BE- -< LIBRARY CALIFORNIA Weather and Disease: A CURVE HISTORY OF THEIR VARIATIONS IN RECENT YEARS. BY ALEX. B. MAcDOWALL, M.A..F.R. Met. S. LONDON : THE GRAPHOTONE CO., i MACLEAN'S BUILDINGS, E.G. I895- PREFACE. THE influence of weather on health, a matter which concerns us every moment of our lives, is yet one that is greatly in need of elucidation. With growing attention to it, we become aware how little it is understood, and how many unsolved problems it presents. There are signs, here and there, of a deepening interest in this im- portant subject ; thus, at Rome, e.g., a meteorological station has been recently attached to the laboratories of the Public Health Department, and students of the annexed school will be instructed in the use of the instruments, and attend a course of lectures on Meteorology applied to Hygiene. The primary object of this book is to give an idea of the way in which certain elements of our weather, and the mortality from some well-known diseases, have varied in recent years. While some direct attempt is made to trace the relations between weather and disease, the work done is, generally, rather in the way of furnishing data for comparison and study. Some of the facts presented, which have been met with in going along rather unfrequented paths, may be found, the author believes, both new and instructive. The mode of exposition adopted is largely that of graphic curves ; these, indeed, may be said to be the essence of the book. What is written about the charts may be soon read. The reader is invited to study them independently, and to follow out, with care, any trains of thought which they may perhaps suggest to him. It appears to the writer that the graphic method is far too little utilised. In the best serials and books dealing with figures, one may find long and difficult accounts of how this or that item has varied in a series of years, or other given time. A few simple lines on a cross ruled space would at once make the whole thing clear. In the actual case it is like groping for something in a dark room, where one might first turn on the light of a glow lamp. Columns and rows of figures are often, of course, indispensable. But sometimes they are not. It may be desired, in surveying a wide domain, merely to point out some salient features here and there ; to indicate some noteworthy recurrence, the correspondence in phase of two or more curves, or the like. Results may be sought, rather than processes ; and a few figures may be given, while the others may be left to be guessed approximately from the curves. The graphic chart, indeed, is a multum in parvo mode of information, which saves trouble in description, and presents the truth of figures concisely, clearly, and impressively. It is remarkable, moreover what new points of view are often gained when a column of figures is converted into a curve. A greatly extended use of the method, therefore, is here advocated, and it is rendered practicable by the greatly enlarged facilities of printing. Even a rough diagram may be regarded as better than none. Those here offered make no pretention to fineness of quality or mathematical precision. Many of these curves are said to be smoothed. It may be well to explain this. The object of smoothing is to bring out those longer waves ot variation which may be dimly perceived through the zigzags of the actual curve, like a long ocean swell, obscured somewhat by the minor waves and ripples. Suppose we have a series of annual or other values, #, , c, d, e, /, g, &c., and we want to smooth these with averages of 5. We first take the average of a to 14 3 . THE BEST TEN DAYS IN SUMMER. DIAGRAM : Dotted curve, variation of number of years, out of 45, each day of summer (considered separately) has had rain. Con- tinuous curve, smoothed with averages of 10. This diagram is the result of an examination of the last 45 years' records of the weather at Greenwich in summer (June, July, August), day by day, noting, in the case of each day, how often, that is, in how many of those years, it had rain. By this mode of reckoning a distinctly good time comes out in the end of June ; the continuous curve going down to 147 on the 26th and 27th (10 days average from 22nd or 23rd). It need hardly be said, however, that no one who is u weather- wise " would build immoderate hopes on this or any other part of summer ! The driest day thus reckoned is August nth, with the value 9 ; while in 4 cases the curve rises to 24. (Greenwich Observations.} 15 16 4 . THE WINTERS OF THIS CENTURY. DIAGRAM : Dotted curve, variation of mean temperature of winter (December to February) at Greenwich since 1 800. Continuous curve, smoothed with averages of 10. (Winters are designated by the year in which they end ; thus 1814 means 1813-14.) There are many ways of estimating winters in respect of severity. That of mean temperature (just indicated) gives a fair measure. It is difficult here to make out a decided periodicity, such as might enable one to forecast coming winters. The severest winter of the century, so far, appears to have been that of 1813-14 (M. T. 32*5), when a fair was held on the Thames. The cold was ushered in by one of the worst of London fogs, lasting a week, and this was followed by a snowstorm of 48 hours. There seems to have been a general decrease of severity in winters (increase of mean tempera- ture) till about the sixties, and an increase of severity since. This is indicated by the smoothed curve, also by the series of severe winters we have marked with dots, viz. : 1830, 1841, 1847, 1855, 1860 (ascending series) ; 1865, 1871, 1879, 1891 (descending series). The M. T. of 1890-91 was 34*0, and that of last winter, 1894-95, is a little higher (34*8). The winter of 1854-55 is remembered as the Crimean winter, and that of 1870-71 in connection with the Franco-Prussian war. In December, 1879, the absolutely lowest record of tempera- ture in the United Kingdom was made, viz.: 23, or 55 below freezing point, at Blackadder, in Berwickshire. Some very mild winters are indicated. In 1868-69 the M. T. was 44*4 ; in 1833-34 and 1876-77 it was 43*4 ; in 1845-46 it was 43*2. We seem to have come to a time of (at intervals) very severe winters. (See Table of Monthly Temperatures, by Buchan, in Journal of the Scottish Mete- orological Society, 3rd Series, No. 9.) 17 7800 18 5. ANOTHER VIEW OF OUR WINTERS. DIAGRAM : Dotted curve, variations in the number of frost days in October to April, since 1842. Continuous curve, smoothed with averages of 5. (1842 means 1841-42, &c.) The curves are inverted. We have considered the mean temperature of the three months, December February ; we here consider the number of frost days in the seven months, October April. The vertical scale here increases downwards, so that low points mean severe winters as in the former diagram. This way of looking at winters leads to some rearrangement ot them as regards intensity. Thus the winter season 1887-88 comes into prominence, exceeding both 1878-79 and 1890-91. While it had fewer frosts (and higher mean temperature) than these in the three winter months, it had considerably more frost in the four other months ; March and April were both very cold. Several other cases may be noticed. The number of frost days ranges from 90 in 1887-88 to 24 in 1883-84. (See Harding's Table, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1891, p. 113.) 19 20 6. THE OCCURRENCE OF VERY COLD DAYS. DIAGRAM : Upper curve, variation in number of days in each winter season (at Greenwich, since 1842) with maximum temperature not over 32. Lower curve, variation in number of days in which the minimum fell below 20. A day may fairly be considered very cold, in which the maximum temperature does not rise above freezing point. In 10 of the winters considered there were no such days, and in one case (1890-91) the number rose to 27. The average is about 5. Conspicuous points of the curve occur as follows : 1844-45 I 854-55 1866-67 1878-79 1890-91 13 15 12 18 27 which shows a certain regularity of recurrence at 10 or 12 years' interval. But we cannot say whether this will continue. Last winter (1894-95) had 17 of those days. The lower curve is drawn from a table by Mr. Harding (extended) ; it relates to days with minimum under 20. The Crimean winter (1854-55) here comes into prominence. The last few winters present an unusual succession of high numbers. In 1894-5 there were n of those days, all in February. (See Nature, vol. 51, p. 416 ; Greenwich Observations ; and Harding, loc. cit.) 21 22 y. LONG FROSTS. DIAGRAM : Lines showing the longest continuous frost in each winter, at Greenwich, since 1850-51. This is in five sections, each representing a month (November- March). The longest continuous frost is that of last winter 1894-95, extending from January 2ist to February 2Oth, *>., 31 days. There was one of 28 days in February March, 1886, and one of 26 days in December January, 1890-91. None in the earlier part of the period come up to these. In the mild winter 1877-78 no frost lasted more than 4 days, and there were 5 groups of that length. (The data are from a table by Mr. Harding, extended.) ( Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1886, p. 235 ; Greenwich Observations?) 'So-i 55- L 1 i i 29 1 1 1 I '7 23 24 8. A LONG WAVE OF TEMPERATURE. DIAGRAM : (a) Dotted curve, a smoothed one (5 av.) of the mean temperature of the first, plus the last, quarter of each year, at Greenwich, since 1830. Continuous curve, averages smoothed in the same way. () Decade averages of the same mean temperature, beginning with 1830-39 (the last point only 1890-93). To take another standpoint with regard to the fluctuations of cold, we here consider the mean temperature of the first plus the last quarter in each year. Note, in this dotted curve (a), the long rise from a low point in 1838 (40*5), and, after some fluctuations at a higher level, the return to a low point in 1887 (40*6). The twice- smoothed curve presents crests at about 10 years' intervals (from 1850). The lower curve (3), giving averages in decades on a larger scale , rises to a maximum in the sixties, and then falls to a point lower than the initial one. (See Buchan's Table, loc. ctt.) 636 42-4 4r8 &*- WO M$ fa '6 - L I I \ I i I i I ( I I I I /8dO &" to fa *o '66' '60 '6* 70 7* '80 '$$ '?<> 9* 9 . A REMARKABLE WINTER (1890-91). DIAGRAM : (a) Smoothed curve (5 av.) of daily minimum tempera- ture in winter months at Greenwich, (p) Ditto at Nairn in the north of Scotland. The severity of the winter 1890-91 is well remembered in London. Among other effects nearly eight weeks skating was enjoyed. Were these two smoothed curves of daily minimum temperature put before someone to say which was the London curve and which the Nairn one, he would probably assign the milder to London. This winter, however, was considerably colder in London than in the North. This (smoothed) London curve goes below freezing point on December 9th, and does not return to it till January 23rd. An interesting feature appears in those minor waves of variation. They largely correspond in the two curves, those of the London curve lagging, however, a few days behind those of the Nairn curve. This extends through most of the winter. Such lagging corres- pondence between southern and northern stations may be traced in other cases of severe weather, but not always. (Daz'ly Weather Report!) 27 /v- /Q . 2*. 2a Tebj 8 10 /9 23 2S io. THE SUMMERS OF THIS CENTURY. DIAGRAM : Dotted curve, variations in mean temperature of summer (June, July, August) at Greenwich since 1800. Continuous curve, twice smoothed with averages of 5. This chart is similar in design to that of winters, except that in smoothing the actual values are first smoothed with averages of 5, then the averages are similarly smoothed. The distinctly cold time about 1814 seems to have affected our summers as well as our winters. In the smoothed curve we may detect a certain regularity, with intervals of about io years, for a considerable period. But it must be admitted that, as in the case of winters, the actual variations are very irregular. A few of the very hot summers are indicated. 1846 comes out the highest by this reckoning, with M. T. 66'8. It was preceded by a backward spring, and was very dry (" hottest June on record"). The next, 1826 (M. T. 66.3), was also very dry throughout, with a remarkably early and good harvest. 1859 an d 1868 may also be noted. No recent summers come up to these. On the other hand we have the very cold and wet summer of 1816, with one of the worst harvests known. " After St. Swithin's day it rained 25 days out of 30." 1860 was another disastrous summer, June wet through- out, also August ; "a wetter season than 1799 and 1816, but not quite so late." The long wave of variations extending from 1860 to (say) 1879 (another cold summer), may be noted as interesting. (See Buchan's Table, loc. cit., Baker's Records of the Seasons). 30 ii. SPELLS OF HEAT AND THEIR PROGRESSION. DIAGRAM : (a) Dotted curve, variations of daily maximum tempera- ture at Parsonstown in August, 1893. Continuous curve, smoothed with averages of 5. (b) Ditto for Paris, (e) Ditto for Munich. The spring and summer of 1893 were remarkable in many ways. We here consider the intense heat in August. These three pairs of curves of maximum daily temperature for Parsonstown (in the heart of Ireland), Paris, and Munich, culminate one ., at 19 and 23 years' interval), and hollows about 1852 and 1871 (19 years). But on the whole we seem to remain in statu quo. The epidemics of 1839 and 1845, indeed, appear to have been much more severe than any since, reaching the figures 1,133 an d 1,122 per million living. The rate goes down on the other hand to 246 in 1852. The smoothed curve for England and Wales resembles that for London. Measles, in this country, has two maxima in the year ; the larger in November-January, the smaller in May-June. It must be re- membered that here and elsewhere we deal only with mortality, and the prior time of incubation and illness should be taken into account in considering seasonal influences. It is probable that measles is due to some microbe, but this has not yet been identified. (Annual Summary; Annual Report of Registrar General^) 53 1838 Uf '!&- '*/ 30 '$3 54 2 DIPHTHERIA. DIAGRAM : (a) Dotted curve, variations of diphtheria death rate in London since 1859. Continuous curve, smoothed with averages of 10. (b) Similarly smoothed curve, with separate scale, for England and Wales. The increase of diphtheria in recent years is notorious. Our curves begin at 1859, when the disease began to be registered separately (from scarlet fever). The London death rate, which was rather high in some of the fifties and sixties (284 in 1859, 275 in 1863), went down to a minimum in 1872 (80) ; since which year it has x been rising on the whole, till in 1893 the enormous rate of 760 was reached. In 1894 there is some improvement. The rise in England and Wales has been less rapid. Some allowance is probably to be made for improved diagnosis and registration ; but even so, a large increase (in London) is unmistakeable. The alarming spread of diphtheria in recent years has been attri- buted to the growing aggregation of children in schools, &c. ; but there is some reason to think the disease is subject to a long cycle, a wave crest of which we have been lately approaching. Diphtheria is far more common in temperate and cold regions than in the tropics. In this country it is most common in the last quarter, and lowest in the summer months. Cold and damp apparently increase the susceptibility to infection. The microbe of diphtheria is that known as Loffler's bacillus. {Annual Summary ; Annual Report of Registrar General?) 56 3 WHOOPING COUGH. DIAGRAM : Method as in i and 2. This widespread disease, so fatal to children, appears to have been declining, on the whole, in recent years (since the sixties). The 10 years' average for London in 1857 was 921 (per million living) ; but in 1889 it had got down to 628. The London rate was very high in 1861 (1,260), also in 1841, 1869, 1878, and 1882, (all over 1,180). Its lowest point was reached in 1883 (410). A relatively high point is reached, it will be seen, every 3 to ; years. In London, whooping cough increases steadily from its lowest in September to a maximum in April, from which it declines through the warmer months. It is often observed to become worse when the wind turns cold or suddenly changes. Its specific microbe (if it have one) is not yet identified. (Annual Summary ; Annual Report of Registrar General.) 57 58 4- SCARLET FEVER. DIAGRAM : Method as in i and 2. This disease presents a still more evident decline in recent years, (since the sixties). From a 10 years' average of 1,133 in 1865, the smoothed London curve descends to one of 240 in 1889. The extreme variations of the actual death rate in London are 2,131 in 1848, and 142 in 1891. The variations in the death rate of this disease have been pretty regular in their recurrence. The dotted curve reaches wave crests every 4-7 years. The prevalence and mortality of scarlet fever are greatest in the autumn and least in the spring, and its seasonal curve is thus, roughly, opposite to that of whooping cough. The maximum is in October. Curiously, in New York, scarlet fever is most prevalent in spring and least in autumn. According to Dr. Ballard, a temperature above the average for the season, and a dry atmosphere, with little rain, favours the prevalence of scarlet fever more than the reverse conditions. The disease has been connected with a certain streptococcus as its producing cause. One is disposed to ask whether the long wave of temperature indicated in I. 8 may not have something to do with the course of this and some other diseases (whooping cough, diphtheria) ? {Annual Summary ; Annual Report of Registrar General?) 60 S.-ENTERIC OR TYPHOID FEVER. DIAGRAM : Method as in i and 2. Our curves here extend only from 1869, the time when enteric fever began to be registered separately from typhus and simple or ill defined fever. Note the steady decline in both curves ; from a death rate of 337 in 1869, the London curve goes down to 102 in 1892. The prevalence and mortality of this disease are greatest in the autumn and least in the spring and early summer. The bacilli known as Gaffky's are believed by many pathologists to be the cause of enteric fever. This fever, it is well known, is distinguished from typhus fever by the intestinal lesions present. The mortality from typhus fever has also greatly declined of late years. (Annual Summary ; Annual Report of Registrar General.} 4. - 3m 220 /So /to 220. 1*0 V* 7S- 7? 7? 1 1 93 62 6. DIARRHCEA AND DYSENTERY. DIAGRAM : (a) Dotted curve, variations of the death rate in London since 1838. Continuous curve, smoothed with averages of 5. (b) Similarly smoothed curve for England and Wales. (c) Similarly smoothed curve of the mean temperature of July at Greenwich. In the London smoothed curve we may notice three long waves culminating in 1851, 1870, and 1885, (19 and 15 years apart). The range of the death rate is from 1,683 m I ^49 to 253 in 1839. Recent values are still above those at the beginning of the curve. Diarrhoea is now reckoned as largely of epidemic character. With regard to its association with heat, it would appear from recent researches that atmospheric temperature is of less importance in relation to it than earth temperature. According to Dr. Ballard, the summer rise of diarrhoeal mortality does not commence till the mean temperature of a 4 ft. deep earth thermometer reaches about 56, no matter what temperature has previously been reached by the atmosphere. The two (death rate and earth temperature) reach their maximum in the same week, and the decline of both is similarly slow. The average summer wave of diarrhoea in London rises to a maximum about the end of July : it is mainly due to infantile diarrhoea. We may trace a considerable amount of corres- pondence, (from the nature of the case it could not be exact), between the smoothed July temperature curve (^ and the London diarrhoea curves (a}. Calm weather promotes diarrhoea mortality, while wind lessens it. Rainfall affects it indirectly through the temperature of the ground. Moderate dampness of soil favours the disease, but excessive wetness or dryness are thought to lessen it. Several kinds of bacilli have been connected with the disease. {Annual Summary ; Annual Report of Registrar General, &c.) 64 7. SMALL POX SINCE 1838. DIAGRAM : (a) Actual variations of the small pox death rate in London. (3) Ditto, in England and Wales (data lacking 1843-1846). Excluding the great epidemics of 1838 and 1871-72 a gradual decline is apparent, especially in the lower curve. In the years 1838 and 1871 the London death rate rose to 2,168 and 2,422 respectively (per million living). In 1889 the return is nil. In the next 4 years there is a gradual rise (represented by the figures i, 2, 10, 48), checked in 1894, however. In the London curve relative maxima are reached every 3-6 years. In Oriental countries the spread of small pox appears to be favoured by cold and retarded by heat. In Europe the mortality is greatest in spring and autumn. {Annual Summary; Annual Report of Registrar General?) 65 8. TWO CENTURIES OF SMALL POX. DIAGRAM : Ratio of deaths from small pox to 1,000 deaths from all causes in London, averaged in decades (1701-10, &c.). In a valuable paper contributed to the Statistical Society, Dr. Guy has given statistics of 250 years of small pox in London, showing, year by year, the ratio of deaths from small pox to i ,000 deaths from all causes. Extending the table to 1891 we have made decadal averages of those ratios since 1701. The data between 1830 and 1840 are defective. The curve rises high in the latter half of last century (average for 1861-1870, 102-5), but in this century there has been a rapid drop> and in the last decade we come to an average of 6-9. With regard to the vexed question of vaccination, some dates may here be given. The practice was introduced by Jenner about the end of last century (1708). Vaccination was optional before 1853 ;. then from 1854-1871 it was obligatory, but not efficiently enforced ; and since 1871 it has been more efficiently enforced. (See Dr. Guy's Paper to Royal Statistical Society, Vol. XLV.) 67 /w - 80 6-0- Ao- 30 lo - - .-*. .' ,' i 4 \ - - -., **.-.-' I ! I I l 1 1 1 i I 1 ffp 'lo "to 'do '&o o '60 '70 'do '., say, June to September) at five places. The smoothed curves bring out more plainly the retarded culmination of these waves in an easterly direction (which is probably a temperature effect). Thus we have the Plymouth wave crest about the 25th week ; Cardiff, the 26th ; Portsmouth, the 29th ; Brighton, the 34th. In the north, Hull is still later, 35th week. This kind of relation may be observed in other years, but is not invariable. (Annual Summary.} '77 'J9 '7? '80 '91 '92. '83 76 13. A GENERAL VIEW OF DISEASE IN LONDON IN 1893-94. DIAGRAM : (a) Smoothed curve (5 av.) of weekly deaths from diseases of the respiratory system in London, (b) Ditto, from the chief zymotic diseases, (c) Ditto, from phthisis, (d) Ditto, from diseases of the circulatory system. The years 1893 and 1894 were very opposite with regard to weather, which may be considered an advantage from our present standpoint. In this group of smoothed curves we may first note the prepon- derance of diseases of the respiratory system, and the high point reached by this curve in winter, (719 in the 49th week of 1893, />., early in December). In both descents of the curve from the maxima there is a curious reversal. Next we have the curve of zymotic diseases (including small pox, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, typhus, enteric fever, simple continued fever, diarrhoea and dysentery, and cholera), with its striking summer wave, (diarrhoea chiefly), in the very hot summer of 1893 ; in the 2yth week the average reached 461. In 1894 we find a different state of things, two much smaller waves culminating in the I9th (310) and 3 ist (303) weeks respectively, the first due to measles chiefly, the second to diarrhoea. Lastly, we have curves for phthisis and for diseases of the circula- tory system, both culminating in weeks of winter, (phthisis, 186 deaths in the 52nd week of 1893, circulatory system 160 in the 49th week of 1893). This classification of disease is of course not exhaustive. ( Weekly Return.} 77 Kftf'no /3 IS 23 2 33 ^s 4-3 4S < 78 14. SOME ZYMOTIC DISEASES IN LONDON IN 1893-94. DIAGRAM : (a) Smoothed curve (5 av.) of weekly deaths from measles in London, (b] Ditto, from diphtheria, (c) Ditto, from whooping cough, (d) Ditto (with separate scale), from scarlet fever. We have just looked at zymotic diseases as a whole ; we may now consider some members of the group in the same way. Here we at once notice the high measles wave of 1894, going up to 162 in the 2ist week, a great contrast to that of the previous year. Diphtheria reaches a pronounced maximum in the 45th week of 1893, and whooping cough in the beginning of 1894. The scarlet fever curve (given with separate scale below to avoid confusion) also culminates in the last quarter of 1893, and in general the values for that year are above those for the second year. ( Weekly Return.} 79 10 1$ 2o 2$ 30 3$ W 46 3 8 13 /3 23 & 33 38 43 trf .$3 80 15. RESPIRATORY DISEASE IN LONDON IN THE FIRST QUARTER. DIAGRAM : (a) Dotted curve, variation in first quarter death rate (per i ,000) from diseases of the respiratory organs, in London, since 1855 (inverted}. Continuous curve, smoothed with averages of 5. (3) Smoothed curve (5 av.) of mean temperature in first quarter at Greenwich. This smoothed and inverted curve of respiratory disease in the first quarter exhibits two well-marked waves with crests (low death rate) in 1870 and 1883. Respiratory disease is of course closely associated with cold weather. A spell of cold weather, in winter, is generally followed by a rise in the deaths from bronchitis, &c. We have already con- sidered the mean temperature of the first quarter (No. 17 in first part), and we repeat the smoothed curve of it since 1755. There is a fair amount of correspondence with the respiratory curve (from the nature of the case we could not expect it to be very exact), the temperature wave showing maxima in 1870 and 1883, and the average death rate being then low. Now the temperature curve we found to correspond fairly with the sunspot curve. But to say that we cough more or less, according as the sun's face is less or more spotted, might argue some fitness for the attention of Commissioners in Lunacy. (Anmtal Summary ; Buchan's Table, loc. ctt.} 82 1 6. ZYMOTIC DISEASE IN SEVERE AND MILD WINTERS. DIAGRAM : Six smoothed curves (3 av.) of weekly deaths from zymotic disease in London, during first quarter of six years named. Con- tinuous curves, severe winters ; dotted curves, mild winters. The relation of zymotic diseases to cold is a somewhat complex subject. It may be well to ask, What kind of mortality has there been from such disease in recent severe winters ? It will be remem- bered that the winters 1878-79, 1890-91, and 1894-95 were a ll notably severe. Allowing for development of disease, we note the weekly deaths from zymotic diseases (as specified under 13), not in the 3 winter months, but in the first quarter, and smoothing the figures with averages of 3, we obtain the three continuous curves. Then we do the same with the three mild winters 1882-83, 1883-84, 1884-85 (dotted curves). It may be noted that the three mild winter curves all show more deaths from zymotic disease than the curves of the very severe winters 1890-91 and 1894-95, notwithstanding growth of population and growth of at least diphtheria. The 1879 curve shows a higher mortality than those two, coming second to that of 1885; (there was a great deal of whooping cough). On the other hand, we must remember the progress that has taken place in overcoming zymotic disease generally, and of this the relative position of the curves 1879, I ^9 I an d 1895 is no doubt partly an expression. Still, it appears from various evidence that intense winter cold is on the whole unfavourable to the mortality from zymotic disease, and mild winter weather favourable ; and in this we may find some justifica- tion of the saying. u A green Yule makes a fat churchyard," which, if we take the large mortality from respiratory diseases into account, and its rise in severe cold, is rather falsified. ( Weekly Return?) 730 WO 160 /