i Ubrary aoiccvc \Lm:RAJXYJlCMl C AG o< ^^^y^Bi^ciB^^Uhi&f^^^ fm-<^:^' viji.OF H^tw"''* ■■: 'y-m'^m^yi^^M^''^'^:-^^^ ■' '^:'M^^^hm^^m^^MwM Letter of Transmittal Mr. jaincs liertram, Secretary, Carnegie Corporatimi, New York. .M V 1 )ear Mr. liertrain : The foHmving pages prepared at your sugge.stion give a brief survey of the laws relating tn libraries in the various states and territories. Most nf the public libraries nf the country come- under four headings which may he fnund in the inde.x: I'irst, county libraries, a heading which is self-explanatory: second, ])ublic (municipal) libraries, which are controlled by the municipal authorities; third, public school district libraries, which are supjxirted for and b\' schnnl districts, including many city school dis- tricts, and are controlled bv the direct or delegated authority of the school board, some of the largest jjublic libraries in the country being in this class; fiiurth. librarv associatio'us, 1)\- which is usually meant association, corpora- tion or other privately owned libraries which liave been made jiublic and are .sustained wholly or in part by ])ublic funds. \\'here laws refer to cities and districts of different classes, I have a])pended the laws governing such classification. Tlie laws also pro\iortance to ilie people of the state, and shall i)erform such other acts and re(|uire- ments as ma\' be enjoined by law. Si:c'rio.\ 7'*.^. lioard of trustees: Names nine ])ersons for the nine congressional districts. Fixes their terms at from two to six years. Sfctiox 796. Powers and duties of the board of trustees. Xo com- pensation: Thev shall fill all vacancies, whether by expiration of term or other cause. Thev shall meet oticc \earlv and a*^ manv '^jtecial meetings 1 Alabama — 2 as necessary. The governor shall he ri niemher. The trustees shall receive no compensation hut actual expenses, shall make rules, elect a director and staff, provide for jnihlication of historical material. and mark llu- remains i>\ histurical sites and prehistoric mounds, etc. Section 7^)7. L'rovides for the election of a director. Section /^'fft^. Oath of director. Section 700. Duties of director: Sliall direct the work of the department, care for archives, ])repare a hiennial register, special data concerning Alahama soldiers in the war between the states ; report annually to the trustees ; provide for publication report of Alabama history commission. Section 800. Other officers authorized to turn over books, docu- ments, etc., to the archives commission. rii-NEK.M. .\(TS. Pm:\: 743, Xo. 603; An act re(|uiring libraries to make rei)orts. All libraries other than l)ri\-ate libraries, including free public or subscription lil)raries, libraries of institutions, societies, colleges and schools, are required to make both regular and special reports to the department of archives and historv. as mav be called for by that department. Si'.cTio.v 801. T'ro\-i(k's for making co])ies of docmnents. Si-:cTioN 802. .\ulhorizes compilation of statistical register, bien- nially. Sia'iiox 80.\ .Mab.ama soldiers: The department shall make special effort to collect data in reference lo the soldiers from Alabama in the war between the states, both from the war dcpainmcnt at Washington and also from private individuals, and to cause the same to be prepared for pttblication as speedily as i)ossible. (A'erl)atim'i .Sectton 804. i'roxides salarv I'or director. Section 805. .\])propriation. Section 806. Trovides for printing. Section 807 and 808. Provide for sjjccial monuments. Section 800. .\])pointment of stenographer. Section 810. Publication of state papers, etc. Alaska — 1 ALASKA II[S'IT)RKAI. l.ir.RAin- AXI) MUSEUM CoMi'iLKi) Laws of Alaska, lOL^ Sectiox 327. Lstalilishment. Contents. Funds. For each certificate issued to a member of the l)ar aulhorizin^- him to practice law in tlie District, a fee of $10.00 sliall he paid to the Clerk of the Conn, which shall he hy him ])rnmi)tlv remitted to the Secretary of the District, and at the same time the Clerk shall advise the Governor of such remittance. For each commission issued to a Notary Public a fee of $10.00 shall he i)ai(l to the Secre- tar)' of the District. The fees received by the Secretary under thi'^ section and under chajiter 74 of Title Thirteen shall l)e by liim retained and ke])t in a fund to be known as the District LTis- torical Librar\- fund. The fund thus collected shall be disbursed on the order of llie (iovernor for the pin"])ose of establishiuii- and maintaining;- ihe District Historical Library and Museum. The same shall embrace cojjies of all laws relatiui^- to the District, and all papers and ])eriodicals jniblished within the District, and such other matter of historical interest as the Governor may consider \aluable and ai)propriate for such collection. The collection shall also embrace such ciu-ios relating- to the aborio-ines and the settlers as may be by the Governor deemed of historical im])ortance. The collection thus made .shall be described bv the Governor in the an- nual report of the Governor to the Secretarv of the Interior, and shall be by him kept in a secure place and turned over to his successor in office. The Secretary of the District and the Ciovernor shall each annua]l\- accoimt to the Secretarv of the Interior for all receipts and disbursements in connection with such Historical Library and Museum. The Historical Librarx' and .Museum is herebv made and desiy^- nated De])ository of Publications of the Government and shall be su])plied with one co])v of each of said ])ublicatious in the same manner as such ])u]ilications are su])|)Iie(l to otlu'r dei)ositories. ( X'erbalim ) Xote: Chai)ler 74 of Title Thirteen mentioned aboxe prescribes the duties of the Clerk of the District Court, but makes no mention of fees. Skctiox 328. I'unds. Disbursements: All fees received by the Secretary of the District of .\laska as such Secretary, from every source whatsoever, shall be disbursed on the order of ijie Governor of the District of Alaska, for the benefit o| the \l;iska iIi'^loricaI I.ibrarv and Mu'^eum. ruid all sueh receipts and disbursements shall be accoimted for in the m.inner prescril)ed in Section 3.27. ante. 3 Arizona — 1 ARIZONA STATE LIBRARY Laws of Arizona, 1915, Page 134, Chapter 62 SECTION 1. Establishment: A state lilirary is hereby establislied, to be located at the state Capitol ; to be under the direction of a board of three curators ap- jminted by the "overnor with the consent of the senate. Terms after the first appointment to be six years. Section 2. Duties of curators. Legislative reference librarian: Curators sliall ha\e control and management of the library, make regulations, elect a chairman and a])point a law and legislative re- ference lil)rarian who shall act as secretary of the board and hold office at their ])leasure. Provided that said board will not be em- powered to appoint such librarian during the encumbenc\- of the librarian provided for in section 3 of this act. Section 3. Legislative reference librarian: Lentil otherwise provided by law. Con P. Cronin is appointed legis- lative reference librarian, and shall serve until his successor is appointed. Any vacancy shall be filled by the board of curators. (Verbatim) Section 4. Legislative reference Imreau: Provides for the maintenance of a legislative reference liureau for the ti.se of .state officials and of citizens. Section 5. Duties of legislative reference librarian: Librarian shall prepare catalogs of laws, bills, resoltitions. docu- ments, dig'ests of laws, files and clippings of newspapers, and other l)rinted matter, and shall iironipll\- jirocure information at the ref|uest of State officials. Section C). l^uties: Ca) To kee]:) duplicate loose-leaf indexed set of statutes. (b) To keep duplicate loose-leaf court decisions. (c) To sti]K'r\'isc compilation and printing of statutes. (d) To supervise the printing of particular sections of the statutes. (e) To super\-ise the com])ilation, indexing and ])rinting of the session laws. Section 7. Duties: (ii) To attend at librar\- during office hours. (b) To act as secretary of the curators; keep records of pro- ceedings. Arizona — 2 (c) Purchase lM)oks. sell and exchan,q;e (l(Kunients. (d) Keep in order and re])air library books. (e) Approve claims. (f) Keep register of accessions. (g) Arrange exchanges of public documents, (h) Rienniallv re])ort to the governor. Sectiox 8. Duties : Li1)rarian shall neither oppose nor urge legislation, but upon re- quest assist members in preparing liills and resolutions. All such work shall be confidential. Skctiox 9. Duties : Shall secure and ])ind slate newspapers. Sf.cttox 10. Recovery of books: Librarian is authorized to bring suit for the recovery of books. Section 11. Liljrarv fund shall consist of the fees collected by the Clerk of the Sui)reme Court. Skcttox 12. Library hours. Section 13. Lilirarian's salary. Section 14. Lil)rarian's bond. LIBRARIES AND READING ROO^IS Revised St.\ti;tes, 1913, Chapter 8 Section 1025. Establishment: I\Iunici]'al authoritv of anv incorporated citv or town having five thousand or more inhabitants authorized and directed to le\-y annually in addition to all other taxes, a tax not to exceed one- half mill on each dollar for the purpose of establishing and main- taining Free Pul)lic Liliraries and Reading Rooms, purchasing books, etc., and maintaining such buildings as may be necessary. Sectiox l*'2f'). Donations: .\ny such cil\- or incorjxiraled tdwn ma\- receixe, hold (ir dis])ose all gifts or donations given for liljrarv purposes. Section 1927. Library fund: All money received from each donation, gift or otherwise shall be designated as library fund, paid into city treasury, kept se])arate from other funds and drawn on only for purposes authorized. All property acquired shall vest and remain in the citv. 6 Arizona — 3 Sectjux 1928. J'itlc to properly: All property, real or personal, crcalcd In- ,i;ifl. dcx isc. hciiuesl or (illierwisc. uiiik-r llic pnixisiuns of (ir for an\- piirpiKc aiuhnrizcd 1>\' lliis cliajjlcr, so xcstcd. l)c and remain in the i)ri)|)cr cit\' and niav he jjrolected, defended and -^ued for l)v aetion of law or other- wise, in llie name of such city, as in other cases. Si-:c"Ti()\ l')29. Trustees: Munici|)al authorities max- ai)])oint fwv residents as Trustees [o hold office tor same time as municii)al autliorities imless removed ])v death, resignation or Iw municipal council for good cause. Section' 1930. Office of Trustee honorary without compensation. Section 19,i1. Organization. Staff: .Shall take charge ?>^. Uills audited In- City .\udilor and paid by City Treasurer. Section 1934. Annual report to nninici])al atitliorities before the 1st day of July. Section 1'*3.s. Drdinances. Land: Municip.'il authorities shall i)ass ordinances for |)rotection of lihrarv property, 8S1 m. rro\ides salarv for secretary of commission. Skctio.x 38ro]ierty of the Hbrary. (->. To draw from the state treasurv all monies belonging to the 1 library fund. 7. To prescribe rules and regulations for the use of the library. 8. To collect and preserve statistics pertaining to libraries. 9. To re])ort to the governor biennially. 10. To establish at their discretion, deposit stations in various parts of the state. (Amended statutes 1913, act 1149). Sectiox 22*'4. Term of librarian: Librarian holds his office for four years unless sooner removed b\- un;mimous vote of all trustees. Sectio.v 22''.^. Dmies of libi-arinn: 1. It i^ ihc- dut\- of tlK' librarian to be in attendance during office hours. 2. To act as secretarv of the board. 3. To i)m"chase books and other pro])crly. 4. To number and slanij) all books, majjs, etc., and keep a catalog thereof. 5. To have bound all books and papers that require binding. C). To kce]) a register of all books added to the library, and of the cost thereof. 7. To keep a register of all books taken from the library. 8. To index statutes of each session of the legislature and furnish marginal notes and index the journals and resolutions of the senate and assemblv. 11 Cai.ifokxia — 2 9. To revise and bring- to date and index the laws of California. 10. To tile such volumes and publications of laws and all other matter as may be rec|uired b}- any state otttcer or department, in the exercise of his or its official duties under conditions prescribed. SKrriox 2295 a. Distribution of documents: Makes it the duty of the state superintendent of printing- to furnish state publications to the state library for distribution and prescribes the number and method. Sec'tiox 2296. Use of library: Books may be taken from the lil)rary l)y members of the legislature and state officers. Sectiox 2297. Same: Books taken by members of the legislature must be returned at the close of the session. .^KCTiox 2298. I'enaltv for non-return: Provides penalty for non-return of books by members of the legis- lature. Section 2299. Penalty for injury: Provides penaltv for injurv or failure to return books. Section 2300. Funds: Monies appropriated for state library shall constitute state library fund. (Amended statutes 1913. page 1 151 ). Sfxtion 2301. Library hours. Prescribes hours of opening. Section 2302. Salary of librarian. Section 2304. Bond: Librarian must execute official bond in the sum of three thousand r$3,000) dollars. COUNTY LIBRARIES Gener.\l Laws. 1913, Page 616. AtT 1622 Se< Tiox 1. Supervisors may establish: Boards of supervisors shall have power to establish and maintain within their res])ective couuties free libraries as prescribed in this act. Sectiox 2. Limits. Publication of notice: The supervisors may establish at the countv scat a free library for that part of the countv Iving outside of cities and towns or lilir.ary 12 Ca1.IF()K.\1.\--3 districts maintaining libraries, and for such additional parts of such county as may elect to become a part of sucli county free library system. Notice of such contemplated action shall be pub- lislied in a ne\vs])aper for two successive weeks prior. Section 3. Conditions of participation: After the establishment of the county free lil)rary, the trustees, council or other legislative bodv of any city or town maintaining a free library or the trustees of any library district maintaining a library ma\- notify the supervisors that such city, town or library district desires to become a part of the countv library system and thereafter such citv. town or lilirarv district shall be a part tliereof and the property within such city, town or library district shall be liable to tax levy for county free lil)rarv purposes. Ry similar notice such trustees, council or legis- lative body of such citv, town or librarv district mav notifv the county commissioners and in like manner cease to be a pa.rt of the county library system, or to be liable for taxes. Notice of such participation or withdrawal shall be published at least two weeks in advance in a newspaper properlv designated. Skctiox 4. ("ities mav cuntracl with cminlv lilM"aries for ser\-ice: The countv supervisors shall liave full authority to contract with any incurixiratcd citv or town maintaining a li]irar\' and such in- corporated city or town shall through its trustees have power to contrnc with the count\- sn])ervis^)rs for the use of the countv li- brary ])y the rcsiflents of the citv or the town for ;i consideration to be agreed upon. Section 5. One countv mav furnish librarv service to another: The county .supervi.sors of anv county having a free librarv shall have full authority to contract with the county supervisors of any other cduntv to gi\'e to the residents of such other countv. such privileges of .such county free library upon such consideration as may be agreed upon. The same to be |)aid into tlie countv free library fund and the lioard of supervisors of such count\- shall liaxe lull antliorit\- to contract wi'h the sui)ervisors of anolln'r count \- wherein a l'i"ee ]i])rar\- has been established and shall have ])o\ver to ]v\v a Ii])rar\- tax for tlie i)uri)ose of carrying out ^ucli Contract. The making of such contract shall not de- bar tlir board ol superN'isors of such count\- from establishing a fret- librarv if none bf already establishcfl therein, and ujion such establishment such contract mav tcrnn'nate upon such terms as mav lie agreed upon by the parties, or may be continued for the term thereof. 15 CM.IFORXrA 1- Section 6. Board of lihrary examiners: A board oi library examiners is hereby created, consisting of the state Hbrarian, who shall be exofficio chairmen, the librarian of the public lilirary of San Francisco and the Hbrarian of the Los Angeles public library. Members of said board shall receive no compensa- tion, except their actual and necessary traveling expenses, to be paid nut of the state library fund. Said board shall pass upon the quali- fications of persons desiring to be county librarians, may adopt rules not inconsistent with law, for its own government and for carrying' out the i)uri)ose of this act. Persons of either sex shall be eligible to certification for the office of countv librarian. Sectiox 7. Appointment of county librarian: Upon the establishment of the county free lil)rary board of stiper- visors shall a])i)oint ;i countv librarian \\ho shall hold office for four years, subject to removal for cause after hearing by said board. Xo ]:)erson shall be elii^ible as countv librarian unless he has re- ceived from the board of library examiners a certificate of qualifi- cation. At the time of his appointment the county librarian need not be a resident of the countv, nor a citizen of the state of Cali- fornia. Sectfon 8. Government of county library employees: The county library shall be under the supervision of the county supervisors who shall have power to make rules and regulations, to establish upon the recommendation of the county librarian, branches and stations, to ajiixnnt and dismiss employees upon the recommendation of the countv lil>r.nrian. Employees shall not be removed except for cause, unless their services are no longer re- quired, in which event they shall have the first right to be restored to such employment if such services are again re(|uired and thev may be emploved for a definite time only. All employees whose duties require special training shall be graded in grades estab- lished by the county librarian with the approval of the state librarian. Before appointment candidate must pass an examination satisfactory to the county librarian and show satisfactory exjierience in library work, ^^'ork in approved librru^v schools, or certificates of the board of library examiners niav be accei>ted in lieu of such examina- tion. The county librarian mav also accept a]iprcntices without comjiensation and dismiss snmc. Section 9. County librarian. Bond. Duties. Salary. The county librarian shall file with the county clerk the oath of office and a bond with api^roved securities. The county libi-arian shall under the general rules adopted bv the supervisors, build Uji and manage the librarv. and shall deternn'nc what books and library 14 r.\l.l|-()RN[A 5 equipment shall he purchased. The salary of the count v lihrarian shall vary from two thousand four hundred ($2,400) dollars to fi\e hundred ($500) dollars per annum accordino- to the size of the county. The county lihrarian and his assistant shall he allowed actual and necessary traveling- exi)enses incurred on the husiness (if the office. SKtTiON 10. Su])ervision of C(~»unty lihraries: The county lihraries shall he under the general supervision of the state lihrarian who shall \isit them either personally or hy one <»f his assistants from time to time. Me shall call annuallv a con- vention of county lihrarians for the discussion of questions relating to countv lihraries. The actual and necessary expenses of the state lihrarian and countv lihrarian shall he paid. Sect I ox 11. Report: The countx' lihrarian shall report annuallv to the state lihrarian. Section 12. Tax levy. Bonds, etc. The county supervisors shall levy annually for the support of the lihrary upon the ])ortion of the county participating, a tax not to exceed one mill on the dollar. County honds may he issued in the manner prescrihed in section 40oard .shall ap- point one of their number president for one \ear. Loard shall cause proper record of the i)roceeding"s to be kept. Section S. Powers of trustees: Boards of librarv trustees shall ha\-e power: 1. To make and enforce all necessarv rules, regulation'^ .and by- laws. 2. To administer an\- \yu<\ declared or created for sucli libraries and receive bv gift, devise or bequest, and bold in trust or l'> California — 10 otherwise, property situated in tliis state or elsewhere, and where not otherwise provided, dispose of the same for the benefit of such libraries. 3. To prescribe the duties and powers of the liln-arian and secre- tary and other officers and employees; to aj^point such officers and employees and fix their compensation. Such officers and employees shall liold their positions at the pleasure of said boards. 4. To ])urcliase necessary books, publications and other j^ersonal pro])erty. 5. To ])urchase real i)roperty, erect, rent and equip buildinp,s or rooms, when in their jud^-ment suitable provision has not been made for such lil)raries l)v the leg'islative bodv in the muni- cipality. 6. To require state officials to furnish such lilM-arics with all state publications not otherwise disposed of by law. 7. To borrow books from, lend books to and exchange with, other libraries, and allow non-residents to borrow books upon such conditions as they may prescribe. 8. To do and perform aiiv and all other acts and things necessary or projier to carrv out the provisions of this act. Section 6. Annual report: LibrarA- board shall annually report to legislative body of their municipalitv and forward a copy of the report to the state library at Sacramento. Section 7. Annual tax levy: The legislative bod)' of any municipality in which a public library has been established in accordance with such act, shall, if the main- tenance of the library has not otherwise been provided for, levy a tax for the maintenance of the librarv and purchasing property necessary therefor; provided, that after two years from the estab- li.shniml (if new libraries, in a municipalitA' of the first, second or third class, such tax shall not exceed two mills on the dollar: in a nuinicipalitA- of the fourth, fifth or sixth class, such lew .shall not exceed three mills on the dollar. Note: Classification of municipalities: Generrd Laws, Page 1041 : All cities having more than twenty-three thousand people constitute the first, second and third classes. All cities having a population not exceeding twenty-three thousand constitute the fourlli. fifth and sixth classes. 20 CAT.rroRxrA — 1 1 Section 8. Disposition of revenue: The revenue from said tax togetlier with all money ac(|uire(l hy gift, bequest or otherwise, shall be apportioned to a library ftmd to 1k> applied to the ])ur])ose herein authorized. If i)aynient into the treasury should he inconsistent with the condition of any stich gift or bequest, the board shall provide for the care of the same and its application to tise for the library in accordance with the conditions of the gift or bequest. Payment from such fund shall be made upon warrants duly attdited and signed by the president and secretary of said board; the treastu'er of the numicipalilv shall pay stich warrants without any further authority. Section 9. Library to be free : Every library established under this act shall be forever free to the inhabitants and t:(ni-resideiU taxpayers of the municipalitv, sul)iect to the rules and regulations of the library trustees. Section 10. Lending of books: Library trustees may contract for lending books of such libraries to residents of the county in which the libraries are situated, or neighboring municipalities, upon a reasonable compensation. Section 11. Title to property: Title to all property acquired for such libraries when not inconsist- ent with the terms of its acquisition or otherwise designated, shall vest in the municipalities in which such libraries are situated. Section 12. Act of 1880 repealed: An act to establish free public libraries, etc.. api)roved April 26, 1880 is hereby repealed; provided, that as to existing libraries this act is deemed an addition thereto and .such libraries shall be t;"ov- erned thereby, provided, further that this act shall not apply to any library established by the provisions of a city charter, and .'iny city charter shall not be affected by this act. Section 13. Disestablishment: Any ordinance establishing a librarv under the provisions of sec- tion 1 of this act must be rejiealed bv the body which adopted it upon the request of fifty-one per cent of the electors. LIBRARIES IN I'XTXCORPORATED TOWNS AND VILLAGES Gener.\l Laws, 1913, Page 621, Act 1623 (Passed 1909; aiuended 19in. Section 1. Establishment: Any unincorporated town or village may establish, equip and main- Cai.iforxia — 12 tain a public lilM-ary for the dissemination of knowk-doe in accord- ance with the provisions of this act. Section 2. Planner of establishment: Upon the petition of fifty or more taxpayers and residents of said town or \-illaoe to the board of county supervisors, jtraying for the establishment of a library district and setting- forth its proposed boundaries, said board of super\-isors must within ten days order an election to be held in the proposed district to determine the f|uestion and shall a])])oinl ihrce electors to conduct said election. Sectiox 3. Election called: Said election shall be called by posting a notice and pul^lication for not less than fifteen days; notice specifying time, place and pur]iose of said election and hours during whicli [jolls will be open. Section 4. Conduct of election: Said election shall be conducted in accordance with general election laws. Section .^. Qualifications of electors: Every elector, resident within the proposed district (|ualified to vote at a general election shall be entitled to vote at the said election. Section 6. Returns: The election officers shall report the result of said election to the super^■^sors within five days thereafter. Section 7. Appointment of trustees: If the majority of the votes at said election are favorable, said supervisors must establish said library district and appoint three electors and residents as a board of library trustees. Such trustees .shall hold oflfice for three vears from the first dav of Julv next .succeeding and scr\-e without compensation ; provided, that of the first board ai)pointed, one shall go out of office on the thirtieth day of June next and one at the end of one year thereafter, and tlie other -it the end of two years thereafter. Section 8. Proceedings if ]M-oposition be defeated: If the majority of votes be against a library district, the super- visors shall so declare. No other proceedings in relation thereto, shall be taken until the expiration of one year from the date of the presentation of the petition. Section 9. A'alidity of the district : The presentation of the petition, the order of establishing the dis- trict and the appointment of the trustees shall lie entered in tlic Califorxia — 13 niituites of the supervisors and sliall l)e conclusive e\ idence t declared or created ior such libraries and receive by gift, devise or beqtiest and hold in trust or ()tberwise property situated in this state or elsewhere and where not otherwise jirovided, dispose of same for the benefiL of such libraries. v3. To ]n-escribe the duties and powers, to appoint and to fix the compensation of the librarian, secretary and other officers and emi^loyees, who shall hold their offices and positions ai the ])lcasrire of said board. 4. To ])urcbase necessary liooks and other personal ])ropertv. .■^. To ])urcbase such real ])ro]yerl\- and erect, rent and e(iuiii a a building or buildings and room or rooms as in their iudg- ment nia_\- lie necessar\' to carrv out tlie ]irovisions of this act. <'). To re(|uire slate officials to furnish state ]iublications not otherwise disposed of bv law. 7. To borrow, lend and excliange books with other liliraries and to allow non-residents in borrow books upon such conditions as they mav prescribe. t^. To do and jierlorm ,anv and ;dl otlu'r acts and things neces- sary or iirojier to carry out the provisions of this act. 9. To file on or before the last day of Jul\- e.acli \v:\y a I'cport (o the state librarian at Sacramento. 10. To designate the hours during which the librar\- shall be open for the use of the pulilic: i)rovided. bowe\-er, that .all ptililic libraries established under the pro\isions of this act 23 Ca [. I FOR \ [ A 1 4 shall be open for the use of the puMic durint;' every day in tlie year. SiUTiox 12. Estimates of expenses. Bond. Election: In any library district formed under this act which is now main- taining or intends to maintain a public library, it shall be the duty of the library trustees to furnish to the county supervisors on or before the first nf Se])teniber an estimate of the cost of leasing- tem- porarv quarters, of jmrchasing a l(it, securing plans and si:)ecifications and erecting suitable building, furnishing and ecjuipping same, fencing and (irnamenting grounds for the accouimodation of the l)ublic librarv and conducting and maintaining the same for the ensuing \ear. or for anv or all said i)ur])oses; ])rovided, that the board of trustees ma\' upon the ])etition of fiftv or more tax])avers call an election and submit to the electors whether the bonds of said librarv district shall l)e sold for anv or all of the purposes of this act. Section 13. Special tax levy: When such estimate shall have been submitted to the couiUy super- vi.sors, said supervisors nuist at the time of levying the count}- tax. levy a special tax upon the said librarv district sufficient for the purposes of section 12 of this act. Section 14. Library funds: The revenue derived from said tax together with all money ac- quired by gift, be(|uest or otherwise for the purpose of the lilirary, shall be paid into the count\- treasur^- to the credit of the library fund of the district, subject only to the order of the library trustees. If such i)a\-ment into the lreasur\- should be inconsistent v-ith condi tions of anv gifl or be(|uest. llie trusiees sh;dl i)rovide for the safety of the same and its ajjplication to the use of the librarv in accord- ance with the conditions of such gift or bequest. Section 13, Eibrarv to be free: Everv librarv established under the ])ro\isions of this act shall be forever free to the inhabitants and non-resident taxpayers of the library district, subject to the rules and regulations of the board of trustees. Section 16. Loan of books: Provides for the loan of books to neighboring municipalities, library districts or the inhabitants of the countv in which the librar\- is situated ujion the pavment of a reasonable compensation. Skction 17. Title of librarv property: Title to all jiropertv of such libraries when not inconsistent with 24 CaT.IK()KX[A — 15 the terms of its acquisition, or not otlierwise designated, shall vest in the district in which such Hhraries are situated. SiaTiox 18. Election of trustees: Election idr lihrar\' iruslees must l)e held in each library district annually for the election of one trustee who shall hold ofiice for three years, dating' from the first dav of July next succeeding his elec- tion. Sectiox 19. Number of trustees: Number of library trustees in any liljrary district established under this act shall be three. SiaTioxs 20 to 27 inclusive. Provide notice of and conduct for election of library trustees. Section 28. Election for bond issue: Trustees of any library district niav ui)on the ])elilioii of fifty or more taxpayers and residents call an election ujjon the question of issuing" bonds for llic purcliase of land and erection of a building and equipping same, and fencing" and ornamenting grounds or for any or all of these purposes. Skctioxs 29 to .^2 inclusive: Prox'ide ])ro|)ei" notice of and form for holding election for issuing of bonds. Sectiox T^T). Canvass of election and amount of bonds: On the seyenth day after said election, the returns haying l)een made, the board of trustees sliall can\-ass said returns and if it appears that two-thirds of the votes were cast in favor of the issue of such bonds, the board shall cause an entry of .such fact to be made upon its minutes and certify to the county supervisors all the i)i"oceedings, thereupon said sui)eryisors shall be authorized and directed to issue the bonds of said district to the number- and amount provided in such proceedings; payable out of the building fund of said district, the money to be raised by taxation in said district for the re(k'mi)tion of said bunds and the i);i\"menl of interval tbeiTon; pro- vided, that the total amount of bonds .so issued shall not exceed fixe per cent of the taxable property of said district. Sectiox ,34. I'orm of l)onds: County sui)er\i>ors shall pre'-cribf form of bonds .and fix time at which they shall be ])a\ablc, which ^ball be not more than forty years from the date thereof. Section" 35. Interest: Said bonds shall not bear a greater amount of interest than six per Cai.ifokxia — 16 cent to be payable annually or semi-annually and must be sold for not less than par. The proceeds of tlie sale must be deposited in tlic county treasury to the credit of the building- fund of the library district. Skitiox 36. Tax levy: The board ni' su]icr\is()rs shall annuall\- lev_\- an aniouni suflicicnl to pay the interest upon these bonds and proyide a sinking fund for their payment at matttrity. Section Z7 . Disposition of unsold bonds: A\'hen any such bonds shall remain unsold for a period of six months, they may upon petition anF.. ]006, \"oi,. 1 Section 1617. Trustees: The powers and duties of trustees of school districts and of boards of education in cities are as follows : * * :): ;|: 11. To ajjpoint district librarians and enforce the rules for the government of district libraries. 12. To exclude from schools and school lil)raries all books, pub- lications and ])apers of sectarian, partisan or denominational character. :}: ^ rf: ;{: 20. Provides that in case of its destruction by fire the proceeds of the insurance of library property so destroyed, shall be paid into the librar\' fund. 26 Cat.ifhrxia — 17 Sectiox 1712. Expenditure of funds: Provides that the library fund together with monies added thereto by donation shall be spent for school apparatus and books for a school library incltiding- books lor su]ii)lenientary work; that all purchases must be approved bv the cotmty superintendent nf schools; that all books must be proi)erly labeled. Sectiox 1713. Amount of school fund: I'lxcept in cities not divided in scIkihI districls, the librar}- fund shall consist of not less than five or more than ten jier cent of the county school fund annually apportioned to the district ; provided, that not more than fifty ($50) dollars shall be apportioned to any district except those having n\-e or more teachers. Sf.ctiox 1714. Funds for liliraries. (As amended Statutes, 1*^15, Chapter 1 7?> ) : The county superintendent of ericli countv or citv and county not divided into school districts shall avmuallv apportion lo such ciiy. or citv and countv such sum as mav be requested in writing by the board of education at least thirtv davs before the first of the month in which the supervisors are required l)v law to lew taxes. Tn no case shall the stim apportioned exceed eighty cents for each pupil of average dailv attendance in the elementarv schools: Provided, that in each citv and countv comprising a single district the amount apportioned shall l)e not less than forty cents for each pupil of average dailv attendance in the elementarv schools. Amounts so aitportioncd to l)e derlticted from countv school fund and credited ti) librarv fund: jirovided furtlier, that if the ])oarfl of edttcation of an\- citv or citv and countv, shall fail to file such request, the county or c\{\ and countv superintendent shall apportion to the library fmid ol ^ucli cit\- rar\- a branch of the counl\- librar\\ (Amt'iided 100*^). In nn\- cit\- maintaining a l)ublic librarv the board of education of such citv mav enter into a similar arrangement with the governing bodv of stich librarv. 27 Cai-iforxia — 18 Section 1716. Appointment of librarian, etc.: F'rovides tor the a])i)<>intnien', of a li1)rarian 1)\- the board of trus- tees. (Amended 1909). Section 1717. Responsibility of trustees: Makes the trustees accountable for the proper care of the liljrary property and requires them to report annually to the county super- intendent. UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT LIBRARIES General Laws, 1913, Page 1698. Act 4517 (Passed 1911) Section 1. Estalilishment: Any Union High School District may establish, equip and main- tain a public library. Section 2. Petition : L'pon the petition of fifty or more laxiiayers. residents in any L'nion High School District, asking for the establishment of a library dis- trict and setting forth the proposed boundaries, the board of sup- cryisors must after ten days, order that an election lie held and appoint three electors to conduct said election. Sections 3 to 6. Conduct of election : Provide for the condvict of the election and the report of the result to the county supervisors. Section 7. Two-thirds vote for: If two-thirds of the votes of said election shall be in favor of a Union High School Library District, the supervisors shall estalv lish such district and place it in the control of the trustees of said Union High School District. Such trustees shall severally hold office during the term for which they shall ha\e been elected as trustees of such L'nion High School District. Section 8. One-third vote against: If one-third of the votes cast shall be against the library district a board of supervisors shall so declare. No other proceedings sliall be taken until the expiration of one year. Section 9. Record: The presentation of the petition and the order of establishing the library district entered in the minutes of the board, shall be con- clusive evidence of tlie existence and validity of the district. 28 Cali fornia — 19 Section 10. Library trustees, meeting's, etc.: The board of library trustees shall meet at least once a month. Special meetings ma)- be called l)y two trustees. Three members shall constitute a quorum. Board shall organize l^y electing one of its number president and another secretary ; shall cause proper record of proceedings to be ke])t. and immediately cause to be made out and filed with the state librarian at Sacramento, a certificate showing the establishment of sucli library, the date, the names of trustees and the officers. Section 11. Powers of trustees: The library trustees sliall l)e authorized and eni]i()\yercd ;ind it sjiall be their duty : 1. To make and enforce all rules, regulations and by-laws neces- sary for the library. 2. To administer any trust declared or created for such libraries and receive by gift, de\nse or bequest and hold in trust or otherwise, property situated in this state or elsewhere, and where not otherwise proyided, dispose of the same for the benefit of sucli libraries. 3. To prrscril)e the duties, ap])nint and fix comijensation of li- l)r;irian, secretar\-. and dther officers and emi)lovces who shall hold their positions at the ])leasure of the board. 4. To purchase necessary books and other personal property. 5. To ])m'chase real pro])ert\-, erect, rent and e(|ui]) a Imilding or buildings, room or rooms as may be neces.sary. 6. To require the slate officials to furnish state iiublications not otherwise disposed of by law. 7. To borrow books from, lend to and exchange with other li- braries and to allow non-residents to borrow ni)on conditions l^rescribed. 8. To do and ])erform ;uiv and all acts or parts of acts .and things necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of this act. 9. To file a re]wr1 each year with the stale librari.an at Sacra- mento. 10. To designate the library hours: provided, that all public li liraries shall be o]ien at all reasonable times. Section 12 to 17. Repeat sections 12 to 17 of Act 1623. SectioiN 18. Bond election: The library trustees of any district may. when they deem it advis- able, and must upon the petition of fifty or more taxpayers and residents, call an election and sul)mit the question of issuing bonds 29 Cai.ikorxia — 20 for the purchase of land, erecting- and equipping- a liuilding and improving- the grounds for the accommodation of the Union High School Library. Section 19. Provides form of election. Section 20. Provides that the board shall canvass the returns on the seventh dav after the election and if two-thirds of the votes cast are in favor of issuing bonds, the board shall enter such fact upon the minutes and certifv it to the supervisors of the countv. There- U])()n said super\-isors shall l)e authorized and directed to issue bonds of said district to the number and amount named in such ])roceedings : provided, that the total amoimt shall not exceed five per cent of the taxable propertv of said district. Section 21. Bonds: The supervisors shall prescribe the form of said bonds and fix the time for pavment, which shall not be more than fortv vears from date. Section 22. Maximum interest: Said bonds shall not exceed a greater amount of interest than six l)er cent, payal:)le annually or semi-annually, and shall not be sold for less than par. The proceeds shall constitute a building fund. Section 2?>. Tax levy for interest, etc.: Provides for the levy of a tax for the payment of interest on the bonds and their payment at maturity. Section 24. Provides for the cancelation of unsold l)nnd>: Section 25. Provides for the dissolution of the district upon a vote of two-thirds of the electors and the payment of all outstand- ing indel)tedness. CI\TL SERVICE COMMISSION Gexi:r.\t. T.a\\-s of 1013, Pace 398, Citapter 95 ^ ^tC ^ :jc Section 7. Position cxemiit : Positions held in the following specified classes are exempt from such method of appointment. ;;; :|: ^ * Section 11. State librarian: The chief deputv or assistant state librarian and also one ])erson holding a position having a confidential relation to the state librarian and appointees, under provisions, for court, law, teachers, school and county libraries. Note: A note in the librarv laws of California, edition l'M3, says the civil service act apjilies to state librarv and not to other libraries in the state. 30 Coi.oi^xno — 1 COLORADO STATIC Lir.UAin' Courtright's Colorado Statutes, 1913, Ciiaptkr 82 — Lit.raries Section 3951. Librarian, etc.: State superintendent of public in.struction sbull be cx-officio libra- rian for ibe State. State library shall be kej^t in rooms provided for it I)y the State, and shall be kept open four hours specified dailv. Section" 3952. Duties of lilirarian: Librarian shall have charge of bo(iks, maps, newspapers and other property of the library. Skctiox 3953. Same: Shall receive l)ooks and documents for the library. Si:tTU).\ 3'J54. Same: Shall receipt for and keep a record of books received. Section 3955. Same: Librarian shall make necessarv rules and direct expenditures. Si:cTiox ^^>?(). Same. Librarian shall exchanfje ])ublic ilocuments with other let^'islative bodies and libraries. Sk(TI()X .Vi57. -Slate publications: Librarian i^ directed to turn over to public libraries in the State such boi)k>, pam])hk'ts. etc., as can be spared. Section' 395S. Librarv re.^ulations: .\11 ]XM-sons may visit and read in the lil)rary; mav take out books by making a deposit. Various state officers named have free access to the books and the lil)rarv, takintj them out under proper rec^'ula- tions; lint no such public ofllcer mav ^ixe am- other jierson an order to draw ])ooks. Si;( iioN 3959. Report: Librarian shall report bicnniallv. .Si:( TioN 3960-63. Mineral cal)inet: Librarian shall collect and arran^'e a mineral cabinet. Section 3'^64. P.ond: The librarian shall c;"i\-i' sufficient bond. 31 Colorado — 2 SI'1'RI':.A1I-: COURT LIP.RARIES Section 1428. Books: State lil)rarian and all other officers of tlie state re(|uire(l to (le])osit copies of statutes and other hooks of law in the Hbrary of the Supreme Court. Section 1429. Duties of librarian: Provides hours of opening; the librar}-. Section 1430. Library fund: Auditor of state directed to set aside the fees received by state treasiu^er Ironi tlie fees jiaid to the clerk of the Supreme Coiun, as a .Su])reme Court l.ihrarv fund. BOARD OF LIBRARY COMMTSSTOXERS Section 3942. Establishment: Creates a board of library commissioners of five residents of the state appointed by the Governor. Terms after the first appoint- ment shall be five years. To serve without compensation. Section 3943. Duties of commission : Commission shall g'ive assistance and counsel lo all free libraries; to all committees which nia\' ])ropose to establish them, and the persons interested, upon their establishment, maintenance, book selection, cataloging, etc., as it shall find practicable. Commission may send its members to aid in organizing or improving libraries. Section 3944. Reports of libraries: Every library supported wholly or in part by public funds shall re- port annually to the commission. Section 394.S. Rcjiort of commission: Commission shall report bienniallv to the governor. Section 3946. Expenses: Boarcl mav expend a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty ($250 ) dollars annuallv for clerical and incidental expenses. TRAVETTXG LIBRARY COMMTSSTON Section 3947: Creates traveling library commission of five mem- bers, who shall serve without compensation, be appointed 1>\' the governor from a list of names submitted bv the Colorado Eedera- tion of women's Clubs, shall go into operation Tulv 1. 1003. 32 Colorado — 3 Sectiu.v 3948. Terms: 'Jlie terms after the lirsl a])|)()intmcnl shall he for three years. Skitiux 3949. Powers and duties: Shall have the power to hold in the name n\ ilie State proi)erty and ajjparatns necessary to create and keep in n])eration free travelini? lihraries; shall make reasonahle rei^'ulatiims; and such hooks when sent out shall he kept for the general use of the public, and the commission shall distribute and at intervals change the libraries in such manner as to sectire their greatest use. Section 3950. Offices: Suitable accommodations shall be provided in the capitol building for the tra\eling library commission. PUBLIC LIBRARIES Sectjox 3965. Fines applied to public library: Clear proceeds of all fines for any breach of the penal ordinances in any city and for penalties or any recognizance in criminal ]iro- ceedings may be exclusively applied to the establishment and sup- port of public lil)raries as hereinafter provided. SKtTiox 3966. Establishment: Any city in this state may establish a public library under the pro- visions of this act, whenever the common council of such city shall by ordinance determine to establish the same. Section 3967. Library committee: Whenever the council of any city shall pass an ordinance to estab- lish a ])ul)lic library, the mayor shall appoint three persons as a library committee, for tlie term of one year, whose appointment shall be confirmed by the council. Sk( Tiox 3968. Duties of committee: Shall expend the money ])rovided for library pur])oses; make rules and regulations: ai)point a staff: have general control of the li])rarv: report annually to the council. Section 3969. No compensation. Bond: Memliers of the librar\- comniiltee shall i)erform tlu'ir duties wilh out con ipeiT'a lion, -md ^liall gi\e bond of \]yv hundreil dollars ( S500). Section 3970. Power to .sue: Such committee shall ha\e the power to sue rnid be sued in all mat- ters relating to the library or library funds. .33 Colorado — 4 Section 3971. Association library: ( niiiicil iir truslec's of cities or towns niav ai)i)lv anv part of the fund provided in section 3965 for the benefit of any Hbrary associa- tion, provided such library association will give the common coun- cil or l)oard of trustees such representation upon its board of man- agement as may 1)e re(|uired. SiaTiox 3972. Cities may establish: The council of any city or the trustees of any town may establish and maintain ])uhlic lil)rarv and readmg room, and niav levy a tax there- for not to exceed one mill, and in cities of over one hundred thous- and (100,000). after such li])rarv and reading room have been estal)lished, shall lew a tax of not less than one-fourth of a mill, and nut to exceed one mill. Sectio.x 3973. Hoard of directors. Appointment: When an\- cit\- council or hoard of trustees shall have decided to csta])]ish a pu])lic lilirarv, tlie mavor shall, with the approval of the council or trustees, appoint six persons who shall constitute a board of directors: and not more than one member of council .shall be at any one time a member of such board. Sectiox 3974. Terms of office. \"acancies: Such directors shall hold office one-half for one vear; one-half for two vears : their successors for two years. Vacancies shall be filled by election by the remaining members of the ])oard. Section 3975. No compensation. Removal: Xo member shall receive anv compensation. Any member may be removed by his associates for misconduct. Section 3976. Powers. Gifts: Such board .shall constitute a body corporate, and may receive gifts for the library, be a partv to all suits, proceedings, and contracts, the same as municipal corporations in this state, and shall have power : 1. To elect officers. 2. To make by-laws, rules and regulations. 3. To employ and discharge staff, direct expenditures of monies, construction of buildings, care of grounds and buildings and other pro])ertv. 4. To lease and iiurchase grounds and l)uildings, and construct buildings. 3. To contract inde!)tedne>s bv liorrowing monev and issuing bonds. 34 Cor.oKADo — 5 (k To do all tliins^s ncccssarv for inainlainin^" and dcvclopini;' li- braries and readinij' rooni>. Section 3977. J.ibrary fund: All monies shall he dejiosited with the treasurer of the eilv as a library fund, and shall not be turned into the g'cneral fund. SiHTiox 397S. Rules: Library shall be free under rules adopted bv the directors, who mav extend the use to residents of the State outside of the city, upon such terms as the\- prescribe. Si-:( riox .Vi7*X Report : Hoard of directors shall rei)ort anntially to the city council. Section 3980. Penalties: The council or board of trustees of anv such city, or the board oi trustees of an\- incorporated town shall haye power to pass ordinances prescribint.;' i)enalties for injury or failure to return librarA' jiroperty. Sn rio.x 3')S1. Donations: Any person may donate money, personal properly or real eNlale, for the benefit of such librarA' or reading- room, and vest title thereto in the board of directors, to 1k' held and controlled by them when accei)ted according to the terms of the deed, gift or bequest. Section 3982. ^May purchase or lease libraries: Gives the directors of public libraries power to jjurchase or to lease the librarv belonyinc;' to an\- library association, and pre- scribes the form for the transaction. Section 3983. Same. Gi\es details of form of transfer. Requires that stockdiolders representing a niajoritv of the slock must \'ote in fa\dr ai the sale or lease. Section 3984. Repeal. Sa\ing clause: This seel inn re])erds an :ict of .April 3, 1893, with the saxins'' clause that all ]M-oceelicd in the Slate that a:"c now on file in the Librarv or that may hereafter be added thereto. Sectio.N' 2. l\e)>eals conHictinij: acts. CONNKCTICUT 1 CONNECTICUT STATE LIBRARY General Statutes of Connecticut, 1902, Chapter 260 Si-.cTrnx 4613, as amended 1911. Membership: The General Assembly shall biennially appoint two persons who, with the governor, shall constitute the state library committee. Said coniniitlce shall liaxc char^x of the state librarv and supreme court buildino-s and the ijrounds connected therewith, and shall appoint a state librarian who shall have charq-e under them of said build- mg and the qrounds connected therewith, report biennially to the General Assemblv and perform such other duties as may be re- quired by law. (Verbatim). Section 4616. Expenditures: State librarian mav annnnlb- purchase for the state library, such books as the state librnrx- cnniniittee mav direct or authorize, at an expense of not exceedint;' one thousand dollars in anv one year. (Verbatim). CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY General Statutes, 1902, Chapter 262 Sectio.v 4627. Connecticut historical society: Makes appropri.-uion for Comiecticut Historical Societv and desia^- nates its work. Sectiov 4628. Lrovidcs for distribution of its publications. PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMITTEE Public Acts of 1915, Chapter 209 .SpTTiox 1. Alcnibcrsbi]). .\p])roi)riation : .Section 1, ( 'hai)tcr 'AS of I'nbbc .\cts of 1<)0.S, as amended 1)\- ("liaiitcr 100 of Public Acts of 1909, is amended as follows: State board of education shall anuualh- aiipoini fi\e jicrsons who shall be known as the Connecticut public library committee. No member of such committee shall receive compensation for services as such, but members shall be paid necessary expenses. Com- mittee may expend not to exceed four thonsand dollars (,'t;4,000) for the purposes set forth in section 2 of this act. for clerical assist- ance and necessarv incidental cx]X'nscs incurred in the dischar^'e of these duties. Committee shall senii-annualK- render account of expenses to comptroller, who shall audit the -^anie: and bill- -hall be paid on order of comptroller. 27 L"().\.\i;( riirr — -2 I'riM.n- Acts of 1905. Ciiapti-k OS Skctiox 2. Duties of committee: Connecticut public library committee shall <;"ive communities advice and assistance in the organization, establishment and administration of free public libraries, and aid in selection and cataloging of books and library management; may visit and ins])ect libraries; is atithorized to pin"chase and arrange books. i)ictures. to l)e loaned to l)ublic libraries, schools, associations and individuals. PUBLIC LIBRARIES (h:xi;u.\i. STATfTKS, 1902, Cii.\i'ti;r 2()2. 1S'',> Siuiiox 4()24. Lslablishment 1)\ numiciiialities; Any town, borough, or city may establish a public liljrary, to ])e tree lo its inbal)itants, mav expend such sum as necessary to pro- A-ide rooms, or a building", for such library or for a previously estal)- lished library which is free. IS'',-) .SixTiox 4625. Api)roi)riations; An}- town, borough or city may annually expend such sum of money as may be necessary for maintenance and increase of such library; may fix by proper by-law amount which shall lie annually expended for such library ; treasurer shall thereby annually pay liills incurred for maintenance, not exceeding aggregate fixed by such by-law ; town clerk may deposit any books in his custody. 1893 Section 4626. Gifts: Any town, borough or city may receive gifts for library. 1893 Section 4629. Directors: In absence of any other ])rovision. a town or l)orough may elect a board of directors, which will make rules, expend money appro- priated, and control library ground, buildings and rooms. 1893 Section 4630. Directors' election: Directors to be elected at a town meeting, called for the purpose: to be of a ntimber divisible by three, elected for three years; first election one-third for one year, one-third for two years, one-third for three Acars, thereafter for three years; shall serve without com- pensation. 1893 Se(tton.s 4631, 4632 included the first form of law relating to The Connecticut pul)lic library committee. This was repealed, and the law- is given under foregoing- heading. 1893 Sf.cttox 4633. Appropriation: It any town ha\-ing- no free ])til)lic library shall establish one and 38 Connecticut — 3 provide for its custody, use, maintenance and increase in a manner satisfactory to the library committee, the committee may expend for such hbrary for books selected by itself not to exceed the amount expended by the town and not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200). ]8').S Skctiox 4634. Payment of bills: State treasurer to pay such l)ills upon the order of the secretary of the state board of education. 1893 Section 4635. Directors: Women elig'ible to serve on boards. ] 895 Section 4636. Reports : All libraries receivinsjf state appropriations shall annually report to the public library committee. 1895 Skitiox 4637. State appropriation: Tn towns whose i^rand list exceeds $600,000, committee mav exi)cnd annually for Ixioks selected an amount not to exceed amount ai")- ])n)priated annuallv liv town: in towns whose ^rand list is less than .^600,000, an amount not to exceed that received from anv source and expended ; in no town more than one hundred dollars annually. 1881, revised 1888 Section 4638. Council may establish: City council may establish pviblic library and reading room, levy tax not to exceed one and one-half mills, 1o ])e known as library fund. 1881, revised 1888 Section 4639. Directors: Mayor to ai)])oint nine directors; not more than one member of the city council shall be a member. 1881. revised 1888 Section 4640. Dmie> of directors: Shall make rules, shall have exclusive control of monies, direct con- struction of buildings, care and custody of buildings and grounds. mav purchase or lease groun.cl. erect buildings. ai)point librarian and assistants, fix compensation and remove such appointees. 1881, revised 1888 Section 4641. Libraries to be free: Such library shall be forever free. '' 1881, revised 1888 Section 4642. Report: \ Directors shall reiiorl anmudiv to cifv council. > 1881, revised 1888 Section 4643. Penalties: City council may pass ordinances imposing penalties for injiu-y to library property. 39 COXXKCTRUT 1881, revised 1888 Section 4644. Gifts. Shall have title to gifts. 1881, revised 1888 Section 4645. Tax: Provides for increase of tax to a rate nni district lil)rar\- commissions, shall certifv to the state treasurer 42 Di:i.A\v.\ui:— -3 when any library is entitled to state aid, and shall have all furthei powers necessary for the general supervision of the libraries afore- said. The commission is further authorized to i)r()vide libraries to such extent as they shall deem advisable and their funds shall ]icrmii : to control the circulation of same and jjrovide for the dis- tribution of books and other reading- matter, and do such other acts tending to the encouragement of reading, as thev shall deem ex])edi- ent ; sliall have ]iower to make rules for its own government and hhall report biennially to the general assemblv. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES Section 936. Gifts: Any single, united, consolidated or incorporated school district may receive in its corporate capacity and hold, anv devise, bequest or donation for the foundation and establishment, or for the mainte- nance, support and increase of a free public librarv witliin same. Section 937. Right to establish: Anv such school district is authorized to establish and maintain a free pu])lic library, with or without reading rooms, for the use of the inhabitants thereof, jirovided, either that at an election held as liereinafter ])ro\-ided, a niaioritv of the (|ualifie(l electors of said school district then voting shall vote in favor of such establishment, or that a sum hereinafter specified shall be donated to such district, or the payment of such sum guaranteed. Section 938. Classification of districts : For the purpose of this act, all school districts are classified accord- ing to the sums whicli the several l)oards of education or school committees are authorized ])\ law to lew annually for current school expenses, as follows : District of the first class, levying six thous- and dollars ( $C).000 ) or more; district of the second class not as much as six thousand dollars (Sf ).()()()) nor less than four thous- and dollars ($4,000); district of llie third class not as much as four thousand dollars (.S4.000) nor less than two thottsand dollars ($2,000); tlistrict of the fourth class not as nmch as two or less than one thousand dollars ($1,000); district of the fifth class not as nnich as one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor less than five hundred dollars ('$500) ; district of the sixth class not as much as five hun- dred dollars ($500) nor less than two hundred dollars ($200) ; dis- trict of tlie seventli class less than twn bumb-fd dollars ($200). Section 939. Petition for election: F.very board of education or school conmn'tlee shall subnn't the question as to the eslablishment of a free public librrirv to the (inali 43 DEr.AWARi-: — 4 fied electors at a special election to be held on the day next follow ing the ensuing- regular school election, not beinof a Sunday or legal holiday; must give thirty days' notice in advance. The number of electors who nnist petition as aforesaid shall be as follows: Dis- tricts of the first or second class, twentv qualified electors: districts of the third, fourth or fifth class, ten qualified electors; districts of the sixth or seventh class, five qualified electors. Section 940. Method of election: Election shall be conducted as at the regular school election. A r.iaioritv of the votes cast sliall decide; the election must be adver- tised at least ten days beforeliand, may be advertised by any quali- fied elector in case tlie Ixiard of education or school committee neglect or refuse to do so. Section 941. Subsequent elections: In case a maioritv of the ballots l)e against the csta1)lishment, the question may be submitted again in the same manner on the day following the next reg^ular school election ; provided that not more than one special election for such purpose shall be called in any one district in any one vear. Section 942. Levy: If at such election the voters shall declare in favor of estal)lishing a library, the board of education or school committee is authorized, empowered and required to levy for the establishment and main- tenance of such library for the year next ensuing, a sum determin- able l)y the class in which such district belongs, namely in a district of the first class the sum required to be levied shall be not less than five hundred dollars ( S500 ) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) : second clas'^. not less than one hundred and fiftv dollars ($l.=iO ) or more than four hundred dollars ( ,S400 ) : of the third class not less than one hundred dollars ($100) or more than three hun- dred dollars ($300) ; of the fourth class not less than seventy-five dollars ($75) or more than two hundred dollars ($200); of the fifth class not less than fifty dollars ($50) or more than one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) ; of the sixth class not less than forty dol- lars ($40) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) ; of the seventh class not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than seventy-five dollars ($75). The board of education or school committee shall levy thereafter annually the amount prescribed and limited in this section. Librarv taxes shall be levied and collected as school taxes. Any district in which a library has been established may fix the sum not less than a minimum required for the maintenance of the librarv during the ensuing year by majority vote at an election. Dki.awar]-: — 5 Section 943. Guarantee of support : Whenever the board of education or school committee of any school district shall have s^uaranteed for the support of a public library, a sum equal to the minimum amount required to be raised under sec- tion 10 of this act for each vear for three vears next ensuing-, the board of education or school committee shall declare a public library to be established ; shall proceed to name a district librarv commission as provided in section 12. Such "uarantce mav be bv gift, devise, money or securities, or other valuable property, or l)y subscription lists, or by other plan approved by the state library commission; provided, such g'uarantee has the sanction of said librar}' commis sion. SEt'TiON 944. District lil)rary commission : Every school district bavins^ a free library established under the pro- visions of this act shall annuallv thereafter and at an election held on the day followin.s^ a reg'ular school election, elect members of a school district librarv commission. Xunibcr of members in district of the first or second class, nine; third or fourth class, five; fifth, sixth or seventh class, three, ^lembers shall Imld office for tliree years; ])rovided, that in districts of the third and fourth classes at the first election, two meml)ers shall l)e elected for one year, two two years, and one for three vears and in all other districts at ihc first election one-third of the members for one vear, one-third for tvo vears and o'le-tlrrd for tlvee vears. Meml)ers of the librarv commission mav or mav not be members of the board of education or school committee and no person shall l)c ineliL^'ible to ser\e 1)\' reason ol sex. Election of members shall be ])y ballot and conducted as is the elec- tion of members of the board of education. Section 945. Organization: Lil^rary commission shall or,ganize by electing from its members a chairman and other officers. The treasurer of the school district shall be treasurer. The official bond of the treasurer shall be held to include library monies. Failure to attend three meetings at the option of the commission shall be deemed a \ac;nic\-. Section 946. Duties of commission: The commission shall have entire custod\ and management of all library property and funds; shall make report to the district at each annual school meeting; shall rei)ort to the board of education or school committee the amovmt of monev deemed necessary for any one year: shall report to the librarv commission as recpiired; shall have l)o\\rr to pm'chase, lea'-e oi" rent a room or room-^ for the librarw to I'urnish and care for the same; may with the consent of the board ol' 45 Dklawaui-: — 6 education u^e sclmo] rooms: sliall liave power to purchase or re- ceive gifts of books or other personal property, to employ stall ; and shall have such further powers as may be necessary for the estab- lishment and maintenance of the library. riie commission shall have power to make rules, provided the use of libraries shall be free to all residents of the district and non-resi- dents owning assessable real estate in the district. The rules and regulations shall be enforcible by a penalty. Fines collected shall be paid to the library commission. Section 947. Use by non-residents : The school district library commission may permit persons living without the corporate limits of the district to use said librarv upon the payment of such fee as said commission shall deem proper. Section 948. Union of school districts: Provides for the union of two or more school districts Ijy election held on petition. Section 949. State appropriation: Provides that wlien the state librarv commission shall certif\- to the slate treasurer that anv school district has raised an amount not less than the sum prescribed in section 10, the state treasurer shall ])ay to that district a sum equal to the lowest sum prescribed and an- nually thereafter a .sum ec|ual to one-half the lowest sum prescribed. (Section 10 is now Section 'H2 foregoing). HISTORY Laws of Delaware. 1001. Chajiter 136. ])ro\-ide(l. in section 1-3. for the librarv comnn'ssion : in 'sections 4-1.^ for free public liliraries to be established by towns and cities. Taws of Delaware, 1903, Chapter 361, amended the foregoing act. making some modifications in the sections applying to the com- mission and making the sections in regard to free public libraries substitute "school district" for town or city, in the subse(iuent sections. — thus transferring the power of establishing free public libraries from towns and cities' to school districts. Laws of Delaware, 1903, Chapter 362, re-enacted all the sections thus re-enacted: with amendments of later sessions, the act is given above. Section 950: This relates to the Dover Public Library and the Corbit i.ilirarv in Odessa, founded previous to the passintr of the act, — allowing them to benefit bv the provisions under Section 949. 4r, Delaware — 7 Laws of Delaware, 1909, Chapter 106, Section 1. * " * Second: That a new section be added to the act aforesaid as amended as aforesaid, after Section 17 thereof, as follows: Skctiox 951. Library bonds. (Ibis was Section IS in Laws of 1913, later Section 19) : 'I'liat wlicnever the district hbrary commission of any free jmblic bbrarx' esiabbslicd under this act shall deem it jjroper or e.\])edienL to borrow iiionev for tlic inu'cbase of a liuildiiiL;' or of a site, or for the purchase of a builtliu^ owned by sucli district, or for the purchase of books, it shall adopt a resolution to that effect and sub mit it to the approval of the voters of such district at any regular annual meeting-. In case of a favoral^le vote, the library commis- sion shall certify the result of said election to the board of educa- tion or school committee and said board or committee shall there- U])on have power to sell bonds to the amount named in said resolu- tion. Said bonds shall bear interest not exceeding- six percent. Pro- vided that the agi^regate of any sums borrowed under the ])rovisions of this section shall not exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars ( SlO.nOO ) in a district of the first class.fivethousanddollars ( $5,000) in a district of the second or third or fourth classes, nor two thous- and, five hundred dollars ($2,500) in districts of anv other class. Whenever such bonds have been issued, the board of education or school committee .shall annually lew an amount sufficient for the ])aymeiil of the interest and to i)rovide a sinking fund for the pnv- UK-nt (if the debt at or before maturity. SCHOOL TR.WLLIXC LIRR.XRILS Section 952. Appropriation. L^sc. Report: Directs the state treasurer to pay annually the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) to the chairman of the commiltee on traveling liltraries. or the state federation of women's clubs in Delaware. Directs that the said sum of one hundrerl dollars ($100) so paid each year as aforesaid shall be used by the said C(»nmittee on travel- ing libraries for the exclusiye i)ur])ose of pmxdiasing books and cases to hold same, and for circulating (hem among the ptiblic schools throughout the state under such rules and regulations as said com- mittee shall deem proper. The said committee shall receive no com- pensation whatever for their services. The said conimittee sbrdl report biennially to the ijeneral asseml>1v. ('Laws of Delaware. 1898. chapter .320. sections 1. 2. 3). Penalty for Injitrtnc. ?>ooks L.\ws ov Di;r..\w.\iu=:. 1895. Cii.\i'I"i:k 125 Section 1. Am' ])erson ba\ing access to or being in ])ossession ol :\uv book, 47 Delav'are — 8 niaii'azinc. ])aniiilik'l nr oilier properly of an\- lil)rar\- or other educa- tional institution, who shall wilfully mark, mutilate, deface or in- jure the same, or shall wilfully deface any label, book, book-plate, book-card or book-pocket or the library marks or numbers on the same, shall be deemed c^uilty of misdemeanor and shall be fined not exceeding- twenty-five dollars ($25), or imprisoned not exceeding six months, or both. Penalties for Detaining Property of Public Libraries Laws of Delaware. 1911, Chapter 278 Sectiox 1. Whoever wilfully detains a book, newspaper, magazine, pamphlcl or manuscript which belongs to a public or incorporated library, for thirty davs after a notice in writing of the librarian thereof, given after the expiration of the time which, l)y the regulations of such ]i])rarv, such liook, newsi)aper. magazine, pami^hlet or manuscript may be kept, shall be guilty of misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25) or bv imprisonment for not more tlian thirty days. 48 Florida — 1 I'lJ )UI1).\ PUBLIC LIBRARIES Compiled Laws, 1914 Section 1048 a. Eslablishnient. Levy : W'hcntncr a city or town council shall deem il advisal)lc lo establish a ])ul)lic Iil)rar\- and reading- room tree, thcv shall call an election. and if a majority of the registered voters shall vote in favor of establishing such public library, the council shall establish the same and may le\'y not more than two mills on a dollar, to be known as the library fund. Skctiox 1048 b. Board of directors: Council, having decided to establish such library, shall elect five directors, citizens, the jNIayor and members of the council not being eligible ; these shall be elected lor five years, one term expiring each year; shall not receive compensation; shall organize by electing officers; three constitute a ([uorum; they shall make the regulations for the library; shall control expenditures, buildings and grounds. Sectiox 1048 c. Fund. Payments: .\11 taxes and other funds to be kept in a se])arate fund; bills to be paid by the treasurer of city, (he vouchers signed by the ])resident, authenticated by secretary (^f the board. Si;( Tiox 1048 d. Lowers of board: Library l)oard shall have power to purchase, lease or provide build- ings, appoint and remove staff, fix compensation, regulate use of library and such other powers as may be necessary to carry out the intent of the act. Section 1 048 e. Library free : Librarv tn be forever free, subicct to reasonable regulations. Section 1048 f. Report: Librarv lioard to rei)ort annually to city council. Section 1048 g. Rules: Rules of the librarv board may be amended by the council. Section 1048 h. Penalties: Provides penalties for violation of the rules. Si-.cTiox 1048 i. Donations: Donations to librar\- shall \est in the librarv board or their suc- cessors, and tliev ^hall thereafter liccome owners then'of in trust to the u^e of the public library. 40 Florida — 2 Section 1048 j. Exemption: Library property exempt from execution and taxation. Section 1048 k. Library on deposit. May receive and provide for circulating" library on deposit. Section 431. Exemption: I'hc following- property shall he exemi)t from taxation: * * '^ Fiftli, all public libraries, real and personal propertv Ijclonifjinq- to and connected with the same, consisting of the librarv itself and all real and personal property held for the actual use and occupation of such librarv, and not for rent, profit or speculation. 50 Georgia — 1 GEORGIA STATE LIBRARIAN Georgia Code, 1910 Section 172. State librarian: State librarian shall be nominated by the o-overnor, confirmed by the senate, for a term of four years. Sections 173 and 174 provide for salaries of librarian and assistants. Section 175. Bond: Librarian must ji^ive bond for two thousand dollars ($2,000). Section 176. Library rooms: The library shall be kept in apjiropriate apartments in llie capitol building", designated l)v the governor, luider rules and regulations prescribed by him. Section 177. Duties of librarian: Librarian shall jireserve, keep in order, and protect, the library; keep it open for the inspection of citizens of the state; perform other duties as required. Section 178. Distribution of books: Librarian shall distribute public documents under the direction of the governor. Section 179. Duties of librarian: Must receive public documents and receipt for them and take re- ceipts on their distribution. Section 180. Catalogue: Librarian shall prepare and make a\ailal)le a catalogfue. Section 181. Reports: Reports of various departments to be filed with the librarian. Sections 182-187. Reports: Relate to the printing and distributing of state reports, in con- nection with the state library. Section 188. Governor's sujicrvision: The librarian is under general supervision of the governor. Section 189. Responsibility: If the librarian resign or be removed, he must within ten days de- liver all propertv of llie lil)rary to his successor. If there is a defi- ciency, the governor shall bring suit on his bond. 51 Gi-:oKi;iA — 2 LEGISLATR'E REFEREXXE Bl'REAU Acts and Resolutions General Assembly, 1914, pa.^e 137, Act Xo. 397. An act to establish a legislative reference deijartnient in con- nection \vith state library and provide for its maintenance. SiXTiox 1. listablishment : There shall be established in connection with the State Lil)rary. under the direction of the librarian, a legislative reference depart- ment. Its obiect shall be to gather and make available informa- tion to aid the members of the legislature and the state departments, and to serve other citizens. This department shall collect, arrange, classifv and index, books, pamphlets and other materials relating to legislation; shall prepare abstracts of laws of other states and countries; and shall make indexes of tlie legislative and administra- tive records of this state. Section 2. Legislative librarian : State librarian is authorized to designate second assistant librarian as legislative reference librarian. Section 3. Expense: Authorizes one thciusand dollars ($1,000) annually for the ex- penses of the department, in addition to salarv of librarian. Section 4. Appropriation: ]\Iakes appropriation for 1914-15. Section 5. Repeals: Repeals inconsistent laws. STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION Georgia Code, 1910 Section 1503. State library commissioners: The go\ernor shall appoint five persons who shall constitute a state library commission ; and no person shall be eligible to appoint- ment on said commission who is interested in any publication house or the sale of any book or books, or agent for the same. The mem- bers of said commission shall be appointed for a term of three years, and shall annually elect a cliairman and secretary. (Verbatim) Section 1564. Duties, and reports of commissioners: 'I'hc commission shall give advice and counsel to all libraries in the state, and to all communities which may propose to establish them, as to the best means of establishing and administering such libraries, the selection of books, cataloging and other details of librarv man- agement. The commission may also send its members to aid in 52 Georgia — 3 organizing new libraries or improving those already established. The commission shall make biennial reports to the governor. (Verbatim) Sectiox 1565. No compensation for service: Xo member of this commission, nor the secretary, shall receive any compensation for services or traveling expenses as a member of this commission, nor shall the state pay any expenses whatever that may be incurred in any way by this commission. PUBLIC LIBRARIES Section 1566. Public libraries in cities: Any city in the state may through its properly constituted muni- cipal officers raise by taxation from year to year, and permanently appropriate, monies for the purpose of establishing or erecting or maintaining a public library, or assisting in maintaining a public library. Any such sum or sums so appropriated shall be expended by and under the direction of the board of trustees of such public library elected by the city council of said city. Section 1567. Disbursements: In any city in which an ap):)ropriation is made by virtue of section 1566, all money so expended shall be paid under warrant of board of trustees elected by the city council; and an itemized statement shall he made annnallv to the mayor. Sectiox 1568. Donations: Said board of trustees are authorized to accei)t and receive dona- tions either in money, land or other iiroperty, for the jmrpose ot erecting or assisting in the erection of, suitable ])uildings for the n>e of said public librarv, for maintaining the srnne or for assisting in maintaining the same. Section LS69. Duties of trustees: Said board of trustees shall rigidly supervise said public library property ; pass necessary rules and regulations ; elect and designate a stafi" and may remove the same. Section 1570. Agreements in regard to donations: The nnnn'ci])al government of any city shall have authority to enter into a legal and binding agreement to accept and receive anv donation offered by any jierson or persons on such terms as nia\- be agreed on between said jjcrson or persons and said nuiin\-ii)al government, and such agreement so made shall be legal and bind ing u|)on said munici|)al government and its successors; and all agreements b\- said nuniicii)al government of said city to pay an_\ 53 Georgi.' sum or sums of money annually thereafter for the use of said public library shall be le.sfal and bindin.s: on the said city; anv or- dinance or ordinances carrying said agreement into effect shall have the force and effect of law and lie binding on said city during the time mentioned in said agreement and said ordinance. LITERARY AND OTHER SIMILAR CORPORATIONS Si-:(Tiox 2836. Incorporation: Library and other literary, cliaritable or social organizations which ha\-e no capital stock and are not organized for gain may be incor- porated under the provisions of this code. Sectio.x 2837. Situs: Such corporations shall be held to have legal residence in the county granting the order of incorporation. Section 2838. Change of situs: Legal residence mav he changed, l)y the order of the Superior Court. Section 2839. Validity of contract, etc.: All contracts made with said corporations shall be legal and valid, and may be enforced as if with an individual. Section 2840. Charitable trusts : Said corporations now created or hereafter created pursuant to the provisions of this article are authorized to act in their corporate capacity as trustee to administer or carry into effect any charitable trust heretofore or hereafter created by deed or by will which is consistent witli the objects of the corporate existence. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION The Code. Section 998, exempts from taxation the following descrilied property; viz., all real and personal estate of any public lil)rary. and that of anv other literarv association used bv or connected with such library. Note: The foregoing is based on the constitution of Georgia as follows : Code 6554, part 2: The general assembly may by law exempt from taxation all public libraries * * * the real and personal estate of any public library or that of any other literary society used bv or connected with such librarv * * * 54 Hawaii — 1 HAWAII PUBLIC LIBRARIES Laws of the Territory of Hawaii, 1907. Page 105 Aci 81 : Act to establish a Hawaiian Lil)rarv anil provide for its care and management. SiccTioA" 1. Trustees: Provides ])oard of trustees of three members, residents of the ter- ritory of Hawaii, to serve for three years, one term exiiiring eacli year. Shctiox 2. Xn Compensation: To serve without pa\', all cx])enses paid. Sectiox 3. Trustees' duties: To care for and control all library property of the territory for use or a free library; to acquire, arrange, classifv and catalo£^" books; to expend monies appropriated by the legislature: to provide means for i)lacing library within reach of all residents of the territory, particularly school children: to make regulations; to have all power necessarv for foregoing duties. Section 4. Power of trustees : Shall ha\e ])o\ver to make agreements, but not empowered to obli- gate the territory financially in any sum not appropriated by the legislature for the use of the library. Sectiox S. Reports: Trustees shall report annualK to the governor. F.XFAII'TIDX FROAI TAXATTOX Laws of ttiic Ti:rritorv of I1.\w.\[i. 1'*1,\ Act 146 Sectiox 1. Rxemption from taxation: Provides among other things that all ])ropertv both real and ]icr- sonal of ])ublic librar\- associations sbrdl be e\em]it from taxation. Idaho — 1 IDAHO STATIC LIBRARY COMMISSION Laws, 1911, Chaptkk 159 Ski Tiox 174. Afenibers: Attorney general, secretary of state, state superintendent of public instruction, president of the State University, exofficio, constitute state library commission. Attorney general, chairman; state sup- erintendent, secretary. Section 175. Traveling libraries: Said commission shall have management of travehng lil;)raries. shall make rules governing their use, shall cause said traveling books lo be distributed throughout the state, shall have power to employ a lil)rarian, and define his duties, shall co-operate with the manage- ment of ])ul)lic schools, and other free libraries and adopt means to |)rMmote their establishment, mav receive donations for l)enefit of trax'eling libraries, title to which shall vest in state, shall rciiort an- nuallv to the governor. Skctiux \7(). Duties of commission. Report: Secretary of commission shall keep report of proceedings and amount of expenses, chairman of commission may issue certificates coun- tersigned by secretary for claims against commission, which claims approved by the board of examiners, shall be ]iaid bv warrants, drawn upon ihe fund of the state treasury pnn'ided for such pur- pose. L.\ws, 1913, C'liAi'Ti'.K 77 Siccnox 1. State I'oard of Education created: r.e it enacted "That for the supervision, government and control of all state educational institutions of this state, to-wil : the I'ni- \ersitv of Idaho and for the general suitervision, governmenl and control of an\- other such state educational in- stitutions, as mav now or hereafter be founded, and further, for the general su])ervision, government and control of the i)ul)lic .schools ol ilie state, a state board of education, which shall also constitute the board of regents of the University of Idaho, is hereby created and established, to be known as the State Hoard of iMluca- tion and !'.o;ird of Regents of the University of Idaho." SiaTio.s' 2. A])])ointment of members b\- the (".oxermir. Section 7. LntniuTates certain sjiecial duties of .St.atc Hoard of Education, among them the control of the state library com- mission fparagrai)h C)). S7 Idaho — 2 Acting' through its own executive officers the state board of edu- cation and the board of regents of the University of Idaho shall, . . . supervise, govern and direct the state library commis- sion and adopt such regulations for its administration as may con- tribute to its efficiency in the service of the people and in promoting the educational welfare of the state. (Paragraph 6 verbatim) Section 9. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. (Verbatim) PUBLIC LIBRARIES Laws, IQll, Chapter 159 Section 177. Establishment. Maintenance: Common council in every city or village shall have power to estab- lish public library and reading rooms for such purpose, to levy annually a tax, not exceeding one mill on the dollar, to form library fund separate and apart to be used exclusively for purchase of books and for whatever is required for the maintenance of such library and reading rooms. Section 178. School district library: Gives trustees of school district in which is situated no incorporated town or village, on petition of twenty electors the right to hold an election upon the establishment of a library, and prescribes the manner. Having a majority vote in favor of establishing a library the trustees have authority to levy annually a tax not exceeding one mill on the dollar for the establishment of such library. Boards of school trustees acting under the provisions of this section, per- form the same duties and have same authority granted to common council by provisions of this chapter under like conditions. Section 179. Directors of city or village library: Council of city or village shall appoint five directors, citizens, not more than one being a member of the council. At the first appoint- ment, two directors shall be appointed for one year, two for two years and one for three years, thereafter the appointments being for three years except those to complete unexpired terms. Section 180. Organization. Duties. Powers: Directors shall organize by the election of a president and such other officers as they deem necessary, shall make rules for their own guidance and for the government of the library, shall have exclu- sive control of all monies and the custody of all property, vouchers authenticated by the directors shall be paid from the treasury, may with the approval of the council, lease or buy land and erect l)uild- 58 Idaho — 3 ings. provided that not more than one-half of their income be used in this way. may appoint Hlirarian and assistants. Section 181. Libraries free: Libraries and reading" rooms so established shall be forever free for the use of all inhabitants of the district, using them subject to reasonable rules prescribed by the board. Section 182. Reports: Directors shall make an annual itemized report to the State library commission as to funds, purchases and the condition of the library and the work of the year. Section 183. Donations: Donors shall have the right to vest title to gifts in the board of direc- tors and the directors shall be held special trustees of such property. Section 184. Existing libraries: Council may levy a tax for the support of any library belonging to a library association already existing, provided it becomes a free public library without change in the organization of the library association. A sum so raised shall ])e paid to the officer duly auth- orized to receive same and be under the control of the library asso- ciation, provided that, if at any time the library association ceases to exist or fails to provide a free circulating library, the property accumulated under the pro\ision of this law reverts to the city or \illage. Note: The foregoing re-enacted in 1911, the provisions of the code, published in 1908, without any important change. 59 1 I.I.I NOIS 1 ILLINOIS ST.VTl'. l.ll',kAR>' Reviski) ST.\TrTi:s. 1S43. 1'a(;k 340 Section 2. Kslalilishment : The books now helonqing- to the state and such as shall he here- after inirchased or received by the state, except the law hooks now in the custody of the clerk of the supreme court, shall he kept in the office of the secretary of state, shall conijiose the state lihrarv. IlrKD's Ri-;\-isi-:n ST.\TrT]:s. l''l.\ ("iiai'ti:r 128 Section 1. Commissioners: Goyernor, secretary of state and superintendent of public instriic- tion shall constitute board of commissioners for the management of the state librarw of which hoard the .^-overnor shall be presi- dent. Sectio.v 2. Powers of commissioners: Said commissioners shall have power to make and carry into eft'ect all such rules and regulations for the care, arrano,-ement and use of the hooks, mans, charts, papers and furniture of the state librar}' as thev ma\' deem i)roiK'r. Sectio.x o. Librarian: The secretary of state shall he li])rarian, and shall have custody and chars^^e of all books, maps, charts, ])a])ers .md otlier thin^-s l)elon_i^in£;" to the state lihrarw or directed to l)e deitosited therein. Sk( rio.\ 4. Catalogue. Report: Librarian shall |)rei)are complete al])hahetical cataloQ^ue of the library. numl)er the hooks therein, and rei)ort same to the commis- sioners, who shrdl cause the -^ame to be published for the use of the library. Si:(Tiox .T. Looks labeled: Lil)rarian •-hall ha\e all books lal)eled and mimbered. Section (>. Who entitled to u.se library: Books may be drawn by General .A.ssenibl\ during;- leyislative ses- sions; at any time by g^overnor and officers of the executive depart nient of the stale, and the justices of the sui)reme court. No per- son mriv draw hook without executing" reccij)! therefor, nor retain more than two volumes of miscellaneous works ;it .nnv one time. Si".('i"iox 7. Res'istrv of books taken and returned: Librarian must kee]) re.^istrx of books taken and returned. .\11 books must be returned at close of legislative session. 61 Illinois — 2 Section 8. Failure to return books. Deduction from pay: Any person failing to return a hook within time prescribed, or who injures the same, shall forfeit and pay to the librarian, for the bene- fit of the library, three times the value of such book, or of the set to which it belongs; and before the auditor shall issue his warrant in favor of any member or officer of the General Assembly for his services during the session, he shall be satisfied that such member or officer has returned all books taken out of the library by him, and has settled all accounts for injuring such books or otherwise. Section 9. Fines. Evidence: All fines and forfeitures accruing under and bv virtue of this act. or for the violation of any of the rules adopted by the library com- missioners, shall be recoverable by action of debt before any justice of the peace or court having jurisdiction of the same, and all such fines and forfeitures recoA-ered shall be expended for the library. ILLINOIS LIBRARY EXTENSION COMMISSION Section 10. Term of office. No compensation. Traveling ex- penses : That the commissioners of the state library be and they are herebv authorized and empowered to appoint two persons who, together with the State Librarian, shall constitute a board to be known as the "Illinois Library Extension Commission" of which the State Librarian shall be ex-officio chairman. The length of the term of office of the appointive members of such commission shall be for two years and until their successors are appointed and (|ualified, the first term beginning on the first day of July, 190*); but of the two appointed in the first instance one shall be appointed for one vear, and one for two years, and there- after one member shall 1)e apjwinted each year. No member of such commission shall be compensated for his services, but the traveling expenses of members in attending meetings of the com- mission or estaljlishing Iil)rarios, and other incidental and necessary expenses connected with the work of the commission shall be paid. (Verbatim) Section 11. Duty of commission. Appoint library organizer. Duties of organizer: The Library Extension Commission shall give advice and informa- tion to the librarian or trustees of any existing public library, or to any person or community interested in starting a new public library, concerning the organization, maintenance, or administra- tion of said library and it shall appoint a lil)rarv organizer, one of whose duties shall l)e to furnish sucli advice and information. Such library organizer shall keep informed of the condition, scope and methods of work of the various public libraries of the State, visit- 62 Ii,r.i\o:s — 3 ins^^ the same as occasion may re(|uire, shall assist as far as practic- able in promoting- and starting- new libraries, and at the end of each fiscal vear shall make a rejxirt of the g^eneral lil)rarv conditions in ihe State to the I.ilirarv I*".xtension Commission. (\'erl)atim) TRA^'ETJ XG LTRRARIES Sectiox 12. Under control of ]i]:)rarv extension commission: The commission shall operate traveling- libraries specially given or boug-ht for sucli i)ur]xise, and loan stich libraries to an\- li])rarv in the State, or to anv communitv or organization not vet having an established library, nnder snch conditions and regulations as it shall prescribe. And said commission shall, from time to time, so send out and distribute snch books throughout the State, and at suitable intervals change such distributions, in such a manner as to secure to the g-reatest practical degree the use and enjoyment of such books to the i^eoplc of the entire State. The commission may also conduct a clearing house for periodicals for free gift to local libraries, and perform svtch other public service as may seem to it for the best interests of the State. Said Library Extension Com- mission shall receive the advice and counsel of the State Library Commission, and shall be under its control. (Verbatim) JOINT LEGISLATIVE REEEREXCE BUREAU IlrRn's Rkvisrd Statutes, 1013, CiiArTER 63 Section 32. Thai there be and is hereby established a ioinl legisla- tive reference bureau composed of the Governor, the chairman of the committees on appropriations of the Senate and of the House. the chairmen of the committees on judiciary of the Senate and of the House. The Governor shall be ex-ofificio chairman of said ref- erence bureau. (Verbatim) Section 3)^. Terms of office: The Governor shall serve as a member of said reference Inireau during the term of ofiice for which he shall have been elected, and those members serving on said reference bureau by virtue of being- chairmen of committees of either House shall serve until the con \ening of the next General Assembly after their appointment. Skctiox 34. Meeting-. Xo compensation. Expenses: The said reference bureau shall meet during the regular and si)e- cial sessions of the (ieneral .\ssembly and during the intervals be- tween the regular sessions, and at such times and places as il mav determine. The members of the bureau shall receive no comi)ensa- tion for their services as members thereof, but shall be allowed their actual and necessarv exiteuses inciu-red in the pcrformai-ice of 63 Illinois — 4 their oiificial duties out of anv monev appropriated for the use of the said reference bureau. Section 35. Secretary and Employes. Salary: The said reference bureau shall appoint a secretary, who shall de- vote his entire time to the duties of his ofifice and shall follow no other g^ainful profession, occupation or emjiloyment. The refer- ence bureau shall also appoint such other officers, ag'ents and em- ployes as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, and shall fix the compensation of each of its appointees: Provides, the salary of the secretary be fixed at a sum not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) per annum. Section 36. Duties of bureau: It shall be the duty of said reference bureau: (a) To establish in the State Capitol a reference bureau, which shall be open daily, exceptin.s: Sundays and le.a:al holidays, in which shall be collected and kept, in such manner as may make the same readily accessible, such laws, reports, books, periodicals, documents, catalogues, check-lists, digests, summaries of the laws of other states upon current legislation, and such other jirinted or written matter as ma}' aid the members of the General Assembly in the performance of their official duties. (b) The reference bureau shall collect, catalogue, classify, index, completely digest, topically index, check, list and summarize all bills, memorials, resolutions and orders, as well as substitutes and amendments and changes, if any, introduced in each branch of the General Assenibl}" * * * . furnish copies of the digest * * * tQ gj^cl-, niember of the General Assembly on Monday of each week diu-ing the session of the General Assembly. (c) The said reference bureau shall afford to any member of the General Assembly, upon his request, such legal assistance and in- formation as may be practicable in the preparation of l)ills, memorials, resolutions * * * (d) To cause to be prepared, printed and distributed for the use of the members of the General Assembly, a detailed 1)udget of the appropriations which the officers of the several departments of the State Go\'ernment report to it are required for their several departments for the bienniuni for which appropriations are to be made by the next General Assembly, together with a comparatiye statement of the sums appropriated by the preceding General Assembly for the same purposes. Section 37. Duplicate reports of appropriations required for state departments. Section 38. Office. Supi)lies. Secretary of State shall proyide 64 Illinois — 5 said bureau with suital)le ofliccs in State Caiiilnl, also jirovide neces- sai"}' turnilurc, stationery and supplies. Section 39. Co-oi^eration of state library: The board of commissioners for the management of the State Library shall co-operate with the said reference bureau and sli.dl make the facilities of said library accessible, so far as practicable. for the use of said reference bureau, and are hereby authorized to loan to said reference bureau any books, periodicals, documents, reports or other printed or written matter belon^'ing- to said library. Section 40. Expen'-"es how paid : All projier expenses incurred by said reference bureau shall be paid out of the appropriations made for its use upon itemized youchcrs, drawn b\- the secretary and apjiroycd by the Goyernor. STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY AND NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM IIurd's REyisEi) Statutes, 1913, Chapter 127 d. Section 1. Establishment: There is hereby established at the cai)ital of the state a state his- torical library and cabinet of natural history to be known as "The Illinois State Historical Library and Natural History Museum." (Original act was passed 1877). Section 2. Rooms: Rooms in state bouse set aj^art for the state library and museuuL Section 3. Manag^ement. Trustees: Library and museum to be under the manag'ement of three trustees, consislinti' of the tjoyernor. secretary of state and suiierintendent of i)ublic instruction, who shall haye power to make such rules and regulations as necessary for its management. Section 4. Curator. Salary: Said trustees to ai)i)oint a curator, a i)erson of comi)etent scientific attainments and who shall possess a practical knowledge of the science of geology. Curator's salary to be three thousand dollars per annum. Sectio.x 5. Curator to act as librarian: Curator shall act as librarian and haye custodv, superintendence and charge of all articles directed to be de])osited in said library and museum, and also (perform the acts which are or may be rei|uircd ))y law of the state geologist. Sections 6-11 relate to the nuiseuuL 65 Illinois — 6 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Section 12. 'Tllinois State Historical Library" established at capi- tal of the state. (Original act was passed 1889). Section 13. Room in state house set apart for lil^rary. Section 14. Trustees. Aopointment. Terms. No compensation: Three trustees well versed in the history of the state, qualified by habit and disposition to discharg'e the duties of their otiice, to be appointed by the g'oyernor, with consent of the senate. Term two years and until their successors have been appointed and commis- sioned. To receive no compensation, except actual expenses while in discharge of their oflicial duties, to be paid ui)on itemized ac- counts approved by the governor. Section 15. Powers of trustees: Shall have power and are required to make all necessary rules and by-laws to carry into etTect the purposes of this act, and to procure from time to time, as may be possible and practicable, at reasonable cost, all books, pamphlets * * * j^j-^j other material of his- torical interest and useful to the historian bearing upon the politi- cal, physical, religious or social history of the state of Illinois from the earliest known jieriod of time. They shall also have power to select a librarian, whose salary shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000) per annum. Skction 16. Makes appropriation of $2,500. Section 16 a. Illinois State Historical Society: The Illinois State Historical Society, already existing, is declared a department of the Illinois State Historical Library, and the trus- tees of said library are authorized to pay for the necessary station- ery, postage and other incidental expenses of the said society, out of any fund appropriated to said library bv the legislature for sucii purposes; and also to i)ay the expense of interviewing old settlers of Illinois, examining countv, church, school and the like records, at the discretion of the trustees of said library, and the auditing of the accounts which shall be subject to the ai^proval of the governor. And provided, further, that all such material shall be the property of the said Illinois State Historical Library and shall l)e deposited among its archives for reference and safe-keeping. Sections 17-19. Records, etc.. to be deposited: Pemit counties, towns, cities, villages, to transfer to the said society, state library, or to the state university library at Urbana, records and papers of historical interest, and to make reasonable appropria- tions for the purpose of carrying this act into effect. 66 Illinois — 7 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES Revised Statutes of 1913, Chapter 81 (Includes the original acts of 1913) Section 1 : Council of each incorporated city shall have power to establish a public library and reading" room and to levy a tax not to exceed two mills on a dollar annually, provided that in cities of over one hundred thousand inhabitants after 1896, such tax shall not exceed one mill on the dollar annually, provided that said annual lil)rary tax in cities of over fifteen hundred inhabitants shall not be included in the amount of taxes as limited by section 1, article 8 for the in- corporation of cities and villages, approved April 10, 1872, or any provision of any special charter. (As amended 1915). Section 2: Directors: When any city council has decided to establish a library the mayor shall, with the api)roval of the council appoint a board of nine citi- zens as directors, not more than one member of the council shall at anv time be a member of the board. Section 3. Term of office: The first appointment shall be one-third for one year, one-third for two years and one-third for three years and thereafter all ap pointmcnts for three years. JMayor may with consent nf council remove any director for misconduct or neglect. Section 4. \"acancies. No compensation : Vacancies by removal, etc., .shall be lilU'd in like manner as original appointments. No director shall recei\c compensation as such. Section 5. Organization. Powers and Duties: Directors shall organize In- election of officers, shall adoi)t rules for lioard and for library, and shall have exclusive control of ex- penditures, construction of anv librarv building, suijcrvision ol rooms or buildings leased or built for library. It shall be the duty of the directors of such public lil)rar\-, ;ninnallv and at least three weeks prior to the i)assage of the anniud lax levy ordinance by any such city, incorporated town or townshi]), to make written recommendation to the officers of .such city, incorporated town or townshi]) as to the financial requirements of any .such pul> lic library and the rate of tax which, in the judgment of said direc- tors, it will be necessary to levy for lil)rary puri)oses: Pro\i(lcd. that all moneys received for such library shall be deposilnl in ihe treasury of said city to the credit of the library fund, and shall be kept separate and apart from other moneys of such citv, and drawn upon by the pro])er officers of said librarv. upon ihe properly auth- 67 Illinois — 8 enticated vouchers of the hbrary board. Said board shall have power to purchase or lease grounds to occupy, lease, or erect an appropriate buildino- or bviildings for the use of said library, shall have power to appoint a suitable librarian and necessary assistants, and fix their coiui)ensalion, and shall also have power to remove such appointees, and shall, in general, carry out the spirit and m- tent of this act, in establishing- and maintaining a public library and reading" room. (As amended 1915). Section 6. Library free: Library shall be forever free to inhabitants of the city, subject to the rules of the board. Section 7. Report : Directors shall report annuallv in June to the city council. Section 8. Penalties: Council shall have power to pass ordinances imposing penalties for mjury to library property and for failure to return library books. Section 9. Gifts: Donors shall have the right to vest for the benefit of the library, g-ifts in the board of directors, who shall lie held special trustees. Section 10. \'()te on establishment: Provides that on the petition of fifty electors in any incorporated town, village or township, an election shall be held on the question of establishing a library and levying a tax not to exceed two mills on the dollar, provides that such tax mav cease when so voted by the electors at anv general or special election. Section 11. Directors: Pro\ides that after anv incorporated town, village or township has voted, as provided in section 10, for the estaljlishment of a library at the next regular election or at a special election, a library board of six directors shall be elected; at the first election, one- third for one year, one-third for two years and one-third for three years, thereafter for three years. Section 12. Chicago library: An emergencv measure to provide for the housing of the Chicago librarv after the fire. Section 13. P>onds for building: Provides for the is'-ue of bonds For the erection of librar\- build- ings. Section 14. P>uilding: Provide'^ for 'he erection of the library building and aho for the investment of fimds in case of delav. 68 Illinois — 9 SiiCTiox 15. Contract: Provides manner of letting- the contract. Section Kx Right to rent and mortgage: Gives the rigiit to erect a Imilding, a portion of which may he rented, to Ijorrow money and to issue and execute a mortgage. SiccTiox 17. IJhrary associations: Provides a method hy whicli directors of lihrary associations may sell their property to pulilic lihraries. Section 18. Same: Provides manner of making- the conveyance. Section 19. Chicago Lil)rary: With its preamhle, ])rovides for the erection of the Chicago Puhhc Lihrary on I)earl)orn Park. Section 20. Same: Provides for the sale hv Soldiers' Home in Chicago to the Pul)lie Library of some land in Dearborn Park. Section 21. Trustees may incorporate to administer be(|uests or gifts : In case of bequests for the establishment of a library, it shall be lawful for the trustees of ihe bef|uesl to form a cor])nration for that purpose. Sectfo-v 22. Organization. Purposes: The trustees of the bequest shall file at the office of the secretary of state, a statement of their intent to form such a corporation, a copy of the will by which the lil)rary is endowed, the name proposed, the city, village or town in which it is to he located, the number and names of the trustees forming the corporation. Section 23. Same: Upon the filing of such a statement the secretary of state shall issue to the incorporators a cerlilicate which the incorporators shall cause to be recorded in the ofiice of the Recorder of Deeds of the County, and thereu])on the corporation shall l)e deemed organized and proceed to carry out ils corporate purposes. Section 24. Same: Organizations under this act shall be liodies corj)orate and politic, shall have the ordinary rights and incidents of corporations, shall be cajjable of holding and disi)osing of real and personal estate, the ])rovision of the will or rleed of endowment shall be part of ihe law of such corporation, such trustees shall be not less than seven. 69 Illinois — 10 nor more than fifteen, shall elect officers from their number, shall control all property of corporation, may accept donations, may fill by election subject to the approval of the Chief Justice of Illinois, vacancies occurring" in their own number, shall make by-laws for the management of the corporation, may employ such assistants as they deem necessary. Whenever by the provision of such will the institution endowed is declared free and public the property of such corporation shall be exempt from taxation. Such corporation shall annually rcj^ort to the Governor of the state. Section 25. John Crerar Library: With its preamble, 26, 27, 28 and 29 relate to the John Crerar Library. Section 30 to 33. Libraries in Parks: Relate to securing library property in pulilic parks. Section 34 to 42 inclusive. Bonds for building: Give public libraries the right to borrow money by the issue of bonds for the purpose of erecting library buildings. Section 43 to 57 inclusive. Pension fund : Provide for the esta1)lishment of a pul)lic liljrar}- employee pension fund. CHICAGO PCBLIC LIBRARY Laws, 1915. Pace 275. Hocse Bill No. 162 An act to consolidate in the government of the city of Chicasro the powers and functions now vested in local governments and authori- ties within the territory of said citv and to make provisions con- cerning the same. Section 1. Management of public lil)rarv: The citv council shall have full power to manaee. control, main- tain, operate and extend or enlarge the public library of the city of Chicago; to acquire, bv dedication, gift, lease, contract, purchase, or condemnation, propert}^ and rights necessarv or proper for library purposes ; to make appropriations and tax levies and issue bonds for such purposes; and to exercise anv and all powers and rights not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, now vested in the board of directors of said lilirarv under the laws of the Stale relating to such libraries. Section 2. .Appropriations and bond issues: All ai)propriations and bond issues for the use of such librarv shall be made bv the city coimcil. in accordance with the general provi- sions of this Act. All warrants upon which anv portion of said 70 Illinois — 11 funds is to be paid out sliall hear the siyuaturc of such official or officials as niav lie desiqnaled by the city council. Sectio.x 3. W'iio may use lif)rary: Such lil)rary shall be foreyer free to the use of the inhabitants of the city of Chicago, subject to such reasonable rules and res:ula- tions as the city council may adoirt in order to render the use of said library of the greatest benefit to the greatest number, and the offi cial or officials charged with the goyernment and control of such library may exclude from the use of such library any and all per- sons who shall wilfully yiolate such rules and regulations. The city council may extend the priyileges and use of such library to persons residing outside of such city in this State upon such terms and conditions as it may from time to time, by ordinance, pro- yide. Section 4. Ordinances imposing penalties: The cit}' council shall haye power to pass ordinances imposing suit- able penalties for the punishment of persons committing injury to such library or the ground or other property thereof and for injury to. or failure to return, any book belonging to such library. Such ordinances shall be published in the newspaper selected as the official journal of the city and may be printed in book or panijihlet form, in such manner as the city coimcil shall direct, and all rules framed in conformity with such ordinances shall be lirought to the notice of the public by lieing posted in conspicuous places in such library and all liranches or extensions thereof. Section 5. Donations: An\' person desiring to make donations of money or other jirojierty for the benefit of such library shall haye the right to yest the title to the money or other projicrty so donated in the city of Chicago, in trust for the use of such library, to be held and controlled by said city, when accepted, according to the terms of the gift, devise or liequest of such property, and as to such property the said city shall lie held and considered to be a special trustee. Sectio.x 6. Pension fund: Nothing herein contained shall in any way affect the oiieration or administration of an Act entitled, "An act to provide for the forma- tion and disbursement of a pulilic library employees' pension fund in cities haxing a po))ulalion exceeding 100,000 inhabitant.-.' ai^proved May 12. 1005, as amended by Act of June 3. 1907: Pro- vided, however, that the board of trustees of the said pension fund of said public lilirary created by said .Act shall hereafter consist of five (5) nienibers, two of wlmni shall be em])loyees contributing to said fund and three of wlmm shall be ap]iointed in '^uch manner as the city council may, by ordinance, direct. 71 Illinois — 12 - NEWBERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY IX CHICAGO Kurd's Revised Statutes, 19L3, Cltapter 105, Parks Section 75. Lincoln Park and the Newberry Public Library: The commissioners of Lincoln Park shall have anthoritv to allow proper and suitable building's to be erected in said park at a place to be selected by them for the use of such library, and under sucli reg'ulations as to the control thereof as they mav determine, con- sistent with the provisions of the will of the late Walter L. New- berry. 72 Indiana — 1 INDIANA STATE LIBRARY Burn's Annotated Indiana Statutes, 1914, \'ol. 4 Section 9289. State library board: Management and control of the state library shall be vested in the state board of education, which shall constitute for library pur- poses a state library board. Section 9290. Librarian: State library board shall elect a state librarian, who shall serve until his successor is elected by the said board. (That is, two years; see next section ) . Section 9291. Term. Assistants, etc. Term of office of state librarian shall be two years. He shall appoint assistants, with the approval of the board; shall ""ive l)ond. .Section 9291 a. Departments: State librarv shall be organized into the following departments: ofifice, reference, catalog, Indiana history and archives. The librar- ian shall appoint a chief of each (lci)artment, and all necessary assistants, and fix compensation, with ap])roval of board. Any chief or assistant may be removed by the state librarv board for cause. Section 9291 b. Duties: Duties of office, reference and cataloging departments shall be as defined bv law or the rules of the board. De])artment of history and archives shall have care of official archives, of colleclions of historical material, diffusion of knowledge, encouragement of his- torical work; examination and classification of documents and rec- ords; co-operation with any institutions of the state. Section 9291 c. Slate documents, etc. : y\ny state or other official is authorized to turn over to the state library any books, rejiorts, documents, papers, etc., not in current use. Si:ctio.\ 0202. Fixes library hours. Section 9293-9295. State documents, etc. : Relate to state journals, papers and publications, their keejiing and exchange. Section 9296. Defines responsibility of libr;irian. SicCTiON 9207. I'roxidcs for loaning books of the librarv. 77, Indiana — 2 Section 9298. Rules and regulations. Section 9299. Fixes salaries of librarian and of assistants. Section 9300. Report : Librarian shall report at each session of the legislature. Section 9301. Removals: State board shall have power to remove state liljrarian or any assistant for cause. Section 9302. Penalties: Provides penalties for violation of this law. Section 9303. Repeals all previous laws relative lu the stale library. Sections 9304-9307. State publications: Provide for the care and exchange of state publications and legis- lative papers. Section 9308. Embezzlement : Provides for punishment of the librarian if he shall embezzle. Section 9309. Missing books : Requires annual report from the librarian, on missing books. Section-S 9310-9312. See Legislature Reference Bureau, following this. Section 9313. Report: Librarian shall report at each session of the legislature. Section 9314. Removal: State library board shall have power to remove the librarian. Sections 9315-9316. Penalties: Provides penalties for mutilation of and injury of books. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BUREAU Burn's Annotated Indiana Statutes, 1914 Vol. 4 Section 9310. Organization: There shall be created a legislative and administrative reference bureau, which shall be under the contml of the board, — consisting of the governor, state librarian, president of Indiana university, president of Perdue university, and one additional member ap- pointed bv the governor for a term of four years. Section 9311. Director: Tlie board shall ai^iioint a director of the bureau, who shall have a 74 Indiana — 3 thorough training and experience in the principles of government and poHtical science, constitutional and administrative law, and in the drafting" of statute law. The salary and term of office of the director shall be fixed by the board. The director and any assist- ant may be removed for cause by the board. Section 9312. Assistants. Duties: Director shall, with the approval of the board, appoint such assist- ants, investigators and draftsmen as may be necessary, and fix their compensation. The ])ureau shall gather material bearing on legislation and administration, for the use of the legislature and state officers, boards, commissions and institutions. It shall l)e the duty of the bureau to arrange and index all material so as to l)e most readily used. It shall obtain and furnish to members of the general assem- bly, officers, boards or commissions, any data available regarding the laws of this and other states and the workings and administra- tion of laws, together with references to jvidicial decisions and in- terpretation upon such laws. It shall be prepared to furnish to mem- bers of the general assemlily. and under their instruction, such assistance as may be demanded in the preparation and drafting of legislative bills. The bureau is authorized to collect material on municipal laws and administration and to furnish to the officials of any municipality upon ref|uest any data, and to loan any material which may be available. The bureau may co-operate with any state educational instiution in any manner approved by the board. The Ijureau may make digests of laws, reports and other material re- lating to legislation and administration, and with the approval of the bureau this same shall lie ]iulolished hv the commissioners of the l)ureau of public printing, binding and stationery. The clerk of the ])ureau of ptiblic ])rinting, binding and stationery shall cause to be delivered to the bureau three copies of each rcjiort, pamphlet, compilation of laws or other document published at state expense. All legislative papers, records, petitions, charts of house and senate seats, and other documents, shall be turned over to the bureau, and shall, when no longer in current use, be turned over to the state library for preservation. (Verbatim). Skction 9312 a. Rooms: Provides for the housing of the Imreau in jjroxiniitv to the slate library. Section 9312 1). Appropriation: Ajipropriatcs thirteen thousand, fixe hundred dollars ($13,500) for the expenses of the l)ureau. and apparently some additii)nal ^unn for the two years l)eginning .September 30, 1913. Indiana — 4 PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes, 1914, Vol. 3 Section 6654. Organization: There is hereby created a public liljrary commission composed of three members appointed by the governor, who shall serve without compensation, except as herein provided, each for the term of four years; except that at the first appointment one shall serve for two years and one for one j^ear. The state librarian shall be ex-officio secretary. Section 6655. Traveling libraries: Said commission shall have permanent offices in the state house, with storage and shipping room; shall have control and manage- ment of traveling libraries ; shall purchase books and equipment ; shall adopt rules and regulations ; shall require security ; shall pre- pare book-lists; shall furnish lists; shall provide library instruc- tion, and perform such other service in behalf of public libraries as it may consider in the best interests of the state. Said commission shall employ a secretary, and other assistants as necessary; shall report to the governor on October 1, 1906. Report shall be printed. (Acts of 1899 as amended 1905). (Note: The provision for a secretary in this section al)rogated the provision for a secretarv in section 6654). Section 6656. Approi)riation ; Appropriates seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) for the expense of the commission. (Appropriation $12,500, as amended in 1913). Section 6()57. Traveling libraries: Provides that anv lilirary association, library, club or school may have use of traveling liliraries, on satisfactory security, without other expense than trans])ortation. Section 665; and report to the com missioners. Each shall be liable on his oflicial Ixmd for the perform- ance of these duties. Section 4860. Use of the library: Ever\- resjionsible inhabitant of the count\- shall be entitled to U'^e this librarv. Section 4861. Rules: Provides regulations and penalties for their violation. Section 4862. Duties of librarian: Presribcs the ordinarv dutit's of the librarian. Section 4863. Sur])lus funds: Permits the county librar\- trustees to loan suri)lns funds. SiccTiox 48()4. Loans: Prescribes methods of loans. Section 4865. Duties of treasurer. 77 Indiana — 5 Sections 4866-4871. City libraries: Provide for the maintenance of a city library at the county seat of a particular county as a county library. TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes, 1914, Vol. 3 Section 6647. Purchase of books: Superintendent of public instruction shall superintend the purchase of books for township libraries under such regulations as the state board of education may adopt. Section 6648. Distril)ution of books: State board of education shall cause the same to 1)e distributed to the several townships of the state under the direction of the state su])erintendent. who shall apportion the same according to the school populations of the townships. Section 6649. Township trustee in charge : Such a library shall lie in charge of the township trustee, shall be deemed the pro]iert\- of the townshi]), and shall not be sul^ject to sale or ahenation from anv cause whatever. (\^erbatim) Section 6650. Trustees' duties: Such trustees shall be accountable for the preservation of such librarv ; provide rules for its use ; provide equipment for it : report to the county superintendent ; shall post notice at the commence- ment of each school term, at each school house, inviting the free use of the books bv the persons of the town-hi]). Section 6651. Use of library: Everv faniilv in the township shall be entitled to the use of two volumes at a time, from said library, whether any member of such family ^hall attend school or not. Section 6652. \\'hcre kci^t: Trustees n-ay deposit ihe library in some central or eligible place, and mav ai)])oint a librarian. Section 6653. When ojien : The library shall be open to all persons entitled to its privileges throughout the year, without regard to school session, Sundays and holidays excepted. .Section 6660. Townshi]i libiarv tax: The advisory board of any township desiring to establish a public librarv mav lew a tax annualh-, of not more than one mill on each 78 Indiana — 7 dollar. If the advisory board do not make such levy, then by the written petition of fifty voters of any county the county election commissioners shall hold an election to determine the question. If a majority of the votes arc cast in the afifirmative, the township trustee shall thereafter levy anntially a tax of not less than five- lenths, nor more than one, mill on each dollar, for the svipport of a library free to all the inhabitants of such township. Provided that such lil)rarv may be discontinued by vote in the same manner. Provided ftirther that if there be in said township a ptiblic library open to all the inhabitants thereof, the proceeds of said tax shall be paid to such library. Further, if there be in any township ( out- side of cities) a library established by private donations of the value of ten thousand dollars or more the township trtistee shall levy- not more than six cents on the hundred dollars, which shall be paid to the trustees of such lil)rary; and said trustees mav. with the consent of the board of commissioners of the countv. lew and collect not more than five cents on the Imndred dollars, for not more than three years successively, which sliall be expended for the erection and enlargement of such library building'. PUBLIC LIBRARIES Burns' ANNOTATi:n Indtaxa STATrxKs, 1014, \'oi.. 2 Section 4916. Estal)lishment : The common cotincil of any city, or lioard of any incorporated town., desiring to establish and maintain a library, mav le\-v a tax not to exceed one mill on a dollar. If such council or board do not make such levy, they shall do so at the next ensuing levy and annually thereafter after taxpayers raise by private subscription for each of the two years immediately following the date of the com])lelion of subscription a sum eqtial to the amount that would l)c derived by a tax levy of two-tenths of a mill on each dollar. Provided that no more than two percent of the entire amount subscribed shall be by an}' one person, firm or corporation. These subscri])tions shall be payable in eight <|uarlcrl\' j^ayments. beginning the second month after the filing of the subscriptions. Section 4917. .Subscrii)lion list: Provides for the filing and preservation of the stibscrijition list, anrl for the notification of the council and the board of school trustees, and the judge of the circuit court of the county, that this has been done. Sectio.x 491--e land and erect buildings, or hire buildings or rooms suital)le for that purjiose, and provide for the compensation of the necessarv employees; may receive, hold or dispose of, anv and all gifts, donations, devises and bequests that may he made to them for the purpose of estal)- lishing, increasing or improving anv such library; and, when the conditions of such gifts, donations, devises and bequests have once been accepted bv the council, the performance of such conditions mav be enforced at the instance of the librarv board, hv mandamus 88 Iowa — 5 and liy other due process of law: and the council niav ai)plv the profits, ])roceeds, interest and rents accruino- therefrom in such manner as will hest promote the prosperity and utility of such lihrary: but no monev can be appropriated for such pm^pose until the electors of such city or town shall have voted at a general or special election, for the establishment of such a library. (\^erbatim) Section 727 a. Special charter cities. This act shall apply to cities acting' under special charter. SuppLEMENTAi, Supplement to ConE, 1015 Section 728. Library trustees: In any city or town in which a free library has been established, a l)oard consisting of five, seven or nine trustees shall l)e appointed by the mayor, with the api)roval of the council, and shall hold office when first appointed for two, four and six vears, — thereafter for six years. Citizens of the citv or town, male or female, over the age of 21, are alone eligible. Removal from the citv vacates the oflice. Trustees shall receive no compensation. Provided that in cities or towns where a college or university is lo- cated, it shall be lawful for the city or town to cooperate with the college or university in maintaining" a librarv : but no city may con- tribute more than the amount produced bv the legal rate of taxation: and only i)ersons having the legal (|ualifications mav become trus- tees. Supplement to Code, 1913, Chapter 4 Section 72*'. Powers of liljrary trustees: Trustees shall organize by the election of one of their members as president, and by the election of such other officers as may be necessary: shall have control of the public library; shall have power to employ a lil)rarian and assistants and fix their compensation, to remove the librarian or assistants, to purchase books, i)ami)hlet.- and other necessary proi)ertv for the librarv, to authorize use of the library bv non-residents for a Cfimiiensation, to make rules not in- consistent with the law: have exclusive control of exi)enditures of all funds from all sources, for all librar\- i)urposes; shall keej) a record of their i)roceedings. Section 729 a. Township trustees. Power to contract: The trustees of any free i)ublic librar\- sh.nll have power to con- tract with any school cori)oration, civil town-^hi]), or counrv, in which such librarv is situated, anv citv or town, whether in the same or an adjoining county, for the free use of said librarv bv the residents 89 .1 Iowa — 6 of such school corporation, townshi]), count\'. citv or town, by one or more of the followino; methods in whole or in i)art: (1) By lending- books of such library to such residents on the same terms and conditions as to the residents of the citv or town in which said library is situated. (2) By the establishment of depositaries of books of said library, to be loaned to such residents at stated times and places. (3) By the transportation of books of such library to such resi- dents, by wag"on or other conveyance for lendino- the same to sucli residents, at stated times and places. (4) By the establi:-hnicnt of l)ranch libraries for lending books to such residents. .Such ciMitracts, unless otherwise provided therein, shall remain in force for five years, unless sooner terminated by a majority vote of the electors of such school corporation, township, county, city or town. Laws, 1*^13. Ciiaptkr 70 Section 1. See foregoing Section 720 a, which is Section 1 amended. .Section 2. Use. Compensation : Authorizes the trustees of any civil townshi]) to contract as pro- vided in Section 1, with any free public library for its free use by the residents of the townshi]:), authorizes the payment of an agreed amount therefor, and the levy of a tax not exceeding one mill for that purpose. When petitioned by a majoritv of the resident tax-pavers, and the library g-ives written consent, it shall be the duty of the trustees to execute such contract. When such contract is made, whether on petition of resident tax-pavers or not, an amount sufficient to pay the consideration shall be annually levied. Section 3. City or town mav contract: Gives the council of anv citv or town in which there is no public library, power to contract for the free use of anv free public library, and provides a lew therefor, on similar conditions as section 2. Section 4. Counlv mav contract: Amends Supplement to the Code 1^07, section 422, the first para- ,graph of which reads: Section 422. Power sjiecified: The board of [county] supervisors, at anv regular meeting, shall have the following powers, to-wit: * * * 24. To contract with any free public lil)rary in the county for the free use of the books thereof by the residents of the comity outside of the cities and towns therein, as provided in section 1 of this act, — which contract when made shall supercede all contracts made by townships or school cori)orations, — and to lew annually on the on Iowa — 7 l;ixal)le ])r()perty of the county outside of cities and towns a tax of not more than one mill on the dollar, to be used exclusively for that i)uri)ose. Se<.:tiox 5. School directors may contract: Gives directors of any school corporation in which there is no free ])ul)lic library, power to contract with any public library for free use of such library by residents of such school district, and to pay such librarv the amount agreed therefor, not exceeding; one mill on the dollar, and to lew therefor a tax not exceeding; one mill on the dollar. Relieves school corjwrations making: such contract from the recjuircments of section 2823n of the Supplement to the Code, 1*^07. (This was enacted as an addition to Sui)i)lement of the Code 1907, section 2806. which section iM-ovidcs a lransi)orlation fund). Sui'Pi,HMi:\T TO Com-:, l*M,i St:cTiox 72'.) b. Towers of li])rarv trustees: In any city or town having- a free library, the library trustees shall have power to condemn real estate in the nanvj of the city or town, for the construction of main or branch lilirarv building's and for enlarging" the grounds of such Iniilding'S. Sectfo.v 729 c. Condemnalion i)roceeding-s: T'roceedings for condemnation shall be in accordance with the pro\isions of the court, excci)t that no attorney's fee .shall be al- lowed for the owner. Section 72'' d. Sjiecial charter cities: This act sliall ai)i)ly lo cities acting under si)ecial charter. (\\M-balini ) .SiccTiox 72') e. Power to unite with historical ;issociali(MTs: Whenexer a county historical association shall be formed in a county having a i)ul)lic librarv, the trustees of such lil)rarv arc authorized to unite with the historical association, to set ajiart necessary room, furnish necessary receptacles and care for such articles as in their iudgment may be of historical and educational value. Si':(Tiox 7,^0. l.ihrarv fund: All monevs for the m.aintenance of such librar\- shrdl be deposited as a separate funrl with the city treasurer, .and i)aid out ujion tlie order of the trustees, ijrovided that, in any citv or town where a library is maintained iointly by the citv or town and an institution of learning:, the librar\- trustees mav elect a librarv Ireasm^er to whom the citv treasurer sli.all i)a\- o\er the taxes accrued I'or the library. (Note: The above section. 7.>0. was made aiiplicable to special charter cities li\' Section 9.t2). 01 Iowa — 8 Section 730 a. Contracts, etc., legalized: Where cities or incorporated towns and institutions of learning have established or contracted to establish public libraries jointly, all contracts, elections, ordinances and other proceedings made, held or passed as provided In- law, are declared valid and ol)liga- tory as though made, held or passed after the taking effect of this act. x^NNOTATED CODE, 1897 Section 731. Board of trustees shall report annually to the council. Note: This section 731 does not appear in any later edition of the code. Supplement to Code, 1913 Section 732. Library tax: The board of trustees shall, before the first of August in each year, fix the amount of rate, not exceeding five mills on the dollar in all cities and incorporated towns, to be levied, collected and appropri- ated for the ensuing year, for the maintenance of such library ; and in cities and towns an amount not exceeding three mills on the dollar for librarv buildings and for the creation of sinking fund for the extinguishing of indebtedness. This shall be certified to the city council, who shall levy such tax or such jiortion thereof as they may deem necessary. In any city or town under special charter where the ]\Iulct law_ is in force, the city or town council mav, in addition to the tax herein- before provided for, appropriate not to exceed twentv percent of the total amount of the Alulct tax received by said municipalitv, for the su])port and maintenance of the free public library, includ- ing the i>urchase of books and furniture. (Note: The Mulct Law ])rovides a tax collected from liquor dealers). When anv imblic lilirarv building shall l)e fullv comi^leted and paid for, and a Ijalance remains in the library building fund, the library trustees are authorized to transfer such excess to the maintenance fund; provided this shall not be construed to authorize a lew of tax for building purposes after the Iniilding has lieen erected, with intent to take advantage of this act to increase the library income for maintenance purposes. Note in Supplemental Code, 1^13: The second jiaragraiih ol the al)ovc section, commencing with the word ■"In" * * * was enacted bv the 30th general assembly as additional to the section 732. Init the 31st general assembly, chapter 21, repealed section 732 of the supplement of the code with- out referring to or specificallv repealing the amendment enacted 92 Iowa — 9 by the 30lh general assenil)ly; so it was deemed best to show boih enactments. Note : From tlie above note in the code, and from one in the y^am- phlet published bj' the hbrary commission, it appears that section 732 was repealed without referring; specifically to its amendments but has nevertheless been amended since, — the latest amendment being in 1913. It is therefore included, as the editor of the Code reg'ards its validity as a matter for judicial determination. Section 741 n. Contract for use of libraries: City or town councils shall have power to contract with the trustees of any free public library for use of said library by the people of the city or town not having the use of a library, upon the same terms as residents in the city or town where the library is located, and to pay such library such an amount as may be ao-reerl upon therefor, and to levy a tax not exceeding- one mill on the dollar therefor. Sectiox 1056 a 26 a. Cities under commission government: In cities under commission form of governrtient, the lilirarv board shall consist of five members, excepting in cities maintaining a a library under lease or contract fixing a different number. SectionM056 a 26 b. Selection. Terms: Trustees shall lie appointed by mayor, with approval of council, for five years. SCHOOL LIBRARIES Supplement to Code, 1913 Section 2823 n. Lilirary fund: Treasurer of each school township and each rural independent district shall withhold annuallv from the money received for ap- portionment to the several school districts not less than five nor more than fifteen cents, as may be ordered liy the board, for each person of school age resident in such district. Section 2823 o. Purchase of books. Distribution: OfTicers of the board, with the county superintendent, shall expend such money for the purchase of books selected from lists prepared by the state board of educational examiners. In school townships, the secretary shall distribute liie books among the several sub-districts, — collecting and redistributing them semi- annually. Section 2823 p. Lists: The state board of examiners shall prepare lists of books suitable for school district libraries, annuallv or bienniallv. 03 Iowa— 10 Section 2823 q. Record: Each secretary shall keep a cnini)lete record of books purchased and distributed. Section 2823 r. Librarian: Unless the board of electors shall elect some other person, the sec- retary in independent districts, and the director in sub-districts, shall act as librarian, shall care for the books, loan them for teach- ers, i)Ui)ils and other residents of the district, in accordance with the rules prescribed by the state board of educational examiners and directors. The teacher shall be resT)onsible for the proper care of the books. The board of directors shall equitably distribute them anions: the different schools. Supplement to Code, 1913 Section 2806. School corporations may contract for use of library: This permits the board of directors of any school corporation hav- ing;- no library to contract for the free use of another library and to lew a tax not exceeding' one mill on the dollar to pay for the same. 94 Kansas — 1 KANSAS STATF. Lir.RARV Genkrai. Statutes. 1909 Section 8221. Constitutes library. Section 8222. Re,<;istry of use. Section 8223. Detention and injury of books. Section 8224. Reiiort. Section 8225. Appropriation. Section 8226. Catalo':^-. Section 8227. Liability of librarian. Section 8228. Penalt}- for removing- bonk from tlic library. Section 8229. Excbange of documents. Section 8230. Copies of laws. Section 8231. Expenses. Section 8232. Exchange of books. Section 8233. I'rinti-'d catalog?. Section 8234. Directors. Justices of the Supreme Court shall lie ex-officio directors of the state library. Section 8235. Rules. Section 8236. Hours. Section 8237. Issue of books. Section 8238. Use of books. Section 8239. Duties of librarian. Section 8240. Preparation of books. Section 8241. Report. Section 8242. A])pointment of librarian. Section 8243. Publications: Provides for the delivery to certain lil)rarics, of sets of Kansas reports. Section 8244. Same: Provides for the delivery to the Carnesi'ie Law Library Association of Wyandotte County, of the report of the Supreme Court and of the Court of Ajii^eals. and of I )asskr's Dijjest. Section 8245 to 8248 inclusive, provire])ared a comi)lete catalog to be ])rinled every six years: to receii)t for all i)ro])erty. 101 Kentucky— 2 Section 2450. Trustees: Secretary of state, attorney general and auditor of public accounts shall be trustees of the library. They shall see that the librarian properly discharg-es the duties of his office. Section 2451. Suit by librarian : Librarian shall sue any person for a book or other property which he fails to return or for damage done to library property. Section 2452. Sale and exchange of books : Authorizes librarian to sell or exchange certain state publications. Section 2453. Expenditures: Librarian shall keep an itemized account of expenditures and re- port same to general assembly at each stated session. Section.s 2454 and 2455. Stationery: Provide that the librarian shall provide stationer}- for the ]mblic office and prescribes the manner of buying it. Sections 2456 and 2457. Publications for exchange: Provide for supplying the librarian with cojiies of decisions of the court of appeals for exchange with other states and i)rescribes method of exchange. Section 2458. Executive office: Prescribes certain lxK)ks which are to be provided for the executive office. Section 2459. Inventory: Provides that each librarian shall turn over to his successor in- ventories of all property. Section 2460. Authorizes the librarian to have water from the Frankfort waterworks turned into the fountain in Capitol Stjuare. Section 2461. Compensation: Allows librarian and assistant lilirarian no further compensation than salary provided. Section 2462. \^acancy: Gives the governor authority to fdl an\' \acancy. LIT.RARY CO^IMISSIOX Kentc Kv St.vtutes, 5Tn Ed., 1915, J. D. C.vkkoll, \'o\.. 1. Chapter 77c, 1910 Section 2438 c. : 1. Creation: A commission of five members is hereby cre:ited known as the Ken- tucky library commission; to be constituted as hereinafter provided; to have permanent quarters in the.capitol. 102 Kentucky — 3 2. Members. Appointment. Term. Expenses: ]\Iembers of the commission shall be appointed by the .governor, one each for one, two and three years and two for four years; thereafter commissioners shall be appointed annually for a term of four years. At least one meml)er of the commission shall be a woman, who shall be appointed from a list of not less than three names, presented by the Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs. \^acancies shall be filled by g-overnor for unexpired terms. No commissioner shall receive compensation, but actual ex])enses in- curred in the performance of said duties shall ])e paid. No com- missioner shall be eno,a,<2:ed or interested in the pulilisbing- busi- ness. 3. Officers. Secretar}': The officers shall l)c a chairman, elected from members, a secre- tary not a mcml)er, a person trained in modern library methods. Secretary shall be ai)])ointed bv the commission and serve at the will of the commission at a salarv not exceeding- fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) dollars, and he shall keep a record of proceedings; accounts of financial transactions; shall have charge of organizing and improving libraries, sui)ervising the traveling libraries, ani)lieil In the sujiport of such libraries. 137 Michigan — 4 Howell's Annotated Statutes, 1913, Vol. 4 Section 9967. Township and city libraries : Provides for the maintenance of township or city libraries under the township board or tlie board of education. Provides for the transfer of such libraries to the various school districts; provides, that when the township is orc^anized as the township school district, the control of the hbrary shall pass from the township board to the township board of education. Section 9968. Provides that all residents shall have free use of library. Section 9969. Provides for the control of the appropriations. Section 9970. Makes board responsible for all property. Section 9971. Provides for the appointment of a librarian and the enactment of rules for a township library. Public Acts, 1913, No. 261 Authorizes boards of education to provide for the maintenance of free public libraries; to raise or borrow money, to purchase prop- erty, to erect and maintain building's for free libraries and other educational purposes. Section 1. Maintenance: Boards of education in cities where free public libraries are under control of said boards, are authorized to include in their annual estimate, a sum sufficient to properly care for and defray the expense of maintenance and purchase of books. Section 2. Funds. Buildings: Boards of education having control of free public libraries are authorized to raise money, either by including the amount in their annual estimates or to borrow the same on the faith and credit of said school district, to purchase property for a site and to erect, equip and maintain a building for a free public library and other educational purposes. Howell's Annotated Statutes, 1913, Vol. 4 Section 10120. Power to maintain. Tax: The city council of each incorporated city shall have power to establish and maintain a public library and reading room for the use of the inhabitants of such city, may levy a tax not to exceed one mill on the dollar, said tax to be known as the "Library Fund." Section 10121. Directors: When any city council shall decide to establish a iml)lic lilirary, the 138 Michigan — 5 mayor shall witli the approval of the council appoint nine directors, citizens, and not more than one member of the council shall at any- one time lie a member. Sectiox 10122. Terms of office: Said directors shall hold ofiice, one-third for one vear. one-third for two years and one-third for three years and their successors thereafter appointed in the same way, shall hold office for three years. Mayor may, with consent of council, remove any director for misconduct or neglect. Section 10123. Vacancies: ^'acancies occasioned by removals, resignations or otherwise, shall he filled in like manner as original appointments. No director shall receive compensation as such. Section 10124. Organization. F'owers: Directors shall organize by the election of officers, shall make rules and regulations, shall have exclusive control of the expenditure of all monies, of the construction of buildings, supervision of the grounds, rooms or buildings; provided, that all monies received for such libraries shall be deposited with the treasurer of the city to the credit of the library fund and tlrawn upon b}^ the properly authenticated vouchers of the library board. Such board shall have power to purchase or lease grounds, erect or lease buildings, to appoint a staff, fix their compensation, to remove such appointees and shall in general carry out the spirit and intent of this act. Section 10125. Lil^-aries to be free: l,il)rary and reading- room established under this act shall be forever free for the use of its inhabitants where located, subject to reason- able regulations. Section 10126. Report: Said directors shall report annually to the city council. Section 10127. Ordinances to protect i)roi)erty: Saifl council shall have power to i)ass ordinances imjiosing suitable penalties for the punishment of persons iniuring library ])roi)erty or failing to return lil)rary books. Skction 10128. Donations: Donors shall have the right to vest title of donations in said board of directors, who shall be held as special li-ustees. Section 10129. Establishment bv petition: Provides that on the i)etition of fifty voters in any incorporated village or townshi]), the (|uestion of a library .shall be subniilled to 130 Michigan— 6 the voters at any election, and skives form of establishment in case a favorable vote is had. Section 10130. Form of ballot, etc.: Gives details as to the form of holding- election, provided for in Section 10129 and provides for levying- the tax. Section 10131. Temporary and permanent boards: Provides for the appointment by the council of the temporarv library board and the election by the peoi)le, later, of a permanent board. Section 10132. .\pplication of act: This act does not apply to cities or villages containing a population of over ten thousand, or to any city or village maintaining a public library under any special act. Sections 10133, 10134 and 10135. Townships mav unite: Provide for the union of two adjacent or adioining townships to provide a library for the use of both under practicallv the same con- ditions as in the previous sections. Section 10136. Villages, townships and cities mav join: Permits villages to join with townshi])s in the same way, or either to join with cities. Section 10137. Distribution of books: Authorizes state librarian to distribute free to districts where they may be needed, books withdrawn from traveling libraries on account of their worn condition. Section 10138. Report: Makes it the dutv nf the lil)rarian of any public library to report annually to the countv commissioner of schools. Section 10130. List of liliraries: Makes it the duty of the countv commissioner of schools in each county to report the list of all libraries in his county to the state board of library commissioners, annually. Section 14691. Penalty for injuring property: Any person who shall wilfully injure a book or projierty belonging to a public lil)rarv shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and on conviction, fined not less than two ($2.00) dollars or more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or imprisoned for not more than sixty days. SCHOOL L:)1S TRICT LIBRARIES How i:i.l's Annotated ST.vruTES, 1913. \^ol. 4 Section 9972. Establishment: Provides for the organization of a school distric*^ lil)rary. 140 Michigan — 7 Section 9973. Makes district board of education responsible for all property. Section 9974. Report: Makes it the duty of the township clerk or the district board of edu- cation to report annually, to the state superintendent of public in- struction. Section 9975. Failure to report: Makes failure to report cause of forfeiture of library money dis- trilnited liy state. Section 9976. Number of children in county to be reported: Superintendent of instruction shall send clerk in each county a statement of the number of children between five and twenty in each district, shall file such statement and furnish copy to county treasurer. Section 9977. Fines used for library support: Proceeds of all fines for any breach of the penal laws of the state when collected in any countv, shall be apportioned bv the county treasurer, in accordance with the directions of the superintendent of public instruction as provided in the precedina;' section, among the several townships, districts, township districts, villages and cities, which money shall be api)lied exclusively to the support of libraries and to no other purpose. Section 9978. Tax: Qualified voters in any school district or township may vote author- izing a tax for the suj^port of the librarv. Section 9979. Books: Authorizes district board to sell or .give library books belonging to the district, to a township or city board. 141 Minnesota — 1 MINNESOTA STATE LIBRARY Constitution, Article 5, in Statutes, 1913, p. 2083 Section 4. Appointment of librarian: Among other powers and dnties of Governor, provides for his ap- pointment of state librarian, with advice and consent of the Senate. Statutes, 1913 Section 130. Justices to gfovern library. Rooms: Provides state library shall be maintained under the supervision of the justices of the supreme court ; that they shall direct such pur- chases of books, pamphlets, and documents therefor, and such sales and exchanges therefrom, as they may deem best. They shall adopt rules for the g-overnment of the library and the management of its afifairs, and prescribe penalties for their violation, which rules shall be conspicuously posted in the library rooms. Section 131. Librarian and assistants. Term. Bond: Term of the state librarian appointed by the governor shall be two years and until his successor qualifies. He shall give bond for at least two thousand dollars. Lie may appoint an assistant librarian to serve during his term, who shall perform his duties when he is absent or disabled, but such appointment shall not take effect until approved by the justices. He may also employ from time to time, with the approval of the justices, such clerical and other assistance as may be necessary, and for whose compensation provision shall have been made by law. Section 132. Lulies of librarian: Librarian to ha\c general charge of library under direction of the justices. Section 133. Records. .Accounts: Librarian to keep record of additions to librarv, also of sales; to keep accounts and to pay all moneys collected into the treasury, to be added to the librar}' appropriation for the current year. Section 134. Public documents: All official ]ni1»Iication'^ of tlic United States, and of other states and countries, which are received for the use of this state bv anv officers thereof, shall be deposited in the state library forthwith; and two copies of each official bonk or pamphlet issued by the state shall be preserved therein. Section 13.S. Janitor service: Provides janitor of court rooms shall care for stale library rooms. 143 Minnesota — 2 Section 294. Salaries: Provides among other salaries in the judicial department, three tliousand dollars ($3000) for state librarian; one thousand, eif^ht hundred dollars ($1800) for assistant librarian; twelve hundred dollars ($1200) for second assistant librarian; nine hundred dol- lars ($900) for clerk. Section 49.37. Printing-; Mentions, among documents to he printed by the state printer, re- ports of the state librarian. Section 8419. Copies of decisions, etc., certified bv the librarian; Copies of judicial decisions contained in any of the law or equity reports in the state library, * * * certified by the state libra- rian, shall be received in evidence in like manner and with like effect as the originals. For making and certifying any such copy, the librarian shall be entitled to charge fifteen cents a folio. LIBRARY COMMISSION General Statutes. 1913 Section 4911. Members. Terms; State public library commission shall be composed of the president of the state university, state superintendent of public instruction, secretary of state historical society, each ex-ofificio and two other members to be appointed by the governor, each for a term of six years. Vacancies shall be filled by like appointment. Section 4912. No compensation: No commissioner shall receive any salary or compensation but each shall be paid expenses necessarilv incurred in performing the duties in connection with the work of the commission. Section 4913. Purchase of books: Commission may purchase collections of books to be used as a state circulating library, from which anv town, village or community may borrow. It shall divide such collections into groups as traveling libraries, catalog and prepare them for circulation and make rules for the conduct of the business. Suitalile rooms shall be provided in the capitol. Section 4914. Advice: Said commission without charge, shall give advice and instruction to any public library, to any village, town or comnumity entitled to borrow from said collections, upon matters pertaining to organiza- tion, maintenance and administration of libraries. It shall assist by counsel and encouragement in the formation of libraries. 144 Minnesota — 3 Section 4915. Statistics. Reports. Disbursements. Commission shall keep statistics of public libraries of the state and a record of its o\vn work and re])ort same at each regular session of the legislature, with a statement of expenditure. Upon presen- tation of itemized vouchers, approved by at least three members of the commission, the state auditor shall issue his warrants for all proper expenditure hereunder. STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Section 3055. State publications: The g-eneral library of the University of Minnesota is hereby made depositary of all books, i)am|)hlets, documents, maps and other works published by or under the authority of the state of Minnesota. Section 3056. Duty of state officials: This section makes it the duty of the secretary of state and all other officials having- custody and distribution of publications to deliver to the library five copies of the legislative manual, one copy of all other publications and additional copies, in their discretion, as re- quested by the librarian. CLASSIFICATION OF CITIES Section 1339. How classified: Cities are hereby divided, for legislative i)ur])oses, into classes as follows : First class those having more than fifty thousand inhabitants. Sec- ond class those having twenty thousand and not more than fiftv thousand. Third class those having more than ten thousand and not more than twenty thousand. Fourth class those having not more than ten thousand inhabitants. PUl'.LIC LIP.RARIFS AND READING ROOMS Section 4916. Establishment. Maintenance. Tax: The governing body of any city or village, may establish and main- tain a i)ul)lic library and reading room, or either of them for the use of its inhabitants, and bv ordinance may set apart for the bene- fit thereof, real estate or other iiublic i)ropertv of the municipality. In villages and cities of the second, third and fomih classes it may levy an annual lax of not more than three mills and in cities of the first class of not more than one mill on the dollar of all taxable proi)erty therein, the iM-oceeds of which shall be known as the library fund. (Verbatim) Section 4917. When established I)\- vote. Existing libraries: If such librarv or reading room be not otherwise established, the governing body of the municii)alitv ni)on the i)etition of fifty free- 145 Minnesota — 1- holders thereof, shall snhmit the question of such establishment to the voters at the next munici|)al election. If two-thirds of the votes cast on said question be in the affirmative, the governing- bod}' shall establish the library and readins? room and levy a yearly tax for its support within the limits fixed in Section 4916. All public libraries and reading: rooms heretofore established and now existing' in cities or villages are continued and all ordinances setting apart public property for their support, are hereby con- firmed. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as abridging any power or duty in respect to libraries conferred by any city or village charter. (Verbatim) Section 4918. Directors. Term. Removal: When any such library or reading room has been established, the mayor of the city or president of the village, with the approval of the council shall appoint a board of nine directors, not more than one of whom shall at any time be a member of anv such governing body. One-third of the members shall hold office for one vear, one- third for two years and one-third for three years, and annually thereafter the mayor or president shall appoint three directors foi a term of three years. Such mavor or ])resident by consent of the council may remove any director for misconduct or neglect. Section 4919. Vacancies. No compensation : Vacancies in the board shall be reported to the council and filled by like appointment. Directors shall receive no compensation for their services as such. Section 4920. Organization. Rules: The board shall organize by electing one of its members president, one secretary and may appoint such other officers and employees as it deems necessary. The secretary shall give bond ; the board shall adopt by-laws and regulations for the government of the library and for the conduct of its business. It shall have exclusive control of the expenditures of all monevs placed to the credit of the library fund ; of the construction of library buildings, of grounds, rooms and buildings provided for library purposes. All moneys received for such librarv shall be paid into the city or village treas- ury credited to the librarv fund, separate from other moneys and paid out only ui)on itemized vouchers approved bv the board. Board may lease rooms, fix compensation of emplovces. remove any of them at pleasure. With the approval of the council board mav pur- chase grounds, and erect a librarv building thereon. Section 4021. Non-residents. Contracts to loan books. Tax: P)Oard mav admit to the benefits of the librar\- non-residents under such regulations as it mav prescribe. Board mav contract wilh the 146 Minnesota — 5 county commissioners of the cnnnty in which tlie hl)rary is situated, or in adjacent counties or with the a"(n'crnin^- hoard ot any neigh- borinc; town, city or \illase, to loan books singly or in traveling; libraries to the residents of such cnuntv, town, city or village upon such terms as shall be ay-reed ui)on. Such boards or officers shall have power to contract with the directors of any free public library for the use of said library bv the iieople of the county, town, city or village, not having already established a free lil)rary. upon such terms as those granted to the residents in the citv or village where the library is located and to ))ay such library board such amount annually as mav be agreed u])on therefor, and such county, town, city or village board may establish a library fund by levving an annual tax of not over one mill on the dollar on all taxable property outside of rmv citv or village wherein a free iniblic librar\- is located or which is already taxed for the sui)port of any such library. Section 4922. Directors now in office. Report : The directors of any such library or reading room in office under existing laws shall so continue until the expiration of their terms, but their successors shall be appointed and vacancies filled under the provision of this chapter. The board shall report annually to the governing board of the municipality. A copy of such report shall be filed with the state library commission, but nothing in this section shall apply to libraries in cities of the first class. Section 4923. Title to property given. Libraries free: All property given, granted, conveyed, donated, devised or be- f|ueathed to, or otherwise acquired by any municipality for a library or reading room, shall vest in and be held in the name of, such nmnicipality and any conveyance, grant, donation, devise, bcfjuest or gift made to or in the name of, an\' i)ublic library or library board, shall be deemed to have been made directly to such mmn'cipalitv. Every lil)rary and reading room established under this chanter shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants of the municipality, subject to such reasonable regulntions ;is the directors mav ado])!. f \^erbatim) Section 4924. Acceiilance of. and contracts for maintenance ol' gifts: With the consent of the governing bod\- of any cilv or village, ex pressed bv ordinance or resolution and within the limilalions of this chai)ter, as to the rate of taxation, die library board ma\' accept any gift, grant, devise or ber|ues< made or oftered bv any i)crson for librarA' jjurposes, or for the eslabb'shment, enlargemenl or ni;iin tcnance of an art gallerv (m- nnisenm in connection with ils librarx- and may carry out the conditions of such donation, and (he nnmi 147 Minnesota — 6 cipality in all such cases is authorized to acquire a site, levy a tax and pled^;e itself by ordinance or resolution to a perpetual compli- ance with all the terms and conditions of the .s^ift, grant, devise or bequest so accepted ; all ordinances adopted in reference to such do- nations, prior to the takins^ efifect of the revised laws, are hereby leo;alized and confirmed. (Verbatim) Section 4925. Gifts to vina2:es or cities havins: less than fifty thous- and inhabitants. Site. Tax. That whenever any incorporated city or vilhsfe in this state having' a population of less than fifty thousand, shall receive from any per- son, company, or corporation a proposition to build, erect or con- struct a public library buildins:, or to give or donate a sum of money for the purpose of the construction and erection of svich public li- brary building, the erection and construction of which public li- brary building or the donation of which sum of monev for such purpose is conditioned upon the securing by such city or village of a site for such public library building as an annual tax or appro- priation by such city or village for the maintenance of such library; that said city or village and the councils and governing bodies there- of, be and they hereby are authorized to secure and take title to such tracts or parcels of land as thev deem necessary and suitable for the site of such public library building and by ordinance or ordinances to be passed and enacted as other ordinances of said village or city are required to be passed and enacted to pledge such citv or village and the governing bodies thereof to annually thereafter, lew and appropriate for the purpose of maintenance of such public library a sum not exceeding two mills on the dollar of and on all the taxable property of such city or villa-^e. All ordinances so enacted, pledg- ing such city or village to whom such proposition for the erection of a public librarv building or the donation of monev therefor shall be matle, to the annual anpropriation of a sum of moncA' not exceed- ing two mills on the dollar on the taxable property of such city or village, be and the same are herebv authorized, legalized and vali- dated, anything in the laws or statutes of the state of Minnesota or the special laws or statutes under which anv of such cities or villages are incorporated to the contrarv notwithstanding. And the city council or governing body of such incorporated citv or village is hereby authorized and empowered to lew such tax for the sup- port of such librar\- property not to exceed in anv one year, two mills on the dollar on all the taxable property of such citv or village for the maintenance of such library. (Verbatim) (Note: Section 4*^25 repeats verbatim the first section of Chapter 93 of the laws of Minnesota for 1901, except that it makes the limit of the lew two mills instead of one and one-half on the dollar. Chapter 93 of the laws of 1901, consisted of three sectioiT^ and was repealed bv Section 05.^4 of the general statutes of 10],^). 148 Minnesota — 7 LAW LIBRARIES Section 4926. Law libraries: In counties haxin.a: ^ population of two hundred thousand or more, the district court may re(|uire county board or other board in char.^e of the court house, to provide rooms therein for the uses of a law library whenever the owner of any such library shall offer to fur- nish and maintain the same for a term of at least ten years ; to give free use thereof to all judges of courts in the county, to all city and county officials having; offices at the county seat. Upon petition tlierefor, the court shall arrange a hearing at which the court shall inquire as to the character of the library oft'ered and the ability of its owner to carry out the terms of the oft'er and shall hear any at- torneys who mav ai)pear to oppose such petition. If satisfied that such library should be installed the court shall make an order there- for, directing suitable rooms to be provided in the court house with necessary light, heat and janitor service and require tlie county board and city council to a])prni)riate annually not less than twelve or more than fifteen hundred dollars for the salary of the librarian and other necessarv exi)enses, which sum shall be apportioned be- tween the citv and countv. The owner shall retain the title and management of the librarv. appoint the librarian and make rtiles for the use, except that no such rules shall restrict the access of public officials thereto, unless the same are a'-"'>roved bv the judge. The library shall be maintained by the owner in reasonable repair and efficiency and upon failure to so do the court may cancel any or all orders made hereunder and rc(|uire the li])rary to be removed. SicrrioN 4927. Balances on deposits: Provides that balances on any deposits made with the clerk of anv district court as security for fees which are not withdrawn for three years shall become the property of any bar association, indi\id- ual or cori^oration by whom such law library has been installed. Section 4928. Same: For the jnirpose of this act an action or proceeding shall be deemed terminated when no step shall have been taken to i)r()secule sucli action for a ijcriod of three vears. Section 4929. Law libraries in counties ha\nig one hundred thous- and inhabitants: In anv county having a poi)ulation of one hundred tiiousand or over, the countv board or other body in charge of the court house is authorized to provide rooms therein, for the use of such law libraries, and such county board or other body may install such libraries therein, bv inuxhasing, leasing or securing same from an individual or association upon such terms as to tliem shall be deemed to the interest of the people 149 Minnesota — 8 LIBRARIES IN VILLAGES Section 1268. Villag-es: A village council shall be composed of five members of whom three shall be a quorum and shall have power to adopt, amend or repeal all such ordinances, rules and by-laws as it shall deem expedient for the following- purposes ; * * * 14. Libraries: To establish and maintain public lil)raries and reading rooms, pur- chase books and periodicals therefor and make needful rules for the safekeeping and handling nf the same. * * * SCHOOL LIBRARIES Section 2949. Book lists: The state high school board shall from time to time i)repare and amend a list of books suitable for school libraries, including dic- tionaries, reference books, works on history, biography, literature, economics, agriculture, travel and science. Section 2950. State aid: Upon receiving from any district a certificate approved by county superintendent showing purchase of books from foregoing list, apjjointment of a lil^rarian, and proper arrangements for the care and use of the library, the state auditor shall upon requisition pa\- one-half the purchase \ir\ce, not exceeding twenty dollars ( $20 ) in the first year and ten dollars ($10) in any .subsequent year, for each separate school so furnished. Provided that any school board may a^-ree with any ])ublic lilirarv board for a specified period to Ijecome a branch of said inililic li])rarv and to receive books from it, in which e\'ent the school ]>oard ma\' turn over to the pu])lic librarv all books not needed for reference in the school, and may i^av to the librarv boa'-d the monev provided by the school district and by state aid. All books to be selected from the state list. Such agreement shall l)e approved bv sui)erintendent and i)ublic li])rarv board, who shall make rules. L=;o . -'■ ' ■ Mississippi — 1 MISSISSIPPI STATE LIBRARY Code. 1906 Sectiox 4717. Provides for tlie ai^pointment of a state librarian. Section 4718. Prescribes HI)rarv hours. Section 4719 to 4722 inclusive. Prescribe the duties of the librarian. Section 4723 to 4725 inclusive. Board of trustees. Section 4726. Provides for an assistant librarian. Section 4727. Specifies duties of the librarian as secretary of the board of trustees. Sections 4728 to 4732. Provides rules for the use of books. Section 4733. Method of ])urchasino- books. Section 4734. Contingent expenses. Section 4735. Sale of surplus copies. Section 4736. Inventory at the close of the term of librarian. COUNTY LIBRARY Code 1906 Section 4642. Acts and journals distributed: Provides that the acts and journals of each session of the legisla- ture shall be distributed to a lartje number of officers and institu- tions and aniono; them the sheriff of each county, for the county library. Section 4643. Provides for distribution of the acts of the legisla- ture. Section 4644. Provides in like manner for the distribution of depart- mental rei)orts and that a coi)y of each shall ffo to the sheriff of each county, for preservation in the countv library. Section 4645. Provides in the same way that a copy of each volume of the Mississiiipi reports shall a"o to the sheriff of each countv, for ri countv library. Section 4648. Provides that acts of Conofress and other books and papers distributed bv the secretary of state shall "o to the sheriff of each county for the county library. .Skction -1685. Countv librarian: Provides thai tlie sheriff shall be the custodian of the books belongf- ine to the countv and shall keep them in a suitable safe book-case in the courtdiouse, shall keep them well bound in leather or stiff boards 151 Mississippi — 2 with leather back and corners, shall be fined ten dollars by the court as for a contemi^t, for each volume belonging- to the county and which is passed into his custody, that shall be out of the court room at any term of court. He shall also receive and care for in the same way all books, maps, given to the library from any source, and shall not ])ermit any books to be carried out of the court house. Section 4686. Provides for the proj^er labeling- of the books. Section 505. Chancellor: A chancellor shall be appointed for each judicial district. Section 508. Duty of chancellor as to county library : The chancellor at each term of court shall examine the books in the county lil-irary, see that thev are jiroperly kept, and that the sherifif faithfully i:)erforms his duty as county liljrarian. He shall cause his findings in the premises to be entered on the minutes, noting- all books that have been added to the library and all liooks that may not be present. He shall imi)ose a fine as provided for each volume lie- longing to the county and which has passed into the custody of the sherift', that shall be out of the court-room at any term of court. He shall impose a fine on the sherift' for anv other violation of his duty as county librarian, not exceeding one hundred dollars. SCHOOL LIBRARIES Code. 1906 Section 4629. When any public free school in this state shall raise ten dollars by subscription or otherwise, for a librarv for such school, and shall furnish a suitable book-case with lock and key, the superintendent of education of the county where such subscrip- tion is raised may issue his certificate for ten dollars in favor of said school to be paid out of the common school fund of that county ; but in no case shall the amount given by the countv in any year exceed one hundred dollars; provided, that no school shall receive a second donation from the school fund for lilirary purposes so long as there are any new applications from schools that have not been supplied. (Verbatim) Section 4630. County library commission: The county superintendent of education shall name two first grade teachers, who, together with the county superintendent of educa- tion, shall constitute a county library commission, and it shall be the duty of this commission to make a list of books suited for school libraries, and all books purchased under this provision shall be selected from this list. It shall be the duty of this commission to make rules and regulations to govern and control the use of such libraries in tiie countv. and shall name a local manager for each 1.S2 Mississippi — 3 library, who shall make a report every year to the conntv commission of all books purchased during- the year, of the money on hand at the time of the report, together with the amount expended for lil)rary purposes. The county suiierintendent shall keep a list of books pur- chased by the several lil)raries of his county and make a library report to the state superintendent of education biennially with the county school report. (Verbatim) 153 Missouri — 1 MISSOURI STATE LIBRARY Revised Statutes, 1909, w 2 Section 8152. Sui)rcnie court tn appoint lil)rarian. His duties and salary. Section 1853. Duty of lil)rarian. Certain documents: Librarian sliall have custody of all property belonsin^- to the library. Secretary of stale shall deliver to the librarian certain documents enumerated. Section 8154. Librarv rooms: Miscellaneous and law library shall be kei)t in rooms set ajiart in the supreme court buildinL:-. Section 8155. Librarian shall fdl vacancies in series of acts, iour nals, etc. Section 8156. Approiiriation for state library. Section 8157. Purchase of l)ooks: Librarian shall purchase books for the law library, under the direc- tion of the judges of the sui)reme court. Section 8158. Provides an assistant and fixes compensation and duties. Section 8159. State audilor shall audit accounts of the library. Section 8160. Lilirarian to make catalog", and rejiort. Section 8161. Certain exiienses to be allowed librarian. Section 8162. Rules: Fixes the hours of ojicning the librarv, and rules for the issue of books. Skctio.x 8163. l'ro\'ides for securing the return of books loaned. Section 8164. Penalties for violation of rules. Section 8165. Liability of the librarian for books lost or destroyed. Sectio.v 8166. r.xchange of supreme court decisions. Section 8167. Care of the rooms. Section 8168. Terms of librarian and assistant. Si-:ction 8169. Court reports to be rei)laced. Section 8170. State librarian to exchange pul)lications with other states. LS5 Missouri— 2 LIBRARY OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Section 8177. Establishment: There shall be maintained in tlie capitol building^ a library to be known as the Library of the General Assembly of tlie State of Missouri. Section 8178. Contents: It shall contain statutes of Missouri, session acts, leo^islative jour- nals, and other documents, and such other books and documents as the library committee may deem appropriate. Section 8179. Bv whom controlled: Shall be under the control of the House and Senate durin,^ sessions of the General Assembly, and at other times under the charo^e of the secretary of the library commission. Section 8180. Librarians and their duties: One clerk from the House and one clerk from the Senate shall be designated as librarians, and shall, under the supervision of the secretary of the library commission, properly file and arrange the library. Section 8181. Legislative committee: A committee consisting of three representatives and three senators shall be appointed a special committee at the beginning of each ses- sion of the Legislature, to have superintending' control of the library. Section 8182. Librarian's duty during- recess: The secretary of the library commission, during recesses of the General Assembl}^ sliall keep the library in proper condition. Section 8183. Regulations: The library shall be for the exclusive use of the members of the General Assembly, and shall be conducted under rules and regula- tions prepared by the lilirary committee and adopted by joint action of the House and Senate. MISSOURI LIBRARY COMMISSION Section 8171. Appointment. Terms: The governor shall appoint three members who with the state super- intendent of schools and president of the State University, shall constitute the Missouri Library Commission. Members shall be appointed for si.x, four and two years, all subsequent appointments 156 Missouri — 3 shall be for six years, except appointments to fill vacancies or un- expired terms. Section 8172. Duties. Summer schools: Commission shall "ive ach-ice to all school, free and other public libraries and to communities proposino- to establish libraries, upon the establishment, maintenance of libraries, selection of books, cata- logino- and other details. It mav receive gifts for library puri)oses, may purchase and ojierate travelinjs: libraries and circulate such libraries within the state, among- communities, libraries, schools, library associations, studv clubs and institutions, free of cost ex- cept for transportation under proper rules and conditions. It may publish lists and circulars of information, may conduct summer schools for librarv instruction and clearing house for periodicals for free gift to local libraries. Section 8173. Officers. Expenses: Commission shall choose a president of their own number and a secretarv not of their own numb,er and mav emplov such other assist- ants as shall be reriuired. The secretarv shall keep a record of the proceeding's and of ils linancird transactions and shall act under the direction of the commission in supervising the work of traveling libraries and organizing new libraries. In addition to his salary he shall be allowed his actual necessary expenses. No member of the commission shall be compensated for his services, but accounts for the traveling expenses of members incidental to attending mect- in.gs or establishing libraries, when approved l)v the president and secretarv shall be paid. Section 8174. Lectures: Commission mav arrange courses of lectures in normal schools on library subjects, may cooperate with the state librarv board in de- visin.g plans for care of school district libraries and in aiding teachers and school librarv administration. Section 8175. Report: Commission shall report annually to the gfeneral assemblv when in session and when not to the governor. The report shall be pub- lished. Section 8176. Headquarters: rieadc|uarters of commission shall be in refferson City. CITY, VnJ..'\CF. AXn TOWXSIIIP LIBRARIES Si.cTiON 8187. Library fund: Upon tlu' petition of one hundred taxpaving voters in anv incor- ])orated city, asking that a lew of two mills on a dollar annuallv iS7 Missouri — 4 shall be levied for the maintenance of a free public library, and in cities of over one hundred thousand inhabitants, that a levy of not to exceed two-fifths of one mill annually shall be levied, the mayor and common council shall cause this to be voted on at an annual or special election, and upon a favorable vote the tax shall be levied and known as a "Librarv Fund," provided, such tax shall cease in case a niaiority of the le-^al voters so vote at an annual election. Section 8188. Directors: When an incorporated city shall have decided to establish and main- tain a public lil)rary and reading: room under this article, the mayor with the ai^proval of the legislative branch of the municipal g-ov- ernment, shall appoint nine directors, citizens at large; no member of the municipal government shall be a member of the board. Section 8189. Term of office: Said directors shall hold oflice, one-third for one year, one-third for two years, one-third for three years and their successors shall be appointed thereafter for three years. The mayor may, with the consent of the legislative ])ranch, remove any director for miscon- duct or neglect. Section 8190. A^acancies. No compensation. Relations not to be employed : Vacancies occurring by removal, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled in like manner as original ap])ointments. No director shall recei\-e compensation as such, no i'>erson shall be emploved by such board who is related either l)v Ijlnod or ])v marriage to any director of said board. Section 8191. Organization. Powers: Said directors shall organize by election of ofhcers, shall make by- laws and rules for their own guidance and the government of the library, shall have exclusive control of the expenditures of all moneys, construction of any library building, custody of grounds, rooms, and buildings, constructed or leased. All moneys received for such lil)rarv shall be deposited in the treasury of the city or village as a "Liln-ary Fund" and drawn upon bv the proper officers of said city or village, uixin the authenticated vouchers of the librarv board; such board shall have power to purchase or lease "rounds or buildings, power to appoint staff, fix compensation and remove, and such power as may be necessarv to carrv out the sitirii and intent of this article. Section 8192. Who mav use the li])rar\-: Such library and reading room shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants of the city where located, subiect to reasonaltle regu- lations. The board mav extend the jM-ivilege of such library to l)ersons residing outside of such cil\- upon such terms as they may l)rescribc. ]\TissouRi— 5 Section 8193. Report: Said l)oar(l of directors siiall report aniiually to the city council. Sectiox 8194. Penalties: City council may pass ordinances imposing: penalties for the injury of lil)rary property or failure to return lilirarv hooks. Section 8195. Donations: Any person desiring- to make donations for the hcnefit of such lil)rarv shall have the rig-ht to vest the title of such donations in the hoard of directors, who shall he considered special trustees. Section 8196. ^^llag■e or townshiji lilirarv: Gives the proper authorities in any villaoe or township, upon the petition of fifty legal voters, the right to estahlish a lihrary on the same conditions as those in section 8187. Section 8197. Directors: The directors of a vina"C or township lihrarv shall he elected at the next regular election after the vote to estahlish a lihrary. Sucli directors shall have the same terms of office and the same powers as those conferred ujion the du'ectors of free puhlic ]il)raries in cities. Section 8198. Use of lihrary hy county: County coiu"t in any countv wherein is an incorporated city con- taining a pul)lic lihrary, whenever petitioned hv one hundred or more taxpaying citizens of said citv and one hundred or more rax- paving citizens of said countv residing outside of said city for tlie use l)v the citizens of said countv residing outside of said city of said hhrarv, shall have the right to contract with tlic officers of said li1)rary for such use tliereof hv said citizens of said county residing outside of the citv and to ajipropriatc the moneys from the county revenues of said county tlierefor and continue such contract or renewals thereof, from vcar to vear. i)rovided that the annual amount so ai)proi)riate(l shall not exceed three i)er cent of the county revenues. Section 8199. Lihrarv huilding fund: \\'hcnever in any incorjiorated city which lias decided to estahlish a ])ul)lic lihrarv and reading" room, one hundred taxjjaving voters of such incorporated city shall petition the proper authorities asking an annual tax to he levied at an increased rate of taxation for the erection of a puhlic lihrary huilding. s])ecifying a rate not to exceed one and onedialf mills and not to be levied for more than five yeais and the hoard of directors of such lil)rarv shall deem it necessary that such lihrary huilding he erected, tlie proper authorities shall arrange to have it voted on at the next election, and if it receives two-thirds of the votes cast, such tax shall he levied and known as the "Lihrary Huilding I'^und" and i)laced under the control of the l.SO Missouri — 6 board. The fund thereby provided shall be in addition to the annual tax levied for the maintenance of the lil)rary. Section 8200. Plans and specifications: When it has been determined at such election to provide for the erection of a free public library buildin.a:. the library board shall have plans and specifications prepared, take bids thereon and let the contract therefor to the lowest and best responsil)le bidder, takins^ securities for the performance of his bid. Section 8201. Board may sell land: Whenever a board has acf|nired or shall acquire a lot and shall thereafter determine that it is not judicious to erect a building- on said lot, said board is empowered to sell or exchan.a:e and use the proceeds to acquire other property for the same purpose, provided sections 8199, 8200 and 8201 shall not apply to cities under ten thous- and inhabitants. LIBRARIES IN CITIES OF OVER THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND INHABITANTS Section 8202. Directors: When any city having;' over three hundred thousand inhabitants decides to establish a public library and reading- room, the mayor shall with the approval of the council appoint nine directors, chosen from citizens at large ; no member of the municipal government shall be a member of said board and not more than five of such directors shall be members of the same political party. Section 8203. Term of office: Said directors shall hold office one-third for one year, one-third for two years and one-third for three years ; their successors thereafter for three years. The mayor may, with consent of the council, re- move any director for misconduct or neglect. Section 8204. Vacancies: Vacancies in the board by removal, resignation or otherwise shall be filled in like manner as original appointments; no director shall receive any comiiensation as such. Section 8205. Organization. Powers: Said directors shall be known as board of directors of the public library; shall organize by the election of officers, shall adopt l)y- laws and rules for their own guidance and the government of the library, shall have exclusive control of expenditure of all moneys, .shall have custody of grounds and buildings, provided all moneys for such libraries shall constitute a "Library Fund" separate, and drawn upon by projier officers of the city upon authenticated vouch- ers of the library board. Board shall have power to inirchase, hold ir)0 Missouri — 7 or lease .e;TOunds, to lea.'^e huildin.s^s, to issue bonds secured 1)v deed of trust on any land of which they may be possessed, for the pur- pose of erecting- library buildin.gs and for no other purpose. All property shall vest in such board and be held by it in trust ; l^oard shall haye po\ver to ap])oint staff, fix compensation and to remoye, and shall carry out the spirit and intent of this article. Section 8206. Report : Board shall rejiort annually to the mayor. Sfxtion 8207. Penalties: Cities shall have power to pass ordinances imposino^ penalties for injury to library j^rounds or property and for failure to return any library book. L.\ws, 1909, p. 249 Section 253. Public library directors: Establishes public library, provides for board of nine directors a])- pointed by mayor; no person holdinc^ any other office in municipal g^overnment shall be a member; members shall serve without com- pensation. Section 254. Appropriation: Mayor and council shall annually appropriate out of the sfcneral revenue moneys for the jiroper maintenance and support of public libraries; ])royides sucii annual ajjprojiriation shall not be less Uian four-tenths of one mill of the assessed valuation. Section 255. Practically the same as 8203. Section 256. Same as 8204. Section 257. Same as 8205. Section 258. Practically the same as section 8192. Section 259. Practically the s.Miie as section 8193. Section 260. Treasurer of the library board shall be re(|uired to give bond. Section 261. Practically the same as section 8194. Section 262. Practically the same as section 8195. SCHOOL DISTRICT LIRRARIES Laws of Missouri, 1909, Art. 3. i-. 838 Section 26. Board of directors of any such city school district shall have power to establish and maintain a public lil)rary and reading room for the use of the school district and to ai)pro])riate such sums Missouri — 8 as the board may deem propL-r for sui)port of said library and read- ing room. Laws of Missouri, 1911, p. 413 Section 1. Auditoriums in libraries: Gives school boards the right to erect and maintain and to let out for compensation an auditorium or public hall in connection with a public library, art gallery or museum and the proceeds thereof to be applied for the purchase of books for the public library. Laws of ALssguri, 1913, p. 720, s. b. 54 Amends Section 10,871 of Revised Statutes of 1909, concerning duties and powers of boards of education, by giving them power to establish separate libraries, parks and play grounds for the use of white and colored persons. SCHOOL LIBRARIES Revised Statutes, 1909, Voi.. 2 Sectiox 8184. State library board: Provides for the creation of a school library board of five members, four appointed by the state board of education for four years and the state superintendent of schools, exofficio. Section 8185. Lists of books: Shall select lists of bonks for pul)lic school libraries and mav make contracts with publishers. The stale superintendent of public schools shall publish and distribute a classified list of selected books. Section 8186. Book fund: District school boards shall set aside for the purpose of purchasing for school libraries, suiiplemcntary and revised books, not less than five or more than twenty cents per pupil enumerated in the district each year, which shall be spent in purchasing books from the lists selected; provided that when one hundred selected bonks have been purchased, other books may lie purchased. 162 MONTANA Montana — 1 STATE LIBRARY Rexised Coue, 1907 Section 1207. \Miat constitutes library: Books, pamphlets, pajiers, etc., belonsin": to the state and in the Montana library, and all that may be added thereto, constitute the state library of Montana. Section 1208. Under control of trustees. Two departments : State library consists of two separate departments: (1) Law library; (2) Historical and miscellaneous library; the former under the control of five trustees, of which the chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court shall be ex-officio members, the sec- retary of state and state auditor, the chief justice president and the secretary of state secretary; the latter (lilM-ary) shall be under the control of five trustees appointed by the governor with the con- sent of the senate. The members of both boards shall serve without compensation, and the terms of those not serving- ex-ofticio shall l)e for two years. Section 1209. Powers and duties of boards: The powers and duties of said boards are as follows: ( 1 ) to make rules for their own government and for the government of the libraries; (2) to provide suitable rooms and eriuipment; (3) to appf)int their respectiv'e librarians and ])rcscribe their duties; (4) to sell or exchange duplicate books and i)ay the money into the library fund of the de])artment to which it belongs; (5) to see that the property is in ord-r and repair; (6) to draw from the state treasury monies belonging: to the funds of their resi)ecti\e (lei)art ments; (7) tn report to the governor bienniallv. Section 1210. Librarian: Liljrarian holds his oflke for two years unless sooner removed \)\ a majority vote of the trustees. Section 1211. Duties of librarian nf each departnu'iil : ( 1 ) to be in attendance during office hf>urs; (2) under direction of trustees to make all purchases for the library; ( ?>) to number and stamp all books and catalog them; (4) to attend to the binding of all books; (5) to keep a register of all property; (6) to keep a regis- ter of all I)ooks taken from the library; (7) to provide for the ex- change of books and other publications. Section 1212. Use of books: Permits the use of the lil)rar\- for reading by all persons; provides special conditions uufler which bo >ks may be withdrawn b\- state officials, members of the legislature, and others. 163 Montana — 2 Section 1213. Provides for the return of books withdrawn under the conditions in section 1212. Section 1214. I'rovides penalties for failure to return books. Section 1215. Provides penalties for injury to books. Section 1216. Library funds: The fund of the law library department consists of twenty percent of all fees collected by the clerk of the supreme court, and any ap- propriations made bv the le,a:islature. The fund of the historical and miscellaneous department consists of the receipts from the sales of any of its publications, and any appropriations made bv tiie legisla- ture. Section 1217. Provides hours of opening. Section 1218. Provides salary for the librarian. Section 1219. Requires a bond from the lil^rarian. Section 1220. Historical department : Provides additional duties for the librarian of this department, as follows : ( 1 ) to procure by purchase, exchang-e or donation, books on pioneer history of Montana; (2) to procure specimens of metals, minerals, flora, fauna and antiquities of the state; (3) to procure copies of all newspapers in the state, and also of mag^azines. pam- phlets; (4) publish each year a volume of transactions and contribu- tions. Section 1221. Provides for payment (if expenses for freight, etc. Section 1222. Provides for payment of other expenses. Section 1223. Provides for the transfer of the library of the histori- cal society of Montana to the state library. Section 1224. Provides that this shall be under the control of a board of five trustees. Section 1225. Provides for rules. Section 1226. Transfer of books: Books, papers, etc., belonging to the state, now in the miscellaneous division of the Montana library, shall form part of the library of the historical society. Section 1227. Provides two assistants to the librarian of the his- torical department. Section 1228. Provides tliat the law lilirarian shall index the session laws. Section 1229. Provides that the secretary of state shall provide copies to be used in preparing such indexes. 164 Montana — 3 Section 1230. Provides assistants for the law lil)rarian in preparins^ such indexes. STATE CIRCULATING LIBRARIES Section 1231. Lihraries hereby created shall he known as the state circulating" libraries of the state of Montana. Section 1232. ?^Iakes ai)pro])riations for this puri)ose. Section 1233. Control : Said libraries shall be under the citntrol of a l)oard composed of the superintendent of ]niblic instruction, the attorney general and state auditor. Section 1234. Provides for the purchase of books. Sectio.n 1235. Composition oi libraries: Board shall divide said books into libraries of one liundred books each. Section 1236. Board shall make rules for tlic circulation, care and preservation of said libraries. Section 1237. Use of libraries: Any community, village, town or city mav have the use of one of said libraries for a period not to exceed six months, upon giving securitv and paving necessary expenses for freight, etc. COUNTY LIBRARIES Laws, 1015, Chai'ikr 45 An act for the establishment and maintenance of countv free libraries. Section 1. Establishment: Upon the petition of not less than twenty per cent of the voters of a county, at least one-half of whom reside out of the countv seat, a notice shall be filed with the county commissioners requesting the establishment of a county free library. Commissioners mav by resolution establish at the county seat a countv free librarv. At least once a week for four successive weeks, prior to taking such action the commissioners shall publish in a newsi)ai)er of general circulation in such county, notice of such contemi)lated action, giv- ing date and ])lace of a meeting for ;i jmblic hearing. Section 2. Citv or town mav withdraw: After the establishment of a countv free librarv the legislative bodv of any citv or town in the countv mav withdraw bv nolifving the county commission that such citv or town no longer desires to be part of the county free library system. Thereafter the residents of the city or town shall cease to participate in the benefits of such free 165 Montana — f library and the property shall not be liable to taxation for county free library purposes ; provided that the leo"islative body of such citv or town shall r>ive notice by puljlication in some ne\vspai:)er of gen- eral circulation in the city for four successive weeks. Section 3. Librarian, appointment, qualifications: I'pon the establishment of the cnuntv free librarv. the countv com- missioners ma}' ap])oint a covmty librarian, who ma^' be removed for or without cause. Any person, a .gi'raduate of a librarv school or having- one year's practical experience in lil)rarv work, shall be eligible to the office of county librarian. Section 4. Library under supervision of cnuntv commissioners : County library shall be under the supervision of countv commis- sioners who shall have power to make rules, to establish Ijranches and stations throughout the countv, to decide upon the number and kind of employees, and appoint and dismiss such employees. All employees whose duties require special training shall be graded by the county librarian before appointment in the g^raded service. Can- didates must pass examinations appropriate for the position sought and satisfactory to the librarian and commissioners, and show satis- factory experience in library work; provided the countv librarian may also accept apprentices without compensation. Section 5. Duties of countv librarian : Prescribes the duties of the countv librarian in detail. Section 6. Lil)rary fund. Donations: County commissioners may annually levy special tax not to exceed one mill on the dollar upon all property in such county. Bonds ma)' l)e issued for the erection and equipment of covmty free library buildings and purchase of land therefor. County commissioners are authorized to receive donations : monies received shall constitute a separate fund. Payments shall be authorized and aiipro\-ed by the county librarian and acted upon in the same manner as other claims against the county. Section 7. School libraries: Provides for taking over school lil)raries already in existence. Section 8. School district libraries: Provides for making school district libraries branches of the county library. Section 9. School district library funds: Provides for turning over the funds of school district libraries to the county free lil)rary fund. Section 10. Disestal)lishment: Provides for the disestablishment of the county free library in the same manner as its establishment. 166 Montana — 5 Section 11. Provides for city library becominaf county library: County coniniissioners may contract with tlie authorities of any free public library in any city or town in the county to become the county free lil^rary and mav pav them for the service from the county library fund. Such arranq-emcnt ma\- lie terminated In' cither party on six months" notice. Section 12. Pavments: Provides form of i)avment of bills. PUBLIC LTBRARTES Reviseo Code, 1007 Section 3219. Trustees: Trustees of any imblic library created or existing in a citv or town mvist be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the council. The number of such trustees and their duties must lie prescribed by ordinance. Section 3488. Council may establish library: Council has power to establish and maintain a free public library and may provide by ordinance for a tax as follows: .\ny city having" an assessed valuation of one million dollars or more, a tax not ex- ceeding- two mills on the dollar; a city having an assessed valuation of less than one million and more than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, a tax not exceeding two and one-half mills; in a city having an assessed valuation of less than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, a tax not exceeding three mills: the tax so levied to be known as "Library l-'und." Xo increase in the present authorized le\y shall be made except by a vote of ta\'])ayers. SiccTioN 3489. Levy: Prescribes form of vote for election on levy. Section 3490. Kstablishment : The f|uestion of the estal)lisliment ot' a blirary may be submitted at an annual or si)ccial election and must he submitted at such election on the petition of one hundred or more inhabitants. If the majority of the votes cast at such election is in favor, then such a library must be established. Laws, 1915, Cii.\i'ti:i^ 114 Amends Section 3219 by giving trustees of the library complete control of the funds ))royide(l for in Section 3488. SCHOOL LIBRARIES Revised Code, 1907, Aut. 23 Section 1030. Lilirarv funR Xeisraska — 1 NEBRASKA STATE LIBRARY Re\-iskd Statutks, 1913 Section Z777 . \\'li;U shall constitute: All hooks, ])anii)hlets, etc., now belonging- to the state or which shail be acquired hereafter shall constitute the state library. Skctigx 3778. Divisions: There shall be two divisions in the state Ii1)rarv, hrst miscellaneous books, etc.. known as the "Miscellaneous Division," second, law books and rejOTrts. which shall be known as the "Law Division." Note: This provision is obsolete. Sectiox Z~7'''>. Directors: The jud^-es of the supreme court shall constitute the hoard of direc- tors of the state library; shall have ])(nver to make rules, prescribe penalties, etc. Sections 3780 to 3782 and Section 3785 to 3788. Use of liljrary: Prescribe rules for the or.iianizalion and use of the library. Section 3783. Librarian shall rci)orl annualK- to the ff'^vernor. Section 3784. Provides ai)pro]iriation. Section 3789 to 3791. State publications: Provide for the distribution, exchanL;'c and deposit of publications. LAW Lir.RAin' Section 3805. Law Library: The county board in counties haviiT^- mor- than 150,000 i)oi)nlation may provide a law library for the use of llie iudg'es, other county olVicers, and oilier jiersons designated. STATF, l.ll'.KAKV COMMISSION .Section 380^). Library commission: (iovernor shall ai)i)oint one i)erson for a term of five years who, with the stale librarian, superintendent of public instruction, the chancellor and librarian of the L'niversitv of Nebraska, shall con stitute the Nebraska public library commission. Members shall serve witbotu i)a\', but shall he allowed actual expenses: shall eleci a chairman from its number and a secretary who may be chosen outside of its number, secretary shall kee]) records of proceedings and an account of its financial tran-aclions, and shall have char|L;"e of its work in orq^anizin^' new libraries and other yeneral adminis- 169 Nebraska — 2 trative duties. Secretary shall in addition to suitable salary, be al- lowed travelino- expenses. Section 3807. Privileg-es: Any library comninnity, local organization or body of citizens or- ganized for library purposes, shall upon complyino- with the rules prescribed by this commission be entitled to the privileges of this article. Section 3808. Books loaned to reading circles: An}' books or other property of the commission may be loaned to any library, college, university extension center, Chautauqua circle, literary society, study club or otherwise, approved by the com- mission under such rules for safe keeling:, care and handling as may be fixed b}' the commission. The expenses of transportation shall be paid by borrowers. Section 3809. Reports from libraries: The commission shall each year obtain from all libraries in the state reports showing their condition and growth, with other facts and statistics, as may be deemed of interest. Section 3810. Advice to libraries: The commission shall when asked, give advice and instruction to all libraries or individuals and to communities who may propose to establish libraries, as to the best means of org-anizing and adminis- tering such libraries, selecting and cataloging books and other duties of library management. The commission shall so far as possible promote and assist, by counsel and encouragement, libraries where none exist and may send at its own expense memljers or officers to aid in organizing new libraries or improving those already estab- lished. Section 3811. Purchases. Report: The commission shall purchase books and equiijuient for use in lend- ing its traveling libraries, shall keep a complete record of libraries to which books are sent and shall make a biennial report to the governor. Section 3812. Offices for the commission: Offices shall be provided at the University of Nebraska or the state capitol building. Section 3813. Payments: Payments may l)e made on an order signed bv the secretary and chairman ; upon such order being presented, the state auditor shall draw a warrant from the state treasurer for the amount thereof, not exceeding the anidunt of the aiii^ropriation. 170 Nebraska — 3 rrr.TJCT.ir.R ARIES Sectiox 3792. Establishmenl. Taxes: The council of any city, the trustees of anv incorporated village, the county board of any county and the electors of any township, at their annual town meeting- shall have the power to establish a public library free, for the use of the inhabitants of such division, or to contract for the use of a public library already esta!)lished, and may levy a lax not more than three mills on the dollar annually, proceeds to be known as the "Librar\' Fund" ; provided that when a county board shall levy for a county library, it shall omit from the levy all property within the limits of any subdivision which already main- tains a library by public tax, and provides further, that before the establishmenl of a county library, a maiority of the voters votiny thereon, at a Livneral election, shall ha\'e authorized its establish- ment. Skctio.x 3793. Directors: When a city, council or villasfe board shall decide to establish a librar}-, they shall elect a library board of nine members, citizens at large ; neither the mayor nor any member of the council or board may be a member. Directors shall be first elected, three for one year, three for two vcars and three for three years, and thereafter for three years. Vacancies or unexpired terms shall be filled in the same way. Xo director shall receive anv compensation. Directors shall give such lionds as may be required. Si-;i'Tiox 3794. Directors of a county or townshi]): When a ci>unl\- I)f)ard or tlie electors of a township haye decided to establish a i)ublic library, the county board or township board shnll a])i)oint a library board of five members, no member of which shall be a member of the county or township boards, one for a term of one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years and one for five years, and thereafter their successors shall be ap- pointed for fiye years. .\o director shall receive anv compensation and directors .shall give such bond as re(|uired. Section 3795. Directors. Powers and duties: Directors shall organize by electing officers, shall have power to make by-laws and regulatifms, shall ha\e exclusive control of ex- j)enditin"cs and all library l)nil(lings and proi)erl\-. may contract with counties, townships, cities, \-illages or school districts, for the U'-c of the library. .Sk( riox 3796. Inmds: .\11 funds received for tlir sui)pon of ihc lihrarv shall be kepi a> sei)arate funds and shall be drawn ui)on I)\- xduclicrs signed 1)\- the president and secretary of the board. 171 Nebraska — 4 Section 3797. Board. Powers: Library boards shall have power to purchase or lease .2:roiinds, erect or lease buildins;s, appoint staff, fix their compensation and remove such appointees; shall have power to make reg^ulations, to fix pen- alties and forfeitures and shall exercise such powers as mav be necessar}' to carr}' out the spirit and intent of this article. Section 3798. Lihrarv j-hall be free: .Such libraries and readinof rooms shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants of the city, village, county or township, subject to reasonable req-ulations. Section 3799. Annual report: The library board shall report annually to the citv council or the villag'e, county, or township board. Section 3800. Penalties: Penalties imposed or accruinsf bv anv bv-law or res^ulation mav be recovered in a civil action instituted in the name of the library board before anv ma.t^istrate or court having; jurisdiction. Section 3801. Donations: Any person may make a donation for the benefit of the inililic library and the title of such donation shall vest in the library board, who shall become the owners thereof in trust. Section 3802. School districts: Any school district may at its discretion authorize the school board to contract the use of a public lihrarv for the inhabitants of such district. Section 3803. E.xemptions: The property of any public lihrarv shall be exempt from execution and shall also be exempt from taxation, as is other public property. Section 3804. Deposits: The library board shall have power to authorize anv circulating lil)rarv. or other reading matter or work of art, to be (U-positcd in the public lihrarv rooms, to be drawn or used out of the rooiiis on!v on the payment of a fee. Deposits mav be removed bv the owner at pleasure, such deposits shall hi' sul)icct to use and reading within the rooms without char<2e. EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PUND Section 3814. Creation: In everv pnl;lic lihrarv in a city of the metropolitan class, there mav be created an emplovees' retirement fund, which shall be under the control of the citv council. Such retirement fund shall be created first bv an assessment of not more than one and one-half per cent 172 Nebraska — 5 of each installment of salary paid to an employee re.srularlv employed in such lihrary; second hy setting- aside from the g'eneral fund of such lihrary or other funds under ihe control of such lihrary an amount not more than one and one-half times the amount of such salary assessment and not less than the amount necessary to meet the accrued payments herein j^rovided for; third, by receipt of gift or bequests, proyided, howeyer, if at any time the retirement fund shall in the judg'ment of the council become sufficiently larg^e to meet all probable demands, then in that eyent the council may susjiend temporarily, the salary assessment. Note: City of metropolitan class defined, l)y Section 4067 of 1913 Statutes, as one \yith ]xipulalion of one hundred thousand or more. Section 3815. Disbursement: Such retirement fund or as much thereof as may be necessary, shall be disbursed in the manner hereinafter set forth. Any suri)lus of such fund may be inyesled by the council in any of the followinq; securities: bonds of the county, of the city, state of Nebraska or the United States. .Section 3816. Beneficiaries: Any employee haying- seryed thirty-live years mav be retired by city council, any em])loyee haying seryed forty years shall l)e retired, such em])loyee provided that at least twenty years of such service shall have been in the pul)lic library of such city shall be entitled to receive thereafter for life, four hundred and twenty dollars per an- num in e(|ual monthly pavments. Sec riox 3817. Retirement for disability: Any employee having served twenty or more years may l)e retired on account of disability, i)hysical or otherwise. Any employee so retired, i)rovided at least twenty years of accredited service shall have l)een in the public library of such city, shall be entitled to re- ceive annually, ])ayments to an amount which shall bear the same relation to four hundred and tv.'entv dollars as the length of actual service does to thirty-five years. Such emi)lovee if the disabilitv should cease, may be reinstated and any right to pavments shall cease with such reinstatement. The period of such temporary re- tirement may be included in the reckoning of the time for final retirement, but shall not be included in arriving at the amount such employee shall receive. Section- 3818. Exemptions: No heirs, legatees, creditors, or assigns shall be entitled to money from such fund and it shall be exemi)t from attachment, garnish- ment, or execution. Section 3819. Discharge. Forfeiture: Nothing in tliis article shall i)revenl the disch;irge of an\ cnii.loxre 173 Nebraska- — 6 at the discretion of the city council; such discharge for other causes than disabihty or length of service shall forfeit any right to benefii from this fund. Section 3820. "Employee" construed: In contruing- this article the word "employee" shall include the salaried employees, ofificial or otherwise. Section 3821. Fund: Council shall keei) such fund as a separate fund and disburse or in vest same in accordance with the terms of this article. Section 3822. Rules and reg'ulations : The council shall have i)ower to adopt rules and regulations for carrying" out the provisions of this article not in conflict therewith. 174 .\k\ AUA 1 NEVADA STATE LIP.RAR^■ Reviski) Laws. 1912 Section 3946. Books and documents in library: All books, maps and cliarts belonging to or wliich may hereafter come into the possession of the state, or which may be received in their official capacity by any state officer, or received from foreign nations, or donated by any person or corporation, shall be placed in the state library and carefully preserved by the librarian. Section 3947. Librarian : The secretary of state shall be exofficio state lil)rarian, take charq'e of the library and all papers, and other proiiertv, be responsible for the safe keepino- of all the proj^erty of the state library, shall keep a catalog- of books for reference, and shall report annually on the concHtion of the lil)rary. Section 3948 to 3951. Provide rules for the use of the library and penalties f(ir violation of rules. Section 3^)52. Eces paid to lil)rarv: Provides that all fees for issuini^- commissions for state offices, shall .2^0 into the library fund ui) to the amount of five thousand dollars. Section 3953. Eces from attorneys: Provides that no person shall be admitted to practice as attornc\ or counselor-at-law, until he has contributed to the librarv fund, ten dollars. Note: Section 3947 making- the secretary of state exofficio stale lilirarian was passed in l(Sf)5. In 1893 the following: sections 3954 to 3*)59, making- the lieutenant .governor exofficio state librarian and prescribing- duties, were passed. Sec Tiox 3'^54. Prescrilies office hours. Skc rioN 3^)55. Register of books, safe keeping of proi)erty. Section 3956. Method of i)urchasing- books and paving expenses. Section 3957. Rcjiort : Librarian to rciiort annu.nllv. Section 3958. Bond: Lieutenant governor shall gi\e bund as exofficio stale librarian for one lliouNand dollars. Section 3959. Receipt: Lieutenant governor as exoflicio stale librarian shall give receipt to the justice of the supreme court for books and property. 175 Ne\'ada — 2 Note: In 1893 the follovvins,' section was passed making- the secre- tary of state, exofficio state hhrarian. Section 4110. Chang-e in hbrarianship: Secretary of state shall be exofhcio clerk of the supreme court and exofficio state librarian * * * Seitiox 3960. State librarian authorized to api^oint an assistant hbrarian wlio shall perforin the duties of librarian at the state liljrary. Section 3961. Librarian authorized to sell duplicates. Section 3962. Provides janitor and en.s^ineer for the state library building'. Statutes of Nevada. 1915. Page 310, Chapter 202 Section 2. Librarv commission. Duties: State library shall be under the control of a state library commis- sion, consisting' of the chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court. The commission shall appoint a state librarian, who shall hold office at the pleasure of the commission. Librarian shall qualifv and give bond. State librarian shall a])point an assistant, and shall l)e responsible for the safe-keeping of all propertv of the state library. Connnission shall adopt rules and regulations. PUBLIC LIBRARIES Revi.sed Laws, 1912 Section 3227. Establishment on petition : Whenever in any county a petition or petitions for the establish- ment of a free public library certified by the judge of any judicial district as being signed by a majority of the taxpayers or by tax- payers representing a majority of the taxable property in any city, unincorporated town or school district shall be presented to the board of county commissioners of the county in which said city, unincorporated town or school district is situated, accompanied by an affidavit of one or more signers thereof that signatures are genu- ine, such board of county commissioners shall within ten days levy a tax upon all taxable property of said city, town or district, not less than five or more than ten cents on each one hundred dollars Aaluation for the purpose of creating a fund to be known as the "Library Fund." Each year thereafter said board of countv com- missioners shall levy a tax for said purpose of not more than ten cents on each one hundred dollars valuation. Section 3228. Ajipoinlment of trustees: State board of education of Nevada whenever notified of a petition presented as provided in Section 3227. shall apjioint three residents \7C^ Ne\'ada — 3 of such city, town or district as library trustees, who shall hold office for a period of one, two and three years respectively, and said state board of education shall annually thereafter appoint one library trustee who shall hold oflice for three years. All vacancies which may occur shall be lilled by the state board of education. Trustees shall serve without compensation and shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified. Sfx'tion 3229. Powers of trustees: Said trustees shall have power to and shall establish and maintain a library and reading- room, make purchases and secure rooms, em- ploy assistants, appoint officers, establish by-laws and re.s^ulations and manage affairs of said library. They and their successors shall hold the ])roperty and effects of said library in trust and may as library trustees acquire and hold real estate and personal property, and administer any trust declared or created and may prosecute, maintain or defend an}' action in reference to the property or affairs of said lil)rary. SF.rnox 3230. Manner of paying claims: All claims for indebtedness incurred by said librarv trustees shall be audited by a majority of said trustees and presented and acted ujion by the board of county commissioners and paid out of said library fund; no indebtedness in excess of the amount of mone\- to be realized in any year from saitl lew, shall be incurred bv said trustees or allowed by the countv commissioners and in no case shall anv claim exce])t for library i)ur])oses, be paid out of said fund. Section 3231. Library free: Said library shall be forever free and accessible to the peo])le of such city, town or district, subject to such reasonable rules as the trustees may adopt. IX CITIRS AND TOWN'S Section 7'M. Powers of council: Said council shall have the following powers * * * 61. To eslalilish, maintain and regulate free public libraries and reading rooms as are, or may be provided by law and perpetuate free such libraries and reading rooms as mav have been heretofore established in such cities. TX SriTOOP DT.STRTCTS Section 3303. District school libraries' fund: The superintendent of public instruction shall each vear set apart a sum of not less than three dollars or more than five dollars for each teacher to which the district is entitled, calcul;iting one teacher for ever\' seventy-five census children or fraction thereof, .and a frnMher 177 Nevada — 4 sum of not less than five cents or more than ten cents for each census child as shown by the last school census. The sums thus appropri- ated shall constitute the district school library fund. Section 3394. Amount of fund: The amount of money to be set apart within the limits thus provided shall be determined by the superintendent of public instruction. Section 3395. b^x])enditures: Monies herein designated shall be expended for the purchase of books, approved by the superintendent of public instruction for the public school libraries of each district and for no other purpose. Section 3396. Expenditure: The school trustees of each district are authorized and directed to purchase books for public school libraries in accordance with the provisions of this act. Section 3397. Rules for libraries: Superintendent of public instruction shall make rules and regula- tions. 178 Xi:\v I Ia.mi'siiiki-: — i xi-:w ii.\.mi"SI1irp: STA'I'F, I.I!'.R.\R\- Pri'.i.if Stati-tks, 1')00, Cuai-tkr 8 Section 1. State lil)rarv: State library sliall he maintained in a place provided for it lor the use of the officials of the state and such other persons as the trustees may determine and sliall lie kept open every day except Sundays and holidays. Section 2. Trustees: State library shall l)e unilcr the nianai^ement of three trustees who shall serve witliout comijensation. Section 3. .\])i)()intnient: Trustees shall ha appointed and may he removed by the i^overnor at the advice of the cotincil. One trustee shall be ai)pointed annu- allv and shall hold office for three years, unless removed. Section 4. Duties: Trustees shall l)uy books, periodicals, etc., make necessary rules, appoint librarian and fix compensation and define duties. Sections. Hooks: Shall procure for the library, statutes, law rci)orts, etc.. and miscel laneous books, excei^t fiction. Note: Later this was amended to permit the i)urchase of fiction relating to Xew Hampshire and amended to authorize competitive bids for liooks. 'llirce other amendments relating- to building' up the library were made. Sections Ci-*-'. Provide for exchanges and for the i)rinting of pam])hlets. Section 10. I'mxidcs that library shall lie examined at least twice each year. Sections 11 1.^. Prescribe the duties of the state librarian. Sections P)-105, p. 273). (V'erbatim) Section 66. Adoption of act: Provides that the governing' body of any such niuiiiciitalilv shall observe the provisions of this act, when the same shall be voted by a majority of the legal voters at any election, general or special; pre- scribes the form of holding such election; i)rovides that an adverse vole shall not preclude the holding of another election to vole for or against the adoption of the provisions of this act. (P. T-. 1905, jiag'c 273). Section 67. Tax levy: If a majoritv of the votes are favorable, it shall be the duty of the 189 New Jersey — 8 governing- l)ody to appropriate and raise by taxation a sum equal to one-third of a mill on the dollar. (P. L. 1905, page 274). Section 68. Additional tax levy : It shall be lawful to raise in addition to the sum required by section 3 a sum not exceeding one-sixth of a mill. ( P. L. 1905, page 274;. Section 69. Trustees: The board of trustees of such free public library shall consist of the mayor or chairman of the governing body of such municipality, the superintendent of instruction or, if no such ofificer, the president of the board of education, ex-ofhcio, and five citizens appointed by the mayor or the chairman of the governing body for one, two, three, four and five years resj^ectively, and thereafter for five years. Va- cancies shall be filled in the same manner. (P. L. 1905, page 275). Section 70. Powers, organization, etc. : Trustees shall have the powers of a corporate body; shall organize by electing ofiicers; shall file a certificate at the office of the secretary of the state; shall hold in trust and manage all property of the library ; may rent or construct liuildings, purchase books and other reading matter, em])loy staff and l\x salaries ; shall make rules, and do all things necessary and proper for such library. ( P. L. 1905, page 275). Section 71. Compensation: Such trustees shall receive no compensation and shall not incur anv ex])ense nor incur any obligations to an amount in excess of the library appropriations and of its funds on hands. (P. L. 1905, page 276). Sectio.n 72. Report: Trustees shall rejwrt annuallv to the governing body of such muni- cipality. (P. L. 1905, page 276). Section 73. Devises, etc. : Said board of trustees may receive, hold and manage any devise, be- quest or donation heretofore made or hereafter to be made and given for the establishment, increase or maintenance of a free public library within its municii)Mlilv. ( P. L. 1905, p. 276). (Verbatim) Section 74. Transfer of Ijooks: Any public board or pul)lic deijartment of the government may trans- fer any books in its possession to such imblic librarv. Section 75. Funds for buildings: Provides that when in the judgment of tiie trustees it becomes advis- able to purchase land or tn erect buildings, or both, the board ot 190 Nkw Jersey — trustees shall certify to tlic council the amount necessary for such purpose in adchtion to the amount necessary for current mainte- nance; and the common council may, hv resolution ai)i)roved by the mayor, authorize the trustees to ex])end svich sums of money. Pro- vided that no land shall he i)urchased without the concurrence of the common council anti the ap])ro\'al of the mayor. Title to such real estate shall be in the name of the citv, but its use and control in the board of trustees so long' as used for free i:)ublic lilirar}^ pur- poses. (P. L. l')03, page 277). Section 76. Accjuisition of lands: Gives the board of trustees the ri^-ht to acc|uire land in the manner approved by the general laws for the condemnation and taking' of lands for public uses. (P. L. 1905, i)a.a:e 278). Section 77. E(|uippin,g libraries: Any city which shall ac(|uire land and erect building's thereon for a free public library, in accordance with law, may make additional appropriation for equipment in the following' manner : The trustees shall certify to the council the amount necessary for equipping', furnishing and decoratin.g such building'; and the council, with the a]iproval of the mayor, mav authorize such expenditure. fP.L. 1905, page 279) Section 7?^. P)onds. Amount. Interest. Redemption: Any city having accejited the i^rovisions of this act shall have power to create and issue bonds for the acquiring of lands, the erection and improvement of buildings, the equipment, furnishing' and decorating of library building's. Such bonds shall bear interest not exceeding five per cent, to be sold at not less than par, to make such provision for payment as the common council shall determine. City shall mak^ provision by general taxation for their payment. In case the powers of such city to issue bonds are limited bv law to a fixed percentage of the assessed value of its taxable property, such citv shall have l)ower to issue bonds as set forth above, to the extent of one-half of one ])ercentum of the assessed value of its taxable projjerty in ex- cess of su( h limit. Section 7''. Library building^s in bnroughs. towns, townships and yillag'es : When an\- indi\idual or cor])oration has offered or hereafter m.iv offer to the trustees of [he free i)nlilic library of anv boroug'h, town, townshi]) or village in this state which shall hereafter accept the i)ro- yisions of this act or has heretofore established a free i)ublic library ])ursuant to law , or has offered or hereafter may offer to the council or other governing body of anv such municipality, to i)royide or erect a building to be used as a free i)ublic librar\- uiion condition that such municii);ility, or 'lu' trustees of the free jjublic lil)rarv therein, 191 New Je:rsey — 10 or the council or g'overninc; body thereof, provide a site for such a building', it shall be lawful for the council or other governino- bodv of any such municipality, by resolution adoi^ted by the votes of a majority of all the members thereof, to appropriate for the purpose of purchasino- a suital)le site ujwn which to erect such library build- ing', a sum of money not exceeding' three-fourths of one mill on every dollar of assessable property returned by the assessor of such muni- cii)ality in his last preceding levy for the jjurpose of annual taxation therein ; and thereupon the board of trustees of the free public lilirarv in such municipality shall be vested with sufficient power and author- ity to purchase land for said purpose and to si)end moneys therefor not exceeding the amount of such api^roi^riation : provided, how- ever, that the title to lands so purchased shall be taken in the cor- porate name of the municii^ality, but the use and control of the same and of the building to be erected thereon shall be in such board of trustees of the free public library so long as the same shall be used for free public library purposes. Section 80. Bond issue for site: To defray the expense of such purchases, the governing body of such municipality is authorized to sell bonds not exceeding the amount of such appropriation, to be payable in not more than ten years, and to bear not more than five percent interest payable semi-annually. These shall not be sold for less than their par value. (P. L. 1905, page 281) Section 81. Taxation: An annual levy shall be made, sufficient to pay the interest and re- deem the bonds at maturity. (P. L. 1905, page 281). Section 82. Library for two municipalities, etc. : At an annual election of any borough, town, township or villa.ge not having a ])ul)lic library, the voters may, by a majority vote, authorize the governing body to unite with an adjoining borough, to\\-nship or city of the second or third class, in the maintenance of a public lilirary; the iMMvileges of said library to be on equal terms to the residents of l)olh municipalities. (P. L. 1905, page 281). Section 83. Tax levy: When, at such election, the majority of the voters of such municipal- ity authorize such union, the governing bodv thereof shall levy a tax of not less than one-third of a mill ui)on the dollar, but not more than a thousand dollars ($1,000) annually, for the support of sucli union library. (P. L. 1905, page 282). (Verbatim). Section 84. Trustees: The head officer of such municipality shall be ex-ofificio a trustee of such union library; and the governing body thereof may desig- 192 New Jersey — 1 1 nate two other voters, residents of such municipality, as joint trus- tees of said union Hhrarv; and these trustees shall be a part of the board of trustees of the library of said participatins: borough, town- ship, or city of the second or third class. ( P. L. 1905, pa.^e 282 ) . Section 85. Union of trustees : The governinj^ body of such boroug'h, township or city, receiving" a proposal for union with an adioining municipalitv, is authorized to accept such proposal and to admit the trustees aforesaid to its own board of trustees; and jointly these trustees shall have full control of said library. Section 86. Tax for building: When a joint board of trustees shall deem it advisable to purchase lands or erect buildings, or both, for the purpose of a free public library, said trustees shall certify the proportion of money for such purposes, based upon the assessments, of each municipalitv, to the g'overning bodies thereof; and such g'overning bodies shall submit the question of an appropriation at the next annual election; if ap- proved by the majority vote thereof, the money may be raised by tax or bonds ; in case bonds are issued, the procedure shall conform to section 80 of this act. Conditional Gifts for Library Purposes Section 87. In any city, borough, town, township or village in which there is now or hereafter may be a free public library established pursuant to law, the board of aldermen, common council or other governing body shall have power by resolution to accept gifts or bequests for the purpose of building a library building in any sucli municipalitv which may be made on condition that a sum not exceed ing ten per centum of the amount of such gift or be(|uest be annually appropriated for the maintenance and support of such library, or which niav l)e made on the above condition and on the further con- dition that such municipality to which such gift is made shall also provide a suitable site for such building; and when any conditional gift is so accepted by any municipality it shall be lawful to raise bv taxation from time to time for the support and use of said library such amount annually as may be required by the condition of any such gift. Section 88. When such gift is made on the condition that said muni- cipality shall provide a suitable site for such library building, as well as agree to approi)riate annually a certain sum of money as afore- said, it shall be lawful for the governing body of such municiiiality to ajipropriate for the purjiose of purchasing a site for .such library building a sum not exceeding in amount three-fourths of one mill on every dollar of taxable propertv in such municii)alitv last relumed 193 New Jersey — 12 for the purposes of taxation- therein, and to include the amount so appropriated in the next annual tax levy to he made in such munici- pality. Section 89. At any time after the acceptance of any such last-men- tioned o-ift it shall he lawful for the trustees of the free puhlic lihrary in any such municipality to purchase, at a cost not exceeding; the amount appropriated therefor, a suitable site for the erection of a lihrary buildino-. The title of the real estate so purchased shall be taken in the corporate name of the municipality, Init the use and control of the same shall l)c in the board of trustees of the free public library therein so long" as it shall be used for free public library purposes. Section 90. Any o-ift or beciuest. when acccjited bv the hoard of al- dermen, common council or other S'O'^'ei'nin.s; body of any such city, town, township or municipality, shall be received by the treasurer or other corresponding; officer of such municipality and expended by and under the direction of the trustees of the free public library for the purposes for which such gift or bec|uest was made, in the same nianner as other funds are now exj^ended by such trustees. SCHOOL LIBRARIES Laws 1914, Cii.vpter 186 An act amending an act to establish free public schools. 1. Amends as follows : Section 208. Establishment: The state comptroller shall draw his warrant on the order of the public library commission, in favor of the custodian of money of the school district, of twenty dollars ($20) for any public school situate in such district in which there shall have been raised a like sum to establish a school library, and a further sum of ten dollars annuallv upon condition that a like sum shall have been raised. 2. Amends as follows : Section 209. Commissioners' duties : The public library commission shall make rules for the organization management and safe-keeping of such libraries; and all selection of articles purchased in part by state funds shall be approved as said commission may direct. 3. In any school district haying more than one school-house, the commission may consolidate and establish in one place the school libraries in such district. 4. Each school district may, as provided by law, api)ropriate such sums as may be necessary for the care and management of such liljrary. 194 Nkw [i:rsev — 13 5. Any expense incurred liv tlie commission in carrying; into effect this act shall be paid by the state treasurer, on warrant of state comptroller, provided an ai)propriation therefor sliall have been made by legislature in annual ap])ropriation act. LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS Co^ri'iLKD Statutes, 1911, Vo'!^. 3 An act for the encouragement of free Hliraries in cities. Section 104. Provides that in anv city in which a i)ul)lic lil^rary asso- ciation now exists any municipal liodv having control of a free library maintained by public bodies, is given power to transfer with- out compensation such free library to such public library association, and to pa}' to such library association any sums which such munici- pal body may be empowered to expend for a free librarv. Provided that this shall not be done unless the by-laws of such library asso- ciation make the presiding officer of such municipal l)odv and the superintendent of public schools ex-ofificio trustees of such library association and also provide for keeping open such free librarv in a convenient place for the free use of teachers, pupils of the public schools, and citizens of such city, subject to the rules of the associa- tion. Section 103. Gives library association power to erect a building not to exceed in value twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). 195 Ni-:\v Mkxico — 1 NEW MEXICO STATE LIBRARY Laws, 19L^. Page 56, Chapter 47 Section 1. Trustees: There is hereby created a board of trustees which shall consist of the chief justice and justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New iMexico who shall have the mana.oement, control and supervision of the state library. Section 2. Organization: The chief justice of the Sui)renie Court shall act as chairman of said bnard and the clerk of the Sui)rcme Court shall act as secretary of said l)oard. The members of said board shall serve wilhout com- pensation. Section 3. Powers: Said board shall prescribe rules and reg:ulations for the care of the library and its ]iroperty and for the accommodation of the patrons of the library. Section 4. Purchases: Said board shall order and purchase all books for the library for which appropriation shall have been made and shall ha\e full man- agement of the financial affairs of the library. Section 5. Payments: State auditor shall draw w arrants on state treasurer for payment of accounts which have been audited by said board to the extent of the ai)proprialion. Section 6. Librarian: State library shall be under tlie care of a librarian ai)|)ointed by said board who shall hold office at the itleasure of said board. Librarian shall have custody of all books, archives and other property of the library or deiiosited therein. Section 7. Librarian's bond: Librarian before takin_g office shall .give bond to the State of New Mexico, in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for the per- formance of his or her duties. Section 8. Eixcs salary of librarian. Section 9. Removal of books : If the librarian shall permit any person not aulhori/.ed by rules and regulations prc-crilicd by the trustees, to remove a book or other 107 New ^Iexico — 2 property, he shall be deemed suiltv of misdemeanor and subject to a fine of ten dollars. Section 10. Removal of books : Any person not authorized by the rules, who shall take a book or other property from the library, either with or without the consent of the librarian shall be j^uilty of misdemeanor and subject to a fine of ten dollars for every book. Section 11. Injury to books: Any person injuring a book or other property of the library, shall forfeit twice the value thereof. PUBLIC LIBRARIES Statutes, 1915, Chapter 75, Page 1039, Municipal Corporations Section 3564, Paragraph 83. Establishment. Maintenance. Reg- ulation : The establishment and maintenance of a free public library is de- clared a proper and legitimate object of municipal expenditure and the council of any city or town may appropriate monev for the forma- tion and maintenance of a library free to all the inhabitants under proper regulations; for the purchase of land, erection of buildings, hiring of buildings or rooms, for the compensation of employees, provided the amount appropriated in any one year for the mainte- nance of the library shall not exceed one mill on the dollar. Any city or town mav receive, hold and dispose of gifts for the use of the library. Any city or town having such a library shall be entitled to receive books published by the authority of the state : Provided, however, that when a city or town has voted to levy an annual tax for the maintenance of a free librarv, it shall not be necessary to again submit the question of such annual levy to a vote of the people, except on the petition of one hundred resident tax- payers for the increase, decrease or discontinuance of the annual levy, in which event the question of such annual levy, shall be again submitted at the next ensuing municipal election. Section 3694. Park fund : For the improvement and care of parks in towns and cities in addi- tion to the town or city tax provided by law, there mav be levied by trustees or council, a tax not to exceed one mill, provided that no park may have any benefit of the public funds, the title of which has not been conveyed absolutely to the town or citv ; i)rovided further, that all parks to receive the benefit of anv of the provisions of this section shall be conveyed to the cities or towns. 198 New Mexico — 3 Section 3695. Park fund niav l)e divided with library: The tax authorized by the precedina: section may in the discretion of the trustees or council of any town or city levying- such tax, be divided between the objects specified in said section and the estab- lishment or maintenance and support of the public library in such city or town. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION Chapter 107 — Taxation Section 5430. Exemptions: The following propertv shall be exempt from taxation: * * * all public libraries, the grounds, buildings, books, papers and apparatus of literary, scientific, benevolent, agricultural and re- ligious institutions and societies when the property of said institu- tions and societies shall be devoted exclusively to the appropriate objects of such institutions and not leased or rented or otherwise used with a view of pecuniary profit. 199 New York — 1 NEW YORK STATE Lir.RARY Sltplement to Annotated and Coxsolidated Laws, 1913 Vol. 1, Education Law, Akt. XLT\" Si-;( riox 1110. I l(nv constituted: All Iwoks, ])aiii|)hlcts, niaiuiscri])ts, records, archives and niajis and all other pro])ertv api)ri)i)riate to a general lihrarv owned 1)y the state and not placed in oUier custody 1)\- law, shall he in charge of the rej^'ents and constitute the state lil)r,-u"\'. (Source - lulucation law 1909. Section 1020). (A^erl)atini j Section 1111. State medical lihrary: The state medical lihrary shall he a part of the Xew York state library, under the same government and reoulation and shall I)e open for consultation to everv citizen of the state at all hours when the state lihrary is open and shall he ax'ailahle for borrowinq- book.-, to every accredited physician in the state of Xew York, who shall conform to the rules made hv the re^'ents for insuring" pro])er pro- tection and the largest usefulness to the i)eoi)le of the said medical library. (Source - Education law 1909, Section 1021) (AA-rhalim) Section 1112. Manuscri]it and records "on fde." Manuscript or ])rinted papers of the legislature usually termed "on file" and which have been on file more than five years in custody of the senate and assembly clerks and all jmblic records of the state not placed in other custody, by si)ecific law shall l)e a i^art of the state library. Regents shall i)r(i\-i(le for the classification, arrange- ment, care and use of i)apers and records. ( Source, Ivlucation law 1909, Section 1022). Section 1113. .State lilirarv when oi)en. Use of books: State library shall he ojjcu not less than eight hours everv week day in the year except the legal holidays known ;is Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and ( hristmas Dav and members of the legislature, judges and heads of slate departments mav borrow books for use in Albany, subject to restrictions and penalties. Others shall be entitled to use or borrow books on such conditions as regents shall jjrescribe. (Source, bjlucalion law 190'), Section 1023). Skctiox 1114. I )u])lic;Ue dei);irtment : Regents shall have charge of ])re]);iralion, publication and distribu- tion of Colonial history, natural his|or\' ;in(l all oilier state i)ublica- tions. not otherwise assigned 1)\- law. l""or lliis ))uri)f)se ihev sh;ill maintain :i duplicate deiiartnu'nt. (Source, Ivlucalion Law l**')''. 201 New York — 2 Section 1024. References, State printing- law, Section 11, Legis- lative law Section 46-47). Section 1115. Transfers: The librarian of any liljrary owned Idv state, or officer in charoc of any department, bnreau, board or commission, may witli the ap- proval of the regents, transfer to the permanent cnstody of the state library or musenm, any books or other propertv in his charge. (Source, Education law, IW-*, Section 1025). Section 1116. Otlier lil^raries owned bv the state: The report of the state library' to the legislature shall include a statement of the total number of volumes or pami:)hlets, the number added during the year, a summary of the Oj^erations and condi- tions and any needed recommendation for each of the other libraries owned by the state. Each of these libraries shall be under the sole control now ])rovided by law, l^ut as to the annual report, it shall be considered a branch of state librarv. (Source, Education law Vm, Section 1026). LAW LIBRARIES lulucation law, sections 1160 to 1180, provide cmn-t of appeals libraries, ap])elate division libraries and sujireme court libraries in various parts of the state. rL'BLIC LIBRARIES, FREE LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS SUPPI.EMKNT TO ANNOTATED AND CoNSOEIDATET) LaWS, L)13. \\ 1, Education Law. Art. XLI\' Section 1117: Pulilic and free lil^raries and museums: All provisions of this section and of sections 1118 to 1130 inclusive shall apply equally to libraries and museums and to combined libra- ries and museums and the word "librarv" shall lie construed to in- clude reference and circulating libraries and reading rooms. (Source, Sections 1117 to 1130 inclusive is Education law 1909, Sections 1027 to 1040 inclusive.) (\'erbatim) Si:cTio.\' 1118. Establishment: By majority vole at any election any count}-, city, village, town, school district or other body authorized to lew and collect ta.xes or by vote of its common council or by action of a board of estimate and apportionment, or other ])roi)er authority any city, or by vole of its trustees, any village may establish and maintain a free public hl)rary, with or without branches, either bv itself or in connection with any other body authorized to maintain a sejiarate library. \\ henever twenty-five taxpayers shall so i)etition, the (|uestion of providing library facilities -hall be voted on al the next election or 202 Xi':w ^'ol•!K — 3 meeting at which taxes may l^e voted; i)rovi(lecl. that (Uie ])ul)hc notice shall have been given of the proposed action. A municipality or district named in this section mav rai^c money by tax to establish and maintain a public library or libraries or to provide a building or rooms for its or their use or to share the cost as agreed with other niunici])al or district bodies, or to i)av for librarv ])rivileges under a contract therefor. It mav also ac(|uire real or jjcrsonal jiropertv for librar}- purposes by gift, grant, devise or condemnation, and mav take, buv, sell, hold and transfer either real or jjersonal property and administer the same for public librarv purposes. A board of supervisors of a comity mav contract with the trustees of a public library within such county, or with any other municipal or district body having control of such a lii)rary, to fur- nish lil)rary pri\ileges to the people of the county under such terms and conditions as may be stated in such contract. The amount agreed to be paid for such i:)rivileges under such contract shall be a charge upon the county and shall be i^aid in the same manner as other county charges. (Amended bv laws of l')ll. Chai)ter 815, in effect July 28, ioil). (A^rbatim) Skctiox 1119. .\cceptance of conditional gift. By majority vote at any election anv numiciiialitv or district, or by three-fourths vote of its council, anv citv or anv i)ul)lic lil)rary in the University or anv designated branch thereof, if so authorized bv such vote of a numicii)alitv, district or council or of anv com- biiialinii (if such voting bodies may accept gifts, grants, devises or bL(|uests for ])ublic librarv puri)oses on condition that a specified annual api)roi)riation shall thereafter be made bv the municii)aliiN' oi- district, or coml)inalinn so authorizing such accei)tance for maintenance of such librarv or branches thereof. Such acceptance when a])proved bv the regents of the L'niversit\- under seal and recorded in its book of charters shall be a binding contract and such numici])alitv and district shall lew and collect vearlv the amount jjrovided in the manner jjrescribed for other taxes and shall m;iintain anv so accejjted gift, grant, devise, or bequest intact and make good any imi)airment thereof. ( W'rbatim) .Sia'TioN 1120. .Subsidies: r.y vote similai- to that re(|uired b\- Section 1118 and 111'', monev mav be granted tow'ard the sui)port of libraries not owned bv the public but maintained for its welfare and free use, iirovided thai such libraries sh;dl be subject to the inspection of the regents and registere Xi:w \'()RK — 7 ties under section 1118 of this chapter, may be abohshetl only by a majority vote at a regular annual election ratified by a maiority vote at the next annual election. If any such librarv is abolished its property shall be used, first to return to the reg-ents the equival- ent of such sums as it may have received from the state or from other sources as oifts. After such return any remaining- properts- may be used as directed by the vote abolishing the librarv, but if the entire property does not exceed the amount of such gifts, it mav be transferred to the regents and the trustees shall l)e free from further responsibility. \o abolition shall be lawful until the regents grant a certificate that its abolition is in accordance with the law. (Source, Education law 1000, section 1044). Sectiox 1135. Use and care of school librarv: School library shall be part of the school equipment, kept in the school building- and devoted to the use of the school except as othei - wise provided by the commissioner of education, and excei)t in a district where there is no free public library, — in which case such school library shall be a circulating library for the use of the resi- dents of the district. v ( 1 ) The commissioner of education shall prescribe rules for the purchase and care and loaning of books to pupils and teachers; (2) shall i)rescribe the conditions under which books mav be used by the public ; (3) rules for the use of school libraries as circulating- libraries by the residents of the district; (4) the contents and submission of rei^orts by school libraries. ( As amended. Laws, 1014, chap. 51, section 1 ) Skction 1135 a. Librarian: Provides for the em])loyment of a librarian, who mav be llie liltrarian of a free public library. In case of failure to make such ai^poinl- ment. a teacher shall act as librarian. ( Laws, 1014, chap. 51, section 2) Sectiox 1136. Existing rules in force: All existing provisions of law and rules shall hold good until altered in pursuance of law. Section 1137: Aulhoritv to raise and receive money: Each city and school district in the state is hereby authorized to raise monies by tax in the same manner as other school monies are raised, or to receive monies by gift or dexise for starting, extending; or caring for the school libraries. ( \'erbatim) .Ski'TIOX 113S. Transfer of sclionl librar\- lo iniblic lihrary: Gives anv Ixiard of educaliun authoritv to transfer its jiropertv to 207 Ne\\' York — 8 an}' free piil)Iic library under state supervision or to aid in estab- lishing^ such hljrar}-. A receipt from the officers of such pubhc Hbrary approved by the regents, shall forever relieve said school authorities of further responsibility for said library. Section 1139. Transfer of property not in charge of librarian: Any books or othsr library property belonging to any district library \\hich ha^e not been in direct charge of a librarian within one year, shall with the written permission of the regents be taken and owned by any public library under state supervision. pro\-idcd that such library property be fotind in the territory for which such public library is maintained and further, provided that on written rec|uest of the school authorities any dictionaries, cyclopedias and peda- gogical books shall be placed in the school librarv of the district. Section 1140. Changed to free public library: In any district in which the school librarv is a circulating lilirary. under the provisions of section 1135, the school authorities in their discretion may appoint five trustees, who shall apply to the regents for a charter: and upon incorporation, the school authorities may transfer to them the library property, as provided in section 1138. (As amended. Laws. 1914, chap. 51, section 3). Section 1141. Penalty for disobedience to library law: The commissioner of education is hereby authorized to withhold its share of public school monies from any city or district which uses school library monies for any other purpose than that for which they are provided, or for any wilful neglect or disobedience of the law, rules or orders of said commissioner in the premises. ( Source of Sections 1135-1141 is Education law. 1909, sections 1045-1051). TRUSTS FOR PUBLIC PARKS AND LIBRARIES Supplement to Annotated and Con.solidated Laws. 1913. Vol. 1, Pace 1124, General Mcnicipal Law Section 140. Trusts for public parks and libraries: It shall be lawful to grant and de\ise real estate and to give and bequeath personal i)roperty to trustees and their successors in trust for the purpose of creating, continuing and maintaining according to the terms, conditions, and ])r()visions of such grant, gift, devise or bequest, one or more public parks or a public librar\-. or for the purposes of aiding and instructing children or for any one or more of such puri)()ses in any citv. village or town in this state. The number of such trustees shall be not less than three nor more than nine. (Verbatim) Section 141. Trustees a corporation: Whenever anv grant, gift, devise, or liequcst shtdl be irade under 208 New York — 9 llic provisions of this article, such trustees shall thereupon become a body politic and corporate with full powers thereof. Section 142. Elig-ibility: In case of vacancy, the place may be filled by the remainins? trustees in default thereof after three months, by the sui)rcme court on jaeti- tion. Section 143. Manag'ement and ajiiiropriation of property: Trustees created under provisions of this article shall have custody and management of all propertv of such corporation for aiding' and instructing' children, for establishing- and maintaining a park, for furnishing and supplying a library with proper edifice, books, ec|uip- ment and for mantaining the same. Section 145. Visitation of supreme court: All corporations under the provisions of this article shall be subject to visitation and inspection of justices of supreme court : shall file annually a certificate giving names of trustees and inventory of property; shall be entitled to such compensation as court shall fix, shall be subject to the control of the court as to their conduct of business. 200 North Caroi.ixa — 1 NORTH CAROLTXA STATE LIBRARY" Peu/s Revisal. 1908. Vm.. 2. Ciiaptkk lOS Section 5068. Location: State library shall occupy rooms in the sni^iremc CDurt huildinij (1885). Section 5069. Trustees. Duties and i^owers: Governor, superintendent of iniblic instruction and secretary of state shall be trustees. Trustees shall make rules, and make distri- bution of books, reports, etc. Section 5070. Lil)rarian's seal. Section 5071. Records procured and i)ublishcd. Section 5072. Trustees may sell i)ul)lications. Section 5073. Colonial records sent to certain states. Section 5074. Governor to desig-nate documents to he preserved. Section 5075. Penalty for injury to books. Section 5076. Committee to purchase hooks. Section 5077. Librarian elected (|uadrenniallv; to £i"ivc bond. Section 5078. I.il)rarian may enii)l()\- an assistant. Section 507'A Lilirarian to receii)t for laws of other states. Section 5080. Colored i)eo])le — separate reading' room for. Section 5081. Ap])ro])riati(ins. Si'XTIon 5082. Hours of oiiening. T..\\Y LIBRARY Section 5083. Location: Law library shall (iccui)y rooms in supreme court building. Section 5084. Trustees. Powers and duties: Justices of .supreme court are appointed trustees of law library, Justices shall have charge of the law library, and ma\- in iheir dis- cretion employ a librarian. Section 5085. Hours of opening. SiccTiox 5086. .\])i)ro])rialions. 211 North Carolina — 2 DOCUMENT LIBRARY Section 5087. Document lil)rarv shall nccuin- rooms in capitol. Sfxtion 5088. Librarian of such library shall bo custodian. Section 5089. Provides assistant librarian. Section 5090. Librarian to jirocurc bixiks. Section 509L Hours of ojienino:. HISTORICAL COMMISSION Pell's Revlsal. 1908, v. 2 Section 4539. Creation. Term of office. No compensation. Historical commission shall consist of not more than five persons appointed by the governor for terms of six years after first appoint- ment. Shall serve without salary. Exiienses allowed for not more than four meetings annually. Gregory's Supplement to Pell's Revisal, 1914 Section 4540 a. Duties of commission: It shall be the duty of the commission to collect from newspapers, records, etc., data pertaining to the history of North Carolina; to provide for the proper marking of historical places; to diffuse knowledge in regard to North Carolina; to report biennially to the governor ; to cooperate in the Tamestown Exposition, spending not more than five thousand dollars for that purjiose. Pell's Revi.sal, 1908, v. 2 Section 4541. Powers: Shall have power to adopt a seal, make rules, fix expenditure of funds; must provide free one copy of its publications to public librar- ies making api)lication. Section 4541 a. Provides offices in the state library building. Section 4541 b. Transfers to it all documents in the hands of public officials. Section 4541 c Appropriates annuallv five thousand dollars ($5,000) and funds derived from the sale of its publications, for the sup])nrt of the commission. LEG1SL.\T1\T. REFERENCE LIBRARY Laws, 1015, Page 277, Chapter 202 An act to establish a legislative reference librarv. Section 1. Establishment. Librarian and his duties: Authorizes historical commission to api)oint (|ualified i)crson as leg- 212 North Carolfna — 3 islative reference librarian, wIkisc duty it shall be to collect, tabu- late, annotate and disfest information for the use of the general assembly and other state officials, upon all questions of state, county and municipal legislation; to make reference to similar legislation in other states and nations; to have available the laws of other states and nations, as well as those of North Carolina and such other books, etc., as may throw liyht upon questions under consid- eration; to keep the Revisal of 1905 revised to date; to classify all public bills introduced into the general assemblv; to perform such other duties as ma}^ be required bv the historical commission; at the request of members of the assemblv to secure all available in- formation on any i:)articular subject named. SiccTiox 2. Exchange of publications : r)ther state dc])artments shall supply historical commission with copies of publications, for exchange with other states. Section 3. Printing of publications: Provides for printing of the bulletins, etc., of the legislative refer- ence library, as other state printing. Sectiox 4. Appropriates live thousand dollars ($5,000) annually for the foregoing jiurposes. STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION PuRi,ic Laws. 1009, Page 1281, Chapter 873, Act to EsTABLisir A Literary Commission Section 1. A])poinlment : There is hereby created a library commission that slnll l)e known as the library commission of N'orth Carolina. It shall consist of the superintendent of public instruction, the state librarian, two other persons who shall be ajipointed bv the North Carolina Library Association, and one other person who shall be appointed by the governor, all of whom .shall serve without compensation. Upon the passage of this act the governor shall api)oint one person to serve one year, the North Carolina Library Association one i)erson to serve two years and one person to serve three vears. As these terms ex- pire, annually thereafter one person shall be ajipointed for three years by the governor and by the North Carolina Librarv Associa- tion, according to the vacancy to be fdled. Section 2. Commission shall elect its own ollicers annually. Section 3. Duties of Commission: Commission shall give assistance, ach'ice and counsel In all libraries in the state, to all communities ])roposing to establish libraries, as to the best means of establishing libraries, selection of Ijooks, cata- loging, maintenance and other details. The commission ma\- aid 213 North Carolina — I in organizing" new libraries and ini])roving those already organized, and may establish and maintain traveling or other libraries. Com- mission shall employ a secretary not of its own number, trained in modern library methods, who shall receive such comi^ensation as the commission may decide and shall perform the usual duties of a secretary and such other duties as may be assigned. Section 4. Reports of libraries: Every public library in the state shall make an annual report 1o the commission. The term "public library" shall for the purpose of this act include free public libraries, subscription libraries, school, college and university libraries. Young Men's Christian Associa- tion, legal association, medical association, supreme court and state libraries. Section 5. Report of commission: Commission sh.all make a biennial report to the governor, which shall be printed. Section 6. Expenses: No member of the commission shall ever receive any compensation for sen'ice, but the actual traveling expenses and other necessary expenses connected with the work may be i^aid. Section 7. Appropriation: Appropriates four thousand dollars for the use of commission. (As amended Laws, 1913, chap. 175, and Laws, 1915, chap. 161). Section 8. Office: The l)oard of public building"s may allow suitable offices for the use of the commission. PUBLIC LIBRARIES Laws, 1911, Page 242, Chapter 83 An act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of public libraries. Section 1. Estalilishment. Tax levy: The board of aldermen or town commissioners of anv incorporated city or town upon the petition of twenty-five percent of the regis- tered voters thereof, shall submit the question of the establishment of a free public library to the voters at the next municipal election. If a maiority of votes on said question be affirmative, the aldermen or commissioners shall establish the library or reading room and levy a special tax, not more than ten cents on one hundred dollars, or thirty cents on the poll. The funds so provided shall constitute the library fund, which shall be kept se]«rate from all other funds and expended exclusively upon such library. 214 North Carolina — 5 Sectfox 2. Trustees: Aldermen or commissioners sliall appoint six trustees; not more than one of the aldermen or commissioners shall at any one time he a member of such board. At the first appointment two trustees shall be appointed for two years, two for four years and two for six years, and thereafter for six years. The aldermen or commis- sioners may remove any trustee for incapacity, misconduct or neaf- lect. Xo compensation shall be allowed any trustee. Section 3. Orj^fanization and powers: Trustees shall organize by electing- one of their number president and one secretary-treasurer and such other ofilicers as thev deem necessary. Secretary-treasurer shall give bond. Board shall adopt bv-laws for its own guidance and for the government of the library-; shall have exclusive control of the expenditure of all monies; witli the consent of the aldermen or cnmmissinners, thev mav lease, pur- chase or erect any api)ropriate building, jirovided that not more than one-half the income of any one year be ai)plied for this purpose. Board may ap])i)int a library staff, prescribe rules for their conduct, lix their compensation; shall have power to remove appointees and may extend the privilege of the librarv to non-residents, upon such terms as it may prescribe. Section 4. Title to gifts: All propcrt\- gi\'en, granted, conveyed, donated, devised or be- f|ucathed to, or otherwise acf|uired by any city or town for a library shall vest in and be held in the name of such city or town, and any conveyance, grant, donation, devise, bequest or gift to, or in the name of. any public library board shall be deemed to ha^•e been made directly to such city or town. Section 5. Acce])tancc of gift: With the consent of the board of aldermen or town commissioners, expressed by ordinance or resolution, and within the limitations of this act as to the rate of taxation, the librarv board may accept any gift, grant, devise or bequest made or offered bv anv person for librar\- inir])oses. and may carrv out the conditions of sucli donations; and the city or town in all such cases is authorized to ac(|uirc a site, levy a tax and jjledge itself by ordinance or resolu- tion to a perpetual compliance with all terms and conditions of the gift, grant, devise or bequest so accepted. Section 6. Library shall be free. Every library established under this act shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants of the city or town, subiect to such reasonable reculations as the board of trustees mav adopt. 215 North Carolixa — 6 Section 7. Reports: Boards of trustees shall report annually to the aldermen or town commissioners. Section 8. Penalties: Aldermen or town comnn'ssioners shall have power to pass ordi- nances imposin^^ suitahle penalties for injury to library property or failure to return library books. Section 9. Contract for association library: If there exists in any city or town a secular or non-sectarian library, the aldermen or town commissioners may levy the tax herein pro- vided for, and, in lieu of supporting: the public librarv, enter into a contract for the purpose of providinc: the inhal^itants of the city or town with the free use of such library upon such conditions as may be ag'reed ujion between the aldermen or town commissioners and the society or corporation having- charge of said librarv, pro- vided that all money paid to such society or corporation shall be expended solely for the maintenance of the library. Section 10. Does not interfere with existing libraries: Nothing- in this act shall be construed to abolish or abridge any power or duty conferred upon any public library established by virtue of any city or town charter or anv other special act. SCHOOL LIBRARIES L.\ws, 1911, Chapter 89, Education Section 4172. How established: Whenever the friends of any public school in which a library has not been established by aid of the state shall raise and tender to the treasurer of the county school fund, a sum of ten dollars ($10) for the establishment of a librarv In be connected with such school, the county board of education shall appropriate to the general county school fund, the sum of ten dollars ($10), and shall ai>point one intelligent person to be manager of the librarv. County board shall appoint one competent person, well versed in books, to select books for such libraries that may be established under these pro- visions. Section 4173. Slate board to contribute: As soon as such board shall have made an appropriation for a library in the manner prescribed, the county sui^erintendent shall inform the secretary of the board of education, whereupon the state board shall remit to the treasurer of the countv school fund the sum of ten dollars. 216 North Carolina — 7 Sectiom 4174. Books and c(|uii)niciit: Treasurer to order Ixooks ;uid lo iiurchase bookcases at the expense of the count}' school fund. Section 4175. Rules to lie made by state suiierintendent. Section 417C). Local luana.^'ers of libraries nia\- cxchani^e libraries. Section 4177. State aid: For each five dollars contributed, the state Imard of education shall remit five dollars. Section 4178. Limits the number of libraries which mav l)e so established. Section 4179. Appropriation: Makes biennial approj^riation of seven thousand five hundred dol- lars ($7,500.00) for the fore^-oino- punxise. (1901). 217 XokTK Dakota — 1 NORTH DAKOTA STATE (LAW) LIBRARY Laws, Vn^, X'm.. 1 Section 1843. Custodian : Clerk of supreme court shall have care and custody of state law library. Section 1844. .\])]M-o])riatious: Appropriates two thous;uKi ($2,000) dollars annuallv for the ])ur- chase of books for tlie state law library. ( 1911 ). Section 1845. Librarian: Authorizes the clerk of supreme court to em]:)loy lil)rarian and as- sistant librarians and appropriates twelve hundred ($1200) dollars annually therefor. Section 1846. Expenses: Provides for payment of bills of verified accounts. STATE EDUCATIONAL LIBRARY LAW.S, 1913, \"o[.. 1 Section' 1454. Ap])ro])riation: There is hereby appro])rialed out of anv funds in the state treasury the sum of three hundred ($300) dollars annually for the purchase of reference or pedagog;ical books for the state educational library in the office of the su])erinicn(knt of i)ublir instruction. (Rev. Code. 1905, Section 1030. ) STATE LTL.RARY (^O^IMISSTON CoMi'iLKi) Laws. I'M 3, \'. 1 Section 1530. There is hereby created a ^tat,' i)ublic librarv com- mission, consisting- of five members. ( \"erbalim) Section 1531. ( Dininission. Salary of librarian. Conditionally abolishing' coniniission : Governor, state su])erinlendent of public instruction, secretary of state, state auditor, and commissioner of agriculture and labor, shall constitute the state librarv commission. Commission shall appoint an executive officer to be known as secretary, who .shall receive an annual salary of ei.t^htecn hundred dollars ($1,800), who shall control the work and shall be director of librarv extension; provided, however, that if this let^'islative assemblv enacts a law creatinof a board of regents to control all state educational institu- tions, then this commission .shall be abolished and such bo.-ird of 210 XoRTiT Dakota — 2 rcg'ents shall assume and take over all the duties of the commission as a part of the duties of said br>ar(l of regents. (As amended Laws 1915, Chapter 238. Section 1.) Section 1532. Term of office: INIembers appointed by the o'overnor shall hold office, one for foiu' years from April 1, l0O9 and one for six years from April 1, 1909, appointments thereafter shall be made for six years ; vacancies shall be filled for unexpired term ;. ( Repealed, Laws 19L5, Chapter 238, Section 2. ) Section 1533. Expenses: No member shall receive anv comi)ensation of anv kind as such , members shall be allowed necessary expenses. Note: Section (iSS o. appropriated for the period of thirtv month> from January 1, 1913 to Kdy 1, 1915, twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) for the salaries and expenses of state library commis- sion. Section 653 b. prescribes method oi payment. Section 1534. Duties of commission. Traveling- libraries. Legis- lative reference bureau. The commission shall take over and add to the educational refer- ence library, the system of traveling libraries; shall continue and increase the same as its funds permit. Anv city, town, village, school district or community within the state may borrow books under the regulations of the slate library commission. Commis- sion shall organize, and make rules under which its business shall be done. It shall establish a legislative reference bureau for the information and assistance of the members of the legislative assembly in the work of legislation. The legislation of other states and informa- tion upon legal and economic questions shall be classified and cata- logued in such a way as to render same easv of access to members. It shall be the duty of the legislative librarian to assist, in every way possible, the members of the asseni])ly in obtaining information and preparing- bills. Section 1535. Advice and aid: The librarian or trustees of anv public librarv. or the trustees of any village, town or conununitv, mav, without charge, a-k and re- ceive advice and instruction from said commission upon org-aniza- tion, maintenance or administration of librarie*^; and said commis- sion shall, as far as i)ossi])le, assist, bv coun'^el and encouragement, the formation of libraries, and n^av send its memliers lo aid in this. Section 1536: Statistics. Report: The commission shall keep statistics of free public li])raries, the record of work done and books loaned by commission and shail make full report to each general session of the legislature. 220 XoRTTi Dakota — 3 (Note: Constitution of North Dakota Section 55 provides that the sessions of the leg^islative asseml)ly shall be biennial except as other- wi^'e provided in this constitution. Section 75 says the g'overnor shall have power to convene a Ic.^islative assembly on extraordinary occasions). Section 1537. Offices: There shall be provided in the cajjitol building- adequate office room, properly equipped. Section 1538. Appropriation: There is hereby appropriated for the use and purposes of the state library commission any unexpended balances in the fvmds ap]jro- priatcd for the educational reference library and travelin.<^" libraries and also an annual appropriation of seventy-eig-ht hundred ($7800 j dollars out of any monies in the state treasury not otherwise appro- priated. (Note: Source, Laws of 1909, Chap. 156. Section 9). Note: Sections 1530-1538 are retained as they prescribe the duties of the State Library Commission, which are taken over bv the State Board of Regents, provided in the following' chapter IZI : The secretary and director of library extension provided in section 1531 is retained by the State Board of Regents. STATE BOARD OF REGENTS Laws, 1915, Chapter 237 Section 1. State board of regents. Institutions under its control: A state board of regents consisting of five members is hereby creat- ed, for the general control and administration of the following state educational institutions : 1. State university and school of mines. Grand Forks. 2. State agricultural college, Fargo. 3. School of science, \\ ahi)eton. 4. State norm;d schools, \'allcv Citv, Ma\\ille, Minot. 5. Normal and industrial school, Ellendale. 6. School of forestry, Bottineau. 7. .Such other state educational institutions as may be hereafter established. m North Dakota Section 2. ^M^o appointed. Qualifications. Terms: Shall consist of five menil:)crs, electors and tax-payers, appointed for fitness, one member and not more than two from each congressional district ; not more than one member from one county : not more than one graduate of any institution under its charge; no person who has been connected with any institution under its charge within two years shall be eligible. Governor to appoint, with consent of the senate. Terms after first appointment to be for six 3'ears. Board shall organize, elect a president of its number, and a secretary at a salary not to exceed two thousand, five hundred dollars (§2,500) per annum. Section 3. Vacancies: Governor may remove any member for cause, and shall fill vacancies in same manner as first appointments. Section 4. Oath of office. Bond : Members shall qualify by taking oath and giving bond of ten thous- and dollars ($10,000) approved by the governor, the premium for which shall be paid by the state. Section 5. Compensation: Members shall receive seven dollars ($7) per day, and necessary traveling expenses while attending meetings or performing special duties directed by the board. Section 6. Board shall have offices in capitol building, and neces- sary equipment, supplies and clerical assistance. Section 7. Specifics the duties of the board towards the institu- tions under their charge ; provides for a commissioner of education at a salary not over five thousand dollars ($5,000). Board shall report biennially to the governor. Section 8. INIeetings: Board shall hold annual meeting in lii.smarck, quarterly meetings in various institutions under their charge, special meetings upon call. Section 9. Provides for payment of expense bills. Section 10. Appropriates eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) annually. Section 11. Repeal: Existing laws relating to the institutions, which are not inconsist- ent witii the provisions of this act, shall remain in full force; and all acts or parts of acts in conflict with or inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. 222 North Dakota — 5 Section 12. Emerg-encv: States that an emers'ency exists, and avithorizes the board to take fnll control July 1, 1915. (Approved Alarch 4, 1915). FREE LIBRARIES IN CITIES AND VILLAGES CoMPiLKn Laws, 1913, \'ol. 1 Section 4007. Library fund: City council of each city not exceedino;' in population fifty thousand and each villag-e or township board of every villa^-e and township containing- over four hundred inhabitants, shall have power to es- tablish and maintain a inililic library and reading- room, and for such purpose may annually levy a tax not exceedin<^- four milL on each dollar for such a library fund which shall be kept separate and used exclusively for such iHn-iwse ; provided : that no library shall be established without first receiving- the approval of a ma- jority of the electors of such cit}-, village or township, voting on such question at any general election at which it mav he submit- ted to a vote. Section 4008. Directors : Appointment : For the government of such library and reading room, there shall be a board of five directors, appointed from the citizens of such city, village, or township, of both sexes, who shall be ap])ointecl by the board of education, or school board of such city, or village, or where there is no incorporated city or village, by the supervisors of such township and there shall be one member of such board of education or school board or board of supervisors, appointed as one of the directors of such library. Such directors shall hold office for three years, but upon their first appointment, one shall hold office for one year, two for two years and two for three years. Vacancies shall be filled in the same way. No compensation what- ever shall be paid or allowed anv director in such official capacity. Section 4009. Duties and powers: Directors shall organize by electing from their own number a jiresi- dent and a secretary, shall make rules and regulations, shall ha'vc exclusive control of exjx'nditurcs, the sui>erA-ision and custody of all library ])ro])erty; may with the ai)proval of the board of educa- tion, school board or township sui)ervisors, l)uil(l, lease or purchase an ai)propriate building and a siic ibercfor, not howe\cr, cniplo}'- irig in such purchase or building more than one-half die income of one year. Section 4010. Kcgulaiion: Every library and reading room establislicd under this ,-irticle shall be forever free for the use of the inhabitanls of llie cit\-, \illage. or 223 North Dakota — 6 township where located. sui)jcct to reasonable rules and re^:;jula- tions of the directors. Section 4011. Report: Directors shall report annually to the board of education, school board or board of supervisors. Section 4012. Donations: All persons desirous of makin;^- donations of money, books, per- sonal property or real estate for the benefit of such library shall have the right to vest the same in the board of directors, to be held and controlled by such board when accented, for the use of such library and readinp;' room and as to such accepted property, said board shall be held and considered to be special trustees. (Verbatim) Section 4013. Appropriation of funds: Provides that, to aid the org-anization of a library in any city, vil- lage or township where funds have been given or a library or- ganized, the city council or village trustees are authorized to ap- propriate additional funds and organize a lilirary under the con- ditions of this law. SCHOOL LIBRARIES Laws, 1915, Chapter 132 Section 1176 of the Compiled Laws of North Dakota, 1913 is hereby amended and re-enacted to read as follows : Section 1176: Provides that the district school board shall, wath the approval of the county superintendent, provide each .school necessary apparatus including a dictionary recognized as a stand- ard; that it shall appropriate not less than ten nor more than twenty- five ($25.00) dollars for each school having a school library, books to be selected from a list authorized by the superintendent of public instruction; books shall be bound, provided that when the school library has two hundred books it shall be obliged to expend therefor five ($5.00) dollars annuallv, when it has three hundred volumes, school board shall not be obliged to increase the number, but shall keep the books in good condition or replace them. Section 1177. Care of library. Librarian: The di.strict school board shall have the custodv of the librarv, may appoint a librarian, make rules for the use of thj librarv, impose penalties for injury to books, may exchange anv or all of the library with other districts, niav accept donations, but it shall exclude therefrom all iiooks unsuitcd tn the cultivation of good character, and good morals and manners, and no sectarian publication de- voted to the discussion of sectarian differences and creeds shall be admitted to the librarv; shall be held accountable for the care of the lil)rary and shall report annuallv to thj countv superintendent. 224 Ohio— 1 OHIO LIBRARY COMMISSION— STATE IJP.R.KRY Annotated General Code, 1912 Section 788. State l)oard of lil)rarv cdniniissioncrs: State board of library cDmniissiDiiers shall l)e coniiwised of three ineinbers. The o-overnor l)ienniallv, with eonsent of the senate, shall ajipoiiit one commissioner for a term of six years. \'acancies shall l)e idled in the same way. Mem1)ers of the lioard shall receive no compensation. Section 789. Lil)rarian. Rules: Library commissioners shall have tlie mana^-emcnt of state lilirarv, shall appoint and remove the lil^rarian with the consent of the gov- ernor and with the consent of the librarian shall ai^iioint the assist- ants who shall serve durin,^,- the pleasure of the board; shall make rules for the g'overnment and use of the librarv. Section 790. Bonds: Librarian shall .t^'ive bond for ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars and each assistant for one tliou^and ($1,000.00) dollars. Section- 791. Secretary: Librarian shall he secretary of the board and shall i^erh^rm the duties ]K'rtaininit;- to that office. Sixtiox 7'J2. l)ulies of librarian: Librarian shall have chare,-e of the state librarv, shall enforce the rules established by the y-eneral asseniblv and the librarv commis- sioners. .SEtTio.N" 793. lnff)rmation to libraries: Upon rec|uest of the librarian or trustees of ;i i)ublic librarv or i)er- sons interested in establishing;' a librarv. the commissioners shrdl fur- nish advice and information concerning;' the or!.;anization. mainte- nance and administration of such libr.'irw .Sectio.x 7''4. l.ibrarv or.!L;anizer : The librarv comim'ssioners mav appoint a lil)rar\- ori;\anizer. who shall kee]) informed of the condition, scoi)e and methods of the vari- ous public libraries in the slate, visit them as occasion mav re(|uire, ,Cfive advice and information when requested, and as far ;is i)raclic- al)le, assist in jiromotin^" and est.'iblisbint;- new libi'aries; ^hall rejiort annuallv to the board. Si;i tiox 7*'.r ICxchanses: Library commissioners shall ;irr;in"e to exchanyv slate i)ublications 225 Otfio— 2 for like iniblicalions of other states, nations, societies or individuals. Statute laws so received shall be transferred to the state law library. Section 796. Publications : Library commissioners may forward coj^iies of the publications of the state to anv university, collec^e, public librarv, etc. Section 797. Expenses: The library commissioners shall direct the expenditure of appropria- tions for the maintenance and support of the state library. They may expend not exceeding- one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars each year for incidental expenses. Section 798. Report: Library commissioners shall make an annual report to the gover- nor. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY Section 798-1. Creation: There is hereby created in connection with the state librarv a legis- lative reference and information department for the use especially of the general assembly, the various state officers and such other persons as may desire to consult the same. .Section 798-2. Legislative reference librarian: The librarv commissioners shall a])))oint an assistant who shall be known as the legislative reference librarian, shall have charge of the said department under the sui)ervision of the state librarian. They are authorized to ai)i)()int such other assistants as mav be required. Section 798-3. Duties: The legislative reference librarian shall index and make available the information in the various public documents, shall comi)ile and make accessible information on current legislation in other states and countries, shall furnish assistance to the members of the general assembly in the preparation and formulation of bills and jierform such other duties as may be prescribed. Section 798-4. Bills, etc. : At the close of each session of the assemblv the clerk of the assembly'- and the clerk of the house shall deliver coi)ies of bills, resolutions, ])etitions. memorials and other legislative documents to the Icgisla- tiv^e reference librarian. Section 798-5. Exi^enditurc: The librarv commissioners may expend in the cquiiimcnt of the legislative reference dei)arlment not to exceed one thousand dollars 226 Otito— 3 and for its maintenance such sums as the ".•cneral assembly sliall from time to time determine. COUNTY LTRRARTES Section 2454. Bequests: The county commissioners may receive a bequest or "^ift of a build- ing-, money or property wherewith to construct a buiklino- or to furnish and equip a county public library. Thev ma^■ accept the gift of a library or its use for a term of years or permanently and may agree on behalf of such county to provide and maintain such library. Section 2455. Contract for use of library: ,\ library association or other organization owning or having con- trol of a library, or a board of trustees having control of a library free to the whole or a part of the county, may contract with the county commissioners for the use thereof by the peo))le of such county. Section 2456. Tax for maintenance : A county accepting such bequest or gift, or entering into such agree- ment, shall faithfully maintain such library. Each year the com- missioners thereof may levy a tax not to exceed one-half mill on each dollar of taxable property in such county. The fund deriyed there- from shall be known as the "library fund," and used only for the liur])osc ci>ntemi)lated in this section. COUNT\' I.A\A' Lir.RARTES Sectio.x 3054. Libr.'U'ian : In all counties in which there is a law library association which furnishes to the county officers and the judges of the several courts of the countv admission to its library free, when the trustees ai)i)oinl a lijjrarian, the judges .shall fix his comi)ensation which shall l)e i)aid from the county treasury. In counties haxdng not more than one judge, such compensation .shall not exceed five hundred dollars per annum. Section 3055. Rooms: County commi.-sioners shall ])royide, at the expense of the countv, a room or rooms with furniture in tlu' county Cfiurt house, or if ihi- is ni>t i)r,'iclic.i])le, in some olhcr rooms at the rouni\- seal and shall heat and light them. Properly ol" law lilirarv associations shall be exempt from taxation. Section 3056. Allowances: Eines and penalties assessed and collccled in the i)olice courl and the 227 On TO court of common pleas with certain deductions, shall he used for the support of a law lihrarv. Sectiox 3057. Use of lihrarv: Jvistices of the peace, officers of the townshiix villag^es and cities in the county shall have free use of the hooks. Section 3058. Report : Trustees shall rei)ort annuallv to the auditor. LIDR.ARir-.S IX TOWNSHIPS Section 3403. Petition: On a petition of twenty electors published four weeks, trustees of the township shall submit to the electors at the o:eneral election in November, the question whether there shall be a public lihrarv es- tablished in the townshiji for the use of the citizens thereof. Section 3404. Election. Tax: If a majority of the voters votint;- at such election, vote in favor thereof, the trustees may annually levy a tax not to exceed one mill to be applied for the establishment and maintenance of the library. Section 3405. Trustees: Township trustees shall ai:)point three trustees of the said library and confer upon them all necessary authority. The library trustees shall prescribe rules. Section 3406. The transfer of school libraries: Local boards of education mav transfer books of the schodl libraries to the township library. Section 3407. Use of private lihrarv. The township trustees may lew annuallv onedialf mill and iiav it to a private association which maintains a free lihrarv for the bene- fit of the inhabitants of the township as compensation therefor. Section 3408. Report: Township trustees shall rei|uirc the treasurer of such association to make an annual report. Section 3409. Funds: On the certificate of the county auditor the townshi]) clerk shall cause to be transferred, the funds to the treasurer of the library associa- tion. Section 3410. I)i-iri])U'ion of i)ro])crtv: If at anv time, such library corix)ration ceases to exist or fails to provide a free public lilirary. the books and other propertv accumu- 22cS Ohio — 5 latcd from the proceeds of the levy shall become the property of the township. SCHOOL DISTRICT LIBRARIES Section 7631. Establishment: Board of education of any municipality, township or school district may provide a public library free to all the inhabitants thereof. It may acquire the necessary real property, may erect a buildin.s:, may acquire the property of a library association, may receive donations and bequests, may maintain libraries now in existence and controlled by the board. Section 7632. Levy: Such board of education may make a levy annually of not to exceed one mill for library fund to be exi)ended bv the l)oar(l for such library. Section 7633. One library in two or more districts : ^^'hen a donation or bequest is made to two or more school districts jointly and the money so donated expended in the purchase of a site and the erection of a building", the provisions of this subdivision shall apply. In such case the board of education of each of the districts annually may levy not exceeding- one mill for the mainte- nance of such library, and the library building- may be located at a convenient ])lace in either district. Section 7634. Trustees: Control of such building, library and expenditure of all nionevs shall be vested in a board of six trustees, three to be appointed by each of the boards of education for a term of five vears. They may ser\'C without compensation. Vacancies to be filled in the same way. Section 7635. Library board: I'oard of education may provide for the management and coiUrol of such library by a board of trustees to be cL'cted by it as herein provided. Section 7636. Creation: Such board of library trustees shall consist of seven members, resi- dents of the school district. No one who is or has been for a year previous a member of said board of education is eligil)le. Term of office seven years; term of one member expiring each year; vacan- cies filled in the same way for ibe unexpired term; numbers to serve without comiiensation. Skctio.v 7637. Lowers: Such library board shall huld title tf) and cinUri)] all libraries branches, stations, reading rooms, all library proi)erly real and i)cr- 229 Ohio — 6 sonal of such scliool district and the expenditure of all moneys re- ceived from any source for Hbrary purposes. It may employ a librarian and assistants, but previous to such employment their compensation shall be fixed. Section 7638. Powers, continued : Such board may by a two-thirds vote of its members, purchase or lease grounds and buildings and erect buildings. It may aj^propri- ate land for library purposes if the owner and board can not agree upon terms. It may dispose of land ; convevances shall be executed in the name of the board by its president and secretary. It may put any surplus into the building fund. It may accept any gift, devise or bec[uest for the benefit of such library. No member of the lil^rary board shall be interested directly or indirectly in any contract made by the board. It shall report annuallv to the board of education. Section 7639. Tax levy: Such board shall certify annually in the month of May to the board of education, the amount needed for the library during the ensuing A'car. The board of education shall levy annuallv such assessment iiot exceeding one and one-half mills, as shall be necessarv to realize without re-in,o- to a law, city or other public or incorjwrated library, shall be punished l)v a fine oi not less than Wve dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, or by im- prisonment not exceedintj six months. (Verbatim). Sf.ctiox 4355. Penalty for detention of books: Whoever \\il fully or maliciously detains anv book or other property belonq'in^' to anv librarv for thirlv days, after notice in writing" given after the ex])iration of the time, which, bv regulations, such property may be kept, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twentv-five dollars, or bv imprisonment not exceeding' six months: provided that the notice re(|uired by this sec- tion shall bear upon its face a cojiv of this section. TUBERCULOSIS Uaws of 1913, CiiAi'. 115. An act for the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis: Section 7. Xo books shall be loaned from a i)ul)lic library to an\ person afilicted with jnihuonary tuberculosis, or to any person living in a residence where a case of imlmonary tuberculosis exists. (Verbatim ) DLSTRTCH^ SCHOOL LTP.RARIKS Lord's Ou1':c.on L.\ws, 1010, (.v-s amended r.v Ge.xeral Laws, 1')13j Sectu)N 4153. Library fund: The county court of the several counties of this state which h;ive a ])o])ulation of less than one hundred thousand inhabitants are hereb} required to lew at the same time they lew other taxes, a tax upon all taxable (property in their counties for school libraries which shall a^gTegate an amount which shall not be less than ten cents per cai^ita for each and all of the children in the county between the ages of four and twenty years, as shown by the then itreceding school census, which shall be collected at the same time and by the same officers as other taxes are collected; and such aggregate sumwhen so levied and collected shall be known as the general school library fund of llie county, and such fund sh;ill be set aside and used for 249 Oregon — 8 no other than school lil^rarv purposes in the manner hereinafter provided for. (Verbatim). Section 4154. County treasurer to serve: County treasurer shall certify to the countv school superintendent, on the first Monday in Jvily of each year, the total amount in the general school fund in his hands. Section 4155. Apportionment: The county superintendent shall upon the first Monday in July of each year apportion the entire .tjeneral school library fund as fol- lows: He shall apportion to each district in his county that has re- ported to him, according- to law in j^roijortion to the number of per- sons in each district over four and under twenty years of a.Q;e. as shown by the last school census. When such apportionment has been made, he shall immediately notify the districts of their respec- tive shares and the Oregon state library of the amount of money apportioned to and the number of school children in each district. Section 41 56. Purchase of books : Provides that each district shall in July of each year select books from lists prepared by the state librarv according- to their rules ; that for any failure to notify of their selection by August 10th, the state library shall select books. Prescribes method of shipment and payment. Section 4157. List of books: The state library shall prepare annuallv lists of books suitable for school libraries, with prices, and furnish cojiies to the county super- intendents. Section 4158. Record of books : The county superintendent sliall keei") a complete record of books purchased, with the prices. Section 4159. Librarian: The county superintendent shall ai^point a librarian for each district, who shall have care of the books and loan them according to rules prescribed by the state library, and keep a record. While the schools are in session, the library shall be placed in the school houses. Section 4160. Rules and regulations: The state library shall formulate rules and regulations for the man- agement of the school libraries. FARM LIBRARIES Laws of Oregon, 1911, Chap. 124 Section 1. Establishment: The county commissioners of any countv may at their discretion appropriate two hundred dollars ($200.00), or as much thereof as 250 Oregon — 9 may be necessary, for tlic jnirpose of eslablishin,ij at various points farm libraries. Such libraries shall consist of standard books on agriculture, animal or poultry husl)andrv. Tn this the commis- sioners shall seek the recommendation of the director of the Oregon Agricultural College as to the publications to be selected. Section 2. Location: Said library shall be established and maintained at such point or points as may be designated by the commissioners and without cost to the county in connection with establislied hl)raries, clubs or other institutions. Section 3. Use of books : Use of books of said libraries shall be free to residents under such restrictions as commissioners may impose ; provided no person shall keep a book longer than twenty-one days. Section 4. Penalties: Any person who shall misuse, destroy or fail to return a book, shall, upon conviction, be fined a sum not less than three times the original cost of said book. 2.S1 Pennsylvania — 1 PEXXSMA'AMA STATE LIBRARY Stewart's Purdon's Digest of Statute Law, Vol. 4, 1910, Page 4452 Section 1. TriLstees: Provides a board of trustees of whom the and to all communities who may pro])ose to establish them, as to the 254 PENXSYr.VAXIA — 3 best means of establishing;' and administerinc; such libraries, selec- tion of books, catalogino- and other details of management; shall have powers of general sujiervision and inspection and the right to require reports. Commission shall also establish and maintain out of such sums as may come into their hands by appropriation or otherwise a s^'steni of traveling libraries as far as possible throughout the commonweallh. Sr-UTiox 3. Xo compensation: Xo member of the commission shall receive anv comi:)ensation for liis services as a member. LIBRARIES IX CITIES, ETC. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sti-:\v.\ut'.s FtjRnoN's Digkst of StatutI': Law, 1700-1903, Vol. 3, Page 2705 AIuxrtii'AL Cori-oratioxs, Art. 1 Section 1. Classification of cities: City divided into three classes: those with i^oiJulation of 1,000,000 or over, first class; of 100,000 and under 1,000,000, second class; of under 100,000, third class. Stewart's Pl-roox's Digest. 1700-1903, V. 2, Page 2254 Section 4. Donations: It shall be competent for any incorporated city within this common- weallh, and the same is hereby empowered, to take and hold, an\ grant or donation of money, Iwoks, manuscript or proj^ertv, real or ])ersonal. for the purpose of establishing a free librarv within the limits of such corporation and to make provisions bv annual appro ])riation for the maintenance of such librarv. CITIES OF THE FIR.ST CLASS Section 5. Establishment and management: Council of any city of the first class is empowered to make appro- priations for, or in aid of, the establishment and maintenance of a free public library or libraries with or without branches, within said cities, u])on condition that the municipal authorities be repre sented to the satisfaction of said council in the administration of said libraries. Section (>. Levy: Said council may levy a tax not lo exceed two mills annuallv to be known as I he library fund. SiciTiox 7. Management: Such li])rary shall be forever free for llic use of tlie inh;il)ilants ol said cities, subject to such reasonable rules as the board or cnm- 255 Pennsylvania mission havin.s; char^^e may adopt. Such board or commission may exclude any persons who wilfully violate such rules. Said board or commission may extend the privile.s^es of such library and read- ing-room to persons residinc^ outside of said cities, upon such terms as it may by resolution, prescribe. Section 8. Report: Said board or commission shall report annuallv to the council. Section 9. Penalties : Councils of said cities shall have power to pass ordinances imposing penalties for injviry to library property or failure to return books. Section 10. Donations: Any person desiring to make donations of books, monew personal property or real estate for the benciit of such library, shall have the right to vest the title to such books, money or real estate, so donated, in the board or commission duly constituted for the management of such library, to be held and controlled by such board or commis- sion when accepted, according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise or bequest of such property, and as to such property the said board or commission shall be held and considered to be special trustees. Section 11. x\ll acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are re- pealed. GIFTS TO PHILADELPHIA FOR BRANCH LIBRARY BUILDINGS Section 12. Contracts as to donations: It shall be lawful for cities of the first class within this common- wealth to enter into contracts or agreements with any person or persons desiring to donate to said cities, or to the board or commis- sion duly constituted for the management of free libraries in said cities, any sum or sums of monev to be used for the erection of free branch libraries in such cities; or such person or per.sons may con- stitute and designate such board or commission in said cities for the management of free libraries therein, or such other person or persons or corporations as he or they may select to represent him or them as a party to such contracts or agreements. Such contracts or agreements may be autliorized by the councils of said cities to be executed l)y the mayor on the part of such cities, and when so author- ized and executed in behalf of such cities they shall be binding there- on. (\^erbatim) Section 13. Contracts as to donations: Said contracts and agreements may provide for the acceptance of such donation or donations of money to be used for the erection of 256 Pennsylvania — 5 said free l)ranch liljraries b)- the said cities, or bv the board or com- mission duly constituted for the manag'enient of free hbraries there- in, and may provide that said cities may and shall acquire from time to time, or at any time or times, to be fixed in and bv the terms of the said contracts or ao'reements. In' ^ift or i)urchase, sites upon which sh.-ill lie erected the said free libraries, or branches thereof, — the building- and erection thereof to be without cost to the said cities. The sites so acquired shall be such only as may be assented to and ai^iM-oved by the said board or commission for the manap^e- nient of free libraries in said cities, and when so acquired shall be used for the erection thereon of the said free libraries with funds donated as aforesaid, in accordance with the terms of said contracts and agreements. (Verl)atim) Section 14. Same: And thenceforth said libraries so erected upon the said sites shall be used for the purpose of free circulating- libraries or branch li- braries with reading- rooms and other facilities necessarv, conveni- ent or proper for such use, and shall be and remain under the con- trol and direction of the said board or commission for the manage- ment of free libraries in said cities, as now provided by the act, to which this is a supplement, for the management and control of other free libraries therein. (Verbatim) Section 15. Same: Said contracts may further ])rovide for the annual appropriation by the councils of said cities of such amount or amounts for the support and maintenance of the said free libraries, when and as the same shall be erected and completed, as may be agreed upon by and be- tween said cities and the said donor or donors of said moneys, the persons or corporations representing him or them; and such amount or amounts shall thereupon become a citv charge, notwithstanding the provisions of any act or acts now in force and notwithstanding that at the date of said contract or contracts no appropriation shall have been made l)y councils for the iniriiose thereof; said charge to be annually jirovided for out of the tax lev\- of such cities. (Verbatim) Skctio.v 16. Same: Said contracts or agreements may i)r()vide for changes in, or aban- donment of, the sites originally selected, if. m- when, such change or abandonment may be found necessarv or desirable, and mav con- tain such other terms, conditions and restrictions for the further- ance i)f the object and pur]x)se thereof, as mav be so mutually agreed upon between the said ])arties. (Xerbatim) Note: The foregoing sections 12-16 were enacted Laws of l'enns\i- vania, 1903, page 46, Act No. 49, in two sections, — the first section 257 Pennsylvania — 6 formin_s;' section 12 and the second section formino^ sections 13 to 16 inclusive. IN CITIES OF THE SECOND AND THIRD CLASS Section 17. Establishment: Council may submit to the voters of cities of the second and third class, at the election to be held on the third Tuesdav of Feliruary each vear, the question of the establishment and maintenance of a public library, and must submit the question if petitioned by not less than three per cent of the voters re.a^istered at the last annual elec- tion. At such election the question of establishing- such library, and the rate of the annual tax, not exceeding- two mills on the dollar, shall be submitted. A majority of tlie votes cast on the question shall decide. Section 18. Rate of tax: Rate of tax so voted shall be an annual tax until another popular vote chang-es the same. Tax shall be in addition to all other taxes and shall be used exclusively for a pul^lic library. The funds shall be under the control of the board of library directors hereinafter provided. wSiXTiON 19. Bonds for building fund: If five per cent of the voters in such municipality shall petition the council to submit the question of creating a bonded indel^tedness, for ground and buildings for public librar}- purposes, council must submit the question at the next annual election as hereinbefore pro- vided. Section 20. Library board: Public librarv shall be under the control of a board of directors of not less than five or more than nine, as determined by the council. They shall be appointed from the citizens by the mavor or burgess, and confirmed bv council. The first appointment shall be one-third for one year, one-third for two vears, one-third for three vears and thereafter for three years. The mayor and suiierintcndent of schools shall be ex-officio memliers. The boards shall organize In' the election of ofticers. The treasurer shall be required to give bond. Section 21. Rules: Library or reading room shall be forever free to the use of the in • habitants of said municipality, suliject to the rules of the board. Said board may exclude for violation of rules, and said board may extend privileges to non-residents on such terms as thev niay jire- scribe. 258 Pennsylvania — 7 Section 22. Report: Said board shall re])ort annually to the councils of such munici- pality or borou.a^h. Section 23. Penalties: Council of said municipality has power to pass ordinances impos- ing;- penalties for injury to library property or failure to return books. Section 24. Donations: Any person desirin^^; to make donations of books, money, personal property or real estate, for the benefit of such library, shall have the rioht to ve.^t the title of such books, money or real estate so donated in the board, duly constituted for the manag-ement of such library, to be held and cotitrolled by such board, when accepted, according- to the terms of the deed, gift, devise or bec|uest of such property; and as to such ]M-o])erty the board shall lie held and considered to be trustees. Section 25. T. imitations: This act shall not apply to any city or borough wherein a free library has been heretofore established, nor shall it in any way affect the provisions of several previous acts recited. CITIES OF THE THIRD CLASS Section 26. Coo])cration of libraries already established: IVIakes it lawful for a city of the third class to cooperate in the main- tenance of a library already established: provided, that the appro- priation therefor does not exceed the authorized levy of one mill on each dollar and that the association shall convert its entire prop- erty or income derived therefrom to the use of the library so estab- lished. Section 27. Use of property: It shall be lawful for a city to dedicate real estate for the use of such library and to l)ind itself, by ordinance, to the maintenance of such library to an amount not to exceed the authorized rale of one mill on the dollar. Sectio.n 28. Mamtenance: The school controllers of such district are authorized to ap))ro])riate the entire amount realized from the library lax for the maintenance and increase of the library. Section 29. Library board: The representatives of the corporate bodies aforesaid. ai)))oinled to control such library, shall under the title of "manager of library", 259 Pennsylvania — 8 be a bod}' politic and corporate, shall direct the affairs of said library, make all necessary regulations, have power to sue and be sued, may adopt a common seal, receive, hold and dispose of property, shall serve without compensation; provided the secretary and treasurer elected from the number of said manag'ers, shall receive compensa- tion for actual service. Section 30. Report: Said manag"ers shall amiuallv report to the board of school con- trollers and directors of the association. Section 31. Validity: Any as^reement or ordinance heretofore concluded is hereby de- clared valid. Section 32. All inconsistent acts are hereby repealed. IN BOROUGHS Section 33. Libraries already established: Gives councils or borou^-hs the right to make appropriations for the maintenance of libraries established or hereafter to be established lor the use of the residents of the borough, upon condition that mu- nicipal authorities shall be represented in the management of such libraries to the satisfaction of councils. Section 34. Tax: Councils may appropriate annually proceeds of a tax not exceeding one mill on the dollar. Section 35. All inconsistent acts are hereby repealed. Section 36. Appropriation of i)roi)erty: Gives borough councils and school boards the right to purchase, acquire or appropriate private property for library purposes. Section 37. Same: In case of an apjiropriation where a price can not be agreed upon, it is referred to a committee of three citizens as viewers. Section 38. Same: Describes method b}- which the viewers shall fi.x compensation or damages to l)e awarded. Section 39. Damages: Damages may be collected by legal process. Sections 40 and 41. Any interested party may file appeal from said report within twenty days. 260 Pi:\ XSVL\ ANIA 9 Skctiox 42. Costs: Costs incurred in tlie proceedino^s sliall he (U'l"ra\cd 1)\- tlie 1)orong'ii council or school boarfl. Sectjox 43. All acts inconsistent herewith are repealed. Section 44. Exemption from taxation : Any building- occupied by a free non-sectarian library, and the land u])on which it stands, with necessary appurtenances thereto, shall be exempt from taxation, even althoug'h some portion of the ground or buildinc,- be yielding- rentals, provided that the net receipts of such rentals be insufficient In maintain such lil:)rary and are necessarily supplemented by other receipts. SiXTioN 45. Same: Any gifts, endowments or funds of a free public library invested in interest bearing securities, the income from which is used ex- clusively for the use of the library, shall be exempt from any state tax. TJRRARTES IX CITIES OF THE THIRD CLASS Watt's Suimm.emkxt to Stewart's Purdox's Digest. H)05-1909, PAfiE 5C)?)(), Lii;rar[es: Sectiox 1. Tax levy: It shall be lawful for school controllers of such scho"! district to appropriate the entire amount realized from the lew of said library tax authorized by law, to the maintenance of the library established and the purchase of books therefor; and it shall be the duty of said controllers to levy annually, for the puri)osc aforesaid, a tax not ex- ceeding one mill and one-half of one mill, nor less than one mill. LIBRARIh:S TX r.OROL'GHS Sectiox 2. Contract for use of library: .Authori/.es the councils of bf)roughs to contract witli the managers or owners of any existing non-secta'-ian public library for a certain sum i)aid annually for the free use of such i)ublic library bv the resi- dents for such i)eriod, not exceeding three years, as may be agreed ui)on. Si-;( TTo.x 3. Api)roi)riation : i\uthorizes the councils to appro])riate annually for this ])uriwse not to exceed the .amount of one mill on the dollar. Si-:rTiox 4. l'Xemi)tion from taxation: .\11 i)roperty, including buildings and lands reasonably necessai^v thereto, maintained by ])ublic or ])riv.ite charitw established ex- Jf.l Pennsylvania — 10 clusively for public libraries, muscnnis or art .q-allaries and not estab- lished for profit, so long- as sucli public use continues, sliall be ex- empt from taxation. Section 5. All acts inconsistent herewith are repealed. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN MUNICIPALITIES Laws. 1007, T'ack 421. No. 290 Section 1. Establishment: For the purpose of establishing and maintaining free public li- braries on a permanent basis, authority is given to town councils of all municipalities except cities of the first, second and third class. townships and counties, as now conferred upon the town councils of the boroughs of this state, to make appropriation for, or in aid of, the establishment or maintenance of free public library or libraries now incorporated or that may hereafter be incorporated in any of the said municipalities, upon condition that the municijial authori- ties shall be represented to the satisfaction of said council in the management of such librarv or libraries. "•.•"i^ Section 2. Appropriation: Said council to make appropriation annually for the establishment and maintenance of said library or libraries. — the amount not to ex- ceed one mill on the dollar. Laws, 1907, Pace 151, No. 115 Section I. Joint maintenance and use: Authorizes in any township or borough surrounding a city of the third class, or borough, that school directors mav join in the estab- Hshment and maintenance of a free non-sectarian library in said city of the third class, expense to be home in such proportion as may be agreed upon for that purpose. The school authorities may levy a tax provided for in the act of which this is a supplement. (1895) SEtTio.N' 2. Joint library: Gives the right to a township or borough to join with a city or boroug-h in inaintaining jointlv a library lor their joint benefit. Section 3. Report: -Managers of such public library to rei>)rt annually to schuul boards furnishing the aid. 262 I *i;.\ XS V lAAX lA 1 1 LIBRARIES TX T( )\\XS1 1 1 1'S AND COUNTIES Watt's Supplement to Stewart's Pukdon's Digest, 1905-1909, Pa(;i-. 5C^?>f-> Section 6. Estal)lishment : Same authority is given to the town councils of all municipalities except cities of the first, second and third classes, townships and counties, that is now conferred upon other town councils or hoards of this state to make appropriations for or aid in the estahlishment and maintenance of free puhlic lihraries that may hereafter be in- corporated for the use of residents of the said municiimlilics, upon condition that the municipal authorities shall be represented to the satisfaction of said councils in the manas^ement of such library or libraries. Section 7. Appropriation: Councils may appropriate annually, for this inirixisc. not lo exceed one mill on the dollar. Section 8. Re])eals all acts inconsistent. Section 9. Gives a townshi]^ or boroui^'h surrounding- or adjoining any city of the third class or a liorough, the same powers given in section 68. Section 10. Gives the townshi]) or borough the same i)o\vers in rela- tion to cities of the third class or a l)orough, as given in section (VK ante. Section 11. I'racticrdlv the -ame as section 70. Section 12. Tax: Makes it lawful for llic school board lo lew a lax, not exceeding one and one-quarter mills, for the sujiport of such library, and when such libr.nry is e-lablished, makes it their dutv to levy a tax of not less than one mill, excei)t where a fixed revenue from oilier sources would make their total income exceed the amount of a \v\\ of one and f)ne-(|uark'r mills. CL.\ssib'ic.\ riox oi" SCHOOL distrk rs Laws, 1<)11. I'a,;,.; 309 An Act to Estaiu-isii a I'riii.u- Sriiooi, S^■STl•;M, Art. 1 Section 101. Conslilulion and classification of school districts: Each city, incorporated town, borough or township in this common- wealth, now existing or hereafter created, shall constitute a separate school district: and the several school districts thus established are divided into four classes, as follows: Penxsylvaxia — 12 Section 102. District of first class: Each school district havin.Qf a population of five hundred thousand or more shall be a school district of the first class. Section 103. District of second class: Each school district having- a population of thirty thousand or more but less than five hundred thousand shall be a school district of the second class. Section 104. District of third class: Each school district havin.s;' a population of five thousand or more but less than thirtv thousand shall be a school district of the diird class. Section 105. District of fourth class: Each school district having- a population of less than five thousand shall be a school district of the fourth class. SCHOOL LIBRARIES Laws. 1911. Pace 422 An Act to Establish a Pui-.lic School System. Art. 25. Public School Libraries Section 2501. jMana.gement of libran^: In each school district of the second, third or fourth class in which there is now or hereafter may be a public school library, such library may be imder the management of the board of school directors or of a board of seven library trustees as herein provided, as the board of school directors may determine. Section 2502. Library trustees : In each school district of the second, third or fourth class, where the library is put under the management of a board of seven library trustees, such board shall be constituted as follows: I'ive librar\r trustees not members of the board of school directors shall be elected by the school directors from the school district at large: the trustees so elected, together with the president of the board of school direc- tors and the district sui)erintendent, if any, or if there be no district superintendent then the vice-president of the board of school direc- tors, — shall constitute the board of seven librarv trustees. Section 2503. Library trustees: The board of school directors, in any school district where the jjublic school library is under their managfement, may, at any time hereafter, place .such library under the manag^ement of a board ot seven library trustees as herein provided, bv a resolution adopted by a majority vote of the board. 264 PENNSY1.VANIA — 13 Sectiox 2504. Terms of truslees: First appointment of five trustees shall l)e for one, two, three, lour and five years, respecli\ely, — tlicreafter annuallv one for five years. Ap])ointments to he made during- June; terms to l^e.g-in on the first day of July followin.s^. Sectiox 2505. Organization of trustees: Lihrary trustees herein iM-oviikd shall organize annuallv on the first Monday in fulv, hy the election of a president. Secretary ot board of school directors shall he ex-officio secretary of board of li- brary trustees. Section 2506. Duties: Subject to the apjM'oval of the hoard of school directors, trustees .shall make rules for its own meetings and for the lihrary; shall have charge and supervision of the lihrary, purchase hooks, maps, etc. ; appoint a librarian and other employees, and do all other things necessary for its government, preservation and maintenance. Section 2507. Approi)riation: Board of school directors may annually appropriate for the main- tenance of such school library, out of school taxes, such sums as it may deem jiroper, not exceeding one mill on the dollar; jirovided, that when a library is first established, tlie board of directors may provide for the building and establishment of such a public librarv or for the enlargement of the librarv. in like manner as any public school building mav be built or enlarged. Section 2508. Payments: All moiiev i)aid on account of an\- ])nblic school librarv shall he i)aid bv a regular school order, as other school funds are paid. Pi-o- vided, that such i)ayments shall be first aiii)roved by the hoard ot liljrary trustees if there be such a hoard. Section 2509. Xo compensation. iMJling of vacancies: Library trustees shall serve willioul comi)ensation. Vacancies .sliall he filled by the school directors. Si;cTi()X 2510. Cooi)cration in the establishment of a library: Instead of maintaining a sej^arate school library, any board of school directors may ioin with an individual or an association in the main- tenance of a frc'.' ])ublic, non-sectarian libr.arv, under such agree- ment as may be decided Ujion. SiiCTiox 2511. Circulation: School directors or library trustees mav circulate books and collec- tions among ihc several schonN, or mav eslabli-^h branch libraries. 265 Pennsylvania — 14 Section 2512. Books added: When a collection of books has been furnished l:)y subscrij^tion or otherwise, the school directors shall provide a suitable place, and case or cases, for such collection; but no books shall be put into a public school library, by gift or otherwise, without the approval of the library trustees or the school directors. Section 2513. Hours. Use by non-residents: School directors or library trustees shall provide for keeping library open at specific and convenient hours; may permit the use by resi- dent of other school districts, under such conditions as they may prescribe. Section 2514. Finances: Receipts and expenditures sliall be audited by the proper school district auditors, and included in their reports. Section 2515. Reports: Librarians or trustees of all public school libraries shall report to the state librarian, and to the sujierintendent of public instruction, at such times and in such manner as thev mav request. Section 2516. Act takes effect Julv, 1911: This act, so far as it relates to public school libraries established wholly by any school district of the second, third or fourth class, shall take effect on the first Monday of July, 1911, — at which date the office of all public school library trustees then serving by ap- pointment of any board of school directors sliall be abolished. (Verbatim) Section 2517. Joint ]niblic school library: Two or more school districts may unite to establish and maintain a joint jmblic school library, or may aid in the support of a library as herein provided. Trustees of such librarv mav be apiiointcd either b}' the directors of the district or l)y the joint school committee. Laws, 1915, Page 631, Act 270 Section 7 adds the following section to the foregoing: Section 2518. When two school districts are consolidated and each of such districts maintains a library vmder the management of li- brarv trustees, such boards shall be merged into one board; there- after annually one trustee shall be appointed. After the merging of such boards, the said boards mav discontinue any one of the libraries under its supervision. 266 Pennsylvania— 1 5 Laws, 1911, Pace 329 Article IV Section 401. Duties and powers of school trustees: The board of school directors in every school district shall estab- lish and maintain a sufficient numljer of elementary public schools to educate every person in such district between the ages of six and twenty-one who may attend. They may establish and maintain the following- additional schools or departments for tlie education and recreation of persons residing in such district. Each such ad- ditional school or deimrtment, when established, shall be an integral part of the public school system in such school district and shall be so administered, namely: High schools Manual trainings schools Libraries Museums Reading-rooms * * * Public lectures. Section 402. School boards may lew tax: In order to establish, enlarge, equip and maintain any scnool or de- partment herein provided, or for any school indebtedness, or to enable it to carry out any provisions of this act, the board of school directors in each school district is vested with all necessary author- ity and power, annually to levy and collect tlie necessarv taxes re- quired in addition to the state ai^propriation, and shall have all necessary jxjwer to carry out any or all provisions of this act. Article V, School Finances Section 501. Finances: All taxes re(|uircd by any school district in this connnonwcrdth in addition to the state appropriation shall be levied by the board of school directors tlicrein. (Verbatim) 207 Porto Rico — 1 PORTO RICO INSULAR LIBRARY Compilation of Revised Statutes and Codes, 1913, Page 326 Section 1695. Creation: The public library which actually exists in the city of San Juan, shall constitute the Insular Library of Porto Rico, and as such is made the depository of all books, documents, etc., of the leg-islative assembly and the several departments of the Insular .s:overnment. Section 1696. Administration of the Insular library: Is vested in a board of trustees composed of the commissioner of education, commissioner of the interior, secretary of Porto Rico and four other persons appointed for a term of three vears by the governor with the consent of the executive council. Section 1697. Rules: Trustees shall prescribe such rules as may be necessary for the ad- ministration of the library. Section 1698. Organization: Commissioner of education and commissioner of the interior shall be, respectively, president and vice president ex-officio. The board shall appoint a secretary and treasurer from among its members. Section 1699. L'se of library : Members of the assembly and other officials named shall have the right to draw books. Section 1700. Regulations by which other persons may use the library. Section 1701. Public Documents: Co])ies of all public documents of various dei^artments are deposited in the library. Section 1702. LTpon the organization of the board, all the property of the San Juan library shall be turned f)ver to it. • Section 1703. All inconsistent laws are hereby repealed. Section 1704. Act to go into effect on its ai)proval. AIUSLUM OI- HISTORY AND ARCITAh:OLOGV Section 1703. ICstal)lishment: The board of trustees of the Insular Library of Porto Rico is hereby authorized to establish a museum for the collection and ])reservation of articles illustrative of the archaeology and history of the Island of Porlo Rico. The said board of trustees is authorized to receive as gift til The I'eople of Porto Ricd, or on dei)osit, any objects of 269 Porto Rico — 2 this character which shall he exhibited to the public with suitable marks and labels indicating the nature of the objects and the name of the giver or depositor. The said board of trustees is authorized to solicit the co-operation of municipal authorities and private per- sons in the collection of such material. Section 1706. Expenses: The expenses of correspondence and transportation, and of install- ing the exhibits in suitable cases shall be charged against the ap- propriation "Contingent expenses. Insular Lil)rary," but this fund shall not be used to the detriment of the work of the library itself nor shall it be used for the purchase of material. Section 1707. Act effective when: This act shall take effect July first, nineteen hundred and five. 270 Rhode Island — 1 RHODE ISLAND S'I\\TE LIBRARY General Laws, Ri:\ isfon of 1909, Page 191, Chapter 38 Section 1. Care of lihrarv : Secretary of state shall have the care of the state lihrarv, except the law library. ( I". L. DOl). Section 2. Appropriations: Appropriates thirteen hnndred dollars ($1300) for the state library. (L. L. 1906) Section 3. Report : Secretary of state shall report annually to the g'eneral assembly. (P. L. 1901). Section 4. Librarian: State librarian shall be appointed at the January session, 1910, and eyery third vear thereafter, by secretary of state with the consent of the senate, for three years, to receive a salary not to exceed sixteen hundred dollars ($1600). (P. L. 1905, P. L. 1907). Section 5. Exchan,o-es: Duty of state librarian to exchange documents with nations, states, etc. Section 6. Departments may distribute their own publications. Section 7. Exchanges shall be made with the state libraries of other states. Section 8. Supply of publications: Each state officer on rc(|uisition of the state libarian shall sui)i)ly the state librarian with a sufficient number of each publication. Section 9. Distribution of publications: Librarian shall distribute publications to the several libraries of the state on application. Section 10. Publications for exchan,q-e: Twenty-five copies of every volume published bv the state shall be transmitted to the state librarian for exchang-e. LAW LIBRARY Section 11. Publications: All judicial decisions and slaUiles to be i)laced in (he law library. Section 12. Librarian: Supreme court to have custody of law library and shall ajipoint a librarian. 271 Rhode Island — 2 Section 13. Appropriation: Appropriates four thousand dollars ($4000) for the purchase and binding of books for law library. RHODE ISLAND & NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Section 14. Ap])ropriation: Appropriates fifteen hundred ($1500) for the Rhode Island His- torical Society, and five hundred dollars ($500) for the Newport Historical Society. Section 15. Reports: The Rhode Island and the Newport Historical Society shall report annually to the General Assembly. Section 16. All volumes purchased by these societies shall be marked plainly as property of the state. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BUREAU Section 17. Establishment: Provides for the establishment of a legislative reference bureau in the state library, which shall collect and arrange books, pamphlets and other material relating to legislation, abstracts of laws in other states, and present such other information as may be useful to the General Assembly. Section 18. x^ssistants. Appropriation: Provides assistants for the state librarian, and appropriates twen- ty-three hundred dollars ($2300) for the work of this bureau. STATE AID TO LIBRARIES General Laws, Revision of 1909, Page 265, Chapter 63 Section 6. [State] board of education: Board of education may cause to be paid annually for the use of each free public library established in the state, to be expended for the purchase of books, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars ($50) for the first five hundred volumes included in such librarv, and twenty- five dollars ($25) for evcrv additional five hundred volumes there- in; provided that the annual jiayment for the benefit of any such library shall not exceed fi\e hundred dollars (S500). .SECTION 7. Regulations: [State] board of education shall establish rules, ])rescribe character of books which constitute such library, and regulate the manage- ment of such library so as to secure the free use of same to the peo- ple of the town or neighborhood. No librarv shall receix'e an}- 272 Rtiodk Isi.axi) — 3 benefit under the foresi'oino: provisions, unless sucli rules have been complied with. TRA\TJJNG LIP.RARIES Section 8. Establishment. Maintenance: [State] board of education is authorized to establish and maintain a system of traveling- libraries, and to render aid to libraries which. estal)lish l)ranch or visiting" li])raries. The sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) is hcreliy apin-ojirialed to carry out the provisions of this section. Note: This was amended, Acts and Resolves, 1911, chapter 678, to increase the amount to two thousand dollars ($2,000) annuallv. It was a'jain amended, Acts and Resolves, 1915. chapter 1212, to increase the amount to two thousand, five hundred dollars ($2,500) annually. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES IX TOWNS General Laws, Revision of 1909, Pace 240. Chapter 53 Section 1. Donations: In case any library or fund for the establishment thereof mav be offered to any city or town on the condition that said library shall be maintained as a free public librarv, the citv council of any citv, or town council of any town, is herebv authorized to accept such gift in behalf of the city or town. (Verl)atim) Section 2. Establishment : When any city or town shall establish a pu])lic li])rary, the city or town council shall elect a ])oard of not less than three, nor more than seven trustees, in three groups, by law; the term of the first group expiring in one year, the second in two years, and the third m three years; thereafter the terms to be three years; vacancies to be filled in the same manner. Section 3. Duties of trustees: They shall take possession of proiKMiv, jiroxide rooms, choose staff, fix compensalicm, make rules; prox'ided, tliat no fee for the use of books shall ever be exacted. Section 4. Sui)port : Each city or town shall annualh- ai)propriate for the librarv an amount at least as much as that which the lil)rary shall receive from the state. .\11 aijjjroprialions shall be subject to exclusive control of the trustees. Section 5. Gifts: In case of any bequest, legacy or gift to, or in fa\'or of, a i^ublic 273 Rhode Isi-axu — \ library, tlie trustees thereof are authorized and empowered to accept the same in liehalt of and for tlie use of the hbrary, and their receijit shall be a full and sufficient dischar^^e and release to any executor, administrator or other jierson authorized to make the payment thereof. (Verbatim) Acts and Resolves, 1914, Page 52, Chapter 1036 To amend Section 5 of Chapter 46 of the General Laws : The electors in any town or city voting at any meeting- for the elec- tion of town officers or members of city council, mav appropriate a sum not exceeding twenty-five cents (25c) on each one hundred dollars ($100), for the foundation of a free public library with or without branches, which shall be used under regulations prescribed by the town or city council. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION General Laws, Revision of 1009, Chapter 56 Section 2. The following property and no other shall be exempt from taxation: * * * ^jig property, real and personal, held for or by any incorporated library or society, or any free public li- brary, or free public library society, so far as said property shall be held exclusively for library purposes, or for the aid or support of the aged poor, or for the aid or support of poor, friendless chil- dren, or for the aid or support of the poor generally; * * * (Verbatim) PENALTIES IMPOSED FOR INJURING LIBRARY PROPERTY. ETC. General Laws, Revision of 1909, Page 1268, Chapter 345 Section 55. Penalty for injuring i^-operty: Every person who wilfully or maliciously, or wantonlv and without cause, writes upon, injures or destroys any book, i^amphlet or other property belonging to any law, town, citv or other free pulilic or reference library, or sufifers such injury to be inflicted while said property is in his custody, shall be fined not more than twenty dollars ($20) the same to be for the use of the library. (Verbatim) Section 56. Penalty for detaining property: Every person who shall take or borrow from any public library any book, ])ami)hlet or other property and who, upon neglect to return the same within the time specified by the rules, has been notified by the proi)er custodian that the same is overdue, shall, upon further neglect to return the same within two months from the date of 274 RlIODli Isi.AXl) 5 such notice, or upon neglect to pay llie cliars^es on tlie property, be giiilty of a misdemeanor, and shall he fined not more than ten dol- lars ($10), the same to be for the use of the library. A written or printed notice g'iven personally or sent by mail to a last known or rei;istcrcd i^lace of residence shall be considered sufficient notice. 275 Sorrii Carolina — 1 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE LIBRARY Code. 1912 Section 834. Librarian : General as'^embly shall elect a state lil^rarian, whose term of office shall 1)e tor two vears. Section 835. Duties: State lil)rarian shall have charo^e of the property of the state com- niitted to liis care and shall i^erforni the duties re(|uired by the lioard of trustees. Section 836. 1 'rovides salary. Section 837. Oath of office. Bond. Section 838. Board of trustees : The g'overnor, secretary of state, superintendent of education, and their successors in office, shall constitute exofficiis a board, desi.s^- nated the board of trustees of the state lil)rary. Section 830. Powers of trustees: Said board shall have power to expend anv monies appropriated for the library, to make convenient rules for its care and manag^e- ment and to regulate tlu" state library to the best advanta.s^e of the citizens of the state. Section 840. Same: Trustees shall be empowered to accept and retain donations, receive and (lisl)urse any funds obtained bv ,i^ift. Section 841. Unl)ound volumes: Shall cause to be bound such volumes as in their judynient it may be necessary to bind. Section 842. Sale of books: Trustees are em])owered to sell surjjlus books. Section 843. l'Jei)ort : Trustees re(|uircd to re])()rt annually to the j^encral assembly. SrPREME COCRT Lir.RARY Section 3820. Librarian: Supreme court shall apjioint a niessen.c:er of the court hl)rarian who shall be in charge of tlie lil)rarv of the court; provides salarv. 277 South Caroltxa — 2 Section 187. Legislalive library : Provides for annual appropriation frovide for the conduct of such election after orivinar two weeks' notice thereof in some news- lia])er published in such citv or town and shall furnish the ballots to l)e voted. The board of aldermen or council shall receive the returns and de- clare the results, and liv resolution make the subscription or enter their refusal of record. I'Llections for such jnu'pose shall not be held within two vears of each other. SCHOOL LIBRARIES SiuTiox IJ'X'k Fund for free librarv: W henever the friends of a free ]ml)lic school shall raise l)v a private subscription and tender to the count v treasurer for the establish- ment of a library the sum of ten dollars ($10.00), the county board of education shall appro])riate from the same school district fund the sum of ten dollars ($10.00), together with ten dollars ($10.00) from the g^eneral count}' school fund for a suitable book case. Section 1797. Prescrilies the form of pavment. Section 1798. Selection of books: Local board of trustees shall select I)ooks from a list furnished by the state board of education. State board of education shall make rules for government of libraries. Section 1799. Rules: Trustees of every library shall carrv out rules of state board and provide for locking U]) the books when not in ii.se. 27R South Carolina — 3 Sf.ctiox 1800. Exchanges: Trustees of two or more libraries nia\-, 1)\- a^'reeiiK-nl, exelian^'c libraries. Skctiox 1801. Ajipropriation: The Slim of five thousand dollars to he annually appropriated, to he expended under the ))ro\'isions of section 1/06. Skc'iiox 1802. Number of schools: .\ol more than twenty-five schools in an\- countv shall be enlillcd to the benefit of section 17%. Si-! TidX 1803. Additional funds: Whenever friends of any free public school shall raise five dollars ($5.00), the county Ijoard of education shall ap])roi)riate i\\x' dollars (S5.00) and the state board of education shall remit fwx' dollars ($5.00). The money thus collected shall be used for the enlarg^e- nient of the library. Sfatio.x 1804. Condemned books: It shall be imlawful to use any books which have been condemned or disa])])ro\c'd b\' the state board of education. Sril(K)L DISTRKT LIBRARIES IN CERTAIN COUXTTES AcT.s AND Jf)ixT Re.soi.utioxs OF TiTK Gfxkrat. ,\ssl■;^rT■,I.^•, 1013. Pack 100, No. 127 Skctiox 1. Trustees in certain school di-^tricts authorized lo main tain libraries. In school districts in which are situated towns or cities of more than three thousand inhabitants, the trustees aic authorized to api)ri)priate, out of (be annu.al levy for such schools, not exceeding three i)er cent for the i)m-chase and maintenance of libraries: provided, tb.al the ])ro\isions of this act shall ai)plv only lo Spartan si )ur,ij Countv. AcT.s AXi) JoiXT Rf:soi.uti(.)Xs oi- Till' G|';xi-;k.\i. .\ssh;M l!l.^■, 1';14, Pa<;f. 013, .\o. 504 Skc'iiox 1. School district number ibirt\-six. Marion ('ount\-: Provides that this school district n;av extend its circulation to other school districts of the countv u))on such terms as ma\- be aL;'ree(l upf)n. 279 "" ' South Dakota — 1 SOUTH DAKOTA STATE LIBRARY Political Code, 1913, Page 848, Chapter 33. Section 1. State lilM-ary is defined to consist of books, papers and documents collected by tbe state historical society and put into the custody of the secretary of state, and exclusive of the Ubrary of the suiircnie cinirt. Section 2. State Hbrary shall be in the cvistody of the department of history; and the secretary of the state historical society is hereby made librarian. Section' 3. Sur])lus documents: All sur]ilus public documents are placed in the library. The}^ may be sold or exchang"ed, and the jiroceeds used for tlie iwrchase of other books. STATE LIBRARY DIVISION OF LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE Political Code, 1913, Pac.e 849, Chapter 33 Section 1. Duly of librarian : The state librarian is directed to establish in tbe state library a division of legislative reference, in which be shall iirovide the reports of various oflicers and boards of the state and all other states so far as i)ossible, n:aterial upon economical and sociological subiects; index and classify tbe same and make tbe information available for the use of the state legislature and shall, as required, furnish the members of the legislature information and assistance in draft- ing bills and in every reasonable way make the division useful in the ])reparation n\ legislation. Section 2. Publications: \'arious de])artmenl officers, boards and tbe secretary of state shall provide rcpf)n-. i)ublicalions, statutes and session laws for the legis- lative division. FREE LIBRARIFS Laws of 1')13, Ciiaptick 217 Section 1. l"ree libraries: The free libraries of South Dakota shall consist of the sui)reme court library, state library, the free i)ublic lilirarics of the several cities, towns and townshijis and school district and traveling li- braries as hereinafter i^rovided. 281 South Dakota — 2 Section 2. IMana.^ement : The supreme court library shall coutinue under the luanaoenient of the supreme court, the state library and the trayelin.g; libraries under the manaj>"enient of the free library commission as hereinafter pro- \ided ; the city, town and township libraries shall be under the man- agement of the respectiye boards of public library trustees ; and the scliool libraries shall continue under the mana.a^ement of the school boards or boards of education of the districts. FREE LIBR.'XRY COMMISSION Section 3. Appointment: The free library conmiission shall consist of the .jjoyernor, super- intendent of public instruction, state librarian and two additional members to be appointed by the g^oyernor. Terms shall be for three years, proyided that these additional members shall be api)(>inted one from nominations made by the state library association and one from nominations made by the state federation of women's clubs. Before the expiration of the terms of any appointed member, the state library association and the state federation of women's clubs shall file with the o-overnor the names of three members from which the successor of such member may be chosen. Section 4. Oro-anization. Officers: The sui)erintendent of public instruction shall be president of the free library conmiission, and the state librarian secretary. It shall maintain its offices in the state library. Section 5. Duties: It shall be the duty of the free library commission to: (a) Supervise the state library, make rules, accept .srifts of books, money or property for use of state library, select and i)urchasc books, (b) To operate travclint^' libraries: to provitle for ship- ment of collections of books and i)ictures to be loaned to public libraries, library associations, study and other clubs, institutions and indiyiduals, guarantee for safe-keepino; and rerurn of books being' given and payment of all transportation charges made by borrowers, (c) Clearing house: to establish a clearing house for periodicals whereby i)ublic libraries, institutions and individuals may exchange i)eriodicals and jjublications. (d) Rooks of dei)art- ment of public instruction; to incorporate in the state library mis- cellaneous books now in the department of public instruction not re(|uired in the administration of said department, (e) Book lists: to annually designate a list of books from which the county library board shall select books for the school libraries, (f ) Advice and assistance: to give advice and assistance and to encourage the establishment of public libraries, to prescribe approved methods for 282 South Dakota — 3 conducting;- them; it niav send an assistant to any comninnily to assist in tlie establishment of a HI)rarA' and tlie selection of books. Note: For api^iroiM'iation for traveling- libraries, see Section 14. fol- lowing^. Section 6. Records and reports: The free library commission shall keep a record of its transactions and report biennially to the governor. PUBLIC LIBRARIES Section 7. The mayor of any city, president of trustees of any town, the chairman of supervisors of any township, in which a library is now or may hereafter be established, shall appoint five citizens, two of whom shall be women and not more than one of whom shall be a member of the appointing body; such to be confirmed by the council, commission, trustees or supervisors ; to be known as the public li- brary trustees ; to be appointed for three years ; provided that trustees now in office shall continue until the expiration of their terms. Trustees shall receive no compensation as such. Any school board and board of library trustees may aoree to unite a school library with the public library, excepting- such reference books as may be necessary for the school. In such case the sum to be expended by the school for books shall be turned over to the li- brary trustees; and a representative of the schools shall be a member of the board of trustees. (As amended. Laws, 1915, i)age 385.) Section 8. Duties of trustees: It shall l)e the duty of the librar\- trustees to provide accommodation for the lil)rary, to select books and ))eriodicals ; and they may accei)L gifts of books; they shall appoint a stafif and fix their compensation, shall make all necessary rules and may provide for the circulation of books in the rural communities outside of the city, town or town- ship; shall have ))ower to i)lace certain books upon a pay shelf and make a charge for the use thereof. .SiccTiox 9. Library levy: ( )n or before the first day of August each year, library trustees shall make an estimate of the necessary expenses for maintenance for the enstnng year; shall certify to the council, commission, trustees or su])ervisors of the city, town or townshi]); and said council, connnis- sion or board shall cause such lew to be made for the ensuing year. Section 10. Library fund: Treasurer shall keej) such funds as sei)arale fund and pay the same upon warrants drawn 1)\- the libra:-y trustees. 283 South Dakota — 4 Section 11. Limit of lev}' : Total expense for maintenance of library shall not in any year ex- ceed two mills on the dollar. Sectiox 12. Report: The library trustees shall annually report to the free library com- mission. Section 13. A'ote on establishment: Whenever five per cent of the voters in any city, town or to\vnshii>, shall petition for a library, the question shall be submitted at the next general election. If a majority of the votes cast upon the question are favorable, the authorities shall proceed to establish a library under the provisions of this section. Section 14. Appropriations for traveling libraries: Appropriates three thousand ($3000.00) dollars for 1913 and three thousand ($3000.00) dollars for 1914, for the maintenance of traveling libraries. PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN CITIES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND CLASS Compiled Laws, 1913, V. 1 Sectio.x 1400. Establishment and maintenance. On a petition of a majority of the voters in all cities of the first and second class, the council shall levy a tax not to exceed two mills, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a public lil)rary. Council shall also levy tax, not exceeding three mills in any one year, for the purj^jse of creating a fund for the purchase of grounds and the erection of a library building. Each 3'ear the city council shall appoint a committee to determine the amount of levy necessary for the ensuing year and also the amovint necessarv for the library building fund; and they shall re- port to the council and such levy shall be made, not to exceed a total levy of five mills for both library and building: fund. Section 1401. Trustees: The mayor shall ajipoint three citizens as library trustees. Section 1402. Term of office: The members shall l)e ai)pointed at first one for one year, one for two years, one for three years and thereafter for three years. Skc TU)N 1403. Duties of trustees. The trustees shall select Ijooks, papers and other reading: matter of llie choicest character, see that books are well taken care of, provide suitable rooms and adojn plans for the benefit and accommodation 2S4 Soft 11 Dakota — 5 of tlif public for use (if said lihrarx-; sliall ajjixiinl a staff. i)rescril)C their dtities and fix their i^av. Skctiox 1404. Plans for building-. Council may, after a building' fund is in the hanfls of the treasurer, cause plans and specifications for a library building to be prei^arcd and submitted hv an architect of unquestioned ability. Sectiox 1405. Building- committee : \\'hen the building fund has become sufficientlv large, the mayo;- shall appftint a building committee of not more than seven or less than five citizens, appointment to be confirmed by the city council. Fjuilding committee to report to the council and the city council to ■ have full sui^ervision and direction of said building committee in a general w-ay. Skctiox 1406. Advertise for bids: When i)]ans and specifications have been agreed ui)on, the building committee shall advertise for bids. Si-xTiox 1407. Treasurer: City treasurer shall kec]) the building fuiifl as a special fund. Sectiox 140(S. Rate of tax : Comity auditor shall calculate and fix rate of tax to be le\ied. PURI.TC Lir.RARIES IN CITIES OF THE THIRD CLASS, TOWNS AND TOWNSHIPS Co.Mi'ii.i;i) Laws, V)\?>, W 1 Sectiox 1527. I'lstablishment: The council of every city of the third class, trustees of every in- corjjorated town and townshi]), and the board of every township cont.'iining over five htindred iieojjle, shall have power to eslablisli and m;iiiilain a i)ublic librar\' and reading room ;ind for such ]mv ■ pose may lew annualh' not to exceed one ;m(l one-half mills; pro- vided, that no lil)rary shall be esl;il)lished until it be ai)pro\e(l b\- a niajorit\- of the electors at a gener;d election. Skctiox 152S. l)irectors: 1"he board of education or the board of sui)ervis<)rs of a townsiiip shall ai)i)oint fi\e citizens either male or female, as trustees, and one member (if llie board of education or the supervisors shall be in eluded. .\i)pointnient shall be for two years. \'acancies shall be filled in the same way. No comi)ensatIon shall be iiaid or allowed any director in such oflicial cajiacitv. Si:(Tiox 152''. ( )rganizati(in ;md duties: Directors shall organize by electing ollicers, shall make rules. sh;dl J8.=i South Dakota — 6 have control of expenditures, care and custody of library proi:)erty ; bills shall be paid upon the vouchers of the officers. They may, with the approval of the board of education or townshij) su])ervisors, build, lease or purchase a buildin.c:, not, however, enij^loving- for this purpose more than half the income of any one vear. Section 1530. Library free: Every library and reading- room thus established shall be forever free for the use of the inhabitants of the citv, town or township, sub- ject to reasonable rules. Section 1531. Report: Board of directors shall report annuallv to the board of education or board of supervisors. Section 1532. Donations: All persons desirous of makino^ donations of money, books, personal property or real estate, for the benefit of such librarv shall have the right to vest the same in the board of directors, to be held and controlled by such board when accepted for the use of such library and reading room and as to such propertv, said board shall be held and considered to be special trustees. Section 1533. Aid: Provides that where in any citv four hundred ($400.00) dollars, or in any town or township, one hundred and fiftv ($150.00) dollars, has been donated for the purchase of a librarv. said council is au- thorized to appropriate two hundred ($200.00) dollars, the board of trustees of a town or the supervisors of a township are authorized to appropriate one hundred ($100.00) dollars; further provides for acquiring the books of a library association bv a town. CLASSIFICATION OF CITIES Section 1179. All cities in this state shall be and are hereby divided into three classes according to the population of the same, as fol- lows: all cities having ten thousand or more inhabitants shall be cities of the first class; all cities having two thousand and not ex- ceeding ten thousand inhabitants shall be cities of the second class ; all cities having less than two thousand inhabitants ^hall be cities of the third class. (X'erbatim^ Section 1180. Census, etc.: Provides that the census enumeration of the citv at the last federal or state census shall determine the classification of such city. Provided that in any city that is not enumerated, the vote cast for mayor at the last city election, multii^lied by five, shall determine the population and classification until the next federal or state census : provided that this act shall not have the effect of reducing from a higher to a lower classification an\- cit\- now classified. 2H(> Tennessee — 1 TENNESSEE STATE LiriRARV SlIAXNOX's AXNOTATEII CoDE, 1896, VoL. 1 Section 1378. Librarian: Lil)rarian shall be elected l)y the "eneral asseinl)lv ; shall have charo-e of the state lil)rary. and hold office for two years. Sectiox 1379. \\'omen eligible : \\'oinen shall be ehoible to the office of lilirarian. In the event of a vacancy when tlic general assembly is not in session, governor shall appoint a librarian to serve until the vacancy is filled by the assembly. Section 1380. Hours of opening. Sectiox 1381. A^ipropriation. Section 1382. Roard of commissioners: The governor and the judges of the sujireme court shall l)e consti- tuted board of commissioners to superintend and control the library, with power to make rules. Ap])roi)riations for the purcliase of books shall be vmder their direction. Ski'tiox 1383. Rei)ort : The librarian sliall report to the board, which shall rcjiort to the general assembly at each session. Section 1384. Exchanges: Librarian shall exchange books and documents of the states and territories of the union with foreign countries, with as.sociations and institutions. Sectiox 1385. Rooks not to be taken from the librarv: Librarian shall ])ermit no book or other pro])ertv to be taken from the library, exce])! by certain officers enumerated. Anv \iolation of this section shall be a misdemeanor. On conviction thereof, the librarian shall be fined the sum of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) and not more than fify dollars ($50.00); ])rovided, that no lawver or other ])erson shall take any book from the librarv on the recei])! of the governor, or sujjreme court judges, or members of general assembly. Sectio.n I38f). Looks for exchange: Provides that fifty additional copies of documents shall be printed, and delivered to the library to be used in making exchanges. Section 1387. Assistant librarian: Provides for the api)ointment of an assistant at a salary of five hundred dollars ($500) per annum. _'S7 Tennessee — 2 ( Note r Traveling libraries under direction of state library. See General Education Act, Section 4, following-.) GENERAL EDUCATION ACT Laws, 1909, Chapter 264, as Amended by Laws, 1913, Chapter 123 Section 1 (1913). Appropriates thirt\-tliree and one-third jiercent of the gross re\enue of the state as a general education fund. Section 4 ( 1913). ( School libraries ) : That one percent of the general education fund provided by this Act shall be used to encourage and assist in the establishment and maintenance of libraries in the public schools as herein i:)rovided. \Mienever the patrons and friends of anv public school in an\ county in the State shall raise by pri\-ate subscrijition, or otherwise, and tender to the County Trustee, through the County Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, the sum of ten dollars or more for the establishment and maintenance of a library for that school, or for supplementing a library already established, said County Superin- tendent shall notify the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and upon the certificate of the State Superintendent of Public In- struction, the Comptroller of the Treasury shall pay to the Trustee of said county, out of the fund herein provided, a sum equal to that raised by private subscription, or otherwise, to be added to the Iil)rary fund of said school. Provided, that the State will approjiriate not more than forty dollars for this puq)ose to any one school during a single year. ( Commission \A'ork ) Provided, further, that the Stale Hoard of Education shall have the power, and the same is hereby authorized, to emplov a Director of Lilirarv Extension at a salary of not exceeding fifteen hundred diillars a year, with necessary traveling expenses as fixed by the Stale P)oard of Education, all to be paid out of the lil^rarv fund as lierein provided. 'Ihe said director of library extension shall have an oflicc in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and shall work under his general supervision. It shall be the dutv of the Director of Library Extension to encourage and stimulate the establishment of lil)raries, esjiecially in public schools ; to prepare selected lists of books adapted to the needs of various schools from the list approved by the State Board of Education; to render such assistance as the State Pioard of Education mav require in the prejjaration of general school librarv lists; to visit teachers" insti- tutes and other educational and comnnmitv meetings in the interest of library extension, and for the purj)osc of giving instruction in the selection, care and use of libraries; to assist the State Superin- 288 V Tennessee — 3 tcndent of Public Instruction in prepariu",- readint^- circle courses for public school teachers and pupils, and to perform such additional duties as the State Board of Education may prescribe. (Travelino- Libraries) One-fifth of the amount accruino- annually for libraries under the provisions of this Act shall be used for the purchase and mainte- nance of circulating:;" libraries under the direction of the Stale library. ( Verbatim ) Section 5. Repeals all conflicting laws and parts of laws. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Public Acts, 1915, Chapter 116 An act to reorjs^anize State Board of Education. Section 1. Appointment. Org^anization : Shall consist of nine members appointed by the Governor, three from each strand division of the State. Governor shall designate one member chairman; the state superintendent shall be ex-officio secretarv and executive officer. Section 2. Terms : Present members of board shall serve until expirations of their terms; new members, after first appointments, for terms of six years. Sections 3 and 4. No compensation. Expenses: Members shall serve without compensation, but shall be allowed necessary traveling expenses. Section 5. State superintendent: Board shall fix the salary of the state superintendent, and elect the successor to the i)resent incumbent. Section 6. Repeals all conflicting laws. Note: The State Board of Education thus constituted emi)loys the director of library extension i)rovided for in foregoing section 4 of General I'.ducation Act, Laws, 1*^13, cliapter 123, and is re- s])onsil)lc for the work of library extension throughout the state, having taken over the work of the former liljrarv commission. The Board of lulucation was originally created in 1875; the foregoing sections gi\-e the latest form of the law authorizing it. LIBRARY COMMISSION Note: .\ library cnnnnission was established in 1*^00, under authority of Acts, 1909, cliai)ter 177, ;nid carriecj on its work until 289 Tennessee — t it was relieved by the director appointed bv the State Board of Education. The followinsT section prescribed its duties : Acts, 1909, Chapter 177 Section 3. Duties of commission: The commission shall encoura.s^e and promote the establishment, throughout the state, of free public, school, traveling- and other libraries, and aid libraries already established; shall give informa- tion to communities in the state as to the best methods of establish- ment, organization and administration; shall, on request, finnish like assistance to libraries, already established; is authorized to purchase and accept gifts of books, periodicals, etc., and traveling libraries. Note: These duties were taken over by the director, as noted above, except the traveling libraries, which were transferred to the State library and added to the traveling libraries already oper- ated by the State library, under authority of Laws, 1913, chapter 123, section 4. LAW LIBRARIES Supplement to Shannon's Code, 1897-1903 Section 2105. Bar and library association: (1) Authorizes the incorporation of bar and libraiy association by live or more persons. (2) Charter to be probated and registered in proper form. (2-a) Amendments of charter. (3) Existing association may obtain benefit of this act. (4) Gives form of charter. ( 5 ) Powers of corporation. May admit additional persons, members of the bar; fix amount of capital stock; all money raised shall be used for the l)encfit of the library; shall have power \n buy books, furniture, etc.. to purchase land or buildings and to erect liuildings. COL'XTN- LIBRARY Acts, 1913, Chapter 278 Section 1. County library in particular county. Establishment: Authorizes any county having a population of not less than thirty- one thousand or more than thirty-one thousand, one hundred, to es taljlish a library and levy a tax of not more than five cents on each one hundred dollars. Sections 2-14. Provide for the organization of such a librarv, give the powers and duties of its board, and also provide for its coopcra tion with the numicipal cori)oration in the establishment of a lil)rar_v. 290 .-> Tennessee — 5 Note: The foregointi' is limited, l)y the conditions of i)i)i)ulalion, to ajjplv to onl\' a sing^le coniitv, and there appear to be several such special laws, in Tennessee, which are iirobablv not imi)nrtant for the imrjiose of this conii^ilation. PUBLIC LTP.RARTES Laws, 1897, Chapter 105 Section 1. Establishment: The mayor and council of each municipal corporation or taxin.q' district shall have power to establish and maintain a free public library and reading room for the use of the inhabitants of such municipality, and for this purpose may levy not more than five cents annually on each one hundred dollars ; or, such municipality may make an annual appropriation to maintain a free pulilic library, (As amended, Acts, 1909, Chapter 88), Section 2. Library board : When any mayor and city council shall have decided to establish .such free library, the mayor shall appoint, with the aiii)roval of the council, a board of nine directors, citizens of the municii)alitv. No meml)er of the municipal oovernment shall be a member of stich board, and not more than six members of such board shall belong to the s.'une political party. Said directors shall hold office, one third for one year; one-third for two years; one third for three years, — and their successors for three years. Mayor, with consent of council, may remove any director for misconduct or neglect. Vacancies shall be fdled in the same manner as original appoint- ments. No director shall receive compensation, and the officers and employees of the library shall give bond. Section 3. Organization: Directors shall organize by electing officers; they shall have com- ])lete and final jxiwer to ai:)point staff, fix compensation and remove the api^ointees at i:)leasure. Section 4. Rules: Directors shall have power to make rules and regulations not incon- sistent with this act, and to jirescribe i)enalties for violation of same; provided, the mayor and council shall have power to set any oi these acts aside. Section 5. Powers: Directors shall have power to i)nrchase or lease grounds, or erect buildings, accept any gift of money or i)ro])ertv thereto; all ])ro])erty l)urchased or otherwise obtained shall vest in such I)oard and their successors, to be I'.eld in trust for the use of said lil)rar\'. Hoard sh.'dl have exclusive care of ground, rooms and Imildings, and 291 Tennessee — 5 control expenditures of all monies. All library funds shall be kept se])arate, and disbursed only when drawn upon by proper officers of the municipality upon the iiroj^erly authenticated vouchers of the directors. Section 6. Rules: Such libraries shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants, subject to reasonable rules. The board may extend the privilege of the library to persons residing- outside the municipality, upon such terms as they may deem proper. Section 7. Directors shall report annually to the mayor and council. Section 8. Aid to libraries alreadv established: Mayor and council of any municipal corporation included in section 1 of this act shall have power to aid any free public library associa- tion already established in such municipalitv. and for that purpose may lev}^ from year to year, the tax authorized in said section, and may expend the tax so collected ; provided : ( 1 ) That it is legally incorporated. (2) That it is already in regular and useful opera- tion with a lawfully constituted board. (3) That it has available for public use, and in such use, books to the value of not less than five thousand dollars; and provided fin-ther, that it shall he shown that such aid is needed in order to continue useful public opera- tion. Section 9. IManagement of library association libraries: Any library association receiving municipal aid as provided in the foregoing section 8 may continue to select its own director and control of its own management ; provided, mayor and council, while such association is receiving such aid, shall have power at any time to appoint three directors on said library board ; further, provided that mayor and city council shall have the same power to set aside rules and regulations of said association as is granted m the foregoing section 4. No director of any librarv association receiving such aid shall receive compensation for services rendered as such. Officers and em])loyees of such association shall give bond. Section 10. Powers: Any free public library association receiving municipal aid as pro- vided in the foregoing section 8 shall be subject to the provisions of, and vested with the )»wers granted in, the foregoing sections 6 and 7. Section 11. Funds: Funds of such library association shall be kept separate and apart, and disbursed as re(|uired in section 5. 292 Ti-:xxi-;ss!-:k — 7 Section 12. Penalties: Ma)'or and council sliall \va\q jxiwer lo pass ordinances prn\-idin;^ penalties for injury to i)roi)erty of such library. Secttox 13. Exemption: Property of such library shall be exempt from taxation. L.AWs. 1897, Cii.\rTKR 68 Section 1. \'ote upon petition: .\nv incorporated town of less than twenty thousand people may, on a petition of twenty or more taxpayers, at a general or special election, submit the matter of the establishment of a public library. Section 2. Levy: After its ratification by a majority of voters, the authorities may levy, collect and disbiu^se an amount not exceeding- five hundred dollars ($500.00), for the maintenance of a public library. Section 3. Management: jNlanagement of such libraries shall be under the direction of town authorit}^ by committee or otherwise. Section 4. Rules: Such library .shall be forever free to the inhabitants, subject to rulc.5 and regulations of the board or commission having the library in charge. Such board may extend the use of the library to non-resi- dents, upon terms prescribed by them. Section 5. Report: The board or commission shall report annually to the council. Section 6. Penalties: Council shall have iwwer to pass ordinances im])osing iienalties for injury to or failure to return l)ooks. Si'XTION 7. Donations: Any ]:)erson desiring to make donations of l)Ooks, money, i)ersonal projjcrty or real estate, for the benefit of such library, shall have the right to vest the title to such books, money or real estate so donated, in the board or commission duly constituted for the man- agement of such library, to be held and controlled by such board or commission when accepted, according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise or be(|uest of such proi;)erty; and as to such property the said board or commissioners .shall be held and considered s])ecial trustees. 293 Texas — 1 TEXAS LIBRARY AND HISTORICAL COMMISSION Vernon Savles" Annotati:i) Civil Statutes, 1<)14, \'oi.. 4. Article 5599. Oljject and purpose: Texas library and historical comiris^ion shall c:in""st of f'v^ mem- bers; shall have offices at the capitol; shall con<:rol and a l.ninister the state library, adopt and enforce reasonable rules and rco'ulations therefor ; shall aid and encourage libraries ; shall collect material relating- to the history of Texas and adjoining,- states; preserve, classify and publish manuscripts, archives; diffuse knowledge in re- .gard to the history of Texas; encourag-e historical research; maik and preserve historic sites; aid in the state legislative problems and perform such other duties as mav be enjoined by law. Article 5600. Commission; how constituted: The g^overnor shall with consent of the senate appoint three per- soiLS who, with the superintendent of public instruction and the head of the school of history of the state university, shall constitute the Texas library and historical commission. Appointment shall be for two years. The governor shall fill vacancies for the unexpired term. Article 5601. Meeting. State library: Commission shall meet at least once annually ; and as many special meeting^s as may be necessary may l)e held. State librarian here- inafter provided for shall be secretary of the commission. No com- missioner shall receive any compensation, but actual expenses in- curred in attending meetings, or yisiting libraries shall be paid by the state. Commission shall elect state librarian not of their own number and ex])erienced. State librarian shall serve at the will of the commission; shall give an acceptable bond for five thousand dol- lars. He shall keep a record of the proceedings of the commission and of its financial transactions and perform other duties assigned by the commission. In addition to his salary, the state librarian sliall be allowed actual expenses for traveling for the comnussion. Article 5602. Powers and duties: Commission is authorized to purchase, within the limit of an annual ajjpropriation, books, pictures, etc.; shall advise as to the establish- ment, maintenance and management of libraries; shall conduct li brary institutes and encourage library associations. Librarian shall investigate the conditions of the libraries and report to the com- mission. Article 5603. Gifts: Connnission shall have power and authority to receive donations or gifts of money or ]M-o])erty upon such terms and conditions as it may deem pr(>])er, provided no financial liability is entailed upon the state. 295 Texas — 2 Article 5604. State library: All books, pictures, etc., received throush .q-ift, purchase or exchange or on deposit, shall constitute a part of the state library for the use ot the public. Article 5605. Transfer of books, pictures, etc.: Provides that books and other material in charg-e of the department of insurance and banking- and other property shall be transferred to the commission and form a part of the state library. Article 5606. Duties of state librarian : Duties of the state librarian under the direction of the commission shall be as follows: 1. He shall have charg-e of the state library and all books and oihei property therein contained. 2. He shall endeaA'or to collect all manuscripts, pamphlets, books, newspapers, etc., relating to the history of Texas, and shall cause ciu'rent files of the leading newspapers to be bound. 3. He shall receive from the state department all material relating (o tlie history of Texas not necessary for the current duties of that department. 4. All officials in the state are authorized to turn over to the state library similar material in their possession. 5. He shall endeavor to procure from Mexico archiACS relating to the history of Texas. 6. He shall preserve all historical relics, etc., and endeavor to build up a historical library. 7. He shall make and certifv copies of papers and documents in the library on pavment of a foe ; such fee to be turned over to the state treasurer. Such certified copies shall be received in cvi dence by the courts. 8. He shall classify, index and preserve official archives. 9. He shall make a biennial report to the commission to be by then; transmitted to the .governor. Article 5607. Books, etc., transferred: All books, pictures, etc., transferred from other departments shall be regarded as a part of the state lil)rarv. Articles 5607a and 5607b. Distribution of reports, etc.: Provide for the sale and distribution of reports and copies of archives. Article 5608. Legislative reference section: Provides for the maintenance of a section of the state library as 29G Texas — 3 a lc,s;islative reference libraiy under the chari^'c of an assistant librarian. Article 5609. Report. Commission shall make a biennial report to the governor, includin£^ a report of the state librarian. Article 560')a. Penalty : Provides penalty for over-detention of books, beina: a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars. FARMERS' COUNTY LIBRARY Vernon Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes, 1914, Vol. I, Page 22, Chapter 5 Article 14.\x. Submission to vote: Upon the petition of one hundred or more voters filed with the county iudsc thirty days prior to any county election, praying' that a proposition for a farmers' county library be suljmitted to the people, such proposition shall be submitted at the next ensuin.c; count}^ election. Article 14y. Establishment: If a majority of all votes cast upon such c|Ucstion are in favor there- of, the commissioners' court within six months shall provide a room or rooms in the court house sufticient for such library and make a sufficient appropriation for its maintenance. Article 14yy. Libarian: Commission shall employ a librarian to gather information pertain- ing to agriculture, horticulture and kindred subjects. Article 14z. Commission sliall have control of the H])rary and make necessary rules and regulations. COUNTY LIBRARIES rh:xERAL Laws, 1915, Citapter 117 To establish and maintain county free libraries and countv circulat- ing libraries. Section 1. Establishment: Countv commissioners" court of the sex'cral counties sliall have power to estal)lish, maintain and ojjcrate within their rcsjiective counties, free county libraries or circulating libraries in the manner and wiih tlie functions prescribed in lliis act. (Verbatim) 297 Texas — I- Section 2. Establishment: Commissioners' court may establish county free libraries and cir- culating libraries for that part nf such county outside of cities and towns maintaining- free libraries and for all such additional por- tions as may elect to partici])ate in the comity system. When pe- titioned by twenty-fiye jier cent of the yoters of that iiart of the county to be affected by this act, commissioners' court shall order an election, which shall be held under the laws ooyernino- local option elections, ^\'hen two-thirds vote for said county free library or circulating library, or for both, or against either or both, an order shall be made on the minutes of the said court declaring the result, which order shall be prima facie evidence of the legality of all proceedings. If two-thirds vote favors the establishment of a county free library or circulating library, or both, the commis- sioners" court shall establish and provide for the operation ami maintenance of either or both. If one-third or more of the voters oppose the establishment of such libraries, no such election shall be held upon these subjects until the lapse of two years. Sections. Librarian. County library board: Commissioners" court at first meeting thereafter shall select a li- brarian for the county, who shall have charge of all the library proj)- erty and the control and management of all libraries established under the direction of the court. Such librarian shall be selected from the names of one or more persons submitted to the county .commissioner"s court by the library board of the county. The li- brary board shall consist of three persons aijpointed bv the commis- sioners' court of whom the county sui)erinten- mav assume the functions of the countv librarv witliin the countv. Section 20. X'alidily: Tn case any section of this act or any ])rovision therein is declared to be unconstitutional, or invalid for any reason, the same shall in no wise affect the remaining sections and jirovisions of this act. (A'^erbatim ) Section 21. Declares this act an emergencv measure. AlL'XICirAi. LlilRARII<:S Vernon's S.\vi.i:s' Annotated Civil .Statctes. 1*)14, \-. 1 Article 853. ICstablishmenl. Management. .Sui)):)ort : .Any incorporated city or town in this slate is authorized to estab- lish a free library in such citv or town and adopt regulations for the proi)er management thereof, and to ai)i)roi)riate such jjart of the revenues of sucli city or town for the management and increase of such free library, as tlie municiital goxernment of such citv or town may determine. i.ir.RAin' Ass()ci.\'i"i()xs Article 1121. Purposes of cori)orations: riu' ])m"poses for which ])rivate cor])orations mav be formed .are: * -t * * Texas— 8 3. The support of any literary or scientific undertaking^: The maintenance of a lilirary or promotion of painting, music and other fine arts * * * _ Article 1136. Provides for the renewal and consolidation of two or more such corporations. EXEMPTION Vernon's Savles' Annotated Civil Statutes, 1914, w 3 Article 3791. Public libraries: All public libraries shall be exempt from attachment, execution and from other species of forced sale. (\'erbatim) Vernon's Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes, 1914, v. 4 Article 7507. Exemption from taxation: The following property shall be exempt from taxation, to-wit: 9. Public li])raries. All public libraries and personal property belonging to the same * * * _ 302 Utah — 1 UTAH STATF. Library Compiled Laws, 1907 Si-:triox L549. Board of controL Governor. s'crelar\- of stale, chief instice and a^^sociate •n-=l''ces of llie Supren^c Con.rt, sliall constitute tlie Iward of control of the stale libra :'v. Section 1350. Rules: Public shall have access to the library. Board of control may make such rules and rci^ulations, not inconsistent with this chai)ter, as they deem lirojXM-, and mav prescril:)e penalties for the violation thereof. Section 1331. Loan of books: Mentions the state olficers who are entitled to borrow Ijooks from the library, and limits it to those mentioned. Section 1352. Records: Prescril)es the form for keeping' the record of books issued and returned. Section 1353. L^enalties: Provides penalties for failure to return books. Section 1354. Rejiort: Librarian shall report annualh' to the g"overnor. Sectio.m 1355. Catalo.s:: librarian shall make and cause to be printed a catalog". Section 1356. Books to be labeled. Sectio.v 1357. Sale of and exchange of books. Section 1358. I'enalties: Librarian shall be liable to penalty if he i^rmits books to be taken Ijy unauthorized persons. SixTiox 1359. I'enallies: L'n;mllinri/ed persons taking books shall l)e stibjcct to penaltv. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Work of Lii!1^\kv Commi.s.sion CoMiMT.Ki) Law.s. 1907 Section 1763. State board of education .shall consist of the state superintendent of public instruction, president of the University of Utah, president of the agricultural college of L'tah, and six 303 I'tah— 2 other persons appointed by the oovernor with the consent of the senate, two eacli iMennium and for six-vear terms, exceiit that the first appointments shall be classified bv the ja:overnor as to the length of the terms so as to i)rovi(le for such future biennial ap- pointments. Ai)pointments to fill vacancies shall be for unexpired terms. Such appointments shall be influenced only by considera- tion of merit and fitness, and shall be made without reference to residence, occupation. ]wrty afiiliation, reli,. 13, chap. 73, and Laws, 1^)15, p. 193. chap. Ill ). Section 1370. Directors. Terms. Powers: When the city council or board of trustees of anv citv of the third class or of an incorporated town shall have established a public library or gymnasium in accordance with the iM'ovisions of the next preceding section, the mayor of such city or president of the trustees of such town shall, with ai)proval of council or trustees, apjioint six directors, who, with the mayor or president of trustees, shall con- stitute the board of directors of such library or library and gym- nasium, whose terms of oliice shall be for six years. — excei)ting those of the lirst ai)i)ointees, which shall be two for two, two for 306 Utah — 5 four and two inr six, years: provided, tliat all directors now elected and serving' on any library board shall fill out their unexpired terms. Such board of directors shall haye all of the powers conferred by this chai^ter upon boards of directors created for the mana.a^ement of ]iublic libraries of the first and second classes, and shall serve with- out ci)ni])ensati()n. (As amended, Laws, 1911, p. 104, chap. 74). General Section 1371. Provides for cooperation between cities and school districts in the establishment of a library. (As amended. Laws. 1911. p. 104, chap. 74). Laws, 1915, Page 1.56, Ciiai'ter 100 Section 206. General powers of council : Said council shall have powers in the following- sections entuneratcd ^ ;|: ^ ^ Section- 206x76 ( Paoe 167). Public libraries: To establish, maintain and regulate free )niblic libraries anil read- ing-rooms, as provided by law and to i^erpetuate such free libraries and reading-rooms as may have been heretofore established in said cities. -h ^ ^ ^ SCHOOL LIBRARIES Com I' I LED Law.s, 1907 Section ISl.i. .'^^choul l)islrict le\'v. Cullection and di.sbursement : The schiinl di^tricl board shall have general charge * * * of the schools of the dislricl, * * * It shall have the i)owcr to establish and maintain school libraries, which, in districts that have no free library or reading" room, may be o])en to the jjublic under such regulations as the Board may ])royide. For the pur])ose of purchasing" books and magazines for these school libraries, the board shall set aside annualh- from the tax herein provided an amount e(|ual to fifteen cents i)er cai)ita for each child in the district between the ages of six and eighteen years, inclusive, the comi)titation being based on the school census at the time when the lax is levied; provided, the library ftmd thus created shall be exi)en(led under the direction of the State lioard of Lducation for such books and magazines as they shall recommend and tinder such regulations as they may prescribe; i^rovided, further, that this Act shall ai)])ly to all school districts outside of cities of the first and second classes, and to county school districts of the first class. ( .\s amended. Laws. I'WJ. chai)ter 44. and Laws, I'HS, chapter 111). .W7 Vermont — 1 A'KT^^rOXT STATR Lir.RARV Statutics, 1906 Section 263. Contents. Trustees : The state library consists of such books, maps, charts and docu- ments as are acquired by the state or iiul)lic officers for the use of the state, and shall be under the direction of nine trustees. The governor, the chief judg-e of the sui^reme court and the secretary oi state shall lie exoflicio trustees. Section 264. The trustees shall have power : 1. To fill vacancies in the offices of state and resident trustees. 2. To ajipoint and remove a secretar\' who shall also act as li])rarian. 3. To prescribe rules and In-laws for the government of tlie library. 4. To expend money ap])ro])riated for the library. 5. To sell or exchan^^e imjicrfect or dni)licate liooks l)elf)n_s^ins' to the library. 6. To make exchange of books for the benefit of the library. For this pur]iose, one hundred copies of each state publication shall l)e i)laced in the library. Section 265. Quorum : For the a])]X)intment of the secretary and for the adoption of rules, six members shall be a c|uorum; to fill vacancies in the board of trustees, four members; for ordinary business, three members. Si:(TioN 266. Trustees' duties: The trustees shall report biennially to the general assembb-; shall make as often as they deem exi)edient, a catalogue of books, etc., which shall be iirinted; shall jirescribe the duties of the secretary and librarian, and arran.ge for the use of the librar\-, ;nid for the distri- bution of public documents, etc.. not otlu'rwise pnixjdcd for. Section 2()7. No salary for trustees: Xo salary or compensation -^hall be allowed to trustees. Sivcrio.x 268. Assistant librarian: Provides for assist.nnt librarian. Sectio.v 269. Appro])riation fur assistance: Six hundred ($600.00) dollars is annually api)roi)i-iate(l for exti'a assistance during the session of the su])reme court and when deemed necessary. 309 Vermont — 2 Sfxtion 270. Penalt}-: A person who violates the rules prescribed by the trustees shall pa> the i:)enalties prescribed. Such penalties may be recovered in an action. Section 271. Appropriation for books : Eight hundred ($800.00) dollars is annually appropriated for the purchase of books, etc. Section 272. Books sold: Proceeds of books sold shall be expended for books. A'ERMOXT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Section 273. Appropriation: One hundred ($100.00) dollars is annually appropriated for bind- ing and preserving the books of the society. Section 274. Disposition: Provides that when the society is dissolved, this propert\- shall be- come the property of the state. Section 275. Members exofficiis: P'rovides that the secretary of state, the auditor of accounts and the state librarian shall be ex-ofificiis members of the board of cura- tors. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BUREAU Laws. 1912, p. 14 Act No. 14 relating to legislative reference bureau amends former act. Section 1, No. 9 of acts of l*nO, is herebv amended to read as fo) lows : Section 1. Creation: There is hereby created and shall be hereafter maintained in con- nection with the state library a legislative reference bureau, which shall be in charge of a legislative reference librarian appointed by the governor to hold office until removed for cause and to perform, under the supervision of the state librarian, the duties hereinafter prescribed. Section 2. Duties of librarian: Shall collect, arrange, index and place on file material relating to legislation, arrange public documents for use, index bills. i)repare abstracts of law and other statements. Shall furnish such othei information as may be useful to the members of the general assem- .^0 X'k.k.moxt — ?> ])\y. Sliall co-operate willi the revisers of l^ills and act as a co- ordinate nieinlKr of tlu-ir l)oard. Section 3. Kevisors of bills: Two men of le^al trainino; and with le,s:islative exjierience. who shall not be elis^ible to membership in the les^islatnre during- incum- bency in tlrs office, shall be appointed by the g-overnor and con- firmed by the serate as revisers of bills. Thev shall perform their duties in connection with the le.G;islative reference bureau. SiiCTiox 4. Duties of revisers: They shall examine, previous to introduction, all bills and resolu- tions, making such corrections as may be necessary to insure ac- curacy in text and references, concise lans-uaq;e. consistent with existing- statutes to avoid rei:)etitions and unconstitutional provi- sions. No bill nor resolution shall be acted upon by either house imtil corrected and endorsed by the revisers. The revisers shall give assistance to members and committees in drafting bills, reso- lutions, and amendments, if requested. A reviser shall not oppose or urge legislation; shall net materiallv alter the substance of a bill or resolution, and no one connected with the office shall com- municate the substance of a bill without permission of its intro- ducer. Skction 5. Provides for the work of the revisers in the intervals between sessions. Sfx'TION 6. Salary of legislative reference librarian: The legislative reference librarian shall have a salary to be fixed by the governor and with the consent of the state librarian shall em- ploy such assistants as may be necessary for the proper adminis- tration of this bureau. The sum of five thousand ($5,000.00) dol- lars or such portion thereof, as may be necessary, is annually appio- ])riated for the purpose of this act. Si'XTiON 7. Pavment of revisers: The revisers of l)ills shall receive a salary of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per day and necessary expenses for the actual time spent and mav employ necessary clerical assistance. FREE PUr.MC Lii'.RAin' COMMISSION Laws, 1908, p. 50, Act No. 52 An act relating to the state board of lil)rarv commissioners. Skction 1. Selection: b^ive residents of the state, one of whom shall be appointed annually by the governor and whose term of office shall l)e five vears, shall constitute a state beard of commissioners. The governor shall 311 \'ERMnXT 1- designate the chairman and fill vacancies. (Amended changing name to free public library commission — Laws of 1012, p. 105. act 86). Section 2. Advice. Report. Instruction : The authorities of a public library mav ask said board for advice in regard to library matters, and said board shall report biennially to the general assembly at the expense of the state. To assist librarians of public libraries, said board mav annually hold a school of instruction at the most convenient place. The ex- pense of each librarian attending such school may be paid by the city, town or incorporated village in which said librarian is em- ployed. Section 3. Assistance: Said board shall, upon application of the librarv trustees of a town, city or incorporated village, without a public library, expend a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars (SIOO.OO) for books for such town, city, or incorporated village to be selected bv the librarv com- missioners and used bv the librarv trustees in establishing a free pul)lic library. Section 4. Additional assistance: In addition to die expenditure provided in section 3. the lilirarv commission may, in its discretion, assist free public libraries aa follows : If a town whose grand list does not exceed ten thousand ($10,- 000.00) dollars, through its library trustees, satisfies the commis- sion that its free public library is doing efficient work for the pub- lic and public schools, the board may expL>nd additional amounts not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars for the purchase of books. The total amount exi^ended by the librarv commission un- der this section shall not exceed fifteen hundred ($LSOO.OO) dollars a year. (As amended — Laws of Vermont, 1910, p. 87). Note: Grand list is defined to mean a list including evervlhing taxable, the polls, the real and personal prnpertv. I^ee "Words and Phrases judicially defined." Section 5. Safeguard: If the local authorities of a public library, any jiart of whose books have been paid for by the state funds, fail to ])rovide for the safety and use of such l)ooks, the library commission, know'ing of this shall notify the trustees of said library to meet the requirements. If said trustees neglect this for sixty day after such notice, the books naid for with state money shall revert to (he control of ihc library com- mission. M2 Vermont — 5 Section d. Coir.iienpatinn. etc.: Xo nicnil)er of the library commission shall receive compensation. The commission n:ay expend three thousand ($3,000.03) dollars annually for exi^senses except ex])ense of report. It mav employ a secretary and fix In's salary, lis hills are to he paid throug'h the auditor of account". (As an^cncLd — Laws of WM-mont. 1*^12, ]) 105). Sk( Tiox 7. Pide- : The library commission may make rules for its g"overnment and for the care of the library. Section 8. iXpprojiriations: A town, city, or incorporated village voting; to instruct its library trustees to apply for state aid under section 3. shall annuallv apjiro- priate for its public library not less than fiftv ($50.00) dollars, if its grand list is ten thousand ($10,000.00) or over; not less than twentv-five ($25.00) dollars, if its grjind list is between twenty- five hundred ($2500.00) dollars and ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars; not less than fifteen ($15.00) dollars if its grand list is less than twenty-five hundred ($2500.00) dollars. Section 9. Conditions. Trustees: No town, city or incorporated village shall I)e entitled to the bene- fits of section 3 and section 8 unless said municiijality has elected library trustees and voted to instruct such trustees to make applica- tion to the commissioners, and said trustees have provided in a manner satisfactory to the comirission for the care and distribu- tion of books. Sections 24, 25 and 26, hereof, shall aj^plv to the election of trustees under this section and to said trustees when .so elected. Section 10. State aid: When such municipality has accei)ted the provisions of the ))reced- ing section, 'he commission shall cause to be paid to them one hun- dred ($100.00) dollars for the purchase of books as i)ro\i(le(l in section 3. TRAVELING LIBRARl ILS Section 11. l^stablishmenl : The library commission mav ex])end not more ihan fifteen hundred ($1500.00) dollars annually for books and e(|uipment for traveling' libraries, and not more than one hundred and fiftv ($150.00) dol- lars annually for clerical work in preparing- such books for use. (As iimended — Laws of \"ermont, l'M2, p. \0C)). 313 Vermont — 6 Sectiox 12. Rules: Such board shall have the full management and control of travelino^ libraries and make the necessar\- rules and regulations for the use and g;-overnment of same. Section 13. Conditions of use: Three or more citizens may organize a lilirarv association and on comj)Iiance with the requirements of the library commission, shall be at its discretion, entitled to the use of travelino- libraries without other charg'e than for transportaton. Local libraries, societies and schools, study circles and other associations, shall on the same terms at the discretion of the commission, have the use of the traveling libraries. Section 14. Traveling" libraries and schools: The school authorities in towns may apply to the commission for traveling- libraries and pay expense of transi)ortation from the school funds of their respective towns. ENDOWED LIBRARIES Section 15. Trustees to incorporate: Trustees to whom real or personal property is donated for the estab- lishment of a free library, may unless otherwise provided by the donor, cause a corporation to be formed under the provisions of the three following sections: Section \(). Same: Said trustees shall file with the secretary of state a statement of intention to form a cori)oration, a copv of the instrument, of the name adoi)ted for the cor))oration, the location, the number of trus- tees, and their names. Section 17. Same: The secretary of state shall forthwith issue to the incorporators a certificate of incorporation ; the corporation shall cause said certifi cate to be recorded in the office of the clerk of the county in which such library is to be located, and hereupon shall be deemed fully organized, and may proceed to receive from the trustees the property for the library and hold same. Section 18. Same: Such organization shall be a body corporate and jiolitic and possess the ordinary rights and incidents of a corporation. Shall be capable of taking, holding, and disposing oi real and personal estate for the purposes of its organization. The provisions of the instrument of gift shall be as to such gift a jiart of the organic and fundamental law of such corjioration. Vermont — 7 SiccTio.x 19. Trustees of corporati(^n : Trustees of such corporal iou shall compose its members and shall not be more than nine nor less than five in nvunber. Such trustees shall have coulrol of affairs and property, may accei)t donations and hold the same, may lill. subject to the approval of the chief jus- tice of the su])reme court, vacancies in their own number, and make by-laws for the corjioration and the library. May ai)point a staff. Sf.ctiox 20. Exemjition from taxation : Whenever the instrument i:)rovidiny- the endowment declares that the institution shall be a free i)ul)lic library, such library and other projiertv of the coriioration shall be forever exempt from taxa- tion. PUBLIC LIBRARIES Skction 21. Establishment: A town, incorjxirated villas^c or citv may establish and maintain a public liljrary with or without branches and may annually contract with a library or library association to furnish books for its inhabi tants free and may appropriate money therefor, and may annually ai)proi)riate money for the maintenance and increase of a library held in trust for such tf)wn, inc()ri)(>rale(l \'illai^'e or city. Sf.ctiox 22. Library lew: .\ town, incor])orated village or city, establishing' and maintaining a library ma\- ai)i)roi)riate for the foundation of such librarv not exceedint^' three (SvvOO) dollars for each rata1)le i)oll in such muni- ci])alily and may also aiijiropriatc annually for the maintenance and increase thereof such sum as each municii)ality may vote at its luinnal meetiui;'. and nia\' recei\e, hnld and mana.^'e a gift f(jr a ])ui)lic library. ( Skctiox 23. Trustees: A town, incorjjorated villa^'e or city, which has a public librarv, may select at its annual meeting- five trustees who shall have jiower to nianas'e such library and such ])roperty as ma\ come into the hand.- of such municipalities for the use of such lil)r;ir\-. Skctiox 24. Terms of office: The first trustees chosen shall be as follows: One for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and one for five years. The successors, at the end of their terms shall be elected for five years. \'acancies shall be filled for the unexi)ired terms. SictTiox 25. Report : Trustees shall re])orl al rumual nu'clim;' of ibe mum'cipalilv. Vermont — 8 Section 26. Payments: Monies for the library shall be paid out by an agent ai^pointed by the selectmen of a town, or trustees of a village, or the mayor of a city unless library trustees have been elected. Section 27. Union of associations: Provides a method l)y which two incorporated library associations in the same town may unite. Sections 28-30. Provide for the distribution of ])uljlic documents to libraries. Section 31. Chapter 63 of the public statutes of 1906 is hereby re- pealed. Note: The forcgoino; act, sections 1-30, practically re-enacts, with some amendments, Chapter 03 of the public statutes of 1906 repealed above. LIP.RARIES IN PENAL INSTITUTIONS Laws, 1910, p. 242 Act No. 235 amends section 6083 in regard to lilirarics in penal institutions. Section 1. Establishment: Section 6083 of the public statutes is hereby amended as follows: The library commission shall provide and su|)ervise suitable libraries in penal and charitable institutions maintained by the state subject to regulation by the board of penal institutions. The library commission may expend five hundred ($500.00) dollars in the year 1910 and two hundred ($200.00) dollars annuallv there- after for the above ])uri)ose. COUNTY JAILS Statutes, 1906 Section 6120. jail library: [ailers shall receive books given bv Christian churches and benevo- lent individuals in their respective counties for a librarv for per- sons confined in jail. The jailers shall enter the names of the donors in the books of record, with the titles of the books, which shall l)e ojien to the ins])ection of all persons. The jailer shall be the librarian and shall keej) safely the books in the library and distribute them to ])ersons confined in jail and exchange same from time to time, but he shall not deliver books to a jjcrson who, in his opinion, will destroy or misuse them. 316 Vermont — 9 PEXAl.TN' FOR TIIKFT Ol" LH'.RAf^IV PROPERTY Laws. 1')10, Act Xo. 227 Act to ])revent ])url()inin,<^" of jjropertv. A i^erson who removes from any jnibHc library, anv l:)ook or other property without tlie consent of the person in charge, shall be fined not more than fifty ($50.00) dollars for each offense, one-half for the use of the lilirary and the other half to the treasurer for cost.^ tor prosecution. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATIOX Statutes, 1906 Si-x'Tiox 496. The foilowino^ property shall l)e exempt from taxation: ^c rj? :|; :f; VI. Real and personal estate used bv i)rivate and circulating libraries open to the pulilic and not used for profit. * * * * IX. Buildings owned and occupied bv the Young Men's Christian Association for the purpose of its work, the income of which is entirely used for such puqioses and in wliich such association main- tains a free reading room. 317 VIRGINIA STATE LIP.RARY— TRA\^ELING LIBRARIES ConE, 1904. \'nT.. 1 Section 247. Authnri/ation. Bonds: There shall l)e maintained at the state capitol a state library, consist- ing^ of books, records, portraits and i^eneral works, which shall be conducted as a library of reference. The librarian shall gnve a bond of $2,000; the doorkeeper, of $500. Their salaries shall be paid from appropriations. Section 248. Library funds: All books, documents, and maps published by the state and not other- wise disposed of by law" shall be sold, and the i:)roceeds shall consti- tute a library fund. Section 249. Donations and cxchano^es: Tlie library board shall arrange for the exchang-e of publications with other states and institutions. It niav send its publications to libraries and societies. Section 250. Donations for law schools: The secretary of the commonwealth .shall furnish schools in whicli a law school is established copies of certain documents. Section 251. Funds: Provides for care of library fund bv the treasurer of the state. Section 252. Sale of i)ublications: Provides methods for selling state publications. Sectio.v 253. Payments from library fund: Provides form for ])ayment on account of state librarv. Section 254. State librarv board; ai)i)ointments ; terms; i)owers. Law library. 'I'ravcling libraries: State library shall be managed by a board of directors styled "The Library P)Oard" ; but the Supreme Court of Appeals shall have the management of the law lil)rary, which .shall l)e kept .separate from the state library. The terms of the directors first apjiointed (for state library) shall be one, two, three, four and live years, resi)eclively, — of their succes- sors, live years. "i'he library board shall organize by electing- a chairman. It shall ai)i)oint a librarian and doorkeeper, and may appoint assistants and cataloguers, 'i'he terms of office of these shall be at the pleasure of the board. The librarv board sliall keej) minutes of its ])roceed- 319 \'lRGINIA 2 ins^s. It may acquire hooks, maps, records, etc.. and shall cause the state records to he edited and pul^lished, as funds at its disposal may permit. It shall make regulations tor the library and see that it is properly managed. It shall direct all expenditures. Members of the hbrarv board shall receive no compensation, but reasonable expenses mav be paid. The library board shall report annually to the o-o\'ernor. It may purchase books and equipment for traveling- libraries, and traveling- libraries mav be loaned for a limited time to any free lii^rarv or any community. Section 255. Additions to library: The library board shall annually purchase such books for the library as may seem desirable. Records of the several departments of the state g-overnment shall by arrangement be deposited in the state library, but shall be re- garded as in the custody of the officers of the several departments to which they belong. Section 256. Historical works and relics: Provides for the care of books, pamphlets, manuscripts and relics, and for the imblication of records, and provides for the expense thereof. .Section 257. Librarian. ITis duties: Librarian shall have charge of state lil)ra'-v, givin'^- iiersonal atten- tion thereto and enforcing the rules. He shall be secretary of the library board and perform the duties belonging to that position. Section 258. Hours of opening. Section 259. Duties of doorkeeper : Doorkeeper shall assist librarian in discharge of his duties. Section 260. \Mio may use state library: Enumerates the state oflTicials who may use the lil)rary, and gives the library board ])ower to extend the privilege to others. Forbids the removal from the library of anything of special \alue. and limits time for return of books to two weeks. Section 260 a. Protection of library property : Provides penalties for injury or destruction of library property. 320 LAW LIBRARIES SiccTiox 261. Law lil)raries: I'roNidcs there ,-hall I)e a stale law library at Richmond, witli branches at Wylheville and Staunton, under the niana<:i"ement oi the sui)renie court of aiijieals. which shall appoint the staff. SK'Ttox 2r-2. Took for the law librari'^s: Pro\-ides fo- the i:)iMxha'^e of books bv the sui)reme court of appeals, and for rbicin^ exch.anoes in the law libraries. Sectiox 263. Resfulations of law libraries: Authorizes the supreme court of apjieals to make and enforce rules. Sectton 264. Who may use law libraries : Names the officials of the state who may use the law libraries, and Skives the supreme court of appeals power to extend the privile,q;e to others. Section 265. Provides for the distribution of session acts and code of Vir,a:inia. Section 266. Law libraries for courts and bar: Provides that when a law librarv of the value of at least one hun- dred dollars ($100.00) has been provided by voluntary contribu- tion, the clerk of the circuit court of such county shall take charge of the library. LEGISLATR^E REFERENCE BUREAU Acts of General A.ssEMr,i.v, 1914, Pace 303. Ciiai'ter 104 Section 1. Creation: There is hereby created a bureau to be known as a legislative refer- ence Inireau. Section 2. Director: The bureau shall be in chart^-e of a director appointed bv the t^over- nor, with the approval of the senate, without reference to i)arty affiliations a'^d sol-ly on the ground of fitness to perforin the duties of his ofifice. Salary shall be two thousand, five hundred dollars ($2,500), term five years unless removed bv the governor for cause. He shall de\''ic his entire tinie to the bureau; shall not be engaged in any other occr])ation ; shall be a graduate of a law school approved l)y the governor, a student of i)olitical science for at least twelve months, and have had experience in drafting statute law. Section 3. Stafif: Director may emi)loy, and fix compensation of, assistants, drafts- men and clerks, who .shall be selected without reference to party 321 ^'IRGIXIA affiliations, solely on the oronnd of fitness; compensation to be paid out of appropriations. State librarian may assign employees of the state library to assist in the le.s^islative reference bureau durins^ the sessions of the assembly. Section 4. Rooms. Hours: Suitable rooms shall be provided in the state library buildin.a:, capitol or elsewhere in Richmond. Hours shall be 9 A. ^I. to 5 P. M. through the year, and durino- the sessions of the assembly such other hours as may be required by the presidin.a; officers. Section 5. Use of other libraries: The director and employees shall have access to state law library and state library, with ri.oht to withdraw books, etc. Section 6. Functions: The bvireau shall : (1) Collect and classify books, pamphlets, etc., relating- to prospec- tive or pending- legislation. (2) Prepare catalogs, indexes, lists, digests and compilations of material. (3) Publish bulletins and jjamphlets. (4) Keep on file copies of all bills, resolutions, amendments, re- ports, etc. (5) Accumulate data and statistics regarding the practical opera- tion of statutes of this and other states. Skctiox 7. Lil)rary accessible: .Ml books, documents, etc., shall be at all times accessible to mem- bers of the general assembly, state and nmnicii)al officers. ])oards, commissioners and the public. Section 8. Duties: Upon the ref|uest of the governor or any member of the general assembly the bureau shall : (1) Draft or aid in drafting legislative bills, resolutions, or amend- ments thereof. (2) Advise as to the constitutionality, or legal effect, of proposed legislation. (3) Prepare summaries of existing law affected by proposed legis- lation, comi)ilations of laws in other states or countries, and state- ments of the operation and effect of such laws. (4) Make researches and examinations as to any subject of pro- posed legislation. Section 9. Form of procedure : All requests for drafting of bills or resolutions shall be in writing. Virginia — 5 shall describe purpose, shall be signed, shall be held in confidence by the bureau. Bureau shall draft bills in conformity with such requests. Section 10. Printing- and binding- : Printing; and binding necessary for the bureau shall be done by the public iirinter, who shall furnish necessary stationery and sup- plies, all to be paid out of the general printing funds. Section 11. Appropriations: Appropriates ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for expenses until the next biennial session, — not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) to be used in any one year. PUBLIC TJBRARTES Code, 1904, Vol. 1 Section 1043 a. Establishment: Authorizes cities and incorporated towns to establish and maintain free public libraries and reading rooms. 1. Council may establish: The council of each incori)oralcd city and town shall haye power to establish and maintain a public library and reading room, and may leyy a tax annually, not to exceed one mill on the dollar, for that pur])ose. 2. Ai)i)ointment of library board: When any city or town in council shall have decided to establish and niaiiUain a i:)ublic library .and reading room under this act, ihc mayor shall, with the ajjproval of council. ai)poinl nine directors who are citizens: and not more than one member of council shall be at any one time a member of said board, and he shall be the chairman of the committee on finance of said council; and the city superin- tendent of public schools shall also be a member of said board. 3. Terms of library board: Directors shall hold oftice after first ai)poinlment. one-lhird for one year, one-third for two years, and one-third for three years; there- after for three years. The mayor may, with consent of the coun- cil, remove any director for misconduct or neglect. 4. \'acancies: \'acancies shall be filled in the same manner, and no director shall receive compensation as such. 5. Organization and powers : Directors sh.all organize by the election of officers; shall make rules; shall have control of finances, of construction of buildings; custody of the ground, rooms or building; i)royided, that all the monevs for said library shall be deposited in ihe city treasury and drawn upon Virginia — 6 l)y the proper officers of the board. r)oard shall have i-)ower to purchase or lease .s;round, lease or erect building' or building-s, ap- point lilirarian and stall, and fix their compensation, power to re- move such ajipointees, and in general to carrv out the intent of this act. 6. Lil)rar3' shall be free: Every library and reading room established under this act shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants where located. 7. Report : Every board shall report annually to the city or town council. 8. Penalties : Council of said city or town shall have power to pass ordinances imposing penalties for injury to library property or failure to return books. 9. Legal designation of the board. Donations : Board is empowered to take property, real or personal, l)v gift, grant or devise, and provides that any person desiring to make donations of money, personal property, or real estate, for the bene- fit of such library, shall ha^'e the right to \est the title to money and real estate so donated, in the board of directors by its proi:)er official designated, created under this act, to be held and controlled by such board when accepted according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise, or becjuest, of such property; and as to such property the members of said board shall be held and considered to be special trustees. SCHOOL DISTRICT LIBRARIES Acts. 1<)14, Pace 138, Chapter 82 1. Enacts that the former act ajijjroved March 14, 1008, shall be amended to read as follows : Section 1. Funds: Provides that when friends of any public free school shall ''ivc to the clerk of the district fifteen dollars ($15) for the i)UT-cha;e of books, the school board shall appropriate fifteen dollars ($15) for the same purpose, and shall a]:)point a manager of said library. The school board shall also ap]:)oint a com])etent person to select l)ooks for the libraries that may be established, from list approved by the state board of education. Provided, that no school l)oard shall be obliged to api^ropriate money for more than five libraries in any one year. Section 2. Method of jiurchase and arrangement: This section prescrilies the way in which selections and remittances shall be made, and further jirovides that the state board of cduca- 324 ViKGIXIA 7 tion shall make rules and re.s^ulations, and that the district school board shall fiu-nish a bookcase. Section 3. Rules and exchano:es : The local manager of each library shall conform to the rviles pre- scribed by the state board of education. The local nianajiers of two or more libraries mav exchange libraries. Note. The act of 1008 was amended in 1910 and again in 1912. its latest form is as aboye. 325 WaSIIIXCiTOX — 1 WASHINGTON STATE LIBRARY, STATE LIBRARY COIVOIISSION AND ADVISORY BOARD Remington & Balltnger Annotated Codes and Statutes, 1910 Vol. 2 Section 6952. Commission. Membersliip. Terms. No Compen- sation : The state library commission shall consist of the orovernor, judges of the supreme court, and attorney' general. An advisory board is likewise created which shall consist of the superintendent of public instruction, of two persons appointed by the governor on his own initiati\e and of two persons appointed by the governor, one being recommended by the Washington State Historical Society and one bv the State Federation of Women's Clubs. This advisory l)oard shall give advice to the librarv commission and its librarian, with regard to the historical branch of the state library, and the free public and traveling departments thereof. The term of mem- bers of the advisory board shall be four years. No member shall receive any salary, but actual traveling expenses while engaged in their duties shall be paid. Section 6953. Duties of commission. Librarian and assistants: The library commission shall have control of the state library ; shall appoint librarian, who shall hold office at the pleasure of the commission. State librarian shall take oath to faithfullv discharge his duties; give bond for two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars; shall ai)point two assistants with the consent of the library connnission who shall qualify in like manner as the librarian. Commission shall adopt rules for the management of the library. Section 6958. Salary of state librarian. Section 6959. Duties of state librarian: State librarian under direction of the librarv commission shall: 1. Assume charge of the slate library; jirovule and arrange rooms with fittings and fixtures. 2. Purchase books, records, etc. 3. Receive and take charge of all books, etc., which may be donated to said library. 4. Provide for care and re])air of the library property. 5. Receive and distribute i)ublic documents as required by law. 6. Act as secretary of the library connnission and advisory board. 7. liiennially, before the meetings of the legislature, make a report to the state lilirary commission. Z27 Washinctox — 2 8. Discliarge such other chities as rer|uired by law or I))- the direc- tion of the library commission. The expenses incurred in the discharge of such duties properly audited shall be paid. Sfxtion 6960. Duties and jjowcrs of commission and advisory 1)oard : Library commission shall have absolute direction and cfintrol of the law department of the state hbrarv, its arrano-ement and the purchases to be made in connection therewith. Librarv commis- sion, with the advice and assistance of the advisory board shall con- trol the miscellaneous department of the state library and travelin.c; libraries, the historical department, and shall direct purchases and receive donations, and direct its policy in all particulars. The advisory board shall e^ive particular attention to the state his torical department and the travelins: libraries and shall oive advice and counsel to all free libraries in the state, and to all communities proposinf^- to establish them, as to establishment, books, selection, cataloging-, and other details. Sectiox 6961. Office and secretary: Library commission and advisory board shall have their office at the office of the state library. Librarian shall act as secretary to the commission and to the board ; shall keep record of the proceed- in.s^s, accounts of financial transactions of the commission, and with the advice of the board, act in organizin_g and improvin,g free public libraries and in the management of the state library or any depart- ment thereof. His expenses as secretary shall ])e paid as other ex- penses incurred by him. Sfxtion 6962. Custody of public documents: The printing- board shall deliver public documents immediately to the state librarian who is declared the custodian thereof, except that the printing board shall receive one hundred copies of reports of each state officer to be arrang-ed and bound in sets, and they shail deliver such bound sets to the state librarian. .Section 6963. "Public Documents" defined: The term "i)ublic documents" shall include the supreme court re- ports, session laws, legislative journals, reports of state officers or commissions or boards of the state, or of any person or ])ersons authorized by law to make such reports. Section 6964. Record of i)ublic documents: State librarian shall keep a record of all documents received and distribute the same, and shall report the distribution and the num- ber on hand to the state i)rinting board, and shall biennially report 328 Washington — 3 to the governor in detail, shall call attention to any shorta.s^e or any waste of the surplus, and make recommendations. The \\'ashington state library commission shall surrender to the librarian all books or documents in its possession. Sections 6965 to 6970 inclusive, j^rovide for the distribution of pub- lic documents In- the state librarian under the direction of the com- mission. STATE LA^^' LIBRARY Sfxtion 6954. Assistant state librarian to have charge: The assistant state librarian shall hereafter have charge of the law department of the state librarv and shall be entitled the state law librarian; shall hold his office by appointment of, and at the pleasure of the supreme court. (Laws of 1907). Skction 6955. Salary: The salary of the state law librarian shall be twenty-four hundred ($2400.00) dollars per annum. (Note: Session laws 1915. page 217, appropriate ($4800.00) for salarv of state law librarian). STATE TRAVELING LIBRARY Skctio.v 6956. Management: The state traveling library, with all books and propertv belonging thereto, .shall be under the management of a superintendent who shall be ai)]iointed l)y and hold office at the pleasure of tlie state librarv commission, who shall have supervision over said superin- tendent and tlie Iiooks. i)roperlv and affairs of said traveling librarv. Skctiox 6957. Salar^■ of sui)erintendent : The sunerintendent shall be charged with all the duties now resting ui)on the state librarian with reference to said traveling library. The superintendent shall lie allowed a salarv of twelve hundred ($1200.00) dollars i)er annum and necessarv traveling expenses. (Note: Session laws 1915, page 216 appropriate twenty-four hun- dred (S2400.00) dollars for salarv of superintendent.) PUBLIC Lir.RARlES AND MUSEUMS Section 6971. Establishment: By a majoritv vote at any election any citv. village, town, school district or other bodv authorized to lew and collect taxes, or by a vote of its common council any city or incorporated town, mav establi.sh and maintain a free iniblic librarv, with or without branches, either by itself or in connection with anv other body authorized to maintain such library. Whenever twentv-five tax payers shall petition, the (juestion of providing librarv facilities shall Washixgtox be voted on at tlie next election or meeting: at which taxes may be voted ; provided, that due pubHc notice shall have been .a^iven of the proposed action. (As amended. Laws. 1915. Chapter 12"). (Verbatim) Section 6972. Public aid to circulalins: libraries: By a similar vote money may be t^ranted toward the support of libraries not owned by the public, but maintained for its welfare and free use; provided, that such libraries shall be subject to the in- spection of the state library commission and registered by it as maintainino; a proper standard; that the commission shall certify what number of books circulated are of such character as to merit a ^s^rant of puijlic money, and that the amount granted yearly shall not exceed ten cents for each volume thus certified. Section 6973. Annual appropriations : Taxes may be voted liy anv authority named in Section 6971 for any purpose specified in Sections 6971 and 6972, and shall unless otherwise voted, be considered as annual appropriations therefor until changed by further vote; and shall be levied and collected yearly or as directed, and all money from taxes or other sources for such library shall be kept as separate library fund, expended only under the direction of librarv trustees. Everv free library shall be maintained and managed as pro^•ided in this chapter. Section 6974. Trustees, qualifications, etc. : The control and management of free libraries shall be vested in a board of five trustees, unless a larger number be voted, who shall be elected l)y the legal voters except that in cities and incorporated towns, the\- shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council. Xo person shall l)e ineligible by reason of sex and no trus- tees as such, shall ever receive any com]:)ensation. The first trus- tees shall determine by lot, whose term of ofiice shall expire each vear and a new trustee shall be elected annuallv to serve for five years, except when the board consists of more than five members. Each trustee shall serve for a term of years corresponding to the number of regular members on the board in order that one term shall expire each vear. All vacancies shall be filled in like manner and any unexpired term for the residue of the term. ( .\s amended. Laws, 1915, Chapter 12). (Note: A note in the library laws of the state of Washington issued by the state librarian .says library trustees in cities of the fourth class must be elected. Opinion of, the attorney general. Time 6, 1914). Section 6975. Officers of board. Powers and duties of librarian: Trustees shall organize by the election of one of their number presi- dent and the election of such other officers as they may deem neces- 330 Washington — 5 sary. They shall adopt laws and reg'ulations for their own g-uid- ance and for the government of the lihrary. Thev shall have super- vision, care and custody of all lihrarv propcrtv and the expenditure of all moneys collected for the library fund. Thev may accept and receive gifts of money, real estate, books or other property for librarv purposes. They may lease and occupy, jiurchase or erect Iniildings for library purposes. They shall have power to appoint a chief librarian who shall l)e subject to removal by the board. They shall adopt a svstem of competition or examination under which all appointments except that of chief librarian shall be made and under such system the chief librarian shall have power, with the consent of the board, to appoint all subordinate enij^loves, pre- scribe rules for their conduct and remove them from office. So far as possible all appointments shall be made for ascertained fitness for the work and removal shall be made for demonstrated unfitness and neither appointments nor removals shall be made because of candidates' race, color, political influence or religious belief. Trus- tees shall have the power to do all acts and things necessary to the management, custody and control of the library. .Section 6976. Annual report : Trustees shall make an annual report at the close of each vear to the city council or the ]:)ro]:)cr l)ody authorized to lew and collect taxes, stating the condition of their trust, an account of money received and expended, the work of the vear, together with their estimate of the income necessary for the proper maintenance for the ensuing year: provided that nothin"- in this chapter shall be con- strued as empowering the board of trustees to incur anv indebted- ness except as there is sufficient m(inc\- in the librarv fund and api)licablc to the i)a\'mcnt thereof. Skction 6977. Registration necessarv: In order to avail the librarv of anv provision of this chapter for state aid, the board of trustees shall ai)i)lv to the state library com- mission to have the institution registered bv the commission as a library under its visitation and supervision. (W'rliatim) Section 6978. Annual report: Every library which receives state aid shall make to the commis- sion an annual report verified by the oath of its presiding ofiicer, giving information prescribed by the commission. These rei)orts shall be summarized and transmitted to the governor. Section 6979. l.iliraries to be free: Every library established or maintained under this chajitcr shall be forever free for the use of the inhabitants of the citv, town, vil- lage or district where located, subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as trtistces may find necessarv. 331 Washington — 6 Section 6980. Use of library by non-residents : The board of trustees of any free library may under such regula- tions as it may deem necessary and upon the conditions a.s:reed upon, allow non-residents of the city, town, village or district in which the library is situated to use the books therein, and may make ex- changes of books with any other public library and anv such board may contract with the commissioners of the countv in which the library is situated or with the commissioners, trustees or council of any neighboring county, village or city, to loan the books of said library to the residents of such county, village, town or city upon terms agreed upon and every such board of trustees, board of county commissioners or village trustees, town or city council, is hereby empowered to make contracts for such ]un-pose and to pay consid- eration agreed upon therein to the lioard of trustees of such library. Section 6981. Mutilation. Penalty: Whoever intentionally injures or destroys anv proi^erty belonging to, or deposited in any public library, reading room, museum or other institution shall be punished by imprisonment in the peniten- tiary for not more than three years or in the countv jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five hundred ($500.00 ) dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ( Note : Remington & Ballinger Code, Section 2656 makes it a misdemeanor to wilfully or maliciously remove, damage or destroy anv work of literature or art, or other objects specified in any library or other institution named). Section 6982. Keeping books overtime: Provides that any one detaining librarv propertv tliirtv days after due notice in writing lo return the same has ])een given after the expiration of the time, which by the rules of the institution it might be kept, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one or more than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding six months. Provides that notice shall bear on its face a copy of this section. Section 6983. Transformation to public library: Any corporation, association, school district or combination of dis- tricts, may by legal vote, approved by the library commission, trans- fer the ownership and control of its library with all its property, to any public librarv under the supervision of the commission and thereafter said public library shall be entitled to receive anv money or other property from the state or other sources to which said cor- poration, association or district would have been entitled and the trustees or body making the transfer sliall be relieved of all respon- sibility for the property transferred. 332 Was 111. xerox — 7 Section 6984. State supervision: If tlie local authorities of anv librar}', supported wliollv or in ))ar; b}'^ state money, fail to provide for the safetv and i)ul)lic usefulness of its books, the state lil)rarv commission, shall in writin*^' notifv the trustees of said library of what is necessarv to meet the state's rc- (|uirements. and on sttch notice all its rights to further g'rants ot mone)- or books from the state shall be suspended until the com- mission certifies that the ref|uirements have been made and if said trustees shall refuse or neglect to comply with stich ref|uirements for sixty days after the service of such notice, the commission may remove them from office, and thereafter all books and other library proi)erty. wholly or in part paid for from state monev shall be under the full and direct control of the commission, which as shall seem best for the public interest may appoint new trustees to carry on the library or mav store it or mav distribute to other libraries the books paid for with the state money. Section 6985. State to loan books: Under such rules as it may prescribe the state librarv commission may loan books to any public library or to any community not yet having established such library, but having conformed to the con- ditions re(|uired by such loan; all the official jjublications of the state shall be furnished free to every public library. Section 6986. Advice from the state commission : Trustees of a library or anv citizen interested in any public li- brary in the state, shall be entitled to ask and receive from the state library commission, advice as to library building, equipment, or- ganization and administration. Commission may provide such advice personally or through printed matter and correspondence. Commission may on request select and buv books or furnish money instead of books. Such assistance shall be free to residents of the state, but the commission may charge a fee to non-residents or for assistance of a per.sonal nature. Section 6987. Disposition of funds: Commission may use receipts from all sources for buving books or for other i)roper expense. Section 6988. State aid : Such simis as shall have been apjiropriatcd bv the legislature as a fimd for i)ublic lil)rary aid shall be paid annuallv according' to an apportionment made for the benefit of deserving libraries by the commission; provided, that this money shall not be spent for any books except those apjiroved by the comnn'ssion ; that no localit}' shall share in the a])portionment unless it shall raise an equal amount from taxation or other local sources; that the expenditure shall he ])roi)erly vouched for bv the commission; that books jxaid 333 Was ii I n ( ;to n — 8 for l)y the state shall be subject to return whenever the lil)rary shall neglect to conform to the regulations. Section 6989. Abolition by vote: Any library established under this chapter mav be abolish-d only bv a majority vote at an annual election ratified bv a majoritv vote at the next annual election. If any library be abolished, this prop- erty shall be next used, first to return to the commission for the benefit of other libraries in that locality, the equivalent of sucli sums as it may have received from the state or other sources as j^^ifts. After such return anv remaining- property may be used as directed in the vote abolishing the library. When transferred the trustees shall be freed from further responsibility. No abolition of a public library shall be lawful until the commission grants a certificate that its assets have been properly transferred and its abolition completed in accordance with law. Section 6990. Gifts. Title: All persons desirous of making gifts of money, personal i-)roperty or real estate for the benefit of a public library, shall have the right to vest the title thereto in the board of trustees, to be held and controlled by the board when accepted according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise or bequest. Section 6991. Museums. Construction of word "library": All provisions of this chapter shall apply equally to libraries and to combined libraries and museums, and the word library shall be construed to include reference and circulating libraries and read- ing-rooms. ( Verbatim ) Laws. 1915, Page 655. Chapter 184 Section 14. The city council of such city shall have power * '^■ * * * (o) to establish and maintain a free pulilic library; SCHOOL LIBRARIES Remington & P>allinger Annotated Codes and Statutes, 1910, Vol.. 2 Section 4592. Estaljlishmcnt : The county superintendent of each county of this state may estab- lish a circulating library for the use and benefit of the inipils of the common schools of such county. (Verbatim) Section 4593. Library fund: County commissioners may levy a tax sufficient to carry into effect 334 Wash ixgtox — ') the provisions oi^ Section 4592. Provided, that said tax shall not exceed one-tenth of one mill on the dollar. Section 4594. Payment of bills: County commissioners shall not allow hills to be paid until certified b}' the county superintendent. Secttox' 4595. Purchases: County superintendent shall purchase no books or fixtures until there is sufficient money to credit of the funds to pay the bills. Section 4596. Approval of books: N'o books shall be i^laced in the county librar-\', unless recommended by the state board of education or the superintendent of public instruction. Sec'iiox 4597. Supervision: The county superintendent shall purchase the books and enforce the reg'ulations. 335 West Virginia — 1 WEST \'IRGTXTA STATE (LAW) TJT.RARY Com-, 1913. Vol. 1 Skcttox 300. A]:)pointnient. Salary. Term. Bond : Tlicre sliall l)e a state librarian appointed bv tlie oovernor, wbose term shall commence and end with that of the g'overnor. He shall give bond. Section 391. Powers. Duties. Liabilities: The state librarian shall have cliarge of the state library, and be governed by the following rules : First. Lil)rary shall be ojjcn to officers and memliers of the govern- ment named, for certain hours prcscrilied. Xo other i^erson than those sj^ecified shall be permitted to remove any book or jiai^er. Second. No book or pai)cr shall l)e taken from the library unless a signed receipt is given. Third. Other persons than those prescribed may be iiermiUed lo use the library at the i)lace where it is kei:)t. Fourth. It shall be the duty of the librarian in his annual report to gi\'e the names of those who have obtained books and have not returned them, and the titles of the books not returned. Fifth. Librarian shall arrange books in proi)er and convenient order, and shall i)rcscrye the same from moldering and from moths. 1 ie shall also kcc]) a catalogue of the books of the lil)rarv, and sliall add thereto all lionk'^. purchased or received, and erase therefrom all books lost or destroyed. Sixth. Librarian shall collect and preserve cojiies of pul)lic docu- ments of the United States and of the other states. Seventh. Lil)rarian shall ha\'e i)ower to appoint an assistant when- ever he is absent on official duty. ICighth. lie ma)-, \vith the consent of the governor, secrelar;\- of state and attorney general, make necessary alter.-itions in the library rooms, and appropriate additional room. Ninth. Any person who shall remove a book oi' i)a])er, and shall fail to return it u])on demand, shall be liable for li\e times the \alue thereof, recoverable by an action. Tentli. Provides that the librarian shall have charge of the sui)renie court reports, and provide for their distribution and exchange for other documents. Shall rei)ort annualK- to the go\-ei-nor. all trans- actions under this section. ICieventh. Librarian may exchange or sell documents not wanted, and keej) a record of such exchange or sale. 'JA\elfth. If the li1)rarian shall ;ii)pro])riate to his own use, or dis- 3.V W'kst A'ir(;inia — 2 pose of any books in the state library, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than five dollars ($5.00) and not more than one thousand dollars, ($1,000.00) and forfeit his ofifice. Thirteenth. All necessary expenses incurred In- the librarian, not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) annually, shall be paid out of the state treasurv. STATE ]..\\y UV,R.\RY Section 392. Law librarian. .Xppointment. Duties: The county court of Jefferson County is authorized and directed to appoint a competent person librarian of the state law library at Charleston, and to make repfulatinns therefor. Section 393. Same. P.nnd. Salarv: Librarian shall ^We bond for five hundred dollars ($500.00). Pro- vides for salary. STATE BUREAU OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY Section 394. Establishment. Powers. Duties : Provides for the establisiiment of a state bureau of archives and history, which shall contain the archives of the state and public records, books, ])aniphlets, rejiorts. etc., on historv, 1)iog,ranhv and kindred subjects of West \'iroinia. Provides for the establishment of a nuiseum in connection with such bureau. Section 395. Same: Provides that the bureau shall occupy rooms in the state cajiitol, or in an annex thereto. Section 396. Provides for the ai)i)ointment of a state historian and archivist for a term of four years. Section 397. State publications to be exchano-cd with other slates. Section 398. Apjiropriation. PUBLIC LIBRARIES Laws. 1915, Pace 391, Chapter 64 An act authorizing^ incorporated cities and towns, and also counties and school districts, to levy taxes for the purpose of establishing- l^ublic libraries and reading- rooms. Sectio.x 1. Explanation of terms: The Pillowing words and jihrases, wherever used in this act shall include and l)e taken to mean as follows: The word "inuniciiialily" shall include an incorporated city, a town, a county and a school 33S W'kST \'lKC.IXt.\ — 3 district: "numicipal aulhnritv" sliall iiiclude the mayor and coninion council of a city, a town, or board of commissioners, or other corre- si)onding- autlioritv thereof, county courts and boards of education of school districts and independent school districts; "public library" shall include nublic library and reading room: "chief executive authority" shall include mayor and city council or other correspond- in<;- authority in c'ties and towns and the county court and board of education in counties and school districts; "the directors of public library" shall include the members of public library boards of cities, towns, comities and school districts established under this act. (Verbatim) Secttox 2. Establishment: The municipal authority of any municiiiality shall haye the power to establish, equip and maintain a public library, or take over and maintain and support any public library already established therein for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of such municipality; and may levy an annual tax for the purpose, of not more than one and one-half cents on the one hundred dollars, on all the taxable prniicrty in said municipality, such tax to be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes of the municiiialitv, which ^diall l)e kept separate in a fund to lie known as the "library fund"; [provided, that when any nninicipality makes a levy for a municipality in which there is already a municijjal library, and the said municipality docs not join in the proiiosed library, the said municipality shall omic from the levy of the library tax all i)ropertv within the limits of said munici])alily not joining- in said i^roposed library; proxidcd. further, that before establishino" any public library, or levying any tax therefor, the municii)al authority shall submit the question to the voters of such municii)ality, and the majority of the voters voting thereon shall authorize the establishment of such library, and the levy of such tax. The (|uestion shall be submitted at a general or special election, u])r)n the order of said municiijal authority or upon the petition, in case said municipal authority fail or rel'use to do so, in writing, of twenty per centum of the (lualified voters resident of the municii)ality ; and tlie election, when ordered, shall be conducted, held and returned in all respects as other elec- liiin-; and the ballot used shall have written or i)rinted thereon under the heading "Public Library Question" the words, in plain letters, "For Public Library"; "Against Public Library." And the municipal authority of said nninicii)alitv shall give at least two weeks notice of said election by ijublishing notice thereof in one or more newspai)ers i)ublished in said municii)ality ; or, if mme are therein published, by like notice i)osted for a like period at each of the voting i)laces in said municii)ality, and at five other l)ublic i)laces for a like ))eriod, before said election, .giving the date and object of the election. (Verbatim) 339 West Virginia — 4 Section 3. Directors: ^^'henever such public library is established under this act, the chief executive authority of said municipality shall appoint a board of six directors, chosen from the citizens at laree from said municipality, with reference to their fitness for such office. Such directors shall hold office for three years from the first dav of July followin.^ their appointment, and until their successors are appointed; but upon their first apjiointment thev shall, at their first meetins;, divide them- selves into three classes, so that one-third of the nvunber shall hold office for a period of one vear, one-third for two years, and one-third for three vears. Xo person shall be inedigible to serve on said board bv reason of sex. \'acancies in the board shall be reported to the municipal authorities, and filled bv appointment in like manner as original apjiointments for the unexpired term. The municipal authorties may remoAe anv director for misconduct or ne.s^lect of duty. No compensation shall lie iiaid or allowed anv director. The chief school officer of each municipality establisliins" a public library shall be ex-officio a memiier of its librarv board in addition to the six directors provided for herein. (A^crbatim) Section 4. Directors. Ora:anization. Powers : The directors of each public library established under this act shall, immediately after their appointment, meet and org-anize by electin,2f one of their number as ])resident, and one as secretarv. A majority of all the members of any board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Thev shall make and adopt such by-laws, rules and reg-ulations for their own guidance and for the .govern- ment of the library as mav be expedient and not inconsistent with this act. Thev shall have exclusive control of the expenditures of all the money coll >cted for the librarv fund a"d fn'- the construction of any library building or repairs thereto, and the sujiervision, care and cvistodv of the grounds, rooms or Imilding constructed, leased or set apart for the purpose; i^rovided, that all monev received for public librarv purposes, and deposited in the treasur\' of such muni- ci])ality to the credit of the lilirary fund, shall be drawn bv the proper municipal officers upon the jiroper authenticated vouchers of the librarv board. Public librarv boards mav, with the approval of the municipal authority, lease and occupy or ])urchase or erect an appropriate luiilding for the use of said librarv. They shall have i)ower to ai)i)oint a suitable libra'^ian and assistants, and pre- scribe rules for iheir conducl, and fix their comjiensation ; and shall have power to remove such appointee, and, in general, carry oul the spirit and iiuention of tliis act in establishing and maintaining free public libraries for their respective munici])alities. Section 5. Who mav use libraries: Each librarv estalilished under this act shall be free for the use of 340 \\' ICST \ ' 1 KC, 1 .\ I A 5 tlu' iiihaliitants of the municipality where located, subject to sucli reasonable rules and regulations as the lil)rarv board mav adopt and publish, in order to render the use of said libra^'v of tjreatest benefit to the greatest number ; and said board may exclude from the use of said library any and all persons who shall wilfully yiolate such rules. The board may extend the priyile^e and u'-e of said library to non- residents of the municipality upon such terms and conditions as said board may iirescribe. Section 6. Report: Each library board shall, on or before the first dav of fnlv in each year, make report to the municipal authority appoinMns: it. stating the condition of the library property, the various sums of money received from the library fund, and all other sources, and how such money was expended; the number of books and periodicals on hand, the number added by purchase and gift, the number lost or mislaid, the number of books loaned out and the general character of such br)oks, together with an itemized budget estimate of expense of the library for the ensuing year, with such other statistical information and suggestions as the}' may deem of general interest or that may be required by said municipality. Section 7. Donations: All persons desiring to make donations of cash or other personal property or real estate for the benefit of such library, shall have the right to vest the title thereof in the library board created under this act, to be held in trust and controlled by such board according to the terms and for the iiurposes set out in the deed, gift, devise or bef|uest. Section 8. Penalty for injuring ])ro]ierty: Any one who shall wilfully deface or injure any building or furni- ture, or deface, injure or destroy any i:)icture, plate, engraying, map, newspaper, magazine or book, or any object of art belonging to a public library, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by fine of not less than five dollars or more than fifty dollars, or by imiirisonmcnt not exceeding six months. The fine in each case shall be paid to \hc i)r()i»er ofiicer or custodian of the library fund to be used by such libr.-iry as other money jxu'd into its treasury. Skctiox '). Detention of books, etc.: Any i)erson who shall wilfully detain anv book. newspai)er. maga- zine. i)ami)hlet or manuscript belonging to such library, or to any incorporated library, for thirty days after notice in writing from the librarian, after the expiration of the time such books, news- l);il)er. ma'^azine, ])amphlet or m.uiuscript may be kept according 341 West Virginia — 6 to the rules and regulations of said library, shall be liable for dam- ages, to be recovered by said library board, by appropriate pro- ceedings before a justice of the peace; the recovery in each case to be paid to the proper officer or custodian of its funds; j^roridcd, that the notice required herebv shall include a copy of this section. SCHOOL LIBRARIES Cope, 1913, V. 1 Section 2076. Purchase of books : Board of education of any district may purchase books for school libraries. Not more than ten dollars ($10) may be expended in any one year for this purpose in anv school, and books must be se- lected from list recommended by the state superintendent of schools. Section 2077. School librarian : Trustees of any district where a school librarv exists of two hun- dred volumes mav, upon petition of one-half its taxpayers, employ a responsible person to care for such school library. LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS Code, 1913, V. 2 Sections 3196-3204. Provide for the incorporation of voluntary as- sociations for various purposes, enumerating among these library associations. 342 W'iSC'OXSIX — 1 ^^"TscoNSIN STATE (LAW) LIBRARY Statutes, 1913 SivCTiON 367. Trustees: Justices of supreme court and attorney general shall be ex-officio trustees and shall have full control of the lil)rarv and make suitable rules for its use. Sectiox 36(8. State law librarian : Board of trustees shall appoint a librarian, who shall give l)ond and prescribe his duties. Shall appoint staff. Section 369. Rules and regulations : 1. Tlie library shall be open every dav during sessions of the supreme court and the legislature, except Sundays and on such other days as they may direct. 2. Books may be borrowed by an^^ state officer, member of the legislature or judge. 3. Attorneys and others shall be permitted to use, under jjrojjer restrictions, books within the library. 4. Imposes fines and forfeitures for violation of rules. Section 370. Catalog: Trustees may direct a catalog to be printed. Section 371. Provides for ihe i)urcha'-e of law and other books. Section 372. Duties of librarian: To give his ])ersonal attention to the library ; to keep an account of all books added or removed; to keep a catalog of the library; to keej) a record of books issued; to secure the return of l)ooks drawn by members of the legislature; to collect penalties incurred bv viola- tion of the rules; to transmit pul)lic documents mentioned to the Librar}' of Congress and to other states and territories; to exchange publications with foreign government; to ])erform all other duties prescribed by the trustees or bv the law; to cause to be installed, in the most scientific and ai)proved method a card-index and calalo.g of the books and material; to attend an annual conference of the American Society of Law Libraries, for the purpose of studying modern methods of library administration ; to sell or exchange dupli- cates, subject to the ai)i)rov:d of the trustees. Section 373. Prox'ides for the deiiosil and distribution of L'nited States documents. 343 Wisconsin — 2 Statutes, 1913 Skction 172-8, as amended. Laws, 1915, chajiter 558. Appropria- tions : Sub-section 1 appropriates annually, beginning July 1915, $7,125 f(ir the work of the State library. Sub-section 2 ai)propriates annually, beginning July 1915, $3,009 to carry into efifect the provisions of section 371, of Statutes, 1913, (imrchase of books). STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Statutes, 1913 Section 374. Powers. Executive committee. Real estate: The State Historical Society, organized under act of 1853, shall continue to possess the powers and privileges thereby conferred, subject to the limitations of this chapter and such laws as shall hereafter be enacted. The Society shall be the trustee of the State, and as such shall hold all the property of the Society. There shall be an executive committee, of which the governor and the secre- tary of the state treasury shall be ex-officio members. The Society may sell and convey real estate. Section 376. Duties: It shall l)e the duty of said society to collect books, maps and other material illustrative of the history of this state and of the West; to procure narratives from early pioneers ; to procure facts relative to her Indian tribes; to purchase books for the various clei:)artments in its collection ; to bind books and other material and catalog the collections; to report biennially, for publication; to keep its rooms open at all reasonable hours. Local Historical Societies Sections 376 a-376 e. Give authority and functions of local histori- cal societies. Statutes. 1913 Section 172-28, as amended. Laws, 1915, chapter 485. Appropria- tions : Sub-section 1 appropriates annually, beginning July 1915, $50,000 for the work of the State Historical Society. Sub-section 2 appropriates $8,195 for the payment of indebtedness incurred prior to July 1, 1915. Sub-section 3 appropriates, July 1, 1915, $780, July 1, 1916, $780, for property rejiairs and maintenance. Sulj-section 4 appropriates July 1, 1915, $8,200, July L 1916, $8,200, 344 Wisconsin — 3 for the i)urchase of library Ixtoks, furniture and furnishings and other i)ernianent i)roi)ertv and improvements. FREE IJP.RARV COMMISSION Section 373 a. 1. Commission. Secretary: The governor shall a])point two persons for the terms of five years each, who, with the j^resident of the university, the state superin- tendent and the secretary of the State Historical Society, shall constitute a free library commission. \^acancies shall be filled by the governor. The officers of the commission shall be a chairman, elected from the members thereof for one year, and a secretary not of its own number, a])pointed by the commission to serve at the will of the commission, under such conditions and for such com- pensation as to it shall seem adequate. The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the commission and accounts of its financial transactions ; have charge of its work of organizing and improving libraries, and in general perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned him by said commission. In addi- tion to his salary, he shall be allowed his actual and necessary traveling expenses while absent from his office upon' the service of the commission. Commission may also engage such other assist- ants as shall be re(|uisite to the i^erformance of its work. ( Srri':R\isi()\ ok rri'.r.ic Lii!R.\Kn-:s) 2. .\dvice and aid: Commission shall give advice to all free libraries and to all com- munities which may ])ro])ose to establish them, as to their establish- ment and administration, the selection and cataloging of books and library management, and may send any of its members to aid in organizing and improving libraries. ( Tr.wki.i no Lir.KARIlCS) 3. Duties: Commission shall estal)lish a de])arlment of traveling libraries in charge of an officer si)ecially (|ualified; shall purchase books, etc., and accept gifts for traveling libraries. Said department of travel- ing libraries shall also aid in esablishing and sui)ei-yising a county system of traveling libraries. Commission may coo])erate with other state library commissions and libraries in the i)ublication of documents, in order to secure a more economical administration; shall re])ort biennially to the go\'ernor. Xo commissioner shall be com])ensated for his services, but actual li-aveling exi)enses in the service of the commission ma\ be allowed. 34.=; Wisconsin — I- (Library School) 4. Lilirary school. Other duties. Purposes : Library coniniission is emjiowered to conduct a school of lil^irary science and to hold librarians' institutes in various parts of the state; is authorized to accei)t. arrange and circulate liooks, traveling libraries and pictures to be loaned to libraries and other clubs, com- munities, institutions and individuals; shall bind periodicals for traveling libraries, encourage sttidy clubs, train lil)rarians to be better educators, aid more efficiently in the proper organization of new libraries and aid in building up a better system of i)roi)er edu- cation for peo])le who have finished their education in the schools. Section 373 am. 1. Librarv school connected with university: The school of library science created bv section 373 a shall here- after be known as the school of library science of the university. (Verbatim ) 2. University to aid school : The regents are hereby auth(irized to cooperate with the commis- sion in the maintenance of the library school, and to aid the school by appropriating, out of the funds of the university, such sums as will aid in specialized teaching and equipment for said school, and otherwise to aid said school in such manner as will conduce to the development of said school and of library science in the state. Section 373 b. Office. Printing, etc. : The commission shall be allowed the use of suitable office and equipment in the capitol. The secretary of state shall audit its bills. The state printer shall print for it. Section 373 c. Lists of public documents : The commission shall make check-lists of public docunien*s; shall assist state officers and other citizens in studving institutions of tiie state; shall assist public libraries to comjilete and arrange files of state publications; shall prepare and jjrint catalog-cards of public documents for public libraries and the various departments of the state. Section 373 d. Documents: The state printer shall deliver to the commission three copies of each public document printed. Section 373 e. Depositaries of public docmnents : Librarv commission shall ascertain what libraries in the state having more than one'thr)usand ^'olumes can care for and use to ad\'antage public documents, and report same to the superintendent of jniblic printing; shall designate such libraries as depositaries and report lists of such deiiositaries to the state superintendent of jniblic prop- 346 Wisroxsix — 5 ertv. will) sliall cause copies of i)ul)lic documents to ])e furnislictl to such deposilarv libraries. ( Legislatue Reference Lif.rarv) Sectiox 373 f. 1. The said commission is also authorized and directed to maintain in the state capitol, for the vise and informa- tion of the le.^islaUire, the several state departments, and such other citizens as may desire to consult the same, a legislative reference room and a small working library, as complete as may be, of the several |)u1)lic documents of this and other states, and to purchase for said library standard works of use and reference. The said com- mission may also collect, summarize and index information of a legislative nature relating to legislation of foreign countries, fif states of this country, the federal government and municii)alities. The said commission may also make such investigations into statute law, legislative and governmental institutions, as will aid the legis- lature in performing its duties in the most efficient and economical manner. The said commission is also hereby authorized and direct- ed to cooperate, during sessions of the legislature, with the secre- tary and superintendent of the State Historical Societv of Wiscon- sin, as trustee of the state, with a view to a joint arrangement by which the needs of the legislature in the matter of g'eneral books of reference may be met to the fullest possible extent; the said com- mission shall give such space within its rooms to books brought to the cai)itol by said society for such purpose, as mav be jointly agreed ui)on between them. The librarian of the said librarv and the officers of slate dei^artments are hercbv authorized to give or loan to the free librarv commission, for the use of the legislative reference rooms, such books and documents as will be useful in that room. The said free library co'iimission is also authorized to give or loan to the Stale Historical Society or to the state dei^art- ments, any books and documents excei)t those in current use in the legislative reference room. 2. The free librarv commission shall emjilov, during each legisla- tive session and the two months next preceding each session, draftsmen and such hel]) as may be necessary for the drafting of bilU. Statu TICS, 1913 Section 172-23. Appropriations: 1. There is annuallv ai:)i)ropriated, beginning |ulv 1. I'HS, $29,000 for the functions of the commission other than the work of ihc Legislalixe reference library. 2. There is annuallv ai)i)ropriated, beginning Inlv 1, 1915, $3,000 for tlu- i)urchase of books, traveling cases and other appurtenances. 347 Wisconsin — 6 3. This act shall take effect as of July 1, 1915. (Note: Sub-sections 1, 2 and 3 are ^iven as amended, Laws, 1915, chapter 481). 4. All monies received on account of Free public library commis- sion shall be deposited in the general fund of the State treasury and appropriated for carrying- on the work of the commission other than the work of the Legislati\e reference library. 5. There is annually appropriated, beginning July 1, 1913, $21,800 to carry on the \vork of the Legislative reference department of the Free library connnission. COUNTY LIBRARIES Statutes, 1913 Section 697-11. Board of Libraries: County supervisors may establish a board of liliraries, elect five directors thereof, of either sex, for three years, except the first year, when two shall be elected for one year, two for two years and one for three years. No compensation or expenses whatever shall be allowed to directors. Section 697-12. County traveling libraries: 1. Directors shall elect from their number a president, vice-presi- dent, secretary and such other officers as thev may deem necessary. They may make rules for their own guidance and that of the county traveling libraries or such permanent libraries as may be established under Section 697-17. Thev shall control the expenditures of ail moneys ai)i)roiM-iatcd, or property or money donated, for county traveling or iiermancnt libraries, and the establishment and control of such libraries. They shall not pay any sums whatever for keep- ing care, transporting or li])rarian service of such county travel- ing libraries. Thev shall have exclusive charge and control of all lands, buildings, moneys or iM-ojiertv devised or bequeathed or given to any county for lil^raries. 2. Supervisin.g librarian shall reix^rt annually to tiie board of supervisors: (1) the num]>er of volumes in the libraries, (2) sta- tions supi^lied during the year, (3) expenses incurred, (4) number of books during the year, and (5) such other information in regfard to libraries as the board of sui)eryis()rs may direct. Section 697-13. Liljrarian. Duties. Salary: Said board of libraries may appoint a supervising librarian for such county libraries at a salary not to exceed fifty dollars ($50) per annum', whose duty shall be to arrange and repair the books, keep records, instruct libraries or traveling libraries, and to per- form other duties as directed. Such librarian shall be a resident of .348 Wisconsin — 7 the county, of cither sex, and niav l)c permitted necessary travehng expenses not to exceed seventy-five dollars ($75). SECTION 697-14. Books: Board shall jnnxhase stiitable books, arransje them in cases, dis- tribute such cases to as many districts equallv distant from each other as their means will ])erniit, with the object in view of finally serving libraries within reasonable easy reach of people in the county. Libraries shall be located in suitable places and not per- mitted to remain in one location long'er than six months, except that such time may be extended, not to exceed thirty days, upon a])plication of five cardholders. Skctiox 697-15. Maintenance: Any county may apiiroj^riate, the first year not to exceed five hun- dred dollars, and thereafter not to exceed two hundred dollars, fot the establishment and maintenance of traveling- libraries. Section 697-16. Advice: The Wisconsin Free Library Commission may advise any board of libraries as far as practicable on the conduct of its work. (Verbatim) Section 697-17. Agreement in regard to gifts: Any county may receive by devise, bequest or gifts, land-^. build- ings, money, books or other ])roperty for the ptirpose of establishing a public library for the county, and may enter into an agreement to mainlain a i)ublic library in consideration thereof, and shall be bdund to faithfully perform such agreement. In such case, the said board of libraries has full [jower to jiroperly administer the same. (\\M-batim) CLASSIFICATION OF CITIES Statutes, 1913 Section 925-1. For the exercise of the corporate powers herein mentioned, the cities of this state shall be divided into classes as follows : First-class, cities containing a population of one hundred and fiftv thousand or more; second class, cities containing a i)opulation of forty thousand or over and under one hundred and fifty thousand; third class, those containing ten thousand or over and under forty thousand; fourth-class, less than ten thousand. Any city incorpor- ated hereunder shall pass from one class to another when it has sufficient poiiulation and when its common council shall by ordinance or resolution make publication thereof and make proper provision for such change in city government. Cities under sjiecial charters shall be divided into like classes determined in the same manner. 349 Wisconsin — 8 PUBLIC LIBRARIES Laws, 1911, Page 116, Chapter 109 Section 1. Maintenance of public libraries in cities of the first class: In cities in the state which have a population of 150.000 or more, and are therefore authorized to maintain a public library, the com- mon coimcil may levy and collect a tax, not exceeding; two hundred and sixty-four thousandths of a mill, proceeds of such tax to be used only for the maintenance and increase of the pubHc library and necessary expenses connected therewith. Trustees shall erect, purchase or lease buildinj^s, lots or rooms, and furnitin-e; all lots or l)uildin,G;s purchased or erected shall be conveyed to the city. Statutes, 1913 Section 931. Establishment and maintenance in cities of second, third, fourth classes : The common council of every city of the second, third or fourth class, the trustees of every villag^e and the board of every town, mav establish, equip and maintain a public library and reading' room, or maintain one already established, and may annually levy and collect a tax upon the taxable property of such citv, village or town, to provide a library fund; provided, that in lieu of maintaining such jniblic library, the council of every city of the classes named having a board of education mav lew such tax and authorize the board of education to expend the same in aid of the maintenance of any secular or non-sectarian public library free to all inhaliitants of such city already established and maintained therein by anv society, as.sociation or corporation. Section ^)3\ a. Annual tax for library in case of gift: if a gilt be offered to any city, village or town for a i)ublic lil)rary or a library building, in consideration thereof, such citv, village or town may obligate itself, by an ordinance adopted by a two-thirds vote, to levy and collect an annual tax for the support and mainte- nance of such library or building not to exceed fifteen per cent of such gift; and if such gift be accepted, such obligation shall not be repealed. Such ordinance shall be sul)ject to the referendum pro- vided for in section 39-1. In the case of any such gift for a library Imilding, the library board of directors of such citv, village or town shall have the exckisive right to select and contract for the pur- chase of a site therefor at a cost of not to exceed one-third of such gift. Such board of directors shall reiiort forthwith to such city council, village or town board, tiic amount required to ])ay for sucli site; and the council, village or town board shall thereui)on, by resolution, include such sum in the next succeeding annual tax levy or provide for an issue of bonds in the re(|uired amount. (Verbatim) 350 Wisconsin — 9 (Note: Xn nnlinancc or rt'solutinn jiassjcl bv tlie council of anv city, cxcejit such cities as are organized under sections 925m-301 throu,y-li ')25m-317 inclusive shall g'o into effect within twenty days from the time of its passas:e. except such as are declared emergency orders by a two-thirds vote of the council.) Section 30-j. Provides that if, within twenty days after the passage and publication of any ordinance or resolution, a i)ctition signed by qualified electors of the city or county, equal to at least twenty percent of the votes cast for governor at the last regular election, shall be filed with the city or covmty clerk, praying that the opera- tion of such ordinance or resolution be suspended, it shall be sus- pended until the next meeting of the council or board, and that at that time it shall be either repealed or submitted to the electors of the city or county at the next general or special election ; if approved at such election by a majority of the electors voting thereon, it shall take effect twenty days from the date of election. Sections 925m-301 to 925m-317. Provide for the commission form of government. Section 931 b. Library site. Gifts: Whenever said board of directors shall certify to the city council, village or town board that it is unable to ac(|uire the site selected for a just and reasonable price, said citv council, village or town board shall proceed to ac(|uire the site by condemnation in the manner provided by law. Should the compensation awarded in the condemnation i)roceedings exceed one-third of such gift, such ))ro- ceedings shall nevertheless be valid if within sixty days such excess be provided by private donation or otherwise. In case it is not so provided, proceedings shall ui)on motion be dismissed without cost. Section 932. Constitution of library board: 1. For the government of such library in each citv of the second and third class, there shall be a board of nine directors appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the council ; and in each city of the fourth class, village or town, a board of six directors api)ointed in like manner. Not more than one member of the council, village or town board shall at any one time be a director. Directors shall hold office for three years, except that after the first election, they shall divide themselves bv lot into three classes, holding office for one, two and three years respectively. No compensation shall be l)aid or allowed any director. 2. In anv city or village which has established or may esta])lish a free librar\- under the i)royisi()ns of .Section 'A'?!, the citv suiierin tendent of schools or the su|KM-yising principal of schools shall be ex-officio member of the board of directors of such library. (\xM-balini) 351 Wisconsin — 10 3. In any city nf the fourth class, village or town havin^ a library with a board of nine directors, upon request of such board the mayor, president or chairman shall omit to make appointments to the board to fill vacancies until the number of members, includin.s: the ex- officio member, is reduced to six, and thereafter the board shall in- clude no more than six appointed members. 4. In cities in which a lil)rarv and reading- room shall hereafter be estal)h.shed, the library board shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be the mavor, or a member selected by the council. Another shall be the city sui^erintendent of schools. Three other members shall be selected by the common council to serve for one. two and three years respectively ; their successors to serve for three years. 5. Tn any city havino- a ]3ublic librarv board with more than five members, the council may, by two-thirds vote, reconstitute the board as in sub-section 4. Upon the adoption of such plan, the terms of ofiice of the members of such former library board shall be deemed to have ex])ired and the library board, as formerly constituted, shall cease to exist. Section 932 a. Library boards in villag-es and towns. Travelino;- libraries. Transfer: The trustees of any village or the board of any town may elect to have a library board of three members, api^ointed by the president of the village or chairman of the town, with the ai:)pr(ival of their respective boards. Those first appointed shall hold office respective- ly for one, two and three years, their successors for three vears. Such directors may make iirovisions for receiving- traveling libraries from the county in which thcv are located and from the library commission. The village trustees or town board niav transfer the library thus established and the jiroj^erty belongiing- to it tn a boaul established under Sections '^)31 and 932. Section 933. Org-anization : 1. Said directors shall organize by electing- ofticers. 2. Rules and reg-ulations : Said directors shall ado])t rules and regulations for their own guidance and the g-overnment of the library. 3. They shall have control of all expenditures of moneys, the su])- ervision and custody of all buildings. The librarv board shall audit and approve all vouchers. 4. They may apjioint a staff, prescribe rules for their conduct and fix their compensation. 5. The board of directors in any free library and the reading- roonj estalilished shall have power to employ competent persons to deliver lectures u^jon scientific, literary, historical or educational subjects, 3^2 Wisconsin — 11 and they ma)' cooperate witli the University of Wisconsin, or the free lil)rarv commission, or Iioards of education, to secure such lectures, or to ft)ster and encourage hv other means the wider use of books and literature upon scientific, historical, economic, hterary, educational and other useful subjects. Skction 933 a. Contracts. Claims against library board: Any person having any claim for money due on account of contract between him and the lilirary board, in case such claim or any part be disallowed, may ai^peal to the circuit court. It shall then be the duty of the board to reserve, until a decision is rendered, an amount sutificient to pay the claim. Section '-'34. Liliraries to he free. Appro])riation: Every library established under this chapter shall be forever free for the use of the inhal)itants of the citv. town or village where located, subject to reasonable regulations of the librarv board; provided, that the board ma^•, under such conditions as may be agreed upon, allow non-residents to use the books and mav exchange such books with any other i:)ublic library and may send out travel- ing' libraries in their own and adjoining counties; mav contract with the sui)ervisors of the countv in which the library is situated, or of any neighljoring county, with individuals or associations, with the .s^overning' bodies of anv neighboring town, school district, vil- lage or city, to loan them books either singly or in traveling libraries, and the board of directors, count}' or town sujiervisors, school board, \'illage trustees or common council are emjiowered to make contracts for such purpose and pav the consideration agreed ujion therein to the board of directors of such lil)rarv. The su])ervisors, trustees or council of such town, village or c\ty, are authorized t(i a])propriate a sum of nu)nev annuallv for the use of such lil^rary. Whenever the amount so a])i)roi)riated shall be e(|ual to or exceed one-sixth of the net income of the librarv. it shall be the duty of the chairman of the town, president of the village, or mayor of the city within which such librarv is situated, to appoint from the citizens of the town, village or city making- such appro- priation, one member of the board of such library, which ajijioint- ment shall be subject to the approval of the supervisors, trustees or ciiuncil of the town, village or citv making such ai)proi)ri;ition. If such town, village or city, fails to make an ai)i)ro])riatii)n, llic oiTicc of the member so apiiointed shall become vacant. SiarioN 935. Report: 1. Said board of directors shall submit annu residing otUside of the town wherein the library is situated. Section 1321. Report: It shall be the duty of the directors to keeji a record of. and proper vouchers for, their expenditures. Thev shall report amniallv to the county commissioners in detail as to the vear. Onlv residents of the county shall be allowed to obtain books from the libi-ar\-. 361 \\'V0M1XG 4 TOWN AND CITY LIBRARIES Section 1800. Aid to county libraries by cities: All incorporated cities or towns of the state of Wyoming; having more than five thousand inhabitants, which have or may hereafter receive, by donations, buildino-s to be used as pul)lic libraries and which building's have been or may be maintained, cared for, and kept in repair by the county in which they are situated, shall have the authority to make provision for a part of the maintenance, care or expense of said buildin,^- when the council of said city or town may deem it advisable or necessary, and may make an aj^propria- tion of such an amount as they may deem necessary or proper for such purpose. The expense which may be incurred in the manner provided by this section shall be paid out of the .ai'eneral fund of any such city or town. LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS Section 4212. Purpose for which corporations may be formed: Any number of persons, not less than three, may associate them- selves together in the manner hereinafter mentioned for any of the following purposes: •I* *!* "K 'T' Fourth. To establish and maintain a library or a cabinet of mineralogical or metallurgical specimens, or specimens relating to any other science. ^ ^ ^ ^ 362 INDEX In the following index some of the most general subjects, such as are found in some form in practically all states, as, for instance, boards of trustees, are omitted, as the method of providing and organizing a governing body and their powers and duties are generally stated in connection with each library and may readily be found. Tax levies in general are omitted : but reference is made to special phases of tax levy. The index is intended to call attention to legislation which is not so obvious and to note unusual laws. It may also be useful in showing at a glance which states have laws on any particular subject. For this purpose reference is made to the state as well as to the page. In case a subject is treated consecutively in two or more pages, only the first page is noted ; if separate and unconnected men- tion of a subject is made on difl:'erent pages, it is the intention to note each in the index. Aliens, Education work for. 131 (Mass. 3). Appropriation compulsory. 107 (Ky. 7, Covington). Appropriation of property. 91 (la. 7) ; 230 (O. 6) ; 260 (Pa. 8). Archives and history. 1 (Ala. 1) ; 338 (W. Va. 2). Art gallery. 147 (Minn. 5). Association libraries. See Library associations. Auditorium in L. 162 (Mo. 8). Bequests. See Gifts. Bills, Drafting of. See Legislative reference bureau. Blind, Books for the. 358 (Wis. 16). Bonds for L. purposes. 2.S, 29 (Cal. 15, 19); 34 (Col. 4); 47 (Del. 7); 70 (111. 10); 138 (Mich 4); 166 (Mont. 4); 191 (N. T- 9); 232, 233 (O. 8, 9); 354 (Wis. 12). Book lists. 282 (S. D. 2). Book .selection. 93 (la. 9); 115 (La. 3); 152 (Miss. 2); 162 (Mo. 8); 168 (Mont. 6) ; 243, 250 (Ore. 1, 8) ; 282, 284 (S. D. 2, 4) ; 355 (Wis. 13). See also Character of books. Book sellers and publishers not eligible for appointments on commission. 52 (Ga. 2); 77 (Ind. 5). Branch libraries, Philadelphia, Gifts for. 256 (Pa. 4). Building funds from taxes. 159 (Mo. 5); 245 (Ore. 3); 284 (S. D. 41. Building Sites. 6 (Ariz. 2) ; 191 (N. J. 9) ; 257 (Pa. 5). Carnegie, Andrew, or Carnegie Corporation, Gifts from. 109 (Kv. 9) ; 188. 193 (N. J. 6, 11) ; 203 (N.^Y. 3) ; 215 (N. C. 5) ; 231 (O. 7) ; 256 (Pa. 4). Chancellor of judicial district to supervise L. 152 (Miss. 2). Character of books. 112 (Ky. 12); 224 (N. D. 6); 299 (Tex. 5). See also Book selection. Charitable Inst., L. in. 316 (Vt. 8) Chicago P. L. 70 (111. 10). Cincinnati P. L. 231 (O. 7). Cities. See Classification of cities. Civil service commission. 30 (Cal. 20); 237 (O. 13). Classification of cities. 10 (Ark. 2) ; 20 (Cal. 10) ; 98 (Ks. 4) ; 104 (Kv. 4) : 145 (Minn. 3) ; 255 (Pa. 3) ; 286 (S. D. 6) ; 304 (Utah 2) ; 349 (Wis. 7). Classification of school districts. 43 (Del. 3); 263 (Pa. 11). 363 INDEX Colored people. Separate L. for. 162 (Mo. 8) ; 211 fN. C. 1) ; 242 fOkla. 4) : 299 (Tex. 5). Note: Separate libraries are provided in some other states by local ordinances or regulations. Condemnation of property. See Appropriation of property. Contracts: Member of Board may not be interested in. 230 (O. 6). See also Gifts, Contracts relating to Corporation L. See L. Associations. County L. commission. 152 (Miss. 2). County L. 12 (Cal. 2); 77 (Ind. 3); 90 (la. 6); 124, 126 (^Id. 2, 4); 146 (Minn. 4); 151 (Miss. 1); 159 (Mo. 5); 165 (Mont. 3); 171 (Neb. 3); 202 (N. Y. 2) ; 227 (O. 3) ; 231 (O. 7, Cine.) ; 245 (Ore. 3) : 263 (Pa. 11) ; 297 (Tex. 3); 332 (Wash 6); 348 (Wis. 6); 360 (Wyo. 2). See also Hamilton Co. ; Washington Co. County teachers' L. Ill (Ky. 11). Deposits of books. 172 (Neb. 4). Detaining books. See Penalties for detaining books. Devises. See Gifts. Director of L. extension. 219 (N. D. 1 ) ; 221 (O. 1); 288 (Tenn. 2); See also State L. commission. Dog tax used for I., support. 131 (Mass. 3). Donations. See Gifts. Drafting bills. See Bills, Drafting of. Employees' retirement fund. 70, 71 (111. 10, 11); 172 (Xeb. 4). Endowed L. 314 (\"t. 6). See also L. Associations. Endowments. See Gifts Enoch Pratt F. L., Baltimore. 126 (.Md. 4). Examination and registration of librarians. 134 (Mass. 6). Exchanges of public documents. See Public documents. Exemption from attachment cr execution. 50 (Fla. 2); 302 (Tex. S) ; 317 (Vt. 9). Exemption from taxation. 16 (Cal. 6): 50 (Fla. 2); 54 (Ga. 4); 55 (Hawaii 1) ; 126, 127 (Md. 4, 5) 172 (Neb. 4) ; 199 (N. M. 3) ; 227, 232 (O. 3, 8) ; 261 (Pa. 9) ; 274 ( R. I. 4) : 293 (Tenn. 7) ; 302 (Tex. 8) ; 315 Vt. 7). Farm L. 250 (Ore 8). Farmers' county L. 297 (Tex. 3). Fines: Librarian fined for loss of books. 152 (Miss. 2); 197 ( .\. M. 1). See also Penalties. Fines and penalties from courts used for L. support. ZTt (Col. 3); 107, 108. 109 (Ky. 7, 8, 9) ; U7 . 141 (Mich. 3. 7). Fines and penalties from courts used for Law L. 227 ( (). 3). Foreigners. See Aliens. Free libraries. See Public libraries. l'"ree L. commission. See State L. commission. Gifts. 6 (Ariz. 2) ; 16 (Cal. 6) ; 35 (Col. 5) ; 38 (Conn. 2) ; 43 (Del. 3) ; 59 (Ida. 3); 68 (111. 8); 98 (Ks. 4); 111 (Ky. 11); 126 (Md. 4); 132 (Mass. 4); 139 (Mich. 5); 159 (Mo. 5); 166 (Mont. 4); 172 (Xeb. 4); 187, 188 (N. J. 5, 6) ; 208 (N. Y. 8) ; 215 (N. C. 5) ; 224 (N. D. 6) ; 227 (O. 3) ; 241 (Okla. 3) ; 248 (Ore. 6) ; 273 ( K. I. 3) ; 286 (S. D. 6) ; 293 364 INDEX (Tenn. 7) ; 295. 301 (Tex. 1, 7) ; 314 (Vt. 6) ; 324 (Va. 6) ; 349, 354 (Wis. 7, 12) ; 334 (Wash 8) ; 341 (W. Va. 5) ; 361 (W'yo. 3). Gifts, Conditions of. 88 (la. 4). Gifts, Contracts relating- to. 10 (Ark. 2): 49 (Fla. 1); 53 (Ga. 3); 98 (Ks. 4) ; 1C8 (Kv. 8) ; 147, 148 (Minn. 5, 6) ; 188 (N. J. 6) ; 259 (Pa. 7) ; 293 (Tenn. 7) ; 306 (Utah 4) ; 349, 350 (Wis. 7, 8). Gifts, Provisions for. 187, 188 (N. J. 5, 6) ; 248 (O. 6) ; 255, 256 (Pa. 3, 4). Gifts of books. 245 (Ore. 3). Gymnasium with L. 306 (Utah 4). Hamilton County L. (Cincinnati, O.) 231 (O. 7). Historical commission. 9 (Ark. 1); 212 (N. C. 2). Historical L. 3 (Alaska 1) ; 65, 66 (111. 5, 6) ; 72, (Ind. 1) ; 86 (la. 2) ; 164 (Alont. 2). Historical society. ?,7 (Conn. 1) ; 180 (N. H. 2) ; 272 (R. I. 2) ; 310 (Vt. 2) ; 344 (W^is. 2). Ineligibility: Member of appointing body not eligible to membership on board.' 229, 231 (O. 5, 7). Relatives of trustees may not be employed. 158 (I\Io. 4). See also Booksellers. Injuring property. See Penalties for injuring property. Insular L. 269 (Porto Rico 1). Insurance on L. 183 (N. J. 1). Inter-library loans. 134 (Mass. 6). Jails, Libraries in county. 316 (Vt. 8). John Crerar L., Chicago-. 70 (111. 10). Land: Library board may sell. 160 (Mo. 6). See also Building sites. Law L. 15 (Cal. 5); 118 (Me. 2); 133 (Mass. 5); 149 (Minn. 7); 163 (Mont. 1) ; 169 (Neb. 1) : 202 (N. Y. 2) ; 211 (N. C. 1) ; 219 (N. D. 1) ; 227 (O. 3) ; 271 (R. I. 1) ; 290 (Tenn. 4) ; 321 (Va. 3) ; 329 (W'ash 3) ; 3.^8 (W. Va. 2); 343 (Wis. 1): 360 (Wyo. 2). See also Supreme court librar)'. Lectures. 157 (Mo. 3) ; 241 (Ukhi. 3) ; 245, 247 (Ore. 3, 5) : 267 (Pa. 15) : 358 (Wis. 16). Legislative adviser. 184 (N. J. 2). See also legislati\-e reference bureau. Legislative L. l.=;6 (Mo. 2) ; 269 (Porto Rico 1) ; 278 (S. C. 2). Legislative Reference bureau or L. 1 (Ala. 1); 52 (Ga. 2); 63 (HI. 3); 74 (Ind. 2); 136 (Mich. 2); 156 (Mo. 2); 179 (N. M. 1); 184 (N. J. 2) 212 (N. C. 2) ; 220 (N. D. 2) ; 226 (O. 2) ; 244 (Ore. 2) ; 254 (Pa. 2) 272 (R. I. 2) ; 281 (S. D. 1) ; 296 (Tenn. 2) ; 296 (Tex. 2) ; 321 (Va. 3) 310 (Vt. 2); 347 (Wis. 5). Librarian: Fined for loss of books. 152 (Miss. 2) ; 197 (N. M. 1). Qualifications of. 166 (Mont. 4). Library associations. 34, 35 (Col. 4, 5); 40 (Conn. 4); 54 ( Ga. 4); 5^ (Ida. 3); 82 (Ind. 10); 98 (Ks. 4); 104 (Ky. 4); 120 (Me. 4); 133 (Mass. 5) ; 195 (N. J. 13) ; 216 (N. C. 6) ; 233 (O. 9) ; 247 ((Jre. 5) ; 259. 261 (Pa. 7, 9); 292 (Tenn. 6); 301 (Te.x. 71; 314 (Vt. 6); 342 (W. Va. 6); 357 (Wis. 15); 362 (Wyo. 4). See also Endowed L. Library commission. See state L. commission. Library institutes. 137 (Mich. 3); 295 (Tex. 1). 365 INDEX Library instruction. 103 (Ky. 3) ; 120 (Me. 4) ; 137 (Mich. 3) ; 157 (Mo. 3) ; 206 (N. Y. 6); 295 (Tex. 1); 312 (Vt. 4). See also L. institutes, L. schools, Summer L. schools. Library organizer. See Director of L. extension. Library schools. 206 (X. Y. 6, Section 1132) ; 346 (Wis. 4). Liquor tax used for L. 92 (la. 8, Mulct law). Louisville (Ky.) P. L. 104 (Ky. 4). Medical L., State. 201 (N. Y. 1). Museums. 3 (Alaska 1); 65 (111. 5): 147 (Minn. 5); 202 (N. Y. 2); 230 (O. 6) ; 245, 247 (Ore. 3, 5) : 267 (Pa. 15) ; 269 (Porto Rico 1) ; 329. 3.M (Wash. 3, 8). Newberry L., Chicago. 11 (111. 12). Newspapers. 35 (Col. 5). Non-residents may borrow books. 146 (Minn. 4). Park fund divided with L. 199 (N. M. 3). Parks and libraries. Trusts for. 208 (N. Y. 8). Pay collections. 283 (S. D. 3). Partisan politics debarred. 299 (Tex. 5). Penal institution, L. in. 186 (N. J. 4) ; 316 (Vt. 8). Penalties. 39 (Conn. 3); 97 (Ks. 3); 125 (Md. 3); 172 (Neb. 4); 198 (N. M. 2) ; 216 (N. C. 6) ; 241 (Okla. 3) ; 250 (Ore. 9) ; 256, 259 (Pa. 4, 7) ; 293 (Tenn. 7) ; 306 (Utah 4) ; 317 (Vt. 9) ; 324 (Va. 6). Penalties for detaining books. 16 (Cal. 6) ; 48 (Del. 8) ; 133 (Mass. 5) ; 161 (Mo. 7) ; 164 (Mont. 2) ; 205 (N. Y. 5) ; 249 (Ore. 7) ; 256, 259 (Pa. 4, 7) ; 274 (R. I. 4) ; 297 (Tex. 3) ; 332 (Wash 6) ; 341 (W. Va. 5). Penalties for injuring L. propertv- 16 (Cal. 6); 47 (Del. 7); 74 (Ind. 2) 112 (Ky. 12) ; 133 (Mass. 5) ; 140 (Mich. 6) ; 161 (Mo. 7) ; 164 (Mont. 2) 198 (N. M. 2) ; 205 (N. Y. 5) ; 237 (O. 13) ; 249 (Ore. 7) ; 274 (R. I. 4) 320 (Va. 2); 332 (Wash. 6); 341 (W. Va. 5). Pension fund. See Employees' retirement fund. Periodical clearing house. 87 (la. 3); 157 (Mo. 3); 243 (Ore. 1); 282 (S. D. 2); 3-16 (Wis. 4). Philadelphia branch libraries, Gift for. 256 (Pa. 4). Public documents. 11 (Cal. 1); 76 (Ind. 4); 120 (Me. 4); 126 (Md. 4); 135 (Mich. 1) ; 189 (N. J. 7) ; 201 (N. Y. 1) ; 212 (N. C. 2) ; 225 (O. 1) ; 253 (Pa. 1); 346 (Wis. 4). Public (Municipal) libraries. 1 (Ala. 1); 6 (Ariz. 2); 10 (Ark. 2): 16, 19 (Cal. 6, 9); Zl (Col. 3); 38 (Conn. 2); 43 (Del. 3); 49 (Fla. 1); 53 (Ga. 3) ; 55 (Hawaii 1) ; 58 (Ida. 2) ; 67 (111. 7) ; 79 (Ind. 7) ; 8S (la. 4) ; 96 (Ks. 2); 104 (Kv. 4); 114 (La. 2); 119 (Me. 3); 124 (Md. 2); 132 (Mass. 4); 137 (Mich. 3); 145 (Minn. 3); 157 (Mo. 3); 167 (Mont. 5); 171 (Neb. 3); 176 (Nev. 2); 181, 182 (N. H. 3, 4); 187 (.\. [. 5); 198 (N. M. 2); 202 fN. Y. 2) ; 214 (N. C. 4); 223 (N. D. 5); 228 (O. 4) 240 (Okla. 2) ; 247 (Ore. 5) : 255 (Pa. 3) ; 271 (R. I. 3) ; 278 (S. C. 2) 283 (S. D. 3) ; 291 (Tenn. 5) ; 297 (Tex. 3) ; 304 (Utah 2) : 315 i Vt. 7) 323 (Va. 5) ; 329 (Wash. 3) ; 338 (W. Va. 2) ; 350 (Wis. 8). See also Public school district L. ; Tax levy for I'uhlic 1.. Public L. commission. See State L. commission. Public school L. 26 (Cal. 16): 93 (la. 9); 99 (Ks. 5); 115 d.a. 3): 126 (iMd. 4); 140 (Mich. 6); 150 (Minn. 8): 152 (Miss. 2i: Ud {.Mo. 7); 366 INDEX 166, 167 (Mont. 4, 5) ; 177 (Nev. 3) ; 194 (N. ]. 12) ; 207 (N. Y. 7) ; 214. 216 (N. C. 4, 6) ; 224 (N. D. 6) ; 249 (Ore. 7) ; 264 (Pa. 12) ; 278 (S. C. 2) ; 288 (Tenn. 2); 307 (Utah 5); 324 (Va. 6); 334 (Wash. 8); 342 (\V. Va. 6) ; 355 (Wis. 13). Public .school district L. 26 (Cal. 16) ; 43 (Del. 3) ; 58 (Ida. 2) ; 99 (Ks. 5) ; 111 (Ky. 11) ; 140 (Mich. 6) ; 161 (Mo. 7) ; 167 (Mont. 5) ; 172 (Neb. 4) ; 177 (Nev. 3); 194 (N. ]. 12); 207 (N. Y. 7); 216 (N. C. 6): 224 (X. D. 6) : 229 (O. 5) ; 249 (Ore. 7) ; 264 (Pa. 12) ; 278 (S. C. 2) ; 324 (Va. 6) ; 342 (W. Va. 6). Purloining. See Penalties. Reading-rooms. 5 (Ariz. 1); 145 (Minn. 3). St. Louis P. L. irO (Mo. 6). School district L. See Public school district L. School L. See Public school L. Sectarian religious books debarred. 26 (Cal. 16) ; 108 (Ky. 8) ; 299 (Tex. 5). Sheriff as county librarian. 151 (Miss. 1). Sinking fund. 234 (O. 10). Sites. See Appropriation of property ; Building sites. Society L., Contract with. 247 (Ore. 5) ; 261 (Pa. 9). Spitting in L., Penalty for. 134 (Mass. 6). State aid to L. 38 (Conn. 2) ; 46 (Del. 6) ; 119 (Me. 3) ; 124 (Md. 2) ; 131 (Mass. 3) ; 180 (N. PI. 2) ; 203 (N. Y. 3) ; 216 (N. C. 6) ; 272 (R. I. 2) : 279 (S. C. 3) ; 288 (Tenn. 2) ; 313 (Vt. 5) ; 333 (Wash. 7). State board of education. 57 (Ida. 1) ; 289 (Tenn. 3) ; 303 (Utah 1). State board of education, with powers of state L. commission. 304 (L'tah 2). State board of regents. 221 (N. D. 3). State educational library. 219 (X. D. 1). State historical commission. 9 (Ark. 1). State L. See first page of following states: Ariz., Ark., Cal., Col., Conn., Del, Ga., Ind., la., Ks., Ky., La., Me., Md., Mass., Mich., Miss., Mo.. Mont., Neb., Nev., N. 11., N. J., N. M., N. Y., N. C, O., Okla., Ore., Pa.. R. I., S. C, S. D., Tenn., Tex., Utah, Va., Vt., Wash., W. Va., Wyo. State L. as L. commission. 181 (N. H. 3). State L. commission. 32 (Col. 2); 42 (Del. 2); 52 (Ga. 2); 57 (Ida. 1) 76 (Ind. 4) ; 87 (la. 3) ; 102 (Ky. 2) ; 117, 118 (Me. 1, 2) ; 123 (Md. ll 130 (Mass. 2) ; 137 (Mich. 3) ; 144 (Minn. 2) ; 156 (Mo. 2) ; 169 ( Xeb. 1) 180 (X. H. 2) ; 184 (N. J. 2) ; 213 (N. C. 3) ; 219 (N. D. 1) ; 225 (O. 1) 254 (Pa. 2); 282 (S. D. 2); 295 (Te.x. 1); 311 (Vt. 3); 327 (Wash 1) 345 (Wis. 3). See also Dc])t. of archives and historv. 1 (Ala. 1); Public L. commit- tee. 37 (Conn. 1); State L. 11 (Caf. I); 243 (Ore. 1); State board nf educatiiin (Ida., Utah). See also Traveling L. commission. State L. ors.',anizer. See State L. commissions. State medical L. 201 (N. Y. 1). State publications. See l'ul)lic documents. State univ. L. 145 (Minn. 3). Stealing. See Penalties. Subscriptions for L. sup]iort. 79 ( Ind. 7). Subsidies. See State aid. 367 INDEX Summer L. schools. 87 (la. 3) ; 157 (Mo. 3) ; 243 (Ore. 1). Supreme court L. 32 (Col. 2) ; 245 (Ore. 3) ; 277 (S. C. 1) ; 281 (S. n. 1). See also Law L. Tax lew for public L., Maximum and minimum fixed. 33 (Col. 3): 261 (Pa' 9). Tax rate limitation. 235 (O. 11). Teachers' L. Ill (Ky. 11). Township L. 78 (Ind. 6) ; 228 (O. 4) ; 263 (Pa. 11). Traveling L. 1 (Ala. 1) ; 38 (Conn. 2) ; 43, 47 (Del. 3, 7) ; 57 (Ida. 1 ) : 63 (111. 3) ; 76 (Ind. 4) ; 87 (la. 3) ; 103, 110 (Kv. 3, 10) ; 117 (Me. 1 ) ; 124 (Md. 2); 135 (Mich. 1); 144 (Minn. 2); 157 (Mo. 3); 165 (Mont. 3): 170 (Neb. 2) ; 185, 186 (N. J. 3, 4) ; 206 (N. Y. 6) ; 220 (N. D. 2) ; 243 (Ore. 1) ; 255 (Pa. 3) ; 273 (R. I. 3) ; 282, 284 (S. D. 2, 4) ; 289 (Tenn. 3) ; 319 (Va. 1) ; 313 (Vt. 5) ; 329, 333 (Wash. 3, 7) ; 345, 348 (Wis. 3. 6). Traveling L. for counties. 13 (Cal. 3). Traveling L. commission. 32 (Col. 2) ; 96 (Ks. 2). Tuberculosis, Safeguards against. 249 (Ore. 7). University of Wisconsin L. school. 346 (Wis. 4). Washington Co. Free L. 126 (Md. 4). Women given right to vote on L. questions. 98 (Ks. 4). W^omen's clulis nominate members of State L. commission. 103 ( Kv. 3). 3C8 '■^^-::;.'i'v;;':; ■::,•;