Shepard •^ry • HARPOOT 38^ ■40' V F THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA \ GIFT OF FUNDA9AO CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN DR. FRED DOUGLAS SHEPARD " SHEPARD OF AINTAB " SHEPARD OF AINTAB BY ALICE SHEPARD RIGGS INTERCHURCH PRESS NEW YORK COPTRIOHT, 1920, BY INTBRCHUKCH WORLD MOVEMENT OP NORTH AMERICA ^n^lo i LORRIN ANDREWS SHEPARD WHO HAS TAKEN UP THE NOBLE TASK WHERE HIS FATHER LAID IT DOWN • • 81 VI. Facing the Mob » • • 105 VII. Summer Outings and Hunting Trips » • • 127 VIII. A Friend to All I • • 149 IX. All Things to All Men . » • • 165 X. Tragedies of the War . » • • 183 Postlude 9 • • 199 ILLUSTRATIONS Fred Douglas Shepard, M.D. . . Frontispiece FACING The Examination 36 Writing the Prescription .... 36 The Black Walls of Diarbekir ... 52 A Glimpse of Aintab, Central Turkey College 52 Dr. Caroline Hamilton and an Armful of Patients 68 Dr. Shepard at the Home-Made Operating- Table 68 Dr. Shepard and a Favorite Horse . . 84 A Horse Is Useful in Fording a River . . 84 Waiting for Soup at the Hospital Soup- KlTCHEN 116 Dr. Shepard Climbing a Mountain of Asi- atic Turkey 132 Kurdish Patients 156 A. Kurdish Home 156 PREFACE There is nothing which so stirs the blood and inspires one with the desire to live a life that shall count for something as reading the life of a man who so lived. The new glimpses of my father's life, coming to me from one and another of those whose lives he touched, have brought new inspiration as I have woven them, together with my own memories, into the story told in this volume. It would be impossible in a short preface to acknowledge my indebtness to all who have helped in the preparation of this book. Much of the material has been taken from the briefer sketch bearing the same title, issued by the American Board, and written by Mr. Fred B. Goodsell, one of Dr. Shepard's younger associates. Other asso- ciates who have furnished many facts and inci- dents are Dr. Caroline F. Hamilton, Mrs. Isabel Trowbridge Merrill, Miss Isabel Blake, and Mrs. Alice Bewer Daghlian. The stories told in the words of an Armenian friend were furnished • IX X PREFACE by Mr. Arslanian, a graduate of Central Turkey College. The tales told of the real boy and the heroic struggle of the young man for an education have been made possible by the early memories of Dr. Shepard's younger sister, Mrs. Alice Shepard Fuller, supplemented by the later memories of my mother. Indeed, my mother has not only fur- nished many facts which could have been secured in no other way, but has patiently listened to a reading of the whole manuscript, correcting and enriching it throughout. The out-of-door stories of hunting and camp- ing have been furnished by my brother, Dr. Lorrin Shepard, who was his father's companion in these recreations and who listened to the inimitable yams told by him of his own boyhood days. Much of the material of the book has been taken from the doctor's own words in letters, hospital reports, and other accounts of his work. The ^^Postlude" is quoted from the Missionary Herald, But the truest and most lasting record of the life of ^^ Shepard of Aintab" is written in the hearts of the people of Asia Minor, with whom the name ^^Shippet," as they pronounced it, is PREFACE xi revered alike by all races and creeds. To those ■vfho knew him, any attempt to picture a life so vividly alive must seem futile ; but if this simple story of a consecrated life shall inspire others to undertake similar great tasks abroad for the King, the purpose of the book will have been attained. Alice Shepaed Biggs. Newton Centbe, Mass. March 23, 1920. PRELUDE IT was to be the biggest affair of the kind that the city of Aintab had ever seen, and the city of Aintab was given to affairs of the kind. Protestants, Gregorians, Catholics, and Moslems for once had all joined forces to make the affair a success. Twenty-five years before, on October 10, 1882, Dr. Shepard had ridden into Aintab with his bride. There was to be a big celebration in the church, with a private dinner afterward in the fine new dispensary building. Rngs, pictures, and flowers, brought from the missionaries' homes, decorated the halls and rooms, which had been thrown open to make one huge salon. The missionaries, the college faculty and their wives, the pastors, and several doctors were the invited guests. There would be after-dinner speeches, and the toastmaster had a surprise up his sleeve, for he intended to propose raising a fund for the new wing of the main hospital building, and to start a subscription then and there. The people of the city were busy raising an anniversary • • • XIU xiv PRELUDE fund to go toward an endowed bed in the hospital, and the Moslems were trying to get a decoration from the Sultan to be presented to the man for whom these various honors were planned. Finally, the preparations were completed and the city fairly caught its breath, waiting for the glorious morrow. But that evening came a tele- gram for Dr. Shepard, calling him to a Moslem patient in Aleppo. **That man's life is worth more than all this celebration," said the doctor, as he mounted his good horse and was off. The celebration waited. One week later, on October 17, 1907, the doors of the largest Protestant church in the city were thrown open. Crowds of all races and creeds, who had been waiting outside for hours, surged in, packing themselves like sardines on the car- peted floor, — the men on one side of the railing down the center of the church, the women on the other. Those on one side of the gallery at the back looked down on a sea of red fezes; those on the other, on a sea of black silk charchafs or street veils. Up and down the center of the sea of red fezes walked the ushers, keeping open an aisle for the dignitaries who should arrive later and occupy the upholstered seats in front. PRELUDE XV And now they began to come in, — Protestant, Catholic, Gregorian, Jew, and Moslem. Many of the last-named had never before crossed the threshold of a church. There were wealthy mer- chants, in their broadcloth coats or richly em- broidered jackets ; there were young professional men, in their tailored suits of European cut ; there was the Turkish Hodja, with his huge white tur- ban and green girdle ; the Dervish Sheikh, in his tall camePs-hair cap and brown camePs-hair robe, and the Gregorian bishop, in his purple cassock and black silk go^vn ; there were the city beys and effendis, some gorgeously arrayed in old-time Turkish style, some in natty European suits ; and there were two seats filled with military officers, looking very Frenchy with their high, military collars and their curled mustaches ; finally, sitting complacently in the center, his three hundred pounds surrounded by a broad red girdle, was old Hadji Husein Agha, who had saved the hos- pital from the mob, on that memorable day of massacre. The ushers' task had not been an easy one, for each official was on the keen lookout for his dignity, and would be mortally offended should a man of lesser rank or wealth be shown to a xvi PRELUDE chair with more upholstery or placed in a better position for observing the ceremonies. Seated on the platform were those who were to take part in the program ; the pastor, the senior college professor, the most prominent city physi- cian, the Armenian bishop, the Catholic merchant, and the assistant physician at the hospital. The doctor, wearing a black suit and stiff shirt (the latter he would tolerate only on state occasions), sat beside his wife in the audience well toward the front. As the men on the platform looked out over that proud audience, and then at the Big Little Doctor, sitting so modestly in their midst, their minds traveled back over the twenty-five years he had lived among them. The city physician thought of those first years, when there were no educated native doctors in the land, and when Dr. Shepard had made that brave effort which gave him and his fellow-students their medical training; of the fight against death that he and his chief had made, shoulder to shoulder, in epi- demics of cholera or typhoid ; of the doctor *s dar- ing horseback trips over perilous roads, to save life in some distant city; of his gentle pa- tience with the village folk who pressed upon PRELUDE xvii him at every stopping-place, not giving him time to eat; of those glorious days in camp, and the nights when they sat about the camp-fire, while the doctor talked with the village hunters about the Great Friend who had lived among the fisher- folk of Galilee. The younger physician, who had stood yester- day beside him at the operating table, thought of those many miracles of the surgeon ^s knife that had broken down the walls of prejudice and opened the doors for the doctor in remote and obscure villages; of the hospital where, because of the doctor's touch of love, all hatreds between patients of every creed died away; and of the stream of healing for body and soul that went forth to thousands of afflicted ones from those hospital doors. To the memory of the college professor came that day when the doctor sent him a hurry call in the laboratory to generate oxygen which saved the life of a dying student. The Catholic merchant saw, in his mind, the bed on which he had lain dying of the disease brought on him by his own drunkenness ; and the little shrine where his devout mother kept an oil dip constantly burning before the Virgin, in xviii PRELUDE token of gratitude for the operation which had saved him for a better life. In the pastor's mind rose the picture of the village churches and schools, built by the doc- tor 's brotherly help ; and the scene of the preacher rescued from a wild mob by a rough Turk who had been cured by the doctor's skill. The Armenian bishop heard again the piteous cry of the women and children dying of starva- tion, and saw those same ragged women and chil- dren clothed, fed, and housed by the devoted efforts of the doctor and his wife. The little cabinet organ swelled its tone in the opening march. There was scripture reading and prayer, and then these men stood up, in turn, to tell what the doctor's work, during twenty-five years, had meant to them and to their country. When the bishop spoke, he stepped to the doctor and presented a silver pitcher from the com- munity, promising a golden one if the doctor would let them celebrate his jubilee, twenty-five years from that time. As the martial strains of the Hamidieh March died away, and the doctor stepped to the plat- form for his reply, a thunder of applause greeted him from that mixed throng. Looking out over PRELUDE xix the audience, unlike any ever before gathered in a Christian church, the Big Little Doctor seized the opportunity to speak a few earnest words for his Master, and said : ^*If one who did not know me had listened to what has been said about me during the last two hours, he would think that Dr. Shepard must be some great man; but you and I know that it is not so. A farmer's son, I grew up as an orphan. I finished school with great difficulty; I have not marked intellectual ability. Yet this great gath- ering, on a busy week-day afternoon, must have a reason. I know that this reason is not I, myself. It is one greater than I am — God and His love. For one who knows how God loves men, and how Jesus has saved us, not to tell others about that love is impossible. Because I have understood a little of that love, I try to let others know about it. This is the purpose of my life. I did not come to this country to make money or to win a reputation. I came to bear witness to this, that God is Love. And if, by my work or life, I have been able to show this to you, I have had my reward, and for it I thank God. The reason why the world has not yet been set free from its ills and diseases is not that the necessary medicines XX PRELUDE have not yet been found; it is that men do not love each other, and that the rich are not willing to use their money for the needs of the poor. I beg and counsel you to know that God is Love, and to love each other, in deed and in truth. *^ BOYHOOD AND YOUTH HE was obviously the kind of a boy who needs at least three guardian angels. The instinct of fear seemed to have been left out of his make- up. Perhaps this was because, from the very first, he was so much a child of nature. One of his earliest memories was of waking in the night, during a terrific thunder-storm that shook the little house in Ellenburg like an earthquake, and after lying quiet a while, listening to the rumble and crash, lisping to his grandmother, *^Nice f under ; like it. ' ' What a treat it was to adventuresome little Fred when one day his father took him to see the busy lumber mill where he made his living, — the great, humming mill, with its big belts and buzz-saws in full motion, its huge water-wheels and piles of sawdust. In the floor was a great hole through which the sawdust and ^^ edgings" were dropped between the water-Avheels to the river below. Fascinated in watching a buzz-saw, 1 2 SHEPARD OF AINTAB Fred took a step or two backward and suddenly disappeared through this hole. *'Shut off the power!" shouted the horrified father, at the same moment starting on the run for the river below. **Fred!" he called, sick with dread at the sight that might meet him, the little body mangled between the whirling wheels. ' ' Oh, Fred ! ' ^ Back came a cheerful shout from down-stream where, on a sunny rock, sat the small boy, wet but unperturbed. Fred's daring spirit and love of the wild were all the more remarkable because he was not physi- cally robust; and often, after eating some of his aunt's best buckwheat cakes, he would regretfully renounce all meals for many hours. But the dauntless courage of his spirit, and his readiness to attempt any task, developed wonderful strength and agility. When he was but ten years old, and living with an uncle on the banks of the Chateau- guay Kiver, he had a pet brood of ten ducklings, hatched by an old white hen. Every day one of his ducklings disappeared from the pool in the river, where they went to swim. Fred decided to find out what became of those ducklings, and set himself on the bank to watch. BOYHOOD AND YOUTH 3 Presently, splash! A duckling disappeared. *^ There's a big pickerel there, 111 bet, and I'll get him, too, ' ' thought Fred. Off he went for pole and line, and then he baited the hook with a fine little green frog. Hardly had the wriggling form plunged into the duck-pool, when there came a terrific pull, and Fred found himself over his depth in the river. ^* Uncle Douglas!'' he yelled. ^'Oh, Uncle Douglas!" and his uncle came running to the rescue, in time to haul in the boy and also a fif- teen-pound pickerel. ^^Well," he drawled, as he weighed the big fish, **I guess you're a chip of the old block!" A ^^chip of the old block" he was, by good rights. Around the great fire in the fireplace of the old farmhouse, Grandnia Shepard told Fred, and the other little Shepards, tales that sent de- lightful thrills up and down, their spines; tales of pioneer days when, following the blazed trail from New Hampshire, they came to Clinton County. Here they found the forest so full of Indians that the men kept their guns cocked ready at their side, while they chopped down trees for the log cabins; while she herself, crouching in some thicket with her baby, cooked 4 SHEPARD OF AINTAB their food by a hollow stump. Beside that same fireplace Grandma Douglas, who had come over from the Scotch Highlands, would recite, hour after hour, the stirring verses of Marmion or The Lady of the Lake, until young imaginations were fired with desire to do noble deeds and brave. From the ^^old block,'' too, the ^^chip'' derived an irresistible sense of humor, a keen sense of justice, a Yankee genius which could cope with any emergency, and a resolute will. The ^^old block,'' in the person of Grandfather Shepard, had been a smoker all his life. **How much do you s'pose you've spent during your life for tobacco. Dad!" asked his sons one day when he was more than eighty years old. *^0h, not much, I guess," replied the old man. '^Well, Father," they said, after putting their heads together over some figuring, ^* you've spent enough to buy a good big farm." ^^Give me that paper!" he said; and after a little study — ' ' Well, have I been such an old fool as that! I'll never smoke another pipe!" And he never did. Much in the same way, ^^the chip," in the per- son of Fred, gave up swearing in a day. Back of his uncle's house in Madrid, a little vil- BOYHOOD AND YOUTH 6 lage of northern New York, flowed a canal witli a sluice-gate feeding the grist-mill below. It was great sport to dive under and swim through the open gate toward the mill. One day, as Fred was swimming through, one of the boys, by way of a joke, released the gate which closed down, catching Fred's ankle. Of course the water began to rise and Fred shouted lustily for help ; but the boys thought his outcries were all in fun. Then in a rage he began to swear, until finally a man, hearing the uproar, came and opened the gate just as the water closed over Fred's head. ^^Who was doing that terrible swearing on the hill?" asked Aunt Hannah, when Fred appeared a little later. He made no reply but, realizing how near he had come to dying, with those words on his lips, he determined that never again should a profane word be spoken by him. Active in mind as in body, when four years old, Fred decided he would learn to read. By dint of much teasing of his elders, he succeeded in getting enough help from them at odd moments to be able, before long, to read from the big family Bible. Every day after that he read a chapter to his grandmother. From that time, books be- came his constant companions. 8 SHEPARD OF AINTAB Fred's father had meant mucli to him during his early childhood, but he died when Fred was entering his teens. His mother was for many years a constant invalid, so Fred was thrown much on his own resourcs. Living on the farm at Madrid with his uncle, he went to school dur- ing the winter. In the chill of early da^VTi, with the thermometer below zero, Fred would get up at four o'clock every morning to help with the milking and other chores before he started for school, with skates slung over his shoulder for the hockey game at recess. All this time there were being developed in the boy a keenness of mind and strength of muscle which stood the man in such good stead. Vacation found him in an Adirondack camp with his uncle, living in a birch-bark shack sur- rounded by deep snow, hunting deer, and trap- ping fox and mink. This was the life he loved best, and here he was initiated into the use of shot-gun and rifle. And what days those were when they went out into the sugar-camp and Fred helped the ^'French Canucks'' in gathering and boiling down the sweet sap ! One day, when walk- ing over the huge white drifts, bearing two heavy pails of sap, Fred caught his snowshoe on a stump BOYHOOD AND YOUTH 7 and was thrown headfirst into a ten-foot drift, while the icy sap ran down his neck. '^I had to twist myself aronnd until I could get hold of one leg and then climb up it to get out,'* he used to say with a chuckle, when telling of the escapade. The spirit of self-reliance which had been de- veloped so early in Fred is shown in the follow- ing incident, which occurred when he was twelve years old. There was an ugly-tempered dog in town, with whom the boy was not on speaking terms. After one or two unpleasant meetings with the creature, Fred decided to get rid of him. He secretly procured a pistol and, putting it in his pocket, sauntered toward the bridge where the meetings between boy and dog had taken place. It was a very natural thing, though very thought- less, for the boy to keep one hand in his pocket, fingering the trigger. It was also a very natural thing for the trigger to snap back suddenly and discharge the bullet through Fred's leg! Now Fred had a wholesome fear of his uncle's whip, with which he had come in contact once or twice. So, instead of going home, he turned toward the little cottage where his younger sister was caring for his sick mother. *^ Hello, Mother," he said cheerily, as he ran 8 SHEPARD OF AINTAB through her room to the kitchen, with a sign to his sister to follow. *^Say, Alice,'' he whispered, **get me some warm water and two clean linen handkerchiefs, and be quiet about it, will youl'' *^But, Fred, what has happened? You're dreadfully hurt!" she cried, as shp saw the blood oozing through his trousers. ^^Sh," he whispered cautiously, ^^ don't let Mother hear, it will only worry her. We can fix it up, all right." '' But what will Uncle Clinton say! " *^He doesn't need to know, if you don't * peach' on me." *'But you ought to go to the doctor and get it 'tended to." ^^I guess we can 'tend to it, all right." With her help, he washed and bandaged the wound. Alice did not ^^ peach," but a boy who had been with him when the accident happened did '^ peach," and so — Fred went to see the doctor ! After three years at Madrid, Fred was ready to enter Franklin Academy and, with his mother and sisters, he moved to town. With all his en- ergies he threw himself into the life of the school. BOYHOOD AND YOUTH 9 *^He was always at his books, for he was a great student,'^ one of his classmates wrote. Yet he was a veritable baseball fiend; he lost several of his teeth by being hit in the month with a stone used in playing hockey ; and, with his short, thick- set figure, his long arms, and his cat-like agility, he could down a much more powerful opponent in boxing or wrestling. Fair play and the ^* square deal'^ he always insisted on. If there was the least indication of foul play, he would drop out of the game at once. The day before vacation, Fred would come home and say to his sister, ** Alice, we're off for ten days in the Adirondacks, Tom and I. Will you put us up some grubT' Then off in the early morning, with canoe, fishing tackle and gun. One year a larger group of chums went together, agreeing that one should be cook until some other member of the party made an adverse criticism on his cooking, when the ^'kicker'' should be obliged to take his turn at it. Turns came and went in quick succession until Fred, in an un- guarded moment, made the unlucky complaint. Days passed, and flapjacks, baked potatoes, fish, and hoe-cake were so satisfactory that no com- plaint was heard. Finally, Fred got sick of the 10 SHEPARD OF AINTAB job of chief cook and decided be would make one desperate attempt to get out of it. A bandful of salt went into tbe next batcb of biscuit. The biscuits looked light and flaky as they came out of the mud oven, and Steve sank his teeth deep into a luscious morsel; then — *^Well, if this isn't the saltiest biscuit I ever — ^but it's good, it's good, its good!" The compliment came too late, and Steve had to pay the penalty. Fred's first experience as an instructor came when he was asked to substitute, in Malone, for one of the teachers who was ill. It was at this time, when his preparatory education was fin- ished and he was facing the question, ^^What next in life?" that he attended some revival meetings which were being held in the Baptist church. Young Shepard became deeply interested, and finally, under the influence of the ardent young preacher, he accepted Christ as his personal Savior. The next morning, when the substitute teacher read the Scripture lesson, the boys and girls noted a new ring to his voice and caught a new meaning from the lesson. As whole- heartedly and unreservedly as the boy had thrown himself into his studies, his escapades, and his sports, so fully did the young man now consecrate BOYHOOD AND YOUTH 11 himself to the service of his new-found Master, seeking the place where he might serve him best. Meanwhile, to earn money for additional edu- cation, he undertook teaching a district school. According to the good old traditions of the district school, when the new teacher was heralded, the bullies of the school clubbed together to ''run him out." When they saw the ''little boy" who had come to "boss" them, they thought they had an easy task before them. But the gloveless boxing and wrestling match which followed the first show of rebellion was very short and very conclusive, and the bullies, who were bigger and older than the new teacher, found themselves utterly routed. From that day those troublesome pupils had a warm admiration for him, and, while he was a good pal in all their outdoor sports, there was no question as to who was in control in the school- room. His genius for friendship and sympathy reached beyond school hours and, night after night, the young teacher, who was soon to become the great doctor, found expression for his new ideals of Christian service in nursing a pupil at whose home he boarded, through a long and pain- ful siege of inflammatory rheumatism. The husky 12 SHEPARD OF AINTAB young athlete who had punished the bully had the tender heart and the skilful touch of a woman ; for the natural instinct of a nurse, which so many great doctors lack, had been trained and devel- oped in him by his thoughtful ministrations to the invalid mother at home. But all the time young Shepard was looking forward to preparing himself for a greater ser- vice. Through a friend, he was able to borrow enough money to enter Cornell University in the fall of 1877. From his father, he had inherited a taste for civil engineering, and Cornell offered the best opportunities to him in that line. To make the borrowed money go as far as possible, Shepard, with several chums, clubbed together to keep bachelors' hall, and of course the efficient camp-cook had to take charge of the commissary. Cereals, baked beans, apples and flapjacks, with mush and molasses, were the chief articles on the menu. They were finely spiced with young- hunger sauce, and served up by the amateur cook with garnishings of fish tales and hunting yarns. The pennies saved for the sake of an educa- tion that should lead to a great service for the King, were not the only pennies earned. Every opportunity that offered for making even a small BOYHOOD AND YOUTH 13 sum was eagerly seized. One summer Shepard went to a farmer of his acquaintance and asked him for employment. The farmer looked him over critically and shook his head. **I don't want a boy, sonny/' he said. ^'The only job I have is a man's job." < I. THE DOCTOK MAKES AN EXAMINATION II. WRITING A PRESCRIPTION UNDER DIFFICULTIES THE SPRING OF HEALING 37 Here is the description of a typical day's work for Dr. Shepard at this time, in his own words : *'I was called down to the office to see a patient before prayers. (We have our morning prayers before breakfast.) After breakfast, I found a girl and her mother waiting to see me about the former going to the Girls' College in Marash next year. Spent the next two hours in study, inter- rupted by five patients. Got onto my horse and visited three patients in the city (two of them charity patients, about the usual proportion,) and back in time for my classes with whom the next two hours were spent. Lunched at one. Filled my pockets with instruments and chloroform bottle and back into the city again to perform a sur- gical operation at the house of a patient. Back to the hospital where a crowd of patients awaited me. Between that time and dinner I performed eight more important surgical operations. After dinner, rode to the college to see Mr. Trowbridge on business. Back again, and wanted to go to bed, but had to make my hospital rounds for the day, as there were fourteen poor sufferers in the wards anxiously awaiting me. *^ To-day at clinic I counted the patients, both old and new, which fell to my lot, and they num- bered just eighty-six, and the clinic not quite so large as usual in the number of new names written. Well! I guess I have said enough to show you 38 SHEPARD OF AINTAB that we have work for another man to do, if we can get him." All other difficulties might be overcome by in- genuity and tireless effort, such as is shown in this letter; but *' money makes the mare go/' even in missionary effort. In 1886, the college was in such dire need of funds that Dr. Shepard decided he must go with his senior class to Aleppo and give them practical instruction there, while he earned fees from wealthy Turks, Jews, and Armenians of that city; for, according to the Turkish saying, ''Famous is Aleppo for wealth, Kills for dirt, Marash for water, Aintab for lies.'' The doctor almost lost his life in this first of many efforts to support both college and hospital. After forty days of successful work, which kept him and his students more than busy, he was sud- denly taken ill with the cholera nostra, which was prevalent in that city of heat, flies, dust, and foul drinking water. In twenty-four hours he lost twenty-five pounds and was fast sinking into that THE SPRING OF HEALING 39 stage of collapse from which few can be revived; but before he lost consciousness, there came to him, in a flash, almost as if by a special revela- tion, the memory of a new and untried remedy. Immediately he acted on the suggestion. It worked and his life was saved. He had to give up further effort for that summer, however, and retire to a summer camp with his wife and two little daughters, to regain his strength for the work of the coming fall. Mrs. Shepard, who had been doing her share in keeping up the school by teaching medical bot- any and other subjects in addition to her large clinics, city practise, and the care of her household, joined him for a much needed rest. Mrs. Shepard had been a botanist, ever since her girlhood days, spent in the fern-clad mountains of the Hawaiian Islands. Many an excursion did she and the doc- tor take together, to some mountain peak or deep valley, to return laden with rare plants. On one such trip, seeing a rare flower which Mrs. Shepard wished for her collection, near the top of an in- accessible cliff, the doctor took his revolver and shot the stem in two, then picked up the flower and handed it to his w^fe with a bow. The struggle to keep up the medical school 40 SHEPARD OF AINTAB proved to be a losing struggle. The people of Aintab and its surrounding villages, already poor, were further impoverished by the terrible famine which came upon them through drought. Fees which came in from students and patients were not enough to cover costs. Again Dr. Shepard went to Aleppo, to try to save the situation, taking his little family with him into the terrible heat of that city. By this time, the new doctor had gained such a reputation that the wealthy were eager to pay any fee he might ask, and he was working, now, for fees for his medical school. One day, when he made a call in a distant part of the city, the patient offered him only a mejidieh [a silver coin worth eighty cents]. "With a true instinct of how to meet the Oriental, the doctor tossed it back across the room to him with the single word ^^ Ayih!'' [Shame.] Needless to say, he received the proper fee. When, in 1888, the health of Dr. Trowbridge gave way, the struggling little medical school, be- gun with high hopes and carried on under diffi- culties and with such great sacrifice, was finally given up. Twenty-one young Armenians, how- ever, had been graduated. Many of them became eminent physicians, both in Turkey and in Amer- THE SPRING OF HEALING 41 ica. Of these men, Dr. Altounyan, one of those seniors who had assisted in the first trip to Aleppo, became the most eminent physician and surgeon of that great city, eventually building and equipping there, by his own efforts, a beauti- ful, modern hospital. Such wonderful influence did he have through his work there, among rich and poor alike, that, although an Armenian, he was allowed by Djemal Pasha to keep his hospital open and carry on his full work, through the whole period of the late war. Another of the original four students became the most eminent native physician of Aintab. For many years he was associated with his friend and teacher in the hospital there and spent many a vacation with him in camp. Dr. Habib was a great influence for everything that was best in his own community, and did much to win the friendship of the bigoted and prejudiced Turks, finally giving his life in the service of the army during the war. A third student. Dr. Bezjein, still stands at his post as first assistant at the hos- pital in Aintab. After many years of service with his beloved friend and teacher, he stood by him during the tragedies of the war, attended him during his last illness, and in time welcomed 42 SHEPARD OF AINTAB to Aintab the doctor's son, on whose young shoul- ders the father's mantle has fallen. Each of these men has been giving out, throughout his life, that influence of the Master which came to him from the teacher who lived and served among them as *^He that serveth." ni MIEACLES OF THE SUEGEON'S KNIFE TEN days' journey by caravan from Aintab, on the banks of the Tigris River, lies the black city of Diarbekir. An ancient wall of mas- sive black lava rock surrounds the city, defying the outside world, with its forty black turrets. Black houses line the black-paved streets, and black minarets tower above black-domed mosques. Many, too, were the black thoughts in the minds of the dwellers in the black city, and many were the black deeds done within those massive walls. On the flat roofs of the houses surrounding a mar- ble-paved court, in the center of this city, stood a throng of gaily-dressed men, women, and chil- dren, dangerously jostling and pushing in order to look down into the court below, where a crowd of sick people waited their turn to be examined by Shippet (for so they called Dr. Shepard), the wonder-worker from Aintab. There he sat at one side, with pen and prescription-pad in hand, 43 44 SHEPARD OF AINTAB a short, broad-shouldered man, with a quick turn of the head, a twinkle in his eye, and a gentle touch and tone which spoke of power and sym- pathy. ^'They say he can open the eyes of the blind, and take stones out of people, and make new arms and legs, and new noses, ^* the awed whisper went about. ^'Even when a person is dead, they say he can bring him back to life.'' With almost incredible swiftness and ease, the doctor had discovered what the trouble was with one patient; had written his prescription, given instructions about his medicine, or told him he must have an operation; and then he had turned to another. There was a sudden commotion in the crowd. A great tall man, gasping for breath and sur- rounded by several women in a high state of ex- citement, came into the court. ''Give way, give way,'' begged the women. **The doctor must see him quick! He has swal- lowed a turkey-bone and is choking to death." With a quick motion, the doctor was beside him before the man had come halfway across the court. One glance, one touch, and then swift in- structions to his assistant to boil certain instru- MIRACLES OF THE SURGEON'S KNIFE 45 ments and make ready for the operation. Then Dr. Shepard turned quietly to the next patient. In a few moments there was a sudden scream from a woman, followed by the wailing for the dead. Those on the roof almost fell off in their eagerness to see what was happening. The man had suddenly collapsed and was lying — breath- less, purple, motionless — on the marble pavement. *' Quick — the knife!'* cried the doctor, spring- ing to the window. In one instant the instrument was in his hand, in the next it was plunged into the windpipe of the apparently dead man. There was a sucking gasp, the man took a full breath, the purple faded from his face, and within the hour he rose and walked home. The women lin- gered to kiss the doctor's feet again and again, and the throngs on the roof chattered excitedly; while each carried home a bigger tale than his neighbor of the miracle of the great surgeon's knife. It was not all in a day that Dr. Shepard had gained his reputation in this far-otf city of the interior. In those early pioneer days, men had been afraid of the foreign doctor. One day, when Dr. Shepard first came to Aintab, he stopped be- side a near-by village fountain, where later he 46 SHEPARD OF AINTAB could not snatch a moment's rest for the crowds of patients that thronged about him. Near the fountain stood a man with eyes red and swollen. ''Let me look at your eyes, my father/' said the doctor ; ' ' perhaps I can cure them for you. ' ' But he was suspicious of the foreigner and would not let the doctor touch his eyes. Then, as one after another came, half in fear, to the hospital and went back not only with his eyes opened, his tumor removed, or his leg straightened, but with tales of the wonderful way in which he had been cared for — of the doctor's sympathy and the nurse's tender ministrations — others, too, wanted to ''come and see," until farther and farther spread the fame of the wonder-worker, and Shippet became a name to conjure with. From beside the orange groves of the Mediter- ranean coast, a blind man heard and came and received his sight. Going back home, he told the wondrous story. Ten other blind men, each with staff in hand, started to walk the weary one hun- dred miles to the Spring of Healing. But alas, when they reached the wonder-worker, he could but tell them that he was powerless to help. It was the hardest task the skilful doctor had to face, — to tell poor, trusting ones like these MIRACLES OF THE SURGEON'S KNIFE 47 that he could do nothing to help them; for his great heart was tender as a child's and he could- never even read aloud a tale of pathos without a telltale choking in his voice. Yet his patients used to say he had a way of telling them there was no hope which, in itself, brought hope and courage ; and often, when he had done his utmost, he would tell of the Great Physician who alone had power to save. Here is the story of such a case, as one of the American nurses tells it: *'One night he came home, after a long day's work, so unusually tired and depressed that I was much disturbed, and tried to find out the cause of it. This is what he told me. A Kurd had brought his precious boy on a many days' journey from the mountains to see Shippet; the lad was placed on a ladder padded with a mattress and laid across an animal. Everything else had failed; there was one hope left and that was Shippet. Didn't he cure everybody who ever came to him? Of course Shippet could help his boy, and he was always ready to do everything he could for anybody. With this hope in his heart, the poor father had comforted himself as he was making the tedious journey of many days with the sick boy. With the first glance. Dr. 48 SHEPARD OF AINTAB Shepard saw that the patient was in the last stages of tuberculosis. Shippet could not help him. It was never his method to withhold a truth that must be told, but the telling of it had utterly used up his strength. Later, I heard an account of this, as told by a young man who was present. The father was so dazed by the sad news that he could not take it in, so he remained sitting there in the office for over an hour; and every little while he would say, ^Dr. Effendi [Sir Doctor], what do you sayT and then, with the same infinite patience and kindness, he would reply, ^Father, there is no hope, except in God,' and then he would try to help him to find that help and comfort.'' One of Dr. Shepard 's operations, which the peo- ple appreciated greatly, was the making of a nose from the *'ring finger" of the patient's left hand. The sore kno\\Ti as the ^^ Aleppo Button" often left a disfiguring scar on the nose. Of course, a girl with such a scar was at a disadvantage, when it came to getting married. ^^Hush!" said the nurse in the hospital to a tiny girl who had had an operation to remove a scar from her nose and was then undergoing the painful dressing. ^^You will be a handsome MIRACLES OF THE SURGEON'S KNIFE 49 little bride some day. Think of that and don't cry/' And the little bride-to-be bravely choked back the tears. Dr. Shepard always endeavored to keep abreast with the times in medicine and surgery. After a heavy day of work, a long evening was often spent in reading the latest and best medical journals. Often he would find a method described which he himself had already discovered and put in practise. A notable example of the doctor's de- votion to his profession, and of his keeping pace with its advance, was his wide and successful use of spinal anesthesia, before he had ever seen it performed, in the cases of such as could not take the usual anesthetic. The great secret of the doctor's success, how- ever, in breaking down prejudice and winning the friendship and confidence of all people, was that he treated rich and poor, Turk, Kurd, Armenian, Christian, Jew or Moslem, all alike. Everyone who came in contact with him, no matter how rough or ignorant or wicked he might be, felt the Christlike spirit of brotherly kindness and self-forgetful, humble service that characterized the work of the skilled physician. Not only for the doctor to enter, with his mes- 50 SHEPARD OF AINTAB sage of love, were hearts and doors opened, but for others who were carrying the same message. One of the early operations which Dr. Shepard performed was on the son of a rough and wicked Turk who lived in a village four days' journey from Aintab. Years afterward, the Protestant preacher of the village was being stoned to death, for preaching the gospel which the people did not want to hear. He fled to the house of this Turk for protection. *^Who are you,'' asked the Turk, ^'and why do you come to me?" ^^I am the Protestant preacher from Aintab," replied the man. ^^Ha, come in," said the Turk, and shut his doors against the mob. Then the mob appealed to the governor, who sent a policeman to the Turk with orders that he should give the preacher over to his perse- > vn SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS COLLEGE commencement was over. The ses- sions of the annual meeting of missionaries and Christian workers were closed. The last op- eration of the season at the hospital had been per- formed, the last clinic held, the last city visit made. It would take a volume to tell of the doc- tor's work during that week, and he was tired. Now the caravan stood waiting to start for the mountain camp. Two days of travel it would take, and then up the mountain to the spot which the whole family loved more than any other in the land. The doctor was busy with the last preparations for the journey. The heavy pine chests of books, photographic supplies, and clothing were strapped on the stoutest mule. The big bales of bedding were slung on either side of the gentle old horse. A mattress was thrown on top, to make a soft, wide seat for the oldest daughter. The two 127 128 SHEPARD OF AINTAB younger children, with great glee, climbed into the maafas, or canopied boxes, hung on either side the pack-saddle, across which they conld play peek-a-boo, as they swung along the road. Tents, camp-beds, and the camp-kitchen outfit made up several more loads, with cook and horse-boy seated high on top. Finally, the doctor helped Mrs. Shepard into her saddle and swung into his. With a shouted good-by and the cling-clang of big bells, the long caravan w^as under way. What a glorious trip that was for the children t There was the stop at noon, under the walnut (tree beside the village spring, where a villager brought them sweet apricots to ''top off their lunch. To be sure, it was not very pleasant to have so many persons staring and asking stupid questions even while they ate. But their father seemed not to mind it at all and spent every minute, until they resumed the journey, in look- ing over the dirty, ragged people and telling them what they must do to get well. By night, they were so tired they could hardly wait until the camp-beds were unloaded and put up on the sward near the spring, to tumble in and drop off to sleep, while the little bells tinkled as the horses munched the barley in their nose-bags. What a SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 129 delightful, creepy, shivery feeling when they were wakened in the dim dawn, even before the red glow had crept into the sky, to have their hot bread and milk and climb into their swinging boxes again, to drowse off for another nap. What a thrill of excitement when they crossed a river ! Their muleteer had to wade in deep, lead- ing their pack-horse across the ford ; and the mule with the heavy chests suddenly slipped and went down under water and had to be hauled out, with many shouts. Then, at the next noon stop, the whole load had to be unpacked and dried out and packed up again. Best of all, was the stop in the village of Eybez, After crossing the great hot plain, up, up, up, they climbed, past the oleanders by a stream, into the little village that looked like a birds' nest, lying in a hollow of great mountains towering into the sky. How the little children in the streets scam- pered about, crying, ^^Shippet has come, Shippet has come!'* Then, through the great gateway, they entered the courtyard belonging to the lead- ing man of the village, their father's special friend. They did not mind the crowds this time, for they were all old friends, and from the Agha [head man] himself down to the tiniest nephew 130 SHEPARD OF AINTAB in the tribe, they were all running about, trying to make the travelers comfortable. How good the cool water felt as it was poured on their hot hands and feet ! An array of good things to eat was set out on the tray for supper, and then the children crawled into beds, spread out in a row on the flat roof under winking stars, while the barking of village dogs, the bleating of lambs, the crowing of roosters, and the crying of babies on the roofs across the way grew fainter and fainter, until the sounds were lost in sleep. Up the steep mountain trail they climbed the next morning, up and up the pine-covered slopes until they reached the pass and could look oif on the other side. There, from between two great peaks, they could see the Gulf of Alexandretta, sparkling like a great silver tray, in the morning sun. On they wound, across ridge after ridge of the steep mountain, through the green forest of young beech and oak and pine, until they reached the camping spot, 5000 feet above sea-level. No sooner were the children off their animals than they started a race for the spring, hidden by fern and smilax, in the valley hard by. Meanwhile, the grown-ups were all busy setting SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 131 up the camp; tents for sleeping, a shelter of houghs for the kitchen, two walls of poles and boughs for the dining-room, with a canvas top and a curtain on the windward side, a little booth of poles and branches for the cook, and another for the horse-boy. In short order the camp was set- tled for the summer. A number of American and Armenian friends usually joined the doctor's family in their moun- tain camp. Never could they forget the evenings spent about the huge bonfire built against the old pine stump. While the flames crackled among the great logs piled together, song and story passed about the merry group, and right royally did the doctor do his share in entertaining the company. One evening, when there was a special celebra- tion, stunts were proposed, and the doctor was asked to make a stump speech. When he refused, saying that speaking was not in his line, two of the young huskies decided they would set him on the stump, whether or no. But they had not counted on the doctor's tremendous strength. The struggle which followed proved him to be more than a match for them both. Sunday morning the family would start out for some favorite spot which commanded a magnifi- 132 SHEPARD OF AINTAB cent view. Here they would settle themselves, with books and lunch, for the long, delightful day of rest and comradeship. First came the little service, led by the doctor, and then the Sunday reading, while the children whittled or made little camps on the ground. ** All about us,'' wrote the doctor, *4s the eternal Sabbath of the hills. I get nowhere else the over- whelming sense of God's presence, the ineffable peace that comes to me in the mountains." Those who knew liim best felt that he had drawn into his life something of the strength and beauty of the mountains he so loved. Often, on a week day, the whole day was spent in a picnic beside a lovely mountain stream or near the bold top of the mountain, to enjoy the distant view. Below a dashing waterfall, in one of the mountain streams, there was often a deep swimming-pool ; and, before lunch, those who were not afraid of the icy cold water went in for a dip, while the potatoes were baking in the hot ashes of the fire the doctor had built. To go with the potatoes and butter, there were squares of venison or wild boar, shot by the doctor and cooked by him to a turn, on sharp green twigs, over the fire. One day, when the doctor felt in his pocket for 4, *•: "«V*i*-**.I DR. SHEPARD CLIMBING A MOUNTAIN IN ASIATIC TURKEY SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 133 matches to light the fire, he found, to his disgust, that the matches had been left behind. ISfo one else in the party could produce one, and it began to look as if there would be no lunch that day but bread and nuts and raisins. The doctor, however, was equal to the emergency. He built a little pile of brushwood, then aimed his shotgun and pulled the trigger. There was a loud report, and inune- diately the little pile was ablaze. After lunch the party stretched themselves out on the ground, in the shade of the thick oak forest, while the doctor read a chapter from Dickens or Stevenson or George Macdonald, and Mrs. Shepard arranged rare ferns and flowers between drying papers, to press them for her botany class. How the children loved to hear their father read, with the rising and falling inflections that made it all so real, and the little catch that came in his voice when he read some touching passage that made a lump rise in their own throats. On a cold evening, when it was raining too hard for a bonfire, they would crawl under the warm blankets of the cot-beds in the tent and listen to *^ Little Dorrit" or *'Sir Gibbie," while the pat- tering rain made music on the tent roof above. Often, in the early gray of the dawn, before the 134 SHEPARD OF AINTAB children were awake, when the twigs and leaves were still wet with the night mist, the doctor slipped on his old green hunting-suit and cap and high moccasins and glided out into the silent woods to stalk a deer he had spied in the woods the day before. Several times a season he would come struggling back to camp with a big deer slung over his shoulders. After dinner came the story of the hunt, which was enjoyed quite as much as the broiled venison. Often, on a still, moonlight night, the doctor would lie for hours beside a pig-wallow, waiting for Mr. Pig to arrive. The wild boar hunted in droves over the mountain, rooting up the leaf- mold with their snouts, searching for bulbs or for acorns. They were great travelers and would run all the way down the mountain or across the plains to the rice-fields to feed and then back to their mountain brush again, all in a night. Some particular boar would choose a mud-hole in w^hich to wallow and then scratch his back against a near-by tree. Lying silent beside the wallow, the doctor occasionally shot a boar when it appeared to take its mud bath. A keen sense of smell helped the doctor in these still hunts. One moon- light night, catching the scent of wild boar, he SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 135 followed it up the wind for half an hour without' hearing or seeing anything. Then he suddenly came out on the edge of a clearing covered with bracken fern growing hip-high. Charging across the open space was his wild boar. **He has got wind of me,'' thought the doctor, **and I shall lose him." But the pig had only caught the scent of the wild apples under a tree at the edge of the clearing. As the boar stopped to munch the juicy fruit, the doctor could just catch sight of his back above the bracken in the moonlight. He leveled his gun and fired. Then he stopped to listen. The boar had disappeared and not a sound was to be heard. Walking cautiously to the place, he found that the pig had dropped on the spot where he was feeding when the bullet struck him. It was a little yearling, and it made the finest eating in the world. Several times while hunting in the woods the doctor ran across a bear. Once, as he was fol- lowing a trail near a little spring on the edge of the timber-line, he saw two bear cubs feeding on blackberries and sat down to watch them. Soon the mother bear appeared. Some noise in the opposite direction had disturbed her, and she 136 SHEPARD OF AINTAB started to "shoo'' the cubs before her toward the doctor, then stood straight up on her hind legs to listen, then drove them ahead again. A bear with her cubs is not a pleasant creature to meet^ and when this particular bear came within thirty yards and again stood up straight, the doctor took careful aim at her heart and fired. The bullet reached its mark. With one leap into the air, she fell dead, while the cubs scampered off into the woods. It took a good two hours to strip off her beautiful skin. He brought it in to camp and spread it out on the ground to dry. Waking from his nap, the doctor's little three- year-old boy Lorrin rubbed his eyes in wonder at the great skin, and then said, in Turkish, "The bear too, it seems, wears moccasins." Wlien Lorrin was twelve years old, Dr. Shepard gave him a small shotgun, and from that time the boy became his father's companion on these hunt- ing-trips. Several rules went with the present of the gun. "Never point at any one, even when the gun is not loaded; never shoot at anything before you are sure what it is; never turn the point toward yourself ; ' ' these were the rules laid down. One of the first trips Lorrin took with his father SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 13T was among the great cliffs on the landward side of the mountain where the ibex roamed. The cliffs consisted of a series of tilted strata of gran- ite, the broken ends of which formed a series of huge steps down to the plain below. The ledges across the face of the main cliffs formed the runways of the ibex, or wild mountain goats. Several times the doctor had shot a doe or a young ibex, having to climb back to camp up the 2000 or 3000 feet of cliff, with the animal on his shoulders ; but he had never succeeded in get- ting a buck. On this day, he set Lorrin, with his new gun, at one of the runways, while he went down among the cliffs to scare up the game. The boy waited. No ibex came his way ; but, to his hor- ror, he saw, leisurely ambling toward him, a huge brown bear. He had heard enough of his father ^s adventures to know how dangerous it was to wound a bear without killing him; so he gave a terrified shout for his father, and then, with a sure instinct, shot his gun into the air. Startled by the shot, the bear quickened his pace and dis- appeared around the ridge. Another bear which the doctor shot had just killed a wild boar, and, after eating a part of it for his breakfast, had hidden it away. The 138 SHEPARD OF AINTAB doctor caught the scent and, finding the freshly- killed boar, dressed it and hnng it in a tree, cov- ering it with leaves to protect it from flies, while he returned to camp to get a donkey to carry the game home. Thus bruin unwittingly furnished the campers with wild boar for many a day there- after. Though the doctor often went on these still hunts alone, at other times he organized a hunt- ing party with some of the villagers. Jutting from the side of the mountain was a huge, purple rock, forming a cavelike shelter beneath. Gath- ered under this rock at night, the hunters would sit about the camp-fire and tell stirring tales of their adventures. The famous hunter Bedros [Peter] told how, up on the bald top of the mountain, purely by accident, he had killed two wild boars with one shot. Then Artin followed, with the story of the three leopards he had shot at different times, and showed the scars where one of them had chewed his arm and shoulder. Before they wrapped themselves in their great coats, to lie down for the night beside the fire, the doctor spoke with them about his great Friend and Master; and though there were both Chris- tian and Moslem among them, he somehow made SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 139 them feel that one God was their Father and that they all were brethren. Once a w^eek, Dr. Shepard mounted his horse in the early morning and went down to the vil- lage at the foot of the mountain, to hold a clinic. From far and near the patients thronged in, and often he would see more than a hundred in a day. He made it a rule never to see any one in his camp, for if one were treated there, others would hear of it and come, and there would be no more rest for the doctor, weary with his year's work. So he kept no instruments or supplies in camp, except those for ^' first aid.'' One day, however, a poor villager came with a terrible toothache and begged the doctor to take out the tooth. '^1 have no forceps. Uncle," said Dr. Shepard. But the man still begged. Suddenly a bright idea struck the doctor. There was a wire-cutter at hand. It might do the business. It did ; and the man went off, praising Allah. The summer's outing was not enough to keep Dr. Shepard in good trim for his taxing work through all the year. After a hard week of work, in clinic and operating room, he would need to get out into the open. He kept a pair of fine hunting-dogs, and often, on a Saturday afternoon, 140 SHEPARD OF AINTAB he would gallop off, with the dogs at his heels, to a lava-bed some distance away, to hunt for game-birds and hare. Here is his description of one such trip, written in a letter to his son: Your mother and Florence are busy with prep- arations for Thanksgiving, it being our turn to furnish the entertainment for the Station this year. That I might have a little share in it, I took my gun and dog and started out to get some partridges, on Saturday. I told your mother as I started out that I was going to bring home a dozen partridges and two hares. There are but two small coveys of partridges in all the Karatash, but I had discovered some good cover, with three or four large coveys, two hours to the east of us. There are some extensive cliffs, a lava-flow, vine- yards and fig-orchards around; good feeding- ground and good cover, albeit a little too far away. It was a beautiful clear day, and as I cantered over the hills, old Noor Hakk, [Light of Truth] with his new winter suit of white on, looked as if one could reach him in a two or three hours' ride, although nearly a hundred miles away as the crow flies. A fine breeze blew straight from his snow-capped peaks, and made my old Circas- sian coat very welcome, but by the time I had put up the first covey of partridges. Uncle Sol had warmed things up so that I was glad enough to discard said coat. Leetie found the partridges SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 141 in a fig'-orchard, and they flew into the near-by lava-flow, where she was soon nosing them out in fine style. I missed more shots than I some- times do, but still did fairly well, and at noon had eight partridges and a hare in the saddlebags. The hare got up under our feet, with Leetie so close behind him that I had to give him about 50 yards leeway before I dared to shoot, for fear of hitting the dog. Then a charge of No. 5 shot keeled him over very neatly. We ate lunch in the lea of an old cistern, which furnished us shelter and drink. Yaghlu Kiahke with raisins, walnuts, and cheese tasted very good, after my four hours' of brisk work, but seemed to have a deleterious effect upon my shooting, for from 1:30 to 4:30, although Leetie put up plenty of birds, I got only two more, and went home one hare and two par- tridges short of my morning's boast. Fritz and Leetie, the two pointers, were trained as puppies by the doctor himself. This is how Fritz got punished one day for his disobedience, as his master told the tale : On a trip with your mother, the other day, we ran across a little kid that had been left be- hind by the flock. Fritz took after it and, de- spite my shouted commands, pulled it down and proceeded to throttle it. He was about a hundred yards away, down a steep slope. I fired a charge 142 SHEPARD OF AINTAB of B. B. shot at him, and he left the kid and came to me in trepidation, bleeding freely from a shot- hole in the muscles of his back. Another shot had struck him in the ham, but did not bleed much. I scolded and beat him a bit, and he crawled into a bush and lay there, while we went on. When we got home he was at camp and very shame- faced indeed. I ridiculed him a bit, and he slunk off to his bed and refused to eat any supper. The next morning he came around and begged to be forgiven, as plainly as a dog could, and, after being assured of my good-will, he became as cheerful as ever. In midwinter, when he was worn with his fall work, and when the surgical cases at the hospital were fewer than at other seasons, with a friend or two, Dr. Shepard would take a two weeks' trip to some lakes at the foot of the Taurus Mountains. Here there were thirty kinds of ducks and geese and other game-fowl. Reeds and rushes grew thickly in the lake, and just in the center was a strange village built of reeds upon a floating island. A mud fireplace in the center furnished the only heat for these reed huts, and the smoke had to escape through the thatched roof. The villagers said they were the remnants of some ancient peoples who had been driven from their SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 143 mountain homes by enemies and had taken refuge on this island. They were vassals of a feudal lord, or AgJia, in the city of Marash. Half of all the fish and fowl which they caught had to be sent to him, while the poor villagers had nothing to live on but the half left to them. Pitching his tent on the frozen banks of this lake, and hiring a pine dug-out from the natives, the doctor spent his days in hunting the water- fowl. Morning and evening came the flight called far-far, from the sound made by thousands of birds on the wing. It was then that the hunter, hidden in his boat among the reeds, got in his best work. After a two days' stay, the doctor was able to send back thirty brace of birds, to be distributed among his friends in Aintab. Adventures of various kinds befell the campers by the lake. The following is the story of one such adventure, as told by the doctor himself: One stormy day my boatman and I heard cries of distress and hastened toward them. They seemed very near, but were coming directly down the wind, and in reality came from fully two miles away. When we finally got out of the marsh, to the edge of the lake, we could make out two black dots a half mile away that we knew must be 144 SHEPARD OF AINTAB the heads of the poor fellows in the lake. They were two Kurds who had tried to cross the lake in a water-logged old dugout, with a load of wood, while there was quite a little sea running. Their craft had filled from the lapping waves and had gone down under them. They were clinging to some slender reeds, giving just enough support to keep their mouths above water. Making them cling one to each side of the canoe, we towed them to a near-by floating island. One of them was able to climb out, but the other had not strength enough. We helped them into our canoe (which was meant to carry only two), and making them sit back to back in the middle, I covered them from the cold wind with my raincoat, and we paddled off as fast as possible for the houses of the lake-dwellers on the island in the middle of the lake, and soon had them before a hot fire and got some hot soup down them. None too soon, either, as the weaker one was pulseless when we got there. After the day's shooting was over, one and another of these crude village folk would drop in to share the doctor's brazier of charcoal with him in his tent. Then the Servant of the King would draw Ms Turkish Testament from his pocket and read them stories of his Master and tell them of the wondrous life lived by the shores SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 145 of that other lake, among the humble fisher-folk. But even in this wild spot, the doctor could not get away from the throngs who besieged him. All day Sunday, and indeed nearly every day, crowds of patients from surrounding villages came to the tent by the lake. Sometimes when the doctor was out until dark, hunting, the wait- ing patients built great bonfires and stayed all night, even though the ice froze an inch thick on the lake. A missionary friend, who was visiting the doc- tor in his tent, tells of the following conversation which he overheard among the Kurdish patients gathered about them. **Why did the doctor come to Turkey?" asked one. * ' Aren 't there any sick people in America ? ' ' No one answered for a moment when one of the older men heaved a sigh and said, ^'Praise be to God, no one is ever sick in America." ^^Do you think that America has so much better climate and water than you have here in Turkey, that no one ever gets sick there?" asked the mis- sionary friend, knowing how proud the people were of their country. This set the group of patients to guessing again. *^ Don't you see how rich these Americans are?" 146 SHEPARD OF AINTAB said one. ^^They don't come here because they can't find anything to do in America. They come here because they can get bigger salaries. Just look at the doctor's fine horses and saddles. Go to Aintab and see the American houses. God have mercy on them, they even sleep in separate rooms and change their underclothes every few days." "Mashallah/' [praise to God] added an old graybeard, nodding his head slowly, '^have you seen how clean and well dressed their children are?" But the Mullah [religious leader] of the group began to scold them for this idea. Besides, he had an idea of his own to advance. ^ ' You don 't understand religion, ' ' he said. * ' Of course the Americans are richer than we are. They work harder than we do. If Dr. Shepard stayed in America and worked as hard as he does here, he could g^i ten times as much money. No, it isn't the money he wants; he's trying to save his soul." '^Oh, I see," came a voice from the doorway, *^we are doing him a great favor in allowing him to treat us. But how about those other Americans — those who conduct schools. How can they ex- pect to save their souls?" SUMMER OUTINGS AND HUNTING TRIPS 147 '^Well/' said the Mullah, ''God is gracious and all- wise; perhaps he will forgive them.'' At that moment the young man whose wound the doctor had just examined broke in rather im- petuously, ''You fellows don't know what you are talking about. None of you have had the experience I have had." Then he went on to tell how his wife had been treated for three weeks at the hospital and the things he had heard there; and of the Injeel [Gospel] that had been given him. "I couldn't read it," he said, "but I found a lame boy who could. We spent hours together with that InjeeL If you want to know the real reason why Dr. Shepard and these other Americans came to Tur- key, you just read that book ! ' ' vin A FRIEND TO ALL THUS it was that Shepard of Aintab came to be known and loved in the most obscure vil- lages of the land. Any one who wore a hat and traveled through the mountain villages was called Sliippet. As two of the ladies were traveling from the coast to Aintab, a suspicious police officer stopped them in a certain village and took them to the chief. *^ Where are you going T' asked the man. **To Aintab/' was the response. *'0h,'' he beamed, '^then you are Shippets!^^ and turning angrily to the police officer he stormed, '^You fool, don't you know enough not to molest the Shippet Khanums on their way!" The following tale of the power of Dr. Shep- ard 's name is told by one of the graduates of the college in Aintab : Mr. Stephen Trowbridge and I wanted to visit Hassan Beyli and other Armenian villages in 149 150 SHEPARD OF AINTAB Giaour Daghia and, as neither of us knew the roads, we went to Dr. Shepard for instructions. He drew up for us a free-hand map of the roads, and equipping us with his guns, warned us to look out for Turkish highwaymen. The journey was two days on horseback, and at the end of the first day we found that we had lost our way in the thick forest on a steep moun- tainside. The sun was goiag down fast, and there was no sign of life around. We dismounted and walked, our horses following closely, when, about two hundred yards ahead, I noticed a highway- man waiting for us, partly concealed in the thick bushes. We were glad to see a human being, even though he were a bandit, and, at the point of a gun, we forced him to lead us to the nearest village. He led us to a Turkish village, and we spent the night at the house of the Agha [chief]. In the morning, after tipping the Agha well, we asked him to give us a guide to Hassan Beyli. He was only too glad to give us, for a guide, a famous highwayman who had been terrorizing that sec- tion of the country for thirty years. After an hour or so, we found ourselves in a very thick forest, and I noticed that the man was preparing for a charge. I tried to be more friendly with him, and he thought he could win me to his side. He told me that he was plotting on Mr. Trowbridge's life. Seeing that it was useless to try on that line, I changed the topic of con- A FRIEND TO ALL 161 versation and asked him if he knew Dr. Shepard. He said that he knew Dr. Shepard very well and admired him very much, as he came to that part of the country every year to hunt wild pigs, and that he was the most daring man he ever knew. Then I said that Mr. Trowbridge was Dr. Shepard 's most intimate friend and that the gun on his shoulder was Dr. Shepard 's gun. That fact changed matters considerably in the robber's mind, and when, in a short time, we were out of the woods and on the right road again, this man would run ahead of us into the village we were approaching and announce that Dr. Shepard 's friend was coming, and we would find mothers with their sick children waiting for us. We reached Hassan Beyli safely, thanks to the doctor's gun! It was not only the doctor's skill as a physician which won him so many friends, but his own genial personality. He never made any one feel that he considered himself in any way above them, and he entered as simply and heartily into the life of the crude villager as of the cultured college professor. He was equally friendly and at ease in the official's fine mansion and in the peasant's goat's-hair tent. Mahmoud Agha was the chief of his tribe — 162 SHEPARD OF AINTAB rough, hospitable, and simple-hearted. Many lands he had, but with little knowledge or energy to cultivate them, quite content with his great flocks of sheep and the horses he loved to raise. Four stalwart sons he had, and many serving men, besides daughters — whom no one ever counts! On every trip back and forth from Marash, the doctor always spent at least an hour or two with his friend, and sometimes, with Mrs. Shepard or his son Lorrin, he spent a night in their hospitable home, — a black goats '-hair tent in summer, a rude mud-hut in winter. The best in the Agha's little village was theirs, and he, with all his household, served them like royal guests. When the Agha came to Aintab, he would stop at the doctor's house, and the crude peasant, who ate with his fingers out of the one dish in his black, goat's-hair tent, sat up at the table in western style, a commanding and striking figure in his long, blue, broadcloth coat, and ate with a knife and fork. One day he suddenly expressed himself in the following words : ** I'm very glad the Khanum scolded me on my last visit here. She told me I was lazy and not working my farm as it should be, and asked why I didn't get seed from America, and till the A FRIEND TO ALL 153 ground, and get a harvest that was worth while. I got to thinking about it, and I decided she was right — and I determined to get to work. Mashal- lahy this year my crops were wonderful ! ' ' Later, the doctor wrote of a visit to his old friend's home and he was convinced that the *^ bracing up" was permanent, for there were many indications of added prosperity. *^As I approached the river ErkeneJc Chai/' Dr. Shepard wrote, '^a horseman rose out of the sunken river-bed and proved to be my Kurdish friend Mahmoud Agha. He had heard of my pass- ing to Marash and had started out to find me. So I had the pleasure of his company back to his tents, pitched just to the west of his village. Mahmoud is becoming quite a farmer. With four yoke of big, strong oxen and four plows, his sons and a hired man were breaking up the old sod of the centuries. He raised wheat enough this year to pay off all his debts. His eldest son, Ali Eiza, is married and has a very pretty little girl of two years' or so. Hassan is to marry this fall. Mahmoud is building a home for him. After a hearty meal of thin bread, rice pilav, fried eggs, yoghourt and grapes, I rode along. Ali Eiza mounted the long-legged white mare, a foal from 154 SHEPARD OF AINTAB my old Prince, and guided me through the swamp to the foot of the mountain/' When the doctor was on his furlough in Amer- ica, in 1911, Mahmoud Agha heard that he had been killed in a railroad accident. In great dis- tress, he went to Mr. Goodsell, one of the mission- aries in Marash, and asked if this was true. How his face beamed when he was assured that it was a false report. '^Dr. Shepard is our dearest friend and great- est benefactor, '^ he said. *^ Write and tell him we are anxious for him to come back. May Allah give long life to him and to all Americans. ' ' Here is the letter to the doctor which he dictated to Mr. Groodsell; In the winter we heard, much to our sorrow, that something serious had befallen you, even that you had died, and we were very much troubled. The winter was so severe that we could not get to Aintab to find out whether this really were true, but finally we learned that you were in good health again. I felt sure that God would reveal to me directly any such terrible thing, and, since I had had no such revelation, I could not believe it. I send you many greetings. I and my house- hold, Hassan, Ali Riza, Kiamil, Bektash, Kul- deoken, and all the children whom you know well. A FRIEND TO ALL 155 I send my greetings also to your daughters and son and to Mrs. Shepard. We shall all be very glad to see you when you return. Hassan, Ali Eiza, Kiamil and Bektash were his sons. Kuldeohen (which means ash dumper, the common term for a Moslem woman) was his wife, and *^all the children*' were daughters. Quite a contrast to this rough, simple-hearted Kurd was the doctor's Turkish friend who was lord of a village in the Euphrates Valley, near the ruins of the ancient city of Carchemish. Up-to- date in every way, this progressive Turk would appear, now and then, at the hospital in his natty white flannel outing-suit, to introduce some patient from his village, always showing courtesy and respect to the hospital nurses. In the winter of 1913, Mrs. Shepard was called to Oorfa to reor- ganize industries for the w^omen there. On her return in the spring, the doctor met her at Car- chemish. After visiting the ruins, where the Eng- lish were making excavations, they spent a few days at the Turkish friend's manor. He met them at the station (on the Bagdad railroad) with an up-to-date little phaeton. His fine house was surrounded by a great garden containing fruit trees, vegetables, and flowers. A conservatory, 156 SHEPARD OF AINTAB with a pond and goldfish and a flock of doves, added a modern touch. One of his two wives had set the table for dinner in Western style and then called Mrs. Shepard aside to ask if it were set quite right. During their stay, the older wife went into the kitchen to direct the servants, and Mrs. Shepard taught her how to make doughnuts, pancakes, and brown bread; while she, in turn, had a lesson in the finest Turkish cooking. Meanwhile, the doctor and the Agha went off with their dogs to hunt partridges in the hills. Many of the vassals in the village of this lord had never before even seen a foreigner. But the Agha was trying to edu- cate these ignorant peasants and had secured a Hodja [teacher] from Aleppo and started a vil- lage school. When his guests were ready to leave for Aintab, he loaned the Khanum his pacing mare, with her easy gait, in order to make the journey more comfortable. Dr. and Mrs. Shepard were keenly interested in the life of the people in every detail. They were always encouraging them to make the best use of the resources of their country. Finding traces of a coal deposit in one of the mountains in the Kurd Eange, the doctor pointed it out to I. DR. SHEPARD WRITING A PRESCRIPTION FOR KURDISH PATIENTS II. A KURDISH FAMILY AND THEIR HOME 'i^ A FRIEND TO ALL 157 a villager and asked him why, when heat was so often needed, they did not mine it. ^^ If Allah had meant us to use it," replied the man with a shrug, *^he would have put it on the surface, so we could get it easily." A good example of the way in which the doctor and his wife were able to help a whole com- munity in their upward struggle was the little village of Eybez, at the foot of the Giaour Dagh [Mountain of the Infidels] where they had their mountain camp. Here Dr. Shepard was indeed a friend to all. Not only did he help the people as a doctor, in the weekly clinics he held there through the summer, but he took a lively interest in their farming, in their business, in their schools and churches, in the friendly relations between Moslem, and Christian, and in their dealings with the government. In the next valley beyond the village stood a French Trappist monastery. Here, too. Dr. Shepard made many warm friends, and it was through them that he got the lumber for his new hospital-building. After an absence of some time from this village, which the doctor had in a sense adopted as his own, he made a little visit there and wrote back to his wife of its material and educational progress: 158 SHEPARD OF AINTAB I found the Eybez friends all well and de- lighted to see me. I was the guest of Havounj Oghloo [Son of the Carrot] tribe, as usual. Eybez has grown a good bit since you saw it last, with perhaps fifty shops in its little market. The former good feeling existing between the Moslem and Christian part of the population continues. The Protestant community has built a neat and commodious parsonage and enclosed the premises in a good stone wall. They have three teachers in their school and have purchased a plot of land for their new school-building. They have two evangelists in the field and three boys in college at Aintab, this year, and are progressing finely in all ways. During his thirty-three years of service in the Turkish Empire, Dr. Shepard had much to do with Turkish officials. He was a keen judge of men, and, while he always saw the best in a man, he was never hoodwinked by the smooth talk of officials. Not only as a physician did he come in touch with them, but in many other ways, as in obtaining government permits for travel, for building, for sanitary measures in the city, or for distribution of relief. Often he would go to some man in power whom he had won to a per- sonal friendship and use his influence to secure A FRIEND TO ALL 159 the release from prison of some Christian friend or servant unjustly arrested. Several times he secured the punislmient of some notorious evil- doer, and once or twice, when a massacre of Chris- tians threatened the city, an appeal from the doctor to the governor of the province saved the day. From his busy life Dr. Shepard snatched time to cultivate these friendships. On Bairam, the great Moslem feast day, when the cannon was fired, announcing that the NamaZj or morning prayers, were over and that the governor was ready to receive, the doctor would start out on his round of calls on the city officials. At the time of the ^'Bloodless Kevolution, ' ' in 1908, when representatives of the Young Turk party were *^ stumping the country '^ for their cause, they were given a dinner in Aintab. The doctor thus described the occasion : Last Tuesday evening, I was one of one hun- dred and sixty people, three quarters of them Moslems and one-fourth Christians, to sit together at a banquet given by the mayor of the city to a member of the Committee of Union and Prog- ress, as the Executive Committee of the Young Turk party is called. The governor, the mili- 160 SHEPARD OF AINTAB tary commander, the beys, and all the most prom- inent men of the city were present. After dinner there were speeches by the guest of the evening, by Profssor Bezjian, Dr. Shepard, Michael An- taki, the Armenian Catholic Vartabed, and by a Young Turk of the city. The utmost freedom of speech was used, and the spirit of tolerance, yes, even of brotherhood, prevailed. It was the doctor's constant endeavor to get representatives of the different nationalities and communities to cooperate in some enterprise for relief or civic betterment. The Christians were ready to do their part, but it was diiBScult to in- duce the Moslems to take an active interest. Sev- eral times, however, they gave substantial dona- tions for the work of the hospital. Once a Swiss philanthropist sent a special fund for the relief of poor Moslems. The Turks were so touched by this gift from a foreigner that they made a large addition to the fund. The Christians, too, had raised a fund for similar purposes, and a co- operative committee was formed of both creeds, to distribute to the poor of all alike. So it was that, as the doctor gained many friends among the Moslems, more and more, as the years went on, he tried to win them, by word and A FRIEND TO ALL 161 deed, to a knowledge of the Master he served. He himself took every chance that offered, — in the hospital ward, in a social call, or even about the campfire, — to tell of the Great Physician. But, more than this, he brought his Christian friends to realize that they too must do the same. Trav- eling one day through the Kurdish Mountains with an Armenian friend, he rode by a beautiful little Turkish village, with its green gardens set like an emerald in the hollow of a hill. ^' Isn't it a shame,'' said the young man, ^'that God should have given over this beautiful country to these Moslem dogs !" ^' Don't you think," replied the doctor gently, *'that when God has been so good to them, we should show them a little more consideration?" The doctor's great longing was that he might have a young associate from America to help in the hospital work, so that he might be free to go out among his thousands of Moslem friends in the villages of the region and set before them, by life and word, the good news of Jesus. Miss Trowbridge, who, as nurse in the hospital for many years, had gained the good will of hundreds of patients from surrounding places, gave much time in later years to visiting them in their village 162 SHEPARD OF AINTAB homes! Sometimes Dr. Hamilton accompanied her and always they were received with open hearts. In 1914 Dr. Shepard planned with the Protestant churches of the city to start a reading- room and social center for Moslem young men, but the outbreak of the war put an end to this project. It took all the doctor 's tact and faith and cour- age to carry on this work, for it meant death for a Moslem to become a Christian. There were, nevertheless, two men in the city who longed to know the truth, and came to the doctor and his missionary friends. Then others felt the same desire and, night after night, a meeting was held to read the Injeel [gospel] in the house of some member of these seekers after truth. Often on a Sunday afternoon (the only time the doctor was at home) they would call to talk about the subject they had grown to love best. The following story is told by one of Dr. Shepard 's Armenian friends. Once, when a Moslem Hodja [teacher] was talking to a large audience about Christianity, and criticizing unjustly both the religion and its believers, a Moslem Kurd, coming forward from the audience, told the Hodja that he did not agree with him on the subject. The Hodja became furl- A FRIEND TO ALL 163 ously angry and said to the Kurd, **Who are you, anyway? What is your religion T' After a few minutes' meditation, the Kurd asked him if he knew Dr. Shepard of the Aintab City Hospital, and the Hodja answered, ^^Yes, I know him very well. What about itf The Kurd replied, ^'Whatever it is, Dr. Shep- ard 's religion is my religion.'' IX ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN **T THINK I can honestly say, with old Dr. ^ Post of Beirut, that the two things that I love best in this life are a surgical operation and a prayer-meeting.'' Thus wrote Dr. Shepard in a letter to a friend. The doctor was not only a great physician, he was more — he was a missionary in the true sense of the word. There was no part of the work, whether of education in the college, of preaching in the churches, of social uplift in the Young Men's Christian Association, or of relief in the orphanage, in which the doctor did not have an active share. The first summons to the young recruit had come as a call to a professorship in the medical department of the college. Although that enter- prise had to be given up, still the relation was never severed. The doctor took as active an in- terest in the growth of the college as in that of 165 166 SHEPAKD OF AINTAB the hospital. He was always a member of its Board of Managers. When the college ran into debt, it was the doctor's hard-won earnings which helped to pay off that debt. When the college was without a president, it was the doctor who stepped in and filled the gap. When the college needed a new library-building, it was the doctor's sister-in-law, Miss Andrews, who furnished the funds, and it was the doctor who helped to plan the building. When the college needed a new water supply, the doctor worked with Mr. San- ders, the touring missionary, to dig an artesian well. This was just before the massacres of 1895, when all kinds of suspicions and rumors were abroad. *^What were those Americans digging a deep hole for? Surely they were planning to dig it through to America and then march troops in to help the Armenians!'^ No one could beat the Aintahli [resident of Aintab] when it came to making up such stories. The people themselves said that Aintab was fa- mous for its grape-sweets and its lies. A na- tive tradition accounts for this extra share of lies. The devil, it is declared, was wandering over the face of the earth with his big bag of ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 167 lies upon his back, distributing them as evenly as he could. Presently, he stubbed his toe and fell down, spilling the bagful out upon the ground. In great haste he scrambled the lies into the bag again, but many escaped him. The spot he tum- bled on was the city of Aintab! It might be added, from the Occidental point of view, that a goodly share was still left in the bag for other parts of the Turkish Empire. The artesian well had to be dug by horse-power. After the drills were down several hundred feet, they stuck in the limestone. Horse-power was not enough to pull them out again, and to this day the well still awaits a steam-engine for its com- pletion. The doctor showed a lively interest in college athletics, sometimes taking a hand in basket-ball, tennis, or other sports. Though he learned to play tennis after he was forty years old, he kept many a spry young fellow hustling to hold his own ; the length of his arms and his agility made up for what he lacked in height, and the boys would gather about the court to watch the springs and back-somersaults which sometimes helped to win a lively game. Often the doctor was called upon to give the 168 SHEPARD OF AINTAB scientific lecture on some program, to lead a meet- ing of ttie Young Men's Christian Association, or to give a toast at some college celebration ; for the boys enjoyed his wit and humor as much as did his American friends. Just as, with his devotion to his profession, the doctor was constantly and steadily growing with its growth, so, with his devotion to his Master, the missionary was growing in his own spirit- ual life and in his power to reach others. More and more, as the years went by, was he drawn into distinctly missionary activities. As truly as the students enjoyed his wit, humor, and genial fellowship, just so truly did they appreciate the religious talks he gave them, for they were rich in inspiration and suggestion. The following is his own outline of one such talk, called ^^ First Things First.'' It is taken from the texts, Matthew VI. 25-33 and Romans XIV, 17-18. Dr. Shepard began with the illustration of a poor lunatic whom the students had all seen wan- dering about the streets of Aintab, playing with bits of wood held in his fingers. With his whole attention constantly focused on these chips, this ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 169 man was to all an object of pity and contempt. Then the doctor went on to say, '*I imagine God looks with something of the same pity and contempt upon that man who is so engrossed in the pursuit of wealth, or honor, or pleasure, that he has forgotten God. ^*Mark Hopkins' definition of religion is, ^A mode of life based upon man's relation to God.' Not a mode of belief, or of thought, or of worship, but a mode of life. Is your mode of life based on your relation to God! What is your relation to God? Are you a loving son, seeking to do his will? Are you an unwilling slave, serving him through fear! Are you a rebel, refusing your lawful duty? Youth often makes the mistake of living in the future, forgetting that we live only in the present, and that the future is conditioned on the past. To-day ! This hour ! It is the only time that is really ours. Are we living for right- eousness? Are we putting first things first?" Dr. Shepard was always the college physician, and often he would hold a little clinic of the students before breakfast, at his home on the college campus, or make a visit to the dormitory before he jumped on his horse to be off for the day's work at the hospital and in the city. 170 SHEPARD OF AINTAB One day, as lie was about to start for his after- noon's work, an excited group of boys rushed down to his house. ^*0h, Doctor Effendi/' gasped the one who reached him first, ^'Vartan has taken poison and is dying. Do come quick!'' Hastening to the dormitory, the doctor found the boy had taken a huge dose of opium. Nothing that he could do had any effect, and he knew the boy was sinking fast. It would be only a matter of minutes, now, before he would be beyond help. **It is oxygen he needs," the doctor said, *4f we only had some oxygen! Go quickly and get Professor Bezjian," he ordered, turning to one of the anxious boys. In a few moments the pro- fessor of physics appeared. ' ^ I need some oxygen, Professor," said the doctor; ^^can you generate some for me in short order?" ^^I'll do my best," was the reply. Before many more minutes the boy was taking the oxygen, and the ebbing life came flowing back. In the years to come. Professor Bezjian became one of Dr. Shepard's closest friends. A graduate of Yale University, an eager scientist, a keen thinker, a delightful humorist, he was a leader in his community in all things intellectual. Broad- ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 171 minded and tolerant in his religious ideals, he did much to draw Christian communities of differ- ent creeds into closer fellowship. Another close friend among the college profes- sors was Professor Levonian, one of the Chris- tian martyrs of the Adana massacre. With his deeply spiritual nature and Christlike spirit, this friend worked with the doctor for the deeper spiritual life of the students and churches, and planned with him for the winning of the Moslems to a knowledge of their common Lord and Master. From the first, Dr. and Mrs. Shepard took an active part in the work of the evangelical churches of Aintab. Before the missionaries ever came to Turkey, the Armenians had a Christian church of their own called the Gregorian church from the name of its founder, St. Gregory ; but the services of the church were in Ancient Armenian. This is, to Modem Armenian, what the Anglo-Saxon of Chaucer is to our own English. The people could not understand it. Though they were so loyal to their faith as to be willing to die for it, yet too often it meant very little to them in their lives. They had no Sunday-school and no prayer meetings, and few could read or understand the 172 SHEPARD OF AINTAB Bible. When some of these people began to learn from the missionaries, the priests excommunicated them from the church. Thus they were forced to found a new church of their own and they called it the Evangelical Church. As, in the course of years, the number of these converts grew, they built three Evangelical Churches in the city of Aintab. Dr. and Mrs. Shepard joined one of these churches by letter from their own church in America. Mrs. Shepard was particularly interested in Sunday-school work. Not only did she help in the church Sunday-schools, she formed classes for street urchins in different parts of the city. A college student who had consented to teach one of these classes walked through the streets, carry- ing a Sunday-school picture-roll. The children, many of whom had never seen a picture in their lives, crowded about to catch a glimpse of the new wonder. Then the teacher lead them into a room, and, hanging the picture on the wall, he told them its story. Pictures were such an attraction that they were given out as rewards of merit, and Mrs. Shepard distributed small Sunday-school pic- ture-cards, sent from America, to thirty village Sunday-schools. ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 173 Mrs. Shepard did much, also, to bring about a better feeling between the old church (which was called the Mother Church) and the new. She often attended the services of the Gregorian Church and made friends with its priests and its people. One of her most successful Sunday- schools was started in this church after the mas- sacres of 1895, when all Christians were drawn together by their common calamity. Getting some of the young people interested as teachers, she issued a call for the children to come to the old church on a certain Sunday. She did not expect more than a few to respond, but when she reached the church, there were the children — children in the church ; children in the gallery ; children about the doors and in the yard ; children on the flat roof, peering down through the windows of the dome. Fifteen hundred strong they were, and new teach- ers had to be found to take charge of the large classes. As the doctor's own religious life grew richer and deeper, year by year, more and more did the '4ife more abundant'' become in him a well of water flowing out to others. Though Sunday afternoon was the only time he had a few hours to himself, he always attended church service with 174 SHEPARD OF AINTAB his family. One evening of the busy week was given to church prayer-meeting, and often, after a heavy day's work, he would meet, far into the night, with the church committee, in order to plan for a building fund, a new evangelist, or some form of relief. He believed in putting responsi- bility on the natives and always worked shoulder to shoulder with these *^ Armenian brethren, '^ as he always called them. So many sudden professional calls came, that his stethoscope always decorated the pocket of even his Sunday suit, and while, as deacon in the church, he was ministering to the spiritual needs of his Christian brethren in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the sign of his constant ministry to their physical needs protruded from his pocket. The Armenian pastor of the church gave expression to this touching fact of his two- fold service in the following words : The hands which skilfully exercised the sur- geon's knife in the operating-room of the hos- pital, lovingly offered the sacred elements of the Holy Supper to hundreds, and the church was spiritually richer by reason of his influence. In writing of one of the church meetings, the doctor said: ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 175 Last Sunday, Pastor Topalian gave a report of the missionary activity of the Second Church for the past year, and set forth the need of the pastor-less churches and communities in this region. After church, the missionary committee met and decided to send out at once two Bible women and two evangelists, on salary, and also arranged for voluntary evangelists to go out by twos, at their own expense, on tours to various needy regions. They went down into their pockets and subscribed for the next six months one third more than they gave last year, and they gave liberally last year, and this notwithstanding the crying need here at home. What church in Amer- ica, with one fourth its whole membership on the relief-roll, would support five paid evangelists and send out a score of voluntary ones besides? Besides the evangelists sent out into their own districts, the members of this church, one fourth of whom had to be given relief, undertook the support of a native evangelist in China. During the thirty years of Dr. Shepard's connection with these native churches, three revivals took place, and the results were evident by the addition of many new members. *^What kind of Christians do the Armenians makeT^ the doctor was once asked, when he was on furlough in America. 176 SHEPARD OF AINTAB ^'A little better, on the whole, than the ones in America,^' was the quick reply. Perhaps no one loved the doctor more than the little boys and girls in the orphanage. They were almost glad when one of their number was sick, so that they might see the doctor come riding up the hill on his fine horse, and catch his hearty laugh as he entered the yard, with some merry joke for the youngsters who ran to open the gate. And the little patients felt better as soon as they felt the doctor's tender touch and heard his gentle voice. Many a little prayer went up in the chil- dren's evening service for the dear doctor and his. hospital. One of the things the orphans were taught was the making of Turkish rugs. When they had finished a very large and beautiful one they had been working on a long time, they begged that they might give it to their dear doctor. ^ ' I thank you for the gift, with the love that lies behind it,'' said the doctor, **but don't you think it would be nice for me to send it to London to be sold, and then use the money for a children's ward in the hospital?" What jolly times the doctor's own children had with him during the few hours he was at home. When they were small, there were delightful ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 177 evenings when they rode on the back of papa- bear or papa-elephant in the jungle of chairs and tables ; then came a rough-and-tumble romp until they were sent scampering off to bed. There were stories before the open fire in the Franklin stove and the fifteen-minute game of tiddle-de- winks. As they grew older, there was a half hour of reading from some favorite book, or an experi- ment in physics with apparatus borrowed from the college laboratory. And then the rare holidays. Often, on Thanks- giving or Christmas, papa was away on some wild winter ride to a patient, but when he was at home, there was the big dinner with all the American grown-ups. But first came the prayer-meeting in the parlor, where everybody told what they were thankful for; then, when one just couldn't wait a minute longer, the last hymn was sung and they went down to the long, white table, decorated with red and brown grape-leaves, and covered w^ith American goodies, even to yellow butter and real mince-pie. Papa's end of the table was always the jolliest ; and afterwards, when they all played stage-coach, he it was who always told the live- liest yarn. Best of all were those glorious days 178 SHEPARD OF AINTAB in camp in the Amanus Mountains. When, one by one, the children had to go to school in Amer- ica, there were wonderful letters that told of dear, familiar things in the distant home. Perhaps the separation from his sixteen-year- old son, in 1906, was the hardest thing the brave doctor had ever faced. Lorrin had become his close companion in all his outdoor sports and in all his hours at home. With what keen hopes did the doctor watch the development of the lad who already bore the stamp of his father's per- sonality, and who had decided to follow in his steps. Two years after his son left home to be educated in the United States, the doctor wrote him a New Year's letter. After outlining the course of study his son would need to take in preparation for his chosen work, the father went on to say: You will then be twenty-seven years of age, the age I was when I went to Turkey, but you will have had a much better training than I had, and will, by the grace of God, be a larger and better man in every way than your father. In looking forward eagerly to the future, do not forget that to-day is just as important as any day in the fu- ture is likely to be. Make the most of each day ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 179 as it comes. Do the very best that is in you each day, be it at work or play, and the future will take care of itself. He who wins to-day's battle need not fear for that of to-morrow. And that word ^^fear.'^ Cast it out! Give it no place in your scheme of things. Fear nothing but God, and fear not him with any slavish fear. He is your loving Father. Hate sin and shun it, but fear it not, for the Lord Jesus has overcome it for you, and is able to keep you from sin. Believe that whatever man has done, you too can do. Expect great things, attempt great things, and, by the grace of God, you will do great things^. How I should love to be a boy again! To again experience the pleasure and the pain of the struggle into manhood. God be with you and bless you and strengthen you in it all. My powers are waning and the best of my life-work is done, but it is a great pleasure to me to see my children growing up, with a good prospect of carrying on the work to a higher plane of usefulness. A few weeks after Lorrin graduated from High School, Dr. and Mrs. Shepard came to America for their third furlough. There was a glorious family reunion that summer, on the shores of Lake George. There was a wedding, too, for the younger daughter, who had just finished college, married the Rev. Ernest W. Riggs, the newly-ap- 180 SHEPARD OF AINTAB pointed President of Euphrates College in Har- poot, not far from the black city of Diarbekir. Later, she sailed with him to a new home in Tur- key. In the fall, Lorrin entered Yale University, and after the parents' furlough, the older daugh- ter, Florence, went back with them to their home in Aintab. Like a big family, too, was the little group of Americans among whom Dr. Shepard was now the senior missionary. More and more, as his experience added new weight to his naturally sound judgment, they turned to him for advice in every line of work. Yet, with all the added responsibility this brought upon him, he was al- ways ready to join in the frolics of the young folk, where he was the life of the party, whether it were in chess, tennis, horseback rides, or pic- nics. The doctor always called his missionary asso- ciates ** brother.'' Once a week the little group of missionaries gathered for station prayer-meet- ing. At the first meeting which one of the young recruits, a recent arrival in Aintab, attended, Dr. Shepard turned to him and said, ** Brother F., will you lead us in prayer?" The young fellow was so overcome by having the senior member ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN 181 of the mission address Mm as *' brother '^ that he had difficulty in responding to the request. It was in these little gatherings that the doc- tor's missionary associates came to know his heart-life best. When it was his turn to lead, he seldom could get beyond the seventeenth chap- ter of St. John. As he spoke of that wonderful prayer of his Master that they all should be one, **even as we are,'' these friends learned the true secret of the doctor's life of tact and sympathy and love. TEAGEDIES OF THE WAR ONE of the most significant events in the Turk- ish Empire, during the thirty-three years of Dr. Shepard's service among its peoples, was the visit of the German Kaiser, William II., to Con- stantinople and Palestine. This visit cemented that friendship between the Sultan of Turkey and the Emperor of Germany, which bore such bitter fruit sixteen years later. Wherever the Kaiser stepped, on that memorable tour of triumph, he left the imprint of Kaiserdom. In one of the pal- ace gardens of Constantinople, a gaudy fountain was erected in memory of that visit. In Abdul Hamid's palace, a photograph of the German im- perial family stood in a golden frame set with brilliants, as a token of sealed friendship. In Palestine, one hundred and twenty miles of new macadamized roads were built for the Kaiser's convenience. The breach in the Jerusalem wall torn down for his triumphal entry ; the portrait in 183 184 SHEPARD OF AINTAB one of the Jerusalem cliiirehes showing that entry, with the Kaiser decked out as a crusader, while the eager throng welcomed him ; the faded wreath of flowers placed by him at Saladin's tomb, where he made his famous declaration of frieiDdship to- ward the Moslem world, **Tell the 300,000,000 Moslems of the world that I am their friend,'' — all these bore witness to the purpose of his visit. At the famous ruins of Baalbec, in the ancient Tem- ple of the Sun, he placed an inscription in German and Turkish, testifying to his unchangeable friendship and high regard for Abdul Hamid and his pleasure in visiting the ruins. From the time of this visit, German propaganda spread rapidly. The Kaiser was henceforth known as Hadji Wilhelm, a term applied only to pilgrims to Mecca or Jerusalem. Portraits of his Majesty were sold everywhere, and pamphlets were distributed, showing that the Germans were descendants of Mohammed. In the mosques of Syria, Friday prayers were ended with an invo- cation for the welfare of the Sultan and Hadji Willielm. Most significant of all, however, was the con- cession granted to Germany for the Koniah-Bag- dad railroad. Thirteen years of German activity TRAGEDIES OF THE WAR 185 had passed since this memorable visit when Dr. Shepard wrote concerning this railroad; The Germans are finally pushing the Bagdad Railroad, and it gives employment, at hitherto unheard-of rates of wages, to a great many peo- ple ; but closer contact with the real German does not increase the love of the people for him. The Germans are arrogant and selfish, and many of them are living on a low moral plane, in every respect. It is questionable whether their coming will work more good or evil to the empire. But one thing is certain, the Orient can no longer maintain its age-long quiescence, however rude the awakening. The awakening for Turkey was indeed a rude one. Sold to Germany by her unscrupulous lead- ers, she was drawn into the fatal struggle. Long before war was declared, a sealed call to arms had been sent throughout the length and breadth of the land. By a mistake of the local officials, one of the government centers was placarded with these posters as soon as they arrived from Con- stantinople. When the mistake was discovered, police were sent out in hot haste to tear them all down again. War, which meant fear and deprivation in all 186 SHEPARD OF AINTAB lands, meant even more in Turkey; it spelled atrocities, starvation, utter ruin. In terse, vivid terms the first effects of the war felt in Aintab were set forth thus in a bulletin issued from Cen- tral Turkey College in the summer of 1914: The new college year is ready to begin, and there were 51 new applications before the old year closed, but what changes a few weeks may bring forth. Almost like a thunder clap out of a clear sky comes a telegram, calling for the mobilization of all men between the ages of 18 and 45. All horses and wagons are seized for the army. Martial law is declared. The bank refuses to pay out its deposits. The stocks of merchants are depleted by the military; if pro- test is made, a larger demand results. If stores are closed to escape depredations, the govern- ment puts its seal on the door, confiscating every- thing. Supplies of wheat, gathered for winter sustenance, are seized in, whole or in part for the army. Villagers will not come to the city with supplies, for fear their camels or donkeys will be seized. Tourists are stranded. Missionaries away on vacation cannot get back to their homes. Mails are cut off. Telegrams are not delivered, except at three times the usual price, and even then are greatly delayed. The wildest statements as to the European conflict are spread broadcast, only to be contradicted the next day. Conscrip- TRAGEDIES OF THE WAR 187 tion continues. Men are brought into military camps and must provide their own subsistence. There are no uniforms, no guns, and very little food and water. Eight men of an Oorfa regiment die under the hardship of the march. Horses are tethered all day long under a broiling sun, with only one small feed to sustain life. Bullock- carts become baggage-wagons. After repeated delays, orders come to march ; but why, and where, nobody seems to know. There is sorrow in the city. The breadwinners are gone and the army has taken the bread as well. If women and chil- dren are hungry now, in the full harvest time, what will it be when winter comes! And if we, on the outer edge of the conflict, see such distress, what must it be on the line of battle. Although the college and hospital continued work throughout that first year, it was under the most trying circumstances. Nearly all the native physicians had been drafted into the army so that, although fewer patients came in from a dis- tance, the work in the city fell to the hospital staif and they had more than they could do. ^*You cannot realize,'' the doctor wrote, **the grief and the nervous strain w^hich comes to the physician obliged to refuse, day after day and almost hour after hour, the piteous pleading of mothers for their sick children, wives for hus- 188 SHEPARD OF AINTAB bands, etc. You know the Orient, — how the poor things grovel on the ground, kissing your feet and begging for God's sake, Christ's sake, your children's sake. The number of operations has been considerably less than usual, but the number of patients seen at the clinic and in their homes is much larger; over 6000 in the clinic, nearly 2000 in their homes, and about 800 pay patients, mak- ing in the neighborhood of 9000 patients for the year." The hospital supplies and medicines were fast being used up and no new shipments could come in, because of the lack of transportation. Thirty cases of medicines on their way were requisitioned by the government in Alexandretta, and a large shipment could not get beyond Egypt. Because of the war conditions described in the bulletin, famine stared the people in the face. Again the hospital soup-kitchen came to the rescue of hundreds of poor sick people ; and, through a special gift from Mrs. Shepard's sister. Miss An- drews, and contributions from other friends, 12,000 meals of milk and biscuit, or soup and bread, were served during the winter. Though the doctor's heart was sore with the suffering of the people, it was yet more bur- TRAGEDIES OF THE WAR 189 dened with the deeper tragedy of the war. ^ ' The awful failure of Christianity in Europe, *' he wrote, ^* fills my heart with sadness. The fact that so large a proportion of the ^Christian world' can find in its conscience a sanction for war, some- how makes upon my mind a sadder and darker shadow than even the picture of all the untold, unspeakable distress of innocent women and chil- dren, all bereaved fathers and mothers, all the terrible waste of slowly-accumulated capital, all the set-backs of scientific and social progress. Will the so-called * Christian world' ever come to believe that Christ meant what he said about lov- ing one's neighbor as one's self? Will it ever accept, without a heavy discount, that wonderful chapter, I Cor., XIII." Meanwhile, the storm clouds were gathering more thickly in the north. When a representative council of Armenians, in the city of Erzerum, re- fused to join the Turks in their fight against the Allies, the Germans and Turks united in a cam- paign of frightfulness against innocent Arme- nians generally. It included imprisonment, tor- ture, and cold-blooded murder of the men, de- portation of the women and children, sent out at an hour's notice from their homes, to wander 190 SHEPARD OF AINTAB over desert paths, robbed of food and clothing, until those who were not actually butchered died of thirst, starvation, and disease. Never was a more tragic page of history written in the blood of the innocent. Not even the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition or the brutalities of Nero can compare with what these Christian people suf- fered at the instigation of a '^Christian people.'^ Never was death more steadfastly met than by the martyrs of this martyr nation; never were known more thrilling deeds of heroism than those by which the few survivors saved their lives; never was there a race who could face the future with so brave a front after so crushing a calamity. * * Give the Armenian twenty years after a mas- sacre,'' was the common saying among the Turks, ^^and he is ready for another,'' so quickly did he recover, through thrift and industry, his lost pros- perity. When the wave of deportation had reached, and swept over, the neighboring towns and was threat- ening Aintab, Dr. Shepard made a strong appeal to the Vali [Governor General] of the province of Aleppo, and this official, who was a righteous man, firmly prevented the action being carried out. Another righteous man of another town re- TRAGEDIES OF THE WAR 191 fused to send out the innocent people of his city, saying, ^'You may deport me and my family, if you will, but I will not carry out these orders/' He was soon removed from his post. The right- eous Vali of Aleppo, too, was sent away, and the fiendish work ordered by the ^'Christian nation'' still went on. At first, only the members of the old Gregorian church, which was recognized as the Armenian National Church, were sent away; then the Prot- estant community was attacked. In this commun- ity were many of Dr. Shepard's closest friends, professors and teachers, pastors and church mem- bers, with whom he had worked many a year, shoulder to shoulder, for their common Master. Having failed in his efforts to save all, and broken- hearted at the thought of this final tragedy. Dr. Shepard started for Aleppo to make one last ap- peal. Nothing could be accomplished there. ''The orders were from higher up.'' So the doc- tor decided to take his appeal higher, and set out on the long journey to Constantinople. Five days later he wrote that the Imperial Government had graciously granted immunity from deporta- tion to the Protestant and Catholic Armenians. While in Constantinople, he yielded to the plea 192 SHEPARD OF AINTAB for his assistance in the Eed Cross hospital of Tash Kushla, which was full of wounded Turkish soldiers; for the Gallipoli campaign was at its height. For the next two months, with heavy heart but brave, in the spirit of his Master, he threw himself into the work of caring for the soldiers of the nation that was persecuting the Christian friends whom he could not save. The doctor thus briefly described his work in the Tash Kushla hospital: I begin my rounds of the wards at 8:30 a.m. I visit the 200-225 patients in my wards, writing on the chart of each whether his wound is to be dressed, what diet he is to have, his medicine, if any, etc. Then I go to the dressing-room where my assistants (one young doctor and four nurses) have saved up any cases needing my advice, and any new cases for diagnosis ; and we are generally through with them all by half past twelve, and go to lunch at the French hospital, a five minutes' walk away. Then in the afternoon we do any operations needed. Of the Turkish soldiers, the doctor wrote, '^They make the best of patients, having fine courage and endurance. They are patient and grateful fellows, for the most part.'' TRAGEDIES OF THE WAR 193 While Dr. Shepard was caring for the wounded soldiers in Constantinople, things were moving fast toward the final tragedy in Aintab. One day, late in August, word came to Dr. Hamilton at the hospital, which was closed as usual for the sum- mer, that 1200 Armenian exiles, from a town nine days* journey to the north, had just been brought to the deportation camp outside the city, and that they needed the services of a doctor. Dr. Ham- ilton immediately asked permission to go with her nurses to the camp to care for these poor people. Three months they had been kept walk- ing, over mountain and valley and plain, to cover what was really a nine days* journey. Just be- fore starting out, they had paid a heavy blackmail to their Turkish guards to protect them, on their journey, from the wild Kurds. When they reached the mountains, part of this money was basely used by the guards to hire the wild Kurds to attack those who had paid them so heavily for protection. The work they had done was ghastly, and twenty-five of the victims were in such shape that Dr. Hamilton felt obliged to open the hospital and take them in. The hospital, however, had been promised for Eed Cross service in the fall, so two weeks later these poor exiles 194 SHEPARD OF AINTAB had to be moved to the hostel, while the wards were filled with Turkish soldiers. The worst eases were sent to the American hospital. The soldiers were grateful beyond measure for the care they received. The American hospital, with its clean- liness and order, was a paradise to them, after the unspeakable filth of their own barracks and hospitals. In October, Dr. Shepard returned from Con- stantinople to take charge of his own hospital, now under the auspices of the American Eed CrQss, bringing with him eight bales of supplies and medicines to replenish the depleted stock. On his arrival in Aintab, he found, to his grief, that the immunity from deportation, which the Imperial Government had so graciously granted to Protes- tant and Catholic Armenians, was but a camou- flage immunity. Several of the college professors and their families had already been deported, the young men had been scattered and killed, and no hope was left of re-opening the college that fall. A few days later, word came from Oorfa of the death of the only American missionary in that city, and Dr. Shepard mounted his good horse and started over the road he had so often TRAGEDIES OF THE WAR 195 traveled in brighter days at some urgent call. When he arrived there, he found the Armenian quarter of the city in ruins. When the order came for the deportation of Armenians in Oorfa, knowing what had befallen other exiles, they had refused to leave their homes, saying they pre- ferred death there to the slow torture and horrors of the road. For several days they had bravely defended themselves, until the Turks had placed field-guns on the opposite hill and had blo^vn the place to pieces. Out of five thousand houses, only forty were left untouched. Then it was that the brave spirit, who had so often risked his own life to save one of these thousands who were being done to death, cried out in anguish, '*My heart is broken, I can bear the burdens of Turkey no longer." How different was the Thanksgiving Day in Aintab that year from the happy festivals of the years that had gone before. There was a little gathering at the college for the few students who still found refuge there. After the simple meal, when the doctor was called upon to speak, he could not find it in his heart to say aught but words befitting the tragedies of the hour. **Our hearts are burdened with all we have 196 SHEPARD OF AINTAB seen/' lie concluded. ^'I shall be very glad if the Lord shall see fit to call me home. ' ' "Within a few weeks the **call home'' came, while the brave doctor was still serving the peo- ple, the sight of whose sufferings, with no power to save, had broken that great, tender, compas- sionate heart. In some half-built houses beyond the college campus were herded hundreds of miserable exiles, with no bedding and no food, all of them alive with ^ * cooties ' ' and infected with typhus. Every other day, Dr. Hamilton went among these suf- ferers, giving what help she could, until she fell ill. After his return from Oorfa, Dr. Shepard took up the heart-rending task, and in spite of every precaution, he, too, fell a victim to the dread disease. When first he began to feel ill, he, as always, sought relief in a trip after partridges in the hunting-ground where he had so often re- gained vigor for another term of work. Then, as he realized what the disease was, with brave heart he said, '*If the Lord spare me, I shall be immune to fight the epidemic which is sure to follow in the winter.'' On the fourth day he mounted his horse and rode to the hospital to see Dr. Hamilton, who lay near death's door with TRAGEDIES OF THE WAR 19T the same disease. **Well, ^Richard's himself again ^ when he gets on his horse,'' he smiled as he swung into the saddle. On his return from the hospital, Dr. Shepard went to see the college students who were sick with typhus in the dor- mitory. This was the last service rendered by the great-hearted man. Nine days later, the Beloved Physician entered into rest. After he became unconscious, a cordon of soldiers was placed between the college and the city, and the final deportations of all the Armenians began. The great tragedy had come ; but the broken heart had passed beyond the veil and was at rest. A beautiful smile passed over his face at the last moment and lingered there. ^^I have never seen Jesus,'' said a poor Arme- nian, "but I have seen Dr. Shepard." And one of his missionary associates wrote, "I instinctively think of the Master when I think of Dr. Shepard." There was a simple little service at the cemetery in one corner of the college campus, where sev- eral of the doctor's missionary friends had been laid to rest. The college students begged the privilege of bearing the casket. So troubled were the times that only a small group of representa- 198 SHEPARD OF AINTAB tive men were sent by the government to pay tribute to the life that had been poured out for their country, and but a few of the hospital work- ers and other Armenian friends could come, by special permit, to offer their last token of love to the Beloved Physician. *^I cannot think of him as sympathizing with us as we mourn the loss of his earthly presence," wrote a missionary friend, ^^ because he was of heroic mold and would have us always do as he himself always sought to do, — meet the day's experiences with stout hearts and firm faith in the loving providences of God." One day, some weeks after, Mahmoud Agha, the Kurdish friend, appeared at the college gate, rid- ing his old white mare. Leaving her there, he walked alone to the little cemetery and, standing with folded arms, gazed long at the mound be- neath which his friend lay, while great sighs shook his frame. Then silently he turned away. POSTLUDE THE chapel was full. Almost every seat was taken. Many of the people had never be- fore seen a missionary starting ont on his jour- ney. There were special circumstances on this occasion. The young man and his wife were go- ing to take the place of the father who fell at his post, of the disease he had been fighting. His mother was present at the service, just arrived, after four years of horror, including massacre, deportation, and disease in Turkey. What must have been her thoughts as her son stepped for- ward to take the place of the father who had fallen in action! The surpliced choir sang an anthem of tri- umph. The sermon of the evening dwelt on the glory of a life invested where it brings great returns. Contrast was drawn between the first efforts of a hundred years ago and the present. The beautiful words of personal greeting were spoken by the pastor, and then the two young missionaries made reply in words of simplicity, 199 200 SHEPARD OF AINTAB of deep spiritual truth, and of heroism. The wife said: *^Our hearts are full to-night, too full for expression. We go to represent all of you, and we can. only promise you that we will do our best.'' The doctor-husband added thoughts like these : **We are glad to be starting for Turkey. It is not a great thing to do. The rich life of my father is one to beckon, not to dete^. Suppose that one does lay down a life in such service in the future, distant or near, what of it? It is the spirit of the hour. Any man unwilling to die for the Cause he fights for is unfitted to live for any Cause, Thousands of men have died for our country and for the world. Surely, we all must be more than willing to die, if need be, for this cause of righteousness, this multiplying of Christ throughout the earth. Should we count it hard or seek to avoid so plain and clear an issue? Spiritual investment of life awaits us out there, and we shall count upon this church to back us up, while we go to prove the promises and the power of Christ." RETURN TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 Home Use 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. JAN 1 2005 FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 50M 4-04 Berkeley California 94720-6000 «# I (