=3 1 m j^_ DKPAUTMENT OF SCIENCE AND \RT OF Tin^ COMMfTTK COrYriT, 1 1 rAXlU.N. 'f^^i ( >.N THK DETIINAL (JKKKN BRANCH "I- rilK VrnTni!! \ AM) ALIJERT >nT«Frvi, ^uliTH KbINSINGTOiS. ( • \ r \ I (WJTE /' !0Uk BuKiHTox. LONDON: INTED FOR Ift'i: MAJESTY'S STATION Fin' OIFirE UY WYMAN ,3, LmrntD, KjcmtB L« And to be purt-hased, either directly or through any Koolueller, from EYRE AND sP0TTl'^\vt»or>F. Ka't HARKryi Strtrt. Klkkt Stkeet, E.C, and 32 ■ 3.W.; or JOUN Ml - Edinburgh, and \v ; or HODQK8. KlGiil illKl*. UM. UKAVTim ftTRRRT. DUBMN 1899 Pna- Sixptwt No. 1 No. 3 No. 32 ROYALTY, No. 81 DEPARTMENT. OF SCIENCE AND ART OF THE COMMfTTEK OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. THE JiETHiXAL GREEN BRANCH OF THE VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. ■ SOUTH KENSINGTON. CATALOGUE COLLECTION OF POnEHY AND I'OllCELAlN ILLUSTHATINU POPULAR BRITISH HISTORY. LBNT BY HENRY WILLETT, Esq., of Bkishton. LONDON : PRINTED FOR HER ^MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY WYMAN AND SONS, LiMITlD. rcnXR LAint, B.C. And to be pnrrhased, either directly or through any Bookieller, from EYRE AND aPOTTISWiXJDE. EAST Hardino Strbbt. Klkt Strebt, E.C , and 82, ABIXODOIf fTRRKT, WESTMINSTER, S.W. ; or JOHN MENZIES A Co., 12, Hamover Strsbt, Edinburoh, and 90, WasT Nils Strext, Glasoow ; or HODOBft, FIOOIS. A Co., LncTTEP. 104. Ora?ton strbkt. Dublin. 1899. Price Siocpenre. v^\^ v^Q ^^ h ^<\ CONTENTS. I. Royalty and Loyaity II. Military Hkkoi>« III. Naval Hkroem . . . IV. h>OLDI£RH AND SaIIX>KM - V. England and Frakck- VI. En(;land and America VII. STATF>iMKN VIII. ClUB8 and SotlKTlKS - IX. Philanthropy .... X. Crimk XI. I^OKKMHIONM AND TraDES XII. ARCHITKtTURK XIII. Sc'RiiTLKK History XIV, Heuoion - . XV. Mo»ir XVI. Drama XVII. Poetry, Science, and Ljterature XV 111. Skurtino XIX. Field Sports . . . . XX. Pastimes and Amusemj^nt^s XXI. Agriculture - . . . XXII. Conviviality and Teetotalism- XXIII. Domestic Incidents - Index Pace. I in 14 2f» iS9 36 40 45 48 4ii 51 56 59 63 68 70 72 77 «1 86 92 HX) 109 lil 2761. Wt. 28217. 3300-10/99. Wy. A: b'. 558074 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. 1. KoYALTY - - - - - - - Frontisjnece. 2. Military Heroes fcicin// 10 3. Naval Heroes . . . . . „ iq 4. Engl^vnd A^^) France - - - - „ 30 5. England and America - - - - „ 36 6. Noted Men. „ 40 {Costumes Red Barn Murder ^i^ ^ ,. V - . _ . ., 48 8. TiCHBORNE Trial ----- „ 50 9. Costumes and Characters - ,. 52 10. Reugion ------ „ 58 11. Sporting ------- ,. 78 12. Conviviality - - - ,. loO 13. Domestk Incidents - - . ,, no INTKODUCTION. This collection has been formed with a view to develop the idea that the history of the country may to a large extent be traced on its homely pottery, and it is not to be regarded as an exhibition of ceramic art. On the mantelpieces of many cottage homes may be found representations which the inmates admire and revere, as their ancestors have tlone before them. They form, in fact, a kind ot unconscious survival of the Lwres and Penate*** of the Ancients. The classification, whilst confesse*^« ilomentiei, departed spirits of the household, only good men being thus honoured ; larfM publici, benefactors to the nation ; Uirfs mitrini, victors in naval battles : and otbei*s. There were also public and private petiaUs^ protectors and promoters of happiness and concord. Every meal was a kind of sacrifice to them, often ending in a libation. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofcolleOOvictrich CATALOGUE, ROYALTY AND LOYALT\'. ELiZABirrH, 1558-1603. 1. Sconce for candles. Yellow glazed earthenware, moulded with the royal arms over a Tudor rose, and the initials "E. li." and **A. M." From Hampton Court Palace. H. 18 in. Homshw (1). c. 1600. A similar sconce is in the British Museum. 2. Flask. Stoneware, representing Queen Elizabeth. H. 8^ in. Lambeth. 19th cent. Charles I., 1625-1649. 3. Dish. Coloured, with a portrait of Charles I. Diam. 12 in. SUiffifrdihite Delft. 17th cent. Commonwealth, 1649-1659. 4. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Oliver Cromwell. H. 9 in. Staffordshire, c. 1780. 5. Medallion. Earthenware, with portrait of Oliver Cromwell in low relief. 4 by 3 in. Staffordshire, c. 1780. Charles II., 1660-1685. 6. Plate. Coloured, with a representation of Charles II. in the oak. Marked " C. R." Diam. 8A in. Lambeth Delft. c. 1660. 7. Oroup. Coloured earthenware. Charles II. in the oak. H. 8 in. Staffordshire, c. 1790. 8. Plate, with a portrait of Charles II., in blue. Marked "C. R." Diam. 8 J in. Staffordshire Delft, c. 1660. 9. Cup. Coloured, with a royal crown and " God save the King, 1662." H. 3 in. Lambeth Delft. 2761. B James II., 1685-1688. 10. Dish. Earthenware, with the royal arms in slip, and maker's name, " William Tailor." Diam. 17 in. Staffwd- shire. c. 1690. William and Mary, 1689-1702. 1 1 . Dish. Delft, with an equestrian portrait of Prince William (afterwards William III.), in blue. Diam. 15 in. Dutch. c. 1670. 12 Fruit Dishes, a pair, coloured, with portraits of William .,<; i.s37. 71 Statuettes, two. White earthenware. William IV. and (fc a. Queen Adelaide. H. 13 in. SUtffonisJiin: e. 1830. 72. Bust. White earthenware. William IV. H. 19^ in. 1832. 7.'i. Plate. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. Figure of Hope, and a. ship in the centre. Diam. Oi in. ii'orrfAUr. c. 1790. Made fur William IV. when Duke of Cluronce. 71. Bust. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. William IV. H. 7^ in. EivMi. c. 1830. 7 ~). Bust. White biscuit {xjrcelaiii. <• •■ \.i ' .> i, ||.5in. yA//>2. Saucer, Earthenware, printed with portrait of H.M. the Queen when f rij^e^.s^ Victoria. Piaro. 6 in. ^'swcastk. , 0.1837. •• s 83. statuette. White stoneware. H.M. the Queen. H, 13in. Lambeth, 1837. 84. Juff. Brown and yellow glazed earthenware, representing H.M. the Queen. H. 10 in. c. 1837. 85. Flask. Stoneware, with embossed figures of H.M. the Queen. H. 8 Jin. Fnlham. c. 1837. 86. Bottle. Stoneware, in the shape of a Special Constable's staff, with royal arms and " V. fe." H. 11 in. Lambeth. c. 1845. 87. Plaque. Blue and white jasper ware, with medallion of H.M. the Queen. Diam. ^ in. Staffm-dshire. c. 1837. 88. Statuette. White biscuit porcelain. H.M. the Queen, seated. H. 4 in. Derby, c. 1840. 89. Statuette. "White biscuit porcelain. H.M. the Queen, seated. H. 5 J in. Derby, c. 1840. 90. Bust. Parian ware. H.M. the Queen. Incised "C. Maro- chetti." H. 11 J in. Staffoi'd shire (Minton). c. 1840. 91 Statuettes, a pair. AVhite biscuit porcelain. H.M. the & a. Queen and Prince Albert. H. 7 in. Derby. 1840. 92 Goblets, a pair. Glass, with inlaid medallions inscribed &a. "The Queen Victoria" and *' Prince Albert." H. 6 in. 1840. 93. Group. White biscuit porcelain. H.M. the Queen, seated, nursing the Princess Royal. H. 7 in. Derby, c. 1840. 94. Group. Earthenware, coloured and gilt. H.M. the Queen, seated, with an infant. H. 8 in. Staffordshire. c. 1841. 95. Jug. White porcelain, enamelled and gilt, with badge of the Order of the Garter, and marked " Windsor Castle." H. 6 in. Coalport. c. 1860. 96. Group. Earthenware, coloured and gilt, representing two of the royal children sleeping, with a guardian angel behind them. H. 9 J in. Staffordshire, c. 1845. 97. Group. Earthenware, coloured and gilt. H.M. the Queen, with an infant. H. 7 in. Staffordshire, c. 1841. 98. Plate. Earthenware, printed with scene inscribed "Tha Royal Children." Diam. 6 J in. Staffoi'dshire. c. 1845. 99. Jug. Porcelain, printed in colours with portraits of tTR.H. the Prince and Princess of "Wales. Inscribed *' 1863 — 1888. In commemoration of the Silver Wedding, March 10th." H. 5J in. Cmtinental 1888. 100. Mug. Earthenware, printed in red with portrait of H.M the Queen, and inscription " V.R. The Queen's Jubilee. Barcombe Jubilee Fete, 1887." H. ^ in. English. 101. Mug. Porcelain, printed with head of H.M. the Queen, and inscription "Victoria Jubilee, 1887." H. 3 in. English. 102. Dish, octagonal. Earthenware, with portraits of H.M. the Queen and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, the royal arms, arms of the Colonies, and an inscription. Diam. 10 in. English. 1887. 103. Mug. P^rthenware, with i)ortraits commemorating the marriage of H.R.H. the Duke of York and Princess May. Dated 1893. H. 3 in. English. 104. Mug, double-handled. Red ware washed with white. Incised with inscription commemorating the birth of "Prince Edward of York, 1894." H. 8 in. 105. Busts, three. Terra-cotU. H.M. the Queen, T.R.H. a & b. the Prince and Princess of Wales. H. 5 in. Continental. 1887. 106. Bust. Plaster. H.M. the Queen. Inscribed "Victoria Diamond Jubilee, 1837-1897." H. 6 J in. Continental.- 107. Group. Stoneware. St. George and the Dragon. H. 8^ in. Fulham. c. 1680. «) MILITARY HEROES. 108. "Medallion. Black basalt ware. Bust ef the Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722). lOJ in. by 8^ in. Staprd- shire. c. 1780. 109. Tea Pot. White salt-glazed ware, enamelled with portrait of Prince Charles Edward. (1720-1788). H.. 4J in. Staffordshire, c. 1750. WiLLiA]^!, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765. 110. Mug. Porcelain, with portrait of the Duke of Cumber- land in colours, and inscription " In remembrance of the Glorious Victory at CuUoden, Apl. 16th, 1716." H. 5^ in. Chinese. 111. Bust. Tortoiseshell ware. Duke of Cumberland. H. 7 in. Staffordshire, c. 1745. 112. Bust. Porcelain, coloured. Duke of Cumberland. H. 7 in. Clidsea. c. 1745. 113. Jug. Stoneware, with medallion portrait of the Duke .of Cumberland, and hunting scenes in relief. H. 12| in. Fulham. Dated 1747. 114. Plate. Inscribed " Duke William for Ever." Diam. 8in. Larnheth Delft, c. 1745, 115. Plaque. Blue earthenware, with moulded figure inscribed on the back "Duke William." 8i b}^ 7iin. Stafordshire. c. 1760. Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, 1712-1786. 116. Mug. Porcelain, printed with portrait of Frederick the Great. H. 6 in. JVerrcester. Dated 1757. 117. Dish. Porcelain, printed with portrait and inscription " King of Prussia." Diam. 6 in. iVorcester. c. 1757. 118. Plate. Cream ware, printed with portrait of the King of Prussia. Diam. 6 J in. Staffordshire, c. 1800. 119. Plate. White salt-glazed ware, moulded with portraits, etc., and inscribed " Success to the King of Prussia and his Forces." Diam. 9 in. St^iffordshire. c. 1760. 1 20. Soup Plate. Salt-glazed ware, moulded with portrait of the King of Prussia, etc. Diam. ^\ in. Staffordshire. c. 1760. 121. Plate. Tortoiseshell ware, moulded with portrait and inscribed " Success to the King of Prussia and his Forces." Diam, 8^ in, Staff.yrdsjiire, c. 1760, No. 126 Wo. 124 Ko. 136 No. 112 No. W limiTARY HEROES, 11 122. Plaque. Glazed earthenware, moulded and coloured, vrith portrait of Frederick the Great. Diam. 5 in. Stafford- shire. Dated 1827. 123. Statuette. Porcelain. Field- Marshal Conway (1720-1795), the supporter of John Wilkes. H. llj in. Chelsea, c. 1770. 124. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured. General Wolfe (1726- 1759). H. Uin. Bow. c. 1760. 125. Jug. Cream ware, printed with the Death of General Wolfe, after West, and a naval engagement. H. 9i in. SUiffordshire. c. 1780. 126. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured. General the Marquis of Granhy. (1721-1770.) H. 14 in. Bmc. c. 1760. Frederick, Duke of York, 2nd Son of George III. 1763-1827. 127. Plate. Earthenware, printed and colouredl with an eques- trian portrait of the "Duke of York." Diam. 9^ in. Staffordshire, c. 1790. 128. Jug. Earthenware, moulded and coloured with equestrian portraits of the " Duke of York " and " Prince Cobourg." H. 6 in. Staffordshire, c. 1790. 129. Mug. E^iithenware, printed and coloured with a siege, and troops marching up a hill. Inscribed " His lioyal Highness Frederick, Duke of York." H. 5 in. c. 1790. 130. Mug. Cream ware, printed with the " Storming and taking Valenciennes bv the British troops, &c., under the command of ri.K.H. ^the Duke of York." H. 5 in. Staffordshire, c. 1790. 131. Bust. Earthenware, glazed and coloured. H.R.H. the Duke of York. H. 6 in. Staffordshire, c. 1800. 132. Jug. Glazed earthenware with slight lustre; printed with portraits inscribed " Col. Wardle " and " Miss Taylor." H. 4J in. Staffordshire. 1809. 133. Mug. Glazed earthenware. Printed with the Duke of York and Mrs. Clarke, inscribed " Burning the Books of Cwmws ^ /7s, value 50,000 pieces of Silver; Acts 19 ch. and 19 vs.," etc. Newcastle, c. 1809. General Lord Cornwallis, 1738-1805. 134. Mug. Glazed earthenware. Printed in red, and with subject inscribed " The Sons of Tippoo Saib delivered to L"* Cornwallis for Hostages." H. 4} in. Staffordshire. c. 1792. 135. Tea Pot. Glazed earthenware, printed and coloured, with a portrait of Lord Cornwallis, and a battle scene. H. U in. Sta^fm-dshire c. 1792. 136. Jug. Glazed earthenware, printed with portraits of Lord Cornwallis aiid Lord Nelson, and emblematical figures. n. Si Sfafordshire. c. 1799. Inscription to tlie former : — " To whose clemency and bravery Ireland owes her preservation "; to the latter, " Here's a health to brave Nelson, old England's boast, The Hero of the Nile let this be our toast." 137. Bust. Glazed earthenware, coloured, of General Sir John Moore. (1761-1809) H. 9 in. Stafordshire. c. 1810. . . Arthur, Duke of Wellington. 1769-1852. 138 Jugs, tvvo. Glazed earthenware, coloured and moulded & a. with busts of "Lord Wellington" and "General Hill." H. 5 in. Stafordshire. c. 1810. 139. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured. The Duke of Welling- ton. H. 12in. Sfaffordshire. c. 1800 140. Mug. Porcelain, with brown enamel. Portraits of "Wel- lington " and "Blucher." H. 3 in. English, c. 1815. 14:1. Jug. Porcelain, with blue enamel and embossed portraits of "Wellington" and "Blucher." H. 4f in. English. c. 1815. 142. Statuette. Earthenware, coloured and glazed. The Duke of Wellington. H. 7 in Staffordshire, c. 1815. 143. Jug. Stoneware; head of the Duke of Wellington. H. 5 in. Lambeth, c. 1815. 144. Bust of the Duke of Wellington, forming a tobacco jar and cover ; earthenware, coloured and glazed. H. 5 in. Stafordshire. c. 1815. 145. Bust of the Duke of Wellington, forming a jug; earthenware, coloured and glazed. H. 7;| in. Staff'm'dshire. c. 1815. 146. Statuette. AVhite biscuit porcelain. The Duke of Wellington when Prime Minister. Derhy. c. 1828, : 147. Mug. Earthenware printed with "Wellington as Prime Mmister," and "Walmer Castle, Kent." H. 3J in. c. 1828. 148. Frame of Tiles. Painted, with inscription in Dutch, translation, " The defence of the post of Quatre Bras by the Crown Prince of the Netherlands." Dvich. c. 1815. J. 149. Frame of Tiles. Painted, with inscription in Dutch, translation, "The Death of the Duke of Brunswick, Luxemburgh Gels at Quatre Bras." Dutch, c. 1815. 150. Frame of Tiles. Painted. The Defence of the Chateau of Hugomont. Dutch, c. 1815. 151. Frame of Tiles. Painted, with inscription in Dutch, translation, " The Wounding oC the Crown Prince of the Netherhinds at the Battle of Waterloo, 18th June, Anno 1815."' Jhtfrh. e. 1815. 15J. Frame of Tiles. Painted, with inscriptioil^in -"Butch, translation, " The head-quarters of Wellington at the moment when an Adjutant of Prince Blucher brought the news of the advance of the Prussian Army." Dutch, c. 1815. 153. Frame of Tiles. Painted. Highlanders bringing captured French Eagles to Lord Wellington. Dutrh. c. 1815. 154. Frame of Tiles. Painted. The Meeting of Wellington and Hluchcr. Ihitrh. e. 1815. I5r>. Frame of Tiles. Painted, with inscription in Dutch, translation, '" The flight of Napoleon in the evening of the Battle of Waterloo on the 18th June, Anno 1815." Dntrh. c. ISlf). 156. Frame of Tiles. TainttMl, with inscription in Dutch, translation, "The field of Battle of Waterloo with the faiTu \^ Belle Alliance three days after the Battle." Dutch. 0. 1815. Crimean War. 1853-185G, 157. Flask. Stoneware, with moulded sultjects :- English, French, Turki.sh, and Sardinian soldiers shaking hands with Russian soldiers. H. 7 in. EiujlUh. 185G. 155. Plate. Ulazed earthenware, printed and coloured. The English and BVench flags, with mottoes. Diam. 5 in. Ki>(jlLy G in. Staffordshire, c. 1797. 187. Mug. Cream ware. Printed with scene after the Battle of ^Camperdown, Duncan's ship " Venerable " with De Winter's ship " Vryheid " in tow. H. G in. Newcastle. 1797. Inscribed : — Vain are the lx)ast.s of Bel- Tho' ile Winter does in Autumn gick's sons, come. When fuce-. Mug. Cream ware, printed with Lord Nelson engaging the French Fleet ott" the mouth of the Nile. H. 6 in. XfU-rnstle. 1798. ' !. Jug. Earthenware, moulded and coloureil ; on each side a figure of Lord Nelson. H. 6 in. Stajforddirf. c. 1798. '1. Jug. Rirthenware, yellow ; printed with Lord Nelson engaging the French Fleet ofl" the mouth of the Nile, and a \ iew of the bridge over the Wear, near Sunderland. H. 8 in. Xtimtstlt: 1798. •JO.'). Jug. Cream ware, with portrait of Lord Nelson, a plan of the Iwttle of the Nile, and Nelson's crest and motto. H. 'ih in. ::>taforMire. 1798. "■». Letter from Lord Nelson to I^idy Hamilton, at Merton, Surrey. .-m7. Jug. Karthenware, mndded and colouretl, with portraits of Lord Nelson and Captain IJerry, Nelson's Hag captain at Tiafalgar. H. 6 in. AewrKsttf. 1805. -*>^. Cup. Coloured earthenware, forming a bust of Lord Nelson. H. 5 in. Stoffmthhire. c. 1797. '•♦ Wine Coolers, a pair. Terracotta, with moulded a. busts of Lord Nelson and trophies. H. 10 in. Sfnford shire {Longport). c. 1805. I'lc. Jug. Cream ware, printed with portrait of Lord Nelson, with motto " England expects every man to do his Duly " ; inscribed "Admiral Lord Nelson. Born Septr. 29th, 1758. Died Octr. 21st, 1805. Aged 47." Plan and details of the battle of Trafalgar. H. 5i in. Sfoffonhhire, 1805. -11. Mug. Earthenware, printed in brown with portrait of Lord Nelson, surmounted with naval trophies and inscrip- tion. H. 4i in. 1805. - 1 2. Group. Earthenware. Inscribed " Death of Nelson." H. 7 J in. 1805. 1 -i. Jug. Earthenware, printed with portrait inscribed "Admiral Lord Nelson, Trafalgar 1805— Nile 1798," and "The Victory" in action. H. 5 J in. 1805. 18 21"4. Mug. Earthenware, printed with portrait, and inscribed " The ever to be Lamented Lord Viscount Nelson, Born Septr. 29th, 1758": his motto '*Palmam qui meruit ferat." H. 5 in. Xewcastle. 1805. "England Expects that Every Man will Do his Duty." " Kemember whilst his mortal part has rest Th' immortal lives in every Briton's breast, Tho' short his Span of Life, recording Fame Inscribes a deathless volume to his name. Mourn not for me, 'tis vain, chase grief away, Compleat mv work and crown the glorious day ; Behold 'tis clone, his parting sjjirit tlew. And lighting, rests brave CoUmgwood with you." 215. Mug. Earthenware, printed and coloured; with a portrait of Nelson. H. 5 in. Xevxadle. 1805. Inscribed : — " The Briton mourns ; what else can Britons do While bleeding Nelson rises to her view ? Still is there cause for Triumph when she shews The captured coloui-s of our Vanquislrd foes, And gi-eater still when Fame was heard to say. All, all were Nelson's on that glorious day." 216. Jug. Earthenware, printed in violet with Britannia weeping over a portrait of Lord Nelson : figure of Fame, with "Aboukir, Copenhagen, Trafalgar." H. 6 in. New- mstle. 1805. Inscribed : — " Britannia's address on the death of Lord Nelson." " Behold the Portrait of my darling Son, Who fought and conquer'd ere his Race was run ; Great was his Mind, his Soul serenely brave ; Britannia weeps ! let all bedew his Grave With briny Teal's, let none be void of Grief. For me no Pleasure hence, my Sorrow's past relief : Unless liis Mantle dropt by Neptune's Care, On some heroic Shouluer lit to wear A Garb prophetic of its worth and Fame Should emulate in daring Deeds gi-eat Nelson's Glorious Name." 217. Bust of Lord Nelson forming a jug; stoneware. H. 5 in. Lambeth. 1820. 218. Bust of Lord Nelson forming a jug; stoneware. H. 7 J in. Lambeth. 1820. 219. Bust of Lord Nelson forming a jug ; stoneware. Inscribed "Nile 1798," "Trafalgar 1805," "England expects every man to do his duty." H. 12J in. Lambeth. 1820. 220 Mugs, a pair. Red earthenware, covered with white slip. & a. H. 6 in. Modern. Inscribed : — " Our God and sailors we The danger past, Both are alike adore alike requited. In times of danger not God is forgotten and the sailor before, slighted. Nelson & Bronte. 1802. id 221. Jug. Croiim ware, printed and coloured, with portrait of Lord Nelson, the "Victory," and verses. H. 7J^in. Xewcastle. 1805. 222. Mug. Eaithenware, printed and coloured, with portrait in- scribed "Admiral Nelson — Victory — England expects, etc." ; meflallion with bust inscribed "Georgius III. Ilex." H. 4 J in. Newciidle. 1805. 223. Jug. Earthenware, printed in blue, with '* Victory off Trafalgar, Oct. 21, 1805"; portraits of Admiral Lord Nelson and Admiral Lord Collingwood. H. 6 in Staffordshire. 1805. -iM. Jufif. Cream ware, printed with portrait of Lord Nelson ; plan of the battle of the Nile, and a man-of-war. H. 8 in. Shfffonishirf. 1805. --5. Mug. Eiirthenware, printed with portrait of Lord Nelson; plan of the battle of Trafalgar, and a list of the vessels composing the British Fleet. H. 5A in. Newa.t/h, 1805. -!-'»'» Statuettes, a pa'V. Earthenware. Neptune and Venus. \' a. 11. IM. in. Sfa/orMire. c. 1780. --'7 Statuette. Eiirthenware, richly coloured. Neptune. n. 'i in. Staprdahire. 1790. --> Fountain. Coloured earthenware, with figure of Neptune. H U in. Slnffmhhire. 1780. --i> Statuettes, a pair. Earthenware. Neptune and Venus. vV .1 II. y^ in. and 9 in. StaffordsJim, 1820. 20 SOLDIERS ANi) SAILORS. 23(5. Mug". Earthenware, printed in blue. H. 2| in. Stafford- shire, c. 1800. Inscribed : — " The Vohii.teers Success attend, And all that are Old England's friend." 231. Mug. Earthenware, printed in blue. H. 2 J in. Staffwd- shire. c. 1800.' Inscribed :— " No pow'r on earth can make us rue If England to her self prove true." 232 Figures, a pair. Earthenware. A horse and a foot & a. volunteer. H. 9 in. Newcastle, c. 1800. 233. Figure. Coloured earthenware. A voliuiteer. H. 6 in. Staffordshire. 1800. 234. Jug. Earthenware, painted, with a yeomanry officer H. 7 J in. Staffordshire {IFedgwood). c. 1790. 235. Jug. Cream ware, printed with (1) three Irish volunteers; (2) the Death of General Wolfe ; and (3) " Success to Colo". Conyngham and the Springhill Union." H. 8 J in. Staf- fordshire. 1800. S36. Jug. Earthenware, printed with (1) Irish Volimteers ; (2) the Death of General Wolfe ; and (3) inscription " Success to the Independent Volunteer Societies of the Kingdom of Ireland." H. 8|in. Staffwdshire {Wedgivood). c. 1800. 237. Figure. Tortoiseshell ware ; a mounted soldier ; on holster ''G. R." H. n in. Staffm-dshire. c. 1750. 238. Figure of coloured clays ; a mounted soldier. H. 7 in. Stafordshire. c. 1740. 239. Figure. Tortoiseshell w^re ; a mounted soldier. H. 9 in. Staffordshire, c. 1750. 2 40. Figure. Tortoiseshell ware ; a mounted soldier ; on pistol holster " G. R." H. 10^ in. Staffordshire, c. 1750. 241. Group. Salt-glazed ware ; a soldier courting a lady under a tree. H. 7 in. Staffordshire, c. 1740. 242. Tureen, with stand and cover. Earthenware. Part of a service made for the Cameronians. H. 6 in. L. 9 in. Stafordshire {JFedgicood). c. 1780. 243. Punch Bowl. Porcelain, painted with Highlanders, fruit and flowers. Diam. 10 J in. Chinese, c. 1760. 244. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Highlander seated. H. 6 in. Staffordshire, c. 1800. 245. Jug. Earthenw^are, moulded and coloured, with a military review. H. 7 in. Staffordshire, c. 1800. 21 246. Jug. Earthenware, moulded and coloured, with a hussar capturing a gun. H. 7 j in. Staffordshire, c. 1800. 247. Fiffure. Porcelain, coloured. A crippled soldier. H. 0] in. fForcester. c. 1855. -IS. Figure. Porcelain, coloured; a beefeater. H. 8 in. hngli:-lost huslMind, ami my wished for mate ! " -'■)!'. Jug. Earthenware, moulded and coloured, with figures of soldiers and sailors carousing. H. 6 in. Sfnffindshirf. c. 1800. 253. Jug. Porcelain, with figures of soldiers and sailors carousing. H. G in. Yorkshire (Ca^tlf/tml). c. 1800. 254. Punch Bowl. Earthenware, printed in blue, with groups of birds, Howers, etc. Inscribed " Success to the Army and Navy of Great Britain." Diam. 9 in. c. 1780. :l^>'>. Mug. Earthenware, printed and inscribed " Beating up for recruits." H. 5 J in. yewca^lle. c. 1800. _'.')•; Ju^. P^arthenware, printed and inscril)ed " Manning The Navy " ; and an officer welcoming the approaching fleet. H. 5f in. Aewcastk. c. 1800. 257 Statuettes, a pair. Biscuit porcelain ; representing A' a. (rreenwich and Chelsea pensioners, seated. H. 5 in. and 5i in. Jiockingham. c. 1820. 255. Jug. Eiirthenware, in the form of a sailor seated on a chest with " Dollars " on each side. Inscrilx)d " Success to our wooden walls.'' H. 10 J in. Staffmdshire. c. 1790. 259. Pepper Caster. Earthenware, coloured and gilt, in the form of a boatswain. H. 5i in. c. 1820. 2 GO. Jug. Cream ware, printed vdih a view of Greenwich Hospital, and " The Sailor's Adieu." H. 7 in. Staf- fordshire, c. 1800. In.scrihed : — " What should tear me from the arms of my Dearest Polly but the undeniahle calls of my country in whose cause I have «"?*•'! ™y Honour and my Life." 22 261. Punch Bowl. Cream ware, printed with man-of-war. naval trophy, etc. Diam. 10| in. Staffordshire, c. 1780. 262. Mug. Cream ware. Printed with a man-of-war and sailors trying to rescue a negro. H. 6;^ in. Sfaffonhhire. c. 1800. Inscribed : — " To reach the rope poor Zaiiiho tries ; But e'er he grasps it, faint with toil, Tlie stiuggling victim sink and dies." 263. Jug. Cream ware, printed with a naval engagement, and the Death of General Wolfe. H. SJ in. Staffordshire. c. 1780. 264 Groups, two. Earthenware. The Sailor's farewell and & a. the Sailor's return. H. 9 J in. Stafford shire, c. 1790. 265. Plaque. Porcelain, painted with a girl waving adieu to a ship. U by 3h in. c. 1800. 266. Mug. Earthenware, printed with a sailor parting from his wife and children. H. 5 in. Newcastle, c. 1800." Inscribed : — " Sailor's Farewell." " Sweet, oh sweet is that sensation ^AHiere two hearts in union meet ; But the pain of Separation Mingles bitter with the Sweet." And-- " Glide on my bark, tiie summer's tide Is gently flowing bv thy side : Around thy prow the waters bright, In circling rounds of broken light, Are glitt'ring as if ocean gave Her countless gems to deck the wave." 267. Mug. Cream ware, printed with a sailor parting from his sweetheart. H. 3 J in. Staffordshire, c. 1770. Inscribed : — " When this you see remember me And bear me in your mind, Let all the World say what they will, Speak of me as you find." 268. Jug. Cream ware, printed with a man-of-war, and " Susan's Farewell." H. 9^ in. Stafford'ihire. c. 1780. 269. Jug. Cream ware, printed with a man-of-war, and " The Sailor's Farewell." H. 6 in. Staffordshire, c. 1780. 270. Jug. Earthenware, printed with " The Sailor's Farewell," etc. ; on the front "G. E." H. b\ in. c. 1800. 271. Jug. Earthenware, moulded and coloured, with Britannia placing a wreath on a mast of a ship, etc. St^3. Mug. Porcelain, painted with English man-of-war; inscril)ed "Sutiu-day Night.' H. 4 J in. Chinese. V. 1780. 24 284. Jug. Earthenware, printed 'with "A hearty supper, a good bottle, and a soft bed, to the man who fights the battles of his country." H. 5J in. Stofioi-dshire (Lane End), c. 1800. "♦ 2S5. Jug. Cream ware, printed with a ship in full sail ; and sailors and women dancing. Inscribed '• The Flowing Can," followed by C. Dibdin's verses. H. H in. StaffwdMre. c. 1790. 286. Plate. Earthenware, printed with a sailor parting from his sweetheart. Diam. 8 J in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1780. 287. Coffee Pot. Cream ware, printed with the " Sailor's Fare- well and Retm^n." H. 6f in. Lirerjwol c. 1780. ^88. Figure. Coloured earthenware. A sailor leaning on an anchor. H. 9 in. Staffordshire, c. 1780. 289. Figure. Coloured earthenware. A sailor leaning on an anchor. H. 7| in. c. 1790. 290. Jug. Earthenware, printed with " The Flowing Can " ; and a man-of-war. H. 6i in. Xeunutle. c. 1800. Inscribed : — " May Winsford continue Till the Globe shall dissolve, To Flourish in Trade Not leaving a shade. " 291. Jug. Coloured earthenware, with the "Sailor's Farewell and Return," in relief. StoffmhJiire. H. 6J in. c. 1800. 292 Jugs, a pair. Coloured earthenware, with the " Sailor's •& a. Farewell and Return." H. 5 in. c. 1800. 293. Bottle. Stoneware, in the form of a sailor. H. 9 in. English {Mod£7'n). 294 Pipes, two. Earthenware, in the form of sailors. H. 7 in. -&&. c. 1790. 295. Plate. Earthenware, printed with a girl watching a ship nearing the coast. Diam. 10 in. c. 1800. Inscribed : — "Returning Hopes." " When seamen to theh- homes return And meet their wives or sweethearts dear, Each loving Lass witli rapture burns, To find her long lost Lover near." 296. Jug. Earthenware, with subjects painted in colours ; men rowing a boat, a man-of-war, etc. H. 9i in. Neuxastle, c. 1790. Inscribed : — " Richard Bennett." " Here's to the Boat that seem to fly And catches all that she conijs nigh." 25 -^7. Jug, in the form of .i sailor seated on a chest. Coloured earthenware. H. 12 in. Stafonbhire. c. 1770. Incised : — " Hollo, Brother Briton, Hard Dollors by nie. Whoever Thou be, And drink a health Sit down (Ml To all sealors Bold." Til It chest of 298. Plaque. White ware, a sailor and a lady. 11 J in. by 8 J in. Sta^imlshiie, c. 1780. 299. Tile. Earthenware. Sailors at the sign of the " K. of Prussia." 4 J in. square. Liverpool Del/f, c. 1760. 300. Jug. Cream ware, printed wiih a lady in a boat waving farewell to a parting ship, and the verses of "Sweet Poll of Plymouth." H. 7^ in. Staj^onhhire, c. 1790. '•'M. Jug. Cream ware, printed with "Jemmy's Courtship" and a ship in full sail. H. 6 J in. StaffunUhire. c. 1800. 302. Jug. Cream ware, printed and partly coloured, with a man-of-war towing a frigate, and a ship in full sail. H. 7 J in. Stnff.niUhiir. c. 1790. In.<(cri)>ed : — •• A nailor's life's a pleasant In every port he tiuds a wife, life, What can a sailor wish for He freely roam** from shore more." to Hhore, 303. Jug. Cream ware, printed and partly coloured, with engraving of "The Neglected Tar," and a ship "The Royal Charlotte." H. 7 in. Inscribed : — " The Neglected Tar." " I sin^' the British seaman's praise A theme renown'd in story : It well deserves more jwlished lays. Oh ! 'tis your l)oast and glory When mad brainM war spreads death around. By them you are protectevith sailor and female, a ship in background ; inscribed " A triHe from Yar- mouth," "To keeo watch for the life of Poor Jack." H. H in. c. 1790.' 324. Mug. Ked earthenware, with white slip. H. 5 in. Modein. Inscribed : - ** From rockM and sands and And from great (Inns and Barren lands Women's tongues Good Fortune sets me free. Ciooiam. 9f in. c. 1790. 329. Cup, three-handled. Red earthenware, and white slip with coloured ornaments, and verses. 11. 8j in.. Mfxlrni. 330. Punch Bowl. IC;irthenware, printed with .scenes of bird catching ; and a ship inscribed " Success to ye Kagle John I^ncefeild Commander 1782." Diam. 11 in. "'31. Punch BowL Eiirthenware, lustred, and printed with the " Sailor'n Farewell," a coat-of arms and verses. Diam. 11 J in. Xenrxstle. IS 20. '32. Jug. Earthenware, lustred and printed with "The Great Australian Clipper ship," and " The Unfortunate London," which foundered in the Bay of Biscay in 1865 ; and a verse. H. 7J in. Xewcastk. 333. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, printed and coloured. " The Mariner's Compass," with a ship on each side. H. 5J in. Newcastle, c. 1830. Inscribed :— " Thou noble bark of brightest fame, That bear' St proud England's honoure«l name, Right welcome home once more ! Welcome thou gallant little sail, In England's name I bid thee hail ! And Melcome to her sliore " 28 334. Jug. White earthenware with blue enamel and gilt, decorated with a three-masted vessel, etc., and dated " 1788 " ; on front '' T. M. K." H. TJ in. Staffordshire. 335. Jug. Cream ware, printed and coloured with a mariner's compass inscribed "Come box the compass," and two reversible heads. H. 7 in. Staffordshire, c. 1780. Inscribed : — " Courtship." " When two Fond Fools together meet, Each look gives Joy, each kiss so sweet ; But wed, liow cold and cross they'll be, Turn upside down and then you'll see." " Matrimony." " That form once o'er, with angry brow sisn J The married pair both peevish grow ; All night and day they scold and brav She calls him Ass, he calls her Fool." 336. Jug. Cream ware, painted with a cutter inscribed "Success to the Lucy " ; figure of Hope ; on front " Mrs. Elizabeth Lear, Portsmouth, Hants, 1788." H. 7| in. Staff or dsh ire ( J Fed g wood). 337. Jug. Cream ware, printed with " The East View of Bidston Light House and Signals," etc. H. 8 J in. Staffordshire, c. 1790. 338. Figure. Earthenware ; a sailor leaning on an anchor, coloured. H. 5^ in. Staffoi'dshire. c. 1790. 339. Jug. Cream ware, painted with ships and inscribed " Capt. Joseph Anthony, Ship St. Ann with her two Prizes Le Pelerin and Consalateur.' H. 11 J in. Staffordshire {JFedgicood). 1800. Note. — It is supposed the "St. Ann" was a privateer, and her two prizes French merchantmen. 340. Jug. Cream ware, printed with figu/e of Hope and a mariner's compass. H. 6 J in. c. 1790. 341. Cup and Saucer. Porcelain, printed with ships. H. of cup 3f in. Diam. of saucer bh in. Staff'oi-dshire {New . HaJl). c. 1810. 342. Coffee Cup. Porcelain, painted with ships. H. 2 J in. Liverpool, c. 1770. 343. Plaque. Coloured earthenware, with a bust of a hussar, inscribed " Daniel Goostry." 6 by 4| in. Staff'ordshire. c. 1780. 314. Group. Coloured earthenware; sailor and wife sitting under a tree. H. 8f in. Staffordshire, c. 1800. 29 ENGLAND AND FRANCE. The French Revolution. 345. Plate. Earthenware, painted with St. Catherine and her wheel. Inscribed "Jean . perrot . 1783." Diam. 8 in. French. 34G. Plate. Itlarthon ware, painted with subjects symbolising the Crown held up by the Church, Army, Agriculture, and the hearts of the people. Diani. 8 in, Fniich. 347. Plate. Earthenware, painted with crown, etc. Diam. 8 in. Fremk, 18. Plate. Earthenware, iminted and inscribed " liWte Con- stitution." Diam. 8 in. French. 341). Plate. Earthenware, painted with Imperial crown, Heurs- de-Iys, etc. Diam. 8 in. French. 350. Plate. Earthenware, painted and inscribed " Tres in uno " and " Vis unita fortior 1789." Diam. 8 in. French. 351. Plate. Eiarthenwaro, painted with arms holding sabres, and Hours-ouse the cause Of Church and King And every Thing That constitutes their Lavrs." 7 1 Model, bone. A guillotine, with executioner and figures. .Made by French prisoners in England. L. G} in., h. 10 in. c. 1800. 376. Jug. Cream ware, printed and coloured with subjects inscribed " French Liberty " and " British Slavery " ; after Gillray. H. ^ in. SUifforddiire. c. 1792. Napoleon, 1769-1821. "•7<"). Mug. Earthenware, printed and coloured with caricature of " ik)nny in his New Clothes," referring to Napoleon having been crowne} i?i. Sf>iflunf.'^ they know the worth of water. ^' 456. Plate. Earthenware, printed in green with a youth smoking in an ale-house, inscribed "Landlord's caution. Pay to-day have trust to-morrow " ; and two of Franklin's maxims. Diam. 7 in. c. 1840. 457. Jug. White ware, printed with figures of Peace and AVar, and inscribed " Peace, Plenty and Independence." Names of sixteen States on border. H. 8| in. English. c. 1820. 458. Jug. Cream ware, with design inscribed " Peace Plenty and Independence," and trophies representing Arts, Crafts, etc. H. 7 J in. Eiujlish. c. 1790. 459 Plate. Cream ware, printed in brown ; the arms of the United States in centre. Diam. 10 in. English. Dated 1802. 460. Jug. Cream ware, printed with portrait of Thomas Jefl'er- son (1743-1826), names of the States, and verses. H. 7 in. English, c. 1810. 461. Jug. Cream ware, printed and coloured, with American Eagle inscribed " Peace Commerce and honest Friendship with all Nations. Entangling Alliances with none. Jeffer- son. Anno Domini 1804," and other inscriptions. H. 101 in. English, c. 1805. 462. Jug. Cream ware, printed, coloured and gilt, with views of cutting timber and ship-building ; the American flag, etc., with inscription. H. 8 in. English, c. 1 800. 463. Jug. Earthenware, printed with portraits of CTcneral Zebulun M. Pike and Captain Hull of the Constitution. • H. 6Jo in. Staffordshire (Lane End), c. 1820. 464. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, and printed with portrait of Commodore Stephen Decatur, and another inscribed " Don't surrender the Ship 1 La^vTence." H. 4^ in. Staf- fordshire (Lane End), c. 1S20. 39 465. Plate. Earthenware, printed in dark blue with view of "Commodore Mac Donnough's Victory." Dium lOJ in. Staffordshire (Burslem). c. 1820. •iOG. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, and printed with a naval engagement, inscribed '* The Constitution's Escape from the British Squadron after a chase of sixty hours, and Commodore Macdonnough's Victory on Lake Champluin, Sept. 11th, 1814." H. 7 in. Staffordshire (Lane End), e. 1820. •lt)7. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, and printed with portraits of ComnuMloro Perry and Captain Hull. H. 7h in. Staffmd- shire (Lane End). 1820. 4G8. Plate. Earthenware, printed in dai*k blue. Floral border enclosing view of " Landing of Gen. La Fayette at Castle Garden, New York, 16th August, 1824." Diam. 10 j in. Staffmdshire (Gtf/ridtje). e. 1825. 4b'J. Plate. Earthenware, printed in blue with view of Massa- chusetts State House at Boston. Diam. 10 in. Staffordshire (Burslem). c. 1820. 470. Plate. Earthenware, printed in blue with view of Massa- chusetts State House at Boston. Diam. 9} in. Staffordshire (liurslem). c. 1820. 471. Plaaue. Earthenware, priiiuu m blue with portrait of •' Henry Clay, Star of the West." Diam. 5J in. Enfjlish. c. 1840. 472. Group. Coloured earthenware John Brown (Liberation Enthusiast) with negio boy and girl. H. lOJ in. 473. Jug. Cream ware, printed with a compass having an anchor over it and " Come Box the Compass " beneath. Three- masted ship wit h^ American flag. H. 6J in. Knr/lisli, c. 1790. 4 74. Plaque. Black biisalt ware. Bust of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. 13 by lOJ in. Staffwdshire. e. 1780. t75. Jug. Cream ware, printed with a \igw of Portland dbservatory, series of flags and vessels. H. 8J in. English, c. 1800. 476. Jug. i^rthenware, printed and coloiu-ed with a ship in full sail with American flag, and a female figure inscribed "Hope." H. 5jin. c. 1790. 40 STATESMEN. 477. Mug. Porcelain, printed with portrait of the Earl of Chatham (1708-1778), father of William Pitt ; and figures of Britannia and Fame. H. 4 J in. Worcester, c. 1760. 478. Plate. Painted in blue and purple; inscribed in centre " Calvert & Martin For Tukesbury Sold by Webb." Diam. 9 in. Bristol Delft. 1754. 479. Mug. Figure of a fox, and inscription " Be ware of the fox." H. 3 J in. Bristol Delft, c. 1770. 480. Mug. Porcelain, printed with portrait of the Earl of Chatham. H. 5f in. Worcester, c. 1760. 481. Mug. Porcelain, printed with portrait of the Earl of Chatham when young, inscribed " William Pitt, Esq." H. 5 J in. Liverpool, c. 1760. 482. Statuette. Biscuit porcelain. Charles James Fox (1749- 1806), seated. H. 8 in. Dei-hij. c. 1800. 483. Statuette. Biscuit porcelain. William Pitt (1759-1806), seated. H. 8Jin. Derby, c. 1800. 484. Bust. White earthenware. Charles James Fox. H. 10 J in. Staffmdshire. c. 1790. 485. Tea Pot. Earthenware, painted with ^iews, and in- scribed "Beware of the Fox." H. 6 in. Leeds, c. 1770. 486 Plaques, a pair. Earthenware, with busts of Fox and Pitt & a. in relief. 6 by 5 J in. c. 1800. 487. Bust. Coloured earthenware. William Pitt. H. 8| in. Staffordshire (Burslem). c. 1800. 488. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. William Beckford, Lord Mayor of London 1763 and 1770 ; from the statue in the Guildhall. H. Hi in. Staffordshire {Burskm). 1770. 489. Plaque. Black basalt ware. William Pitt. 12iby9Jin. Staffordshire {Hanky), c. 1780. 490. Mug. Salt-glazed ware, incised in blue " Wenman and Dashwood Old Interest for ever No Double Return." Referring to the Oxfordshire Election 1754-5. H. 5 in. Staffordshire, c. 1755. i No. 939 No. 970 No. 877 NOTED MEN. No. 482 42 505. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, and printed in red with a portrait of Henry Hunt (1773-1835), known as "Orator Hunt," inscribed " Hunt and Liberty," within a border " Universal Suffiage," " Magna Charta," " Habeas Corpus," etc. H. 5J in. Staffoi'dshire {Lane End), c. 1818. 506. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, and printed in red with a portrait of Henry Hunt, known as " Orator Hunt," inscribed " Hunt and Liberty," etc. H. 4J in. Staffoi'd- shire {Lane End), c. 1818. 507. Mug. Earthemvare, lustred, and printed with " Murdered on the plains of Peterloo, Manchester, 16th August, 1819," and a dragoon riding over a woman, who is holding a flag inscribed " Liberty or Death " ; on scrolls " No Corn Laws," "Hunt & Liberty." H. 2 J in. Staffc/rdshire {Lane End). Eeform Bill of 1832. 508. Plaque. Earthenware, printed in violet with portrait of George Kinloch, M.P. for Dundee, 1832. Diam. 6 J in. 509. Punch Bowl and Jug. Earthenware, printed in violet. On front of jug a figure on pedestal holding torch inscribed "Reform Disenfranchise Stone Walls and Parks. Give members to the people, King and Constitution " ; a- group of statesmen and other subjects. On the Bowl the sul)jects are repeated. H. of jug 7 in. Diam. of bowl 11 in. c. 1831. 510. Mug. Earthenware, printed in blue with "Reform Bill passed 7 June 1832 " and "Littledale and the Indepen- dence of Whitehaven." H. 4 in. c. 1832. 511. Jug. Earthenware, printed with "Royal Assent to the Reform Bill 7 June 1832 " ; portraits of Earl Grey, Lord Althorp, Lord Brougham and Lord John Russell. H. 6 in. c. 1832. 512. Mug. Earthenware, printed in pink and inscribed " Champions of Reform " ; portraits of Earl Grey and Lord Brougham and Vaux. H. 3 J in. c. 1832. 513. Flask. Brown stoneware, representing Lord Brougham (1778-1868), and inscribed "The true Spirit of Reform." H. UJ in. Lambeth, c. 1830. 514. Flask. Brown stoneware, representing Earl Grej" (1764- 1845), and inscribed "The People's rights" and "Grey's Reform Cordial." H. 7J in. Derby sJiire. 1830. 515. Flask. Brown stoneware, representing Lord Brougham and impressed " The True Spirit of Reform " and " Brougham's Reform Cordial.'" H. 6| in. Lambeth. c. 3 830. 43 •'>16. Flask. Brown stoneware, representing Lord Brougham and inscribed " The Second Magna Charta " and " Lord Brougham's Keform Cordial." H. 7 in. Derbyshire. c. 1830. •'IT. Flaak. Brown stoneware, representing Lord John Russell (1792-1878), and inscribed " The True Spirit of Reform." H. 7i in. c. 1830. Thomas Paine, Agitator (1737-1809). 518. Jug. Cream ware, printed with portrait of Thomas Paine ; caricature of a hei-d of swine and other subjects. H. 7 in. c. 1790. 519. Juff. Cream ware, printed in brown with "Courtship and Matrimony." H. 6 J in. c. 1790. Inscribed :— " God Have the King May He their Rights And all his Hubjects Too, Forever hence Maintain Likewise his forces's Against all strife And couianilcrs true. Occasion'd bv Tom payne." 520. Mu^. Cream ware, printed in brown with a verse on Tom Panic. On border." God Save the King," etc. H. 4rJ in. c. 1790. 521. Mug. Cream ware, printed in brown, with portrait of Thonijw Paine and verses. H. 3J in. 522. Dish. P^arthenware, painted in colours to represent a successful candidate dragged home by his supporters. Diam. 15 J in. Leeds. 523. Bust. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. Lord Brougham and Vaux, as Lord Chancellor of England. H. 6 in. Derhj. c. 1820. 524. Medallion. Black ware. Bust of Lord Denman (1779- 1854). Diam. 5 in. Slaffardshire (Lane End), c. 1820. . 525. Bust. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. George Canning (1770-1827). H. 5iin. Derbij. c. 1810. 526. Bust. Biscuit poi-celain. Lord Lyndhurst (1772-1863) H. 9 in. Shtfordshire (Cohridge). 1826. 527. Jug. Earthenware, dark blue, and gilt inscription " Church, King and Constitution " with a coat-of-arms beneath. In Commemoration of the Twelve Conservatives of Shrop- shire Representatives of a free and Intelligent People H. 1\ in. 18.35. Ireland. 28. Jug. Cream ware, printed with portrait of James Fitz- gerald, 1st Duke of Leinster (1722-1773), inscribed " Leinster The Humane and Great," and a garden scene* H. 5i in. c. 1770. 44 529. Jug. Cream ware, printed with portraits of the Hon. Christopher Hely Hutchinson (1767-1826) and Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847). H. 5| in. c. 1810. 530. Bast. Parian ware. Daniel O'Connell. Impressed "Catholic Emancipation." H. 9 J in. c. 1829. 531. Flask. Brown stoneware, representing Daniel O'Connell. H. 11 in. c. 1820. * 532. Flask. Brown stoneware, representing Daniel O'Connell. and inscribed " Irish Reform Cordial." H. 8 in. Derhy- shin-. c. 1820. 533. Bust. Porcelain, colomed. Daniel O'Connell H. 5j in. c. 1830. 534. Bust. Coloured earthenware. Daniel O'Connell. H. 8f in. c. 18.30. 535. Tea Pot. Cream ware, printed with " May Ireland Flourish with a Free Trade " and " The Lovers disturbed." H. 5 in. Staffordshire, c. 1790. 536. Mug. Earthenware, printed with a wreath of shamrock. H. 3f in. c. 1800. Inscril^ed : — " Ireland First flower of the earth Great «rloriou.s and free, First f^ein of the sea." 537. Flask. Brown stoneware, representing Kichard Cobden (1801-1865). H. 12 in. 538. Bust. Parian ware. John Bright (1811-1889). H. 18 in. Stofft/rdshm (JFcdgvjood). Dated 1867. 539. Bust. Parian ware. Richard Cobden. H. 15i in. Staffordshire (IFedgtvood). Dated 1865. 540. Tray. Earthenware, lustred, and printed with portrait of Sir Robert Peel, Bart. (1788-1850). Sh by 7.1 in. Xeic- casfk. c. 1830. 541 Plaques, a pair. Earthenware, printed with portraits of & a. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., and Richard CoMen. 6| l»y 5Un. Staffordshire, c. 1840. 542. Statuette. Biscuit porcelain. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. H. 11 in. De7'by. c. 1840. 543. Statuette. Parian ware. Lord Palmerston (1784-1865), seated. H. 10 in. c. 1860. 544. Statuette. Parian ware. Viscount Sherbrooke (Robert Lowe, 1811-1892). c. 1870. 545. Bust. Coloured earthenware. Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone. (1809-1898.) H. 7 in, Cordiwndal. c. 1890. 54G. Statuette. Plaster, coloured. Earl of Beaconsfield (Benjamin Di-sraeli, 1804-1881). H. 4f in. c. 1870. 45 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. 547. Mug. Brown stoneware, with hops and the arms of the Brewers' Co. ; motto " In God is all our trust." H. 6J in. Mortlake. Dated 1830. 548. Mug. Eiirthenware, printed with the arms of the Gar- deners' Company, supporters Adam and Eve ; motto " In the swait of thy Face shalt thou eat Bread." H. 5 in. Newciistle. c. 1800. 549. Mug. Cream ware, printed and coloured with " The Butcher's Arms "; motto " Omnia Subjecisti sub . Pedibus . oves et boves." H. 5 in. c. 1790. 550. Jug. Cream ware, printed with " The Conlwainers Arms"; motto "Nulla Invertitur Ordo." H. 6 in. 0. 1770. 551. Mug. Porcelain, printed in violet, reversed, with the arms of the Cordwainei-s' Company and of the City of Worcester luider royal crown. H. 3 in. iyvrcesttr. c. 1807. 552. Mu^. White ware, printed with the arms of *' The Friendly Society of Cordwainers of England." II. G in. 0. 1810. 553. Mug. Earthenware, jiaintetl in ))hic with the arms of the Fishmongers' Com|)any. II. 4} in. Lumhcih Ddjt. 1G82. 554. Plate. Delft, panitcd in blue with the aims of the Fish- mon^eiV Company ; with " E. B. S." Diam. 8il in. Dntcit. Dateuildings and shipping ; in the centre the arms of the Company of Parish Clerks in London. Diam. 15^ in. Lnmheth Delft. Dated 1642. 558. Mu^. Earthenware, painted in blue with "The Wheel- wnghts Arms '' ; motto " God grant Unity." H. 6 j in. Bristol or Liverpool Delft. Dated 1763. 559. Jug. Cream ware, printed with " The Hatters Arms " ; motto " We iissist each other in time of need " ; " The Farmers Arms " ; motto " In God is our Trust." H. Si in. 1790. 46 560. Jug. Cream ware, printed with " The Coopers Arms "; motto " Prosperity attend the Integrity of our Cause." H. 6 in c. 1770. 561. Jug. Cream ware, printed with "The Bakers Arms' ; motto " Praise God for All." H. 7 in. c. 1770. 562. Jug. Cream ware, painted with " The Dyers Arms " ; motto " Da Gloriam Deo." H. 6 J in. 1790. 563. Jug. Stoneware, coloured and moulded with "The Weavers' Arms," and motto " Weave Truth with Trust." H. 5 J in. c. 1780. 564. Jug. Earthenware, printed with man working at a loom ; above, " Success to the Friendly Association of Cotton Spinners " ; " Success to Commerce," etc. H. 8J in. 565. Jug. Earthenware, printed in blue with the arms and motto of Cornw^all, and " Success to the trade of the County of Cornwall." H. 61 in. c. 1800. o66. Plate. Earthenware, printed in blue with a view of St. Michael's Mount ; Toby Philpot saying " Fish, Tin, and Copper"; arms and motto of Cornwall. Diam. 6 J in. Staffordshire. 1820. 567. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, printed and coloured with " The Mariners Arms/' motto " Deus dabit vela" ; the " Sailor's Farewell," and verses. H. 4| in. Newcastle. 1820. 568. Jug. Porcelain, gilt and printed with the arms of " The Society of United Journeymen Curriers " ; motto (reversed), " Spes nostra Deus." H. 7A in. Staffordshire, 1831. 569. Jug. Cream ware, painted with the Collier's Arms and " Thomas Plant. Another jug & then. 1796." H. 8 in. 570. Jug. Earthenware, painted with the Collier's Arms and "Richard Johnson, 1808/' H. 61 in. Staffordshire (Lane End). 571. Mug. Cream ware, printed and coloured with the arms of the Shipwrights' Company ; motto " Within the ark safe forever." H. 4J in. c. 1790. 572. Jug. Earthenware, painted in colours, with the " Coach- makers' Arms " and flowers. H. 8 in. 1790. 573. Cup. Porcelain, enamelled with the arms of the City of Ripon ; motto, " As trew steel as Ripon rowels," and the arms of Fountains Abbey. H. 3 in. .1897. 574. Cup. Porcelain, enamelled with the arais and motto of the City of Ripon; the arms of the See of Ripon, and of Fountains Abbey, and the wakeman sounding the horn. H. 6 in. 47 575. Cup.. Stoneware, embossed with a gridiron, and round it "Beef and Liberty," the motto of the Bcefeteak Club, on each side a cocked hat and a mitre. H. Sh in. Fulham. c. 1810. 576. Mug, barrel-shaped. Porcelain, with arms and mottoes of the Society of Bucks. H. 6i in. Liverpuol. c. 1760. 577. Decanter. Glass, engraved with the arms of the Anti- Gallican Club, with motto, "For our Country." H. 12} in. English. Dated 1767. 578. Ju£f. Cream ware, printed with Masonic arms, and mottoes, " Amor Honor et Justitia " and " Deum Time et Begem Honora." H. 8^ in. Staprdshire {fVedgwood). c. 1770. 579. Jug. Cream ware, printed and coloured with Masonic arms, and mottoes " Amor Honor et Justitia " and " Sit Lux et Lux Fuit " ; and a dancing scene. H. Ih in. c. 1780. 580. Mug. Rirthcnware, printed and coloured with Masonic emblems. H. 6 in. Newcastle, c. 1820. 581. Jug. Earthonwaro, printed in pink with Masonic emblems. H. 5 in. c. 1790. '^^'1. Mug. Cream ware, printed with Masonic emblems, and a verso from "The Entered Apprentice's Song," by Birkhead. H. 4 in. c. 1790. 58.). Jug. Earthenware, printed and coloured, with the " Odd Fellows' Arms" and motto "Upon thy Honour" and " Quid Rides " ; the " Farmers' Anns " and mottoes " Trust in God" and "The Husbandman's Diligence Provides Bread " ; and a verse. H. 7 in. Stajordshire (Lane End). 1810. 581. Puzzle Jug. Kanhenware, lustred, printed and coloured with the "Friendly Society's Feast" and the " Club Day." H. 6\ in. NeiLKOstk. c. 1820. 585. Mug. Eiirthenware, printed with the arms of the Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows " ; motto " Amor, Honor, Justitea." H. \ in. c. 1820. 586. Jug. Cream ware, printed with Masonic emblems and inscriptions ; and an equestrian statue of William III. H. 6 in. c. 1795. N.B. — Made for an Orange Lodge. 5-^7. Model in the form of an open hand and heart ; coloured earthenware. The emblem of the Odd Fellows. H. 7J in. c. 1790. 48 PHILANTHEOPY. 588. Jug. Cream ware, paiuted with flowers. H. 6J in. Inscribed : — ** Success to the Lover ; and Honour to the Brave ; Health to the Sick ; and Freedom to the Slave. — IID- Oulton, 1779. 589. Figure. Coloured earthenware. A negro with open book ; inscribed '' Bless God Thank Britton Me No Slave. H. 7 in. Staffordshire, c. 1806. 590. Medallion. White jasper Mare, with figure of kneeling slave, inscribed "Am not I a man and a brother?" Diam. If in. Staffordshire (IFedgwood). c. 1790. 591. Statuette. Biscuit porcelain. William Wilberforce (1759- 1833). H. 7| in. Derbt/. c. 1790. 592. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Negro with chained hands. H. 5 in. c. 1800. 593. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, printed with a chained negro seated by the sea-shore, inscribed " Am not I a man and a brother?" and "The Negro's Complaint." H. 4^ in. Staffordshire (Lane End), c. 1800. 594. Jug. Earthenware, printed on one side with a negress niu'sing an infant ; on the other a kneeling negress clasping a Bible; and inscriptions. H. 7 in. c. 1800. 595. Mug. Porcelain, printed with a negress nursing a child, and inscribed " Remember them that are in bonds." H. 3 in. 596. Medallion. Earthenware, with coloured portrait of Robert Raikes (1735-1811). Founder of Sunday Schools in England. Diam. 5| in. 597. Jug. Earthenware, printed with portrait of Richard Rey- nolds the Philanthropist ; and a verse. H. 4| in. c. 1800. 598. Group. Coloured earthenware. A chained captive nursed bv his daughter, inscribed " Grecian and Daughter." H. lb in. Stafford.. 687. Plaque. Earthenware, with figure in white slip, represent- ing the potter's art in Persia. H. 15 J in. W. 8 J in. Staffordshire (Minim), c. 1885. 688. Plaque. Earthenware, with figure in white slip, represent- ing the Hispano-Moresco potter's art. H. 15i in. W. 8i in. Staffordshire (Minion), c. 1885. 689. Plaque. Earthenware, with figure in white slip, represent- ing the potter's art of Italy. H. 15 J in. W. 8i in. Staffordshire (Minion), c. 1885. 690. Plaque. Earthenware, with figure in white slip, represent- ing the potter's art of Germany. H. 15^ in. W. 8^ in. Staffordshire (Minton). c. 1885. 691. Plaque. Earthenware, with figure in white slip, represent- ing the potter's art of France. H. 15J in. W. 8i in. SUiffardshire (Minton). c. 1885. 692. Plaque. Earthenware, with figure in white slip, represent- ing the Pre-histonc potter's art. H. 15^ in. \V. 8J in. Staffordshire (Minton). c. 1885. 693. Plaque. Earthenware, with figure in white slip, represent- ing the English potter's art. H. 15 J in. W. 8 J in. Staffordshire (Minton). c. 1885. 694. Plaque. Earthenware, with figure in white slip, represent ing Wedgwood pottery. H. 15^ in. W. 8^ in. Stafford- shire (Minion), c. 1885 ARCHITECTURE. 695. Plate. Earthenware, printed in red with a country scene. Diam. 7Jin. Smffordshire. c. 1830. 696. Soup Plate. Earthenware, printed in blue with a windmill, inscribed "Powder Mill, Hastings." Diam. 8| in. Sfafioj'd- shire. c. 1830. 697. Plate. Earthenware, printed in blue with a landscape, inscribed " Bentley Wharf Bourne Sept." H. 9f in. 698. Plate. Painted in blue m ilh a landscape. Diam. 11 J in. Bristol Delft, c. 1760. 699. Plate. Porcelain, printed with view of " St. Albans Abbey." Diam. 6J in. c. 1880. 700. Jug. Coloured earthenware, in the form of a thatched cottage. H. 6J in. c. 1820. 701. Pastille Burner. Coloured earthenware, in the form of a thatched cottage. H. 4 in. c. 1820 702. Pastille Burner. Coloured earthenware, in the form of a half-timbered cottage. H. 5| in. 703. Money Box. Coloured earthenware, in the form of a cottage, with a boy and a girl at either end H. 5 in. c. 1800. 704. Money Box. Coloured earthenware, in the form of a house, and inscribed " Saving Bank " ; figures of a boy and girl in front. H. 6| in. 705 Jardinieres, a pair. Earthenware, lustred and painted in & a. violet, with landscapes and buildiugs. H. 7h in. 706. Model of Westminster Abbey. Coloured earthenware. H. 7 in. c. 1800. 707. Candlestick. Porcela'n, printed with view of " Guildhall, Plymouth." H. 4| in. ' German. Modern. 708. Candlestick. Porcelain, printed with view of "Royal Albert Bridge, Saltash." H. 4| in. German. Modern. 709 Model of a church with tower. Coloured earthenware. H. &| in. c. 1790. 710. Mug. Porcelain, printed with view of " Cranbrook Chu:ch." H. 2i in. Modei'n. 57 711. Mug. Porcelain, printed with view of "Market Place, Devizes." H. 3 J in. Modern. 7 1 2. Patch Box. Bilston enamel, pink ground, with view of Weymouth on lid. T 1 :5. Tea Pot. Cream ware, with " A View of the Crow's Nest, March, 1783, Exchge., Newcastle." H. 5^ in. 714. Mug. Earthenware, coloured and printed. Inscribed "A View of the Cast-Iron Bridge to be Erected over the River Thames. Span of middle arch, 240 ft. Height, 100 ft." H. 6 in. Newcastle, c. 1820. 715. Cream Jug. Porcelain, printed with architectural views. 11. 2 in. frorcester. c. 1760. 716. Plaoue. Earthenware, printed with a landscape with buildings. 4| in. by 4i in. 717. Pastille Burner, in the form of a house. Delft, printed in bhie and inscribed " In De Kokende Moor." H. 5J in. Dutch. Modern, 718. Basin. Porcelain, printed with landscapes, houses, and ruins of a castle. Diam. 6J in. Stnffordshire {Xew Ilall). c. 1810. 719. Pastille Burner, in the form of a "lock-up." Delft, piiintcil in blue. H. 8i in. Dutch. Dated 1601 or 1691. 720. Cup and Saucer. Porcelain, with yellow ground, painted with landscapes. H. of cup 2 in. Diam. of saucer, 5 in. Derbyshire (Pinxton). c. 1810. 721. Cup and Saucer. Porcelain, coloured and gilt, printed with landscapes. H. of cup 2i in. Diam. of saucer 5 J in. Staffordshire (New Hall), c. 1810. 722. Mug. Earthenware, printed in blue with a view. In- scribed " London Hospital. Incorporated MDCCLVIII.' H. 3i in. 723. Loving Cup, double-handled. White earthenware, painted and gilt, with view of Lichfield, and a medallion portrait. H. 9 in. Staffmlshire {Hanky). Dated 1797. 724. Plaque. Earthenware, coloured and moulded with a farm- house. 4} in. by 3J in. 725. Plaque. Earthenware, coloured and moulded with a cottage. 4J in. by 3J in. 58 ■* 726. Tray. Porcelain, painted with a landscape and ruins. 6 in. by 3f in. Worcester, c. 1735. 727. Medallion. Earthenware, printed and coloured with a farmhouse and buildings. Diam. 6 in. c. 1800. 728. Pastille Burner. Porcelain, in the form of a house. H. 7 J in. W(yrcester. c. 1840. 729. Pastille Burner. Porcelain, in 'the form of a bungalow H. 4 in. JVorcester. c. 1840. 730. Loving Cup, double-handled. Porcelain, painted with a view of Pinxton Pottery Works. H. 6 in. Derby shire (Pimion). c. 1820. 731. Tea Service. Porcelain, painted with views in Cam- bridge ; consisting of tea-pot, h. 5 J in. ; tea-pot stand, 1. 7J in. ; plate, diam. 8 in. ; saucers (four), diam. 5J in. ; and cups (three), h. 2| in. Derlyshire {Pinxton). c. 1810. 732. Jug. Earthenware, printed in blue, with a landscape. H. 121 in. Staffordshire (Spode). 733. Model. Coloured earthenware. A manor house. H. 7 in. c. 1820. 734. Model. Coloured earthenware. A church. H. 5| in. 59 SCRIPTURE HISTORY. 735. Plaque. Coloured earthenware. The Expulsion from Paradise. \3h in. by 11 J in. 736. Qroup. Earthenware. Adam and Eve with lions, an eagle and other animals. H. 12 J in. 737. Juff. Coloured earthenware ; with the figure of Adam. 11. Sh in. German, c. 1600. 738. Group. Coloured earthenware. The offering up of Isaac. H. 7 in. c. 1820. 739. Group. Coloured earthenware. The offering up of Isaac. li. 12 in. c. 1830. 740. Group. Biscuit porcelain. The offering up of Isaac. H U in. Derby, c. 1790. 741. Cream Juff. Porcelain, jxiinted with the Finding of Moses. H. 3j in. Chinese, c. 1740. 742. Plate. Cream ware, painted with Samuel anointing Saul. Diam. 5 in. c. 1770. 743. Group. Coloured earthenware. Samuel anointing David. H. 7i in. c. 1820. 744 Figures, a pair. Coloured earthenware. Elijah and the & a. widow H. 10 in. Staffordshire. 1820, 745. Plate. Eiirtheiiware, printed and coloured with the slaying of Abel. Diam. 7 J in. c. 1820. 746. Plate. Earthenware, printed with the "Sacred History of Joseph and his Brethren." Diam. 7i in. c. 1840. 747. Plate. Cream ware, painted with Jacob's Dream. Diam. 10 in. c. 1780. 748. Saucer. Porcelain, painted with Elijah running before Ahab's chariot. Diam. 6J in. Chinese, c. 1770. 749. Plaque. Coloured earthenware, moulded with Daniel in the lions' den. 8| by 6J in. 750. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Hilkiah standing by a pedestal. H. 9| in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 751. Group. Coloured earthenware. Virgin and child. H. 9 J in. c. 1790. 60 752. Group. Coloured earthenware. Virgin and Child. H. 71 in. c. 1800. 753. Group. Salt-glazed ware. Virgin and Child. H. 8i in. c. 1760. 754. Bust. Coloured earthenware. The Virgin Mary. H. 11 in. Staffcn'dshire (Burslem). c. 1790. 755. Group. Earthenware ; inscribed " The Virgin Mary." H. 12 in. Sfaprdshire. c. 1830. 756. Group. Biscuit porcelain. Virgin and child. H. 8^ in. Berbf/. c. 1790. 757. Plate. Earthenware, printed and coloured with the Adora- tion of the Shepherds. Diam. 5| in. c. 1840. 758. Group. Coloured earthenware. The Flight into Egj^pt. H. 6| in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 759. Group. Coloured earthenware. The Return from Egypt. H. 9h in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 760. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Inscribed " Christ teacheth Nicodemus. John 3, Ch. 3." H. 10^ in. Staffordshire. c. 1820. 761. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Inscribed "Christ teacheth. John 3, Ch. 3." H. 10^ in. Staffordshire. ■ c. 1820. 762. Tile. Printed with Christ and the woman of Samaria. ''So- Diam. 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 763. Group. Coloured earthenware. Christ and the woman of Samaria. H. 6 in. c. 1830. 764. Group. Coloured earthenware. The Agony in the 765. Group. Coloured earthenware. Inscribed " 0, my Father, let this cup pass from Me." H. 12 in. 766. Jug. Stoneware, with medallions of the Crucifixion, St. Peter and St. Paul. H. 7 J in. German {Sieburgh). 16th cent. 767.' Jug. Stoneware with three medallions ; inscribed " S. Brigita." H. 7^ in. German (Sieburgh). 16th cent. 768. Medallion. Earthenware. Head of Christ with nimbus, in relief. U in. bv 6 in. c. 1820. 61 769. Medallion. Earthenware, coloured and moulded with the head of Christ. Diam. 5f in. c. 1827. 770. Saucer. Porcehiin, painted with the Crucifixion. Diam. 5 in. Chinese, c. 1770. 771. Group. Coloured earthenware. The Crucifixion. H. lOi in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 772. Plaque. Tortoiseshell ware. The Crucifixion. H. 6^ in. Staff(/)'dshire. c. 1750. 773. Plaque. White jasper ware. The Descent from the Cross, after Rubens. H. 12.^ in. Staffordshire (Burslem). c. 1780. 774. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. A wise virgin. H. 8 in 775. Statuette. Coloured eaithenware. A foolish virgin. H. 9i in. 776. Tile. Delft, painted in blue with the Five Foolish Virgins. 9 A by 8i in. DutcJi. c. 1700. 777. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Inscribed " Lost Sheep." H. 9 in. 77f^ Statuette. Coloured earthenware. The Woman with the Lost Piece of Silver. H. 9 in. 779. Plate. Porcelain, painted with the Nativity. Diam. 9 in Chinese, c. 1770. 780. Plate. Porcelain, painted with the Crucifixion. Diam 9 in. Chinese, c. 1770. 781. Plate. Porcelain, painted with the Resurrection. Diam. 9 in. Chinese, c. 1770. 782. Statuette. Rirthenware. St. Matthew. H. 7^ in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 783. Statuette. Earthenware. St. Mark. H. 10 in. Stafford- shire, c. 1820. 784. Statuette. Efirthenware. St. Luke. H.lh in. Staffui'd- shire. c. 1820. 785. Statuette. Earthenware. St. John. H. Ih in. Stafford- shire, c. 1820. 786. Group. Coloured earthenware. Impressed " Peter re- storing the Lame Man." H. 7i in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 787. Group. Coloured earthenware. Impressed " Petter. Rising. The Lame. Man. Acts. Ch. 3." H. 10| in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 62 788. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Impressed ''St Paul,'* and inscribed " Acts xxiii. ver. V.' H. 9J in. Staffoi-d- shire. c. 1820. 789. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. St. Peter. H. 10 in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 790. Group. Coloured earthenware. The Sacrifice at Lystra. H. 8f in. Staffordshire, c. 1800. 791. Statuette. Coloured earthenw^are. Inscribed " St. Phillip.'' H. 14 J in. Staffordshire (Burslem). c. 1780. 792. Plate. Cream ware, painted with St. Peter's deliverance from prison. Inscribed "Handel: 12 :V : 7." Diam. 10 in. Didch. c. 1780. 793. Tea Pot. Earthenware, printed and coloured with "The Prodigal Son Eeceives his Patrimony," and *' The Prodigal Son Taking Leave." H. 4 in. c. 1790. 794. Tea Pot. Earthenware, printed and coloured with " The Prodigal Son Receives his Patrimony," and " The Prodigal Son Taking Leave." H. 6 in. c. 1790. 795. Tea Pot. Earthenware, printed and coloured with " The Prodigal Son in Excess," and " The Prodigal Son in Misery." H. 5Hn. c. 1790. 796. Tea Pot, without cover. Earthenw^are, printed and coloured with " The Prodigal Son returns Reclaim'd," and " The Prodigal Son Feasted on his Return." H. 5 in. c. 1790. 63 RELIGION. 797 Vases, a pair. Porcelain, with portraits of Martin Luther & a. and Erasmus. H. 8} in. Chinese, c. 1730. 798. Plate. Porcelain, with a portrait of Martin Luther, and Christ and the twelve Apostles, in medallions. Diam. 9 in. Chinese, c. 1730. 799. Figure. Coloured earthenware; a monk. H. 5 J in. Frenrh. c 1840. 800. Plate, with a portrait of Dr. Sacheverell (1672-1724). Diam. 11 in. LiverpotA or DiHsfol Delft, c. 1730. 801. Group. Coloured earthenware. The burning of Ridley and Utimer. H. 9 J in. c. 1829. lasorilied : — " Be of goocl comfort, Master lUdley, and play the iimn ; we sliall this day liuht sucli a candle, hv God's j^ce, in England, as I trust whiul never be put out.** .'^u2 Figures, two. Coloured earthenware. "Protestantism" & a. and "Romanism." H. 9 in. and 8 J in. c. 1829. 803. Jug. Earthenware, printed and coloured with the Vicar being letl by Moses, and verses entitled "The Vicar and Moses." H. 9 in. Staffordshire (Line £nd). c. 1790. 804. Mug. Cream ware, printed with the Vicar being led by Moses, and verses from " The Vicar and Moses." H. 6 in. Staffordshire (Wedgwood), c. 1790. 805. Mug. Cream ware, printed with " The Vicar and Moses " and verses. H. 6 in. c. 1790. 806. Jug. Earthenware, coloured and moulded with figures of ka clergj'man, clerk, and a sexton, drinking and smoking. H. 9 in. Staffordshire (Burslem). c. 1790. 807. Group. Coloured earthenware. " The Vicar and Moses." H. n in. 60*S. Medallion. Coloured earthenware. "The Vicar and Moses." 5§ by 4j in. c. 1790. 809. Group. Tortoiseshell ware. " The Vicar and Moses " seated in the reading-desk. H. 10^ in. Staffordshire {Burslem). c. 1780. 810. Jug. Coloured earthenware, in the form of "The Vicar." , H. 10 in. Staffordshire, c. 1790. I 2761. 6 64 811. Jug. Coloured earthenware, in the form of "Moses." H. 10 in. Staffordshire, c. 1790. 812. Figure. Coloured earthenware. "The Vicar." H. 4| in. c. 1800. 813. Figure. Coloured earthenware. "The Vicar." H. 2J in. c. 1790. 814. Tile. Earthenware, printed in red, with the charitable \icar relieving a beggar. 5 in. square. Liverpool, c. 1760. 815. Jug. Cream ware, printed in brown and coloured, with a clergyman and family dining. Inscribed " A Journey- man Parson with a Bare Existence." H. 5 J in. c. 1790. 816. Jug. Cream ware, printed with "The terrible Ghost or Village in an uproar," and inscription. H. 8 in. c. 1790. 817. Mask, to represent a ghost. Cream ware, coloured. H. 7in. c. 1790. 818. Jug. Cream ware, printed with a farmer and his wife offering the vicar their tenth child and a tithe pig ; and verses. H. 7J in. c. 1780. 819. Jug. Cream ware, printed with a parson being attacked by a sow, " Tythe in kind or sow's revenge." H. 6 in. c. 1790. 820. Group. Coloured earthenware ; a farmer and his wife offering the vicar their tenth child and a tithe pig. H. 6J in. c. 1800. 821. Tile. Earthenware, printed in red, with the "Tythe Pig." 4J by 4 J in. Liverpool, c. 1760. 822. Jug. Porcelain, painted with a group of clergymen and others carousing at the sign of "The Horns." H. 8 in. BoviK c. 1760. 823. Cup. Coloured earthenware, with heads of the Pope and the Devil, reversed. Inscribed "While Pope absolves the devil smiles." H. 5| in. c. 1780. 824. Group. Coloured earthenware. A marriage in church. Inscribed "The New Marriage Act." H. 6 in. c. 1830. 825. Group. Coloured earthenware. A marriage under a tree. Inscribed "The New Marriage Act." H. 7 in. c. 1830. 826. Group. Coloured earthenware. A christening. H. 8J in. c. 1830. 65 827. Oroup. Coloured earthenware. A man kneeling with a sheep. Inscribed " Worshipper." H. 7 in. Stafardshire {BursUm^. c. 1780. 828. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Rev. John Wesley (1703- 1791) preaching from a pulpit. H. 10 in. c. 1800. 829. Bust. Coloured earthenware. Rev. John Wesley. H. 44 v\. c. 1780. 830. Bust. Brown ware. Rev. J. Wesley in the form of pepper pot. H. 4^ in. Rockingham, c. 1780. 831. Bust. Coloured earthenware. Rev. John Wesley. FL 1 U in. S/aJF(mlshire ( BursUm). c. 1791. 832. Bust. Coloured earthenware. Rev. George Whitcfield (1714-1770). Staffordshire. H. 11 in. c. 1790. 833. Plaque. Earthenware, pnnted with portrait, and inscribed "Reverend John AVesley, M.A. Aged 87." 7J by 6 in. 834. Medallion. F^irthonware, with portrait of the Rev. John \N esley. 4i by 3 in. e. 1780. 835. Medallion. Earthenware, with portrait of the Rev. Charles Wesley (1708-1788). 4^ by 3 in. c. 1780. 836. Cup. Earthenware, lustred, and printed in violet with emblems of " Faith " and " Hope." H. 5 in. c. 1800. 837. BowL Eiirthenware, lustned. Diam. 6f in. Newcastle. c. 1820. Inscribed : — ** The loss of gold is great, But losing Christ is such a loss The loss of health is more ; As no man can re^ore." 838. Card Tray. Rirthenware, lustred, with portrait of Rev. John Wesley. 8 by 7 J in. Newcastle, c. 1820. ''■>. Jug. Cream ware, printed with portrait of the Rev. John A\ esley, with emblematic figures of " Hope " and " Charity," and vei-ses. H. 5j in. c. 1780. '^ni Tea Pot and Cover. Cream ware, printed with portrait of the Rev. John Wesley. H. 5 J in. c. 1770. I . Tea Pot and Cover. Creamware, printed with medallion portraits of the Rev. John Wesley and fellow workers. H. 5i in. " i2. Jug. Cream ware, printed in brown with emblematic figures of " Religion," " Faith," '' Hope," and " Charity." H.6jin. c. 1780. 2761. G 2 66 S43, Figures, three. Coloured earthenware. " Faith," " Hope," a & b. and "Charity." H. 8f in. and 7 in. Staffordshire {Wedg- icood). c. 1770. 844. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, printed and coloured, with medallions of "Faith," "Hope," and " Charity." H. 7 in. Staffordshire {Lane End), c. 1800. 845. Tea Pot and Cover. Earthenware. Inscribed " Hannah Brechliff Kirkstall, 1802," and "Christ is all and in all." H. 4f in. 846. Tea Pot and Cover. Earthenware. Inscribed " death where is thy Sting " and " The Sting of Sin is Death." H. 4jin. c. 1780. 847. Tea Pot and Cover. Earthenware. Inscribed, " Let your conversation be upon the Gospell of Christ." H. 5f in. Leeds, c. 1780. 848. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. AVilliam Huntington (1744-1813), seated. H. ^ in. 849. Cup. Earthenware. Inscribed, "Righteous are Thou O Lord, and just are thy Judgments." H. IJ in. c. 1800. 850. Medallion. Coloured earthenware. Portrait of a divine. 5J by 5 in. 851. Bust. Earthenware. W. Thorn, nonconformist minister. H. 7i in. Dated 1826. 852. Bust. Earthenware. W. Thorn, nonconformist minister. H. 7| in. Dated 1826. 853. Statuette. Biscuit porcelain. Dr. Adam Clarke (1762- 1832). H. 8 in. Derby. 1800. 854. Bust. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. Dr. Adam Clarke. H. 9J in. 855. Statuette. Coloured earthenware, J. Bryan, the founder of "Bible Christians." H. 10^ in. 856. Bust of a divine. White glazed earthenware H. 7 in. c. 1790. 857. Plaque. Terra-cotta, representing Grethsemane, by G. Tin- worth. 12 by 6 in. Lambeth, c. 1880. 858. Plaque. Terra-cotta. representing the visit of Jesus to the home of Martha and Mar}^ at Bethany, by G. Tin worth, 7 by 7 in. Lambeth, c. 1880. 67 859. Plate. Earthenware, printed and coloured. Inscribed, "Cherish your best hopes As a Faith, and abide by them In Action." Diam. 7 in. c. 1820. 860. Plate. Earthenware, printed and coloured. Inscribed, " Since you are not certain of an hour throw not away a mjiuue." Diam. 7 in. c. 1820. 8G1. Plate. Eai-thenware, printed in brown with the "Lord's Prayer.' Diam. 7 in. c. 1850. 8G2. Plate. Earthenware. Inscribed, "I know that my Re- deemer liveth, and that he shall stand on the earth at the last Day." Diam 7 in. c. 1800. 863 Statuettes, a pair. Coloured earthenware. Moody and &a. Sankey, " the revivalists." H. 17J in. c. 1870. 864. Pitcher. Rirthenware. Inscribed, "Church and King 18U." H. 14i in. Bristol. 68 MUSIC. 865. Plate. Earthenware, printed with "Signor Grimtinell playing on a new instrument, call'd a Swinetta." Diam. Sh in. c. 1820. 866. Mug. Cream ware. Printed with "Signor Gruntinelli playing a new instrument, call'd a Swinetta." H. 5 in. c. 1780. 867. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Boy playing on a pipe. H. a in. c. 1830. 868. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Girl playing on a guitar. H. 51 in. e. 1830. 869. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Boy playing on a pipe. H. 7 in. Staffordshire. 870. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Girl playing on a guitar. H. 7 in. Sfaff'm-d shire. 871. Group. Coloured earthenware. Boy and girl seated under a tree, with music book and tambourine. In- scribed " Rural Pasrime." H. 7 in. c. 1820. 872. Group. Coloured earthenware. Boy and girl seated under a tree, with music book and tambourine. In- scribed ''Rural." H. Bin. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 873. Bust. Parian ware. Mendelssohn (1809-1847). H.Sjin. Gernuin. Modern. 874. Bust. Parian ware. Handel (1684-1759), H. 4^ in. German. Modern. 875. Bust. Parian ware. Beethoven (1770-1827). H. 4 J in. German. Modern. 876. Bust. Parian ware. Mozart (1756-1791), H. ^m. German. Modern. 877. Bust. Coloured earthenware. Handel. H. 8 in. Stafford- shire (Burslem). c. 1770. 878. Bust. Coloured earthenware. Jenny Lind. H. 6^ in. c. 1850. 879. Flask. Stoneware, with embossed figure on each side. "Jim Crow." H. 8f in. c. 1860. 880. FifiTUre. Glazed brown earthenware. "Jim Crow." H. 61 in. 881 Figure. Coloured earthenware. " Billy AVaters " the one legged beggar of Tottenham Court Road. H. 6| in. c. 1830. 882. Figure. Coloured earthenware. A beggar with bagpipes and dog. H 6f in. c. 1830. 69 883. Fi^re. Coloured earthenware. One legged negro fiddler. H. Sh in. 0. 1820. 884. FigTire. Coloured earthenware. One legged negro fiddler with dog. H. 7 in. c. 1820. ^5. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Girl with a tambourine. H. 6 in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 886. Qroup. Coloured porcelain. Boy with pipe, and girl seated with a book. H. 7 in. c. 1840. ^7. Group. Coloured eai-thenware. Lady and gentleman seated, playing guitar and fife. H. 9 in. Staffwihhire. c. 1820. -^. Figures, fourteen. Tortoiseshell ware, with musical instni- ments, forming " Nebuchadnezzar's Band." H. ^h to 8 in. StnffonMr. c. 1730-1750. S89, Figures, three. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. Ethiopian a & b. nigger minstrels. H. 7 in Modern. 890. Figures, three. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. Ethiopian a & b. nigger minstrels. H. 4 in. Modern. 891. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Negress dancing; in- scribed "African Sal." H. 3J in. Staffordshire c. 1830. 892. Figure. Coloured porcelain. A harlequin. H. 3J in. c. 1820. 893. Figure. Coloured porcelain. A harlequin. H. 7J in. c. 1850. 894. Wheel Jug. Earthenware, moulded and coloured with figures playing instruments; the handle shaped as a monkey with a cup. H. 11 in c. 1810. 895 Figures, a pair. Biscuit porcelain. Oriental man with a pipe & a. and woman with a guitar. H. 8J in. Continental, c. 1800. 896 Figures, a pair. Coloured earthen waie. Man and woman V a. playing instruments. H. 8J in. c. 1800. ^'♦7. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Woman with hand- drum. Inscribed "Spanish Dancer." H. 8} in. c. 1790. ''^. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Boy with hurdy-gurdy. II. 8 in. c. 1840. ^'.••J Figures, a pair. Coloured earthenware. Man with hurdy- \ ;i. gurdy, and woman with guitar. H. 8J in. Staffordshire. c. 1790. 900. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Lady with guitar and dog. H 6 in. c. 1800. 001. Fifipire. Coloured earthenware. Boy with cymbals. H. 8i in Continental. Modern. 70 DRAMA. 902. Tile. Printed. Mr. Lewis as " Hippolitus.' ' 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, o. 1760. 903. Tile. Printed. Mrs. Hartley as " Imoinda." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 904. Tile. Printed. Mr. Macklin as "Shylock." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 905. Tile. Printed. Mrs. Barry as "Athenais." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 906. Tile. Printed. Mrs. Yates as "Lady Townley." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft c. 1760. 907. Tile. Printed. Mr. Woodward as "Razor." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 908. Tile. Printed. Mr. Lewis as "Douglas." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 909. Tile. Printed. Mrs. Lessingham as "Ophelia." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 910. Tile. Printed. Mrs. Abington as "Estifania." 5 by 5 in. Liveipool Delft, c. 1760. 911. Tile. Printed. Miss P. Hopkins as "Lavinia." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 912. Tile. Printed. Mrs. Yates as "Jane Shore." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 913. Statuette. TortoisesheU ware. An actor. H. 8 in. c. 1750. 914. Statuette. TortoisesheU ware. An actor. H. 7:| in. c. 1750. 915. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. An actor. H. 5 in. c. 1800. 916. Statuette. Porcelain. Mr. Woodward as " A Fine Gentle- man" in "Lethe," by David Garrick. H. 10 in. Chelsea. c. 1765. Q17. Statuette. Porcelain. Mrs. Catherine (Kitty) Clive as "Mrs. Riot" in "Lethe." H. 12 J in. Chelsea. c. 1765. 918. Jug. Earthenware, printed with Falstaff reviewing his ragged troops (Henry IV., Pt. I., act 4, sc. 3), and Falstaff with the Merry Wives in the forest. (Merry Wives of Windsor, act 5, sc. 5.) H. 6^ in. c. 1820. 919. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. David Garrick (1716-1779). H. 8| in. Chelsea, c. 1765. 71 920. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured. An actor. H. 8f in. Bmv. c. 1760. 921. Bust. Coloured earthenware. David Garrick. H. 8 J in. Staffonhhire (Burslem). c. 1780. 922. Bust. Black basalt ware. David Garrick. H. 8J in. Staffmhhire. c. 1780. 923. Bust. Coloured earthenware. Edmund Kean (1787-1833). H. 11} in. Staffmhhire {Burshm). c. 1815. 924. Juff. Coloured earthenware. Representing John Liston as "Paul Pry." H. 6 in. c. 1820. 925. Ju£f. Coloured earthenware. In the form of the head of John Liston as "Paul Pry." H. 4i in. Staffordshire. c. 1820. " - 926. Patch Box. Porcelain, with portrait of William Henry West Betty. Diam. IJ in. Dated 1804. 927. Statuette. Coloured porcelain. Edmund Kean as 'Kichard III." H. 9^ in. c. 1815. 928. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. John Liston. H. 6i in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 929. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. John Liston as '' Paul Pry." H. 6i in. c. 1820. 930. Statuette. Coloured porcelain. John Liston. H. 8J in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 931. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured. An actress as "Moll Flaggon." H. 6^ in. Derby, c. 1800. 932. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. John Liston in "Love, Law, and Physic." H. 7^ in. c. 1820. 933. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured. Inscribed " Master Haley." H. 3i in. 934. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. An actor. H. 9 in. c. 1820. 935. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. R. W. Elliston as a Jew. H. 8 in. c. 1820. 936. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. An actor as a ragged boy. H. 8J in. c. 1820. 937. Statuette. Terracotta. David Garrick. H. 15 in. c. 1770. 938. Statuette. Terra-cotta, coloured. " Bombastes Furioso." H. 25 in. 72 POETRY, SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE. Poetry. 939. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Geoffery Chaucer (1328-1400). H. 12in. Staffordshire (Burslem). c. 1780. 940. Jug. Red earthenware, -moulded, with Chaucer's " Canter- bury Pilgrims." H. 9^ in. 941. Jug". Earthenware, coloured and moulded with bust of Shakespeare (1564-1616), and figures of a "Spend- thrift" and "Miser." H. TJ in. Staffordshire. c. 1780. 942. Jug. Earthenware, printed in blue, with Shakespeare's monument in Stratford-on-Avon Church. H. 4| in. Alodern. 943. Jug. Earthenware, printed in blue, with Shakespeare's monument in Westminster Abbey, and his mulberry tree. H. 5 in. Modern. 944. Jug. Earthenware, printed in green, with Shakespeare's monument in Westminster Abbey, and his mulberry tree. H. 6 in. Modern. 945. Mug. Earthenware, printed with " The Immortal Shake- spear," and the " Seven Ages " round the rim. H. 3f in. c. 1800. 946. Model. Coloured porcelain. Shakespeare's Birth-place. H. 3| in. Modern. 947. Bust. Biscuit porcelain. Ben Jonson (1574-1637). H. 6 J in. 19th cent. 948. Bust. Earthenware. John Milton (1608-1674). H. 8f in- Staffordshire (Burslem). c. 1780. 949. Statuette. Earthenware. John Milton leaning on a pedestal. H. 10 J in. Staffordshire, c. 1780. 950. Medallion. Glass white, on dark ground ; bust of Andrew Marvell (1621-1678). Made by Tassie. c. 1780. 951. Bust. White jasper ware on black pedestal. Matthew Prior (1664-1721). H. lOf in. Staffbrdshire {Hanky). c. 1780. 952. Bust. Tortoiseshell ware. Alexander Pope (1688-1744). H. 81 in. Staffm-dsUre {Burslem). c. 1750. 953. Plaque. Plaster painted, representing John Gilpin's ride (William Cowper, 1731-1800). 20 by 7 in. Modern. 73 954. Jug. Cream ware. Printed with John Gilpin at the " Bell ' cf Edmonton. H. 5^ in. c. 1790. 95.5. Statuette. Biscuit porcelain. Mrs. Hannah More (1745-1833). H. 6^ in. Derby, c. 1830. 95 G. Jug. Porcelain, blue ground with embossed figures and bust of Robert Burns (1759-1796). H, 4 in. c. 1820. 957. Jug. Ejirthenware, lustred, coloured and printed with portrait of Robert Burns in a medallion. H. 3 in. c. 1800. 958. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. "Tarn o' Shanter." H. 5] in. c. 1820. 959. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Souter Johnny. From "Tam o' Shanter." H. 5J in. c. 1820. Jug. Buff ware, moulded with two scenes from "Tam o Shanter." H. 7 in. Staffordshire (Hanley). Dated 960 _ 1835 961. Pail. Earthenware. H. 7J in. Modern. IiiMcribetl :— "So!ne hae meat tliat But we hae meat and we can cHiina eiit, eat, .\ ml some wiul ejit that Sae let the Lord be thankit." want it ; The Selkirk Grace. — Btirns. 962. Bust. Biscuit porcelain. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832). H. 10 in. 963. Bust. Biscuit porcelain. Sir Walter Scott. H. 4J in. Derby, c. 1820. 964. Group. Biscuit porcelain. Hugh "Littlejohn" reading to his father, .John Gibson Lockhart. H. 12^ in. Derby. c. 1820. i)65. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. Lord Byron (1788-1S24). H. 7i in. c. 1824. \ 966. Bust, on pedestal. Porcelain. Lord Byron. H. 4J in. I /Mrby. c. 1820. 7. Tile. Yellow glazed, and embossed with portrait of Henry Wadsworth Lonofellow (1807-1882). 6 by 6 in. Modern. Science. 96' 968. Medallion. White glazed earthenware. John Locke (1632-1704), with stars and the moon. 6 by 5 J in. c. 1820. 74 969. Bust. Coloured earthenware. Sir Isaac Newton (1642- 1727). H. 9 in. c. 1790. 970. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Sir Isaac Newton holding a telescope and uncovering a celestial globe. H. 12 J in. Staffordshire (Burslem). c. 1780. 971. Medallion. Earthenware. Bust of Sir Isaac Newton, with a comet and stars. 6 by 5 J in. c. 1820. 972. Plaque. White jasper ware, blue ground, with portrait of Joseph Priestley, divine (1733-1804). 13 by 10 in. Staffordshire {IVedgwood). Literature. 973. Plate. Earthenware, printed with "Robinson Crusoe'' and "Raft" (Daniel Defoe, 1633-1731). Diam. 6 in. c. 1800. 974. Plate. Earthenware, printed and coloured. "Robinson Crusoe milking." Diam. 7 J in. c. 1800. 975. Bust. Parian ware. Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784). H. 8 in. 976. Statuette. Biscuit porcelain. Mrs. Catherine Macaulay (1733-1791). H. 12Jin. CMsea-Derhy. c. 1780. 977. Statuette. Earthenware. Edward Gibbon (1737-1794). H. 8 in. c. 1795. 978. Statuette. Biscuit porcelain. Charles Lamb (1775-1834). H. 10 in. Derby, c. 1830. 979. Jug. Cream ware, printed and coloured with portrait of Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881). H. 7| in. Staffordshire yPFedgwood). c. 1882. 980. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of " Uncle Tom's Cabin." H. 3J in. c. 1855.^ 981. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. "St. Clair." H. dh in. c. 1855. 982. Statuette. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. " Uncle Tom and Evangeline." H. 3^ in. c. 1855. 983. Group. Coloured earthenware. " Uncle Tom and Eva." H. 8 in. c. 1855. 984. Group. Coloured earthenware. "Uncle Tom and Eva.'' H. 10 in. c. 1855. 76 985. Medallion. White jasper ware. 4fby3fin. c. 1780. Charles Dickens (1812-1870). 986. Figure. Wax, coloured. " Mr. Pickwick running after his hilt." H. 2^ in. c. 1840. 987. Mug. Earthenware, printed in brown, with "Mr. Pick- wick addresses the Club," and " First appearance of Mr. Sam Weller." H. 4 in. c. 1840. \)SS. Stand. Earthenware, printed ^v^th " Mr. Pickwick's intro- duction to Sam Weller," after engraving by "Phiz." Diam. Qh in. 989 Statuettes, a pair. Porcelain, coloured and gilt. " Mr. ,V a. Pickwick " and " Sam Weller." H. 7^ and 8 in. c. 1840. 990. Mug. Earthenware, printed in brown and coloured, with " Mr. Pickwick having his portrait taken in the Debtor's Prison," and " Samuel Weller and the pretty housemaid." H. 2J in. c. 1840. 991. Oroup. Wax, coloured. "Mr. Pickwick, Mrs. Bardell, and Master Bardell." H. 3 in. c. 1840. 992. Stand. Earthenware, printed with " Alarming position of Mr. Pickwick," after engraving by " Phiz." Diam. 6| in. 993. Stand. Earthenware, printed with " Bardell v. Pickwick," after engraving by " Phiz." Diam. 6i in. 994 Tea Pots, two. Coloured earthenware, representing " Mr. ,fe a. and Mrs. Weller, Senr." H. 8| in. c. 1840. 995. Statuette. Buff ware. "Ralph Nickleby." H. 9 in. Staffordshire (Hanley). Dated 1840. 996. Stand. Earthenware, printed with " Grandfather hopes to win money for Nelly" ("Old Curiosity Shop"), after engraving by "Phiz." Diam. 6 J in. 997. Stand. Earthenware, printed with "Surprise of Mr. Swiveller on beholding the Marchioness" (" Old Curiosity Shop "), after engraving by " Phiz." Diam. ^ in. 998. Stand. Earthenware, printed with "Mutual delight of Kit and the pony " (" Old Curiosity Shop "), after engraving by " Phiz." Diam. b^ in. 999. Stand. Earthenware, printed with "Barnaby Rudge discovers his father," after engraving by " Phiz." Diam. 6Ain. 76 ■ » 1000. Stand, Earthenware, printed with "Solemn reference is made to Mr. Bunsby " (" Dombey and Son "), after engraving by *' Phiz." Diam. 6 J in. 1001. Stand. Earthenware, printed with " Miss Tox introduces 'The party'" ("Dombey and Son "), after engraving by "Phiz." Diam. 6 J in. Fables. 1002. Tea Poy. Cream ware, with raised figures of the "Fox and Crane." H. 6 in. c. 1780. 1003. Tile. Printed in brown with "The Fox and the Crow." 5 by 5 in. Liv'erpool Delft, c. 1760. 1004. Tile. Printed in brown with "The AVolf and Lamb." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c 1760. 1005. Tile. Printed in brown with " The Bear and Bee-hives." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 1006. Tile. Printed with "The Bear, and the man feigning sleep." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 1007. Tile. Printed in brown with "The Stag admiring the re- flection of his horns in the water." 5 by 5 in. Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 1008. Tile. Printed with "The old man and the bundle of sticks." 5 by 5 in, Liverpool Delft, c. 1760. 1009. Jug. Blue and white glazed earthenware, embossed with " The old man and the ass." H. 10 in. "Dr. Syntax." 1010. Statuette. Coloured porcelain. " Dr. Syntax." H. 5 j in. c. 1820. 1011. Statuette. Coloured porcelain. "Dr. Syntax." H. 5 1 in. 1012. Jug. Earthenware, printed in red and coloured with " Dr. Syntax Stopd by Highwaymen." H. 5 in. 1013. Jar. Porcelain, painted with "Dr. Sjmtax stopped by a highwayman." H. ^ in. c. 1820. 1014. Group. Coloured earthenware. "A woman carrying Dr. Syntax on her back." H. 6 in. "Don Quixote." 1015. Group. Coloured porcelain. Don Quixote in armour riding on Rozinante. H. 9J in. 1016. Group. Coloured porcelain. Sancho Panza riding on Dapple. H. 8 in. 77 SPORTING. Bm.L Baiting. 1017, Cups, three. Coloured earthenware, in the form of bull ;i & b. dogs' heads. H. 4 in. 1018. Tobacco Jar. Stoneware, coloured blue, in the form of a bull-dog's head. H. 3J in. \0\\). Group. Coloured earthenware. Bull attacked by two dogs, and a man with a cudgel in his hand. H. 11 i in. c. 1820. 1020. Group. Coloured e«irthenware. Bull-baiting. H. 8| in. c. 1820. 1021. Group. Earthenware, lustred and coloured. Bull- baiting. H. 8i in. Nemastle. c. 1800. 1022. Group. Earthenware, lustrod and coloured. Bull- baiting. H. 7 in. c. 1820. 1023. Jug. Colouretl earthenware. Bull-baiting. H. 6J in. c. 1800. Bear Baiting. 1024. Tobacco Jar. Earthenware, coloured and embossed with figures carousing. On the cover a bear hugging a bull dog. H. 7i in. 1025. Jug. Tortoiseshell ware. A bear hugging a bull dog. The dog forms the spout, and the head of the bear a cup. H. 13 in. Staffordshire, c. 1750. 1026. Group. Coloured earthenware. Bear hugging a dog. H. 8i in. Nottingham, c. 1810. 1027. Group. Coloured earthenware. Bear hugging a dog. H. 10 in. Nottingham, c. 1800. 1028. Group. Porcelain. Dogs fighting. H. 3 in. Prize Fighting. 1029. Plaque. Earthenware, printed with a prize-fight. In- scribed "Spring and Langan." 16 by 13^ in. Newcastle. 1030. Bust on Pedestal. Coloured earthenware. Ben. Gaunt, the prize fighter. H. 15^ in. Staffordshire. 1844. 1031. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, printed and coloured with Spring and Langan fighting at Chichester. H. 5J in. 78 " '% 1032. Group. Coloured earthenware. Tom Sayers and Heenan fighting. H. 9J in. 1033. Mug. Earthenware, printed in brown with a prize fight. Inscribed "Johnson and Perrins at Banbury.' H. 5 in. 1034 Statuettes, a pair. Earthenware ; prize-fighters. H. 9 in & a. 1035. Jug. Earthenware, printed and coloured with Humphry s and Mendoza fighting at Odiham. H. 7| in. Stafford- shire. Dated 1788. 1036. Mug. Earthenware, printed and coloured, with "Peggy Plumper proving her man before marriage," or " Who wears ye breeches." H. 4 J in. Inscribed : — " Pegj]^ Pliininer, a lass Yet it may not be so abont well made tall and pretty, wearing the Breeches. "Was courted V>t sweet So saying, she squar'd up to Sammy Spar of ye City : Sam very clever, Theyjog'd on in courtship, Thinks he for to gain her the Sain would have gone time's now or .never, faster. They had several rounds, who'd ]5ut Peg w'd not "Wed, the best none did know. Sir; till she knew who was At last Sam gave Pegg a fair Master. knock doA^Ti blow, Sir ; Tho says she we may live Then he led her to Church as and ne'er quarrel for loving as could he, riches, And the Breeches remain'd in ye place where they should be." 1037 Plaques, two. Earthenware, printed with Spring and & a. Langan, 7^^ by 6 in, 1038. Jug. Earthenware, yellow, printed with Molineux and Cribb fighting. H. 5J in. 1039 Statuettes, a pair. Porcelain, coloured and gilt ; boys & a. fighting. H. 6| in, Bou\ c, 1750. 1040 Statuettes, two. Coloured earthenware ; prize-fighters. & a. H. 8i in, Staffordshire. 1041. Jug. Earthenware, printed and coloured with prize- fighting, stag-hunting, racing, bull-baiting, and cock- fighting. H. 6 in, Staffordshire, c. 1820. 1042. Group. Earthenware. Wrestlers. H. 8i in. Cock Fighting. 1043. Plate. Porcelain. Painted in the centre with a game- cock. Diam. 8i in. No. 1051 No. 1024 No. 1019 No. -1153 No. 1035 SPORTING. 79 1014. Cup, double-handled, lilartheiiwiiie, printed and coloured, representing various stages in a cock-fight. II. 5| in. 1045. Jug. Earthenware, printed and coloured, representing various stages in a cock-fight. H. 8 in. lulG. Plaque. Porcelain, painted with a fighting-cock in land- scape. 8 J by 6i in. , 1047. Cup, double-handled. Yellow glazed earthenware, white ground. Inscribed " May the Best cock win — H. Cobden —1847 Anglesea Arms Inn." H. 6 in. 1048. Dish, octagonal. Earthenware, printed in the centre with a Spanish cock-fight. 17 by 13 J in. 1049. Jug. Stoneware. " The cock pit," after Hogarth, in low relief. H. 5^ in. Staffordshire, c. 1780. : 1050. Mug. Earthenware, printed and coloured. "The cock pit," after Hogarth. H. 4| in. Staffordshire (Lane End). c. 1790. 1051. Group. Coloured earthenware, with a youth and maiden watching two cocks fighting. H. 9 J in. c. 1790. . 1052. Jug. Cream ware, printed with a milkmaid, boy watch- ing cocks fighting, and a girl taking a chicken from a coop. H. 8 in. c. 1790. Racing. 1053. Horse, head of. Earthenware. H. 6 in. 1054. Figure. Eiuthcnware. The celebrated horse "Eclipse." 11. 18 in. c. 1790. "»')5 Figures, two. Coloured earthenwiire. Race-horses. H. ti in. c. 1800. 1056. Figure. Coloured eai-thenware. Jockey riding a race- horse. H. 8 in. c. 1800. 1<|.)7. Group. Coloured earthenware. Kace-horse, jockey thrown, and a dog. H. 8i in. ''>")8. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Jockey on horseback. H. 7i*in. c. 1800. l(»r)9. Jug. Earthenware, moulded and coloured, with racing subjects. H. 5 in. c. 1790. 1060. Tile. Earthenware, printed with a horse-race. 6 in. square Newcastle, c. 1840. 2761. H2 80 1061. Jug. Earthenware, printed in blue, with racing, stag- hunting, prize-fighting, bull-baiting, and cock-fighting. H. 5 J in. c. 1820. 1062. Cup. Earthenware, printed with a donkey race. H. 3 in. c. 1820. 106-3. Mug. Earthenware, printed in brown and coloured. Steeple-chasing. H. 4 J in. c. 1830. 1064. Mug. Earthenware, printied. Steeple-chasing. H. 6 in. c. 1830. 1065. Figure. Coloured porcelain. Jockey on horseback, steeple-chasing. H. 6J in. Moderni. Coaching. 1066. Jug. Porcelain, printed and coloured, with the " Royal " stage coach. H. 4J in. c. 1830. 1067. Mug. Earthenware, printed and coloured, with a four- horse coach. H. 4| in. Staffordshire {Lane End), c. 1790. 1068. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, printed and coloured, with " The Prince of Wales " stage coach. H. 6 J in. Staffoi-dshire. Dated 1810. 1069. Horn Cup. Engraved with a four-horse stage coach. H. 3fin. c. 1790. 1070. Jug. Earthenwaro, painted with a coaching subject. H. 8J in. 1071. Jug, with cover and strainer. Earthenw^are, painted with a lady and gentleman driving a gig. H. 6| in. c. 1790. 81 FIELD SPORTS. Shooting 1072. Tea Pot. Earthenware, moulded and coloured, in the form of a sportsman, with dog and gun resting against a tree. H. 5 in. Staffmdshire. e. 1760. 1073. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Sportsman with a dog and gun. H. 7J in. jV^2vcastU. c. 1790. 1074. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Sportsman with a gun and dead game. H. 9^ in. Newcastle, c. 1790. 1 070. Jug. Cream ware, printed with sportsmen with dogs and gaus, and a landscape with cattle. H. 9^ in. c. 1770. 107C. Mug. Cream ware, printed, with a landscape with sportsmen, dogs and guns, after Stubbs. H. G^ in. Utajfordshire {h edyivood). c. 1780. 1077 Jardinieres, set of three. Earthenware, lustred, with a iV: b. panels containing sportsmen, landscapes, etc. H. (5^ in. ; central piece, H. 10 in. c. 1800. 1078 Cups, two. Yellow glazed earthenware, printed in red. & a. sportsmen with dogs. H. 2^ in. iVeunistle. c. 1810. 1079. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Sportsman with a dog. h. 4 in. c. 1790. 1080. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Man with a gun and dog. H. 4i in. StuJ/onishi,r. c. 1790. 1081 Figures, three. Coloured earthenware. A pointer, a a & b. retrierer, and a setter. H. 5^ in. c. 1790. 1082. Figure. Porcelain. Sportsman with a gun. H. 8J in. c. 1840. 1083. Jug. Coloured earthenware. Sportsman with a dog and gun. H. 7i in. Leeds. Dated 1771. 1084 Jug. Earthenware, moulded and coloured. Sportsmen with dogs. H. 8 in. c. 1790. 1085. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Sportsman with a dog and gun. H. 7 in. Staffordshire, c. 1830. 82 1086. Punch Bowl. Porcelain, coloured and gilt, with wild duck and partridge shooting, and hunting scenes. Diam. li| in.. ChineM c. 1780. 1087. Bottle. Stoneware, in the form of a powder-flask, em- bossed with dogs and pheasant. H. 9| in. Lambeth. c. 1810. 1088 Cups, two. Coloured earthenware ; in the form of dogs' & a. heads. H. 4 j in. 1089. Plaque. Earthenware, coloured and embossed with sportsmen, dogs and game. 6f by 5J in. NewcasUe. c. 1810. 1090. Figure. Coloured porcelain. Boy with a dead rabbit. H. 7 in. c. 1820. 1091. Cup, double-handled. Earthenware, coloured and moulded, with dead game, etc. H. 6 J in. c. 1820. 1092. Plaque. Black ware. Sportsmen with dogs and dead game. 11 by 6 in. c. 1810. 1093. Jug. Earthenware, printed ^dth "The Taylor turned Sportsman," and landscape with doves. H. 7 in. c. 1780. 1094. Jug. Yellow glazed earthenware, printed with partridges, woodcock, etc. H. 4J in. XewrastJe. c. 1810. 1095. Dish. Coloured porcelain, containing egg cups with covers, in the form of partridges. L. 13 J in. Sfaffoi'd- shire (Longport). c. 1800. 1096 Boxes, two. Porcelain, representing partridges. H. 3| in. & a. Chj'l^'n. c. 1760. 1097. Mug. Yellow glazed earthenware, printed with a spaniel, after Bewick. H. 2i- in. " XeurnstJ^. c. 1810. 1098. Figure. Coloured porcelain, with a cockney sportsman. c. H. 51 in. 1820. 1099. Jug. Earthenware, coloured and printed vriih a cockney sportsman shooting at a bee -hive, masonic emblems, and a visit to Carlton House on a hobby-horse. H. 8J in. N'etccasfk. c. 1810. 1100. Jug. Earthenware, printed in blue. A spaniel flushing woodcock. H. 10 J in. Staffmhhire. c. 1830. Stag-Hunting. 1101. Mug. Stoneware, with medallions of a stag-hunt and farmhouse. H. 8i in. Fulluim. c. 1730. 83 1102. Jug. Stoneware, silver mounted. Moulded with a stag- hunt and a gentleman drinking. H. 7 in. Fulham. c. 1730. 1103. Mug. Stoneware, incised with a stag-hunt. H 8 J in. Nottingham, c. 1750. 1104. Jug. Earthenware, lustred, moulded and coloured, with hounds and stag. H. 6 J in. Newcastle, c. 1820. L 1105. Jug. Earthenware, lustred and painted. Death of the I stag. H. 1\ in. NewcaMle. c. 1820. 1100. Jug. White stoneware, embossed with a stag-hunt. H. b\ in. c. 1830. 1107. Group. Porcelain. Hounds and stag. H. 2J in. c. 1820 11 OS. Plaque. Terra-cotta, embossed. Huntsman shooting at deer. 13 by 3 J in. German. 17th cent. 1109. Figure. Porcelain. Stag lying under a tree. H. 7 in. r/wls^a- Perlty. c. 1780. 1110. Qroup. Biscuit porcelain. Deer-stalking. H. lOin. c. 1830. 1111. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Highlander deer- stalking. H. 11 in. Staffordshire, c. 1830. 1112. Plaque. Green glazed earthenware. Poachers with dog, guns and dead fawn. \0\ by 7J in. German. 1691. 1113. Mug. Ejirthenware, printed in pink. " Epping Hunt," H. 2f in. c. 1840. Fox-HuNTiNG 1114. Mug. Cream ware, printed. Hunt in full crv. H. 6 in. c. 1790. 1115. Jug. Cream ware, printed. " Full cry " and " In at the death." H. of in. c. 1790. 1116. Jug. Cream ware, printed. "Full cry " and "In at the death." H. 5i in c. 1790. 1117. Puzzle Jug. Earthenware, printed. "The Find." H. 7^ in. Neurastle. c. 1820. Ills. Jug. Stoneware, moulded. Two fox-hunting scenes. Ug. oio H. 9i in. Staffordshire, c. 1^80. 1119. Plate.. Porcelain, printed and coloured with " Faults on both sides." Diam. 10 in. Staffordshire {Minion) Modern. 84 1120. Plate. Porcelain, printed and coloured with "John." Diam. lOin. Stiipoj-dsldre {Minfon). Modern. 112 J. Plate. Porcelain, printed and coloured with "Left Behind." Diam. 10 in. bfaffoi-dsJiire (Alinton). Modern. 1122. Plate. Porcelain, printed and coloured with " Grief over Wire." Diam. 10 in. Staffordshire (Mintan). Modern. 1123. Plate. Porcelain, printed and coloured with "Master's Luncheon." Diam. 10 in. Staffordshire {Minton). Modern. 1124. Plate. Porcelain, printed and coloured with "A Stern Chase." Diam. 10 in. Staff m-dshire (Minion). Modern. 1125. Plate. Porcelain, printed and coloured with "Keen." Diam. 10 in. Staffm'dshire {Minion). Modern. 1126. Mug. Stoneware, moulded. Hounds running. H. 6 in. Staffmlshire {V/edgwood). c. 1790. 1127. Mug. Stoneware, wdth silver rim. Huntsmen resting. H. ejin. Staffordshire, c. 1780. 1128. Basin. Porcelain, printed in blue with a fox-hunt. Diam. 4| in. Modern. 1129. Cup. Yellow glazed earthenware, in the form of a fox's head. H. 5 in. 1130. Cup. lv.ed and black glazed earthenware, in the form of a fox's head. H. 5| in. 1131. Group. Coloured porcelain. Fox-hunting. H. 10 in. c. 1820. 1132. Mug. Stoneware, embossed with medallions of sports- man shooting, stag-hunt, etc. H. 8f in. Fulham. 1740, 1133. Plaque. Earthenware, embossed with huntsmen resting. 9 by 5f in. c. 1800. 1134. Punch Bowl. Porcelain, printed w4th fox-hunting and other scenes. Diam. 11 in. JFmxester. c. 1760. 1135. Figure. Coloured earthenware. A fox. H. 4 in. c. 1800. 1136. Jug. Earthenware, drab ground, gilt, and printed with "The find." Inscribed "Frederick Augustus Eaststaft" 1819." H. lOin. 1137. Jug. Pv^rcelaiii, with embossed figures on blue ground. " The death of the fox." H. 4J in. Casil^fml. c. 1820. 1138. Figure. Coloured earthenware. A fox. H. 3 in. c. 1790. 85 1130. Jug. Euithenware, moulded and coloured. Hunting the hare. H. 5 J in. c. 1800. 1140. Jug. Eiii-thenware, moulded and coloured. Hunting the hare. H. 5^ in. c. 1800. Coursing. 1141. Figure. Coloured eaithenware. A greyhound. H. 4.V in. c. 1800. 1142. Mug. Cream ware, printed in red, with a coursing .scene. H. 4j in. c. 1790. 11 4. J. Flower Holder. F^rthenware, coloured with a coursing scene. H. ij'j m. c. 18.30. 1144 Cups, two. Earthenware, in the form of greyhounds' iVj a. heads. H. 6i in. c. 1800. 114'). Cup. Coloured earthenware. In the form of a hare's head. H. 3} in. c. 1790. 1 14G Plaque and Mould. Earthenware, with figures of sports- iS: a. men with greyhounds and a dead hare. 1 1 by 6 in. 1148. Plaque. Earthenware, coloured and embossed with figures of sportsmen with greyhounds and a dead hare. 6 J by 5i in. Newcuatle. 1149. Group. Coloured porcelain. A greyhound and hare. 11. () in. 1 1 50. Group. Coloured earthenware. A greyhound and hare. H. 7 in. 1151. Plaque. Earthenware, moulded and coloured with a coursing scene. 9 j by 8 in. c. 1 800. 1152. Jug. Cream ware, printed with " The death of the hare" and " Partridge Shooting." H. 6} in. c. 1790. 115.3. Jug. P^arthenware, moulded and coloured with two coursing scenes. H. 7J in. c. 1800. 1154. Group. Coloured porcelain. An Oriental riding on an elephant with a dead tiger. H. 8f in. c. 1840. 1155. Group. Coloured earthenware, representing Lieutenant Munroe being carried off by a tiger. H. 9^ in. Stafford- shire, c. 1793. 1 156 Dish. Salt-glazed ware ; painted and gilt, with a falconer L. G in. Staffordshire, c. 1770. 86 PASTIMES AND AMUSEMENTS Archery. 11-") 7. Mug. Cream ware, printed with two ladies and a gentle- man engaged in archery. H. 5 in. c. 1790. Inscriljed : — " The female archers." With certain and delib'rate skill The fair one sends her dart ; But with a keener weapon still She wonnds her Streplion's heai't. 1158. Jug. Stoneware, moulded with figures of tw^o ladies and a gentleman engaged in archery. H. 7 J in. Sfaffard- shire. c. 1780. 1159. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. A lady with bow and arrows. H. 6| in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. Cricket. 1160. Mug. Earthenware, printed with "Grand Cricket ^latch played in Lord's Ground, Mary-le-bone, June 20 and following day between the Earls of Winchester and Darnley for 1,000 guineas. '' H. 6 in. Staffordshire (Shelton). 1790. 1161. Painting, water-colour. A pupil of Stoneyhurst College in cricketing costume. 9 J by 5 J in. 1162. Model of a Bat, formerly used at Stoneyhurst College. L. 3 ft. 1163. Model of a Ball, formerly used at Stoneyhurst College. 1164. Model of a Curved Bat, used in the 18th century. L. 2 ft. 9 in. 1165. Jug. Pkrthenware, printed in blue, and coloured with Oriental views, and painted "D. M. King, Fleece." H. 5 in. Staffordshire, c. 1830. 1 1 66. Jug. Earthenware, with embossed figures of Pilch batting, Lillywhite bowling, and Box wicket-keeping. H. 7;^ in. 1167. Mug. Earthenware, with embossed figures of Pilch batting, Lillywhite bowling, and Box wicket-keeping. H. Z\ in. 1168. Figures, two. Porcelain. A batsman and a bowler (children). H. 5 in. Staffordshire (Stoke). Modern. 1169 Cups, a pair. Brown stoneware, with embossed figures of & a. cricketers. H. 5f in. Lambeth. Modern. a? 1 1 70. Mug, double-handled. Red earthenware with white slip. Incised portrait of Dr. W, G. Grace. H. 8 in. Devon- Khire. Moilern. 1171. Plate. Porcelain, printed in blue and gilt, with a portrait of Dr. W. G. Grace, with a record of " a century of cen- turies," etc. Diam. 8 J in. Coalport. 1895. 1172 Figures, two. Bi.scuit porcelain. A bowler and a bats- t^' a. man. H. 11 in. Sfaffordshire (Minton). 1857. Riding. 1173. Group. Tortoiseshell ware. Man and woman on horse- back ; the latter on a pillion. H. 8J in. Staffordshire. c. 1740. 1174. Flower Holder. Coloured earthenware. A lady and gentleman on horseback. H. 8 in. 1175. Qroup. Coloured earthenware. Agentleman on horseback. H. 7i in. Staffordshire, c. 1820. 1176. Group. Coloured earthenware. A lady on horseback. H. l)i in. c. 1820. Bicycling. 1177. Plate, l^^irthenware, printed with a caricature, "A visit to Carlton House." Diam. 6J in. c. 1810. 1178. Jug. Earthenware, printed in brown, with "The Irish- man's Velocipede " and " The Sailor's Velocipede." H. 6 in. c. 1820. 1179. Plate. Earthenware, printed in blue. Man riding on a velocipede. Diam. 4 J in. c. 1810. Inscrilietl : — " I f-'cud along on thi.s niacliine, While many a crowd is gaping seen ; Accelerating power, Gaining ten miles an hour." Ballooning. 1180. Plate, iwthenwarc," printed in blue, representing a balloon ascent; two figures in the car, decorated with flags. Diam. 9 J in. Bnsiol ov Liverpool Delft, c. 1784. 1181. Enamel, oval. Printed in black, with a balloon ascent. Inscribed " Lunardi." If by li in. 8$ 1182. Enamel, oval. Printed in black with a balloon ascent. Inscribed "Blanchard." If by 1| in. 1183. Plate. Coloured earthenware A balloon ascent, with two figures in the car, each holding a flag. Diam. 8 in. FreTwh. c. 1785. Fishing. 1184. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Fisher-boy with nets and fish. H. 8| in. French. 1185. Statuette. Coloured earthenware. Fisherman with fish. H. 91 in. Fretich. 1186. Tea Pot and Cover. Earthenware, painted with a man fishing. H. 4 in. Leed.<. c. 1770. 1187. Mug. Porcelain, printed with two ladies and a gentleman angling; and a lady in a garden receiving guests. H. 4f in. IVorcsster. c. 1760. 1188. Cup. Porcelain, painted in black and gold, with a man using a drag-net. H. 2 in. Chiiieffe. c. 1770. 1189. Jug. Cream ware, printed in brown, with a landscape with man and woman angling ; and an Indian fortified city. H. 9| in. Sfaffmrhhire. c. 1 780. 1190. Jug. Cream ware, printed with " The Anglers " ; and a mill. Inscribed " Old women ground young." H. 5^ in. c. 1780. 1191. Figure. Coloured earthenware. Fisher-girl. H. 6^ in. c. 1790. 1192. Cup. Porcelain, tinted, in the form of a trout's head. H. 5 in. Derhi/. c. 1790. 1193. Bottle. Earthenware, printed with an angling scene. H. 5 in. c. 1770. 1194 Figures, a pair. Coloured earthenware. Fisber-bovs. &a. H. ejin. c. 1790. Dancing. 1195 Figures, a pair. Biscuit porcelain. Dancing man and & a. girl. H. 7h in. Derbij. c. 1820. 1196. Tile. Printed with a girl dancing and two gentlemen, one playing a violin. 5 by 5 in. Liveft-pvol Delft. c. 1760. 89 1197. Mug. Earthenware, printed with Highland lads and lassies dancing. H. 4| in. c. 1790. 1198. Plaque. Eool Bisliopstone Tierdown. Battle of Canning. CfCorge Carlvle. Thonuis Caroline. Queen, wife (Jeorge IL Caroline. Queen, Avife George IV. Caunt. Ben 2761. of 855 376-427 501-504 133 956, 957 965,966 731 187 525 979 of - 27,28 of 58-65, 66 - 1030 No. of Object. Charles I. King - . 3 Charles II. King - - 6-9 Charles Edward. Prince - 109 Charlotte. Queen - 33-35, 40 Charlotte. Prince-ss 50,54-57,69,70 Chatham. Earl of 477, 480, 481 Chaucer. Geotfrey - - 939 Clarke. Dr. Adam - 853, 854 Clarke. Mrs. - - 133 Clay. Henry - - - 471 Clive. Mrs. Catherine (Kitty) 917 Cobden. Richard - 537,539 Coborg. Prince 128 CoUingwood. Admiral Lord 223 Coluniuos - - - - 444 Conway. Field Marshal • 123 Conler. William 608-610 Coniwallis. Lord 134-136 Cranbrook Church 710 Crimean War - 157-160 Cromwell. Oliver 4, 5 Cumlterland. William, Duke of - - - 110-115 De la Fayette. Marquis See La t^ayette De Winter. Admiral 189, 190 Decatur. Commodore Stephen . - - . 464 Dennian. Lord - - - 524 Devizes. Market Place - 711 Dickens. Charles, Charac- ters in the works of 986-1001 Disraeli. B. See Beacons- field. Duncan. Admiral Adam 186-188, 191-194 Elizabeth. Queen Elliston. R.W. Erasmus 1,2 935 797 Fitzgerald. James, 1st Duke of Leinster - - - 528 Fox. Charles James 482, 484, 486 Francis I. Emperor of Ger- many . . - - 367 Francis II. Emperor of Austria - - - 382,385 Franklin. Benjamin 448-451, 453, 454, 474 L 122 No. of Object. Franklin. Rear - Admiial Sir John - - - 2C0 Franklin. Lady - - 200 Fretlerick the Great. King of Prussia - - 116-122 Garibaldi. General - - 161 Garrick. David 919, 921, 922, 937 George I. King - - 19-24 George II. King - 25-27, 29-31 George III. King 16, 32^6, 222, 393 Geoige IV. King - - 49-70 Gibbon. Edward - - 977 Gibraltar. Conmiemoration of defence and relief of - 181 Gilpin. John, Kide of 953, 954 Gladstone. Rt. Hon. W. E. 545 Gordon. Maj.-Gen. Charles George, C.B. - 163, 164 Grace. Dr. W. G. - 1170, 1171 Granby. General, the Mar- quis of - .- - - 126 Green\%'ich Hospital - - 260 Gretna Green Marriage 1678-1680 Grey. Earl - 511, 512, 514 Hamilton. Latly, Letter fi'oni Lord Nelson to - 206 Handel - - - 874, 877 Hartley. Mrs. - ' - - 903 Hastings. PoAvder :Mill - 696 Havelock. Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry, K.C.B. - - 162 Hill. C^eneral - - - 138- Hopkins. :Miss P. - - 911 Howe. Admiral Earl 182-185 Hull. Captain - - 463,467 Humphrys and Mendoza fighting - - - - 1035 Hunt. Henry - - 505,506 Huntington. "William - 848 Hutchinson. Hon. Christo- pher Hely - - - 529 James II. King 10 Jefferson. Thomas - 460 " Jim Crow " 879, 880 Johnson. Dr. Samuel 975 Jonson. Ben 947 Kean. Edmund - 923,927 Kensington Palace. " Black Jack ■ fiom - - - 1465 Kent. Edward Augustus, Duke of - - - - 79,80 Keppel. Admual Augustus, ^ iscount - - - 171, 172 Kinloch. George - - 508 Kosciuzko. Tadensz - 439 La Fayette. General, Land- ing "at New York - 437, 468 Lamb. Charles - - 978 No. of '} Object. Lambton. Hon. E. - - 1537 Leeds. George William Frederick, 6th Duke of - 1462 Leopold. Prince - 54, 55, 57 Lessingham. INIrs. - - 9C»9 Lewis. Mr. - - 902,908 Lichfield. View of - - 723 Lillpvhite Ijowling - 1166,1167 Lind. Jennj' - - - 878- Liston. John 924, 925, 928-930, 932 Liverpool Lighthouse 319, 320, 337 Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Opening of the 643 Locke. John - - - 968 Lockhart. John Gibson - 964 London Hospital - - 722 Longfellow. Henry Wads- worth - - - - 967 Louis XVI. Execution of 372, 373 Lowe. Robert, Viscoimt Sherbrooke - - - 544 Luther. Martin - 797, 798 LjTidhurst. Lord - - 526 MacDonnough's Victory. View of - - - 465,466 Macaulay. Mrs. Catherine 976 Macklin. Mr. - - - 904 Malcolm. Sarah - - 603 Mansfield. Lord - - 491 Maria Theresa - - - 367 Marie Antoinette. Queen 368, 370 Marlborough. Duke of - 108 Martin. Maria- - 608,609 ]Marvell. Andrew - - 950 ]\Iatthew. Father - 1503, 1504 Mendelssohn - - - 873 Milton. John - - 948,949 :Molineux and Cribb fighting 1038 ]Moody and Sankej'. - 863 & a Moore. General Sir John - 137 More. Mrs. Hannah- - 955 Mozart - - - - 876 Munroe. Lieutenant- - 1155 Napier. Admiral Sir Charles John - - - - 199 Napoleon. See Buonaparte. Nelson. Admiral Horatio. Viscount - - - 136,201-225 Newcastle. View of the CroAA^s Nest - - - 713 Newhaven Harbour - - 666 Newton. Sir Isaac - 969-971 Nightingale. Miss Florence 160 Nile. Battle of the 202, 2«34, 205, 213, 224 Northumberland Life Boat 314 O'Connell. Daniel - f29"F34 Paine. Thomas - 518-521 Palmerston. Lord - - 543 123 No. of Object. Peel. Sir Robert, Bart. 540-542 Penn. William- - - 430 Perceval. Kt. Hon. S., Assassination of the - 605 Perry. Coniniotlore - - 407 Phib'ulelphia. View of - 430 Pike. (;eneral Zebulun M. 463 Pilch Uittin*' - - 1166,1167 Pilj^ini Fathers. Landing of the - - - - 428 Pinxton Pottery Works - 730 Pitt. William 483, 486, 487, 489 Plymouth, (hiiltlhall - 707 Poih;. Alexantler - - 952 Portland ()l»servatory - 475 Porto IJello. View of - 166 Pota-sh Farm, tenanted by J. H. Rush - 612 Priestley. Joseph 972 I'rior. Matthew 951 Itiiikes. Hol»ert 51M) Ketl 1 Urn .Murder (MKS.OlO Keform hill 508 517 Keynolds. Hichard - 597 Kidley ami I.^itimer. Hum- ing'of - - - 801 |{o0 156 Waters. Billy, the l>eggar 881 We«l^voo49, 650 Wellington. Arthur, Duke of - - - 138-156, 406, 407 WeHley. Uev. C'harles 8:^5 Wenley. He v. John 828-831, 833, 834, 838-841 Westminster Abbey - 706 Weymouth. View of 712 Wlutelield. Rev. George 832 Willierforce. William 591 Wilkes. John 491,493,41)5-497 William III. King 11 10, 586 William IV. King - - 71-7« Williams. Roger - - 429 Wolfe. General 124, 125, 235, 236, 263 Wood. Jimmy, the Glouces- ter banker - - - 601 Wood. M., Lord Mayor of London - - - - 62 Woodward. Mr. - 907,916 Yates. Mrs. - - 906,912 York. Frederick, Duke of, 2nd son of George III. 127 131, 133 York. T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess of - - 103 York. Prince Edward (»f 104 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. MAY. 28 1!)30 50m-7,'29 Pamphlet Binder Gay lord Bros. Makers Syracijse, N. Y. PAT. JAN 21, 1908 n.isor i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ^^7