CATALOGUE DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS' OF THE Principal languages anD Dialects of tfre OBorlti* SECOND EDITION, CONSIDERABLY ENLARGED AND REVISED, WITH AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX. A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS AND BOOKSELLERS. LONDON : TRtiBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LTJDGATE HILL. 1882. The following Catalogues may be had on Application : A CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT LITERATURE. A CATALOGUE OF LEADING BOOKS ON EGYPT AND EGYPTOLOGY, AND ON ASSYRIA AND ASSYRIOLOGY. A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON THE HISTORY, LANGUAGES, RELI- GIONS, ANTIQUITIES, LITERATURE AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE SEMITIC, IRANIAN, AND TATAR RACES. A CATALOGUE OF TRUBNER'S ORIENTAL AND LINGUISTIC PUBLICATIONS. A CATALOGUE OF LEADING BOOKS ON PALI, PRAKRIT, AND BUDDHISTIC LITERATURE, TO WHICH IS ADDED A LIST OF BOOKS ON CEYLON. NOTICE. CUE object in compiling this Catalogue has been to present to Students and to Booksellers a book of ready reference to the titles of those approved Grammars and Dictionaries that can be obtained without difficulty. And we hope that, within this limit, the work will, on trial, be found to answer its purpose. Scholars requiring a more complete account of the grammatical and lexicographical apparatus of one or the other of the different Languages, than the plan adopted by us would have permitted, are respectfully invited to communicate with us, when we will gladly- endeavour to meet their wishes in this respect to the extent of our knowledge and of our opportunities. All the works enumerated can be supplied by us at the affixed prices. TRLTBNEK & CO. LONDON, 1872. PEEPACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE success of the " Catalogue of Dictionaries and Grammars " published by us in 1872, of which a large edition was exhausted in a comparatively short time, and for which the demand still con- tinues, has encouraged us to compile the considerably augmented edition now presented to Scholars, Linguistic Students and Booksellers. In the notice preceding the original list we stated our object to have been to provide Students and Booksellers with a book of ready reference to the titles of those approved Grammars and Dictionaries that could be obtained without difficulty. This principle has been adhered to in the preparation of the new edition, and we have no hesitation in declaring that within the limit as above stated no person or persons will consult it without finding, more or less, the informa- tion he or they may stand in need of. Our catalogue may now justly claim the title of a "Bibliography"; not an "ideal" but a "practical" one, inasmuch as it enumerates the best literature on the subject, still accessible, which moreover can with few if any exceptions be supplied either out of our own large accumulations of stock, or be procured by us to order if a reasonable time be allowed. The original catalogue contained about 1100 titles on 64 pages, whilst this second edition enumerates nearly 3000 titles on 170 pages. The additions to this new edition are mainly due to the pains- taking care of Mr. Hiersemann, with whom its preparation has in a great measure been a labour of love. & CO. LONDON, February, 1882. 211704 INDEX. FAGS Abyssinian. See Agau, Amharic, Ethiopia, Galla, Tigre Afghan. See Pushtu. 12 African Languages (General) 1 Agau 2 Aino 2 Akkadian. See Assy- rian 17 Ako (African) 1 Akra 2 Albanian 2 Alemanic (German Dialect) 69 Aleuth. See Eleuth. 48 Algonquin 3 Altmaerkisch (German Dialect) 68 Anjoane (African) ... 1 American Languages (General) ... 169 and 3 Americanisms. See English 49 Amharic 3 Amoy Dialect. See Chinese 32 Andaman Isles (Dia- lects of) 4 Angazidja 4 Anglo-Saxon 4 Angola. See Bunda. 27 Annamese ... 169 and 5 Antrim Dialect (Eng- lish) 52 Arabic (Dictionaries) ... 6 ,, (Grammars, etc.) 9 Aramaic 14 Araucanian 14 Arawack 15 Argot 59 Armenian 15 Aryan Languages (Mo- dern) General ... 16 PAGE Asante ... 169 and 16 Assamese 17 Assyrian 17 Athapascan 18 Australian Aboriginal Languages 169 and 18 Auvergne (Patois de labasse) 61 Avar 19 Aymara 19 Aztek. See Mexican. 106 Bactrian (Old). See Zend 167 Bagrimma (African)... - 1 Bahing 20 Balinese 20 Balochi. See Biluchi. 23 Bambarra (African) ... 1 Banffshire Dialect (English) 52 Barea 20 Bari 20 Bashgali Kafirs. See Kalasha 92 Basque 20 Batak 21 Batta 21 Baure 21 Bayerisch (German Dialect) 68 Beam (Dialecte du) ...}gj Beaujolais (Patois) ... 61 Bechuana. See Sechu- ana 42 Beloochee. See Biluchi 23 Benga 21 Bengali (Bengalee) ... 21 Berber 23 Bhojpuri. See Hindi 78 Bhotanta (Boutan) ... 25 Bicol. See Philippine Islands .. ..120 PAQK Biluchi 23 Birouhi. See Brahui. 23 Bisaya. See Philip- pine Islands 120 Bischari 23 Bodo 24 Bohemian 24 Bonny. See Obany... 112 Booandik Tribe. See Australian 19 Boorishki 25 Bornabi. See "Western Pacific 165 Borneo 2-5 Bornu 25 Boutan 25 Brahui (Brahoe) ... 25 Braj Bhaka. See Hindi 78 Brazilian 25 Bremisch (G. D.) ... 69 Breton 26 Bugis 26 Bulgarian (Modern) ... 27 (Old). See Cyrillic 41 Bullom 27 Bunda 27 Buriat. See Mongol. 109 Burmese 27 Bushgali 28 Bushkarik 28 Cagataic 28 Cambojan 28 Canarese 29 Cant 69 Cantonese. See Chi- ) 32 nese j 33 Caraib '. ... 30 Carnataca. See Cana- rese 29 Cashmerian. See Kashmir... , 93 INDEX. PAGK Cassia See Khassia 93 PAGE Dajak 42 PAGE Futuna 62 Cassub. See Kassub. 93 Celtic ... 30 Dakota 42 Danish (Dano-Norwe- Ga. SeeAkra 2 Chaldee (Chaldaic) 31 ffian) . 42 Gaelic 62 Cheremiss See Tsche- Dankali 44 Galla 63 remissian 158 Dauphine (Dialecte du) 60 Garo 63 Chiapaneca 32 Chibcha. See Mozka 110 Chilian. See Arauca- jiian 14 Delaware 44 Demotic. See Egyptian 47 Dhimal 44 Dinka 44 Gascogne (Dialect of the) 60 Geez. See Ethiopic... 54 Georgian 63 German ( M odern High ) 64 Chiliss _... 32 Chinese (Dictionaries) 32 ,, (Grammars, etc.) 34 See also 169 Dippil. See Austra- lian Aboriginal Lan- guages 18 Dorset Dialect (Eng- ,, (Old High and Middle High) ... 67 German (Dialects) ... 68 Gindo 69 Chinook 37 Chinyanja 38 Chippewayan 38 Chiquita 38 lish) 53 Dravidian Languages (General) 45 Dutch 45 Gipsy Language ... 69 Goajira 70 Gothic 71 Gouro 71 Choctaw 38 Church - Slavic. See Cyrillic 41 Churwalsch. See Rhato-Romanic 128 Dyak. See Dajak ... 42 Eboe (African) 1 Eddystone Islands. See Western Pacific ... 165 Greek (Ancient and By- zantine) 71 Greek (Modern) 170 and 72 Greenlandish. See Eskimo 53 Chvvee. See Asante. 16 Cimbrisch (German Dialect) 68 Cingbalese. See Sin- ghalese 145 Circassian 38 Clallam 38 Cochin- Chinese. See Annamese 5 Como (Dialect of). See Italian Dialects ... 92 Concani 39 Egyptian ... 47 Eleuth 48 English (Dictionaries) 49 ,, (Grammars, Chrestomathies) ... 50 English Dialects ... 51 Eskimo 53 Essex Dialect(English) 51 Esthonian 53 Etchemin 54 Ethiopic 54 Etruscan 54 Guarani. See Brazilian 25 Guernsey (Dialect of) 61 Guiana (Language of) 74 Gujarati 74 Haraya. See Philip- pine Islands 120 Haussa 75 Hawaiian 75 Hebrew 76 Herero 78 Heve 78 Coorg 39 Ewe 55 Hidatsa ... 78 Coptic 39 Eyo (African) 1 Hieratic. See Egyptian 47 Corean 39 Cornish 40 Cornwall Dialect (English) 51 Cree 40 Fante. See Asante ... 16 Favorlang Dialect. See Formosan ... 56 Fernandian 55 Hieroglyphics. See Egyptian 47 Hiligueira. See Philip- pine Islands 120 Himalayan 78 Creole. See also Negro- Fetu 55 Hindi 78 English and Cimujao 41 Creolese. See Negro- English Ill Croatian. See Servian 142 Cumberland Dialect Fijian. See also Poly- nesian (Hale's work) 55 ST {an } 1 Finnish 55 Hindustani ... 170 and 79 Hinduwi. See Hindi 78 Hiou. See Khyeng . . 94 Holderness (Dialect) . . 53 Huasteca 82 (English) 52 Flemish. See Dutch. 45 Hungarian .. . . 83 Cuneiform. See As- syrian and Old Per- sian Curasao. See also Creole and Negro- English 41 Cyrillic 41 Czech. See Bohemian 24 Daco - Roman. See Rouman 129 Foochow Dialect. See \ 32 Chinese ) 33 Forez (Patois) 61 Formosan 56 French (Modern) 169 and 56 (Old) 60 ,, (Dialects) 169 and 60 ,, Slang (Argot) 59 Friesic 61 Fulah 62 and 1 Fulfelde ... 62 and 1 Huron 83 Huzvaresh. See Peh- lewi 116 Ibanag. See Philip- pine Islands 120 Ibo. (See also African Languages) 87 Icelandic (Old Norse, Modern J celandic) ... 87 Illyrian. See Servian 142 vi INDEX. PAGE Ilocana. See Philip- pine Islands 120 Indian Archipelago (Lai guages of) ... 88 Inhamiane (African) 1 Irish 89 Irob-Saho 170 Italian 89 Italian Dialects 92 Italic 92 Jagataic. See Cagataic 28 Japanese 84 Jataki 86 Javanese 86 Kabyle. See Berber 23 Kafir. See Zulu-Kafir 167 and Kalasha 92 Kalasha 92 Kalmuk. See Mongol 109 Kambojan. See Cam- bojan 28 Kamilaroi. See Aus- tralian Aborig. Lang. 1 8 Kannada. See Cana- rese 29 Kanuri. See Bornu 25 Karagas 92 Karin 93 PAGE Kizh 94 Kocch 94 Koibal 95 Konkani. See Concani 39 Kot 95 Kroate. See Servian 142 Kudagu 95 Kuki. SeeLushai ... 98 Kunama 95 Kurd 95 Kurilian. SeeAino... 2 Kurinian 95 Ladakh 95 Lancashire Dialect ... 52 Languedoc (French Dialect) 60 Langued'Oil 60 Lapponic 96 Latin ... 96 Leicestershire Dialect 52 Leipziger Mundart .. 68 Lenni Lenape. See Delaware 44 Lepcha. See Eong ... 129 Lettish 97 Libyan 97 Lifu. See Western Pacific Ocean (Lang, of) . . 165 Karntisch (German Dialect) 68 Kashmir 93 Kassub 93 Kawi 93 Limousin (Dialect) ... 60 Lithuanian 97 Lincolnshire Dialect... 52 Livonian. See Lettish 98 Lorraiu (Patois) ... 60 Logone. See African Languages 1 Lourenzo Marques. See African Languages 1 Lule . . 98 Kechua. See Quichua 128 Keltic. See Celtic ... Khasia (Khassee, Khassi) 93 Khmer. See Cambo- jan 28 Lummi. See Clallam 38 Lushai 98 Luxemburger Dialect 68 Lyonnais 61 Maba. See African... 1 Madurese 98 Magyar. See Hunga- rian 83 Khond 93 Khowar 93 Khyeng ... 94 Kigalla. See African Languages 1 Kihiau. See African Languages 1 Kikamba. See African Languages 1 Kinai 94 Mahratti. See Mara- thi ... 104 Kiniassa 94 Kinika. See African} 1 Lang, and Swahil/150 Kipokoma. See Afri- can Languages ... 1 Kiranti 94 Kiriri 94 Makassar. See Bugi. 26 Makua 98 Malagasy ... 170 and 98 Malay 99 Malayalim 101 Malayan Peninsula (Wild Tribes of) ... 101 Mallorquina. See Spanish 147 Kisuaheli. See Swa- heli 150 PAGK Maltese 102 Manchu. See Mantshu 103 Mandaic 103 Mandarin Dialect. See Chinese ... 33 Mande 103 Mandingo ... 103 Manipuri 103 Mantshu 103 Manx 103 Maori 104 Marathi 104 Maravi. See African Languages 1 Marquesan 105 Marshall Islands ... 106 Maya 106 Mecklenburgisch (Ger- man Dialect) 69 Median 106 Mekranee. See Biloo- chee 23 Melanesian 106 Mentonais 60 Mexican 106 Miau ... 108 Micmac 108 Mikir 108 Min copies (Language of the) 108 Minnetaree. See Hi- datsa 78 Mittelniederdeutsch (German Dialect) ... 68 Mixteco 109 Moeso - Gothic. See Gothic 71 Mongol. See also Tatar 109 Mohawk 109 Moors. See Hindus- tani 79 Mordwinian 110 Mosquito 110 Moxos. See Baure ... 21 Mozambique (Languages of) 1 and 110 Mozka 110 Mpongwe. See Pongua 124 Mudsau. See African Languages 1 Multani 110 Mundari 110 Muneepuri. See Ma- nipuri 103 Mutsun 110 Nahuatl. See Mexi- can 106 Namaqua Ill INDEX. PAGE Narisati Ill Negro-English. See also Creole and Cura- (jao ... . Ill PAGE Parsi. SeePazand... 115 Pasto. See Pushtu ... 122 Patois. See French Dialects 60 PAGK Rouergue (Dialecte du) 60 Runes 130 Russian 131 Ruthenian. See Rus- Nepalese Ill Netela. See Kizh ... 94 Nevome. See Pima 122 New Granada (Indians of). See Goajira 70 andPaes 114 NBAV Zealand (Lan- guage of). See Maori 104 Nicobari Ill Niederdeutsch (German Dialect) 68 Niedersachsisch (Ger- man Dialect) 60 Nilgiri Hills (Lan- guage of). See Toda 158 Norfolk Dialect 52 Norwegian. See Danish 42 Pazand 115 Peguan 115 Pehlewi ... 116 Pekinese. See Chinese 32 Pennsylvania Dutch ... 116 Permic 116 Persian 116 Old Persian (Cunei- form) ... 170 and 120 Philippine Islands (Languages of) ... 120 Phoenician 122 Picard (Patois) 61 Pidgin-English 122 Piedmontese. See Italian Dialects ... 92 Pima 122 sian 131 Sabaean 133 Sabellian 133 Sabuja. See K iri... 94 Saintogais 61 Samaritan 133 Samoan 133 Samojedic 134 Sandwich. See Ha- waiian 75 Sanskrit (Lexicogra- phical Works) ... 134 Sanskrit (Grammatical Works) 137 Sanskrit (Chrestoma- thies) 141 Northamptonshire Dia- lect 51 Nubian 112 Nuforian. See Pa- puan 115 Platt-Deutsch. See German Dialects ... 68 Poitevin 61 Polabian 122 Polish 122 Santali 142 Sarakholle 142 Schwabisch (German Dialect) 69 Schweizerisch (German Numidian 170 Nyamwezi 112 Obany 112 Odji. See Asante .. 16 Odiya. See Oriya ... 112 Polynesian. See also Western Pacific Ocean 165 Ponape 124 Pongua 124 Portuguese ... .124 Dialect) 69 Scottish. See English Dialects 51 Sechuana 142 Sena (African) 1 Selish 142 Old Baktrian. See Zend 167 Old High German. See German 67 Old Norse. See Ice- landic 87 Old Saxon 112 Old Slavonian. See Cyrillic 41 Poul. See Fulah ... 62 Prakrit 125 Provem^al 126 Prussian (Old). See Lithuanic 97 Punjabi 126 Pushtu 127 Seneca 142 Servian 142 Shambala 144 Shan 144 Shanghai Dialect. See Chinese 33 Shetland Dialect ... 53 Shina ... 144*- Onondaga 112 Oriya 112 Quellimane (African) 1 Quercy (Dialecte du) 60 Shropshire Dialect ... 52 Siamese 144 Oscan 113 Quichua 128 Sicilian. See Italian Ossetian 113 Ostiak ... 170 and 113 Otchipwie 113 Otomi 113 Rabbinic. SeeChaldee 31 Rangpur 128 Rhaeto- Romanic ... 128 Dialects 92 Sindhi 144 Singhalese 145 Siwah 145 Paes 114 Riding (West) Dialect 52 Romaic. See Modern Slavonian Languages (General) 146 Pahlavi. See Pehlevi 116 Palaeoslavic. See Cyrillic 41 Pali 114 Pallou. See Western Pacific 165 Greek 72 Romance Languages (General) 129 Romanese. SeeRhaeto- Romanic 128 Slovakian J46 Slowenian 146 Sofala (African) .. 1 Somali 147 Somerset Dialect .. 52 Sonjai (African) 1 Pampanga. See Philip- Rong 129 Sontali. See Santali 142 pine Islands 120 Panayana. See Philip- pine Islands 120 Rothwalsh. See Gipsy 69 Rotuma. See Polyne- sian 123 Sotho. See Sechuana 142 Spanish 147 Stewart Islands. See Papuan 115 Rouman 129 West. Pacific Ocean 165 viii INDEX. PASE Suffolk Dialect 51 PAGE Toba 158 PAGE Vayu 163 Sunda 150 Tobedauie. See Bis- Vei . . ... 163 Susoo 150 chari . .. 169 Vidghah 163 Swahili 150 Toda 158 Swaledale Dialect ... 62 Swatow Dialect. See Chinese 33 Swedish 150 Syriac ... . 151 Tongan 158 Tonocote. See Lule 98 Torwalak 158 Toscan. See Italian Dialects . 92 Wallachian. See Rouman 129 Wallon 163 Wandala. See Afri- Syrjenic 152 Towarek. See Tema- Vmn 1 ^R can Languages ... 1 "Welsh 164 Tagala. See Philip- pine Islands 120 Tahitian 153 Tschekh. See Bohe- mian 74 Tscheremissian .. 158 "Wendish 165 "Western Pacific Ocean (Languages of). See Tai. See Siamese ... 144 Talmudic. SeeChaldee 31 Tamachek. See Berber! 23 and Temahuq .../156 Tschuwassian 158 Tshi. See Asante ... 16 Tsoneca 159 Tulu 159 also Polynesian ... 123 "Westerwaldisch (Ger- man Dialect) 69 "Whitby Dialect 52 Tamil 153 Tungusian 159 "Wiltshire Dialect ... 52 "Wolof 165 Tarahumara 155 Tarawan. See Poly- nesian 123 Tasmania. See Aus- tralian Languages ... 18 Tatar Languages (Ge- neral). See also Tupy. See Brazilian 25 Turki 159 Turkish (Osmanli) ... 159 (Eastern). See Turki 159 Turko - Tatar. See Turki 159 Wotiak 166 Tabu (African) 1 Yakama 166 Yakut 166 Yao 166 Mongol 155 Teda. See African Languages 1 Telinga. See Telugu 155 Telugu 155 Temahuq 156 Temne 157 Tetti (African) .... 1 Turrubul. See Austra- lian Aboriginal Lan- guages 18 Tusch 163 Ude 163 Uea. See Western Pacific 165 Yap. See "Western Pacific Ocean 165 Yeniseian Ostiak ... 166 Yorkshire Dialect ... 52 Yoruba 166 Yucatecan. See Maya 106 Zaramo ... 167 Zebuana See Philip- Thai. See Siamese ... 144 TJigur 163 pine Islands 120 Tibetan 157 Tigre (Tigrinna) ... 157 Tirolisch (German Dia- Umbrian. See Italic 92 Urdu. See Hindus- tani 79 Zend 170 and 167 Zillah 167 Zulu (Kafir and Xosa- lect) 69 Uriya. See Oriya ... 112 Kafir) 167 UNlVCrtSITY OF TRUBNER & CO.'S CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS, ABYSSINIAN. (See AGAU, AMHARIC, ETHIOPIC, GALLA, TIGRE.) AFGHAN". (See PUSHTU.) AFRICAN LANGUAGES. (GENERAL.) Earth H., Collection of Vocabularies of Central- African Languages, in English and German. First fart. Larger Vocabularies of the Kanuri-, Tedfi-, Hausa-, Fulfulde-, Sonjai-, L6gone-, Wandala-, Bagrimma-, and Muba- Languages. Introductory Remarks, Chap. 1-6. Pronouns. Particles. Numerals. Verbs. /Second Part. Introductory Remarks, Chap. 7-12. Analysis of the Fulfulde-Sonjai-, L6gone-, "Wandala-, Bagrimma-, and Maba-Lan- . Third Part. Nouns. 4to. pp. cccxxxiv. and 295. Gotha, 1862-66. Bleek, W. H. I., A Comparative Grammar of South- African Languages. Volume I. Part 1, Phonology. 2, The Concord. Section 1, The Noun. (All out.) 8vo. cloth, pp. xxxvi. and 322. (Out of print.) London, 1862-69. 2. - The Languages of Mosambique. Vocabularies of the Dialects of Lourenzo Marques, Inhambane, Sot'ala, Tette, Sena, Quellimane, Mosam- bique, Cape Delgado, Anjoane, the Maravi, Mudsau, etc. Oblong 8vo. pp. xx. and 404. London, 1856. 1 Is. Clarke, J., Specimen of Dialects : Short Vocabularies of Languages. 8vo. pp. 104. London, 1849. 7s. Qd. - Specimens of Dialects : Short Vocabularies of Languages : and Notes of Countries and Customs in Africa. Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1848. RICHAKDSON. Dialogues in Bornu and English. London, n.d. 8vo. boards. (2 Tarts in 1 Vol.) Scarce. 1 Is. Koehle, S. W., Polyglotta Africana ; or, a Comparative Vocabulary of nearly 300 Words and Phrases in more than 100 African Languages. Imperial folio. London, 1854. 1 Is. Krapf's Vocabulary of Six East-African Languages, Kisuaheli, Kinika, Kikumba, Kipokomo, Kihiau, Kigalla. 4to. pp. x. and 64, in seven columus. Tubingen, 1850. 12*. Outline of a Vocabulary of a few of the Principal Languages of Western and Central Africa v vi/., llaussa, Ibu or Eboe ; Ako, Eyo, Yabu or Yorriba ; Eilatah, Filani or Fulah ; Mandingo ; Bambarra; Fanti and Ashanti; "NVolof). Compiled for the use of the Niger Expedition. 8vo. oblong cloth, pp. viii. and 214. London, 1841. 5s. Steere, E., Short Specimens of the Vocabularies of Three Unpublished African Languages (Giudo, Zaranio, and Angazidja). 12mo. pp. 20. London, 1869. Is. 2 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONAEIES AND GRAMMARS. AGAU. Hale'vy, J., Essai sur la langue Agaou. Le Dialecte des Falachas (Juifs d'Abyssinie). 8vo. Paris, 1873. 2*. Waldmeier, Th., Wb'rter-Sammlung aus der Agau-Sprache. 8vo. sewed, pp. 29. St. Chrischona, 1868. 3*. A1NO. (KURILIAN.) Dobrotvorskij, M., An Aino-Eussian Dictionary. 8vo. pp. 76, 487, and 91. Kasan, 187o. 16.?. Pfizmaier, A., Abhandlungen iiber die Aino-Sprache. 8vo. pp. 60. Wien, 1852. 2s. 6d. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Aino-Sprache. 8vo. pp. 110. Wien, 1851. 3s. Vocabularium der Aino-Sprache. 4to. pp. 94. Wien, 1854. 6s. AKKADIAN. (See ASSYRIAN.) AKRA. (GA.) Ga Kanemo-Wolo. Ga Primer (and Ga Stories). Small 8vo. pp. 84. Basel, 1868. Is. Steinhauser, Rev. A., Kanemo-Wolo. Primer of the Ga Language. 16mo. cloth, pp. 16. Stuttgart, 1858. Is. Ziminennaim, J., A Grammatical Sketch of the Akra- or Ga-Language, some Specimens of it from the Mouth of the Natives, and a Vocabulary of the same, with an Appendix on the Adanme Dialect. 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi. and 204 ; viii. and 464. Stuttgart, 1858. 10s. 6d. ALBANIAN. Bopp, F., Ueber das Albanische in seinen verwandschaftlichen Bezieh- ungen. 4to. pp. 92. Berlin, 1855. 6s. Camarda, D., Saggio di Graminatologia comparata sulla lingua Albanese. Con appendice (Qualche prosa e versi Alhanesi). 2 vols. 8vo. Livorno and Prato, 1866. 16s. 6d. Dozon, A., Manuel de la langue Chkipe ou Albanaise. Grammaire Chrestomathie Vocabulaire. Large 8vo. pp. 348 and 104. Paris, 1878. 15s. Hahn, T. G. von, Albanische Studien. I. Ethnographisch-Historisches. II. Grammatik des Toskischen, und Albanische Sprachproben. III. Albanisch- Deutsches Lexicon. 1 vol. 4to. pp. xiii. and 347 ; vi. and 169 ; viii. and 244. With a coloured plate. Jena, 1854. 30s. Jarnik, J. M., Zur Albanischen Sprachenkunde. (Texte und Gram- matisches.) 8vo. pp. 51. Leipzig, 1881. 2s. Miklosich, Dr. F., Albanische Forschungen. 3 Parts. Imp. 4to. Pt. I. Die Slavischen Elemente im Albanischen. II. Die Romanischen Elemente im Albanischen. III. Die Form, entlehnter Verba im Albanischen. Wien, 1870-71. 7s. Qd. Rossi, J., Vocabulario Epirotico-Italiano. Eoyal 8vo. pp. 1412. Eoma, 1875. 1 8s. Eegole grammat. della lingua Albanese. 8vo. pp. 349. Roma, 1866. 10s. TRUBNER, & CO., 57 AND 59, LCJDGATE HILL. 3 ALBANIAN" continued: Vater, J. S., Grammatik der Albanischen Sprache, nach Fr. Mar. da Lecce. 8vo. pp. 50 (in Vater's Vergleichungstafeln). Halle, 1822. 6s. Xylander, T. R. yon, Die Sprache der Albanesen oder Schkipetaren. 8vo. cloth, pp. xiii. and 320. Frankfurt, 1835. 5*. ALEMANNIC DIALECT. (See GERMAN DIALECTS.) ALEUT. (See ELEUTH.) ALGONQUIN. (See also CHIPPEWAYEN, CREE, DELAWARE.) Cuoq, l'Abb6, Fragments de Chrestornathie de la langtie algonquirie : Les huit beatitudes (Saint-Mathieu, ch. v.). 8vo. Paris, 1873. Is. 6d. Fragments de Chrestomathie algonquine (Symbole des Apotres). 8vo. Paris, 1875. 3s. AMERICAN LANGUAGES. (GENERAL.) Adam, L., Examen grammatical compare de seize langues Americaines. 8vo. pp. 88. Paris, 1878. 6s. Du Ponceau, P. Et., Me"moire sur le systeme grammatical des Langues de quelques nations Indiennes de I'Amerique du Nord. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 10s. 6d. Lucy-Fossarieu, M. P. de, Les langues Indiennes de la Californie. Etude de philologie ethnographique. 8vo. pp. 55. Paris, 1881. 5s. Mallery, G., Introduction to the Study of Sign Language among the North American Indians, as illustrating the gesture speech of mankind. 4to. pp. iv. and 72. Washington, 1880. 1 5s. Maximilian von Wied Neuwied, Sprachproben verschiedener Volker- stamme des Nord-Westlichen Americas. 4to. half calf, pp. 234. (Extract.) 1. 5s, Pickering, John, Ueber die Indianischen Sprachen Amerikas. Uebersetzt vonTalvj. 8vo. Leipzig, 1834. 3s. 6d. Platzmann, J., Verzeichniss einer Auswahl Amerikanischer Grammatiken, Wb'rterbucher, Katechismen, etc., gesammelt von Julius Platzmann. 8vo. pp. 38. Leipzig, 1876. 4s. Powell, J. W., Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, with words, phrases, and sentences to be collected. ' Second Edition. 4to. cloth, pp. xi. and 228. Washington, 1881. 1 5s. Publications of the Narragansett Club. First Series. Vol. I. 4to. calf, pp. 396. Providence, R.I., 1866. 31s. 6d. Contains : A key into the language of America. Edited by J. Hammond Trumbull. AMHARIC. D'Abbadie, A., Diet, de la langue Amarmna. 8vo. Paris, 1881. =2. Isenberg, Rev. C. W., Grammar of the Amharic Language. 8vo. pp. 194. London, 1842. 1 Is. Dictionary of the Amharic Language, in two parts : Amharic and English, and English and Amharic. 4to. pp. 442. London, 1841. 2. Ludolphi Grammatica linguae Amharicae et lexicon Amharico-Latinum. Two parts. Folio. Francof. 1698. 1 10s. 4 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. AMHARIC continued: Massaja, G. ord. cappuc., Lectiones grammaticales pro missionaries qui addiscere volunt linguam Amaricam sen vulgarem Abyssinise, nee non et linguam Ororaonicam seu populorum Galla nuncupatorum. Imp. 8vo. pp. 501. Paris, 1867. 1 1*. Praetorius, F., Die Amharische Sprache. Heft I. : Laut- und Formenlehre. 4to. pp. 276. Halle, 1878. 15s. Heft II. pp. xiii. and 277 to 523. 4to. Halle, 1879. 15s. ANDAMAN ISLES (DIALECTS OF). Roepstorff, Vocabulary of Dialects spoken in the Nicobar and Andaman Isles. Folio. Fort Blair, 1874. ANGAZIDJA. Steere, E., Short Specimens of the Vocabularies of three unpublished African Languages (Gindo Zarano Angazidja). 16mo. pp. 21. London, 1869. Is. ANGLO-SAXON". Aelfric's Grammatik und Glossar. Herausg. von J. Zupitza. Abtheilung I. Text und Varianten. 8vo. pp. 322. Berlin, 1880. 7s. Benson, Th., Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum, lexico G. Somneri magna parte auctius. 8vo. calf. Oxoniae, 1701. 6s. Bosworth, J., Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 8vo. London, 1823. 9s. A Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language. 8vo. London, 1826. 12s. d. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. London, 1838. Best Edition. 2 10s. Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. London, 1855. 7s. A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. 8vo. cloth, pp. x. and 278. London, 1881. 12s. Bouterwek, K. W., Ein Angelsachsisches Glossar. 8vo. pp. xxv. and 393. Giitersloh, 1850. (Pub. at 8s.) 4s. On large paper (pub. at 12s.) 6s. Corson, H., Handbook of Anglo-Saxon and Early English. 8vo. cloth, pp. xv. and 572. New York, 1871. 14s. Earle, J., A Book for the Beginner in Anglo-Saxon. (Short grammar, texts and glossary.) Second Edition. 12mo. cloth, pp. viii. and 104. Oxford, 1879. 2s. 6d. Ebeling, F. W., Angelsachsisches Lesebuch. 4to. Leipzig, 1847. 4s. 6d. Ettmuller L., Lexicon Anglo-Saxonum, cum Synopsi Grammatica. Royal 8vo. pp. 838. Quedlinburg, 1851. 13s. 6d. Grein, C. W. M., Sprachschatz der Angelsachsischen Dichter. (Vol. 3 and 4 of Grein's Bibliotheca Anglo-Saxonica.) 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 538 and 804. Gottingen, 1861-65. 1 14s. Kurzgefasste Angelsachsische Grammatik. 8vo. pp. iv. and 92. Kassel, 1880. 2s. Gwilt, J., Rudiments of a Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue. 8vo. pp. viii. and 66. London, 1829. 12s. TEUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 5 ANGLO-SAXON continued : Hickesius, G., Institutions Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae et Moeso- Gothicae. 4to. calf. Oxoniae, 1689. 12s. 6d. Korner, K., Einleitung in das Stadium des 2 Parts 8vo. Heilbronn, 1878-1880. 11s. Leo, TL, Angelsachsisches Glossar. 2 Parts. 8vo. pp. xvi., iv. and 739. Halle, 1872-76. 15s. Loth, J., Etymologische Angelsachsich-Englische Grammatik. 8vo. pp. xii. and 481. Elberfeld, 1870. 10. March, F. A., A Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language ; in which its forms are illustrated by those of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gothic, Old Saxon, Old Friesic, Old Norse, and Old High- German. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. xi. and 253. London, 1877. 10s. Rask, E., A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue. From the Danish By BENJAMIN THORPE. Third Edition, corrected 'and improved. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. vi. and 191. London, 1879. 5s. d. Sweet, H., Anglo-Saxon Reader in Prose and Verse, with Grammatical Introduction, Notes and Glossary. Second Edition revised. 8vo. cloth. Oxford, 1879. 8s. 6d. Wright, T., Anglo-Saxon and Old-English Vocabularies, Illustrating the Condition and Manners of our Forefathers, as well as the History of the Forms of Elementary Education, and of the Languages spoken in this Island from the Tenth Century to the Fifteenth. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT. Second Edition, edited, collated, and corrected by RICHARD WULCKER. [In preparation. ANNAMESE. (COCHIN-CHINESE.) Aubaret, G., Grammaire Annamite, suivie d'un Vocabulaire, franais- annamite et annamite-fran9ais. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 5s. Des Michels, Dialogues Cochinchinois, expliquds en Fruncais, en Anglais, et en Latin. Eoy. 8vo. Paris, 1871. 16s. Dictionnaire Annamite-Frangais. (Tu Vi Annam-Phalang sa.) 8vo. pp. xvi. and 916. Tan-Dinh, 1879. 1 Is. Notions pour servir a 1'etude de la langue Annamite. 8vo. pp. 382. Tan-Dinh, 1878. 8s. Potteaux, E., Conversations Franaises et Annamites. 8vo. pp. 91. Saigon, 1873. 7s. 6d. Rosny, L. De, Notice sur la Langue Annamique. 8vo. Paris, 1855. (Extrait.) Is. Taberd, J. L., Dictionarium Anamitico-Latinum et Latino-Anamiticum, with Appendix ad dictionarium Latino-anamiticum. Cochin -Chinese Vocabulary, pp. 135. 2 vols. 4to. pp. xlvi., 722 and 128; Ixxxviii., 708, and a Map. Serampore, 1838. 3 3s. Dictionarium Anamitico-Latinum ex opere Rev. Taberd necnon ab Eev. J. S. Thewel episc. Acanthensi recognitum et notabiliter adauctum, ad quod accedit Appendix de vocibus Sinicis et locutionibus minus usitatis. 4 to. pp. xxxi., 566, and 71. Ninh-Phu, 1877. 2 10s. 6 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. ARABIC (CLASSICAL AND MODERN). DICTIONARIES AND VOCABULARIES. Abdu-r-Razzaq's Dictionary of the Technical Terms of the Sufies. Edited in the Arabic original by Dr. A. SPRENGER. 8vo. Calcutta, 1845. 8s. Asshad Effendi, Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Dictionary. Folio, bound in leather. Constantinople, A.H. 1216 (1798). 2 12*. Gd. As' Sihah f fl Logat. Folio. Two vols. in whole red leather binding, pp. 635 and 582. Bulfcq, A.H. 1282 (1865). 5 5s. One of the two most celebrated great Arabic lexicons written by native scholars, and e one most highly esteemed in the East itself. The author, Abu Nasr Ismail al Jauhari, died A.H. 398 (1007). The editor, Abu'l Wafa al EMrini, has prefixed a long Preface. Ultu. A.H. Gifo \lWtjm J.IIT; truitui, n uu. x " ia, ai JULVII 1111, uao U&VJUAVU xwng j. J.^I.V*T, Although there have been at least three editions of Wan Kftli's Turkish translation of the Sihah, and also more than one of the Persian one, this is, as far as we know, the second time only that the Arabic original has been printed. The first time was at Tabriz. This work is the basis of the Lexicons of Golius and Meninski. Badger, G. P., An English- Arabic Lexicon, in which the Equivalents for English Words and Idiomatic Sentences are rendered into Literary and Collo- quial Arabic. Royal 4to. cloth, pp. xii. and 1244. London, 1881. 9 9s. Barretto, J., A Dictionary of the Persian and Arabic Languages. 2 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1806. 30s. Beaussier, Ch., Dictionnaire pratique arabe, franc. ais, contenant tous les mots employes dans 1' Arabe parle en Algerie et en Tunisie, ainsi que dans le style epistolaire, les pieces usuelles et les actes judiciaires. 4to. pp. 764. Alger, 1871. 1 Is. Bochtor, E., Dictionnaire Fran gais- Arabe : revu et augmente par M. Caussin de Perceval. 2 parts in 1 voL 4to. half bound, pp. vii., 461 and 435. Paris, 1828. 1 Is. Second Edition. Paris, 1848. 36s. Butrus-al-Bustany. __5.lx4il j'sCj^ c >l^i An Arabic Encyclopaedia of Universal Knowledge, by BUTRUS-AL-BUSTANY, the celebrated compiler of Mohit ul Mohit (kjl K^*)> and Katr el Mohit (ksM ii). This work will be completed in from 12 to 15 Vols. of which Vols. I. to III. are ready, Vol. I. contains letter 1 to L-J\ ; Vol. II. L-^ to J\ ; Vol. IV. j\ to ^. Vol. IV. \ to ,J\. Small folio, cloth, pp. 800 each. 1 11s. 6d. per Vol. See also MOHIT. Calligaris, L., Le Compagnon de Tous, ou Dictionnaire Polyglotte. Par le Colonel Louis CALLIGARIS, Grand Officier, etc. (French Latin Italian Spanish Portuguese German English Modern Greek Arabic Turkish.) 2 vols. 4to., pp. 1157 and 746. Turin. 4 4s. Carter, H. J., Notes on the Mahrah Tribe of Southern Arabia, with a Vocabulary of their language, pp. 32. (In " Journal," Bombay Branch, R.A.S., No. 11.) Bombay, 1847. 7s. 6d. Catafago, J., An English and Arabic Dictionary. In two Parts : Arabic and English, and English and Arabic ; in which the Arabic Words are represented in the Oriental Character, as well as their correct Pronunciation and Accentua- tion shown in English letters. 2 vols. in one, cloth. London, 1873. 2 2s. Cherbonneau, Aug., Dictionnaire Frai^ais- Arabe. 12rno. pp. xxxiv. and 630. Paris, 1872. 10s. Dictionnaire Arabe-Franais. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, pp. x. and 1436. Paris, 1876. 1. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 7 ARABIC: DICTIONARIES AND VOCABULARIES continued: Cuche, R. P., Dictionnaire Arabe-Fran9ais. 8vo. half bound, pp. 758. Beyrout, 1862. 1 11s. 6l^ A Dictionary of the Technical Terms used in the Sciences of the Musulmans. Edited by Mawlawies Mohammad Wajyh, 'Abd al-Haqq, and Gholam Kadir, and Dr. A. Sprenger. 4to. com- plete in 20 Fasc. Calcutta, 1853-62. 4. Dieterici, Fr., Arabisch-Deutsches Handworterbuch zum Koran und Thier und Mensch. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. 5s. 6d. Dizionario Italiano- Arabo con aggiunta di un copiosissimo Indici alfabetico delle voci arabe per cura d'un religiose Francescano di Terra Santa. 4to. pp. 1203 and 169. Gerusalemme, 1878. 2. Dozy, R., Supplement aux Dictionnaires Arabes. 4to. Parts 1-7. 16*. each part, and Part 8, 18s. (complete). Leyde, 1879-1880. Freytagii, G. G., Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, praesertim ex Djeuharii Firuzabadiique et alior. Arab, operibus adhib. Golii quoque et alior libris con- nectum. Accedit index vocum Latinarum locupletiss. 4 vols. 4to. Halle, 1835. 3 13s. 6rf. Lexicon Arabico-Latinum ex opere suo Maiore in usum Tironum excerptum. 4to. Hallis, 1837. 12s. Gachtasb, M. Schafi, Dictionnaire Persan Arabe Kusse Frangais. Small 4to. half bound. Petersbourg, 1869. 15s. Gasselin, Ed., Dictionnaire Francais- Arabe. (Arabe vulgaire Arabe grammatical.) Fasc. 1 to 9. 4to. paper. Paris, 1880-81. 4s. each. Golii Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, cum Indice Latino- Arabico. Folio, about 1500 pp. in double columns, good copy, calf. Lugd. Bat. Elsev. 1653. 1 5s. Handjeri, A., Dictionnaire Franais-Arabe-Persan et Turc. 3 vols. 4to. nice red half calf, pp. iv., 992, 659, and 806. Moscou, 1840-41. (Pub. at fr. 300, sewed.) 7 10s. Helot, H. et L., Dictionnaire de poche fran9ais-arabe et arabe-franais a 1'usage des voyageurs, des militaires et des negotiants en Afrique. 18mo. pp. 531. Alger. 4s. Heury, le P., Dictionnaire fran9ais-arabe. Deuxieme edition. 8vo. pp. 915. Beyrouth, 1867. 12s. 6d. Vocabulaire Fran9ais- Arabe. Nouv. edition revue et corrige"e. 12mo. pp. viii. and 768. Beyrouth, 1878. 8s. 6d. Hopkins, D., A Vocabulary Persian, Arabic, and English, abridged from the quarto edition of Richardson's Dictionary as edited by Ch. Wiikins. 8vo. half calf. London, 1810. 1 Is. Another copy. 18s. Jamati, V., Diet, technique universel fran9ais-arabe contenant la nomen- clature complete des termes scientifiques et artistiques. Large 8vo. Le Caire, 1879. 1 5s. Ikna fl hal Alfaz by Abu Shuja. Definitions of Religious and Legal Terms. 2 vols. 4to. bound in leather. Cairo, 1865. 2 2s. Johnson, F., A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English. 4to. London, 1852. 4. 8 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. ARABIC : DICTIONARIES AND VOCABULARIES continued : The Kamoos, or The Ocean. The celebrated Arabic Dictionary by Medjd- ed-din Mohammed ben Yakub el Feroozabady. 1 vol. in folio, pp. 920. Litho. Bombay, A.H. 1272 (1855). Scarce. 5 5s. This edition, which is preferable to most MS. copies, through its having all the vowel points carefully affixed, is somewhat imperfectly described in Zenker Bibl. Or. Dr. Dorn, who gives in the Cat. d. MSS. de la Bibl. Imp. de St. Petersbourg (p. 198) a very valuable account of all the existing editions and MSS., omits this edition ; probably no copy had then reached Europe. Kazimirski, A. de B., Dictionnaire Arabe-Fran9ais, contenant toutes les racines, leurs derives, dans les idiomes vulgaires et litterales dialectes d'Alger et de Maroc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 5. Lane, E. W., Arabic-English Lexicon, derived from the best Eastern sources, with grammatical and critical comments, and numerous examples in prose and verse. Parts I. to VI. Roy. 4to. cloth. London, 1864-78. Each part 1 5s. To be completed in 8 parts. Marcel, J. J.,Dictioniiaire Frangais-Arabe des Dialectes Vulgaires d'Alger, d'Egypte, de Tunis et de Maroc. Second Edition, pp. xiv. and 570. Paris, 1869. 6s. 6d. - Vocabulaire Frangais-Arabe des Dialectes Vulgaires Africains d'Alger, de Tunis, de Maroc et d'Egypte. 8vo. half-bound, pp. xiv. and 574. Rare. Paris, 1837. 7s. 6d. Meninski, F. and M., Lexicon Arabico-Persico-Turcicum, adjecta ad singulas voces et phrases significatione latina, ad usitatiores etiam italica. 4 vols. folio, half calf, pp. clxiv. and 660, 3 plates, pp. 822, 1086, and 1207. (pp. 1161-1169 are replaced in MS. ; Dr. Ballantyne's copy). Vienna?, 1780. 4 4s. Misbah al Munir^d \~A*\ A Dictionary of the Arabic Language, By Ahmad bin Mohammad bin ala Al Mokrawi. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Bulaq, A.H. 1289 (1872). 1 4s. Mohit ul Mohit, The Ocean of the Ocean. By BUTRUS AL BUST A NY. An Arabic Dictionary explained in Arabic. Being a complete Thesaurus of the Arabic language, and containing useful observations and notices, definitions, and explanations of scientific and technical terms ; and including a large number of words which belong more to the modern than to the classical Arabic. 2 vols. Small folio, bound, pp. 1208. ' Beyrout, 1866-70. 8 8s. - Katr el Mohit, A Drop from the Ocean. Being an abridgment of the preceding work (Mohit el Mohit). 8vo. sewed, pp. 1176. Beyrout, 1867-70. 4 4s. Muntakhab ul Logat, Dictionary of Arabic words explained in Persian. In two parts. Royal 8vo. bound in sheep, pp. 272 and 214. Litho. Bombay, A.H. 1279 (1862). 1 5s. This Dictionary was printed twice at Calcutta (1808 and 1836) and once at Lucknow (1845). These editions, however, as well as MS. copies, seem to be very rare. The alphabetical order is according to the first and not according to the last letters of every word. Neuphal, G., Vocabulaire Fran9ais-Arabe a 1'usage des ecoles primaires, par Georges Neuphal, Damasquin. 8vo. sewed, pp. 284. Beyrout, 1864. 7s. 6d. Newman, F. W., Dictionary of Modern Arabic. 1. Anglo- Arabic Dictionary. 2. Anglo- Arabic Vocabulary. 3. Arabo-English Dictionary. By F. W. NEWMAN, Emeritus Professor of University College, London. In "2 vols. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 376-464. (In Roman characters.) London, 1871. 1 Is. Noble's Arabic Vocabulary and Index for Richardson's Arabic Grammar. 4to. boards. Edinburgh, 1820. 3s. Gel. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 9 ARABIC: DICTIONARIES AND VOCABULARIES continued: Pharaon et Bertrand, Vocabulaire frangais-arabe a 1'usage des medecins, veterinaires, sages-i'emmes, pharmaciens, herboristes, etc. 12mo. pp. 204. Paris, 1860. 4s. Pihan, A. P., Glossaire des Mots Fran9ais tire's de 1'Arabe, du Persan etduTurc. 8 vo. half calf. Paris, 1847. 5s. Richardson J., Dictionary, English-Persian-Arabic and Persian- Arabic- English. A new edition, with numerous additions and improvements by CH. WILKINS. 2 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1806 1810. 3 10*. Roland de Bussy, Petit dictionnaire fran^ais-arabe et arabe-fran9ais. 12mo. pp. 465. Alger, 1867. 3s. Ruphy, J. F., Dictionnaire abrege Fran9ois-Arabe a 1'usage de ceux qui se destinent au Commerce du Levant. 4to. half bound. Paris, 1802. 7s. Shams ul Logat, Dictionary of the Arabic and Persian Languages, the Explanation being in Persian. 2 vols. in one. Folio, bound in full sheep, silver tooling, Oriental style, pp. 269 and 242. Bombay, A.H. 1277 (1860). 3 3s. Wahrmund, A., Handworterbuch der Neu-Arabischen und Deutschen Sprache. 2 vols. Large 8vo, Giessen, 1874 77. 3 6s. Willmet, Lexicon linguao Arabicse in Coranum Haririum et Vitam Timuri. 4to. calf, pp. 824. Rotterdam, 1784. 8s. 6d. Zenker, Dr. J. Th. ? Dictionnaire turc-arabe-persan-fran9ais-allemand. 2 vols. Folio. Leipzig, 1866-76. 5. GRAMMARS, CHRESTOMATHIES, (READING BOOKS,) AND PHRASE BOOKS. Abin Za'id J,^\ Ju>*> \ dLiU- Hashiat, etc. Annotations on Asbmouni's Commentary of the Alfeya, the celebrated " Arabic Grammar," of Ibn Malek, by Ibn-Sa'eed, of Tunis. Vol. I. 4to. pp. 402. Tunis, 1292 (1875). 1 10s. Abougit, le P. L. X., Principes de la grammaire arabe & 1'usage des ecoles de Fran9ais en Orient. 12mo. pp. 396. Beyrouth, 1862. 4s. Abtadah Al Kurah *L5J\ \ jcji Reading Book in Arabic. 8vo. boards. Wien, 1862. 7s. M. Alfiyah of Ibn Malik |*J1 ^ JJLc ^\ ujl *, Arabic Gram- mar in 1000 verses. 8vo. cloth, Beirout, 1876. 15s. Alfiyya ou la quintessence de la grammaire Arabe, ouvrage de Djemal- eddin Mohammad connu sous le nom d'Ebn-Malec, publie en original, avec un commeutaire par S. de Sacy. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 6s. Qd. Al Merah ^-*)1 ^^l^ Treatise on Arabic Grammar, in Arabic. 8vo. bound in leather. Constantinople, A.H. 1243 (1827). 7s. 6d. Constantinople, A.H. 1269 (1852). 5s. A 1-Mufassal opus de re grammatica arabicum auctore Abu'l-Kasim Mahmud Bin ' Omar Zamaksario, ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum edidit T. P. BROCH. 8vo. paper. Christianiae, 1879. 12s. Al-Yasejy, N. u->\k*?1 J*as Arabic Grammar, in Arabic. 8vo. cloth. Beirout, 1866. 5s. 10 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. ARABIC : GRAMMARS, ETC., continued : Assaad Yacoob Kayat, The Eastern Traveller's Interpreter ; or, Arabic without a teacher. (Grammar, Dialogues, Vocabulary.) Second Edition. Oblong 12mo. pp. 172. London, n.d. 4s. Ito^sTj L3*&\ &M1 uJp* ^2^ Aytah. A Latin Grammar in Arabic. Accompanied with a Vocabulary and JEsop's Fables in Latin. 8vo. cloth. Beirout, 1875. 6s. Beamont, W. J., Concise Grammar of the Arabic Language, revised by Shikh Ali Nady-el-Barrany. 12mo. Cambridge, 1861. 7s. Bel Kassem Ben Sedira, Dialogues fran9ais-arabe, recueil des phrases les plus usuelles de la langue parlee en Algerie. Second Edition. 32mo. pp. vii. and 370. Alger, 1878. 1 Is. Berggren, J., Guide Fran9ais-Arabe Vulgaire des voyageurs et des Francs en Syrie et en Egypte avec carte physique et geographique de la Syrie et plan geometrique de Jerusalem Ancien et Moderne, comme supplement aux voyages en Orient. 4to. Upsal, 1844. 1 Is. Bresnier, L. J., Grammaire Arabe Eldmentaire (Principes de Syntaxe) de Mohammed Ben Dawoud El Sanhadji, accompagne de notes explicatives. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 90 and 23. Alger, 1866. 3s. Chrestomathie arabe, lettres, actes et pieces diverses, avec la traduction fra^aise en regard. 8vo. pp. 526. Alger, 1857. 12s. Anthologie arabe elemeutaire, choix de maximes et de textes varies, la plupart inedits ; accompagne d'un vocabulaire arabe-fran9ais. 12mo. Alger, 1853. 5s. Butras-al-Bustany ^J ^U*J\ Zj t-JVJLi An Arabic Encyclopaedia of Universal Knowledge, by BUTRUS-AL-BUSTANY, the celebrated compiler of Mohit ul Mohit (L.jfcSrU \s^s^} an ^ Katr el Mohit (1 2-CS X\ Aajj). This work will be completed in from 12 to 15 vols., of which Vols. I. to IV. are ready, Vol. I. contains letter ! to c->! ; Vol. II. <^J\ to j\ ; Vol. III.jl to ^. Vol. IV. C^ to ^\ Sm. folio, cloth, pp. 800 each. Beyrout, 1876 to 1880. 1 11s. 6d. per Vol. Cadoz, C. F., Le secretaire algerien, ou le secretaire fran9ais-arabe, con- tenant des modeles de lettres et d' actes sur toutes sortes de sujet; un recueil de proverbes, des explications grammaticales, etc. 18mo. pp. 180. Alger, 1862. Is. 6d. Carletti P. V., Exposition de la langue des Arabes ou Me*thode th6orique et pratique de Langue Arabe. 4to. Bruxelles, 1881. [Nearly ready]. Caspar!, C. P., Grammatik der Arabischen Sprache fur Akadem. Vorles- ungen. Nebst einigen aus Handschriften entnomm. u. durch ein Glossar erlaut. Lesestiicken. ' 8vo. Leipzig, 1859. 4s. Third Edition. 1869. 6s. Fourth Edition by A. Miiller. Halle, 1876. 15s. Grammaire arabe. Traduite de la 4 e edition allemande et en partie remaniee par E. Uricochea. 8vo. cloth. Paris, 1881. 12s Qd. For English translation, see Wright. Caussin de Perceval, A. P., Grammaire Arabe- Vulgaire suivie de dialogues, lettres, actes, etc. 4to. Paris, 1824. 3s 6d. Grammaire arabe vulgaire pour les dialectes d'Orient et de Barbaric. Paris, 1833. HINDOGLU (A.) Grammaire turque. 2 vols. in 1, half bound. Paris, 1834. 8s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 69, LUDGATE HILL. 11 ARABIC; GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Caussin de Perceval, A. P., Grammaire Arabe Vulgaire pour les dialectes d' Orient et de Barbaric. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1880. 5s. direst omat hie arabe ou Recueil de Morceaux choisies des anciens auteurs arabes. Texte accentue'. 2 vols. in 8vo. Beyrout, 1875-77. 1 Is. Cotelle, H., Dialogues francjais-arabes, avec la prononciation figured, 12mo. pp. 120. Alger. 2s 6d. Cotton, Gen. Sir Arthur, K. C.S.I., Arabic Primer. Consisting of 180 short Sentences containing 30 Primary Words prepared according to the Vocal System of Studying Language. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 38. London, 1877. 2*. David, J., Grammaire Arabe (en Arabe). 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, pp. 166 and 230. Mossoul, 1875-76. 12s. 6d. Exercises grammaticaux, disposes suivant la grammaire arabe. (Arabic Text.) 8vo. Mossoul, 1877. 5s. Delaporte, J. H., Guide de la Conversation Fran^aise- Arabe en Dialogues, avec le mot-a-mot et la prononciation interlineaire en caracteres fran9ais. 4to. pp. 67. Alger, 1846. 5s. Alger, 1846. 7s. Bombay, Franciscide, Grammatica linguae Mauro-Arabicse juxta vernaculi idiomatis usum accessit vocabularium Latino-Mauro-Arabicum. Small 4to. Vindobonae, 1800. 7s. 6^. Erpenii, Th., Grammatica Arabica cum Fabulis Locmanni, etc. Arab, et Lat. Sewed. Lugd. Bat. 1748. 5s. Farhat. &~jjd\ Ji& ij c^Jlla/^ ei^xT Grammar of the Arabic Lan- guage. In Arabic. 8vo. bound. Malta, 1836. 10s. d. Faris-el-Shidiak, Practical Grammar of the Arabic Language, with Interlineal Reading-Lessons, Dialogues, and Vocabulary. Second Edition. 16mo. cloth, pp. 162. London, 1866. 5s. Arabic and English Grammatical Exercises and Familiar Dialogues chiefly intended for the use of Students in the English Language. 8vo. Malta, 1840. 7s. 6d. Forbes, D., A Grammar of the Arabic Language ; intended more especially for the use of young men preparing for the East India Civil Service ; and also for the use of self -instructing students in general. 8 vo. cloth, pp. xx. and 344. London, 1866. 18s. Arabic Reading Lessons, consisting of Easy Extracts from the best authors, with Vocabulary. Royal 8vo. cloth. London. 15s. Girgas, W. O., and W. R. Rosen, Arabic Chrestomathy. 2 vols. 8vo. St. Petersburg!!, 1875-76. 15s. Glaire, J. B., Principes de Grammaire arabe. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 8s. Gb'schl, Leop., Kurze Grammatik der arabischen Sprache mit einer Chrestomathie und Worterverzeichniss zum Schul- und Selbstunterricht. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. ix. and 198. Wien, 1881. 4s. 6d. Grammaire Franchise elementaire (pour les Arabes). In Arabic. 12mo. Beyrouth, I860. 6s. Grangeret de Lagrange, Anthologie Arabe, ou Choix de poesies arabes inedites, trad, pour la premieres en Fran9ais et accompagnees d'observations crit. et litteraires. 8vo. pp. 262 and 162. Paris, 1828. 12s. 6d. Hartmann, M., Arabischer Sprachfiihrer fur Reisende. 16mo. pp. xii. and 367, limp roan. Leipzig, 1881. 6s. Arabic in the Syrian and Egyptian Dialects (in Romanized characters) and German. 12 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. ARABIC: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: k* ^z ijty*^ 4~2U- Hashiyat ad Dasuqi ala Mugni'l labib. Al Dasuqi' s copious annotations on the celebrated Arabic Grammar of Ibn Hisham, with the entire text commented on. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. pp. 448 and 422. Bulaq, A.H. 1286. 2 12*. 6d. Uwk*!! dUNl. Hashiyat al Ushmavi. Annotations on the Arabic Grammar called al-Ajrumiya, with the text. Small 4to. pp. 112. Bulaq, A.H. 1287. 5s. JLC ^U^l aLSjU- Hashiyat ul Saja'i ala sharh il Qatr. Copious marginalia on Ibn Hisham's own Commentary on his concise Arabic Grammar, called Qatr un Naha wa Ball us Sada, by Ahmed al Saja'i, who died A.D. 1780. This is the third impression of the work, and has been super- intended by Ibrahim ad Dasuqi. Fol. pp. 155. Bulaq, A.H. 1287 (1870). 9s. Hashiyat as Sabban ala sharh al Ashmuni *, lc ^Ldl jW j^J^T < Jj1 A)O On Prepositions, Adverbs, and Conjunctions, Arabic Grammar, 8vo, pp. 214. Cairo, A.H. 1294 (1876). 10s. Kosegarten, J. G. L., Chrestomathia Arabica, cum Lexico. 8vo. half bound. Lipsiae, 1828. 1 Is. Leitner, G. W., Introduction to a Philosophical Grammar of Arabic. Being an attempt to discover a few simple principles in Arabic Grammar. 8vo. sewed, pp. 52. Lahore, 1871. 4s. Mallouf, N., Guide de la Conversation en trois langues, Fran9aise, Anglaise, Arabe (Dialecte d'Egypte et de Syrie), avec la pro-nonciation figuree en lettres Latines. 12mo. pp. 208. Paris, 1880. 4s. Marcel, T. T., Lecons de langue Arabe, donnees au college Royal de France. 8vo. Paris, 1819. 3s. Martin, A., Dialogues arabes-fran9ais, avec la prononciation figure'e. 8vo. pp. 208. Paris, 1847. 5s. Matelica, P. Gaudenzio de, Introduziorie allo Studio della Lengua Araba. 8vo. pp. 114. Gerusalemme, 1868. 14s. -Ixa^ Miftah el Misbah. An Arabic Grammar by Bustany. 16mo. cloth, pp. 360. Beyfout, 1867. 12s. Qd. ^ Ullls $\ ^UJ! .xcly j^k." Mukhtasar Kowa'id el Lisan el Italiany. An Italian Grammar in Arabic. 8vo. boards, pp. 149. Jerusalem, 1851. 3s. 6d. Nakhlah, J., New Manual of English and Arabic Conversation. 8vo. half calf, pp. xlii. and 277. Boulack, 1874. 7s. Qd. Newman, F. W., Handbook of Modern Arabic, consisting of a practical Grammar, with numerous examples, dialogues, and newspaper extracts, in a European type. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. xx. and 192. London, 1866. 6s. TRUBKER & CO., 57 AND 59, LTJDGATE HILL. 13 ARABIC: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Newton, R., ^J ^ %j^+ ^ L-^Jfc J ^ ^\su Beading Book for young Students, in Arabic. Illustrated. Small 8vo. cloth. Beirout, 1877. 5*. Nofal, G., Guide de conversation en arabe et en fra^ais. 4 e Edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement auginentee. 16mo. pp. 777. Beyrouth, 1881. 7*. 6d. Obaidulla'h Maulavi (el-Obaidi), Grammar of the Arabic Language, to which is appended an Essay on the Arabic language and literature. 8vo. pp. xviii. and 225. Calcutta, 1873. Palmer, E. H., Grammar of the Arabic Language. 8vo. cloth. London, 1874. 18s. The Arabic Manual, comprising a condensed Grammar of both the Classical and Modern Arabic ; Reading Lessons and Exercises, with Analysis ; and a Vocabulary of useful words. Small 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 315. London, 1881. 7s. Qd. Hindustani, Persian, and Arabic Grammar simplified. (In the Press.) Primer and Vocabulary. (Anglo- Arabic.) 16mo. Malta, 1832. 2s. Qd. Richardson, J., Grammar of the Arabic Language. 4to. half bound. London, 1811. 3s. 6d. Roorda, Grammatica Arabica. Adjuncta est brevis chrestomathia. Lugd. Bat. 1835. 3s. Rosenmiiller, B. F. K., Arabisches Elementar- und Lese-Buch (mit vollstandigem. Wortregister). 8vo. Leipzig, 1799. 4s. Sacy, Le B. S. de, Grammaire Arabe a 1'usage des eleves de 1'Ecole Spdciale des Langues Orientales Vivantes ; avec figures. 2 vols. 8vo. bound (with plates and tables). Paris, 1830. 1 10s. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. 7 7s. Chrestomathie Arabe. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 1 10s. Chrestomathie Arabe, ou Extraits de divers ecrivains arabes, tant en prose qu'en vers, avec une traduction fran9aise et des notes. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. half bound, pp. xxiii., 550 and 176; vii., 576 and 162- viii., 568 and 207. Paris, 1826-27. 7. ' Anthologie Grammaticale Arabe, ou Morceaux choisis de divers grammairiens et scholiastes arabes ; avec une traduction fran9aise et des notes. 8vo. half bound, pp. viii., 519 and 176. Paris, 1829. 1 11s. Qd. Sarkis, S. and J., Primer, Vocabulary and Phrases. Arabic and English. 16mo. Beirout, 1876. 5*. Savary, Grammaire de la Langue Arabe, vulgaire et litte'raire. 4 to. Paris, 1813. 3s. Qd. Schier, Ch., Grammaire Arabe. 8vo. pp. x. and 456. Dresde, 1849. 12s. Sedra, Ben Kasem Ben, Cours pratique de langue arabe. Second Edition. Small 8vo. Alger, 1878. 5s. Spitta-Bey, W., Grammatik des Arab. Vulgar-Dialectes von Aegypten. 8vo. Leipzig, 1880. 25s. Wahl, S., Neue Arabische Anthologie. 8vo. half bound. Leipzig, 1779. 3s. 14 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. ARABIC : GRAMMARS, ETC., continued : "Wahrmund Adolf, Praktisches Handbuch der neu-arabischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. xviii., 208 and 204. Giessen, 1861. Schliissel zum praktischen Handbuch der neu-arabischen Sprache (Transcription and Translation). 8vo. pp. viii. and 216. Giessen, 1866. Price of both parts 18s. 6d. Lesebuch in neu-arabischer Sprache zum praktischen Handbuch der neuarabischen Sprach. 2 parts. 1. Arabic text. 2. German translation. 8vo. sewed. Giessen, 1880. 12s. "Wright, W., Grammar of the Arabic Language, translated from the German of Caspari, and edited with numerous additions and corrections. 8vo. London, 1862. 10s. Grammar of the Arabic Language, translated from the German of Caspari, and edited with numerous additions and corrections. 2 vols. 8vo. Second Edition. London, 1874. 1 3s. Arabic Eeading Book, Part 1. London, 1870. 7s. 60?. Yacoub Naklah, New Manual of English and Arabic Conversation. 8vo. half bound, pp. 277. Boulack, 1874. 7s. 6d. Zschokke, H., Institutiones fundamentals Linguae Arabicse. 8vo. Vindo- bonaa, 1869. 6s. ARAMAIC. (See also CHALDEE and SYRIAC.) Fiirst, J., Lehrgebaude der Aramaischen Idiome in Bezug auf die Indo- germanischen Sprachen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1835. 4s. Aramaische Chrestomathie. 8vo. Leipzig, 1836. 4s. Swyghuisen Groenewoud, J. C., Institutio ad Grammaticam Aramaeam ducens. 8vo. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1845. 7s. 6rf. Zschokke, H., Institutiones fondamentales linguae aramaicse, seu dialec- torum chaldaica3 ac syriacse in usum juventutis academicse. 8vo. pp. xxvii. and 160. Vindohona3, 1870. 5s. 6d. ARAUCANIAN. (CHILIAN.) Febres, Andres, Arte de la Lengua general del reyno de Chile, con un Vocabulario Hispano-Chileno, y un Chileno-Hispano. Small 8vo. vellum. Lima, 1765. 2 10s. Grammatica de la Lengua Chilena. Adicionada i correjida por el R. P. Fr. Antonio Hernandez Calzada, de la Orden de la Regular Obser- vancia de N. P. San Francisco. Edicion hecha para el sevvicio de las Misiones per Orden del Supremo Gobierno i bajo la inspeccion del R. P. Misionero Fr. Miguel Anjel Astraldi. 4to. sewed, pp. 330. Santiago, 1846. Scarce, 2 2s. Grammatica de la Lengua-Chilena. Nueva edicion correjida. (Abridgment of the edition of 1846.) 8vo. pp. iv. and 77- Concepcion, 1864. Out of print. 12s. Gd. Diccionario Chileno-Hispano. Enriquecido de Voces, i mejorado por el R. P. Mis. Fr. Antonio Hernandez i Calzada. Edicion hecha para el servicio de las Misiones por Orden del Supremo Gobierno i bajo la inspeccion del R. P. Mis. Fr. Miguel Anjel Astraldi. 8vo. sewed, pp. 88. Santiago, 1846. 8s. TEUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 15 ARAWACK. Brinton, D. G., The Arawack Language of Guiana in its Linguistic and Ethnological Eelations. 4to. pp. 18. Philadelphia, 1871. 5*. ARMENIAN" (CLASSICAL and MODERN). Ananian, Rev. F. J. B., Dictionary of the Modern Armenian Language. New Edition, revised and corrected by Mgr. Ed. Hiirmiiz. Venice, 1869. 9s. Armenian Grammar (in Armenian). 8vo. boards, pp. 308. Venice, 1848. 7*. Qd. Aucher, P. P., English and Armenian Grammar. 8vo. sewed, pp. 181. Venice, 1817. 9*. Grammar, Armenian and English. 8vo. boards, pp. 334. Venice, 1819. 7s. 6d. Grammar, Armenian and English. 12mo. pp. 230. Venice, 1832. 7s. 6rf. Dictionary, English and Armenian. By Father P. AUCHER, with the assistance of JOHN BRAND, Esq., A.M. Crown 8vo. Venice, 1868. 21s. Dictionnaire abre'ge' Fran9ais-Arme'nien et Armenien-Fra^ais. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 1 Is. Awker, Rev. F. J. B., Armenian Dictionary, containing all the words of the Armenian, classical language, explained into Modern Armenian, for the use of youth, augmented by above 10,000 words, by Rev. F. Gr. Gelal. Pocket edition. Venice, 1864. 10s. French-Armenian-Turkish Dictionary. 1 vol. 4to. Venice, 1840. 1. Armenian-French-Turkish Dictionary. 4to. Venice, 1817. 2 10s. English-Armenian and Armenian-English Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. Venice, 1821-25. 1 16s. Bedrossian, Rev. F. M., English- Armenian Dictionary, revised and cor- rected. Venice, 1868. 1. New Dictionary Armenian-English. Crown 8vo. sewed, pp. 786. Venice, 1875-9. 1 Is. Calfa, A., Guide de la conversation : fran9ais-armenien. 18mo. pp. 274. Paris, 1865. 3s. Guide to conversation in English and Armenian. 12mo. pp. 250. Paris, 1855. 3s. Dictionnaire armenien-fra^ais. Second Edition. 12mo. pp. 1032. Paris, 1872. 16s. Dictionary of Dictionaries, by the Armenian Academy of St. Lazarus. 2 vols. large folio, in three columns. 1836-37. 6 10s. This work is a treasury of the Armenian language, compiled with great care and en- riched with citations from works of classic authors of Armenian literature. Nearly every word is accompanied by its corresponding meaning in Greek and Latin. Duzyan, H., Armeno- Persian Dictionary. 4to. old calf, pp. 715. Constantinople, 1826. 2 2s. Giamgy, Ph., Nouveau Guide de conversation Fra^ais-Angkis-Arme'nien- Turc-Alleraand-Italien. 16mo. pp. xviii. and 763. Vienne, 1848. 12s. Kacmni, Rev. F. M., Armenian Technological Dictionary. [In the press. 16 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. ARMENIAN continued : Lauer, M., Grammatik der Classischen Armenischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. 98. Wien, 1869. 2s 6d. : Armenische Chrestomathie. (Classisch. Armen. Sprache.) 8vo. pp. iv. and 180. "Wien, 1881. 6s. Mekhithar, Abbot, Armenian-Italian Dictionary. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. Venice, 1837. 2 10s. Miiller, F., Zwei sprachwissenschaftl. Abhandlungen zur armenischen Grammatik. 8vo. pp. 11. Wien, 1861. Is. Beitrage zur Lautlehre der armenischen Sprache. Three Parts. Lex. 8. Wien, 1862-3. 2s. Declination d. armenischen Nomens. 8vo. pp. 17. Wien, 1846. 4s. Conjugation des armen. Yerbums. 8vo. pp. 16. Wien, 1863. Is. Nar Bey, A. de (A. Calfa), Dictionnaire Arme'nieii-Fran9ais et Francjais- Armenien. Second Edition. 12mo. pp. x. and 1032. Paris, 1872. 1 Is. Petermann, J. H., Brevis linguae Armeniacae Grammatica, Litteratura, Chrestomathia cum Glossario. 12mo. half-calf. Berolini, 1841. 3s. New Edition. 12mo. pp. 214. Berolini, 1872. 4s. 6d. Prizpuchow, Dictionary, Russian and Armenian. Second Edition. 8vo. Petersburg, 1876. l 4s. Biggs, E., A Grammar of the Modern Armenian Language, as spoken in Constantinople and Asia Minor. 8vo. cloth, pp. 162. Constantinople, 1856. 1 Is. [Out of print. Vocabulary of Words used in Modern Armenian but not found in the Ancient Armenian Lexicons. 8vo. sewed. Smyrna, 1847. 6s. Schroder, J. J., Thesaurus Linguae Armenicae, Antiquae et Hodiernae. 4to. vellum. Amstelodami, 1711. 6s. Somal, Mgr. Sukias, Armenian-English and English- Armenian Dictionary. 2 vols. 24mo. Venice, 1832. 7s. 6d. English-Armenian-Turkish, Armenian-English-Turkish, and Turkish- Armenian-English Dictionary. Pocket Edition, adapted for travellers. 3 vols. 24mo. Venice, 1846. 10s. Wood's English Grammar for Armenians. Post 8vo. half calf, pp. 264. 1847. 7s. 6d. MODERN ARYAN LANGUAGES. (GENERAL.) Beames, John, Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India (to wit), Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Uriya, and Bengali. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1872-79. Vol. I. On Sounds. 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 360. 16s. Vol. II. The Noun and the Pronoun. 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 348. 16s. Vol. III. The Verb. 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 316. 16s. AS ANTE. (FANTE, TSHI, ODJI, CHWEE.) Christaller, J. C., C. W. Locher and J. Zimmermann. A Dictionary- English, Tshi (Asante). 12mo. Basel, 1874. 7s. 6d. Grammar of the Asante and Fante Language. 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 203. Basel, 1875. 10s. 6d. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 17 ASANTE, ETC., continued: Ojikassa Kannehuma, Reading Book in the Oji Language. Small 8vo. pp. 14. Basel, 1845. 3s. 6d. Riis, H. N., Elemente des Akwapim Dialects der Odschi-Sprache, enthal- tend grammatische Grundziige und Wortersammlung, nebst einer Sammlung von SpruchworJ;ern der Eingebornen. 8vo. cloth, pp. xviii. and 322. Basel, 1853. 8*. Grammatical Outline and Grammar of the Oji Language, with special reference to the Akwapim Dialect, together with a collection of proverbs of the natives. 8vo. Basel, 1854. 10*. ASSAMESE. Bronson, M., Dictionary in Assamese and English. 8vo. pp. viii. and 609. Sibsagor, 1867. 2 2s. Brown, N., Grammatical Notices of the Assamese Language. 2nd edition. Sibsagor, 1862. Scarce. 12s. 6d. First Edition. Sibsagor, 1848. 12s. 6d. Cutter, H. B. L., Phrases in English and Assamese. Small 8vo. pp. iii. and 98. Boards. Sibsagor, 1877. 5s. ASSYRIAN and AKKADIAN. Budge, E. A., The History of Esarhaddon (son of Sennacherib), King of Assyria, B.C. 681-668. Translated from the Cuneiform Inscriptions upon Cylinders and Tablets in the British Museum Collection, together with Original Texts (in Cuneiform Type), a Grammatical Analysis of each word, Explanations of the Ideographs by Extracts from the Bi-lingual Syllabaries, and List of Eponyras, etc. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 163. London, 1880. 10s. &d. Assyrian Texts. Being Extracts from the Annals of Shal- maneser II., Sennacherib, and Assur-Bani-Pal. With Philological Notes. Small 4to. cloth, pp. vi. and 44. London, 1880. 7s. 6d. Chossat, E. de, Repertoire Assyrien (Traduction et Lecture). 4to. pp. \iii. 184 and 204. Lyou, 1879. 1 5s. Delitzsch, F., Assyrische Studien. Heft. I. (all published) Assyrische Thiernamen mit vielen Excursen und einem Assyrischen und Akkadischen Glossar. 8vo. pp. vii. and 189. Leipzig, 1874. 8s. Assyrische Lesestiicke nach den Originalen theils revidirt theils zum ersten Male herausgegeben und durch Schrif'ttafeln eingeleitet. Zweite Auflage. 4to. pp. vi. and 63. Leipzig, 1874. 1 4s. Assyrisches Worterbuch, in 2 vols. [In preparation. Haupt, Paul, Assyrische Grammatik. [In preparation. Hincks, Rev. E., Specimen Chapters of an Assyrian Grammar. 8vo. pp. 44, sewed. London. Is. Houghton, Rev. W., List of Assyrian Verbs; In the Cuneiform Character, with Hebrew or .other Semitic Analogues, and their Meanings in English, Examples or References, Ideographs, etc. \_In the press. Lenormant, F., Les Syllabaires Cune"iformes. Edition Critique classe'e pour la premiere fois methodiquement et precede'e d'une Introduction sur la Nature de ces Documents. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 16s. La Langue primitive de la Chalde'e et les Idiomes Touraniens. Etude de Philologie et d'Histoire suivie d'un Glossaire Accadien. Royal 8vo. pp. viii. and 455. Paris, 1875. 1. 2 18 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. ASSYRIAN AND AKKADIAN continued : Lenormant, F., Lettres Assyriologiques. Deuxieme Serie. Etudes Accadiennes Tome I. contenant la Grammaire Accadienne. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1873-74. 12s. 6d. Tome II. Partie 1. (Texte et Transcription.) 4to. Paris, 1874. 16s. 6d. Tome III. Livr. 1. 4to. pp. iii. and 200. Paris, 1879. 12s. 6d. Tome III. Livr. 2. 4to. pp. 201 to 292. Paris, 1880. 6s. 6d. Menant, J., Recueil d' Alphabets pour servir k la Lecture et a 1'Interpreta- tion des Ecritures Cuneiformes. Small 4to. pp. 27. Paris, 1860. 3s. Principes Ele"mentaires de la Lecture des Textes Assyriens. 8vo. pp. 35. Paris, 1861. 2s. Les Ecritures Cupeiformes. Expose des travaux qui ont prepare la Lecture et 1' Interpretation des Inscriptions de la Perse et de 1'Assyrie. Deuxieme Edition. Scarce. Paris, 1864-8. 15s. Expose des Elements de la Grammaire Assyrienne. Large 8vo. pp. 392. Paris, 1868. 12s. 6d. Syllabaire Assyrien. Expose" des Elements du Systeme Phonet- ique de 1'Ecriture Anarienne. 2 vols. 4to. Scarce. Paris, 1873. 3. Manuel de la Langue Assyrienne (I. Le Syllabaire. II. La Grammaire. III. Choix de Lectures). 8vo. pp. v. and 383. Paris, 1880. 18s. Norris, E., Assyrian Dictionary, intended to further the study of the Cuneiform Inscriptions of Assyria and Babylon. Parts 1 to 3 (all out). 4to. cloth. London, 1869-72. 4 4s. Oppert, J., Duppe Lisan Assur. Elements de la Grammaire Assyrienne. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. xxiii. and 126. Paris, 1860. 6s. Sayce, Rev. A. H., Assyrian Grammar for Comparative Purposes. 12mo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 188. London, 1872. 7s. 6d. Elementary Grammar and Reading Book of the Assyrian Language, in the Cuneiform Character : containing the most complete Syllabary yet extant, and which will serve also as a "Vocabulary of both Accadian and Assyrian. 4 to. cloth. London, 1875. 9s. Schrader, E., Assyrisches Syllabar. 4to. Berlin, 1880. 2s. Talbot, H. F., Contributions towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. 2 parts (in Journal R.A.S., III. 1. and IV. 1.) 8vo. London, 1868-69. 1 2s. ATHAPASCAN. Buschmann, J. C. E., Der Athapaskische Sprachstamm. 2 Parts. 4to. boards, pp. 170 and 60. Berlin, 1856-63. 8s. Das Apache als eine Athapaskische Sprache erwiesen. In Ver- bindung mit einer systematischen "Worttafel des Athapaskischen Sprachstamms. Erste Abtheilung. 4to. boards, pp. 187-282. Berlin, I860. 3s. Die Verwandtschafts- Verhaltnisse der A thapasksichen Sprachen 2te Abtheilung. 4to. boards, pp. 195-252. Berlin, 1860. 2s. Systematische Worttafel des Athapaskischen Sprachstamms, aufgestellt und erlautert. 4to. boards, pp. 501-586. Berlin, 1860. 3s. AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES. (See also POLYNESIAN.) Brady, J., Vocabulary of the Native Language of West Australia. 24mo. Rome, 1845. 3s 6d. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 19 AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES continued: Durville, Dumont, Voyage de decouvertes de 1'Astrolabe. Philologie. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833-34. 2 2s. Scarce. Vol. I. Essai de grammaire madekass et dictionnaire madekass-fran9ai8 et franvais- madekass par Chapelier. Vol. II. Vocabulaire de la langue des habitants du Port du roi Georges (Australie). Vocabulaire de la langue des habitants du golfe Saint-Vincent (Australie). Vocabulaire de la langue des habitants du port Ualrymple (Tasmanie). Vocabulaire de la langue de la baie Jervis (Australie). Vocabulaire fran^ais mawi et mawi-fran9ais (Nouvelle Zelande). Vocabulaire franvais-tonga et tonga-t'ran9aia. Vocabulair* fran9ais-viti. Vocabulaire de la langue des habitants du Havre Carteret (Nouvelle-lrlande). Vocabu- laire de la langue des Papous du Port-Dorel (Nouvelle-Guinee). Vocabulaire de la langue des Papous de Waigiou (Terre des Papous). Vocabulaire de la langue de Tile Guebe (Moluques). Vocabulaire de la langue des habitants de Tikopia. Vocabulaires des idiomes des habitants de Vanikoro. Vocabulaire fra^ais-ualan. Vocabulaire de la langue des habitants de Hie Satawal (Carolines). Vocabulaire de la langue des habitants de Gouaham (Mariannes). Vocabulaire de la langue des Hafours de Manado (Celebes). Vocabulaire comparatif de sept dialectes de la langue oceanienne. Considerations BUT les dialectes de la langue polynesienne. Grey, Capt. G., Vocabulary of the Dialects of South West Australia. ISmo. Second Edition. 18mo. pp. xxii. and 144. London, 1840. 4*. Mackenzie, D., Emigrant's Guide ; or Ten Years' Practical Experience in Australia ; with a Vocabulary of the Australian Language. 12mo. 1845. Moore, G. F., Vocabulary of the Language in common use amongst the Aborigines of Western Australia. 12mo. 1842. 3s. Qd. Ridley, W., Gurre Kamilaroi : or Kamilaroi Sayings. 8vo. pp. 15, with wood- engravings. Sidney, 1856. 5s. Kamilaroi, Dippil, and Turrubul : languages spoken by Austra- lian Aborigines. 4to. cloth, pp. vi. and 88. Sidney, 1866. 1 10s. Kamilar6i and other Australian Languages. Second Edition. Revised and enlarged by the Author ; with Comparative Tables of Words from twenty Australian Languages, and Songs, Traditions, Laws, and Customs of the Australian Race. Small 4to. cloth, pp. vi. and 172. London, 1877. 10*. 6rf. Smith, J., The Booandik Tribe of South Australian Aborigines : a Sketch of their Habits, Customs, Legends and Language. Small 8vo. pp. xii. and 139. Adelaide, 1880. 7s. 6d. pp. 125 to 139 : Structure of the Language, Vocabulary, Relationships, Songs. Teichelmann C. G., and Schurmann, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Phraseology of the Aboriginal Language of South Australia. 8vo. Adelaide, 1840. 16s. Vocabulaire des dialects des aborigines de 1'Australie. 12mo. Melbourne, 1867. 8s. 6d. Le vocabulaire divise en 6 tableaux est en fransais et en anglais avec la correspondance dans 14 dialectes Australiens y compris celui de la Nouvelle-Laledonie. Williams, W., Vocabulary of the Language of the Adelaide District. 8vo. Adelaide, 1840. 10s. AVAR Graham, Cyril, The Avar Language. (Vocabulary and Grammar), (pp. 291 to 352 in "Journal" R.A.S. Yol. XIII. N. s.) London, 1881. 7s. Qd. Schiefner, A., Versuch liber das Awarische. 4to. pp. 62. Petersburg, 1862. 2s. AYMARA. Bertonio, L., Arte de la lengua Aymara publicada de nuevo par JULIO PLATZMANN. Edicion facsimilaria. Large 8vo. pp. 399. Leipzig, 1879. 16s. Vocabulario de la lengua Aymara. Publ. de nuevo por J. Platzmann. Parte I. 8vo. pp. 28 and 474. Leipzig, 1879. (Edicion fae- similaiia.) 1. Parte II. pp. 399. Leipzig, 1879. 18. 20 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. AZTEK (See MEXICAN.) BACTRIAN (OLD). (See ZEND.) BAGBIMMA. See AFRICAN LANGUAGES (BARTH). BAKING DIALECT (of the KIRANTI LANGUAGE). Hodgson, B. H., Grammar of the Bahing Dialect of the Kirante Language (forming pp. 320 to 392 of " Miscellaneous Essays relating to Indian Subjects"). 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1880. 28s. BALIJSTESE. Eck, B. Van, Beknopte Handleiding bijde beoefining van de Balineesche Taal. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 126. Utrecht, 1876. 6s. Eerste Proeve van een Balineesch Hollandsch Woordenboek. 8vo. pp. viii. and 260. Utrecht, 1876. 14s. BAREA. (EAST AFRICA.) Reinisch, L., Die Barea-Sprache. Grammatik, Text und Worterbuch Nach handschriftlichen M aterialien von Werner Munzinger Pascha. 8vo. pp. xxviii. and 186. Wien, 1874. 6s. BARI. (CENTRAL AFRICA.) Mitterrutzner, Dr. J. C., Die Sprache der Bari in Central Afrika. Gram- matik, Text, u. Worterbuch. 8vo. pp. xxv. and 262. Brixen, 1867. 7s. Miiller, J., Die Sprache der Bari, Grammatik, Lesestiicke und Glossar. 8vo. Wien, 1864. 2s. BASQUE. Bonaparte, Prince Lucien, Langue Basque et langues finoises. 4to. Londres, 1862. 1 Is. Chaho, J. A., Diet, basque, fran9ais, espagnole et latin. Livraisons 1 et 2. (No more published.) Scarce. Bayonne, 1856. 5s. Charencey, H. de, La langue Basque et les idiomes de 1'Oural. Premier fasc. Structure grammaticale et declinaison. 8vo. pp. 56. Paris, 1862. Is. 6d. Dialogues Basques : Guipuscoans, Biscaiens, Labourdins, Saloutins, par Iturriaga, Uriarte, Duvoison, et Inohauspe, avec deux traductions, Espagnole et Franchise, publics par le Prince L. Bonaparte. Oblong 8vo. London, 1857. 1 8s. Eys, J. W. J. van, Grammaire compare'e des dialectes Basques. Large 8vo. pp. xi. and 553. Paris, 1879. 12s. 6rf. Essai de grammaire de la langue basque. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1867. 7. 6d. Dictionnaire Basque-Fran c,ais. 8vo. pp. xlviii. and 414. Paris, 1873. 1. Fabre, L. M. H., Guide de la conversation franc, ais-basque ; con tenant un vocabulaire des mots usuels, des phrases elementaires et familieres, etc. 18mo. pp. viii. et 439. Bayonne, 1863. 2s. Dictionnaire Fran9ais-Basque. Large 8vo. pp. 400. Bayonne, 1870. 16s. . TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 21 BASQUE continued: Geze, L., Elements de grammaire basque, dialecte souletin, suivis d'un vocabulaire basque-fran9ais et frai^ais-basque. 8vo. Bayonne, 1873. 4s. Humboldt, W. von, Ueber die Urbewohner Hispaniens vermittelst der Vaskischen Sprache. 4to. Berlin, 1821. 10s. Larramendi, M. de, Diccionario Trilingue, Castellano, Bascuence y Latin. Nueva Edicion, publicada por Don Pio DE ZUAZUA. Folio, pp. xvi., 14ff. n.c. ; ccv. and 444 ; pp. iv. and 510, vi., half-calf. San Sebastian, 1853. 2 8s. El impossible vencido. Arte de la Lengua Bascongada. 24mo. 17 prelim, leaves, pp. 404, vellum. Salamanca, 1729. 10s. 6d. Nueva Edicion, publicada por Don Pio ZUAZUA. 9 prelim. leaves, pp. 201. San Sebastian, 1853. 7s. 6d. Lecluze, Fl., Manuel de la Langue Basque. Toulouse, 1826. 10s. Qd. Salaberry, M. d'Ibarrolle, Vocabulaire de Mots Basques Bas-Navarrais, traduits en langue fran^aise. 16nao. pp. xviii. and 252. Bayonne, 1857. 6s. Vinson, J., Documents pour servir a 1'etude histor. de la langue Basque. 8vo. Bayonne, 1874. 18s. Scarce. BATAK or BATTA. (SUMATRA.) Van der Tuuk, H. N., Bataksch-Nederduitsch Woordenboek. In dienst en op Kosten van het JSTederlandsche Bijbelgenootschap. Imp. 8vo. pp. viii. and 549. With 30 chromo-litho. plates. Amsterdam, 1861. 1 16s. Bataksch Leesboek, bevattende Stukken in het Tobasch. 3 vols., 8vo. pp. 326, 595, and 287. With a Supplement. Taalkundige aanteeke- ningen en Bladwijzer, vertaalde Stukken en Inhoudsopgave to de 3 Stukken, van het Bataksche Leesboek. 8vo. pp. 220. Together 4 vols. Amsterdam, 1860-62. l!Sa.6d. Tobasche Sprakkunst. Eerste stuk (klankstelsel). 8vo. pp. 92. Amsterdam, 1864. 2s. 6d. Batta'sche Formenlehre im Toba-Dialecte, Deutsch von A. Schneider. 8vo. Barmen, 1867. 5s. BAUKE. (Moxos.) Adam, L., y C. Leclerc, Arte de la Lengua de los Indies Baures de la provincia de los Moxos conforme al manuscrito original del P. A. Magio. 8vo. pp. iv. and 120. Paris, 1880. 15s. BECHUANA. (See SECHUANA.) BENGA. (WESTERN AFRICA.) Mackey, J. L., Grammar of the Benga Language. 12mo. pp. 60. New York, 1855. 10s. Qd. BENGALEE. Browne, J. F., Bangali Primer in Roman Character. Crown 8vo. pp. vi. and 32. cloth. London, 1881. 2s. Carey, W., Grammar of the Bengalee Language. Fourth Edition. 8vo. pp. 100. To which is attached Colloquies, Bengalee and English, pp. 113. Serampore, 1818. 5s. 22 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. BENGALEE continued : Carey, W., Dictionary of the Bengalee Language, in which the words are traced to their origin, and their various meanings given. Second Edition, with corrections and additions. 2 vols. in 3 Parts. 4to. boards, pp. vii., 616, and 1544. Scarce. Serampore, 1825. 3 16s. Dictionary of the Bengalee Language. Abridged from Dr. Carey's 4to. Dictionary. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. (Bengalee-English and English-Bengalee.) 8vo. pp. 531 and 432. Serampore, 1871. 1 Us. 6d. The same. Vol. I. (Bengalee-English). Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. 510. Serampore, 1840. 10*. Vol. II. English and Bengalee. Eighth Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. 432. Serampore, 1869. 14s. Dialogues intended to facilitate the acquiring of the Bengalee Language. Third Edition. 8vo. Serampore, 1818. 6s. Forbes's Bengali Reader, with a Translation and Vocabulary. Royal 8vo. London, 1862. 12s. 6d. Grammar of the Bengali Language, to which is added a selection of easy phrases and useful dialogues. 8vo. London, 1862. 12s. 6d. Forster, H. P., Vocabulary English-Bengalee and Bengalee- English. 2 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1799-1802. 1 8s. Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey, Grammar of the Bengalee Language. 4to. calf. Hoogly, 1778. 10s. First Bengali Grammar. Haughton, Sir C. G., Dictionary, Bengalee and Sanscrit, explained in English, and adapted for students of either language ; to which is added an Index, serving as a reversed Dictionary. 4to. London, 1833. (Published at 7 7s.) 1 10s. Rudiments of Bengali Grammar. 4to. London, 1821. 5s. Bengali Selections, with translations and a vocabulary. 4to. half bound. London, 1822. 7s. 6d. Glossary, Bengali and English, to explain the Tota-Itihas, The Batris Singhasan, The History of Raja Krishna Chandra. The Purusha- Parikhya, The Hitopodesa (Translation). 4to. London, 1825. 7s. 6d. Johnson-Mendies, Abridgment of Johnson's Dictionary, English-Bengali. Second Edition. By J. Mendies. 8vo. pp. viii. and 390. Calcutta, 1872. 16.*. Rammohun Roy's Grammar of the Bengali Language, (in Bengali). 8vo. Calcutta, 1833. 5s. Robinson, J., Dictionary of Law and other Terms commonly employed in Courts of Bengal. In English and Bengali. 8vo. pp. iv. and 296. Calcutta, 1860. 10s. 6d. Shama Churn Sircar, Introduction to the Bengalee Language, adapted to students who know English. In 2 Parts. Second Edition, revised and improved. 8vo. cloth, pp. x. and 454. Calcutta, 1861. 12s. Syama Charani (Bangala Byakaran), Bengalee Grammar (in Bengalee) for Natives. Third Edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1860. 6s. Yates, W., Introduction to the Bengali Language. Edited by J. Wenger. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Calcutta, 1847. 2 2s. Vol. I. Grammar and Reader and notes with Index and Vocabulary. Vol. II. Selec- tions from Bengali Literature. - Bengali Grammar. Reprinted, with Improvements, from his Introduction to the Bengali Language. Edited by I. Wenger. Fcap. 8vo. boards, pp. iv. and 150. Calcutta, 1864. 3s. 6d. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 23 BERBER (KABYLE.) Jrosselard et Jaubert, Dictionnaire fran9ais-berbere (dialecte e"crit et parle* par les Kabailes de la division d' Alger). Ouvrage compose par ordre du minis- tere de la guerre. Large 8vo. Paris, 1844. 1 10*. juzat, Le P., Essai de dictionnaire francais-kabyle (Zouaoua). Small 8vo. Alger, 1873. 6s. 6d. [anoteau, A., Essai de Grammaire Kabyle, renfermant les principes du langage parle par les populations du versant Nord du Jurjura et specialement par les Igaouaouen ou Zouaoua. 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 393. Out of Print. Alger, 1854. 14s. Essai de grammaire de la langue Tamachek', renfermant les priucipes du langage parle par Imouchar' ou Touareg, des conversations en Tamachek' et des fac-simile d'ecriture en caracteres Tifinar'. Large 8vo. Out of Print. Paris, 1860. 1 Is. Hodgson, Wm. B., Notes on Northern Africa, the Sahara and Soudan. New York, 1844. 10s. Contains a bibliography of works on the Berbers, and on the vocabularies of different Berber Dialects (Berber of Algiers, Tuarik, Mozaby, Ergeiah, etc.). Grammatical sketch and specimens of the Berber Language ; preceded by four letters on Berber Etymologies. 4to. Philadelphia, 1834. 10s. Qd. Newman, F. W., Berber Grammar (contained in West of England Journal of Science and Literature, 1835-36). Bristol, 1836. 7s. 6d. Venture de Paradis, Grammaire et Dictionnaire abreges, de la Langue Berbere, revus par P. Am. Jaubert. 4to. pp. 235. Paris, 1844. 18s. BHOJPURI. (See HINDI.) BICOL. (See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.) BILUCHt. (BALOCHI, BELOOCHEE.) Dames, M. Longworth, Sketch of the Northern Balochi Language, containing a Grammar, Vocabulary and Specimens of the Language. 8vo. pp. 174. Calcutta, 1881. 8s. Gladstone, C. E., Biluchi Handbook. Grammar, Vocabulary, Conver- sational Sentences. Folio, pp. 80. Lahore, 1874. 1 Is. Marston, E. W., Grammar and Vocabulary of the Mekranee Beloochee Dialect. 8vo. cloth, pp. 64. Bombay, 1877. 7s. 6d. Mockler, Major E., Grammar of the Baloochee Language, as it is spoken in Makran (ancient Gedrosia), in the Persi-Arabic and Roman Characters. 16mo. pp. xvi. and 126. London, 1877. 5s. Pierce, E., Description (Short Grammar and Vocabulary) of the Mekranee- Beloochee Dialect, pp. 98 (in the "Journal," Bombay Branch, R.A.S., No. 31). Bombay, 1875. 10s. 6d. BIROUHI. (See BRAHUL) BISAYA. (See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.) BISCHARI. Almquist, H., Die Bischari-Sprache tu-bedawie in Nord-Ost-Afrika beschreibend und vergleichend dargestellt. Band I. Einleitung. Grammatik I. Beschreibender Theil. Upsala, 1881. 1 5s. Band II. (in preparation) will contain: Darstellung der Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisse der Bischari-Sprache und ein Bibchari-Deutaches Worterbuch. 24 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. BODO. Hodgson, B. H., Vocabulary and Grammar of the Kocch, Bodo, and Dhimal Tribes (forming pages 1 to 104 of " Miscellaneous Essays relating to Indian Subjects," 2 vols. 8vo. cloth.) London, 1880. 1 8s. BOHEMIAN. (CZECH.) Cebusky, A., Kurzgefasste Grammatik der Bb'hmischen Sprache. Theo- retisch-praktisch bearbeitet nach eigener Erfahrung mit theilweiser Anwendung der Ahn'schen Methode. Third Edition. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. 204. Vienna, 1854. 3s. 6d. Dobrowsky, J., Lehrgebaude der Bb'hmischen Sprache. 8vo. Prag, 1819. 4s. Faster, G., Diet. Tcheque-Fran9ais. 16mo. pp. 360. Prag, 1875. 4s. Jordan, Dr. J. P., Vollstandiges Taschenwb'rterbuch der Bohmischen und Deutschen Sprache. Stereotyp. Ausg. 16mo. pp. ix. and 722. Leipzig, 1868. 3s. Jungmann, Slownjk Cesko-Nemecky, Bohemian-Latin-German Dictionary. 5 vols. (A Z). 4to. Scarce. Praze, 1835-39. 6 10s. The great Bohemian Dictionary published by the Royal Academy of Prague. Kbnecny, T. N., Vollstaendiges Taschen-Woerterbuch der bohmischen und deutschen Sprache. 2 vols. 12mo. Wien, 1882. 6s. Kott, Fr., Cesko-nemecky slovnfk, zvlaste grammaticko-fraseologicky. 8vo. Vols. 1 to 3 Part 1. (or Parts 1 to 38). Czech-German Dictionary (A to Recnictsei). Prague, 1878-80. Is. 6d. each part. Mourek, V. E., Dictionary of the English and Bohemian Languages. Part. I. English-Bohemian. 8vo. Prague, 1879. 10s. Palkowitsch, G., Bohmisch-Deutsch-Lateinisches Worterbuch. 2 vols. 16mo. Prague, 1820. 15s. Proschek, J., Kurzegefasste Bbhmische Grammatik fur Deutsche. 8vo. sewed, pp. iv. and 234. Eger, 1840. 2s. 6d. Hank, J., Bohmisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Bohmisches Taschen- Worterbuch. 2 vols. 12mo. Prag, 1864-65. 11s. 6d. Sehafarik, P. J., Elemente der Altbohmischen Grammatik. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. iv. and 144. Prag, 1867. Is. 6d. Schulz, Ferd., Deutsch-bohmisches Conversationes-Buch. Second edition. Crown 8vo. pp. viii. and 184. Prag, 1880. 2s. Spatny, J., Kurzgefasstes deutsch-bohmisches technisches Worterbuch. Small 8vo. pp. 188. Prag, 1879. 3s. 6d. | Sumavsky, J. T., Cesko-nemecky slovnik. (Bohemian-German Dictionary.) Large 8vo. pp. 1296. Prag, 1851. 14s. Deutsch-Bohmisches Worterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. Prag, 1844- 46. 15s. Tieftrunk, K. Bohmisches Lesebuch. Mit Worterbuch. 2 parts. 8vo. I. in Fourth, II. in Second Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 222 and 318. Prag, 1872. 4s. 6d. Vymazal, Fr., Bohmische Grammatik. 8vo. boards. Briinn, 1881. 3s. BONNY. (See OBANY.) BOOANDIK TRIBE (LANGUAGE OF). (See AUSTRALIAN ABORI- GINAL LANGUAGES.) TRUBNEB, & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 25 BOORISHKI. Biddulph, Major J., Short Grammar and Vocabulary of the Boorishki language (Nagor dialect), spoken in Hunza, Nager, and Yassira. Contained in Biddulph, Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh, pp. iii.-xxxix. Calcutta, 1880. 15s. BORNABI LANGUAGE. (See WESTERN PACIFIC ISLANDS.) BORNEO. (WILD TRIBES OF.) Swettenham, F. A, Comparative Vocabulary of the Dialects of the Wild Tribes inhabiting the Malayan Peninsula, Borneo, etc. (Cont. in "Journal," Straits Branch, No. 5.) Singapore, 1880. 9s. BORNU. (KANURI.) (See also AFRICAN LANGUAGES, EARTH.) Koelle, Rev. S. W., Grammar of the Bornu or Kanuri Language. 8vo. cloth, pp. x. and 326. London, 1854. 10s. Qd. Norris, E., Grammar of the Bornu or Kanuri Language, with Dialogues, Translations, and Vocabulary. 8vo. pp. 101. Scarce. London, 1853. 15s. Richardson, Dialogues in Bornu and English. 8vo. pp. 101. London, n.d. (Title-page missing.) Clarke, J. Specimens of Dialects (African). Berwick- upon- Tweed, 1848. 2 parts in 1 vol. Scarce. 1 Is. BOUTAN. (BHOTANTA.) Schroeter, F. C. G., Dictionary of the Bhotanta or Boutan Language. Printed from a MS. copy edited by J. Marshman. Prefixed : A Grammar of the Bhotanta Language. Edited by W. Carey. 4to. pp. 42 and 475. Scarce. Serampore, 1826. 2 12s. Qd. BRAHOE. (BRAHUI. BIROUHI.) Bellew, H. W., From the Indus to the Tigris. A Narrative of a Journey through the Countries of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan, and Iran, in 1872 ; together with a Synoptical Grammar and Vocabulary of the Brahoe Language. Demy 8vo. cloth. London, 1874. 14*. Bux, Alia, Hand-Book of the Birouhi Language, comprising Grammar, Sentences, Translations, from Forbes' Manual, etc. 8vo, sewed, pp. xii. 134, and 7. Kurrachee, 1877. 14s. Trumpp, E., Grammatische Untersuchungen ueber die Sprache der Brahms. 8vo. Muenchen, 1881. 4s. BRAJ BHAKA. (See HINDI.) BRAZILIAN (GUARANI-TUPI). (See also KIRIRI.) ichieta, Joseph de, Arte de Grammatica da Lingua mais usada na costa do Brasil, novamente dado a luz por Julio Platzmann. 8vo. pp. xii. and 82. 1874. 8s. The same. Publicada por Julio Platzmann. 16mo. pp. ii. and 58 sheets. Edi9ao facsimilaria stereotypa. 1876. 1. Collec9ao de Vocabulos e Frases usados na Provincia de S. Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul no Brazil. 16mo. sewed, pp. 32. Londres, 1856. 2s. Qd. Da Silva, Diccionario da Lingua geral dos Indies do Brasil. Small 4to. Bathia, 1854. 10*. Gd. 26 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. BRAZILIAN continued : Bias. A. G., Diccionario da Lingua Tupy, Chamada Lingua Geral dos Indigenas do Brazil. 16mo. pp. viii. and 192. Lipsise, 1858. 4s. Ferreira, Dr. E. F. F., Chrestomathia da Lingua Brazilica. 12mo. sewed, pp. xviii. a,nd 230. Leipzig, 1859. 4s. 6d. Figueira, P. Luiz, Grammatica da lingua do Brasil. Novamente publicado por JULIO PLATZMANN, Laureado da sociedade Americana de Fran9a. Fac- simile da edi9ao de 1687. 16mo. pp. xvi. and 168. Leipzig, 1878. 5s. Magalhaes, Couto de, Selvagem. I. Curso da Lingua Geral segundo Ollendorf comprehendo o Texto original de Lendas Tupis. II. Origens, Costumes, Regiao Selvagem, etc. 8vo. pp. xxxxiv. and 282 and 200. Rio de Janeiro, 1876. 1 Is. Montoya, Antonio Ruiz de, Arte, Bocabulario, Tesoro y Catecismo de la lengua Guarani" publicado nuevamente sin alteracion alguna por JULIO PLATZMANN, Caballero de la Orden Imperial de la Rosa del Brasil, condecorado con la Medalla de Oro "Litteris et Artibus" de la Monarquia Austriaco- Hungara. 4 vols. 4to. Lipsia3, 1876. '2 8s. Copy on large Paper, 5. Arte de la lengua Guarani, o mas bien Tupi. Vocabulario Espafiol Guarani. Tesoro guarani (o Tupi) Espanol. (Edited by Mr. Varnhagen). 2 vols. Small 4to. Viena, 1876-77. 25s. Sympson, P. L., Grammatica da Lingua Brazilica geral, fallado pelos Aborigines das Provincias do Para e Amazones. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 90. With Portrait. Manaoo, 1877. 10*. Qd. Vocabulario do Lingua Indigena geral para o uso do Seminario Episcopal do Para. Pelo Padre M.J.S. 16mo. pp. xvi. and 68. Scarce. Para, 1853. 15s. BRETON. Hingant, 1'Abbe* J., Elements de la grammaire bretonne. 8vo. Treguier, 1869. 3s. Le Catholicon de Jehan Lagadeuc. Dictionnaire Breton, Franqais et Latin, publie par R. F. L. Men, d'apres 1' edition de Auffret de Quoetqueueran. 8vo. pp. 232. n.d. Scarce. 18s. Legonidec, I. F. M. M., Dictionnaire Fran^ais-Bre'ton et Breton-Francis. Precede de sa Grammaire Bretonne, et enrichi d'un Avant-propos, d' addition et des mots gallois et gaels correspondants au Breton et d' addition et d'un Essai sur 1'histoire de la langue bretonne, par Th. Hersart de la Villamarque. 2 vols. 4to. pp. Ixviii. and 836, xx. and 594. Saint-Brieuc, 1847-50. 2 2s. Grammaire Celto- Bretonne, coutenant les principes de 1'ortho- graphie, de la prononciation, etc. Third Edition. Paris, 1850. 1 Is. Troude, A. E., Dictionnaire Fra^ais et celtobreton. 8vo. Brest, 1843. li)s. BUGIS, MAKASSAR. (ISLAND OF CELEBES.) Chrestomathies Oc6aniennes. Premiere Li vr. Textes en Langua Boughi. Square 8vo. sewed, pp. 18. Paris. 3s. Qd. Matthes, B. F., Makassaarsch-Hollandsch Woordenboek, mit Hollandsch- JVlakassaarsche "Woordenlijst, opgave van Makassaarsche Plantennaamen, etc. Mit Ethnograph. Atlas, getukend, door C. A. Schroder. In fol. obi. 4to. pp. viii. and 943. Amsterdam, 1859. 2 6s. Makassaarsche Spraakkunst, uitgegeven voor Rekening van het Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 136. Amsterdam, 1858. 7*. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 27 BTJJIS, MAKASSAR, continued: Matthes, B. F., Makassaarsche Chrestomathie. Oorspronkelijke Makas- saarsche Geschriften in poezy en proza. Met aanteekeningen en gedeeltelijke vertaling. Amsterdam, 1860. 683 biz. gr. 8vo. 16s. 6d. Boegineesch-Hollandsch Woerdenboek met Hollandsch-Boegi- neesche Woordenlijst. Large 8vo. pp. 1180, and atlas ethuograph. Amster- dam, 1874. 2 2s. Boeginesche Spraakkunst. 8vo. pp. 303. Amsterdam, 1875. 8s. Vocabulary of the English, Bngis, and Malay Languages, containing about 2000 words. 8vo. sewed. Printed at the Mission Press, 1833. 6s. BULGARIAN" (Modern). For OLD BULGARIAN, see CYRILLIC. Bogoroff, TJ. A., Dictionnaire Bulgare-Fran9ais et Fraii9ais-Bulgare. 2 vols. 8vo. Vienna, 1871-73. Out of print. 2 Ws. Cankof, A., and D. Kyriak, Grammatik der Bulgarischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. vi. and 218. Wien, 1852. 5s. Iliev, St., and D. Chranow, Slowar Frauzusko-Bulgarsko-Turksi. 8vo. pp. 287. Rustchuk, 1869. 12s. Morse and Vasilief, Grammar of the Bulgarian Language, with Exer- cises and English and Bulgarian Vocabularies. 8vo. bound, pp. 110. Con- stantinople, 1859. An English and Bulgarian Vocabulary, in Two Parts, English and Bulgarian and Bulgarian and .English. 8vo. bound, pp. 252. Constantinople, 1860. Both works bound in one volume. Scarce. 1 5s. Riggs, E., Notes on the Bulgarian Language. 12mo. Symrna, 1844. Scarce. 7s. 6d. BULLOM. (WEST AFRICA.) Nylander, G. R., Grammar and Vocabulary of the Bullom Language. 12mo. pp. 159. Scarce. London, 1814. 21s. BUND A. necattim, Fr. B. M. de, Diccionario da Lingua Bunda ou Angolense, explicada na Portugueza e Latina. 4to. half-bound, pp. x. and 722. Lisboa, 1804. 15s. Collec9ao de Observacoes Grammaticas sobre a Lingua Bunda ou Angoleuse. Small 4to. Lisboa, 1805. 1 5s. BURIAT. (See MONGOL.) BURMESE. (See also KAREN.) D. A., Anglo-Burmese Handbook or Guide to a Practical Know- of the Burmese Language. Maulmain, 1852. 7s. 6d. icock, R. B., Phonetic Anglicized Burmese Assistant, based upon the principle of a sign for a sound : or an exponent of the spoken language. To which is added an appendix of names of places in Burmah, anglicized on the phonetic principle. 8vo. pp. 326. Rangoon, 1876. 10s. Qd. Hough, G. H., Anglo-Burmese Dictionary. Three Parts in 1 vol. Small 8vo. pp. 147, 362, and 346. Maulmain, 1845. 1 11s. Qd. English and Burmese Vocabulary, preceded by a Concise Grammar. Oblong 8vo. Serampore, 1825. 15s. 28 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. BURMESE continued: Judson, A., Dictionary of the Burman Language, with explanations in English. 8vo. half bound. Scarce. Calcutta, 1826. 15s. Dictionary, Burmese and English. 8vo. pp. 786, bound. Maulmain, 1852. And a Dictionary, English and Burmese. 8vo. pp. 968, bound. Second edition. Rangoon, 1866. 2 vols. 3 3s. Grammar of the Burmese Language. 8vo. pp. 48. Rangoon, 1866. 5s. Grammaire Birmane. Trad, de 1'Anglais par A. Hamelin. 8vo. pp. 190. Rennes, 1875. 5s. Lane, Charles, Dictionary, English and Burmese (English- Burmese only). The whole of the Burmese portion revised by H.H. the Prince of Mekhara. 4to. pp. 468. Calcutta, 1841. 1 11s. 6d. Latter, Th., Introduction to a Grammar of the Language of Burma. 4to. pp. 49. Calcutta, 1845. 10s. 6d. Lonsdale, A. W., The First Step in Burmese. Being an Easy Introduc- tion to the Language. 8vo. boards, pp. 64. Rangoon, 1878. 4s. McKertich, St. M., The Anglo-Burmese Idiomatic Translator (consisting of sentences). 8vo. pp. viii. and 142. Maulmain, 1880. 6s. Mainwaring, Th. A., The Anglo-Burmese Entertaining Preceptor : Being a collection of Oriental and other stories. (Reading Book in Burmese with English Translation and Vocabulary to each chapter.) Small 8vo. pp. xii. and 151, half bound. Maulmain, 1853. 12s. 6d. Sloan, W. H., Practical Method with the Burmese Language. Large 8vo. pp. 232. Rangoon, 1876. 12s. 6d. Spelling Book (Burmese). 8vo. pp. 48. Rangoon, 1868. (Entirely in Burmese.) 3s. 6d. Tsau Hla Phroo, Modern Guide to English Conversation (English and Burmese). 8vo. pp. vi. and 286. Rangoon, 1874. 15s. BUSHGALI. Biddulph, Major J., Short Grammar and Vocabulary of the Bushgali Language, spoken by the Bushgali tribe of Siah Posh. Contained in Biddulph, Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh, pp. cxlv-cliv. Calcutta, 1880. 15s. BUSHKARIK. Biddulph, Major J., Short Grammar and Vocabulary of the Bushkarik Language spoken in the upper part of the Swat and Punjkorah Valleys. Contained in Biddulph, Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh, pp. xcii-ciii. Calcutta, 1880. 15s. CAGATAIC. Vambery, Herrm., Cagataische Sprachstudien, enthaltend grammatika- lischen Umriss, Chrestomathie und Worterbuch der Cagataischeu Sprache. 4to. pp. viii. and 360. Leipzig, 1867. 1 Is. CAMBOJAlSr. Aymonier, E., Dictionnaire Fran^ais-Cambodgien prece'de' d'une notice sur le Cambodge et d'un aper^u de 1'ecriture et de la langue Cambodgiennes. Pp. 58 and 184 (lithographed). Saigon, 1874. 4 4s. Vocabulaire Cambodgien-Fran^ais. Folio, lithographed, pp. 158. Saigon, 1874. 15*. Dictionnaire Khmr-fran9ais. 4to. pp. xviii. and 436. Saigon, 1878. 2. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 29 CAM BO JAN" continued: Moura, Vocabulaire FranQais-Cambodgien et Cambodgien-Fran9ais, con- tenant une regie a suivre pour la prononciation, les locutions en usage, etc. 8vo. pp. 239. Paris, 1878. 8s. 6rf. CAJSTARESE. Bouteloup, R. A., Grammatica Canarico-Latina ad usum scholarum. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 290 and vi. Bangalore, 1869. 6s. Campbell, Rev. C., Elements of Canarese Grammar (for Natives). 16mo. Bangalore, 1870. 2*. Dictionarium Canarense-Latinum. 8vo. pp. 1008, half-bound. Beugalori. 1855. 1 16s. See also Jassensi. Garrett's Canarese -English Dictionary. Second revised edition. Small 8vo. pp. 712. Bangalore, 1863. 15*. Garth waite, L., English Primer, or First English Book for the use of Natives. (Canarese and English.) 8vo. Mangalore, 1876. Is. 6^. Hodson, T., Elementary Grammar of the Kannada or Canarese Lan- guage ; in which every word used in the examples is translated, and the pro- nunciation is given in English characters. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 128, cloth. Bangalore, 1864. 12s. Jassensi, Episcopi, Dictionarium Latino-Canarense. 8vo. pp. viii. and 1880 and 36, half bound. Bengalori, 1861. 2 2s. See also Dictionarium. M'Kerrell, J., Grammar of the Carnataca Language. Folio, pp. iii. 196, and 15, bound. Madras, 1820. 18s. Nagavarma's Canarese Prosidy, edited with an Introduction to the work and an Essay on Canarese Literature, by Rev. F. Kittel. 8vo. pp. Ixxxii. and 160, cloth. Mangalore, 1875. 7s. 6d. Polyglott Vocabulary, English, German, Canarese, Tulu and Malay- alam, containing 1600 of the most usual words of the language classified under practical headings and printed in parallel columns both in the Vernacular and in Roman Letters. Small 8vo. pp. xii. and 98. Mangalore, 1880. 5s. Ramasamy, M., Grammatical Vocabulary in English and Canarese, Second Edition. 16mo. pp. 195. Bangalore, 1858. 4*. Reeve, W., Dictionary, Canarese and English. (Canarese and English only.) Revised, corrected, and enlarged by DANIEL SANDBKSON. 8vo. halt' calf, pp. 1040. Bangalore, 1858. 3 3s. I- -4 i Dictionary, Canarese and English. Revised, corrected and ibridged by DANIEL SANDERSON. 8vo. half calf, pp. 276. Bangalore, 1858. 14s. Dictionary, English and Carnataca. 2 vols. royal 4to Madras, 1832. 3 3s. , Rev. B., Canarese First Book (for Natives). 16mo. pp. 54. Banga- ore, 1862. Is. Canarese Second Book (for Natives). 16mo. Bangalore 1861 *. . Sanderson, D., Katha Sangraha, or Canarese Selections. Prose. 8vo. pp. vi. and 562, cloth. Bangalore, 1868. 1 Is. School Dictionary, English and Canarese. 8vo. pp. xi. and 564. Mangalore, 1876. 9s. 30 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. CANARESE continued : Shrinivasiah's Dialogues in Canarese, with an English translation. 8vo. Bangalore, 1865. 6s. Vocabulary, English and Canarese, of Familiar Words with Easy Sentences. Second Edition. 24mo. sewed, pp. 46. Bangalore, 1864. 1*. CARAIB. (See also ARAWACK.) Breton, Grammaire Caraibe. Compose'e par le P. Raymond Breton, suivie de Catechisme Caraibe. Nouvelle edition. Publiee par L. Adam et Ch. Leclere. 8vo. pp. xxxii. and 73. (Catechisme, pp. 54.) Paris, 1878. 12s. 6d. Davies, J., of Kid welly, Vocabulary of the Caribbean and English Languages. Contained in " The History of the Caribby Islands." In two books, with plates. Folio, half calf, pp. vi. and 351. London, 1666. 12s. Rochefort, Vocabulary of the Caraib and French Languages. Contained in " Histoire naturelle et morale des lies Antilles de 1'Amerique." 4to. sheep, pp. xxxii. and 596. Rotterdam, 1681. 15s. CASHMEBIAN. (See KASHMIR.) CASSIA. (See KHASSEE.) CASSUB. (See KASSUB.) CELTIC. (See also BRETON, CORNISH, GAELIC, IRISH, MANX, WELSH.) D'Arbois de Jubainville, H., Etudes grammaticales sur les Langues Celtiques. Premiere Partie : Introduction Phonetique et derivation Bretonnes. 8vo. pp. xvi and 122 and 68. 7s. Ebel, Dr. H., Celtic Studies, from the German, with an Introduction on Roots, Stems and Derivatives ; and on case-endings of Nouns in the Indo- European Languages. By W. K. SULLIVAN. 8vo. cloth. London, 1863. lO.s. Edwards, W. F., Recherches sur les langues Celtiques. 8vo. Paris, 1844. 7s. 6d. Gregoire, P. P. de Rostrenen, Dictionuaire fra^ais-celtique ou fran9ais- breton. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Guincamp, 1834. 1 10s. Obermiiller, W., Deutsch-keltisches, geschichtlich-geographisches Worter- buch. 8vo. 2 vols. Berlin, 1867-72. 15s. Sparschuh, Dr. N., Keltische Studien. 8vo. boards, pp. x. and 18] . Frankiurt-a.-M., 1848. 2s. Gd. Zeuss, J. C., Grammatica Celtica e monumentis vetustis, tarn Hibernicae Linguae quam Britannicorum Dialectorum, Cambricse, Cornier, Aremoricte, comparatis Gallic prisca? reliquiis. Editio altera : curavit H. EBEL. 4to. pp. hi. and 1115. Berolini, 1868-71. 1 10s. Indices Glossarum et vocabulorum Hibernicorum quae in Grammaticae Celticae editione altera explanantur. Composuerunt B. Giiterboek et R. Thurneysen. Large 8vo. pp. iv. and 152. Lipsiae, 1881. 7*. Molloy, J. O., Index Nominum et Vocabulorum Hibernicorum quae in Zeussii Gram. Celtica reperiuntur. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 80. Not in the trade. Eblanae, 1878. 10s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 31 CHALDEE (Chaldaic). See also HEBREW. DICTIONARIES. Aruch completum sive Lexicon vocabula et res, quae in libris Targu- micis, Talmudicis et Midraschicis continentur, explicans auctore Nathnne filio lechielis. Ed. A. Kohut. 4to. Vol. I. and Vol. II. Parts 1 to 5 (A G). (Entirely in Hebrew.) Vienna, 1878-80. 2 2s. Buxtorfii J., Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Kabbinicum. Folio. Basiliae, 1639-40. 2. Lexicon Chaldaicum, talmudicum et rabbinicum. Denuo edidit et annotatis auxit Dr. B. FISCHER. 24 Parts. 4to. pp. 1322. Leipzig, 1866-74. 3 3s. Dessauer, J. H., Aramaisch-Chaldaisch-Rabbinisch-Deutsches Worterbuch 8vo. pp. viii. 248, and 14. Erlangen, 1849. 5s. Fiirst, T., Concordantiae Veteris Test, hebraicae atque chalclaicae. Fol. Lipsiifi, 1840. 3. Hebraisches und Chaldiiisches Schulworterbuch iiber das Alte Testament. 16mo. Leipzig, 1868. 2s. Hebraisches und Chald. Handworterbuch iiber das Alte Testament. 3 Aufl. bearbeitet von V. Ryssel. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Lipsiae, 1876. 13s. 6d. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament. Translated by S. Davidson. Fourth Edition. Roy. 8vo. cloth. 1871. 1 Is. Gesenius, W., Novus Thesaurus philologicus criticus linguae hebraeae et chaldaeae Veteris Testament!. 3 vols. complete. 4to. Lipsiae, 1829-58. 2. Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee, from the Latin. By EDWARD ROBINSON. Twenty-first Edition. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1880. 1 16s. Landau, Rabb.-Aramaisch Deutsches Worterbuch zur Kenntniss des Talmud, des Targumum und Midraschum. 5 vols. 8vo. Prag, 1819-24. 1 5s. Lattes, M., Saggio di giun'te e correzioni al lessico talmudico. Torino, 1879. 6s. Levy, Dr. J., Chaldee Lexicon on the Targums, Talmud, and Midrash. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. 1 16s. Chaldaisches Worterbuch iiber die Targumim u. einen grossen Theil des rabbinischen Schriftthums. 2 vols. 4to. pp. viii. and 595. Leipzig, 1866-6*. 1. Neuhebraisches und Chaldaisches Worterbuch iiber die Tal- mudim und Midraschim. Mit Beitragen von Prof. Dr. H. L. Fleischer. Lieferung 1 to 12. 4to. Leipzig, 1829. 6s. each. Nathan ben Jechiel, A., Talmudisch-Rabbinisch-Aramaisches Worter- buch nebst B. Mussatia's Musaf ha-aruch, Men-Lonsano's Maarich und J. Berlin's Additamenten (in Hebrew). 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1875. 12s. GRAMMARS, CHRESTOMATHLES. Beelen, J. Th., Chrestomathia Rabbin, et chald. cum notis grammat. etc. 3 vols. 8vo. Lovanii, 1843. 16s. Buxtorf, J., Grammaticae Chaldaicae et Syriacae libri III. 8vo. vellum. Basiliae, 1650. 3s. Qd. 32 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. CHALDEE: GRAMMARS, continued: Fiirst, Jul., Formenlehre der Chaldaischen Grammatik. 8vo. Leipzig, 1835. 3s. Harris, Rev. W., Elements of the Chaldee Language ; intended as a sup- plement to the Hebrew Grammars. Svo. pp. 23. London, 1822. 1*. Landauer, Dr. S., Grammatik des Biblisch-Ararnaischen und Targum- ischen. j(In preparation, to form about 480 pages.) Luzzatto, S. D., Elementi grammatical! del Caldeo Biblico e del dialetto Talmudico Babilonese. Svo. Padova, 1865. 2s. 6d. Grammar of the Biblical Chaldaic Language and the Talmud Babylonical Idioms. Translated from the Italian by J. S. GOLDAMMEK. Crown Svo. cloth, pp. 122. New York, 1876. 7s. 6d. Petermann, J. H., Brevis Linguae Chaldaicae Grammatica, litt., Chresto- mathia cum glossario. Third Edition. Berolini, 1872. 4s. Winer, G. H., Grammatik des Biblischen und Targumischen Chaldaismus. Second Edition. Leipzig, 1842. Out of Print. 4s. 6^. Zschokke, H., Institutiones fundamentales Ling. Aramaicae, seu dialec- torum Chaldaicae ac Syriacae. Svo. Viennae, 1870. 5s. CHEKEMISS. (See TSCHEREMISSIAN.) CHIAPANECA. Albornoz, fray Juan de, Arte de la lengua Chiapaneca y Doctrina cris- tiana en lengua Chiapaneca por Luis BARRIENTOS. 4to. Paris, 1875. 12s. 6d. CHIBCHA. (See MOZKA.) CHILIAN. (See ARAUCANIAN.) CHILISS. Biddulph, Major J., Short Grammar and Vocabulary of the Chiliss language spoken in the Indus Valley. Contained in Biddulph, Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh, pp. Ixv-lxxvi. Calcutta, 1880. 15s. CHINESE. DICTIONARIES. Bellows, J., English Outline Vocabulary, for the use of students of the Chinese, Japanese, and other Languages; with notes on the writing of Chinese with Roman letters. By Professor SUMMERS, King's College, London, Crown Svo. pp. vi. and 368, roan. London, 1867. 6s. Gallery, J. M., Dictionnaire phonetique de la Langue Chinoise. 2 vols. Svo. Macao, 1841. 2 2s. Dictionnaire encyclope'dique de la langue Chinoise. Part I. (all published). Svo. pp. 248. Macao, 1844. 1 Is. Chalmers, J., English and Cantonese Pocket-Dictionary, for the use of those who wish to learn the spoken language of Canton province. Third Edition. Crown Svo. pp. 150. Hong-Kong, 1870. 15s. Concise Khang-hsi Chinese Dictionary. (Entirely Chinese.) Three vols. Royal Svo. bound in Chinese style, pp. 1000. 1 10s. TRUBXER & CO., 57 AXD 59, LUDGATE HILL. 33 CHINESE: DICTIONARIES, continued: Dictionarium linguse sinico-latinum, cum brevi interpretatione gallica, ex radicum ordiue dispositum (Dictionnaire chinois-latin-frai^ais publie par les PP. Jesuites). 8vo. pp. 784. Ho-kian-fou, 1877. 3. Doolittle, Rev. J., Vocabulary and Handbook of the Chinese Language. Romanized in the Mandarin Dialect. 2 vols. (Vol. I. pp. viii. and 548. Vol. II. pp. vii. and 695.) Foochow, 1872. 1 11s. 6d. each vol. Edkins, J., Vocabulary of the Shanghai Dialect. 8vo. pp. vi. and 151, half bound. Shanghai, 1869. 1 Is. The Miau-Tsi Tribes and a Vocabulary of the Miau Dialects. 8vo. pp. 17. Foochow. Is. Douglas, Rev. C., Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy, with the principal variations of the Chang-Chew and Chin-Chew Dialects. 1 vol. High 4to. cloth, double columns, pp. 632. London, 1873. 4 4s. Out of print. Eitel, E. J., Chinese Dictionary in the Cantonese Dialect. Will be com- pleted in four parts. Part I. (A K). 8vo. sewed, pp. 202. Part II. (K M), pp. 202. Hongkong, 1877-78. 12s. 6d. each part. Giles, H. A., Dictionary of Colloquial Idioms in the Mandarin Dialect. 4to. pp. 65. Shanghai, 1873. 1 8s. Goncalves, J. A., Diccionario China-Portuguez e Portuguez-China. 2 vols. Very stout small 4to. Macao, 1831-33. 3 10s. (or separately 2 10s. each.) Lexicon manuale Latino-Sinicum. Editio nova, typis Pe-t'ang, 1879. 8vo. pp. 555. Guignes, De, Dictionnaire, Chinois, Fran^ais, et Latin, public d'apres 1'ordre de S. M. 1'Empereur et Roi, Napoleon le Grand. Large folio, pp. 1170. Paris, Imprimcrie Imperiale, 1813. 3 3s. Hamelin, Dictionnaire alphabe"tique Chinois-FranQais de la langue Man- darine Vulgaire. Royal 8vo. pp. 1753. Paris, 1877. (2 12s. 8df.) 1 10s. Lemaire, G., et Pr. Giquel, Dictionnaire de Poche Fran9ais-Chinois suivi d'uu Dictionnaire technique des mots usites a 1'Arsenal de Fou-Tcheou. 32mo. pp. xv. and 421. Shanghai. 1. Lobscheid, Rev. W., English and Chinese Dictionary, with the Punti and Mandarin Pronunciation. Folio, pp. viii. and 2016, in four parts. Hong- Kong, 1866-69. 8 8s. Chinese and English Dictionary. Royal 4to. pp. ix. and 592, cloth. Hong-Kong, 1871. 2 8s. Maclay, Rev. R. S., and Rev. C. C. Baldwin, Alphabetical Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Foochow Dialect. 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 1107, half-bound. Foochow, 1871. 4 4s. Medhurst, W. H., Chinese-English and English-Chinese Dictionary, con- taining all the words of the Chinese Imperial Dictionary according to Radicals. 4 vols. Scarce. Batavia and Shanghai, 1842 and 1857. 5 5s. [orrison's Dictionary of the Chinese Language. I. Chinese and English, arranged according to the Radicals. 3 vols. II. Chinese and English, arranged alphabetically. 2 vols. III. English and Chinese. 1 vol. Together 6 vols. Royal 4to. Macao, 1855-72. 6 6s. Dictionary of the Chinese Language. 2 vols., royal 8vo. pp. x. 762 and 828, cloth. Shanghai, 1865. 6 6s. Only a few copies of this valuable Dictionary are left. English and Chinese Vocabulary, the latter in the Canton Dialect, foecond Edition. 12mo. pp. 138. Calcutta, 1840. 10s. Qd. 34 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. CHINESE : DICTIONARIES, continued : Pauthler, Dictionnaire Etymologique, Chinois-Annamite-Latin-Fra^ais. Large 8vo. 1st part, pp. xix. and 112 columns. Paris, 1867. 6s. [No more published. Perny, Paul, Dictionnaire Francais-Latin-Chinois de la Langue Mandarine parlee. 4to. pp. viii. and 459. Paris, 1869. 2 2s. Appendice du Dictionnaire frai^ais-latin-chinois de la langue mandarine parlee, contenant: une notice sur 1'Academie de Pekiri, une notice sur la botanique des Chinois, une description generale de la Chine, la liste des Empereurs de la Chine, la hierarchic complete des Mandarins, la nomenclature des villes de la Chine, le livre dit des Cent families avec leurs origines, une notice sur la musique chinoise ; la synonymic la plus complete qui ait ete donnee jusqu'a present sur toutes les branches de 1'histoire naturelle de la Chine, etc. 4to. Paris, 1872. 2 8s. Rosny, L. de, Dictionuaire des Signes Ideographiques de la Chine avec leur prononciation usitee au Japon. 8vo. pp. viii. and 226. Paris, 1867. 1 Is. Smith, F. P., Vocabulary of Proper Names in Chinese and English, of places, persons, tribes, and sects in China, Japan, Corea, Assam, Siam, Burmah, the Straits, and adjacent countries. Imp. 8vo. boards, pp. xi. and 71. Shanghai, 1870. 10s. 6d. Stent, G. C., Chinese and English Pocket Dictionary. 16mo. pp. 250. Shanghai, 1874. 15*. Chinese and English Vocabulary in the Pekinese Dialect. 8vo. pp. ix. and 677. Shanghai, 1871. 1 10s. Vassilief, Chinese Russian Dictionary. Lithographed folio, pp. xvi. and 456. St. Petersburg, 1867. Out of print. 3 10s. "Williams, W., English and Chinese Vocabulary in the Court Dialect. 8vo. M-icao, 1844. 1. Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language arranged ac- cording to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the pronunciation of the Characters as heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. 4to. cloth, pp. Ixxxiv. and 1252. Shanghai, 1874. 5 5s. GRAMMARS, READING-BOOKS, AND PHRASE-BOOKS. Aguilar, Jose de, El Interprete Chino. Coleccion de Frases Sencillas y Analyzadas para aprendar el idioma oficial de China. 8vo. pp. 246. Madrid, 1861. 10s. 6d. Aulaire, R. J. de St., and W. P. Groeneveldt, Manual of Chinese Running Handwriting. Compiled from Original Sources. 4to. pp. iv. 113 and 60. Amsterdam, 1861. 10s. 6d. Baldwin, C. C., Manual of the Foochow Dialect. 8vo. pp. viii. and 256. Foochow, 1871. 18s. Bazin, A., Grammaire mandarine, on principes de la langue Chinoise parlee. Large 8vo. Paris, 1856. 10s. Bichoorin, Fr. Hyacinth, Russo-Chinese Grammar. Lithographed. 4to. pp. xxii. and 244, boards. St. Petersburg. 1 11s. 6d. Bridgman, Chinese Chrestomathy in the Canton Dialect. 4to. pp. xxxvi. and 693. Very rare. Macao, 1841. 5 5s. Gallery, J. M., Systema Phoneticum Scripturse Sinicse. 2 vols., imp. 8vo. Macao, 1841. Very Scarce. 3 3s. CONATION. -Vol. I. Title, Dedication, pp. iii. and 64, xxvi. and 61, and Index. Vol. II. Tabula Synoptica, pp. 500. Errata. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 35 CHINESE: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Chinese Manual, Sse-Tse-Ouen-Tsien-Tchou. Eecueil de Phrases Chinoises composees de quatre caracteres. Lithographed. Folio, pp. viii. and 75. London, 1854. 7s. 6d. Crawford, T. P., Mandarin Grammar in Chinese. Shanghai. 6*. Denny s, N. B., Handbook of the Canton Vernacular of the Chinese Language. Being a Series of Introductory Lessons, for Domestic and Business Purposes. 8vo. cloth, pp. 4, 195, and 31. Hongkong, 1874. 1 10s. Devan, Dr., The Household Companion and Student's first Assistant. With many additions, corrections, and Dr. Williams's Orthography, by the Rev. W. LOBSCHEID. 8vo. pp. 139. Hong-Kong, 1867. 12s. Doolittle, J., Vocabulary and Handbook of the Chinese Language. Romanized in the Mandarin Dialect. In Two Volumes comprised in Three Parts. Vol. 1. 4to. pp. viii. and 548. Vol. II. Parts II. and III., pp. vii. and 695. Foochow, 1872. 1 11s. 6d. each vol. Edkins, J., Grammar of the Chinese Colloquial Language, commonly called the Mandarin Dialect. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 279. Shanghai, 1864. 1 10s. Grammar of Colloquial Chinese, as exhibited in the Shanghai Dialect. Second Edition, corrected. 8vo. pp. viii. and 225, half-bound. Shanghai, 1868. 1 Is. Progressive Lessons in the Chinese Spoken Language, with lists of common words and phrases, and an appendix containing the laws of tones in the Pekin dialect. Third Edition. Svo. pp. 118. Shanghai, 1869. 14s. Introduction to the Study of the Chinese Characters. Royal Svo. boards, pp. 340. London, 1876. 18s. Endlicher, S., Anfangsgriinde der Chinesischen Grammatik. Svo. Wien, 1845. 1 Is. Fielde, A. M., First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect. Small 4to. half bound, pp. 428. Swatow, 1878. 1 10s. Gabelentz, G. von der, Chinesische Grammatik. Large Svo. Leipzig, 1881. 1 18s. Giles, H., Chinese without a Teacher. Being a Collection of Easy and Useful Sentences in the Mandarin Dialect. With a Vocabulary. 12mo. pp. 60. Shanghai, 1872. 5s. Synoptical Studies in Chinese Character. By HERBERT GILES. Svo. pp. 118. Shanghai, 1874. los. ffaas, Jos., Deutsch-Chinesisches Conversationsbuch nach J. Edkins, ; ' Progressive Lessons in the Chinese Spoken Language." Uebersetzt und erlautert und theilweise umgelautert. Svo. pp. iv. and 200. Shanghai, 1871. los. \0nt of print, Hernsiz, S., Guide to Conversation in the English and Chinese Languages, for the use of Americans and Chinese in California and elsewhere. Square Svo. sewed, pp. 274. Boston, 1855. 10s. 6d. The Chinese characters contained in this work are from the collections of Chinese groups, engraved on steel, and cast into moveable types, by Mr. Marcellin Legrarid, engraver ol the Imperial Printing Office at Paris. They are used by most of the missions to China. Julien, S., Han-wen-tchi-nan. Syntaxe nouvelle de la langue chinoise fondee sur la position des mots, suivie de deux traites sur les particules et les principaux termes de grammaire, d'une table des idiotismes, de fables, de legendes, et d'apologues, traduits mot a mot. 2 vols. Large Svo. pp. 861. Paris, 1869-70. 1 5s. 36 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. CHINESE: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Julien, S., Exercises pratiques d'analyse de Syntaxe et de Lexigraphie Chinoise. Ouvrage ou les Sinologues trouveront la confirmation des principes fondamentaux, et oil les personnes les plus etrangeres aux etudes prientales puiseront des idees exactes sur les precedes et le mecanisme de la Langue Chinoise. 8vo. pp. xiv. and 263, with a facsimile. Paris, 1842. Is. 6d. Diaghi Cinesi. Parte I. Testo autografato da Paolo Ting Cinese. Parte II. Trascrizione e doppia Versione italiono letterale e libera. 8vo. pp. 80 and 76. Paris and Florence, 1863-66. 10s. 6d. Klaproth, Chrestomathie Chinoise. 4to. red half calf. Paris, 1833. 15s. Lanctot, B., Chinese and English Phrase-Book with the Chinese Pro- nunciation indicated in English. Small 8vo. pp. 88. San Francisco, 1867. 5s. Legrand de la Lirage, Prononciation figuree des Characteres Chinois en Mandarin annamite, autographie par Tran Nguon Hauh d'apres le MS. original du P. Legrand de la Lirage. Folio, pp. 426. Saigon, 1876. 2 2s. Lobscheid, W., Chinese-English Grammar. 2 parts. 8vo. Hongkong, 1864. 7s. 6d. each. Select Phrases and Reading Lessons in the Canton Dialect. 8vo. Hongkong, 1864. 6s. Macgowan, Rev. J., Collection of Phrases in the Shanghai Dialect systema- tically arranged. 8vo. Shanghai, 1862. 1 2s. 6d. =- Manual of the Amoy Colloquial. 8vo. pp. iii. and 200. Hong- Kong, 1869. 1 Is. Marshman, J., Elements of Chinese Grammar, with a preliminary disserta- tion on the Characters and the Colloquial Medium of the Chinese. 4 to. Serampore, 1844. 2 2s. Martin, Bev. W. A. P., The Analytical Reader. Short Method for learning to read and write Chinese. 4to. pp. 140 and 56. Shanghai, 1863. 1 11s. 6d. Mayers, W. F. , The Chinese Reader's Manual. Handbook of Biographi- cal, Historical, Mythological, and General Literary Reference, etc., etc. Demy 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 440. Shanghai, 1874. 1 5s. Medhurst, Bev. W. H., Chinese Dialogues, Questions, and Familiar Sen- tences, literally translated into English, with a view to promote commercial intercourse, and assist beginners in the Language. A new and enlarged Edition. 8vo. pp. 226. Shanghai, 1863. 18s. Mollendorff, P. G. von, Praktische Anleitung sur Erlernung der Hoch- Chinesischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. 126, half bound. Shanghai, 1880. 15s. Morice, A., Etude sur deux dialectes de 1'Indo-Chine, les Tiams et les Stiengs (Cochinchine et Cambodge). 8vo. Paris, 1875. 2s. Morrison, Bev. B., Grammar of the Chinese Language. 4to. half bound. Scarce. Serampore, 1815. 2 2s. Perny, P., Grammaire de la langue chinoise orale et ecrite. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1873-76. 1 5s. Dialogues chinois-latins, traduits mot a mot avec la prononcia- tion accentuee. 8vo. pp. 232. Paris, 1872. 6s. 6d. Pillay, P. Streenevassa, Chinese Vocabulary and Dialogues, containing an easy Introduction to the Chinese Language, Ningpo Dialect. Large bvo. Chusan, 1856. 2 12s. 6d. Premare, P., Notitia Linguae Sinicse. Cura et sumptibus Collegii Anglo- Sinici. 4to. pp. xxviii. and 262, sewed. Malacca, 1831: 2 2s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 37 CHINESE: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Remusat, Abel, Elemens de la Grammaire Chinoise du Kou-Wen ou Style Antique. 8vo. half bound. Paris, 1822. 12s. Bd. Nouvelle edition publiee conformement a celle de 1'Imp. royale et augmentee d'une table des principales phone tiques chinoises, par LEON DE ROSNY. Large 8vo. pp. xxii. and 240. Paris, 1858. 12s. 6d. Rochet, Louis, Manuel pratique de la langue chinoise vulgaire. 8vo. pp. 240. Paris, 1846. 15s. Rosny, L. de, Grammar of the Chinese Language. 8vo. pp. 48. London, 1874. 3s. 6d. Table des principales phonetiques chinoises, disposers suivant une nouvelle methode. 8vo. pp. 27. Paris, 1858. 2s. Textes chinois anciens et modernes, avec traductiori fran^aise et notes. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 10s. stte chrestomathie renferme des textes philosophiques, religieux et historiques, tra- duits ici pour la premidre t'ois dans une langue europeenne. Ross, J., Mandarin Primer. Being Easy Lessons for Beginners. Trans- literated according to the European mode of using Roman Letters. By Rev. JOHN Ross, Newchang. 8vo. wrapper, pp. 122. Shanghai, 1877. 6s. Rudy, C., The Chinese Mandarin Language, after Ollendorff's New Method of Learning Languages. Vol. I. (all out). 8vo. pp. 248. Geneve, 1874. 1 Is. Schott, W., Chinesische Sprachlehre. 4to. Berlin, 1857. 8s. Schiitz, F., Nouveau Syllabaire et Alphabet Chinois Phone" tique. 8vo. pp. 60. With 20 Lithographic Plates. Nancy, 1866-67. 3s. Bd. Summers, Rev. J., The Rudiments of the Chinese Language, with Dia- logues, Exercises, and a Vocabulary. 12mo.. pp. ii. and 159. London, 1864. 5s. Handbook of the Chinese Language, with Dialogues, Exercises and Vocabulary. 8vo. Oxford, 1864. 1 Is. Tableau des 214 clefs chinoises, avec traduction fransaise, 1 feuille. 4to. Cartonne. Is. Bd. Wade, T. F., Wen-Chien Tzu-Erh Chi. Series of Papers selected as specimens of Documentary Chinese, designed to assist students of the Language, as written by the officials of China. In Sixteen Parts. Vol. I. 4to. half cloth, pp. xii. and 445; and iv., 72, and 52 (pp. 5 to 8 missing). London, 1867. 5 5s. Yii-Yen Tzu-Erh Chi. Progressive Course designed to assist the student of Colloquial Chinese, as spoken in the Capital and the Metropolitan Department. In Eight Parts, with Key, Syllabary, and Writing Exercises. 3 vols. 4to. Progressive Course, pp. xx., 296, and 16; Syllabary, pp. 126 and 35; Writing Exercises, pp. 48; Key, pp. 174 and 140, sewed. London, 1867. 6 6s. Williams, S. Wells, Easy Lessons in Chinese or Progressive Exercises to facilitate the Study of that Language, especially adapted to the Canton Dialect. 8vo. pp. ix. and 287. Macao, 1842. 1 Is. CHINOOK. Gibbs, G., Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon ; or Trade Language of Oregon. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi. and 44. New York, 1863. 12s. Alphabetical Vocabulary of the Chinook Language. 8vo. pp. 24. New York, 1863. 7s. Bd. 38 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONAEIES AND GEAMMAES. CHINYANJA. Riddel, A., Grammar of the Chinyanja Language as spoken at Lake Nyassa with Chinyanja-English and English- Chinyanja Vocabularies. 16mo. pp. 150. Edinburgh, 1880. 2s. CHIPPEWAYAN. Adam, L., Esquisse d'une grammaire comparee des dialectes Cree et Chippeway. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Is. Petitot, R. P. E., Dictionnaire de la langue Dene-Dindjie (dialectes Montagnais ou Chippewayon, Peaux de lievres et Loucheux) ; avec une gram- maire et des tableaux synoptiques des conjugaisons. 4to. pp. 450, 4 col. Paris, 1876. 5. CHIQUITA. Adam L., y V. Henry, Arte y Vocabulario de la Lengua Chiquita con algunos Textos traducidos y explicados, compuestos sobre manuscritos ineditos del xviiie siglo. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 136. Paris, 1880. 15s. CHOCTAW. Byington, C., English and Choctaw Definer, for the Choctaw Academies and Schools. 16mo. half-bound, pp. 252. New York, 1852. 7*. Grammar of the Choctaw Language. Edited from the original MSS. in the Library of the American Philosophical Society, by D. G. BRINTON, A.M., M.D., Member of the American Philosophical Society, the Pennsylvania Historical Society, Corresponding Member of the American Ethnological Society, etc. 8vo. sewed, pp. 56. Philadelphia, 1870. 7*. 6d. CHURCH-SLAVIC. (See CYRILLIC.) CHTJRWALSCH. (See RHAETO-KOMANIC.) CINGHALESE. (See SINGALESE.) CIRCASSIAN. Loewe, L., Dictionary of the Circassian Language, in Two Parts : English-Circassian-Turkish, and Circassian-English- Turkish, containing all the most necessary words for the traveller, the soldier, and the sailor, with the exact pronunciation of each word in the English character. 8vo. pp. 177. Out of print. London, 1854. 10*. d. CLALLAM AND LUMMI Gibbs, G., Alphabetical Vocabularies of the Clallam and Lummi. Boyal 8vo. sewed. New York, 1863. 7s. Qd. COCHIN-CHINESE. (See ANNAMESE.) TRUB^ER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 39 CONCANI. Da Cunha, J. G, The Koncani Language and Literature. Royal 8vo. pp. 50, bound. Bombay, 1881. 5s. Diccionnario Portuguez-Concani, composto por um Missionario Italiauo. (Edited by Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara.) Eoyal 8vo. pp. 280. ft ova Goa, 1868. 15s. Estevao, Th., Grammatico da Lingua Concani, composta pelo Padre Thomaz Estevao, e accrescentada por outros Padres da Companhia de Jesus. Segunda Impressao, correcta e annotada ; a que precede como introduccao, a Memoria sobre a distribui^'ao geographica das principaes Linguas da India por Sir Erskine Perry, e o ensaio historico da Lingua Concani, pelo Editor (Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara). 4to. pp. ccxxxvi. and 251. Nova-Goa, 1857. 14s. Grammatica da Lingua Concani, escripta em Portuguez por um Missionario Italiano. (Padre Fr. Francisco Xavier, Vigario Apostolico em Verapoly. Edited by Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara.) 4to. pp. 4, 145, and 4; Nova-Goa, 1859. 7s. 6rf. Grammatica da Lingua Concani no dialecto do Norte, composta no seculo XVII., por hum Missionario Portuguez : e agora pela primeira vez dada a. estampa. (Edited by Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara.) 4to. pp. iv. and 181. Nova-Goa, 1858. 7s. Rivara, Ensaio historico da Lingua Concani, por Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara. 4to. pp. xliii. and 496. Nova-Goa, 1858. 14s. COORG LANGUAGE. Cole, Capt. R. A., Elementary Grammar of the Coorg Language. 8vo. cloth, pp. ii. and 136. Bangalore, 1867. 15s. COPTIC. (See also EGYPTIAN.) Didymi Taurinensis Literaturae Copticae Eudimentum (Grammatica, etc.) 8 vo. half bound. Parmae, 1783. 5s. Parthey, G, Vocabularium Coptico-Latinum et Latino-Copticum e Peyroni et Tattami Lexicis cbncinnavit. Royal 8vo. Berlin, 1844. Out of print. 1 10s. Peyron, Amadeus, Lexicon Copticum. Taurini, 1835. 4to. l 15s. Grammatica Linguae Copticae. Taurini, 1841. 8vo. 10*. Rossi, F., Grammatica Copto-Geroglifica con un' appendice dei principal! segni sillabici e del loro significato. Large 8vo. pp. 355 and 4 plates. Torino, 1878. 1 5s. Schwartze, Prof. Dr. M. G, Koptische Grammatik, herausg. nach des Verf assets Tode von Dr. H. Steinthal. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 493. Berlin, 1850. 7s. Gd. Stern, Ludwig, Koptische Grammatik. 8vo. sewed, pp. xviii. and 468. With 1 Lithograph. Leipzig, 1880. 18s. Uhlemann, M. A., Linguae Copticae Grammatica. Lipsiae, 1853. 8vo. Scarce. 12s. 6d. COREAN. Aston, W. G, Comparative Study of the Japanese and Korean Languages (Forming pages 317 to 364 of Journal R.A.S., New Series, XI. 3). bvo. Loud. 1879. 8s. 40 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. COREAN continued: Dictionnaire Core'en-Fran^ais contenant : 1. Partie Lexicographique. 2. Partie Grammaticale. 3. Partie Geographique. (Par les Missionuair^s du Coree)'. Small 4to. pp. viii. and 616, and iv. and 58 (Premier Appendice) and (Second Appendice) pp. 24. With Map. Yokohama, 1880. 4. Grammaire Coreenne precedee d'une Introduction sur le caractere de la langue Coreenne, sa comparaison avec le chinois. etc., suivie d'un appendice sur la division du temps, les poids et mesures, la boussole, la genealogie avec un cours d'exercices gradues. Par les missionnaires de Coree. Crown 8vo. sewed, pp. viii. xxii. 194, 60* and 40**. Yokohama, 1881. 1 16s. Medhurst, W. H., Translation of a Comparative Vocabulary of the Chinese, Corean, and Japanese Languages, with the Thousand Character Classic, in Chinese and Corean, and Indexes of Chinese and English words. Batavia, 1835. 2 2s. Puzillo, M., Essay of a Eussian and Corean Dictionary. Small 4to. pp. xv. and 731. St. Petersburg, 1874. 16s. Rosny, Leon de, Aperqu de la langue Coreene. 8vo. Scarce. Paris, 1867. 15s. [Fifty copies only printed. Ross, John, Corean Primer : Being Lessons in Coreau on all ordinary subjects. 8vo. pp. 90. Shanghai, 1877. 10s. Siebold, Ph. Fr. de, Tsian dsii wen, sive mille literae ideographicae ; opus Sinicum origine cum interpretatione Kora'iana, in peninsula Korai impressum. 4to. With Plates. Lugd. Bat. 1838. 1 10s. Lui ho. sive vocabularium Sinensi in Kora'ianum conversum, opus Sinicum origine peninsula Korai impressum. (Annexa appendice vocabu- lorum Koraianorum, Japon. et Sinensium comparativa nee non interpretut. German. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1838. 12s. 6'd. Korean-Chinese-Gennan Dictionary. CORNISH. (See also BRETON, WELSH and KELTIC.) Norris, C., Cornish Grammar. 8vo. 1859. 3s. Polwhele's Cornish-English Vocabulary and Provincial Glossary. 4to. With plates. Truro, 1836. 1 2s. 6rf. Williams, Rev. R., Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum. Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, in which the words are elucidated by copious examples from the Cornish works now remaining, with translations in English. The synonyms are also given in the cognate dialects of Welsh, Armoric, Irish, Gaelic, and Manx, showing at one view the connection between them. Sewed, pp. 400. Llandovery, 1862-65. 2 2s. CREE. Adam, L., Esquisse d'une grammaire comparee des dialectes Cree et Chippeway. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 2s. Horden, Rev. J., Grammar of the Cree Language as spoken by the Cree Indians of North America. Small 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 238. London, 1881. 2s % Howse, J., Grammar of the Cree Language. With which is combined an Analysis of the Chippeway Dialect. 8vo. cloth, pp. xx. and 324. London, 1865. 7s. 6d. Hunter, Ven. Archdeacon, Lecture on the Grammatical Construction of the Cree Language. Also Paradigms of the Cree Verb, with its various con- jugations, moods, tenses, etc. Small 4to. cloth, pp. 267. London, 1875. 15s. Lacombe, P. A, Dictionnaire et Grammaire de la Laugue des Cris, 8vo. Montreal, 1874. 1 Is. TEUBXER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 41 CREOLE. Addison Van Name, Contributions to Creole Grammar. 8vo. pp. 44. (From " Transactions American Philological Association," 1869-70.) 5s. Baissac, M. C., Etude sur le Patois Creole mauricien. 8vo. Nancy, 188O 5s. Joly, S. J. D., Vocabulaire Fran^ais-Creole et Conversations Fran9aises- Creoles. Contained in '' Manuel des Habitans de Saint-Domingue." 2 vols. 8vo. pp. ccviii., 216, and 406. Paris, 1802. 12s. Gd. Magens, J. M., Grammatica over det Creolske Sprog, som bruges paa de trende Danske Eilando St. Croix, St. Thomas og St. Jans i America. 8vo. bound, pp. 80. Kjobenhavn, 1770. 1 Is. The first attempt to treat grammatically the Creole language. Extremely rare. Thomas, J. J., The Theory and Practice of Creole Grammar. 8vo. boards, pp. viii. and 135. Port of Spain, 1869. 12s. CREOLESE. (See NEGRO-ENGLISH.) CROATIAN. (See SERVIAN.) CUNEIFORM. (See ASSYRIAN and OLD-PERSIAN.) CURACAO. Putman, J. J., Proeve eener Hollandsche Spraakkunst, ten Gebruike der Algemeene Armenschool, in de Gemeente van de H. Rosa op Cura9ao. Two Parts. 16mo. Santa Rosa, 1849-53. 5s. CYRILLIC. (CHURCH-SLAVIC, OLD SLAVONIC, OLD BULGARIAN, PALAEO-SLAVIC, OLD SLOWENIAN.) Budagoff, Worterbuch der Kirchen-slawonischen und rtissischen Sprache ; zusammeugestellt von der Kais. Academie der Wissenschaften. Second Edition. Two vols. Large 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1869. 2 2s. Chodzko, A., Grammaire Paleoslave, suivie de textes paleoslaves. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 276. Paris, 1869. 10s. 6ct. Dobrowsky, J., Institutiones Linguse Slavicse Dialecti veteris, quae cum apud Russos Serbos aliosque ritus Grseci, turn apud Dalmatas Glagolitas ritus Latini Slaves in libris sacris obtinet. 8vo. half bound. Vindobonse, 1822. 6s. Get-. The Same. Second Edition. 8vo. Vindobonse, 1852. 9s. 6d. Leskien, A., Haridbuch der Altbulgarischen Sprache. Grammatik, Texte, Glossar. 8vo. pp. 246. Weimar, 1871. 6s. Miklosich, F., Radices linguae Slovenicse veteris Dialecti. Lips. 1845. 3s. Gd. Lexicon Linguse Slovenicse veteris Dialecti. Royal 4to. pp. xiv. and 204. Wien, 1850. 16s. Lexicon Palseoslovenico-Grseco-Latinum ; ernendatum, auctum. Royal 8vo. pp. 1171. Wien, 1863-65. 1 7s. Altslowenische Formenlehre in Paradigmen mit Texten aus Glagolitischen Quellen. 8vo. pp. 96. Wien, 1874. 5s. Altslowenische Lautlehre. Third Edition. Large 8 vo. pp. 310. Wien, 1878. 7s. 42 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. CYRILLIC continued: Momcilov, Grammar of the Old Bulgarian Language. 8vo. Vienna, 1865, (In Bulgarian.) 12s. Schleicher, Dr. A., Die Formenlehre der Kirchenslawischen Sprache, erklarend und vergleickend dargestellt. 8vo. pp. xxiii. and 376. Bonn, 1852. 8s. Sokolow, P., Church Slavic and Russian Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. col. v., 1691, 14, 1778, 14, half bound. St. Petersburg, 1834. 2 2s. Worterbuch der Kirchen-Slawischen und der Russischen Sprache. Heraus- gegeben von der Akaderaie der AVissenschaften. 4 vols. Large 4to. Peters- burg, 1847. 2 2s. Wostokoff, A. C., Worterbuch der Kirchen-Slawischen Sprache. 2 vols. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1861. 18s. CZECH. (See BOHEMIAN.) DACO-ROMAN or WALLACHAN. (See ROUMAN.) DAJAK (Borneo.) Gabelentz, H. C. v. d., Grammatik der Dajak-Sprache. 8vo. pp. 48. Leipzig, 1852. 2s. 6d. Hardeland, Versuch einer Grammatik der Dajackschen Sprache. 8vo. pp. viii. and 337. Amsterdam, 1850. 7s. Qd. the same. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 374. Amsterdam, 1858. 8s. 6d. . Dajacksch-Deutsches Worterbuch. Bearb. und herausg. im Auftrage der Niederland. Bibelgesellschaft. Imp. 8vo. pp. viii. and 638. Amsterdam, 1859. 1 7s. DAKOTA. Gabelentz, H. C. v. d., Grammatik der Dakota Spracbe. 8vo. sewed, pp. 65. Leipzig, 1852. 2s. 6d. Riggs, Rev. S. R., Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language. Collected by the Members of the Dakota Mission. 4to. pp. xii. and 402, cloth. Washington, 1852. 2 10s. Grammar of the Dakota Language. Collected by the Members of the Dakota Mission. 4to. sewed, pp. xii. and 64. Washington, 1852. 5s. Roehrig, F. L. O., The Language of the Dakota or Sioux Indians. 8vo. pp. 20. Washington, 1872. 2s. 6d. Williamson, John P., English-Dakota Vocabulary. Wasigun iapi ieska wowapi. 12mo. pp. 137. (Santee Agency, Neb. U.S.A.) 10s. 6d. DANISH (DANO-NORWEGIAN.) DICTIONARIES. Aasen, I., Ordbog over det Norske Folkesprog. Udgivet effcer det Konge- lige Norske Videnskabs-Selskabs foranstaltning og paa dets Bekostning. 8vo. pp. 639. Christiania, 1850. 10s. Norsk Ordbog med Dansk forklaring. 8vo. pp. 976. Christiana, 1873. 15s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 43 DANISH : DICTIONARIES, continued: Borring, L. S., Dictionnaire fraii9ais-danois et danois-francuis. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 1226, 2 cols. Copenhague, 1861. 8s. Qd. Dalin, A. F., Dansk-norsk och Svensk Ordbok. 8vo. pp. 675. Stockholm, 1869. 12s. Dictionnaire, Nouveau, franc,ais et danois. 2 vols. in 1. 16mo. pp. viii. and 274, half bound. Leipzig. 4s. Qd, Dizionario', Nuovo, delle Lingue Italiana e Danese. 16mo. cloth. Lipsia> 1867. 4s. 6rf. Gronberg, B. 0., Deutsch-Danisches und Danisch-Deutsches Handworter- buch. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. xvi. 560, and 672. Kopenhagen, 1851. 6s. Helms, S. H.,'Neues vollstandiges Worterbuch der Danischen und Deutschen Sprache. Third Edition. 2 vols. in one, half bound. Leipzig, 1876. 11s. Hyllested, A. V., Ferral og Eepps Dansk Engelske Ordbog. Tredie, betydelig forgede Udgave. Square 16mo. pp. 476. Kiobenhaven, 1867. 6s. Kaper, J., Deutsch-Danisch-Norwegisches Handworterbuch. 8vo. pp. xii. and 644. Kopenhagen, 1878. 5s. Danisch - Norwegisch - Deutsches Hand - Worterbuch. Second Edition. 8vo. Kopenhagen, 1880. 4s. 6d. Larsen, A, Danish-Norwegien-English Dictionary. 8vo. pp. viii. and 646. half bound. Kopenhagen, 1880. 6s. Molbeck, C., Dansk Orbog, indeholdende det Danske Sprogs,'" Stammeord, etc. Royal 8vo. pp. 1559. Copenhagen, 1859. 1 10s. Danske Dialect Lexikori, indeholdende Ord. Udtryk og Tale- maader af den danske Almues Tungemaal i Rigets forskiellige Landskaber og Egne, etc. 8vo. pp. xxxii. and 696. Kjobenhavn, 1841. 1 4s. Ordbog (Danske,) udgiven under Videnskabernes Selskabs Bestyrelse. Vols. i. to vii. (A U.) 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1793-1863. 3 3s. The most complete Danish Dictionary, pnblished under the auspices of a learned Bociety. The eighth volume will probably complete the work. Pocket Dictionary, New, of the English and Danish Languages. 2 parts in 1 vol. Square 16mo. pp. viii. and 765. Leipzig. 3s. 6d, ; cloth, 4s. 6d. Rosing, S., English-Danish Dictionary. Fifth Edition. 18mo. pp. vi. and 653, half bound. Copenhagen, 1874. 7s. Taschenworterbuch der Danischen und Deutschen Sprache. Square 16mo. cloth. Leipzig. 5s. GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS. Aasen, J., Norsk Grammatik. 8vo. pp. 400. Christiania, 1864. 65. Bojesen, M., The Danish Speaker. Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Dialogues. 12mo. cloth. 1865. 3s. Qd. Guide to the Danish Language. 12mo. cloth, pp. 250. London, 1863. 5s. Foss, F., Norwegian Grammar, with Exercises in the Norwegian and English Languages, and a List of Irregular Yerbs. Second Edition. 12mo. limp cloth, pp. 49. London, 1875. 2s. Fraedersdorff, T. W., Practical Introduction to Danish or Norwegian ; a collection of useful phrases and sentences, and extracts from Danish and Norwegian historians, with notes and vocabulary. 12mo. cloth. London, 1860. 4s. 44 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. DANISH: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Hagerup, E., om det Danske Sprog i Angel. 8vo. pp..xxiv. and 127. Kjoben- havn, 1852. 4s. Otte, E. C., How to .Learn Danish (Dano-Norwegian) : Manual for Students of Danish, based on the Ollendorffian System of teaching Languages, and adapted for self-instruction. By E. C. OTTE. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xix. and 337. London, 1879. 7s. 6d. Key to Ditto. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 84. 3s. Peterson, C. J. P., Norwegian-Danish Grammar and Keader/with a Voca- bulary. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 202. London, 1872. 6s. 6^. Rask, Dr. E. C., Danish Grammar. Edited by Repp. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 155. Copenhagen, 1846. 5s. Schram, G., Principes de la langue danoise et norvegienne, suivis d'un choix de morceaux en prose et en vers avec la traduction en regard. Deuxieme edition. 8vo. pp. 173. Copenhague, 1866. 5s. Thimsen, J. H., Taler de Dansk ? Danisch-Deutsches Gesprachbuch. Mit Worterbuch and kurzgefasster Grammatik. 8vo. pp. viii. and 188. Leipzig, 1880. 1*. 6rf. DANKALI. (AFRICA.) Isenberg, Rev. C. W., Small Vocabulary of the Dankali Language, in three parts : Dankali and English, English and Dankali, and a Selection of Dankali Sentences, with English Translations. 12mo. London, 1840. 5s. DELAWARE. Duponceau, P. S., Grammar of the Language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians. Translated from the German Manuscript of the late Rev. DAVID ZEISBERGER, for the American Philosophical Society. 4to. sewed, pp. 188. Philadelphia, 1827. 18s. DEMOTIC. (See EGYPTIAN.) DHIMAL. Hodgson, B. H., On the Aborigines of India ; on the Kocch, B6do and Dhimal Tribes. (Cont. Vocabulary and Grammar.) 8vo. cloth. Calcutta, 1847. 10s. 6d. Vocabulary and Grammar of the Kocch, Bodo and Dhimal Tribes. (Forming pp. 1 to 104 of ''Miscellaneous Essays relating to Indian Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth.) London, 1880. 1 8s. DLTSTKA. Beltrame, D. G., Grammatica della Lingua Denka. 8vo. pp. 160. Firenze, 1870. 15s. [Out of print, Grammatica e Vocabulario della Lingua Denka. 8vo. pp. 234. Roma, 1881. Mitterrutzner, T. C., Die Dinka-Sprache in Central Africa. Kurze Gram- matik, Text, und Worterbuch. 8vo. pp. 308. Brixen, 1866. 7s. DIPPIL. (See AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES.) TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 45 DRAVIDIAN LANGUAGES IN GENERAL. (See also CANARESE, MALAYALAM, TAMIL, TELUGU, TULU.) Caldwell, R., Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Languages. Second corrected and enlarged edition. Demy 8vo. pp. 805. London, 1875. 1 8s. DUTCH and FLEMISH. DICTIONARIES. Bomhoff, D., New Dictionary of the English and Dutch Languages. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 2311. .Nimeguen, 18-31. 1 4*. Complete Dutch-English and English-Dutch Dictionary. Second Edition. Two Parts in one vol. 12mo. cloth, pp. 506 and 536. Arnhem. 10s. Qd. Calisch, J. M., New Complete Dictionary of the English and Dutch Lan- guages, in 2 Parts. Containing: (1) All words and expressions, proverbs, etc., most in use in both languages. (2) The English pronunciation figured for the Dutch. (3) Military and naval terms ; and geographical, mythological, and historical proper names. (4) Participles of the irregular verbs. (5) The gender of nouns substantative in both languages, and the plural where it deviates from the general rule. (6 in the Dutch part.) The new ortho- graphical system. Vol. I. English and Dutch. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 919. Vol. II. Dutch and English, pp. viii. and 816. Tiel, 1875. 1 16s. De Bo, L. L., West-Vlaamsch Idioticon. 4to. pp. 1488. Brugge, 1873. l 10s. Dictionnaire de poche des langues fra^aises et hollandaises. 2 parts in 1 vol. 16mo. sewed. Leipsic. 3s. Jaeger, A., New Pocket-Dictionary of the English and Dutch and Dutch and English Languages ; containing also a Vocabulary of Proper Names, and a Catalogue of the Irregular Verbs. Second Edition. Square 12mo. pp. 702, cloth. Gouda. 4s. Gd. Kramers, J., New Pocket Dictionary of the English-Dutch and Dutch-' English Languages. Containing also in the First Part Pronunciation, and a Vocabulary of Proper Names, Geographical and Historical. 16mo. cloth, pp. xiv. and 714. London, 1876. 4s. Nouveau dictionnaire fran9ais-hollandais et hollandais-fran9ais. 4 vols. 8vo. Gouda, 1859. Olinger, Abbe, Nouveau Dictionnaire Flamand-Fran9ais et Fran9ais- Flamand. 2 vols. 8vp. Malines, 1861. 10s. Oudemans, A. C., Middel- en Oud-Nederlandsch Woordenboek. Part I. to VII. (A W.) 8vo. Arnheem, 1872-80. 4. Picard, A., New Pocket Dictionary of the English-Dutch and Dutch- English Languages. Remodelled and corrected from the Best Authorities. Fifth Edition. 16mo. cloth, pp. xiv. and 1186. 1877. 10s. Pocket-Dictionary of the English and Dutch Languages. 2 parts in 1 vol. 16mo. Leipzig, 1878. 7s. 6rf. Schuermans, L. W., Algemeen Vlaamsch Idioticon, uitgegiven door het taal- en letterlievend Genootschap Met Tijd en Vlijt. 8vo. pp. 902. Leuveu, 1865-70. 19*. 46 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GEAMMAES. DUTCH AND FLEMISH : DICTIONARIES, continued: Taschenworterbuch der Hollandischen und Deutschen Sprache. 2 parts in 1 vol. 16mo. half bound. Leipzig. 4s. 6d. Van de Velde et Sleeckx, Dictionnaire complet, Fran^ais-Flamand et Flamand-Fran9ais. 2 vols. royal 8vo. pp. 2440. Bruxelles, 1848-51. 1 6s. Vries, M. de, Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek. Part I. pp. 127. 's Gravenhage, 1864. 4s. and L. A. T. Winkel, Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal. 4to. Parts 1 to 10. 's Gravenhage, 1864-70. Each part 2s. \_In course of publication. Winkler, J., Algemeen Nederduitsch en Friesch Dialecticon. 2 vols. Large 8vo. pp. xvi., 500, and 449. 's Gravenhage, 1874. 18s. GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS. Ahn, F., Neue Hollandische Sprachlehre. 16th edition. Small 8vo. pp. x. and 176. Leipzig, 1880. 2s. Concise Grammar of the Dutch Language, with Selections from the hest authors in Prose and Poetry. Translated from the Tenth German Edition, by Henri van Laun. Third Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 168. London, 1877. 3s. 6d. Booch-Arkossy, F., Spreekt Gij de Hollandsche Taal ? Hollandisch- Deutsches Gesprachbuch. 8vo. pp. xii. and 184. Leipzig, 1880. Is. 6d. Calisch, J. M., and Witcomb, New Guide to Modern Conversation in Dutch and English. 16mo. pp. viii. and 246. Berlin, 1879. Is. 6d. Hermansz, L., Aenleiding to de Kennisse van het Verhevene Deel der Nederduitsche Sprake. 2 vols. pp. 743 and 748, bound. Amsterdam, 1723. 1. Is. Herx, W., Lehrgang zur Erlernung der Flamischen Sprache. Small 8vo. pp. 150. Antwerpen. 3*. Kuijper, G , Elements de Grammaire Ne"erlandaise. 12mo. pp. 188. La Haye, 1858. 3s. Olinger, La Langue Neerlandaise (Flamande ou Hollandaise), accompagnee d'un Essai sur les etymologies, avec les principaux mots, derives et composes. Vol. I. 8vo. pp. xix. and 554. Bruxelles, 1866. 8*. Ten Kate, L., Aenleiding tot de Kennisse van het Verhevene deel der Nederduitsche Sprake, waer in hare zekerste Grondslag, edelste Kragt, nut- telijkste Onderscheiding, en geregeldste Afleiding ovei-wogen en naegespoort, en tegen het Allervoornaemste der Verouderde en Nog-levende Taewerwanten, als't Oude Moeso-Gothisch, Frank- Duitsch, en Angel- Saxisch, benevens het Hedendaegsche Hooy-Duitsch en Yslandsch, vergeleken word. 2 vols. 4to. bound, pp. 743 and 748. Amsterdam, 1723. 1 Is. Tuinman, C., Fakkel der Nederduitsche Taale. 2 vols. 4to. 20 prelimi- nary leaves, pp. 504 and 75 ; 43 preliminary leaves, pp. 263, bound. Leyden and Middelburg, 1722-31. 1 Is. DYAK. (See DAJAK.) EDDYSTONE ISLANDS (LANGUAGE OF). (See WESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN.) TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 47 ( EGYPTIAN (HIEROGLYPHICS, DEMOTIC, HIERATIC). (See also COPTIC.) DICTIONARIES. Birch, L., Dictionary of Hieroglyphics, pp. 335 to 586 in Bunsen's " Egypt," and Hieroglyphic Grammar, pp. 587 to 716 in Bunsen's " Egypt," vol. v. Scarce. London, 1867. 5. On Egyptian Grammar. The Writing of the Egyptians (Sections iv. and v. in Bunsen's " Egypt," vol. i.). Scarce. London, 1867. 4. New Hieroglyphic Dictionary. [In preparation. Brugsch, Heinrich, Hieroglyphisch-Demotisches Worterbuch, enthaltend in wissenschaftlicher Anordnung die gebrauchlichsten Worter und Gruppen der Heiligen und der Volks-Sprache und Schrift der Alten JEgypter, nebst deren Erklarung in Franzosischer, Deutscher und Arabischer Sprache und Angabe ihrer Verwandtschaft rait den entsprechenden Wortern des Koptischen und der Semitischen Idiome. Vols. i. to iv. small folio, pp. vii. and 1728, lithographed. Leipzig, 1867-68. 21. "Dr. Brugsch's Dictionary and Grammar at once laid a more solid foundation for the future study of the Egyptian Language." Benfey's Oeschickte der Sprachwissenschaft. The same, vols. v. and vi. Leipzig, 1880. X12 10s. Champollion le jeune, Dictionnaire Egyptien, en Ecriture Hie'roglyphique, publie par Champollion Figeac. Folio, pp. xxxvi. and 487. Paris, 1841-44. 2 10s. Levi, Sim., Raccolta dei Segni leratici Egizi nelle diverse Epoche con i corrispondenti Geroglifici ed i loro differenti valori fonetici. 4t. pp. xvi. and 56 plates. Torino, 1880. 10s. Lieblein, J., Dictionnaire de noms hieroglyphiques en Ordre Genealogique et Alphabetique publie d'apres les Monuments Egyptiens. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. iv. and 555. Christiania, 1871. 2 5s. Index alphabetique de tous les Mots conterius dans le Livre des Morts, publie par Lepsius. 12mo. Paris, 1875. 12s. Pierret, Paul, Vocabulaire Hieroglyphique, comprenant les mots de la Langue, les noms Geographiques, Divins, Royaux et Historiques; classes alphabetiquement. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 2 10s. Sharpe, S., Eudiments of a Vocabulary of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. With an Essay on Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Second Edition. 4to. London, 1861. 10s. Qd. Tattam, H., Lexicon JSgyptiaco-Latinum ex veteribus linguae J^gyptiacse monumeutis, etc., cum indice vocum latinarum. 8vo. Oxford, 1835. 18s. GRAMMARS, CHRESTOMATHIES. Birch, S., On Egyptian Grammar. The Writing of the Egyptians. (Sections IV. and V. in " Bunsen's Egypt," Vol. I.) Scarce. London, 1867. 4. Brugsch, Dr. H., Grammaire Demotique, contenant les principes gene'raux de la langue et de 1'ecriture populaires des anciens Egyptiens. Avec un tableau general des signes demotiques. Folio, pp. xii. and 203, with 10 plates. Berlin, 1855. 2 10s. Grammaire Hieroglyphique, cont. les principes gene'raux de la Hieroglyphique, Sacrees des Aiici langue et de 1'ecriture Sacrees des Auciens Egyytiens. 4to. pp. viii. and 135. Leipzig, 1872. 1 4s. Hieroglyptische Grammatik. 4to. Leipzig, 1872. 1 4s. 48 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. EGYPTIAN: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Champollion le jeune, Graramaire Egyptienne, ou Principes Generaux de 1'ecriture sacree Egyptienne, appliquee a la representation de la langue parlee. Folio, pp. viii., xxiii. and 555, with lithographic plates. Paris, 1836-41. .'. Drival, E. van, Grammaire Compares des Langues Semitiques et de 1'Egyptien. Seconde Edition. 8vo. pp. 206. Paris, 1879. 6s. Erman, A., Neuaegyptische Grammatik. Large 8vo. pp. xii. and 276. Leipzig, 1880. 12s. Kminek-Szedlo, Saggio Filosofico per 1'apprendimento della Lingua e Scrit.tura Egiziana, e Interpretazione delle Iscrizioni Geroglifici che si Leggono sui Monument! del Museo Civic > di Bologna. 4to. 10 Plates. Bologna, 1877. 10s. Maspero, G., Des Formes de la Conjugaison en Egyptien Antique, en Demotique, et en Copte. pp. iv. and 124. Paris, 1871. 10s. Pauthier, P., Sinico-Aegyptiaca. Essai sur 1'Origine et la Formation Similaire des Ecritures Figuratives Chinoise et Egyptienne. 4to. Paris, 1842. 8s. Renouf, Le Page, Elementary Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Language, in the Hieroglyphic Type. 4to. cloth. London, 1875. 12s. Reinisch, S. L., Aegyptische Chrestomathie. Vols. 1 and 2 in large 4to. With 49 Plates. Vienna, 1873-75. 9s. Revillout, E., Nouvelle Chrestomathie Demotique. Mission de 1878. Contrats de Berlin, Vienne, Leyde, etc., publics et traduifcs par E. Revillout. Paris, 1878. 4to. 1 5s. Chrestomathie Demotique. 4 vols. 4to. 1880. 445. Rouge, Vicomte Emmanuel de, Chrestomathie Egyptienne. Paris, 1868- 76. 4 parts, small 4to. 3 12s. 6d. Vol. I.: Introduction a 1'Etude des Ecritures et de la Langue Egyptienne. 1. Vols. II. and III. : Abrege Grammatical. 2. Vol. IV.; Le Stele du Roi Ethiopian Piankhi-Meriamen. 1. Seyffarth, G., Grammatica Aegyptiaca. Erste Anleitung zum Uebersetzen Altaegyptischer Literaturwerke, nebst Geschichte des Hieioglyphensehliissels. 8vo. 92 plates. Gotha, 1855. 9s. Tattam, H., Compendious Grammar of the Egyptian Language as con- tained in the Coptic and Sahidic Dialects. With an Appendix consisting of the Rudiments of a Dictionary of the Ancient Egyptian Language in the Enchorial Character, by T. Young. 8vo. London. 1830. 8vo. 15s. Compendious Grammar of the Egyptian Language, as contained in the Coptic, Sahidic, and Bashmuric Dialects, together with Alphabets and Numerals in the Hieroglyphic and Enchorial Characters. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth. London, 1863. 7s. 6d. ELEUTH. Henry, V., Esquisses d'une grammaire raisonnee de la langue aleoute. 8vo. pp. 73. Paris, 1879. 3s. Gel. Veniaminof, Grammar and Dictionary of the Eleuth Language. 8vo. (In Russian.) Petersb. 1846. 5s. 6d. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 49 ENGLISH. (For DIALECTS see below.) DICTIONARIES. Bartlett, J. R., Dictionary of Americanisms: a Glossary of Words and Phrases colloquially used in the United States. Second Edition, considerably enlarged and improved. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxxii. and 524. Boston, 1859. 16s. Coleridge, H., Glossarial Index to the Printed English Literature of th 5 Thirteenth Century. 8vo. cloth, pp. 104. 2*. 6d. Jenkins, J., Vest-Pocket Lexicon. An English Dictionary of all excep Familiar Words, including the principal Scientific and Technical Terms, and Foreign Moneys, Weights and Measures ; omitting what everybody knows, and containing what everybody wants to know and cannot readily find. 64 mo. cloth, pp. 563. London, 1879. Is. 6d. Johnson, S., Dictionary of the English Language, founded on that of Dr. Johnson, as edited by Todd. with numerous additions, by Dr. Latham. 2 vols. 4to. cloth. London, 1864-72. 7. Klopper, Dr. K., Englische Synonymik. Grossere Ausgabe fiir Lehrer und Studierende. 8vo. Rostock, 1881. 9s. Manipulus Vocabuloram : Rhyming Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. By PETER LEVINS (Io70). Edited, with an Alphabetical Index, by HENRY B. WHEATLEY. 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 370. London. 14s. Matzner, E., Alt-Englische Sprachproben nebst einem Worterbuch. Band I. : Sprachproben. Two Parts. Berlin, 1867-70. 1 4s. Band II. Worterbuch: Lieferung 1 to 7. (A. to Garten.) Large 8vo. 1872-76. 1 8s. Miiller, E., Etymologisches Worterbuch der Englischen Sprache. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Cothen, 1879. 18s. Ogilvie, John, The Imperial Dictionary of the English Language : Complete Encyclopedic Lexicon, Literary, Scientific, and Technological. New Edition, carefully revised, and greatly augmented. Ed. by CH. ANNANDALE. (Illustrated by 3000 engravings.) To form 4 vols. in imp. 8vo. London, 1880-82. 25s. each. [J the Press. Schmidt, A., Shakespeare-Lexicon. Complete Dictionary of all the English words, phrases, and constructions in the works of the poet. 2 vols. Imp. 8vo. pp. viii. x. and 1452. Berlin, 1874-75. 1 10s. Sheridan, Th., General Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to. calf. London, 1780. 15s. Skeat, W. W., Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, arranged on a historical basis. (To be completed in four parts.) Parts 1 to 3. (A Redupl.) 4to. London, 1879-80. 10s. 6d. each. List of English Words, the Etymology of which is illustrated by Comparison with Icelandic. Prepared in the form of an Appendix to Cleasby and Vigfusson's Icelandic-English Dictionary. Demy 4to. sewed. London, 1876. 2s. Stratmann, F. H., Dictionary of the Old English Language. Compiled from the writings of the xiuth, xivth, and xvth centuries. Third Edition. 4to. in wrapper. Crefeld, 1878. 1 10s. Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary. Edited by F. N. SOWERBY. Demy 8vo. cloth. London, 1881. 5s. 4 50 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. ENGLISH : DICTIONARIES continued : Webster's Dictionary of the English Language. Thoroughly revised -and improved by C. A. GOODRICH and N. PORTER, assisted by Dr. MAHN. 4to. clotb. London, 1880. 1 Is. Wedgwood, H., Dictionary of the English Language. Yol. I. (A. to D) 8vo. cloth, pp. xxiv. and 508, 14*. ; Vol. II. (E to P). 8 vo. cloth, pp. 578, 14*. ; Vol. III. Part 1 (Q, to Sy). 8vo. pp. 366, 10s. Qd. ; Vol. III. Part 2 (T to W). 8vo. pp. 200, 5s. 6d., completing the work. London, 1862-65. Price of the complete work, 2 4s. Dictionary of English Etymology. Third Edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged. With an Introduction on the Formation of Language. Imperial 8vo. double column, pp. Ixxii. and 746. London, 1878. 1 Is. / GRAMMARS, CHRESTOMATHIES. Aim, F., Nuovo Metodo practico-teorico per imparare la lingua Inglese, compilato da N. Genzardi. 2 parts. 12mo. Milano. 4s. Qd. I Part I. 2s. ; Part II. 2s. 6d. Albrecht, H. C., Versuch einer critischen Englischen Sprachlehre nach Lowth. 8vo. boards. Halle, 1784. 5*. Bell, M., English Visible Speech for the Million for communicating the Exact Pronunciation of the Language to Native and Foreign Learners, and for Teaching Children and Illiterate Adults to read in a few days. 4to. paper, pp. 16. London, 1867. 2s. Ellis, A. J., On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to- Shakspere and Chaucer. 8vo. 4 parts, pp. 1432. London, 1867-74. 2. Part I. On the Pronunciation of the 14th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Part II. On the Pronunciation of the 19th and previous centuries, of Anglo-Saxon, Icelandic, Old Norse arid Gothic, with Chronological Tables of the value of Letters and Expressions of Sounds in English Writing. Part III. Illustrations of the pronunciation of the 14th and 16th cen- turies. Chaucer, Gower, Wycliffe, Spenser, Shaknpere, Salisbury, Barclay, Hart, Bul- lokar, Gill. Pronouncing Vocabulary. Part IV. Illustrations of the Pronunciations of English in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Lediard, Bonaparte, Schmeller, Winkler, Received American and Irish pronunciation of English. Phonological Introduction to Dialects. Fiedler, E., and C. Sachs, Wissenschaftl. Grammatik cler Engl. Sprache. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1861. 10s. The same. Vol. I. (Geschichte, Lautlehre, Wortbildung,, Formenlehre.) Second edition. Large 8vo. pp. xxii. and 338. Leipzig,. 1877. 6s. Issaverdens, G., Grammar of the English Language. (In Armenian.} 'Parti. 8vo. Venice, 1880. 5s. Koch, C. F., Historische Grammatik der Englischen Sprache. 3 vols, 8vo. Weimar, 1864-69. 1 5s. 6d. Historische Grammatik der Englischen Sprache. Band I. Laut- und Flexionslehre. Second Edition. (Reprint.) 8vo. pp. x. and 500. Kassel, 1882. 15s. The same. Vol. II. Satzlehre. Zweite Auflage besorgt von J. Zupitza. Large 8vo. Kassel, 1878. 10s. Historical Grammar of the English Language. By C. F. KOCH. Translated into English. Edited, Enlarged, and Annotated by the Eev. E. j MORRIS, LL.D., M.A. [Nearly ready. Matzner, E., Englische Grammatik. Second Edition. 3 parts. 8va Berlin, 1873-75. 1 14s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 51 ENGLISH: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Matzner, E., Englische Grammatik. Third Edition. Th. I. Die Lehre vom Worfce. 8vo. sewed, pp. viii. and 583. Berlin, 1880. 11*. Alt-Englische Sprachproben nebst einem Worterbuche. Band T. Sprachproben. Two Parts. Band II. Worterbuch : Lieferung 1 to 7 (A to Gaeten). Large 8vo. Berlin, 1867 to 1880. 2 12s. Mauron, A., et Th. Gaspey, Nouvelle grammaire anglaise. Fourth Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxiv. and 398. Heidelberg, 1876. 4*. Qd. Morris, R., Historical Outlines of English Accidence. Second Edition.. London, 1872. 6s. Palenzuela and Carreno, Metodo para aprender a leer, escribir y hablar el Ingles segun el sistema de Ollendorff, con un tratado de pronunciacion al principio y un Apendice importante al fin, que sirve de complemento a la obra. For Ramon Palenzuela y Juan de la CarrefTo. Nueva Edicion, con una Pronuncia- cion Figurada segun un Sistema Fonografico, por ROBERT GOOD ACRE. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. iv. and 496. London, 1876. 7s. Qd. Key to ditto. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 111. 4s. Pickering, J., Vocabulary : or, Collection of Words and Phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the U.S. of America. 8vo. Boston, 1816. 1 Is. Schmitz, B., Englische Grammatik. Sixth Edition. 8vo. sewed, pp. x. and 330. Berlin, 1880. 3s. Storm, T., Englische Philologie ; Anleitung zum Wissenschaftlichen Studium der Englischen Sprache. I. Die lebende Sprache. 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi. and 468. Heilbronn, 1881. 9s. Tollstadius, Systema para appr. la lingua Ingleza. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1871. 14s. Wood's English Grammar for Armenians. Post 8vo. half calf, pp. 264. 1864. 7s. Qd. Zupitza, J., Alt und Mittel Englisches Uebungsbuch. Second Edition. With Dictionary. [In preparation ~ ENGLISH DIALECTS. Baker, Anne E., Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, with Examples of their colloquial Use, and Illustrations from various Authors : to which are added " The Customs of the Country." 2 vols. 8vo. pp. xx. 410, and 440, cloth. London, 1854. 24s. Bonaparte, Louis Lucien, On the Dialects of Eleven Southern and South- western Counties, with a new Classification of the English Dialects. With Two Maps. London, 1877. Is. Bowditch, N". J., Suffolk Surnames. Third Edition. 8vo. pp. xxvi. and 758, cloth. London. 7*. 6\ Is. Dictionnaire, Grammaire et Chrestomathie de la langue Maya, precedes d'une etude sur le systeme graphique des indigenes du Yucatan (Mexique). Large 4to. pp. 700. Paris, 1872. 1 5s. Manuscrit Troano. Etudes sur le systeme graphique et la langue des Mayas. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1869-70. 6. Perez, J. Pio, Diccionario de la Lengua Maya. 4to. pp. x., xx. and 437. Out of print, and already extremely scarce. Merida de Yucatan, 18661877. 4 4s. Ruz, Fr. J., Cartilla 6 Silabario de Lengua Maya, para la ensenanza de los nifios indigenas. 12mo. sewed, pp. 16. Merida de Yucatan, 1845. 12s. 6d. : Grammatica Yucateca, formada para la instrucion de los Indi- genas, sobre el compendio de D. Diego Narciso Hernanz y Quiros. 24mo. pp. 119. Merida de Yucatan, 1844. 1 Is. MEDIAN. Oppert, J., Le peuple et la langue des Medes. 8vo. pp. xi. and 296. Paris, 1879. 8s. 6d. MEKRANEE BELOOCHE DIALECT. (See BELOOCHEE.) MELANESIAN LANGUAGES. Gabelentz, H. C. v. d., Die melanesischen Sprachen nach ihrem gramma- tischen Bau und ihrer Verwandschaft unter sich und mit den Malaisch-Poly- nesischen Sprachen untersucht. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1860-73. 16s. MEXICAN (Nahuatla, Aztec). Aldama y Guevara, Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, dispuesto por D. Joseph Augustin de Aldama, y Guevara, presbytero de el Arzobispado de Mexico. En la Imprenta nueva de la Bibliotheca Mexicana. En frente de el Convento de san Augustin. Afio de 1754. 8vo. parch., 82 fnc. 4 4s. Arenas, Guide de la Conversation en trois Langues Fran9ais, Espagnol, Mexicain. Contenant : Un petit Abrege de la Grammaire Mexicaine Un Vocabulaire des mots les plus usuels et des Dialogues familiers. Revu et traduit en Francais par M. CHARLES ROMEY. 12mo. sewed, pp. 72. Paris, 162. 3s. . TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 107 MEXICAN continued : Biondelli, Sull' antica lingua Azteca o Nahuatl, osservazioni di B. Biondelli. 4to. sewed, pp. 20. Milano, 1860. 2s. 6d. Glossarium Azteco-Latinurn efc Latino-Aztecum, collectum ac digestum. 4to. pp. 260. Milano, 1869. 1 Is. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Quatre Lettres sur le Mexique. Exposition absolue du Systerne hieroglyphique Mexicain; la fin de 1'age de pierre; com- mencement de 1'age de bronze ; origines de la civilisation, d'apres le Teo- Amoxtli et autres documents Mexicains, etc. With woodcuts. Royal 8vo. sewed. Paris, 1868. 1 Is. Buschmann, J. C. E., Die Lautveranderung Aztekischer Worter in den Sonorischen Sprachen, und die Sononsche Endung Ame. 4to. boards, pp. 126. Berlin, 1857. 4s. 6d. Grammatik der Sonorischen Sprachen, verziiglich der Tarahu- mara, Tepeguana, Cora und Cahita, als neunter Abschnitt der Spuren der Aztekischen Sprache. Zweite Abtheilung. (Extr.) 4to. boards, pp. 285. Berlin, 1864-69. 16s. Ueber die Aztekischen Ortsnamen. Erste Abtheilung. 4to. pp. 206. Berlin, 1853. 6s. Die Volker und Sprachen Neu-Mexico's und der Westseite des Britischen Nord-Amerikas. 4to. Berlin, 1857. (Extract.) 15s. Caballero, D. J., Grammatica del Idioma Mexicano, segun el sistema de " Ollendorf." 8vo. pp. 212. Mexico, 1880. 1 Is. Carochi, P. H., Compendio del Arte de la Lengua Mexicana. Small 4to. Frontispiece, pp. 24 and 202, vellum. Mexico, 1759. Extremely Scarce. 6 6s. Evangeliarmm, Epistolarium et Lectionarium Aztecum, sive Mexicanum, ex antique codice Mexicano nuper reperto depromptum, cum praefatione, interpretatione, adnotationibus, GLOSSARIO, ed. B. BIONDELLI. Folio, pp. xlix. and 572. With facsimile. Mediolani, 1858. 3 10s. Gastelu, A. V., Arte, Confessionario, y Catecismo de la Lengua Mexicana. 4to., vellum (title and two or three preliminary leaves wanting), one preliminary leaf, fifty-four leaves. Puebla de los Angeles, Fernandez de Leon, 1689. Extremely scarce. 6 6s. Molina, Vocabulario en Lengua Castellana y Mexicana, compuesta por el muy Reuerenda Padre Fray Alonso de Molina, de la Orden del buenaventurado nuestro Padre Sant Francisco. Dirigido al muy Excelente Senor Don Martin Enriquez, Visorrey desta nueva Espafia (Un grand blason). En Mexico, En Casa de Antonio de Spinosa, 1574. In fol. 4 fnc., 121 ff. 1 ff. avec une grav. en bois, et au verso la marque de l'imprimeur. (Cette premiere partie comprend le Vocabulaire Espagnol- Mexicain, et la Cuenta espece de conte en Mexicain avec traduction Espagnole). La seconde partie porte le meme titre que la premiere. Seulement, le blason est remplace par une figure de S. Francois, grav. en bois. En Mexico, En Casa de Antonia do Spinosa, 1571. In fol. 2 fnc., 162 ff. (Vocabulaire Mexicain-Espagnol). Very rare. 16 16s. Vocabulario de la Lengua Mexicana. Publicado de nuevo por J. PLATZMANN. Edicion facsimil. 4to. sewed, pp. viii. and 162. Leipzig, 1880. 50s. Olmos, Andre de, franciscain, Grammaire de la langue nahuatl ou mexicaine (Arte de la lengua mexicana), composee en 1547 etpubliee avec notes, eclaircissements, etc., par R. SIMEON. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 10s. 108 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. MEXICAN" continued: Orosco y Berra, Lie. M., Geografia de las lenguas y carta ethnographica de Mexico. Precididas de un ensayo de clasificacion de las mism as lenguas y de apuntes para las inmigraciones de las tribus. 4to. pp. xiv. and 322, with a map. Mexico, 1864. 2 10s. CONTENTS: Primera Parte Enaayo de clasificacion de las lenguas de Mexico. Segunda Porte Apuntes para las las tribus de Mexico. Tercera Parte Geografia de las lenguas de Mexico. Pimentel, F., Cuadro descriptive y comparative de las Lenguas Indfgenas de Mexico, o Tratado de Filologia Mexicana. 2 Edicion Ulrica completa. 3 volumes, 8vo. Mexico, 1875. 2 2s. Rincon, P. Antonio del, Arte Mexicana (Grammatica y Vocabulario ) 16mo. half bound, pp. xvi. and pp. 155 and 37 pages. Mexico, 1595. (Title and several pages slightly damaged.) Extremely scarce. 4 4s. Rivera, Sillabaria de la Lengua Mexican as. 24mo. Mexico, 1818. Simeon, R., Dictionnaire mexicain-fra^ais. 8vo. (Sous presse.} Tapia, Arte novissima de Lengua Mexicana, que dicto D. Carlos de Tapia Zentono, colegial en el Real, y Pontificio Seminario, etc. etc, . . . Quien lo saca a luz debajo de la proteccion del Illmo. S. Dr. D. Manuel Rubio, Salinas, del Consejo de Su Majestad. Dignissimo Arzobispo de esta Santa Iglesia de Mexico, por cuyo mandado se erigio esta nueva Cathedra. Con licencia de los Superiores. En Mexico por la Viuda de D. Joseph Bernardo de Hogal. Ano de 1753. 4to. parch. 11 ff prelim, pp. 58. 8 8s. Vetancurt, Arte de Lengua Mexicana, dispuesto por orden. y mandate de N. Rmo. P. Fr. Francisco Trevino, Predicador Theologo. . . . Dedicado al Bienaventurado San Antonio de Padua. Por el P. Fr. Augustin de Vetan- curt hijo de la dicha Provincia del Santo Evangelio . . . (Image gravee de de S Antoine de Padoue). Con licencia, en Mexico, por Francisco Rodriguez Lupercio, 1673. In 4. d. rel. 6 fnc. 49 ff. 8 fnc. Contenant: Instruccion breve para administrar los Santos Sacramentos en lengua Mexicana, et un Catecismo, tambien en Mexicano. 8 8s. Sold at 8 10s., Puttick & Simpson's Bibliotheca Mejicana. MIAU (MiAOs). CHINESE DIALECT. Edkins, Rev. J., The Miau Tsi Tribes. With a Vocabulary of the Mian Dialects. 8vo. pp. vii. and 10. Foochow. Is. MICMAC. (See also ETCHEMIN.) Maillard, M. 1'Abbe", Grammaire de la Langue Mikrnaque, redigee et mise en ordre par Joseph M. BELLENGER. 4to. sewed, pp. 101. Kouvelle York, 1864. 1 Is. Grammar of the Mikmaque Language of Nova Scotia. Edited by J. M. BELLENGER. 8vo. pp. 102. New York, 1864. 1 Is. Reading Book (First) in the Micmac Language. (Micmac and English.) Small 8vo. pp. 126. Halifax, 1875. 5s. MIDDLE HIGH GERMAN. (See GERMAN.) MIKIR. Neighbor, Vocabulary of the Mikir Language. Calcutta, 1878. MINCOPIES (LANGUAGE OF THE). See NICOBAR (ROEPSTOBFF'S Vocabulary). TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 109 MIXTECO. Catecismo, en Idioma Mixteco, segun se habla en los Curates de la Misteca Baja que pertenecen al Obispado de Puebla. Formado nuevamente de orden del Exmo. E. Illmo SR. Obispo DR. D. Francisco Pablo Vasquez. 4to. 7 leaves, pp. 21. Puebla, 1837. Catecismo en el idioma Mixteco Motaiiez. 4to. 1 leaf, pp. 20, 1 leaf erratas, vellum. Puebla, 1837. 3 3s. MOESO-GOTHIC. (See GOTHIC.) MOHAWK. Bruyas, Rev. J., Radical Words of the Mohawk Language, with their derivations. 8vo. pp. 123. New York, 1862. 1 16s. MONGOL (KALMUK, BURIATIC). See also ELEUTH. Bobrowicz, Al., Grammar of the (West) Mongol (or Kalruuk) Language. 8vo. pp. 403. (In Russian.) Kasan, 1849. 14s. Castren, M. A., Versuch einer Burjatischen Sprachlehre, nebst kurzem Worterverzeichniss ; berausg. v. A. Schiefner. 8vo. pp. xv. and 244. St. Petersburg, 1857. 4s. Dictionary, The Great Manchu-Mongol, with Preface and Contents. 21 parts in three book-cases. Peking. 5 5s. Feer, L., Tableau de la Grammaire Mongole. 4to. pp. 8. Paris, 1866. Not in the trade. 3s. Golstunski, K., Kalmuk Chresthomathy. Folio, pp. 74 and 48. (Autograph). Scarce. Petersburg, 1864. 1 10s. Russian-Kalmuk Dictionary. 8vo. pp. 136. Petersburg, 1860. 12s. 6d. Jiilg, B., Die Marchen des Siddhi-Kur. Kalmukisch und Deutsch. Mit einem Kalmukisch- Deutschen Worterbuche. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866. 12s. Qd. Kowalewski. Dictionary Mongol-Russe-franQais. 3 stout vols. Large 4to. Kasan, 1844-49. 10 10s. Popov, A., Grammatik der Kalmukischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. 390. Kasan, 1847. 10s. Qd. Puini, C., Elementi della Grammatica Mongolica. 8vo. pp. 40. Firenze, 1878. Schmidt, I. J., Mongolisch-Deutsch-Russisches Worterbuch, nebst einem deutschen und einem russischen Wortregister. 4to. pp. viii. and 613. St. Petersburg, 1835. 10s. 6d. Grammatik der Mongolischen Sprache. 4to. pp. xx. and 179, a lithographed plate, boards. St. Petersburg, 1831. 7s. 6d. Grammaire Mongole. Trad, de 1'allemand par A. M. H. (litho.) 8vo. pp. 176. Rennes, 1876. 12s. Zwick, H. A., Handbuch der Westmongolischen Sprache. Gesammelt und verdeutscht. 4to. pp. 482. Donaueschingen, 1854. 1. Grammatik der Westmongolischen d. i. Oirad od. Kalmukischen Sprache. 4to. pp. iv. and 149. Donaueschingen, 1852. 7s. 6d. MOOES (DIALECT OF THE JARGON OF HIXDOSTAN). See HINDUSTANI. 110 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. MORDWINIAK (See also FINNISH.) Ahlquist, A., Versuch einer Mokscha- Mordwiuischen Grammatik, nebst Texten u. Worterverzeichniss. Royal 8vo. pp. xi. and 214. St. Petersburg, 1862. 3s. 6d. Wiedemann, F. J., Grammatik der Ersa-Mordwinischen Sprache, nebst einem kleiuen mordwinisch-deutschen Worterbuche. 4to. pp. 261. St. Petersburg, 1865. 9s. MOSQUITO INDIAN. Cotheal, A., Grammatical Sketch of the Language spoken by the Indians of the Mosquito Shore (in the Transactions of the American Ethnological Society, Vol. II. pp. 235 to 264). 8vo. New York, 1848. 1 16s. MOXOS. (See BAUEE.) LANGUAGES OF MOZAMBIQUE. Bleek, Dr. W. H. I., The Languages of Mozambique. Vocabularies of the Dialects of Lourenzo Marques Juhambane, Sofala, Tette, Sena, Quellimane, Mozambique, Cape Delgado, Angoane, the Maravi, Mudsan, etc., drawn from the MSS. of Dr. W. Peters, M. Berl. Oblong 8vo. pp. xix. and 403. London, 1856. 1 Is. MOZKA (CHIBCHA). Lugo, Gramatica en la Lengua general del Nuevo Reyno, Llamada Mosca, compuesto por el Padre Fray Bernardo de Lugo, Predicador General del Orden de Predicadores, y Catedratico de la dicha lengua, en el Convento del Rosario de la ciudad de Santa Fe. (A blazon). Afio 1619. En Madrid, por Bernar- dino de Guzman. Small 8vo. boards. Title, 6 leaves, 1 white leaf, 2 leaves. Licencias y approvaciones, 14 leaves. Prologo, 2 leaves. 158 numbered leaves many of them are erroneously numbered). 40. Extremely Scarce. The Moska is the language of an Indian nation (nearly extinct) in the neighbourhood of Santa Fe de Bogota, Nueva Grenada. It is called also Muyska and Chibcha.Onr copy has some imperfections: the margins of the title and of the first leaves mended ; a few water fltaina. Uricoechea (E.) Gramatica, Vocabulario, Catecismo i Confesionario de la Lengua Chibcha. Segun antiquos manuscritos anonimos e ineditos, augmenta- dos i correjidos. 8vo. pp. Ix. and 252. Paris, 1871. 18s. MPONGWE. (See PONGUA.) MULTANI. (See also JATAKI.) Glossary of the Multani Language compared with the Punjabi and Sindhi. 8vo. cloth, pp. xiii. and 293. Lahore, 1881. MUNDA'RI. Whitley, Grammar of the Mundari Language. Calcutta, 1873. MUNEEPURI. (See MANIPUBL) MUTSU1ST. Cuesta, Fr. F. A. de la, Grammar of the Mutsun Language, spoken at the Mission of San Juan Bautista, Alta California. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. 48. London and New York, 1861. Only 100 copies printed. 14s. Vocabulary or Phrase-Book of the Mutsun Language of Alta California. Royal 8vo. pp. 96. London and New York, 1862. 12s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. Ill NAHUATL. (See MEXICAN.) NAMAQUA (HOTTENTOT). Charencey, H. de, Elements de la langue hottentote, dialecte Nama. 8vo. pp. 20. Paris, 1864. Tire a tres-petit nombre. Is. Hahn, Th., Die Sprache der Nama. Nebst einem Anhange enthaltend Spracbproben. 8vo. pp. 74. Leipzig, 1870. 3s. 6d. Tindall, H., Grammar and Vocabulary of the Namaqua- Hottentot Lan- guage. 8vo. sewed, pp. 124. London, 1857. 6s. Vocabular der Namaqua-Sprache, nebst einem Abrisse der Formenlehre derselben. 8vo. pp. 32. Barmen, 1854. 2s. 6d. f Wallmann, J. C., Die Formenlehre der Namaqua-Sprache. Ein Beitrag zur siidafrikaniscben Linguistik. 8vo. boards, pp. 95. Berlin, 1857. 3s. NARISATL Biddulph, Major J., Short Grammar and Vocabulary of the Narisati Language. (Spoken by tbe Gubbers in tbe Chitral Valley). Contained in Biddulph, Tribes of tbe Hindoo Koosb. pp. cxli-cxxi. Calcutta, 1880. 15s. NEGRO-ENGLISH (CREOLESE). (See also CURASAO.) Focke, H. 0., Neger-Engelsch Woordenboek. 8vo. cloth, pp. xiv. and 160. Leiden, 1855. 6s. 6d. Grammatik (Kurz-gefasste) Neger-Englische. 8vo. cloth, pp. 68. Bautzen, 1854. 7s. 6d. Wullschlagel, H. R., Deutsch-Neger-Englisches Worterbuch. 8vo. pp. x. and 340. Lobau, 1856. 6s. 6rf. Deutsch-Neger-Englisches Worterbuch. 8vo. pp. 340. Lobau, 1856. 7*. 6rf. NEPALESE (NIPAL). Ayton, Grammar of the Nepalese Language. Very scarce. Calcutta, 1820. Hodgson, B. H, Essays on the Languages, Literature, and Religion of Nepal and Tibet. Royal 8vo. clotb, pp. 288. London, 1874. 14s. Comparative Vocabulary of the Languages of the Broken Tribes of Nepal. (Forming pp. 161 to 175 of "Miscellaneous Essays relating to Indian Subjects." 2 vols. 8vo. clotb. London, 1880. 1 8s. NETELA. (See KIZH and NETELA.) NEVOME. (See PIMA.) NEW GRANADA (INDIANS OP). See GOAJIRA and PAES. NEW ZEALAND (LANGUAGE OF). See MAORI. NICOBA'RI. Roepstorff, Vocabulary of Dialects spoken in the Nicobar and Andaman Isles. Folio. Port Blair, 1874. Scarce. 1 10s. NILGIRI HILLS (LANGUAGES OF.) See TODA. NORWEGIAN. (See DANISH ; DANO-NORWEGIAN.) 112 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. NUBIAN. Lepsius, R., Nubische Grammatik mit einer Einleitung iiber die Volker uud Spracben Afrikas. (Einleitung, Grammatik, Nubiscbe Texte, Deutscb- Nubisches und Worterbucb.) 8vo. clotb, pp. cxxviii. and 506. Berlin, 1880. 1 6s. Reinisch, Leo, Die Nuba-Sprache. Vol. I. Grammatik und Texte. Vol. II. Nubisch-Deutscbes und Deutscb-Nubiscbes Worterbucb. I. pp. 308. II. pp. 240. Wien, 1879. Us. NUFORIAN. (See PAPUAN.) NYAMWEZI. Steere, E., Collections for a Handbook of the Nyamwezi Language, as spoken at Unyanyembe. Fcap. clotb, pp. 100. 1*. 6d. OBANY. Kb'ler, H., Einige Notizen iiber Bonny an der Kiiste von Guinea, seine Sprache und seine Bewobner. Mit einem Glossarium. 8vo. Gottingen, 1848. 4s. ODJI. (See ASANTE.) ODIYA. (See ORIYA.) OLD BAKTRIAN. (See ZEND.) OLD HIGH GERMAN. (See GERMAN.) OLD NORSE. (See ICELANDIC.) OLD SAXON. Cosijn, P. J., Kurzgefasste Alt-West-Sachsische Grammatik. Theil I. Vocale der Stammsiiben. Small 8vo. pp. iv. and 56. Leiden, 1881. Is. 6d. Heyne, M., Kleine Alt-Sachsische und Altniederfrankische Grammatik. Large 8vo. pp. 120. Paderborn, 1873. Is. Qd. Scliineller, J. A., Glossarium Saxonicum e poemate Heliand inscripto et minoribus quibusdam priscse linguae monumentis collectum, cum Vocabulario latino-saxonico et synopsi grammat. Large 4to. Stuttgart, 1840. 9s. OLD SLAVONIAN. (See CYEILLIC.) ONONDAGA. Shea, J. G., French-Onondaga Dictionary, from a Manuscript of the I7tb century. Royal 8vo. pp. viii. and 104. London and New York, 1860. 18s. ORIYA (OmssA, URIYA). Beames, J., Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India: Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Maratbi, Uriya, and Bengali. 3 vols. 8vo. clotb. London, 1872-79. 16*. eacb. Hallam, E. C. B., Oriya Grammar for English Students, pp. xii. and 270. Calcutta, 1874. 7s. Qd. Lacey, W. C., Oriya Grammar. Third Edition. 12mo. cloth, pp. 100. Calcutta, 1861. 2s. 6d. Maltby, Th. J., Practical Handbook of the Uriya or Odiya Language. 8vo. pp. xiii. and 201. Calcutta, 1874. 10s. 6d. Miller, Rev. W., and Rughunath Mesra, Oriya Dictionary with Oriya Synonyms. 12mo. pp. 199. Cuttack, 1868. 7s. Qd. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 113 OSCAIST. Enderis, E., Versuch einer Formenlehre der Oskischen Sprache, mit den Oskischen Inschriften und Glossar. 8vo. pp. Ixxiv. and 56. Zurich, 1871. 3s. Grotefend, G. F., Eudimenta linguae Oscae. 8vo. Hannover, 1839. 4s. Huschke, Ph. Ed., Die Oskischen und Sabellischen Sprachdenkmaler. Sprachliche und Sachliche Erklarung, Gramraatik und Glossarium. 8vo. half calf. With three plates. Elberfeld, 1856. 10s. 6d. Mommsen, T., Oskische Studien. 8vo. pp. 116. Berlin, 1845. 5s. Nachtrage zu den Oskischen Studien. 8vo. pp. 116. Berlin, 1866. 4s. Die Unteritalischen Dialecte. Large 4to. with plates. Leipzig, 1850. 16s. OSSETIAN. Miiller, Fr., Beitrage zur Lautlehre des Ossetischen. 8vo. pp, 20. Wien, 1863. Is. Die Grundziige der Conjugation des Ossetischen Verbums, sprachvergleichend dargestellt. 8vo. pp. 16. Wien, 1864. Is. Sjogren, Ossetische Studien mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Indo- Europ. Sprachen. Lieferung I. Die Selbstlauter. 4to. Petersb. 1848. 4s. IPOH ^EBBAFAXYP das ist Ossetische Sprachlehre, nebst kurzem ossetisch-deutschen und deutsch-ossetischen Worterbuche. 4to. pp. xlix. and 543, with a litho. plate. St. Petersburg, 1844. 10s. 6d. OSTIAK. Ahlquist, A., Ueber die Sprache der Nord-Ostjaken, Sprachtexte, Worter- sammlung und Grammatik. Abtheilung I. Sprachtexte und Worterbuch, pp. vii. and 194. Helsingfors, 1880. Castren, M. A., Versuch einer Ostjakischen Sprachlehre, nebst kurzem Worterverzeichniss. Herausg. v. A. SCHIEFNER. (Second Edition. 8vo. pp. xiv. and 125. St. Petersburg, 1858. 3s. Versuch einer Jenissei-Ostjakischen und Kottischen Sprachlehre, nebst Worterverzeichniss aus den genannten Sprachen. Herausg. v. A. SCHIEFNER. 8vo. pp. xix. and 264. St. Petersburg, 1858. 6s. OTCHIPWIE. Baraga, R. R, Bishop, Grammar and Dictionary of the Otchipwe Language. A new edition, by a Missionary of the Oblates. 8vo. pp. xii. and 422, and 302. Montreal, 1879. 1 Is. OTOMI. Elements de la Grammaire Othomi, traduits de 1'Espagnol, accompagne's d'une Notice d'Adelung sur cette langue, traduite d'Allemand, et suivis d'un Vocabulaire compare Othomi-Chinois. 8vo. sewed, pp. 40. Paris, 1863. 5s. Printed on vellum paper in fifty copies only. Grammatica della Lingua Otomi, esposta in Italiano, dal Conte Enea Silvio Vincenzo Piccolomini, secondo la traccia del Lie. Luis de Neve y Molina, col Vocabolario Spagnuolo- Otomi spiegato in Italiano. 8vo. sewed, pp. 82. Roma, 1841. 12s. 6rf. 114 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. OTOMI : continued : Naxera, F. M. C., Disertacion sobre la Lingua Othomi, leida en latin en la sociedad filosofica Americana de Filadelfia, traducida al Castellano. 4to. pp. 146. Mexico, 1845. 1 10s. Naxera, A., De Lingua Othomitorum (Mexicanorum-Indiorum) Dissertatio. 4to. pp. 48. Philadelphia), 1835. 1 10*. De Othomitorum Lingua, Dissertatio . . . nunc correcta et aucta, usque, prseside R. P. Mexicans jubente, iterum typis mandata. 4to. pp. 116. Mexico, 1845. 1 10s. PAES (INDIANS OF NEW GRANADA). Castillo i Orozco, Eujenio, cura de Talaga, Vocabulario Paez-Castellano, Catecismo, Nociones gramaticales, i dos platicas, con adiciones i un Vocabulario Castellano- Paez, por E. UB.ICOECHEA. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 12s. Qd. PAHLAVI. (See PEHLEVI.) PAL^EOSLAVIC. (See CRTILLIC.) PALI. DICTIONARIES. Abhidhanappadipika ; or, Dictionary of the Pali Language, by MEG- GALLANA THEKO, with English and Singhalese interpretations, notes, and appendices, by WASKADUWE SUBHUTI. 8vo. pp. vii. 204, and xi. Colombo, 1865. 18s. Childers, R. C., Pali-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Equivalents, and with numerous Quotations, Extracts, and Ret'erenoes. Imperial 8vo. Double Columns. Complete in 1 Vol. pp. xxii. and 622. London, 1875. 3 3s. GRAMMARS. Alwis, J. d', An Introduction to Kachchayana's Grammar of the Pali Language, with introduction, appendix, notes, etc. 8vo. pp. cxxxvi. 128, and xvi. boards. Colombo, 1863. Scarce. 2. Contents pp. i. to cxxxvi., Introduction to Kachchayana's Grammar. Page I to 128, Kachchayana's Pali Grammar. Page i. to xvi., Pali Text. Balavataro : Text of the Native Grammar of the Pali Language. 8vo. pp. v. and 77. Colombo, 1869. 7*. Qd. Burnouf, E., et C. Lassen, Essai sur le Pali. 8vo. with 6 plates. Paris, 1826. 12s. Qd. Clough, Rev. B., Compendious Pali Grammar, with a copious Vocabulary in the same Language. 8vo. pp. viii. 147 and 157. Extremely scarce. Colombo, 1824. 6 6s. Kaccayana et la Litt6rature Grammaticale du Pali. I re Partie. Grammaire Palie de Kaccayana, Sutras et Commentaire, publics avec une traduction et des notes par E. SENART. 8vo. pp. 338. Paris, 1871. 10s. The Pali Text of Kachchayana's Grammar, with English Annotations. 8vo. 3 Parts, pp. 207, 75, and 28. Toungoo and London, 1870. 2 12s. 6d. Kachchdyana's Pali Grammar, translated and arranged on European models, with Chrestomathy and Vocabulary. 8vo. pp. 209. Toungoo, 1867. 4s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 69, LUDGATE HILL. 115 PALI : GRAMMARS continued : Kuhn, E., Beitrage zur Pali-Grammatik. 8vo. pp. viii. and 120. Berlin, 1875. 4s. Minayeff, j., Grammaire Palie. Esquisse d'une Phone* tique et d'une Morphologic de la Langue Palie. Traduite du Russe par St. Guyard. 8vo. pp. 128. Paris, 1874. 6s. Qd. Miiller, Dr. F., Beitrage zur Kentniss der Pali-Sprache. In 3 Parts. 8vo. sewed, pp. 34, 22, and 20. Wien, 1867-69. Out of print. 8s. Subhuti, Waskaduwe, Namamala ; or, a Work on Pali Grammar. (In Singhalese characters.) 8vo. cloth, pp. 24, civ. 148, and 70. Ceylon, 1876. 16s. " The best work published on Pali Grammar in Ceylon."-Dr. Morris' Report. PALLOU ISLAND LANGUAGE. (See WESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN.) PAMPANGA. (See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.) PANAYANA. (See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.) PAPUAN and NUFOKIAN. Hasselt, J. L. van, Allereerste beginselen der Papoesch-noefoorsche taal. Small 8vo. pp. 34. Utrecht, 1877- 2s. 6d. Beknopte spraakkunst der Noefoorsche taal. 8vo. Utrecht, 1876. 3s. Hollandsch-Noefoorsch ende Noefoorsch-Hollandsch Woorden- boek, pp. viii. and 123. Utrecht, 1876. 6s. D' Orville, Papuan Vocabulary. See under AUSTRALIAN LANGUAGES. PARSI. (See PAZAND.) PASTO. (See PUSHTU.) PAZAND (PARSI). Haug, M., An Old Pahlavi-Pazand Glossary. Edited, with an alphabetical Index, by DESTUR HOSHANGJI JAMASPJI ASA, Hi"-h Priest of the Parsis in Malwa, India. Revised and Enlarged, with an Introductory Essay on the Pahlavi Language. Published by order of the Government of Bombay. 8vo. pp. xvi. 152, and 298, sewed. Bombay and London, 1870. 1 8s. Maino-i-Khard (The Book of the), The Pazand and Sanskrit Texts (in Roman characters) as arranged by Neriosengh Dhaval, in the fifteenth century. With an English translation, a Glossary of the Pazand texts, con- taining the Sanskrit, Rosian, and Pahlavi equivalents, a sketch of Pazand Grammar, and an Introduction. By E. W. WEST. 8vo. sewed, pp. 484. Bombay, 1871. 16s. Spiegel, F., Grammatik der Parsi-Sprache. 8vo. pp. 210. Leipzig, 1851. 75. PEGUAN. swell, Rev. J. M., Grammatical Notes and Vocabulary of the Peguan Language. To which are added a few pages of phrases, etc. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 160. Rangoon, 1874. 15s. 116 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. PEHLEWI (PAHLAVI, HUZVARESH). Harlez, C. de, Manuel du Pehlevi des Livres religieux et historiques de la Perse. Grammaire, Anthologie, Lexique. Avec des notes, un -Facsimile de Manuscrit, des Alphabets et un Specimen des Legendes des Sceaux et Monnaies. 8vo. pp. xii. and 346 and 2 plates. Paris, 1880. 10s. Haug, M., An Old Zand-Pahlavi Glossary. Edited, in the original characters, with a transliteration in Roman letters, an English translation, and an alphabetical Index. By DESTUB HOSHENGJI JAM ASP jr, High Priest of the Parsis in Malwa, India. Revised with notes and introduction. 8vo. pp. Ivi. and 132. Bombay and London, 1867. 15s. Essay on the Pahlavi Language. From the PAHLAVI-PAZAND GLOSSARY, edited by DESTUR HOSHANGJI and M. HAUG. 8vo. pp. 152, sewed. Stuttgart and London, 1870. 3s. 6rf. An Old Pahlavi-Pazand Glossary. Edited, with Index, by DESTUR HOSHANGJI JAMASPJI ASA. Revised and enlarged, with an introduc- tory Essay on Pahlavi. 8vo. pp. xvi., 152 and 268. Bombay and London, 1870. 1 8s. Minocheherji, Pahlavi, Gujar^ti and English Dictionary. By JAMASPJI DASTUK MINOCHEHERJI, JAMASP ASANA. 8vo. cloth. Vol. I. pp. clxii. and 1 to 168, and Vol. II. pp. xxxii. and pp. 169 to 440. Bombay, 1877 and 1879. 14s. each." (To be completed in 5 vols.) Miiller, M. J., Essai sur la langue Pehlevie. (Contained in "Journal Asiatique," vol. vii.) Paris, 1839. 12s. 6d. Spiegel, F., Grammatik der Huzvaresch-Sprache. 8vo. pp. x. and 194. Wien, 1856. 10s. 6d. Sunjana, P. D. B., Grammar of the Pehlwi Language, in Gujarati. Cloth. Bombay, 1871. 1 5s. West, E. W., and M. Haug, Glossary and Index of the Pahlavi Texts of the Book of Arda Viraf, The Tale of Gosht-i-Fryano, The Hadokht Nask, and to some extracts from the Din-Kard and Nirangistan ; prepared from Destur Hoshangji Asa's Glossary to the Arda Viraf Namah, and from the Original Texts, with Notes on Pahlavi Grammar. Published by order of the Govern- ment of Bombay. 8vo. sewed, pp. viii. and 352. Bombay and London, 1874. 1 5s. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. Haldemann, S S., Pennsylvania Dutch : a Dialect of South Germany with an Infusion of English. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 70. London, 1872. 3s. 6d. PERMIC. E-ogord, H., Permic-Russian and Russian-Permic Dictionary. 8vo. pp. v. and 415. St. Petersburg, 1869. 7*. Grammar of the Permic Language. 8vo. (In Russian.) Petersb. I860. 3s. PERSIAN. DICTIONARIES. Barretto, J., Dictionary of the Persian and Arabic Languages. 2 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1806. 1 10s. Berge", A, Dictionnaire Persan-Fran9ais, avec une table alphabetique pour servir de dictionnaire franqais-persan, et un tableau comparatif des annees de 1'ere mahometane et de 1'ere chretienne. 8vo. viii. and 675 columns. Leipzig 1869. 8s. TRUE NEE & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 117 PERSIAN": DICTIONARIES continued: ^b\3 ^UjJ Boorhani Qatiu, a Dictionary of the Persian Language, explained in Persian; alphabetically arranged according to the system of European Lexicons. "With a short grammar prefixed by Moohummud Hoosuen Ibni Khuluf oot Tubreezee, poetically styled Boorhan. With Notes and Ap- pendix by Th. Roebuck. Folio, pp. xx. and 1090. Calcutta, 1818. 4 4s. Persian Dictionary, compiled by order of Sultan Abdallah Qotb Shah. Two vols. bound in one, folio, pp. 354 and 324, bound in sheep. Litho. Bombay, A.H. 1267 (1850). 4 4*. This is a reprint of the Calcutta edition, now very rare, which Vullers (Praefatio ad Lex. Pers.-Lat. vi.) describes as follows: "Boorhani Qatiu, a dictionary of the Persian language explained in Persian ; alphabetically arranged according to the system of European lexicons; comprising the whole of the words, phrases, and metaphors in the Furhungi Juhangeeree, the Mujmuool Poors of Soorooree, the Soormue Soluemanee, and the Suhah ool Udwyn, together with many words and terms from the Puhluvee, Duree, Zhund o Pazhund, Greek, Syriac, Arabic, Turkish, and other languages, with a short grammar prefixed by Moohummud Hoosuen Ibni Khuluf oot Tubreezee, poetically styled Boorhan, to which is added an appendix consisting of the Moolhuquat of the Boorhani Qatiu, the Khatimu, or appendix to the Furhungi Juhangeeree ; together with a collec- tion of words, phrases, metaphors, and proper names, extracted from the Buhari Ujum and various other authorities." The whole arranged, carefully corrected, revised, and the Text occasionally illustrated with Persian notes, by Thomas Roebuck, Calcutta, 1818. Vullers calls it "Lexicon persicum quod praestantissimum esse omnes viri persice docti consentiunt, sine dubio optimum et plenissimum est, quod ex omni copia lexicogra- phorum persicorum habemus." Farhang Djahangiri. A Famous Persian Dictionary History and Literature, explained in Persian, with the supplement of Zend and Pazend words. 2 vols. Hoy. 8vo. sewed. Lucknow, 1876. 12s. Farhang Endjumen ^^\ c^&jy A Famous Persian Dictionary in Persian. Folio, bound in leather. Lahore, A.H. 1288 (1871). 6 6*. Farhangi Shu'uri. A Persian-Turkish Dictionary, by Ibrahim Efendi. 2 vols. Small folio. Constantinople, A.H. 1155 (1742). 4 4s. Gachtasb, M. Schafl, Dictionnaire Persan-Arabe-Russe-Fransais. Small 4to. half bound. Petersbourg, 1869. 15s. Glad win, F., Dictionary, Persian, Hindoostanee, and English, including Synonyma. 2 vols. 8vo. bound, pp. 1066. Calcutta, 1809. 15s. Halft Kulzum The Seven Seas Dictionary and Grammar of the Persian Language, by His Majesty the King of Oude. In seven parts, royal folio, pp. 280, 244, 246, 180, 180, 162, and 230. Printed at His Majesty's press at the city of Lucknow, 1822. Bound in two vols., full calf. Fine cpy on large paper. 10 10s. -- Another copy on ordinary paper, bound in 7 vols., half-calf. 7 7s. The first six parts contain the Dictionary ; the seventh contains a Persian Grammar, a treatise on Ars Poetica and on Rhetoric. Vullers says, speaking of it in the preface to his Dictionary". . . recentissimum et copi sissimum est." It is very scarce as many copies have been destroyed. " At the end of the hall (at Lucknow) there are bags full of books completely destroyed by white ants. Even new books have not been spared by these destructive insects; nearly the whole of the edition of the Taj al Loghat has been destroyed, and most of the remaining copies of the Half Qulzum have had the same fate." Dr. Sprenger. Handjeri, Le Prince A., Dietionnaire Fra^ais-Arabe-Persan et Turc. 3 vols. 4to. pp. iv. and 992, 659, and 806. Fine copy in half morocco. Moscow, 1840-41. (Published at 300 fr. sewed.) 7 10s. Johnson, F., Dictionary Persian, Arabic, and English. 4to. London, 1852. 4. 118 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. PERSIAN: DICTIONARIES continued: Meninski, F. a. M., Lexicon Arabico-Persico-Turcicum, adjecta ad singulas voces et phrases significatione latina, ad usitatiores etiam italica. 4 vols. fol., pp. clxiv., and 660,3 plates;' pp. 822, 1086, and 1207, (pp. 1161-1169 are replaced in MS.), half calf. Vienna, 1780. 4 4s. Palmer, E. H., Concise Dictionary of the Persian Language. Persian- English. Square 16mo. cloth, pp. viii. and 364. London, 1876. 10s. Qd. An English-Persian Dictionary. [In preparation. Ramdhun Sen, Dictionary in Persian and English. 8vo. Calcutta, 1829. 1 Os. 6d. Richardson, J., Dictionary, English, Persian and Arabic, and Persian, Arabic and English. A new edition with numerous additions and improvements by CHARLES WILKINS. 2 vols. 4to. calf. Latest and best Edition. The only available English- Persian Dictionary. London, 1806-1810. 3 10s. The same (binding slightly damaged). 3. Vocabulary Persian, Arabic, and English ; abridged from the Quarto edition of Richardson's Dictionary, by D. HOPKINS. 8vo. half bound. London, 1810. 1 Is. Schlimmer, Terminologie 'medico-pharmaceutique Fran^aise Persane. Teherane, 1874. Shams ul Logat, Dictionary of the Arabic and Persian Languages, the explanation being in Persian. Two volumes in one, folio, pp. 269 and 242, bound in full sheep, silver tooling, Oriental style. Bombay, A.H. 1277 (1860). 3 3s. Tucker, W. T., Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian. 8vo. cloth, pp. vi. and 145. London, 1850. Out of print. 15s. Vullers, J. A., Lexicon Persico-Latinum Etymologicum, cum linguis maxime cognatis Sanscrita et Zendica et Pehlevica, comparatum. 2 vols. 4to. pp. x. and 965, and 1566. Bonn, 1855-64. 4 4s. Supplementum Lexici Persico-Latini, continens Verborum Lingua3 Persies Radices. 4to. pp. vi. and 136. Bonn, 1867. 7s. Zenker, Dr. J. T., Dictionnaire Turc-Arabe-Persan-Fran9ais-Allemand. 2 vols. folio. Leipzig, 1866-1876. 5. GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS, CHRESTOMATHIES. Ballantyne, J. R, Principles of Persian Caligraphy, illustrated by Litho- graphic Plates of the TA"LIK characters, the one usually employed in writing the Persian and Hindustani. Second edition. Prepared for the use of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy. 4to. cloth, pp. 14, 6 plates. London, 1839. 2s. 6^. Beresine, Grammar of the Persian Language. (In Kussian.) 8vo. half calf. Kasan, 1853. Scarce. 18s. Recherches sur les Dialectes Persans. 3 parts. Large 8vo. Casan, 1853. 1 5s. I. is grammatical. II. Textes Guileks, Mazanderans, Guebris, Kurde-Oriental. (With dialogues.) III. Vocabulaire Francais-Persan, Guilek, Mazanderan, Guebre, Kurde Oriental et Kurde Occidental. Bleeck, A. H., Concise Grammar of the Persian Language, containing dialogues, reading lessons, and a vocabulary. 12mo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 206. London, 1857. 7s. 6d. Boldirew, Persian Chrestomathy. 3 vols. Large 8vo. Petersburg, 1833. (Vol. 3 : Persian-Russian Dictionary.) 15s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 119 PERSIAN : GRAMMARS, ETC., continued : Chodzko, A. B., Grammaire Persane, ou principes de 1'iranien moderne, accompagnes de facsimile pour servir de modeles d'ecriture et de style pour la correspondance diplomatique et familiere. 8vo. Scarce. Paris, 1852. 15*. Clarke, H. W., The Persian Manual. A Pocket Companion. Part I. Grammar. Part II. Vocabulary. 12mo. pp. 439. London, 1878. Is. 6d. Dieu, Ludovico de, Rudimenta linguae Persicae, ad usum seminarii Patavini. Small 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1639. 2s. 6d. Doctor, S. B., New Grammar of the Persian Tongue. Part I. Accidence. Second Edition. Small 8vo. pp. iv. and 96. Surat, 1880. 5s. Persian Primer, being an Elementary Treatise on Grammar with exercises. Small 8vo. pp. vi. and 95, cloth. Surat, 1879. 5s. Second Book of Persian, to which are added the Pandnamah of Shaikh Saadi, and the Guliatan. Chapter I. (With Vocabulary and Notes.) Second Edition. 8vo. pp. iv. and 120, boards. Surat, 1880. 6*. Fleischer, H. L., Grammatik der Lebenden Persischen Sprache nach Mirza Mohammed Ibrahim's. 8vo. sewed. Second edition. Leipzig, 1875. Ss. Forbes, D., Grammar of the Persian Language, to which is added a selection of easy extracts for reading, together with a Vocabulary and Transla- tions. Royal 8vo. London, 1876. 12s. 6d. Geitlin, Gabr., Principia Grammatices Neo-Persicae cum metrorum doctrina et dialogis persicis. 8vo. sewed, pp. 352. Helsingforsiae, 1845. 5s. Gladwin, F., The Persian Moonshee. Part I. containing Persian Grammar. Part II. Pleasant Stories in Persian and English. Part III. Phrases and Dialogues in Persian and English. 4to. half calf, pp. 104, 148, and 164. Calcutta, 1801. 10s. The Persian Moonshee. 2 vols. 4to. half-bound. Vol. I. Second Edition. Vol. II. Third Edition. Calcutta, 1799 and 1800. 12s. Griinert, Max. Neu-Persische Chrestomathie. 2 parts in 4to. pp. xii. and 116 and 264. Prag, 1881. 16s. Guyard, S., Manuel de la langue Persane vulgaire Vocabulaire fra^ais, anglais et persan avec la prononciation figuree en lettres latines precede d'un abrege de grammaire et suivi de dialogues avec le mot a mot. Small 8vo. pp. xxxii. and 256, cloth. Paris, 1880. 5s. Ibraheem, Meerza Moh., Grammar of the Persian Language, with Dialogues. 8vo. pp. 268. London, 1841. 12s. 6d. Inshai Abu'lfadl, Persian work on the Art of Letterwriting, giving examples of them, in three books ; the margin being covered with glosses. Small folio, pp. 360, sewed. Lucknow, A.H. 1280 (1863). 15s. Jones, Will., Grammar of the Persian Language. Third Edition, with an Index. 4to. leather. London, 1783. 4s. 6d. Persian Grammar. Ninth (last) Edition, by Lee. 4to. London, 1838. 10s. len, M., Grammar of the Persian Language, comprising a portion of the elements of Arabic inflection, together with some observations on the structure of either language, considered with reference to the principles of general grammar. 2 vols. folio, half bound. Calcutta, 1810. 2. In 1 vol. folio, cloth. Calcutta, 1805. 155. Miiller, Fr.,' Beitrage zur Lautlehre der neupersischen Sprachen. 8vo. Wien, 1862-63. Is. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der neupersischen Dialecte. 8vo. i. to iii. Wien, 1864-65. 2s, 120 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. PERSIAN: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Nicolas, J. B., Dialogues Persans-Fran9ais accompagne"s de notes sur les principales regies de la grammaire Persane et sur certaines locutions et idiotismes propres a cette langue a 1' usage des Dragmans, des Negotiants et des Yoyageurs. 2e edition. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1869. 15s. Palmer, E. H., Hindustani, Persian and Arabic Grammar simplified. [In preparation. Price, W., Persian Dialogues. 4to. boards. Worcester, 1822. 3s. Smith, E., Vocabulary, Hebrew, Arabic and Persian, by the late. Miss E. SMITH, to which is prefixed a Praxis on the Arabic Alphabet by the Rev. T. F. USKO. 8vo. London, 1814. 2s. 6d. Vocabulary, English and Persian. 4to. sewed, pp. 172 and 9. Calcutta, 1800. 7s. 6d. Vullers, J. A., Grammatica Linguae Persicse, cum dialectis antiquioribus persicis et lingua Sanscrita comparata3. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 295. Gissa3, 1870. 8s. Wahrmund, Ad., Praktisches Handbuch der neu-persischen Sprache. 8vo. Giessen, 1875. 18s. Schliissel zum Praktischen Handbuch der neu-persischen Sprache. 8yo. Giessen, 1875. 6s. OLD PERSIAN (CUNEIFORM). Spiegel, Fr., Die Altpersischen Keilinschriften. Im Grundtexte mit Uebersetzung, Grammatik und Glossar. Royal 8vo. pp. vii. and 223. Leipzig, 1862. 9s. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS (LANGUAGES OF THE). Bicol. Arte de la Lengua Bicol para la Ensenanza de este Idioma en la Provincia de Camarines. Dispuesto y ordinado par Nuestro Hermano Fr. Andres de St. Augustin, Predicates, Guardian del Convento de San Phelipe, y Santiago del Pueblo de Minalabag, y Coinissario Provincial, que fue de dicha Provincia. Segunda ves reimpreso con las licencias necessarias en el convento de Nuestra Sefiora de Loreto del Pueblo de Sampaloc por el Hermano Pedro Arguelles de la Concepcion. 16mo. vellum, pp. vi. and 168. Manila, afio de 1795. Bisaya. Metodo del Dr. Ollendorff por apprender a leer, hablar y escribir un idioma cualquiera adaptado al Bisaya. Per El M. R. P. Lector Fr. Ramon Zucco de San Joaquin. 8vo. pp. 314 and 120. Manila, Imprenta de Ramirez y Girandier, 1871. Arte de la Lengua Bisaya, Hiliguayna de la Isla de Panay. Compuesto por Fr. Alonso de Mentrida, de la Orden de San Augustin, con licencia de los superiores. Impreso en Manila en la imprenta de Don Manuel Memije, por Don Anastacio Gonzaga. 4to. pp. iv. and 248, vellum. Manila, 1878. Diccionnario de la Lengua Bisaya, Hiligueina y Haraya de la Isla de Panay. Compuesto por N. R. P. Fr. Alonso de Mentrida Provincial que fue de esta Provincia del 8mo. Nombre de Jesus de Filipinas. Por la Historia de la Conquesta de estas Islas, compuesta por el M. R. P. Fr. Gaspar de S. Augustin, hi jo de esta Provincia consta la opinion de Santidad, en que vivio y murio el Autor, el fervoroso y encendido zelo, con que administro muchos afios a los naturales de estas Islas. Con superior permiso. Folio, pp. 828, velhim. En la imprenta de D. Manuel y de D. Felis Dajot. Manila, 1841. 4 4s. Diccionario Bisaya-Espafiol y Espanol-Bisaya. Formado por el P. Fr. Juan Felis de la Encarnacion, Provincial de Augustinos Descalzos, de la Provincia de S. Nicolas de Tolentino de Filipinas. Two vols. in one. Folio, original vellum binding, pp. xii. and 634, in 574. Manila, 1851-52. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 121 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS continued: Ibanag. Arte nuevo de la lengua Ibanag, compuesto por el R. P. Fr. Jose' Maria Fausto de Cueras. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 366, '24 and 25. Manila, Iraprenta de los Amigos del Pais, a Cargo de M. Sanchez, 1854. Ilocana. Gramatica Hispano-Ilocana. Compuesto por el R. P. Fr. Jose* Naves, Augustino Calzado. 8vo. pp. 472. Manila, Imprenta de los Amigos del Pais, calle Arzobispo No. 19, 1876. Compendio y Methodo de la Suma de las Reglas del Arte del Ydioraa Ylocano est que a los principios del siglo passado, corapuesto por el M. B. P. Fray Francisco Lopez del Sagrado Orden de N. G. P. S. Augustin. Y a los ultimos de este siglo apunto otro Religioso de la misma Orden : el M. R. P. Predicador Fray Fernando Rey, Examinador Synodal de este Opispado y Cura en propriedad del Pueblo de Hatac para alivio, y menos embarazo de los Reli- giosos. que empiezan a prehender el Idioma para ser Ministros. Danlo a luz dos religiosos de aquella Provincia para la utilidad, y facilidad de aprender aquel Idioma sus Hermanos. Con las licencias necessarias en la imprenta de N. S. de Loreto del Pueblo de Sampaloc. Por el Hermano Balthasar Mariano. 16mo. vellum, pp. 494. Manila, 1792. Vocabulario de la lengua Ilocana trabajado por varies Religiosos del Orden de N. P. S. Augustin. Coordinado por el M. R. P. Predicador Fr. Andres Carro, y ultimamente anadido, y puesto en mejor Orden alfabetico por dos Religiosos del mismo Orden. Primera Edicion. Folio, vellum, pp. xii. and 362. Manila, 1849. 3 3s. Pampanga. Arte de la lengua Pampanga compuesto por el R. P. Lector Fr. Diego Bergano, de el Orden de los Hermitafios de N. P. S. Augustin, Examinador synodal de este Arzobispado de Manila, y Prior del Convento de Bacolor ; nuevamente anadido, emmendado, y reducido a methodo mas claro, por el mismo Author, Siendo actual Provincial de esta sua Provincia de el Santissimo nombre de Jesus. Reimpreso con las licencias necessarias, en el Convento del Nuestra Senora de Loreto de el Pueblo de Sampoloc. 4to. vellum, pp. xxxii. and 222. Manila, 1736. Panayana. Cursos de Lengua Panayana. Par el P. F. Raymundo Lozano. 8vo. pp. 231. Manila, Imprenta del Colegio de Santo Tomas, a Cargo de Don P. Memije, 1876. Tagala. Lecciones de Gramatica Hispano-Tagala compuestas por el M. R. P. Fray Jose Maria Campomanes. 8vo. pp. 248. Manila, Establicimiento tipografico del Colegio de St. Tomas, a Cargo de Aviz, 1872. Vocabulario de la lengua Tagala compuesto por Varies Religiosos Doctos y Graves y coordinando por el P. Juan de Noceda y el P. Padre de Samlucar. Folio, pp. 642. Reimpreso a Manila, Imprento de Ramirez y Girandier, 1860. Arte de la lengua Tagala y Manual Tagalog, para la Adrmnis- tracion de los Santos Sacramentos, que de orden de sus Superiores, compuso Fray Sebastian de Totanes, hi jo de la Apostolica y Serafica Provincia de S. Gregorio Magno, de los Religiosos Descalzos de la regular y mas estrechas observancia de Nuestro Serafico Padre S. Francisco de las Has Filipinas, para alivio de los Religiosos de la misma Santa Provincia que de nuevo se dedican a aprender esta idioma y son principiantes en la administracion espiritual de las almas. Con superior permiso, pp. xxii. and 140. Establicimiento tipografico del Colegio de St. Tomas a Cargo de D. Manuel Ramirez. Manila, 1850. Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala primera y secunda parte. En la primera se pone primero el Castellano y despues et Tagalo, y en la segunda al contrario, que son las raices simples con sus acentos. Compuesto por nuestro Hermano Fray Domingo de los Santos, Ex-Definidor de la Santa Provincia de San Gregorio de Religiosos Menores Descalzos de la regular observancia de Nuestro Serafico Padre San Francisco en estas Islas Filipinas. Y dedicado a la misma provincia. Folio, vellum, pp. 740 and 118. Reimpreso en la Imprenta de D. Jose Maria Dayot, por Tomas Oliva, afio de 1835. Manila. -; 122 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS continued: Zebuana. Arte de la lengua Zebuana, sacado del que escribi6 el R. P. F. Francisco Encina Augustino Calzado. 16mo. vellum, pp. 176. Manila, 1836. Arte de lengua Zebuana. 4to. vellum, pp. 632. Manila. PHOENICIAN. Bourgade, F., Toison d'Or de la Langue Phenicienne. Folio, 40 plates. Paris, 1856. (Published at 55fr.) 1 Is. Lenormant, F., Essai sur la Propagation de PAlphabet Phenicien dans 1'Ancien Monde. Developpement d'un Memoire couronne par 1'Institut. Tome I. (2 parts). Et tome II. partie I. Paris, 1872-5. 8vo. 1 17*. 6rf. Levy, M. A., Phonizische Studien. 3 parts. 8vo. pp. 68 ; iv. and 115 ; iv. and 80, with a litho. plate. Breslau, 1856-64. 9s. Phb'nizisches Worterbuch. Imp. 8vo. pp. vi. and 52. Breslau, 1864. 2s. 6d. Schroder, P., Die Phonizische Sprache. Entwurf einer Grammatik. nebst Sprach- u. Schriftprohen. Mit einem Anhange, enthaltend eine Erklarung der punischen Stellen im Pbnulus des Plautus. 8vo. pp. vi. and 342, with 22 plates. Halle, 1869. 14s. PIDGIN-ENGLISH. Leland, Ch. G., Pidgin-English Sing-Song ; or, Songs and Stories in the China-English Dialect. With a Vocabulary. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 140. London, 1876. 5s. PIMA (NEVOME). Buschmann, J. C. E., Die Pima-Sprache und die Sprache der Koloschen. 4to. boards, pp. 112. Berlin, 1857. 4s. 6rf. Grammar of the Pima or Nevome, a Language of Sonora, from a Manu- script of the 18th century, edited by BUCKINGHAM SMITH. Royal 8vo. pp. 98. Doctrina Christiana y Confesionario en Lengua Nevome, 6 sea la Pima. Sewed, pp. 32. In one vol. London and San Augustin de la Florida, 1862. 1 Is. Only 160 copies printed. PLATT-DEUTSCH. (See GERMAN DIALECTS.) POLABIAN. Schleicher, A., Laut- und Formenlehre der Polabischen Sprache. Peters- burg, 1871. 5s. POLISH. (See also KASSUB.) DICTIONARIES. Booch - Arkossy, F., Polnisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Polnisches Worterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. 1 7s. Dictionary, A Complete, Polish and English. Koyal 8vo. pp. 536. Berlin, 1851. 15s. [Out of print. Dictionnaire Polonais-Fran9ais et Fran9ais-Polonais. Nouvelle Edition. 3 parts in 1 vol. Royal 8vo. pp. 853 and 272. Berlin, 1858. 2 2s. [Out of print. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE BILL. 123 POLISH: DICTIONARIES continued: Jordan, Dr. T. P., Taschenworterbuch der Polnischen u. Deutschen Sprache. 2 parts, in one vol. 8vo. pp. x. and 711, cloth. Leipzig, 1866. 4s. 6d. Linde, S. B., Slownik Jezyka Polskiego (i.e. Dictionary of the Polish Language). 6 vols. 4to. L wow, 1854-61. 4 4s. Lukassewski, EL, and A. Mosbach, Polnisch-Deutsches und Deutsch- Polnisches Taschenworterbuch. 2 vols. in 1. Small 8vo. pp. viii. 1190 and 908. Berlin, 1881. 4s. 6d. Schmidt, J. A. E., Nouveau Dictionnaire Portatif, Frai^ais-Polonais et Polonais-Franc.ais. Edition stereot. 16rao. pp. vi. and 719. Leipzig, 1870. 3s. 6d. GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS. Fischer, E,., and K. Foster, Leitfaden der Deutschen und Polnischen Conversations- Sprache. (Gesprache.) 16mo. pp. vi. and 236, boards. Berlin, 1868_. 2s. Joel, M., Anleitung zur Erlernung der Polnischen Sprache (Ollendor/'s Method). Second Edition. 8vo. pp. xxi. and 560, boards. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1869. 4s. 6d. Schliissel zu den Aufgaben(key to it). Second Edition, pp.96. Is. 6rf. Kasprowicz, F., et Cornet, J., Manuel de la conversation polonaise et fran9aise. 18mo. pp. 425. Leipzig, 1866. 2s. 6d. Mrongovius, C. C., Ausfiihrl. Grammatik der Polnischen Sprache, nebst einem besonderen Anhange mit Uebungstucken zum Uebersetzen. 12mo. pp. viii. 234 and 142. Danzig, 1837. 4s. 6d. Orda, N., Grammaire analytique et pratique de la langue Polonaise. 8vo. pp. 439. Varsovie, 1874. 10s. 6d. Poplinski, T., Grammatik der Polnischen Sprache. Neu bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. NEHRING. Ninth Edition. 8vo. sewed, pp. viii. and 227. Thorn, 1881. 2s. 6rf. Rykaczewski, E., Grammaire de la langue polonaise, contenant les regies appuyees sur les exemples tires des meilleurs auteurs polonais. 8vo. pp. 243. Paris, 1861. 5s. POLYNESIAN LANGUAGES. United States Exploring Expedition, during the years 1838-42, under the command of Charles Wilkes. Imp. 4to. pp, 666, with 3 Maps. Scarce. Philadelphia, 1846. 8. Vol VII. ETHNOGRAPHY AND PHILOLOGY by HORATIO HALE. The Philological Portion contains : Polynesian Grammar. A Comparative Grammar of the Polynesian Dialects (pp. 229-289). Essay at a Lexicon on the Polynesian language (pp. 291-339). An English and Polynesian Vocabulary (pp. 341-356). Dialect of Fakaafo and Vaitupu (pp. 357-364). A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Vitian Language (pp. 365-424). A Vocabulary of the Dialect of Tobi, or Lord North Island (pp. 425-429). Vocabulary of the Dialect of Mille, one of the Radack Islands (pp. 431-434). Outlines of a Grammar and Vocabulary of the Tarawan language (pp. 435-468). Notes on the language of Rotuma (pp. 469-478). The language of Australia (pp. 479-531). The languages of North- Western America (pp. 533-650, avec un vocabulaire comparatif de 17 dialectes de 1' Amerique et aussi un vocabulaire du j argon parle dans 1' Oregon) . Patagonia (pp. 651-656) . Southern Africa (pp. 657-666, avecjun vocabulaire de 15 dialectes al'ricains). 124 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. PONAPE. Gulick, L. H., Vocabulary (and Grammatical Sketch) of the Ponape Dialect (Ponape-English and English-Ponape) . pp. 1 to 109 of Journal A.O. Soc. Vol. X. No. I. New Haven, 1872. 10s. 6rf. PONGWE (PONGO, MPONGWE). Delorme, A., Dictionnaire Frar^ais-Pongue'. 12mo. Paris, 1877. 85. 60?. Dictionnaire Pongoue'-Fransais, par Le R. P. GACHON, precede des principes de la langue Pongouee. 8vo. pp. xxxviii. and 278. Paris, 1881. 8s. Sd. Dictionnaire Fransais-Pongoue'. Par les Missionnaires, etc. 12mo. pp. xii. and 354. Paris, 1877. 8s. 6d. Grammar of the Mpongwe Language, with Vocabularies. By the Mis- sionaries of the A.B.O.F.M. Gaboon Mission, Western Africa. 8vo. pp. 94. Scarce. New York, 1847. 1 Is. Le Berre, Rev. Pere, Grammaire de la langue Pongue"e. 12mo. Paris, 1873. 6s. 6d. PORTUGUESE. DICTIONARIES. Bluteau, R., Vocabulario Portuguez e Latino. 8 vols. 1712-21. Sup- plemente. 2 vols. Lisboa, 1727-28. Together 10 vols. Folio, bound. Coirabra and Lisboa, 1712-28. 5. Bosche, E. Th., Handworterbuch der Portugiesischen und Deutschen Sprache. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1653. Hamburg. l Is. Constancio, F. S., Nouveau Dictionnaire des Langues Fran9aises et Portu- gaises. 2 vols. 16mo. bound, pp. Ixiv. and 1099. Paris, 1870. 13s. Qd. Nuevo Diccionario critico e etymologico da lingua Portugueza. Tenth Edition. 4to. cloth. Paris, 1873. 1 10s. Faria, Ed. de, Novo Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza, o mais exacto e mais complete de todos os Diccionarios ate hoje publicados. Secunda edi9ao. 4 vols. 8vo. Lisboa, 1856. 6 6s. Fonseca, A. E. "Wollheim da, Diccionario Portatil das Linguas Portugueza e Aleman. Tercera Edi9ao. Two vols. in one. 12mo. half bound, pp. 436 and 366. Leipzig, 1877. 10s. Fonseca, J. da, Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza, augmentado por J. I. ROQUETTE. 12mo. bound. Paris, 1869. 10s. Dictionnaire Franc.ais-Portugais et Portugais-Fran9ais. 2 vols. 12mo. calf, pp. xvi. and 1257, bound. Paris, 1868. 10s. 6d. Novo Diccionario Francez-Portuguez. 8vo. pp. xvi. 956 and 96. Paris, 1877. 8s. 6rf. et J. J. Roquette, Nouveau Dictionnaire Portugais-Fra^ais et Fran9ais-Portugais. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Paris, 1869. 1 Is. Lacerda, Jose de, New Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages, containing all the words in common use and those in general use in the Arts, Manufactures, Sciences, Naval and Military Language, etc. 2 vols. 4to. Lisboa, 1866-71. 4 4s. Roquette et Fonseca, Nouveau Dictionnaire Portugais-Fran9ais. 2 vols. 8vo. calf, pp. xxvii. and 2289. Paris, 1866. 1 5s. Valdez, J. Fred., Portuguese-English and English- Portuguese Pronouncing Dictionary. Second Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Rio de Janeiro, 1879. 15s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 125 PORTUGUESE : DICTIONARIES continued : Vieyra, Frei Domingos, Grande Diccionario Portuguez, ou Thesouro da lingua Portugueza. 5 vols. 4to. Porto, 1873-1875. 6 6s. New Pocket Dictionary, abridged from Vieyra's Dictionary by J. P. Ailland. 2 vols. 12mo. calf, pp. viii. and 760, vi. and 924. Paris, 1878. 10*. Wagener, T. D., Novo Diccionario Portuguez- Alemao e Alemao- Portuguez. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. pp. 960, 136, 784 and 704. Leipsic, 1811-12. 1. Wollheim, see FONSECA. GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS. Anderson, W., and Tugman, J. E., Mercantile Correspondence. Con- taining a Collection of Commercial Letters in Portuguese and English, with their Translation on opposite pages, for the Use of Business Men and of Students in either of the Languages, treating in Modern Style of the System of Business in the principal Commercial Cities of the World. Accompanied by pro forma Accounts, Sales, Invoices, Bills of Lading, Drafts, etc. With an. Introduction and Copious Notes. 12mo. cloth, pp. xi. and 193. London 1867. 6*. Constancio, F. S., Grammatica analytica da lingua portugueza. 12mo. Paris, 1855. 3s. Nouvelle Grammaire Portugaise. 12mo. Paris, 1862. 3s. Novo mestre inglez, ou Grammatica da lingua ingleza. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 6s. Fonseca, J. da, Prosas selectas (Select Specimens from Portuguese Writers). 12mo. Paris, 1837. 4s. 6d. Notley, E. A., Comparative Grammar of the French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Languages. With a Copious Vocabulary. Oblong 12mo. cloth, pp. xv. and 396. London, 1868. 7s. 6d. Ollendorff, Anleitung zur Erlernung der Portugiesischen Sprache, von P. AXSTETT. Second Edition. 8vo. boards, pp. x. and 646. Frankf urt-a. -M. , 1875. 5s. Key to the above. Is. 6d. D'Orsey, A. J. D., Practical Grammar of Portuguese and English in the form of Progressive Exercises. Third Edition. 12mo. cloth. London, 1868. 7s. Colloquial Portuguese, or words and phrases of everyday life, English and Portuguese. Third Edition. 12mo. cloth. London, 1868. 3s. 6^. Pinheiro de Lousa, F., Grammatik der Portugiesischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. 223. Leipzig, 1851. 5*. 6d. Reinhardstoettner, C. von, Grammatik der Portugiesischen Sprache auf Guudlage der Lateinischen und der Romanischen Sprachvergleichung. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 416. Strassburg, 1878. 10s. POUL. See FULAH. PRAKRIT. Cowell, E. B., Short Introduction to the ordinary Prakrit of the Sanskrit Dramas. With a List of Common Irregular Prakrit Words. Crown 8vo. limp cloth, pp. 40. London, 1875. 3s. 6d. ; Prakrita-Prakasa ; or, the Prakrit Grammar of Vararuchi, with the Commentary (Manorama) of Bhamaha. The first complete edition of the Original Text, with Various Readings from a collation of six Manuscripts in 126 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. PRAKRIT continued: the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and the Libraries of the Royal Asiatic Society and the East India House ; with copious Notes, an English Translation, and Index of Prakrit words, to which is prefixed an easy Introduction to Prakrit Grammar. Second issue, with new Preface, and corrections. 8ro. pp. xxxii. and 204, cloth. London, 1868. 14s. Delius, N., Radices Priori ticae. (Supplementum ad Lassenii Institution es Linguae Pracriticae.) 8vo. pp. xiv. and 94. Bonnae, 1839. 4s. 6d. Hemacandra's Grammatik der Prakritsprachen (Siddhahemacandram Adhyaya VIII.) Herausgegeben, iibersetzt und erlautert von R. PISCHEL. Theil I. Text. Wortverzeichniss. 8vo. pp. xiv. and 235. Halle, 1877. 9*. Theil II. Uebersetzung und Erlauterung. pp.248. Halle, 1880. 8s. Hoefer, Albert!, De Prakrita Dialecto. Libri duo. 8vo. pp. xii. and 2 1 2. Berolini, 1836. 3s. 6d. Lassen, C., Institutions Linguss Pracriticse, cum Appendice. 8vo. pp. x. 488 and 93, sewed. Bonn, 1837. 16s. Miiller, E., Beitrage zur Grammatik des Jainaprakrit. 8vo. pp. viii. and 80. Berlin, 1876. 2s. PROVENgAL. (See also ROMANIC LANGUAGES, OLD FRENCH, and FRENCH DIALECTS.) Avril, J. T., Dictionnaire Proven 9al-Francais, suivi d'un Vocabulaire fran9ais-proven9al. 8vo. pp. x., 478 and 153. Apt. 1840. 5s. Bartsch, K., Chrestomathie Proven^ale, accompagne'e d'une Grammaire et d'un Glossaire. Fourth Edition. 8vo. pp. 600. Elberfeld, 1880. 8s. Demattio, F., Grammatica della lingua provenzale. Innsbruck, 1880. 3s. 6d. Grammaires Proven^ales de Hugues Faidit et de Raymond Vidal de Besaudun. (xiii. siecle.) Deuxieme Edition, revue, corrigee, et consider- ablement augmentee, par F. GUESSAKD. 8vo. pp. Ixvi. and 86, sewed. Paris, 1858. 6s. Raynouard, Choix de poesies originales des Troubadours. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-21. 10. Contents. Vol. I. Grammaire Romane. II. Sur les Troubadours; les Coura d'Amour ; Monuments de la langue Romane, avant ces poe'tes. III. Pieces Amoureuses, 109C-1260. IV. Tensons, Complaintes, sur les Croisades, Sirventes. V. Biograpliie des Troubadours. VI. Grammaire comparee des langues de 1'Europe Latine, dans leurs rapports avec la langue des Troubadours. Lexique Roman, ou dictionnaire de la langue des Troubadours, comparee avec les autres langues de 1'Europe Latine. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838-44. (Published at 5 5s.) 4 4s. PRUSSIAN (OLD). (See LITHUANIA) PUNJABI. (See also LADAKH, MULTANI, and JATAKI.) Beames, J., Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India, (to wit) : Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Uriya, and Bengali. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1872-79. 16s. each. Carey, W., Grammar of 'the Punjabee Language. 8vo. pp. iv. and 99. Serampore, 1812. Extremely scarce. 1 Is. Dictionary of the Punjabi Language, prepared by a Committee of the Lodiana Mission. 4to. pp. vi. and 433. Lodiana, 1854. 3 '3s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 127 PUNJABI continued: Grammar of the Punjabi Language ; with Appendices. 8vo. pp. viii. and and 112. Lodiana, 1851. 6s. The same. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 112. Lodiana, 1866. 7s. 6d. Sentences (Idiomatic) in English and Punjabi. 16mo. pp. 260. Lodiana, 1846. 7s. fat. Starkey, Capt., and Bussawa Sing, Dictionary, English-Punjabee, outlines of grammar, also dialogues. English and Puujabee, with grammar and explanatory notes. (Romanized characters.) Calf. Scarce. Calcutta, 1849. 18*. PUSHTO (PUSHTOO, PUKTHU, PASTO, AFGHAN). Belle w, H. W., Dictionary of the Pukkhto or Pukshto Language, on a New and Improved System. With a reversed Part, or English and Pukkhto. Super royal 8vo. pp. xii. and 356, cloth. London, 1847. 2 2s. Grammar of the Pukkhto or Pukshto Language, on a New and Improved System. Combining brevity with utility, and illustrated by Exercises and Dialogues. Super royal 8vo. pp. xii. and 156, cloth. London, 1867. 1 Is. Dorn, B., Chrestomathy of the Poshtu or Afghan Language, to which is subjoined a glossary in Afghan and English. 4to. pp. xvi. and 620. St. Petersburgh, 1847. 15s. Ueber das Pushtu oder die Sprache der Afghanen. (Grammar with Extracts.) 4to. St. Petersburg, 1840. 6s. Plowden, T. C., Translation of the Kalid-i- Afghani, the Text Book for the Pakkhto Examination, with Notes, Historical, Geographical, Grammatical, and Explanatory. Small 4to. cloth, pp. xx. and 395 and ix. With Map. Lahore, 1875. 2 10s. Baverty, Capt. H. G., Dictionary of the Pukhto, Pushto, or Language of the Afghans ; with Remarks on the Originality of the Language, and its Affinity to the Semitic and other Oriental tongues. 4to. pp. xxiv. and 1115, cloth. London, 1860. (Pub. at 3 10s.) 2 10s. Grammar of the Pukhto, Pushto, or Language of the Afghans ; in which the Rules are illustrated by examples from the best writers, both Poetical and Prose ; together with Translations from the Articles of War, &c. and Remarks on the Language, Literature, and Descent of the Afghan Tribes. Second Edition. 4to. pp. xvi. 36 and 204, cloth. London, 1860. 17s. 6d. Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans. 8vo. pp. xxxii. and 348, cloth. London, 1862. (Pub. at 16s.) 10*. The Gulshan-i-Roh : being Selections, Prose and Poetical, in the Pushto or Afghan Language. 4to. pp. 13, 12, 23, 14, 12, 14, 12, 30, 42, 30, 36, 18, 12, 36, 25, 53, cloth. London, 1860. (Pub. at 1 15s). 1 Is. The Pushto Manual. Comprising a Concise Grammar ; Exercises and Dialogues ; Familiar Phrases, Proverbs, and Vocabulary. London. 5s. Trumpp, E., Grammar of the Pasto, or Language of the Afghans, com- pared with the Iranian and North-Indian Idioms. 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi. and 412. London, 1873. 1 Is. Vaughan, J. L., Vocabulary, English-Pushtu. 8vo. pp. 147. Calcutta, 1855. 10s. 128 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. QTJICHUA (KECHUA). Brasseur de Bourbourg, Gramatica de la Lengua Quiche". Grammaire de la Langue Quichee Espagnole-FranQaise, mise en paralelle avec ses deux Dialectes Cakchiquel et Trutuhil. Avec un Yocabulaire, comprenant les sources principales de Quiche, comparees aux langues germaniques, et suivi d'un Essai sur la Poesie, etc., chez les Mexicains et les Guatimaltegues avant la Conquete; servant d' introduction au Rabinal-Achi, Drama indigene avec sa Musique originale, Texte Quiche et Traduction Franchise en regard. 8vo. sewed, pp. xviii. 246 and 122. Paris, 1862. 1 Is. Ellis, R., Peruvia Scythica. The Quichtia Language of Peru : its derivation from Central Asia, with the American languages in general, and with the Turanian and Iberian languages of the Old World, including the Basque, the Lycian, and the Pre- Aryan language of Etruria. 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. and 219. London, 1875. 6*. Markham, A. R., Quichua Grammar and Dictionary. Contributions towards a Grammar and Dictionary of Quichua, the Language of the Incas of Peru. 8vo. cloth, pp. 150. London, 1864. Out of print and scarce. 2 2s. Nodal, J. F., Elementos de Gramatica Quichua 6 Idioma de los Yncas. Bajo los Auspicios de la Redentora, Sociedad de Filantropos para mejorar la suerte de los Aborijenes Peruanos. Por el Dr. JOSE FERNANDEZ NODAL, Abogado de los Tribunales de Justicia de la Republica del Peru. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 441. Appendix, pp. 9. Cuzco, w.d. 1 1*. Tsclmdi, J. J. von, Die Kechua Sprache. 3 parts in 2 vols. I. Sprach- lehre ; II. Sprachproben ; III. Worterbuch. 8vo. sewed, pp. iv. and 270 ; vi. and 112 ; viii. and 510. Wien, 1853. 1 Is. RABBINIC. (See CHALDEE.) RANGPUR (BENGALI DIALECT). Grierson, G. A., Notes on the Rangpur Dialect. 8vo. pp. 44. Calcutta, 1877. (Reprint.) 2s. 6d. RHAETO-ROMANIC (ROMANA, ROMANESE, RUMANSCH, CHURWALSCH). Andeer, P. J., Rhato-Romanische Elemeritargrammatik (besonders des Ladinischen Dialects). 8vo. pp. 112. Zurich, 1880. 3s. Bridel, D., Glossaire du Patois de la Suisse Romande. 8vo. pp. xiii. and 547, half bound. Lausanne, 1866. 12s. Qd. Carisch, O., Taschenworterbuch. der Rhato-Romanischen Sprache in Graubiinden,' besonders der Oberlander und Engadiner Dialecte. 16mo. pp. 303. Chur, 1852. 9s. Gramm. Formlehre der Rhato-Romanischen Sprache in Grau- biinden, etc. 8vo. pp. 218. Chur, 1852. 6s. Conradi, M., Dictionar da Tasoa dilg Linguaig Tudesc-Romansch et Rom.- Tudesc. Taschenworterbuch der deutsch-romanischen u. romanisch-deutschen Sprache. 2 parts, 12mo. Zurich, 1823-1828. 12s. Deutsch-Romanische Gramrnatik. 8vo. Zurich, 1820. 6s. ROMAIC. (See GREEK.) TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 129 ROMANCE LANGUAGES. (See also PROVE^AL, OLD FRENCH and FRENCH DIALECTS.) Diefenbach, L., Ueber die jetzigen romanischen Schriftsprachen, die spanische, portugiesische, rhato-romanische, franzosische, italianische und dako-romanische. 4to. pp. 122, cloth. Leipzig, 1831. 4*. Diez, F., Grammatik der Romanischen Sprache. 3 vols. 8vo. sewed. Bonn, 1856. 15*. Grammatik der Romanischen Sprachen. Fourth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1876-77. 1 4s. Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen. 8vo. half bound. Bonn, 1853. Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen. 2 vols. 8vo. sewed. Bonn, 1861. 8s. Fourth Edition. Mit Anhang von A. SCHELER. Large 8vo. pp. xxvi. and 820. Bonn, 1878. 18*. Jarnik, J. TL, Index zu Diez's Worterbuch. 8vo. pp. viii. and 238. Berlin, 1878. 3*. Donkin, J. 0., An Etymological Dictionary of the Romance Languages ; chiefly from the German of F. DIEZ. 8vo. pp. 482, cloth. London, 1864. 15s. Fuchs, A., Ueber die sogenannten unregelmassigen Zeitworter in den romanischen Sprachen. 8vo. pp. xxxvi. and 375. Berlin, 1810. 5s. Lewis, Sir G. C., An Essay on the Origin and Formation of the Romance Languages. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. xii. and 290, cloth. London, 1862. 7s. 6d. Raynouard, Fr. T. M., Grammaire comparee des Langues de 1' Europe Latine dans leurs rapports avec la langue des Troubadours. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 18s. Raynouard, M., Lexique Roman ou Dictiormaire de la Langue des Trou- badours, comparee avec les autres langues de 1'Europe latine. 6 vols. imp. 8vo. pp. Ixxxviii. and 582; xcii., 536, 611, 675, 611 and 555 uncut. Paris, 1844. 4 4s. Roquefort, Glossaire de la langue Romane. 2 vols. 8vo. and Supplement au Glossaire avec deux dissertations sur 1'origine des fra^ais (together 3 vols.) Paris, 1808-20. 2 15s. ROMANESE. (See RHAETO-ROMANIC.) RONG. Main waring, G. B., Grammar of the Rong (Lepcha) Language as it exists in the Darjeeling and Sikim Hills. 4to. pp. 28 and 146, cloth. Calcutta, 1876. 15s. ROUMAN (DACO-RorjMAN, WALLACHIAN). DICTIONARIES. Baritiu, G., Dictionariu Ungurescu-Romanescu Magyar-Roman szo"ta"r. (Hung -Ruman. Dictionary.) 8vo. pp. 649. Brasiovu, 1869. 18s. Baritz u. Munteanu, Dictionariu Germane- Romanu. Deutsch-roman- isches und romanisch-deutsches Worterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. viii. and 880. Kronstadt, 1853. 1 Is. 9 130 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GEAMMAES. ROUMAN: DICTIONARIES continued: Cihac, A. de, Dictionnaire d'Etymologie Daco-Romane. Elements latins comparees avec les autres langues roraanes. 8vo. pp. xii. and 331. Frank- furt-a.-M., 1870. 7s. Dictionnaire d'Etymologie Daco-Romane. Elements Slaves, Magyars, Turcs, Grecs-Moderne et Albanais. 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 816. Francfort, 1879. 1. Clemens, A., Wallachisch-Deutsches und Deiitsch-Wallachisch Worter- buch. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 440. Hermannstadt, 1837. Out of print. 15s. Laurianus, A. T., and J. C. Massinm. Dictionariulu limbei Romane. 2 vols. (37 fasc.) Glossariu care coprinde vorbele d'in limb'a Eomana straine prin originea san form'a loru. 7 fasc. 4to. Bucuresci, 1871-76. 4 10s. Published by the Rumanian Academy. Pisone, D., Dictionaru Romanescu, Latin., German., si Francescu. 8vo. pp. 412. Bucuresci, 1865. 10s. 6d. Pontbriant, R, de, Dictionaru Romano-Francescu. 8vo. pp. 412. Bucu- resci, 1862. 15s. GRAMMARS. Alexi, I., Grammatica Daco-Romana, sive Valachica, latinitate doiiata, aucta ac in hunc ordinum redacta. 8vo. pp. 355. Viennae, 1826. 8s. Barcianu, S. P., Grarnmatik der Rornanischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. 388. Hermannst. 1858. 3s. Cionca, J. S. St., Practische Grammatik der Ruman. Sprache. pp. 128. Bucarest, 1880. 2s. Cipariu, T., Grammateca limbei Romane. Parts I. and II. Bucuresci, 1869-77. Iszer, A., Walachische oder Romanische Sprachlehre. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 256, boards. Kronstadt, 1855. 5s. Mircesco, V., Grammaire de la Langue Roumaine. 12mo. pp. xxvi. and 179. Paris, 1863. 3s. 6d. Pumnul, A., Grammatik der Rumanischen Sprache. Neu bearbeitet von D. Isopescul. 8vo. pp. iv. and 200. Czernowitz, 1882. 2s. 6d. Schoimul's Grammatik der Romanischen (Walachischen) Sprache. 2. AufL, umgearb. v. E. BLAGOEVICH. 24mo. pp. 175. Wien, 186B. 3s. Stanescu, E., und C. Lazar, Praktischer Lehrgang zur schnellen und leichten Erlernung der Romanischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. 185, with Key, pp. 30. Pesth, 1867. 3s. 6d. RUNES. Dieterich, U. W., Runen-Sprach-Schatz. Oder Worterbuch iiber die altesten Sprachdenkmale Skandinaviens, in Beziehung auf Abstammung und Begriffsbildung. 8vo. pp. xv. and 387. Stockholm, 1845. 9s. Grimm, W., Ueber Deutsche Runen. 8vo. With 11 plates. Gottingeri, 1821. 8s. Stephens, George, The Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England, now collected and deciphered. Parts I. and II. (all out) containing pp. Ixx and 1038, with many hundred woodcuts. Folio. Copenhagen, 1866-68. 5 5s. 41 The Old Northern Wood-Row and Scandinavian Runic Word list" occupies pp. 895- 1019 in double columns. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 131 RUSSIAN (With DIALECTS). DICTIONARIES. Alexandrow, A., Complete English-Russian Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. x. and 608 and 718 and 16, half bound. Petersburg, 1879. l 4s. Booch, F., A. Frey, and F. Messer, Hand-Worterbuch der Russischen und Deutschen Sprache. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 716 and viii. and 1148, half bound. Leipzig, 1871. 1 2s. Handworterbuch der Russischen und Deutschen Sprache : Deutsch-Russ. Worterbuch. Second Edition. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. 6s. Dictionary of the Dialects in the Great Russian Provinces. (Publ. by the Academy.) 4to. Petersburgh, 1852. Additions to the same by N. DANILEWSKI. pp. 285 and 328. Scarce. Petersburg, 1858. 2 2s. Dictionary, New Pocket, of the English and Russian Languages. 2 parts in one. Small 8vo. pp. iv. 404 and 396. Leipzig, 1874. 5s. Heym's, S., Russisch-Franzosisch-Deutsches Worterbuch, mit Verbesser- ungen und Zusatzen, herausgeg. von F. SWATNOI. 3 vols. half calf. 1835. 110*. Lenstroem, N., Russisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Russisches Worterbuch. vach den besten Quellen zusammengestellt. Vol. I. Russisch-deutsches Worterbuch. 8vo. pp. xi. and 620, half bound. Mitau, 1871. 6s. 6d. Vol. ii. containing the German-Russian part, has not appeared yet. Makaroff, N. P., Dictionnaire Russe-Franais et Francais-Russe. 2 vols. Large 8vo. half bound. Petersburg, 1874. 1 10s. each. Dictionnaire russe-frangais et frangais-russe. 2 vols. Small 8vo. half bound. Petersburg, 1874. 1 10s. The abridgment of the above. Nosovics, I., Dictionary of the White Russian Dialect. (In Russian.) 4to. pp. 756. Petersburg, 1870. 1 5s. Party chij, E., Deutsch-Ruthenisches Handworterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 814. Lernberg, 1867. 14s. Pawlowsky, T., Vollstandigea Russisch-Deutsches Worterbuch. 2 parts. Royal 8vo. pp. xii. and 1340, half bound. Riga, 1879. 1 10s. Vollstandiges Deutch-Russisches Worterbuch. Second Edition. Royal 8vo. pp. xiv. and 1050. Riga, 1867. 14s. Potocki, F. A, Kurzgefasstes Worterbuch der Riissischen und Deutschen Sprache. 2 vols. in 1. Second Edition. Small 8vo. pp. 460 and 330. Leipzig, 1881. 5s. Reiff, C. P., Dictionnaire Russe-Frangais ou diet. ETYMOLOGIQUE de la langue Russe. Avec table alphabetique. 2 vols. Large 8vo. Scarce. St. Petersburg, 1835-36. 1 10s. New Parallel Dictionaries of the Russian, French, German, and English Languages, for the use of the Russian Youth ; extracted from the Dictionaries of the Russian Academy, the French Academy, Adelung, Hein- sius, Johnson, Webster, and other Lexicographers. 4 vols. 8vo. Karlsruhe and St. Petersburg, 1875-78. Part I. Russian, French, German, English Dictionary, pp. Ixxx. and 832. 1878. 9s. Partie II. Dictionnaire Francais, Russe, Allemand, Anglais, pp. xlviii. and 832. 1878. 9s. Thiel III. Erklarung der Deutschen Worter durch das Russische, Franz osische und Englische. pp. Ixxx. and 816. 1875. 9s. Part IV. English-Russian-French-German, pp. xl. and 848. 1876. 9s. 132 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. RUSSIAN: DICTIONARIES continued: Schmidt, J. A. E., Vollstandiges Bussisch-Deutsches und Deutsch- Russisches Worterbuch. Third Improved Edition. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. pp. viii. and 560 and 484. Leipzig, 1880. 9s. Worterbuch, Deutsch-Russisches und Russisch-Deutsches fiir juristische Ausdriicke aus dem Gebiete des Civil und Handelsrechtes. I. Deutsch- Russischer Theil. Small 4to. sewed, pp. ii. and 350. St. Petersburg, 1878. 4s. GRAMMARS, PHRASE BOOKS. Buslajeff, Th., Historical Grammar of the Russian Language. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 446. (In Russian.) Moskau, 1875. 1 Is. Cornet, J., Manuel de la conversation russe et francaise. Sixieme Edition. 12mo. pp. viii. and 426, cloth. Leipzig, 1871. 3s. 6d. A Manual of Russian and English Conversation. Third Edition. Cloth, pp. viii. and 425. Leipsic, 1875. 3s. 6d. Handbuch der Eussischen und Deutschen Umgangsprache. 12mo. cloth, pp. viii. and 425. Leipzig, 1865. 3s. 6d. Gretsch, N"., and C. P. Reiff, Grammaire raisonnte de la langue Russe, avec une introduction sur 1'histoire de cet idiome. 2 vols. 8vo. Scarce. St. Petersbourg, 1828. 1 5s. Heard, James, Practical Grammar of the Russian Language. With a Key to the Themes contained in the grammar, to which are added a Vocabu- lary, Dialogues and Reading Lessons. 8vo. pp. ix. and 197. St. Petersburg, 1827. 5s. Ollendorff, Anleitung zur Erlernung der Russischen Sprache, von M. JOEL. Fiinfte Auflage. 8vo. boards, pp. viii. and 668. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1875. 6s. Key to the above. 2s. 6d. Grammaire Russe a 1'usage des Francais, per PAUL FUCHS. Seconde Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 543. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1874. 6s. Key to the above. 2s. 6d. Osadca, M., Grammar of the Little Russian Language. Third Edition. 8vo. pp. 238. (In Russian.) Lemberg, 1876. 10s. Reiff, C. Ph., Petit Manuel de la Langue Russe. Oblong 16mo. pp. 132 cloth. Paris, 1881. 2s. Grammaire frangaise -russe, avec des tableaux synoptiques pour les declinaisons et les conjugaisons, des themes ou exercices gradues pour 1' application des differentes regies de la grammaire, le corrige de ces exercices et 1' accentuation de tous les mots russes. Quatrieme edition, soigneusement revue, corrigee et refondue par L. LEGER. 8vo. pp. 200. Paris, 1878. 4s. 6d. English-Russian Grammar. Third Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 191. Paris, 1862. 5s. Little Manual of the Russian Language. 8vo. pp. 73. Paris, 1869. 2s. Riola H., How to learn Russian. Manual for Students of Russian, based upon the Ollendorffian System of Teaching Languages, and adapted for Self -Instruction. With a Preface by "W. R. S. RALSTON, M.A. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. x. and 567. London, 1878. 12. KEY to Ditto. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 126. 5s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 133 RUSSIAN: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Riola, H., Graduated Russian Reader, with a Vocabulary of all the Russian Words contained in it. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 314 London 1879. 10s. Gd. Vymazal, Fr., Russische Granimatik zunachst fur den Selbst-Unterricht. Crown 8vo. boards, pp. 190. Briinn, 1880. 3s. 6d. RUTHENIAK (See RUSSIAN.) SABAEAN. Miiller, Dr. H., Sabaeische Grammatik. In preparation. To form about 100 pages in 8vo. SABELLIAtf. Huschke, Ph. E., Die Oskischen und Sabellischen Sprachdenkmaler. Sprachliche und sachliche Erklarung, Grammatik und Glossarium. 8vo. pp. viii. and 421. With 3 plates. Elberfeld, 1856. 10s. Gd. Mommsen, Th., Die Unteritalischen Dialecte. Large 4to. With plates. Leipzig, 1850. 16s. SABUJA. (SeeKiRiRi.) SAMARITAN. Castelli, E., Lexicon Heptaglotton : Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Aethiopicum, Arabicum et Persicum. 2 vols. Royal folio. London, 1669. 4 4s. Kohn, S., Samaritamsche Studien. Beitrage zur Samarit. Pentateuch- Uebersetzung und Lexicographic. 8vo. pp. vi. and 114. Breslau, 1868. 2s. 6rf. Zur Sprache, Literatur und Dogmatik der Samaritaner. 8vo. pp. vii. and 237. Leipzig, 1876. 12s. Mcholls, F. G., Grammar of the Samaritan Language, with Extracts and Vocabulary. 8vo. pp. vi. and 138, cloth. London, 1858. 6s. Petermann, H., Brevis Linguae Samaritanae grammatica, litteratura, chrestomathia cum glossario. 12mo. Berolini, 1873. 4s. Qd. Uhlemann, Institutions Linguae Samaritans ; accedit Chrestomathia Samaritana et Glossarium. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1837. 11*. SAMOAN. Dictionary, Samoan. English and Samoan, and Samoan and English, with a short Grammar of the Samoan Dialect. 8vo. pp. iv. and 223. Samoa, 1862. [Out of print. Pratt, Rev. G., Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Second Edition. Edited by the Rev. S. J. WHITMEE, F.R.G.S. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 380. London, 1878. 18s. Violette, P. L., Dictionnaire Samoa-Fran9ais-Anglais et Fran9ais-Samoa- Anglais, precedee d'une Grammaire de la Langue Samoa. 8vo. pp. xcii. and 468. Paris, 1880. 1. 134 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SAMOJEDIO. Castren, M. A.., Grammatik der Samojedischen Sprache. Herausg. v. A. SCHIEFNER. 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 608. St. Petersburg, 1854. 9s. Worterverzeichnisse aus den Samojedischen Sprachen. Bear- beitet von A. SCHIEFNER. 8vo. pp.xxxiv. and 404. St. Petersburg, 1855. 7s. SANDWICH. (See HAWAIAN.) SANSKRIT. LEXICOGRAPHICAL WORKS. Amarakocha; ou, Vocabulaire d'Amarasinha, public en Sanskrit, avec une Traduction Franchise, des Notes et un Index, par A. LOISELEUR DESLONG- CHAMPS. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 380 ; xvi. and 360 ; with Portrait. Paris, 1839-1845. 1 10s. C(5sha, or Dictionary of the Sanskrit Language. By AMERA SINHA. "With an English Interpretation and Annotations. By H. T. COLE- BROOKE, Esq. 4to. pp. vii. 11, 442, and 219, half-bound. Serampore, 1808. 1 8s. The Glossary of Amarasinha, with the Commentary of Bhanu- dikshita. Lithographed. Oblong folio, 50, '130 and 58 leaves. Benares. (No date.) 2 2s. With a Commentary by Mahesvara called the Amaraviveka. In three parts. Oblong folio, fol. 25, fol. 73, and fol. 54. Benares, 1867. 18s. With the Commentary of Mahesvara enlarged by Raghunath Shastri Talekar. Edited with an Index by CHINTAMANI SHASTRI THATTE, under the superintendence of Dr. F. KIELHORN. 8vo. pp. 376 and 82. Bombay, 1877. 7s. 6d. Bellot, T., Sanskrit Derivations of English Words. 8vo. pp. viii. and 175, sewed. London, 1856. 7s. 6d. Benfey, Th., A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, with references to the best editions of Sanskrit authors, and etymologies and comparisons of cognate words, chiefly in Greek, Latin, Gothic, and Anglo-Saxon. 8vo. pp. xi. and 1145, double columns, cloth. London, 1866. 2 12s. 6d. Boehtlingk, O., und R. Roth, Sanskrit Wdrterbuch, herausg. von der Kaiserlichen Academic der "Wissenschaften. Imp. 4to. 7 stout vols. Peters- burg, 1855-75. 9. Boethlingk, O., Sanskrit- Worterbuch in kiizerer Fassung. 4to. Part I. Die Vokale. pp. vi. and 300. Petersburg, 1879. 12s. Theil II. Lief. I. pp.160. 1880. 5s. Theil II. Lief. II. pp. iv. and 161 to 301. 1881. 4s. Although an abridged edition of the above, it contain* valuable additions to the larger work, and it is therefore indispensable to possessors of the latter. Bopp, Fr., Glossarium Sanscritum. 4to. pp. viii. 88 and 216, half-russia. Berolini, 1830. 10s. The same, sewed. 8s. Glossarium Sanscritum, in quo omnes radices et vocabula usita- tissima explicantur, et. cum vocabulis graBcis, latinis, germanicis, lithuanicis, slavicis, celticis comparantur. 4to. pp. viii. and 412, half bound. Interleaved copy. Berolini, 1847. 1 Is. The same, sewed, in 2 parts. Berlin, 1840-47. 18s. 60?. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 135 SANSKRIT: LEXICOGRAPHICAL WORKS continued: Bopp, Fr., Glossarium Comparativurn LingusB SanscritsB, in quo omnes Sanscritae radices et vocabula usitatissima explicantur, et cum vocabulis grsecis, latinis, germanicis, etc., comparantur. Editio III. 2 parts. 4to. pp 292* Berlin, 1866. 1. Borooah, A., Practical English-Sanskrit Dictionary. Vol. I. A to False- ness, pp. xx. 580 and 10. Vol. II. Falsification to Oyster, pp. 581 to 1060. With a Supplementary Treatise on Higher Sanskrit Grammar or Gender and Syntax, with copious illustrations from standard Sanskrit Authors and References to Latin and Greek Grammars, pp. vi. and 296. Vol. III. pp. 1-58 and 1061 to 1508 and 10. 8vo. cloth. Calcutta, 1877-1881. 1 11s. 6rf. each. Burnouf, E., et L. Leupol, Dictionnaire classique, Sanscrit-Franais. 8vo. pp. viii. and 781. In parts. Paris, 1866. 1. Dhatumanjari, or, an Alphabetical Collection of all Sanskrit Derivatives, with their significations, and examples, etc. Revised and republished, by H. HIRACHAND, & B. T. RAOJI RANJIT. Lithographed, 8vo. pp. vi. and 116, sewed. Bombay, 1865. 6s. Dhaturupadarsa, on Sanskrit Roots, by TARANATHA TARKAVACHASPATI. In Sanskrit. 8vo. pp. 270. Calcutta, 1869. 8s. Goldstiicker, Th., Dictionary, Sanskrit and English, extended arid improved from the Second Edition of the Dictionary of Professor H. H. WILSON, with his sanction and concurrence. Together with a Supplement, Grammatical Appendices, and an Index, serving as a Sanskrit-English Vocabulary. Parts I. to VI., 4to. pp. 400. (All out.) London, 1856-1863. 6s. each. Halayudha's Abhidhanaratnamala, a Sanskrit Vocabulary, edited, with a Sanskrit-English Glossary, by TH. AUFRECHT. 8vo. pp. vii. and 400, cloth. London, 1861. 18s. Haughton, G. C., Dictionary, Bengalee and Sanscrit, explained in English and adapted for students of either language ; to which is added an Index, serving as reversed Dictionary. 4to. London, 1833. (Pub. at 7 7s.) l 10s. Hemachandra Kosha, Sanskrit Dictionary, published under the super- intendence of H. T. Colebrooke, with an alphabetical Index by VIDYAKARA MISRA, and printed by Babu Rama. 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 96, 120, 140, and 6, bound in roan. Calcutta, 1807. 15s. Hemakandra's Abhidhanakmtamani, Ein systematisch-angeordnetes synonymisches Lexicon. Herausgegeben, iibersetzt, und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von OTTO BOEHTLINGK und CHARLES RIEU. 8vo. pp. xii. and 444, sewed. St. Petersburg, 1847. 14s. Jaska's Nirukta. Sammt deii Nighantavas herausgegeben und erlautert von Rud. Roth. 3 parts, 8vo. pp. Ixxii. and 228 and 230. Nearly out of print. Gottingen, 1852. 15s. Medini ; or, a Dictionary of Homonymous Words, by MEDINI CARA. Edited by SOMANATHA MUKHOPADHYAYA. 8vo. boards, pp. 6, 4, 1 leaf, 7 and 247. Calcutta, 1869. 12s. 6d. Radices Sanscritae. Illustratas edidit F. ROSEN. 8vo. pp. xx. and 378, sewed. Berolini, 1827. 6s. Ram Jasan, Sanskrit and English Dictionary, being an abridgment of Professor Wilson's Dictionary, with an Appendix explaining the use of affixes in Sanscrit. Published under the patronage of the Government, N.W.P. Imp. 8vo. pp. ii. 707 and iv. cloth. Benares and London, 1870. (1 8s.) 18*. Vol. I. (a- c) 1 - 976 II. (g- n 977 - 1804 III. IV. P- b) (bh- y) 1805 2855 - 2854 - 3812 V. ( r- v) 3813 - 5074 VI. (sh - sa) 5075 - 6175 VII. (ha - ksh) xvi. 6176 - 7318 (Supplement.) VIII. ( a - ksh) XYI. 1 - 1396 136 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SANSKRIT : LEXICOGRAPHICAL WORKS continued : Sabdakalpadruma, The well-known Sanskrit Dictionary of Kajah Rad- hakanta Deva. In Bengali characters. 8 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1821-1857. 36. Letter. Pages. 1821 1827 1832 1838 1844 1848 1851 1857 Radhakanta Deva's Sanskrit Encyclopaedical Lexicon, to which the late Professor Wilson gave a hearty welcome as early as 1819 in the preface to the first edition of hia Sanskrit Dictionary, from the lew sheets then issued, is very distinctly and accurately printed in the Bengali character, double columns ; and derives not the least part of its superior character to the generality of Native Indian books from being alphabetically arranged according to European custom. The work is extremely rare. the well-known Sanskrit Dictionary of RAJAH RADHAKANTA DEVA. In Bengali characters. 4to. Parts 1 to 40. (In course of publication.) Calcutta, 1874 to 1876. 3*. 6d. each part. Sabdasandarbhasindlm, by MATHURANATHA TARKARATNA. A Sanskrit and Bengali Dictionary, in Bengali characters. Part I., comprising the words beginning with vowels. 4to. pp. 316, double columns. Calcutta, 1863. 18s. Sabdastoma Mahanidhi, Sanskrit Dictionary, compiled by TARANATHA TARKAVACHASPATI. 4to. pp. vi. and 256. Calcutta, 1870. 2 2s. 6d. Sarva-Sabda-Sambodhini ; or, The Complete Sanskrit Dictionary. In Telugu characters. 4to. cloth, pp. 1078. 1875. 2 15*. Shastri, Dictionary of Sanskrit Roots, in Sanskrit and Marathi, with a List of common roots and an Appendix, prepared by VISHNU PARASHURAM PANDIT. 8vo. cloth, 4 leaves, pp. iv. 4 leaves, pp. 2, 206, and 59. Bombay, 1865. 12*. Qd. Tarkavachaspati, Taranatha, Yachaspatya, a Comprehensive Dictionary, in Twenty Parts. An Alphabetically Arranged Dictionary, with a Gramma- tical Introduction and Copious Citations from the Grammarians and Scholiasts, from the Vedas, etc. Parts I. to XV. 4to. paper. Calcutta, 1873-80. 18*. each Part. Westergaard, Radices Linguae Sanskritse ad decreta grammaticorum defi- nivit atque copia exemplorum exquisitiorum illustravit N. L. WESTERGAARD. 4to. sewed, pp. xiv. and 379. Bonn, 1841. (Pub. at 26*.) 18*. The same, copy half-bound. l Is. The same, copy bound in russia leather. l 2s. Qd. Williams, M., Dictionary, English and Sanskrit. Published under the Patronage of the Honourable East India Company. 4to. cloth, pp. xii. and 862. London, 1851. 3 3*. Sanskrit- English Dictionary, Etymologically and Philologically arranged, with special reference to Greek, Latin, German, Anglo-Saxon, English, and other cognate Indo-European Languages. 4to. cloth, pp. xxv. and 1186. London, 1872. 4 14*. 6d. Wilson, H. H., Dictionary, in Sanskrit and English. 4to. pp. iv. and 1061. Calcutta, 1819. First Edition. Scarce. 2. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 137 SANSKRIT: LEXICOGRAPHICAL WORKS continued: Wilson, H. H., Dictionary, in Sanskrit and English ; translated, amended, and enlarged from an original compilation, prepared by learned natives for the College of Fort- William. THE SECOND EDITION, greatly extended, and pub- lished under the sanction of the General Committee of Public Instruction in Bengal. 4to. pp. x. and 982, double columns. Calcutta, 1832. 2 12s. 6d. Dictionary, in Sanskrit and English. Translated, amended, and enlarged from an original compilation prepared by learned Natives for the College of Fort William by H. H. WILSON. THE THIRD EDITION edited by Jagunmohana Tarkalankara and Khettramohana Mookerjee. Published by Gyanendrachandra Rayachoudhuri and Brothers. 4to. pp. 1008. Calcutta, 1874. 1 11*. 6d. Yates, W., Dictionary, in Sanskrit and English, designed for the use of private students. 8vo. pp. iv. and 928. Calcutta, 1846. 2 2s. GRAMMATICAL WORKS. Abreu, G. de Vasconcellos, Principles elementares da Grammatica da Lingua Saoskrita. Parte I. Phonologia. 8vo. pp. 48. Lisboa, 1879. 6s. Asubodha Vyakarana, a Sanskrit Grammar, by Pandit TARANATH TARKAVACHASPATI. 12mo. sewed, pp. 6, 498, and 14. Calcutta, 1867. 14s. Aufrecht, S. Th., De Accentu Compositorum Sanscriticorum. 8vo. pp. xix. and 80, sewed. Bonnse, 1847. 2s. Ballantyne, J. R., First Lessons in Sanskrit Grammar ; together with an Introduction to the Hitopadesa. Second Edition. Second Impression. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 110. London, 1873. 3s. 6d. Baudry, F., Grammaire Sanscrite. Resume elementaire de la Theorie des Formes Gram maticales en Sanscrit. 12mo. sewed, pp. 36. Paris, 1853. 2s. 6d. Benfey, Th. , Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, for the use of early students. Second, revised and enlarged, Edition. Roy. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 296. London, 1869. 10s. 6d. Kurze Sanskrit-Grammatik zum Gebrauche fiir Anfanger. 4to. sewed, pp. x. and 360. Leipzig, 1855. 6s. Vollstandige Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache. Koyal 8vo. pp. xii. 449, and 7 tab. Leipzig, Ih52. 12s. 6d. The same, half-morocco. 15s. Bhandarkar, R. G., First Book of Sanskrit ; being an elementary treatise on grammar, with exercises. Seventh Edition. 12mo. cloth, pp. xi. and 159. Bombay, 1879. 2s. Gd. Second Book of Sanskrit. Fourth Edition. 8vo. pp. xiv. and 198, cloth. Bombay, 1877. 5s. Third Book of Sanskrit (Reading Book), with a glossary prepared by VISHNU, P.S. Pandit, under the superintendence of J. BUHLER, Ph.D. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. 128 and 97. Bombay, 1877. 3s. Boltz, A., Vorschule des Sanskrit in Lateinischer Umschrift ; oder, An- leitung das Sanskrit mit moglichster Zeitersparniss so zu erlernen, dass man sich selbststandig weiter fordern kann, etc. Ein Hiilfs- und Uebungsbuch fiir Jedermann, besonders fiir Lehrer der modernen Sprachen. 8vo. sewed, pp. viii. 227, and tables. Oppenheim, 1868. 7s. 6d. Bopp, Fr., Grammatica Critica Linguae Sanscritse. Second Edition. 4to. pp. xiv. and 335. Berolini, 1832. 15s. Kritische Grammatik der Sanskrita-Sprache in kiirzerer Fassung. Zweite Ausgabe. 8vo. pp. xii. and 388. Berlin, 1845. 5s. 138 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SANSKRIT: GRAMMATICAL WORKS continued: Bopp, Fr., Krit. Grammatik der Sanskrita-Sprache in kiirzerer Fassung. Vierte, umgearbeitete uud vermehrte Ausgabe. 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi. and 479. Berlin, 1868. 9s. Vergleichendes Accentuations-System, nebst einer gedrangten Darstellung der Grammatischen TJebereinstimmungen des Sanskrit und Griechi- schen. 8vo. half bound, pp. viii. and 304. Berlin, 1854. 6s. Ueber das Conjugations-System der Sanskrit-Sprache in Ver- gleichung mit jenem der Griecbischen, Lateiniscben, Persiscben und Germani- schen Spracbe. Nebst Episoden des Ramnyana und Mahabbarata. in genauen metriscben Uebersetzungen, aus dem Original-Texte, und einigen Abschnitten aus den Vedas. Herausgegeben und mit Vorerinnerungen begleitet, von Dr. K. J. WINDISCHMANN. 12mo. pp. xlvi. and 312. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1816. 4s. Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Send, Armenischen, Griecbischen, Lateinischen, Litauischen, Altslavischen, Gotbischen und Deutschen. Dritte Ausgabe. 3 vols. 8vo. sewed, pp. xxv. 558, 570, and 527. Berlin, 1868-71. 1 16s. Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages. Translated from the German, by EDWARD B. EASTWICK. Third Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxi. and 1458. London, 1862. 2 2s. Grammaire compare'e des Langues Indo-europe'ennes, com- prenant le Sanscrit, le Zend, PArmenien, le Grec, le Latin, etc. Traduite et precedee d'une introduction par M. BREAL. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1866-72. 1 11s. 6d. Borooah, A., Higher Sanskrit Grammar, or Gender and Syntax. With copious illustrations from standard Sanskrit authors, and references to Latin and Greek grammars. 8vo. pp. vi. and 298. (Reprinted from his Dictionary, Vol. II.) Calcutta, 1879. 16s. Companion to the Sanskrit-Beading Undergraduates of the Calcutta University, being a few notes on the Sanskrit Texts selected for examination, and their Commentaries. 8vo. pp. 64. Calcutta, 1878. 3s. 6d. Brown, C. P., Sanskrit Prosody and Numerical Symbols Explained. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. 64. London, 1869. 3s. 6d. Burnell, A. C., On the Aindra School of Sanskrit Grammarians. Their Place in the Sanskrit and Subordinate Literatures. 8vo. pp. 120. Mangalore, 1875. 10s. 6d. Burnouf et Leupol, Me"thode pour e"tudier la Langue Sanscrite. 8vo. hoards. Pans, 1861. 4s. 6rf. Carey, Dr. W., Grammar of the Sungskrit Language, with a list of the roots. Royal 4to. Serampore, 1806. 1 Is. Colebrooke's Grammar of the Sanskrit Language. Vol. I., all published, small folio. Calcutta, 1805. 18s. Delbriick, B., Sanskrit Paradigmen. 8vo. sewed. Halle, 1868. 6d. Altindische Tempuslehre. 8vo. sewed. Halle, 1877. 3s. Der Gebrauch des Conjunctivus und Optativus im Sanskrit und Griechiscben. 8vo. sewed. Halle, 1871. 4s. 6d. Die Altindische Wortfolge aus dem Qatapathabrahmana dargestellt. 8vo. sewed. Halle, 1878. 3s. p as altindische Verbum aus den Hymnen des Rigveda, seinem Baue nach dargestellt. 8vo. sewed. Halle, 1874. 6s. TKUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 139 SANSKRIT : GRAMMATICAL WORKS continued : Desgranges, M., Grammaire Sanscrite-Frangaise. 2 vols. 4to. pp. xlii. 588, and 544, sewed. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1845-47. 15s. Flechia, C., Grammatica Sanscrita. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 408. Torino, 1856. . 12s. Forster, H. T., Essay on the Principles of Sanskrit Grammar. Part I. 4to. half bound, pp. xxii. and 691. Calcutta. 1 10s. Gaedicke, C., Der Accusativ im Veda. 8vo. pp. vi. and 290. Breslau, 1880. 7s. Qd. Giussani, C., Principii della Grammatica Sanscrita. 8vo. pp. 140, and tables. Turin, 1870. 6s. Harlez, C. de, Grammaire pratique de la Langue Sanscrite. 8vo. pp. 150. Pails, 1878. 4s. Qd. Kdsika, Commentary on Panini's Grammatical Aphorisms. By PANDIT JAYADITYA. Edited by PANDIT BALA SASTR!. 8vo. pp. 490. Part II. pp. 474. Benares, 1876-78. 16s. each part. Kellner, Kurze Elementar-Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache, mit ver- gleichend. Beriicksicht. des Griechischen und des Lateinischen. 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi. and 213. Leipzig, 1868. 3s. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. xx. and 249. Leipzig, 1877. 4s. Qd. Kielhorn, F., Grammar of the Sanskrit Language. 8vo. cloth, pp. xv. and 2u6. Bombay, 1870. 6s. Second Edition, revised. Large, 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 266. Bombay, 1880. 8s. Laghu Kaumudi ; Sanskrit Grammar. By VARADARAJA. With an English Version, Commentary, and References. By JAMES R. BALLANTYNE, LL.D. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxxvi. and 424. Benares and London, 1867. 1 Us. Qd. Lanman, C. R., On Noun-Inflection in the Yeda. 8vo. pp. 275. New- Haven, 1880. (Reprint.) 10s. Mahabhashya, i.e., the " Great Commentary," by Patanjali, on the Gram- matical Aphorisms of Panini ; with its Commentary, the Bhashya-Pradipa ; and the Commentary thereon, the Bhashya-Pradipadyota. Vol I. containing the portion (808 pages of Sanskrit) entitled "The Navahnika." Edited by JAMES R. BALLANTYNE, LL.D., Principal of the Sanskrit College at Benares, with the aid of the Pandits of the College. Oblong folio. Mirzapore, 1855. 3 3s. The great (Grammatical) Commentary, name of Patanjali's great Commentary on the Grammatical Sutras of Panini ; with the Commentary called Bhashyapradipa and a new Commentary by Pandit Eajarama. 8 Adhya- yas, in 5 Parts. Oblong 4to. 1012 leaves. Benares, Sainvat 1927. 4 10s. The Vy&karana-Mahabhashya of Patanjali. Edited by F. KIELHORN, Ph.D. Vol. I. (3 parts), pp. x. and 546. 8vo. Bombay, 1878- 80. 8s. Qd. each. Mliller, M., Sanskrit Grammar for beginners, in Devanagari and Roman letters. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxiv. and 300. London, 1870. 15s. The same. Second Edition, revised and accentuated. Royal 8vo. pp. 312. London, 1880. 7s. Qd. Sanskrit Grammatik in Devanagari and Lateinischen Buchstaben. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von F. KIELHORN und G. OPPERT. 8vo. sewed, pp. xxiii. and 4 42. Leipzig, 1868. los. 140 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SANSKRIT : GRAMMATICAL WORKS continued : Nesselmann, G. H. F., De nominibus et verbis cum pronomine interro- gative compositis in Lingua Sanscrita usitatis Dissertatio. 8vo. sewed, pp. 27. Regiom. 1838. Is. 6d. Oppert, Grammaire Sanscrite. Deuxieme Edition, corrigee et augmente'e. 8vo. sewed, pp. xii. and 238, with a table. Paris, 1864. 7s. Qd. Panini Sutra Vriti ; Paninis Decreta, commentario instructa Sanskrite. 8vo. half morocco, pp. ii. 1203, and 42. Calcutta, 1810. 5 5s. A very fine copy of this extremely scarce edition. No title, according to the description of Gildemeister: Tituli loco prsefixum est folium in cujus pagina ad versa hi leguntur versus, etc. Panini's Acht Biicher Grammatischer Regeln. Herausgegeben und erlautert von Dr. OTTO BOEHTLINGK. 2 vols. Vol. I. Panini's Sutras, mit Indischen Scholien. Vol. II. Einleitung, Commentar, erklarender Index der Gram- matischen Kunstausdriicke, Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Sutra's, Gana- patha. 8vo. sewed, pp. 670, Ixv. cxxx. and 556. Bonn, 1839-40. Out of print. 3. Panlinns a S. B., Sidharubam seu Grammatica Samscredamica, cui accedit Dissertatio historico-critica in Linguam Samscredamicam, vulgo Sam- scrit dictam. 4to. sewed, pp. 188. Romas (S. Congr. de Prop. Fidei), 1790. 5s. Vyacarana, seu locupletissima Sanscredamicse Linguae Institutio in usum Fidei Prseconum in India orientali, et virorum litteratorum in Europa 1804. 4to. sewed, pp. xxiv. and 334. Romas, 1804. 8s. Contains also " Amarakosha," pp. 154-307. Praudhamanorama, The Commentary of Bhattojidikshita on the Siddhdn- takaumudi. In three parts, pp. 119, 105, and 17, oblong fol. Benares, 1868. 2 2s. Regnier, M. A., Etudes sur la Grammaire Ve"dique. Pratigakhya du Eig Veda. (Deuxieme lecture ou chapitres VII. a XII.) 8vo. sewed, pp. 145. Paris, Imprimerie Imperiale, 1858. 12s. 6d. Praticakhya du Rig VMa. (Troizieme lecture ou chapitres XIII. a XVIII.) 8vo. sewed, pp. 299. Paris, 1859. 10s. Rodet, L., Grammaire abre'ge'e de la Langue Sanscrite. 8vo. pp. 172. Paris, 1860. 4s. 6d. Shastri Talekar, Sh. B., Sanskrit Grammar compiled in Marathi for the use of Sanscrit Students in Government High Schools and Colleges, Belgaum. Royal 8vo. half hound, pp. viii. 4, 4, 436, 9, and 14. Bombay, 1866. 1 5s. Siddhanta Kaumudl, Bhattojidikshita's celebrated Commentary to Panini's Grammar. 1 vol. 4to. hoards, pp. 506, 253 leaves. Calcutta. 3 3s. The first edition of the Siddhanta Kaumudf that has ever been printed. A minute de- scription is given by Gildemeister, Bibl. Sans. p. 107. by Bhattoji Dikshita, in 2 vols. Edited, with a Commentary, by T. TARKAVACHASPATI, Professor of Grammar, Government Sanskrit College. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. vii. 741 and 536. Calcutta, 1870-71. 2 2s. The celebrated Commentary to Pdnini's Grammar, by BHATTO- In folio, pp. 104, printed in movable type. Bombay, 1866. 18s. The same in Telugu characters. 8vo. boards, pp. 430 and 6. Madras, 1858. 14s. Edited by Vamana Charya. 8vo. pp. 612. Benares, 1873. 14s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 141 SANSKRIT: GRAMMATICAL WORKS continued: Stenzler, A. F., Elernentarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache. Grammatik, Text, Worterbuch. 8vo. sewed, pp. iv. and 84. Breslau, 1868. 3s. Fourth Edition. Large 8vo. pp. iv. and 127. Breslau, 1880. 4s. Tattwabodhini, Commentary on the first portion and part of the second of the Siddhantakaumudi. By JNANENDRASARASWATI. And Subodhini. A Commentary on the latter portion of the Siddhantakaumudi. By JAYAK.RISHNA. Part 1, 254 leaves; part 2, , 99 leaves: b, 85 leaves; c, 33 leaves; d, 21 leaves. Litho. Oblong folio. Benares, 1863. 2 10s. Vaiyakaranabhushanasara, a Grammatical Work. By KAUNDHABHATTA. With Harivallabha's Commentary. Oblong 8vo. 212 leaves. Litho. Benares, 1866. 1 8s. Vidyasagara, E. C., Introduction to Sanskrit Grammar, in Bengali. Eleventh Edition. 12mo. pp. 119. Calcutta, 1860. 2s. 6d. The same in English, with additions and alterations, for the use of Candidates for University Examinations, by R. BANERJEA. Second Edition. 12mo. pp. 197. Calcutta, 1869. 6s. Whitney, W. D., Sanskrit Grammar, including both the Classical Language, and the Older Language, and the Older Dialects, of Veda and Brahmana. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 486. London, 1879. 12s. Wilkins, Ch., Grammar of the Sanskrit Language. 4to. boards, pp. xx. and 662. London, 1808. 10s. The same, bound in full calf. 12s. Williams, M., Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, arranged with reference to the classical languages of Europe, for the use of English students. Fourth Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxiv. and 418. Oxford, 1877. 15s. An Elementary Grammar of the Sanskrit Language To which is added a selection from the Institutes of Manu, with copious references to the Grammar, and an English translation. 8vo. cloth, pp. ix. 4, 312 and 50. London, 1846. 7s. 6rf. Sanskrit Manual. Second Edition, enlarged. With a Vocabulary. English and Sanskrit by A. E. GOUGH. Small 8vo. leather. London, n.d. 7s. 6d. Gough, A. E., Key to the Exercises in Williams' Sanskrit Manual. 18mo. London, 4s. Wiison, H. H., Introduction to the Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, for the use of early Students. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 499. London, 1847. 18*. [Out of print. An Introduction to the Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, for the use of early students. 8vo. bound in calf, pp. xvi. and 448. London, 1841. 12s. Yates, W., Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, on a new plan. 8vo. boards, pp. xxviii. and 428. Calcutta, 1820. 7s. 6d. Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, on a plan similar to that most commonly adopted in the learned languages of the West. Second Edition, enlarged and improved. 8vo. pp. xxii. and 494, cloth. Calcutta, 1845. 12s. 6d. CHRESTOMA TRIES. Benfey, Th., Chrestomathie aus Sanskrit werken. Erster Theil : Text, Anmerkungen, Metra. Zweiter Theil : Glossar. 2 vols. royal 8vo. pp. vi. 330 and 374, sewed. Leipzig, 1853-1854. 14s. 142 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SANSKRIT: CHRESTOMATHIES continued: Benfey, Th., The same, half-bound, in one vol. 17 s. Qd. Boehtlingk, Otto, Sanskrit Chrestomathie, zunachst zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen. 8vo. pp. x. and 451, half bound. St. Petersburg, 1845. 7*. Qd. Second enlarged edition. 8vo. sewed, pp. iv. and 372. Peters- burg, 1877. 5s. Hoefer, A., Sanskrit Lesebuch, mit Beniitzung handschriftlicher Quellen. 8vo. pp. 96, sewed. 2s. 6d. Lanmann, C. R., Sanskrit Reading Book. [/7i preparation. Lassen, Chr., Anthologia Sanscritica, glossario instructa, in usum scholarum, denuo adornavit JOANNES GILDEMEISTER. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 290, sewed. Bonnse ad Rhenum, 1865. 5s. 6d. Schmidt, J., Kleine Sanskrit Chrestomathie. 8vo. sewed, pp. iv. and 116. Weimar, 1868. 3s. SA'NTAL, Phillips, J., An Introduction to the Santal Language, consisting of a Grammar, Reading Lessons and a Vocabulary, l^mo. pp. viii. and 190. Calcutta, 1852. 7s. 6d. Skrefsrud, Rev. L. O., Grammar of the Santhal Language. 12mo. pp. xxvii. and 370. Benares, 1873. 1 Is. SARAKHOLDE'. Faidherbe, L., Notes Grammaticales sur la Langue Sarakhole ou Soninke. 8vo. sewed, pp. 19. Paris, 1881. 2s. SCOTTISH. (See ENGLISH DIALECTS.) SECHUANA (BECHUANA, SOT HO.) Archbell, J., Grammar of the Bechuana Language. Large 8vo. pp. xxii. and 82. Grahamstown, 1837. 12s. Qd. Casalis, E., Etudes sur la Langue Se"chuana. 8vo. Scarce. Paris, 1841. Ws. Endemann, K., Versuch einer Grammatik des Sotho. 8vo. pp. 206. Berlin, 1876. 8s. 6d. SELISH. Mengarini, Rev. A., Grammatica Linguae SelicsB, A Selish or Flat-Head Grammar. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. viii. and 122. New York, 1861. 1 4s. SENECA. Hymn-Book, in the Seneca Language. 16mo. bound, pp. 232. New York, 1852. 10s. 6d. SERVIAN (CROATIAN, ILLYRIAN). See also WENDIC. DICTIONARIES. Danicic, G., Dictionary of the Old Serbian Language. 3 vols. 8vo. Belgrad, 1864. (In Serbian.) 1 10s. [Out of print. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 143 SERVIAN : DICTIONARIES continued ; Danicic, D., Kroato-Servian Dictionary published by the South-Slav. Academy. Vol.1. Part I (A Besjeda.) 8vo. pp. 240. Zagreb, 1880. 8s. 6d. Filipovic, J., Neues Worterbuch der Kroatischen und Deutschen Sprache. 4 vols. Small 8vo. Agram, 1869-75. 1 16s. Kroatisch-Deutsches Worterbuch. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 2132. Agram, 1877. 1 Is. Frohlich, R. A., Handworterbuch der Illirischen u. Deutschen Sprache. 2 Theile. lilirisch-Deutsch und Deutsch-Illirisch. 2 vols. 16mo. sewed, pp. viii. and 570 ; xviii. and 776. Wien, 1853-54. 10s. Karadschitsch, W. St., Lexicon Serbico-Germ.-Lat. 8vo. pp. 862. Wien, 1852. 1 Is. Deutsch-Serbisches Worterbuch. Large 8vo. Wien, 1877. 4s. Lavrovskij, P. A., Russian-Servian Dictionary. 8vo. pp. 582. St. Petersburg, 1880. 18s. Parcic, C. A., Rjecnik Slovinsko-talijanski. Vocabulario Slavo (i.e. Serbo)- Italiano. 8vo. pp. 1059. u Zadru, 1874. 15s. Popovic, Georg, Worterbuch der Serbischen und Deutschen Sprache. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, pp. 385 and 439. Pancova, 1879-81. 18s. Stulli Lexicon Latino-Italico-Latiuum. 2 vols. 4to. Budae, 1801. 145. Sulek, B., Deutsch-Kroatisches Worterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. viii. and 1712. Agram, 1854-60. 1 4s. Voltiggi, J., Illirisch-Italienisch- und Deutsches Worterbuch und Gram- matik. 8vo. sewed, pp. xxxiv. Ix. and 610. Vienna, 18U2. 9s. GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS. Babukic's Gundziige der Illirischen Grammatik. Mit einer sprachver- gleich. Vorrede von R. Frohlich. 8vo. boards, pp. 80. Wien, 1839. 4s. 6d. Cobenzl, G., Corso compl. della lingua Serbo-Croata. 2 parts in 1 vol. Large 8vo. pp. 357. Ragusa, 1878. 8s. Frohlich, R-. A.,Theoretisch-Praktische Grammatik der Illyrischen Sprache. 8vo. Wien, 1861. 4s. Gall, J., Kurzgefasste Grammatik der Kroatischen Sprache. 16mo. Agram, 1880. Is. Gd. Hecquard, Ch., Elements de grammaire franco-serbe. 12mo. pp. 82. Belgrade, 1875. 2s. Gd. Karadschitsch, W. S., Serbische Grammatik mit Vorrede von Grimm. 8vo. Leipzig, 1824. 3s. 6d. Kriztianovich, J., Grammatik der Kroatischen Mundart ; nebst Kroatisch- Deutschem und Deutsch-Kroat. Worterbuche, Dialogen, Briefen, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. xxvi. 248 and 262, sewed. Agram, 1837-40. 12s. Parcic, C. A., Grammatica della Lingua Slava (Illirica). Large 8vo. pp. 200. Zara, 1873. 4s. Grammaire de la langue Serbo-Croate. Traduction a 1'usage des Fran9ais avec une Introduction par J. B. FEUVRIER. 8vo. pp. xviii. and 228. Paris, 1877. 8s. <6d. Popovitsch, Iwan B. , Praktisches Deutsch-Serbisches Conversationsbuch. Small 8vo. Wien, 1880. 3s. 6d. Truhelka, A. V., Leitfaden der Kroatisch-Serbischen Sprache. Mit Schliissel. 2 parts, pp. 144 and 30. Budapest, 1879. 2s. 144 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SHAMBA'LA. Collections for a Handbook of the Shambala Language. By EDWARD STEEHE. 12mo. Zanzibar, 1867. 3*. Qd. SHAJST. Gushing, J. N. t Grammar of the Shan Language. 8vo. pp. 80. Eangoon, 1871. 9s. Elementary Handbook of the Shan Language. Small 4to. pp. x. and 122. Rangoon, 1880. 12*. 6d. Shan and English Dictionary. 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 600. Rangoon, 1881. 1 11*. 6d. SHINA. (See also DARDU.) Biddulph, Major J., Short Grammar and Vocabulary of the Shina Language (Gilgit dialect). Contained in Biddulph, Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh, pp. xl-lxiv. Calcutta, 1880. 15*. SIAMESE. (THAI.) Ewald, L., Grammatik der T'ai oder Siamesischen Sprache. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. 9s. Jones, J. T., Grammatical Notices of the Siamese. 8vo. Scarce. Bangkok, 1842. 12s. Gd. Low, James, Grammar of the T'hai, or Siamese Language. 4to. pp. 88. Calcutta, 1828. 12s. Pallegpix, D. J. B., Dictionarium Linguae Thai sive Siamensis, interpre- tation latina, gallica et anglica. Illustratum. Fol., pp. 897. Paris, 1854. 3 3s. Grammatica Linguae Thai. 4to. pp. 241. Bangkok, 1850. 2. Rosny, L., Quelques Observations sur la Langue Siamoise et sur son ecriture. 8vo. pp. 16. Scarce. (Extr.) Paris, 1855. 3s. 6d. Schott, W., Ueber die sogenanten Indo-Chines. Sprachen insonderheit das Siamesische. 4to. pp. 20. Berlin, 1856. 3s. 6d. SINDHI. Abstract of a Grammar compiled in the Sindee Language. By MIEAN MOHAMED and MIONSHEA PKIBDASS. Fol., boards, pp. 170 and 24, litho. Hyderabad or Kurachee, I860. 12s. Beames, J., Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India : Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Uriya, and Bengali. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1872-1880. 16s. each. Shirt, Rev. G., Udharam Thavurdar, and S. F. Mirza, Sindhi-English Dictionary. Small 4to. pp. iv. and 920 and x. Kurrachee, 1879. Stack, Captain G., Dictionary, Sindhi and English. Imp. 8vo. half-bound, pp. vi. and 437. Bombay, 1855. 1 Is. Dictionary, English and Sindhi. 8vo. cloth, pp. vi. and 230. Scarce. Bombay, 1849. 1 8s. Grammar of the Sindhi Language. 8vo. cloth, pp. vii. 153 and 18. Bombay, 1849. 15*. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 145 SINDHI continued: Trumpp, E., Grammar of the Sindhi Language. Compared with the Sanskrit, Prakrit and the Cognate Indian Vernaculars. Printed by order of Her Majesty's Government for India. Demy 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi. and 590. 1872. 15s. Sindhi Reading Book in the Sanskrit and Arabic Characters. 8vo. 1858. 12s. 6d. SINGHALESE. Alwis, James de, An Introduction to Singhalese Grammar, designed for the use of European Students. 8vo. Very Scarce. Colombo, 1849. 3 3s. Alwis, Rev. C., The Sinhalese Handbook in Romanized Characters. Second enlarged Edition, pp. xxiv. and 240, cloth. Colombo, 1880. 14s. Bridgnell, Rev. W., School Dictionary, Singhalese and English. 24mo. pp. 371. Scarce. Colombo, 1847. 5 5s. Callaway, John, Vocabulary with useful Phrases and Dialogues in the English, Portuguese, and Cingalese Languages. 8vo. pp. viii. and 151. Colombo, 1818. 1 Is. Carter, Ch., Singhalese Lesson Book on OllendorfFs system. 8vo. pp. 167. Colombo, 1860. 15s. Chater, James, Grammar of the Cingalese Language. 8vo. pp. x. and 141. Very scarce. Colombo, 1815. 15s. Childers, R. C., Notes on the Sinhalese Language. No. 1. On the Formation of the Plural of Neuter Nouns. Demy 8vo. sewed, pp. 16. London, 1873. Is. Clough, Rev. B., Dictionary of the English and Singhalese and Singhalese and English Languages. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 9, viii. 628, and 4, xxiv. 852. Colombo, 1821-30. 7 7*. Johannes, Don Eustakius, Sinhalese Grammar for the use of beginners. (Entirely in Sinhalese.) 8vo. pp. xii. and 144. Colombo. 7s. 6d. Lambrick, Rev. S., Grammar of the Singhalese Language, as it is now written and spoken by men of learning and others. Second Edition, pp. 155. Ceylon, 1834. 15s. Rask, Prof. R., Singalesisk Skriftlaere. 8vo. pp. 15. Kolombo, 1821. 5s. Ruell, Joh., Grammatica of Singaleesche Taal-Kunst. 4to. Scarce. Amsterdam, 1708. 2 2s. The Sidath Sangarawa, Grammar of the Singhalese Language, translated into English, with Introduction, Notes, and Appendices, by JAMES DE ALWIS. 8vo. boards, pp. cclxxxvi. and 247. Colombo, 1852. 2 2s. Grammar of the Singhalese Language, published by John Pereiro ; with a new paraphrase by D. Andris of Tudawe. 8vo. Colombo, 1857. Out of print. 1 Is. Sinhalese made easy : or Phrasebook of colloquial Sinhalese in Roman and Sinhalese Characters. (Revised and enlarged Edition.) Small 8vo. pp. iv. and 132. Colombo, 1873. 7s. Qd. Vocabulary, Romanized Sinhalese-English. With a large collection of phrases. Small 8vo. Ceylon, 1836. 5s. SIWAH (NORTH AFRICA). Minutoli, H. v., Verzeichniss von Wortern der Siwahsprache, nach einer schriftlichen Mittheilung des geistlichen Oberhauptes von Siwah, nebst einem Facsimile. 4to. pp. 27. Berlin, 1827. 3s. 10 146 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SLAVONIAN LANGUAGES IN GENERAL. See also BOHEMIAN, BULGARIAN, CYRILLIC. POLISH, EUSSIAN, SERVIAN, SLOVAKIAN, SLOWENIAN, WENDIC.) Bambas, K.., Die Formbildung der Slavischen Sprache : das 1st, system. Entwickelung der grammat. u. lexikal. Forraen aller slavischen Dialecte. Roy. 8vo. pp. 96. Prag, 1861. 2s. 6d. Dobrowsky, J., Slavin. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Slavischen Literatur, Sprachkunde, etc. 12mo. half calf, pp. 479, with 3 plates. Prag, 1808. 3s. Miklosich, F., Vergleichende Grammatik der Slavischen Sprachen. Vol. I. Lautlehre. Second Edition. Large 8vo. pp. v. and 598. 1879. 1. Vol. II. Vergleichende Stammbildungslehre, pp. xxiv. and 504. 1875. 15s. Vol. III. Wortbildungslehre. Second Edition, pp. 550. 1876. 18s. Vol. IV. Syntax, pp. xii'. and 896. 1874. 1 7s. Sumavsky, T. Fr., Worterbuch der Slawischen Sprache in den 6 Haupt- dialekten, Rnssisch, Bulgarisch, Kirchenslawisch, Siidslawisch, Bohmisch, und Polnisch. Theil 1, Deutsch-Slawisch. Parts 1-4 (all out). 8vo. sewed. Prag, 1857-59. Each Is. 6d. SLOVAKIAN. Dianiska, K., Slovakische Grammatik, mit Gesprachen, Aufgaben und Lesestiicken. 8vo. pp. 268. Wien, 1850. 4s. Loos, J., Worterbuch der Deutschen, Ungarischen und Slovakischen Sprache. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. viii. and 1440. Pesth, 1870. 14s. Victorin, J., Grammatik der Slovakischen Sprache. Fourth Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 280. Pest, 1878. 3s. 6d. SLOWENIAN. (OLD SLOWENIAN, see CYRILLIC.) Cornel, A., Kurzgefasste praktische Grammatik der Slovenischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. iv. and 192. Klagenfurt, 1876. 3s. 6d. Janezic, A., Slowenisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Slow. Taschenworterbuch. 2 vols. 12mo. Klagenfurt, 1850-51. 8s. Qd. Deutsch-Slovenisches Taschen- Worterbuch. Second Edition. 16mo. pp. 923. Klagenfurt, 1867. 6s. Praktischer Unterricht in der Slovenischen Sprache. Second Edition. 8vo. Klagenfurt, 1850. 4s. Slovenisches Sprach- und Uebungsbuch. Seventh Edition. 8vo. pp. 283. Klagenfurt, 1868. 3s. Murko, A. J., Theoretisch-praktische Slowenische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche, nach den Volkssprecharten der Slowenen in Steiermark, Karnten, Krain und Ungarns westlichen Districten. 8vo. boards, pp. xvi. and 206. Gratz, 1832. 4s. 6d. Pawlowsky, Iwan, Kurzgefasste Slavonische Grammatik. 8vo. boards. St. Petersburg, 1857- 4s. Sket, J., Slovenisches Sprach- und Uebungsbuch. Nebst Chrestomathie und Sloven.-Deutschen und Deutsch-Slov. Wb'rterverzeichniss. 8vo. pp. 304. Klagenfurt, 1879. 3s. 6d. Worterbuch der Slowen. und Deutschen Sprache. Third Edition. 8vo. Laihacb, 1854. 3s. Qd. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LCJDGATE HILL. 147 SOMALI. Hunter, Captain F. M., Grammar of the Somali language, together with a short Historical notice and a few Exercises for Beginners, concluding with an English -Somali and Somali-English Vocabulary. 16mo. cloth, pp. xxvii. and 181. Bombay, 1880. 16s. SONJAI. See AFRICAN LANGUAGES (BARTH). SONTALI. (See SANTALI.) SOTHO. (See SECHUANA.) SPANISH. DICTIONARIES. Almirante, Jose", Diccionario militar etimo!6gica, hist6rico, tecnoldgico. Con vocabulario Frances-Espafiol y Aleman-Espafiol. Large 8vo. pp. xiv. and 1218. Madrid, 1869. 2 10s. Baralt, R. M., Diccionario de galicismos, o sea de las voces, locuciones y frases de la lengua Irancesa que se han introducido en el habla castellana moderna, etc. 8vo. cleth. Madrid, 1855. 10s. 6d. Booch-Arkossy, F., Nuevo Diccionario de las Lenguas Castellana y Alemana. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsique, 1874. 14s. Bustamente, F. C., Spanish-English and English-Spanish Pronouncing Dictionary. 2 vols. 18mo. cloth. Paris, 1878. 7s. Campuzano, D. B,., Diccionario Manual de la Lengua Castellana. Arreg- lado a la ortografia de la Academia Espafiola y el mas completo de cuantos se han publicado. Pp.1173. Madrid. 10s. Qd. Cuesta, N. F., Diccionario enciclopedico de la lengua Espanola, con todas las voces, frases, refranes y locuciones usadas en Espafia y las Americas Espailo- las. 2 vols. Folio. Madrid, 1872. 2 5s. Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana por la Academia Espanola. Eleventh Edition. Folio. Madrid, 1869. 1 4s. (Novisimo) de la Lengua Castellana, que comprende la ultima edicion Integra del publicado por la Academia Espafiola. Aumentado con un supplemento y seguido del Diccionario de Sinonimos de P. M. de Olive, y del Diccionario de la Rima de J. Pefialver. Imp. 4to. half morocco. 1875. 1 4s. Diccionario Portatil de la Lengua Castellana, segun la Academia Espanola. 16mo. cloth, pp. 1061. Paris, 1862. 7s. Franceson, C. F., Neues Spanisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Spanisches Wb'rterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, pp. vi. and 1495. Leipzig, 1879. 12s. Qd. Gildo, D., Dictionnaire Espagnol-Frangais et Frangais-Espagnol, augments de plus de 20,000 mots usuels de sciences, arts et metiers. Seventh Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, pp. 900 and 1097. Paris, 1870. 10s. Labernia, P., Diccionaria de la Lengua Castellana, con las Correspon- dencias Catalana y Latina. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. pp. viii. 972, and 1020. Barcelona, 1844-48. 3 3s. Larramendi, M. de, Soc. J., Diccionario trilingiie Castellano Bascuence y Latin. Nueva Edicion publicada por Pio de Zuazua. Folio. San Sebastian, 1854. 2 8s. 148 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SPANISH : DICTIONARIES continued : Lopez, J. M., and Bensley, E. R., New Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages, augmented with the words and terms used in the sciences, arts, and manufactures, and with the exact pronunciation. 2 parts in 1 volume. Royal 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1878. 1 8s. Monlau, P. F., Diccionario etimologico de la Lengua Castellana. Prece- dido de unos Rudimentos de Etimologia. 8vo. half bound, pp. x. and 556. Madrid, 1856. 12*. "Este Diccionario es el Complemento de los Estudios elementales de la GramStica y de la Ret6rica puede agregarse como Ap6ndice & todas las Gramaticas, y como Comple- mento de todas las Diccionarios." Neuman and Baretti, Pocket Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. Two parts in one vol. 16mo. cloth. London, n.d. 6s. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. Thoroughly revised and enlarged hy M. SEOANE. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1867. 1 8s. Rodriguez, D. F. J., Dictionario Galligo-Castellano. 4to. pp. viii. and 132. Corufia, 1863. 12s. 6d. Salva, V., Nuevo Diccionario de la lengua Castellana, que contiene la ultima edicion Integra muy rectificada y mejorada del publicado por la Academia Espanola. With numerous additions, and a supplement of upwards of 300 pages. Seventh Edition. 4to. half morocco. Paris, 1865. 1 5s. Nouveau Dictionnaire Frangais-Espagnol et Espagnol-Frangais avec la prononciation figuree dans les deux langues. Redige par F. de P. Noriega. Royal 8vo. half morocco, treble columns. Paris, 1876. 1 5s. Abrege. 2 parts in one volume. 18mo. cloth. Paris, 1878. 5s. Saura, S. A., Diccionario manual Catalano-Castellano y Castellano- Catalano. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 552 and 592. Barcelona, 1870-78. 1 Is. Velasquez, Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. Composed from the Dictionaries of the Spanish Academy, Terreros, and Salva, and Webster, Worcester, and Walker. In Two Parts. I. Spanish -English ; II. English -Spanish. By M. VELASQUEZ DE LA CADENA. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 675, xv. and 604. London, 1880. 1 4s. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. For the TJse of Learners and Travellers. By M. VELASQUEZ DE LA CADENA. In Two Parts. I. Spanish-English ; II. English -Spanish. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 846. London, 1878. 7s. 6d. GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS, AND READING-BOOKS. Amengual, J. J., Grammatica de la lengua Mallorquina. 12mo. pp. 299. Scarce. Palma, 1835. 10s. 6d. Booch-Arkossy, Fr., Spanische Chrestomathie. Hand- u. Hiilfsbuch der Spanischen Sprache und Litteratur im XIX. Jahrhundert. 1857. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Butler, F., The Spanish Teacher and Colloquial Phrase-book. An Easy and Agreeable Method of acquiring a Speaking Knowledge of the Spanish Language. By FRANCIS BUTLER. 18mo. half roan, pp. xvi. and 240. London, 1870. 2s. 6d. Foerster, Paul, Spanische Sprachlehre. Erste Halfte. 8vo. pp. 240. Berlin, 1880. 5s. Franceson, C. F., Grammatik der Spanischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. xii. and 402. Leipzig, 1864. 5s. TRUBNEB, & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 149 SPANISH: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Gomez de Mier, Der echte Spanier oder Anweisung zur griindlichen Erlernung der Spanischen Sprache. Ninth Edition. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 576. Hamburg, 1881. 6s. Gramatica de la Lengua Castellana, por la Academia Espafiola. 8vo. Madrid, 1870. 7s. 6d. Hartzenbusch, J. E., and Lemming, H., Eco de Madrid. A Practical Guide to Spanish Conversation. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xii. 144, and 84. London, 1877. 5s. Notley, E. A,, Comparative Grammar of the French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Languages. With a Copious Vocabulary. Oblong 12mo. cloth, pp. xv. and 396. London, 1868. 7s. Gd. Ollendorff, Anleitung zur Erlernung der Spanischen Sprache. Von FRIE- DEKICH FUNK. Seventh Edition. 8vo. boards, pp. xii. and 259. Frankfurt, 1879. 6s. Key to the above. 2s. 6d. Saco Arce, Juan A., Gramatica Gallega. Large 8vo. pp. 313. Lugo, 1868. 14s. Gd. Sanchez, T. A., Vocabulario de Voces Anticuadas, para facilitar la Lectura de los Autores Espanoles anteriores al siglo XV. 16mo. sewed, pp. 198. Paris, 1842. 3s. Gd. Saner, Ch. M., Spanish Conversation Grammar. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth. Heidelberg, 1875. 5s. Gd. Key to ditto. Boards. 2s. Nouvelle Grammaire Espagnole, avec des dialogues. 8vo. cloth. Heidelberg, 1871. 6s. Corrig^ 8vo. boards. 25. Spanische Conversatioris-Grammatik. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth. Heidelberg, 1874. 6s. Velasqnez and Simonne', New Method of Learning to Eead, Write, and Speak the Spanish Language. Adapted to Ollendorff's System. By M. VELASQUEZ and J. SIMONNE. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 558. London, 1880. 6s. Key to ditto. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 174. 45. An Easy Introduction to Spanish Conversation, containing all that is necessary to make a rapid progress in it. Particularly designed for persons who have little time to study, or are their own instructors. By M. VELASQUEZ DE LA CADENA. New Edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo. cloth, pp. viii. and 139. London, 1863. 2s. Gd. New Spanish Reader. Passages from the most approved authors, in Prose and Verse. Arranged in progressive order, with Vocabulary. By M. VELASQUEZ DE LA CADENA. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 352. London, 1880. 6s. Vivar, S., Exercise Book for Spanish Verbs. By SABINO VIVAR. Oblong paper, pp. 72. London, 1880. 2s. 6d. Wiggers, Dr. J., Grammatik der Spanischen Sprache. 8vo. pp. xii. and 333. Leipzig, 1860. 5s. Witcomb, C. and H., New Guide to Modern Conversations in English and Spanish. 8vo. cloth, pp. x. and 217. Paris. Is. 6d. STEWART ISLANDS (LANGUAGE OP). (See WESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN.) 150 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SUKDA. Grashuis, G. J., De Soendanesche Tolk. Hollandsch-Soendanesche Woordenlijst. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 175. Leiden, 1879. 6s. Costing, H. J., Soendasch-Nederlandsch Woordenboek. Parts 1 to 3. 8vo. pp. 912. Batavia, 1879. Rigg, Jonathan, Dictionary of the Sunda Language of Java. 4to. pp. xvi. and 537. Batavia, 1862. 2 2*. susoo. Grammar and Vocabulary of the Susoo Language. 8vo. Scarce. Edin- burgh, 1802. 16*. SWAHILI. Krapf, Elements of the Kisuaheli Language, with special reference to the Kinika Dialect. 8vo. Tubingen, 1850. 8s. 6d. Dictionary of the Suahili Language, with an Appendix, con- taining an Outline of a Suahili Grammar. Medium 8vo. (In preparation.) Steere, E., Handbook of the Swahili Language, as spoken at Zanzibar. Edited for the Central African Mission. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 423. London, 1875. 7s. Qd. SWEDISH. DICTIONARIES. Berndtson, C. J. B., Svensk-Fransk Ordbok. Part I. 8vo. pp. 224. Stockholm, 1879. 5s. Dalin, A. F., Svensk Handorbok. Med tillag af ordens etymologi, jem- terett bihang, innehallende de i svensk skrift almannast brukliga fram mande ord. 8vo. pp. 800. Stockholm, 1868. 12s. Helms, S. H., Schwedisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Schwedisches Worter- buch. Second Edition. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. half bound, pp. 28 and 494, 26 and 456. Leipzig, 1878. 10s. 6rf. Ihre, J., Swenskt Dialect Lexicon. Hvarutinnan upteknade finnas the ord och talesatt, som uti atskilliga svea rikes landsorter ars brukelige, men ifran allmanna talesattet afvika. 4to. 5 preliminary leaves, pp. 200. Upsala, 1766. 1 10s. Lonnrot, Elias, Finskt-Svenskt Lexikon. 14 parts. 8vo. Helsingfors, 1874-80. 4. Moller, P., Ordbok ofver Hallandska landskaps-malet. 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 231. (Out of print.) Lund, 1858. 14s. Comparative Dictionary of the Halland Dialect (with reference to Danish, Icelandic, German, English, Sanskrit, and Greek.) Mlsson, L. G., Widmark, and Collins, Engelsk-Svensk Ordbok. 8vo. half bound, pp. 1304. Stockholm, 1875. 1. Oman, F. E., Svensk-Engelsk Hand-Ordbok. (Swedish-English Dictionary.) Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. iv. and 470. Stockholm, 1872. 8s. Ordbok ofver Svenska spraket, utg. af Svenska Akademien. I. 4to. Stockholm, 1870. 3s. 6rf. Pocket Dictionary, A New, of the English and Swedish Languages. 16mo. half bound, pp. 774. Leipzig, 1880. 4s. 6d. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LTJDGATE HILL. 151 SWEDISH: DICTIONARIES continued: Rietz, J. E., Svenskt Dialekt-Lexikon eller Ordbok ofver Svenska allmoge- spraket. 4to. Lund, 1867. 1 16s. Tullberg, H. K., Bidrag till etymologiskt Lexikon ofrer frammande ord i svenska spraket. 8vo. pp. 612. Stockholm, 1868. 8s. GRAMMARS. Grammar on the Ollendorffian system, with Key. [In preparation. Lyth, J. E., Schwedische Grammatik mit Auswahl prosaischer und poetischer Lesestiicke mit Worterbuch. Third Edition. Small 8vo. boards, pp. viii. and 368. Stockholm, n.d. 6*. May, A., Practical Grammar of the Swedish Language. 8vo. boards, pp. xxvii. and 227. Stockholm. 6s. Paban, A. Th., Grammaire sue"doise comparative et raisonnee. 18mo. Stockholm, 1867. 3s. 6rf. Svensk och fransk parlor. Dialogues sue"dois et franais. Stockholm, 1866. 3s. 6d. Soltau, E., Lehrbuch der Schwedischen Sprache mit Lesestiicken. 8vo. pp. iv. and 224. Rostock, 1878. 4s. SYRIAC. DICTIONARIES. Agrell, C. M., Supplementum ad Lexicon Syr. Castell. Ease. I. 4to. pp. 122. Upsalae, 1839. 5s. Bernstein, G. H., Lexicon Syriacum Chrestomathiae Kirschianiae denuo editae accomodatum. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1836. 10s. 6d. Lexicon Linguae Syriacse. Vol. I. Fasc. 1. Fol. Columns 1 to 44. All out. Berlin, 1857. 6s. Castelli, E., Lexicon Syriacum, cum Annotationibus T. D. MICHAELIS. 2 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1788. 2 8s. Gutbir, A, Novum Test., Syriace, accedit Lexicon Syriacum. 8vo. vellum. Francof. 1731. 7s. Qd. Ditto. 1664-67. 7s. Gd. Schaaf, C., Lexicon Syriacum et Novum Testamentum Syriacum, cum versione latina ed. Schaaf. 2 vols. 4to. leather. Lugd. Bat. 1717. 2 10s. Thesaurus Syriacus, Collegerunt Steph. M. Quatremere, G. H. Bernstein, G. W. Lorsbach, Alb. J. Jacobi, Car. M. Agrell, F. Field. Auxit, digessit, exposuit, edidit R. Payne Smith. Fasc. I.-V. Folio, cloth. Oxonii, 1868- 1880. 5 5s. GRAMMARS, CHRESTOMATHIES. Abulpharag, Bar Hebraei, Grammatica linguae Syracae. (Syriac and Latin.) Ed. Bertheau. 8vo. Gott. 1843. 4s. Gd. Duval, B,., Traite de Grammaire Syriaque. 8vo. pp. xl. and 447. Paris, 1881. 16s. Elias, Syrische Grammatik des Mar ELI AS VON TIRHAN. Herausgegeben und iibersetzt von F. Boethgeu. 8vo. pp. 112. Leipzig, 1880. 10s. Hoffmann, A. Th., Grammatica Syriaca. 4to. Halae, 1827. 10s. Gd. 152 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. SYRIAC : GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Kirsch, G. G., Chrestomathia Syriaca, c. Lex. Syr. Small 8vo. boards. Lipsiae, 1789. 3s. 6d. Chrestomathia Syriaca cum Lexico, ed. Bernstein. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1832. 10*. Knds, G., Chrestomathia Syriaca. 8vo. Gottingae, 1807. 2s. 6d. Martin, P., Grammatica, Chrestomathia et Glossarium Linguae Syriacae. 8vo. pp. 192. Paris, 1874. 3s. 6d. Merx, Grammatica Syriaca, quam post opus Hoffmanni refecit A. Merx. Royal 8vo. Halis, 1869-70. Particula I. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. 136. 7*. Particula II. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. 137-388. 10s. 6d. Michaelis, J. D., Von der Syrischen Sprache und ihrem Gebrauch (nebst Syrischer Chrestomathie I.). 8vo. boards. Gottingen, 1786. 3s. Qd. Nestle, E., Brevis Ling. Syriacae Grammatica, Litteratura, Chrestomathia cum Glossario. Carolsr. 1881. 5s. 6d. Noldeke, T., Grammatik der Neusyrischen Sprache in Kurdistan. 8vo. pp. xxxviii. and 418. Leipzig, 1868. 12s. Kurzgefasste Syrische Grammatik. Mit einer Schrifttafel von J. Euting. 8vo. pp. 382. Leipzig, 1880. 12s. Phillips, Rev. George, The Elements of Syriac Grammar. 8vo. pp. xii. and 142. Cambridge, 1837. 10s. 6d. Reading Lessons, Syriac, Cont. extracts from the Peschito Version of the Testaments, etc. Small 8vo. cloth. London, n.d. (about 1855). 3s. Roediger, A., Chrestomathia Syriaca edita et Glossario explanata. 8vo. boards. Halis Sax. 1838. 4s. 6d. Editio II., aucta et emendata. 8vo. pp. vii. and 224. Halis, 1868. 7s. 6d. Stoddart, D. T., Grammar of the Modern Syriac Language, as spoken in Oroomiah, Persia, and in Koordistan. 8vo. New Haven, 1855. 10s. 6d. Uhlemann, Prof. Dr. Fr., Grammatik der Syrischen Sprache in voll- standigen Paradigmen, Chrestomathie u. Worterbuche. Second Edition. 4to. pp. xxiii. and 403. Berlin, 1857. 9s. Wenig, J. B., Chrestomathia Syriaca cum apparatu grammatico. 8vo. pp. 270. Innsbruck, 1866. 7s. 6d. Zingerle, Chrestomathia Syriaca. C. notis philolog. et lexico Syr. 2 vols. 8vo. Romae, 1871-73. 15s. SYRJENIC. Castren, M. A., Elementa Grammatices Syrjsenae. 8vo. pp. viii. and 169. Helsingforsise, 1844. 3s. 6d. Gabelentz, H. C. v. d., Grundziige der Syrjanischen Grammatik. 8vo. pp. iv. and 75. Altenburg, 1841. 3s. Qd. Wiedemann, F. J., Syrjanisch-Deutsches Worterbuch nebst einern "Wotjakisch-Deutschen in Anhange. 8vo. pp. xiv. and 692. St. Petersburg, 1880. 8s. Versuch einer Grammatik der Syrjanischen Sprache, nach dem in der Uebersetzung des Evangelium Matthai gebrauchten Dialecte. 8vo. sewed, pp. xii. and 140. Reval, 1847. 6s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 153 TAG ALA. (See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.) TAHITIAK Buschmann, J. Ch. Ed., Apercu de la langue des lies Marquises et de la langue Tai'tienne, precede d'une introduction sur 1'histoire et la geographic de 1'archipel des Marquises. Accompagne d'un vocabulaire inedit de la langue Taitieime par G. DE HUMBOLDT. In 8vo. Berlin, 1843. 5s. - Textes Marquesans et Ta'itiens. 8vo. Berlin, 1843. 3s. Chaque texte eat accompagne de la traduction mot & mot interlineaire et de notes nom- Davies, Rev. John, of Papara, Grammar of the Tahitian Dialect of the Polynesian Language. 12mo. pp. 43. Extremely scarce. Tahiti, Mission Press, 1823. 2 2*. Dictionary, Tahitian and English, with Introductory Remarks on the Polynesian Language. 8vo. Scarce. Tahiti, 1851. 3. Gaussin, L. J. B., Du dialecte de Tahiti, de celui des lies Marquises, et en general de la langue polynesienne. 8vo. Paris, 1853. 5*. Jaussen, E., Grammaire de la langue maori, dialecte tahitien ; suivie d'un Dictionnaire fran9ais-tahitien et tahitien-fran9ais. 12mo. pp. 152. Saint- Cloud, 1860. 13s. - E parau piti. . . Second livre pour les dcoles de Tahiti. 12mo. pp. 115. Saint- Germain, 1861. 3s. Ce volume renferme 1'Hiatoire de Joseph et 1'Evangile selon Saint-Marc, en tahiten et en fran <;ais. V., J. F., Precis de Grammaire polynesienne (Tahitien), precede d'une consideration sur la nature des langues polynesiennes. Bruxelles, 1874. Is. TAI. (See SIAMESE.) TALMUDIC. (See CHALDEE.) TAMACHEK. (See BERBER and TEMAHUQ.) TAMIL. DICTIONARIES. Blin, A., Dictionnaire Fra^ais-Tamoul et Tamoul-Frangais. Oblong 8vo. pp. viii. and 281. Paris, 1831. 7s. 6rf. Dictionnaire tamoul-frangais, par deux missionnaires, DUPUIS et MOUSSET. 2 vols. 8vo. Pondichery, 1855-62. 2. Dictionnaire latin, frangais et tamoul, par deux missionnaires. 8vo. Pondichery, 1846. 1 12s. Dictionary, English and Tamil. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. bound, pp. 242 and 272. Madras, 1852. 1 11s. 6rf. Dictionary (A Manual) of the Tamil Language. Published by the Jaffna Book Society. 8vo. half bound. Jaffna, 1842. 16s. Percival, P., Dictionary, English and Tamil. 8vo. Madras, 1862. 10s. )ttler, J. P., Dictionary of the Tamil and English Languages. 4 parts in one vol. 4to. half calf, pp. ii. 300, and 410 ; x. and 456 ; vi. and 248. Madras, 1834-41. 2 2s. r inslow, M., Comprehensive Tamil and English Dictionary of High and Low Tamil. 4to. boards, pp. xvi. and 976. Madras, 1862. 3 13s. 6d. 154 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS, CERESTOMATHIES. Aditchoovady, Elementary Grammar of the Tamil Language in Tamil. 12mo. pp. 44. Pondicherry. Is. 6d. Anderson, R, Rudiments of Tamul Grammar, combining with the Rules of Kodun Tamul, or the ordinary dialect, an Introduction to Shen Tamul, or the elegant dialect of the language. 4to. half hound, pp. xx. and 184. London, 1821. 1. Beschius, C. J., Grammatica Latino-Tamulica. Small 4to. calf. Madras- patnam, 1813. 12s. Grammar of the High Dialect of the Tamil Language, termed Shen Tamil, to which is added an introduction to Tamil Poetry. Translated from the Latin by B. GUY BABINGTON. 4to. Scarce. Madras, 1822. 1 10s. Grammar of the Common Dialect of the Tamul Language, translated from the original Latin, hy GEORGE W. MAHON. 8vo. half bound, pp. 147. Madras, 1848. 6s. Clavis Humaniorum Litterarum Sublimioris Tamulici Idiomatis. Auctore R. P. CONSTANTIO JOSEPHO BKSCHIO, Soc. Jesu, in Madurensi Regno Missionario. Edited by the Rev. K. IHLEFELD, and printed for A. Burnell, Esq., Tranquebar. 8vo. sewed, pp. 171. 1876. 10s. 6d. Caldwell, Rev. R,., Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South- Indian Family of Languages. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. cloth, pp. xlii. and 608. London, 1875. 1 8s. Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Canarese, Tulu, Kudagee or Coorg, Tuda, Kota, G6nd, Khond or Ku, Maler or Rajmahal, Oraon. Ferguson, A. M., " Inge Va ! " or the Sinna Durai's Tamil Guide. Small 8vo. pp. 66. Colombo, 1878. 5s. Grammaire frangaise-tamoule, ou les regies du tamoul vulgaire, celles de la langue relevee et celles de la poesie tamoule se trouvent exposees au long par un provicaire apostolique. 12mo. Pondichery, 1863. 12s. 6d. Lazarus, John, Tamil Grammar designed for use in Colleges and Schools. 12mo. cloth, pp. viii. and 230. 1878. 5s. M. Manuel de la conversation ou recueil de mots usuels et de phrases propres a faciliter 1'etude du fra^ais et du tamoul. 12mo. Pondichery, 1865. 8s. Pope, G. IL, Tamil Handbook ; or, Full Introduction to the Common Dialect of that Language, on the plan of Ollendorff and Arnold ; for the use of Foreigners learning Tamil, and of Tamulians learning English. With copious Vocabularies (Tamil -English and English-Tamil), Appendices, containing reading-lessons, analyses of letters, deeds, complaints, official documents. Third Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. iv. and 388. Madras, 1868. 18s. Key to the Tamil and Roman Characters to Pope's Tamil Hand-Book. 8vo. pp. 152. Madras, 1869. 8s. Tamil Prose Reading-Book ; or, Companion to the Handbook, in 5 Books. I. Fables and Easy Stories. II. The Second Part of the Pan- chatantra. III. The History of Nala. IV. The History of Rama. V. Miscellaneous Pieces with Notes, References to the "Handbook" and Glossary. Parts I. to III. In one vol. 8vo. cloth, pp. 232. Madras, 1859. 7s. 6d. Larger Grammar of the Tamil Language, in both its Dialects ; to which are added the Nannul, Yapparungalam, and other native authorities, with commentary, copious exercises, and examples, taken from the best authors, and an analytical index. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. vi. and 412. Madras, 1859. 18s. Tamil Poetical Anthology, with Grammatical Notes and Vocabulary. 8vo. pp. 220. Madras, 1859. 10s. 6d. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 155 TAMIL: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Rhenius, C. T. E., Grammar of the Tamil Language, with an Appendix. Third Edition. 8vo. half bound, pp. xiv. and 298. Madras, 1853. 18s. TARAHUMARA. Steffel, P. M., Tarahumarisches Worterbuch, nebst einigen Nachrichten von den Sitten und Gebrauchen der Tarahumaren, in ISeu-Biscaya, in der Audiencia Guadalaxara im Vice-Kb'nigreiche Alt-Mexico oder Neu-Spanien. 8vo. pp. 80. Briinn, 1791. 10s. 6d. TARAWAN. (See POLYNESIAN LANGUAGES.) TASMANIA (LANGUAGES OF). See AUSTRALIAN LANGUAGES (DURVILLE). TATAR LANGUAGES (GENERAL). Remusat, Abel, Recherches sur les langues Tartares, ou Memoires sur differents points de la grammaire et de la litterature des Mandchous, des iMon- gols, des Ouigours et des Tibetains. Vol. 1. only. 4to. Paris, Imp. royale, 1820. 1 8s. Vambery, Herm., Etymologisches Worterbuch der Turko-Tatarischen Sprachen. 8vo. sewed, pp. xxiv. and 228. Leipzig, 1878. 8*. TEDA. (See AFRICAN LANGUAGES.) TELINGA. (See TELUGU.) TELUGU (TELINGA). DICTIONARIES. Brown, Ch. Ph., Dictionary, Telugu and English, explaining the colloquial style used in business, and the poetical dialect. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 1303. Madras, 1852. 3 3*. Dictionary, English and Telugu, explaining the English idioms and phrases in Telugu, with the pronunciation of English words. 8vo. pp. xxx. and 1392. Madras, 1853. 2 2*. Dictionary of the Mixed Dialects and Foreign Words used in Telugu. 8vo. pp. xxviii. and 131. Madras, 1854. 12s. Campbell, A. D., Dictionary of the Telugu Language, commonly termed the Gentoo. 4to. pp. 601. Madras, 1821. 1 11*. 6rf. Morris, J. C., Dictionary, English and Teloogoo (English-Telugu only). 2 vols. 4to. bound. Madras, 1835-39. 1 10*. Percival's English-Teloogoo Dictionary. 10s. 6d. GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS, SELECTIONS (READERS}. Arden, A. H., Progressive Grammar of the Telugu Language, with copious Examples and Exercises. In Three Parts. Part I. Introduction. On the Alphabet and Orthography. Outline Grammar, and Model Sentences. Part II. A Complete Grammar of the Colloquial Dialect. Part III. On the Grammatical Dialect used in Books. 8vo. sewed, pp. xiv. and 380. Madras, 1873. 14*. A Companion Telugu Reader to Arden's Telugu Grammar. 8vo. cloth, pp. 130. Madras, 1879. 7s. Qd. - 156 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. TELUGU: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Brown, Ch. Ph., Grammar of the Telugu Language. Second Edition, much enlarged and improved. 8vo. half bound, pp. xxiv. and 363. Madras, 1857. 1 Is. The Telugu Reader. Part I. The Telugu Reader ; being a series of letters private and on business, police and revenue matters, with an English translation ; notes explaining the grammar, and a little lexicon. Part II. .English translations of the exercises and documents printed in the Telugu Reader. Part III. Analysis of the words in the first chapter of the Telugu Reader. 3 vols. 8vo. bound in sheep. Madras, 1851-52. 1 16s. The Telugu Reader ; being a Series of Letters, private and on business ; police and revenue matters. With an English Translation, notes explaining the grammar and a little lexicon. Second Edition. Two parts in one vol. 8vo. cloth, pp. 280 and 174. Madras, 1867. 14s. Although the English translation is mentioned on the title-page, the volume does not contain it. Vakyavali : or, Exercises in Idioms. English and Telugu. 8vo. pp. 242. Madras, 1852. 10s. Qd. Caldwell's Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian Language. See Tamil. Campbell, A. D., Grammar of the Telugu Language, commonly termed the Gentoo. Second Edition. Fol. bound, pp. xxi. 202, and 18. Madras, 1820. 18s. Polyglot Vocabulary in the English, Telugu, and Tamil Languages ; to which are appended the nine parts of speech ; several useful dialogues, with selections, and a glossary of revenue terms. By a late Student of Mr. Lewis. 8vo. pp. 262. Madras, 1857. 12s. Carey, W., Grammar of the Telinga Language. 8vo. pp. iii. and 186. Serampore, 1874. 7*. Qd. Dialogues in Telugu and English, with a Grammatical Analysis. Second Edition. 8vo. bound, pp. 106. Madras, 1853. 5s. Morris, J. C., Teloogoo Selections, with translations and grammatical analysis. Folio, bound. Madras, 1823. 1 Is. Riccaz, Rev. A., An Abridgment of the Telugu Grammar for the use of Schools compiled from various sources. 8vo. pp. viii. and 124. Vizagapatam, 1869. 12s. Selections, Telugu, compiled from the several Texts Books in that Language, for the use of officers in the civil, military, and public works' department, etc. By Order of the Board of Examiners. 8vo. half bound, pp. 470. Madras, 1858. 15s. Second Edition. Madras, 1881. 1 Is. TEMAHUQ (TEMAH, TOWAREK, TUARIK). Freeman, H. St., Grammatical Sketch of the Temahuq or Towarek Language. 8vo. cloth, pp. 48. London, 1862. 2s. Qd. Hanoteau, A., Essai de grammaire de la langue Tamachek, renfermant les principes du langage parle par Imouchar ou Touareq, des conversations en Tamachek et des facsimile d'ecriture en caracteres Tifinar. Large 8vo. Out of print. Paris, 1860. 1 Is. Newman, F. "W., The Numidian Language. [In preparation. " In the time of St. Augustine, the Libyan Language, as known to the Romans among Numidians, Mauritanians and Gaetuliann, was essentially one. Hence some approxima- tion can be made towards its reconstruction by casting out of the modern tongues which are spoken on the same area all the imported Arabic. An attempt is made to present thus the materials of a Libyan Dictionary." TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 157 TEMNE. Schlenker, Rev. C. F., Grammar of the Temne Language. 8vo. cloth. London, 1864. 7s. 6d. Collection of Temne Traditions, Fables, and Proverbs, with an English Translation. To which is appended a TEMNE-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxii. and 298. London, 1861. 5*. An English-Temne Dictionary. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 404. London, 1880. THAI. (See SIAMESE.) TIBETAK DICTIONARIES. Csoma de Koros, Alex., Dictionary Tibetan-English. 4to. cloth, pp. xxii. and 352. Calcutta, 1834. 2 2s. Jaeschke, H. A., Romanized Tibetan and English Dictionary, each word being re-produced in the Tibetan as well as in the Roman character. 8vo. sewed, pp. ii. and 156. Kye-lang, in Brit. Lahoul, 1866. 12s. 6d. Handworterbuch der Tibetischen Sprache. 4to. pp. vi. xx. and 632. (Lithographed.) Gnadau, 1871. 2 2s. Tibetan-English Dictionary, with special reference to the prevailing dialects. To which is added an English -Tibetan Vocabulary. Imp. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxii. and 671. London, 1881. 1 10s. Schmidt, T. J., Tibetisch-Deutsches Worterbuch, nebst deutschem "Wort- register. 4to. pp. xi. and 784. St. Petersburg, 1841. 1 4s. GRAMMATICAL WORKS. Alphabetum Tibetanum, Missionum Apostolicarum commodo editum. Pnemissa est disquisitio qua de vario litterarum ac regionis nomine, gentis origine, moribus, superstitione, manichaeismo fuse disseritur. Studio et labore Fr. A. A. GEORG. 4to. pp. xciv. and 820. Roma3, 1762. 1 4s. Csoma de Koros, A., Grammar of the Tibetan Language, in English. 4to. pp. 256. Calcutta, 1834. 1 5*. Foucaux, P. E., Grammaire de la langue Tibetane. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 55. Jaeschke, H. A., Short Practical Grammar of the Tibetan Language, with a special reference to the Spoken Dialects. 8vo. sewed, pp. ii. and 56. Kye-lang, in Brit. Lahoul, 1865. 10s. &d. Lewin, Major, Th. H., Manual of Tibetan, being a guide to the Colloquial Speech of Tibet, in a series of progressive exercises, prepared with the assistance of Yapa Ugpen Gyatsho. Oblong 4to. cloth, pp. xi. and 176. Calcutta, 1879. 1 Is. Schmidt, T. J., Grammatik der Tibetischen Sprache. 4to. pp. xv. and 320. St. Petersburg, 1839. 12s. 6rf. TIGRE. TIGRINNA. Beurmann, M. von, Vocabulary of the Tigr6 Language. Published with a Grammatical Sketch. By Dr. A. MERX, of the University of Jena. pp. viii. and 78, cloth. Halle and London, 1868. 3s. 6d. 158 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. TIGRE continued: Munzinger, "W., Vocabulaire de la Langue Tigre. 8vo. pp. x. and 93. Leipzig, 1865. 3s. Prsetorius, Fr., Gramnatik der Tigrinna Sprache in Abessinien, haupt- sachlich in der Gegeud von Aksum und Adoa. 4to. pp. 368. Halle, 1872. '13s. 6d. TOBA (Sumatra). (See also BATAK and MAKASSAR.) Van der Tuuk, H. N., Tobasche Spraakkunst, in dienst en op kosteri van het Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap. Eerste Stuk. 8vo. pp. viii. and 83. Amsterdam, 1864. 2*. 6d. Tobasche Spraakkunst. Tweede Stuk. Svo. Amsterdam, 1867. 10s. 6d. Kurzer Abriss einer Batta'schen Formenlehre in Toba-Dialecte. Nach einem Dictat von H. N. van der Tuuk, verdeutscht durch A. SCHKEIBER. 8vo. pp. 82 and 26. Barmen, n. d. 2s. TODA (NILGIRI HILLS). Stevenson, Rev., Collection of words from the language of the Todas, the Chief Tribe of the Nilgiri Hills. 12 pp. (In "Journal, Bombay Branch R.A.S." No 4, 1842.) Reprint. Bombay, 1870. 5s. TONGAN (FRIENDLY ISLANDS). Mariner's Account of the Natives of the Tonga (Friendly) Islands, with an Original Grammar and Vocabulary by Martin. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1817. 12s. 6d. D'Urville, Tonga Vocabulary. See under Australian Languages. TONOCOTE. (SeeLuLE.) TORWALAK. Biddulph, Major J., Short Grammar and Vocabulary of the Torwalak language spoken in Torwal, in the Swat Valley. Contained in Biddulpb, Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh, pp. Ixxvi-xci. Calcutta, 1880. 15s. TOWAREK (TUARIK). (See TEMAHUQ.) TSCHEKH. (See BOHEMIAN.) TSCHEREMISSIAN (CHEREMISS). Budenz, J., Vocabularium Tscheremissicum utriusque dialecti. Svo. Pest, 1866. 3s. 6rf. Castr^n, M. A. , Elementa Grammatics Tscheremissse. Svo. pp. x. and 76. Kuopio, 1845. 2s. 6d. TSCHUWASSIAJST. Zolotnickrj, N. J., Tschuwassian-Russian Dictionary. Large Svo. Kasan, 1875. 14s. TRUBNEE & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 159 TSHI. (See ASANTE.) TSONECA (PATAGONIAN). Schmid, Th., Vocabulary and Rudiments of Grammar of the Tsoneca Language. 12mo. Bristol, 1860. TULTJ. Brigel, Rev. J., Grammar of the Tulu Language. 8vo. cloth, pp. iv. 139 and iv. Mangalore, 1872. 7s. 6d. Polyglott-Vocabulary, English, German, Canarese, Tulu and Malayalam, containing 1600 of the most useful words of the language classified under practical headings, and printed in parallel columns both in the Vernacular and in Eoman Letters. Small 8vo. pp. xii. and 98. Maugalore, 1880. 5s. TUNGTJSIAN" (TUNGOOS, TUNGAN). See also MANTSHU. Castren, M. A., Grundziige einer Tungusischen Sprachlehre, nebst kur- zem Wdrterverzeichniss, herausg. von A. SCHIEFNEU. 8vo. pp. xviii. and 140. St. Petersburg, 1856. 3*. TCJPY. (See BRAZILIAN.) TURKI (TURCO-TATAR, EASTERN TURKISH). See also CAGATAI. Balint, G., Kazani-tatar nyelvtanulmanyok. Three parts. 8vo. pp. 408. Pesth, 1877. 10s. 6d. I. Tataric Chresthomathy with translation into Hungarian. II. Tataric-German Diet. III. Grammar of the Tataric Language (Kazan Dialect) in Hungarian. Budagoff, L., Comparative Dictionary of the Turkish and Tartaric Dialects. 2 vols. 4to. St. Petersburgh, 1869-71. 1 17s. Qd. Pavet de Courteille, Dictionnaire Turk- Oriental, destine" principalement a faciliter la lecture des ouvrages de Baber d'Aboul-Gazi et de Mir-Ai-Chir- Nevai. 8vo. pp. xiv. and 562. Paris, 1870. 10s. Shaw, R. B., Sketch of the Turki Language, as spoken in Eastern Turkistan (Kashgar and Yarkand). Part I. Grammar. Large 8vo. pp. 130. Calcutta, 1878. 7s. Qd. Part II. Vocabulary; Turki-English. 8vo. pp/226. Calcutta, 1880. 4s. Vambe'ry, H., Cagataische Sprachstudien, enthaltend grammatikalischen TJmriss, Chrestomathie und \V6rterbuch der Cagataischen Sprache. 4to. pp. viii. and 360. Leipzig, 1867. 1 Is. Etymolog. Worterbuch der Turko-Tartarischen Sprache. Leipzig, 1878. 8s. TURKISH (OSMANLI). DICTIONARIES. Barbier de Meynard, A. C., Diet. Turc-Fran9ais, Supplement aux dic- tionnaires publies jusqu'a ce jour renfermant 1) Les mots d'origine Turque. 2) Les mots Arabes et Persans employes en Osmanli, avec leur signification par- ticuliere. 3) Un grand nombre de proverbes et de locutions populaires. 4) Un vocabulaire geographique de 1' Empire Ottoman. Vol. I. Livr. I. 8vo. (To be completed in 8 parts.) Paris, 1881. 8s. 6d. 160 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. TURKISH: DICTIONARIES continued: Bianchi et Kieffer, Dictionnaire Turc-Fran9ais et Franais-Turc. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843-1850. 8. Vocabulaire Franais-Turc. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 18s. Calfa, A., Dictionnaire de poche, Frangais-Turc. Fourth Edition. 32mo. cloth, pp. 448. Paris, 18(>6. 6s. Calligaris, L., Le Compagnon de Tous, ou Dictionnaire Polyglotte. Par le Col. Louis CALLIGARIS, Grand Officier, etc. (French Latin - Italian Spanish Portuguese German English Modern Greek Arabic Turkish.) 2 vols. 4to. pp. 1157 and 746. Turin, 1870. 4 4s. Dictionnaire (Petit) Fran9ais-Turc-Italien-Arabe. Small 8vo. pp. vi. and 602. Jerusalem, 1880. 1. Dictionary of the Turkish Language, in Turkish. Half bound. Calcutta, A.H. 1240 (1825). 6*. Farhangi Shu'uri. A Persian-Turkish Dictionary, by Ibrahim Efendi. 2 vols. Small folio. Constantinople, A.H. 1279 (1869). 4 4s. Handjeri, le Prince A., Dictionnaire Fra^ais, Arabe, Persan et Turc, enrichi d'exemples en langue Turque, avec des variantes et de beaucoup de mots d'art et de sciences. 3 vols. 4to. sewed. Moscou, 1840-41. Published at 300 francs. 7 10s. Kieffer, T. D., et T. X. Bianchi, Dictionnaire Turc-Frangais, a 1'usage des agents Diplomatiques et Consulaires, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound, pp. xxvi. 78 and 1304. Paris, 1835-37. 4 10s. Scarce. The complete stock of this valuable Dictionary was destroyed during the reign of the Commune in Paris. Mallouf, N., Dictionnaire Frangais-Turc, 2 e Edition augmented, avec la prononciation figuree. 12mo. pp. 912 a 2 col. Paris, 1854. 12s. Dictionnaire Turc-Frangais, avec la prononciation ligure'e. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 1489 a 2 col. Paris, 1862-67. 1 4s. Dictionnaire Frangais-Turc, avec la prononciation figure'e. Third Edition, cloth. Paris, 1881. 1. Meninski, F. a M., Lexicon Arabico-Persico-Turcicum, adjecta ad singulas voces et phrases significatione latina. 4 vols. fol. pp. clxiv. and 660, 3 plates, pp. 322, 1316, and 1207, half calf (pp, 1161-69 are replaced in MS.) Viennse, 1780. 4 4s. Redhouse, J. W., Lexicon English and Turkish ; showing, in Turkish, the literal, incidental, figurative, colloquial, and technical significations of the English Terms, indicating their pronunciation in a new and systematic manner ; preceded by a sketch of English Etymology. Second Edition. Large 8vo. half bound, pp. xx. and 827. Constantinople, 1877. 18s. Turkish Dictionary in 2 parts, English and Turkish and Turkish and English. In which the Turkish words are represented in the Oriental character, as well as their pronunciation and accentuation shown in English letters. Second Edition, enlarged and revised, by CH. WELLS. 8vo. cloth, pp. xiv. and 884. London, 1880. 2. Ruzicka-Ostoic, C., Tiirkisch-Deutsches Worterbuch mit Transcription des Tiirkischen. 8vo. pp. xii. and 556. Wien, 1879. 14s. Zenker, Dr. J. H. , Dictionnaire Turc- Arabe-Persan. 2 vols. 4to. pp. x. and 980. Leipzig, 1865-1870. 5. TEUBNEE & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 161 GRAMMARS, PHRASE-BOOKS, READING-BOOKS. Arnold, E., A Simple Transliteral Grammar of the Turkish Language. Compiled from various sources. With Dialogues and Vocabulary. By EDWIN ARNOLD, M.A., C.S.I., F.E.G.S. Pott 8vo. cloth, pp. 80. London, 1877. 2*. 6d. Barker, William Burckhardt, Heading Book of the Turkish Language, with Grammar and Vocabulary. Large 8vo. cloth. Out of print. London, 1854. Us. Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language, with Dialogues and Vocabulary. 12mo. pp. 160. London, 1854. 6s. Boyd, Ch., The Turkish Interpreter ; or, a new grammar of the Turkish Language. 8vo. sewed. London, 1842. 6s. Calfa, A., Guide de la conversation Francais-Turc. 8vo. pp. 564. Paris, 1859. 2s. 6d. Carbognano C. C. de, Primi Principi della Gramatica Turca. Thick 4to. paper. Home, 1794. 5s. Constantinidi, A, Dialogues Franco-Turco-Grecs. 8vo. paper. Constan- tinople, 1869. 6s. Davids, A. L., Grammaire Turke, pre'cede'e d'un discours preUimiuaire sur la langue et la Litterature des Nations orientales. 4to. London, 1836. 5s. Grammar of the Turkish Language, with Vocabulary, Dialogues, etc. 4to. London, 1832. 20s. Dragoman Turc donnant les mots et les phrases les plus ne"cessaires pour la conversation (Eoman characters). Small 8vo. cloth. Paris, 1854. 2s. Qd. Dubeux, L., Elements de la grammaire turque. 8vo. pp. xiii. and 120. Paris, 1856. 3s. Fink,L., Tiirkischer Dragoman : GrammatikPhrasensammlungundWorter- buch der tiirkischen Sprache (Eomanized). 8vo. Leipzig, 1872. 3s. 6d. Goldenthal, J., Ausfiihrliches Lehrbuch der Tiirkischen Sprache. Large 8vo. Wien, 1865. 10s. Grammaire Turque a 1'usage des Fran9ais, Anglais et Allemands avec un diciionnaire Fran9ais-turc. Leipzig, 1857. 8s Qd. Grammar, Turkish, compiled for the use of Travellers. 4to. boards. 1834. 7s. 6d. Hindoglou, Grammaire theorique et pratique de la Langue Turke telle qu'elle est parlee a Constantinople. Half bound. Paris, 1834. 3s. 6d. Grammaire theorique et pratique de la langue Turke, telle qu'elle est parlee a Constantinople. 8vo. bound together with Caussin de Perceval's Grammaire Arabe. Paris, 1834. lift. Theoretisch-praktische Turkische Sprachlehre fur Deutsche. Small 4to. half calf. Wien, 1829. 6s. Holderman, Grammaire Turque. Small 4to. boards. Constantinople, 1730. 5s. Hopkins, F. L., Elementary Grammar of the Turkish Language. With a few Easy Exercises. By F. L. HOPKINS, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 48. London, 1877. 3s. 6d. Jaubert, A, Elemeus de la Grammaire Turke. 4to. half leather. Paris 1823. 3s. 6d. 11 162 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. TURKISH: GRAMMARS, ETC., continued: Mackenzie, 0. F., Turkish Manual, comprising a condensed Grammar with Idiomatic Phrases, Exercises, Dialogues and Vocabulary. 12mo. London, 1829. 6s. Mallouf, N., Guide de la conversation en turc, en arabe et en persan. 8vo. Smyrne, 1853. 3s. Qd. New Guide to English and Turkish Conversation. 12mo. cloth. Paris, 1880. 2s. Dialogues, Fra^ais, Anglais et Turc. 12mo. cloth. Paris, 1880. 3s. Nouveau Guide de la conversation en quatre langues, Fran^ais Grec-Moderne, Anglais et Turc. 12mo. cloth. Paris, 1880. 3s. Grammaire Elementaire de la langue Turque, suivie de dialogues farailiers, avec la prononciation figuree, et d'un petit secretaire ou modele de lettres du Hatt imperial du ler juillet, 1861, et des traites de commerce entre la Sublime Porte, la France et 1'Angleterre, avec la traduction fran9aise et anglaise. 8vo. pp. 204. Paris, 1862. 5s. Meninski, T., Institutiones Linguae Turcicae cum rudimentis parallelis Linguarum Arabicae et Persicae. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. half bound. Yindobonae, 1756. 15s. Mikulowski, G., The Traveller's Guide : consisting of a Turkish Grammar, Vocabulary and Dialogues. 32mo. pp. 108. London, n.d. 3s. 6d. Pratt, Turkish Grammar for Armenians. (In Armenian.) Small 8vo. pp. x. and 216. half bound. Constantinople, 1868. 5s. Redhouse, J. W., The Turkish Campaigner's Vade-Mecum of Ottoman Language ; containing a concise Ottoman Grammar ; a carefully selected Vocabulary, alphabetically arranged, in two parts, English and Turkish, and Turkish and English ; also a few Familiar Dialogues ; the whole in English characters. Oblong 32mo. limp cloth, pp. iv. and 332. London, 1877. 6s. Grammaire raisonne'e de la Langue Ottornane, suivie d'un Appendice. Paris, 1846. 18s. Riggs, E., Outlines of a Grammar of the Turkish Language as written in the Armenian character, pp. 56. Constantinople, 1856. 5s. Tien, Rev. A., The Levant Interpreter ; A Polyglot Dialogue Book for English Travellers in the Levant (English, Turkish, Italian and Modern Greek in Romanized characters). 8vo. pp. viii. and 155. London, 1879. 5s. Timoni, A., Guide de la Conversation Frangais-Turc. (Grammaire, Dia- logues, Vocabulaire) . Oblong. Paris, 1854. 4s. Vergeiner, M., Institutio ad studium Linguae Turcicae. 8vo. pp. 292. Hierosolymis, 1872. 1 2s . Viguier, Elemens de la langue turque, ou Tables Analytiques de la langue turque usuelle avec leur developpement. Small 4to. half bound. Constantinople, 1790. 6s. Vocabulary, Turkish and Russian, English and French, and Dialogues for Travellers in the East. 12mo. cloth. London, 1857. Is. 6d. Wells, Dr. C., Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language (as spoken and written). 8vo. cloth. London, 1880. 15s. Wickerhauser, M., Deutsch-Tiirkische Chrestomathie. 8vo. Wien, 1879. 12s. Yates, E., Elements of the Science of Grammar and Complete Turkish Grammar. 8vo. cloth. London, 1857. 10s. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 163 TURRCJBUL. (See AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL LANGUAGES.) TTJSCH (CAUCASUS). Schiefner, A., Versuch Uber die Thusch Sprache oder die Khistische Mundart in Thuschetien. 8vo. pp. 160. St. Petersburg, 1856. 6*. UDE. Schiefner, A., Versuch uber die Sprache der Uden. 4to. pp. 110. Petersburg, 1863. 3s. Qd. UEA LANGUAGE. (See WESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN.) UIGUR Klaproth, J. v., Ueber die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren. Fol. Paris, 1820. (Pub. at 32*.) 18s. Vambery, H., Uigurische Sprachmonumente und das Kudatku Bilik. Uigurischer Text, mit Transcription und Uebersetzung, nebst einem uigurisch- deutschen Wb'rterbuche und lithogr. Facsimile aus den Orig. Texte. Royal 4to. pp. v. and 262. Innsbruck, 1870. 1 4s. UMBKLAN". (See ITALIC.) URDU. (See HINDUSTANI.) URIYA. (SeeORiYA.) VAYU. Hodgson, B. H., Grammar of the Vayu Language (forming pp. 216 to 319 of " Miscellaneous Essays relating to Indian Subjects." 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1880.) 1 8s. VEI (CENTRAL AFRICA.) Koelle, S. W., Outline of a Grammar of the Vei Language, together with a Vei- English Vocabulary. 8vo. cloth, pp. vi. and 227. Out of print. London, 1853. 16s. VLDGHAH. Biddulph, Major J., Short Grammar and Vocabulary of the Vidghah Language. Spoken in the upper part of the Ludkho Valley and in Munjan. Contained in Biddulph "Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh," pp. civ clxix. Calcutta, 1880. 15s. WALLACHIAN. See ROUMAN (DACO-ROUMAN). WALLON. Grammaire Ele"mentaire Liegeoise (Franaise-Wallonne). Par L. M., (Michiels). Imp. 8vo. pp. vi. and 154. Out of print. Liege, 1863. Is. 6d. 164 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. WALLON continued: Grandgagnage, Ch., Dictionnaire Etymologique de la Langue Wallonne. Vols. I. and II. (part 1). Imp. 8vo. pp. iii. and 358 ; xxxviii. and 178. (Out of print.) Liege, 1845-50. 15*. Tome II. (Suite et fin), renfermant : La fin du Diet, avec un supplement, un Glossaire d'anciens mots wallons et une introduction. Publie par A. SCHELBR. 8vo. pp. xxxiii. and 179 to 644. Bruxelles, 1880. Remacle, Dictionnaire Wallon-Francais. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. xxxv., 687, and 656, half bound. Liege, n.d. 1 1*. Sigart, J., Glossaire e"tymolog. Montois, ou Diet, du Wallon de Mons et de la plus grande partie du Hainaut. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1866. 8s. 6d. W AND ALA. See AFRICAN LANGUAGES (EARTH). WELSH. English and Welsh Languages, The Influence of the English and Welsh Languages upon each other, exhibited in the Vocabularies of the two Tongues. Intended to suggest the importance to Philologers, Antiquaries, Ethnographers, and others, of giving due attention to the Celtic Branch of the Indo-Germanic Family of Languages. Square 8vo. sewed, pp. 30. London, 1869. Is. Evans, D. S., An English and Welsh Dictionary, adapted to the present state of science and literature ; in which the English words are deduced from their originals, and explained by their synonyms in the Welsh Language. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, pp. 868 and 1094. Denbigh, 1852-58. 1 13*. 6d. Evans and Richards, English and Welsh Vocabulary ; or, an easy Guide to the Ancient British Language. By TH. EVANS. To which is sub- joined, a Grammar of the Welsh Language. By the Rev. TH. RICHARDS. 8vo. half bound, pp. 66, 64, and 52. Dolgelly, 1816. 6s. Hughes, G. H., Gramadeg Cymraeg ; sef, Jeith i adur Athronyddol. 12mo. pp. 208, cloth. Caernarvon, n.d. 3s. Owen, William, Welsh and English Dictionary, with numerous illustra- tions from the Literary Remains and from the living speech of the Cymry. 2 vols. 4to. 1803. 1 5s. Abridgment of the Welsh and English Dictionary. Small 8vo. pp. iv. and 400. London, 1826. 5s. Pughe, O., Grammar of the Welsh Language. Second Edition. Denbigh, 1832. An outline of the Characteristics of the Welsh, and its utility in connexion with other ancient languages. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. half boards. Denbigh, 1832. 1 Is. Dictionary of the Welsh Language explained in English ; with numerous illustrations from Literary Remains, etc., to which is prefixed a Welsh Grammar. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Denbigh, 1832. 3 10s. This is the second edition of Owen's Dictionary the author having changed his name. Rhys, John, Lectures on Welsh Philology. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 466. London, 1879. 15s. Rowland, Th., Grammar of the Welsh Language. Fourth Edition. Post 8vo. London, 1876. 4s. 6d. Spurrell, W, Grammar of the Welsh Language. By WILLIAM SPURRELL. 3rd Edition. Foolscap cloth, pp. viii. arid 206. 1870. 3s. Practical Lessons in Welsh, in imitation of the Natural Method of learning to speak a language. 12mo. pp. 160. Carmarthen, 1881. 2*. Qd. TRUBKER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 165 WELSH continued: Spurrell, W., A Welsh Dictionary. English- Welsh and Welsh-English. With Preliminary Observations on the Elementary Sounds of the English Language, a copious Vocabulary of the Roots of English Words, a list of Scripture Proper Names and English Synonyms and Explanations. By WILLIAM SPURRELL. Third Edition. Foolscap, cloth, pp. xxv. and 732. Caerfyrddin, 1872. 8s. 6d. WENDISH. (See also SERVIAN.) Bose, C., Wendisch-Deutsches Handworterbuch nach dem Oberlausitzer Dialecte. 4to. Grimma, 1840. 3s. 6d. Gutsmann, O., Deutsch-Windisches Worterbuch mit einer Sammlung der verdeutschten Windischen Stammworter. 4to. Klagenfurt, 1789. Scarce. 15s. Wendische Sprachlehre. Sixth Edition. 8vo. boards, pp. 108. Klagenfurt, 1829. 3*. 6d. Jordan. J. P., Grammatik der Wendisch-Serbischen Sprache in der Ober- lausitz. Im Systeme Dobrowsky's verfasst. 8vo. pp. 204. Prag, 1841. 4s. Qd. Schmaler, F. E., Deutsch-Wendisches Worterbuch. mit einer Darstellung der allgem. Wendischen Rechtschreibung. 8vo. Bautzen, 1843. 2s. 6d. Kleine Grammatik der Serbisch-Wendischen Sprache in der Oberlausitz. 16mo. Bautzen, 1852. 3s. 6d. Seller, A., Grammatik der Sorben- Wendischen Sprache nach Budissiner Dialekt. 8vo. Budissin, 1830. 3s. Zwahr, F. G., Niederlausitz- Wendisch-Deutsches Handworterbuch. Five parts. 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 476. Spremberg, 1846-47. 6s. WESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN (ISLANDS OF). Cheyne, A., Description of Islands in the West Pacific Ocean, North and South of the Equator. With Vocabularies of their various Languages (Lifu, Uea, Stewart Islands, Eddystone Island, Bornabi, Yap, Pallow Island). 8vo. cloth. London, 1852. 6s. 6rf. WOLOF (SENEGAMBIA). Boilat, 1'Abbe, Grammaire de la Langue WolotTe. Ouvrage couronne' par 1'Institut. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. vi. and 430. Paris, 1858. 16s. Dard, J., Grammaire WolofFe ; ou, Methode pour etudier la Langue des Noirs qui habitent les Royaumes de Bourba-Yolof, de Walo, de Darnel, de Bour-Sine, de Saloume, de Baole, en Senegambie ; suivie d'un Appendice, oti sont etablies les particularites les plus essentielles des principales Langues d'Afrique Septentrionale. 8vo. sewed, pp. x. xxii. and 214. Paris, 1826. 8s. Grammaire, etc. Another copy, half-calf. 9s. 6d. Dictionnaire Frangais-Wolof et Frangais-Bambara, suivi du Dictionnaire Wolof-Fran9ais. 8vo. half calf, pp. xxxii. and 300. Paris, 1825. 10s. Dictionnaire, etc. Another copy, sewed, uncut. 9s. Dictionnaire Fra^ais-Wolof et Wolof-Frangais. Nouvelle Edition, contenant tous les mots du Dictionnaire de Dard, du Vocabulaire du Baron Roger, du Dictionnaire manuscrit de 1'Abbe Lambert. Revue, corrigee, considerablement augmentee et precedee des Principes de la Langue Wolof'e. Par les RR. PP. Missionaires de la Congreg. du S. Esprit et du S. Coeur de Marie. 12mo. sewed, pp. 242. Dakar, 1855. 12s. 166 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. WOLOF continued: Faidherbe, L., Vocabulaire d'environ 1500 Mots Fra^ais les plus usuels, avec leurs correspondants en Ouolof de Saint-Louis, en Poular (Toucoulor) du Fouta, en Soninke (Sarakholle) de Bakel. 12mo. boards, pp. 140. St. Louis (in Senegambia), 1860. 7s. 6d. Kobes, Evque, Grammaire de la langue Volofe. 8vo. St. Joseph de Ngasobil, 1869. 10s. 6d. Roger, M. le Baron, Recherches Philosophiques sur la Langue Ouolofe, suivies d'un Vocabulaire abrege Francais-Ouolof. 8vo. pp. 175. Paris, 1829. 10s. WOTIAK. Ahlquist, A. E., Wotisk Grammatik. 4to. pp. 162. (Reprint.) Hel- singfors, 1855. Reprint. 6s. "Wiedemann, F. J., Grammatik der Wotjakischen Sprache mit kleinem Wotjakisch-Deutschen und Deutsch-Wotjakischen Worterbuche. 8vo. Reval, 1851. 8s. YAKAMA (NORTH AMERICA). Pandosy, Rev. M. C., Grammar and Dictionary of the Yakama Language. Translated by G. GIBBS and J. G. SHEA. 4to. sewed, pp. 60. London and New York, 1862. 15s. (Only 100 copies printed.) YAKUT. Boehtlingk, O., Ueber die Sprache der Jakuten ; Grammatik, Text und Worterbuch. 4to. pp. 639. St. Petersburg, 1851. 1 Is. YAO. Steere, Edw., Collections for a Handbook of the Yao Language. 16mo. pp. vii. and 105. London, 1871. 2s. YAP LANGUAGE. (See WESTERN PACIFIC OCEAN.) YENISEIAN OSTIAKS. Castren, A., Versuch einer Jenissei-Ostjakischen Sprachlehre. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1858. 5s. YORUBA (CENTRAL AFRICA.) Bowen, T. J., Grammar and Dictionary of the Yoruba Language, with an introductory description of the country and people of Yoruba. 4to. pp. xxi. 71, and 136, with a map of Yoruba. Washington, 1858. 1 5s. Crowther, S., Grammar and Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language, together witb Introductory Remarks by tbe Right Rev. 0. E. VIDAL, Bisbop of Sierra Leone. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 40 ; viii. 52, and 292. London, 1852. 8s. 6d. Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language (Yoruba-English only). Together witb Introductory Remarks, by the Right Rev. 0. E. VIDAL. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. 38, and 292. London, 1852. 8s. Qd. Grammar of the Yoruba Language. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 52. London, 1852. 6s. Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language. Part I. English- Yoruba Part II. Yoruba-English. To which are prefixed tbe grammatical elements of the Yoruba Language. Small 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. 48, and 196. London, 1843. 7*. 6rf. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 167 YUCATECAN. (See MAYA.) ZARAMO. Steere, E., Short Specimens of the Vocabularies of three unpublished African Languages (Gindo Zaramo Angazidja). 16mo. pp. 21. London, 1869. Is. ZEBU ANA. (See PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.) ZEND (OLD BACTRIAN). Geiger, W., Handbuch der Awestasprache. Grammatik, Chrestomathie und Glossar. 8vo. pp. xii. and 359. Erlangen, 1879. 12s. Harlez, C. de, Manuel de la langue de 1'Avesta. Grammaire, Anthologie, Lexique. 8vo. pp. ix. and 245. Louvain, 1879. 10s. Haug, M., Outline of a Grammar of the Zend Language. 8vo. sewed, pp. 82. Bombay, 1862. Out of print and very scarce. 1 1*. An Old Zand-Pahlavi Glossary. Edited in the original characters, with a Transliteration in Roman letters, and English Translation, and an Alphabetical Index. By DESTUR HOSHENGJI JAMASPJI, High-priest of the Parsis in Malwa, India. Revised with Notes and Introduction by MARTIN HAUG. Published by order of the Government of Bombay. 8vo. sewed, pp. Ivi. and 132. Bombay and London, 1867. 15s. Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis. By MARTIN HAUG, Ph.D., late Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology at the University of Munich. Edited by Dr. E. W. WEST. Second Edition. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 428. London, 1878. 16s. Hovelacque, A., Grammaire de la Langue Zende. Second Edition. 8vo. pp. viii. and 308. Paris, 1878. 8s. 6d. Justi, Ferd., Handbuch der Zendsprache. .Altbactrisches Worterbuch, Grammatik, Chrestomathie. Four parts. 4to. sewed, pp. xxii. and 424. Out of print. Leipzig, 1864. 2. Lagarde, P. de, Beitrage zur Baktrischen Lexikographie. 8vo. pp. 80. Scarce. Leipzig, 1868. 8s. Lepsius, Rich., Das Urspriingliche Zendalphabet,jmit 3 lithogr. Tafeln. 4to. pp. 90. Berlin, 1863. 4s. Miiller, Dr. Fr., Zendstudien. 2 parts, 8vo. pp. 20. Wien, 1863. 2s. Spiegel, Fr., Grammatik der Altbaktrischen Sprache, nebst einem Anhange iiber den Gathadialect. 8vo. pp. v. and 410. Leipzig, 1867. 12*. ZILLAH. Brown, Ch. Ph., The Zillah Dictionary, in the Eoman character; ex- plaining the various words used in business in India. 8vo. cloth, pp. 132. Madras, 1852. 12*. ZULU. (KAFIR AND XOSA-KAFIR.) Bonatz, T. A., Anleitung zur Erlernung der Kaffer Sprache, nach Rev. T. "W. APPLEYARD'S Grammatik. 8vo. pp. xii. and 292. Gnadau, 1862. 6*. Boyce, W. B., Grammar of the Kafir Language. Third Edition, aug- mented and improved, with Exercises, by WILLIAM J. DAVIS, Wesleyan Mis- sionary. 12mo. cloth, pp. xii. and 164. London, 1863. 8*. 168 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS. ZULU continued: Colenso, Rev. J. W., Zulu- English Dictionary. 8vo. Pietermaritzburtf, 1861. Out of print. 1 8s. First Zulu-Kafir Reading- Book. Two parts in one. 16mo. , sewed, pp. 44. Natal. Is. Second Zulu-Kafir Reading-Book. 16mo. sewed, pp. 108. Natal. 3s. Fourth Zulu-Kafir Reading-Book. 8vo. cloth, pp. 160. Natal, 1859. 7s. Davis, W. J., An English and Kaffir Dictionary, principally of the Xosa- Kaffir, but including also many words of the Zulu-Kafir Dialect. Small 8vo. cloth, pp. xiv. and 332. London, 1877. 5s. A Dictionary of the Kaffir Language, including the Xosa and Zulu Dialects. 8vo. cloth, pp. vii. and 260. Pt. I. Kaffir and English. London, 1872. 8s. Dohne, T. L., Zulu-Kafir Dictionary, etymologically explained, with copious Illustrations and Examples, preceded by an Introduction on the Zulu- Kafir Language. Royal 8vo. sewed, pp. xlii. and 418. Out of print. Cape Town, 1857. 30s. Grout, Rev. L., The Isizulu : a Grammar of the Zulu Language ; accom- panied with an Historical Introduction, also with an Appendix. 8vo. cloth, pp. lii. and 432. Natal and London, 1869. 21s. Incwadi Yokukgala Yokufunda, First Reading-Book in Zulu-Kafir. 24mo. pp. 168. Natal, 1870. 6s. The reading lessons in this First Reading-Book are derived entirely from natives, and arc therefore in pure Kafir idiom. Perrin, English-Zulu Dictionary. New Edition, revised by J. A. BRICK- HILL, Interpreter to the Supreme Court of Natal. 12mo. cloth, pp. 226. Out of print. Pieterraaritzburg, 1865. 12s. 6d. Roberts, Rev. Ch., The Zulu-Kafir Language, simplified for beginners. 8vo. cloth, pp. 8 and 152. London, 1880. 6s. An English-Zulu Dictionary, with the Principles of pronuncia- tion and classi6cation fully explained. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxiv. and 260. London, 1880. 8s. Schreuder, H. P. S., Grammatik der Zulu-Sproget. Fortale og Anmaerk- ninger af C. A. Holmboe. 8vo. pp. viii. and 88. Christiania, 1850. 7*. 6tf. TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 169 ADDITIONS. AMERICAN LANGUAGES. Crevaux, J.,P.Sagot,L. Adam, Grammaires et Vocabulaires Roucouyenne, Paris, ?882. 1 10s. Arrouague, Piapoco et d'autres langues de la region des Guyanes. 8vo. pp. 288. ANNAMESE. Ravier, M. H., Dictionarium Latino- Annamiti cum completum. and Ap- pendix : praecipua Geographiae et Historiae nominae tradens et explicans. 4to. pp. xii. and 1270 and 72. Mnh Phu, 1880. 2. ASANTE. Christaller, Rev. J. G., A Dictionary of the Asante and Fante Language called Tshi (Chwee, Twi), with a grammatical introduction and Appendices on the Geography of the Gold Coast. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxviii. and 671. Basel, 1881. 1 5s. AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES. Dawson, James, Australian Aborigines. The Languages and Customs of several Tribes of Aborigines in the Western District of Victoria. 4to. cloth, pp. viii. 112, and civ. with two photos, and fasc. Vocabulary, Grammar and Sentences (forming together 104 pages). Melbourne, 1881. 14s. BISCHARI. Almkvist, Hermann, Die Bischari-Sprache tu bedawie in Nord-Ost- Africa. Bd. I. 4to. pp. 302. Upsala, 1881. 1 5s. Munzinger, W., Ostafrikanische Studien. 8vo. pp. viii. and 584. With map. Contains on pages 341 to 369: A short Grammar and Vocabulary (in German) of the To'bedauie Lang. Schaffhausen, 1864. Us. CHINESE. Edkins, J., Progressive Lessons in the Chinese Spoken Language, with Lists of Common Words and Phrases, and an Appendix containing the Laws of Tones in the Peking Dialect. Fourth Edition, revised. 8vo. pp. 104. Shanghai, 1881. 14s. FRENCH. Ni/coXat&os, JB., 2elpa 77X77/9779 .TaAAt/a}? Ppa/AfiaTi/cr)? K -rraffuv apiffruv. 8vo. sewed. Paris, 1882. 10s. 12 170 CATALOGUE OF DICTIONAEIES AND GEAMMAES. FRENCH DIALECTS. Luchaire, Achille, Recueil de Textes de 1'ancien dialecte gascon d'apres des documents anterieurs au XI Ve siecle. Suivi d'un Glossaire. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 207. Paris, 1881. 6s. MODERN GREEK DIALECTS. Deffner, M., Zakonische Grammatik. Erste Haelfte. 8vo. pp. 176. Berlin, 1881. 6s. HINDUSTANI. Platts, J. T., A Hindustani Dictionary. Part I. pp. vi. and 240, cloth. Will be completed in about five parts. London, 1881. 10s. 6d. for part I. Small, G., A Laskari Dictionary, or Anglo-Indian Vocabulary of Nautical Terms and Phrases in English and Hindustani. Small 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 85. London, 1882. 2s. 6d. IROB-SAHO. Reinisch, L., Die Sprache der Irob-Saho in Abessinien. 8vo. pp. 56. Wien, 1878. Is. 6d. MALAGASY. Vocabulaire Francais-Malgache re'dige' par les missionaires catholiques a 1'usage de leurseleves qui apprennent le Francais. A. M. D. G. 8vo. cloth, pp. 418. Tananarive, 1880. 14s. NUMIDIAN. Newman, F. W., Dictionary of the Numidian Language. [In preparation. OLD PERSIAN. Spiegel, Fr., Die Alt-Persischen Keilinschriften. Im Grundtexte mit Uebersetzung, Grammatik und Glossar. Second enlarged edition. 8vo. pp viii. and 248. Leipzig, 1881. 9s. OSTIAK. Ahlquist, A., Ueber die Sprache der Nord-Ostjaken. Sprachtexte, Wortersammlung und Grammatik. Abth. I. Sprachtexte und Wortersammlung. 8vo. pp. viii. and 196. Helsingfors, 1880. ZEND. Harlez, C. de, Manuel de la langue de 1'Avesta. Grarnmaire, Anthologie, Lexique. 8vo. sewed, pp. xx. and 492. Paris, 1882. 12s. STEPHEN AUSTIN AKD SONS, PRINTKRS, HERTFORD. TRUBNER'S Oriental to ^tngutettc .A. BOOKS, PERIODICALS, AND SERIALS, ON THE J])i0torg, Languages, Religions, antiquities, Litera* ture, ant) ^eogtapftg of tfje ast, AND KINDRED SUBJECTS. PUBLISHED BY CO. LONDON: TRUBNER & CO., 57 AND 59, LUDGATE HILL. 1882. CONTENTS. PAGB Triibner's Oriental Series 3 Serials and Periodicals 6 Archaeology, Ethnography, Geography, History, Law, Literature, Numismatics Travels 19 The Religions of the East Comparative Philology (Polyglots) Grammars, Dictionaries, Texts, and Translations : 30 37 Accad v. Assyrian African Languages 41 American Languages 42 Anglo-Saxon 43 Arabic 44 Assamese 45 Assyrian 46 Australian Languages 48 Aztek v. American Lang. ... Babylonian v. Assyrian Bengali 48 Brahoe > 48 Braj Bhaka v. Hindi Burmese 48 Celtic v. Keltic Chaldaic v. Assyrian Chinese (for books on and in 49 Pidgin- English see under this heading) Choctaw v. American Lang. Coptic v. Egyptian Corean 53 Cornish V.Keltic Oee ) v. American Lan- Creole \ guages . 'Cuneiform v. Assyrian Dutch (Pennsylvania) 78 Egyptian 54 English Early and Modern 55 English and Dialects Frisian .. 67 Gaelic v. Keltic Gaudian 67 German (Old) 67 ipsy 68 Greek (Modern and Classic) .. 68 Gujarati 68 Gurmukhi 69 Hawaiian 69 Hebrew 69 Hidatsa v. American Lang. Hindi ,,. ... 70 PAGE Hindustani ............... 71 Icelandic ................. 72 Japanese .................. 73 Irish v. Keltic .......... Kamilaroi see Australian Lang. ... Keltic(Uornish,Gaelic, Welsh, Irish) 73 Mahratta (Marathi) ......... 74 Malagasy .................. 74 Malay .................. 75 Malayalim ............... 75 Maori ... .............. 75 Oriya v. Uriya ............ Pali .................... 75 Pazand ................. 77 Peguan .................. 77 Pehlvi .................. 77 Pennsylvania Dutch ......... 78 Persian .................. 79 Pidgin- English ............ 80 Prakrit .................. 80 Pukshto (Pakkhto, Pashto) ...... 80 Punjabi v. Gurmukhi ......... Quichua v. American Languages Russian .................. 81 Samaritan ............... 81 Samoan .................. 81 Sanskrit .................. 82 Shan .................. 91 Sindhi ................. 92 Sinhalese .................. 92 Suahili Syriac Tamil Telugu Tibetan Turki 92 92 93 93 94 94 Turkish .................. 94 Umbrian ................. 95 Urdu v. Hindustani ......... Uriya .................. 95 Welsh v. Keltic .. TEUBNER'S ORIENTAL SERIES. "A knowledge of the commonplace, at least, of Oriental literature, philosophy, and religion is as necessary to the general reader of the present day as an acquaint- ance with the Latin and Greek classics was a generation or so ago. Immense strides have been made within the present century in these branches of learning ; Sanscrit has been brought within the range of accurate philology, and its invaluable ancient literature thoroughly investigated ; the language and sacred books of the Zoroastrians have been laid bare ; Egyptian, Assyrian, and other records of the remote past have been deciphered, and a group of scholars speak of still more recondite Accadian and Hittite monuments ; but the results of all the scholarship that has been devoted to these subjects have been almost inaccessible to the public because they were contained for the most part in learned or expensive works, or scattered throughout the numbers of scientific periodicals. Messrs. TRUBNER & Co., in a spirit of enterprise which does them infinite credit, have dete trained to supply the constantly-increasing want, and to give in a popular, or, at least, a comprehensive form, all this mass of know- ledge to the world." Times. 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CONTENTS I. Vajra-chhedikS, the "Kin Kong King," or Diamond Sutra. Translated from the Chinese hy the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain, R.N. II. The Paramita-hridaya Sutra, or, in Chinese, ' Mo horpo-ye-po-lo-mih-to-sin-king," i.e. "The Great P&ramitd Heart Sutra." Translated from the Chinese hy the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain, R.N. III. On the Preservation of National Literature in the East.- By Colonel F. J. Goldsmid. IV. On the Agricultural, Commercial, Financial, and Military Statistics of Ceylon. By E. R. Power, Esq. V. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Vedic Theogony and Mythology. By J. Muir, D.C.L., LL.D. VI. A Tabular List of Original Works and Translations, published by the late Dutch Government of Ceylon at their Printing Press at Colombo. Compiled by Mr. Mat. P. J. Ondaatje, of Colombo. VII Assyrian and Hebrew Chronology compared, with a view of showing the extent to which the Hebrew Chronology of Ussher must be modified, in conformity with the Assyrian Canon. By J. W. Bosanquet, Esq. VIII. On the existing Dictionaries of the Malay Language. By Dr. H. N. van der Tuuk. IX. Bilingual Readings : Cuneiform and Phoenician. Notes on some Tablets in the British Museum, containing Bilingual Legends (Assyrian and Phoenician). By Major-General SirH.Rawlinson, K.C.B., Director R.A.S.X. Translations of Three Copper-plate Inscriptions of the Fourth Century A.D., and Notices of the Chalukya and Gurjjara Dynasties By Professor J . Dowson, Staff College, Sandhurst. XI. Yama and the Doctrine of a Future Life, according to the Rig-Yajur-, and Atharva-Vedas. By J. Muir, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D.-XII. On the Jyotisha Observation of the Place of the Colures, and the Date derivable from it. By "William D. Whitney, Esq., Professor of Sanskrit in Yale College, New Haven, U.S. Note on 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.G. 7 the preceding Article. By Sir Edward Colebrooke, Bart., M.P., President R.A.S. XIII. Pro- gress of the Vedic Religion towards Abstract Conceptions of the Deity. By J. Muir, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D. XIV. Brief Notes on the Age and Authenticity of the Work of Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta, Bhattotpala, and Bhaskaracharya. By Dr. Bhau Daji, Hono- rary Member R.A.S. XV. Outlines of a Grammar of the Malagasy Language. By H. N. Van der Tuuk. XVI. On the Identity of Xandrames and Krananda. By Edward Thomas, Esq. Vol. II. In Two Parts, pp. 522, sewed. 1866-7. 16*. CONTENTS. I. Contributions to a Knowledge of Vedic Theogony and Mythology. No. 2. By J. Muir, Esq. -II. Miscellaneous Hymns from the Rig- and Atharva-Vedas. By J. Muir, Esq. III. Five hundred questions on the Social Condition of the Natives of Bengal. By the Rev. J. Long. IV. Short account of the Malay Manuscripts belonging to the Royal Asiatic Society. By Dr. H. N. van der Tuuk. V. Translation of the Amitabha Sutra from the Chinese. By the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain Royal Navy. VI. Tbe initial coinage of Bengal. By Edward Thomas, Esq. VII. Specimens of an Assyrian Dictionary. By Edwin Norris, Esq. VIII. On the Relations of the Priests to the other classes of Indian Society in the Vedic age By J. Muir, Esq. -IX. On the Interpretation of the Veda. By the same. X. An attempt to Translate from the Chinese a work known as the Confessional Services of the great compassionate Kwan Yin, possessing 1000 hands and 1000 eyes. By the Rev. S. Beal, Chaplain Royal Navy. XI. The Hymns of the Gaupayanas and the Legend of King Asamati. By Professor Max Miiller, M.A., Honorary Member Royal Asiatic Society. XII. Specimen Chapters of an Assyria* Grammar. By the Rev. E. Hincks, D. D., Honorary Member Royal Asiatic Society. Vol. III. In Two Parts, pp. 516, sewed. With Photograph. 1868. 22*. CONTENTS. I. Contributions towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. By H. F. Talbot. II. Remarks on the Indo-Chinese Alphabets. By Dr. A. Bastian. III. The poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, Arragonese. By the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. IV. Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of King's College, Cambridge. By Edward Henry Palmer, B.A., Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge ; Member of the Royal Asiatic Society , Membre de la Societe Asiatique de Paris. V. Description of the Amravati Tope in Guntur. By J. Fergusson, Esq., F.R.S. VI. Remarks on Prof. Brockhaus' edition of the Kathasarit-sagara, Lambaka IX. XVIII. By Dr. H. Kern, Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Leyden. VII. The source of Colebrooke's Essay " On the Duties of a Faithful Hindu Widow." By Fitzedward Hall, Esq., M.A., D.C.L. Oxon. Supplement : Further detail of proofs that Colebrooke's Essay, " On the Duties of a Faithful Hindu Widow," was not indebted to the Vivadabhangarnava. By Fitz- edward Hall, Esq. VLII. The Sixth Hymn of the First Book of the Rig Veda. By Professor Max Miiller, M.A. Hon. M.R.A.S. IX. Sassanian Inscriptions. By E. Thomas, Esq. X. Ac- count of an Embassy from Morocco to Spain in 1690 and 1691. By the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. XI. The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon. By the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. XII. Materials for the History of India for the Six Hundred Years of Mohammadan rule, previous to the Foundation of the British Indian Empire. By Major W. Nassau Lees, LL.D., Ph.D. XIII. A Few Words concerning the Hill people inhabiting the Forests of the Cochin State. By Captain G. E. Fryer, Madras Staff Corps, M.R.A.S. XIV. Notes on the Bhojpurl Dialect of Hindi, spoken in Western Behar. By John Beames, Esq., B.C.S., Magistrate of Chumparun. Vol. IV. In Two Parts, pp. 521, sewed. 1869-70. 16s. CONTENTS. I. Contribution towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. By H. F. Talbot. Part II. II. On Indian Chronology. By J. Fergusson, Esq., F.R.S. III. The Poetry ol Mohamed Rabadan of Arragon. By the Hon. H. E. J. Stanley. IV. On the Magar Language of Nepal. By John Beames, Esq., B.C.S. V. Contributions to the Knowledge of Parsee Lite- rature. By Edward Sachau, Ph.D. VI. Illustrations of the Lamaist System in Tibet, drawn from Chinese Sources. By Wm. Frederick Mayers, Esq., of H.B.M. Consular Service, China. VII. Khuddaka Patha, a Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. VIII. An Endeavour to elucidate Rashiduddin's Geographical Notices of India. By Col. H. Yule, C.B. IX. Sassanian Inscriptions explained by the Pahlavi of the Parsis. By E. W. West, Esq. X. Some Account of the Senbyu Pagoda at Mengun, near the Burmese Capital, in a Memorandum by Capt. E. H. Sladan, Political Agent at Mandale; with Remarks on the Subject by Col Henry Yule, C.B. XI. The Brhat-Sanhita ; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-Mihira. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern. - XII. The Mohammedan Law of Evidence, and its influence on the Administration of Justice in India. By N. B. E. Baillie, Esq. XIII. The Mohammedan Law of Evidence in con- nection with the Administration of Justice to Foreigners. By N. B. E. Baillie, Esq. XIV. A Translation of a Bactrian Pali Inscription. By Prof. J. Dowson. XV. Indo-Parthian Coins By E. Thomas, Esq. Vol. V. In Two Parts, pp. 463, sewed. With 10 full-page and folding Plates. 1871-2. 18s. 6^. CONTENTS. I. Two Jatakas. The original Pali Text, with an English Translation. By V. Fausbo'll. II. On an Ancient Buddhist Inscription at Keu-yung kwan, in North China. By A. "Wylie. III. The Brhat Sanhita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-Mihira Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern. IV. The Pongol Festival in Southern India. By Charles E. Gover. V. The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon. By the Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley. VI. Et-say on the Creed and Customs of the Jangains. By Charles P. Brown. VII. On Malabar, Coromandel, Quilon, etc. By C. P. Brown. VIII. On the Treatment of the Nexus in the Neo-Aryan Languages of India. By John Beames, B.C.S. IX. Some Remarks on the Great Tope at Sanchi. By the Rev. S. Beal. X. Ancient Inscriptions S Linguistic Publications of Trubner fy Co., from Mathura. Translated by Professor J. Dowson. Note to the Mathura Inscriptions. By Major-General A. Cunningham. XI. Specimen of a Translation of the Adi Granth. By Dr. Ernest Trumpp. XII. Notes on Dhammapada, with Special Reference to the Question of Nir- vana. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. XIII. The Brhat-Sanhita ; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-mihira. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern. XIV. On the Origin of the Buddhist Arthakathas. By the Mudliar L. Comrilla Vijasinha, Government Interpreter to the Ratnapura Court, Ceylon. With an Introduction by R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. XV. The Poetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon. By the Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley. -XVI. Proverbia Communia Syriaca. By Captain R. F. Burton.- -XVII. Notes on an Ancient' Indian Vase, with an Account of the En- graving thereupon. By Charles Home, M .R. A. S., late of the Bengal Civil Service. XVIII. The Bhar Tribe. By the Rev. M. A. Sherring, LL.D , Benares. Communicated by C. Home, M.R.A.S., late B.C.S. XIX. Of Jihad in Mohammedan Law, and its application to British India. By N. B. E. Baillie. XX. Comments on Recent Pehlvi Decipherments. With an Inci- dental Sketch of the Derivation of Aryan Alphabets. And Contributions to the Early History and Geography of Tabaristan. Illustrated by Coins. By E. Thomas, F.R.S. Vol. VI., Part 1, pp. 212, sewed, with two plates and a map. 1872. Ss. CONTENTS. The Ishmaelites, and the Arabic Tribes who Conquered their Country. By A. Sprenger. A Brief Account of Four Arabic Works on the History and Geography of Arabia. By Captain S. B. Miles. On the Methods of Disposing of the Dead at Llassa, Thibet, etc. By Charles Hprne, late B.C.S. The Brhat-Sanhita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Yaraha-mihira, Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern. Notes on H\ven Thsang's Account of the Principalities of Tokhaiistan, in which some Previous Geographical Identifications are Reconsidered. By Colonel Yule, C.B. The Campaign of JElius Gallus in Arabia. By A. Sprenger. An Account of Jerusalem, Translated for the late Sir H.M.Elliot from the Persian Text of Nasir ibn Khusru's Safanamah by the late Major A. R. Fuller. The oetry of Mohamed Rabadan, of Arragon. By the Right Hon. Lord Stanley of Alderley. Vol. VI., Part II., pp. 213 to 400 and Ixxxiv., sewed. Illustrated with a Map, Plates, and Woodcuts. 1873. 8s. CONTENTS. - On Hiouen-Thsang's Journey from Patna to Ballabhi. By James Fergusson, D.C.L., F.R.S. Northern Buddhism. [Note from Colonel H. Yule, addressed to the Secretary.] Hwen Thsang's Account of the Principalities of Tokharistan, etc. By Colonel H. Yule, C.B. The Brhat-Sanhita; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-mihira. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern. The Initial Coinage of Bengal, under the Early Muhammadan Conquerors. Part II. Embracing the preliminary period between A.H. 614-634 (A.D. 1217-1236-7). By Edward Thomas, F.R.S. The Legend of Dipankara Buddha. Translated from the Chinese (and intended to illustrate Plates XXTX. and r,., ' Tree and Serpent Worship '). By S. Beal. Note on Art. IX., ant6 pp. 213-274. on Hiouen-Thsang's Journey from Patna to Ballabhi. By James Fergusson D.C.L., F.R.S. Contributions towards a Glossary of the Assyrian Language. By H. F. Talbot. Vol. VII., Part I., pp. 170 and 24, sewed. With a plate. 1874. 8*. CONTENTS. The Upasampada-Kammavaca, being the Buddhist Manual of the Form and Manner of Ordering of Priests and Deacons. The Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes. By J. F. Dickson, B.A., sometime Student of Christ Church, Oxford, now of the Ceylon Civil Service. Notes on the Megalithic Monuments of the Coimbatore District, Madras. By M. J. Walhouse, late iMadras C.S. Notes on the Sinhalese Language. No. 1. On the Formation of the Plural of Neuter Nouns. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. The Pali Text of the Mahdparinibbana Sutfa and Commentary, with a Translation. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service The Brihat-Sanhita ; or, Complete System of Natural Astrology of Varaha-mihira. Translated from Sanskrit into English by Dr. H. Kern. Note on the Valley of Choombi. By Dr. A. Campbell, late Superintendent of Darjeeling. The Name of the Twelfth Imam on the Coinage of Egypt. By H. Sauvaire and >tanley Lane Poole. Three Inscriptions of Parakrama Babu the Great from Pulastipura, Ceylon (date circa 1180 A.D. ). By T. W. Rhys Davids. Of the Kharaj or Muhammadan Land Tax ; its Application to British India, and Effect on the Tenure of Land. By N. B. E. Baillie. Appendix : A Specimen of a Syriac Version of the Kalilah wa-Dimnah, with an English Translation. By W. Wright. Vol. VII., Part II., pp. 191 to 394, sewed. With seven plates and a map. 1875. 8* CONTENTS. Sigiri, the Lion Rock, near Pulastipura, Ceylon ; and the Thirty-ninth Chapter of the Mahavamsa. By T. W. Rhys Davids. The Northern Frontagers of China. Part I. The Origines of the Mongols. By H. H. Howorth. Inedited Arabic Coins. By Stanley Lan- Poole. Notice on the Dinars of the Abbasside Dynasty. By Edward Thomas Rogers. The Northern Frontagers of China. Part II. The Origine- of the Manchus. By H. H. Howorth. Notes on the Old Mongolian Capital of Shangtu. By S. W. Bushell, B.Sc., M.D. Oriental Proverbs in their Relations to Folklore, History, Sociology ; with Suggestions for their Collec- tion, Interpretation, Publication. By the Rev. J. Long. Two Old Simhalese Inscriptions. The SahasaMalla Inscription, date 1200 A.D., and the Ruwanwseli Dagaba Inscription, date 1191 A.D. Text, Translation, and Notes. By T. W. Rhys Davids. - Notes on a Bactrian Pali Inscription and the Samvat Era. By Prof. J. Dowson. Note on a Jade Drinking Vessel of the Emperor Jahanglr. By Edward Thomas, F.R.S. Vol. VIII., Part I., pp. 156, sewed, with three plates and a plan. 1876. 8s. CONTENTS. Catalogue of Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Possession of the Royal Asiatic Society (Hodgson Collection). By Professors E. B. Cowell and J. Eggeling. On the 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.G. 9 Ruins of Sigiri in Ceylon. By T. H. Blakesley, Esq., Public Works Department, Ceylon. The Patimokkha, being the Buddhist Office of the Confession of Priests. The Pali Text, with a Translation, and .Notes. By J K. Dickson, M.A.. sometime Student of Christ Church, Oxford, now of the Ceylon Civil Service. Notes on the Sinhalese Language. No. 2. Proofs of the Sanskritic Origin of Sinhalese. By R. C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. Vol. VIII., Part II., pp. 157-308, sewed. 1876. Ss. CONTKNTS. An Account of the Island of Bali By R. Friederich. The Pali Text of the Maha- parinibbana Sutta and Commentary, with a Translation. By 11 C. Childers, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. The Northern Frontagers of China. Part III. The Kara Khitai. By H. H. Howorth. Inedited Arabic Coins. II. By Stanley Lane Poole. On the Form of Government under the Native Sovereigns of Ceylon. By A., de Silva Ekanayaka, Mudaliyar of the Depart- ment of Public Instruction, Ceylon. Vol. IX., Part I., pp. 156, sewed, with a plate. 1877. 8s. CONTENTS. Bactrian Coins and Indian Dates. By E. Thomas, F.R.S. The Tenses of the Assyrian Verb. By the Rev. A. H Sayce, M.A. An Account of the Island of Bali. By R. Friedericb (continued from Vol. VIII. N.S. p. 218). On Ruins in Makran. By Major Mockler. Inedited Arabic Coins. III. By Stanley Lane Poole, Further Note on a Bactrian Pali Inscrip- tion and the Samvat Era. By " Prof. J. Dowson. N T otes on Persian Beluehistan. From the Persian of Mirza Mehdy Khan. By A. H. Schindler. Vol IX., Part II., pp. 292, sewed, with three plates. 1877. 10s. 6d. CONTENTS. The Early Faith of Asoka. By E. Thomas, F.R.S. The Northern Frontagers of China. Part II The Manchus (Supplementary Notice). By H. H. Howorth. The Northern Frontagers of China. Part IV. The Kin or Golden Tatars. By H. H. Howorth. On a Treatise on Weights and Measures by Eliya, Archbishop of Nisfbm. Hy M. H. Sauvaire. On Imperial and other Titles. By Si- T. E. Colebrooke, Bart., M. P. Affinities of the Dialects of the Chepang and Kusundah Tribes of Nipal with those of the Hill Tribes of Arracan. By Captain C. J. F. Forbes F.R.G.S , M.A.S. Bengal, etc. Notes on Some Antiquities found in a Mound near Damghan. By A. H. Schindler. Vol. X., Part I., pp. 156, sewed, with two plates and a map. 1878 Ss. CONTKNTS. On the Non- Aryan Languages of India. By E. L. Brandreth, Esq. A Dialogue , on the Vedantic Conception of Brahma. By Pramada Dasa Mittra, late Officiating Professor of Anglo-Sanskrit, Government College, Benares. An Account of the Island of Bali. By R. Friederich (continued from Vol. IX. N. S. p. ] 20) .Unpublished Glass Weights and Measures. By Edward Thomas Rogers. China via Tibet. By S. C. Boulger. Notes and Recollections on Tea Cultivation in Kumaon and Garhwal. By J. H. Batten, F.R.G.S., Bengal Civil Service Retired, formerly Commissioner of Kumaon. Vol. X., Part II., pp. 146, sewed. 1878. 6s. CONTKNTS. Note on I'liny's Geography of the East Coast of Arabia. By Major-General S. B. Miles, Bombay Staff Corp^. The Maldive Islands ; with a Vocabulary taken from Francois Pyrard de Laval, 1602-1607. By A. Gray, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. On Tibeto-Burman Languages. By Captain C. J. F S. Forbes, of the Burmese Civil Service Commission. - Burmese Transliteration! By H. L. St. Barbe, Esq., Resident at Mandelay. On the Connexion of the Mon.- of Pegu with' the Koles of Central India. By Captain C. J. F. S. Forbes, of the Burmese Civil Commission. Studies on the Comparative 'Grammar of the Semitic Languages, with Special Reference to Assyrian. By Paul Haupt. The Oldest Semitic Verb-Form. Arab Metro- logy. II. El Djabarty. By M. H. Sauvaire. The Migrations and Early History of the White Huns ; principally from Chinese Sources. By Thomas W. Kingsmill. Vol. X., Part III., pp. 204, sewed. 1878. 8s. CONTENTS On the Hill Canton of Salar, the most Easterly Settlement of the Turk Race. By Robert B. Shaw. Geological Notes on the River Indus. By Griffin W. Vyse, B.A., M.R.A.S., tc., Executive Engineer P.W.D. Parijab. Educational Literature for Japanese Women. By Basil Hall Chamberlain, Esq., M.R A. 3. On the Natural Phenomenon Known in the East by the Names Sub-hi-Kazib, etc., etc. By J. W. Redhouse, M.R.A.S., Hon. Memb. R.S.L. -On a Chinese Version ot the Sdnkhya Karikd, etc'., found among the Buddhist Books comprising the Tripitaka and two other works. By the Rev. Samuel Beal, M.A. The Rock-cut Phrygian Inscriptions at Doganlu. By Edward Thomas, F.R.S. Index. Vol. XL, Part. L, pp. 12S, sewed, with seven illustrations. 1879. 5*. CONTENTS. On the Position of Women in the East in the Olden Time. By Edward Thomas, F.R.S. Notice of the Scholars who have Contributed to the Extension of our Knowledge of the Languages of British India during the last Thirty Years. By Robert N. Cust, Hon. Librarian R.A.s. Ancient Arabic Poetry : its Genuineness and Authenticity. By Sir William Muir, K.C.S I., LL.D. Note on Manrique's Mission and the Catholics in the time of Shah Jahan. By H. G. Keene, Esq. -On Sandhi in Pali. By the late R. C. Childers. On Arabic Amulets and Mottoes. By E. T. Rogers, M. R.A.S. Vol. XL, Par> II., pp. 256, sewed, with map and plate. 1879. 7*. d. CONTENTS. On the Identification of Places on the Makran Coast mentioned by Arrian, Ptolemy, and Marcian. By Major E. Mockler. On the Proper Names of the Mohammadans. By Sir T. E. Colebrooke, Bart., M P. Principles of Composition in Chinese, as deduced from the Written Characters. By the Rev. Dr. Legge. On the Identification of the Portrait of Chosroes II. among the Paintings in the Caves at Ajanta. By James Fergusson, Vice- President. A Specimen of the Zoongee (or Zurngee) Dialect of a Tribe of Nagas, bordering on the Valley of Assam, between the Dikho and Desoi Rivers, embracing over Forty Villages. By the Rev. Mr. Clark. 10 Linguistic Publications of Triibner Societies. Parti. By W. A. Pickering. Malay Proverbs. Part. I. By W. E. Maxwell. -The Snake-eating Hamadryad. By N. B. Dennys, Ph.D. Gutta Percha. PyH.I Murton. Miscellaneous Notices. No. 2. 8vo. pp. 130, 2 Plates, sewed. December, 1879. Price 9s. CONTENTS : -The Song of the Dyak Head-feast. By Rev. J. Perham. Malay Proverbs. Part II. By E. W. Maxwell. A Malay Nautch. By F. A. Swettenham. Pidgin English. By N. B. Dennys, Ph.D. The Founding of Singapore. By Sir T. S Raffles. Notes on Two Perak Manuscripts. By W. E. Maxwell.- The Metalliferous Formation of the Peninsula. By D. D. Daly. Suggestions regarding a new Malay Dictionary. By the Hon. C. J. Irving. Ethnological Excursions in the Malay Peninsula. By N. von Mikluho -Maclay. Miscellaneous Notices. No. 3. 8vo. pp. iv. and 146, sewed. Price 9s. CONTENTS : Chinese Secret Societies, by W A. Pickering. Malay Proverbs, Part III , by W. E. Maxwell. Notes on Gutta Percha, by F. W. Burbidge. W. H. Treacher, H. J. Murton. -The Maritime Code of the Malays, reprinted from a translation by Sir S. Raffles. A Trip to Gunong Blumut, by D. F. A. Hervey. Caves at Sungei Batu in Selangor, by D. D. Daly. Geography of Aching, translated from the German by Dr. Beiber. Account of a Naturalist's Visit to Selan- gor, by A. J. Hornady. Miscellaneous Notices : Geographical Notes, Routes from Selangor to Pahang Mr. Deane's survey Report, A Tiger's Wake, Breeding Pearls, The Maritime Code, and Sir F. Raffles' Meteorological Returns. 14 Linguistic Publications of Trubner

d Thorburn. BANNU ; or, Our Afghan Frontier. By S. S. THORBURN, I.C.S., Settlement Officer of the Bannu District. 8vo. cloth, pp. x. and 480. 1876. 18s. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 29 Watson. INDEX TO THE NATIVE AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES OP INDIAN AND OTHER EASTERN ECONOMIC PLANTS AND PRODUCTS, originally prepared under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. By JOHN FORBES WATSON, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., F.R.A.S., etc., Reporter on the Products of India. Imperial 8vo., cloth, pp. 650. 1868. 1 11s. 6d. West and Buhler. A DIGEST OP THE HINDU LAW OF INHERITANCE and Partition, from the Replies of the Sastris in the several Courts of the Bombay Presidency. "With Introduction, Notes and Appendix. Edited by EAYMOND WEST and J. G. BUHLER. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. sewed, pp.674. 1879. jgl Us. Qd. Wheeler. THE HISTORY OP INDIA PROM THE EARLIEST AGES. By J. TALBOYS WHEELER, Assistant Secretary to the Government of India in the Foreign Department, etc. etc. Demy 8vo. cl. 1867-1881. Vol. I. The Vedic Period and the Maha Bharata. pp. Ixxv. and 576. 3 10s. Vol. II., The Ramayana and the Brahmanic Period, pp. Ixxxviii. and 680, with two Maps. 21s. Vol. III. Hindu, Buddhist, Brahmanical Revival, pp. 484, with two maps. 18s. Vol. IV. Part I. Mussulman Rule. pp. xxxii. and 320. 14s. Vol. IV. Part II. Moghul Empire Aurangzeb. pp. xxviii. and 280. 12. Wheeler. EARLY RECORDS OF BRITISH INDIA. A History of the English Settlement in India, as told in the Government Records, the works of old travellers and other contemporary Documents, from the earliest period down to the rise of British Power in India. By J. TALBOYS WHEELER. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. xxxii. and 392. 1878. 15s. Williams. MODERN INDIA AND THE INDIANS. Being a Series of Impressions, Notes, and Essays. By MONIER WILLIAMS, D.C.L. Third Edition, Revised and Augmented by considerable Additions. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. 366. With Map. 1879. 14s. Wise. COMMENTARY ON THE HINDU SYSTEM OP MEDICINE. By T. A. WISE, M.D., Bengal Medical Service. 8vo., pp. xx. and 432, cloth. 7s. 6d. . REVIEW or THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE. By THOMAS A. WISE, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Vol. I., pp. xcviii. and 397; Vol. II., pp. 574. 10*. 30 Linguistic Publications of Trubner Co., THE KELIGIONS OF THE EAST. Adi Granth (The) ; OR, THE HOLT SCRIPTURES OF THE SIKHS, trans- lated from the original GurmukhT, with Introductory Essays, by Dr. EKNEST TRUMPP, Professor Regius of Oriental Languages at the University of Munich, etc. Roy. 8vo. cloth, pp. 866. 2 12s. 6d. Alabaster. THE WHEEL or THE LAW : Buddhism illustrated from Siamese Sources by the Modern Buddhist, a Life of Buddha, and an account of the Phrabat. By HENKY ALABASTER, Interpreter of H.M. Consulate-General in Siam. Demy 8vo. pp. Iviii. and 324. 1871. 14*. Amberley. AN ANALYSIS OF RELIGIOUS BELIEF. By YISCOUNT AMBERLEY. 2 vols. 8vo. cl., pp. xvi. 496 and 512. 1876. 30s. Apastambiya Dharma Sutram. APHORISMS OF THE SACRED LAWS OF THE HINDUS, by Apastamba. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by G. Biihler. By order of the Government of Bombay. 2 parts. 8vo. cloth, 1868-71. \ 4s. 6d. Arnold. THE LIGHT OF ASIA ; or, The Great Renunciation (Maha- bhinishkramana). Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Prince of India, and Founder of Buddhism (as told by an Indian Buddhist). By EDWIN ARNOLD, M.A., F.R.G.S., etc. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 238. 1880. 7s. 6d. Cheap Edition, parchment, 2s. 6d. Arnold. INDIAN POETRY. See " Triibner's Oriental Series," page 4. Banerjea. THE ARIAN WITNESS, or the Testimony of Arian Scriptures in corroboration of Biblical History and the Rudiments of Christian Doctrine. Including Dissertations on the Original Home and Early Adventures of Indo- Arians. By the Rev. K. M. BANERJEA. 8vo. sewed, pp. xviii. and 236. 8s. 6d. Earth. RELIGIONS OF INDIA. See "Triibner's Oriental Series," page 4. Beal. TRAYELS OF FAH HIAN AND SUNG-YUN, Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India (400 A.D. and 518 A.D.) Translated from the Chinese, by S. BEAL (B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge), a Chaplain in Her Majesty's Fleet, a Member of the Royal Asiatic Society, and Author of a Translation of the Pratimoksha and the Amithaba Sutra from the Chinese. Crown 8vo. pp. Ixxiii. and 210, cloth, ornamental, with a coloured map. Out of print. Beal. A CATENA OF BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES FROM THE CHINESE. By S. BEAL, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; a Chaplain in Her Majesty's Fleet, etc. 8vo. cloth, pp. xiv. and 436. 1871. 15s. Beal. THE ROMANTIC LEGEND OF SAKHYA BUDDHA. Prom the Chinese-Sanscrit by the Rev. SAMUEL BEAL, Author of "Buddhist Pilgrims," etc. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 400. 1875. 12s. Beal. THE DHAMMAPADA. See " Triibner's Oriental Series," page 3. Bigandet. GAUDAMA, the Buddha of the Burmese. See " Triibner's Oriental Series," page 4. Brockie. INDIAN PHILOSOPHY. Introductory Paper. By WILLIAM BROCKIE, Author of " A Day in the Land of Scott." etc., etc. 8vo. pp 26, sewed. 1872. Qd. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, KC. 31 Irown. THE DERYISHES ; or, ORIENTAL SPIRITUALISM. By JOHN P. BKOWN, Secretary and Dragoman of the Legation of the United States of America at Constantinople. With twenty-four Illustrations. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 415. 14*. Buddha and Early Buddhism. See under LILLIE, page 33. Callaway. THE EELIGIOUS SYSTEM OF THE AMAZTTLTJ. Part I. Unkulunkulu ; or, the Tradition of Creation as existing among the Amazulu and other Tribes of South Africa, in their own words, with a translation into English, and Notes. By the Uev. Canon CALLAWAY, M.D. 8vo. pp. 128, sewed. 1868. 4*. Part II. Amatongo; or, Ancestor Worship, as existing among the Amazulu, in their own words, with a translation into English, and Notes. By the Rev. CANON CALLAWAY, M.D. 1869. Svo. pp. 197, sewed. 1869. 4s. Part III. Izinyanga Zokubula ; or, Divination, as existing among the Amazulu, in their own words. With a translation into English, and Notes. By the Rev. CANON CALLAWAY, M.D. Svo. pp. 150, sewed. 1870. 4s. Part IV. Abatakati, or Medical Magic and Witchcraft, Svo. pp. 40, sewed. Is. 6d. Chalmers. THE ORIGIN OF THE CHINESE; an Attempt to Trace the connection of the Chinese with Western Nations in their Religion, Superstitions Arts, Language, and Traditions. By JOHN CHALMERS, A.M. Foolscap Svo, cloth, pp. 78. 5s. Clarke. TEN GREAT RELIGIONS : an Essay in Comparative Theology. By JAMES FREEMAN CLARKE. Svo. cloth, pp. x. and 528. 1871. 15s. Clarke. SERPENT AND SIYA WORSHIP, and Mythology in Central America, Africa and Asia. By HYDE CLARKE, Esq. Svo. sewed. Is. Conway. THE SACRED ANTHOLOGY. A Book of Ethnical Scriptures. Collected and edited by M. D. CONWAY. 5th edition. Demy Svo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 480. 1876. 12s. Coomara Swamy. THE DATHA>ANSA ; or, the History of the Tooth - Belie of Gotama Buddha. The Pali Text and its Translation into English, with Notes. By Sir M. COOMARA SWAMY, Mudeliar. Demy Svo. cloth, pp. 174. 1874. 10s. 6d. Coomara Swamy. THE DATHAYANSA ; or, the History of the Tooth- Relic of Gotama Buddha. English Translation only. With Notes. Demy Svo. cloth, pp. 100. 1874. 6s. Coomara Swamy. SUTTA NfpiTA; or, the Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha. Translated from the Pali, with Introduction and Notes. By Sir M. COOMARA SWAMY. Cr. Svo. cloth, pp. xxxvi. and 160. 1874. 6s. Goran. EXTRACTS FROM THE CORAN IN THE ORIGINAL, WITH ENGLISH RENDERING. Compiled by Sir WILLIAM Hum, K. C.S.I., LL.D., Author of the "Life of Mahomet." Crown Svo. cloth, pp. 58. 1880. 3s. Qd. Cunningham. THE BHILSA TOPES ; or, Buddhist Monuments of Central India: comprising a brief Historical Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Buddhism ; with an Account of the Opening and Examination of the various Groups of Topes around Bhilsa. By Brev.- Major Alexander Cunningham, Bengal Engineers. Illustrated with thirty-three Plates. Svo. pp. xxxvi. 370, cloth. 1854. 2 2s. Da Cunha. MEMOIR ON THE HISTORY OF THE TOOTH-RELIC or CEYLON ; with an Essay on the Life and System of Gautama Buddha. By J. GERSON DA CUNHA. Svo. cloth, pp.xiv.and 70. With 4 photographs and cuts. 7s. Qd. 32 Linguistic Publications of Trubner 8f Co., Davids. BUDDHIST BIRTH STORIES. See Triibner's Oriental Series," page 3. Dowson. DICTIONARY OF HINDU MYTHOLOGY, ETC. See Triibner's Oriental Series," page 4. Dickson. THE PEITIMOKKHA, being the Buddhist Office of the Con- fession of Priests. The Pali Text, with a Translation, and Notes, by J. F. DICKSON, M.A, 8vo. sd., pp. 69. 2s. Edkins. CHINESE BUDDHISM. See "Triibner's Oriental Series," page 4. Edkins. RELIGION IN CHINA, containing a Brief Account of the Three Religions of the Chinese, with Observations on the Prospects of Christian Conversion amongst that People. By JOSEPH EDKINS, D.D. Second Edition. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. 276. 1878. 7*. 6d. Eitel. HANDBOOK FOR THE STUDENT OF CHINESE BUDDHISM. By the Rev. E. J. EITEL, L. M. S. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 221. 1870. 18s. Eitel. BUDDHISM: its Historical, Theoretical, and Popular Aspects. In Three Lectures. By Rev. E. J. EITEL, M.A. Ph.D. Second Edition. Demy Svo. sewed, pp. 130. 1873. 5s. Examination (Candid) of Theism. By Physicus. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. xviii. and 198. 1878. 7s. &d. Faber. A SYSTEMATICAL DIGEST OF THE DOCTRINES OF CONFUCIUS, according to the ANALECTS, GREAT LEARNING, and DOCTRINE of the MEAN. with an Introduction on the Authorities upon CONFUCIUS and Confucianism. By ERNST FABER, Rhenish Missionary. Translated from the German by P. G. von Mollendorff. 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In the Original, with English rendering. Compiled by Sir WILLIAM MUIR, K. C.S.I., LL.D., Author of " The Life of Mahomet." Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 64, cloth. 1880. 3s. Qd. Miiller. THE SACRED HYMNS OF THE BRAHMINS, as preserved to us in the oldest collection of religious poetry, the Rig-Veda -Sanhita, translated and explained. By F. MAX MULLER, M.A., Fellow of All Souls' College ; Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford. Volume I. Hymns to the Maruts or the Storm Gods. 8vo. pp. clii. and 264. 12s. 6d. Miiller. LECTURE ON BUDDHIST NIHILISM. By F. MAX MULLER, M.A., Professor of Comparative Philology in the University of Oxford; Mem- ber of the French Institute, etc. Delivered before the General Meeting of the Association of German Philologists, at Kiel, 28th September, 1869. (Translated from the German.) Sewed. 1869. Is. Muller. BJG YEDA SAMHITA AND PADA TEXTS. See page 89. Newman. HEBREW THEISM. By F. W. NEWMAN. Royal 8vo. stiff wrappers, pp. viii. and 172. 1874. 4s. 6d. Piry. 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London, 1850. 2.s\ 6d. Rawlinson. INSCEIPTION OF TIGLATH PILESEE I., KING OF ASSYEIA, B.C. 1150, as translated by Sir H. RAWLINSON, Fox TALBOT, Esq., Dr. HINCKS and Dr. OPPERT. Published by the Royal Asiatic Society. 8vo. sd., pp. 74. 2s' Rawlinson. OUTLINES OF ASSYEIAN HISTOEY, from the Inscriptions of Nineveh. By Lieut. Col. RAWLINSON, C.B. , followed by some Remarks by A. H. LAYARD, Esq., D.C.L. 8vo., pp. xliv., sewed. London, 1852. Is. Records of the Past : being English Translations of the Assyrian and the Egyptian Monuments. Published under the sanction of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Edited by S. BIRCH. Vols. 1 to 9. 1874 to 1879. 1 11*. 6d. or 3s. $d. each vol. THE SAME. Vol. I. ASSYRIAN TEXTS, 1. Crown 8vo. cloth. 3s. 6d. 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By George Smith -- Tablet of Ancient Accadian Laws ; Synchronous History of Assyria and Babylonia ; Kurkh Inscription of Shalmaneser ; An Accadian Liturgy ; Babylonian" Charms. By Rev. A. H. Sayce, M. A. Inscription of Assur-nasir-pal. By Rev. J. M. Rodwell. M. A. Inscription of Esarhaddon ; Second Inscription of Esarhaddon; Sacred Assyrian Poetry. By H. F. Talbot, F.R.S. List of further Texts. THE SAME. Vol. V. ASSYRIAN TEXTS, 3. Crown 8vo. cloth. 3s. 6d. CONTENTS : Legend of the infancy of Sargina I. ; Inscription of Nabonidus. Inscription of Darius at Nakshi-Rustam ; War of the Seven Evil Spirits against Heaven. By H. F. Talbot, F.R.S. Inscription of Tiglath-Pileser I. By Sir Henry Rawlinson, K.C.B., D.C.L., etc. Black Obelisk Inscription of Shalmaneser II. ; Accadian Hymn to Istar ; Tables of Omens. By Rev. A. H. Sayce, M. A. Inscription of Tiglath-Pileser II. ; Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar; Inscription of Neriglissar. By Rev. J. M. 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Bull Inscription of Khorsabad. By Prof. Dr. Julius Oppert. Inscription of the Harem of Khorsabad. By Prof. Dr. Julius Oppert. Texts on the Foundation-stone of Khorsabad. By Prof. Dr. Julius Oppert. Babylonian Legends found at Knorsabad. By Prof. Dr. Julius Oppert. Nebbi Yunus Inscription of Sennacherib By Ernest A. Budge. Oracle of Istar of Arbela. By Theo. G. Pinches. Report Tablets. By Theo. G. Pinches. Texts relating to the Fall of the Assyrian Empire. By Rev. A. H. Sayce. The Egibi Tablets. By Theo. G. Pinches. The Defence of a Magistrate falsely accused. By H. Fox Talbot, F.R.S. The Latest Assyrian Inscription. By Prof. Dr. Julius Oppert. Ancient Babylonian Legend of the Creation. By Rev. A. II. Sayce. The Overthrow of Sodorn and Gomorrah. By Rev. A. H. Sayce. Chaldean Hymns to the Sun. By Francois Lenorman. Two Accadian Hymns. By Rev. A. H. Sayce. Assyrian Incantations to Fire and Water. By Ernest A. Budge Assyrian Tribute Lists. By Rev. A. H. Sayce. Assyrian Fragment on Geography. By Rev. A. H. Sayce. Accadian Proverbs and Songs. By Rev. A. H. Sayce. Assyrian Fragments. By J. Halevy. The Moabite Stone. By C. D. Ginsburg, LL.D. Renan. AN ESSAY ON THE AGE AND ANTIQUITY OF THE BOOK OF NABATHJEAN AGRICULTURE. To which is added an Inaugural Lecture on the Position of the Shemitic Nations in the History of Civilization. By M. ERNEST RENAN, Membre de 1'Institut. Crown 8vo., pp. xvi. and 148, cloth. 3*. 6d. Sayce. AN ASSYRIAN GRAMMAR FOR COMPARATIVE PURPOSES. By A. H. SAYCE, M.A. 12mo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 188. 1872. 7s. 6d. Sayce. AN ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR and Beading Book of the Assyrian Language, in the Cuneiform Character : containing the most complete Syllabary yet extant, and which will serve also as a Vocabulary of both Accadian and Assyrian. London, 1875. 4to. cloth. 9s. Sayce. LECTURES upon the Assyrian Language and Syllabary. London, 1877. Large 8vo. 9*. Qd. 48 Linguistic Publications of Trubner fy Co. Sayce. BABYLONIAN" LITEEATUEE. Lectures. London, 1877. 8vo. 4s. Smith- THE ASSYRIAN EPONYM CANON ; containing Translations of the Documents of the Comparative Chronology of the Assyrian and Jewish King- doms, from the Death of Solomon to Nebuchadnezzar. 'By E. SEITH. London, , 1876. 8vo. 9*. AUSTRALIAN" LANGUAGES. Grey. HANDBOOK OF AFEICAN, AUSTEALIAN, AND POLYNESIAN PHI- LOLOGY, as represented in the Library of His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.B., Her Majesty's High Commissioner of the Cape Colony. Classed, Annotated, and Edited by Sir GEORGE GREY and Dr. H. I. BLEEK. Vol.1. Part 1. South Africa. 8vo. pp. 186. 20s. Vol. I. Part 2. Africa (North of the Tropic of Capricorn). 8vo. pp. 70. 4s, Vol. I. Part 3. Madagascar. 8vo. pp. 24 Is. Vol. II. Part 1. Australia. 8vo. pp. iv. and 44. 3s. Vol. II. Part 2. Papuan Languages of the Loyalty Islands and New Hebrides, compris- ing those of the Islands of Nengone, Lifu, Aneitum, Tana, and others. 8vo. pp. 12. Is. Vol. II. Part 3. 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Edited by I. WENGER. Fcap. 8vo. bds, pp. iv. and 150. Calcutta, 1864. 3s. 6d. BRAHOE. Bellew. EROM THE INDUS TO THE TIGRIS. A Narrative ; together with together with a Synoptical Grammar and Vocabulasy of the Brahoe language. See p. 19. BURMESE. Hough's GENERAL OUTLINES OF GEOGRAPHY (in Burmese). Re-written and enlarged by Rev. JAS. A. HASWELL. Large 8vo. pp. 368. Rangoon, 1874. 9s. Judson. A DICTIONARY, English and Burmese, Burmese and English. By A. JUDSON. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. iv. and 968, and viii. and 786. 3 3s. Sloan. A PRACTICAL METHOD with the Burmese Language. By W. H. SLOAN. Large 8vo. pp. 232. Rangoon, 1876. 12s. Qd. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E. C. 49 CHINESE. Baldwin. A MANUAL OF THE FOOCHOTV DIALECT. By Rev. C. C. BALDWIN, of the American Board Mission. 8vo. pp. viii.-256. 18s. Beal. THE BUDDHIST TRIPITAKA, as it is known in China and Japan. A Catalogue and Compendious Report. By SAMUEL BEAL, B.A. Folio, sewed, pp. 117. 7*. 6d, Beal. THE DHAMMAPADA. See " Triibner's Oriental Series," page 3. Chalmers. THE SPECULATIONS ON METAPHYSICS, POLITY, AND MOEALITY OF " THE OLD PHILOSOPHER" LAU TSZE. Translated from the Chinese, with an Introduction by John Chalmers, M.A. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, xx. and 62. 4s. 6d. Chalmers. THE ORIGIN or THE CHINESE ; an Attempt to Trace the connection of the Chinese with Western Nations, in their Religion, Superstitions, Arts Language, and Traditions. By JOHN CHALMERS, A.M. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, pp. 78. 5s. Chalmers. A CONCISE KHANG-HSI CHINESE DICTIONARY. By the Kev. J. CHALMERS, LL.D., Canton. Three Vols. Royal 8vo. bound in Chinese style, pp. 1000. 1 10s. China Review; OR, NOTES AND QUERIES ON THE FAR EAST. Pub- lished bi-monthly. Edited by E. J. EITEL. 4to. Subscription, \ 10*. per volume. Dennys. A HANDBOOK OF THE CANTON VERNACULAR OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE. Being a Series of Introductory Lessons, for Domestic and Business Purposes. By N. B. DENNYS, M.R.A.S., Ph.D. 8vo. cloth, pp. 4, 195, and 31. 1 10s. Dennys. THE FOLK-LORE OF CHINA, and its Affinities with that of the Aryan and Semitic Races. By N. B. DENNYS, Ph.D., F.K.G.S., M.R.A.S., author of " A Handbook of the Canton Vernacular," etc. 8vo. cloth, pp. 168. 10*. 6d. Doolittle. A VOCABULARY AND HANDBOOK OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE. Romanized in the Mandarin Dialect. In Two Volumes comprised in Three arts. By Kev. JUSTUS DOOLITTLE, Author of " Social Life of the Chinese." Vol. I. 4to. pp. viii. and 548. Vol. II. Parts II. and III., pp. vii. and 695. 1 11*. 6d. each vol. Douglas. CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Two Lectures de- livered at the Royal Institution, by R. K. DOUGLAS, of the British Museum, and Professor of Chinese at King's College. Cr. 8vo. cl. pn. 118. 1875. 5*. Douglas. CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF THE VERNACULAR OR SPOKEN LANGUAGE OF AMOY, with the principal variations of the Chang-Chew and Chin-Chew Dialects. By the Rev. CARSTAIRS DOUGLAS, M.A., LL.D., Glasg., Missionary of the Presbyterian Church in England. 1 vol. High quarto, cloth, double columns, pp. 632. 1873. 3 3s. Douglas. THE LIFE OF JENGHIZ KHAN. Translated from the Chinese, with an Introduction, by ROBERT KENNAWAY DOUGLAS, of the British Museum, and Professor of Chinese, King's College, London. Cr. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxxvi.-106. 1877. 5s. Edkins. A GRAMMAR OF COLLOQUIAL CHINESE, as exhibited in the Shanghai Dialect. By J. EDKINS, B.A. Second edition, corrected. 8vo. half-calf, pp. viii. and 225. Shanghai, 1868. 21s. Edkins. A VOCABULARY OF THE SHANGHAI DIALECT. By J. EDKINS. 8vo. half-calf, pp. vi. and 151. Shanghai, 1869. 21s. 50 Linguistic Publications of Trubner Sf Co., Edkins. RELIGION IN CHINA. A Brief Account of the Three Religions of the Chinese. By JOSEPH EDKINS, D. D. Post 8vo. cloth. 7s. Gd. Edkins. A GRAMMAR or THE CHINESE COLLOQUIAL LANGUAGE, com- monly called the Mandarin Dialect. By JOSEPH EDKINS. Second edition. Svo. half-calf, pp. viii. and 279. Shanghai, 1864. 1 10s. Edkins. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE CHINESE CHARACTERS. By J. EDKINS, D.D., Peking, China. Roy. 8vo. pp. 3*0, paper boards. 18,9. Edkins. CHINA'S PLACE IN PHILOLOGY. An attempt to show that the Languages of Europe and Asia have a common origin. By the Rev. JOSEPH EDKINS. Crown 8vo , pp. xxiii. 4,03, cloth. 10s. 6d. Edkins. CHINESE BUDDHISM. See " Triibner's Oriental Series," p. 4. Eitel. A CHINESE DICTIONARY IN THE CANTONESE DIALECT. By ERNEST JOHN EITEL, Ph.D. Tubing. Will be completed in four parts. Part I. (A K). 8vo. sewed, pp. 202. 12*. 6rf. . Part II. (K M). pp. 202. 12s. 6rf. Eitel. HANDBOOK FOR THE STUDENT OF CHINESE BUDDHISM. By the Rev. E. J. EITEL, of the London Missionary Society. Cr. 8vo. pp. viii., 224, cl. 18s. Eitel. FENG-SHUI : or, The Rudiments of Natural Science in China. By Rev. E. J. EITEL, M.A., Ph.D. Demy 8vo. sewed, pp. vi. and 84. 6s. Faber. A SYSTEMATICAL DIGEST OF THE DOCTRINES OF CONFUCIUS, according to the Analects, Great Learning, and Doctrine of the Mean, with an Introduction on the Authorities upon Confucius arid Confucianism. By ERNST FABER, Ehenish Missionary. Translated from the German by P. G. von Mbllendorff. Svo. sewed, pp. viii. and 131. 1875. 12s. 6d. Faber. INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF CHINESE RELIGION. A Critique of Max Miiller and other Authors. By E. FABER. Svo. paper, pp. xii. and 154. Hong Kong, 1880. 7*. 6d. Faber. THE MIND OF MENCIUS. See " Triibner's Oriental Series," page 4. Giles. A DICTIONARY OF COLLOQUIAL IDIOMS IN THE MANDARIN DIALECT. By HERBERT A. GILES. 4to. pp. 65. \ 8s. Giles. THE SAN Tzu CHING ; or, Three Character Classic ; and the Ch'Jen Tsu Wen ; or, Thousand Character Essay. Metrically Translated by HERBERT A. GILES. 12mo. pp. 28. 2*. 6d. Giles. SYNOPTICAL STUDIES IN CHINESE CHARACTER. By HERBERT A. GILES. Svo. pp. 118. 15s. Giles. CHINESE SKETCHES. By HERBERT A. 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Is. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London E.G. 51 Legge. THE CHINESE CLASSICS. With a Translation, Critical and r,xegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes. By JAMES LEGGE, D.D., of the London Missionary Society. In seven vols. Vol. I. containing Confucian Analects, the Great Learning, and the Doctrine of the Mean. 8vo. pp. 526, cloth. 2 2s. Vol. II., containing the Works of Mencius. 8vo. pp. 634, cloth. 2 2*. Vol. III. Part I. containing the First Part of the Shoo-King, or the Books of Tang, the Books of Yu, the Books of Hea, the Books of Shang, and the Pro- legomena. Royal 8va. pp. viii. and 280, cloth. 2 2s. Vol. III. Part II. containing the Fifth Part of the Shoo-King, or the Books of Chow, and the Indexes. Royal 8vo. pp. 281736, cloth. 2 2s. Vol. IV. Part I. containing the First Part of the She-King, or the Lessons from the States ; and the Prolegomena. Koyal 8vo. cloth, pp. 182-244. 2 2s. Vol. IV. 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Delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oct. 27th, 1876, by Rev. JAMES LEGGE, M.A., LL.D., Professor of the Chinese Language and Literature at Oxford. 8vo. pp. 28, sewed. 6d. Legge. CONFUCIANISM IN RELATION TO CHRISTIANITY. A Paper Kead before the Missionary Conference in Shanghai, on May 11, 1877. By Rev. JAMES LEGGB, D.D., LL.D. 8vo. sewed, pp. 12. 1877. 1*. &d. Legge. A LETTRR TO PROFESSOR MAX MULLER, chiefly on the Trans- lation into English of the Chinese Terms Ti and Shang '1\. ByJ. LEGGE, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature in the University of Oxford. Crown 8vo. sewed, pp. 30. 1880. Is. Leland. FUSANG ; or, the Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century. By CHARLES G. LELAND. Cr. 8vo. cloth, pp. xix. and 212. 1875. 7*. 6d. Leland. PIDGIN-ENGLISH SING-SONG ; or Songs and Stories in the China-English Dialect. With a Vocabulary. By Charles G. Leland. Crown 8vu. pp. viii. and 140, cloth. 1876. 5*. Lobscheid.- -ENGLISH AND CHINESE DICTIONARY, with the Punti and Mandarin Pronunciation. By the Rev. W. LOBSCHEID, Knight of Francis Joseph, C.M.I.R.G.S.A., N.Z.B.S.V., etc. Folio, pp. viii. and 2016. In Four Parts. 8 8s. Lobscheid. CHINESE AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY, Arranged according to the Radicals. By the Rev. W. LOBSCHFID, Knight of Francis Joseph, C.M.I.R.G.S.A., N.Z.B.S.V., &c. 1 vol. imp. 8vo. double columns, pp. 600, bound. 2 8s. 52 Linguistic Publications of Truhner fy Co., M'Clatchie. CONFUCIAN COSMOGONY. A Translation (with the Chinese Text opposite) of section 49 (Treatise on Cosmogony) of the " Complete Works" of the Philosopher Choo-Foo-Tze, with Explanatory Notes. By the Rev. THOMAS M'CLATCHIE, M.A. Small 4to. pp. xviii. and 162. 1874. 1 Is. Macgowan. A MANUAL OF THE AMOT COLLOQUIAL. By Rev. J. MACGOWAN, of the London Missionary Society. 8vo. sewed, pp. xvii. and 200. Amoy, 1871. \ Is. Maclay and Baldwin. AN ALPHABETIC DICTIONARY OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE IT* THE FOOCHOW DIALECT. By Rev. R. S. MACLAY, D.D., of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, and Rev. C. C. BALDWIN, A.M., of the American Board of Mission. 8vo. half-bound, pp. 1132. Foochow, 1871. 4 4s. Mayers. THE ANGLO-CHINESE CALENDAR MANUAL. A Handbook of Reference for the Determination of Chinese Dates during the period from 1860 to 1879. With Comparative Tables of Annual and Mensual Designations, etc. Compiled by "W. F. MAYERS, Chinese Secretary, H.B.M.'s Legation, Peking. 2nd Edition. Sewed, pp. 28. Is. 6d. Mayers THE CHINESE READER'S MANUAL. A Handbook of Bio- graphical, Historical, Mythological, and General Literary Reference. By W. F. MAYERS, Chinese Secretary to H. B. M.'s Legation at Peking, F.R.G.S., etc., etc. Demy 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 440. 1 5s. Mayers. THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT. A Manual of Chinese Titles, Categorically arranged, and Explained with an Appendix. By W. F. MAYERS, Chinese Secretary to H.B.M.'s Legation at Peking. Royal 8vo. cloth, pp. viii.-160. 1878. l 10s. Mayers. TREATIES BETWEEN THE EMPIRE OF CHINA AND FOREIGN Powers, together with Regulations for the Conduct of Foreign Trade, etc. Edited by W. F. MATERS, Chinese Secretary to H.B.M.'s Legation at Peking. 8vo. cloth, pp. 246. 1877. 2. Medhurst. CHINESE DIALOGUES, QUESTIONS, and FAMILIAR SENTENCES, literally translated into English, with a view to promote commercial intercourse and assist beginners in the Language. By the late W. H. MEDHURST, D.D. A new and enlarged Edition. 8vo. pp. 226. 18s. Mollendorff. MANUAL OF CHINESE BIBLIOGRAPHY, being a List of Works and Essays relating to China. By P. G. and O. F. VON MOLLENDORFF, Interpreters to H.I.G.M.'s Consulates at Shanghai and Tientsin. 8vo. pp. viii. and 378. ^1 10s. Morrison. A DICTIONARY OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE. By the Eev. R. MORRISON, D.D. Two vols. Vol. I. pp. x. and 762; Vol. II. pp.828, cloth. Shanghae, 1865. 6 6*. Peking Gazette. 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Mathuraprasada Misra, A TRILINGUAL DICTIONARY, being a compre- hensive Lexicon in English, Urdu, and Hindi, exhibiting the Syllabication, Pronunciation, and Etymology of English Words, with their Explanation in English, and in Urdu and Hindi in the Roman Character. By MATHURA- PRASADA MISRA, Second Master, Queen's College, Benares. 8vo. pp.xv. and 1330, cloth. Benares, 1865. 2 2s. Palmer. HINDUSTANI GRAMMAR. See page 45. 72 Linguistic Publications of Trubner & Co., ICELANDIC. Anderson. NORSE MYTHOLOGY, or the Religion of our Forefathers. Containing all the Myths of the Eddas carefully systematized and interpreted, with an Introduction, Vocabulary and Index. By R. B. ANDERSON, Prof, of Scandinavian Languages in the University of Wisconsin. Crown 8vo. cloth. Chicago, 1879. 12s. 6d. Anderson and Bjarnason. YIKING TALES OF THE NORTH. The Sagas of Thorstein, Viking's Son, and Fridthjof the Bold. Translated from the Icelandic by R. B. Anderson, M.A., and J. Bjarnason. 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BALLANTYNE^of. the Scottish Naval and Military Academy. 4to. cloth, pp. 56. 5s. Bellairs. A GRAMMAR OF THE MARATHI LANGUAGE. By "EL S. IS.. BELLAIRS, M.A., and LAXMAN Y. ASHKEDKAR, B.A. 12mo. cloth, pp. 90. 5s. Molesworth. A DICTIONARY, MARATHI and ENGLISH. Compiled by J. T. MOLESWORTH, assisted by GEORGE and THOMAS CANDY. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. By J. T. MOLESWORTH. Royal 4to. pp. xxx and 922, boards. Bombay, 1857. 3 3*. Molesworth. A COMPENDIUM OF MOLESWORTH'S MARATHI AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By BABA PADMANJI. Second Edition. Eevised and Enlarged. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. xx. and 624. 21s. Navalkar. THE STUDENT'S MARATHI GRAMMAR. By G. E. NAYALKAR. New Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 342. Bombay, 1879. 18s. Tukarama. A COMPLETE COLLECTION of the Poems of Tukarama (the Poet of the Maharashtra). In Marathi. Edited by VISHNU PARASHU- RAM SHASTKI PANDIT, under th supervision of Sankar Pandurang Pandit, M. A. "With a complete Index to the Poems and a Glossary of difficult Words. To which is prefixed a Life of the Poet in English, by Jauardan Sakharam Gadgil. 2 vols. in large 8vo. cloth, pp. xxxii. and 742, and pp. 728, 18 and 72. Bombay 1873. 1 1 Is. 6d. each vol. MALAGASY. Van der Tuuk. OUTLINES OF A GRAMMAR OF THE MALAGASY LANGUAGE By H. N. VAN DER TUUK. 8vo., pp. 28, sewed. 1*. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 75 MALAY. Dennys. A HANDBOOK OF MALAY COLLOQUIAL, as spoken in Singapore, Being a Series of Introductory Lessons for Domestic and Business Purposes. By N. B. DF^NYS, Ph.D., F.R.G.S., M.R.A.S., etc., Author of ''The Folklore of China," " Handbook of Cantonese," etc., etc. 8vo. cloth, pp. 204. 1878. \ 1*. Maxwell. A MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. With an Intro- ductory Sketch of the Sanskrit Element in Malay. By W. E. MAXWELL, Assistant Resident, Perak, Malay Peninsula. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. viii- 182. 1881. 7*. Qd. Van der Tuuk. SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE MALAY MANUSCRIPTS BELONGING TO THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. By H. N. VAN DER TUUK. 8vo.,pp.52. 2s. Qd. MALAYALIM. Gundert. A MALAYALAM AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By Rev. H. GUNDEKT, D. Ph. Royal 8vo. pp. viii. and 1116. 2 10s. MAORI. Grey. MAORI MEMENTOS: being a Series of Addresses presented by the Native People to His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.R.S. With Introductory Remarks and Explanatory Notes ; to which is added a small Collec- tion of Laments, etc. By CH. OLIVER B. DAVIS. 8vo. pp. iv. and 228, cloth. 12* Williams. FIRST LESSONS IN THE MAOEI LANGUAGE. With a Short Vocabulary. By W. L. WILLIAMS, B.A. Fcap. 8vo. pp. 98, cloth. 5*. PALI. D'Alwis. A DESCEIPTIVE CATALOGUE of Sanskrit, Pali, and Sinhalese Literary Works of Ceylon. By JAMES D'ALWIS, M.R.A.S., etc., Vol. I. (all published), pp. xxxii. and 244. 1870. 8*. 6d. Buddhist Birth Stories. See Triibner's Oriental Series," page 4. Biihler. TREEE NEW EDICTS OF ASOKA. By G. BUHLER. 16mo. sewed, with Two Facsimiles. 2s. 6d. Childers. A PALI-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, with Sanskrit Equivalents, and with numerous Quotations, Extracts, and References. Compiled by the late Prof. R. C. CHILDEKS, late of the Ceylon Civil Service. Imperial Hvo. Double Columns. Complete in 1 Vol., pp. xxii. and 622, cloth. 1875. 3 3s. The first Pali Dictionary ever published. Childers. THE MAHAPARINIBBANASUTTA OF THE SUTTA-PITAKA. The Pali Text. Edited by the late Professor R. C. CHILDEKS. 8vo. cloth, pp. 72. 5s. 76 Linguistic Publications of Trubner & Co., Childers. ON SANDHI IN PALI. By the late Prof. R. C. CHILDERS. 8vo. sewed, pp. 22. Is. Coomara Swamy > SUTTA NIP!TA ; or, the Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha. Translated from the Pali, with Introduction and Notes. By Sir M. COOMARA SWAMY. Cr. Svo. cloth, pp. xxxvi. and 160. 1874. 6s. Coomara Swamy. THE DATHA>ANSA; or, the History of the Tooth- Relic of Gotama Buddha. English Translation only. With N> tes. Demy Svo. cloth, pp. 100. 1874. 6s. Coomara Swamy. THE DATHA" VANSA ; or, the History of the Tooth- Relic of Gotama Buddha. The Pfili Text and its Translation into English, with JVotes. By Sir M. COOMARA SWAMY, Mudeliar. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. 174. 1874. 10s. 6d. Davids. See BUDDHIST BERTH STOEIES, " Trubner 's Oriental Series," page 4. Davids. SIGIRI, THE LION ROCK, NEAR PTJLASTIPURA, AND THE 39TH CHAPTER OF THE MAHAVAMSA. By T. W.RHYS DAVIDS. Svo. pp. 30. Is. 6d. Dickson. THE PATIMOKKHA, being the Buddhist Office of the Con- fession of Priests. The Pali Text, with a Translation, and Notes, by J. F. DICKSON. Svo. sd., pp. 69. 2*. Fausboll, JA"TAKA. See under J!TAKA. Fausbb'll. THE DASARATH A -JATAKA, being the Buddhist Story of King Kama. The original Pali Text, with a Translation, and Notes by V. FAUSBOLL. 8vo. sewed, pp. iv. and 48. 2*. 6rf. Fausboll. FIVE J!TAKAS, containing a Fairy Tale, a Comical Story, and Three Kables. In the original Pali Text, accompanied with a Translation and Notes. By V. FAUSBOLL. Svo. sewed, pp. viii. and 72. 6s. Fausboll. TEN JATAKAS The Original Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes. By V. FAUSBOLL. Svo. sewed, pp. xiii. and 128. Is. Qd. Fryer. VUTTODAYA. (Exposition of Metre.) By SANGHARAKKHITA THERA. A Pali Text, Edited, with Translation and Notes, by Major G. E. F.>YER. 8vo. pp. 44. 2s. 64. Haas. CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT AND PALI BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY. OP THE BRITISH MUSEUM. By Dr. ERNST HAAS. Printed by Permission of the Trustees of the British Museum. 4to. cloth, pp. 200. 1 Is. Jataka (The) ; together with its Commentary. Being Tales of the Anterior Birth of Gotama Buddha. For the first time Edited in the original Pali by V. FAUSBOLL. Vol. I. Demy Svo. cloth, pp. 512. 1877. 28*. Vol. II., cloth, pp. 452. 1879. 28s. For Translation see under "Buddhist Birth Stories." The " Jataka " is a collection of legends in Pali, relating the history of Buddha's trans- migration before he was born as Gotama. The great antiquity of this work is authenticated by its forming part of the sacred canon of the Southern Buddhists, which was finally settled at the last Council in 246 B.C The col.ection has long been known as a storehouse of ancient fables, and as the most original attainable source to which almost the whole of this kind of literature, from the Panchatantra and Pilpay's fables down to the nursery stories of the present day, is traceable; and it has been considered desirable, in the interest of Buddhistic studies as well as for more general literary purposes, that an edition and translation of the complete work should be prepared. The present publication is intended to supply this want. Athenceum. Mahawansa (The) THE MAHAWANSA. From the Thirty- Seventh Chapter. Revised and edited, under orders of the Ceylon Government, by H. SUMANGALA, and DON ANDRIS DE SILVA BATUWANTUDAWA. Vol. I. Pali Text in Sinhalese character, pp. xxxii. and 436. Vol. II. Sinhalese Transla- tion, pp. lii. and 378 half bound. Colombo, 1877. 2 '2s. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 77 Mason. THE PALI TEXT OF KACHCHAYANO'S GRAMMAR, WITH ENGLISH ANNOTATIONS. By FRANCIS MASON, D.D. I. The Text Aphorisms, 1 to 673. II. The Knglish Annotations, including the various Readings of six independent Burmese Manuscripts, the Singalese Text on Verbs, and the Cambodian Text on Syntax. To which is added a Concordance of the Aphorisms. In Two Parts. 8vo. sewed, pp. 208, 75, and 28. Toongoo, 1871. \ 11s. 6d. Minayeff. GRAMMAIRE PALIE. Esqnisse d'une Phonetique et d'une Morphologic de la Langue Palie. Traduite du Russe par St. Guyard. By J. MINAYEFF. 8vo. pp. 128. Paris, 1874. 8s. Senart. KACCAYANA ET LA LITTERATURE GRAMMATICALE DU PALI. Ire Partie. Grammaire Palie de Kaccayana, Sutrns et Commentaire, publies avec une traduction et des notes par E. SENAKT. 8vo. pp. 338. Paris, 1871. 12s. PAZAND. Maino-i-Khard (The Book of the). The Pazand and Sanskrit Texts (in Roman characters) as arranged by Neriosengh Dhaval, in the fifteenth century. With an English translation, a Glossary of the Pazand texts, containing the Sanskrit, Rosian, and Pahlavi equivalents, a sketch of Pazand Grammar, and an Introduction. By E. W. WEST. 8vo. sewed, pp. 484. 1871. 16s. PEGUAN. Haswell. GRAMMATICAL NOTES AND VOCABULARY OF THE PEGUAN LANGUAGE. To which are added a few pages of Phrases, etc. By Rev. J. M. HASWELL. Svo. pp. xvi. and 160. 15*. PEHLEWL Dinkard (The), The Original Pehlwi Text, the same transliterated in Zend Characters. Translations of the Text in the Gujrati and English Languages; a Commentary and Glossary of Select Terms. By PESHOTUN DUSTOOK BEHKAMJEE SUNJANA. Vols. I. and II. Svo. cloth. 2 '2s. Haug. AN OLD PAHLAVI-PAZAND GLOSSARY. Ed., with Alphabetical Index, by DESTUR HOSHANGJI JAMASPJI ASA, High Priest of the Parsis in Malwa. Rev. and Enl., with Intro. Essay on the Pahlavi Language, by M. HAUQ, Ph.D. Pub. by order of Gov. of Bombay. Svo. pp. xvi. 152, 268, sd. 1870. 286-. Hang- A LECTURE ON AN ORIGINAL SPEECH OF ZOROASTER (Yasna 45), with remarks on his age. By MARTIN HAUG, Ph.D. Svo. pp. 28, sewed. Bombay, 1865. 2*. 78 Linguistic Publications of Trubner & Co., Hang. THE P ARSIS. See "Triibner's Oriental Series," page 3. Hang. AN OLD ZAND-PAHLAVI GLOSSARY. Edited in the Original Characters, with a Transliteration in Roman Letters, an English Translation* and an Alphabetical Index. By DESTUR HOSHENGJI JAMASPJI. High-priest of the Parsis in Malwa, India. Rev. with Notes and Intro, by MARTIN HAUG, Ph.D. Publ. by order of Gov, of Bombay. 8vo. sewed, pp. Ivi. and 132. 15*. Hang. THE BOOK OF ARDA VIEAF. The Pahlavi text prepared by Destur Hoshangji Jamaspji Asa. Revised and collated with further MSS.. with an English translation and Introduction, and an Appendix containing the Texts and Translations of the Gosht-i Fryano and Hadokht Nask. By MARTIN HAUG, Ph.D., Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology at the Uni- versity of Munich. Assisted by E. W. WEST, Ph.D. Published by order of the Bombay Government. 8vo. sewed, pp. Ixxx., v., and 316. 1 5s. Minocheherji. PAHLAVI, GUJAEATI AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By JAMASPJI DASTUK MINOCHERJI, JAMASP ASANA. 8vo. Vol. I. pp. clxii. and 1 to 168, and Vol. II. pp. xxxii. and pp. 169 to 440. 1877 and 1879. Cloth. 14s. each. (To be completed in 5 vols.) Sunjana. A GRAMMAR OF THE PAHLVI LANGUAGE, with Quotations and Examples from Original Works and a Glossary of Words bearing affinity with the Semitic Languages. By PESHOTUN DTJSTOOR BEHRAMJEE SUNJANA, Principal of Sir Jamsetjee Jejeeboy Zurthosi Madressa., pp. 18-457. 25*. Thomas. EARLY SASSANIAN INSCRIPTIONS, SEALS AND COINS, illustrating the Early History of the Sassanian Dynasty, containing Proclamations of Arde- shir Babek, Sqpor I., and his Successors. With a Critical Examination and Explanation of the Celebrated Inscription in the Hajiabad Cave, demonstrating that Sapor, the Conqueror of Valerian, was a Professing Christian. By EDWARD THOMAS, F.R.S. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, pp. 148. Is. 6d. Thomas. COMMENTS ON RECENT PEHLVI DECIPHERMENTS. With an Incidental Sketch of the Derivation of Aryan Alphabets, and Contributions to the Early History and Geography of Tabaristan. Illustrated by Coins. By EDWARD THOMAS, F.R.S. 8vo. pp. 56, and 2 plates, cloth, sewed. 3s. Qd. West. GLOSSARY AND INDEX OF THE PAHLAYI TEXTS OF THE BOOK OF Arda Viraf, The Tale of Gosht-I Fryano, The Hadokht Nask, and to some extracts from the Din-Kard and Nirangistan ; prepared from Destur Hoshangji Asa's Glossary to the Arda Viraf Namak, and from the Original Texts, with. Notes on Pahlavi Grammar. By E. W. WEST, Ph.D. Eevised by MARTIN HAUG, Ph.D. Published by order of the Government of Bombay. 8vo. sewed, pp. viii. and 352. 25s. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. Haldeman. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH : a Dialect of South Germany with an Infusion of English. By S. S. HALDEMAN, A.M., Professor of Com- parative Philology in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 8vo. pp. viii. and 70, cloth. 1872. 3s. 6d. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 79 PERSIAN. Ballantyne. PRINCIPLES OF PERSIAN CALIGRAPHY, illustrated by Lithographic Plates of the TA"LIK characters, the one usually employed in writing the Persian and the Hindustani. Second edition. Prepared for the use of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy, by JAMES R. BALLANTYNE. 4to. cloth, pp. 14-, 6 plates. 2*. (>p. xii. and 356, cloth. 42*. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 81 Plowden. TEANSLATION or THE KALID-I-AFGHANT, the Text Book for the Pakkhto Examination, with Notes, Historical, Geographical, Grammatical, and Explanatory. By TREVOR CHICHELE PLOWDEN, Captain H.M. Bengal Infantry, and Assistant Commissioner, Panjab. Small 4to. cloth, pp. xx. and 395 andix. With Map. Lahore, 1875. 2 10s. Thorburn. BANNIJ ; or, Our Afghan Frontier. By S. S. THOEBTJEN, I.C.S., Settlement Officer of the Bannu District. 8vo. cloth, pp. x. and 480 1876. 18s. pp. 171 to 230: Popular Stories, Ballads and Riddles, and pp. 231 to 413: Pashto Proverbs Translated into English, pp. 414 to 473 : Pashto Proverbs in Pashto. Trumpp. GEAMMAE OP THE PASTO, or Language of the Afghans, com- pared with the Iranian ^nd North-Indian Idioms. By Dr. ERNEST IRUMPP. 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi. and 412. 21s. RUSSIAN. Riola. A GEADTJATED RUSSIAN READEE, with a Vocabulary of all the Russian Words contained in it. By H. RIOLA. Crown 8vo. pp. viii. and 314. 1879. 10*. 6d. Riola. How TO LEAETT RUSSIAN. A Manual for Students of Russian, based upon the Ollendorfian system of teaching languages, and adapted for self instruction. By HENRY RIOLA, Teacher of the Russian Language. With a Preface by W. K. S. RALSTON, M.A. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 576. 1878. 12s. Key to the above. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. 126. 1878. 5s. SAMARITAN. . A SKETCH OF SAMAEITAN HISTOEY, DOGMA, AND LITEEATTJEE. Published as an Introduction to "Fragments of a Samaritan Targum. By J. W. NUTT, M.A. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 172. 1874. 5s. . FEAGMENTS OF A SAMAEITAN TAEGUM. Edited from a "Bodleian MS. With an Introduction, containing a Sketch of Samaritan History, Dogma, and Literature. By J. W. NUTT, M.A. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. viii., 172, and 84. With Plate. 1874. 15s. SAMOAN. Pratt. A GEAMMAE AND DICTIONAET of the Samoan Language. By Rev. GEORGE PRATT, Forty Years a Missionary of the London Missionary Society in Samoa. Second Edition. Edited by Rev. S.J. Whitmee, F.R.G.S. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 380. 1878. 18s. 82 Linguistic Publications of Trubner & Co. SANSKRIT. Aitareya Brahmanam of the Rig Veda. 2 vols. See under HAUG. D'Alwis. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF SANSKRIT, PALI, AND SINHALESE LITERARY WORKS OF CEYLON. By JAMES D'ALWIS, M.R.A.S., Advocate of the Supreme Court, &c., &c. In Three Volumes. Vol. I., pp. xxxii. and 214, sewed. 1870. 8s. 6d. Apastambiya Dharma Sutram. APHORISMS or THE SACRED LAWS OF THE HINDUS, by AFASTAMBA. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by G. Biihler. By order of the Government of Bombay. 2 parts. 8vo. cloth, 1868-71. 1 4s. 6d. Arnold. INDIAN POETRY. See " Triibner's Oriental Series," page 4. Arnold. THE ILIAD AND ODYSSEY OF INDIA. By EDWIN ARNOLD, M.A., C.S.I., F.R.G.S., etc. Fcap. 8vo. sd., pp. 24. 1*. Atharva Veda PratiQakhya. See under WHITNEY. Auctores Sanscrit!. Vol. I. The Jainiiniya-Nyaya-Mala-Vistara. Edited for the Sanskrit Text Society under the supervision of THEODOR GOLDS-TUCKER. Parts I. to VII., pp. 582, large 4to. sewed. 10s. each part. Complete in one vol., cloth, 3 13s. 6d. Vol. II. The Institute of Gautama. Edited with an Index of Words, by A. F. STENZLER, Ph.D., Professor of Oriental Languages in the University of Breslau. 8vo. cloth, pp. iv. 78. 1876. 4s. 6d. Vol. III. Vaitana Sutra. The Ritual of the Atharva Veda. Edited with Critical Notes and Indices, by DR. RICHARD GARBK. 8vo. sewed, pp. 119. 1878. 5s. Vol. IV. Vardhamana's Ganaratnamahodadhi, with the Author's Commentary. Edited, with Critical Notes and Indices, by JULIUS EGGLING, Ph.D. 8vo. wrapper. Part I., pp. xii. and 240. 1879. 6s. Part II., pp. 240. 1881. 6s. Avery. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HISTORY OF YERB-!NFLECTIONIN SANSKRIT. By J. AVERT. (Reprinted from the Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. x.) 8vo. paper, pp. 106. 4s. Ballantyne. FIRST LESSONS IN SANSKRIT GRAMMAR ; together with an Introduction to the Hitopadesa. Second edition. Second Impression. By JAMES R. BALLANTYNE, LL.D., Librarian of the India Office. 8vo. pp. viii. and 110, cloth. 1873. 3s. 6rf. Benfey. A PRACTICAL GRAMMAR, OF THE SANSKRIT LANGUAGE, for the use of Early Students. By THEODOR BENFEY, Professor of Sanskrit in th University of Gb'ttingen. Second, revised and enlarged, edition. Royal 8vo. pp. viii. and 296, cloth. 10s. 6d. Benfey. A GRAMMAR OF THE LANGUAGE OF THE YEDAS. By Dr. THEODOR BENFEY. In 1 vol. 8vo., of about 650 pages. [In preparation. Benfey. YEDICA UND YEEWANDTES. By THEOD. BENFEY. Crown 8vo. paper, pp. 178. Strassburg, 1877. 7s. 6tf. Benfey. VEDICA UND LINGUISTICA. By TH. BENFEY. Crown 8vo. pp. 254. 10s. 6d. Bibliotheca Indica. A Collection of Oriental "Works published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Old Series. Fasc. 1 to 235. New Series. Fasc. 1 to 408. (Special List of Contents to be had on application.) Each Fasc. in 8vo., 2s. ; in 4to., 4s. Bibliotheca Sanskrita. See TEUBNEE. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 83 Bombay Sanskrit Series. Edited under the superintendence of Gr. BUHLEK, Ph. D., Professor of Oriental Languages, Elphinstone College, and F. KIELHORN, Ph. D., Superintendent of Sanskrit Studies, Deccan College. 1868-70. 1. PANCHATANTRA iv. AND v. Edited, with Notes, by G. BUHLER, Ph. D. Pp. 84, 16. 6*. 2. NiGOjfBHATTA's PARiBHASHENDusEKHARA. Edited and explained by F. KIELHORN, Ph. D. Part I., the Sanskrit Text and Various Readings, pp. 116. 10*. 6d. 3. PANCHATANTRA n. AND in. Edited, with Notes, by G. BUHLER, Ph. D. Pp. 86, 14, 2. 7*. Qd. 4. PANCHATANTRA i. Edited, with Notes, by P. KIELHORN, Ph.D. Pp. 11*, 53. 7*. Qd. 5. KiLiDisA's RAGHUVAMSA. With the Commentary of Mallinatha. Edited, with Notes, by SHANKAR P. PANDIT, M.A. Part I. Cantos I.-VI. 8*. Qd. 6. KALIDASA'S MALAVIKAGNIMITRA. Edited, with Notes, by SHANKAR P. PANDIT, M.A. 10s. Qd. 7. NAGOJIBHATTA'S PARiBHisHENDUsEKHARA Edited and explained by F. KIELHORN, Ph.D. Part II. Translation and Notes. (Paribhashas, i.-xxxvii.) pp. 184. 10s. Qd. 8. KALTDASA'S EAGHUYAMSA. With the Commentary of Mallinatha. Edited, with Notes, by SHANKAR P. PANDIT, M.A. Part II. Cantos VII.- XIII. 8*. 6rf. 9. NAGOJIBHATTA'S PARIBHISHENDUSEKHARA. Edited and explained by F. KIELHOUN. Part II Translation and Notes. (Pariohashas xxxviii.- Ixix.) 7*. Qd. 10. DANDIN'S DASAKTJMARACHARITA. Edited with critical and explana- tory Notes by G. Buhler. Part I. 7s. Qd. 11. BHARTRIHARI'S NITISATAKA AND YAIRAGYASATAKA, with Extracts from Two Sanskrit Commentaries. Edited, with Notes, by KASINATH T. TELANG. 9s. 12. NAGOJIBHATTA'S PARISH ASHEKDUSEKHAR A. Edited and explained by F. KIELHORN. Part II. Translation and Notes. (Paribhashas Ixx.- cxxii.) 7s. Qd. 13. KALIDASA'S RAGHUVAMSA, with the Commentary of Mallinatha. Edited, with Notes, by SHANKAR P. PANDIT. Part III. Cantos XIV.- XIX. 8s. Qd. 14. VIKRAMANKADEVACHARITA. Edited, with an Introduction, by G- BUHLER. 7s. Qd. 15. BHAVABHTJTI'S MALATI-MADHAVA. With the Commentary of Jagaddhara, edited by RAMKRISHNA GOPAL BHANDARKAR. 14*. 16. THE YIKRAMORVASIYAM. A Drama in Eive Acts. By KALID!SA. Edited with English Notes by Shankar P. Pandit, M.A. pp/xii. and 129 (Sanskrit Text) and 148 (Notes). 1879. 10s. Qd. Borooah. A COMPANION TO THE SANSKRIT-READING UNDERGRADUATES of the Calcutta University, being a few notes on the Sanskrit Texts selected for examination, and their Commentaries. By ANUNDOKAM BOKOOAH. bvo. pp. 61. 3s. 6d. 84 Linguistic Publications of Triibner & Co. Borooah. A PRACTICAL ENGLISH- SANSKRIT DICTIONARY. By ANUN- DORAM BOROOAH, B.A., B.C.S., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Vol. I, A to Falseness, pp. xx.-580-lO. Vol. IT. Falsification to Oyster, pp. 581 to 1060. With a Supplementary Treatise on Higher Sanskrit Grammar or Gender and Syntax, with copious illustrations from standard Sanskrit Authors and References to Latin and Greek Grammars, pp. vi. and 296. 1879. Vol. III. 1 11s. 6d. each. Borooah. BHAVABHUTI AND HIS PLACE IN SANSKRIT LITERATURE. By ANTJNDORAM BOROOAH. 8vo. sewed, pp. 70. 5*. Brhat-Sanhita (The). See under Kern. Brown. SANSKRIT PROSODY AND NUMERICAL SYMBOLS EXPLAINED. By CHARLES PHILIP BROWN, Author of the tfelugu Dictionary, Grammar, etc., Pro- fessor of Telugu in the University of London. Demy 8vo. pp. 64, cloth. 3s. 6d. Burnell. BIKTANTRAVYAKARANA. A PratiQakhya of the Samaveda. Edited, with an Introduction, Translation of the Sutras, and Indexes, by A. C. BTJHNELL, Ph.D. Vol. I. Post 8vo. boards, pp. Iviii. and 84. 10s. 6d, Burnell. A CLASSIFIED INDEX to the Sanskrit MSS. in the Palace at Tanjore. Prepared for the Madras Government. By A. C. BURNELL, Ph.D. In 4to. Part I. pp. iv. and 80, stitched, stiff wrapper. Vedic and Technical Literature. Part II. pp. iv. and 80. Philosophy and Law. 1879. Part III. Drama, Epics, Puranas and Tantras, Indices, 1880. 10s. each part. Burnell. CATALOGUE or A COLLECTION OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS, By A. C. BURNELL, M.R.A.S., Madras Civil Service. PART 1. Vedic Manuscripts. Fcap. 8vo. pp. 64, sewed. 1870. 2s. Burnell. DAYADAQA^LOKI. TEN SLOKAS IN SANSKRIT, with English Translation. By A. C. BURNELL. 8vo. pp. 11. 2s. Burnell. ON THE AINDRA SCHOOL OF SANSKRIT GRAMMARIANS. Their Place in the Sanskrit and Subordinate Literatures. By A. C. BURNELL. 8vo. pp. 120. 10s. 6d. Burnell. THE SAMAVIDHANABRAHMANA (being the Third Brahmana) of the Sanaa Veda. Edited, together with the Commentary of Sayana, an English Translation, Introduction, and Index of Words, by A. C. BURNELL. Volume I. Text and Commentary, with Introduction. 8vo. pp. xxxviii. and 104. 12s. 6d. Burnell. THE ARSHEYABRAHMANA (being the fourth Brahmana) OF THE SAMA VEDA. The Sanskrit Text. Edited, together with Extracts from the Commentary of Sayana, etc. An Introduction and Index of Words. By A. C. BURNELL, Ph.D. 8vo, pp. 51 and 109. 10s. 6d. Burnell, THE DEVATaDHYaYABRanMANA (being the Fifth Brahmana) of the Sama Veda. The Sanskrit Text edited, with the Commentary of Sayana, an Index of Words, etc., by A. C. BURNELL, M.R.A.S. 8vo. and Trans., pp. 34. 5s. Burnell. THE JAIMIN!YA TEXT OF THE ARSHEYABRAHMANA OF THE Sama Veda. Edited in Sanskrit by A. C. BUKNELL, Ph. D. 8vo. sewed, pp. 56. 7s. 6d. Burnell. THE SAMHTTOPANISHADBRAHMANA (Being the Seventh Brahmana) of the Sama Veda. The Sanskrit Text. With a Commentary, an Index of Words, etc. Edited by A.. C. BURNELL, Ph.D. 8vo. stiff boards, pp. 86. 7s. 6d. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E. C. 85 Burnell. THE VAMQABRAHMANA (being the Eighth Brahmana) of the Sama Veda. Edited, together with the Commentary of Sayana, a Preface and Index of Words, by A. C. BURNELL, M.R.A.S., etc. 8vo. sewed, pp. xliii., 12, and xii., with 2 coloured plates. 10s. 6d. Catalogue OF SANSKRIT WORKS PRINTED IN INDIA, offered for Sale at the affixed nett prices by TKUBNER & Co. 16mo. pp. 52. Is. Chintamon. 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Complete in 36 parts. Large square 8vo. pp. 571. 4 10s. SHAN. Gushing. GRAMMAR OF THE SHAN LANGUAGE. By the Rev. J. IS". GUSHING. Large 8vo. pp. xii. and 60, boards. Rangoon, 1871. 9s. Gushing 1 . Elementary Handbook of the Shan Language. By the Eev. J. N. GUSHING, M.A. Small 4to. boards, pp. x. and 122. 1880. 12s. 6d. Gushing. A Shan and English Dictionary. By J. E". GUSHING, M.A. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi. and 600. 1881. 1 Is. 6d. 92 Linguistic Publications of Trubner & Co., SIKDHI. Trumpp. GRAMMAR OF THE SINDHI LANGUAGE. Compared with the Sanskrit-Prakrit and the Cognate Indian Vernaculars. By Dr. ERNEST TRUMPP. Printed by order of Her Majesty's Government for India. Demy 8vo. sewed, pp. xvi, and 590. 15*. SINHALESE. D'Alwis. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of Sanskrit, Pali, and Sinhalese Literary Works of Ceylon. By JAMES D'ALWIS, M.R.A.S. Vol. I. (all pub- lished) pp. xxxii. and 244, sewed. 1877. 8*. 6d. Childers. NOTES ON THE SINHALESE LANGUAGE. No. 1. 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The Preface will contain a most interesting account of Dr. Krapf's philological researches respecting the large family of African Languages extending from the Equator to the Cape of Good Hope, from the year 1843, up to the present time. Crown 8vo. In Preparation. SYRIAC. Phillips. THE DOCTRINE OF ADDAI THE APOSTLE. Now first Edited in a Complete Form in the Original Syriac, with an English Translation and Notes. By GEORGE PHILLIPS, D.D., President of Queen's College, Cambridge. 8vo. pp. 122, cloth. 7s. Qd. 57 and 59, Xudgate Hill, London, E.C. 93 Stoddard. GRAMMAR or THE MODERN" SYRTAC LANGUAGE, as spoken in Oroomiah, Persia, and in Koordistan. By Rev. D. T. STODBARD, Missionary of the American Board in Persia. Demy 8vo. bds., pp. 190. 10s. 6d. TAMIL. Beschi. CLAVIS HUMANIORUM LITTERARUM SUBLIMIORIS TAMULICI IDIO- MATIS. Auctore R. P. CONSTANTIO JOSEPHO BESCHIO, Soc. Jesu, in Madurensi Regno Missionario. Edited by the Rev. K. IHLEFELD, and printed for A. 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Demy 8vo. pp 64. 1879. (Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature) sewed, Is. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. 6d. Redhouse. THE TURKISH CAMPAIGNER'S YADE-MECUM OF OTTOMAN COLLOQUIAL LANGUAGE ; containing a concise Ottoman Grammar ; a carefully selected Vocabulary, alphabetically arranged, in two parts, English and Turkish, and Turkish and English; also a few Familiar Dialogues; the whole in English characters. By J. W. REDHOUSE, F.K.A.S. Third Edition. Oblong 32mo. limp cloth. 1881. 6s. 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, London, E.G., 95 UMBRIAN. Newman, THE TEXT OF THE IGUYINE INSCRIPTIONS, with interlinear Latin Translation and Notes. By FKANCIS W. NEWMAN, late Professor of Latin at University College, London. 8vo. pp. xvi. and 54, sewed. 1868. 2s. URIYA. Maltby. A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK or THE UEIYA OR ODITA LANGUAGE. By THOMAS J. MALTBY, Madras C.S. 8vo. pp. xiii. and 201. 1874. 10s. 6d. 500 27,12,81 STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, PBINTEKS, HBKTFOBD. 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