japanese and Americans, and those prominent in public or social life, science, art, or literature, who shall be elected by the Executive Committee. [9] Candidates must be proposed by one member and seconded by another. The candidate's full name and occupation shall be entered in a form to be provided for the purpose, which shall be signed by the proposer and sec- onder, or by their authority. The election for membership shall be by the Executive Committee upon recommendation from the Membership Sub-Committee, and shall take place at such times as the Committee shall think fit. The election shall be by ballot; one black ball in five shall exclude. If twice rejected, a candidate cannot be again put up for election without the unanimous consent of the Committee. A Membership Sub-Committee, consisting of three members of the Executive Committee, shall be appointed annually by the Executive Com- mittee. All proposals for membership must go before such Committee, whose duty shall be to recommend to the Executive Committee those whom it deems suitable for membership. VI A majority of the Executive Committee may cancel the election of any member at any time, but his entrance fee and subscription shall be returned to him in case of cancellation of election. VII The management of the Society and the enforcing of these Rules shall be vested in the Executive Committee, and a majority of such Committee shall have power to add to, or alter, these Rules after giving two weeks notice to each member of the Committee of the proposal to so add to, or alter, the same. [10] The Committee shall make all such rules and regulations as they shall from time to time think necessary for the management and well-being of the Society, and for carrying out its objects, and such rules and regula- tions shall be binding on all members of the Society. One-third of the Committee shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Society, and hold office for three years, one-third retiring each year and being eligible for reelection. Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum. The Committee shall have power to fill vacancies. The Committee shall appoint annually from their own number a Finance Committee, consisting of two members, who shall be responsible to the Executive Committee, to whom they shall report once a month, or oftener if required. The Committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees for any pur- pose or objects, and to delegate to such sub-committees the functions and powers of the Committee relating to the same. There shall be an annual meeting of the Society held in February, on such day and at such place as the Committee may elect, two weeks' notice of such meeting to be given by the Secretary in such manner as the Com- mittee may determine. VIII Patrons are persons who have contributed $1,000 or more to the Society. Life members shall pay $100. Resident members shall pay $10 each annually. Non-resident members shall pay $5 each annually. IX If a member's subscription be three months in arrears, he shall cease to be a member of the Society. The Executive Committee may reinstate a member on a satisfactory explanation of failure of due payment. Members desiring to resign must notify the Secretary of such intention one calendar month before the time the next annual subscription becomes due, otherwise they will be liable for the usual subscription for the ensu- ing year. XI The decision of the Executive Committee on all matters relating to the Society shall be final. XII The fiscal year shall begin July 1. PATRONS Patrons are those who have contributed $1,000 or more to the Society. Jacob H. Schiff Col. Robert M. Thompson Henry Clews C. A. Coffin, President, General Electric Co. Wm. H. Marshall, President, American Locomotive Co. Anthony N. Brady Emerson McMillin [13] MEMBERS LIFE MEMBERS Aoki, His Excellency, Viscount S., Kuni, His Imperial High- Tokio, Japan ness ^ Prince, Arai, R., Tokio, Japan 111 Prince Street Kim)ki Genera] ^^ T Belmont, August, Tokio, Japan 43 Exchange Place Lanier, Chas., Boas, Emil L., 59 Cedar Street 37 Broadway Low, Hon. Seth, Brady, A. N., 30 E. 64th Street 54 Wall Street McMillin, Emerson, Clews, Henry, 40 Wall Street 15 Broad Street Mitsui, Baron Hachiroyemon, Coffin, C. A., Tokio, Japan 30 Church Street Ono, Yeijiro, Elkus, Abram I., c/o Yokohama Specie Bank, 170 Broadway Tokio, Japan Fort, John Franklin, Perry, W. A., East Orange, N. J. 7 E. 56th Street Freer, Charles L., Peters, Samuel T., 33 Ferry Avenue, East, 1 Broadway Detroit, Mich. R ice ^ i saac L ? Fukui, K., Hanover Bank Building, c/o Mitsui & Co., Tokio, Japan Pine Street Gross, R. J., Schiff, Jacob H., Dunkirk, N T . Y. 52 William Street Hubbard, Gen'l Thomas H., Schiff, Mortimer L., 60 Wall Street 52 Wmiam street Huntington, Archer M Seligman, Isaac N., 1083 Fifth Avenue \ wmiam street Imamshi, K. J. Shibusawa, Baron Eiichi, Yokohama Specie Bank, ^ '. T ,. ,-,. , ,', . T Yokohama, Japan Dai Icm Gmko ' Tokl ' Ja P an Inouye, Junnoske, Shirley, Rufus George Yokohama Specie Bank, 716 Madi son Avenue Tokio, Japan Takahira, His Excellency, Kahn, Otto H., Baron Kogora, 52 William Street c/o Foreign Office, Tokio, Japan [17] LIFE MEMBERS, Continued Takamine, Dr. Jokichi, Westinghouse, George, 334 Riverside Drive Pittsburgh, Pa. Thompson, Col. R. M., Worth, W. P., 43 Exchange Place Coatesville, Pa. Tod, J. Kennedy, Uchida, His Excellency, 5 Nassau Street Viscount Yasuya, Tokugawa, Prince lyesato, Foreign Office, Tokio, Japan House of Peers, Tokio, Japan Yamamoto, Admiral Count Warburg, Felix M., Gombyoye, 52 William Street Tokio, Japan Waterman, Frank D., Yamanaka, Sadajiro, 173 Broadway 254 Fifth Avenue [I8J His Excellency Viscount Yasuya Uchida, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs ANNUAL MEMBERS Abbe, Dr. Robert, Barton, C. Vanderbilt, 13 West 50th Street 1 West 72d Street Adler, Dr. Leon N., Barton, Mrs. C. Vanderbilt, 100 William Street 1 West 72d Street Adlon, Louis, Barton, Charles, Hotel Adlon, Unter den Linden, 52 Broadway Berlin, Germany Barton, Mrs. Charles, Alexander, J. S., 64 St. Marks Place, 31 Nassau Street New Brighton, S. I. Amerman, Rev. James L., Baruch, Bernard M., 25 East 22d Street HI Broadway Amano, S., Baxter, Fred. W., 548 Broadway 16th Street and Irving Place Anderson, Charles W., Baylies, Edmund L., 220 Broadway 54 Wall Street Anraku, Yeiji, Beach > Miss Ella > 154 Nassau Street Peekskill, N. Y. A i 4-^^, WoUo,. c Beers, E. Le Grand, Appleton, W "^S,^ B ^ Remsen streel; ' BrooklyI1> N . Y . 4 . A r T, Belmont, August, Jr., Arai, Mrs. R., 43 fe xchan Place Riverside, Conn. ,. , . , Beltz, .Frederick, Arakawa, b., 165 Broadway 111 Prince Street Benedict ^ Wm> ^ Baba, Tsunego, 56 Wall Street 35 Nassau Street Bennett ^ Dr . Albert L., / Bacon, Miss Alice M., Wyoming Building, Denver, Colo. Talbot House, Northampton, Mass. ,Bernheimer, Chas. L., Baldwin, Mrs. T. A., Jr., 120 Franklin Street Fort Wayne, Detroit, Mich. Bertsch, E. W., Banning, Kendall, Hotel Bristol, Vienna, Austria 44 East 23d Street Bethell, U. N., Barkley, Charles B., 15 De ? street 149 Broadway Bibb, William Garrett Barrett, John, 10 West ^ d Street Pan-American Union, Birch. J. H., Jr., Washington, D. C. Lock Box 770, Burlington, N. J. [T9l ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Black. Mrs. Elmer, Burke, Thomas, 512 Fifth Avenue Burke Building, Seattle, Wash. Elaine, E. F., Burr, Prof. Wm. H., Scheuerman Block, Seattle, Wash. Columbia University Blaisdell, C. M., Buxton, Arthur K., Chicopee, Mass. 257 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Blumenthal, George, Buxton, Mrs. Arthur K., 23 West 53d Street 257 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bodensiek, G. O., Caccini, Dr. A., 30 West 39th Street 76 West 12th Street Bodensiek, Mrs. G. O., Campbell, Henry M., 30 West 39th Street Bolles, Randolph, Brady, James C., Brady, N. F., Braman, C. A., Union Trust Building, Detroit, Mich. 207 West 85th Street Campbell, Benjamin, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co., New Haven, Conn. 54 Wall Street 55 Duane Street Carolan, E. A., 30 Church Street Carpenter, George W., 70 Worth Street 5 Nassau Street Briesen, Richard von, Carragan, Sidney H., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Hudson and Vestry Streets Bronner, Harry, Carty, John J., 5 Nassau Street 15 Dey Street Brown, Wm. Reynolds, Chamberlain, Dr. Wm. I., 141 Broadway Rutgers College, Brundrett, H. B., New Brunswick, N. J. 470 Broadway Chapman, L. T., Buck, Benj. F., 35 Nassau Street 160 Fifth Avenue Chapman, Clarence E., Buck, Mrs. Alfred E., 2 Wall Street 207 West Peachtree Street, Clarke, Lewis L., Atlanta, Ga. 128 Broadway Buckingham, Clarence, Clemens, Mrs. James B., The Rookery, Chicago, 111. 603 Fifth Avenue Buckner, Thos. A., Cockcroft, Miss Elizabeth, 346 Broadway 147 Madison Avenue Burch, Bishop Charles S., Cowee, Harvey, Riverdale-on-Hudson, N. Y. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Burch, Mrs. Charles S., Cole, Rev. J. Thompson, Riverdale-on-Hudson, N. Y. Ogontz, Pa. Burchard, A. W., Comes, W. Irving, 30 Church Street 51 Wall Street [20] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Congdon, Jos. W., Dean, Mrs. Bashford 106 Spring Street Riverdale-on-Hudson Copmann, J. W., Delafield, Lewis L., 8T Front Street 20 Exchange Place De Lima, E. S. A., c/o Banco Mexicano de Comercio Industria, Mexico City, Mex. De Lima, Mrs. E. S. A., c/o Banco Mexicano de Comercio 6 Industria, Mexico City, Mex. Cowee, Harvey D., Troy, N. Y. Coyne, Miss Bertha Sterling, 1116 West Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 30 Church Street Cravath, E. M., 310 West 79th Street Denny, C. B., Cravath, Mrs. E. M., 310 West 79th Street Dewey, Admiral George, U. S. N., n 1.1, T> i T\ Washington, D. C. Cravath, Paul D., ,, , T , 52 William Street ' Dewey, Prof. John, r> s i r> i T TT Columbia Umversitv Crawford, Col. Jos. U., . ,, T , . 04.-4.: Dewev. Mrs. John. 2880 Broadway Broad Street Station, Dewey, Mrs. John, Philadelphia, Pa. Crosby, U. C., Doherty, Henry, 92 West 86th Street Paterson, N. J. Crosby, Mrs. U. C., Dominick, Mrs. Bayard 92 West 86th Street 22 West 51st Street Culin, Stewart, Dougherty, Mrs. John Allen, 254 Northampton Street, Holyoke, Mass. Gainsborough Studios, West 59th Street Dow, Prof. Arthur W., 525 West 120th Street Cutting, Miss Elisabeth, 37 Madison Avenue Cutting, Churchill H., Duane, Wm. North, 37 Madison Avenue Wall Street, corner Nassau Cutting, R. Fulton, Dudley, Miss Lillian M., 32 Nassau Street c/o Mrs. Murai, Riverside, Conn. Davidge, Mrs. M. C., Dulles, Wm., 121 Washington Place 115 Broadway Davies, Julien T., Dmnbell, H. T., 34 Nassau Street 3 South William Street Davis, James, Duncan, Mrs. John P., Lima, Ohio Hotel Plaza Davis, Mrs. Joshua W., Dunning, H. W., 26 West 51st Street 14 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Davison, H. P., Dutton, Prof. Samuel T., 23 Wall Street 411 West 114th Street Dean, Prof. Bashford, Eidlitz, Otto M., Riverdale-on-Hudson 489 Fifth Avenue [21] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Einhorn, Dr. Marx, Fujino, Kan., 20 East 63d Street 445 Broome Street Ely, Robert Erskine, Fukui, Tokichi, 23 West 44th Street 550 West 173d Street Enos, Fredk., Fukui, Mrs. K., Bridgeport, Conn. c/o Mitsui & Co., Tokio, Japan Evans, Wm. H., > Fukushima, Otto, 86 Worth Street 35 Mt. Morris Park, West Evans, Wilmot R., Jr., Furumi, Shinguma, 35 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. Takata & Co., 50 Church Street Fairbanks, Thos. N., Furuya, Takenosuke, 34 Union Square 96 Fron t Street Farrelly, Stephen, George, Henry, Jr., 182 West 58th Street 180 St. Nicholas Avenue Faverwratier W O George, Marie M., er, VV. Frederick Wm., ,,. , ^ * la ' 13 West Walton Place, Field, Hamilton Easter, Chicago, 111. 106 Columbia Heights, r 1 * u n \xr r> Brooklyn N Y Gotshall, Wm. C., v . , >kyn> N< Y ' 1 West 72d Street rinley, Pres. John H., ^ .., ., p , CoUege of the City of New York 8 Bridge street Fischer, Wm. H., Gough, Richard, 190 Franklin Street 11 William Street Frazar, E. W., Gould, Chas. A., c/o Frazar & Sale, 345 Fifth Avenue 50 Church Street Graham, Thos. H., Freedman, Andrew, 90 Nassau Street 11 Pine Street Graham, Miss Lillian L., Freeman, Edward D., Blue Point, N. Y. 20 Montgomery Place, Green. C. A., Brooklyn, N. Y. 290 Broadway Friedrich, Leopold, Greendlinger, Prof. Leo, 165 Broadway 82 Washington Place Frissell, A. S., Greendlinger, Mrs. Leo, 530 Fifth Avenue 82 Washington Place [22] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Greene, J. D., Harris, G. A., Rockefeller Institute 50 Church Street Greenhut, Benedict J., Harris, Rt. Rev. Merryman C., Sixth Avenue and 18th Street Seoul, Chosen, Korea Griscom, Clement A., Haslett, Charles A., Land Title Building, 5013 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Griscom, Lloyd C., Healy, A. Augustus, 52 William Street 198 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Guggenheim, Bernhard, 16th Street and Irving Place Hecker, Col. Frank J., _ TT _ 1170 Woodward Avenue, Gunnison, H. F., Detroit, Mich. 1123 Albemarle Road, rr, 1 i__ii. ri.*-*!^ - Brooklyn, N. Y. Helmolt, Charles von, ^ Haas, Kalman, TT- . rr n -^-~* 27 William Str^t Hemml Kaichiro, 27 William Street 55 w&u gtreet Haggm, Ben Ah, 27 West 67th Street Henderson, Harold (jr., Hale, Win. Bayard 82 Irvin S Place c/o World's Work, Hier ; George b., Garden City, L. I. Hotel Majestic Hall, Wm. A., Hier, Mrs. George S., 47 East 53d Street Hotel Majestic Hall, WiUis E., Higgins, Dr. Aubrey F., 30 Pine Street 719y 2 K Street, Sacramento, Cal. Halliday, J. Dean, Higginson, Rear Admiral Francis J. , "The CaU," San Francisco, Cal. g | Iun tin g ton Hotel, Kingston, N. Y. Halligan, H. A., Hiiikata H 463 West Street C/Q ' Bam ^ of Japanj Tokio> Japan Hancock, H. Irving, Blue Point, N. Y. Hiraga, Captain Tokutaro, Hanihara M Imperial Japanese Embassy, lamnara, M., Washington, D. C. Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. Hitchcock, Mrs. Roswell D., Hanzlik, Henry J., Short Hills ' N - J - 1 State Street, Schenectady, N. Y. Hoagland, Mrs. Jos. C., Harbour, J. L., 17 East 66th Street 3 Bowdoin Avenue, Hodenpyl, Anton G., Dorchester, Mass. 7 Wall Street Harriss, B. E., Holmes, C. O., Waco, Texas 30 Church Street Harriss, Wm. L., Holt, Hamilton, 15 William Street 130 Fulton Street ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Honda, Dr. Masujiro, James, Arthur Curtiss, 35 Nassau Street 99 John Street Hone, John, James, Newton, 5 Gramercy Park 25 Pine Street Hori, Y., Jennings, Frederic B., 60 Wall Street 15 Broad Street Horikoshi, Y., Jinushi, Ennoske, 32 Greene Street 546 Broadway Hotchkin, Walter B., Johnson, Alba B., 66 Broadway Baldwin Locomotive Works, Howell, Wilson S., Philadelphia, Pa. 80th Street and East End Avenue Jones, Rev. Geo. Heber, 436 St. Nicholas Avenue Hoj't, Miss Anne S., T -. ^ , 121 Madison Avenue Jones > Mrs - ?~' **', ail.- -D r< i 436 St. Nicholas Avenue liutchms, R. Grosvenor, Jr., 31 Nassau Street ' Jordan, David Starr, Hutchins, Francis S., Stanford University, Cal. , f . 24 Pine Street Jud S e > MlSS Catherine . 737 East Brigham Street, Hyde, Mrs. E. Francis, Salt Lake City, Utah 36 West 58th Street v , ., ,, r i , . . T, Kahnweiler, Wm. S., Ichmomiya, R., 58 West 58th 55 Wall Street v ,,. r, , ., T ,- Ichinomiva Mrs R Kane > Miss S ^ bl1 Kent ' miya, 11 rs. K., 23 Wegt 4 h 55 Wall btreet _.. _ ... T T Imai, Tadanao, Kane ' Miss L " L -' w . Japanese Consulate-General, __ . . . , . West 47th Street 60 Wall Street Kaslnwagi, Hideshige, T . , . __ 55 WaU Street Inouye, Lt. Colonel K Kaufman, E., Japanese Embassy, Washington, D. C. 16th Street and Irving Place Inouye, K., Kendall, Messmore, 532 Broadway 27 Wi Uiam Street Isham, Samuel, Kennard, John Hanson, 471 Park Avenue 149 Broadway Isshiki, Toraji, Kennedy, Dr. Harris, 445 Broome Street Roxbury, Mass. I to, Riokichi, Kennedy, Mrs. Harris, Roxbury, Mass. ^ Miss Ada Howe> 57 s. Washington Street, 111 Prince Street Iwashita, K. T., 445 Broome Street lyenaga, Dr. Toyokichi, Chicago University, Kent, Fred I., Chicago, 111. Rochester, N. Y. 7 Wall Street [24] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Kessler, Geo. A., LeGendre, Wm. C., 20 Beaver Street 59 Wall Street Keyes, M. D., Lehmaier, Jas. S., Minneapolis, Minn. 132 Nassau Street King, Morris L., Lehman, Mrs. Albert C., 346 Broadway 305 Stratford Avenue, Kingsbury, Nathan C., Pittsburgh, Pa, 15 Dey Street Levy, Jefferson M., , Kirby, Thomas E., 27 Pine Street 6 East 23d Street Lewis, August, Knight, Miss Harriet W., "2 East 16th Street 265 Henry Street Lewisohn, Miss Alice, Knox, Dr. George William, Fifth Avenue Union Theological Seminary Lewisohn, Miss Irene, Kohns, Lee, 43 Fif * h Avenue 44 Warren Street Lewison, Adolph, Kondo, Sajuro, 42 Broadway 23 S. Maryland Avenue, Lichtenberg, Jos., Atlantic City, N. J. 13 Astor Place Koj^ama, T., Lichtenberg, Mrs. Jos. 445 Broome Street 966 Trinity Avenue Kunz, Dr. George F., Lincoln, Lowell, 401 Fifth Avenue 345 Broadway Ladd, Prof. George Trumbull, Lindsay, C. Seton, 204 Prospect Street, 346 Broadway New Haven, Conn. Lody, Carl H., Lafrentz, F. W., 45 Broadway 100 Broadway Loomis, Francis B., Lane, Miss Charlotte T., Metropolitan Club, Hotel Plaza Washington, D. C. Langeloth, I., Loree, L. F., P. O. Box 957 32 Nassau Street Lapp, John S., Lounsbery, Mrs. R. P., Victor, Ontario Co., N. Y. 14 East 52d Street Lasser, Milton, Lovett, R. S., 224 Clinton Street 165 Broadway Brooklyn, N. Y. Low, Mrs. Joseph T., Lauterbach, Mrs. Edward, 22 East 47th Street 761 Fifth Avenue Lynch, Frederick, Lauterbach, Edward, 12 Spuyten Duyvil Parkway 22 William Street MacCracken, Dr. Henry M., Leach, Miss Abby, University Heights, N. Y. Vassar College, MacCracken, Mrs. Henry M., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. University Heights, N. Y. ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued MacLean, C'has. Fraser, Macy, V. Everit, 2122 Fifth Avenue Chilmark, Scarborough-on-Hudson, MacLean, Mrs. Chas. Fraser, * 2122 Fifth Avenue Magnus, Mrs. Cora L., 28 West 96th Street \fv ^ r^o, Macveagh, Cnas., 40 East 74th Street Malcolm, O. F., MacVeagh, Mrs. Chas. __ 1328 Broadway 40 East 74th Street Malcolm, Mrs. O. F., v . \ ,. , PaAvnui Hotel Marseilles McAneny, George - 19 East 47th Street Mansfield, Howard, McCall, Edward E., 49 WaU Street 321 West 86th Street Mansfield, Mrs. Howard, McCarroll, William, 535 Park Avenue Tribune Building Marburg, Theodore, McCarthy, James M., 14 Mt " Vernon Place, W 40 WaU Street Baltimore, Md. xMcClure, S. S., Marks > Marcus M - 44 East 23d Street 68T Broadway McFadden, J. Franklin, Marshall, \\ . H., 121 Chestnut Street, Church Street Philadelphia, Pa, Masuda, ^obuyo, McFadden, Philip G., 445 Broome Street 3 S. WiUiam Street Mather, Samuel, McGraw Jas H Cleveland, Ohio iTicvjraw, i/as. n., ,. ir i 239 West 39th Street Matsui, Keishiro, McKee J R Foreign Office, Tokio, Japan 30 Church Street Matthews, Gardiner D., McKeen, E. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. 54 Warren Street Matthews, Rev. M. A., McKinney, R. C., 7th Avenue and Spring Street, 111 Broadway Seattle, Wash. McLean, Miss Helen, Mayer, Dr. Emil, 7 East 75th Street 465 West End Avenue McMillin, Marion, Meeder, Frederick H., 40 Wall Street Grand Central Station McNaughton, Jas., v Metzger, Judson D., 30 Church Street Moline, 111. McNear, Harrison Alex. Hamilton, Meyer, Harry H., 9 West 49th Street 52 Broadway McRoberts, Samuel, Midzuno, Kokichi, 55 Wall Street Japanese Legation, Pekin, China Mack, Jacob W., Midzuno, Mrs. Kokichi, 85 Liberty Street Foreign Office, Tokio, Japan [26] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Mihara, A. S., Murray, Russell, Coleman Building, Seattle, Wash. 100 Grand Street Milbank, Mrs. J. Hungerford, Murray, Mrs. David, 211 Pine Street, Freeport, L. I. 86 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, N. J. Miller, Spencer, Muschenheim, Wm. C., 96 Liberty Street Hotel Astor Miller, W. W., Muschenheim, Fred A., 24 Broad Street Hotel Astor Millett, Francis D., Naeai Matsuzo Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C. > c/o Japane ' se consulate-General, Miyamura, Sueo, San Francisco, Cal. 60 Wall Street Nathan, Alfred, Moore, Miss Ethel, 85 Liberty Street Water Mill, L. I. Nathan, Ernest A., Moran, William J., 128 Front Street 76 William Street Noguchi, Dr. Hideyo, Mori, Shigehisa, Rockefeller Institute 254 Fifth Avenue Mori, T., 445 Broome Street Norton, Charles D., O'Brien, Thomas J., 2 Wall Street American Embassy, Rome, Italy 445 Broome Street Morioka, Mrs. T., Ogden, Robert C., 410 West 130th Street 125 East 56th Street Morris, Robert C., Oguri, Y., 135 Broadway 445 Broome Street Morse, James R., Ohta, Tamekichi, 25 Broad Street 60 Wall Street Morse, Willard S., s Okakura, Kakuzo, 165 Broadway Museum of Fine Arts, Moses, Miss L. McD., Boston, Mass. Hotel Savoy Olcott, E. E., Muchnic, Chas. M., Desbrosses Street Pier 30 Church Street Osborne, Thomas M., Muchnic, Mrs. Chas. M., Auburn, N. Y. South Orange, N. J. Oudin, M. A., Schenectady, N. Y. Muhling, Francis J., p agCj F> C B ^ 445 Broome Street Adams and Plymouth Streets, Murai, Y., Brooklyn, N. Y. 548 Broadway , p agCj Walter H., Murai, Mrs. Y., c/o Doubleday, Page & Co., 548 Broadway Garden City, L. I. ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Palmenberg, Mrs. Raymond von, Pumpelly, Raphael, 266 West 91st Street Newport, R. I. Parsons, Hinsdill, Putnam, George Haven, 30 Church Street 4 West 45th Street Parsons, Mrs. William H., Radley, Mrs. Ignatius, "Brookside," Rye, N. Y. Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y. Pate, Wm. C., Railing, C. E., 100 William Street Hotel Plaza Patrick, Chas. H., Ramsay, D. S., 25 Pine Street 280 Broadway Pell, S. H. P., Raymond, R. W., 43 Exchange Place 29 West 39th Street Pell, Mrs. S. H. P., Rea, Samuel, 3 East 69th Street Broad Street Station, Pepper, Chas. H., Philadelphia, Pa. Concord, Mass. Redfield, Wm. C., Perkins, Mrs. Geo. C., 3 Tennis Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. 45 Prospect Street, Reeves, Mark W., Hartford, Conn. 5 Nassau Street Perkins, George W., Reilly, Mrs. John, 71 Broadway 2015 DeLancey Place, Perry, Mrs. W. A., Philadelphia, Pa. 7 East 56th Street Reilly, John, Jr., Phelps, Stowe, 90 West Broadway, Salem, N. J. 20 West 43d Street Reilly, Mrs. John, Jr., Phillips, Henry L., 9 West Broadway, Salem, N. J. 261 Columbus Avenue Reynolds, Jas. Bronson, Piva, Celestino, 151 Central Park, West 71 Greene Street Rice, E. W., Jr., Pollak, Henry, Schenectady, N. Y. 79 Wall Street Rice, Mrs. Esther W., Poole, Mrs. Adeline A., Hotel Ansonia 57 West 53d Street Richards, J. A., Pope, Miss Theodate, Tribune Building Farmington, Conn. Bidder, Herman, Prior EL R - Box 1207 90 Wall Street ' Ri P le 7> G en'l E. H., P T-U i j u n West 56th Streei Proctor, Thomas Redfield, Riplejj Mrg Edward H p D , ' Ca> W ' Y< 11 West 56th Street Pruyn, Robert C., Ritchie R W 60 State Street, Albany, N. Y. New York gun Pulitzer, Mrs. Joseph, R o bb, Alexander, 7 East 73d Street 100 William Street [28] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Robert, Samuel, Schiff, Mrs. Jacob H., 20 Beaver Street 965 Fifth Avenue , Robinson, Edward, x Scidmore, Miss Eliza R., Metropolitan Museum of Art 1837 M Street, Washington, D. C. Rodewald, Frederick L., Scofield, Miss Grace, 100 Broadway Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Rogers, Wm. J., Scofield, Miss Helen, 58 Reynolds Terrace, Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Orange, N. J. Scott, Walter, Rollins, Edward A., 495 Broadway 52 Broadway Scott, George C., Rosenberg, James N., 30 Church Street 170 Broadway Scott, Frank H., Russell, Faris R., 33 East 17th Street 31 Nassau Street S crymser, James A., Russell, Lindsay, 66 Broadway 165 Broadway , Seaman ^ Frank? Russell, Mrs. Lindsay, 34 West 33d Street 26 West 51st Street _ T . T . . r> r^ i r< Seaman, Dr. Louis Livingston, Ryan, Frank G., 247 Fi h Avenue c/o Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. Seaman, Mrs. Louis Livingston, Saito, Hiroshi, 247 Fifth Avenue Imperial Japanese Embassy, Searls, H. W., Washington, D. C. Hotel Plaza Saito, Kadsu, Seitz, Don C., 60 Wall Street 310 Stuyvesant Avenue, Saito, Commander Shichigoro, Brooklyn, N. Y. Imperial Japanese Navy, Seitz, Mrs. Don C., Tokio, Japan 310 Stuyvesant Avenue, Sakai, Hayao, Brooklyn, N. Y. 546 Broadway Seko, Konosuke, Sakamoto, Y., 445 Broome Street Tribune Building Seko, Mrs. Konosuke, Saklatvala, P. D., 4*5 Broome Street 83 Grand Street Seligman, Henry, Sarre, Mrs. Olive Brown, 1 William Street Napanock, Ulster Co., N. Y. Seligman, Jefferson, Satow, N., 1 William Street 111 Prince Street Seligman, Prof. Edward R. A., Schettler, Miss Elizabeth, 324 West 86th Street 147 Madison Avenue Shafer, Jos. H., Scheuer, Percy C., 15 Beekman Place, 116 East 16th Street Summit, N. J. [29] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Sherrill, Charles H., Starr, Frederick, 20 East 65th Street Chicago University, Chicago, 111. Sherrill, Mrs. Charles H., Stayton, Wm. H., 20 East 65th Street 165 Broadway Shito, Akira, Steel, W. J., 60 Wall Street 72 Beaver Street Shonts, Theodore P., Steers, James R., 165 Broadway 1 West 70th Street Short, William H., Stein, A., 507 Fifth Avenue 97 Gold Street Sinclair, John J., Stevens, Wm. H., Hotel Plaza 25 Broad Street Skeel, Mrs. Roswell, Jr., Stillman, Francis H., Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. 50 Church Street Skinner, Wm., Stokes, Frederick A., 45 East 17th Street 449 Fourth Avenue Sleicher, John A., Stone, Melville E., 225 Fifth Avenue 195 Broadway Sleicher, William, Stone, J. Sumner, Troy, N. Y. 155 Pelham Road, Slocum, Col. J. J., New Rochelle, N. Y. Ill Broadway Straight, Willard D., Smith, Arthur, c/ J. P. Morgan & Co. Ill Broadway Straus, Herbert N., Smith, C. C., R- H. Macy Co., 33d Street 42 Broadway Sugawa, K., Smith, Mrs. Charles Stewart, 18 Shichome Kaigandori, 25 West 47th Street c . , Yokohama, Japan Smith, Henry A., Sulzberger, Cyrus L 31 Nassau Street . 516 West End Avenue Smith, James E., Sutro > Llonel > Hon. Consul for Japan, - .. 5 Nassau Street St. Louis, Mo. Tajima, Shigeji, Smith, Oscar W., 445 Broome Street Hudson and Vestry Streets *akagi, K., c j ,, , _. 11 Broadway Snyder, Valentine P Takahashi, S., 11 East 56th Street ^^ Building> Seattle> Wagh< ' ia > H ' J '> Takaki, Shunzo, 648 Broadway ^ BrQome gtreet Sparks, T. Ashley, Takaki, Mrs. Shunzo, 8 Bridge Street 445 Broome Street Sprague, Rufus W., Jr., Takami, Dr. Toyohiko C., 165 Broadway 182 High Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. [30] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Takami, Mrs. T. C., Ukers, W. H., 182 High Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 91 Wall Street Takamine, Mrs. Jokichi, Underwood, Frederick D., 334 Riverside Drive 50 Church Street Takayanagi, Tozo, Upham, George F., 254 Fifth Avenue Hotel Gramatan, Bronxville, N. Y. Talcott, J. Frederick, Ushikubo, D. J. R., 60 West 87th Street 254 Fifth Avenue Talcott, Mrs. J. Frederick, Ushikubo, Mrs. D. J. R. , 60 West 87th Street 254 Fifth Avenue Tatnall, Henry, Vanderpoel, S. Oakley, Jr., Broad Street Station, 115 East 18th Street Philadelphia, Pa, y N F L rp i T T> v an rN es>b, r . L,., laylor, J. P., 15 John street Henderson, N. C. TT u i /- i wiv _, , c -v j Verbeck, Gen 1 William, laylor, b. Frederic, St j hns School, Manilus, N. Y. 108 Hudson Street Teall, Dr. Chas. C., Vick ; Walker W - Fulton, N. Y. 50 Broadway Teshima, T., Vilter > Theo - -> otno 445 Broome Street 21 i Prai , Milwaukee, letsuKa, xl. Jv., TTMJ. -\r TII f\ M. Broadwa, VUte,, Mr, Theo.^.,^^ Ihomas, Hi. V., Milwaukee, Wis. Bryant Park Arcade Building y it- T Thompson, Max L., 42 Broadway Hotel Plaza W adsworth F E mi -\ r -r\ 1 i TL r t f tillo >\ Ul Lil X Jl Thompson, Mrs. Robert M., 2731 j eff erson Avenue, 3 East 69th Street Detroitj Mich> Thome, Johnathan, Walcott, E. H., 1028 Fifth Avenue 101 Milk Streetj Boston, Mass. Thome, Mrs. Johnathan, -, xr ,, -.,. T .,,. y>. 1028 Fifth Avenue Wald > Miss Llllian *?" rri. i. TIT- T? r- -T 265 Henry Street Thursby, Miss Jbmma Cecilia, -,- -,, T -.JT 34 Gramercy Park Walker, James W . A1 , 445 Broome Street Iison, Alexander, w , A wr 308 West 72d Street Walter, A. W., m i j HT j. i 495 Broadway lokieda, Motoyuki, -r, r . TT 55 WaU Street Waragai, H., ~ TT T, Box 696, Houston, Texas Towne, Henry R., 9 Murray Street Warburg, Paul M., Tyson, Russell, 52 William Street 274 Monadnock Block, Ward, George Gray, Chicago, 111. 51 West 53d Street [31] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Ward, Mrs. George Gray, Whitehead, B. S., 51 West 53d Street 161 Washington Street, Newark, N. J. Warner, Richard F., .,..., T 50 Church Street Wiley, Louis, New York Times Washington, Charles M., c/o Arthur Smith, 111 Broadway Waterbury, Miss Florence, Morristown, N. J. Waterbury, John I., Wills, Henry T., 66 Lafayette Street Williams, Frank Backus, 55 West 44th Street ^T.,,. ,, r T , Williams, W. H., 32 Nassau Street Wall Street, corner Nassau Wilson, George T., Waterhouse, Frank, 244 Central Building, Witherbee, Frank S., Seattle, Wash. jella L., 265 Henry Street Seattle, Wash. Waters, Miss Yssabella L., Wolf > Ral P h ' Webb, Silas D., 165 Broadway 2 Rector Street 115 Broadway 32 Bowling Slip Webster, Dr. J. Clarence, 32 Bellevue Place, Chicago, 111. Weisse, Dr. Faneuil D., 108 East 30th Street Weisse, Mrs. Faneuil D., 108 East 30th Street Welch, Chas. J., 22 East 80th Street Weld, Stephen M., 89 State Street, Boston, Mass. Westover, M. F., Schenectady, N. Y. Weyer, M., 445 Broome Street Wolff, Julius C., 512 Canal Street, New Orleans, La. Wollman, William J., 42 Broadway Wood, Dr. Wm. Ben]., 33 West 47th Street Woodbury, John C., 145 Lake Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Woodbury, Mrs. John C., 145 Lake Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Woodford, Gen'l Stewart L., 1 Madison Avenue Woodford, Mrs. Stewart L., 13 West 12th Street Woodward, Robert B., 118 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Weyers, Bruno, Woodward, S. W., 61 Garfield Avenue, Hth and F Streets, N. W., Madison, N. J. Washington, D. C. White, Dr. John L., Worden, Eugene C., Sacramento, Cal. 165 Broadway [32] ANNUAL MEMBERS, Continued Worden, Mrs. Eugene C., Yamasaki, Keiichi, 277 West 84th Street Japanese Embassy, Wright, John G., London, England 39 Cortlandt Street Yasumoto, Meijiro, Wright, J. Dunbar, 445 Broome Street 41 East 51st Street Yamakawa, Y., Young, Edward L., 420 West 121st Street 50 Church Street Yamamoto, S., Zumoto, M., 546 Broadway c/o Japan Times, Tokio, Japan RECENTLY ELECTED MEMBERS Baker, George F., Jr., 258 Madison Avenue Bennett, William H., 128 Broadway Blattner, Mrs. Elise J., 2914A Arkansas Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Blyth, C. Allen, Jr., 109 Prince Street Byrne, Joseph, 40 Wall Street Cowee, Mrs. Harvey D., 28 Second Street, Troy, N. Y. Drummond, I. W., 436 West 22d Street Lowman, J. D., 820 Boren Avenue, Seattle, Wash. McKee, Oliver, 35 West 32d Street Mason, Miss C. E., The Castle School, Tarrytown, N. Y. Rockefeller, Percy, 26 Broadway Speiden, William, 107 Fast 70th Street Storer, John H., 36 State Street, Boston, Mass. [33] MISCELLANY Admiral Count Heihachiro Togo (Guest of honor of the Society at luncheon, August 14, 1911) Hon. Kokichi Midzuno, Former Consul-General in New York Now Secretary Japanese Legation, Pekin PRINT EXHIBITION, LECTURES and HOSPITALITIES MAY 19, 1907 Dinner to General Baron T. Kuroki and Staff, and Admiral G. Ijuin and Staff JULY 11, 1907 Luncheon to Admiral Baron Yamamoto DECEMBER 2, 1907 Dinner to Consul-General C. Koike FEBRUARY 29, 1908 Annual Meeting and Reception at Hotel Astor. Addresses by Professor S. Takahashi and Dr. George William Knox MARCH 10, 1908 Dinner to Ambassador Baron Kogoro Takahira AUGUST 11, 1908 Luncheon to Ambassador Thomas J. O'Brien FEBRUARY 15, 1909 Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors. Address by Consul-General Kokichi Midzuno. Lecture on Japan accompanied with stereopticon views. [37] JUNE 1, 1909 Dinner to Vice- Admiral Baron Sotokichi Uriu (Annapolis '81) and Baroness Uriu (Vassar '81) and Rear- Admiral C. S. Sperry and Mrs. Sperry. SEPTEMBER 2, 1909 Dinner to Their Imperial Highnesses, Prince and Princess Kuni OCTOBER 16, 1909 Luncheon given jointly with the Peace Society of the City of New York to the Honorary Commercial Commissioners of Japan FEBRUARY 18, 1910 Dinner to Ambassador Baron Yasuya Uchida and Baroness Uchida MAY 9, 1910 Luncheon to His Excellency, Prince lyesato Tokugawa JUNE 6, 1910 Luncheon to Their Imperial Highnesses, Prince and Princess Hiroyasu Fushimi OCTOBER 16, 1910 Dinner to His Honor, Yukio Ozaki, Mayor of Tokio, and Madame Ozaki FEBRUARY 10, 1911 Lecture on "The Positions of the United States and Japan in the Far East" by Prof. Toyokichi lyenaga, Ph.D. APRIL 18, 1911 Lecture on "Japanese Color Prints" by Mr. Frederick W. Gookin Reception to Ambasasdor and Baroness Uchida [38] APRIL 19 TO MAY 1, 1911 Loan Exhibition of Japanese Color Prints MAY 5, 1911 Reception to Officers and Executive Committee of the Society AUGUST 14, 1911 Luncheon to Admiral Count Heihachiro Togo DECEMBER 9, 1911 Reception to Doctor and Mrs. Inazo Nitobe During the year 1911 the following contributions have been made to the funds of the Society: Dr. Jokichi Takamine, $500 S. F. Taylor, President, Borden's Condensed Milk Co., .... 500 Valentine P. Snyder, 100 Isaac X. Seligman, 50 [39] PLANS FOR FUTURE ACTIVITIES Jan. 30, 1912 Feb. March 14-30 March 16 April May Lecture by Professor Honda, Litt. D., on "Kyokaku, The Knights of the Japanese Bourgeoisie." "A Talk on Japan" by C. Vanderbilt Barton, illustrated with stereopticon views. Reception to President and Mrs. Lindsay Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Holt. In the lecture room of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Lecture by Professor Bashford Dean, of Columbia Uni- versity, on "The Armorers' Art in Old Japan." Dr. Dean will illustrate his lecture on this important branch of Japanese art with actual specimens of ancient armor and lantern slides of the best examples in Japanese and foreign collections. Exhibition of Japanese flower arrangements and gardens with lectures on these subjects. Also tea ceremony. At Hotel Astor. Dinner to His Excellency, Viscount Sutemi Chinda, Japanese Ambassador to the United States, and Viscountess Chinda. Lecture by Howard Mansfield, Esquire. Lecture by Hamilton Holt, Esquire. Mr. Holt was the first lecturer sent abroad under the auspices of the Japan Society to make addresses before the leading universities, colleges and chambers of commerce of Japan. [40! November Exhibition of silks, old screens, tapestries, brocades, silk pictures, mandarin coats, theatrical costumes, dress pat- terns, shawls, etc. In near future Publication of record of transactions of the Society (lec- tures, etc.), with illustrations. It is hoped that these records will prove of great value. Sending to Japan for a period of three months, one American editor and one lecturer. Sending to each member of the Society, on a complimen- tary basis, a monthly copy of the "Oriental Review." THE SOCIETY PLANS TO Offer $100 in prizes in several leading colleges throughout the United States for the best essay or article on Japan, Japanese-American rela- tions, etc. Prizes have already been contributed for the following colleges: Columbia, Isaac N. Seligman, . . . . $100 University of Kentucky, .... Henry Clews, 100 University of Michigan, .... Lindsay Russell, .... 100 Yale, Jokichi Takamine, .... 100 Cornell, Jacob H. Schiff, 100 Harvard, R. Arai, 100 Iowa State University, .... Mrs. Elmer Black, .... 100 Members who desire to aid the Society and further its educational work may do so by obtaining contributions for prizes for other colleges. A SELECTION OF GOOD BOOKS ON JAPAN (Most of these books may be obtained from G. P. Putnam's Sons, 4 West 45th Street) GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Du Cane, Ella and The Flowers and Gardens of Japan $6.00 Florence (Carried by S. Kondo, 6 West 33d Street) Edwards, A. Herbage . Kakemono: Japanese Sketches, 1.75 Gulick, Sidney L. . . Evolution of the Japanese: Social and Psychic, . . 2.00 "The best thing on Japan since Dr. Griffis' Mikado's Empire." Hearn, Lafcadio . . Japan. An attempt at an interpretation. 8vo., cloth, gilt top. 1905, 2.00 Hearn, Lafcadio . . In Ghostly Japan. Short stories and sketches weird; mythological; and descriptive of the life, customs, poetry, etc., of the Japanese. Illustrated. 12mo., cloth. 1899, 2.00 Lowell, P Occult Japan; or, The Way of the Gods. An eso- teric study of Japanese personality and possession. Illustrated. Crown 8vo., gilt top. 1895, .... 1.75 Lowell, P Soul of the Far East. Cloth, IGmo., gilt top, . . 1.25 Morrison, Arthur . . The Painters of Japan, 35.00 Redesdale, Lord . . . Tales of Old Japan. 12mo., cloth, gilt top. 1890 . 1.25 Pfitobe, Inazo .... Bushido, the Soul of Japan. An exposition of Jap- anese thought. Tenth revised and enlarged edi- tion. Crown 8vo., cloth. 1905 1.25 "Bushido" is the Japanese feudal equivalent of Chivalry. It was an organic growth of centuries of military career. Otto, Alexander F. Mythological Japan: Explaining the symbolisms and of mythology as they relate to Japanese Art, Net 5.00 Holbrook, Theodore S. (Carried by S. Kando, 6 West 33d Street) Ozaki, Mme Warriors of Old Japan. Illustrated. 12mo., . . 1.25 Porter, Robert P. . , The Full Recognition of Japan. A detailed Ac- count of the Economic Progress of the Japanese Empire to 1911, Net, 3.40 von Seidlitz, W. . . A History of Japanese Color Prints, 6.50 DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Chamberlain, B. H. . Things Japanese. New and revised edition; crown 8vo. Notes on various subjects connected with Japan for the use of travelers and others. 1898 $4.00 Clement, Ernest . . . Handbook of Modern Japan. Illustrated. 12mo. A standard reference book. 1905, 1.50 Fraser, Mrs. Hugh . . Letters from Japan. Large 8vo. Fully illustrat- ed. New edition. Probably the best generally known work on Japan. A record of modern life in Japan. New edition, 1904; original, 1899, .... 3.00 Hearn, Lafcadio . . Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. 2 vols. Crown 8vo., gilt top. Probably no one, except a native, was more qualified to write a volume of this title. His "Glimpses" are personal ones and his Japan is "unfamiliar." 1894, 4.00 Murray Panting, H. G. . Seitz, Don C, . . Weston, W. . . Guide Book to Japan. 12mo. Maps. A standard guide book, the best known. Revised edition, 1907 6.00 Lotus Land. Japan, 6.00 Surface Japan: Short notes of a swift survey. Illustrated in photogravure and marginal sketches after Hokusai, 5.00 Mountaineering and Exploring in the Japanese Alps. The only book of its kind. Illustrated. 8vo. 1896, 6.00 [43J Brinkley, Capt. F. Griffit, W. E. . . Gubbitu, J. H. . Murray, Dr. David Okakura-Kakuzo HISTORY Japan and China, The Mikado's Empire. 2 vols. Illustrated. 8vo. $4.00 The Progress of Japan: 1853-1871 3.00 The Story of Japan. Fully illustrated. 12mo. Revised edition, continuing the history to the close of 1905, with the text of the treaty of Portsmouth between Russia and Japan, and supplementary chapters by Baron Kentaro Kaneko. Original edi- tion, 1894, 1.50 The Awakening of Japan. Tall 16mo., cloth. 1904 "The remarkable history of Japan arousing from her slumbers." 1.20 Adam, Evelyn Bacon, Alice M. Davidson . . Knox, Dr. G. W. SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS Behind the Screens in Japan. 1 vol., 12mo., 1911 $1.50 Japanese Girls and Women. 1891, 4.00 "I have enjoyed intimate friendship with a number of Japanese ladies, who have spoken with me freely and shown me the details of their lives." Present-Day Japan. 1904, 4.50 Japanese life in town and country. Crown 8vo. Fully illustrated with photographs, and other plates especially adapted to assist the text by pre- senting visibly the scenes described. 1904, . . . "A delightful book, all the more welcome because the ablest scholar in Japanese Confucianism that America has yet produced has here given us im- pressions of man and nature in the Archipelago." Morse, E. S. . . Norman, Henry . Japanese Houses. Illustrated. 8vo., cloth, 1.20 3.00 The Real Japan. A study of contemporaneous Japanese manners, morals, administration, policies, etc. 1892 5.00 [44] Okakwa-Kakuzo . . Book of Tea. An interpretation of Japanese life, manners, etc. 1905, 1.50 JAPANESE-RUSSIAN WAR Scidmore, Eliza R. . . As The Hague Ordains. 12mo., cloth. The jour- nal of a Russian prisoner's wife while in Japan. A book which, by its intelligent writing, attracted large interest. 1907, $1.50 War in the Far East, 1904-1905. Illustrated. 8vo. Numerous maps and plans. A thorough report of the war by the correspondent of the London Times. 1905, 5.00 Barry Port Arthur. Illustrated with snap-shots on the battlefield. 12mo. 1905, 1.50 "He has given the literature of this famous siege a strong human document . . . one might almost imagine himself a witness." Hamilton, Sir I. ... A Staff Officer's Scrap Book. 2 vols., 8vo. A col- lection of actual notes (somewhat extended, of course) taken during the Japanese-Russian War. 1905-6, 9.00 McCaul Under the Care of the Japanese War Office. Illus- trated. 12mo. An interesting picture of the work- ings of the war office. 1904, 1.50 Sakurai, N Human Bullets. Illustrated. 12mo. A soldier's account of the seige of Port Arthur. 1906, . . . 1.25 Semenoff Battle of Tsu-shima. Illustrated. 12mo. An ac- count of the naval side of the war, leading up to the great sea fight. 1905, 1.50 Story, D Campaign with Kuropatkin. Illustrated. 8vo. Giving the other side of the war. The details of the Russian campaign, and a good picture of the Russian Army. 1905 3.00 Tikowara Before Port Arthur in a Destroyer. 1906, . . . 3.00 [45] BOOKS, ARTICLES AND ADDRESSES BY MEMBERS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY DURING 1911 Lectures on Japan with stereopticon views, . C. Vanderbilt Barton Poem "Togo-May 27th, 1905," Lucian T. Chapman ^ Lectures on "Japanese Color Prints," . . . Frederick W. Gookin , Lectures before colleges and universities in Japan, Hamilton Holt Address "Japanese Diplomacy, Past and Present," Dr. M. Honda Address "Foreign Trade of Japan," . . . R. Ichinomiya Book "Rare Days in Japan," Prof. John Trumbull Ladd Address before The International Press As- sociation, Tokio, Lindsay Russell Book "Surface Japan," Don C. Seitz Address "Japan and Korea," Frederick Starr Address "The Japanese in America," . . . Dr. Jokichi Takamine Article "American and Japanese News- papers," Motosado Zumoto Members who have lectured or written on subjects relating to Japan will kindly notify the Society so their names may be given in the next Year Book. [46] Hon. Charles Page Bryan, American Ambassador to Japan KIMI-GA-YO (JAPANESE NATIONAL HYMN) Ki - mi ga.. yo.. chi - yo ni. -P-f-E-l ya - chi - yo ni Sa - za - re ish - i no i - wa - wo to na - ri te, Ko - ke no KIMI ga yo wa chiyo ni yachiyo ni Sazare ishi no iwawo to nari te, Koke no musu made. [TRANSLATION] MAY our gracious emperor reign ! Till a thousand, yea, ten thousand Years shall roll; till the sand In the brooklet grow to stone, And the moss out of pebbles emeralds make. [47] THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER (AMERICAN NATIONAL HYMN) O SAY, can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming ? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming ! And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ; O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On that shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, now conceals, now discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream ; 'T is the star-spangled banner ! O, long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ! O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolation ! Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heaven-rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto, "In God is our trust"; And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY. [48] IDEAL 90 DAYS' TRIP TO JAPAN, KOREA AND CHINA. COST $1,000 TO $1,500. LEAVE NEW YORK ABOUT APRIL 15 T H OR SEPTEMBER IST. 1 day Chicago. 1 " Denver. 2 " San Francisco. 6 days On Pacific. 1 day Honolulu. 10 days On Pacific. SO " Japan. 7 " Korea. 7 " China (Pekin). 4 Trip through inland seas, Japan. 21 Return to New York via Pacific or over the Trans-Siberian Railway through Russia (10 days by rail from Vladivos- tock to St. Petersburg). If the traveller does not desire to see China and Korea, the trip may be shortened to two months from San Francisco ; or he may prolong his stay in Japan, giving more time to such cities as Tokio and Kioto ; or he may visit hot springs, such as Hokone or Ikaho, or extend his trip to Hok- kaido or Formosa to see the aboriginal races of the Orient. [49] CONSULS JAPANESE CONSULS IN THE UNITED STATES New York, New York Tamekichi Ohta, Acting Consul-General Chicago, Illinois, Keiichi Yamasaki, Consul San Francisco, California, Matsuzo Nagai, Acting Consul-General Seattle, Washington, S. Takahashi, Consul Portland, Oregon, Morizo Ida, Consul HONORARY CONSULS New Orleans, Louisiana John Walker Phillips, Honorary Consul Mobile, Alabama, William Peter Hutchinson, Honorary Consul Boston, Massachusetts, Edwin H. Walcott, Honorary Consul Galveston, Texas, J. H. Langbehn, Honorary Consul Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, . . . . J. Franklin McFadden, Honorary Consul St. Louis, Missouri J. E. Smith, Honorary Consul Denver, Colorado, Dr. A. L. Bennett, Honorary Consul IN CANADA Ottawa, Ontario, Takashi Nakamura, Consul-General Vancouver, British Columbia, . . . Chonosuke Yada, Consul AMERICAN CONSULS IN JAPAN Yokohama, Thomas Sammons, Consul-General Kobe, George N. West, Consul Nagasaki, Carl F. Deichman, Consul Seoul, Korea, George H. Scidmore, Consul-General Tamsiii, Samuel C. Reat, Consul [50] o o M Ul O CL pi 11 oo < ENGLISH- JAPANESE PHRASES AND SENTENCES (Selected from Murray's Handbook for Japan.) In pronouncing Japanese as Romanized, the consonants are to be sounded approxi- mately as in English, and the vowels as in Spanish or Italian. MISCELLANEOUS How do you do? Konnichi wa? Good morning O hayo. It is fine weather to-day Konnichi wa, yoi tenki de. It is hot to-day O atsu gozaimasu. It is cold to-day . O samu gozaimasu. (The above weather remarks almost amount to greetings) Good evening Komban wa. Good night O yasumi nasai. Good-by Sayonara. Thank you Arigato. Pray don't mention it Do itashimashite. That is so (English "yes") Sayo de gozaimasu. Is that so? So desu ka? Is that all right? Yoroshiu gozaimasu ka? That is all right Yoroshiu gozaimasu. Is it this? Kore desu ka? It is this Kore desu. It is n't this Kore de nai. Do you understand? Wakarimashita ka? I understand Wakarimashita. I don't understand Wakarimasen. Please come here Koko-ye oide nasai. Come in O hairi nasai. Please sit down Dozo o kake nasai. Please come again Mata irasshai. Please excuse me Oomen nasai. Allow me to congratulate you . . . . O medeto gozaimasu. This is plenty Mo takusan. No, thank you Mo takusan. What is it? Nan desu ka? What is this? Kore wa, nan desu ka? Please show me Misete kudasai. Just let me look Chotto haiken. Please go and ask Kiite kudasai. Where is it? Doko desu ka? Who is it? Dare desu ka? When is it? Itsu desu ka? What o'clock is it? Nan-ji desu ka? Is this all? Kore dake desu ka? I don't know Shirimasen. Wait a little Sukoshi matte kudasai. Go quickly Hayaku! HayakuJ That is no good Sore wa dame desu. That won't do Sore wa dame desu. That is enough Mo yoroshi. Don't make such a row Yakamashii! Don't bother so Urusai! Urusai! Please leave off O yoshi nasai. Don't do that O yoshi nasai. It can't be helped Shikata ga nai. As quickly as possible Narutake isoide. As early as possible Narutake hayaku. Which is the best? Dotchi ga yoroshii? How much for one? Hitotsu ikura? How much per ri (2% miles)? . . . Ichi-ri ikura? How much per head? Hitori-mae ikura? I don't want that Are wa irimasen. This is the one I want Kono ho ga irimasu. Can you? Dekimasu ka? I can Dekimasu. I can't Dekimasen. Can you go? Ikaremasu ka? I can (go) Ikaremasu. I cannot (go) Ikaremasen. Give me one more (another) .... Mo hitotsu kudasai. Please go first (apres vous) .... Dozo o saki ni. I should like to borrow it for a minute Chotto haishaku. I am very glad to see you Yoku o ide nasaimashita. Please give it to me Kudasai. What is the matter? Do shimashita ka? How long will it take? Dono kurai kakarimasu? [52] How much will it cost? Dono kurai kakarimasu? I only want one Hitotsu de yoroshii. SHOPPING I think I'll go out shopping .... Kaimono ni de-kakemasho, How much is it? Ikura desu? That is too dear Sore wa takai. You must go down a little in price . . Sukoshi o make nasai. Have n't you any a little cheaper? . . Mo chitto yasui no ga nai ka? How much does it all come to? . . . Mina de, ikura ni narimasu ka? Please send them to the hotel .... Yado ye todokete kudasai. What is this used for? Kore wa, nani ni tsukaimasu ka? What is this made of? Kore wa, nani de dekite vmasu ka? I don't like it Ki ni irimasen. How much for one? Hitotsu ikura? I'll take all these; please wrap them up in paper Kore dake kai masu kara, karni ni tsutsunde, kudasai. Wrap them up separately Betsu betsu ni tsutsunde kudasai. ON THE ROAD Which is the way to Kiga? Riga ye iku michi wa, dochira de gozaimasu? Please tell me the way Michi wo oshiete kudasai. Go straight on Massugu ni oide nasai. Where is the telegraph office? .... Denshin-kyoku wa, dochira desu ka? Where is the ticket office? Kippu wo uru tokoro wa doko desu ka? (Give me) one first class ticket to Nikko Nikko made, itto ichimai. (Please book) this luggage for Nikko Kore dake no nimotsu wo Nikko made. How many hours does it take to get to Nagoya? Nagoya made, nan-ji-kan kakarimasu? When does the train for Nikko start? . Nikko-yuki no kisha wa, itsudemasu ka? Where do we change trains? .... Doko de nori-kaemasu ka? What is the name of that mountain? . Ano yama wa, nan to iimasu ka? What is this place called? Koko wa, nan to iu tokoro desu ka? Is this a Buddhist or a Shinto Temple? Kore wa, tera desu ka? yashiro desu ka? How far is it from here to the next town? Koko kara, saki no shuku made, ri-su wa dono kurai desu? [53] Will you come with me? Itaho ni o ide notai? Let us go together Issho ni ikimasho ja nai ka. Let us rest a little Chitto yatumimatho ja nai ka. I want to see the dancing Odori wo mi-tai. Is it much further Mada takusan arimasu ka? What is there to see here? Koko de miru mono wa, nan deau ka? What is the fare? Chinsen wa, ikura? I would rather walk Arukimatho. Is it far? Empo desu ka? Put me down (said to a jinrikisha-man) Orose! Which is the best inn at Minobu? . . Minobu wa, yado wa, dochira ga yoroshiu gozaimaeu? L54 140115 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 576 096 2