REMINDERS FOR CONVEYANCERS. HERBERT M. BROUGHTOU. 'Price 3s. 6d. 1892 ^^BKaM!Sw&] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY Reminders for Conveyancers, WITH REFERENCES TO SOME OF THE BEST PRECEDENTS. HEEBEET M. BEOUGHTON, OF THE INNEB TEMPLE, BARBISTBB-AT-LAW. LONDON: HORACE COX, WINDSOR HOUSE, BREAM'S BUILDINGS, B.C. 1892. LONDON : PRINTED BT HORACE COX, WINDSOR HOUSED BREAM'S BUILDINGS, E.G. TO SPENCER PERCEVAL BUTLER, ESQUIRE, AND MATTHEW INGLE JOYCE, ESQUIRE, BOTH OP LINCOLN'S INN. THIS LITTLE BOOK IS (BY PERMISSION) BESPECTFDLLY AND GRATEFULLY DEDICATED BY THEIR OLD PUPIL. PEEFACE. THIS Series has already appeared in the Law Timeg, and it is thought that it may be useful to the practi tioner to have it in one handy volume. Additions and corrections hare been made, and the busy conveyancer can run his eye over the appropriate reminders before sending oat his draft, and ascertain if he has remembered to provide for, at any rate, most of the important points. The books referred to in the brackets will frequently throw further light on the point noted, and the suggested precedents of the great masters of conveyancing, whose names appear in these pages, may frequently be of some service to the draftsman. I gladly acknowledge my indebtedness to those books, and also to "Comyn's Abstracts of Title," by A. J. Parker, for suggesting rnamy of these Reminders. HEBBEET M. BEOUGHTON, 4, Stone Buildings, Nov. 1892. Lincoln'a Inn, W.C. CONTENTS. MM ABBREVIATIONS 9 ADVISING ON TITLE 11 CONDITIONS OF SALE 18 CONVEYANCES 22 DISENTAILING DEEDS 24 LEASES 26 MORTGAGES 31 PARTNERSHIP ARTICLES 37 RELEASES 42 MARRIAGE SETTLEMENTS PERSONALTY 43 REALTY 49 VOLUNTARY 53 WILLS . 54 ABBEEVIATIONS. Alpe Alpe's Law of Stamp Duties (2nd Ed.) B. & J Bythewood and Jarman's Precedents in Con- veyancing (4th Ed.) C. A Conveyancing Act, 1881. C. A. 1882 ... Conveyancing Act, 1882. Dart Dart's Vendors and Purchasers (6th Ed.) Dav Davidson's Precedents (3rd Ed.) E Elphinstone's Introduction to Conveyancing. E. & C Elphinstone and Clarke on Searches. Emd Emden's Building Leases and Agreements (2nd Ed.) Far Farwell on Powers. G Gibson's and McLean's Student's Conveyanc- ing (3rd Ed.) Gov Gover's Advising on Title (2nd Ed.) H. & C Hood and Challis's Conveyancing Acts (3rd Ed.) H. & J Hayes and Jarman's Concise Forms of Wills (8th Ed.) Jar Jarman on Wills (4th Ed.) K. & E Key and Elphinstone's Precedents (3rd Ed.) L. J Law Journal Reports. L. T Law Times Newspaper. L. T. Rep. . . . Law Times Reports. Lew Lewin on Trusts (9th Ed.) P. A Partnership Act, 1890. 10 Abbreviations. P. P Pollock on Partnership (5th Ed.) S. L. A Settled Land Act. Sw Sweet's Concise Precedents in Conveyancing (4th Ed.) Th Theobald on Wills (3rd Ed.) V Vaisey on Settlements. V. P Vaisey's Precedents. V. & P. Act. Vendor and Purchaser Act, 1874. W Wolstenholme's Forms and Precedents (5th Ed.) W. & B Wolstenholme and Brinton's Conveyancing Acts (6th Ed.) W.& T White and Tndor's Leading Cases (6th Ed.) W. B Weekly Eeporter. Web Webster on Conditions of Sale. Wil. Ex Williams on Executors (8th Ed.) Wil. Pers. ... Williams's Personal Property (13th Ed.) Wil. Eeal ... Williams's Eeal Property (15th Ed.) Wood Woodfall on Landlord and Tenant (13th Ed.) REMINDERS CONVEYANCERS. ADVISING ON TITLE. For Suggested Requisitions see " Comyn's Abstracts of Title," by A. J. Parker. 1. Acknowledgments by married wmen (C. A. 1882, s. 7 ; W. & B. 146). 2. Disentailing deed enrolled within six months (3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 74, s. 41). (a.) Consent of protector given on or before date of dis- entailing deed. 3. Due execution of all deeds, &c., and awards. 4. Eeceipts for consideration money indorsed before Con- veyancing Act. 5. Joint tenancy of trustees and mortgagees before Con- veyancing Act. 6. Powers exercisable by survivors, &c., of trustees before Conveyancing Act. 12 Reminders for Conveyancers. 7. Proper words of limitation for passing fee simple or fee tail. 8. Perpetuities (Wil. Real, 323, 368). (a.) Accumulations Act, 1892. 9. Aliens before Naturalisation Act, 1870 (Wil. Eeal, 87, 198)., 10. Debts charged on property paid off ? 11. Contingent remainders destroyed (Wil. Real, 328). 12. Rule in Wild's case (Th. 309). A devise to A. and his- children, where none at time of devise, gives A. estate tail. (a.) This does ot apply to personalty (Th. 311). 13. Rule in Shelley's case (Gov. 33). (a.) Rule in Archer's case applies if heir a designated person (Evans v. Evans, 67 L. T. Rep. 152 ; (1892),, 2 Ch. 173 ; 61 L. J. Ch. 456 ; 40 W. R. 465). 14. Annuitants dead (Gov. 93). 15. Portions paid off ? 16. Easements. 17. Roads taken over by parish authorities ? 18. Boundary and party walls belong to whom ? 19. Succession duty on deaths since the 19th May, 1853. (a.) None between husband and wife in property settled by the other. 20. Dower (before and since 3 & 4 Will. 4, c. 105). 21. As to heirship of small estates remember 53 & 54 Viet. c.29. (a.) This does not apply where issue left. (6.) Nor to a partial intestacy (re Twigg's Estate, 66 L. T. Rep. 604 ; (1892) 1 Ch. 579 ; 61 L. J. Ch. 444 ; 40' W. R. 297). 22. Husband's estate by curtesy (Wil. Real, 274). 23. Land tax and tithes (Ebsworth and Tidy's Contract, 60' L. T. Rep. 841 ; 42 Ch. Div. 23 ; 58 L. J. Ch. 665 ; 37 W. E. 657). 24. Minerals of enfranchised copyholds (H. & C. 8). Advising on Title. 13 25. Copyholds, (o.) . Customs. (6.) Surrenders and admittances agreeing (Gov. 26). (c.) Entries on court-rolls. (d.) Freebench (Wil. Real, 450). 26. Leaseholds. (a.) Receipts for rent, taxes, and outgoings. (6.) Licence of landlord necessary ? (c.) Subleases and tenancies existent. (d.) Is this an original lease ? If rent payable to lessor, his executors, &c., it is not. (e.) Outstanding day. (/.) Restrictive covenants. . 37. Wills. (a.) Probate or office copy. (6.) If made before the 1st Jan. 1838, was testator seised of freehold at date of will ? (c.) Was devisee or legatee a witness or husband or wife of one ? (Wills Act, 1837, s. 15). (d.) Legal estate in trustees or cestuis que use? (e.) Sufficient probate duty to cover leaseholds. (/.) No presumption of survivorship where persons killed in same accident. (g.) Revoked by marriage ? (s. 18.) (7i.) Had Court jurisdiction to grant probate of chattel interest ? (Dart, 364.) 28. Executors. (a.) Did one renounce before 20 & 21 Viet. c. 77, s. 79 ? (Lew., 235). (6.) As to extracts from Probate Act book see 14 & 15 Viet. c. 99, s. 14 ; Dart, 363. 29. Intestacy to be proved by letters of administration of effects of intestate. 30. Forfeiture by alienation, bankruptcy, &c., or marriage without a settlement (Craven v. Brady, 4 Ch. App. 296 ; 38 L. J. Ch. 345 ; 17 W. R. 505). 14 Reminders for Conveyancers. 31. Trustees selling. (a.) Has power arisen ? (6.) Has power expired ? (Lew., 682). (c.) Eight parties to convey (22 & 23 Viet. c. 23). (d.) Have they legal estate, or are they mere conduit- pipes ? (e.) Provisions of Settled Land Acts. (/.) All must convey (Ebsworth and Tidy's Contract, supra), (g.) Sale to themselves or agents ? (Lew., 534). 32. Sale of settled land (W. & B., p. 226 et seq.) (a.) Is capital to be paid to trustees or into court ? (S. L. A. 1882, s. 22). (b.) Two trustees (sect. 39). (c.) Are they trustees for the purposes of the S. L. A. K (W. & B. 241). (d.) As to notice to trustees, S. L. A. 1882, s. 45 ; 1884, s. 5 ; 1890, s. 7 (W. & B. 325-6.1 (e.) Does property come within sect. 10 of S. L. A. 1890 ' ' (b.) This includes accrued interest, but not accruing (Alpe, 159). (c.) Reconveyance stamp, under Act of 1891, on amount at any time secured. (d.) Is more than one distinct matter included in one deed ? (Alpe, 10). (e.) No condition as to insufficiency of stamp of deeds executed since the 16th May, 1888, will protect vendor (Alpe, 200 ; Stamp Act, 1891, s. 117). 16 Reminders for Conveyancers. 52. Sale by cestui que trust. (a.) Inquire from all trustees, as to notice of incumbrances, &c. Insist on definite answer (Low v. Bouverie, 65 L. T. Eep. 533; (1891) 3 Ch. 82 ; 60 L. J. Ch. 594 : 40 W. E. 50). (6.) Give notice of sale or incumbrance to all trustees (Re Wyatt, 65 L. T. Eep. 841 ; (1892) 1 Ch. 188 ; 61 L. J. Ch. 178; 40 W. E. 177). 53. Powers of attorney, (a.) Principal still alive ? (6.) Unless irrevocable under C. A. 1882, ss. 8 and 9 (Gov. 18, 93). 54. Births proved. 55. Deaths or burials proved. 56. Marriages proved. When did they take place ? 57. Identity of persons referred to in certificates. 58. Identity of property to .be sold with that to which the abstract refers. 59. In statutory declarations declarants should show their means of knowing what they state. 60. Company. (a.) Certificate of incorporation and articles of association should be examined. (b.) Seal affixed with proper formalities ? (c.) Conveyance ultra vires ? 61. Eestrictive covenants still affecting freehold ? 62. All incumbrances removed ? 63. Any arrears of water rate ? (East London Company v. Kellerman; 67 L. T. Eep. 319, (1892) 2 Q. B. 72.) 64. Deeds properly registered or enrolled ? 65. Search in land registry ? 66. Search in local registry (E. & C. 148). (a.) As to what do not require registration, see Dart, 769. Advising on Title. 17 (b.) Deed of eni'ranchisement of copyholds , should be registered (Reg. v. Lord Truro, 59 L. T. Eep. 242 ; 21 Q. B. Div. 555 ; 57 L. J. Q. B. 577 ; 36 W. E. 775). 67. Usual searches in names of persons entitled since last purchase (E. & C., 148-9). (b.) As to searches against trustees and mortgages (Ib.). (c.) Is search in bankruptcy necessary ? 68. Certificates of official search should appear on abstract (Ib.). 69. Advice as to what inquiries should be made, notices given, and documents registered, enrolled, and acknowledged. 18 Reminders for Conveyancers. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. Do not hamper sale by unnecessary restrictions. (a.) Especially in case of trustees : (Lew., 482 ; but see Trustee Act, 1888, s. 3.) 2. If root of title irregular, this should appear : (Dart, 337.) 3. Forty years' title to land to be shown, unless shorter title stipulated for : (V. & P. Act, s. 1.) (o.) This includes easements, &c. : (Jones v. Watts, 62 L. T. Ep. 471 ; 43 Ch. Div. 574 ; 38 W. E. 725.) 4. A hundred years' title to an advowson : (Dart, 334.) 5. If voluntary settlement root of title, say so : (Marsh, v. Granville, 48 L. T. Eep. 947 ; 24 Ch. Div. 11 ; 53 L. J. Ch. 81 : 31 W. E. 845.) 6. Advisable always to state date of commencement of title : (W. 1 ; 1 K. & E. 269.) 7. Should purchaser at his own expense have earlier title shown ? (Sw. 323.) 8. Should there be a condition against all requisitions on earlier title ? (1 K. & E. 246 ; Cox and Neve's Contract, 64 L. T. Eep. 733 ; (1891) 2 Ch. 109 ; 39 W. E. 412.) 9. If grant of tithes from Crown lost, stipulate that it shall not be produced : (Dart, 336.) 10. Eecitals of facts in deeds twenty years old need not be proved : (1 K. & E. 247.) 11. Objections that might be raised aliunde should be guarded against: (Dart, 169.) 12. Lessor's title cannot be called for : (Dart, 191.) Conditions of Sale. 19 13. Provisions of V. & P. Act do not apply to leases for lives : (1 K. & E. 247.) 14. Avoid describing an underlease as a lease : (1 K. & . 262 ; W. 32.) 15. Enfranchised copyholds. (a.) Provide that purchaser should take subject to any provisions and restrictions in enfranchisement deed : (H. & C. 8.) b.) Insert a condition against objection to lord's title on any ground : (Ib.) (c.) State that they are enfranchised copyholds : (Ib.) (d.) How about the minerals ? (Ib.) 16. The statutory prohibition does not apply to original copyhold title, but only to title of the lord : (C. A., s. 3 (2).) 17. Pure personalty ; V. & P. Act does not apply to : (1 K. & E. 249.) 18. See that intended vendors have power to sell : (Bryant and Barningham's Contract, 63 L. T. Eep. 20 ; 44 Ch. Div. 218 ; 59 L. J. Ch. 636 ; 38 W. E. 469.) 19. Is vendor going to bid P (1 K. & E. 251 ; W. 12 j 30 A 31 Viet. c. 48.) 20. Is there a reserved price ? (Ib.) 21. Mention easements and other rights to be reserved to vendor : (Web. 15.) 22. Mention incumbrances which are not to be got rid of : (Dart, 177.) 23. Mention restrictive covenants : (Dart, 156 ; comp. Fawcett v. Holmes, 61 L. T. Eep. 105 ; 42 Ch. Div. 150 ; 58 L. J. Ch. 763.) 24. Do not state that expected consent has been obtained : (Re X., 54 L. T. Eep. 634.) 25. Describe property accurately : (Web. 9.) 26. Fixtures to be included ? (Web. 183.) 27. Timber to be taken at a valuation ? (Web. 182.) 28. Provide that, in event of valuation not being made in specified way, things to be taken at their fair value : (Dart, 259.) B 2 20 Reminders for Conveyancers. 29. Condition against dower (and freebench) where man married before Jan. 1, 1834, and on an intestacy : (W. 29.) 30. Evidence of seisin to be provided against, where will before 1838 (W. 2.) 31. No time to be prescribed for delivery of abstract : (W. 13.) 32. It should be delivered within a reasonable time : (Compton v. Bagley, 65 L. T. Rep. 706 ; (1892), 1 Ch. 313 ; 61 L. J. Ch. 113.) 33. Time within which requisitions should be sent in should be mentioned: (Dart, 178.) 34. Time within which requisitions in answer to replies should be sent in should be mentioned : (Dart, 179.) 35. Vendor to be able to rescind if unwilling to remove objections : (Dart, 178.) 36. Purchaser should have time given within which to with- draw : (1 K. & E. 259.) 37. Provide against difficulties in identifying property : (Dart, 174.) 38. Provide against difficulties in distinguishing tenures : (Dart, 175.) 39. Provide against difficulties in distinguishing titles : (Dart, 169.) 40. Purchaser to pay interest if delay in completion. 41. Unless caused by wilful default of vendor: (Dart, 719 ; 1 K. & E. 252.) 42. Should time be of the essence of the contract ? 43. Avoid ambiguities of expression : (Web. 4.) 44. Provide for outgoings and repairs till completion. 45. "Possession" a more flexible word than "personal occupation " : (Dart, 145 ; Lake v. Dean, 28 Beav. 607.) 46. Give purchaser benefit of insurance : (1 K. & E. 288.) 47. Should trustees who have invested trust money in land show shortly clause authorising such investment ? (1 K. & E. 275.) 48. On sale by trustees should requisition as to beneficiaries joining be excluded ? (1 K. & E. 257.) 49. Dp powers of trustees apply to executors ? (1 K. & E. 249.) Conditions of Sale. 21 50. Conditions against requisitions on stamps are : (a.) Good as to instruments executed before May 17, 1888 ; (6.) Bad as to instruments executed after May 16, 1888 : (Stamp Act, 1891, s. 117.) 51. Is a condition against non-registration of deeds wanted ? (1 K. & E. 256.) 52. Compensation for misdescription should be provided for, or against : (W. 39 ; 1 K. & E. 259.) 53. Is it to be allowed after completion of purchase P (W. 38 ; 1 K. & E. 259.) 54. State any restrictive provisions as to building on, or user of property : (1 K. & E. 305-310.) 55. Any reference to retention of deeds necessary ? (V. A P. Act, s. 2 (5).) 56. If statutory declarations offered, be careful to see that they can be obtained : (W. 35.) 57. When vendor not beneficial owner, state : (1) That he will only enter into limited covenant : (W. 36.) (2) That he will not give undertaking for safe custody : (W. 39.) 58. Provide as to return of deposit, if sale goes off through vendor's fault : (W. 17.) 59. Provide for forfeiture of deposit and for costs of resale, if it goes off through purchaser's fault : (W. 18.) 60. Give sufficient description of vendor to satisfy Statute of Frauds. (a.) Sufficient : " Owner," " mortgagee," " proprietor," or the like : (Jarrett v. Hunter, 55 L. T. Rep. 727 ; 34 Ch. Div. 182 ; 56 L. J. Ch. 141 ; 35 W. R. 132.) (6.) Insufficient : " Vendor," " client," or " friend " of named agent (Ib.) ; "landlord" (Coombs v. Wilkes, 65 L.T. Rep. 56; (1891) 3 Ch. 77; 61 L. J. Ch. 42; 40 W. R. 77.) 61. Imagine that you had to advise on the title, and see that all the requisitions that you might raise are properly answered, or avoided by the conditions. 22 Reminders for Conveyancers. CONVEYANCES. 1. Recite absolute title of vendor, so as to be evidence iit twenty years. 2. Proper receipt. 3. Statute of Uses. 4. Proper words of limitation (" heirs " or " in fee simple "). 5. Ts vendor proper person to convey ? 6. Vendor to convey as " beneficial owner," or as " mort- gagee," " trustee," &c. ? 7. Does new description of parcels require to be connected with old ? (1 K. & E. 405.) 8. All incumbrances to which conveyance is subject must be mentioned. 9. In conveyance by mortgagee make it free from mortgage. 10. Declaration to bar dower not to be inserted with- out express directions : (5 B. & J. 381.) 11. Acknowledge purchaser's right of production of deeds (C. A., s. 9) : (a.) Only retained deeds. (6.) Must include delivery of copies : (IK. & E. 442.) 12. Otherwise covenant still necessary : (1 K. & E: 442.) 13. Should vendor give undertaking for safe custody ? 14. Can notice of acknowledgment be indorsed on deeds to be produced ? (Dart, 766.) 15. Reservation of easement or quasi easement to vendor should be expressly mentioned : (a.) Is he to be able to block purchaser's lights ? Conveyances. 23 16. Are all apparent easements, ways of necessity, &c., included in conveyance P (a.) And the benefit of restrictive covenants ? (IK. &E.409.) 17. Purchaser to indemnify vendor against restrictive cove- nants, &c. ? 18. Purchaser of lease to covenant to pay rent and to indem- nify vendor against it and covenants in lease : (W. 47.) 19. Purchaser to covenant for his assigns when burden of covenant to run with land: (1 K. & E. 448 (d.) ; W. & B. 115.) 20. Grantee should execute deed, if a reservation to vendor : (1 K. &E. 411.) 21. If executed under a power of attorney, the principal is named as a party, not the attorney : (Dart, 589.) 22. If land is conveyed free from a rentcharge which it is intended to preserve over other lands, see that a proportionate part is not destroyed : (Booth v. Smith, 51 L. T. Hep. 742 ; 14 Q. B. Div. 318 ; 54 L. J. Q. B. 119 ; 33 W. E. 142). 24 Reminders for Conveyancers. DISENTAILING DEEDS. The Sections refer to the Fines and Recoveries Act, 1833. 1. Consent of protector to be given by the same or previous deed: (sect. 42.) 2. If by separate deed, consent must be enrolled with or before disentailing deed : (sect. 46.) 3. If any possible estate tail in tenant for. life under some old settlement, bar it too. 4. Give a very general description of property (W. 329 ; V. 1616.) 5. Tithes rents and advowsons are not situate, but arise in a parish : (1 K. & E. 665.) 6. Are father and son to have joint power of appointment F 7. Where resettlement contemplated in lifetime of tenant for life : (a.) Make tenant for life convey his estate, so that whole fee can be settled : (1 K. & E. 667.) (6.) By disentailing deed disentail and convey to such uses as father and son jointly appoint : (3 Dav. 1294.) (c.) Resettle by another unenrolled deed : (3 Dav. 1294.) (d.) Tenant for life's estate should be conferred on him " in restoration and confirmation " of his old life estate with the powers annexed : (1 K. & E. 668.) (e.) In disentailing deed appoint trustees for purposes of Settled Land Acts : (1 K. & E. 670.) 8. Copyholds : (a.) Legal estate barred by surrender -. (W. 326.) Disentailing Deeds. 25 (6.) Equitable estate barred by deed or surrender : (sect. 53 ; W. 326.) (c.) Surrender or deed to be entered on rolls within six months : (W. 326 ; V. 1625.) 9. Customary freeholds barred like freeholds : (W. 325.) 10. Express election of tenant in tail to take fund notionally converted in its actual state : (V. 1630 ; W. 326.) 11. Remember to disentail money as well as land. 12. For a deed disentailing money owed for purchase of land, see V. P. 97. 13. For a disentailing deed by tenants in common including possibly accruing shares, see 1 K. & E. 672. 14. Grantee to uses should execute deed : (3 Dav. 1287 ; V- 1617.) 15. Deed to be enrolled within six calendar months after execution : (sect. 41.) 16. If land in register county, it must also be registered : (V. 1618.) 17. Should married woman still be separately examined ? EMINDEES on DEAFTING MAEEIAGE SETTLEMENTS. XX Pt. I. PERSONALTY. Reprinted from the LAW TIMES, on stiff cardboard, ready for suspension in the office. Price Is. T>EMINDEES on DEAFTING MAEEIAGE SETTLEMENTS. X\ Pt. II. REALTY. Reprinted from the LAW TIMES, on stiff card- board, ready for suspension in the office. Price Is. Demy 8vo., price 10s. 6d. A DIGEST of the LAW for the LNTEEMEDIATE EXAMI- NATION of the INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY done into QUESTIONS and ANSWERS. By RICHARD M. STEPHENSON, LL.B., Lond., Honours in Common Law and Equity, Final LL.B., London University, Honours in Jurisprudence and Roman Law, Intermediate LL.B., Solicitors' Final, &c., Examinations, Holder of the Inner Temple Equity Scholarship, Joint Author of " A Practical Guide to the Bar," " A Modern Digest of the Law on the subjects of Bankruptcy, Criminal Law, Probate, Divorce, Admiralty, &c.," " A Digest of the Criminal Law," &c. The above Digest contains not only all the questions of importance which have already been asked at the examination and answers to them, but also questions and answers on every point of importance not yet touched on by the Examiners, and in this respect differs from all others on the subject. Post 8vo., price Is. SHEEIFFS' OFFICEES and their FEES. The SHEEIFFS ACT, 1887, and NOTES of USE to UNDER-SHERIFFS and their LONDON AGENTS, and also to SHERIFFS' OFFICE tiS. By CHARLES FORD, F.R.S.L., Solicitor, London, Examiner in Admiralty, Author of " Ford on Oaths," " The Solicitors Acts," &c., &c. 12 LAW BOOKS,