DA 28.1 N5!7c COLLE CT I ON OF ALL THE WILL S, NOW KNOWN TO BE EXTANT, OF THE Kings and Queens of ENGLAN D, Princes and Princesses of WALES,. AND EVERY BRANCH OF THE BLOOD ROYAL, from the reign of WILLIAM T H E C O N QJJ ER O R,. TO THAT OF HENRY THE SEVENTH EXCLUSIVE. with EXPLANATORY NOTES, and a GLOSSARY. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. NICHOLS, PRINTER TO THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES SOLD BY H.PAYNE, PALL-MALL; C. DILLY, IN THE POULTRY; J. WALTER, CHARING-CROSS; N. CONANT, FLEET-STREET; AND E. BROOKE, BELL-YARD, TEMPLE-BAR* MDCCLXXX. m 3 U5l1c F R E. F A C E~ VV HEN the great Sobiefki, to whofe valour,, not only Vienna, but the German empire, owed its prefervation from the Turkifh power, was afked in extremity to make his will,, he laught in the face of the bifhop, who had been obliged to take the moll round-about method to make the propofah. "The misfortune of royalty," faid the King,, re- coll ecting himfelf, "is, that we are not obeyed while we are alive : and can it be expected we mould be obeyed after we are dead ?'' Elective kings have not the power, and the kings of uncultivated northern nations have not the idea, of making provifion for heirs, even though they are to fink at once into a private rank. The kings of England wanted no fuch monitor:: but, either from motives of juftice or. contrition, or in a miftaken zeal to fave their fouls by a momen- tary good deed, we find mofl of them ready enough to engage in "the laft great ac*l of a wife man's life." The utmoft of their ability was to difpofe of their great treafures among their relations, fervants, orec- clefiaftics. The Conqueror bequeathed kingdoms ; Henry II. money to monks and nuns; Henry I. A 1. and; W PREFACE. and III. Edward I. and III. money, jewels, houfehold furniture, and charitable legacies; the unhappy Richard II. in whole reign it feems to ;have been firfl allowed by authority of parliament to our kings, their heirs and fuccefTors, to make their wills, and have them duly executed *, makes his teframent in the fpirit of the times, and at the eve of a revolution which he little fufpected^ while the ufurper confeifes his fins with all the contrition he had need of. Henry V. exprefTes all the anxiety of a wealthy country gentleman about his lordfhips and manors; and his monkidi ion devotes his teftament to found and plan two colleges. If from royal we turn our eyes to noble tef- taments, we mall find them conceived in nearly the fame fentiments. The care of fepulture, debts, legacies, and charitable foundations, fill up the common outline t. Lady Clare, the foundrefs ofClarchall, Cambridge, feems to have completed that pious foundation in her life-time, only a * " Fait a remembr', Qe les Prelatz, Seigrirs Temporels, & Communes, f afTeqteient en plein Pariement, q nre Sf le Roi & its heirs & lucceflburs Roys d'Engleterre purront franchemenr faire lour Teftamentz, & q execution purra eftre faite d'icelles.'' Rot. Pari. i6Ric. II. vol.111, n. 10. p. 301. if The French bifhops, in the fixteenth century, claimed a right to refufe burial' to perfons dying inteftate, or without leaving a legacy to the church ; and the relations of the deceafed were obliged to make amends for the omiffion. Saintfoix, Eifais Hill:, fur Paris, I. 50. legacy PREFACE. legacy of . 40 to it appearing in her will. The gallant Prince of Wales enlarges on his tomb and his bed-furniture, within a month of his lingering death, as much as his brother of Gaunt does on his wardrobe, or the rich Cardinal of England on his plate. Henry Duke of Lancafter and Edward Duke of York founded colleges which have long fince given way to dnTolution, while thofe two founded by Henry VI. with thofe which claim the " venerable Margaret" for their foundrefs fur- vive and flourifh as much as they furpafs them in utility, for the " increale of virtue, and dilatation " of conning, and ftablimment of Chriftian faith." Richard Earl of Arundel affords a flriking picture of human, vanity in the troublefome reign of Ri- chard II. and Edward IV's queen a perfect portrait of royal poverty. This feries of mifcellaneous and different wills prefents us with many curious particulars. We learn from them more of the manners and private life of our illuftrious ancestors, fome new facts in their public hiftory, and feveral new defcents in their pedigrees. The profpect of death fets their lives in a new {xnnt of light. Such is the force of fuperftition, however the prefent age thinks itfelf above its reach, that the recommendation of the foul to half a dozen faints was fet up as a pallia- tive for a thoufand crimes. Men left their good works f PREFACE. works to their laft moments, died in the midft of their lins, with every vicious irnpreilion deeply ftampt on their fouls, till purgatory or papal in- dulgence mould wear it out. The language of thefe wills is the common lan- guage of the times, here attempted to be ren- dered intelligible by the help of thofe excellent compendious Gloflaries of old French, publifhed by Monf. Borel-, Monf. Laceombe, and Mr. Kelham, and the more extenfive Latin one of Du Cange t. The forms of the bequefts are precife and ner- vous, unincumbered with the trufts and devifes of modern times, more advantageous to lawyers than teftators. They breathe the fpirit of an age when the moft important grants and charters were comprifed in flips of parchment not fix inches fquare, attefted by a croud of witnefTes who feldom wrote their names. The prerogative of the archbifhop of Canterbury in tefiamentary matters extends to the probate of granting adminiftrations, and all caufes thereon de- pending, where the parties deceafed were porTefTed of bona notabilia (that is, effects to the value of five pounds) in different diocefes, within his province, Trefor de Recherches et Antiquitez Gauloifes et Francoifes, 4to, Paris, 1655. -f In the will of Philippa Dnchefs of York, 1330, fome words abfolutely Englifh have crept in. except PREFACE. $ except in the diocefe of London, where it is ten pounds by antient compofition, and this will ac- count for fo many of the wills here printed be-ing extant in the Archiepifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. Thefe and the regifters of the different fees, which have hitherto been generally confidered as mere re- cords of inflitution, endowments, or other ecclefiaf- tical matters, have in various inftances preferved many curious particulars of our national hiftory. The Black Prince's letter to the Biihop of Worcefcer, publifhed from his regifter in Archaeol. I. p. 212. may be confidered as a Gazette account of the battle of Poitiers. Innumerable wills, of which this fmall fample is here prefented to the curious, deferve to be publifhed*, at leaft in abflracl: ; as Sir William Dugdale has done t, throughout his Baronage. Le Neve mentions two recorded upon the Claufe Roils -J, where great numbers are preferved. Abufing the facred truft of teftamentary dif- pofition was one of the aggravated crimes of that egregious plagiarift and libeller Edmund Curll, * See one of lady Eliz. Fitz Hugh, 1 42 7., Ant. Rep. N xxix. -f- Sir William Dugdale fuppofes the will of Clifford implies a re- cantation of the errors, as he calls them, of Lollardifm. He would have formed a judgment more candid, as well as morejuft, had he faidthe teftator only fpoke the general penitential language of wills. % Blomefield's Norfolk, J. p. 677. Mr. Becket the furgeon obferved more wills in the Prerogative Office, relating to the county of Lincoln, than any other county. Srukeley'slrin. Cur. L p. 25. who T iii PREFACE. who overleapt all bounds that oppofed the intereft *of the moment. The prefent Editor folates no confidence which the revolution of feven centuries has not made the property of the publick. Ambi- tious to contribute his mite to that fpirit of hiftoric investigation that diltinguiihes- the prefent age, he is confcious of the incompetency of his fubject to yield him much beyond the fame of an Antiquary, while he prefents his countrymen with a feries ot wills made by our Sovereigns, or the feveral collate- ral branches of the royal families ; fome taken from the parliamentary regifters and public records, and molt of the others tranfcribed from the archiepif- copal regifters at Lambeth under the immediate infpeclion of the prefent librarian, by whom the proof-meets were in part revifed, and the whole illuftrated with notes and a gloflary by other learned friends. March 27, 1780^ T N. The will of John of Gaunt, having been depofited at Lincoln, is faithfully copied from the regiftcr of his fon Bp. Beaufort, who enjoyed that fee from 1397 to 1405, when he was tranflated to Winchefter, which he held till 1447. ROYAL C ! 3 ROYAL AND NOBLE WILLS, William the Conqueror, Page i William Rufus [inteftate], 4 Henry the Firft, 5 Stephen [inteftate], . 6 Henry the Second, 7 Tranflation into old Englifh verfe, *io Richard the Firft, - 11 John, 13 Henry the Third, 15 Edward the Firft, - 18 Edward the Second [inteftate J, 21 Elizabeth de Burgh, lady Clare, 22 Humfray.de Bohun, ninth Earl of Hereford and Eflex, 44 Humfray de Bohun, tenth earl of Hereford and EfTex, 57 Edward the Third, 59 Edward the Black Prince, 66 Joan Princefs of Wales, 78 Henry Duke of Lancafter, 83 Lionel Duke of Clarence, 88 John Earl of Pembroke, 92 Philippa Countefs of March, 98 Edmund Earl of March, > . 104 Thomas Earl of Kent, 118 Richard Earl of Arundel, 120 John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancafter, 145 Eleanor Bohun, Duchefs of Gloucefter, 177 Edmund duke of York, - 187 Richard the Second, - 191 Henry the Fourth, 203 John Beaufort Earl of Somerfet, 208 Elizabeth de Juliers, jCountefs of Kent, 212 c Edward [ * ] Edward Duke of York, ~ 2I 7 Philippa de Bohun Duchefs of York, 224 Thomas Duke of Clarence, *-* 2 3 Henry the Fifth, W 2 3 6 Katherine Queen of Henry the Fifth, 244 Thomas Beaufort Duke of Exeter, 250 Joha Mowbray Duke of Norfolk, 266 John Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, *?o Anne Countefs of Stafford, 2 7 8 John Holland Duke of Exeter, . *2 Henry the Sixth, - 2 9 t Cardinal Beaufort, Bifhop of Winton, 3 2 1 King Edward the Fourth, 345 Elizabeth wife of Edward the Fourth, 35 Margarate Countefs of Richmond [extra&ed from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury], 35& Lately publijhedy The Will of King Henry the Seventh; with an Hiaorical Preface, by Thomas Aftk, Efq.- R O Y A L [ i 3 R O Y A L W 1 L L S, WILLIAM THE CON Q^U E R O R, TH E Conqueror's will confiited only of a diftribution of all his wealth among the churches, clergy, and the poor, the precife fums which he bequeathed to each being fet down by notaries from his mouth, on his death-bed, where he made a long and pathetic fpeech about his affairs and fucceffors in his different dominions. He was particularly liberal to the clergy of Mantes, whofe churches he had burnt. To his younger fon Henry he left 5000 jTp of filver ; to his eldeft fon Robert, Nor- mandy *; and to his fecond fon William, the crown of England. " Sapiens heros in futurum fibi multifque commoda facere non diftulit, omnefque thefauros fuos ecclefiis et pauperibus, Deique miniftris diftribui pnecepit. Quaritum vero fingulis dari voluit callide taxavit, & coram fe de~ fcribi a notariis imperavit. Clero quoque Mandantenfi fup- plex ingentia dona mifit, UJC inde reftaurarentur ecclefias quas combufTerat." * See Lord Lyttelton's obfervations in this beqv.eit in his Hiitory of Henry II. vol. I, p. 77, 8vo. Dura- , WILLIAM THE CON QJJ EROR, " Ducatum Normanniae antequam in epitumo * Senlac contra Heraldum certafYem Roberto filio concern" quia primogenitys eft. Conceffus honor nequit abftrahi.- Robertas habebit Normanniam, et Gulielmus Angliam. Henricus junior filius ut nihil fibi de regalibus gazis dari audivit moerens cum lacrymis ad regem dixit, Et mihi, pater, quid tribuis ? Cui rex ait, quinque millia li- bras argenti de thefauro meo tibi do.'* Grd. Vitalis, 1. vii. p. 656. 659. ANNO 1087. Rex Gulielmus regnum devaftans Francis, caftrum nobile quod vocatur Maante combuffit, et ecclefias quae ibi erant et plebem multam et duos fanc- tos anachoritas igni tradidit, quibus vifum non fuit & in tanto periculo deferere cellas fuas. Sed in ipfo redditu dims dolor vifcerum apprehendit ilium. Cum autem diem fibi mortis imminere fenfirlet, fratrem fuum Odonem Ba- iocenfem epifcopum et omnes quos in Anglia vel Norman- nia tenebat in vineulis relaxabatr. Terras vero fuas fie divifit. Roberto primogenito fuo Normanniam ; Gulielmo fe- cundo filio fuo Anglian monarchiam. Henrico thefauri copiam. Pro quo cum Robertas vendidiflet ei partem. Normanniae., thefauro habito, quod ei vendiderat abftalit.. Rex igitur Gulielmus poftquam genti Anglorum prae- * Epitumum, epitimirtm, are terms peculiar to Ordericus Vitalis for a field. Du Cange, in Mpy j iiu Wecver* HENRY ill HENRY THE SECOND. HENRICUS Dei gratia rex Angliae, Dux Norman* niae et Aquitaniae, comes Andegaviae, Henrico regi, et Ricardo, et Galfrido, et Johanni flliis fuis ; archie- pifcopis, epifcopis, abbatibus, archidiaconis, decanis, comitibus, baronibus, jufHciariis, vicecomitibirs, miniftris, & omnibus- hominibus & fidelibus fuis tarn clericis quam laicis tocius terras fuas citra mare & ultra, falutem. Notum vobis facio, quod apud Waltham, praefentibus epifcopis R. Wintonienli et J. Norwicenfi, & G. * cancellario filio meo, et magilliro Waltero [de] Conftantiis archidiacono Oxon. et Godefrido de Luci archidiacono de Derebi, & Ra- nulfo de Glanvilla, et Rogero filio Reimfridi, et Hugone de Morewic, & Radulfo filio Stephani camerario, et Willelmo Rufo, feci divifam meam de quadam parte pe- cuniae meae in hunc modum : domui militiae templi Jeru- falem mmmmm marcas argent!,, domui hofpitali Jerufalem mmmmm marcas argenti ; et ad comrrrunem defenfionem fcerrae Jerofolimitanae mmmmm marcas argenti, per raa- num magiftrorum templi et hofpitalis Jerufalem & vifum eorundem habendas ; prater pecuniam illam quam prius- praedidtis domibus templi et hofpitalis commiferam cuf- todiendam; quam fimiliter dono ad defenfionem ipfius terras Jerofolimitanae, nifi earn. in vita mea repetere voluero ; et aliis domibus religiofis tocius Jerofolimae, et leprofis et * Geoffrey fon of Henry IT. by fair Rofamond. He was archdeacon and bifhop of Lincoln, chancellor of England, and archbifhop of York 21 years. He died 1 21 3. Sandford, p. 71, 72,. inclufis HENRY THE SEC ON D. inclufis et heremitis ejufdem terrae mmmmm marcas ar- genti, dividendas per manum patriarchae Jerufalem, & vi- fum epifcoporum terrae Jerofolimae, et magiftrorum tempi! et hoipitalis ; domibus religiofis Angliae, monachorum, canonicorum, fandtimonialium, & leprofis, et inclufis, & heremitis ipfius terrae mmmmm marcas argenti, dividendas per manum et vifum *R. archiepifcopi Cant, et z R.Winton* et 3 B. Wigorn' et 4 G. Elyen' et 5 J. Norwic' epifcoporum, et Ranulfi de Glanvilla jufticiarii Angliae ; domibus religi- ofis Normanniae, monachorum, canonicorum fanctimonia- lium, et inclufis, et heremitis ejufdem terrae mmm marcas argenti, dividendas per manum et vilum archiepifcopi Rothomagenfis, et Baiocenfis, et Abrinceniis, etSagienfis, et Ebroicenlis epifcoporum; domibus leproforUm ipfius ccc marcas argenti per manum et vifum praedictorum dividendas ; monialibus Moretoniae c marcas argenti ; monialibus de Viliers extra Faleifiam c marcas argenti; domibus religiofis terrae comitis Andegaviae patris mei, exceptis fan&imonialibus de ordine fontis Ebraldi, m mar- cas argentis per manus epifcoporum Cenomannenfis et Andegavenfis dividendas ; ipfis autem fan&imonialibus Fontis Ebraldi, et domibus ipfius ordinis, mm marcas ar- genti, dividendas per manum et vifum abbatiflae Fontis Ebraldi ; fandtimonialibus fan&i Sulpicii Britannia? c marcas argenti; domui et toti ordini Grandis Montis 1 Richard prior of Dover, immediate fucceflbr of Thomas Becket. 2 Richard Topclive, al. More, al. de Ivelchefter. 1 JBaldwin abbot of Ford. 4 Galfridus Rydall, archdeacon of Canterbury, 5 John Oxford, archdeacon of Salifbury. 6 MMM HENRY THE SECOND. 9 mmm marcas argenti ; domui & toti ordini de Chartufa mm marcas argenti ; domui Ciftertii et omnibus domibus ipfius ordinis, exceptis domibus ejufdem ordinis quae in terra mea funt quibus divifam meam feci, mm marcas argenti, dividendas per vifum et manum abbatis Ciftertii et Clarevallis ; domui Cluniaci M marcas argenti, prater hoc quod eidem domui accommodavi, quod ei perdono nifi in vita mea repetere voluero ; domui Majoris Monafterii * perdono m marcas argenti quas ei commodavi, nifi eas in vita mea repetere voluero ; fan&imonialibus de Maitiili c marcas argenti ; domui de Praemonftrato et toti ordini, exceptis domibus ejufdem ordinis quas in terra mea funt, ec marcas argenti ; domui de Arrodis et toti ordini, ex- ceptis domibus ejufdem ordinis terrae meae, c marcas ar- genti ; ad maritandas pauperes et liberas fceminas Angliae quae carent auxilio, ccc marcas auri, dividendas per ma- num et vifum R. Wintonieniis, et B. Wigorn', et G. Ely- jeniis, et J. Norwicenfis epifcoporum, et Ranulfi de Glanvilla ; ad maritandas pauperes et liberas fceminas Normanniae quae carent auxilio, c marcas auri, dividendas per manum et vifum Rotbomageniis archiepifcopi, et Baiocenfis et Abrinceniis, et Sagienfis, et Ebroiceniis epif- coporum ; ad maritandas [pauperes] et liberas fceminas de terra comitis Andegaviae patris mei c marcas auri, per manum et vifum Cenomannenfis et Andegavenfis epifcopo- rum dividendas. Hanc autem divifam feci impraedicto loco anno incarnationis Domini mclxxxii. Quam * Marmonftier. C vobis io HENRY THE SECOND. vobis filiis meis per fidem quam mihi debetis et facra- mentum quod mihi juraftis, praecipio ut firmiter et invio- labiliter teneri faciatis ; et quod fuper eos qui ipfam fece- rint manum non apponatis ; et quicunque contra hoc venire prefumpferit, indignationem et iram omnipotentis Dei, et maledictionem ipfius Dei et meam incurrat. Vobis etiam archiepifcopis et epifcopis mando, ut per facramentum quod mihi feciltis, et fidem quam Deo et mihi debetis, in fynodis veftris follempniter accenfis candelis excom- municetis et excommunicare faciatis omnes illos qui hanc divifam meam infringere praefumpferint : et fciatis quod dominus papa hanc divifam meam fcripto et figillo fuo confirmavit fub interminatione anathematis." Ex antiquo Cod. MS. Feodorum militum Angliae penes Remem. Regis, fol. i . Habet hunc titulum five rubricam, *' Hoc eft Teftamentum illuitriffimi Regis Henrici Se- cundi Anglian" 61 Printed in Madox's Formulare Anglicanum, p. 42 1-. This king died before the altar in the church at Chi- non, July 7, 1189; and was buried at Font Evrauld in Anjou. See his monument, and that of his queen Elea- nor, in Sandford, p. 64. and Montfaucon, Monumens de la Monarchic Francoife, II. pi. xv. Alfo by G. Vertue, in Rapin's Hiftory of England, RICHARD C I0 * 3 Since this Will was printed, we have difcovered a. clofe Tranflation of it into old Englifh in Peter Langtoft's Rhyming Chronicle, publifhed by Hearne, Vol. I. p. 135 137. The Author lived about the Time of Edw. I. or II. THAN faid Sir Henry, nedes burd him wende a To France & Normundie, to witte a certeyn ende. At Parys b wild he be, at ther parlement. Ther wille wald b he fe, to what thei wild b confent. At the duzepers c the fothe wild he wite, And on what maners, & wharto he fuld lite, And whedir thei wild to werre, or thei wild nouht, Or alle in luf fperre d that thing that thei had wrouht. He fauh wele bi figne, he drouh e faft tille f elde s, Long myght he not regne, ne on his lif belde h . Wherfor Henry faid he wild, or he went, That the fumme wer laid of his teftament. Lifte & I falle rede the parcelles what amountes, If any man in dede wille kefte in a countes '. De teftamento Henrici fecundi, faElo apud Walt bam, per totunu SEX thoufand marke tille Acres did he fend. Ageyn his comyng thidere, bi marchandz fo he wend k . Fifty thoufand marcs had he lent abbeis, That wer in pouerte, up tham forto reife. Alle that was gyuen, & befor hand lent, That was not in cofre, whan he mad teftament. a Go. b Would. c The 12 peers. d In peace examine. e Drew. f To. 3 Old age. h Build, reckon. l Caft up the account. * Weened, thought. * C 2 Of [ II* ] Of that that was in cofre, & in his cofines *, He mad his teftament, als did other pilgrimes. To Waltham gede the kyng, his teftament to make, And thus qnathe m he his thing, for his foule fake. To temples * in Acres he quath m flue thoufand marke, And flue thoufand to the hofpitale -f, for thei were in karke n . To the folk that duelled, Acres for to fende , Other flue thoufand marke he gaf tham to fpende. Tille other houfes p of the cuntre flue thoufand marke he gaf, Tille heremites & tille feke i men, & other of fuilk raf r . Tille monkes & to chanons s , that were in Inglond, Fiue l thoufand marke refceyued thci of his hond. To tho of that religion, that were in Normundie, Fiue thoufand mark unto ther treforie. And to mefelle u houfes of that fame lond, Thre thoufand mark unto ther fpenfe he fond *. To ladies of habite, Vilers & Mortayn ?, He gaf tuo hundreth mark, I trowe thei were fayn z . To tho religioufes that were in Gafcoyne *, He gaf a thoufand mark, withouten effoyne b . To tham of Founz Eberard c , ther his body lis, He gaf tuo thoufand mark, tho ladies of pris d . 1 Copbinus, cheft. " Bequeathed. * The knights templars, f The knights hof- pitalers. n In charge. Hearne. Defend. Ad communem defenjionem terra Jcrofo- limitana. Latin Will. Acres in this poetical will is fynonymous with Jerufalem or the Holy Land, f Religious houfes in Jerufalem and the Holy Land, i Lefrofis. ' Such mean condition. Hearne. * And to other religious houfes and hofpitals, adds the Latin Will. Three. Lat. Will : perhaps to be corrected from this. " Houfes of lepers. x Found. * To the Nuns of Viliers and Mortayne each 200 marks. See Alien Priories, II. 49. I. 156. The latter of thefe houfes was founded by Henry's great uncle, Robert earl of Mortain, 1082. * Glad. a Monialibus terra comius Andegeevia patris met. b Excufe. c Fontevrauld. d Though the religious in it were women of rank or fortune. See Alien Priories, II. 69. 4 To [ 12* ] To the ladies of Bretayn, men calle Seynt Suplice % He gaf a hundreth mark, to mend ther office f . To the houfes of Chartres & tuo thoufand mark bi counte, And thre thoufand mark to the ordre of Grant mounte h # To the ordre of Cifteaus * he gaf tuo thoufand mark, The ordre of Clony k a thoufand, to lay up in arke l . The ordre of Premonftere m tuo hundreth mark thei had. To the ladies of Markayne n a hundreh mark thei lad . To the houfes of Arroys p, that ere bigond the fe, Tuo * hundreth mark thorgh r teftament gaf he. To women of Inglond, of gentille lynage % A hunderth mark of gold, to ther mariage. To gentille, & tille other s , that were in Normundie, A hundreth mark of gold thei had to ther partie r . To gentille women of Aniowe u , of non auancement x , A hundreth mark of gold unto tham was fent. Withouten this teftament that he did writen, And the grete trefore tille Acres was witen, And that he lent religioufe to bring tham aboue y , Fourty thoufand mark z he gaf for Gode loue. Whan the kyng Henry had mad his teftament, He dight his ofte redy a , & to Parys went. e St. Sulpice in Brittany. f Stock, income. z Charter-houfe. h Grandmont near Rouen, founded by this prince. See Alien Priories, II. 30. * Citeaux, Cifter- cians. k Clugni. l Jrca, coffer. m Premonftratenfes. n Marmoutier Majoris Monaf- terii. Alien Priories, II. 131. Why called Markayne does not appear. They carried, on porta. This was money lent and forgiven them. Lat. Will. ? Domibus de Arrodis & ton ordinl. CK Canons of Arroafia, a reform of the Auguflin order by St. Nicholas of Arroafia in Artois about 1090, of which there were five houfes in England. See Stevens, Mon. II. 149. Tanner, Not. Mon. pref. p. xviii. * One. Lat. Will. r Ey. s Paupcres& libera. Lat. Will. t Portion, {hare. u Anjou. x Pooi. y To raife them. z The total amount is 45,000 marks. a Made his army ready. [ !* 3 ELEANOR QJJEEN OF HENRY II. IT appears by the Patent Rolls of her fon John that this Queen" had licence to make a will. Whether (he made it has not yet appeared. Quod Alienora regina Anglia? faciat teflamcntum fuum. Pat' de anno 4 Johannis, p. 29. Rex omnibus ad quos prefentes litene pervenerint falutem. Sciatis quod conceffimus doming Alienoras regina Angliae marris noflrcequod ipfa faciat racionabile teftamentum fuum de reditu fuo- ad terminum Sancti Michaelis proximo futuro regni noftri anno quarto. Telle meipfo apud Rothomagum viceiimo fecundo die Julii a . This Princefs was eldeft daughter and heir of William 9th duke of Aquitaine, by Eleanor of Chaftelheraut, the divorced wife of Lewis VII. king of France. She was the prime caufe of thofe bloody wars which continued fo long * Ex libro pen. Tho. AfHe arm. de tranfcriptu Rotulor. Pat. et Clauf. necnon aliorum munimentorum Regum Anglic. Printed at the end of the fecond edition of the Liber Niger Scaccarii, 1771. vol.11, p. 805. * C 4 between between England and France ; and after having feen three of her fons fucceffively enjoy the crown of England, fhe died in the caftle of Mirabel ia Argou*- June 26, 1202,. and was buried at Font Evraud, where her figure is ftill to be feen, lying by herhufband, as before defcribed. Sands ford, p. 60. RICHARD t 3 RICHARD THE FIRST. WHEN Richard I. was pronounced pail: recovery of his wound, 1109, he bequeathed to his bro- ther John his kingdom of England, and all his other territories, and made all prefent take the oath of alle- giance to him. He ordered that his caftles mould be delivered to him, and three parts of his treafure : and all his jewels- he devifed to his nephew * Otho emperor of Germany, and directed that the remaining fourth of his treafures mould be diftributed among his fervants and the poor. He directed that his brains, his blood, and his en- trails, mould be buried at Charrou [Chaluz], his heart at Rouen, and his body at Font Evraud, at the feet of his father. " Cum autem rex de vita defperaret, divifit Johanni fratri fuo regnum Angliae et omnes alias terras fuas; et fecit fieri praedicto Johanni fidelitates ab illis qui aderant ; et praecepit ut traderentur ei caftella fua et tres partes thefauri fui, et omnia baubella fua divifit Othoni nepoti fuo regi Alemannorum, et quartam partem thefauri fui, praecepit fervientibus fuis et pauperibus diftribui. Deinde praecepit rex ut cerebrum et fanguis et vifcera fua fe- * Otho IW emperor of Germany was fon of Maud fitter of Richard L married to Henry V. furnamed the Lion, duke of Saxony and Bavaria. Sand^bifl,vp. 69. C 2 pelirentur i RICHARD THE FIRST, pelirentur apud Charrou, et cor fuum apud Rothomagum, et corpus fuum apud Fontem Ebraudi ad pedes patris fui." Hoveden, Annal. p. 449, 450. 1596. This king died at Gizors, April 6, 1 199. His body was buried at Font Evraud in Anjou ; fee his monument in Sandford, p. 64. and in Montfaucon, Mon. de la Monar- chic, Franc. II. pi. xv. Alfo by G. Vertue, in Rapin's Hiftory of England: His heart was buried at Rouen ; his monument, and that of his fecond wife Elizabeth, is engraven in Montfaucon, . ubi fupra, and copied in Dr. Ducarei's Anglo-Norman Antiquities, pi. 2. as is alfo the effigies of Berengera his wife, taken from her tomb in the abbey of L'Efpan near Mons, where ihe is interred. KING [ '3 3 KING JOHN. EG O J. Dei gratia rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, dux Norm' et Aquit f , Com' Andegav', gravi infir- mitate preventus, nee fufficiens ad tempus innrmitatis. mee currere per fingula, ut teftamentum meum de fingu- lis rebus meis condam ; ordinationem et difpofitionem teftamenti mei fidei et difpofitioni legitime committo fide- lium meorum fubferiptorum, fine quorum conlilio etiam in bono ftatu conftitutus nullatenus imprefentia eorum ordinarem : ut quod ipfi fideliter ordinaverint et difpofue- rint de rebus meis, tarn in fatisfatione facienda Deo et fancte ecclefie de dampnis et injuriis eis illatis, quam in fuccurfu faciendo terre Jerofolimitane, et fuftentatione preftanda filiis meis pro hereditate fua perquirenda et defendenda, et in remuneratione facienda illis qui fideliter nobis fervierunt, et in diftributione facienda pauperibus et' domibus religiofis pro falute anime mee, ratum fit et fir- mum. Peto etiam, ut qui confilium et juvamen eis fecerit ad teftamentum meum ordinandum, gratiam Dei per- cipiat et favorem. . Qui autem ordinationem et difpou- tionem fuam infregerit, malediclionem et indignationem omnipotentis Dei et beate Marie, et omnium fanctorum incurrat. Imprimis igitur volo, quod corpus meum fepe- liatur in ecclefia Sancte Marie et San&i Wulflani de Wi- gorn. H KINO JOHN, gorn. Ordinatores autem et difpofitores tales conftituo : dominum G. Dei gratia titulo San&i Martini preibiterum cardinalem apoftolice fedis legatum, dominum ' P. Winton* epifcopum, dominum * R. Ciceftrenfem epifcopum, domi- num 3 S. Wigorn' epifcopum, fratrem Aimericum de Sanda Maura, W. Marefcallum comitem Penbroc', R. Com. Ceftr', Willielmum Comitem de Ferrarris, Willielmum Bruwne, Walterum de Lafey, et Johannem de Monemut, Savaricum de Malo Leone, Falkefium de Breante. Ex Originate penes Dec. et Cap. Wigorn'. Printed in Thomas's Survey of the Cathedral of Wor- cefter, Appendix, N 33. He died at Newark, OS:. 19, 121 6, and was buried in Worcefter cathedral. See his Monument in Sandford, p. 85. Thomas's Survey of Worcefter cathedral, p. 36. and Stukeley's Itinerary, I. pi. XVIII. and by G. Vertue, in Rapin's Hiftory of England, His bowels were buried at Croxton-abbey. Green's Survey of Worcefter, p. 67. 1 Peter de Rupibijs. 2 Richard Poore, afterwards bp. of Saram. 3 Silvefter de Evefham, prior of Evefham. HENRY [ is 3 HENRY THE THIRD. IN nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus San&i, Ego Hen- rlcus, Dei gratia, Rex Angliae, et Dominus Hiber- nian, Dux Normanniae, Aquitanniae, et Comes- Andegaviae, die Martis proxime pofl feftum apoftolorum Petri et Pauli, anno gratiae millefimo ducentefimo quinquagefimo tercio, apud Suthwyk proponens transfretare in Vafconiam, hujufmodi condo teftamentum meum. In primis, animam meam lego et commendo Deo, et * beatae virgini matri fuae, et -j~ omnibus fan&is. Sepulturam corpori meo eligo apud ecclefiam beati Edwardi Weftmonalterii, eo non obftante, quod prius eligeram fepulturam apud No- vum Templum Londoniae. Cuftodiam vero Edwardi pri- mogeniti filii mei et haeredis, et aliorum puerorum meo- rum, et j regni mei Angliae, et omnium aliarum terrarum mearum Walliae et Hiberniae et Vafconiae, lego et com- mitto illuftri reginae meae Alionorae, ufque ad legiti- mara aetatem haeredum meorum ; et totum aurum meum, praeter jocalia, lego in fubfidium terras fanctae, deportan- dum cum cruce mea per viros ftrenuos et ride dignos, per praediclam reginam et executores meos fubfcriptos eligendos. Et fabricam ecclefiae beati Edwardi Weft- * Beati, MS. t Et et omnibns, MS. j Reginte mei MS. Jacalia, MS. 4. monafterii |6 ^ENR Y T jEf E THIRD, monafterii lego et committo praefata Edwardo primogenito meo perficiendum ; ad feretrum vero ipfius Edwardi beati perficiendum leg r o quingcntas marcas argenti, perci- piendas de *jocalibus meis per manus praedidtorum re- ginae et executorum meorum. Et de debitis meis fie volo et ordino, quod regina mea, haercdibusr meis infra aetatem et in cuftodia ipiius reginae exiftentibus, cum prasdi&is t'er- ris meis debita mea acquietet, quatenus potefr, de exitibus pracdictarum terrarum, falvis ftatu et jcontinencia pro- priorum haeredum. Cum vero -j- idem haeredes ad aetatem legitimam pervenerint, totum reiiduum live remanens eorundem debitorum acquietabunt. Satisfactionem vero obfequiorum militum, ferviencium, et aliorum, quibus teneor, committo et injungo praefatis reginae et Edwardo primogenito meo, ut eis, juxta merita oblequiornm, re- fpondeant et retribuant. Crucem autem, quam dedit michi comithTa Canciae, cum veftimento capellae meae albo, et cum imagine beatae virginis J argentea, parvo tabernaculo lego predictae ecckfiae beati Edwardi Weftmonafterii ; et aliam crucem auream, et veftimentum capellae meae, cum lapidibus preciofis et aliis pertinentibus ad capellam et imaginem beatae Virginis auream, lego praedi&o Edwardo primogenito et haeredi meo. Alia autem, in hoc tefta- mento non expreffa, committo et relinquo difpociflioni executorum meorum fubferiptorum + videliced prefatae * Jacalibus, MS. f Sic. % Argentei, MS. Reginae HENRY THE THIRD. i 7 Reginas meae, Bonefacii Cantuariae archiepifcopi ; * Ado- mari Wintonias electi, et Ricardi comitis Cornubise, fra- trum meorum ; Petri de Sabaudia, Johannis Maunfelle praepoliti Beverlye, f Petri Chiceporm j archediaconi Wal- liae, Johannis prions de Novoburgo, capellanis meis ; Johan- nis de Gray fenefcalli mei, et Henrici de Wengham cle- rici mei. Ita quod ifti de fingulis, hie non expreffis, dif- ponant, fecundum quod faluti meae viderint expedire. Et in hujus rei majorem evidenciam et firmitatem, figillum noftrum praefenti fcripto in modum cirographi confe&o una cum figillis praefcriptorum fecimus apponi. Printed in Liber Niger Scaccarii, vol. II. p. 532. pub- limed byHearne. He died at his palace at Weftminfter, Nov. 16, 1272. His heart was buried at Font Evraud in Anjou ; his body in Weftminfter Abbey. See his Monument in Sand- ford, p. 92. and by G. Vertue, in Rapin's Hiftory of England. * Aymer de Valence, own brother to H. III. by the fecond marriage of his mother with Hugh earl cf March. He was elected by the king's intereft ; but not confecrated till the year before his death, which happened 1261. Godwin. f Petrpj MS. t sic t) EDWARD I Iff 1 EDWARD THE FIRST: EN nun du Pere, du Fitz, e du Seynt Efprit, Amen, Nus Edward, einfne filz au noble Roy d'Engleterre, fefoms noftre teftament, en noftre bon fen, e en noftre bone memorie, le Samedis procheyn apres la Pentecoufte,_ en.le aii de noftre feygnur mil, deu cent, feptfaunt fecund, en cefte manere. En primes* nus divifoms a Deu, e a noftre dame Seinte Marie, e a tuz feyns noftre aime ; et noftre cors enfeuelir, ou nos effeketurs, ceo eft a faver, fire Johan 4e Bretayne, fire William de Valence, fire Rog. de Clifford, fire Payn de Chautros, fire Roberd Tiletot, fire Otes de Grauntfon, Robert Burnett, et Antoyne Bek, o oukuns de eus aurunt devifle : As queus nus donoms et grauntoms plener poer, ke il pufint ordiner por noftre alme, de tuz nos beyns, moebles e noun moebles r cum en rendre nos dettes, e redrecher les tort ke nus avoms fet par nus ou par nos baliz, et rendre a noftre gent' lur fervife, fulom ke il verrunt ke bon feyt. E por ceo ke nus favoms ben, ke noz moebles ne pur- runt pas fuffire a ceo vulums e otroms ke noz avaunt diz exfeketurs eyent pleper poer, le quel nus les grauntoms ft avaunt ke nus pouns, de ordiner, et eftablir de tutes nos teres d'Engleterre, de Irelaunde, de Gafcoine, e de tutes nos autres teres, ke il en pufent ourir en memes la manere fee n fey*es quant eles fu rent en noftre meign, faunt i vendre EDWARD THE * *R S T. vendre ou doner, e en lur meyns teiiir ehfemblemerit o la garde de nos enfatmz, uftrue au plener age de eus, noftre teftament acomplir, et rios aurribnes fere en Erigl'i- tere, et aillurs fulum eeo ke nos efleketurs verrunt kd feyt a fere ; as queus fere, nus ordinoms ceyrrt mille marcs. Et, apres noftre devis fet, et nos aumons acomplies, I'olums ke les ifliies des avaunt dites teres, turnent au pro- fit de noZ enfaunz, e demurgent en les meyns des avaunt diz exeketurs, jufkes a 1'age de noz enfaunz avaunt nomes. Et, fi aventure avenge ke noftre feygnur rey, noftre pere, tnurge dedenz le age de nos enfauns (ke Deu defende) nos voloms ke le reaume d'Engletere, et tutes les autres teres ke porrunt efchair a noz enfaunz, demorgent en les meylls de nos efTeketurs avaunt nomes, enfemblement ovefque noflre cher piere le Erceuefk de Everwyk, * e fire Rog. e ovefk autres prodes homes du reaume, ke il akondrunt d meftier feyt, jufkes al plener age de nos enfaunz fus nomez, e ke les iflues avaunt dites teres feyent cuilliz, e gardez> per les meyns de nos exfeketures avauntdiz, e liverez a nos enfaunz, quant il ferrunt de plener age a lur profifL E, fur ceo nus voloms e ordinoms ke deus, ou plus de noz efleketurs, event poer de oyr nos acuntes, e de recey- vere de tuz nos baliz, ou ke il feyent, devaunt noftre de- partir d'Engletere. E puis, fe il ne poent mufter ke U event leal acunte ren- due, et fi nul de noz baliz feyt mort, ke fes heirs feyent tenuz a rendre la cunte pur luy. * Walter Giffard, 1265 1279/ D 2 Endreyt .* EDWARD THE FIRST. Endreyt de dowarie de noftre chere femme Alianorc, volums ke ele eyt pleynement ceo ke fuft nome quant nus les pufams, e fi de ceo ne fe tent pas a pae, nus voloms ke ele eyt ceo ke dreyt e ley la dorra, fulom les ufages e le leys d'Engletere. E voloms aufi ke la ou tuz noz effeketurs ne poirunt eftre pur fere le execution de noftre teftament avaunt dit, ke quatre ou plus, en num des autrys, eyent poer pur eus, e pur les autrys, pur acomplir les chofes fufdites. E pur ceo, priums a noftre feynt pere l'apoftle, ke il voyll cefte chofe tenir, et fere tenir, e confirmer ; e ke il voyle prier noftre cher pere, ke il voyle tenir eftable, e fere tenir, par tut fon reaume, e tot fon poer, quel part ke il feyt, les chofes avaunt nomes. En teftimoniaunce de la queu chofe, a ceo teftament avoms fet mettre noftre fel, et avoms prie fire Johan er- cevelke de Sur, et vicarie de la feinte eglife de Jerufalem, et les honurables pers, frere Hue Revel, meftre de l'Hof- pital, et frere Thomas Berard, meftre du Temple, ke a ceft efcrit meis ent aun lur feus, les quieus fi le vut fet enfem- blement,.o nos effeketurs avaunt nomes en tefmoifnaunce des chofes fus dites. Done a Acre, le Samedy avaunt nome, le difutime jur de Juen, Tan du regne le roy noftre pere cinkaunt e fine *. Rymer's Fcedera, torn. I. p. 885. * Edward was at Acres 127.1, the Miy-Jixth and laft year of his father's reign. Rapin III. 488, 489. 4 Whether EDWARD THE. FIRST. ai Whether the military tranfactions, and the revenge this< great Prince was- preparing to execute on the Scotch, when death overtook him at Burgh on Sands,, in Cumberland, July 7, 1 307, prevented him from making any teitamentary difpofition after he came to the crown ; no other will of his has yet come to light. He was buried at the head of his father in Weftminfter- abbey. See his Monument in Sandford, p. 136. and by G. Vertue in Rapin's Hiftory of England, vol. I. See alio Sir Jofeph AylofFeV account of his body; as it appeared on opening his tomb in the year 1 774- Archaso-- logia, .vol. IV. p. 37,6. It is more eafy to account- for the want of a whT of his unhappy fon and fucceflbr Edward the Second, who was murdered on the 25th of January, 1326, and buried in the monaftery (now the cathedral) of St. Peter at Glou- cefter. See his monument in Sandford, p. 151. and by G. Vertue in Rapin's Hiftory of England, vol. ! eliz; t * 2 3 ELIZABETH DE BUROH, LADY CLARE. Third daughter of Gilbert ue Clare, laft earl of Gloueefter and Hereford of that name, and Joart of Acres, daughter of Edward I. She was foimdrefs of Clare-hall, Cambridge, and mar- ried firft. to John de Burgh, who was fon and heir of Richard earl of Ulfter ; and died 1313. fecondly, 13 1 5, to Theobald lord Verdon, who died next year, 10 E. II *. and laftly to Roger Damory, baron of Arrhoy in Ireland, who was attainted for taking part with Thomas earl of Lancafter, 15 E. II. but his life was fpared, and he died the fame year. Elizabeth fur- vived him, and died Nov. 4, 1360. 34 E. III. leaving for heir Elizabeth her grandaughter, by William de Burgh, her lbn by her firft hufband, who died in her life-time. She was buried in the middle aile of Ware church, c. Herts, with her third hufband. Weever (p. 544) has prefer ved this epitaph over them : " Hie jacet Rogerus Damory, baro, tempore Edwardi ' Secundi, et Elizabetha, tertiafilia Gilberti Clare, " comitis Glouceftriae, et Johannae uxoris ejus, filiae " Edwardi primi vocat. Johan deAcris + " * Leaving her with child of a daughter, afterwards named Ifabel. Dugd. Bar. I. 474. f Sandford, p. 144, 142. Chauncy, p. 216, 217. Mr. LADY CLARE. 2 Mr. Salmon (Hertfordshire, p. 247) fays, that in his time there remained only the coronet ; but there is now no memorial at all. EN noun du Pere, du Fitz, et du Seint Efpirit, Amen. Je Elizabeth de Burg, dame de Clare, ordeine et face mon teftament et ma darreine volunte en ma pleine me- moire le xxv jour de Septembr' Tan de l'lncarnation noftre Seign'r Fhu CriiY M. ccc. l v. en la fourme et maniere q'enfuyt. A de primes jeo devife m'alme a Dieu et a fa douce miereSeinte Marie et a touz lesSeintzdu Ciel; etmon corps a la terre d'eftre enterre a les foeres Menurefles hors- de Algate en Loundres, It'm je devife pur lumiere entour mon corps la veille et le jour de mon enterrement 11 c lb. de cire des queux jeo voel et ordeine q tut le furplus de la lumiere qe ferra defpendue graunt * gree furra part a la place fus dite foit departi as povres efglifes environ folonc la difcretion de mes executours. It'm je devife et ordeine en toles maneres defpenfes afaire pur mon corps enterer la veille et le jour de mon enterrement et pur la departifon des povres, mefme le jour 11 c li. Et voel et ordeine q' mon corps ne demoerge de feu terre outre quinf'ze jours apres mon deces, deinz queu temps je voel q' la folempnite de mon enterrement fe face fans plus outre delai. Et apres mon enterrement je voel et ordeine q' mes dettes . * Sic O rig. foient: 2% LADY CJLARE. foient primerement paies, et apres mes dites dettes renduz et paies je voel a de primes qe les fervices de mes fervants foient paies en manere c[ eufuit ; primerement a Monf r NicholDammoryvi chargeours%xn efqueles' 1 , igodet c d'ar- gent ove covercle et I faler d d'argent. A Rob't Mareichal xn efqueles d'argent et 11 cruet d'argent p'celle furorre 6 . A Sufanne deNeketon, xn efqueles d'argent n cruets novels d'argent, i mors f d'argent amaille g de mes armes, et ma meil- lour robe ove touz les garnementz. A Anne de Lexeden xx li defterlinges, r chaliz, I mors d'argent et maille s de mes armes, xn efqueles d'argent, et ma robe de noir ove touz les garnementz. A Elizabeth Torel un godet h d'ar- gent ove covercle kernelle, et u bacyns d'argent ove tuelle 1 amaillez en founs, et ma feconde meillure robe ove les gar- nements. A Margarete Banchon mi ewers d'argent et ma tirce meillure robe ove touz les garnemens. A Colmet de Morlee et a Ifabel fa femme I godet d'argent furorre ove covercle kernelle, vm grant faufers, xxxvi meindres fau- cers, et a la dite Ifabel ma quartre mellure robe ove touz les garnements. A Joh^n de Southam' et a Agnes fa femme mi pootz k d'argent, i godet d'argent i hanap' i d'alabaftre h'noife m d'argent furorre, i petit bacyn d'argent du tour * chargers. fc porringers. c godet, a mug. J faltfeller. e furdorre, gilt. f F. morceau. 8 emaille, enamelled. h cup. J tuyau, conduit, pipe. k pots. ! coupe a boire, cup. m harnoife, mounted. d'uae LADY ClaRE. 25 d'une efquele ; et a la dite Agneis trois garnements de ma quinte meillure robe, c'eft affavoir cote, furcote, et mantel de Paone n . A Alifbn de Wodeham vi plates d'argent, i pou- drer d'argent, et tut le remenant de ma iifme meillurs robe outre ce q'eft devife a Johan de Horfelee come piert p* anal. A Johanette Drueys vi plates d'argent, et n quillers d'ar- gent furorrez, et I quiller d'argent blank. It'm a departir entre les dites Alafon et Johanette mes deux robes de tyr- teyne. * A Sire Johan' de Lenne I mafer ? ove covercle her- noife d'argent furorre et kernelle, i chaliz d'argent I vefti- mentpur confeffours d'un drap defoyechekeres ove furrore, 1'apparail. A Sire Piers de Erefwell I boefte d'argent furorre amaille, I chaliz, l poire des chaundelabres, n bacyns, I benoit' ove efperge, r i feyn s et I mors d'argent furorre ove perrie* mes deux antiphoners d'un volum vieux, n grayels d'un volum vieux, I veftiment d'un camoka u rouge etynde* ove tut 1'apparail, et vi furplis de ma chapelle des meillurs q'il voudra eflire. A Sire Henry Motelot vi bacyns, r plate d'argent ove pee, I veftiment d'un camoke rouge tanne ove tut 1'apparail, et I mafer ove covercle hernoife d'argent furorre. A Sire William de Mantonz in pootz d'argent, xv pieces d'argent, et I efcalop d'argent. A frere John de n Purple. Q^efquilcs, bells. * Sorte de mauvaifc ctojfe qui a pris [on nom de Tyre, et dQfit on habille la milice. Laccombe, Dicl. du vieux langage Francois. p A bowl. * F. Chequer'd. r Holy water pot, with a fprinkler. s cloche, bell. c Q^pierres, precious {tones. u Sorte d'etoffe riche. x blue. E HafeL ,6 LADY CLARE. Hafelbech v marcs. A frere Rob't de Wifebech v mars. A Sire William Albon le meillure de deux fengles vefti- ments de blank camoka. A Sire. John de Chiph'm l'autre fengle veftiment de blank camoka. A Sire Edward Soth- word c s. A Sire Joh*n de Huntyngdon c s. A Sire Wil- liam deBerkwey un veftiment d'un camoca, le champ noir tanne ove tut l'apparail. A Sire William de Wykkewane II quillers d'argent, un poire de chandelabres d'argent ove vyz, et i hanap de beril h'noife d'argent furorre. A Sire William Ailmare c s. A Sire William de Ditton i boeft d'argent blank, I chaliz d'argent furorre, n cruets, I pees, I chandeler d'argent pur la ieinte chaundele, i veftiment de camoca le champ noir. A Sire Henri Palmer I pees d'ar- gent furorre, xxxnii quillers d'argent, n chargeours d'ar- gent, un veftiment palee de deux camocas ove tut l'apparel. A Sire William Coke lxs. A frere John L'eremyte i petit feyn d'argent, i quiller d'or et n ervers d'argent. A Sire John deKireby lx s. A Richard de Waterden, lx s. A Joh'n de Clare xxli. d'efterlings. A John Bataile n cruets d'argent furorrez, it grant poots, et n meindres poots d'argent, et xn efqueles d'argent. A Rob't Fle- mengs, n ervers d'argent, et i efquele pur l'aumerie d'ar- gent ove le pee bien lee *. A Johan de Horfelee, in garne- ments de ma lifme meillure robe c'eft aflavoir cote, furcote, et mantel de paone. A Wauter de Kireby, i poire de bacyns d'argent, i benoiter, et I efpefge d'argent furorre. A Ni- y broad. 5 cholas LADY C L A B. * 57 cholas Nowers x li. A John Gough 1 ewer d argent p'- celle furorre, et 1111 godets d'argent. A Humfrei de Wa- leden, 11 chargeours d'argent, 11 plates ove pees p'celle amailles d'une fuyte. A Thomas Charman, 1 ewer et xn efqueles d'argent. A Richard de Kingefton, 1 petit poor d'argent, 1 coupe de jafpre, 1 hanap d'argent plat. A Ali- faundre Charman in poire des bacyns. A Richard de Bufkeby 1 tablet, n chaufe poynts d'argent dont l'un fu- rorre et 1 grant poot d'argent. A John le Meffag' c s a meitre Philip Lichet x marcs. A Eftephene Derby lxs. A John de Knarefburgh xx marcs. A William Beneyt 11 chargeours d'argent. A Richard de Wodeham c s. A John Motelot 1 chandelabre p'tie d'argent, n benoiters, et n efperges. It'm, a Thomas de Lynton lx s. It'm, a Firmyn de Shropham xl s. A John de Henle xl s. A Wauter de Colemull c s. A William de Stone mi li. A Eftephene le Pelleter L s. A William de Coleceftre vi godets d'argent. A Thomas Montjoye c s. A Thomas Scot 1 bacyn et 111 ervers d'argent. A John le Lardiner x marcs. A Hugh le Pullitier x marcs. A Richard le Paf- teler lx s. A John de Dunmowe lx s. A Henri le Pul- letier v marcs. A Cok Haveryngs nil li. A John Brian c s. A John Whitehened c s. A Joh'n Braceour c s. A John de Rumton c s. A John le Chaundeler 1 hanap plat d'argent furorre, 1 ewerot z d'arg'. A Richard le Gayte z Q^ Little Ewer. E 2 LXS, rS lady glare. LX s.- A Richard le Charer mi li. et le char as damoifeles ove le houce a ce appurtinant. A Joft'an Forefter v marcs. A Richard Forrider lxx s. A Joh'n de Kent lx s. A Joh'n de Rinefhale XL s. A Joh'n le Venour jadis demo- rant ovefq' moi XL s. A Richard de Waltham lx s. A Joh'n Parker de South frith xx s. A John Parker haillif de Erhury xl s. A Roger Garbedons c s. A Richard Segor c s. A Richard atte Pole XL s. A William Edward XL s. A Symon Parker de Trillek xl s. A Adam le Baker xl s-. A William Gruffuth lx s. A Thomas Ayl- mer xx s. A Elmon Edward de Farnham xl s. A Joh'n Bacon bailfs de Burton xx s. A Nicholas Artour baillifs de Craneburn lx 3. A John Goffe bailhfs de Wyke xl s.. A Thomas Palmer provoft de Stoke Verdon c s. A Adam ap Wyllym baillif de Novelgraunge xl s. A Richard Cook baillif de Lifwyry lx s. A Richard Toyere provoft deTroye xl s. It'm a Rob't dela Chambre xl s. a Joh'n de Wardon 1 1 pieces d'argent. A Nichol le Ewer et a Ifa- bel fa femme v marcs. A John de Redyngs xl s. A Thomas de Henham xlvi s. viii. A John Teftepyn n marcs. A Richard garceon de la chambre n marcs. A Thomas le Purtreour n marcs. A Richard de Lanyngton xl s. A John garceon de laBotellerie u marcs. A Adam de la Peftriue c s. A William Bacon xl s. A Rob't Wolwy xx s. A Perot de Holand xxxiii s. im d. A Joh'n Caton lx s. A Joh'n Lucefon lx s. A Rob't Lucefone lx s. A Henri Cnappyngs lx s. A Richard de la LADY CLARE. 29 la Forge n marcs. A Rob't de la Chaundelerie 11 marcs. A Wauter Hunte 11 marc6. A William JolifTe 11 marcs. A John le Seller xx s. A touz le pages de raon hoftel q.* portent ma liveree a departir entre eux x li. folent la dif- poiition de mes. executours. It'm je devife pur mefl< s chauntre pur les almes MonPr John de Bourgs, Moni'r Theobaud de Verdon, et Monfr Roger Dammory mes Seignours *, m'alme, et pur les almes de touz mes bons et loials fervants qe murrerent ou murront en mon fervice CXL li. Et voel qe cefte chofe foit faite le primer an apres mon deces a plus en hafte qe honi purra bonement en les places plus convenables folont Tordinance de mes execu- tors fufdits. It'm je devife pur trover v homes d'armes a la terre feinte c marcs a bailler a afcun qe loil foit et co- venable qe voudra enprendre la charge fi comune vi?ge fe face dedeins les fept aims p'chains apres mon deces de les defpendre en la fervice Dieu et deftruction de fes enemys pur les almes mes Seignours Monfr John, MonPr The- baud, Monrr Roger fufdits et la moie. Et eft ma volunte et ma entention darreine tiele q' li nulle comune voiage fe face devers la dite terre dedeins les ans fufdits q* les avant dits c marcs foint meyntendant apres les aims fus nomes departiz et dones as autres mimofnes et oevres de charite come en partie de relevement des mefons des religious et religioufes pofleffioners q' fount efcheuz en poverte per cheance de nisfortunies diverfes de prier pur les almes fuf- ditz les almes de touz mes bienfefours et de tous crefHens. * Her third hulband. It^m, 3 o LADY CLARE. It'm, Je devife a la terre feinte en eide des creftiens pur la loy Dieu meignteign di marc. It'm, Je devife a la mefon des fberes menoreffes hors de Algate en Loundres xx li. i reliqer de criftal, I grant chaliz d'argent furorre, et ii cruets cofteles % I veftiment de blank drap door b ove qantq' au dit veftiment app'ent, et in mors ove M l'res -fde perles, enfemblement ove ma robe de ruffet ove tons les garnementz. I'tm, Je devife a mefme la place pur un memorial le veftiment d'un noir drap door ove quantq' a ce app'ent. v draps door, I lit de noir tartaryn, ove vin ta- pitz et qantq' appent a mefme le lit, dont les nil tapits foient atticles a noir veftiment fufdit. It'm, a mefme la place, vi tapits grants de delie leyne d'un de mes autres lits noirs, et xn tapits grants de delie leyne d'un de mes autres lits noirs et xn tapits vert'z ove la bordure * m're poudre des Huans. It'm, a Soer Katerine de Ingham abbeffe de mefme le lieu xx li. It'm a chefcune foer de mefme Tab- beye le jour de mon enterrement xin s. mi d. It'm, as qatres freres de mefme le lieu au dit jour a chefcun di marc. I'tm, Je devife a ma fale appelle Clarehall en Can- tebrig' xl li. en deniers, I encenfer d'ergent furorre, vi chargeours, xxxix faufers, I nief pur Taumerie en eide de les edifier. It'm, Je devife a ma fale fufdite pur un per- petuel memorial al oeps c de mes chapelleins en le collegie deux chalix d'argent furorrez ove deux petites quillers, " Q^ coftly. b d'or. + Dugd. Bar. I. 475, translates this a thoufaud pearls. * Sic Orig. c ocps, yolonte. 11 cruets, LADY CLARE. 34 r i cruets, 1 boefte furorre et amaille ove le hernoife d pur le corps noftre feign'r, et un encenfer ove un nief c d'argent pur encens, It'm, a mefme la place un vefKment de rouge camoka embroide dymagerie door ove qantq' a dit vefti- ment app'ent, 1 veftiment de noir camoka pur requiem ove une chape et qantq' au dit veftiment attient, 1 veftiment de blank tartayn raie door pur quarifme ove tut l'apparail, et un atir pur le fepulcre, un veftiment d'un camoka plun- ket diapre de noir tanne ove deux aubes et qantq' au dit veftiment atient, un veftiment d'un blank famyt f auxint pur quarefme, et touz les fuppliz de ma chapelle forlpris ceux qe fount devifes a Sire Pieres et le griender eip'uer des deux pur le corps n're feign'r. It'm, Je xlevife a ma fale fufdits deux bons antiphoners chefcun ove un grayel en mefme le volum, 1 bone legende, 1 bone mefiale bien note, 1 autre meflal covert de blank quir, g 1 bone Bible covert de noir quir, 1 hugucion b , 1 legende fanctorum, I poire de decretals, 1 livre des queftions, et xxxn quaiers d'un livre appelle, de caufa Dei contra Pelagianos. It'm, Je devife al eglife cathedrale de Seint Paul, un veftiment novel de blank camoca ove qantq' a ce ap'p'ent pur un me- morial. It'm, Je devife a Seint Thomas de Hereford urt ymage de n're dame d'argent furorre d'eftre tache l fur foil d furniture. e (hip for incenfe ; fee churchwardens of Abingdon's accounts, Archaeol.I. f Fine ftufF or linen. s culr. h Hugutioor Hugh de Vercellis bifho^of Terrara, a great writer on the Decretals. Hoffman Lex. \ fafteD'd, attache: tache in old French and Spaniih is a nail, fiertre r fe LADY CLARE. fiertre k , et al eglife cathedrale illoeq' J , i veftiment dynde i c'eft aflavoir chefible, n tonicles, I chape broides de ymagefie et d'archangeles poudres. I'tm, Je devife a l'ove- raigne m de l'eglife de Walfingham, I godet d'argent furor- re et amaille ove un trepar, et nil lb. en deniers, et n drapsdoor. It'm, a la mefon de Stokes, xn quillers d'ar- gent furorrez, et I drag' ove pee d'argent p'celle iurorre, et 1 1 draps door. It'm, a la mefon de Anglefeye x marcs, et le veftiment d'un rouge drap door de RafFata" ove m crefles p'argent furorres pur les chapes. It'm, a la mefon de Croiz Roeis lx s. et n draps door. It'm, a la mefon de Teukefbirs deux reliqers, I crois ove Marie et Joh'n, et II draps door. A la mefon de Ambrebirs x li. et n draps door. A la mefon de Cranebourne xx s. et n draps door. A la mefon de Tonebriggs c s. et n draps door. A la mefon de Tynterne I veftiment d'un drap faeryn blanks ove qantq' a ce app'ent, et n draps door. A la mefon des dames de Ufk x marcs, et n draps door. A la mefon de Crokefden p cs. et n draps door. A la mefon de Chirpelee * XL s. et i drap door. A la mefon de Seint Efmon r in draps door. A l'hofpital de Seint John en Cantebrigg XL s.. A la mefon des moignes en Thetford x marcs, et I drap door. A la mefon des dames en Swafham, xn ef- queles d'argent, et n draps door. A l'efglife parochiale de . k ficrte t feretory, flirine. J there. m ouvrage, work. n Q. affeta. Royilon. p c. StafFor.!, where herfecond hufband was buried. > Q^ Chiple/ a pricry of Auftin Canons in Suftblk. Tan. N. M. 525. ' Q; St. Edmund, foil. Bury. Clare LADY CLARE. jj Clare lx s. et i drap door. A l'efglife paro'hiale de Berde- feld \ lx s, et i drap door. A l'efglife p'ochiale de Stann- don r lx s. et I drap door. A Teglife parochiale de Bode- kefham u , XL s. et un drap door. It'm, a les freres de feynt Auguftyn de Clare x 1L A les freres menours de Babewell c s. As freres precheours de Thetford xl s. As qatre ordres des freres de Norwiz' vin li. As freres menours de Waliingham c s. A qatre ordres des freres en Jernem* w viii 1L A freres de Seint Auguftyn en Oreford x xl s. As freres precheours de Donwiz y xl s. As freres menours de Gipwy 'xls. A freres menours de Coleceftre xl s. As freres precheours de Subirs * x marcs. As freres precheours de Chelmesford xl s. As freres menours de Ware xl s. As freres des Carmes de Maldon, as quatre ordres des freres en Loundres viii li. As trois ordres des freres en Canter- biris vi li. As freres menours de Canterbrugg* xl s. It*m a mefmes les freres pur lour overaigne c s. et les autres trois des freres en Cantebrugg' vi li. As freres menours de Bedeford xl s. As freres de Seint Auguftyn de Hun- tyndon xl s. As quatre ordres des freres de Northampton viii li. As quatre ordres des freres en Viii li. As deux ordres de freres de Caerdit vi li. As quatre ordres de freres de Glouceftre viii li. As freres precheours et menours de Saleibirs mi li. As freres menours de Dor- 8 Ck. Berdwell, c. Suffolk. * Standon, c. Herts. u Qi Botteliiam, c. Cambridge. *' Yarmouth. x Orford. r Dunwich. 8 Ipfwicb. * Sudbury-. F cheftre 34 LADY- CLARE. cheftre XL s. It'm, Je devife a dame Elizabeth ma fille countefTe d'lflveitler b tote la dette qe mon fllz* fon piere me dcvoit le jour q'il meruit. It'm, Je devife a ma dite fille pur femail ' fur les manoirs de mon heritage en la bail- lie de Clare e'eft aflavoir Staundon, Berdefeld, Clarete, Erbury,Hoveden, Wodehalle, Bricham, etWalfingham : en la baillie de Dorfete e'eft afTavoir Cranebonrne, Tarent, Pimperne, Stupel, Wykes, et Portlonde : et en Gales e'eft affavoir Troye, Trillek, Lancombe, Novelle Graunge, Lantfan, etTregruke, de furment, fegle et mixtilon d pur la fefon yvernaille en les manoirs fufditz cccc. vn qartres. It'm de feves, pois, et vefces en mefmes les manoirs pur la fefon quaremele% lxi qartres. It'm, d'orge et draget d pur mefme la fefon cciiii quartres. It'm aveignes pur mefme la fefon v c xxix qartres. It'm, des chivaux chareterres pur les manoirs fufditz xxiu. It'm des affres f xxim. xiil des boefs pur les carves g nc xlv.hi. enfemblement ove le morteftor' h deinz'les ditz manoirs come charettes, carves, chare as boefs, feur k et paille. It'm, Je devife a ma fille Bardolf ', mon lit de vert velvet raie de rouge ove qantq* b Ulfter. Maud, daughter of Henry earl of Lancafter, and fitter to Herlry duke of Lancafter, married to her fon William de Burgh earl of Ulfter. Sandford, p. 142. c Seed corn. d Monk, meflin, or mixt corn. e Lent. ( f Aver'ia, beafts. carts, whence carvage. h dead ftock, oxjiore. ' dedans. k Laccombe xn^Ytsfeur fynonymous with faille, elfewhere hay, forrage. 1 Elizabeth, her daughter by Roger Damory, married, 10 E. III. to John Bardolf, who died 45 E. Ill, Dugd. Bar. 1. 68a. ace L A D T CLARE. 5$ a ce attient enfemblement ove une coverture d*un drap m're ove la paane m de menever puree, une dymy coverture de la feute, et une coverchief d'ynde famyt ove la paane de Bla et 1 coverture de tanne medle ove la paane de grys. It'm, Je devife a ma dite fille une grant fale de worftede le champ tanne ove papejayes n , et cokerele de blu et qantq' a ce ap'p'ent. It'm, Je devife a ma ditte fille moil grant char ove les houces, tapets, et quiflyns, et qantq' a ce appendent. It'm, Je devife a- Monf r John de Bardolf et a ma ditte fille fa compaigne joyntement en mes manoirs de Cathorp et Clapton, de furment pur le femail come appertient a fefon yvernaille xxvi qartres, de mixtilon et feglevii qartres, mi bs. It'm, pur la fefon quaremele des pois xvii qartres in 1 bs. d'erge p xxxvii quart nub- de draget q ix qartres 11 n b. des aveignes xxii qartres, 1 b- des chivaux chare heres mi. des afFres, xii des boefs xxii. enfemblement ove r mes cha- rettes et carves qe as ditz^ manoirs ap'ptinent et tut lur apparail. It'm, Je devife a ma joefne s fille l Ifabell Bardolf en eide de lui marier, un hanap' plat door, 11 grant drag- ners amaillez en parcelle et xii groffes faufers d'argent, mon lit de fandal m're ove une coverture de cendryn medle ove la paane de menever. It'm, aAgneis t fa foer en m pane, parcel, flcirt. n popinjays, parrots. boiffeaux, bufhels^ J* orge, barley. * dragee, meflin. r enfemblement, together. s joe ne, jeune. ' Q^ If her grandaughters, daughters of John and Elizabeth Bardolf, not mentioned fcy.Dugdale. F 2 eide 36 LADY CLARE, eide le lui marier, i croiz d'argent, n chaundelabres, II fa- lers, i godet, I grant efquele pur Taumene, i hanep' d'ar- gent pounfone, I nief pur encens, i encenfer, i mors de rannuntiation, et vi chargeours novelles d'argent. It'm a la ditte Agneis un lit d'ynde dont la chemcere et cutepoint d'un ;tamelot de tripe ove les appurtenances, et i coverture de blu, ove la pane de gris. It'm, Je devife a MonPr William de Ferrers u en mon manoir de Litle- worth, femail pur le dit manoir, c'efr. aflavoir de furment xi qartres, vi b's. de fegle vi qartres, mi b. de mixtillon u qartres. de fieves et pois xiii qartres, d'orge, xiii qartres, de draget n qartres, de aveignes xxix qartres ; des chivaux charettres I in, des affres vi, des boefs xvni, enfemblement ove les charettes et carves et tut l'apparaile. It'm, Je devife a MonPr Thomas Furnivall fur mes manoirs de Farnham, Sere, Stoke, Verdon, et Wynele- ford de ble pur femail, c'eft aflavoir de furment xxxv qar- tres, n b's. de fegle et mixtilon xn qartres nil b's. d'efpois x etveftes y z qartres, vi b's. d'orge et draget xlv qartres, nn b's. des aveignes xxxiiii qartres, vn b's. des chivaux charettres n, des affres xvi. des boefs xxvi 1 1, enfemblement ove les charettes, carves, et tut Fap- parail. It'm, Je divife a ma fille countefle D'Atthelles mes deux litz de tanne le grant et le petit enfemblement ove qantq' a ceux appertienent. It'm, i coverture d'un bruf- u Richard Damory, luppofed by Dugdale nephew to Elizabeth's hufband Roger, had the cuftody of lands of fome of the Ferrers, temp. E. II. Dugd. Bar. II. 100. fur* 1 vejes, vetches. 3 k J^ LADY CLARE. 37 kyn z en greyn a ove la paane demy puree, et 1 coverchief d'un camoka noir tanne ove la paane demy puree. It'm, Je divife a mon feign'r le Roi pur fa collegie de Wynde- fore une coupe door ove pee pur le corps n're feign'r, et un d'argent furorre ove trois anngelets pur mefme le coupe. It'm, Je devife a mon feign'r le prince un tabernacle door, ove l'ymage de noftre dame, et 11 anngeletz entaille door, 1 grant crois ove Marie et Joh'n d'argent furorre, et 11 grant pees d'argent furorrez et amailles, et 1 anel door ove un rubie. It'm, Je devife au due de Lancaftre mon petit fauter covert d'arcail door, et 1 cruis quarre ove une peice de la verroie cruis q'eft en 1 cas door amaille. It'm, Je devife a dame Marie de Seint Poul counteffe Penibrok une petit croiz d'or ove un faphir en my lieu, et 1 anel door ove un faphir en my lieu, et 1 anel door ove un diamant. It'm, Je devife a dame Johanne de Bars counteffe de Garenne b une ymage door de Seint John le Baptiftre eftean" en defert. Et je voel et ordeine q' fi je face nul regard as afcunes des perfones fufnomes come en gardes, manages, donns des terres, rents, donns en deniers, afcune fume drapeft c ou autre bienfait outre la certeine covenant des mes fervantz fus dits, e'efr, aflavoir entre la date de ceftes et le jour de mon deces ; qe mefme le regard des gardes, manages, donns des terres, rentes, donns en deniers, et la fumme dapreft, fi nulle y foit eftoife d en partie da z Brufq is old French for green. a in grain. b Wife of John laft earl of Warren. She died 1361. 55 E. III. Dugd. Bar. I. 82. c Q^ daprrjl, loans. d fubject, cjio'ifer a la ky y fubir a la loi. paiement 3 g L A V Y C" L A R E. paiement de ceft mon divis, nulle perfone forfprife, fans ibulement ceuz q' imprendront la charge et execution de deft mon teftament, le regard des queux eniernblement ove l'ur nouns et la fu'me des deniers en gros qe je vouchfauf a chefcune perfone ferront trovez en une remembrance en- fealee de mon feal, en lieu de quele fumme des deniers fuf- ditz, les parcelles d'or et d'argent font as avantdits per- fones et diverfes mefons affignes. It'm, Je voel et ordeine qe de totes les parcelles, parament nomeez et divifesj iauve foulement de monoye, la liveree fe face per mes execu- tours fblonc ce qe jai mefmes les dites parcelles declaree et article a chefcune perfone en la remembrance fufdite, que les parcelles je voel qe foient eues c et tenues pur enclofes et comprifes dedeins ceftes, et de mefme Veffed: et value, come elles fufent efcrites de parole en parole en ceft mon dit teftament. Et s'il aveigne qe nulles des parcelles door ou d'argent a ma meignee f parameont divifes apres la date de ceftes foient en afcun autre oeps ordinees moi vivante, iffuit qe mefmes les parcelles ne foient trovees apres mon deces per caufe de la chaunge per moi faite ; je voel qe a mefme la perfone due fatisfaction foit fait en deniers ou en autre parcelle de mes biens a la value. Et fachent totes gents qe ceft ma volente et ordinance darreinere * qe chefcun a qi jai devife ma veffelle ou autre parcelle d'argent forfpris monoye, foit la fume meindre ou greindre h eit folonc fa e eues, had. t famille, menage, s dernier, h plus grande. 2 partion LADY C L A R E. 39 partion diflept livres per pois cTorfieure en lieu de xx li. d'efterlings, et fi per cas la portion d'afcune perfone pafle la fumme des deniers a lui devifes, face la dit perfone fatif- fa&ion a mes executours du furplus, et fi nulle perfone eit meyns pur fa portion du pois fufditz, je voel qe gree lui foit fait pur la defaute. Et fi avife foit a mes executours qe je neye pas fait plein fatisfaction a mes fervants fufdits, et as autres mes fervants nient compris en cefl mon tefti- ment pur lur travail du temps du temps paffe, et de temps a venir, je voel et ordeine qe de la refidue de ma veflele d'argent de ma chapelle et de ma garderobe, outre ce q'eft. divifee en certein lur foit fait un regard refonable fb- lonc la bone difcretion de mes executours fufditz et qe la refidue fufdite ne foit mys autre oeps, vendu, ne per nulle part delivery tantq' c'eft ma darraine volunte foit pleine- ment perfourmie. Et fi per cas aviegne, qe Dieu defend, qe nul de mes precheins, amys, ou nul autre a qi jai rien divife, ou nul autre en lour noun mettent empefchement a mes executours de les defturbir q'ils ne purrount peifible- ment aminiftrer tous mes biens moebles et nient moebles folonc Tur charge et le purport de cefte ma darreine vo~ lente, je voil et ordeigne qe le devis a les dites perfones de qele condition q'elles foient foit pur nul et de tut avienti iffint q'ils n'eyon~-de ceit mon devis ne de mes autres biens fufditz parte ne parcelle forfq' a peril qe appent a torcenous' occupours des biens de mortz et deftourbours de * wrongful. te 40 LADY CLARE, lur darreines voluntees. It'm fi defalcation doit eftre fait pur necefilte, je vocl qelle foit faite fi bien des biens qe jai divifee as ditz dame Elizabeth ma fille d'Ulveftier, Monf r John Bardolf, et ma fille fa compaigne, MonPr William de Ferrers, MonPr Thomas de Furnivall, et ma fille d'Athel- les, come a touz autres contenuz dedeins ceft mon tefta- ment. Et pur ce qe diverfes empefchementz fe fount fb- vent per malice, et fubtilite de home eft plus qe ne foleit avant ces heures, je voel et ordeine qe touz ceux as queux jai devife afcune chofe in cell: mon teftament, facent a mes executours aquitances fi bien des totes maneres d'a&ions, quereles, et demandes, queux ils ount ou avre purrount en- contre mes executours come divis as eux fait et paie per les executours avantditz. Et fi les ditz legataires recufent et ne voillent tieles aquitances faire folonc le purport de cefte ma ordinance, voel et ordeine qe les divis a moi faites as cieux foient tenuz pur nulles et pur nonnefcrites. It'm, Je ordeine qe mes executours facent aquitance et pleine liberation a Sire Johan Leche de mille marcs en quels il m'eft tenuz per ion fait obligatorie, iffint q'il face general acquitance a mes executours de totes maneres d'actions queles il ad ou avre purra devers eux come executours. Et de la refidue de touz mes biens et chatelx qe demurront apres rexecution faite de ceft mon teftament, je voel et ordeine qe une diftribution ibit fait par mes executours fufditz en la manere q'enfuyt, ceft aflavoir de relever les povres religious pofleffioners k fi bien des dames come des * Qt housekeepers* autres LADY CLARE. 4 < autres qe font efcheuz en mefchiefs, partie povres gentiles femmes qe fount charges des enfantz, eider povres fglifes parochiales, et lour furnementz redrefcer et amender, partie pur povres efcolers a lefcole trover et fuftenir, pounts et caufes ' redrefcer, povres gentz q' foleient tenir hoftiel, povres marchantz qe pur cheantz fount anientiz, & povres prifoners regarder et eider, remenant foit fait en autres oevres> de charite par avifement a bone difcretion de mes execu- tours folonc ce q'ils verront mieltz k faire pur le falvation de malme. Et pur cefte ma darreine volunte et mon tef- tament pleynement et loialement performir et accomplir, jeo ordeine, face et noeme mesexecutours fouchefcrites ; cell: aiiavoir Monf'r Nichol Dammory ', Sire John de Lenne, Sire Henri Motelot, John Bataille, Sire Piers de Erefwell, Rob't Marefchal, et Sire William de Man ton, principaus et chiefs ; Sire Henri Palmer, Richard de Bufkeley, Tho- mas Charman, Alifaundre Charman, Humfrei de Wale- den, Richard de Kyngefton, John Motelot, et Sire Will' de Berkevoy, fecundaires. Et voel et ordeine qe les avant ditz Monf'r Nichol, Sire John, Sire Henri Motelot, John Bataile, Sire Pie res, Rob't, Sire William de Man ton, Sire Henri Palmer, Richard, Thomas, Alifaundre, Humfrei, . Richard de Kingefton, John Motelot, et Sire William de Berkewey, aminiltrent touz mes biens et chateux tochantz * bridges and caufeways. k mieux. 1 Qi A brother of her hulbands. Dugd. Bar. II. 700. G ccft 4 , LADY CLARE, ceft mon teftamont en les forme et manere qe enfuyent, et noun pas autrement ; ceft aflavoir qe de mes biens qe furront venduz totes pars pour ma dite volunte perfourmir foient les vendours en les countees de Suff. NoriF. et Effex, Sire Will' de Manton, Humfrey de Waleden, et Thomas Charman. It*m, en la feign ourie d'Ulk, et aillours es parties de Gales, Sire Henri Motelot, et Alifaundre fuf- ditz; en les countees de Dorfet, Wilts, et Chilterne, Sire Henri Motelot, Ric' de Kyngefton, et John Motelot. Item, en les counties Nichole m , Leyc, & Warr', Richard de Bufkeley, & Sire Will* de Berkweye. Et foient les deniers levees de touz mes biens & chateux fufditz liveriees per endenture a Sire William de Manton, Sire Henry Pal- mer, et Richard de Bufkeley, et qe mefmes ceux Sire William, Henri, et Ric' foyent acountables de lour receite a les avant ditz Monf r Nichol, Sire John, Sire Henry Motelot, et a mes autres executours principaus, & qe per l'ordinance des avantditz MonPr Nichol, Sire John, Sire Henri Motelot, John Bataille, & les autres principaus & chiefs executours foient touz les divis faitz de ceft mon teftament, autres deftributionsqe ent ferront faitez, & toutes autres chofes qe charge porterount perfourmis & eftablis. En tefmoignance de qele chofes a cefte ma darreine volunte ay mys mon feal. Don a Clare, les jour & an fufditz. B Lincoln. Probatio LADY CLARE. 43 Probatio di&i teftamenti coram Simone Iflip Cantuar' Archiep' in ecclefia Sororum MinorafTarum ordirris Sancte Clare extra Elgate London, 3 non Decern- bris, Anno Domini 1360. Regifter Iflep. fol. 164, b. 165, a. b. 166, a. b. in the Archiepifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth, Gz HUMFERY C 44 1 HUMFERY DE B O H U N. NINTH OF THAT NAME, AND Earl of HE R EFORD and ESSEX. He died unmarried, in his caftle of PlefTey in Eflex, 1 36 1. 35 Edw. III. and was buried in the church of the AufHn Friars, London, which he rebuilt 1354*. EN le noun du Pie re, del Fuiz, et du Seint Efp'it, Amen. Le dymenge* lendemeyn de Seint Denys en Octobr', Tan de Incarnation n're Seign'r I'hu Crift mil troiz centz feyflauntifme p'mier nous Humfray de Bohun counte de He' ford et D'Eez b , et Seign'r de Breken en fan&e et bone memoire fefoms n're teflament en cefte man'e. Ade- p'mes nous devifmes n're alme a dieux a la rev'ence de la Tinite, et de feint Auguftyn a qi nous ovons grant affec- tion, et p' la relbnn q' dieux nous ad p'ftez richeflez et honour en cefte feicle q' neft a la p'fyn q' ueyne gloire nous devifoms n're corps de gefier c et d'eitr' enfevely entre les pov's freres de l'ordre de Seint Auguftyn ceft aflavoir en le quoer de lour efglife a Loundres devant le haut autier. Et ne voloms point q' nos executours facent pur nous le jour de n^re -enterement nule comune dep'tifonn as pov's * Dugd. Bar. I. 185. Vincent on Brooke, p. 244. Stowe's Survey of iondon, p. 181;. * Dimanchc. b EJfcx. e lye. geiitz, EARL OF ESSEX. 45 gentz, ne qil p'ent granz feignoiif s ne un ne autr*, ne q'il facent nule mang'ie le jour de n're enterrement forfq' tant foulement a tin evefq* q' sf'ra prie de nous enterrer et as poevres freres et a n're mevfhee, ne q'il facent nule herce d entour n're corps fofq* de trerfe cierges, chefcun del pois de v ib.*et q'il ordeinent n're toumbe folonc ceo q'il v'rount q' foit afaire et en qiconq' lieu q'il nous eftov c 'a morir ; nous devifoms a la parfone de la efglife pochiale de cele place xx li, rl q'il prie pur nous et nous affoile ii riems f eioms in efpris v's fa efglife en difmes onrendres ou autre chofe, et q'il relefTe totes man es dations et chalanges q'il purra avoir p' caufe de n J re fepulture et entrement riens, et fi ceft come n're alme 1 ra a dieux comande, nous vo- lons q' nos executours man-dent le corps tout priveement a Londres ove n're confeffovr et autres gentz des queux foient tout le plus chapelains, et foit elitr* illoq'es priveement, nos devifoms auxint* et voiloms q' unehuche" r foit faite auxi com* pur n're corps, et demoere en certaine place ta ou n're meifnee demurra tantq' n're ent'rcmuit foit ordeine, et q' chefcun jour y foit fait pur nous placebo et dirigc et mefles et -cierges entour cele huche pur nous, chefcun de troiz lb. tantq' 1' enterrement foit fait, et chefcune noet p cnemyi! ou cele houche en lieu de n're corps covendra repofer, nous d herfe, or frame of wo or nouchg^ a gold ftud, orfetting, for jewels. 2 q'nte. EARL OF ESSEX. 51 q'nte pieces ove les e gaudez u q'errex et ovez une "crolz d'or enquele eft une piece de la v'roie croz n're feignour. Nous devifoms auxint a Elizab't n're niece de Northamp- ton x n're liht des armes d'Englet'e ove ceel et curteyns et dys tapitez. Nous devifoms a n're niece dame Katerine Dengayny XL li. pur fa chambre. Nous devifoms auxint a n're foer countefle Doremant z deux pots d'argent, xn ef- queles, et xu faucers d'argent pur fon hoftel.. Nous de- vifoms auxint a n're frere Monf'r Hugh de Courtenay count de Devenifshire un graunt faphir quarre de fyne co- lour dynde a . Nous devifoms auxint a n're foer Countefle de Devenfshire n're liht vert poudre de rofes vermailles ove tout l'apparail, et un chapelet gobonne de g'nz faphirs et grofTes perles, et un bacyn darrein, en quel nous fumes acouftumez a laver n're tefte, et qe fuit a Madame ma miere. Nous devifoms auxint a l'abbe de Walden xl li. A Sire Nichol de Neuton c marcs. A Sire Thomas de Wal- mesford XL li. A Sire Stiefne atte Roche xx li. A Sire Williem Agodefhalf x li. A Wauter Blount et a Marioijm U fa feme c marcs, et n're meillure robe ove mauntel furre * Q;_ Ornaments. u Q^ quarres. x Only daughter of his brother William, earl of Northampton, married to Richard fon and heir to Edmund earl of Arundel. Dugd. Bar. L 18-6. y Daughter of Hugh earl of Devon, married to Thomas lord Engayn, who died 41 E. III. Dugd. Bar. I. 467. z Eleanor his eldeft fifter, maried James Botiler, earl of Ormond. Vin- cent on Brooke, p. 241. makes her youngeft of the two. Dugdale, Bar. L p. 184. makes her his fecond lifter, but fays nothing of her marriage. Margaret, the other fifter, married Hugh Courtney earl of Devo.nfliire, men- tioned afterwards. a blue. H 2 de p EARL OF ESSEX. de meniver, et la dite Marionn furra charges de \y verer en- tierrement a noz executours touz nous joiaux, et totes nos autres chofes, qele ad en garde forfpris, lyntheux et keverehes, les queux nous voillons q'il foient dep'tiez entre nos damoyfels a prier p'r nous. Nous devifoms auxint a Letice de Maflendon xx li. A Helen Smyth x marcs. A Thomafinc Belle XL marcs, pur fon manage, ou pljs h qele foit bien mariee. A Joh'n de Chertefeye XL marcs, n* q'il foit aidant et entendant a nous executours Nous de- vifoms a Rob't Nobet, et a Katerine fa femme xl marcs. A SymondPeiche xx li. A William Nobet x li. A Johan MaundeviMe xx marcs. A Ine de Sandhurft xx marcs. A frere William Belle x li. A Joh'n Atteford x marcs. A Thomas Docking xx li. Til ne foit avance devant n're deces ; et Til foit avance, nous vok>ms q'il ne eit forfq' x li. A Joh'n atte Roche xl s. A Joh'n Bonnallet' x li. A Williem de la garderobe x li. et une robe, ove un man- tel pur tout fon fee. A Henri Skynnere c foutz. A Joh'n Middleton x H. A Richard Maldon, c s. A Piers Peyn x marcs. A William Hurle xx marcs et une robe. A Watekyn Potter c s. A Waut' de la Chaumbre xx marcs et une robe. A Raunde de la Chaumbre cs. A Henri de la Chaumbre xl s. A Joh'n Rolf v marcs. A Joh'n Lu- minour xl s. A Joh'n rouge b Potager xl s. A Williem de Barton haftiler xl s. A Joh'n Ufsher xl s. A Williem Gamage xl s. A Joh'n Ralgh venour xl s. A un garfon pur le ferour xx s. A Joh'n Ravenefton xl s. et un viel b Potagier is in Laccombe, officier qui a foin d\j potage du Roi. robe, E A R L OF ESSEX. 53 robe, ceil alia voir cote et furcotc. A Rob't de Legh'es 11 marcs. A Salkyn Wyftok 11 marcs. A Benoyt de la Quifine 1 marc. A Whitenod 1 marc. A Gibbe Parkere 1 marc. A Perimant 1 marc. A Rog' Hergeft xl s. pur laveurys 1 garfon xx s. A vi chare tters, chefcun de eux v marcs, ceil: aflavoir a ceux q' fuict lungement demurrez ovefq' nous : et a les autres meynes folom lour demoere p* avifament de nos executours. A meftre Thomas le Ferour v marcs. A Davy q'eft Barber et Ewer xl s. A un gar- fon feurer c 1 marc ; et q' null ne foit paie de nous gens avantditz, Til ne foit en vie apres n're deces, et demorraunt ovefq' nous. Nous devifoms auxint a les executours Sire Stevene de Grevefhende d jadys evefq' de Londres xx marcs- les queux nous luy devoms. Et voloms auxint qe totes les depenfes q' nos executours ferrount p' eux ou p' autres entour le executioun de n're teftament q'ils les p'gnent de nous beins ; et tout le remenant de nous biens a chateux q' ne font pas devifes ne paiez, iicom' d'ift eft p' amont nous voloms q'ii foientvendus, et lesdeniersquillies 6 enfemble et menex a Loundres, et illoeq's p' avifement de nos execu- tours et des plus fages des freres illoeq's foit ordeine a paier nous dettes, h* nuls foient aderere ; et tout le remeneant voloms q' foit dep'tie et defpendeu en di verfes aumofnes, et nomeement en vn oev'es de charite, et en meffes chaun- tiez p' les plus feintes gens q' q' hounne p'ra efpier et autre aumofnes q' mieux et plus toil puiflent proffit a n're alme. c fuere, artifan, ouvrier. Laccombe. It is not eafy to explain the offices of tke feveral domeftics here mentioned, fuch as HaftUer y Ferour , &c. - He died 1^38. * receuillez. Nous 54 EARL OF ESSEX. Nous voloms auxint q' par avifement de n're confeflbur et de nous executours gre f foit fait a totes les eiglifes p'ochials ou nous avoins demurres, fi riens foit arare 8 de difmes, ou d'ofrrendes, ou de nule autre chofe qap'tenoit a la droite de la efglife quele qele foit. Nous voloms auxint q' tous nos joiaux q' nous demoerent ap's n're detes par refoun q' nous avoins ew graunt delig't de eux regarder, q'il foient touz venduz, et les deniers dep'tiz en diverfes aumofnes per avife- ment n're confeflbur, et p' nous executours. De cefl n're teftament nous ordenons et fefoms noz executours frere Williem,Abbe deWalden, frere Williem Monkeland n're confeffour, Sire Nichoel de Neuton, et Sire Thomas de Walmesford, et Sire Efliefnes atte Roche nos clers. Et prioms n're tres honourable piere in Dieu, q' totes ceftes chofes foient faites folom n're volentie. Nous voloms auxint et devifoms q' nous executours facent lewer un chapeleyn q' foit de bone condition daler a J'hri'm princi- palment pur ma dame ma miere & pur mon feignour mon piere as queux Dieux face v'rore mercy et pour nous, et qe le c'hapelayn foit charge a dire mefles p' chemeyn a totes les fois q'il p'ra conement p'r les almes. Et auxint q' nous executours lowent un bon home et loial daler a Caunt'birs, et ofFrer illoeq's p'r nous xl s. d'argent. Et un autre tiei home daler a Pountfreyt, et offrir illoeq's a la toumbe Thomas jadys Counte de Lancaftre xl s b . Nous f gre t allowance.' * or ere , a rear, as aderere before. " See Dugd. Bar, I. p. 783. and Walfingham, p. 167. The teftator's father loft his life by adhering to Thomas earl of Lancafter, in his rebel- lion againft Edward II. being (Is in on the bridge at Burrovghbridge, 1321. L-.mcafter's popularity made him pafs for a martyr. voloms EARL OF ESSEX, $$ voloms auxint q' fi nous eioms ubliez de mettr' en n're teftament afcun de nous fervans q' nous executours les fa- cent trov' cynk chapelains tout un an a chaunter pur Palme de nous et pur les almes de ceux q' nous ont fervy et a prier pur nos. Nous devifoms auxint et ordenoms q' nos executours p'ignent c li. et achatent une p'celle de terre et enfeffent Joh'n de Mortimer et fes enfans de fon corps en- gendre, et qe la terre foit taille, fi qele ne puiflfe eftre aliene fi le dit Johan foit en vie adunq's, et Til foit a dieux, co- niande q'il enheritient fes enfans a touz jours apper \ pur nous. Nous voiloins auxint et ordenoms q' tantoft apres n're deces noz executours et n're confefTour ordeignent chapelains les plus feintes gentz q'il purrount trov', auxi bien dcs feculerscom' dereligious^ a prier pour nous. En tefmoignance de queu chofe a cefcuy n're teftament avoins mys n're feal eftre k en n're prefence en n're chaftel de Plefly, le jour et l'an de fufditz. Et pour ceo q' nous fumes en volientie affaire une chaunterie de certains chape- layns en l'onour de Dieux et de n're dame et de Seinte Anne a prier pur nous en manere q' Tra ordeine, queu chofe fuit enp'tie comences et puis deftourbe p' la mort n're ch' frere countede Northampton 'q' dieux aflbile, nous voloms q' n la dite chaunterie ne foit p'fourme en n're vie q' nos executours achatent tant de terre a la v'rdie value del manoir de Dunmawe, et p'fourner la dite chaunt'ie a la priorie de Scoule, f'il p'ount acorder, ou ailleurs fi com' ' 1 Q^ a prier j k proprt, own, Laccombe. 1 He died 1360, and was buried at Waldefc abbey, Dugd. ubi fup. Sec his wife's will. Ib ill p t A K L O F B S S E X. il v'roufit q' meux foit affaire. Nous voloms auxint et devi- fbms q' apres totes oeftes chofes faites contenues en n're teftament p' amount q* nos executours p'igneut dys mill* marcs, et les defpendent per confaile et avifement des freres defuznomes en chaunt'ies et un autres fept oev*es de cha- rite, folont ceo q'il poont mieux accorder q' mieux fok pur l'alme de nous, et auxient pur paier dettes fi nules foient aderere. Et tout le remenant foit defpendu com' eft avant devife en n're dit Teftament. Probatio dicti Teftamenti coram Simon, archiep' Cant' dat. 13 Kal. Npvembr' Anno D'ni 1361. apud Novum Templum, London. Extracted from the regifter of Simon Iflip, fol. 178. h. 179. a. b. In the Archiepifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth, HUMFREY C S7 3 HVMPHREY DE BOHTN. TENTH EARL OF HEREFORD AND ESSEX, Nephew to the foregoing. He died 1371. 46 E. III. having married Joan daughter of Richard Fitz Alan earl of Arundel, by whom he left only two daughters^ Eleanor, married to Thomas of Woodftock duke of Gloucefter, and Mary, to Henry duke of Lancaster, afterwards king Henry IV *. EN noun de Dieu, Jeo Humfr' de Bohun, conte de Hereford, d'Eflex, et de Northampton, et coneftable d'Engleterre, de bone et faine memoire, face mon teftament le xii jour de Decembr*, en Tan de grace mil ccc feptant fecond' en manere q'enfuit. Primerement, Jeo devife m'alme a Dieu tout puhTant, a la bennye virge Seinte Marie, et a touz Seints du Ciel, et mon corps cTeftre enterres en l'eglife de Tabbeye de Walden. Et jeo doigne et devife touz mes biens et chateaux, vifs et morts moebles, et nient moebles q'cunq' p't q'ils foient a meftre Simon t p* la grace de Dieu evefq' de Londres, MonPr Gy de Bryane, MonPr John de Moulton, MonPr Rob't de Tye, Joh'n de Gyldef- burgh, et a S'r Ph. de Melreth, p'r mon corps enterrer, et * Dugd. and Vincent ut fup. Sandford, p. 143. f Simon Sudbury, aftenvards abp. of Canterbury, beheaded by Wat Tyler's mob, 1381. I p'r 5 8 EARL OF J1EREFORD. p'r les dettes mon trefhone* Seign'r et Piere q' Dieu affoile, et auffint pur mes dettes propres entierement paier, et jeo devife q' mon dit corps enterrez, & 4es dettes mon dit tre- fhone' Seign'r et Piere, et auffint mes dettes propres paiez, qe le refidue de touz mes biens et chateux foit fait p'r m'al- me et p'r les almes de ceuX as queux jeo fui tenuz folonc la difpofition des avauntditz eveiq', Moni'r Gy, Moni'r Joh'n, Monrr Rob't, John, et S'r Ph. quels jeo face et ordeigne mes executours de ceft mon teftament, et ceo p' la furveue Monf'r Richard conte d'Arundell et deSurr'Jo- nanne ma trefchere compaigne et Adam Fraunceys citezein de Londres, Don' a Pleffiz le jour et l'an fufdits. Probatio dicli Teftamenti coram d'no Willielmo Wit- tlefey archiep' Cant', apud Lambeth, Id. Mali, Anno D'ni 1373. Refill:. Witlefey, fol. 127. a. b. In the Archiepifeopal Kegiftry at Lambeth. EDWARD t $9 ] EDWARD THE THIRD. IN nomine iumme et individue trinitatis, Patris, et Filii et Spiritus Sancli, gloriofe virginis Marie matris Dei, et totius celeftis curie, amen. Cafus mortiferus parentis primi de ftatu labentis innocencie immortalitatem mortalitate in- felici commef cio commutavit, et adeo dire infectionis rivulos derivayit in pofteros ut genus humanum ab infe&is radicib' propagatum racione ipfius originalis contagii exinde refb- lutionis patetur difcrimina, et divina volente jufticia de eeto' per mortis femitas incedere cogeretur. Quod nos Ed- wardus Dei gra', qui feptra regnorum Anglie et F'ncie, regis regum nobis affiftente clemencia, per nonnulla te- nuimus tempora, in regalis difcretionis examine revolventes, ac conhderantes q'd pemiirTa mortis fentencia eft tarn cont* maiores q'm inrimos generaliter promulgata, cumjuxtafa- pientis proverbium oranes morim' et diiabinv veiud aqua, volentes que propterea dum recenti gaud.mus memoria de n'ris anima et corpore ac bonis mobilib' nobis adeo collatis taliter ordinare, q'd n'ra diipoiicio effe poterit deo placita, mundo aceepta, ac liberis, miniftns et familiarib* n'ris fidelib', qui nedum nobis, fet toto regno n'ro, multa gra- tuita impenderunt obfequia, in aliqualem recompenia- tionem laborum fuorum admodum p'futura, ad teftamen- tum n'rm iblempnit' condendum, et voluntatem n'ram ultimam regaliter declarand', procedere decrevimus, in I 2 hUDC to EDWARD THE THIRD. hunc modum. In primis fiquidem, in puritate et fin- ceritate fidei catholice exiftentes, omnipotent deo plafma- tori n'ro animam n'ram quam fuo cruore p'ciofo redimit legamus, et earn fibi intenfiori devotione qua pofliimus commendamus ; p* corpore vero n'ro in eccl'ia Sancti Petri WeftmonafVii int' clare memorie p'genitores n'ros reges Anglie regalem eligimus fepulturam, feu funeris noftri exe- quias more regio volumus celebrari, cum tali tamen mo- deramine ut preter torcheas cereas in numero condecenti fint tantum circa corpus noftrum in ipfis exequiis, quinq' ceree feu luminaria cerea in quantitate competenti, cum fex mortariolis cereis abfq* pluri ; deinde vero volumus, et in hac ultima voluntate n*ra fpecialiter ordinamus, q'd monaf- terium n're d'ne de gracia jux'a Turrim n'ram London' al* p'nos fundatum quoad dotem fufficientem et alia in- cumbencia augmentetur juxta n'ram intentionem pri- mevam. Volum' etiam, et exp'ffe ordinamus, q'd col- legium n'rm lib'e capelle n're Sancti Stephani apud Weftmonaft'm* p' nos fundatum p'flciat', et omnib' de- bite de bonis n'ris compleat'r jux'a ordinacionem primeve fundacionis ejufdem. Item volum', et exp'fle ordinamus q'd in conventu fratrum predicatorum de Langele n're fun- dacionis conftruant* et riant domus et edifTcia n'ris fumptib', prout per nos alias fuerat ordinatum : volum' in- fup' q'd conventus diftorum fr'm de num' viginti p'fona- rum ejufd'm ordinis augmentetur, et q'd novi redditus de bonis n'ris adquirantur, qui ad folvendu* fingulis ipforum viginti fratrum annis fingubs decern marcas fufficere pote- run* EDWARD THE THIRD, tx runt annuatim, qui omnes pro flatu n'ro falubri dum vivimus, et pro anima n'ra cum ab hac luce fubtractt fuerimus, ac anima clare memorie Philipe quondam regine Anglie confortis n're carimme, necnon pro bono fratu om'ium liberorum n'rorum fup'ftitum, et animabus extinc- toru', apud Deum in miflis et aliis oracionib' et devo- cionib' fuis ip'ialit' intercedere p'petuo teneant'. Confe- quenter damus et legamus heredi n'ro futuro, cui Deus conferat graciam falutarem, Ricardo videlicet filio recolende memorie Edwardi nup' principis Wallie primogeniti n'ri,. unu' ledum integrum cum toto apparatu fuo de integris armis 11 ris Anglie et F'nc' apud palacium n'rm Weftmo- nafVii exiflentem. Item damus & legamus eid'm qua- tuor alios lecl:os qui folebant extendi in quatuor cameris inferiorib' palacii fupMidli eciam cum apparatu integro eorundem. Item damus et legamus eid'm dupplicem ap- paratum pro aula fua, quorum unus fit magnus et nobilis, reliquus vero lenis et tenuis pro cariagio ordinatus. Item damus et legamus eidem duos apparatus integros p' ca- pella. Item damus et legamus Johanne nup* conjugi Celebris memorie Edwardi primogeniti n'ri fup'difti mille marcas in quibus nobis ex mutuo tenebatur, volen- tes quod jocalia fua nobis propterea impignorata lib'e refti- tuant' eid'm. Item damus et legamus cariffime filie n're Ifabelle a comituTe Bedefordie pro fubvencione fua et exbi- a Ifabel, eldeft daughter of Edward III. was married 1365 to Ingelratn de Coucy earl of Soiffons, whom the king created earl of Bedford next year. He died at Barre in Apulia 1397. She died ?' )i>k i- and was buried at the Friars minors, without Aidgate. Sandford, p. 178.. Vincent on Brooke, x bicione EDWARD THE THIR D. me lie b fue trefcentas marcas annuas annuatim prove* few exeuntes de t'ris et redditib' filii et heredis bone memorie comitis Oxonie ultimo defunct*, c quas Thomas Tirell' miles tenet de nobis, quamdiu infra eta- tern fuerit idem heres. Refiduum vero omniu' bonorurri nVorum mobilium in quibufcumq' rebuz exiftenciu', eciam fi in cuftodia t'rarum et tenementor. maritagiis heredum, arreragiis firmarum', reddituu', vel in debitis, feu nominib' debitorum a retro quomodolib' exiftenciu' extiterint damus ft kgamus, ac omnib 1 viis et modis quib' melius pot'i- mus concedimus executoribus n'ris inferkis nomi'atis, ip'orumq' bonoru' pofTeffionem exnunc in ip'os executores in quantum pofiumus transferimus, ut de illis debita n'ra, contcmplacione p'fone n're dumtaxat, non racione regni feu guerramm n'rarum contracla, ad que heredem et fuccefTo- rcm n'rm, ip'iusq' heredes et fucceffores, ex lege Dei et confeiencie fore intendimus obligatos, et ideo ip'os execu- , n'ros ad ea folvenda afTringi volumus vel artari, qua- i s ip'a bona fe extendere potuerint jufte p'iblvant, et alias p' animo n'ra ea difponant, p'ut voluerint coram fummo .c in ultimo examine relpondere* Habita iemp' con- iideracione quod fi deles miniftrietfamiliares n'ri qui hucufq* a nobis non fuerunt debite premiati, ex diclo refkluo bono- b Ph-ilippa, youngeft daughter of the earl and countefs of Bedford before mentioned, was married to Robert de Vere earl of Oxford, afterwards dike of Ireland and marquis of Dublin, who forfook her for a foreigner, lie died 1392. having been attainted in Pari. 11. Ric. II. The parliament allowed her lands. 2 H. IV. She was living $ H. IV. and itiled marchionefs of Ireland. M.S. note of St. L. Kniveton on Vincent on Brooke, p. 404. This legacy was a icrther provilion for her, out of her hufbapd's eltate, C was deferred by him. 1 Thomas de V* eigh'Jb earl of Oxford, father of Robert. runj EDWARD THE THIRD. 63 rum n'ror', quatcnus juxta difcrecionem dictorum execu- torum n'rorum fieri pot'it, debitam remuneracionem t'neant, et debite renumerati datis a nobis plene gaudeant, quod heredi n'ro futuro fub paterne benedi&ionis plenitudine judicamus. Hujus fiquid'm teftamenti n'ri regii exe- cutores nom'iamus, facim', et deputamus p'clarum videl't, filium n'rm Johannem d regem Caftelle et Legionis, ac tduceni Lancaitrie illuftrem, ven abilesq' p'res e Joh'em ep'm Lincolinen', f Henricum ep'm Wigornien', s Johan- nem ep'm Herefbrden', ac dileclos et fldeles n'ros Wil- Fmu' dnm' Latymer b , Johannem Knyuet cancellariu', Rob'tum de Afheton thefaurarium, Rogerium de Bello Campo -camerariu', Johannem de Ipre fenefcallum n'ros milites, ac Nich'm de Carei/ cuftodem privati figilli #7 Quos omnes et lingulos oneramus ut hanc voluntatem n'ram ultimam debite exequi et adempleri faciant, prout fuperius ordinavim', et prout ad partem funt -de n'ris inten- tione et voluntate plenius et magis fpecifice informati ; iu- pervifores autem hujufmodi n'ri teftamenti creamus, faci- mus, ordinamus et conltituimus rev'endos iti xp'o patres Simonem ; archiep'm Cantuarien' et k Alexandrum archi- ep'm Eboracen', quos quantum aH nos attinet in d'no requi* d John of Gaunt, e John Buckingham, keeper of the privy feal, died 1397. ' Henry Wakefield, lord treafurer, died 1395. 8 John Gilbert, lord treafurer, died 1398, * He died 4 R. II. Dugd. Bar. II. 32. ' Simon Sudbury. * Alexander Neville, banifht 1387, died at Lcvsin 1591. Godwin. nmus 64 EDWARD THE THIRD, rimus et rogamus quatenus ipfi tamquam regni n'ri Anglie primates fup'iores omnia hanc ultimam voluntatem n'ram concernencia quatenus opus fuit fup'videant, ipfamque exe- cutioni debite demandari faciant, refiftentes vero ec- cli'afKca cenfura p'ut eorum officiu' exigit debite coher- ceant et compefcant, p'ut coram Deo reddere volu'nt ra- cionem. In quorum omnium et fingulorum testimonium atq' fidem p'fentem paginam feu p'fens teftamentum vo- luntatem n'ram ultimam continens fuperfcriptam in fcriptis redigi, ac iigillo privato et figneto n'ris includi, et fignari, ac n'ri magni figilli appenfione fecimus roborari. Datum, fcriptum, et ordinatum fuit p'fens teftamentum in man'io n'ro regali de Haveryngge atte boure, in cam'a n'ra infe- xiori, feptima die mens' Octobr', Anno D'ni mill'imo tre- centefimo feptuagefimo fexto, ac regni n'ri Anglie quin- quagefimo, regni vero n'ri Francie triceiimo feptimo. Prefentibus dile&is et fidelib' n'ris Johanne de Bureleye, Ric'o Sturreie, etPh'p la Vache militib'; Will'mo Strete con- trotulare hofpicii n'ri, Johanne deBev'rle, Walt'o et Johanne de Salefburi, leutiferis camere noftre, et aliis quampluribus, cumWal'to de Skirlawe 1 decretorum do&ore canonico una Eboracen' ad audiendum hanc ultimam voluntatem n'ram fpecialiter evocatis in folempnius teflimoniu' p'miflbr'. Probatio dicYi Teftamenti coram D'no Simone Cant' Archiep' apud Lamheth, 25 June 1377. 1 Dean of St. Martin's, bp. of Litchfield and Coventry, 1385 ; Bath and AVells, 1386; Durham, 1388; died 1406. Godwin. Regift. EDWARD THE THIRD. 65 Regift. Sudbury, fol. 97. b. 98. a. b. in the Archiepifco pal Regiftry at Lambeth. King Edward the Third died at his manor of Shene, (now Richmond) in Surrey, June 21, 1377 ; and was buried in Weftminfter Abbey. See his monument engraven in Sandford's Genealog. Hiftory, p. 176. and by Vertue,, for Rapin's Hift. of England.. K EDWARD I 66 ] EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES. EN noun de Pere, du Fitz, et de Saint Efpirit, Amen. Nous Edward, eifne fitz du Roy d'Engletere et de Fraunce, prince de Gales, due de Cornwaill, et count de Ceftre, le vii jour de Juyn, Tan de grace mil troifcentz feptantz et fifme, en n're chambre dedeyns le palois de n're trefredote S'r et pere le Roy a Weftm' efteantz en bon et fain memoire, et eiantz coniideration a le brieve duree de humaine freletee, et come non certein eft le temps de la re- solution a la divine volunte, et defiranz toutjourz d'eftre preft ove l'eide de dieu a fa difpoficioun, ordenons et fefons n're teftament en la maner qe enfuyt. Primeriment nous de- vifons n're alme a Dieu n're Creatour, et a la feinte benoite Trinite, et a la glorieufe virgine Marie, et a touz les fainz ; et n're corps d'eftre enfeveliz en l'eglife cathedrale de la Trinite de Canterbire, ou le corps du veray martir monf 'r Seint Thomas repofe en mylieu de la chapelle de n're dame Undercrofte a , droitement devant l'autier, fiq' le bout de * This is the chapel called by Mr. Somner " The Lady Undercroft," in the middle of which Becket was buried. Neither he nor Mr. Goftling, had they feen this will, would have entertained any doubt about the place of that prelate's interment. (Canterbury Walk, p. 220. 2d edit.) The Black Prince does not mean to be buried in the fame chapel with the faint ; that would have been too great an intrufion. He only means to be laid in the fame church, directly before the altar, from which his tomb was to be ten feet ditlant. He founded a chantry in this chapel, 1363, with li- cence of his father, king Edward III. and made a very confiderable altera- tion in the Gothic tafte, with ribs curioufly moulded, and having carved ornaments at their interfeclions, among which one has his arms. This was railed the Black Prince's Cbapcl. The endowment of the chantry was Vauxhall EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES. 67 de n're tombe devers les pees foit dix peez loinz de Tautier, et qe mefme la tombe foit de marbre de bone mafonerie foite. Et volons qe entour la ditte tombe foient dufze ef- cuchons de laton, chacun de la largeffe d'un pie, dont les fyx feront de noz armez entiers, et les autres fix des plu- mezd'oftruce, etqefurcbacun efcuchon foit efcript, c'efr. af- faveir' fur cellez de noz armez et fur les autres des plumes doftruce, houmout b . Etparamont c la tombe foit fait un table- ment de laton fuzorrez de largefle a longure de meifme la tombe, fur quel nouz voloms q'un ymage d'ov'eigne d leve e de latoun fuzorrez foit mys en memorial de nous, tout armez de fier de guerre de nous armes quartillez & le vifage mie, ove notre heaume du leopard mys deflbus la tefte de l'ymage, et volons qe fur n're tombe en lieu ou leu f le purra plus clerement lire et veoir foit efcript ce qe enfuit en la maner qe fera mielz aviz a noz executourss: Tu qe paffez ove bouche clofe par la ou cifr. corps repofe, Entent ce qe te dirray, ficome te dire le fay. Vauxhall manor, near London, now belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Thehouies forthepriefts belonging to it were at the bot- tom of Beft's-lane, where a ftone door-way remains; and the place is or' was lately privileged, under the board of Green-cloth. lb. p. 218,219.62.. b This word in the German language fignifying a haughty fpirit, might reprefent him as an intrepid warrior. Goftling, p. 267. Whatever oc- cafioned the alteration from his order here recited, the fhields with the oftrich feathers have his motto Ich dien. e On the top of the tomb. (1 Of work in relief of copper gilt. Sic Orig. i. e. waflied over with latyii, &c. f Orig. leu, or len. Q.l'on. s This epitaph is given in Sandford and in Dart's Canterbury, with fome little variations, and fome incorreclnefs. It is written on the edge of the brafs table, in double lines, the lines of each couplet following one another. There is added an epitaph in profe, fetting forth the Prince's titles, the day of his. death, &c. Kz TieL 6S EDWARD P R I N CE OF W A L E $. Tiel come tu es, je autiel fu ; tu feras tiel come je fir, De la mort ne penfay je mie, tant come javoy la vie. En terre avoy grand richefle, dontjeyfys grand noblefle, Terre, mefons,et grand tremor, draps,chivalx, argent, et or, Mes ore fu je povres et cheitifs, profond en la terre gys. Ma grand beaute eft tout alee, ma char eft tout gaftee. Moult eft etroite ma mefon. En moy na ft verite non. Et fi ore me veifTez, je ne quide pas qe vous deifTez, Qe je euffe onqes horn efte, d fu je ore de tout changee. Pur Dieu pries au celeftien roy, qe mercy eit de Palme de moy. Tout cil qi pur moi prieront, ou a Dieu m'acorderont, Dieu les mette enfonparadys, ou nul ne poet eftrechetifs." Et volons qe a quele heureqe notre corps {bit amenez parmy la ville de Canterbire tantq' h alapriore, q' deux deftrez' co- vertz de noz armez et deuz homez armez en noz armez et en noz-iieaumes voifent k devant dit n're corps, c'eft aflavoir, Tun pur la guerre de noz armez entiers quartellez, et l'au- tre pur la paix de noz bages des plumes d'oftruce ove quartre baneres de mefmelafute, etqechecun de ceux q' porteix)nt les ditz baneres ait fur fa tefte un chapeu de noz amies. Et qc celi qe fera armez pur la guerre ait un home armez por- tant apres li un penon de noir ove plumes d'oftruce. Et volons q' le herce l foit fait entre le haut autier et le cuer, dedeyns le quel nous voloms q' n're corps foit pofee, tantq' h les vigiliez, mefTes, et les divines fervices foient faiftes ; lef- quelx ferviees enfi faitez, foit n're corps portes en l'avant h unto, until. l deftricrs, horfes. k voifent, Q. fliall walk before our Lady. 1 Sec before, p. 45. elite EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES. 69 dite chappelle de notre dame ou il iera enfevillez. Item nous donnons et devifoms al haut autier de la dite eglife n're veftement de velvet vert enbroudez d'or avec tout ce q' appertient au dit veftement. Item deux bacyns d'or, un t^halix avec le patyn d'or noz armez graves fur le pie, et deux cruetz d'or, et un ymage de la Trinite a mettre fur le dit autier, et n're grande croix d'argent fuzorrez et enamel- lez, c'eft affavoir la meliour croix qe nous avons d'argent ; toutes lefqueles chofez nouz donnons et devifonsau dit autier a y fervir perpetuelement, fainz jammes le mettre en autre oeps m pur nul mifchiefs 15 . Item nous donnons et devifons ai autier de n're dame en la chappelle furdite n're blank vefti- ment tout entier diappree d'une viue dazure et auxi le frontel qel'evefqed'Exceftrenous donna, q'eftdel'aflumption den're dame en mylieu fev'er d'or et d' autre ymagerie, et un taber- nacle de Faflumpcioun de n're dame qe le dit evefq' no* donna auxi, et deux grandez chandelabres d'argent q' font tortillez, et deux bacyns de noz armez, et un grand chalix fuzorre et enameillez des armes de Garrenne ove deux cruetz taillez come deux angeles, pur fervir a mefme l'autier perpetuelment, fainz jamez le mettre en autre oeps p' nul mefchief. Item, noz donnons et devifons notre fale des plumes d'oftruce de tapiterie noir et la bordure rouge ove cignes ove teftez de dames, ceft aflavoir un doflier, et huyt pieces purles cofts et deux banqueres p a la dit eglife de Canter- bire. Et volons q' le doffier foit taillez enii come mielz fera m ufe, work. n to prevent prejudice being done tt> them ; or, on no account. Warren* ? A back piece, and eight pieces for the fides and two benches. avis 7 o EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES, avis a noz executours pur fervir devant et en ton r le haut autier, et ce q' ne befoignera a fervir illec du remenant du dit doftier, et auxi lez ditz banqueres volons q' foit departiz a fervir devant Fautier la ou Monf'r Saint Thomas gift, ct l'autier la ou la tefte eft, et a Fautier la ou la poynte de Fefpie% et ento'r n're corps en la dite chappelle de n're dame Undercrofte, ft avant come il purra fuffiere. Et voloms q" les coftres r de la dit fale foient pur pendre en le quer tout du longparamontleseftallez 5 ; et en cefte maniere ordenons a fervir et eftre ufez en memorial de noz a la fefte de la Tri- ll ite, et a toutz les principales feftes de Fan, eta lez feftes. et jours de Monf'r Saint Thomas et a toutez les feftes de n're dame, et les jours auxi de n're anniv'faire perpetuele- ment, tant come ils purront durer fainz james eftre mys en autre oeps. It'm nous donnons et devifons a n're chap- * At the altar where St. Thomas lies, at the altar where the crown of his (kull which was cut off at his death was preferved, and at the altar where was kept the piece of Richard Brito's fword, which was broken off by the violence of his blow againft the arfhbifhop's head and the pavement. See Fitz Stephen's account of his death in Sparke's Hift. Anglic. Script. p. 87. Gervaife inter X. Script, p. 1416. The firft was called altare tumbcs- B. Thomx martyris (Somnerp. 98. Battel, p. 28.) Thefecond was pro- bably in that part of the cathedral called Becket's Crown. (lb. p. 94. Goitl. p. 124.) The third was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and commonly called the altar of the martyrdom of St. Thomas. Erafmus fays it was of wood, and a very imall one, and that there was laid upon it the point of- thc fword which cut off the crown of the archbifhop's head, and was flirred about in his brain. At this altar he breathed his lail invocations on the Blened Virgin. Batteley, p. 27, fays, Roger who was chofen abbot of St. Auftin's 1176, and carried with him from it a piece of the fkull, and good part of the blood and brains of St. Thomas, was keeper of this altar ; but Thorn (int. X. Script, p. 1819) fays, he was keeper of the altar ad quod dtr , to ari(e Kelham. due. p reward. avons EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES. 75 avons donnes anozchivalers, efquiers,etautresnoz fervitours en gueredon * des fervices q'ils nous ont fait et des travalx q'ils ont eu entour nous, n're entierc et darriene volume eft q' les dictes annuytees eftoifent r , et q' touz ceux afquelx nous les avons donnes en foient bien et loialement ferviz et paiez, folonc le purport de n're doun et de noz letres quels eu ont de noz. Et chargeoms n're filz Richard fur n're benefon de tenir et confermer a chefcun quant nous lour avons enfi donnez; et fi avant come Dieu nous a donnes pour 5 fur n're dit filz nous lui donnons n're malifon l fil empefche ou foefFre u eftre empefches en quantq' en il eft n're dit doun. Et de ceftn'reteftamentlequelnousvolonseftretenuzetperfourmez pur n're darreine volunte, fefons et ordenons noz executors n're tres cher et tres ame frere d'Efpaigne x due de Lancaftre, les reverenz peres en Dieu William y evefq' de Wynceftre Johan r evefq' de Bath, William 3 evefq' de Saint Afaph, n're t'fch' en Dieu S. Rob't de Walfham n're confeflbur, Hugh de Segrave fenefcal de noz terres, Aleyn de Stokes, et Johan deFordham lefquelx nous prioms, requerons, et chargeoms de executer et accomplir loialment toutez les chofes fuf> * guerdon, reward. r ejlclcr, to itand to, to abide. Kclham. * power. x or mal'ichcn, malediction. ' J fuffer. * d Efpaipic. John of Gaunt, third brother of the Black Prince, mar- ried in 1372, Conftauce eldeit daughter of Peter king of Caftile and Leon, in whofe right he claimed the kingdom of Spain, in re-eftabliihing Peter on which throne two years before the Black Prince contracted the ficknefs of which he died, 1376. Sandf. p. 250, 251. y Wdliam Wyckham, died 1405. 2 John Harewell, chancellor of Gafcoigne, chaplain to the Black Prince, de fon iigne acuftumez en tefmoignance de toutes et chefcuns les cholcs defliiz dites. Et ego Joh'nes de Ormefheved cl'icus Karliolen* dioc' publicus autoritate apTica notarius, p'miffis omnib' et fingu- lis dum fie ut premittittur fub anno D'ni Mill'imo ccc feptuagelimo fexto, Indictione quarta decima, pontirlcatus fan&iilimi in Xp'o p'ris et d'ni n'ri d'ni Gregorii divina providentia pape xi mi anno fexto, menfe, die et loco predictis predictum metuendimmumd'num meum principem agentur et fierent, p'fentib' reverendo in X'po p're domino Johanne Hereforden' ep'o, d'nis Lodewico de Clifford, Nich'o Bonde et Nich'a de Scharnesfeld militib\ et d'no Will'mo de Walfham cl'ico* ac aliis pluribus militib', cl'icis,&fcutiferis, unacum ipfis prefens fui, eaque fie fieri vidi et audivi, & de mandato dili d'ni mei principis fcripfi, et in hanc publicam formam redegi, fignoq* meis et nomine confuetis fignavi rogatus in fidem et teftimonium omnium premifTorum, con- flat michi notario pred'eo de interlinear' harum di&ionum tout ejl per me facV fup'ius approbando. b mariner. Probatia EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES. 77 Probatio dictiTeftamenti coram Simone Cant' Archiep', 4 Idus Junii, 1376, in camera infra fcepta domus fratrum prsedicatorum conventus London. Noftre Tranflationis anno fecundo. Regift. Sudbury, fol. 90. b. 9 1 . a. b. in the Archiepifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. Edward Prince of Wales, commonly called the Black Prince, died in the Royal Palace at Wefl.minft.er, on Trinity Sunday, July 8, A. D. 1376; and was buried in Canterbury Cathedral. His monument is engraven in Sandford's Genealogical Hiflory, p. 187; in Dart's Antiqui- ties of Canterbury ; and by Vertue, in Rapin's Hiflory of England. JOAN C 78 3 JOAN PRINCESS OF WALES. IN nomine San&e et individue Trinitatis, Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Anno ab incarnacione D'ni fecundum curfum et computac'oem ecclefie Anglic. mhTmocccLXXXv, Regn^vero cariflimi filii mei Ricardi Regis Anglie etFran- cie nono, menfis AugufH die feptimo in caftro meo Wa- lyngford Sar* dioc', Ego Johanna principhTa Wallie, duciffa Cornub', comithTa Ceftr', et d'na Wake, habens integram ianitatem mentis mee, et fidem catholicam firmiter profici- endo, facio, ordino et conftituo teftamentum meum five ultimam voluntatem meam in hunc modum qui fequitur. Inprimis ego Johanna principifla lego animam meam om- nipotent! Deo falvatori meo, et beatiflime Virgini Marie fue genetrici, et omnibus fanctis ejus ; Corpufq' meum ad fe- peliend' in capella meaapud Stanford puxta monumentum ven* D'ni noftri et mariti comitis Kanjc' defuncti*. Item volo et ordino quod debita mea omnia et fingula celeri modo quo fieri potuerint perfolvantur. Item lego precariilimo filio meo regi fupradi&o lectum meum de velvet rubrum novum operat' in broderia cum pennis oftric' argent* et cum capit' leopardor, de auro' cum ramis et foliis argenteis procedenti- bus ex utraque parte quolibet ore ipfor' cum apparatu prout eft in cuftodia cuftodis garderobe mee London'. Item lego predilelo filio meo Thome comiti Kancie unum tectum a He died Dec. 28, 34 E. III. Dugd. Bar. II. 74. de 9 JOAN PRINCESS OF WALES. 79 de camaca pallata in camaca rub' et radiata de auro cum apparatu, videlicet, cum dorfor' ciel integro, uno quilt quo- libetoperat' in broderia de v hachements in compafs, in curtins deTarteren rub' verberat' 1 tranfverfiam defyndone, I materat' b de findone rub', n fuftian', 1 canevas de carde rub', xvin capet' de tapifleria, n quiffin' long de camaca rub' 1 coopertor' c de fcarlet furr' de meum purat' d . Item lego * "m^nur fllio meo carimmo Johanni de Holand' c unum ledum de camaca rub' pulverizat' cum paniers, cum apparatu, vide- licet, 1 dorfor*, 1 ciel integr', 1 quilt quolibet operat' in bro- deria de v compafs, in curtin de fyndone rub' plan', 1 ma- terat' de findone ex utraque parte, xn quiilin', 11 fuftian', xxii 11 capit' de tapifteria, 1 cannevas de carde blod. Item unumcoopertorium de fcarlet furr' cum Meumpurat' 1 cover- chief de camaca five furrura. Refiduum vero omniumbonor' meor' p'fenciumet futuror r ubicumq' exiftencium, ac omnes et fingulos fruclus, redditus et provent', necnon jura et do- rninia quecumq' quos et que carillimus filius mens Ricardus Rex Anglie et Franeie michi et executoribus meis conceffit et dedit, polt mortem meam per unum annum habend' prout litteris fuis hide confectis plenius continetur, do, lego, et concedo, meis executoribus fubfcriptis, viis et modisquibus de jure melius poffum ad folvendum primitus de eifdem bo- nis et catallis meis debita mea fupradicta, & deiride ad remu- nerandum fervientes meos fecundum qualitatem et merita perfonarum michi ferviencium, et ad difponendum pro ani- b mattras. f coverlet. d Furr a de Meum is a particular fort of furr, not explained by the glof- faries. It may be a!fo read furr at um de or cum Meum. Du Cange ex- plains puratus for purpuratus, and applies it to a Byzantine coin. c Her third fon by the earl of Kent, beheaded by the mob at Plefhy, where he was buried 1 Henry IV- 6 ma go JOAN PRINCESS OF WALES. ma mea ficut eifdem executoribus meis utilius, fanius et fa- lubrius videbitur expedire. Quibus executoribus meis do et concedo poteftatem generalem et mandatum fpeciale tef- tamentum meum et ultimam voluntatem meam hujufmodi exequendi et plenarie adimplendi fecundum modum et for- mam fuperius exprefYat'. Ad quod quidem teftamentum meum five ultimam voluntatem hujufmodi bene, fideliter et plenarie exequend' etadimplend' facio' ordino, conflituo exe- cutores meos generales et fpeciales venerabiles in Chrifto patres et amicos meos cariffimos D'nos Rob'tum f confan- guineum meum Dei gr'a London', et Will'm 8 ead'm gr'a Wynton' cp'os, ac providos et circumfpectos viros michi predeli&os Dn'm Joh'nem Dn'm de Cobham, Dn'm Will'm de Beaucharnp, Dn'm Will'm de Nevyll, Dn'm Simonem de Burlee, Dn'm Lodowycum Clyfford, Dn'm Ricardum Abberbury, Dn'm Joh'm Clanvowe, Dn'm Ricardum Stury, Dn'm Joh'nem de Worthe fenefcallum terrarum mearum et Dn'm Joh'em le Vache milites, ac cariilimos clericos meos d'nos Will'm de Fulburn' et Joh'nem de Yernemouth, et dile&os armigeros meos, Will'm Harpele & Henr' de Norton, ipfofque omnes et fingulos executores meos rogo & per vifcera Jefus Chrifli firmiter obfecro et requiro quatinus premhTa omnia et fingula fe- cundum Deum et juflam confcienciam fideliter adimpleant, adimplerive faciant et procurent pro pofle eorundem, et ficut ante tribunal* eterni judicis in fuo terribili judicio vo- luerintetdebeantrenderepretereaomnibusprerniffis fecundum i Robert Braybroke. z William Wykeham. pro- JOAN PRINCESS OF WALES. 8j propofkum, vim et efteclum prefentis mei teftamenti five ukime i mee. voluntatis fideliter et plenarie ad bonam deli- beracionem et confcientiam predictor' executor' meor' com- plet' omnia et iingula bona mea infuper remanencia com- mit to in poteftatem et difpoficoem predilicli filii mei Thome comit' Kancie et didtorum venerabil' in X'po pa- trum epifcopor' London' et Wynton.' In quorum omnium teftimonium, ac teftamenti mei et ultime voluntatis mee hu- jus fidem pleniorem, prefentes literas meas teftimoniales et ultimam voluntatem huj' continentes figilli mei appofic'one fignavi et feci communiri. Dat. anno, menfe, die, et loco fu- pradiclis. Hiis teftib'. Priore Walyngfordie, et Joh'ne James. Probatio dicli teftamenti coram Will'm Cantuar' archiep' in capella privata manerii n'ri de Lamhith, 9 die menfis Decemb' anno D'ni 1385, etn're tranf- , lationis 5to. Regift. Courteney, fol. 213. b. 214. a. b. in the Archie- pifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. This princefs (called the Fair Maid of Kent) was the only daughter of Edmond of Woodftock earl of Kent, fon of king Edward I. She was married firft to Thomas /v^^aw Montacute, earl of Salifbury, from whom the pope divorc- jfo. Sj^ urou ^usvu^d I ed her g , and gave her to her gallant Sir Thomas Holland, ch \roU-c*. oU> ruu^e+UC, > knight of the garter, who was created in her right earl of fa Jhla^d, (%) /^U/S, Kent, and lord Wake of Lidell, and died 34 E. III. She ^f al^c^e^, SoUUk z Dugd. Bar. I, 648, II. 75, 94. Sandford 184. Jj/lU- M was 8z JOAN PRINCESS OF WALES. was thirdly married the year after to Edward the Black Prince, whom me outlived, and died at Wallingford Miq. caftle, July 8, 1385, of grief for the king her fon's juil refentment to her fon John Holland, for killing lord Staf- ford in a fray, and was buried in the church of the Friars minors at Stamford, which has long fince been demolifhed h . h SeeinPeck's Annals of Stamford, book XII. p. 11, 12, an account of her death. Mr. Peck imagined a female buft fet in the weftern outwall of the ioclofure there, which he has engraved, belonged to her monument, . HENRY t 83 3 HENRY DUKE OF LANCASTER. EN le noun del Piere, del Fitz, et del Seint Efpirif. Nous Henry, Due de Lancaftre, Counte de Derby, de Nichol a et de Leiceftr, Senefchal d'Engletere, Seigneur de Bruggerak b , et de Beufort, le xv jour del mois de Marz l*an de grace mill ccc\ et lx. a n're chattel de Leic' de- vifons et fefons n're teftament en manere qe f'enfuit. Enprimes nous fecommaundons et devifons n're alme a Dieu, et devifons n're corps a eftre enfevellitz en l'eglife collegiale c del annunciation n're Dame de Leiceftr' dau^ trepart d le autiere ou le corps n*re feign'r et piere qe dieu aflbile eft enterrez. Et voloms q' n're corps ne demeorge defenterrez outre trois fymaynes apres le departir del alme* Et volons q* fi nous devions e a Leic' que n're corps foit porte a l'eglife parochiele le tiers jour devant l'enterrement, et q' illoeq's foient faites les divines fervices, tiels come appartient, ove xxni torches, et qe les douze torches de- moergent a l'eglife et deux draps d'or ; les cureez de la dite eglife aient n're melior chivall ou les pris en noun de * Lincoln. b Brigerak is a ftrong town in Gafcoigne, which he reduced with many more in king Edward's French wars, 18 E. III. Froiffart and Walfingham. in Dugd. Bar. I. 785. r Founded by his father, Henry eatl of Lancafter, 4 E, III. d On the other fide. ' dsvier, or dei'oycr, to die. M 1 prin* 84 HENRY DUKE OF LANCASTER, principal*, et q' n're corps foit porteez d'illeoqes tanqe- a Teg-life collegial de n're Dame avant elite, et illoqes- enterrez come defus eft dit ; imnts q'il ny ait choie voine h ne de bobaunce', come des homes armeez, nedes chivalscou- vtrtz, ny autres chofes veines, mes une herce ove" cynk cierges, chefcune cierge de centz lb, et mi grauntz mor- tiers k , et c torches entour les corps. Et qe cynqainte poures fbient veftus, vint et cynk de blank et xxv de blew, portant les ditz torches. Et volons q' n're Seign'r le Roy et ma Dame le Reyne foient garniz de n're ent're- ment ', et Mons'r le Prince, et mes feign'rs fes freres, et madame Dame Ifabell 1 ", et nos feors 11 et nos freres lo'r feigneurs, et les autres grauntz de n're faunk . Et devi- fons cynqaunt linges p por departir as poures bofoignoufes en temps environ n're enterement en manere come nous avons charge de bouche les unz de nos executors, fi tauntz des poures y foeint. Et ne volons unc q q' nulles coftages foeint faitz le jour de n're enterrement pour peftre les gentz del pais nes les c5es r de la ville, et volons q' leligi- oufes foient bien regardez. Et volons q' fi nous devions f The curates of that church to have our beft horfe, or his value, in, the name of the principal. Dugdale. s ainji) fo. h vain. 1 bobans, bobanite, fumptuofite. Laccombe. extravagant. k lamps. 1 be warned or invited to the funeral. m his wife. There were fix of them ; all married except the fourth, who wai abbefs of Ambrefbury. Dugd. ubi fup. p. 783. great people of our blood or lineage. 9 Quaere, Jbeets. * oncques, by no means. r To amufe the country folks nor the common people. Les communes de la ville. aillors HENRY DUKE OF LANCASTER. 85 aillors qua Leic' q' n're corps foit menez al eglife de n're dame collegial avauntdite et illeoqes enfterrez en manere come deius eft dit. Et volons et deviibns q' toute la cire et touz les drapes d'or demoergent a la dite eglife colle- gial, et deviibns a la dite eglife entierement n're chapele ove touz les aournementz s et touz nos reliqes. Et devifons touz nos biens, veflell d'argent, et touz lez autres moebles a aquiter noz dettes et guerdoner J noz poures fervauntz, qe ne fount mie ungore u guerdone, chefcun folom lour deflert,. et folom lour eftat, a la difpoficion de nos executors, et a perfaire x la dite eglife collegial y et touz les autres maifons devifez et ordeignez entour la dite eglife. Et volons qe ft nos executours puiflent eftre enfourmes en verite qe nous tenoins terre qe fuift d'autruy, et qe nous ne avoins tiel eftat qe nos heires puiflent de bone foi le tenir, q'il per- fuent a nos beires de rendre les terres a ceux ou a cely a queux ou a qy eles devient ou doit eftre de droit. Et auxint qe fi nos executours puiflent eftre enforme qe nous eions evvz d'autri a tort, q'ils facent gree en defcharge de n're alme. E a toutes ceftes chofes pleniement perfaire et acumplir folom n're volunte et devys fufditz, nous ordeig- nouns et fefons nos executors le rev'rent piere en Dieu John x evefq' de Nichol, le lionorable home de feinte reli- s crnemens. x to reward. n encore. x finifli. y The church and buildings were not compleated until long after this time. The fubfequent dukes of Lancafter granted an annual fiira to- wards carrying on and finifhing the fame for feveral ages after the death of this Duke. 2 John Gynwell, or Geneville, bifliop of Lincoln, 1351 1363. 6 gion 86 HENRY DUKE OF LANCASTER, gion William a abbe de Leic', n're trefchiere foer la Dame Wak b , n're tres chiere cofyne de Walkynton, Monfieur. Rob't la Mare> Monf John de Bokelonde, Sire John de Charnele, Sire Waut' Power, Sinkyn Simeon, et John de Neumarche ; donaunt pleine poer a eux et a chefcun de eux toutes les chofes fufdites pleinement perfaire et acomplir en la manere fufdite. Et en cas qe nulle chofe foit endoubte et nemye defclare en le dit teftament, eient nos ditz executors pleine poer totes chofes en mefme le teftament defclarer folom ceo qils fenterent qe foit plus a pleiiance de Dieu, al profit de n're alme, accordaunt a n're volunte et a refoun. Item nous devifons touz noz biens qe remenent outre noz dettes et outre ceo qe ferra donez pur reward a noz fervauntz, et a perfaire n're dite eglife collegial de Leic' et en eide de performir et accomplir les maifons qe nous avoi s ordeignez iiloeqes, d'eftre mys al profit de n're alme par 1'avis et aflent denoz ditz executors. En tef* moigne de queles chofes nous avions a cell: n're teftament mys n're feal enfemblement ove n're fignet; efcript le jour, lu, et an fufditz. Probatio dicti Tcftamenti 3 Kal. April. A. D. 1361. in caftro Leyceftr' coram Johanne Lincoln Ep'o. Alia probatio diet' Teftamenti coram D'n'm Will'mum de Witlefeye, Official' Cur' Cant'. Dat' London 7 Idus Maii, A. D. 1361. " William Knight was dean of the duke's college, and reftgneu 1322. Qiixrc if he was chofen abbot of Leicefter abbey afterwards. b Blanche, his fecond fitter, married to Thomas lord Wake. Regift' HENRY DUKE OF LANCASTER. 87 RegifY Iflip. fol. 172. a. b. in the Archiepifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. This Henry, iurnamed Grifmond, from the place of his birth, being Grifmond-caftle, or Caftrum de Groffo Monte, in Monmouthfhire, and called alfo Tort-Col, or Wry Neck, was the only fon of Henry earl of Lancafter, the fecond fon of king Henry the Third. He was created earl of Derby in his father's life, 1 1 E. III. earl of Lincoln, 23 E. III. and duke of Lancafter, 25 E. III. and married Ifabel, daughter of Henry lord Beaumont, by whom he had iflue two daughters, of whom Blanche, the younger, being married to John of Gaunt, brought him the eftate and title of Lancafter. Henry died at Leicefter of the plague, 2S Edw. HI. 1360, and was buried in the collegiate church of Our Lady, at Leicefter, where Ice- land c faw his monument, on the S. fide of the altar, and at his head that of his wife. But thefe, with the church itfelf, were completely demolifhed at the diffolution ; but the hofpital of the fame foundation frill fubfifts in part. See his feal in Sandford, p. 102. c Itip. I. 17. LIONEL [68 ] LIONEL DUKE OF CLARENCE. IN Dei nomine, Amen. Ego Leonellus, Dux Clarencie, ianus mentc licet egercorpore, volenfquc debitum mor- tis prevenire, teftamentum meum condo in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam Deo et beate Marie et om- nibus iandtis, et corpus meum ad fepeliend' in eccl'ia fratrnm Auguftineniium de Clare. in. choro ante magnum altare. It'm lego eccl'ie eor-unde'm fratrum nigrum vefH- mentum meum cum toto apparatu. It'm lego eid'm eccl'ie pannum meum nigrum brondatum*. It'm Violente uxori mee rubeum veftimentum meum cum coronis aureis cum toto apparatu. It'm eidem uxori .mee omnia, jocalia mea exceptis fubfcriptis. It'm d'no Joh'i de Bromwych militi unum dextrarium qui vocatur Gerfacon' b . It'm lego d'no Ric'o Mufard militi uriam zonam de auro cum uno dextrario qui vocat' Maungeneleyn. It'm lego Bar- the'o Pycot duas zonas de argento & deaurat'.. It'm lego D'no Joh'i de Capell capellano meo unam zonam de auro ad faciend' unum calicem in memoriam anime mee. It'm eidem D'no Joh'i melius portiforium meum notatum c . It'm eidem Joh'i unum par veftimentorum pauleatum d cum 1 embroidered. b A courier named Gerfalcon. Another named Maungeneleyn. My beft portiforium, with mufical notes. d paled. albo LIONEL DUKE OF CLARENCE. 89 albo & rubeo. It'm lego mag'ro Nich'o de Haddeleye unum parvum portiforium non notatum. It'm lego D'no Joh'i Wayte capellano unum portiforium notatum. It'm lego Thomse Waleys unum circulum aureum, quo circulo frater meus et dominus creabatur in principem e . It'm Edmundo Mone lego ilium circulum quo in ducem fui creatus. It'm lego mag'ro Nich'o de Haddeley fupra- didlo duo monilia de auro, blodio & viridi colore anamalat* f . It'm lego Nich'o Bekennesfeld unum monile de auro cum duabus manibus inclufis. Item lego eidem Nich'o decern marcas annui redditus in manerio de Bremmesfeld 5 ad totam vitam fuam percipiend'. Et lego Rob'to Bardulf unum monile de auro ad modum cordis factum. It'm volo quod omnes annuli diftribuantur inter valetos camere mee fecundum difpoficionem executor' meor'. It'm volo & execu- toribus meis injungo q'd nulla fiat bonorum meorum feu terrarum mearum faltim quas vendere feu donare poffum aliquibus deliberacio feu diffipacio h exceptis legatis fupra- diclis, quoufque debita mea fecundum quod facilitates mee ad hoc fuppetunt plene perlblvantur, et fi quod reii- duum fuerit, volo quod fit in difpofic'one executorum meorum. Hos vero conftituo & facio hujus teframenti mei feu ultime voluntatis mee executores, videlicet' "V-iolentam uxorem meam, Barth'm Pvcot et D'n'm e Edward the B'.r.ck Prince. f enamelled with red and green, tlodtus, color fanguineus.' Du C. 6 Brimsfield c. Gloc. h This word i? not in the gloflaries. N jfoh'm 9 o LIONEL DUKE OF CLARENCE, juh'm de Capeir capellanum, quibus adjungo DVm Joh'em 4e Bromwyclie miJitem coadjutorem non taii- quam executor-em. Acta funt bee anno ab incarnacione P'ni milleiimo tricentefimo fexagefimo octavo, indicTionc ("optima, meniis Octobr' die tercia, pout' fanctiffimi in Xp'o patris ac d'ni nVi d'ni Urbani divina providencia pape quinti anno fexto, in camera ip'ius d'ni ducis, infra muros civitatis Albanen' fituat' -, prefentibus Nich'o de Beken- nesfeld, Rob'to Bradwaye, Job'e Bray, et aliis.. Et ego Nicb'us de Haddeleye, clericus Miden' l dioc' pub- licus auttoritate apoftolica notarius premiums omnibus et fingulis fupradiclis dum fie ut premittit' agerent' et fierent una cum prenominat' tefiibus prefens interfui, eaq' omnia etfingula lie fieri vidi et audivi, fcripii, publicavi, et in banc publicam formam redegi, fignoq' meo confueto iignavi rogat' in fidem et testimonium premifibr'. Probatio dicci Temimenti coram WilL'mo Cant'Archiep' 6 to Idus Junii 1369, apud Lambeth.. Regift' Witlefey, fol. 100. a. b. in the Archiepifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. Lionell duke of Clarence was third fon of Edward III. born 1 2 E. III. married firft Elizabeth de Burgh, and fe- condly, 42 E. III. Violenta, daughter of Galeas, prince of Milan, within five months after which, fecond marriage i Mcath. 4 he LIONEL DUKE OF CLARENCE. 91 he died, not without fufpicion of poifon, in her father's houfe, at Alba Pompeia, called alfo Longueville, in the marquiiite of Montferrat, in Piemont, on the 17th of October, A. D. 1368, having made this will but a fort- night before. He was firft buried in the city of Pavia, but was afterwards brought to England, and interred at Clare in Suffolk. Dugd. Bar. II. 167. Weever 742. Sandford, p. 222. in which laft fee the ceremonial of the marriage, which probably colt, the Duke his life by high living. Dugdale has given partial abflracb of thefe two lafl wills. N2 JOHN r 9* i JOHN EARL OF PEMBROKE. EN noun de Pier, de Fitz, et de feint Efpirit, Amen. Jeo John de Haftynges, Counte de Penbrok, de feine memoire, face mon teftament en manere qe fenfuit, Adeprimes je devife ma alme a Dieu et a n're Dame, et mon corps a fevelier a en l'eglife de Seint Paul de Loundres, ou une tombe a faire en la partie devers le north a travers del fouverain autre de mefmes le eglife, quele tombe jeo voel qe foit acordaunt come affiert b a tombe Elizabeth de Burugh qe gift a la menoreffe en Loundre hors de Algate. Et auflint je devife pur la fefur de mefme le tombe cxl li. li meftre eft ou plus folon Tavis de mes executours. Item je devife pur courtages a ma fepulture et diftribucion a faire as poures ccc li. ou plus par l'a- vis mes executours avauntdit, et auxint jevife et fu de confentement qe Anne ma chere compaigne apres mes dettes perpaiez aiet de mes biens et chateux queconqe tut qe a luy purra appertenir refonablement folonc lei et ufage d'Engle- terre fauns afcun contredit. Item je devife pur courtages a fundacioun des freres deins la ville de Co . . eneb* c cccc li. a difpender illoeqe par mes executours fi enfeyel'ir. * as like as it can be made. c Original MS. fcarce legible. It was probably forne foundation that never took place. freres JOHN EARL OF PEMBROKE. 93 freres y vuillent enhabiter, et fi les ne voillent illeoqe enhabiter, ou qe aucun autre arreft a foit purquoi il ne poet eftre fait, adonq' je vuil qe les avant dites cccc li. et autres cc li. foient difpenduz par avisde mes avantditz exe- cutours, ceftaflavoir damortier; ,deux chapelleynes chauntantz en l'eglife de Seint Paul fuidite pur les almes de ceaux qe j'ai nomes a une de mes executours, et qe le demoerant e du dite fomme foit fait a la eglife de Chartehous en Loundres hors de Newgate, pur les almes avantdites enfemblement en alouance de deniers qe nous avons pitea f grante a dite mefon en acomplicement del avowe par nous autre foitz fait en Gyen. Et fi deftourbance ifoit s qe la dite perpetuite des chapelleines ne puit eftre fait come avant eft dit, je voel qe les avantditz vi c li. foient defpenduz autrement en rele- vacion de mefon de Chartehous fufdit, et des autres poures meifons de religion en Engleterre et en Gales folonc l'avis de mes executours. Auxint je devife qe touz mez dettes foient paies par meins de mes executours et par meins dez feffez de mes manoirs. Auxint je devife qe touz les deniers avant nomes et qe ferent nomes en ceft teftament loient levez et paies de les iflues provenant des manoirs et feignouries qe les feffez depar moi tenountde mon doun. Auxint je devife a les freres de les quatre ordres a prier pur m'alme c li. par difpoficion de mes executours. Item je devife a departir entre les fervants de mon hoftel qe de lour travaile.ne d amortize. remainder. f Quxre ptiCy. j. e._partie grante, in part granted. s fliould be. fount j JOHN EARL OF PEMBROKE, fount pas rcgardez a temps de ma mort c li. par mes exe* cutours fufdits, confidere la porcion du temps de checuny demoure vers nous et a bone fervice qu'il m'a fait. Auxint je devife a parlier entre mes povres naifs h de mes manoirs cc li. par meins mes executours. Auxint je devife a defpendre pur m'a 1 me et les almes avantnomes, en merles et almoign a la mefbns de Chartehous & autres povres me- lons par avis mes auantditz executonrs c li. Auxint ]e voel qe chefcun de mes executours qe travaillera pur 1'execu- cion de iceft teftament pregne ces coftages refonablement et eftre ce' 1 pur (on travail x li. Le refidue de touz mes biens je devife a difpendre par avis de mes executours pur m'alme et l'almes avantnomes en melior manere come leur femblera qe foit a fere pur profit de les almes avantditz. De ceft teftament ]e face mes executours le Reverent Pier en Dieu k William evefqe de Wynceftre, Mefl"' Henr' Seign'r de Percv, S'r Waut' Amvas, S'r John de Barowe, clerk, Rauf * de Walfham et Thomelyn Crickelade. Efcrit en Loundres v jour de May l'an mil. ccc. lxxii. Item jeo devife qe la fomme en quoi je ou tenuz a ma tres puifante Dame et Mier l qe Dieu aifoible, qe ce foit fait et diftribuyt pur l'alme a n're avandite miere en le melour manere qe fera avys a mes dits executours, et a plus profit de fa alme. h fervants born on my eftates. 1 eflre cco y befides this. Kelham. k William of Wykeham. 1 Agnes, daughter of Roger Mortimer, earl of March, remarried to John de Hakelut, died 42 R. 111. By her will 1367, fhe orders her burial in the church of the MinorcfTes without Aldgate. Dugd. I. 577. Probatio JOHN EARL OF PEMBROKE. 95 Probatio dicti Teftamenli xvi Kal. AugufK Anno D'ni 1376, infra cepta fratrum predicatorum con- ventus London, coram Archiep' CantuarY Regift. Sudbury, fol. 91. b. 92. a. in the Archiepifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. Aliud Tegmentum predifti JOHANNIS COMITIS PENBROK'. IN Dei Nomine Amen. Ego Johannes de Haftynges, Comes Penbrok', fana mente propria voluntate, condo teftamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego ani- mam meam Deo, et beate Marie, et omnibus fan<5lis ; et corpus meum ad fepeliendum in Anglia in monailerio fra- trum predicatorum Hereford', in choro coram magno altari. Item volo et ordino quod de bonis meis hie et alibi exiftentibus fervitores mei bene refpiciantur, et remu- nerentur unufquifque fecundum gradum fuum, et fpecialius illi qui in regnis Caftell' et Francie multos labores et anguftias racione mei fuftinuerunt, ad quod faciendum diftriccius quo potero confeiencias executorum meorum onero per prefentes. Item volo et ordino quod execu- tores mei diftribuant de bonis meis pro anima mea fecun- dum facultatemeorundem, iecundum quod viderent melius expe- $6 JOHN EARL OF -PEMBROKE, expedire, et fecundum quod bona caritas exigit et requirit, ct hoc cicius quo bono modo fieri potent, ficut volunt' refpondere coram fummo judice. Executores meos confti- tuo tales, videlicet, Dominum Walterum Amyas, Radul- phum de Walfham et ceteros fecundum quod continetur in teftamento meo facto in Anglia ante recelTum meurn ulti- mum de eadem. Scriptum in prefencia mea coram hiis teftibus in Dominica in ramis palmis, videlicet, Domino Mauricio Wych, Fratre Alexandra Bache corifeflbri meo, Thoma More, Waltero Atte Watere, Johanne Guybon, Stephano Hamme, et ceteris qui tunc adherant, Anno Domini millefimo ccc feptuagefimo quarto, fecundum Computacionem ecclefie Anglicane. In quorum omnium teftimonium figillum meum manu mea propria prefentibus duxi apponendum. Probatio dicti Teftamenti coram Simon Archiep', Cant* 1 6 Kal. Nov. 1376, apud Lambeth. Regiftr. Sudbury, fol. 92. b. John Hallyngs, earl of Pembroke, was fon of Laurence, Sh, dvtxL /3/il. ^ orn 2I E- D3 an( l having obtained a divorce from Margaret, daughter of E. HI. in 42 E. III. married Anne daughter and heir of Sir Walter Manney, founder of the Charterhoufe, which occafions the earl's bequefts to that Iioufe. He was an active commander in the French wars, being made lieutenant of Aquitaine ; but in attempting JOHN EARL OF PEMBROKE. 97 attempting to relieve Rochelle by fea, his fleet was burnt by the Spaniards, and himfelf carried prifoner into Spain, where he fuffered four years rigorous confinement. After his releafe he went to Paris, where he foon fell fick, as fuppofed, of poifon, and died on the road to Calais, April 16, 50 E. III. He was buried firft in the choir of the Friars Preachers at Hereford, but removed to the Grey- friars, near Newgate, London. Dugd. Bar. . 576, 577- O PHI- C 98 3 PHI LIP PA COUNTESS OF MARCH. EN noun de Dieu, Amen. Jeo Philipe de Mortemer, Countefle de la Marche, efteant en bone et faine me- morie le vynt primer jour de Novembre Tan du grace mil troifcentz, feptant et octantifme, face et ordeygne mon tef- tament et ma derreine voluntee en cefte manere. En primes jeo devife m'alme a Dieu et mon corps en enfevelir en reglife conventuel de la Seint Trinitee en le priorie de BuftelemamMountagu*. It'm jeo devife pur les cottages faire et pur doner en almoigne as poures pur m'alme et autres defpenfez le jour de ma fepulture, ove la vefhne de cent homes de chefcun manere degree, et a tenir le xxx jour de mon obit, et la demeore b de ma meigne c tanqe al temps qe mon corps foit enterre cent feffant livres, le quel enterrement foit fait en manere defouth efcript. Ceil afla- voir qe v groffes cierges qarrez et 11 11 mortiers de cire foient mys entour mon corps et .... en dite manere, et qe xxi torches foient au dirige, et xxviii torches lende- mayn a la meffe, les queux xlix torches foient devifez afcuns a remeindre a la dite efglife de Buftelemam et les a Biiham abbey, founded by William Montacute earl of Salifbury, her father, 1338, for Auftin canons. Dugd. Bar. I. 647. Tanner's Nut. Mon. p. 16. b demorancc, dcmorce, demoerge i delay. \ houfliold. Kelham. autres PIIILIPPA COUNTESS OF MARCH. 99, autres as diverfes efglifes fblom la difcrecion de mes exe- cutours, et qe barrez d foient faitz en tour mon corps co- vertz de drap bleu fanz autre herce, et les draps d'or qe j'ai folont mys four mon corps, les queux apres l'entere- ment remeyndrount a la dite efglife de Buftelemame, et le drap bleu fufdit foit donee entre poures. It'm jeo devife pur ma toumbe faire quarrant livres. It'm jeo devife al priour de Buftelefham a prier pur m'alme x marcs, It'm al fouth priour e illeoq' lx f. It'm a chefcun chanoignon illeoq' XL f. It'm al overaigne de mefme l'eglife deux centz livres a tiel entent qe les priour et covent de la dite maifon tiegnront fblempnement lejour de mon anniverfarie as touz jours. It'm jeo devife a la dite efglife de Buftelefham tote ma chapele entiere ove touz lours appurtenance c'eft. afTavoir veitiments, livres, chalices, cruets, chaundeliers d'argent, tabletz depeyntz et enbroudez, a fervir al altier de Seint Anne, devant le quel altier mon corps furra enterre en la fecounde arche encountre mon treihonoure Seignur mon piere f qe Dieux affoille ; hors pris mes meillours vefti- ments ove in capes de fuyte queux jeo devife a l'abbeye de Wyggemore s, et mes blanches veftimentz queux jeo devife a la maifon de Lyngbrok' h . d barrs. e fub-prior. f William de Montacute,- earl of Salifbury. s Wigmore priory, founded by Ralph de Mortimer 1100, refounded by his fon Hugh 1 197. h A priory of Auftin nuns on the river Lug, in Herefordfiiire, founded " by fome of the Mortimers, t. R. I. Q. 2 It'm too PHILIPPA COUNTESS OF MARCH. ; It'm jeo devife a mefme l'autier de Seint Anne un tablet le-meillour d'or qe j'ay achate de John Paulyn. It'm jeo devife a fervir a mefme Fautier de Seint Anne deux bacyns d'argent ove les armes de Mortimer et Moun- tagu en lez fountz ennamaylez. It'm jeo devife Efmon ' mon fitz un lit de bleu tafrata enbroudez des afnes merchez en l'efpaule ove une rofe, c'efl: affavoir, une celure entiere, in curtyns de taffata, un quilt enbroudez de mefme la feute, nil tapets de tapi- terrie, vi tapets pendantz de worftede, un canvafle, un matrafs, n fuftians, un quilt poynt blank, un paire de lyncheux k du drap de Reyns, un coverlet de worftede, pur mefme le lit, un covertour de bleu demy puree, un keverchief de menyver de drap de camaka plonket ', un coupe et un ewer de berill garnicee d'or. It'm un anel d'or ov un rubie la verge ennamaylez de ruflet. It'm a dit Efmon mon fitz un anel d'or ove un piece de la vraie croyce ove le fcripture, In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sanfti, Amen. It'm a dit Efmon un firmayl m bleu ove deux mayns te- nantz un dyamond. It'm un pair des anees n les gaudes des croices rouges enamaylez ; le dit anel ove la vraye -croice, firmail, et anees devoir garder four ma benifon. ' Edmund her younger fon, who fucceeded his father, and whofe will follows. k fheets. i chain. ? (ru>*ch- .* It'm PHILIPPA COUNTESS OF MARCH. roi It'm a dit Efmon un hanap' d'argent ove l'efcochon fait de deviz de armes de Mortimer ovefqe le covcracle. It'm a mefme Efmon un hanap' fuforre ove le covercle conn- trefait d'une rofle p . Et pur ofter toute man ere matier de diffencons et debatz qe pourront furoere entre mon dit trefcher fits Efmon et mes executours pur toutes maneres accions et demandes qe mon dit trefcher fitz Efmon pur- roit per qeconqe voie demaunder, chalanger, ou clamer des mes biens apres mon decees, jeo lui devife -cynk centz livres, a prender de la dette qe furra a moi due le jour qe jeo moi lerra morir C) , deinz mes feignouries, les queux d centz livres et toutes les autres chofes defuifnomez font a mon dit trefcher fitz Efmon devifez four tiel condicion q'il ne clajme ne demande d' avoir nulles maneres, principaltes, ne autres chofes en lieu d'icell, ne nulle autre rien de mes biens ne dettes, ne nule maneredeftourbance face a mes executours, et q'il foit eidenf, et doigne pleynepoair a mes executours et a lour aflignes du lever primerement tote le remenant de ma dit dette q'adonqes a moy furra due en toutes mes feignouries a perfourmir ceft mon teftament et ma darrevne voluntee. Qejvous refqui^r,trefcherifllz,purlagrande affiance qe j'ai en vous et doi de refon avoir, qe vous fur ma benifon ne vull' de voz deftourbez mes executours, de ceo q'ils duf- fent avoir de refon a perfournir ceil: mon teftament et ma darreyne voluntee come deiuis eft dift. Et pur raffiance qe ? rofe. i lerra morir, fhall die. Kelham. T aiding. P H I L I r P A COUNTESS OF MARCH, j'ay de loyalte en Sir W. de Afton & Sir W. Wynter deux de mes executours, jeo voii qe mon veflel d'argent entierement nicnt s par moi devifce, e'eft aflavoir pottz y piecez, coiUers r , hanapers, bacyns, ewiers, plates pur efpi- cerie, chargcours, efqueles, fauciers, qe furront les mefnez u le jour qe jco moi lerra moiir, auxi bien le veflel blank come d'or, et fuiforre ou ennamaylez, foient livre as ditz SirWilliam et Sir William a perfaire en taut ma entente come Us font pleynement enfourmes de ma darreyne voluntee* iauns amenufer* afcun parcel du dit veflel four peril de lour almes, et come ils voudront refpoundre de ceo al jour de juggement. Et comment qe j'ai devifez diverfez chofes de mes biens en mon teftament come defuis eft dit, as fingu- kres perfones, jeo voil et charge mes executours qe nulle parcell d'icelle foit dilivere a nully tanqe mon corps foit en- fevelee et mes dettez parpaiez. Et le reiidu de mes biens jeo voil q'il foit entierement al ordinance de mes executours, primerement mes dettes acquitez* Et a faire due execution de ceil: mon teftament jeo face et ordeigne mes executours les perfones defouthefcript, e'eftaffavoir SirWilliam de Afton, Sir William Wynter, Ph' Holgot et Rob't Wyk, pur faire enfuit qe purra eftre pleifance a Dieu, et falvacion de m'alme. Et fur la graunde affiance qe j'ai en le Reverent Piere en Dieu evefq' de Wyncefter, e'eft aflavoir Sir Wil- liam Wykham, et en mon trefcher et bien amee en Dieu Monf'r John de Bromwych, jeo les requer elpecialment 1 not. fpoons. K. B q. remaining* * diminifhing. 1 en PHILIPPA COUNTESS OF MARCH. 103 en oevre de charite, q'ils foient eidants par toutes lcs bones voies q'ils purront a mes executours qe ceil ma derreine voluntee purra eftre accompliz> Donee a Plomefiede y le jour et Tan fuifditz. Probatio dicYi Teflamenti coram Will' Courteney, Archiep' Cantuar', apud Lambeth, 9 die menfis Februar' A. D. 1581. Regifler Courteney, fol. 189. b. 190. a. in the Archie- pifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. Philippa, daughter of William de Montacute, was married to Roger de Mortimer, earl of March, who died 34 E. III. in Burgundy, where he commanded the Englifh army, and was buried in Wigmore priory. She had by him two fons, Roger, who died in his father's life- time, and Edmund who fucceeded him. She died 5 R. II. 1 38 1, and was buried at Bimam abbey, among her own relations, of whofe tombs, nor of the place, no remains appear at prefent. Dugd. Bar. I. 148. Probabl Plum:1ead in Kent. E D- [ to* ] EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. EN le noun de Piere, de Filz et de Seint Efpirit, Aoien. Nous Efmon de Mortimer, Counte de la Marche et d'Ulveftier, Seign'r de Wyggemore, en feihe et bone memoire le primer jour de moys de May, l'an du grace mill troys cent o&antifme, ordenons et faceons n're teframenf en ceffce manere. Primerement nous devifons n're alme a Dieu tout puiflant qi la crea r etmon corps a enfe veller et le corps de ma feme qe Dieu aflbile enfem- ble en la efglife del abbeye de Wyggemore al feneftre del haut autier, et chargeons fermement nos executours de cefte n're teftament q'ils ne facent courtages groffes ne outrageoufes a n're entierement, et q'il n'y eit entour n're corps plus qe cynk cierges ardantz tan corns le fervice foit enfaifant ; maisnos volons et devifons qe cent torches de cise covenables foient ordenez pur n're dit entierement, les queles nous volons -q' apres le fervice fait foient diflribuez a les efglifes parochieles environ le dit abbeye pur l'ordenance- de noz executours pur fervir a feint facrement. Item nous volons qe de nos biens foient primerement paieZ a Roger filz John de Mortemer D li. pur queux nous fumes obliges par eftatut merchant 3 en cas qe nousou nos exe- * A flatute merchant is a bond of record, acknowledged before the clerk of the Jlatutes merchant and lord mayor of the city of London, o; two merchants afligned for- that purpofe; and before the mayors of other citie* EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. 10$ executours neluifaceons performir les covenantz comprifes en certeines cndcntures faites entre nous ct lui fur mefme l'obligacion. Item q' profcheinement b apres touz nous autres debtes dues par qeconq' voie foient duement paiez et acquitez de mefmes nos biens, et primerement ceux debtes pur queux nous ou afcun autre pur nous fumes obliges parfait. Item nous devifons al ovraigne dei efglife de Fabbeye de Wyggemore mill, livres a emploier en mefmes Fovraigne pur Fordenance de ma tres honourez dame et meere, et de mes executours, et par la fervewe c del evefq' de Hereford q'adonqe ferra, et de Sire John de Bymopelton, Monf'r Piers de la Mars, Sire William Ford, Sire Waut' de Colmpton, et Hugh de Borafton. Item nous devifons a mefme Fabbeye de Wyggemore n're meillour chapelle entiere, c'eft afTavoir, un celure, deux curtyns batuz d , trois aubes, trois amyt/es, deus eftoles, trois fanons, trois ceyntres, deux tonicles, trois chapes, deux frounteles, un towaille ov' un frontelF de drap d'or, un cas ove un corporas, un long towall pur Fautier et cordes pur le dit chapelle, un graunt croys d 1 or affize de perie e ove re- liqe de la croys not re feignur et un piler d'or ove une piece cities and towns, or the bailiff of any borough, &c. purfuant to the ftatute 13 E. I. de mercatorlbus ; the recognizance to be inrolled and kept by the clerk, and a counterpart by the mayor, as alio an obligation figncd and fealed by the debtor, and its counterpart. Jacob's Law Dictionary. b next, from profcha-in, c fupervifaunce. * e fet with llones. P du jo6 EDMUND EARL OF MARCH, du piler n're feign'r ove ix perles et un faphir en le fommel, et l'os f Seint Richard Confeffour, evefq' de Ciceftr', & le doy g de SeintThomas de Cantelowe h , evefq' de Hereford, et les reliqes de Seint Thomas ercevefq' de Cantirbirs, et tous nos autres meindres reliqes, forfqe ceux qe ferront de- vifes enapres 1 , et un miter d'or ov perrie k ScYanel 1 ove le faphir q'eft en la garde de n're treforie illeqe, un graunt croys d'argent fuforrez ove une large pie eileant fuz lions et les ymages de Marie & John, deux chandelcrs d'argent enamaillez, un groffe chalys d'argent fuforrez, le pie ena- maillez, ove une patene et deux foiles et un feyn m d'argent fuforrez, un table pur pees d'argent et enamaillez, un cenfer d'argent fuforrez, un flop' n ove un dafsher d'argent fuforrez, et deux bacyns pur l'autier d'argent fuforrez ; toutes les queles chofes avantdites nous ordenons et vo- lons qeles y demorent a la dite efglife perpetuel- ment fanz eftre alloignez pur nulle caufe ficome plus pleinement eft contenuz en nos autres lettres eut a eux faites. f A bone of St. Richard de la Wich, who was bifhop of Ciiichefter from 1245 to 1253, and was canonized. Godwin de praef. 505. * do'igt, finger. h Cantelupe bifhop of Hereford, from 1275 to 1282, chancellor of Oxford, and lord chancellor, and canonized. 1 hereafter. k frones. ' the ring. m feynt, girt or band, or ceint, a bell. K.- * a holy water Jioup or veffel. * with a fprinkler. It'm EDMUND EARL OF MARC H. 167 It'm nous devifons al abbeye de Lyfues p un , piece de piler n'r^ Selgn'r entitles ove une bille al abbeye de Lysnes. It'm nous devifons a la priorie de Walfyngham une chapelle blanche q , ceft affavoir, deuz curtynes, trois aubes, trois amytes, deux eftoles, trois fanons, un chefible, deux tonicles, trois chapes, deux fronteles, un towaill ove un frountell, un longe towaill pur Fautier, un cas pur un corporas ove le corporas acordant a la chapele, toute d'une feute. It'm nous devifons al abbeye de Tynterne une cha- pelle de rouge en tier, c'eft aria voir deux curtynes, trois aubes, trois amytes, deux eftoles, trois fanons, trois ceyntres, un chefible, deux tonicles, trois chapes, deux fronteles, un towaill ove un frontell, \m cas ove un corporas, tout d'une feute. It' in nous devifons a la priorie de FAnthoneny r (al FAnthoney le premier en Gales) une chapelle entiere de drap d'or palorz 3 rouge et bleu, c'eil: affavoir deux cur- teyns de taffata rouge et bleu palee, trois aubes, trois amytes, deux eftoles, trois fanons, trois ceyntres, un chefible, deux tonicles, trois chapes, deux fronteles, un p Lefnes abbey, in Erith parifh, Kent, founded 1 178, by Richard Lucy, chief juftice of England. 1 The furniture of this chapel was all white, as the following were of other colours. r Lantony, Llanhodeni, or Lantonia prima, in Monmouthfhire, founded by Hugh de Lacy, about 1108, removed in part to Gloucefter fuburbs, 1 1 36. Tanner's N, M. 328. * paled. P 2 towaille io8 EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. towaille ove un frontell, un longe towaille et un cas ove "un corporas, tout d'une feute. It'm pous devifons a la priorie d'Ufqe 5 une chapelle entiere blanche poudres de rofes rouges, c'eft. allavoir dc ux curtyns, trois amytes, deux eftoles, trois fanons, trois ceyntres, un chefihle, deux tonicles, trois chapes, deux frounteles, un towaille ove un frontell, un cas ove le corporas ove la meyndre chalys d'argent fuforrez ove le patene, deux cruetes et un tablet pur pees et un feyne toutz d'argent fuforrez. It'm nous devifons a la priorie de Chirbury l un coffre d'argent fuforrez et enamaillez ove quartre griffons en le pie pur fervir corps notre feign eur, a demurer perpetuelment en le dit priorie, et quarrant marcs d'argent pur enre enploiez en veftimentz par la furvewe del evefq' de Here- ford qi pur le temps ferra, a demureres perpetuelment en la dit efglife et priorie. It'm nous devifons a notre chanterie en Tabbeye de Wyggemore notre meyndre croys d'argent fuforrez ove les ymages Marie et John, et l'ymage de Seint Efmon d'argent fuforrez, le porthors gemelez u et legreindre* minal, et le chapele de bleu ove les rais d'or, c'eft aflavoir, deux frountels, un towaille ove un frountell, deux curtyns, et un vefti- ment entiere pur un preflre de mefme la feute, un corporas ' Ufk, or Cairuflc, a fmall priory in Monmouthfliive. ' A priory of Black canons firft founded at Snede, by Robert de Boulers, t. H. III. Tanner's Notitia, 453. double, or pair of. * largeft. ove EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. io 9 ove la caas, et le chalys d'argent fuforrez ove deux fioles ove ttn table pur pees,et un feyne d'argent qe font toutdys y ove la dite chapell, et un veftiment noir tout entier pur un preftre, ove deux fronteles, un towaille ove un frontell, un cas pur un corporas ove le corporas; & toutes ceftes chofes avant- dites volons q'eles demoergent perpetuelment a mefme notra chanterie fans eftre efloignez par nulle voie. It'm nous devifons a les abbeyes & covents de chefcun des maifons de religioufes defouz efcritz quarrant livres ; iflint qe I'abbeye & covent de chefcun des ditz maifons veullent z emprendre et faire ieurtee a noz executours de taire clianter en lour efglifes chefcun jour durrant un an profchein apres qe paiement des avantditz xl li. lour ferra faite un meffe de requiem privee pur les almes de nous et de trefchiere compaigne et les almes de touz chriftenes par un chapellein feculer ou regulier, le quel dirra chefcun jour avant q'il chantera placebo & dirige pur nous et touz chriftenes fans note, et q'un jour en chefcun fymaigne durront le dit an ferra dit pur nous & tous chriftienes en lour queer de tout le covent qi ferront prefent placebo & dirige ove note folempne, ove une mefle de requiem a note lendemain, cell: affavoir ales abbeyes & covents deWygge- more, Lyfnes, & Tynterne. It'm nous devifons a les abbeys, priories, meftres, gardeins & covents de chefcune maifon de religioun de fouz efcriptz, quarxante marcs en mefme la fourme et. y tous jours. Mot Picard, Lacombe. 2 borrow. fouz no ED MUND EARL OF MARCH, fouz mefmes les condicions, ceft aflavoir a les abbeys &c covent de Lanternan % Comhir \ & Tilteye c , et a les priories & covent dc Waliyngham, l'Anthoneny le primer eu Gales, Bufteleiham, Chirbury, Goleclyve d , Stokes % Angle- {eye ( , et croys Roys ? , et a les maitres & covent de les hofpitales de Seint John de Brugwater h & de Lodelowe 1 , et a les gardeins & covents des freres menours de Wal- iyngham, Babbewell k , Brugwatier, Glouceflr' & Salop', et a les priories et covents des freres Auguftyns de Clare, Lodelowe & Wodehous 1 . It'm nous devifons as priories & coventz de chefcun des maifons defouz efcritz, vynt marcs, illint qe chefcun de eux veulle emprindre et faire furtes a noz executours a trover un chapelleyn de eux mefmes ou autre qi dirra chefcun jour en lour efglife placebo & dirige fanz note, un * Llantarnan in Monmouthfhirc, a Ciftertian abbey. Tanner, p. 331. b Cumhyre, a Ciftertian abbey in Radnorfhire, founded 113 lb. p. 721. c An abbey of White monks in Eflex. lb. 129. * Goldcliff in Monmouthfhire. lb. p. 328. e There were three religious hotifes of this name. Stoke Curfey c. Devon. lb. 99. Another c. Somerfetfhire, p. 476, and the college in Suffolk, p. 1 14. 1 Anglefey, c. Cambridge, a houfe of Black canons, founded by H. I. lb. 42. The Auftin priory at Royfton, or De cruce Rocfits, c. Herts. h Bridgewatcr, founded by one William Bruce, before 15 John. lb. 473. * Of very antient foundation. lb. 445. k A houfe of Grey-friars, juft without the N. gate of St. Edmund's Buiy, founded 1263. lb. p. 527. 1 Near Clebury Mortimer, c. Salop, founded on the firft coming of the order into England, about 1250. collecle EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. nr colledte efpecial pur noz almes et les almes de touz chriftenes pur tout un an profchein apres q'ils averont receux le dit paiement; ceft. aflavoir a les priour et covent de San- delford joufte Neubury m , Clifford" en Gales & Suellefhales joufte Whaddon. It'm nous devifons a les religioufes dames la priorefle &- covent de Lyngbroke vynt livres en manere et condition-- efpecifiez prefcheinement devant. It'm nous devifons a les religioufes dames l'abbefle et covent de BrufyerdP quarrant marcs, iffint qe les dites- dames durrant un an profchein apres q'eles averont receux le dit paiement difent chefcun jour en lo ur e quere placebo et dirige pur nos almes et de touz chriftenes, et q'un lour chapellein qi chantera en la dite maifon die ehefcun un collecte efpecial pur nous en fa mefle durrant le dit an et qe mefmes les dames dient un jour en chefcune fymaigne durrant le dit an placebo et dirige ove note en lour dit quere, ove mefle folempne & requiem lendemain pur les almes de nous et de touz chriftenes- It'm nous devifons a les religioufes dames la priorefle & covent d'Ulture q quarrant marcs fur mefmes condicon et forme. m Sandleford juxta Newbury c. Berks, founded for Auftin canons before 1205. lb. p. 19. " A Cluniac priory in Herefordihire, founded t. H. I, lb. p. 174. Snellefhall in Whaddon parifli, a fmall priory of Black monks, founded t. H. III. lb. p. 30. p Brufyard, c. Suffolk, granted to the nuns minorefTes of St. Clare, 40 E. III. lb. p. 531. * Qusre Ulfterx. Kim] fu EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. It'm nous volons et devifons qe fi afcune des- mai- fons fufdites refufe notre devys fufdite a caufe de la charge monftre' come eft dit, q'adonqela fome devifez a la maiibn enii refufante, foit liveres parnoz executours a autre matfon, pofleiIion s ou mendinant qe le voedra acceptier ove le charge avantdite. It'm nous devifons a trefhonoure dame & meere un hanaper de berill garniz d'argent fuforrez. Item nous devifons a Roger notre fitz et heir le hanaper d'or ove le covercle nomes Benefonne et notre efpeie 1 garni- fez d'or qi fut a bon Roy Edward, le grand corn' d'or ove le benfoun de Dieu et le notre ; iffint q' apres le decees n're dit filz l'avantditz hanaper ove le covercle, dit efpeye ct le grand' corn d'or remeigne a fon profchein heir, et iflint de heir en heir perpetuelment ; et auxi notre grante lit de noir fatyn embroudez des blankes lions ove les rofers d'or ove les efcuchons des armes de Mortimer et d'Ulveftrier, ovelachambre u toute entiere, et auxint une coupe d'argent fuforrez et enamaillez ove joeux des enfantz* et un faler y d'argent fuforrez en manere d'une cheon*. It'm des meil- lours bacyns d'argent deux fuforrez, deux des meillours bacyns blanks d'argent, deux ewers d'argent, un poot d'ar- gent dim' galon', deux pootz d'argent chefcun de dim' gal- loun, vi peces d'argent plattes, deux doufzeins des coellers* ' q. for monftree, fet forth, or msnice, amounting. * Op profcjpw. ' rpcc. ""the, furniture of the chamber. * jitix des enfans. f fahfeller. r in the fliape of a dog. ' fpoons. d'argent, EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. iij d'argent, deux coellers d'or ove les teftes de dames, un plate d'argent fuforrez, quartre chargeours et deux doufzeins des efquelles, et deux doufzeins des faucers d'argent. It'm notre meindre corn' d'or ove le baudrik b . Et en cas qe notre dit fitz devie c avant q'il foit de pleine age fanz heire de Ton corps engendrez, volons qe toutes les chofes avant- dites demoergent a notre filz Efmon d fur mefme la forme. Item nous devifons a notre dit filz Efmon trois cents matches 6 de terre come pluis pleinement furra declarrez en autr' efcript a lui et fes heirs de fon corps a engendres, la reverfion a nous et a nos heirs, et auxi deux doufzeins des efquelles et deux doufzeins de faucers d'argent, deux bacyns, et deux ewers d'argent, un faler en la manere d'une lyoun ove le pee d'argent fuforrez, deux coellers d'or, & deux doufzeins des coellers d'argent, un de noz grantz plates pur elpices d'argent fuforrez, un grand coupe ove un ewer de mefme la feute d'argent fuforrez en manere d'une rofe, vi peces plattes d'argent, deux pootz d'argent chefcun de dim' galoun & qartre cent marcs d'argent, et un lit blank de fandale poudres des rofes rouges ove le chambre entiere. b belt. c die. d Edmund, his younger fon, born at Ludlow, i$ Id. Nov. 1574, fuffered a defeat from Owen Glendwr, on a mountain called Brynglafe, near Knigh- ton in Melenith or Radnorshire, 4H. IV. T407. Dugd. Bar. I. 150. Hill. Wigmore jn Monaft. Ang. vol.11. 228. Pennant's Wales, I. 327. & aut. ibi cit. Some Hiflorians pretend that he married a daughter of Owen Glen- dour, by whom he had divers children. Some fay his nephew theE. of March and his brother were taken with him ; but Dugd. Bar. L 151. fays they were taken the year before. de tcrre or marc he, is land valued at one mark. Q^ Item ii4 EDMUND EARt OF MARC H. Item nous devifons a ft're fille Elizabeth f un faler en ma> nere d'un chien, & un hanaper d'or, ove un chaplet des rofes de rouge cler tout entour & deux centz graunds perles. Item nous devifons a n're fille Philippe g un coronal d'or ove perie h & deuz cents graunds perles, & auxi un fercle ove rofes, emeraudes & rubies d'alifaundre ' en les rofes, et le rouge lit ove les parkes k ove les rouges tapites pur la cham- bre entiere, et un hanaper, et un ewer d*or ove deux faphirs en le fommet, & mill' livres d'argent en cas qele ne foit pas notre heir. Item nous devifons a Symond Suddebury, ercevefq' de Canterbirs, une coupe ove le covercle et ove une tripere 1 ovefqe deux lions d'argent fuforrez et enamaillez. Item nous devifons a William Courteney, evefq' de Loundres, une coupe de berill ove un long pie d'argent fuforrez & ennamaillez pur le corps notre Seigneur. Item nous devifons a friere John Gilbert, evefq' de Here- ford, un plate d'argent pour efpices & ennamaillez ove les armes de Mortimer en la founce, et un anel ove quatre rubies & un diamant en mylieu. Item nous devifons a notre trefchier friere Monf 'r Henri Counte de Northumbr' n un hanaper de tortelez ove une eftelle? en le founce & un nouche ovefq' un ource. f wife of Henry Hotfpur. s Wife of John Haftings, earl of Pembroke, Richard earl of Arundel, and John lord St. John. h With ftones. Dugdale, not under Handing it, leaves a blank. ' of Alexandria. k 1 tripod. m bottom. Father of Henry Hotfpur, who married this earl's daughter. Wreathed work. Dugdale tranflates it of a lortois. Bar. I. 150. p tftoik % ftar. 3 Item EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. u$ Item nous devifons a notre fitz Monf'r Henry Percy un petite nouche en manere le corps de cerf & tefte d'egle. Item nous devifons a Monf'r Richard Lefcrop' un hanap' d' argent fuforiez plat. Item nous devifons a Monf'r Joh' Lovell un coupe ove. le covercle d'un piere d'ynde q . Item nous devifons a Sire John de Bimopefton un anel d'or ove un rubie engravez q'eft {ignet, & un bacyn & un ewer d' argent. Item nous devifons a Thomas notre friere cent livres. Item nous devifons a Sire William Forde fys efquelles, & fys faucers d' argent, et un tablet d' argent fuforrez et ennamaillez de la gefnie r n're dame. 1 Item nous devifons a Sire Waut'de Colmpton un bacyn et un ewer d' argent, et vynt marcs. Nous devifons a Sire John de Briddlewode un hanap d'argent appellez Waflaill s . Item nous devifons a Sire John de Kepfton vynt marcs. Item nous devifons a Sire John Pers vynt marcs. Item nous devifons a Monf'r Pers de la Mare fys efquelles & fys faucers d'argent. Item nous devifons a Sire Hugh de Borafton un tablet ove les ymages de Seint John et Seynt Kateryne par dehors, et dys livres. i bine. r gejlne is l'etat d'une femme en couche ; gejfinc, le ceremonie et le feftla desrelevailles; Wjhuzen, une nouvelle accouchee. Laccombe. Q^the labour or the purification of our Lady. s Waffel or Grace-cup. A corrupt pronunciation of zvacs hacl^ be of health. See the notes to Dodfley's Old Plays, 1779, vol. VI. p. 437. vol. X. p. 280. Q^2 Item 1x6 EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. Item nous volons qe nos ancienz fervauntz miegnals* de notre hoitell, les queux nous n'avons point reguerdonez u , eient chefcun d'eaux cent foulez x , et chefcun vadlet r cynk marcs, et chefcun garceoun deux marcs. It'm nous volons qe de touz nous autres biens qe re- meindront apres nos dettez acquitez et cefte notre devys perfourmez, qe nos execu tours eut ordenent en autres oevres de charitee a faires deinz la terre d'Engleterre folonc ceo qe lour femblera meulz affaire. Et a cefte notre teftament executier et perfourmer nous ordenons les tres reverendes piers en Dieu, William Courteney evefq' de Loundres, et friere John Gilbert evefq' de Hereford, Monf 'r Henry eounte de Northumbr', Monf'r Piers de la Mare, Sire Wautier de Colmpton, Sire John de Briddewode, Sire John de Kepfton, et Sire John Piers nos executours. Pre- fents notre filz Henry Percy, Meyftr' John de Colton, dean D'evelyn z , Monf'r Hugh Chene chevalier, Thomas n're friere, Henry de Cornewaill efquires, et Sire William Stutevyle chapellein qi Fefcript. Et volons qe ceft notre devys foit furvewe par notre tres reverend piere en Dieu Symond Sudbury ercevefq' de Cantirbirs, ma tres ho- nourez Dame et Meere, et Monf'r Richard Lefcrop. Efcript a Dynebegh les jour et an fufditz. Probatio dicti Teftamenti coram Willielmo Courteney, Cant' Archiep*, 22 die Januar' 1382. 'menial. "rewarded. * foJz or fou%, pence. y valet, * Dublin. Regift. EDMUND EARL OF MARCH. 117 Regift. Courteney, fol. 1 88. a. b. fol. 189. a. b. in the Archiepifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. Edmund, Ton of the preceding lady by Roger de Mor- timer, earl of March, was born at Langenith, 1351, 25 E. III. and fucceeded on his father's death to his titles and eftate. He was lord lieutenant of Ireland three years, and died a at Cork, 1381, in his 29th year, and was buried with his wife at Wigmore abbey, to which he had been a great benefactor, and had procured for it the pri- vilege of the mitre. He married Philippa, daughter of Lionel duke of Clarence by Elizabeth, daughter and heir of William de Burgh, earl of Ulfter, by whom he had two fons, Roger born at Ulk, 13.61, and Edmund born I374 b , and two daughters, Elizabeth born at Ludlow 1375, married to Henry Percy, furnamed Hotfpur, and Philippa, born at Ludlow 1376, wife of John Haftings, earl of Pembroke c ; Richard earl of Arundel, and John lord St. John. Dugd. I. 14.8. 150. Dugdale gives him only one brother Roger who died in his father's life- time; but by this will, p. 115. he mould feem to have had another, Thomas* a vertitur in non ejfe y fays the Hiftory of Wigmore abbey, in Mon. . Ang. II. 227. b See note d, in p. 113. c This firil marriage not mentioned in the Hutory of Wigmore. THOMAS [ it8 J THOMAS EARL OF KENT. IN the name of God, Amen. In the day of the re- furrection of our Lord J'hu Crift, the yer of hym a thoufand thre hondred four icore and feventene. I Tho- mas of Holand, erl of Kent and lord Wake, beyng in hoi memorie, ordeyne and make my teftament in this wife. Firft, I yeve and bytake kny foule to our Lord J'hu Crift, and to hys mercy, and to the help and grace of our Lady, his blisfol moder, and the help of alle feyntes of hevene, and my body to be buried as fone as hit goodlich may, in the abbeye of Brune a . And I yeve and devyfe to b Alys my wif, and Thomas my fone, al my catayl.and godes moebles, praying my wyf for al the love and trufr. that hath ben bytwyn us, and alfo praying and chargying my fone, upon my bleflying, that they by good love and on affent governe hem in fwych vvvfe, that at hur power my dettes mowe be quyted, and my old fervantes iholpe yn defcharge of me. And to execute my will and devys aforefayd, I ordeyne and make my wyf and fone aforefayd myn executours. a Brune or Bourn in Lincolnfhire. b Alys his wife was daughter of Richard Fitz Aim earl of Arundel, whom he married 38 E. III. Sandford, p. 216. Dugdale, Bar. I. 75. Pro- THOMAS EARL OF KENT. u 9 Probatio dicli Teftamenti coram Thorn' Arundell', Cantuar' archiep', 10 die Maij, Anno Domini 1397, apud Lambeth. Regifter Arundell, pars prima fol. 157. a. in the Archie- pifcopal Regifhy at Lambeth. Thomas, fon of Thomas Holand earl of Kent and Lord Wake of Lydel, and Joan who afterwards married the Black Prince, was born 1350, being 10 years old at his father's death 1360. He was marfhal of England, 3 R. II. which office was taken from him fix years after, and he was appointed Conftable of the Tower of London, and governor of CarilDrook-caftle, 4 Julii, 20 R. II. He died in the year 1397, leaving Thomas his eldefr, fon, Edmund, and five daughters. Sandford, p. 216. Dug- dale, Bar. I. j 5. RICHARD C 1*0 ] RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. EN noun du Piere, du Fitz, et de Seint Efpirit, Amen. Jeo Richard counte d' Arundel et de Suit', le quart jour de Mars, l'an del incarnation noftre Seignour J'hu Crift mill, ccc quartre vintz et doufze, et Tan du regne le Roy Richard Seconde fefzime, en moun chattel Philipp en bone et feine memorie face mon teftament en la ma- .nere q'enfuyt, celt affavoir. Primerement jeo devife m'alme a lui tou puhTant Tri- nite, moun corps d'eftre enterres en la priorie de Lewes en tin lieu derere haute autier, la quele j'ai monftre a mes trefchiers en dieux Danz Johan Chierlieu a priour ilioeqes et frere Thomas Afmebourne mon confefYour. Et en cas qe ma trefchiere compaigne E b , qe Dieux affoile, ne foit en ma c enterrez et fevelez en le lieu par moy ency monftrez jeo veule et charge mes executours qe toft apres mon deces ma dite compaigne foit remoeve hors de la fe- p\ilture ou q'ele eft a prefent tanq' le dit lieu et ceo foit fait devant ma fepulture en toutes maneres, et veule et charge mes executours qe ma herce foit fait maes d de cynk cierges bien grandes ove les mortiers en manere come fuift entour le corps de mon trefhonure Seignour et piere, qi Dieux aflbile, auxi pres come home purra refembler eel herce jeo vuile et ordeigne qe ce foit fait. Et auxi je charge mes execu- a John de Cariloco who occurs prior, 1364 and 1377. Willis. b Eleanor, daughter of Henry duke of Lancafter, his fecond wife. f Sic Orig. A maif t pas, excepte, plus, des que. Lacombe. but, only. tours RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. 121 tours q'en quel lieu d'Engleterre qe je trefpace de ceft fecle, qe tantoft apres mon corps foit fi privement menez come home purra tanq' a la dite priorie : Et ne vuile en nulle manere qe nulles genz armez, chivalx, herce, n'autre qe je n'ay devife pardevant, ne nul autre bobaunce b , fbient faitz entour moy, forfq' foulement come avant eft dit.. Et fi enfy foit qe je trefpace de ceft fiecle en terre eftrange hors d'Engletere, jeo vuile, fi mon corps ne purra refbnable- ment eftre cariez au dit priorie, q'adonqes je fby enterres ou qe mes executours ou ceux qi font entour moy au jour de ma moriant en terre eftrange de jent c qe foit melx d al honour de Dieux et efportable e pur m'alme, en lieu covena- ble et a pluis pres qe home purra a la place qe jeo tref- pafferay. Item jeo devife pur les defpenfes affaire en- tour mon enterrement atant f d'argent come mes executours verront qe foit pluis a l'onour de Dieux et profit pur moy et m'alme, fique qe nul voie ceo ne pafle mye mill ma re a, ove la monoie qe ferra donez pur m'alme jour de mon dit enterrement, et ove le herce, et toutes autres defpenfes et coftages qe forrount faitz Uloeqes pur moy au dit jour. Item je devife et ordeine touz mes layness et touz mes autres chateux et eftoor h vif et mort, et touz mes veflele- ments et apparailles d'or, d'argent, et ennorez ! , forfprifez les ornementz pur la chapel queux j J ai done et deliverez a la b extravagance, fee before, p. 84, c de gent eftrange, of flrange people^. A mieux. e q. exploitable, profitable, as p. 126. { autcmt, fo much. * q. wool. h chattels and flore. i gilded; as furzorrez in preceding wills. K college j*2 R I C H A R D E A RL OF ARUNDE I.. college d'Arundell en ma vie, et auxi devife come piert k par mon teftament a demorer en la dite college perpetuel- ment, d'eftre venduz par mes executours attantz l come ent befoigne pur acqniter tout le dette qe je doy a mon trefhonure feignur et piere qi Dieux affoille; primerement ceo qe ne foit mye parfourncz de fbun devys per le tefra- ment en efpecial: et auxi de raire paiementz de mes pro- pres dettes a tous vceux qe mes ditz executours purront avoir verray conulaunce qe je iuy par afcune voie en dette, et ceo fi toft come ils purront apres mon deces en defcharge de Fakne mon dit trefhonure feignour et piere et de la meen et de ma conlcience e celuy qe je iuy fi gran- dement tenuz. Item coment qe mon dit trefhonure ieig- nour et piere en fa vie ordeina en la chapel deinz la chattel d'Arundell un chaunterie de iiz chapelleyns et trois elerez a fupport certein charge, quele chaunterie devant fa mo- riant ne fuift mye par Iuy emplyz, perount m en fa vie il moy chargea efpecialment par foun dit teftament, a pluiftoft qe je purroi del parfaire perpetuelment a durer, du quele ordenaunce depuis vewe et avys par difcrecioun des fages pur diverfes objeccions et periles par Tordinaunce du dite chaunterie en la dite chapelle qe purroient avenu en areriflement" d'icell,peront m il ne la purroit feurrement eftre eftablez, et furceo conliderez la defolacie de Tefglife paro- chiele d*Arundel de divine fervice qe par cynk moygnes k appears. ! for as much. wherefore. K, whereby. backwardbg, hiaderance. aliens RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. 123 aliens foloit eftre ferviz, ct retrettz a caufe de le guerre, q' mefme 1'efglife efteroit come defolacie et anyntiz , et l'al- moigne qe l'ay fuift de divine fervice relever, pur encres de devocioun de le people, honour a leinte efglife, et merit pur les almes pur queux ceo ferroit foundez, et nomement a l'alme de mon tremonure feignur et piere, principal caufe de celle fundacion du college ; Jeo ordeigna les avantditz liz chapelieinz en la dite efglife, et addy a ycell autres cynk chappeleinz feculers en lieu de cynk moygnes qe la foloient eftre, et enoutre de devocioun deux autres chapel- leins de perfourmer la noumbre de trefze, ou troiz deknes, troiz fubdeknes, deux accolitz, fept quorifters, et deux fa- criftes, ove troiz vadletz, et deux garceons pur eux fervir, enfy deflier illoqes fur la fondacioun et la volunte mon dit trefhonure feignur & piere un perpetuel college de trefze chapelleins, dount un nome eft meiftre, et quinze clercz come dit eft fundiz en l'onur del tout puiffant Trinite, et pur l'alme mon dit trefhonure feignour & piere, de fupport foun charge, et prier pur l'alme de ma trefhonure dame et miere, pur moy, ma trefchiere compaigne, qe Dieux aflbile, noz enfantz, allies, fucceilburs, et autres limitez en lour fundacioun et ordinaunces, pur touz jours; lequeJe college j'ay en partie endowe de pofTeffiouns efpirituelx et tempo- relx. Et de le remanaunt de pleyne endowement du dit college fur mes ordennances et charges en ycelles doune % le meiftre et chapelleins ne foient feurs jour de ma mo- withdrawn. p aneantle. ' ih::>;:-z. R 2 riant, t2 4 RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL, riant, jeo vuile qe mefme le meiftre et chapelleins et lour fucceftbui-s, preignent la fumme annuelment de mes ma- nours de Angermyng r , Wepham 5 , Warnccamp r , Soucfroke", Tottyngton*, Upmerdon> &Pyperyng% del annuel rente qe je lour ay done en les ditz manoirs par licence noftre Seignur le Roy, tanq' per mes heirs ou executours terres ou efglifes nient charges foient donez et appropiez a eux et a lour fuccefTours a touz jours, a plein et cler value de la quantite du dit endowement aderere \ Item cement qe mon dit trefhonure feignure et piere, qi Dieux affoille, devifa a moy par foun teftament certains veflelmentz, joialx, et livres a demurrer la greindre partie perpetuelment en la chapel deinz le chaftel d'Arundell, pur la chaunterie illeoqea par hiy purpofe, la quele depuis qe ele ell chaunge en l'efglife parochiele, par certeins caufes avant declarez, pur le meulx perpetuelment adurer, pur greindre meryt a l'alme mon dit trefhonure ll-ignur et piere, qi Dieux arToille ;. Jeo vuille et ordeigne qe mefmes les veflelmentz, joialx, livres, et autres ornamentz pur la chapel, queux j*ai deli- verez au dit college en ma vie, foient appurtenantz et de- murrantz au dit college pur tous jours, frbien come ceux qe r Angmeryng E. for which he obtained a weekly market and fair from: R. II. Dugd. I. 318. ' Wepham in Arundel rape, as the foregoing. 1 quaere, Warnham in Bramber rape. " q. Southwick in the fame rape. * Tottington. There is a place of this name both in Arundel and Bram- ber rape. J Upper Merden in Chichefter rape. * Peppering in Arundel rape. * adere , tout du fuite, Lacombe ; in arrear.. j'ai RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. 135 j'ai ordeine et dcvife par ceft mon teftament et vol mite, lefqueux je vuile q'ils foient deliverez bientoft apres ma lnoriant au dit college, illoeqcs a demurrer perpetuelement. Et outre par efpecial je vuilc qe le dit college eit deliverance des autres draps et veftimentz pur la chapel, de drap blanc, de foy embroudez et batuz ove b M. d'or, fi bien la meyndre vehement come le greindre, ove tout l'appaml d'icell', les queux j'avoie de doun ma miere de NorfF c . Et auxi pur ceo qe ma treflimee compaigne moy dona a noil: re marriage un veftiment de rouge drap d'or ove Fautier et tout l'appa- rail icell, laquele je vuile qe ma dite compaigne eit le dit veftiment quel ele moy enfi dona a terme de fa vie, fi b Sir Orig. e This expreffion (which at firft view teems irreconcilable with what Dugchle, I. 320. and Vincent, p. 26, fay, that this earl's mother was Eleanor daughter of Henry Plantagenet earl of Lancafter) is fatisfa&orily cleared up by the following obfervations of a judicious friend : " It is yet a cuftom in the North f^r parents, whofe children intermarry to call brothers and fillers ; Richard earl of Arundel, upon this principle, calling Elizabeth lady Mowbray his fifter, of courfe Margaret dutchefs of Norfolk would be his mother, and he might have the vanity to call her fo, as being a woman of high rank and fortune. See the following pedigree. Richard Fitz-Allan, Eleanor earl of Arundel. -/ Plantagenet. Richard Fitz-Allan, Eliz. Bohun. earl ol Arundel, tefia- tor ; beheaded 1396, 20R.II. John lord Margaret Plantagenet Segrave. deBrothertbn,dutchefs I of Norfolk, ob. 1399. \ John lord ElizabethSegrave, Mowbray. daughter and heir. Elizabeth == Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk." I ele .136 RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL, ele defire grandement de l'avoir, ele empriaunt c qe ele vor- roit la lefler a dit college, en remembrance de ele, n bien come de moy, quant ele vtrra temps, et ove l'eide noftre leignour tout puiflant, tout foit il jammes fait uncore ne ferra le dit college qe bien poy le pluis povre. Item je vuile et charge fermement mes ditz execu tours, q'en nulle manere ils ne ferrount livere a nully de la dette, en partie ne en tout, ne de nulle autre chole qe je doy a mon dit trefhonure piere, qi Dieux afloile; maes qe mes ditz execu- tours parfacent la volunte mon dit trefhonure Stignur et piere ovefq' fes executoiirs, folonq le purport de fon tefta- mcnt, de ceo qe ent ferra aderere jour de ma moriaunt nient parfourmez, come en un remembraunce qe j'ai lefle enclofe deinz ceft mon teftament appiert ; et qe celles chofes foient mys en execucioun et parfaitz auxi en hafte come home purra et favera apres mon deces, et come temps refonable le dorra d apres qe je foy a Dieu comaundez. Item jeo devife et ordeine quatre centz marcs d'efrre par mes ditz executours emploiez en un parpetuelle memorial ordeignez en ma meafoun de Lewes, come ils verroient meulx affaire folom lour bone difcrecioun, come en eide et encres del chanfure 6 pur les moignes, et en amendament de lour maunger et boire jours d'anniverfairs de mon dit trefhonure feignour et piere, ma trefhonuree dame et miere, et ma trefchiere compaigne, qe Dieux aflbill ; c'eft aifavoir, chefcun des ditz jours une quantite folom l'aflair- c praying or requeuing her to leave, the fame to the faid colleges. d fhall give. c q. fong-money, or allowance for fingingmafTes. ment RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. i 2 ; ment f qe la dite fumme vorra a ces annuelment extendre, pur prier pur les almes avantditz, pur moy, et mes enfauntz. Et qe le priour ilioeqes qi ferra pur le temps, et fes fuccef- fours priours du dite meafbun, a lour prinaere entree parui- tres lour autres charges, foient primement jurez agarder et faire eel charge folom mon dit devys, et pur difpofer la dite fume annuelment par tiele mannere come je l'ai avaunt devifez : h* mes ditz executours verount qe cefte ordi- nance ne purra eftre parfournez, adonqes je vuile bien qe la dite fomme foit difpofe folom l'ordinaunce de mes ditz executours, iflynt qe toutes maneres de la dite fome foit exploitez en encres et enefpecial a perpetuelment aprier pur les almes pur queux je fuy tenuz a prier, pur moy et touz criftienz. Item je donne et devife cent livres a l'efglife cathedral de Ciceftre, d'eftre difpofez apres mon deces par mes ditz executours folonc lour difcrecioun come ils verrount pluis honourable a Dieux, et efploitable a mefme l'efglife en remembraunce de moy; et a Fabbey de Hamound : , par mefme la manere cent marcs, iffintq'il foit veu par mes ditz executours qe les ditz fomes foient ex- ploitez k en afcune chofe come foit en l'onour de Dieux et amendement des ditz meifouns : fy ceo ne poet eftre par- petuel, qar je averoie meulx qe ceo ferroit parpetuelment adurer, qe autrement fy ceo purra bien eftre coment qe ceo ferroit bien poy m de tielx fommes. Item jeo charge mes s proportion, or what it will make. g q* arnong. h profitable, from cfplciter, profiler. L. 1 Haghmon abbey in Shropfhire, founded for Auftin canons, mo, by- William Fitz Alan of Clun, anceftor of the teftator. * expended. l car y for. L. very near. K. executours tzt RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL, executours q'ils facent gree et fatisfaccion as tout yceux qi foy veulent compleindre d'afcun grief ou mefpi-ifon q'a lour ay pluis ou meyns fait, dount ils purrount avoir evident prove ou verraie conufaunce, folom ceo qe mes biens vuiilent a ceo extendre en defcharge de m'alme, fitoft come y purra eftre fait apres mon deces. Et nomement al abbe et covent de Fyfcamp pur le purchace del manoir de Bury % par tiele manere qe foit refonablement greable a eux, en defcharge de Talme mon tremonure feignour et piere, qi Deux aflbile, et de la mien, li jeo ne le face en ma vie. Item je devife a ma trefchiere compaigne Philippe le lit bleu de l'overaigne de tapiterye de mes armes, et de les armes ma dite com- paigne departiz en ycelle. Item un lit rouge et bleu pale, q'eftoit pur la nief. Item un lit noir de foy, ov tout l'appa- raille de les trois lits avantditz, enfemblement ove touz les autres litz q'ele avoit de fes propres quant ele fuifl mariez a moy. Item le grand fale q'eftoit darreynement p fait a Loundres del overaigne de tapeterye blew, ove rofes rouges en ycell, et mes armes et les armes des mes fltz, le Counte Marfchal, le Seignure de Charletoun, et Monf*r William Beauchamp '. Item jeo devife qe ma dite com- paigne Philippe eit pur fa chapel tout l'apparail pur la chapel q'eftoit trufle r ove moy, et la meindre petit autier n Bury in Arundel rape, Suflex. furniture or hangings of the hall. p lately. * Thomas lord Moubray was the fecond hufband of his eldeft daughter Elizabeth. John Charleton lord Powis married Alice his youngeft, and William Beauchamp lord Bergavenny, Joan his fecond daughter, * fourid. K. fed o^ de RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. 129 de drap de foy noir, ove l'apparail d'iceL Item je devife qe ma dite compaigne Philippe eit pur le botellerye et celer deux pottes d'argent, chefcun contenaunt un potel, II hanappes d'argent enorrez, outre fa propre hanap appelle Bealchier, un dozen de peces d'argent, un dozein de quilers d'argent, les deux falers d'argent enorrez, queux ma dite compaigne moy dona a moun aun doun s a chattel Philipp, et deux autrez meindres falers d'argent, l'un ove coverture et l'autre fans coverer. Item deux chaundelers d'argent pur foper E en yverne u , ove haut pees, et mees efcho- chouns pendantz ove trois quartres fur mefmes les chan- delers et les fuages x enbataillez et enorrez. Item pur l'ewerye un paire bafyns d'argent ennorrez de mes armes, deux baflyns, deux ewers fengles d'argent, et un paire baflyns, defquex ele eft acuftume a laver devant maunge et foper. Item pur la cufyne trois dozein s des efquelx, deux dozeins des faucers, et quatre chargeours tout d'ar- gent. Item jeo devife qe l'apparail pur le tefte des dames, fibien de perlees come d'autre attyre, quele j'ai liveree a ma trefame compaigne en ma vie, qele l'eit en fa volunte durant fi vie, et apres la deces de le, qe le dit attyre foit preftement departiz entre mes fltz Richard et Thomas y , a * my new year's gift. 1 for fupper: this word is not in the gloffaries. u in winter. x q. fervages, fervices. L. - v Richard died young in his father's life without iflue : Thomas fucceeded his father; and 6 Hen. IV. married Beatrix natural daughter of the king of Portugal. Dugd. Bar. I. 320. Richard feems to have been eldeft fon, though not noticed as fuch by Dugdale or Vincent. He is always named firft in this will, and in p. 131. is called his heir t by way of eminence. S ca\ife x 3 o RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. catlic q'ils fount femblables d'avoir femmes, ft Dieu lour graunte la vie, s'ils ne foient mariez devant mon deces ; ct auxi qe ma file de Charletoun en eit fa part owelment ' departiz entre mes ditz deux fitz et ele, fans afcune autre departefoun affaire du dit attyre, fynoun en manere come avant eft dit; affiauntz pleynement en ma dite compaigne, qi fi ele foy feute a d'avoir autre marry, q'ele vuille et ordeyn par tiel manere et fy feurement, qe la ditte attyre ne foit ouftez b de mes avantditz enfantz. Item je vuile et ordeine qe fa ma dite compaigne eit tiel hTue par moy come avaunt eft dit, et q'ele parfourne les condicions fibien de ele come dez ditz enfantz foit il mal ou femmel, q'adonques touz les devifez et ordinaunces faitz adevant fibien a ele come a lez ditz enfantz foient tenuz et parfournez. Et ft ma dite compaigne ait tiel confeil, ou ne voet parfournir les ditz condiciouns, qe touz les cbofes a ele et au dit enfant foit il mal ou femall paramont devifez foient reftreintz, et qe ele, ne le dit enfaunt, n'eit nulle chofe de moun dit jdcvys, finoun la chapel qe je avoie ovefq' ele, enfemblcment ove lez litz, excepte la chapel, lit, et fale que je avoie de doun ma honure miere de Norfolk al marriage de ma dite compaigne quele j'ai devife en autre lieu. Item je devife a mon fitz Richard moun chapel ove tout apparail de drap velwet rouge ove angeles et archanngeles de enbroudez fur ycell, et auxi un veftment fengle de drap rouge de foy ove blancs rofes fur ycell. Item je devife a mon dit fitz * equally. 1 q. feure, fure; or perhaps fente, if (he fhould bt. inclined to marry again. b c/Ics, taken from, mon RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. i 3 i mon grand lit ove 1'entier apparaille pur la chambre blanc et blew, et auxi un rouge lit eftandard c appelle Clove, et auxi le lit de foy ove demy ceel, enbroudez ove les armes d'Aroundell et Garreine, ove touz les apparail des ditz litz. Item a mon dit fitz la grand file des armes d'Arundell et Garreine quartelez, et un dorcer de arras. Item dorcer d'arras qu'eft acuftume d'eftre pur la chambre pane a Arondell. Item je devife a mon dit fitz Richard de vef- felment, fibien en la chapel, except ceo qe j'ai ordeine pur le college d'Arundell, en chefcun office pur rhoftel d , come et folom ceo qe mes executours verrount qe mes biens foy extenderount en paiement de les dettes de mon tremonure feignur et piere qi Dieux aflbill, fibien come de ma dette propre ; et a caufe qil eft mon heir, je vuile q'il ait pluis de dit veflel qe acun de mes fitz ou files, les condicions avant- dites exceptes. Item je vuile qe mon trefchier fitz Thomas eit del jour de ma moriaunt enavant c li. annuelment de mes ditz executours en eide de fa fuftenaunce, tanque les manoirs de Begenever % Sullyngton f et Schapewyk s a luy foient donez et efcheiez h par ceux qe les ount en demefne, et en reverfioun a luy et a fes heirs malles de fon corps engendriez, et pur defaute de tiel iflue mall'e fa remeindre d'icel a mes droitz heirs feignures d'Arundell as touz jours. Pui vew totefoitz quant afcun des ditz manoirs luy foit donez q. a ftandhig bed, or one whofe tefter refted on pillars. d houio. c q. Bigfior, in Arundel rape. f q. Snlton in Arundel rape. * q. Shapvvick, co. Scmerfet. b tjcku* i efcheated. S 2 OU ffx RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. ou efcheiez en manere avantdit, iffint qe mon dit fitzThomas purra prendre les profitz qe a eel temps luy foit rebatuz' defon dit paicment annuel de cent livres ataunt come le dit ma- noir ency a luy done foit refonablement de value. Et quant il eit en mains des ditz manoirs a la fomme de centz livres annuelz avantditz, q^adonqesTentierpaiement de mefme la fomme par mes executours foit outrement defcharge pur touz jours; et en defaute qe les ditz manoirs ne vaillent tanqe a la dite fomme, je vuile qe mes executours et feoffez le perfournent a la dite fomme de c liv* come avant eft dit. Et outre vuile qe fi mon chatell fon voet extendre outre les dettes mon feignure et piere, qi Dieux aflbile, fibien come mes dettes, qe mon dit fitz Thomas ait deux centz livres de monoie d'eftre difpofe par mez ditz executours a fon meillour oeps. Item je devife a monr fitz Thomas un veftiment fengle de foy diaprez de blanc, qe feuft fait a mefme le temps qe le darrein autier de rofes eftoit fait.. Item mon lit blew de foy eftandard enbroudez ove griffons, ove entier feele k , et auxi le lit rouge et blew de fatyn de dymy feele ove touz les apparailles d'icell. Item a mon dit fitz un petit dofer de arras enbroudez dor en certeins lieux d'icell, quele Monfieur William Brian moy donna* Item un grande fale blanc et rouge enbroudez ove ba- bewynes ' ove mes armes en myelieu de les bordures et en les bittiz m qu'eftoit acuftume d'eftre a Reygate ; et de veffel 4 1 abated. k whole tefter diftinguifiied from half tetter. 1 Lacombe explains babelnes, levres de certains animaux. q. faces or heads ^ n d'argent RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. 133 d'argent de chefcun office pour l'ouftell" folom ceo qe femble a mes executours, toufdiz eiantz confideracioun a mes det- tes et devifes fuifdits. Item je devife a ma trefchiere file de Charleton un petit tablet d'or enamaillez de deux foilles, ove un ymage de la incarnacioun de notre dame dedeins. Item je devife a ma file Elizabeth un nouche ove de lyouns et corouns qe moy fuift done par mon trefchier fitz foun marry, et a ma file une nouche a foer p de rofe ove perlees. Item je devife qe ma file de Charleton ait mon lit de foy rouge ov entier feele, qu'eft acuflume d'eftre a Reigate, ove tout l'apparaill d'icell. Item je devife a ma file Marefchal 1 mon lit de arras, ove touts les tapits qe j'avoie a la fefaunce r d'icefies fait en mefme la pais 5 , except les trois doflers de arras qe j'ay devife en autre lieu. Item je devife a ma file Margarete moun lit blew qu'eftoit acuftume d'eftre a Loun- dres, ove tout Tapparaill d'icell. Item je vuille et devife qe ma trefchiere file Margarete eit annuelment de mes exe- cutours pur fa fuftenaunce centz marcs, tanq' ele foit re- fonablement mariee \ en eide de fa quele marriage jeo luy donne et devife mille marcs en efpecial, d'eftre auxi paiez par mes executours en meilloure manere qils purrount ou faverount, fy ma dite file ne foit mariez en ma vie. Et vuile outre qe mes ditz executours en ceo q'ils averount, de quo^ 11 Maifon. L. honlhold. * A pifture of the incarnation of the Virgin Mary, p alfcer, like. K. ^ Elizabeth, firft married to William earl of Saliibury; fecondly to* Thomas lord Mowbray earl Marihal. Dugdale I. 318. 1 q. at the making of thefe. * q_ in Flanders where the arras wns made. * She was afterwards married to Sir Rowland Lenthall, knt. outre t 3 4 RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL, outre mes charges et dettes, encreflent la dite fomme pur fa manage a un refonable quantite, s'ils le veient profitable a faire pur avauncement de fefbit de ma dite file, folom lour bone defcretioun, fiq' la fomme entier ne pafle mye en nulle mannere mille et cynk centz marcs a pluis haut. Item je devife a mon trefchiere et honure frere l'ercevefque d'Everwyk u mon coupe enorrez et enamaillez ove le cerf fur le covercle, en remembraunce de moy & de m'alme. Item je devife a ma trefchiere foer de Hereford x mon coupe ove coers*, et a ma trefchiere foer de Kent' mon coupe de troisfoilles, c'eft affavoir, fi mes dits foers foient naturelx * et tielx come ils deveroient de reafon en eide et par- fournilfement de cefl mon teftament, et autremsnt ils n'eient nient de moun.devys avauntdit. Item je devife a ma miere de Norffolk un crois d'or en un cas rouge de quyre h , et auxi a ma dite miere, un Agnus Dei d'or enamaille et en un cofte fa coronacioun c et l'autre feint Fraunceys ove xvn perles, en remembraunce de moy et de m'alme. Item je devife et ordeine a ma honure dame et niece de Gloucef- tre d en remembraunce de moy, et qe ele vuile eftre bien- voillant a mes ditz executours, un petit tablet d'or de troisfoilles, ove un crucifix dedeins, et la coronacioun c en la * Thomas Arundel, bifliop of Ely 1374, tranflated to York 1388, to Canterbury 1396, Chancellor of England, died 1414. Godwin. * Joan, wife of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford. 7 hearts. K. Dugdale tranflates it cover. * Alice, eldeft lifter, married to Thonns Holland earl of Kent. * kind. b cuit % leather. K. " Eleanor daughter of his filler Joan countefs of Hereford, and married to Thomas of Woodftock duke of Glocefter. fummite, RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. t 3 $ fummite, et enamaillez dehors. Item je devife a la meafoun de Robertefbrugge c en eide de fupportacioun de lour wal- lyng encountre le mer f xx li. Item je devife et ordeine qe les meafouns des freres religeous, efpecialment Aroun- dell, et auxi Lewes, Ciceftre, Wyncefter, Canterbirs, Gul- deford, et Loundres, foient regardez par l'avys de mes execu tours come ils foient tenuz de prier pur les almes mon tres honure feignure et piere, ma tres honure dame et miere, ma tres chiere compaigne qi Dieux pur fa grande mercie et pamoun q'il furTrit pur eux et pur tous criftiens, eit mercy de eux trois, et de nous touz quant nous tref- paflbms hors de cell: fiecle ; Amen. Item je devife les condi- eions fufdites a plein parfourner a la meafoun d'Ely g en eide de la fefure de la novelle haute autier illoeqes xvi li. xni s. mi d. Item, en mefme la condicioun, a la meafoun de Weftmonftre des moignes xl li. Item en femblable manere je vuille et ordeine qe chefcun des meafouns, de Cantirbirs h pur Seint Thomas, Seint Edmundefbury, Seint Johan de Beverley, ait xl li. Item je vuile et charge mes executors qe chefcun fervant qi m'a ferviz foit regarde pur foun travaille folom le fervice qe m'a fait, et le temps q'il m'a ferviz, toutditz coniiderez les grandes feez 1 q'afcuns ount de moy et autres avantages. Et je charge auxi mes e Robertfbridge a Ciftertian abbey in Suffex, founded 1 1 76. f Their fea walls. 8 The Benedi&ine priory at Ely. h This is to be read vvith a comma after meafouns^ meaning three feveral religious houfes ; at Canterbury, St. Edmundfbury, and Beverley. The firft dedicated to St. Thomas, and the laft to St. John* ' fees, wages. executoura 136 RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL, executours fi avaunt k come je puifle, et come ils vuillent re* fpoundre devaunt Dieux, q'ils ordeynent par tiel manere pur mes ditz fervantz qe tote manfcre bone confcience foit garde, eiauntz confideracioun a les devifes et voluntees de mon dit tres honure feigneur et piere, qi Dieux aflbile, nient panour- niz, lefqueux je charge fermement mes ditz executours bien et duement garder et parfournir en touz pointz. Item je devife et ordeigne pur mes ditz executours bien et due- ment garder et parfournir en touz pointz. Item je devife et ordeyne pur mes fervantz en manere come eft fpecifiez pluis au plein en l'article prochein precedent. Item je vuile et charge mes executours, come ils vuillent refpounder devant Dieu, qi s'ils veient qe mes biens ne vuillent extendre de parfourner mes voluntees fuifditz, q'adonqes q'ils facent mon enterrement auxi leger l come ils purrount refonablement. Item je vuille et ordeyne qe les meafouns de religioufes en le counte de Salop m foient par tiele manere regardez q'ils foient tenuz a prier pur les almes mon treshonure feignure et piere, ma treshonure dame et miere, ma trefchiere com- paigne, qe Dieux pur fa grande pite eit mercy de lour almes, et pur moy, mes heirs, et pur touz criftiens. Item jeo vuile et ordeyne qe les ordres queux j'ai de mon grande conuffaunce et autres meafouns foient regardez folom la bone et fage difcrecioun de mes executours; et qe mes biens fby vuillent extendre, toutdiz eiaunts confideracioun k fo far as. ' as {lightly. m The Fitz Alan family founded in Shrcpfhire Haghmon abbey and Wombridge priory. Tan. Nat. Mon. 448. 449. 2 a mes 9 RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. i ?7 a mes excepciouns fufdites. Item je donne et devife a frere Thomas Afshebourne mon confeflbur, d'avoir m'alme en remembraunce ficome je m'offre en fa perfone, cent marcs. Item je vuille qe 1'avowefoun de Yvele m foit venduz auxi toft come home purra apres mon deces refonablement, et les deniers d'icell loialment emploiez par mes ditz exe- cutours en meilloure mannere q'ils faveront en parfournhTe- ment du teftament et voluntee mon feigneur et piere, ql Dieux aflbille. Mes fi cas aveigne qe mefme l'efglife voide devaunt qe 1'avowefoun enfy purra eftre venduz, et qe afcun de mes fitz vuille eftre home de feinte efglife foit able de Faccepter et occupier, q'adonques je vuille et prie mes feoffez de ycell de luy prefenter a ycell. Et au- trement mon clerc Robert Pobelowe s'il foit en vie et la vorroie avoir. Et fi le dit Robert ne la vorroie avoir, ou ne foit en vie a temps de Favoidaunce, q'adonqes je vuille qe mefme l'efglife foit done a monn chapellain fire Johan Gamil. Et fi le dit fire Johan ne la vorroie avoir, ou ne foit en vie a tie! temps come eft dit, q'adonques foit pre- fente a ycelle afcun fufliceaunt perfone de ma prochien linage qi pluis foit able a ycelle, par difcrecioun de mes executours. Et en cas qe nul de ma prochein linage ne voet accepter la dite efglife, ou qe ne foit able a ycelle, q'adonques je vuille qe mes ditz executours ordeynent qe m q. Ewell vicarage, Surry, which E&on fays was appropriated to Newark priory, or Chertfey abbey. Yeovil in Somerfetfhire (written Tev'd and Evlll in Eton) was appropriated to Sion abbey. There is alfo an Ewell in Kent, which likewife belonged to a religious houfe. T foit i 3 8 RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL, foit prefente a ycelle un fufficiaunt perfone tiel come lour femble par lour bon avys et difcrecioun pur le meulx, tout, diz d'avoir pur recomender une tiele perfone qe moy ad longement ferviz. Item je vuille, en cas qe mes biens et chateux avantdiz ne vuillent fuffire d'acquiter mes dettes, devifez, et charges de ceft mon teftament en nulle manere,, ou q'ils ne porrount eftre acquites pur nulle autre voie qe j'ay ordeyne^q'adonques mon hauftel de Pulteney's" en foit venduz, et ove les deneirs d'icell la duytee de monn dit teftament ferviz. Et fy befoigne ne foit, ne caufe ne- ceffaire la donne de la vent dycell, q'adonques je vuille et pre mes feofFez d'icell de doner mon dit houftel a mes droitz heirs feignures d'Arundell pur touz jours en lapluis. feure manere q'ils le faveront ordeyner et devifer.. Item fy enfi foit qe mes biens et chateux ne vuillent fuffire pur. faire fatisfaccioun et reftitution a mon dit trefhonure feig- n The capital mefluage called the Cold harbor, in the parifh of All Saints, adfcenum, in Dowgate-ward, being purchafed by Sir John Poulteney, who was four times mayor, and dwelt in it, took the name of Poultney's Inn. He gave the whole, with the wharf adjoining, to Humphrey de Bohun earl of Hereford and EfTex, and died 1349. It is not improbable our earl of Arundel had this houfe in right of his wife, neice to this Humphrey. In 1397, 21 R. II. the year after his execution, John Holland earl of Hun- tingdon was lodged there, and Richard his brother dined with him. It was then counted a right fair and Irately houfe. In the next year Edmund earl of Cambridge was there lodged; and it retained the name of Poult- ney's Inn, 26 H. VI. It belonged, 1472, to Henry Holland duke of Exeter. Richard III. granted it to the Heralds 1485, and in the reign of Henry VIII. thebiftiop of Durham's houfe being taken into the king's hands, bp. Tonftal lodged here, fince which it came to the earls of Shrewlbury, of whom the laft in Stowe's time took it down, and built on the fcite a number of fmall tenements let out for great rents. Stowe's Survey, p. 252. fol. * duitz. K. duty, obligation. 2 nur RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. 139 nur et pcire, qiDieux aflbile, fibien come pur parfournifle- ment de ceft mon teftament et ma entente ; adonques je vuile et charge mes ditz executours q'ils rterfacent bien et duement fi en hafte come ils le bonement purrount, et q'ils eient de quoy apres moun decees en manere come j'ay ordeyne et declare ma entention defouz mon feal a mes executours et autres perfones de m'affiaunce f, queux je prie et charge fur peril de lour almes q'ils le mettent et fuffrent eftre mys en bon et loialle execucioun, pur acom- plhTement de ceft mon teftament, et ma entiere voluntee, attaunt come y befoigne, et en null autre oeps, et outre ent ordeynent folonc ma voluntee et limitatioun fanz tariaunce, delay, ou contrariouftetee q qeconqe, coment ils vuillent refpoundre devaunt lui tout puhTaunt Seignur al jour de juggement : purvew totfoitz en execucion de cefte ma vo- luntee, qe les devifees et ordinaunces pur mon dit tref- honure feignur et piere, qeDieux aflbile, foient primerement ferviz, et depuiz mes devifees propres, folom ceo qe femble a mes ditz executours qe pluis foit honurable a Dieux, et profitable a ma alme. Item je ordeine et devife qe les coroune r , bible en deux volumes, et un paire decretalx en fraunceis, et un grand paire de pater noftres d'or, ove un grand fermaille d'or, ovefq' certeines autres joalx et reliqes, contenuz deinz un petit forcell s de blanc liez d'argent, ove des liouns maflez' enorrez, queux mon dit trefhonure feig- p my confidence. 1 contradiction. r coronet. s q. ftrong box. Forceret y or forchlere^ is explained by Lacombe -petit coffre. 1 q. ma/les, male; or rather maffive. T 2 nur 140 RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL, nur et piere, qi Dieux aflbile, devifa a moy et a mes heirs apres mon deces, a demorer perpetuelment de heir en heir flignures d' Arundell en remembraunce de luy et de s'alme ; et cji cas qe mon dit heir foit deins age, qe mefmes les coroune, bible, decretalx, et touz les ditz joialx et reliqes, toftpres mon deces foient falvement par mes ditz execu- tours menetz et mifez en feure lieu a garder tanq' au plein age de raoun dit heir, et adonqes de luy eftre deliverez par charge come il vorra refpoundre devaunt Dieu, mon dit trefhonure feignure et piere, qi Dieux aflbille, et moy, au jour del juggement ; Et purceo qe jeo entendy bien qe mon dit fitz et heir n'eftoit mye a la fefaunce d'iceftes d'age de iy plenerement entendre h* grand charge, ft ne leffay jeo en parole ne en grand dit a luy, maes en fait et en cefte moun teftament je luy charge fi avant come je purra, et come il vorra refpoundre al jour de juggement, come defuis eft dit, quant il viendra a refonable age de entendre ceo qe a homme appertiendra, et fanz afcune fubtilite fefaunt en ycelle, eiaunt confideracioun qe coment je m'ay grande- ment doubtez de n'en ofFendre encountre le charge qe j'avoie en cefte article de moun dit tremonure feignure et piere, qi Dieux aflbile, par refoun moun dit fitz foy deve- roit doubtier d'aflez pluis qe je n'avoie caufe, car meindre caufe avoy jeo de moy doubter qe n'avoie qe le foule charge mon dit feignur q'il n'ad s'il ne face les voluntees libien de mon dit feignur come de moy, par quoy foit moun dit fitz bien avys li bien de fa alme, come pur la bone gover- nance RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. i 4 r naille de fa perfone, come en temps q'il ferra en le mounde a plefaunce de Dieu, q'en la parfournhTement fi bien de ceft article come d'autres qe j'ay devifez en ceft mon teftament, et de mes autres darreins voluntees qe a luy apperteignount d'acompler, qu'il foit preft et toutdiz de bone voluntee et fans feintyfe, ou en afcune manere double, en afForfaunt u et aidant mes executours, et nomement ceux qi prendront radminiftracioun de mon teftament et voluntee fufditz, en acompliflement et parfourniiTement de mes voluntees avant declarez. Item en cas qe par chaungeabletee du fiecle, for- tunes, ou autres empefchementz qe purrount avenir en apres, afcuns de ceftes devifes ne purrount eftre executez en manere come il eft fpecifiez en yceftes, ou autrement, qe mes executours verrount per autre voie et par bone et fage difcrecioun qe mes devifees propres purrount eftre faitz en meilloure manere qe je n'ay devifez, Jeo vuille et donne poar a mes ditz executours q'en les materes x fur queles afcun tiel cas aviendra en enpefchement fur moun tefta- ment et voluntee, q'ils le ferrount par bon avifement re- drefler en mannere come il ferra pluis profitable, meritorie, et expedient a m'alme ; mes per nulle voie qe afcune chofe foit chaunges du teftament mon trefhonure feignure et piere, qi Dieux aflbile, eins q'il foit parfourny ft pres come refonablement ceo purra faire per afcune voie, folom le purport et effect d'icell, fi noun qi je vuille qe l'ordynaunce del college foit fait en manere come eft fpecifie en ceft mon teftament. Et furceo je charge mes heirs fur ma beniceoun,et come ils vuillent autrefoitz refpoundre devaunt 11 ftrengthening. K. * matters. le *4* RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL, le tout puhTant trinite, ct moy, prie et charge touz mes autres fucceflburs fi avant come je puhTe, fur peril de lour almes, et come ils vuillent refpoundre de la charge al jour de juggement, q'ils ne nul de eux mettent ne mette impedi- ment, deftourbaunce, objeccioun, n'autre contrarioufetee qeconqe, de cefte jour en avant encountre cefte ma entente, ne encountre nulle ordinaunce qe j'ay fait et ferra, pur affeuretee d'icell, en arreriflement de monn purpos, et qu'ils y foient bones feignures et patrons, aidaunts pur fufte- naunce de la dite college come ils fount' et toutdiz fer- rount, attaunt come il dure en perpetuelle memorie et priere illoeques pur merit de lour almes. Item je donne et devife a mon trefchier fitz de Charletoun un coupe ove une ewer coveriable, Monf. Johan Cobham un coupe ove un ewer, Monf. Richard le Scrop un coupe ove un ewer, Frere Thomas Afshebourn un mafer y covere et frettez d'or, Monf. Payn Tiptot un hanap d'argent enorrez, et deux de les meilloures chivalx, Monf. William Percy un hanap d'argent coverez, et a Johan Cokkyng, Thomas Younge, et Thomas Harlyng, a chefcun de eux un .ha- nap d'argent en remembraunce de moy. Et a parfournir et mettre en executioun ceil: ma voluntee et touz mes 7 Lacombe explains mazer, the material of which were made drinking veflels, thence called mazelins, maze/ins, or mazetins : and Kelham explains mazer (hanap de) a bowl made of mazer. Du Cange fays, mazer, mazeri- nus, mazarum, mazdrinum, are the name of pretious cups-, of what material he does not determine, but inclines to think them the pocula murrhina of the antients, called in later writers hanaps dc madre: and the,n they will be made of precious flones, which, from the many inftances of them being mounted in filver, recited by Dugdale, is much more probable than that they were of maple-wood as Somner thought. Here, and in fome other inftances, the material is put for the veflel. divifees RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL. 143 divifees avantditz ; Jeo face et ordeine mes executours le tres reverent piere en Dieu mon trefchier et honure frere d'Everwyk, mon trefchier fitz de Charltoun, mes tref- chiers amys Monf. Johan de Cobham, Monf. Richard Lefcrop, Monf. Payn Tiptot, Frere Thomas Afshebourne, Sire Robert Pobelowe, Sir Johan Gamul appelle Ruffell, John Cockyng, Thomas Yonge, et Thomas Harlyng, les queux je pri d'entier coer, fur le graund affiaunce qe j'ay en eux, et en chefcun de eux, qu'ils vuillent prendre l'adminiftracioun de mes biens, et les mettre en loial exe- cutioun, fytoft come ils purrount apres moun deces, folom cefte ma voluntee come y poet pluis eftre pur l'onour de Dieu, et profit a ma alme. En teftmoignaunce du quele chofe a yceftes mes darreines voluntees j'ay mys moun feal ; done jour, lieu et an fuifditz. [N. B. A blank is left in the Regifter Book for the Probat.] Regifter Arundell pars prima, fol. 183. b. 184. a. h. 185. a. b. 186. a. b. in the archiepifcopal regiftry at Lambeth. Richard Fitz Alan, fourth earl of Arundel, fon of Richard the third earl, and Eleanor his fecond wife, daughter of Henry earl of Lancafter, ferved king Richard II. in his dif- ferent wars, and as admiral of his fleet. He was in the commiflion that fentenced Michael de la Pole the king's favourite, and joined the lords againfr. the duke of Ireland. The king attempted to furprize him in his caflle at Ryegate, but 144. RICHARD EARL OF ARUNDEL, but foon after reftored him to his commands by fea and land. 1 2 R. II. he purchafed a licence to marry for his fccond wife Philippa daughter of Edmund Mortimer earl of March, and widow of John Haflings earl of Pembroke. The fame year he was in parliament diverted of all his employments, and eight years after received fentence of death, and was beheaded in Cheapfide, the king himfelf being a fpe&ator ; Thomas Mowbray earl Marfhal, who had married his daughter, being the executioner that bound up his eyes, and the earl of Kent his nephew guarding him. He was buried in the Auftin Friars church in London. By his firft wife Elizabeth 2 , daughter of Wil- liam de Bohun earl of Northampton, he had three fons a ; Thomas his fucceflor, Richard andWilliam who died young : and four daughters ; Elizabeth firft married to William de Montacute eldeft fon to William earl of Salifbury ; fecondly, to Thomas lord Mowbray earl Marfhal and of Nottingham ; thirdly, to Sir Gerard Uflete knt. and fourthly to Sir Robert Goufhill knt b . Joane wife of William de Beauchamp lord Bergavenny. Margaret wife of Sir Rowland Lenthal, knt. and Alice married to John Charleton Lord Powis. Dugd. Bar. I. 320. r Her portrait and her hufband's were formerly in the windows of Arundel chnrch. He kneeling in armour with a coronet, and on his tabard Albeny quartering Warren. She had the fame arms on her mantle, and on her kirtle Bohun. a See Note in p. 129. b With whom flie was buried at Hoveringham, co. Nottingham, where in the S. aile is a' fine monument with their effigies, {he on the right hand in robes, her coronet on her head, her right hand in his \ he in armour, his left hand on his fword. 6 JOHN C HS 1 JOHN OF GAUNT. EN noun de Dieu le pier, du filtz, & de feint efpirit, Amen. Jeo Johan fitz du Roy d'Engleterre, Due deLancaftr', en bone memoire le tierz jour de feverer, Tan du grace mil trois centz quatre vingtz dis & fept, ay fait mon teftament par maher qu'enfuyt. En primes jeo devife m'alme a Dieu & fa trefdouce miere Seinte Marie & a le joy du ciel, & mon corps a eftre enfevelez en Tefglife cathedrale de Seint Poule de Londres, pres de Fautier principale de mefme Fefglife, juxte ma trefchere jadys com- paigne Blanch illeoq's enterre. It'm je devife parochiell* ou qe jeo moerge tout ceo q' mes executours y voillent don- ner en noun de mon principal!, quelle par le ley y doit eftre donnez pur mortuair; et ce cas que jeo moerge hors de Loundres jeo voille & devife qe la prim' nuyt qe mon dit corps ferra apportez a Londres qe foit portez tut droit as frers Cannes en Fletftrete pur ycelle nuyt, y avoir les exequies, & lendemain la haut mefle de requiem, apres quelle mefle jeo voille foit mon corps removez & portez tut droit a la fuifdit efglife de Seint Poule, pur y avoir ycelle nuyt les exequies, & lendemain la haute mefle de requiem & la fepultur' ; & en quelle lieu qe jeo moerg * to, the parifh, U jeo i 4 6 pOHN OF GAUNT. jeo voille & devife que apres mon trefpaflement mon corps demoerge defur la terre nemy enterez qe quarant jours,, & doune en charge 15 a mes executours qe dedeinz yceulx quarant jours nulle encerement c de mon corps ne foit fait,., ne faynez privement n'en appert. Item jeo voille & devife qe chefcun jour dcs fuifditz quarant jours foient- pur m'alme donnez ad pov's gentz de pays cynquant marcs d'argent, & la veilk dc ma fepulture trois centz marcs d'argent, et la jour, de ma fepulture cynk centz marcs d'argent, s'il femble amesjexecutoursqe ceo purra eftre fait, confidere la quantite de mes bien^ & auihres mes ordi- nances & devys, les ditz fomes ne purront de tout, eftre- donnez as pov's com defuis, adonques mes executours, a leur difcrecion facent donner as pov's chefcune des ditz quarant jours autielles fommes com faire purront, le quan- tite de mes biens & mes aultres ordinaunces &. devys. confidere. Item jeo devife entier pur ardre entour mon corps, le jour de ma fepulture primerement dis groflez. ciergez en noun des dis comandementz de n're feignour. Dieu, countre les queux j'ay trop malementtrefpaflez, fup- pliant a mefme n're feignour Dieux que cefle ma devo- cion me p'mifT remedier de tuit cella q* encontre les ditz comandements ay multz fovent & trop malement fait, & ferfait, et qe defuis yceulx dis foient mys fept cierges groffes en memoir des feptz oevres d de charite es queux j'ay efte negligent, et pur les feptz mortielx pecches, k I give in charge. c no coring (or embalming) of ray body be made or pretended, within the forty days, privately or publicly. . d oeuvtes,. I. & ) H *J O F A N f. M> & defuis yceulx fept jeo voille qe foient mys rink cierges groifes en l'onur des cink plaies principalx n're feignour Jefu, t pur mes cynk fcens e lefquelx j'ay multz negli- gentment defpendie, dounte je prie a Dieu de mercy ; et tout amont yceulx cierges jeo voille qe foient trois cierges en l'onur de la benoit trinite a la quele jeo me rende de touts les malx qe fait ay, enfuppliant de pardon & de mercy pur la mercy & pite q' de fa benigne grace il a fait .pur la {alvacion de moy & d'autres peccheours. Et voille t>ien qe de parentre les fuifditz cierges foient mys entour mon corps morters de cier, tieulx & atantz come a mes ditz executours plerra de y mettre. Item jeo voille qe mes executours facent prier mes cofyns & amys d'eftre a ma fepulture pur prier pur m'alme, fan ce faire de mon. devys autre folempnitie ne fefte, li ceo ne loit as pov's gentz a prier Dieux pur m'alme. Item jeo voille, ordeigne, & devife qe de leftoutes mes biens & chateulx mes exe- cutors apres ma rnort devant leitoutes mes aultres ordi- nances & devys facent paier lefloutes mes dettes qe le jour de mon trefpaffement ferront duz, favant qe fi nulle dettes lors ferra demande la quelle pur negligence, noun- chalure f , poverte au temps, male talent g , ou autre defaut foit aderier noun paie come reafon demaunde, & purra par evidence ou par bon' confcience eftre trovee qe foit due, a demandant, qe mes executours la facent paier li avant s'ils averont de quoi de mes biens & chateulx, except toutz voiez qe jeo ne voiile par nulle voie q'ils paient afcunc c fens f feafes, f indifference. s refentment. U 2 dettes 4 8 JOHN OF GAUNT, dettes pur l'arme h en voiage qe mon trefame frere le Due cfe Everwyk ' devant ore fift en Portugole, dount jeo me teigne de tut quites devant Dieu & tout la mounde, mes des toutes autres dettes jeo voille que refbnable gree ioit fait, et auffi voille & ordenne & devile q' ll a aicune temps de ma vie j'ayehu k aucuns terres, ten'tz 1 , rentz, fervices* ou or on argent, ou autres biens moebles d'acune autre perfone fanz fufte & due title, ou a autre ay fait tort ou injurie, combien qedeprefent ne cognoifle nulle en efpeciale mcintenaines m , ii en temps avenir il puifie eftre duement preuvez, mes executors facent plain reftitucion & amends, fi avant ils averont de quoy de mes biens &c chateulx, des quelx facent ils auffi courtage convenables pur ma fepultur & en- tour mon corps del jour de mon trefpaflement, jufques au temps qe mon enterment ferra acompliz, & auxi paient a mes fervitour-s lours regardes per mon ordenns", & outre ceo q' mes executours pregnent de mes biens en leurs mains un tie! fome convenable, de quelle ils purront faire & acompler toutz les chanteries & obitz en cefte mon tefta- ment ordeimes pur m'alme et pur les almes de mes trefcheris jadis compaignes Blanche & Conflance qe Dieux aflbille. Et h the army. Edmund Plantagenet Duke of. York, fifth foo of Edward III. wasfent, 1381, with an army into Portugal, to fupport his brother John of Gaunt in his claim of the crowns of Caitile and Leon, in right of. his wife Con* (ranee daughter of Peter the Cruel. They defeated his antagonift John King of Caitile with great (laughter ; but the king of Portugal granting him peace, the Englifh were conducted heme with, np fmall mortification.. Sandfprd, 375. Rapin, IV. 383. 398. k eu y had. ' tenements. m though at prefent I know of none in fpecial maintenance. . n their rewards, fees, falaries, according to my commands. depuis JOHN OF GAUNT. 149 depuis facent mes ditz executours acomplir mes devys de- fbubz expreffes ii averount com de mes biens & chateulx ils averont, de quoy ifluit toutz voies q' fi apres les cou- ftages affaire entour mon corps apres ma mort & ma fe- pulture & enterement plainement acompliz, & apres qe treftouts mes dettes ferront paiez & reftitucion faitz des torts & injuries com defous, & les regardes par moy or- dennez de tout paies a mes ferviteurs, & pris & refervez es mains des executours la fomme pur les chanteries & obits fuifditz, mes biens & chateux lors remainantz es mains de mes executours ne fuffifent my pur en acomplir mes devifes- defoubz expreflez, qe de mes dites devys & de chefcune de yceulx foit rebatement p fait folom la def- crecion de mes executours, exceptz toutz voiez les chofes defobz limitez a mon tres fovereigne feignour le roy, les queulx jeo voille qe luy foient livrez come chofe a luy donne en ma vie. Item jeo devife a la fuifdif aultier du Seynt Poule mon graunt lyt de drap d'ore, le champ piers Q ' poudres des rofes d'or myfes fur pipes r d'or, et en chefcun pipe deux plums d'oitrieh blankes s , les curteines de taffeta piers batuz de fembleable ovrage, xui ^apits de tapilferie teves' tj Cj de la fuite, & a rnefme l'autier mon veftement" de fatyn blank enbroudez d'ore, done Tovrage eft un raille x palfant parmy all; in the fulleft fenfe of the word; all and every.. ? abatement. ' q. partly, parcel.. r q. pipes or tuns, or ftaves : for Lacombe gives both fenfes. s Over againft the duke's tomb at St. Paul's, in the border of a fouth window, was painted, among many other arms of the firft houfe of Lancafter, his device, being in a field S. 3 oftrich feathers Ermine, the quills and fcrolls Or, to diftinguifli them from his elder brother prince Edward. Sandford, p. 349. n. 1 woven, K. u here it means furniture, * corons 150 JOHN OP GAUNT, corons d'or le quelle jeo achatay de Courtenay, broudier deLondres y , & contient le vehement deux frontiers per l'au- tier, & un chefcun frontiers trois grofles tabernacles d'ore & grofles ymages d'or enbroudez en ycelle, un cheiible, deux tunicles, in aubes, n eftoles, in fanons, in copes, & un covertur pur le letton% un corpora, n courtins, n tou- ailles pur l'autier Tune aieant petit front enfemble, & mon entiere veftment . 160 JOHN OF GAUNT, enterres, & pur tenir &$ faire tenir en la difte efglife ui\ obit pur 1'alme de ma dite na4gairs compaigne le xxnii jour de Mars annueleitient as toutz jours. Et qe a ceo lair & fuftenir perpetuelement mes ditz executours par l'avys de gents de loy de rnes biens facent fufficeantment endower la fufdite efglife pur le fuftentacion de les chanterries & obitz fuifditz. Item, com einfi foit qe de l'annuite ou penfion annuel de quarant mil frankes en la quell m'efte tenuz mon trefame filtz le Roy de Chaftiell & de Lion certens fummes font oncore a derier nient paiez, non efpe- cial ordenuz d'eftre paiez a moy, ne a mes procures a mon oeps, fi voille &c devife qe de toutz ces tiells fommes par mon dit filtz enfi a moy duez nient paiez, ne uncore ordenuz par efpeciale d'eftre paiez a mon oeps, mon tres fovereigne le Roy au le tierce denier de ceo qe per fon fovereigne aide en ferra recoverez par mes executours, & clerement reflez ouftre les courtages & expenfez. Item, jeo devife, voille, & ordeigne Imprimerement & principale- ment de treftouts mes biens & chateulx foient treftoutz mes dettes pleinement acquites, &c les extorcions, tortz, & injuriez par moy & mes miniitres a mon oeps faitz re- ftorez & amendez folom la defcretion de mes executours, & les couftages refonables entour mon corps del jour de mon trefpaflement jufques au temps que ma fepulture & les couftages de mon entierement ferront acomplez, depuis de la refidue de mes biens foient mes fervi tours regardez folom le discretion de mes executours, et les fuifdits JOHN OF GAUNT. 161 fuifdits mes legats acomplez & parformez par les dits mes executours, fi avant com ils averont de quoy de mes biens & chateux, & la reiidue de mes biens & chateulx fi nulle y ferra demorez, Jeo voille que par mes execu- tours foit difpofe pur m'alme le plus profitablement q'ils en faveront devifer. Item, com de la fomme des francqs del annuele pennon des quarant mille francqs x a moy&de clere y memoir la fuifdite Conftance quant il viveit ma com- paigne, fille & heir de clere y memoir Petre jadys Roy de Caftill & de Leon, a terme de vie & de la vie de la di&e Conftance lors ma compagne, & de l'autre de nous furvi- vant, grantes, conftitue, & folempnement promys par le x The duke gave up his claim to the crown of Caftile in confideration of ten thoufand pounds (libre) yearly penfion to him, and the fame to his dutchefs Conftance (Walfingham, p. 342) and 200,000 nobles in hand. Sandford, p. 252. Rapin (IV. 420) fays, the king of Caftile bound him- felf to pay down 600,000 livres, with a yearly penfion of 40,000 during the lives of the duke and dutchefs. Carte (II. 575) fays, the duke of Lan- cafter was to be paid 200,000 crowns towards the charges of his expedi- tion, and to receive 100,000 florens annually, and his wife Conftance as much, for their refpeKve lives. Of the contemporary hiftorians quoted by the latter, Walfingham fays nothing of the money in hand, but that the duke had from the king fummam multam minis. The life of Richard II. printed by Hearne leaves a blank for the fum. Froiflart III. c. 138. p. 328. fays, that on the marriage of the duke's eldeft daughter with the king's fon, the king gave him much land and territory in Caftile, and a great number of florins, about 200,000 nobles. One of the duke's followers told Knighton that the fccond payment was fent by the king of Spain in chefts of gold, on forty-feven mules. He did not enquire about the firft; but adds, that hoftages were given for an annual payment of 16000 marks for the duke's lite, and 12000 per annum to the dutchefs if fhe furvivcd. p. 2677. The Abrege Chron. de l'Hift. d'Efpagne, p. 548. fays, the king paid the ex- pences of the war, and a confiderable penfion to the dutchefs. Such is the variation of hiftorians, or the value of money in different nations. The inftrument in Rymer, VII. 603. is only an order from the king to re- ceive the fixty hoftages for the payment. Dated Weftminfter, 26 Ajig. 1 388. y of famous memory, Y puiffant i6i JOHN OF GAUNT, puiffant Prince Johan jadys Roy de Caftill & de Lyon & de Portugale par occafion danemys z accordez, tranfac- cion & amicable compoficion fur les drois de roialmes de Caftill & de Leon, Tolete, Galicie, Sicilie, Cordube, Murcy, Gienn, d'Algarve, & Algiozire, &delesfeignouriez deLace, Bifcay &Molyne faitz parentre le dit Johan jadys Roy de Caftill & de Leon & du Portugale & moy & Conftance lors ma compaigne fuifdite, ft com pluis au plaine eft contenuz en lettres & inftrumentz obligatorys fur les traicties, compoficions, & tranfaccions ent a faitez, les queulx letres & inftruments jeo voille icy avoir pur inserteez, plufours fommes des franqs a moy nottairement foient duz & remaignent nient paiez, Jeo voille, ordenne, & devife qe mes executours defoubz efcriptz que les conq'z fommes des francs pur quelfconqz ans, termes & temps ade- rier eftieantz, en toutz lieus & en quelconcq'z lieu qe ce foit, demandent, exigent, & levent de quelconq'z perfones & perfon de les queles les ditz fommes des francqs doient eftre demandez, exiges ou leves, par toutes voies, manere & forme meilliours qe purront yceulx mes executours, & leur ferra avys qe ferra pluis expedient de faire, folom tout force, fourme, & effect de les letres & inftrumentz obli- gacions des quelx mencion eft fait defuis ; & de cell: mon teftament & darrein volunte, a Texecucion d'ycelles bien & loialement faire jeo face, ordeine & conftitue les reve- rents piers en Dieu Richard b Evefq' de Saresbure, Johan z q. tPamitlez. thereon. ^ Richard Metford, 1395 1407. 2 Evefq' JOHN OF GAUNT. 163 Evefq' de c Wyrceftr', mes tres chere & trefames coufyn & compaignons Thomas Count de Wyrceftre, fenefchale del houftell de mon trefredoute Seigneur le Roy, & Wyllyam Count deWyltes treforer d' Engleterre, mon trefame filtz d RaufCountdeWeitmerland,MonrrWaltierBlownt,Monf r Johan Dabruggecourt, Monf r Wyllyam Par, Monf 'r Hugh War' ton, Monf r Thomas Skelton, & Johan Cokeyn, chief fenefchall de mes terres & poffeffions, Sir Rob't Qwytby mon attornee generall, Piers Melburn, Willyam Keteryng, Robert Haytfield, countrerollour de mon hof- tiell, Sir Johan Legburn mon receviour generall, 6c Thomas Longley clerk, mes executours, donant a eux & a chefcun d'eulx plein pouar & auctorite de treftoutz mes biens & chateulx adminiftrer & de toute ceo faire executier qe as bons executours par quelconqe voie refonable & juftifiable il appartient, premierement & en efpeciale par maniere com jeo lour a devyfe defuis, & en autre com lour tres fage defcrecion & bone confcience leyr purra fembler qe mieultz foit pur moy affaire & pur la fervice de Dieu & de fa trefdouce miere Marie, ayantz mes ditz execu- c This was John Green whom the monks chofe bifhop 1 394, on the death of Wakefield, and whom Walfingham (p. 389.) mifcalls Robert Tideman, confounding him with Tideman de Winchcomb, whom the Pope, at the o"efire of R. II. to whom he was phyfician, obliged the convent to accept. This will therefore fettle the lift of Worcefter bifhops, among whom John does not appear, though the king confirmed his election 4 Maii, 2 Pat. 1 3 R. II. m. 18. and he actually fat till the Pope tranflated Tideman, who had not the temporalities till July 21. 1 Pat. 19 R. II. m, 20. Godu'in, ed. Richardfon, p. 465. fon-in-law, as p. 171. Y ^ tours 164 JOHN OF GAUNT tours dc mes biens lour courtages refonables droit come- par loure fait ils voillent refpondrd devant Dicu le haut jour de juftice. Item, pur ceo qe afcun foiz un des exe- cutours deputez al teitatour qi mort eft nient fachant, les autres executours, mes de tout ignorantz, pur fon fin- guler profit recevant des grantez fommes dues a fon teita- tour certein pur certie, & afcun foiz la mcindre partie apliant & convertant a fon propre oeps, ad remys la retidue d'icelles fommes fraudeloufment & contre bone confcience & graunt prejudice del teftatour & de fes executours &en graunt peril d'alme de tiel fraudelens, & de mal enfample des plufours, pur ceo pur efchuir tiel fraudc, voille jeo ordenne & defpone, & auffi charge mes dits executours, qe nulle d'eux fans confaile, voulente, confent auxi & aflent evprefle del greindre partie des ditz executours de & fur grandes & groffes fommes de monnoys, ne face acquitances generalles- ne particulers a nuly, neaucun acquite de l'une ou abfolve:: mes qe mes ditz executours ne facent le contraire ; je a doune & referve toutes & quelconq* povoir en celle partie^ Et pur furvoier & faire veir q'ils enli ferront juiques al complifement de ces mes darrens voulontes jeo prie 5c a mon tres redoute feignour tres humblement jeo fupplie come a mon Roy & fovereigne feignour terrien e en qui de- vant touts autres jeo me pluis affiee , qu'il de fa incompa- rable bontes & en acomplifTement de fes gracioufez promefles les qels de fa noble feign orie il m'a fait, en ceo cafe luy e earthly. f conHde. pleafe JOHN OF GAUNT. 165 pleafe me eft re bon feigneur, & du ceft mon teftament foverein furveoire 6c comandoir, que foit lefle ne changee ceo que jeo paramont ay devife; & apres luy, fort trefhonour- able eftat 5c honoure tout jour fauvez, j face furveoirs s de inefme le fait mon trefcher 6c trefentierement bien afme frere Efmon Due d'Everwyk, mon trefcher 6c trefentiere- ment bien ame neveu Edward Due d'Aumarle h , les tres reve- rentz piers en Dieu Rog' 1 erchevefque de Cantirbure, Ric* k erchevefque d'Everwyk, 6c le reverent pier en Dieu l'evefq' de Nicole mon trefame filtz ; en priant a mes fuifditz frere naturel 6c neveu, qui de reafon 6c de nature me deuflient eftre pluis procheins amys, & as ditz tres reverents piers en Dieu 6c mon trefame filtz, com a mes peres efpiri- tuels qi de refon 6c d'efpiritue T te me deuflent eftre efpiri- tuelx amys, q r ils, ovefq* mon tres redoute feignur le Roy fufdit, fon honur toutzdis fauvez, me voillent eftre bdns furveoirs de mon dit teftament, 6c, s'il enbufoigne m pur le meilliour de moy en comfort de mes executours fuifdits, comandent &c ordenent coadjutors, que pur necgligence, 8 fupervifor. * Edward Plantagenet duke of York, eldeft fon of Edmund de Langley, the eftator s fifth brother. He was created duke of Albemarle 21 R. II. of which title he was deprived i H. IV. He was flain at Agineourt, and buried at Fotheringay. Snndford, 380. 1 This mu ft be a miftake, for Thomas Arundel was archbifliop of Can- terbury from 1396 to 1414. k Richard Scrope from 1397 to 1404, when he was beheaded for attempt- ing to reftore R. II. He had the temporalities of this fee, Jan. 21, 1397. Godwin. 1 Hen. Beaufort. ra be neceffary. nonchalur n\ hriM i66 JOHN OF GAUNT, nonchalur, male talent, n'autre defaute, ceftes mes dits volentes, ordennances, & darreins devys ne foient par voie de monde leffez % ne en autre manere que par defous eft; efcript changies, ne tournes, come ils voillent refpondre devant luy qu'efl Roy des toutz roys, & ad le feurveue de toutz terriens faits & penfez pur quelx il rendra guerdon a chefcun folom Ton defert. En foy & tefmoignance de treftouts ceftes chofes pur deflus efcripts com a cefte mon teftament j'ay fait mettre mon feale de mes armes, de quelle cele pur greindre coniflanz & affirmance de mon propre fait j'ay mefme mys en le dorce mon fignett quele je porte toutes jours mon mefmes, lejour & an fuifditz, &les gents defoub efcripts en ay requis de les tefmoigner ; c'eft aflavoir, meiftre Johan Kynyngham, doctour en theologie, Sire Johan Neuton, parfon de l'efglife de Burbach, Sire Wau- tier Piers, perfon de l'efglife de Wymondham, Wyllyam Harpeden, & Robert Symeon, efcuiers. Subfcripcio. Et ego Johannes de Bynbrok, preioyter, Lin- coln' dioc' publicus apoftolica & imperiale aucloritate notarius, una cum reverendis & difcretis viris fratre Job anne Kynyng- ham in theologia profeflbre,D'noJohaimeNewtonrec~toreec- clefie paroch' de Burbach, &Waltero Piers restore ecclefle pa- roch' de Wymondham, ac Willo Harpeden, & Roberto Si- meon armigeris, Norvvyc', Lincoln' & Exon' dioc', Anno Do- omitted, and has the oversight of all earthly deeds and thoughts, for which he will render a reward to every one according to his defert*. mini, JOHN OF GAUNT. 167 mini, menfe, & die fupradicY, indiccione feptima pontificis fan&iflimi in X'po patris & domini noftri domini Bonifacii divina providencia pape noni anno decimo, prefens interfui ubi & quando illuftrimmus princeps & dominus Johannes filius Regis Anglie, Lancaftr' Dux fupradict. in camera infra caftrum fuum Leyceftr' fituat' diet. Lincoln' dioc' per- fonaliter exiftens in manibus fuis tenuit prefer) tern fcrip- turam fuperfcriptam, & ipfam in teftim' fuperius defcrip- tos ad hec fpecialiter vocatos & rogatos, ac mei prefencia palam & publice fatebatur & expreffe dixit fuum efle tef- tamentum, ac fuum protunc ultimam continere voluntatem, quam quidem fcripturam five teftamentum una cum quo- dam codicello eidem fcripture tunc inferius annexo voluit & vult juxta ipforum tenorem & erFetum fieri & com- pleri, eaque {icut premittitur fieri vidi & audivi, ac de mandato ejufdem principis ac ducis hie me fubferibendo ac fignum meum hie apponendo confuetum, in banc publicam formam redegi rogatus & requifitus in fidem 6c teftimonium omnium premiflbrum interlinear' illius diccionis autre s fuper undecimam lineam, ac rafuras illius dictionis ordre in tricefima quarta linea & illarum dictionum {et les coufiages refonables entour men corps del jour de mon trejpajj'e merit jufques au temps qe ma fepulture) in fexagefima quarta linea, prefentis teftamenti approbo, ego Johannes notarius antedi&us. CODICIL- 168 JOHN OF GAUNT. CODICILLUS. IT'M, la ou jeo Johan filtz du roy d'Engleterre, Due deLancaftre, aypurchacez6t fait purchacer a mon oeps diver- fez feignouries, manoirs, terrez, tenemens, rentes, fervices, pofleffions, 6c advoefons des benefices de feint efglife, ove lours appurtenances, des quelx devant les efpofailles d'entre moy 6c ma trefame compaigne Katerine celebrees, jeo luy a fait doner aucunes parcelles a avoir a terme de fa vie, & d'aucunes parcelles j'ay fait enfetter mon trefame filtz Johan Beaufort Marquis de Dorfet a avoir a lui 6c a fes heirs de fon corps iflanpz, folom la contenuedes fefFements fur ceo faitz, 6c d'aucunes autres parcelles iont de ma ordi- nance diverfezperfonez enfefflz, au fyneq'ilz doient as autres feoffement ou feofFements faire a ma volute, ordinance, &c -devys, quant ils ferront achetez, & a ceo de part moy requis, fi ay jeo fait faire cefte cedule annexe a ycefte mon tefta- ment contenante ma darreine 6c entier volente toucheant les fuiiditz feignouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz, rentes, fer- vices, poffe (lions, reverfions, 5c advoefois, ove lours appurte- nances, laquele ma volutite jeo voiile que foit a toutz convee 6c efFeCtuelement acomplee en toutes pointz, des quel* jeo ne ferra autre ordenance en ma vie. Et eft tiel ma ordenance Sc devys : Primierement jeo voiile que toutz les feigrroires, manoirs, terres, tenement/, rentes, fervices, pofleflions, reverfions, ^c advoefons, ove lours ap- purtenances, per manere que defuis purchafes cc com d.fus dounes JOHN OF GAUNT. 169 donties & grantez a ma dite compaigne a avoir a terme de fa vie, remaignent a ele tuit entierement folonque TefFette & purpous des douns & graunts a ele faitz, la reverfion d'ycelles que de ma ordenance funt taillez per fyn ou autrement, toutzfoiz remaignent a celuy ou a ceulx a qui ou as quelx ils font taillez. Et que la reverfion de toutes autres feignouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz, rentz, fervices, poflerlions, reverfions, & avorfons, ove lours appurtenances, es quelx ma dite compaigne a eftate a terme de fa vie, & lefquells ne font de ma ordeignance taillez, foit donnez a mon trecher filtz Thomas Beaufort frere du devant dit Johan, enfemble & avecque la reverfion de toutz les feignouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz, rentz, fervices, poflemons, reverfions, & avoefons, ove leurs appur- tenances, que furent a Edward de Kendale, laquele reverfion j'ay fait purchacer de Dame Elizabeth Croifer, & les feig* noires, manoirs, terres, tenementz, rentz, fervices, poiTeffions, reverfions, & avoefons, ove lours appurtenances qe, Dame Elizabeth Barry tient a terme de fa vie, a avoir au dit Thomas & a fes heirs de fon corps iffants ; & pur defaut d'iflue du dit Thomas, la remeindre au dit Johan & a fes heirs de fon corps ilfonts ; & pur defaut d'ifiue de dit Johan la remeinder a ma trefame file Johane loto feur contefife de WefWland & a fes heirs de fon corps ifiant ; et pur defaut d'iflue de dit Johane la remeindre a mes drois heirs q'ils ferront heirs de heritage de Lancaftre. Item, jeo voille que l'avant dit Johan Beaufort mon fiitz Z ait i 7 o JOHN OF GAUNT, ait a luy & a fes heirs de fon corps iflants toutes les feig- nouries, manoirs, terres, tenementz, rentz, fervices, pofTef- flons, reverfions, 6c avoefons, ove lours appurtenances, que de ma purchace & de ma ordinance luy fount donnez folom TerTecl: & purpoys de doun & grant a luy ent faiz. Item, jeo voille que les certeines terres 6c tenementz en la cyte de Londres a mon oeps nadgairs purchacez d'une Dame Katerine del Staple en rendant a ele vint marcs per an a terme de fa vie foient per le coungieP de n're tref- fovereigne feignour le Roy donnez a un chanterie a eftre fundie des deux chapelleins, a celebrer devines fervices en l'efglife cathedrale de Seint Poule du Londres, pur les almes de moy 6c de ma trefcheer nadgairs compaigne Blaunch, que Dieux aflbille, quelle chanterie jeo voille que mes executours facent founder en meilliour manere des biens que ferront les miens le jour de mon trefpaffement fi jeo ne face fonder 6c ordenier en ma vie. Item jeo voille que mon trefcher bachelier MonPr Robert Nevill, Wyllyam Gafcoigne, mes trefchers efquiers Thomas de Radclyf and Wyllyam Kat'yng, 6c mon trefcher clerk Thomas de Langley, qui de ma ordenance funt enfeffez en manoir de Bernolfwyk en counte d'Ewerwyk, facent annuelement paier a mes executours pur outre a l'avant dit Dame Katerine del Staple les fuifdites vint marcs per an a terme de fa vie ; 6c outre ce facent les ditz enfeffez paier des iffues fuiiditz a mes ditz executours autres vint marcs conge, leave. per J O H N O F GAUNT. 171 per an a eftre per eulx outre paiez as deux chapelleins celebrantz divines fervices en la dit efglife cathedrale de Seint Poule pur m'alme & Palme de ma dite jadls com- paigne Blanch a un aultre jouft q le leu de n're fepulture, tanq* a temps que ferra illeoucq* fondue & endowe un chanterie perpetuele de deux chapelleins a celebrer divines fervices pur les almes de moy & de ma dite nadgairs com- paigne Blanch. Et outre ceo paient les dits enfeffez as dits executours autielle fbmme per an de laquele fomme ils purront faire annuelement eftre celebrees deux obitz en la dit efglife de Seint Poule, c'eft aflavoir un obit pur moy le jour de mon trefpaffement & un autre obit pur ma dit nadgairs compaigne Blaunch le douzifme jour de Sep- tembre d'an en an, tanque au temps que terres, tenementz, rentz, ou autre fuffifant poflemons, foit donne & amortize pur la perpetuelement fuftentacion des ditz obitz. Et voille que la reiidue des ditz iflues foit paie a mes ditz executours pur outre paies en partie de paiement de la fuftenance de deux chapelleins celebrantz fervices divines en la novell efglife collegiate de n're Dame de Leyceftre, pur m'alme & Talme de ma trefchiere nadgairs compaigne Dame Con ftance illeouques entierree, & pur un obit a celebrier illeouques pur Talme de ma dite nadgairs compaigne Conftance le vint & quart jour de Mars d'an en an, tanque au temps que en la fuifdit novell efglife collegialle ferront fufficientement fon- duz un chanterie perpetuele de deux chapelleins a celebreer '- juxta, near. Z 2 divines 7* JOHN OF GAUNT. divines fervices pur Fnlme de moy & de ma dit nadgairs compaigne Conftance illeouques enterree, & aufi un obit pur Falme de le r a celebrer perpetuelement le jour de Mars fuifdit. Adonques foit eftate faite du dit manoir a mon trefame filtz aizne Henry Due deHerford, & a fes heirs de fon corps, & pur defaute d'iffue de dite Henry la re- meindre a mes droiz heirs. Item, touchant les Wapentakes de Hang-eft, Hangvveft & Halykeld en Rychmondfchir, les queulx j*ay devaunt ore faite grantier a mon trefame filtz en ley Raufe Counte de Weftmerlandi; & a ma trefame fille Johane fa compaigne, a avoir a terme de leurs vies, jeo voille q'ils les aient a eulx & a leurs heirs malz de lour corps iffantz, & pur defaut d'iffue de heir male de lour corps la remeindre a Favant dite Johan mon filz & a fes heirs de fon corps iflants, & pur defaut d'iffue de dite Johan la remeindre a dit Thomas & a fes heirs de fon corps iffants, & pur defaut d'iffue de dit Thomas la remeindre au dit Johane & a fes heirs de fon corps iffants, & pur defaut cFiffu de dit Johane la remaindre a mes droiz heirs de Lancaftre. Item, jeo voille que toutz aultres feignories, manoirs, terres, tenementz, rentz, fervices, poffefnons, re- vernons, & avoefons, ove leurs appurtenances, a mon oeps purchaces & remaignants uncore es mains des efreffez pur moy a ceo ordennes, foient apres ma mort, fi jeo ne face autre ordenance en ma vie,donnez a Favant dit Thomas mon filtz, a avoire a luy & a fes heirs de fon corps iflantf , & pur r foul of him. feoffees, 4 defaute JOHN OF- GAUNT. 173 defaute d'iffue de fon corps iffants la remaindre a l'avant dit Johan fon frere 6c a fes heirs de fon corps iffants, & pur defaute d'iffue de dit Johan la remaindre 3 la fuifdite Johane leur feur & a fes heirs de fon corps iffants, & pur defaute d'iffue de la dite Johane la remaindre a mes drois heirs que ferront heirs del heretage de Lancaftre ; voillantz toutz voies que toutes yceftes mes voluntees, ordinaunces & devys en cefte cedule comprys foknt toutz accomplitz per ceulx que averont T eftate & povor, et per l'avys, ordo nances, 6c confeille de gontz de ley en le pluis fur manere que en ceo purra ordenner. Regift. Hen. Beaufort, fol. 13. b.to fol. 18. a. incluf. In the epifcopal regiffry at Lincoln. Edward III. by his wife Philippa, had iffiie this John their fourth fon, born at Gaunt [Ghent] 1340. In two years after his birth he was created earl of Richmond, and in 1 36 1 duke of Lancafter. In 1 359 he married Blanch younger daughter and coheir of Henry duke of Lancafter, who dying ten years after [1369] dutchefs of Lancafter, was buried in St. Paul's cathedral; and in her right her huf- band obtained the three earldoms of Derby, Lincoln, and Leicefter. Peter the Cruel, King of Caftile and Leon (whom Edward Prince of Wales had inverted in his kingdoms) left at his death, 1367, two daughters, who, to avoid the ufurper their uncle, had taken refuge in Gafcoigne. The duke caufed them to be brought to Bour- deaux, i 7 4 JOHN OF QAUNT. ,377 deaux, and there married Conftance the elder 1372*, af- iiimed the title of King of Caftile and Leon, and fup- ported his claim by force of arms, but without fucceis. On the death of the Prince of Wales, he was appointed Regent of the kingdom, in the declining age of his father, and during the minority of his nephew Richard II. by whom he was created duke of Aquitaine in 1389; and fix years after he fet up in parliament his claim to the fucceflion of the crown of England", which his fon (afterwards Henry IV.) obtained, and fo brought the great duchy of Lancafter to the crown. He took to his third wife Catharine daughter of Sir Payne Roet, and widow of Sir Otes Swynford, who had been his miftrefs in the life of Conftance, and who furvived him four years, and dying 1403, was buried in Lincoln Minfter, where her monument, robbed of its brafles, remains on the Weft fide of the altar, while thole of his former wives were deftroyed at the diflblution and by the fire of London, The duke departed this life at the bifhop of Ely's palace in Holborn, about the Feaft of the Purification of our Lady, A. D. 1399, and was buried with his firft wife in St. Paul's cathedral. See their monument in Sandford, p. 256. * She died 1394, and was buried in the collegiate church at Leicefter, where Leland faw her monument of marble before the high altar, with her image of brafs like a queen on it. It, I. 17. Sandford, p. 252. By JOHN OF GAUNT. ^5 By his firft wife Blanch he had ifliie, , 1 . Heriry, duke of Hereford and Lancafter, and earl of Derby, afterwards king of England. 2. Philippa, married to John I. king of Portugal 1386, died 1 41 5; buried with her hufband at the abbey of Batalha, where Mr. Twifle (Travels, p. 43.) defcribes tne monument with their effigies cumbent *. 3. Elizabeth, married firfr to John Holland earl of Exeter, beheaded at Cirencefter 1 H. IV. andfecondly, to Sir John Cornwall lord Fanhop: me died 1424., and was buried at Burford in Shropshire. Her portrait, and that of her fecond hufband were in a window at Ampthill church, engraved by Sandford, p. 259. By Conflance he had one only daughter Catherine, mar- ried to Henry prince of Afturias, fon and heir to Henry count of Traftamare, bafe brother and fucceflbr to Peter king of Caftile and Leon, to whofe kingdom her hufband fucceeded by the name of Henry III. 1390, and their de- fendants were kings of Spain till Charles II. who died 1 700. By Catharine Swynford he had, 1 . John Beaufort, created earl of Somerfet 20 R. II. and next year marquis of Dorfet ; he married Margaret Holland daughter of Thomas earl of Kent; and dying 1410, was buried at Canterbury, where in St. Michael's chapel in the South tranfept is a moft beau- tiful monument for him, his lady, and her fecond hufband * After feven kings of their iflue had governed Portugal, it was invaded by Philip King of Spain 1580, and united to that crown till 1640. Thomas t?6 JOHN OF G A V tf ' T. Thomas duke of Clarence. 2. Henry, cardinal of St. Eufebius, bimop of Lincoln 1398, and of Winchefter from 1404 to 1447, where he was buried behind the high altar, having been twice chancellor of England, and once at Jerufalem. 3. Thomas Beaufort duke of Exeter, admi- ral of England, earl of Dorfet ; he married Mary daughter of Sir Thomas Nevil, died at Eaft Greenwich 1426, and was buried at St Edmundfbury, where his corps was dis- covered 1772. (See Phil. Tranf. Vol. LX1I. art. 33. and Archaeol. vol. III. p. 31 1.) 4. Joan Beaufort married firfr. to Robert Ferrers, fecondly to Ralph Nevill firft earl of Wellmorland, by whom fhe was grandmother to the famous Earl of Warwick the kingmaker, and dying 1440* was buried at Lincoln by her mother, where her brais- lefs monument frill remains. 8: /3cih^y^^ /Jiti^??!^ ELEANOR C J77 1 ELEANOR BOH UN, DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER. IN dei nomine Amen. Jeo Alianore Duchefle de Glou- ceftre, Countefle d'Eflex, &c. efteant en bon & fain memorie, en moun chattel! de Plefly, le ix jour d'Augft. Tan de noftxe feignour mil trois centz nonance & neof felonc le cours de l'eglife d'Engleterre, entendant & con- fiderant les mauveizcees & nouncertaineteez de ceft va- riable & traniitore monde, ordeigne & devife ma darrein voluntee & teftament com enfuit. Enprimes je comande m'alme entirement a la graunt & innumerable mercy de noftre tout puifTant & tres merciable feignour J'hu Crift, requerant l'aide de fa benoite miere la tres humble virgine noflre tres douce dame Seint Marie, de mon Seignour John le Baptift, et de tout la celeftlel compaigne. Item, jeo devife pur ma fepultur mon cors d'eftre enfevelees en Tefglife de TAbbeie de Weftmonfhe, eins la chapell de Seint Edmond le Roy & de Seint Thomas de Cantirbirs, juxte le corps de mon feignour & mari Thomas Due de Glouceftr, & cet' a fitz au Roy Edward la tierce, & tout foit qe le corps de mon dit feignour & mari foit en temps avenir remue, il veule qe mon corps repofe & demure en Tavant dit * . Sept. for feptiefmey he being 7th fon of Edward III. A a chapelle r 7 8 ELEANOR B O H U N, chapelle & lieu. Et fi devife & ordeigne qe la jour de ma: fepulture qe mes executours facent ordeigner qe mon corps folt cavere de un tapite noir, ove un crois- blank & un efcuchon de mes armes en mylieu du dicle crois, & iiii cierges toutes roundez, & vnr plain mortiers efteantz a les un covere b . Et xv homes & en efpecial choiftre c pur loiaux & doutant d dkux coment qe foit de lour age ou autre poveretie felonc le difcreilion de mes executours,. tenant chefcun des- dites povres homes un torch, cell: affavoir, cynk au tefte & cynk au checun coftee, & foit checun des difz povres homes veftuz en un gowne, un large chaperon, un pares des chauies de bon fort drap blu de profound colour, & foient les dites gounes & chaperons doubles ove blanket ; aufii foit done a checun de eux un pare de folers%.& un pare des drapes linges & xx d. d'eiterlinges f , a prier pur m'alme & pur Palme de mon feignour & mary avantdite^ & pur touz les vifs & morts en efpecial a queux jay efle tenus & pur touz criftiens. Item touchant les avantdkes cierges, mortiers ne torches ne foient en mil maner enlumynes entour mon dite cheithf corps, fi non foulement en le temps de la fervice dyvine, & ceo fait le meindre du dites cierges, mortiers, & torches foient lefles a la fervice du dite chapelle qe je fui eins enterres. Item, jeo devife a le covent des moignes du dite b q. corners. See before. q. of efpecial chjice or fucceflion from choite or efcbolte. t { * q. redoutanz, fearing. e fouliers, flioes. f Dugdale (Bar. II. i; 2 ) tranflates this a Jhirt and ao.poundi. abbeyc DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER. 179 abbeye de Weftm' le jour de ma fepultur xli. de monoye pur lour pitance. Item, jeo devife d'eftre diftribuit entre les povres per l'avys de mes executours mefme le jour c s. Item, jeo devife a Tabbeffe & covent des foers menurefles juxte Londres dehors la porte de Algate mefme le jour pur lour pitance vi li. xiiis. mid. & un tonell de bon vine. Item, jeo devife a le priour & covent de Lanthone ju&ta Glouceftr' xiii 1L viii s. vi d. Et a Sire William Shuklon, chanoign de dit lieu, c s. Item je devife a 3'efglife Be abbeye de Walden ou mon feignour & piere eft enterre Hunfrey de Bohun, darreine Counte de Herford d'EfTex & a nOvtoiii^- - Qusre, if right, there was no fuch bifliop* RICHARD II. 199 forte noftra Iiabella regina Anglie & Francie 49 , eidem, n* nobis fuper\ lxerit, integre remaneant ; quod fi ei fupervixe- rimus, tunc volumus quod dicta jocalia nobis & executo- ribus io noftris integre remaneant pro execucione huju modi noflre ultime voluntatis. Item volumus quod omnia indumenta ac robe corporis noftri, exceptis perlis & lapidibus preciofis, remaneant clericis, valettis, & gro- mis qui circa noftram perfonam jugiter laborarunt & labo- rant, juxta difcrecionem executorum noftrorum inter eos diftribuenda. Hujus fiquidem teftamenti noftri regii executores nominamus, facimus, & deputamus venerabiles in Chrifto patres Ricardum k Sarr', Edmundum 1 Exon', Tidomannum m Wygorn', Thomam Karliolen' n , & Guido- nem Meneven' epifcopos ; dilectum fratrem 5I noftrum EdwardumP ducem Albimarlie, Thomam ducem Surr* ne- potem noftrum, Johannem ducem Exonie q fratrem noftrum, & Will'm comitem Wyltfchir', quorum cuilibet unum ciphum aureum valoris viginti librarum legamus, ac dileclos 49 &c Francie defunt. 50 fucceflbribus S1 confanguineum. k Richard Metford was bifliop of Salifbury from 1395 to 1407*. 1 Edmund Stafford lord chancellor, 1395 I 4 I 9* m Tideman de Winchcomb, 1395 140 1. Tadmanum, Rymer. Thomas Merks 1397, deprived 1399, for his fidelity to his depofed mafter, H. IV. prefented him to the vicarage of Thurminfter Marlhall, Dorfet, 1403 ; he was alfo rector of Todenham, c. Glouc. 1404, and died 1409. Hutchins' Kift. of Dorfet, II. 133. Guy de Mcna, lord chancellor, 1 398 1409. p Ke was firji coujin to R. II. being fon of his uncle Edmund deLangley, and Rymer has confanguineum here and before, p. 196. 1 John Holand duke of Exeter, fecond ion of Joan by Thomas Holand earl of Kent, brother of Thomas Holand, created by R. II. chamberlain of England 17 a. r. earl of Huntingdon 11. a. r. duke of Exeter 21 a. r. hi beheaded and buried at PlelWy 1400. Dugd. Bar. II. 79. 6 clericos too RICHARD II. clcricos & fideles noftros magiftros s Ricardurn Clifford noftriprivatifigillicuftodem, Ricardurn Maudeleyn, Will'm Fereby, & Johannem lkelyngton, clericos S3 , ac Johannem Lufwyk, & Wiirm Serle, laicos, quorum cuilibet expenfas & fumptus neceffarios dum circa execucionem prefentis nof- tre ultime voluntatis eos aut eorum aliquem vacare conti- gerit, juxta tamen 5+ difcrecionem dictorum fuorum coexe- cutorum volumus perfolvi. Quos omnes & fingulos on'e- ravimus & oneramus ut hanc voluntatem noftram ultimam debite exequi & quantum in eis eft adimpleri faciant, ficuti coram Deo voluerint refpondere 5S . Supervifores autem hujus noftri teftamenti creamus, ordinamus, deputamus & facimus reverendos in Chrifto patres Rogerum r Cant*, & Ricardurn 8 Ebor', archiepifcopos, Will'm ' Wynton' epifcopum ac Will'm u abbatem mon' Weftm', Edmundum x ducem Ebor' avunculum noftrum, & Henricum y comitem Nor- thumbr' confanguineum noftrum. Quos omnes & fingulos quantum ad nos attinet in Domino requirimus & rogamus quatenus in hanc ultimam voluntatem & difpoficionem nof- tram debite & folicite quatenus opus fuerit iupervideant, ipfamque execucionem debite demandari faciant ; renftentes 51 clericos noflros magiftros 5J S4 defunt. ss Rymer's copy ends here. * Richard Scrope, 1396, 1J97, beheaded for attempting to reftore Richard. He was brother to the earl of Wiltfhire, mentioned in note 2. 1 William of Wickham, 1366 1405. n William de Colchefter elected abbot of Weftminfter 1386, died the year before the depofition of Richard. Dart II. xxxu. Edmund de Langley duke of York before-mentioned. y Father of Hotfpur. He joined H. IV, on his landing, and afterwards rifing againft him, was defeated and beheaded at Bramham Moor. Dugd. Bar. I. 378. vero R I C H A R D II. *oi vero feu contradicentes prelati ecclefiaftica cenfura percel- lant & proirt eorum officium exigit debite coherceant & compefcant, ficuti eorum Deo red dere voluerint racionem; cuilibet vero fuperviforum noftroram hujufmodi unum ciphum aureum 6c unum adaquarium valoris quadraginta marcarum legamus ac eciam amgnamus. In quorum om- nium & fingulorum teftimonium atque fidem prefentem paginam five prelens teftamentum voluntatem noitram ul- timam continens fuprafcriptam in fcripto redigi ac figillo noftro privato & figneto fignari, noflrique figilli magni appeniione, & proprie manus noftre fubfcripcione fecimus roborari. Datum, fcriptum, & ordinatum fuit prefens tef- amentum in palacio noftro apud Weftm' fub anno domini miirmo ccc m nonagefiimo nono, indiccione feptima, menf Aprilis die fexta decima, anno regni noflri vicefimo fecundo ; prefentibus reverendo patre Roberto z ep'o Lon- don', ac nobilibus & ftrenuis viris Johanne Dorf ' mar- chione a Thome b comite Wygorn*, & aliis. For an exact copy of this will (from the original in the Chapter-houfe, Weftminfter) the editor is happy thus publicly to return thanks to George Rofe, efq. It is printed very incorrectly in Rymer, vol. VIII. p. 75. z Robert Braybrook, 1381 1404. a John Beaufort, created marquis of Dorfet 21 R. II. See before, P-I75- b Thomas Percy, brother to Henry Percy earl of Northumberland, note x , created earl of Worcefter, and lord high admiral of England 1397, taken at the battle of Shrewsbury, and beheaded 1403. Vincent on Brook, p. 609. D d Richard 202 RICHARD IT. Richard II. was the youngefr. fon of the Black Prince, born at Bourdeaux 1366; iiicceeded his grandfather Edward III. 1377, when he was only eleven years old; and, after an inglorious reign of twenty-two years, in yl^okast-JL ! [/ yh- which fome few traits of a good difpofition mewed them- Cln,* ! ielves through the diflipation, effeminacy, and favoritifm ff of the age, was depofed and fucceeded by his coufin Henry duke of Lancaster, Sept. 29, 1399, and on the February following made away. He was fir/ft buried in the church of the Friars preachers at Abbots Langley in Hert- fordfhire, but removed thence by Henry V. to WeiT- ininiter, where a fplendid monument of brafs, with the figures of him and his firfi wife is 1111 remaining. Engraven in Sandford, p. 203. and Dart. He married firft, 1382, Anne daughter of the emperor Charles, and filler to Wericefiaus king of Bohemia; file died without iffue at Shene, 1394, to the great grief of her hufband, and was buried in Weftminfter abbey. 2dly, 1396, Iiabel eldefr. daughter of Charles VII. of France who was only feven or eight years old, and, furviving him, was lent home with all the wealth fhe had brought to Richard, but no dower c , and married to Charles duke of Orleans. She died 1409 d . c Montf. Mon. de la Mon. Franc. III. i;f>. * HcDUllt. HENRY C "3 ) HENRY THE FOURTH. IN the name of God, Fadir, and Son, and Holy Goft, thre perfbns and on God. 1 Henry, finful wretch, be the grace of God Kyng of England, and of Fraunce, and Lord of Irland, being in myne hole mynd, mak my tefta- ment in manere and forme that luyth : Firft, I bequeth to Almyghty God my finful foul, the whiche had never be worthy to be man but through hys mercy and hys grafe ; whiche lyfre I have mifpendyd, whereof I put me whollily in his grafe and his mercy, with all myn herte. And what tym liit liketh him of hys mercy for to tak me to hym, the body for to be beryed in the chirch at Caun- terbury, aftyr the defcrecion of my coufin the Archbyfh- copp of Caunterbury *. And alfolthank all my lordis and trew peple for the trewe fervife that they have done to me, and y afk hem forgivenes if I have miflentreted hem in any wyfe. And als far as they have ofFendyd me in wordis, or in dedis in any wyfe, I prey God forgeve hem hit, and y do. Alfo y devys and ordeyn that ther be a chauntre perpetuall of twey preeftis, for to fing and prey for my foul in the aforfeyd chirch of Caunterbury, in foch a plafe and aftyr foch ordinaunce as it feemeth befr. to my aforfeyd coufin of Canterbury. Alfo y ordeyne and a Thomas Arundel, who crowned him. D d 2 devife io A HENRY THE FOURTH, devife that of my gooddis reftitution be made to all hem that y have wrongfully grevyd, or any good had of theirs without juft tytle. Alio I will and ordeyne that of my goodis all my debtes be paied in all haft poflible, and that my fervants be rewardyd aftyr their nede and defert of fervice, and in efpecyal Wilkin, John Warren, and William Thorpe, gromes of my chambre. Alfo y will that all thofe that in eny wyfe be bond in any debt that y owe in eny wyfe, or have undertake to any man for eny debt that y owe, or that they can dewlye me we hit, that all foche perfons be kept harmlyfle. Alio I will that all fees and wages that ar not paied be paied, and in efpeciall to my fervaunts of my houfliold, befor eny oder. And alfo, that all myn annuityes, fees, and donacions, granted by me befor this tym be my lettres patents, be kept and paid aftyr the effect of the forfeyd letters patents ; and yn efpeciall to all hem that have bene trewe fervaunts to me and toward me alway. Alio y will and preym y foil that he have recomendyd Thomas de la Crois, that hath well and trewly fervyd me, and alio in the fame wyfe Jacob Rayih and Halley. Alfo I will that the Quene be endowyd of the Duche of Lancaftre. Alfo I will that all my officers both of houihold and other, the which nedeth to have pardon of eny thing that touch here offices both of lofle and oder thing, they have pardon therof in fembable manere as I of my grafe have be wont to do befor this tym. And for to execut this teftament well and HENRY THE F O V R T H. 20c and trulich, for grete tryft that I have on my fon the Prince, y ordeyne and mak him my executor of my teftament forefeyd, kalling to him foche as him thinkyth in his difcrecion that can and will labor to the fonneft fpede of my will, comprehended in this myn teftament. And to fufill trewly all things forefaid, y charge my forefaid fon upon my blefiyng. Wetneflyng my wel-be- lovyd couims Thomas erchbyfhop of Caunterbury fore- feyde, and Edward duke of Yorke b , Thomas bifhchop of Durefme c , Richard the Lord Grey d my chamberlayne, John Tiptoft e myn treafuror of Englond, John Prophete wardeine of my privie feale; Thomas Erpingham, John Norbery, Robert Waterton, and many oder being prefent* In witnefiyng whereof, my privy feele be my commande- ment is fet to this my teftament. lyeve at my manere of Grenwich, the xxi dey of the moneth of Janver, in the yere of our Lord mccccviii and of our reigne the tent(i. h Son of Edmund de Langley before-mentioned. He was reftored to his hereditary dignity of Duke of York, in parliament, 7 H. IV. 1405, and fmothered to death in the crowd at the battle of Agincourt. (Dugd. If. 156, 157). c Thomas Langley, who had been dean of York and lord chancellor, advanced to the fee of Durham 1406, and cardinal 141 ij died 1437, buried in his cathedral. Godwin. * Richard lord Grey of Codnor, was much employed by H. IV. and died 5 H. V. buried at Aylesford in Kent. Dugd. Bar. I. 711. c Sir John Tiptoft was treafurer of the houfliold, 9 H. IV. president of the exchequer, and treafurer of Normandy, and chief fteward of the king's lordfhips and caftles in Wales, and the marches ; lord Tiptoft and Vouis ; died 21 Ji. VI. (Dugd. II. 40). Where buried does not appear, but his wife Joyce, daughter and coheir to Edward Charlton lord Powis, has a monument in Enfield church. Printed ao6 HEN-RY THE FOURTH. This will is .printed by Weever in his Funeral Monu* ments, p. 208. from a copy given him by Sir Simon d'Ewes, examined with the original under the privy feal. Henry IV, only fon of John of Gaunt, was born at Bolingbroke in Lincolnfhire, 3366, created earl of Derby 9 R. II. earl of Hereford and Northampton in right of his firft wife, created duke of Hereford 1397, 21 R. II. landed July 1399, at Ravenfpur to claim the crown of England, which was fet on his head at Weitminfler October that year by Thomas Arundel archbifhop of Canterbury. The greateil part of his reign was a feries of rebellion, war, and bloodshed, which he weakly hoped to expiate by a crufade, but died of an apoplexy in the midft. of his pre- parations in the Jerufalem Chamber, in the abbot's houfe at Weftminfter, March 20, 141 2, having reigned thir- teen years and a half. He was buried at Canterbury, where his monument, with the figures of himfelf and feconcr wife, iii alabafter, remains oppofite to that of the Black Prince. (See it in Sandford, p. 274. and Dart's Ant. of Canterbury, p. 85.). Henry married Mary, younger daughter and coheir to Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, Eflex, and Northampton, and fifter to Eleanor duchefs of Glou- cefler before-mentioned; me died 1394, five years be- fore her hulband came to the crown, and was buried in the new college at Leicefter f , where Leland thus de- 1 Itin. I. 17. Knighton, vol.11, p. 2741. fcribes HENRY THE FOURTH. 207 icribes her tomb : " There is a tumbe of marble in the *' body of the quire. They told me that a counters of " Darby lay biried in it, and they make her, I wot not how, wife of John of Gaunt, or Henry IV. Indeed Henry IV. wile John of Gaunt lived, was called erle of Darby." By her he had 1. Henry, afterwards king of England ; 2. Thomas duke of Clarence, {lain in battle at Bauge in France 4 412, buried in St. Michael's chapel in //f2/ the S. tranfcept at Canterbury, as before obferved, p. 175. 3. John duke of Bedford regent of France under H. VI. died 1435, buried in the cathedral at Rouen. 4. Hum- phrey duke of Gloucefler died fuddenly at St. Edmund's Bury, not without fufpicion of being flrangled, 1446; buried at St. Alban's, where his monument (till remains, and his corps was found entire about- fifty years ago. 5. Blanch, married 1402 to Eewis, afterwards duke of Bavaria, - adly, to king of Arragon . 3dly, to the duk e- of Bar. 6. Philippa, married to John king of Denmark. Henry's fecond wife was Joan de Navarre, daugh- ter of Charles II. king of Navarre, grandfon of John king of France, widow of John earl of Montfort duke of Bre- tagne, whom he married 1403, at Winchefter; fhe fur- vived him many years; and dying July 10, 1437, at Havering Bower, was buried with him at Canterbury. Sandford, p. 270. Dart, p. 85. JOHN C *8 } JOHN BEAUFORT EARL OF SOMERSET. IN Dei nomine, Amen. Anno ab incaniacione Domini fecundum curium & computacionem eccl'ie Anglicane mill'mo cccc nono, mentis Marcii die decimo fexto, quafi videlicet hora prima, infra hofpitaLe beate Katerine virginis juxta turrim London, languens in extremis & prope mortem, fanus tamen mente & compos fenfuum, chre memorie Johannes nuper comes Somerfetie, cammerarius Anglie & capitaneus Calefie, teftamentum fuum nuncu- pativum fecit in nunc modum. In primis, legavit ani- mam fuam Deo, beate Marie, & omnibus fanctis ejus. Item, legavit, voluit, & mandavit, quod debita fua quecumque fideliter fblverentur, & quod fervientes fui remunerati forent de bonis fuis, quilibet juxta propria merita & con- gruenciam ftatus fui. Reiiduum vero omnium bonorum fuorum ac execucionis premifforum pofuit folum & in foli- dum in difpoficione reverendi in Chrifto patris & domini domini Henrici Dei gracia Wyntoii' epifcopi, fratris fui, quern conftituit lpfius ultirne voluntatis fue executorem unicum, ac dominam Magaretam uxorcm fuam fuperviden- tem; tcftibus Ric'o Gardinew hoftiario camere teftatoris predicti, Johanne Boys domicello, Thoma Herdi, Johanne Foreft, Johanne Firay, & aliis multis. Quinto JOHN BEAUFORT EARL OF SOMERSET, ie> 9 Quinto die Aprilis, A. D. 1410, in eccl* London* exa* minati fuerunt Ric'us Gardinew hoftiarius camere fupra- fcripti teftatoris, ac Thomas Hille cuftos garderob ejufdem, & diclus Walterus Baxceter capellanus, confrater domus fancte Katerine juxta turrim London', in forma juris, & predicti ex parte executoris fuprafcripti, & probacione teftamenti nuncupativi fuprafcripti; quide diro teftamento nuncupativo an fuit verum teftamentum ejufdem, fingil- latim examinati, dixerunt quod fit, & quod prefentes fue- runt, & alii plures, quando teftator fecit hujufmodi tefta- mentum, ubi & quando audiverunt eum dicere quod voluit quod fuprafcriptus Dominus Wynton' frater fuus, ac hujuf- modi teftamenti fui & ultime voluntatis principalis & plenus executor, & uxor fua fuprafcripta fupervidens ; & quod voluntas fua fuit quod debita ftipendarior* CaleC de tempore fuo, & eciam alia debita fua ubique integre abfque defalcacione fblverentur, & deinde familiares fui quidam ad fummam centum librar*, quidam c marc*, quidam XL li. quidam xl marc* quidam xx li. quidam viginti li. quidam xx marc, juxta eorum gradus, merita, & obfequia, remunerentur, & de refiduo faceret dictus execu- tor fuus ficut cuperet quod idem teftator faceret pro eo in confimili cafu. Requifiti ulterius dicli teftes fi audive- runt tunc di&um teftatorem revocare aliquod teftamentum prius conditum, vel executores prius ordinatos, dixerunt lingillatim, ut prius examinati, quod idem teftator nee 'bujufmodi teftamentum prius conditum, nee executores E e tunc aio /JOHN BEAUFORT EARL OF SOMERSET, tunc revocavit, nee aliquid pro tunc locutum fuit de teftamenti materia. Probatio dicti teftamenti nuncupativi 5 die April' A. D. 1 410, in eccl' cathedral' Sti Panli, London', auc- toritate Thome (Arundel) Cant' Archiep'i, coram Mag' Philippo Morgan utriufque juris dodlore & curie audientie Archiep'i auditore. Regiftr. Arundel pars 2, fol. 48, a. b. in the archiepif- copal regiftry at Lambeth. *- h lyjlp, fot JL&t- J onn Beaufort, eldeft fon of John of Gaunt by his Jaft >vl-k : U [if hia^joifr, wife Catherine Swinford, was legitimated and created AMttjvi 10 jC. ear j f Somerfet 20 R. II. and next year marquis of Somerfet and Dorfet ; but the title of marquis being obnoxious, as before obferved, he gave it up 1 H. IV. and was appointed chamberlain of England, and captain of Calais. The earl died April 21, 1410, and was buried in St. Michael's chapel in the S. tranfept of Canterbury cathedral, where his countefs erected to him, her fecond hufband, and herfelf, a beautiful monument, with their three effigies in alabafter engraved in Sandford, p. 310; Dart, p. 68". He married Margaret third daughter of Thomas earl of Kent, who was remarried to Thomas duke of Clnrence, fecond fon of Henry IV. and died December 30, 1440. Her figure on the tomb between thofe of her two hufbands, her firft on her left hand, and her fecond on her right. Her iffue were, 1. Henry born 1401, died JOHN BEAUFORT EARL OF SOMERSET. axj died 1 41 8, unmarried. 2. John created duke of Somerfet 21 H. VI. buried at Winborn Minfter with his wife Mar- garet under a beautiful monument with their effigies, miferably engraved in Sandford, p. 328. Their grandfon was Henry VII. 3. Edmund earl of Morton, who, on his brother's death without iflue male, was created duke of Somerfet, marquis, of Dorfet, {lain in the firfl bat- tle at St. Alban's 1455, anc ^ buried in the abbey there. 4. Thomas, not noticed by Dugdale nor Sandford. 5 Joan married to James I. king of Scotland, and after his death to James Stuart fon to lord Lorn. She died 1446, and was buried at Perth near the king. 6. Margaret married to Thomas Courtney earl of Devon, beheaded 1 46 1 . Sandford, 322 326. Dugd. Bar. I. 121 124. Vincent on Brooke 476478. Eea ELIZABETH 2TX ELIZABETH DE JULIERS, COUNTESS OF KENT. IN Dei nomine, Amen. Cum humane condicionis fit ut cinis in cinerem revertatur, & ubl fumpfit originem ibi finem forciatury hinc eft quod ego Elizabeth Julers comitifT Kane' bone memorie, fane mentis, car . . . tradi- tur autem non abfque infirmitate, videns et confiderans mortis periculum & hujus vite finem approprinquare, condo teftamentum meum in hunc modum. In pri* mis lego animam meam fumme & individue Trinitati,- fandtiilime Marie ae omnium celeftium fuperiorum* coh- fortio. Item lego corpus meum ad fepeliendum in ecclefia fratrum minor' in civitate Wynton', in tumulo Johannis n-uper comitis Kancie nuper mariti mei, ibidem abfque qua- cunque folemnitate feculari faciendY Item lego & ordino quod flant v ceree quarum quelibet fiat pond' v libr. ad comburend' circa corpus meum in obfequiis m'eis. - Item lego* ordino, ac conftituo, ad diftribuend' inter pau- peres per difcrecionem executorummeorum fubferiptorum* in diverfis locis xx li. monete. Item ad fabricam ecclefie fan&i Swythini Wynton', vis. vnid. Item lego fabrice ecclefie de Ledhampton fuftentand' per difcrecionem paroch' difponend' xls. Item lego conventui fancli Swy-- Quaere fpirituum, thyni COUNTESS OF KENT. 213 thyni pro eorum pitantia die fepulture mee, xls. Item conventui de Hyde pro confimili xl s. I^em conventui monialium beate Marie Wynton' xls. Item cuilibet col- legio juxta Wynton', videlicet novo collegio beate Marie, eollegio fancle Crucis, & collegio fancle Elizabethe xxs. Item lego cuilibet domui fratrum mendicant' de civitate Wynton', Ciceftr' & Southampton' xl s. Item lego xiii fratribus Sancle Crucis xms. Item lego fratribus & fbroribus hofpitalis fandte Marie Magdalen' Wynton' xms. mid. Item lego cuilibet capellano feculari in eadem civitate Wynton' & cuilibet forori in hofpitali faftcli Swy- thyni de Hyda xud. Item lego conventui beate Marie de Buchefeld xls. Item lego conventui beate Marie de Southwyk xls.- Item lego conventui de Notley xls. Item conventui de Waverley xl s. Item lego vicar' coll' fand~U Ricardi Ciceftr' xls.- Item lego anachorit' in dicto collegio vis. vind. Item lego cuilibet capellano in eadem civitate xud. Item lego cuilibet capellano de vill. de Hanoute 3 , Warblyngton b , Bourne, Charlton , Blende- worth^, Clanfeld a r Katryngton% Wynnyng f , & Farlyngton 5 , xud. Item-lego fratribus minoribus Wynton' unumvef- timentum nigrum, videlicet, chelible, in awbes, & n tUnicles, cum 1 cap' nigr' de pann' aur'. Item lego eifdem * k Warbleton. c There are two places of this name in Sufles, in the rapes of Bramber 1 ind Chichefter. d in Hampfhire. e Katherington. Ibid. * s q, Farringdon, c. Hants. fratribus .H ELIZABETH D E J U L I E R Sf, fratribus xviii li. monete, ut orent & celebrent pro ani- mabus Johannis mariti mei & omnium fidelium defunc- torum. Item lego duobus capellanis honeflis ad celebrand* in villa Oxon' pro anima mea per unum annum integrum xli. Item lego cariffime forori mee Alicie comitiffe Kanc' h unum magnum portiforium notat' ut ipfa dictum librum pofl deceflum fuum difponat in ufus pios tarn pro anima fua quam pro anima mea. Item lego Johanne comitifle ' Kane' ' unum parvum miffale & unum magnum legend'. Item lego priorifle de Noreton k cartam meam cum toto apparatu ad eadem pertinent'. Item lego inter tenentes meos de Bedhampton ' decern quarteria frumenti & x quarteria ordei, & hoc cuilibet eorum marit' m necefiitatem pacientem. Item lego inter famulos holbandre" manerii de Bedhampton quinque quarteria ordei & mixt'. Refiduum vero omnium bonorum meorum que babeo vel habere potero do & lego pure, fpontanee, executor' meor' lubfeript' ut ipfi habeant & difponant prout eis viderint melius expedire. Hujus autem teftamenti mei ordino, facio, & conftituo executores meos h Alice, daughter of Richard Fitz Alan earl of Arundel, aunt to the earl of Arundel, whole will is given p. 120. wife of Thomas Holland half bro- ther to K. II. who fucceeded his father as earl of Kent, 1360. Vincent oa V / / Brooke, p. 283. \o J/'hyiCtM h&ol M>On- ' Joan, widow of the Black Prince, and mother of Richard II. was firft ' J 9 5 UZOiAJ *^fiu4 married to Thomas Holland earl of Kent, who died 1360. Vincent on p/ll'ji J (h*j Brooke > P- 2 % 2 - k (X4 J&frMt JtMfllOl, X*H- 1 in Hants, of which flie had an affignment in dower, 37 E. III. Clauf. JfVZf*/,//^ OU^fUOh-h^. 379. 3. m. 15. & 14. Itnirq fa*, dttloihtd m * **rkimaMi fufferers by the breaking-in of thefea. J "of hufbandry. n fK6rt' Henricum COUNTESS OF KENT. 21$ Henricum Beche, Johannem Merfedon capellanum, Gil- bertum Bammcbury, & Johannem Gyles. In cujus rei teftimonium prefentibus figillum meum in manibus meis prefentibus appofui. Hiis prefentibus, priore de Southwyke, Johanne Uvedale, Bernardo Lucas, Thoma Coke reclore ecclefie de Bedhampton, Thoma Pulter redtore eccl' de Wykeham, ac multis aliis. Dat' apud Bedhampton die Lun* xx m0 die mentis Aprilis, Anno Domini milPmo cccc mo un- decimo, et anno regni regis Henrici quarti pofh conqueftum, duodecimo. Probatio dicli tefitamenti penultlmo die menfis Junii,. A. D. 141 1. in eccl' Lincoln' coram domino Cant, ar- chiep'o. Reg. Arundel pars 2. fol. 154. b. 155. a. In the archiepifcopal regiftry at Lambeth* Elizabeth daughter of the Marquis of Juliers was married to John earl of Kent, fecond fon of Edmund of Woodftock earl of Kent, and fon of King Edward I. Her hufband dying 26 E. III. me was folemnly veiled a nun at Waverley abbey by William Edendon bifhop of Winchefter; but afterwards, quitting her profeffion, was privately married without licence to Sir Euflace Dabricef- court knt. in a certain chapel of the manfion houfe of Robert de Brome, canon of the collegiate church of Wingham in Kent, by Sir John. Ireland prieft, on Michaelmas day 1360, 34 E. III. For this the archbifhop of Canterbury enjoined them the following penance, that they fh'ould find ii6 ELIZABETH D E J U L I E R S, &c. find a prieft to celebrate daily fervice in our Lady's chapel in Wingham church, and another prieft.to do the fame in their own houfe; that me mould repeat certain pfalms, &c. daily; and that the fa id SirEuftace, the next day after any carnal copulation had between them, mould abftain from whatever difh of flefh or fim whereof they molt defired to eat, and relieve competently fix poor people ; and that fhe mould go once a year to vifit Becket's fhrine, and one a week eat only bread and a mefs of pottage, wearing no fmock, and efpecially in the abfence of her hufband. She died June 6, 141 1, 12 H. IV. Dugd. Bar. II. 94, 95. ex Reg. Iflip. Sandford 216, EDWARD C "7 3 EDWARD DUKE OF YORK. EN noun de Dieu tout puhTant & filz & faint efpirit & la benoite Trinitie & la glorieufe Vierge iioftre dame fainte Marie & de faint Thomas le glorieux martir & de faint Edward le benoite confeflbur & de touz faints & faintes de Paradys : Je Edward Due <3e York, de touz pecheurs le plus mefebant &c coupable, efteant en faine memorie, le xxn jour d'Auft, Tan de grace mill cccc & quinfze & du reigne Monfeig'r le Roy Henry quint puis le conqueft tierz, face & devife mon teftament & darreine voluntee en la manere qi enfuyt. En primes je devife mon alme a la grace & la mercy noftre feignour Jemu Crift qui la crea, & fourma lie nient, come celuy qui fby- et le plus coupable, & difnaturele creature que unques il fourma, confiderere es les grante courtoifes & fufferance lefqueux de fa haute mercy il nfa de jour en autre mon.* ftres, non obftant ma fble vie, & la vilte de mes peches. Item, je devife mon corps eftre enfevele en Fefglife paro- chiele mes parentes, bein faifours & touz criftiens par difcrecion de mes executours. Et de ceft mon teftament accomplir je face & ordeigne mes exe- cutours mes chiers fervants, approvez de loialte envers moy, Robert Wyntryngham clerc^ Piers Manan efcuier, 1 kindnefs. 1 habergeon y coat of mail. * Brlgandine, a fafh ion of ancient armor, confiding of many jointed and fcafe-like plates, pliant unto and eafy for the body. Cotgrave. a bafnet, helmet. k q. belly-piece, from pance, gros ventre. L, pance, a great -bellied doublet. Cotgrave. c houces, houfings, - my iron fcuii cap or morion. Johan Mt EDWARD DUKE OF YORK. Johan Mufton vicaer de Carefbrok, & Johan London cha- pellein, pour ent fair execution folonc le pourport d'ycell de quelle execution je veuille & ordeigne qe e Thomas Tevefque de Durham, Roger Flore, Johan Ruflell, & Laurence, eient la furvieu. Probatio didti teflamenti coram Hen' Chichele Cant, archiep' ultimo die mentis Novemb' Anno Domini 1415, apud Lambeth. Regifter Chichele pars prima, fol. 284. b. 285. a. b. in the archiepifcopal regiftry at Lambeth. ih+u /J 73. Edward Plantagenet, foil and heir of Edmund de Langley before- mentioned, p. 189, was created earl of Rutland and Cork 13 R. II. Of this dukedom he was deprived by Henry IV. and in revenge confpired againft. him, but the confpiracy being difcovered by his father, he made his peace. He fucceeded his father as duke of York and lord of Tyndale. He founded at Fo- theringay a magnificent college f , for which he was obliged to mortgage great part of his eftate. He left England Aug. 13, 1 41 4; was at the fiege of Harfleur Aug. 16, and next day made his will. Having defired to have the lead at the battle of Agincourt, October 25, he loll: his life in the heat and crowd, being a very fat man> and fmothered to death. His body was brought to England, and buried N c Thomas Langley. f See the contract for building it, Mon, Ang. III. pt. II. p. 161. aft EDWARD DUKE O F Y O R K. 22J in the choir of his collegiate church under a marble flab, with his figure in brafs. After the diflblution, the choir being pulled down by the duke of Northumberland, to whom Edward VI. had granted it> the ftone was taken up, and the corps expofed to view. Queen Elizabeth ordered it to be re-interred in the church, with the grave-ftone over it, and a monument of free-ftone ftill remaining was erected for him on the South fide of the altar, with his arms, name, and date of his death. Dugd. Bar. II. 15. Vincent on Brooke, p. 620. Peck's Annals of Stamford, B. XIII. 7. 9. 12. p. 4. 8. 10, 1 1, 12. He married Philippa daughter of John lord Mohun, who was re-married to Robert Fitzwalter, and dying 10 H. IV. was buried in St. Nicholas's chapel at Weft- minfter, where her monument remains, with her arms impaled by Fit/ Walter, &c. Sandford, p. 382. Her will follows.. Og PHILIPPA T "4 1 YHILIPPA DE MOHUN DUCHESS OF YORK. IN le nom de Dieu le piere, & de fitz, & de feint efpirit, & de noftre dame feinte Marie, Jeo Phelip, ducheffe de York, & dame de l'yfle de Wyght, le jour de feint Gregorie, Tan du grace mcccxxx, ale chaftell.de Carefbroke en 1'ifle de Wyght, veullant tant come jeo fuypuiflant du corps & de memorie ordeiner ce que Ton ferra de moy & de mes biens apres mon decelle, face raon teftament en la manerque s'enfuit. Primes, je recommand humblement ma alme a Dieu, fa benoite mere, & toutz les feintes, re- creant a mercy de toutes mes pecchies. Et quelle part que ma 'le'fle b morir jeo eflife fepulture de feinte efglife pur mon corps en l'efglife conventuell de Weftminfter. Auxint jeo voiel, que la ou jeo meorne c que la dirigie foit dicle a vefpre, & la meffe de requiem foit dite la matin apres en mefme lieu, & que chefcun preftre efleant a les dites fervices eit xiid. Item, jeo voille que mon corps foit carie tanque a Weftminfter, repofant fur le voie a certeins lieues, jeo vole que exequies foient faitz, come dirigie a foir, & a metyn devant mon departir une mefle ide requiem, & que mefme devoir d foit done & diftribue * craving. k Kelham has felerramourir fhall die. t Qt mcorge, die. A duty, ceremony. tanque DUCHESS OF YORK. $. tnnqne a ma veine e a Weftminfter, come en melfes, almoig- nes, & altres coftages xx marcs, ou pleus, ou meinez come befoigne i foit al difcrecion de mes executours. Item jeo voille que aveine e Weftminfter xiii povres Homes foient veftus, chefcun home une hopelond f & line chaperon de noir, portant chefcun deux un torche al dirige & al mefl'e de requiem a matyn. Item, jeo voille que foit donne a chefcun de les avaunditz homes xx d. de money. Item, jeo voille que le herce foit coveree de drap noir tout entour. Item, que une tres bele herce de cire de la menes aflife foit fur la herce avandit. Item jeo voille que foit diftribue le jour de enterement perentre M povres homes & femes vi marcs, XLd. come a chefcun d'eux id. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne pur avoir m dirigies en un jour, & lendemain apres foient dites M meifes, & a chefcun preftre un d. apres ma mort en tout la haft que bonement purroit eftre pur ma alme & toux criftiens. Item, jeo voille que xins. mid. foient paiez a deux homes pur lur traveyl portant les deniers entour les dirigies & les mefles. Item, jeo devife al abbot de Weftminfter xius. mid. & al priour de dit lieu le jour, del dirigie & lendemain pur les fervices vis. viiid* Item a chefcun moyne ins. mid. Item jeo devife a chefcun e venue, coming. ' See before, n. p. p. 220. s A curious hearfe of wax in a fmall proportion placedupon itv Dugd. II. 148. G g 2- preftre *i 'PHILIP? X DE MOHUV prefrrevenant a ma enterement pur dirige & chanter mefles xii 1 Item, jeo devife xxli. pur chater h draps de ruflet pur vefhire de cent poures homes & femmes, chefcun de eaux une hopelond & une chaperon. Item jeo de ife a deux honeftes preftres pur chanter mefles & pur dir la Trenthall del Gregory par un an entier pur ma aime & toutz criftiens xx marcs. Item, jeo devife a quatre vincz povres homes & femmes bedredyn i xinl. vis. vind. Item, jeo devife & ordeine pur les difpences & collages entour ma enterement xxl. & pluis f\ befoigne i foit per difcrecion de mes executours. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne xx li. pur draps noire achater pur toutz ma meigne en- couvertre k le jour de ma enterement. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne un chalis d'argent & un vehement al autre de feint Nicholas a quel mon corps gift. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne al priour de Crichurche & fon covent de Cantirbury pur prier pur ma alme v marcs. Item, je voille & ordeigne al abbot de Chartefey & fon covent pur prier pur ma alme xls. Item, je voille & ordeigne al abbefTe de Berkyng pur prier pur ma alme vis. vind. & al priorelTe & le covent xxvis. Viiid. Item, al prioreffe de Stratford 1 pur prier pur ma alme vs. & al covent xx s. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne al abbefle de h acheter, to buy. ' bedridden. k to cover (clothe^ ray whole houfliold. 1 Stratfordat Bow, a Bencdi&ine nunnery, as old as theConqueft. Tan. 298. Burnham 'DUCHESS OF YORK. izj Burnham m xxs* & a la covent xxs. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne a la priorefTe de Gory ng n & fa covent xx s. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne al college de Fodryngheye pur prier pur ma alme xls. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne a chefcun mefon & fon covent de freres dedeinz de Londres de les mi ordres pur venir a Weftmtnfter a la-dirige & le meffe le matyn de mon enterement, a chefcun covent de dieses freres xx s. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne a mon filtz Wauter, feignour filtz Waulter*, pur aider & de perfourmer la voluntee de mon teftament, une hanap dore coveres del faffion deune eftrille q chafez r une anelldore ove une ruby e, & un fautier. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne a le Sieur Tiftot pur eftre mon ferveieur s & pur eider & de perfourmer la voluntee de mon teftament le meillour potte de les deux pottes graundes d'argent endorres. Item, jeo voille Sc ordeigne a Sire Johan Cornewall chevaler, pur eider & de perfourmer la voluntee de mon teftament deux pottes d'argent endorrez paleez & pounfonnez t ove lilies fur le covercle. Item, pur mefmes caufes avanteres u cent marcs. Item, je voille & ordeigne a Johan Appilton efquier cent marcs. Auxfint je voille & ordeigne a Alifon Seint Paule m Burnham, or Nun Burnham, a' fma 1 ! Penedi&ine nunnery in Yorkfhire, founded in the reign of H. III. Tan. 683. " A fmall Auftin priory of nuns in Oxfordshire, founded t. II. II. Ibid. -427. dedans 'de y within. p Her fon by her fecond hufband Sir Walter Fitzwalter. ^ ejlrille or ctr'iVe \3 a currycomb : but how can a cup be of this fliape. r chafed. s fupervifor. c ftriped and fpotted, or fprinkled. u diz 2z9 PHILIPPA DE MO HUN diz marcs. Item, je voille & ordeigne a Richard Wen & Anneyes Wene fa compaigne cent marcs, pur achatre a eulx une corrodie durant fes vies. Item, jeo devife &". ordeigne le refiduez de toutz meis biens nient devant devi- fez que font diftribuez en quatre parties, ceft arTavoir comme en mefles dicles, prifoneres releveez, povres fuftines,. & male vies amendes,. par bon advys & dlfcrecion de mes> executours. Item, jeo voille & ordeigne mes executours SiT John Cornwall, Thomas. Chaufer, John Hore, & Sire John Grafvvell chapeleyn, & pur mefme le caufe pur eider & de perfurmer la voluntee de mon teftament, jea voille & ordonne a Thomas Chawefer cent marcs, a Johaa Plore & Sir John Cornewaall, a chefcun de eux xxlL Don defubz notre feal de nos armez, jour, lien, & an, de. notre feigneur avantditz. Probatio dicti teftamenti coram domino Henrico (Chi^ chele) inmanerio fuo de Lamehith,. 13 die Novembris, A. D. 1 43 1. Reg. Chichele, pars prima, fol. 428, a-b. in the archie- pifcopal regiftry at Lambeth. Philippa 3 DUCHESS OF YORK. tz 9 Philippa, fecond daughter and coheir of John lord Mohun of Dunfter, was married firft to Edward duke of York, whofe will precedes this; and after his deatli to Sir Walter Fitz Walter, knt. by whom {he had one fon, Walter Fitz Walter, who died 10H. VI. She died 1433, and was buried in St. Nicholas* chapel in Weft- rninfter abbey, where her monument and effigy frill remain, with the arms of Mohun and Fitz waiter, en- graved in Sandford, 382. and Dart. Dugd. 11. 157. T H DMAS [ 230 ] THOMAS DUKE OF CLARENCE. IN Dei nomine, Amen. Decima die menfis Julii, Anno Domini millefimo cccc mo decimo feptimo, nos Thomas filius regis, Dux Clarencie, Comes Albemarle, & Senefcal- lus Anglie, fana mente, condimus teftamentum noftrum in hunc modum. In primis, legamus animam noftram Deo omnipotent, & beatiffime Marie matri fue. Item, legamus corpus noftrum ad fepeliend* in ecclefia Chrifti Cantuar' ad> pedes alte memorie domini & patris noftri, cujus anime- propitietur Deus. Item legamus & ordinamus quod, de- bitis noftris plene perfolutis, executores noftri emant, feu quoquo modo impetrent, jus patronatus alicujus ecclefie valoris xlIL per ann. 6c illam ecclefiam appropriare & unire faciant & procurent priori & conventui dic"te ecclefie Chrifti Cantuar' fumptibus & expenfis noftris recupe- rand' & levand* de fummis nobis per dominum noftrum Regem, ac Duces Burie, Aurelian, Burbon, &Alancon%. debitis, pro iin or capellanis ydoneis fecularibus inibi pro animabus prefati domini & patris noftri, ac matris noftre, & anima noftra, & Margarete confortis noftre, & animabus omnium progenitorum noftri Thome, & omnium fidelium defunctorum perpetuo celebraturis 6c divina officia fa&uris aimiinftraturis annuatim percipiendis pro omni fuo fervicio, Berry, Orleans, Bourbon, and Alencon; fee p. 115. quilibet THOMAS DUKE OF CLARENCE. a 3 t quilibet didlorum capellanorum decern marcas fterlingo- rum per man us prioris dic~ti conventus qui pro tempore fuerit, ita quod di<2:i prior & conventus faciant -.& inve- niant fufricientem fecuritatem prefatis executoribus & heredibus noftris de dielos capellauos perpetuo, ut prefertur, iuitinendos, & inibi inveniendos, ac de femel in anno fpe- cialiter faciend' in di&a ecclefia per conventum predictum anniverfarium noftrum, ut moris eft, pro aliis principibus fieri folempniter pro perpetuo duratur'. Item, volumus & ordinamus quod iidem executores noAri emant, feu quoquo modo impetrent, patronatum alterius ecclefie valoris XT. marc' per annum, & eandem eccletiam appropriandam decano, canonicis, & vicariis, eccleiie collegiate de Newerk apud Leyceftre, ad inveniend 5 duos ydoneos capellanos divina ibidem pro animabus predictis imperpetuum cele- braturis modo & forma prenotatis. Item legamus duo milia librarum fterlingor' de dictis fummis levand* & recuperand' in forma predicta, debit is noftris plenarie perfolutis, ad diftribuend' & erogand' per manus execu- torum noftrorum, inter fervitores noftros fecundum {latum & continuacionem in noftro officio per ipfos facto, in re- muneracionem laborum fuorum nobis per ipfos impen* forum. Refiduum vero omnium bonorum noftrorum fuperius non legatorum damus & legamus Margarete precariflime conforti noftre, ad difponend* & ordinand* de ipfis pro fe & falute anime noftre prout fibi melius videbit.ur expedire. Et ipfam Margaretam confortem H h noftram, * j* THOMAS DUKE OF CLARENCE, noftram, Dominum Johannem Pelham, Dominum Hen- ricum Merfton clericum, Dominum Johannem Colvyle milltem, & Willielmum Alyngton armigerum, noftros facimus, ordinamus, & creamus hujus teftamenti noftri executores, ut ipfl illud exequantur in forma fuprafcripta, prout prefate Margarete conforti noftre per avifamentum predictorum Johannis, Henrici, Johannis, & Willielmi, melius videtur faciend* pro falute anime noftre. In cujus rei teftimonium prefentibus figillum noftrum duximus apponendum die & anno predictis. Hec eft pura libera & ultima voluntas noftri Thome filii Regis, Ducis Clarencie, Comitis AlbemarF & Senef- challi Anglie, ex noftra mera & fpontanea voluntate, ac deliberacione & certa noftra fciencia fala, decima diejulii, anno regni Henrici quinti poft conqueftum quinto : Premierment nous volons & ordonnons a l'onnour Dieu & pour la falvacion de noftre alme, que immediate apres noftre mort toutes les revenues & proffitz provenantz de noz chafteaux, manoirs, fervices, terres, tenementz, o toutz lours appurtenances, en Holdernefle en le counte de Uerwyk b , & aillours, 11 bien deins le reaume d'x^ngleterre come aillours, foient levez & receuz par Margarite noftre trefchiere compaigne, & nos aultres fefFes & exccutours, d'an en an, aux termes deuz pour niire plain paiement de noz dettes : Et ency c a durer tant qe la fomme de toutz nos dettes a noz creditours dues foyent plainement * York. * amfi. levez. THOMAS DUKE OF CLARENCE. 233 levez. Et en outre, en plain declaracion de noftre volonte, nous volons & ordonnons que fi les fommes a nous dues par noftre foverain feignour le Roy, et les Dues de Berry, Orleans, Burbon, & Alancon, foient paiez aprcs noftre mort, nous volons qe le fomme levee eir la vie de noftre dil compaigne pour paier noz dettes de noz dits chafteaux, manoirs, fervices, terres ou tenements, foient repayes a noftre trefchier compaigne, pour ce qe nous volons qe elle eit les chafteaux & fervices fuifditz pour terme de fa vie de don & grant de nos fefFees. Item nous volons & ordinons^ qe touts les revenues & profritz, provenantz de la garde de touz lours terres & tenements, ii bien de noftre trefchier fils Henri counte de Somerfet, come de Thomas filz & heir a Monf'r Morice Ruflel chevalier, enfemblement ovec les manages d'icell, foient difpofez & difpenduz en ayde du payement de noz dettes fuifditz. Et ft le dit Henri conte ou le dit Thomas Ruflelldevie d deins aige, lours heirs deins age efteantz, adon- ques nous volons & ordonnons qe les gardes & mar- riages de lours heirs, terres, & tenements fuifditz, de heir en heir, foient difpofez & defpendus de noz dettes fuif- dites, de & pour accomplir noftre teftament & derraine volunte. Pourveu toutefoiz que les profits & les reve- nues de la garde des terres &c tenements fuifditz, de noftre dit filz, par deux ans entiers prochains devant le plain age du dit Henri noftre filz, foient deliveres al oeps & profit -du mefme noftre filz le Counte pour mieulx ion eftat ' deceafe. H h 2 fuftenir. *34 THOMAS DUKE OF CLARENCE, fuftenir. Item, nous volons & ordonnons que tantoft apres que noz dettes & noftre derraine volunte foient payes & acomplies, que noz fefFes de noz chafteaux, raa- noirs, fervices, terres, & tenements fuifditz, facent eftate a Margarite noftre trefchiere compaigne en les ditz cha- teaux, manoirs, fervices, terres, & tenements, o e touts lours appurtenances fuifdits, pour terme de fa vie; le remaindre, fi nous devions fans heir de noftre corps, des dits chateaux, manoirs, fervices, terres, & tenements, o e lours appurte- nances, a Henri noftre dit filz conte de Somerfet, et a fes heirs mafles de fon corps engendres : Et s'il aviegne que noftre dit filz devie fanz heir made de fon corps engen- dres, nous volons & ordonnons que la reverfion des ditz chateaux, manoirs, fervices, terres, & tenements, ovec touts lours appurtenances, remaigne a noftre foverain feignour Henri le Roy d'Angleterre le quint, et a fes heirs roys d'Angleterre, pour tous jours. En tefmoig- nance de la quel chofe a ycefte noftre derraine volunte enclofe nous avons fait mettre noftre feal. Donne comme deflus. Probatio dicli teftamenti apud Lambeth coram Henrico Chichele'Carit' archiep', die mentis xxiu Novembris anno t)dmihi 1423. Regifter Chichele pars prima, fol. 376. b. 37 7. a. b. in the Archiepifcopal regiftry at Lambeth. " f. ovt, with. Thomas THOMAS DUKE OF CLARENCE. 235 Thomas of Lancafter, fecond fon of Henry IV. was created earl of Albemarle and duke of Clarence 141 2, conftable and lieutenant-general of the army in France and Normandy, loft his life on Eafter-eve 1421, by incautioufly encountering the French and Scots at Bauge, where he was borne down by a Scots lance, and with him fell feveral gallant officers, and 2000 private foldiers, befides many of both ranks made prifoners. His corps was brought over and buried at Canterbury in St. Michael's chapel in the South tranfept ; but as his will directs that it be laid at the feet of his father, we muft fuppofe the tomb whereon his image lies at Canterbury, was, with refpect to him, only an honorary cenotaph. See it in Sandford, p. 3 1 o. and Dart. He married Margaret Holland widow of John Beaufort earl of Somerfet, whofe eldeft fon Henry he 4eems to have adopted, having no legi- timate children of his own, Dugd. Bar. II. 196. Sandford, P- 39' HENRY [ **6 3 HEN R Y V. IN ye worfhip of ye bleffed Trinite, of oure laide Saint Marie, and of alle ye bleffed company of Heven : I Henry, by ye grace of God Kyng of Yngland and of France, lord of Irland, atte makyng of yes prefentes lettres, y ordeynet and difpolet to paffe in to ye parties of France, to recover by help of God, my rightes yere to me longyng, have do write my wille and entente in manere aftir foloyng. For as much as before yis tyme I have enfefred fymplich and without condicion Henry* erchibifshop of Cant'bury, Henry b bifshop of Wyncheftre, Thomas c bifshop of Durefme, Richard d bifshop of North- wich, Edward due of York, Thomas erl of Aroundell, Thomas erl of Dorfet, Rauf erl of Weftm'land, Henry lord filz Hugh, Roger Leche, Wautier Hung'ford, and Johan Phelip, knyghtes, Hugh Mortymer, Johan Wode- hous, and Johan Leventhorp, efcuiers, in ye caftil and lordfhip of Hegham Ferrers % and in other lordfhips, ma- * Chicheley. b Beaufort. c LangJey. 4 Courtney died at the fiege of Harfleur, 1414. * This eftate was granted on the attainder of Robert earl of Ferrers, 50 H. III. to Edmund the king's younger fon, created earl of Lancafter, and after his attainder reftored 17 . II. to his brother Henry, by whofe grand-daughter Blanche it devolved to John of Gaunt, and fo paft to his fon and grandfon Henry IV and V. The latter fettled it as above recited : E. IV. and fucceeding kings, granted it to different perfons, and it now belongs to the honourable Thomas Wentworth, efq. See Bridges's Nor- thamptonfliire, II. 171 173, noirs, H E N R Y V. 2 37 ftoirs, landes, tenementz, and othir poffeffions, to mc defcended as to foon and heir aftir my lord my fadir Henry of Lancaftre, laft before me Kyng of Yngland and of France, Lord of Irland, ye whiche God affoille, as it is more fpecialy writen in my lettres patentes yerof maad : And alfo atte fame tyme by myn othir Lettres patentes I enfetFed ye forfaid fefFez in ye caftils and manoirs of Halton f and Clyderhow g , and in othir lordmips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir poffeffions, to me defcended in manere aforefaid, als to foon and heir aftir ye forfaid my lord my fadir ; and alfo in othir landes, tenementz, and poffeffions purchaffet, as it is fully contenet in ye faid myn othir lettres patentes : Alle ye whiche caftils, lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions, been of ye value of *jli. yerely, whenne yai be defcharged of fiez and an- nuytes with ye whiche yai be now charged : And now it is fo, yat of ye forfaid feffez Richard yat was bifshop of Norwich, Edward yat was due of York, Thomas yat was erl of Aroundell, Roger Leche and Johan Phelip, knyghtes, and Hugh Mortymer, efcuier, be deed : Wher- fore I wol and pray de forfaid Erchibifshop, bifshops of Wyncheftre and Durefme, Thomas now due of Exceftre and erl of Dorfet, Rauf erl of Weftm'land, Henry lord filz Hugh, Wautier Hung' ford knyght, Johan Wodehous, and Johan Leventhorp, efcuiers, now beyng on lyve, f in Chefiiire. * Clithero in Lancashire. vat a 3 S H E N R Y V. yat thogh yai with othir before nemet been fymplich and without condicion enfefFed in alle ye forfaid caftiJs, lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleflions ; nethiryelees yat of all ye faid caftils, lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir poffeffions, yai wil do fulfille my wille and entent aftir writen; but if it fo befalle yat or I pafle out of yis world, I change yis wille : And in yat cas I wol and pray ye forfaid fefFez, yat yai do fulfille my latter wille* ye whiche yai may be certiftet of be my lettre fubfcribed with myn owen hand, and enfeeiet with my feel : Firft, I wol and pray ye forfaid fefFez, yat at what tyme in my lyve I do afk hem yai refefFe me agayn, or do make feffements to othir perlbnne or per- fonnes at my nominacion, in alle ye forfaid caftils, lord- fhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions, in bothe my forfaid lettres patentes efpecirlet, in fuche forme and manere as it fchal like me deiire for ye tyme : And if before fuche refeffement or feffements it happeth yat I pafle out of yis world, yenne it is my wille, and I pray ye forfaid fefFez, yat yai enformet by hem yat ar or fhal be nemet executors of my tefta- ment, how fer my godes moeble may fuffice to ye paie- ment of my dettes, and fulfillyng of my laft wille; and if it fo be yat ye forfaid fefFez may conceyve yat ye faid executors with my godes moeble may noght paie my dettes, and do playn execucion of my laft wille; Thanne it is my wille, yat of ye iflues, profitz, and revenues, of alle H N R Y V. 539 alle ye forfaid caftils, lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tene- mentz, rentes, fervices, and othir poffeffions, yat fhal be receyvet by the forfaid feffez, or by any of hem, foms fufficientz and necefTaries by hem be paiet from tyme to tyme to my forfaid executours yerof, to paie my dettes, and do playn and entier execucion of my lair, wille : And I wol yat alle ye forfaid caftils, lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir poffeffions, ye forfaid feffez hold in hir owen pofTeflion til my dettes be playnly paiet, and my laft wille entierely execut : And yat doen and performet, thanne I wol and pray ye forfaid feffez, yat if yer be at yat tyme on lyve any heir of my body goten, yai wil do enfeffe my fame heir in alle ye forfaid caftils, lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions, in bothe my forfaid lettres patentes efpecifiet, to have and to hold to my faid heir in fuche eftat as I had in ye fame caftils, lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir poffeffions, or I yerof mane any enfeffement in manere aforefaid : And if fo befalle yat without heir of my body corny ng I pafYe out of yis world, or I afk any fuche refeffement or feffements as is beforefaid, thanne I wol and pray ye forfaid feffez . . ye forfaid caftil and lord- fhip of Hegham Ferrers, and in alle othir lordfhips, ma- noirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and pofleffions, in my forfaid lettres patentes, with ye forfaid caftil and lordfhip of Hegham Ferrers efpecifiet, Yat, feen firft and underftanden ye chartiers, muniments and evidences, by force of whiche ye fame caftil and lordfhip of Hegham Hh 5 Ferrers, a + o HENRY V. Ferrers, and othir lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz-,, rentes, fervices andpoilefiions expreflet in ye fame my let- tres patentes defcendit to me in heritage, ye faid feffez do enfeffe my right heirs' in the fame cair.il, lordfhips, ma- noirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, iervices, and othir pof- lemons, to have in fuche and like eftat as I had yereinne before my feffement aforefaid ; forthermore I wol and pray ye forfaid feffez, yat firfl my dettes paiet, and plain and entiere execucion of my laft wille doen, ye forfaid feffez in ye forfaid caflils and manoirs of Halton and Cliderhow, and in alle othir lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions,. in my forfaid lettres patentes,. with ye forfaid caflils of Halton and Clyderhow efpecifiet, do departe as evenly as yay may in two parties egales ye fame caflils and lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions, with ye faid caflils of Halton and Cliderhow, expreflet in ye fame my lettres patentes : And in as much as yai may godely, ye forfaid feffez do afligne in ye toon of ye faid two parties, caflils, lordiriips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions, in ye South coflees ; and in ye tothir of ye faid two parties, ye faid feffez do afligne caflils, lordfhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions in ye North coflees of Yngland ; and fuche departifon maad by ye faid feffez, I wol and pray hem yat in alle ye faid caflils, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions, with alle yaire appurtenances yat fhal in ve forme before faid be affi;net in faid North coflees of i Yngland,. HENRY V. 241 Yngland, ye faid fefFez do enfeffe my brothir Johan due of Bedford to have and to hold to hym and to his heirs mala of his body comyng : And if it fo befall yat my forfaid brothir Johan without heir mal of his body comyng departe out of yis world, thanne I wol yat alle fame caftils, lordlhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions, fo geven to my faid bro- thir Johan after his decefle, noon heir male of his body yenne beyng on lyve, remaigne to myn heirs kynges of Yngland, and be annexet to the corone of Yngland for evermore, in ye beft forme yat ye forfaid fefFez, by avys of confeil of lawe, kan ordeigne or devyfe : And alflb I wol and pray ye forfaid fefFez, yat in alle ye forfaid caftils, lordlhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir pofleffions, with alle yair appurte- nances yat fhal in ye forme aforefaid be aflignet in ye faid South coffees of Yngland, ye faid feffez do enfeffe my brothir Umfray due of Glouceftre to have and to hold to hym and to his heirs mals of his body comyng: And if it fo befalle yat my forfaid brothir Umfrey without heir mal of his body comyng departe out of yis world, thanne I wol yat alle ye fame caftils, lordlhips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir po.flefiions fo geven to my faid brothir Umfray after his decefle, noon heir mal of his body yenne beyng on lyve, remaigne to myn heirs kynges of Yngland, and be annexet to ye Corone of Yngland for evermore, in ye beft forme yat ye forfaid fefFez, by avys of confeil of lawe, kan ordeigne or devife : And if it fo befalle yat or my dettcs be fully paiet, and H h 6 my j 4 j H E ft R Y V. my lafl wille playnly execut, ye forfaid feffez dyee allc five thre, two, or oon, thanne I wol and pray the thre, two, or oon, yat yai in alle ye forfaid caftils, lordihips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, fervices, and othir poffeflions, in bothe my forfaid lettres patentes expreflet yai do enfefte two of the xii perfonnes of ye which ye names been hereaftir writen, Robert h bifshop of Salefbury, Johan 5 bifshop of Covcntre and Lichefeld, Edward Cour- teney, Gilbert Talbot, Johan Neville, knyghtes, Robert lord of Wylughby k , Edward Holand, Gilbert Umfraville, Johan Rodenhale, and Robert Babthorp, knyghtes, Roger Flore, and Johan Wilcotes, efcuiers ; and yat yenne in alle ye forfaid caftils, lordihips, manoirs, landes, tene- mentz, rentes, fervices, and othir poffeffions, ye forfaid two do refefFe yaire feffours or feftbur, and ye remaig- nant of ye faid xii perfonnes yat yenne fhal happen to be on lyve, for to fulfille and execut all yat at yat tyme happeth to be unparformet of all my wille before writen. And in witnefle yat this is my full wille and entente, I have fet herto my grete feel, and my feel yat I life in ye governance of myn heritage of Lancaftre: And I have fubfcribed with myn owen hand yes prefentes lettres endentet and inpartit, and do clofe hem undir my prive feel, ye xxi day of Juyl, ye yere of our Lord a thowfand foure hundred and feventene, and of my regne fift. This is my ful wille God knoweth. 3*4p h Robert Hallam, 1408 141 7. 1 John Keterich, 1415; tranflated to Exeter 1419. k Robert lord Willoughby of Erefby, a gallant commander in this king's and his fon's French wars ; died 30 H. VI. Dugd. Bar. II. 85. Voluntas H N R Y V. j 4 j Voluntas metuendiffimi domini noftri regis intimanda feof- fatis fuis in c'tis dominiis hereditatis Laucaftr\ For a tranfcript of this will (from the original in the Chapter-houfe at Weftminfter) I am indebted to my wor- thy friend Abraham Farley, efq. deputy chamberlain of the receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer. Henry V. the Conqueror of France, was born 1388 ; and, after a fhort but glorious reign of 9 years, 5 months, and 14 days, died in the 34th year of his age of a fever and flux, at Bois de Vincennes in France, Aug. 29, 1422 ; and was buried in the ConfefTor's chapel at Weftminfter, in a little chapel, enlarged and beautified by Henry VII. and now kept lockt, where his monument and effigy, a headlefs defaced trunk of oak, remains. See Sandford, 289, 290. See in Rymer, X. 506, a writ from Henry VI. to make good the payment of the legacy of .200. to the clerks of Henry V's chapel, out of the lands and caftles in the hands of the archbilhop, &c. to be by them made over to the other executors, Walker Lord Hungerford, William Por- ter, Robert Babthorp, and John Leventhorp. Dated at Weftm. May 12, 1432. 10 Henry VI. Rot. Pari. IV. p. 393. A writ 3 Henry VI. 1425. in Rymer, X. 346. (tranfcribed in the Appendix to this volume, p. 407.) fpe- cifies veftments left by Henry V. to nine churches in France, which do not appear here. Ii KATHE- [ H\ 3 KATHERINE, QUEEN OF HENRY V. THIS Princefs, youngeft daughter of Charles VL king of France, born 0l. 27, 1400, was married June 3, 1420, to Henry V. by whom fhe had one fon, afterwards king Henry VI. In 1428, fhe took to her fecond hufband Owen Tudor, a Welfh gentleman of little for- tune, though of illuflrious birth, by whom fhe had three fons: 1. Edmund, created earl of Richmond, married to Margaret daughter of John Beaufort duke of Somerfet, by whom he had king Henry VII. and dying 1456, was buried at St. David's, where his monument remains in the middle of the choir. 2. Jafper, created by H. VI. earl of Pembroke, which title he was twice deprived of by E. IV. but reftored by Henry VII. and alfo created duke of Bedford. He married Catherine Rivers, and died 1 1 H. VII. and was buried in Keynfham abbey, Oxfordshire ; his natural daughter Helen was mother of bifhop Gardener. 3. Owen, a monk at Weftminfter. She died at Bermondfea Jan. 2, 1437, an ^ wa s buried at Weftminfter by her firft hufband. Her corps, being taken up when her grandfon Henry VII. laid the foundation of his new chapel, remained above ground till it was pulled to pieces by the fpectators and Weftminfter fcholars ; and what remains, being fome mafles of flefh dried as if tanned, is kept in a box within her hufband's chapel. It KATHERINE Q^UEEN OF HENRY V, 245 It being notified to king Henry VI, in parliament, that his mother had made him executor of her will; the king appointed Robert Rollefton clerk, keeper of the great ward- robe, John Merfton and Richard Alrede efquires, to exe- cute the faid queen's will, under the direction of Henry- Beaufort bifhop of Winchefter, the duke of Gloueefter, and the bifhop of Lincoln, or any two of them, to whom they mould account. The original will is not now to be found ; but the commiffion for executing it is as follows : REX, omnibus ad quos, &c. Salutem. Sciatis, quod cum recolende memorie domina Katerina nuper regina Anglie, mater noftra precariffima, nos in teftamento fuo folum executorem fuum ejufdem teflamenti nominaverit; ac nos confiderantes, qualiter propter ardua & urgentia negotia, nos, ftatum & utilitatem regni noftri intime con- cernentia, taliter in prefenti occupati & prepediti fumus, quod circa ea que pro debita & celeri expeditione executio- nis teftamenti prediti pertinent faciend' & explend' com- mode & etFectualiter intendere non pofTumus, ut vellemus; Volentes igitur, pro cura & adminiilratione in hac parte fiend', ne executio ejufdem teftamenti in defeclu noftri ex caufis predictis aliqualiter retardetur, ordinare & in quantum poffumus, ut tenemur, providere ; de aflenfu dominorum fpiritualium & temporalium, ac confenfu com- munitatis regni noftri Anglie, in prefenti parliamento noflro exiften', auctoritate ejufdem parliamenti, ordinavi- mus & deputavimus, dileclos & fideles noftros, Robertum I i 2 Rollefton 246 KATHERINE QUEEN OF HENRY V. Rollefton clericum cuftodem magne garderobe noflre r Johannem Merfton armigerum, & Ricardum Aired armi- gerum, ad omnia & fingula jocalia, bona, catalla, & denariorum fummas, ac debita, compota & arreragia fir- marum, ac aliorum debitorum quorumcumque, que fue- runt predicte matris noftre, vel fibi quomodolibet fpec- tantia five pertinentia, infra regnum noftrum Anglie & extra, die confectionis teftamenti predict feu poftea, de omnibus ofrlciariis & miniftris ipfius matris noftre, ac aliis perfonis quibufcumque, per indenturas inde inter ipfos Robertum, Johannem* & Ricardum, & predidlos officia- rios, miniftros, feu peribnas debite conficiend*; necnon om- nium fummarum debitorum debita per quafcumque perfo- nas, & a quibufcumque debita, que fuerunt prefate matris noftre, aut de jure legis noftre Anglicane eidem matri noftre qualitercumque efle aut accidere debuerunt, reci- piend* & levand'. Volumus etiam, & auctoritate predi'cla ordinamus, quod predicli officiarii & miniftri prefate matris noftre, ac alie perfone predicte, omnia & fingula jocalia, bona & catalla predidla, eifdem Roberto, Johanni, & Ri- cardo, per hujufmodi indenturas omnino reddere & libe- rare teneantur : quibufcumque adquifitionibus & pioprieta- tis mutationibus, que de prefata matre noflra, poft pri- mum diem Jahtiarii ultimo preteritum, ad inftantiam fervientum feu familiarium fuorum vel alicujus eorum, ipfa in extremis languente, fieri pretenduntur, penitus caflatis & irritatis. Et quod predicli Robertus, Johan- nes, KATHERINE QJJ EEN OF HENRY V. a 47 nes, & Ricardus, omnes & fingulas denariorum fummas, per ipfos, vel eorum aliquem recipiend', feu levand', pro victualibus hofpitii prefate matris noftre in vita fua, ac pro vi&ualibus eorum qui idem hofpitiura fuo nomine pofl: mortem fuam continuarunt, & per tempus quod duxerimus limitand' continuabunt ; necnon pro vadiis, feodis, & annuitatibus, pro expenfis camere & garderobe predict e matris noftre, ac moneta pre ...&; aliis qui- bufcumque debitis fuis, & pro expenfis circa exequias fuas, necnon pro aliis pietatis operibus, juxta piam intentionem & ultimam voluntatem dicle matris noftre perimplend', per avifamentum, fupervifum & contrarotulationem vene- rabilis patris Henrici cardinalis Anglie, & Humfridi ducis Glouceftre, avunculorum noftrorum cariffimorum, necnon venerabilis patris Wiliielmi a epiicopi Lincoln', vel duo- rum eorum, feu deputatorum fuorum in hac parte, ex- pendant, applicent, convertant & fideliter adminiftrent ; & cum fuper hoc debite requifiti fuerint, fidelem com- potum inde prefatis cardinali, duci & epifcopo, aut duobus eorum, feu eorum deputatis, infra duos annos prox' poftdat* prefentium ad ultimum jufte reddant; rationabilibus expenfis & regardis eis,pro eorum laboribus, per fupervifores prediclos, vel duos eorum, feu dictos deputatos fuos, debite allocand' ; quodque compoto illo finito r deinceps ab ulteriori compoto five ratiocinio inde reddendo penitus exonerentur, ac adeoli- beri fint & illefe conditionis tam erga nos, quam erga prefatos cardinalem, ducem & epifcopum, & quemlibet eorum, ac 8 William Alnw ic, 1435 1450. b rewards. alio s 4 8 KATHERINE QJJ E E N OF HENRY V. alios quofcumque, ficut ipfi aliquam receptionem, leva- tionem, occupationem, folutionem five adminiftrationem hujufmodi jocalium, bonorum, 6c catallorum, fummarum denariorum debitorum, ex prefenti ordinatione & depu- tatione noftra, fuper fe nufquam affumpfiflent. Volumus infuper, ac de avifamento, affenfu, & auctoritate predi&is, ordinamus, concedimus, & ftatuimus, quod predicli Ro- bertus, Johannes, & Ricardus, executores teftamenti pre- dicli nuncupari, ac omnimodas acliones perfonales, per que bona & catalla aut denariorum fumme, five debita, prefate matri noftre qualitercumque fpeftantia five perti- nentia, de jure recuperari debeant vel deberent, in qui- bufcumque curiis nottris, & aliorum quorumcumque, pro eifdem bonis & catallis, ac denariorum fummis, & de- bitis recuperand', ut executores teftamenti predicti, pro- fequi & in eifdem adtionibus licite valeant & debeant refponderi, ac n ipfi per prefatam matrem noftram execu- tores teftamenti fui predicti in eodem teftamento nomi- nati fuinent ; & quod ipfi aud"toritate predicta, de omnibus placitis & querelis, actionibus & demandis, per creditores prefate matris noftre, aut alias feu aliam, perlonas vel per- fonam,verfus predi&osRobertum, Johannem, &Ricardum, heredes, executores, deputatos, attornatos & fervientes, feu corum aliquem, occafione receptionis, levationis, occu- pationis, folutionis five adminiftrationis prediclorum joca- lium, bonorum, aut catallorum, feu fummarum denario- rum debitorum capiend', profequend' aut movend', in futur' quieti & exonerati, ac quereutes & implacitantes eos. KATHERINEQJJEEN OF HENRY V. 249 eos, vel eorum aliquem, de omni actione preclufibiles & preclufi in hac parte exiftant imperpetuum : Dantes eifdem Roberto, Johanni, & Ricardo, & eorum cuilibet, plenam auctoritate predicta poteftatem conficiendi & liberandi quibufcumque perfonis literas acquietantie, de & fuper hujufmodi liberatione & receptione jocalium, bonorum. catallorum, denariorum fummarum, & debitorum, eis aut eorum alicui exnunc faciend'. Et quod cancellarius Anglie, vel cuftos magni figilli noftri, vel heredum aut fucceflbrum noftrorum pro tempore exiitens, auctoritate predicta, fieri fac* & liberare teneatur predictis Roberto, Johanni, & Ricardo, & eorum cuilibet, ac heredibus, executoribus, deputatis, attornatis, & fervientibus fuis, & cuilibet eorum, tot & talia brevia de fuperfedeas, in quibufcumque placitis & querelis, verfus ipfos, feu eorum aliquem, contra formam & efFectum prefentium movend', quot & qualia eis, aut eorum alicui, in hac parte fuerint neceflaria feu quomodolibet oportuna ; aliquo flatuto feu alia caufa qua- cumque non obftant'. In cujus, &c. Tefte &c. Qua quidem cedula, in parliamento prediclo lecta & plenius intelle&a, de aflenfu dominorum prediclorum, ac con fen fu communitatis predicte, refpondebatur eidem in forma fubfequenti: Fiant litere regis patentes debite in forma predicta. Salvis venerabili patri Henrico archiepifcopo Cantuar', jure & li- bertate fuis ecclefiafticis, que fibi in hac parte competunt, feu compete re poterunt quovis modo. Rot. Pari. 15 Hen. VI. n. 32. Vol. IV. p. 505. THOMAS C *s 3 THOMAS BEAUFORT, DUKE OF EXETER. IN nomine fan&e & individue trinitatis, patris & filii & fpiritus fantl, Amen. Die dominica xxix die Decembris, A. D. millefimo cccc xxvi ro . Ego Thomas Dux Exon, fane mentis & bone memorie exiftens, condo teftamentum meum ultimam voluntatem meam continens in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam Deo omnipotenti creatori redemptori & falvatori meo, beate Marie' Temper virgini matri fue, & omnibus fan&is ; cor- pufque meum fepeliend' cum Margareta uxore mea in capella anr,e Marie annexa ecclefie fan<5H Edmundi de Bury, Norwic' dioc'. Item volo quod ftatim poll: mortem meam, hoc eft primo die fi fieri potuerit, vel fecundo, vel tercio, abfque ulteriori dilacione celebrentur* mille mifle pro anima mea, animabus honorandi domini & patris mei, venerabilifque domine matris mee ac omnium benefaclo- rum meorum & fidelium defunctorum. Quarum mille miflarum volo quod cc fint de trinitate, alie vero cc de fpiritu fanto, alie de fancta Maria, alie cc de omnibus fanctis c de angelis et cc de officio " requiem eternam;" et cuilibet celebranti tociens lego quatuor denarios in forma pure elemofine quot miflas iftarum celebraverint ut in fingulares DUKE OF EXETER. 147 fingulares performs 11011 in communifates ilta legacio flat. Item volo quod circa fepulturam meam, five circa meas exequias principales, non fint nimis fumptuofe feu pom- pofe expenfe, nee alique rilfi fecundum difcrecionem fuper- vilbrum teftamenti mei, executorumque ejufdem, fed tan- tum quinque ordinentur cerei, ftantes fuper quinque can- delabra circa corpus meum, fine ampliori apparatu qui in talibus ordinari feu fieri confuebat. Item volo quod in die fepulture, five exequiarum mearum principalium, fint tot torchei circa corpus meum continue ardentes ad Placebo et dirige, & in craftino ad miflam, & toto tempore fepul- ture mee quot annos vixi, miferante Deo, in vita prefenti, ufque ad tempus illud, & remaneant dicti torchei omnes & finguli in eadem ecclefia, poll: fepulturam meam ubi corpus meum fepelietur ad illuminand' in elevacione cor- poris domini Ihefu Chrifti. Et volo quod tot fint pauperes viri quot erunt torchei qui eofdem torcheos toto pre- fcripto tempore teneant, & habeat quilibet eorum unam togam, & unum capicium a de albo panno, & tot denarios quot annis vixi ut fupradictum eft. Item volo quod tot eligantur mulieres egene & bone fame & indigentes quot erunt viri pauperes tenentes torcheos predictos, & habeat quilibet earum unam togam & unum capicium de albo panno 6c tot denarios quot & pauperes prefcripti. Et pre- dicYi omnes tarn viri quam mulieres onerentur caritatis intuitu animam meam, animafque Margarete uxoris mee, * capuche, hood. K k parenturn, j 4 S T H O M A S BEAUFORT, parentum & progenitorum meorum, benefactorum ac om- nium aliorum pro quibus teneor exorare vel exorari facere, &: omnium hdelium defunctorum precibus fuis devotis Deo & fanctor' patrociniis humiliter commendare. Item volo quod iu -die fepulture mee five exequiarum mearum principalium general^ fiat diftribucio fub bac forma, quod cuilibet venienti 6c in forma pauperis elemofinam petenti uiius diftribuatur denarius ; & in quolibet anniverfario tarn mei, quam Margarete uxoris mee, volo quod abbas predicti monafterii fi- prefens fuerit habeat vis. vind. prior vero fi prefens fuerit habeat ins. mid. et quilibet ceterorum monachorum ejufdem monafterii qui in dictis anniverfariis prefens fuerit habeat xxd. Et pro cuftagiis, fumptibus, 6c expenfis dictor' anniverfarior' noftror' lego & affigno pre- fato moiiafterio fancti Edmundi cccc marc' ufualis monete Anglie de bonis meis, & hac fub condicione, fi videlicet ipfe dominus abbas, cum ceteris monachis monafterii ejuf- dem, manucapere & fufcipere fuper fe voluerint, infra tem- pus certum, de confenfu executor' & fuperviforum meo~ rum ipfis limitandum, ipfum monafterium in tan turn dotare ecclefiarum appropriacione, vel terrarum empcione, earumdemque mortificacione, quod ex earum valore pote- ririt onera predict' anniverfarior' de cetero imperpetuum infallibiliter fupportare, fideliterq' & effeclualiter adimplere. Quod fi. predictus dominus abbas 6c monachi cum condicione & modificacione oneris predicti modo quo prefertur, reci- pere prefat' cccc marc' deliberate recufaverint, tunc volo 6 quod DUKE OF EXETER. 249 quod per avifamentum & difcrecionem fuperviforum & executorum teftamenti mei predicli, predicte cccc marc' deUberentur & erogentur in ufum operum mifericordie, videlicet in fuftentacionem & relevacionem tarn monacho- rum, canonicorum, monialium, quam alior' pauperum ubi conveniences ad Dei laudem, & honorem oc falutem anime mee, magis predictis fuperviforibus & executoribus videbi- tur expedire; & quoq 1 hoc fiat cum feftinacione qua com- mode & racionabiliter poterit adempleri. Item volo & rogo quod fi predidti dominus abbas & monachi ejufdem monafterii fuper fe fufcipere voluerint onus prediclum in forma, quod tunc in capitulis anniverfar' predict' prox* preordinatis fpecialiter recommendentur dicli monafterii monachorum precibus anima mea, Margarete uxoris mee & anime parentum noflrorum, ac benefactorum, ac om- nium pro quibus tenemur exorare vel exorari facere, ac omnium fidelium defundtorum. Item lego domui Cartu- fien' de Monte Grade b Eborac' dioc', quolibet anno a tempore mortis mee xlI. et hoc quamdiu dicta domus Car- tufien' eft penfionaria vel penfione onerataDomine Johanne Regine Anglie pro prioratu deHynkley c Lincolnien' dioc' dite domui conceflb anno regni regis Henrici quinti tercio. Et volo quod ceffante peniione ceflet & legatum. b The Carthufian priory of Mountgrace, c. York, founded 1396, by- Thomas Holland duke of Surry and Kent (mentioned in note % p. 196). Tanner, p. 965. c Hinckley was an alien priory of two Beneditline monks, belonging to Lyra abbey in Normandy, and given for a time to the Carthufian priory of jVlountgrace, by R. II. wholly annexed to it by H. V. and after the duTo- lution, granted 34 H. VIII. to the dean and chapter of Weftminfter, who Hill enjoy it. Tsnner, p. 241. K k 2 Item 250 THOMAS BEAUFORT. Item lego principal! altari illius paroch' ecclefie infra cujus parochie limites continget me diem claudere extre- mum, nomine principalis five mortuarii, fecundum quod confuetudo illius loci expofcit & a morientibus ibidem folvi folebat. Item lego fabrice five ornamentis ejufdem ecclefie cs. Item lego cuilibet facerdoti in eadem paro- chia mortis mee tempore exiftenti vis. vnid. Item cle- rico parochiali ibidem ins. mid. Item cuilibet domui Cartufien' in Anglia, domo Cartufien' de Monte Gracie folum except', v marc'. Item lego domino Johanni Lon- don in ecclefiae Sancti Petri Weftmonafterii reclufo xli. Item lego mulieri reclufe infra Bifhopefgate, London, xxs. Item lego domine Johanne reclufe in ecclefia Sancti de- mentis extra Temple Barre, xxs. Item lego domine Alicie reclufe apud fanctum Albanum, xxs. Item lego cuilibet infirmo five invalitudinario infirmitatis, debilitatis, feu fe- nectutis caufa, in hiis quinque hofpitalibus exiflentibus, videlicet hofpitali fancte Marie, hofpitali fanc~ti Bartho- lomei, hofpitali de Elfyng, hofpitali fancte Thome, et hofpitali fancli Egidii' prope London, xnd. Item lego incarceratis hiis quinque carceribus, viz. Ludgate, New- gate, Fleete, Kyngesbenche, and Marchalfie, c li. diftri- buend' pro eorum liberacione extra prifonam vel carceres, juxta difcrecionem executorum & fuperviforum meorum. Item lego ordini fratrum minorum in regno Anglie XL li. fecundum difcrecionem miniftri ejufdem ordinis & regni, ac diffinitorum d provincialis capituli in comunibus d Dlffinltor or Definitor, the vifitor of the order in general chapter. Du Cange. ejufdem DUKE OF EXETER. a S i ejufdem ordinis utilitatibus difponend'. Item lego ordini fratrum predicatorum ejufdem regni xxli. Item lego or- dini fratrum Carmelitarum ejufdem regni xxli. Et volo quod fecundum difcrecionem provincialium ipforum or- dinum ac diffinitorum capituli fuorum provincialium in communibus ordinum utilitatibus expendantur. Item lego ad honorem Dei omnipotentis, beate Marie femper virginis matris fue, fancli Gregorii martiris, & omnium fanc- torum ejus, ecclefie collegialis de Wyndefore meam maxi- mam crucem de argento deaurato cum armis meis fuper eandem. Item lego eidem ecclefie duas pelves de argento deaurato cum nativitate domini & annunciacione beate Marie e enamillat' in medio. Item lego eidem ecclefie unum par turribulorum de argento deaurato. Item lego eidem ec- clefie unumveftimentum f integrum rubeicoloris melius quod habeo de panno velveto aureo, id eft, unum cafulam cum ii dalmaticis, in albis, in amictis, n ftolis, in manipu- lis, n towaillis, cum toto ornamento pro altare & unum corporas caas s uno panno pro pulpeto, vi capis, cum om- nibus ceteris capis rubeis de panno aureo. Item lego e This may help to folve the difficulty in note r p. 115. as it fhews the Nativity and Annunciation were common fubjecls for enamelling. f vejiimentum % a whole fuit of church apparel, comprehending the cafula or cowl; the dalmat'ica or upper robe; the alba or albe, a kind of furplice; the amittus or amice, anfwering to the fcarf; the ftola y which, like the amice, went over the neck and hung down before, and was richly embroidered; the manipulus or handkerchief, worn over the left arm; the towels or napkins for the altar, which had alfo an altar cloth of linen, and another to hang down in front of the altar, the fontlet and curtains, the cafe for the pix, the pulpit cloth, and the cafce or copes. Du Cange in vocib. i corporax cafe, or cafe for the pix. eidem jp THOMAS BEAUFORT, eidem ecclefie meliorem calicem cum patena quern habco de argento deaurato cum angeiis thurificantibus fupra pedem ejufdem cum n melioribus cruettis pro vino & aqua de argento deaurat'. Item quia chriftianiflimus b prin- ceps dominus meus Rex convenire intendit, & pro Deo pofuit', cum principali & capitali domo cui prioratus de Hincley fupradicT attinebat in Francia, quod de appro- priacione quarundam domorum ejufdem religionis k ad prioratum de Sion l apud Shene per eundem chriftianif- iimum principem noviter fundat* 6c dotat* una & pro appropriacione ejufdem prioratus de Hincley ad prefatam domum Cartnfien' de Monte Gracie, quod eadem domus principalis merito & jufte flarei content' m hinc, et pro recompenfa domui principali faciend' pro lepe di&o prio- ratu de Hyncley, lego & afligno quingent' marc*. Et fi poft concordiam faclam inter dominum meum regem, & domum capitalem in fummam in quam convenient pro toto appropriando precio pertinente ditto prioratui deHynk- ley, ad plus fe extendit quam ad quingent' marc', tunc volo quod fuppleatur de reliduo bonorum meorum. Item lego ecclefie Cartufien' de Monte Gracie unam crucem de argento deaurato cum lapide vocato berill in pede ad fervan- h This title has been claimed by the kings of France from the beginning of that monarchy, and confirmed by Pope Pius II. to Lewis XI. who leaft of all deferved it ; It feems to be given here more as a complimentary epithet to our Henry VI. on account of his piety. ' Qusere, bound himfelf before God. k of the fame order. 1 This is the priory of Jefus of Beth/em, begun by H. V. 14145 for 40 -Carthufian monks. Tanner, p. 544. * Sic Orig. dum DUKE OF E X' E T E R. 153 dum corpus Chrifti. Item lego prioratui de Wormyngey n \inum veftimentum integrum .^lodii pouderat' cum ftellis aureis, id eft, unam cafulam, cum 11 dalmaticis, in albis, in amictis, n ftolis, in manipulis, in capis, uno panno ad ponend' ante altare, uno panno ad ponend' fuper altare, & uno panno pro pulpeto, 11 towaillis pro altari cum fron- tela, ac uno corporas caas, & 11 ridell?, de eodem, necnon II candelabris pro altari de argento, & meo majori Holi- water ftoppe q de argento pro aqua benedicta cum afperforio de argento. Item lego capelle Beate Marie r in ecclefia fancti Edmundi de Bury in cujus parte boriali difpono tumulari, unum veftimentum album de panno aureo, id eft, unam cafulam, unam albam, unam amictam, unam ftolam, unum manipulum, cum uno panno ad ponend' ante altare, uno panno ad ponend' fupra altare. Item unum calicem cum patena de argento deaurato, & 11 cruettis de argento deaurato, & eciam 11 candelabra de argento & unum . mhTale. Item lego monafterio . monialium de Berkyng unum veftimentum de nigro & viridi velveto aureo cum . Wormegay, a priory of black canons in Norfolk, founded t. R. I. united : to Ventney, 1468. Tann. p. 3.54. The duke had a grant of the honor s of Wyrmgay, 9 H-. IV. Dgd. II. 125. blue. p curtains. 1 veffel for holy-water: this term occurs frequently in Blomefield's Hift. . Norfolk. r The chapel of the Virgin here mentioned appears to have been, not : where fuch chapels uiually were, at the E. end, but on the N. fide of the choir. As the duke directs his body to be buried on the North fide-of the chapel, it may raife a doubt whether the body found, 1772, on the South fide could be. his. See Archxol. IV. 512. and plan. orphareis Jtutvb 254 THOMAS BEAUFORT. orphareis 5 dealbo, id eft, unum cafulam cum n dalmaticis, in albis, in amittis, duabus ftolis, in manipulis, & in capis. Item lego forori mee Johanne ' comitifle de Weft- merland unum librum vocat Triftram u . Item lego fratri meo Thome Swyn ford x , unum ciphum cum coopertorio de argento deaurato fecundum difcrecionem executorum meorum nominand'. Item lego quafdam fummas auri inter armigeros meos, ceterofque meos fervientes diftri- buend' prout patet inferius, videlicet Thome Swynford, t marc'. Matildi Fulfhurft, x marc'. Georgio Wighton, xx marc'. Johanni Walpoole, xl marc'. Willielmo Fre- nyngham, x marc*. Nicholao Porpoint, xli. Ricardo Togood, xli. Thome Swanton, cs. Johanni Smyth, v marc'. Johanni Kirton, x li. Willielmo Frere, x marc*. Roberto Bedelyngton, xli. Petro Walpole, c s. Johanni Northwode, xx li. Johanni Bermyngham, x li. Will. Bolton, xl li. Thome Sandon, xx marc*. Thome Bofwyle, xli. Johanni Aubrey, cs. Johanni Felix, cs. Johanni Neve, xl s. Thome Parys, c s. Johanni Lucas, xx marc'. Willielmo Burgh, xx marc'. Ricardo de Chaundrey, cs. Johanni Doucheman, xli. Johanni Maxey, c s. Will. Hert, v marc*. Alano Holme, c s. Johanni Gregory, xl s. Simoni Crokehorn, c s. Johanni Sumpterman, xmarc*. Fringes of gold thread. Du Cange in voc. Aur'tfrigium. Orfrys. Chaucer's Romant of the Rofe. 1 Joan Beaufort married to her 2d husband Ralph Neville firft earl of Weftmorland, and died 1440. See before, p. 176. A romance of that name. * His mother's fon by her firft hulband Sir Otes Swynford. Roberto DUKE OF EXETER. 2 $$ Roberto Norman, xl s. Rogero Brice, xl s. Henrico Haunfon, xli. Chrifloforo Pulford, c s. Ric' Ryxton, v marc' Henrico Porter, xl s. Willielmo de Coquina, xl 9. Willielmo Brone, xli. Ignafio Clifton, xli. Radul- pho Wadeiwyk, xx mark*. Edmunde Thawer, x!i. Item lego decano, preftbiteris, clericis & pueris qui mee modo capelle deferviunt, cli. {lerling, pro qua fumma c li. habend' & diftribuend', ut prefertur, juxta difcrecionem executorum meorum, volo omnes et fingulos libros mee dicle capelle vendi meliori modo quo fciverint mei pre- dicti executores, quibus libris fie venditis fi quid de predi&a fumma c li. defuerit, id fuppleri volo de rcfiduo bonorum meorum. Item volo & ordino quod a die obitus mei ufque in diem fepulture mee 5 & eodem die, domus & fami- lia mea in tali modo infra prout efle cognofcitur, pro pre- fenti, ad cuftus & expenfas meas per vifum & difcrecionem executorum meorum predicV cuftodiatur. Item volo quod executores mei attendant diligenter quod omnes qui tem- pore mortis mee erunt michi fervientes in familia domus mee, quibus in fpeciale nichil legavi, nee aftignavi, racio- nabiliter remunerentur de robis & equis meis fecundum flatus & gradus perfonarum, per difcrecionem dicliorum executorum meorum. Item quia mutuum preftare pro Deo & nichil temporale inde fperare dinofcitur acceptum, complacitum pariter, & ab eo preceptum, idcirco prefenti- bus lego & affigno c li. ad deponend' in fecura cifta infra collegium Regine in univerfitate Oxon', ut fcolares indi- L 1 gentes 256 THOMAS BEAUFORT gentes per modum mutacionis inde releventur. Et volo quod de predicta pecunia in cifta repofita, ut premittitur, itatuta & confuetudines aliarum ciftarum in eadem uni- veriitate inviolabiter obferventur : & rogo quod mutuan- tes, intuitu caritatis & divini amoris pro quibus ifta facio, velint pro anima mea, & Margarete uxoris mee, ac pro animabus parentum & progenitorum meorum, benefa&o- rum, & omnium fidelium defundtorum preces ofFerre de- votas Deo. Item Tub eifdem forma, modificacione, & modo, ac tenore verborum, lego & afligno cli. in fecura cifta ac fecura cuftodia in aula fancte Trinitatis in univerfitate Can- tebrigg' deponend'. Item volo quod omnium premhTo- rum legato rum execucio dirTeratur ufque dum omnia mea propria debita, & ea que mihi incumbunt folvere pro aliquibus neceflariis ad opus proprium pertinent' foluta fuerint, except' folucione elemofine prius legate cele- brantibus mille mifTas pro anima mea ut prefertur in prin- cipio ; non defiderando, neque volendo, quod predi<5la lega- cio in parte vel in toto difFeratur propter folucionem ft-ipendiorum domini mei regis, que nondum recepi, ymo cum hujufmodi ftipendia domini mei regis fuerint re- cept', volo quod cum omni expedicione qua fieri poterit folvantur & diftribuantur unicuique prout per compotum fecum racionabiliter fa 61' de jure debentur. Item lego & do omnia mea mobilia, ubicumque fuerint inventa, ad folucionem debitorum meorum, ac ultime hujus voluntatis mee perfedionem & legal' folucionem. Item rogo & re- quiro DUKE O V EXETER. *$; quiro ex parte Dei omnipotentis feoffatos dominiorum, maneriorum, terrarum, & tenementorum meorum, jam in poffeffione, quod ipfi perimpleant & impleri faciant fine dif- fimulacione aliqua ultimam meam voluntatem de dominiis, terris,&tenementis meis flip radidT:is,p rout in quadam cedula inde fata & in prefenti teftamento inclufa plenius con- tinetur. Et in forma fupradi&a debitis meis folutis, ulti- maque voluntate mea hoc prefenti teftamento meo in- fcripta perimpleta & executa, fi quid de bonis meis fuperfit, illud totum ordino & difpono fecundum difcrecionem executorum meorum, per infpe&ionem fuperviforum meo- rum hujus teftamenti mei effe diftribuend' modo quo fe- quitur, ut viz. quingente marce iftorum bonorum meorum que fie fuperfunt in quinque partes equales dividantur & diftribuantur hoc modo, videlicet, prioratui de Wirmingey x , abbathie deWeftdereham y , monafterio monialium de Crab- hows 2 , monafterio monialium de Thetford* in com' North- folch' & prioratui de fandto Dionifio juxta Southampton b , monafterio monialium de Marham c , & monafterio monia- lium de Blakeberwe d in com' NorthrP c marc' eifdem dif- tribuend' equis porcionibus, alie vero c marc' pro mifiis * See before, note >. y Weft Dereham, an abbey of Premonftratenfian canons, founded 11 86. Tan. 3C2. * orWigenhale. An Auftin nunnery founded 11 81. lb. 350. a Thetford nunnery was founded by Hugh Norwold, and the convent of St. Edmund's Bury. lb. 34.9. Martin's Hift. of Thetford, p. 98 no. b A priory of Black Canons, founded by H. 1. about n 24. Tan. 160. e . A Ciftertian nunnery, founded 1256. lb. 361. 4 Blackborough was made a Benedictine nunnery about 1200. lb. 351. L 1 2 pro J 2S 8 THOMAS BEAUFORT pro anima mea & animabus fupradi&is celebrand'. Item, c marce pro liberacione prifbnariorum ubi magis neceffe fuerit, & precipue apud London'. Item c marc' pro lepra percuflis, 6c decubantibus in lectis, & c marc' pro fadtura & emendacione viarum ubi magis neceffe fuerit in com* SufF & Effex. Et quamvis fuperius quibufdam meis fer- vientibus nominatim quafdam fummas legaverim ut fcrip- tum eft, nichilominus aliis fervientibus meis lego quafdam fummas, quibus fervientibus fuperius non legavi ut patet inferius. Nich'o Cheriton xli. Will' mo Harewode xls. Waltero Sarjaunt x marc'. Thome Bouchier x marc'. Johanni Pyke v marc'. Ricardo Foteman v marc'. Ricardo Pondeman v marc'. Ricardo Barbour xls. Thome de Halle xls. Thome Chamber al' Lynk xls. Henrico de Spicery al' Newerk c s. Thome Lewyn n marc'. Johanni Hawflepe x marc'. Johanni Payn XL s. Roberto Hoode n marc'. Thomas Bullok xls. Johanni Elmer u marc'. Ric'o Brewer XL s. Et de refiduo bonorum meorum lego domibus pauperum religioforum, nee non mendicancium, & pauperibus honeftis puellis maritand' que non habent amicos ad eafdem maritand' ubi videbitur prediclis execu- toribus meis ac fuperviforibus magis proflcere pro falute anime mee animarumque fupradiclarum. Et iflius ultime voluntatis mee ordino, facio, & conftituo, executores meos diledlos michi in Chrifto dominum Willielmum Philip militem, dominum Thomam Walbere refrorem de Hadley, Willielmum Morley thefaurarium meum,Ricardum Aghton armigerum, & Johannem Bertrams & lego cuilibet execu- torum DUKE OF EXETER. 2 - 9 torum meorum preditorum XL 1L fterling, eofdemque one- rando, quod ad honorem Dei, ac anime mee falutem, pro hac mea ultima voluntate hoc prefenti teftamento meo infcript' adimpleiid' ordinent, procurent, difponant & adminiftrent, prout omnipotenti Deo placere, ac anime mee faluti magis proficere eiidem videatur, licut in extremo judicii examine fe poterint excufare. Item volo quod una tumba fabricetur fupra fepulturam, tarn mei quam uxoris mee predicto loco, pro cujus fabrica lego c li. fterling fi necefle fuerit meliori modo quo poterit in hoc opere dif- ponend'. Hujus infuper teftamenti mei adminiftracionis fupervifbres ordino, facio, & conftituo, dile&os michi in Chrifto magiftrum Willielmum Alnewyk 6 epifcopum Nor- wicen', magiftr' Philippum Morgan f epifc' Elien', domi- num Ludovicum Robeflart 8 militem, & dominum Walre- rumHungerford h militem; &lego cuilibet eorundem fuper* e 1436, tranflated to Lincoln, 1436. f tranflated by bull from Worcefler to Ely, 1426, died 1435. s Lewis Robfert, a native of Hainault, ftandard-bearer to H. V. knight of the Bath and Garter, and created lord Bourchier 3 H. VI. in right of his wife Elizabeth, daughter and heir to Bartholomew lord Bourchier, died 143 1, buried in St. Paul's chapel, Weftminfter-abbey. On his monument, among many other coats, are the arms of Roet, A. 3 wheels O. and alfo Roet's creft, which (hews he was related to the teftator's family, Catherine Swynford being daughter of Sir Payne Roet. See Dart's Weftminfter I. 181. Dugd. II. 202. b Sir Walter de Hungerford fucceeded his father Thomas 1412, was one of Henry the Fifth's executors (fee before, p. .) 6 H. VI. is ftyled lord of Heyhtfbury andHemet, died Aug. 9, 1449, buried in Salifbury cathedral to which he had been once a great benefactor. Dugd. II. 204. His chapel on the N. fide of the nave ferved as a pew for the mayor and archbilhop to hear the fermon, till it was lately removed. viforum *6o THOMAS BE'AUFORT viforum mei teftamenti unum ciphum cum copertorio de ar- gento deaurato; eofdemque rogando humiliter & fpecialiter ut hunc laborem, annuente Deo, meritorum in fe fufcipere non recufent. Volo eciam quod omnium in hoc prefenti teftamento premiflbrum & prefcriptorum difpoficio, ordi- nacio, & adminiftracio, fiat per executores meos, qui bis in anno prenominatis fuperviforibus meis fidelem compo- tum facere teneantur. Ac eciam volo quod executores mei inveniant per duos annos immediate fequentes diem obitus mei v capellanos feculares ad celebrand' pro anima mea, & anima uxoris mee, & pro quibus deprecari teneor, in monafterio Sancli Edmundi de Bury, ubi corpus meum fepelietur, videlicet, quod unus capellanorum predi&orum celebrabit miflam de Tririitate, fecundus de Sancto Spiritu, tercius de fan&a Maria, quartus de die 9 & quintus de requiem eternam. Et finaliter ipfam fandlam & indivi- duam Trinitatem deprecor pro meis executoribus & eorum fuperviforibus, ut pro me ac mea ultima voluntate in pre- fenti teftamento meo content' perimplend' difponant, & adminiftrent, & adminiftracionem fupervideant, ut potiffime omnipotenti Deo adminiftracio placeat, & anime mee ad requiem & vitam eternam proficiat. Quodque Altiflimus concedat, qui fine fine vivit & regnat, Amen. Dat' apud manerium meum de Grenewych die & anno fupradi&is; et anno regni metuendiffimi domini mei regis Henrici fexti pofl conqueflum quinta Hec DUKE OF EXETER. a6i Hec eft ultima voluntas mei Thome ducis Exonie, videlicet, quod feoffati qui ad mei ufum feoffati funt in maneriis de Wefthorpalle Marfhalle in Weftthorp, Wyver- fton Keveles inWyverfton, Over Rekynghale, Watlesfelde, Walfham, & Mutford ; & advocacionibus ecclefiarum de Wefthorp, Wyverfton, Rekinhall, & Watelesfelde, cum omnibus & fingulis pertinenciis fuis in com' Sufi ac in manerio de Crokefefton ', cum fuis pertinen' in comitat' Southampton, cum advocacionibus ecclefiarum ibidem, ac in reverfion' omnium mefuagiorum, terrarum, tenemento- rum, reddit' & fervic' in civitateNorwic',ac eciam in manerio de Grenewych, &in omnibus & fingulis terris, tenement', reddit', & fervic', cum fuis pertinenciis, que nuper adquifi- mus in com' Kancie de Ricardo Tyrell & aliis feoffatis, permittant executores meos immediate poft diem obitus mei percipere & recipere omnia exitus & proficua diclorum ma- neriorum, advocacionum ecclefiarum, reddit', reverfionum, fervic', cum omnibus fuis pertinenciis fuperius fpecificato- rum & declaratorum, & quod eadem maneria, cum ceteris predict' cicius quo fieri poterit vendantur ad folvend' debita mea, & ad ultimam meam voluntatem in teftamento meo fpecificatam perimplend' prout meliori modo fciverint ex- ecutores mei, per difcrecionem & avifamentum fupervi- forum in teftamento meo predicto fpecificatorum & nomi- natorum. In cujus rei teftimonium prefentibus fignetum meum apponi feci. Dat' apud Grenewych xxix no die 1 Crux Eafton. menfis t6* THOMAS BEAUFORT menus Decembris, anno regni metuendiffimi domini regis Henrici fexti poft conqueftum quinto. Hiis Teftibus; ma- giftro Thpma Morftede, magifho Johanne Somerfete, Thoma Hoo, Gilberto Debenham, magiftro Roberto Wyot, magiftro Willielmo Wode, Willielmo Bolton, Ignado Clifton, Willielmo Bourg, Johanne Lucas, Jo- hanne Aubrey, Chriftoforo Pulford, Johanne Neve, Johanne Smyth, Thoma S wanton, 6c Edmundo Tyler. ITEM ultra teftamentum & voluntatem meam pre- dictam, lego Johanni deVeer k comiti Oxonie de vans meis argenteis ad valorem xLli. fecundum difcrecionem execu- torum meorum . limitand'. Item lego Ignafio Clifton ultra decern libras nbi in teftamento meo legat' unum harnefium armorum 1 , cum duobus equis, fecundum difcrecionem executorum meorum predittorum nominand. Item lego Thome Hoo armigero camere mee holtiario unum de curfariis m meis vocat' Dunne. Item volo quod Willielmus Morley thefaurarius meus habeat, durante tota vita fua, omnia tenementa mea infra civitatem Norwicen' abfque impedimento vafti. Et volo ulterius quod fi predictus Willielmus Morley voluerit emere vel adquirere reverfl- onem eorundem tenementorum, quod tunc ipfe habeat eadem tenementa cum pertincnciis minori precio per cen- * The fecond earl of Oxford of the name of John, beheaded with his cldeft fori Aubrey on Tower-hill, 1461. 1 E. IV. and buried in the Auuia friars church, London. Vincent on Brook, 406. 1 compleat fuit of armour. B courfers. turn DUKE OF EXETER. :6> turn marc' quam aliquis alius qui eadem emere vel adqui- rere voluerit. Item lego Ricardo Carbonell militi unum meum diploidem f longum de vel veto defenfinum ? . Item volo quod Gilbertus Debenham armiger meus ab omni jure & clameo que ego feu executores mei in ipfo exigere pote- rimus, liber exiftat & quietus. Item volo quod fupervifores mei teftamenti, ultra legacionem eis in di&o teftamento meo aflignat', prout aquariis, vel hujufmodi jocalibus fecundum difcrecionem executorum meorum predi&orum remunerentur. Item lego Willielmo Philip militi unum ciphum, cum cooportorio de argento deaurato, fecundum difcrecionem di&orum executorum meorum nominand*. Item volo quod valetti, garciones, & pagetti, quibus in pre- diclo teftamento meo non eft aliquid in certo legatum, fecun- dum gradus ipforum, & merita, per difcrecionem di&orum executorum meorum remunerentur. Item volo quod in civitatibus regni Anglie notabilioribus publice proclametur quod fi quifcumque infra diftum regnum moram trahens die mortis mee poffit racionabiiiter & de jure oftendere me racione empcionis vilualium, marcandifarum, vel alia- rum rerum quarumcumque, ad ufum meum vel hofpicii mei receptarum, & habitarum, fibi quicquam debuifle vel debere, dicli quibus quicquam debuero, ex caufis predi&is, ad certa loca mea parte limitand', diebus eciam ad hoc per avifamentum executorum meorum affignand', veniant de- bita hujufmodi prout de eifdem racionabiiiter & de jure [ doublet. i Q^ faced with velvet? M m oftendere 264 THOMAS BEAUFORT oftendere poterint recepturi, & quod eifdem folvantur debita hujufmodi fideliter per executores meos prout juris fuerit & racionis. Probatio didi teftamenti coram Willielmo Lyndewode curie Cantuar* officiali, 28 Januarii, Anno Domini 1426. Regifter Chichele pars prima, fol. 397. a. b. 398. a. b. 399. a. in the archiepifcopal regiftry at Lambeth. Thomas Beaufort, third Ton of John of Gaunt and Catherine Swinford, was created earl of Perch in Nor- mandy, and made captain of Calais, and admiral of Eng- land, Aquitaine, and Ireland, 10 H. IV. chancellor of England 11 H. IV. earl of Dorfet 13 H. IV. lieute- nant of Aquitain 1 H. V. one of the ambafladors to treat of the marriage of that prince with Catherine of France, 2 H. V. governor of Harfleur, duke of Exeter for life, and knight of the garter, 4 H. V. He was taken prifoner in the battle wherein the duke of Clarence loll: his life, 9 H. V. but next year defeated the earl of Armagnac be- fore Mel an. Befides feveral other gallant exploits, he had the leading of the rearward at the battle of Agincourt, and was appointed guardian of Henry VI. during his mi- nority. He married Margaret daughter of Sir Thomas Neville of Hornby, knt. by whom he had no children ; and died at his manor of Greenwich in Kent, Dec. 29, 1426, leaving his nephew John earl of Somerfet his heir. Vincent on Brooke, 104. Dugd. IL 125. He DUKE OF EXETER. 26$ He was buried, agreeably to his directions, in the abbey church of St. Edmundfbury; in the ruins of which, fome labourers digging for flone in the winter of the year 1772, difcovered a body enclofed in lead, and preferved in pickle. After it was opened, Mr. Cullum, an eminent lurgeon in that town, examined it as minutely as circumftances would permit, and his account of it was tranfmitted to the Royal Society (Phil. Tranf. LXII. art. 33). He is pofTeft of the right hand and the malk of cere-cloth taken from the face, whofe features were remarkably fair. This body, being prefumed to be that of the duke of Exeter, was interred in a wooden fliell feven feet deep, at the foot of the north pillar of the centre tower, where an epitaph was intended to be affixt over it by Dr. Symonds, Profeflbr of Modern Hiftory at Cambridge. After the probabilities that have been urged by the learned in fupport of their alignment of this body to the noble teftator, it may feem prefumption to differ from them. But the duke's own direction in his will (which they had not before them) appears to be decifive evidence that his body could not have been found on the South fide, as reprefented in Mr. King's plan, Archaeol. III. pi. 15. p. 313. All concluilons from likenefs of fea- tures fuppofed to be retained in the malk mufr. fall to the ground on a view of the malk, which by its thicknefs exhibits the eyes and noie onlv en creuw Much of the dark hair of the forehead was torn off with it, and the hafte of the workmen deftroyed the lower part. No other body was found with this as might have been expected. M m 2 JOHN f *66 ] JOHN MOWBRAY, DUKE OF NORFOLK. HE C eft ultima voluntas domini Johannis ducis- Norffolcie, comitis MarefchalP & de Notyngham, Anglie marefchalli, &c. facta apud Eppeworth, decimo nono die menfis Octobris, anno regni regis Henrici fexti undecimo, viz. In primis quod corpus fuum fepelietur in ecclefia CarthuP * infra infulam de Axeholme in com* Lincoln', & quod omnia debita fua de bonis & catallis fuis integris folvantur. Item, quod domina Katerina uxor dicti domini ducis habeat omnia vafa fua aurea, argentea, five deaurata, ac omnia alia ornamenta, aurea, argentea, live deaurata, ac omnia alia bona mobilia fua & catalla, de- bitis fuis predicliis plene perfolutis, prefer quod illud argen- tum five aurum cunatum b exiftens infra manerium de Ep- peworth tempore mortis predicti dominis ducis, quod inter fervientes ejufdem domini ducis fecundum difcretionem dite domine Katerine, poft mortem dicti domini ducis participabitur, & preter quod omnes toge dicti domini ducis tempore mortis fue infra manerium prediclium * This houfe, called Epworth, was founded 19 R. II. by this earl's father Thomas Mowbray, earl of Nottingham, earl Marfhal, and duke of Norfolk. Tann. 286. b coined. exiflent' DUKE OF NORFOLK. 267 exiftent' diftribuantur inter fervientes predidtos, fecundum difcrecionem dicte domine Katerine ; & quod predicta domina Katerina habeat ad terminum vite fue manerium de Eppeworth in com' predicto cum fuis pertinentiis, ac omnia alia terras, & tenementa, redditus, reverfiones, & fervicia, pafcua, pafturas, aquas, vivaria rive pifcaria, cha- ceas, warennas, cum fuis pertinenciis, ac omnes alias com- moditates predicto domino duci, live alio cuicumque no- mine dicti domini ducis, five ad opus fuum infra infulam predictam* pertinen' five fpectant'. Item, quod dicta do- mina Katerina habeat ad terminum vite fue omnia mane- ria dicti domini ducis, ac omnia alia terras & tenementa, redditus, reverfiones, & fervicia, pafcua, pafturas, aquas, vivaria five pifcaria, chaceas, warennas, cum fuis pertinen' ac omnes alias commoditates predicto domino duci five alio cuicumque nomine dicti domini ducis, five ad opus fuum infra comitat' Eborac' pertinent' five fpectant'. Item, quod dicta domina Katerina habeat ad terminum vite fue caftel- lum, honoris, five dominium de Brembre cum fuis pertinen- ciis ac omnibus commoditatibus fuis infra comitatemSuflexY Item, quod dicta domina Katerina habeat ad terminum vite fue omnia caftella five maneria infra terram de Gower, in Wallia, cum fuis pertinenciis, ac dominium de Gower,, cum fuis pertinenciis, ac cum omnibus aliis commoditatibus & proficuis fuis. Item, quod Thomas Newmarche nab- at ad terminum vite fue ofncium fenelchalli manerii de Eppeworth cum vadiis antiquis. Et quod Johannes Dan- tre armiger habeat ad terminum vite fue decern libras argent i a68 JOHN MOWBRAY argenti annuatim percipiend' de manerio de Fornefette c ia com' NorfF ad duos auni terminos. Item, quod Johannes Pecke habeat ad terminum vite fue cuftodiam parci de Lopham d in com' NorfP cum feodis antiquis. Item, quod Johannes Baffet armtger habeat ad terminum- vite fue quatuor denarios per diem percipiendum * & quod Thomas Hide habeat ad ter- minum vite fue tres denarios per diem percipiendum * Item, quod omnes fervientes predi&i domini ducis habentes literas fuas patentes de aliquibus officiis five feodis illis concerns habendis ad voluntatem dicti domini ducis ha- beant, & quilibet eorum habeat eadem officia, five feoda, ad terminum vite eorundem. Item, quod dicta domina Katerina exiftat capitalis executrix teftamenti dicti domini ducis cum omnibus aliis perfonis executoribus in ultimo teftamento dicti domini ducis nominatis ; excepto quod Edmundus Wynter non fe intromittat de racione exe- cutionis didli ultimi teftamenti. In cujus rei teftimonium predictus dominus Johannes dux huic prefenti ultime voluntati fue figillum armorum fuorum appofuit. Probatio dicti teftamenti apud Lambeth coram Henrico Chichele Cant' archiepifcopo, 1 4 Februarii, anno Domini 1432. * Blanks left in the original. c Forncet in Depv/ade hundred, Norfolk, flill belongs to the duke of Norfolk. Blomef. III. 147. d Lopham in Giltcrofs hundred, Norfolk, is Hill the property of the duke of Norfolk. lb. I. 51. 1 Regifter DUKE OF NORFOLK. 269 Regifter Chichele pars prima, fol. 435. a. b. in the archiepifcopal regiftry at Lambeth. John Mowbray, born 1389, was reftored 3 H. VI. to the title of duke of Norfolk, which had been forfeited by his brother Thomas's rebellion againfr. Henry IV. He fucceeded his brother 1406, 8 H. IV. being then 17 years of age ; and though prevented from fharing in the victory at Agincourt by illnefs, yet continuing at the liege of Harfleur, he performed feveral important fervices in France. He married Catherine daughter of Ralph Nevil earl of Weft- morland (remarried to Thomas Strangeways efq. John vifcount Beaumont, and Sir John Widvile knt. brother to Anthony earl Rivers) and died October 19, 11 H.VI. 1432, leaving iffue John, afterwards Duke of Norfolk. Dugdale e dates his will May 20, 7 H. VI. which is four years prior to this. e Bar. I. 130. He adds that he ordained that the bones of his father mould be brought from Venice to Epworth. JOHN T no 3 JOHN DUKE OF BEDFORD, REGENT OF FRANCE. IN nomine Domini, Amen. Noverint univerfi hoc prefens publicum inftrumentum infpecturi, quod hoc eft verum tranfcriptum five tranfcriptum quarundam lite- rarum figillo venerabilis & circumfpeclii viri magiftri Alani Kyrketon decretorum doctoris, ecclefiarum Bath* fancti Petri Ebor' & fan&i Pauli London' canonici, pre- bendatus re&orifque feu curati ecclelie parochialis fan&i Petri de Oundell Lincoln* dioc' & capellani illuftrimmi principis domini Johannis gubernant' & regent' regni Francie, ducis Bedford' nuper decani, in cera rubea 6c tandem duplici ac ipfius figno manuali, flgnoque & fub- fcriptione venerabilis viri magiftri Egidii de Ferreres cle- rici Ebron' dioc' oriundus publica au&oritate apoftolica notarii, ut prima facie approbat* figillatar' fignatar' & robo- ratur' fanar* & integrar' non viciatar' non cancellatar' nee in aliqua fui parte fufpe&ar' fed omni prorfus vicio & fufpeccione carencium, nuncque notario publico fubferipto traditar' ad tranferibend' anno ejufdem domini millefimo cccc tricefimo quarto, indiccione decima quarta, men (is Novembris die nona, pontificatus fan&immi in Chrifto 3 patris John duke of Bedford, tjt patris &c domini noftri domini Eugenii divina providentia pape quarti anno quinto, quarum quidem literarum tenor de verbo ad verbum fequit* & eft talis : " Univeriis pre- fentes literas feu prefens inftrumentum publicum infpedluris Alanus Kyrketon decretorum doctor eccleliarum Bath' fancti Petri Ebor' & fandti Pauli London' canonicus pre- bendatus, rectorque feu curatus eccleiie parochialis fancli Petri de Oundell Lincoln' dioc', ac capellanus illuftriffimi principis domini Johannis gubernant' & regentis regni Francie ducis Bedfordie decanus, falutem in domino. Notum facimus quod in noftra notariique publica & teft mm infra fcriptorum prefencia perfonaliter conftitutus prefatus illuftriffimus princeps dominus regens & guber- nans, licet eger corpore fuius tamen mente & in bona per Dei gratiam exiftens memoria, confiderans & attendens quod breves dies hominis funt, & quod nil eft cercius morte, nee incercius ejus hora, nolens ab hoc feculo intef- tatus decedere, ymo tamquam verus catholicus, de bonis a Deo fibi collatis cupiens, tarn pro falute antme fue quam alias uti melius poflet, difponere, fecit & ordinavit tefta- mentum fuum, feu ejus ultimam voluntatem in modum & formam qui fequitur. Primo animam fuam dum ipfa de corpore fuo exierit devote & humiiiter Deo creatori noftro, & beatimme virgini Marie ejus matri, totique cctui curie celeftis commendavit. Item fepulturam fuam eligit viz. in cafu quo ipfum decedere contigeret in partibus Normannie in eccleiia beate Marie Rothomagen*. Et ii m N n Pi card ia 2jz REGENT OF FRANCE. Picardia in ecckfia bcate Mariae de Moriyele, & in cafu quod decederet in regno Anglie in abbathia feu monafterio de Waltham, London dioc\ Et voluit & ordinavit lervi- cium, luminare, & alias ordinaciones inhumacionis, exe- quiarum, & fepulture fuarum, fieri iicut decet pro principe fui ftatus, juxta bonum avifiamentum, ordinacionem, & dif- crecionem fuorum executorum inferius nominatorum, viz. illorum qui tempore deceflus fui prefentes in Francia erunt, ii ibidem decedat; & fi in Anglia decedat, ad volun- tatem & ordinacionem illorum qui tunc ibidem erunt pre- fentes. Item voluit & ordinavit quod debita fua folvantur, & forisfa&a emendentur primitus, & ante omnia. Item dedit & legavit illi prediclarum ecclenarum in qua huma- bitur omnia integraliter ornamenta, & indumenta capelle, tarn in tapis quam alias quae babet, brondata% & de radi- cibus auri b fuper velvetum rubeum, & unum calicem auri minutum lapidibus quern fecit fieri in hofpicio fuo de Turnell c Parifius per Stephen Allovus ejus aurifabrum. Item dedit & legavit prefate ecclefie unum par majorum turribulorum argenteorum & deauratorum que noviter fabricari fecitPariiius,&unam crucem argenteam deauratam a embroidered. b aurifrize as before, p. 254. n. c The Palais des Toumelles at Paris, originally the houfe of a chancellor in 1390, was in 1422 the refidence of the duke of Bedford, who enlarged and beautified it fo much, that Charles VII. and fucceeding kings of France preferred it to their palace oppofite to it. After the unfortunate death of Henry II. at the tilting match, the lift for which reacht from this palace to the Baftile along the Rue des Tournellcs, Catherine of Medici difliked it fo much, that flie perfuaded Charles to pull it down. It was completely de- molifhed by Henry IV. who built the place Royal on its fcite. St. Foix Eflai Hift. fur Paris, I. 41. cum JOHN DUKE OF BEDFORD. 273 cum buretis d , quas habuit de redemptione Johannis Alcu- rons. Item dedit & legavit illuftriflime principle domine Jacobe ejus conforti omnes terras & tenementa, cenfus, pro- ventus, redditus, & dominia, cum omnibus fuis juribus &c pertinentiisuniverfis,quas & que idemdominus teftator habe- ret, pofiidet, five ex conqueftu, five ex proprio, tarn in Francia quam in Anglia, eis gavifus vita fua durante, folum excep- tiscaftro, terra, & dominio deHajaputa% que dedit & lega- vit Ricardo baftardo de Bedford, ejus filio naturali, cum omnibus juribus fuis & pertinent' tenend' & habend' per ipfum Ricardum quoad vixerit dumtaxat. Item voluit & or- dinavit quod poft deceflum dicte domine confortis fue ac dic- ti Ricardi, omnes terre, tenementa, cenfus, redditus, & pro- ventus, ac dominia predicla, cum fuis juribus & pertmen* univerfis, pertineant & remaneant domino noft.ro Henrico, Francie & Anglie regi, quem fecit, nominavit, &ordinavit heredem fuum. Item voluit & ordinavit quod executores fur habeant fervitores fuos fpecialiter in omnibus recommifTos f , eos in fingulis favorabiliter & honefte traclando, ac eis fa- vores exhibendo, & quod omni modo fripendia eis debita fi- deliter & integraliter cum omni diligencia eis perfolvantur, quodque diclis fervitoribus fuis fecundum difcrecionem exe- cutorum fuorum, mentis & qualitatibus perfonarum confi- deratis, fiat retribucio & recognicio fervitiorum fpecial' ad partem ; de refiduis autem bonorum non datorum nee lega- torum, pofl debita foluta, forisfacY &legat' folut' & emen- dat', voluit idem dominus teftator quod ditti executores fui d Du Cange refers from buretv.m to bruneta y which he explains a fpecies of money ufed in Italy during part of the 12th century. Sed q. if it has that fenfe here. c Harapute. Dugd. Bar. II. 202. 1 commendalos, recommended. Du C?.nge in voc, N. n z dif- 274 REGENT OF FRANCE, diiponant, & providcant, ad faiutem animc fue, juribusautem quorumcumque in omnibus hujufmodi reiideu' concernenti- bus in omnibus femper falvis ; pro quibus omnibus exequend' & aciimplend' ordinavit & elegit idem illuftriffimus prin- ceps tefbtor executores fuos reverendos & reverendum in Cbriito patres dominos Henricum Cardinalem g Anglie, vulgariter nuncupatum, Lodowicum epifcopum Terouen' h cancellar' Francie ejus avunculum, Johannem l arcbiepifco- pum Ebor' ; Dominum Randulphum Cromwell dominum de Crombwell k thefaurarium Anglie ; Dominum Johan- nem Falftolf ' magiftrum hofpicii lui, Dominum Andream Ogard m ipiius camerarium, milites ; Ricardum Boukeland the- s Henry Beaufort bifliop of Winchefter, brother of H. IV. appointed cardinal of St. Eulebius by Pope Martin V. 1426, died 1447. Godwin ed. Rich. p. 795. He has the liyle of Cardinal of England in the public records and his own will. h Lewis bifhop of Terouenne (Turvyne, Dugd. Turivin, Sandford) 1417, chancellor of France, 1414; archbifhop of Rouen, 1436; created by pope EugcnusIV. 1439. cardinal of the four crowns, and adminiftrator of the fee of Ely, where he was buried, 1448, having died at his palace at Hatfield. He was uncle to the duke's fecond wife, who was filter to Lewis de Luxen- burg earl of St. Pel. Dugd. Bar. II. 202. The Hiftory of Charles VI. of France calls him a very cruel man, who was driven out of Paris with the partifans of H. VI. when it was reduced by Charles VII. His will may be ieen in Du Chefne's Hift. des Chanceliers de France, p. 446. 1 Joho Kemp, archbifhop of York, 1425; cardinal of St. Balbina 1439, tranilated to Canterbury 1452, where he died 1453, and has a magnificent monument. * Ralph Cromwell, lord Cromwell, was conditioned treasurer of the king's exchequer, 1 1 H. VI. mailer of the king's mews and falconer in the room of the duke of Bedford 14H. VI. He founded Tatfhall college, c. Northamp- ton, 17 H.VI. began a fair houfe at Colywefton in the fame county, which as well as his caftle at Tatefhall, he ornamented with figures ofpurl'es alluding to his office, and dying 1455, 34 H. VI. was buried in the choir of his col- legiate church, where his brafs Hill remains in the beautiful chancel ftript of its fine painted windows, and laid open to the weather. Dugd. Bar. II. 45. ! The famous knight and hero, who died 1459. SeeBiog. Brit, in his article. ra H. VI. granted licence to Andrew Ogard and others, to impark the manor of Rye, called alfo the ifland of Rye, in the parifli of Sunfted Abbots, 7 c JOHN DUKE OF BEDFORD, 275 thefaurarium de Calefio, & Robertum Whittyngham ejus receptorem generalem in Anglia, armigeros ; quorum qua- tuor vel tres onus & executionem prefentis teftamenti, dutn modo dictus dominus Cardinalis, vel prefatus dominus can- cellarius Francie, five memoratus dominus archiepifcopus Ebor' de illis quatuor vel tribus exiftat femper unus, pof- fint perficere & adimplere adeo integre ac fi omnes pre- nominati executores fimul adeflent; quos exeeutores im- mediate aut tarn cito poft ejus deceflum ficut commode fieri poterit, voluit feifiri de omnibus bonis fuis, tarn mo- bilibus quam immobilibus, 5c ipfa bona eis realiter tradi & liberari ad ufum & complementum premiflorum; & prefentis teftamenti voluit & ordinavit prefatum dominum. regem efle & fore principium proviforem & principalem manutentorem ; voluitque ac ordinavit quod hujufmodi teftamentum teneat 6c valeat fie per modum teftamenti vel codicelli aut ultime voluntatis melioribus modo & forma quibus fieri poterit ; revocando 6c adnullando omnia alia teftamenta feu ordinaciones ultime voluntatis per ipfum fata temporibus retroaclis. Declaravit infuper prefatus princeps teftator 11011 efle voluntatis aut intencionis fui quod predi&i executores fui, feu aliquis eorum, teneantur aut teneatur refpondere da majori fumma feu quantitate bonorum quam hujufmodi bona fua valeant, feu fe pote- c. Herts; to erett a caftle with battlements and loop-holes; and to have free warren there, and in the vills of Stanfted, Amwell, Hodefdon, Ware, and Wideford. [Cart, anno 34 H. VI. m. 6. Chauncey.ioc. Salmon's Hertf. p. 2i;o.l The brick-gate of this manfion ftill fublifts,' known bv the name of the Rye-houfe, and in the fpandrils of the gate r.re the arms of Ogard, a mullet, with fnpporters and creft. 2 rint a 7 6 REGENT OF FRANCE, rint extendere. In quorum premiflbrum teftimonium & fidem prefentibus Uteris feu prefenti publico inftrumento figillum noftrum & lignum manuale una cum figno & fubfcriptione dic"li notarii appofuimus. Dat 1 & act* in caftro Rothomagen' Anno Domini M 1 cccc. xxxv t0 die x mi menfis Septembris, Indiccione decima tercia, pont* fandtiffimi, &c Eugenii anno v 10 ; prefentibus nobilibus, ac circumfpectis viris Dominis Gerardo de Monfrant dicti domini teftatoris camerario, Nicholao Burdet militibus, M. Petro Yrforde facre theologie profeflbre, confeflbre, Roberto Warde elemofinario, magiftro Johanne de Raw- meris, & magiftro Philiberto Furnein, medicis predicti domini : Henr* ClyfFord, Ricardo Leland thefaurar* domus, Johanne de Dupater, Reginald de Biriingham hoftiariis camere, Briano Stapilton, Johanne de Mortimer, chev. de Burnieby, Thome Dampore armigeris, Johanne Scruby, Roberto Martyn & aliis. Notarius Willielmus Manchon, &c." Probatio diti teftamenti coram Henrico Chichele Cant, archiep'o apud Lambeth vn die menfis O&obr' Anno Domini M cccc. xl. primo. Regiftr. Chichele pars prima, fol. 475. a. b. 476. a. in the archiepifcopal regiftry at Lambeth. John of Lancafter, third fon of H. IV. was, by his father, constituted conftable of England, a. r. 4. by his brother H. V. a. r. 2. created earl of Kendal and duke of Bedford JOHN DUKE OF BEDFORD. 277 Bedford for life, which honours were confirmed to him by his nephew H. VI. a. r. 1 1. for ever. Henry V. appointed him protector and lieutenant of the kingdom of England, during his abfence in France 141 5 ; and Henry VI. made him Regent of France 1425. After winning the battle of Verneuil he crowned his nephew king of France at Paris, Sept. 7, 1432, and not long after died there Sept. 14, 1435. He was buried in the cathedral at Rouen, where his monu- ment was defaced by the Hugonots in 1462; but a brafs plate with his epitaph under his arms (torn away) between two oftrich feathers ftill remains affixt to a pillar. Lewis XI. when folicited to deface the monument of this illuftrious hero, magnanimoufly refufed. He married, 1. 1423, Anne, daughter of John duke of Burgundy, who died in child-bed and her child with her 1432, and was buried in the Celeftines' church atParis,where her epitaph remains, and a noble tomb of black marble. 2. Jacquette daughter of the earl of Luxemburgh, by whom he had no iflue, and who remarried Sir Richard Woodvile, afterwards earl Rivers, by whom fhe had Anthony his fucceflor, Elizabeth afterwards wife of Edward IV. and other children. She died 1472. Dugd. Bar. II. 200. Sandf* 312. ANffE C '7* 1 ANNE COUNTESS OF STAFFORD. IN Dei nomine, Amen. I x^nne counteffe of Stafford, Bockingh' Herford' and Northampton 3 , and lady of Breknoc, of hool and avifed mynde, ordeyne and make my teftament in Englim tonge, for my raoft profit, redyng, and underftandyng in yis wife. Firft, I bequethe my foule to Almighty God, and my body to be buried in ye churche of L' Anthony byfide Glouceftre, in ye place wher I have beforn ordeyned, and do mad my tombe. Alfo, I bequethe to the fame churche a c marcs of money, or ye value thereof, of fuche of my movable goodys as wole bell: feem to ye difcreciouns of myn executours : and alfo amongft all my detts, I wol that al my mefnial fervants be paied furfl of all her fees and wages, or of any other trewe proved dettes to hem dewe; and than all othir vitaillers, merchants, or artificers, that I owe any good, to be payed firft, whereas moft nede ys aftir ye good difpoficion and demefnyng of my feyd executors : Alfo, I woll that any wronges or extorcions dewly proved byfor my executours, by me and my lyve don, that ye fame myn executours fatisfie hem agreablely as yer good difcrecion wol feme beft to difcharge, and for the helth of my foule ; and aftir ye acquietaill of my feyd detts, wrongs, and extorcions, I * She had thefe titles from her mother's family, and that of Buckingham from her firft hufband's. wolc ANNE COUNTESS OF STAFFORD. 2?9 wole yat my feyde executors, havyng tendir confideracion of fouche of my fervants, as well of women as men, as have longift don moft trewe and diligent fervife to me and litil veleuid a by me, or nought, yat yey aftir their wel avifed. difcrecions rewarde eche of hem aftir yeire degre and defertes competently for their help and relyf, as fer- forth as ye power of my feid executors wole ftretche in that partie. And alfo, my feyde detts, wrongis, and extor- cions, and rewards of my fervants, paid and fatisfied ; I bequethe xxli. yerly, to be paied by the hand of my feid exe- cutours for terme of xx yere, to the priftis of certen landis and tenements, beyng in ye handys of my feofFes, to do dyvyne fervife dayly for me during ye feide terme in ye college ofPlecv b , after the forme of my will", which I have before maad and writyn, feeled undir my feal : And for ye performyng of yis my lail will, bequefls, and ordi- nances, before reherfid, I make and ordeine my wel be- loved fones Thomas byfshop of Worceftre d , Henry erle of Eue, Will' Bourghchiers % Joh' Bourghchiers f , Sir Nicol Wymbufsh clerk, Sir Roger Afton knyght, John Fray, a i. e. little rewarded, or not at all. b founded by her father Thomas of Woodftock. . c The former will, herein referred to, is-not known to be extant. d Thomas Bourchier bifhop of Worceiter 1435, Ely 1443, archbiihop of Canterbury 1454, which primacy he held 32 years ; cardinal or' St. Cyriac 1464, died i486, buried on the north fide of the choir of his cathedral. See his tomb, Dart j>. 163. e her third fon, lord Fitz Warm in right of his full wife. He died after 12E.IV. Dugd. Bar. II. 131. f hsr fourth fon lord Berners, in right of his W$e' t died 14 E. IV. lb. O o Robard 2 8o ANNE COUNTESS OF STAFFORD. Robard Frampton, barons of ye Eftchecur, and Will* Palmer, myn executors, to execute and put in efFeft, as well ye primefTes, and to diflribue and difpofe in almefle tlcde wher yey fiiull feme moft niedeful and meritory for ve hclte of my foule; befechyng and requirynge ye ryght reverent fadir in God Will' 8 byfsop of Lincoln, and my wel beloved fone Humfrey erle of Stafford, to have tendre furvieue of ye effefit of ys my prefent teftament, duly and trewly to be performed. In witnefle whereof to yis my prefent teftament I let my feal ; wretyn the xvi day of Oirobr' ye yeare of ye reigne of kyng Henry the Vlth, after the Conquefr. ye xvnthe. A blank left for the probate. Regifter Chichele pars prima, fol. 479. a. in the archie- pifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. Anne, eldeft daughter of Thomas of Woodftock duke of Gloucester, 20 years old, 1 H. IV. (Dugd. I. 172). married fir ft to Thomas Stafford earl of Stafford, but he dying before confummation, me was married to his bro- ther Edmund Stafford fifth earl Stafford, flain at the battle of Shrew(bury 4 H. IV. (fee before, p. 185.) by whom fhe had iflue Humfrey his fucceflbr, flain at the battle of Nor- thampton 38 H. VI; Philippa, who died young ; and Anne, married firft to Edmund Mortimer earl of March ; 2dly to 8 William Alnwick bifhop of Lincoln 1436, tranflated from Norwich, tied 1449. 7 John ANNE COUNTESS OF STAFFORD. 281 John Holland earl of Huntingdon and duke of Exeter, buried with him at St. Catharine's by the Tower. (Vincent on Brooke, p. 491. Dugd. Bar. I. 164. And fee p. 290.) She was married fecondly to William Bourchier earl of Ewe in Normandy, who died in France 8 H. V. and was buried at Lantoni by Gloucefter, (Dugd. II, 129.) by whom me had Henry earl of Ewe and Eflex, killed by a fall from his horfe, 31 H. VIII.; Thomas bimop of Worcefter, archbimop of Canterbury, and cardinal of St. Cyriac ; Wil- liam lord Fitz Warin, John lord Berners, and Anne (Eleanor, Dugd. I. 131.) wife of John Mowbray duke of Norfolk, whofe father's will fee before. She died 17 H. VI. (Dugd. Bar. I. 164.) but where Jk Jlo^Uw^r (Jcth/M, (he was buried does not appear. Ja*L Q^ aforementioned. [ knowledge, without I ,~4 HENRY THE SIXTH. ThebeiMinfw without great and notable workes affigned and purveied pafs all other o . ifflEd!" thereunto ; I will, pray, and charge mine own feoffees, that unto the time that the faid edifications and other workes of bridges, conduicts, cloyfbrs, and others thinges begoun and advifed by me in either of the faid colleges, be fully performed and accompliihed in notable wife then any of my faid realme of England; they fee that my faid colleges, according to the forme of generall graunts by me unto them made in that behalfe, have and perceive k yeerlie of yiTues, profits, and revenues, coming of the aforefaid caftells, lordfhips, mannors, lands, tenements, rents, fervices, and other pofleffions, by the hands of th tenants, farmers, occupiers, and receivers of the fam a yearly romme 200olib. for the edifications and workes abovefayd ; that of zooolib. < . affigned, kc. \$ to fay, to the provoit: of my laid college of Eton, for the workes there yearlie i coo lib. and to the provoit. of my faid college of Cambridge, for the edifications and workes there yeerely iooolib. from the feafr. of St. Michael laft paft unto the ende of the terme of twenty yeeres then next following, and fully and compleat; and if it be fb that the edifications of my faid colleges, or either of them, according unto my faid devife and ap- orderfbrthe pointment herein conteyned, mail not be fully accom- the edifications, plifhed and fmifhed within the faid tearme of 20 years, I will then pray my faid feoffees that they do grant unto either of my faid colleges 1000 lib. to be taken yearlie from the ende of the faid tearme of twenty years, fmifhed unto k i. e. receive. the HENRY THE SIXTH. i 9 ; the time of the edifications of the one of my faid colleges be fully accomplished and performed, of the yflues, pro- fitts, and revenues abovefayd ; and that after the finifh- ment of the edifications of one of the faid colleges, the faid yearly 2000 lib. [iood] in fembable wife to be granted to the other of the fame colleges whofe edifica- tions (hall not be then finished, to have and perceive of the yffues, profits, and revenues abovefayd, unto the time of the edification of the fame college, to be fully finished and performed ; which edifications of my faid college I have fully deviled and appointed to be accomplished in this wife : that is to witt, The College of ETON. I will that the quier of my faid college of Eton (hall Length and 1 J widenef* of the conteyne in length 103 feet of affize', whereof behinde i uie " the high altare mall be 8 feete, and from the faid altare to the quier dore 95 fete. Item, the fame quier mall conteyn in breadth from fide to fide within the refpondes m 22 fete. Item, the grounde of wall Shall be enhanced higher then they be now on the utter fide, ere it come to the layinge of the firlt. Stone of the clere wall 10 feet of aSTize. Item, the wall of the faid quier Shall conteyn in height fro the grounde workes unto the battlement 80 Height of the fo & .faid chappell. feet of aSTize. Item, in the EaSt. ende of the faid quier ihall be fat a great gable windowe of 7 bays and two butteraces, and either fide of the faid quier 7 windowes, 1 ftatuteable feet. " q. parallel correfpondent walls or fides. O q every a9 6 HENRY THE SIXTH. every windowe of foure bays and 8 butteraces, conteyning in height from the ground workes unto the overparts of the pinnacles ioo fete of affize. Item, that the faid grounds be fo taken, that the firft (lone lye in the middle of the high altare, which altare fhall conteyne in length 12 fete of affize, and in breadth 5 fete; and that the firft ftone be not removed, touched, nor ftirred, in any Ytfhy. wife. Item, the veftry to be fet on the North fide of the fame quier, which fhall conteyne in length 50 fete of affize departed into two houfes, and in breadth 24 fete, and the wall in height 20 fete, v> ith gable windowes, and fide windowes convenient thereto, and the grounde workes to be fette in the height of the grounde of the cloyfter. And I will that the edification of my faid college of Eton proceed in large forme, cleane and fubftantially, well replenifhed with goodly windowes and vaults, laying No fuperfluity apart fuperfluities of too great curious workes of entaile of curious -T a o building. anc } Du {y mouldinge. Item, in the faid quier on every fide 32 ftalles and the roode lofte there, I will that they be made in manner and forme like the ftalles and roode loft in the chappell of St. Stephen at Weftminftr, and of the length of 32 feete, and in breadthe clear 12 feet of affize; and as touching the dimensions of the church of my faid college of Eton, I have deviled and appointed that the body of the fame church between the yles mail con- teyn in breadth within the refponders 32 fete, and in length from the quier dore to the Weft dore of the faid church 104 feete of affize; and fo the faid body of the church HENRY THE S I X T H. f 97 church mall be longer then ia the quier, from the tere* dofle" at the high altare unto the quier by 9 feete, which dimenfions is thought to be a right, good, convenient, and due proportion. Item, I have deviled and appointed that the yle on the otherflde of the body of the church, The fouth y i<- J t which is meant mail conteyn in breadth fro refpond to refpond 1 5 feete, c f r u [.^ pari,h and in length 104 feete, according to the faid body of the church. Item, in the South fide of the body of the The u c ^ rch . ' J porch for wco- church a fair large dore with a porch, and the fame for dl " ss * chrifteninge of children and weddinges* Item, I have devifed and appointed fix greces to be before the high altare, with the grece called Gradus Chori, every of them conteyning in height 6 ynches, and of convenient breadth, every of them as due forme mail require. Item, in the breadth of the church-yarde* from the church dore unto the wall of the church-yarde within the wall of the Wed: ende, which mull: be take of the ftreete befide the high waye, fix foote of affize. Item> the grounde of the cloyfter to be enhaunfed higher then the olde grounde 8 feete ere it come to the pavement, {o that it be fett but two foote lower than the paving of the church, which cloyfter J^j^^' mail conteyn in length Eft and Weft 200 feete, and in breadth North and South 160 feete of affize. Item, the faid cloifter fhall clofe unto the church on the North fide at the Weft end, and at the North fide at the Eaft end of the church it ftiall be clofe unto the college, with a dore into the faid college. Item, the (aid cloiftre {hall conteyne * fcreen at the back of the high altar. fteps, grejfus. Q^ q 2 in cloifter. 298 A fpare ground for trees and flowers. The church- yard. Height and widenefs of ftceplc. Th water at Baldwyn bridge to be turned. HENRY THE SIXTH. in breadth within the walls 1 5 fete, and in height 20 fete, with clere ftones round about inward, and vawted and embattled on both fides. Item, the fpace between the wall of the church and the wall of the cloyfter fhall con- teyne 38 feete, which is left for to fett in certaine trees and flowers, behovable and convenient for the fervice of the fame church. Item, the cemitory of the fame church fhall be lower than the paving of the cloifter 4 feete of affize, with as many greces up into the church dore as fhall be convenient thereto. Item, in the middle of the Weft of the faid cloifter a great. fquare tower, with a faire dore into the cloyfter, which tower fhall containe cleare within the wall 20 feete, and in height with the battle- ment and the pinnacles 140 feete. Item, from the high- way on the South fide unto the wall of the college a good high wall with towers convenient thereto ; and in likewife from thence by the water fide, and about the gardens, and all the precincte of the place round about by the high- way, until it come to the cloyfter end on the Weft fide again. Item, that the water at Baldwyne bridge be turned over the warf into the river at Thamis, with a ditch of 40 foote of breadth, and the ground between the fame ditch and the college arifed of a great height, fo that it may at ail floods be plain and dry ground, where then will be in diftance from the hall to the water at all times of day ground 80 feete ; and as touching the dimenfions of the houfing of my faid college of Eton, I have devifed and appointed that the South wall of the precin&e of the faid college, HENRY THE SIXTH, college, which fhall extend from the tenement that Heugh Dyer now holdeth and occupieth, unto the Eft ende of the gardens after long p the waters fide, fhall containe in length 1 440 feete of aflize, with a large doore in the fame wall South wal1 1440 feet. to the water fide. Item, the Eft wall of the fame pre- cincte, which fhall extend fro the waters fide to the high way at the newe bridge at the Eft end of the gardens, fhall containe in length 1200 feete of aflize. Item, the Eaftw.u . ' 1 zoo feet. North wall of the faid precinct, which fhall extend fro the Eft end of the gardens after along the highway unto the North Weft corner of the fame precincte, fhall con- taine in length 1040 feete of amze, in which wall fhall S"^! 1 be a faier gate out of the utter court into the highway. Item, the weft wall of the fame precincte, which fhall extend fro the faid weft corner of the fame precincte unto the faid tenement, which the faid Hew Dyer now occu- pieth, fhall containe in length 1010 feete; and fo the weftwaii . . . ioiofeet. utter walles of the faid precincte fhall containe in length about the fame precincte 4690 feete of aflize. Item, be- The whole ,. t / . . . precinct of twixt the faid nor:h wall of the faid precincte, and the Eton college 4690 feet. walls of the college in the utter court of the Eaft part of the gate and the way into the college, mall be edi- fyed diverfe houfes necefiare for the bake-howfe, brew- Houfesof J offices. howfe, garners, {tables, hey-howfe, with chambers for the fteward, auditor, and other learned counfell and minif- ters of the fame college, and other lodgings neceffarie for fuch perfons of the fame college as fhall happ to be dif- p along. eafed *99 HENRY T 11 E 6 1 X t If. eafed with infirmities. Item, hi the weft part of the fame gate and the way into the college, on the north pane% 8 chamhers for the poore men, and in the weft pane 6 chambers, and behind the fame a kitchin, buttry, pantry, and a ground for the faid poor men. Item, the north pane of the college mall containe 155 feete within the walls, in the middle of the which (hall be a faier tower and a gate howfe, with two chambers on either fide, and two chambers above, vauted, containing in length 40 feete, and in breadth 24 feete; and in the Eft fide of the fame gate 4 chambers, 2 beneth and 2 above, every of them in length 35 feete, and in breadth 24 feete 5 and in the weft fide of the fame gate a fchool-houfe beneath of 70 feete in length, and in breadth 24 feete. Item, the Eaft pane in length within the walls 230 feete, in the middle whereof, The library. directly againft the entering at the cloifter, a library con- taining in length 52 feete, and in breadth 24 feete, with three chambers above on the one fide, and fower on the other fide, and beneath nine chambers, every of them in length 26 feete, and in^breadth 18 feete, with five outer towers and five inner towers. Item, the weft pane of the faid college 230 feete in length, in the which mail be directly againft the library a doore into the cloifter, and above eight chambers, and beneth other eight chambers, with three outer towers beyond the north fide of the cloiftre, and five inner towers, with a way into the quier for the minifters of the church between the veftry 1 fide. and HENRY THE S I X T H. 3 oi and the fame quier. Item the fouth pane in length 155 feete, in which fhall ftand the hall, with a vaute under- The ha ! 1, h - 7 7 try, and cellour. neath for the buttery, a cellour, containing in length 82 feete, and in breadth 32 feete, with two bay windows, one inward and the other outward, with a tower over the hall-doore, and at the Eft end of the hall a pantry, with a chamber beneath, and at the Weft end of the hall the provofts' lodgings above and beneath, containing in JJ'n^'* length 70 feete, with a corner tower inward, and another without; and on the South fide of the hall a goodly kitchin, and in the middle of the quadrant' a goodly conduit within goodly devifed, for the ufe and profit of the faid college. Item, the height fro the ftreete to the enhanfing of the ground of the cemetry feven feete diameter, and the fame wall in height above that five feete diameter, with greeces out of the way into the fame pane, as many as mail be convenient. Item, that the quadrant within the college, and the utter court be but a foote lower than the cloifter. Item, all the walles of the faid college of the utter court, and of the walles of the precinct about the gardens, and as far as the precinct fhall goe, to be made of the hard ftone of Kent ; and the faid gardens to be enhanfed with earth to the heighth of a foote lower then the cemetory of the church. ' quadrangle. The 3 2 HENRY THE SIXTH. Length and widened of the chappell. Seniles. Height of the walles of the ehappej. The fide chap- pels. The College of CAMBRIDGE. And as touching the dimenfions of the church of my faid college of our Lady and St. Nicholas, at Cambridge, I have deviled and appointed that the fame church mall containe 288 feete of aflife in length, without any yles, and all of the widenefs of 40 feete, and the length of the fame church from the Well: end to the altare at the quier doore, fhall containe 120 feete, and from the provolt's {tall unto the greece called Gradus Chori 90 feete, for 36 ftalles on either fide of the fame quier, anfwering to 70 fellowes and ten priefts, conduds, which muft be de prima forma ; and from the faid ftalles unto the eft end of the faid church 72 feete of aflize : alfo a reredos r bearing the roodelofte departing the quier and the body of the church, containing in length 40 feete, and in breadth 1 4 feete ; the walls of the fame church to be in height 90 feete, imbattled, vawted 8 , and chare roffed 1 , fufficiently butteraced, and every butterace fined with finials u : and in the eafl end of the faid church fhall be a windowe of nine bayes x , and betwixt every butterace a windowe of five bays, and betwixt every of the fame butterace in the body of the church, on both fides of the fame church, a clofet with an altare therein, containing in length 20 feete, and in breadth 10 feete, vauted and finifhed under the foyle of the yle windowes : and the pavement of the T Reredos has here a different application from what it had before, p. 296. But it both places fignifies a fcreen, vaulted. l u finifht. Finials are the little fpires ornamented with flower works that terminate the Gothic buttrefles and turrets. x Qi <^aies, as in the copy of this will printed in Blomefield's Colled. Cantab, p. 1,25. 6 church HENRY THE SIXTH. 3 b 3 church to he enhanced * four feete above the ground with- out, and height of the pavement of the quier one foote diameter above the pavement of the church, and the pavement of the altare three feete above that. Item, on Titeye&y, the north fide of the quier a veftry* containing in length 50 feete, and in breadth 22 feete, departed into two houfes beneath and two houfes above, which mall contain in height 22 feete in all, with an entrie for the quier vawted* Item, at the weft end of the church a cloiftre fquare* Theat** the eaft pane containing in length 175 feete, and the weft pane as much; and the north paine 200 feete, and the fouth pane as much ; of the which the deambulatory 13 feete wide, and in height 20 feete to the corbill table* with cleare ftories and buttrace, with finialls vawted and embattled, and the ground thereof four feet lower than the church ground ; and in the middle of the weft pane of The * ee P^ the cloiftre a ftrong tower fquare, containing 24 feete within the walles, and in height 1 20 feete to the corbyl, table, and fower fmall turrets over that, fined with pin- nacles, and a dore into the faid cloiftre inward, and out- ward none ; and as touching the dimenfions of the howfmg of the faid college, I have devifed and appointed in the fouth fide of the faid church, a quadrant clofing to both The quadrant ends of the fame church, the laft pane whereof fhall con- taine 230 feete in length, and in breadth within the walls 22 feete : in the fame panes middle a tower for a gate- Ga*-h*fc. howfe, containing in length 30 feete, and in breadth 22 y raifed. R r feete 3 o4 HENRY THE SIXTH. feete within the walls, and in height 60 feete, and three chambers over the gate, every over other ; and on either fide of the fame gate four chambers, every containing in length 25 feete, and in breadth 22 feete; and over every of thefe chambers two chambers above, of the fame mea- fure or more, with two towers outward and two towers inward. The fouth pane fhall contain in length 238 feete, and in breadth 22 feete within, in which (hall be feven chambers, every containing in length 29 feete, and in breadth 22, with a chamber, parcell of the provofVs lodg- ing, containing in length 35 feete, and with a chamber in the eaff. corner of the fame pane, containing in length 25 feete, and in breadth 22 feete; and over every of all the fame chambers two chambers, and with five tow r ers owteward, and three towers inward : the well: pane fhall contain in length 230 feete, and in breadth within 24 feete ; in which at the end toward the church fhall be a library, containing in length no feete, and in breadth 24 feete, and under it a large howfe for reading and dif- putations, containing in length 40 feete, and two cham- bers under the fame library, every containing in length 29 feete, and in breadth 24; and over -the faid library an houfe of the fame largenefs for diverfe If uffe of the college : 2d butmT' m tne other end of the fame pane an hall containing in length an 100 feete, upon a vault 12 feete high, ordained for the celler and buttery, and the breadth of the hall 34 feete, on every fide thereof a bay window, and in the 1 nether HENRY THE SIXTH. 305 nether end of the fame hall, toward the middle of the pane a pantry and buttry, every of them in length 20 The pantry. feete, and in breadth 1 7, and over that two chambers for officers, and at the nether end of the hall towards the weft a goodly kitchin : and the fame pane mall have Theki tchia. inward two towers ordained for the w r ayes into the hall and library, and in every corner of the quadrant mall be two corner towers, one inward and one outward, more then the towers above rehearfed ; and at the upper end of the hall the provoft's lodging; that is to wit, more then JJfjjf * *' the chambers for him above fpecifyed, a parler on the ground, containing 34 feete in length, and 22 in breadth, two chambers above of the fame quantitie, and weftward doling thereto a kitchin for him, a larder, houfe, {table, and other necefTary houfes and grounds ; and weftward beyond theife howfes, and the faid kitchin ordained for the hall, a bake-howfe and brew-houfe, and other howfes Bakehoufc and brcwhonfe. of office, between which there is left a ground fquare of 80 feer.e in every pane for woode and fuch ftuff; and in the middle of the faid large quadrant {hall be a conduift goodly devifed for the eafe of the faid college : And I will Watcrconduia that the edification proceed in large forme of my faid college clean e and fubftantiall, feting apart fuperfluity of No ruperfiufcy . _ f curious too great curious workes of entaile and bufy moulding, works. And I have devifed and appointed that the precincle of my faid college of our Lady and St. Nicholas, as well on both fides of the garden from the faid college unto the R r 2 water, 3 o$ HENRY THE SIXTH. water, as in all other places of the fame precinct, be The conege to enclofed with a fubftantiall wall of the height of 1 4. be enclofed With O ' fe al hVh feete, with a large tower at the principal entre againft the middle of the eaft pane out of the High ftreete ; and The sneet gate- in the fame tower a large gate, and in the middle of the weft end of the New bridge ; and the faid wall to be crefted, and embattled, and fortified with towers, as many as mall be thought convenient thereto. And I will that both my faid colleges be edified of the moft fubftantiall and beft abiding ftufFe of ftone, lead, glafTe, and yron, that may be had and provided thereto : and The pariih tna t the church of St. Tohn, which muft be taken to church or St. * edified be rc t ^ ie enlarging of my faid college, be well and fufficiently made againe in the grounde in which the provoft and fchollars abovefayd now be lodged or nigh by where it may be thought moft convenient, to the intent that Divine fervice fhall mow be done therein worfhip- fully to the honour of God, our Bleffed Lady Chrift's mother, St. John Baptift, and all Saints: And alfo for the expedition of the workes abovefayd, I will that my faid college of Cambridge have and receive yearely of the yffues, profits, and revenues, coming of the faid caftells, lordfhips, manors, lands, tenements, rents, fervices, and other pofleffions abovefaid, 117 lib. 6 s. iod. during all the time of the edification of the faid college, for the yearly wages and rewards of officers and minifters longing to the workes there; that is to wit, for the mafter of 2 the HENRY THE SIXTH. 3 o 7 the workes, 50 lib. for the clerk of the workes, 1 3 lib. 6 s. 8 d. Fees granted to for the chiefe mafon, 16 lib. 13 s. 46!. for the chief car- of the works. penter 12 lib. 8d. for the chief fmith 6 lib. 13 s. 4d. ; and for the purveyors, either of them at 6d. the day, 1 8 lib. 6 s. 8d. ; and in femblable wife, I will that my faid college of Eton have and. receive yearly, during the edification thereof, of the fame yffues, profit, and reve- nues, 1 24 lib. for the yeerly wages and rewards of the officers and minifters belonging to the workes there ; that is to wit, for the mafter of the workes there 50 lib, for the elerk of the workes 13 lib. 6 s. 8d. for the chief mafon 1 3 lib. 6 s. 8d. for the chief carpenter 10 lib. for the chief fmith 6 lib. 13 s. 4d. ; and for two purveyors either of them 6d. by the day, 18 lib. 5 s. 6d. : Moreover, for as much as I entirely defire that all the numbers of the per- fons ordeined, devifed, and appointed by me, for to be in both my faid colleges, be fulfilled in as hafty time as they goodly may, and fo the numbers for the accomplif- ment of my devotion to be kept always perfect, and that certain of the liveloods with which I have endowed my faid colleges be yet in reverfion, fo that the faid numbers with other charges may not fufficiently be found and fup- ported, unlefs that the fame college be fuccored, other- wife I will, pray, and charge, my faid ferTees, that my faid college have and receive yearly of the yffues, profits,, and revenus, coming of the caftells, lordfhips, mannors, lands, tenements, rents, fervices* and other poffeilions abovefayd, -o8 HENRY THE SIXTH. tibovefayd, over the faid yearly 2000 lib. to the fame col- leges, in the forme and for the caufe abovefayd affigned, the furame of a thoufand markes granted unto my fai'd colleges during the lives of certain perfons fpecified in my letters patents feweth % under the feale of my faid lc i oici unto him, for thefe caufes will that he not only as furveiour S s z but HENRY THE S I X -T H.* but alfo as executour and director of my faid vviil be privy unto all and every execution of performing of my fame will, and that his confent be had in any wife thereto; and if any execution of the performing of my faid will, or if any part thereof, be done in any wife contrary to the tenor and effect thereof, I will that it ftand void and for ever to be had for none; and if it befaU that there be any diverte opinions, variance, or difcord, betwixt my faid feoffees and mine executours, in or for any execution of the performing of my faid will or any part thereof, I give then and graunt to the faid bifhop of Winchester, by ifanyquar- thefe prefents, plain m power and auctorite; and finally, I rel rile between . . the feoffees and w \\\ that he, as umpire in that behalfe, have at all times full, plan. turn H U' U THE SIXTH. 3 t$ turn again wholly unto me, and abide in mine own dif- poiition; And in cafe I be called out of this mortall life, tZtfXtk the faid bifhop of Winchefter me overliving, I will then ^nfdifbe- that at fuch time as God mail give him knowledge by Bnot p , !!i likelihoode o' this brief paflage out of this world, my faid bSh/ie after will at that time not fully aecomplifhed, he remembre l ' J him of the moft difcreet, faithfull, and true perfon, a lord fpirituall and tcmporall, which the faid bifhop of Winchefter, by experience had the mean time, mall finde and prove for to be beft and moft godly difpofed, and moft fervent in zeaie, to the performing of my faid will : and as well unto the fame lord, without inordinate affection or acception of perfon, as he fhall in breef time ftreightly anfwere herein before the tribunal! feate of Chrift oure alder n faviour and terrible judge, as unto the provofts of both my faid colleges for the time being, committee wholy under his letters and feale the faid power and aucloritie, which he hath in the fame forme abovefayd, of my guift and graunt made unto him in this behalfe. And if it foe be JJJ^JStij" that the faid lorde unto whome the faid power and auc- SJESkj^ toritie fhall in the forme abovefaid by the faid bifhop moSdVthV of Winchefter be committed, be not profitable unto the STone' P TacI performing of my faid will ; I will that the provofts of my faid colleges for the time being, have full power and aucToritie for to difcharge the faid lord of all power and auc- toritv unto him committed in this behalfe ; and thereupon the fame provofts being remembred in the manner and n afiSep, Sax. elder, i.e. the firft. Bailey. Q^alder, moft dear. Dr. Johnfon explains alder licvejl (Shakfpeare, 2 H, VI.) by moji beloved. i forme, 3 x6 HENRY THE SIXTH. forme, as it is above rehearfed, have full power and auc- toritie for to commit under lettres and feales fuch power and auftoritie in this partie unto another lord, and from time to time, as by me is here in the forme abovefaid committed unto the faid bifhop of Winchefter, in every pointe according unto the fame: And femblaby , if the faid lord deceafe, my faid will not accomplished, the faid provofts in likewife remembred and advifed, (hall commit the faid power and aucloritie unto another lorde, and fro time to time, as often as any of thofe cafes mall fall unto the time that my faid will and every part thereof if the executors be plainly and entirelv accomplished and performed ; and be interrupted A J J l by any, of the in cafe that anv of my heirs and fuccelTours, kings of king s heirs, ice. J J o fefifh^SiIdsw England, difturb, let, or in any wife interrupt my faid cerum ufes. executours, fefFees, furveiour or furveiours, it fhall be lawfull for my faid ferTees to fell and alienate all the faid catties, lordfhips, mannors, lands, tenements, rents, fer-. vices, and other pofleffions for [fro] my faid heirs and fuccelTours, fo letting the execution of my faid will, to fuch as fhall be thought to my faid executours, furveiour,. or furveiours, expedient. The mony thereof arifing to be employed by the fame executours, furveiour, or fur- veiours, upon the fullfilling of my faid will, and furplus (if any be) to be employed upon the holie workes of pietie. And that this my faid will in every pointe before rehearfed may the more effectually be executed, I not onlye praye and defire, but alio in Chriil: require and charge all and every of my faid feoffees, mine execu- In like mr.nner. 4 tours, H E *N R Y THE SIXTH. 3 i 7 tours, and furveiour and furveiours, in the vertue of the afperfion of ChrifVs blood and of his paineful paflion, A L dreadfjl i r r ' charge given to that they having God and mine entente only before their ^ eXCUtors ' eyne, not leteing p for dread or favour, of any perfon living of what eftate, degree, or condition, that he bee truly, faithfully, and diligently execute my faid will, and every part thereof, as they will anfwer before the blefled and dreadfull vifage of oure Lorde Jhefu, in his moft fear- full and lair, day, when every man mall be moil: ftraightly examined and dealed with after his merits. And further- more, for the more fure accompli mm en t of this my faid will, 1 in the moil: entire and moft fervent wife pray my faid heirs and executours, and fucceflours and every The like charge given to his of them, that they (hew themfelves well willing, faithful, heirs and Suc - and tender lovers of my deiire in this behalf ; and in the bowells of Chrift our alder, juft, and ftraite q judge, I exhorte them to remember the terrible comminations and full fearfull imprecations of holy fcripture againft the breakers of the law of God, and the letters of good and holy workes. Quod Ji audire nolueris, venient fuper Deut. xxviii. te omnes maledicliones iftte, et apprehendent te. Malediclus en's in civitate, malediclus in agro : malediclus fruclus ven- tres tut, & fruclus terrce tune. Malediclus eris egrediens, & maledidtus ingredient. Mittet tibi dominus famem s? efu- riem, increpationem in omnia opera tua quce tu fades, donee conterat te & perdat velociter, propter inventiones tuas pejfimas. ; Adjungat tibi pejiikntiam : percutiat ie dominus t letting, hindering. i ftrict. egefiate, 3 i8 HENRY THE SIXTH. egejlate, febri & f rigor e, ardore & aftu, & aere corrupt o ac rubigine & perjequatur donee pereas. Tradat te dominus corruentem ante hojles, &c. I alfo, in amiable wife, exhort my faid heires and fuc- ceflors in Chrift Jefu, the liberall rewarder of good deeds, to remember the defireable bleflings and mod bounteous grace, promitted to all fuch as obferve the lawes of Chrift, being helpers and promoters of good and vertuons defire ; Scripture in the fame faying to fuch : Venient Juper te univerfie bencdicliones ijlse. Et apprehendent te. Benedicius tu In civitate, & benedicius in agro ; bened/clus fru'dus ventris tui, & bened/clus Jruclus terra tuee ; benedicius eris egrediens & benedicius ingrediens. Dabit dominus inimicos tuos qui con/urgent adverjum te corruentes in confpeclu tuo. Per unam viam venient centra te, & per Jptem fugient a facia tud. Mittet dominus benedidlionem Juper cellaria tua <3 f u pe r omnia opera manuum tuarum ; fufcitabit te dominus jibi in populum faticJum, videbuntque omnes terra- rum populi, quod nomen domini invocatum Jit Juper te, & timebunt te gentes terrarum : abundare iejaciet dominus omnibus bonis, &c. And in witnefs that this is my full will and intent,. I have fett hereto my great feale, and the feale of my faid duchy, and my feale apointed and affigned by me for the faid cafrles, lordfhips, mannors, lands, tene- ments, rents, fervices, and other pofleffions put into the faid feoffment : and alfo as well the fignet I ufe in mine owne' governance for the fame duchie, as the fignet of mine armes. And I have figned with mine owne handes thefe HENRY THE SIXTH. 319 thefe prefcnt letters indented and tripartite, and doe them to be inclofed under my privy feale at my faid' college of Eton, the 12th of March, Anno Domini 1447, an( * *" my reign the 26th. Harleian MS. 7032. N 11. p. 289. to 304. both in- clufive, being one of Mr. Baker's MSS. ex manufcripto Cajo-Gonvill cui titulus, Mifcellaneae Collectiones Magiftri Roberti Hare, vol. II. Henry VI. was only child to Henry V. whofe prophetic expreffions at his birth he literally fulfilled; being more a monk than a monarch. He fucceeded his father at nine months old, 1422, was crowned at Weftminfler 1429, and in Paris 1431; and before he had reigned 25 years, was difpoflefled of all his territories in France. In the year 1452 the rebellion which had been fomenting in England broke out; and Henry, after havii.g been twice depofed and imprifoned in the Tower, was, in 1472, there affaffinated in the 51ft year of his age, by Richard duke of Gloucefter, afterwards king Richard III. He was firft buried at Chertfey abbey, and then removed by order of Edward IV. to Windfor, and there interred under a fair monument in St. George's chapel, of which there are at prefent no remains, whilft that of his competitor and his fucceflbr Edward IV. ftill exifts. He married 1445 Margaret daughter of Rene duke of Anjou, a lady of a fpirit as oppofite to that o T t her 3io HENRY THE 8IXTH. her father, as her hufband's was to his father's. By her he had an only child Edward, born 1453, marr i e d to Anne daughter of Edward Neville earl of Salifbury and Warwick, and murdered after the battle of Tewkfbury, by Richard duke of Gloucefter, who married his widow. CARDINAL t 3" 3 CARDINAL BEAUFORT, BISHOP. OF WINTON. IN nomine fan&e & individtie Trinitatis, patris & filii & fpiritus fanc~ti, ac gloriofuTime virgiiiis Marie, & tocius curie celeitis, Amen. Ego Henricus miferacione divina titulo fan&i Eufebii, facrofancte Romane ecclefie prefbiter, cardinalis de Anglia vulgariter nuncupates 3 epifcopus Win- ton, indignus, gratias Deo, compos mentis, & fane me- morie, ac in finceritate catholice fidei integer & indubius exiftens, confiderans interiori acie mentis mee quam fallax, quam tranntoria, mutabilis, & immutabiliter caduca fit hec vita, quam pocius umbram que cito evanefcit feu fpec- taculum fore confpicio quam perheniiitatem dierum, id- circo volens, cum Dei paciencia, bona mea terreftria in celeftia commutare, & eadem bona mea que michi divina dif- poficione collata fore cognofco pro anime mee falute di- ponere in pios ufus, condo teflamentum meum & hanc meam voluntatem in hunc modum. In primis, lego animam meum omnipotenti Deo plaf- matori b meo, & fue mifericordie, ipiiufque matri virgini gloriofe, & corpus meum humand' in ecclefia mea Winton* in eo videl't loco quern pro fepultura mea elegi & affignavi. Et yolo quod omni die imperpetuum celebrantur tres mine pro anima mea per tres monachos ejufdem ecclefie, in a He has this ftyle in the public records. Rymer, Rapin, V. 268. fc maker. T t 2 capella 3 CARDINAL BEAUFORT, capella di&e fepulture mee, una videl't de requiem, alia de die, tercia de annunciacione virginis gloriofe, videFt cum officio " rorate celi defuper" & aliis fingulis eidem officio pertinen'. Et in qualibet mifla volo quod cum fecreto & pofr. communi dicatur ifta oracio " Deus qui " inter apoftolicos facerdotes," &c. exprimendo nomen Henricum Cardinalem, et quod quilibet fie celebrans habeat in fpeciali memoria in mifla fua animas Johannis ducis Lancaftrie & Katerine conjugis fue genitorum meo- rum, animas Henrici quarti, & Henrici quinti regum Anglie, Johannis comitis Somerset, Thome ducis Exon, fratrum meorum, Johanne comitifle Weftmerlandie fo- roris mee, & Johannis ducis Bedford ; & volo quod fiat aflecuracio, fecundum difcrecionem executorum meorum & jurifperitorum, pro continuacione iftarum miflarum, & pro obitu meo folempniter in predicta ecclefia fingulis annis imperpetuum tenendo meliori & fecuriori modo quo fieri poterit. Item volo quod quilibet fie celebrans habeat & percipiat fingulis feptimanis nd. per diem per manus prions feu fui deputati. Et volo quod feptimanatim mu- tentur ifti fie celebraturi, & intitulentur in tabula conven* . . . tuali fub ifto titulo, fre c celebraturi proxima feptimana pro anima Henrici cardinalis Anglie ; pro quibus quidem miffis & obitu fie imperpetuum celebrand' volo quod exe- cutores mei concordent cum priore & capitulo predict* & pro onere vid. folvend' tribus monachis dicY mifTas fin- gulis diebus celebraturis. Item volo quod exequie mee * Q;, fratres. celebrentur BISHOP OF WINTON. 323 celebrentur non nimis fumptuofo modo, fed fecundum flatum in quo Deus voluerit me decedere, & hoc fecundum difcrecionem executor um meorum. Item volo quod dif- tribuantur in die fepulture mee ccli. pauperibus ibidem congregand' fecundum maius vel minus juxta difcrecionem executorum meorum. Et u contigerit me obire in aliquo loco diftanti ab ecclefia mea Wynton predicV volo quod ultra fumptus neceflarios pro condu&u corporis mei ad locum fepulture, diftribuantur dietim xli. pauperibus ele- mofinam petentibus fecundum maius vel minus juxta difcretionem executorum meorum. Et fi contigerit cor- pus meum pernoctare in aliquo loco, volo quod pro anima mea nant exequie mortuorum de no&e, & mifla de requiem de mane, in ecclefia ubi fie continget corpus meum pro ilia no&e commorari, et quilibet prefbiter ibidem cele- brans habeat viud. et quod orTerantur in fingulis ec- clefiis tres panni aurei de meis propriis majoris precii vel minoris, juxta difcrecionem executorum meorum & fecun- dum exigenciam locorum. Item volo quod quanta celeritate fieri poterit poft deceflum meum decern millia miffarum, fcilicet tria milia de requiem, iumilia de " rorate celi de fuper," in milia de fancto fpiritu, & mille de trinitate.: et port, oracionem officii in qualibet miflk dicatur oracio, " Deus qui inter apoftolicos facerdotes," &c. exprimendo nomen ut fupra, & volo quod quilibet celebrans miffam habeat vid. Item volo quod fufficienter provideatur per executores meos in omnibus ornamentis honefHs & neceffa- riis pro capella & altari in loco fepulture mee ut videl't ordinent pro eodem altari irveftimenta communia pro diebus su CARDINAL B E A U F O R T, diebus fefiatis & n veftimerita rheliora pro fcftis majori- bus cum una cruce deaurata'fecundum dhcretionem exe- cutorum meorum & cum ymaginibus mcis de falutacione, viz. una ymagine beate Marie virginis, & alia archangeli Gabrieiis cum olla & 11118 . Item, unum calicem aureum cum uno pari urceolorum % uno pari candelabrorum cum tintinabulo, & deofculatorio pacis f de auro. Item lego eidem altari unum par candelabrorum argenteorum & deauratorum, cum una calice argenteo & deaurato cum urceolis, campana, & deofculatorio pacis deauratis. Item II paria pelvium deauratorum, viz. unum par melius & aliud minoris valoris. Item unum vas aque benedicY ar- genteum ad minus valoris x marc*. Item lego eidem altari unum par candelabrorum argenteorum quod eft in ora- torio meo, in diebus feriatis ad ferviend 9 eidem altari fin* gulis diebus, n mhTalia mea, fecundum difcretionem exe* cutorum meorum, & unum breviarium meum majus, non notatum quod quondam erat epifcopi Bathon' ; que omnia volo remanere eidem altari imperpetuum, & in nullo alio loco defervire. Et quod prior & conventus di&e ecclefie obligentur quod dictis veftimentis confumptis, feu alias in tantum ufitatis quod cum honeftate non poffint ulterius defervire, ipn* providebunt dicfli altari de aliis veftimentis competentibus eorum fumptibus & expends, & prout po- d All the reprefentations of the falutation, introduce a lily in the angel's hand, and a flower-pot on the floor between him and the Virgin; the latter nay be only a piece of furniture, the former anfwer to a caduceus or palm-branch. * poti. * a pax, 2 terit IISHOP OF WINTON, 3*5 terlt concordari inter executores meos & ipfos. Item volo quod prior dite ecclefie mee Winton' & conventus ejufdem habeant de me ccli. & calicem meum meliorem cum patena, & veftimentum meum integrum totaliter inbron- datum quod emi ab Hugone Dyke ; ita tamen quod nul- lus ifto veftimento utatur ft non epifcopus Winton' pro tempore exiftens in ecclefia turn quando voluerit, vel ali- quis qui debet officiari in prefencia regis, regine, vel regis primogeniti. Item lego priori ejufdem ecclefie unum ci- phum deauratum ad minus valorisxli. cum 11 ollis argent* & deaurat' galonierss, & mi ollis argent' non deaurat' galo- ners,ad finem quod rex, regina, quandocumque vel epifcopus Winton' pro tempore exiftens fuerit in civitate feu fuburbiis ejufdem, ubi eis debet deferviri de prebenda h panis & vini in prefentacione cujus fervitor prions tenetur dicere " Saint: Pier & Saint Pol vous envoient," eo tunc predicY unum portetur in eifdem cum quatuor ollis galoners non deaurat', Et ultra hoc volo quod prior habeat quatuor ollas argen- teas potellers* cum uno pari pelvium coopertarum & ir pelvibus fimplicibus cum duobus aquareis k . Item duas duodenas difcorum, duas duodenas falvariorum, vi char- geours, 11 faleria 1 deaurata; que omnia volo imperpetuum defervire prioribus ejufdem ecclefie temporibus congruis s of gallon meafare. b a portion : a feed when applied to horfes. 1 Q, of pint meafnre. Du Cange explains olla poiteUer a porringer. * ewers. 1 felt-fellers. This Engiifh word is a redundancy. Salerium, Saliere, implying the fame, z%Jellar y in one word. Sc. 316 CARDINAL BEAUFORT, & clcbltis. l quod prior obligetur, Tub pen a prlvaeionis, ifta non alienare, neque impignorare, nee extra monafterium ducere. Et quod pondus omnium iftorum vafonim per me Jegatorum remaneant penes conventum. Et quo 'J feme! in anno fupprior & octo ieniores tocius conventus videant quod ifta bona remaneant in manibns di&i prions. Et volo quod ifta remaneant priori & conventui ecclefie mee predicte; fie tamen quod ipfi obligentur & quod flat aflecu- racio ut predi&um eft per advifamentum & difcrecionem executorum meorum de obfervando folempniter obitum meura fingulis annis imperpetuum. Et quod quilibet monachus celebraturus diebus obkus & anniverfarii mei, dicat in miffa poll: officium cum fecreto & poftcommu- nione, "Deus qui inter apoftolicos facerdotes," &c. nomen Henricum Cardinalem ut fupra. Item do eidem priori viginti marcas, et cuilibet confratrum meorum ibidem xls. ut ipfi pro anima mea orent ; & miniftris ecclefie c s. diftri- buend' fecundum difcrecionem dictorum prioris & con- ventus. Item lego priori, fuppriori, & conventui ejufdem ecclefie mee, vi duodenas difcorum de argento, quilibet difcus ad valoris XL s. v duodenas taffiarum m de argento, una- quaque taffia ponderis n marc' de pondere Troiano n cum n tajfis, cups. n Troy weight. None of the gloffaries give a fatisfactory etymology of this word. Spelman and Du Cange after him content themfelves with faying that Troj a pondus apud Anglos dicitur quod 12 uncias in libra nume- rat. Somner fuppofes it the fame with Trona or Trone in Scotland, but the authorities alledged proye the latter to be only the weighing engine and not the weight. majori IISHOP OF WINTON, pj majori cipho meo cooperto, & vi ollis argenteis, videl't Ii galoneys, & nii or pottellers, que omnia volo defervire m refe&orio, & nullo modo alibi. Et quod prior pro tem- pore exiftens, cum oclo fenioribus capituli, in feflo fanc~ti Michaelis videant omnia ifta cum ponder' remanere in re- fectorio : et quod de iitis vafis deferviatur conventui in re- fedtorio exilten' diebus nativitatis domini, pafche, penthacof- tes, affumpcionis, & annunciacionis beate virginis, omnium fanctorum, apoftolorum Petri & Pauli, fandti Swithini, & in die anniverfarii mei ; quo die volo quod confratres mei habe- ant pitanciam ad valorem XL s. Item, remitto abbati & con- ventui fancti Auguitini extra Cantuariam ccclxviH. xiiis. nil d. in quibus ipfi michi obligantur, ita quod pro ifta fum- ma ipfi obligentur fecundum difcrecionem executorum meo- rum quod dietim imperpetuum in tribus mifiis, viz. in una de virgine gloriofa & in miffa celebranda ante feretrum beati Auguftini, necnon in miffa capitulari immediate poll: primam collectam dicetur in fingulis di&arum miffarum fuo per d'nm p collecta " Deus qui inter apoftolicos facer- dotes, 6cc." exprimendo nomenHenricum Cardinalem ut fu- pra dictum eft : et una cum hoc quod fingulis annis im- perpetuum diem obitus mei folempniter obfervabunt cum exequiis ix. Ii. q de note & miffa folempni in die. Item, do et lego abbati predict' unum ciphum deauratum valoris x li. cum fex fimplicibus peciis deaurat' n ollas deauratas, n oilas argenteas potellers, xn difcos, xn falfaria r & mi char- Quere according to their full weight. t Thefe words being unintelligible in the original, quere \ifupradifta. Sic Orig. * Saltfellers, as before Salaria-, note '. U u geours, 328 CARDINAL BEAUFORT, geours, II pelves argenteas cum n aquariis, que volo im- perpetuum remanere eifdem abbati et conventui in forma qua alia per me data & legata remanent priori & conventui dicte ecclefie mee Win ton. Item, lego eidem abbati x marc' & cuilibet monacho ejufdem monafterii xx s. ut ipfi pro anima mea orent, Item, volo quod diftribuantur cccc li. incarceratis, five pro tranfgreffione, five pro debito, in utro- que computatorio s London' in Newgate, Ludgate, Flete, Marefcalcia, Banco Regis, & in carceribus infra manerium meum in Suthwerk, pro liberacione eorundem per manus aliquorum virorum bone confcience quos execu tores mei voluerint eligere & nominare ; ita quod quatuor eorundem executorum meorum in nominacione hujufmodi perfonarum quibus iftam diftribucionemdebuerunt facere fint Concordes. Item, volo quod diftribuantur duo- milia marcarum inter pauperes tenentes meos in comitatibus Hampshire, Wilts, Burr', Somerf ', Oxon', Barks, & Bucks. Et fiat ifta dif- tribucio vel in pecuniis, vel in aliis rebus que magis vide- buntur tendere ad utilitatem eorundem fecundum formam in articulo proxime preceden' expreflat' viz. per manus aliquo- rum virorum bone confciencie juxta difcretionem executo- rum meorum fie ut premittitur nominand'. Et quod ipfi habeant pro labore eorum illud quod dicY' executoribus videbitur racionabile et conveniens. Item, lego fratribus predicatoribus London xl. li. ut ipfi pro anima mea orent. Item, tribus aliis domibus & ordinibus mendicancium in Compter. eadem BISHOP OF WINTON. 329 eadem civitate, viz. cuilibet domui x. li. Item, lego cuiii- bet conventui fratrum mendicancium infra dioc' meam x marc'. Item, lego domino meo regi Henrico tabu- lettum cum reliquiis qui vocatur Tablet de Bourbon, & unum ciphum de auro cum aquario qui erat illuftrinimi principis recolendeque memorie patris fui, fact' de auro per eundem principem in die Parafceves oblato, de quo ci- pho ipfe folebat ufualiter potare & ultimo potavit, fuppli- cando & humillime intercedendo apud ejus ferenitatem quatinus velit fuccurrere & fubvenire executoribus meis in hiis que poffunt tendere ad falutis anime mee prout fibi, ut Deusnovit, Temper fuifidelis, & affectans profperitatem ftatus fui, optansque & deuderans ea que poflent tangere ad falu- tem fui in anima & in corpore. Item, lego Johanne* uxori Edwardi Stradlyng milk, 11 duodenas difcorum, mi char- geours, xii falfaria, 11 pelves cum 11 aquariis, 11 ollas pot- tellers, & xii pecias de argento. Item, unum ciphum. deauratum valoris x li. Item, unum lectum de albo ferico enbrondat' cum rolis, cum tapitis & cuffinis eidem pertinea* & centum libras in auro. Item, lego Hans Nulles xl li. Item, volo quod clerici capelle mee exiftentes in fervicio meo tempore mortis mee, & ad locum fepulture mee corpus meum ducentes, habeant de regardo" c marcas inter eosdi- videndas, fecundum difcrecionem executorum meorum, at- tendendo promociones eorum & tempora quibus michi fer- vierunt. Item, volo quod fi pro aliqua folucione denario- . 1 The bifhop's natural daughter. See hereafter. * Reward. Uij 2 rum 55 CARDINAL BEAUFORT, rum facY ante dat' prefencium, pro quibus eram obligatus, aliqua erat defalcacio facta veri debiti, quod fiat reftitucio perfone feu ejus executoribus cui talis defalcacio facia fuerit de tali fumma fie defalcata ; que quidem fumma defalcacionis hujufmodi apparere poterit per libros compotorum thefauri de Wolvefey. Item, fi aliquas denariorum fummas recepi ab aliqua venacione facia infra chafeas, parcos, vel garennas- meas, voloquod fiat restitutio de fumma fie recepta in quan- tum legitime con flare poterit de aliqua fumma fie recepta. Item, volo quod debita mea fi que fuerint ante omnia per- folvantur. Item, quod fiqui fint qui velint & poffint jufte conqueri de aliqua oppreflione, feu aliquo malo per me eis injufte illato quod fiant eis reftitucio & emenda, petendo ve- niam & mifericordiam prout ipfi unan . . . . confequi vo- lunt. Item, remitto dictis tenentibus meis quafcumque dena- riorum fummas quas ipfi, aut eorum aliquis, debeat michi in die obitus mei. Item, volo quod per difcrecionem diet' ex- ecutorum meorum diftribuantur duo milia librarum inter fervitores meos domefticos ac familiares, habito refpeclu ad quantitatem temporis quo fteterint in fervicio meo, ad qua- litatem fuorurh graduum & perfonarum, & ad eorum in me merita in cafu quod eifdem executoribus meis ante obitum meum non declaravero, velfcriptis dimifero modum & for- mam diftribucionis hujufmodi faciende ; volo tamen quod Hans Nulles fit contentus de eo quod fibi legatum eft, & quod non comprehendatur quoad iftum articulum inter alios fervitores meos. Item, volo quod refiduum bonorum meorum BISHOP OF WINTON. j 3 t meorum non lcgatorum juxta difcreciones & confciencias diet' executorum meorum difponatur & convertatur in opera Garitatis & in pios ufus, utpote in relevandis pauperibus do- mibus religioforum five religiofarum ere alieno oppreffis, in maritandis puellis pauperibus, in fuccurrendo pauperibus egeftatem & neceffitatem evidentem pacientibus, & in alia fimilia opera pietatis, prout ipii crediderint faluti anime mee magispoffe expedire. Hujus autem teftamenti mei ac ultime voluntatis ordino & conftituo reverendum inChrifto Patrem Dominum Cardinalem & Archiepifcopum Ebora- cen.' x nepotem meum * Marchionem Dorfet, Fratrem Ri- cardum Vyell priorem ecclene de Witham z ordinis Cartu- iien. Magiftrum Stephanum Wilton archidiaconum Win- ton cancellarium meum, Ricardum Waller,, armigerum, magiftrum hoipitii mei, Willielmum Whaplode fenef- callum terra-rum epifcopatus mei WiJlielm' Mareys the faurarium meum de Wolvefeye, Will'm Toly, & Will'm Port ; rogans eos cum omni finceritate cordi atq' exhor- tans in vifceribus caritatis, quatinus in exequendo & adim- plendo iftum teftamentum meum & hanc ultimam volun- tatem meam fidelitatem, 6c diligenciam adhibeant quam fibi in cam fimili adhiberi & preftari vellent,. & prout velint; * John Kemp, 1425 1452. v Edmund third fon of John Beaufort, fon of John of Gaunt, created - marquis of Dorfet, 21 Hen. VI.. (lain at St. Albans, 1455, fee before, p. ci 1. He married Eleanor fecond daughter of Beauchamp earl of War- wick, by whom he had four ions and feven daughters. She.died 1467, Sandford, p, 331, 332. z In Selwood, c. Somerfet ; fee before, p. 218. note e . ante 33 CARDINAL BEAUFORT, ante tribunal trcmendi judicis in extremo examine refpon- dere. Et lego cuilibet ditorum executorum meorum onus executionis hujus teftamenti mei, & adminiiiracionis bono- rum meorum in fe affumenti pro labore fuo, videlicet, dictg Reverendiffimo Patri ducentas libras, et unum ciphum aureum valoris quadraginta librarum, & diclo nepoti meo marcbioni ducentas libras & unum ciphum aureum valoris XL librarum, & unicuiq' aliorum executorum meorum pre- dict' centum libras. In cujus rei teftimonium hoc tefta- mentum meum fub figillo armorum meorum claufi atq*" lignavi. Dat. in palacio meo de Wolvefeye, vicefimo die menfis Januarii Anno Domini millefimo cccc mo xlvi . CODICILLUS PRIMUS. IN Dei nomine, Amen. Ego Henricus miferacione di- vina Cardinalis de Anglia, ac EpifcopusWinton, pofl: tefta- mentum meum fcriptum et figillo meo xx die Januarii, anno Domini Mill. cccc. xLvi to . fignatum, altiflimi gracia mediante, fenciens me compotem mentis, Volendo ultra ea que continentur in eodem teftamento aliqua ad falutem anime mee de reliduo bonorum meorum in teftamento meo non legatorum certo modo difponere, que non occurrebant menti dum teftamentum meum hujufmodi conflceretur, facio hunc prefentem Codicillum hujufmodi voluntatis mee dif- poficionem in fe difUncte continentem. Et volo quod ea que continentur in ifto eodem codicillo meo ejufdem fint I momenti, BISHOP OF WINTON, 3.3.3 momenti, vigoris, et efficacie, ac fi in diclo teftamento meo confcripta & comprehenfa eflent, & nichilominus quod ibi- dem teftamentum meum quoad omnia & iingula que in eo continentur fuum roborem retinere & fortiri intelligatur, preterquam in hiis que per me (ignantur, et in fpeciale et per terminos expreflbs in hoc codicillo forfan mutari con- tinget ; in quo cafu intencionis mee eft, & volo quod ftetur terminis & verbis hujus codicille & non teftamenti mei fupradi&i, et quod voluntas mea quantum ad hoc obfer- vetur fecundum formamhic infertam et expreflatam. Itaque in primis lego priori et conventui ecclefie ChrifK Cant' mille libras, de qua fumma volo quod v c marc, convertantur et applicentur ad folucionem faciend' pro manerio & do minio de Bekefbourne prope Cantuar' et reliqua pars dic"te fumme mille li. ad fabricam ejufdem ecclefie. Ita tamen quod quidem prior et conventus ordinent & faciant fecuri^ tatem executoribus meis in dicto teflamento meo nominatis quod fingulis diebus imperpetuum facient tres miflas cele- brari pro anima mea per tres monachos ejufdem eccleiie fe- cundum formam illarum trium miflarum que continuis diebus imperpetuum celebrabunt pro anima mea in eccleua mea Winton in dicto teftamento meo expr'efTatam, et obitum meum fingulis annis imperpetuum folempniter obfervabunt. Item, lego ad opus et fabricam ecclefie Lincoln' cc li. ita tamen quod decanus & canonici ejufdem ecclefie diemobi- tus mei fingulis annis imperpetuum obfervaripromittant, et pro anima mea eodem die miflam de requiem celebrent fo- lempnem, 53+ CARDINAL BEAUFORT, lempnem, et no&e precedente vigilias mortuorum exequan* tur folempniter & {icut confueverunt facere pro fundatori- bus ejufdem ecclefie, dando fecuritatem executoribus meis fupradictis pro fe & fuccefforibus fuis de hoc debite fa- ciendo. Item, lego domino meo Regi difcum live plattam meam auream pro fpicebus, & ciphum meum aureum ena- mellatum per totum cum ymaginibus, cum uno aquario ejufdem operis eidem cipho pertinente. Item, cum alia certa jocalia et vafa aurea & argentea per dominum meum regem et officiales fuos autoritate fua ac parliamenti fui iu ea parte utentes anno regni fui fecundo michi impignorata fuerunt pro certis pecuniarum fummis a extendentibus fe ad eftimacionem & valorem eorundum pignorum, fibi ad fuam, & dominorum de fuo concilio in- ftanciam mutuo per me conceffis, fub ea viz. condicione s quod fi de eifdem fummis non fieret michi plenaria folucio in termino feu terminis hinc inde concordat* quod extunc a The Bimop lent the King at one time pour Vefploit de v're prefent voyage vers Us parties de France & Ncrmandiea v're tres grande befoigne et v.eccjfite & pur Va'ife de v*re povre communalte de Engteterre, .14,000 ; and f. 8306. i8i. Sd. was then due a fa auncien creance a vousfait, come piert par uos honurables letters patentz a luy ent faitz, *t avos ditz Communes minijlres, fay the Commons in their petition, 9 Hen. V. 1414. deiiring to have it con- firmed, and the letters patents inrolled in parliament. For the . 14,000. the King made over, in the fifth year of his reign, the duties and cuf- toms on certain imports at Southampton ; and when the bifliop had re- imburft himfelf to the amount of . 8306. 18*. Bd. he lent the King ano- ther . 14000. making in all .22306. iSs. 8d. for which the faid cul- toms were again mortgaged to him, and the cocket of the laid port and its "dependencies ; which grant was confirmed in the above parliament. Rot. Pari. vol. IV. p. 132 135. But a good deal of the loan remained unpaid at the time of the bifhops death, as appears by this codicil. The King 'redeemed, 1432, the fw or d of Spain, and other jewels, which had been pledged to the Cardinal for . 493. 6s. %d. Rymer, X. 502. bene BISHOP OF WINTON. 335 bene liceret michi eifdem jocalibus & vails uti Sc gaudere tamquam propriis ita ut eadem bona de natura pignorum tranfirent in meram naturam proprietatis mee & mea effent & remanerent, prout in Iiteris regiis et indenturis inde con- fectis plenius liquere poterit ; Nichilominus quamquam hec ita Tint, & quod ipfa jocalia et vafa pro non obfervacione dicte condicionis ex parte Domini Regis, et non folucione diclarum fu m mar um jure optimomea fint, volo tameiiquod de illis eifdem jocalibus & vafis omnia ilia que in manibus meis tempore obitus mei remanferint Dominus^Rex fi fereni- tati fue placuerit habeat, dum tamen folvat dicY executori- bus meis omnes illas fummas pecuniarum pro quibus prius impignorata fuerant ; except' tabuletto de Burbon & illo cipho & aquario aureo fact' per Dominum Regem pie me- morie de auro in die Parafceves oblato, de quibus eft facta mencio in dicto teflamento meo, que volo clare remanere Domino meo Regi tanquam fibi iegata per vim dicti tefla- menti mei fine aliqua folucione pecuniarum pro eifdem fieiida. Et volo quod pro folucione facienda pro diet is oiim pignori- bus concedatur Domino Regi per eofdem executores meos fpacium unius anni, & fi infra idem tempus vel in fine ejufdem non fiat ifta folucio, quod tunc vere liceat executo- ribus meis de eifdem rebus ad falutem anime mee difponere ficut de ceteris bonis meis. Item, quamvis fatis effet expe- diens in omni actu predicti teftamenti mei, necnon hujus co- dicilliexecucionemconcernente omnes executores meosiimul prefentes fieri, cum tamen poflet contingere quod nan omnes X x femper 33 6 C A RDINAL BEAUFORT. lemper in hujufmodi a&u perficiendo propter alias eorum occupaciones & impedimenta fimul con venire poffent ; volo quod ex eifdem executoribus meis faltem quinque in omni actu execucionis hujufmodi fmt Concordes fine quibus ad omne minus in unum confentientibus nichil fiat quod de jure effeftum aut vim executionis confequi poflit. Item, volo quod difponatur per executores meos ut a die obitus mei ufque ad finem unius anni integri, omnes fervitores familiares mei teneant lb iimul, commorentur, & cohabitent in aliquo loco et hofpicio honefto & congruo per executores meos ordinando ; Et quod per executores ipios provideatur omnibus eifdem fervitoribus familiaribus meis in hofpicio hujufmodi ftare & iimul expectare volentibus, unicuiq' viz. fecundum ftatum fuum competenter et honefte tarn in efcu- lentis & poculentis quam in vadiis b et ceteris rebus, fecundum formam & regulam ordinariam in domo mea confuetam & per me ha&enus obfervatam. Item, lego reclori & con- fratribus domus de Afhrigge ad fabricam novi operis dicte domus c li. ; dum tamen fecuritatem executoribus meis faciant ad obfervand' ea pro animamea que alias a me erant ordinata et eis declarata, necnon pereofdem michi concefla. Item, lego abbati & conventui de Hyda juxta Win ton ad reparacionem ecclefie ejufdem cc li. dummodo fingulis an- nis imperpetuum ipfi teneant & obfervent diem obitus mei, & de hoc folempniter faciendo fecuritatem executoribus meis faciant pro fe et fucceflbribus fuis. Item, lego fervi- tori meo antiquo Ricardo Petteworth c li. ut ipfe pro ani- I Wages. ma BISHOP OF WIN TON. 337 ma mea oret. In quorum premiflbrum teftimonium hunc prefentem codicillum meum figneto meo fignavi. Dat* in palacio meo de Wolvefeye vn m0 die menfis Aprilis, Anno Domini millefimo eccc m XLVii m0 . CODICILLUS SECUNDUS. IN Dei nomine, Amen. Ego Henricus miferacione divina Cardinalis de Anglia ac Epifcopus Winton, pofl tef- tamentum meum fcriptum & figillo meo xx die Januarii, anno Domini millefimo cccc m XLvi to . fignatum, & quen- dam codicillum depoftper mevndie menfis Aprilis, anno Domini millefimo cccc m0 xlvii editum, fenciens eciam nunc ficut tunc me, gratie Altiffimo, compotem mentis mee, volensque ultra ea que continentur in eifdem teftamento meo & codicillo aliqua difponere de refiduo bonorum meo- rum in diet' teftamento & codicillo non legatorum fpecia- liter nee difpofitorum, facio jam nunc & condo hunc pre- fentem codicillum meum ultimam voluntatem meam quoad que in eodem diftribuuntur diftinle continentem, decernens quod ea que in ifto eodem codicillo meo deftribuntur ejuf- dem fint roboris et efficacie ac fi in ditto teftamento meo conferipta feu comprehenfa fuiflent. Et quod quatenus prefens difpoficio mea in hoc codicillo contenta obviat five difcordat aliquibus in dicl' teftamento meo & codicillo meis defcriptis, ilia que in prefenti codicillo meo continentur for- ciantur & habeant effeclum et vigorem, & qnod nichilomi- X x 2 ! , nus 338 CARDINAL BEAUFORT, nus dicY teftament' & codicillus quoad omnia alia & fingula que in eifdem continentur fint & maneant rata atque firma. In primis igitur in illo priori codicillo meo difpofuero quan- tum ad certa jocalia & vafa aurea & argentea per Domi- num meum Regem & officiales fuos autoritate fua ac parlia- menti fui in ea parte utentes, anno fecundo regni fui im- pignorata pro certis pecuniarum fummis per. me tunc mu- tuatis ad eftimacionem & valorem eorumdem pignorum fe extendentibus, que quidem jocalia atque vafa poftea racione non folucionis dicY pecuniarum in termino hinc inde con- cordat' ex fpeciali conceffione & concordia dicti Domini mei Regis per literas fuas patentes expreflis inproprietatem meam trannerunt, quod hujufmodi non folucione non obftant, et eo quod didta jocalia & vafa fie in proprietatem meam tranfierunt, & jure optimo mea facia lint, prefatus Dominus meus Rex omnia ilia que de eifdem tempore obitus mei in manibus meis remanferunt n fibi placeret haberet ; dum tamen prius folveret executoribus meis omnes illas pecuni- arum fummas pro quibus impignorata fuerunt. Jam tamen reminifcens illorum notabilium & inngnium collegiorum j viz. Beate Marie de Eton juxta Windefor, & Sancli Nicho- lai Cantabrigg', per dictum Dominum meum Regem ex fingulari & precipua fua devocione ad divini cultus augmen- tum catholiceque fidei exaltacionem fan&e ac falubriter fun- datorum, defiderans que profalute anime mee de gracia ipfius Domini mei Regis ejufque benevolencia & aflenfu concur- rentibus particeps fieri oracionum & aliorum omnium fuf- fragiorum BISHOP OF WINTON. 339 fragiorum ac pietatis operum in dictis firis collegiis Deo of- ferendis, & fpecialiterquodfingulisdiebus ab eoquiofficium alte & principifle in quolibet didV collegiorum celebratu- rus eft, exceptis majoribus duplicibus feftis ac parafceves, ab Sabbato Sante Pafche dicatur pro me & pro falute anime mee unafpecialis collecta, & quod in utroquedic"torum col- legiorum fingulis annis imperpetuum commemoretur & ob- fervetur folsmpniter dies anniverfarius obitus mei, cum miffa de requiem, & cum exequiis mortuorum, die immediate pre- cedente. Et cum premiffis confidens & humillime fuppli- cans eidem Domino meo regi quatinus dignetur & velit ex- hibere fe favorabilem & graciofum executoribus dicti tefta- menti mei, & eofdem in execucione ultime mee voluntatis fupportare atque.defendere, lego atque difpono utrique dic- torum collegiorum fummam mille librarum recipiend' 6c deducend' de ilia majori fumma per dictum dominum meum Regem perfolvend' prefatis executoribus meis pro jocalibus & vafis fupradidY ferenitate fue rehabend' fecun- dum modum & formam in dicto priore codicillo meo conten- to expreflat' : Quas quidem fummas, fie ut prefertur prefatis collegiis difpofitas, converti volo in utilitates eorundem col- legiorum, tales videliz' que fervicium eximiam circumfpec- cionem dicti domini mei regis videbuntur magis opportune. Item, lego Domine mee Regine tectum blodium de panno aureo de Damafco que pendebat in camera ilia in manerio meo de Waltham c , in qua eadem Domina mea Regina cu- e A ftately palace of the bifliops of Winchefter, S. of Winchester, demo- liftit during the civil wars. Wykeham died here 1404. All its remains confilt of the "Weft fide of the hall, and a South Weil tower. babat 340 CARDINAL BEAUFORT. babat illo tempore quo fuit In ditto manerio, una cum tri- bus tapetis d'arras in eadem camera tunc pendentibus. Item, lego atque remitto domino de Tiptoft * illas cccxxxiii li. vis. viii d. in quibus idem dominus de Tiptoft per fuum fcriptum obligatorium michi tenetur et obligatur. Item, fimili modo lego et remitto Willielmo Stafford totum illud in quo ipfe per literas fuas obli- gatorias que funt de fumma cc li. michi tenetur et obli- gatur: ita tamen et non aliter, quod idemWillielmusper literas fuas fufficientes & legitimas in ea parte conficiend* acquietet tarn executores meos quam eciam magiftrum Thomam Foreft, magiftrum five cuflodem hofpitalis Santte Crucis juxta Winton, & confratres ejufdem de fumma XL li. in quibus fibi teneor racione cujufdam annuitatis xx li. iibi pro feodo fuo conceffe, una cum facultate diftrin- gendo pro eifdem in manerio de Heynftrigge e die!' hofpitali nunc appropriat. Item, lego Johanni baflardo f de Somerfet cccc li. cum certa quantitate vaforum argenteorum fecun- dum difcrecionem diclorum executorum meorum eidem affignand. Item, lego fimili modo Willielmo Swynford nepoti meo cccc li, cum certa quantitate vaforum fibi afTig- - John Tiptoft, fecond Lord Tiptoft, fucceeded his father beforemen- tioned, p. 205. note ', and was beheaded on Touerhill, and buried in islackfriars, London, 1470. He was the patron of Caxton, and one of the revivers of learning in England, Dugd. Bar. II. 41. ^ e Henftridge, c. Somerfet. 4b f v-r v oii-Oi^OU i ^ erna P s J onn f Gaunt's elde ft io n by Cat herine Swinford , who was / * 2j~ hovn a baftard, though legitimated by aft of parliament, 20 Ric. II. tW Jj ktfoU 1 q. some grandibn of Catharine, the bifliop's mother, by her firft \c. v hufband. 4 ' nancF BISHOP OF WINTON. 341 nand* fecundum difcrecionem eorundem executorum meo- rum. Item, lego Thome Burneby fcufcifero familiari Do- mine meeRegine xx li. & unum ciphum de argento deaurato fecundum eorundem executorum meorum difcrecionem fibi liberand. Item, lego Edwardo Stradling b militi certum porcionem vaforum argenteorum juxta difponcionem diet' executorum meorum fibi liberand' & tradend'. Item, lego Johanni Yend feniori, xu difcos argenteos per difcrecionem executorum meorum limitand. In quorum omnium pre- mifTorum ridem & teftimonium huic prefenti codicillo meo iignetum meum eft appenfum. Dat in palacio meo de Wol- xefeye 1 , nono diemenfis Aprilis, Anno Domini millelimo cccc mo XLVII. Commiffio ad proband' dictum teftamentum & codicillos 1 1 die menfis Septembris, 1 447. Regiftr. Stafford & Kemp, fol.iu. a.b. 1 12. a. b. 1 13. a. b. in the Archiepifcopal Regiftry at Lambeth. *> Who had married the Bifhop's natural daughter; fee before, p. 329, note % and p. 343. ' Wolvefey-houfe (or caftle, as Bp. Pontifara ftyles it, 1300.) built by Bp. Blois about 1138, was in Camden's time very fpacious, and furrounded with many towers ; but being demolifht in the civil wars, Bp. Morley built a handfome houfe near it, in which he included its chapel. Its ruins are exteniive and magnificent. Walton's Defcription of Winchefter, p.S^. Henry 34* CARDINAL BEAUFORT, Henry Beaufort,, fecond Ton of John of Gaunt, ftudied firft at Peterhoufe, Cambridge ; afterwards at Oxford, of which latter univerfity he was chancellor, 1399; but he compleated his ftudies at Aix le Chapelle. He was prebend of Thame and Bokingham in Lincolnfhire diocefe, confecrated bifliop of Lincoln, 1397, when very young, and leven years after, on the death of Wykeham, tranflated to Winchefter 1404. 4 Hen. VL He affiled at the council of Conftance, 1 41 7, and June 23, 1 426, was created Cardinal of St. Eufe- bius k , by Pope Martin V. who appointed him his legate, or rather general of his forces againil: Bohemia 1 , which he in- vaded 1429, with 4000 men, raifed by the contributions of the Englifh clergy, and who under him ferved in France be- fore, on the lofs of the battle of Patay. In the decline of life he applied himfelf feduloufly to the care of his diocefe, and, among other acts of munificence, founded near St. Crofs's hofpital, another, for a matter, two chaplains, thirty-five poor men, and three nurfes ; by the name of " the almfhoufe of noble poverty," whofe annual revenue amounted to JT. 188. He was four times Chancellor of England, 1404, 1414, 141 7, 1424; and in 141 y under- took a voyage to the Holy Land. He died April 1 1 , 1447, Rapin fays m , in defpair, that his riches could not k Godwin de praef. ed. Rirh. p. 231. n. See an attempt to deprive him of his bifhopric of Winchefter on this promotion, 1431. Rymer, X. 1407. ' See the Cardinal's petition to the King, for leave to levy and carry over thele troops, and the King's anfwer, the Cardinal's Commiffion, &c. 1439. 143 r. Rymer, X. 419 427. 491. V. 557- exempt exempt him from death. Shakfpeare has beautifully im- proved the thought m . He lies buried under a noble monu- ment in the prefbytery, behind the high altar of his cathe- dral. His figure in his Cardinal's habit lies on an altar- tomb, on the verge of which remained of his epitaph, in bifhop Godwin's time only thefe words : Tnbularer Ji nefcirem tnifericordias fuas. He was a prelate of exceffive frugality, whereby he amafled fo much wealth, that when Henry V. a little before his death, propofed to convert the revenues of the clergy into fupplies for his foreign wars, the bifhop his uncle lent him .. 20,000. out of his own coffers, on the fecurity of the crown jewels. The influence which his wealth gave him, and a good (hare of political prudence, foon gave him an afcendency over his nephew the Duke of Gloucefter, Protector in the] abfence of the- Duke of Bedford. The Duke of Gloucefter came at laft to an open rupture with him, and brought him to a trial, in which he was acquitted, but the Great Seal taken from him. As Henry VI grew up he gained great autho- rity over him, and obtained feveral pardons, 1437, and 1442. He had juft turned the tables on his rival the Duke of Gloucefter, who was found dead in his bed at Bury a month before the bifhop died. In his youth" m " If thou beeit Death, I'll give thee England's treafure, " Enough to purchase fuch another Ifland, Jf^kpila^- [Cert - tUu, f lit* Uciuf 344 BISHOP.OF WINTON. ful days, before he took orders, he had by Alice daughter of Richard Earl of Arundel, fitter of the Abp. of Canter- bury, a daughter Jane, whom he married to Sir Edward Stradling, Knt. of Glamorganfhire. It is remarkable of this bifhop that he, as well as his immediate predeceffor and fucceffor in this fee, held the epifcopal dignity longer than any other of our prelates % except Thomas Bourchier Abp. of Canterbury. Godwin, ed. Rich. p. 231.296. Sandford, p. 260. See alfo Rymer, X. 419, 420, &c. 497. 516* * His immediate predeceffor Wyckham enjoyed the fee of Winchefter, from 1365 to 1405 ; the Cardinal, from 1405 to 1447; anc ^ ^ s fucceffor Wainfieet, from 1447 to i486; making 121 years; and each of them about 40. If we add the time that Beaufort held Lincoln, he will have been a. bifliop 50 years. KING C 545 ) KING EDWARD IV. BY the following extracts, communicated by Dr. Ducarel [ - '^ 4 * n,J "y^i from the Regifters at Lambeth, it clearly appears this king ^ rU" ^^^/ had made a will ; but where it is now depofited is un- \ ' ' "*' known. Probably it was intentionally deflroyed during the L y ufurpation of his brother Richard III. Sequeflracio bonor' Regis Edwardi IIII tl . Anno Diii millefimo cccc mo o&uagefimo tercio, indiccoe prima, pontificatus S. in Xpo patris et Dni Dni Sixti divina providencia Pape quarti anno xn m0 menfisMaii die vn m0 , infra domum a folite habitacois magniiice preclareque Dne Doraine CecilieDucifTe Ebor* infra poch' Sci Petri juxta Powliswharf civitatis London' fituat'; Prefentibus ibidem Reverendiffimo in XpoPatre & Dno Thotna b Dei gra Ebor' Archiepo, Reverendifque Patribus Thoma c London', Willmo d Winton , ) Roberto e Bath onien' ScWellen', Joline f Wigorn', Edwardo s Ciceftren', Joline h Lincoln', Jofrne'Elien', & Edmundo k Roffen' eadem gra Epis, ac magnificis ppotentibufque dnis Rica a No mention of this houfe in Stowe. b Thomas Rotheram, 1480 1501. c Thomas Kemp, 1448 1489. d William Wainfleet, 1447 1486. c Robert Stillington, 1465 1491. He was chancellor of England from 1465 C01473. { John Alcock, 1476 1486. He was chancellor 1473 aru * H^* s Edward Story, 1477 1504. h John Ruflel, 1480 1495. * John Morton, 1478 1486. k Edmund Audley, 1430 1492. Yy Duce 346 EDWARD TH| FOURTH. Duce Glouceftr', Henrico ^nce Buk', Wiltrao m Comite Arundel^ Wilt o Haftyngs dno de Haftyngs, Tho' Stanley ctno de Stanley, & aliis^pceribusregni qmplurib'; Reverendiflimus mXpo Pater & Dns Dns Thomas Dei gracia tit' sci Curaci p in Thermis facrosce Romane ecctie pfbit , Cardinalis q , Cant' Archiepus, tocius AngliePrimas & Apoftolice fedis Legatus, poft obitii felicis memorieEdwardi quart* nup. Regis Anglie &Francie, ac elm HiBnie, pro eo, &ex eo, qd exe- cutores in fuo teftamento noiati onus execucoisejufde feuadminiftra- cione bono*' difti defun&i in fe affumere diftulerunt ; et ne a quoqm illicite diftrahant' aut confumant', & qx aliis legitimis caufis ipm ad tunc movent', virtute prerogative fue, & ecciie fue Cant', omnia & fingula bona & jocalia ejufdem Thomas Bourchier, 1454 1486. r It is very remarkable that the next inftrument to this fequeftration, in Hie Lambeth Regifter, and immediately preceding the following commilfion for paying the expences of the king's funeral, contains the following fummons of EDWARD THE FOURTH. 347 Comiffio

CL Copham, r Uxbridge. 5 Mr. Morant (Eflex, II. 555.) mentions lands in Great Cheflerford granted by Maurice Eerkeley, with the advovvfon of the church to the con- vent of Weftminfter, 18 Henry VII. but the Countefs's benefaclion in the fame place has efcaped him. 3 tery COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 373 tery mafles perpetually to be kepte in the faid monastery, and the faid yerely charges of the faid anniverfary, with the faid lights of lxx tapers, and diftribucion of almes of x li. yerely be aflefled by the aflent and confent of the faid abbot, prior, and convent, at xxx li. And the yerely charges for the fynding of the faid converfe at c s. which xxxli. andcs. yerely, for all the fame charges we the faid Princefle have geven and graimted to the fame abbot, prior, and covent, and their fucceffors, for the fame fynd- ing of the fame n channtery mafles and perpetuall anni- verfary, with the faid lights, almes, and converfe perpe- tually while the world fhall endure. And for the exhibi- cion and perpetuall fynding of the faid u perpetuall re^ ders in the faid univerfities of Oxenford and Cambrig, the faide abbot, prior, and covent, at our defire and requeir, and according to the faid confidence and truft, have geven and graunted by thefe feveral deeds, bering the date the firfr. day of July, the yere of our Lord m 1 v c and three, and of my faid Soverain Lord and Son xvin. to either of the fame n reders an annuytie of xni li. vis. vin d. yerely. And alfo by another deede, beryng the date the fixte day of November, the yere of our Lord God m l v c . v. and of my faid Soverain Lord and Son xxi. to the faid perpetuall prechor an annuytie ofxli. for his exhibicion and perpe- tuall fynding in fuche manor and forme as in the fame deeds more playnly apperith. All which cofts and charges for the perpetuall fynding of the faid n chauntery mafles, and 37+ COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. and of the faid perpetuall anniverfary, with the faid lights and verely almes, and of the faid oon converfe, and of the faid ii perpetuall reders, and of the faid perpetuall prechar as is afore reherfed, extende to the yerely fome of lxxi li. xiii s. mi d. And foo the faid yerely value of the faid churches geven and appropried, and of the faid temporall lond geven and graunted by us to the faide monaftery ex- tende and amount yerely over the faid yerely charge to the fome of xv li. vis. vm d. whiche xv li. vis. vin d. we have geven and graunted to the faid abbot, prior, and co- vent, and their fucceflburs in reward, and to and for the entent that they mall the more furely, truely, and devoutly obferve, kepe, and performe, our laid devout will, mynde, and entent, in the premiflez, in keping of the faid per- petuall chauntry mafles, and of the faid perpetuall anni- verfary and converfe, and content and paye the faid an- nuities to the faid 11 reders and prechors, and their fuc- ceflbrs. And for the charge of wyn, wax, veftments, and ornaments, to be daiely occupied at the faid three chaun- tery mafles, or any other mafle there to be faide.; and for iuche cafuelties and charge as may fortune to fall by reafon of the faid londs and tenements, by aydes, fubiidees, or otherwife. And alfo we have, bifor this tyme, yeven to the faid abbot, prior, and convent, divers books, chalices, and veftyments, and other ornaments, to be ufed and oc- cupied oonly aboute the aulters where the faid in chaun- tery mafles lhalbe faid. And over, that we att our greate cofls COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 37s cofts and charge have purchafed and obteyned bulls of greate indulgencies and pardon of holy faders popes of Rome unto the faid menaftery for all perfons faying or Tiering any of the faid 11 chauntery maffes, or any other mafie, to be faid by any preeft. at the aulter provided, or the aulters to be provided by us, or our executors, in the "iaide monafbry there, as the fame 11 daiely maffes fhalbe faid, as grete as be in the place called Scala celi, without the walls of the citie of Rome, which is daiely, as is fup- pofed, playn * remiffioiv, to the grete .comforte and relief of the faid monaftery, and of all Chriften people reforting thereunto, as in the fame bulles more playnly at large ap- perith of record. And where the forefaid abbot, prior, and covent, have bounden theym and their fucceffours to us the faid Princes, our heyres and executors, by indentur, fealed with the common feale, beryng date the fecunde day of March, in the yere of our Lord God m 1 . v c . v. and of my faid Soverain Lord and Son the xxi. enrolled in the Kyng's Court of Chauncery, to caufe the faid three mafles daiely to be faid by three monks preefts of the faide monaflery, beyng of goode and honeft converfacion, well and fufficiently lernyd, and of goode and vertuoufe diipo- ficion, with all fuche fpeciall collects/ divine fervices, pray- ers, and obfervances, and alfo to kepe and holde our faid anniverfary folemply, with divine fervices, prayers, and obfervances, and with the faid lights and diftribucion * full, plain. + Ccc of 376 COUNTESS O F R I C H M O N D. of almes of x li. yerely ; and alfo fynde and kepe oon converfe for us in the faid monaftery perpetually, while trie world mall endur, in fuche mancr and forme as in the fame endenturs is conteyned and fpecified : and alfo have, by their feverall dedes, fealed with their common feale, and graunted to either of the faid n reders, and their fucceflbrs, an annuytie of xuili. vis. viii d. And to the faid prechor, and his fucceflbrs, x li. We will and ipecially requyre the faid abbptt, prior, and covent,. and their fuc- ceflburs, in fpeciall confidence and trufte, and as they will therfore aunfwere afore Almighty God, at the dredfulldaie of fynall jugeament, to fee and caufe the faid three daiely mafles, with the prayers, obfervances, and ferymonyes, to f to be daily fiide ; and the faid anniverfary, with the faid lights and diitribucion of almes yerely to be truely holden and kepte ; and to provide, have, and kepe, oon converfe for us in the faide monaftery perpetually while the world fhall endur according to the true entent of the faid inden- ture ; and alfo to content and paye to either of the faid ii reders and their fucceflburs, yerely, xuili. vis. vmd. and to the faid prechor, and his fucceflbrs, yerely, xli. according to the faid graunts. And whereas we the faid Princefle, by reafbn and vertue of lettres patents made to us by the faid King our Sovrain Lord and moll: deere Son, beryng date the firffc daye of Maye, the xx yere of his reigne laft parte, have eftablifhed and founded the faid college called CriiYs College, in the faid univerfitie of Cam- COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 377 Cambridge, to the hole nowmbre of lx perfons, with fer- vants to theym convenyent and neceflary ; and, by reafon of the fame licence, have geven and graunted to the maifter and fcolers of the fame college, and their fuccef- fours, for their exhibicion and fuftentacion, the manors of Malketon", Melreth", andBeache?, with dyvers londs, tene- ments, rents, reverfions, and fervices, in Malton, Mel- reth, Beache, Whaddon, Knefworth% Hogynton a , Orwell, and Baryngton b , in the countie of Cambrigge ; the maner of Ditefworth% with th'appertenaunces, with divers londs and tenements in Ditefworth, Kegworth, Hathern, and Watton, with the advoufons of the churches of Malketon, Kegworth, and Sutton de Bonyngton d , in the countie of Leycefter, and the manor of Roydon e in the countie of EfTex, to have to theym and their fucceflburs, for ever- more ; and alfo obteyned licenfe to the fame maifter and fcolers, and their fucceflbrs, to appropre to theym and their fucceflburs the faide church of Malketon, and alfo u Malton. This is a decayed parilh, now included in that of Orwell, Where the church, atltiently a rectory, (till remains in ruins. The rectory of Orwell belongs to Trinity College. Kcfon, p. 98. x Meldreth. * Waterbeach. z Kneefworth. * Qi Oakington. b Barrington. r Dileworth. d The Viliare places Sutton Bonington in Nottinghammire ; but it is not in Ecton. e In 1522, the Mafter and Fellows of Chrift's College in Cambridge 3re recorded to have had the manor of Roydons, Inq. 14 H. VIII. Oft. 30. But what manor is meant, and how they loft itj I cannot learn. Morant's Efiex. II. 49c. C c c 1 the 37 COUNTESS OF RICHMOND: the churches of Fendrayton, HelpeftW, andNavenby*, as in the fame lettres patents more playnly apperith ; which churches of Malketon, Fendrayton, and Helpefton, we have caufid actually to be impropried by aflent and confent of the ordynaries, and of all other havyng therin intereft unto the fame maifter and fcolers, and their fucceflburs, aftir due forme and procefle of the lawe in that parte re- quifite : alfo we have, by the Kyng's licence, and by aucloritie, aflent, and confent, of the ordinary, and of ail other having intereft, united, annexed, and appropried, for ever the parifshe churche of Manberer h , in Wales, within the diocefe of Seynt David, to the faid maifter, fcolers, and their fucceflbrs. Item, we have, by the Pope's auctoritie, and the King's fpecial graunte and licence, yeven unto the fame maifter, fcolers, and their fucceflbrs, the abbey of Creyke 5 , in the diocefe of Norwich, with the purtenances, which was in the King's hands, as diflblvyd and extindte. All which maners, londs, and tenements, and other the f Both in Cambridgefhire. s Naumby, c. Lincoln. h Manwrbwr, c. Pembroke. "This lady being of Welfli affinity, a Teuther by marriage, and having long lived in Wales (where her fon, king Henry VII. was born in Pembroke) thought fitting, in commemoration thereof, to leave fome Welfh land to this her foundation." Fuller ubi fup. 1 This priory of Auftin Canons (made an abbey by Henry III. ) was, about 22 Henry VII. looked upon as dilfolved, becaufe the abbot died without a convent to errect another ; whereupon the lands and revenues, by the pro- curement of the King's mother, the lady Margaret, Countefs of Richmond, were fettled upon Chrift's College, Cambridge, being of her foundation, who are flill poffeft of them. Tan. Not. Mon. p. 356. Blomf. Norf. III. 776. 6 premifles, COUNTESS OF RICHMOND: 379- premhTes, we late purchafed and provided to the fame en- tent : and will therfore, and fpecially defir and requyre the faid maifter and fcolers, and their fucceflburs, to caufe and fee our foundacion of our faid college to be truely (>bferved and kepte, according to the ftatuts and ordynances by u& therof made, and to be made, and according to our will, mynde, and entent, as they will therfore anfwere bifore Almighty God at the dredefull daye of fynall jugeament k . And alfo we fpecially deiire and requyre our executors, and every of them, that they, according to the confidence and trufte that we have putt in them, and in every of them, to fee and caufe, as ferr as in theym is, or fhalbe, faide in daily maffes to be faid and doon, and the anni- versary, with the faid lights, diftribucion of almes, to be holden and kepte, and the faid converfe to be provided and kepte in the faid monaftery, and the faid annuities to be truely content and paid to every of the faid reders and prechars, according to our will, mynde, and entent, aforefaid, and alfo to fee and caufe the maifter and fco- lers of the faid college, called C rift's College, to be or- derid, rewlid, and governed according to our faide will, . k In the North veftry windows are the effigies of Henry VII. and his mother the Countefs of Derby and Richmond, with her firlt and fecond hufbands, in armour, with their helmets by them ; alfo John Beaufort her father, and Margaret her mother; but they are now much broken and defaced, and the infcriptions fpoilt. There may full be read, " . . . Kom'it'iffa Rychcmondie et Derbei . . . tis pro qulbus . . . . fuo " verba . , . , , tarn magnl . , . . ." Blomelield, Collect. Cantab. p. 216. mynde 3o C O U N T E S S OF RICHMOND. mynde, and entent, and, according to the faid flatuts and ordinaunces ; and alfo to fee and caufe all our teflament, and laft will to be truely executed and performyd in every behalf, as they will anfwer before Almighty God at the dredfull daie of finall jugement. And alfo we, in moofl humble and hertie wife, praye and befeche the faid King our Soverain Lord, and moofl deere Son, for the moll tendre and lingular love that we bear, and would have born to hym, to fee and caufe our faid will therein, and in all other things, to be truely executed and performed. And whereas we the faid Pr.nceffe, by our deede bering date the tirfl day of Aprill , laft pail, the xx yere of the reigne of our moil dere Sonne King Henry the Vllth, have enfeoffed the right reverend Fader in God John 1 Bifshop of Rochefter, Hugh m Bifshop of Excefler,and other of and in our maners of Maxey" and Torpell, in the coun- tie of North', to have to theym, and their heyres, upon confidence thereof to performe our laft will ; and where- as the faid Bifshoppes, and their cofeoffez, fithen that at our fpeciall requell and defire have divifed and graunted to William RatclifF, David Cecile, and Thomas Williams of Stamford a felde, and a clofe by fide Crakelolme, late in the tenure of James Mandefley, within the Lordfhip of Maxey, to have and to holde, to theym and to their 1 Fifher. m Oldham, 1504 1520. n Maxey is in NafTaburgh Hundred, Northamptonfhire. The manor now belongs to the dean and chapter of Peterborough. Magn. Brit. III. 469. affignes, COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 381 afTignes, during the lif of Margaret White, anchores in the Houfe of Nones befide Stamford, to th'ufe and en- tent that the fame William RatclifF, David, and Thomas, and their afTignes, mall take and difpofe th'iffues and pro- fitts therof to and for the exhibucion and fynding of the faid anchores, and of a honeft. woman to attende upon hir during her lif. And alfo we have geven and graunted to our fervant Edithe Fowler, late the wif of Thomas Fow- ler, widow, certyn parcells of the faid manors, londs, and tenements, to the yerely valow by eftimacion of x li. And" alfo we have geven and graunted to our fervant Elizabeth Maffey divers other parcells of the faid maners, londs, and tenements, to the yerely valow, by eftimacion, of vi 1L- xiii s. 1111 d. And alfo to our fervant Richard Stukley and Margarete his wif, to the lenger lyver of theym,. cer- teyn other parcells of the faide maners,. londs, and tene- ments, to the yerely valow, by eftimacion, of nil li; And alfo have geven and graunted to our fervant Henry Lud- ley certeyn other parcels of the faid maners, londs, and tenements, to the yerely valow, by eftimacion, of nil li. as by their feverall graunts therof more playnly apperith. All which dimifes and graunts made by the faid Bifshopps ? and other their co-feofFez, to all the faid perfones, we the faide Princeffe, by our feverall deeds, fealed with the feale A Benedicline Nunnery in Stamford-baron, founded an abbot of Peter- borough 6 Henry II. greatly reduced at the diflblution, when the fite was graunted to Richard Cecil. Tan, Not, Mon. p. 382. of. tfz COUNTESS OF RICHMOND, df our armes, have ratified, approved, and confermed, as in the fame deeds more playnely apperith. And for the farther fuertie of the parties to whom the faide graunts and irftiaciohs be made, we will and declare by this our prefect teftament and lafl will, that all and every of the fame perfones have and enjoye feverally all the faid londs and tenements conteyned and fpeciried in the fame graunts and conrlrmacions according to the tenors and effects of the fame. And we in mofl humble wife praye and befeche the King our Soverain Lorde and moft deere Son to give his gracious affente to the fame ; and to fuffre them, and every of them, to have and enjoye the fame, according to our faid will, mynde, and entent. Item, we will, that our executors, aflbne as they convenyently maye aftir our decefTe, doo make, or caufe to be made, in the chapell there, as our body fhalbe interred, a convenyent tombe, by their difcrecions ; and oon aulter, or n, in the fame chapell, for the faid u chauntery maffes there perpetually to be faid at the howres and tymes and with all fuche prayers and obfervaunces as is afore reherfed. Item, where we have licence of the faid King our moft deere Son, by his lettres patents graunten unto us, and our executors, to eftablifshe and founde a perpetuall chauntery of oon preeft in the college of Wymborn, and to geve to hym and to his fucceflbrs londs and tenements to the yerely [value] of x li. We will, that if we founde not the faid chauntery in our lif that then our executors, aflbne as they conveny- ently COUNTESS OF RICHMON D. 383 ently maye aftir our deceffe, (hall eftablifh and founde the fame chaimtery of oon perpetuall preeft in the fame col- lege, there to kepe contynuall refidence, and to teche frely gramer. And we will, that all the londs and tenements called Fofters, which bepurchacedinCurrey-Revell, which be of the yerely valow of vui li. be fold by our executors, to pay our detts or laft will, and to be difpofid in chari- table works of pitie and mercy for the wele of our foule. And whereas we the faid Princefl'e in the tyme of the reigne of King Edward the Illlth, obteyned his Lettres Patents of licence to put in feoffament, and by reaibn of the fame licence, dide put in feoffament our maners of Martok, Currey-Ryvell, Kyngefbury, and Quene-Camell, in the fame countie of Somerfet, with the hundred of Bulfton, Abdike, and Horethorn, in the fame countie, and our bourghes of Samford, Peverell, and the hun- dreth of Allerton, with th'appertenances in the countie of Devon, to Robert p bifshop of Bathe, Sir Raynold Bray, knyght, and others, to have to theym and their heyres, to th'ufe and entent therof to performe our laft will, which Bifshop, and his co-feoffes, by reafon of the licence which the faid King our Soverain Lord and moll deere Son graunted unto theym at our defire by his lettres patents the vith yere of his reigne, made aftate of all the faid ma- ners and other the premifles to Richard q bifshop of Lon* p Stillington, 1465 1491. Fitz James, 1506 1522. D d d don, 584 COUNTESS OF RICHMOND, don, and Richard Skipton, Clerke, to have to theym and their heyres, in fee; which bifshop and Richard Skip- ton, by reafon of the fame lettres patents, made aftate of all the fame maners, and other the premiffes, to the right reverend fader in God Richard r than bifshop of Excefter, now Bifshop of Wynchefter, Elies Daubeney of Dawbe- ney, knyght, William Smyth s than deane of Seynt Ste- phens, nowe bifshop of Lincoln, Thomas Lovell, knyght,. WilliamHodie, knyght, and Richard Emfon 1 , yet lyving, and other decefled, in fee, to th'entent therof, to performe our lafr wilt, by vertue wherof the faid bifshop of Wyn- chefter, and his co-feoffez be thereof feafid in fee to the fame nfe and en tent : We the faid Princeiie will and de- clare, by thiea prefents, that where our moevable goods which we fhall have at our decefle, be not fu'fficient, aftir our funerall had and don, to content and paye all our detts and legacies, and to performe our teftament and laft will, in every behalf ; that therefore our executors and affignes fhall have and take all th'yfiues and profitts and revenues of all the fame maners, and other the premifles, unto the tyme that they with the fame y flues, profitts, and revenues, r Fox, tranflated to Wells, 1492; Durham, 1494; Winchefter, 1502; died 1530. s Bp. of Coventry and Litchfield, 1492'; Lincoln, 1495. J This fon of a fieve maker, as Lord Bacon calls him, the fit inftrument ^f Henry VII's peculations in the clofe of his life, and the famous coad- jutor with Dudley, was created a baron of the exchequer, and received the honour of .knighthood. Henry VIII. who, with greater profufion, came not a whit behind his father in rapacity, made them both the firft facrince of his reign. have COUNTESS OF RICHMONO. 3 8$ have contented and paid our faid detts and legacies, and throughly and perfitely performed our teftament and laft will ; and that the faid bifshop of Wynchefter and his co-feofFes, their heyres and affignes, mail {land and be feof- fed of the fame maners and other the premifies to the fame ufe and entent, and fuffer and not lett our faid exe- cutors and ailignes fo to doo. And we, in our mooft hum* ble wife, alfo praye the faid King our mod deere Son to geve his gracious aflent thereto to fuffer and affiite our ex- ecutors and affignes fo to do, as we putt our finguler truil in his Highnefs. And we the faid PriiicerTe, aftir our detts paid, and aftir our legacies and bequefts fpecified in this our prefent teftament and laft will, and in the fcedulles ther- unto annexed, fully and truely in every thinge executed and performed, will, that our executors, calling into their in- ward mvnds and remembraunce Almighty God, and the dutie of executors, for diftribucion of goods to them in fuche caas committed to diftribute the reiidue of all our faid goods for the welth of our foule, in fuche wife as by their difcrecion {hal be thought mooft beft, meritorious and convenyent. In wittnefs wherof, to thies prefents we have (et to our fgne manuell and feale of arms the daie and vere abovelaid. Ultima voluntas ejufdem D. Marg\ D d d i Be 36 COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. Be it remembred, That it was alfo the laft will of the faide Priiiceffe to difiblve th'ofpitall of Seynt Joh'nis in Cambrigge u , and to alter and to founde therof a college of feculer perfones ; that is to fay, a rnaifter and fifty fcolers, with divers Servants ; and newe to bielde the faid college, and fufficiently to endowe the fame, with londs and tene- ments, aftir the maner and forme of other colleges in Cam- bridge ; and to furnyfshe the fame, as well in the chapell y library, pantre, and kechen, with books and all other things neceffary for tne fame. And' to the performans whereof the faide Frinceffe willed, among other things, that hir executors fhuld take the yikies, revenues, and profltts of hir londs and tenements put in feoffament in the counties of Devonshire, Somei fettihire, and North- u Founded by Nigellus bilhop of Ely, or ratber by Henry Froft burgefs of Cambridge in his time, in honour of St. John the F.vangelift, for a fecu- !ar mafter and brethren, {'aid to be endowed with . 140. per anv. but at its fuppreifion the revenues amounted only to .80. Tanner. Not. Mon. p. 43. The Counters had been folicited by ibme men of character in the other university to place her remaining charities upon Oxford, at St. Fndefwide's ; but Bp. Filher, by more powerful arguments, and particularly by pointing out the melancholy ltate and dhTolute lives of the brethren of Old St. John's Houfe, turned her thoughts back, again to Cambridge. Their prodigality and excefTes had occafioned thtm to mortgage all their lands and fettled eftates beyond their worth, and at laft the houfe itfelf was abandoned. The beft thing that could be done was to diflblve it, and ingraft a college on the old ftock. The confent of the bifhop of Ely, as reputed founder and dioce- fan, was eafily obtained of James Stanley, and the King's licence aseafilv. But before this could be done in due and legal form, the King died j and before much more could be done to the purpofe, the foundrefs likewife died ; and had (lie not lodged this truft in faithful hands, this great and good defign had died with her. Baker's Pref. to her Funeral Sermon by Bifhop Filher, p. xv. amptonfhire, COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 387 amptonfhire, &c. Alfo the faide PrincefTe willed, that with the revenues comyng of the laid londs putt in feoff- ment that the faid late hofpitall fhulde be made clere of all olde detts dewly provid, and alfo that the londs and- tenements to the fame late hofpitall belonging, fhuld be fufficiently repayred and maynteyned. Alfo the faid Prin- ce(Te willed, that hir houfeholde fervants whiche had long contynued and done to hir goode fervyce lhoulde be reward- ed with parte of hir goods, by the difcrecion of the Reve- rend Fader in God Richard Bif-hop of Wynchefter, upon informacion geven unto him of their goode fervice and merits ; and in likewife me wold, that by his difcrecion hir executors fhuld be rewarded. Alfo the faid Princene willed, that the nowmbre of xn poore men and women that hir grace kepte and founded at Hatfeld in hir liftyme fhulde be kepte and maynteyned, at hir cofts, during all the lyves of the faide poore men and women. Alfo the faide Princevle willed, that over and above x li. londs by yere which (he wold fhuld be purchafed and geven unto hir chauntry and free fcole of gramer in Wynborn Myn- fter, fhe wold, that other vi li. fhuld be purchafed, and the King's licence to be obteigned for the fame. Alfo the faide PrincefTe w T illed, that the maifter and felowes of Crift's College of Cambridge mould have provided for them and their fucceffours londs and tenements to the yerely value of xvi li. over and befids other londs that the faid college hath in poffeffion. Alfo the faide PrincefTe willed, that the faid CriiVs College fhuld, at hir cofts and charge,. 3 S8 COUNTESS OF RICH M'O N D. charge, be perntly fynimed in allreparacions, bidding, and garnyfhing of the fame. Alfo the faid Princefie willed, that iaide maner of Malton, in the mire of Cambrige, whiche belongeth to the faid Crifl's College mould be fufficiently bielded and repayred, at hir cofte and charge ; foo that the faid maifler and fcolers may refort thidder, and there to tary in tymeof contagioufe feknes at Cambrige, and exercife their lernyng and ftudies. Alfo the faid Princeffe 'willed, that a ftrong coffer mould be provyded in the faid CrifFs College, at hir cofts and charge. Alfo that hir faid executors mulde putt in the fame a c li. of money, or more, to the ufe of the faid college, to be fpended as they mall nede. Alfo the faid Princefie willed, that all hir plate, juells, veftments, aulterclothes, books, hangyngs, and other necefiarys belonging to hir chapell in the tyme of hir deceffe, and not otherwife bequethed, fhuld be divid- ed betwene hir faid colleges of Crifte and Seynt John, by the difcrecion of hir executors. Alfo the faide Princefie willed, the I in daye before hir deceiTe, that the Reverend Fader in God Richard bifshop of Wynchefler and maifler Henry Hornby, hir Chauncellor, fhuld the fame day have the overfight of hir faid will and teftament ; and by theire fadnefle and goode difcrecion s mulde have full aucloritie and power to alter, adde to, and demynifhe, fuche articles in hir faid will and teftament, as they thought moll: con- venyent, and according to the will of the faid Princefie. Probat' dicY teftamenti apud Lamhith, xvn die Mentis O&obris, Anno Domini Mill'imo Quingentefiimo xn. MAR- COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 389 MA RGARET, only daughter of John Beaufort duke of Somerfet (grand fon of John of Gaunt) by Margaret daughter of John Beauchamp of Bletfoe, was married to Edmund de Hadham, fecond fon of Owen Tudor the fecond huiband of Catherine Queen of Henry V. created 31 Henry VI. earl of Richmond, with precedence before all other earls. He died 35 Henry VI. 1456. and was buried in the middle of the choir of St. David's cathedral,, under an. altar tomb yet remaining, with an infcription, ftyling him, H Father and Brother to Kings." His widow married Henry a younger ion of Humphrey Stafford duke of Buckingham, flain at the battle of Northampton, 38 Henry VI. whofe will bears date 1481, 21 Edward IV r .. She took to her third hufband Thomas Lord Stanley, who narrowly efcaping death from a blow of a halberd at the arreft of Lord Haftings, joined the Countefs's ion at the battle of Bofworth, and had the honour of placing the ufurper's crown on his head, and was the fame year created x He bequeathed his body to be buried in the college of Plefshy, in EfTex, and gave /. 160. to buy twelve marks of livelode by the year, to be amor- tized for f.he finding an honeft fittting prieft to fing for his foul, in the faid college of Plafshe, for evermore. And to his fon -in-law the Earl of Rich- mond a trappiir of four new horfe-harnefs of velvet. To his brother John Earl of Wiltfhire his bay courier ; and to Reynold Bray *, his receiver- general, his grizzled hor'fe. Of which teftament he appointed Margarct- Counrefs ef Richmond his wife his Executrix. Dugd. Bar. I. 1.67. * This trufty fervant of the Countefs of Richmond was one inftrumenr in bringing about the Revolution in favour of her fon, being fent by tbe Duke of Buckingham and Morton Bifhop of Ely to concert meafures with her and Edward IV's dowager. Dugd. Bar. II. 239. ex Pcdyd. Verg. p. 553. Earl 370 COUNTESS OF R1CHMON D. Earl of Derby, which title has been held to this day by his lineal defcendants, of whom our hiftories recite a glo- rious feries. She had no children by her two laft hufbands, and only one fon by her firm Having lived to fee the coronation *of her grandfon Henry VIII. fhe departed this life juil thirteen months after the date of her teftament, June 29, 1509, and is buried, according to her appointment, in the South fide of the chapel of Our Lady at Weftminfter, begun to be built by her fon, and commonly called Henry Vllth's chapel. Her effigies of copper gilt, habited in an ermine mantle, with a coronet on her head, and a hind at her feet, lies on a tomb of black marble, at whofe head are her arms impaled by thofe of the Earl of Richmond, as at the feet by thofe of the Earl of Derby. On the South fide Henry VII. impaling Elizabeth of York, Henry V. impaling Catherine of France, and Arthur Prince of Wales. On the North fide Henry VIII. impaling Catherine of Arragon ; John Duke of Somerfet, impaling Margaret Holland, her grandfather and .grandmother. Her fimple epitaph, recit- ing her charities, was drawn up by Erafmus, who re- ceived twenty millings for it. See it, and the monument, in Sandford, 328. in Dart I. 148. and in Baker's Preface to Fifher's Funeral Sermon, where is alfo an engraving of the arms ufed in her feal, and now borne by the colleges of Chrifr. and St. John in Cambridge ; And fee Dugd. Bar. H 237, 238. 5 THE COUNTESS. OF RICHMOND. 39' THE feveral great benefactions of this good lady for the promotion of learning, which had been gradually emerging in this kingdom during the diftradtions of the wars between the houfes of York and Lancafter, render it neceflary to give a more particular account of her foun- dations than could be divided into notes. The Countefs had letters patents, 1 2 Henry VII. to pur- chafe lands of the yearly value of . 10, to found and en- dow at Winborn a perpetual chantry of one prieft, in honour of the blefled Jefus, the Annuntiation of the Blefled Virgin Alary, and for the health of her foul, and the fouls of her parents. But dying before it was endowed, her executors obtained letters patents, 1 Henry VIII. ratifying the former, and empowering them to purchafe lands to the value of JT. 6. per annum, over and above the others, by indenture, tripartite, 2 Henry VIII. between them, the Dean and Chapter of Wimborn, and the facriit, or keeper of Brem- bre's chantry there. The executors founded a chantry at the altar 011 the South fide of the tomb of John duke of Somerfet, and Margaret his wife, father and mother of the teftatrix, and appointed Richard Hodgekynnes, B. A. to be firft chaplain, continually reiident in the college of Wimborn, in a houfe appointed by the dean and chapter there to teach grammar to all comers as in Eton and Weft- minfter fchools, without any other perquifites than were ap- pointed by the executors ; and to celebrate daily mafs at the E e e faid 39* COUNTESS OF RICHMOND, faid altar, for the fouls of the foundrefs, King Henry VII. her parents and anceftor&j the collects and other cere- monies are particularly prefcribed. He was to keep her anniverfary July q, and after it to diflribute twenty mil- lings, as follows ; to the facrifr of the college if prefent at her mafs fixteen pence, to every chaplain devoutly finging eight pence, to every fecondary and parifh clerk four pence, to the facrift for five wax candles to be burnt about the bier, and two on the altar, and for bell ropes, fix- teen pence ; to the ringers eight pence ; the refidue among the poor of the parifh, at one penny or twopence each. His ftipend was ten pound per annum,, and his door-keep- er's forty-fhillings, and he was to give an account of his expences each Michaelmas, to the facrift, and one of the fenior chaplains of Brembre's chantry ; and the furplus money was to be kept in a cheft under three keys, one in the hands of the Dean or his facrifr, another in thofe of the fenior chaplain, and the third in thofe of the chaplain of this chantry ; or to- be taken out as wanted. In 1511. Richard Hodgekyns was chantry priefr, and received fix pounds per annum* At the diflblution this chauntry fell with the college of Winborn and all its revenues into the King's hands ; part was leafed out, and part continued as a precarious maintenance to the minifters of the church,, till 5 Eliz. certain of the parifhioners, by means of Lord Montjoy, obtained the Queen's letters patents to found the free grammar-fchool now fubfifting at Winborn, in . which COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 39J which the munificence of the pious teftatrix is abforbed ; and inftead of one prieft a fchoolmafter is maintained by an income of jT. 34. per annum, and an ufher at . 25. per annum. Hutchins's Dorfet, II. 81. 83. The Cambridge public lecture in divinity Ihe inftituted in the 13th year of her fon's reign, on the feaft of the Nativity of the BlefTed Virgin, and by her original foun- dation appointed John Fifher, S. T. P. her firil reader, who was fucceeded by Dr. Cofin, Mafter of Benet, and he by William Burgoyn, afterwards Mafter of Peter-houfe; and he by Erafmus. She likewife gave rules and flatutes for the choice of her reader, and for the difcharge and perfor- mance of the duties of his place, and endowed her le&ure with 20 marks per annum, payable by the abbot and con- vent of Weftminfter. The fame day and year me infli- tuted the like reader at Oxford, with allowance of the fame falary, and almoft. under the fame rules with that at Cam- bridge, and nominated one John Roper, S. T. P. her firfr. reader. In the 20th year of the fame reign fhe founded a perpe- tual public preacher at Cambridge, with a ftipend of . 10. per annum, payable by the abbot and convent of Weft- minfter, whofe duty was to preach at leafl fix fermons every year at feveral churches fpecified in the foundation in the diocefes of London, Ely, and Lincoln ; and one John Fawn, S. T. P. is appointed her firft. preacher, by the original foundation. E e e 2 This 394 COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. This foundation of a public preacher is peculiar to Cambridge, for Mr. Wood's fufpicion of the like at Oxford has no foundation. The foundation of Chritt's college was undertaken by the advice and perfuauon of Bp. Fifher ; who, by her fta- tutes, was appointed vifitor for life after the foundrefs. The foundation has been placed in the year 1505, but the ttatutes were not given, nor the foundation perfected, till the year following. The original obligation of Johnf Syclyng, laft matter of God's houfe, and hrft mailer of Chritt's college, for obferving the foundrefs's ttatutes, bears date Sept. 5, 22 Henry VI L from which day and year, I fuppofe, and not fooner, the government and ttatutes of that college took place and begun to be in force. And becaufe the biftiops of Ely had yet kept up fome claim or fhew of power, a grant was obtained from James [Stanley] bifhop of Ely, fon in law to the foundrefs, 1506., whereby he gave leave to the Matter, Fellows, and Scholars, to celebrate divine offices in their college chapel, which had been already confecrated ; and by another grant of the fame date, at the inftance of the foundrefs, he exempted the col- lege from epifcopal and ordinary vifitations for himfelf and fucceflbrs for ever. The endowments of the college are all fpecified in the foundrefs's will, and though it appears from thence that fhe herfelf was very liberal, having be- ttowed good lands and manors of her own, yet the abbey of Creyke given her by Henry VII. and God's Houfe, which COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 395 which was of the foundation of Henry VI. did go a good way, and pretty deep, in the foundation. In regard to the foundation of St. John's College, fhe did indeed leave a will and lands in feoffment for the performance thereof, and thefe were very fufficient, had they been fecured againft, the next heir the King her grandfon ; and though her will (as far as appears) was very good, and duly attefted, yet that part of it which concerned her foundation of a new college, having been done by way of codicil, before it could be fealed, the good lady departed this life, and left fome ground for cavil. This might have been borne with had they been fure of the old houfe, but that was yet ftanding undhTolved, fo that all that had been done towards it was to begin anew, with lefs power, and under greater difadvantages. King Henry VII. was now wanting ; the King reigning, as he had not the fame ties of duty and affection, fo he was under no obligation to make good his father's promifes ; and having an eye upon the ellate, he had no very ftrong inclination to favor a defign that muft fwallow up a part of his inheritance. The bifhop of Ely, who was eafy and complying enough whilft the foundrefs was living, fhe being gone, began to fhew his nature, and was full of difficulties, and withheld his confent for half a year. His firft bufinefs ought to have been to have vifited and reformed the houfe, and to have prevented thofe enor- mities that occafioned its diflblution ; but having rather coou- ?9 6 COUNTESS OF RICHMOND: countenanced their loofenefs, by his ill example, it is no wonder if he had fome tendernefs and feeling of the in- firmities of his brethren, or was unwilling to con lent to a thing that fo plainly reproached him with his own great neglect and worie example. Great application was to be made both at court and at Ely ; the affair was likewife to be folicited at Rome, and where Julius II. being then pope, nothing was to be done without addrefs and management, and all the other requi- fitea to expedite luch an affair. The expences of the bulls are put down upon the executor's accounts (figned and al- lowed by Polydore Vergil), which are very high for a thing fo much in courfe and of no greater confequence than the diifolving an old ruinous houfe, that might have been done without afking the pope's leave, had it been thought expe- dient ; and yet, when the bull came, it was found defec- tive, and was to be renewed at a new trouble and expence. The latter indeed was not loft ; for when the decretory bull was fent it ftruck the old houfe at one blow, without content either of the King or of the bifhop of Ely. The King's licence was granted Aug. 7. ami. reg. primo. It fets forth the defolate flate and condition of the houfe, though not in fo difmal a manner ; gives leave to the executors, upon its fuppreffion, to convert it into a college unius magijlri, ac fociorum, et fcholarium ad nume- rum 50 t >el circa, in Jcientiis liber alibus, jure civili & cano- m'ca, et theologid Jludentium, to be ililed St. John's College:, to COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 397 to unite, incorporate, and annex, all the lands of the old houfe to the college fo erected ; and further grants leave to the college when erected to hold . 50. per annum over and above the lands of the houfe, the ftatute of mort- main notwithstanding. This licence was granted at the requeft of the fonndrefs (though then deceafed) as well as of her executors ; for there is an old draught or original of the King's licence, ligned Henry, but not fealed, whereto is prefixed the pe- tition of his humble graunt dame, in a form there put down : fo it feems, her petition was either preferred, or left to be preferred, after her death ; and the King's li- cence under feal, refers to her petition. . The bimop of Ely's firft grant is dated March 7, 1 509. after the King's licence, and before the papal bull came, where- by he firfb makes conditions for himfelf and fucceffors, by refer ving to himfelf a power of naming three perfons dur- ing his life, and to his fucceffors a power of naming one, to be elected fellows of the college, ft habiles et idonei ' fmu a clog that yet remains upon the fociety ; and then grants, that the college, when erected, mall enjoy the jewels, goods, &c. belonging to the houfe, and obliges himfelf, that, the papsl bulls firfr. had, he would give leave and allow the houfe to be incorporated to the college. And he empowered Richard Wiot, S. T. P. Matter of Chrift's college, John Fotehede B. D. and William Thornborough, to take a full and perfect inventory of all the jewels, muni- a rnents. 398 COUNTESS OF P. I C H M O N D. ments, and other moveables of the houfe, and to have them in fafe cuftody till the college mould be erected. When the pope's bulls came, the bimop of Ely pafl'ed ano- ther grant, dated Dec. 31. ann. reg. fecundo, whereby he conveyed over to the executors all the fcite and manfion, and all the houfes, churches, chapels, and edifices, belonging to the houfe, together with all manors, lands, rents, tene- ments, and other pofTeflions appertaining thereunto, and all his right as founder in the fame ; which houfe being fuppreft, diflblv'd, andextinguifhed, by apoftolical authority, by the King's licence, and by his confent, devolving to him as founder, being of the foundation of him and his predecef- fors, he grants to them, to the end and intention, that they might change, found, create, and erect it into a col- lege of fecular ftudents, to endure for ever ; ordinary ju- rifdiction always referved to him and his fucceffors. And he appointed and conftituted Richard Henrifon, clerk, and others, his proctors or attornies, to enter and take feifin and poflefiion of the houfe ; and being feized, to deliver full, plenary, and peaceable pofYeffion thereof to the foundrefs's executors. By virtue of this grant, on the 20th of January, the fame year full and peaceable poffemcn of the houfe, &c. was delivered by Richard Henrifon, the bifhop's com- miflary to Henry Hornby S. T. P. one of the executors, in the name and ftead of the refr. ; in the prefence of Wil- liam Woderove S. T. P. mafter of Clare-hall, and deputy vice- COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 399 vice-chancellor, William Burgoign S. T. P. John Fote- hede S. T. B. mafter of Michael- houfe, Oliver Scalis pub- lic notary, and many other ftudents and burgefles. And fo the old houfe, after much folicitation and long delay, after a tedious procefs at Rome, at court, and at Ely, under an imperious pope, a forbidding prince, and a mer- cenary prelate, with great application and induftry, and at no lefs expence, was at laft diffolved and utterly extin- guifhed, on the 20th day of January, A. D. 15 10. and fell a lafting monument to all future ages, and to all charita- ble and religious foundations, not to neglect the rules or abufe the inftitutions of their founders, leaft they fall under the fame fate. Though all this was tranfacted in the name of the executors, it ought never to be forgot, that the bifhop of Rochefler was the fole or principal agent. The houfe being thus diflblved, the next thing the exe- cutors were to think of, was to let about their new foun- dation ; which they were now empowered to do by a full authority. Somewhat they were now fure of, and we have a college in view, but as yet a very poor one : for the revenues of the old houfe were fmall, according to an authentic account amounting only to j[. 80. is. 10 d. ob. per ann. And it is pretty plain, from the King's licence of mortmain, he did not intend the foundation lhould be over large, it being thereby limited to jT. 50 per annum, befides the revenues of the old houfe. Fff It <4o COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. It is true, the foundrefs had done her part, having left the hTues, profits, and revenues, of her eftate and lands, to the value of . 400. and upwards, to that purpofe, and for the ufes of her will ; but finely the King, when he granted fuch a mortmain, did not intend the executors mould enjoy them long. However, being unwilling to underftand his meaning, or being willing to pufh things as far as they would go, or prefaging already the future growth of the college, though from unhopeful beginnings* they went on with good aflurance ; and having cleared the debts of the old houfe, according to the direction of the foundrefs in her will, as well as the rubbim of the old buildings, which in great part were very ruinous, they proceeded to the foundation, both of the fabric and body politic of the college. The charter of foundation was given April 9, 151 1, in the name and by the authority of all the executors. ,In all this charter, which is a very long one, there is no mention made of the large revenues left by the foundrefs, for the ufes of her will ; but the King's licence of mortmain is there recited, whereby the college is limited to JT. 50. per a7inum befides the lands and revenues of the houfe. About the fame time the fabric of the houfe was under- taken, which was made equal to the defign. The expence of the whole building amounted in all (after fome deductions for other ufes) to betwixt four and five thoufand pounds, a round fum in that age 1 for fo much COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 401 much was paid by the executors towards the building to Robert Shorton mafter of the college, and fo much was paid by him to Oliver Scalis, clerk of the works, at feveral payments, as appears by their feveral accounts. All this while the executors had to do with a greater man, the King, as heir at law to the foundrefs's eftate. All due care had been taken to fecure their intereft therein, by proving her will, both in the Prerogative Court and in the Court of Chancery, by advice of the judges, wherein archbifhop Warham was very ufeful and favourable, both as Archbiihop and Chancellor of England ; who, after a long, tedious, and expenfive hearing, witnefTes examined, the King's council heard, and judges confulted (all which was neceflary to guard him againft the King) at lait. ap- proved and allowed the will as good. Upon this ground the profits of her lands were received for fome years, firft by Bifhop Fimer, and afterwards by Dr. Hornby ; but this was not to continue long; for what by the clamours of the Countefs's officers and fervants, who, becaufe they could not have all themfelves, were willing to give all to the King ; what by the advice of fome potent courtiers, of which number Wolfey is faid to be one ; and what by the frefh fuit of the King's auditors and council, who are ufu- ally ready to fecond the courtiers in fuch defigns, the executors were fo hard prefled, and fo ftxaitly handled, that they were forced to let go the lands, notwithstanding all the claim they had to them. F f f a The 4 02 COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. The lands being gone, they were to look out and fue for a compenfation, otherwife all was at a ftand. Somewhat of that kind was eafily obtained ; but that at firfr granted, as it was fmall in itfelf, fo it was loon defeated by unex- pected accidents, and an untimely death. Somewhat more durable was to be had, and there being an old decayed Ma'tfon D/eu or hofpital at Ofpring in Kent worth having, this foiling under the Bimop of Rochefter's view, was quickly thought of, and being by devolution in the King, by the Bifhop's application at court, with the medi- ation of the Queen, Wolfey, and other courtiers, it was at laft obtained. This, with the lands of the old houfe, together with the foundrefs's eftate at Fordham, which was charged with debts by her will, with fome other little things purchafed with her monies, was the original foundation upon which the college was firfr. opened ; and whoever dreams of vail: revenues, or larger endowments, will be mightily mifta- ken. Her lands put in feoffment for the performance of her will, lay in the counties of Devon, Somerfet, and Northampton ; and though I mould be very glad to meet with lands of the foundation in any of thefe three coun- ties, yet I defpair much of fuch a difcovery. But whoever now enjoys the manors of Maxey and Torpell, in the county of Northampton, or the manors of Mar rock, Cur- rey-Ryvell, Kynfbur;/, and Queen-Camel, with the hun- dreds of Bulfton, Abdike, and Horethorne, in the county of COUNTESS OF RICHMOND. 403 of Somerfet ; or the manor of Sandford Peverell, with the hundred of Alberton, in the county of Devon ; though they may have a very good title to them, which I will not queftion, yet whenever they (hall he pioufly and cha- ritably difpofed, they cannot beftow them more equitably than by leaving them to St. John's college, Cambridge. Mr. Thomas Baker's preface to the Countefs's funeral fermon, preached by bifhop Fifher at her moneth. minde : p. viii xliv. APPENDIX. I C 404 ] A P P E N D I X. N I. p. 207. Rot. Pari. 1 Hen. V. n. 13. vol. IV. p. 5. Pur les Executeurs dc darrien Roy Henry [IV.] TEM, certeines Lres patentes feurent faites pur les Executours da Roy Henry, pier lire Sr le Roy q'or eft, en la fourme q'enfeute.- Henricus, Dei gra, Rex Angl' & Franc', & Diius HitSnie, Omnibus ad quos prefentes Lre pervenerint, Salutem. Sciatis, qct cum recolende memorie Dnus Henricus, nuper Rex Anglie, pater fir, cogitans diem exitus fui appropinquare, ac pie defiderans dum adhuc ageret in humanis, precipue pauperibus ligeis fuis, quibus in diverfis pecuniarum fumis erat aftri&us, fatis- facere, & aliis pietatis operibus faluti anime fue falubriter pro- videre, Teftamentum fuum condiderit, in quo, de bonis & catallis fibi a Deo collatis creditoribus fuis primo fatisfieri, ac certa legata folvi, & nonnulla pietatis opera exerceri & impleri, difpofuit vene- nerabilib' patribus, Henrico a archiepo Eborum, Thoma b epo Dunolm', ac Johanne Pelham, Roberto Waterton, & Johanne Leventhorp, nominatis Executoribus ; necnon Nobis, & Confan- guineo nro Thoma c archiepo Cantuar', fnperviforibus ad hoc de- putatis-, Qui quidem archiepus Ebor', epifcopus, Jolles, RoBtus, & Joftes, advertentes bona & catalla ipfius patris nri ad perfolucoem debitorum fuor' 8c alior* inTeftamento pdeo difpofitor' nonfufficere, * Thomas FitzALan, fon of the earl of Arundel, bifhop of Ely, 1374 1388; archbifhop of York, 1388 1396; of Canterbury., 1396 1414. He was alfo lord chancellor. b Thomas Langley. See above, p, 205. c Thomas Arundel. 7 Exe- APPENDIX. 40- Executionem Teftamenti hujufmodi admittcre renuunt & recufant, & fie difpofitio Teftamenti bonor' & catailor' hujufmodi ad dem confanguineum firm, tanquam ad ordinarium de jure ptineret, ac bona & catalla pdea pro fatisfaccoe & folucoe,& aliis pdcis implendis, venditioni publice exponi deberent ; Nos, attendentes bona & catalla pdea Nobis & nris ufibus fore accomoda, ac honeflius efle bona & catalla ilia penes Nos remaiiere, quam venditioni publice aliqualiter, ut premittitur, exponi, eadem bona & catalla ab ipfis qui tempore dci patris nii cuftodiara eorundem habuerint recepimus, & penes Nos retinemus ; eorumq; valorem per veram eftimacoem inde fcam, qui ad viginti & quinque milia marcarum fe extendit, ut difpofitio pfati patris nri in quantum fumma ilia fufficere poffit ex- inde perficiatur, ejufqj anima mifericordiam Altiflimi racilius pro- mereatur, ac Nos de bonis & catallis pdcis penes Deum & homines iimus penitus excufati, prefatis archiepo Eborum, epo, Johi, Roberto & Johi, concedimus & aflignamus p prefentes ; Habend' & per- cipiend' fummam pdcam infra quatuor annos prox'.fequentes pod dat' prefentium, vidett ad fefta Sci Micliis & Pafche extunc prox* tribuen' equis portionibus quatuor milia librar' ; & ad fefta Sci Micliis & Pafche extunc prox' fequen' equis porcoibus quatuor milia librar-, &ad fefta Sci Michis & Pafche extunc prox' fequen' quis porcoibus quatuor milia librar' ; h ad fefta Sci Michis & Pafche extunc prox' fequen' equis porcoibus Quatuor milia fex^ centas fexaginta & fex libras, trefdecim folidos, & quatuor denarios; deinde primo creditoribus ipfius patris nri pro viclualibus & ex- penfis hofpitii fui, ac necefiariis camere, ac garderobe fuar', ab eis empt' ; necnon g pecuniarum fummis eidem patri nro p ipfos cre- ditores mutuatis, juxta fanas difrecoes fuas fatisfaciend' ; ac deinde alia pietatis opera juxta difpoficoem ipfius patris nri pdcam, ii fumma hujufmodi ad hoc fufHciat, per fupervifum firum ac ipGus confanguinei nri, feu deputatorum nror' faciend' & exercend'. Vo- lentes 4 o6 APPENDIX, leiues ulterius S: concedentes, de affenfu dnornis ipiritualium & temporalium, ac coitatis regni nri Anglie in pfenti Parliamento nro cxiften', quod tarn idem confanguineus iir, quam pfatus archiepus Eborum, epus, Jolics, Rofttus, & Johes, de omniraodis plitis, querelis, a&ionibus, & demandis, que p pfatos creditores, vel alios quofcuraque, verfus pfatum confanguineum Brum, ratione commifEonis adminiflrationis fumme pdce pfatis archiepo Ebor', epo, Jofri, Rofato, & Jofri, per ipfum faciend* j aut verfus ipfos archiepum Ebor', epum, Joftem, Robtum, & Jofrem, rone admif- fionis Adminiflrationis hujufmodi, feu occupationis, receptionis, feu deliberationis fumme pdce, vel alior' bonor' feu catallor' que fuerunt pdci patris nri quorumcumq, capi, profequi, vel moveri poffint, in futur' quieti fint, & penirus exonerati imperpetuum ; aliquo flatuto in contrarium fco non obflante. Volumus tamen, qct iidem archiepus Ebor*, epus, Jofres, Robtus, & Johes, omnes denarios quos ipfos de fuma pdca recipere & habere continget, circa fatisfa&ionem debitor' pdcor', ac alia pietatis opera pdca, in forma pdca faciend', fideliter folvant Sc expendam, p fupervifum fupradcm: Et qct ad compotum five ratiomium inde reddend' ni(i coram pfato confanguineo nro, vel ejus nccefToribus, nullatenus teneantur ; aliquo flatuto vel ordinacoe in contrarium factis, vel alia caufa quacumque non obflante. In c :jus rei teftimonium has Iras nras fieri fecimus patentes. Tefle Meipfo apud Weflm', xv die Maii, anno regni nri primo. N1I. N D I X. 407 N II. p. 243. Rot. Pari. 2 H. VI. m. 30. Vol. IV. p. 213. Pur Johan Stafford, Treforer d'Engleterre. ITEM, une autre Petition en papire fuift bailie en le dit Parle- ment, p Maiftre John Stafford Treforer d'Engleterre, ovec une endenture faite pentre luy, & Henry Sire Fitz Hugh, Waiter Hungreford, Walter Beauchamp, Lowys Robeffart, William Por- ter, & Robert Babthorp, Chivalers ; Jotin Wodehous, & Jotin Leventhorp, Efquiers; Executours del teftament de le tres noble Prince Sr Henry, jadis Roy d'Engleterre, piere a nre tres foverein Sr le Roy q'or eft, nomez des certeins biens, chateux, joialx, & fummes de deniers, q feurent a dit nadgairs Roy, deliverez as ditz nomez Executours, p le die Treforer, p vertu des leitres patentes de nre dit Sr le Roy au dit Treforer faitez celle partie ; folonc la forme & effeft d'une acle en le darrein Parlement nre Sf le Roy q'or eft, enrolles, le tenour de quell Petition cy enfuit. Au Roy nre foveraigne & tres gracioufe Sr, & as Seignrs Spiri- tuelx & Temporelx de ceft prefent Parlement, fupplie humblement vre fervitour Meftre Jonn Stafford Treforer d'Engleterre, q come nre foveraigne Sr le Roy qe or eft, de Tadvys fon grand Counfaill, & alfent des Seignrs Efpirituelx & Temporelx, & fon Communalte de fon Roialme d'Engleterre, en fon darreyn Parlement, p auctorne du dit Parlement, voudra ordiner & graunta q nre dit Sr le Roy ferra delyverer & affigner p fon depute ou fes deputes a fes tres chiers & loialx Henry Sr Filz Hugh, Sr Lowes Robeffard, Wauter Hungerford, Wauter Beauchamp, William Porter, and Robert Babthorp, Chivalers; John Wodehous, & Jotin Leventhorp, Ggg Efquiers; 4 o8 APPENDIX. Efquiers ; Executours nomez de! teftament de tres haut & tres puiffant Prince Sr Henry le Quint, nadgairs Roy d'Engleterre, piere fire dit Sr le Roy q'or eft, des biens, chateux, joialx, & fommes des deniers, queux furent le dit nadgairs Roy, a le value de xl m. marcz, come p un acte en le dit Parlement eint fait pluis pleinement appiert ; p force de quell acte, fire dit Sr le Roy, p advys de fon dit Counfaill p fes lettres patentz fift. affign' & con- ftit' le dit fuppl' fon depute a delyverer & affigner pur le dit fire Sr le Roy & en fon noun a lez nomez Executours du dit nadgairs Roy fuifditz diverf' biens, chateux, joialx, & fommes des deniers, en les ditz lettres patentz contenuz; & autres biens, cha[eux, joialx, & fommes des denirs, a le value du dit fomme de xl m. marz atteignauntz, des biens, chateux, joialx, & fommes des de- niers queux furent le dit nadgairs Roy ; p endentures ent affairs pentre le dit fuppliant, & les nomez Executours fuifditz; p force de quellx lettres patentz & acle avauntditz, le dit fuppl* ad dely- vere les ditz biens, chateux, joialx, & fommes des deniers, en les ditz lettres patentz contenuz; & autres biens, chateux, joialx, & fommes des deniers, queux furent en la garde & mayns des di- verf' officers le dit jadis Roy a les ditz nomez Executours, ficome p les endentures pentre le dit fuppl', & les ditz nomez Executours, ent faitz pluis pleynement appiert ; folunc la forme & effect du dit ate, & les lettres patentz fuifditz. J Que pleafe a Vous, tres gracioufe Sr, de faire enaler & enroller en le Rolle du ceft Parlement les fuifditz endentures. Et outre ceo de crdeigner p au&orite de cell: prefent Parlement, q le dit fuppl', fez heirs, affignes, terre tenauntz, & executours, de cy en avaunt, de toutz les ditz biens, chateux, joialx, & fommes des deniers, & de chefcun parcell d'ycellez, fi bien devers Vous, voz heirs, fucceffours, & executours, come devers chefcun autre per- fon qcconqe, foicnt quietez & difchargez a toutz jours. Et q de chefcun A P P E N D I Xi 409 chefqun maner d'action Sc empefchement, fi bien p Vous, voz heirs, fucceflburs, ou executours, come p autre perfon qcomq, envers le dit fuppliant, fez heirs, afligncz, executours, ou terre tenauntz, pris ou purfuez; a prendrez ou a purfuers, p caufe d'afcun poflcflion, adminiftration, ou lyvere des dirz biens, chateux, joialx, & fommes des deniers, ou d'afcun parcell d'ycelles, ou autre caufe qcomqe ; le dit fuppliant, fez heirs, aflignes, execu- tours, & terre tenauntz fuifditz, foient auxint quitez & dif- chargez, & les ditz pleynauntz, erapefchuauntz & purfuantz, ent foient barrez & excludez a toutz jours ; pur Dieu & en oevere de charite. La quelle Petition leeu & entendu, ordine fuilt & accorde p les Seignrs Efpirituelx & Temporelx de celt prefent Parlement, p l'afTent des Communes en icell affemblez, V\ les ditz endentures foient enaetez & enrollez en le Rolle du dit Parlement ; le tenour des queux endentures cy enfuit. Hec Indentura facia apud London', Vicefimo fexto die menfis Augufti, Anno regni Regis Henrici fexti primo : Inter Magiftrum Johannem Stafford Thef Anglie, & deputat' per literas ejufdem Domini Regis patentes affignat', ex parte una. Et Henricum Dnum Filz Hugh, Walter' Hungreford, Walter' Beauchamp, Lo- dowic' Robeffart, Willielmum Porter, & Robertum Babthorp, Milit'; ac Johannem Wodehous, & Johannem Leventhorp, Ar- miger' ; Executores Teilamenti recolende memorie illuftriflimi Prin- cipis & Domini Domini Henrici Quinti, nuper Regis Anglie, Patris pdicli Dni R.egis nunc, nominat', ex parte altera. Tedatur, quod predictus Maghler Johannes Stafford deputat', deliveravit & aillg- navit pro ditto Domino Rege nunc & nomine fuo j prefat' Henrico Domino Filz Hugh, Waltero, Waltero, Lodowico, Willielmo, Roberto ; Johanni Wodehous, & Johanni Leventhorp, de bonis, catallis, & jocalibus, ac denar' fummis, que fuerunt ipfius nuper G g g 2 Regis, + io A P P E N D I X.. Regis, citra prox' Parliament' expend', applicand*, convertend' & fideliter adminiftrand', juxta formam & effe&um cujufdam afti in ultimo Parliamento di&i Dni nri Regis, nunc prox' ante dat' con- fe&ionis prefentium habiti ; & in Rotulo ejufdem Parliament! irro- tulati ; diverP bona, catalla, & jocalia, ac denar' fummas fub- ffriptas; videlicet, (vid. Rot. Pail. vol. IV. p. 214 241.). Et prefens Indentura teflatur, quod predi&i Henricus Dominus Filz Hugh, Walterus Hungrcford, Walterus Beauchamp, Lodo- wicus Robeflart, Willielmus Porter, & Robertus Babthorp, Mili- tes ; ac Johannes Wodehous, & Johannes Leventhorp, Armigeri ; Executores Teftamenti Domini Henrici Quinti nuper Regis Anglic defun&i nominal; receperunt die & anno predidtis de dicY Ma- giftro Johanne Stafford, TheP Anglie, & deputat' Domini Regis nunc, diverfa bona, catalla & jocalia, ac denar' fummas prefcript', que fuerunt predi&i nuper Regis, ad valentiam xviiiM.cccciinli.. mis. xd*. appretiaP, per Johannem Palyng, & Johannem Wynne, aurifabr'; Hugonem Dike, & Johannem Chirche, mercer* ; & Johannem Buliok, tapicer' a , de London', ad hoc jurat'; in partem folutionis Quadraginta Millium marcarum did' Execut' nominat* affignat', fecundum formam & effectum ai:i fupradicli, que com- prehenduntur in prefent' indent' in viginti una paginis pergameni de eifdem fuperius fcript' ; quarum prima pagin' cont' fummam iXM.cimti. xi s. ixd. Secunda pagin', Mcxnti. xixs. vnd\ ob. Tertia pagin', wccxixti. mis. vnd. ob. Quarta pagin', ccccLxli. xvns. md. v ta pagin', cj^mili. mis. vid\ q. vi ta pagin', DCLXXiiti. xvns. q. vn ma pagin', MCLXvti. viitf. ob. vm va pag', cccLvti. xvs. vincl". ob. ix na pag', ccxxixli. xixs. xid. x a pag', cccLVili. ixs. vitd. ob. xi ma pagin', ccccXLinli. ins. nd. ob. xn ma pagin', cccxti. vns. vind. xm ta pagin' cxixli. 11s. xi o\ ob. xim ta pagin', occcvuti. 1 * Weaver. 11 S. APPENDIX. 41*. us. iu\ xv" pagin', ccJJJJxviii li. xinis. vitf. xvi ta pagin', cccc^xm li. vn s. in 3". q. xvn ma pagin', ccxvnti. xixs. xvm va pag', DLti. vis. net. xix na pagin', ^vinti. viicl". oft. xx ma pagin', xLinii. xvis. xxi ma pag', CLxxti. mis. vincf. q. In cujus rei testimonium, huic parti Indentur', penes prefat' Magiflrum Johannem Stafford, TheP Anglie, & Deputat* Domini Regis nunc remanenti, predict' Henricus Dominus Filz Hugh, Wakerus, Walterus, Lodowicus, Willielmus, Robertus, Johannes Wodehous & Johannes Leventhorp, Execut' predi&i nuper Regis nominal', figilla fua appofue- runt. Dat' die & anno fupradi&is. N III. p. 243. Rot. Pari. 1 Hen. VI. m. 14. vol. IV. p. 172. Pur l'Execution de la darrain volunte de piere du Roy. FAIT aflfavoir, q'en cede Parlement furent baillcz une Peti- tion & une Cedule confuitz enfemble, tachez ore a le dorfe de cede rolle de Parlement, de la quell Petiiion le tenure cy enfuit. Pleafe au Roi nre Sr foverain, p affent des Seignrs Efpirituelx & Temporelx en cefte prefent Parlement, & p auftorite de mefrne le Parlement, grauntier & ordeiner tout ceo q'eft contenuz en une Cedule a ycefte Bi!le annexee, Sc q lettres patentz de T>e Sr le Roi, p. auttorire de mefrne le Parlement, foient faitz, felonc les fourme & contenne de ycelle Cedule, pur Dieu & en oevere de chite. Et le tenure de la dite Cedule cy enfuir. REX, 4i2* APPENDIX. REX. Omnibus ad quo'? &c. Salutem, ScTatis, quod de avifamento Concilii nri, & affenfu Domin jruffl Spiriiualinm & Temporalhim, ac confenfti Communitati's Reqiii nri Anglic, in prefenri Parliament nro exiftentium, auftaritate ejufdem Parliamenti, volumus, ordir.amus, & concedimus, quod nos delibcriri & affignari faciemus per deputatum nrum aut dcpu- tatos iiros dile&is 8c fidclibus noftris Henrico Dfio Filzhugh, Wal- tero Hungreford, Waltero Beauchamp, Lodowico Robeffkrt, Wil- lielmo Porter, & Roberto Babthorp, Militibus; ac Johanni Wode- hous, & Johanni Levemhorp, Armigeris -, Executoribus una cum aliis, in Teflamento cariffimi Dili & Patris nri Dili H. nuper Regis Anglie defuncli nominatis ; bona, catalla, & jocalia, ac pe- cuniarum fummas valorem Quadraginta Milium Marcarum attin- genria de bonis, catallis, & jocalibus, ac denariorum fuinmis, que fuerunt prefati Patris nri. Et quod iidem Henricus Diius Filzhugh, Walterus, Walterus, Lodowicus, Willielmus, Robertus, Johannes, & Johannes, omnia 8c fingula eis in hac parte fie deliberand' & af- fignand' circa folutionem cujufdam fumme Decern & Novem Mi- lium Marcarum, in quibus dictus Pater nofter, tempore obitus fui, illis qui Executores Teflamenti recolende memorie Diii H. nuper Regis Anglie, Avi nri fimiliter defunfti, nominati fuerunt, indebi- tatus fuit, pro certis bonis & catallis, que fuerunt ejufdem Avi iiri receptis, & penes ipfum Patrem nrum retentis, quam aliarum fum- marum pro expenfis hofpitii, ac necefTariis camere 8c garderobe ipfius Patris iiri, ac diverfarum fummarum fibi mutuatarum, &: alias, in partem executionis & complementi ultime voluntatis pre- fati Patris iiri, per avifamentum, fupervifum, & contrarotulationem tam fuperviforum in ditto Teftamento pdicti Patris iiri nominato- rum, quam cariffimi avunculi nri Humfridi Ducis GlouceftV, & cariffimi confanguinei iiri Thome Ducis Exon', ac venerabilium patrum Henrici Wynton' confanguinei iiri cariffimi, & Thome 4 Dunelmen* APPENDIX. 413 Dunelmen' Cancellarii firi, epifcoporum, feu deputatorum fuorum in hac parte, expendant, applicent, convertant, & fideliter admi- niftrent, in quantum commode poterint, citra prox' Parliamentum nrum exnunc tenend' : Et quod ipfi, cum fuper hoc debite requifiti fuerint, fidelem compotum inde reddant prefatis fupefviforibus, ducibus & epifcopis, feu eorum deputatis, quodque Parliamento illo finito, deinceps ab ulteriori compoto five ratiocinio inde red- dendo penitus exonerentur, ac adeo liberi fint & illefe conditionis, tarn erga nos, quam prefatos fupervifores, duces & epifcopos, ac alios quofcumque, ficut ipfi aliquam receptionem, occupationem, folutionem, five adminiftrationem hujufmodi bonorum, catallorum, & jocalium, aut pecuniarum fummarum, eis fie aflignatorum & li- beratorum, fuper fe nufquam aflumpfiffent. Volumus etiam, ac de avifamento, alfenfu, confenfu, & au&oritate pdiclis, ordinamus, concedimus, & ftatuimus, quod tarn pdicYi Henricus Dfius Filzhugh, Walterus, Walterus, Lodowicus, Willielmus, Robertus, Johannes, & Johannes, quam omnes alii Executores in Teflamentis pdiclis nominati, ac eorum heredes, executores, attornati, fervientes, & deputati, de omnimodis placitis, querelis, aclionibus, & demandis, per creditores tarn dicli avi nri, quam prefati patris firi, ant alias feu aliam perfonas vel perfonam, verfus pdiclos Henricum Domi- num Filzhugh, Walterum, Walterum, Lodowicum, Willielmum, Robertum, Johannem, & Johannem, aut prefatos alios executores, in Teftamentis pdiclis nominatos, heredes, executores, deputatos, attornatos, & fervientes, feu eorum aliquem, occafione adminiflra- tionis, occupationis, perceptionis, receptioni?, folurionis, aut libe- rationis dictorum bonorum, catallorum, & jocalium, aut denario- rum fummarum, eifdem Henrico Domino Filzhugh, Waltero, Waltero, Lodowico, Willielmo, R.oberto, Johanni, & Johanni, fie aflignand' vel liberand', feu alicujus parcelle eorumdem, profecutis aut mods, capiend', profequend', aut movend', in futur' quieti & exoncrati 4 i4 APPENDIX. exonerati exiftant imperpetuum, ac querentes & imptitantes, dc omi actione preclufibiles, & preclufi, in hac parte ; et quod Can- cei larius Anglie, aut cuflos magni figilli nri, vel heredum, auc fuc- cefforum noftrorum, pro tempore exillens, au&oritate pdi&a, fieri facere & liberare teneatur, tam prefatis Henrico Dno Filzhugh, Waltero, Wahero, Lodowico, Willielmo, Roberto, Johanni, & Jo- hanni, quam di&is aliis executoribus, in teftamentis pdiftis nomina- tis, & eorum cuilibet, ac heredibus, executoribus, deputatis, attor- natis, & fervientibus fuis, & cujuflibet eorumdem, tot & talia brevia de fuperfedeas, in quibufcumque placitis & querelis, verfus ipfos, feu ipforum aliquern, contra forrnam & effeclum prefentium, moiis vel movendis, quot & qualia, eis & eorum cuilibet, in hac parte fuerint neceiTaria, feu quomodolibet oportuna, aliquo flatuto in contrarium facto, feu alia caufa quacumque non obftante. In cujus &c. Les queux Petition & Cedule leeuz en ceo mefme Parlement, & les matiers comprifez en ycelles bien entenduz, le Roi de l'affent & avifement des Seignrs Efpirituelx & Temporelx efteantz en le dit Parlement, & de l'affent auxi de les communes efteantz en mefme, voet & ad ordeinee & grauntee toutz les articles, chofes, & maters contenuz en la cedule avauntdite, & q lettres patentz du Roi foient ent faitz defoutz fon graunde feale en due fourme felonc PefFect & le tenure de mefme la cedule en toutz points, & ceo p. l'auftorite de cefte Parlement. TC'IV. N D IX. 4S N IV. p. 243. Rot. Pat. 3 H. VI. p. 2. m. 10. Rymcr, vol. X. p. 346. Super Liberatione divcrfis Franciae ecclefns, juxta Teftamentum Henrici nuper Regis. REX, omnibus ad quos,&c. Salutem. Sciatisquod cum dileclus Clericus nofter, Magifter Robertus Gilbert, nuper Decanusi Capellze cariffimi Domini & Patris noftri Regis defuncti, per prse- ceptum cariffimi confanguinei noftri Ducis Exonie, & dileclorum & fidelium ngftrorum Domini de Bburgchier, Walteri Hunger- ford, & Willielmi Porter, militum, ac Domini Fitz-Hugh jam de- funct, Executorum nominatorum in Teflamento difti Patris noftri, liberari fecerit diverfis ecclefiis in partibus regni noftri Francia* res & parcellas fubfcriptas, pro exonerationibus animce didi Patris noftri fiendis ; videlicet, Abbatiae Sancli Dionifii unam Crucem argenteam deauratam, cum uno magno pede ftante, ponderis viginti & o&o librarura Troye ; Unam altam Frontellam a , & unam baflam Frontellam, de velvet rubeas, cum foliis aureis brouderatas ; Unam Paruram b pofitam cum perreia c & armis Anglise; Tres Capas de velvet rubeas, cum rofis aureis, leonibus, & flori- bus de liciarum, brouderatas ; Duas Tunicas, & unam Cafulam, de eifdem panno & colore. Tres Albas cum Paruris, Stolis, & Favones d de eifdem panno & colore. Et etiam unum par Curtinarum de tartryn rubearum. Frontel to the altar. b Parure, ornament. c Pierrerie, precious {tones. Du Cange in voc. d Or fanones, banners. Id. in voc. Favo & Fano, H h h Item, 416 APPENDIX. Item, apud Maunte, unum Veftimentum aureum panni viridis, cum foliis aureis, & unam akam Frontellam cum una bafTa Fron- tella ejufdem panni. Item, apud Vernon, unum Veftimentum ejufdem panni viridis aurei. Et fimiliter apud Rothomagum, duos pannos blodei coloris, cum falconibus aureis, pro veftimentis inde faciendis ; Et unum Pannum rubei coloris aureum pro orfrais inde fa- ciendis. Item, apud Offay, unum Pannum aureum, blodei coloris,. cum fal- conibus & heronis. Item, apud Arkes, unum Pannum aureum ejufdem coloris- Et confimiliter apud Ewe, unum Pannum, blodei coloris, cum foliis aureis. Item, apud Hefdyn, unum Pannum aureum rubei coloris, cum foliis aureis. Et apud Tirewyn, unum Pannum aureum rubei coloris, cum foliis aureis. Nos, de affenfu Concilii noftri, confideratione prasmiffbrum^ voluraus quod prasfatus Robertus de omnibus rebus & parcellis prsdiftis, per ipfum ut prsemittitur liberatis, erga nos, hceredes &'executores noftros, in Scaccario noftro feu alibi, quietus fit & exoneratus imperpetuum per prsefeates. In cujus, &c. Tefte Rege, apud Weftmonafterium, xxviii die Junii. Per Breve de privato figillo. G L O S- [ 4i7 3 GLOSSARY. A. ABBETE de Lyfnes, Lefne abbey at Erith in Kent, 107. Acordaunt come affiert, as like as it can be made, 92. Adaquaria, ewers, 195. Aderere, tout du fuite, Lacombe ; in arrear, 124. Chefcun per f on de Fajferant, every one according to what he can afford, \S9> Affiaunce, confidence, 129. Ajjie, confide, 164. Affres (averia), beafts, 34.. Affbrfaunt, ftrengthening, 141. Aillours, ailleurs, otherwife, 157. Alant, alen, a dog, 157. Album. See Vejiimentum. Alder, moft dear, 315. Dr. Johnfon explains alderlivcjl (Shakfpeare, 2 H. VI.) by mojl beloved. Alme, foul, 172. A'mefdis thejhipp, q. the difli or bafon for alms enameled with a (hip, 284. Amaille, emaille, enamelled, 24. Amenufer* to diminifh, 102. Amien, Amienx, Amiens, 152. An (F) renoef darrein pajjiz, renuef, renew/., renouvelle. The laft paft, or the laft new year, 1 56. Anets, q. anels, rings, 100. Anel, Anelx, rings, 106, 154. Angle/eye, Angleiey abbey, c. Cam- bridge, no. Anthoneny (F ), Lantony, Llanhodeni, or Lantonia prima, in Monmouth- fhire, 107. Anthony (priorie de F), Lantoni pri- ory, 48. Anyntiz, aneantie, undone, deftroyed, 123. Aournementz, ornaments, 85. Apper, Q. a prier, 55. Aquaeris, ewers, 325. Arare, arrear, as aderere, 54. Arerijfermnt, backwarding, hinder- ance, 122. Arme, army, 148. A/Jherugge, Afhridge priory, c. Bucks, Ajfvze de perie, fet with ftones, 105. AJfize {feet of), ftatutable feet, 295. Atant, autant, fo much, 121. Attantz, for as much, 122. Attry, artry, q. artillery, 284. 288. Avaunt, fo far as, 1 36. Aveine, venue, coming, 225. Augnell de per ill, ring, or perhaps an- gell, of pearl, 151. Auxint, auffi, fometimes aufinc, 45* Ay nx, aifne, eldeft, 158, H h h 2 Balois, 4*8 GLOSSARY. B. Bafois, a fpecles of rubies of a ver- meil rofe colour. Chambers's Dit. 7*- Barrez, bars, 99. Baryngton, Barrington, 377. Bajfinety bafnet, helmet, 221. Baudik, belt, 113. Baukyn, Baldekynus, pannus omnium ditiffimus, of filk and gold thread. DuC. 179. Bayes, Q^aie?, 302. Beacbe, Waterbeach, 377. Beauval en Shirwode, a houfe of Car- thuiians, founded by Nich. de Can. tilupe, 218. Bedhampton, in Hants, 214. Btdridyn, bedridden, 226. Benegerer, q. Bignor, in Arundel rape, Benoit' ove efperge, holy water-pot, with a fprinkler, 25. Berdefelde, Q^ Berdwell, c. Suffolk, 33- Berford Seynt Martin^ Bereford St. Martin, c. Wilts. 285. Bernoldfwyky Barnoldfweek in Staa- cliffe hundred, in the Weft Rid- ing of Yorkfhire, 15J. Bervynes, babeines, levres dc certains animaux. Lacombe. q. faces or heads, 132. Bien pcy, very near, 127. Blakeberwe, Blackbo rough priory, c. Norf. 257. Blendeworthy in Hampfhire, 213. Blodio & viridi colore enamalet\ ena- meled with red and green, 89. Bkdius, color fanguineus. Du C. blue, 253. Bloy^ blue, 219. Bobaunte, bcbam, babanitc, fumptu- ofite. Lacombe. extravagance, 84. 121. Bodekejham, Q_ Bottefham, c. Cam- bridge, 33- Boten, a button, 284. Bremmesfeldy Brimsfield,c. Glouc. 89. Brigaudiersy brigandine, a fafhion of ancient armour, confifting of many jointed and fcale-like plates, pliant and eafy for the body. Cotgrave. 221. Brmdatum, embroidered, 88. 272. Bruggerek, Brigerak, a town in Gaf- ccigne, 83. Brugzuater, Bridgewater, 110. Brune* Bourne in Lincolnfhire,. 118. Brujkynybrufq is old French for green,. 37- Brufyerdy Brufyard, c. Suffolk, 111. BurettSy Du Cange refers from bure- turn to bi uneta, which he explains a fpecies of money ufed in Italy dur- ing part of the 1 2th century. Sed q. if it has that fenfe here? 273. Buijfeaux, bufhels, 35. Burbon,. Bourbon, 230* Buris t Berry, 229. Burnham, or Nun-Burnham, a (mall Benedictine nunnery in Yorkihire, 227. Bujlelejham Mountagu, Bifliam abbey, founded by William Montacute carl of Salifbury, 98. C. Cam (noneynes de) nuns of Caen, 50. Camecay camoka, camuca, camucumy ca- macciy pannus de comoca, veil camo- cas, fo. often mentioned in antient wills, is explained by Du Cange as a kind of rich fluff or filk, 25. 150. Cantirbirsy GLOSSARY. Cantirbb^ CV.t vWy, 135. See VejlwuKtum. Capicium, ciptue, hood, 147. Capitz, tetter. 72. Cariant iUo, qwf, carrying thkher,2 18. Carves, caits*, whence carvage, 34. Cafula. See Vejlimentum. Celure, coverlet. Kelham. Q. if not rather teajler from del, 73. Cercliis (circulis), circles, 195. Cejf, f.fept fdf feptiejme, IJJ. Chambre toute entiere, the furniture of the chamber, 112. Champ (le) piers overez, the field partly wrought, 157. Chanfure pur les moignts, q. fong-mo- ney, or allowance for finging maf- ters, 26. Chaperon de fere, iron fcull-cap or mo- rion, 221. Chargeotrrs, chargers, 24. Charlton, there are two places of this name in Suffex, in the rapes of Bramber and Chichefter, 213. Charthous de Londres, Charter-houfe or Carfhufians, 218. Chafez, chafed, 227. Chafer, acheter, to buy, 226. Ghateux, chattels, 121. Chekere, F. chequer'd, 25. Chirbury (priorie de), priory of Black canons at Snede, 108. Chirpelere (me/on de), Q^ Chipley, a priory or Auffirt canons in Suffolk, 52- Chrijlianijfimus princeps, a title long claimed by the kings of France, and given to cur Henry VI, in compliment to his piety, 252. Cixtes, Q_ cift.es, little boxes, 72. Clanfeld, in Hampshire, 213. Cine memoir (de), of famous me- mory, 101, 3 419 Clifford ?n Gales, a'CIu ^*ac pri- r. in Hereforafnfre* m, ( lyd rh:w, Chtherovv in Lancashire, 237- Coetlers, Coi'Lrs, fpoons, ico. 1 12. Coers, hearts. Dugdale tranflates it cover, 134. Coler, collar, 155. Combien que de ptefent ne cogno'Jfe mdle en efpeciale meintenaines, thouoh at prefent I know of none in fpecial maintenance, 148. &es (les) de la ville, les communs de la ville, 84. Colham, Q. Cop ham, 372. Comhir, Cumhyre, a Ciftertian ab- bey in Radnorfhire, no. Cjmpas, 219. Q^ if a circle. GompaJJe, circle, 155. Computatorio, compter, 328. Conning, knowledge, 293.- Contray ioujlee, contradiction, 139. Coronnt, coronet^ 139. Coronacioun en la jummite d'un petite tablet d'or, 134. Q^a rcp-efentation of fome coronation of the Virgin or other pjr.'on. Corporas cads, corporax cafe, or cafe for the pix, 251. Cojleles, Ql coftly, 30. Coftages, coft, expenfes, 46. Cojlies, cojhs, coders, fide pieces, 70. 234- Cover e, q. corners, 178. Cov'ture, coverlet, 72. Coungie, conge, leave, 170. Crabhows, or Wjgenhale, in Norfolk, an Auftin nunnery, 257. Crokejlon, Crux Eafton. 261. Croys Roys, Koifia's crott., the Auftin priory at Royfton, founded by Roi- fia de Vere, 1 10. Cunatwr., 420 GLOSSARY. Cunatum, coined, 266. Cunnyng, knowledge, 360. Curee% (le) dite eglife aient rire melior chivall ou le prix en nom de principal, the curates of that church to have our beft horfe, or his value, in the name of the principal, 84. Curfarii, courfers, 262. D. D y ali/aundre, of Alexandria, 114. Dalmatica. See Vejlimentum. Dameiux (a), q. ad Amieu-x, at Amiens, 151. Damortiez, amortize, 93. Darreinere, dernier, 38. Darreynement, lately, 128. Da/Jher (ove un), with a fprinkler, 106. D 'autre part, on the other fide, 83. Decovrez, uncovered, 158. D'egks, with eagles, 74. Debues, due, 74. Dedeinz, deinz, da deinz, de dedans de, within, 34. 146. 227. Deliberacio, delivery, 89. Demeore, demorance, demoree, demeonge, delay, -98. Demoerant, remainder, 93. Demy gros, half groats, 218. Deofculatorium pads, a pax to put the hoft in, 324. Depden, Debden, 184. Dertyngton, Q^Dartington, c. Devon. Defaife, (^ difeafe, illnefs, 183. Dejlrez, dejlriers, horfes, 68. Defyve, deceafe, 180. D'ruelyn, Dublin, 116. Devie, die, 113. deceafe, 233. JDevions, devier, or devoyer, to die; 83. Devoir, duty, ceremony, 224. Dijjinitor, or definitor, the vifitor of the order in general chapter, 250. Diploidem, doublet, 263. Ditefworth, Difeworth, 377. DiJJipacio, fpending, 89. Donwiz, Dunwich, 33. Door, d'or, of gold, 30. D'orge et draget, monk, meflin, or mixt corn, 34. Dorra, (hall give, 126. DcJJier, back piece, 74. Dojjier (un), et huyt pieces pur les cojls et dieux banqueres, a back piece, and eight pieces for the fides and two benches, 69. Donne, donnez, given, 123. Doune en charge, givt in charge, 146. Doutant, q, redoutanz, fearing, 178. Draget, dragere, meflin, mixtcorn, 35. Drapejl, Q^ d'aprejl, loans, 37. Duytee, duitz, duty, obligation, 138. Dymenge, Dimanche, Sunday, 44. Dynde, blue, 51* E., Eez, EfTex, 44. Fffeffez, feoffees, 172. Ehu, eu, had, 148. Eident, aiding, 101. Ely (meafoun de) the Benedictine priory at Ely, 135. Emprendre^ borrow, 109. Empriaunt, praying or requefting, 126. Enbefeiller, q. embezzle, 155. Enaferes, hereafter, 106. Enbujoigne, be neceffary, 165. Encouvertre, to cover, clothes, 226* Ency, "ainfi, 230. En GLOSSARY. 421 En greyn, in grain, 37. Enguerdonnent, reward, 74. Enhanced, raifed. 303. En mye le quer, in the middle of the choir, 217. Ennorez, gilded, 121. Enfejfiblement, enfemblemenr, to- gether, 35. Ent, thereon, 162. Entour, entre, among, 220. Epitumum, Epitimium, 2. a field of battle, a term peculiar to Orderi- cus Vitalis. Er ge, orge, barley, 35. Efcheiez, efchus, eicheated, 131. Efcbette,q. efcheque, chequered, 156. Efmon, Edmund, 100, 113. Efpecial choijlre, of eipecial choice or fucctffion, 178. Eptie, fword, 1 12. Efploi table, profitable, 127. Efpois, pois, peafe, 36. Exportable, q. efploitable, profitable, 121. Efqueles, poringers, 24. Ejiatut merchant. A bf>nd of record, ac- know'edg- d by the clerk ofthejlatutet merchant and the lord mayo: of the city, of London, or two merchants affigned for that purpofe; and before the mayors of other cities and towns, or the bail ff of any borough, &c. 104. EJleUe, eftoile, a ftar, 1 14. Ejflinzes, fterling, 70. Efloife, lubjecr, ejloifer a la ley, fubir a la loi, 37. Ejlo'tfent, ejloier, to ftand to, to abide. Kelham. 75. Eftoor, flore, 12 I. EJlore, ejlovoir, neceffity; eftoyer, ejlre, EJlrange de jent, de gent eflrange, of ftrange people, 121. Eflre, propre, own, 55. EJlre ce, ejlre ceo, befides this, 94. EJirille, or etrille, a currycomb, 227. Eues, had, 38. Ewerot, Q^ a little ewe r , 27. Exequiisix.lt. (cum), fie orig. 327. Exphitez, expended, 127. F. Faiz, made, i. e. work, 151. Fanon, manipule, towel, 71. Fsrlyngton, q. Farringdon, c. Hants, 213. Favones,ov Fanones, banners, 415. Feez, fees, wages, 135. Ferniculs, fermilet, clafp, buckle, I 54- Ferures, fetter-locks, 155. Feur et paille. Lacombe makes feur fynonymous with paille, elfewhere, hay, forage, 34. Feurer, fuere, artifan, ouvrier, 53. It is not eafy to explain the office of the feveral domeftics, fuch as Fe- mur, Hajliler, &c. 53. Fefaunce d'ecejles (a la), at the mak- ing of thefe, 13^. Fiertre,ferte, feretory, fhrine, 32. Finals, finials, a term of Gothic ar- chitecture for the little ornaments that terminate pinnacles, 47. 302. Firmayl, chain, 100; Flounce, rim, 1 82. Foer a, alfoer, in the fhape of, 1 33. Foill, q. breadth, from feuille, 181. Forcell, q. ftrong box. Forcerett or forchiere, is explained by Lacombe petit cof re, 139. Forneeette, Forncet in Deepwade hun- dred, Norfolk, 268. Founce, fond, bottom, 114. Frantella, frontel to the altar, 415. Gaddcfden^ r-1 GLOSSARY. G. Gaddefden, Great Gaddefden, Hert- ford/hire, 283. Galomers, of gallon meafure, 325. Garenne, Warren, 37. 69. Gartiers, lokers, iff faucons, garters, fetter-locks, and falcons, the bad- ges of the houfe of York, 219. Gaudes, trinkets, gawdies, 5.100 180. Gaudes de get, trinkets, of jet. Gemelez, double, or pair of, 108- Gerfacon, Gerfalcon, a courfer, 88. Gefier, to lye, 44. Gefnie, gefine, l'etat d'une femme en couche, 115. See Jhazen. Gejfine, le ceremonie et le feftin des reicvaiiles, 1 15. See Jhazen. Gipwy, Ipfwicb, 33. Cadet, a mug, cup, 24. GcLciyve, Goldcliff* in Monmouth- fhire, 1 10. Goryng, a umll A uftin priory of nuns in Oxfordihire, 227. Gr aunts, q. large beads, 180. Grauntz de nre fauni, great people of our blood or lineage, 84. Gre, allowance, 54. Grtces, Reps (grej/'us), 297. Ire, plus grand e, larger!, 38, 108. Guerdon, guerdon, reward, 75. Guerdoner, to reward, 85. H. Habergeon, a coat of mail, \%i,ovtun crois de laton nierchie fur le pis en - contre le cuer, with a crofs of Latin niarkt or wrought on the ipot op- pofite to the heart (of the wearer]. Haberjon, habergeon, coat of ma ; l, A24. Halton, in Chefhire, 237. Hamound (P abbey de), the abbey of Haghmond, c. Salop, 127. Hanap\ coupe a boire, cup, 24. Have do, have done, 29 1 . Heenton joufte Bathe,W\n\.ox\ ; a foun- dation for Carthufians by Ela countefs of Salifbury, 218. Henxmen, henchmen, 220. * This ia an old Englifh word for a page or equerry, derived from the Saxon henjert, a horfe. Spelman. Hanch.nan, in the Highlands of Scotland, is a dole attendant on a chief in quality of fecretary or fer- van v , from hanch, quafi qui claudit latus. See Letters from the North of Scotland, II. 156. Herce, herfe, or frame of wood-work to put over the body while it lay in ftate, 45, 68. Herce de eve, a curious hearfe of wax in a fmall proportion placed upon it, 225. Hnoije, harnoife, mpunted, 24. Hernoife, furniture, 31. Heynftigge, Henftridge, c. Somerfet, 34- Hogynton, Q. Oakingham, 377. Holi-waier Jioppe, veffel for holy-va- ter, 253. Hopolande, hopelande,hopuiandes, kcupc- lands, long cloaks. L. 420. 225. Hojbandre, of hufbandry, 214. Hojlel, houfe, 131. Hou mont, the black Prince's motto, in German fignifies a haughty fpirit, 6 7 . Houfellyhouces, houfings, 221. Huche. Lac< mbe explains this word couvrechef, voile, cojfre t coeffe. Here it means a pall over an empty coffin reprefenting the real one, 45. Hugucion^ GLOSSARY. 4*3 Hugudon, Hugutio or Hugh de Ver- cellis bifhop of Ferrara, a great writer on the Decretals, 31. Hurlle (priorie de), Hurley priory, c. Hants, 49. Huykes, q. if not huque, a nuke, or Dutch mantle, 220. I. Jernem', Yarmouth, 33. Jhazen, une nouvelle accouchee. Lac- combe, q. the labour or the puri- fication of our Lady. 115. See Gef- nie and GtJJlne. Illoeq , there, 32. . Joefne,joene, jeune, young, 35. Joeux des enfantz, jeux des enfans, childrens fports, 112. Joufl(juxta), near, 171. Jfoit, mould be, 93. IJJint, ainfi, (o, 84. K. Katryngton, Katherington, in Hamp- fhire, 213. Knefworth, Kneefworth, c Cam- bridge, ,377. L. Lanltman, Llantarnanin Monmouth- fhke, no. Layncs, q. wool, 121. Lee, broad, 26. Leger, flightly, 136. Lerra morir, (hall die, 101. Ltjfe morir, Kelham hzsfe lerra mourir, lhall die, 224. LejJ'ez, omitted, 166. Letting, letting, hindering, 317. Lettron, q. lettrin, catafalque, 152. Leve de latoun fuzorrez, i. e. warned over with Latyn, &c. 67. Leu, Qi Ton, 67. Linges, Q. meets, 84. Lintaux, meets, 72. Lit ejlandard, q. a fianding bed, or one whofe teller relied on pillars, i3' : Lite, lit, 154. Litel veleuid, little or not at all re- warded, 27.9. Long, along, 299. Lenquets, q. wild vine-branches. Lan- gos, les courfons de la vigne. 1 80. Lore, Ion, then, 159. Luminour, adminiftrateur ou marguil- lier de l'eglife. Laccombe. Q^ chaplain, or chapel-clerk, .50. l.yncbeux, fheets, 100. Lyngbrok\ a priory of Auftin nuns on the river Lug in Hereford- fhire, 99. M. Maes, man, pas, excepte, plus, des que. but, only, 120. Male talent, refentment, 147. Mali/on, or malichon, malediction, 75- Malketon. Malton. This is a decayed parim now included in that of Or- well, where the church, antiently a re&ory, ftill remains- in ruins. The iemry of Orwell belongs to Tri- nity College, Cambridge, 377. Manberer, Maniirbur, c. Pembroke, 37 8 - Mature (en) a" une checn, in the fhape of a dog, ii2. I i i Man- 424 G L O Mr^'tpulw. Fee ! '.r'mentum. Ma':mrb:e-\ Mannurbur, c, Pem- broke, 2S5. Marcher, marquer, to mark, 76. Marches * de terre or marckc, land valued at one mark, 1 1 3. H9bf&. Lsccmbe explains mazer the material of which were made drinking veffe's, thence called rfta- zelins, maze/ins, or m^zcuns: and Kelham explains hanop de mazer, a bowl made of mazer. Du C'ange fays, mazer, mazcrinus; ntaza>u>;, viazdrinnm, are the name of pre- cious cups; of what m teri .1 he does not determine, But inc ims to think them the pocula mur'rhira of the antimts, called in later Writers, bartaps de wadre: and then they will be made of precious (tones, which, from the many inftarces of their being mounted in filver, re- cited by Dugdale, is much more probable than that they were of maple wood, as Somner thought. And in fome other inftances, the material is put for the vcffel, 25. 142 MaJJez, q. majles, male ; or rather maflive, 139. Mattrat\ mattrafs, 79. Materes, matters, 141. Meignalx, menial, 219. Meigne, houfhold, 98. Mignee, fami le, m nage, 38. AUlreth, Meldrerh, c. Cambridge, 37"- Mdx, mieux, beft, 121. Meorne, Q_ meorge. die, 724. Merchez, marques, marked, 182. Merv-e. J q. for montee, fet forth, or amounting, 1 12. M:rs, f. morceau, 24. Mort eft or*, dead ftock or ffore, 34. Mor tiers, lamps, 84. Moun aim doun, my new-year's gift, 129. Multz, mialtz, mkultz, multz, befr, 154- N. Naiurelx, kind, 134. Naturejfe, kindnefs, 221. Navenhy, Naumby, c. Lincoln, 378. hiicbcil, Nichole, Lincoln) 42. 83. Nief pur encens, fhip tor incenfe, }*' Nient, not, 102. Noche, ouch, or nouche, a gold fiud, or fettfng for jewels, 50. Noir traille, q. black lattice work, 155- Noneignesy nuns, 153. Noneynes de Caam, nuns of Oen, 50. Nones b fide Stamford. 381. A Benedic- tine Nunnery in Stamford- Baron, founded by an abbot of Peterbo- rough, 6 Henry II. erealy reduc d atthedifTolution, when the ike was granted to Richard Cecil. Notele GLOSSARY. 425 Koiele (priorie dc), Notlcy abbey, c Bucks, 49. Nounchalure i indifference, 147. O. O, f.ove, with, 234. Oebs, u \ work, 30. 69. x, oeuvres, works, 146. Olla C5" lilio All the reprefenta- tions 0/ the balutaiion intn a lily in the angel's hand, and a jlower-pot on the floor between him and the angel ; the latter may be only a piece of furniture, the for- mer anhvers to a caduceusor palm- branch, 324. Or de Cipre, gold of Cyprus, Cyprus work, 179. Ordering 148. commands. Oreford, Orford, 33. Orphareis, fringes of gold, 254. 272. Os, a bone, 106. Ov eigne leve dc latoun fuzorrez, work in relief of copper gilt, 67. Overaigne, work, 32. Ovrage, work or pattern, 151. Ouflell, maifo'n. L. houfhold, 133. Oujlez, ojles, taken from, 130. Owelment, equally, 130. P. Paane, pane, parce', fkirt, 35. Palorz, paled, 107. Pance,q. belly-piece, from pance, gros ventre. L. pance, a great- bellied doublet. Cotgrave, 221. Pane, fide, 300. Paone, purple, 25. Papejayes, popinjays, parrots, 35. Paramont la tombe, on the top of the tomb, 67. ksjlalkz, above the flails, 70. Parentre, q. among, 127. Paroch':elL to the paiifll, 145. Patens, the paten, j 152. Paulcatum, paled, 88. Paxbredy the fame as corpora; caas\ 282. Pennaily, Pcnaly, c. Pembroke, 207. Pepyrying, Peppering in ArumJcil rape, 124. Perceive, i. e. receive, 294. pure, Hone, 217. Perfaire, f.nifii, 85. Perie (ove), with (tones. Dugdale not understanding it Laves a blank, 114. Per ill, c\. perle, 151. Perount,peront, wherefore. K. where- by, 122. Perriea, 415. "1 q. pierres, pre- Perrie, 25. 106. J cious itones. Piers, partly, parcel, 149. Piert, appears, 122. Pipes q. pipes or tuns or ftaves : La- c mbe gives both thefe fenfts, 149. Pitea grante, quaere, ptie, i. e. partie grante, in part granted, 93. Plain, plein, f u 1 1 , 2 1 4. Plajmator, maker, 321. Playn, full, 375. Piotn/hde, probably Plumftead in Kent, 103. Ponder (cum), quere, according to their full weight 327. Ponfonez, pinkt, 180. Pootz, po s, 24. Popynjayes, parrots, 284. Port (le quel) mon mejnes defus moy en- f.mbUy which I wear myfelf about me, 154. Portehors, portiforium, with which the French word is fynon mous, 71. Portiforium melius meum notatum t I i i 2 my 4*6 G L O S my beft portiforium wuh mufical nore?,,88. Pojfejjiotiy q. profejfiou, 112. Pojftjfimersy q. houfekeepers, 40. Pojl com. poft communionem, a part of the fervice of the church, 180. Pivrcs natfs de mes tnanoirsy poor fcrvants born on myeftates, 94. Potngcr^ officier"qui a foin du potage du Roi, 52. P (tellers, q. of pint meafure. Du Cange explains clla potteller a por- ringer, 325. PounfonneZy ftriped and fpotted, or fprinklcd, 227. Pounts et cau/eSy bridges and caufe- ways, 41. Pour, power, 75. Prebtnda, a portion : a feed, when ap- plied to horfes, 325. Primer, Q. aforementioned, 293. Prior atm de Sion apud Shene,l\\Q priory of Jefus of Bethlem, for 40 Car- thufian monks, c. Surrey, 252. Premiezy q. proviez, provided, 217. Pro Deo pofuity quaere, bound him- felf before God, 252. Profcbeinementy next, from profehain t io 5- , Pur nul mi/chiefs, to prevent prejudice being done to them ; or, on no ac- count, 69. Pur fopur, forfupper, 129. >ar, car, for, L. 127. ? ercx, Q^quarreSy 51. $>e ejlre, f.jeo ejlre, 1 will, 187. Quadrant, quadrangle, 301. Quaremele, Lent, 34. Quillersy Q. efqu-iles, bells, 25. Cui- liery a fpoon or ladle. Howell. Quilliesy receuillez, 53. S^uiltt. This is not a modern French S A R Y. word, and yet occurs not in old glof- faries, 74. 6W,cuir, 31. ^uijfins, cufhions, 72. Quyre, cuir y leather, 134. R. De Radkibus auri. See Orphareh. Raffata, q. Taffeta, 32. Rebatementy abatement, 149. Rebatuz, abated, 132. Recommijfisy commendatos, recomend- ed, 273. Recreanty craving, 224. RegardeSy rewards, fees, fdlaries, J 48. Regardia, rewards, 247. Regardum, reward, 329. ReguerdoneZy rewarded, 116. ReredoJJe at the high altar, fcreen at the back of the high altar, 297. 302. Refpondes, q. parallel correfpondent- walls or fides, 295. Refones d 'aver ell, 182. RetrettZy withdrawn, 123. Ridell, curtains, 253; Riems, rien : in old French this word has a pofitive fenfe, and means any thing, 45. Rimeie, poetry, 181. Roberte/brugge, Robertfbridge abbey in Suffex, 135. Roeis, Royfton, 32. Rojp, rofe, 10 1. S. Sadde, fober, 368. Sa'aria, Saleria, falt-fellars. This Englifli word is a redundancy ; Sa- lerium, Saleire, implying the fame nsfellar, in one word. 325. Sale, GLOSSARY. Sale, feems to be ufed for the hangings of a hall, 72. 128. Saler, falt-feller, 24 112. Samyt, fine fluff or linen, 31. Scens, fens, fenfes, 147. Scbapeivyk, Shapwick, c. Scmerfer, 131. Seele entier, whole tetter, diftin- guifhed from half teller, 132. Seint Efmon, q. St, Edmund's, fcil. Bury, 32. Sunt Marie, Lincoln minfter, or ca- thedral, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, 152. Semail, feed corn, 34. Semblably, in like manner, 316. Sen lac, or Sang Lac, the fpot where the decifive battle was fought be- tween Harold and William, 2. Sepulchre, 155. The fepulchre of our Lord, which was on the N. fide of the altar in many churches. See acurious defcription of it at North- wold in Norfolk. Blomef. I. 157, who refers to others in the churches of Hurftmonceaux, c. SulTex, and Stepney. See alio lb. p. 487. Stnfures, cenfers, 220. Serveieur, fupervifor, 227. Serverve, fupervifaunce, 1O5. Et ad le Seurveue de toutz terriens faitz (J penfez pur quelx il rendra guerdon a chefcunfolom fan defert, and has the over-fight of all earthly deeds and thoughts, for which he will render a reward to every one according to his deferts, 166. Qift eiefoyfeut d 'avoir autre marry, q. feure, fure; or perhaps fente, if me mould be inclined to marry again, 130, 4*7 Sei'elier, enfivelir, 92. Seiveth, q. following, 308. Seyn, cloche, bell, 25. Seynt, girt, or ceint, a bell. K. io5. Steffre, fufTer, 75. Solers,fuliers, lhoes, 178. Solom r affair ement, in proportion, or what it will make, 127. Soudre, fouder, furder, to arife. Kel- .ham, 74. Souc/IJe, q. Southwick in Bramber rape, 124. Soulez^folz, or fouz, pence, 1 16. South priour y q. foubs priour,(ub prior, 90/. Sianndon, Standon, c. Herts, 33. Stevynton, CX c. Bedford, 283. Stokts. There were three religious houfes of this name. Stoke Cur- fey, c. Devon ; another in c. So- raerfet j and the college in Suffolk, 110. Stola. See Veftimentum. Stop (un), a holy water Jioup or veffel, 106. 253. Straite, ft rift, 317. Stratford at Bow, a Benedictine nun- nery, as old as the Conquefr, 226. Suages, (\.fervages, fervices, 129. Subirs, Sudbury, 33. Sucllejhales joufle Whaddon, Sndlefhall in Wh addon pari fli, III. Sullyngton, q. Sulton in Arundel rape, I 3 I - Surorre, furdorre, gilt, 24. Surveoirs, fupervifor, 227. Sutton de Bonyngton. 377. The Vil'are places Sutton Bonington in Nor- thamptonfhire; but it is not in Eclon. 4 T v . 4*8 GLOSSARY. T. Tcche, fattened, attach* ; iache in old French and Spanifh is a nail. 31. e Taniq\ unto, until. 68. Tajjics, tajfes, cup?, 326. Ten'tz, tenements, 148. ifrrien, earthly, 164. Tertaryn, Tarta ian, 182. Text: s, woven, 14 ,. Tilfefe, an abbey of White monks in Eflex, 110 Torcenous- wrongful, 39. Torte!ez,wn:zV.:Ci\ work. 14. Du^cule translates it of a tortois, (Bar. I. Tottyngton Tottingt-n. There is a place of this name both in Arundel and Kramber rape, 124. Travfin, traverfin, crofs-piece, 73. Trejlouts, all; in the fulled ienfe of the word; all and every, 149. Tripere, tripod, 114. Triftram, a romance of that name, 2 54" Troiano (pondere) Troy weight, 326. None of the Gloffaries give a latis- fatory etymology of this word. Spelmanand Du Cange after him content themfelves with fa<. ing that Trojapondus apud Anglos dicitur quod 1 2 uncias in libra numerat. Somner fuppofes it the fame with Trona or Trone in Scotland, but the autho- rities alledged prove the latter to be only the weighing engine and not the weight. Trufle, found, K. fed q. 128. Tuelle, tuyau, conduit, pipe, 24. Tyrteyne, 25. forte de mauvaifc etojfc qui a pris /on nom de Tyre, ct dont on habille la milice, Laccombe. V. Yadltti valet, 116. Velvcto defenfinum (de), q. faced with velvet ? 26?. Vernicte q. a Veronica, 152. XJtrwyk, York, 2'jij. Ve/lement, furniture, 140. Vejhs, vejps, vetches, 36. Vejlei de armSf q. garments r arras, Vejlim ntum, 2 5 1 a wl 1 le fu i t of oh u rch apparel, compreheri i g the cajula, or cowl ; the dalmatica, or upper job?; the alba, or albe, a kind of fur pi ice; the atnicius or an ice, an- fwering to the fcarf ; the jiola, which, like the amice, went over the neck, and hung down before^ and was richly embroi ered ; the manipulus, or handkerchief, worn over the left arm ; tne towels or napkins for the al;a>, which had alfo an altar-cloth of linen, and another to hang down in front of the altar, the frontlet and curtains, the cafe for the pix, the pulpit cloth, and the capa or copes. Vadiis, wages, 336. XJlture, quare Ulfter, 1 1 1. Ulvejlier, Ulfter, 34. Unc, oncques, by no means, 84. TJngore, encore, 85. Voine, vain, 84. Voifent, q. fhall walk before our La- dy, 68. Upmerdon, Upper Merden in Chi- chefter rape, 124. Urceoli, pots, 324. Ufqe, Vfk, or Cairuft. in Mon- mouthfhire, 108. Ufque, verfus, 196. W. GLOSSARY. 429 W. Waltham, manerium de, a ftately pa- lace of the bifhop of WincheftVr in Hampfhire, demo.ifhed during the civil wars, 339. Waliyng encountre le mer, fea walls, *35- Warb*yn ton, Warbleton, 213. War nee amp) quaere IVambam in Bramber rape, 124. WaJJ'aiil, waflell or grace-cup. A cor- rupt pronunciation of waes bael, be of health, 1 15. Witham, Wyibam en Selwode, a Car- thulian monaftery in Selwood, c. Somerie't, 218. 331. Wodebous, near Clebury Mortimer, c. Salop, 1 10. Wormyngey, Wormegay, a priory of black canons in Norfolk, 253. 257-. Woxbrig, Uxbrig, 372. Y. Yeovil, Tevily Evil!, in Somerfetfhire, J 37- Ymage (un) de la incarnacioun de notre dame, a picture of .he in- carnation of the Virgin Mary, Ynde, b'ue, 25. 1 15. Yverne en, in winter, 129. Yvele, q. Ewell vicarage, Surry, 137. DOUBTFUL WORDS. jfecuby^ 182. accubes, refting-places, Bittiz, 132. Howel ; lits, Borel. Chare roffed, 302. Anal, 182. q. amail^ enamel. Efpincr, 182. Ariez, 182. Ferour, 53. q. blackfmith. Jvanteres, 227. q. avant hier, for- Hajliler, 53. q. fpe;rnan or fpear- merly. maker. Averill, 182. Parkes, 114. perk is ufed in Blom- Avis, 183. q. a vie, for en vie, in his fielo for a pedejlaU life. Plonket, 100. Batuz, 105. Railie, 149. Beat, 182. q bel, handfome. ERRATUM. P. 120 r. note, Elizabeth daughter of William de Bohun earl of Nor- thampton. NEW BOOKS lately printed by and for J. NICHOLS. Britifh Topography, or an Hiftorical Account of what has been done for illuftrating the Topographical Antiquities ofGreat Britain and Ireland. In two volumes, quarto. 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In the 3d metrical line, Hearne gives it " mewable," See his Robert of Gloucefter, p. 586. - 5. 1. antepcn. for 4 read 2. See Sandford, p. 27. 12. I'm. ult. r. Mflns. 17. note, 1. 1. for " own" r, "half." L. 5 of the text, r. " capellani mei." . 21. 1. 6. Leland (Collect. I. 554.) from the Scala Chronica, fays, " Ed- ward I. gave to his fon Edmund yn his tejiament 4000 markes by yere of landes to be performid by his fon Edward upon his bene- diction. In party whereof Edmund had after the counte of Kent, but he had not the hole fum afore Edward the Third's days." Thw implies a will after Edward I. came to the crown. - .... 31. note ^.r. " Ferrara." Text, 1. $ from the bottom, "da cauf* Dei adverfus Pelagianos," by Thomas Bradivardine. .1 41. notes, r. " hufband'j." 49. note 0, r. " Hz/rley." 49. /. antep. tl priorie' de Notele." But the houfe in note p was from the firft an abbey. twolaft lines, " n're priorie de Srowle." Finding no fuch religious houfe any where, S/o/;le perhaps may be the true reading ; for at Stonely in Huntingdonshire was a priory, connected with the Mandeviles and the Bohuns ; | for which fee Tanner^ p. 194. See alfo p. 55. Itn. ult. infra. 54. note . r. " tffar/, arrear." Kkk Page 433 ADDITIONAL' OBSERVATIONS Page ^5. note ?. " a prier" in Italics. 59. 1. 9. Perhaps " patiretur." So, note , " William de C'lou?ie.'\ Br. Willis. [By comparing Br. WillWi two accounts of PPimam Kn';ght, as given in his Abbies, and at the end of Notit. Monaft. it will appear that in the latter place, for *' 1322" we fhould read " 1522."] 109. I. ir. emprendre* to undertake. Cotgrave, See alfo p. 420. col. 2. no. note a. r. " LLantarnatfJ," and again in the Gloflary. b. r. " 1143" 121. note e, read " 127." 126. note c. r. "college " , 3 6. m. r. "Not." 155. - a. r. " Brotherton." 161. x. 1. 11. for " minis" r. " nlmis" 165. and 198. dele notes ?", and fay Roger Walden, dean of York, and high treafurer of England, was archbifhop of Canterbury the two laic years of Richard Il's . reign, and was afterwards, for the laft year of his life, bifhop of London. See Richardfon's Godwin-, p. 123, 1*4. 187. 180. m. r. " vige." 181. 1. 14. Concerning JEgidius de Columna fee Cave's Hift. Lit. ii. 339. edit. Oxon. 184. note /. "Nic. Mile 28 July." 186. 1. 4, 5. " but iv." fhould" be erafed. 189. 1. 16, 17. omit "fince the time of R. I." Sandford, p. 376, will clear up this. 1. 22. r. M 377. 199. notes. I'm. ult, r. " Ples^y." 201. note , line 2. for " x " r. *'r." 2C4. 1. 10 from the bottom, r. " prey my." 207. lines 4, 5, 6. the inverted commas omitted. - 1. 8. r. '" Bauge." and " 1421." 211. 1. 5. M Moriton" or M Mortain?" 216. 1. 9. r. " once." 218. note e, r. " 470." 222. 1. 13. fhould it not be " Of his dukedom of Aumarle he "? 224. note b, r. " ft lerra mourir." 1. 6. r. " MCCCCXXX." 244. I.16. r. M Somerfeifliire." - line 9 from the bottom, Sandford, p. 293, writes that Helen had ifTue Stephen Gardiner, Prior of Tinmouth, afterwards Bifhop of Winchefter. But the Prior's chriftian name was Thomas ; fee Willis's ANl) CORRECTIONS. 43 3 Willis's Abbies, ii. 165 ; and he was probably Helen's fon. As to the Bifhop's parents fee the note in Richardibn's Godwin, p. 236, from Ric. Parked Sceletos Cantabrigienfis, as published in the 5th volume of Leland's Collectanea. Page 249, (2) note b, line 2. r. " and earl of Kent,'* for ** e " r. " f ." - 3. r. 695." Oi (2) 1. 11. " eccleiia." ta 251. 1. 9. " collegialia." - 251. note jr", I'm. antep. r. "/rontlet," as at p. 428. col. 2. 253. notes. I'm, u!t. for " IV." r. " III." 256.I. U " mutwacionis." - 259. notes.. I'm. ult. " bifliop."' 263. notejj-, " faced ;" literally " guarded." 267. 1. 10 from the bottom, " caftellum honoris five dominii." 270. 1. 8, 9. Quaere " canonici prebendati." See p. 271. 1. 6, 7. 27?. 5, 6. " habet et poffidet." - 274. note b, 1. 3. r. "Eugenius." "crowns." The Latin is M SS. coro- natorum;" fee Bentham's Ely, from Anglia Sacra. Of the four crowned with Martyrdom, fee Bede in his Martyrologium, p. 443, and Hofpinian, Fella Chriftianorum, p, 10 1. ibid, note , lines 3, 4. for "Northampton" r. "Lincoln." L. 4. for " in the fame county" r. " c. Northampton." ibid. 1. 4. r. "1443." 275. 1. 14, for " principium," perhaps " precipuum." . 280. 1. 5 from the bottom, r. " earl of" m 20,1. 1. 6. r. "Buddewo." 298. litt. ant cp. " dry." 1 302. note r. 1. 1. r. " 297.'*' 315.I. 5. for this r. his; and 1. 8. for and r. or. 1. 15. " oure alder Saviour," our common Saviour, the Saviour of us all. See in the Gloftaries to Urry's and Tyrwhitt's Chaucer. Sop. 317,1.16. where erafe the commas. ri 1. 16. perhaps " committe," with a filent e. See Budden. 317. 1. 4. clearer, if the comma were erafed after favour, and in the next line placed after bee, 321. I'm. penult. ' celebrmtur," as in p. 323. 1. 1. 322. 1. 5. " poft communione," as in p. 326. 1. 13, 14. . 324. I'm. penult. " diclo." note 425. col. 2. r. M PenY/a." Under Plain* r. M 314.'* 426. laft article, lin. penult, r. " Sal/Vre." %*& University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. NON-' JAN Mil 2 ** is *lg? *'* M^ BtC'DLDUHl -LEASE WAIT FOR REi m 2 7 1998 ,3 MAR 2 5 1998 INVOICE ,7**9 m 'OCT z ' ""I Form L9-Series 4939 DA 28. i N517C 3 1158 00620 262 A A 000 098 633 1