'J^i '^_ ^'V. .J;^ \\\[ lNl\[Ry/A 'y- '^^Aa]AiNa]\\v' leP, 'Z? 1 ii *>'^f "^ ^ciOJiiVlJ^i' '^aOJiiVj <^\\\[ rNi\ hR%. ^v>;U']S ASCfl^:r^ ,^OF-CALi FOMj;^ ^OF-CAL! fOJf.i^ ^M[UN1V[R%, "It ' ' I '^ o^vlOSAN'G[tfj> ^OF-CALIF0Mv>^ '^AHVdSiB^ rx;\FUS; yf THE ELEMENTS O F NAVIGATION. VOLUME THE FIRST, THE ELEMENTS O F N A V I G AT I O N; CONTAINING THE THEORY and PRACTICE. With the necefiary Table s, And C o M P E N D I u M s for finding The LATITUDE and LONGITUDE at SEA To which is added> A TREATISE O F MARINE FORTIFICATION. Compofed for the Ufe of The Royal MathExMatical School at Christ's Hospital, The Royal Academy at Portsmouth, And the G E N T L E M E N of the N A V Y. In TWO VOLUMES. By J. ROBERTSON, r.ate Librarian to the Royal Society, and formerly Head-Mafler of the Royal Academy, at Portfmouth. The FIFTH EDITION, with ADDITIONS. Carefully revifed and corredcd by WILLIAM WALES, Mafter of the P^oyal Mathematical School, Chrift's Hofpital, London, LONDON, Printed for C. N OURS E, in die Strand, MDCCLXXXVI. 'to "RS^ v.j- JOHN EARL OF SANDWICH, &c. &c. &c. FIRST COMMISSIONER O F T HE \ Boards of Admiralty and Longitude. M Y L O R D, WHILE the public voice Is unanimous in applaud- ing your humanity towards the Artificers, in general, of His Majefty's Dock-yards, and your attention to reftore the Royal Navy of Britain to the refpedlable Hate frotn which it had been fuffered to decline lince the lafl War, Philofophers not only admire thefe noble adls, but likewife, your generous encouragement to improve Geographical, Nautical, and Natural Knowledge. A Such D.^DICATION. Such exertions of your Lordfliip's extraordinary Mental and Official Abilities, will undoubtedly be tranf- mitted with honour to the lateft poflerity : And your laudable example muft infpire a regard for Works in-^ tended to promote public utility* The Author of ^be 'Bkmmts tif Navigation, not- withftanding the favourable reception which the former imprcffions have met with from Britifh Mariners, thinks himfelf extremely happy that this improved Edition is permitted to appear under your Lordfhip's Patronage. That you may long enjoy the Opportunity as well as Inclination of promoting ufeful Arts and Learning, is a hope fincerely entertained by. My Lord, Your Lordship's moll obedient and humble Servant, Nov. 1.1772. John Robertfon. T O T H E RIGHT WORSHIPFUL Sir ROBERT LADBROKE, Knt. Alderman, PRESIDENT; , THE WorHiipful THOMAS BURFOOT, Efq. TREASURER; And Uie reft of the WORSHIPFUL GOVERNORS OF Chrift's Hofpital, London: This Book, containing the Elements of Navigation, and a Treatife on Marine Fortification, firft pub- liilied for the Ufe of the Children in the Royal Ma- thematical School, when they were under my Care, is, as a grateful acknowledgement for paft favours, addrefled by Your WORSHIPS' mofl humble Servant, Nov. 1.1772. John Robertfon, A D V E R T I S E M E N T. IN this Edition, the Editor has carefully correfled the er- rorj which- had crept into the formtr; he has recomputed the Tables in. Book V. Art. 308, 309, and 310, of the Sun's Lon- gitude, Right Afcenfion, and Declination, and has alfo re- vifed, as far as his materials extended, the Geographical Talkie, and added the names of fuch places as his own obfervations, or thofe of other perfons, have furnifhed him with ; fo that he flatters- himfelf it- is the mofl: txtenfive and corredl of any extant. On the whole, he prefumes, this Edition will be found as worthy of the approbation of the public in general, and of feamen in particular, as thofe which were printed under th? Author's infpedion, . THE P R E F A G E. - / T having been part of my employment for tn any years pafl^ to inflrul youth in the theoretical and fratfical farts of Navi^ gation J 1 was naturally led to draw up rules and examples fit- 4ed to the years and capacity of the Jcholar : Jome of the precepts ^ from time to time were alteredy according as L had obferved hois* they were comprehended by the majority , of my pupils ; until ai tength I had put together a Jet of materials y which I found fuffi- ient for teaching this Art.. Upon my being intrujied by the governors of Chrifl's Hofpital (in the beginning of the year ij^^) zvith the care of the Royal Mathematical fchool there ^ founded by King Charles the fecond, I had a great opportunity of experiencing the method I had before. iifed i and finding it fully anfwered my expe^ationt 1 determined to print it for the uje of that fchool : but as thoje children are t be infiru5led in the mathematical Jciences^ on which' the art of Na^ vigation is fuundedy I judged it proper ^ on their account ^ to intro- duce the fubjels of Arithmetic^ Geometry^ Trigcnon2etry, <^c. for which reafony this treatife is dijiinguifloed by the title c/ Elements cf Navi2:.'icion. t> After my appointment {in the year 1755^ to be lead tn offer of the Royal Marine Academy at Portjmoulh, founded by King George the fecondj I aljo found that this book teas fuffxiently inielligibls to beginners of middling capi:c::-:ss ; and therefore.^ in the fecond edition J in tie. year J 761, the :v.'inrer in which it was frft com- pofcd zviJs CO ii tinned, except the i e^iimvi-ig of the book of Afir enemy y from being the %ih. into the place of the c^th. ; whereby the books of Plane Sailings Globular Sailing, and Days V/orks^ which logeth'er nearly comprehend the drt cf Narjigationy foi^uiv in fuccefTion, 3 here were indeed feme variat:ons in the modes of exprefjion in a jew places; hut the additions in every look ...',7v jmuk ra'ier to extend the notions of learners, than tnJuppL a.r; Uifcimey i:anhng in the Jorircr id:::cu -, except Jome of the additions 1^ the <^hh. book, which we,e no^jc well knoi'^/t at the time cf the fffl imprejjion. A 3 The X PREFACE. The work is divided into ttn parts or hooks, each being a diftintf treatife-t the preceding ones contain the necejfary elements which are wanted in thoje that follow. 'The demonjiration of the feveral proportions are given as concifel;^ as I could contrive^ to carry with them a fufficient degree of evidence : Throughout the whole of the elementary parts y brevity and per/picuity were confidered ; but the practical parts are more fully treated on, and intended to include every iifeful particular y worthy of the mariner's notice. In the elementary parts, where it is not eajy to introduce neia mattery there will be found the common principles treated in a man' nevy which, it is apprehended, is better adapted to beginners j and Jucb new lights thrown on Jeveral particulars, as will render them more obvious than in the view wherein they have been commonly Jee, The treatije of Fortification annexed, is the rejult of many years application ; and is delivered in a very different mode from what other writers have taken ; for among the multitude which I have Jeen, they generally begin with the fortifying of a town, the moji difficult part of the art, and end with works the mofl eafy to con- trive and execute : Herein the works of the fimplefl confiruStion are begun with, and the learner gradually advanced to the fortify- ing of a town : Indeed the limits chofen for this tra5i have caujed fome articles to be briefly mentioned, and others to be totally omitted; never thelefs, it is conceived that, in its prefent flate, it may be of conftderable ufe to Marine Officers, ajid even furnifh fome hints not altogether unworthy the notice of the Gentlemen of the Army. The Maritime parts of theje Elements, contained in the vii^'', vili'^, and ix'*" books, are alfo delivered in a manner fomewhat dif- ferent from what is fern in other writers ; who, for the mofl part copying from one another, have not much contributed towards per^ feeling the art of Navigation ; the writers indeed have been many, but the improvers have been very ftw ; Wright, Norwood, and Hal ley, having done the mofl of what has been difcovcred fince a Utile before the begifining of the ly th century : Hcivcvcr, in the method here taken, it is apprehended that the proper judges will find fome few improvements, as well in the art itfclf as in the manner of communicating it to learners. The common treat] fes of Navigation, which, on account of their J mall bulk and ecijy price, are vended among the Britiflo Mariners, jam net to be written with an intention to excite in their readers a defire PREFACE. 3ll deftre to ftirjue the Sciences^ farther than they are handled in thofe books ; fo that it is no wonder our feamen in general had Jo little mathematical knowledge \ for the perfon who could keep a trite journal^ formed on the tnoji eafy occurrences^ has been reckoned a g{iod artiji ; but whenever thofe occurrences have not happened^ the JQurnalift has been at a lofs^ and unable to find the fhip^s place with any tolerable degree of precijion j andjuch accidents havepro" bably contributed to the dijlrejs which many fhips crews have expe^ riencedi and which a little more knowledge among them might have prevented J or at leafi have leffened^ About the middle of the i (>th century ^ Navigation began to be eonjidered as an art, in a great meajtlre dependent on the Mathe^ matical fciences ; and on fuch a plan has it been cultivated by the labours of the mofl judicious^ who have applied tbemf elves towa^'ds its perfection ; and although the art has been enriched by the obfer-^ vations offome learned men in different nations, yet it has Jo hap-^ pened, that the chief of the improvements ^ and particularly the ma* the matical ones *, werefirji publifkcd in Britain^ Into this work are collected mofly if not ally of the tifeful and cU" fious particulars relating to the art of Navigation ; there are aljo interfperfed hijlorical remarks of inventiohSy with the 7tames of many eminent men, and their works; thefe were intended as in* centives to infpire learners and our feamen with a defire not only of knowing the things herein treated of from their foundations^ but of pufhing their inquiries into fuch other parts of the Jciences as ma;/ procure to themjehes pleafure, profit y and refpe5ly and render thent more ujrful to their country by the [kill rejulting from fuch ac- quijitions. I have always thought that the chief motives which ought to in-* duce a perfon to appear as a writer fhould bCy either that he has fomething new to publifhy or that he has arranged the parts of a, known Jubjetl, in a method more regular and ujeful than had been done before ; in either of thefe cafes he cannot be a proper judge, unlejs he has Jeen the pieces extant on that fuhje5ly or at leafi y thofe / the mofi eminent authors already publifhed : On thefe principles I was led to examine what had been done by the different writers 0n Navigation ; and having perufed mofi of their books y of which X * Sec the following difleftation. *'' A 4 (euld xii PREFACE. (ould gei inform ation^ 1 bad an op-portunity of dif covering the fief s by whuh this art has fifen to its prefent perfeoliony and confequently of knowing the mofi material parts of tjpe hiflory of its progrefs : Among other things^ I could net avoid remarking a mi flake which has crept into many of the modern books of Navigation ; which is, that Wriglu'j invention of making a true fea-chart was Jiolen by Mercator, and publifhed as his own. I fufpe^ this Jiory had its rife in a book printed in the year 1675 by Edward Sherburne, in-' titled *' The Sphere of Marcus Manilius made an Englifh Poem, with Annotations and an Aftionomical Appendix." My enquiries into thefe matters induced the late learned Dr, James Wilfon to review and complete his obfervations on the fame jubjeify and produced his Differtation on the Hiflory of the Art of Navigation ; which he zvas pleafed to give me leave to puhlifh with thejecond edition of this work, There are few perfons^ however knowing and careful^ who may not commit.^ and overlook.^ inadvertencies in their own compofitionSy which may be dif covered by ethers : therefore at my requefi the greateft part of the manufcript for the firji edition was read and examined by two of my friends *, well acquainted with the theory / nd pra^ice of Navigation ; who^ by their judicious obfervations, enabled me to improve Jeveral articles : Some part of the additions ;o the id Edition, received much elegance and perfpicuity through :he friendly advice and communications of the late learned Dr, Mtrnry Pemberton, F. R. S. The Jccond Edition of thefe Elements having alfo been well re- ceived by the Pullic ; Dr. Wilfon took the pains to revije his Dif- fcriation, which he improved in many particulars : And I have iilfo endeavoured to retain their fa.v our able opinions of my labours^ ,'';.' giving Co7npendiums for performing the opcr aliens of the new i.iithods of Jin ding the latitude and longitude of a fnp at fea j and ''cine other alterations end additions which I couicivcd would ren- ,':r this third Edition more generally ufefiil. >T r.ov. T, 1772. * William Mour.laine, Efq. I'\ R. S. and iMr. William Payne. r .' T H E CONTENTS. THIS treatife in two volumes contains ten books ; each is divided into feveral fe6tions, and numbered with the Roman numerals. The particular articles are numbered by the commpn figures, each book beginning with the number i. The references made from one article of the treatife to another is of two kinds. Firjl. When in the fame book. Then the number of the article re^ ferred to, is put in a parenthefis. Thus (27), refers to the article num- bered 27 in the fame book. Second. When in another book. Then the number of the book in Roman figures, and of the article in common figures, is put in a paren- thefis. Thus (II. 160) refcis lo the i6oth article of the fecond book. In the following contents, the fedions refer to the number of the page : the particulars to the number of the article. Vol. I. BOOK I. ARITHMETIC. From Page i S E C T 1 N I . Definitions and Prin- ciples p. 1 Notation^ nutneration^ andfra^ions at articles 17 to 21 Signs, and tables oy coin, weights, Qc. 22, 23 Section II. Addition p. 6 Of whole numbers and fraolions 24 Section III. Subtraction p. Of whole tiumhers and fractions 26 ^ueflions to exercife Addition and Subtration 27 Section IV. Multiplication p. 10 Multiplication table art. 29 Multiplication of whole numbers and fratiom art. 30 Section V. Divifton p. 12 Of whole numbers and fra^ions 32 Section VI. Reduction p. 14 Of feveral names to one name 35 ()f inferior name to fup. natne 36 f ulgar fralions to decimals 38 Inferior names to a decimal 40 '7o value decimal fraSlions 42 Prailiial quelliom 43 to Page 42. Section VII. Of Proportion p. 20 Of the nature of proportional num- bers - 44 The Rule of Three 46 A collection of 16 quejlions 47 Section Vill. Of powers and roots p. 26 To raift numbers to a propofed power art. 49 To extraSi the fquare root 54 To extraSi the cube root 56 Section IX. Of numeral fries p. 3a Of arithmetic progreffton art. 59 Of geometric progreffton 60 Some properties of fuch progrefft- onal numbers from art. 62 to 67 Four prtblems in progreffions 68 to 71 Section X. Of logaritlmis p. 34 Of the nature of logarithms To make logarithms Of the tables of logarithms (jf the indices of logarithm Multiplication by logarithn Diz 11 n 80 8s fton CONTENTS. t)ivifion hy logarithms Of proportion by logarithmt ZtsOfthe arith. comp. of logarithms 88 8 7 1 (Jf powers and roots by logarithms 89 BdOKiL GEOMETRY. From Page 43 to Page 88* Sectioit I. Definitions and Prin- tipU p. 43 Definitions art. i to 42 PoJbtlaUt 43 Axioms 46 5bct. II. Geometrical Pfohiems ^. i^% Gf right lined figures 55 to 69 Of the circle 70 to 74 Of proportional lines 75 to 80 Scales of equal parts and chords 81 lo 84 Of polygons 85 Section III. Geom. Theorems p. 58 Of lines and triangles art, 91 to 106 Of quadrangles and the circle 107 to 137 Section IV. Of Proportion p. 68 Definitions and Principles 1 38 to 147 General Properties 1 48 to 1 64 / fimilar triangles 1 6 5 / the circle and regular polygons 169 ^adrature of the circle i g I Sect. V. Of planes and folids p. 82 Definitions and Principles art. 1 9^ Properties of cutting planes lOC) Seiion of pyramids and cones 2 1 1 Section VJ. Of the fpiral p. 86 Of the common fpiral art. 221 Of the proportional fpiral 222 Logarithmic fpiral 226 Of Napier* s Logarithms iic^ BOOK III. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. From Page 89 to Page 124. SfcCTiON I. Defnitions and Prin- ciples P" ^9 Definitions art. J to 16 Section" II. Triangular canon p. 92 ConflruSiion of the plane fcale art. 1 7 Of fines offmall arcs 25 Of fines above 60 degrees 29 O/" //6^ relation of tangents, &c, 3 1 To compute the fines 38 Of the tables of fines ^ tangents^ ^'' ... 39 Sect. III. Solution of triangles^. \oo By oppofite fides and angles art. 45 Tivo fides and included right an- gle 46 Two fides and included oblique an- gle 48 By three fides 49, 50 Synapjis of the rules art. ^1 Twelve numeral examples 53 to 64 Section IV". Of the Gunter^s fcale p. 1 14 Of natural and logarithmic fcale s art. 65, 66, 67 Of the line of numbers 68 Of the line of fines 69 Of tangents and verfed fines 70, 71 Demonjlratim of their conflruhion 7^ Sect.V. life of Gtmt^r^s fcale p. 118 Precepts art, 76 to 78 Exemplifications: 79 to 86 Section VI. Properties of plane triangles p. 122 In oblique angled triangles art. 88 Rules for finding an angle 90 to 98 BOOK contents: BOOK IV. OF SPHERICS. From Page 125 to Page 193. Section I. Principles p- 125 Definitions art. i Axioms 16 Section II. Sieregraphie propo- fttions p. 128 Principal properties art. 30 to 59 Sect. III. uph eric Geometry p. 135 The conJlruSion and demonjiration 6f 37 cafes art. 60 to 8 1 Section IV. Spheric Trigono- metry P 145 Definitions and Principles art. 82 Section V. Spherical Theorems Fifteen propofitions art. 90 to 1 10 Section VI. Solutions of right an- gled fpheric triangles p. 152 By tiuo neiu rules art, 1 11 JBy Napier's general rule 1 19 Section VII. Solution of oblique angled fpheric triangles p. 157 JVith a perpe7idicular 120 to 124 Given three fides or three angles 125 Synopfis of right angled fpher. 1 2 J' Synopfis of oblique angled fpher, 144 Section VIII. Con/iruiiion and calculation of the cafes of right angled fpheric triangles p. 166 Numeral examples art. 156 to i6f Exam, of a quadrantal triangle 162 Section IX. ConflruSfion and calculation of the cafes of oblique angled fpheric triangles p. 175 Numeral exa?nples art. 163 to 168 Section X. Goniometriclinesp. 179 Properties deduced art. 169 Table of goniometric relations 171 to 210 Variety of theoroms an to 224 Relation between the fides and a?!' gles of fpheric triangles 225 to 236 Ruler when two fides and the in- cluded angle are kncwn^ to find the other angles 237 Rules when 'i^ fides are known 254 To find the 7iatural fines of given arcs 5 and the contrary 256, 257 BOOK V. ASTRONOMY. From Page 195 to Page 328. Section I. Solar Ajlronomy p. 195 Of the Solar Syfiem art. i Number of conjlellaiions andjiars 6 Primary and fecondary planets \1 Annual and diurnal motions 1 7 Planets orbits and nodes 21 Elliptic orbits of the planets 2 3 Kepler's laws 29 Conjun^ions and oppofitions 34 Table of the folar fyfiem 3 7 Of the fecondary planets 38 Of the figure of the planets 40 Sect. II. Terrejlrial Afironomy^.lo&^ Of the direct^ fiationary^ and retro- grade appearances art, 45 Phenomena of the inferior planets 46 Phenomtva of the fuperior planets 49 Apparent motions of the Sun 50 Obliquity of the ecliptic 55 Of the different feafons 56 Rifing and fitting of fan 65 art. 66 73 74 79 Of parallaxes The meafure of the Earth Of the Moon Of folar and lunar eclipfes Sectu N HI. Ajlronomy of the fpher. p. 214 Definit ons and Principles art. 89 Ofi ajlr Gnomical tables 1 32 To convert time into degrees., and degrees into time 133 Of the cubninating of ihejlars 1 34 Section IV. Oftheproje^ion of the fphere p. 221 Four projeiiions on the four prin- cipal circles art. 135 Sect. V. Problems of the fphere p. 225 The conJlruBion and numeral fo- lution of 22 prob!e?ns 139 to l6g Sect. VI. 7'o find the latitude p. 242 Stereographic folutinn of fifiteen probUms of latitude 1 70 to j 84 Fsuriccfi CONTENTS. Fourteen ether brobkms for find-' ing the latitude 1JJ5 to 203 Nonagefimal degree 2O4 bfeCTioNVll. Pra6iical Ajlrono- my p. 268 Of ajirononucal Injlrumenti art. 205 Of tlye Clock 206 Of the Telcfcepe 20" Of the Micrometer 208 Of the ^adrant 209 Of the Tranfit Injlrument 2 1 o Of the Ajlroncmical Sector 212 Of the equal altitude infiriiment liif. *ro odjuji the clock 215 Of the change in the Sun's declina- tion 2 1 6 Of Vernier's dividing plate 2 1 9 Section VIII. Elements of the Earth's motion p. 280 Of mean motion and anomaly art. 222 Of the different years 229 Twelve problems relating to the Earth's m'ition 234 to 255 Sect. IX. Equation of time p. 291 f)f the fyderial and equatorial day art. 261 Of mean,and apparent time 263 To calculate the equation of time 268 Sect. X. To jnakefolar tables p. 293 For finding the Sun's place art. 269 to 280 Of declinat. and right afcen, to 289 Equation of time 296 Nineteen ajlro7iomical tables to 319 BOOK VI. GEOGRAPHY, &c. From Page 329 to Page 400. Section I. Definitions and Prin- ciples p- 329 Of the poles and circles art. 3 Of latitude and longitude 6, 9 Divifion of the Earth by %ones \ 3 Divifion of the Earth by climates i 7 Section il. Natural divifion of the Earth P- 332 Definitions art. 18 to 31 Of continents and oceans 32, 33 Section III. Of the political /// vifion of the Earth P- 334 Europe and its chief parts art. 35 Jfia ' " 3B Jfrica 42 Anwrica 4.6 K c. I V . Geographical problems p. 342 Citicerning latitude and longitude 5c to 53 Sect. V. Theifeof the globes p. 346 Twenty -two problems on the celeflial and terre/irial globes art. 54 to 76 Section VI. Of Winds p. 353 Air and Atrnofphere art. 78, 79 Trade-winds and Monf 00ns to 84 Dr. Halley's ohfervations 85 Section VII. Of Tides p. 358 Of gravitation and attra^fion to 89 Cuufe of the general tides art. 90 The chief propofitions on tides to loi Of tj?e tides about Britain 103 Section VIII. Chronology p. 364 Of aras or epochs art. 1 1 1, fulian account or old file 1 14 Gregorian account, or new file 115 Of the Kalendar 1 1 6 Chronological problems to 1 26 Geographical and tide table' ^ 137 Vol. II. BOOK VII. OF PLANE SAILING. Erom P;'-ge I to Page i 30. Section I. Of Principles p. 1 Definitions :ii't, i Nccefjary elements 2 Nature of maps \ Skct. II. Of the plane c-art p. 3 Cinj'.ru^lionof the plcr.e c'Duyt art. 5 /;'/ ufe, Jhcwn in 7 cafes 6 to 1 2 Section III. Plane failing . p. 6 Dcj-.nitions and Principles art. 13 to 21 Rides for conjh-u6li'jns 22 Cfthc Travcrfc table ')-\ CONTENTS. Proportions 0/ ftdes and migles^ making either fide the radius 25 Ganons of plane failing 26 ' Table of rhumbs 2 7 Sect. IV. Offingle courfes p. 1 1 The fix cafes of plane failingKozn, 33 ^eflions in plane failing 34 Section V . Compound tourfes p. 2 1 To work a traverfe art, 36 To confrut a traverfe 37 To conftruf a compound courf. 39 Twenty qiicflions in comp. courfes 40 Section VI. Oblique failing p. 35 - Bearitlg and feiting ofobjeSfs art. 41 Twenty quefiions and their fola- tions ibid. S E c t . V 1 1 . Sailing to windward p . 4 2 Definitions ' art. 42 General confiruSiion _ 46 Twenty quefiions and their fclutions ibid. Sect. Vlil. Current failing p. 51 Definkions and Principles art. 47 General conjlruciion 49 Twenty qujjiions and their folu- tions ibid. Section IX. Mifellaneous quef- tions p. 60 Twejity complicated quefiions luith their fohdioHs ' art. 51 Sect 10 NT X. Surveying of coafis and harbours p. ^q To furvey on jhip-hoard ' art. 52 To furvey mi fnore 53 Of colours and their ufe 55 Se'ct. XI. To eflimate difiances^. 76 By the motion of found art. 58 By the curvature of the earth 61 Tohle of di/iances feen at fca 6 5 Traverfe tables art, -66, 67 from p. 81 to 130" BOOK VIII. OF GLOBULAR SAILING. From Page 131 to Page 224. Sec. V. Compound courfes p. 174 Section I. Definitions and Prin- ciples P- 131 Of ajhip^s true place at fea art. 3 Of Mercator's chart 4 Of IVright's conflrudion 6 Section \\. Keckoning of longi- tude^ in \\ propofiiions p. ] 34. Meridion:il parts-iy the fecants art. 1 2 Principles and rules to art. 76 Four examples wrought by the fe- ver al rules , to art, 8r S EC T . V I . Of Mercator' s chart p, 1 8 2 Conflrudion art. 82 Of the lines of longitude and lati- tude on Gunter's fcale 83 To conf met a true fca chart 131 Thirteen Problems on the ufe of Truth of failing by the Mcrcator' s \ Mer^ator' s chart to art. 99 chart 1 ^''^PC.r.V II. Great circle failing p. igi Of the jfpiral rhumbs on the globe 21 | The ufe art. 1 02 Jfferidional parts analogous to the logarithmic tangents 24 Section' III. Parallel failing p. 146 Rules of computation art. 31 JHerid. dijl. of meridians 34 The cafes of parallel failing 37 Other examples 42 Section IV. Middle latitude and Mercator s failing P-I52 Principles fr Mid- latitude art. 44 Principles for Mercator's 49 Tlnrtcen Problnns of globular failings by Alid-lat. M creator and logarith, tangents The fix cafes in afngle courfe to 108 Concerning compound coinfes and the principles to art. no Three examples to 1 14 Section VlII. Of the figure of the Earth p, 203 Of the experiments to find the fi- gure nf the, Earth to art, 121 Of the raiio andtnagnitudeofthc axes of the Earth to art. 126 Of the parallels of lat. degrees of lat. and merid. parts on thefphe- roid to 142 to art. 7 3' Tables of merid. parts p. 2 1 5 to 224 Book IX. CONTENTS. BOOK IX, OF DAYS WORKS. From Page 225 to Page 341. Section!. Ofajhjp^srun p. 226 Oftht log. line and half min- glafs ^rt. 3 Of their correSliont 4 Of M. Bougutr's log. 7 Sect. II. Ofthefea compafs p. 231 ConJlruSiion and properties art. 14 imperfeilions and amendments j 5 Difcovery of the variation j 6 Of the axifnuth compafi 17 \fo make artificial magnet $ lo To obferve by the azinutth compafs 2 1 Section 111. Of amplitude p. 236 To work them \ \y %^^^"^^^; ;;t- II I by Iraverfe table 20 Section IV. 0/'tfz/a//;i p. 239 1 by Gunter's fcale 29 Section V. Of the variation of the compafs p. 242 What the variation is art. 30 To find the variatitn 3 1 To correct courfes by variation 32 Section VI. Of leeway p- 244 TVhat^ and how allowed for art. 33 To correSi the courfes 35 Section VII. Of quadrants p. 245 Of Davis's quadrant art. 36 40 41 42 50 51 52 53 54 255 Of the fore-flaf Of Hadley's quadrant To reSlify and obferve by it Jfnprovements Of an artificial horizon Corrections^ by the dip By ref ration By parallax Tables for cor reSf ions of alts, p Section VIII. Of comparing and cor re citing tim? p. 256 To find the time^ and correSi the vjatch 258 S E c T 1 o N J X . To find the latitude at Jea p. 261 iji. By decl. and %en. dijl. art. 60 id. By decl. and equal alts. 63 3^/. By 3 %en. dijl, at equal inter- vals ^ near noon 64 j\.ih. By 3 zen. diji. at unequal in' tervalsy near noon dy . By declination^ two ahitudesy the interval of time., lat. by ac- count^ and courfe and dijlance run bettveen the obfervfition 75 S E c T I o N X . To find the longitude at fea p. 289 Method^ of correcting the long, 290 Method I. By a current art. 79 II. By the courfe and dijl. 8q III. By the variation chart 85 IV.' By a perfeSi time-keeper 89 V. By the fun's declination 92 VI. By the moon' s culminating 93 VH. By cclipfes of Jupiter' s fa- tellites 94 VI II. By eclipfes of the moon 97 IX. By occultation ofjlars 98 To obferve the angular dijlance of celejlial objects 102 To correal the obferved angular dijlance 107 Compendium for obtaining the true angular dijlance^ with examples 108 Mr. JVitchelPs method 109 To find the Greenwich time aii- Jwering to a given dijlance no Method X. Longitude by obfer- vations of dijl. and alts. 1 1 1 XI. Longitudes by obfervations of the dijlance only 112 Sect. XI. Of a Jhip's reckoning P'3'7 Of dead reckoning and the log-book art. 113 General precepts 114 Four independent dap works to 120 Journal CONTENTS, journal of a voyage from England to Madeira in 27 days^ with each dfifs work p. 324 to 341 Appendix p. 342 Theory of Davis's quadrant art. 124 Theory of Hadley's quadrcfnt 126 Dip of the horizon 128 Of refraiiion 130 OflatitHde 131 Facials problem *^^ 133 De la Caille on longitude 1 35 Of the Moon's ph^es 136 Of the time of high-water 1 37 Of the Moon's rifjng 14 1 Tables of ' logarithms of numbers^ fines and tangents from p. 353 to 393J FORTIFICATION. PART I, OF XANP FORTIFICATIONS, From Page i Section I. Of lines p. 2 ifVhat, and where ufed art. 6 to g Dimenfions and conJlruSiion to 1 7 Section II. Of batteries p. 7 Several kinds art. 18 Of the ditch and parapet Platform and magazine Afafcine battery Acofft 22, 23 28, 32 34 38 46 50 offer battery To conJiruB embrafures Profiles of batteries Section III. Additional works p. 16 Of ramps and bar bets 51*56 Of cavaliers and traverfes 58, 59 Of pallifadts and barriers bi^di Of redoubts and redan 63, 71 Section IV. Fortifying of towns P-23 Definitions grt, 73 to 84 General principles 85 Table for regular works 86 To draw the majler-line J89 To make the rampart 93 To make the fofs and efplanade 98 104 J 09 112 114 ii5 to Page 52, Of gates Ofjireets and buildings Of bridges Orillon and retired flank Double and cajemated flanks Section V. Of works for the de- fence of the fofs p. 38 Oftenails, caponiers^ and rams- horns art. 117 to 12a Section VI. Of outworks p. 39 Neceffary obfervations Of the ravelin Of Coehorn's ravelin Of counter guards Of the tenaillon Of horn and crown-works Of the covered-way, glacis, and places of arms 139 Of traverfes and fally-ways 1 42 Of comTnunications 144 Of works beyond the glacis 145 Of profiles 148 Con/ir unions of profiles 152 Of irreg ular fortifications 160 122 123 129 131 132 13s PART 11, OF MARINE FORTIFICATIONS. From Page 52 to Page 76. Of proper forts and their difpofl- tion 187 Section III. Of booms P 58 To lay a boom art. 191 In ajlraight channel 193 In the bend of a river 195 General maxims 198 Section I. Of harbours P- 52 Artificial harbours art. 1 70 Natural harbours lyi Section II. Of the fortifying of roads and harbours p. 53 Exemplified in five forts from art. 174 to 185 Of the figure andfize of forts J 8 6 6 Section CONTENTS. Section IV. Of mooring flAps \>. 63 Of mooring in regard to the fi ream art. 200 Of mooring in regard to the wind . . \^ 204 Section V. Of gallant anions p. 65 Battle ^f Santa Cruz. 1657 art. 207 Atlion at Londonderry i6^g 208 Action at Gibraltar 1 693 art.lOO Difpofttion at Cadiz. 210 Difpofition ati St. fohn's 1 697 211 Battlq of Vigo 1 702 2 1 Z A^ion at Carthagena 1741 213 Aoiion in river Hughly IT Si 214 Siege of Louijburg 1758 215 Taking of ^tebec 1759 216 Vol L Plate Page Spherics I. 125 fn.III.195 AjironomyX IV. 224 t V. 250 Geography VI. ' 329 In this Treatife are XVI . Plate. Vol. II. Plane failing Plate Page Globular ^XU. i^i Sailing I XIII. 202 DaysJVorksXW, 352 Fort if ca- f XV. 22 tm. tXVI. 76. ERRATA. VOLUME I. P. 34, 1. 7 and 8, from the bottom, and p. 98, I. 9,/c?r Nepier, read Napier. D C P. 63,1. 28, 29, and 30, /or bc, r. ac. P. 71, 1. \,far--y r. . , P. 77, I. 22, /or (art.) 145, r. 146. P. ^29, h 22, for (art.) 213, r. 212. P. 132, 1. 9, /or ABS, r. ABL ; 1. 28, for af, r. fr, and /or ar, r. FR ; 1. 39,/w- AR, r. FR ; and 1. 3i,yor abe, r. bae.^ P. 138, I. 10, for a/, r. Af. P. 223, 1. 4, /or viii q ix, r. viii ^ iv. P. 225, 1- 40, /or tfii O, r. YO. P- 337> 1; 3' ? 388, 1. 37, and p. 389, 1. 27, for Manilla, r. Manila. P. 35--, in the title, for Geograpay, r. Geo- graphy. P. 395, catch-word, /or Siera, r. Siara. V O L U M E II. P. 144, 1. 2, 10, z^, 41, 42, and 44, for Napeir, r. Napier. P. 301, 1. 4 and 5,/r Regulus, r. Spica Virginis., -P. 307, I. 6,/or enlightened limb, r..cenur.- P. 351, 1. 9 and i6,/orIV.,r. VI, DISSERTATION ON THE RISE AND PROGRESS O F T H E Modern ART of NAVIGATION. IT has been much difputed to whom the world was obliged for the mariner's compafs. A late Italian writer indeed contends, after many *, that the honour of the invention is due to Flavio Gioja of Jtnalfi in Campania^ who lived about the beginning of the I4.th cen- tury t, though others fay it came from the Eail, and was earlier known in Europe %- However that may be, it is certain, this wonderful dif- covery gave rife to the prefent art of navigation ; which feems to have made fome progrefs during the voyages, that were begun in the year 1420, by Henry Duke of Vifcd ||. This learned Prince, brother to Ed- ward King of Portugal^ was particularly knowing in cofmography, and fcnt for one mafter ^James from the ifland oi Majorca, to teach naviga- tion, and make inftruments and charts for the fea. Thefe voyages being greatly extended, the art v/as improved under the fucceeding monarchs of that nation. For Roderic and yofeph, phy- f.cians to King yohn the Second, together with onfe Martin de Bohemia, a Pcrtuguefe native of the ifland oi Fayal, fcholar to RegiomontaKus, about the year 1485, calculated tables of the Sun's declination, for the ufe of the failors, and recommended the aftrolabe for taking obfcrvations at The famous Chrijhphcr Colwnhus is faid, before he attempted the dif- covcry of yfw^r/t(7, to have confukcd Martin d: Bohemia, v/irji other?, and during the courfe of his voyage to have inftruited the Spaniards In * Suitable to that verfe oS Panncrm:ta>:a, P imn dedit na.it: s ujum ma^ncti Jma^phh. \ S':eS]gnor Crr^orio Grif!:a/di's Diffcrtation on tliis fubjecl in the Mem:>!rs of the Etri'/cuft Accidemy of Cor/ona, torn. iii. p. 193, printed at R.me ii I Hl^'ioire des Mathettanq: es, par M. Mofttuch, a Pa' is, 175?). i| MarianiT Hilt. Uijpan. lib. .xx. cap. 1 1, and lib. xxvi. C.ip. 1 7. Id gunt'.r, Decados d'Afia par j. di Burnos, lib. xvi. i 5-z. %\ Majj'ai Hillor. Indii:. lib, i. p. 6. printed at Fio'cnce ia 15^8. y 'H., I. :i navigation ; ii DISSERTATION on the RISE, kc. navigation *; for the improvement of which art, the Emperor Charht the Fifth afterwards founded a led^ure at Seville f. ThiT variation of the fea-compafs could not be long a fecret. ColumbuSy on the 14th of September 149?., obferved it, as his fon Ferdinand affert^ if, though others fcem to attribute that difcovery to Scbajiian (hbot ||. And as this variation differs in different places, Gonzales d' Oviedi found there was none jvt the jlx'-res^ ; where fome geographers have thought fit in their maps to njake their firlf meridian to pafs through one of thofe iflands j it not being then known, that the variation altered in time,' ' The ufe of the Crofs Staff" now began to be introduced amongft the Sailors. This very ancient inftrument being defcribcd by "Johrt IVerner of Nuremberg^ in his Jnnc'atiotn on the firft book oi Ptolemy's Geography, printed in 1514; he recoiuniends it for obferving the dilhmce between the Moon and fome ftar, in order thence to determine the longitude. Werner feems.to hive been the greateft geometer, as well as aftronomer, of the time. In 1522, he publifhed a trat ^, containing a fpecimen of the conies, with fome folid problems, and alfo he there determined the preceflion of the equinox more cxacffly than it had been done. But the art of navigation Hill remained very imperfect, from the con- llant ufe of the plane-chart, the grofs errors of which mult h'ive often mifled the mariner, efpecially in voyages far diflant from the equator. Its precepts were probably at firft only fct down on the earlicft fea- charts, as that cuftom is continued to this day ; and larger directions have been \ifually premifed by the Dutch^ to colIe6iions of their charts called JVu' goner's, from the name of the publifher : 1 he Dutch call thefe col- lections alfo by many other afteded titles, fuch as Fiery-Columns, Sea- Bcaccns, Mirrors, Atlajfcs, Sic. At length, there v/erc publifhed in Spani/h two treatifes, containing a fyftcm of the art, v/liich were in great vogue j the liril by Pedro de Aledina at VaHadolid^ I 545? called Arte de Nai/e^ar ; the other at Seville, in 1556, by Martin Cortes, with this title. Breve Compondio de la Sphera, y de la Arte de Natiegar con nueuos Injirumcntos y Rcglas. The author of this lafl tra(5l fays, he compofed it at Cadiv. in 154.5. Thefe feem to have been the oklcft writers, who had fully handled thisfubjectj for Medina, in his dedication to Philip Prince oi Spain, '* La Kiiloria general y natural Je !.is Indlas par Gor.zalle? de Miedo, en Scvilla, 1535. Aud Defcriptione de Jas IfiJias Occidentile, de Antonio de lierrera, en Madrid, 1601. f Hcicldtijt, in the dedication of his ^<:9i volnn-.e of Voyages, printed in 1599. i In G;/.YW,i.vi's life v.'rinen in Spar.ifh, which is \ery fcarce, but it was printed in Italian at Venice in 1571. II See Livio Safiulo's Geographia, zt the fan-,e place in 1585. Dr. IFilUam divert, de Maonite> Lordor., 1600; and Ptirchai'% Pilg'ivi, in 1625, vol. I. % Cabot, ;i I'entlian by birth, firfc ferved our King Henry the feventh, then the King of 5/.7/^7, and laftly, returning \.o England, he was conilituied grand pilot by King Ed'-.vard \\iz lixth, with an annua! falary of above 160 pounds. Of this famous navigator and his expeditions, many writers have made men- tion, bo.h foreigners and Enghjh, as Peter Martyr, Ramufeo, H^nera, Hoiin- JJ:fd. Lord Bacon, and'particulariy Hackhiyt and Purchas, in their Colkdions of Voyages. fi Opera Mathmatica at Nuremhrg, in quarto. laments^ OF NAVIGATION. iii laments, that multitudes of ftiips daily perlfhed at fea, becaufe there were neither teachers of the art, nor books by which it might be learnt; and Cortes^ in his dedication, boafts to the Emperor, that he^was the firft who had reduced navigation into a compendium^ enlarging much on what he had performed *. Mei'ina gave ridiculous dire.k, intitlcd, 1 radado de la ^:s ; the Flemijh edition, I have ken, vva^ at Jntiijsrp in 1580; perhaps it had been printed before. \ In the latter editions fome miftakes in the tranflation are corredcd. Cortes fets down the places of the Surv for a twelvemonth, with an eqm- t!On-table to corrcft thofs places, (ervivp^ for many year? to come ; a. id alfo A:\oi'u(;i tabic to find the Sur-'s declinr.tion fro;n hi-s longitude being given. a 2 ii^ W DISSERTATION oh/ the RISE, &c. in onler to find the latitude, from his meridian altitude ; to do the fcime thing by thofe tailed the guard-ftars in the north, and the croliers in the fouth ; of the courfe of the Sun and Moon ; the length of the days ; of time and its divifions ; to find the hour of the day, and by the nocturnal that of the night ; and laflly, a dcfcription of the fea-chart, on which to difcover where the fhip is, they made ufe of a fmall table, that {hewed, upon an alteration of one degree in the latitude, how many leagues were run on each rhumb, together with the departure from the meridian. Be- lidcs fome inftrumcnts were dcfcribed, efpeciaily by Cortes; as one to find the place and declination of the fun, with the days and place of the JVIoon ; certain dials, the aftrolabe and crofs-flalF, with a complex ma- chine to difcover the hour and latitude at once. And after this manner the art continued to be treated, though from time to time improvements were made by the following authors. As TVenier had propofed to find the longitude by obfervations on the Moon ; (o Geir.ma Frifius^ in a tract: intitled De Principiis Ajh'onomia et Cof?nographi^, printed at ^H/wrr/) in 1530, advifed the keeping of the time by means of fmall clocks or watches for the fame purpofe, then, as he fays, lately invented. He alfo contrived a new fort of crofs-ftaff, which he defcribes in his treatifc jD^ Radio Jjironomico et Geometrico, printed at the fame place 1545, and in his additions to Peier Jpicn'^ Cofmography, gives the figure of an inftrument, he calls a Nautical Sluadrant^ as very iifeful in navigation, promifing to write largely on the lubje6t j accord- ingly, in an edition he made 9i553, [of '^'^ above-mentioned book Dc Principiis Ajlronomice^ Sec. he delivers fevcral nautical axioms^ as he calls them, which with fume alterations were repeated by his fon Cornelius Gemrria^ in a .poflhumnus piece of his father on the Univerfal Ajirolabe., publifhed in 1556. Gcunna FrifiUs died in 1555, aged 45 years. With us Dr. IFilliam Cunningham^'ui his C'^Jinographical Glafs, printed in 1559, amongft other thmi^s briefly treats of navigation, efpeciaily fbew- ing the ufe of the Nauticnl ^ladrar.t^ much praifing that inftrument. But a greater senius than thefe undertook this fubje^l; for the famous mathematician Pedro Nuvcx, or Nonius^ having fo early as 1=^37 pub- liflied a book, written in the Poriuguefe language, to explain a difficulty in navigation propofed to him -by the commander Don Martin Jlphonfo de Sufa; which was thirty years after printed ;it Bafil., in Latin, with the .iddition of a fccond book, the v.'hc;lc intitled ek Arte et Ratione Navi- gandi; where \w. cxpofes, both truly and Icariicdlv, tiie errors of the plane- charti and befides gives the folution oT ijvcral curious Aflronomical Pro- blems, amongil v.'hich is that of determining tb;; latitude from two obfer- f<:-r\'ations ot' the; Sun's altitude and the in.tcrmcdiate azimuth being given. lie alio deli\'c;-s jiuny ufeful advices about the art of navigation, parti- cularly how to pi'rform its operatioiis on the globe. He obfervcd, that though the tiblique rhum.bs are fpiral li:K-3, yet theoircirt courfe of a fhip wlil alv/ays be the arch of fome great circle, v.'hereby the angle v/ith the meridians wi^l continually change ; al! that the fleerfman can here do i'nr the preferviii.;; of the original rhumb ir. to correcSt thefe deviations, as :. on as they appear fenfible. But thus the fnip will in reality defcribe a cwiiric v.'ithout the rliumb-linc intended ; and therefore his calcuLniuns h;; ;;;Tig!iing the latitude, wheje any rhumb-line crt'lles the fcvc.al me- ridians, OF N A VI G AT I O N. v ridians, will be m fome meafure erroneous. He alfo again fets dov;n his method of divifion of a quadrant by concentric circles *, which he had defcribed in his ingenious treatife de Crepufculis^ printed in 1542, ima- gining it had been pra(Slifed by Ftohiny. There were alfo* added other tracts of his, but the completelT: edition of his Latin works was made by himfelf at Coimbra in 1573. His treatife oi Algebra^ written in Spamjh., was printed zt Antwerp fix years before. In 1577 Mr. William Bourne published his treatife f, intidcd, A Re^ gimcnt for the Sea, which he defigned as a fupplement to Cortes, whom he frequently quotes. Befides many things common with others. Bourne gives a table of the places and declinations of thirty-two principal ftars, in order to find the latitude and hour 3 as alfo a larger tide-table than that publifhed by Mr. Leonard Digges, in 1556 |. He fliews, by con- fidering the irregularities in the Moon's motion, the errors pf the failors in finding her age by the epa61: ; and alfo in their determining the hour from obferving upon what point of the compafs the Sun and Moon ap- peared. He advifes in failing towards high latitudes to keep the rec- koning by- the globe, as there the plane-chart errs moft. He defpairs of our ever being able to find the longitude by any inllrument, unlefs the variation of the compafs fhould be cauftd by feme fuch attratSlive point, s Cortes had imagined. 'I'hough of this he doubts, and as he had fliewn how to find the variation of the compafs at all times, he advifes to keep an account of the obfervations, as ufeful to difcover thereby the place of a fhip; which advice_the famous Simon Stevin profecuted at large in a treatife pubiifhed at Leyden in 1599, intitled Portuum invejligandorum Ratio Metaphrajfo Hugone Grotio ; the fubftance of which was the fame year printed at London in EngUj]), by Mr. Edvjard Wright ^ intitled The Haven- finding Art. But the molt remarkable thing in this ancient tracl Is, the defcribing of the way by which our fii'ors efiimatcd the rate a fhip made in lier courfe, by an inftrument called the log. This was fo named from the piece of wood, or Ic);-:, that floats in the water, while the time is reckoned during which the line that is faflened to it is veering out. The author of this device is not known, anil I find no farther mention of it till 1607, in aa Lajl-Jndia voyage, publiflied by Purchas ; but from that time its name occurs in other voyages, thiit are ainongft his coUeclions. And hencc- torv/ard it became famous, being taken notice of, both by our own au- t'w;-s, and by foreigners; as by Gu'ter in 1623, Snetlius in 1624, A4e- tius in 1&31, Oughred \n 1633, Herigone in lb2-\-, Solton/lall 'ii\ i6'^6, A'jrwQod in 1637, P^-'^'-i^i' i'l 1643; and indeed by almolt all the fuc- ceeding writers on navigation, of every country. And it continues to be Hill in ufe as at firir, tliough attempts have been often made to iin- * The adiiiirabie (.liviuin, now fo much in ufe, is a very great impiovjnicu of ihii ; fo thru when tlic famou?! Dr. E.l-niinia and Cortes. Hie author was Royal Leclurer at Seville, and contributed much to the reforming the fca ch.rts ; as we arc told by his fucccflor, /hidres Garcia de Cefpedes^ who alfo pubiiiiied a treatife of navigation -dt Af a arid, in 1606. As globes may be very fcrvicca'ule for the mariner, Mr. Edward Mul~ lineux fet forth in i 59?., at the charges of ivlr. IVilUam Sanderfon mer- chant i-, a pair much larger than thofe the famous geographer (7i.7V7/-./ Mercator publiflicd in 154.1. On the terrcCcrial one v.'cre dcfcribcd many new difcovered countries, aud traced out tliC relpective voyages round the world by Sir FraKcis Drake in 1577, and Mr. Thomas Can.:;])) \\\ 1 586, with tl'.e procrrels hir Adartin Frobijher had made towards the north in 1^,76, to a place called t^.is Slraiis. . * l/^cHjt'sVoysgcs, vol. i. p. 4 17, printed in 1599. f ?.];. ca'i--/e'r/o,i was commended for his knowledge as well as gcnerofiif. to ingenious ii;cn. a 4 TiiclL- viii DISSERTATJON on the RISE, Sec, Thefe globes were accompanied with a tranot liking an improvement in their art, faying, that they were like thofe v/hofe ignorance Mafter Bourne had expofcd, repeating Bourne's very words. *' Though this great improvement in navigation by Wright has been em-braced and followed by all proper judges ; yet fome undifcerning perfons have of late, even amongft us, found fault with it, particularly Henry JFilfon^ author of a Treatife on Navigation, by a propofal for a curvilinear fea-chart^ in 1 720 ; 2nd the Rev. Mr. Wejl^ of Exeter^ in a poflhumous piece, printed in 1762. But their cavih were fufficiently obviated ; thofe of che firll by Mr. Hafeldcn^ in his Me,rcators Chart, and in his Reply, both printed in 1722 ; and of the fecond, by Mr. JVllliam Mowttaine^ in the Philofophical Tranfa6lions, vol. LIII. p. 69. Anno 1763." V In 1610 a fecond edition of Mr. Wright'' ?, book was publifhed, and dedicated to Prince Henr-y, his royal pupil f, where the author inferred farther improvements ; particularly, he propofed an excellent way of de- termining the magnitude of the Eartli ; at the fame time recommending, very judicioufly, the making our common meafures in fome fettled pro- poi tion to that of a degree on its furface, that they might not depend on tiic uncertain length of a barley-corn. Some of his other improveme.'i.ts were ; The Table of Latitudes for dividing the meridian, computed to m.inutes ; whereas before it was but to every tenth minute, and the fliort table fent by him to Blundrollle to degrees only : An inftrument, he calls the Sea-rings, by which the varia- tion of the compaf-, alrituJe of the Sun, and time of the day, may be de- termined rcndily at once in ar.y place, provided the latitude be known : The correciing of the errors ariling trcm the excentricity of the eye in obf.Tving by the crof^^-fiaff: A total amendment in the Tables of the declinations and pL^.ces of the 'twn and ftars, iro:n his own obfcrvations, ir,:K!e v.'itli a fix -foot quadrant, in the years 1 594, 95, 96, :md 97: A f.a-qur.drant, to t;ikc altitudes by a forward or backv/ard obfervation, and Iii-:cwirc v/irh a contrivance fi.>r the ready hnding the latitude by the hf^'f^ht of the i'C:j-!lp.;-, when not upon the nicridian. And that his book mi2;ht be the better underftood by bcr;inr.crs, in this edition is fubjoined a tranflation of tiiC above-mentioned V^mncrano'i Corv.pcndiinr. ; he correift- acl: )Oivlii!:.rcc! the obligriii-^r, S.c lyn-^o^'i preface, wiicre he complains cf H'.iiai..s'i pi(,C-( d:rv ; ai.d farther relauj, hfivv his book, a copy c;f which hiwi-.io hcc.-i prr! 'liud t.j tli-v I'rrl cf C^.:\lerlufJ, liad liked to jiave come rut iMuU'i ih t,ri;ijc of a [anic:; rsv^.;to", whom, frcin fomc circuTiillances there n-.tf;'inrfd, I iir.n;';iiL' to f avc bt-u Airaha-n Ki\d.iL ' I'L'.Uj phica. l'iaiijuc:ic?is, for 1 696, IS z:g. t In i^;j7 a V-' '^'ciition was ;r.-.!-iliIhed by TVir. 7-/cjJj ?-u'x-n, \v>,ctc <:' ? de- dication i, m-advir.dly left our, nnd iU the c-.d is added by [i.c tn-.i or the above-!!. ri,t.<-r,-:d Ilavfr. J.raincr A't, ?.% :ilfj ^' ri^[:\ ur.ivcii.il mnr, itr-.rovc4 bv the uiuxv.fic. rr.idc !i -cc i:ib time. xiv DISSERTATION on the RISE, &c, ing fomc millakcs in the original, and adding a large tabic of the variation of the compafs obicrved in very different parts of the vk^orld, to fhew it is not occnlioncd by -.my mnj^netical pole. This excellent perfon was allowed fifty pounds a year (no inccnH- derable fum at that time) by the EaJI India Company, for reading a leturc of navigation ; he alfo projected the conveying water to London^ but was prevented from executing his fcheme by dcfigning men, which is frequently the cafe. Whilil he led a ftudious and retired life, his repu- tation was fo far known, that Qiicen Elizabeth granted, in 15S9, a dif- tcnfation for his abfcnce from the univerftty, in order to accompany the Earl of Cumberland in the expedition to the Azores \ as I am informed by Sir Jamei Burroughs Matter of Cains College, vvhofe fine talle in archi- tecture, part of the new buildings in Cambridge fhew, they rendering the reft of thbfe buildings a difgrace to that famous feat of learning, which has produced many great men, as, (to mention here only mathematicians) jyright, Briggs, Oughtred^ Dr. Pcll^ Fojler^ Hcrrox, Bai?rbridge, Bifliop TVardy Dr. JVaUisy Dr. Barrow, Rookcy Sir Ifaac Newton, Cotes, and Dr. Brook Taylor, Wright\ improvements on Mcrcator's chart became foon known abroad. In 1608 were piiblifhed the Hypomncmata Mathematica of the above- mentioned Siinon Stevin, compoled for the ufe of Prince Adaurice. In the part concerning navigation, the author, having treated of failing on a great circle, and fliewn how to draw mechanically the rhumbs on a globe, fcts- down JFrighfs two tables of latitude and of rhumbs, in or- der to di'fcribe thofe lines more accurately ; and in an appendix he com- mends i/i-i, fjicws a miftakc committed by Nonius in relation to the rhumbs, and pretends to h:\ve diicovcrcJ an error in ^P'right's latter table ; but IFright himfelf, in the fecond edition of his book, has fully anfwercd all Strvin's objeflions, demonf^rating that they arofe from his grois way of calculating. And in 1624 the learned Willehrsrdus Snellius, ProfefTor of the I'.Iathe- matics at Leydcn, publifhed his Typhis Batavus*, a treatife of navigation en JVrigijC?' plan, written fomcwhat obfcurely. In the introduction are praifed Nonius, Meycaior, Steviv, Hues, and IFright. But fince what had been performed by our arlifts on this fubjedt, is not there particu- larly declared, as are the improvements made by the others ; it has hap- pened that fome have attributed JVright's priiicipal difcovery to this au- thor. Thus Albert Girard, wlio in 1634 publifhed a French tranflation c,f Sieving Works with note?, in one of them obfervcs, that Sncllius had calculated, what he calls. Tabula Canouica Paralleloriim, to minutes as far as 70 degrees ^ wliereas JPYight had fet forth in 16 10 fuch a' table fo calculated to 89 degrees 59 minutes; notwithflanding which M. de Lag;^, in the Memoirs of the I-loval Academy of Sciences at Paris for 1 yo3, treating of the Ccrrc^ed Chart^ fays, c'ejl IVillebrord Sn-elUus qui * In 1617 had been publiflT^d his Eratofthtnes Batavus, where is given an account of his meafuiing the earth. , Of N A V I G A T I O N. xv eft eft l^nventeur. But the French writers now acknowledge our coun* tryman to have been its author*. SnelUus was followed in Holland by Adrian Melius^ in a treatife, in- titled, Pri?nu7n Mobile, printed zt Amjierdam, in 1631 ; and in Francehy the learned Peter Herigone, in his Curfus Mathematicus, where, in the de* di cation of the fourth tome to the Marfhal BaJJhmpire, the author fays, Artem navigandi in cenfu Alathematices non repofuere pleriqtie nojlrum, ncque fan} in hunc ordlKem afcribi meruit^ quandiu cased tantiim nautarum praxi cckbrata ejl ; riur.c vera cum inventis tabidis loxodromicis (quas nos primiim Gallis exhibemus) fortnam certain jirmafque leges acceperit fine injuria omitti non potefl. But to return to our countrymen. Mr, Wright, in the 12th chapter, having fhewn how to find the place of a fhip on his chart, obferved, the fame might be performed more ac- curately by calculation ; b:it confidering, as he fays, that the latitudes, and efpcciaily the courfes at fea, could not be determined fo precifely, he forbore fctting down particular examples ; as the mariner may be al- lowed to fave himfclf this trouble, and onlv mark out upon his chart, when truly conftructed, the (hip's way after the manner then ufually praiStifed. - However, in i6i4t5 ^'f'*. Raphe Handfon, among his nautical quef- tions fubjoined to a tranflation of Pitifcus's Trigonometry, folved very diftinctlv every cafe of navigation, by applying arithmetical calculations to Wright's, table of latitudes, or of meridional parts, as it has fince been caiicd. And bcfidcs, though the method JFright difcovered for determining the change of longitude by a i^a^) failing on a rhumb, is the adequate means of performing it 5 Har.dfon propofed two v/ays of approximation for that purpoie, without the aflillance of Upright's divifion of the meridian line. The hril was computed by the arithmetical niejan between the co-fines of both latitudes j the otiier by the fame mejn betwceji their fccants, as an alterriativc, v/hen [y'ri^ht's book was not at hand, thouirh this latter is wider from the itu'lIi than the hrH ; and farther he fhewed by the afore- l.'.id calcLili'lio:;?, how much each of thcfe cc?r:pendlums deviates from the truth, and :\\U^ ho.v erroneouflv the computations on the principles of the pLin- chart dilcr from them all. There h another method of approximation, by what Is called The A'TiddJe La^icuJe J, v/hich, thoujh it errs more than that by the arithme- tical mean iKtwcea the co-Hncb ; yet being Icfs operofe, is that generally ufed b.y our fiilors ; notv.ithilanoing the arithmetical mean between the ]u_,arir!::nic co-li;/--.--, ccjuivr.lcnt to the geometrical mean between the co- l;;-._s t'!)cn.l"Jvf. ;., !;ad !-.-.;i fmce propofed by Air. fobn Baffat j|, which in },ig!i L.titUv'cjb ;> ;"j;::::\v;i..t prcterahle. c' cj} qu 0". c-',' ;//',i:,i'jd in 1635. \ f/.v ,..'<-!"? wnr(:s, !,:!l prnitcd in r'.z-:,. ij .\b;u- I' .0, i:i a il::ilc.gi!e wh.ii h wr.s p'.'blifl'.cd after the ni-tbnr'r, ifeath, in ar: ^p^c:r..'.>. ;c lii: Puibi^ny to fi^J\J S.u.'r^. F'-J^i' ^ '--''n a icjchcr Cjf itvi DISSERTATION on the RISE, &c. The computation by the middle latitude, will always fall fliortof th? true change of longitude ; that, by the geometrical mean, will always exceed ; but that, by the arithmetical mean^ fall fbort in latitudes above 45 degrees, nnd exceed in lefler latitudes. However, none of theft' me- thods, when the change in latitude is fufficicntly fmall, will deviate grtatly from the real change in longitude. About this time logarithms* began to be introduced into the practice of the mathematics ; and as they are of excellent ufc in the art of navi- gation, we fhall here fay fomcthiug about their original. Thefe were invented by 'John Napier, Baron of Marchijloun in Scot- land, as appears from his treatife, intitled, Mirific'i Logarhhmorian Canonis Defcript'id, firfl: printed in 16141. Soon after, the author communicated to Mr. Henry Brings, Profeflor of geometry at Grejhatn college in Lon- don Xt another form of logarithms ; with which Mr. Briggs was fo well pleafcd, that he immediately fct about computing a very large table of them, which he pubJifhcd in 1624, with his Arithynetica Logarilhmica )|. But in the mean time, as a fpecimen, he printed in 1617 a fev/ copies for his own ufe and that of his friends, of a very fmall one, not exceeding a thoufand natural numbers. From this table Mr. Edmund Gnntcr, Mr. Briggs""?, colleague in Aftro- jiomy, computed one of artificial fines and tangents to every minute of the quadrant, which he publiflied in '1620, being the firfl of its kind . And when he made an edition of his works three years after, both thefe tables v/crc fubjoined to his book. of naviention at Chatham, and well made out what he undertook, that a (hip would return to the place it departed from, by failing on the fame rhumb, contrary to what Fuller and others had maintained. At the end of tliis difcourfe, he ?.ppUes his compendium to the three principal problsyns in failirg- * Th foundation of logarithms is a pro-erty of two feries of numbers, rn; in ^rirhr.ictica!, the other in geometrical proportion; which property ia dec'ared by Archimedei ia his Arcnarius. -t In 16:9 was made, after the author's death, a fecond edition, with his farther improvements in Spherical l>i,'^onometry. J He was in 1 619 appointed by Sir Henry Sa'ville, his profeiTor of geometry at Oxford. II Adrian Vla.q made an edition of this book at Tergou, in 1628, where the table of logarithms was continued by him to one hundred thoufand number?, thou-h the" logarithms themfelves are but to ten places, whereas in Briggs^s book~they weie to fourteen. Seme conies of /'Vary's tables were purchafed by our bookfellers, and published at LonJon, v/ith an EngUJh explanation pre- ir.ifed, dated 1631. f Vlacn alfo pubiilhed, at the {zms. place, in 1633, his Trigoncfnetria Artifi- ciaiis, with tables of logarithmic fines and tangents to every tenth ftcond of the quadrant. V'.arn'f, tables have a great reputation for their exafln.fs, as Skirrcjin'z f.ifl editio'n in 1706, and Gardiner 5 in 1742, have amongil us. M ce FcnteneUc, in the Hifiory of the Academy of Sciences for 17 17, com- Ti ends an cclition of Via.q'i fmallcr table?, made at Lyons, in 1670, as does M. de la Lande, in his Allionomv, printed at ?aiii, in 1761, tables publifhed lir.re in ijLo. There OF NAVIGATION. xvii There he applied to navigation, according to Wright's table of meri- dional partSj as well as to other branches of the mathematics, his ad- mirable Ruler *, on which were infcribed the logarithmic lines for num- bers and for fines and tangents of arcfies. He a!fo greatly improved the jed^or f for the fame purpofes. And he fliewed how to take a back ob- fervation by the crofs-ftafF, whereby the error, arifmg from the excen- tricity of the eye, is avoided ; defcribing likewife an inffriiment of his invention, named by him a Crofs-Bow, for taking altitudes of the Sun or ftars, with fome contrivances for the more ready colledling the latitude from the obfervation X. The difcoveries relating to the logarithms were carried to France by Mr. Edmund IVingate, who, going to Paris in 1624, publifhed in that' city two fmall tradls in French |!, and dedicated them both to Gafion^ the King's only brother. In the firft he teaches the ufe of Gunter's ruler, and in the other, of the tables of logarithms and artificial fines and tangents, as modelled according to Napier's laft form, attributed by IVm- gate to Briggs^ which is a millake ; as appears from the dedication of Napier's Rabdologia, printed in i6i6, and from what Mr. Briggs himfelf faid in the preface of his Arithmetica Logarithmica. The Reverend Mr. JVilliam Oughtred projected this ruler into a cir- cular arch, fhewing fully its ufes in a treatife firft printed in 1633, intitled. The Circles of Proportion ; where, in an appendix, are well handled feveral important points in navigation. It has been made in the form of a Sliding Ruler. See Scth Partridge's ufe of the double fcale in 1662. As by the logarithmic tables all trigonometrical calculations are great- ly facilitated; fo the firft author, who, I find, has applied them to the cafes of failing, was Mr. Thomas Addifon^ in his treatife, intitled. Arith- metical Navigation^ printed in 1625. He alio gives two traverfe tables with their ufes, the one to quarter points of the compafs, the other to degrees. Mr. Henry Gellibrand^ Mr. Gunfrrs fuccefibr at Grejham College, publifticd his difcovery of the changes in the variation of the compafs in a fmall qaarto pamphlet, intitled, A Difcourfe Mathematical on the Varia- tion of the Magnetical Needle^ printed in 1035. This extraordinary //?:o/>ietry, adapted to the invention of logarithms, particularly in ap- plying Napt^\ general canons f . The author having, as he fays, ac- quired his knowledge in the mathematics at fea Xi efpecially Ihewed the ufe of trigonometry in the three principal kinds of navigation. And towards the farther improvement of that art, he undertook a laborious work for examining the divifion of the log-line. As altitudes of the Sun are taken on Ihip-board, by obferving his ele- vation above the vifible horizon ; to collecl from thence the Sun's true altitude with corrciStncfs, Ji^rtght obfcrves it to be necefTary.^ that the dip of the horizon below the obferver's eye ihould be brought into the account, which cannot lie calculated without knowing the magnitude of the earth. Hence he was led to propoie diiF^rent methods for finding this ; but complains, that the mofl: effecflual was out of his power to execute ; and therefore contented himfclf with a rude attempt, in fome ineufure fufficient for his purpofe : and the dimenfions of the Earth de- duced by him correfponded fo well with the ufual divifions of th^- log- line, that as he wrote not an exprefs treatife on navigation, but oidy for the corre^Ttiiig fuch errors, as prevailed in general practice, the lag -line did not fall tinder iiis notice. But Mr. Nottvood^ for regulating this in- flrumcnt upon genuine principles, put in execution the method Mr. Wright recommends, as the moll: perfe6l for meafuring the dimenlion of the Karth, with the true length of the degrees of a great circle upon it ; and, in 1635, actually meafured the diftance between London and York ; from whence, and the fummer-folftitial altitudes of the Sun obferved on the meridian at both place?, he found a degree on a great circle of the Earth to contain 367196 EngUjh feet, equal to 57300 French fathoms or toifes, wliich is very exad ; as appears from many meafures, that have been made fince that time. In the Hiftory of the E.oyal Academy of Sciences at Paris for 1712, p. 19. it is faid by M. de Fontenelle, that the learned Peter GaJJ'endl was the prin- cipal dft-OiCrer of this property; but GaJJhidi himfelf acknowledged that he had before received informiition of Ge'///'^r;?lorwood'5 expert' ment.] And this advertifemcnt is continued in the fubfequent editions, as I find it in one-printed fo lately as 1732. Norwood's meafure therefore, though it was not knov.'n to the great Sir Ifaac Neiuton in his youth, v/as not buried in oblivion, on account of the confufions occafioned by our civil wars, as M. de Voltaire has been pleafed to fay * ; on the contrary, it has been conftantly commended by our writers on navigation : as by Mr. Henry Bond, foon after its pub- lication, in a note at page 107 of the Seaman's Kalendar., which ancient hook he reprinted and improved, v-'hofe ufc, through numberlefs editions, is continued amongft our failors to this day ; by Mr. Henry Phillips in his Gcotnelrical Seaman in 1652, and in his Advancement of Navigation m 1657 ; by Mr. John Collins in his Navigation by the Plane Scale, in 1659 ; by the reverend Dr. Jchn Newton in his AIathc?natical Elements, in 1660 ; Mr. John Seller in his PradVical Navigation, in 1669 j Mr. 'John Brown in his Triangular ^ladrant in 1671. * Elemen: de la Philofophie dt Newton, chap, xviii. printed at Paris in 17 8. b X And XX DISSERTATION on the RISE, &c. And in the PhihfophkalTranfaSiiom for 1676, N 126, there is given a very partcular account of it. Nor had it cfcaped the royal notice;, for when King Jame^y in 1690, honoured the obfervatory zt Paris with a vifit, he informed the gentlemen, then prefent, of this nicafure of the Earth J and upon their acquainting his Majcfty how that had been de- termined by Mr. Picardy the King wifhcd the two meafurcs might be compared together *. But that it was not commonly known in France is no wonder, feeing our books were not then fo much inquired after as at prefent by that polite ami Itarned people. In the yournal des S^avatn for Dcccfnher 1666, it was obferved of Dr. Hooke's micrograph/ay qu'il eft ccr'it en une langue que peu de perfonnes entendent-y but long after, in the fame Jourtial for February 1750, it is faid of the Englijh tongue, that it was unc langue que tous les vra'is favam drvroient fa^mr. And now, as Norivood is taken notice of in the latter editions of Sir Ifaac Newton s Principm^ his name and merit indeed arc become univerfally known. Infomuch that a particular account of his - meafure is given by M. de Maupcrtuisy in the preface to his Treatifeof the figure of the Earth, printed at Paris in 1738; wherein he defcribes his method of determining the length of a degree on the Earth in Lap- land y and Norwood is mentioned by two karned Spanift) fea officers,^ D. yorge Juauy and D. Antonio (VVlloay 1. their voyage printed at Madrid in 1748, which was undertaken, as they were appointed to accompany the French mathematicians, fent to meafure a degree near the equator. About the year 1645 Mr. Bond publlftied in Norwood's Epitome a very o-reat improvement in TVright's method, by a property in his meridian line, whereby its divifions are more fcientifically afllgned, than the au- thor himfelf was able to-e'fFcdt; which was from this theorem. That thefe divifions are analogous to the cxccfles of the logarithm.ic tangents of half the refpcclive latitudes augmented by 45 degrees above the logarithm of the radius. This he afterwards explained fomcwhat more fully in the third edition of Cw^/^^'s works, printed in 1653, where, after obferving that the lo- garithmic tangents from 45 upwards increafe in the fame manner (as he exprefles it) that the fecants added together do, if every half degree be accounted as one whole degree of Mercator's meridional line ; his rule for computing the meridional parts appertaining to any two latitudes (fuppofed on the fame fide of the equator) is laid down to this effect ; To take the logarithmic tangent, rejecfling the radius, of half each latitude augmented by 45 degrees, and dividing the difference of thofc numbers by the logarithmic tangent of 45 30', the radius being likewife re- jedted, and the quotient will be the meridional parts required, exprefled in decrees. And this nde is the immediate coiifequcnce from the ge- neral theorem. That the degrees of latitude bear to 1 degree (or 60 mi- nutes, whicli in TVright^s table ftands as the meridional parts for I de- gree) the fame proportion as the logarithmic tangent of half any latitude augmented bv 45 degrees, and the radius negle(fted, to the like tangent * Dh liumel, Hill. Academ. Regal. Scient. p. 285.. 10 of OF N A V I G A T I O N. xxi of half a degree augmented by 45 degrees, with the radius likewife re- jected. But here was farther wanting the demonftration of' this general theo- rem, which was at length fupplied by that great mathematician, Mr. yames Gregory of Aberdeen^ in his Exercitatianes Geometr'ica^ printed at London in 1668 ; and fmce more concifely demonftrated, together with a fcientific determination of the divifor, by Dr. Halley^ in the Ph'ilofophical TranfaSiions for 1695, N 219, from the confideration of the fpirals into which the rhurribs are transformed in the ftereographic projection of the fphere upon the plane of the equinoctial ; which the excellent Mr. Roger Cotes has rendered ftill more fimple, in his Logcmetrio^ firft publifhcd in the Philofiphical TronfaSiions for 1714, N 388. It is moreover added in Gu?2ter''s book, that if -*^ of this divifor (which does not ienlibly differ from the logarithmic tangent of 45 i'' 30'''' cur- tailed of the radius) be ufed, the quotient will exhibit the meridional parts exprcilcd in leagues : and this is the "divifor fet down in Norwood's Epitome, After the fame manner the meridional parts will be found in minutes, if the like logarithmic tangent of <:.5 o' 30^^ diminiflied by the radius be taken, that is, the number ufcd by'-^thers* being 12633, when the loga- rithmic tables confitT: of eight plac'^ befides the index. This Mr. Bond, who introduce ') ufeful a difcovery into the art, was a teacher of the mathematics in London, and employed to take care of and improve the impreflions of the current treatifes of navigation. In an edition of the Seaman'' s Kalendar, p. 103, he declared, he had difcovered the longitude, by having found out the true theory of the magnetic varia- tion ; and to gain credit to his afl'ertion, he foretold, that at London in 1657 there would be no variation of the compafs, and from that time it would gradually incrcafe the other way, which happened accordingly. Again, in the Ph'ilofophical TranjaBions for 1668, N" 40, he publiflied a table of thv? variations for 49 years to come. T'his joyhil news to all failors acquired Mr. Bond Bl. great reputation; iiifomuch that the treatife he had compofcd, called The Longitude foundy was in 1676 pubiilhed by the fpecial command of King Charles the Se- cond, and ufhercd into the world with the approbation of fcveral of the iTioit L-nunent mathematicians ot that time f. But it was foon oppofed, there being publifhed at London a book in 1678, called The L'jngitude not founds written by one Mr. Beckborrow. And in'iC'jd as FiOiid\ hypothcfis did not in any \vife anfwer its author's fan2;uJ!ie expecflatiuns, the famous Dr. HalUy again undertook tliis affair ; and trom a multitude of obfervations he would conclude, that the may-- See \Ax. Pcrhns\ Treatife of Nwvigation in Vol. f. of Sir yonas Mcore*% i^i'M : yjlem of the Mathematicks, p. 20.'J, printed at London in 16S1. Perhiiu'% bo' k wai j ubiilhed by itfclf the )ear following, under the title of the ifean.ans H':.t'jr. t In the Phi'.ofophical l'raiiJac1io?u for the fame year, N 130, it is faiJ, the Lord Brcuriker'i i-anie was inferted by millake. b 3 neti xxii DISSERTATIpN pn the RISE, &c, t -.' . " . netic needle was influenced by four poles. His fpecqlations on this fub- jedt are delivered in the Philofcph'ical TranfaSiions iox 1683, N 148, and for 1692, "N 195. But this vvonslerful phenomenon feems to have hitherto eludefi all our refcarches. However, that excellent pcrfon in 1760 publifhed a general map, on which were delineated curve lines exprefling the paths, where the mag- netic needle had the fame variation. This was received with univerfal applaufe*, as it may lead to feme difcovery in fo abftrufe an affair, and at prefent be ufcful on many occafions in determining the longitude. The pofitions of thcfe curves will indeed tontinually fufFcr alterations ; but then they flioyld be corre(Sled from time to time j as they h^ve been Tor the year 1744, and 1756, by tw-o ingenious perfons, Mr. IViUlnm Mouutnlne and Mr. James Dodfon^ Fellows of the Royal Seciety. The latter died not long after he had been chofen, for his merit, mathematical riiafter, at ChrijTs Hofpital, ill London. Dr. Hallcy alfo gave, in the Philofophical TranfaSlions for 1690, N 183, a difTertation on the mojifoons, containing many obferva- tions very ufelul for all fuch as fail to places that are fubjetfl to thof^ winds. The true principles of navigation having been fettled by Wright^ Konvoody and Bond, many authors amongil us trod in their fteps, mak- ing feme little improvements. It would be impo/nble to enumerate each particular. Of the writers already mentioned, Phillips znd CcllinSy in the title pages of their books, .declare what they aimed at j Phillips alfo, in his tract called the Advancement of NavirutlQUy recommends a pen- dulum inftead of a half minute glafs, to cfttraate the time the log-line is running out. He alfo propofes to do the fame thing by wheel- work. Befides, in the Philofophical Tranfa5ilms for 1668, N^ 34, ^le delivers a berter method to detcifmine the tides than v/hat v/as commonly praclifed j for which purpofe Mr. 'John Flamjieed, the Royal Aftronomcr, ftill gave more perfecl dircftions in the fame Tranfalions for 1683, N 143; as Jikev/ife he hrft ordered a giafs lens to be fixed on the fhade vane, in what is c^.lled Davis's quadrants, v/hich contrivance Dr. Robert Hooky Profcfibr of Geometry at Grejham College, had before thought of J. Seller's PraSJical Navigation, though without demon Hration*, has the rules of failing in the difiercnt kinds, as performed by calculation, by the plane fcale, by the Gunt'cr, and by the finical quadrant* with various other matters relative to the iu't ; as alio the ufe of the azimuth-comp;vfs as now modelled, the ring-dial, the fea-ring, crofs-ftaff, Davis's quadrant. II, 1.1.1 i^v^v^.-, ..-, ^.c, ..-. - . . + Ste tHc ;ibove-mriition:_d f\-'kins'b Navigation, page 250. X Sec Biihcp I'homai ^;.-at'i e.^cclient Hiitory of the Royal Society in ' b , page 246 ; a: d Huok '^ i^uilhumoub Works, pubiillicd by Richard t^ alicrf^ iq. in 1705, p. 557. plough. ' o F N A V I G A T I O N. xxiii plough, iio<3:urnal, incHnatory needle and globe, together with all the ne- ceflary tables ; the whole being delivered in a manner {o well adapted to the general humour of mariners, that it has undergone numberlefs edi- tions : the lafl, I have feen, was in 1739 j but fome hte writers feem to have abated the run of this book. As in failing ^fpecial regard ought to be had to thf ke-way a fhip makes, fo many authors have touched upon this point ; but tlie allow- ances ufually made on that account are very particularly fet dov/n by Mr. yo'h'n Buckler^ and publifhed in a fmall trail firft printed in 1702, intitkd, ji New Compendium of the whole Art of Navigation^ written by iMr. IVilUam Jones. We ought not here to pafs over in filence the very ufcful invention of Dr. Gowin Knight, which is the making artificial magnets, that are ot greater efficacy than the natural ones. Though the Doctor has not thought fit to reveal his fecret ; yet others have found it out, who have made it public, particularly the Rev. J'jhn Mitchcl, and Mr. fchn Can- ton; the firfl- in a treatlfe of Artificial Adagnets, printed in 175O; the other in the Phihfophical Tranfia^ions, vol. XLV^II. Ann. 175 i. The Earth being now univerfally agreed to be not a perfect globe, but a fpheroid, whofe diameter at tiie poles is fliorter than any other ; the Rev. Dr. Patrick Murdcch publifhed a tract in 1741, where he accom- modated JVright\ failing to fuch a figure ; and Mr. Colin Maclaurin, the fame year, in the Philofiophical TranfaBions, N 461, gave a rule to de- termine the meridional parts of a fpheroid, which fpcculation he farther treats of in his book oi Fluxions, printed at Edinburgh, in 1742. Though Sir Jfaac Newton in his Principia, firft printed in 1686, had demonftrated from the theory of gravity, that this muft be the real form of the Earth, as it revolved about an axis ; yet in the year 171b M. Caf~ fini again * undertook from obfervations to fhew the contrary, and that the earth v/as a fpheroid, having its longcft diameter paffing through its poles t ; and in 1720 M. de Alairan advanced arguments, fuppofed to be llrengthened by gcoinetrical demonftrations, to confirm farther M. Cafi- fini's aficrtion. But in the Philofiophical Tranfia^ions for 1725, N 3S'6, 387, 3S8, Dr. Z)^/^/zV;-j- publifhed a diflertation, wh'.^rein he made ap- pear the weakncfs of the reafoning, and the infufficiency of the obferva- tions, as they were managed, to fettle fo nice an afFair. He there alfo propofcd a proper method for adjufting this point, when he fays. If any confiequence ofi this kind could be drawn firom aSiiial meafiuring, a degree ofi latitude /1)ould be meafiured at the equator, and a degree ofi longitude likewifie meafiured there ; and a degree very northerly, as fior example, a whole degree might be aStually meafiured upon the Baltic y^^, xvhen firozen, in the latitude * In the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Parii, his father in 1701, and he in 171 3, auempted to prove the Eaith was an oblong iphc- roid. t M. John Bernouilli in his EJfai d" nnt NowvelU Pliyfique Ctlcfte, printed at Parti in I7?5i triumphs owr S,r lfaa< Nei^l-n ; vainly imagiri'M^ tlicle pic- carioua obfervations could invalidate what Sir Ijaac had dcraoi.lt accd. r.f b4 xxlv DISSERTATION on the RISE, &c. cfjixty degrees. There, according to M. CaJJlni's laji fuppofition, a de- gree would be 56653 toife$ \ whereas at the equator it would be of 58019 ioifes, the difference being 1^66 toifes, about the two and fortieth part of a degree y which mujl be fenfible \ and like wife the degree of longitude would according to him be of 56b* 1 7 toifes, lefs by 1202, or the forty-eighth party than a degree e/" latitude at the fame place. On this admonition, in 1735, there were ftnt from France two (ets of mathematicians, nien)bers of tlic Royal Academy of Sciences ; one to- wards the pole, the other to the equator, in order to mcafurc, at each p'cTce, the length of a degree on the meridian. The report they brought bomcj quite overfet what had been urged in favour of the oblong figure; a degree towards the nocth, in the latitude of 66"^ ^o\ being found to con- tain about 57438 toifes, and near the equator but 56750. This unwelcome news caufcd a degree to be again meafured in Francey which at length came out to be coiifonant with thofe which had been brought from very dif^ant parts of the world, Thus ihefe mathemati- cians confirmed oy painful -obfervaticns, what Sir Ifaac Newton had, as M. dc Maupertiiis ufed to fay, deterniii'.ed in his elbcjw-chair ; Sir If'^ac jr.aking the length of a degree under the pole to be 57382, and at the equator 56637 toifes. And perhaps no obfervations can be exact enough to determine this matter more precifely. But let us mention fome of the foreign writers on navigation. At F.'?ne^ in 1607, came forth a treatife, intitled, Nautica Mediterra- nean written in Italian by Bartolomeiv Crefcenti^ the Pope's engineer. '1 he author mifTes no opportunity of expofing the errors o{ Medina \ but fcarce gives any thing of his own, except a machine for meafiiring the W'iV a fhip made. As the Jefuits have treated of moft branches of learning, fo this art has not been beneath their confideration ; the three following authors having been of their fociety. At Paris, in 1633, Father George Fournier^ publiflied an Hydrography ^ principally relating to navigation. The author would perfuade us, that one of Dieppe had corrected the plane ch,;rt; and that the Hollanders learnt of the French the making charts fo corre<3:td ; whereas this had been engraved long before at Amjterdam^ by lodocus Hondius^ and others. John Baptiji Riccioli, in his Geographia & Hydrographia Rcfar?}iata^ printed at Bologna in 1661, inferts a treatife of navigation, collei!:ling his materials from alrnoft every writer, as he does in his Almagejl and Chro- r.Qhf\\ which is indeed the chief merit of his works. Father Millet F>echalles wrote on this fubjeft after a more mafterly manner, both in his Curfus Alathemattcus, firft printed at Lyons in 1674, and in a Frmch treatife, publiihcd in 1677, intitled U Art de Naviger de- montre par Principes. Thcfe three authors, befuics treating of the different kinds of failing, abound in methods for taking of altitudes, finding the variation, and eilimatin^^, the way a fi^ip makes, &c. They alfo dcfcribe a niaehine re- fem ng that of Cnfccnti. Riccioli gives a very faulty mtafure of the Ear h, made by himfclf ; and Dechalles advifes (he ufe of a pendulum in reckoning by the log-line, as alfo of wheel-work for the fame purpofe, as P.;".'' '-i and Cole had done. But OF NAVIGATION. XXV But there were writers in France between Fournier and Dechalles. For in i656, and the following years, there were printed at Dieppe feveral trails handling different parts of navigation, couipofed by M. G. Denysy which have been often reprinted. And in 1671 the Sieur Blondel S. Juhin publifhed a book called, VArt de Naviger par le ^lartier de Redu^ion^ defcribing an inftrument* much in ufe amongft the French failors, by which may be performed, as by the finical quadrant, the operations of navigation, though not much more fpeedily than by the traverfe table, and not at all fo accurately. He alfo publifhed in 1673 his Trefor de la Navigation, where the art is well treated of, particularly by calculations. M. Saverien^ in his Marine Diiionary^ printed at Paris in 1758, fays, that M. DaJJier ferius is of the divifion by diagonals *, and readily follows from the firft Lctnma of C'tavius's treatifc on the Jjiroiahe f, as has been obk-rved by Pezenas, in a book he publifhed at A-vignon in 1 765, in- titled, Ajirono7nie des Matins. As to their tre.^,ting of Wright's chart, I mentioned above SnelUus and Metitis. To an edition, in 1665, of T/acg's fmall tables of logarithms, &c. is addc'I, by Abraham de Gruel, one of meridional parts, whofe ufe he fhc'.vs, 'witli other parts of navigation, in his Courfe of MathematicSy written !!> Ditch, and prin'-ed at Amfierdarn in 1676, as had been done by J'^^-'n P'irct, in his Flambeau rehiijjant ou Threfor de la Navigationy at the icUiC place, in 1677. * See Mr. Kohins'''^ Mathematical Trafts, where thefe divifions are largely trtstfd of. i i-i;il printed at Rome, in 1693. 6 The OF NAVIGATION. xxvii The Dutch are great navigators, and have been famous for their At- lajfcs^ before which, are prcmifed treatifes of navigation, as has been al- ready obferved. The oldeft I have feen of thefe, was publifhed at Ley den in 1584, intitled, Spiegel der Zee-Vaert (or Mirror of Nevlf^ation,) by Lucas "janjz, IVaghenaer. In their later Atlajfes there is defcribed an in- firument to be ufed after the manner of Davis'% quadrant, but where in- ftead of circular arches are fubftituted ftraight lines. Notwithftanding all the improvements hitherto mentioned, th^ feA' reckonings^ though kept by fuch as were deemed very fkilful mariners, are often found widely different from the truth. But this often happens through negligence, as I have heard Dr. Halley^ who had ufed the fea, fay. Thefe errors would be avoided, if from time to time the latitude and longitude could be determined. The firft is generally obtained by the meridian altitude and declination of the Sun being given. The declina- tion is got by the help of tables of the Sun, with an eafy trigonometrical operation. But even the latitude could not be very exacl, before the hmoxxs Kephr had determined the true form of the Earth's orbit . Hence were fabri- cated his Tabula Rudolphina. Next, thofe of Mr. Thomas Street Were in great rcqueft f. But they, in their turn, yielded to Dr. Halley'Sy and his again to thofe of the accurate and elaborate Mayer \ which, howeve-, will want to be corrected hereafter : For, as Sir Ifaac Newton has fliewn^ that all bodies mutually attral one another, the Earth will be difturbed in its motion by theadtions of fome of the other planets. To find the longitude is a much more difficult affair. For this end, at prefent, the focieties of learned men in Europe offer from time to time re- wards to fuch as {hall beft treat oi particular fubjetSs in mathematicks or phyficks. Some of thefe have been relating to navigation, when Pollenly BcrnouiUiy Bouguer^ and others have obtained the prizes.- And it is hoped, this inllitution may contribute to the advancement of the art. Eclipfes of the moon were ufed of old } and Kepler recommended thofe of the Sun as preferable jj. The fatellites of Ju[iiter were no fooner difcovered by the great Gal- lileo , than the frequency of their eclipfes recommended them for this purpofe ; and amonglt thofe who attempted this fubjeit, none were more fuccefsful than Signor Dontinic CMjfini. This great aftronomer in 1688 publiflicd at Bokgna tables for calcu- lating the r.ppearanccs of their eclipfes, with dirciSliorkS for finding thence the loiv^iiudcs of places ; and being invited to France by Lewis the Four- teenth, he th-jre publiflied correcter tables in 1693. But the mutual at- tradlions of the fatellites on one another rendering their motiojis excef- fively irregular, the tables foon run out ; infoniuch that they require to be rencv.cd from time to tin:c, which has been pcitormcd by ingenious * In his treatife Je Motu Martis, in 1609, I In iiis Aflrunomia Carolina, in 1661. II Tabui-f Rudolph, printed at Ul.-n in I'^z"', rap. xvi. .^ x.\xa. In J'jo Sj(/er( :} ^'i;,n-ijr^ j^i(\ jrintcd ai /'aiLc in I' i ;- xxviii DISS'fiRTATION on t^he RISE, &c. perfons, as Dr. James'Pcufi^y "Dr. jfamei Bradley *, ^f. Cajfin'i the Ton, and M. Peter Wargentin \ \ fo that now many of the common Almanaa fet down, when thcfe eclipfes happen throughout the year. The Rev. Nev'il Majkelyne^ D. D. our prefent Royal Aftronomer, has publifhcd annually, fince the year 1767, by order of the Commiflioners of Longitude, a work entitled. The Nautical Almanac and Ajlronomical Ephemeris^ containing not only the ecljpfc* of the fatellites, but alfo many other tables, to enable the mariner to determine the longitude at fea J particularly tables of the diftances which the moon's center will have from that of the Sun, and from fixed flars, at every three hours, under the meridian of the Royal Obfervatory at Greemuichy and which have fince beeen copied into the Connoifance des Temps for thefe latter years by the editor of that work. The large reWard granted by the Parliament for a pra6lical way of difcovering the longitude at fea, has put many upon the fearch : info- much that feveral idle and abfurd fchemes have been offered by ignorant and wrong-headed men. But the perfed:ing the methods propofcd long ago by yohn Werner and Gemma Frijius, feems at prefent to engage the attention of the public. The theory of the moon, thbflgh much] a'njended by the noble Tycho Brahe and Mr. Jeremy Hgrrox J, was found to be infufficient to anfwer this end. But the caufes of her various irregularities having been difco- vered by Sir Ifaac Neiuton, and _her theory thence improved beyond ex- pectation, gave great hopes of fuccefs j which have fince been happily fulfilled by means of the improvements which have fince been made in the methods of computing the feveral quantities of thefe inequalities by M. Elder, and Tobias Mayer of Gottingen ; The former of thefe gen- tlemen having been happy in reducing Sir Ifaac Newton's theory into neat analytical expreflions, of which the latter availing himfelf, was, by a very fmgular addrefs of his own, enabled to bring out the greateil: quantities of the equations with eafe and exacftnefs, and thence to conftrucl tables * He fucceeded Dr. HalUy at Green-iuich, where he made a great number cf Aftronomical Obfervations, which, as they are moft accurate, it is hoped will not be loft. He became famous on obferving and accounting for an apparent motion in the fixed ftars, and called their aberration, which was immediately exhibited by the great mathematician Dr. Brook Taylor accord- ing to the exift theory of the Earth's motion. See Mr. Robins'^ Mathemati- cal Traits, vol. II. page 276. f IFargeniin'^ tables are much eftcetned ; they were firfl publifhed at Stock' holm in the Ada Societatis Regit Scientiarum Up/alenjis for the year 174', but fmce more corrcft from a new copy of the aathor's at Paris in 1759. by M. de la Lande. The ingenious author has rendered them yet more correiSt, and his labours on this head may be feen in the Connoifance des Temps for 1766, and xhe Nautical A'manacs for 177 i, and 1779. X This great genius died in 1641, fcarce 23 years old. See his Opera Po/fhuma, publilhed by the famous Dr. John ^VaHis at London, in 1673. //orrcx firll obferved the Tranfit of A'^wBj over the Sun in 1639. ^'^ wrote an sccount of this Phenomenon^ which was publifhed by the great ailronomer JlcTiliust at Dant^ic, in 1661. Cff/f. i>cciet, i?"^. Cdttingerf tom. IF. page 283. agreeing OF NAVIGATION. XXIX agreeing to the moon's motion in every part of her orbit, with very fur- prifing exadtnefs. And this ingenious perfon has left behind him tables ftill more exacl *, for which the Britijb Parliament have rewarded his widow with . 3000, as alfo Mr. Euler with . 300. Thefe tables were publifhed in 1770, by Dr. Majkelyne. As to the method of Gemma Frijius^ M. Huygem was perfuaded it might be accompliflied by his inventions of pendulum clocks and watches; a defcription of the firft he publiftied in a fmall trad, printed at the Hague^ in 1658 ; and of the fecond, as improved, in the "Journal des S^a~ vans for the month oi February^ 1675. And great expectations of fuc- cefs had been raifed from forne trials made in a voyage with thefe watches of the firft conftrudtion, by Major Holmes ; an account whereof is given in the Philofophical Tranfa6lions, Ayin. 1669. But the various accidents thofc movements arc liable to, foon caufed that way to be laid afide. Notwithftanding which, the ingenious Mr. John Harrifon has for many years paft employed himfelf in contriving a machine, that fhall be free from all imaginable inconveniencics ; and his endeavours were fo well approved of by gentlemen of the greateft knowledge in thefe fub- jecls, that the commiffioners for the longitude thought fit to allow him fome gratifications for his pains. He was afterwards farther confidered, upon difclofing the internal ftrudure of his machine, and the whole re- ward' has fince been given him by Parliament. The difficulty of making obfervations at fea with fufficient exacf^nefs for finding the longitude, was feared to be infurmountable ; but at- tempts have not been wanting to overcome It. In the Hiftory of the Royal Society, at page 24.6, we meet with the firft mention of an inven- tion in thefe words : J new injlrument for taking angles by refie5iion^ by which means the eye at the fame time fees the tivo objeSls both as touching the fa?ne pointy though difiant almofl to a fcmicircle ; which is of great ufe for making exaSl obfervations at fea. A figure of this inftrument, drawn by Dr. Hook^ the inventor, is given in the DoClor's pofthumous works, with a defcription, at page 5(^3. But here, as one reflection only was made ufe of, it would not anfwer the purpofe. However, this was at l..ft effected by Sir Ifaac Ntiuton, who communicated to Dr. Halley, about the year 1760, a paper of his ow" writing, containing a defcription of an inftrument with two reflection^, which loon after the Doftor's death was found among his papers by Mr. fones, who communicated it to the Royal Society, and it was publifhed in the Philofophical Tranf- acStions, N465, Jnn. 1742. How it happened that Dr. Halley never mentioned this in his life- time, is very extraordinary ; feeing fohn Hadlcy, Efq. f had defcribcd, See his fJogium in the Neva Aila Eruditorum, for March 1762. t Mr. liadley being well acquainted with Sir Jfaac Nevoton, mi^ht have he.ird him fay, Hak's [ropofal could be psrfefted by means of a double re- fle:lion. However, Mr. Had!ey, being a very ingenious perfon, m'g' t have hit on the fan; thc::j;!u; as well ai Mr. G^dfrty oi P^niyhania c when the invention of this aJmirable indrument has been afcrilT-d by (omc entle- incn of that colony : This is not ths only ca''e, wherein d ffercnt pcrfons have prodac> d fimilar inventions. XXX DISSERTATION dN fttE RISE, &c. ' mN**430, Ami. ifJTy an inftrument grounded on the fame principles, which is fo well efteeincd, that our fhops abound with them, accom- anodated with ^er, and would chufe to fep the reafon of the feveral fteps they muft take to acquire it : To fuch perfons, it is recommended that they read the whole book in the order they find it ; or, if the learner is very young, he may omit the IVth and Vth books till after he is mafter of the Vlth and Vllth. Thirdly. That clafs of readers, which, with too much truth m.ay be faid, comprehends moft of our mariners, who want to learn both the elements and the art itfclf by rote, and never trouble themfelves about the reafon of the rules they work by : As it is probable there ever will be many readers of this kind, they may be well accommo- dated in this work j thus, if they are nof already acquainted with Arithmetic and Geometry, let them read the five firft rules of Arith- metic, to page 20 ; thence proceed to the definitions and problems in Geometry, from page 43 to 58. la the book of Trigonometry, read pages 89, 90, 91, 92, 98, 99, and from 104 to 114: the whole of book VI. In book the Vllth they may read to page 35, and as much more as they pleafc. In book VIII, let them read the fecSlions III, IV, V, VI, from page 146 to page 182. In book V, they may read fcdtion III, and as many problems in the Vth and Vlth fcdlions as they can ; and let them read the whole of the ninth book. Fqurthlv. xxxii ADVERTISEMENT. Fourthly. That fet of readers who will not be at the pains of learning any thing more than how to perform a day's work ; fuch majr herein meet with the pradlice almoft independent of other knowledge. Let fuch perfons make thcmfelves acquainted with feilion IV. of book VI, and the ufe of the table at page 374 ; then learn the ufe of the Traverfe Table at the end of book VII, which they will find exem- plified between pages 8 and 35, Vol. II j alfo they muft learn the ufe of the Table of Meridional parts at the end of Book VIII. After which, they may proceed to book IX, where they will find ample in- flrudlions in all the particulars which enter into a day's work. But with this fcanty knowledge of things, they will be obliged to omit forae parts, which it is well worth their pains to be acquainted with. THE ELEMENTS O T NAVIGATION. BOOK I. O F A R I T H M E T I C K. SECTION I. Dejifiitions and Principles. I- J^ RiTHMETiCK is a fcience which teaches the properties of /-\ numbers ; and how to compute or cftimate the value of things. -^ -^ 2. An Unit or Unity, is any thing confidered as one. 3. Number, in general, is many units. 4. Digits or Figures are the marks by which numbers are de- noted or expreiTed, and are the nine following. Digits^ I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Names^ One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven, Eight. Nine. And with thefe is ufed the mark o, called cypher, which of itfelf ftands for nothing j but being annexed to a digit, alters its value. Thus ^0 Jignifies forty j and ^00 J^ands for four hundred, is'c. 5. Integer, or Whole, Numbers, arc fuch as cxprefs a number of things, each of which is confidered as an unit. Thus four pounds, twelve miles, thirty-four gallons, one hundred days, C c. are, in each cafe, called an integer number, or whole number. 6. Fractional Numbers, are thofe which cxprefs the value of fomc part or parts of an unit. Thu^ one half, one quarter, three quarters, is'c, are each the fra^ln?:al parts of an unit. Vol. I. B 7. Not a- % A R I T H M E T I C K. Book I. 7. Notation is the exprefling by digits or figures any number pro-t pofed in words ; and the reading of any number that is^cxprefled by fi- :gurcs, is called Numeration. ,V 8. Decimal Notation is that kind ofnumbering in which ten units of any inferior name are equal in value to an unit of the next fuperior. 9. Every number is faid to confift of as many places as it contains figures. -^ 10. The value of every digit in any number is changed according to the place it (lands in ; and the reading of any number confifts in giving to each figure its right name and value. 11. The right hand place of an integer number is called the place of units J and from this place all numbers begin, whether whole ox fra6lt- cnal y the integers increafing in order from the unit place towards the 'left J and the fractions decreafing in order from the unit place towards the right : and to diftinguifli decimal fraftions from integers, there is always a point or comma ( , ) fet on the 'left hand fide of the fraftional number ; fo that the integers {land on the left hand fide of the mark, and the fra(lions on the right hand. 12. For the more convenient reading of numbers, they are divided into periods of fijTplaces each, beginning at the unit place j and each period into two degrees of three places each, the names and order of which are as follow : where X ftands for the word tens, C for hun- itrcds, and TK. for thoufands, 13, Integers Decimal fralions _i f - -A^ , I -^ > Second period Firft period Firft period Second period Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree s ^ s s o .0 ^ ^ <^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '^ -^ o .0 ,0 : s ^ 543212 3 45678 9, 876543212345 Decimal Fiaclions are alfo thus named, The name of the firft pciiod is Units j of the fccond, Millions j of the third, Billions; of the fourth, Trillions; &c. In the above order it may be obferved, that each degree contains the names of Units, Tens, Hundreds ; the firft degree of a period contains the units of that period, and the fecond contains the thoufandths there- of: fo that from hence it will be eafy to read a number confifting of c\cr To many places by the following directions. 5 14. Rule, Book I. -ARITHMETICK. 3 14. Rule. ift. Suppofe the number parted into as many fets or de- grees of three places each, beginning at the unit's place, as it will ad- mit of; and if one or two places remain, they will be the units and tens of the next degree. 2d. Beginning at the left hand, read in each degree, as many hun- dreds, tens, and units, as the figures in thofe places of the degree ex- prefs, adding the name thoufands, if in the fecond degree of a period ; and adding the name of the period, after reading the hundreds, tens, and Hnits in its firft degree. Thus the integer number in the preceding table will be read. - Five billions, four hundred thirty two thoufand, one hundred twenty three millions, four hundred fifty fix thouf and, f even hundred eighty nine, I5 All frailional numbers confifl of two parts, which are ufually written one above the other with a line drawn between them : the num- ber below the line, called the denominator, fhews into how many equal parts the unit is divided ; the number above the line, called the nume- rator, (hews by how many of thefe equal parts the value of that frac- tion is exprefled. Thus 9 pence, is q parts in twelve of a JhilUng ; and may he written thus, t'i, when a fiiilling is the unit. 16. Thofe fra6lions, the denominators of which are 10, or 100, or 1000, or 1 0000, or 1 00000, &c. are called decimal fraSlions : but frac- tions with any other denominators are called vulgar fraSlions* The vulgar fra<^ions that moft frequently occur, are thefe : I, which is read one fourth, or one quarter. ^ _____ _ one third. 1^ - - - - - - one half. .| _____ _ two thirds. i _ _ _ ^ - _ three fourths, or three quarters. 17. As decimal fralions are parts of an unit divided into either lO, 100, loco, 1 0000, &c. parts, according to the places in the fradlional number' ; therefore they are read like whole numbers, only calling them fo many parts of lo, or of loo, or of looo, he, !one -J r- 10, Ten. ;r (places, will be fo j ^"' ^T^'^\ three >^ . l \ lOOO, Thoufand. r I many parts or I ' , ^,, ^ , tour 1 J '^ \ 10000, Ten 1 houfand, hz. J I &c. 18. Cyphers on the right hand 0/ Integers increafe their v.ilue; on the left hand of a decimal frailion diminiih its value : but on the left hand of integers, or on the right hand of fraclion?, do not alter their value. B 2 rhm 4 A R I -F H M E T I C K. Book I. f 8 is S units. I f ,8 is 8 parts in 10 1 ^ Thus \ 80 8 tens. \ Jnd \ ,o8 8 parts in lOO f f J?" fj^'j i 8oo 8 /?K^r^cn 2 . O -,' J '-.^ ~2 d 6 is 4 3 2 >1 x1 J L 24. S E C- RITHMETICK. Bookt^^ 24. SECTION II. ADDITION. Addition is the method of collecting Jeveral numbers into onejum. Rule ift. Write the given numbers under each other, fo that like names (land under like names j that is units under units, tens under tens, &c. and under thefedraw a line. 2d. Add up fhe firft or right hand upright row, under which write the overplus of the units of the fecond row, contained in that fum. 3. Add thefe units to the fum of the fecond row, under which write the overplus of the units of the third row, contained in that fum. And thus proceed until all the rows are added together. Examples. ^ Ex. I. J^dd2^ 7647 18 and 12 together. Thefe numbers being written under each other will ftand thus. 28 Say 1 and 8 is 10, and 7 is 17, and 6 is 23, and 8 is 31 ; 76 then, becaufe lO units in the right hand row make an unit in 47 the next rowj therefore in 31 there are 3 units of the fecond 18 row, and an overplus of i; write down the i, and add the 3 to 12 the fecond row, faying, 3 that is carried and I is 4, and i iS 5, and 4 is 9, and 7 is 16, and 2 is 18, in which is one unit of the 181 third row (had there been a 3d) and an overplus of 8 ; write - down the 8, and add the i to the third row : but as there is no third row, tiie 1 carried muft be written on the left hand of the 8 ^ and 181 will be the fum of the five given numbers. Ex. II. Jild 476 378418329 290 75 7638 <7^4j6 to- gether. Ex. III. Add the numbers, 10768 3489 28764 289 6438 ic) and ^1*^ together. - 476 10768 ^\ . 37H 3489 The given numbers ^ 18329 The given numbers 1 28764 fet in order will Hand C 290 placed as the rule di- > 289 thus i 75 redls, Hand thus j 6438 7638 ^9 46 438 The Sum 30638 The Sum Ex. V. Jdd the foUowin 50205 Ex. IV. Add thefe numbers together. numbers' together. 3720.4s 15836,071 25,0036 20,09 4179,802 34.7 3,6284 583,270 Sum 16474,131 08 Sum 7928,8840 08 In Book I. A R I T H M E T I C K. In the two laft examples, where there are both'integer and fracSlIonal numbers, it may be obferved, that like integer places, and like fra<5lional places, ftand under each other; and the manner of adding them together," is the fame as explained in the ^rft example. 25. It frequently happens, that numbers arc to be added together, the names of which do not incrcafe in a tenfold manner, as in the laft Ex- amples ; fuch as in adding different fums of money, weights, or mea- fures ; in which, regard is to be had to the number of thofe of a lower name, contained in one of its next greater name, as fhewn in the pre- ceding tables : Examples of which follow. Ex. VI. Jdd the following fums of money together. 353 14 276 10 89 17 34 12 d. 4 si lol- 754 S Ex. VII. Jdd the fo^owing fums of money together. 7683 08 2| 95+ 19 682 10 63 5 9-i 9384 14 In thefe two examples the carriage is by 4 in the farthings; by 12 in the pence; by 20 in the fhillings; and by 10 in the pounds. Ex. VIII. Add the following Troy Ex. IX. Add the follcwing Avoir- JVei*-hts together. lb. 218 176 85 24 oz. 10 9 1 1 dwt. 13 '9 17 18 23 II 21 506 07 01 Carry for 24, 20, 12, 10. Ex. X. Add the following parts of Time together. Weeks Da. Ho. 21 4 18 II 6 13 19 3 23 3H 4 cH Min, 37 59 22 Sec. 59 47 28 39 9' 5 3 Carry for 60, 60, 24, 7, 10. dupoife TVeights together. Tons. Cwt. qrs. lb. oz. 535 17 3 22 '^ 94 19 I 27 \i 158 12 o 18 15 7 15 2 13 08 '97 15 Carry for 16, 28, 4, 20, 10. Ex. XI. Add the folloiving parts of a Circle together. Deg. 176 32 59 8^ 59 27 28 45 12 3H 114 67 43 31 59 24 25 59 H 47 444 i) Carry for 60, 60, 60, 60, lo Explanation of Example VI. Three farthings and i farthing is 4 farthings, and 2 fartliings is 6 far- things ; which is a penny halfpenny ; fet down | and carry i. Then \ and 10 is 1 1, and 5 is 16, and 4 is 20, and 8 is 28 pence ; which is 2 ftiillings and 4 pence : fct down 4, and carry 2. A^^iin, 2 and 12 is 14, and 17 is 31, and 10 is 41, and 14 is 55 fhiUings; which is 2 pounds 15 fhillings i fct down 15 fluHings, and carry 2 pounds. The rcll is eafy. B 4 aG. S E C ARITHMETIC K. Book I. \6. SECTION III. SUBTRACTION. Subtraction ij the method of taking one number from an- ether, and fhewivg the remainder^ or difference, or excefs. T}nQ fubducend is the number to be fubtra^led, or taken zwzy. The minuend is the number from which the fubducend is to be taken. Rule ift. Under the minuend write the fubducend, fo that like pames ftand under like names j and under them draw a line. 2d. Beginning at the right-hand fide, take each figure in the lower line from the figure (landing over it, and write the remainder, or what is left, beneath the line, under that figure. 3d. But if the figure below is greater than that above it, increafe the upper figure by as many as are in an unit of the next greater name ; from this fum take the figure in the lowcx line, and write the remainder un- der it. 4th. To the next name in the lower line, carry the unit borrowed, Ikpd thus proceed to the higheft denomination or name. Examples. Ex. I. From 436565874 the mhiuendy Take Z49853642 the fubducend. Remains 186712232 the difference. i. " Here the five figures on the right of the fubducend maybe taken from fchofe over them : but the 6th figure, viz. 8, cannot be taken from the 5 above it. Now as an unit in the 7th place makes ic in the 6th place, therefore borrowing this unit makes the 5, 15; then fay, 8 from 15 leaves 7, which fet down; and fay i carried and 9 is 10, 10 from 6 cannot be had, but 10 from 16 leaves 6, fet it down; then i carried and 4 is 5, 5 from 13 leaves 8 \ fet it down ; then i carried and 2 is 3, 3 from 4 leaves i. Ex. ir. Trom ' 7620908 Take 3^7509* |lx. IV. From Take Remains 3745816 30007,29; 2536,876 Leaves 27470,419 C S' d. Ex. VI. Borroived 24 14 6f Paid 18 12 4| Remains 6 02 zl Ex. HI. Ex. V. From Take 327.9563 49,8697 Remains From Take 278,0866 5000,0000 479,6378 Leaves 4520,36^2 ' d. Ex. VII. Lent 294 15 9I Received 89 18 io| Remains 204 16 \o\ Ex. VIIl. Book I. A R I T H M E T I C It. Ex. VIII. In Sexagejimah. From 76 28 37 49 32 Ttfi/ 65 29 i6 53 45 Lea-vts 10 59 20 55 47 Ex. IX. In Sexagejimah. IV From Take Leaves 218 46 32 50 18 H9 Sg 47 53 29 68 53 44 56 49 27. Questions to exercife Addition and Subtradion. Quest. I. The jhare of Jack's priz.e money was 148^^. ijs. 6dj ; and Tom received as much, he fide ']. jZs.fmart money : How much money did Tom receive ? . s. d Tom's prize money 148 17 6j Smart money 7 180 Tom received 156 1$ 6^ Quest. III. What yearwas King George born in, he being 67 years old in thfi vtnr T7/1Q ? in the year 1749 f* Current year Age 1749^, 67 fubtr. Year born in 1682 Qy E s T . V . A feaman who had re eeived afo. ijs.bd. for wages, prize money, 3 16 s. 18 16 12 46 6 17 6 6 2 9 Current year Will was born 749 7iS 34 Will's age Current year i749 King George crowned 17^7 Years fince 22 Frank's age then 'O Frank's age 32 So Will was Oldcft by two years. 28, SEC- to A R I T H M E T I C K. Book I. fl8. SECTION IV. MULTIPLICATION. ;, MvLTiPLiCATiON ts the method of finding what a given number ivill amount to, when repeated as many times as is re- fre/ented by another number. 54-*uoTbei^ta be multiplied, Is called the Multiplicand, The number multiplied by, is called the Multiplier, And the number which the multiplication amounts to, is called the ProduSf. Both multiplicand and multiplier are called FaSfors. 'Before any operation can be performed ir^ Multiplication, it is necef- fary that the learner fhould commit to memory the following table. 29. The Multiplication Table. times 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 .2 4 6 8 10 12 H 16 18 20 22 24 3 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 3^ 33 3^^ 4 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 <; 25 30 35 40 4^ ?o 5? 60 6 i^ 42 48 H 60 66 72 7 49 16 63 70 77 84 8 64 72 80 88 96 9 81 90 99 108 16 100 no 120 II 121 132 li 144 Obferve, that in multiplying any figure in the upper line by any figure in the left-hand column, the produ6l will ftand right againft the figure ufed in the left-hand column, and under that ufed in the upper line. Thus were 6 to be multiplied by 9, feelc the greater figure 9 in the upper line, and right under it, againft 6 in the left hand, ftands 54 for the Pro- du(5l. And fo of others. The foregoing table being well known, the work of Multiplication will be performed as follows. To multiply any number, as 37256 By any Tingle figure, as by 7 Set them as in the margin, and proceed 260792 thus, 7 times 6 is 42, fet down 2 and carry 4; 7 times 5 is 35 and 4 carried is 39, fet down 9 and carry 3 ; 7 times 2 is 14 and 3 carried is 17, fet down 7 and carry i ; 7 times 7 is 49 and i carried is 50, fet down o and carry 5 j 7 times 3 is 21 and 5 carried is 26, which fet down, and the work is done. But for compound Multiplication take the ff)llowing : 30. Rule ift. Write the Factors fo, that the right hand place of the Multiplier ftands under the right hand place of the Multiplicand. 2d. Multiply the Multiplicand feverally by every figure of the Multiplier, fetting the iiilt figure of each line under the figure then multiplying by. 3d. Add the feveral lines together; and their fum is the Produdl:. 4th. From the right hand of the Produ6l point off", for fradtions, as many places as there are fra6lional places in both Fadors; and thofeto the left of the mark of diftinf\ how many thirds ? o / // /// 36 60 48 27 56 2208 Minutes. 60 132507 Seconds. 60 Ex. III. InacannonweighinglTons, 14(7, ^qfs. I gib. how many pounds f T. C. Qrs. lb. 2 14 3 19 20 54 C. weight. 4 219 Qrs. 28 1771 438 61 5 1 Pounds. I 7950476 Thirds. An explanation of the firft Ex. will make all the reft plain. Since pounds is the greateft name in the given number, and an unit thereof contains 20 of the next lefs name, or (hillings ; therefore multiply the pounds by 20, faying O times 3 is 0, to which adding the 4 in the 14s. makes 4 ; then 2 times 3 is 6, and the one, in the place of tens in the (hillings, makes 7 ; then 2 times 2 is 4 : Now multiply 474s. by i2, faying 12 times 4 is 48, and the 6 in the pence makes 54 ; write 4 and carry 5 ; then 12 times 7 is 84 and 5 is 89, ^c. Laftly, multiply the 5694 pence by 4, faying 4 times 4 is 16, and the two farthings in the jj^iven number is 18 j write 8 and carry i, ^c, 36. Case Book T. JPti I T H M E TICK. 15 36. Case II. y^ number of an inferior name being given ; to find how many of each fuperior denomination are contained in it. Rule ift. Divide the given number, by the number of times that one of its units is contained in an unit of the next fuperior name. 2d. Divide this Quotient by the parts malcing one of the next name. 3d. Divide this Quotient by the parts making one of the next name : And proceed in |his manner, until the higheft name is obtained. 4th. Then the laft Qiiotient, and the feveral remainders, will be the parts of the different names contained in the given number. Ex. I. In 22778 farthings, how many pounds, /hillings, and pence P 4)22778( z Farthings. 12) ^6g\{ 6 Pence. 2,0) 47, 4( 14 Sbillipgs. 23 Pounds. Anfwcr 2-^ . i\s. 61^. Ex. III. ^In 61 51 pounds, how many T'ons, Hundreds, ^tarters. Pounds ? 28)6151(219 56 55 28 271 252 4)2i9( 3 Qrs. 2,o)5,4( 14 C. 2 Tons. 19 Pounds. Anfwer 2T. 14C. 3Qxs. iglb. Ex. II. In TcjSOJi^-jb thirds.of a.dt greeyhov^ ?nany / ^^ ^'^:?. ^ 6,o)795047,6( 56TJliiTds.,i - 6,o)i32co,7( 27 Secondg. 6,0) 220,8 ( 48 Minutes, ' ;. 36 Degrees. "' ' Anfwer 36, 48'. 27". 56'". ' Ex. IV. In ^oSSo grains,'how m:aHy Pounds, OunceSy Pennyweights, Grs, 24)50880(2120 48 28 24 2,0)212,0(0 dwt. 12) io6( 10 oz. 48 8 lb. 4 Anfwer 8lb. 10 oz. Explanation of Ex. I. Since 4 of the g;ven number make one of the next name, pence, then 22778 divided by 4, give 5694 pence, and a Remainder of 2 farthings ; then 5694 pence divided by 12, the number of pence in one of the next name, fhillings, the Qi_iotient is 474 fhil- Hngs, and a Remainder of 6 pence ; then 474 fhillings divided by 20, the number of fhillings in one of the next name, pounds, the Quotient is 23 pounds, and a Remainder of 14 fhillings. And by the 4th pre- cept, the anfwer is col'.ccled. A like operation -will folvc the other examples, having regard to the increafe of the different names. 37. In any Divifion, if the Divifor has one or more cyphers on the right hand, thofe cypheis may be pointed off"; but then as manv places mult be pointed off from the Dividend, wliicli places arc not to be di- vided, but annexed to the r4;^ht hand of the Remainder. See the above xamples. 38. Casf |6 A R I T H M E T I C K. Book I. 38. Casb III. Ta reduce a vulgar fraSlion to its equivalent decimal fraSlion. Rule. To the Numerator annex one or more cyphers, divide this by the Denominator, and the Quotient will be the fraction fought. If the Divifion does not end when fix figures are found in the Quo- ^ent, the work need not be carried any farther. Exam. I. To reduce ^Vt io f*^ equivalent decimal /ration. Here 423 the Denominator is mAde the Divifor, and 15 the Numerator is fet for the Dividend, to which annexing a cypher or two for fra^ional places, feek how often the Divifor can be had in 15, the integral part of the Dividend ; and as it cannot be taken, put o in the Quotient for the place of units : Then taking in one fractional place, feek how oft the Divifor can be had in 150, fay o times, and put another O in the Quotient for the place of primes: Now taking in two fra<9:ional places to the 15, the Divifor will be contained in it thrice, and thus proceed until the Divifion ends, or till 6 places arife in the Qotient : But in this example,^ as the 6th place would be o, it is omitted, becaufe cyphers on the right hand of decimal fractions are of no fignification, as will evidently appear, No- tation of Fraftions being well underftood. 423)15,00(0,03546 1269 2310 2115 1950 1692 2580 2538^ 420 Ex. II. Reduce \ to a decimal fraifion, 2)1,0(0,5 Anfwer. Ex. IV. Reduce ^ to a decimal fraSfion. 4)3,00(0,75 Anfwer. Ex. VI. Reduce y to a decimal /ration. 3)1,00(0,33, &c. Anfwer, Ex. III. Reduce \ to a decimal frail ion. 4)1,00(0,25 Anfwer. Ex. V. Reduce ^ to a decimal fraSiion. 8)5,000(0,625 Anfwer. Ex. VII. Reduce -l^ to a decimal fraSiion, 12)7,0000(0,5833 &c. Anfw. ^ 39. In the two laft Quotients, it may be obferved, that 3 would con tinually arife j fuch decimal fradions are called circulating, or recur- ring fradions : Thefe have a peculiar kind of operation belonging to them, which the inquifitivc reader will find in a book intitled A Gene- ral Treatife of Menfuration*, the third edition, publifhed in the year 1767 ; and alfo in other books. ^y the Aathor of thefe Elementi. 40. Case Book L A R I T H M E T I C K. 17 40. Case IV. To reduce a number conjijiing of different names, to a dc" cimal fraSiion of iu greatejl name. Rule rft. Write the given names orderly under one another, the leaft name being uppermoft j and on their left fide draw a line : Let thefe be reckoned as Dividends. 2d. Againft each name^ on the left hand, write the number making one of its next fuperior name : And let thefe be the Divifors to the for- mer Dividends. 3d. Begin with the upper one, and write the Quotient of each divifion as fractions, on the right of the Dividend next below it j then let this mixed number be divided by its Divifor, &c. And the laft Quotient will be the decimal fraction fought. Ex. I. Reduce 15X. 9!^. to the fra^ional part of a pcundj^erltng* 3 9.75 15.8125 0,790625 Firft fet the three farthings, the 9 penccj the 15 Ihillings 4 and O pounds under one another; and againlt the far- 12 things fet 4, againft the pence fet 12, and againft the 20 (hillings, 20 ; then the three with cyphers fuppofed to be annexed, being divided by 4, the Quotient ,75 is written on the right hand of the 9 pence; and the mixed number 9,75 with cyphers annexed as they are wanted, being divided by 12, the Quotient ,8125 is written on the right hand of the 15 j. then this mixed number 15,8125 being divided by 20, the Quotient 0,790625^^. is the anfwer. Ex. II. Reduce is. 2\d. to the frac- tional part of a pound Jitrling. 12 2,25 20 1,1875 |o05937; Anfwer \t. 2$e name ; and obferve that the firft and fecond terms are always to be of the fame name. 5th. Multiply the fecond and third terms together, divide the produd by the firft term, and the Quotient will be the fourth term, of the fame name the third term was reduced to. 47. Quest. I. If 6^ yards of cloth coji i8j. what will i\ yards cojl? Here it is plain, that the term fought, or the worth of 24 yards, will be money ; therefore the given yds* yds* s. money 1 8 x. is fet for the third term ; j^' z\ 18 and as the worth of 24 yards mufl 8 be greater :han the worth of 4 yards, therefore the 24 is fet for the 2d '9^ term, and the 4 for the ift. Then ^'^ the 2d term 24 being multiplied by ^ ^^ ,^g ^-^y the 3d, 18, the Produdl is 432, _Il_ which divided by the ift term 4, the 2^0) 10,8 fhillings. Quotient or 4th term is 108, which .._ are fhillings, the fame name of the 5 pounds. 3d term; then 108 fhillings divided by 20, gives s' 8^. Anfwer 5^. 8/. Quest. II. If I lend 200 . for 12 months^ how long ought I to have th ufe of \ SOjC. to recoTnpence me ? Here the anfwcr or 4th term is to C' ' be time; therefore let 12 months, '50 200 12 the given time, be fet for the 3d '2 term : Now it is evident, that the 150/. being lefs than the 200^. 15,0)240,0(16 months. mufi be kept a longer time, and fo ^^ the 4th term will be greater than the 3d term : Therefore the 200 is put ^^ for the 2d term, and the 150 for the ift. Then the 2d term multi- Anfwer 16 months. plied by the 3d, the Product will be 2400 ; which being divided by the ift term, the Q^iotient 16 is the 4th term ; and becaufe the 3d term was months, the 4th term will be months. Quest n ARITHMETIC K. Book I. Quest. III. ff^jnt will 1836/*. f raijins come to, at the rate of 6 s. Bd./or ^Alb. ? Here as money is the thing fought, money muft be the 3d term : And ^s 6 J. Sd. confifls of two names, they muft be reduced to one name, viz. pence. it. lb. s. d. ^^,..1836 -6 8 1836 So 6 12 8od'.r:3d term. 24)i4688o(6i20dr. r:4th term. 144 . 12)6120 Quest. V. Wbat'xvill 420 ^ards of cloth come to, at i\s. 10 \d. for I ell Englijh ? The term fought being money, the 14^. 10 J, d. muft be the 3d term, and be reduced to farthings ; alfo the ift and id terms are to be re- duced to quarters of a yard. Ell Eng. yds. /. , d. 1 420 1 4 420 4 1680 7'? 14 12 2Sk io4 28 24 48 2,0)51,0 ( 10.'. Here the 2d term being multi- plied by the 3d, and the Product di- vided by the firft, the quotient is 6120 pence; which being valued, gives 2SL' ^0^* Quest. IV. If 20 yards of cloth ^ 5 quarters wide, will ferve to hatig a room: How many yards of \ quarters wide vjHI feme to hang the fame room ? Here yards of length are required ; then 20 yards muft be the ^d term. qrs. qrs. yds, 45 20 5 4)ioo( Anfwer 25 yards. 1.78 4 84CO 1 71'; far.=3d terra. 1680 ^ . , _ 11760 ^ 5)l20I2CO{ 4)240240 farthiBgsr=4th term. 12)60060 pence. 2,0)500,5 5 Ihillings. 250 pounds. Anfwer 250;^. 5/. The Divifor 5 being a fmgle digit, the Quot. is written under the Divid, Quest. VI. A owes to B A^zL' hut compounds for Js. 6d. in the pound: How much mujl B receive for his debt ? Here compofition money is the thing fought; then the 3d term muft be the compofition money, w'z. "jS. bd. ' j- 1 463 7 6 90 12 12)41670(6^. 90 pence. 2,0 ) 347 '2 (12/. Anfwer \'}l,' 12s. 6d. 48. As it will be more convenient in moft cafes to reduce fuch num- bers, or terms, which confift of feveral names, to the fraaional parts of their greateft name, than to reduce them to their loweft name; therefore in the folution of fome of the following queftions, the inferior parts of the given terms are reduced by Cafe IV. of Rcduaion ; and the anfwers are vduedbyCafeV. Q-U^^T. Book I. A R I T H M E T I C K. '^3 Quest. VII. If Hb. of pepper (o/i 4 J. $d. : What will 7 G. '^qrs. . 1 4 lb. come ta at that rate ?- Ih. C. qrs. lb. s. 8- 7 3 H ^4 4 12 31 z3 50 882lb. 262 56 62' 5292 9.9.-> .. 44'o 8)49392 12)6174 bd. 2,0)51,4 14/. d. 25 o Anfwer 25;^- 14 j 6^. QjJEST. IX. /^^^^ is the inter eji 5/ ^"^^f^. for a year^ at 5 /)^r cent, per annum: Or at the rate of $f. for the ufe of 1 00 . for a year f HeTe intereft is the term required ; therefore s- the intereft of 100^. is to be the 3d term : And as the 4th term, or the intereft of 584;^. is greater' than the 3d term ; then the 2d term is to be greater than the ift. ' ' ' 100 5S4 5 5 i,oo)29,2o( See Cnfc V. of . Reduction. 20 4,00 Anfwer 29^. 4/. Quest. XI. if^hat is the inter eJi */542;^. lOs.for 219 days, at $ per cent, per annum ? To folvc this qucftion, find the intereft for i year ; multiply this in- tereft by 2ig, and divide the Pro- duct by 365, the Quotient will be the anfwer J anu is 16^^. 5;. 6c/. QuST. VIII. One bought 4 Hhds, of fugar^ each containing 6 G, iqrs. \\lb. at ^f. 8j, bd. for each C. weight : TV hat did the whole come to? C, C. qrs. lb. . s. d. 1 6 2 14 286 Now I C. weight is ii2lb. And 4 Hh. at 6C. 2q. I4lb=: 29681b. Alfo 2. &s. 6d. is 582 J. Then the Produ6l of the 2d and 3d terms is 1727376. Which divided by the ift term 112, the Quotient is 15423 pence, whofe value is 64^. fy. ^d. Quest. X, fVhat is the inter ejl of '^1 ' 12 s. for three years and 4 months^ at ^\ per cent, per annum ? Find the intereft for i yearj then thrice that, together with y of one year, will be the intereft fought. : ' r. 100 387,6 3,5 . 3.5 19380 1 1628 100) I 556, 6o( 13,506 for I year. 3 40,^:98 far 3 years. -} of I year r:4.i;2 2 for 4 months. The fum 45,220 is the intereft. Anfwer 45 . 4/. ^d. Qttest. XII. For how lo7tg mufl 487/. 10 1, he at fvnble- inter cj}, at \\L' P*-"^ ^^"^* P^^' "^^-^'^f^* i<^ gain I'ind what will he the intereft of 487^. 10 s. for I year; divide C)S' \s. 3rt. by this intereft, and the Qiioticnt will be 4! \'cais. C 4 QUESV. 24 A R I T H M E T I C K. Book I. % Quest. XIII One bought l^ pipes tfuuffte, and is allowed 6 months cre- dit: But for ready money gets it 6d. in a gallon cheaper ; How much did hefave by paying ready money ? Anfwcr 44;^* 2 * Quest. XV. One bought 3 tons f oil for I53;C' 9^* "^hich having leaked 74 gallons ^ he would make the frime-coji of the remainder : How mu/l it be fold per gallon ? Now I T. =25 2 Gall. And 3T.=756 SabtraA the gallons leaked = 74 Remains 682 G. G. . Then 682 i 153,45 Anfwcr 4/. 6^75 the worth of the pieces. Then 10 1,25 IOC 15 1,875-- 150;^. He will receive iS- ^'^'^ them. Quest. XXV^I. Suppofe \2 gal- lons of honey be valued at 2^. and the duty is is,- per cent, en this value, and a drawback of ^. per cent, on the duty for prompt payment : IVhat will the ready money duty of b']2 gal- lons come to ? Now 42G. : 672G. : : 2. 3^C And looj^. : ^SC- : r- : 4M- Alfo ioo2^. 9s--- h^C : 4.5 6>C Anfwcr 4jC >i^ 2ld. The Rule of Proportion is of almoft unlverfal ufc in all bufinefs where coinputation is required ; as in buying and felling, values of flocks and th(r!r dividends ; the intereft and difcount of money ; the cufloms and duties on goods, (:fc. But the dcfigned brevity of this book will not per- p^it farther illufUations, SEC, t6 A R I T H M E T I C K. Book I. SECTION VIII. OF THE POWERS OF J^JUMfepRS, AND OF THEIR ROOTS. .,'.:;, 49, The Power of a number j is a produ5i arifing by multiplying that number by itfelfy the froduEl by the fame number ^ this froduSl by thejame number again, ^c. to any number of multiplications. . . -, I f , . - 50. The given number is called the firft power or root. -> The Produl of the ift power by itfelf, is the fecond power, or fquarc. The Produdt of the ?d power by the ift^ is the 3d power^ or cube. The Produ(3 of the 3d power by the ift, is the 4th power, &c. 51. Here follow the ift, 2d, and 3d powers of the nine digits. Roots, or I ft power 1234 5 6 7 8 9 Squares, or 2d power 14 916 25 36 49 64 81 Cubes, or 3d power i 8 27 64 125 2r6 343 512 729 Ex. I. JVhat is the 2d power, or Ex. II. What is the "^d power, or cube of 38 .? Now 38X38^:1444 the 2d power. Then 1444X38 = 54872 the 3d power. fqtiare of the number 24 ? 24X24=576 is the 2d power. The figure, or number, fhewing the name of any power, is called the index of that power. . Thus I is the index of the firft power : 2 is the index of the 2d power ; 3 of the third power, &c. Alfo i is the index of the fquare root j 4> the index of the cube root, tifc. 52. Any number may be confidered as a power of fome other number. Thus 64 may be taken as the 2d power of 8, and the third power of 53. The root of a given number, confidered as a power, is a number which being raifed to the index of that power, will either be equal to the given number, or approach very near to it. 54. 'To extras the Square Root of a given number. Rule ift. Begin at the unit's place, put a point over it, and ajfo over every next figure but one, reckoning to the left for integers, and to the right for fractions j and there will be as many integer places in the root, as there are points over the integers in the given number. The figure under a point, with its left-hand place, is called a period. 2d. Under the left-hand period write the greatefl fquare contained in it, and fet the root thereof in the Q^iotient; fubtradl the fquare, and to the remainder bring down the next period, as in Divifion. 3d. On the left of this Remainder write the double of the Root or Quotient for a Divifor ; feek how often this may be had in the Remainder, except the right-hand place j write what arifeth both in the Root, and on the right of the Divifor. 4th. Multiply this increafed Divifor by the lall Quotient-
3 Root. 203 ) 0609 609 Ex. V. TVhat is the Square Root 5/911236798,794365.? Anfwer 30186,699, t^c. 911236798,794366 ( 30186,6 601 ) 1123 6028 ) 52267 60366 ) 404398 174804 ) 822000 699216 17480S7 ) 122784C0 1 2236609 174809402 ) 4 1 79 1 0000 349618804 68291 196 603726 ) 4220279 597923 iffc. Here the produds are omitted, the multiplication and fubtr.iiSlion being made in the mind. In the Vlth Example, after all the periods given were brought down, there remained 8220, to which a pe- riod of two cyphers was annexed, and the operation renewed, r.nd con- tinued until 4 dtcimal places were obtained in the Root; every period brought down giving one place. 56. Tf 2 ARITHMETIC K. Book I. 56. To extras tpe Cube Root of a given Number, Rule ift. Over the unit place of the given number put a point, and alfo over every third figure from the unit place, to the left for integers, and to the right for fra<5lions j and the root will have as many integer places, as there are points, or periods, in the integral part of the given number. ad. Under the left hand period, write the greateft Cube it contains, the root of which fet in the Quotient: Subtra^ the Cube from the pe- riod, and to the Remainder annex the remaining periods j call this the Refolvend. 3d. To the Quotient annex as many cyphers as there were periods remaining ; call this the Root. 4th. Divide the Refolvend by the Root, add the Quotient to thrice the Square of the Root, let the Sum be a Divifor to the Refolvend, and the Quotient-figures annexed to the right of the firft Root, without the cy- phers, will be the Cube Root fought. 5th. If the fecond figure of the Root be i, or O; then generally 3 or 4 figures of the Root will be obtained at the firft operation : But if the iecond figure exceeds 2, it will be beft to find only two places at firft. 6th. To renew the operation ; fubtradl the Cube of the figures found in the Root from the given number j then form a Divifor, and divide as direted in the fourth precept ; and this will give the Root true to 5 or fix places : Tor each operation commonly triples the figures found in the Uft Root. Ex. I. JVloat is the Cube Root 5/9800344 ? Put a point qver the unit place 4, another over the place of thoufands, 9800344(2 and another over that of millions ; g and becaufe there are 3 points, there ' will be 3 places in the Root. Under 2,00) 18003,44 Refolvend. the left hand period 9, write 8, the greateft Cube in it, and its Root 2 9001 = Quotient, write in the Quotient, then fubtraft- 1 20000 = thrice the Sq. of the R. ing,the Refolvend is 1 800344: Now . . . becaufe there are two periods remain- 129001 ji 00344^14 jng, therefore two cyphers annexed ^ to the Root 2, make it 200, by which cio'?44. dividing the Refolvend, the Qiio- c 16004 tient is 900 ij alfo the fquare of 200 , \^ 40000, the triple thereof 1 20000 The Root is 214. being added to 9001, makes 129001 for a Divifor, by which dividing 1800344, the Quotient is 14 nearly, and is taken as 14, becaufe it is much nearer to it than to 13 j now 14 being annexed to the former Root 2, makes 214, the Root fought, J or 214x214x214=9800344. Ex. II. Book I. A R I T H M E T I C K. 29 Ex. II. fVhat is tht Cube Root of 5 1 8749442^ 75? * 518749442875(8 52f 8,000) 6749442,87s 843680 192000000 i9284368o( 6749442875 (035 S78531040 964132475 964218400 In this example, becaufe 3 periods were remaining, and confequently 3 piaces more to be found ; therefore in the laft divifion a point is put over the 3d place from the right hand, and the Divifor is firft to be tried in the Di- vidend as far as this point, in which as it cannot be taken, is put in the Quotient, iffc. here the laft figure 5 is too much, but it is much nearer to 5 than to 4 ; then 035 annexed to the firft Root 8, makes 8035 for the Root. Ex. in. TVhat is the Cube Root of 1 14604290,028 P 114604290,028 48 64 48 4,00 ) 50604290 126510 192 480000 2304 606510) 50604290 (8 48 Here 480 is taken for the Root at the firft operation. 18432 9Z16 Then 114604290,028(48 110592 110592 480) 4012290 The work of the Divifion is fuppofed to be done ' on a walle paper. 8358,9 the Quotient. 691200 zz triple the Squareof 480, viz. 230400x3. Divifor 699558,9) 4012290,028 (5736 ' 34977945 To 480 the firft Root 5144955 Add 5,736 4896912 248043 209807 Sum 485(736 38176 57. Here, inftead of bringing down the figures of the Dividend to the Remainders, the Divifor is leflened each time, by pointing off a place on the right ; but regard is to be had to the carriage which will arife from the places thus omitted. 5 SEO ja A R I T. Hr M E T I C K. Book I. SECTION tx; ^^i^'MlNtEKAL Series. 58. J rank of three or more numbers that tncreaje or decreaje By an uniform progreffion, is called a Numeral Series. 59. If the Progreffion is made by equal difFerenccs, that is by the con- ftant addition or fubtradtion of the fame number j the feries is called an Arithmetic Progrejfton. fl 23456789 l^c, increafing by adding 1, Thus< 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 i^c. increafing by adding 3, C 49 43 37 31 25 19 13 7 ' ^^- decreafing by fubduaing 6, are ranks of numbers in Arithmetic Progreffion : And of fucb ranka there may be an infinite variety. 60. If the Progreffion is made by a conftant multiplication or divifion with the fame number, the feries is called a Geometric ProgreJJion. i 655! L 16384 I 2 4 8 16 32 64 y^. increafing by 2, . I 5 25 125 625 3125 15625 tiff, increafing by 5, I 6561 2187 729 243 81 27 9 3 ^f. decreafmg by 3, [6384 4096 1024 256 64 1 6 4 1 y<:. decreafing by 4, are ranks of numbers in Geometric Progreffion : And of fuch ranks there may be an infinite variety. '61. The common Multiplier or Divifor is called the ratio. Thus 2 is the ratio in the \Jl rank, 5 in the 2d rank, 3 is the ratio in the ^d rank, and 4 in the ^th rank. 62. In any feries of terms in Arithmetic Progreffion, the fum of any two terms, confidered as extremes, is equal to the fum of any two terms taken as means equally diftant from the extremes. T'irus in 3 terms (where the \Ji and '^d are extremes, and the other the mean J t/k. 6 . 9 . 12 , then 6+i2r=9-|-9=i8. And in \ terms, 'viz, 13. 19. 25. 31. I'hen 134-31 = 19-1-25=44. Alfo in the terms 49. 43. 37. 31. 25. 19. 13. 7. i. y>^^49+i=43-|-7=37-i-i3=3' + >9=25+25=5<^- 63. In a feries of terms in Geometric Progreffion, the Product of any two terms confidered as extremes, is equal to the Produ(3: of any two in- termediate equidiftant terms confidered as means. ^bus in 3 terms, viz. 5. 25 . 125 . Or 3 . 9 27- Then 5X125 = 25 X 25=625. Jl/o 3X27=9X9 = 81. And in 4 terms 5r>&^ 32X4 = 16X8 = 128. Alfo in the terms I . 4 . 16 . 64 . 256 . 1024 . 4096 . 16384 . Then 16384X1=409.6x4=1024X16=256x64 = 16384. 64. In i! Book I. ARITHMETIC K; 31 64. In iiny Arithmetic PrdgreiGlon, the fum of any two terms leflened by the firft term ; or their difference increafed by the firft term, will be a term alfo in that progreifion. Tbut in the ProgreJJlon 1 . 3 . 5 , 7 . 9. 11 . I3 . 15 . 17 . 19 . 21 \^c. Then j-]-ii:=iiS, and 18 izrrij is a term of the Progreffion. 'j^^ 1 1*^7:4, and 44-1 =5 is a term t)F the Progt-effion. i> 65. In any Geometric Progrefllon, the product of any two terms di- vided by the firft term ; or the Quotient of any two terms multiplied by the firft term, will give a term alfo in that feries. Thus in th0 ProgriJJjon 3 . 6 . 12 . 24 . 48 . 96 . 192 . 384 . 768 Cfff. 12 X96 , 192 ' ' . , . Then =3'84; and X 3 =48, 'are terms in the Progreffion. 3 12 66. If over a feries of terms in Geometric Progreffion, be written a feries of terms in Arithmetic Progreffion, the firft term of which is O, and common difference is i, term for term ; then any term in the Arith- metic Series, will fhew how far its correfponding term in the Geometric Stries is diftant from the firft term, - i -r . V. CT^, t o I 2 3 4 5 6 l^c. Arithmetic Series. "' ( I 3 9 27 81 243 729 Cfff. Geometric Series. Here 729 is dillant from the ift term, 6 terms; 243 is diftant 5 terms, 81 is diftant 4 terms. 67. The terms of the Arithmetical Scries are called indices to the terms of the Geometric Series. Thus 5 is the index to 2^^ > 3 '^ *^^ index tb 2y ; 1 // tit index /o 3 ; ^c. 68. Problem I. In an Arithmetic ProgreJJlon : Given iht Jirfl Urm^ the common difference^ and the number of terms. Required the laji term. Rule. Subtract i from the number of terms, multiply the remainder by the common difference ; to the ^rodut add the firft term, and the fum will be the laft term. Ex. I. Suppoje 1 and 9 to be the Jirji and Jecond tertm, of an Arithmetic Progrejfion o/" 1074 terms : IVhat is the lajl term F Here 9 ir:8 is the com. difF. Now 1074 imo73. And 1073x8 = 8584. Then 8584+ 1 ^SjSfrzlaft term. Ex. II. A perfon agrees to difcharge a certain debt in a year , byweekly payments^ viz. the jirJi week ^s. the 2d iveek 2)S. Sec, cmjiaritly incrtafing each iveek by 3; . ; How much was the lajl payment ? 5mft. term. Now 52 1= 51. 3r:com. diff. And 51X3=153. 52 = Nof term?. Thn 1534-55:158 /.ss/^C' 18 /.=laft Pyinent- 69, Pro- 3% A5 R; I T H M E T I C K* Book L 69. Problem II. In an Arltbmetu Progrejftsn : Given the firfi term., taji term^ and the number of terms. Required the fum of all the terms. Rule. Add the firft and laft terms togetlicr, the fum multiplied by half the number of terms, gives the ftim of all the terms. Ex. II. A debt is to be Aifchargtd in a year by weekly payments equally increaftngi the \Ji to be 5^. andthelaji 7j^. 1 8 J. - Hovj much luas' the debt r Here jJC* 18/ =158/.=: laft term. 52=::N'' of terms, its -| is 26. Now 1584-5 = 163. Then i6i'/ii6z:=.\z%^s.z=.i\\. 18/. is the fum of the terms, or debt. Ex. I. Required the fum of the frjl 1000 numbers in their natural 4rder . ' " 5* "- . ../';' Here imftterm, i=com. diff". ioco=:N** of terms, its { is 500. Now ioOo-f-i=:iooi. Then looi X5oo=5O05OO is the fum required. Ex. III. Suppofe d bajket and ^00 Jl ones were placed in ajlraight line., a yard dijlant from one another": Required in what time a man could bring them one by one to the bajket.^ allowing him to walk at the rate of 3 miles an hour ? Between the baflcet and ftones are 500 fpaces, which is the number of terms. Now 5004-1 = 501. Then 501 X25o=:i25250=rum of the terms. But as he goes backwards and forwards, he walks 2505OO yards. Which divided by 1760 (the yards in i mile) gives 142, 329. miles. Which at 3 miles an hour, will take 47 h. 26 min. 35 feconds nearly. 70. Problem III. In a Geometric ProgreJJion : Given the firjl term, the ratio and the lajl term. Required the fum of all the terms. Rule. Multiply the laft term by the common ratio, from the Produft fubtradl the firft term for a Dividend. Subtract i from the ratio for a Divifor j then divide, and the Quo- tient will be the fum of all the terms. Ex. I. Suppofe the firfi term of a feries to be 3, the ratio 3, and the lafl t/rm^^6i: Required the fum of all the terms. Now 6561=13(1 term. And 3S=ratio. Mult, by 3r:ratio. Sub. i ^ i9683=:Produa. Rem. 2=:Diviforj Subtr. 3=:firft term. Io68o=:Dividend. Then 2)19680(9840 is the fum of all the terms. vEx. II. Let the firfi term be 2, the fecond term lo, and the laji term 1562.50 ; Required the fum of all the terms. Here 2) 10 (5 is the common ratio. Now 156250X^=781250. And 781250 2=78i248=:DIvidend. Alfo 51 =4 the Divifor. Then 4) 781248 (195312 is the fum of all the terms. 71. Pro- Book 1. A R t T H M E T I C K. 33 71. Problem IV. In a Geometric Progrejfion: Given the jirjl terttiy the ratioy and the number of terms. Required the lajl term, kuLfe ift. Write down 6 or 7 of the leading terms In the Geometric Series, and over them their Indices. 2d. Add together the moft convenient indices to make an index lefs by unity than the number expreffing the place of the term fought. 3d. Multiply together the terms of the Geometric Series, belonging to thofe indices which were added j make the product a dividend. 4th. Raife the firft term to a power whofe indeji is one lefs than the number of terms multiplied j make the refiilt a Divifor to the former Dl- videndj and the Quotient will be the term fought. Ex. I. Wl)at is the i-j-th tennof a Geometric Series y the firjl Urrn of which ts 3, andfecond term is 6 P ^ . . . Now = 2 is the common ratio. 3 .^oi 23 4 5 6 isfc. Indices. I 3 . 6 . 12 . 24 . 48 . 96 . 192 ifc. Geometric terms. Then 6-|-5:r:ri, is the index to the 12th term. And 192 X (^6= 1 8432, is the Dividend. The number of terms multiplied together is 2 ; and i-^i rr i, the power to which the firft term 3 is to be raifed ; but the firft power of 3 is 3. 18432 Then ir 6 1 44 is the 1 2ih term of the given ferifes. 3 Ex. II. APerfon being afked to difpofe of a fine horfe, fain he would felt him on condition of having one farthing for the \Jl nail in his Jhoes, two far- things for the id nail ; one penny for the ^d nail ; two pence for the ^.th ; four pence for the ^th ; 8 pence for the 6th^ l5'c. ; doubling the price of every tail to 32, the number of nails in the four Jhoes : Hoiv much would that horfe he fold for at that rate ? Here the firft term is i, the ratio 2, and the number of terms 32. P irft. To find the laft term. Kow 5'23 45 6 7 S^fff. Indices. ( I . 2 . 4 . 8 . 16 . 32 . 64 . 123 . 256 t^f. Geometric terras. And 31 is the index to the 32d term. Then 8 + 8=16; i6 + 8=:24; 24 + 7 31. The ift term being r, any power thereof is I; (o the 4th article of th rule is ufeJefs in this queftion. Now 2^6X2156^=65536 is the 17th term. 615536X2^6=16777216 is the 25th term. i67772i6x 128 = 2147483648 is the ^zd term. Then 2147483648 2 42^4967296 1 the ift term. a 1=1) 4J94967295 the fumof the term? : or tn ^jnce, in farthings, of the horTc, 20 4254967291; '073741S23 1/ 89478+^5 - 3j of numbers Jo contrived, that hy them the work of multiplication may be performed by addition j and the operation of divifion may be done by JubtraSlion. ' 73. Or, Logarithms arc the Indices to a feries of numbers in Geome- trical Progreflion. "^ 01234 5 6 l^c. Indices'or ^.ogarithms. I 2 4 8 16 32 64 i^c. Geometric Progreflion. (012 3 4 5 t^c Indices or Logaiithms. J I 3 g 27 8 1 243 i^c. Geometric Series. 012 3 4 5 l^c. Indices or Logarithms. I 10 ICO 1000 locoo 1 00000 i^c. Geometric Series. Where the fame Indices ferve equally for any Geometric Series. 74. Hence it is evident, there may be as many kinds of Indices or Lo- garithms, as there can be taken kinds of Geometric Series. But the Logarithms moft convenient for common ufes, are thofe adapted to a Geometric Series increafmg in a tenfold Progreflion, as in the laft of the examples above. 75. In the Geometric Series i . 10. 100. 1000. iffc. betw^een the terms i and 10, if the numbers were interpofed, to them might Indices be alfo adapted in an Arithmetic ProgrclTion, fuited to the terms interpofed betvk'een i and 10, confidered as a Geometric Pro- greflion : Alfo proper Indices may be found to all the numbers that can be interpofed between any two terms of the Geometric Series. But it is evident that all the Indices to the numbers under lO muft be lefs than i; that is, are fractions : Thofe to the numbers between 10 and 100 muft fall between i and 2 ; that is, are mixed numbers confifting of I and fpme fradlion : And fo the Indices to the numbers between ico and 1000 will fall between 2 and 3; that is, are mixed numbers confifting of two and fome fra(SI:ion : And fo of the other Indices. 76. Hereafter, the integral part only of thefe Indices will be called the Index; and the fractional part will be called the Logarithm : And the computing of thofe fractional parts is called the making of Logarithms ; the moft troublefome part of this work is to make the Logarithms of the prime numbers ; that is, of iuch numbers which cannot be divided by any other number than by itfelf and unity. 77. To find the Logarithms of prime tnwibers. ^ Rule ift. Let the fum^of the propofed number and its next lefs num- ber be called A. 2d. Divide 0,868588963 * by A, refcrve the Quotient. * The number 0,868588963 is the Quotient of 2 divided by 2,30258^093, which is the Logarithm of 10, according to the firft form of the Lord Nepier, who was the inventor of Logarithms. The manner by which Nepier^s Log. of 10 is found, may be feen in many books of Algebra ; but is here omitted, be- caufe this treatife does not contain the elements of that fcience : However, thofe who have not opportunity to enter thoroughly into this fubjeft, had better grant the truth of one number, and thereby be enabled to try the accu- racy of any Logarithm in the tables, than to receive thofe tables as truly computed, without any means of examining the certainty thereof. 2 3d. Divide ^B6okI. .>sA. KvIlT H M E TAC:K, 3^ 3d. Divide the referved Quotient by the Square of. A, referve this Quotient. 4th. Divide the laft referved Quotient by the Square of A, referving the Quotient ; and thus proceed as long as divifion can be made. _ 5th. Write the referved Qi^iotients orderly under one another, the firft being uppermpft. 6th. Divide thcfe Quotients refpeitively by the odd numbers 1.3.5. 7 . 9 . II, &c. that is, divide the firft referved Quotient by i, the 2d by 3, the 3d by 5, the 4th by 7, ^c. let thefe Quotients be w^ritten orderly un- der one another, add them together, and their fum will be a Logarithm. 7th. To this Logarithm, add the Logarithm of the next lels number, and the fum will be the Logarithm of the number propofed. Ex. L Required the Logarithm of the number 2t Here the next lefs number is i, and 24-1=3 A. And the Square of A is 9. Then ; ' j 0,868588963 ,289525654. =,289529654. And jj =,289529654 0,289529654 ,032169962 =,032169902. & * =,010723321 0,032169962 . ,003^74440 ' =,003574440. & =,000714888 0,003574440 ,000397:60 =,000397160. & ^ - =,000056737 9 . 7 0,000397160 ,000044129 r:,cooo44i29. & =,000004903 9 9 0,000044129 ,000004903 '=,000004903. ::r, 000000445 0,000004903 ,000000545 =:,cooooo545. & :=, 000000042 o,oooooo:c4(; ,000000060 =,oocoooo5o. Si n:, 000000004 To this Log. o,3oio299(}4 Add the Log. of i=o,oocoooooo Their fum is the Log. of 2:1^0,301029994 This procefs needs no other explanation than comparing it with the rule. That the manner of computing thefe Logarithms may be familiar to the Reader, the operations of making fcvcral of them arc here fubjoined. D 2 Ex, n. 3 A R I T H M E T I C K. Book I. Ex. II. Required the Logarithm of the number 1. Here the next lefs number is 2 ; and 3 + 2=:5=A, whofe Square i 25,. 0,868588963 5 0,006948712^ 0,000277948 0,OOCO{ I I 18 0,000000445 =>i7377792. And ^5 6948712. & 277948. & 11118. & 445- f 18. & ,173717792 I 69^487 1 2 3 277948 5 iiiiS =.17371779* =:,O033ij63}57 =,000055590 7 445 9 i8 II =,000001588 r=,oooooco49 To this Logarithm Add the Log. of 2 The fum is the Logarithm of 3 =,000000002 ' ' ' ^ 0,176091258 0,301029994 0,477121252 78. Since the Logarithms are the Indices of numbers confidered in z Geometric ProgrefTion j therefore the fums,or diiFerences of thefe Indices, will be Indices or Logarithms belonging to the Produ is various : But in this treatife they are ordered as follows. Any number under 100, or not exceeding two places., and its Logarithm^ are found in the firfi page of the table., where they are placed in adjoining columns ; and diftinguiflied by the title Num* for the common numbers ; and by Log. for the Logarithms. Thefe tables are at the end of Book IX. A number of three or four places being given, its Logarithm is thus found. Seek for a page in which the given number fhall be contained betwcea the two numbers marked at the top, annexed to the letter N : Thci\ right againft the three firft figures of the given number, found in tlie column figned Num, and in the column figned by the fourth, Itands tha Logarithm belonging to that number of four places. It the number confifted of 3 places only ; then thefe places found as before directed, the Logarithm ftnads againft them in the columrt figned 0. D 3 Thus, 3^ A^ii I r^H m^e; tick. Blt^i Thus, tofnd the- Logarithm of 5738. Seek for a page in which ftands at top N" 5200 to 5800 ; then in the column figned N find 573, right againft which in the column figned 8- ad top or bottom ftands, 75876^' which is the Logarithm to 5738, exchjfive of its Index. :_ ' _ 8r. j1 Logarithm being givni^ its number is thus found. Seek for a page in which the three firfl: figures oV the given Logarithm are found at top annexed to the letter L ; then in one of the columns figned with the figures o, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, find a number the neareft to the given Logarithm ; againft this number in the column figned N, ftand three figures ; to the right of thefe annex the figure with which the column was figned at top or bottom, and this will Be the number correfponding to the given Logarithm, not regarding the Index. 82. All numbers confifting of the fame figures, whether they be inte- gral, fra6lional, or mixed, have the fradlional parts of their Logarithms the fame. If the following examples be well attended to, there will be no difficulty in finding the Logarithm to a propofed number, or the number to a pro- ppfed Logarithm, within the limits of the table of Logarithms here ufed. Num. Logarithms, Logarithms. Numbers. 5^7^ 3,7689^ 0,37295 2,360 587.4 2,76893 1,28631 19.33 58.74 1,76^93 2.51947 330.7 5,874 ' 0,76893 1.750^2 5632, 0,5874 _i^,76893 1''8397 0,001527 0,05874 2,76893 2,43020 0,02693 0,005874 3.76893 1,85962 0.7238 S3. A general rule to find the Index to the Log. of a given number. 'To the left of the Logarithm^ ivy it e that figure (or figures) ivhich ex~ prejfes the dijlance from unity ^ of the higheft-place digit in the given num- ^er, reckoning tl.e unit's pLce 0, the next place I, the next place 2, the next place 3, Sec. When there are integers in the given number, the Index is always affirmative ; but when there are no integers, the Index is negative, and is to bemarked by a little line drav/n above it : thus 7. Thus a number having I . ^c, integer places. The index of its Logarithm is o . i . 2 . 3 . 4 . i^c. And a fraction having a digit in the place of Primes, Seconds, Thirds, Fourths, ^'c. Then the Index of its Logarithms will be 1 .2.3.4 i^c. By the above rule, the place of the fractional comma, or mark of diftiniStion, in the number anfwcring to a given Logarithm, will be always known. 84. The more places the Logarithms confift of, the more accurate, in general, will be the refult of any operation performed with them : But for the purpofes of Navi-gatio.n, as five places, exclufive of the Index, are fufficient, therefore the logarithmic tables in this treatife are not extended any farther. <' . ' 85. MUL^ Book I. ARITHMETIC K. 39 85. MULTIPLICATION BY LOGARITHMS; Ory 7'wo or more numbers being given , to find their Frodu5l by "Logarithms . Rule. Add together the Logarithms of the P'aftors, and the fum is a Logarithm, the correfponding number of which is the Product required. Obferving to add what is carried from the Logarithm to the fum of the affirmative Indices. And that the difference between the affirmative and negative Indices are to be taken for the Index to the Logarithm of the Produ6t. Ex. 1. Multiply 86,25 h ^4S- 86,25 its Log. is 1,9^576 6,48 its Log. is 0,81157 Produft 558,9 2.74733 Ex. III. Multiply 3,768 by 2,053 and by 0,007693. 3,768 its Log. is 0,5761 J 2,053 0.3J259 0,007693 3,88610 Produft 0,0595 I 2,77460 The I carried from the left hand column of the Logs, being affirm- ative, reduces 3 to z. Ex. 11. Midtiply 46,75 by 0,3275. 46,75 its Log. is 7,00978 , 0,3275 its Log. is 1,51521 Produfl 15,31 1,18499 Ex. IV. Multiply 27,63 by 1,859 and by 0,7258 and by 0,03591. 27,63 its Log. is 1,44138 1,859 0^6928 0,7258 1,86082 0,03591 2/5 >;2' Produd 1,339 0,12669 PIcre 2 being carried to the In* dex I, makes 3 ; which takes off the 7 and ~l. %G. DIVISION BY LOGARITHMS. Or, 'T'vuo numbers being given, to find hozv often the one will contain the other, by Logarithms. Rule. From the Log. of the Dividend, fubtra(?t the Log. of the Divifor ; then the number agreeing to the Remainder, will be the Quotient required. But obferve to change the Index of the Divifor from negative to affir- mative, or from affirmative to negative : And then let the difference of the affirm, and neg. Indices be taken for the Index to the Log. of the Quotient. When an unit is borrowed in the left-hand place of the Logarithm, add it to the Index of the Divifor, if affirmative j but fubtraft it if negative ; and let the Index arifmg be changed and worked with as before. Ex. I. Divide 558,9 by 6,48, Log. ofDivid. 558,9 is 2,74733 Log. of Divifor 6,48 is 0,81157 The Quotient is 86,2: '.93576 Ex. III. Z)mV^o,o595 1/70,007693. Log. ofDivid. 0,05951 is ^,77459 Ex. II. Divide 15,31 by 46,75. Log. of Divid. 15,31 is 1,18497 Log. of Divifor 46,75 is 1,66978 The Quotient is 0,3275 ,51519 Ex. IV. Divide 0,6651 by 22,5, Log. ofDivid. 0,665115 i,822j Log. of Divifor 0,007653 is 7,88610 l^^og- of Divilor 22,5 is 1,35218 . . I '~^ The Quotient is 7,735 0,88849 i ^^^ Qnotient is 0,02956 2,47071 D 4 87. 01 40 ARITHMETICK. Book I. 87. OF PROPORTION. Ill State the terms of the queftion (by 46) and let them be writtoa ordijfiy under one another, prefixing to the firft term the word As^ to the ftV^o.^w l"j, to the third So^ and under them fet the word To. 2d. Agajnft the firft t^rm, write the arithmetical complement of its Logarithm. See Art. 88. 3J. Againft the fecond and third terms, write their Logarithms. 4.th, The fum of thofe three Logarithms, abating lO in the Index, will b^ \\\t Logarithm of the 4th term ; which fought in the tables, the num- ber anfwering to it is the anfwer or term fought. 88. The arithmetical complement of a Logarithm is thus found. Be- ginning at the Index, write down what each figure wants of 9, except the laft, or right-hand figure, which take from 10. But if the Index is negative, add it to 9 j and proceed with the reft as before. Ex. I. Find a fourth proportional number io 98,45 and 1,969 and ^^J^2 As 98,45 its * Ar. Co. Log. 8,00678 To 1,969 0,29425 So 347,2 2,54058 To 6,944. 0,84161 Ex. III. IFhat will a gunner's pay amcunt to in a year at 2^, 12^. bd. a month of 1% days ? As 28 days its Ar. Co. Log. 8,55284 To 365 days 2,56229 So 2jC' >2/. 6d.=zz,62^. 0,41913 To 34^. 4/. 5 ^.=34,22^. 1,53^26 Ex. II. Find a third proportional number to 9,642 and 4,821. As 9,642 its Ar. Co. Log. 9,01583 To 4,821 0,6^314 So 4,821 0,68314 To 2,411 0,3821 1 Ex. IV. If I of a yard of cloth co/i } of a guinea : Hoxv many elli EngUjh for 3. \0s.? Aj f Guin.m4j:. Ar. Co. 8,85387 f"o 3;^' 10/. =70/. 2,84510 So I ell =0,6 i778i5 To 3 ells 0,47712 Ex. V. What number will have Ex. VI. How many yards of Jhal- the fame proportion to 0,8538 as Icon of I ell ivide will be enough to 0,3275 has to 0,01 31 f As 0,0131 its Ar. Co. Log. m, 81^273 To 0,3275 _^'iJ52i So 0,8538 1, 93 '36 *To 21,35 >3253<^ line a coat containing 3-^- ells of \\ yards wide? As I x| yd. w. 0,9375 10,02803 To i]- yd. w. 1,75 0,24304 So Si^i yd. I-=4'37S 0,64098 To 8-g yd. longr:8,i67 0,91205 I where w. (lands for wide, 1. for long. * At. Co. Log. fla.nd: for t':i Arithmetical Complement of the logarithm. OF Book L A R I T H M E T I C K* ^ OF POWERS AND THEIR ROOTS. 89. y^ number being given j to fnd any fropofed power of that Number. Rule ift. Seek the Logarithm of the given number. jtd. Multiply this Logarithm by the Index of the propofed power. 3d. Find the number correfponding to the Produdt, and it will be the ^wer required. 90. In multiplying a Logarithm havinga negative Index, theProdud of that Index is negative. But the carriage from the Logarithm is affirmative. Therefore the difference will be the Index of the Produfl. And is to be of the fame kind with the greater, or that which was made the minuend. ,^ Ex. I. TVhat is the fecond power of the number 3,874/* To 3,874 its Log. is 0,58816 The Index is 2 The power fought is 15,01 1,17632 Ex: III. iVhat is the I2th power tf the number 1,539 ^ 1,539 its Log. is 0;i8724 The index is 12 The power fought is 176,6 2,24688 Ex. II. What is the ^d power of the number 2,768 F The N" 2,768 its Log. is 0,44.217 The Index is 3 The power fought is 21,21 1,32651 Ex. IV. What is the 2^ ^^h power of the number 1 ? 2 Its Log. is 0,30103 The Index is 365 150515 180618 In the IVth Ex. the Index of the Produ(fl: being 109, fhew 90309 that the required power will confiil -of no integer places ; of -- \ ^_.._- __ - _Q__^ ^ which no more than 4 places are found iji thefe tables ; there- *09'S7?95 fore the number fought may be thus exprelTed, 7515 [TFe] ; That is, 7515 with 106 cyphers annexed. Ex. V. IVhat is the id power of the number 0,2^57 ^ To 0,2857, its Log. is The Index of 2d power i,45S9> 2 The power 0,08163 2,91 182 Here, there being no carriage fiom the Product of the Log. the whole Product of the negative In- dex is negative, vix. 7. Ex. VI. TFhat is the ^d power of the number 0,7916 .'^ To 0,7916, its Log. is The Index of 3d power The power is 0,4961 1,89851 3 ""69553 Here the carriage from the Pro- duct of the Log. is 2 ; then the Produ6l of the negative Index 7, viz. 7, being leflened hy 2, leaves 7, the Index of the Produ/ a S^^enty cadb, js, ^ when the angular point is in the circ^mifercnce of the T)/'^^^/\\ fcgmcnt, and the legs including the angle pafs through / X V\ the ends B and c, of the .chord of the fegm?nt. 1/ \ ) Such an angle is faid to he in a t'trcuir^erence ; and'tu ^\" '^C fiand on the arcy BC,. included betuueen the legs, ab and ^^ AC, of the angle, * :.-.'jj^\\ 38. Right lined figures, having more than four fides, are called Poly- gons J and have their names from the number of their angles, or fides ; as thofe of five fides are called Pentagons j of fix fides, Hexagons j of fcven fides. Heptagons ; of eight fides, 0^agonSj i^c. ' 39. A regular Polygon is a figure with equal fideSj and equal, angles. 40. A figure is faid to be infcribed in a circle, when all the angles of that figure are in the circumference of the circle. 41. A figure is faid to circumfcribe a circle, when every fide of the figure is touched by the circumference of the circle. . 42. A Propofition is fomething propofed to be confidered ; and requires either afolution or anfwer, or that fomething be made out, or proved. - . . '' .1 , A Problem is a praiSlical propofition, in which fomething is propofed to be done, or efFe<5ted. A Theorem is a fpeculativc propofition, or rule, in which fomething is afiirmed to be true. ^ . A Corollary is fome conclufion gained from a preceding propofition. A Scholium is a remark on fome propofition; or an exemplification of the matter which it contains. An Axiom is a felf-evident truth, or principle, that every one aflents to upon hearing it propofed. A Poftulate is a principle, or condition,, requefted ; the fimplicity or feafonablenefs of which cannot be denied. In Mathematics, the following Poftulates and Axioms, are fome of the principal ones that are generally taken for granted . When a propofition, from fuppofed premifes, aflerts fuch and fuch con- fequences ; and fubjoins, And the contrary : it is to be underftood, that if the confequences be afTumed as premifes; then what were firft taken as premifes, would become confequences. Thus, in Article 95, it is premifed, that if two parallel right lines are cut By another right line, there i efults this conlequence ; The alternate angles are equal. And the contrary means ; that tuhere equal alternate angles are made by a right line cutting two other right lines ; the right lines fo cut, are parallel lines, Poftulates, Book n. G E O M E T R Y. 47 . Poftulates. 43. I. That a right line may be drawn from any given point to an- other given point. - 44. II. That a given right line may be continued, or lengthened at pleafure. 45. III. That from a given point, and with any radius, a circle may be defcribed. Axioms. 46. I. Things equal to the fame thing, are equal to one another. 47. II. If equal things are added to equal things, the fums or wholes will be equal. But if unequals be added, the fums are unequal. 48. III. If equal things are faken from equal things, the remainders, or differences, are equal : but are unequal, when unequals are taken. 49. IV. Things are equal which are double, triple, quadruple, ^c. or half, third part, &c. of one and the fame thing, or of equal things. 5c. V. Things which have equal meafures, are equal. And the con- trary. 51. VI. Equal circles have equal radii. 52. VII. Equal arcs in equal circles have equal chords, and are the mcafures of equal angles. And the contrary. 53. VIII. Parallel right lines have each the fame inclination to a right line cutting them. In what follows, it is to be underftood, that right lines (vtz. firaight liiics) are drawn by the edge of a ftraight ruler : circles or arcs, are defcribed with one foot of a pair of compafles, the other foot refting on the point which is taken for the center j and the diflance of the feet, or points, of the compafles is taken as the radius: alfo, that the point marked out by a letter is to be undcrflood, when the reference is made to that letter. 54. It is alfo taken for granted, that a line or diflance can be taken be- tween the compafles, and may be transferred or applied from one place to another. Alio, that one figure can be applied to, or laid upon another, or conceived to be fo applied. In any problem, when a line, angle, or figure is faid to be given ; that line, angle, or figure niufl be made, before any part of the operation is performed. SEC- t#l GfiOMfetRY* Book Hi ^(P S E C T 1 O N It. Geometrical Problems* S$, P R O B L E M I. fo biJiSfy or dhide into two eqUal parts, a given line AiJ Operation, ift. From the ends a and b *y with one and the fame radius, greater than half AB, defcribe arcs cutting in g and d. (45) 2d. A ruler laid by c and d, gives Ej the middle erf" AB, as required* The proof of this operation depends on articles lOi, 99. 56. P R O B L E M IL To bifeSf a gi'Oen right lined angle ABC* Operation, ift. From b> defcribe an arc ac. 2d. From a and c*, with one and the fame radiusj defcribe arcs cutting in t). (45) 3d. A right line drawn through B and d will divide the angle into two equal parts, as required. The proof depends on article lOi. A y 57' PROBLEM Hi. From a given point b, in a given right line af, to draw a right line per- pendicular to the given line. Case I. IFhen b is near the middle of the litter Operation, ift. On each fide of b, take the equal diftances bc, and be. (54) 2d. On c and E * defcribe, with one radius, arcs cutting in d. (45) 3d. A right line drawn through b and d will be theperpendicular required. (43) ^ The proof depends on article lO^^ A ( 58. Case II. When b is at^ or near the end of the given Vinii Operation, ift. On any convenient point c, taken at pleafure, with the diftance, or radius cb, defcribe an arc dbe, cutting af in d, b. (45) id. A ruler laid by d and c will eut this arc in t. 3d. A right line drawn through b and e will be the perpendicular required. This depends on article 130. t^ '^ 9--''* D A * That is, firft defcribe an arc from one point ; then defcribe an arc from the Other point with the fame opening of the compaffea. 59. P R Of Book II. GEOMETRY. 49 59- PROBLEM IV. To draw a line perpendicular to a given right line AB, from a point C without that line. Case I. When the point c ii nearly oppofite to the middle of the given line. Operation, ift. On c, with one radius, cut AB in D and e. (45) 2d. On D and e, with one radius, defcribe arcs cutting in F. (45) A ruler laid by c and f gives g ; then draw CG, and that will be the perpendicular required. Thii depends on articles 10 1, 99. t) A. ^- r? Xe* 60. Case II. When c is nearly oppofite to one end of the given line AB, Operation, ift. To any point d in ab, draw the line cd. (43) 2d. Bifecl the line CD in E. (55) 3d. On E, with the radius EC, cut ab in o. Then CG being drawn, will be the perpendicular required. This depends on article 1 30 . j CI iLi 61. P R O B L E M V. To trifeSl^ or divide into three equal parts^ a right angle ABC. Operation, ift. From b, with any radius ba, defcribe the arc ac, cutting the legs ba, bc, in a, c. 2d. From A, with the radius ab, cut the arc ac in E, and from c, with the fame radius, cut AC in d. 3d. Draw be, bd, and the angle abc will be divided into three equal parts. This depends on article 193. 62. PROBLEM VI. At a given point D, to make a right lined angle equal to a given right lined angle abc. Operatiok. ift. From d and b, with one ra- dius defcribe the arcs kf, and ac, cutting the legs of the given angle in the points a, c. 2d. Transfer the diflancc A c to the arc e f, from F to E. frA\ 3d. Lines drawn from d, through e and f, will form the angle kdf equal to the angle abc This dept-nd: en article 10 1. Vol. L 63. PROB- ^ G E O M E T^RY. Boole II. \ ^ 63. P R O B L E IMT VII. To draw a lint paralkl to a ^ivtn right lint ab. Case I. TVhen the parallel line is to pafs through a givtn point. Operation, ift. From c, with aay convenient ,j. radius, defcribe an arc df, cutting ab in d. ^V- 2d. Apply the radius cd from d to e; and from E, with the lame radius, cut the arc df in f. jg 3d. A line drawn through f and c will be pa- a^ rallcl to AB. T7;u deptnds on article lOl, 95. 64. Case II. IVljen the parallel line is to be at the giveji dijlanu c fr Operation, ift. From the points a and b, with the radius c, defcribe arcs d and e. ad. Lay a ruler to touch the arcs d and e, and a line drawn in that pofition is the parallel required, this operation is mechanical. 65. PROBLEM VIII. Upofi a given Bne ab, to ynake an equilateral irimgle. Operation, ift. From the points a and b,, .., with the radius ab, defcribe arcs cutting in c. -'^''^ AT. , U C ^^^^ 2d. Draw ca, cb, and the ngiire abc is the triangle required. (43') ' The truth of this operation is evident ', for the fides are radii of equal circles. c D ~ B om ab. A 66. "By a like operation, an Ifofceles triangle DEF may be conftruded on a given bafe de, with the given equal legs DF, EF, either greater, or Icfs, than the bafe de. 67. PROBLEM IX. T'o tvake a right lined triangle, the fides of%vhich Jhall he refpeclively equals either t- thofe of a given triangle abc, or to three given lines, provided any /Wi ''/ tl'em takeyi together are greater than the third. v'prk.\TiON. ift. Draw a line de equal to the line aj:^ _ (54) .^d '/'n i->, with a radius equal to AC, defcribe ' --- . . (45) n P.., wch a radius equal to BC, defcribe ^'i the former arc in F. (45) nd the triangle dfe will be E 68. PR OB- Book 11. G E O M E T R Y. $i 68. P R O B L E M X. Upon a given line ab, to defcr'ihe a fquare. Operation, ift. Draw bc perpendicular, and equal to AB. (58) 2d. On A and c, with the radius ab, defcribe arcs cutting in d. (45) 3d. Draw DC, da ; and the figure abcd is the fquare required. This depends on articles 10 1, 104, 95, 30. 69. P R O B L E M XL To defcribe a reiangle whofe length jhall be equal to a given line EF, and breadth equal to another given line G. Operationt. ift. At E and f ere6l two perpendi- culars, EH and Fi, each equal to the given line g. 2d. Draw HI, and the figure efih will be the reclangle required. This depends on ar tides 29, lOj, 104, 95. 70. PROBLEM XIL To find the center of a circle. Operation, ift. Draw any chord ab. 2d. Bife6l.AB with the chord cd. (55) 3d. BifctSl CD with the chord ef, and their in- terie6lion g will be the center required. This depends on article 125. 71. P R O B L E M XIIL To divide the circumference of a circle into tiuo, ihlrty-two, (Jc. equal parts. Operation, ift. A diameter ab divides the circle into two equal parts. (12) 2d. A diameter de, perpendicular to ab, divides the circumference into four equal parts. 3d. On A, D^ B, defcribe arcs cutting in <7, /> ; then by the in'cerfecflions ^, b^ and the center, the diameters fg. hi, being drawn, divide the circum- lerencc into eight equal parts j and fo on by conti- duual bii'eiStion. For at each operation^ the intercepted arcs are hifeclcd^ and the parts dmhleJ, 72. PROBLEM XIV. To defcribe a circle^ the circumfcroice of which fnaJl pafs through three ^iven points A, u, c, provided they d') not lie in one r;gf:t line. Operation, ift. Bifecl the dillance cb with ihe line de. (55) 2d. Bife6\ the diilancc ab with the line fg. 3d. On H, tlie interfecV.on of thcfe lin.-s, wiili the diftance to either of the given points, dclcnbc tiie circle rcqiiiicJ. This dipcndi on a^tide 1 2 5. E 7 7.^ PROI3- four^ eight, ftxtecn^ 5^ GEOMETRY. Book 11. 73. PROBLEM XV. To draw a tangent to a given circle, that Jhall pafs through a given point A, Case 1. If^hen a is in the circumference of the circle. R ^, _A_ l^ Operation, ift. From the center c, draw the radius ca. (43) 2d. Through a draw bd perpendicular to ca (58), and BD is the tangent required. This depends on article 126. 74. Case II. lPl)en the given point a, is without the given circle. Operation, ift. From the center c, draw ca, which bifedl in b. (55) 2d. On B, with the radius ba, cut the given circumference in d. 3d. Through d, the line ae being drawn, will be the tangent required. This depends on articles 1 30, 126. 75. * PROBLEM XVI. To two given right lines A, B, to find a third proportional. Operation, ift. Draw two right lines mak- ing any angle, and meeting in a. 2d. In thefe lines, take ^Zi^firft term, and ac, ad, each equal to the fecond term. 3d. Draw hd., and through r, draw ce parallel a jto bd\ then ae is the third proportional fought. B And ah : ac : : ad : ae*. This depends en article 165. a 76. P R O B L E M XVII. To three given right lines a, b, c, to find a fourth proportional. Operation, ift. Draw two right lines mak- ing any angle, and meeting in a, 2d. In thefe lines take <7Z'rrfirft term, aczzic- ccnd term, and <7^rrthird term. 3d. Draw be, and parallel to it, through d, draw de ; then ae is the fourth proportional re- quired. And ah : oc : : ad : ae. This depc7uh on article 165. * And is thus read : ah Is to ac, as ad is to ae. The character ( : ) flandirg for ii lo^ and the charadler ( : : ) for as. 77. PROB. Book II. GEOMETRY. S3 77- PROBLEM XVIII. Between two given right lines A, B, to find a mean proportional, - B A Operation, ift. Draw a right line, in which take ac=iAy abz=B. 2. Bifecl he in f (55) ; and on F, with the ra- dius Fby defcribe a femicircie bee. 3d. From a draw ae perpendicular to be (57) ; then ae is the mean proportional required. And ae : ae : : ae : ab. This depends on article 171. 78. PROBLEM XIX. To divide a given line BC in the fame proportion as a given line A is divided. Operation, ift. From one end b of bc 4 1 r 1 1 draw BD, making any angle with bc. 2d. In BD apply from b the feveral divifions of A 5 fo BD will be equal to A, and alike divided. 3d. Draw CD ; then lines drawn parallel to CD through the feveral divifions of bd, will di- vide the line bc in the manner required. This depends on article 165. . 79. PROBLEM XX. To divide a given right line ab into a propofed number of equal parts (fuppofe -]). Operation, ift. From a, one end of ab, draw AE to make any angle with ab; and from R, the other end, draw bf, making the angle ABF equal to the angle bae. (62) 2d. In each of the lines ae, bf, beginning at A and B, take, of any length, as many equal parts, Icfsone, as ab is to be divided into, viz. i, 2, 3, 4 5. 6. 3d. Lines drawn from i to 6, 2 to 5, 3 to 4, i5c. will divide ab as was required. This depends on article 1 65 . 80. Another Method. Operation, ift. Through one end a, draw a line cc nearly perpendicular to Ac. 2d. Draw EF parallel to ab, at any convenient diftance. 3d. In EF take, of any length, as many equal ]\arts as ab is to be divided into ; as i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, to F. ; ",'^-r:>- * 4th. Through B and f, where the divifions n\'i-^>--'"'' terminate, draw bc, meeting cc in c. 5th. Lines drawn from c through the feveral divifions of EF, will cut AB into the equal parts required. Note, ii the fum of the divifions from E to F chance to bc lefs than ab, tlic ix)int c, and the line ef, will be on the famg fide of AB ; but if greater, c falls on the contrary fide. E 3 81. PROB- C??;>. ^4 GEOMETRY. Book II. 81. PROBLEM XXI. V To make Scales of equal parts. Operation, ift. Draw three lines, a, b, c, parallel to one another, and at convenient dillances, fuch as are here exprefled. . 2d. In the line c, take the equal parts cb, be, cd, da^ $cc. each equal to fome propofed length. 3d. Through c, draw the line de perpendicular to c^; and parallel to DE, through the fcveral points b^ c, d, , divide rt into 10 equal Ep.rts. ^ 83. PROB Book II. GEOMETRY. 55 83. . P R O B L E M XXII. To divide the circumference of a circle into degrees i and thence to make a Scale of chords. Operation, ift. Defcribe the femicircle abd, the center of which is c, and draw CD at right angles to ab. 2d. Trifedl the angles acd, dcb, in the points , 96. THEO- (53) (14) Book 11. 96. GEOMETRY. T H E O R E M IV. 59 In any right lined triangle abc, the fum of the three angles a^ h^ c, is equal to two right angles : -And if one fide BC he continued, the outward angle f is equal to the fum of the two inward and oppofite an- gles a, b. Dem. Through a, draw a right line parallel to EC, (63) making with AB the Z.^, and with AC the Z.d. Now A^rrZ.^; and ^i= A f. being alternate. (95) And two right angles meafure the JLe-\- jLa-\- jLd. (92) Therefore Z.b-\-Z^a-{- Z.c i.e->r jLa-\- Z.d. (47) Confequently Z./'4- A^z 4- Z.c=two right angles. (46) Moreover Z-f-f-Z./" rrtwo right angles. (9^) Therefore /Lb\-Z.a =: A.f ^ (4^) 97. Hence, if one angle is right or obtufe, each of the other is acute. 98. If two angles of one triangle are equal to two angles of another triangle, the remaining angles are equal. And if one angle in one triangle is equal to one angle in another triangle, then is the fum of the remaining angles in one, equal to the fum of the remaining angles in the other. 99. THEOREM V. If two fides AB, AC and the included angle A in one triangle ABC, are refpeSiively equal to two fides DE, DF and the included angle D of another def, each to each ; then are thofe triangles congruous, Dem. Apply the point d to the point a, and the line de to ab. Now as DErrAB (by fuppofition) ; therefore the point E falls on B. But Z.D Z.A (by fup. ) ; therefore df will fall on AC. And iincc df ac (by fup.) j therefore the point F falls on C. Confcqucntlv fe will fall on CB. Therefore the triangles acb, dfe, are congruous, fince every part agrees. 100. THEOREM VI. If two trian'rles abc, def have twv angles A, B and the included fide AB in one refpeHively equal to two an- gles D, E and the included fide DE in the other, each to each j ttcn are thofe triangles congruous. A. li D Dei\i. Apply the point D to A, and the line DE to ab. Now as OE Ab (by fup.) ; therefore the point e falls on b. And as Z.D Z.A (by fup.) ; therefore the line df falls on AC. Now if ihe line AC is lefs or greater than the line df ; 'i'hcn the line fe not falling on CB, makes the Z. B Icfs or greater thnn Z. K. liut Z-i'.=::Z.E (by fup.) ; therefore AC is neither Icfs nor greater than df. Or the line AC = nF ; confequently fe = cd. '\ htrefore tiic triangles arc congruous, xci. THEO- 6o GEOMETRY, Book II. lOI. THEOREM VII. Two triangles ABC, DEF are congruousy when the ^ree fides in the one are equal to the three ftdes in the other, each to each. A 3 1) E Dem. Apply the point d to a, and the line de to ab. (54) Now as de=:ab (by fup.) j therefore the point E falls on B. On A, with the radius AC, defcribe an arc. Then as df=:ac, the point f will fall in that arc. Alfo on B, with the radius EC, defcribe another arc, cutting the former in c. And fince ef=bc, the point f will fall in this arc alfo. But if the point f can fall in both thefe arcs, it can be only where they interfedl, as in c. Confequently the triangles are congruous. K)2. THEOREM VIII. Tkvo triangles abc, def are congruous, when two angles a, B and a fide AC oppoftte to one of them, in one triangle, are refpeSfively equal to two angles D, E and a fide df oppoftte to a like angle in the other tri- angle, each to each. Dem. Apply the point d to a, and the line df to ac Now as DFnAC (by fup.) ; therefore the point f falls on c. And asZ.D=Z.A (by fup.) i the line de will fall on the line ab. And if the point e does not fall on b, it muft fall on fome other point G. Draw CG. Then the angle agc is equal to the angle d-ef. (99) And the angle ABC = (DEFr:) agc, which is not poffible. (96) Therefore the point E can fall no where but on the point b. Confequently the triangles are congruous. 103. THEOREM IX. lu the Ifofceles, or equilateral triangle acb ; a line drazvn from the vertex c to the middle of the bafe ab is perpendicular to the hafe, and bifeifs the vertical angle : and the contrary *, Dem. The triangles adc, bdc, are congruous. Since ca cb (23) ; CDrrcD, and ad = db by fuppofition : Therefore Z.a=:Z-B, Z.acd=:Z_bcd, ^adc = Z-Bdc. (lOi) Confequently cd is at right angles to ab. (i?) 104. CoROL. Hence in any right lined triangle where there are equal fides, or angles ; The angles a, b, oppofite to equal fides bc, ac are equal. And the fides bc, ac, oppofite to equal angles a, b, are equal. That is, if a line drawn perpendicular to the bafe of a triangle biieds the vertical angle; then that triangle muft be Ifofceles, and the perpendicu- lar is drawn from the middle of the bafe. 105, THEO- Book IL GEOMETRY. 61 105. THEOREM X. In every right lined triangle ABC th greater angle c is oppofite to the greater ftde ab. Dem. In the greater fide ab, take ad = ac; draw cd, and through, E draw BE pareliel to cd. (63) Then the angles adc, acd, are equal. (104) And /.ADCrrZ-ABE. (95) Therefore z.acd z.abe. (46) That is, a part of the angle acb is greater than the angle abc. Confequently the Z.C is greater than the Z.B ; and in the fame manner, it may be proved to be greater than the L. a, if the fide ab be greater than cb. 106. CoROL. Hence in every right lined triangle, the greater fide is oppofite to rfie greater angle. 107. T H E O REM XI. Parallelograms acdb, ecdf, eguf Jianding on the fame bafe CD, or on equal hafes CD, GH, and between the fame parallels, CH, AF, are equal. C \> Dem. For ABrzEF, being each equal to cd. To each add be, and ae=:bf. Nov/ AcrrBD, and ce = df. The triangles ace, bdf, are therefore congruous. Nov/ if from each of the triangles ace and bdf, be taken the triangle BiE, the remaining trapeziums abic and feid are equal. (48) Then if to each of the trapeziums abic, feid, be added the triangle cid, their fum will be the parallelograms ad and dr, which are equal. (47) And in like manner it may be fhcwn, that the parallelogram eh is equal to the parellelogram edzzad. c p c "D 108. THEOREM XII. "' ' ' A triangle abc is the half of a parallelogram AD, when they fl and on the fame bafe ab, and are between the fame parallels AB, en. Dem. AC is equal to de, and ab to dc. Alfo Bc is a fide common to both the triangles abc and dcb. Thcfc triangles are therefore congruous. Confequently the triangle abc is half the parallelogram ad. log. CoROL. I. Hence every parallelogram is bife<5^ed by its diagonal, 1 10. CoROL. II. Alfo, triangles {landing on the fame bafe, or on equal bafes, and between the fame parallels, arc equal. They being the halves of equal parallelograms under like circumftances. Ill . THEO- 6t GEOMETRY. .Book II. rir. THEOREM XIIJ. In every right angled triangle bac the fquare on the fide BC oppojite to the right angle A is equal to the fum of the fquare $ of the two fides AB, At: ton- taining the right angle. I>EM. On the fides ab, ac, bc, oonftrul the fquares ag, ae, cd (6S) : draw ad, ce j and draw af parallel to bd. (63) TThen the triangles abd, ebc, are congruous. ^99) For the Z. ABE =,^CBD, being right angles. (30) To each add flie angle abc, then Z.EBC and Z.ABD are equal. (47) Thei^fore eb, bc, Z.ebc are refpedtively equal to ab, bd, Z-ABD. Alfo the triangle EBC is half the pai-allelogram A E (108^ For they ftand upon the fame bafe eb, and are between the fame parallels EB and AC ; BA making right angles with b aj>d ca continued. Likewife the triangle abd is half the parallelogram bf. (i^S) For they fland upon the fame bafe bd, and are between the fame parallels BD, AF. Therefore, as the halves of the parallelograms ea and bf are equal, con- fequently the parallelogram bf is equal to the fquare ae. (49) In the fame manner may it be ihewn, that the parallelogram CF is equal to the fquare ag. But the parallelograms bf and cf together, make the fquare cd. Therefore the fquare cd is equal to the fquares ea and ag/ 112, CoROL. I. Hence if any two fides of a right angled triangle are known, the other fide is alfo known. For Bcrr fquare root of the fum of the fquares of ac and ab. Acrrfquare root of the difference of the fquares of bc and ab. AB::=:rquare root of the difference of the fquares of bc and ac. 113. Or thus, making the quantities B(j% ab% ac^, to ftand for the fquares made on thofe lines. And the mark V to ftand for the fquare root of fuch quantities as ftand under the line joined to the top of this mark. Then bc=:v'acj+-ab^j Acr: v'bc"' ab""; ABrr v'bc'' AC . Scholium. The lines of the lengths 5, 4, 3, (or their doubles, triples, &;c.) will form a right angled trian< ' igle. For 5*=4*-J-3\ Or 25 = 16+9. 1:4. CoROL* Book Ih 0' d M E T R Y. ^3 114. CoROL. II. Of all the lines drawn from a given point to a given line, the perpendicular is the ihorteft, 115. CoROL. III. The fhorteft diftance between two parallel right lines, is a right line drawn from one to the other perpendicular to both-. 116. CoROL. IV. Parallel right lines are equidiftant ; and the contrary. For two oppofite fidgs of a redangular paraiklogram are eqtial {28) j and each is the fhorteft diftance between the other fides. 117. THEOREM XIV. If a right line -ab i/e divided into any tzuo parts AC, CB ; then vfill the fquare on the whole line he equal to the fum vf the fquar4S on the parts, together ivlth two redangles under the two parts. That is AB^'^IAC^ + CB^-i-SXACXCB.* Dem.- Let AD, AF, be fquares on ab, ac. (68) Then will fg, and gd, be each equal .to CB. (48) Hence fd is a fquare on a line equal to CB, (30) Alfo fb and fe are rectangles on lines equal to AC, CB. But the fquares af, fd, and the recflangles fb, fe, fill up the fquare ad, or are equal to ad. E 118. CoROL. I. Hence the fquare of ac the difference between two lines AB, CB, is equal to the fquare of the greater ab, lefTened by the fquare of the lefs cb and by two rectangles under the lefler line CB and the faid difference. A. c B' G J> That is ab BC^'^AB* BC* 2EC X AC, For AB ec=:ac. Then ac''=:ab'' bU^ 2ec x ac. . (48) 119. CoROL. II. The difference between the fquares on two lines AB, AC is equal to the rectangle under die fum ab-j-bc and difference ab EC of thofe lines. Thatjs ah"" AC* = AB + BC X AB AC. For AB^ ac^ = cb' 4- 2ac x cb. r=CB+Ac:4-AC X CB. ab+ac X (cb=:)ab AC. (117,48) The reJaugk under tivo lints is generally exprejjed hy 3 letters ; the f.rjl tnx (48) (129) (46) * A fmall put above any figure, figriifies degrees. 133. THEO- i: Book II. 133- GEOMETRY. THEOREM XXII. BeHveen a circular arc AHF, and its tangent ae, '' ^ "'' no right line can be drawn from the point of contuSi a. ^ Dem. For if any other right line can be drawn, let It be the right line AB. From D, the center of ahf, draw dg perpendicular to ab, cutting ab in G, and the arc in h. Now as z. dga is right ; therefore da is greater than dg. (io6) But DA = DH (9). Therefore dh is greater than dg, which is abfurd. Confequently no right line can be drawn between the tangent ae and the arc AHF. 134. CoROL. I. Hence the angle dah, contained between the radius DA, and an arc ah, is greater than any right lined acute angle. For a right line ab muft be drawn from a, between the tangent ae and radius ad, to make an acute angle. But no fuch right line can be drawn between ae and the arc ah. (133) 135. CoROL. II. Hence the angle eah, between the tangent ea and arc AH, is lefs than any right lined acute angle. 136. CoROL. III. Hence it follows, that at the point of contal the arc has the fame dire6lion as the tangent, and is at right angles to the radius drawn to that point. 137' THEOREM XXIII. If two right lines^ AB, CD, interfeSl any hozu (in within a circle^ their inclination.^ aed, or CEB, is m fured by half the fum of the intercepted arcs ad, Uem. For drawing db ; (43) The L. ad=:z. edb+ Z. ebd. (96) But the Z.EDB is meafurcd by \ arc CB. (1^8) And the /_ebd is meafured by \ arc ad. (128) Confequently the Z.AED is meafured by half the arc cb, together with half the arc ad. ' (50) F 2 SECTION 68 . GEOMETRY., Book II. SECTION IV. Of Proportion, Definitions and Principles. 138. One quantity A, h faid to he rneafured or divided by another quantity B, when A contains hfonie number 0/ times, cxailly. Thus if A = 20, and 8 = 5 ; then A contains b four times. A is called a multiple of b ; and b is faid to be part of a. 139. If a quantity A (rz20) contains another b (=5) ^-^ many times as a quantity c (=24) contains another d (=6) ; then A and c are called like multiples of ^ and D. B and D ar-e called like parts of a and c : And a is faid to have the fame relation to B, as c has to D. Or, like multiples of quantities are produced, by taking their Rectan- gle, or Produ6l, by the fame quantity, or by equal quantities. The Rectangle or Produ(3: of quantities, a and b, is exprefled by writ- ing this mark x between them. Thusj axb, or b X a, exprelfes the redlangle contained by a and b. 1 40 IVhen two quantities of a like kind are compared together^ the relation ivhich one of them has to the other^ in refpeB to quantity^ is called Ratio. The firft term of a ratio, or the quantity compared, is called the Ante- cedent ; and the fecond term, or the quantity compared to, is called tlie Confequent. A ratio is ufually denoted by fetting the antecedent above the confe- quent with a line drawn between them. Thus- fignifies, and is thus to be read, the ratio of a to b. B ^ The multiple of a ratio-, is the product of each of its terms by the fame quantity, or by equal quantities. Thus is the ratio - taken c times. * X C u The produft of two or more ratios, -, - , is exprefled by taking the pro- dut of the antecedents for a new antecedent, nnd the proJud of the con- fequents for a new confequent. Thus =:-x-. ^ ^ B X D B D 141. Equal ratios are thofe ivhere the antacdcr.ts are like multiples or parts cf their refpelive co7ifeqnents. Thus in the quantities a, e, c, d : Or 20, 5, 24, 6. In the ratio of a to b, or of 20 to 5, the antecedent is a multiple of its confequent four times. And in the ratio of c to d, or 24 to 6, the antecedent is a multiple of its confequent four times. That is, the ratio of a to b is the fame as tlie ratio of c to D. And this equality of ratios is thus exprefled, - - , 142. Ratio Book II. GEOMETRY. 69 142. Ratio of equality isy when the antecedent is equal to the confeqttent, ^ , A A B . . - ,. " Thus when a = b, then , or -, or -, is a ratio of equahty. BAB ^ ' 143. Four quantities are faid to he proportional^ which^ when compared together by two and two, are found to have equal ratios. Thus, let the quantities to be compared be a, b, c, d : Or 20, 5, 24, 6, Now in the ratio of a to b, or of 20 to 5 ; a contains b four times. And in the ratio of c to d, or of 24 to 6 j c contains d four times. __ A C Then the ratios of a to b, and of c to d, are equal : Or =-. (141 ) And their proportionality is thus exprefTed, a : b : : c : d. (75) Alfo in the ratio of a to c, or of 20 to 24 ; c contains A, once and \. And in the ratio of e to d, or of 5 to 6 j d contains b, once and |. A B Where the ratios are likewife equal, vi-z,, =-. CD. And thefe are alfo proportional, a : c : : b : d. 144." ^0 that when four quantities of the fa?ne kind are proportional, the ratio between the firji and fecond is equal to the ratio between the third and fourth ; and this proportionality is called Diref. 145. jllfo the ratio between the firfi and third is equal to the ratio between the fecond and fourth ; and this proportionality is called Alternate, 146. Similar f sr like, right lined figures, are thofe which are equiangular, (that is, the feveral angles of which are equal one to the other ;) and alfo, the fides about the equal angles proportional. Thus if the figures ac and eg are equiangular, And ab : EC : : F : FG ; Or bc : CD : : fg : GH ; Then are thofe figures called fimilar, or like figures. And the like in triangles, or other figures. 147. Like arcs, chords, or tangents, in different circles, are thoft which fuhtend, or are oppofite to, equal angles at the center. Let F be the center of two concentric arcs aeb, aeb, terminated by the radii f^a, rbs, produced ; ab, ab, their chords, and CD, cd, their tangents. Then as the angle cfd is mealured either by the arc aeb, or aeb, thofe arcs are faid to be alike, or fimilar ; that is, the arc aeb is the fame part of its whole circumference, as the arc aeb is of its whole circumference. F 3 148. THEO.- 70 GEOMETRY. Book II. 148. r H E O R E M XXIV. * , ^iantlt'ies, and their like multiples^ have the fame ratio. That is, the ratio of a to b is equal to the ratio of twice a to twice b, A 2A ^A CXA or thrice a to thrice b, ^c. Or thus = ^y ^c.zz. ; that is, B 2B 33 C X B equal to the ratio of c times a to c times b. Dem. For the ratio of a to b muft either be equal to the ratio of like multiples of a and b, or to the ratio of unlike multiples of them. Now fuppofe the ratio of a to b is equal to the ratio of their unlike A C X a multiples, c times a, d times b ; that is, r: . B D X B Then A : B ; : ex A : DXB (143). And a : c x a : : b : dXb. (145) A B Therefore = ("144). Where the confequents are unequal cxadxb^^^' multiples of their antecedents, by fuppofition. But is not equal to . (141) CXA DXB \ -T / Then i\:cxa:;b:qxb is not true. Alfo a:b;:cxa:dxb is not true. Confequently is unequal to . , ^ B ^ DXB Therefore the ratio of unlike multiples of two quantities, is not equal to the ratio of thofe quantities. Confequently the ratio of two quantities, and the ratio of their like mul- tiples, are the fame. Or = . *^ B ex b 149. Cor. I. In any ratio, if both terms contain the fame quantity or quantities j the value of the ratio will not be altered by omitting, or taking away thofe quantities. For -, by taking away c. C ^ B B 150. Cor. II. Quantities, and their like parts, have equal ratios. For a and b are like parts of c X a and c X b. 151. Cor. llf. Quantities, and their like multiples, or like parts, arc proportional. For a:b: :c X a:c xb. And c X a: e xb : : a : b (148) 152. Cor. IV. If quantities are equal, their like multiples, or like parts, are alfo equal. For if Ar:B : and rr ; B ex B Then are the antecedents and confequents in a ratio of equality. (141) 153. Cor. V. If the parts of one quantity are proportional to the parts of another quantity, they are like parts of their refpective quantities. For only like parts are proportional to their wholes, (iSi) 154. Cor. V^I. Ratios, which are equal to the fame ratio, are equal to T- . p A e X A D X a , . , n X one anotner. for tne ratio of ~ rr- , irr. fi4o) B CX B DXB 155. CoRt BookIL GEOMETRY. 71 155. Cor. VII. Proportions, which are the fame to the fame propor- tion, are the fame to one another. If A : B : : c : D ; and a : b : : : f j Then c : d : : e ; f. For-=-: and =- (144). Then - = - (4.6) B c' B F D F ^^ ' 156. Cor. VIII. If two ratios or produ6ls are equal, their like multiples, either by the fame or by equal quantities, or by equal ratios, are alfo equal. ..A c _, AXE ex That is, it-=:-: Then __ = -_. B D BXE DXE AXE CXF. And if e=:f : Then BXE D XF And if - = -: Then rr . FH BXFDXH For in either cafe, the ratios may be confidered as quantities. 157. THEOREM XXV. Equal quantities, a and b, have the fame ratio or proportion to another quantity C. And any quantity has the fame ratio to equal quantities. That is, if a = b : Then a ; c : : b : c. And c : a : : c : b. Dem. Since a=:b; then c is the like multiple, or part of b, as it is of a. And a:b::c:c(i5i). Therefore a : c : : B : c. (i45) Alfo c : c : : a : B (151). Therefore c : a :: c : b. (^45; 158. Cor. I. Hence, when the antecedents are equal, the confequents are equal ; and the contrary. 159. Cor. II. Quantities are equal, which have the fame ratio to an- other quantity : or to like multiples or parts of another quantity. Thus, if a : c : : B : c. Then a=:b. 160. CoR. III. Since a : c : : b : c ; and c : a : : c : b. Therefore, when four quantities are in proportion. As antecedent is to confequent, fo is antecedent to confequent : Then fhall the firft confequent be to its antecedent, as the fecond confequent to its antecedent: and this is called the inverfion of i alios. 161. THEOREM XXVI. In two, or more, fets of proportional quantities^ the reiangles under the like terms are proportional. That is, if A : B : : c : D ; and e : f : : G : h. Then axe:bxf::cxg: dxh. A_C E_G Dem. Smce - = -; and-=-. (144) Therefore =r . fj^C) BXFDXH VJ/ Confequently axe:8Xf::cxg:dxh. ( 143} F 4 162. THEO- 72 l62. GEOMETRY, THEOREM XXVII. Book II. In four proportional quantities a : b : : c : d. Then the Re^angle or Produ^ of the ttuo extremes is equal to the Rectangle or FroduSl of the two means. That is, a X d=b X c. A C Dem. Since a : b ; : c : d by fuppofition. Therefore -=- (144) . .aaxd,,..^ccxb . , . And -= ^(156). Alfo '^^-;^^ (156} B BX D' D XB A X D C X B Therefore = (4.6), where the confequents are equal. BXDDXB^^'' ^ ^ Confequently aXd = c XB. C'SS) 163. Hence, if the RevSlangle or Produdl of two quantities is equal to the Re(5langle or Produil of other two quantities} thofe four quantities are proportional. Thus, fuppofe the two Rectangles, X, Z, are equal ; Where a, c, are their lengths, and b, d, their breadths. Then axb = cxd by fuppofition. Therefore a : c : : D : B, 7'hat is, As the length of X is to the length of Z. So the breadth of Z is to the breadth of X. B X D In fuch cafes, the lengths are faid to be to one another reciprocally, as their breadths. Or that proportion a : c : : d : b is reciprocal, when a x b = c X d. 164. THEOREM XXVIII, If four quantities are proportional \ then will either of the extremes^ and the ratio of the produSl of the means to the other extreme., be in the ratio of tquality : And either nuan., and the ratio of the prcduSl of the extremes to tht ether mean, will be alfo in a ratio of equality. r^, . .r rx., BXC . , AXD That IS, if A : B : : c : D. Then a=: And sr: - D c Dem. Since a : b : : c : d by fuppofition. Therefore a x d:=b X c. AXD B xc And _-=-^(i57). B X C But B r^-- (149), AXD Therefore \ = b. Alfo And And bxc^axd D ~ D ' AXD B X C D = A. (16a) (157} (M9) (46} 165. THEO-^ Book II. GEOMETRY, 73 165. THEOREM XXIX. In any plane triangle^ ABC, any tiuo adjoining fide y AB, AC, are cut proportionally by a line de, drawn parallel to the other fide BC, -y/z. AD : DB : : AE : EC. , Dem. Through b and c draw b3, c^, at right an- gles to BC, meeting ha^ drawn through A, parallel 'S > T^Q. to BC : 'I'hrough />, q., the middles of A^, A, zdp^ and ac^, zcq^ are congruous. (95jIOo) T'^'erefore Adzz^d^ aczzcc, pdzzpd^ qc'=.qc, Bui f'f=:qq .'116) ; Therefore /)i/=:^r. (49) And dc is parallel to BC. (116) In the fame manner it may be fliewn, that lines parallel to b3, drawn through the middles of a/>, pb ; a^, qa ; will alfo bife (165) (BHzrJ bc : BC : : (bi ) ab : ab. j 168. Cor. Hence, Triangles have one angle in each equal, and the fides about thofe ctjual angles proportional, thofe triangles are equian- gular and fimilar. J69. THEO- 74 GEOMETRY. 169. THEOREM XXXr. In a right angled triangle, ABC, if a line, BD, he drawn from the right angle B, perpendicular to the cppojite fide, AC ; then will the triangles abd, bcd, en each fide the perpendicular, be fimilar to the whole ABC, ar^ to one another. Dem. For in the triangles abc, adb, the A a is common; And the right angle abc =: right angle adb. Therefore the remaining Ac= Z.ABD. (98) In the fame manner it will appear, that the triangles ABC, BDC, are like. Therefore the triangles abd, bcd, are alfo fimilar. 170. Cor. I. Hence, AC : ab : : ab : ad AC AD BC : : bc : DC DB : : DB : dc \ (167) 171. Cor. II. Hence a right line bd, drawn from a circumference of a circle perpendicular to the diameter AC, is a mean proportional between the fegments ad, dc, of the diameter. And ADXDcrzDB*. (162) For a circle, the diameter of which is ac, will pafs through a, b, c. (131) Scholium. This corollary includes what is ufually called one of the chief properties of the circle, namely ; the fquare of the Ordinate is equal to the reSlangle under the tw Abfciffas. Here, the ordinate is the perpendicular bd ; and the two Abfciflas arc the two fegments ad, dc, of the diameter ac. 172 THEOREM XXXIi. In a circle, if two chords, AB, CD, interfeSi each tther in E, either within the circle, or without, by pro- longing them ; then the ref angle under the fegments, terminated by the circumference and their interfeiion, will be equal. That is, AE X ehztce X ed. Dem. Draw the lines bc, da. Then the triangles dea, bec, are fimilar. For the angle at e is equal (93), or common. And the Z.Dr=z.B, as (landing on the fame arc AC (129). Then the other angles are equal. (98) Therefore ae : CE : : ED : eb. (^^7) Confequently AE XEB=:cEXED. (1621) 173. THEO. I::: Book II. G E O M E T R Y. 75 >m 173- THEOREM XXXIII. If with the leajl fide AB of a given triangle ABC, a femicircU he defcribtd from the angular point A ; meeting the fide AC, produced in the points D, E j and from b, the lines BE, bd, be drawn, and alfo bg perpendicular to i> E : Then the values of the fever al lines AG, CG, GE, gd, be, bd, bg, may h< exprefj'ed in terms of the fides of the triangle ABC, as follow. -^JB B 174. AG Or AG 175- CG _BC 'AC* AB 2AC _AC ^+Ib^ ~bT* 2AC _ AC * Ti^ +ic" And ac4'ag=:ac + 2AC BC* ^AC* AB 2AC 2Tc* -!- BC* AC* Tb 2AC . (123) . (121) . For CG=:AC-f AG, or to AC AGi (174) (149} 176. 2HXH CB rr GE=: ; Here 2H=:Ac4-AB-f BC. 2AC ~ . I AC^'-f- AB* CB* For ge=:ab(ae}+ag=:ab4-^^ "^^^ ~^ " . (174) 2AC __ 2AC X AB-j-AC^-f-AB* BC* ~ 2AC But 2acxab4-ac*+ab*=(ac+ab*=;)(5*. (117) CE^ Bc' (149) ThencE \ 2AC / CK-f^BCXCE BC 2AC . (119) _ CA+AB + RC X CA + AB BC ~ 2AC _2H X2H zBC_2H Xh BC 2AC AC 177, CDS GEOMETRY. Book 11. H -AC X zH -lAB 177. GD=:- AC For OD = AD :j: AC = AB T AG = AB . Here 2H = AC + AB + BC. AC* AB* + BC* 2AC _ 2ACX \B- AC* ^ar' + DC' 2AC _AC AB* + BC* B-* CD* (174) 2AC 2 AC __BC CDXBC + CD (119) 2aC _BC + AB ACXBC+AO-AB 2AC (118) iH 2ACX2H zAB 2AC 178. BE = yr^X2HXH CB. For BE* = DEXGE. (170) CE BC , /i\ = 2ABX-- ~. (176) 2AC Therefore BE = -y^xcI^-Bc* = y^X2HXH::cB. (176) 179. VTb ^ - XH-.ACX2H lAc For bd*=deXgd. (170) :2ABX- BC CD 2AC (177) Therefore BD=:*/^x 2^'' CD " ('77) 180. BGr= xVhX HCB X H AC X h3 AB. For bg*:=:gexgd. Therefore bg=: v'ge X v'gd, (170) AndGE = ;XHXH CB. (176) GD=-, XH ACXH AB. (177) 181. CoROL. Hence is derived the Rule ufually given for finding tht area, or fuperficial content, of a Triangle, the three fides being known. Rule. i. From half the fum of the three fides, fubtracl each fide feve- rally, noting the three remainders. 2d. Multiply the faid half fum, and the three noted remainders con- tinually. 3d. The fquarc root of the produdl is the area of the Triangle. 182. THEO- Book II. ' GEOMETRY. 77 182. THEOREM XXXIV. ^ ^ . If a regular polygon, abcdef, be infcribed in a //r^-. -^\\*- ctrcle\ and parallel to thefe fides if tangents to the f// \ / \\A arcle be drawn, meeting one another in the points /vj(^' "XS ^j\/y a, bj c, d, e, f; then Jhall the figure formed by ^'A / \ jU thefe tangents circumfcribe the circle^ and befimilar - ^^. "^y^/ to the infcribed figure. '^''^7~~^-'^ Dem. Since the circle touches every fide of the figure abcdef by con- ftrudlion ; therefore the circle is circumfcribed by that figure. (41) Through a and b, draw the radii sa, sb, prolonged till they meet the tangent ab, in a, b. Then the triangles asb, asb, are equiangular. For the z. at s is common ; and the other angles are equal, becaufe ae and ab are parallel, by fuppofition. AKo sa=:sb : For the triangles asb, asb, are ifofceles. (104) And the fame may be proved of the other triangles ; and alfo, that they are equal to one another. Therefore the figure a^r^^/ has equal fides, and is equiangular to the figure abcdef. Now s A : sa :: AB : ab ; and sa : sa : : at : af ( 167) Therefore ab : ab : : at : af And the like of the other fides. (i55) Confequently the figures abcdef, abcdef are fimilar. (i45) 183. Cor. I. If two figures are compofed of like fets of fimilar tri- angles, thofe figures are fimilar. 184. Cor. II. Hence, if from the angles a, b, of a regular polygon circumfcribed a circle, lines as, bs, be drawn to the center s ; the chords AB of the intercepted arcs will be the fides of a fimilar polygon, infcribed in the circle : and the fides ah, ab, of the infcribed and cir- cumfcribing polygons will be parallel. 185. Cor. III. The chords or tangents of like arcs in diff'erent circles, are in the fame proportion as the radii of thofe circles. For if a circle circumfcribe the polygon abcdef; then the fides of the polygons abcdef ABCDEF, are chords of like arcs in their refpeitive cir- cumfcribing circles. And if a circle be infcribed in the polygon abcdef, the fides ab, ab, i^c. arc tangents of like arcs alfo ; And thefe hav been (hewn to be propor- tional to their radii sa, sa. i86. Cor. IV. The Perimeters of like polygons (or the fum of their fides) arc to one another as the radii of their infcribed or circumfcribed circles. For SA.sa: : ab : ab. (182) And ab, ab, are like parts of the perimeters of their polygon:.. Therefore sa ; sa : : perimeter abcdef : perimeter abcdef (iSO 187. THEO- 7 GEOMETUY. Book IL 187. THEOREM XXXV. K-1^. If there be ttud regular and like polygons applied to the fame circle., the one infer ibed and the other circum- fcrtbed: Then will the circcumfcrence of that circle^ and half the fum of the perimeters of thofe polygons, approach nearer to equality^ as the number of fides in the polygons increafe. Dem. It is evident at fight, that the circumfcribing hexagon fghikl is lefs than the circumfcribing fquare abed. And alfo that the infcribed hexagon ^/^/i/ is greater than the infcribed fquare abed. And in both cafes, the difference between the hexagon and the circle is lefs than the difference between the circle and the fquare. Therefore the polygon, whether infcribed or circumfcribed, differs lefs from the circle, as the number of its fides is increafed. And when the number of fides in both is very great, the perimeters of the polygons will nearly coincide with the circumference of the circle j for then the difference of the polygonal perimeters becomes fo very fmall, that they may be efteemed as equal. And yet fo long as there is any difference between thefe polygons, though ever fo fmall, the circle is greater than the infcribed, and lefs than the circumfcribed polygons : Therefore half their fums may be taken for the circumference of the circle, when the number of thofe fides is very great. Hence, the circumferences of circles are in proportion to one an- other, as the radii of thofe circles, or as their diameters. For the perimeters of the infcribed and circumfcribing polygons are to one another, as the radii of the circles. (186) And thefe perimeters and circumferences continually approach to equality. 189. THEO- Book II. G E O M E T R r. 79 189. THEOREM XXXVI. In a circle afb, if lines ^ ba, da, fa, he drawn from the extremities of two equal arcSy BD, df, to meet in that point A of the circutnference determined by one of theniy BA, pajjing through the center ; then Jhall the middU line ad, be a mean proportional between the fum Ah + AY of the extreme lines y and the radius BC ofthatcircle* Dem. On D, with the diftance da, cut af produced in e. Then drawing de, df, db, the triangles adb, edf, are congruous. (102) For /LEFD =:(Z.FDA+Z.FAD (96) = ) Z.dba(i28). Becaufe the arc DFA = DF-f-FA. And z.e=:Z.fad (104) =Z_dab, by conftrulion j and de = da. Therefore EFrrAB; and AE=:AB-f-AF. Draw CD ; then the triangles acd, ade, are fimilar. For they are Ifofceles and equiangular. Therefore AC : AD ;: AD : (ae = ) AB + AF. (167) 190. Hence, whence the radius of the circle is exprefTed by i, and one of the extreme lines, or chords, pafles through the center; then if the num- ber 2 be added to the other extreme chord, the fquare root of that fum will be equal to the length of the mean chord. For fince ac : ad : : ad : ab + af ( 189. ) I'h. ad*=: ac X abxaf. ( 162) Now if AC = i, then AB = 2; And ad''=:2 + af ; becaufe multiplying by r is ufelefs here. Therefore AD=y/2+AF. As the arcs bd and dfa make a femicircle, they are called the fupplc- ments of one another: Therefore if the arc bd is any part (as, |, ^, -^V, eft.) of the femicircumference ; then is the line da called the fupple- mental chord of that part. 191. Remark. In the pofthumous works of the Marquis de k Hof- pitaly (page 319, Englifh edition) this principle is applied to the do^lrine of angular fedtions ; that is, to the dividing of a given arc into any pro- pofed number of equal parts : Or the finding of the chord of any pro- pofed arc. For if bf was any aflumed arc, the chord of which had a known ratio to the given radius bc ; then as bfa is a right angled triangle (130), the fide AFr:'/^!^- bP (^13) will alfo be known. And by this Theorem the mean chord ad will be known; and alfo db ( v'ab'^ Xd'') the chord of half the arc bf will alfo be known. And by bifefling the arc db in g, and drawing ag, gb, the mean chord AG is known (189) ; and gb ( rrV^Aii'' ag"") is alfo given. And in this manner, by a continual bifcction, the ch(^rJ of a very fmall arc may bc obtained ; the pracSticc of which is facilitated by article ( 190) deduced from page 330 of the faid work, 19^. Ex- 8o GEOMETRY. Book II. 192. Example. Required the chord of the Y cj ' i P^^^ ^f *^' circumference of a circle^ the ra- dius of which is I . Or, required the fide of a re- gular polygon 0^3072 fideSy infcribed in a circle, the diameter of which is 2. Let ADF be a femicircle, the diameter af = 2, and center c. Take the arc AD = y of the femicircumfcrence, or equal to 60 degrees; and draw dc, da, df. \ Let d reprefent the point where the arc is bifefted ; dp the fupple- mental chord to that bifedlion ; and let the marks d, d", d"\ 73205o8o75688773 Therefore the fupplemental chord of the arc AD, or of ^of the femicircumfcrence is FD =v3 I of the fame (190) fd I TT t -5-5 I IT? I Ti'ff is Yd' Yd" ->IJ2_ Yd'" ->J 2^-Yd" Yd''' =ylij^ Yd" ^ 2 + Yd'" Yd"' ^ 2-fFi'^ Yd"''' y i + Fr/"' F^''' =v^2 + F^"" = 1,7320508075688773 = 1,9318516525781366 = 1,9828897227476208 = 1,9957178464772070 =1,9989291749527313 = i9997322758i9i236 = i>999933o67834So22 = 1,9999832668887013 = 1,9999958167178004 = 1,9999989541791767 Now Fi'" the fupplemental chord ofTsV? being known, the chord Ad'^ of TTj-5) P^i't of the femicircumference, or of -j^Vi? P^rt of the whole circumference, is alfo known. That is Ad'"^ = ( V^Af ^ F7ix* = ) yj ^j. + Yay'-^'- 0,0020453073606764 194. Confequentl}', the fide of a regular polygon of 3072 fides, in- fcribed in a cirdc whofe diameter is 2, is 0,0020453073606764 195. The Book n. GEOMETRY, dt 195. The fide of a fimilar polygon c'lrcumfcrib'ing E "^ _ B the fame circle^ the center of which is c, may be thus J^^ found. \ Let BE be the fide of the clrcumfcribed polygon ; \ and draw bc, ec, cutting the circle in d and a. Draw DA, and it will be the fide of the infcribed polygon 3 and 15 parallel to BE. (184) ^' Draw CI bifeiling the angle bce, and it will blfel be and DA at right angles (103). , And DG r:( |DA=:) | A H^ 592> ^C' which agrees with the circumference as found by other metliods. Vol. I. G :if:CTIOr 6i GEOMETRY. Book II, S E C T I O N V. Of Planes and Solids, Definitions and Principl,es. , 198. A line is faid to be in a plane, when it pafles through two or more points in that plane; and the common fedtion of two planes is a line which is in both of them. 199. The inclination of two meeting planes ab, CD, is meafured by an acute angle gfh, made by two right lines fg, fh, one in each plane, and both drawn perpendicular to the common fc6tion de, of thefe planes from f, fome point in it. 200. A right lljie de interfecSting two fides AC, BC, of a triangle abc, fo as to make angles CDE, CED, within the figure, equ^ to the angles cba, CAB, at the bafe ab, but with contrary fides of the triangle, is faid to be in a fubcontrary pofition to the bafe. 201. If a circle in an oblique pofition be viewed, it will appear of an oval form, as abcd ; that is, it will feem to be longer one way, as ac, than another, as db; neverthelefs the radii ea, eb, are to be erteemed as equal. And the fame muft be under- ilood in viewing any regular figure, when placed obliquely to the eye. 202. If a line be fixed to any point c above the plane of a circle adbe, and this line while ftretchcd be moved^ round the circle, fo as always to touch it ; then a folid which would fill the fpace palled over by the line, between the circle and the point A t, is called a Cone. 203. If the figure adbe had been a polygon, and the firetched line had moved nlong its fides, the figure which would then have been defcribed, is called a Pyramid. So that Cones and Pyramids are folids which regularly taper from a circle, or polygon, to a point. The circle or polygon is called the Bafe ; and the point c the Vertex, When the vertex is perpendicularly over the middle or center of the bafe, then the folid is called a Right Cone, or a Right Pyramid j cthcrwife an Oblique Cone, or Oblique Pyxamid. 204. If a Cone or Pyramid be cut by a plane pa/ling through the ver- tex t, and cent^T of ihc bafe r, the fection abc, or tDC, is a triangle. g 205. A Book II. GEOMETRY. % 205. A right line ab, is perpendicular to a plane CD, when it makes right angles abe, abf, abg, with all the right lines be, bf, eg, drawn in that plane to touch the faid right line ab. # . 206. So that from the fame point b, in a plane, only one perpendicular can be drawn to that plane on the fame fide, 207. A plane ab, is perpendicular to a plane cd, when the right lines ef, gh, drawn in one plane ab, at right angles to fb, the common feftion of the two planes, are alfo at right angles to the other plane cd. 208. So that a line ef, perpendicular to a plane cd, is in another plane AB, and at right angles to fb, the common fedlion of the two planes. 209. THEOREM XXXVII. If two planes ab, cd, cut each other^ their common fe^ion BD, will be a right line. N B r A 1^X1 c Dem. P'or if it be not, draw a right line deb in the plane ab, from the point d to the point b ; alfo draw a right line dfb in the plane bc. Then two right lines deb, dfb, have the fame terms, and include a fpacc or figure, which is abfurd. (n*^ Therefore deb and dfb are not right lines : Neither can any other lines drawn from d to e, befides bd, be right lines. Confequently the line Dn, the common fedion of the planes, is a right line. 210. T H E O R E M XXXVIII. ' If two planes ab, cd, which are both perpendicular to a third plane ef, cut one another; their interfe^ion HG is at right angles to that third plane ef. Dem. For the common feaion of ab and CD Is a right line gh. (209) Alfo HB, HD, arc the common fedions of ab, CD, with the plane ef. Now from the point h, a line hg drav/n perpendicular to the plane ef, muft be at right angles to HB, HD. (20^) But HC muft bc in both planes ar, cd. (2cB) Therefore it muft bc in the common fe6tion of thofe planes. Confequently the feclion hg of the planes ab, cd, is at right angles to the plane ef. G 2 211. THEO- 54 GEOMETRY, Book 11, 211. THEOREM XXXIX. The felionSy aebd, of a Cone or Pyramid caebd, which ere parallel to the bafe aebd, are^imilar to that bafe, Dem. For let afbc, dfec, be fcftions through the vertex Cj and center f of the bafe. Then thcfe fe(5t^ions will cut one another in the right line fc (209), and the tranfvcrfe fedion^^^^, in the right lines ab^ and ed^ interfecting iny. TTien are the following fets of triangles fimilar ; namely, afc, afc j bfc, bfo. j dfc, dfc j efc, tfc. Wherefore fc :/c FA ' fa^ in any other fedlions (165) FB:/^(And the like FD :yW ^through c and f. : : fe :fe i Now in the Cone, fai=fb=fd=:fe; therefore fa -zzfb fd=:fe. (152.) So that ail the right lines drawn from /to the circumference of the figure adbe are equal to one another. Confequently the figure adbe is a circle. (9) And in the Pyramid, fc :yc : : dc : ^c : : db : (f^ : : da '. da. YC : fc :: EC : ec :: EA : ca : : eb : eb. Therefore in each pair of corrcfponding triangles in the bafe and tranfverfe fcclion, the fides are refpccSlively proportional. Confequently, as the bafe and tranfverfe fedlion are compofed of like fets cf fimilar triangles j therefore they are alfo fimilar, (183,) 212, T H E O R E M XL. If a Cone ablcK, the bafe of which is a circle CBLCK, be cut by a plane in a fubcontrary poftion it the bafe^ the fs^iion dieh will be a circle. Dem. Through the vertex a, and center of the bafe, let the triangular jedion abc be taken, fo as to be at right angles to the planes of the bafe BKCL, of the fubcontrary fedion dieh, and of the fedlion figh, taken parallel to the bafe, and cutting the fubcontrary fclion in the line ioh. Theieforc ioh is perpendicular to de and fg (210) cutting one another in o. Now the fec^ion FIGH is a circle (211). Therefore fo X0G= 01*. (171J Again the triangles goe, fod, are fimilar. For iLGEo=: z.DFo=z.AEc by conftr. And agoe=:Z.dof. (93) Therefore eg : oc : : fo : do (167.) And EoXDorzFO Xog(i62)=:oi'. So that 01 is a mean proportional, either between Fo and OG, or do and EG. But as the fame would happen wherever fg cuts de ; therefore all the lines 01, both in the fc6tions figh and DIEH, are lines in a Circle. Confequently the Icclion dieh is a circle, 213. If Book 11. GEOMETRY. 8| 213. If the fe be taken as afquare, whofc diagonal ah would be part of the fpiral ahik, and the angle bah would be half a right one, or 45 degrees. Therefore that fpiral which cuts its rays c a, ch, ^t. at angles of 45 degrees, has a kind of logarithms belonging to it, fo related to their cor- refponding numbers, that the fmallefl variation between the fiift and fecond numbers is equal to the logarithm of the fecond number. But of this kind were the firfl logarithms made by Lord Nepier. Therefore the logarithms to the fpiral which cuts its cquidiftant rays at an angle of 45 degrees, are of the Nepierian kind. END o F B O O K ir. THE THE ELEMENTS NAVIGATIOR BOOK III. OF PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. SECTION I. Defi?ihions and Principles. I. iLANE TRIGONOAIETRY is an art which fhews how J^ to find the meafures of the fides and angles of plane Triangles, feme of them being already known. It will be proper for the learner, before he reads the following Articles, to turn to the definitions relative to a circle and angle, contained in th^ Articles 8, 9, 10, ii, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 36, of Book II . 2. A Triangle confifts of fix parts j namely, three fides and three angles. The fides of plane triangles are denoted, or efl:imated by meafures of length J fuch as Feet, Yards, Fathoms, Furlongs, Miles, Leagues, b'f. The angles of triangles are eftimated by circular meafures, that is, by arcs containing Degrees, Minutes, Seconds, l^c. (II. 15) ; and for con- venience thcfc circular meafures are repreiented by right lines, called right fines, tangents, fecants, and verfed fines. 3. Thtt ^ TRIGONOMETRY. Book III. 3. The Right Sine of an arc, is a right line drawn from one end of 6ie arc perpendicular to a radius drawn to the other end : Or it is half the chord of the double of that arc. Thus AH is the right fine of the arc ag -/ and ^o of the arc dba. 4. The Tangent of an arc, is a right line touching one end of the arc, and continued till it P meets a right line drawn from the center through the other end of that arc. Thus GF is the tangent of the arc cat Z 5. The Secant of an arc, is a right line drawn through the center and one end of the arc, and produced till it meets the tangent drawn from the other end. Thus CF is the fecant of the arc ag. 6.. The Versed Sine of an arc, is that partof the radius intercepted between the arc and its right fine. Thus HG is the verfed fine of the arc ag. . 7. The Complement of an arc, is what that arc wants of 90 degrees. Thus if the arc cb=: 90*. Then ab is calledthc complement of ag j and AG is the complement of ab. 8. The Supplement of an arc, is what that arc wants of 180 degrees. Thus the arc abp is the fupplement of ag ; and ag of abd. 9. The Co-sine of an arc, is the right fine of the complefnent of that arc. The Co-tangext of an arc, is the tangent of that arc's complement. The Co-SECANT of an arc, is the fecant of its complement. The Co- VERSED Sine of an arc, is the verfed fine of its complement. Thus Ai, BE, CE, Bi, being refpedlively the fine, tangent, fecant, and verfed fine of the arc ab, which is the complement of ag ; therefore ai fs called the co-fine, be the co-tangent, ce the co-fecant, bi the co-verfed fine, of the arc ag. The right lines, called fines, tangents, fecants, and verfed fines, are ufed as well for the meafures of angles, as for the arcs which meafure thefe angles : And it is as common to fay the fine, tangent, ^f. of an angle, as the fine> tangent, i^c, of an arc, 10. The I Book III. TRIGONOMETRY. ^t 10. The greateft right fine, is the fine of 90 ; and the fines to arcs lefs than 90, ferve equally for arcs as much greater than 90". Thus the fines of 80 and lOO^j of 60 and i20i of 40 and 1^0, t^c. are refpedlively equal. 11. The fame tangent and fecantwill ferve to arcs equally diftant from 90 degrees ; that is, to any arc and its fupplement. Thus if the arc bag 2=90, and bk.=:ba; then the arcs gn, ga, dk, are equal ; and the arcs gak and gn, or dk, are fupplements to one an- other : Then the fine km, the tangent gl, the fecant cl, of the arc gbk., are refpedively equal to the fine ah, the tangent gf, the fecant of of the arc GA. 12. When an arc is greater than 90% the fine, tangent, fecant, of the fupplement is to be ufed. 13. The chord of an arc is equal to twice the co-fine of half the fup- plemental arc. Thus AN, the chord of the arc agn, = 2ci, the co-fine of the arc ab, and AB is half of the arc abk, the fupplement of agn. 14. The verfed fine and co-fine together, HG-f CH of any arc ao, is equal to the radius ; ch being equal to ai. 15. The fines, tangents, fecants, or verfed fines of fimilar arcs in dif- ferent circles, arC in the fame proportion to one another, as the radii of thofe circles. (II. 185) 16. The angles of two triangles may be refpeftively equal, although their fides maybe unequal. Therefore in a triangle among the things given, in order to find the reft, one of them muft be a fide. In Trigonometry, the three things given in a triangle muft be either, I ft. Two fides and an angle oppofite to one of them. 2d. Two angles and a fide oppofite to one of them. 3d. Two fides and the included angle. 4th. The three fides. In either cafe, the other three things may be found by the help of a few Theorems, and a Triangular Canotiy which is a table where is orderly infcrted every degree and minute in a quadrant or arc of 90 degrees ; and againft them, the meafurcsof the lengths of their correfponding fines, tan- gents, and fecants, eftimatcd in parts of the radius, which is ufually iiippofed to be divided into a number of equal parts, as 10, 100, 1000, 1 0000, 1 00000, i^'c. SECTION 9* TRIGONOMETRY. Book III. SECTION II. Of the 7'ria?jgular Ca?ton, 70 G J PROPOSITION I. 17. To find the lengths of the Chords, Sines, Tangents, and Secants ta arcs of a circle of a given radius. Construction. Through each end of the given radius CD, and at right angles to it (II. 60) draw the lines cf, dg : On c, with the radius cd, defcribe the quadrantal arc da, and draw the chord da. 16. For THE Chords. Trifeft the arc ad (II. 61.), and (by trials) trifel each part ; then the arc ad will be divided into 9 equal parts of 10 degrees each; if thefe arcs are divided each into 10 equal parts, the quadrant will be divided .into ,90 degrees : Bur, in this fmall figure, the divifions to every ip degrees only are retained, as in (II, 83). From D, as a center, with the radius to each divifion, cut the right line DA; and it will contain the chords of the leveral arcs into vhich the quadrantal arc ad was divided. For the diftances from d to the fevcral di- vifions of the right line da, are thus made re- fpedlively equal to the diftances or chords of the feveral arcs reckoned from d. 19. For the Sines. Through each of the divifions of the arc ad, draw right lines pa- rallel to the radius AC ; thefe parallel lines will be the right fines of their refpedlive arcs, and CD will be divided into a line of fines, which are to be numbered from c to d, for the right iinesj and from d to c for the verfed fines. For the diftance from c to the feveral divifions of the right line cd, arc refpeclively equal to the fines of the feveral arcs beginning from A. . 20. For the Tangents. A ruler on c, and the ieveral divifions of the arc ad, will intcrfccl the line dg ; and the diftances from d to the feveral divifions of dg, v/ill be the lengths of the feveral tangents. 21. For the Secants. From the center c, with radii to the divi- fions of the tangents dg, cut the line cf ; and the diftances from c to the feveral divifions of cf, will be the lengths of the fecants to the feveral arcs. For thefe lengtiis are made rcfpectively equal to the fecants reckoned frsm c to the feveral divifions of thg tangent do. 22. If ook in. TRIGONOMETRY, 9J 22, If the figure was fo large, that the quadrantal arc could contain every degree and minute of the quadrant, or 5400 equal parts ; then the chord, fine, tangent, and fecant to each of them could be drawn. Now a fcale of equal parts being conftruded (II. 81), 1000 of which parts are equal to the radius cd j then the lengths of the feveral fines, tangents, and fecants may be meafured from that fcale, and entered in a table called the triangular canon, or the table of fines, tangents, and fecants. But as thefe meafures cannot be taken with fuificient accuracy to ferfc for the computation to which fuch tables are applicable; therefore the feveral lengths have been calculated for a radius divided into a much greater number of equal parts j as is flicwn in the following articles. ^3- PROP. II. In any circle the chord of bo degrees^ is equal to the radius : and the Jim *f 30 degrees is equal to half the radius, Dem. Let the arc cb, or z. cab =60 degrees 5 and draw the chord ce. Now fince the radii AC and ab are equal ; (II. 9) Therefore ^ err Z.B. (II. 104) And the ^Lc + Z.b= (180*' (Z.a = ) 60 = ) 120 (II. 96) Therefore z. c, or A B = (half 120 s or = ) 60'' = AA Confequently CB=ABrrAC. From A, draw the radius ae perpendicular to cj. Then ae bifedls the arc cb, and its chord. And CD=:fine of (the arc cErrhalf of 60=) 30". Confequently CD is equal to half the radius ab, 24. Hence, Twice the co-fme of 60 degrees is equal to the radius. For 30* is the complement of 60, and twice the fine of 30 is equal to the radius. (II. 124) (3) 25. PROP. III. To fnd the fine of one minute of a degree. It is evident (II. 187), that the lefs the arc is, the lefs is the difFcrence between the arc and its fine, or half chord ; fo that a very fmall arc, fuch as that of one minute, may be reckoned to differ from its fine, by fo fmall a quantity, that they may be cfteemcd as equal ; and confequently may be expreflcd by the fame number of fuch equal parts of which the radius is fuppofed to contain i,oo00o, t^c. which is readily found by the following proportion. As the circumference of the circle in minutes 21600 Tothccircumf. in equal parts of the radius (II. 196) 6,283185 So is the arc of one minute I, To the correfponding parts of the radius 0,0002908881 So that for the fine of one minute, may be taken 0,0002908882 26. PROP. 94 TRIGONOMETRY. Book III. >6. PROP. IV. In a ffries of ares in arithmetic progrejjion, the fine of any one ofthem^ taken as a mean, and the fum of the fines of any other two, taken as equt- dijiant extremes, are ever in a confattt ratio, of ra^iusp tuticf the co-fme of the common difference of thofe arcs, ' ^ ', ^, > Dem. For in a circumference, the center of which is c, and diameter ab, kt there be taken a feries of arcs, arb, ARD, ARE, ARF, ARC, ARH, i^fc. the common difference of which is the arc BD. Then drawing the chords ab, ad, AE, AF, AG, AH, ^c. their halves will be the fines of half the arcs arb, ard, (^c. (3) Alfo half the arc bd, is the common difference of half the arcs arb, ARD, are, b'f. (11. 150) And the chord ad is twice the co-fine of half the fupplemental arc D. {13) From the points, d, e, f, g, ^c. with the radii da, ea, fa, ga, i^c, cut AE, AF, AG, AH, ^c. produced in i, k, l, m, i^c. draw rD, ke, LF, MG, iffc, and BD, DE, EF, FG, GH, &C. Then by the firft part of the demonftration (II. 189), the following triangles are congruous, namely, ABD, lED; ADE, KFEj AEF, LGF ; AFG, MHG, (ffc. Therefore IE = AB; kf=:ad ; lg = ae; mh af, &c. Alfo the triangles ida, kea, lfa, mga, i^c. being each of them ifofceles, and their angles refpeitively equal, are fimilar to dca. (II. 167) Therefore ca : ad : : (ad : (ai =)ab +ae : :) |ad: iab +f ae. : : (ae : (ak=:)ad+af : :) ^ae : ^ad +fAF. : : (af : (al =)ae + ag : :) Iaf : f ae +f ag. The halves being in the fame ratio as the wholes. (II. 150) 27. Confequcntly, in a feries of arcs in arithmetic progreflion, viz. -JARB, f-ARD, vARE, ^c. the commou difference of which is half ths arc BD, it will be, t (II. 164} As (ac) radius. , To (ad) twice the co-fine of the common difference ; So is the fine of either arc taken as a mean. To tlic fum of the fines of two cquidiftant extremes. 28, Hence, The fie of either extreme, f ultra 51 ed fro:>n the produSi of the fine .of the mean by ttvice the co-fwe of the cojnmon difference, will give the fine of the other extreme, (II. 164) 29. When Book m. TRIGONOMETRY. 95 29. When the common difference of three arcs is 60 degrees j then twice the co-fine of that difference is equal to the radius. (24) And with any fuch three arcs, as 30, 90, 1505 or 25, 85, 1453 or 20, 80, 140, tf^. it will be (27). As R : (2 cof, 60=) R : (s, 30 +s, I jo's) 8, 300 +s, 30. : : s, 90 : (s, 30 +s, 150=) a, 300+8, 30. "> : : s, 85 : (s, 25+s, 145*=) t. 250+3. 35. /^ : : s, 80 : (s, 20+s, 140"=) s, 20+s, 40. ^ 5 : : s, 75 : (s, i5+8, 135=) s, i5'+s, 45. 1^ Here; the firft and fecond terms in the proportions being equal, the third and fourth terms are alfo equal. 30. Hence, The fine of an arc greater than 60 degrees, is eqjialto the fine of an arc as much lefs than 60 degrees.^ added to the fine of its difference from 60 degrees. Therefore the fines of arcs above 60 degrees are readily obtained from thofe under 60 degrees. 31- PROP. V. The right fine of an arc being known, to find its co-fine ; and from thefe to find the tangent, fecant, verfed fine ; and alfo the co-tangent, co-fecanty and co-verfedfine. Let AG be any arc, and let ah be its fine, ai its ro-fine j GF the tangent, be the co-tangent ; cf the fecant, CE the co-fecant j hg the verfed fine, bi the CO- verfed fine. Now if the fine ah be given, then the co-fine ai or CH, will be known (II. 113) : For ca* ah^=:ch*. Therefore the fquare root of the difference between the fqiiares cf the radius and fine, will be the co-fine. C Then the verfed fine HGr: CO ch; and co-verfedfine IB =:cb cr. ^^'\ And fince the triangles cha, cgf, cbe, are fimilar, C Therefore (II. 167) CH : ha : : cg : gf, the tangent. ^^' I That is, As the co-fine to the fine, fo is radius to the tangent, t And CH : CA : : CG : cf, the fecant. ^^* \ That is. As the co-fine to the radius, fo is radius to the fecant. f And CI ; CA : : CB : ce, the co-fecant. ^^' \ That is, As the fine to radius, fo is radius to the co-fecant. r Alfo ci : lA : : CB : be, the co-tangcnt. 36. \ That is, As the fine to the co-fine, fo is radius to the co-tangent. L Or gf:cg::cb:be; that is. As tangent : rad. : : rad. : co-tangent. 37. Hence it is evident, that the tangent and co-tangent of an arc of \^ are equal to %ne another, and to the radius, or fine of (^0 degrees. And as the fquare of radius is equal to the rectangle of any tangent and its co-tangcnt, Therefore tan. x cot.z: tan. x cot. Therefore tan. : tan. : : cot. : cot. (II. 163) Or the tangents of different arcs are reciprocally as thcii co-tangents. 38. The 5$ TRIGONOMETRY, Book III, 38. The principles by which the lengths of the fines, tangeiity,- fc- cants, Uc. may be conftruaed, being delivered, the following examples arc annexed to illuftrate this doclrine. Required the co-fine of one minute. The fine of i minute being 0,0002908882 (15) Its fquare is 0,00000008461594 Which fubtradled from the fquare of /adius i, Leaves 0,99999991538406 Whole iquare root 0,9999999577 is the co-fine of I minute ; or the fine of 89 59'. Now having the fine and co-fine of i minute, the other fines may be found in the following manner, ^8) twice the cof. i min. X fine of i m. =fum of the fines of 0' & i\ twice the cof. i min. xfine of 2 m.r=fum of the fines of i' 6c 3^ twice the cof. i min. x fine of 3 m. =:fum of the fines of 2' & 4^. twice the cof. i min. xfine of 4 m.rrfum of the fines of 3' & 5'. twice the cof. i min. xfine of 5 m.zrfum of the fines of 4'' k b\ Proceeding thus in a progreilive order from each fine to its next, all the fines may be found. But as twice the co-fine of i minute, viz. 1,9999999154 is concerned in each operation, therefore if a table be made of the produ6ts of this number by the nine digits, as here annexed, the computations of the fines may be performed by addition only. For the products by the digits in the given multiplier, being taken from the table, and written in their proper order, will prevent the trouble of multiplication. And even this operation may be very much fhortened, by fetting under the right hand place (viz. 4.) of the double co-fine of one minute, the unit place of the fine ufed as a multiplier, and reverfing or placing in a contrary order, all its other figures ; then the right-hand figure of each line arifing by the multi- plication, is to be fet under one another ; and in thefe lines, the firft figure to be fet down, is what arifes from the figure ftanding over the prefent multiplying one ; obferving to add what would be carried from the places omitted. Now if the produ^s of the figures in the multiplier, thus inverted, be taken from the above table of products, it is neceflary to remark what num- ber of places will arife from each digit ufed in the multiplier ; then in the produces of thofe digits in the table, take only the like number of places, obferving to add i to the right-hand place, if the next of the omitted ^gure$ exceed 5. Required Multi- pliers. Produds. I z 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 1,9999999154 3,9999998308 599"99997462 7,9999996616 9,999999577 11,9999994924 '3.9999994078 15,9999993232 17. 99999923^^6 Book III. TRIGONOMET R Y. 97 Required the fine of two minutes. The fine of i min. placed in an inverted order under the double cof. of i min. as in the mar- gin j the right-hand figure 2 ftands under the 9 in the 6th decimal place, therefore the firft 6 deci- mal places of the product againft 2 in the table, are to be ufed j but i being added, becaufe the 7th place 8, exceeds 5, makes the produ(5l 40000CO : Alfo for 9 the next figure in the multiplier, {land- ing under the 5th decimal place, take 17,99999 from the table of products, and I being added to the 5th place, becaufe the 6th exceeds 5, make it 18,00000 : In like manner the product by 8, adding i, is 16000^ &c. and the fum of thefe produdls 0,0005817764 is the fine of 2 minutes, as required. This kind of operation will be very eafily conceived without farther illuftration, by comparing the procefs in this and the following operations, with what has been already faid. Required the fines of 3', 4', 5', and 6 minutes. 1,9999999154 2888092000,0 40CO000 iScoooo 16000 1600 160 4 0,0005.817764 For 3 min. For 4 min. For 5 min. For 6 min. 1,9999999' 54 1,9999999154 1,9999999154 1,9999999154 4677185000,0 5466278000,0 625^361 100,0 50+4454100,0 10000000 16000000 2O0OCO0O 20000000 160000Q 14OCO00 20G0000 8000000 2O00O 40000 1200000 lOGOOOO I4CCO I2C00 toioo 8cooo 1400 1200 ICOOO 8000 120 80 ICOD 800 8 10 40 I 2 10 0,001 !635;23 0,001 74 532'^'0 0,00232710^2 O,COiQ08S(^IO 0,0002908882 0,00058:7764 0;0?oS726w45 o.coi 1635526 0,0008726646 0,001 1635526 0,0014544407 0,0017453284 In each example, the fine of an arc which is 2 minutes lefs than that required, (28) is fubtractcd. The fines being made, the tangents, fecants, feV. are to be conflrucled as before fliewn. (33, 24) 39. There are many methods by which the triangular canon may be made ; but that which is here delivered was chofen as the moil eafv, the beft adapted to this work, and what would give the learner a fufficietit notion how thefe numbers are to be fuund : For at this time th-rc is no occafion to conftrucl new tables of fines, and rarely to examine thofc al- ready cxt int ; tiicy having paficd through the hand' of a great many care- ful examiners, and for a long time have been reccwcd by the learned as a work fufficiently corrcvl. Vol. I. li Thefe ^8 TRIGONOMETRY. Book III. Thcfe lines were firft introduced into mathematical computations by Hlpparchus and Menelaus^ whofe methods of performance were contra6lcd by Ptolemy y and afterwards perfected by Regiomontanus ; and fince his time Rl?eticusy ClayiuSy PetifcuSy and many other eminent men, have treated largely on this fubje^, and greatly exemplified the ufe of this triangular Canon, or Tables ; which are now, by way of diftincSlion, called Tables of jiatural CincSy tangents, &c. But the greateft improve- r'lent ever made in this kind of mathematical learning, was by the Lord Nepia-y Baron of Merchijion in Scotland ; who, being very fond of fuch ftudies, where calculations by the fines, tangents, ^c, did frequently occur, judged it would be of vaft advantage if thefe long multiplications and di- vifions could be avoided j and this he effected by his happy invention of computing by certain numbers, confidcred as the indices of others (I. 63}, which he called logarithms; this was about the year 1614. The tables now chiefly ufed in Trigonometrical computations, are the logarithms of thofe numbers which exprefs the lengths of the fines, tan- gents, ^r. and therefore to diftinguifli them from the natural ones, they are called hcgarithm'ic fines, tangents, Cffr. (of by fome artificial fines, l^c.') Only thofe of the logarithmic fines and tangents are annexed to this treatife, becaufe the bufinefs of Navigation may be performed by them ; neither are thefe tables carried to more than five places befide the index, that being fufHciently exa6t for all nautical purpofes : But it muft be allowed that, for general ufe, fuch tables arc the moil efteemed, as con- flit of moll places. 40. Thefe tables afe at the end of Book IX. and are fo difpofed, that each opening of the book, contains eight degrees ; four of which are num- bered at the top, and four at the bottom of the page ; and thofe at the top proceed from left to right, or forwards, from o degrees to 45 ; and thofe at the bottom, from right to left, or backwards, from 45 to 90 de- grees : To each degree there are four columns, titled fines, co-fines, tan- gents, co-tangents ; and the minutes are in the marginal column of each page, figned with m ; thofe on the left fide of the page belong to the de- grees which are at the top, and thofe on the right-hand fide, to the degree^ which are at the bottom of the page, 41. A fine, tangent, co-fine, co-tangent, to a given number of de- grees, is found as follows : For an arc lefs than 45 degrees, Seek the degree at the top, and the minutes in the column figned m at the top ; againlt which, in the column figned at the top with the propofed name, ftands the fine, or tangent, i^c. required. But when the arc is greater than 45 degrees. Seek the degrees at the bottom, the minutes in the column with M at the bottom, and the propofed name at the bottm. Example Book III. TRIGONOMETRY. 99 Example T. Required the logarithmic Jine ^28 37'. P'ind 28 deg. at the top of the page j and in the fide column, marked with M at the top, find 37 ; againft which, in the column figned at the top with the word fme, ftands 9,68029, the log. fine of 28 37', as required. Example II. Required the logarithmic tangent 0/(3"] 45', Find 67 deg. at the bottom of the page; and in the fide column, titled M at the bottom, find 45 ; then againft this, in the column marked tangent at the bottom, ftands 10,38816, which is the log. tangent required. 42. But when a logarithmic fine or tangent is propofed, to find the de- grees and minutes belonging to it, then. Seek in the table, among the proper columns, for the neareft logarithm to the given one ; and the correfponding degrees and minutes will be found ; obferving to reckon them from the top or bottom, according as the column is titled, where the neareft logarithm to the given one is found. 43. It may fometimes happen that a log. fine or log. tang, may be wanted to degrees, minutes, and parts of minutes j which may be thus found. Take the difference between the logs, of the degrees and minutes next lefs, and thofe next greater than the given number. Then for i, take a quarter of this difference ; for -', take a third ; for I, take a half; for \ take two thirds; for |, take three quarters, z^c. Add the parts taken of this difference to the right-hand figures of the log. belonging to the deg. and min. next lefs, and the fum will be the log. to the deg. min. and parts propofed. Example I. Required the log. tang, to 60 56'-^. Log. tang. 60 57' is Log. tang. 60 56 is The difF. is Its half is Add it to tang. 60 56' 10,2,-535 10,25506 2y 10,25506 Gives tang. 60 56^ 10,755: Example II. Required the log. fme to 32 I s'h Log. fine 32 16' is Log. fine 32 15 is The difF. is It:; three fourths i.s Add it to fine 32" 15' Gives fine 32 15I 9.72743 9,72723 5 9,72725 9,72738 In moft moft cafes the Avork may be done by infpcdlion. 44. And if a given lotr. fine or log. tangent falls between thofe in tie tables: then the degrees and minutes anfuering maybe reckoned |, o -f, or -^, y^. minutes more than thofe belonging; to the neareft lefs log. in the tables, according as its difference from the given one is ', or-|, or i, ijfc. of the difference between the logarithm next greater and next lefs than the given leg. H 2 SECTION 100 TRIGONOMETRY. Book in. SECTION III. Of the Solution of Plain 'Triangles. 45. P R o B L E M I. In any plain triangle, abc, if among the things given there be a fide and its oppofite angle, to find the reft. Then fay, As a given fide ^ (ab) To the fine of its oppofite angle j { ^ ) So is another given fde^ " (ac) To the fine of its oppofite angle. ( B ) Therefore, to find an angle, begin with a fide oppofite to a known angle. Alfo, Js the fine cf a given angle, ( b ) To its oppofite fide j (ac) So is the fine of another given angle, ( C ) To its oppofite fide. (ab) Therefore, to find a fide, begin with an angle oppofite to a known fide. Dem. Take BD=:CF=:radius of the tables. Draw DEj AH, FG, each perpendicular toBC, (11. 59) Then de and fg are the fines of the angles b and c. (3) Now the triangles bde, bah, are fimilar, and fo are the triangles cfg, cah. Therefore bd : de : : ba : ah. (II. 167) And (cf=:)bd : f g : : ca : ah. (II. 167) But (bDXAH = ) de XBArZFCXCA. Therefore de : ca : : fg : ba. Or, s, Z.B : ac : c; c (II. 162) s, Z.C : ba. (II. 163) Schol. Or, by circumfcribing the triangle with a circle, it will readily appear, that the half of each fide is the fign of its oppofite angle. And halves have the fame proportion as the wholes. 46. P R O B L E M II. In a right-angled plane triangle, abc, if the two fides containing the right angle B are known, to find the reft. Then, Js one of the knotvn fides ^ (ab) To the radius of the tables (or tangent of \S) ; (ad) So is the other known fide, (bc ) To the tangent of its oppofite angle. (de) Dem. Take ADrrradius of the tables. Then de, perpendicular to ad, is the tangent of the angle a. (4) And the triangles ade, abc, arc fimilar. Therefore ab : ad : : Bc : de. (II. 167) Book III. TRIGONOMETRY. roi 47. PROBLEM III. In any two quantities, their half difference added to their half fum^ gives the greater. The half diff. fuhtraSled from the half fum^ gives the lefs. And if half the fum be taken from the greater y the remainder will be the half difference of thofe quantities. Dem. Let AB be the greater, and BC the lefs, of two quantities. 7"ake AD~BC ; then bd is their difference. Bjfeil DB in E ; then de eb, is the half diff". And AD + DEr=BC ^-BE (II. 47) ; therefore AE is the half fum. NowAE + EB=AB, is the greater, j. jr; And AE ed:i:(ad = )bc, is the lefs. 7- ' ' ' " ^ g Alfo AB ae=:b, is the half diff. 48. P R O B L E M IV. In any plane triangle, abc; if the three things known, be two fides, AC, CB, and their contained angle c, to iind the reft. Find the fum and difference of the given fides.. Take half the ^iven angle fro?n 90 degrees^ and there remains half the fum of the unkn-jwn angles. Then fay, Js the fum of the given fides ^ A c -}- c B To the difference of thofe fides ; AC cb So is the tangent of half the fum of the unknown angles ^ t. IiTPa To the tangent of half the difference of thofe angles. t. |b3a Jdd the half difference cf the angles to the halffum^ and it will give the greater angle ~ 1? . cubtraft the half difference of the angles fro?n the half fum, and it luill give Icffer angle r: a . Dem. On c, with the radius cb, defcribe a circle, cutting AC, produced, in e and d ; draw EB, and /' \ bd j alfo draw DF parallel to eb. / ^1 Then ae = ac + cb, is the fum of the fidc-s. And ADzzAC CB, is the difference of the fides. Now Z.CDB=:Z.C!3D. (II. 104) ^ And(CDB + CBD = )2CDB=:Z.CBA+ Z.A.(I1. 9^) A Y ^^ Therefore f Z.cba4- Z.a= /LCDb, is half the fum of the unknown angles. And BE (U. 123) is the tangent of cdb, to the radius db. (4) Alfo (cba cbd=:)di5a=:-^Z.cba i/lA. (47) Therefore | acba z.a:=Z.dba, is half the difFerencc of the unknown angles. And DP is the tangent of DBA, to the radius db. (\) Now the triangles aeb, adf, are fimilar, df being parallel to v.w. Therefore a : ad : : be : df. (II. 167) Of AC + CB ; AC CB : ; t. |ZcbaTXa : t. i^tCA Z-a. H3 49, PRO- I02 49 TRIGONOMETRY. Book III. PROBLEM V. In a plane triangle, abc, if the three fides are known, and the angles required. From the greateji angle ^ B, fuppofe a line BD drawn perpendicular to its oppojite fide^ or baft ^ dividing it into tzvo fegrrientSy ad, CD, and the given triangle into two right-angled triangles^ adb, cdb : Then fay. Asthebafe., or fum of the fegments^ Is to the f urn of the other two fides i So is the difference of thofe fideSy To the difference of the fegments of the hafe. AC AB + BC AB BC AD DC jidd half the difference of the fegments to half the bafe^ gives the greater feg~- ment ad. (47) Subtract half the difference of the fegments from half the bafe^ there remains the leffer fegment DC (47) Then, In each of the triangles, ADB, cdb, there will be known two fides .^ and a right angle oppofite to one of them ; therefore the angles will be found by Problem L (45) When two of the given fides are equal ; then aline drawn from the in- cluded angle., perpendicular to the other fide, blfeSis the fide, (II. 103) And the angles being fouyid in one of the right-angled triangles., will alfo give the angles of the other. Dem. of the foregoing proportion. ... .,_ In the triangle ABC, the line bd, perpendicular to AC, divides ac into the fegments ad, dc. On B with the radius bc, defcribe a circle gce, cutting ab, continued, in c, e j and ac in f j draw BF. C Then dc =:df. Now AC ( =:ad + dc) is the fum of the fegments. And AF (=:ad fd) is the difference of the fegments. Alfo AE (riAB 4-Bc) is the fum of the other fides. And AG ( =r AB BC ) is the difference of thofe fides. But AC X AFZrAEXAG. Therefore ac : ae : : AG : AF. Or AC : AB-j-Bc : : ab bc : ad dc j oizzad df. (II. 103) (".172) (II. 163) 50. PRO. Book III. .TRIGONOMETRY. 103 50. PROBLEM VI. In any plane triangle, abc, the three fides being knov/n, to find either of the angles. Put E and F for the fides including the angle fought. G for the fide oppofite to that angle. T> for the difference between the fides E and F. Find half the fum of G and D. And half the difference of G and d. Then write the fe four logarithms under one another.^ namely. The Arithmetical complement of the logarithm of E; (I. 88) The Arithmetical complement of the logarithm of 7 ; The logarithm of the aforefaid half fum of G and d ; The logarithn of the ciforefaid half difference of G and D. Add them together., take half their (um ; which feek a7nong the leg. fines. And the degrees and minutes anfiuering^ l?ting doubled, luill give the nieafure, cf the angle fought. Dem. In the triangle, ABC, let a be \', ^ the angle fought. Take ah = ah, draw bh ; and through K, the middle of bh, draw AP, which bifets the angle a, and is perpendicular to bh. (II. 103) Through k. draw kl, kq^, paral- lei, to BC, AC ; which will bife61: ^ '' ^"^ '" l^c, BC, in L and i ; then kl:z:ic, ki=:lc. (II. 28, 163) And the difference between AC and ab is HC D ; then Ki = fD. From I, with the radius ik, defcribe a circle cutting ap, bh, kq^, bc, in p, o, Q^, M, N, and join CQ^; now iqriiK~LC=:LH ; therefo'-e KQj=Hc, and CQjr:KH,asthc triangles cqr, khl, are congruous. (II. 99) Therefore cq^ parallel to kh (II. 28.) being produced, will meet ap at right angles (II. 53), in the point p, by the revcrfe of (II. 130). Then pqjtko, as the triangles kqp, QOK, are congruous. (II. 95,103) Now HMZz (Bi + iMrr{-EC + ^Hcn) ^u+d : AndfiNnfc D. Alfo Boncp : For bk::z (khht) cq^, and KO vq^ lyCt Ar=:radius of the tables ; then rn (parallel to bh) =:fmc of f Z. A. (3) Then the triangles Ar, a KB, apc, are finiilar. And Ar : r : : AB : BK ; alfo Ar : r : : ac : (cpnr ) bo. (II. 167) Therefore a;-^ : rn^ : : ac x ai5 : (bk x bo:= j em X bn. (II. 161, 172) Or (fq. rad. =r R^ : fq. fme f Z. A : : ac x ab : |- TTfu X fc D. Therefore the fquare of the fine ic + O X r,(;-_i) ^ ACXAB Therefore fme yZ-An V IG + UX-^G D E XF (II. 164) And R, the radius of the tables, being I. H 4. Or 104 TRIGONOMETRY. Book III. Log.icTD + Log. IoIId Log. e Log. f" OrLog.s,|z.A=- 2 & OrLog.s,UA= '^ + '- + Llc+D + L.ic-D Where L. (lands for logarithm, and 1. for Arith. comp. of the logarithm. 5 1 . Every poflible cafe in plane Trigonometry may be readily folved by the preceding Problems, obferving the following Precepts. I. Make a rough draught of the triangle, and put the letters a, b, c, at the angles. II. Let fuch parts of this triangle be marked, as reprefent the things which are given in the qucftion. Thus, mark a given fide with a fcratch acrofs it ; and a given angle by a little crooked linej as in the figure; where the fide ab, and the angles a and c, are marked as given. in. If two angles are known, the third is always known. For if one angle is 90 degrees, the other given angle (which (II. 97) will be acute) taken from 90 degrees, leaves the third angle. And if both the given angles are oblique j their fum taken from i8o degrees, gives the other angle. (II. 96) IV. Compare the given things together, and determine to which Problem thequeftion propofed belongs. V. Then according as the Problem dire(5ls, perform the preparatory work; and write down, under one another, in four lines, (or more if ne- cefTary), the literal J?ating; expreffing each angle bya letter, or by three j each line by two letteiS] andthefams, or differences, of lines, by pro- per marks. VI. Againft fuch terms as are known, write their numeral value, as given in the queftion, or as found in the preparatory work ; and againft thefe numbers write their logarithms; thofe for the lines being found (by I. 81) in the table of the logarithms of numbers; and thofe for the angles, found (by 41) in the table of logarithmic fines and tangents: Obferv- ing that an Arithmetical complement (fee I. 88) is always ufed in the firft term : And that when an angle is greater than 90 degrees, its fuppje- ment is ufed. VII. Add thefe logarithms together, and feek the fum (I. 81) in the log. numbers, when aline is wanted; or (42) in the log. fines or tan- gents, when an angle is wanted. Then the number or degree, anfwering to that logarithm which is the neareft to the faid fum, will be the thing required. A SY. {ook III. 52. TRIGONOMETRY. A SYNOPSIS. Of the Rules in Plane Trigonometry, 105 Prob. r. fee art, 45 Given. Required. SOLUTION. All the angles and one fide. Either of the jther fides. Since two angles are known, the third is known. And, As fin.ofZ.opp. to fide given, is to thatopp. fidci So fin. of another angle, to its opp. fide. Two fides and an Z. oppof. to one fide. The angle oppof. to the other given fide. As one given fide is to the fine of its opp. angle ; So is the other given fide, to the fide of its opp. angle. Then two angles being known, the third is known. And the other fide is found as before. II. art. 46 Two fides and the included right ^. Either of the other angles. As one of the given fides, is to the Radius ; So is the other given fide, to the tangent of its opp. Z. Then two Z.s being known, the third is known. The other fide is foui)d bv opp. fides and /Li, III. art. 48 Two fides and the included oblique angle. The other angles. Find the fum and difF. of the given fides. Take J given Z. from 90 leaves 4 fum of the other Z.s. Then, As fum fides, is to difF. of fides ; So tan. 1 fum other Z.s, to tan. ^difF. thofeZ.s. The 1 fum AS { 1 1 i difF. Zs, gives \ f^^^f" Find the other fide by opp. fides and angles. IV. art. 49 The three fides. All the angles. Draw a line perpend, to the greateft fide, from the opp. Z., dividing that fide into two parts. Then, As the longeft fide is to fum other two fides ; So is the difF.thofe fides, to the difF. p'* of longeft. Thenilong.fide | + [ ^dif.p" gives the | f/^^^- { part. Now the faidperp. cuts the triangleinto 2 right Z.d ones. In both, are known the Hyp. a Leg. and the right Z. . The angles are found by Problem I. V. art. 50 The thise fides. Either Angle. Having chofe which angle to find ; call the fides in- cluding that angle e and f. The fide opp. that Z., call c. Put D for the difference between e and f. Find the half fum, and half difF qf g jnd d. Then write thefe four Logs, under one another ; y. j The Ar. Co. Log. of b. The Ar. Co. Log. of f, '^'^l The Log. of A r,m, And the Log. of 'difference. Add .he four logs, together, take half their fum. iefk it among the log fines ; and the correfponding dcg. and min. doubled, is the angle fought. 53. Ex. io6 TRIGONOMETRY. Book III. 53. Example I.^ In thi plane Triangle auc. Given AJB=: 195 Poles. Z.B= 90 00' Z.A= 47 55. Required the other parts* For the linear Solution. ift. Draw AB equal to 195 poles, taken from a fcale of equal parts. 2d. From B, draw bc, making with ad an angle of 90. (!! 84) 3d. From A, draw ac, making with ab an angle of 47" 55'j and meet- ing BC in the point c. Then is the triangle ABC fuch, the parts of which correfpond with the things given ; and the fides ca, cb, being applied to the fcale that ab was taken from, their meafures will be found, viz, ac=29I j and BC = 2l6. For the numeral Solution, or Computation. Since two angles are known j Therefore, From 90 00' Take 47 55 =^1 a Remains 42 05=z.c Now in this triangle, there are known all the angles and one fide ; there- fore among the known things, there is a fide and its oppofite angle ; which belongs to the firft problem. Then to find the fide ac, begin with the angle c oppofite ab. As the fine of Z. c. To the oppofite fide ab ; So the fine of the Z. b. To the oppofite fide ac. Or thus, As s, Z.c=:42 05' To ABm95 po. So s, Z-Brrgo co' 0,17379 Ar. Co. 2,29003 10,00000 To Ac:=29i po. 2,46382 And to find the fide bc, begin with the angle c oppofite ab. As the fine of the Z. c, To the oppofite fide ab ; So the fine of the Z. a. To the oppofite fide bc. Or thus, As s, Z.c=:42 05' To AB=: 195 po. So Sj Z.Arz47 55' 0,17379 Ar. Co. 2,29003 9,87050 To Ecr;.2i6 po. 2,3343: So that AC is 291 poles, and bc is 216 poles. The letters Ar. Co. ftanding on the right of the firft line, fignify the arithmetical complement of the log, fine of 42 05'. (I. 88) 54' Ex Book III. TRIGONOMETRY. 107 5|f. Example If. In the plane Triangle abc. Given AB =: 1 1 7 miles, Z.B = i3446' Z.A= 22 37. Required the other parts. For the linear Solution, or Construction. Make ab=:ii7 equal parts ; at a make. an angle=:22'' 37' (II. 84); nd at B make an angle of 134 46' ; then the lines which make with; a.b thofe angles, will meet in c, and form the triangle propofe(J. And the meafure of bc will be 117, and of ac 216. By Computation., See art. 45. Since two angles are known, Namely, Z.b=:i34 46' Z-Arz 22 37 Their fum =^157 23 Now from Take 180 00 157 23 Since theangle crzZ. a Therefore bc=:ab Leaves Z.c:= 22 3.7 (II. 104) And from Take i8o 00' 13+ 4^ The fup'Z.BZ= 45 14 To find the fide AC. As s, z.cz= 22 37' 0,41503 Ar. Co. To ABzi:ii7 M. 2,06819 So s, z.B = i34 46' 9,85125 fup. To Acrr2i6 M. 2,33447 55. Example III. In the plane Triangle x^q. Given AB=4o8 yards. C Z.B=:22'' 37' z.A = 58 07. Required the other parts. ^ h Construction. Make AB=4o8 yards, or equal parts ; make the angle a 58 07' ; and the Z.B = 22 37' ; then the lines forming thefe angles will meet in c j and the meafure of ac is 159 yards, and of bc is 351. Computation. See art. 45, Two angles being known, viz A a 58 07' Z.Bn-2 37 Their fum =80 44 From Take 180 00' 80 44 Leaves 99 i6r:Z.c. To find the fide AC. As s,/Lr = 99'-' 16' To AT. =408 Y. S0,S,Z.B = 22 37' 0,00570 Ar. Co. 2,61066 To : = .59 Y 2,201^,3 To find the fide B c . Ass,Z.c = 99 16' To A Mir: 408 Y. So s,Z.Ar=58 07' To nc =351 Y. o,oo57oAr.Co- 2,61066 9,92:^97 2,54 1 33 In thele operations the- fupplemcnt of the angle c is ufcd. 56. Ex- loS 56. TRIGONOMETRY. Book III. Example IV. In the plane Triangle abc ,LB=:90 00'. Required the rejl. Construction. Make ab=:195 equal parts; draw bc, making an angle at 8=90" 00'. From a with 291 equal parts cut BC in c, and draw ac. Then the z. a meafurcd on the fcale of chords will be about 48 degrees, and Z.C about 42* : Alfo bc, on the equal parts, meafures about 216. Computation. Here being two fides, and an angle oppofite to one of them, the folution falls under problem the firft. See art. 45. 7 find the angle c . As Ac=:29i F. 7,53611 Ar. Co. To s,/.BZ=9o co' 10,00000 So ABz:i95 F. 2,29003 To 3,^.0=142 05' 9,82614 Prom 90 00' Take 42 05 =:Z.c, Leaves 47 55 = -^*- Tofindthcjide BC. As s,Z.Br:90 00' To Acrr29i F. So s,ii.A=47" 55' To Bc=:2i6F. 10,00000 2,46389 9,87050 ?viJ439 Here the fine of 90 00' or radius be- ing the firft term, its Arith. Comp, being o, is not taken. 57. Example V. In the plane Triangle ^.^z^ Given ac = 2i6 7y ^j ^ AB=:iI7 J V _^ Z_C=:22 37'. \ "'"--..^ B Required the rejl, ^ A' Construction. Make AC = 216 yards ; the z.c=:22 37^^ and draw cb : Then from a, with 117 yards, cut CB in b or in b; and either of the triangles ^zb or ACB will anfwer the conditions propofed : But the triangle to be ufed is generally determined by fome circumftances in the queltion it belongs to. Thus if the angle oppofite to ac is to bc obtufe, the triangle is abc Computation. The folution belongs to problem the firlL See art. 45. To find the angle B As ABzriiy Y. To S,Z.C = 22 37' So Ac:=:2i6 Y. To s,z.B 134." 46' Z.c-f Z.B=:i57 23 7,93181 9>'i^497 2.3344"^ 9.85-23 From Take 180= 157 CO 23: Lc-\-A.-R, Leaves 22 37Z.A, And as Z. -irr^Lc, Therefore bc:;=.^b, (ir. 104) If the angle required bc obtufe, fubtradl the deg. and min. correfponcjl- ing to the fourth log. from 180 ; the remainder is the Z.B For the fourth log. gives the ^^, which is the fupplement to the angles. (II. 104, 96). 9 ^8. ;< Book III. TRIGONOMETRY. 109 58. Example VI. In the plane Triangle K&c, Given AC=4o8>p^^homs. ^ AB-IS9\ Z. err 22 37'. Required the rejl. Construction. Make AC=4o8 fathoms ; thez.c = 22 37'; and drawc^ ; from a, with 159 fathoms, cut c^ in h^ or in b, and draw a^ or ab : Then if the angle oppofite to ac is to be acute, the triangle ac^ is that which is required j but if the angle is to be obtufe, acb is the triangle fought. Computation. See art. 45. Here being a fide and its oppofite angle known, the folution falls under problem the firft ; the Z.B is to be obtufe. To find the angle b obtufe. As ab=: I 59 Fr To S,^C = 22 37' So AC =408 F. 7,79860 9.58497 2,61066 To find BC. As s,^cn22 37' To AB = i59 F. So s,ii.A=s8 04' To Bc=350,9F. 0.41503 2,20140 9,92874 To s,Z.B=:99' 19' 9,99423 2,54517 Z.C + Z.BZZ12I 56 Taken from 1 80 00 Leaves/. A = 58 04 59. Example VII. In the plane Triangle a-rq ""'""" tc^i?^ furlongs. z.B=90 00'. Required the rfjh Construction. _ A Ii Make the angle ABC = 90; take ba= 195 equal parts, and bc=:2i6; and draw AC; then abc is the triangle propofed j where the parts required may be meafured by the proper fcales. Computation. See art. 46. As two fides and the contained right angle arc known, the folution be- longs to problem the fecond. To find the angle a As ABr=i95 F. To Rad. or tang. 45 00' So BC = 2l6 F. 7.7=997 10,00000 2.33445 To find A C . As s,Z.A=:47 55' To Bcrr2i6 F. So s, Z.Erz9o'' 00' To AC=:29i F. 0,12950 2,33445 10,00000 To t.^A=:47'' 55' 10,04442 2,46395 90 00 ^c=:42 05 60. Ex- iid TRIGONOMETRY. 60. ExAMPL* VIII. In the plane Triangle abc. G/V.AB=:ii7) Yards. ^ BC=:II7 3 AB = i3446'. Required the reji. Construction." Book III. Make the z. abc = 134 46^ ; take ba and bc, each equal to 117 equal parts, from the fame fcale, and draw ac j then is the triangle abc equal to that propofed ; and the parts required, meafured on their proper fcales, ivill give their values. Computation. See art. 48. Now as AB and bc are equal ; there- fore the angles a and c are alfo^equal. Ffom 180 00' Take 134. 46=Ab. Leaves 45 i4 = Z.a4-z.c. Thehalf 22 37r=z.A=:Z.c. To find AC. As s,Z.A=:22'' 37' To Bc=i 17 Y. So s,z. 8 = 134 46' To AC-:2i6 y. 0,41503 2,06818 9,85125 2,33446 '61. Example IX. In the plane Triangle abc. Given AB=4o8? Yards. * AC =159) f^- AA = 58"'07^ Required the reJl. A Li Construction. Make an angle cab = 58 07' j take ac = i59, AB=4o8, from the fame fcale of equal parts ; and draw CB ; then w^ill the triangle acb be equal to that which was propofed. Computation. Here, there being two fides and their contained angle known, the folu- tion belongs to art. 48. ABZ=:4o3 /c=:i59 AB + A 0:13567 = fum of fides. AB Acr=249:::difF. of fides. To find the angles. As AB+ AC = (;67 To AP, ACZ1249 So t.4z.c4-i!lB=6o'' 56|'(See43) 10,25520 To t . ^^c Z.B =38 19I 9,89781 Then (47) And 22 37r:Z.B. The half of 58 07' Is 29 03', which Taken from 90 00 Leaves 60 56[=lZ.c-f J/Lb. 7,24642 2,39620 99 i6=Z.c. (II. 105) To find B c . As s,Z.c=r99 16' 0,00570 To AB=r4o8 y. 2,61066 So s,/lA=58'' 07' 9,92897 To BC=:35i y. 2,5+533 62. Ex- j|Book III. TRIGONOMETRY. ,1^ 62. Example X. In the plane Triangle abc. Given ab=:iq5 BG=:2IO Acrrigi ' Required the angles. Construction. ; Make ca=:29i equal parts ; from c, with 216, defcribe an arc b ; from A with 195 cut the arc B in B j draw BC, ba, and the triangle is conftrudted, then the angles may be meafured by the help of a fcale of chords. Computation. The three fides being given, the folution falls under either Problem V. or Problem VI. But that the ufe of thefe Problems may be fufficiently illuf-. trated, the folutions according to both of them are here annexed. Solution by Problem V. (419) From the angle b, draw bd perpendicular to ca, which will be divided into the fegments cd, da, the fum of which ac is known. Now Bc:r:2i6 And ABn:i95 BC +AE3:4i i=:rum of fides. BC ae:^: 2irzdiff. of the fides. To find the diff. of the figments. ,AsAC = 2gi 7,53611 To BC + AB = 411 2,61384 So BC AB = 21 1,32222 Now the half of 291 is And the half of 29,66 is Therefore (47) the fum '45'5 14,83 To CD AD ZZ 29,66 1,47217 i6o,33:;:cd; or cd r: 160,3 the difference i30,67r:AD ; or ad :=. 130,7. Then in the triangle c db. As BC =216 7*66555 To s, Z.CDB:r:9o co' 10,00000 So CD 1=160,3 2,20493 To s, Z.cbd=:47 55' 9,870^: Wh. taken from 90 "00 Leaves Z. 0^=42 05 And in the triangle a D b . As AB = 195 To s, Z. ADB r= 90 00' So AD ZZ I 30,7 To 8, Z.ABD = 42 05 Wh. taken from 90 co 7*70997 10,00000 2,1 162B 9,82625 Leaves Z.A r= 47 55,&rZ.Br:90o'. To find the angle C Put Er:29ir:Ae F:iz2i6r:BC I) = 7 5 =E~P G = 1 9 5 rr A B 2)2;c(i35 = ;g4-D 2) 120(60 .'g -u. Solution by Problem VI. (50) 'IbenToAr.Co.log. e. 291 --- 7,53611 Add Ar. Co. log. F^ =216 --- 7,66555 Andthelog. -^+u= 135 --- 2,13033 Alfo the log. ^u uz= 60 - - - 1,77815 The half of this fura 2)19,11014 Is the log. fine of ni''02''(43) - - - o,j^-'<=7 Which doubled, gives 4 2 05'=: Z. c. The angle c bein^ known, the other angles may be found by Prob. T. 63. tx- MtMMMM**te 112 TRIGONOMETRY. Book III.^ A. L 63. Example XI. In the plane Triangle abc. Given A 0=408 Bc = 35i AB:ri59 Required the angles, C0NSTRUCTI0^f. The conftru(SHon and menfuration is performed as in thelaflExAMPLB< Computation by Prob. V. art. 49, From the Z. b draw the perpendicular bd ; and find the fegments aDj DC ; which may be done without logarithms. Thus Bc = 35i AB=~I59 c 4- AB = ;io BC AB=:i92 Then (I. 46), As 408 : 510 : : 192 : z^ozroc da. For 192 X3ior=97920; which divided by 408 gives 240. Now half of 408=204; and half of 240 is 120. Then 2044-I20=:324=:dc ; and 204 i2o=84r=i>A. Im the triangle a d b . As AB=:i59 To s, ^.0=90 00' So AD=:84 To S, Z.ABD=3I 53' 7,79860 16,06:00 1,92428 9,72288 And /I A ~^^ 07 In the triangle bdc. As Bc=:35i To s, Z.D=9o 00' So 00=324 To s,Z.CBDri:67'' 23' And 745469 10,00000 2,51054 9,96523 Z.CZZZ2 37 Then ^abd + Z.cbd=: Z.abc=:99 16' Computation by Prob. VI. art. 50. Then, to Ar. Co. log. e =408 738934 Add Ar. Co. log. f =351 7AS^^9 And the log. | G+D nio8 2,03342 Alfo the log. IG D= 51 >707S7 The half of this fum 2) 1 8, 58502 Is the log. fine of 1 1 1 8'!: 9,29251 To find the angle c. Put = 40^ = ^0 h=35I=:bc D= 57 = E F. = 159 = ^8 2}2i6(io8=4^gTu 2)102(51 =. ^-G D Which doubled, is 22 37'izZ.c. Now the angle c being known, the other angles may be found by Prob. I. But for a farther illuftration of Prob. VI. the work for another angle is here repeated. Tefind the angle b. Then, to Ar. Co. log. E =351 7,45469 Put e=35i=bc Add Ar. Co. log. f = 159 7,79860 f = I59 = ab And the log. ^G + Dzr^oo 2,47712 Alfo the log. iG D=io8 2,03342 D=:i92~E F. 6=1403=: AC 2)600(300=^0 +D 2)2i6(io8=:-1g D The half of this fum 2) . 9,76383 Is the log. fine of 49 38' 9,88191 Which doubled, is 99 i6'=Z.b. 64. x^ Book III. TRIGONOMETRY, 113 64. Example XII, In tht flgn^ Triangle abc, = 1171 = 117 S-Milej. = 2l6j Q'lven AE = ii7 Bcr: AC Jie^uired the angles. Construction", The conftrution of this triangle, and the nieafurlng of thp angles, Is performed as in the Xth and Xlth Examples, Computation, In the triangle abc, as ab=:bc ; therefore the angles a and c are equaj (II. 104) ; and the perpendicular bd bifecls the fide ac ; fo that the right angled triangles adb, cdb, are congruous ; confequently, the angles tie-s ing found in one triangle, will give thofe of the other. Now in the triangle adb, the fide ab=:ii7; the fide ad,;=:|ac, 15 ie8 ; and the z.d is 90 00' : Here, therefore, being a fide and i^s op^Q* iite angle given, the folution belongs to Prob, I. And 67" 23' doubled Gives 134 46'=: 4. ABC. A like procefs is to be ufed In every triangle;^ in which 9fe tvyo e<|uaj fides. ^0 find the angle a 50. As AB =117 793i8i To s, ^ D =90" 00' 10,00000 So AD =ro8 2,03342 To s, /.ABD=67*' 23' 9,96523 Wh, t^ken from 90 00' Leaves 22* 37'r:4.A =:Z.c. The foregoing examples contain all the variety that can pofllbly happeji in the folutions of plane triangles, confidered only with regard to their fides and angles ; but befides the methods fhewn of refolving fuch tri- angles by conftrudion and computation, there is another way to find thefe folutions, called Inftrumental ; and this is of two kinds, vi%. eithep by a ruler called a Senior, or by one called the Gunter's fcale : The method by the feclor, the curious reader may fee in many books, particularly in a treatife on Mathematical Inftmments publifhed in the year 1775, 3J edition * ; But the other method by the Gunter's fcale being in greaj life at fea, it will be proper in this place to treat of it. J i .It il J ii U I UI By the author of thefe Eleraenu. Vol. I, SEC- 114/ T Jl I G O.N O M E T R Y. Book III. SECTION IV. Defcripiof}^ and ConJlruBion of the Gimters Scale. 65 Mr. Edmund Gunttr^ Profeflbr of Aftronomy at Grcjkam College, fpmetime about the year 1624, applied the Logarithms o( Numbers to a iTat ruler : This he efFciSted by talcing the lengths exprcflt.d by the figures in thofc logarithms from a fcale ef equal parts, and transferring their, to a line, or fcale, drawn on fuch a ruler ; and this is the line which, from his name, is called the Gunter's line : He alfo, in like manner, conftru6led lines containing the logarithms of the fines and tangents ; and fmce his time there have been contrived other logarithmic fcales adapted to va- rious purpofes. The Gunter's fcale is a ruler, commonly two feet long ; having on one of its flat fides feveral lines or logarithmic fcales ; and on the other fide various other fcales ; wliich, to diftinguifh them from the former, may be called natural fcales. While the reader is perufing what follows, it is proper he fhould have a Gunter's fcale before him. 6$. Of the Natural Scales. ' The half of one fide is filled with different fcales of equal parts, for the convenience of conftrufting a larger, or fmaller figure : The other half contains fcales of Rhumbs, marked Rhu ; Chords, marked Ch ; Sines, marked Sin ; Tangents, marked Tan ; Secants, marked Sec ; Semi- tangents, denoted by S. T. and Longitude diftinguiflicd byM. L. The dcfcripiions and ufcs of thefe fcales will be confidcred hereafter, in the places where they will be wanted. 67. Of the Logarithmic Scales. On the other fide of the fcale are the following lines. I. A line marked s. R. (fine rhumbs), which contains the logarith- mic fines of the degrees to each point and quarter point of the compafs. JI. A line figned t. R. (tan. rhumbs), the divifions of which cor- refpond to the logarithmic tangents of the faid points and quarters. Ill, A line marked Num. (numbers), where the logarithms of num- bers are laid dov/n. -IV. A liac-marked Sin. containing the log. fines, V. A line of log. verfed fines, marked v. s. VI. A line of log. tangents, marked Tan. Vn, A meridional line figned Mer. VIII. A line of equal parts, marked e. p. 9 68. I. Of i^ook fit. TRIGONOMETRt. 115 iS-8. \-r. ,jf .. I. Of the Line of Numbers. Th^'whole length of this line, or fcale, is divided into two equal fpaces, or intervals : the beginning, or left-hand end of the firft, is marked i ; the end^of the firft interval, and beginning of the fecond, is alfo marked i; and the end of the fecond interval, or end of the fcale, is marked with lOj Both thdfe diflances are alike divided, beginning at the left-hand ends, by laying down in' each the lengths of the logarithms of the num.bers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 J taken from a fcale of equal parts, fuch that 10 of its primary divifions make the length of one interval : And the intermediate divifions are found, by taking the logarithms gf like intermediate numbers. -From this conftruftion it is evident, that when the firft i ftands fox i, die fecond i ftandsfofio, and the end lo denotes loo; r '* U5-T3 100, \i!fc. ^^ '^ ^ 1' -- ^m t/i 10' c - < ( " ,0 100, w -g 1000; 1000, oj 1 0000 ; ^c. iS^^ yr.; It " G 10 ; T5 c I ; tSfc. " <-5 1 . i^c; " An 4> 5 6, 7, 8, 9, ftand for 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 ; each of thefe divifions are alfo divided into ten parts, which repre- Icnt the intermediate tens. Between 100 and 200 the divifions for tens are each fubdivided into five parts ; fo that each of thefe IcfTer diviPons ftand for two units. The tens between 2C0 and 500 are divided into two parts, each ftanding for five unit? : The units between the tens from 500 to 1000 are to be eftimated by the eye j which by a little praclicc is' readily done. ^ From this defcription it v/ill be eafy to find the divifion reprefinting a given number not exceeding icoo: Thus the number 62 is the fecond fmall divifion from the 6, between the 6 and 7 in the firft interval : The number 435 is thus reckoned ; from the 4 in the fecond interval, count towards the 5 on the right, three of the larger divifions, and one of the fmallcr J and that will be the divifion exprelfing 435. And the Hke of otlicr numbers. I 2 69. II. For ii6 T R I G O N 0,M E T R Y. Book III, 69. n. For the Line of Sines, i This fcalc terminates at 90 degrees, juft againft the 10 at the end of th line of uumbfcrs ; ami from this termination the degrees are laid backwards, or from thence towards the left : Now fecking in a table of logarithmic fmes, for the numbers exprefling their arithmetic complements, witho;' the index, take thofe numbers from the fcale of equal parts the logs, '\ the numbers were taken from, and apply them to the fc^le of fines (rC^ 90, and they will give the feveral divifions of this fcale. "^ Thus the arith. comp. of the log. fines (or the co-fecants) abating t^ index, of 10, 20, 30", 40, i^fc. are the numbers 76033, 46595, 3010 t J9193, ifc. then the equal parts to thofe numbers, laid from 90, wijf give the divifions for jo", 20", 30, 40, ^c. and the like for the inter- mediate degrees. Proceeding in this manner, the arith. comp. of the fine of 5 45' will bc about equal to 10 of the primary divifions of the fcale of equal parts, or to one interval in the log. fcale ; fo that a decreafe of the index by unity, anfwers to one interval ; then a decreafe of the index by 2 anfwers to two intervals, or the whole length of the log. fcale; and this happens about the fine of 35 min. and the divifions anfwering to the fine of a little above 3 min. I'iz. 3' 26^^. will be equal to 3 intervals ; and the fine of about 26''' will be 4 intervals, &c. fo that the fine of 90 being fixed, the be- ginning of the fcale is vaftlydiftant from it. It is ufiial to infert the divifions to every 5 minutes, as far as lO de- grees ; from 10 to 30, the iVnall divifions are of 15 minutes each ; froin 30 to 50", contains every half degree ; from 50 to 70", are only wholq jjegrees j the reft are eafily reckoned, yo. III. For the Lwe of Tangents, As the tangent of 45 degrees is equal to the radius, or fine of 90; therefore 45 on this fcale, is terminated diredtly oppofite to 90 on the fines ; and the feveral divifions of this fcale of log. tangents are con- ftru(fted in the fame manner as thofe of the fines, by applying their arith. comp. backwards from 45, or towards the left-hand. The degn^es above 45, are to be counted backwards on the fcale : Thus the divifion at 40^ rcprefents both 40 and 50 ; the divifioH 30 ferves for 30 and 60" j and the like of th.e other divifions, and their inter- n^.ediates, 71. IV. For th-e Line of Veifed Sines. This line begins at the termination of the numbers, fines, and tangents : But as the nimibers on thofe lines defcend from the right to the left, fo thcfe afcend in the fame direction : Now having a table of logarithmic verfcd fines to 180 degrees, let each log. verfcd fine bc fubtra6led from that of I . Then co-f. x fecant =1 rad. : co-fee. (35). fine X co-fee. i rad. : co-tan. (36). tan. x co-tan. =1 The radius of the tables being fuppofed equal to i. Hence it is evident, that in either cafe, one of the quantities will be equal to the quotient of unity divided by the other. But divifion is performed by fubtraclion with logarithms* And to fubtradl a log. is the fame as to add its arith. comp. Confequcntly, the logarithmic co-fine and fecant of the fame degrees arc the arithmetical complements of one another. And fo are the logarithmic fines and co-fecants : Alfo the logarithmic tangents and co-tangents are the arith. comp. of one another. 73. Now as the arith. comp. of any number is what that number wants of unity in the next fuperior place j Therefore every natural fine and its arith. comp. together make the ra- dius. And the fines begin at one end of a radius, and end in 90" at the other end. Therefore in a fcale of fines, the arith. comp. of any fine, or its co- fecant, laid backwards from 90", gives the divifion for that fine. And the like muft happen in a fcalcof log. fines. 74. Alfo, as the logarithmic tangents and co-tangentS are the arith* comp. of one another; therefore in a fcale of log. tangents, the divifions to the degrees both under and above 45, are equally diftant from the di- vifion of 45". Confequcntly the divifions fcrving to the degrees under 45, will fervcj by reckoning backwards, for thofe above 45. 75. For the Verfed Sines. Although the numbers in the line of verfed fines afcend from right to left, yet they are only the fupplements of the real verfed fines, which arc numbered in the fame order as the fines, that is, from left to right : But as the beginning of the verfed fines falls without the ruler, therefore it is moft convenient to lay down the divifions from the point where the verfed fines terminate at 180 degrees, that is, againft 90'^ on the fines. Now it is evident that the divifions laid ofF from this termination mufl be thediftcrcnces between the log. verfed fines of the fevcral degrees, ^V. and that of 180 degrees, I 3 SECTIO>f it8 trigonometry. Book 11^^ S E C T I O N y. The life of the Gunter's Scale in Plane Triggmtnetry. 76. When a Trigonometrical Q^ieftion is to be folved by the Guntcr's fcale, it niuft- fijft be ftated by the precepts to that problem under which the queftion falls, whether it be by oppofite fides and angles, or by two fides and their included angle, or by three fides. 77. In all proportions WTOught by the Gunter's fcale, when the firft and fecond terms arc of the- fame kind, then , The extent from the firjl term to the fecond, will, r^ach from the third term, to the fourth. Or, when the firft and third terms arc of the fame kind. The extent from the firfl term to the third will reach from the fecond, term to the fourth. That is, fct one point of the compafTes on the divifion exprefllng the firf^ term, and extend the other point to the divifion exprcffing the fecond (or third) term ; then, without altering the opening ofthe compafics, fet one point on the divifion reprefenting the third term (or fecond term), an^ the other point will fall on the divifion fhewing the fourth term or anfwer. In working by thefe directions, it is proper to obfcrve, 78. Firft. The extent from one fide to another fide, is to be taket> from the fcale of numbers ; and the extent from one angle to another is to be taken from the fcale of fines, in working by oppofite fides and angles- or from the fcale of tangents, in working by two fides and the included angle. . Secondly. When the extent from the firft term to the fecpnd (or third) is decrcafing, or is from the right to the left, then the extent from the third term (or fecond) muft be alfo decrcafing ; that is, applied from the right towards the left : And the like caution is necellary when the extent i^ from the left towards the right. Thcfc precepts being carefully attended to, what follows will be readily imdexftood. 79' ^. Book III. T R I GO N O M E T R Y. 119 79. In Example I. See article 53. As s,Z.c : AB : : s,z.b : AC Or 8,42 05' : 195 : : s, 9 00'; Q^, where Q^ftands for the number fought. Now the extent from 4.2 05' to 90" 00', taken on a fcale of fines, and applied to the fcale of numbers, will reach from 195 10291. See art 69. Alfo. As s,z.c: ab:: s,<^a:bc. Or s, 42* 05' : 195 : : 5,470 55' ; q. Then the extent from 42 05' to 47 55' on the fines, being applied to the numbers, will reach from 195 to 2i6. See art. 68. In each of thefe operations, the firft extent was from the left to the right, or increafing j therefore the fecond extent muft be from left to right alfo, 80, In Example IV. See art. 56. As AC : 3,Z.B : : AB : s,z.c. Or 291 : 5,90 00' : : 195 : q. t Here the extent from 291 to 195, taken on the numbers, and applied to the fines, will reach from 90 00' to 42'' 05'. The firft extent being from the right towards the left, or decreafing j therefore the fecond extent muft be alfo from the right to the left. In Example VII. See art. 59. As AB : Rad. : : bc : t,z. a. Or 195 : t, 45 00' : : 216 : q^ Then the ej^tent from 19S to 216 on the numbers, will reach from 45" 00' to 47 55' on the tangents. Here the firfl extent being from left to right, or increafing, therefore the fecond extent muft alfo be increafing : Now on the tangents, this in- creafe above 45 does not proceed from left to right, but from right to left, the fame way that the decreafe proceeds (70} j confequently the di- vifion which the point falls on for the fourth term, muft be eftimated ac- cording as the firft extent is increafing or decreafing. ' Thus had the proportion been. As EC : Rad. : : ab : t,z.c. Or, 216 : t,45 00' : : 195 : q. Then the extent from 216 to 195 on the numbers, will reach from 45 00' to 42 05', eftimated as decreafing. 81. When two fides and the included angle are given, and the tangent of half the difference of the unknown angles is required. Then, on the line of numbers take the extent from the fum of the given fides to their difference j and on the line of tangents apply this ex- tent from 45 downwards, or to the left; let the point of the compailL-s reft v/hcrc it falls, and bring the other point (from 45") to the divifion anfwering to the half fum of the unknown angles ; then this extent ap- plied from 45 downwards, will give the half difference of the ujiknovvn angles : Whence tbc angles may be found. (47) I 4 In tid ^TRIGONOMETRY. Book III. In Example IX; S^tthe art. 6i.' As Afe + AC i AB AC : : t,iiic+ Z.B : t,|z.c Z^b, Or 567 : 249 : : t, 60" 56' : q^ . Kow the extent from 567 to 249 on the numbtl-s, being applied to thd langcntSi will reach from 45" to about 23" 40' : Let one point of the com*- J)afie6 reft on this divifion, and bring the other to 60 56' ; then this ex- tent vrill reach from 45' to 38 19^, the half difference fought. And this method will always give the half difference, whether the half fum of the angles is greater or lefs than 45* 82. But when the half fum and half difference are greater than 45*; then the extent from the fum of the fides to their difference on the fcale of humbers, will (on the tangents) reach from th? half fum of the angles to kheir half difference, reckoning from left to right. Ahd when the half fum and half difference are both lefs than 45 ; then the extent from the fum of the fides to their difference, taken from the humbers and applied to the tangents^ will reach from the half fum of the iangles downwards to their half difterence. 83. When the three fides are given to find an angle, and a perpendi- cular is drawn from an angle to its oppofite fide. See Ex. X. art. 62. As AC : BC + AB : : bc ab ; cd AD. Or 291 : 411 : : 21 : (^ ^Tow the extent from 291 to 411 on the fcale of numbers, will reach from 21 to 29,6 on the numbers alfo. Then the extent for the angles is performed in the fame manner as fiiewrt in Ex. L (78) 84. Or an angle may be found by Problem VI. as follows* In the fcale of numbers, take the extent from the half fum (of G and d) to either of the containing fides (as e) ; apply this extent from the other containing fide fas f), to a fourth term : Let one point of the compafles tei\ on this fourth teVni, and extend the other to the half difference (of n and >) ; then this extent applied to the Verfed fines from the begin* hingv will give the fupplement of the aiigle fought. In Example X. See art. 62* =291; F = 2i6; half fum =135; half difT. =: 60. Thert oh the numbers, the extent from 135 to 291, will reach from -216 to 465 ; let the point reft there, and extend the other to 60 ; thert this extent applied to the verfed fines, will reach from the beginning tc ^37'* i^''i Whih taken fronr i^C, leaves 4.2'- 04^ for the angle' foaght* B5. In Book IIL TRIGONOMETRY, 121 8|. In Example XI. See art. 63. HereE=4o8; f = 35i ; halffum of g and d=:io8; half difF.=5i Then on the numbers, the extent from io8 to 408, will reach from 351 in the fecond interval, to a fourth number : But as the point of the tbrnpaifTes falls beyond the end of the fcale, therefore let the extent from 108 to 408 be applied in the firft interval, which will reach from 35,1 to 1 32,6 ; let one point reft on 1 32,6, and ektend the other point of the compafles to 5 1 . Now as this extent of the Compafles is lefs than it ought to be, by one inter/al^ or half the length of the fcale of numbers ; therefore the laft extent, when applied to the verfed fines, muft be from that divifion, on the verfed fines, oppofite to the middle of the fcale of numbers, which is nearly at 143 ; and it will reach from thence to the verfed fine of 157 23'; which taken from 180, leaves 22 37' for the angle fought* 86. Moft 6f the writers on Plane TrigOiiometry treat of right angled, and of oblique angled triangles feparately ; making feven cafes in the former, and fix cafes in the latter : But as every one of thefe thirteen cafes fall under one or other of the foregoing Problems, therefore fiich diftinc- tions are here avoided, it being conceived, that they rather tend to per- plex than inftrudl a learner : Alfo in the generality of the treatifeson this fubjcft, it is ufually ftiewn how the folutions of right angled triangles are performed, by making (as it is called) each fide radius ; that is, by comparing each fide of the triangle with the radius of the tables : And although thefe confiderations are here omitted, yet the inquifitive reader will find them in Book VII. near the beginning* 87. Befide the demonftration of Problem IV. at art. 48. it has been thought proper to give another demonftration ; becaufe there arifes from it a Theorem ufeful on fome occafions : Moreover, there is alfo added methods of deriving other rules for the folution of the cafe where the three fides are given to find an angle ; which, if they fhould be found of no other ufe, will perhaps be agreeable cxercifes of Geometry to thofc who are delighted with thefe ftudies. SECTION i2e TRIG ON O M ET R Y. Sbbk III. SECTION VI. Propertied of Plane 'Triangles, ^, in ahy plane triingle abc. Given CA, ^B, and ^c. llequired the angles Band a. SoLtJTiON. Take cd = cb, and draw pb. Bife^l DB in f, da in e, draw cfg, and ef, ^hich is parallel to Ab. (II. 165) Kow DE or AE is equal to half the difference ofcAandcB. And CE ( zrcA ae) is equal to the half fum of CA and CB. The fum of the equal angles cbd, Cdb (II. 104) is equal to the fum of the unknown angles cba, cab. (II. 08) Then the angle cbd is the half fum, and the angle abd is the half 4iifefence of the unknown angles ci^a, cab. (47} And as cfg is at right angles to db (II. 103) ; cf is the tangent of 4. CBD, and OF is the tangent of Z-ABF to the rad. bf. (4) Thtn CE : ea: : cf : of (II. 165} : Or 2ce : 2ea : : cf : fg. (II. 151) That is, ca + cb : ca cb : : tan. |Z.cba+cab : tan. f iicBA cab. 9. Again. From h, the middle of cd, draw hi at right angles, and /^,.^A=RRxiC BD* A (46) (II. ibi) ^^ (II. 164) (11. 178, 179) (36) (11. 178, 179} 9- t;jZ.Ar:2RX^i=^^i^^t-^. ACXab AB : GD. GB Then ^, ^A=Rx-=Rx!ilili:iilll? -'^S ACXAB $7. vVa=2Rx''-^^^^. . ACXAB For R : ^;\ A : : AB : ge. rhcnv\ Z.A=:RX^r:Rxi^l!12iEEH?. ^^ ACXAB 98. j' Z- A = ' R X CB* AC* AB P ^ AC X AB ror n.:s, /.a:: ab: ag. 7-hens\ / A-p v^^^ ^ Bc'-^Ac^-AB* ^fi 2ACXAB (45) (" ^77) (45) (II. 176) (45) (11. 174; END OF BOOK III. mt ''' J //'ly-' <>>:uOi at^a/ntit/ii/i/i- lu/i THE ELEMENTS of' NAVIGATION, BOOK IV. OF SPHERICS. SECTION!. Definitions and Principles^ j.PjPHERICSis that part of the Mathematics which treats of the (^ pofition and magnitude of arcs of circles defcribed on the furface of ji fpherc. 2. A Sphere is a folid contained under one uniform round furface, fuch as would be formed by the revolution of a circle about its diameter, that diameter being immoveable during the motion of the circle. Thus the circle A f.bd revolving about the diameter h^^^ loill generate a fphcre^ the furface of which will be formed by the circumference Aebd. See Plate I. 3. The Center and Axis of a fphere are the fame as the center and diameter of a generating circle : And as a circle has an indefinite num- ber of diameters, fo a fphere may be confidered as having alfo an indefinite number of axes, round ^ny one pf which the fphere may be conceived to be generated. 4. Circles of the Sphere are thofe circles defcribed on its furface by the motion of the extremities of fuch chords in the generating circle as arc at right angles to the diameter, or to the axis of the fpherc. Thus by the motion of the circle aebd about the diameter A P., the extre- mities of the chords ED, GF, IH, at right angles to ab, will defer ibe circles the diameters of which are equal to thofe chords refpe^ively, Plate I. 5. The Ud^ ^^ F H E R I C S. Book IV. 5. The Poles of a circle on the fphercj are thofe points on its fuN facc equally diftant from the circumference of that circle. Thus A anfi b are the poles of the circles defcribed on the fphere by the etati of thf chords EOy gf, ih. Plate I. 6. A Great Circle of the fphere, is that circle which is equally diftant from both its poles. Thus the circle defcribed hj^ }he extremities E, D, of the diameter ED, at ri^hf angles / \ v IT 8. Parallel Circles of the fphere, are thofe circles, the planes of which are confidered as parallel to the plane of fome great circle. Thus the circles htivinfthi diantetcrs FG, Hi, are caltedfarallei circlei iH rff^e^ of the ^r eat Arcleof%vhich*i^ is the diameter. ' ^ -"- 9. A Spheric Angle is the- inclination of two great circles of the Iphere meeting one another; 10. A Spheric Triangle_ is a figure formed on the furface of a Iphere by the mutual interfet^tions of three great circles. 11. The Stereographic Proje'ction of the fphere, is fuch a re- prefentation of its circles, upofl th; thejfereograpjy'ic proje5iion of thefphere^ the reprefentationi oftilTctfthSt nit paffwg through the projiSlmg point, will be circles. Plate I.' xhj^i'i'' * .-. '^V \-'j . Aw ^>T 1 VnK Let ACEDB reprefent a fphere, cut by a plane rs, pa fllngl through th^f^ center i, at right angles to the diameter eh, drawn from e, the place of the eye. . _ . . I And let the fe<5Hon of the fphere (17) by the plane rs, be the circkf\ CFDL, its poles being H, and e. ^. Suppofe AGB is a circle on the fphere to be projefted, its pole, mo ft remote from the eye, being p : And the vifual rays from the circle aB3 meeting in E, form the cone agbe (21 ) of which the triangle aeb, is ar fediion through the vertex e, and diameter of the bafe ab. (II. 204.)- Then will the figure agbf, which is the projection of the circle bg \, be a circle. Demonstration.. Since the z. e 41. CoRoL. III. The centers and poles of circles, inclined tp the plane of projection, fall in that diameter of the primitive circle which Is at riglit angles to the diameter drawn through the projecting point j but at different diftances from its center. 42. CoROL. IV. All oblique great circles cut the primitive circle.in two points diametrically oppofite. Vol.. I. K 43. PROP. i^ SPHERICS. Book IV. 43. PRO P. IV. f}i( mtdfjurt of^ tbg- angle which the preJeSIed diameter of arty ctrclt fuh' ttndi at the eye^ is equal to the diflance of that circle from its pole^ which is^ mo/i remote from the projeSfing pointy taken on the furface of the fphere. And that angle is bifehed by a right line joining the projeSting point and that : ' ' > .i" V, /: . Let the plane rs cut the fphere hfeg, as in the laft. And let ABC be any oblique great circle, the diameter of which AC is projeif^ed into ac \ and kol any fmall circle parallel to abc, the diameter dr which KL is irojeted into kl. ' The diftances of thofc circles from the pole P, being the arcs ahp, KHP, and the angles a'Lc^ kEly are angles at the eye fubtended by their projected diameters acy kl. Then is the angle ai^c meafured by the arc ahp, the angle k&l is mea- fured by the arc khp ; and thofe angles are bifefted by ep. I>SM* I^of arc p^ilA^arc PC ; and arc PHK=arc PL. ($) And'the ,^aec is meafured by \ arc APC=arc pha. (II. 128) Alft) the /.KEL is meafured by | arc KPLrrarc phk. (il. 128) Tivereifoi^e the angles akc, kel, are refpeftivcly meafured by the arcs" ?HA, PHK^ ' And; it i^ evident tbofc angles are bifcked by the line ep. 44. CoROL.'I. Hence as the line ep projels thq pole p in ^ ; fo the fame line refers a projedled pole to its place on the fphere, in the cir ciimferi^ntie of the primitive circle. 45* C<>tt.ot. II. Hence, on the' plane of the primitive circle, maybe defcribed the reprefentation of any circle whofe diftance from its pole, and the projected place of that pole, are given. For PA and pc are projedted into pa and pc ; and the bife6lion of ac gives the center of the circle fought. c 46. C0R6L. III. Hfence every projeEM. The angular pornt a is proje(led into r ; {iz) confequently ac is projeled into RC, and af into rf. And ftnce sc is the eommoft fc6lion of the plane of proje6tion with that of the great cireJe eld*a (II. 210) the lines ac, sc, ad, ed, ae, lie all in the plane of that circle; Alfo becaufe ad is parallel to 3C, the Z. arc = Z.dae = Z. ADE=r Z.RAC (II. 94, 104, 132) confequently AcrzRc (II. 104). Now the plane pailTng through ac and af touches the fphere in a, (51) it is therefore perpendicular to the plane of the circle aed i and fc its common fecflion with the plane of projeftion, is at right angles to that plane (II. 210) j FC is therefore at right angles both to the lines ac and cR (II. 205) : Hence, the triangles acf, rcf, being right angled at c, having the fide FC common, arid AcrrcR, are coijgruous (II. 99), and the /1caf:=: Z-CRF. Confequently the z.EAB= Z.FAC (51) =; Z.FS.C. Now it is ma- flifeft that as af touches the bafe, abl, of the cone eabl, in the point a, a. plane pafling through af and ae will touch the fide of the cone in the- line AEj but af is alfo in that plane (II. 198} ; therefore ar touches, the cone in the line ae ; and as ar lies alfo in the plane of the circle SBR, it muft touch that circle alfo j confequently (50) brc=:Z.frc=: Z.fac=:Z.abe. 53. PRO P. VIII. The dljlance between the poles of the primitive circle and an oblique great circle^ injlcreog'ophic projeSiions^ is equal to the tangent of half the inclina- tion of thofe circles ; and the dijlance of their centers is equal to the tangent af their inclination : The femidiameter of the primitive circle being made radius, Plate I. Let AC be the diameter of a circle, the poles of which are p and c>^, and inclined to the plane of projection in the angle aif. And let a, r, />, be the projections of the points a, c, p. Alfo let uai. be the projeCted oblique circle, the center of which is q. Now when the plane of jTrojection becomes the primitive circle, the pole of which is i. Then is i^=:tangent of half Z.aif, or of half the arc af. And i^=:tangent of AF, or of the /.FH^rr aif. Hem. For ah4-hp = ah + af. Therefore hp = af. But i^= tangent of half hp, or of half af. (48) Again, IBook IV. S P H E R 1 C S. iJS Again. As AC is projedcd in ac^ then q, the middle of ac. Is the center of the projected circle, and of its rtprefentative h^e. (45) Draw Ej' produced to r : Then as qrigE j the AqEA^/CqaE. (II. 104) But the Zjf^/E is meafured by half the arc Fa. (II. 137) Therefore the arc AHrrzarc afe (fl. 50) : And as the arc ahp^fqe ; Therefore prrrAFrrHP ; and HPr=:twicc the arc af. Therefore (II, 127) the 2Lie^ = aif, the inclination of the circles. But iq is the tangent of the Z.iE^, ei being the radius, 54. CoRoL. Hence the radius of an oblique circle is equal to the iecant of the obliquity of that circle to the primitive. For E^ is the fecant of the angle ie^, to the radius ei. 55. P R O R IX. Jf through any given point In the primitive circle an oblique circle he defer il- ed; then the centers of all other oblique circles paffing through that pointy will be in a right line drawn through the center of the firjl oblique circle at right angles to a line paffmg through the given pointy and the center of the primitive. Let gace be the primitive drcle, adei a great circle defcribed through D, its center being b. HK is a right line drawn through b, perpendicular to a right line ci parting through d, and the center of the primitive circle. Then the centers of all other great circles fdg palling through d will fall in the line hic. Dem. For'lf E be the projcding point, the circle edai will be the proje(5tion of a circle, the diameter of which is nm. (3^) Therefore D and i are the projedtions of n, m, which are oppofite points on the fphere ; or of points at a femicirclc's diftance. Therefore all circles palling through d and i muff be the projections of great circles on the fphere. But Di is a chord in every circle parting through the points d, r. Confequcntly the centers of all thofe circles will be lound in hk drawn perpendicularly through n, the middle of di. (II. 125^ 56. P R O P. X. Equal arcs of any tivo great circles of the fphere, will he intercepted he' tween two other circles drawn on the fphere through the remoteji poles of thofe great circles. Plate I. LetPBEA be a fphere, on. which agb, cfd, are two great circles, the remoteft poles of wliich are f, p ; and through ihcfe poles let the great circle pbec, and fmall circle pge, be drawn, interfedting the great circles agb, cfd, in the points b, g, and d, f. 'I hcii are the intercepted arcs bg and df equal to one another. X)em. For the arcs ED4-DB=:arcs pb + db ; therefore ed = pb. And the arcs ef + FG=:arcs pg + FG f iq) ; therefore EFirpG. For the points f and g are equally diftant from their poles p, K. Alfo the Z.DFr=npG j for interfedling circles make equal angles at the fe<5^ions. (ji) Therefore the triangles efd and pgb are congruous. ' (27) Therefore the arc BG=arc dp. K3 57. PROP. Hl^f SPHERICS. Book IV. :|7. PRO P. XI. If lints b ^ratvn from the projeHed pole of any great circle, cutting the peripheries of the projeSied circle and plane of proje^ioUi the intercepted arcs cfthofe circumferences are equal. Plate I. On the plane of projelion, agb, let the great circle cfd be pro- jedled into cfd^ and its pole p in ^ ; moreover, draw the lines pd, pf: the arcs GB and yi/ ate equal. ^; Since pd lies both in the plane AC B and apbe it is their common fac- tion. (II. 198) But the point b is in their common fclion : (56) Therefore pd pafles through the point b. And in this manner it may be proved that ^/pafles through c. Now the points d and f are projetSted into d andy. (3^) Therefore the Tixcfd is equivalent to the arc FD. But the arc fd is equal to the arc gb : (56) 1'herefore the arc gb is equivalent to the arc fd, (II, 46) 58. PRO P. XII. Tl)e radius of any fmall circle , the plane of which is perpendicular to that tf the primitive circle^ is equal to the tangent of that leJJ'er circle's dijlance from its pole I and the fecant of that dijiance, is equal to the dijlance of the tenters of the primitive and leer circle. Plate I. Let P be the pole, and ab the diameter of a lefler circle, the plane being perpendicular to the plane of the primitive circle, the center of which is c : Then d being the center of the projected lefler circle, dA. is equal to the tangent of the arc pa, and ^c= fecant of pa. Dem. Draw the diameter ed parallel to ab, and through p draw cb. Now E being the projedling point, the diameter ab is proje(fied in ak, (22) And d^ the middle of ab, is the center of a circle on ab. (39) Then a right line drawn from d through a, will meet b : (II. 130) And draw ca, dA. Now the right-angled triangles dc^, dae, having the angle d common ; the z.d3c=Z.dea. (II. 98) But z.DEA=iz,DCA; and z.D^c = f Z.A Let V be the. given point, and | the center ^of the primitive xJrcJe, Case i, When the given poky P, is in th( fe?ii(r tf'the primitive circle. Const. The primitive pircle yi\\\ be the great circle required, (13) -^Gase 2. ff^en the givjn pole, p, is in th? cirfumV .'^* ^ ferencf of the primitive circle. -^ .^ ^ > ^ ^\ < ku.\<\ x- CoSST. Through the given pole p, draw PE a difimeter to the primitive circle. a Then another diam. Ab, drawn at right angles to p^j will be the great circle required. (20, 15) 63. CASBr^..ff^jen the given pole, p, is neither in ihf (ent^r or cirfumferenc^ of the primitive circle. Const. Through p draw a diameter bd, and another be at right angles to bd-^ then a ruler by e apd p gives p. Make the arc pA^=:go; a ruler by e and a gives # in the diameter bd. Then a circle defcribed thrpugh the three points Bj ('i ^3 is the great cjrcle required. Or thus. Make the ^rc ^d arc p^ ; a ruler on J and T) gives c in db produced. Then on c, with the radius ca defcribe b^e. J^'or, As E is the projecting ooint, and p the projecled pole ; Therefore p is the pole of the circle af to be projedcd, (44) And B6E is the projedion of the circle af. (38) Now Z-CflE is meafured by half the arc a^e. (I I. 137) But arc ABD=arc a^e: For Ap=:(^Bdzz)dE ; and ^d a^ by con- ftrudion, Therefore /L aec= Z.c<7E ; and cE=:ca. (II. 104) Cenfequentiy c is the center required. ^4- PROB* Book IV. 64. S P H E R i C # 37 PROBLEM III. A projeSied circle -being given j to find its poles. Case i. TVhen the given circle aeb is the pri- mitive. Const. Find the center c, (II. 70) and it Is jhe pole fought. Case 2. When the given circle acb is a right circle. Const. Draw a diameter ed at right angles to ab, and the ends or points, D, E, of that dia- meter are the poles required. 65. Case 3. JVljen the given circle abe is oblique. Const. Through the interfetions of the pri mitive and oblique circles draw a diameter ae, and another at right angles to ae, cutting the given oblique circle in b. A ruler by e and b gives b ; make hp., bq, each zz:&n arc of 90. A ruler by and p gives, in the diameter through b, the point p, which is the pole required. And a ruler by e and q gives, in cb continued, the point Q^for the other, or oppofite or exterior pole. Make pD-=:pA ; then a ruler by e and p gives, in bc continued, the point F, which is the center of the oblique circle abe. The rcafon of this operation is evident from that of the laft Problem. 66. PROBLEM IV. About any given projccied pole, to defcribe a circle at a given dijlance from that pole. Or^ at a propofad dkfiance from a given great circle, to defcribe a parallel circle. Let p be the given pole, belonging to the given great circle dfe. General Solution, l^hrough the given pole p, and c the center of the primitive circle, draw a diameter, and another de at right angles to it, A ruler on e and p gives p in tlic primitive circle. Make p\ and /)B, each equal to the propofed diftancc from the pole. A ruler on e and a, and then on e and B, will cut the diameter cp in /ind b. Bifedt ab in c ; and on c as a center defcribe a circle pafTing through ct and b^ which will bc the circle required. But *s% ^ P^ H E R I C S. Book IV But when the parallel circle is to be at a propofed diftance from the given great circle dfe. Find p as -before ; and make ^a=:j>b, equal to the complement of the propofed diflance j the reft as before. For p is the pole, the projcdlion of which is p. \ (44) But^ IS the poleof a circle, the diameter of which AB is projefled in ab. (*^) Therefore r, the middle of ab, is the center of the proje<^d circle. ( 39) Sy.Thefirft cafe is readily done,bydefcribing the ftnall circle about the center of the primitive circle with the tangent of half its diftance from the pole f., 68. The fecond cafe is fooneft performed thus. From the points a, b, (found as above) with the tangent of their diftance from p, the pole of the right circle, defcribe arcs cutting in c, which is the center of a fmall circle parallel to the right circle dfe. For Ap is the tangent of the arc a p. 69. P R O B L E M V. TTje primittve circle., and the proje6iton of a fmall circky being given j U fnd the pole of that fmall circle. (58) Let c be the center of the primitive circle, and abd a projefted fmall drcle, the center of which is r, and radius cb. General Solution. Through c the center of the fmall circle, and c the center of the primitive, draw a diameter CF, and another, ce, at right angles to it. Find the projeE.- 2d. When the angle is forrned by right and oblique circles meeting in the primitive's circumference. ' Then the arc pE meafures the angle dAb. . 3d. When the angle is formed by right and oblique circles meeting within the primitive circle. ' -i :i- Tic'} .v-'*. i'l Then the arc pE meafures the acute angle dab. = ' ' ' " 1 But the obtufe angle daf is meafured by the fupplement of pE. 4th. When the angle is formed by two oblique circles meeting within the primitive circle; Then the acute angle dab is meafured by the arc pE, But the fupplement of^E meafures the obtufe angle daf. For, as the angular point a is in both circles, and 90 diftant from their poles c and p (19). Therefore a great circle dcfcribed about a, as a pole, will pafs through the poles c and p. And lines drawn from a through c and p, cut off, in the circumference of the plane of projeilion, an arc equal to the diftance of the poles c ar.d p. (57) But the meafure of the diftance of the poles c, p, is equal to the in- clination of the planes of the circles ad, ab ; (33,) And confequently meafures the angle dab. 73. PROBLEM VIII. Through a given point in any projeSfed great circle^ to dffcribe another great circle at right angles to the given one. General Solution. Find the pole of the given circle. (64) Then a great circle defcribed through that pole and the given point will be at right angles to the given circle. Let the given projected great circle be bad j and A the given point. I ft. When BAD ii the primitive circle , the pole eftuhich is p. A diameter through a will be perpendicular to BAD. (II. 136) 2d. ff^en BAD is a right circle^ the poles of which are p and c. An oblique circle defcribed through the points C, A> Pj (II. 72} will be at right angles to bad. JO 3d. JVhen. Book IV. SPHERICS; 141 3d. Jf^hen BAD is an oblique circle^ the pole of which is P. ,\-" Through the points p and a, a great circle PAG being defer ibed (61), will be at right angles to BAD. The truth of thefe operations is evident from art. 34. 74. PROBLEM IX. trough any ajjigned point in a given proje^ed great circle^ to defcrihe an- Bther great circle cutting the former in an angle of a given number of de- grees. Let p be a given point in any great circle apb. ift. When APB is the primitive circle.^ Through the given point p draw^ a diameter P, and draw the diameter ab at right angles to P. Draw PD cutting ab in d, fo that the angle CPD be equal to the angle propofed. On D with the radius dp defcribe the great circle pfe. Then will the angle apf contain the given de- grees. For the Z-FPAnangle made by the radii pc, pd. And D being equally diftant from p and e, is the center fought. (49) 75. Or thus. Make cd equal to the tangent of the given angle to the radius CP. Or, Make pd equal to the fecant of that angle. 76, 2d. JVhen APB is a right circle. Draw a diameter GH at right angles to apb. Then a ruler by g and p gives a in the primi- tive circle. Make \ibz:.i.\a\ a ruler by c and h gives c in ab. Draw CD at right angles to ab. Draw PD cutting cd in d, fo chat the Z.cpd = complement of the degrees given. (IL 84) On d with the radius dp defcribe a circle fpe, which will be a great circle making with apb the angle apf as required. For, c is the center of a great circle gph, by the demonftration to art. 63. And the centers of all great circles through p, will be in cd. (55) Now z.DPE= 90, (II. 136) Thercroic at right an- gles to ADC ; and make the angle bdf equal to the complement of the given angle; fuppofe = complement of 35, Make df equal to the tangent of the given arc (fuppofe 58**) ; and from Pj with'the fecant of that arc, defcribe an arc cg Now when adc is an oblique circle ; from e the center of adc, with the radius ef, cut the arc c^ in g. But when ajjc is a right circle ; through f draw FG parallel to adc, cutting the arc eg in g. From G, with the tangent df, defcribe an arc, m, cutting adc in i ; and draw ci. Through g and the center p draw GK, cutting the primitive circle in H, K; draw PL perpendi- cular to GK ; and LL atright angles to ig, cutting PL in l. And l will be the center of a circle pafling through H, l> will be the great circle required. Then the Z. aih=:35'^ ; and arc IH = 58*', as was proposed. For GP is the fecant, and Gi is th^ tang, of the arc HI. And as the triangles egi, efd, are congruous; the z.eic=: z.edf. (II. lOl) But the Z.EIG made by the tangent of the arc hi and the radius of the arc ai, is the complement of the angle made by thofe arcs. (49) Confcquently the ^laih is the comp ement of the ^^.edf. The center of the right circle AC being fuppofed at an infinijfe.din fiance, tiierefore any circle fg ds^fciibed from that center, will be pa- rallel to AC. (59) When 144 SPHERICS. Book IV. When the given arc is more than 90% the tangent and fecant of its fupplement is to be applied on the line df the contrary way, or towards the right i the former conftrudtion being reckoned to the left. ., ^ tu PROBLEM Xn. Jny great circle in the plane ofprojelion ietng given j to defcribe another . great circlej which Jhall make given angles with the primitive and given circles. ?n c J r.rf* Let the given great circle be Abe, and its pole q. J . . ' ihj ',1. ''m^'- ' r'f' Solution. About p, the pole of the primitiYeru ni> eLfi::^ hiO^ circle, defcribe an arc mn^ a-t the diftance of as many degrees as are in the angle which vthe re-; quired circle is to make with the primitive : Sup- pofe62. (67) About Q^, the pole of the other given circle, and at a diftance equal to the meafure of the angle which the required circle is to make with the given circle adc (fuppofe 48), defcribe an arc on, cutr-, ting mn in n, (66) About , as a pole, defcribe the great circle EDF, cutting the given circles in e ando., (62) Then is the angle aed=: 62 j and ade=48''. For the diftance of the poles of any two great circles, is equal to the angle which thofe circles make with one another. (33) Remark. The nth Problem, which is particularly. ufeful in con-' ftru6ling a fpherical triangle, in which are given two angles and a fide cppofite to one of them, includes only two cafes of a more general Prob- lem, viz. Any two great, circles being given in pofitlon; to defcribe a third, which Jhall cut one of thofe given in an angle propofed, and have a given arc inter ^ cepted between the given circles. Alfo the 1 2th Problem, ufed when the three angles are given, con- tains only two cafes of another Problem ; viz. Any two great circles being given in pofition, to defcribe a third which Jhall cut the given circles in given angles. The folution of thefe two general Problems not being wanted in any part of this work ; it was not thought neceflary here to annex them ; more having been already delivered in the preceding pages than it is ufual to meet with on this fubje6l. However, their folution is recommended ^s cxercifes to fpeculative learners. SECTION Book IV. , SPHERICS. .MS SECTION IV. Spheric 7'rigonometry, Definitions, 82. Spheric Trigonometry is the art of computing the meafures of the fides and angles of fuch triangles as are formed on the furface of a fphere, by the mutual interfecSions of three great circles defcribed thereon. 83. A Spheric Triangle confifts of three fides and three angles. The meafures of unknown fides or angles of fpheric triangles are efti- mated by the relations between the fines, or the tangents, or the fecants, of the fides or angles known, and of thofe that are unknown. 84. A Right Angled Spheric Triangle has one right angle : The fides about the right angle are called Legs j and the fide oppofite to the right angle is called the Hypothenufe, 85., A QuADRANTAL SpHERic Tri ANGLE has One fide equal to ninety degrees, 86. An Oblique Spheric Triangle has all its angles oblique. 87. The Circular Parts of a triangle, are the arcs whicli meafure its fides and angles. 88. Two fpheric triangles aie faid to be fupplcments to one another, when the fides and angles of the one are rcfpcctive fupplements of the angles and fides of the other : And one, in regard to the other, is called the fupplemental triangle. 89. Two arcs or angles, when compared together, are faid to be alike, or of the fame kind, wlien both are acute, or lefs than 90, or when both are obtufc, or greater than 90 : But when one is greater and the other lefs than 90, they are faid to be unlike. The lefier circles of the fphere do not enter into TrigOiiometrical com- putations, bccaufe of the diverfity of their radii. Vol. T. 1 SECTION 14^ SPHERICS. Book IV. S E C T I O N V. Spherical 'theorems. 90. .THEOREM!. In every fphcnc tiiangky abc, equal angles^ b, c, are oppofite to equal fides^ AC, AS : And equal ftdes, AC, Ac, are oppofite to equal angles, c, B. Dem. Since ab = ac, makeAE=:ADj and draw BD, CE. ThenisBD = CE; and Z. AF.crr z. adb. For the triangles aec, adb arc congruous, Since ADrrAC ; ADriAE ; Z. A common. Alfo, the triangles bec, cdb are congruous ; Therefore Aebcz:z.dcb. P'orEcrrBD; eb=:(ab AEr= ) dc ( rr AC ad^. ^-^. And /.BECrr Z.cdb, they being the fuppl. of equal angles AEC, adb. Again, if Z. ABcr: z.acb : llien is ab = ac. Tor take be=zcd ; and defcribe the arcs ce, bd. Then is EcriDB, Z.bec=: Z-CDB ; Z.ECE=r Z. CBD. (27) For^* BCE = AcBD ; fmce BC is common, BE z:::CD, Z.EBC=: Z-DCB. Alfo the triangles abd, ace are congruous ; Since eczzdb, Z. ACEr:( Z.eca BCE=:) Z.ABD (rrz-CBA cbd). (II. 48) And Z.AEC (flip. Z.BEC=r) Z.ADB (^rfup. Z-Cdb). (II. 48} Therefore ae:::::ad; and ab:i= (AE + Enrr) Ac (=:ad + DC). (II. 47) 91. CoROL. A line drawn from t!ie vertex of an ifofcclcs r^iheric tri- angle, to the middle of the bafc, is perpendicular to the bafe. (II. 48) Tliis is ealily proved from art. 90, 27. )2. T H E O R E M II. Either fide of a fphcrlc triangle is kfs than the fu?n of the ether two fides, Dem. For on the furface of tiie fphere, the fhorteft diftance between two points, is an arc of a great circle paffmg tlirough thofe point?. (23} But each ficic of a fpheric triangle is an arc of a great circle. ( 10) Therefore either fide being the fhorteft diftance between its extremi- ties, is lefs than the fum of die other two fides. 93. T I-] E OR E M III. Each fide of a fpheric triaiigle is Ufs than a femicircle, or 180 degrees. Dem. Two' great circles interfcct each other twice at the diftance of 180 degrees. (32) (10) The Hdes about any fpheric angle are arcs of two great circles. But a fpliefic tiia!-.;jle has three hiics. Therefore every two fides before their fecond meeting muft be inter- fecl:ed by the third iide. Confcquenily each Hue is lefs t'lan a femicircle. The maik A Uancilfoi- the word triangle. 94. T H E O- Book IV. SPHERICS. 147 94. THEOREM IV. In every fphefic triangle^ ABC, the greateji fide, BC, Is eppofite the greateji angle ^ A. Dem. Make Z. bad =Z. ABC. Then aditbd (90) ; and bc:ad + dc. But AD + DC is greater than AC. Therefore bc is greater than ac. 95. T H E O R E M V. If from the three angles of a fphcric triangle.^ ABC, as poks, he defcribcd three arcs of great circles^ fornmig another fpheric triangle^ f.df ; then ui'II the fides of the latter ,' and the oppofte angles of the former^ he the fup pigments ef one another : Alfo the angles in the latter -^ and their eppofite fides in the former^ are the fupplcments of one another. That is, FE and Z-CAB, fd and Z-ABC, de and Z.ACB, are fupplcments to one another. Alfo Z.E and AC, Z.D and CB, Z.F and ab, are the fupplcments to one another. Dem. The interfeilion e of the arcs about the poles A and c, being 90^ diflant from them, is the pole of the arc AC. (19) And for the fame reafon, D is the pole of ce, and F of AB. Let the fides of the triangle abc be produced to meet the fides of ths triangle def in G and H, i and L, m and n. Then fi =: dl = 90 : Therefore (dl + Fi = dl -f- fl + li ~ ) DF + LI =: 180". (II. 47) Therefore df and Li are fupplcments to one another. Eut LI meafures tht; angle abc. (9) Therefore l_AP.c and df are the fupplcments to one another. And in the fame manner it may be demonftrated, that the Z. BAC and >E, Z.ACB and DE, are the fupplcments of one another. Again, fmce Ei~ ah = 90 degrees j (ic)) Therefore (iB f AHrriB -I- eh + AB ) IH 4- AB 180 degrees. Eut IM meafures the angle f ; (o) Therefore ab and Z_F are the fupplcments of one another. And the lame maybe ilicwn of ac and /.e, cb and /_d. 96. T H E O R E M VI. The fum of the three fides cf every fphsric triangle, ABC, is lefs than a cir- cnnfercnee, or 360 degrees. Df.m. Continue the fides AC, AB, till they meet in r;. Then the arcs acd, ard, are each i8c. (p.) JBut nc 4 DB is greater than bc. (92) d Thcrefo.e ac4-ab4dc4db is greater than AC I- An 4 EC Or the lemicircles acd 4 abd is Jireatcr than ac 4 ae 4 r.i'. 'I h.it 1?, 360 ii> greater than the three fides of the trian-Ic Anr. L 2 97. Til EG- 14? SPHERICS. Book IV* (24) 97. THEOREM VII. The fttm of the three angles of afpheric triangle, abc, is greater than two right angles, and lefs than fix j or will always fall between 180 and 548 degrees. < Dem. Since Z.A and fe, Z.b and fd, Z.c and DE, are fupplenients to one another. (95) Therefore the three angles a, b, c, together with the three fides fe, fd, de make thrice 180% or 540. Now the fum of the three fides fe + fd + de, is lefij than twice 180, (96) Therefore the fum of the three angles a + b + C is greater than 180. Again, as a fpheric angle is ever lefs than 180 ; Therefore the fum of any three fpheric angles is ever lefs than thrice 180% or 540 degrees. 98. THEOREM VIII. If one fide, ab, of a fpheric triangle, abc, he produced, then the outward angle, cbd, is either equal to, lefs, or greater than the inward oppofite angle A, adjacent to that fide \ according as the fum of the other txvo ftdes^ ca + cb, is equal to, greater, or lefs than 180 degrees. Dem. Produce ac, ab, to meet in d. Then arc Acoriarc ABDmSo". (32) And Z.D=:Z-A. (31) Nowif AC-f CBis equal toi8oi then cb = cd. And z.CBD== (Z-Dzr) Z.A. (90) If AC+CB is greater than 180; then cb is greater than cd. And Z.CBD is lefs than (z.d = ) z. a. If AC-f CB is lefs than iSo; then cb is lefs than cd. And /.cbd is greater than (z.,d=:)z.a. j 99. T H E O R E M IX. /;/ right angled fpheric triangles, the oblique angles and their oppofite ftdes are of the fa?ne kind: That is, if a leg is lefs or greater than 90", its oppofite angle is alfo lefs or greater than cp". In the right angled fpheric triangle ABC, right angled at a. If AC 15 greater than 90 ; then Z. ABC is greater than 90". If AC is Icfs tlun C)Z ; then 1. abc is lefs than 90. Deal Let the leg ac be lefs, ad equal, ac greater, than co", and defcribe the arc db. Now D being the pole of ab (37). Therefore Z.DBA is right. Confequently if ac is lefs than ad, the /.cba is lefs than Z.DBA, But if AC is greater than ad, the Z.CBA is greater than Z.DBA. And the fame may be proved of the kg ab and its oppofite angle. 100. THE O- (94) (94) Book IV. SPHERICS. 149 A D 100. THEOREM X. In right angled fpheric triangle s^ bac, the hypothenufe^ BC, is lefs than 90, when the legs^ ab, AC, are of a like kind: But the hypothenufe is greater than 90, when the legs are of different kinds, ift. When the legs ab, ac, areboth lefs than 90. Dem. In BA, AC produced, take bd, af equal to j^\, quadrants ; through f and d de'fcribe an arc fd \\ meeting BC produced in E. : '. Now F being the pole of bd (19). Therefore b is the pole of ED. Confequently bc is lefs than (beiz) 90. 2d. When the legs ab, ac, are both greater than 90". Produce AC, ab, till they meet in d. Now the hypothenufe cb is common to both the right angled triangles bac and bdc, Afld the legs DC, db, being both lefs than 90". Therefore the hypothenufe bc is lefs than 90% by the firft cafe of this Theorem. 3d. When the legs ab, ac, are one greater, the other lefs than 90. In AB, and ac produced, take bd, af each of 90, and dcfcribe the arc fed. Then b is the pole of fd ; and fince f is the pole of BA, and fd is at right angles to bd. Therefore BE = 9o. (37) Confequcntly Rc is greater than 90 degrees. ici. CoROL. I. The hypothenufe is lefs or greater tha 90, accord- ing as tlie oblique angles are of a like, or different kinds, n For if legs are like, or unlike, the angles are like or unlike. (99) And if legs arc like, or unlike, the hypoth. is acute or obtufe. (100) Therefore if the angles are like, the hypothenufe is acute, or lefs than 90 ; but if unlike, the hypothenufe is obtufe, or greater than 90. rc2. CoROL. II. The Icj^s and their adjacent angles are like, or un- likc, as the hypothenufe is lefs, or greater than 90 degrees. For like legs, or like angles, make the hypothcnufj acute (by ift and 2d of 100). And unlike legs, or unlike angles, make the hypothenufe obtufe (by 3 J of 130 and by 101). 1C3. CoROL. III. A \c'i^ and its oppofite angle are both acute, or botli obtu.'c, according as the hypotlienufe and other leg are like, or unlike. 'ibis i.-, evident from the three cafes of this Tlieorem. 104, CoRoi,. W . Either angle is acute, or obtufe, as the hyfothcnuf* and the other angle are like, or unlike. This follows from cafe ift and 2d of this Theorem. JL 3 105. TIIEO- i5d SPHERICS. Book IV. 105. T H E O RE M XI. Jn every fphcrlc triangle, abc, if the angles adjacent to either fide, ab, be aliks, then a perpendicular, CD, drawn to that fide from the other angle, will fcAi ivithin the triangle : But the perpendicular CD falls without the triangle, xvhen the angles adjacent to the fide ab it falls on are unlike, Demqnst. Since in all right angled triangles the perpendicular and its oppoiitc angle are of the fame kind. (99) Therefore the z.s cad, cbd, are each like cd. Nov/ in Fig. i. the angles cad, cbd, or cab, CBA, are angles adjacent to the bafe ab within the triangle, and are tncrcfore alike. Therefore the perpendicular falling between a and B, falls within the triangle. In Fig. 2. the angles cad and cab are the fup- plenients of each ether, and are therefore unlike, as CA falls obliquely on ab. Therefore Z-Cab is unlike to Z.cba. Confequcntly the perpendicular cd cannot fall between a and b : Therefore it muft fall without. 106. THEOREM XII. If the tzvo leffer fides, CA, CB, cf a fphcric triangle, ABC, are of the fame kind; then an arc, CD, drawn from their included angle, acb, perpendicular to the oplofte fide, AR, vjHI fall within the triangle. Demonst. In ab take af=:ac ; draw CF and AH at right angles to cF. Then chzzhf (91) are each lefsthan 90. (93) Aifo take beztbcj draw ce and bg at right angles to ce. Then cgitge (91) are each lefs than 90. (93) Now in the right angled triangles fha, egb \ if the hypothenufes af (riAC), and be (~bc), are acute, or like fh and eg ; T>jen the angles af?i and beg are acute, and like AC and bc ; (103) Therefore the perpendicular cd falls on ef, within the triangle. (105) Aifo if the hypothenufes af and be are obtufe, or unlike to fh and ge ; Then the angles afh and beg are obtufe, and aifo like ca and cb.( 103) Confequcntly the perpendicular will fall on ef. (105) Therefore in either cafe the perpendicular falls within the triangle. 1S7. THEOREM XIII. Jn all right angled fphcric triangles, yfs hju- h'jpoth. : Rad : : fine of a leg : fine of its oppofite angle. ic8. Ji'df:?is a leg : Rad. : : ian. other leg : tan. of its oppof.te angle. Pi. I. DrMON'-'T. Let fdafg rcprclent the eighth part of a fphere, where the quadrantal planes edfg, fdbc, are both perpendicular to the qua- d.antal plane adfb ; and the qtiadrantal plane adgc is perpendicular lo the quadrantal plane edfg : and the fphcric triangle abc is right angled at B, where ca i> the hvpcithcnufe, and ba, bc, are tiie legs. '1 o the arcs r. f, ch, draw the tangents hf, ob, and the fines GM, cr, on the radii df, ci? ; alio draw r,L, the fine of the arc ab, and CK, the fine of AC ; then join IK and OL. Now Book IV. SPHERICS. J 5; . Now HF, OB, GM, CI, are all perpendicular to die plane adfe. Ant^ HD, CK, OL, lie all in the fame plane adgc. Alfo FD, IK, BL, lie all in the lame plane adfb. Therefore the right angled triangles hfd, cik, obl, having the equal angles hdf, cki, olb, (II. 199) are funilar. (II. 167) Therefore CK : do : : ci : cm. That is. As fin. hyp. : Rad. : : Hn. of a leg : fm. opp. angle. For GM is the fmeof the arc gf, which meafures the angle cab. (9) Alfo, As LB : df : : bo : fh. That is, Asfni.ofaleg : Rad, : : tan. of other leg : tan. opp. angle. 109. T H E O R E M XIV. In right angled fpheric triangles, abc, if about the oblique angles^ A, c^ as poles, at 90" dijlance, there be defcribed arcs, de, fe, cutting one another in E ; and the fidiS ab, ac, bc, of the triangle be produced to cut thofe arcs in D ; G, F ; H, I ; there will be con/Iituted two other triangles, CGK, HIE, the parts of which are either equal /-;, or are the complements of the parts of the given triangle, ABC. PI. I. Demokst. Now fince a is the pole of ed (19}. Therefore ad, ag are at right angles to ed ; and fo is ed to ad. (37) And fince bi and d are at right angles to ad, their interfc<5lion h is the pole of AD (36). Therefore Ku, hd are quadrants. (35) Then in the triangle CGH, rigb.t angled at g. CGrrccniplcment of AC. HGzrcomp. Z-Aj For no is tlie comn. of gd, which mea. Z.A. (9) HC the hypoth. is the comp. of cb. The Z-HCGrzZ-ACB. (26) 1 he ACHGircomp. ab : For ed, the comp. of ab, meafures Z.chg. Alio in the triangle eiii, right angled at i : Becaufe CF, ci are at right angles to ef ; and ef, eg being alfo at right angles to af ; therefore ]: is the pole of af ; (36) confequcntly ef and eg are quadrants. (35) Then the hypoth. ETirrZ-Aj For GHziicomp. of em and gd ; and CD meafures tlie angle a. Hi=rcB ; for Hcrrcomp, of in ai-.d en. Ei^rcomp. Z. c ; For Ei^comn. of if, v/hicii me:;riires z.c. The Z. H::::conip.. ab ; P'or bd, the corr.pof A!5, meafures Z.H. The z. Err AC ; For gf, the meafurc of Z.E, is equal to Z..\c. no, T II E C) R E M XV. /;.' every fpheric triii-igle, ii -vsill !<', As the fine of cither angle, is to ihefne cf its of.fci. t'o is the file of ancther awh, to the fne of its ^ppon: c a fpheric tii.'nglc, where bd is to AC prduccd ; forniing the tv\o r!L;i',t a:'.;,L-J tri.u;gks .\dp., <:iyi. 1);,M. "NcA f.:i. A.: : rail. : : fin. i,n : fm, z. A.(lC7) K i'.c : rad. : : fm. v.D : fm. Z_c. Let Ai'c I perpendicular And f:; There: ore fi:-;. Aiui tin. Therefore !in. 'Jlicrtf'ji'c lin. AH X an. A. A \-:A. x fin. r d. ncxfin. ACz::rad. Xfui. \-.\). A'sxHu. z.A~ru). r::xiin. z.c. Z.A : hn. iic : : fm. /_ c : iin. ab, 152 SPHERICS. Book IV. SECTION VI. Of the Solution of right angled fph eric Triangles. In every cafe of right angled fpheric triangles, three things befide the radius enter the proportion, of which two are given, and the third is fought. Now the folution of every cafe will be obtained by the application of the two following rules to Theorem XIII. and XIV. ( 107, io8, 109.) iir. Rule I. If of the three things concerned, or their complements, two are oppofitc to one another, and the third is oppofite to the right nnglc, in one of the triangles marked i, 2, 3, in the fig. toTheo. XIV. PI. I. Then the thing fought will be found by the firft proportion (107) cither diredtly, or by inverfion, 112. Rule II. If of the three things concerned, or their comple- ments, two are fides, and the third is an oblique angle, in either of the three triangles marked i, 2, 3, in fig. to Theo. XIV. PI. I. Then the thing fought will be found by the fecond proportion (108) either diredly, or by inverfion. 113. PROBLEM I. In the right angled fpheric triangle abc, Plate I. Theorem XIV. Given the hvpothenufe ac 7 j ^u n. J {-*^, , > required the reft, and one ot the legs ab j ^ I ft. T^o find the angle ACB oppofite the given leg ab. Here the things concerned are ac, Z.B, ab, Z_c ; which are found in the triangle, N I, to be oppofite ; and fo fall under Rule I. (m) Then fin. AC : rad. : : fin. ab : fin. Z-ACB. (107) Or fin. hyp. : rad. : : fin. g. leg : fin. op. z.. Like the g. leg. (99) 2d. To find the angle cab adjacent to the given leg ab. Here the things concerned are ac, Z.B, ab, Z. a. Now trying in the triangle, N I, I find the things concerned will fall under neither of the Rules. But trying in the triangle, N 2, the things concerned, or their com- plements, fall under Rule II. (^12) Then fin. HG : rad. : : tai}. GC : tan. Z.CHG. (108) Orco-f Z.CAB : rad. : : co-t, ac : co-t. ab. Or co-f. Z.CAB : co-t. ac : : (rad. : co-t. ab) : : tan. ab : rad. (III. 36) Therefore rad. : co-t. hyp. : : tan. g. leg : co-f. adj. angle. (II. 145) Like, or unlike the given leg; as the hyp. is acute, or obtufe. (102) 3d. To find the other leg BC. Here the things concerned are ac, Ab, ab, bc ; which in tlie triangle, K I, do not fall under either Rule : But in N 2 they will be found to fall under the firft Rule. (m) Then fin. he : rad. : : fin. CG : fin. id.CHG. (107) Or co-f. CB : rad. : : co-f. AC : co-f. ab. Therefore co-f. g. leg, ab, : rad. : : co-f. hyp. AC, : co-f. rcq. leg cb. And is acute, if hyp. and given leg are like 3 but obtufe, if unlike. (103) 114. PROB^ m Book IV, SPHERICS. 153 114. PROBLEM II. In the right angled fpheric triangle abc. PI. I. Theorem XIV. Given the hypothenufe ac J And one of the oblique angles a 3 ^ ift. To find the leg CB oppofite to the given angle A. In the triangle, N i. the things concerned fall under Rule I. ( n i) Then rad. : fin. ac : : fin. ^cab : fin. cb. (1C7) Or rad. : fm. hyp. : : fin, given angle : fin. opp. fide. And is like the given angle. (99) 2d. To find the leg ab adjacent to the given angle a. In the triangle, N 2. the things concerned fall under Rule IT* (112) Then fin. hg : rad. : : tan. CG : tan. Z-Chg. (io^) Or cof. Z.BAC : rad. : ; (co-t. ac : co-t. ab : :) tan. ab : tan. ac. (III. 37) Therefore rad. : tan. ac : : co-f. Z.bac : tan. ab. Or rad. : tan. hyp. : : co-f. given angle : tan. adjacent leg. And is acute, if hyp. and given angle are alike i but obtufe if unlike. (104) 3d. To find the other angle acb. In the triangle. No 2, the things concerned fall under Rule II. (112) Then fin. cg : rad, : ; tan. ch : tan.z.HCG. (10^) Or co-f AC : rad. : : co-t. z. bag : tan.Z.BCA : :) co-t. ^l bca. : tan. Z-Bac. (III. 37) Therefore rad. : tan. Z.bac : : co-f. ac : co-t. Z.bca. (IL 145) Or rad. : co-f. hyp. : : tan. given angle : co-t. req. angle. And is acute, if hyp. and given angle are alike ; but obtufe, if unlike. (104) 115. PROBLEM in. In the right angled fpheric triangle abc. Plate I. Theorem XIV. Given one of the lees ab 7 n j .u /i A ,- r. 1 > Required the relt. And Its oppoiite angle acb ) ^ ift. To fitnd the hypothenufe AC. In the triangle, N'' i. the things concerned fall under Rule I. (m) Then fiji. Z. ACB : fin. AB : : rad. : fin. AC. (^07) Or fin. given angle : fin. given leg : : rad, : fin. hyp. And is cither acute or obtufe. 2d. To find the other leg CB. In the triangle, N" 1. the things concerned fall under Rule II. (112) Then fin. CB:(rad. ::)tan.AB(: tan.Z. ACi;):: co-t. z. acb: rad. (II 1. 36) Or rad. : co-t. given angle : : tan. given leg ; fin. req. leg* And is cither ucutc or obtufe. 3d. To fiind the otJjcr angle CAC. In the trianglj, N' 3. the things concerned fall under Rule I. (m) Then fin. liii : rail. : : fui. f.i : fm z.nn-. (^07} Or fin. ABAC : rad. : : co-f. z.Acr, ; co-1'. Ai;. Or co-f given I'.'g : co-f. given angle ; ; rad. ; fin. required angle. And is cither acute or obtuiv. 116. PROB- M4 SPHERICS. Book IV 116. P R O B L E M IV. In the right angled fpheric triangle abc, Plate I. Theorem XIV. Give one of the legs AB 7 . , ^, A J- J- i . C Required the reft. And Its adjacent angle bAc j ^ ift. To find the other angle nc A. In the triangle N" 3. the things concerned fall under Rule I. (m) Then rad. : fin. eh : : fin. Af.hi : fin. Ei. (107) Or rad. : fin. Z-Bac : : co-f. ab : co-f, Z.acc. Therefore rad. : co-f. given leg : : fin. given angle : co-f. req. angle. And is like the giveij leg. (99) 2d. To find the other leg -e.c. In the tri.ingle,N i. the things concerned fall under Rule II. (112) Then fin. ab : rad. : : tan. bc : tan. A cab. (108) Or rad. : fin. ab : : tan. Z-CAB : tan. bc. Therefore rad. : fin. given leg : : tan. given angle : tan. req. leg. And is like the given angle, (99) 3d. To find the hypothenufe AC. In the triangle, N 2. the things concerned fall under Rule II. f 112) Then fin. gh : rad. : : tan. cg : tan. Z.chg. (loS) Or co-f. /Lcab : rad. : : co-t. ac : co-t. ab. Therefore rad. : co-f. given angle : : co-t. given leg : co-t. hpothenufe.- And is acute, if the given leg and angle are alike y but obtufe, if unlike. (102) 117. P R O B L E M V. In the right angled fpheric triangle abc, Plate I. Theorem XIV. Given both the legs ab, bc. Required the reft. ift. To find either of the ohl'ique angles^ as BAG. In the triangle, N" i. the things concerned fall under Rule II. (112) Then, as fin. ab : rad. : : tan. nc : tan. Z.bac. (id^) Or rad. : fin. ab : : (tan. Z-BAC : tan. bc : : ) co-t. ec : co-t. Abac. (HI. 37} Therefore rad. : fin. one leg : ; co-t. oth. leg : co-t. opp. angle. And is like its oppofite leg. x (99) 2d. To find the hypothenufi; AC In the triangle, N^^ 2. the things concerned fall under Rule I, (m) Then, As rad. : fin. hc : : fin. Z-CHG : fin. cg. {'^^l) Or rad. : co-f. hc : : co-f ab : co-f. AC. Therefore rad. : co-f. omc leg : : co-f. oth. leg : co-f. hypothenufe. And is acute, if the legs are alike ^ but obtufe, if unlike. (10) 118. PROI3- Book IV. SPHERICS* ^5S ii8. P R O B L E M VI. In the right angled fpherical triangle abc, Plate I. Theorem XIV. Given both the angles cac, bca. Required the reft. I ft. To find either of the legs, as &c. In the triangle, N 2 or 3. the things concerned fall under Rule I. ( 1 1 1 ) Then, rad. : fin. hc : : fjn. z.hcg : fin. hg. (io?) Or rad. : co-f. bc : : fin. Z.acb : co-f. /.bag. . Therefore fine of one angle : rad. : : co-f. oth. angle : co-f. oppofite fide. And is like its oppofite angle. (09) 2d. To find the hypothenufe AC. In the triangle, N" 2. the things concerned fall under Rule II, (112) Then, As fin. CG :rad. : : tan. gh : tan. z.hcg. (ig8) Or co-f. AC : (rad. : :) co-t.Z.BAC (: tan. /.bca) : : co-t.Z.BCA : rad. (III. 36) Therefore rad. : co-t. one angle : : co-t. oth. angle : co-f. hypothenufe. And is acute, if the angles are like. - (loi) But obtufe, if unlike. In thefe fix Problems are contained fixteen proportions, which are ap- plicable to the like number of cafes ufually given to right angled fpheric triani.;,!cs ; ar.d thefe proportions being collected and difpofed in a Table, will readily fhevv, by ir.fpeftion, how any of the cafes are to bc folved. The celebrated Lord Nepier, the inventor of logarithms, contrived a general rule, eafy to be remembered, by Avhich the folution of every cafe in right angled fpheric triangles is readily obtained, where the table of proportions is wanting ; which rule is as follows. General Rule. 119. Radius multiplied by the fine of the rniddle party is cither equal to the prodiief of the tatigcnis of extremes iO>ijunSf. Or to the produSi of the co-fines of extremes diijunSl. Ohfcrving ever to ufc the con.plevients of the hypcth. and angles. Lord Nepier called the five parts of every right angled Iphcric triangle, omitting the right angle, circular parts ; which he thus diilinguilhed ; the tzvo legs, the compleynents of the tiuo angles, and the ccmpletnent of the hypothen-fe ; and any two of thefe circular parts being given, the others are to be found by this rule, as is fticwn in v.'hat follow?. Now, In all the proportions about right angled fpheric triangles, there are, befKiCs the radius, three things coiicerncJ ; one of which maybe called the middle term in refpecft of the otl^r two; and thefe two, in refpcft of the middle term, may be called extremes. When the two extremes are joined to the middle, they are called ex- tremes co!;juncl: But when each of them is disjoined I'rom the middle, by i'li intermediate term (not concerned), they are then called extremes dil- junct- ; t;:king notice that the right analc does not disjoin the lc^';s. If the three parts under confideration do all join, the mitldic one of thofe tliree is readily fccn, and the otiier two are extremes coiijiinLt. But it only two of tlie three parts are jr)incd, t'lofe two are extremes disjunii, and the other term is the middle part. Thefe 156 SPHERICS. Book IV. Thefe things duly obferved, the pra(SUce of the Rule will appear in the following examples. Example I. When the hypothenufe and the angles are eoneerned. The hypoth. is the middle term, and the two angles are extremes con- junl ; then by the rule. Rad. xfin. hyp. = tan. one angle X tan. other angle. But the comp. of the hypoth. and angles are always to be ufed. Therefore rad.x co-f. hyp.=rco-t. one angle xco-t, other angle. Hence rad. : co-t. one angle : : co-t. other angle :co-f. hypoth. (II. 163) From whence are deduced the 6th and 15th cafes. Exam. II. IVI^en the hypothenufe and legs are under canfideration. The hypothenufe is the middle term, and the two legs are extremes disjuncSt, having the angles between them and the hypothenufe. Then by the rule. Rad. x fin. hyp. r= co-f. one leg X co-f. other leg. But the complement of the hypothenufe is to be uled. Therefore rad. X co-f. hypoth. = co-f. one leg X co-f. other leg. Hence rad. : co-f. one leg : : co-f other leg : co-f. hypoth. (II. 163) From whence are deduced the 3d and 13th cafes. Exam. III. The legs and an angle under confideration. Here the angle and its oppofite leg are extremes conjunct j and the other leg is the middle part. And thefe being refolved into a proportion by the rule, will produce the 8th, nth, and 14th cafes. Exam. IV. The angles and a leg under confideration. Here one angle is the middle, and the other angle and leg are extremes disjunct, the hypothenufe and other leg intervening. Now thefe being refolved into a proportion, give the 9th, 12th, and 1 6th cafes. Exam. V. The hypothenufe., a Icg^ and the angle between them., being under confideration. Here the angle is the middle term, and the hypothenufe apd leg are extremes conjun6l. And thefe being refolved into a proportion, will give the 2d, 4th, and loth cafes. Exam. VI. The hypothenufe ^ a leg., and its oppofite angle., being under confideration. Here the leg is the middle term, and the hypothenufe and angle are ex- tremes disjunct, the other leg and other angle falling between them and the middle. And thefe being converted into a proportion, from thence the ill, S^'""* anu jth cafes are deduced. SECTION Book IV. S P H E R I C St ^57 SECTION VII. Of the Solution of oblique angled ff her ic T'ri- angles. 120. All the cafes in oblique angled fpheric triangles, except where the three fides, or the three angles are given, are moft conveniently refolved by drawing a perpendicular from one of the angles to its oppofite fide, continued if neceflary ; which perpendicular will either divide the given triangle into two right angled triangles, or make two that are right angled, by joining a right angled one to the given triangle. In drawing this perpendicular, obferve, ift. It muft be drawn from the end of a given fide, and oppofite to a given angle. - 2d. It mull be fo drawn, that two of the given things in the oblique triangle may remain known in one of the right-angled triangles. 3d. This perpendicular is to be ufcd as a known quantity ; and being drawn as here diredled, will either fall within or without the triangle, as the angles, next the fide on which it falls, are of the fame or of dif- ferent kinds, (105) 121. PROBLEM I. In the oblique angled fpheric triangle abc. Given two fides ca, cb | ^ j^ ^j^^ ^^^ And the angle opp. to one, Z.C AC 3 ^ A ifl. To find the angle oppof.te to the other given fide { Z.CBA). As fin. EC : fin. ^cab : : fin. ac : fin. Z.cba. (no) ^ Or, As fin. one fide \fin. oppcfte angle : :f.n. ether fide :fn. oppof.te angle. Whleh may be either aeiite or oltufe. l\. To find the angle between the given fdes ( Z. ACb). Now rad. : tan.Z.CAB : : co-f. ac : co-t. (acd, call it) m. (3d 114) Or rad. : tan. given Z- : : co-f. adj. fide : co-t. {of a fourth r^.') m. And is acute, if AC and z_cab are like ; but ootuf., if unlike. But rad. : tan. cd : : co-t. ac : co-f. (Acor;) m. (2d 113) rad. : tan. CD : : co-t. cb : co-f. (rcd, call it) n Therefore co-t. ac : co-t. ci3 ; : co-f. m : co-f n, (II. i55) 0/ co-t. fide adj. given /_ : co-t. other fide : : co-f. m : co-f. n. And IS like the fide oppfite the given angle., if that angle is acute. But unlike that fide ^ if the given angle is obtufe. C7-, w //-/./ \ urn m and n., tt A.* talls'ivitiJin I r:en the angle fought-, \\z. l_AZ?, \ '.-.r "> , -V , > //. ..r,hn,jf ^ J ^ ^ I diff. of m and //, // juils ivithout The n\v.k X H^niflcs the perpendicular. 3d. To 158 SPHERICS. Book IV, 3d. To find the other ftde AU. Now rad. co-f. Z.CAB : : tan. AC : tan, (ad, call it) M. (2d 114) Or rad. : co-f. given angle : : tan. adj. fide : tan. (of a fourth :zi) m. Acute, if the angle and its adj. fide are like j but obtuj'e^ if unlike. But co-f. CD : rad. : : co-f. AC : co-f. (ad = ) m. co-f. CD : rad. : : co-f. cb : co-f. (db call it) N. (3d 113) Therefore co-f. ac : co-f. cb : : co-f. m. : co-f. n. (II. 155) Or co-f.ftde adj. given angle : co-f. other fide : : co-f. M. : co-f. N. Like the fide oppofite the given angle, if that angle be acute ; But unlike that fide, if the angle be obtufe. --, ,' ri r 1 \ fum ofu and N, if the falls within. Then the fide fought ab= ^d^^, if^, and r^, if the Al falls without. But if CA = CB, or if cazziSo'' cb, or if ca is between bc and 180 BC ; Then z. B is like bc only, like And if BC : is "I unlike Z-A 5 ThenZ.ACB = mn only i and abztm 1 N only. 122. PROBLEM II. In the oblique angled fphcric triangle abc. Given two angles cab, cba 1 Required And a fide oppofite one of them ac 5 the reft. ift. To find the fide oppofite the it her given angle, viz. cb. Then, As fin.z.CBA : fin. ac : : fin. Z-Cab : fin. ^ Or fin. one angle '.fin. oppofite fide : : fin. other angle : fin. oppofite fide. Which may be either acute or ohtifc. 2d. To find the fide included by the given angles, viz. AB. Now rad. : co-f. Z.cab : : tan. ac : tan. (ad, call it) m. (II. 114) Orrad. : co-f A.adj . given fide : : tan. thegivenfide:ran.(ofafourth'=:)M. Like the angle adj. the fide given^ if that fide is acute; but unlike, if obtufe. But rad. : tan. cd : : co-t. Z-Cab : fin. (ADrr) M rad. : tan. CD : : co-t. Z.cbd : fin. (db, call it) N. (2d 115) Therefore co-t. Z.CAB : co-t. Z.CBD : : fin. m : fin. N. (II. 155) Or co-t.L.adj. given fide : co-t. other angle : : fin, M : fn. K. JFhich may be either acute or cbtufe. cTL .; r' r 1^ i fum of M and s, if the p;iven angles are alike. 1 hen tie fue fought AB=. i J ..yr--^ _r j -i- .i r vi J J '^ \ dijf. ofm and N, if the given angles are unlike. 3d. To find the other angle, viz. Z.ACB. Now rad. : tan. z. cad : : co-f. AC : co-t. (z. acd, call it) m. (3d 114) Orrad. : tan. A.adj . fide given : : co-f of given fide: co-t. (ofafourthzz.'jm. Like Z. adj. fide given, if that fide is acute \ but unlike, if obtufe. But co-f. CD : rad. : : co-f. z.cab : fin. ( Z. ACDr:)m. co-f. CD : rad. : : co-f. Z.ABC : fin. (Z_RCD, call it) n. (3d 115) Therefore co-f. z.cab: co-f. 2Labc : : fin. m. to fin. n. (11. 155) Or co-f. /_adj. fide given : co-f. other angle : : fin. m : fn. n, IVhich may be either acute or obtufe. Then feook IV. SPHERICS. Th B Then BC cannot be unlike its oppofite angle. Neither can db, or theZ.BCD be obtufe. 159 123. PROBLEM III. In the oblique angled fpheric triangle abc. Given two fides ac>, ab 1 r* j ^1. n And their contained angle bac } ^^^"^^^^ "^^ '^^' ift. To find either of the other angles, as A ABC. j^l """7^^-^ 33 As rad. : co-f. Z-Cab : : tan. ac : tan. (ad, call it) m. (2d 114) Or rad. : co-f. given /_ : : tan. fide oppofiit: Z-fiought : tan. {ofi a fourth m^w. Like the fide oppoj-.te L. fought, if the given Z. is acute ; But unlike that fide, if the given Z. is obtufe. Take the diff. between K^, fide adj. /L fought, and {a'D'=:)i.\ ; call it a. Now rad. : co-t. cd : : fin. ( ad=:) m : co-t. z.cab. -(iftiiyj rad. : co-t. cd : : fin. (db=:) n : co-t. z.abc. Therefore ^m, n : fin m. : : co-t. /.abc : co-t. Z-Cab. (II. 155) : : tan. z.cab : tan. z.cba. (ill. 37) Or fin, N \ fi.n. M : : tan. given L. '. tan. /_ fought. Like the given angle, bag, if m is lefs than ab, the fide adjacent the angle fiought ; but unlike, if M is greater. 2d. To find the other fide cb. As rad : co-f. Z-CAB : : tan. ac : tan. (ad, call it) m. (2d 114) Or rad. : co-f . given i_ : : tan. of either given fide : tan. {^':f a fourth :=.)y\.. Like the fide ufcd in thii proportion, if the given Z-is acute ; But unlike that fide, if the angle is obtufe. Take the difference bctvoeen the other fide, AB, and (ADr:) M ; call it v. Now rad. : co-f en : co-f (Anr=) m : co-f ac. (2d 117) rad. : co-f cd : : co-f (or, ) n : co-f. cb. Therefore co-f m : co-f N : : co-f AC : co-f cb. (II. 155) Or co-f. M : cof. N : : co-f. fide ufid in fir ft proportion : cc-fi.fiide required. Like N, if the given ^is acute; but unlike N, if that L.is obtufe. 124. PROBLEM IV. In the oblique angled fphcric triangle arc. (aivcn two ar.tilcs Z-Cab, Z-ACB \ Y^ 1 .1 a . , , . . ,&, fz , ' S Required the rclt. And their included hde ac J ^ I ft. To fijid either cf the other fides, as cv>. As r.iJ. : co-f ac : : tan. Z_ cab : co-t. (Z_ acd, call it^ m. {^A 1 14) Or rad. : co-f. given fide : : tan. /_ oppofite fde fought : co-t. fofufui ihzz )ni. Like the angle oppofte fide fought, if the given ude Is acute ; But unlike that angle. If the given fdc be obtife Take the dljf. betiveen A. .\CBy adj. fdc fought, and ( Z Acn } //;, call It n. Then rad, : co-t. en : : co-f (Z-Acd ) 17-1 ; co-t. ac. (3d 116) rad, : co-t, cd : : co-f ( z ncD~ ) n ; co-t. c;:. Therefore i6o SPHERICS. Book IV. Therefore co-f. n. : co-f. m : : co-t. cb : co-t. ac. (II. 155) : : tan. ac : tan. cb. (III. 37) Or co-f. n : co-f. m. : : tan. given fide : tan. fide required. Like n, if the angle oppofite the fide fought be acute , But unlike , if the angle is obtufe. 2d. To find the other angle abc. As rad. : co-f. ac : : tan. Z. cab : co-t. (z.acd, call it) m. (3d 114) Or rad. '.co-f. given fide ; : tan. either given ^ ; co- 1. (of a fourth zz.) jn. Like L. nfed in this proportion, if the given fide, AC, is acute ; But unlike that Z., if the given fide is obtufe, Take the difference between the other Z-, acb, and Z. ( acd = ) m, call it n. Now rad. : co-f. CD : : fin. (/.Acorr) m '. co-f. Z.CAB. (ift 116) rad. : co-f. cd : : fin. (z.BCD=r) n: co-f. Z-Abc. Therefore fin. m : fin. n : : co-f. z.cab : co-f. z.abc, (II, 155) Or fin. m : fm. n : : co-f. Z. ufed in firfl prop. : co-f. ^fought. Like the Z. ufed in both proportions, tf m. is lefs than the others j But unlike, if m is greater than the other angle. 125. PROBLEM V. In the oblique angled fpheric triangle abc. Plate I, Problem V. Given the three fides ab, bc, ac 3 Required the angles. To find the angle abc. Let HBKLM reprefent the quarter of a fphere, the center of which is o. Where the femicircular fedions hbk, hlk, are at right angles to one another ; and cb is perpendicular to hk. Then, continuing the fide bc to l, the arc hml meafures Z. abc. (9) And HQjrf chord hl, will be the fine of \ (arc HMcrrf )z. abc. Draw the radius oqm ; and draw LP, qN at right angles to hk. Then LPrzfine, HP =verfed fine, ofz. abc ; And HNrzNP. (II. 165) But as HQO is a right-angled triangle ; OQ^being perp. to hl. (II. 125) Therefore oh : nq^: : hq^: hn. (II. 170} And OH XHN=::Hq^ (II. 162]= fquare of the fine of fZ-ABc. Make bd = be=zbc; and AF::r:AG=: ac Then the femicircular plane dce, which is parallel to hlk (23), will "be cut by the femicircular plane fcg, drawn at right angles to the plane hbk, in the line ci (II. 209) at right angles to de. (II. 210) And the arc dc, and its verfed fine di, are fimilar to the arc hl and its verfed fine hp. (29. III. 15) r^. , , /PH \2HN Then rad. ch : rad. ds : ; ph : iDtrl Xds= / Xds. \oh oh Draw OR parallel to fg ; then arc ARr:(90 = ) arc bk, and rk=:ab. Therefore Z. DiF rz ( Z.KOR=r arc RKrr) arc ab. Now DS =:(SE= fine arc be:^:) fine arc bc And ad=:(bd EAr^EC BA)=difF. fides about Z. fought. AlfoZ-DFirri arc(DG= AG + AD =) ac+ad, the fine of which is I id. Schol. to art. III. 45. And arc fd=:(af t^\i ) AC AD, the fine of which is \_ df. 5 Now Book IV. ' SPHERICS. i6i Now fin. /.DIP : fin.z.DFi : : (fd : id ::) jFd:|id. (Schol. III. 45) Or fm.Z-DiF : fin.ADFi : : I FD : xds. OH HN Therefore fin. Z.DIF XDS X =fin. z.dfi x|fd. (II. 163) HN Therefore fin. /.difXdsx XOH = fin./LDFi xfFDXoH (II. 156) Or fin.Z-DiF xds XHN=:fin.z.DFix|FDXOH. (II. 149) Theref. fin.z.DiFXDS : fin.z.i>Fi x|fd : : oh : hn. (II. 163) : : OH xoH : (hnxoh=:)hq2,. (H. 155) Therefore fin. Z. dif X ds : fin. /l dfi x |fd : : oh* : hq^- Or fin. ABxfin.BC : fin. iAC + ad xfin. f ac ad : : Rad"" : lin. az-Abc* fin. I AC + ADXfin. I AC AD. Thereffqu.fin.|z.ABCrr ^z r- xfqu. Rad.(II.i64) ^ * fin. ABxfin. BC 1 \ T/ Now fuppofing Rad.zri, and L. to fland for logarithm. Then 2l, fin. f Z.abc=:l. fin. |ac+ad + l, fin. ac ad l. fin. ab L. fin. BC. (I. 90, 85, 86) And putting /for the arithmetic complement of a logarithm. /. fin. AB + /. fin. BC + L. fin. jac + ad + l. fin. |ac ad Then l, fin. Jz. abc=: * 2 That is, having determined which angle to find. To the arithmetic complement of log. Jin. of one containing fide.. Add the arithmetic complement of log. fin. of the other containing fide .^ And the log.fm, of the \ fum of '^dficle atid difference of the containing fdes^ Alfo the log. fm. of the \ difference of i^d fide and diff. of the containing fides., Then the degrees anfwering to half the fwn of thefe four logarithms, found among the fines , being doubled., will give the angle fought. 126. P R O B L^E M VI. In the oblique angled fpheric triangle abc. F Given the three angles a, e, c ; Requ. the fides. To find the fide ab. About the given angles as poles, defcribe arcs of great circles meeting one another, and forming the triangle fde. Then are the fides of fde, the fupplements of the angles a, b, c. (95) Continue fd, fe, the fupplements of the angles b, A, adjacent to the fide ae required, till they meet in G. Then in the triangle dge, the fides gd, ge, arc the meafures of th angles b and a, adjacent to the fide fought. The fide de is the fupplementof Z.c oppofite the fide ab. NowZ-G ( Z.F, by 31) is the fupplement of ab. Therefore thcz.G being found in the triangle dgb byPaoB. V. (125) will give the fupplement of the fide ab required. That is., Let the given angles he taken as the fides of another triangle , thferving to ufe the fupplement of that angle oppol.te to the fide required. In this new triangle find l^hy Frob. V.) the angle oppofite to that fide xuhtrt the fupplement is ufcd. Then will the fuppkmcnt of the angle thui found he tie p.de required. M 4 Table i6i SPHERICS. Pook IV. V* 54 '3 St '^r S K. ~- * ^ * 4> a Q - > Jw> -^ Q V. '^ <3 ^0 W < .2 f- """" bO R ^1 cL be u ivi S:^ _ Ji n| to "5o V > "So ^ 4J -. ^ J;^ 1) t) _c JS JS y _!J " u J o ^ j-^ 4 bo bfl Nl 6- 6 u a. Nl NJ d. o e u 1 o w o a e X C 2 cr' c V c 6 C f2 8 2 u c bo bO c bo a, s ho sl c bO n4 ^3 be- Q bO -a nJ c bo Nl br. fcO c 00 h c v4 1 o u c a; B C4 1 o u D ' " ' . O a. 1 a. a. a. bo nJ c bO c be V n| c 00 -d -a X c X <= fei) boi . bo 1 b/v c bO o c o c ; 6 o o c 6 C c to bJa S -6 ^1 1 J^ c u -C d 'O u o o u o c. aj w 1/ u o ex, O Ctf ^ bJo fcjj rg >> -C -C j:; >% Ni vj o i) aj o ffi o o O C >0 J 0/, bo.S n| bC.^Nj cB :i: ^- 2 C <3 rt rt i "TT > " < > Cu *~^ '~' Book IV. SPHERICS. i6j u V (^ V u, C4 ba sn bo V bO B crt t> . cd "* u u CO _V fs .i: i5 < i:^ o a. ^^ o s -Q 3 IX, Q. . o u o u, >- o ^ O u o 7 Li O -v -M J^ 4> I^ rt- nJ Ou CL, d. >. >s o ffi a. o ffi ^ O -i o* (J 1 o 6 6 u u u fcJO vJ nI t^ jr A o o o o Y ^ (^ u o 1 o o 6 u u U fcO u nJ a> k. u u ^ ^ ^ u -d u *5 w: *^ B o 6 u u 13 -T3 -d rt r3 G C4 Oi Di c Qi ^- 4J ti fc/. C , rt J3 < -C b- o u o o a. w CL, j= > J= >, c X "53 X ^ ' m a _ c 3 (U o M a: J ( s > > - O 1) d ., c 4) ^ - (+i Oj t-* w -* o "O lo O !^ ti 3i "3 E S =^- -2 "^ <*- 'H.a o o S*^ -a '^ v5 o c =^ ^ a..- i> *^ D . 2 5 " -^ o r2 ^ CJ co^ o 'i-' o o^ > 0) _Q Co bO U S 3 .2 ^ . 1-. L, C; ^ .P t^ -Q O ^ o .o "= *r cr c c c: M a ^ Table 1.64 S P H E R L C S. Book IV. o . ri c jj 9 bo' (4 n o a^ 1^3 .. o c c c O m :7> O rt > w o 2 o h O n1 ci - TJ . -J = S a .i o o C3 S u = S .^ I o 1^ a> I ct .n JZ c rt C4 ^4 c to o > 2 'bO-Q . o bC' c -a u 3 o bJO o "* o a > ; ^ 'So i jC " 4> * -^ "oi) M s S 2 <= to C ;- -4 ^ 3 ; nJ n| s "So G c 'So ^5 bO C ^ "J c j= s nJ o ^ ^ ^ II rt ^ G """ . ,a 8 P a J3 nJ to o = 2 > li . a Book IV. SPHERICS. 165 a 0. 1 c l^ 1 ^ 1 u >-> "So CO '00 C rt JU 3 "m rt rt C Q 3 C^ u u C > ^ V (U " ii -a 3-5 c .rt 3 ^ 'So -i 3 00 u a rt rt ^ 05 3 = ^ C; 3 -C rt Q ^ -a rt (J rt 3 c "So 1- ^ - J 1) 'So c .S 4J 1) ^ a .s n^ "> ^- rt rt J:^ -^ -a -^ .;5 3 _ fcjo-^ -5 " - ^ S^ rt > >'<' ' ''V*' k ,^^ 1 wv wv<^ E c c ~J Q. 3 . u e . a,' c n ; - 55 s S C n4 c t; ' " rt 6 ^ c V '- w rt . . CI _r CO C tJO c S c rt u -a <^ u 6 ' -0 3 C/3 > C - 2 "3 ri c u c rt c tx a 15 B s rt 1) W) 3 rt u C u 6 u 3 .^ -> "-5 -C J3 "S " U 3 ^ -13 *- ^ J3 ^ E y= -5 .0 * Wi ^ :=;> 3 I'-- ^-^^'^ 3 rt rS ^u g-^ SoS 3 5 gU- 3 ^ wj y d X-5 "p "^ t; I- '^ "5 c >= ^ 3 ^ 2 ^ 3 "t; c u "to J c > 1 fcX3 > 1 -a c > "t/D c rt^.2\^^ ^ u g u -^ 6 -^ 6 _Q -S^< S E S u c: - J C 1 ^- 1 krt W ^ 5,*-^ CjO C ex " S; J5 , 'J 1 'T3 -13 13 ,0 .-^ Sr (^ a ^ -! ^ -T3 u -T" <^ '^ a ' -t; C ri 3 3 1 _ rt w w ^ i ^ U ^ " .-5-^^ j:; '^ "5 ~ ^ E G 3 " 3 r= = rt c s, H < H < 1 tJ *j c i3 i -S ij ' i h. , u u : o-i: "m CO -a t 7^ 1 c 3 <.s i- ^= rt rt Ui QJ 1 M ' e t; !_ j:^ J3 *-* 1 'J '5 u. vj 1J a -T3 CJ C -0 3 -a 3 u > C ' J3 ki .s ! H^^ L-. 1 1 1 - 1 , * 1 u* 1 1 > 1 > M SECTION i66 SPHERICS. Book IV. SECTION VIII. 'The ConJlruSiion and numerical Solution of the cafes of right angled fpheric Triangles, 156, Exam. I. In the right-angled fpheric triangle abc. G.ven the hypoth. ac=64^ 40' J r j^^j ^he reft. And one leg = 42 12 J CONSTR UCTI ON S. 1 ft. To put the given leg on the primitive circle. Defcribe the primitive circle, and draw the right circle ac. Apply the given leg (42'' ii') to the primitive circle from b to c. About c, as a pole, at a diftance equal to the hypothenufe (64 40') defcribe (68) a fmall circle aa^ cutting the right circle ad in A ; and draw^ the right circle CD. Thro'igh c, a, d, defcribe an oblique circle. .And A3C is the triangle fought. 2d. To put the required leg en the primitive circle. Defcribe the priiv.itive circle, and draw the right r'yr\' CH ; on which lay the given leg (42 12') -Tur, .0 c. _ (70) About c, as a pole (66), at a ciftance equal to the hypothenufe (644o'j defcribe a fmall circle cutting the primitive in A ; and draw ad. Through a, c, d, defcribe an oblique circle. (II. 72) Then ABC is the triangle required : Whofe fides and angles fured by art. 70, 72. Computation. To find/^adj, the given leg As Rad. =90 co' To co-t. hyp. =^^4 40 So tan. gn. leg. ^=42 12 arc mea- TofindjLoppof. the given leg. (127) As fin. hyp. ^=64" 40' 0,04391 To R;'.d. "izzgo 00 10,00000 So fill. gn. leg ^=-\2 12 9,82719 To fia. op. Z. ~4S OQ 9,87110 This angle :s acute, becaufe it is to be like cue given leg, which is acute. To find the ether leg. (129) As co-f. gn. leg ^=4^'' io' c, 13030 To Rad. =90 00 io,ODcoo Soco-f. hyp. =64 40 9,63133 (128) 10,00000 9,67524 9.9574^ To co-f.ri 54 43 9,-6163 Toco-f. adjz. =64 35 9,63272 This angle is acute, becaufe the hyp. and given leg are of like kinds. This leg is acute, becaufe the hyp. arid given leg are of like kinds. Note, In thefe operations, and in all the follov/ing ones, although the word co-fmc, or co-tangent, h ulcd in the proportions, yet the degrees * and r/iiniucs fet down, arc not the complements, but the real fides or angles. 157. Ex- Book IV. SPHERICS. 167 157. Example II. In the right-angled fpheric triangle ABC. Given the hyopth^AC = 64 40' 1 R i,^^ ^he reft. .^^ And one angle acb =: 64 35 j ^ Constructions. ift. To put the leg adjacent to the given angle on the primitive circle. Through any point c, in the primitive circle, defcribe (75) the oblique circle cad, making with the primitive circle the angle bca, equal to the given angle 64 35'. In the oblique circle cad, take CA equal to the given hypothenufe 64"^ 40'. (70) Through A defcribe the right circle AB. And cab is the triangle required. 2d. To put tJpe leg oppofite the given angle on the primitive circle. Having defcribed the primitive circle, and drawn the right circle on ; Defcribe (80) an oblique circle acd, cutting the right circle ob in c, with the given angle 64 35^, and having the part AC intercepted be- tween the right circle ob and the primitive circle, equal to the given hypothenufe 64 40' ; Then abc is the triangle required. The fides required are meafured by art. 70. And the required angle by art. 72, Computation. To find the leg opp. the gij. /L (^3^) As Rad. rrgO 00' iO,oOoco To fin. hyp. =64 40 So fin. given Z. =^64 35 To fin. op. leg =154 43 Like the given angle. 9,9,-609 99)579 To find the leg adj. the giv. Z. ( 1 3 1 )' As Rad, =90 00' lo.ooooo To tan. hyp. =64 40 10,32476 So co-f. givenZ. =64 35 9,63266 9,91 188 j To tan. adj. leg =42 12 9,95742 Acute, as the hypothenufe and given ! angle are of like kind. To fi)id the other angle. (132) As Rad. To co-f. hyp. So tan. eiven angle rrgo co =64 40 = 64 35 To co-t. required ang.e =148 co 10,00000 9'63'33 10,32313 9,9^446 AnJ is acute, as the hypothnufe and given angle are of like kind. M 4 158. Ex:^^ i6S SPHERICS. Book IV. 158. 'Example III. In the right angled fpheric triangle abc. Given one leg And its opp. an gle CAB = ^8 00 } Required the reft. Constructions. I ft. To put the rtqu'tred leg on the primitive circle, Defcribe an oblique circle acd (75)> making with the primitive circle the angle cab, equal to the given angle 48 00'. About the center o of the primitive circle de- fcribe (67) a fmall circle at the diftance of the complement of the given leg 42 12', cutting acd in c. Draw the right circle ocb, and acb is the tri- angle fought. 2d. To put the given leg on the primitive circle. Drav/ the right circle gab, and another oe at right angles. Make BC equal to the given leg 42 12' ; draw the diameter cd, and another op at right angles. About F, the pole of ab, defcribe a fmall circle (68), at the diftance of the given angle 48" 00', cutting OP in p. About P, as a pole (62), defcribe the oblique circle cad, cutting ab in a. Then cea' is the triangle required. The fides are meafured by art. 70, and the angles by art. 72. Computation. To find the hypothenufe. Asfin.giv.Z. =48 00' To fin. giv. leg =42 12 So Rad. =90 CO Tohn.hyp. =164 40^ (133) o, 1 2893 9,827 19 lO.CCOOO 9,95612 And is eiiher acute or obtufe. To find the other leg. ( 1 34 ) As Rad. =90 00' lo.oocoo To co-t. giv.Z. =148 00 9>95444 So tan. giv. leg =142 12 9,95748 To fm. req. leg =54 44 9,91192 And is either acute or obtufe. To find the other angle. ( 135) As co-f. given leg To co-f. given Z. So Rad. r: 42 12' =: 48 00 =r 90 00 To fin. required A =: 64. And is either acute or obtufe. 35 0,13030 9,82551 J 0,00000 9,95581 159- E-^- Book. IV. SPHERICS. 169 159. Example IV. In the Tight angled fpheric triangle abc. Given a leg ab = 54 43^7 r, j .u n. And its ad^ angle CAB=48 So j ^^"^^''^^ '^^ '^^' Constructions. ift. To put the given kg on the primitive circle. Having defcribed the primitive, and right circle OB ; Make ba equal to the given leg 54 43' Dravir the diameter ad. Through a defcribe the oblique circle acd (75) making with the primitive the given angle bac 48" 00', cutting OB in c. Then is acb the triangle required. 2d, 71? put the required leg on the primitive. In the right circle ob, take (71) ab, equal to the given leg 54 43'. Through the point a, defcribe (76) the ob- lique circle cad, making with ab the angle BAC, equal to the given angle 48"^ oo', cutting the primitive circle in c. Then is abc the triangle fought. The fides required are meafured by art. 70. And tbe required angle by art. 72. Computation. To find the other angle. As Rad. irgo" 00' Toco-f.giv. Iegrz54 43 Sofin.givenZ. =:48 co {136) 10,00000 9,76164 9,87107 To co-f. req./. :=z6\ 35 9,63271 And is like the given angle. To find the other leg. C ^ 3 7 ) As Rad. ==90 00' xo,ooooo To fin. giv. leg =54 43 9,91185 Sotan.giv. Z. =48 00 10,04556 To tan. req. leg ^342 12 9,95741 And is like the given leg. To find the hjpothenufe. ( 1 38) As Rad. To co-f. given Z. So co-t. given leg = 90 00 I0>00000 = 48 00 9,82551 = 5 + 43 9,84979 To co-t. hypoth. zz 64 40 9,67530 And is acute, as the given leg and angle are of a like kind. 160, Ex- lyo SPHERICS. Book ly. 160. Example V. In the right angled fpheric triangle abc. Given one leg ^^ = S4- 4-3'^ 1 v> j .u n. And the other leg ^c=ll A P^q"'^^^ the reft. Construction. To put either leg on the primitive circle, Defcribe the primitive circle, and draw the right circle ob. Then, let the given legs 54 43', and 42 12', be applied, one from b to a, and the other from b to c (74) ; and draw the diameter ad. Through the points a, c, d, defcribe an oblique circle, (II. 72) Then is abc the triangle required. The angles a and c may be meafured by art. 72. And the hypothcnufe ac by art. 70. Computation. To find the angle a. ( i 39 ) As Radius - rr 90 00' 10,00000 To fin. of leg ab = 54 43 9,91185 So co-t. other leg bc r= 42 12 10,04251 To co-t. op. angle a rr 48 00 9,95436 And is acute, as the oppofite leg cb is acute. To find the angle c . (139) As Radius ' rz 90 00' io,oooco To fin. of leg cb =: 42 12 9,82719 So co-t. other leg A B ::z. 54 43 9,84979 To co-t. op. angle c r= 64 35 9,67698 And is acute, becaufs the oppofite leg ab is acute. To find the hypothennfe AC. (140) As Radius r: 90 00' io,oocoo To co-f either leg AB = 54 43 9,76164 So co-f. other leg cb zz. 42 12 9,86970 To co-f. hypoth. ac 64 40 9,63134 And is acute, as the legs are of the fame kind. 161. Ex- Book IV. SPHERICS. i6i. Example VI. In the right angled fpheric triangle ABC. Given one angle a =48 00' 1 p j ^l n And the other angle 0=64 35 } ^'^"^''^^ '^^ ''^' Const r y c t i o n. T'o put either leg, as CB, on the primitive circle. Having defcribed the primitive circle, and drawn the right circle ob ; Then (81) defcribe the oblique great circle CAD, cutting the primitive circle in the given angle c, and the right circle ob in the given angle a. The fides are to be meafured by art. 70. Computation. To find the leg ce. ( 141 ) As fin.Z. adj. req. leg c = 640 35 0,04421 To Radius :=. 90 00 lOjOCOOO So co-f. other angle A = 48 CO 9,82551 To co-f. of its op. leg cb =42 12 9,86972 And is acute, becaufe the oppofite angle is acute. To find the leg ab. ( 141 ) As fin.Z. adj. req. leg a = 48 00' 0,12893 To Radius ' zz 90 00 10,00000 So co-f. Other angle c 1= 64 35 9.63266 To co-f. of its op. leg ab zz 54 43 976i59 And is acute, becaufe the oppofite Z. is acute. To find the hypothemife AC (142) As Radius zz 90 00' To co-t. either angle as a zz 48 go So co-t. other angle as c zz 64 35 To co-f. hypoth. AC =: 64 40 10,00000 9'95444- 9,67687 9.63131 171 And is acute, becaufe the angles are both acute, or like. 162, Ex- 172 SPHERICS. Book IV. 162. Example VII. In the quadrantal triangle abc. Given the quadrantal fide AC = 90 00' 1 an adjacent angle a r: 42 12 > Required the lefl. And the oppofitc angle b r: 64 40 j Construction. To put the quadrantal ^de on the primitive circle. Having defcribed the primitive circle, and drawn the diameters ai>, .bc, at light angles ; Dcfcribe the oblique circle abd, making with AC an angle of 42 12% (75) Through c defcribe a great circle cbe, cut- ting the circle abd in an A. of 64 40'. (74) Then is abc the triangle fought. The angle c is to be meafured by art. 72. And the fides ab, cb, are meafured by art. 70. C o M P U.T AT ION. Imagine the given triangle abc to be changed into a right angled triangle, where the fupplement of the angle b is to reprcfent the hypothe- nufe, and the angle a to be one of the legs. Then v/ill the folution fall under art. 127, 128, 129, in the table j and the numerical computations will be the fame as in Example I. Obferving that the angles there found are, in this example, the meafures of the fides AB, CB ; -and the fide ab in that example ftands for tlie angle c in this. Now in determining the value of the parts of this triangle, as they arife in the computation, the words like and unlike are to be changed one for the other, where the hypothenuTc is concerned in the determination : Thus the leg ab is taken acute, bccaufe the fupplement of the angle oppofite to the quadrantal fide, which is here ufed as the hypothenufc, is unlike the other given angle ; and its oppofite angle c is to be acute for the fame rcafon : But, the kind of the fide nc being known by the kind of its oppofite angle a, it muft be taken acute, as the oppofite angle is acute. In the confiructlon there arifes two triangles, either of which v/ill an- fwer the conditions in the example For the finull circle defcribed about p, the pole of the oblique circle abd, cuts the diameter ad in the points, rt, b ; and either of thefc points may be taken for the pole of the oblique circle wanting to complete the triangle. Now if a he taken for the pole, then in the triangle abc, the meafure of the things fought, will be equal to thofe arifing from the computation : But the angle b is the fiipi^'lemcnt of what was given. And if b is taken for the pole ; tlien the triangle abc will arife from the' conftruction ; wherein the angles A and b are refpedtively equal to what is propounded : But then the fide ab, and the angle c, will both be obtulc. SECTION Book IV. SPHERICS. I7J S E C T I O N IX. ' The ConJlruEiion and nmnerical Solution of the cafes of oblique angled fph eric Triangles, 163. Example I. In the oblique angled fpheric triangle abc. Given the fide ab = 114 30^1 the fide BC = 56 40 1- Required the reft. And an angle oppofite to one fide, RCA =125 20 j Construction. To put the given fide^ adjacent to the known angle, on the primitive circle. Defcribe the primitive circle, and draw the diameter bd. Make BC equal to the fide adjacent to the given angle = 56 40^ (70) Defcribe the great circle CAE, making the angle Df BCA equal to the given one, =1125 2.0'. (75) Through B defcribe a great circle bad, cutting AE in A, at the diftance of ab, the other given fide from B,= ii4 30. (68) Then ABC is the triangle fought. And the parts required are meafured by art. 70, 72. Computation. To find the angle A, oppofite to the other given fide. (144) As fin. one fide abii: i 14 30' 0,04098 "J 1 o iin. op. Z. cm25 20 9,91158 / Which may be either acute or ob- So fin. oth. fide cb= 56 40 9,92194 Mufe from the things given : But the Iconftrudion fhevvs it to be acute. To fin. op. /L. A=: 4S 30 9,87450 J To find the angle B between the given fides. (145) As Rad. rr 9oco' 10,00000 To tan. giv. Z. c=:i25 20 10,14941 Soco-f. adj fid.Bc^^: 56 40 9>73'y97 To co-t. m = 127 47 9,88938 And is obtufe, as the given angle and its given adjacent fide are unlike. Asco-t.S.ad.g./.ncrr 56^" 40' 0,1 8 197 Toco-t.oth.fide ABz::i 14. 30 9,65870 So co-f. m ZZ127 47 9,78723 To co-f. n = 64 53 9,62790 Which^s acute, being unlike fide op- pofite given Z., that 2. being obtufe. Then as tiie given fides arc unlike, the difF. of m and n, or 62" 54'= Z.B. To find the other fide AC. ( 1 4^ ) As Rad. rr go'' co' io,oocoo To co-f giv. Z. cm 25 20 9,76218 So tan. adj.fid. Bt := 56 40 10,18197 To tan. M = 138 40 9,94415 And is obtufe, as ^c and cb are unl. As co-rS.ad.g.Z.Bcr:56''4o'o,26oo2 Toco-foth. fide ABr=:ii4 30 9,61773 So co-f. M ==138 40 9,87557 To co-f N == 55 299,75332 And is acute, being unl. a n as above. Then as uc and cA) are unlike the diff. of m and k, or li" 1 1 :=:ac. 164, Ex- 174 SPHERICS. Book IV. 164. Example II. In the oblique angled fpheric triangle abc. Given the angle BAcr: 48 3c/ 1 the angle bca = i25 20 > Required the reft. And the fide oppofite to one angle, ab = ii4 30 J Construction. To put the given Jide Ah on the primitive circle, Defcribe the primitive circle ; draw the diame- ter da ; and through a defcribe the great circle ACD, making the given angle bac=48 30^. (75) Make the arc ab equal to the given fide:=: 114" 30' (70) J and draw the diameter be. ^ Through b, defcribe the great circle bce, cutting ACD in an angle equal to the given angle bca = i25 ?.o'. (78) Then is acb the triangle fought. And the parts required are to be meafured by art. 70, 72 Computation. To find the fide oppofite the other given angle, ( 147 ) As fin. one Z. en 125 20' 0,08842 To fin. op. fide AB=: 1 14 30 9,95902 So fin. other Z. a= 48 30 9,87146 To fin. op. fide bc=: 56 40 9,92190, Which may either be acute or ob- tufe from what is given. Butthecon- ftrudion Ihews it to be acute. To find the fide AC between the given angles. (148) As Rad. :=9o'* 00' 10,00000 Toco-f Z.ad.g.S,A=48 30 9,82126 So tan. gn. S. ABrzi 14 50 10,34130 To tan. r=:i24 31 10,16256 And isobtufe, being unlike Z.A, as AB is greater than 90 Asco-t.Z-ad.g.S.Ar: 48 30' 0,05319 To co-t. other Z. cm 25 20 9,85059 So fine M =:i24 31 9,91591 To fine N =: 41 19 9,81969 Which may be either acute or ob- tufe; either 41 20' or 138 4c'. Then as the given angles are unlike, the difference of m and n, or 83 12', is the fide ac. Or the fum of 138** 41', and 124 31', lefTcned by 180", leaves 83"^ 12'. 71? find the other angle abc. ( H9) As Rad. =90oo' io,oooco Totan.Z-ad.g.S. An:48 30 10,05319 So co-f. gn. S. ab:=i 14 30 9.61773 To co-t. m 1 15 07 9,67092 And is obtufe, being unlike Z.A, as its adj. fide ab is greater than 90' Asco-f.Z.ad.g.S.A= 483o'o,i7874 To co-f. other Z. cm25 209,76218 So fine m To fine n =:ji5 07 9,95686 = 52 13 9,89778 Which may be either acute or ob- tufe, viz. 52 13', or 127"^ 47' Then as the given angles are unlike, the difference of m and n, or 62" 54 , is the angle b required. Or the fum of 1 15*' 07', and 127 47', leffened by 1 80, leaves 62* 54', 8 165. Ex- Book IV. SPHERICS. 165. Example III. In the oblique angled fpheric triangle abc Given the fide ab = 114" 30'! the fide Bc = 56 40 > Required the reft. And the contained angle abc = 62 54 3 Construction. To put either sf the given fides ^ as bc, on the primitive circU. Defcribe the primitive circle ; drav/ the dia- meter BD ; and through B defcribe a great circle BAD, making the given angle abc =62 54'. (75) D On the circles bcd, bad, take the arcs bc, BA, refpeclively equal to the given fides, viz. Bc = 56 40', and ba=:ii4 30^ (70) Draw the diameter ce, and through c, A, E, defcribe the great circle cae ; then abc is the triangle fought. The required parts of abc are meafured by art. yo, 72. Computation. To find the angle c. (150) As Rad. r= 90^00' 10,00000 Toco-f. j^ivenZ-Bn 62 54 9,65853 So t.S.op.re.Z. AB=:i 14. 30 10,34130 175 To tan. M = 135 CI 9,99983 Obtufe, being like fide op, req. Z., the given angle being acute. Take the difference between m and BC, and it is 78^ 21'; call it n. As fir.e N rz 1"^ z\ 0,00904 To fine M ^='35 o' 98493^ So tan. given Z.Brr 62 54 10,29096 To tan. req. Z- crzi25 20 10,14936 And is obtufe, being unlike the given >angle, becaufe m is greater than bc, the fide adjacent to the required angle. To find the angle a. (150) As Rad. =:90"oo' 10,00000 " To co-f. given Z. B=rj2 54 9,65853 So t. S. op. re.Z.ucrr56 40 10,18197 Acute, being like fide op. req. /., the given angle being acute. Take the difference between m and BA, and it is 79" 48' j call it n. To tan, of M :z:34 42 9,84050 As fme N zr7948' 0,00692 '^ To fine M ^^3+ 42 9.75533 (And Is acute, being like the given So tan, given Z. bz=:62 54 10,29096 >angle, as m is lefs than ab, the fid . I adjacent to the required angle. To tan. req. Z. Arr48 30 10,05321 J __-____ ___^__.^- ^ To find the other fide KQ. (151) As Rad. =: go^oo' 10,00000 To co-f. given Z.B~ 62 54 9,65853 So tan.eith. S. AB:rzii4 30 10,34130 To tan. M = 135 01 9,9993 Obtufe, being like a r, the fide ufed, becaufe the given angle is acute. The tliff. of M and bc, or 78* 21' n. As co-f. M r:i35oi'o, 15039 To co-f N r= 78 21 9,30521 So co-f. S. ufed ABni 14 30 9,61775 Toco-f S. req. Acn 83 12 9,07533 And is acute, being like n, becaufe he given angle ii acute. i66. Ex- iy6 SPHERICS. Book IV. i66. Example IV. In the obHque angled fpheric triangle abc. Given the angle bca =r 125 20' 1 the angle bac = 48 30 > Required the reft. And the included fide ac = 83 12 j Construction. To put the given fide on the primitive circle. Defcribe the primitive circle ; draw the diame- ter AD J and through a defcribe the great circle abd, making the given Z. bag =48 30^ (75) Make ac equal to the given fide r: 83 ii'. Draw the diameter ce, and through c defcribe the great circle cbe, making the given angle BCA=i25 20' (75), cutting abd in b. Then is abc the triangle fought. And the parts required are meafured by art. 70, 72. Computation. To find the fide ab. (152) As Rad. r: 90^00' 10,00000 "1 Toco-f.gn.fideAC= 83 12 9,07337 lObtufe, being like Z. op. fide req. the So ta.Z.op, r.S. c:=i25 20 10,14941 f given fide being acute. I Take the diff. between m and Z. To co-t. M n 99 29 9,22278 I A, and it is 50 59'; call ic n. As co-f. n =: 50'^ 59' 0,20097"^ To co-f. m =: 99 29 9,21615 I And is obtufe, being unlike n, be- So tan. gn. fide ac= 83 12 10,92357 >caufe the angle oppofite to the fide 1 required is obtufe. Totan.req.fid.ABn: f i43o' 10,34139 J To find the fide ^C' (^52) As Rad. rz:gooo' 10,00000 "1 Toco-f.gn.fid. Ac=:83 12 9,07337 I Acute, being like Z. op. fide re- So tan.Z.op.r.S. A:r:48 30 10,05319 I quired, the given fide being acute. ' f Take the difF. between m and Z. To co-t. of m rr82 22^ 9, 12656 i c, and it is 42" 57'i; call it n. As co-f n 4257'i 0,13558 To co-f. m =:82 22^ 9,12283 So tan. gn. fid. Acr=83 12 10,92357 To tan.req.fid. Bcrr56 40 io,i8i( And is acute, being like n, becaufe >the angle a oppofite to bc, the fide required, is acute. As Rad. =: 90^00' 10,00000 To co-f.gn.fid.AC=z 83 12 9,07337 So tan. either Zc= 1 25 20 10,14941 To find the other angle B. (i53) To co-t. m rr 99 29 9,22278 Obtufe, being like Z c here ufed, becaufe the given fide is acute. Take difference of m and Z a, 'viz. 42^ 57' J and call it n. As fine m r: 99 29' 0,00598 To fine n r: 50 59 9,89040 So co-f. Z ufed, c=:i25 20 9,76218 To co-f. req. Z b= 62 54 9,65856 And is acute, being unlike the angle c here ufed, as m is greater than the other angle a, 167. Ex- ^ook IV. SPHERICS. 177 167. Example V. In the oblique angled fpheric triangle abc. Given the fide ab =: 1 14 30' 1 the fide ac =: 83 13 > Required the reft, the fide bc = 56 40 3 Construction. *ro put either Jide, as ac, on the prhnitive circle. Defcribe the primitive circle, and from any ^oint in the circumference, as a, fet off one of the given fides, as AC,r:83 13' (70) j and draw the diameters ad, ce. About c, as a pole, and at a diflance equal to the given fide bc, =r56 40', defcribe a final! circle rrs. (68) About A, as a pole, and at a diftance equal to the given fide ab (when ab is lefs than 90^ de- fcribe another fin.Jl circle we (68), cutting the former in B : But when the fide, as AB,=rii4 30', is greater than 90; then about d, the oppo- fite pole to A, defcribe a fmall circle with the fupplement of ab, as #iB, cutting the former fmall circle ?zb in b. Thro' the points A, i, d, and c, b, e, defcribe the great circles abd, cbe. Then is abc the triangle fought, and the angles are meafured by art. 72. C O M i* U T A T I O N. To find the angle c. ( 1 54) Ar. Co fine e Here ac=:e~ 83 13 cb=:f=: 56 40 E- Frrorr 26 ABi=G = i 14 33 30 + D= 141 03 87 70''3il=ifum 43 58^=idifF. Ar. Co. fine F Sine f lum Sine I diff. =:83 = 56 = 70 =43 0,00305 0,07806 13 40 3'i 9'9744i 58;- 9,8458 Sum of the four Log, - 19,89710 I fum is fin. of 62 39I' - 9,94855 Which doubled gives 12^ 19'rrZ.c. Here AB"E 1 14 30' AC Kr= 83 13 To f.nd th^ mwle A. ( ? 54) i. Frrn: Bcr:::G: 31 17 56 40 G + D= 87 57 c Drr 25 23 43-58'^=ifum 12 i,x\-\m. Ar. Co-, fine v. =:ii4 30' 0,04098 Ar. Co. fine f := H3 13 0,00305 Sine I fum rz 43 ^%\ 9,^4158 Sins J diff. := 12 41 1 9,34184 Sum of four Log. - - 19,22745 \ fum is fin^ of 24 15'^ - 9,61372 y Which doubled pivp<; 4^' 31'rrZ.A. To f.nd the angle v.. ( I 54) Here ab=:e 114 30' 1 Ar. Co. ;.ne h m 4' 30' 0,04098 RcrziFr^ 56 40 S F = n 57 50 At G 83 13 Ar. wO. fine f m ,0 40 0,0- S06 Sine ^- ium 70 3i- 9,97441 Sine -J diff. =z 12 4IV 9,34184 G + Dm.^i o '3' i^fum Sum of four Lop-. J 9.43 5 29 J fum Is fin. of V 28' - 9,71764 C-^D~ ?5" 23! 12 41 ^ ' (liiF. , 'A'hich t'.ouiicd j^iwi 62" 56'=::Z.b. le ABC. 178 SPHERICS. Book IV. 168. Example VI. In the oblique angled fphcrlc triangle Given the angle A = 48 31' 7 the angle b =: 62 52 ^-Required the reft. the angle c =125 20 3 Construction. jTo put either two angles, as c and b, at the primitive, Defcribe the primitive circle, draw the diameters CD and EF at right angles to one another; and thro' C defcribe a great circle cad, making the angle BCA equal to the given angle cm 25 20'. (75) Defcribe a great circle bag, cutting the given great circles cfd, cad, in the given angles Brr 62 52^ and A =48 31'. (81) Then is abc the triangle fought. Where the Jides are meafured by art. 70. Here 2113 ~E=: 62 5 2' E FrzDzr 14 21 Sup. Z.c=:g=: 54 40 Computation. To find the fide ab. (155) Ar. Co. fine e Ar. Co. fine f Sine I fum Sine I difF. C + D= 69 O -Dz: 40 15 j43o|'=r|fum lo C9|=:|difF. = 62''52' 0,05064 = 48 31 0,12543 = 3+ 30I 9.7532= = 20 09! 9.53733 Sum of the four Log. 19,46662 I fum is fin. of 32' 45I;' 9.7333 The fup. of its double is i I4''29'::r ab. HereZ. c = e =z 1 2 5 20' jL:\:=.v=- 48 31 E Frrorr 76 49 Sup.iiBrrc.:r:ii7 08 To find the fide AC (155) G + D = i93 57 G D=: 40 19 965Sl-'=:|fum 20 09! I difF. Ar. Co. fine e ==125" 20' 0,08842 Ar. Co. fine f ~ 48 31 0,12543 Sine I fum 96 58^ 9,99677 Sine i difF. == 20 09I 9,53733 Sum of four Log. ^9'7^79i X fum Is fin. of 48 25!' 9.87397 The fup. of its double is 83 09'rrcA. Here 2.0 = 8 = 125 20' Z.Br=F=: 62 52 E rrror: 6 28 Sup. A A =0 = 131 29 To find the fide bc. (155) Ar. Co. fine e Ar. Co. fine v Sine Y fum Sine I difF. c + D = i93 57 C D= 69 01 96^ 5 8 ['=f fum 34 3c|=Hiff. Sum of four Log. = 125^20' 0,08142 rz 62 52 0,05064 = 96 58|- 9,99677 = 34 30? 9.75322 19,88905 I fum is the fin. of 61 39' 9,94452 The fup. of its double is 56 42^ = 8 c. S F. C T I o >r n Book IV. SPHERICS. 179 -SECTION X. Ht .Z'j - 169. The principles already delivered have been fliewn fufficient for deriving methods for the folution of all the cafes in fpherical .Trigono- metry : yet as there are many other ufeful and curious particulars which appertain to the fubjeift, it was thought proper to add fomc of them for the entertainment of fpccubtive readers. The chief q( thefe relations- cannot, perhaps, be better inveftigated, than by imitating the method of the late William Jones, Efq. who publifhed in the year 1747, in the Philofophical Tranfadlions, N 483, fome properties of Goniometrical lines ; which properties are moftly derived from a general figure which Mr. Jones improved from one communicated to him by the great Dr.' Hallcy. See Synopfis Palmar iorum Mathejeosy p. 245. Let AB, AD ; or a^, a^/, be any two arcs, each Icfs than QO di'grees, B' and nE, or ^e and he^ be the fum and difference of their riglu fines. K and DE, tlic fum and difference of their co-f lies. The arcs c*/, bd ; or bo, hd; exprefs the fum and difference of the arcs AB, AD. ^ 'ji^a. s, A s^ a (176) j-X/, k/l^a. s^,A-{-s\a s, J+Sy a (iSo) (1S3) /, a /, A , : ^ ---,y^ty\A^a J, v^ .f, ' (184) s\a[\A , J ^ X J ) 2, A a. S ixA+a S, -iA^u (187) X U 1 35+7. (191) X/", ^.^+^. <-jXt,l:A- 2s , i^/ a ^,7/+J, (173) X J, -f 35+7. (177) s,J+s,a ^ Z ^ i - X/j z^+<- {181) 2 f, -iA^a (188) ^, V .^ a X /, \a^. \ j\y/ r-vXJ, l^-h. . ^ (174) 25,A^y_a (182) 2J, l^^ , X S, , f J+a. J, A .r,rt 2J, tv^ J ti86) s^A--s^a . 1==- x/,|.^+^. 25, T_da , (189) r=rr- X J, l^+fl. 5, y^+a (19=^) -rrrr X /, kAa. 2.f, j,4+^ (igsi* ^, ^+1 y,.i+a X /, \ A+a. J, ^ a (199; ^-^.7-t-a ^, -r r: X/,{A^a. JizA+a (103) (IC7) j->'iA+a (196) VyA a Xt,{A-3. (200) -4^x/, -^2=7. i-, -.A a (204: -^X/fvT y^yi + a (193) X S-) iA-^-a. (97 2s\lA+d . J . , ^XS,{A+a. (201) (190) 2Sy\A-^ , =r-XS,lAa. s, A a (194) 2S,iA- VyAa XSyiAa. , (198) 2SylAa . J y ,^ ,tih Wj , t From the preceding table a very great number of properties are readily ^if' ;i; deduced j fomc of which are here annexed, as examples ot its ufe; where V -injilogies are, in general, exprefled by equal ratios, rj., fum of the fines of two arcs __tan. of half the fum of thofe arcs |, * ' difF. ox the lines of thoic arcs~taii. of half the diff. of the arcs* . I (i7i> 172) , ' ^, funi of the co-fin. of two arcs _ CO- tan. of half the fum of the arcs h"/ ' ditf.of the co-fin.ofthoie arcs"" tan. of halt the diff. of the arcs' ' .^.- ' (175,180) ' / _ fineofthe furn of two arcs__rum of the tan. of thofe arcs '^' fine of the diff. of thofe arcs ~ diff. of the tan. of thole arcs* _ 5,A + J,^ ^iaT^, . - .S,A-{-S,A + S,A S^a_ /,f A +a -f /, | A J For = j-=l2li.) And ; T~r= TIT^^ S^A-S,a t,iAa^ S,A-{-S,aS,A-i-SjA if,i-A + Ma by Compolition. Here the arcs a, ^, arc the fum and diff'. of the arcs ^A+at I a a, _, cof ofthc fum of two arcs^diff. of tan, of one and cot, of other '^* ^cofTofthe diff. of the arcs "" fum of tan. of one and cot. of other" taking the tan. of the fame arc, AvAiP s\a-\-s\(2 . f\iT?^ t.\Aa Aa + /, /,^ + j\a For -;._Z_ - : (2i2.And-^-j - ^ =- , , ^ ^ tijAa S,aS,A^ ^,lA+d + /,2.A d i , A + i ,rt + i j J , A rru t\lA+^--tAJ=Z_f2s'A_\s\A Then-TT rr r-= --- ( -rT- } "T" Here the arcs A, \.\a, 215. The fine of the fum of two arcs, into radius; is equal to thet fum of the producSls, of the fine of the greater by the co-fine of the Icfs, and the fine of tiie IcTs by the co-fine of the greater. And, The fine of the difference of two arcs, into radius ; is equal to the difference of the produiSh, of the fine of the greater by the co-fine of the lefs, and the fine of the lefs by the co-fine of the greater. F-- iRx|7;Xr^^;.::r.,I=:x.,fZ+:(i82).l Here U+. and |A--, arc tlic arcs. y, 5 R x^,A(the fum) .f,f.^-f., x/,'^ \_,,-f ,f,? a ^ x/,|~-fT '^^^^^ 1 R X .f//;the diff.) = J, 11+;; X s ,1 A^ J,i A^^ X Af'M^ 216. The feooklV. SPHERICS. 1S3 216. The co-fine of the fum of two arcs, into radius; is equal to the difference, between the producSl of the co-fines, and produ6l of the fines, of thofe arcs. The co-fine of the difference of two arcs, into radius ; is equal to the fum, of the produdl of the co-fines, and produd of the fines, of thofe arcs. Tor's 7 V T > T I / o \ f lA+a and fA j tieins the arcs. ^, f RXAA(the fum) 5^,1 A+^ X Af.'wl J,|a+^ XX,|A--a. I R X jV(the diff.)=Zs\^A+aXs\lA^a + S,l7+^y.S,lAa. Radius, lefs the co-fine of an arc _ Square the tan, of half that arc ^' 'Radius, more the co-fine of an are"" Square of the Radius R /,aT^ = (^'jA+^=)-^^^ ^X7,A+Z (195) For^ ^ R K-{-s\A+a=:{'u\A+a = ) ,^ XS,A+a, (iQi; R^s\A + a tt.^A+a. Then . . - j. = ^ R + AAfa RR. A ^, fum of the fine & co-fine of an arc Radius difF. of the fine & co-fine of that arc~tan. of difF.of that arc &:45" _, fum of Rad. and tan. of an arc__ Radius diff. of Rad. ajid tan. of that arc tan.of diff. of thatarc &45^* For if A + ^=90"; then|A=45 1<7; and |^=45^ ^-a. AKo s\az=:s,A : s,a=s\A: and f,A=:/jA X^'jA-j-Rt (III. 33) s\A + s\a t\lA+7^ Then-;^ -=--7^= (212; S\a r,A t,lA-.a. o i,A /,A~' V /,A 45"+ -^ A J ""/,: A (^45 ^ . -SA + Aa /,_ /,AXi,A-^R + AA \/,AXAa + AaxR Agam, r-=l (111- 33) 1 r-~= ) ;^ S,A s\a \^ -^^ t,AXs\A~-R S,A /^jAxAa ^,AXR' Tl / ^A-f i\A _ ^X:^xAA __\R-f /,A_ R V J,A i'jA^/jA R X Aa~/ R yi /,A~/,Ac/3 45>> f This mark v3 (hews the difference of the values it (lands between. N 4 219. The i84 SPHERICS. Book IV, 219. The dlfFerence of" the co-fines of two arcs, is equal tp the dif- ference of the vcifcd fines of thofc arcs. 220. The produ(5l of the fines of two arcs, is equal to the produl of half the radius into the difference of the co-fmes, of the fum and dif- ference of ihofe arcs. Or j,z X J,x=iR X j',z+x j',/. X. Putting z=:|A+d i xnlAa. 221. The produ' ^<'^P^^''^on and d.v.fion, 25\Z /x\vZ 55, ^Z V A , -^= '-^^^^' "') And RxAzrr/Az~/5,-^z. =^h'z^-i-hi'^>'^s\lzSjlz. (II, 119) In Book IV. SPHERICS. 185 In any fpheric triangle abc, if in the fide cb produced, be taken BE, bd, each equal to ba, and ?g be drawn at right angles to ca. Then CE = BC + BA is the fum 7 r ^^ , 1 j- u 1 ^ ^ ' . c-.u J AT > of the legs including the angle at B. CD=:bc BA IS the ditt. 3 ^ - *= ^ CG and AG are the fegments of the bafe. or fi^e oppofite to the angle p. 2. A and Z.C arc called bafe angles. ACBCrz^, ^abg=:c are the vertical angles. Now a very great number of relations fnay be formed between .the fides and angles ; fome of which are here enu- merated. 225. The fines of the legs, are as the fines of the oppofite bafe angles. That 4s, j,BC : j,B A : : j,a : j,c. { 1 10) fum of the fines of the legs fum of the fines of the bafe angles difF. of the finesofthc legs"~difF, of the fines of the bafe angles by compofition. 226. The co-fines of the bafe angles, are as the fines of the vertical angles. That is, s\c : /,A : : s^a : s^c. (3d of 122, and 2d of 124) fum of co-fines of bafe angles fum of the fines of vertical angles xience ^ . . s ^ . h diff. of co-fines of bafe angles diiF. of fines of vertical angles by compofition and divifion of ratios, 227. The co-fines of the legs, are as the co-fines of the adjacent feg- ments of the bafe. That is, /,BC : /,BA : : /,CG : /,AG. (3d of 121, and 2d of 123) fum of co-fines of the legs fum of co-fines of bafe ferments Hence ' '^^-r-. diff, of co-fines of the legs cITff'. of co-fines of bafe fegments by compofition and divifion of ratios. 228. The co-tangcnts of the legs, are as the co-fines of the adjacent vertical angles. That is, /,BC : /\ra : : s\a : s\c. (2d of 121, and 2d of 124) fi^mof co-t- of the legs fum of co-fines of vcrr. angles difF. of co-t. of the ]cgs~~diff. of co-fines of vert, angles v pofition and divifion of ratios. 229. The tangents of the legs, arc as the co-f. of the adjacent vertical ingles reciprocally. fum of tan. of the legs fum of co-f. of vert, angles dii*i'. of tan. of the legs ~ difF. of co-f. of vert, angles ^ comp. 230. The iS6 3 P H J R I C S. 3ooklV. 230. The fiilQS of the bafe fegments, arp as the tangents of the ad- jacent bafe angles reciprocally, Thatis,x,CG :j,ag : : (/',c:/\a: :)/,a ; /,c.{2d of 122, and iftof 123) fum of fines of bafe fegments fu,m of tan of bafe angles Xjcnce "" ^ difF. of fines of bafe fegments ~d iff. of tan, of bafe angles by compofition and divifion. 231. The tangents of the bafe fegments, are as the tangents of the op.- pofite vertical angles. That is, /,CG : f,A.c : r/,fl : /,r. (ic^) fum of tan. of b^fc fegments fum of tan. of vert, angles Hence 1 . . '' . ' "^ diff". of tan. of bjife fcgments dili". of tan. of vert, angles by compofitiori and divifion of .ratios, _, tan.ofhalf thfumofthelco:s tan.ofhalfthefnmofthebafeang. n'^2,. T^he~ *= ~ ^ ' ' - ^ ' tan. ofhalf the diff, of the legs tan.of half the diff. of thebaic ang, jjBCjB.A ~J,A -^,C ^ ''^^^tyia^BA~iiiA^ {^^^4 _ tan. of i fum of bafe fegments tan. of f diff. of the legs ' tan. of i fum of the legs ""tan. of idiff. of thebafe fegments' /,BA+/,nc /,GA + j\gC, . /\vBC4-BA t^Jvc+GA For- . = ^ (227)=- , ,. f2i2) S ,BAS yhC SyGAS^GC^ '' ?, tBC BA ^ f -G--GA ^ ^ -ri ^Jc c BA /^\Ibc4-ba ^,.n_Vv^ -G4-oa Then - { 7~i (ii- i45j==y r r ' . (HI. 37) fine of fum of legs co-tan. of | fum of vert, angles ' fine of diff. of legs tan. of -^- diff, of vert, angles co-tan. i diff. of vert, angles tan. off fum of vert, angles ,, J.RC-fi?A //,BC-f-/,BA tor -^= (212) ,, cot. off furn of vert. an2;les tan. of \ diff. of bafe angles tan. of I fum of the bafe angles~~tan. of \ diff. of vert, angles* For -rr-r=~[- ^(212)=: (226)] , (211) Ilence rT=====: 7-r====(II. 145}= J ~~-. (III. 37) 236. The Book IV. SPHERICS. 1S7 fine of fum of the legs _ fquare of co-t. off Turn of vert, angle? ^ ' fine of diff. of the legs'" tan. i fum, into tan. ^ ^iff. of bafez.* For -TY^ =/,|.-.. {235) rr, , ^ /,vA + CXM'a3c , . 1 hen j,BC+BA : JjBc ba : : / ,|a+c : -= 7T= (234J T : t^t\l7+c : MaTc xMirU. (II. 151) _,, fine of I the fum of legs co-tan. of | the fum of vert, angles ^37. The ^ ^ ~ . ^ fine of ~ the diiF. of legs tan. of | the difF. of the bafe angles jor-,^^^':^M{2z(>). And^4SI='4^. (232) Then tt\^~fci-BA ^ ^ ' ''' JjIbcba />|a+c The two lad propofitions folve the problem where two fides, andthe in- cluded angle, of a fpheric triangle, are given to find the other angles. Or where two angles and the included fide are given, to find the other fides, ufing the word angles for legs ; the given fide for fum of vertical angles j the other fide for bafe angles. In art. 237, 238, the conclufions were gained from this principle, namely, Vhat tbejides of proportional Jq-iures, art in tht fame proportion as tboj'e Jquares. 239. The jBS spherics. Book IV. 239. The tio-fmc of an angle, is to Radius ;^ As the Radius into co-f. of the oppofite fide, lefs the produil of the co-fines of the including fides. To the produl of the fines of the including fides. For /,CG = (/,AC AG=:)/,ACX/,AG+J,ACXJ,AG-r R. (^I^) And (/,CG-) ''jv^j (227)=/,ACX/AG+J,ACXJ,AG-r-R.(II.46) Therefore /,bc x s\\c x^ , a cxi\ ag + -^ x f,AC X ^>ag. -- ^ RxAbC ^j\abxAaC , 5\AB'X.f,AC Therefore xsjAC ^^r" -XJjAG. _, RX/,BC AaBXAaC /i, AG ._^ . , ^^AG Then ^ >= ( V :II. 16-?) =: ) ijAiiXi,CA VJjAO^ -^^ J R ^ Aa , > a j'vAG /i\a V''^ ;,AnxR But^AG:=: X/jABfni). And [ X/,AErr ) x ; . * R ' V J / J), y RR ' >' RR J,AB (187) _., Aa ^r AR RX5\bC j\abX/,AC , ,5\a Ry5\BC /,ACX5\aB ihcn X- .And =; ^ ' , a J,AB f,ABX5,Ae R .^jACXj-jAB /a X5,AC X J,AI^ 240. Hence R X5,BC:=: ^ 4-ijACX^,ABi R 2.'. I. The verfcd fine of an angle, is to the fquare of Radius : As the difF.of the vcrfed fines of op. fide, and difi". of including fides. To the produdl of the fines of the fides including that angle. For (239^ =: I =: ) i_. J'heiefore rr X i\ nc R X i\ ac X j\ ab = r x >', ac X .', AB - j, AC x ^5 Mk X i',A, Therefore jir x /,rc + .<, ac y s, ^B x ^',a 5\Acxi,AB + j, ac a s\ab x r. :r /, AC AB X RR . (216) Then T,AC X;,ar x z',a=:(rr x ^cq rr xs\bcz=]s\ cii i\Rc x R R . ^W /s\cv-s\v(: \v,Qr.-v,cr> And- -{ -J . (no) RR \5,ACX;jAfJ /o,ACXijAii K^'^^J 242. Hencs Bodk IV'.' SPHERICS. 1S9 '^/Li Hence -^-^ ^ Ori'y.An ,wnenR=:i, PR For ( j,AC X X, AB rr )Ir x -yjCE -yjCD ( 222) =i^,cb i/jCD X . (241) TV. ^><^B'-1^,CD _/ |RX^,A __\ t;,A , Z/jCE 'y,CD~V RR / 2R* ^4^. The verfed fine of the fup. of an angle, is to the fquare of Radius ; As the difF. of the verfed fines of the oppofite fide, and fum of the including fides, To the produa of the fines of the fides including that angle. , RX/,BC 5\ aCXj\aB __ fs\A\ t;, A R ^or(239) ,,Acxi,AB "-Vr""/ r Therefore rrxAbcRx/,acx/,ab=:5,acx J, ABX-y'jARX/jACXJjAB. Therefore rr x^\bc j,ac Xj,ab Xi/^ArrR x/,ac x j\ab 5,ac xi,ab = (rR X/,AC + AB = ) RR X/,CE. (2l6} Then RRXi\Ec rr x/,ce=J5ACXj,abxv,a. J ^^A_ /s\ bC r\cE _'\ ^,CE y,BC " Ilk" \s] ACXS,AB~J i,ACXi,AB* v\a ^;,ce 7;,cb ^ , v^CE VjCZ 144.. Hence ^ =^~ Or f y , a =: j when R =: i . . R^ / ^ For ( J, AC X ^, AB=: )|-R X t-jCE V^ii-D (222) ^l^jCE X'jCB X J^ * (H3) _, T',CE V^QV. /iRX^',A \ 'y,A Then = { = =. 1 . yjCE V,CD \ RR / 2R 245. The fquare of the fine of half an angle, is to the fquare of the Ra- dius ; As \ Radius into the difF. of the verfed fines of the fide oppofite, and dift'. of the fides including that angle. To the produ(5l of the fines of the fides including that angle. for (t;,A = ) ^^ (222) = 3 XRR. (^40 ^ ' 2'<- i,ACXi,AB ^ ' ,^ ^f,vA 'y,cn 7;, en .f\cD /c b , , . Then =-! ^ x!Rrr-^ x I-r. (219 KR -SACXyjAB " ijACXXjAB 246. Hence ,jo 5 P H E R I C S4 BookiV, ^ &R X,ACX/,AB AB f,ACAJ,AB c:-^- Putting 2h=:ac + ab + bc. 247. The fqu. of the co-fine of half an angle, is to the fqu. of Radius ; As i Radius into the difF. of verfed lines of the fide oppofite, and fum of the included fides, To the produdt of the fines of the fides including that angle* Then -^=^ ^^ x|R=: ^ x|r. (II9) RR J,ACX5,AB * ^, ACXfjAB \ 7/ ^8. Hence^J^^'-^^"^^^^^-"^^^^^- (i77) ^ RR JjACXijAB I J,|'AC4-AB + CBXX,f AC + AB CB ^ :zi ^ -^ -^-* ForcE=AC + AB. JjACXijAB J,H X ^,H IB _ Putting 2H=AC + AB + BC. J, AC X^,AB 249. The fquare of the tan, of half an angle, is to the fquareof Radius* As the diff. of ver. fines of the fide op. and difF. of including fides. To the difF. of ver. fines of the fide op. and fum of including fides. t;, A ss,Ia ^^|-A VyCn -z/jCd ^'>'^=17T^ ("^) = 1F ("3)= ^,cE-..CB - (241.243) ajo. Hence 'J^=b^^^J:^^. ^ .8,) RR -SvCE + CBXi,i(j CB V 7J / __. r,fcb+A 94S-^ Its half == 62 40 ^ C9'9485S One fide r: 83 1 1 - '" I^og. fine 9,^9692 ether fide 56 40 - Log. fine 9,9zj94 Are found r:: ^jo 53^ its nat. fine 65467 (256) 9,81602 its double 1 30934 difF. fides ~ 26 *o the nat. co-finc 89480 65 30 the nat. CO fine 41454 i^SJ) The fide required 1 1+ 30 The t^i SPHERICS. Book IV*. The faid Example wrought by the fecond Rule is as follows 5 Given Z. = iS 20 log. fineJ 9.94858 ^ I 9*94858 log. fine 9,99692 ^ log. fine 9,92194 39,81602 its half One fide = Other fide = 62 40 83 11 56 40 Sam logs = half fum i difF. fides = >3 5 Arc = 74 o 19,90801 half fum logi 19,90801 9*3^^48 log. tan. 10,54753 Log. fine 74 10 9,98326 Log.fineof57 15 9,92^81 The required fide = i'4 3 When the three fides are given to find an angle ; 2544 I. To the Mat co-f. of the fide oppofite the required anghy add the nat. cb-f. ofthe diff. of the fides about that angle ; half the fum is the nat.fineofan arc. Vo the Tog. fine of that arc, add the arith. comps. ofthe log. fines of ihefidei about the required ajigle and alfo the radius. The half of this fum is the log. fine of half the angle fought. Or without ufing the natural fines. 255. II. To the log. fine of half the diff. of the fides about the angle^ add the arith. comp. of the log. fine of half the bafe\ the fum is the log. fine of an arc. To the log. co-fme of this arc, add the log. fine of half the bafe ; rejet ra- dius from the fum^ and to the double of what will then remain add tht arith. comps. ofthe log. fines of the containing fides* Half the fum is the log. fine of half the angle. Exam. Let the three fides be bc = i 14 30', ac=:8o' 1 1', ab=:56'' 40'. Required the angle a. By I. Rule Bafe Bc = 1 14 30" Its fupl. 63 30 nat. co-fine rr 41469 (25^) DifF. fides 26 31 nat. co.f. = 89480 Sum 130949 Rad. io,ocdoo Half fum is the nat. fine. (217) 65474 arc 40 54' log. fine 9,81607 Ar. CO. log. fine 83 11 0,00308 Ar. CO. log. fine 56 40 0,07806 19,89721 Half the angle fought 62* 40' log. fine 5,9^860 By II. Rule. -|oc = 13" i5i' Log. fine 9,36048 |bc = 57 15 Ar.Co.L.fin. 0,07^18 log. fine 9,92482 Log. fine 15 49V an arc 9,43560 leg. co-f. 15 49I' 9,98322 9,90804 2 19,81608 Ar. Co. Log. fine ac 0,00308 Ar. Co. Log. fine ab 0,0780 6 Sum ' - 19,89722 Half fum 13 L.og. fine of 62 40' 9,94oi Angle fought is 1^5 2cr:^.^, h%. Book. IV. SPHERICS. 193 As the natural fines of arcs are not contained in this work, and arc on fome occafions neceflary, it will be proper to Ihew how they may be found from the Logarithmic tables contained herein. 256. Firji. An arc being given., to find its natural fine to five places of figures. Rule. Take out the Log. fine of the arc, rejedling the Index j Seek thefe figures among the logarithms of numbers ; The correfponding number is the natural fine of the given arc ; which is to be reckoned as a decimal fradtion of the radius, or unity : Prefixing the decimal comma (,) if the index of the log. fine was 9 ; But if the index was 8 ; 7 ; or 6 ; prefix ,0 ; ,00 ; or ,000 ; by which means the left hand digit of the natural fine will ftand in the place of the firfts, feconds, thirds, or fourths. (L 18) Ex. I. Required the natural fine and co-fine of d^ ll' ? Log, fines fine '8,88 i6i Co-fine ^,(:)<)%-j\ Num. or nat. fines 0,07614 0,99710 Ex. II. Required the natural fine and co-fine of 2^'^ is' P Log. fines fine 9,67982 Co-fine 9.94355 Num. or nat. fines 0,47844 0,87812 If a given log. fine is found in the table of logs, of numbers, its na- tural number confifl:ing of four places is feen at fight; and its right hand place is o when the index of the log. fine was 9. But if a given log. fine is not found to every figure in the tables of log. numbers, its 5th, or right-hand place is thus found. Take the difF. between the log. num. next greater and lefs, than the given log. fine ; and alfo the difF. between the given log. fine and its next lefs log. numb. Then, As ift diff. is to 2d difF. fo is 10, to the digit for the right hand place. Thus to 4" 22', the nat. fine is 0,07614 ; and co-fine is 0,99710. But to 28^ 35', the log. fine and co-f. does not appear exactly among the log. numb. And the above-mentioned two difFerences, for fine, arc 9 and 3 ; for co-f. are 5 and i. Then 9 : 3 : : 10 : 3, the 5th place. And 5 : i : : 10 : 2, the 5th place. 257. On the contrary. A natural fine being given., its correfponding arc may be thus found. In the tables of num. and logs, enter with the natural fine as a num. and take out its log. Seek this log. in the table of log. fines, and the correfponding de- grees and minutes fhew the arc required. Prefixing the index 9, 8, 7, 6 ; according as the left hand digit ftood in the place of firfls, feconds, thirds, or fourths. What has been faid of the nat. and log. fines of arcs, Is alfo appli- cable to the nat. and log. tangents of arcs. END OF BOOK IV. Vol. L O THE THE ELEMENTS O F NAVIGATION. B O O K V. OF ASTRONOMY. S E C T I-^ O N I. Of Solar AJlrG7to77ty, A and dilhinces of the heavenly bodies, and of the appearances thence arifing. There have been great variety of opinions among the philofophers of preceding ages concerning the fituation of the great bodies in the univerfe, or of the pofitions of the bodies which appear in the heavens : But the notion now enihrriccd by the mofl judicious Aflronomcrs is, that the uni- vcric is compoied of an infinite number of lyderns, or worlds j in every fyft:.'m there are certain bodies moving in free fpace, and revolving atdif- icrcnt diflances around a Sun, placed in, or near, the center of the fyflem ; and that thel'c fufis and other hdies arc the ftars which arc fecn in the heavens. ?.. The Sor.AR Systf.m, fo called by Aftronomcrs, is that in which our Earth is placed ; and in which the Sim is fuppofed to be fixed in or near the center, with fcveral bodies fimilar to our Earth revolving round him at different diflanrcs. This hypothefis, which is confirmed by all the obfcrvations hitherto made, i> tailed tiic C'^rtRiVXCAN Syste;/I| U 2 1 frr ;ii 196 A S T 11 O N O M Y. BookV. from Nicholas Copernicus^ a Polifh Philofopher, who about the year 1500 revived this notion from the oblivion it had been buried in for many ages. Stars arc diftinguifhed into two kinds, namely, yf*-^^/ and watitiering. 3. The Fixed Stars are the funs, in the centers of their fyftems, fhining by their own light ; and arc obferved to prcfcrve always the fame fituation in refpc c 6 8 61 Capricornus. vs 5 2 S 942 Leo. a 9^ 2 2 6 '3 u >7 Aquarius. A^^ 9^ c 4 7 2854 V' irgo. 'Of 93 I 5 1 1 ^45^ Pifces. K I 10 G I 7 274 8. Northern Book V. ASTRONOMY. 197 8. Northern Constellations. Names. 2; c 3 Magnitudes. Names. Magnitudes. 3 I 11 2 III I IV 4 V VI 1 i 1 I " II! IV S V, VI II Little Bear. 12 Camelopardalus. 23 c Great Bear. 'OS S S 16 30 49^ Serpent. 5c c 1 7 6 5 31 Dragon. 4, 7 10 20; Sobieiki's Shield. 8 c 2 3 3 Greyhounds. 24 I 7 16; Eagle. 29 I 5 I /I 18 Bootes. S^ I c 7 10 12 ^^ Antinous. 34 S 2 7 20 Mons Maenalus. 1 1 I c 10 Dolphin. 18 c 6 c 2 10 Berenice's Hair. 24 c 6 J 10 Colt. 12 4 I 7 Charles's Heart. ? I 2 i Arrow. n I 8 Northern Crown. 1 2 I c 6 I Andromeda. 66 ^ 2 IC 16 3'> Hercules. q2 12 12 28 40 Perfeus. 67 1 I S IC 14 36 Cerberus. 9 c 1 I S Pegafiis. 81 3 4 9 II S4 Harp. 24 I > 8 10 Auriga. 46 1 I I 9 9 25 Swan. 73 c I S 'S 20 12 Lynx. ss c I b 21 25 Fox. 2q c 6 II 12 : Little Lion. 20 c c I 6 S 8 Goofe. 10 c 2 i Great Triangle. IC c c I 6 Lizarcf. 12 c 3 S 41 Little Triangle. s c c S Cafliopea. 5^ 5 7 7 33 jlMufca. 6 c I - 2 I Southern Constellations. Names. Z Magnitudes. Names. Z c Magnitudes. d =! - cr I II III IV V VI 0- 1 II III IV V VI Whale. Sc 2 8 13 10 47 Pe;^cock. 14 I 3 S 4 I Eridanus. 72 I c 10 24 19 18 Southern Crown. 12 c ) 3 8 Phenix. 13 1 S 2 Crane. 14 2 I 2 9 American Goofe. 9 c 2! 3 Southern Fifh. IS I 2 9 2 I Orion. 93 2 4 i9;'5 50 Hare. = 5 4 9 4 8 Monoceros. c lo'io II Noah's Dove. 10 2 I 6 Little Dog. K I oj 2 10 Charles's Oak. 13 I 2 6 4 Hydra. 53 I i4i'3 22 Ship Argo. 48 I 6 II '3 14 ^ Sextans Uraniae. 4 c 0! 4 Great Dog. 2q i| S I 4 10 8 Cup. 1 1 8 2 I Bee. 4 0[ 2 Crow. ? 2 21 2 3 Swallow. 1 1 o| 4 3 4 Centaur. 3f 2 6 6 14 8 Indus. 12 Qi 4 6 2 Wolf. 36 c 3 618 9 Charrielion. 10 Oi c 9 I Altar. c I 6 , I Flying Fifh. 7 c ^ I Southern Triangle. 5 I 2| o| 2 ' Sword Fifh. 7 c 2 2 ! z Conftellations in the s^odiac 12, contain Northern conftellations 36, contain Southern condellations 32, contain Number of ftars in the 80 conftellations Stars 1 II III IV V VI S94 6 12 3 100 169 569 243 5 21 92 200 291 034 706 9 32 ''^ i5lu;8 217 2843 20 65 205 485- 6+S 1420 As thcfe flars are found not to alter their fituation in rcfpevH: to one another, they ferve Ailronomers as fixed points, by which the motions of O 3 other 't93 ASTRONOMY. Book V. other bodies may be coppared ; and therefore their relative pofitions have been fought after with great care for many ages, and Catalogues of their places have fn^m time to time been publifhcd by thofe, who have been at the pains to make the obfervations. Among thefe catalogues, the moft copious, and, as generally cfieemed, the bclT, is that called the Hiftoria Celeji'n of our countryman Flamsteed. v 10. The pofitions of the flars being obtained, their relative places may be delineated on a fphere or plane ; and thus are the maps or charts of the heavens made, and the conftcllations drawn Inclofing their re- fpecflive flars. There are two maps, ufually called Celeftial hemifpheres, which are prefixed to this book ; by the help of which a perfon may readily become acquainted with the pofitions and names of fomc of the principal fixed^ ftars, thus : On a clear night, let rhcfe prints be laid fo as to correfpond to the north and fouth parts of the heavens j then the obferver looking on the flars, and then on the hemifphcres, will with a little praclice know fome of the ftars in the heavens, the like pofitions and names of which he has obferved on the prints. 11. The Wandering Stars are thofe bodies within our fyftem, or celeftial fphere, which revolve' round the Sun; they appear luminous or bright, only by reflcdling the light they receive from the Sun ; and are of three kinds, nzm^lv^ primary plaiiets^ feconda^-y planets^ and comets. 12. The Primary Planets are tjiofe bodies, which in revolving round the Sun refpe6l him only as the center of their courfes ; the mo- tions of which are regularly performed in tracks, or paths, that are found by obfervations to be nearly circular and concentric to one another. 13. A Secondary Planet, commonly called a Satellite or Moon, is a body, which, while it is carried round the Sun, does alfo re- volve round a primary planet, which it refpecls as its center. 14. Comets, vulgarly called blazing Jiars^ are bodies which alfo revolve round the Sun ; probably in as regular Order as the planets, but in much longer periods of time, from what is hitherto known of them. They are in number many more than all the planets, and their tracks or courfes pafs among the paths of the planets in a great variety of directions. 15. The Orbit of a planet or comet is that track or path along which it moves. There are fix primary phmf.ti ; and reckoned in order from the Sun, their names and niprks are, Mercury 5, VeK^us ?, the Earth J or 0, Mars rf, Jupiter ^i, Saturn I?. Mars, yijpiier^ and Saturn, arc called Superior Planets, as their orbits include that of the Earth: but Venus and Mercury, the orbits of which are contained v/ithin the Eaith'i^, are called Inferior Planets. 16. It has been difcovcred by the help ol' tclcfcopes, that there are ten feandary planets; the Earth being attended by one, called the Moon, Jupiter by four, and Saturn by livr. Saturn is alfo obferved to have a kind of circle, called his Ring, which furrounds the plarict at fomc ciflaiice from his furfacc : and Ju- piter hai; certain appearances, which fecrn like zone or girdles round him 3 aijd thele are calkd Jupiter's Belt^. Every BookV. ASTRONOMY. 191 Every primary planet is fuppofed to have two motions, namely, annual and diurnal. 17. The Annual Motion of a planet is that whereby the planet i'5 carried in its orbit round the Sun j which in every one is found by obfer-' vation to be from weft to eaft. This motion is difcovered by the planets changing their places in th celeftial fphere ; upon the furface of which they appear to move am un-j; the fixed ftars ; and in certain times to return to the fame ftars from whic i they were feen to depart ; and fo on continually. 18. The Diurnal Motion of a planet is that by which it turns or Tpins about its axis, and is alfo from weft to eaft. This motion is difcovered by the fpots that are feen by telefcopes on the furfaces of the planets. The fpots appear firft on the eaftern margin, or fide of the planet, and gradually move from thence acrofs it, till they dif- appear on the weftern fide, or limb ; after a certain time they appear again on the eaftern fide, and fo on. 19. Each planet is obferved always to pafs through the conftellations Aries^ Taurus^ Gemini^ Cancer., Leo., Virgo., Libra., Scorpio., Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius., Pifces ; and it alfo appears, that every one has a track peculiar to itfelf ; hence the paths of the fix planets form amoj-.g the ftars a kind of road, which is called the Zodiac, the middle path of which, called the Ecliptic, is the orbit defcribed by the Earth, \^it!i which the orbits of the other planets are compared. As the ecliptic runs through twelve conftellations, it is fuppofed to be divided into twelve equal parts, of 30 degrees each, called figns, having the fame names with the twelve conftellations which they run through. 20. I'he Equinoctial Points are thofc two points of the Ecliptic, oppof.teto one another, through which the Eaith palies in its annual mo- tion, when the length of the day and night is equal in all parts on the Earth. Oncof thefc points, called the Vernal Equinox, anfwers nearly to the 20th of March ; and the other, called the Autumnal Equinox, nearly to th(i 22d of September. 21. 'I'he Plane of the Ecliptic is fuppofed to divide the celeftial fpherj into two equal parts, called the northern ^x\i\ fouthern celejllal bcmifphcres j and any body in cither of thefe hemifphercs is faid to have north or fouth latitude, according to the hemifphere it is in: So that the Latifuds of a celeftial objci^t is its neareft diftance from the ecliptic, taken on the fphere. The Planes of the other five orbits are obferved to lie partly in th? northern, and partly in the fouthcrn hemifphere ; fo that every one cuts xhz ecliptic in two oppofite poinf;, called Nodes. Or.e called the Ascend- fNG Nonr, marked thus, Q^, is that through which the planet pafics v/hcn it moves out of the loiithern into tiio northern hcmiipherc ; and th.; other called the DrsCENDiNC Nodi:, marked thus, y, is that tijrough which the planet nuift pafs in going out of the northern mto the fouthcrji hcmiipherc. The right line joining the two Nodes of any planet, is called the Line CF THE Nodes. ? ?.. 'I'he names of moft of the conftellations were given by the ancient Allronomcrs, who reckoned that ftar in Aries, now maikg-d y, (according O 4 \K> aoo ASTRONOMY. Book V. to Bayer's maps) to be the firfl: point in the ecliptic, this ftar being next the Sun when he entered the Vernal Equinox ; and at that time each con- ilellation was in the fign by which it was called. But obfervations Ihew, that the point marked in the heavens by the Veinal Equinox has been con- ftantly going backward by a fmall quantity every year, from which caufe the ftars appear to have advanced forward as much ; fo that the conftel- lation Jries is now removed almoft into the fign Taurus^ the faid firft ftar y having got almoft 30 degrees forwards from the equinox ; which dif- ference is called the Precession of the Equinoxes, and the yearly alteration is about 50 feconds of a degree, or about a degree in 72 years. 23. It was faid in art. 12, that the planets revolved round the Sun i^ orbits nearly circular and concentric ; for the feveral phaenomena arifing from their motions (hew they are not ftridlly fo ; and the only curve they can move in, to reconcile all the various appearances, is found to be an Ellipfis : . So that the orbits of the primary planets and comets are Ellipfes of different curvatures, having one common focus, in which the Sun is fixed : But every fecondary planet refpedls the primary planet round which it revolves, as the focus of its elliptic motion. For as no other fuppofitions can folve all the appearances that are obferved in the motions of the pla- nets, and as thefe agree with the ftri(5teft phyfical and mathematical reafon- ing, therefore they are now received as elementary principles. 24. The line of the nodes of every planet pafles through the Sun : For as the motion of every planet is in a plane paffing through the Sun, con- fequently the interfedions of thefe planes, that is, the lines of the nodes, muft alfo pafs through the Sun. 25. All the planets, in their revolutions, are fometimes nearer to, fome- times farther from the Sun : This is the confequence of the Sun not being placed in the center of each orbit, and of their being ellipfes. 26. The Aphelion, or Superior Apsis, is that point of the orbit where the planet is fariheft from the Sun. The Perihelion, or Infe- rior Apsis, is that point where it is neareft to the Sun : And the tranf- verfe diameter of the orbit, or the line joining the two apfes, is called the Line of the Apses, or Aspides. 27. The planets move fafter as they approach the Sun, or come nearer to the perihelion, and flower as they recede from the Sun, or come nearer to the aphelion. This is not only a confequence from the nature of the planets motions about the Sun, but is confirmed by all good obferva- tions. 28. "^f a right line drawn from the Sun through any planer, ufually called the Radius Velor^ is fuppofcd to revolve round the Sun with the planet, then this line will defcrihe or pafs through every part of the plane of the orbit j fo that the Radius Velor may be faid to defcribe the area of the orbit. 29. There are two chief laivs obferved in the Solar Syftem, which re- gulate the motions of all the planets j ni m.^Iy, I. T})e planets defcrihe equal areas in equal times : That is, in equal por- tions of time the Radius VeSior defcribes equal areas, or portions of the fpace contained within the planet's orbit. 12 II. Th^ Book V. ASTRONOMY. 201 II. The fquares of the periodical times of th^ planets are as the cubes of their mean defiances from the Sun : That is, as the fquare of the time which a planet a takes to revolve in its orbit, is to the fquare of the time taken by any other planet B to run through its orbit ; fo is the cube of the mean diftance of A from the Sun, to the cube of the mean didance of 6 from the Sun. ' 30. The Mean Distance of a planet from the Sun is its diftance from him, when the planet is at either extremity of the conjugate diame- ter ; and it is equal to half the tranfverfe diameter. 31. The foregoing laws are the two famous laws of Kepler, a great Aftronomer, who flourifhed in Germany about the beginning of the 17th century, and who deduced them from a multitude of obfervations : But the firlt who demonftrated thefe laws was the incomparable Sir Isaac Newton. By the fecond law, the relative diftances of the planets from the Sun are known ; and were the real diftance of any one known, the abfolute diftances of all the others would be obtained by it. 32. Every thing already faid of the planets is found in a great mea- fure to be applicable alfo to the comets, as well from the obfervations that have been made of them, as from the phyfical and mathematical con- fiderations of their motions. 33. Were the motions of the planets to be obferved from the Sun, each of them would be ever feen to move the fame way, though with different velocities ; thofe nearer to the Sun running their courfes through the Zodiac in lefs time than thofe at greater diftances : And hence it would happen, that fome of them overtaking the others would in pafling by them appear to be fometimes above, fometimes below, and fometimes as if they touched one another, according to the parts of the orbits in which thofe planets happened to be with refpe^l to their nodes. 34. When two planets are feen together in the fame fign equally advanced, they are faid to be in Conjunction : But when they are in diredl oppofite parts of the Zodiac, they are faid to be in Oppo- sition. 35. As the planes of the orbits are inclined to one another, therefore when two planets happen to be in conjunction at the time they come near a node of one of them, they would be feen from the Sun apparently to touch one another ; and the fartheft of thofe planets from the Sun would fee the neareft moving over the face of the Sun like a black fpot, being then dire(5tly between the Sun and the remoter planet j fo the pla- net Venus was obferved from the Earth in the tranfits of the years 1761 and 1769. Alfo, fliould an oppofition of two planets happen near a node of one of them, the Sun, being then directly between them, would hide the light of one from the other. Thefe obfcurations, or interceptions of the light of the planets one from the other, are called Eclipses. 36. The place that any planet appears to occupy in the celeftial fphere, when feen by an obfcrver fuppofed to be in the Sun, is called its Helio- centric place : And indeed all celeftial appearances, as k^ix from the Sun, are called Hdiocentric phanomina 37. The 20V A S T R O^N^'d K)I Y. Book V. 37. The following tabic exhibits at once fome of the moft tr the < Earth's orbit in femi- 8j : 360 : : 1 femi-diam. : 149538} {^ diameters of the Earth, And 6,283185 : 103680 : : I : 16539,5 1 f Mean dift. of the Earth 6,283185 : 129600 : : I : 20626,4 > the ^ from '^^ Sun, in femi-d. 6,283185 : 149538 : : I : 23799,8 ) (of the Earth. (II. 197) Then 16539,5 ^ 4000 rr 66158000 f f Mean dillance of the 2o>26,4 X 4000 =: 82505600 > the < Earth from the Sun, in 23799 8 X 40G0 rr 95 199^00 3 ^ miles. 74. 0/ the Momt: The Moon revolves in her orbit from weft to eaft round the Earthy and is carried perpetually with it through the annual orbit round the Sun, making in the fpace of one year 13 periodical^ and \^ fynod'ical revo->- lations. 75. A Periodicai. Month, or Revolution, is the time the Moon takes up in revolving from one point of her orbit to the lame point again, and confifts of 27 d. 7 h. 43 m. 76. A Synodical Month, or ReVolutiokj is the time the Moon fpends in pa/fing from one conjuniStion with the Sun to anotiicr, which is 2g d. 12 h. 44m.; being 2d. 5h. i m. longer than the Periodical Month. For whilft the Moorl is paftlng from her forrricr conjun6tion with the Sun round to it again ; the Earth has proceeded forwards in its an- nual courfc, as it were leaving the Moon behind it ; (o that, in order to complete her next conjunction with the Sun, flic muft not only come round to her former point again, but alfo go beyond it. 77. Bcfidcs this monthly motion of the Moon round the Earth, fhe has alfo a motion round her axis, v/hich is performed exactly in the fame time with her periodical revolution : Hence it comes to pafs, that the fame face of the Moon is always turned towards the Earth, her diurnal motion turning juft as much of her face to us, as her periodical motion turns it from us. 7 3. Though the fame fide of tiic Moon is ever turned towards us, yet it is not always vifiblc, but fccms daily to put on dili'crcnt appearances, P 2 called ,'4ti ^ ASTRONOMY. Book V. billed Phases : For the Moon being an opake ^ody like the reft of the planets, borrows its light from the Sun, having always'onc hemifphcre en- lightened by the folar rays. When the enlightened hcniifpherc is wholly turned from the Earth, as at her change or time of new-moon, the planet then being betwixt us and the Sun, the Moon's whole enlightened face, or dijk't muft needs |}C invifiblc to the Earth. When flie paflcs from this Itatc, and turns fome little portion of the illuminated half to us, fhe muft appear horned, the Cusps or points being turned from the Sun towards the ealK When the Moon is in her quadratures, or at 90 degrees from the Sun, then half Xhe ^lli^fTiinated face becomes vifible : She afteiAvards continues to fhcw more than half the enlightened diflc, until fhe comes in oppofition to the Sun or time of full-moon, when the whole of the illuminated orb is prc- faited to us i from whence receding, fhe muft put on the like phafes as before, but in an iiiverfe order, the cufps being now turned towards the weft. 79. Of Solar and lunar Eclipfes. Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon can only happen about the times of the conjunctions and oppofitions : thofe of the Sun fall out at the conjunc- ^ tions, when the Moon intercepts the light of the Sun from the Earth ; and thofe of the %vm- occur in the oppoGtions, when the Earth getting be- tween the Sun and Moon, the latter lofes her light during the time of that interpofition. The caufe why there is not nn eclipfe in every fyzigie is the inclination cf the plane of the A4oon's orbit to that of the ecliptic, which is about 5^ 18' : for it is certain, that unlefs the Sun, Earth, and Moon, arc all in ^he plane of the ecliptic, or nearly fo, the fliadows of the Earth and Moon can never fall on one another, but muft be directed either above or be- low. Now they can never be in the fame plane, and in one right line, except when the Moon is in her nodes, the nodes and Sun's center being %n t})e fame right line. %o. The folar and lunar eclipfes do not happen every year in the fame places of the zodiac, but in fuceeding years they fall in places gradually removed backwards, or towards the antecedent figns : For fmce the nodes are found to go continually backwards, the eclipfes muft alfo oblerve the liime order. 81. Eclipfes of the Moon are either total or partial : the total happen u'licn the node falls in or near the center of thafhadow : and the partial, when the node happens to be on either fide the center, within or with- out the (hadow. Now the longer the duration of a partial eclipfe is, fo much the greater is that part of the Moon which enters into the fliadow pf the Earth. ^2. Hence it is ufual to conceive the Moon's diameter as divided into 12 parts, called Digits, by which the greatnefs of partial eclipfes is mea- fured, they being faid to be of fo many digits as they arc parts covered by the Earth's ftiadow : Thus iff of tlie 12 parts are covered, it is called aiv eclipfe of 5 digits. 83. As the planet Mars is never eclipfcd by the Earth, it is plain tJie Ihadow of the latter does not reach fo far as the orbit of the former, bu$ Book V. ASTRONOMY. 213 but tapers to a point at a lefs diilance ; and confequently the Farth's fha- dow inuft be a cone, the vertex of which is extended beyond the orbit of the Moon. It nilturally follows from hence, that the Sun is a much larger body than the Earth j it is indeed, in diameter, above lOO times that of the Earth. 84. If a perfon was placed juft: at the vertex, or point of this fhadow, he would fee nothing of the Sun but a fmall rim of light round iiis diflc ; and the farther the obfervcr was removed from the vertex, the larger would the rim of light appear, and confequently the fewer rays would be intercepted by the opake body, till at laft it would appear only as a fpot in the Sun ; in like manner as the planets Venus and Mercury appear when they are feen to pafsover the Sun's difk. 85. What has hitherto been faid of the fhadow of the Earth includes that of the atmofphere furrounding the Earth : for in lunar eclipfes the {hadow of the atmofphere is to be confidered. And hence it is that the Moon is vifible in eclipfes, the fliadow caft by the atmofphere being not near fo dark as that caft by the Earth. 86. The Moon always enters the weftern fide of the fhadow with her caftern limb, and quits it with her weftern limb; and in her approach to and recefs from the fhadow, fhe muft pafs through a Pekumbra, or im- perfe r 8 -n f?p SI ^^jC J^ibra Scorpi-j Sagittarius Capriccrnus Aquarius Pi/ccs ~ 111 / Vf :tz U. The firft fix are called ncrii-ern, and the latter fix fouthern figns. 94. The Cardinal Points of the ecliptic arc the four firlt points of the figns Y"> S, :i= , VS ; thofe of T and (t:^ arc called Eqj:inoctial Points, and thofe of S nwd \f are called SoLsTiriAL Points. 95. The Equinoctial Colure 1^ a meridian palfmg through the iquinoifial points ; and the Solstitial Colure is another meridian paffmg through the foljlitial points. The colourcs cu]t one another at right angles in the poles of the world, q6. C^ir BookV. ASTRONOMY. - 215 96. Circles of Celestial Longitude are great circles perpendi- cular to the ecliptic. 97. The Latitude of any point in the heavens is an arc of a circle of longitude intercepted between that point and the ecliptic, and is called north or fouth latitude, as the point is on the north or Ibuth fide of the ecliptic. 98. Parallels of Celestial Latitude are fmail circles parallel to the ecliptic. 99. The Longitude of any objetEl in the heavens is an arc of the eclip- tic intercepted between the fiift point of Aries and a circle of longitude palT!i;ig through that point, 100. The Right V\scensiov of any objeil: is an arc of the equator, contained between the firfl point of Aries and a meridian paffing through that point : Or, it is the angle formed by the equinoctial colure, and the meridian pafling over that point. ici. 'ihe Declination of any objccl; is an arc of a meridian con- t.iined between that point and the equinoiilial : If the point is on the north jule of the equinoctial, it is called north declination; but if on the foutli lide, it is called yiw//; declinalion. 102. The Obliquity of the Ecliptic i? the angle made by the interfection of the equator and ecliptic, and is meafured by the Sun's grcatcft declination ; which, according:; to modern obfervations, is about 23-^28'. icj. Parallels of Declination are fniall circles parallel to the equinoctial. The Tropic of Cancer is a parallel of declination at 23"* 28^. dilbnt from the equinoctial in the northern hemifphere ; and the Tropic of Capricorn is the parallel of declination as far diftant in the fouthcrn hcmilphcrc. 104. The Arc nc Polar Circle is a parallel of declination at 23'' 28^ diitant from tiic north pole; and tiie Antarctic Polar CiRCLi: is the par;.llcl of iicclination as far diftant from the fouth pole. IC5. The Zknitii is the point of the heavens dirccHy over a place ; and tlic N ' niR is the pcint directly underneath. 106. Tiic HoRl/ON is that great circle of the I'phcrc which is equally dilhmt from the zenith and nadir of any place, and di\idcs the fphcre into tiie upper and lower hemifphcrcs. 1 07. The Rising of a celeflial objccl: is when its center appears in the caftern part of the horiz,on ; and its Setting is when its center difap- pears in ti'.e weilern quarter of the horizon. 108. Azimuth, or Vr.R'irc al Circles, are great circles perpcntli- cular to the horizon, pailing throui^h its pole?, whicii are the zenith ar-d nadir. IC9. The Prime Vertic al Is that vertical circle wliich pafTes through the call: ajid wcfi: points of the horizon, and is at right angles to the 7Kc~ ridian of the place, which is a vertical circle pafling through the north and fouth points of the horizon. 110. As the meridian of a place Is called the twelve o'clce^ lour circle. 111. The AziMurn of any celeflial objccl: Is an angle at the zer.ith formed by the meridian vfany place, and li vtrticd circle palling through V 4 thiL ai6 ASTRONOMY. - Book V. that obje<^ when it is above or below the horizon : AnJ it is meafured by the arc of the horizon intercepted between thofe vertical circles. III. The Amplitude of any object in the heavens is ufually taken a> an arc of the horizon contained between the caftern point of it, and the center of the obje6l at its rifing, or between the wcftern point of it and the center of the objedl at its fetting ; or it may be taken as an angle at the zenith, included between the meridian of a place and a vertical circle palTuig through the object at its rifing or fetting. 1 13. The Altitude of anyobjeflin the heavens is an arc of a vertical circle intercepted between the center of that objedl and the horizon. 1 14. The Zenith Distance of any object is an arc of a vertical circle contained between the center of that object and the zenith. The altitude and zenith diltance are complements one of the other, 115. The Meridian Altitude, or Meridian Zenith Dis- tance, is the altitude or zenith diltance when the object is on the meri- dian of the place. 1 16. The Culminating of any celeftial object, is the time it tran~ ftSy or conies to the Meridian. And the Medium Coeli, or Mid- Heaven, to any place, is that degree of the ecliptic, or part of the hea- vens, over the meridian of that place, at any time. Or the Mid-Heaven is the diltance of the meridian from the firlt point of Aries, reckoned on the equinoctial. 117. The Nonagefimal degree is the 90th degree of the Ecliptic, rec- koned from its interfection with the eaftern point of the horizon, at any given time. Confequently the altitude or height of the nonagefimal degree above the horizon is equal to the diltance of the poles of the Ecliptic and Ho* rizon ; and is the mcafure of the angle which the ecliptic makes with the horizon. 118. Almicanthers, or Parallels of Altitude, are fmall circles parallel to the horizon. 119. A Parallel Sphere is that pofitioli of the fphere in which the circle?, npparcntly defcribed by the diurnal rotation, are parallel to the horizon ; which can happen only at the poles. 120. A Right Sphere is that in which the diurnal motions are at right angles to the horizon : Thus it appears in all places under the equator. 121. An Oblique Sphere has all the diurnal motions oblique to the horizon : And thus the motions appear to all parts of the Earth, except under the poles and equator. 12?., Diurnal Arcs are thofe parts of the parallels of declination of celeftial objcdts whicli are apparently defcribed between the times of the rifing and fetting of thofe objects : And Nocturnal Arcs are the parts of thofe parallels apparently defcribed from the- time of fetting to the time of rifing. 123. Semi-diurnal and Semi-nocturnal Arcs, or the halves cf diurnal and nocSturnal arcs, are the parts of the parallels intercepted between the meridian and the horizon. The correfponding part of the equator anfwering to the feaii-diurnal arc, gives the times between noon '.::u :r.': ilfir.g or letting j and the equatCH'ial j^art anfv/cring to the fenii- Rofturnal Book V. A S T H O N O M Y. 217 nocturiKtl arc, (hews the time between midnight "and the time of fetting or rifing. 124. The Oblique Ascension of any obje6l in the heavens, is an arc of the equinoctial intercepted between the firft point of Aries and the c;in:ern part of the horizon when that objecSl is rifing ; and the Oblique Desceksion' is an arc of the equinoftial intercepted between the iirft point of Aries and the weftern part of the horizon at its fetting. 125. The Ascensional Difference belonging to any celeftial ob- ]sci is an arc of the equinocSlial intercepted between the horizon and the hour-circle which the object is on when it rifes or fets ; or it is the dif- ference between the right and oblique afcenfion of that objecSl. In the Sun, it is the time that he rifes or fets before or after the hour of fix, 126. The Latitude of any place on the Earth is an arc of a ter- reilrial meridian coiitained between that place and the equator ; or it is an arc of a celeftial meridian intercepted between the zenith of the place and the equinoctial ; being north or fouth, according to the fide of the equator it is on. 127. The Longitude of any place on the Earth is an arc of the equator contained between the meridian of that place and the meridiarji which is chofcn for the firft, where the reckoning of longitude begins : Or, it is the angle at the pole formed by the firft meridian and that of the place. 128. Refraction, in an aftronomical fenfe, is the difference be- tween the true aiid apparent altitudes of celeftial objects ; they appear- ina; more elevated above the horizon than they really are, on account of the denfity of the Earth's atmofphere, or air and vapours furround- ing it. ^ _ 129. The Twilight is that medium between light and darknefs, v/hich hi^ppcns in the morning before fun-rife, and in the evening after fun-fet. This is occafioncd by the atmofphcrc's rcfrating the folar rays upon any [)lace, iilthough the Sun is below the horizon of that place, and by obiervation it is found to begin and end when the Sun is about 18 below the horizon. 130. The Crepusculu.m is a fmall circle parallel to the horizon at iB'' below it, where the twilight begins and ends. 131. The Laiitude of a Place is expreficd by an arc of the me- ridian, fticwing the diftance between the zenith of that place and the equinoctial ; or, by an arc of the meridian, (hewing the height of th pole above the horizon. For under the pole, or in the latitude of go degrees, the pole is in the zenith, or is 90 degrees above the horizon j fo that, in this cafe, tiic ho- rizon coincides with the cquinoLtial. And as many degrees as the obfervcr goes from the pole towards the equator, fo many degrees does his horizon go below the equator on one iidc, and approach the pole on the other fide. Therefore the pole approaches the horizon juft as much as the zenith approaches the equator ; that is, the height of the pole above the hori- zon, is equal to the diftance of the zenith from the equinoclia), which is equivalent to the diftancQ of the obfervcr from the equator, or is equal to tU latitude. 8 IJ2. A5- 2ig A S T R O N O M Y. Book V. 132. AsTROtioMTCAL Tables in general contain numbers (hewing, either the nicafure of the diftaiices of the heavenly bodies from certain kmits which are ufed to rcprefcjit remarkable t'lTnes and places ; or, the times when thofe bodies had, or will have, given pofitions relative to thofe limits. Some of the chief aftrononiical tables are. Solar and lunar tables for linding the places of thofe luminaries at given times. Tables for finding the places of the other planets. Stellar tables for finding the places of the liars. 'J'ables fhewing the Sun's place, declination, and right afccnfion for given times. Tables of refractions for correcting obfervations on altitudes. Tables of the equation of time j or the difference between the tinic5 Ihewn by a fun-dial and a well-regulated clock. The aftrononiical tables chiefly wanted in this work arc placed at the end of this book ; and are preceded by an account of their conftrudion aiid ufe. 133. As the Earth makes one revolution on its axis in a common day of 24 hours ; therefore every point of the equator will defcribe the circle of 360 degrees in 24 hours j and confequently, if 360 degrees give 24 hours, any other number of degrees will give its proportional hours : And if 24 hours give 360 degrees, any other numb.er of hours will give its proportional number of degrees. And hence are derived methods for con\'erting arcs of circles into meafures of time, and meafures of time into arcs of circles. To reduce degrees^ minutes^ l^c. to tune. Multiply by 24, and divide by 360 ; or multiply by 4, and divide by 60 : Or, Divide the given degrees by 15 for hours ; multiply the remainder by 4 for minutes, adding to the produ61: i minute for every 15^ of a de- gree J the overplus minutes of a degree, multiplied by 4, give feconds of time, ^c. Or thus : Let the quotient of the given degrees by 60 ftand for the firft name ; the remaining degrees for the fecond name ; and the other given names in order following : Then this number multiplied by 4, will give the hours, minute's, feconds, Sic. in order, 7o reduce time into degrees. Multiply the given hours by 15 gives degrees, to which add 1 for every 4 minutes of time; for every overplus minute reckon 15^ of a degree; and for every fecond of time take 15'^ of a degree. Or thus : Divide the time by 4, carrying by fixties, the quotient will be in order, fixties of degrees, degrees, minutes, feconds, he. : Then fjxties of degrees snd degree's being reduced, will give the degrees, ^"c, required. ExAM; ^'. I Book V. A S T R O N O' M Y. ^219 Exam. I. Reduce 69 20', 45^^, to its correfponding time. J5) 6jo' 45" (4" 37- 23' 9x4.+ 1 =37 5X + + 3=^23 Exam. II. Rednee 4'', 37", 23% /(? zVj correfponding degrees* 4^ 37"' 23 60'^ o' o" for 4 hours. 915 o for 37 minutes. 5 45 for 23 feconds. 69 20' 4j' Exam. III. Redi/ce 237% 44', Exam. IV. i^^^wr^ 15^,50^,58% 37 % /a /Vj equivalent time. 60) 237^ 3 57 4+ 37 4 Anfwer 15*^ 50'" 58' 28c 28', to its equivalent degrees. 4) 15^ 50'" 58' 28c Or 3' 57 44 37' 237 44' 37" Anfwer. As the Sun is conftantly changing his place, the tables of his right afcenfion fhew for every day at noon (when he comes to the meridian of the place for which the tables are made) what part of the equator is in- tercepted between that meridian and the equinoctial point Y. The ta- bles for the ftars fhew the equatorial arcs contained between the point V^ and the fedtion of circles of right afcenfion, paffing through thofe ftars: The meafures of the arcs of right afcenfion are reduced to time. There are few days when one or more ftars do not come to the meri- dian with the Sun, and then they have the fame right afcenfion with bim : Alfo, at fome time of the year, the Sun muft have the fame right afcenfion which any propofed ftar has j though at other times he may have a Icfs, and fo precedes, or comes to the meridian before that ftar; or a greater, and fo follows the ftar, and comes to the nieridian later. And hence is dtrjved the following method. Of Finding the Culminating of the Stars, J 34. To find the time tvhen any Jlar in the talk ivill be on the meridian. Rule. Subtra6l the fun's right afcenfion for the propofed day from ihc right afcenfion of the given ftar j the difference will be the time of the ftar's culminating nearly. Say as 24** is to the daily change of the fin's right afcenfion, fo is the time of culminating, nearly, to a fourth number ; which being fubtra6ted from the time of culminating nearly, will give the true time of the ftar's culminating. If this time be lefs than 12'' it happens in the afternoon ; but if more than twelve hours, ihe cxcefs above 12'* will fhew the time next morning. N. B. 24*^ muft be added to the ftar's right afcenfion, if the fun's right -fcgnfion be grcatvft, A S T R O N O M Y. 20 Exam. I. At what time will the flar Ariurus come to the ffieridian of 'Loudon on the \Jl of September^ 1 780 ? 10 44 U Right afcen. of Ardlurus Sun's right afcenfion Time of culmin. nearly And 3** 21 1'" give True time of ftar's culm. 3 20 38 BookV. Ex. II. On the 26th of Feb. 1780, i7t what hour will the Jiar Firgin's Spike he on the jneridian of London f - 14" 5' 42" Virg. Spike's right afc. 8 30 Sun's right afcenfion I Time of culm, nearly I And 14'^, 36I'" give True time of ftar's culm. of 22 H '3 3S 37 \o 28 18 36 2 H 3+ o M If the time of the ftar's culminating be wanted for any other meridian than that of Greenwich, or London, add the longitude in time to the time of culminating nearly, if the longitude be weft, or take their dif- ference if it be eaft, and ufe that ilim or difference inftcad of the time of Culminating nearly : obferving, only, in the latter cafe, that if the longi- tude in time be greater than the time of culminating nearly, that the min. and fee. refulting from the proportion, muft be added to the time of culminating nearly, inftead of being fubtracled from it. Exam. On the ibth of February., 1784, what time will Syrius he en the meridian of a place which is in longitude 166 30^ E. of London ? Rt. afcen. Syrius, 1780 Preceffion for 4 years 6 35' + zS 11 JRt.afc, of Syrius, 1784 6'' 35' Sun's right afcen. 22 37 39' 10 Time of culm, nearly 7 5^ 36 Time of culm, nearly 7 58 29 Long, in time 11 6 00 And 3^ 7"', 4 give + 29 Difference 3 7 24 True time of ftar's culm. 7 5S 5^ To find if any Jlar in the table will be on^ or near the tneridian at a given time^ reckoned from the preceding noon. Rule. To the given time add the Sun's right afcenfion for that time ; the fum (rejedling 24 hours, if above) is the right afcenfion of the mid- heaven ; which being fought among thofe of the ftars, will fliew what ftar will be on, or near the meridian at the time propofed. Exam. I. What Jlar will he on the meridian of London about 10 0^ clock at night en the 25/^ January .^ 1784.'' Given time 10 hours P. M. Sun's right afcenfion at noon And for 10 hours more Sum (abating 24 hours) anfwers to Syrius. 10" 20 o" 3' 2 ^ 33 Ex. IT. On the icth May., 1784, tvhatjiar will be on the mcrid. ofLond. about 30 min, after 4 in the morning ? Given time 16^ 30' Sun's right afcenfion at noon 3 iz And for 16 hours more 3 Right afcenfion mid-heaven 19 45 anfwers nearly to Altair. SECTION Book V. ASTRONOMY. !:2i SECTION IV. Of the ProjeBio?! of the Sphere. 135. ' P R O B L E M I. To projeSi the fphere upon the plane ofthefoljVittalcoliire^ or upon the plant if the 7neridian of any place^ thofe planes being fuppofed to coincide. For this projetSlion, the eye is fuppofed to be in the firft point of Aries, or the common interfeiflion of the equator, ecliptic, and equino6lial co- lure ; that being the pole of the plane of projeflion, or primitive circle. PI. IV. Fig. 4. ifl. With the chord of 60 degrees defcribe a circle PESQ^to reprefent the folflitial colure, the center of which T is its pole. (IV. 62) 2d. A diameter EQ^will be the equator, and another ps at right angles to it will fhew the equinoctial colure (IV^. 60), or the axis of the world, the extremities of which p, s, will be the north and fouth poles. 3d. Fo7- the parallels of declination. On the primitive circle, beginning at E and q^, apply the chords of the given degrees of declination, fuppofe every 10 degrees, and alfo the diftances of the tropics and polar circlei from the equator, namely, 23!-" and 66f. Then from the center T in the axis ps produced, apply the refpecStive fccants of the complements of the degrees laid on the primrtive (IV. 58), and thefe will give the cen- ters of the corrcfponding parallels of declination ; from which centers, with the extents to the feveral divifions in the circumference, defcribe the fmall circles 10, 10 ; 20, 20 ; difc. and thefe will be the parallels of declination required : Among which a 55, h VS, are the tropics of Can ccr and Capricorn ; and rr, dd^ the arctic and antarctic polar circles. 4th. For the circles of right afceufiony or h'Air circles. In the diameter EQ^ produced lay off from the center T both ways the tangents of 15, 30", 45"^, 60, 75% refpe(5tively, and they will give the centers of circles to be defcribed through p and s, and cutting the equator in the point?; reprcfcnting the 24 hours ; the folftitial colure being the 12 o'clock, and the equinoctial colure, ps, the fix o'clock hour circles. And in like manner may any other of this kind of circles be drawn. (^V. 75) 5th. The ecliptic S3 VS is drawn, making with the equator an angle oi 231^; the poles of which r, d^ are the interfetftions of the polar circlei with the folftitial colure. 6th, Parallels of ccleflial latitude are drawn parallel to the ecliptic, in the fame manner as the circles of declination are drawn parallel to the equator. 7th. Circles of celcflial longitude are defcribed through r, r/, the poles of the ecliptic, in the fame manner as the circles of right afcenfion were de- fcribed through p, s, the poles of the equator ; and thus were the divifions of the ecliptic found that are marked with the figns. 8th. T}}e horizon is reprefcnted by drawing a diameter hr, making an angle with the axis ps, equal to the latitude of the place ; and the poles of the horizon z, N, the zenith and nadir, are at 90'-' dift. from the circle hr. 9th. Jzimuthy or vertical circles^ making any angle with the meridian, are defcribed like circles of right afcenfion : I'hus zn' is the prime ver- tical, and 'AN li another azimuth, 45' froui the fouth. icth, /^/w- 112 A S' T-R O N O M y. Book V. loth. jllmicanthersy or parallels of altitude^ arc in this projection drawn parallel to the horizon, in like manner as the circles of dcelination were" drawn parallel to the equator. m 136. PROBLEM II. I0 projei the fphere upon the plane of the horizon. In this proje<5lion, the eye is fuppofcd in the nadir, one of the poles of tlie horizon, or plane of projed^ion. Plate IV. Fig. 5. ift. The horizon is reprefcnted by the primitive circle, where the upper XII is the north, the lower xii the fouth, e the weft,- and Q^the eaft points. 2d. The azimuth circles are reprefented by diameters drawn through z^ the center or pole of the horizon : Thus the diameter xii, xil is for the meridian, and ezq^ for the prime vertical 5 and other azimuth circlesj forming any angle with the meridian, are readily drawn by laying off their diftances in the primitive from the north or fouth points. 3d. Parallels of altitude are concentric to the primitive, and are de- fcribed about the pole z with the half tangent of their diftance from it ; Thus the fmall circle, the diameter of which is ab^ is a parallel of altitude 10 above the horizon, or at 80^ diftant form its pole z. 4th, The diftance of the equinoSlial from the zenith is equal to the la- titude of the place, and therefore this circle makes with the horizon an angle, which is meafured by the complement of the latitude ; then fetting off from the center z in z xn continued, the tangent of 50 (the latitude in this example being 40), it will give the center of the circle eaq^, re- prefenting the equinodlial ; and the half tangent of 50"', fet the fame way from z, will give p, the pole of the world. 5th. The fix o'clock hour circle paffes through the poles of the world, making with the horizon an angle equal to the meafure of the latitude ; therefore taking in the meridian, from z towards a, the tangent of the latitude 40, it gives g, the center of the fix o'clock hour circle epq^ 6th. The hour circles pafs through the poles of the world, and make with one another angles of 15 degrees : Therefore (IV. 55) in a line de, drawn through o, at right angles to the meridian, (cX off on both fid^s of G the tangents 15% 30"", 45'^, 60, 75, to the radius pg, and they will' give the centers of the feveral hour circles palling through p, cutting the horizon and equinocilal in the hour points. 7th. The polar circles^ tropics^ and other circles of declination^ are de- fcribed parallel to the equinoctial, about its pole p, at given diftances from it, either by finding the centers of fuch parallels j as fliewn in B. IV. 66 ; or by fetting off on each fide of z the half tangents of their greatelt and leaft diftances from z ; then the middles of thufe intervals are the centers fought. Thus ; the arclic circle is diftant from p 23! ; then to, and from zP=:5r)% add and take 23! ; there remain 73^ and 26^ ; the half tangents of thcfc fet off from z give p and q \ then a circle defcribed on the diameter pq is the artic circle. In like manner will the centers of the tropic of Cancer c 05 r, and of Capricorn d VS d, be obtained. 8th. The northern portion of the ecliptic 7" S i^ defcribed from a- center diftant from z towards p, the tangent of 7 3!'', = A the ecliptic makes with the hgrizon, 9th. C/''- Book V. ASTRONOMY. 223 gth. Cirdes of longitude T p =^, p b% / U, /> SI, /> "R, are defcribed thro* ^, the pole of the ecliptic, from centers in the line bfc ; in like manner :as the hour circles were defcribed through p, the pole of the equator. loth. Circles of cdeftial latitude^ww q ix, are defcribed about p^ as the circles of declination were defcribed about p, the pole of the equino<5lial. 137. PROBLEM Iir. 2I7 projccl the fphcre upon the plane of the equator. In this projection the eye is fuppofcd to be in one of the poles of the equator, fuppofe in the fouth pole, and projcdling the north hemifpherc. Plate IV. Fig. 6. ill. The equator is reprefented by the primitive circle, the center and pole of which is p. 2d. The hour circles are expreffcd by diameters making angles of 15^ with one another ; of which xii p xii is the meridian, or folflitial colure, and VI p VI the 6 o'clock circle, or equinoctial colure. 3d. Circles of declination are circles parallel and concentric to the equa- tor, defcribed from its center,with radii equal to the half tangents of their icvcral diftances from the pole p, or half co-tangents of their degrees of declination : Thus pq the arctic circle, and a ss th'e tropic of Cancer, .:rc defcribed with the half tangents of 23!" and 66| refpe(5lively j and fo of the others. 4th. The ecliptic making an angle of 23 p with the equator ; the tan- cent of thefe degrees laid from p towards a will give the center for de- fcribing tlic ecliptic Ysr^, the pole ol' which p is in the polar circle. 5th. Circles of longitude are defcribed through py the pole of the eclip- tic, in like manner as the hour circles were defcribed through p, the pole of the equator in the lad problem ; and thus were the divifions ^, ix> a, 'W, obtained. 6th. Circles of celejlial latitudt are projected in the fame manner as the circles of declination in the laft problem. 7th. The horizon of any place, fuppofe of London, being inclined to the equator in an angle equal to the co-latitude, 38 1^' ; the tangent of this laid from p towards S, and the half tangent laid from p to z, will give the center, and z the pole, of the horizon hor. 8th. The prime vertical m.K making an angle with the equator equal to 51 32^, the latitude of the place, its center is found by laying the tan- gent of 51 32^ from p towards o. 9th. Azimuth circlesy making given angles with the meridian zo, are thus defcribed : \.\\ a line drawn through the center of the prime vertical, at right angles to the meridian, take diftances from that center, equal to the tangents of the propofed azimuth angles, the fcmidiametcr of the prime vertical being the radius, thofe diftances give the centers fought j and thus was the azimuth circle za defcribed. icth. Parallels of altitude arc defcribed about z, the pole of the hori- zon, at the diftances of the co-altitudes, in the fame manner as the cir- cles of declination were defcribed about p, the pole of the equator in the laft: problem ; and thu> was the fmall circle v b vii defcribed at iC' dif- taucc from the horizon, or 80 diftant from its pole z. 138. P RO- 444 ASTRONOMY. Book V. ' 138. P R O B L E M IV. To project the fphtre upon the plane of the ecliptic > The eye is here fuppofed to be in one of the poles of the ecliptic, aiici thence viewing the northern hemifphete* Plate IV. Fig. 7. ift. The ecliptic is here rcprefented by the primitive circle, the center of which p is its pole. 2d. Circles of longitude are here rcprefented by diameters ; thofc that make angles of 30 with one another, being drawn through the divifions marked with the Hgns of the zodiac. 3d. Parallels of celcftial latitude are circles defcribcd about ^, concen- tric to the ecliptic ; fuch is the fmall circle, the diameter of which is ab^ reprefenting the parallel of 10 of latitude. 4th. The equator making an angle with the ecliptic of 23! ; therefore the tangent of this inclination laid from p towards S will give the center of the equator T xii ti ; and the half tangent of 235; laid from p the fame way, gives p for the pole of the equator. 5th. Tlie equinoSiial colure^ which here makes xhzfix o"" clock circle^ makes an angle with the ecliptic of 66^ ; therefore the tangent of 66| laid from p towards Yf, gives the center of the 6 o'clock circle Y" p i. 6th. Hour circles pafling through p, and making angles of 15 with one another, are defcribed from centers, found in a right line pafTing through the center of Y p =^, and drawn at right angles to the folftitial colure T /) kf ; by laying ofF in that line the tangents of 15, 30^, 45% 60", 75^, reckoned from the center of T p ^, on both fides, the femi- diameter of this circle being the radius. Thefe hour circles cut the equator in the hour points. 7th. Parallels of declination^ fuch as the tropic of Cancer, and the arctic circle, the diameters of which are 12, 12, and pq^ are defcribed by laying off from * the half tangents of their greateft and leaft diftances : Thus q being diftant from p 47, makes pq:=.\ tangent of 47% the middle oi pq will be the center of the polar circle. 8th. The horizon HOR is to make an angle with the ecliptic equal to the difference between the co-latitude and the obliquity of the ecliptic, when p is projected to the -north of p j otherwife that angle is equal to the fum of thofe quantities. And for London, where the faid difference = (38 28' 23 28'=) 15 00', the tangent of 15 00^, gives the cen- ter of HOR, and the half tangent gives z the zenith. 9th. The prime vertical hzr is defcribed by laying from />, towards o, the CO- tangent of /)Z for a center. icth. A%imuth circles are defcribed through z, making given angles with the meridian zo, by finding their centers in a line drawn through the center of hzr, in the manner defcribed for the hour circles, Prob. II. nth. Parallels of altitude are rcprefented by defcribing fmall circles parallel to the horizon hor, at given diftances from it ; or, which comfes to the fame, defcribing fmall circles about the pole z, at diftances equal to the complements of the given altitudes : And thus the circle cdi was defcribed for a parallel of 33** of altitude. SECTION Book V. A S T R O N O M 1f . -25 'S E C T I O N V. Problems of the Sphere* 139. ^ PROBLEM V. Pl.V. Given the Sun's longitude, and the obliquity of the ecliptic; Rquired the Sun's right afcenfion and declination. Exam. Let the obUqiiky of the ecliptic, or the Sun's greatejl declinatisni ie%'i iW, mid the Sun's place 13 lb' in Taurus : Required the rejl. Construction. In the primitive circle pesc^, reprefenting the folflitial colure, the center ofv/hich is y, drav/ a diameter EQ^for the equator, and at right angles to EQ^draw a diameter ps for the equinoctial colure : Make E S =23'' 28'', and draw a diameter 05 vy for the ecliptic, in which (IV. 71.) take T-,; = 43 16' for the Sun's diftance from the point T : Through pQs defcribe a circle of right afcenfion. Computation. See Book IV. art. 130, 131. In the right angled fpheric triangle y b. Given Sun's longitude T = 43*^ 16'' f Req. right afcen. VB. Obliquity of the Eclip. Z. T B =: 23 28 | declin. Bi- To find the declination. | To f.nd the right afcenfion. As Radius 1= r iOj-'ooooI As Radius r io.coooo To f. Sun's Ion. = 43 6' 9,53594 fo t. Sun's Ion. := 43 16' 9>9737t Sof. ob. cclip. = 23 28 9.60012 So co-f. obi, eel. 23 28 9.962^1 To f. Sun's decl.rz 15 50 c;, 43006 : To t. rt. afcen. =. 40 48 9, 93-^22 140. While the Sun is moving from T to 55, or is in the finl quadrant of the ecliptie, the given longitude is the hypothcnufe in the triangley b, the declination BQis north, and T B is the right afcenfion. When the Sun has pail: the folftice S), and is defcending towards --, he is then faid to be in the fecond quadrant, and his longitude or diftance from T being taken from 180, the remainder tc>. becomes the hypothenule, and the declination is ftill north ; but the arc b tii found for the right afcenfion is only the fupplement, and mud therefore be taken from lSo. The Sun having paft the point t:^, and defcending towards yp has got into the third quadrant ; the longitude then, reckoned from 7", will ba greater thaii 180 : In this cafe the exccfs above 180% or the diftancc the Sun is removed from :, will be the hypothcnufe r^ ; the declinatioti will be fouih ; and the a;c =^ a, found for the right afcenfion, muit bs added to l8c, to give the right afcenfion eftimatcJ from y. When the Sun has paft the foiftice \t -, and is afcending towards Yj '^3 is tlKii in the fourth qualrant; ther^iorc tlie longitude is greater thin ajc, and muft be taken from 3&':^, to give :!ie hyp<;thcn'.ife ;^ . Here the declination is fotr.h, arJ tlw right ;dcc-nfi(;ii ^: a, found by the pr .-"por- tion, muit be taken from 360'% to give the ;:,y;lit afccnfioii from >". At cqu^l diftaiices from the e-quinocciai points Y ox- ro , ih- ^Sun v.ili havetqu;tl quantities of declination j but Vviil be of t'lfForcnt i.aiiies, ac-- cording ai it is on th: r.Oitii oi fouth fjJ.es ci iiic scuir.jcti^i. Vcj- I, - Q, 141. PilQ. 226 ASTRONOMY. Book V. I4i< PROBLEM VI. Pl.V. Given the obliquity of the ecliptic, and the Sun's declination j Kcquired the Sun's longitude and right afcenfion. Exam. The ohliqulty of the ecliptic^ being 2^" 28'', wheit is the Sun*s Ungi- iudc and right afcenfion when he has 20 43^ of north declination F Construction. Having defcfibcd the folflitial colurc, and drawn the equator f.q^, the Jucis PS, and the ecliptic S yf, as before j make e, q, cquid to the given declination, and (3d 133) defcribe the parallel of declination n, its in- fcrfelion with the ecliptic' gives O the Sun's place i through P, 0> s, defcribe the circle of right afcenfion p s. C O M T* U T A T I O N. In the right-angled fpheric triangle y O C Given the ob. eclip. Z. ( T b = 23 28'' 1 Required Sun*s long. Y 0. the Sun's decl. O B = 20 43 j rt. afcen. Y b. To find the Swi's longitude. As f. obiK]. eclip. 23 28' 0,39988 Tofjn Sun'sdecl.rrzo 43 9,54.869 J>o radius zzs, 10,00000 To fin.01ongu.=:62 40 9,94857 To find the Sun^s right afcenfion. A? Radius ira i6,ocec PRO- aaS AST R 0,N O M Y. Book V, 1^5. P R O B L E M IX. PI. V. Given the latitude of the place, and the Sun's declination ; Required the altitude and hour when the Sun is due eaft or weft. Exam. At London^ in latiiudc 51 32^ N.^ what is the Sun's altitude, and the hour zvhen he if due eajl or ivej}^ en the iongej} day^ or when ths- de- ciinattjn is 23" 28' N. ? Construction. Dcfcribe the primitive circle to reprefcnt the meridian ^of London, dravvr the hnri/.on iiu, and the prime vertical ZN j make Rpn5i32', the given latitude, draw the 6 o'clock hour circle ps, the equator eq^, the parallel of declination nm (3d 135), cutting the prime vertical in O, and through pQs dcfcribe (11. 72) the hour circle pQs-, cutting the equator in a. Htrc the things concerned in the Problem fall in either of the triangles pzO or Tag. Computation. In the fpheric triangle PzQj right-angled at z. . Given the co-latit. rz = 3S iW r Required the co-altitude zo the co-decl.po ^6 32 j the hour fr. noon ZiZPQ. . Or in the fpherical triangle TaQ, right angled at A. Given the hatit./LATG =51 32'' 1 Required the altitude y' . the decl. aO =^23 28 \ the hour after 6 T a. Tafind the altitude TO- [ To find the hour after 6. To fin. decl. aO=23 2S 9,60012 So Radius =:r. io,cooco To fin. sit. 7^0=30 34. 9,7063; As Radius -=.9. 10,00000 Toco-t. lat. aYO ==5 1*^32' 9,90009 So tan. decl. a=:z3 28 9,63761 To f. h. fr. 6. ATr:2o 11 9,53770 Which 20 II'' converted into time (132), gives i h. 20 m. 44 s. for the time after 6 in the morning, and before 6 in the evening, when tiie Sun will appear due eaft or welt ; which will be at 7 h. 20 m. 44s. in the morning, and 4 h. 39 m. 16 s. in the afternoon. Or, the compl. of 20 ii', viz.. 69 49^ put into time, which gives 4 h. 39 m. 16 s., (hews the time before and after noon, when the Sun will be due eaft or weft.. 146, This Problem worked for the fhorteft day, namely in the A V^0> which is congruous to 7" A, would give the Sun's depreffion at the time when' he v/as eaft or weft, which would be before 6 in the morn-' ing, and after 6 in the evening, by as much as was found above, viz. I h. 20 m. 44 s. By this Problem it appears, that when the latitude of the place, and the Sun's declination, have the fame name, then, the greater the declina- tion and latitude, the greater the altitude and time from 6 : and having contrary names, the fame things- happen ; but with this diftercnce, that in the former cafe the days lengthen on account of the incrcai'e of the la- titude and decliiiationi whereas in the latter cafe the days ftiortcn on that account, 147. PRO- Book V. ASTRONOMY. CL29 147. PROBLEM X. PI. V* Given the latitude of a place and the Sun's declination: Required his amplitude and afcenfional difference. Exam. Jt London, lot. 51 -p.' N. on the lift of June, bcln^ the longefi day, xvhen the Sun's decl'nation is 23 1%' N. How far from the north does the Sun rife and ft^ at what time, and what is the length of the day and night F ' Construction. Let the primitive circle reprefent the meridian.of the place, and the diameter hr the horizon ; from R, the north point, take Rp:=5i<' 32' for the latitude, draw the axis, or 6 o'clock hour circle ps, and at right angles to it draw the equator Ec^^; make En, 0^/2 = 23 2S', the declination, and (3d 135) dcfcribe the parallel of declination ;; ot, cutting the horizon in (^, the place of the Sun at its rifing and fetting 3 through which delcnbe (II. 72) the hour-circle p s. Computation. Now as the arc qr co-latitude, meafures the Z.QjrR. In the fpheric triangle T ,*) A, right-angled at a. ^ Given Sun's dccl. a3 2328^ ^Required* the ami^litude T J) co-latit; 4- AT" =r 38 28 3 the afcen. dift. y- a. As fin.A Y'O.co-l'^SS" 28' 0,20617 Toiin.decl. aO '^^3 28 9,60012 So RaJias zza. io,ODOoo To fin. amp. '\fQzz7g 48 9,80629 To find the amplitude f Q . This 39 48'' is the amplitude rec- koned from the eaft or weft points of the horizon : But its complement 50 I2''fliews how far from the north the Sun rifes or fcts on the longeil d.vf at London, To find the afcenfional difi'crcnce T \. As Radius v, 10,00000 ! Which 33 o-f converted into time Tot. Iat.z.p-|r0=5i32' 10,09991 (132) cives 2h. 12 m. 28 s. for the So tan. dec], a Q =23 28 9.63761 t,ir:e which the Sun rifes before, and , ^ ..._,, fets after, the hour of lix on the 101. al.dilT. K^A "^-XX 07 c,7^7C2 1 ,,ri j ii I y/j/? iongeit day, Suppofe r% to be a parallel of declination as far fouth, as m n is north ; tlic;! the hour circle pies, pafTuig thioagh (i) the place of the fun at its rifing- or fctting, will form a triangle Y Cv Br= AT A, where^the ampli- tuJe lb to the fouthward of the eaft and weft poiiits. 148. Hence It is evident, that when the latitude and drclinatiyn hav^ the fur.': i:afnc, i'ce Sun rifes htfore, and fits after 6 . Bat ,'.h,nt hey arc of coti^ trury Hur^iij t'jc Sun rijes afery and ft^ bcfr-: i\ 0.3 MO- ^'>^ 2 12 o. 28 8 12 28 3 47 32 i6 H S6 7 35 04 230 A S T R O N O ,M Y. Book V. 149. And as the Sun defcribes the parallel of declination w in 24 hours, being at n when it is noon, and at m when it is midnight ; therefore the time in paffing from 772 to (', or the time of rifmg being doubled, gives the length of the night j and the time of fetting being doubled, muft give the length of the day. Then to, and from Add aud fubcradl the afcen. diff. Sum, gives fetting DifF. gives rifing Length of day is Length of night is But when it is the fhortcfl: day at London, which is, when the Sun has 23 28'' fouth declination ; then the lengths of the day and night change places J the day being 7 h. 35 m. 04s. long, and the night 16 h. 24m. 56 s. ^ 150. When the latitude and declination have the fame name, the difFe- rcnce between the right afcenfion and the afcenfional difference, is the ob- lique afcenfion } and thtir fum is the oblique defccnfion.. But when they are of contrary names, their fum is the oblique afcenfion, and their difference is the oblique defccnfion, 151. When the declination is equal to the co-latitude of anyplace (which can only happen to places v/ithin the polar circles), than the pa- rallel of declination will not cut the horizon, and confequently the Sun will not fet in thofe places during the time his declination exceeds^the co- latitude : And the fame may be laid of all thofc liars, the polar diftance of which is lefs than the latitude of the place ; or, which is the fame thing, that have declinations lefs than the co-latitude, for thofe ftars will never defcend below the horizon of that place. But this is to be under- flood only when the Sun or ftars arc in the fame hemifphere with the given pkce ; for when the Sun or ftars are in a contrary hemifphere to any place, the co-latitude of which does not exceed the declination of thofe celeilial objects, then they v/ill never rife above the horizon of that place, and con-^ ftquently are never vifible there. J52. PRO- ^ook V. ASTRONOMY. 231 152. P R O B L E M Xr. PI. V. Given the latitude of a place, the Sun's declination and altitude; , Required the hour from noon, and the Sun's azimuth. Exam. In the latitude of $1 'pf N. the Sun's altitude was obfervedto he 46*' 20', when his declination was 23 lW N. What was the Suns azimr^th, and the hour when the obfervation was jnade ? Construction. Let the primitive cirtie zrnh reprefent the meridian of London, hR. the horizon, zn the prime vertical ; make rp = 5i 32^ the height of the pole at London ; draw the axis ps, and the equator EQ^j lay off the declina- tion E, qw, 23" 28^ N. the altitude Hr, rj, 46 10' \ and (IV. 68) dc- fcribe the parallel of declination n m, and the parallel of altitude rj, cu ting one another in , the place of the Sun at that time ; through z, O , n, defcribe an azimuth circle zGn, and through p, O, s, defcribe an hour circle p s : Then the angles Qzp, 0pz, being meafured (IV. 72), will give the azimuth and hour from nobn required. Computation. In the oblique-angled fpheric triangle p z. Given the co-latitude - zpr:38' 28''7 ^^fj'J'^^fl t^s ^''^Im. A (? zp the co-alt. or zen. difl:.z0r:43 40 ^ajid the h. fr. noon A ^ PZ, the co-dec. or pol. difl:.(i^p=:66 32 3 See art, i6y. Book IV. To find the azi?nuth Z. zp. Then Co-ar. fin. co-!at. ==38'' 28' 0,20617 Co-ar. fin. co alt. ^^43 4 0.16086 Sin. ^ fum co-decl. & d rr^j 52 Sin, ^ difF. co-decl. & orijo 40 Here 20=43" 4' - zrr=38 28 jV) zp= 5 I 2ZZX) 32 2)- 71 41 61 3> 52 30 40 :6782 '076I The fum of the four logs. The |- fum gives 56 3i{' 19,84246 9,92125 Which doubled, gives 113 03' for the azimuth fought, reckoning from the north. To find the hour from noon., Z. pz. Here p =66 32' pz=38 28 r0 pzr:23 4 = 02=43 40 2)- 44 5 3 35 52 Then Co-ar. fin. co-decl. Co-ar. fin. co-lat. ^=^38 28 Sin. I fum co-alt. & d ^^35 52 Sin. I diff. co-alt. & d = 7 48 :r:66 32' 0,03749 0,20617 9,76782 9,13263 The fum of the four logs. The I fum gives 21 55' 19,14411 9,5-206 This doubled, gives 43 50' for the meafure of the hour from noon, which is 2 h. 55 m. 20 s. Hence it appears, that the obfervation was made either at 9 h. 4 m. 40 s. in the morning, or at 2h. 55 m. 20 s. in the afternoon. The azimuth being firlt found, the hour from noon might have been found by the proportion between oppofite fides and angles. 0.4 Had 34 A S T R ON O M Y. Book V. Had the declination and latitude been of contrary names, the fame kind of operation would have been ufed to find the things required, only the fide (5) P would have been obtufe ; by adding the declinat. to 90, inftcad of fabtrading it, a? in the cafe of the lat. and dccl. having like names. J53- PROBLEM XII. PI. V. ] Given the latitude of the place, and the Sun's declination ; Required the time when the twilight begins and ends. Exam. At what time does the ftvi light brgin and end at London, when the Sun's declinaiivn is 15" 12^ N. the latitude of the place being 51 32^ A'"* Construction. Let the circle iRNH reprefent the meridian of the place, HR the hori- zon, zn the prime vertical, and ts the Crepufculum, orfmall circle parallel to the horizon defcribed at 18 degrees below it (IV. 68) ; lay oft' the lati- tude RP, draw the axis ps, the equator eq., and defcribe the parallel of declination n m, and where n m cuts / j in 0, is the Sun's place at the time of the beginning or end of the twilight; through defcribe (11. 72) the vertical circle z n, and the hour circle P s ; then the/izp beingj mea- fured (IV. 72) mW give the time before or after noon as required. Computation, In the oblique-angled fpheric trianglii z p. " Given the co-lat. zv 38 28' Rcq. the hour from noon=:Z.zP the polar dift. p=: 74 48 ? The manner of folution is the the zenith dift.z=:io8 CO J fime as in lafl Problem. Here p?r: 74 48' ri=z 38 28 FT pzrr 36 20: "^ (Jz 108 00 D 144 20 -> , ,_ 72 10' 71 4c ^5 50 Then Co-ar. fin. polar dift. =74"4S' 0,01 547 Co-ar. fin. co-latit. '^^3^ 28 0,20617 Sine I fum. of zen. d. & 0=^:72 10 9,97861 Sine I difF. of zen. d. & D 35 50 9,76747 The fum of thefe four logs. 19,96772 The half fum gives 74 28 1;' 9,98386 Which doubled, gives 148 57' forZ.zp. And 148" 57'' reduced to time gives 9h. 55 m. 48 s. either before or after noon ; that is, the twilight begins at 2h. 04m. I2s, in the morning, and ti.uj at 9h. 55 ni. 48 f.ja the evening on the given day, at London. 154. When the declination becomes greater than the difference be- tv/cen the co-latitude and 18 degrees, then fhe parallel of declination n fn will not cut the parallel^ i 18 degrees below the horizon, and confe- ijuently i^ that time there will be no night at that place, but the twi- light will continue from Sun-fetting to Suji-iifing ; and on this account iif is, tliat from the 22d of May to the 2iil: of July nearly, there is no total da;kn.rs at London, the Sun's (icelinatioiuiuring that interval being greater th.m 2c^ 28^, which is the diflcrencc between 18'^ and 38" 28', the comple- ji.uut of the latitude. 155. PRO. Book V. ASTRONOMY. ^33 153. PROBLEM XIII. PI. V Given the time of the year, the latitude of a place, and the- altitude o 3 known fixed ftar ; Required the hour of the night when the obfervation was ipade. Exam. Some time in the nighty en the I/? of September 1780, fuppofe ihejlar Ariiurus^ the declination of which is 20^30'' N.JhouU he obferved at Lo7ii}on to be 2"^ li! abiVe the horizon : At what hour would tin obfcrua- tion be made f . - ' Construction. Defcribe the meridian of the place, draw the horizon hr, the zenith and nadir of which are z and N, and defcribe the parallel of altitude rs at 27 12' above the horizon ; take p the north pole 51 32' above the ho- rizon for the latitude of the place, and s the fouth pole as much below the horizon ; draw the equator eq^, and defcribe (3d 135) the liar's parallel of declination n m ; and where this parallel n m cuts the former r j in #, ii the pofition of the ilar at the time of obfervation ; defcribe (11. 72) the vertical circle z# n, and the hour circle p ^ s, and the angle zp # beiyg meafured (IV. 72) gives the hour from, or to, ths time of the liar's cul- minating. Computation. In the ollique-angled fpheric triangle P -^ z. Given the co-latitude pz = 38- 28'') d j / w l i. . ,.-. J 2 o f Kcqmred [_ zP %, or the hour the co-altitude z*rz:62 4.0 > > 1 . , , j-n c \ from culmmatmu;. the polar dilt. * p =09 30 j ^ Here p# =59' 30 pz=:38 28 F^ Pz=r3i 2 rr p:^ =r62 48 2) 3 5c'-i^ 46':,- Then Co. ar. fin. co-lat. =38" Co. ar. fin. pol. diil. rfiQ Sin. V fum zcn. dill. & 0=346 Sin. V difF. zen. dift. & 0:1:15 The fum of the four logs. The \ fum gives 35 51' Which doubled, gives 71 42'r 28' 30 55 S3 0,20617 0,02841 9,86354 9.43724 1903536 9,7676s This ']v 42' turned into time (132) gives 4h. 46 m. 48 s. for the time which has clapfcd fuice the flar was on the meridian. Now, at the time of obfervation, September ifl, 1780. The right afccnricn of Ar6\urus was I 4'' The right afcen-lon of the fun at noon f 10 Time of culminating nearly And 24*" is to 3' 37' as 3*^ i\\ is to The Par fputh.s or culminates at 'i he time that the ftar has paffed the meridian (133) 5 4+ 4.- 34 The fum is the hour of the night + A.lronomical ubles at the end of Bock V. 3 21 08 30 3 4 2D 46 3 4 s' 8 07 26 P. iVf. And ft34 ASTRONOMY. Book V. And whether to fubtrail or add will always be known by the ftar's being in the caftern part of the horizon, or afcending ; or by being in the Yveileru part of the horizon, or delccnding. 156. PROBLEM XIV. Pl.V. Given the obliquity of the ecliptic, and a ftar's right afcenfion and de- clination ; Required its latitude and longitude. Exam. What is the latitude arid longitude of a jiar^ its right afcenfion heing 16 h. 14 ;., its declination 25*^ 51' A^., and the obliquity of the ecliptic 23 28^? C O N S T R UX T I O N. Let the primitive circle reprefent the folftitial colure, in which dra\* the equator eq^, mark its poles p, s, and defcribe (3d 135J the parallel of the ftar's declination n m. The right afcenfion 16 h. 14 m.=:243 30', which being 63*" 30' above 180, falls in the third quadrant ; therefore make (IV. 75.) Y ^=63 30', defcribe (4th 135) the circle of right afcenfion, cutting the parallel n ; in -Jf , the point of the heavens reprefenting the flar. Make =23 28', the obliquity of the ecliptic, draw the ecliptic ffi VS, find its poles p, q^ and through p, i(-, q defcribe a circle of longi- tude ; then the arc /> 5^ meafured (IV. 70) will give the co-latitude, and lheZ.P/> ^ will fliew the longitude. Computation. ' In the oblique-angled fpheric triangle pv^. Given the obliq. ecliptic pv r= 23 28' 1 Required the co-lat. p ^, the co-declination P^ rz 64 og [ and the longit. Z. P/) *. the right afcen.iL/>P3^ =243 30 J See art. 150, 151. B. IV. To T"nd the latitude. As co-f. 4th arcr=6i As Radius = r To co-f. rt. afc. =26 30' So tan. co-decl.=:64 09 'J lO.OOOCO 9.95179 10,31471 To tan, 4th arc =61 Obi. edipt. 2^ 34 28 10,26650 Fifth arc =:38 06 To find th As fine 5th arcr: 38 To fine 4th3rc=: 61 So tan. rt. afc. =. 26 06' 34 30 20969 9>9447 9'69774 34 0,32227 To co-f. 5th arc rr 3 8 06 9)89594 So fine decl. =25 51 9,63959 To fin. lat. =46 c6^- 985771 Here the ftar's latitude Is 46 o6-j-'N. becaafe the declinat. is N., and greater than the obliquity of the ecliptic. Here the longitude 144 36' being added to 90, gives 234 36' for the ftar's longitude, reckoning from the firft point of Aries. To tan. longit. = 234 36 9,85160 For the right afcenfion being in the third quadrant, the ftar is there alfo. Now in 234 36', are 7 figns 24 36'' ; that is the flar's place, or longi- tude is 24" 36' in the 8th fign, or 24*^ 36' in lU. By the precefllon of the equinoxes, the fixed flars, although they al- ways keep the fame latitudes, yet are contiaually altering their longitude, right Book V. ASTRONOMY. ^3S right afcenfion, and declination ; the alteration in longitude Is uniformly 50 feconds and 3-ioths yearly (22)^ but that of the right afcenfion and declination is conftantly varying : So that many ftars, which once had north declination, come to. have fouth j while others change from S. to N. declination. 157. PROBLEM XV. PI. V. Given the right afcenfions and declinations of two fixed ftars j Required their diftanbe. Exam. Wlyat is the dijlance between the fixed Jiars^ Betelguefe in theeajl JhoulderofOrioHy and Aldebaran in Taurus; the former- having 72i'iv. declinat. with 57j. 43?^. 16 j. right afcenfion , and the other id" o^f N, declinat, with 4 h. 23 m. 20 s. of right afcenfion. Construction. As Aldebaran precedes Betelguefe in right afcenfion, let the primitive circle reprefent the circle of right afcenfion paffing through Betelguefe; defcribe the circle of right afcenfion pas, making with pbs an angle of 19 59', (IV. 75) equal to the difference between the given right afcen- fions. Defcribe the parallels of declination ew, rs, at the given diftances 16* 03' N. and 7 21' N, (3d 133); and the interfedtions a, of Aldebaran's declination, and B, of Betelguefe's, with their refpedlive circles of right afcenfion, will be the pofitions of thofe ftars from one another : Then draw a great circle bag, through b and a, and the intercepted arc ba (mea- fured by art. 70. Book IV.) {hews the diftance of thofe two ftars. Computation. (IV* iSi} In the oblique-angled fpheric triangle pab. Given the co-decl. of Aid. pb = 73 57''} the co-dec. of Betelguefe pa = 82 39 C Required their difl. AB. diff. of right afcen. z. ape =19 39 j Radius =:r. 1 0,00000 1 Co-f. 4th arc . 82 11' 0,86645 To co-f. difF rt. af. 19 59 9,97303 To co-f. 5th arc S 14 9*99550 Asco-t. Betelg. dec. 7 21 10,88944 As fin. Bctelg. dec. 7 21 9,10697 To tang. 4th arc 82 11 10,86247 Aldeb. co-dec. Remains 5 th arc. 158. 73 57 H To co-f. dift. 21 25 9,96892 The fame refult would have come out, had the declination of Aldebaran been ufed in the proportions. PL V. PROBLEM XVI. Given the latitudes and longitudes of two known fixed ftars j Required their diftance. Exam. Aliath, in the Great Bear, Lon. "^ 5'' 49' Lot. 54 18' .V. Ariturus, in Bootes, Lon. -^ 21 lO Lat. 30 54 A^. The conftruction of this Problem is like that of the laft; only inftead of circles of right afcenfion read circles of longitude, and ufe parallels of latitude inftead of parallels of declination. _* ^^6 ASTRONOMY. Book V.- The compotarion Is alfo like that of the laft,' there beiHg given two co- latitudes and the included angle, which is the difference between the given longitudes : Thus Ar Required the right gfcenfion and declination of that ftar. Exam'. Suppoje the hiltude of ajlar is 7 09' N.jts longitude Y aq^Ol' : JVhat is the right afcenfion and declination of that Jiar, the obliquity of the ecliptic being 2-^"" 2%^ I* The conftrudlion of this Problem Is much Hke that of Prob. XIV. ; only-here the interfe6lIon of a parallel of latitude cb with a circle of longi- tude ^ Ay, will give the place of the flar. The computation is alfo as in Prob, XIV; for here are given p/ = 23 28^ />A=:82 51', and thez.P/)A=r6o 59', the longitude from the firft point of 55, to find pa the co-declination, andz./>PA the right afcenfion. The declination of the ftar will be found to be J7''49' N. (IV. 151) And the right afcenfion will b? 24 19^ (1^ ^5^) , 160. ' . PROBLEM XVIIL PI. V. Given the meridional altitude of any celcftial obietS', fuppofe a comet, its diftance from a known ftar, and the latitude of the place j Required the declination and right afcenfion of that comet. Exam. Suppofe a comet was ohferved on the tneridian at London, when its altitude ivas 51^ 55', and its dijiance from the far Ardurus was 59 47'; fp^at was the declination and right afcenfion of i!)^ comet at that time ? Construction. In the primitive circle, reprefenting the meridian of the place, draw the horizon hr and prime vertical zx ; lay ofF the given latitude Rpzrfi'^ 32'', draw the axis ps, the equator eq^, and (3d 135.) n ??i ArClurus's parallel of deciiriation=::20 21^ From the fouth poiiit of the hori2,on lay oft" the given altitude of the cometz::5i' 55^ from H to o : About the poiiu o as a pole, at the given diftance between the comet and Arclurus, defcribe (IV. 68) a fmall circle ^^/ cutting the' parallel //; 'in "^^ the pofition of Ardturus at that time : Defcribe the circle of right afcenfion p % s, and a great circle thro^igh o and "Jf . Computation. Since HF.r=38" 28', the co-l.it. and the alt. H0=:5i'' 55', then Eo=: (Ho-^HEr:) 13" 27', i? the dec!, (biiglu ; which is north, as the altitude e<>,';ccds the co-Ut. ; confcqucntly the- polar diftance o'p~'](f 33^ "' - ' 6 Then Book V. A S T R O N O M Y. 237:. Then in the trjangle P-Jf o are given the three fides to find the Z.op -Jf , the difference betWecii the right afcenfions of the comet and Arcturus. And (IV. 154) theZ.OP* will be foundrr62 24'=:4h. 9 m. 36 s, which is the difference of their right afcenfions : Now if Arcturus had pafled the meridijgin, the right afcenfion of the comet was 18 h. 15 m. 16 s. but if Arlurus had not pafled the meridian, the right afcenfion of the comet was 9 h. 56 m. 4 s. ; it being, in the former cafe, equal to the fum, and in the latter to the diff. of Ardurus's right afcen. and theZ.OP ifr' ' 161. PROBLEM XIX. , ; PLV. Given the latitude of a place, the Sun's declination and Azimuth ; Required his altitude and the time of the obfervation. Exam. In the latitude AD = 23 38 AC =16 37 J Theref. pa ad=::pd = ^cj 01 In the triangle pdz. Given the co-1 at, pz = 38" 28'' 7 Required / Z.ZPD = 48 56 PD=:59 01 r Or it is := 75 46 Z.PDzr=45 30 J Now the ftar Retelguefe comes to the meridian at I2h. 28m. 8s. that is between twelve and one o'clock in the morning (133) } from which take 3 h. 15 m, 44 s. as the ftars are to the eaft of the meridian, and it leaves 9h. 12 m. 24 s. in the evening, for the time when thofe ftars have the fame altitude. 167. PROBLEM XXIV. PI. XIV. Fig. 5. JVantlng to know the latitude and longitude of a comet C, its dijlance from two known Jlars a and B were obferved^ an^d are as follows : A*s lat. =49 12^ A^. Lon. 16 30^ > j dijlance from 0=49" 05^ b*jA7/. = 30 05 N. Lon.zz. 2 48 H ; dijlance from QzzJ^S 57. Hence the place of the comet c is required. Construction. On the plane of the folftitial coloure, where e is the pole of the ecliptic, pat the ftars a and b by their latitudes and longi- tude?, and defcribe a great circle through a and b; then fmall circles de- fcribed about a and b as poles, at the refpedlive diftances of the comet, their interfection c will give its place ; defcribe great circles through a, c; B, c ; E, c ; and E c will be the co-latitude, and fromZ.AEC will be obtained the longitude. Computation. IntheAABE. Given a's co-lat. ae=:4048^ b's co-lat. BE 59 55 difF.longit. Z. aeb = 76 09 In the triangle abc. Given the diftance ab= 59 01'' diftance Acrr 49 05 diftance bc3z 45 57 Required the z.bac= 56 27 ThcnZ.EAB + Z.EAC = Z.B^AC= i345!5 Required ab = 59 oi and Z.EAB =78 31 In the triangle cea. Given a's co-lat. ae r= 40 48^ ^ Required the co-lat. ec=: 8i33'' diftance ac =: 49 05 C difF. long. AEcrr 32 43 and the z.eac =134 58 3'Hencelat.is827'N.lon.i922'inY" 168. P R O B L E xM XXV. Pi. XIV. Fig. 6. The dijlance of the flar c Icing chfervcd from two Jlars A a7td B, the lati- tude and dijlance of which are known^ and alfo the longitude of one of them j thence to find the lat, and long, cf c. Suppofe a's lat. to be 5^ 30'' N. ; its dift. from c 39 40^ : b's lat. 9'' 57^N. its long. Taurus, 18" ib\ and dift. from c io'^7|-^: And the diftance cf ae 44" 43' : Required ths lo.ng. and lat. of c. Con- Book V. ASTRONOMY. 241 Construction. On a circle of longitude, where e Is the pole of the ecliptic, put the ftar b by its lat. ; about the points b and e defcribe circles at the diftances of a from thofe points, their interfeftion gives the place of A : alfo circles defcribed from a and b, at the diftances of c re- fpe6tively from them, their interfeflion is the place of c : Then defcribe the great circles ea, eg ; ac, ab ; ^bec the longitude, of c from b. Computation. IntheAAEB Given a's co-lat. ae=:84 30^ b's co-lat. be =80 03 the diftance ae=:44 43 H bc : and ec will be the co-lat. and In the triangle abc. Given the diftance ab=4443' diftance AC = 39 40 diftance bc=:io o 71 Required the ilABC=:55 22 Required the AABEirgi In the triangle beg. Given b's co-lat. be = 80 03' "^Required c's co-lat. ce = 72oi' the diftance bc = 10 07^ i c's Ion. fr. b,z.bec= 6 22 (Aabe Z-ABCn) z.cbe = 36 52 3 And its abfolute long. '^11 54 169. PROBLEM XXVI. PI. XIV. Fig. 7. From the altitudes of two known fixed Jiars, and the altitude of a planet when in the fame azimuth with one ofthefejiars ; to find the place of the planet. Example. Obferved the Moon and Cor Leonis in the fame azimuth, when the Moon's zenith diftance was 36 37'. Cor Leonis's zen. dift.=:45oo'; decl. 13'' 02^ N, ; rt. af. 9'' 56"' 39', Cor Hydra's zen. dift. =49 16 ; decl. 7- 43 S. ; rt. af. 9^ 16"" 47*. Construction. On the plane of the equinoctial, the pole of which is p, draw the colures, and in the folftitial, take E for the pole of the ecliptic ; put the given ftars at B and a by their declinations and right afcenfions : About b and a as poles, with their refpecflive zenith diftances, defcribe circles cutting in z the zenith ; through z and B defcribe an azimuth circle, and making z D equal to the ])'s zenith diftance, it gives her place : Then defcribe the great circles za, ab, e]) ; and the arc ED will be the co-latitude, and ape]) the longitude from the firft point of S. Computation. In the A aep. Given a's co-decl. PAr=:97 43^ b's CO decl. PB = 76 58 diff". rt. af. /1bpa=: 9 58 Required the z.ABPm53 the fide ABr:: 22 In the triangle b p p C Iven n's co-decl. (bz z 1) =) fide E i) r: 8 Z.pbD=:64 p:^76= Sll 59^ 58^ 23 19 Requ. l)'s co-decl. pI) 73 ib\ li's rt. af. fr b, Z.up})=: 7 53 Then 90'^ + Z. =0= pi; 4 /. dp 1) = Z-EP])=:i28 4''/. Vol.. I. ] In the triangle azb. Given a's zen. dift. ZA=r49" 16' b's zen. dift. ZB:r:45 00 the fide ab=:22 59 f Required the z.abz=:89 38^ Then z. abp abz =: z. zbp = 64'' 19^=/. Dbp. In the triangle P D E. Given obi. of eclip. pe=: 23 28' ])'s co-decl. Pi) =: "Jl^ 26^- D'sco-rt. af. Z.EP]) = I28 43 Requir. ])'s co-lat, ]) e =: 88 41 D's Ion. fr. 53, APr.:)=r 48 25 And its abfolute long, is a i8 25 SECTION 44? ' A S T R O N Q M Y.^ Book V-. S E C T I O N VI. Of various methods to fmd the Latitude. The ufual way at Tea to find the latitude is from the Sun's meridional altitude and declination j the manner of doing this will be particularly fhcwn in Book IX. But as it frequently happens at fea, that the meri- dian altitude cannot be taken, therefore the mariner fhould be furniflied with other means to come at the knowledge of this moft ufcful article. To help him in this point, and as a farther exercife in the Aftronomy of the Sphere, the following problems are coUedled together, 170. PROBLEM XXVII. Pi. V. Given the Sun's declination and his amplitude j Required the latitude of the place. Exam. Being in a place where the compafs had no variation., on a day ivhen the Sun's declination tvas 15 l2f N., I obferved him to rife 62 30' frc/n the north towards the eaji : Required the latitude of that place. Construction. Having defcflbed the primitive circle, drawn the horizon hr, and (IV. 71) taken ROzr62* 30''; then about o as a pole defcribe (IV. 66) a final! circle, at the diftance of 74 48'=:co-decI., cutting the primitive in r, the place of the north pole : Draw the axis ps, the equator eq^, and the circle pos, cutting the equator in a. Computation*. T.n the fpheric triangle YoA right angled at /, Given the co-amp. Y 27 30' the declin. a = 15 12 Required the co-latitude aYo. Thenf.Vo : rad. : : f. AO : f. Z. A Vo. Hence the latitude will be 55"* 24^ N. ijr. PROBLEM XXVIII. PL V. Given the Sun's declination, and his afccnfional difference ; Required the latitude of the place. Exam. IVhen the Sun had 20 01'' of declination S.^ he zvas clferved ts ft Gt 4 h, 30 m. : Required the latitude of the place. As the aicenfional difference is the time that the Sun rifes or fets be- fore or after 6 o'clock; therefore 6 h. 4 h. 30 m. i h. 30 m.r:22'^ 30'= afcenfional difference. CoxsTRUCTioN'. In the primitive circle rcnrefenting the meridian of the place, draw the equator eq^, the axis ps, the parallel ot declination ro, 20'' 01^ S. : Make -"f r = 22 30^, the afccnfional difference ; defcribe the circle of right afccnilon I'es, cutting ro in o ; then a diameter hr through o will be the horizon, and rp the lat. fought. Computation. In the fpheric triangle Ybo, right angled at b. Given the afc. diff, T b = 22 the declin. ob=:20 01 Required the co-lat. Z.oVb Thcnrad.:cot.oR::r.TE:cot. Z-oy'R. Or rad,:cot.dcc. iifm.af.diff. : tan. lat. Hence the lat. will be 46 25^ N. bciii''- contrary to the dccl. when the afc. diff, falls between noon and fix. 172. PRO- Sook V. ASTRONOMY. 243 172. PROBLEM XXIXi PL V. Given the Sun's declination, and altitude at fix o'clock ; Required the latitude of the place. Exam. Being at fea^ on a day when the Sun's dcctlndtien was-2o 0\' iV". his altitude at fix o'clock in the evening was iS'' 45^." IVlxit was the lati- tude of the place of ohfervation ? Construction. Having defcribed the meridian, drawn the horizon HR, the prime vertical zn, and the parallel s t oi iS 45' of altitude ; from the center r, with the half tangent of the declination = 20 04^, cut the parallel st in o : Through o draw the axis ps, and the azimuth circle zoM (II. 72), and the meafure of rp will give the latitude fought. Computation. In the fpheric triangle Tao, right-angled at A. Given the decl. 7^0 = 200 04^ N. I Then fni.To : rad. ;: (. ao : f. /loTA* the akit. Aorz iS 45 Or fin. decl. : rad. : : fin. alt. : fiii. lat. Required the lat.= Z.oYa j Which is 69" 37/N.,as the decl. is N. 173. PROBLEM XXX. PI. V^ Given the Sun's declination, and his altitude when due eafl or weft j Required the latitude of the place. Exam. In a place ziihere the compafs had no variation^ the Sun was oh' fcrvcd to be due eajl xvhen hi^ declination ivas 16' 38'' iV^., and his altitude 20" I 2' : IVhat is the latitude of that place 'f Construction. In the meridian h2rn, draw the horizon hr, the prime vertical zn, and make Y or:the half tan. of. the alti 20 12' : About" o as a pole, at the diftance of 73" 22', the co-dccl., defcribe (IV, 66) a fmall circle, cutting the meridian in v the elevated pole; draw the axis PS, equator eq^, and through i', o, s, defcribe an hour circle po s 3 th^i the meafure of pr fhcws the latitude. Computation. In the fpheric triangle Y^ ? right-angled at a. fjivcn th'i alt. "1^0 2C 12^ I Then 'in\.To: rad, : : fin, ao : fin, Z. ^T o* the decl, ao 16 38 N. I Or fin, alt. : rad, : : fin. decl. : fin. lat. Required the latit. rr Z. a Y o, j Which is 56''oo''N,, as the decl. is K. But had the declination been S,, the other intcrlbiflion of the parallel circle and meridian mufl have been taken for the elevated pole, and the latitude would be fouth. ;7|, PR O J^ L E AI XXXI. PI, V, ( jiven the ^un'^ altitude and the hoiu- of the day on cither equinox ; Required trie latitude of the [jLice. Kx AM, On the d'.iy the Sun aitrrcd tij.- v. nir.l t-.juinax., his alt. tvas fni:.!- <9. 56'' at 9 '/clock in the morniuif. In iihai lat. ,vas-that ohfervation made '' C( NoTRUction. Defcribe the meridian. Jiaw the horizon, the prime -.crtical, and (IV, 68) the parallel > t of 2?." 56^orahilude ; from the cen- t-^rv, with the half t.;n. of 450 3 ii., the time from 6 o'cloclr, cut st lU c, r.nd defcribe trie vertical circle zoN, cutting the horizo;. in 1:. CoMi'UTATio;;. In the fpheric triani'Jc V B o, righl-anglod at K. { jivcn the time after 6, Yo 4-5" co'i As \. T o : rad, : -A. vo : f. ,-:. f. To. tlie altitude uo rj 56 \0: f. tunc ..6 : ra.l. :: f. all. ; cu-f. 1- Kcq-iir-J the co-Ia;;tudc e -r o. ! Which '^ ^^.^ \V, R': T7C, PKO^ m 244 ASTRONOMY. Book V. J75. PROBLEM XXXII. Pl.V. Given the Sun's altitude, declination and azimuth ; Required the latitude of the place. ** Exam. Be! fig at fea in a place where theeompafi had no 'Variation, in the afternoon when the Sun was 42 30^ high, his bearing was S, 57 45'' /F. and his declination 22^ 30'' N. : TVhat is the latitude of that place ? Construction. Draw the meridian, the horizon hr, the prime ver- tical zN, ajid the parallel x/at 42* 30^ above the horizon (IV. 68) : The tangent of 57^*45'' (ct from a towards R gives the center of the azimuth circle zon, cutting the parallel of altitude st'mo: About o as a pole (IV. 66), at the diftance of 67"^ 30', equal to the co-declination, defcribc a fmall circle, cutting the meridian in p, the place of the pole j then the meafure of rp gives the latitude fought. Computation. In the oblique-angled fpheric triangle zop. Given the zenith dift. zo= 47 30'' 7 the polar dift. pori 67 30 [-Required the co-latitude pz, the azimuth Z-Pzom 22 15 3 As rad. rr r 10,00000 { As fin. alt. r= 42 30' 0,17032 To co-f. azim. n izz" 15' 9.72723 tSo co-t. alt. n: 42 30 10,03795 To fin. decl. r: 22 30 9,58284 So co-f. 4th. =30 13 9.93658 To tan. 4th. =: 30 13 9,76518 To co-f. 5th. = 60 42 9,68974 Then the difference between the 5th and 4th arcs, that is 30 13^ taken from 60^ 42^, the remainder 30 29'' i the co-lat. Therefore 59 31^ N. 3S the latitude fought. ?76. PROBLEM XXXIII. PI. V. Given the Sun's declination, his altitude and the hour of the day ; Required the latitude of the place. Exam. Being at fea ^ the Sun's altitude was ohferved to be 37 20^ at 9 h. 4-5 m. in the iuorning^ his declination at that time being 22 30' iV. ; What is the latitude of the place of obfervation ? Construction. In the meridian pesq^, draw the equator eq^, axis rs, and parallel of declin. n w, 22** 30' dift. from the equator (3d 135)* Set off" from the center a towards q_the tang, of 33 45''=2 h. 15 m., the diftance between the time of obfervation and noon, which gives the cen- ter of the hour circle Pos, cutting the parallel nm'\no\ about the point o as a pole, defcribe (IV. 66) at the dift. of 52^40^, the zen. dift., a fmall circle, cutting the meridian in z the zenith ; through z o defcribe an azi- muth circle zon ; then the meafure of z will give the lat. fought. Computation. In the oblique-angled triangle zop. Given the zenith diftance zo zz.'^i'^ \o' "^ the polar diftance po r:67 30 > Required the co-Iat. zp, the hour from noon/. zporr 33 45 J As rad. : co-f. hour A. M, : : co-t. decl. : tan. 4th arc =63 31^ As fin. decl. : fin. alt. : : co-f. 4ih arc : co-f. 5th arc 45 02. Their difference is the co-latitude tS'' 29^ Therefore the lat. is 71*^ 31'N. 377. PRO- Book V. ASTRONOMY. 245 177, PROBLEM XXXIV. PI.V. Given the altitude of one of two known fixed ftars, when they have the fame azimuth ; Required the latitude of the place. Exam. Being at fea in an unknown latitude, I ohjerved thejlar Schedar in CaJJiopeia, and Almaach in Andromeda^ to have the fume azimuth, vuhen ibe altitude of Schedar was 37 I $' : What is the latitude of that place P Construction. Let the primitive circle reprefent the equator, the pole of which is p, and any point T the place where the right afccnfion begins, from whence lay ofF 7-(2=:27 37' for Almaach's right afcenfion, and Yizzy" 1' for Schedar's ; draw the circles of right afcenfion p^, vb : Defcribe (3d 137) Almaach's and Schedar's parallels of declination, cut- ting Pa, ph, in A, B J A being Almaach, and b Schedar. A great circle pafling through A and b (IV. 61) will be the azimuth they are on. About B at the diftance of 52^ 45^, Schedar's zenith diftance, defcribe (IV. 66) a fmall circle, cutting the faid azimuth circle in z, the zenith of the place ; draw Pz, which meafured on the half tangents gives the co-lati- tude of the place of obfervation. Computation. ift. In the oblique-angled fpheric triangle abp. Given Almaach's co-dec. PAr:4844^ I Required the angle of pofi- Schcdar's co-dec. pb = 34 40 | tion abp. their difF. of r. afc.Z.APB 2033 jFor the folution,feeIV. 165. As rad. To CO-f. Z. APB So is tan. ap To tan. 4th arc The fide BP 90^ 20 46 34 00 35 44 5 40 lO.OCOOO 9.97135 10,05676 10,0281 1 12 I I As fin. 5 th qrc ' o fin. 4th arc So is tan. Z.apb To tan. jL b 120 46 20 1 1 35 0,67563 9,86306 9,57466 52 23 10,1133^ The 5th arc 2d, In the oblique fpheric triangle pbz. Given Schedar's co-dec. pb =: 34 40^! Required the co-lat. pz. Schedar's co-alt. bz =r 52 45 j For the folution, fee IV. 16^. angle of pofition pbz = 52 23 j Here /_ PB2 = fUp. z. pba. As rad. r= R 10,00000 To co-f. z. pofit. n 92'23' 9,785'' o So co-t. Sch. decl.rr 55 20 9,83984 To tan. 4th arc r= 22 53 9,62544 Which taken from 52 4.5 bz Leaves 5th arc 29 52 As co-f. 4th arc rr 22** 53' o,03i;6o To co-f. 5th arc =: 29 52 9,93811 So fin. Sch. dec. =: 55 20 9.91512 To fin. lalit. =: 50 44 c,,8d8S| R3 J78. PRO 54^ ASTRONOMY. Book V, ,-8. PROBLEM XXXV. PI. V. Given the difFcrencc of time between the rifing of two known ftars j Required the latitude of the place. Exam. Being at fea in an unknown place^ the Jiar Aldeharan ivas ob^ ferved to rife 3/;. 15 ;/2. later than the bright Jlar in Aries : Required the latitude of that place. Bright ftar in T decl. 22" 25^ N. ; right afccn. i h. 54111. 49 s. Alde^ baraa's dec], i6 03' N, ; right afccnfion 4h. 23 m. 19 s. Construction. Let the primitive circle reprefent the equator, defcribe (3d 137) the parallels of declination of the two ftars, that of Aries being 22 25'' N, and of Aldebaran 16 03^ N. : Draw va for the circle of right afcenfion pafling through the ftar in T, which fuppofe in a : From a lay off" ab^ " 37 yi' diff. of right afccnfions ; and aczz\% \ ^^S^t afcen. 9 h. 56 m. 39f. CON'STRUCTIOK. If this problem is conftructcd on the plane of the equator, it will be in every refpecl like the laft ; only the fmall circles, defcribed about a and E, arc to be unequally diflant from their rcfpedive poles a, b. C o M P U T A T I o N. Here, as iu the lafl, there will be three fpheric triangles to work in j namely, the triangles apb, zar, and zpb. \\\ the triangle apb, where a P =197'^ 43'', BPr:76'^ 58^, z.APBrr cf 58'. As rad. : cof. z.apb : : tan. r,p : tan. Mrr76 46'!. Then ap m=im = 20 57^1. As fm. N : fm. m : : tan. Z-APb : tan. Z.bap = 25'' 3l^. And as cof. m : cof. n : : cof. bp : ccf. ba = 22 59. In the triangle baz, where Azrz49^ 16^, r.z 45' co', The angle uaz will be found equal to 68" 56^ 'i'hcn ZLHAZ Z.BAP=:Z.PAZ=43'' 22^. In the triangle apz, where Ap=:g7'43 , az = 49'' 16',/. As rad. : cof. z.i'Az : ; tan, az : tan. 1^1=40 \z' . 'i N-57' 3.V. . j\\v\ as co(. M : cof. n : : cof. a/. : cof. p/, O2 Hwiicc t'.i'J kuilud'v fought is 27'' lO' N. il4 39 h.v. iz^ 59 A7,=r43'22. Cll AP MZ: 181. P R O. 24? A S T R ON O M Y. Book V. i8i. PROBLEM XXXVIII. PI. V. Given the Sun's declination, two altitudes, and the time between the obfervations ; Required the latitude of the place. Exam. On a day when the Sun's declination was 20 oo' N., in th* forenoon the Sun's altitude was obfcrved to he 18" 30', and 3 hours afier^ his altitude was 44 00^ ; JVhat was the latitude of the place ? Construction. Let the primitive circle reprefent that hour circle on which the Sun was at the firft obfervation, eq^ being the equator, then AOy the parallel of 20 of declination, gives a the Sun's place at firft; and as cq^is the tangent of 45, Q^will be the center of the hour circle pbs three hours diftant from the former, its interfedtion b with the parallel of declination, is the Sun's place at the fecond obfervation : About a as a pole, at the diftance of 71 30', the firft zenith diftance, defcribe (IV. 66) a fmall circle ; about b, as a pole, at the diftance of 46 00', the fecond zenith diftance, defcribe (IV. 66) another fmall circle, cutting the former in z the zenith : Through z, a ; z, b ; a, b ; p, z ; defcribe (IV. 61} great circles j then pz is the co-latitude required. Computation. Here are three triangles to work in j namely, abp, abz, epz. In the ifofceles fpheric triangle apb Given AP = 70**oo^ BP=:70 00 z.APE=45 00 Req.Z-ABPand ab. Suppcfe the perpendicular vh is drawn. Rad. : tan, hvb : : cof. pb : co-t. z,pba=:8i'' 56'', Rad. : fin. PB : : fin. Z.bp3 : fin. b^=:21 041^ Then hb double gives abzz4209''. In the oblique angled fpheric triangle abz. Given az = 7i30 bz=:46 oo AB 42 09 Required /.abz. Then working with the three fides, the angle abz will be found n 1 14 1 1\ And Z.ABZ Z.PBAnPBz=:32 15^ In the oblique angled fpheric triangle pbz. Given PBr=70"00 87,^:46 00 Z. PBZ ==32 15 Rcq. theco-l.:t. Pz. As rad. : cof. ^i. pbz : : tan. Bz : tan. Mr:4i*' 13', And PB m=:n=:28 47'. As cof. M : cof. N : : cof. bz : cof. pz=:30 59''. Therefore the latitude is 54 01^ N. 182. If the Sun's altitude can be taken both before and afternoon, when he has equal heights, then the time between thefe two obfervations being bifecfled, will give the time when the Sun was on the meridian: Now the co-declination, the co-altitude, ajid the time from noon at cith.r obfervation being known, the latitude may be readily computed in one oblique angled triangle, in which arc known two fides, and an angle oppofite to one of them to find the other fide, which is the co-latitude ^ for which fee the problem, art. 176. I 183. PRO- Book V. ASTRONOMY* 249 183. problem' XXXIX. Pl.V. Given the Sun's declination, two altitudes, and the difference of the magnetic azimuths ; Required the latitude of the place. Exam. On the i\Ji of May ^ the Sun's declination being 20 16'' N.^ in the morning when the Sun was on the ESE, point of the compafs, his altitude tvas j^.2'^ 30''; and when he bore S, 20 30' . his altitude was 58 30'; ll^hat is the latitude of the place of obfervation f Construction. Let the primitive circle reprefent the azimuth circle which the Sun was on at the greater altitude, 58 30^ a being the Sun's place at that time, HR the horizon, and z the zenith ; draw aa a parallel of 43 30^ of altitude, and (IV. 75) defcribe a vertical circle, making an angle with az, of 47 00', the difference of the obferved azimuths ; the place where this cuts the parallel of altitude aa^ gives b the Sun's place at the firft obferva- tion : Then fmall circks being defcribed about a and b, as poles at the diflances of 69" 44^, the co-declinatlon (IV. 66), their interfeiftion will give p the place of the pole : Through a, b ; p, a ; p, b ; and z, P, de- fcribe great circles (IV. 61} j then pz is the co-latitude fought. Computation. I ift. In the fpheric triangle azb : Given az r= a's co-alt. = 31 30' Bz = b's co-alt. =: 46 30 azb r: diff. of az, z=. 47 00 Required Z. abz AB ^d. In the ifofceles fpheric A apb : Given ap =: a's co-decl. rr 69 44 BP = b's co-decl. = 69 44 AB = distance r: 32 17 Required z. abp = 83 52 3d. In the fpheric triangle z^P : Given bz r: b's co-alt. =46 30 PB = b's co-decl. r= 69 44 /.ZBP = 38 II Requir. zp = co-lat. =: 39 21 Therefore the latitude of the place is 50 39' N. 184. PRO- d^Q ASTRONOMY. Book V. 184. P R O B L E M XL. PI. V. Two known ftars being obferved on the fame azimuth, and two other known ftars being obferved on another azimuth, and the time between the obfervation being known j to find the latitude of the place. Exam. The -Jlars Aldebaran in Taurus , and Rigel in Orion^ were ob- ferved on the fame azimuth ; and 2 h. 35 min. after^ theflars Cafior in Ge- jnini and the Hydra's heart were alfo obferved on another azimuth : IfJjat was the latitude of the place of obfervation ? Construction'. On the plane of the equator put the ftars Aldebaran and Rigel at a, b, alfo the ftars Caftor and Hydra at r, i>:zj Pn'^ a. Twf> 2^. 2 Jh?^3C3i.^ 7iv^J2C>,f- 2 \ /h'/-:if /^'/ .-?.< Pnjhs6 I^^hj-j. / /h'/-.i^ r /h-/',;o " /'^c. '//. i/^^Ufr'.. 4, A/-'' ^ii*. 2;f<'- nr\ Book V. ASTRONOMY, 251 There might be given a great variety of other problems to find the la- titude from various circumftances ; but the trouble of folving them, as well as fome of the foregoing ones, is too great to render them of general ufe ; And indeed fome of them were only inferted as trigonometrical exercifes for young fludents ; it being generally allowed that the fciences are moft readily learned by working many examples : And on this account it was judged, that the few following queftions might not only be entertaining to thofe who have a love for thefe matters j but on fome occallons might be ufefully applied at fea. 185. P R O B L E xM XLI. Given the Sun's meridian, or mid- day altitude rr62 oo'. Jnd its mid-night deprejjlon, below the horizon, =22 00, Required the latitude of the place, and the Suns declination. Solution. Let the circle hzr be the meri- dian ; arc h;, the meridian alt. j its fine Y?n j arc Rn, the mid-night deprcf- fion ; its fine nf; 7nn, the parallel of declination ; Qjl, parallel to ni n the equator ; PS, at right angles to Q^^, the axis, or 6 o'clock circle. NoWHQj-(v = Hm-)p^^ and cvn-qn. And HQj Q/=:R i -s^ 2 ' -^ I Then ho =1 co-latitude =42 00'. ^^ 2 HW R .... , And q;;z =:dcchnationr:20o CO , In the following problems, as it was the method of computation which was chiefly intended for the information of beginners, the conftru61:ion is fuppoft'd to be done : And the lines and letters, as here dcfcribed, are to be undcrllood to rcprcfcnt the fame things in eacli figure. j86. PRO^ ^5* ASTRONOMY. Book V. i86. PROBLEM XLII. Same time in the mtntb of May ^ 1780, at place in the wejiern ocean y the Sun's meridian altitude was obferved to be 62 00'; and i^ 48"' 14' after^ the altitude was found to be 54 30' ; Required the latitude of that place^ and the Sun's declination. Let m and a be the Sun's places at the given times. UJF, AD, the fines of the obferved alti- tudes. mB the difference of thofe right fines. Z.QP^, the given interval of time, and Q^, the verfed fine of that interval. NowQfJ : Q.y : mA'. mn (II. 182). And mA : mn: :mii: mk. (II. 167) Therefore q^ : Qjj : : ms : mK:=:m + nf. _Q.^xmB 2 X radius x diff. of fines of alts. And zK TTr TT r qji verfed Ime of hour rrom noon But verfed fine of an arcr=twice fquare of the fine of half that arc. (IV. 193) ^. ^ 2XRxdiff. fines of alts. diff. of fines of alt. Therefore fMK =. ^ - = :: . Radius 2SS, I hour a noon * ss, f hour a noon being i. Or L, diff. fines of alts. 2L5, f hour a noon = L, fum fines, mT + nf. Herei*>48'" i^'^rz;" 3' 30", (131) | Alt. 62" 00' nat.fine=:o,88295(iv.256) I Alt. 54 30 nat. fine =0,8 141 2 And I hour a noon=:i3''3i'45"' I Diff- of fines of alts. =1:0,06883 Now diff. fines alts. =0,06883 ; its log. 8,83778 f I hour a noon =13 31' 45"; twice its log. fine 8,73822 J =11,2574. the number to log. 10,09946 || =0,8829 the nat. fine of 62 00' the meridian altitude. MK mv nf =0,3745 the nat. fine 21 59^ 36^^ the mid-night depr. Sum 83 ;9 36, its |4i59*48^^rrco-lat. Diff. 40 00 24 its I 20 00 12 =:dec. Latitude 48 o'' 12^^ N. obfervations made on the XQth of May. * The mark a is ufed for the word /rom t Here 8, is the index; becaufe 6, the left-hand digit of 0,0688 ij is in the place of 2ds. t The log. fin. of 13 3 i' is 9,36871; and of 13 32' is 9,36924 ; their diff. is 53 ; then 60": 53 :: 45": 40; and 9,368714-40=9,36911 ; its double is 8,73822, rejedling 10 in the doubled index. In fubtrafting 8,73822 from 8,83765 ; the index of the minaend is to be incrcafed by 10 for a radius ; or augment o, the index of the remainder, by 10. () The log. 10,09946, having 10 for its index, fliews that the left-hand place of its correfponding number Hands in the place of units. ^0 find the degrees J minutes, and feconds to a gi-ven natural right fine. Now ^=0,3745 its log. is ,57345 ; which fought among the log. fines, falls between thofe of 21 59' and 22 00'; the difference of their logs, is 31; and the difference between the given log. and that of 21 59' is 19 ; then 31:19;: 60" : 36" i fo that w/"anfwers 10 2\ 59' 36". (iv. 257.) 187. PR Or Book V. 187. ASTRONOMY. PROBLEM XLHI. 25a Being at fea^Jome time in July^ in North lat. the Sun was olferved to rife at 4 h, 24 tn. 36 s. A. M. ; and in the fame place, his altitude at noon was 62 00' : Required the latitude of that place, and day of the month. Let OT, V, , be places of the Sun, at noon, at rifing, and at midnight. mY, nfy fines of mer. alt. and midnight depr. ov the fine of the afcenfional diiFerence. vq the verfed fine of the time of fetting from midnight. qvriradius + fme of the afcenfional dif- ference. Now <^ '. vq : : {mv ivn'. :) mY xnf. Then nf:=: ; or Lx, nfzzL , qp + L;, mF + LV, Z.VP R. Or, l\ Qv+LSy merid. alt. + 2L/, | time midnight + L, 2=1;, mid- night depreflion. Hereo^.=(i,I h.35m. 24f.=:;', 235i'=)o,40435 ; and 0^=1,4043, Time from midnight =4 h. 24 m. 36 $.=66 09' j its half =33 4i'- ^=1,4043 mFZZij 62 its L^ its Lt, 2L/, its h its Lf, 9,85254 9>94593 9'47397 0,30103 ^/=2i59'4o" 9>S7347 Merid. alt. Midnt. depr. =62 = 21 0' 0" 59 40 Sum =83 59 40; its|=:4i 59*" 50" DifF. =40 20 ; its 1=20 10 Latitude =48" o' 10" N. Declination =20" o' io" N, on July 23d, {185.) i85. PRO- '^; 188. ASTRONOMY. PROBLEM XLIV. Book V. Jt a place in the northern hemifphere^ fofne time in the month of May ^ the Sun was obferved to have 14 43^' altitude at 6 h. P. M. and to fet at 7 h. 35 m. 24 s. : Required the latitude of that place, and day of the fnonth. Let w, N, V, n, be places of the Sun, at noon, 6 o'clock, fctting, and midnight. See the fig. to Problem 43. ;F, N/, fines of the altitudes at m and n. ov, vq, and c^, the fame as in the laft problem. Now oz; '.vq : '. {^v : v : :) n/ : nf. Then Ljw/" rrL^ov+L, nZ + Lj^^. Alfo oT/ : Qp : : (nv : v/w : :) N/ : WF. And l,/f=:l^ ot' + L, n/ + l, qy. Here o^!=J, 23 5i''=o,40434 ; and (^ = 1,4043. qvzzv^bif 00)'2s5, 33 41'. ThenoT/r:/, 23 51' Its l^j, 0,39325 N/=/, 14" 43I' Lj, 9,40514 . ^^^.33 ^i' 2U, 9,47397 0,30103 f^^lz w/'j, 2 2' O' 9*57339 And o&rr;, 23<'5i' its lV, 0,39325 N/ =/, 14 43I; its Ls, 9,40514 Ci_ : Required the latitude of the place, and day of the month. Let ;,v, c, V, n, be the Sun's places, at noon, at 3h. 51m. 49 f. at fetting, and at mid- night. mf IF, the fines of the altitudes at 7;;, c ; 77/* the fine of the midnight dcprefTion. or, ov, the fines of the times from 6 h, and cv, their fum. Now Book V. ASTRONOMY. ^SS Now cv.Qv: :(cv ; vm : :) if : mF. Or Ls,mF=L\cv-i-ts,iT-\-L^qv. And cv: qv : :{cv : vn : :) IF : nf. Or ts,nf=L\cv-{-LSjiF + LVyqpv Here o. =s,2h. 8m. ns. =.,32 2' 45'^= 0,53059 7 ^^_ _ ..^^^ OT/rrj, ih.35m. 24S.=^,23 51 00=0,40434]" ^''-- ^'vJ49J > (^ = 1,4043; ^^;=:^.,66V = 2JJ,33V3o"i orL,j^=2LJ,334l^ + L2. ThcDL^ fz/^io, 93493 L/, iFrz36" co' L,q^ =1,4043 tjOTFrrS^" od' 0,02922. 9,76922 10,14746 9,94590 And lVi' o>93493 Lj,iF=:36 oq' L/,/^2 2 00' 0,02922 9,76922 9'47397 0,30103 957344 _, 62'+ 22 Then = 42 the co-latitude. 2 ^ 62 22 And = 20 the declination, anfwering to July 23, (185.) J 90. PROBLEM XLVI. So?ne time in the ?nonth of May^ at a place in the wejiern ocean^ the day broke at \ h. 45 m. 36 s. A. M. ; and at 8 h. 8 in. \\ s. A. M. the Sun's altitude zvas obferved to he 36 : Required the latitude and day of the month. Let ;/;, c, r, , be the Sun's places, at noon, at 8 h. 8 m. ii s., at the beginning of twilight, and at midnight. /F, IF, the fmes of the altitudes at mc. FT, FK, the fines of the depreffions at r, n. oc, Of, the fines of the times from 6 h,, and c s their fum. Now cs : (^ : : (cr : mr : :) it : ?nT. And mT Fxrr^F. Alfo cs : qc : : (cr : c : :) it : IK. And ik iY-=znf Here IK =.,36^^ ^0=0,58778 7 .^^g^g^ FT = i,l8 00=0,309025 ^ ocs, 2h. 8m. I IS. = 5, 32'' 2' 45"=o,53oS9 ; and ^i:= 1,5306 o; J, 4h.i4m. 24?. =5,63 36 00 =0,89571; and 01=1,8957 Then cs 9,84579 IT 9,95269 q^ 10,27777 mr 10,07623 f^'zz 1,1919 9,84579 !T FTr:wF=o,8829 IK IF :z:/"=:o,37453 Hence the lat. 48 N. cs IT 9,95269 qc 10,18486 IK 9,9^3^4 IK ZZ::, 96237 the the /, 62" /, 22 00 00 Decl, 22 00' N., aufwerlcg to M-ay 19th, TIT. PRO. 4^6 ASTRONOMY. Book V. 191. PROBLEM XLVII. In the month of May, at fame place in the wejiern Bcean, the Sun*s altitudt atb*" J. M. was 14 43^'' ; and at Sh. Sm. lis. its altitude was 360 . Re- quired the latitude of the place and day of the month. Let w, c, N, , be the Sun's places at Roon, Q at 8 h. 8m. 1 1 s., at 6 h., and at midnight. mYy IF, LF, the fines of the alts. atz, c, N. ff/"the fine of the midnight depreffion. oc the fine of 2 h. 8 m. J is. \ j^ Now f : oQj. : (nc : vim::) il : mh. Then mL + LVzzmT. And oc:cij : : (nx : c : :) il : ik. Then ik~if=/; Hence Lj?L=:L\of + rad.-t-L,iL. And L,iK=:L\of-f-Lf^ + LjiL. Here Of =/, 2 h. 8 m. IIS. =^30 2'45"=o,53059 ; and f^=ri,53o6. if=:j,36'^o'=:o,58778; andLF=/, i4''43i'=:o,254i8 ; foiL=o,3336 0^=32 2' 45" its L/, 0,27524 Of =32" 2' 45" its h^s, 0,27524 iL=:o,3336 itJ i. 9.S2323 11=0.3336 its l. 9,53323 Rad. 10,00000 ff =1,5306 its L. 10,18486 OTi =0,62874 9,79847 iK=o,96234 Then WF =0,88292 the fine of 62 00^ the meridian altitude. And w/"=o,37456 the fine of 22 00 the midnight deprefTion, Hence the latitude is 48 N, decl. 20 N. on May 19th. 9'98333 (185). 192. PROBLEM XLVIIL j^t a place in the wejiern ocean, in the month of July, the Sun's altitude VJ as found to he 46 at 2^- 49"' 9' P. Al. ; and to be 36 high at '^ 51"" 49" F. M. : Required the latitude of the place and day of the month. Let ?n, B, c, ?7, be the Sun's places at noon, at 2 h. 49 m. 9 s., at 3 h, 51 m. 49 s., and at midnight j and niY, HF, If, the fines of the alts, at /t?, j;, c. o/', Of, the co-fines of the time from noon j or the fines of tlie time to 6 o'clock. Now ^f : Qf : : (bc ; ;c : ; ) hi : mi. Then wi + if=/72F. And bc : bq : : {nc : -zn : :) in : hk. Then hk hf = fk=/. Hereo^=.f, 3 h. lom. 51 8.=i,47 42'45"=o,73q7S 7 ,. ,_ Of rr/, 211. 8m. iis.rzj,32 2 45 =o,53oc9 j ' ^ ^ HF=J46rro,7i934.; ii-m, 36*^=0,58778; h 1=0, 131 56; ^^=1,739?. Alfo qr=z[\^r. fine of 57" 57' 15"=} 2;/;5:5757' I5":=2/j, 28 58' 37". Then Book V. ASTRONOMY. Then bcr=. 0,20919 Hi= 0,131^6 _ f,28''58'37' qc: aii=, 29520 0,67947 9,1 1912 9,37050 0,30103 9,47012 And ^f=:o,209T9 Hi=:6,i3i56 ^^=1,7398 HKm, 0942 257 0,67947 9,119/2 10,24050 10^03909 Then otf=o, 88298 the fine of 62 the mer. alt. 7 Hence Iat.=:48 N. decl. And w/r:o,37486 the fine of 22 the mid. depr. J 20 on July 23. 193- PROBLEM XLIX. Being at fea in the ive/lern ocean^ the Sun was obferved to have 27 24' of altitude when due IV. ; and to have 14*431' ^^^- ^ ^ ^^' ^' ^^' ' ^(({wed the latitude of that place ^ and the Sun's declination. Let C) N, be the Sun's places at W., and at 6 h. 77) oc, N/, the fines of their altitudes. Q Cf= ON, the arcs of declination. Z. cof = z. NO/=latitude. s cc In Aocc. As s,oc:R::SiCc:s,jLcoc::^- XR. j,oc In Ao/N. As i-,oN:R::x,N/:j,z.No/= XRi i hen = =1 And ss,ccz=s.ocxs,iit, i,OC \J,ON / S)CC ' ' ' L^, alt. W. + Ls, alt. at 6 Or i, alt. W. X Sy alt. at 6=:jj,decl. Or- =:L5,decl, oc-:/,27 24 Its L,t ^/= 14 43i its L,j Si cctz 2C 00' o.-rr 27 24 its l' And LV,alt.W. -f L5,decl.=:Lx,lat. 9,66295 9.40514 19,06809 9,53404 0,33705 Z.qi>7-= 4 194. :i= 48 00 9,87109 PROBLEM L. At a place in the wejlern ocean^ the Sun at rifing was chferved to he 59* 15^ 40''' from the true north point of the horizon ; and at 6 h. A. M.^ the altitude was obferved 14 43^^.' Required the latitude and declination. Let V, and N, be the places of the Sun at rifing and at 6 h. A. M. N/, the fine of the alt. at 6. OKjVz; are arcs of declination, ox-, the afcenfional difF. Z.No/=lat. i Z. Yoyz^co-lautudc. ov, =:co-amplitudc. N ow 2S8 ASTRONOMY. Book V. J,OVXi,VOV How in A OVt/. As R : s^v : : s,vov : s^vv in A NO/. As j,Nor : R : : j,Nr : j,on= R R X J,N/ ^. J,OV X JVOW J,Nt X R , J,N/ Then = i and /jVoux/jNO/r: Xrr. R JjNO/ SyOV That IS, =j,No/ X s f^oti hence =:(2j,no/ X ; ,no/=);,2ko/. (IV, 189) Therefore lV, ampl. + Lj, alt. at 6+ l,2 = lx, double the latitude. If the latitude is lei's than 45" j othcrwife it is double the co-latitude. lV, ampl. 59 15' 40" 0,29147 Rad. r 10,00000 I/, alt. 6 14 43 30 9,40514 /.ampl. 59 15' 40" 9,708^3 I, 2 0,30103 /, lat. 47 59 9>^256s 1/, 84* 02' Co-lat. is 42 01 195. 9,99764 tf decl. 20 00 9.53418 PROBLEM LI. Being at fed in the ivejlern ocean^ feme time in the night, the dijkince of iwojiars when both were on the meridian, was ohferved to be 20*; and l*^ 49"^ after, the difference of their altitudes was 14 35|-^ and the difference of their azimuths 30 C)\': Requir-'d the latitude of the place. As the flars were on the meridian when firft -.0^ obferved ; their diftance, difference of declina- tion, and difference of altitudes, at that time, are equal : If they are firft at d, b, and in the diffeience of time revolve to d, b; then is known Z.P, Z.DZB, db, and ZB ZD. Let ZB ZDz:;Nj and find ZB + zDr^M. Now (IV. 239) J,ZB X^,ZD xADZB4-i\zD X;ZB /,DB. Or (IV, 181, 174) i/jN f/,MxADZB + |AN-f |5\m=:/>db. Or /,DZB X {j\n /,DZB X {'/m 4- { j'n + 5/ Vi =/,DB. Or s\dzb-\- I X i/,N4- 1 J,DZi; x i/,Mrr/,DB, Th ' _ / 2/,DB I -f i'pZB Xi\N__ '\ 2/,UB T;\dZ3 X j\n ' ~\ I S^ DZB ~' -i/jDZB " ^ /2/,DB Bt Then A o B :f ,RP. J ZB S ,ZA Here A~o,i4i64 ; b=:o,28770; f\zB ft 0,71933 j j\za 2= 0,58779. Then^^^^~'-,Q005irf,42. Hence lat^ is 48 N. decl. 20^ N 0,14606 7 J '-r 197. PROBLEM Llir. Given two altitudes of the Sun and the time from noon when th'ofe oltitucUi I'sej-e taken ; thence to find the latitude and declination. Exam. At 8 /;. 8 ot. i i s. A. M.<, the alt. zvas 36 ; and at 9 h. 10 w. 51 J. the alt. was 46" ; at a place in th< zve^/lcrn ocean ^ fame tim in May, 1763. Let B, A, be the Sun's placci obferved ; w, , thofe of noon and midnight; Ff, Fi'/, F7W, FK, reprcfcnt the fines of thcdiftances of thofc pbces from the horizon HR, to the dian;eter *^q\ and d: Yd Fe. On mn dcfcrihe the femicirclc Pibn, rcprefenting half the parallel of declination, and let a^, b^, be at right angles to mn : Then will the angles mEb, m'E.a, reprefent the times from noon, at the obferva- tions B, a ; and mQ, mA, arc as the verfcd fines of thofe times. And m^ mA'^^AB. Then AB : d( : : ms : me 'y and mt + TezzFrnj the fmc of am. i 2 Alio a6o ASTRONOMY. Book V. Alfo AB '.de'.'. mn : otk i and Km rwrrpK, the fine of R. Hence the latitude and declination are found. (^^5^ -, , , , , mb-\-ma nib ma , Here ab = ( J ,OTa s'ytnbzzsy x 2^, ;; = )j,M X 2f,N. ji J J / t , ^ 2d+ift 2d ift , And ^^=(j,2d alt. /,ift alt.=j\ X 2;, =j\w x 2/,v (IV. i8i) X2/,V. (IV. 182) r\ow L,- X ;wrrL,wK=:u\M + lj ,n + lj,w + l,^v,l,2. AB And L, xmB L,77UZZLymK.-i-ZtSiljLmzb. In this example, the z.mEbr=2 h. 51 49=57*' 57!'; its 1=28 sS^. iC. ;;;= 2 h. 49 9=42 17!. 42 7i 36 100 Hi 50 ll'-U 82 41 o'rrw. '5 40 7 50 = N 10 5 =v. i,36^ me ttn x.m = 0,58778 = 0,29521 = 0,88299 = = 1,25810 162 0' 19" = 0,37511 = :22 I 51 84 2 10 39 58 28 1 L J,U 50" 71' o,ii49t L /,N 7 50 0,86553 Lj ,W 41 9.8777 LJ.V 5 8,94030 h,Z 1.25785 0,30103 L,Km 10,09962 2Lj,^mi 28" 58f 9,37050 L,me 0,29521 42 o' 55" the co-Iatitudc. 9,470 1? 19 59 14 the decl. on May 20tb. 19S. The following is another folution, on difFerent principles. In the triangles bpz, apz, are given, (fee the foregoing figure.) Bz, Az ; BPZ, APZ, hour angles ; and P3 = pa ; To find PB, rz; for whoie fum and diff. put M and N. Now rlV 2-2Q) J^'PBXX,PZxAbPZ + ApBxApz=AbZ. V iyJ i j,PA XX,PZ x/,APZ + /,P'A x/,PZ=r/,AZ. Or (IV. 181. 174) I f ;^ (i,M xA BPZ4-|i\N'-- y/,M=/,BZ. APZ + IAn' + i^ ,M =/, AZ. Therefore (f AK-i/,M = )^^-'^^--^^-'^^^^^>^r.^^--^''^5^-^-^^^^-^' S ,CPZ S ,APZ And (|x%N4-iy\M = )/,BZ-^|/,N i;,M Xi^B^Z=J\AZ |/,N |i\M X j\aPZ. Hrnce /,Bzxi\APZ ls\s + |/,MA;\AFZ = ;\Ai/, j\BPZ |i\N -fi/,M X/,BPZ. Therefore Book V. ASTRONOMY. 261 Therefore /,bz x/,apz j\ az X ^^dpz n/ yAPz /,bpz x |/_^>M-J/Vm. Again /,az /,bz r=/,APz j\bpzX|/,N {s\m, /,BPZX/,AZ /jAPZX/jBzl 1 herefore Is ,n + 1 J ,m =: v ^ J JjAPZ fBPZ. f >HenceIV. 216- . , . J,AZ J,BZ I And |j,N -Jj,M=:-t ^ l * ' - ' '/,APZ /,BPZ //,AZ + /,BPZ X /, AZ j\bz /,APZ X j\bz \ ' V J,APZ J,BPZ J I +j\bpzx /,Az 1 4 /,APz xAbz /,APZ /'bPZ //jBPZ X/,AZ /,AZ /,APZ X/,BZ+/, BZ__ Y ^'^"V /,APZ /,BPZ '"' 1 /,BPZ X /,APZ- /,AZ I J ,APZ j\bPZ .f\APZ X j\bz ,APZ X j\bZ_ \ -,_._^ ,BPZ ~J 'fBPZ Xi\AZ 2jV,|aPZ x/,BZ /,APZ /,BPZ , /^\bpzXj\az v\. ;r, JM = ^ c- V S yAPZ S fl 25VfBPZ Xi\AZ 2S s\aPZ /,BPZ . , X /T<, BPZX/,AZ 'Z;,ABZX/,RZ \ And^jKrzf ^ ; = 1 ' V jjAPz j,BPz y 2/J,fBPZ X/,AZ 2^J,iAPZ Xx\bZ j\aPZ /jBPZ Here BPzr=57 57i-'. '^^ |r:28 58.^/; apz=42 ijl\ its f = 21'' 8|'. Bi=:54; Az=:44; /,BPzno,53c6o ; /,APz = 0,73978, their difference =0,209 1 8. 21.//, Ls\ l.B I.,A .B 2S 585-' 44- 1,10104 21 8^' 54- 1,02260 0.0784.4 ( 0,30103 , } 9,88384 ^^"' ^^ i^f 9,85693 10,04180 h,a { 0,301c i 9.939^ 103 , . .39+6 9,76922 10,00971 8,89454 Lj\aP7. j\ BI'Z 0,20918 9,320^ I./,M 112* 1^ 9,57402 l/. 2L//, l/. 44- 0,33764 2I 8f 54 L,3 0,15298 L,6i h 0,18466 Lj\ APZ S, BPZ l/,n' 28 o' J 0,30103 I 9>3705 9,^5693 9,52846 C 0,3010} J 9,11438 9,76922 9' '8463 9,26637 0,20918 9,32052 9.945^5 FTence the latitude is 48^ 00^ N. ; declination 19" 59^, which aurwcrs (Q tUe 2.0th of iVIaj'. S 3 J9Q. And jgj ASTRONOMY. Book A^ iQg. And hence is readily derived the invcftigation of that method, publiihed in the year 1759, and then ufed by fome for finding the true latitude at fea, by knowing the latitude by account (or dead reckoning), the Sun's declination, two altitudes of the Sun, and the time between the obfervations. Thus. See the laft figure. Let M and N reprefent- the half fum and half difF. of the times from noon ; W and v, the half fum and half difF. of the two altitudes. AB the diff. of the co-fines of the times from noon, to the radius Em. AD the difF. xjf the fines of the altitudes. /.PAD rcprcfents the latitude ; ^m the co-f. of the declination. Now (i97)^,MX2j,N = AB reduced to the rad. I c^yj and j\wxJi, t:;=ad. But in the triacgle abd. A lat. : R ; : AD : ABrr-r-i-t- x ad, to rad. ei. ' Si lat. And /,decl. : R : : ab : ABX;r^^=^X;r^ X ad = ab reduced to the radius f Q.y. Then .,M X 2^>N^=7;d^ Xtt^ X Aw X 2.,v. And j,M=:-T-] rx-v-j x Xf,wxj,v. jjdeci. s ,Iat. ^, n Then M + Nnz.7E^, the time from noon at the leaft altitude. And M N=:z.iE^, the time from noon at the greateft altitude. Hence the vcrfed fines of the arcs 7nb or 7;/^, are known to rad. f <^^. Now R : Ew : : v^ma : ?.v A ~ ? x v^ma j or wB zz Em X v^mb. And R : s^mhd : : rtiA : md { : : mB : me. ) Then m Fd+dm, or to Fe-i-enij is the fine of the mer. alt. Hence the two operations, ill. lV, decl. + LV, lat. -f lV,n + l/,w + Lj,vrrLi,M. Hence the times are known ; viz. arcs ma^ mb. ad. Ls\ decl. + L/, lat. -}-L,2 + 2Lj,iOTfl~L,W. Then by the merid, alt. and declination the latitude may be found. If this latitude and that affijmed are the fame, then the latitude by ac- count, or dead reckoning, may be taken as the true latitude. But if they diffbr, it is plain that the /Lmhd^ the co-latitude, is lefs or greater than was aflumed. 200. PROBLEM LIV. Given three dtfcendiug (or afcendlng) altitudes of the Sun, taken on the fame day at unequtil known intervals of time \ thence to find thofe times, the- latitude of the place of obfervation, and the Sun^s declination. 'Thus, fuppofe tn July, 1 763, the altitudes were 54 30'!, 46"^, and 36'^ j and the iniervaU ef tl!i:c 60 tn. 55 s. and 62 ;;:. 40 s. 3 required tht rejl^ Ui Fook'V. ASTRONOMY. Let ma ft he the parallel of de- clination defcribed on m n, and a, h^ Cy the places' of the Sun when ob- ferved ; a, 3 b, and c c the fines of the times from noon to the ra- dius Em; /n, w, the places at noon and midriight ; and let/" F, ^ F, ^ F, ?n F, F K, reprefcnt the fines of the diftances of thofe places from the horizon hr. Draw c g parallel to A c ; then if the Z. ^^E, which is equal to the Z. mEc, the time from noon when the greateft altitude was taken, could be found, the times from noon when the other two were taken would be known alfo. Now ch being one interval, and ba the other, & c and b hy IV. 239. i\APZ X;,PZ Xi,PC -|-/,PC X j\j'/.~/,ZA J Then j\ci'z i\bpz X j,pc }<.s,pz=:[s \%c 5\zn = ) .'/. (II. 4S.) And i\cp/. - -/. APZ >r f,PC X j,Pz:=:(i\''.C /,ZA::=) D. Hence nx /,.!'/, j,r:' ' =Vxi\cpz i\Ai'z. (II. 14?) Then PXfjCP.-, - ..'//,CPz:^j:) x/,BPZ ^/X/,APZ. b 4 Or, f^S^ astronomy: Book V. Or, DXAcPz 327 ,01973 ,0180^ C)0 00 47 32'- 74 33f Time of 2d obfefvation Tinie of 3d obferyation 8,25671 lOjOOCOO 9,12224 9-99593 q,i 1817 CO, 64526 8,97672 9,42547 0,04745 1,70480 8,25671 lo.orooo o,q6i5i h m : I 4S 4 2 48 59 3 51 39 D {~fd) .',Z.BPC DX/.BPC d[,-de) /,Z.APC yXi.APC D (=/'^) fiZ-BPC D Xl/,BPC d{zzde') i;,APC - ' \ AC s ^a c gX2SyC b ys,acgxs,cb . ,, ^, X , I'mcxfd fdx2ss,lmT.c \ fd hnd (ac: mc:: fdAmdi^-',-^ ^- , ~H ^^-3 7 ^ ' ^ \ AC s\a cgX2S,cb /s ^acg xsjcb XsslmEc. Hence Ls^^a c g-\-Ls,cb + L,fd rrL,wK. And Li\a c g-Y l'JjC b + L,fd + 2Ls,lmEc = L, W. Here ^==0,2263^; aj'f^o, 18955 ; and vzz^df- zdt:^:) 0,036/8. Alfo i cb=zj 43' 26"; and a(k=:y^ 33 j'. i,r ^66 x,r, 7* 43' 26" l,D =0,03678 t,f,ricZ2i;0'> 09' f* =7+ 33t ASTRONOMr. 0,86764 0,64526 8,56561 10,07851 mic- 24 24^; half is 12" 12tV L J ,, reprefent the poles of the equator V b, and ecliptic T c, the center Y being their interfe(lion. In the equator apply the right afcenfion of the mid-heaven from T to r, and the circle pzb, being defcribed, is that nieri- ridian, the interfeclion of which by a parallel of latitude defcribed about p, gives z, the place of the zenith ; through z defcribe a circle of lon- gitude pzc, and the point c is the nonagefimal degree, and Tc itss longitude. Computation. In the triangle p/ z. Given p p the obliquity of the ecliptic^ pz the co-latitude. /. z p p the right af. of the mid-heaven. Required z /> nV.237,23H, Z. P/> z Determination. and 144. When the right afcenfion of the mid-heaven falls in the firfl quadrant, its quantity in degrees, increafed by 90, gives the angle z p />, and the acute angle p /> z is the complement of the longitude of the nonagefimal degree. When in the fecond quadrant, the faid right afcenfion in degrees taken from 270, leaves the angle x p p ; and the acute angle p /> z, increafed by 90 degrees, is the longitude of the nonagefimal degree. When the faid right afcenfion falls in the third quadrant, its degrees, taken from 270, leaves the angle z p />, and the angle ? p z, increafed by 90 degrees, is the longitude foi-'gUt, _5 Whijjj BookV. ASTRONOMY. a57 When in the fourth quadrant, the Hiid right afcenflon in degrees, lef- fened by 270, leaves the angle z p/> ; and the fupplement of the angle, Pdz, fo long as it continues to Hie obtufe, being added to three right angles, or 270 degrees, gives the longitude of the nonagefimal degree j but after it becomes acute, its complement is the longitude required. Note. In thefe determinations the latitude of the place is fuppofed to be jiorth, and lefs than the diftance of the tropic from the neareft pole. Example. At Greemvich, in latitude 51* 2^\^ N. the obliquity of the icliptic being 23 28': IVhat is the longitude of the nonagefimal degree on the l^thofMay 1780, at i h. 2/\.m. 245. P. M. at ^ h. 4.0 m. is. P, M, at 13 h. 22 m. 26 s. P. M. and at i^h. 38 m. 4 s. P. M. P The feveral right afcenfions of the mid-heaven are thus found : 1780. May i4tli, at The Sun's right afcen. Right afc. mid. hea. in time Right afc. mid hea. in degrees The angle z p /, or 2 p / The two following operations are wrought by IV. 237, and 238. h m 5 1 24 24 3 27 36 h m s 3 40 2 3 27 58 h m 8 13 22 26 3 29 34 h m s 15 38 4 3 29 56 4 52 7 8 oji6 52 c 19 8 73 00' 90 00 107 00' 270 00 253 00' 270 00 287 co' 270 00 163 00 163 00 17 CO 17 00 r z '/ Sum DifF. l-tvp 38 31}' 23 28 61 59-|., halfis 30" 59]' Ar.co. /. 0,28823 15 34., half is 7 31^- J. 9.H729 163 00, halfis 81 30 t" . 9.i74>o Ar. CO. Half diff./.3Z and/ Halffum The angle / The different e The fum Sum 61" 59'/, half iff. 1 5 3-^, half /. z p/ 17 00, half Half diff. A'sxand'/ Half fum The angle at p Long, nonag. in 3d qd. 2 IC 9 4r 1 1 57 90 00 /. 0,5^002 /. 0,06591 s . 9,99624 t\ Q>I74';''^ /. 9,23765 78 lOI 30 7 01 59 59t' 8 30 is the long, nonag. in ifl; quad, is the long, nonag. in 2d quad. Ar. CO. i. o,28r'2 5 Ar. co. /. 0,06691 /. 9,11729 /. 9,99624 /^.io.82:;;o /' io,825!;o 59 82 34 38 142 go 12, 00 232 12 /. 10, :3I02 its fupplement is Long, nonag. in 4th qd. /. 10,88865 37" 48' 270 O") ^07 lS *** The altitude of the nonagefimal being equal to z />, the diflance of the zenith from the pole of the ecliptic, it is found by the fines of op- pofite fides and angles in the fphcric triangle z p p : that is, fin. long, pofla^. ; cg-f, lat. ; ; fm. i, z t p : fm. alt. nonagefimal. S E C 1' I O N s63 ASTRONOMY. Book V. SECTION VII. Of Praciical AJlronomy. 205. Description and Use of Astronomical Instruments. By Practical Astronomy is meant the knowledge of obfcrvinj the celelHal bodies with refpe5l to their pofition, and time of the year j and of deducing from thofe obfervations, certain conclufions ufeful in calcu- lating the time, when any propofed pofition of thofe bodies fhall happen. For this purpofe the Aftronomer, or Obferver, (hould have an obfer- vatory properly furnifhed. An Observatory is a room, or place, conveniently fituated, con- trived, and furnifhed with proper aflronomical inftruments for obferving the motions of the heavenly bodies : it Ihould have an uninterrupted view, from the zenith, down to (or even below) the horizon, at leaft towards its cardinal points ; and for this purpofe that part of the roof which lies ia the direction of the meridian, in particular, fhould have moveable covers, which may be eafily removed and put on again : by which means an in- rtrument may be directed to any point of the heavens between the horizon and zenith, as well to the northward as fouthward. The furniture fhould confifl of fome, if not all, of the following in- ftruments. III. A Pen'dulum Clock for fhewing equal time. - 2d. An Achromatic Refracting Telescope, or a Reflecting Q-ii^^ of two feet at leaft in length, for obferving particular phaeno- mena. 3d. A Micrometer for meafuring fmall angular diftances. 4th. An Astronomical Quadrant for obferving meridian alti- tudes of the celeftial bodies. 5th. A Transit Instrument for obferving objeds as they pafs over the meridian. 6th. An Equatorial Sector to obferve angular diftances of feveral degrees, and the differences of right afcenfion and declination. 7th. An Equal Altitude Instrument for finding when an ob- ject has the fame altitude on both fides of the meridian. ^ It is not intended to give in this work any other than a general ac- count of thefe inftruments, moft of which have met with confiderabie im- provements (if they were not contrived) by the late Mr. George Graham, F. R. S. one of the moft eminent artifts in mechanical contrivances that this, or any other nation has produced : thofe readers who are curious to fee a minute defcription of fuch, and other, inftruments, together with their ufe fully exemplified, may confult the fccond volume of Dr. Smith's complete Treatife of Optics, Stone's Treatife of Mathematical Inftru- ments, the Philofophical Tranfadtions, and the works of many writers who have trpated on iiich fubjccts, 5106. 0/ BookV. ASTRONOMY. ^^69 2,06. Of the Pendulum Clock. A clock which fhews time in hours, minutes, and feconds, fiiould be chofen ; with which the obferver, by hearing the beats of the pendulum, may count them by his ear, while his eye is employed on the motion of the celeftial obje6l he is obferving. Juft before the obje<3: arrives at the pofition defired, the Obferver fnoulJ look on the clock and remark the time ; fuppofe it 9*^ 15"* 25' ; then fay- ino- 25, 26, 27, 28, &c. refponfive to the beats of the pendulum, till he fees through the inftrument the objeft arrived at the poQtion expec^d, which fuppofe to happen when he fays 38 ; he then writes down 9^^ 15"' 38' for the time of obfervation, annexing the year and day of the month. If two perfons are concerned in making the obfervation, one may read the time audibly, while the other obferves through the inflrumei^t, the Ob- fer%''er repeating the laft fecond read, when the defircd pofition happens. 207. Of the 'Telefcope. The Refracting Telescope is an inftrument with which almofl every pcrfon is acquainted, efpecially the marine gentlemen ; it will therefore be fufficient to remark here, that an ajircnornical telefcope has only two convex glafTes ; viz. the eye-glafs, or that which is ufed next to the eye ; and one at the other end, ufually called the objeft-glafs, which has much the longer focal diftance : fuch an inftrument, although it in- verts all objects, is yet as ufeful for viewing thofe in the heavens, as if it fhewed them eredl ; the Obferver knowing that the motions are in an op- pofite direcliion to thofe he fees through this telefcope : But the Achro- matic Refracting Telefcope, which has been lately invented by Mr. Holland, has its object-glafs compounded of three glafles, and combined with two eye- glafles placed near each other. This inftrument, whicli ftiews ohje6h in their true pofition, need not exceed three feet and a half in length. The Reflf.ctikg Telescope, as is generally well knov/n, (hews objedls in their true pofitions ; and as it is much ftiortcr thiin the old rc- fracler, it is therefore in much greater cftcem by feme. A telefcope^ ufed in aftronomical obfcrvations, fhould have a metal frame fixed in the focus of its objc(5t-glaf?, carrying fine filver wires ftrctchcd at right angles to one another; one of them is to be vertical, and the other hori/,onral ; the interfecSHon of thofe v/ires ought to be ex- actly in the middle of the focus of the objcdl-glafs ; a line paiTing through this interfcction and the center of the objeSt-glafs, is called the line ot fight, or line of colUmation. 208 . Of the Micrometer. A MiCROMETE;. is an inftrument ufed to meafure fin:;tl ang;ular di- ftances by being placed in the focus of a telefcope. This is cftccted Sy turning a fcrew, which moves a fine wire in a pofition paralLi to itfclf, ;,:.. 1 .nlfo parallel to a fixed wire ; both being in a plane at right aiij^ic to '.'jo line of collimation : the dlftance of thcfe parallel v/ircs is ir.cafurcd hy :[) number of t'irn<; the fcrew has taken to caufc their re-.c-fs ; 'A.hicb; iiiinibcr of turns i: fl:cvvn on a gradiiatcd circular plate (like that oi a ';!o^;k} by ?v. ayd ASTRONOMY. Book V. 4 index, or hand, which revolves by the turntng of the fcrcw : now the di- vifions on the plate, anfwering to a known angle or arc intercepted be- tween the parallel wires, being known by experiment, any other diifance, to which the wires can recede, may be known by* proportion ; and fo a table of angles anfwering to every divifion on |he circular plate may b formed, by which the oblerved angles will be readily known. Thus in obfcrving the diameter of a planet ; when the wires are re- moved fo far afunder, as to become parallel tangents at the fame time to oppofite points of the planet, the meafure of the recefs of the wires will fhew the diameter of the planet in minutes and feconds. There is another micrometer publifhed by the late very ingenious Mr. Dollond *, an account of which was given to the Royal Society by Mr. James Short, F. R. S. and publifhed in the Philofophlcal TranfaiSlions fof die year 1^53, which is thus. Let a good circular objeft-glafs be neatly cut into two femicircles ; and each femicircle fitted in a metal frame, fo that their diameters Aiding on one another (by the means of a fcrcw) may have their centers fo brought together as to appear like one glafs, and fo form one image ; or by their centers receding may form two images of the fame objedl : it being a pro- perty of fuch glaflbs, for any fegment, to exhibit a perfe;5l image of an obje tlaft but2,&c. i flafl, 1 . following, and the ^ laft but one, S. P. M. preceding, i laft but 2, &c. i make a fet. Then to each fet, or pair of obfervntions, Ifind the middle 'time, which added to the time of the morning obfervation, gives the time fhewn by the clock when the Sun was on the meridian, if the obfervations were tnade within two or three days of the fclftice, when the Sun's declination would not fenfibly alter bctv/een the fore and afternoon obfervations ; but on other days, this time muft be correcSted, by applying an equation to it, fhewing the alteration in time, ariling trcm the alteration in decli- nation between the fore and afternoon obfervations. The time, hy the clock, of tiic foiar or apparent noon being thus ob- tained, the time of the mean noon may be had by applying the proper equation of time. When the time of noon is fought from two or more pairs of obicr- vations, if they give different times, it is beft to take the medium be- tween them, which is found by dividing the fum of all the times by their number. 2j6. problem LV. Given the latitude^ the declinatiofi of the Sun, and interval of thne hetween the Sun's having equal altitudes before and after noon, to find the dijianee from noon of the middle point of time between the obfervations. ift. Find the change made in the Sun's declination during the in- tcrvul between the obfervations ; which will nearly bear the fame pro- portiyn to the change nvide between the noon of the day, oa which T 2 the 37 ASTRONOMY. Book V. the ohfervailons are made, and the noon of the day immediately prc- <;ding or loUowing, as the interval of time between the obfcrvations to 24 hcMirs. adiy. Add the co-tangent of tbe latitude to the co-fine of half the in- terval of time reduced to degrees and minutes of the equator; the fum, rcje5ling the radius, is the tangent of an arc to be taken lefs than a quad- rant, when the interval of time is Icfs than twelve hours, and jrrcater than a quadrant, ftiould the interval of time exceed twelve hours. 3d]y. Add together the arithmetical complements of the fine of thii arc, and of the fine of the Sun's diftance from the pole at noon, the lo- garithmic fine of the difFercnce of thefe arcs, the logarithmic co-tangent of half the interval of time in degrees, and the logarithm of half the change in the Sun's declination during the interval between the obferva-' tions ; the fum, rejecting twiee the radius, is the logarithm of an arc, uKich, divided by 15, gives the dillance of the middle point between the obfervations from noon, in feconds of time. 4thly. When the Sun's drftance from the elevated pole increafes, this middle point of time precedes noon, otherwife it falls beyond. DEMONSTRATrON. Let p be the pole of the equator hd^ z the lenith, a the morning place, c the after- noon place, ABD a parallel of declination, ABC a parallel of altitude. Then the afternoon hour angle, zpc, differs from the morning hour angle, zpa, by the hour angle bpc, the points a and B having the fame declination and diftance from the zenith ; and the arc p 5 bifecting the Z.Bpc, the L.2.V0 will be half the interval of time, which being increafed or diminifhed by half the /.bpc, will give the po- rtion of the meridian to a or c ; alfo vo will be the Sun's diftance from the pole at noon. Now here tne dif^^rence between pu, p^, pc being but fmall, the /.BP!? wi:l be to the difference between vo and pb, or pc, that is, half fz c/v FC, nearly as t, Vo't to s^vo *. A2'ii"i i" the triangle apz, an arc M being taken, that as rad. : s\ivo :: t,r-/. : t.M the arc M to be lefs than a quadrant, when the 2Lzp i-- r.rutr, but greater, Ihould the z.zvo be obtufe ; then (IV. 123) j,rjyojvi : 5,M : : t\vcz : t\7.vsy and confc^uently i,iO C/. -.1 Xi\7.P0=:S,JA Xt\l07.. I'B CO PC Lut Lbt-o: : : : / , poz : s, Po : : .-, m x / , voz : ;, m x j, ?*? j 2 PH C/i PC therefore Lv.vs to the rule above laid down. : : ;,r cr. m X/^zpj : x,m x 5,p^ conformably See Cot^. JEjlimat, Ernr, in Mixt, Math, Thtoren 23. 2r Ex. lii ^, (Book V. ASTRONOMY. 277 I217. Example. f^ I In the latitude 50^ N. on the 27th of 0*5lober, 1780, the Sun was ob- ' i ferved to have equai altitudes at 9 h. 1 1 m. 50 s. A. M. and at 2 h. 22 m. 22 s. P. M. by a clock adjufted nearly to the true raeafure of time, to find what correiion may be wanted to fet this clock to the true hour of the ,,. I day, the Sun's diftance from the pole on the 27th day at noon being ISJ** 7 I (/ 34'', and on the iBth 103 26' 38 ''. Here the interval of time is 5 h. 10 m. 32 s. its half is 2 h. 35 m. 16 s-, (in degrees and minutes of the equator 38 49^, and the difference in dc- ' I clination in one day is 2& 4''''. I* ! Then 24h. : 5 h. 10 m, 32 s. : : 20^ 4'''' : 4^ 20''=: 260''^, the akeratioii ' ' in declination, the half of which is 2'' 10^=130^ i Then 1 Latitude 50 , log. /", 9,9233 1 L k timezr ^b 49' log. A 9,89162 Sf jo'32"log. r. 9.81543 33 ^ 103 06 69 56 G2 38 49 130 3^" L,S, 0,26185 34 L /, 0,01 147 G2 log. /, 9,97280 log. / , 10,09447 log. ?,U394. . corr. = 285:' _ log. 2.45453 or 19 iec. of time. Hence, for fetting the clock to the true hour of the day, add the half interval of time 2 h. 35 m. 16 s. to 9 h. 11 rn. 50 s. ; the fum 11 h. 47 m, 6 s. is the middle time between the obfcrvations, as noted by the clock. And 1 1 h. 47 m. 6 s, 4- 19 s. r: II h. 47 m. 25 s. will be the time pointed out by the clock, when the Sun pailbs the meridian, and fhevvs the clock to be 12 m. 35 s. behind the Sun. Though the clock Ihould not keep time with peffetfl: exaftncf^, yet if*' the de^'iation is but fmall, the correction computed will not differ much from the truth ; and the clock being examined- again within a few days-, will flicw whctiie;" it keeps time truly, or moves too fall or too flow, and Its rate of going may be cciictited accordingly. 218. The method here direl:ed fuppofes the fnip to be flntionary : But the Abbe de la Caille propofes a method of correcting a watch at Tea, even while the fhip is in motion, by taking two equal altitudes of the Sun with a quadrant, one before and tlic other after noo;;. His method is this. With the common altitude ohferved, together with the latitudes at the time of each obfervation, and the Sun's correft declination to thofe t!;r.es, the times from noori are to he computed at both obfervations, which tim.es being applied to the two times of obf::rvation, give the rcfpcctive times of noon : then the mean of the two noons being taken, will give the time fiiewn by the watch wlien it was tlic true m.id- duv. Or, Half the difference of the computed noons being ap-licd to cither of tlicm, will alio give tiic true time of noon. And although the latitudes ufed in the com. The moft commodious perceptible divifion is -rr or of an inch. ^ ^ b 10 ExAi.l. Suppofe an inftrument cf 30 Inches radius : into how many con' venient parts may each degree be divided? how many of thofe parts are to ga to the breadth of the Vernier^ and to what parts of a degree may an obferva . tion be made by that injlrianent f Now 0,01745 X R = 0,5236 inches, the length of each degree. And if ^ be fuppofed about -^ of an inch for one divifion. Then 0,5236 x/)rr4, 1 88, (hews the number of fuch parts in a degree. But as this number muft be an integer, let it be 4, each being 15^. And let the breadth of the Vernier contain 31 of thofe parts, or 71, and be divided into 30 parts. Here n-=. ; 7/zrz 1 then X = of a dejrrce, or 30''', 4' 30 4 30 120 ^ ' -^ Which is the Icafl part of a degree that inftrument can fliew. If 77 rz , and mr then x - = 7- of a minute, or 20'^. 5 3^ 5 36 5 X 3^ 220. The following table, taken as examples in the inftruments commonly made from 3 inches to 8 feet radius, fhews the dM'ifions oi the limb to ncareft tenths of inches, ft) as Lo be an aliquot of 6c's, and wb.at parts of a degree may be eftimatcd by tijc Vernier, it being divided into fucti equal parts, and containing fuch degrees, as tlicir columns Ihcw. T 4 Rad. 1^3q ASTIIONOMY. Book V. Bad. Parts ii; farts in Breadth Parts Rad, Parts \n Part:, in Bicadth Parts 4achei 2 dcg. Veroier. o.'-Vcr. obferved. inches a dug. Vernier. c.fVcr. obferved. 3 I s i^i*^ 4' 0" 30 5 30 20 6 I 20 'l 3 36 6 30 ^i 20 9 2 20 io| 1 30 4 8 3 3^- P '5 12 2 2 + I2i I 15 48 9 40 4i 10 5 3 20 6i I 60 10 36 3/^ 10 i8 3 30 ici 40 72 12 30 2.\- JO 21 4 30 7t 30 84 '5 40 r 6 24 4 36 9I 25 96 15 60 4 4 By altering the number of divifions, cither in the degrees or in the Vernier, or in both, an angle can be obferved to a dift'erent degree ^f accuracy. Thus to a radjus of 30 inches, if a degree be divided into 12 parts, each being five minutes, and the breadth of the Vernier be I I ;* 21 fuch parts, or i|:, and divided into ?0 parts, then X ? = r the breadth of the Vernier of 2j\, and divided intq II 1 .. I I i^ = 15^ 30 parts; then -X =:-- , or 10^'': Or x ^ ^ . 12 30 3^0' 12 50 \vhere the breadth of the Vernier is 4-^. 600 SECTION Vllf, PraSiiccil ^Jlronomy The ELEMENTS of the Earth's Motiok. ^21. By the theory of the Sun, or Earth, is meant the knowledge of all the requiiites, or elements, necelfary for determining its place in the ecliptic at any prcpofed time, 222. Mean Motion', or Mean Angular Velocity, is a motion made uniformly in the circumference of a circle, the center of motion being the center of that circle. Ti)e mean motion of a planet is the degree and parts fhewing its diftancc from the firit point of Aries, reckoned in the order of the figns- ^2^, Anomaly, or True Anomaly, is an angle made by two lines drawn from the center of motion, one to the Aphelion, or Apogee, and the other to the place of the revolving body, or planet : Or, Anomaly is the angular diilance of a planet from its Apheiionj the angular point being the center of .motion, 224. Mean Anomaly is that made by an uniform circular motion about the center, aiid 15 th,c fame as meaA niptioiii beginning at the Aphelion. 225. Ex- Book V, ASTRONOMY. tfi 225. Eccentric Anomaly is an angular diftance from the aphelion, determined in a circle gn the tranfverfe axis by a normal to that axis, gaffing through the planet's place in its elliptical orbit. 226. The Equation of the Center, fometimes called the pro/lbo" fhisrefi^y is the diftance between the mean and true anomalies. 227. The moticn of the equinoxes is the fame as xhe prece^ion of the equi-m noxesy which is backwards, or contrary to the order of the ligns j by which the ftars appear to have advanced forwards from the equinodtial point Aries : this motion is about 50 feconds of a degree in a year. 228. The motion of the apfides is a flow motion of the Earth's orbit around the Sun in the order of the figns ; difcovered by the apogeon change ing its place among the fixed ftars : this motion is found, by comparing diftant obfervations together^ to be about 16 feconds of a degree in % year, in refpecl to the fixed ftars j and about 66 feconds (=:50'^-|- 16^''} with refpecl to the equinoxes. 229. A Tropical or Solar Year is the time elapfed between two fucceflive pafiages of the Sun through the fame Equinoctial or Solftitial points of the ecliptic. 230. A Siderial Year is the time the Sun takes between his depar* ture from any fixed ftar to his next return to that ftar. 231. An Anomalastic Year is the interval c^F time between two. fucceeding pafliiges of the Sun through the fame apfis, 232. By the annexed figure the foregoing ar- ticles may be eafily comprehended. On the line of the apfides ap defcribe a circle A DP, called the excer.tric ; and an ellipfis aep forthe Earth's orbit, having the exceutricitycs. Let s be the place of the Sun, c the center of the orbit, a the aphelion, p the perihelion ; SA the aphelion, or apogeon diftance; SP the perigeon diftance. Let E be a true place of the earth in it? orbit ; D a correfpondiiig place in the excentric, in FE continued, normal to ap. Let the z, acb reprcfent the mean anomaly j the l_ ACD is the eccentric anomaly ; and the Z.ASB is the true anomaly; the diftereuce be- tween /.ACB andz. AS is the equation of the center. When the Earth is in the apfides, then B and ^ fall together in a r/nd p, and here is no equation of the center, the mean and true anomalies being equal ; but the greateft equation of the center muft be, when the Earth is at its mean diffence from the Sun. ^33* Obfervations fhew, that in this age the Earth pafles the apogee on the 30th of June, when its daily motion is 57^ 12" -, and pafles the perigee on the 30th of December, when the daily motion is 61'' 12'^: anj 15 at the mcun diftance about the 28th of March and 301)1 of September, ^hcn its daily motion is 59^ ^'\ 234. PRO^ -t82 ASTRONOMY. Book Y. *34. ^ PROBLEM LVI. To find the Latitude of a Place. Solution. Selcft a ftar, the diftance of which from the pole ftar does not exceed 8 or lo degrees ; and obferv6 with a quadrant the greatcft and leaft meridional altitudes j then If both obfervations are on the fame fide of the 'zenith ; Half the fum of the alts, is the latitude, on the fame fide of the zenith. If the obfervations are on different fides of the zenith ; Half tlie difference of the altitudes is the co-latitude, on the fame fide of the zenith, with the lefTer altitude. For let HZR be the meridian, HR the horizon, z the zenith, rb, ra, two altitudes on the fame fide of the zenith ; h^, kg, two altitudes on con- trary fides of the zenith. Then, the arc ab, or aby being bife 235. Remarks, i. There will be about 12 hours between the two obfervations. 2. This method is fubjeif^ to a fmall error, on account of the lefler al- titude being more affeded by refra6tion, than the greater, 236. PROBLEM LVn. To find the Obliquity of the Ecliptic. Solution. Let the meridian altitude of the Sun's center be obferved on the days of the fummer and winter folflice ; the difference of thofe altitudes will be the diftance of the tropics 3 and half that diftance will ftiew the obliquity of the ecliptic. Or. The meridian altitude at the fummer folftice, leflened by the co- latitude of the place, will give the obliquity of the ecliptic. From good obfervations the obliquity of the ecliptic, about the time of the vernal equinox 1772, was found to be 23 28^. Diftant obfervations compared together, Ihew that the obliquity is de.. crcaniig at the rate of about one minute in 120 years. 237. Remark, Book V. ASTRONOMY. -2B3 237. Remark. By the fecond method the declinations oFthe fixei ftars, or of any other celeftial phenomenon, may be found j obferving that their declination is of the fame name, viz. north or fouth, with the lati- tude of the place, when its complement is lefs than the altitude j other- wife, of a contrary name with the latitude, 238. PROBLEM LVIII. -^ To find the Time of an Equinox, Solution. In a place the latitude of which is known, let the Sun's meridian altitude be taken on the day of the equinox, and on the day preceding, and that following it. Then the difference between thofe altitudes and the co-latitude will be the Sun's declinations at the times of obfervations. (^3^) If either of the altitudes is equal to the co-latitude, that obfervation was made at the time of the equinox. But if the co-latitude is unequal to either of the altitudes, proceed thus. Let DG reprefent the equator j AC the ecliptic, e the equinoclial point j the points A, B, c, the places of the Sun at the times of obfervation ; the arcs ad, bf, cg, the correfponding declinations. Now ufing either the two firft, or two laft obfervations, fuppofe the latter, in the right-angled fpherical triangles ceg, bef, in which there are known the obliquity of the ecliptic, and the declina- tions ; find fc, EB : then bc, the fum or difference of EC, eb, is the ecliptic arc defcribed in 24 hours. Then fay, As BC to BE, fo 24 hours for bc, to the time correfponding to be. And this time fhews the diftance of the equinox from the time of the middle obfervation. 239. PROBLEM LIX. To find the length of the tropical^ periodical^ and anomalijlical revolutions of the earth. Solution. Let two obfervations be chofen, among the mofl authentic >{ thofe on record, of the time when the Sun had like pofitions, viz. ift. In regard to his longitude, or place in the ecliptic. 2d. In regard to the right afcenfion of fome noted ftar. 3d. In rcfpedl to the line of the apfides. The greater the interval (fuppofe 80 or 100 years) between each two obfervations, the more accurate will be the refult : then that interval being divided by the number of revolutions made during that time, will give the time of one periodical revolution. According to Mayer's tables the numbers arc thefe, A tropical year is made in. 365** 5*^ 48'^ 42% A periodical, or fiderial revolution 365 697, An anomaliftic revolutio:> 365 6 15 29, 3:40. Remarks, ag4 ASTRO N O M Y. Book V. >40. Remarks, r. The tropical year being fhorter than the fideriaJ ty ao m. 25 s., (hews that the Sun has returned to tlie fame point of the ecliptic, before he has made one complete revolution witli regard to the jft*fs ; and confequently every point of the ecliptic mull have moved in enUcedentia during that tropical period, and fo have produced what is called the preceffion of the equinoxes. Now 365 d. 6 h. 9 m. 7 s. : 360' : : 20 m. 25 s. : S0''^,3, or nearly %q'\ for the preceflion in one year. If there was no preceflion, the tropical and fiderial years would be equal. 241. 2. A fiderial revolution being performed fooncrby 6 m. 22 s. than the anomaliftic, (bews tliat the line of the apfides has a motion in conftquentia : now 365d. 15 h. 29 m. : 36 o"^ : : 6 m. 22 s. : iS^'yJy the yearly quantity by which the Sun's apogee is advanced in refpeft to the ffers : and as the equinoxes move in antecedent'ia^ and the apfides in confe- qmrttint t}c\^n fum 66"' ( 50,3 -f 15,7) fhe^ the motion of the apfides from the equinoxes. 242. 3d. From the comparifon of many obfervations it appears, that the length of the folar year, deduced from two very dtftant obfervations made at the time when the Sun was in the fame point of the ecliptic near its apogee, differs by many feconds from the length of the year de- iluced by like obfervations, when the Sun was in another part of the ecliptic, near its perigee ; thofe made near the apogee giving the revo- lutions lefs, and thofe made near the perigee making them greater, than the revolutions deduced from obfervations taken at the Sun's mean dif- tance j. this alfo ftiews, that the line of the apfides has a motion in confe-> qnenUa ; and that the length of a tropical revolution fhould be deter- rnined from very diftant obfervations, made at the times when the Sun is at its mean diftance from the Earth ; or that the mean revolution fhould be taken between thofe deduced from obfervations made on the Sun's place, vrhen he is in both the apogee and perigee. 243. P R O B L E \i LX. To find the right afcenfion of fome' noted fixed Jiar. Having a good clock well regulated to mean or equal time, a large aftronomical quadrant fixed in the plane of the meridian, and an equal altitude or tranfit inftrument : then, on fome day a little before or after the vernal equinox, when the daily alteration of the Sun's declination is about 18 or 20 minutes, obferve the Sun's meridian latitude; and by equal altitudes find the times when both Sun and fiar come to the meridian j the difference of thefe tin)GS is their difference of right af- cenfion. Again, At iow.e time a little after or before the autumnal equinox, before the Sun has pafied the faid declination, obferve his meridian al- titude ; and by equal altitudes find the times of the Sun and fame fl:ar*s coming to the meridian, the difference of thofe times is alfo the difference of their right afcenfions. If the vernal and autumnal meridian altitudes are the fame, then th5f: obfervations were made, ^Yhe^ the Sun was on the fj;mc parallel ^* Book V. astronomy; 2S5 of declination : now the fum, or diff. of the two obferved differences of right afcenfion, fhews the equatorial arc defcribed by the Sun between thofc times ; which arc, being bife(^edy fhews thediftance of the nearefl folfticc from the Sun, at the time when the obfervations have equal alti- tudes; and tlaat diftance correcled and taken from 90, (hews the Sun's right aicenfion at the vernal oblervation, or its complement to 360 de- grees. From hence, and the firft difference of right afcenfion between the Sun and ftar, the ilar's right afcenfion will be obuined. 244. If the ^vVO meridian altitudes .of the Sun are not the fame, their difference fhews the difference of the mid-day declinations, when thofe obfervations were taken : now from fom-e tables of right afcenfion and declination take the Sun's daily alteration in declination and rij^ht afcen- fion on the day the leffer altitude was taken ; then fay, /Is the daily change of (UJ. is to that cf right afcen. ; fo is the diff. of the altitudes^ to the cor^ recti on in right afcenfion. This correction being added to the vernal, or fubtrated from the au- tumnal difference of right afcenfion, as cither is leafl, reduces that dif- ference of right afcenfion to what it would be when the declination is the fame with the other ; and then the difference between thofe two dif- ferences of right afcenfion, fo reduced, gives the equatorial arc, as before xecited. 245. At the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich, in the year 1770, ob- fervations were made on the Sun and the flar Aqiiils. March 15, Sun's mcr. zcn. difl. cleared of refra<5i:ion and parallax, waft 53" 28^ ^<)" ; and their diff. of rt. afc. was 60 30'' ']fi". Sep. 28th. Sun's mer. zen. difl. cleared of refraction and parallax, vva& 53* 36' 7h" ; and their diff. of rt. afc. was 109 59' 7.^^W . Thf^n 7' 57^' is the diff. of zen. difts. or the alteration in declination. Alfo 23' 40^^ and (3^" 39'' or) 54^ 45^^ are the diffs. of decl. and rt. afc. between the 15th and i6th days of March 1770. Nov/ 23' 40''' : f '^f : : 54' 45^^ : iW 23,5''^ the increafe of the dif- ference of right afcenfion after the noon of the 15th nf March. Then 60" -p' 07,8'^ 18^ 23,5'''r:6o \i' 44,3'^ which is the firfldiff. rt. afc. when the Sun had the fame decl. as at the fccond obfervation. Here, the times of the two obfervations fall nearell the winter folftice. Then 60" 11'44,3'^-f- 109 59^ 22,8^''= 170 \\' "f' -, its half 85" 5^33,5''' is the dillancc of the winter folitice from the Sun. Hence 270"*+ 85'^ 5' 33,5'^ -hiB^ 23,5''^=: 355" 23' 57^^ is the Sun's rt afc. on March 15th. Alfo 355 23' 57'^ 60 3^ 7, 8''^ =2 94 53^ 49,2^^ is the rt. afc. of Aquil:c. 246. The right afcenfion of one ftar being known, the right afcen- fions of all the reft are found by noting the times fhev.'n by the clock, when thofe ftars come to the meridian : for the differences of thofe times, from the tranfit of the chofen ftar, are the differences of right afcenfion ; by which the right afcenfion of all the obferved ftars will be known ; taking care to augment or diminifli the right afcenfion of the chofen ftar ly thofc differences, according as the chofcr. ftar is preceded, or followed by the other obferved ftars. 247. PRO- aU ASTRONOMY. Book V iLfy, PROBLEM LXL To find the Sun's Place, Solution. Let the time be obfervtd both when the Sun, and a ftar (the right afcenfion of which is known) paffcd the meridian, and hence the Sun's right afcenfion is known. With that right afcenfion, and the obliquity of the ecliptic, compute (142) the longitude, and thus his place in the ecliptic will be known. 548. PROBLEM LXIL To find the greatejl Equation of the Center. Solution. At the times when the Sun is near his mean diftance, let his longitude be found j their difierence will fhew the true motion for that interval of time. . Find alfo the Sun's mean motion for that interval of time. Then half the difference between the true and mean motions will fheW the greateft equation of the center. Obfervation made at the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich, fhews that 1769 O6lober ift. at 23'' 49"" 12' mean time, long, was 6* 9 32' o^b" 1770 March 29th. at o 4 50 mean time, long, was o 8 50 27,5 ThedifF. oftimei78d. o 15 38 j True difF. long. 5 29 18 27 The tropical year =365 d. 5 h. 48 m. 42 s. = 365,2421527 The obferved interval = 178 o 15 38 178,01085648. Then 365,2421527 : 178,01085648 ::36o: 175,455948 mean motion. So 175"" 27' 21^^ oF mean motion, anfwers to 179 18^ 27" true motion. Their^Iiff.=:3 51^ (^" ; its half 1 55' 33^^ is the greateft equation of the ceriter according to thefe obfervations. 249. PROBLEM LXIIL To find the eccentricity of the Earth's orlit. . Solution. Say, As the diameter of a circle in degrees. To the diameter in equal parts j So the greateft equation of the center in degrees. To the eccentricity in equal parts. The greateft equation of the center 1^55' 33"=i,9258333, &c. The diam. of a circle being i, its circumf. is 3,1415926. (II. 197) Then 3,1415926 : i : : 360 : ii4,59i56o9 equal to the diameter. And 114,591609 ; i,oo&c. : : 1,9258333 : 0,0168061 the eccentricity. Hence 1,016806 (m, 000000 + 0,016806) aphelion diftance. And 0,983194 ( = ij000C0Sh- 'O,oi68c6)=:perihelion diftance. 150. PRO. Book V. ASTRONOMY. 187 250. P Jl O B L E M LXIV. To find the time and place of the Sun's Apogee* Solution. On each day of two fucceffive apfides let the Sun's place and the time be obferved. Then if the interval of thofe times and places is equal to the halves of 365d. 6h. 15 m. 29 s. and 36001^6'"; thofe obfcrvations v^^ere made when the Sun was in the apfides. For fuch intervals of time and place belong to no other points of the Earth's orbit. But if thofe obferved intervals of time and place differ from the faid halves, take the difference between the interval of place and i8o o' 33^'. Then to the daily motion of the Sun's apogee (233), the faid diff. and 24 h. find the proportional time ; which proportional time and difference, being applied to the time, and places, of the apogeon obfervation, gives a time and place when it is r8o o^ 33^^ diftant from the obferved perigeon place: now if the interval of thele times is equal to 182 d. 15 h. 7 m, 44t s. the times and places of the apfides are known. But if the interval of time differs from 182 d. 15 h. 7 m. 44I s., fay, jts ths diff. bettvcen the perigeon and the apogeon daily /notions, is to the daify motion of the apogee ; fo is the diff. of the interval of time .^ to a fecohd cor- region of the time of the apogee. This correftion applied to the apogeon time, corrected as above, will give the true time of the Sun's apogee. Alfo, to the laft corredlion of time find the proportional motion of the Sun's apogee; and apply it to the laft correiled place of the apogee, and the true place of the apogee will be obtained. ^^1 obfervations made at the Royal obfervatory at Greenwich in the year 1769. jfuly iff. at o'' 3"^ 20' meantime O long. =3' 90 46'" 38,5'''' December 29th. at o 2 49 mean time O long. =9 8 10 58,1 Interval I Sod. 23 59 29. Interval of place :=5 28 24 19,6 The Sun's motion in half an anomaliffic year 6 o o 33 The Sun's place at firft obfervation is too forward by i 36 13,4 Then 57^ \i" : l 36^ I'iW^ ' : 24 h. : 40 h, 22 m. 24s. to be taken from the time of July iff, to make the diftance of the times anfwer to the half of 360'^ 1' 6'^ ; and it leaves June 29 d. 7 h. 40 m. 56 s. ; at which time, the Inn was in 3^ 8" lo', 25,1^^, which is diftant from the December ob- fervation by 180 o' 33'^: But here the interval of time is i82d. i6h 21 m. 53 s. ; which is greater than 182 d. 15 h. 7 m. 44 f s. the half ano- nialiftic revolution, by i h. 14 m. 8|; s. ; therefore the Sun has fome time to run before he comes to the apogee. Now 4''o"': 57'i2'' : : ih. 14m. S^s.: i7h. 13 m. 14s. corre6lionof time. And 24h. : 17 h, 13 m. 14 s. : : 57' 12'' : 42'' 6, 8''^ corredion of place. Then June 29 d. 7 h. 4 m. 565.4-17 h. 13 m. 14 s. gives June 30 d. oh. 21 m. 10 s. for the time of the apogee. 'Mid 3' 8 20' : 25,1^^ + 42' 6,8'' gives 3' 8' 52' 33'' for the place of the 251. PRO. m A 3 T R O K O M y. Book V* ssu PROBLEM LXV. At any glvitt tirne 1 6 find the Sufj*t mean ittl^ndly. SotUTiON, Let an epocha of the Sun's pafTage throo<;h its aphdioh be accurately determined. Then fay As the time of a tropical revohition, or folar ycnr. To the interval between the aphelion and given time ; So is 360 degrees, To the degrees fhcwing the mean anomaly. Or. From the tables of mean motions hnd the Sun*s moaii motion for the given time, and this will be the mean anomaly. 152. If the Sun's motion in the ecliptic was uniform, his true place fc(Y any time could be found by the tables of his mean motion ; but the Sun's longitude found by thofc tables, called his mean longitude, muft be cor- rc^ed on account of his irregular motion. As the Earth revolves in an elliptical orbit about the Sun, placed in one of its foci, its angular motion round the Sun will difter from the angular f&otion it would have, were the Sun in the center of the ellipfis. Now the table of mean motions gives the angular motions from the center of the ellipfis in a circle dcfcribcd on the line of the apfides, and reckoned from the firft point of Aries ; this motion, leflened by that of the apogee, gives the Sun's mean longitude, or mean anomaly, from the aphelion point. But the motion of the Earth being in an elliptic orbit, its true ano- maly will differ from its mean; this difference, called the equation of the center, is the corrc5lion wanted to reduce the mean motions to the true ones* 253. To find the equation of the center, or to folve (what is called) the Kcplcrian problem, is the moll dilKcult operation, particularly in or- bits the eccentricity of which bears a confuierable proportion to the mean didancc : how to do this has been fhewn by Newton, Gregory, Kcil, La Caillc, and many others, by method? little differing from one another: it confifts cliicfly in finding an ijitcrmedtatc angl(, called the eccentric anomaly, as (hewn in the loUowing problem, 254. PROBLEM LXVL Tbt Sur.'s 7fifan ammoJy hfin^ knoivn., atid tJ'e dimtiijiom cf its erhity tr^ftni tht <'cccnttic i-mtmal^ Si^l.UTlON, ASTRONOMY. a8 Book V. Solution. Say, As the ' aphelion dif- tance. To the perihelion dif- tance -, So is the tan. | the mean anomaly. To the tan. of an arc. Which arc added to half the mean anoma- ly gives the excentric anomaly. For let ADPB be the excentric. A EP the Earth's orbit, c the center, s the Sun A the aphelion, p the perihelion, e the true place, D the corre- sponding place in the excentric, and b the mean place. Now it is evident, that the lefs the eccentricity is, the nearer will the elliptic orbit approach the excentric circle ; the nearer will the true and mean places, e and b, approach one another ; and the lefs will be the dif- ference between the mean, the excentric, and the true anomalies ; alfo the nearer will the lines cd, sb, approach to parallelifm, or coincidence : fo that in orbits of fmall eccentricities cd and SB may be taken as pa- rallel lines, particularly in the Earth's orbit, where cs is only about -J- of CP. Therefore z. asb = z. acd the excentric anomaly. Then in the triangle Bcs, where the fum of the fides bc + CS sA ; the difF, of the fides bc csrrsp, and /_ bcs (= fupplement of acb) are known; the z. CSB may be found. (III. 48) Thus SA : sp : : tan. | (fum z.;, csB-f Brr:)z.ACB : tan. of an arc. Then z. ACB + that arcr:z.csjB (III 47,) the excentric anomaly.' 255- PROBLEM LXVII, The Sun's excentric anomaly -^ and the dimcv.fions of its crbit being knoivriy ti find t-he true anomaly. Solution. Say, As the fquare root of the aphelion di{}ance. To the fquare root of the perihelion diftancc. So tangent of half the excentric anomaly, To tangent of half the true anomaly. For let a femicirclc be dcfcribed from E through the other focus x, cutting AP in y, i, and SE, produced, in G, H. T-, ,TT , /SlXSi bX + JiXSf \?.CFX2CS Then (II. 172) SH ; si : ; s; : sc=:| zz- = ) . Vol. I. U "Or %^ ASTRONOMY. Book V. OrCFXCS=:(|sG=:)|sE |ej; ca(=|se + [eO being radius, and=ti. Therefore SI = ( I + CSX cr (III. 47)=:)i + csx/,acd. (III. 9) A T . X /SF \ SC + /,ACD Ag.,n. InAsri. AssE:R::sF:,,ASE = (-=)j:j^^3^^r^j5. Theni+.-.ASi:i-.-,ASE::H- ^'^ + V^" .._ j^'^ + Aacd _ I+SCXJ,ACD I + SCXJ,ACD O t j\aSE _/I -{ -$ X/ ,ACD SC /,ACD / I + f'jASfi "* V I + SC X /, ACD + SC + /,ACD _ 1 SC + SC Xj\aCD s\ACtf *~i + sc + sc xj\acd + j\acd _ S P + Cs3i X/,A C D ^S P j\a C D X S p \ ~" ""sA + cs+iX/'jAC d~sa + /,a c dxs a/ I/, A CD S P I+/,ACD^SA* ^"^7XrTr7=">^A^ and ^ X =,fACDX . (IV. 117) l+^jASE " i I4-J%ACD SA '* SA ^ " Then^x/MACD=//,iAS. Or l^=z^-^li^. SA ' '* SA W,|aCD , r /v/SP /, |aSE _ \ , ^^^''^^^'^ i77X=7;rX^* Or j/sA : /s p ; : /,f acd : ^f ase, 256. Remark. The iLCQsr=z.ACB en z.ase {\l.()$), h the equation of the center^ to he applied to the mean anomaly ; and is fubtr active from the aphelion to the perihelion^ or in the firjl fix figns of anomaly ; and additive from the perihelion to the aphelion^ or in the laji fix ftgns of anomaly. For the lines cb, se ; cb, se, which coincide in sa, sp, will in every other pofition crofs one another ; in q^ while revolving from a to P, and in q while revolving from p to a : in the firft half revolution, the mean anomaly, or the external Z. acb, exceeds the Z. ase, the true ano- maly, by theZ-CQs (II. 96) : in the latter half, the true anomaly, or ex^ tcrnal/L ps the right afcenfion being greater than the longitude or mean motion, taken in the equator, the mean noon is weft- ward, and therefore precedes, or comes in confequentia to the meridian before the apparent noon. From the aphelion to the perihelion, or in the firft fix figns of anomaly, the mean noon precedes the apparent ; and in the laft fix figns of ano- maly the apparent noon precedes the true ; their difference in either cafe is the equation of the center, which convert into time. Now becaufe. the points of Aries, and cf the Sun's apogee, the places where the two parts of the equation of time commence, do conftantly re- cede from one another ; therefore the whole equation of time made up of thofe two parts will ferve only for a few yeari,, and requires to be cor- rected from time to time. 268. Tg calculate the equation^ or difference between the mean and appa- rent noons^ for any propofed day. Find the mean and true anomalies for that time (255) ; their diffe- rence, or the equation of the center, is one part. The true anomaly gives the Sun's longitude; with v/hich, and the obliquity of the ecliptic, compute the right afcenfion (39); the diffe- rence between the longitude and right afcenfion gives the other part. The fum, or^iff, of the CVr'O parts, turned into time, gives the equa- :oii ibiight. SECTION Book V, ASTRONOMY. 293 S E C T I O N X. PraEikal Aflrono7ny, To " make Solar Tables. 260. I. Tables of the mean motiotis of the Sun. ( 30^> 3 2,\ ^ / J \303>3O4./ Divide 360 degrees by a folar revolution, the quotient fhews the mean motion for one day o* 59' oS^^&rc. Take the multiples of one day's motion from i to 365 for every day in the year ; and thefc properly dil'pofed, according to the month days, will give the mean motions for every day of each month. (304') The 24th part of one day's motion vvilJgive that for one hour, and its multiples to 24 times will fhev/ the mean motions anfwering to each hour : from hence, thofe for the minutes of an hour, the feconds of a minute, ^c. are eafily obtained. ( 303) The mean motion of a year of 365 days (viz. for the laft of December) teing doubled, tripled, and quadrupled, thofe for i, 2, 3, and 4 years will be obtained, adding one day's mean motion to the 4th year, it being leap-year, and containing 366 days : the motion for leap-year being increafed by thofe of i, 2, 3, and leap-Jears, give thofe for 5, 6, 7, and 8 years : the mean motion for 8 years being increafed by thofe for I, 2j 3, and 4 years, give thofe for g, 10, 11, and 12 years : and thus increafing the mean motion for the laft leap year by thole of i, 2, 3, and 4 years, the mean motions may be continued for any number of ab- iblute years. iZ^^) 270. In the following tables the numbers ufed were, Length of the year S^^d. 5h. 48m. 54!?. Yearly motion of the apogee, o" i' ^"', Place of the apogee, beginning the year 1^60, 3' 8 47 25. Greateft equation of the Earth's urbit. I 55 39. 271. Now 365 d. 5h, 48 m. 54! r.rr 365,2423003472 days. Then 365,2423003472 d. : 360" : ; r d. : 0,9856470613 degrees. Hence the mean motion for i day =: 0= 0^59^ 8''^ 19^^^ 45'' 54" 50'' January 5th 5 ^^^ys^ o 4 55 4^ 3^ 49 34 ^o January 30th 30dayszr o 29 34 9 52 57 25 O March 31ft 90 daysr: 2 28 42 29 38 52 15 o June 29th i8odaystr: '5 27 24 59 17 44 30 o December 26th 360 days 11 24 49 58 35 29 00 December 31(1 365daysmi 29 45 40 i^ 78 34 10 U 3 NOVT 294 ASTRONOMY, Book V. Now I year's mean motion = i i(.2(f 45' 4cy'i4'''j8'^34'' lo''^ 2 years = 11 29 31 20 28 37 20. 'i 3 years = 11 29 17 42 55 42 30. ft 4, or leap year = I 49 17 II 3oz:3y. + iy. + id. 5 years = 11 29 47 29 31 18 45 40 = 4y. + iy. 1 6 years = 11 29 33 9 45 37 19 50 = 4y. + 2y. 7 years = 11 29 18 49 59 55 54 o=4y. + 3y. 1 8 years b =0 3 3 34 23 0::=4y. X2. 1 20 years b = 9 6 25 57 3o=4y-x5. 100 years b =0 45 32 5 4 47 3o=2oy. X5. 1000 years b =0 7 35 20 50 fV "1 1 47 55 o=iooy. xio. -rf Where b ftands for biflextile, or leap-year. .^72. But to find the mean motions for the years related to any par- ticular epocha, the mean motion for fome particular time in that epocha muft be known. Thus, Let the mean motion of the Sun be determined by obfervation (or otherwife) when the Sun is in fome noted point of the ecliptic, fuppofe near Aries : or let the time of its entrance into the fign Aries be well afcertained. Take the difference between the time of that ingrefs and the 31ft of December at noon, in days, hours, minutes, and feconds (reckoning the end of the 31ft of December to be the beginning of January at noon,) and find the mean motions for thofe days, hours, minutes, and feconds, and it will (hew the motion from Aries, for the 31ft of December, or the mean motion at the beginning of the year propofed j or the radix for that year with relation to the propofed epocha. The relative mean motions for one year being known, thofe for any number of fucceeding years belonging to that epocha, may be had, by adding fuch of the before found abfolute years to the firft relative year, as will make the number wanted : and the mean motions for any paft year of that epocha will be found by leflening the radical years by fuch a number of the abfolute years, as will produce the relative years required. (302) And in this manner are tables conftruled, by which the mean motions of the Sun for anytime, paft, or to come, may be computed. 273. Suppofe in the year 1760, the Sun entered Aries on the 20th of March, at 13 h. 42 m. 3|s. P. M. : required the Sun's mean motion for the beginning of the year 1760. Now 1760 being leap-year, February has 29 days, and from the equi- nox to the commencement of the year is 80 d. 13 h. 42 m. 3^ s. Then i d. : 0,9856470613 deg. : : 80 d. 13 h. 42 m. 3I s. : 79,41444 &c. degrees. Therefore at the beginning of the year 1760, the Sun's mean longitude was 2* 19" 24'' 52''^ Inort of Aries ; or his mean longitude was 9* 10 35'' d^\ which is the radical mean place for the year 1760. 274. II. Of the mean motions of the Sun's apogees. (301, 302) The yearly motion of the apogee being determined (241) j the mo- tion for any number of abfolute years will be that multiple of one 9 year's Book V. ASTRONOMY. 29^ year's motion, and fo for any part of a year : the monthly motions wiU be 5 feconds for fome months, and 6 for others, to make 65 in the 12 months. Let the time of the Sun's pafl^ge through the aphelion be accurately determined by obfervation (250), and alfo its place in the ecliptic j then the diftance of the place of the apogee from Aries will be known at that time : let this diftance be leflened by the apogee's motion from the laft day of the year preceding the propofed epocha to the time of the apogeon paflage, and the mean motion of the apogee will be known for the be- ginning of that year, taken as a radix. Then that radical mean motion, increafed by the multiples of the yearly motion, will give thofe for fucceeding years : but being diminifhed by thofe multiples will give them for paft years. The Sun's mean motion for any time, leflened by that of tlie apogee for that time, gives the Sun's mean anomaly. 275. III. Of the equation of the Sun*s center. {Z'^S^ To every degree of the firft fix figns of mean anomaly afTumed, find the true anomaly (253, 254) : the difference between the mean and true anomalies will be the equations of the center to thofe degrees of mean anomaly; which ferve alfo for the degrees of the laft fix fines j as equal anomalies are at equal diftances on both fides of either apfide. Set the equations of the center orderly to their figns and degrees of anomaly, the firft fix being reckoned from the top of the table down- wards, and figned at top with the title fubtrat^ ; the laft fix, for which the fame equations ferve, but taken in a contrary order, viz. from the bottom of the table reckoned upwards, are figned at b(Atom with the iit]e add ; and let the difference between every adjacent two equations, called tabular differences, be fet in another column. From thefe equations of the center, augmented or diminifhed by the proportional parts of their refpedive tabular differences for any given minutes and feconds, arc deduced equations of the center to any given mean anomaly. 276. Aftronomical tables are ufually computed to anfwer to two given denominations only ; as to figns and degrees : degrees and minutes ; months and days ; &c. : for if made to more names, fuch tables would fwcll into a bulk fo great, as to be tedious to compute, expenfive to print, and of no great advantage in the ule ; but it generally happens in calcu- lations, that numbers are wanted from tables to anfwer to given nuqibers of three, or more denominations as to figns, degrees, minutes, and fe- conds ; months, days, hours, minutes, and feconds ; &c. : and to obtain from the t.ibles numbers anfwering to all the given names, the tabular numbers are to be increafed or diminifhed by a proportional part of their difference. Thus. To find the equation of the center to 4' 2i 44' 36'''' ? Now the equation to this number will fall between thofe belonging 4 21" and 4' 22"; which equations are 1 13^ 59^^ and 1 12^ 24'' (205) Their diff. is 1' 35^^=95^'j the pro. pt. of which is to be taken for 44^ 36'^ U 4 And a^d A S T R O N O M Y. Book V: And as tKe difT. i or 60' : dift'. 95'^ : : 44'',6 : 70^^6 = 1' 1 1^'' the proper tioial part. Now to 4* 21* o' o^\ 1 13' 59^' is the equation of the center. And to o o 44 36 , I 1 1 is the prop, part to be fubtradec Then to 4 21 44 36 , I 12 48 is the equation of the center. When the tabular numbers are increafing, the proportional part is to be added j but when decreafing, the proportional part is to be fubtrailed. 277. IV. Tables of ibe Sun's true place. (308) The Sun's true place at any propofcd time is thus found. Colle*Sl together the mean motions of the Sun, and alfo thofe of the apogee, for the given year, month, day, (hour, minute, and fecond, if given) J and their fum will be the mean motions of the Sun and its apogee. The Sun's mean motion, leflened by that of the apogee, gives the mean anomaly ; to which find the proper equation of the center by proportion- ing for the minutes and feconds. Then the Sun's mean motion, augmented or diminished by the equation of the center, as the title of its table diredls, gives the Sun's true longi-, tude, or place, for that given time. The Sun's place thus found to every day for four fucceilivc years, viz. for leap-year, and i, 2, 3 years after; and thofe places ranged under their proper years', according to their refpeclive months and days, confti- lute the tables of the Sun's place. Thefe tables find the Sun's place at noon only ; but the place for any intermediate time is found by applying to the noon-piacc the proportional part of the daily difference at that time. 278. To find the Sun's kngltude^ P^PPfi " -^^^y 4> 1788, at the time of apparent nocn ? In the table of the Sun's longitude (308) for 1788, againft May 4th, ilands 1= 14" 36' 02'^, which fhews that the Sun's longitude, reckonca from Aries, is 44*^ 36' Qi" ; or that his place is in ^ 14 36^ 02''. But to find the Sun's place at any other hour, fuppofe on M-jy ^tli, at. 7 h. 24 m. 36 s. apparent time, proceed thus. The difFerence betv/een the noon places of the 4th and 5th of May i> 57' 59'^ 3479^'', anfwering to 24 hours in time. (.io8} Then 24 h. : 7 h. 24 m. 36 s. : : 3479'^ : 1074'"= 17^ 54", the propor- tional part. And I' /4 36' 02^^4-17^ 54'''=!' H" 53' 5^ '> ^'^'^ ^^'"''- longitude at that time. 279. Or, the Sun's pli.ce may be found by ti)e tvihles of mean mo- iion-i. Fro;?, J ook V. ASTRONOMY. 297 .^rom the apparent time 'j^ 24' 36^/ take the equation of time (316) al to 3^ 35'^ and the remainder, y"* 21^ i'\ is the mean time. Nffot. ap. ?. O's m. mot. (302) 9 r^4 (305)4 > Mjrs (303) inutes (303) oond (303) 's mean longitude quat. center + Sun's true longitude ' ^4 53 57 9^ 4 10 2 4753 J3 3 17 15 I 13 I 19 '3 34 44 3 9 17 45 22 m. nt. (302) (307) 3 9 18 07 apogee. 10 4 I 06 anom. DIE Now to 10* 4 the equation of the center is 1 34' 4^^" (305) And thedifF. isyo^'decreafing. 60': 70" : : i' 06" : \" the proportional part. And i** 34' 45" I'^i 34 44 equa- tion of the center. 280. To find the Sun^s longitude at any given time and place. Seek, in the table of the longitudes of places, at the end of Book VI. for the difference of longitude between London and the propofed place 5 and convert the diff. of longitude into time. If the propofed place is to the eaftward of London, take the diff. be- tween the propofed time and diff. of longitude, and this will fhew the cor- refponding time at London ; after noon, if the propofed time is greater than the diff. of longitude j but before noon, if the propofed time is lead. If the propofed place is to the weflward of London, the fum of the propofed time and diff. of longitude will be the correfponding time at London. The Sun's place found to the correfponding time at London, will be the Sun's longitude fought for the propofed time and place. Thus. In a place 6 h. to the eaft of London, when it is 8 h. P. M. at that place, it is 2 h. P. M. at London ; and when it is 4h. P. M. at that place, it is 2h. before noon at London. For when vt is noon at London, it is 6 h. P. M. at the other place. Alfo, in a place 6 h. to the weft of London ; when it is 8 h. P. M. at that place, it Is 14 h. P. M. at London. For when it is noon at the propofed place, it is 6h, P. M. at London. 23 1. V. Tables of the Suns declination. (309) With each of the Sun's longitudes, already found, and the obliquity of ihe ecliptic, find the declination to each day of the four years. (139) Or thus. To each degree of the three firft figna of the ecliptic, tukcn as longitudes, find the declination ( 1 39 ) : and of thefe declinations, regularly ranged to their fign and degree, take the difference of each ad- jacent two, which fet againft them in another column ; and this auxiliary table is prepared, anfwering to each fign and degree of longitude (306J : for to equal longitudes, taken on both fides of each equinox, belong equal declinations. Now thefe auxiliary declinations' augmented, or diniinifhed (accord- ;;'J as thty arc incr'.,afing or dctreafing, by the proportional part of their difference. 59 ASTRONOMY. Book V. difference, for the minute and feconds in any given longitude, will give the declination for that longitude. And this being done for every day in the four years, ufmg the longi- tudes already computed, will give the declinations fought : which are to be ranged according to their year, month, and day. (309) 282. To find the Sun's declination. Suppofe on May 4, 1708, at noon. In the table of the Sun's declination (309) for 1788, againft May 4, (lands 16 14' 13^^ for the Sun's declination, which is N. as being be- tween the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. 283. But if the declination vt^s wanted on May 4, 1788, at 7 h. 24 m* 36 f. P. M. proceed thus. The difFerence between the noons of May 4 and 5, is i5' 59'', which anfwcrs to 24 h. Then 24 h. : if o" : : 7h. 24 m. 36 f. : 5'' 15^'', the proportional part. And as the declination is increafing ; then 16 14' 13^' + 5' 15^'' gives 16 19^ 28^^ for the Sun's dccl. at the propofed time. 284. But art. 311 is a table for finding the proportional part at fight, for fitting the noon declination to any other time. Thus. Seek in the left-hand column for a daily diiFerence, neareft to the given one J againft which, in a column marked at top with hours, neareft to thofe given, ftands the proportional part fought. Thus againft if o'^ of daily diiF. and to 7 h. 24 m, time, ftand 5^ \^'\ the proportional part fought. Although this table goes no farther than 8 h., yet it may be applied quite to 12 h. or 180 degrees. 285. Exam. What will be the Sun's declination at London^ on the i^tb sf Augujl^ 1788, at lob, 35 OT. F. M. ? In 1788, the daily difF. between the noons of the 25th and the 26th of Auguft is 10' S^" decreafing. (309) Now 10 h. 35 m. is equal to 2 h. 35 m. + 8 h. o m. To the difF. 10/ 58'^, and to 2h. 35 m., anfwcrs 2^ i^" . (3^1) To the diiF. 20^ 58''', and to 8 h. cm., anfwcrs 6'' 59^''. The fum 9^ 1$" is the proportional part, by which the decl. lO** 28' 29'" to Auguft 25th, is to be diminilhed ; fo 10 19^ \\'' is the decl. fought. Here 20' 58'^, is taken as if it was 21' o" , And 2 h. 35 ni. is |, the interval between 2 h. 20 m. and 2h. 40 m. Now x\' gives ^' %" for 2^ 20^, and 2'' ^o" for 7^ 40^ ; the difF. is i%'\ three fourths of which is idf" '. and this being added to l' l" gives 1' lb" for i\' with 2^ 35^ Moreover 21'' with 8h. gives f 00''^; but I take one fecond lefs bec^ufe the daily dift'. in declination is 7." lefs than 21'' 00'"^ 286. From the table of declination, fitted to the meridian of Lon- don, or Greenwich, the declination may be found at any time, under ?-ny other nvcridian, at a given diiFerence of longitude from London. Ttj?. Required Book V. A S T R O N O M T. ^99 Required the Sun's declination at neon under a mtridian 1 10 to the weji of London^, on the 2J^th of February, 1788. (311) Now at 110 to the weft of London, it is noon 7 h. 20 m. after it is noon at London ; that is, when it is 7 h. 20 m. P. M. at London, it will be noon at the propofed place j fo the declination found to that time at London (285) will be the declination fought. , In 1788, the difF. between the declinations of the 24th and 25th of Fe- bruary, is 22^ 13''' decreafing (309) : and againft 22'' 1o^' of daily difF,, and under 110, or 7 h. 20 m., is h' 49^^ in table, art. 311, which taken from 9" 27'' 33'', leaves 9 20^ 44^', the declination fought. Exam. IL tfhat is the Sun*s declination on September id, 1788, ct 10 h. 30 w., under a meridian I00 to the eajiivard of London? Now under a meridian 100^ to the eaftward of London, it is noon 6h, 40 m. before it is noon at London (311) ; or when it is noon at Lon- don, it is 6h. 40 m. after noon at the propofed place ; and when 20 h. 30 m. after noon at that place, it is 13 h. 50m. after noon at London; fo the declination found at that time {285), will be the declinatioa fought. In 1788, the daily difF. at September 2d, is 22'' h" (309), againft which (in tab. art. 311), and under 8 h. and 5 h. 5 m., fland -j' i\" and 5' i\"-i their fum \i' \i" taken from the dec), to September 2, viz. 7* 36' 30^^, leaves 7 23^ 48^'', the declination fought. Here 5 h. 50 m. fall in the middle between 5 h. 40 m. and 6 h. o m. ib 5^ 2i"t the middle between ^' 11" and 5^ y:/\ is taken. 287. VI. Tables of the SurCs right ajcenfion. (jio) To the obliquity of the ecliptic, and each degree in the three firft figns of longitude, find the right afcenfions (i39)> and of each take the fupplement. Range the right afcenfions according to their fign and degree for the three firfl figns ; and for the three next figns, range the fupplements, (b that the 4th fign begins with the leafl fupplement, and the 6th fign ends with the greateft : becaufe the right afcenfions in the 2d and 4th quadrants are the fupplements of thofe in the firfl and third. Let the differences of thefe right afcenfions, viz. each adjacent two through the fix figns be taken, and fet in other columns. (307) Then this auxiliary table, ufed like that of declination, will give the right afcenfion to each day in the four years. 288. To find the Sun*s right afcenjion, fuppofe on June 12 at noon, in tl^c y(ar 1788, at London, In the table of the Sun's right afcenfion (310) for 1788, againfl Juac 12, flands 5 h. 25 m. 19 f,, which is the right afcenfion fought, and fhcw? how much later the Suh paffcd the meridian -ef London than the equi- noctial point Aries, 500 A Sr T R O N O M Y. Book V. Exam. II- Required the Sun's right afcenfton at London on the id of November, 1788, at qh. 30W. P. M.? Between the 21I and 31I of November, 1788, the daily difF. is 3 m. 58 f. which anfwcrs to 24. h. Then 24 h.: 3 m. 58 f. : : 9 h. 30 m. : i m. 34 f.,' the proportional part. Then the right aCcenfion on the 2d at noon, i + h. 33 m. 2of. + i m. 34 C gives 14 h. 34111. 54 f. for the right afcenfioii at the time required. By this table the right afcenfion may alfo be found at any time in places that arc-Nift the caflward, or wcliward, of London, the difference of longi- tude of thofe places being known ; by finding the time at London cor- refponding to the given time at the propoied place, and feeking the right afcenfion to that correi'ponding time at London. The table at art. 311, pages 222, 223, maybe applied to the tables of the Sun's longitude and right afcenfion, as well as to thofe of the declina- tion, for finding the proportional parts of the difference between the noon of adjoining days, which (hall anfvver to any intermediate hours. Thus in the Ex. page 296. To find the pro. pts. of 58^ to 7h, 24m. 36 f. Nov/ |th of 58^ is 14^ 30^'' ; which falls between 14^ lo/^ and 14^ 40''^ And the time 7 h. 24 m. 36 f. falls between 7 h. 20 m. and 7 h. 40 m. The mean of the equatrons under 7 h. 20 m. and 7h. 40 m. and againft 14'' 20''^ and 14^ 40^', are 4' ^b'' and 4' 38'^, their difF. is 12^'. And 20 : 12 : : 4,6 : 2| : and 4^ 26'''' + 2|=4' 28^ the pro. pts. to \ of Then the proportional parts to 58^, are 17' 54^^. Again. In the Exam, above. To find the parts proportional to 3 m. 57 f. as 9 h. 30 m. is to 24 h. Here 3 m. 57 f. being taken as 4m. ; and 4h. 40 m. as the half of 9 h. 30 m. The equation is 47^^ j which doubled gives 1^ 34^^ for the proportional parts required". 28^. VII. Of the right ajcenjions and declinations of the fixed ^Stars, (312) This table, which contains 120 of the principal fixed ftars, viz. 60 naving north declination, and 60 with fouth declination, are fitted to the year 1780 ; and are fclefled partly from the catalogue which is given in fhe Nautical Ahnanac for 1773, ^^ deduced from Dr. Bradley's Obfer- vations ; and partly from that given by M. de La Caille, which, he fays, "' are all derived from his own obfervations made, during len years attcn- *' tion ro this bufinefs, either at Paris, or at the Cape of Good Hope ; *' that the pofitions are afcertaincd with all the accuracy that could be de- *' rived from the modern Aftronomy ; and that he had all proper helps, ' v/ith regLird to inftruments, affiftarts, and convenience, and neither "* care or pains were vvrnting to perfect the work. ** The right atceniions were determined by a multitude of correfpond- ** ing altitudes of each, taken with a quadrant of three feet radius, to have *' their paflage over the meridian with the greatell exaclncfs. Almoft all *' the ftars in the northern hemifphere have been compared with the *' bright ftar in the Harp; and thofe in tl:e fouthern hemifphere, widi *' Syrius ; that is to iay, 011 each day that the t^me of the ftar's pafling *' the meridian had been found by equal altitudes, that of t Lyras and " Svjius were foiuid in like manner . r^.e ri^'iit af^cnfions oi thcfe iv/o *' liars. Book V. ASTRONOMY. jci ** ftars having been fettled by a great many obfervations taken when *' they were in the propereft fituation for this purpofe. *' The declinations have been deduced from a fufficient number of *' obfervations of their zenith diftances, taken with an inftrument of Ci^i " feet radius, made with great care for this purpofe." The table confifts of nine columns ; that on the left hand contains the name of the conftellation ; the next fhews in what part of the conftella- tion the ftar is ; in the 3d are the names by which certain ftars are dif- tinguifhed } the 4th column fhews the Greek charadlcrs by which the ftar is marked in the coelcftial charts, or maps of the conftellations ; the 5th fliews the magnitude of the ftars ; the 6th and 7th contain the right afcenfion in time, reckoned from Aries, and the yearly variation in right afcenfion ; the 8th and 9th contain the declinations and the yearly varia- tion in declination ; where thofe which are marked + are augmented by the yearly variation ; but thofe which have the mark annexed, are to be diminiftied by the variation : by the help of thefe yearly variations the right afcenfions and declitiations of thefe ftars may be fitted for any diftant year. Precepts for finding the culminating of the ftars are at articles 133, 1 34. 290. VIII. I'ables of the Equation of Time. In page 318 are three tables, articles 313, 314, 315 : Article 313 is a table of the Sun's right afcenfion in degrees, to each degree of longi- tude in the firft quadrant of the ecliptic ; and alfo the differences between thofe longitudes and right afcenfions. The table, art. 314, contains the faid differences turned into time (132), of minutes, feconds, and the tenth part of feconds : the numbers in this table are the differences be- tween the mean and true noons, arifing from the obliquity of the ecliptic (267) ; and the table, art. 315, is nothing more than the equations of the center, table art. 305, converted into time ; and are the differences between the times of the mean and true noons, arifing from the eccen- tricity of the Earth's orbit : thefe two equations of time, properly put together, conftitute another table, art. 316, of the abfolute equation of time with relation to the place of the Sun's apogee. 291. To conJlruSl the talk 316, of the abfolute Equation of Time. I ft. To the given time find the Sun's true place, or affume a place. 2d. The difference between that place, and the place of the apogee, gives the Sun's true anomaly. 3d. From the true anomaly find the mean. . (294) 4th. In table I. 314, feck the equation of time to the Sun's place. 5th. In table II. 315, feek the equation of time to the mean ano- maly. 6th. The fum, or difference of thefe equations, according as their titles, or figns direct, will be the abfolute equation of time to the Sun's place foimd at firft, or to the corrcfponding time. The tables, articles 314, 315, are made only to whole degrees of lon- gitude and anomaly; the proportional parts of the diffcrcncrs are to be taken for minutes or feconds, above whok decrees of the Sun's longitude aad anomaly, 292. EXA.M. -02 ASTRONOMY. Book V. 392. Exam. I. If^bat is tht Equation ofTimt^ when the Sun's longitude is 2* li**.^ In table, art. 316, againft 12 in the outfide column, and under ni, or J f,, ftands 16 m. 12 f. ; which fhews that 16 m. i2 f. is to be fub- tra<3ed from the apparent time ; to give the mean time of apparent noon, or the time which fhould be fhewn by a good cloclc, when the Sun's center is on the meridian. 293. Exam. II. IVhat is the Equation 9/ Time when the Sun's longitude j4. 243o'4Z^'f The difference between the equation in table, art. 316, to 4' 24* and 4* 25, is 13* decreafing ; and 30' 42''= 30,7'. Then bo' : 30,7' : ; 13* : 6,65 or 7% the proportional part decreafing. And + 3 m. 46 f. 7 fl=: + 3 m. 39 f-, -the equation fought. So 24 h. the apparent time of folar noon, increafed by 3 m. 39 f. will give the mean time of noon. If the time was given^ viz, the months day^ hour, t^c.y to find the Equation, To the given time find the Sun's longitudie, (-^78) Then to this longitude find the equation of time, as above. 294. To find the mean anomaly from the true being given. Solution, Say, As the fquare root of the perihelion diftance. To the fquare root of the aphelion diftance j So the tangent of half the true anomaly. To the tangent of half the excentric anomaly. And As radius, to the fign of the excentric anomaly, So the degrees in an arc equal in length to the eccen- tricity. To the degrees, &c. in the arc of correction. The corrclion added to the excentfic anomaly gives the mean anomaly. 295. Remarks, ift. The greateft equation of the center being taken at i 55^ 39''^, the eccentricity (249) will be 0,01682 j the aphe- lion diftance will be 1,01682, and the perihelion 0,98318. Hence the ratio of the fquare root of the perihelion diftance to the fquare root of the aphelion diftance will be exprefled by the logarithm 0,00731 ; which conftant logarithm, added to the logarithmic tangent of \ ihe true anomaly, will give the logarithmic tangent of \ the excentric anomaly. 296. 2d. In the 2d proportion, the arc equal to the length of the ec- centricity 1682 is a conftant quantity. Now the radius, or mean diftance, is equal to the length of an arc of 57^2i9578 (249) ; then looooo : 1682 : : 57,29578 : o,96375, the length of the eccentricity in degrees ; the conftant logarithm of which is 9,98396, which added to the logarithmic fine of the excentric anomaly, abating lO in the index of the fum, gives the logarithm of an arc, the de- grees, minutes, and feconds of whih being added to the excentric ano- maly, give the mean anomaly, 297. Book V. ASTRONOMY. J03 297. IX. 'Table of corre^ions for the middle tinu between eq^uai altitudes of the Sun, Art. 317. This table, which is fitted to the latitudes of 30*, 40% 50*, and 60% will alfo ferve, nearly, to all latitudes between 25*^ and 65; by entering the table with the neareft latitude to that given, and the given declina- tion in degrees. It is conftrudled by art. 216. Exam. I. In latitude 50 iV., when the Sun's declination is 16 N., snd the interval betzveen the morning and afternoon obfervation is 5 hours : what correction muji be applied to the middle time, to give the time of appa^ r^nt neon ? In the table, art. 3^7, againft 16*" of declination taken in the outfide column, and under 50* latitude, and 5 hours, with N. declination, ftand 12 feconds ; which 12 f. applied to the middle time between the obfer\'a- tions, give the time when the Sun was on the meridian. The corre<5tion is applied to the middle time by the precepts at the biottom of the table. 298. Exam. II. In latitude 50"^ AT., on November ibth, 176 1, obferva- tions at equal altitudes of the Sun were taken at the following times Jbewu by clocky the equal altitude injlrument having three horizontal wires. Morning obfervations. Afternoon obfervations. preceding limb O following limb O preceding limb G following limb 9^28"'5s" 9*'3;"'2!i" ih46"43i" 1*^53"' SOi" 9 39 23f 9 32 46? 9 36. 44f 50 53t 1 54 56 , .-- 9 43 30 Now i^ ^ ^-- =11*' 45=" 7f 9 32 46! +1 57 285 +>2 _ _j 11 45 /z- 9 36 44f +1 53 3of +12 1 =11 45 7. j Again^-il-i^t-4i^^^-il=M 45 K ^ 1 57 28i 2 I 20[ the mean mi'' 45"^ )-7,6" by the preced- ing limb. 9 39 23 +1 50 53f +12 2 9 43 30 +1 46 4Vf +12 the mean=:i i** 45=^' II 45 8f ^8" by the following limb. = 11 45 6{ The mean time of obfervation from both limbs is 11 h. 45 m. 7,^ f. The declination on the day of obfervation is 19 S. nearly ; the intcrvul between the obfervations is about 4 hours j and thefe give + 14 feconds for the correction of the middle time. So the Sun was on the meridian when the clock fhcwed iih. 45m. 21, Sf. The Sun's place, at that time, was 7' 24 26' 46" nearly. la table 316, to 7' 24' the tabular difference is 12', dccrcafing. Then 304 ASTRONOMY. BookV. Then 60' : 26,75' : : 12 f. : 5,35 f. ; and + 14 m. 56 f. Si f- = + 14 m. 50} f., which is the equation of time : hence 1 1 h, 45 m. 21,8 f. + 14 m. 5o,6f. = i2h. om. I2,4f. Which fhews that the clock was 12 f., nearly, too fail. 299. X. tables of RefraSiion and cf the Sun' 5 parallax. (318,319) Thefe tables are the refult of the experience of fome of the moft emi- nent Aftronomers. By the refradlion of the atmofphere, objects appear more elevated than they really are, and therefore the apparent altitude is to be diminiflied by the refradlion, which is greateft near the horizon, and gradually diminifhes towards the zenith, where there is no refra(5tion. The parallax in altitude is the difference between the altitude of an ob- jet, as feen from the cente rand furface of the Earth, that from the center being the true altitude, and the greateft, except at the zenith, where pa- rallax vanifties j therefore the apparent altitude is to be augmented by the parallax. Exam. The Sun's apparent altitude was ohferved to be 18 34''48'''i ivhat was his true altitude ? Apparent altitude 18 34' 48^^ 1 Refradion 2' 47'' Correction is 2 38 J Parallax 9 -f Sun's true altitude 18 32 10. ''"XXXX'*'" 300. ASTRO. feook V, ASTRONOMY. 305 300. ASTRONOMICAL TABLES, Fitted, in general, to the meridian of Greenwich. Art. I. MeaH motions of the Sun and Apogee for years. (301) II. Mean motions of the Sun and Apogee for radical years. (3^) III. Mean motions of the Sun for hours, minutes, and feconds. (303) IV. Mean motions of the Sun and Apogee for months and days. (304) V. Equations of the Sun's center. (3^5) VI. Sun's declination to figns and degrees. (306) VII. Sun's right afcenfion in time to figns and degrees. (3*^7) VIII. Sun's longitude to each day for the years 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795. (308) IX. Sun's declination to each day for the fame four years. (3^9) X. Sun's right afcenfion to each day for the fame four years. (310) XI. To fit the tables VIII. IX. X. to any meridian. (311) XII. Right afcenfions and declinations to 120 fixed flars. (3^21) XIII. Sun's right afcenfion in degrees, &c. to figns and de- grees of longitude. (313) XIV. Equation of time on the obliquity of the ecliptic. (314) XV. Equation of time on the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit. (315) XVI. Abfolute equation of time^ to the Sun's longitude. (316) XVII. Correction of the middle time between equal altitudes. (317) XVIII. Correction of altitude for refraClions. (31^) XIX. Correction of the Sun's altitude for his parallax. Is^O) The tables of the Sun's place, declination, and right afcenfion, are fitted to the years 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795 > and will ferve in moft nau- tical operations as well for the lour years preceding, viz, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1 79 1, and alfo for the four years following, viz. 1796, 1 797, 1798, 1799, as is mentioned at the heads of thofe tables. But as a Nautical Almanack is publifhcd yearly under the direction of the com- miflioners of longitude, the tables contained therein (hould be confulted in cafes where the utmgft prccifion is neceiTary, X Tables 305^ AST A Or^ O MY. Hook V, h ^ < eg. < M o o -T3 2 to 2: o H O < -o c o ^ PI U-l M Tt- IN TJ- O OO \o * o M c<^ ro ^ 1-. ui rn n a< -, r< \ t^ 1/1 ro "^ " r N N ri fn ro r-> r H N N '". M M t) (4 r< rt r r^ r) f f4 9 c S i-i w t*> ^ >^.0 i^on' d o M t^ * 4 + -4- 'I- Th o^ i" f M T^ ^ lO U^ U-i lo i^ ^ 'I- tn rt M vo vD t^oo 0\ O' .^ HI M roTf"^ 3 C 5 r^ i^ m M ^\ (^. 4- M O 00 vo * pl O I^ vo ro i IM "1 N U-i t< Vt $2 5-" vO + M On f- 1^ M t^ vo H "1 J ^ N * r~. <^ M -ii- t^ Ov r) * t--. Ov +VO 0\ w .c}- >- N N <> O I m r-n rry rr\ ri- Tt- " 4r\o OO M t^ vo vo vo vo r-, t~. f a: " M ro Q " N 1 ri nt i^ NO l^OQ 1 0^ O -> r <-^ 'I- 1^^ t^OO OS o rt rl r r r t's r" 5 i^ O >^ O "-1 o HI H cl f*1 c*^>rt- vr, o V. i o tJ. vr. .., HI 1/1 6 '"^3 n o H< rr n rn en - in i>i in m n m <*- rt <^ el m vn m m "1 m ; ^ ft <* H it j ^ Hl r *1 '^ VTNV r^oo oi " e> ti <1- vnso r>-00 OS M r) N N M !0 N T^ in j. OS en in M tr^ \r^ r-t Os O M HI HI en en Q c * in t^ vr + H * vn . HI el en rj- H| HI HI HI en " i I c OS o 5 sr 1/1 (1 to ^ -r tn r/N CO tn d rJ ui (1 HI U-, -^ n M <1 HI -, cJ O ^ tn ^ W-, c*^i (-1 C in HI Ob SE ~ HI e> n en c ,M Ov in HI B HI Th ii- m " en i - ^ ro H. t-. r^ 0\ tj- Ol -' "T t^ HI -rj- c-1 Hi so HI r- fl 00 1- en M HI o O vn M M ei .^ csoo r~ r^vo h t- - HI c 1" O O O O O O O O O . O O C O Cs O o o o o( OS OS O O O O Os 0^ OS Crs Ts M dO OO 00 CO c; W HI CO OS O H N <-. CO 00 OS C OS cs HI Hi OS Oi OS OS 0> O^ o o o o o u O e< -"J-so 00 3 r* 00 OO CO 00 Cs .1-1 Ml HI m HI i-^ sv O w o u o d t-so 00,0 OS Os Cs OS O HI m H, ^ H. el el ! "" CO as CQ M la CQCO C3 CQ CJ 03 CO cq CO CQ U cL 5 no n O '^ ^ vn in r. no "10 in o HI cl ri c*i en 'j- >y- 0^ m o "' mo 'n O vn o Ht el el in en }- i vn o -no vn, vj- 'n i/i H. 1 ^ C/ OO o^ O ri r-^ -i- f^ CTT tJ* Tj- ^ ^ 30 m.VO r -OO OS "* * -^ 'i- * " .-< c4 en tn^o t^ \r-i ur; vjri sn in 1/ OO io Cs O M M en in in 00 OS 'I- vno OO OS o i_c S r^ CO -n rl en O J 01 C>> 0^ OOO OO n -4- H^ tn. OS Csoo OO eo ^^^ . en HI * ri t-^ t-. ^ v sc >) un i ^ d HI m, 1^ n c O O O OS o o O OS O O OS O OS O O O OS o O OS O O OS O O 5 r-^ U1 ui wn 1/1 n i^; HI HI OO OS O H, cl c'-> vn inso ^ so so HI -+ invO r-.,y5 o. sc so so >c (C J3 O HI el en ri- m t^ t-^ <-- t^ t- t^ sO t^ O'D OS O HI r^ r^ r^ t^oo oo '-1 CO ca CJ ec CO CO 23 ec in HI in o ^ el vn o el en vn o' '", C vn, o in o vn o vn O' en' r^ to Ti- cl ri c^ CO ^ to O On r^ to * d - d CO .^ to ON t~- to -i- d >-< d CO rl- ON i^ vo CO d fcO *0 -t f CO rl- to F >- \00 00 t> ^O w-i Tj-to c C^ -1 OnVN t^vi3 to to to to /N rj- CO d - ON ONOO r^vo to n ri- rj- rl- rl- rj- rl- M 4J a u Q ' w N fi Ti- vn >9 t^OO ON "< d CO CO rj- tONO r~.oo ON -< d CO rl- VOVO t^OO ON d d d d d d c4 4> a '" cr. t^'ir, ^ r4 rl M ri -^ vn d C7\"r-^-> # rl -< - M CO ^ to ON 1~- to rj- -< d CO -4' On r^ to .1- d to vo t-< d CO U ON t~^ to r}- d rj- -1- to .r d J ON to t-^*0 .W-, ^ CO r*^ T^ d to ro to CO ~ t< CO tl- i/-> f< -< oo r^ ro CO n M -M r< vo t^oo o^ >-" t^vr> to tJ- CO d d d d d d d d CO rj- u-ivo t-^ -1 ONOO t^ to rl- rl- CO d s 00 ON -' M CO rl- too t^0 ON Cl d M d d d 1 CO -^. B * > C< CO T^ to rl CO Cl " o-> r^vo rr Tj- to to i-i d N On r- to ^ CO rl- rl- lO, d On r-~ to rj- d d CO CO rl- to Tl- + CO N "^ 0-. CO r-^o to ri- to to to to to to CO rl -H -r Ov to to to .IT) to rj- 50 t-^O t/^ vo tj- ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ CO cl >- On ONOO rl" rl- rl- rl- CO CO CO ^ p) CO ^ -i- ^J-i\o t^03 ON w N CO rj- tnvo t^OO On - d CO rl- votO t~-00 ON d d d d d d d -T3 rt a> VO cl c^ r-j- to >0 -. M cl - ON t^vO rj- CO r Ti- to d - 0. r^vc -^ d CO CO rl- to CJ ON 1 ~0 rl- >-i d cl CO rl- to c;n X J3 1 a. ON C\50 t--vD 1/-- cJ H r N c> CO rl- >^ t}- CO cl rJ -1 pl c^ d d d M t~~tO ON - ONOC r~^v3 to 4- CO d 1-1 ONOO r^vD o ^ u. d CO rj. totO f^ CO ON " d CO 4- vovO t-~00 On d d d d d c n . CO ^- un to >-< d CO r^ ^ to Ti- d- - ON t^ - d CO CO Tj- to rl- cl -. ON t-.0 -1 d d CO rl- 1- d n ci t-^vo -dr vo - n d CO i^ ro rl- bi w C r 3 be 3 < *J-l -tJ- CO CO f J U-) W-> in W-l U-l U-, 0\ >" M CO <}- - ovoo i-~ r-^ tr, to si- rl- ^ tJ- tOO C--00 Ov VD vo r^- CO d - rj- rl- ^ ,J- rl- ,1- d CO tJ- "ito 1-1 ONOO /t;,0 rl- rl- CO CO CO CO C^oo On " d I 1-1 1-1 d d d to to rl- ro d It CO CO CO CO 'CO ro ro ro rl- tovfl) t^oo On d M 61 d d c < >^ CO >- cr%oo : H CO .J- -^ ^ * cl -r CNSO h-. ct CO to rl- vo r^ CO CH CNDO to M d d CO rl- CO 11 ONOO tl- vo 1-1 11 d vo ri- d n On t--0 CO rl- vo n H 00 CO T3 >- CO PH O^0O 00 r^o to rj- C -1 d -H ONOO t^\0 NO vo rl- CO d ti ONOO rv vo to vo C C C* N ci *- ^ *^ rt 3 > CT, I-" M CO ^ to^o r^oo ON d CO rl- toVO t^OO ON " d CO rl- too t^QO d d d d d d M ^ := D " CO _o -0 * to -^ CTNVi 1-1 N CO 1- to - CN30 to "t d d CO NO -.. CO -* Ovy? rl- to M M d rl- CO w ONCC CO rl- to 11 n- to -r p^oo d CO rl- to to 0^ C rf ^ ^ ^ -;J- Ti- to CO Ct l- ON r*- rl- tj- rl- t1- CO -yj t-~. r^vo 10 rj- CO d M H ON CO CO CO CO CO cl 00 t^vo to !- rl- d d d d M d ^ ^. er. i-l N CO -i- + .0 to>o t-^oo On "< d CO rj- lOND 1-^00 1 cl CO rl- too t^OO d d N d d d a 00 vO -^ CO --- O^ ^ to cl ci .0 VO -,- CO - ON CO r;t- 10. >D .:.- rl- CO ^ ON d CO rl- to CO NO rl- !-. "H 1- ro ONOO r d (O rj- rl- to d t' >> to tJ- ^ CO c) M OvM 00 t-to vo r:}- CO d d w CNoo r^o to to to vo to to t-^ t^OO ON n to rl- CO d W ON to to to vo t/, .0 n- d ro ri- vo\0 t~-eo d d cl d c4 d d 2 ^ - !T> " N CO th C4 C) Tj- >^vo r^oo ON W d CO rl- lOVO Z ) .. u _o 03 ^o to CO -. G CO T<- vo -< d d to ri- to - 00 NO 10, C--, - M cl CO -vl- 00 to CO 11 d CO rl- tr CO to CO H to H d CO rl- d ^ .1- -cj- CI CO CO CO o tJ- CO CO r) to CO CO to CO to Onoo r- c^ to CO d d d d vo rl- C^ d 11 d N d d d d ONOO r-.o d d i I 11 M < ^ C\ W CJ CO < too t--00 CN " d CO rl- tovO 1--00 ON " d ro rl- i^ t^OO d d cl d d d " T) ., Cl CO w c ^ C -i) lO CI - d CO T}- to 00 vO to to - - " d to -^ vo 00 to CO M d CO rl- OC. to lO -- to, to M d CO .y '>3 to, CO n rl- rl- to 11 d (J 00 t-\0 to -i- -i- CO d *-" Gvro to 'O 00 f^ND to T- CO d < 11 ONOO w-t vo vo vo rl- rl- r^o vo vo r*- CO d rl- rl- rl- n- 4 rl- rl- "^ 2 ^ 0\ *< cl CO ^ toso t-^00 00 C-. C " cl CO rl- v/-. t-^00 On " d CO vl- loo r^oc d d d d d d d 0. , c r- >o CO rl 00 f C'l -4- to lo to .. 00 1 d CO rl- >0 to vo to CO - V^ 1 >1 Cl CO rl- ^ o ro 00 vo M d ro CO -O to to - rl- to 1. 'i. fi '-' C^ CTnc/3 f^O to, ^ CO d cl d d d d N C-~00 ON PH d cl ^ CTvoc r-- 10 -}- CO cl - ON 3 1 ' l-l r CO rj- ir.o ro rl- too C-^OC ON n r* ro rf- too t- 00 rl H d c< c ~ -y-j 1 . .0 ," . (J Cl C-l T*- "- -X) l^ tr, to fl fj 'O M d CO rj- .^ to 1-1 rl ro co I - lo to d to -1- to " r< ;/-. t , d 00 rl to rl- 10 - to < CN'-/5 l-^vO " + ro CO cl " 0^ 10 to to to. to 1- CO t-~ r-vo "> -rh rl- -1- -d- rl- -1- rl- CO d >" 1 Ov rl- !- rl- + rl- " 00 t^D vo 'O r^ CO 10 CO ro to CO CO ro c C3 s - ! cl .-O rl- to vO C--t On -1 d ro < too r^ 00 ON 1 d r-i- i- >oO r^oo ov d c d d d cl a |l;avs. - Ci to -1- trvi; 1 1 ,c/v ON b < tl 1 10 1- too I -^ 1 ON "> cl ro -y | - H d d d '1 1 t<- r-CO On -r 3ot ASTRONOMY. Book V. o c <: o fcO u o fi M w u CO J CO < o CO y D:-g. Onoo t-~\o >^ Th ro r N H M r f< CO c - O OnOO t^NO >n ^ CO d O ONOO r^NO m ^ to d 1*3 * 5 ~ " rt rt 5 J3 3 CO ' > ^ ro t^ ON O Q On t-~ vy^ tn ^ ^ vri vn in ir> vri u-i ,1- ^ U1 w NO (^ v>0O - >- M c d ^ '! H Q oo NO + ^ "T ^ CO CO O d cocococo cl OOONO T^- cococotococo cococl N d d *d OOONO ,J- N OOONO Tj-d cococoddd dc<"<""<'-' O O 00 rj- >- r- * o O 00 NO Te d o i < > id ' Q ^ O H *VC 00 0> - *^ m r^oo "< ^ w^\o 00 O - H + I'l t-.0O O O t f^ l^NO M M K M " it Q -o < > 3 M r O vo O <^ - O CTvOO <^ I'N * ^ -^J- fl CO t^ 11 -^ r On T^- r^ Cn 0^ CO . -^ fl CO N < O\O0 I-- CO CO CO c< c< d 00 >/-i *NO NO Tj- c CO CO in t}- CO 1-1 oo d d d d d - in CO On ^i- t-- o CO m d <<*- (^ w. CO d O On 1^ M HI M *-l On On ^^ ^' On co d tJ- d CO m r^ m } d o 00 m O fcti ' Q ^ O O O O O O 5 3 t-~ Cr.00 vO rh I'l t*l to CO CO C '* ' Q - -I 0> t^vO rort OOOVOV^HQ OvvO "^N-OO r~.Tj-roOOONO rf-rtOOOVOCo - O O O O O 5 3 d ' so t-^vo CO On N 'I- irj lo rj- O O " H O CO ^ CO t1- <> tJ- tJ- ^ t1- -4 >-t <* d 00 CO u-N w^ CO c^ UO CO " l^NO t^ t^OO ON .-1- + 'I- 'I- -4- ^ T^ o vn r--oo no m to CO CO On O 1- " d d ^ \y^ xfi \f-^ \r^ \r\ CO r^ O O QO <* d m ct -^ CO CO CO -^ ^ t}- I-* oo o O oo + r- m >t d d CO CO tJ- in in m in in in in in in m m -a .i^ 5 r^ M - O OvOO r-- vrv ^ r-^ r> O Ov-XJ VD <>- t^ rJ Ov t-~>0 rj-r-l i-i OOOO *r^ Q . M je 5 3 I-" t^ c CO CO N O .^ CO i-< vr> CO -H v/-, ^^ (50 O - CO V^VO " C- d NO ON "- CJ CO tl- I-. 00 O - CO ^NO OO * On d * tJ- CO in rl tJ- h- On O -' CO rj- vn rir.i-. I-- - ,Jr H ^ in M NO t--0O ON M d c) d d d CO CO in in CO On cono CO ^ m in CO tJ- m.NO oo On to CO to to to CO < >< - |5 3 o - OOO CnOO OO oo oO 00 l~^ f^ t-.NO VC NO U-, vo ^ fo cod d - O ONoooo I--NO in * -c < ! O Cs t VO + Cl o vr, U-, tn wv vj, tn - to vr, r- CN - 00 NO CO r- c^ ^ ^ 'i-"4- COC- CO 1^ f^ ON - C^ ON in o -n ON d d d cl m t-- ON >-* CO m tl rl d fi t^, c^ O >nt-.ONO O Cn t^lnclOC cot-- in ^^ CO rr rl m ^ CO t^- xiooOd'^NO r-ONi-coinNO coco^^tJ-^tJ- 'i-^inininin C O 1 O O Oe,. - c< c<-. ^ u-.vo r-oo o. o >- ci CO ^ u".N: r^oo On O -- d CO ^ lONO f-oo On O d d d tJ M to d d c) d d 1 - BookV. ASTRONOMY.. 309 Deg. i" H ro - o\o 1 t^oo Ox 11 (4 1 i^"i^ mvo l^oo 1 a. O ^ cJ t*i +( vio t-,00 c^ O Q tfc"^ C\oo 00 r^ r^vo vOvOu-i.^'<^T|-crtroc.ic4NM mi-i>-ii-ih-< r) W t^ M .*-00 rt vo ONtn tn ro ^ ^ ^1- vn t^ M Ttt/i rt vr, lO MM M ON coxo * r- '-' rt rt to to CO M M LO Ox rt xo ^ ^ xo u-i U-) M rt hj^ ^. Q E ^'l-'i-rj-'*-'* '^+'^*T^TJ rt- yt- ^ t^ trt m Tfi r^ rr, t^ t^ t^ r ovvo rl tJ- m i-i 11 H t^ t^ M W-,00 M rt ^ "i- * <* "^ "^^ C*"! CO C^ rt 1^ UI V<-1 10 y-l lO Tj- ^ x^ OX co\6 ^f 'J- CO rt rt M Ox M rt CO CO CO ^ xi- CO rt 00 r> t^ w u-i r, m H w rt H M en t-^ w "-1 On M t^ ro !.()- ^ v^ m M UI ox to t^ M M M rt i-l Ox to t~- M 10 rt rt CO to * + Ox cOxO *00 a 00 00 C- t>-vO vO W-] m .^ mco M M M u 5 -+< i- * -"i- <* ^^ -1- 4- * * tj- ,1- Tj- ^ ,- T^ ^i- r^ ^ r^ Ti- 4- + * + ^ ^ ^ ,i- 00 v,; H * rt ! M M -M M - rO W-X M CO XO M CTxoo xo 'r M to .^ rt <* oo tJ- to >*- M CO U-, rt f (^ rt Tj- xo x/^ 4- M rt CO * >-< rt rt * ON ro r^ rt m CO ro ^ rj- w-i xo vn Ox tooo VO MM rt xo p VO ON to rt rt to CO to ^ t> rt NO 'l-oo ^ xo m )OJ ^ xO t^ l~^ t-- 00 3 E *^ rt rt f*^ < -^ ^^ u->sO x> t^ t^oo (/:;a^o^ rt . xo t^oo M CO in M CO " vrx c\ moo rt *^ U-) *0 MM + Ox m r~- M N rt rt ex CO * xO tJ- ON CO r~ ^ kn i/^ VT) rt xo ^'N On to M M rt rt rt CO 00 rt xo M 100 CO ^ 1- vr> "^ Wo^ m ,* * .I- .0 in xo fcB'^ 00 Mrtro roTj-r^ u-xvo r^ t^oo CTvOO"-* MfOco^^u^^ rvoo c0 ON Ox Ms Q E mmroi-ororo rn '-' -r^ M vrx ON rnvO + u^ \ri xr^ MM 00 rt xo >t-oo M rt rt to to cf rt xo +00 rt ^^ ..1- vo u-> u-i XO TfOO rt NO M M M rt rt "i-oo M tv M to CO CO -xj- >* n JO^ H M rt M to CO ICO tfc^ r)rorNrorn ror<^Mcncoro .^r<^commro roriroroc^cn a MD Ci: 1^ t: ^ M I- M rt * rt Tl- rt r* CO ^ iy-\0 00 'J- rt -"l- rt rl + t^ to vo CO M vo -jJ- rt t-^ M xo M XO rt >o to rt ^o 00 xo rt 00 P- tO rt M x^ to n t^ M tJ-wj rt M M M rt w^ Ox toxo tJ- rt rt to to Tj-Tt r-- M u-.oo rt xo r}- vo u-1 kn to t^ M ooo M M M rt rt rt rt >o i- r^ M co CO ^ .ij- tj- vn ^0^ Deg. M M M rt c^ Ti- mxo t^OO ON M rt CO + K-xxo r^oo ox M rt CO tJ- >nxo t^oo ON Q ' -I ^^^ ^ ^* 1^ rt rt rt CO u 000 t^xO 10 t1-| CO rt M CNOO 1 t-^o xo <* to rt 1 M o.>3 t^xo 1 xo .^ CO rt M cortrtrtrtrtrtlrtrtrtrtM.>-i|MMMMMM|Mi-i | Q rtOooxoMoe .OTt-r--.Ort ^ooo m 1- coMiJ-rt cOMVort coM.J-rtort tOMri-Mxortoco co .^j-m fcts Q N rt rt M M M 3 On Ox yxOO 00 t^ t^xo x^xOvniOr^-i-COrOrt rtrtMMQO Q N -T3 > t^ r-. xj- M ox rt x-i xn rt rt xo CO CO On xo t^ M M <0 M CO "^-oo r^ t^ Mm i- xo rt 00 rt Ox ON to CO rt to rt xo xo rt r^ xoxo rt rt xo -ct- Ox N rt xoxo 00 On ON M cl CO ^ 10 M OxOO t^ xo CO x^ -4 xn M CO t^ CO 0, lO rt to to Ti- <}- xo xn ON COXO ON rt + xn (^ t-^00 rt rt M M M rt rt_G_ M M rt rt rt rt rt M rt M M M - rt rt rt rt rt rt rt CI rtrtrtrtrtrt rt M rt rt rt CO CO CO CO CO c^. rtrtrtrtrtrt rtrtrtrtrtrt P MOOQXorOO xOrtOO ^00 CO xococlM rJ-cOM ..t-tox ^ M xo.oo m CO xo t^Oi; 000 OXOO 00 l^ xo X ^rtMxntoMxnTt-rt ^MXnCOMXO '* s mCOOOO cnOxOn onoo 00 00 00 P~ t^ r^xo xoxo lomxovn i--4-totocort flflrtrtrtrt ^MMMMM MMMMMM MMMl-'MM MMMMMM Q^ - -0 ^ xo.vO -0 xrl- Cx rl rt XO to XO M M ON M M rt C y3 00 M c- xo CO ^ xo Tt- M M M 0X00 C- XO M CO i- rt M VO rj- XOOO to CO M -xf xo ^ >o to M 00 in rt <* c) to xo M CO 00 00 00 00 rt .! CO M CO CO ON >n M r^ rt t~- rt + M CO -4- OC 1^ xo CO xo M CO CO M CO rt rt nD rf- r^ Ki CO T^ xo M af )oO M M rt rt rt to f CO tJ- tJ- ^ 10 VO xoxo xo XO xo r^ r~. t^oo oo 00 00 ON ON Ox ON On M - M - M rt il fcti "T to-rci ^ Ooo xo coo r--mo xoQ x^>ocot^ m toxO 00 D m rt. o .^ + co rt lOXOXOXOXO.^-Tj-Tl-'X^r^tOtOrtW'l XOXOrj-fOClt^M XOTj-tOrtM hti Q N ,-,,^r.,cororococococotococococococ, rt rtrtrtrtrtrt rt-MMi-xM N rt rl rt t| r< rt rt rt c:) rt rt rt rt rl ri rt rt rtrtrtrtrtrt rtrtrtrtrtrt i CO 1, ON CO xo <- to CO rt t c^ <-^ <* c~ t^ xo CO M x?) rt rt rt t-.vO a>>o rt .* xo xo 5- m" + -~ ON rt vO CO VO M M xn to vn V CO t~ ~ xo Ox CO rt tJ- M to xn rt XO '1- t^ M .* ^ M CO XO rt ^ 00 M +M M ^ C^l NO M ^ xO ox rt ^i- 1^ Ox rt ri- M CO xo M M CO tJ-xo I^ Ox M ^G - M rt rt CO CO CO ^ tJ* XO XO xoxO XO C^ r^ r^oo 00 00 Ox Ox a " "< X De ^,_|0 ^ r, ...l-xoxO t^OC Ox M rt 1 CO TT xy~>sO f-00 1 Ox M rt CO -xj-l XOxO r--0O Ox ^-,_|_--.,-MlrlrtrtMM|''rtrtrl.-lro ' 3*9 ASTRONOMY. Bopk V. Uays.l - n *> 'I- '^' r-oo On O < r to ^ nvo c^oO M M M M M 11 ON O " N to 4- 1 d M d d miO t^OO On O 1 d d d d N to to J u^ u-> in w^ w^ m r^ m ON 'I- m in 11 O l-~ tJ- M o oo r< M o * in m "1 d CO ^ n 00 O O d o moo d CO ^in n ja r-i n .0O On O E Q c O M N ro t1- u^ NO r-.oo ON O w d M N H c< oo C ^ O ^ in o >o *n m + n . M + vo CO tooo in ir * t^ O m to -. 4- inrt M- d * ON Th M d ^ d - O 00 OO >i tJ-CO m to d d 1 E - m in \f^\c \o lO 1-^ 1^ r^oo 00 CTv <*+* T- 4- Th On O "I M M to rf- rJ- ln\0 1^ in in in in in m r-oo ON o M d m vn m > o 0\ O M m Th mvo t^oo ON M n to t}- mvO M t< rt M t^oo oi o d d d d to + in t^oo On (^ O ffi O ^ CTi 1^ n m 1^ f f*i in oo CN f ON t-io M to rl "^ D On to ON r^oo o m to ^ t< n * ON On d >0 in ^ d M n d n - tovo d ON % ^ m rj- T^ m rt M m in in m in \n " O O ONOO 60 in in m rj- ij- tJ- t-~ l-~ t-v\0 lO VO <* il- * -* rh * m in in m in in ^* il- ih ^-^^ 1 ao o> o "1 n ^ Th invo t^oo On O rl to li- m N c c< t< t< c< so t^ro On O n d d d cf d to ^ inNO t->oo vO 1 s^ . i ON O -^ t^ in to in c<^ in -t< to r^ to rl o > to m rl m n i in ONiO lovD m M in to w m On ^ O On O to to rl >i m in ij- ' NO rh moo * to tO.CO CO CO ^ 8 - vO ^ tn w o\ t-^ ro fi ro to N H lO <4- t> w ct\aa N M t M 1 >- NO >n to C w ON M M M M M OO (^V> tJ- to d M O OnOO t^vD in vn in ui c C^ rt n ^ mo i-^M ON M n to Tj- ino H H M M t< r^OO On O I" d d cl d CO nh il- mv t^ ^ . m 5 t- >* ro -i- rJ-vO r) in n m N m O m " t~- ^^ + to Tj- >-i in to m r- o * ^ t^ " m, l- r w in nO vO OO n m rl tJ- CO tl rl n II OnOO on > no d O M w d CO 3 < ^ m r) o r^ vn M ^ rj- * tn m r^. O 00 >n to CO to t> t) M M n NO to 1 0\ t-. 1^ W 11 M d OO NO il- d m in in m O OO NO il- d O OO m ii- tJ- ^ Tj- Tl- t- ,0 0^ O >- M n Tj- 'n\o i^oo Ov O 1 c) to -^ tnvD r* rt M rl r-^oo On O M d d d d tn d ro tJ- mv rN.00 <, * 1 ^ r< >nvO O 'H t'T o tJ- m n f ^ CTv t n r-. N * m M ^ to m, NO o -J- O t^ m r> to m M 00 NO m in m ^ in M to in w NO OO o +0O "t- o to m d ^ to _>. - ON> CO M 00 in N ON t^ rj- M 0^ "^ il- -^ ^ * f^' vo to o t^ in c to to to cl tl rl OnVO Tt- W'OO no M M M M CO OO m CO o OO m m in mi ^ 1 o M pi CO m <}- in\0 t-^oo ON 1 t to + vnio r) t4 N M c4 n r^oo On O M d d d d CO ^ ^ mvo t^(3o - PO <* C4 t~- ri m, r^ o^ 1 Th >- to in 11 O O O ONvo rj- Ti- r) to in 11 1 cc tooo rl r^ to Tj- M to ^^ M NO O Ti- mso M to 1^ m ON to .rf- t^oo o " to 4- m c C < OO VO t^ o oo to -, r n t - m to o t-- -^ f I CNNO + 00 in in m m in ^ ^ to r-- tJ- n On tJ- ^ to CO to tl NO to O (>. mi cJ d d n " 1 1 "I M to -^ mvi; r^oQ CN O " rl rl to li- mio K M tl cl N M M oo On O 11 d to d d to Tj- mvo t^oo On rl vo O M "I C' in in I'' r-~ to r- ON O ON in in tJ- to to M t~~ t^ Ov r^lO 00 in Cl n tj- oo r^ * o >n o M ^ N m to to rhvo m yo o t^ CO CO CO m >, ^ rt" to to to to t^. On t^ in to M ON H M M t< fl - r-. * r> O 00 m, H W H M CO w oo NO to M m m in m CNNO tl- w Onno to * tl- r >* to to to ^ -" t> to n rl ON O 1 cl CO -J- mvo t^oo On O M d - to m to vo o ti ~ ON ^oci c n to to to to to f- v:. " -g w t~~ 11 N tl 1 t}- to to tJ- C) o. tov> H V-. CO ^ W NO * O -"t-NC t^ ^ 11 tJ. rl i1- m - lOvO -t- m 00 Cl ro t "^ -= cc oc eo eo oo i>o c; c'. r'-. CO r^ t-^ fi CO (O r*" to t^ r-^O '-O ND m m to to to to to t*- rh + r to r^ I'-r'O ^~fm o - fl to ^ mo r^co cl rl cl r) N rl ON w d CO tJ- mvo t^OO On O n w i tt, <. :: O V4^ 4- i'-' t O i*" -1 in *;j- to K^ CN -. ti " a-.'O 'n -l- tl to 1 ^nD t--NCi rl m f 1 in rl m H r-- t. J- m, to o tJ- M to in n c^ v^OO O O CO tJ- m. n M r> z ti r tl ti t< rl C/- ON O "I 1 N N ti "^ to to f- rl to to -:J- Ti- i/- ro CO to to to to mvo NO NO r^ t^ to to to to to t^ i~^ r-ec OO OO to ro d CO to -C C r\ to -"^ Lr.\o t- OO C? C -. rt t- - " cl ti rl rl Kt- miO t^OO CN n n rt rl cl rl n d CO tJ- u- o r-00 ON o O lU ON o >- M "^ ir tl to t1- in " -^i -J- ^ to ^ 1 M to Tj- vn QO in M oo in ^ 1 M tl to i- 'noo O to tl- to ^t-L^ m m m in rl - r- cooo d <*- in in li- -^ CO CO d >% tl 'O + m r-, 1 c-. c- o - rt * mvS t--0C On 1 d to ij- mvo 1^00 ON O >i d to c ' O ~ to ^ i<- NO r- On O in to 4- m.vo t^oo d cl ti rl cl ON d CO Tj- ti m,vO l-^OO On O 1 ON IJ t " '" ^J- " - I c/3 J. o " r; 1 , . CO Tj- ij-.o r^c/o 1 ON O 1 tl to <*-| mvc t^O'; On Cj " ^ tl rl M n d 1 rl rl n rl N f t^ i 1^, Book V. ASTRONOMY. 311 enco C^OO ON O H, d d cl d d CO CO ^ VO HI 00 U-, VI- t^oo "ll-OC CO ^ HI w r 00 en CO c cr.NO f^ to Id en en * er i^ .;)- in ^ IH d to -cj- cr- CO oo a\ o HI c. -j-^ HI d to en HI HI E , ^ 00 w H t^ ^ ^ U-l L(-, lO U- cm c>) cT) en crj en C5 HI cl to li-vo t-^00 On HI to ^ HI W 4- e^NO t^ O HI HI W W M H4 d d Q c a HI n ^/^ .^ cmva t^oo o\ c to r^ envo (^ d c< d d d d 00 On w d to d d On tJ- envo C-.00 ON u HI 00 ro -it- r^ M 00 -X. r-00 c) 00 c^ d HI en ^ -cj- Cl On p~.co On d r^ en d d d d to CO i^ ^ HI ^T^ onoo r~. Tj- + ro cx^^ ^ CO vo en en 5J- T^ CO CO CO to to to CO CO d d HI H. to CO CO HI CO CO - HI to CO to CO to CO O O O O O O to to to to CO cn CO 00 0> w r) n- cj- cneo t--oo ON >- d to ,J- en d d ri d d d NO t-~00 ON HI d d d d d ^ tJ- u^nO txoo ^O ^ -- Ti- * r-. H. r-- -^ to .^ VO HI H Tj- +VO 00 to HI tocc Ti- to tr + " "i- d * en en tJ- enoo d HI en >* to cr HI 00 CO CO ON + d HI HI W HI C) JQ ^ t 00 t-~ m to c> 00 r- en Tj- d HI ONCC r^ en xj^ !- en d d d d d d tt- CO HI C OnOO ly-i ij^ ly^ Kr^ ri- xi' NO P-CO 0\ HI d d d d CO r^ca en * CO d ^ -tt- * * * ^ d cn tJ- enio t^ H. r> to tJ- enco t--oo ON -yj , ^ HI M HI d On t-^ en CO \^ tj^ tr^ ly^ \^ 00 CO T*- d 00 ^ rl- 4 'J- "i- to CO ^ d o oo CO ^ to CO CO CO d d e< 3 < C\ HI ri CO * encfl t^eo ON ^ Hi d CO T^ en d d d d d d NO t^OO On HI d d d d en d to tJ- enco t^OO ' < * ' c< "-I t^ (T. - <" -^ vrj H. CO ^ VD 00 -- en t^ c> en c* to tJ- rsv en HI CO to < to ri- HI CO 00 en -4- CO i^}- en d 'I- d rl-cO CJN d CO - t^ 4 d en ij- _>^ - -l W-, U-) ^ TJ- >*- 00 CO CO t^ en CO CO CO to rt d OAO r}- " 00 d - ^ " M en cn r^ en d \r^ xr^ xr^ ON t^ 1+ HI o\co ri- ^ ^ ^ -^ CO CO CO ^-1 o CT\ HI f< CO ^ en^o t^OO On -> d CO + enco d d d d d d t~~0 On Oi H. d t* d d 'I- d to ^ enco t^oo . to ^- tl 10 CO 1^ t~^ to v/^ c< ^ f< CO OS 00 CO ij- 00 VO " t^ d en CO en H. d -^ en enoo d en r-- d CO en HI ON d ^00 O to d ^J- en d to C ^ t-~ < r 0^ r~- <+ HI HI HI HI ONVO CO H, 00 en en en en tJ* en d r^ >* Hi t1- i^ ^ CO to CO ONco to 00 >n d d d d " - d OnO r^ hi 00 " en> 3 " C< CO T^ 1/-AO r^ t-~oo o^ H. c) CO -.J- enco t-- d d d d d tl 00 ON " d to d d CO ch enco t^OO CO r) 1-, to t^ c-> c-> ^ UT'. 10 vi Co - CO Cn - en en tJ* CO to c^ 00 CO d NO ON en t:)- d en 00 -i- + CO HI TJ- d to f~- ON O O CSNO to CO -. <} to >. ~ r-. en CO ^ t^ C< t< H t< HI en CO . ON t-- en to CO CO 4- -^ en en en en On t~^ iJ- d t-^ >1- + 4 * + to en d O t~~ en d O CO CO CO d d d d ^ r. - f CO Tt 'O^p t^ 00 ON ~ t) CO ^^ TJ- en.co l~- d d c( d d d 00 On HI d to d d d Th en.co t^oo ON O ^ i ^ r-- r, cr, <- t^ i^ t-~ d toco CO c^ HI -rl- N CO en, H eroo r^ ^ d en, M en ^O toco H. . d en H. ^ d ON en ON HI c< H. to en d to .i- <' > osoo t^^o ir, ^ to K w CNOO en en h-, en ^ Cl On \j^ xr^ tr^ Kr\ xr^ xi- CiC CO en CO cl ^ ^ i^ .^ ^ ^ eo CO- en CO HI CN CO CO to CO CO d f) CO c^ cn^D t-~ 00 Ov " - cl HI H. c^ M N to tJ- enco t--oo d d d cl cl d CN HI cl to Ti- d enco t-^CO CN O ^ : , c* "^ en c r - O'X) - en en tJ- H - -+-vO en d t^ ON 4 d 4- -< -Y CO CO - CO c^ d -l- " -i- d to On ^cO CD * d rt- en H, cl CO 4 en j: to ^ -h ^l- -i- -1- r< ci CI M CI r< ^ c< CO ri- cnvc CO CO CO CO CO cr c> c< M CI ri d t-^00 ON - w d d d - - d d d d d d CO tJ- enco t-^00 d d d c< d d On O^0O 00 r^ CO en en -i- cn d -I S ^ On ~ d to i>l- d o enco t^OO ON O < - j - OvOO en, CO c( vn ^ f. -< c 00 cc r- * ON en CO ^ en, CO rl en.cO en c* OC cl 'n.o + d r-- lo er, i-i CO en HI cn d HI d to -^ en - C< CO rj- i- en^o CO r-oc 00 On ON - ". HI d d d tr, d d d d d d d d d d co + cnvo t-~oo On - cl CO H^ c d -; CI r- to tJ- W-^ i-i M NO CO On en ^ tJ- d to rr, .^ ir ec, ON d to tJ- CO d >^ t - CO o> - c) f ' CO CO CO ^ *t- -J* + erco 00 On -* ^ ^Y -i- 'i- u- HI d to -}- >ncD w-\ \y^ i^ i^ en e/-, r-> ON O " to en en 4- 4- enco r^oo ON i C ri CO -^- cn.cO r- 00 On H, cl CO ^ x/^'-c r-oc tl d Cl c( cl d On d CO rl- er o o t--oo ON O ^ d C\ U.ys. - fi lO -y -no 1- 00 C-. U H- Cl CO ^r " c^ ! '(^^ I u. - d c^ "cri 'ncc l-^oo on u ".'1 w. - -. - - H. I -, rj^ d cl d d 1 rl d cl rl M CO CO 1 jii ASTRONOMY. Book V^ Days.l * <^^ t^OO ON -" t to tJ- vovo t--00 ON O >i t to *! VONO r^oo On O T d d d d d ro to . 5 oo 1^ O oo r^vo r H r - - - VO 1^ -^ Tj- 0> * < !- H t< M to O VO ~ O 00 VO ^ VO to to cl to d to 1^ VO >< to VO r-~oo o " to d to tJ- VO " d to fo c*i M r^ r^ c^ ON O - t^ to ^ tOTj-^^^^ tovo t^ On O 1- >* * * + o VO d to * VO r-oo VO VO VO VO o ON O -< C tJ- tovo VO Q o a\ H <^ * vovO ' t^oo 0\ O n t4 to Th Vi^vO r H M M H M t-^OO On O M d M d d ON to VOVO t^OO On 00 tl i t^ ON to r^ to to Tj- to VO t) VO - rovo o 00 NO H u-i M to 1-1 to tooo o "^ O to N ^ to t^vO NO t^ O to " o t1- t1- to a E o ^ vo vo \o o ^ t^ r^OO oo 00 On On O O " M t to tl H n d W M >- t* to ^ VONO tl tl n M n tl to -^ VOVO NO t^ d d d d d d t^oo ON O T d d d d 00 ON On O 1-1 d d d d to to to to tJ- VONO t^oo 0\0 -^ t* to -4- OVO t^OO ON O M , r r-. 00 u t >H -. N * "^ - - -^ Tj- On t-.NO to VO I to to NO o <^ -1 to ^ >-i VO to v d oo oo ON d to tJ- d > - oo VO ro vooo to o r^vo o^ ^ tn m N N M n t< r< 00 On O - ^ r) H o O ON ONOO oo t^ t~- t~- NO VO NO VO VO VO VO VO to VO NOVO NO o o rj- VONO t--O0 On O " M to ^^ VO tl tl tl M d tl NO t^OO On O 1-1 d d d d d to x^ VOVO t^OO VO u ^ - f< ro to ^h VONO f-OO ON -' tl to <* to tl d tl N n t< vO t^oo On O >-i d d d d NO d to tJ- tovo l^ u U-1 -- OnvO rj- w^ vr> t^ to ro to On iooO ^ ii O to rl- r Ti- *^ ^OO to On tl ^ M VO r--vo r^ O "^ On tJ- to d d " NO TJ- tJ-no O tJ- M H tl 3 ' r^ "^ t< O t^ t/^ Pl o I^ to to o VO VO to to OO VO to >- ONVO >1- <1- -^ <* to to 4- d O oo VO Ti- to to to d d d d O 00 NO tJ- d O rl M M n 11 D < CT\ - t to r^ votO VO t^OO ON O -< tl to ^ VO M tl tl tl M NO t^OO ON O IH d d d d to d to Tl- VONO t^oo '* lo u-ioo o ^^ ^ " tl Ti- oo VO to d -1 -1 VO 1-1 to to 1-1 to to -1- vooo d r-. d VO M to to d tI- n -^ 0>^ to O l^ tJ- to to to to rt VO tl ONNO to - t< r< tl -1 1-. -. 00 VO M O t^ + VO VO ONNO to ~ 00 " Tl- t}- Tl- Tl- to lo to t^ VO d O to to to d d d d -' ON " fl to + tovo t^OO ON O - N to tJ- r^ to tl tl tl tl tl tl VO t^OO On i-i d d d d Tl- d to Ti- lovo t^oo to o r r^ " t> "^ CO H >^ -> to VO r^. t^ VO t}- rl to 1-1 to VO CO ON >o pi r^ o -51- ^ tl to to 00 O to to t^ On 1-* to t1- to d Ti-vo r^ to ^ to 11 d C 3 > > - CO oo vo r^ o u- u^ to vn r.- to H ON t^ + ^ ^ Tt- to to CO -< OnnO to o oo to M n tl tl " >^ d ONnO t}- 1-1 oo VO d O I^ t4- to VO VO to t1- tJ- o " f t\ to ,)- lO vO f^oo ON 1- tl to t1- IOnO t^ M tl tl tl tl tl oo On w d to d d to CO ^ VOVO t^OO a rJ 5 ^- -^^ VO to lo v^ VO tooo o O to to t1- to c< M onvo 4-oo " to lO ^ tl 1-1 lO to to d ON t}- ON to M to d to d tI- vovO no t1- o >- ^ - Tl- Tl- ^ CO - On t-. VO to ^ ON t^ to to K^ VO to *o to to OnvO * rl t-- Ni- 'J- -^ Tl- Tl- to to to O 00 VO to to to to d d d 00 NO to -1 OQ VO d 11 -< " 11 - f) to ^ lOvO r^ t^V> On - rl to t}- tovo t^ tl d n n tl D oo On 1-1 d to d d d Tl- VOVO t^oO On ^ O OO On t- >! ON CO to to CO to N - t< " VO " -cj- Pl ri- to >!- to ON Tl- t~-oo to to T*- 1-1 "i- 1--^ O to .^ Tl- w t}- ro VO - d oo tovo t^oo to Tl- H, rl to a- < - \D >o Tj- to ri - lO to W-i to to to O OnOO VO to tJ- "^ 'I- * -"l- -"l- ^ r^ iH o 00 h^ VO si- T^ Tl" CO to to t1- d " On t--VO to CO to tl d d tJ- d n ON r^ to d d d I 1 " C tl to ^ voto r^CO On o - tJ to Tj- tovo r^oo n tl tl tl n tl ON - d to t1- d v'lNO t-sOO ON V. o CO CT\ -* CO c4 On t< t< to to to p( ':J-CO On OnvO t^ t< VO it- to to I-- r-~ Tl- to M io to 1-1 to rl to Tl- - C-. ON >^ to d VO 11 CO O t^ " to to to tl d to to tl tl to J= ^ ^ 0> ON 0> On ON ON ON ONOO 60 OC 00 c^ t^ r^NO NO VO VO -4- t}- to to d O O Onoo t-- VO VO VO s - tl to ^ vovo I--0O ON O ~ N " M >-i C< N t< to t}- vovO t^OO tl tl tl tl tl tl ON " d to Tt- d O "^vo 1-^.00 00 ON o t- ~ tl tl tl CT\ to o to c -> *o -^ to to t^ ^ to O NO to to to tl 1-1 tJ- to tJ- 1-. OO to to d tJ- t^oo oo tJ- o VO n to VO n to to r-oo t^ Tl- to >1 ^ tov) r^ i-^co ON O " tl M to t1- t}- VO VOVO VO vo t^ t^ r-.oo oo 00 00 On On J3 c ci t i- too t^ Ov O " t) to ^ VONO I-~00 On tl tl d tl tl - d to ^ >ovo r--oo ON o n O 5 toco CO O - to ^ to M to N O O NO <* "1 - t< M Tl- d O to Ti- to ^ VO to oo d + to Ti- d ~ NO rovo O d MM VO VO Tl- >N rj to ^-vo t~.oo t< t) t< t) tt f< On O t< to ^ VO tl to to CO to to VO I--.00 On w r< to CO to to rl- xj- to Tl- VOVO r--oo Tl- ^ Tl- Tl- ^ id- ON O >- d d to ^ <1- VO VO VO VO to VO c - t< to ^1- to\o t^oc ON q - rl co Tl- VOVO r^oo d d d d d d ON 1-1 d m t1- d O ovo t^oo On O 11 OS D jyc 1 - r> f^ + "^>0 t^oo On O - r^ to t1- v/-,o t^oo ON o >- d to rl- _ ^ _ _ rl rl rt rl rl tovo t-^oo ON O - d n d d tl to ro Boojc y. ASTRO NO M Y. 31J " Days.l ^ d CO Tj- u-ivo r^OO On " C4 j CO tt- voivo t-.eo 1 CT\ >- d CO rj-l w-ivo t^oo iJN - 11 '- d d d d d 1 d d d d d CO CO II i L^ I >*- - a^ f-CO CO ON ci +00 c^lsO w-> t~~ r^ ^l rcocoMcici c1CCOCOCO^|tJ-^ -ci| n CO ti- m n d ti- uoo r^ ON d CO -^ u- w d -l- * 1 E - 50 ON " H CO " " c< CO d c< tJ- mvo t^oo ON d n fi c< cJ H 'I CO ^ io\o t^oo On - d CO CO CO CO -^ tj- rj- ti- mNO 00 o\ -^ ^ ti- t*- ti- ti- in, LO ^ 1 u On " M CO r^ v^vo r^oo ON - H CO rl- lONO C> H~ C< M d C r-co ON -< d d d d On CO ti- vnvo t-.00 On i ' a Jt^ X -1 C ^i- U-) <-. CO VN ON M 00 -i- CO ui "<* >-i " tJ- t-~ CO -^ -l- " ^ - >^ CO Ol ON -> COOC * ^ CO *- m tj- d 0*00 On d'NO CO -1 u-i u^r}- u g C ^ - n ^ ci n Cn - c CO -^ CO ro CO i- + in iO\> t-,)0 On v^vO NO f- t^OO - CJ CO r^ WNNO d d d M d ci ON ON - 1- d CO t}- mt u-NvO r-* 5 r^oo ON "* d d d d so CO tj- NOVO t->00 3 r- s uT 5 - 00 t^ 4- 0\ I/-, vr, H CO rt- rt w O^ao 00 0\ " f CO 00 CO - tJ- w <1- /N\f5 t-^oO C CT\ d 00 CO CO ^i- co ri- d !- ^ sh CO CO CO d >-< d CO -i- m d d d d d d NO d t^sO I^ ON d i-i w-> ti- CO d tj- - d t^ CO d d d d d d CO NO t^oo c^ H. d d d d r-. d CO ^ irivo tvoo bO 0, VO 53 !- - -/- w, (^ 0^ -i- - CO Tj- v/~, ~ CO CO ir^ -. vy-^ .-. CO l/N c< ^^ - tJ- NO NO d i*^ d CO -. r^ -! vo CO CO to w-i c^ d " \o ON t*- d "-NO + <3- ti- ti- ti- tt- Q E UN .y^ WN Tj- t}- ^ CO d 30 t^ 'J- 4- "+ Ni- CO CO CO 4- d - 00 t-^ CO CO CO CO d d 10 i- CO d On d d d d d - 00 P-VO 10 + CO c M 0-. " N c- rj- ^/^vO t~~oo ON - d CO ^ u- d d d d d d NO t^eo ON '-' d d cl d NO CO NO 00 CO o\ ti- to cl d d CO -i- vn.vjs t^ (/3 J"_ VN M vO N - - " d ^ 1^ H 00 W-, c^ to tJ-NO >^ Cl t) -1- CO - > CO CO covo t^ c CO 00 VO CO ~ w> iy-1 WN vn 0<5 vO CO " ONNO ^ tJ- Ti* ^ CO CO ^ rt On t^ ^ CO CO CO d d d d 00 tj- d d --'-- - 00 VO tJ- d 00 NO ir, m < c a\ - ci CO >i- i^NO t^OO On -" d CO rj- Lr d d d d d d NO r^oo ON d d c< ti d CO ti- vr.vo VO r^ '^ + l-^ 5 CO ^50 ov n -i cl CO vo ^O ON J-0O -f - CO ^t- .-. CO tn CO NO to CTN d ti- ti- - -i- r~- tj- 1 d + CO wo d ir ~ OO ul c OSVO <1- Cl Cl N "' " " - 00 "^ c t~- ti- - ONNO CO in U-) -^ rj- rt- tj- co NO d t^ Ti- ro CO CO CO c) d d ONNO tj- w 00 NO i d -. - - , > C^ " c CO tJ- V^VO tV60 ON ON d CO tJ- K-. d d d d d cl NO r^oe On " d d d M d CO -^ irvo t-^oa i CO i CA ' 4 CO "^ d ^ VO ly-, W-( ..^ fl C) !- M Tj- ON NO d r~- cl NO ir, - CO tj- -t 10 On coo 00 CO -i- m d CO conO On d NO " d ti- NO c 3 ON t^ tl- - ONNO -* ^ ^ * to CO t1- 00 NO CO ro CO c c c< n t-, m d ON t-~ -4- - 00 uo CO t>. LO U-V Wt NO ti- ti- d Onvo CO + ^i- CO CO CO CO >i CO rh u- O t^OC On - r) CO + vo,^o t-- d d d d d d coooONO-'d co'^- u-)\ t^oo d d cl 'l x: ~> vi! - -/-O 1^ .}- r^ I/- .^ u-1 >^ to o^ iJ-OO - M ty-. T^J- -sj- CO CO c( d'co "".0 ^nC - ^ ^^ CO ~ >^ t-- t-^ c^ -i- NO CO - w-i CO i-i ti- ON - d d d t~~ 1 "- io cl in d m -. ! q- ^ ON r^ 1/-. CO ^ On u-N w^ vr^ v/-, Ln ^ t^ un CO <-i ON r^ 'i- ^ -4- ^ to CO NO d 00 NO CO CO CO CO d d d -< ONNO ti- d ON d -t " - " t^ "i- d ON r^ tJ- d in m in vTN "" ^ - d to ti- .<- t-00 On -' d CO tI- uino r^ d d d d d d CO o> t d c^ d d d ti- mvo VO f--CO On Q ./> - ~ 1 - Q - ij i - c; - rl CI cl -^ - I/-, ^ CO -, iM (yj CO NO CO ^ d NO to CO r~ NO rl ^ t-^00 CO d ti- NO d I-- d to n: ti - o^.f; I-- "^ ^ "^ CO CO CO NO tJ- CO c CO CO CO CO CO CO 00 t--. m tJ- CO - d d d d d d CO t-^ U-^ CO cl 00 vx> in CO M u - d CO -^ invo r^oo d d d d d d ON " d CO rj- "nnO r^oo ON c ,^. '/) > c/j -re/; CN I-- Cl NO OC C^ NO C^ i^ -i- CO CI - r~ On 00 CO t-~ tl- d - tJ- Cl t^ ON 1^ CO r- r t^ ir. d 10 -t c^ t^ in. 5- m ri- -. .n to ^ in 1 CO C s ^ 't- + i^ + H- - r! CO ^- l<- -+ -4- ^ 't- *- ^ w". w^i uo t-t^ ^'^ t^ ^ t^-yj ON - to CO CO d d -< d CO ri- NONO r- d CI cl d d cl - On ON'y; w-i. uo vn tr rl- * ys M d c cl d c- t^NO in -i- ,}- 1 tl- ti- ti- ti- tr ,. ti- : -i- in,NO t^OO Ov ' z t4- CO cl -^ ^ 0^ - - l-->5 r( -i ITN to NT Cl d '1 T- - c/-. - ly-i cl 10 d <* T- r~ 0.JO D f ^ CO Nn >- CO 10 00 >- d - d CO .i- i; - c> c tj- -(- 't * 'J- 'I- ^ 'I- vo\0 NO r^c/^ CO 'i- >!- ^>- tl- 'i- ^ Oi o> " - '}- i- NT-. U-l U-l LT d d d CO CO c ti ti- ,}- tj. in i^ u-i 10 u U> CI CO *i- uovo r^ CO On - d CO * '/-NO i-~oo o- cl cl cl d d cl t d CO Ni- u- NO t^CO ON K < to t- t-^ C. ON ^ iri - CI ^t I On CNy- c/-- nC ^ Of CO C/"^ CO ON " ^ iri W-N co - to I.- 10 -- - cl CI d cl cl '<-. cl a. r CN to in d cl - - m > r^Vi - M c- + r^co 0- -. d CO lo'^ c d d d d cl d CO -t- i/-i>o r-co CO Oi - cl f cl c\ t' to to t' ON " d CO ri ti- 1^ >o r- 00 TV 1'-.nO 1^00 ON - ' < i - Cl C -- >^NC r-c/; ON - ci ^ 1 00 |1 ,^ 1- '"""';" 1 1 '>j c^ - ci 1 to ^ i/-,vQ r v; 1 cr. - d '^ "! "^ -^ ';-'=^- ON - r CO '- ^^"-^--^- ---!,' 3H ASTRONOMY. Book V. ?, Davs.l - H f ^i- "^v6 t^oo C\ - ft 1 to .^J- vovo I^oo On - d to tJ-I vovo t- ^^ ON ~ 11 -ddddd dddddcotoll a. J 1 o c/5 o ^ t^vo vi d H d d d tl vO r-. vo rl d to d d tl - to to -. 00 >o 11 i-> d d d "I 1 bO c I -< N n * H * vr, - _/-, o^oO t tl " t^ ^ lo cl Ov^O d OO CO "^ tl '!^ vo Ov O - to 'o "- to . d " 'J- vo, + "- O +r/o >- CO ^t . d OO Ov ^ d 00 "" d ^ M d d d vo ON d i-vo rt- vo d to Tl- vovo tovO vo.oo to vn -*- rj- r- ON ov ON vo (I to ri- rt* d 1 o 1 0> r-.. - r< "^ ro lA ^ ct ro + vn o o ^- "~oo CO CO cl >* - * t-. O rt vo vo CO d ^^ vo r^ vo VOOO to 1- ^ ^ - d d -- r-- O d i-sD 00 to lo to vo 00 ON - d VT VOvO Nt VO d "^ vi- vo tJ- , d -0 T- to ri- d NO d vo - ., ^ VO VO t^ I^ t^vO VO d - d * d to rj* oo ! e O Z o so O ^ rt Cv t^ in CO -, yi fj t-- SO Ov !?> tJ- vo - cl rlr tl to -4- + -d- d Ovvo CO o <}- cl vo CO V/~. vo ^h to ON cl d Ov d c^ CO CO d vo CO l-~ tJ- - 00 * - d -^J- vo CO tl " tJ- vO Ov vo - vo d vo d vo 00 rl- M w V060 "fd tl * z ^ 00 * tooo ^ -i- " CO vo d d to ON d vo 0\ to vo d tJ- t to 3 Z 5 CO ^ r^ ^ ^ O *SC tl vn C\ t^&S CO d Cv Ov V, ^ vr f > vo 1-^ o f^ CO - vo ro rl 4- vo OC t^ eh c^co CO vo ^ - vovo 00 Ov On O d * d vo to cl r- *o'j to v/-> r-. CO ^J- CO d o n ON 0- CO M VO CO ^ On - covO On tj- 1-1 d to Cl to cl Ort t^VD vo to cl d ^ d )- cl ev 00 c z CO ^ -^ 't rj- w^ Ov c^ r- wi c> .000 OO AS ^ cl - - vo - , rj- ~ +) Ov 11 cl ' CO tl - lO - OT -vt- vo,vO O lo CO r^ CO tJ- vo vo ^ '^ >1- CO d M "- O VO CO ^ ^0 CO Q ^ votO VO ro w t-- vo d -l- to d vo t1- CTv i- CO c> - d c' 00 r^ d rj- rl- d rj- .+ 00 d 00 rj- C-. rfr d -r rj- CO 00 3 o z ri - CO ^ ^ CTvSO CO OS "- -1 -1 C) CO to <*- d CO cl "-. vo CO - -O vo Ov to .r, ko . CO cl - vo vo - d vo .^- 54- V/-i vc ON d * vovo - >- d d d Cl 30 Ov T^vO d vo CO vo vr d CO t-- r^ r- t^vo vo d tl t) M d d d rl- d vo. r^00 to rl vo to to rj- ro -. 00 >o d OC d d " 1 < J o 1 , V z o OC v/-, I - CO CI O CO cl "^ " - to - o-AO xj- - r-. C> C-, U-1 - CO rj- 'J- covo O l-^D c> CO d < - ^ O O d t-- d d to vo d I~~ OO c^oo CO t-. - 'o cl d t^ -D x 10 On d vo CO vo 11 to ^ ov o ON d to rl- ri- w CO ,1- d ^3- 00 d ^ 'OVO VO 11 (4 CO + vo d d 00 d rl- rj- vo d to to -r d t^ r^ t^ t- vo CO " d to rl- vo - d d d c c/i z 5 O i" z C^ OC Cl - CO 0^ 4- XT ^ c^ - !- rj- r-~ O coo OC ^ - rt- c) tI- OO o Ti- CN rvo ~. ^ U-> vo vo. -t - CO lO t-. 0\ M r^oo c^ On - - d vo, -^ d CO d CO ^'O t~^Cfl ON d * d rl- " 00 ri- ON - - M ^ * -i- d 000000 CO VA K^ CO vo " d to t^ i-r m VO ON I-- rl- rl- CO On ONOO vo vo to d rl- d rl- r^ to i ^ S Cr, & r~- O C^ c< o\ c^. - rl - -1 "-> -4- vO ~ 4- el c. .- t-^vO d to d vo d ^ CO. C^\D d CTv -. tooc 00 vo COOO to n vo to to I-- rJ-00 M 11 CO d rl- vJZ* NO CN 1^ - TT rl- M to to .- CO 1^ VOOO tooo . - tn to d rl- to d to rl- < < ^' r. O \0 ^ /-,oc x> * - M - ^ VD OC CO ./-vo T}- CO ^ u-> CO t^ CO -i- r^ d c< ~ vo -. n OO Ov O O - - - v/-. ^ d Th j- CO 00 r-- 'o vo - vo d -i- VN TJ- -< coc r^ d vt- ^ vr-, to d - 00 CO vr-,yi CO (1 Cl to CO CO vO VO CO I-. ON f^ VT, to ~ rt- d ON r^oo - 00 d vo rl to >o d r^ vo rl- d vo CO 00 r^ i A - OO OO - O to rl cl rl + T^ - vO O - r W-l W-l TJ- O <^ CO cl cl M vO .^ " vo, d >* - d - d c- vr t^CO CN O- d -. vo .^ CO cl d ^ cl vo ^ ON d vo, ^ .0 ONOO 00 vo fi d !- vo ^ CO d 1 d 00 covo 00 CO Tf- cl vo vo CO r^ rj- VO d d vo "i- d " CTV 00 r^vD vo to ly-.o to vn CO vo to CO >o t^ cl r-. vo ov d to .^ d ~ to CO d 00 t>. . n.-vs.i- "^ "^4-"^^ I^^ CTv O " d CO -t v^aO t-^CC Ov " d to 5^ VOVO r^oo ON 1 d d d Cl d CO CO ^ " rrv __ -, ;ui Book V. ASTRONOMY, 3^5 i ' i ?" iDayS.i " r< ro 'T "^^ 1 t^OO On O '- N 1 ro Tj- lOO .~^00 1 On O HI el cn ^i lOvO r^oo ON O - - el el el M ci el rl el r< el en cn ^ 1 " V >o in m i-i o\vo 5 "^ w rt M c ft N O e< vo en ^vu > M el II e' en ON v^ O vo O , ^ ,j. VOl m M - , On r- ct -^ m Tj T ^ O Ovoo vo W g ^ voM en lo 1- vo O t-^ On O e~ tJ* 1-1 n ^ vr O OO vo e OO >* en (j- N en vr s Ovvrje^oovoK^ ^O G^OO -^OO lOO vooo i^ f^ '^el't-eni-ienM vopiel dHi^^voen O vo M vo HI vo On envo OO HI en vovo. t-^ t^ t^ t^ iH.eJ'vl-voHic) envo iienii-vo i-ie!- en vo 00 o\ vO O + r~~ HI vo r^ r^vo cnvo 1-^ v/n mni en'^vo'^ n voi-iel >-. voe .. c 2 c 00 r- NO CO 0N>0 (NO -^^vO M en vo 1-1 ^ O t^ ^ r ONVO vo e< ^ HI w vo ^ en ^OO On t-. Hi e- "< vo i^- en HI en o vO en t~- en iH vo c< t^ rt HI el O vo. -, vo . vo en - ^ ^ H. en o t-~ en On en " VO) el ii- O r^ ^ On t:)- r^ O en e< vo HI tJ- vD O envo O en en vo HI <* HI el en CO 3. ^ t^ 1-1 vo VOOO -"J- ji - 11 VTN .^ X!, en r^ rt vo On en c ^ "5 en , ^ en ^OO C^ >- ON e<- M HI vo e) el el vo On HI -<^ VO OO HI vo ^ H ^- VO + vo o en en ON HI en Tj- <*- e O " ej en tJ- vo en M vo en HI vo en vo rt- !-> OO en r^ d en en HI to hi vo vo vo >o t1- *^ en HI vo en HI vo H o N r- - vo OO vo en r< w b OO r- vo en HI vo en rj- n On OO SO 1^ ^ 1-1 r) OO tj- Tj- ON Si ~ -1-- t - t: ^iriMVDiiu-iON O w^ vo '^ m "^ ^ en e> ' r) e el HI t~^ O O C-^ vo T^ H. ^ e> vo OO HI en -tj- cn e< HI HI vo HI HI rt- -J- el 03 !* VO e en HI rj- vo vo t-~. r^ r~-vo ^ en el HI vo O el r-. O el cn vo.xo ^ en vo vo cn vo vo ^ rl O CO voi ^ cn el " vo ti- Ov r^ On rl vo -< CO r-, lO en vo HI el rl Onvo el t^ enoo en HI vo in ei 00 IH 1 "' ^ (vj vo v/-, r* NO vo ' ^ en n tn en i-i t V ON r- + M CO ^ o i-t N en en T^ ^ OS M en o It- e, vo e e< vo ^1- O O -"l- ON M vo vo HI m t^ r< en cn O t~. en en H en vD On HI en VOVO" HI HI ert* n a\vo OO voc^o vo el vo vo cn ^ en r^ r^ t^ t-^vo vo n el el n n el 0"N I^ HI U vo vo vo vo en tJ- e4 ^ en H4 ONvO en on el tl HI M HI is ^ t^ vo e* O t^ en 5 en vo ^1 tl * 2 iT "2 vo O NO vo, t^ o rt >*- en 1-1 vn ^ O NO ft 00 mOT r-- OO vo, -I c> I - vr. V)- e) vo v^, Ti- HI el en I--. M vo On to tn ;>- -1 d ^- el i-i CNvO M vO HI .ct- i4- en vo. t^ cr\ M en 1^ vo HI en -^ vo O ^ M H. .^ VO rl ^ vo to -f ^ rl HI H. n cn 4 lO ^ M ^ o o j; - ^ ON rJ /-OO O en - ' -(J- ^.l en vo rj c) vo a-. HI -4- el el " 00 ON H. N en \h HI tn el -vl- ON O "< H. iJ - c, ...VO en vo vo VO; en n rl- rl li- c< en HI Ht vo vovo O HI rl N el HI vr. M o 1^ cn rl o O rl vr rl ^l- vo ;4- c 1- 2: ^ - vO >o ON t , rl vo vo vo ^ en fl C V r- H- < OO w O - -H vo en tJ- e) % ^^ r*^ f^ 0 N 00 HI VO en HI ^i- el rl- en cn vo ^- r) " ON vo HI ro vo Hi rl r^ ^ O vo en ON en .. vo el en H HI O OO en -i M 5 vomxi/lTj-D ' vo "-1 '^ ".1 HI On + J- On r< O m rj- vo vovo 1 ^ en M HI o r^co ~o el OO vo. el !- vo vo cn vo vo ,1- en el ~ "4- el ^ tl H HI rr ON c- O vC lO -^ r - e; pv ' - en vo 'o vj- N von^ en OoovovoeiOoovoeno en-^vom>^ r}-el fr ON OO t^ t^ + el -+00 t--. - ^ n i/-i vo r) el : , 1-^ >- vr. On rl "- 3 vo vo v^ en tn e< o VO tI- o.vo o i: H e< HI tJ- vo. t-- ON O " >r ~ ^ vo. -^ en rl -> vo i^ lo el tJ- en vo vo, en H. O ON 1^ vo r~ M HI vo ^ cn el O el O cn rn tl OO ^- c vo ,1- .-, rl en O t~- + O vO HI VI -1 vo ^ cn HI ON O o d vo - -o d ON 1 m d * vo en j D H, lo ON rn r-. o ^ cn HI lo ^ M t-. 1 t Davt 1 - f* '^ * "^'^ 1 1 00 CO " M 1 "I -T u-,vO r^r>i ICO -i ri .n rr ( ' o i^c-". j , ,^ >- |j o CO 5i6 ASTRONOMY. Book V. ?f D'ays.| M pn tJ- w^vo t-NOO Cv O - N CO tJ- vovO t-^OO ON O ~ C< CO + to - o t- < "^ ~ M N m VO ^ *o a^'0 vo CO V> ^ CO < ts CO cv r^so ^ ^ VI v> CO t^ H. VO ll- ^ vo CO r^ HI vo 5l- d vo 0\ X * vo -1 H. HI Cl ei N 00 CO o Onoo vo t-^00 t-~ t^vO c M c< M rt H tooo vo cO - r~. d . d HI j- ij- Hi M vo tJ- d ONvO CO On ^l- d d IH HI M c o u E u o 2 O V7 c m u^ ro H O 00 OVOO VI IH r VI ,j- vo CO M 00 + M M ^ 11 CO vo o\ o " CO ^ i- vO N oo CO t^ c< O CO vo H OO o> <1- CO * vo vo 4r VN M CO vo ON CO V-lOO CO ij. Hi r< ^ O CJ O CO d t^oo CO d * tJ- w d "-1 d CO rj- vo to '^ vo HI rt CO * d c 5 o NN O ^ CnOO to ro tJ- u vO *-vO -^ 1^ CO O C -"l- c< O rovo CTv M J- T^ C< -i- "I CO o t^ 1^ CO CO r- vo Hi CO -^ 1^ CO O ON W CO vo t^ oo ON w r- r^oo vO HI vo c) CO ^ <- ON c CO r^ lo CO vo HI CO vo O M HI IH t-- M cl On c to d d CO d '-' 'I' NO r^ t- r~. P-. t^vo. M r^ VO IH to >o "1 to * Hi M HI oo c i a. en o Z ^' a\ t-~ v> f^ o CO coco t-^ CTv vo O !- r CO tJ- vo vn CO t^ ^ M vo CO M tj- M (^ -d-vO * OS 1- cj- <} CO O VI 00 vo OnvO cJ CO HI vo M .^ CO C M HI On r-- HI ^ o CO vl" O CO ONVO cl ON + t-~ vo CO IH CO O 1^ C9 ON Tj-Op O VO d rh HI ^ O * t~- i" thoo d ^ CO vo 1 01 o 2 o o<5 r^ 5 *o o w-> c* o ! 1- VI ^ rt n VI c- V. a j >^ >. 3 1 o V-, VI <}- Ti- ro H OO CO T^ c4 t~- - c< li- CO vo 4- t-^ O CO lovo CO H c< "I vo O ON CO r^ OS Ov " -4- wn il- M CO On On On On ^ rj- CO c H< vo O c< CO vO CO C.sO IH C< HI ^ tJ- CO fJO 1>- vo CO HI On ^ CO Cl Hi <* CN C^ <}- d O ON ON <^ VO d CO ~ + NO d ON vo HI so d CO d vo .^ d "1 oo ' 1 ^ CO M in VI ro tJ- 1 M m ^ o r- o o Tj- >o ^ HI vo lO oo t1- 0\ COOO HI it vo lO H. CO HI NO M ON HI d M HI vo d '/-V2 HI CO ri-VO HI H c cl C M CO Hi CO fi VO Hi vo Ti- V- r^ i^ OO t~-. ^. lo, cl cl M H C< M vo ON Ov rl- VN d d d HI th ^ d O r-- * d d d HI HI HI O -t o S a; O < s 2 o O -" Cn CO HI TO VI V> fj v w N O oo v^ CO CTv "" CO t1- m rr-. VI o 00 vO vO >-D CO c< tJ- rj- CO vo VO M OO * a> vo vo -^ M ^ vo w f- OO rl -.vo CO HI vo VO < CO N H. ON tj-eo N vO CN c< ij- vo M CO ON HI OO N vo r^oo f-~ ^ vo li- -i c H -ij-vo oo O Hi vo HI fl 1^ lO o vO tooo HI HI ON 'Cj- Hi ^J- il- to vr tl- Cl d cl d d M o ON IH d CO \J- vn vr. d 'X. sz c 2 o r-~ O t-oo ^ CO CO -"^ CO c( W V~) covo cr. t) v^ t^ rh M VI iH CO rj- V) \0 vo H, oo OO CO c< vo M r) H, O O vo t^ |?V M N li- cl vr r- 00 00 'i- CJN VO X O VI CO VO M N H. H rh VO r^oo ON HI CO vo HI CO vo On O HI ij- r~- t^NO H. CO vo vo O - Hi d CO 51- -i- O CO d i~^ d tl- vo il- d -4- O ONOO t^vo t}- M CO vo HI CO vo 1- 5 in CO ovc/:! v-,o w r< rt c< c) " CO I^ * " oo rt CO i-r v; cl cl On CO CO O I/- ^ n vo H vo T^ -< t^ -"i- t^ ^ HI VO to * CO CO oo CO r-^vo *^ CO vo Hi to vo - CO ONVO d 00 vo -i- HI vo CO -i- rt C O ON Ov OvnO rl CO Tl- d tJ- d vo ON n-NO d cl ^l- HI to vO CO o oo oo oo d vo - -1 vr CO d 00 o } d ^' " O Ov vo r^ -+ 1-^ ON r-- O HI rl- P-i to VO HI CO CO t^ O CO t^ o d %!-" CO VO d d to ^ 3 o M OO vo r^ CO H X ^ VI cl t^ Cv r> tI- V-. 1^ v^, CO M ^ rt O v^ vo vo c\ r^ rt CO CO CO w <* oo OvO "-I " t1- CO HI vo CO HI HI cl r- O M Hi c- vo cl vo vj- O On OnC/2 no HI vo C -tj- M e HI H HI CO o O vo cl VO M f 00 V vn CO Th 00 r^ c c C/2 ^3- - cl " V -^ CO t-, - -)-\c ^-^ V- ^ rr CO n Cl looo th COOO CO -1 CO CO Cn > c CO ^ rr iH IH vo ^ CO HI vo VC -i-CO C< HI I*- vo C- 4- CO d O OC NO M Hi vr, CO -J O CO r- e^x) r^oo lO V, to If CO f' t^ CH ON vr 1^ CO HI ON HI CO NO vr, ir i^- in r , IH CO rl- CO HI vo ON CO r- H, .^ vo to Hi rl- to H. oo t^ H Davs.t - ^- " 'l-'-^ j X~zf> OS O < K ''. -f- loo i-~-j6 j y. - cl to tJ- VOvO I^OCi ON O IH M d C M N CO C^ i ^ . _- o BookV. ASTRONOMYi 3^7 C^ o 31$ ASTRONOMY. Boole V. , '> X5. ~ < to T^ u-,vo r-oo ov > M 1 CO Tj- vovc t~-oc 1 OS O < rt to ^t _i-i|m>^-.i.-| rltarirtri mvo t--oo ON 6 rt M rt rt rt to to i ^ 0> v>^ O M ^^ Ov rox> N vo o ,^ M ro rt v/- NO rt t-- - O t-- ^ ij- to rt 'o O NO to o t-. mrt si- H, 1^ CO o nO rt 00 to On CO rt vn M ^ ! f e r^ *< ^ 'I- "^ " CN -i-CpO to t^ >. in 11 rt nO O m ON l-oc H CO CO CO ij- ,J- rt t-^ w NO O m U-, V\ MM ON 4-cc rt h^ n NO M rt rt to to sj>l- !q .= vO 1^ 00 E u m t^ 6, N iv - n w ro rt t< f*" ' '4- - (J On O r-i ij- m n * rt ^ rt - <^ i^ rt t-- rt in ro M Th to ONNO to O On M in + CO ^ O M CO vooo cooc M m sh to CO rt U3 O o jB t> ij-oo rt m o> to in in n to n vo O >i-oo n v/- w rt rt t< to to COVO o *oo CO ^ ^ in m m rt NO On to tN. M vo M M rt rt si- E CO .; H CTNVO ro O t^ too* in M r^ rt rt m to w rj- rt VD il- ON m o vO in to ^ rt vo HI r^ rt OO m M CO - t^ to O 1-^ to M si- rt m to M E tJ-00 X in OS r> ^ ..^ u^ vn vn \0 ON to t^ o ^ >i M rt rt t^ w vooo rt m rt to to CO ^ Tj- On tovo O CO (>. + in in -1 sj-oo M in On (-^ M M rt N X O rt M <4J 3 ; * ^ ci rt w + CO 1- onvo rt in ^t" to M m ON + ON to I-~. to c4 in CO c^ to >n r^ ON O sj- rt vn CO O OnOO t~~NO >* M vo rt si- rt r 00 n ^o "^00 * ui tn HI m on to r^ o H M H rt C4 CO t}-oo rt m On CO to CO i ^ '^ m. t^ sl-OO w vn in M H. On M vo O to f-, M HI rt rt CO to to sj- < j; OO ON O HI -,- 11 n H ro >*- ^ .n PI vo M vo O in 1-1 n *: covo On rt CO ^ rt rt rt CO CO CO VO m si- CN c) <3n!nO CO cn shoo rt NO CO CO to to CO rt rt rt M n vn 3 E <*-0O M vO o ^ -i f OO OO NO NO m "* rt to tJ- vo .- si- sr CO CO CO N rt to si- in H. M O Onoo vo in rt CO to sh vn c E ^ tJ-oo rt i~^ w vo hi M rt rt ON CO t-^ r1 vo M CO CO ll- tJ- vo shoo rt >0 M vo vo vn MM On CO t-^ M vo O M M f4 to to si- 1 xj * ^ v> -1 1-1 1- N r<-i v<-. t-- O CO i~- n r^ m rj- rj- to to O NO Tl- rt " CO to rt rt rt t. O O O M rt sj- rt rt rt rt rt rt vo ON to r^ M vn o rt rt CO CO ^1- si- m 1 E t^ 'l-oo n ^ en rj- .^ ^ in en tj- t^ 1 vo Cn CO f- M vo On CO rt rt to to CO sj- t^ M m ON CO t^ .^ vo vn "! M vo On CO t--, M vo HI M rt rt to to M to sl- <^ ~ OM>C vU to ^ Ti- 1-1 m CO w i/~ ^ CO CO ro CO c- to M vn to M vo sj-vD (^ ON M rj- co HI vo CO rt r^ M in ON s}- O si- CO M vo + CO >n f -1 CO T^ in vo. vn lo CO n vn CO n m vo rt- CO - 0> t-- CO HI vn CO -^ VOvO sj- M OO rt sf rt CO in CO M ON t"^ in CO M vo CO -i- cl fi p> VO O n-i r^ o vn m lo M t}-00 -< vo On rt 1 11 tl rt rt to NO O to t-^ HI ^ to tl- -i- St- vo m OO rt vn On COVO m MM to t--. M shoo rt cl rt rt CO to to sh ^ -C O >> m r^ CN ^ 1- co CO to ro ^ ri" - O ONVO rt On T^ ^ CO CO CO rt ri-OC rt vo t^ ON C) M lo ^ On on OnOO no CO CO N M vo st- H. t^ cl OO CO CO M ^ to 3 c Oi to r~. w vo, CN vo M W l-t ro r^ w in On to rt rt CO CO to -i- t^ Ht VO On rt NO ij- vo vo vn shoo rt vo o. HI M M rt rt tl CO t-, M .^hOO CO CO sh sh sh O >- rt rt n rt >-. , '-tv: ci r- O t^. -^ to H vo w NO w o " rl rt CO vo rt 'i- rt -. O OO vo, M o^ vj- CO vo sroo rt vo t^oo rt to vn M rt <7n On r--NO CO On vo CO -a- vo M M o C ^ t-. H. vo ;!- CN ^ vo, vr. CO t^ rt vo n >o rt rt CO CO On ri-CC M NO Ht to VI- li- in in vn CN tooo rt NO M M rt H O shoo CO t~^ M vo CO CO CO sh ^ in vo A j: K) Cv O rt Uavs.I - CI <'. -f '--AC t-^C/i ON O " cM CO *^- tovJ 1--OC 1 On O -' rt CO TTl vo,no r-oo o> O - rt rt cl tM rt CO to _~i to .S *c JO G CO M Pi o < o CO Book. V. ASTRONOMY. 319 Ds ys. 1-1 rl rn\0 1 r^oo 0\0 " 1 n 'I- "^vO t-^00 On 1- d CO ^1 VONO t-^OO On - 1 udddddldddddcorol ja vo ^ 00 n tJ- CO VO c VO ^ 1^ COOO VO n n CO c) VO c 00 VO 11 ) -^ U <1- n t1- CO 00 VO n t^ CO On \i- d in d -"i- CO s V H CO CO -i- >^ vo tn 00 CO r- i-" NO vn 11 w c vn ON -i-oo f t^ c d to CO * * n NO VO ON + VO vn w 00 d (-^ w NO VO HI d d CO CO ^^ ^ Q -S vO t^ 00 J3 e > ^ vO r4 00 ^O ^ M e ft >i w w t^oo CO t^ M m 11 f< H r CO t^ CO ONOO 00 CO xj- n VO w ON d VO 0. CO M ,^ VO 11 CO CO 4- n On c^vo ^ d CO to HI 00 rt vO ^00 rt CO ti >1- ^ J- d NO *03 r> VO VO 1 VO 'J-OO CO t^ 11 4 H f CO CO w VO ON rhoo d <^ .^ Ti- vn vn NO H VO ejN cooo HI M M M d jC 'J- >o VO ^ .^ ^ ^ rl 0\ -0 en i-( vn CO ON ON On M -*-' tJ- t^ VO CO c^ ^ c^ c 00 VO CO Cl VO CO VO >< 00 NO -"1- "-. c^ n VO .^ CO d VO vn ^- CN d NO hi M vn n;J- ^ CO CO .0 E CO CO CO ^ ^ vn CO f- w +00 CJ VO VO >H VO ON CO I-^ v^- 1 n rl d CO CO 00 d VO On CO r^ CO -4- ^i- ^ vn VO vnoo d VO + H< HI d d ^ r< CO ^ ; 1 a. Cn t-^ >*- i-c 00 <1- 4- N ^ M VO l^ CO ON VO CO ^ n to CO VO rl t-- rt 00 ^ ^ 11 VO c< ON VO VO n oc CO w VO d CO "4- r^ - VO ^ ON d >i- VONO t-^ M CO 11 VO CO r^ I^^NS vO VO CO H in CO HI VO CO HI 3 E 1-^ 1-1 u-i ON CO t^ tJ- to 10 to +00 N NO On M H M c) t1 rl CO r~. 1-1 tJ-oc cl CO CO On " c< CO tl- Tt- VO H4 t^ C NO -^ VO MUM VO 00 11 CO VOiVO c< d CO CO CO CO NO NO NO VO vj- H On VO d 00 d r^ ct d d 1 HI 1 "a 1 E CO r-- " lO On CO -i- Tj- VO 1/-1 10 t^ H vO ^00 Pi c< M d rl vo ^00 rl CO CO 1^ ^ --^ VO, NO ^OC d NO 00 -iroo d NO * d d d CO CO "l- tJ- . NO CO ON VO r< On 10 M c< n r^ VO c<^ ^, CO n:J- vn -i r c^o r^NO NO VO VO rt CO .vl- VO . to CO d d M -1 d CO ^ VO HI 00 ONOO NO & d d to .^ vn 5 n 3 1 . 00 CO r^ 1- VO 0. CO ^ tJ- VO VO VO CO i^ NO r^ M n H M VO 00 cl NO VO Ov C4 CO CO ^ ri- ^ CO t-- vn J- vn VO HI n VO 00 d NO +00 M d d to ri to 1 ; vO VO vonO r CN VO Ti- CO cl - -. ro 1^ 1 VO VO 1- rj- NO CO Cn f^ -1- CO CO CO d d H d d H- d d ^ VO d d d d d d pN. Th t-N d NO -< d CO CO CO >4- ij- VO E VO On fO t-, < VO CO to Tj- -jI- VO VO CJ CN CONO ^CC CO d NO tJ-oo d d cl CO (O ro ^ nO 'i-oo d nO ^ VO VO vn "too d NO + HI. Hi W cl cl to to OC vO VO -h c) "> ON On + cl CO n d -vj-NO 00 ^ d -v}- d " CO r^ NO VO VO CO d VO CO HI t^ ,- -. ON l^ d vn ii- Cl HI a. < +00 r< 'O On CO ^ ^ VO 10 VO vO + 1-^ w vr -, n w d cl -)0 d >o ON CO r^ cl <0 CO CO rj- ^ *"O0 d vn On vn VO, in CO (^ -j-ci rl M HI d d ri CO j= "- d (O\o ON n ^0 rv ^ "i- c d rl ONOO NO rl- d CO VO VO d HI ON t^ VO CO HI in d Tl- to 00 r-~ rl d cl w vr, CO n E -1 VOOO M On iO VO VO CO t-~ w rhCO N - 1 M N cl CO VO Ov covO CO CO CO Tl- -^ lO vr. r^ X *oo d VO *0 HI 1 ON COVO CO r^ d d CO to CO >i- 1 j= r< CO CI M VOVO - n to Tl- COCO^-l- Tj- ^ CO -, 00 NC - 1 ~ ^ -* CO CO CO d d voi>i HI d < d -^ VO ,1- '*+ d oc >n CO cl HI <* d 00 cooo d VO CO 1- E cl NO -i-c/5 H - I-. M NO "l-OO N NO fl CO CO CO <} 'l- 'i-'/i d VO On VO VO VO CO t^ HI mso d HI HI d M d CO NO CO t^ to>i- ,1- ^ 1 yi ;:; d rl -i-OO covO cl CO VO c ^ CO vo t^y> On On ON VO n CO vn n CO CO NO CO vo d 1 CO 10 d vC- CO lO t^OO CO vn w d CO V3 r-^vo to 'J vn ^ VO H, d.d c^ 1 C * ON cooo rl VO, VO VO - NO 1 'O On *- cc -^ d r< rt CO c- d IN- 1- "N -"l- vj- .vj- VO vn CO d I^ " vr On HI HI d d d CO t^ d NO "i-oo CO CO Tj- ^ 101 VO in 1 -: J= CO ON d D.>, _. -> Cl CO *- vovo t-^00 On 1 cl j CO + VONO t^OO CTN - d ro ^ VONO t-~0O On n d d d rl d to col < d CO ^20 ASTRONOMY. Book V^ Rita-* 1 ^ ro t-i ro ,}.vO OO *00 CO I-, ^ Cl VO ~ ,^ t^ d 00 * o t^ to VO d VO - CO o r + o t^ ^ - to to VO CO ONVO to Ov ^ o d tJ- - !- to fc u ro ro -^ ^ ^ w^ r^ r VO O VO On lO ,,-, *0O C t^ - VO d d CO CO ^ ^ O VOON^OO d VO VO VO t>- -> >0 O VO ffv <* - d d to to to >i- o JS vO r^ 00 E > c j; r< H N t* - -< 00 On f< Tl-OO CO O M c) CO OO Tt- ~ ON r^ i-~ CO -(i- VO VO OO On - * r^ -^ d to VO CO NO d trvNO VO ^ * CO VO - e r^ -> "^ On f t^ H ro CO m ^ ^ to ON CO r^ ^ VO VO >0 - VO Ov CO t~~ d NO -1 - d d c^ CO O T*-oo CO r~ -. ^ ^ ^ VO VO VO ^oo d t^ n >< M d d -C ^ VO NO C ^ ro - ovoo t^vo VO VOVC t^oo o \r\tn^ VO CO c< d V, ) On COCO CO ^ d -^ VO Tl- ONVO CO . ONOO d ~ VO CO d OO o> O tovo ON th " o ^ to CO o o E '<^00 >- w^ On ro c*l m ^ ^ -^ d NO o CO (^ 1 VO VO "I vooo d O Ov CO I '- d d d r^ r- vooo d vo CO ^ ^ xj- VO to O ^00 iM wo On to li n d -c M CO ;J 6 J. >^ to - .!- N OO ^ o NO H OO CO -1 vr, d c <1- Cn VO VO - v)- d to - r^ cOiO On d i- d VO CO ^J- OO VO OO VO d VO CO w >4- d E ri V O ro r^ h- (^ ^ ^n vrj w-t ,^00 -. VO ON CJ -1 . - M VO ON CO t-. o 'J- rt d to to ^.-i- t~~ -. tj-oo d VO ^ VO VO VO ON d NO to rs >" d d d c^ j^ O d t~^ ON CO r-'. ^r vr, rj. rj- CO c< - u-1 vo O CO t^ i-i to On ~ i-i >- H M t) d VO O .* t-- - CO CO 4' ^ 'i- VO vooo d VO O to VO VO w i-t t-- +0O d "^ ON >- d d d to to to < 00 ON NO c< OO cooo c4 VO " d vo~ON"d~^ND eo d d d CO t--. to O ON"'ovoo^"^~i^ to CO CO to to to CO -i ON^O CO o "- M c< to tJ- U-> -" CTv to o VO o tJ- CO d d d - " 3 e H NO O o VO ON CO t^ - VO VO VO "I - On CO r^ *-i VO Ov CO - d d to CO CO ^ I J2 \D r^ OO j: \0 CO CnO CO 0^ yr\ >H r OO VO CO d O Cn CO -i- VO i-c >- OO NO li- VO VO '^ d CO tJ- VO - to CO ci d i-i O d to rj- VO < ONOO l-~NO VO J- I d to rl- VO C 3 f-. c) NO o -^oo CO >! -i- VT) VO u-i d NO O VO On c<-, d t-^ VO ON tJ-oO d to CO to ,<^ ^ d NO O * On to VO VO w VO f^ - VO ^ cooo " d d d to to ;^* - O 0^ O ~ N 'J- -4- to O tj- (^ O ^orj CO On VO d ON f- VO to CO to d d d + rt- ^ ON (4 NO O >* CO CO -^l- <* VO to oo d NO ON CO c- VO - ^ CO i ON CO t^ - d d d CO CO t}- VO On to r^ H. VO ^ ^ VO VO ON to t-^ i- VO ON CO -< >- d d d to X VO CO - OO 00 00 VO, CO M ^ H OO NO O VO VO t^ * d * d t-^oo o T^NO -i- d -^ VO CO Ov d NO O VO c VO q- d - VO <*- o d a-i r< VO ON to t^ w VO d d CO CO )- ^ ON CO t^ .. , -+00 d VO On C) VO -1 rj- cl CO VO vovO VO VO - CO VO >- CO VO CO - OO ^ ON VO "4 CO t}- ^ NO ON d v^-o r- to ^ ^ d CO t^ t^ >o to O -o - ^ LO ^ d d to 2 p 0> COOO c> t^ - ^^ VO, VO ^ VO -i-co to t~^ "< c< d CO CO "NO O "i- Ov CO tl- 4- VO VO VO r^ , VO O tJ-oo " 1- d d d d NO - VO ON to r-- CO CO tj- Tj- ^ VO VO I ^ CO ON o d Davs j - d to ^ vovo t--oo 0-. O - d to ^ loNO l~-0O 1 On O - d to Tj- "-NO l-^CO ON o - '1 rl cl d d to CO .'. _ ' ' * I T3 C o u H o .A (SO c OO o rz M U CO < ^ O CO o w n < o Book V. ASTRO NOMY^ 3i- ^ Days. *^ e? ro rj- *o^ t^SO ON O " C< CO T^ toNO r-^oo ON O - d CO ti-1 tovu r^co Ov u - 1 -ddddT-llddddt^coco, -c v; o o o - n "^ t^ O cooo c< t-~ CO M '<1- i-i CO d oo ^ ONNO d d to -. -^ ~ ONNO d ON t/-! CO CO vo d to ON to d oo to u to 1-1 tl- t to CO to H E O <} ON ro r-^ r^ m CO ri" ^ wi vO >i W^ ON *0O to i-i CO t^ ^ vO O to d d CO CO ^ <- ON t}-oo d t~. -1 tj. to to vo to ON tj-oo d -t d d d to CO ti- Q jj t^ oo 1 > ro rt N H M ., On O N tooo CO -< d M M M to so * - oo 1-^NO CO 1^ to *o - O t^ On d to O d to tf -1 to ti- o NO vl- d -J tl- M to to - E en CO ro <* "i- O ri-OO c< VO O u-i vn "-1 >-i i-oo d NO - t,. i-t d c< to CO Ov CO 1^ d vo o to tl- 4- to to tJ- ON to t-- NO 1-1 " d d o z j: ^ \r\ to u ; CJ M c4 to ONO On i-i to On t009 t.-N CO 1-1 ^ tl- O 00 to CO to to d to tl- CO d to tj-vo oo d r- d to tl- ti- to J3 o o s O CO t^ -. .^oo CO to to i- ^>- tJ- c to On conO O W) vo vo - tJ- r-~ - to ON d -^ d d d CO NO O t}- r-, - vo, to tl- tj- tj- to to, ON CO t^ o ^00 d vo -1 M l-l d j:: N CO ;+ E ^ CO - C^O CO c^ <^ - U-, CO NO rt OO tl- O to r}- rt to CO 1-1 1- - r^ d oo *- On d to CO Tj- - t * O NO d r-- to to to t^ t tr CNNO d ON l-^ CO d tl- to CO ' E 'I- <<- r vn vo co t^ O >i-oo " -. d tooo t^ NO CN c d d ro CO to Tj- vO O tl- r- tl- t^ to to to 00 d to On d NO "t 11 d d in ^ O d < ^ O coys r--oo oo m >^ CO c< - M t-^ to * c> 00 to ---< d d O t^^c d NO O CO CO to -(^ ^ to thoo d NO O !- vo to !-!-. OO oo d NO o tl-oo d - c< d CO to CO tl- J C 3 ^ OC ^ CnO CO 0\ "1 -< rt CI t^ to CO t^ 0^ Cn CO !- to - 00 NO to to tl- tj- d CO ti- to - CO to to d d - d CO ^ to O ovoo r^NO ti- d d to tl- to E O " VA ON CO r-- CO t1- t}- ^}- VT) vr to ON "1-co d d to NO O tJ-OO to t^ d to CO to t4- tj- -1 to ON tooo d vo to vo -i vo NO o tl-oo tl t^ -1 d d CO CO V-: ^ >!- -"J- "4- "^ (^ -t in Tj- CO cl CT. - tt- t^ - nO M r-i to to Ti- *- oo to CO GnoQ <1- CO CO CO CI cl NO vO vO NO t^ ON cl d d cl d d coo On CO t~^ to CO to to CO ti- t}- to, <, jG ,J.0O - Vn ON CO to to ^ ^ Tl- u-v c t-~ >" toeo d NO to *- ^ to O tl-oo d NO O d tl d to to ri- t^oo d >o o -i- tr tl- to to OO d NO o tl-cc. d f- 1-1 d d d to . ^ C* O ON t^vO u^ ^ t u-> to -I lO to 1-1 lo to -< f o,o oo ON - to to to CO d tooo d NO " NO ^ CO -. t}- -1 t~- tJ- -> OC vO CO -. to to t< < i tovo o CO t-^ -i- ti- w". *o "^ +CO d to ON CO Ml - d vO O tl- r- to d to CO CO -i- tl- ON d NO o t*. r^ tl- to to t to ON d NO O " 1-1 d d to J:. o d r. CO r-. "-. t-~ CO I-. tJ- H - _ d ^to.0.^, to CO to CO ^ 'o to ^ CO - o O. r^ to to tl- cl t}- d t~^ vo to .- CC vo t^ to ^ to CO 4* d : 'i s o\ CO r^ O 'l-oc ^ WOW-, " to ON d NO o - d d CO to r^ -1 tVoo d to CO t*- tj- tl- to to ov co^ o tl- to to 1-. - t^ - tj-OO d to On - d d d to CO CO ^ >, j: rt CO O \0 O CO vono r-- to ^ t1- i- Tj- vo to CO 1^ c. <* * 'I- >* to to t^ Cl tooo - d d " >n d d - O oo NO tl- to d - t,i -j- d oo tl- ^O O --in -K cl NO <1- C4 d to to -^ -i- oo d NO o t*- t- tt- to to "- to ON tOvO O I i-i " tl d to tl-oo d to to CO tl- tJ- .a c d >> >- f) u-1 - to ci '4- to to .^ f^ cl O OO to d oo to - d ti- to t^ O to t/"o to -l- >-i cl to r^-O to d OnnO d tl- to i-i r^ CO 3 E oO N r^ " NO O J- ON CO r^ rl vo - d c< to CO O to ov tooo d ti- tl- tl- to, vo vO O to On to r^ - - t d d - to tl-oo d NO ! to to tl- tj- tl- tr, to , n j; oo ON O d !i Oavs - CI CO + vr vo j 1 -oo ON o - d to t}- VONO t^OO 1 ON O - n CO tj-j t'l'o t--oc o. o - ' -1 N d cl n r-^ to ! . _--,'" o Vol. I. ASTkONOMY. Book \ o - '<1- M* + C'+ rrl f M. n c< n ftforofocorot'ir'^t^m ^>^t^t^r^ri->^tn >-i>H(4c4r^^^u-i ~r4Mvnui .-.uroro^J- J f- ft> HcorO'^^w^ 4M^)^^to^vow^ >-i.MMr^ro^tokn i-tr^H*^ "'-iC^ + AM> '-i-iiccnro-+"-i>o >iHrt^m'o ^~> O *>*tO '^O "^O *oo oo 'oo v%o ^-6 "-)0 ^oo OD "-no "'^O *nO i^o ^'^ '-'NHt'^t^^'l-''^"^ "-ir-iMe)t^ro^^w-iLn O "-i"""'">-ii-'-<>->-itc^tt4NHfMr< tn o^ ro r^ N vO 1^ ' "+00 r* !-- "^ONr^Orl^ O 4-So N\0 - "lOvt'lt^MvO.Q *( rj t- - -< M H <^ <1 ro t'l ^ tJ- u-i u<-. r< H N H H T?: i-i ._ 5.1 t^ 5^) t^^COCO^Tj'^VOW^VO 1-5 c: eS M >-< 11 r) r< M cototo-0O a^ O N fl tj- u-i t^oO On O - M to tJ- itn t-^oo O" Mi-.i-iM>-i>->>-ic)ty-.\o r^ t^-oo oo o\ on O O - - " oi t< n n to to to ^ -J- -t- -J 1^, u- i.r, o-.vo ^ >o p^ r- r^ t~-co 00 co cn o cn o o - r) to J 1 ' t-^^O r-tj-o i^r-10 t^^o r^'^O r^-*o r-^rio r-~^o t^-q-0 t^iiu t^^^q 000 '- i-i-c ^^^^^^co^*v~l^^ -.~r)rcic>->'^^t-iv-i i-j-iu-> -rcoco r^r<^c^cir<-inc<^->i-'^->i---iNrtcoc^tJ-'^vn>o -ir<^ IT. . \r\ "-1O "^0 "^0 V-. C coo >J-iO "^0 "^O ^0 100 >^0 "^O ""iO "^0 "^0 torlocl w u < 4-> - ir-. U-, u-i ~ rl H i-^ f^ ^ * >^' 'i-i " - r< ^^n^l-^r^T^^^^i-^i-^-i-> on r'loo ri o O ->rc>c r> r~. w cr. t'l t~, rvN cnT h < u w 5 ^ ' -q-v; r) >>-. 0-. f . r^ - 10 a, ci t-- --c/-, r) ^ ^rv-j, n Lr. 0^ c^, i , ~ w-v cn t^ i^ - -4-c/i f a., d D r c< r< r< r N rl rJ N c^c<^r^t<-ir^c^ 1 1 s8 . i: . ro r^ tnvo ^t^O r^r^o rot-~0 t^r^o t-nr^o J-1 ON M ir oc '-. i^:\ KO w, CO VN -. -. - ^J cl r4 C*N c^' CO t'^ ';i- yj- -^ CO CO VN m< w >-i cl N rl -t*^ ro C^j 4K,fcotororotororor^"-. "-1 -->~MrlfirococitOTj-^T}-vocoioco ^-^^'-"'-''-'-*^Ntr)Hr^fiHr)rlrlHrlrlr*HHc1rir(cNcocotocococ-oco G c C ^ f' " cr;,; o r cooc O f. ^^^ t^ fl co i , o c'^ cy-, t^ Q co co. t^ O CO i^.t/^ ,j rl ON fo (O TO m -i^ ^ T^ -vj- cr, U-. c/- w, " ^ t-i t-. c^ r r) N to ro to CO -^ ^ -^ tJ- U-, CO crt co; ._-.< flclrjTTfl on ririro r^ ON cT -"l-NO 00 M -4- t^ ON .,HC(tltlrc^rototototOti-'=}--4--;t-^coco, w-icovn -, tl to ^. l-->2 ro 1/-.-0 OC fi t^. 10 I c^- rl to C/-VO c/; rl t-^ co r-. On O CI to i^ i^, ^-^ ^ H ^ H- .^ M c-1 C4 c; C) cl cl to to to CO to to ti- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^- CO CO, to CO CO CO 1 __ fcjj - C T -c " A ; rl .0 -t- lo. t-,c.c On M rO >^ r-OO - cl + 'f ^ 'y: CN ~ CO co,nC l~~ CN O N CO tJ-vO OC ON cr, 10 CO CO cr, to CTi CO - j) r) cl C< M C< CJ CO CO CO to to to t' W M c ^ cl to W- to, r VD On " rJ to -r^-'wC t >: on *- cl to rj- cr, i ,co ON - N to -^ c^-, f-or, ' < S ^ - - t to r- coo r- l^OG C. - - rl to t4- cr.o r. |~.oO On O O -^ to ^ t<-ivC. 1 -vj On 1 c-: to to to CO CO to to to to t*-. CO ri- ^ -^ ^ T^- T^ ^ ^ ! ^ ^ ^ CO CO CO to CO CO crt CO, 10, CO cr, ; h C -4- A c J= 00 f* H to to Tt" ^ 'o. t/-,sO r- I vj o ctn t; ci n to to -i- 'o /-. a r 1 -0 v: "on cl cl cl C4 cl t M cl Ct cl d cl d N tl d cl to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to lO to to ^ '"' " - - - fi t" cl Cl t-. to ro -J- .4. -^ -j. >,, ,r .,- .0 .c vr, t . 1 . 1 - r -^ y- -./; yi ct> on on ro - > '^ 'J 00 > J 1 r, ) iJ , ' ^ ) ij !.' ; ', .J j I- rt- c ^ tl tl- Cl -1- tl + c -4- c -J- tl tt- (1 >- tl rJ- tl * Cl 'I- N c. r< f ^ 10, CO 1 ~ c/:i CN " cl ''^ - - - - - ., - _ rl rl M cl ' 3M ASTRONOMY. Book V. 312. Table of the Right Ascensions and Declinations of fixty Stars in the Northern Hemifpherej for the Year 1780. Pegalus Cafl[i)pea Pv)1p Star Andromeda Aries .\n.t->meda ConftclUtions. Places of the Stars in tin Conftcllations. Ending oi the Wing Brealt Girdk : receding Horn Foot Names. Scliedar Alruccabah Mii.;ch Almaach Oiion Auriga Gemini L-ttlc DAg Gemini Great Bear Cancer Great Bear Leo Great Bear Leo Great B.v.r Dragon Bootes I'Crowii liSerpent ' Ilctcuks 0;.'h)ucu5 Vrics Follow' ng Horn \Vhalc Following in tlic Check Jaw VIedufa Head Pcrfcus Briglitcft Taurus Brit'hteft in Pcrfeus K.nee Taurus Firft of the Northern Eye Soutliern Eye Auriga In the Goat Taurus Northern Horn Menkar ,\igol Algenib I'kiades Hyades Aldcbaran CapcUa Weft Shoulder E.'.ft Shoulder In the Hand Foot of Pollux Knee of i'oUux Brighteft in the Head Bcllalrix Betel{,uefe Caftor F>riphtfft Head of Pollux North Paw In the Claw Preceding Knee North in the Head In the Heart Lower Pointer Upper Pointer In the Tail S f-jllov.-iriij in the Square !>;iil in tlic Square Procyon Pollux Acubens Re^ulus Dub he Rt.Afccn. in time. ;. m. f. O T 56 O 28 S o 47 45 57 29 1 42 32 I 50 29 Vear. Var. f. Dcclinat. North. Yearly Var. 3.08^ J 3 3.31 '55 io,o5|S8 30I34 57 3620,04+ 19 46ji9,9i + 7 57119.69 + 26 56119,45 + 3.^^,19 43 32|^.'o + 3,62141 I"; 54117,80+ 1 54 49 2 31 56 2 50 48 ^ 53 56 3 ^ 43 3 34 i7 3.34,-2 3,12 2 3.'3 3 3.8540 4,2049 3.551^3 24 52 7 59 12 56 5 37 3 44 17.^4+ 15,86 + 14,80+ 14,63 + 1 3.72.+ 24 38 12,00+ 3 43 oS 4 7 18 4 JS 48 4 -3 19 5 o 28 5 12 24 5 13 21 5 43 16 5 44 43 6 25 QC 6 51 7 20 33 ft in th.: Tail Mid lit; of the Tail L.ilt in liic Tall In the Tad Skirt of the Coat the. folkiwinp Thigh Alioth Benetnach Arfturus Mirach The briuhteil In the Neck Preceding Shoulder Follr,-,vi;i;; ;'.t the Side Th" He.ul TIk- Head Aiphacca Rif. Algcthi R.-.f. A'haciie 7 ^7 7 31 51 8 44 8 46 27 9 18 5 9 40 13 3.94 3.39 3.4S 3?43 4,40 3.79 38 21 24 15 4 5 18 40 32 1636 45 44 48 28 24 13 3,22 3.^5 4,09 3.47 3.58 3,88 11,41 + 9,60 + 8,90 + ?,32 + 5.30 + 4,26 + 682 7 20 56 37 10 36 16 34 9 20 52 31 32 21 8 3,20 5 46 3,7528 32 48 53 4.5 3j*4 4.2.3 3.47 12 41 52 40 27 I 4.15 + 1,58 + 1,40 + 2,10 4.33 6,78 7,40 7.7 1 3,00 13.30 15,. r 16,33 56 39 48 27 50 c 37 50 42 4 ^7 44 17 15 38 52 58 ^-7 5 40 35 28 25 2;j 33 20 4e 51 ';2 4 38 =4 43 3,24] I 3 2 3.74,57 33 3,88 62 56 3,ic 15 48 3>24 54 55 3.05'58 15 17,16 19,05 19,091 8I19.95 4 19,99 25120,05 2.6957 9 2.44ls6 4 2.4i|5o 25 1^63 65 25 2,82 20 20 2,63128 o 2,54j27 28 -.94 7 7 2,59|2I 58 2,2931 15 2,74,14 39 2,75 12 44 19,69 19,01 ,24 1 7.46 17,16 I 5,67 1 2,60 12,03 8,51 5,96 4,87 3.>5 Di:-.gon C-iic'is In ti-.e Head The b:ij;' Tt FoHowinj; m Lozange Preceding Wing The brighteft ri-,e Bret Ruitaben Vega Atair 3- ^.e T.iil Preceding Shoulder The Neck # Thigh Wing The Herd Dcneb Aiderain:;n Sch-at M.ukab 5' 31 29 46 49 14 40 oa 14 20 20 33 56 21 13 10 22 30 29 22 53 8 22 53 49 23 57 3 I.-37I5I 31 ^,o^\^^ 35 2.1 1 36 37 3,02, 2 41 2,9c 8 17 2,]6|-;9 33 0,78 2,52 + 3.97 + 6,31 + 8,40 + 1 1,00 + 2,05^44 30 i.44|6i 39 2,99l 9 41 2,88 26 53 2,q8 14 I 3,0727 52 12,44+ '4.95 + 18,46 + 19,18 + 19,20 + 22 20,05 + Book V. ASTRONOMY. 3^ 312. TABLEofthe Right Ascensions and Declinations of fixty Stars in the Southern Hemifphere j for the Year 1780. Conftellations i Places of the Stars in the Con;lellations. Names, S glRt.Afcen. ^.in in time. f\ ? h. m. f. Year. Var. f. Ueclinat. Yearly South. Var. Fhcnix The Head a 2 IS 22 3,01 43 29 43 20,oo iWhale Brighteft in the Tail a 32 32 3,01 19 II 50 I9,86 Phcnix Thigh e 3 56 15 2.73 47 54 58 19.46 1 Following Wing y 3 I 18 49 2,67 44 26 52 18,90 jEridanus Source of the River Achernar a I 1 29 31 2,25 58 ii 35 18,56 iWhale Preceding Jaw J _3 2 28 13 3.07 37 50 1 6,00 Eridaniis Near the Whale K 3 T 5 ' 2,91 ~9 38 55 13,92 The following J 3 3 32 44 2,88 10 31 30 12,08 The fourth Bend y 3 3 47 46 2,80 14 8 47 11,01 Goldfifh In the Tail a 3 4 29 15 1,28 55 30 20 7,76 Orion Bright Foot Rigel e I 5 3 58 2,85 8 28 11 4.94 Preceding in Belt J 2 _5. 20 47 3.07 28 40 3,50 - - Middle of Beit c 2 5 25 4 3.05 I 21 30 3.13 1 Lafr in the Belt r. 2 5 29 41 3>04 2 4 ^7 2,77-! Dove Preceding of the brighteft a 2 5 31 43 2,2c 34 12 6 2,s6-j Orion In the Knee X 3 5 37 io 2,85 9 45 35 2,10 Oove Following of brighteft s 3 5 43 13 2,11 35 51 5' 1.65 Arco The biigiiteft Canopus a il 6 '9 5 i>34 52 34 57 1,60 + 1 Great Dog The brighteft Syrius a I 6 35 ^8 2,69 TT 25 8 3,io + , In the Back J 2 6 59 *7 2>45 26 3 37 5.08 + In the Tail n 2 7 15 24 2,38 28 53 5 6,42 + : Argo In the Poop ? 2 7 55 52 2,12 39 23 28 9,62 -f- Preceding in the Hull y 2 8 2 46 1,85 46 41 40 10,16+ 1 Rri^htcft in the Middle J 2 8 38^6 1,61 53 54 24 >2.73 + 1 Briglit among the Oars I 9 10 44 0,75 68 48 50 14.79 + Female Hydra The Heart Alphard a 2 9 16 47 2,96 7 42 51 5,'3 + jArgo Northern in Section D 2 10 36 34 2,27 58 31 59 18,68 + Gentaur Preceding '.n the Crupper J 3 '' 57 3 3,06 49 29 40 20,04+ Grofs Preceding Arm J 3 12 3 35 3,10 57 31 31 20,04-}- Th;- Foct a I 12 14 33 _h^ 61 52 48 20,01 + 1 The Hea 1 y 2'l2 19 4 3=4 55 52 42 19.98 + iCentiur Top of the Crupper y 212 29 30 3.27 47 44 5<^ 19,89 + iCrofs Following Am; B 2|T2 35 a 3.42 58 29 3 '9.83 + Female Hydra The Tail y 3'i3 7 00 3,22 22 22 19,22 + Virgo The Sheaf Virgins Spike u J;'3 13 38 3,! 5 10 24 19,00 + Centaur Preceding L?ir p J:H. 48 30 4,09 S9_ 17 59 17.91-I- S>u'.h i.i the Sliictd >) 3,' 4 21 37 3.75 41 10 42 16,43 + Bright in t;.c Foot a lll^ 25 2 4.41 59 55 17 16,26 + Libra Southern Scple Zubenefch a. 2; 14 38 45 44 56 3.3' '5 6 55 '5.5" + Centaur Following i:i the Head K 3;h 3.84 41 12 21 5,'7 + Libra Northern S.:dc Zubenclg. s rJ.s 5 li 3,22 8 33 31 '3.93 + Southern A ThcVe-"x e _2il_ 35 56 5,12 62 43 31 11,884 Scorpio Middle ol th-: Fo.chcad T 3''-5 47 21 3.53 21 58 42 ii,co-r N. in tlu- Forchotd ,3 215 52 41 3=47 '9 1 1 14 10,70 + Ophiucus Preceding Hund J 3,6 2 50 3.14 3 6 45 9.89 + Scorpio The Heart Antarcs, a I 16 15 57 3.66 25 55 3^ 8,90+ Firft Joint in the Tail I 316 35 5S 3.90 33 52 21 7.34+ Ophiucus Folly>vin,; Knee 1 z 16 57 47 3.44 l 26 14 5.52 + Altar In the Mi^Jk: a. 3~ 14 52 4,61 49 40 36 4,12+ Scorpio Bright at Tail's End k 3;i7 18 42 4,oS 36 55 22 3.77 + Sixth Knot in the Tail I 3 '7 32 13 4,1 S 40 I 7 2,60 + Sagittarius S.EncI of the Bow 2 18 9 35 4,0c 34 27 58 C,72 Prerpiling Shoulder < Q a>o ^>VO in * CO m" cso t^e m ^ en T* "' " " " vO c ii- r^ Wn r W1 ^ ^ m M - . VI CO tn m Cl M Ml * W r - H v> ri -^ .^ ro c< to c) M N t< C oo O t< H rt VJ-O 00 in tJ- to CO cl "< m ^t- - TO m\o 00 ^cor< - 000000 C CO *^ a *- v5 6 o-, r. c4 op ti iv ^ J- CO H t< -^ S ^ S? ^ S? SP 'A c^ o\ (> ^ cv vO vO \B W v> w^ tooo rt ^0 O "i- J- CO CO c< M -' lo vn ui u-> vn 40 r o CO r^ vn m ! to -1 to\o coio to t - m ^^^^^co e 1 e '^ N to rl M rt . ++<**'*-** f^ t^ r^ (^ 1^ t~ t^ Q On4o t^vo .j- ^ CO to CO CO CO r~ 1^ t^ f^ r^ r^ CO CO CO t^ 1^ o\ 1-^ >n CO M M N r t^ 1-^ r^ r~ 00 n cl Ovo (4 i-i t-- t~~ t>~ r-- t^ t^ to 10 On vn inin-! n t^OO On CO CO to C^l CO CO r^ t^ t^ (^ t^ t^ +0 vn vn ^ vn m n - -> r) N c< Ni- Nj- ,}- * tJ- ^ t^ t^ t^ t^ t>. t^ w X c) t to to lO NO 10 IC 10 10 B CO 2I CO Vrtirt-, _, , -. in m in\o v vo 60O . CO E 'J4 " rt to to <* C o o irv to t-i cOsO' 5^ Vr> n t) t4 CO ?s, t-^ vn ro o vn H< cJ 40 in CO I^ in H to ^ m m N t t> f t^ to t ON\D to q t^ I M r< to ^ '^ CO CO to to CO CO _ a CO " " " " " - K CO ^ tr,^ t-00 C\ O - c> H( CO Ti- v%tfl t-~9!3 - kH - l-t M "! ON -> M CO ^h - N N r< t< t< mvo t^oo ON M f< tl H CO 3 (U < H u '-^^ ^ - f)cg. "^ i?Noo r-^vO in + CO c) r< c< N c< c< 00^ is V; tj^ tj^ r; ^ ^ to cT d t^^ CO i- to c> -< !- CO 00 00 00 00 00 ^ r^ CO r ^ onoo l-^O Vf-, rj- CO N 1 -. ONOO t^VO vr, ,j- CO M >- jUeg. t^ -^ On rj^ r^ tj^ ON in cS. I? t^ '^ A jj- CO r> r~-sc> NO \0 On f4 - m ij"i -. coviToo" ON d - rj- t ^ CO , wn in ^ ^ 4- ^ il^ "^O ON C;;- ^ S ^ 6^00 m CO - vn d CO CO CO cl N fl m r) 00 CO t^ 1^^ * CO -T d + 1< t- tl e^ (6 r^ ^0^ t-^ -^ CO c^ Tj^ (T to CO cT d cnnt" c< CO .*- in 00 o 00 CO ON cr> On -. CO r^ n in On to c. ^ a* covi C< cl to CO tJ- ^ On On On ON ON C-. nO VI- jo CO - CO ON -T rT to to rT ^ vn vo in vri vn On wN on On On O^ ND^ ci^ -^ to t-- vn 000 vn .To" >r in -^ tJ- ^ to CO ON On On ON On 0^ vn r-, vnoo" N -. ON ON CO ^ coco - CO ^ 4 CXi ONOO 00 n 2 ?- ON t^ in CJ^OO^ CO d oi On On ONOiTcr CO m -H CO vn " -> " '^ 'i 'i ^ ' " tC r^NsT -r CO M ^ to vn t-f CO m fl ci tl to to to CO CO ON cl M GN doo" in t^ 0^ d * d to ^ ri- -4- U-, >J^ \/~, H^ in vn < to CO On * On '?0- Onoo d M d cl - ~ r--NO vo .^ ^2 z 0>00 f^NO vn ,- CO d ~ 1 j & ' c4 Onn> CO 00 nO CO vo si" tl NO C-~ Cl CO CnoO vr, d CO cl " ON CO K. d m CO cl CO -+ m in ^i- CO d " CO to d ON vn vn to tJ- {^ C til 1 CO >- H 00 vn to NO to onnC d 00 t^ =4- ^ ^J- CO to to vn r^ d d d >-< " t-- d in d t^ d t-~ d vn^ ^i- CO CO 00000 NO -I vo vn d d ~ 000000 CO ON u 00 I 00 >*(-- c -<*- 4- t) Vf, to if- CO -. r-~ - cl si- CO r CO ^ d vo CO d - On On CO - to on < d co^ t^ i-^oo - vo d tj- -. CO '^ CO NO v-V^ ^ ra - Tj-io tONO y- v^' "" "I CO t-^ i-( vn o\ - >^ >- d d d 'i-oo d t^ to CO -^ ^ d t^ vn vr-, d t^ d r^ d t^ " i- d d COVJ CO ON Tj- CO COT}- * m --^>rf CO CO N -0 ^2 r^oo ON r CO -<- vn m, v~tv^ "^ NO NC ^^Si t-voo ON NO 1^2 NO NO NO C~^ - d CO ^ vnio t-^ r^ r- t-~ t-. t-^ 00 ON ^ cl CO t--.0C OC 00 CO ^i- vnvo r^oo 00 00 00 OC CO On -=5 t 3 1^ r^ 'n -^r -t- \nvD r-- 0\ >^ cl CO -1- ti- r. t}- vn vn t}^ - " " -0 ;^ S) c) c< cl tl cl el tl d d d d tl cl d d d cl d d d d d d d d d d cl d d d -^fe 00 ^ ^ CO mvc sO vn *^- cl -si- vo tj- -^ U-. to - ONiO t^NO .0 t^co covo to ^ Ni- ,1- v^, d r^ CO ^ c3Nio 00 On -^ CO locr; to d sj- 00 NO l-'V'V - + - CTnC. * cl vn vn Tj- ^ }- ^ tj- cr^ r~NO in H- CO d d -I to to CO CO CO CO cl d CO .ti- m c-^ CO to to to CO CO d --t-vo CO to .-i -< r- d CO t}- in m, .^ ^ /- fi c^ To r-- CO 10 d cl d d ~ O-.O CO t^ ^ l^VJ CO 00 - cl t^ }- W' t--cc - - rl CO -i- vnAO r~ 00 ON d - - d d d CO -a- m.vo '-o r- .^ a d d d d d c; .^ ,C | " -. _ n CO rj- v/-. 1--0C CN " N ' 2' 'J?"^ i-ot cr. - d CO r}- r: d d d d VO'O t^CO On 1 Book V, ASTRONOMY. 3V 316. Table of the Abfolute Equation of Time, fitted to each Sign and Degree of the Ecliptic. Place of the Apogee S 9. Obliquity of Ecliptic ^3 28'i a\r b ' it 2 3 - 4 '91 s :^ 6 1% 7 / 8VS 9 ;tio h I I C + . + + + + ~ - !~ + + + w m f. m. f. m. f. Ai. f. m. f. rr. f. m. i. m. f. m. f , 1 m. f. m. r. TO. i 7 36 I 9 3 51 I J3 5 57 2 20 7 38 IS 31 13 33 I II II 28 14 19 0| ' 7 '7 I 23 3 47 I 26 5 59 2 4 7 5 15 39 13 17: 42 II 45 14 13 I 2 6 5 I 36 3 41 I 40 6 I 481 8 19 15 46 13 ' 12 IZ I 14 6 2 3 fa 39 I 4X 3 37 I 53 b I I 31 8 40 15 52 12 42 + 17 12 17 13 59 3 4 6 20 2 3 32 2 7 6 I r 14 9 I 15 57 12 231 46 12 32 13 SI 4 f 6 I 2 11 3 26 2 20 6 Q 56 9 21 1 5 212 4j I 16 12 46 13 43 5 6 S 4* 2 22 3 19 2 33 5 59 3 9 41 16 6 11 44J 1 45 12 59 13 34 6 7 5 24 2 32 3 12 2 45 5 57 20J10 I 16 9 II 231 2 14 13 12 13 24 7 8 5 5 2 42 3 4 2 5 5 54 + i!io 20 16 II 11 il 2 43 '3 24 13 14 8 9 4 47 2 51 2 56 3 11 5 51 18 10 39 16 13 10 39 3 11 13 35 13 3 9 10 4 2 3 2 47 3 23 5 47 37 10 57 16 13 10 16 3 39 13 45 12 51 10 II 4 9 3 2 38 3 35 5 42 57 n 15 lb 13 9 53! 4 7 13 54 12 39 XI 12 3 5c 3 ,6 2 29 3 46 5 37 I 17111 33 16 12 9 29 4 35 14 2 12 27 12 '3 3 32 3 23 2 19 3 58 5 31 1 38111 51 16 10 9552 14 c^ 12 14 14 3 13 3 30 2 8 4 9 5 24 I 58:12 8 16 7 8 40 5 29 14 16 12 '4 IS 2 5? 3 36 I 57 4 19 5 17 2 19 12 25 lb 4 8 14I 5 56 14 22 11 46 '5 16 2 57 3 41 I 46 4 29 5 9 2 40 12 41 lb 7 48: 6 22 14 27 II 31 16 17 2 '9 3 46 I 35 4 39 5 I 3 112 57 IS 55 7 22! 6 48 14 31 II 16 17 i 2 I 3 50 I 2-; 4 4J< 4 52 3 22|l3 12 15 49 6 55'' 7 13 14 35 II I 18 19 19 I 43 3 53 I 1 1 4 57 4 43 3 44ii3 27 15 42 6 28 7 37 14 38 10 46 20 I 26 3 5^' 59 5 "^ 4 33 4 5J13 42 15 35 6 0' 8 I 14 40 10 3c 20 21 I 9 3 5 46 5 13 4 22 4 26 13 56 15 26 5 32 8 24 14 41 10 14 21 22 52 4 34 5 20 4 II 4 47|i4 9 15 17 5 4! 8 47 14 42 9 5^ 22 23 3b 4 I 21 5 27 3 59 5 9 14 21 15 7 4 36 9. 9 14 41 9 41 23 24I 20 4 I 8 5 33 3 46 5 3014 33 14 56 4 8, 9 31 14 40 9 24 -1 ^s|+ 4 4 > 5 39 3 33 5 52114 44 14 44 3 39 9 53 '4 39 9 6 2faU 1 1 4 c 19 5 44 3 19 b i3|i4 53 14 31 3 10 10 14 '4 37 b 4^, 26 27I 26 3 50 31 5 4^ 3 4 b 35ii5 5 14 17 2 41 10 34 '434 I 3c. ?-7 28J 40 3 57 46 5 52 2 50 b 56,15 14 14 3 2 Jijio 53 .4 30 8 12 28 29, 53 3 54 59 5 55 2 35 7 17 15 23 13 48 I 41 II II 14 25 7 5'< iq 3c! I 9 3 51 I 13 5 57 2 2C 7 31I5 31 13 33! I ii'ii 28 14 10 7 3t- ^o| The equations with +, are to be added to the apparent time, to have the mean time ; thofe with , are to be fubtradlcd from apparent for mean time. The preceding mark, whether + or , at the head of any column, be- longs to all equations in that column until the fign changes ; and thof^? columns having two figns at the head, fhew that the preceding fi<,ii changes to the followng fomcwhere in that column, II 317. Ta3L E J28 ASTRONOMY. Book V. 317, Table ofCorrcftions for the Middle Time between the Equal Altitades of the Sun. j Latitude 30 D.N. Latitude 40 D.N. Latitude 50D. N. Latitude 60D.N. C 1 Hours btc.Obfcr. Hours bet, Obfer. Hours bet. Obfer Hours bet. Obfer. CR -i 1 6| 5l 4 6| 5|4 f>\ 5l4 6| 5|4 6| 5| 41 6| 5| 4 6| 5| 4 6| 5l4 ^r' N.decl. S. decl. N.decl. S. decl. N. decl. 1 S. decl. N.decl. S.decl. fr ~ rT" fr ^ fT n fi* S rt" ^ 7?" ~> ^1?^ 9 2b 2^ 24 29 28 27 7 8 7 7 6 10 10 10 II II 10 '5 14 14 '7 lb lb 20 20 '9 2b 24 23 29 28 27 8 9 7 6 b 10 10 10 II 10 10 15 15 14 lb '5 M 20 20 '9 25 ^3 23 28 28 27 <* 10 7 6 S 10 10 10 II 10 10 '5 '5 '4, lb '5 15 20 10 '9 ^4 23 22 28 28 27 10 II 12 6 6 b 6 _5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 _9 9 1 14 14 ,4! ^5 '.5 11 14 14 12 19 12 '9 18 78 11 22 22 21 22 21 27 27 27 26 II 12 10 10 13 b 5 5 10 10 9 9 9 8 14 14 14 14 14 13 19 9 18 21 21 20 2b 26 I? '4 5 5 4 10 9 9 9 8 8 '4 14 14 13 13 12 18 18 17 20 20 19 25 2S J4 '5 5 5 4 9 9 9 8 8 7 14 '4 13 13 12 12 18 18 17 19 '9 18 24 IS 16 5 4 4 9 9 9 8 7 7 13 13 13 12 12 II 17 17 '7 18 18 17 23 16 17 4 4 3 _9 9 9 8 8 ~8 7 7 6 12 12 12 II II 10 lb 5 lb 15 16 'S 17 16 11 lb IS 22 21 17 (8 4 3 3 6 6 5 12 12 12 10 10 9 19 3 3 2 8 8 8 b 5 5 II II II 9 9 8 14 '4 14 >5 14 3 19 19 20 3 2 2 8 7 *T 5 5 4 10 10 10 8 8 7 13 3 '3 14 3 12 '7 20 21 2 2 I 7 7 7 4 3 3 9 9 9 7 b b 1 1 II 12 II 10 14 ZI 22 I I 6 5 3 2 2 7 7 7 5 5 5 9 9 8 8 8 II 22 23 c 1 3 3 2 I 4 4 4 3 2 2 5 5 5 5 4 1 7 ^3 The correflton is fubtradive from December 22 tojun e 2 1 , er ' in afcending figns; and additive from June 21 to Decem- her 22, or in defcending figns. 318. A Table of Refractions. > Rt fr. S> R fr. > Re fr. > Refr. > R =fr. > R sfr. > Refr. rf rr i-r -f r-r B rt a 1. ft' n 3 n r; 3. fT' n 3. fT' C 3. ^' fT' r i. ^ 3 rt a ' CTQ tp U5 r^ 33 oc 4 II 51 14 3 45 iz6 56 38 Uilso 48 I62 ?o oi 3^ 35 4i 10 48 5 3 3*^ 127 51 39 10 S' 46 f'S 29 oi- 28 22 5 9 54 lb 3 17 |28 47 40 8 52 44 b4 28 o>- 2b 21 si 9 8 17 3 4 29 42 41 5 S3 43 |<'5 '66 26 I 24 20 b 8 28 18 2 54 30 3 42 J 3 IS4 41 25 'i 22 48 7 7 20 '9 2 44|3> 35 43 I S5 40 167 24 I-i 21 1 > 3 6 29 20 2 35 I32 3' 44 59 56 3S 6S 23 'i 19 5> 9 5 48 21 2 27 |33 28 45 57 57 37 jb9 22 2 18 35 10 5 15 22 2 20 34 24 46 55 5^' 35 70 21 2| lb 24 1 1 4 47 23 2 14 35 2l| 47 S3 S9 34 71 19 3, 14 3b 12 4 23 24 2 7 36 i8j 148 5' bo 33 72 18 5I |i3 b 13 4 3 25 2 2 j37 ibj49 49 ^ 32 11 17 319. Of the Sun's Parallax. Altitudes 0. 10 20 30'' 40 ;o 60 jo^ 80" 90. Parallax 9988653210. END OF BOOK V. T H ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION. B O O K VI. OF GEOGRAPHY. SECTION I, Defi?jitions and Principles, t . ^^ E O G R A P H Y is the art of dcfcribing the figure, magnitude, \JX antl pofitions of the feveral parts of the furface of the Earth. 2. The Earth is a fpherical or globular figure *, and is ufually called the terraqueous globe. 3. There are two points on the furfaceof the terraqueous globe, called the Poles of the Earth, which are diametrically oppofite to one an- other ; one is called the north pole .^ and the other, the Joutb pole. * For in fhips at lea the firll parts of them that become vifible are ih.e up- per fails; and as they approach nearer, the lower fail^ appear; and fo on until they (hew their hulli. Alfo fViips in failing from high capes, or head lands, lofe fight of thofe emi- nences gradually from the lower parts, until the top vanifhes. Now as thcfe appearances are the objects of our fenfes in all parts of the Earth, Therefore the farface of the Earth muft be convex. And this convexity is, at fea, obferved to be every where uniform. But a body, the furfacc of which is every where uniforaily convex, is. a globe. Therefore the figure of the liarth is globular. Voi.. I, A a In 330 GEOGRAPHY. Book VL In order to Jcfcribe the pofitions of places, Geographers have found It twccflary to imagine certain circles drawn on the furface of the Earth, t> vvhjch they have given the names of Equator, Meridian, Horizon, Pja^ raliels of latitude, &c. 4. The EqtTAl-OR is a great circle on the Earth, equally diftant frin* each pole, dividing the terraqueous globe into two equal parts ; one called the northern hemifphere, in which is the north pole ; and the other, con- taining the fouth pole, is called the Jsuthern hevtifphers. 5. KIeridians are imaginary circles on the Earth pafllng through both the poles, and cutting the equator at right angles. Every point on the furface of the Earth has its proper meridian. "6. Latitude is the' drftance of a- place from the equator, reckoned in degrees and parts of degrees on a mei;idia4i. On the north fide of the equator it is north latitude ^ and on -the foutb fide it is fouth latitude. As latitude begins at the equator, where it is hothhig ; fo it ends at the poles, where the latitude is greateft, or 90 degrees. 7. Parallels of Latitude are circles parallel to the equator. Every place on the Earth has its parallel of latitude. Difference of Latitude is an arc of a meridian, or the Icafl: dif- tance of the parallels of latitude o^ two places ; fhewing how far one of shcm is to the northward, or fouthward, of the other. The difference of latitude can never exceed 180 degrees. 8. In north latitudes, if about the middle of the months of March and Scptcn.bcr a perfon looks towards the Sun at noon, the fouth is before- h'.m, tbc north behind, the weft on the right hand, and the eaft on the left : and in fouth latitudes,, if the face is turned toward the Sun at the fame times, the north is before,, the fouth behind, the eaft to the right, and the weft on the left. In latitudes greater than 23I degrees,.thefe poll dons, found at noon, will hold good on any day of the year. 9. Lokgitude of any place on the Earth is exprefled by an arc of the equator, fl^ewing the eaft or weft diftance of the meridian of that place from fome fixed meridian, where longitude is reckoned to begin. 10. Difference of Longitude is an arc of the equator, inter- cepted between the meridians of two places, fliewing how far one of them is to the eaft ward, or weft ward, of the other. As longitude begins at the merldan of fonie place, and is counted from- thence both eaftvvard and weftward, till they meet at the fame meridian, on the cppofite point of the equator > therefore the difference of longitude can nc\er exceed 180 degrees. 11. When two places have latitudes both north, or both fouth ; or have longitudes both eaft, or both weft, they are faid to be of the fame, or of like name : but when one has north latitude, and the other fouth; or if one lias eaft longitude, and the other weft, then they are faid to have con- trary, or difterent, or unlike names. 12. The Horizon is that apparent circle which limits, or bounds^ the view of a fpectator on the fea, or on an extended plain ; the eye of the fpcclator being always fuppofed in the center of his horizon,. Whm Book VL G E O G R A I^ H T. 331 t When the Planets or Stars come above the eaftern part of the horizon, they are faid to rife ; and when they defcend below the weftern part, they are faid to fet. When a Ihip is under the equator, both the poles appear in the horizon ; and in proportion as (he falls towards either, or increafes her latitude, that pole is feen proportionally higher above the horizon, and the other difappears as much : but when a fhip is failing towards the equator, or decreafes her latitude, fhe depreiles the elevated pole ^ that is, its difl:ance from the horizon decreafes. Of the div'ifton of the Earth into Zones, 13. A ZcNE is a broad fpace on the Earth, included between two pa- rallels of latitude. There are five zones : namely, one Torrid^ two Frigid^ and two Tem^ perate ; thefe names arife from the degree of heat or cold, to which their fituations are liable. 14. The Torrid Zone is that portion of the Earth, over every p^rt of which the Sun is perpendicular at one time of the year or other. This zone is about 47 degrees in breadth, extending to about 23I de- grees on each fide of the equator ; the parallel of latitude terminating the limits in the northern hemifphere, is called the Tropic of Cancer; and in the fouthern hemifphere, the limiting parallel is called the Tropic of Ca- pricorn. 15. The Frigid Zones are thofe regions about the poles, where the Sun does not rife for fome days, nor fet for feme days, of the year. Thefe zones extend round the poles to the diRance of about 23! de- grees : that in the northern hemifphere is called the north frigid zone, and is bounded by a parallel of latitude, called the Ariiic polar circle : and the other, in the fouthern hemifphere, the foutb frigid zone ; the parallel of latitude bounding it, being called the Antarctic polar circle. 16. The Temperate Zones are the fpaces between the Torrid and the Frigid zones. Of the divifion of the Earth by CUfnates. ^ 17. A Climate, in a geographical fcnfe, is that fpace of the Earth contained between two parallels of latitude, wbcn the difference between the longed day in each parallel is half an hour.^^ Thefe climaf:es are narrower the farther they are from .|,^e equator; therefore, fuppofinj^ the equator to be the beginning of the Hrft climate, the polar circle v/ill be the end of the 24th climate ; for afterwards the longeft day does dot increafc by half hours, but by days and months. Ar. 2 SECTION 3J2 GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. SECTION II. Of the natural divijion of the Earth, 18. By the natural divifion of the Earth is ineant the parts on its fur* fice formed by nature j fuch as ContlnoitSi Oceans^ IJIands^ Seasy Rivers^ Movniains^ he. The furfacc of the Earth is naturally divided into Land and Water; Land is divided into Water is divided into \t Continents. 4. Ifthmufes, Iflands. 5- Promontaries. Peninfulas. 6. Mountains. ' Oceans. 4. Straits. Seas. 5- Lakes. Gulfs. 6. Rivers. ig. A Continent, or, as it is frequently called, the main land, is a rery large track, comprehending feveral contiguous Countries, King- doms, and Statts. 20. An Ocean is a vaft colle3Lion of fait water, feparating the conti- ricnts from one another. 21. Aii li^i.AND is apart of dry land, furrounded with water. 22. A Sea is a branch of the Ocean, flowing between fome parts of the Continent, or feparating an Uland from the Continent. 23. A PENINSULA is a part of dry land encompalled by water, except a narrow neck which joins it to fome other land. 24. An Isthmus is the neck joining the peninfula to the adjacent iand, and forms the pafl'age between them. 25. A Mountain is a part of the land more elevated than the adjacent country, and to be {^-cn at a greater diltance than the neighbouring lower lands. 26. A Prctviontory is a mountain ftretihing itfelf into the fea j the extremity of which is called a Cape^ or Head-land. 27. A Hill is a fmall kind of mountain : A Cliff is a fteep fhore, hill, *^r mountain : And Recks are great llones, riling like hills above the dry land, or abcive the bottom of the fea. 28. A (3UI K, or Bay, is a part of the Ocean, or Sea, contained be- tween two^orts : and is every where environed with land, except at its entrance, vrfiere it conimunicates with other Bays, Seas, or Oceans. 29. A Strait is a narrow pall'age, by which there is a communication between a Gulf and its neighbouring fea, or which joins one part of the ic:!, or ocean, v/ith another. 30. A Lake is a cclledKion of Waters contained in fome hollow or c.i\ ity, in an inland place, of a large extent, find ev ery where furrounded with land, having no vifible communicunon with the Ocean. 31. Rivers are dreams of Water, flowiiig chiefly from the Moun- t.iin?, and running in long narrow channels, or cavities, through the land, 'till \)hc)' fall into the fea, or into other rivers, which at lafl run into the 32. There Book VI. G E O G R A P H Y. 333 32. There are generally reckoned four Continents, namely, Europe, Asia, Africa^ and America. ' To thefc may be added the Terra arSiica, or nothern continent, and the Terra antarilica, or lands detached from Jfia, towards the fouth. The continent oi America is ufually divided into two parts, called North and South America ; they are joined together by the Ijihmtts of D^r'ten^ Alfo the continents of Afia and Africa are joined together by the IjVomui of Sues. The Terra arnica, Europe^ and A^ay lie all within the northern hemi- fphcre ; and alfo part of Africa and America : 'J'he other parts of thc-fe two continents, together with the Tprra antar^ica^ lie in the fouthtrh hemifphere. 33. There are five Oceans, namely, the Northern', the Atlan- tic, the Pacific, the Indian, and the Southern. The Atlantic ocean is ufually divided into two parts, one called the' nq,rth Atlantic ocean^ and the other xht fouth Atlantic, or Ethiopic ocean. The Northern ocean ftretches to the northward of Europe, Au.i, and America, towards the north pole. The Atlantic ocean lies between the continents of Europe and Africa on the eaft, and America on the weft. That part of the north Atlantic ocean, lying between Europe and America, is frequently called the Wefiern ocean. The Pacific ocean, or, as it is fometimes called, the South Sea, is bounded by the weftcrn and north-weft fliores of America, and by the eaftern and north-eaft fliorcs of Afia, The Indian ocean wafties the fhorcs of the eaftern coafts of Africa, and the fouth of Afia ; and is bounded on the eaft by the Indian iflands, New Holland, and New Zeeland. The Scuthern ocean extends to the fouthward of Africa and Americii tov/ards the fouth pole. The northern and fouthern continents not being fufEciently known to Geographers, all that nct^d be faid of them is, that the Terra Ardica, or land to the northward of Hudton's Bay and Greenland, is in general too cold for the refidence of mankind and that the lands formerly fuppofed to be parts of the fouthern continent, are found to be very'largo ifiands ." viz. New Zeland is much Ir.rgcr than Great Britain, and has a ftrait di- viding it into two iflands. New Holland is an ifland as large as Europe, New Guinea is a very iarj^e ifland ;- and New Britain is a cjlufter of largo and I'mail iAands, and ae thought by fume tQ be the iflands hitherto culled the Solomon's iflands, A ;i 1 SECTION 334 GEOGRAPHY. Book Vli SECTION III. Of the Political divijton of the Earth. 34. By the political divifion of the Earth is meant the clifFcrent Countries, Empires, Kingdoms, States, -and otllcr denominations cfta- blifhed by men, either from the ambition of tyrants, or for the fake of good government, OF EUROPE. Europe is bounded on the north by the northern, or frozen, ocean ; on the eaft by Afia ; on the fouth by the Mediterranean Sea, feparating Europe from Africa ; and by the north Atlantic, or weftern ocean, on the weft. It lies between the latitudes of 36 and 72 degrees of north latitude ; and between the longitudes of 10 degrees weft, and 65 degrees caft from London ; is about 3000 miles long, reckoning from the N. . tp the S. W. and about 2500 miles broad. 35. The countries, their pofition, with regard to the middle parts of Europe, the chief cities, principal rivers, with their courfes, and the moft noted mountains, and what quarter of the country they arc in, are ex- hibited in the following table ; where E. ftands for empire, K. for king- dom, R. for republic, Nd. for northward, y<:. Countries. Pofuion. Chief Cities. Rivers. Courfe. Mountains. E. Turky s. p. Conftantii^oplf Danube E. Argentum Nd. K.Poland Mid. Warfaw Viftula N. N. W. Carpathian Sd. . Mufcovy 1 E. Kuflia J N. E. ( Mofcow '\ Peterlburg Volga E. to S. Boglowy Sd. Niaper s. Riphean Wd. K. Sweden N. Stockholm Dalecarlia E. Dofrine Wd. K. Norway N. N.W. Bergen Glama S. Dofrine Ed. K. Denmark N. W. Copenhagen Eyder W. K. Hungary Mid. Pre fbu rg Danube S. E. CarpathianNd. E. Germany Mid. Vienna Danube E. Alps Sd. Italy S. Rome fPo \ Tyber E. S. Alps Nd. ApennineMid. R. Switzerland Mid. Bern Rkine W. Alps Sd. Netherlar.di w. Bruffels Maefe N. R. Holland w. dmfterdam Rhine N. N. W. K. France w. Paris t Loire } Rhone N. to W. S. Pyrenees S. W. Alps Ed. X. Spain s. w. Madrid Tagus W. Pyrenees N. E. K. Portugal s. w. Lifpon Tagus W. C. Rocca W. K. England w. London Thames E. Malvern N.W. K.- Scotland vv. Edinburgh Forth E, Grampian Nd. K^. Irelaad w. Dublin Shannon S. W. KnockpatiicW There arc in Europe four Kingdoms befide thofe enumerated above j but they are contained in the forenamed Countries. The Kingdom of Pruflla, which is part of Poland j the King's refi- dence is at iJerlin, a city in Germany^ The Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 33i The Kingdom of Bohemia, a part of Germany; the chief city is Prague. The Kingdom of Sardinia, an Italian ifland ; the King refides at Tu- rin, a city in Italy. T'he Kingdom of the Sicilies, appending to Italy ; the King refides at Naples, a city in Italy. In fome of the forenamed countries are feveral dominions independent one of the other ; particularly in Germany and Italy. The principal ftates in Germany are the following I2 j where D. ftands for duchy, El. for elediorate, P. for principality. States j D. Auftria J K. Bohemia | EI. Bavaria J El. Brandenburg Ch. cities Vienna Pratjue Munich Berlin States Ch. cities El. Saxony Drefden El. Hanover Hanover El. Palatine Manheim El. Mentz, Alentz States Ch. cities El. Triers Triers El. Cologne Cologne P.HefTeCafl'el CafTel D.Wurtembupg Stutirard The principal ftatcs in Italy are the following 12. States I D. Savoy Ch. cities Chamberry P. Piedmont Turin D. Milanefe Milan D. Parmefan Parma States Cli. cities D.Modenefe Mode n a D. Mantuan Mantua R. Venice Venice R. Genoa Genoa States j D. Tufcany Ch. cities ] Florence Patriarchate Rome R. Lucca Lucca K. Naples Naples 36. The principal SeaSj Gulfs and Bays in Europe., are The Mediterranean Sea, having Europe on the N. and Africa on the S. The Adriatic Sea^ between Italy and Turky. The Euxine^ or Black Sea, in Turky, between Europe and Afia. The White Sea, in the N. N. W. parts of Mufcovy. The Baltic Sea, between Sweden, Denmark, and Poland. The German Ocean, or Sea, between Germany and Britain,. The Englijh dhmnncl, between England and France. St. George's Channel, between Britain and Ireland. The Bay of Bifcay, formed between France and Spain. 7'he Gulf of B'jthnia, in the N. E. parts of Sweden. The Gulf of Finland, between Sweden and RulTia. The Gulf of Venice, the N. W. end of the Adriatic Sea 37. The principal If ands in Europe, are The Britijl) Ifes, viz. Great Britain, Ireland, Orkneys, and Wcftern Ifles. The Spanif Ifes ; Majorca, Minorca, Ivica, in the Medit. Sea. Turkijh Ifes \ Sicily, Sardinia, Corfica, Lipari, in the Medit. Sea. Italian Ijles ; Candia, Archipelago Ifles, in the iVIedit. Sea. Swedijlj Ifles i Gothl.uid, Oeland, Alan, Rugen, inthc Baltic Sea. Danift) Ifes ; Zeland in the Baltic Sea ; and Iceland, Faro Ifles, E. and W. Greenlands in the Northern ocean. A'mOi es Ifes in the Atlantic ocean, belonging to Portugal. A a 4 OF 33^ GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. O F A S 1 A. 38. The continent of Afia is bounded on the north by the Northern or frozen ocean, on the eaft by the Pacific ocean, on the fouth by the In- dian ocean, and by Africa and Europe on the weft. , It lies, including its Iflands, between the latitudes of lO degrees fouth, and yi degrees north ; and is between the longitudes of 25 and 148 degrees eaft of London ; its length, exclufive of the ifles, being about 4800 miles, and breadth aboiit 4300 miles. 39. The pofitions and names of the chief countries, cities^ rivers, and mouiitains, are contained in the following table. Countries. Pofition. ChiefCities. Rivers. Courfe. Mountains. f Pekn Yellow R. S. to E. Ottorocoran Nd. E. China S.E. < Nr.okin Kiam E Damafian Wd. (_ Canton fa S.E. 1^. Korea E. Kingkitau Yaiu S. Shanalin ChinefeTartar)' E. Chynian Yamour N.E.toE. Fongwanflian Mengalia Mid. Kudak Yellow R. N. toW. K. Thibet Mid. L^flterdu Yaru E. Kantes Bukharia, or tlfix-'cs I^Mid. Mid. Samarkand Amu N.W. Belurlag Karazm Urjenz Amu S. W. Irder Kalmucks Mid. fekis Pubratubufluk E. Siberia N. j Tobolfki ( Aftracan Oby jenifka N. N.N.W. Stolp E. Turk/ w. Smryna tuphrate; S. E. Taurus ' K. Syria . W. Aleppo Euphrates S. Lebanon Arabia s. w. Medina [Euphrates S. E. Gabel el arcd E. Perfia s. Ifpahan f Oxus 1 A raxes W. s. VV. Caucafus Taurus India Weft of : s. Agra Indus s. w. Caucafus the Ganges Delli Ganges s. w. Bal agate f Ava Domea s. J India Eaft of the Ganges Is. Pegu Siam Mccon Menan s. s. \ Damafcene L Cambodia Ava s. i Son-ic of thefc countries contain feveral others Afiatic Turky contains Countries Ch. cities Georgia N. | Turcomania E. I or Armenia Tcfiis I Erzerum Countries j EyracaS.E. j Arabia defeitS. Ch. cities | Bagdat Curdiftan E. or AfTyria Betlis Natolia W. Smyrna Diarbec E. Moufol Syria W. Aleppo Indi4 Book VI. GEOGRAPHY \SJ India weft of the Ganges contains Countries I Indoftan N. Northern Parts Ch. pities Delli Cambaya S. W. or Guzarat Surat BengalaS.E. Patna Malabar Coaft Countries Ch. cities Decan or Vifapour Goa Bjfnagar W. or Carnate CalcutandCochin Coromandel Coaft Countries Ch. cities Bifnagar CarnatCjE.fide Madras K. Goiconda Golcorda K. Orixa Orixa India eaft of the Ganges contains CountrieslK. Ava N. W.iK. Pegu Ch. cities) Ava | Pegu WlK.SiamS.IK. Malacca Si am i Malacca CountrieslK. Cambodia S.jK. Cochin China E.jK. Laos N. Ch. cities! Cambodia Thoanoa | Lanchan K. Tonquin N. E. Keccio 40. The principal Seas, Gulfs and Bays in Afia^ are Cafpian Sea^ quite furrounded by Siberia on the north, Korazm eaft, by Perfia on the fouth, and by Georgia on the weft, Korean Sea^ between Korea and the iflands of Japan. I'i/Io'iv Sea, between China and the Japan ifles. Gulf of Cochin China, on the borders of Tonquin and Cochin China, Bay of Siam, formed by the countries of Siam and Malacca. Bay of Bengal, between India eaft, and India weft of the Ganges. Gulf of Perfia, having Perfia on tl^e N. E. and Arabia on the S. W. 41. The principal Iflands helonging to ^fa, are Ladrone, or Marian IJlcs, whofe chief iiland is Guam. jfles I Japan ities I Jeddo Of . rn i Ch. jfles Japan Jfles < ^>,, J ^ J I Ch. citu Bongo Bongo Tonfii Ton fa Pi.;}:^^:,..r f Ch. ifles Luconia '^ I Ch. cities Manil a Mindanao Mindanao Saniar Ch. iiles ies Chtnefc Ifles \ ^^^ ^^^ Moluccos Formofa Taywanfu Ainan T'an Makao Malcau 5 Ch. if 1 Ch. c Acs ities Celebes MacafTcr Gilolo Gilolo Ceram Ambay ^ J m S ^h. ifles ^unda,fl?s I Ch. cities Borneo Banjar I Sumatra 1 Achin Java Batavia The Andaman Ijles to the weft of Siam. Niobar Iflands weft of Malacca. Maldive Iflands to the S. W. of Bifnagar. The Ifland of Ceylon S. E. of Bifnagar; ihc chigf ci.ty is Candy, or Candy L'ta, OF 51* GEOGRAPHY. OF AFRICA. Book VL 4a. This large continent is a peninfula, joined to Afia by the Ifthmus of Suez. On the N. E. it is feparatcd from Afia by the Red Sea j it has the Indian Ocean on the eaft, the Southern on the louth, the Atlantic on the weft, and the Mediterranean Sea on the north, which feparates it from Europe. luJs fituated between the latitudes of 37 degrees N. and 35 degrees S ; and between the longitude of 18 degrees VV. and 50 de- grees E. from London ; is about 4300 miles long, and 4200 miles broad. 43. The pofitions and names of the chief countries, cities, rivers, and mountains, are contained in the following table. Ccuntries. Pofiticn. Chief Cities. Rivers. Courfe. Mountains. E. Morocco N. W. Fez Mulvia N. Atlas K Algiers N. Algiers SaiFran N. Atlas K. 1 unis N. Tunis ' Megrada N. Atlas K. Tripoli N. Tripoli Salines N. E. Atlas K. Barca N. Docra Mcies K. Egypt N.E. Cairo Nile N. Gianadel E. Abyflinia 7 or Ethiopia J E. Ambamarjani Nile N. Ajan E. Adea Madadoxa S. Zanguebar E. Melinda Cuama E.S.E. Sofala S. E. Sofala Amara E. Amara Terra de Natal S. E. Natal St. Efprit E. Amara Cafraria s. Care Town St.Chriftopher E. Table Mataman 3. S.W. Angri W. Sunda K. Renguela S.S.W. Bengucla Negros W. Sunda K. Anf;ola s. w. l.oando Coan7a - w. Sunda K. Congo S. W. St. Salvador Zaara s. w. Sunda K. Loango S. W. Loango Zette s. w. St. Efprit Biafara s. w. Biafara Camerones s. w. St. Eiprit K. Benin s. w. Benin Formofa s. w. Guinea s. w. Cape Coaft Volta s. Sierra Leon Mandinga w. Janaes Fort Gambia w. C. Vc;d Sanhaga w. Sanhaga Senegal N. W. Biidulgerid Mid.N. Dara Dara s. Atla s Zara Mid. Zucnzega Nubia E. Nubia Mid. Nubia Nubia E. Negroland Mid. Toir.bute Niger W. Ethiopia inter Mid. Chaxunio Niger W. Luna MonoDHipi Mid. S. Merango Cuama E. S. E Luna E.Monomotapa Mid. S. Morgar Amara S. E. Amara Many parts of the co?A^ of Africa are fubjecl: to the European nations : Thus the Kingdoms of Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Barca, and Egypt, are either fubject to the Ottomauj oi Tur^ifli empire, or acknowledge them- fclves under its protection. AbyiTuiia Book VI. GEO G Jl A P ,H :^, 339 Abyfllnia is governed by its own Emperor. Ajan or Anian is peopled by a few wild Arabs. In Zanguebar and Sofala, the Portuguele have many black Princes tributary to them. . Cafraria, or the country 6f the Hottentots, belongs to the Dutch. The fea coafts of Guinea are ufually diftinguifhed by the names of the S/ave Co^Jfy Geld Coaji^ Ivory Caaft^ Grain Coaji, and Sierra Leon. . The Englifh, Dutch, French, Portuguefe, and others, have feveral fettlements along thcfe coafts, and even many miles up the country, par- ticularly the Englifh on the rivers Gambia and Senegal. In the general table the countries are taken in a very large fenfe ; for many of them contain a great number of ftates independent one of the Other, the particulars of v^-hich are not known to Geographers. 44. The principal Seas, Gulfs, and Bays in Africa, are The Red Sea, between Africa and Afia : It wafhes the coaft of Ara- bia on the Afiatic fide, and the coafts of Egypt and Abyllinia on the African fide. Mofamhiqne Sea, between Africa and tlie ifland of Madagafcar caftward. Saldanna Bay in Cafraria, on the Ethiopic Ocean. * Bight of Benin on the coaft of Guinea, in the Ethiopic Ocean, 45. The principal African Ijlands, are Madeira ijles Canary ijles . CVerd ijles Ethiopian ijles Komora ijles Sekotora ijles Almirante ijles The ifland of Madagafcar, one of the largeft in the world, lies in the Indian Ocean : It is divided into a multitude of little ftates ; feme of them formed by the European privateers, and their fucccflbrs defcended from a mixture with the natives. The iflands of Bourbon and Mauritius lie in the Indian Ocean, to the eaft of Madagafcar : thefe belong to the PVench. The Madeiras, and Cape de Verd Ifles, belong to the Portuguefe. The Canary Ifles to Spain \ St. Helena to England. . Chief ifle. Chief Town. Situation. Madeira Funchal N. Atlantic Ocean Canaria Pal ma N. Atlantic Ocean St. Jago St. Jago N. Atlantic Ocean St. Helena Ethiopic Ocean Johanna Demani Indian Ocean Zocotora Calanfia Indian Ocean But little known Indian Ocean O F 34 GEOGRAPHY. Book VI; O F 46. This vaft continent, called by fomc tfce new world, having been difcovercd by the Europeans fince the year 1492, is ufually divided into two pa.rts, one called North, and the other South America, being joined to one another by the Ifthmus of Darien. North America lies between the latitudes of 10 degrees and 80 de- grees north ; and chiefly between the longitudes of 50 degrees and 130 degrees weft of London ; is about 4200 miles from north to fouth, and 3bout 4800 from eaft to weft. It is bounded on the caft by the north Atlantic Ocean, by the Gulf of Mexico on the fouth, on the weft by the Pacific Ocean, and by the Northern continent and ocean to the northward. South America is bounded on the eaft by the fouth Atlantic Ocean, by the Southern Ocean to the fouth, by the Pacific Ocean on the weft, and on the north by the Caribbean Sea. It lies between the latitudes of 12 degrees north, and 56 degrees fouth ; and between the longitudes of 45 degrees and 83 degrees weft from London j is about 4200 miles long, and abouj: 2200 miles in breadth. 47. The pofitions and names of the chief countries, cities, rivers, and mountains, in North America, are in the following table. Countries. Pofition. Chief Cities. Rivers. Courfe. Mountains. California W. St. Juan. New Mexico s. Sante Fe N. River ^ S. S. E. Old Mexico s. w. Mexico Panuco E. Louifiana s. New Orleans Mifliffipi S. Florida s. S{. Auguftine St. John N. to E, Apalachian Georgia S. S. E. Savannah Alatamaha E. S. E. Apalachian Carolina S. E. Charles Town Afhly S. E. Apalachian Virginia E. James Town Powtomack S. E. Apalachian Maryland E, Annapolis Powtomack S. E. Apalachian Penfylvania E. Philadelphia Delawar S. Apalachian Jerfeys E. New York Albany s. New England E. BoHon Connedicut s. Nova Scotia N. E. Halifax St. John S. S. E. Ladies Canada Mid. Qnehec St. Lawrence N. E. New Britain N. N. E. Fort Rupert Rupert W. New Wales N. lYork Fort Nelfon W. California, Old Mexico, and New Mexico, belong to Spain. Louifiana, to the weft of the river Miflillippi, was polTeflcd by the French at the end of the late war ; but is now transferred to Spain. Ail the other countries are in the hands of the Enf^lifli. hi Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. J4S in South America the pofition and names of the chisf countries, cities, livers, and mountains, are as follow i Con'ntrics. / Pofition. Chief Cities. Rivers. Courfc. Mountains. Terra Firma. N. Panama Oronoque N. E. Peru W. Lima Chuquimayo W.N.W. Andes Chili S. W. St. Jago Valparifo W. Andes Patagonia s. Defaguadero S. Andes La Plata S. E. Buenos Ayres La Plata S. Andes Paraguay Mid. Aflumption Paragaa S. Brafil E. St. Salvador aio Real N. E. Amazonia Mid. Amazons E. Guiana N. E. Surinam Efquebe N. N. E. Terra Firma, Peru, Chili, La Plata, and Paraguay, are in thepofleffion of the Spaniards. Brafil belongs to the Portuguefe. Patagonia, Amazonia, and Guiana, are poflefled by the native Indians, except fome parts of the coalts of Guiana, in the hands of the Dutch and French. 48. The principal Seas, Gulfs^ and Bays in America. The Caribbean Sea^ bounded by Terra Firma on the fouth, and a rang of iflands on the north and eaft. Gulf of Mexico^ formed by Old Mexico, Louifiana, and Florida, Bay of Campeacky, part of the Gulf of Mexico, on tjie Mexican coafl. Bay of Honduras^ part of the Caribbean Sea, next to Mexico. Bay of Panama^ in the Pacific Ocean, next the Ifthmus of Darien. Bay of California, in the Pacific Ocean, having "alifornia on the weft. Bay of Fitndy^ in Nova Sotia, north Atlantic Ocean. Gulf of St. Laiorence, in the North Atlantic Ocean, bounded by Nova Scotia, New Britain, and fome iflands eaftward and fouth-caftward. IliiJfons Bay, between New Britain E. and New Wales W. 49. The chief American Ifaruh in the Atlayitic Ocean. Newfoundland, iind Cape Breton, ealt of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Bermudas, or Summer If.ands, eaft of Carolina. Bahama Ifcs, fouth eait of Florida. f Cuba ch. town Havanna Great Antilles}. Ilifpaniola ch. town St. Domingo t Jamaica ch. town Kingfton Caribbce Ifes, bounding the Caribbean Sea on the E. and N. E. LrJJer Antilles, on the N. N. E. of Terra Firma, in the Caribbec Sea, Terra del Fuego on the fouth of Patagonia, in the Southern Ocean, Galiipago Jjles, lying N. W. of Peru in the Pacific Ocean. lying E. of ihr Mexican Gulf, and N. of the Car. Sea, SECTION' 3+i GE O G R A P H rj Bookvr. SECTION IV. Geographical Problems^ 50. Problem I. Given the latitudes of two places : Required their difference ojf latitude. Case' I. When the latitudes of the given phces have the fame name : Rule. Subtract the lefTer latitude from the greater, the remajxuier is the difference of latitude. Exam. I. fVhat is the difference of latitude between London and Rome ? LoDdon's lat. 51* 32'N. Rome's lat. 41 54 N. Diff. lat. 9 38 60 578 miles. Exam. II. What is the difference tf latitude between the Lizard and the IJland of Madeira ? Lizard's lat. 49 57' N. Madeira's lat. 32 36 N. DifF. lat. 17 2iz::i04im. Exam. III. IVloat is the difference vf latitude between the Ijland of St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope f C.GoodHope'slat. 34 29' S. St. Helena's lat. 15 55 S. DIfF. lat. 18 34n:iii4m, CASElI.Whenthelatitudesofthe given places have contrary names : Rule. Add the latitudes together^ and the fum w^Ul be the difference of latitude. Exam. I. Required the diff. of lat. between C. Finijlerre andC.St.Roque. C. Finifterre lat. 42 57' N. C. St. Roquc lat. 5 00 S. Diff. lat. 47 57 60 2877 miles. Exam. II. TVhat is the difference of latitude between the JjJand of Bar- tadoes and C. Negro ? I.of Barbadoes'slat. 130 co' N. C. Negro's lat. 16 30 S. Diff. lat. 29 30=: 1770m.' Exam. III. Required the diffe- rence of latitude between Cape Horn and Cape Corientes in Mexico. Cape Horn's lat. 55 59' S. C. Corientes's lat. 20 18 N, Diff. lat. 76 i7=:4577m. Exam. IV. A Jhip from the lati- tude of if-^ \%' N. is come to the lat. cf 34 49^ N. Required the diff. of Luitude. Lat. from 43 18' N. Lat. in 34 49 N. Diff. lat. 8 29=5091 Exam. IV. J Jhip from the lat. of 8 28^ 5. has Jailed north to the lat. 6 45^ N. Required the diff. of latitude. Lat. from 8" 28' S. Lat. in 6 45 N Diff. lat. 15 i3=9i3m. The fituation of about 1500 particular places are contained in a Geo- graphical Table, art. 137, at the end of this book ; where the latitudes and longitudes of places arc to be fought, as they follow in alphabetical order. 51. Pro- 'ftook VI. GEOGRAPHY. ^4-3 51. Problem II. Given the latitude of one place and the differenu of latitude between it and another place : Required the latitude of the latter place. Case I. When the given latitude and difference of latitude have the fame name ; Rule. To the given latitude add the degrees and minutes in the diiF. of latitude, that fum is the other latitude of the fame name. Exam. I. A Jhip from the latitude of 38* \\' N. fails north till her dif- ference of latitude is 1 7P 32^ .* fVhat latitude is Jhe come to ? Lat.from 38'' 14' N. Diff. lat. 12 32 N. Case IL When the given lati- tude and difFerence of latitude have contrary names : Rule. Take the difference be- tween the >given latitude and the degrees and minutes in the diff. of latitude, the remainder is the dthec latitude, of the fame name with the greater. Exam. I. A Jhip from the latitude: of 38 14^ N. fails fouth till her dif- ference of latitude is 12 32'' : What latitude is jhe come to ? Lat. from 38 i^'N. Diff. lat. 12 32. S. Lat. In 50 46 N. Exam. II. A Jhip from the ifland of Afcenfion runs fouth till her diff. of latitude is 5 37^ . Wl:)at is the prefent latitude of the Jhip P 1. Afcenfion's lat. Diff. lat. 5 37 S. Ship's lat. 13 36 S. Exam. III. A Jhip from the ijland of Madeira fails N. 675 miles : What lat. is Jhe in ? I. Madeira's lat. 32"^ 36' N. Diff. lat. 675 60 (I. 22) 1 1 15 N. Lat. in 25 42 N. Exam. II. A Jhip from the ijland of Afcenfion runs north till her diff^ lat. is 5 37^ : JVhat is the prefent latitude of the Jhip ? I. Afcenfion's iat. 7 S9 S. Diff. Iat. 5 37 N, Ship's lat. 2 22 S. Ship's lat. 43 51 N. Exam. IV. Tljree days ago we vuere in the latitude of the Cape of Good Hope., and have run each day 92 miles d'-ireily S. What is our pre- fent latitude ? C. Good Hope's lat. 34 29' S. Diff. lat. ^i^(I. 22)= 4 36 S. 60 Ficfeat latitade 39 o> S. Exam. III. A fnip from Sierra Leon fails S. 839 miles : What latir- tude is Jue in P Sierra Leon's lat. 8' 30' N. Diff. lat. CO Ship's lat. 5 ^9 S, Exam. IV. Four day; ago we were in the latitude of the ijland of St. AlatthezUj and Jailed due north 6 miles an hmir : What latitude is thf Jhip in P St. Matthew's lat. i* 23'S. 6x24x4. Diff. lit.- 00 t(L2 2)=9 36 M; Ship's latitude 8 13 N. 52. Pro? 344 GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. 52. Problem. III. Given the longitudes of two places : Required their difference of longitude. Rule. If the longitudes are of the fame name, their difference is the difference of longitude required. But if the longitudes are of different namesj their fum gives the difference of longitude. And if this fum exceeds 180 degrees, take it from 360 degrees, and there remains the difference of longitude. Exam. I. Required the difference \ ExAM. IV . Required the difference cf longitude between London and Na pies ? London's long. 00" 00' Naples' long. 14 19 E. of longitude hctiveen St. Chrijlopher'i and Cape Negro. St. Chriftopher's long. 62" 54' W. C. Negro's long. 11 30 E. DifF. longitude 14 19 60 85-9 Exam. II. A Jhip in longitude 14 Diff. longitude 74 24 60 4464 miles. Exam. V. J Jhip in longitude 45^ IV, is bound to a port in longitude 140 20'' IV. is bound to a place in J^W' iW wejl : What diff. of longitude longitude 139 25' E. what diff. of ihujl Jhe make? Ship's long. Long, bound to DiS, longitude 14 48 W. W. - 33 33 60 ^013 miles. longitude muji Jhe ?nake f Ship's long. 140 20' W< Longi bound to 139 25 E. DlfF. longitude 279 360 55 00 80 05 Exam. III. iVhat is the difference Exam. VI. TVhat is the difference of longitude between Cape Gardafuir of longitude between Cape Horn and and Cape Comorin ? C. Gardafuir's long C. Comorin's long. Diff. longitude 50^25'E. 78 17 E. 27 60 5= 1672 miles. Manila ? Cape Horn's long. Manila's long. 67 26' W. izo 25 E, 187 51 360 00 Diff. longitude 172 09 Sometimes the diff. Ion. between two places is eflimated by the diff. of time, allowing an hour to every 15 degrees of longitude, and one min. of time for every 15 min. of a deg. or a deg. for every 4 min. of time. Exam. At b h. 48^. P. M. having obferved at fea a certain appearance in the heavens., which I knew was feen the fame infiant at 3 h. 2^m. P. M. in London : Required the diff, longitude betivecn the places of ohfervationi From 6h. 48 m. 3 h. =: 45 deg. Take j 3^ 13 m. cr 315' Remain 3 13 = diff. time. Sum 48 1 ,-=rDlff. long. And becauie the hour of appearance at London was leaft, therefore I know iryfclf to be to the eaftward of London, 53. Pro- Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 345 53. Problem IV. Given the longitude of one place, and the difference of longitude between that and another : Required the longitude of the fecond place, RuikB. If the given longitude and difference of longitude are of a con- trary name, their difference is the longitude required j and i of the fame name with the greater. But if the given longitude and difference of longitude are of the fame name, the fum is the longitude fought, of the fame name with the given place. And if the fum is greater than 180 degrees, take it from 360 de- grees, remains the longitude required, of a contrary name to that of the given place. Exam. I. A pAp fro7n the Ion gltude of fl 12' E. fails wejlward until her difference of longitude is IS'^ 47^ ." 0%at is her prefent longi- tude ? Ship's lARgltude DiiF. long. Pref. long. IS 12' E. 47 W. 25 E. Exam. II. A JJnp from Cape (Iharles in f^irginia fails eaflivard until Jhe has altered her longitude 11 53' ; IVbat longitude is Jhe in ? C. Charles's long. 76 07' W. DifF. long. 22 53 E. Ship's long. 53 14 W- Exam. III. Four days ago I de- parted from C. St. Sebajiian in Aia- Jiigafcar, and I have made each day 1 ^ nAlcs of eafl longitude: Required the longitude the Jhlp is in ? 75 4 C. Sebaf. long. 49* 13' E. DifF. long. 5 CO E. 6,o)3c,o - - Ship's long. 54 13 E. ExAi,!. IV. A Jhlp from Cape Finiflerre fails wejlward, and finds Jhe has altered her longitude 5^7 miles : IVtjat longitude is Jhe arrived in? C. Finlfterre's long. 60 , DiiF. Ion. 9 36' W. 9 47 W- Long. in. 19 23 W. Exam. V. A Jlnp from Cape St. Lucar in California has made 87 1 8^ cfwejl longitude : JVhat longitude is Jhe in t C. St. Lucar's long. 109 4'/ W. DifF. long. 87 18 W. 196 58 W. ^60 00 Ship's longitude 163 02 E. Exam. VI. Seven days ago my longitude was 172"^ 17' JV. and I have made each day 1^2 ?niles of weji hngiludc : Required 7ny prej'ent lon^ pitiide ? 132 / 6,o)r;c,4 IS 24 Departed long, 172 17' W. Diff. long. 15 24 W. I i. 1 4 1 360 CO Prefent long, iz 19 E- VoL. I, fi b SECTION 34^ . GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. SECTION V. ^4. Of the Ufe of the Globes, By tl) globes are here meant two fpherlcal bodies, called the Tor* rcftrial and Ccleflial Globes, the convex furfaccs of which are fuppofcd to to jiivc a true rcprcfentation of the earth and heavens. The Terrestrial Globe has delineated on its convexity the whole furlaceof the earth ^u^ fca in their relative fizc, form, and fituation. The Celestial Globe has drawn on its furface the images of the fcvcral conflellations and^flars ; the relative magnitude and pofition which the Itars are obfcrvcd to have in the heavens, being preferved on this globe. The globes are fitted up with certain machinery, by means of which a great variety of ufeful problems arc neatly folved. The Brazen Meridian is that ring, or hoop, in which the globe hangs on its axis ; which is reprefented by two wires pafling through its poles. This circle is divided into four quarters, of 90" each ; in onefemi- circle the divifions begin at each pole, and end at 90% where they meet ; In the other fcmicircle, the divifions begin at the middle, and proceed thence tov/ards each pole, where they end at 90 degrees. The graduated fide of this brazen circle ferves as a meridian for any point on the fur- face of the earth, the globe being turned about till that point comes un- der the circle. The Hour Circle is a fmall circle ofbrafs, which is divided into 24 hours, the quarters r.nd half quarters. It is fixed on the brazen meridian, equally diftant from the north end of the axis, to which an index is fitted, that points out the divifions of the hour circle as the globe is turned about. The Horizon is reprefented by the upper furface of the wooden cir- cular frame encompafllng the globe about its middle. On this wooden frame is a kind of perpetual calender, contained in feveral concentric circles : The inner one is divided into four quarters, of 90 degrees each j the next circle is divided into the twelve months, with the days in each according to the new llyle ; the next contains the 12 equal figns of the zodiac, each being divided into 30 degrees: the next is the 12 months and days according to the old ftyle ; and there is another circle, containing the 32 winds, with their halves and quarters. Although thefe circles are on all horizons, yet their diipof.tion is not always the fame. The Ql'adrant of Altitude is a thin ftreight flip ofbrafs, one edge of which is graduated into 90 degrees and their quarters, equal to thole of the meridian. To one end of this is fixed a brafs nut and fcrew, by which it is put oti, and faftcned to the meridian : and if it is fixed to the zenith, or pole of the horizon, then the graduated edge reprefents a vertical circle pafling through any point. Kefidcs thefe, there are feveral circles defcribed on the furfaces of both clobes ; fuch as-riie equinoctial, ecliptic, circles of longitude and right afccnfion, the tropics, polar circles, parallels of lat. and decl., on the ce- leftial globe; and on the terreftrial, the equator, ecliptic, tropics, polar circles, parallels of latitude, hour circles, or meridians to every 15 degrees, and thefpiral rhumbs flowing from rfvc;\il centers, called I'lics. 55. PRO. Book VI. GEOGRAPHY; j47 ^5. P R O B L E M I. To find the latitude and longitude of any place on the terrejlrial globe, I ft. Bring the given place under that fide of the graduated brazen meri- dian where the degrees begin at the equator, by turning the globe about. 2d. Then the degree of the meridian over it fhews the latitude. 3d. And the degree of the equator under the merid., fliews the long. On fome globes the longitude is reckoned on the equator from the meridian where it begins, eaftward only, until it ends at 360 : On fuch globes, when the Ipngitude of a place exceeds 180, take it from 360? and call the remainder the longitude v/eftward. 56. PROBLEM II. To find any place on the glebe .^ the latitude and longitude of which are given, ift. Bring the given longitude, found on the equator, to the meridian. 2d. Then under the given latitude, found on the meriuianj is the place fought. 57. PROBLEM in. To find the dijhince and bearing of any tivo given places on the globe. ift. Lay the graduated edge of the quadrant of altitude over both places, the beginning, or o degree, being on one of them, and the de- grees between them fhew their diftance ; thefc degrees multipled by 60 give fea miles, and by 70 give die diflance in land miles nearly ; or multiplied by 20 give leagues. 2d. Obfcrve, v/hilc the quadrant lies in this pofition, what rhumb of the nearcft fly, or co-r.pafr., runs moflly parallel to the edge of the qua-* drant, and that rhumb fhcws the bearing fought, nearly, 58. P R O B L E M IV. To find the Sun's place and d&ctlnation on any day, I ft. Seek the given day in the circle of months on the horizon, and right againft it in the circle of figiis is the Sun's place. Thus it will be found that the Sun enters The fpring figns, Aries, March 2C. Taurus, April 20. Gemini, May 21. The fummerfigns, C'dnccr. June 21. Leo, July 23. Virgo, Aug. 23. Autumnal fi^ns^ Libr.i, Sept. 22. Scorpio, Oct. 23. Sagittar. Nov. 22. The winter fign^,Co.pilc. Dec. 21, Aquarius, Jan. 20. Pifces, Feb. 18. 2d. Seek the Sun's place in the ecliptic on the globe^ bring that place ^o the meridian, and the divifion it ftands under is the Sun's declination on the given day. On the globes, the ecliptic is readily diftinguifhed from the equator, not only by the different colours they arc fi:ain;d with, but alfo by the ecliptic's approaching towards the pole?, after its interfedtion with the equator. The marks of the figns are alfo put along the ecliptic, one at the beginning of every fucccflive 30 degrees. B b 2 59. PRO* 34ft GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. 59. P R O B L E M V. To reSlify the globe for the latitude, zenith, and noon. I ft. Set the globe upon an horizontal plane with its parts anfwering to thofc of the world ; move the meridian in its notches, by raifmg or de- prefling the pole, until the degrees of latitude cut the horizon ; then is the globe rc Firft. The difficulty which fliips in going to the foathward, efpccialiy in the months of July and Auguil, find in pafling between the coaft of Guinea and Brufil, notwithftandi'.g the width of this fea is more than 500 leagues. This happens, becaufc the S. E. winds at that time of the year commonly extend fome degrees beyond the ordinary limits (jf 4^ N. latitude ; and befides come fo much foutherly, as to be fometime? mor'.: ci':-.eci:;llv to lie noted when- the :'> ' Moo:i 269 GEOGRAPHY; Book VL ^oon has north declination in fummer, arid fouth declination in winttr. 95. The time of high water is not precifely at the time of the MoorCs coming to the meridian^ but about an hour after. For the moon ads with fome force after fhe has paft the meridian, and by that means adds to the llbratory, or waving motion, which fhe had put the water into, whilft fhe was in the meridian ; in the fame manner as a fmall force applied upwards to a ball, already raifed to fome height, will raife it flill higher. 96. The tides are greater than ordinary twice every month ; that isj about ihe times of new and full Moon : thefe are called Spring-Tides. For at thefe times the actions of both Sun and Moon concur to draw in the fame right line j and therefore the fea muft be more elevated. In conjuniion, or when the Sun and moon are on the fame fide of the Earth, they both confpire to raife the water in the zenith, and confequently in the nadir. And when the Sun and Moon arc in oppofition^ that is, when the Earth is between them, whilft one makes high water in the zenith and nadir, the other does the fame in the nadir and zenith. 97. The tides are lefs than ordinary Hvice every month ; that is, about the times of the fir Jl ayid laji quarters of the Moon : and thefe are called Neap Tides. Because in the quarters of the Moon, the Sun raifes the water where the Moon deprefl'es it; and that the tides are mad^ only by the difference of their actions. It mufl be obferved, that the fpring tides happen not direcStly on the new and full moons, but rather a day or two after, when the attractions of the Sun and moon have confpired together for a confiderable time. In like manner the neap-tides happen a day or two after the quarters, when the moon's attraction has j^een leflencd by the Sun for feveral days together. 98. JVhen the Mcon is in her Perig^um, or nearejl approach to the Barth.^ the tides increafe more than in the fame circumjiances at other times, -' For according to the laws of gravitation, the Moon muft attract moft when fhe is nearcft to the Earth. 99. The fpring-tidei are greater about the time of the EQUINOXES, that is, about the latter ends of March and September^ than at tther times of the ytar ; and the neap-tides then are lefs. Because the longer diameter of the fpheroid, or the two oppofite floods, will at that time be in the Earth's equator j and confequently will defcribe a great circle of the Earth ; by the diur-nal rotation of which thofc floods will move fwifter, defcribirig a great circle in the lame time they ufcd to defaribe a leifer circle parallel to the equator, and confequently the waters being thrown more forcibly againft the fhores, muft rife higher. 100. The follov/In2: obfcrvations have been made on the rife of the tides. ^ ift. The morfiing tides generally differ in their rife frem the evening- tides. 2d. The new and full Moon fpring-tides rife to different heights. ^. In wimer the morning-tides are higheft, 4th. In Book VI. I G E O G R A P H Y. 561 ' 4th. In futnmer the evening-tides are higheft. So that after a perioB of about fix months the order of the tides are inverted ; that is, the rife of the morning and evening-tides wiW chang':? places, the w^inter morning high-tides becoming the fummer evening high-tides. Some of thefc effects arife from the different diftances of the Moon from the Earth after a period of f.x months, when flic is in the fame fituation with refpecl to the Sun ; for, if fhe is in perigee at the time of new m.oon, in about fix months after {he v;ill be in perigee about the time of full Moon. T'hefc particulars being known, a pilot may chufe that time,'v/hich i moft convenient for conducting a ihip in or out of a port, w";:cre there is not fufficient depth at low-water. Small inland feas* fuch as the Mediterranean and Baltic, are little fubjedt to tides ; becaufc the acrtion of the Sun and Moon is always nearly equal at both extremities of fuch feas. In very Wigh latitudes the tides are alfo very inconfiderable. For the Sun and Moon acting towards the equator, and always raifing the water towards the middle of the torrid zone, the neighbourhood of the poles muft confequently be deprived of thofe waters, and the fea muft, within the frigid zoneSj be low, with re- lation to other parts. iot. All the things hitherto explained would exaJore at 12, at Gravcfend i h. 30 m., and at Lcndon at 3h. all On the fame day. And although this may fecm to contradi until tne year IS82. The Aftronomcrs, fince tli:; tiinc'of y./Z/.v; Cucfir, h?.vc found that the true length of the folar yec.r, or co:v...-on year, is 365 Aw^-, 5 liours, 4S minutes, 55 fcconds, n.ar'.y ; bein^ \-S^. than tiic Julian, of 365 days, C hours, by about \\ nii-.uics, 5 f.conds, which is ab^ut the 130th C c 3 part ^66 ' GEOpRAPHY. Book VI. part of 86400, the feconds contained in a day; (b that in 130 Julian years thcic would be one day gainecl above 130 folar years j and in 400 Julian years there would be gained 3 days, i hour, 53 minutes, 2,0 feconds ; confequently one day omitted in ^very 130 common years, would bring the current account of time to agree very nearly with the motion of the Sun. 115. In the year of our Lord 325, when the Council of Nice fettled the day for the celebration of Eafter, the Vernal Equinox (that is, the day in the fpring whtu the Sun rofe at fix and fct at fix) happened on the 2ift of March ; but about the year 1580 the Vernal Equinox fell on the Xllh of. March, making a difference of about 10 days. Now Gregory the Xlllth, who was Pope at that time, obferving that this difference of time in the falling out of the Equinox would affe:ainii the days when the new Moons happened throughout one lunar cycle, would invariably ferve for the new Moons of corrcfponding years thrcui';hout every fucceiuve lunir cycle. But l.ter obfcrvations fhew, that this cycle is Icfs th.an 19 years, by :-- little more than one hour, tvvcnty-cight'' minutes i therefore, the new Moons will, in a little lefs than 311 years, hap-pen a d^y earlier than by the Metonic account ; and confequciitiy al! the feliivals depending on ilie new Moons, will in tline \^e removed into other feafons of the ye?r than thofc which they fell in nt t!icir hrli inftitution : thus the new Moon^. in the year 1750 hap- petieJ above 4^ days earlier than the times fhewn by the calendar. But were the golden numbers, when once prefixed to the proper new Moon c'.iys in a Alctonic period, to be fet a day earlier at the end of every 310,7 Vviar^i, a pretty regular correfpondcnce mi^^ht be prefcrvcd between the Ibhr and lunar years. 122. 7"he EpACT of any year is the Moon's T.^e ^'^^ beginning of diat year > that is, the days pail fmce the lad new Moon. The time between new Moon and new Moon is in the ncareft roimd r.'.imbcrs 29^ days ; therefore the lunar year confifting of 12 lunations inuft be et]ual to 354 days, wliich is 1 1 days lefs than the folar year of 365 days. Now fuppofing the folar ai'id lunar years to begin together, iho enact is o ; the bcgiiming of the next folar year, the epacf is 1 1 ; ti\-c 3d year the cpacSt is 22 ; the fourth 33, 5cc. But vvi)en the epact c.\ceeds 30, an intercalary month of 30 days is added to the lunar year, m-iking it conliit of 13 months ; fo that the cpa6t at the beginning of the 4111 year is only 3, the 5th 14, the 6th 25, the 7th 36, or only 6, on ac- count of the intercalary month ; and fo on to the end of the cycle of 19 vears ; at tlie expiration of which the fame enacts would run over again, were the cycle perfeJt j ar.d the epact v/ould alv, ays be 1 1 times the prime. 123. By the Niccne Couiicil it v/as enacted, lit. 'I'hat Lafter-day fliould be celebrated after the vernal equinox, v>hich at that time happened on the 2i{t: of March. 2d. That it fhould be kept after the full, or 14th day of that Moon v'lhich happened firft after the iift of I\ larch in common years, and firfi: iftcr the 2Cth of March in leap-years. 3d. l"i;at the Sunday next fo!lov.-i!,:; t!ic I4.th, or day o full iMoon, ihould be Eafler-Sunday : which malt always fall betv,-een the 20th or 21 if of March, and 25th of April. 124. The Moon's Southin'g at any place is the time when fhc comes to the nieridian oi that place, v/liic!. is every day l.Uer by about ^ cA an hour ; becaufe 24, the hours in a day, being divided by 30, the ."lum- ber of times which file pafils the meridir.n between new I.loon and new Moon, will give t =48' fur the retard;.tion of her pah'sge oyer the meri- -un \\ one day. The Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 3^9 The Sun and Moon come to the meridian at the fame time on the day of the change, or at new Moon ; alfo the Moon comes to the oppofite part of the lame meridian, when fhe is in oppofition, or at full Moon. Hence between new and full fhe comes to the meridian in the afternoon ; at full fhe comes to the meridian at mid-night j and when paft the full, after mid-night, or in the morning. 125. The Roman Indiction is a cycle of 15 years, ufed by the an- cient Romans for the times of taxing the provinces. Three years of this cycle were elapfed at the birth of Chrift. The DioNYSiAN Period is a cycle of 532 years, arifing by multi- plying together 28 and ig, the folar and lunar cycles ; it was contrived by Dionyfms Exiguus^ a Roman abbot, about the year of Chrift 527, as a period for comparing chronological events. The Julian Period contains 7980 years; it arifes by multiplying together 28, 19, 15, the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and Indidtion. Tiiis was alfo contrived as a period for chronological matters ; and its begin- ning falls 710 years before the ufual date of the creation. On the principles laid down in the preceding articles depend the folu- tion of the following problems. 126. Problem I. 7o fir.d whether any given year is leap-year. Rule. Divide the given year by 4 ; if o remains, it is leap-year j if r, 2, or 3 remains, it is fo many yearr. after. Obferving that the years iSoo, 1900, 21CO, &c. ?rc common years. Exam. I. Is 1788 Lap-year? 4)1788(447 Remains o, io it is leap-year. Exam. II. Is i-'^l leap-year? 4)1787(446 Remains 3 years pr.fl leap-year. 127. Pro DL EM II. To fi:ul ihe years :f iJ:: p-Jar^ liir.ar, and indiSiidn cycles. Rule. To the given year add 9 for the fo'ar, i for the lunar, 3 for the indiction: Divide the fums in order b;; 28, 19, 15; the remainder in tacii fhevvs the year of its refpcLiivc cycle. Exam. Required the years of the folar ^ lunar ^ and indlrtion cycles for ihc- year 1 1'o'] ^ 1/C7 9 1707 I 28) I -;()L>{6\ Remains 4rrr:>lar cycle. 19)17-8(94 i:S7 3 :Iunar eye. or ";olden N '. ^rrindic"!:. cycle. '*"''' "" :e the of Whereby it appears f 4th year of*thc 65th loj-.r cvclc ^ fince tli dut the year J 787 s 2d )c:-.r of thj 95f.!i iu'ir. '-vcIj ^ birth c i^ fix C 5th ye:.r of the :2'.t;, i;:aiwti-M cycle j Ci..ift. {28. Pr(*- 370 GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. 1-28. Problem III. To jhid the Dominical Utter till the year 1800. Rule. To the given year add its fourth part, divide the fum by 7 ; the remainder taken from 7 leaves the index of the letter in common years, reckoning a i, b 2, c 3, &c. But in leap-year, this letter and its preceding one (in the retrograde order which thefe letters take), are the Dominical letters. Exam. I. For the yinxr 1787. 4) '787 446 7)2233(3 '9 Remains o. Then 7 orr7=:G. So G is the Dominical letter. Exam. II. For the year 1788. 4)1788 447 7)2235(319 Remains 2. Then 7 2 = 5 = 5 So F and e are the Dominical letters. And in this manner vi^ere the follovi^ing numbers computed. For the Dominical letters during the i8th century. Solar cycles i Pom. letters dc 5 FE Solar cycles 15 16 17 18 Dom. letters g f ed c 19 B 6 7 8 9 10 D c B AG F 20 21 22 23 24 A GF E D C E 12 D CB 14 A 25 BA 26 G 27 F 28 The year 1800 being a common year, flops the above order, and the follovv^ing are the Dominical letters for the 19th century. Solar cycles i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. Dom. letters ed c b a gf e d c ba g f e dc b Solar cycles 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dom. letters agfed c bagf edcba g f 129. Problem IV. To find the Epa^ till the year 1(^00, Rule. Multiply the golden number for the given year by n, and di- vide the produd by 30 i from the remainder take 11, and it will leave the epadl. If the remainder is lefs than 11, add 19 to it, and it gives the epa6l Ex. I. To find the epaSi for 1783 The Golden number is 17. (127) Multiply by 1 1 Remains Add 30)187(6 180 7 19 Ex. II. To find the epaSl for 1786. The Golden number is 01 (127) Multiply by 11 Subtrafl II II Remains the Epad =00 Confequently the Epal is 26 And thus might the following numbers be found. Ciold.N^i 2 345 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. Epadts 29 II 22 3 14 25 6 17 28 9 20 I 12 23 4 15 26 7 18. The epafts here proceed by the diftcrence 11, rejecting thirties. 130. Pro- Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 37 13Q. PR03I.EM V. To findthe Masn's agt. Rule. To the epaft add the number and day of the month j their fum, if under 30, is the Moon's age ; but if it be above 30, take 30 from it, and the remainder will be the Moon's age, or days fince the laft conjun(5lIon. The numbers of the months, or monthly epaidls are the Moon's age at the beginning of each month, when the folar and lunar years begin to- gether J ^021 23 4 56 78 9 10. ( Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, June, July, Aug. Sept. Oa. Nov. Dee. And are Exam. I. TPl?at Is the Moon's age on the \^th of O^ober^ '^I'^l ^ The epaft is 2 (129) The N' of month 8 The day of the month 1 4 The fum is 24 the Moon's age. E X A M . 1 1 . TVhat is the Moon 's age on the igth of March, 1786 ? The epad is o. ('29) Then o+i +29=3018 the fum of the epaft, number and day of the month. And 30 30=0 is the Moon's age. 131. The day of next new Moon is readily found by taking her age from 30. The day of new Moon in any month is equal to the difference between the fum of the year's and month's epa(5ts, and 30. Thus.; On March 29, the Moon is o days old. So that new Moon is on the 29th. Now c + I = I , is the fum of the epafts. Then 30 1 =229, the day of new Moon, as it fhould be. 132. Problem VI. The day of the ?nonth in any year being givetiy to know on what iveek-day it will fall. Rule. Find the Dominical letter (128) : alfo the week day on which the firft of the propofed month falls (118) ; and hence the name of the propofed day of the month will be known ; obferving that the ilt, 8th, 15th, 22d, and 29th days of any month fall on the fame week-days. Ex. I. On ivhat day of the iveek does the \\th of Oct. fall, in I'j'i-j P The Dominical letter is c. The iRof Oaoberis a, (u8) Therefore October 7th is Sunday. Confctjucnily i^th is alfo Sunday Ex. IT. In 1788, on what week~ day does the 20th of March fall F (128) jThe Dominical letter is b. (128) The ift of March is d, (m8) Then March 2d is Sunday. And fo March 20th is Thuifday. 133. Pro. 372 GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. 133. Problem VII. To find when Eajier-day will fall in any year be- tween lyoo and iSgg. JR.ULE. Find what day that new Moon falls on which is neareft to the 21ft of March in common years, or to the 20th in leap-years ; then tiie Sunday next after the full, or 15th day of that new Moon, will be Eaftcr-uay. If the 15th day fall on a Sunday, the next Sunday is Eafter-day. Ex. I. lV>}en dees Eajler- day fall in the year 1787 ? The Dominical letter is c. (128) March 21, Moon's age is 3. (130) New Moon on March 18. The 15th day is .April 2. April the ill is g, on Sunday. Then Eaftcr-Sunday is April 8th. Ex. II. Required the time of Eajler- day in the year 1 788 ? The Dominical letter is e. (128) March 20, Moon's age 13. ('3) New Moon on March 7 th. full Moon on March 22. March ift is d, on Saturday. Then Ealler-Sunday is March Z3d. 134. Eaflcr-day is always ^o^wd by the Pafchal full Moons, and thefe are readily found in the following curious table, which was communi- cated to the Royal Society in the yc.ir 1750, l^y the Earl of Macclesfield, and pubiilhed ia the Philofophicr.l Tranfaclious for the fame yearj and its uic fhewn in the following precepts. , " To find the day, on which th^ Pafchal limit, or full Moon, falls in " any given year ; look, iji tlie column of golden numbers belonging to ** that period of time wherein the given year is contained, for the golden " number of that year ; over-againil which, in the fame line continued " to the column intitled Pafchai full Moons, you will find the day of the " month, on whicii the Pafchnl limit, or full Moon, happens in that *' year. And the Sundry next after that day is Eai!er-day in that vear, *' according to the Grcp^orian accounc." His Lordfhip al:b [.;;ave witli the t'oll.owing table an account of the prin- ciples upon which he conilriictca it ; :.:vi v/hich the more inquifitivc jr^aders may confui:, if thvy nl-- *-.'':, A Table, Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 373 ' A Table, fhewlng, byimeans of~the Golden Numbers, the fcveral dy'.ys on which the Pafchal limits, or full Moons, according to the Gregorian ac- count, have already happened, or will hereafter happen ; from the Re- formation of the Calendar in the year 1582, to the year 4199, inclufive. Golden Numbers from the year 1583 to 1699, and fo on to 4199, all inclufive. Palchal full Moons. IS8^ 1700 1900 azoc 23002400250c 2600J2900I3100 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 4100 Days of the to to to 1 to to 1 to 1 to to to to to to to to to to month and 1699 i8q9 21992299 239924992599 2899!3099!3399 3499 3599 3699 3799 4099 4199 Srun. letters. -? 14 - 6 17 6 17 9 I 12 I 12 4 March 21.C -? 14 & 6 17 9 ^ I 12 " . 22 D 11 ^ 14 14 6 1 17 9 9 I 12 23 E 11 3 14 3 14 6 17 9 9 I , ?f r 19 II 3 1 - 3 14 b 17 17 9 ] .\g 8 IP 1 1 1 1 3 14 6 17 6 17 9 ' kA _ 8 iq 1 1 II 3 14 b b 17 27 B 16 _ 8 19 19. II . 3 14 14 b 17 28 C S 16 8 19 8 '9 1 1 3 14 3 14 6 29 D 5 16 818 19 1 1 3 3 14 30 B M _ s 16 _ ,6|_ 8 '9 II i I 3 14 31 V 2 "i s 16 5 j6 8 '9 II 11 3 April 1 G 2 n 5 5 16 8 '9 '9 1 1 2 A 10 , 2 1-; , n S 16 8 19 8 19 1 1 3 B 10 2 13 1 2 13 5 16 8 s 19 4C 10 10 2 2 13 5 id 16 8 19 5^ 7 iS 10 10 2 13 5 16 S lb 8 6E 7 18 10 10 2 13 S ; lb 7F 15 7 18 _ 18 10 2 13 13 S 16 8G 4 '5 7 18 7 18 10 2 13 2 13 5 9A 4 5 7 1 7 18 .0 2 2 '3 10 H 12 4 15 15 1 7 18 10 10 2 11 11 C I 12 4 15 4 J >5 - 7 , 18 10 10 2 12 D I 12 414 15 ; 7 18 18 10 13E 9 1 12 1 12 , 4 1 15 7 18 7 18 iO 14 F __ f) 1 i 12 1 1 ( 12 - j 4 'S 1 7 7 18 15 G I 7 9 {- i ; ' 12 , 4 '5 '5 7 18 16 A 6 1-^ '7 1 9 9 1 I iZ 12 4 '5 4 15 15 7 17B '4 6 6 .- 9 17 1 9 9 I I .2 1 + 12 4 4- I ; 18 C 135. Proj;i,em VIII. To find the time of the j^oofi' s fcuthing on a givtn day. Rule. The Moon's age in days, mukiplicd by 0,8, gives the time of her foil thing, nearly, in hours and tenth parts. That time, if lefs than 12 hours, is the time after mid-uay. But if greater, the excefs is the time after laii. midnight. Y.x. I. ylt what lime does the Monn Ex. II. Required the time of the come to the meridian of London, on th ij^th cfO^cbery i']'6'] ? The Moon'i age is 3 days. Which muhipiicd by o,S Moon So. 2'' 24"' n 2,^ Moon i fonthing on the loth of Aaarch^ 1788.^ The Moon's age 13 days. (i3) Which multiplied by o,B Mocn So. lo'- 24" z= 10,4. Farh tenth part of an hour being 6 minutes, any nutr.bcr of fuch tenth parts multiplied by 6, produces minutes. 374 GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. 136. Problem IX. To /i/td the tmf / high-water at any place. Rule. To the time of the Moon's fouthing add the time the Moon has pafled the meridian on the full and change days to make high-water at that place ; the fum (hews the time of high- water on the given day. The time of high-water, on the full and change days, is found in the right-hand column of the geographical table, art. 137, againft the name of the place. Ex. I. On the l\fh of Oiiober j-jS-jy at what time will it be high- water at London ? MoonfoDthsat 2h. 2401. 035) H.W. atLond. 3 o oa fyzygics Sam 5 24 H.W. at 5h 24m.P.M. on the day propofed. Ex. II. Required the ti?ne when it will he high-water atUjhant on March 20th, 1788. Moon fouths at loh. 24m. (13?) High-water at Uftiant 4 30 P.M. H 54 Subtra^ 12 oo High-water at the day propofed. 2 54 A.M. on The V. VIII. IX. problems preceding have folutions, fuch as are com- mon in books of pilotage, and which in fome cafes will produce con- clufions confiderably wide of the truth ; it has therefore been judged ne- ceflary to confider thefe articles in a more accurate manner in Book IX. of Days works. T^37* SECTION IX. ^ Geographical T*able, Containing the latitudes l&nd longitudes of the chief towns, iflands, bays, capes, and other parts of the fea-coafts in the known world, colle6led from the moft authentic obfervations and charts extant; with the times of high-water on the days of the new and full Moon. The longitudes are reckoned from the meridian of London. By the latitude and longitude of an ifland, or harbour, is meant the middle of that place. ^ote. B. ftands for bay; C. for cape ; R. for river; P. for port; Pt. for point; I. for Ifle ; St. for faint; G. for gulf; Al. fo;- mount ; Eu. for Europe ; Am. for America ; Atl. for the Atlan- tic ; Ind. for Indian ; Med. Sea for Mediterranean Sea ; Wh. Sea for White Sea ; Archip. for Archipelago ; Nov. Sco. for Nova Scotia ; Phil. I. for Philippine Ifles ; Adriat. for Adria- tic ; Eng. for England ; D. Ncth. for the Dutch Netherlands : Befides other contractions which will be eafily underftood. Names Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 375 Names of Places. Cont. Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H.Water. A I. Abacco, 5 N. point or Lucayos I S. point Am. Bahama I. Ad. Ocean C 27 12 N. ;'26 isN. 77 05 w: 77 01 W. Abbreviak Eu. France ing. Channel 48 32 N. 4 MW. 4h. 3oin. St. Abb/head Eu. Scotland Germ. Ocean 55 55 N. 1 56 W. I. Abdeleur Africa Anian [ndian Sea II 55 N. 5. 45 E- Aberdeen Eu. Scotland Germ. Ocean 57 06 N. 01 44 W. 45 Abo Eu. Finland Baltic Sea 60 27 N. 22 15 E. Abrolhos Bank Am. Brafil Atl. Ocean 18 22 S. 38 45 W. Abrollo Bank, N. part Am. Sahama Atl. Ocean 21 33 N. 69 50W. Achen Afia [. Sumatra [ndian Ocean 5 22 N. 95 40 E. Aden Afia Arabia Indian Sea 12 55 N. 45 35 E- I. Admiralties Eu. Nova Zem. North Ocean 75 05 N. 52 50 E. Adventure Iftand Afia Soc. Ifles Pacif. Ocean 17 6 S. 144 18W. I. Agalega, or Gallega Africa Madagafcar Indian Ocean 10 15 S. 54 46 E. C. St. Agnes Am. Patagonia S. Atl. Ocean 53 55 S. 66 29 W. Agra Afia India Mogul's 26 43 N. 76 49 E. I. St. Agufta Eu. Dalmatia Adriatic Sea 42 40 N. 18 57 E. C. Ajuga Am. Peru Pacif. Ocean 6 38 S. 80 50 W. B. Alagoa Africa Carters Indian Ocean 25 30 S. 33 33 E. If. Aland Eu. Sweden Baltic Sea 60 20 N. 21 30 E. R. Albany Am. NewS. Wales Hud. Bay 52 35 N. 85 18W. I. Alboran Africa Algiers Medit. Sea 36 CO N. 2-27W. Aldborough u. England Germ. Ocean 52 20 N. I 25 E. 9 45 I. Aldcrney Eu. England Eng. Channel 49 48 N. 2 iiW. i 00 Aleppo Afia Syria Mcdit. Sea 35 45 N. 37 25 E. Alexandretta Afia Syria Medit. Sea 36 35 N. 36 20 E. Alexandria Africa Eg)-pt_ Medit. Sea 31 II N. 30 17 E. I. Algeraoca Africa Canaries Atl. Ocean 29 23 N. 15 S3W. Algiers Africa Algiers Mcdit. 5ea 36 49 N. 2 18 E. i Alicant Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 38 34 N. 07 W. I. Alicur, Lipari If. Eu. luly Medit. Sea 38 3, N. 14 37 E. Alkofir Africa Egypt Red Sea 26 20 N. 34 41 E. 1 B. All Saints, or ? Todos Sanftos J Am. Brafil Atl. Ocean 13 05 S. 38 45W. i Almcrla Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 36 51 N. 2 15W. If. Almirantc, 7 limits i Africa Zanguebar Indian Sea S 5 45 S. 2 4 30 s. 51 30 E- 55 40 E. St. Alphonfo'i If. Am. T. delFuego Pacif. Ocean 55 51 S. 69 28 W. Altur Afia Arabia Red Sea 28 20 N. 34 19 E. R. Amazons, ]' mouths ' Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean 30 S. C47 35W. 249 20 W. 6 CO I. Amboyna Afw Molucca I. Indian Ocean 425N. 127 25 E. Anibrym Afia N. Hebrides Pacif. Ocean 16 10 S. 168 12 E. If. Ambrofa Am. Chili Pacif. Ocean 26 40 S. 82 30 W. I. Amcyland Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 53 30 N. 6 20 E. 7 30 I. Amoy Afia China Pacif. Ocean 24 30 N. 118 45 E. Amftcrdam Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 52 23 N. C4 52 E. 3 00 I. Amftcidjm Afia Madagafcar Indian Ocean 37 55 S. 75 15 E. I. Amitcrdam, or i' Tonga-'I'abu [] Afia Friendly If. Pacif. Ocean 21 09 S. 174 41 w. 8 30 I. Anabona Afiica Eth. Coaft -Atl. Ocean 2 36 s. 5 35 E. Ancona Lu. Itniy Meditcrran. 43 38 N. 13 31 E. If. Andaman, 7 liniiti ^ Afia India B. Bengal C 14 00 N. I 10 08 N. 93 03 E. 93 35 E. I. Andaro Afia India Indian Ocean 10 CO N. 73 40 E- I.St.AnderojSotovcnti Am. Mexico Atl. Ocean 12 30 N. 81 35W. C. St. Andrea Africa Madagafcar Indian Ocean 15 46 S. 45 22 E. St. Andrew s Eu. Scotland Germ. Ocean 56 i8 N. 2 37 W. 2 15 If.Androf. J^.poin I S.pom Am. Bahama I. Atl. Ocean C25 CO N. ^23 30 N. 77 5SW. 77 coW. If. Angafay Afriia M:idagafcar Indian Ocean 17 00 S. 58 40 K. C. St. Angelo Eu. Furlccy Archip''!ag<) 36 27 N. 33 38 E. Mount 37^ GEOGRAPHY. Bo6k VI. Names of Places. Cont. Countries. Coaft^ Latitude. Longitude. H. Water. Mnint St. Angelo tu. Italy Mcdit*. Sea O / 41 42 N. 6 16 E, R. d'Angra Africa Ethiopia N. Ati, Ocean Indian Ocean 01 00 N, 9 35 E. C. d'Anguilhas Africa Cafters 34 SO S. 20 06 E. 1. Anguilla Am. Antilles If. Atl. Ocean 18 15 N. 62 57 W, C. Anguillc Am. STewfoundl. Ad. Ocean 47 55 N. 59 iiW. 1. Anholt Eu. [Denmark Sound 56 40 N. 12 00 E. oh.oom. C. Anne Am. Mew Eng. Weft. Ocean 42 50 N. 70 27 W. C. Queen Anne Am. Greenland North Ocean 64 J5 N. 50 30W, Q^ Anne's Foreland Am. N. Main Hudfon's Str. 64 08 N. 74 36 w. Annamocka, or 7 Rotterdam 5 Annapolis Royal Afia Friendly If. Pacif. Ocean 20 16 S. 174 30W, Am. Mova Scotia B. Fundy 44 52 N. 64 00 W. I. Aiitego Antibes Am. Caribbce If. Atl. Ocean .6 57 N. 61 56W, Eu. France Medit. Sea 43 35 N. 7 09 E, I. Ante- J W. point coft I E. point Ami. Canada ;; B. St.Lau- 49 52 N, 64 04 W, l rence 49 10 N. 61 42 W. Antiochetta Afia Syria Medit, Sea 36 oS N. 36 17 E, C. d'Antifer Eu. France Eng. Channel 49 47 N. 34 E, C. Antonio Am. Ifie Cuba Atl. Ocean 21 45 N. 84 05 W. I. St. Antonio Africa Cape Verd Atl. Ocean 17 00 N. 25 02 W. C. St. Antony Am. Magellan Atl. Ocean 5446.S, 63 42 W. Antwerp Eu. Flanders R. Scheld 51 13 N. 4 24 E. 6 00 B. Apaiaxy Am. Florida G. Mexico 30 00 N. 83 53W. I. Apalioria Afia India Indian Ocean 9 08 S. 79 40 E, Aquapi'.lco Am. Mexico Pacif. Ocean 17 10 N, 101 40 W, Aquatul'co Am. Mexico Pacif, Ocean 15 27 N. 96 03 W. Archangel Eu. Ruffia Whke Sea 64 34 N. 38 59 E. 6 00 I. d' Areas Am. Mexico G. Mexico 20 45 N. 92 35W. Arica Am. Peru Pacif. Ocean 18 27 S, 71 05 W. I. Arran Eu. Ireland St. Geo. Ch. 54 48 N, 8 59W. II 00 |l. Afccnfion Am. Brafil Ati. Ocean 7 56 S, 14 iSW, jl. AlVmaria, 7 1 Sardinia ', Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 41 06 N. 8 36 E. 'r. Aflilcy Am. Carolina Atl. Ocean 33 i* N, 79 50 W, 45 :R. AUene Africa Guinea Atl. Ocean 5 30 N- 2 20 W. I. Altorcs Africa MaJagafcar Indian Ocean Archipelago 10 22 S, 53 25 E, JAthens Eu. Tuikey 38 sn: 23 52 E. lAtkin's Key Am. Bahama Ifles Atl. Ocean 22 07 N. 74 26 w. 'Atwood's Kevs Am. Bahama Ifies Atl. Ocean 21 22 N. 72 04W. C. Ava Afia Japan F'acif. Ocean 34 45 N- 141 00 L. If. Avcs, Sotovento Am. Terra Firma Atl, Ocean 15 26 N. 66 i5\V. C. St. Auguftine Am. Brafil Atl, Ocean 8 .18 S. 35 coW. ,C. St. Auguftine Afia Mindanao Pacif. Ocean 6 40 N. 126 25 E. ,St. Auguftine Am. Florida Atl. Ocean 30 10 N. 81 29 W. 7 30 'Auiora Afia N. Hebrides Pacif. Ocean 15 S S, 168 17 E. ;Aydhab Africa Egypt Red Sea 21 53 N. 36 26 E. :Avlah Babelmondel Straits Afia Arabia Red Sea 29 08 N. 35 41 ^^ Africa Abyflinia Red Sea 12. 50 N. <-3 50 E. |C. Ba:a Afia Natolia Archipelago 39 33 N. 26 22 E, .1. Bacliian Afia Moluccalfics Pacif. Ocean 00 40 N, 123 00 E. I. Bahama Am. Bahama I lies JAtl. Ocean Z.6 45 N, 78 35W, .Bahama Bank, N. pt. Am. Bahama] lies lAtl. Ocean 27 50 N, 78 43 W. 'C. Bajador Africa Ncgroland Atl. Ocean 26 29 N. 14 36W. 00 Baker's Dozeix Am. Labrador Hudfon's Bav 57 N, Baijfor Afia India B. Bengal 21 20 N. 86 00 E. Buldivia Am. Chili Pacif. Ocean .' 39 jS 'i- 73 20 W. I, Bali Afia Sunda Ifles Indian Ocean S 05 S, 114 30 E, 'Baltimore Eu. Ireland Weft, Ocean 51 16 N, 9 26 W. 4 30 i, CS. end Afia Sunda Ifles Indian Ocean \ ^'5 S. , 107 10 E. ; '^^"'--' 2^<-Vv-end I I -50 S. ' 105 30 E. 1. B.^nda Afia MohiCfi-.Ifle', Indian Ocom 4 30 N, ' 127 25 E. Eujijir Sook VI. GEOGRAPHY. 377 Names of Places. <%nt. Banjav BanJcs's Ifle Bantam B. Bantry I. Barbadoes Bridge-town C. Barbas I. Barbuda C. Barcam Barcelona C. Barfleur Bargazar Point I. Bardfey |C. Barlb (I. Bartholomew I. de Bas Baflora C. BalTos, or Baxos I BafTos dc Panhos ; Baflbs de Chagos jl. BafTus dcs Indes Batavia Bayonnj B.iyoua Ifles Bcachy Head I B'ar-bay !N. Bear ? jS. Bear J jl. Bccrenberg 'R-^lchcr'sines i Bc-lfaft iBL-i.lid-i Belliil': BcmLridgP f'oint I Straits ot Eellliie I I'.ell Sound iBtncolin |Bcng..l I Bergen Berlin [. Ecrmtid.T; I. Bcrni.ija I Berwick Jerrv l'.jjnt Bir i' Illar.d Bllboa !l. du Bic Bl iLknrv Hlaek P';,ur : Black Ille iC Blanco C. Blanco C. Blinto C. Biarico ; I. Blanco, S -tnver.to Blanchnrt Rat'; :Bl.fq.:'-s ! Bia vet, or Port Lo'jii Dociciil!.:! lB..ial,ola "R. B'.'.ih.-.va 1. Rornt.v,' Afia Afia Afia Eu. Am. Am. Eu. Am. Eu. Eu. Am. Eu, Am, V ,, _ Alia Alia Eu. E J. Am, Am. r.u, Eu. Am. Ell, Am. Eu. Eu. Eu. Africa A}n. Eu. Am. Am. Eu. Ej. Eu. Am. Afia Afia Afia Countries. I. Borneo N. Zealand I. Java Ireland Caribbeelfles* Africa Sanaga Am. Caribbeelflcs Eu. Greenland Eu. Spain Eu. France Eu. Iceland Eu. Wales Eu. Ruffia Am. Caiibbeelfles Eu. France Afia Arabia Africa Anian Africa Zanguebar Afia India Africa Zanguebar Afia I, Java Eu. France Eu. Spain Eu. England Eu. Greenland Labi-adore Labradore Ireland France N'ev.fi.und. Ifie Wight Nfwfoundl. Grceijh nd i. .Sumatra Inj;a Ncrv.sv Gc.rmanv iJahsma'ifiet Mexico Engl.md England Aca^^ia Siain Acidia Eri;!.(nd Greenland Nova Zem. N' gr(^liinJ Pat.-g';nia "Greenland Mexico Terra Firnria France Irrland Fiance Terra Firma Soticty in, Sbciia India Coaft. Indian Ocean Pacif. Ocean Indian Ocean Atl. Ocean Atl. ,Ocean N. Atl. Ocean Atl. Ocean North Ocean Mcdit. Sea Eng. Channel North Ocean St. Geo. Cha. White Sea Atl. Ocean Eftg. Channel Perfian Gulf Indian Sea Indian Ocean Indian Ocean Indian Ocean Indian Ocean B. Bifcay Atl. Ocean Eng. Channel North Ocean Hudfon's Bay North Ocean Hudfon's Bay Irilli Sea B. Bifcay Atl. Ocean Eng. Channel Atl. Ocean North Ocean Indian Ocean B. Bengal Weftcrn Oc. R. Elbe Atl. Ocean G. Mexico Germ. Ocean En^. Channel (/. St. Lawr. 15. Bifcay R.St. Ldv\r. Gfrm. Ocean North Ocean North Ocr.-.n Atl. Ocean Atl. Ocean Norcli Ocean Pacif. Ocean Atl. Ocean Erg. Channel Atl. Ocean B. Bifcay Carib. Sra Pncif. Ocean P.cif. Oce '.n kdi^r. Occ:u. Latitude. 2.27 S. 43 45 S. 6 IS S. 51 45 N. 13 05 N. 21 50 N 17 46 N 78 18 N 41 26 N 49 38 N 66 30 K 5^ 44 N 66 30 N 17 56 N 48 50 N 29 45 N 4 12 N 5 00 S 6 42 S 21 19 s 6 12 S 43 30 N 41 45 N 50 44 N 79 10 N 54 40 N 54 ^5 N 71 45 N 56 N 54 43 N 47 21 N 51 55 N 50 41 N SI 4 N. 77 IS N 3 49 S 22 00 N 60 10 N 52 33 N 3^ 35 N 21 40 N 55 45 N 5^ 37 N 47 44 N 43 -6 N 48 30 N 53 " N 7S CO N 72 52 N 20 55 N 47 S 77 5 N 9 1^ N 1 1 42 N 49 42 N C2 00 N 47 45 N ]^ iO N 16 33 I, <;2 48 t.' ,8 57 M Longitude. 113 50 E. 172 40 E. 106 25 E. 10 46 W. 59 36W. 16 26 W. 61 47W. 20 06 E. 2 18 E. I 16W. 17 12 W. 5 coW. 38 00 E. 63 iiW. 4 coW. 47 40 E. 47 07 E. 48 08 E. 68 20 E. 41 43 E. 106 45 E. I 30 W. 9 oiW. 25 E. 24 15 E. ^80 oW. 4 33 E. 83 4W. 5 52 W. 3 13 W. 55 25 W. 1 5W. 56 coW. 12 40 E. 102 5 E. 92 45 E. 6 14 E. 13 26 E. 63 23W. 02 53 W. 1 50 W. 3 49 W. 60 24 W. 3 i3W. 68 36 V/. o 55 E. 10 50 E. 52 35 E. 17 5W, 64 37 W. 20 04 E. 85 55W. 64 20 W. 2 C.nV. 10 56W. 3 ^3W. 75 30W. 151 52 W. 157 CO E. 72 43 E. H.Water. yh. 30m. 3 45 3 30 o 00 12 00 10 o 3 30 7 CO 2 30 2 O 6 CO 9 45 o 00 3 o Vol. I P d B?na 37 G"E O G R A P H Y. Book VI, 1 Name? at PUcrs. Cont. Countries. Coaft. " Latitude. Long itude. H. Water.' I Bona Africa Tunis Mediterran. o 37 08 N. 7 10' E. C Bona Africa Tunis Mcditerran. 37 10 N. 10 00 E. C Pons vift Am. Newfoundl. Atl. Ocean 48 54 N. Si 33W. I. Bcna villa Africa C.VerdKkb Atl. Ocean 16 05 N. 22 42 W. C. Boni forfur.a Eu. Ruflia White Sea 65 35 N. 38 25 E. I.Bnnayrc,Sotovento Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean II 52 N. 67 20W. B. Honaventura Am. Terra Firma Paclf. Ocean 3 18 N. 76 50 w. ,C. Hon Efperancc Africa C afters Indian Ocean 34 29 S. 18 23 E. 3h. oom. Bo'j -deaux Eu. France B. Bifcay 44 50 N. 30 w. 3 00 ! f Eaftpnint *) r I 12 N. 117 10 E. , ) Weft point (. |ce 1 North point f' Afia Indian Ocean [^ 15 N. oc N. 108 "3 57 E. 40 E. ;-J t_ South point J L 3 32 s. 112 05 T. I. B,)r- 7 Borneo 7 neo J Succadano l' Afia Indian Ocean h 00 N. 50 S. 112 108 IS E. 35 E. I. B irriholin Eu. Sweden Baltic Sea 55 12 N. 15 50 E. Boftin" Eu. England Germ. Ocean 53 10 N. 25 E. Bofton Am. Mew Eng. Atl. Ocean 42 25 N. 70 32 w. Bnt..ny Ifle Alia M.Caledonia PacJf. Ocean 22 27 s. ,67 12 E. Bot \ny Bay Aha N. Holland Pacif. Ocean 34 00 S. iS 28 E. Boulogne Eu. France Eng. Channel 50 44 N. I 40 E. 10 30 I. Bourbon, Sr. Den. Africa Mad.igafcar Indian Ocean 20 52 S. 55 35 E. 1. St. Brr-ndon Africa Madagafcar Indian Ocean 16 45 S- 64 48 E. B. Br.indwvns Eu. Greenland North Oct- an 79 50 N. 26 20 E. I. Bravas Africa C. Verd Atl. Ocean '4 hN. 24 45 W. Bremen Eu. Germany R. Wcfer 53 30 N. 9 00 E. 6 ' 00 Breefound, a fand Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 'i3 12 N. 5 ,5 E. 4 30 Brtrflau Eu. Sileiia R. Oder 51 03 N. 17 13 E. Breft Eu. France B, Bifcay 48 23 N. 4 26 w. 3 45 . Brcft Am. New Brltnin Weih Ocean 5^ 10 N. 5- 30 w. Cape Bret Afia N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 35 07 S. 173 52 E. Bririgc Town Am. 1. BarbadoCo Atl. Oceun 3 05 N. 59 36W. 1 Bridlington Bay Eu. England Germ. Ocean 54 07 N. 00 04 E. 3 45 Brill Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 5' 56 N, 4 10 E. I 30 Bri.'.n Ifie Am. Acadia G . St. Lawr. 47 50 N. 60 47 W. Briftol Eu. England St. Geo. Ch. 51 28 N. 2 30W. 6 45 C. Briftol Am. Sandwich L. Atl. Ocean 59 2 S. 26 46 W. r_.c r Loulfbourgh f45 54 N. 59 55W. ;j 5 J I. Scatcri Am. Acadia Atl. Ocean ^46 01 N. 61 57W. (S t f^'O'th Cape I47 05 N. 60 8W. - r I. Mathias r " 00 S. 147 50 E. ':; I North Doint ' 30 S. 148 40 E. ^1 S.W/pV,nr . j Strait Dumpier Afi.i New Guinea Pacif. Ocean CO S. 15 S. 146 146 37 E. 15 E. :y 1 C. St. George 5 30 S. 150 55 . l'^ L I- St. John L 4 20 S. 152 40 E. r-uchuriefs Eu. Scotland' Germ. Ocean 57 29 N. I 23W. 3 00 Fucr.os Avres Am. Brafil Atl. Ocean 34 35 S. 53 26W. C. Bulier' Am. S. Georgia Atl. Ocean 53 58 S. 37 40 W. Burgaford point Eu. Iceland North Ocean 66 03 N. 16 34 W. Burgco.Iilos Am. Newfoundl. Atl. Ocean 47 36 N. 57 TlW. Burlings, rock.3 Eu. Portus^a! Atl. Ocean 39 20 N. 9 32 W, B-.irlint'ton Eu. England (ierm. Ocean 54 00 N. 08 E. Button's Illes Am. New Britain Hudf. Straits 60 35 N. 65 20W. 6 50 Cape Byron Afia N, Zcaluiid Pacif. Ocean 28 39 S. 153 31 E. Byron's Iflc C I. C.ihrera Afia Pacif. Ocean I iS S. 170 6W. Eu. Italy Mediterran. 43 10 N. 9 11 E. jc^-.d;3 Eu. Spain Atl. Ocean 36 31 N. 6 07W. 4 30 |Cr,en !:u. France Eng. Channel 49 II N. 17W. 9 00 jCugliari, T. Sardln'r. J'U. Iraly Mcdit. Sea 39 25 N. 9 38 E. !C jj'i'-binng lEu. Finland Baltic Sea 64 13 N. . 27 SI E. 1 lilCo Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 379 Names of Places. Cont. C.untries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. I H. Water. 1 o Illes Calcos, or '' Cankrofs, from ' ', Am. Bahamalfles Atl. Ocean \" 27 5 N. N. 71 72 24 W. 15W. ^'"^" {Z } Africa Guinea Eth. Ocean r^ 30 00 N. N. 8 7 10 E. 00 E. C. Calaberno Afia Natolia Archipelago 38 42 N. 26 44 E. Calais Eu, France Eng. Channel 50 58 N. 01- 51 E. iih. 30m. C. Calamadon Afia India B. Bengal 10 22 N. 80 40 E. Calcutta Afia India B. Bengal 22 35 N, 88 54 Caldera Aha I. -Mindano Pacif. Ocean 7 CO N. 121 25 E. I. Caldy Eu. England St. Geo. Ch. 51 33 N. 5 14W. 5 15 Calecut Afia India Indian Ocean II IS N, 75 39 E- Cairo Africa Egypt R. Nile 30 02 N. 31 26 E. Callao Am. Peru Pacif. Ocean 12 2 S. 76 53W. 1. Great Camanis Am. Weft Indies Atl. Ocean 19 18 N. 80 29 W. I. Little Camanis Am Weft Indies 'Atl. Ocean 19 42 .N. .79 20 W. Camboida Afia India Indian Ocean 10 35 N. 104 45 E. Cambridge Eu. England 5^ '3 N. 9 E. Cambridge Am. N. England 42 25 N. 71 sw. C. Cambron, or 7 Carbon J Africa Algiers Medit. Sea 37 18 N, 4 58 E. C. Cameron Am. New Spain Atl. Ocean 15 35 N S3 29 W. Africa Guinea Atl. Ocean 3 30 N. 9 10 E. B. Camsrones Am. Magellan Atl. Ocean 44 50 S. 67 loW. Camfer, a land Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 53 33 N. 5 30 E. I 30 Camin Eu. Germany Baltic 54 04 N. 15 40 E. C. Campbell Alia N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 41 51 S. 174 41 E. Compeachy Am. Yucatin Atl. Ocean '9 36 N. 90 55W. I. Canaria Africa Canaries Atl. Ocean 2S 01 N. 15 oV/. 3 C. Candcnofe Eu. Ruffia North Ocean 69 25 N. 45 30 E. r C. St. John, w. ^ 1 end r35 12 N. 23 54 E. 1 =. -l Cindia Eu. Turkey Medlt. Sea 1^5 19 N. 25 23 E. i^^ j C. Solomon, E. !- L_ tr.d [34 57 N. 27 06 E. , |Candia Afia I. Ceylon 'Indian Ocean 7 54 N. 81 53 E- Candlemis Illes Am, Sandwich L. Atl. Ocean 57 10 S. 27 13W. 1. Ca-iu Afia India ;Indian Ocean 7 30 S. 77 55 E. C. Cani'a Am. N'o\a Scotia Atl. Ocean 45 18 N. 60 48 W. Canfo Fafi'age Am. Nova Scotia Atl. Ocean 45 30 N. 61 coW. :C. Cantin Africa Barhary Atl. Ocean 32 41 N. 9 01 W. 00 .Cap.tirc, Mul L.U. Scotland Weft Ocean 55 22 N. 5 45W. , Canton. Afia China Pacif. Ocean 23 08 N. 113 07 E. .Cape Town Africa CafTers Atl. Ocean 33 55 s. 18 23 . 2 30 1. C.pri Eu. Italy Mcdit. Sea 40 34 N. H II E. I. Carr.T.a Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 43 '^3 N. 10 15 E. C. Ci:,.^';r Afia India B. Beng.d '9 22 N. 86 05 E. Car.icc! , Am. Terra Firma'Atl, Ocean 10 06 N. 66 4,-W. |C,iri!-.,orIi: i~.. 'C. C.irtli.ije Africa Barbary Mcdit. Sea 3i 5^ N. ;o 1' 1 ,C .irtii ijj'!! < Am. 1 Terra I'lrma Caribbean Sc.i 10 7.7 N'. 7 5 2; V,'. Cuih.uync Eu. Spain Mtdit. Scu 37 57 N. 1 03 w. ,r..>:(T<-\ in<- Afi:. New Britain Pacif. 0.c.ni S .'.0 s. '^9 .4 1;. :V n\\ .Swanb Nc:t Am. Hudfon\ B.:\ 62 :o X. ^3 30 w. ,C/.!ki-t-. [C. Cinn.lcr Eu. I. {iucrr.fey Eng. Ch mr.ol 49 53 N zGVv. 8 15 Ku. Tuikjy Archipcl.wjo 40 i^2 N. 27 4i E. ;,!. St Citii'-riiir'' A-n. Br.ifil Atl. Oco:.n 27 .5'> N, 49. 12W. D d a C pont Am. Bahama Atl. Ocean o , C 24 50 N. I Z2 48 N. 7S 3W. 75 3SW. .Cathnefi Point 7 I Dinnet Head 5 Eu. Scotland Weft. Ocean 58 42 N. 3 '7W. 9h. com. Ca::nea Eu. I.Sicily Medit. Sea 42 40 N. 20 30 E. C. Catocha Am. New Spain Caribbean Sea 20 48 N. 86 35W. I. Cayenne Am. Terra Firms Atl. Ocean 4 56 N. 52 loW. TN. E. point r I 48 N. 124 37 E. 3 1 W. point I 3 00 s. 117 55 'S J S. W. point Ma- 's s ^ Afia Spice Ides Indian Ocean \ 5 " S. 117 50 E. (J j c.iuer 1 L; / S. point / 5 40 S. 119 55 E. 1 l_S. E. point L 5 20 s. 121 58 E. I. Cephaloniii Eu. Turkey Medit. Se.x 38 20 N. 20 II E. Ceuta Africa Barbary Medit. Sea 35 49 N. 5 25W. ^" Infanapatam, N. = I point r 9 47 N. 80 55 E. f-.) Trinquemale, S. ;j) E. end ' Afia India Indian Ocean i S 40 N, Si 40 E. / C. Gallo,S.Weft 1 6 27 N. 8z 10 E. I. end L 6 15 N. 80 20 E. Chain I Hand Afia Society Ifles Pacif. Ocean 17 25 S. 145 30 W. Chmdeiiagar Afia Bengal River Ganges 22 51 N. S8 34 E. Charles Town Am. Carolina .'\fliley River 33 22 N, 79 50 W. 3 !C. Ch.-.rles Am. Virginia Atl. Ocean 37 II N. 76 07 W. I. ot ?Eaft end Cbarlesi Weft end Am. Labradore Hudfon's Str. C 62 46-^N. I 62 48 N' 74 15W. 75 30 w. 10 15 C. Charles Am. New Britain Weft Ocean 51 50 N. 51 loW. Charlotte's Ifles Afia Guadalcanal Pacif. Ocean 11 S. 164 E. C. Charlotte Am. S. Georgia Atl. Ocean 54 32 S. 36 12W. 0^ Charlotte's Sound Afia N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 41 6 S. 174 19 E. 9 CO '(^Charlotte's Foreld. |l. Charlton Afia N.Caledonia Pacif. Ocean 22 15 S. 167 iS E. Am. New Wales Hudfon's Bay 52 03 N. 79 00 W. Chittt-aux Bay Am. Labradore Atl. Ocean 5Z I N. 55 50 W. IB. Chfbudto Am. Nova Scotia Atl. Ocean 44 45 N. 63 18 W. Chcignecio Am. Nova Scotia B. Fundy 46 15 N. 63 iiW. 45 Chjrlioiirgh Eu. France Eng. Channel 49 38 N. 01 33 W. 7 30 C Kerry Lie Eu. Greenland North Ocean 74 35 N. 18 05 E. Che.ler Eu. England IriiTi Sea 53 10 N. 2 2SW. Chiddocic "" Eu. England Eng. Channel 50 47 N. 3 00 W- C. Chidlsy Am. New Britain Hudf. Straltb 60 22 N, 65 00 W. I.Chi!oc5f P^^--'^ ^ S. Doint Am. Patagonia Pacif. Ocean C41 45 S. 243 50 S. 73 05 W. C. Chick^f,.ago Afia Siberia North Ocean 64 00 N. 174 45 W. Chriftiana Eu. Norway Sound 59 25 ^' 10 30 E. Chriitianople Eu. Sweden Baltic Sea 55 55 N. 15 10 E. Chrjftianftadt Ea. Sweden G. Bothnia 62 47 N. 22 50 E. Chiift.Tiaf Sound Am. T. del Fuegr> Pacif. Ocean 55 22 S. 70 01 W. 2 30 jl. St. Chriftopher's Am. Carib. Ifles Atl. Ocean 17 15 N. 62 38W. IR. St. Ch-.iftoplitr's Africa Caft'crs Indian Ocean 32 47 S. 30 00 E. IC. Chukchcnle Afia Siberia North Ocean 66 30 N. 171 loW. jC. C!u;rchi:i I |R. Churchill 5 Am. New Walc. Hudfon's Bay C 58 48 N. I 58 47 JN^ 93 loW. 94 03 W. 7 20 1. Chilian Afia China Chinefe Se.i 30 CO N. i2i 50 E. Civita Vecchia Eu. Italy Medit. Sr-a 42 5 N. II s' C. Clear Eu. Ireland Weft. Occp.n 51 18 N. 9 50 w. 4 30 :iirk-s Lies Am. S. Georgia Atl. Ocean S5 6 S. 34 S7V^. (. Cloate Afia India Indian Occnn 21 CO S, 95 4"^ E. ''och::i Afia India Indian Ocea:. 9 50 N. 76 05 E. '. Cccos Afia India Indian Ocean 12 20 S. 98 10 E. . Coco:. Am. Mexico Pacif. Ocean 5 cc N. SS 4sW. '. C:-i Am. Kf'v Eng. AtJ. Oer,,n 42 15 N. 69 27 V/. Colchefter Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. J8i Names of Places. Cont. Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H. Water, Colchefter Eu. England Germ. Ocean / 52 00 N. . , 58 E. C. Cold Eu. Greenland North Ocean 79 00 N. 10 00 E. C. Colnet Afia N.Calcdonia Pacif. Ocean 20 30 S. 164 56 E. R. Colerado Am. New Spain G. California 31 40 N. 115 25 W. I. Colgau Eu. Ruffia North Ocean 69 20 N. 45 00 E. CoUioure Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 4Z 31 N. 3 10 E. C. Colone Eu. Turkey Archipelago 37 43 N- 24 41 E. C. Colone Afia Natolia Archipelago 39 JO N. 27 04 E. C. Colonni Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 38 50 N. 18 05 E. C. Colville Afia N, Zealand Pacif. Ocean 36 27 S. 174 48 E. Comana Am, Terra FirmalAtl, -Ocean 10 00 N. 65 07 W. C. Comarin Afia India Indian Ocean 7 55 N- 78 7 E. C. Comfort Am. New Wales Hudfon's Bay 64 45 N. S2 30 W, Concarncau Eu. France B. Bifcay 47 54 N. 3 50 w. jh, 00m. C. Conception Am. Calefornia Pacif. Ocean 35 40 N. 126 01 W. B. Conception Entra Am. Nev/foundl. Atl. Ocean 48 25 N. 50 07 W Conception Am. Chili Pacif. Ocean 56 43 S. - 73 13W. R. Congo Africa Congo jEth. Ocean 5 45 S. II 53 E, I. Ccningen Afia N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 34 30 ^ 164 25 E. Coningfburgh Eu. Poland Baltic Sea 54 44 N. 21 S3 E. Conquet Eu. France Eng. Chancel 48 30 N. 4 35^- a 15 C, Conquibaco Am. Terra FirmaAtl. Ocean 12 15 N. 69 57 W. Ccnftantinople Eu. Turkey Archipelago 41 00 N. 28 53 E. Ccoic's Straits Afia N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 41 6 S. 174 30 E. Cooper's ifle Am. S. Georgia Atl. Ocean 54 57 S. 36 W. Copciihrigen Eu. Denmark Baltic Sea 55 41 N. 12 40 E. CoDerwic Eu. Norway Sound 59 20 N. 10 lo E. 1l. Copland Eu. Ireland iriih Sea 54 40 N. 6 40 W. L Coquet Eu. England Germ. Ocean 55 20 N. I 25 W. 3 00 R. Coquimbo Am. Chili Pacif, Ocean 29 54 S. 71 10 W. C. Corbau Afia Natolia Archipelago 38 03 N. 26 58 E. Cordouc Eu. France B. Bifcay 45 30 N. 01 10 W, Corel, South limit Afia China Pacif. Ocean 34 5 ^ J 124 25 E. 2 127 25 E, I. Corfu Eu. Turkey Mcditerran, 39 50 N. 19 48 E. iC. Corientes Africa Ca.'tVcs Indian Ocean 24 08 S. 36 49 E. JC. Corientes Am. Mexico Pacif. Ocean 20 18 N. ic8 00 W. lo.rinth Eu. Turkey Archipelago 37 30 N. 23 00 E. Corke Eu. Ireland St. Geo. Ch. SI 54 N. 8 30 W. 6 30 jC. Coronation Afia N.Caledonia Pacif. Ocean 22 5 S. 167 8 E. 'C. Corfc Africa Guinea Edi. Sea 5 12 N, 23 W. 3 30 { ^ r C. Corfo, North ' \ pcint . S ^ BonKicio, Sou'.h i (. point Eu. Italy Meditcrran. C42 53 N. ^41 22 N. 9 40 E. 9 26 E, I, Corvo Eu. Azorc; - Atl. Ocean 39 4^ N. 31 C2W. II. Cofmolcdo Africa Mad.igafcar Indian Ocean 10 23 S. 51 40 E. I. Cou.irc Am. Canada R. St. Lawr. 47 3 N. 69 2 W. Cow and C df Eu. Ireland Well. Ocean 51 TZ N. 10 30 W. I. Co2u:r.'jl Am. Yucatan Atl. Ocean 19 36 N. 86 35 V/. R. Cocci Afi.i China B. Nankin 34 -6 N. J20 10 E. Cromer Eu. England Germ. Ocean 53 05 N. 56 E. 7 00 C'rnf)k(fi I. N, point Am. Bahama Atl. Ocean "22 47 N. 73 5'^^^'- Crof-; Ifc Eu. Ruir.a White Sea 66 31 N. 3<' 3 3 E. Cro'.': I'v int Eu. Nova Zcm. North Ocean 72 00 N. S3 !2 1:. '".. Cr-17. Africa Barbary Atl. Ocean 30 36 N. 9 3^W, 'I. S;. Crvz Am. Antilles I. Atl. Ocean '7 53 ^^ 64 55 \V. _ C C. Antonio, W. :-2 p'.lnt 21 45 N. S4 05W. -^l I". .Ic Mais, E. -J point Am. Antillc: I. Atl. Ocean 20 03 N. 74 5^-W. 1 I H'.il',v. C-ip- I .9 41 >J. 77 =sw. 1 .... , fc . , . 1 10. 382 GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. Names of Places. Cont. Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. |H. Water. o , , ^ r St. Jago St. Mary r 2o 03 N. 7S 51 W. 31 26 N. 78 loW. U -^ Le St. Efprit Am. Antilles I. Atl. Ocean i 21 56 N. 79 50 W. ^ Havannah 23 12 N. 81 4sW. -" [.B. Hondy L22 54 N. 82 40 W. Cubbs IHes Am. New Wales Hudfon's Bay Indian Ocean 54 IS N. 82 34 W - Cubello Ada Ind. Malab. 7 so N. 71 55 E. C. Cumberland Afu N. Hebrides Pacif. Ocean 14 4c S. 166 47 E. Cumberland Ides Afia Socicoy Ifles Pacif. Oeean 19 18 S. 140 36 E. B. Cumberland Am. North Main Davis's Str. 66 40 N. 65 20 W. Curaflba Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean II s6 N, 68 20 W. I.Cuzzola Eu, Turkey Medit. Sea 4^ 50 N. 16 55 E. Cufco Am. Peru Inland 12 2S S. 73 35 W. f-C. Baffii, W. end r 35 04 N. 33 04 E. ^ 1 C. St. Andr. E. I a \ end 1 35 40 N. 35 08 E. ^S:^ C. de Gaffe, S. Afia Syria, Medit. Sea i '"^ j point / 34 35 N. 33 41 E. - 1 C. Grego, S. E. / L point D. L 34,57 N. 34 36 E. Dabul Afia India Arabian Sea 18 24 N. 73 33 E- iDihlak ACm Arabia Red Sea 15 50 N. 41 44 E. jlHes ot" Danger Aha Society Ifles Pacif. Ocean 10 15 S. 165 50 W. il. D.i^eroor' > j Light-houfe J Eu. Livonia Baltic Sea 58 55 N. 22 32 E. Dantzic Eu. Poland Baltic Sea 54 22 N, 18 36 E. |Str. Dardanek Eu. Turkey Archipelago 40 10 N. 26 26 E. Gulph Durieu Am. Terra Firma Caribbean Sea 3 45 N. 76 35 W. iDartmo-irh Eu. England Eng. Oiannel 50 27 N. 3 36 w. 6h. 30m. I. Dauphin Am. Loulfiana G. Me)5 N, 49 2} E. Do->er Eu. 1 ngland Er.g. C.har.i:d 5' 07 N. I 19 E. I 30 i'^::!-""^. -, ^ Eu. ; F.n-cind Gem:. Oc^an 51 25 N. I 27 E. I J 5 Po. Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 3S5- 1 - Names of Places. Cent. Africa Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H.Water.'' 1 Po. Dradate Egypt Red Sea i9 56 N. / 37 40 E. Po. Drake, fir Francis Am. California ^acif. Ocean 38 45 N. 128 35W. Drontheim Eu. Norway lTorth Ocean 63 26 N. II 08 E. Dublin Eu. Ireland !riih Sea 53 21 N. 6 5W. 9h , 15m Dunbar Eu. Scotland jerm. Ocean 55 58 N. 2 22 w.- 2 SO Dundalk Eu. [reland [rifli Sea 53 57 N. 6 28W. Dundee Eu. Scotland Germ. Ocean 56 26 N. 2 48 W. a 15 Dungarven Eu. [reland Atl. Ocean 51 57 N. 7 55W. 4 30 Dungenefs Eu. England ing. Channel 50 53 N. 59 E. 9 45 Duncanlby Head Eu. Scotland Germ. Ocean 58 40 N. 2 57 W. Dunkirk Eu. France Germ. Ocean 51 02 N. 2 27 E. 00 Dunnofe Eu. I. White Eng. Channel 50 34 N. I 15W. 9 45 Durazzo Eu. Turkey Medit. Sea 41 58 N. 25 00 E. Dufky Bav E C.Eaft Alia N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 45 47 S. 166 23 E. 10 57 Am. Statenland 9tra. le Mai re 54 54 S. 64 47 W. Eafter in. Am. Chili Pacif. Ocean 27 7 S. 109 42 W. 2 00 Edinburgh Eu. Scotland Germ. Ocean 55 58 N. 3 7W. 4 30 Edyftone Eu. England Eng. Channel SO 8 N. 4 20 W. 5 30 Egmont Ifle Aiia Society Ifles Pacif. Ocean 19 20 S. 138 30W. C. Egmont Alia M. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 39 20 S, 173 45 E. I. Elba Eu. Italy Mediterran. 42 52 N. 10 38 E. R. Elbe mouth Eu. Germany Germ. Ocean 54 18 N. 7 10 E. 00 Elbing Eu. Poland Baltic Sea 54 12 N. 20 35 E. EUingburgh Eu. Sweden Bald': Sea 56 00 N. 13 35 E. Elfinore Eu. Denmark Baltic Sea 56 00 N. 13 23 E. I. Elutheria 5 J'-Pi"'^ I b. point Am. Bahama Atl. Ocean f25 45 N. I 24 57 N. 76 42 W. 75 53 W. EmbJen Eu. Germany Germ. Ocean 53 05 N. 7 26 E. 00 R. Em2<; mouth Eu. Germany Germ. Ocean 53 10 N, 7 20 E. 7 30 Enchuyfen Eu. D. Ncth. Zuyder Sea 52 43 N. 5 06 E. 00 Endeavour R. Afia N. Holland Pacif. Ocean 15 26 S. 145 12 E. I. Enguno, or 7 Trompoufe J Am, Sumatra Indian Ocean 6 00 S, 102 35 E. B. Eiihorn Eu. Greenland North Sea 78 45 N. 26 05 E. Ephcfus Alia Nacoiia Archipelago 38 00 N. 27 53 E. Erramangi Mia. N. Hebrides Pacif. Ocean 18 44 S. 169 20 E. Eltaplcs Eu. Frar.cc Eng. Channel 50 34 N, I 42 . II 00 Euilatia Am. Caribbee Atl. Ocean 17 30 N. 63 14W. I. Exuma F Falrhcad Am. Bahama Atl. Ocean 23 25 N. 75 35W. Eu. Ireland Weft. Ocean 55 19 >'^- 6 20 W. C. Falcon Africa Barbary Medit. Sea 36 03 N. 14W. r E. end 551 05 s, I 52 27 S. 56 40 W. I. F.ilkland^ 111. A- (_ nil an I Am. Patagonia Atl. Ocean 61 53W. Falmouth Eu. F-nghad Eng. Channel 50 8 N. 5 oW. i 30 C. Falo Eu. Turkey Archipelago 40 12 N. 24 27 E. C. F,i!fo Africa Catfcrs Indian Ofcan 34 '6 S. 18 44 E. C. Falfrj Africa Zaugucbar Indian Ocean 8 52 S. 59 55 E. FaiftTbom Eu. Sweden Baltic Sea 55 20 N- 13 36 E. I. Fana Eu. Turkey Medit. Sea 40 14 K. 19 32 E. R. Fame Africa F-syft Red Sta 21 40 N. 36 29 . IFaro Heal Eu. Scotland Weft, (Jccan 58 40 N. \ SOW. C. F,ir<-wcll Afia N, Zealand Pacif. Ocean 40 35 S. 172 47 E. ic. F,.rr:v.-:l Am. Greenland North Occau 59 37 ^' 42 -iyVv. C. Firtack Af,. Arabia Indian Occuri 15 41 N\ 5- s- I-:. C, Fchr Am. Carolina Atl. Occ;ui 34 C4 N. 7S oyW. I. Fciinnd : N'..i.j-J I Am. Brafil Ati. Ocean i 5'' .- 32 23W. I. F.licui, L:yjii llic. Eu. i:.-ily Medit. Sea 3i-; r> 14 51 E. 1. Fcrmiia Eu. Turkey Aichipcl:igo 37 24 N. 2f 05 E. ,1. F.-riii ,.'-p . Africa Guinea -Vtl. Ocean 3 C2 N. 3 i5 ^ 1. rc::o HH GEOGRAPHY. fiook vr* 1 Names of Places. Cent. Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H. Water. ... I. Ferro Africa Canariis Atl. Ocean 27 48 N. 17 40 W. C. Finiftenft Eu. Spain Atl. Otean 42 52 N. 9 16W. I. Fironda Afia Corea Pacif. Ocean 33 30 N. 127 25 E. Flamborough Head Eu. England Germ. Ocean 54 08 N. M E. 4h. oom; I. Flores Eu. Azores Atl. Ocean 39 34 N. 30 59 W. C. Floiida Am. Florida G. Mexico 25 so N. 80 20W. 7 30 Flu/hihg Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean S' 33 N. 3 20 w. 4S I. Fly Eu. D. Ncth. Germ. Ocean 53 ,6N. 5 35 E. 7 30 Fnrbi/her's Straits Am. Greenland Atl. Ocean 62 05 N. 47 18W. korth Foreland Eu. England Germ. Ocean 51 28 N. 1 25 E. 9 45 South Foreland Foreland Fair Eu. England Eng. Channel 51 12 N. I 24 E. 9 45 F.u. Ireland North Ocean 55 OS N. 6 30W. Foreland Fair Em. Greenland North Ocean 79 18 N, 10 50 E. Forsland Mcrcliants Am. Greenland fJorth Ocean 6-5 20 N. 17 osW. I. Formcntaria Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 39.33 N. I ,5 E. I. Formigas Eu. Azores Atl. Ocean 37 17 N. 24 43 W. C. Formola Africa Guinea Eth. Sen 4 22 N. 5 43 E. R. Formoft Africa Guinea Eth. Sea 6 10 N. 4 49 E- I. Formofa^J^-r'^' Afia China Indian Ocean 521 25 N. 121 25 E. 120 40 E. I S. point I 22 00 N. I. Forteventura, S. 7 W. end 1 Africa Canaries Atl. Ocean 28 35 N. 14 04 W. Fouinefs Eu. England Germ. Ocean 52 57 N. 58 E. 6 45 Foulfound Eu. Greenland North Ocean 77 30 N. t2 50 E. Fowey Eu. England Eng. Channel SO 25 N. 4 30 W. 5 15 I. France, P. Louis Africa Madagafcar Indian Ocean 20 10 S. 57 33 E- C. St. Francis Am. Peru Pacif. Ocean 30 N. 80 35 W. 1 I. St. Francifco Africa Zangucbar Indian Ocean 6 23 S. 53 22 E. R. St. Francifco Am. Brafil Atl. Ocean 10 55 S. 36 30 W. C. Francois Am. Domingo Atl. Ocean 19 47 N. 72 15W. IFrcderickftadt. Eu. Norway Sound 59 00 N. II 10 E. [French Keys Am. Bahama Atl. Ocean 21 30 N. 72 loW. '.Fretum Borough Eu. Ruflia North Ocean 70 00 N. 61 20 E. C. Frio Am. Brafil Atl. Ocean 23 00 S. 40 iiW. JR. Fugor A frica Zanauebar Indian Ocean 00 10 N. 42 OS E. jl. Fuego Africa Di Verd Atl. Ocean 14 55 N. 24 28 W. jFurncaux Ifland Afia Soc. Ifics Pacif. Ocean 17 11 s. 143 07 W. |B. Fulhan Afia China Pacif. Ocean 23 CO N. I12 35 E. I. Fyal 1 G I. Galla Eu. Azores Atl. Ocean 38 32 N. 28 36 W. 2 20 Am. Terra Firma Pacif. Ocean 2 40 N. 79 3SW. R. Gallcga Am. Patagonia Atl. Ocean 51 37 S. 65 3sW. I. Gallego Am. Terra Firma Pacif. Ocean I 40 N. 104 35W. jCallipoli Eu. Italy Mcdit. Sea 40 19 N. 18 08 E. Gp.liiiaoly Eu. Turkey Archipelago 40 36 N. 27 02 E. 'l. Gillita Africa Barbary Medit. Sea 37 4^ N. 9 03 E. :C. Gallo Ana I. Ceylon Indian Ocean 6 15 N. 80 20 E. Is. Gallepago Am. Peru Pacif. Ocean 5 2 CO N. I 2 00 S. 89 00 W. jGally Head Eu! Ireland Weft. Occ:jn 52 40 N. 9 30 W. Cal'.vay Eu. Ireland Weft. Occsn 53 10 N. 10 03 w. |R. Gambia 11. Gamo Africa Ncgroland Atl. Ocean 13 00 N. 14 s8W. Afia India Indian Ocean 3 '55 S. 77 25 E. :C, Gardafui Africa Anian Indian Ocean II 48 N. 50 25 E. jR. Garronnc Eu. France E. Bifcay 45 30 N. I 05W. 3 CO iCafpcy Bay Am. Acadia G. St. La-A-r. 48 49 N, 63 3d.W. I 30 iC. dc Gate Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 36 32 N. 2 05 W. ;C. Gear A frica Barbary At). Ocean 30 3S N. 10 01 W. Genoa Eu. Italy iMcdit. Sea 44 2,- N. 8 41 E. Ic. St. George Am. Nevvf lur.Jl. Atl. Ocean 48 28 N. 57 43 W. ;C. Gro;-- Am. S. Georgia Atl. Ocean 54 17 S- 36 33W. :B. .'orth Ocean R, Elbe R.St, I awr. Grrm. Ocean Btilloi Ci-aii. Cicrm. Oecan tji'rm. Oceji) At!. Occ.'.a At!, Oc-.-ui 55 19 Longitude.' 38 47 N. 35 39 N. 15 05 N. 36 05 N. 55 J 3 S. C 2 30 N. i 1 30 S. 52 N. n S. 36 S. 15 31 N, 51 j9 N. 10 10 N. 27 40 N. 28 c6 N. 16 55 N. 34 ^9 S, 14 40 N. 43 21 N, 55 00 N, 56 58 N. 57 40 N, 34 25 N. 57 42 N, ei 32 N. 7 56 S, 31 58 S. 4S 50 N. 51 36 N. 29 15 N. 39 oi N. 48 N, 59 N. 35 N. 52 N, 51 29 N, 40 33 N. 54 04 N- 53 30 N- 43 2S N. 50' 56 N, 16 CO N. H. Water. 14 5= 5' 2 10 49 30 N. 50 c6 N. 47 7 N, 79 55 N. ; 19 45 N. l2 22 N. 44 4(J N- 63 5O N. b4 30 N. 53 34 N. 48 CO N, 52 24 N< 51 c6 N. r ^4 23 I'.'. 4 'I V 25 07 E, 2S 00 W 80 34 E 5 iVV*' 7. 4W 12S CO E. 129 25 E. 4 loW. 140 4W. 146 7W, 73 50 E 4 05 E 67 40W tj 20 E. 17 03W 82 55 E. 18 28 E, 17 zoW. 9 II E 20 15 E. 19 37 19 50 E. 25 50 E, 11 44 E. 58 E. 56 E. 50 35W. 1 32 W. 55 33 W, 13 07 W. 27 53 V/, S2 15 V/. 2 i: E. o 20 E. 61 39 V>/, o 05 E. 26 io E. 13 43 E, o 56 E, 9 2oNV, 55 35W. 61 55W. 81 C5W, 2 47 \V. 6 00 W. 52 02 E. oh.oom*' 9 158 1 10 ic'S 63 -14 27 9 63 4 00 30 Vof.. I, v: c J8 GEO G R A P H r. Book VI. Nimes 0/ Places. Cont. ' " Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H. Water. Hwke's Bay Atia N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 4 39 30 S. b , 177 6 E. I. St. Helena Africa Caffers Atl. Ocean *5 55 S. 5 44 W. jHelie's Sound Eu. Greenland North Ocean 79 15 N- 12 50 E. jls. Heligh's Land Eu. Norway North Ocean 38 4I n1 9 30 E. C. Hcnlopen Ain. Maryland Atl. Ocean 75 08 W. C. Henrietta Mkrh Am. ^few Wiles Hudfon's Bay 55 10 N. --84 00 w. I zh. 00m. C. Henry Am. Virginia Atl. Ocean 37 00 N. 76 23 W. II 15 Hervcy's Iflc Afia Society illes Pacif. Ocean 19 17 S. 158 43 W. I. Heys Eu. France B. Bifcay 46 24 N. 2 14W. High Mount Eu. Greenland North Ocean 83 23 N. 26 40 E. Hinchingbrtiok I. Afu N. Hebrides Pacif. Ocean 17 IJ S. 168 38 E. -C. TiberoOB, W. M . P^- 18 17 N. 74 24 w. S. Louis 18 19 N. 73 iiW. 1 C. St. NichoL :^< N. W. pt. Am. Antilles Atl. Ocean 19,50 N. 73 18 W. X Po. Grave 18 28 N. 72 42 W. ^ St. Domingo 18 25 N. 69 30 W. C. Rapliael N. E. pt. 19 05 N. 68 30 W. Hogfties Am. Bahama Atl. Ocean 21 41 N. 73 25W. ^ fW. limit 25 30 S. in 10 E. 1 * g J N. Ditto 2 =3 1 S. Ditto Afia Indian Ocean tz 35 S. 43 38 S. 141 31 E. 146 00 E. ffi L E. Ditto 27 10 S. 153 39 E. Holy Cape Afia Siberia North Ocean 72 32 N. 179 45 E. Holy Head Eu. Wales Iri/h Sea 53 23 N. 4 40 W. I 30 C. Honduras Am. New Spain Caribbean Sea 16 18 N. 85 23W. B. Hondy, I. Cuba Am. Antilles Atl. Ocean 22 54 N. 82 40 W. Honfleur Eu. France R. Seine 49 24 N, 20 E. 9 00 Hood's Ifle Afia Marqusfas Pacif. Ocean 9 26 S, 138 47W. Hope Ifle Eu. Greenland North Ocean 76 22 N, 23 40 E. C. Horn Am. T. del Fuego Pacif, Ocean 55 59 S. 67 21 W. Hornfound Eu. Greenland North Ocean 76 41 N, 13 36 E. La Hogue Eu. France Eng. Channel 49 45 N. I 52W. Howe's Iflc Afia Society's If. Pacif. Ocean 16 46 S. 154 2W. C. How Afia N. Holland Pacif. Ocean 37 24 S. 150 00 E. R. Hughly Afia India B. Bengal 21 45 N. 89 15 E. Hull Eu. England R. Humber S3 50 N- 28 W. 6 00 'R. Humber, Ent. Eu. England Germ. Ocean 53 55 N. 24 E. 5 13 L Hyneag9 Jado Am. Bahama Atl. Ocean 21 27 N. 73 29 W. Afia Japan Pacif. Ocean 36 CO N. 139 40 E. C. Jaffanapatan Ana I. Cevlon Indian Ocean 9 47 N. 8o 55 E. L Tago JakutiTioi Africa C. Verd Atl. Ocran 15 07 N. 23 30 W. Afia Siberia Pacif. Ocean 62 2 N. 129 52 E. p r We.t end 18 45 N. 78 00 W. ^^ Port Roval Am. Weft Indies Atl. Ocean 18 00 N. 76 4.0 W. ^ i Ea;> End 17 58 N. 76 05 W, ijair.es Town Am. Virginia B. Chcfapeik 37 30 N. 76 03 w. R. Janeiro Am. Brafil Atl. Ocean 22 54 S. 42 4>W. Japan I lies Afia Pacif. Ocean f 40 40 N. h' 45 N. 141 25 E. 126 10 E. ^ r C. Delo, W. pt. r 6 50 s. 105 15 E. ~,(Eaft limit Afia Slam Indian Ocean -? 7 00 s, I 8 30 S. 115 55 E. Ice. Cove Am. N. Main Hudf. Straits 62 20 N. 69 coW. 10 00 Ice Point Eu. Nova Zem . North. Orran 77 40 N C9 10 F-. Ice Sor.nd Eu. Greenland North Occ.in 78 ,3 N. 12 00 E. 1. Jerfcy Eu. Engb.nd ii'- g. Channel 49 07 N. 2 26W. .[crufnlem Afia I^alcfline In land 31 55 N- 35 25 E. i.H ay, S. pt. I Eu. .'^rothnd Wc'r. Ocf^an 55 39. r^'- 6 20 W. R. Indui .BCok VI. tS E' O G R A P H T. 387 Names of Places. Cont. Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H. Water. ' R. Indus Afia India Indian Ocean / 25 50 N. 66 33 E. Invernefs Eu. Scotland Germ. Ocean 57 33 N. 4 02 W. I. Joanna Africa Zanguebar Indian Ocean 12 05 S. 45 45 E- Juddah Afia Arabia Red Sea 22 00 N. 39 27 E. C. St. John Am. Newfoundl. Atl. Ocean .50 08 N. 55 32W. C. St. John Africa Maiumba Eth. Ocean I 17 N. 9 34 E- St. John's Am. Newfoundl. Atl. Ocean 47 34 N. 5* 18W. 6h. om. i.st.johj^-p;; Am. Canada '| Bay St. Lau- rence 46 30 N. 47 07 N- 62 64 03 w. 05 w. I. St. John de Nova St. Jonn do Luz Africa Madsgafcar Indian Ocean 17 00 S. 44 02 E. Eu. France B. Bifcay 43 10 N. I 38 W. 3 30 Cape Jones Am. New Britain Hudfoh's Bay 58 50 N. 79 00"^ 00 . Joppa Afia Syria Levant 3a 45 N. 36 Jones Sound Am. Greenland Baffin's Bay 71 07 N. 91 30 'W. St. Jofeph Am. California Pacif. Ocean 23 3 S. 109 35 W. Ipfwich Eu. England Germ. Ocean 52 14 N. I 00 E. Ifpahan AIJa Perfia R. Zenduro 32 2; N. 5^ 55 E. C. St. Juan Am. Statenland Atl. Ocean 54 47 S. 63 42 W. I. Juan Fernandez Am. Chili Pacif. Ocean 33 45 ^ 78 37 W. Port. St. Julian Am. Patagonia S. Atl. Ocean 49 10 S. 66 loW. 4 4S I. Ivica K. Kalmer Eu. Spain Mcdit. Sea 38 54 N. I 15 E. Eu. Sweden Baltic Sea 56 40 N 17 25 E. Kambaya Afia India Indian Ocean 23 36 N. 72 50 E. Kamtfchatka?!;''''"' Afia Liberia Pacif. Oct an 5 55 II N. 155 25 E. I Upper I 54 4? N. 157 25 E. I, Karaghinfkoy Afia Siberia Pacif. Ocean 58 00 N. 162 10 E. I. St. Katharine's Am, Brafil Atl. Ocean 27 35 S. 4'> 12 W. Keco Afia Tonquin Indian Ocean 21 55 N. !0b 10 E. Kegcr Eu. Mufcovy Nortli Ocean 70 18 N. 34 00 E. R. Kenncbeck Am, N. England Atl. Ocean 44 CO N. 69 45W. Kentiih Kiiock, a 7 fand i Eu, England Germ. Ocean 51 42 N. I 45 E. 00 I. St. Kilda Eu. Scotlar.d Weft. Ocem 57 44 N. 8 18W. I. Kilduin Eu. Laplar.d North Ocean 6g 'o N. 31 20 E. 7 3^ Kinfale Eu. Irdand Atl. Oc-:.n 51 32 N. 9 01 W. 5 5 Klip Eu. Grccnhnd North Ocean 80 10 N, 12 22 E. R. Kcli Eu, Liij-lanJ North Ocean 6S C3 N. 33 08 E. C. KA Eu. Sweden Sound 56 N. 11 15 E. Port Komol Africa AbylTinia Red Sea 22 30 N. 36 17 E. IComero Iflcs Africa ZingucLar Indian Ocean C 10 48 S. 2 13 10 S. 44 46 4.5 E. 22 E. R. Kov.imia L Afia Siberia North Ocean 70 40 N, '59 CO E. Ladronc, or Marian } ines I A fill. Pacif. Ocean Til 00 N. i 13 15 N. I4.V 142 CO E. 55 E. \C. L'AlguUc Africa CruTraiia InJian Ocean 34 50 ^ 20 c6 E. !Lin:.-iftei Eu. EngUad St. G::o. Ch, 54 4^ N. 4 36 W. I. Lancjrota Africa Cauariis Atl. Ocean 29 10 N. 13 20 W. Land's End Eu. Enr.land >S:. Geo. Ch. 50 o5 N. c 50 W. 7* 30 Langericfs Eu. Nova Zcm. North Ocean 74 4'^ -' 53 36 2. ! jl. LamLi)- Eu. Ir-hnd Irifh S:a r; 2.-. N 7 3c W. S I.-; i |I. Limpa.lofa Africa Tuiiis -Mcdit. Sea r^ V^ -'' 12 45 E. in. St. LaZarus Am. PaC'i^onia Pacif. Ocean ^6 42 5. 73 35 Vv. ,C. Lclo Africa. Anjoia Atl. Occ-'.n c; 24 S. 12 r; E. iLcith Lcghjrn Eu. Eu. Scotland kaiy CicriTi. Ocran Meiit. S:;a 55 5- '' 4? 3 3 ^' 10 cc,W. 4 30 1. Lcrnn'ii Ail a Nitolii Archijiclr.'o /\r, OZ N. 25 5fi ?.. C. Lci^ua Eu. Turkey Mcill. -jJa AG /i4 N. ; u 36 V. :Lcoftj/i Eu. Enxl ind r,-rrr. Oocrr. 52 3,S N^ 1 S4 '^- 9 45 Lcpinta Eu. Turkey Mr-iic. Sn 2'< 20 iV. 7.1 C3 E.! 'L-:pcr'i Idf .\n.i N. HcbriJ;-, Pac;:\ (.\' ':. ' C - " '' J '[; J 1 i. L:fcsv l38 GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. F r.c? -;" t'li'-es. {Cont.j Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. I L Water. :. t.LlrAT I ru. Denmark Sound o , 57 05 N. / 11 06 E. f Livorpo.")! ] lu. ingiand Irilh Sea 53 2a N. 3 loW. iih.i^n^.y I. Lewes, N. point ] lu. Scotland Weft. Ocean 58 35 N- 6 37 W. 6 30 Liampo, or fJingpa i \fia China ?acif. Ocean 29 58 N 110 23 E. Lima t \m. i'cru Pacif. Ocean 12 01 s. 76 44 W. ; Lime la. England Eng. Channel 50 45 N. 3 15W. 7 00 1 Limerick Eu. Ireland R.. Shannon 51 2a N. 10 oo,W. r* I. Limofa Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 36 oS N. 13 01 E. L Lipari Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 33 35 N. 5 3 E- L Liquto Alia Japan Pacif. Ocean 28 00 N. 127 30 E. 1 LiAon Eu. Portugal R. Tagus 38 42 N. 9 4W. a IS i Lifb.in Rock Eu. Portugal Weft. Ocean 38 42 N. 9 25W. I C. Liiburnc Alia N. Hebrides, Pacif. Ocean 15 41 S. 166 C7W. j '.. Lifla Eu. Dalmatia Adriatic Sea 42 56 N. 18 32 t. 1 Lizard Eu. England Eng. Channel 49 57 N. 5 loW. 7 30 ilbs y S. W. end LofTout iN.E. end Eu. Norway North Ocean ';63 15 N. ;[ 69 00 N. 10 20 E. 12 00 E. R. Loire, Eiit. Eu. France B. Bifcay 47 07 N- 2 05 W. 3 00 London Eu. England R. Thames 51 3z N. CO 3 CO New London Am. N. England Weft. Ocean 4r 50 N. 72 14 W. 1 30. _ Londonderry Eu. Ireland Weft. Ocean 55 01 N. 7 -JiW, Long Ifle Am. N. England Weft. Ocean 41 CO N. 571 59 W. 2 74 20 W. 3 00 L Longo Eu. Dalmatia Adriat. Sea 43 45 N- 17 33 E. Longfand Head Eu. Englmd Germ. Ocean 51 47 N. J 41 E. 10 30 Lookout Tuinc Eu. Greenland North Ocean 76 4c N. 16 i^ E. C. Lopas Africa Loango Atl.- Ocean 47 S. 8 30 E. B. St. Louis Am. Loulfiana G. Mexico 28 50 N. 97 08 W. Louifbourg Am. C. Breton B. St. Lav,-. 45 54 ^'' 59 50 W. ' Luhcc Eu. Germany Bnltic Sea 54 00 N. . I 40 E. C. St. Lucar Am. California Pacif. Ocean 23 15 N. IC9 40 W, R. Lucia AfVica Caffers Lidian Ocean 27 s^ s. 33 23 E. L St. Lucia AiVic-i C.deVerd Atl. Ocean 16 43 N. 24 33 W. '; L St. Lucia Am. Caribbee Ad. Ocean 13 25 N. 60 46 w. _ r N, E. point 19 25 X. 121 45 E. S C. Baj.idor 18 50 N. 120 25 E. |< Maniiia Afn Phil, incs Pacif. 0 C. dc Arr.hre / N. point 5 1 J, ^C' .J. c ; I- '5 ^ 1 en ic E. 1 B. d'Antonjil 1 , J 6 c- s. j 4(, 4-- E. Antavare 1 . ' 1 ~o 5- S. 1 ->- 4^ E. 1 J-'.,. I)aun!iin * ; 24 4>' S. 1 4S , H. Water. Madrid 3 Eu. Spain I. Man z ana O r 40 25 N. o3 2'iW.^ Madura ' A.fia India Indian Ocean 10 15 N. 7S 35 E. R. Maes, Mouth ] Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 52 06 N;- 3 50 E. ih. 3om Str. Le Mairc Am. Patagonia Atl, Ocean 54 51 S. 65 00 W. Magadoxa Africa Zanguebar Indian Ocean 2 53 N. 45 25 E. Str. Ma- C E. ent. gellan I W. ent. Am, Patagonia Atl. Ocean Pacif. Ocean 52 30 S. 52 55 s. 67 50 W. 74 18 W. iMagifiland Afia ndia Vlalabar Coa. 12 10 N. 74 14 E. I. Maguana .Am. Bahama I. Atl. Ocean 22 36 N. 72 25 W, P. Mahon, Ifle 7 Minorca S Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 39 51 N- 3 53 E. Majorca, W. Ma- 1 Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 39 35 N. 2 35 E. jorca J C. Mala Eu. Turlcey Archipelago 37 20 N, 24 07 E. M4acca Afia India Str. Malacca 2 12 N. 102 10 E. Malaga Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 36 43 N. 4 02 W. Ides Mai- 7 N. end Afia India Indian Ocean ;; 7 20 N, t[ 20 s. 73 03 E. 76 10 E. dive 5 S. end Maleilroom Whirl- 7 pool 5 I. M.dique Eu. Norway Weft. Ocean 68 oS N. 10 40 E, Afia Maldive I. Indi.in Ocean 7 45 ^' 72 40 E. St. Maloes Eu. France Eng. Channel 48 39 N. I 57 W. 14 2 E. 6 00 I. Malta Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 35 54 ^^ I. Man, W. end Eu. England I rift Sea 53 45 N. 5 oc \V, 9 00 Mangalore Afia India Indian Ocean 13 02 N. 7^ 10 E. (Manilla Afia I. Luconla Pacif. Ocean 14 36 N. 120 58 E. I. Mansfield, N. pt. Am. New Britain Hudfon's Bay 62 3S N. 80 33W, I. Manila Africa Zanguebar Indian Ocean 8 -,6 S. 40 40 E. I. r.Iardou u. Nor'.vay Sound 58 H N. 8 S5 E. 1 I. Margarita Am. Terra Firm a Atl. Ocean II 15 N. 63 35 W. 1 R. Maragnon r Margate Am. Brafil Atl. Ocean I 48 S. 44 17W. Eu. England Eng. Channel 51 29 N. 1 10 E. 1 1 15 j C. St. Maria Eu. Portugal Atl. Oci^^an 56 45 N. 7 45 W. C. St. Maris, or Luci.i Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 40 04 N, .8 31 E. Marian or 1 N. lijn. (-21 00 N, 144 00 E, Lidrone > Afia Pacif. Occin ^ llles }S. Wqn. 1 in 15 ^^ 142 55 E. A. St. Mario Eu, Ar.O'.tt'i -Atl. Ocean 37 00 N. 25 coW. jSt. Mulie^ Eu. 1. Sciily Eng. Channel 49 57 ^' (; 3SW. r. Marlgallante Am. Wert Indiei Atl. Ocean 16 00 N. , 61 iqW. |1, Maritime, Sicily Eu. Inciii Medit. Sea 38 04 N. 12 33 E. Marqiicfa If. C. Martt-lo Afia Eu. Pacif. Ocean Medit. Sea 9 56 N. 38 00 N. I 39 00 W. 26 00 E. z 30 Turkey 'St. M.irtru Atn, Terra Firnja .Atl. Ocean ir 26 N. 74 00 W, I. St. Martin jAlTl. Weft Indic> Atl. Ocean iS 06 N. 63 c6W. C St. Martin Africa Catfcrs Atl. Ocean 31 08 S. .y 58 E. C. St. Mjrtin Lu. Spiin Medit. Sea 38 44 N. u 25 E. I. M.irtliij>;iic, Port i ' R.-'.il 1 jAni. {Wtlt Indies Atl. Ocean 14 36 N. Oi 04 W. Marfe'illc. Eu. IF; ance Medit. Sr, 43 iS N. 1 5 ^7 E. C. S'. M,.ry Am. N'cwfnundl. Atl. Ocean 46 52 N. i 54 Gl W. i C. St. M.,ry Am. Biafil Atl. Ocr-.in 34 5^ ^ 1 51 55 W. t C. St. M,.ry Aha Natolia .Archipelago 37 4^ 1^- 27 21 E. 1 ('. St. M,-v i;.i, Spain N. Atl. Ocean 36 46 N. 7 49 W. \ C. Vir/iu Vl.iry Am. P;.t.igonia S, Atl. Ocean 52 23 S. 68 lo'vV. ;M .1 t ;tr.: Am. Chili P.'fif. Oe.:.i;i 35 45 ^ 80 34 W. ; I. M-.!i .,..,!.- Afri..a '/, iU-^'i'-\,H Iii.lian Ocean 20 52 S. 55 35 E. 1 I. M.,K u.l; JAni. :I\mu P. .it'. O.ean 1 20 s. : 8S 50 w. i'M>:, .. lAli.. Aubia I^kIw. Oci:ir 23 10 N. 1 57 40 E. j \\.:k'\:r.r- Ifc:. ;.vi>., X. llcl.ri.ic . Pa.I! 0.-.Vn 16 ^2 S. i >'>7 59 E. [M ,!hlUDl li.. Sv.vJ,-,, iSr.u-ui 57 'y' ^ 1 12 c. r. |A1 ,(;;!;: ,t.r^ !.);.. It.dia 'B. Bfp^-.l 16 28 N. 1 81 40 . 59^ GEOGRAPHT. Book VI. Names of Places. Cont Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H. Water. 1 C. Matapan Eu. Turkey Archipelago 36 25 N. , 22 40 E. I. Matbare Afia Japan Pacif. Ocean 26 30 N. 137 00 E. 1, St, Mathcw's Ai\ C. Ver d Atl. Ocean 15 10 N. 23 00 W. C. May Am. Penfilvania At). Ocean 39 ^5 N. 74 43 W. 1 I. Mayettc Afric. I Madag^kfcar Indian Ocean 12 53 s. 46 10 E. Mecca Afia Arabia Red Sea 21 40 N. 41 00 E. Medina Aiia Arabia Red Sea 24 58 N- 39 53 E- I. Mclads Eu. Dalmatia Adriat. Sea 42 40 N. 19 34 E. JMclindc Africa Zangucbar Indian Ocean 3 07 S, 39 40 E. I. Mclo Eu. Turkey Archipelago 36 41 N. 25 05 E. Mcmel Eu. Courlani Baltic Sea 55 48 N. 22 23 . Mcmiiran Eu. France B. Bifcay 44 20 N. I 23 w. 3h.3oni, |I. Menado Afia I. Celebe^s. Pacif. Ocean I 36 N. 122 25 E. J30 15W. jC. Mend'jzin Am. California Pacif. Ocean 41 20 N. 1 Mercury Pay Afia N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 36 50 S. 175 12 E. R. Metaparvous Am. fiahama Atl. Ocean 21 58 N. 74 13W. Meflina Eu. I. Sicily Medit. Sea 38 21 N. 16 21 E. iC. Mcfurato Africa Tripoli Mcdit. Sea 32 18 N. 16 36 E. I.Mcty-?J;f^f= Afia Natolia Archipelago 39 3ti N. 39 n N. 26 08 E. 26 ^7 E. 3 ^^"'^ ^Po.pliviea 39 00 N. 26 50 E. I. Meua Eu. Denmark Baltic Sea 55 00 N. 13 15 E. [Mexico Am. Mexico Inland 19 54 N. ICO 01 W. Miatea Alia Society Ifies Pacif. Ocean 17 52 s. 148 I W. 1. St. Michael Eu. Azores Atl. Ocean 37 45 N- 25 38 w. Middleburgh Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 51 37 N- 3 58 E. Middleburgh, or 7 Eaoowe J Afia Friendly Ifl. Pacif. Ocean 21 21 S. 174 34 W. Mitfo:d Eu. Wales St. Geo. Ch. 51 45 N- 5 'SW. 5 '5 MHo, I. Milo Afia Tuikcy Archipelago 36 41 N. 25 05 E. Mill Ifies Ara. North Main Hudfon's Bay 64 36 N. 80 30 W. ^ o r N. point S I S. E. pt. C, St. 9 40 N. 124 25 E. - -S ) AuguilJne J| S. W. pt. Cal- ^ 1 dera "* L S. point Afia Spice Ifland. Pacif. Ocean 6 40 N. 7 00 N. 3 so N. 126 25 E. 121 25 E. 124 43 E. I. Mindora Afia Phl'.ip. Ifies Pacif, Ocean 13 oc> K. 119 37 E. I. Mi- 7 N. W. pt, norca J S.E. pt. Eu. Spain Mediterran. S 39 58 N. ^ 40 24 N. 3 54 E. 4 18 E. G. Miquclcn Am. Nevvf.andU Atl. Ocean 47 3 I^^ 56 13W. , L. Micuclon Ani. Nev.found. Atl. Ocean 46 50 N. 56 13W. I. Mifco Am. Nova Scctia G.St. Lawr. 48 04 N. 64 19 W. C. Mif^rata Africa Guinea Ul. Ocean 6 25 N. 9 35"W. R. Milliflippi, nioutli Aiti. I.ouifana ^ Ireland G.'Mcjcico 29 00 N. 89 17 w. Mizen Head Eu. Atl. Ocean 51 i5 N. 10 20 W. Mocha Afia Ar.abia Red Sea 13 4=; N, 44 04 E. Modon Eu. Tuikcy Medit. Sea 36 55 N. 21 03 E. I. Mohilla Afric. Zangucbar Indian Ocean II 55 S. 45 00 E. I. Monfirnt Am. Wcit Ir.dks Atl. Ocean 16 4S N. 62 12W. Montagu Ifle Afia N. Hebrides Pacif. Ocean 17 26 S. 16S 36 E, Montreal Am. Canada K. St. Lawr. 45 52 N- 73 iiW. I. Monte Chrifto Eu. iuly Mcdit. Sea 42 17 N. 10 2S E. C. Monte San^o Eu. Turkey Arthip'iSago 40 27 N. 24 39 E. 1 Monument Afia M. Hebrides -acif. Ocean 17 14 S, 168 38 E. Mount St. Michael Eu- France litig. Channel 48 39 N. I 35 W. I. Mcrgo Afia Natolia Archipelago 36 55 N. 26 30 E Morlrtix Eu. France ing. Channel 48 30 N. 3 50W. Mort Point | Eu. Fcgland it, Geo.Ch. 51 12 N. 4 40 W. M ofambi^uc Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 39^ Names of I*laces. Cont. Countries. Coaft. Latitude. 1 Longitude. H. Water. Mofamblque Africa Zanguebar Indian Ocean O / 15 CO S. a , 41 40 E. Molcow Eu. Ruffia R. Mofcow' 55 45 N. 37 5^ E- Mofquitos Bank Am. Mexico Atl. Ocean 14 45 N. 80 C5W. ' C. Mount Africa Guinea Atl. Ocean 7 13 N. 10 4.4 w. Mount's Bay Eu. England Eng. Channel 50 05 N. 5 45 W. 4h. 3om< Moufe River Am. New Wales Hudfon's Ba\ 51 zs N. 83 I 5 V/. C. Mufaldoh N C. Nabo Afia Arabia Perfian Gulf 26 04 N. 55 22 E. Afia Japan Pacif. Ocean 40 35 N. 141 25 E. Nangafack Afia Japan Pacif. Ocean 32 32 N. 128 50 E. Nankin A 111 China Pacif. Ocean 3z C7 N. 118 35 E. Nantes Eu. Frar.ce B. Bifcay 47 13 ^' I 29 w. 3 00 Nantucket ICe Am. New Eng. Weft. Ocean 41 34 N. 69 40 W. Naples Eu. Italy iMcdit. Sea ' 40 51 N. 14 19 E. Narhonne Eu. France Medit. Sea 43 II N. 3 05 E- Narfjnga Afia India B. Bengal 18 OS N. 85 20 E. Narva Eu. Livonia G, Finland 59 c8 N. 29 iS E. I. NalTau Afia Sumatra Indian Ocean 3 00 S. IOC 25 E. C. Naflbu Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean 7 53 N- 58 07 W. NafTau Str. Eu. Rulfia North Ocean 69 55 N. 57 30 B. Natal Africa Ca.Ters Indian Ocean 29 25 S. 33 10 E. I. Naxos Eu. Turkey Archipelago 37 06 N. 25 58 E. Naze Eu. Norway Weft. Ocean- 57 5^ ^' 7 32 E. II 15 Needles Eu. England Eng. Channel 50 AJ N. I 28 W. 10 15 C. Negrailles Alia Pegu B. Bengal 16 20 N. 94 15 E- C Negro Afi-ica Caffers Atl. Ocean 16 30 S. II 30 E. C. Negro Africa Barbary Medit. Sea 37 17 N. 9 09 E. Negropont Eu. Turkey Archipelago 38 30 N. 24 05 E. Port Nelfon Am. New Wales Hud Ion" 3 Bay 57 07 N. 92 37W. Port Nelfjn's Shoals Am. New Wales Hudfon's Bay 57 35 N. 92 07 W. 8 10 I. Nevis Am. Caribbeelllcs A-rl. Ocean ' 17 II N. 62 52W. 3 15 Newcaftle Eu. England Germ. Ocean 55 03 N. I 28 W. R. Nicaragua Am. New Spain At!. Ocean 11 40 N. 82 47 W. Nice Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 43 42 N. 7 22 E. if. N'icobar Afia Siam B, Bengal 7 22 N. 94 40 E. I. Sr. Nicholas Africa C. Vcrd I. Atl. Ocean 16 35 N. 24 06 W. Nlcotera Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 33 33 N. 16 30 E. Nieuport Eu. Flanitcrs Germ. Ocean 51 cB N. 2 50 E. 12 00 Ninhay Afia China Pacif. Ocean 37 10 N. 122 25 E. Ningpfi, or Liampo Af.a China Pacif. Ocea,n 29 58 N. 120 23 E. I. Nio Eu. Turkey Archipelago 36 48 N. 26 02 E. I. Noel Afia India Indian Ocean 10 30 S. 105 25 E. C. Noir Am. T. del Fuego Pacif. Oce.in 54 32 S. 73 3W. Norfolk Ifle Afia N. Holland Pacif. Ocean 29 2 S. 168 15 E. C. de Non Africa Barbary Atl. Ocean 28 04 N. 10 32W. Nonibrc d;; Dios Am. Terra Firma Carribbe, Sea 9 43 ^ 73 35W. Norc Eu. Eng'tnd R. Thames 51 28 N. 48 . 00 Norlton Am. I'cnfylv.inia Inland 40 10 N. 75 '7W. C. North Am. Tcria Fi.ma Atl. Ocean I 45 ^' 49 coW. C. Nn.th Am. C. Breton Atl. Ocean 47 5 ^ 60 8W. C. North Am. S. Georgia Atl. Ocean 54 5 '' 38 loW. N.Ca]>e, I. Maggoro'; E.J. Lapland North Ocean 71 10 N. 26 02 E. 3 CO Nr.rth I'-.i.;- Eu. N'a|-u,iy North Ocean 62 15 N. 6 15 E. N ,:t-n El'ir^- Am. North Main Jludfon's Str. 62 30 N. 70 50 W. 1. No'in^him, E. p'. Am. New Britain Hudf-jn's St;r. 63 35 N. 77 4''^W. 1 00 O.ilri I'.lia Rjy Afia Orahe'te Pacif. Oeean 17 46 S. 149 9VV. Ov7Ao-.v E'u 1 urkcy Black Sea 45 .7-N. Vx 4'5 E. ' S^-.i Evu Swcd'-a Baltic S.-a 5 56 .5 N. i^ 5S E. 17 ^5 E. ,0';n:r, .n"-. , B :y Afia Society l/les U! la tea J 6 46 "s! I -, 1 \\ w. 1 1 20 ;;>l' H-:', ..! '^inr.l- Eu. lix-l.i::d Ati. Oc^n 51 -,o N. S : ; V/. I. Oleioa 39^ GEOGRAPHY. Book VL Names of Places. Cent. Eu. Countries. France Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H.Water.' I. Oleron B. Bi^ayk^ 46 03 N. I 20 W. O'inde Am. Brafil S.Atl. Ocean $ 13 s. 3? 00 W. Oliva Eu. Germany Baltic Sea " r4 20 N. 18 30 E. Ollone Eu. France B. Bifcay 46 34 N. I 36 W. 3h.45m; OMgKa Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 43 57 N. 7 52 E- Oporto dan Eu. Portugal Atl. Ocean 41 10 N. 8 22 W. Africa Barbary Mcdit. Sea 35 45 N"' 00 C. Orange Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean 47N. 50 50 W. Oibitdlo Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 42 30 N. 12 00 E. I. Orchillo ^ Am. Terra Firma Carribean Sea II 32 N. 65 25W. Orenburg Aiia Aitracan Inlanii 51 4 N. 55 14 E- - Orfoidnefs Eu. England Germ. Ocean 52 17 N' I U E. 9 "45 Orkney Ifles, limits Eu. Scotland Weft. Oceafl 'JS9 24 N. ,[58 44 N. 3 23W. z iiW. 3 00 New Orleans Am. Louifiana R. Miffiflipi 30 00 N. 89 54W. I. Ormus Afia Pcrf.a G. Perfia 27 30 N. 55 17 E. C, delOrOjOrOlerada Africa N'egroland Atl. Ocean :i3 30 N. 14 31W. R. OronoCjUS Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean 8 08 N. 59 50 W. C. Oropeib Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 40 20 N. 49 E. Orik Afia Aiiracan Inland 51 12 N. 58 37 E. C. Ortcpal Eu. Sr>ain B. Bifcay 43 47 N. 8 3^W. Ortona " Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 42 19 N. 14 37 E. I. Ortiba Am. I'erra Firma Caribbean Sea i: 03 N. 69 03 W. tofnaburg IHc A:i3 Srciety Ifles Pacif. Ocean 22 00 S. 141 34 w. }Oft;-nd Eu. Fl.mders Germ. Ocean 51 14 N. 3 00 E, 12 CO iC. Otranto Eu. tAy Medit. Sea 40 23 N. 17 41 E. lOwharre Bay lifia I-lL:ahc!ne Pacif. Ocean 16 44 S. 151 3W. I'Ozaca ft P !,C. Padron Afia Japan Pacif. Ocean' 35 10 N. 134 05 E. Africa Congo Atl. Ocean 6 00 S. ir 40 E. Paira Am. Peru Pac'.f. Ocean 5 20 S. Sq 35W. C. yiilio'jrl Eu. Turkey Archipelago 39 59 N. 24 03 E. Palcrinc, I. Sicily Eu. It^ay ' Medit. Sea 38 10 N. 13 43 E- P..!ia:-:ate ' Pdlifsr^ Ides AT.a India B. Bengal 13 40 N. So 50 E. Ai'a Society Lies Pacif. Ocean 15 38 S. 146 2SW. C. ?2)iif?r Afa N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 41 40 S. 17.; 28 E. I. Fal.-na A t ric:i Ciinarics At'. Ocean 23 36 N. 17 45W. il. PAlnj,\ria Eu. Italy Medit. Sraps, a fand P.u. England Straits Dover 51 53 N. I 25 E. Robin Hood's Bay Lu. England Germ. Ocean 54 ~S N. 08 W. 3 00. I. Rocca Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean II 21 N. 66 17W. jRochcfort Eu. Francs B. Bifcay 46 03 N. c 54 W. 4 15 ;Rc(hel Eu. France Bay Bifcay 46 10 N. I 5W. 3 45 Rocheftcr Eu. Engl.ind R. Medway SI 26 N, 30 E. 45^ I. Rndiiguc Afia Madagafcar Indian Ocean 19 41 S. 62 45 E< C. Romaiii Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean II 40 N. 69 05W. ;Romc Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 41 54 N. 12 34 E. ;I. Roncadorc Am. Mexico Atl. Ocean 13 30 N. 78 53W. JRood Bay Eu. Greenland North Ocean 79 53 N. 14 CO E. IC. Roque Am. Brafil Atl. Ocean 5 00 S. 35 43 W. jl. Roqueniz Africa Madagafcar Indian Ocean 9 51 S. 64 30 E. iG. Rofes Eu. Spain Mcdit. Sea 42 10 N. 3 18 E. Ro.lock Eu. Germany P;utic Sea 54 10 N. 12 50 E. 'I. Rotterdam Afia Fi'icndly Is. Pacif. Ocean 20 16 S. 174 25 W- ^Rotterdam Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean SI 56 N, 4 33 E- 3 00 Rouen Ell. France R. Seine 49 27 N. I 10 E. I 15 !jC. Roxant; Fu. Portugal Atl. Ocean 38 45 N. 9 30 W. C. Roxo Africa N'egroland Atl. Ocean II 42 N. 14 33W. Po, Roval Am. I. Jamaica Caribbean Sen 17 40 N. 76 37W. !C. Rcziei- Am. Novii Scotia G. St. Lav,-. 48 S5 N. 63 36 W. 1. R-ig^n ta. Germany Baltic .Sea 54 32 N- 14 30 E. 'I. Rum Key, or 7 Saniana 5 Am. Bahama Atl. Ocean 23 00 N. 74 20 W. JR. Rupert Am. New Britain Hudfon's Bay 51 45 ^' 78 40 w. 'C. Ruii'to Africa Barca Medit, Sea 32 53 N. 20 41 E.. 'Ruft Ii1(.s Eu. Norw^ty North Sea 67 40 N. JO 25 E. ,Ry= 1 s C. Sable u. England Eng. Channel 51 03 N. 45 E. " '5 Am. .Vnva Scot'a Atl, Ocean 41 24 N. 65 35W. il. .Sjb!e, W. end Am. Nova Scotia Atl. Ocean U 9 ^z 60 29 W. 1 ,1. SacdJ? b:)clt Am. North Main Hu if. Strait. 62 07 N. 68 13W. 10 00 !.Saffi;t Africa Barbiry Atl. Ocean :i: 70 N. 8 50 W. 11. Sarr.'al b'u:'. AflicH Egypt Red Sea 27 0^ N. 34 40 E. IB. Saldanna AtriLa Carters Atl. Ocean 32 35 S- 19 30 E. ' J^ LSaI Book vr. GEOGRAPHY. 3H Names of Places. Cent. Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H. Water. I. Sal Africa C. Vcrd Atl. Ocean i6 3'8 N. 22 s'lW. Salerno u. Italy Mcdit, Sea 40 39 N. 14 48 E. I. Salini, Liparl 111. Eu, Italy Medit. Sea 3S 39 N. 15 24 E. I. SalUbiii-y Am. N Main Hudfon's Bay 63 29 N. 76 47 W. Sallee Africa Barbaiy Atl. Ocean 33 58 N. 6 20 W. Solomon Illes Afia Pacif. Ocean C 5 so S. Ill 15 S. 171 05 W, 178 35W. Salonechi Eu, Turkey Archipelago 40 41 N. 23 13 E. I. Salvages Africa Canaries N.AU. Ocean 3 00 N. 15 49 w. ""'"^'{Si:;} Am. North Main Hudf. Straits 561 48 N. I62 32|N. 66 20 W. 70 48|W gh. oom. II 10 I. Samos Afia Natolia Archipelago 37 46 N. 27 13 E. C. Sambrough Am. Nova Scotia Weftcrn Oc. 44 33 N. 63 20 W. Sandwich Eu. England Downs 51 20 N. I 20 E. II 30 1 Sandwich Ifland Afia N. Hebrides Pacif. Ocean 17 41 S. i65 38 E. Sandwich Harbour Afia Malicola Pacif. Ocean 16 25 S. 167 58 E. Sandwich's Bay Am. St. Georgia Atl. Ocean 54 42 S. 36 4W. I. Sanguin Afia Philip, Illes Pacif. Ocean 3 5^ N. 122 30 E. I. Sanlen Eu. Norway North Ocean 69 3c N, 14 30 E. Santa Cruz Africa Barbary Atl. O.ccaii 30 30 N. 9 35W. 2 r N. limit 41 15 N. 9 31 E- .'S S. pt. C. Tavo- ^ < laro Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 38 54 N. 9 '5 E- '^ Cagliari 39 25 N. 938E. -< l_Oriftagni /. 39 53 N. 9 01 E. Sarcna Am. Chili Pacif. Ocean 29 40 S. 71 15W. Saunders's Ifle Am. Sandwich L. Atl. Ocean 58 00 S. 26 53 w. C. Saunders Am. St. Georgia Atl. Ocean 54 6 S. 36 53 W. Scanderoon Afia Syria Levant 36 35 N. 36 25 E. Scarborough head Eu. England Germ. Ocean 54 18 N. 00 00 3 45 I. Scarpanto Afia Natolia Arcliipelago 35 45 N. 27 40 E. 1. Scatarie, N. E. pt. Am. Acadia Wert. Ocean 46 01 N. 61 57W. Scaw Eu. Denmark Sound 57 34 N- 10 54 E. I Schclling Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 53 27 N. 5*30 E. .2 r C. St. Nicholas r 38 is N. 26 12 E. ^ -i Scio M4 Natolia Archipelago i 38 24 N. 26 29 E. >^ {_C. Blanco I 3'S 08 N. 26 20 E. Scilly I/lcs Eu, Engl.'.nd St. Geo. Ch. 50 00 N. 6 45 W. 3 45 Scolt Head Eu. England Germ. Ocean 53 00 N. 44 E. 6 20 Scats Sctilemcnt Am. Terra Firma Carribbc. Sea 8 45 N. 76 3sW. 1. Sea Eu. Turkey Archipelago 37 3 N. 24 53 E. ScanicT Eu. France B. Bifcay 48 00 N. 4 51 W. I. ScbaWes Am. Patagonia S. Atl. Ocean 50 53 S. 59 35 W. C. Scbajtian Am. California Pacif. Ocean 43 00 N. 126 00 W. C. St. ScbafKan Africa Mad.igafcar Indian Ocean 12 30 S. 46 30 E. St. Stbarti an Eu. Spain B. Bifcay 43 16 N, 2 05 W. i'ort Scgura Am. Brafil Atl. Ocean 16 57 S. 39 45 W. R. Senegal Africa Negroland Atl. Ocean 15 53 N. 16 26W. 10 30 I, Scrnnilha Am. Weft Indies Atl. Ocean 16 20 N. 79 40 w. I. Serigo Eu. Turkey Artliipcla'jo 36 09 N. 23 34 E. I. St-rtcs Africa Canarlei Atl. Ocean 32 35 N. 16 20 W, R. .Scftos Africa Giilnca Atl. Ocean 5 4 N. 8 13W. Seven Capc; Africa Barbaiy McJii. Sea 37 30 J^. 6 15W. Seven Stones, or Iflcs Eu. England St. Geo. Ch. 50 ID N. 6 40 W. 4. 30 R. Severn, Ent. Eu. England St. Geo. Ch, 51 4' N. 3 osW. 6 R. Severn Am. New Wales Hudfon's Bay 56 12 N. 88 57 W. R. Scyn, Ent. Eu. France Eng.Cliannel 49 36 N. 30 5. 9 00 SeynhcaJ u. France Eng. Channel 49 44 N. 34 E, Shecrnel", Eu. England K. Tliamc 51 25 N. 50 F..1 Q CO ShcphcrJ'b Illes Afia N. Hebrides Pacif. 0>.ean 17 CO S. 16S 47 E. liam Afia Indln Bay Slum 14 iS N. 1 100 Si E. K.ISiarri Enr. Afia India Bay Slum 13 IS N. 1 100 4- H. ! r mi.mt- IT a. if , a- Ff 2 s;c!4 39^ GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. Names of Places. Cont. Countries. Ceaft. Latitude. Longitude. H. Water. Siara f E. end, Mcflina 1 Catanca >:> 1 Syracufe ^m. 1 3rafil \tl. Ocean / 3 18 S. "38 lo N. 37 42 N. 37 04 N. 39 50 W. 15 58 15 21 E. 15 31 E. ;5 J S. end, C, Paf- i .> fara Eu. taly Mcdit. Sea 36 35 N. 37 M N 15 22 E. c: Alicata 14 07 E. W. end, C. Bocco 37 5' N. 21 43 E. Palermo ^38 10 N. 13 43 E. Sierra Leona Africa Guinea Atl. Ocean 8 30 N. 12 07W. 8h. 15m. Sillabar Road Afia t. Sumatra [niian Ocean ' 4 cx) S. 102 50 E. Str. Sincapore Afia Malacca Indian Ocean 1 00 N. 104 30 E. R. Sindn, or Indus, > mouth 3 Afia India Indian Ocean I 24 30 N. i25 45 N, 63 10 E. 62 40 E. Po. Shabak Africa Abyflinia Red Sea 18 5S N. 38 24 E. Shark, or Sahorfe ? point * ' ] Am. New Wales Hudfon's Bay 64 05 N. 82 12W. V Shields Eu. England Germ. Ocean 55 oz N. I 20 W, Shelvock's Ifle Am. California Pacif. Ocean 23 15 N. 117 35W. Shiilocks Eu. Ireland Weft. Ocean 51 30 N. 11 05 w. 5 1. Shetland, limits Eu. Scotland Weft. Ocean '[60 47 N. \[ 59 54 N. loW. J 31 W, 3 00 Shoreham Eu. England Eng. Channel 50 55 N. 00 17 E. 10 30 I. Sky {^-r?'"' ' I S. pomt Eu. Scotland Weft. Ocean :> 57 50 N. 1:57 15 N. 6 30 W. 6 16W. 5 30 Sleepers Ifles T Am. New Britain Hudfon's Bay f 60 00 N. < 58 35 N. ?8i 30 W. Great Sleeper 5 (.60 10 N. 82 00 W. The Sleepers lie in a chain from the Great Sleeper down to Lat. 58 50' N & Long. 82 20' W. Sline Head Eu. Ireland Weft. Ocean 53 20 N. 2 iSW. R. Slude Am. New Britain Hudfon's Bay 53 H N. 78 50 w. Sluyce Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 51 19 N. 3 50 E- C. Smith Am. Labradore Hudfon's Bay 60 48 N, 80 55W, Smyrna Afia Natolia Archipelago 38 28 N. 27 25 E. i. Socatora Africa Anian Indian Ocean 12 15 N. 52 55 E. C. Solomoji Eu. I. Candia Medit. Sea 34 57 N. 27 06 E. R. Sommc Eu. France Eng, Channel 50 18 N. 1 40 E. n 00 Sound Royal Eu. Iceland North Ocean 66 22 N, 15 I5W. , Southampson |C. Southampton Eu. England Eng. Channel 50 55 N. I 00 W. 00 Am. New Wales Hudfon's Bay 61 54 N. 86 14W. South Cape Afia IDiemen's la. Pacif, Ocean 42 40 s. 130 05 E. 'C. Spartivento Ku. iltaly Medit. Sea . 37 50 N, 16 41 E. ,C. Spartel Africa Barbary Atl. Ocean 35 46 N. 5 5SW. :I. Spirito SanSo Am. iBrafil Atl. Ocean 20 24 S. 39 55 W. Spurn Eu. England Germ. Ocean 53 35 N 30 E. 5 '5 i. Stnir.pp.lli Afia Natolia Archipelago 36 25 N. 26 55 E. I. S^ancho Afia Natolia Archipelago 36 50 N, 27 30 E. IStart point Eu. England Eng, Channel 50 09 N. 346W. 6 45 ; 2 r C. St. John r 54 45 S. I 55 08 S. 60 35W. j|- ^ C. St. Bartho- Am. Patagonia Atl. Ocean 60 45 W. jStavenger Eu. Norway Weft. Ocean 58 47 N. 6 4sE. jC. Strphcn* Afia N. Zealand Pacif. Ocean 40 36 S. 174 05 E. Sietin Eu. Germany Baltic Sea 53 36 N. 15 25 E. C. Stiilo Eu, Italv Medit. Sea 38 23 N. 17 07 E. Port Steven t Am. Chili 1 Pacif. Ocean \ 46 50 S. 82 36W. q Stoekholt B Book VI. GEOGRAPHY. 397 Names of Places. Cont. Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H.Watcr. Stockholm Eu. Sweden Baltic Sea < 59 22 N. 18 12 E. 5h. 1511). Stockton Eu. England Germ. Ocean 54 33 N. I isW. Straelfund Eu. Germany . Baltic Sea 54 23 N. 14 10 E. Strangford Bay Eu. Ireland IriA Sea 54 23 N. 5 40 W. 10 30 I. Stromboli Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 38 42 N. IS 48 E. Succefs Bay Am. T. del Fuego Atl. Ocean 54 50 S. 65 20 W. Suez Town Africa Egypt Red Sea 29'5o N. 33 17 E. Sukadana Afia I. Borneo Indian Ocean I 00 s. 110 40 E. I, Suma- C NW. end tra I SE. end Afia India Indian Ocean J 5 IS N. i 5 07 S. 95 55 E. 106 20 E. Sunderland Eu. England Germ. Ocean 54 55 N; I 00 W. 3 30 Str. Sunda Afia Siam Indiaji Ocean 6 10 S. 105 35 E. Surinam Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean 6 30 N. 55 30 W. Surat Afia India Indian Ocean 21 10 N. 72 25 E. I. Surroy Eu. Lapland North Ocean 71 00 N. 22 00 E. Swaken Africa Abyflinia Red Sea 19 30 N. 37 38 E. Swally Road Afia India Arabian Sea 21 55 N. 72 CO E. Swanfey Eu. Wales St. Geo. Cha. 51 40 N. 4 25 W. Sweetnofc Eu. Lapland North Ocean 68 08 N. 34 4 E. Swin, a fand Eu. England Ent. Thames 5' 37 N. I 12 E. 12 00 Syracufe Eu. I. Sicily Medit. Sea 37 04 N. IS 31 E. Syriam T Tadoufac Fort Afia Pegu B. Bengal 16 00 N. 96 40 . Am. Canada R. St. Lawr. 48 00 N. 67 35W. I- Tamarica Am. Brafil Atl, Ocean 7 56 S. 35 05W. Tamarin Town Africa I. Socatora Indian Ocean 12 30 N. 53 14 E. 9 00 B. Tananarin Afia Malacca B. Bengal 12 00 N. 98 48 E. I. Tandoxima Afia Japan Barbary Pacif. Ocean 30 30 N. 130 40 E. Tangier Africa Atl. Ocean 35 55 N. 545W. Tanna Afia N. Hebrides Pacif. Ocean 19 32 s. 169 45 E. 3 op Taoukaa Afia Society Ifles Pacif. Ocean 14 31 s. 145 4W. Tarento Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 40 43 N. 17 31 E. C. Tat'nam Am. New Wales Hudfon's Bay 57 35 N. 91 30W. R. Tees, mouth Eu. England Germ. Ocean 54 36 N. 52 W. 3 00 Tegoantepec Am. Mexico Pacif. Ocean 14 45 N. 96 23W. Tellichery Afia India Malabar Coaft II 42 N. 75 30 E. C. Telling Eu. Ireland Weft. Ocean 54 40 N. 10 07 W. I. Tenedos Afia Natolia Archipelago 39 57 N. 26 14 E. - 1. Teneriff (Peak) Africa Canaries Atl. Ocean 28 13 N, 16 24 W. 3 00 C. Tenes Africa Barbary Medit. Sea 36 26 N. 1 53 E. I. Tercera Eu. Azores Atl. Ocean 38 45 N. 27 01 W. Terra Nieva Am. N Main Hudf. Straits 62 4 N. 67 2W. 9 50 Tervere Eu. D. Neth. Germ Ocean SI 38 N. 3 35 E. 45 Tetuan Africa Barbary Medit. Sea 35 27 N. 4 50 w. I. Texel Eu. D. Neth. Germ. Ocean 53 10 N. 4 59 E. 7 30 C, St, Thadau! Afia Siberia North Ocean 62 10 N. 175 05 E. R. Thames, mouth Eu. England Germ. Ocean 51 28 N. 1 10 E. 1 30 C. St. Thomas Africa Catfcrs Atl. Ocean 24 54 s. 15 25 E. I. St. Thomas Africa Guinea Atl. Ocean 00 00 I CO E. St. Thomas Afia India B. Bengal 13 00 N. 80 00 E. C. Tlirec Points Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean 10 51 N. 62 41 W. C. Three Points Africa Guinea Atl. Ocean 4 48 N., I 2lW. South Thule Am. Sandwich la. Atl. Ocean 59 34 S. 27 45 W, I. Tidore Afia Molucca Is. Indian Ocean 35 N. 126 40 E. , ^. CNE. pt. I.T.mor Jsw.pt. Afia Molucca Is. Indian Ocean ': 8 20 s. i 10 23 s. 127 40 E. 123 55 E. Tinmouth Eu. England Germ. Ocean 55 03 N- 1 17W. 3 00 I. Tino Bu. Turkey Archipelago 37 33 N. 25 43 P.. I. Tobago Am. Carribbce Atl. Ocean n 15 N. 60 27W. ToboKki Afia Siberia Inland 58 12 N. 68 20 E. B. Todo? Sanfloj , Am. Brafil Atl, Ocean 13 05 S. 38 45 W. Tontjuirj 39 G E O G R A P H Y* Book VL < 1 =" 'ii.'. * =SKS: Names of Places. Cont. Countries. Coaft. Latitude. Longitude. H.W?tr. Tonquin Afia India Pacif. Ocean O ( 20 50 N. los 55 E- Tonfcerg Eu. Norway Sound 58 50 N. 10 osE. Topfljam Eu. England Eng. Channel 50 37 N. 3 27 w. 6h.oom. Torbay Eu. England Eng. Chartnel 50 34 N. 3 36 w. S 'j Tome* Eu. Sweden G. Bothnia 65 51 N- 24 16 E. R. Tortof* Eu. Spain Medit. Sea 40 47 N. I 03 E. I. Tortola Am. Antl. Ifle Atl. Ocean 18 24 N. 65 00 W. I. Tory Eu. Ireland Weft. Ocean 55 09 N' 8 30 w. 5 30 Toulon Eu. France Medit. Sea 43 07 N. 6 oz E. C. Trefalga Eu. Spain Atl. Ocean 36 08 N. 5 58 W. I. Tremiti Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 42 09 N. 15 40 E. C. dc Tics forcas Africa Barbary Medit. Sea 35 30 N- 2 iiW. I. Trailles Afia India Indian Ocean 19 30 S. 101 25 E. I. Trinity Am. Brafil AtUOcean 20 25 s. 23 35 W. I. Trinidada, E. pt. Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean 10 38 N. 60 27 W. Trinity Bay, Ent. Am. Newfound). Atl. Ocean 48 30 N. 52 35W. Trieft Eu. Carniola Adriat. Sea 45 51 N. 14 03 E. IS Trinquemali Afia I. Ceylon Indian Ocean 8 so N. 83 24 E. Tripoli Afia Syria Levant 34 53 N. 36 07 E. Tripoly Africa Barbary Medit. Sea 32. 54 N. 13 10 E. G.Trifte Am. Terra Firma Atl. Ocean 10 19 N. 67 41 W. I. Triftian d'Acunha Africa Cafters S. Atl. Ocean 37 i S. 13 23 W. If. Tromfound Eu. Lapland North Ocean 70 20 N. 19 00 E. Truxilla Am. Peru Pacif. Ocean 8 00 S. 78 35W. Tunder Eu. Denmark Weft. Ocean <;5 00 N. 9 35 E. Tunis Africa Barbary Medit. Sea 36 47 N. 10 16 E. Turin Eu. Italy R. Po 45 05 ^' 7 45 E. I. Turks Am. Bahama Atl. Ocean 21 18 N. 7> 05 W. Turtle Illand Afia Eu. Pacif. Occam Medit. Sea 19 49 S. 39 30 N. 177 52 W. 40 W. V Valcncij Spain St. Valery Eu. Franc* Eng. Channel 50 II N. t 42 E. 10 30 Valoni Eu. Turkey Medit. Sea 40 55 N. 21 15 E. Valparifo Am. China Pacif. Ocean 33 03 S. J^ 14W. Van Diemen's land Afia N. Holland Indian Ocean 43 38 S. 146 27 E. Vanncs Eu. France B. Bifcay 47 39 N. 2 41 W. 3 45 C. Vela Am. Terra Firma At). Ocean 12 15 N. 71 20 w. P. Venus Afia Otahcite Pacif. Ocean 17 29 S. 149 31 w. 10 38 Venice Eu. Italy Medit. Sea 45 27 N. 13 9 .. Vera Cruz Am. New Spain G. Mexico 19 12 N. 97 25 W. C. Verd Africa Negroland Atl. Ocean 14 45 N. J7 28W. Vhma Eu. Sweden G. Bothnia 63 45 N. 21 10 E. Vicegapatam Afia India B. Bengal 17 30 N. H 02 E. C. Viftory Am. Patagonia Pacif. Ocean 52 IS S. 74 28 W. Vienna Ea. Germany R. Danube 48 11 N. 16 28 E. Vigo- Eu. Spain Atl. Ocean 42 14 N. 3 23 W. B. St. Vincer.t Am. Paraguay Atl. Ocean 23 55 S. 45 iiW. C. St. Vincent Eu. Portugal Atl. Ocean 37 01 N. 8 58 W. I. St. Vincent Africa C. Verd Atl. Ocean 17 47 N. 24 44W. I. St. Vincent Am. Carribbee Atl. Ocean 13 OS N. 6i 05 w. R. St. Vincent Africa Guinea Eth. Ocean 4 SO N. n 41 w. C. Virgins Am. Patagonia Atl. Ocean 52 23 S. 67 50W. I. Virgins Am. Antil. Ific Atl. Ocean 18 18 N. 64 I4W. Virgin Rocks Am. Newfound!. Atl. Ocean 46 30 N. 51 30 w. Umba Eu. Ruffia Inland 65 40 N. 34 IS E. C. Vo'.o Eu. Turkey Archipelago 39 07 N. 23 23 E. R. Voltas Afiica Guinea Atl. Ocean 5 52 N. I 10 E. C. Voltas Africa Caffers Atl. Ocean 28 04 S. 16 j8 E. Upf^il Eu. Sweden R. Sala 59 5" N. 17 47 E. Lramlberg Eu. Denmark Baltic Sea 55 54 N. 12 57 E. i. Ufhant Eu. . France Eng. Channel 48 30 N. 5 qW. 4 %*> J. Vitlca Book VI. 9 CO s. 141' 6 E. Winchelfea Eu. England Eng. Channel 50 58 N. 50 E. 45 Wintertrtr.cfs Eu. England Germ. Ocean 53 02 N. I zz E. 9 00 |Wiibiiy in I. Gotland Eu. Sweden Baltk Sea 57 40 N. 19 50 E. jC. Wrath Eu. Scotland Weft. Ocean 58 40 N. 4 50 E. Wjhourg y Eu. Finlana C. Finland 60 55 N. 30 20 E. Yamhoa Afia Arabia Red Sea 24 25 N. 38 54 E. ! Yarmouth Eu. England Germ. Ocean 5^ 55 N, I 40 E. 9 45 |Yas dc Amber Africa Zan^uebar Indian Ocean 00 47 J5 E. jVtUmv Rivxr Afia China Pacif, Ocean 34 06 N. 120 10 E. |Y1o Ani. Peru Pacif. Ocean 17 36 s. 71 08 w. !Capc York Afia N, Holland Endeavour St. 10 41 s. 141 39 E. York For: Am. New W lies HudfouS Bay 57 02 N. 92 47 W. 9 10 York, Xe// Am. N. England Atl, Ocean 4a 43 N. 74 04 w. 3 Youghal! z Eu. Ireland St. Geo, Ch. 51 46 N. 8 06 W. 4 30 Zacan.;^ Am. Mexico Pscif Ocean y ir N. 105 ooW. Zaclce I. /ant I. Za,,7'bar jZuro Am. Antilles Atl. Ocran 18 24 N. 67 52 w. Fu. Italy Adiiatic Sea 37 5'J N. 21 30 E, Africa Zang'icbar Indian Ocean 6 55 S, 40 10 E, r.u. Daln.itia Medit. Sea 44 '5 N. 16 65 E. C34 23 s. 172 44 E. Afin. Pacif. Ocean ] iz- ( r-i"'- I47 20 s. 167 50 E. /.enan ) Afn Arab; I Inh.nd 16 J.O N. 47 44 E. 'Zujit Stj I-.u. 1>. Nr.lh. Germ. Occ-iTi 3 00 -tr^ 400 GEOGRAPHY. Book VI. Bcfides the times of high-water in the preceding table, the following times ferve for eoafts of confiderable extent, and will ferve nearly for tht places on thofe eoafts. Finmark, orNNW. coaft of Lapland, ih. 30m. Jutland Iflesoh.om. Friefland coaft yh. 30m. Zealand coaft ih. 30m. Flanders coaft oh. cm. Picardy and Normandy eoafts lOh. 30m. Bifcay, Gallician, and Portugal eoafts 3h. com. Irifli W. coaft 3h. com. Irifh S. coaft 5h. 15m. Africa W. coaft 3h. cm. America W. coaft ^h, om. America . coaft 4h. 30 m, END or BOOK VI. a^d or VOL. L UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. RtC'O ID-IHK OCT 01 1985 ?. MAR 13 MAR 6$ no. ? ml mi 41584 RARYQa ^^^^LIBRARYQ^ A\\tiM\tRV^. ! 17 " " 1 i -^ tj ) g 3 1 158 01 172 3532 ^ " ^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 084 271 6 cx|^^