' ',*"■' - V ■■./■ . I ■ ' '.- ■ I' \ ,<,'.'■',■ ' • ■ '( H- • ' . ■ ) - I/--' r'^-:/r-fy>,''', ''/. ("/•>'■».' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CENSUS OP C^N^D^ 1890-91 KECENSEMENT DU CA^N^D^ VOLUME I OTTAWA PRINTED BY S. E. DAWSON, PRINTER TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1893 -74-1 GENERAL TABLE OF SUBJECTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE CENSUS OF 1891 TABLE GENERA LE DES MATIERES DU PREMIER VOLUME DU RECENSEMENT DE 1891 656S68 GENERAL TABLE OF SUBJECTS OP THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE CENSUS OF 1891. PAGES. Presentation of the Repohi' to His Excellency the Governor-General vi Letter submittiner the result of the Census to the Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Statistics viii Introduction to the first volume, containing : — Remarks on the taking of the Census ; the system adopted and the working staff' employed ; the division of the country into Districts and Sub-districts and remarks on the Tables and Indexes x Table No. I. — Area of Canada by Districts 2 Table No. II. — -Population, Families and Dwellings 8 Table No. III. — Sexes, Conjugal Condition and average size of family 116 Table No. IV.— Religions 224 Table No. V.— Place of Birth 332 Table No. VI. — Population of 1871, 1H81 and 1891 compared by electoral districts 366 T.ABLE No. VII. — Population of Cities and Towns with over 5,000 inhabitants. . 370 Inde.x of Sub-districts 371 Analytical Tacle of Sub.jects 394 TABLE GfiN:6RALE DES MATlfeRES DU PREMIER VOLUME DU RECENSEMENT DE 1891. PAGES. Prfjsentatiox du llapport a Son Excellence le Gouverneur general vii Lettre a I'honorable ministre de I'Agriculture et de la Statistique, soumettant le Rapport ix Introduction du premier volume contenant :— Reuiarques sur le denombrement ; le systeme adopte et le personnel employe ; la division du pays en districts et sous-districts, et remarques sur les tableaux et index xi Tableau N° I. — Superficie du Canada par districts 2 Tableau N° II. — Population, families et demeures 8 Tableau N° III.— Sexes et Etat Civil , 116 Tableau N° IV.— Religions 224 Tableau N° V. — Lieux de naissance 332 Tableau N° VI. — Populations de 1871, 1881 et 1891, comparees par districts electoraux 366 Tableau N° VII. — Population des villes au-dessus de 5,000 habitants 370 Index des sous-districts 371 Table analytique des matieres 394 REPORT OF THE CENSUS OF 1891. To His Eoxellency the Right Honourable Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley, Baron Stanley of Preston, in the County of Lancaster, in the Peerage of Great Britain, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor-General of Canada, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c. May it please Your Excellency : — I have the honour to submit the Report of the Census of the Dominion of Canada? taken in the month of April of the year 1891. The whole respectfully submitted. A. R. ANGERS, Minister of Agriculture and Statistics. Department of Agriculture and Statistics, Ottawa, December, 1892. RAPPORT DU RECENSEMENT DE 1891. A Son Excellence le Tres honorable Sir Frederic Arthur Stanley, Baron Stanley de Preston, dans le comte de Lancaster, dans la pairie de la Grande-Bretagne, chevalier Grand-Croix du tres-honorable ordre du Bain, gouverneur general du Canada, et vice-amiral d'icelui, etc. Qu'lL PLAISE A YOTRE EXCELLENCE : J'ai I'honnevir de vous soumettre le rapport du Recensemeiit du Canada pris durant le raois d'avril de I'annee 1891. Le tout respectueusement soumis. A. R. ANGERS, Ministre de I'Agriculture et de la Statistique. Departement de I'Agriculture et de la Statistique, Ottawa, decembre 1892. CANADIAN STATISTICS. CENSUS OF 1891. To the Honourable A. R. Angers, Minister of Agriculture and Statistics. SiK, — I have the honour to lay before you the Report of the Census of 1891, in such a state of progress as may at once allow of the printing being proceeded with. The detailed statement of the proceedings and labours of the Census of 1891 will be found in tlie introduction to the fii'st volume of the Report. I have the honour to be, sir, Your obedient servant, GEORGE JOHNSON, Statistician. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, December, 1892. STATISTIQUES DU CANADA. RECENSEMENT DE 1891. A rhonorahle A. R. Angers, niinistre de V Agriculture et de la Statistique. Monsieur, — J'ai riionneur de vous soumettre le rapport du recensement de 1891, dans ua etat d'avancement suflisant pour permettre d'en commencer de suite I'impression. Vous trouverez dans ] 'introduction du premier volume du rapport, un etat detaille des procedes et travaux du recensement de 1891. J'ai I'honneur d'etre. Monsieur, Votre obeissant serviteur, GEORGE JOHNSON", Statisticien. Departement de I'Agriculture, Ottawa, decembre 1892. CENSUS OF 1890-91. INTRODUCTION. The Census of 1890-91, the third since the passing of the British North America Act (1867), has been made under the authority of the "Census Act," 42 Victoria, chap. XXI. and Revised Statutes, 1886, chap. 59. There will be an introduction and an index to each volume of this report. The information regaitling population and property is a statement of facts existing on the 5th day of Api-il, 1891, that day having been selected by the several authorities throughout the P^mpire as census day. The information relating to the census year is for the tweb'e months dating from the 6th day of April, 1890. The system adopted for the enumeration of the population is that known as the de jure plan, which is the same system as that employed in the previous Census takings of Canada. A cliange was made in one important particular in taking the Census of 1891 ; a time-limit was for the first time introduced. The directions to the enumerators were as follows : " As considerable doubt has been expressed respecting the accuracy of returns where no time-limit is established, it is proposed to make a change in this regard for the Census of 1^91. There are many persons who are absent from Canada about whose right to be counted in our Census there is no doubt. Thus, seamen away for one, two or three years, whose wives and families are in Canada and whose domicile, conse- quently, is in Canada, should be taken by the enumerator. In the same way, children abroad for their education, though absent for two or more yeai^s are to be taken with their parents. There is, however, a large class of persons who ai^e away from Canada about whom their parents may reasonably be in doubt whether it is their purpose to return to Canada. In these cases, after exhausting inquiry without satisfactory result, the enumerator is to ask : ' Have these persons been away for twelve months 1 ' If the answer is ' Yes,' then these are not to be taken in the Census, the presumption being that they liave abandoned Canada and settled elsewhere. The same rule will hold good in cases where members of a family have left one province and settled in another." The directions respecting Domestic Servants were framed with great care so as to prevent duplication of names arising from persons in this class being taken in their parents' homes and also in the homes of their employers. In every particular, care was taken to avoid the danger of duplication to which the de jure system is Specially liable. II. In the absence of a permanent staff available for Census purposes, such for instance, as that which forms part of the Registrar General's Department, in England, it was necessary to organize in every detail a special staff, and to adopt a peculiar mode of RECENSEMENT DE 1890-91. INTRODUCTION. I. Le recensemeut de 1890-91, le troisieme depuis la passation de I'Acte de I'Amerique Britannique du Nord, 1867, a ete fait par autorite de 1' " Acte du Recensement," 43 Victoria, chapitre XXI, et les 8tatuts revises de 1886, chapitre 59. Chaque volume de ce rapport aura son introduction, comme aussi son index. Les renseignements relatifs a la population et a la propriete, sont I'etat des faits tels qu'exis- tant au jour du 5 avril 1891, ce jour ayant ete choisi par lesdiverses autorites pour tout I'empire comme " le jour du recensement." Les renseignements qui s'appliquent a I'annee du recensement datent du 6 avril 1890. Le systeme adopte dans le denombrement de la population est celui de la population de droit qui est aussi celui qui a ete adopte pour les autres recensements de ce pays. Un changement important a ete fait en prenant le recensement de 1891 ; pour la premiere fois, nous avons introduit une limitation de temps d'absence. Les instructions aux enumerateurs ont ete comme suit: "Comme on a exprime'des doutes sur I'exactitude des chiffres dela population on il n'y a pas de limita- tion de temps d'absence etablie, on se propose de faire un changement a cet egard dans le recensement de 1891. H y a plusieurs personnes qui sont absentes du Canada, mais dont le droit d'etre comptees dans notre recensement ne laisse aucun doute. Ainsi, par exemple, le marin absent, depuis deux ou trois ans, mais dont la femme et la famille sont doiniciliees en Canada, devra etre compte avec sa famille par I'enumerateur. De meme, les enfants absents a I'etranger pour leut education, devront etre aussi comptes avec leurs parents quoique absents pour deux ans ou plus. H y a cependant un bon nombre de personnes absentes du Canada et dont le retour dans ce pays est une chose incertaine. Dans ces cas-la, I'enumerateur, apres avoir obtenu tous les renseignements possibles, sans resultat satisfaisant, devra faire la question suivante : ' Ces personnes sont-elles absentes du pays depuis plus de douze mois ?' Si la reponse est ' oui,' alors ces personnes ne seront pas comptees dans le recensement, la presomption etant qu'elles ont abandonne le Canada et se sont etablies ailleurs. La meme regie s'apjaliquera aux cas ou les membres d'une famille ont quitte une des provinces du Canada pour allers'etablir dans une autre." Les instructions pour ce qui regarde les serviteurs ont ete preparees avec un soin tout particulier, afin d'empecher la repetition des noms, ce qui serait arriv^ si les per- sonnes de cette clas.se eussent ete inscrites aux demeures de leuis parents, et aussi chez les personnes qui les emploient. On a apporte le plus grand soin a chaque entree, afin d'eviter la repetition des noms, ce a quoi on est expose avec le principe adopte de la population de droit. II. En I'absence d'un personnel permanent disponible pour I'execution d'un recense- ment, comme celui, par exemple, qui appartient au bureau du registraire general, en xu INTRODUCTION. instruction. The staff consisted, 1st, of a bodv of Census Chief Officers ; 2nd of a body of County Commissioners, and 4th of a body o* District Enumerators. The Census Chief Officers numbered four for Ontario, the province being mapped out into four divisions ; four for Quebec, with a corresponding number of geographical divisions, and one for each of the other Provinces. These officers were Messrs. Geo. A. Sargison, for British Columbia : H. S. Donaldson, for Manitoba ; Edwin B. Beer, for New Brunswick : Jonathan Parsons, for Nova Scotia ; Andrew Broder, P. McRae, E. J. Toker and Rufus .Stephenson, for Ontario ; Richard Hunt, for Prince Edward Island ; J. A. Chax'lebois, W. E. Jones, P. N. Martel and L. A. Chauvin, for the Province of Quebec, and B. P. Richardson, for the North-West Territories. These gentlemen were summoned to Ottawa, supplied with the Manual and instructed in every particular about which they were doubtful. The second body of officers, the County Commissioners, numbered 241, and the third, the Enumerators, numbered 4,366. The County Commissioners were called together in convenient centres and instructed by the Chief Officers. The same course was followed by the County Commissioners in their instruction of the Enumei'ators. Each Enumerator was supplied with the manual of instructions and with a set of specimen schedules, for his guidance in the actual work of the field. The number of enumerators was one-third greater than in 1881. But the mode of payment was different, and a fair measure of success in the attainment of the end aimed at — viz., the speedy return of the schedules to the department — was secured without addition to the cost of enumeration. The enumeration schedules were eight in number. 1st. Schedule No. 1. — Nominal return of the living, containing 25 columns for the insertion of information relating to the following subjects : Residences ; names ; sexes ; ages ; civil condition ; relation to head of family ; birth places ; French Canadian or not ; place of birth of father and of mother ; religion ; occupation, whether employer or wage earner and, if wage earner, whether employed during the week preceding the Census ; if employer, number of hands employed ; educational status, and infirmities^ whether deaf and dumb, blind or unsound of mind. This schedule contained 5 columns more than the corresponding schedule of 1881. 2nd. One of these columns, that relating to the description of the houses the people of Canada live in, is new. It called for the number of wooden, brick, stone and compo- site houses and the number of stories and rooms in each, in Canada. The compilation and condensation of the information about the dwellings of the people required over 16,000 sheets (24 by 12 inches) of paper. Schedule No. 2 ; Nominal return of deaths, within the twelve months ended April 5th, 1891. The particulars asked for in this .schedule were names of deceased, sex, age, montli of birth if born in Census year, religion, country of birth, occupation, civil condi- tion, month of death and cause of death. These inquiries occupied 10 columns. The 11th, 12th and 13th columns were for public institution.s. Schedule No. 3. — Real estate, orchard products, nui-series, vineyards and market gardens, containing 25 columns applying to the ownership and occupation of real pro- perty, the products of the orchard, etc. This schedule contained 6 columns more than schedule 3 of the census of 1881. INTRODUCTION. xiii Angletene, il a fallu organiser dans tous ses details, un bureau special, et adopter un genre particulier d'instructions. Le personnel etait compose comme suit : — 1. Un corps d'officiers en chef du recensement. 2. Un corps de commissaires de comte. 3. Un corps d'enumerateurs de district. Le nombre d'officiers en chef du recensement etait de quatre pour Ontario, cette province etant divisee en quatre parties ; quatre pour Quebec, ayant le meme nombre de divisions geographiques, et un pour chacune des autres provinces. Ces officiers etaient MM. George A. Sargison, pour la Colombie-Anglaise ; H. S. Donaldson, pour le Mani- toba ; Edwin B. Beer, pour le Nouveau-Brunswick ; Jonathan Parsons, pour la Nouvelle- Ecosse ; Andrew Broder, P. McRae, E. J. Toker et Rufus Stephenson, pour Ontario ; Richard Hunt, pour I'lle du Prince-Edouard ; J. A. Charlebois, W. E. Jones, P. N. Martel et L. A. Chauvin, pour la province de Quebec ; et B. P. Richardson, pour les Territoires du Nord-Ouest. On a fait venir ces messieurs a Ottawa ou on leur a donne le manuel et toutes les instructions necessaires sur toutes les questions concernant le recensement. Le second corps d'officiers etait compose de commissaires de comte au nombi-e de 241 ; et le ti'oisieme, d'enumerateurs au nombre de 4,366. On a assemble les commissaires de comte dans differents centres convenables, et la les instructions des officiers en chef leur furent transmises. Le meme systeme a ete suivi par les commissaires de comte, quant aux instructions a etre donndes aux enumd- rateurs. Le manuel d'instruction fut remis a chacun des enurnerateurs, ainsi que les tableaux-exemples pour leur servir de guide le temps qu'ils seraient a I'ouvrage. Le nombre d'enumerateurs a ete d'un tiers de plus qu'en 1881, mais on a suivi une autre methode de paiement, et sans addition au cout de I'enumeration on a assez bien reussi dans le but que Ton s'etait propose, de recevoir promptement les tableaux au departement. Le nombre des tableaux des enumerateurs etait de huit : 1° Tableau n° 1. — Denombrement des vivants, contenant 2-5 colonnes destinees a I'insertion des renseignements ayant trait aux sujets qui suivent : demeures, noms, sexes, ages, etat civil, lien de parente avec le chef de famille, lieux de naissance, Canadien-Fran- cjais ou autres, lieux de naissance du piere et de la mere, religion, profession, patrons ou employes, si employe de dire s'il a ete occupe durant la semaine precedant le denombre- ment ; si patrons, le nombre d'employes, instruction, infirmites, soit sourds-muets, aveu- gles, ou atteints d'alienation mentale. Ce tableau comprend 5 colonnes de plus que le tableau correspondant de 1881. Une de ces colonnes, celle concernant la description des maisons habitees, est tout a fait qou- velle . Elle comprend le nombre de maisons en bois, en briques, en pierres et de differents materiaux en Canada, et le nombre d'etages et de chambres pour chacune de ces maisons. La compilation et la condensation de la statistique relativement aux domiciles des families a pris au-dessus de 16,000 feuilles de papiers de 24 pouces par 12. Tableau n° 2. — Denombrement des deces dans les douze mois expires le 5 avril 1891. Les details demandes dans ce tableau sont, le nom des personnes decedees, leur sexe, age, mois de naissance si les enfants sont nes durant I'annee du recensement, religion, pays de naissance, occupation, etat civil, mois du deces, cavise du deces. Ces details orcupent 10 des colonnes du tableau, les 11", 12° et 13° sont pour les institutions publi- ques. Tableau n' 3. — Biens-fonciers, produits du verger, pepinieres, vignobles et jardins, contient 25 colonnes ayant rapport a la possession et a Inoccupation des biens-fonciers, des produits du verger, etc. Ce tableau a 6 colonnes de plus que le tableau n° 3 du recensement de 1881. xiv INTRODUCTION. Schedule No. 4. — Return of farm products containing 32 columns (one more than the corresponding schedule of 1881) and all relating to agriculture. Schedule No. 5. — Return of live stock, animal products, home made fabrics and farm labour, containing 29 columns, or nine more than the corresponding schedule of the 1881 Census. Schedule No. 6. ^Industrial establishments, containing 23 columns all relating to manufacturing in Canada. In the Census of 1891 manufacturing was given a schedule to itself instead of, as in 1881, forming part of schedule 3. We were thus enabled to ask for returns more in detail than had been sought in the previous Census. Thus capital employed was divided for the first time into fixed and working — and the fixed capital distributed under three heads — "In land," "in buildings " and "in machinery." Informa- tion was also sought as to the months in which the industrial establishments were in operation, whether full time, half or quarter time, during the Census year. Columns were prepared for the registeiing of the horse-power employed in driving the machinery and whether it was steam or water power. Schedule No. 7. — Return of Products of the Forest, containing 24 columns. Schedule No. 8. — Shipjnny and Mining, containing 25 columns. Schedule No. 9. — Fisheries, containing 30 columns. In all, the schedules of 1891 contained 226 columns against 172 in the schedules of 1881. In addition, by a combination of letters and figures inserted in columns 1, 2 and 3 of the first schedule and not interfering with the returns specially sought in these columns, the infoi'ination relating to the description of materials used in buildino- the houses, of the land, &c., was obtained. Practically therefore, there were 68 additional columns used in the Census of 1891. These Census schedules were filled up by the enumerators themselves goincr from house to house, each within the limits assigned to him. The work was on the whole well done, as is evidenced from the fact that in schedule No. 2, the causes of leath were given in 93 cases out of a hundred as against only 74 in the hundred in 1881, and as against 95 in the hundred in the returns to the Registrar Genera] of England, svhere the work is carried on continuously from year to year. III. For Census purposes, Canada was divided into 202 districts corresponding as nearly as possible with the electoral divisions for the House of Commons. These again were divided into 2,388 subdivisions. According to Provinces the districts and sub-districts numbered as undei- :— . Province. Districts. Sub-districts. British Columbia 5 49 Manito})a 5 jq^^ New Brunswick 15 jg2 Nova Scotia |9 ^>jg <^^'^<^^"o 89 79Q Prince Edward Island ,'{ jq Quebec CI qqj North-west Territories 4 12 Unorganized 1 j 202 2,388 INTRODUCTION. xv Tableau n° 4. — Produit de la ferme. II y a 32 colonnes (une de plus que celui du receiisement de 1881^ sur I'agriculture. Tableau n° 5. — Aniniaux vivants, produits des aniniaux, etofles de menage, four- rures et travail, coutenant 29 colonnes, ou 9 de plus que le tableau n° 5 du recensement del881. Tableau n° 6. — Etablisseinents industriels, contenant 23 colonnes, chacune d'elles ayant tiait aux industries du Canada. Pour le recensement de 1891, on a entre les industries dans un tableau special, au lieu de les inscrire au tableau n° 3 comme cela a ete fait pour celui de 1881. Ainsi done on a pu obtenir des renseignements plus detailles dans ce dernier recensement. Par exemple, dans le capital employe, on a, pour la premiere fois, fait une difference entre le capital fixe et le capital actif ; on a de plus subdivise le capital fixe en trois colonnes, sa voir : en "terres,"' "en "batisses," en "machines ou outillage." On a aussi obtenu des renseignements quant aux mois durant lesquels Touvrage est fait dans les etablissements industriels, soit pour un temps complet, la moitie du temp-;, ou le quart du temps, durant I'annee du recensement. Des colonnes out aussi ete ajoutees pour I'enregistrement de la force employee pour mettre en mouve- ment les moteurs soit par vapeur ou par eau. Tableau n° 7. — Produits de la forets, contenant 24 colonnes. Tableau n° 8. — INIarine et mines, contenant 25 colonnes. Tableau n° 9. — Les pecheries, contenant 30 colonnes. Les tableaux de 1891 contiennent en tout 226 colonnes, contre 172 pour les tableaux de 1881. En outre, par une combinaison de lettres et de chiffi'es inseres dans les colonnes 1, 2 et 3 du premier tableau, et qui n'affectent en rien les renseignements qui appar- tiennent a ces colonnes, on a obtenu un etat des materiaux employes dans la construc- tion des maisons du pays. II y a done eu en eftet, dans le recensement de 1891, 68 colonnes de plus qu'en 1881. Ces tableaux ont ete remplis par les enumerateurs eux-memes, allant de maison en maison. L'ouvrage a ete bien fait en general, ce qui est prouve par le fait que dans le tableau n" 2 on a donne la cause pour 93 deces sur 100, contre 74 sur 100 en 1881, et contre 95 sur 100 dans les rapports du registraire general d'Angleterre, oil cet ouvrage se fait, dune annee a Tautre, consecutivement. Ill Le Canada, pour les fins du recensement, a ete partage en 202 districts, correspon- dant aussi exactement que possible aux divisions electo rales et en 2,388 sous-districts. Par provinces, les districts et sous-districts sont divises comme suit : — Provinces. Districts. Sous-districts. Colombie-Anglaise 5 49 Manitoba 5 106 Nouveau-Brunswick 15 162 Nouvelle-Ecosse 19 379 Ontario 89 796 He du Prince-Edouard 3 70 Quebec 61 807 Territoires du Nord-Ouest 4 12 Non organisees 1 7 '»"" 202 2,388 xvi INTRODUCTION. In some of the sub-districts further subdivision was found to be necessary on account of territorial extent, or comparative density of population. In these subdivi- sions the unit of the township and the parish was preserved where these existed. In the Province of Nova Scotia in several instances the only definite boundaries that could be followed were the shifting polling districts. The Redistribution Act of 1882 created so many changes that it is necessary to warn persons, attempting comparisons, of this fact. Without a thorough knowledge of the changes, any attempt at comparing districts will produce misleading results. Thus for example, the electoral district of Bothwell, Ont., under the Redistribution Act of 1882, consisted of the townships of Dawn, Sombra, Camden, Chatham and Zone, and of the villages of AVallaceburg, Dresden and Thamesville, and the town of Bothwell. And these are accordingly included under the division " Bothwell," in the Census of 1891. In the Census of 1881, Bothwell consisted of the townships of Howard, Orford, Camden, Zone, Euphemia, Sombra and Dawn, Bothwell town and the villages of liidgetown, Dresden and Thamesville. A comparison will show that Ridgetown village and the townships of Howard, Orford and Euphemia which appeared in the Bothwell of 1881 were not included in the Bothwell of 1891, and that the village of Wallaceburg and the township of Chatham in the Bothwell of 1891 were not in the Bothwell of 1881. The Redistribution Act of 1892 caused further changes. A table will be given in the last volume of this report, showing the population in accordance with the latest redistribution. For the pui'pose of ready reference geographical conditions have been disregarded, and provinces and all other divisions and subdivisions put in alphabetic order. It is believed that this change will greatly expedite references to the statistics contained in the volumes. In order to reduce the size of the volumes as nmch as possible, the areas of the divisions and subdivisions have been given in a separate table. In this way we have Vjeen able to put 25 columns in a sheet of table TI. instead of 21 as in the Census of 1881. An additional improvement consists in the numbering of the lines both on the left and the right sides of the sheets. IV. The only titles at the head of the columns of table II. requiring, perhaps, some explanations are those referring to temporary dwellings under the titles of vessels and shanties. The vessels referred to are only those which at the date of the census-taking were inhabited by families ; the enumeration of the merchant marine of the country belongs to another part of this report. The word shanty is used here in its local accep- tation to denote dwellings hurriedly put up or the movable lodges of nomadic popula- tions. Ill the description of houses by material of which constructed, there were in Canada, 632 " not described," and 227 described as " sod houses." This is out of a total of 85o,53.") liouses of all descriptions ; or considerably under one-tenth of one per cent, showing the care taken by the enumerators. These 859 are not given in the table. By provinces they are divided as follows : British Columbia, 1 ; Manitoba, 65 ; New INTRODUCTION. xvii On a trouve necessaire pour quelquea-uus des sous-districts d'eu faire encore dessub- ■divisions soit a cause de I'etendue territoriale ou de la densite de population. Dans ces subdivisions on a conserve I'unite du canton et de la paroisse s'il en existait. Dans la province de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, les seules bornes qu'oii a pu suivre ont ete celles des districts de votation avec leurs changements. L'Acte de redistribution de 1882 a donne lieu a tant de changements que nous croyons devoir en avertir toute personne qui desirerait faire quelque statistique de coniparaison. A moins d'une connaissance parfaite des changements qui ont eu lieu, toute tentative de travail de comjjaraison par districts ne produirait qu'un resultat errone. Par exemple, d'apres I'Acte de redistribution de 1882, le district electoral de Bothwell, Ont., comprenait les cantons de Dawn, Hombra, Camden, Chatham et Zone, les villages de Wallaceburg, Dresden et Thamesville, et la ville de Bothwell, et ceux-ci sont en consequence compris dans le district de Bothwell pour le recensement de 1891. Pour le recensement de 1881, Bothwell comprenait les cantons de Howard, Orford, Camden, Zone, Euphemia, Sombra et Dawn, la ville de Bothwell, et les villages de Ridgetown, Dresden et Thamesville. Une comparaison nous montrera done que le village de Ridgetown et les cantons de Howard, Orford et Euphemia qui etaient corapris dans le district Bothwell pour 1881, ne paraissent pas dans ce district pour 1891, et que le village de Wallaceburg et le canton de Chatham qui se trouvent dans le district Bothwell en 1891, ne s'y trouvaient pas en 1881. L'Acte de redistribution de 1892 a cause encore d'autres changements. Nous don- nerons dans le dernier volume de ce' rapport, un tableau indiquant la population d'apres la dernifere redistribution. Afin de pouvoir y referer plus facilement, les divisions geographiques ont ete mises de cote ; les provinces et toutes les autres divisions et subdivisions ont ete inscrites par ordre alphabetique. Nous esperons que ce changement facilitera beaucoup tout travail ou recherche concernant les statistiques contenues dans les differents volumes de ce recensement. Afin de diminuer autant que possible les dimensions de ces volumes, la superficie des divisions et subdivisions a ete entree dans un tableau special. De cette maniere, on a pu inserer 25 colonnes sur une seule feuille du tableau II au lieu de 21 pour le recensement de 1881. Nous avons encore ameliore le tableau en mettant un numero correspondant pour chaque ligne aux marges droite et gauche de chaque feuille. IV Les seules en-tetes du Tableau II (jui demandent peut-etre des explications, sont celles qui ont trait aux demeures temporaires, sous les titres de Navires et Chantiers. On n'entend ici pai'ler que des navires qui au jour du recensement etaient habites pai- des menages ; i'enumeration de la marine marchande du pays appartient a une autre partie de ce rapport. Le mot Chantier est pris ici dans son acception locale, pour desi- gner des demeures elevees a la hate, ou encore les loges mobiles des populations uomades. Dans la description des maisons d'apres les materiaux de construction, on en a trouve 632 "non decrites " et 227 construites en mottes de gazon, ce qui donne sur un total de 855,535 maisons de toutes description une proportion beaucoup au-dessous d'un dixieme d'un pour cent, ce qui pi'ouve le soin que les enumerateurs ont mis dans I'execution de leur travail. Ces 859 demeures ne sont pas inscrites au tableau. Par provinces, elles sont divisees comme suit : la Colombie-Anglaise, 1 ; Manitoba, 65 ; Nouveau-Brunswick, Qb ; A— B xviii INTRODUCTION. Brunswick, 65 ; Nova Scotia, 67 ; Ontario, 214 ; Prince Edward Island, 3 ; Quebec, 217; and the Territories, 227. The figures in the Territories represent "sod" houses. In table III. the columns headed " French Canadian " and " others " require some explanation. An attempt was made by means of these columns to ascertain the number of French Canadians and French Acadians in the several provinces of the Dominion. It was intended that the French Acadians should be enumerated in the columns marked French Canadians and instructions were given accordingly. Each person who was asked the other questions in the Census schedules, was also asked if he or she was a French Canadian (or Canadian French), or a French Acadian (or Acadian Fi'ench) and the answers given were noted in these columns by the enumerators. It has been claimed, however, with much appearance of reason, that the column headed " French Canadians " does not show the number of persons of French origin in Canada ; that in the case of Acadians in the Maritime Provinces and the Half-Breeds of Manitoba and the North-west Territories, the question was misunderstood and that in the Province of Ontario owing to various causes, many persons of French Canadian origin have not been so enumerated. This fact is here noted so that persons, using the results published, may not be misled by supposing that the number of persons of French Canadian origin has been ascertained with precision or that the actual increases or decreases are such as a com- parison with former Census returns might seem to show. The answers given to the enumerators have been correctly compiled and placed before the public. In table IV. relating to religions, tw^o points may be noted. In any comparison between the results of 1891 and those of 1881care should be taken to note that in the case of the Church of England, the reformed Episcopal Church appears in a separate column in 1881 l)ut under :^he general column " Church of England " in 1891. On the other hand the Mennonites were included among Baptists in 1881. But objection having been made, they are not included among Baptists in 1891. The othei- tables of this volume require no remark. The usual index and analytical table of contents have been appended. No pains have been spared to obtain the information necessary for the execution of so important a work as this, which is in no respect inferior as regards exactitude to works of a similar kind published in any other country. It cannot be expected that so extensive a work should be absolutely perfect. That would be to ask what is simply impossible. All that fairly can be required is the relative exactitude which has been secured in the present Census. Fifteen bulletins have been issued on the following subjects : — Bulletin No. 1, population of citie.s, town and villages for 1881 and 1891. " " 2, population of Ontario by sub-districts for 1871, 1881 and 1891. " " 3, population in detail of Eastern Provinces for 1871, 1881 and 1891. 4, population of Province of Quebec, for 1871, 1881 and 1891. " " 5, population of ^Manitoba, British Columbia and North-west Territories. " " 6, dwelling places of the people. " " 7, live stock in the North-west Territories. INTRODUCTION. xix Nouvelle-Ecosse, 67 ; Ontario, 214; I'lle du Prince-Edouard, 3 ; Quebec, 217; et les Territoires, 227. Ces derniers chiffres des Territoires x'epresenteut le nombre de maisons en inottes de gazon. Dans le tableau III, les colonnes sous la rubrique " Canadiens-f rangais et autres " demandent quelque explication. On a essaye de decouvrir, au moyen de ces colonnes, le nombre de " Canadiens- franyais et " d' Acadiens-francjais " dans les diverses provinces du Canada. L'intention etait de mettre les Acadiens-fran^ais dans la colonne intitulee Canadiens-fran^ais, et des instructions furent donnees a cet effet. Toute parsonne a qui Ton a pose les autres questions comprises dans les tableaux du recensement, devait aussi repondre, si, il ou elle, etait Frangais-canadien, ou Canadien-framjais, ou Frangais-acadien, ou Acadien-frangais, et les reponses donnees furent mises dans ces colonnes par les enumerateurs du recen- sement. On a pretendu cependant, avec beaucoup d'apparence de raison, que la colonne intitulee " Canadiens-fi'angais " n'etablit pas le nombre de personnes d'origine francaise en Canada ; que dans les cas des Acadiens des provinces maritimes, et des Metis du Mani- toba et des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, la questi(m avait ete mal comprise, et que dans la province d'Ontario, pour diverses causes, plusieurs personnes d'origine canadienne-fran- caise n'ont pas ete enumerees comme telles. II est fait mention de ce fait, afin que ceux qui se serviront des resultats publies ne soient pas mis sous une fausse impression en supposant que le nombre de personnes d'origine canadienne-frangaise a 6te donne avec precision, ou que les augmentations ou diminutions reelles sont telles que semblerait le demontrer un rapprochement avec le recensement precedent. Les reponses telles que donnees aux enumerateurs ont ete compilees et soumises au public. Dans le tableau IV des religions, nous remarquerons deux choses ; en faisant une comparaison entre le recensement de 1891 et celui de 1881 que I'Eglise Episcopale Reformee qui etait inscrite dans une colonne speciale en 1881, est comprise dans la colonne generale de I'Eglise d'Angleterre en 1891 ; d'un autre cote, ]es Mennonites, etaient inscrits avec les Baptistes en 1881, mais certaines objections ayant ete soulevees, ils ne s'y trouvent pas pour 1891. Les autres tableaux de ce volume ne demandent point d'explication. Un index et table analytique des matieres y ont ete ajoutes. Rien n'a ete epargne pour obtenir les renseignements dont on avait besoin pour I'exe- cution d'un travail aussi important que celui-ci,lequel, quant al'exactitude, nele cede en rien aux travaux de ce genre publies dans les autres pays. On ne peut exigei" qu'un ouvrage aussi considerable soit parfait : ce serait demander I'impossible. Tout ce qu'il y a lieu d'exiger, c'est une exactitude relative qui, nous en avons I'esperance, a ete obtenue pour ce present recensement. Quinze bulletins ont ete publies comme suit : — 1 — Population des cites, villes et villages, 1881-1891. 2 — Population des sous-districts de la province d'Ontario, 1871-81-91. 3 — Population des provinces maritimes de I'est, 1871-81-91. 4 — Population de la province de Quebec, 1871-81-91. 5— Population des sous-districts de Manitoba, des Territoires du Nord- Ouest et de la Colombie-Britannique. 6 — Maisons habitees par la population du Canada. 7 — Animaux de ferme des Territoires du Nord-Ouest leti n n u n il o n ii n^ n n" <( n° (( n° XX INTRODUCTION. Bulletin No. 8, first report upon industiial establishments. " " 9, religions of the people. " " 10, second report on industrial establishments, with comparisons, «' " 11, nationalities of the people. " " 12, third report on industrial establishments, cities, towns and vil- lages, 1891 and 1881. " " 13, fourth report on industrial establishments (wages). " " 14, mortality of the people. " " 15, causes of death in Canada. The demand for these has been great and it is proposed to issue several more so as to cover all the information obtained from the Census. INTRODUCTION. XXI Ikilletiii n° 8 — Industries nianufactui'ieres du Canada. Ire serie. n' 9 — Religions de la* population du Canada. n° 10— Industries manufacturieres et comparaison avec les recensements precedents. 2e serie. n° 11 — Nationalites. n° 12 — 3e serie, industries manufacturieres, cites, villes et villages du Canada, 1881-91. n° 13 — 4e serie, industries manufacturieres, gages. n' 14 — Deces, Canada. n° 15 — Causes des deces en Canada. II y a eu une bien grande demande pour ces bulletins, et Ton se propose d'en publier encore un grand nombre qui comprendront tous les renseignements contenus dans le recensement. A— c T^BLE I. AREA OF CANADA BY DISTRICTS. T^BLEA.XJ I. SUPERFICIES DU CANADA PAR DISTRICTS. A— 1 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table I. — Area of Canada by Districts. PROVIN'CES. Acres. British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island . . . Quebec The Territories Grand Total 244,672,000 41,002,240 17,984,130 13,152,241 140,576,000 1,280,000 145,600,000 1,517,747,840 2,122,014,451 Kilometres Carres. 990,117 165,924 72,776 53,223 568,870 5,180 589,202 6,141,886 8,587,179 Square Miles. 382,300 64,066 28,100 20,550 219,650 2,000 227,500 2,371,481 3,315,647 BRITISH COLUMBIA. No. Districts. Acres. Kilometres Carres. Square Miles. Remarks. Remarques. 1 2 Cariboo New Westminster Vancouver 73,129,600 130,592,000 10,196,013 (1,856 43,987 30,710,400 295,934 528,468 41,260 7-51 178 124,276 114,265 204,050 15,931 2-90 68-73 47,985 4 5 Victoria \ Yale Total Victoria City. ) 244,672,000 990,117 382,300 MANITOBA. Lisgar. 7 Marquette.. 8 Provencher. Selkirk Winnipeg. . . 10 Total. 18,419,200 13,141,760 3,413,120 6,015,360 12,800 41,002,240 74,537 53,181 13,812 24,342 51-8 165,924 28,780 20,534 5,333 9,399 2- 64,066 NEW BRUNSWICK. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Albert Carleton Charlotte Gloucester Kent King's . . Northumberland . Queen's Restigouche St. John, City—CiU St. John, County — Comti Sunbury Victoria Westmoreland York Total. 429,000 772,000 847,000 1,077,960 1,101,000 901,000 3,282,800 947,000 1,849,000 7,810 (810 374,000 770,000 2,411,280 822,000 2,399,280 17,984,130 1,735 3,123 3,426 4,362 4,4.55 3,646 13,284 3,833 7,482 31 3 1,513 3,116 9,758 3,325 9,709 72,776 670 1,206 1,323 1,684 1,720 1,408 5,129 1,480 2,889 12-20 1 584 1,203 3,767 1,284 3,749 26 28,100 Municipal. Electoral. ) RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau I. — Superficies du Canada par Districts. NOVA SCOTIA. No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Districts. Annapolis Antigonish Cape Breton Colchester Cumberland Digby Guysborough Halifax, City — Cite -j Halifax, County — Comtd Hants Inverness King's Lunenburg Pictou ... Queen's Richmond Shelburne Victoria Yarmouth Total Acres. 837,000 353,.520 748,000 837,000 1,031,87.5 (553,500 969,09(5 16,000 4,780 1,321,250 753,000 812,690 519,000 714,000 720,496 681,900 398,880 607,000 702,254 471,000 13,152,241 Kilometres Carres. 3,388 1,430 3,027 3,387 4,175 2,644 3,921 65 19 5,346 3,048 3,289 2,100 2,890 2,916 2,759 1,613 2,455 2,842 1,906 53,223 Square Miles. 1,308 552 1,169 1,308 1,612 1,021 1,514 25 7 2,064 1,177 1,270 811 1,116 1,126 1,066 623 948 1,097 736 20,550 Remarks. Remarques. Sable Island. ONTARIO. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Addington Algoma Bothwell Brant, North — Word Brant, South — Sud Brockville Bruce, East — Est Bruce, North — Nord Bruce, West — Quest Cardwell Carleton .... Cornwall and Stormont Dund.as Durham, East — Est Durham, West — Quest Elgin, East— Est Elgin, West — Quest Essex, North — Nord Essex, South — Sud Frontenac Glengarry Grenville, South — Sud Grey, East — Est Grey, North — Nord.. Grey, South — Sud ... Haldimand Halton Hamilton, City — Cite ■ Hastings, East — Est Hastings, North — Nord Hastings, West — Quest Huron, East — Est Huron, South — Sud Huron, West — Quest Kent Kingston, City — Citi Lambton, East — Est Lambton, West — Quest Carried forward A— IJ 1,316,623 91,850,654 317,706 194,289 109,471 135,736 257,045 509,532 281,582 243,421 288,752 261,760 244,744 207,835 203, .370 202,256 345,369 206,315 244,079 205,096 295,894 146,460 428,730 367,163 3.55,845 215,112 237,953 .3,700 2,380 250,910 1,390,721 73,760 228,666 251,740 246,178 319,709 1,644 310,498 200,173 102,949,491 5,327 371,693 1,286 786 443 549 1,040 2,062 1,139 985 1,168 1,059 989 842 824 818 1,397 835 987 829 1,197 593 1,735 1,487 1,436 870 963 14-97 9-63 1,013 5,628 298 925 1,018 996 1,293 6 1,256 810 65 416,597-62 2,057 143,517 496 303 171 212 402 796 440 380 451 409 382 325 318 316 540 322 381 320 462 229 670 574 556 336 3"*^ /3 5-7 3-72 392 2,173 115 357 393 384 500 2-57 485 313 160,857-35 Municipal. Electoral. CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table I. — Area of Canada by Districts. ONTARIO-Co». No. DiSTBICTS. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 95i 96' 97 98 •99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Brought forward Lanark, North — Nord Lanark, South — Sud Leeds and Grenville, North — Nord Leeds, South — Sud Lennox Lincoln and Niagara London, City — Cite | Middlesex, East— Est Middlesex, North — Nord Middlesex, South — Sud Middlesex, West — Quest Monck Muskoka and Parry Sound Nipissing Norfolk, North— Nord Norfolk, South— Sud Northumberland, East — Est Northumberland, West — Quest Ontario, North — Nord Ontario, South— Sud Ontario, West — Quest Acres. Ottawa, City— Cite Oxford, North — Nord Oxford, South — Sud Peel Perth, North — Nord Perth, South — Sud Peterborough, East — Est. Peterborough, West — Quest Prescott Prince Edward Renfrew, North — No7-d Renfrew, South — Sud Russell Simcoe, East — Est Simcoe, North — Nord Simcoe, South — Su/i Toronto, City — Cit^ Victoria, North — No7-d Victoria, South— Sud Waterloo, North — Nord. ... Waterloo, South — Sud Welland Wellington, Centre Wellington, North — Nord. Wellington, South — Su/1. . . Wentworth, North — Nord. Wentworth, South — Sud. . . York, East— Est York, North — Nord York, West— Quest Total . 102,949,491 515,930 374,928 176,292 415,481 201,008 95,033 .3,848 1,907 240,900 235,630 220,067 227,412 217,434 2,667,774 19,806,080 250,225 225,001 304,992 170,384 612,504 140,120 192,577 3,366 1,829 260,671 240,179 172,177 231,275 232,061 1,509,327 117,255 313,916 248,130 884,175 1,027,739 439,335 630,601 29.5,852 322,348 10,981 5,985 892,778 264,136 172 092 169,184 164,290 288,734 .352,838 227,827 145,367 167,206 144,886 275,240 137,717 Kilometres Carres. 140,576,000 416, 597 -62 2,088 1,517 713 1,681 813 384 15-54 7-71 975 953 890 920 880 10,795 80,149 1,012 910 1,234 690 2,479 507 779 13-62 7-40 1,055 972 697 936 939 6,108 474 1,270 1,004 3,.578 4,159 1,777 2,552 1,197 1,304 44 24 3,613 1,069 696 684 665 1,168 1,428 922 588 • 677 586 1,114 557 21 568.870 Square Miles. Remarks. Remarques. 160,857 35 806 586 275 649 314 148 6-00 2-98 376 368 344 355 340 4,108 30,947 391 351 477 266 957 220 301 5 2 407 375 269 361 362 2,358 183 490 388 1,382 1,606 686 985 462 504 17 9-35 1,395 413 269 264 257 451 551 356 227 261 226 430 215 Municipal. Electoral. 25 Municipal. 86 Electoral. Municipal. Electoral. 219,650 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 133 134 135 King's.. Prince . . Queen's. Total 384,627 437,847 457,526 1,280,000 1,556 1,772 1,852 5,180 601 684 715 2,000 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau I. — Superficies du Canada par Districts. QUEBEC. No. 130 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 107 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 Districts. Argenteuil Bagot . . Beauce Beauharnois . Bellechasse Berthier Bona venture . . Bronie Chanibly Champlain Charlevoix • Chateaugiiay Chicontimi and Saguenay. . . . Compton Deux Montagnes Dorchester Drummond and Arthabaska. Gaspe Hochelaga Huntingdon Iberville •Jacques Cartier Joliette Kamouraska Laprairie . . D'Assoniption Laval Levis iL'Islet Lotbiniere Maskinonge Megantic Missisquoi Montcalm . . Montmagny Montmorency Montreal Napierville Nicolet Ottawa, County — CoinU . Pontiac Portneuf Quebec, C('«^ — Ville. ... Quebec, County — Comte. Richelieu Richmond and Wolf . . . Rimouski Rouville St. Hyacinthe St. Jean St. Maurice. Shefford Sherbrooke Soulange% Stanstead Temiscouata Terrebonne Trois Rivieres Vaudreuil Vercheres Yamaska Total. Acres. 407, If 214,840 1,175,.595 89,280 411,087 2,006,400 2,106,081 300,455 87,319 7,.'?S1,760 1,233,000 159,840 76,109,440 883,400 16.5,187 583,330 838,019 2,909,940 51,.505 2.55,350 120,900 07,912 2,165,760 651,235 110,006 158,701 54,202 104,140 507,625 460,040 2,036,800 475,560 229,120 3,942,400 418,158 1,376,000 5,974 4,10() 97,120 379,320 4,277,120 17,591,040 1,068,800 7,38{) 1,696,000 124,215 761,021 3,1.50,280 157,0.S5 172,823 112,100 2,065,920 357,7()2 140,300 87,820 260,600 1,178,290 480,880 11,300 117,034 124,812 107,200 Kilometres Carres. 145,000,000 1,888 8()9 4,757 301 1,003 8,119 8,525 1,210 353 29,872 4,989 647 307,993 3, .575 008 2,300 3,391 11,776 208 1,033 489 275 8,764 2,635 448 642 219 664 2,054 1,804 10,070 1,924 927 1.5,954 1,092 5,508 24 17 16 02 393 1,535 17,308 71,185 4,325 29-85 6,863 502 3,082 12,773 038 699 454 8,360 1,448 568 355 1,055 4,768 1,946 45 73 474 505 677 589,202 Square Miles. Remarks. Remarques. 730 336 1,837 139 642 3,135 3,292 469 136 11,534 1,920 250 118,921 1,380 258 911 1,309 4,547 80 399 189 100 3,.384 1,018 173 248 85 256 793 720 4,120 743 358 6,160 053 2,150 9 -331 Municipal. 0-42! Electoral. 152 593 6,683 27,486 1,670 11-53 2,650 194 1,190 4,932 246 270 175 3,228 559 219 137 407 1,841 751 17-65 183 195 261 227,500 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table I. — Area of Canada by Districts. THE TERRITORIES. No. 197 198 199 200 201 Districts. Alberta Assiniboia, East — Est... Assiniboia, West — Quest. Saskatchewan Unorganized Territories Total Acres. 67,427,200 13,571,835 43,089,925 64,698,880 1,328,960,000 1,517,747,840 Kilometres Carres. 272,858 54.921 374; 372 261,817 5,377,917 6,141,886 Square Miles. 105,3.55 21,206 67,328 101,092 2,076,500 2,371,481 Remarks. Remarqnes. TA.BLE II. POPULATION, FAMILIES AND DWELLINGS. T^BLEA.U II. POPULATION, FAMILIES ET DEMEURES. CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 921,643 20,718 1,333 141 117 44 84 241 37 60 191 193 153 72 8,519 4,710 1,156 2,653 3,712 65 127 39 185 114 31 699 75 51 343 1,426 119 100 338 3,650 796 1,718 768 170 49 149 3,504 137 63 239 215 372 294 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meui-es oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et eh an- tlers. Houses — Maisons. <1> g 3 Wood. En bois. 697,166 16,376 1,110 141 108 33 75 116 31 56 186 143 153 68 6,995 3,850 1,036 2,109 2,920 64 99 36 172 84 30 377 63 47 334 1,326 97 86 105 3,156 754 1,499 605 124 36 138 2,195 133 31 126 178 219 146 Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. CANADA 4,833,239 98,173 5,519 671 534 234 388 840 207 125 1,088 706 316 410 42,226 21,839 6,678 13,709 18,229 191 548 140 921 413 125 3,270 335 197 1,625 6,512 610 436 2,906 18,538 3,873 8,707 4,261 740 215 742 13,661 697 303 826 774 1,517 1,220 877,586 20,016 1,317 141 114 44 81 241 34 56 191 191 153 71 8,338 4,698 1,148 2,492 3,639 65 130 37 185 112 30 699 75 51 335 1,383 112 95 330 3,537 775 1,662 750 161 45 144 3,185 134 61 235 209 339 281 855,535 16,776 1,115 141 108 34 75 116 31 56 190 143 153 68 7,138 3,853 1,054 2,231 2,930 64 99 36 172 84 30 377 63 47 334 1,336 97 86 105 3,393 774 1,639 675 130 36 139 2,200 133 31 126 183 219 146 22,051 3,240 202 6 10 6 125 3 i 48 3 1,200 845 94 261 709 1 31 1 13 28 "" 322 12 4 1 47 15 9 225 144; 1 23| 75| 31; 9 5 985 1 30 109 26 120 135 131,529 380 5 25,981 19 British Columbia 1. — Cariboo 1 2 a. Alexandria b. Alkali Lake ... c. Big Bar ... d. Clinton e. Keithley Creek /. Lac La Hache ... g. Lightning Creek h. Lillooet 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 4 9 i. Quesnelle 10 j. Richfield n k. Williams' Lake 2.— New Westminster a. New Westminster b. New Westminster, City — CiM . . c. Vancouver do 3.— Vancouver a. Alberni b. Comox c. Comox, South— Sud d. Cowichan, North — Nord e. Cowichan, South — Sud. . . 12 13 14 15 136 1 18 117 9 6 1 5 1 16 17 18 19 20 f. Gabriola Island 21 g. Coldstream and Sooke 22 h. Lake and High Land 23 i. Mayne Island j. Mountain 24 25 k. Nanaimo 9 1 26 I. Saanich, N. and S.—N. et S m. Salt Spring Island n. West Shore ; 27 28 29 30 31 32 4.— Victoria a. James' Bay, Ward—Quartier . . b. Johnson Street do c. Yates Street do d. Esquimau 230 17 138 68 6 7 3 2 2 33 c. Metchosen 34 35 36 /. Victoria 6.— Yale a. Cache Creek b. Douglas Lake 1 5 37 c. Grand Prairie 38 d. Hope . . 5 39 e. Kamloops 40 /. Kootenay, Lowei- RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II.— Population, Families et Demeures. Houses — Maisons. 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 542,909 12,149 1,045 135 97 28 66 115 23 51 182 136 152 60 4,805 3,190 612 997 2,418 43 44 32 135 54 30 353 58 39 327 1,093 64 65 81 2,020 464 994 398 84 32 48 1,861 119 21 121 178 160 107 2 etages. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 1 cham- bre. 287,290 4,412 69 11 6 9 1 8 5 8 7 1 7 2,214 050 422 1,142 500 21 55 4 37 30 24 5 6 7 235 31 21 24 1,297 301 627 250 44 4 71 332 13 10 5 5 54 39 I 21,377 204 1 111 6 16 89 11 74 9 16 27 2 '26 7 1 3,040 10 1 25,016 3,534 643 93 81 20 30 115 14 35 68 82 76 29 1,621 1,443 38 140 253 14 7 4 8 7 3 74 1 9 8 78 1 11 28 221 68 129 2G ""3 1 796 56 2 50 66 8 44 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bn'S. 68,103 2,285 188 24 5 5 10 94,036 1,706 105 10 8 4 11 2 12 56 19 37 18 969 746 75 148 54? 24 10 11 20 13 3 129 3 5 90 180 8 15 32 223 25 125 36 14 6 17 362 18 5 25 47 25 42 1 2 30 10 15 8 075 385 9() 194 397 9 14 3 20 13 54 12 7 51 150 13 15 24 283 35 145 03 10 4 20 240 11 8 14 33 22 15 4 cham- bres. 134,288 2,200 51 2 5 2 3 1 2 2 17 9 7 1 851 412 108 331 033 6 20 7 37 16 7 78 15 6 108 277 20 18 12 515 84 273 112 19 5 22 210 10 4 13 17 25 15 5 6 cham- h 10 bres. ! cham- bres. 11 hl5 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. 104,4341370,794 1,912 31 3 3 1 7 1 1 2 5 2 708 290 185 233 415 4 15 8 22 8 7 13 12 3 44 255 13 7 4 Oil 149 301 121 18 4 18 147 () 7 35 3 4,353 71 6 4 2 10 48,159 444 19 3 2 6 4 13 11 11 4 2,009 490 490 1,023 602 7 28 2 50 23 4 23 19 15 26 349 32 19 1,317 342 009 250 44 14 52 354 25 10 15 13 89 18 4 "2 " 2 4 172 57 34 81 63 4 1 2 4 28 2 155 53 48 35 13 "6 45 2 1 3 11 7 9,846 275 132 23 28 81 34 3 19 2 1 68 18 9 32 "'3 34 3 1 In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. 2 .£1 54,182 1,356 243 54 3 1 15 4 4 16 58 9 39 35 534 353 19 102 251 1 20 1 1 11 1 94 4 18 8 70 7 4 11 161 67 37 32 14 1 10 167 9 8 'i4 it 8 10,878 593 78 23 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ..I 9 3 10 11 11 24 258 1011 12 62: 13 95 14 88 15 16 17 18 19 ll 20 21' 21 2, 22 3 3 38 1 23 24 25 26 27 9 28 29 122 39 48 30 26 31 1 32 ....I 33 8 34 47 8 1 11 35 36 37 38 39 40 10 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. 2,185 1,338 752 348 711 739 220 1,342 307 382 152,506 22,103 1,237 1,019 (;42 1,167 1,641 571 383 1,296 2,901 ; 950 1,775 2,228, 1,849 1,105 1,697 610 1,032 36,069 727 846 338 527 439 .596 2,661 1,447 567 378 752 437 1,037 1,068 614 774 1,564 2,340 723 1,074 664 3,882 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 547 364 213 89 208 175 75 343 59 111 31,786 4,229 208 202 132 240 314 102 74 260 535 180 334 417 374 204 339 122 192 7,837 174 177 75 163 105 151 580 310 120 78 168 120 272 294 108 154 389 487 155 234 158 672 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. i s 1 Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone, En pierre. 1 2 g. Kootenay, Upper 521 193 166 81 207 173 75 342 59 109 30,790 4,198 205 202 132 239 311 102 74 260 530 179 325 417 369 204 339 122 188 7,681 169 178 74 162 101 141 556 309 102 77 166 118 270 . 276 108 154 387 480 151 227 154 663 234 191 93 79 174 141 68 228 59 95 29,176 3,406 197 168 94 62 277 102 74 47 530 166 310 336 187 204 339 122 185 7,164 145 173 74 162 90 107 480 309 80 70 166 92 258 249 108 154 386 480 146 212 150 623 287 2 73 2 33 32 7 114 14 1,614 792 8 34 38 177 34 '""213 13 9 81 182 3 517 24 5 li 34 76 '■" 22 7 26 12 27 i 5 15 4 40 234 191 93 79 174 141 68 228 59 95 27,783 3,297 195 168 93 62 277 96 74 47 459 164 313 319 185 203 339 120 183 7,063 141 169 69 161 . 87 107 476 308 80 69 161 91 258 246 103 136 385 480 146 210 150 617 3 i, Nicola . 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 k. Osoyoos I. Priest's Valley m. Princeton n. Spallumcheen 0. Spence'fe Bridge p. Yale.. , . . . Manitoba 1,066 39 2 1 262 11 6.— Lisg-ar «. Assiniboia 70 12 13 b. Belcourt c. East Selkirk, Toivn—Ville, and r. Varennes 14 d. Fairford and i. Posen e. (xiuili 15 5 16 17 /. Kildonan (7. Macdonaid h. Plessis (Fort Alexander) j. Rockwood k. Selkirk, Town — Ville I. Springfield. m. St. Andrew's n. St. Clements 0. St. Fran§ois Xavier ... p. St. Laurent 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 2 2 i i 1 62 47 i 17 2 26 27 q. St. Paul ». Woodlands ... 7.— Marquette 1 1 39 28 29 «. Archie and i. Ellice h. Birtle 4 4 30 31 c. Birtle, Town— Ville d. Blanchard 5 1 32 33 e. Boulton and ee. Shell River /. Clanwilliam 3 34 35 36 (J. Cypress, North— Nord j. Elm River k. Gladstone, Town — Ville I. Glendale m. Harrison n. Lansdowne. 0. Miniota p. Minnedosa, Town— Ville. . . . q. Neepawa do r. Norfolk, North— Nord 3 1 1 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1 4 5 18 1 1 3 45 8. Norfolk, South — Sad 46 t. Oak River i 47 M. Odanah 1 48 V. Osprey w. Portage la Prairie 49 6 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891 Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 11 Houses— JNIaisons. 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 1 cham- bre. 2 chara- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres. 5 cham- bres. 6 cham- bres. 11 kl5 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. S 152 173 81 18 22 19 4 18 1 2 94 27 42 151 55 64 67 38 30 3,485 17 32 20 8 16 26 3 43 4 31 5,890 52 16 7 7 ""21 ""36 5 5 5,034 55 10 10 2 5 12 1 23 3 11 4,948 20 12 6 4 6 64 22 21 14 2 18 11 2 1 1 13 3 1 1 37 18 1 4 6 "i 5 1 2 71 60 3 4 170 5 123 .... ^ 2 1 3 6 6 68 7 196 32 6 6 12,273 30 2 8 2,958 31 4 8 6,237 1 1 2 377 3 2 182 4 6 46 1,998 8 558 8 53 9 89 10 16,613 191 34 2,124 1,269 11 2 537 801 594 454 284 670 54 12 362 133 56 126 140 42 53 4 232 79 56 9 329 15 20 167 26 46 25 18 8 3,008 1 8 40 4 37 30 3 6 19 39 5 20 57 74 74 100 8 13 995 28 55 24 15 62 10 10 12 98 40 60 85 5] 34 161 17 39 1,453 22 30 16 5 98 7 11 101 30 64 58 23 27 46 18 31 1,279 23 16 13 1 64 8 14 4 85 20 58 44 13 17 19 22 33 1,222 25 9 9 1 16 11 11 1 74 15 31 27 10 10 3 14 17 791 84 18 21 3 7 53 21 4 119 50 81 60 16 36 8 38 5] 1,332 5 2 14 6 17 3 4 10 3 1 19 11 54 45 4 14 61 19 77 500 1 9 2 5 1 3 ' 9 2 13 21 9 1 46 3 8 239 11 12 41 6 1 13 58 14 45 15 23 9 1 1 16 18 17 38 6 1 "'2' 18 193 150 296 10 3 2 4 4 3 i 19 20 21 167 161 2 22 23 158 6 2 5 58 34 24 314 25 103 177 1 26 27 4,138 16 2 87 148 38 53 39 56 280 200 29 14 95 90 132 113 29 47 226 286 144 177 100 431 58 24 35 109 50 50 200 109 51 56 71 2 126 136 77 103 160 194 2 35 50 192 i 1 i ""2 4 ....^. 27 7 3 40 15 1 3 27 21 3 14 30 104 68 2 14 90 70 27 13 23 14 34 43 6 37 24 29 62 70 30 9 18 26 75 40 8 23 92 114 45 55 34 72 20 22 9 25 14 40 77 59 13 3 28 15 44 43 10 20 8() 90 34 60 35 121 29 41 11 30 13 21 125 49 10 12 34 4 14 34 12 21 53 90 20 38 32 154 19 17 10 13 9 6 84 40 3 7 45 5 8 20 19 24 22 41 11 23 11 102 16 41 30 17 14 8 125 62 3 31 26 12 12 44 50 43 41 70 9 22 15 158 14 78 21 46 74 "i '""'is 25 14 19 3 7 28 1 5 1 29 30 31 i 2 2 4 1 i 32 33 2 2 i 12 6 12 34 35 36 37 21 19 12 17 5 2 5 16 11 8 7 2 1 2 8 5 3 3 11 2 38 39 40 41 4 4 2 3 i 3 5 2 ...... 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 . .. . 2 8 49 12 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 582 96 290 1 426' 118 292 137 i 396' 356 2,769 184 207 126 349 196 196 66 297 145 55 249 41 241 177 156 84 11,977 618 225 696 271 426 238 211 465 431 817 530 532 304 332 143 583 493 215 234 312 282 927 332 334 387 130 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. s Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 2 3 X. Portage la Prairie, Toivn — Villc I/. Rapids City do z. Riding Mountain aa. Rosedale bb. Rossburn cc. [/[/. Russell — Silver Creek dd. Saskatchewan 3,363 543 976 1,698 551 1,407 720 1,537 1,819 15,469 939 1,207 660 1,662 1,177 1,123 ;«o 1,688 739 286 1,523 251 1,553 960 910 462 53,226 2,272 666 3,778 1,016 1,484 1,254 928 1,928 1,245 4,467 2,406 2,429 1,534 1,473 408 2,588 2,551 794 1.176 1,456 1,100 5,093 1,338 1,504 1,572 606 582 92 290 409 116 287 136 393 353 2,614 165 188 123 348 195 182 59 268 145 54 237 40 236 148 151 75 11,753 592 2)9 687 266 426 237 210 464 410 816 529 531 293 327 141 559 489 215 233 310 277 912 327 321 372 129 572 92 248 360 82 261 136 393 306 2,505 165 188 123 261 195 181 59 268 145 54 234 31 231 145 151 74 11,558 592 186 670 263 426 237 210 464 410 798 529 531 293 319 140 532 489 215 233 310 225 897 327 321 371 122 10 42 49 34 26 47 109 87 i 3 9 5 3 i 195 33 17 3 is 8 1 27 52 15 i 7 553 90 148 355 80 256 135 390 306 2,451 164 188 100 258 195 181 59 268 144 53 234 31 208 144 150 74 11,242 592 125 600 239 426 236 209 459 407 776 529 531 290 317 75 19 2 4 5 6 7 4 1 1 1 5 1 8 9 //, hh. Shoal Lake, Strathclair . . . . a. W estbourne .... 3 8. — Provencher 54 1 23 3 10 11 a. Cartiei 6. Salaberry . . . 12 13 14 c. Emerson, Tovm — ViUe d. Franklin c. Hanover 15 16 /. Hespeler fi. La Broquerie h. Montca m i. Morris .. . . 17 18 i 1 1 19 20 21 j. Morris, Town — Ville k. Ste. Anne .... /. St. Boniface 22 23 7/1. St. Boniface, Toica—Ville n. St. Norbert 24 25 0. Tache p. Youville 9.- Selkirk 99 152 ?6 a. Argyle b. Arthur 27 '"76 22 16 28 c. Brandon, City— CM 29 d. Brenda 4 30 e. Carlet(jii 31 /. Cornwallis 1 32 33 y- Daly h. Deloraine 1 5 34 /. Derby 3 35 /. Douglas 36 k. Dufferin, North — Nord /. Dufferin, South — Sud 37 38 39 40 m. Elton n. Glenwood 0. Inchiquin 1 2 2 65 41 42 p. Lome '/. Loui.se /'. Medora 632 489 205 229 310 220 897 318 321 368 114 43 10 44 45 s. Morden, Town — VUle (. Oakland ... u. Pi|x;stone 4 46 5 47 V. Rhineland 48 w. Riverside 9 49 X. Sifton y. Turtle Mountain 50 2 1 1 51 z. Virden, Town— Ville 7 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 13 Houses — Maisons • 1 story. 1 etage. 2 stories. 2 etages. 3 stories 3 etages 4 stories and over. 4 etages et plus. 1 room. 1 cham- bre. 2 rooms 2 cham- bres. 3 rooms 3 cham- bres. 4 rooms. 4 chani- bres. 5 rooms. 5 cham- bres. 6 to 10 rooms. 6 klO cham- bres. 11 to 15 rooms 11 a 15 cham- bres. 16 rooms and over. 16 1 cham-i breset plus. Unin- habit- ed. In- habi- tees. In con- stnic- tion. En cons- truc- tion. 1 5 J?; 173 12 245 393 79 3 65 5 167 36 252 118 789 51 63 92 126 2 ... ^ 19 30 35 100 30 113 15 79 31 4,426 279 28 448 27 310 151 88 172 212 38 380 346 146 23 16 164 143 71 168 31 45 37 161 170 41 6S 5 1 1 7 ■ iio 99 16 33 5 90 19 305 13 13 "'33 6 10 28 2 95 84 23 46 33 103 93 613 55 68 4 53 ■ 60 48 43 59 27 3 76 1 26 30 45 15 2,727 241 43 76 64 95 41 68 68 105 99 127 107 54 73 42 163 95 44 28 79 48 285 101 103 IOC 12 54 12 25 74 11 70 33 60 72 423 31 38 5 41 40 49 9 41 25 4 37 6 30 24 38 5 2,371 113 37 70 45 58 43 40 102 79 253 86 108 99 47 24 108 88 60 22 56 54 333 65 46 58 2 92 25 10 45 18 48 23 66 48 440 22 24 15 43 71 49 5 31 43 10 48 12 19 15 25 8 2,130 44 18 96 17 104 47 24 72 81 268 119 79 57 50 11 82 116 36 58 41 24 200 38 34 55 35 86 15 3 29 5 25 15 37 37 254 10 10 27 41 11 19 1 24 24 8 24 7 28 6 13 1 1,035 20 18 94 17 34 34 22 50 35 98 52 57 22 37 1 38 63 25 46 38 14 7 18 31 36 21 279 34 5 29 9 35 27 31 34 413 29 29 67 47 6 5 1 31 23 25 31 4 94 4 13 4 1,513 25 6 289 19 39 53 12 83 29 77 103 103 34 52 3 24 105 9 69 55 18 12 12 40 36 46 16 2 10 2 19 "is 9 17 17 ■33 19 277 20 15 70 39 7 11 4 20 1 4 32 3 23 11 16 1 580 26 15 16 31 17 24 8 11 39 3 11 16 25 1 5 36 ■"'56 14 15 17 32 21 4 15 7 18 '44 5 14 3 5 71 7 11 4 2 7 1 1 'ii 2 4 '20 1 140 21 '24 2 4 3 "1 7 13 2 1 7 3 1 3 1 2 7 6 7 2 1 2 3 295 i 4 77 5 93 100 2 4 3 39 4 6 3 1 1 1 2 2 18 1 2 2 6 "J 141 8 188 1,690 112 123 28 135 193 23 2 2 3 3 10 11 12 13 14 181 56 15 16 249 77 3 1 16 5 17 115 18 19 1 1 "is 2 1 1 9 19 132 1 2 20 ''I 102 130 13 3 io 66 17 40 1,614 147 19 20 81 94 19 44 82 79 2 37 70 26 58 59 115 17 40 5 37 66 58 92 61 81 22 '>3 71 1 ''4 43 1 64 2 39 "^5 7,039 313 28 '>6 112 1 10 . . 97 212 216 13 12 28 9() 116 1 1 30 81 5 31 122 3 2 4 4 1 "4 i 1 3 '■'2 3^^ 291 197 760 1 1 33 34 .35 149 36 183 147 2 37 38 295 124 ; 1 39 1 40 368 1 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 41 345 144 65 1 % 44 279 45 180 46 860 16f 47 48 147 330 4 49 50 57 51 14 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. S 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. aa. Wallace ... , bb. Whitehead . . cc. Whitewater dd. Wood worth . 10.— 'Winnipeg, City—Cite. a. Ward No. 1, Quart ier . 6. c. d. e. /• do do do do do 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. do do do do do Slew ]lrun8\t'ick. ll.-Albert a. Alma . . . . h. Coverdale c. Elgin . . . d. Harvey e. Hillsborough /. Hopewell .... 12.— Carleton. a. Aberdeen b. Brighton c. Kent d. Northampton e. Peel /. Richmond g. Simond's h. Wakefield i. Wicklow j. Wilmot . . k. Woodstock I. Woodstock, Town — Villc. 13.— Charlotte a. Campobello b. Clarendon c. Dufferin d. DumV)arton e. Grand Manan /. Lepreaux r/. Milltown, Toicn — Ville h. Pennfield i. St. Andrew's, Town 9 191 1.56 140 94 67 201 188 70 145 26 32 16 7 2 33 Houses — Maisons. Wood. Brick. En bois. En brique. 21 669 31 Stone En pierre. 256 282 138 203 292 132 123 309 6,843 686 1,026 1,.356 852 915 589 1,005 414 5,122 295 388 469 127 229 187 216 269 150 1,051 305 272 142 68 138 246 284 560 409 368 77,955 3,896 15 146 209 228 166 191 154 140 94 67 201 188 70 145 24 6 11 2 2 1 2 135 2 *26 '36 7 63 69 257 20 11 I 1 1 "2 12. 4 3 1 8 1 1 '2 154 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 21 * Houses— -Maisons. 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. 3 etages _ 4 etages et i plus. 1 cham- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 42 30 23 36 52 30 22 24 618 4 cham- bres. 5 chain - bres. 6 a 10 cham- bres. 11 a 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. 1 S 225 256 138 28 25 3 1 34 2 17 50 2 25 72 32 52 50 151 38 44 130 504 32 58 32 29 46 20 29 50 863 8 39 1 10 18 10 6 13 766 55 108 11 25 21 8 20 44 3,214 12 12 2 3 1 1 2 5 678 1 1 1 116 14 28 6 24 2 8 36 247 6 11 ""2 6 3 7 2 57 1 2 3 198 5 15 2 2 14 919 4 277 5 130 6 121 7 295 43 119 8 5,915 43 1 G12 910 915 832 827 503 930 386 73 123 426 21 87 83 74 32 2,632 1 6 27 1 3 3 2 ""i 5 41 2 8 8 ■■■"55 66 88 5 75 46 11 207 6 254 91 103 55 124 70 19 133 23 435 117 152 87 128 144 81 124 30 757 76 127 126 108 98 83 112 36 650 286 429 854 356 429 324 322 214 2,546 38 87 194 42 99 68 47 103 500 7 12 45 13 42 3 I 89 22 42 28 37 31 33 28 26 226 2 4 20 10 9 3 57 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2,570 61 6 38 101 82 403 194 305 68 77 154 52 150 114 69 439 95 159 74 1 1 2 6 2 i 38 23 14 5 5 4 35 31 28 9 5 19 6 7 10 47 47 35 2 5 25 27 21 19 36 68 6,622 59 78 64 15 11 28 30 40 12 121 62 38 6 12 24 30 40 67 76 59 12,041 18 66 78 12 20 27 23 40 22 132 27 45 11 17 12 44 30 74 34 50 10,159 127 171 232 67 135 87 133 152 76 583 106 135 158 31 51 96 144 314 185 146 39,349 16 15 45 14 60 21 45 29 22 177 25 10 28 3 4 17 37 51 32 26 4,546 1 2 4! 3] 23! 3 10 r» 1 2 45 7 1 4 27 18 33 6 5 1 4 6 3 19 33 10 1 4 3 3 t i 2 3 6 1 3 2 17 18 19 50 88 132 76 ""l4 6 19 '1 51 6 3 ""2 5 20 21 22 23 151 80 C27 205 113 i 2 3 1 1 1 5 15 29 7 1 24 25 26 27 28 136 68 1 29 30 10(5 32 121 131 312 266 159 9,970 22 18 9 19 38 16 4,207 31 125 153 249 143 1 i i 6 2 7 4 1 785 3 2 11 4 2 657 13 4 16 35 7 3,144 1 1 A 12 1,225 32 33 34 35 209 36 67,116 1,203 77 3,443 448 27 1 13 140 192 354 370 2,252 537 61 1 45 57 62 136 82 10 18 71 14 40 20 1 7 2 24 13 19 1 9 8 6 8 3 9 3 ""li 15 2 12 7 7 10 7 7 8 32 20 24 9 19 11 1 : 11 17 10 10 7 18 28 16 5 12 19 16 6 8 16 30 10 14 73 90 113 136 91 132 82 85 64 53 118 125 45 ! 81 50 9 11 45 27 27 27 6 7 5 32 1 2 30 25 1 1 5 4 1 3 12 3 2 ■4 1 3 2 2 3 37 38 191 1 1 1 39 157 154 4 1 40 41 151 1 1 2 ■ ■ '3 4 1 i 7 2 1 1 42 136 1 3 '43 139 44 87 65 45 . 46 176 175 1 3 11 2 8 7 3 3 47 48 70 1 49 141 4 4 , 50 1 00 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 178 76 145 149 121 167 82 02 155 112 158 144 140 108 2,786 497 136 124 187 113 175 158 169 134 107 153 209 198 95 237 94 6,031 223 92 160 215 373 137 383 295 259 429 122 253 174 204 322 138 75 223 174 453 426 200 436 150 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses- Mai- .sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 3 3 i 4 2 11 4 1 1 1 4! 60 i i 2 25 2 3 2 1 6 12 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 0, Lequille 922 422 703 687 523 740 416 279 778 569 684 673 696 589 16,114 2,758 693 745 1,063 737 1,066 912 1,094 834 606 856 l,065i 1,077 598 1,446 564 34,244 1,207 476 935 1,305 2,166 781 2,104 1,720 1,.339 2,459 758 1,426 1,038 1,195 1,868 812 382 1,116 1,001 2,522 2,427 1,230 2,440 902 177 75 138 148 119 167 77 57 154 111 158 136 139 105 2,751 488 136 125 186 111 172 158 167 133 105 153 207 197 94 ' 226 ! 93 5,883 214 1 92 1 157 212 363 ; 132 379 294 258 347 121 249 171 204 317 135 75 220 170 450 424 200 435 150 177 75 138 148 119 164 77 57 151 111 158 135 135 103 2,740 484 135 124 185 111 172 154 167 133 105 153 207 197 94 226 93 5,823 214 92 157 212 362 132 378 294 258 345 121 224 171 204 315 135 72 218 169 444 412 200 435 150 174 75 138 148 119 161 77 57 149 111 158 135 135 103 2,738 482 135 124 185 111 172 154 167 133 105 153 207 197 94 226 93 5,777 214 92 157 209 362 132 378 294 2o8 345 121 224 171 204 315 135 72 218 168 438 412 200 399 150 3 9 v. IVlaitlaiid s q. Margarets vilie 4 r. IVIeadowvale 5 s. Melvern 6 t. Middleton u. Milford 3 8 V. New Albany. w. Nictaux X. Parker's Cove V. Port George 9 10 2 11 IVI z. Port Dome 13 14 aa.Round Hill (Moschelle) bb. Springfield 27. — Antisronish .. . . 2 2 15 a. Antigonish Harbour 16 b. Antigonish, Villaye c. Arisaig 17 18 d. Ballantyne's Cove 19 c. Fraser's Mills /. Harbour au Bouche ?0 ^1 f). Heatherton ?.? h. Denwood i. Lochal)er Lake j. Malignant Brook k. Mahoney's Beach ^3 9.4 9.n W I. Merland W m. Pomquet River n. Salt Springs 0. St. Joseph's ?S 29 .30 p. Upper South River 28. — Cape Breton 28 18 31 a. Ball's Creek 6. Bi^ Pond. c. Boisdale d. Boularderie 32 33 .34 3 ,35 e. Bridgeport /. Catalone .36 .37 g. Cow Bay h. East Bay, North,South—N. ,Sud i. Gabarus ... j. Glace Bay k. Grand Mira I. (irand Narrows .38 .39 40 41 42 43 m. Hillside Mira 44 n. Leitche's Creek 0. Lingan p. Little Brasd'Or 45 46 47 q. Loch Lomond r. LouisV>urg 48 49 50 51 s. Main-a-Dieu t. North Sydney u. Sydney, Tou-n — Ville V. Sydney Forks 3 1 3 .52 .53 54 w. Sydney Mines X. Trout Brook 25 11 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 23 Houses— -Maisons. 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms i 3 rooms 1 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In eon struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 1 cham- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres. 5 cham- bres. 16 10 17 18 5 5 8 4 16 14 16 8 15 13 6 a 10 cham- bres. 11 a 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. I 1 159 74 136 145 105 147 77 18 1 1 3 14 15 i "2 1 11 9 1 1 2 9 14 5 3 8 10 3 1 7 5 8 12 2 8 22 2 5 11 4 32 11 8 9 4 5 15 6 17 15 4 15 14 13 93 38 90 83 59 94 24 29 66 51 110 99 77 51 12 4 19 28 40 41 2 11 39 1 25 4 14 12 3 2 2 4 2 1 .... ^ i 1 2 7 " 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 ""3 1 "1 i ""i 1 2 3 4 5 6 54 3 60 Q 91 9 111 10 158 11 130 5 11 11 i 1 3 3 7 12 124 13 92 14 2,620 115 5 41 168 379 603 501 948 87 13 159 26 458 116 23 19 3 1 1 7 1 1 6 24 7 17 14 "ii 11 1 2 10 6 18 5 4 34 4 68 5 32 41 4 26 34 15 1 26 18 27 13 9 56 4 102 16 40 54 22 49 29 28 8 35 45 61 19 18 63 14 71 20 21 48 22 32 25 50 24 16 35 27 46 17 42 5 187 73 7 25 63 50 45 69 73 16 47 61 107 42 23 60 25 9 .... ^ 6 4 34 5 2 5 6 12 14 5 10 10 15 23 5 6 7 8 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 15 16 124 17 129 110 55 1 4 2 1 1 18 19 168 152 3 3 4 25 '" 2 3 5 2 4 i i 1 20 166 '>9, 133 ?S 104 1 4 2 2 "10 1 1 8 2 ?4 149 ?5 205 ?n 197 w 92 2 1 9i^ 225 99 92 1 30 4,319 463 38 3 84 454 645 1,356 956 2,124 172 32 200 96 107 28 140 107 63 15 15 13 3 90 165 2 85 60 123 3 99 3 12 71 36 7 238 159 46 36 7 1 2 1 3 " '12 10 3 24 5 19 46 22 6 32 30 27 23 9 14 4 28 27 46 7 11 2 38 11 5 2 2 44 6 24 27 52 8 45 18 55 33 14 41 12 26 52 25 6 23 20 44 27 8 15 4 36 20 27 34 44 26 65 83 66 75 33 61 26 35 94 16 13 59 39 71 75 66 247 28 30 11 29 26 191 27 61 20 40 33 22 33 32 19 46 9 10 45 44 66 48 32 38 28 76 41 46 68 44 65 157 143 64 138 39 73 93 73 87 29 33 77 60 190 187 84 129 86 1 7 2 22 7 3 14 4 2 8 4 31 32 33 197 348 1 6 "I6 i 34 35 129 1 1! 5 7 5 7 4 3 9 13 19 10 2 4 14 20 19 3 2 3 3 4 1 3 2 4 3 3 4 5 1 4 1 7 11 7 5 4 36 286 129 2 1 37 38 256 1 1 3 i 20 7 9 1 5 32 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 3 2 24 51 2 4 2 '4 i '" 2 8 13 39 260 ' 40 61 41 100 168 1 42 43 105 44 312 45 123 46 1 47 180 2 8 19 2 48 162 197 234 150 399 143 '"'i' ■"2" 3 3 49 50 51 52 53 .54 24 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. 629 27,160 1,451 1,214 1,074 1,017 1,038 1,106 763 298 946 672 853 953 1,249 694 854 1,175 1,304 741 725 5,102 542 812 1,150 742 685 34,529 3,781 2,548 2,692 1,152 1,013 748 2,378 2,160 1,909 1,852 1,232 1,031 2,611 4,813 400 843 971 1,650 745 19,897 460 874 932 655 1,381 751 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 115 5,165' 239 212 197! 214 216 205 151 55! 187 145 165 188 251 123 179 246 224 144 123 934 113 151 228 135 140 6,470 698 484 476 215 200 144 496 433 368 363 216 203 435 865 74 164 173 320 143 3,769 71 148 164 128 278 156 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. 1 Wood. En bois. Brick. En briqvie. Stone. En pierre. 1 11. Victoria 4,964 193 198 196 200 215 204 i 147 53 175 139 164 175 241 121 171 240 223 139 123 899 112 145 222 135 134 6,186 684 472 455 201 193 136 446 417 337 335 212 182 435 818 72 160 170 318 143 3,638 69 148 161 123 257 155 109 4,932 191 194 192 200 215 204 147 53 175 133 160 174 240 120 171 240 223 139 123 892 112 144 222 135 133 6,098 684 464 414 200 188 135 445 416 335 310 209 182 435 818 72 160 170 318 143 3,611 69 148 1.58 123 255 155 5 32 2 4 4 6 4 1 1 1 7 i i 88 8 41 1 5 1 1 1 2 25 3 27 3 2 109 4,927 191 194 192 200 215 204 147 53 175 132 160 174 240 120 171 240 223 139 123 888 112 144 222 135 133 6,089 681 463 414 200 187 135 443 416 335 310 209 182 435 818 72 159 170 317 143 3,611 69 148 158 123 255 155 29. —Colchester 5 ?l a. Acadia Mines, West — Oucst. . . . b. Acadia Mines, East — Est c. Brookfield d Clifton 3 4 .5 6 t. Earlton 7 /. Economy g. Five Islands h. Kempt, Town — Ville 8 9 in i. Lower Stewiacke, North — Nord j. Lower Stewiacke, South — Sud. k. Lower Onslow 11 12 i 13 I. Lower Londonderry 14 m. Middle Londonderry 15 n. Middle Stewiacke 16 0. New Annan p. North River 17 • 18 q. Salmon Riv'er. 19 20 r. Tatamagouche, East — Est s. Tatamagouche, West — Onest... t. Truro, Town— Ville 21 4 22 u. Upper Stewiacke, West — Quest V. Upper Stewiacke, East— Est. . . tv. Upper Londonderry 23 24 25 X. Waugh's River, North — Nord.. y. Waugh's River, South — Sud... 30. — Cumberland. 26 6 2 1 3 27 28 a. Amherst, Town — Ville b. Amherst 1 29 c. Amherst Shore 30 d. Advocate Harbour 31 e. Maccan 1 32 /. Malagash. . 33 34 {/. Oxford h. Pugwash 2 35 I. Parrsboro', Town — Ville i. Parrslioro' 36 37 A.-. Parrsboro' Shore. I. River Philip ra. River Hebert 38 39 40 11. Springhill, Town— Ville 0. Sjjringhill 41 42 p. Victoria 1 43 q. Westchester 44 r. Wallace 1 45 s. Wentworth 31.— Digby 46 a. Cheticami) 47 6. Church Point c. Comeauville d. Culloden 48 49 50 c. Digby 51 /. Freeix)rt RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 25 Houses- -Maisor IS. 1 story. 1 etage. 2 stories. 2 etages. 3 stories 3 etages 4 stories and over. 4 etages et plus. 1 room. 1 cham- bre. 2 rooms 2 cham- bres. 3 rooms 3 cham- bres. 4 rooms. 4 chani- bres. 5 rooms. 5 cham- bres. 6 to 10 rooms. 6 a 10 cham- bres. 11 to 15 rooins 11 a 15 eham- bres. 16 rooms and over. 16 cham- bres et plus. 1 41 9 2 i 1 i 2 4 i '"'"26 Unin- habit- ed. In- habi- tees. In con- struc- tion. En cons- truc- tion. .a 1 104 4,404 183 5 511 8 20 5 11 2 21 11 3 10 5 6 14 30 2 16 1 39 14 286 3 2 10 13 17 13 3 ■■'2 3 9 14 1 7 15 13 22 4 8 32 3 7 26 5 54 181 8 19 14 3 2 3 16 7 14 4 2 12 14 2 17 17 15 186 4 2 4 4 7 50 16 382 12 3 27 8 26 16 8 5 10 14 5 16 13 13 22 24 24 11 16 41 7 20 27 10 4 424 15 36 27 3 7 17 25 33 12 15 40 16 41 49 19 15 24 24 6 360 20 "12 16 5 76 17 734 16 26 40 26 m 21 21 12 20 19 29 19 30 19 38 50 28 15 26 66 13 15 56 31 58 947 40 41 57 14 21 26 57 64 26 99 44 19 57 234 8 26 25 59 30 462 20 5 26 21 16 21 16 664 47 48 23 22 46 22 26 8 20 13 23 21 32 10 25 37 24 23 24 90 16 12 20 30 2 772 47 56 53 11 17 21 78 54 23 28 32 16 70 158 10 20 22 46 10 420 10 16 35 12 16 4 42 2,556 101 ao7 87 121 79 123 83 28 112 77 89 97 144 65 68 104 116 73 43 525 67 88 92 58 9 3,193 404 234 208 139 115 61 262 229 2.34 148 83 109 209 340 29 83 68 157 81 1,853 15 99 70 69 125 4 3 230 3 6 5 7 5 8 5 "' io 5 5 4 16 6 1 2 8 11 n! 6 1 1 1 8 198 2 3 22 4 '""'11 10 1 6 8 5 12 13 8 14 6 29 18 15 11 3 37 " 3 2 1 1 2 1 " 1 4 2 4 2 11 3 1 9. 174 8 187 189 .. . . 3 2 4 5 213 6 183 7 136 8 50 165 128 . . . . ... . 9 10 n 154 160 210 •• 3 12 13 14 118 15 171 2 10 1 1 3 7 1 16 238 2 10 14 17 213 18 124 123 1 19 546 112 144 330 15 1 21 22 23 219 133 3 2 2 1,155 191 33 75 10 23 24 25 131 6 18 2 1 1 26 4,923 ■ 487 431 19 6 1 488 134 76 47 .30 23 2 19 13 23 5 6 20 40 18 4 11 4 13 265 75 34 1 r* 1 2 i 4 9 1 6 5 i 1' 2! 1 47 283 19 41 39 5 14 12 13 20 5 3 20 24 16 5 21 24 2 180 8 9 9 7 13 8 98 10 11 9 6 4 3 6 18 1 9 8 5 1 2 5 70 2 8 4 2 1 5 27 28 339 29 190 30 164 135 1 1 3 1 31 32 419 369 24 47 74 6 8 44 178 322 2 2 3 14 99 264 2 7 1 2 70 1 2 33 34 253 304 7 1 35 36 201 37 138 257 493 70 3 38 39 40 41 158 167 '9 42 43 304 44 44 3,333 67 13 1 18 45 46 141 5 24 6 1 64 ! '""22 ! 47 157 48 121 49 175 154 9 1 50 51 1 26 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. Population, Fam ilies auL 1 Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. 660 1,294 373 1,036 1,0.52 1,011 563 1,522 431 1,333 687 406 1,240 513 755 1,968 17,195 214 1,824 447 788 863 1,546 842 421 707 1,161 901 405 1,310 624 1,497 353 703 1,063 440 1,086 38,495 8,550 3,672 2,332 1,715 14,347 7,821 58 32,863 715 552 532 662 783 734 422 525 525 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. ii £ Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 g. Grosses Coques 96 272 75 210 187 177 96 266 25^ 151 96 210 103 175 378 3,175 42 332 83 142 169 293 159 74 128 211 149 79 257 123 271 70 116 203 83 191 7,307 1,477 744 491 335 2,824 1 1,425 11 5,943 129 105 i 97 128 136 125 1 75 92 95 93 267 75 210 185 170 94 261 73 243 149 93 209 94 147 362 3,074 38 315 80 140 166 290 154 74 128 196 1^6 66 240 123 270 61 114 199 83 191 5,184 1,201 482 269 168 1,877 1,176 11 5,736 129 101 80 115 136 120 72 90 90 93 263 75 209 183 170 92 261 72 239 149 93 204 93 145 362 3,025 38 314 79 136 165 282 154 74 128 193 145 66 240 123 268 61 114 172 83 190 5,181 1,201 482 269 167 1,877 1,174 11 5,679 129 101 80 115 136 120 71 90 87 4 i 2 ■ 2 i 4 5 1 2 49 i 1 4 1 8 3 1 2 27 i 3 i 2 93 263 75 209 183 170 92 261 72 239 149 93 204 93 145 362 3,025 38 314 79 136 165 282 154 74 128 193 145 66 240 123 268 61 114 172 83 190 4,924 1,121 444 224 1.54 1,816 1,165 9, h. Hillsburg 3 i. Little River j. JVIarshall, Toicn — Ville k. Aletaghan 4 5 6 I. Metaghan River 7 m. New Tuskett 8 71. Plympton 9 0. Rossway p. Salmon River .♦ 10 11 q. Sandy Cove 12 r. Smith Cove s. St. Bernards 1,S 14 t. Tiverton 15 u. Westport V. Weymouth 32.— Guysborough «. Caledonia 16 17 18 b. Canso 19 c. Country Harbour 20 21 d. Crow Harbour e. Forks St. Mary's /. Guysborough 22 23 g. Guysborough Intervale h. Goshen 24 25 I. Indian Harbour 26 j. Isaac's Harbour k. Larry's River l. Liscombe m. Manchester n. Marie Joseph 27 28 29 30 31 0. Melford 32 p. New Harbour 33 q. Salmon River r. Sherbrooke 34 35 s. Traeadie 36 t. White Head 37 33.— Halifax, City—Cite a. Ward No. 1, Quartier 151 30 25 26 12 52 6 75 40 38 h. do 2 do 11 39 40 41 c. do 3 do d. do 4 do e. do 5 do 19 1 2 42 /. do (5 do 2 43 Sable Island 44 34.— Halifax, County— Comte . . a. Polling District No. 7 b. do 8 c. do 9 d. do 10 c. do 11 /. do 12 g. do 13 57 i 3 5,670 129 101 80 115 136 120 71 90 87 4 5 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 h. do 14 i. do 15 52 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. Houses— -Maison s. 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. 3 etflges 4 etages et plus. 1 cham- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4' cham- bres. 5 Jcham- bres. 6 a 10 cham- bres. 11 h 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. a 1)2 232 26 1 29 49 7 16 5 5 2 2 7 2 16 "" 6 17 23 2 11 2 1 22 2 ■■■■4 402 1 6 17 31 4 25 6 31 2 17 5 ""48 J3 3 22 511 2 31 13 30 10 34 19 34 31 10 6 75 18 11 29 570 7 11 8 28 18 35 9 34 10 45 27 9 28 15 12 31 391 77 190 35 93 132 70 34 118 52 127 103 61 29 44 111 195 1,015 6 18 8 2 9 4 1 3 33 5 21 3 2 7 2 4 22 138 7 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 10 "5 3 4 1 7 47 1 2 3 202 1 8 16 2 3 4 166 165 1 5 6 86 259 ] 2 3 4 16 6 8 2 14 ""1 7 64 70 1 2 i 14 13 7 8 72 9 231 147 8 2 • • 10 11 93 2 2 "3 53 12 201 93 121 332 3 24 30 229 13 14 15 16 2,794 2 37 1 9 "10 2 1 "20 2 "2 '"■"60 13 50 6 22 2 4 5 47 20 7 29 20 'I 22 5 38 37 63 1 50 24 22 15 38 12 16 15 25 53 15 19 37 39 7 29 11 15 126 7 51 15 28 30 37 12 11 20 29 54 9 75 35 42 23 26 12 21 33 447 8 31 10 14 30 29 44 11 20 17 6 11 31 9 55 16 12 14 9 14 523 18 101 15 21 79 124 84 31 68 62 12 22 84 21 104 11 10 111 37 3,351 4 8 3 4 7 3 3 1 1 1 1 "3 8 3 4 3 17 305 18 79 19 134 2 2 26 5 26 13 7 8 8 6 4 1 3 11 "12 20 163 256 154 74 123 167 132 66 5 10 i ""ii "" 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 1 13 28 235 5 2 16 29 121 30 250 61 2 '"15 4 , 19 21 2 13 7 5 177 10 2 1 1 2 63 31 32 99 15 17 " "i5 529 "4 108 33 155 83 34 35 100 90 3,532 1 3 36 721 846 51 156 72 8 30 245 210 831 320 149 78 1,309 845 195 81 93 55 306 116 9 7 19 4 10 2 1 1 i 9 2 11 6 25 10 27 9 9 10 30 41 68 29 30 14 174 132 63 58 18 10 210 164 817 276 170 93 1,254 741 179 85 24 24 154 63 27 21 6 10 23 21 52 9 22 15 37 42 15 1 3 1 23 14 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4,304 1,311 56 8 35 328 602 1,098 837 2,598 149 32 281 75 ^5 125 4 11 24 3 3 8 4 22 21 2 5 2 2 14 22 15 6 3 9 10 6 3 48 36 36 16 27 20 23 23 17 28 18 8 25 21 18 8 13 5 30 23 19 63 80 61 14 33 52 2 12 11 2 "'io 10 11 6 3 i 4 3 2 44 89 56 111 1 1 4o 5 4 6 1 4 2 i 2 5 46 47 133 1 2 8 9 1 48 111 67 1 3 7 49 50 67 1 2 51 62 2 2 52 28 CENSUS OF CANAUA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. Total Ves- Houses — Maisons. Families. dwell- sels DISTRICTS — ings occu- Houses and shan- Wood. Brick. Stone. & Popula- Number. pied. ties. tion. S. -DISTRICTS. ~ Total Na- ~ ~" — ^ Families. des de- Mai- vires En En En ^ meures sons. et bois. brique. pierre. B p oc- chan- ^ Nombre. cupees. tiers. 1 j. Polling District No. 16 048 131 127 127 127 2 k. do 17 881 177 175 173 2 173 3 l. do 18 987 193 175 166 9 166 4 m. do 19 720 133 127 123 4 123 5 n. do 20 516 91 91 91 91 6 0. do 21 992 195 195 195 195 7 p. do 22 1,193 236 236 235 i 235 8 q. do 23 534 93 93 93 93 9 r. do 24 761 135 135 134 1 134 10 s. do 25 1,487 256 240 238 2 238 11 t. do 26a 788 131 121 121 121 12 i(. do 266 986 142 139 138 1 138 13 r. do 27a 766 139 137 137 137 14 u: do 27b 1,123 198 189 189 189 15 X. do 28a 1,257, 240 239 239 239 1(> I/. do 286 294 56 52 52 52 17 z. do 29. .. .. 416 79 74 73 1 73 18 a«. do 30 843 154 154 154 154 19 bb. Dartmouth, Toum — Ville 6,252 1,088 1,057 1,029 28 1,021 3 5 20 cc. Polling District Nd. .32a 628' 114 107 107 106 1 21 dd. do 326 498 106 101 101 101 22 ee. do 33 936 174 164 164 164 23 ff. do 34 924 159 159 159 159 24 gg. do 35 286 47 47 47 47 25 hh. do 36 966 175 175 175 175 26 n. do 37 843 162 140 139 1 139 27 jj. do 38 656| 108 106 104 2 104 28 kk. do 39 232 49 48 47 1 47 35.— Hants 22,052 4,099 3,944 3,918 26 3,914 2 29 a. Avondale 860 1,040 661 892 829 380 821 1,217 916 1,753 708 1,130 1,200 171 204 165 192 165 192 165 191 30 b. Brooklyn 1 31 c. Burlington 141 155 168 58 131 211 180 360 134 204 208 126 155 159 56 131 202 162 358 127 193 204 126 155 159 56 131 200 162 356 127 193 203 2 2 i 126 1.55 159 56 131 200 162 356 127 193 203 32 d. Curry's Corner 33 e. Falmouth . . f. Five Mile River 34 .35 g. Forks h. Gore .3() 37 i. Hantsport 38 j. Kempt k. Maitland 39 40 I. Ninc< Mile River. . . . ' m. Noel 41 42 71. Rawdon Church 0. Scotch Village p. Selmah 855 821 563 1,349 553 857 1,483 687 155 165 105 241 98 161 266 153 159 101 241 94 154 265 149 159 101 231 94 153 261 4 io i 4 149 159 101 230 93 153 261 43 44 45 r/. Shubenecadie ?•. South Maitland s. South Rawdon and Uniacke . . . t. Ste. Croix 1 46 1 47 48 49 H. Walton 122 122 121 1 121 50 r. Windsor (Court House) 2,477 461 425 424 1 423 .,..,.. 1 36.— Inverness 25,779 4,086 147 467 4,038 145 456 3,945 144 419 93 3,937 144 419 6 51 a. Broad Cove Marsh 1,085 3,142 1 37 52 b. Cheticamp 63 c. Glencoe d. Hawkesbury, Town— Ville 1,0.55 658 172 116 172 116 172 116 172 115 54 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — -Population, Families et Demeures. 29 Houses- -Mai son s. 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 1 ehain- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres- 5 cham- bres. (i a 10 cham- bres. 11 ■X 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. 13! 13 11 7: .1 18 2 2 1 4 10 4 En cons- truc- tion. 9> 1 Ill 16 15 3 1 9 25 12 10 4 12 39 22 32 41 4 16 11 18 15 3 2 51 71 4 15 45 10 24 19 32 28 15 23 43 33 35 45 18 28 27 50 64 3 8 16 153 9 15 45 35 2 43 24 10 5 430 26 14 31 20 26 37 27 16 10 26 14 29 19 24 37 7 15 3 155 18 10 15 27 3 38 24 18 4 487 68 86 81 54 45 110 90 10 39 102 80 56 79 90 115 39 43 2 550 60 43 31 77 36 66 78 68 25 2,450 4 4 1 i i 9 1 2 3 4 5 3 7 1 5 3 4 4 29 1 158 163 122 91 17 4 10 11 5 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 192 3 3 91 • 3 2 30 7 1 3 150 ""69 7 588 8 5 164 2 14 5 21 12 17 15 1 2 1 7 8 i 82 40 2 10 26 6 6 1 1 6 4 6 ""3' ""i 6 232 2 7 8 131 9 236 10 91 n 131 T^ 136 13 186 14 89 9 15 52 '48 1 "'6' 5 16 •1 147 4 5 2 40 5 8 16 12 2 7 4 1 195 17 18 387 98 96 45 12 5 2 3 6 1 2 ""3 240 10 2 3 "'i' i 1 29 19 20 ^1 i59 22 ?3 45 2 2 3 2 33 552 ^4 173 3 1 2 5 61 24 9 5 5 213 25 136 26 101 14 1 27 28 3,295 66 5 8 .165 1 ""9 2 8 15 9 8 10 1 22 5 5 20 5 2 2 22 10 26 17 9 6 15 13 4 8 14 8 27 26 8 53 9 24 30 19 11 9 22 24 21 40 6 39 9 12 18 12 10 9 16 30 18 55 13 30 31 24 10 13 40 11 15 42 18 51 130 10 2 1 1 1 5 6 4 5 1 2 i 29 174 18 5 36 15 144 12 89 9 98 21 108 10 30 121 119 1 2 7 2 31 32 144 33 56 30 79 128 34 127 199 4 1 41 10 24 124 5 3 5 7 12 9 4 ...... 1 35 6 ■3' i 1 1 1 1 4 ""is 17 ""?0 7 32 9 11 3 11 6 8 ""22 14 4 i 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 5 1 6 36 118 2 1 3 1 117 15 37 345 103 66 198 "2 i 4 2 2 13 1 2 6 4 5 3 201 84 128 94 88 121 70 128 41 76 148 83 265 21 13 3 12 11 13 5 7 4 8 11 5 44 38 39 40 41 146 154 94 42 43 44 218 85 1 2 45 46 147 261 2 2 47 48 116 5 224 49 139 57 4 6 50 3,209 722 11 1 173 482 583 699 560 1,311 111 24 81 86 140 392 3 27 4 18 1 4 61 8 2 13 i 83 11 3 17 80 15 7 22 81 33 19 34 47 26 13 51 59 73 57 2 5 4 11 1 3 2 3 5 13 2 2 6 12 2 51 5? 168 53 95 2 54 30 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II, — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. Families. Number. Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Masons. 1 Wood. En bois. Briek. En brique. Stone. En pierre. ^ €. Hillslxiro' 997 1,914 772 417 1,743 1,461 1,067 808 235 1,061 1,681 1,646 1,089 1,145 1,514 1,509 780 22,489 2,989 1,296 2.192 1,340 931 2, .526 996 1,963 1,455 1,889! 285 1,637 1,738! 1,252! 31,075 608 4,153 3,936 3,050 1,418' 4,894| 619 3,838 1,127 3,415 1,934 l,.ol3 570 34,541 429 887 1,026 1,552 1,095 979 1,149 158 286 108 62 273 233 153 143 37 172 290 272 181 187 226 264 139 4,312 521 272 442 260 184 512 193 359 250 1 385 55 312 344 223 5,808 122 813 696 560 268 989 1 110 656 180 ■ 657 387 260 110 6,696 81 146 206 1 293 220 185 241 153 283 108 61 271 230 151 142 37 170 286 268 180 187 223 260 139 4,222 510 265 422 255 183 507 193 344 240 381 55 304 341 222 5,266 115 744 652 548 251 746 101 653 179 607 326 260 84 6,621 80 146 206 291 206 183 241 152 277 108 61 271 230 151 138 35 170 286 255 180 177 223 246 134 4,188 508 260 418 254 182 501 192 342 240 377 52 300 341 221 5,250 115 738 651 544 251 746 101 653 179 603 326 259 84 6,600 80 142 203 290 206 183 241 1 6 '"I ■■'is 10 14 5 31 2 5 4 1 1 6 1 2 4 3 4 .... . 1 16 S 4 4 i 21 4 3 1 152 275 108 61 270 230 151 138 35 170 283 254 180 177 223 246 134 4,172 508 258 413 254 182 500 192 339 240 375 52 299 339 221 5,250 115 738 651 544 251 746 101 653 179 603 326 259 84 6,533 80 142 203 290 203 180 241 ? /. Judique 2 3 g. Lake Ainslie, East — Est h. Lake Ainslie, West — Quest. i. Margarie j. Margarie, North-east — Nord-est. k. Margarie, South-west — Sud-ouest I. ^orth Mountain 4 5 6 1 1 8 9 m. Pleasant Bay . 10 71. Poplar Grove 11 12 13 14 0. Port Hastings p. Port Hood q. River Dennis T. River Inhal^itants 2 1 If) s. Strathlorn t. W hj'coconiagh 16 17 u. AVhycocomagh, South — Sud 37. King-'s 5 1 18 a. Canning 19 b. Canard 1 1 ^0 c. Centreville .... 9^ d. Lakeville e. Somerset 9r?. 1 23 /. Kentville and Canaan 9A g. Gaspereaux h. Wolfville 9.i^ f?fi /. Lower Horton 27 j. Aylesford, South — Sud k. Dalhousie I. Aylesford, North— Nord 111. Berwick n. Harbourville 28 29 30 ,S1 2 38.— Lunenberg a. Bayswater h. Blockhouse c. Bridgewater ,32 33 34 .35 d. Chester ,36 e. Conquerall /. Lunenburg 37 ,38 g. Mill Cove ,39 h. New Germany i. New Ross j. Petite Riviere 40 41 42 k. Ritcey's Cove 1. Summerside 43 44 111. Tancook 39.— Pictou 31 36 45 a. Abercrombie b. Bailey's Brook 46 47 c. Barney's River d. Cape John €. Cariboo, East \ . . , 0^ 1 A— 3^ 36 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & . S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. 2,114,321 24,151 870 670 1,837 4,745 929 1,465 1,232 1,428 2,218 648 1,002 1,176 1,064 2, .512 2,355 41,856 620 750 834 499 606 239 137 702 389 501 185 104 115! 789| 873 795 591 991 471 952 1,400 367 369 1,160 685 2,280 755 1,3-39 17 572 844 427 1,118 1,058 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 414,798 4,986 176 127 339 1,053 : 160 1 324 238 267 461 ' 148 207 227 207 556 496 8,289 125 143 169 97 115 53 28 132 70 96 34 21 26 160 161 161 124 197 82 172 272 73 74 223 132 472 151 314 8 129 171 112 222 167 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. House-. Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires . et chan- tiers. Houses— Maisons. g 1 Wood. En bois. Brick. En bricjue. Stone. En pierre. 1 9 Ontario 45. - Addington a. Abinger, Effingham, Ashby and Denbigh ... b. Bai'rie . 406,948 4,872 176 125 336 1,025 : 153 310 232 257 456 139 200 227 201 545 490 7,980 121 142 157 97 115 48 27 132 69 86 33 21 26 159 155 157 123 194 77 167 257 72 74 215 100 435 148 313 8 129 170 111 215 141 403,012 4,761 176 116 335 1,021 135 310 231 256 422 139 191 215 193 545 476 6,235 115 142 129 85 115 45 27 86 66 77 21 15 26 125 154 146 122 194 77 145 225 72 70 186 66 216 56 105 2 69 123 81 188 125 3,936 111 9 1 4 18 i 1 34 9 12 8 i-i 1,745| 6 28 12 3 46 3 9 12 6 34 1 11 1 22 32 4 29 34 219 92 208 6 60 47 30 27 16 304,432 4,495 172 116 327 929 134 309 227 256 356 106 189 215 191 497 471 6,143 115 142 129 85,230 91 .. ^ 37 ' i 13,136 173 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 c. Bedford d. Camden e. Clarendon and Miller /. Hinchinbrooke ." fl. Kaladar and Anglesea h. Kennebec ('. Loughborough j. Newburg, ViVarje k. Olden ... . \ ... 5 55 1 4 9 10 n 15 16 14 5 56 51 17 12 13 14 15 16 17 I. Oso ill. Palmerston and Canonto . . . . a. Portland 0. Sheffield 46.~Alg-om.a (Eastern Division — Est. ) a. Algoma Mills b. Bruce Mines c. Day d. Echo River e. Garden River /. Goulais Bay g. Grande Pointe h. Hallam and Graham (■. Hilton j. Killarney fi. Kirkwood 1. Mamainse in. Michipicoton 7?. Mississagua 0. Otter Tail p. Port Findley q. Root River and Korali r. Sault, Centre s. Sault, Eastern— Est t. Sault, Wes'ern — Guest u. Spanish River ... r. St. Joseidi u: Tenby Bay X. Thessalon ( Western Division — Quest.) y. Beaver and Silver Mountain. . . z. Biscotasing, Chapleau, Miss- anabi, Wliito River, Peninsula and Schreiber . . . . an. Chelmsford and Cartier bl). Fort Francis 2 34 36 18 19 85 115 45 27 86 66 77 21 15 26 125 152 141 122 175, (J8 136 225 71 70 186 66 216 56 105 2 69 123 81 184 120 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 "2 16 5 9 2 3 ""3 4 37 38 1 39 40 41 42 1 43 44 ce. Hawk Lake dd. Keewatin, North — Nord . . . . ee. Keewatin, South — Sud //. Murill habit- : ed. con- struc- _ over. over. tion. • 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 1 In- En R etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- hlO a 15 cham- 1 liabi- cons- .a et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- 9,640 plus. 517 4,668 bres. bres. plus. 4,484' tion. Z 1 210,930 181,711 20,272 32,051 53,321 51,328 211,152 25,522 22,829 3,685 2,595 2,154 10 180 722 647 852 501 1,639 192 26 218 40 136 40 6 42 28 53 5 41 1 27 4 1 15 101 54 21 31 57 65 17 54 131 31 85 1(;2 10 44 109 21 79 461 "9 66 1 1 6 " 28 39 1 7 9 281 3 622 396 3 4 133 2 2 25 27 25 20 35 1 ... 1 5 156 154 127 18 29 58 39 49 29 57 38 37 29 81 64 10 3 12 11 3 7 6 103 i 7 231 25 52 78 32 39 11 37 2 15 3 8 103 315 4 1 42 28 55 38 228 28 2 17 1 9 37 102 . 3 5 11 14 88 16 2 3 3 10 179 10 3 58 31 40 12 43 2 2 3 11 127 88 182 12 3 49 37 44 49 31 40 22 23 53 34 3 7 il 5 18 '" 3 T^ 10 i 13 305 239 1 7 75 82 80 58 208 29 6 30 3 14 157 319 15 63 41 105 69 166 12 5] 10 2 15 3,772 2,393 58 12 370 1,095 1,064 L131 768 1,529 163 115 693 185 59 56 67 90 42 14 25 13 17 5 33 15 22 13 12 17 21 30 27 33 6 5 29 22 27 20 9 10 2 30 41 14 10 5 6 1 19 48 17 12 5 2 3 1 4 2 1 2 1 ' li 3 1 1 5 1 16 75 17 39 6 1 41 8 4 18 43 19 101 ?.o 19 1 5 9 3 1 ?1 14 22 25 60 ■ i 10 8 29 8 26 4 i 1 4 23 33 33 38 ii 10 19 15 3 9 14 15 3 11 11 14 3 1 2 2 5 9 5 24 38 1 25 20 1 I 16 2 6 4 2 4 1 8 3 5 1 '^6 8 "^ 24 8 33 ■"17 9 13 1.5 9 17 28 109 23 5 2 29 2 29 58 95 1 21 35 34 37 14 12 1 1 2 30 77 68 1 12 27 31 31 17 27 1 13 8 31 J 21 1 136 1 1 1: 13 35 18 26 10 23 19 20 107 18 8 3:^ 57 1 8 33 29 46 2 5 6 10 4 41 5 6 3 3 34 39 100 5 1 1 15 22 19 19 59 4 2 35 143 81 1 33 51 35 34 19 42 5 6 18 2 36 66 5 1 1 16 12 17 8 17 1 11 4 37 17 53 6 44 84 3 1 12 18 14 25 5 24 15 33 17 40 11 30 15 33 15 69 28 60 14 3 1 1 ;is 180 5 20 5 1 4 39 21 1 ■ 4 ' 40 128 3 32 17 5 41 45 11 14 9 30 15 13 15 11 7 5 1 6 8 16 1 12 1 1 1 1 .1 9 3 42 91 28 43 2 44 26 43 15 is 21 1 1 5 45 83 38 i "' i ■■"■3 19 18 18 18 37 5 5 16 46 36 45 109 4 32 19 20 26 22 12 29 19 56 1 8 ■"e 19 38 16 4 47 77 2 15 48 32 92 1 3 15 12 23 16 41 12 3 15 33 49 38 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. 909 726 975 907 816 871 1,091 715 1,019 317 818 209 458 635 186 547 500 240 113 83 455 472 1,255 188 318 280 423 405 1,191 1,200 25,593 897 2,991 6,150 3,480 2,058 4,207 798 2,726 885 1,401 16,993 4,098 5,606 4,152 3,137 23,359 2,802 12,753 1,482 3,094 3,228 1 1 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses— Mai sons. 3 S 3 Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 jj, kk. Xipigon and Pays Plat U. Norman nini. Port A.rthur, Centre 152 150 172 187 149 222 231 132 218 55 156 37 80 119 38 101 82 47 30 17 91 101 221 35 64 45 85 80 266 240 5,244 201 622 1,199 711 451 859 177 543 195 286 3,446 814 1,140 835 657 4,907 589 2,656 285 644 733 145 149 169 184 149 213 228 122 218 52 152 35 78 118 38 98 81 47 24 17 84 i 99 1 214 35 64 45 83 79 226 240 5,148 ! 201 602 1,188 705 449 829 176 523 192 283 3,410 814 1,130 823 643 4,825 581 2,606 285 629 724 37 143 166 135 140 132 185 117 46 52 152 35 75 118 38 98 81 46 23 " "83 99 213 35 62 45 78 79 226 5,031 201 595 1,141 665 449 808 176 521 192 283 3,401 812 1,124 822 643 4,785 581 2,606 285 629 684 108 6 3 49 9 81 43 5 172 3 i 1 17 1 i 2 240 117 7 47 40 21 2 9 2 6 1 40 '"46 1 37 143 141 132 134 132 185 116 46 52 1 149 35 75 118 38 98 81 46 23 i ^ 3 12 2 1 13 4 5 6 nn. Port Arthur, iV^or 03 315 1 2 1 12 17 54 288 5 1 11 3 72 117 30 • • . • 8 9 41 26 124 10 4 39 2 4 337 148 2 4 19 51 87 319 6 1 29 2 5 720 989 77 5 37 67 179 248 1,163 74 18 128 6 692 238 7 6 42 49 118 111 535 71 6 9 5 6 495 19 6 19 51 163 60 387 63 551 51 489 256 1,939 26 155 1 28 17 133 25 i 3,012 706 12 686 167 9 45 97 134 119 405 40 4 17 U 8 836 74 3 37 109 116 112 505 23 6 39 10 9 527 42 4 34 62 102 74 278 14 1 20 2 10 434 156 3 1 3 31 88 120 84 234 30 3 10 1 11 141 73 2 2 4 18 28 152 8 4i 16 12 388 194 7 14 27 61 72 365 40 10 31 1 13 1,852 2,307 21 72 354 447 736 442 1,916 175 38 98 40 148 195 426 29 9 80 118 79 124 61 128 41 46 50 290 3 14 3 7 2 5 5 14 302 15 156 350 1 14 40 82 68 263 35 4 33 16 225 52 2 5 24 38 190 16 3 4 17 10 259 8 19 117 17 100 8 18 477 33 5 28 57 109 59 235 18 19 4 19 94 6 207 16 3 33 14 28 17 8 30 39 7 156 1 8 ■ 4 17 5 13 1 20 62 21 2 328 2 10 29 49 198 33 10 5 4 22 54 3 105 5 26 4 10 24 6 69 5 20 4 129 1 12 "2 23 149 2 3 24 10 135 2 5 8 10 110 7 4 . . 25 163 208 4 4 23 29 65 43 184 19 8 2 26 1,456 2,314 13 31 175 403 643 411 1,892 198 30 179 21 243 422 1 5 4(i ]0S 1.36 ()8 271 30 1 16 1 27 278 496 2 16 57 81 124 92 361 43 2 36 5 28 348 297 372 2 30 5 6() 20 174 42 30 .58 307 357 33 24 3 13 37 20 2 29 137 10 , . . . 30 255 262 128 256 81 ■ 4 2 2 22 6 6 3 59 24 38 7 74 25 56 12 79 38 35 11 252 124 158 62 25 20 13 10 2 7 2 46 11 9 4 . 31 118 .32 52 33 25 1 34 1,049 1,808 9 20 96 276 490 349 1,443 172 20 148 24 75 369 10 9 36 84 58 218 27 2i 50 2 35 222 389 1 6 38 106 61 372 25 4 36 4 36 50 104 2 2 4 14 17 19 87 11 2! 37 462 560 3 4 36 99 164i 142 502 70 81 35 17 3S 240 386 3 4 41 89 119 69 264 39 4 27 1 39 2,595 1,3.51 28 1 57 459 499 589 607 1,609 137 18 1 275 64 387 106 1 3 46 77 73 58 221 15 I 24 4 40 116 101 4 • 19, 13 62; 23 ()3 1 23 48. I 42 31 106 100 10 4 1 ■•■••i 22 26 4 1 41 323 42 1 42 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. d. Nepean e. North Gower /. Ottawa, Eaat—Est, Village. q. Richmond, Village \. Torbolton 56.— Cornwall and Stor- mont 6 a. Cornwall 7 6. Centre Ward — Quartier Centre ( 8 c. East do Ei^t ... J 9 d. West do Ouest.\ Total, Cornwall, Town—Ville. I 10 e. Finch 11 '/. Osnabruck 12 y. Roxborough 67.— Dundas 13 a. Chesterville, Village. 14 ■&. Iroquois, do 15 |e. Matilda 16 id. Morrisburg, Village . 17 \e. Mountain 18 \f. Williamsburg 19 (/. Winchester 20 \h. Winchester, Village. 58.— Durham, Ea»t~Est. 21 !«. Cavan 22 \b. Hope 23 ic Manvers ... 24 \d. Millbrook, Village 25 e. Port Hope, Tovm—Ville. . 59.— Durham, West— Quest. 26 !«. Bowni.anville, Town — Ville. 27 h. Cartwright 28 "■ ■ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 c. Clarke d. Darlington e. Newcastle, Village 60. -Elgin, East— Est. -Ville. a. Aylmer, Toivn- b. Bayhani c. Malahide d. Port Stanley, Village . . e. St. Thomas, City — Cite f. Vienna, Village g. Yarmouth Popula- tion. 61.- Elgin, West— Quest. a. Aldborough h. Dunwich c. Dutton, Village d. Howard 11,401 2,383 741 447 1,023 27,1561 6,790 2,116 2,292 2,397 6,805 3,509 5,316 4,736 20,132 775 1,047 4,138 1,859 3,422 4, .308 3,621 962 17,053 .S,106 3,887 4.047 '971 5,042 15,374 3,377 2,026 4,427 4,757 787 26,724 2,166 3,856 3,851 616 10,366 398 5,471 23,925 5,299 3,663 838 3,626 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 2,097 489 142 92 168 5,007 1,215 419 384 441 1,244 617 1,060 871 3,937 144 216 825 379 701 825 (•)53 194 3,522 608 815 787 201 1,111 3,256 743 412 953 962 186 5,978 536 892 914 134 2,2.32 102 1,168) 4,996i 1,077 757 i 172 778 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 2,067 484 139 90 167 4,937 1,200 413 382 430 1,225 612 1,041 859 3,880 140 212 807! 378' Houses Mai- sons. 2,057 484 139 90 167 4,937 1,200 413 382 430 1,225 612 1,041 859 3,879 140 212 807 378 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 811 811 650 650 194 194 3,506 3,504 602 602 809 807 784 784 201 201 1,110 1,110 3,235 3,230 741 739 410 410 948 945 960 960 176 176 5,872 5,863 .521 521 882 882 887 885 128 128 2,205 2,205 99 99 1,150 1,143 4,931 4,920 1,064 1,058 744 742 167 167 769 769 10 Houses — Maisons. Wood . 1 Brick. En bois. 11 6 2 1,752 431 117 80 151 4,197 1,051 305 313 285 903 584 827 832 2,867 126 150 590 170 564 606 515 146 2,596 418 666 665 114 733 2,314 329 358 774 721 132 4,742 375 821 788 122 1,622 93 921 4,238 971 671 146 667 En brique. 231 36 22 7 9 669 119 108 67 135 310 23 190 27 788 13 30 129 202 88 169 112 45 859 166 122 108 87 376 801 406 49 127 176 43 1,109 146 56 95 6 581 6 219 662 86 65 21 98 Stone. En pierre. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Denieures. 43 Houses— Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and over. room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 1 rooms rooms and over. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 i etages. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 1 chain - bre. 2 pham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres. 5 cham- bres. 6 a 10 chani- bres. 11 a 15 oham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. S 1,376 237 i 659 2471 108 37 89 21 1 9 21 2 3 232 59 13 4 30 236 .52 13 9 26 330 53 32 12 18 361 57 23 13 22 800' 230 45 39 68 76 12 10 10 13 1 3 148 35 3 11 6 44 6 3 2 1 2 31 3 50 75 3 3 4 5 1,870 3,005 58 4 71 471 561 779 643 2,149 223 40 185 33 336 63 19 858 335 341 383 1,059 426 281 381 6 14 22 7 43 "8 1 1 29 130 18 3 33 54 93 64 130 143 21 26 42 89 104 116 109 166 40 44 72 156 123 139 195 154 40 83 57 180 70 138 101 513 254 209 198 661 196 510 269 53 30 15 22 67 17 64 22 12 10 2 3 15 4 6 3 56 13 11 15 39 16 27 47 6 6 3 9 5 5 8 6 7 8 40 122 186 749 477 " 1 3 3 3 5 4 30 9 10 11 12 3,284 578 17 58 298 365 460 436 1,983 252 27 180 16 129 143 769 11 66 38 253 68 68 41 33 977 3 3 " ie 2 12 14 11 13 2 67 9 73 65 66 3 69 12 8 83 12 70 89 85 6 179 14 15 97 35 83 100 95 21 500 18 29 71 38 76 101 67 36 453 77 131 422 223 313 409 293 115 2,004 2 22 46 49 58 33 32 10 253 1 5 5 10 2 i 3 31 4 8 41 5 44 34 44 196 1 8 3 3 1 32 13 14 15 111 619 743 14 ... . 16 17 18 609 161 19 20 2,493 29 1 11 374 226 269 81 36 365 1 4 3 "3 14 26 17 1 11 20 .59 47 1 46 67 95 201 15 122 69 101 114 31 138 356 445 368 121 714 69 69 31 23 61 4 7 2 3 15 40 27 19 25 85 3 1 26 2 21 533 702 4 22 23 161 723 4 21 i 24 25 2,250 956 24 6 53 109 267 349 2,033 384 29 229 21 360 307 (502 880 95 367 102 338 78 71 6 1 5 2 10 — 1 2 3 8 12 21 11 1 13 24 ' 34 37 1 ()9 51 78 54 15 100 58 87 90 14 485 228 581 624 115 59 33 134 133 25 4 4 8 8 5 79 18 49 72 11 5 8 4 4 26 27 28 29 30 3,281 i ' 2,474 101 7 29 70 187 470 665 3,769 574 99 248 30 100 566 554 103 968 44 415 312 231 ■ 24 1,142 55 295 5 4 1 89 1 1 • • • • 6 2 2 ""2 '"18 20 7 a 17 "'i4 8 53 38 8 35 7 38 22 85 77 12 162 11 101 42 100 91 17 269 139 378 491 533 75 1,548 58 ()86 54 120 119 5 141 11 124 8 11 15 6 31 5 23 40 46 43 12 54 ! 10 1 ^^ 4 3 3 12 2 4 31 32 33 34 35 36 846 2 6i 3,652 1,249 15 74 ^ 140 349 516 542 2,710 524 61 198 22 1 969 559 98 457 88 i 182 69 302 i ""s 19 14 "" 4 47 15 3 18 1 1 112 56 12 52 143 87 10 78 141 80 20 79 476 417 113 419 105 65 105 14 8 2 12 43 43 4 15 4 2 2 5 38 39 40 41 1 44 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. e. Orfoid /. Ridgetown, Town — VUle (J. Southwold 62.— Essex, North— Nord. a. Belle River, Villaye h. Maidstone . c. Rochester d. Sandwich, East — Est e. Sandwich, West — Quest '/. Sandwich, Town — VUle (f. TilVmry, West — Quest h. Tilbiiry Centre, Village (\i&vt). i. Walkerville j. Windsor, Town — VUle Q3. —'Essex, South — Snd. a. Amherstburg, Town — VUle... b. Anderdon c. Colchester, North — Noi-d d. Colchester, South — Sud e. Essex Centre, Villai/e /. Gosfield f). Kingsville, Village h. Leamington do i. Maiden j. Mersea k. Pelee Island 64.— Frontenac a. Garden Island, Village. b. Howe Island c. Kingston d. Pittsburg e Portsmouth, Village . . . f. Storrington g. Wolfe Island Popula- tion. 65. -Glengarry 32 a. Alexandria, ViUagc . 33 b. Ch.irlottenburg . . . 34 e. Kenyon d. Lancaster . . . . . e. Lancaster, Village f. Lochiel 66.— Qrenville, SouthSud. . a. Augusta . . b. Cardinal, Village c. EdwardsV)urg d. Prescott, Town — VUle. 67.— Grey, East— Est . a. CollinETwood 3,479 2,254 4,766 31,523 657 3,127 2,806 4,378 2,643 1,352 .5,100 205 933 10,322 24,022 2,279 2,205 1,720 2,827 1,709 4,071 1,335 1.910 i;573 3,788 605 13,445 412 422 3,349! 3,000 1,974 2,285 2,003 22,447 1,614 5,657 5,376 4,084 700 5,016 12,929 4,534 959 4,517 2,919 20,225 3,932 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 713 510 989 6,035 133 602 502 814 510 264 923 38 185 2,064 4,844 508 398 336 565 347 809 299 403 293 751 135 2,452 76 69 703 564 171 442 427 3,991 307 1,023 943 713 137 868 2,706 976 203 902 625 5,071 775 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 705 509 973 5,876 133 580 485 802 502 264 904 83 183 1,990 4,766 504 388 335 560 333 801 297 389 291 736 132 2,407 76 68 682 557 171 437 416 3,883 297 998 909 701 137 841 2,685 965 202 893 625 5,011 758 Ves- sels Houses and shan- ties. — Na- Mai- vires sons. et • ch an- tlers. 705 509 970 3 5,855 21 133 576 4 482 3 800 2 499 3 263 1 900 4 33 I Houses — Maisons. 183 1,986 4,717 504 384 311 .556 333 790 297 389 291 731 131 2,377 76 68 675 552 171 420 415 3,876 4i 49i 4 111 5 1 30! 17 1 297 263 996 2 885 905 4 838 701 1 657 137 109 840 i 1 759 2,685 1 i 1,799 965 682 202 162 893 645 625 310 4,331 4,998 13 751 1 662 Wood. En bois. 620 412 751 5,399 127 525 458 781 484 228 870 26 143 1,757 4,216 458 373 310 524 290 646 255 341 265 626 128 1,825 76 66 443 391 111 352 386 Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 77 96 219 452 6 51 24 19 14 34 29 7 40 228 446 67 41 7 3,511] 285 32 73 62 33 28 57 300 70 30 92 108 582 80 1 1 1 1 55 29 17 5 6 1 31 1 43 120 24 42 48 24 2 103 2 3 142 404 1 163 119 52 49 20 80 2 38 5 11 24 581 213 10 156 202 85 9 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 45 Houses- — Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories . stories stories room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 to 15 rooms habit- con- anH rooms. rooms and ed, struc- _ _ _ over. _ > _ _ over. tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 11 16 In- En aj etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cliam- ;\10 h 15 cham- habi- cons- JS et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- plus. 65 74 bres. bres. plus. tion. 532 173 29 37 56 362 76 6 18 1 1 190 314 121 4 2 9 11 19 42 50 83 51 97 339 584 31 135 9 10 10 65 8 2 847 8 3 3,(547 2,157' 48 3 78 434 663 758 899 2,750 215 58 253 68 80 53 2 3 16 35 9 58 7 3 3, . . 4 523 53 15 79 89 88 82 215 8 16 3 5 340 141 1 5 78 105 55 58 169 11 1 23 2 6 238 557 5 23 48 97 95 136 368 30 3 16 1 7 453 45 1 . 12 56 62 69 57 227 15 1 20 6 8 80 178 8 17 31 46 133 21 7 23 2 9 871 20 3 13 109 187 164 128 270 20 9 80 7 10 21 10 2 1 4 3 7 12 2 4 10 n 44 138 1 4 65 104 7 3 6 12 997 950 32 i 8 52 86 214 311 1,194 94 27 62 41 13 1,089 3,011 17 48 223 501 666 677 2,220 323 59 228 31 261 240 261 3 2 1 4 17 38 31 48 70 76 100 42 257 152 22 19 6 5 29 7 1 14 121 15 51 260 4 41 81 63 39 77 6 6 1 16 247 305 240 555 4 18 1 4 29 5 26 92 11 82 69 35 119 79 46 122 236 192 383 32 36 47 1 I t 12 58 34 1 4 17 93 18 234 1 19 127 169 1 6 13 28 54 157 30 9 22 9 20 199 188 238 2 1 ■■■■4 2 17 17 21 44 28 59 37 227 163 32 18 8 3 6 4 21 52 181 .1 22 224 500 1 : 8 31 81 117 85 323 77 9 20 4 23 80 49 2 ' 4 1 11 24 17 14 53 4 4 16 1 24 1,093 1,200 10 2 14 96 162 347 291 1,260 178 23 187 13 3 70 3 1 1 10 35 25 4 4 25 (i6 1 215 309 6 27 20 5 46 49 9 77 104 7 80 63 38 365 287 2 71 25 5 1 3 40 38 ■■■4 6 ?6 4.58 2 2 27 181 1 28 72 90 1 2 1 11 24 29 89 10 7 19 2 29 284 130 379 10 25 26 24 71 52 36 41 216 240 32 34 4 6 39 44 1 30 29 o 31 1,189 2,003 23 1 150 456 542 674 425 1,433 174 22 270 24 18 268 10 1 1 7 24 ■ 40 46 39 113 22 6 12 3 32 307 686 483 3 8 32 i 52 133 10!l 129 113 1.50 18(i 106 104 398 309 45 28 3 4 82 64 4 7 33 414 34 240 460 1 29 05 116 114 72 257 43 5 65 5 35 43 93 1 5 10 18 10 13 57 14 4 12 36 107 673 25 109 126 168 91 299 22 35 5 37 2,109 492 19 66 157 279 329 332 1,402 104 11 96 12 709 250 24 37 2 60 5 114 10 125 36 132 22 449 121 45 5 i 55 3 5' 38 177 1 ,39 853 40 .... 23 74 119 100 87 462 21 1 26 3 40 430 172 18 4 18 36 62 91 370 33 6 12 4 41 1,943 3,040 15 66 307 542 1,033 655 2,184 183 28 199 25 148 600 3 6 28 90 160 90 332 39 6 38 1! 42 46 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S.- DISTRICTS. h. Dundalk, Vilhuje c. Euphrasia (/. Meaford, Toion—Ville . e. Melancthon /. Osprey , (I. Proton h. St. Vincent Shelburne, Village J. Thornbury, Town — Ville 68.— Grey, North— No rd 10 rt. Derby 11 b. Holland 12 c. Ke])pel 1-3 d. Owen Sound, Town— Ville. 14 le. Sarawack 15 \f. Sullivan 16 (J. Sydenham 69.— Grey, South— Sud. 17 a. Artemesia . . . IS b. Beiitinck 19 c. Durham, Toivn 20 If/. Egremont 21 f. (ilenelg 22 :/. Markdale, Village 23 \g. Normanby Ville. 70.— Haldimand 24 a. Caledonia, Village 25 \b. Cayuga, North— Nord. 26 e. Cayuga, Village 27 \d. Hagersville, Village... 28 [e. Oneida 29 j /. Rainham 30 '(). Seneca 31 |)i. Walpole i71.-Halton. 32 'rt. Acton, Village 33 h. Burlington, Village 34 c. Esquesing 35 'd. Georgetown, Villaae . . 36 >. Milton, Town—Ville. . 37 /. Nasagaweya 38 .'/. Nelson 39 h. Oak ville, Toivn— Ville. 40 It. Trafalgar '72.— Hamilton, City— Cite. 41 a. Ward 1, Quartier 42 b. do 2 do 43 c. do 3 do 44 '/. do 4 do 45 e. do 5 do Popula- tion. 696 3,.567 1,999 3,822 3,314 3,297 3,494 1,202 902 20,341 2,200 3,602 3,774 7,497 1,201 4,164 3,903 23,672 4,092 5,323 1,273 3,904 3,318 7.56 5,006 16,307 968 1,893 822 1,061 2,400 2,010 2,231 4,922 21,982 1,209 1,325 4,435 1,509 1,450 2,809 3,269 1,823 4,153 47,245 4,407 4,331 7,.512 7,720 6,605 Families. Number. Families. N ombre. 142 650 417 735 625 (529 660 254 184 5,048; 422 711 093 1,464 243 766 749 4,469 ! 804 1,009 246 733 612 147 918 3,250 210 378 168 197 448 399 436 1,014 4,344 2(il 283 872 312 305 522 624 382 783 9,282 869 819 1,506 1,568 1,212 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total de.e de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. 142 i 644 417' 718; 622 623 653 252 182: 5,000 420 704 693 1,450 243 753 737 4,395 785 1,000 246 725 599 142 639 416 718 622 623 653 252 182 4,984 417 702 691 1,448 240 753 733 4,387 785 1,000 246 725 591 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 147 147 893 893 3,232 3,224 210 210 370 370 167 1(37 197 197 447 441 399 398 433 432 1,009 1,009 4,280 4,271 258 2.58 282 282 868 8(56 311 311 305 305 490 487 611 611 381 381 774 770 9,222 9,221 86(5 866 809 809 1,.502 1,.502 1,561 1,560 1,201 1,201 16 3' 2' 2' 2( 3 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. 126 590 279 670 592 593 520 163 136 3,932 356 652 638 855 171 660 600 3,577 669 780 187 618 524 94 705 2,576 167 314 131 141 373 332 364 754 3,143 181 190 642 242 222 361 440 304 561 4,356 289 250 619 840 533 Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 16 45 128 43 23 19 96 86 46 864 42 41 26 549 64 67 75 604 106 180 48 69 43 53 105 6031 38 50 35 56 57 61 67 239 809 70 91 142 66 63 14 119 72 172 4,541 561 437 854 708 594 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Denieures. 47 Houses- -INIaisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and over. room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and over. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En i< etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- klO M5 cham- habi- cons- .a et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- h plus. bres. bres. plus. 3 tion. ^ 142 6 10 20 29 69 5 4 1 275 363 1 6 52 73 128 98 254 26 2 41 1 2 34 373 9 3 13 48 45 278 24 5 3 2 3 233 485 2 46 no 192 116 237 14 1 5 8 4 265 356 1 18 39 90 179 82 203 10 1 28 2 5 282 341 204 26 7 94 25 102 41 141 98 64 86 178 359 15 33 3 4 9 67 4 6 fi 448 1 7 219 33 13 5 50 21 1.54 7 2 8 39 143 i 1 8 17 24 120 10 1 4 1 9 2,078 2,798 107 1 59 258 536 838 688 2,396 173 36 319 51 310 107 4 18 35 65 75 194 26 27 4 10 292 408 2 7 28 73 122 115 333 20 4 45 4 11 372 278 41 1 14 52 127 143 110 233 11 1 60 7 12 355 1,035 57 1 7 43 115 180 177 822 79 25 110 18 13 118 121 1 ' 2 14 23 47 39 110 4 1 11 3 14 287 4()2 4 21 50 98 153 96 324 11 j 47 7 15 344 387 2 4 53 65 128 76 380 22 5 19 8 16 3,161 1,215 10 1 53 352 709 852 567 1,734 99 21 174 28 432 353 12 56 110 146 112 319 25 5 25 4 17 912 88 11 81 181 191 126 388 17 5 45 4 18 108 133 5 2 13 24 22 50 121 9 5 10 6 19 497 228 1 10 38 109 156 90 301 20 1 33 6 20 464 127 6 72 138 113 50 200 12 25 4 21 50 91 5 1 1 8 15 12 25 75 7 4 2 1 22 698 195 2,118 : 11 11 84 78 132 170 212 297 114 309 330 1,984 9 332 1 43 34 212 3 15 9£i 1,084 20 2 56 147 6 1 4 8 21 27 131 15 4 35 24 65 305 115 10 6 15 17 36 16 40 21 229 85 39 15 1 6 27 5 4 1 ?™5 51 1 1 26 44 1.51 237 2 4 3 34 3 45 11 48 16 43 140 215 16 45 8 6 1 25 3 ?7 200 5 28 144 253 1 3 12 28 43 275 33 4; 31 2 29 122 309 1 2 6 21 40 44 274 42 3 41 1 30 402 601 6 3 12 49 97 75 635 127 11 47 4 31 2,764 1,472 24 2 8 76 182 382 450 2,701 419 44 217 35 .55 202 2 6 8 19 28 178 12 4 3 32 162 111 8 1 11 23 24 200 21 1 4 33 675 182 2 16 35 98 103 .521 79 7; 51 8 34 246 63 2 5 8 26 40 207 19 (> 20 4 35 204 96 4 1 i 6 13 22 35 202 23 3 3 1 36 373 113 1 1 11 46 65 59 272 31 2' 32 2 37 334 27(! 1 2 10 21 38 54 385 93 8 33 7 38 239 136 6 9 13 33 4() 254 22 4 14 1 39 476 293 1 2 12 27 58 61 482 119 9 57 7 40 3,764 4,987 452 18 8 72 279 870 1,799 5,596 488 109 552 75 272 564 29 1 4 30 85 103 568 67 9 62 9 41 176 491 136 6 i 12 17 52 98 464 1.34 31 67 10 42 734 700 65 3 8 43 159 284 862 12(> 20 101 17 43 782 746 31 1 1 16 54 175 327 942 33 12 61 7 44 383 (567 147 4 4 9 41 113 238 707 62 27 67 1 45 48 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 2.5 26 27 28 2!i 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. /. Ward (i, Quartier u. do 7 do 73.— Hastings, East— -Est. I. Deseronto, Village b. Hungerford c. Thurlow d. Tyendinaga 74. —Hastings, North— Nord.. 21 0. iP- Bangor, McClure and Wick low Carlow Dungannon Elzevir and Grimathorpe Faraday .... Huntingdon Limerick, jVEadoc Madoc, Village Marmora and Lake Mayo Monteagle and Herschell Ravvdon Sabine, Airey, Lyell, Murchison and Robinson Stirling, VdUuje. Tudor and Cashel Wollaston Popula- tion. 75.— Hastings, Wcst—Oued. a. Belleville, — City — Cite b. Frankford, Village c. Sydney d. Trenton, loivn — Ville , 76. "Huron, East— Est.. a. Blyth, Village b. Brussels do c. Grey (/. Howich c. Morri.s /. Turnbei'iy g. Wingham, Town — Ville. . h. Wro.\eter, Village 77.— Huron, South— Sud a. ]5ayfifeld, Village b. Hay c. Hullett d. McKillop c. Seaforth, Town — Ville. f. Stanley g. Tuckersmith 7,289 9,375 18,050 3,338 4,760 4,817 5,135 22,213 1,026 569 754 1,506 705 2,562 508 2,967 1,134 2,176 518 1,.552 3,629 143 850 843 771 18,964 9,916 533 4,152 4,363 18,968 927 i 1,204 4,022 4,439 3,253 2,452 2,167 504 19,184 595 4,244 3,281 3,086 2,641 2,470 2,867 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 1,402 1,906 3,619 684 922 1,018 995 4,239 157 98 138 277 137 524 96; 552 234 414, 81 288' 712 I 25I 1951 160 I.51I Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures 00- cupees. 2,023 121 884 934 182 264, 781 1 842 582 475 447 104 3,692 130 790 639 561 527 466 579 1,391 1,892 3,552 637 908 1,015 992 4,170 156 95 135 263 137 522 95 528 231 409 81 284 706 25 195 157 151 .3,9621 1 3,864 1,969 121 884 890 3, 677 1 ! 3,644 170 262 778 835 582 471 446 100 3,638 130 789 630 559 504 456 570 Houses Mai- sons. 1,391 1,892 3,549 637 907 1,015 990 4,113 151 95 135 22() 137 522 95 526 231 402 81 284 705 22 194 156 1.51 3,857 1,964 121 882 890 3,638 170 262 775 834 580 471 446 100 3,637 130 789 630 559 504 455 570 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 1 "2 57 5 "37 Houses — Maisons. Wood, En bois. 832 993 3,050 573 804 778 895 3,549 148 95 135 218 137 423 95 466 127 358 81 284 562 22 98 150 150 Brick. En brique. .503 884 380 60 72 176 72 431 V 49 48 92 34 107 90 4 2,473 1,242 1,025 860 69 43 694 144 685 195 2,947 591 133 37 200 60 667 87 626 173 489 78 386 62 374 66 72 28 2,849 699 97 32 626 160 504 119 449 85 437 67 327 94 409 142 Stone. En pierre. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Deineures. 49 Houses- -Maisons. 1 story. 1 etap:e. 2 stories'. 2 etages. 3 stories 3 etages 4 stories and over. 4 etages et plus. 1 room. 1 cham- bre. 2 i-ooins 2 cham- bres. 1 3 rooms 3 cham- bres. 4 rooms. 4 cham- bres. 5 rooms. 5 cham- bres. 6 to 10 rooms . 6 ;\10 cham- bres. 11 to 15 rooms 11 a 15 cham- bres. 16 rooms and over. 16 cham- bres et plus. Unin- habit- ed. In- habi- tees. In con- struc- tion. En cons- truc- tion. 1 i 583 834 609 72 210 267 150 786 1,033 2,838 561 692 747 838 1,538 16 46 57 86 64 256 68 299 56 59 30 3 194 13 149 79 63 2,072 1,552 34 260 226 1,287 46 39 254 519 64 178 124 63 920 64 192 236 42 236' 68! 82 20 24 6 1 2 1 2 13 2 1 1 1 39 1 9 12 17 233 39 6 29 4 31 19 3 8 ■■■■4 10 41 11 12 11 284 34 107 48 95 675 39 30 26 34 20 73 19 70 9 67 42 95 71 6 2 38 .34 93 16 4 45 28 100 5 5 25 19 16 21 5 4 134 8 39 17 29 4 13 24 1 50 44 297 55 86 70 86 497 34 24 15 34 19 63 19 46 11 68 13 30 60 3 2 28 28 182 58 2 54 68 ■277 9 7 82 67 54 38 16 4 296 22 71 63 60 13 33 34 147 139 556 114 179 110 153 625 18 15 24 54 23 71 16 66 28 72 4 54 111 4 13 36 16 339 152 7 92 88 538 12 18 161 120 84 98 35 10 461 8 99 85 110 49 49 61 310 439 430 87 104 136 103 387 7 7 11 28 14 55 8 48 21 39 5 19 67 3 30 14 11 431 193 15 103 120 495 19 41 110 122 67 58i 56 22 409 13 103 66 69 52 34 72 827 1,226 1,671 311 350 555 455 1,458 9 13 28 57 29 222 26 240 131 141 7 41 326 6 120 26 36 2,375 1,321 79 462 513 2,019 117 179 360 460 333 228 289 53 2,032 C,7 441 342 258 329 259 336 38 28 231 22 60 78 71 189 2 2 6 4 35 10 9 6 10 32' 62 132 182 8 46 59 69 175 4 8 3 11 8 23 " 23 9 5 2 14 42 5 12 4 2 326 167 . 2 70 87 160 10 "15 58 38' 31 5 3 160 8 39 20 23 13 46 11 5 26 20 1 6 5 8 75 3 1 3 1 4 3 1 9 ■■■26 2 6 11 1 1 1 2 13 1 2 4 6 18 2 3 1 6 2 3 2 14 1 1, 2 3 4 5 6 2,544 132 10 140 73 1 7 8 9 13 "i7 3 43 18 7 '3 56 2 1 1 1 5 7 3 " 1 1 10 11 265 27 12 13 226 1 7 1 14 162 15 ol 281 16 17 18 508 9 1 19 20 42 2 1 20 5 351 177 n? 54 152 3: 8 27 6 3 1 77 45 4 11 17 25 5 3 3 21 74 4 24 9 2 1 4 2 14 "i 2 3 1 5 2 13 22 87 23 1,720 354 87 61 54 4 4 24 25 622 26 657 7 10 1 1 27 2,322 123 222 516 1 28 29 30 311 51S 2 1 40 2 19 3 31 32 288 314 35 2,712 66 4 2 4 1 18 33 4 254 1 ^1 27 49I 261 441 62j 38' 6i 3 38 4 I 2 13 3 2 33 34 35 36 597 1 2 5 2 3 5 37 394 2 38 516 264 387 4 1 3 1 2 39 40 41 488 42 A— 4 50 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 DISTRICTS S.-DISTRICTS. 78.— Huron, West— Quest. a. Ashfield b. Clinton, Toun—Ville c. Colborne d. East Wawanosh, Est . . . e. Goderich /. Goderich, Tovm — Ville {/. Wawanosh, West — Ouest 79.-Kent. a. Blenheim, Toum — Ville b. Cliatham do \c. Dover d. Harwich \e. Raleigh !/. Romney \f/. Tilbury Centre, Villaqc (part). \h. Tilbury, East— Est 80.— Kingston, City— CM... a. Cataraqui Ward — Quartier. b. Frontenac do c. Ontario do d. Rideau do e. St. Lawrence do /. Sydenham do g. Victoria do 81.— Lambton, East— Est. . a. Alvinston, Village . . . . b. Arkona do c. Bosanquet d. Brooke e. Enniskillen /. Oil Springs, Villa r/e.. . g. Petrolia, Town— Ville. h. Thedford, Village ('. Warwick.. ... j. Watford, Village 82.- Lambton, West— Quest. Ville a. Forest, Town b. Moore c. Plynipton d. Point Edwards, Village e. Sarnia /. Sarnia, Town — Ville... g. Wyoming, Village 83.— Lanark, North- Nord.. . . a. Almonte, Tomi — Ville b. Dalhou.sie and Sherbrookc North c. Darling d. Fitzroy Families. Popula- Number. tion. Families. Nombre. 20,021 3,958 4,010 762 2,635 546 2,215 448 2,078 407 2,907 534 3,839 ■ 786 2,337 475 31,434 6,437 1,708 391 9,0.52 2,006 4,415 846 6,017 1,190 4,955 998 l,.o34 312 720 152 3,033 542 1 19,263 3,762. 3,589 697^ 4,368 874 1,265 254 4,464 871 836 141 2,174 423 2,567 502 24 269 4,856 1,006 221 463 110 2,866 564 3,874 752 5,006 1,003 1,138 225 4,3.57 878 616 1.54 3,644 684 1,299 265 23,446 4,681 2,057 393 5,079 1,000 3,929! 776 1,881 1 360 2,9371 589 6,692 1,368 871 195 19,260 ' j 3,472 3,068 592 2,142 366 739 1.32 2,940 524 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 3,894 751 534 442 399 521 781 466 6,292 353 1,975 837 1,147 983 309 149 539 3,633 644 844 241 860 129 422 493 4,785 221 110 556 744 1,000 218 854 150 668 264 4,609 383 991 770 359 573 1,340 193 3,408 589 335 132 522 Houses Mai- sons. 3,878 751 534 442 399 521 765 466 6,239 353 1,974 833 1,138 973 293 149 526 3,629 643 844 241 857 129 422 493 4,725 221 110 555 739 969 218 854 1.50 645 264 4,571 383 980 767 359 551 1,338 193 3,406 589 335 132 522 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 16 16 53 li 4 '.) 1(» 16 Houses — Maisons. Wood En bois. 13 60 1 5 31 23 38 11 3 22 2 3,255 674 458 386 343 390 603 401 5,428 301 1,643 743 971 899 244 133 494 1,952 358 559 68 528 18 101 320 4,254 187 86 441 688 954 214 824 113 521 226 3,970 262 874 644 335 483 1,190 182 2,999 4.58 333 131 451 Brick. Stone, En brique. 506 65 76 45 39 86 143 52 804 "52 330 90 161 74 49 16 32 1,109 156 177 97 283 74 188 134 4.56 34 23 111 51 14 4 30 28 123 38 562 121 79 120 24 60 147 n 237 108 i 44 En pierre. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 51 Houses- -Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and over. room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and over. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En t etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- MO h. 15 cham- habi- cons- ^ et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- o plus. bres. bres. plus. tion. ^H 3,080 775 15 2 10 88 261 547 493 2,227 215 37 223 17 020 131 3 34 94 152 87 348 28 5 27 6 1 407 125 2 2 3 8 31 89 372 18 11 04 3 2 408 31 2 1 1 12 30 52 68 244 32 3 19 3 283 112 3 1 2 14 23 52 51 218 39 15 3 4 448 73 8 18 68 38 300 26 3 16 1 5 484 273 8 i 7 45 80 110 459 50 13' 02 3 6 486 30 2,963 1 50 10 277 43 570 112 805 50 906 226 3,163 22 389 2 1 79' 20 201 1 35 7 3,193 75 8 241 107 1,090 5 57 ""l 5 6 37 19 91 44 176 50 322 211 1,195 20 112 3 36 8 820 81 12 9 507 326 475 29 4 132 25 123 81 126 125 109 110 292 652 21 115 1 26 4 00 12 9 10 651 11 1 11 539 434 162 86 283 9 2 54 5 2 16 111 62 14 69 172 34 20 108 154 39 25 97 417 121 81 194 49 28 6 38 7 21 1 «>3 86 6 12 12 2 1? 131 13 63 14 241 2 1 15 440 2,789 378 22 6 104 101 388 503 2,194 212 61 321 46 130 469 43 1 2 20 49 69 97 379 20 36 10 16 74 713 49 8 1 12 20 105 145 531 24 104 8 17 11 144 80 6 2 19 17 31 22 120 21 9 12 2 18 100 729 28 12 26 91 130 581 10 1 93 20 19 3 81 40 5 1 6 3 14 8 71 18 8 9 20 79 236 106 1 32 22 54 31 198 05 20 33 21 43 417 32 1 3 24 24 70 314 48 10 34 6 22 2,273 2,4.38 14 37 148 445 700 708 2,397 240 50 189 43 50 170 1 2 3 8 19 28 140 14 7 19 1 23 38 71 1 1 3 12 16 68 8 2 9 1 24 189 365 1 4 21 57 90 53 292 36 2 35 8 25 175 564 15 21 101 137 120 311 33 1 44 5 26 587 380 2 12 56 159 202 18(5 334 15 5 27 6 27 57 1.59 2 5 16 16 30 119 24 8 2 4 28 737 114 3 19 32 109 145 484 46 19 12 15 29 141 7 2 6 8 11 23 92 8 2 30 157 488 120 4 15 1 57 4 73 31 77 35 374 183 49 7 1 3 1 29 6 3 31 142 2 32 2,647 1,807 22 29 170 303 590 597 2,5.59 247 41 109 32 1.37 242 4 4 11 39 36 248 38 7 18 6 33 485 4(;8 396 13 4 30 13 68 48 125 110 133 74 517 472 01 43 6 3 67 30 3 1 34 371 35 197 159 3 1 4 8 11 3() 254 38 7 6 1 36 439 98 6 6 77 76 59 70 238 17 16 2 37 907 425 6 4 30 82 229 215 709 47 16 24 16 38 111 79 3 1 10 17 33 121 3 2 8 3 39 2,288 1,093 23 2 21 207 330 530 409 1,751 145 13 206 19 327 245 17 . 1 18 27 59 88 360 28 8 29 3 40 146 189 2 24 52 70 31 148 8 2 41 129 3 129 4 1 17 20 35 43 35 89 14 64 25 289 2 16 1 40 2 2 42 393 43 A-li 52 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. 24 25 2« 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 p. Huntley /. Lanark (/. Lanark, Village h. Lavant i. Pakenhani /. Ramsay 84.— Lanark, South— Sud . . . . a. Bathur.st b. Beckwith c. Burgess, North — Nord d. Carleton Place, Village e. Druminond /. Elmsley (). Montague h. Perth, Tou-n — Ville (■. Sherbrooke, South — Sud 85— Leeds and Grenville, North— Nord a. Elmsley, South — Sud ... . Ij. Gower do c. Kemptville d. Merrickville, Village O.xf ord /. Smith's Falls, Town—Ville. fj. Wolf ord 86.— Leeds, South— Sud. 23 a. Athens. Villa a 10 cham- bres. 11 a 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. 1 10 1 6 52 In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. 1 141 2.53 178 15 429 1,966 9 4 1 1 362 35 10 3 30 878 41 23 7 66 936 67 60 16 68 996 64 62 9 92 536 161 311 50 282 1,011 16 73 5 61 75 72 26 6 23 268 2 1 1 6 83 1 373 76 177 2 1 2 3 4 2,847 32 1 354 62 57 69 190 2 25 5 26 78 39 75 82 26 71 91 32 70 39 13 25 94 15 32 2 1 4 2 ""2 69 2 5 5 1 6 115 . . . . , 7 96 280 82 16 191 36 8 27 2 18 22 14 4 5 1 21 41 44 22 25 13 38 48 52 22 32 26 48 58 55 21 17 16 21 41 31 11 6 2 26 80 55 19 12 11 3 3 7 1 2 5 3 3 16 2 14 1 5 4 6 4 1 9 8 9 69 64 1 10 11 89 12 44 13 323 14 38 26 7 77 24 101 10 58 52 26 40 44 25 5 1 19' 1 1|. .. . 14 120 1 15 113 216 2 50 56 82 45 30 58 6 4 35 17 16 49 35 276 185 8 1 1 21 4 47 25 65 16 68 40 57 37 64 89 2 6 10 4 8 7 2 11 17 18 274 18 40 275 158 13 57 38 20 14 32 24 6 65 52 41 36 44 53 52 47 45 48 40 33 52 48 63 48 43 71 26 16 49 19 14 33 54 33 163 43 31 63 5 2 20 2 3 1 13 3 1 1 5 . 2 181 4 19 179 20 127 66 185 203 6 7 2 17 17 21 2 10 3 4 3 21 22 23 24 820 816 20 26 272 255 435 205 399 41 23 67 38 11 188 71 8 17 26 3 59 1 6 5 4 25 24 17 4 31 16 19 11 40 21 14 3 30 9 7 73 4 9 .... . ■'is 1 5 25 26 27 1 3 6 7 2 5 28 101 61 354 6 20 54 31 42 63 67 13 68 30 133 5 1 7 23 6 10 5 29 25 5 30 184 24 1 3 56 39 49 20 38 2 2 2 8 31 11 14 61 12 198 1 1 5 1 6 61 5 3 59 18 5 58 12 2 39 32 4 ' 3? 2 70 3 9 7 2 16 1 3 33 100 5 34 58 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. S-t S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. k. Finlayson and I'eck I. Unorganized Territory .... , 96.— ISTorfolk, North— Nord. a. Dereham •. . . . h. Middleton c. Tilsonburg, Town — Ville. d. Townsend e. Waterford, Village /. Windham 97.— Norfolk, 'South—Sud. a. Charlotteville. 10 b. Houghton 11 c. Port Dover, Village. 12 d. Port Rowan do 13 c. Simcoe, Toum- -Ville 14 I /. Walsingham 15 g. Woodhouse 98. —Northumberland . (East— Est) a. Brighton b. Brighton, Village c. Campbellford do d. Colborne do e. Cramahe f. Hastings, Village g. Murray h. Percy t. Seymour 99. — N orthumberland . {West— Quest. ) a. Alnwick b. Cobourg, Town — Ville. . . . c. Hakiimand . . d. Hamilton 100.— Ontario, North— Nord. 29 a. 30 :b. 31 \c. 32 d. 33 \c. 34 /. Beaverton, Village . Bracebridge do Brock Cannington, Village. Draper Macaulay MacLean Mara Morrison Oakley Rama Ridout . Ryde Scott Scugog Thorah Families. Popula- Number. tion. Families. Nombre. 204 23 910 186 19,400 4,218 4,025 809 3,457 722 2,163 488 4,291 968 1,212 300 4,252 931 17,780 3,809 3,937 846 2,014 449 1,213 270 649 1 141 2,674 571 4,785 1,005 2,508 527 21,995 4,669 3,017 666 1,479 333 2,424 490 1,068 229 2,995 659 812! 180 3,303 723 3,388' 693 3,509 696 14,947 3,044 1,321 264 4,829 990 4.484 918 4,313 872 21,385 4,202 850 187 1,419 303 4,071 837 1,0,50 214 i 1,082: 199 7()0 141 545 117 3,1.52, 556 890 178 385 85 1,752 311 190 47 612 122 2,342 477 662 138 1,623 290 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total desde- meures oc- eupees. 22 186 4,193 806 717 487 963 299 921 3,789 845 446 270 136 571 994 527 4,625 661 332 486 228 653 17 714 692 681 3,028 259 985 915 869 4,142 180 298 837 214 198 125 115 554 178 79 310 45 119 473 132 285 Ves- sels Houses and shan- ties. • — Na- Mai- vires sons. et chan- tiers. 22 86 ioo 4,190 3 806 717 486 i 961 2 299 921 3,769 20 833 12 446 269 i 136 571 990 4 524 3 4,618 7 661 332 484 2 228 652 i 178 711 3 692 680 1 3,025 3 258 1 984 1 914 1 869 4,128 14 179 1 298 . 836 1 214 198 124 i 115 551 3 171 7 79 310 45 119 472 i 132 285 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. 22 86 3,535 668 651 404 771 197 844 3,327 756 436 221 129 442 925 418 3,441 538 215 268 172 563 98 549 520 518 2,252 225 645 758 624 3,640 125 280 672 122 197 123 110 515 171 79 307 45 119 419 122 234 Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 584 124 63 82 149 97 69 440 77 9 48 7 129 65 105 1,102 119 116 208 55 87 75 151 167 124 708 25 333 133 217 454 51 16 147 92 '" i 4 35 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 59 Houses— -Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stones. stories stories and over. room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and over. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En ^ etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- chani- cham- a 10 a, 15 cliam- habi- cons- XI r* et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- plus. bres. bres. plus. tion. ^ 21 1 3 4 6 5] 3 1 1 86 282 84 431 409 2 2,380 504 73 179 21 2 2,758 1,403 29 27 84 478 327 1 2 11 54 (i9 72 482 106 10 18 5 3 589 126; 2 7 20 81 83 84 348 79 15 27 6| 4 308 107 11 2 6 14 28 43 327 55 11 19 1' 5 504 457 5 14 30 105 78 572 145 12 32 4 6 179 107 13 3 9 15 26 26 172 33 15, 5 1 7 640 279 2 8 24 88 120 106 479 86 10 78 4 8 2,102 1,658 9 28 113 268 407 446 2,061 378 68 193 20 534 299 7 3() 77 87 105 431 82 8 57 1 9 247 199 186 11 2 16 4 39 9 62 5 43 22 242 170 26 44 7 13 28 41 2 3 10 80 3 11 76 60 3 5 13 15 83 15 2 3 1 12 159 408 4 2 14 20 71 73 352 30 9 8 2 13 732 258 4 29 90 138 135 473 106 15 33 6 14 274 248 2 2 11 28 31 53 310 75 14 23 5 15 700 3,864 39 1 41 216 339 563 632 2,390 366 57 268 53; 54 604 13 33 37 74 106 344 48 3 28 5 16 16 308 8 1 5 17 25 40 193 36 15 28 4' 17 41 431 11 5 21 16 47 70 291 27 6 18 6 18 6 214 6 1 2 10 16 18 146 27 8 19 19 67 583 1 20 32 109 75 340 71 4 24 9 20 15 147 11 1 4 19 17 33 86 7 6 11 1 21 113 596 1 4 32 75 68 96 362 65 8 40 5 22 257 434 1 10 48 55 94 84 330 64 7 75 19 23 131 547 7 51 78 113 110 298 21 25 4 24 2,018 961 45 1 32 107 189 334 419 1,674 259 31 149 13 246 12 1 10 26 54 33 122 10 2 17 3 25 397 546 40 1 1 24 41 91 167 563 81 16 36 5 2b 683 231 7 38 59 117 134 487 69 3 37 3 -zi 692 172 5 3 35 63 72 85 502 99 10 59 2 28 3,319 803 6 62 308 480 788 572 1,737 155 26 213 25 47 130 2 5 5 9 16 25 113 6 6 1 29 260 37 1 25 37 45 59 119 7 6 14 7 30 540 295 1 1 24 62 126 110 458 45 10 52 4 31 161 51 2 4 6 32 21 131 18 2 13 32 193 5 24 45 41 25 60 3 16 4 33 83 115 41 3 2 10 19 17 37 19 23 68 44 27 124 13 13 89 26 30 204 34 3 18 "i 1 5 1 35 492 59 1 3(> 165 6 2 11 7 25 19 38 39 18 45 39 14 100 22 11 55 43 58 1 11 1 15 "2 , 3; 79 38 294 16 5 2 39 26 116 469 19 3 3 12 22 12 6 21 25 8 10 JJ 40 • • • ■ " io 5 .33 12 21 23 4 ' 41 ... 69 55 273 31 2 20 42 72 60 78 1 5 2 23 17 40 21 49 22 30 61 125 7 12 1 1 11 25 "" 2 43 207 44 60 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. DISTRICTS. I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IC 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 a. Oshawa, Town — Ville.. b. Port Peri-y, Village.. . . c. Reach d. Whitby, East— Est. . , e. Whitbv, West— Guest. f. Whitby, Town— rule. 101. — Ontario, South— Sud . 102.— Ontario, West— Quest. a. Newmarket, Town — Ville.... b. Pickering c. Stouff ville, Village d. Uxbridge. . , e. Uxbridge, Town — Ville /. Whitchurch i 103. —Ottawa, Citn—Cite. a. By Ward — Quurtier . . b. Ottawa do c. St. George's do d. Victoria do e. Wellington do 104.— Oxford, North— Nord.. a. Blandford b. Easthope, North — Nord . . c. Easthope, South — Sud. . . . d. Embro, Village e. Nissouri, East — Est . . . . . f. Woodstock, Town— Ville. a. Zorra, East — Est h. Zorra, West — Oue.'it 105. —Oxford, South— Sud. a. Burford 27 j^. Ingersoll, Town — Ville.. 28 c. Norwich, North— Nord. . 29 \d. Norwich, South — Sud 30 e. Norwich, Village. . 31 /. Oakland 32 g. Oxford, East— Est 33 h. Oxford, North— Nord.. . 34 i. Oxford, West— Quest 106. -Peel 35 36 37 38 39 la. 16. c. d. e. Brampton, Town ( 'hinguacousy Streetsville. Village Toronto Toronto Gore .... Ville. Popula- tion. Families. Number. 107. -Perth, North— Nord. 18,371 4,066 1,698 4,190 3,080 2,551 2,786 18,792 2,143 5,998 1,148 3,461 2,023 4,019 37,269 6,417 7,940 5,788 3,054 14,070 26,131 1,911 2,551 2,149 627 3,031 8,612 4,262 2,988 22,421 4,939 4,191 2,389 2,943 1,255 858 2,155 1,498 2,193 1.5,466 3,252 4,744 695 5,528 1,247 26,907 Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 3,884 878 387 861 631 535 592 4.021 464 1,302 270 711 437 837 6,746 1,172 1,448 1,033 550 2,543 5,205 361 463 394 143 601 1,841 811 59-1 4,880 I 1,096| 925: 498 621 302 184 452 318 484 3,090 695 910 149 1,118 218 5,028 Ves- sels Houses and shan- ties. Mai- sons. 3,791 845 377 839 622 530 • .578 3,998 464 1,295 269 703 432 835 6,560 1,135 1,396 1,023 511 2,495 5,186 361 452 394 142 600 1,836 811 590 4,836 1,086 919 497 615 302 184 442 318 473 3,011 Na- vires et chan- tiers. 3,786 845 377 838 618 530 578 3,965 463 1,287 269 6951 432 819 6,557 1,135 1,395 1,023 511 2,493 5,179 360 450 394 142 599 1,835 810 589 4,812 1,067 916 497 615 302 184 442 316 473 3,009 688 688 873i .873 140' 140 1,092; 1,090 218] 218 4,994 4,984 33 1 Houses — Maisons. Wood. Brick. Stone. 8 ie 3 1 1 1 1 24 19 3 2 10 En bois. En brique. 3,008 644 317 708 496 415 428 3,194 350 1,013 187 638 333 673 4,27 908 1,293 472 337 1,267 3,218 212 300 273 85 442 969 571 366 3,751 880 661 404 550 225 146 295 227 363 2,100 489 557 97 797 160 3,705 En pierre. 708 j 20l'. 60|, 110 94! 96 1471 654 109 176 82 49 99 139 1,969 192 67 497 93 1,120 87 80l 102 53 126 863 190 161 996 179 253 91| 65 1 77! 32i 130, 75 94 805 198 276 43 233 55 1,233 70 28 19 3 117 4 98 311 35 35 54 81 106 1,662 299 61 70 19 4 31 3 49 62 65 8 2 9 6 17 14 16 101 1 38 59 3 46 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Deraeures. Gl Houses — Maisons. i 2 story. stories. 1 2 etage. etages. 2,591 1,165 546 285 284 89 3 stories 4 stories and over. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. .540 513 299, 409 2,274 201 907 191 282 208 425 1,387 250 .588 162 75 306 3,187 251 389 92 88 413 1,075 392 487 297; 104! 231 1.59 i i l,666i 249 1 378; 761 412 100 391 4,309 754 721 635 333 1,866 1,963 109 Oil 301 ! 53 186 734 417 102 ,474 2,313 616 450 540 355 197 300 200 415 89 211 83 101 248 193 148 168 353 120 ,525 1,470 274 411 411 400 67 73 629 452 144 74 30 14 4 1 1 10 24 12 2 2 1 4 3 778 118 76 214 84 286 28 1 1 '25 1 25 1 21 2 ' 1 11 1 room. 83 7 10 12 19 35 3,988 943 46 1 chani- bre. 18 .) 2 8 1 2 17 2 rooms 3 7 22 1 4 8 4 2 3 11 4 1 2 ' 1 13 2 cham bres. 59 11 6 13 11 6 12 112 5 24 7 38 3 35 150 20 38 15 12! 65i 124] I5I 26 6 14 21 20 22 79 27 11 1 11 4 3 4 8 10 42 2 10 1 27 192 3 4 5 rooms rooms. rooms. 3 4 5 cham- cham- cham- bres. bres. bres. 144 348 478 27 69 138 12 31 32 36 83 105 39 66 77 15 43 50 15 56 76 225 400 .503 7 37 52 58 134 168 14 25 39 67 83 91 15 30 54 64 91 99 246 911 1,025 53 252 244 61 322 336 30 99 100 22 46 100 80 192 245 273 603 698 22 31 52 32 56 33 26 50 40 6 11 21 47 71 86 48 199 299 44 102 92 48 83 60 234 406 544 66 100 112 36 69 127 9 29 30 37 53 70 4 12 30 4 14 14 26 42 47 16 32 54 36 55 60 121 263 331 13 60 70 25 79 70 11 17 19 61 88 154 11 19 18 395 632 669 6 to 10 rooms. 6 klO chaiu- bres. 11 to 15 rooms 11 a 15 cham- bres. 2,402 .530 266 525 372 343 366 2,397 301 798 174 305 293 466 3,485 491 584 621 261 1,528 3,142 204 279 260 97 330 1,177 477 312 2,854 594 .578 298 369 223 111 253 170 252 1,823 I 4.581 547 84 594 140 1 2,807| 16 rooms and over. 16 cham- 1 breset plus. 301 57 22 70 50 61 41 275 53 93 4 41 30 54 583 48 34 133 51 317 298 34 18 11 6 37 70 71 51: I 603 143 76 114 60 23 37 66 27 57 53 13 8 () 3 11 12 i 35' t 4: 2i 6 8 140 I 27, 13 25 16 59 28' 1 2 1 1 Unin- habit- ed. 2, 4i 81' 21 18: 16 9 6 1: 4 3 3 In- habi- tees. In cf)n- struc- tiun. En cons- truc- tion. 206 I 14 . 20 . 76 28 38 30 164 20 52. 20' 40 10 22 341 85' 24 66 29 137, 1 245| 22 23 2 5 21 134 8|. 30;. 2841 66< 551 29 39 33, 12 16 18 16 376 47 239; 70 15 20 127 11 92 7 1 2(5; 146 18 78 20 2 23' 227 49 1 . ^«, 10 1 5 1 3 19 2 2 8 6 1 83 41 S o 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 1| 31 39 62 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hi 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 :-<2 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. a. Ellice Ij. Elma c. Listowel, Totvn — VUlc d. I>ogan €. Milverton, Village .... /. Moniington IJ. Stratford, Citii—CM . 108.— Perth, South— Sud a. Blanchard b. Downie c. Fullarton d. Hibbert c. Mitchell, Town—Ville f. St. Mary's do IJ. Usl^orne 109.— Peterborough, East- Est a. Ashburnham, Villaije b. Asphodel c. Belmont d. Burleigh, Anstruther and Chan- dos e. Cardiff /. Cavendibh .'/. Douro h. Dummer ....... i. (Glamorgan j. Harcourt, Dudley, Dysart, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Clyde, Eyre, Havelock, Liv- ingstone, Lawrence and Nightingale k. Harvey I. Lakefield, Villaije rii. Methuen n. Monmouth CI. Norwood, Villaije p. Otonabee 110.— Peterborough, West- Ouest a. Ennismore b. Monaghan, North— Nord . . c. Monaghan, South — Sad . . . . d. Peterborough, Town — Ville. e. Smith IIL— Prescott a. Alfred b. Caledonia c. HawkesVjury, East — Est d. Hawkesbury, West — Quest . e. HawkesbiH-y, Village /. Longueuil g. L'Orignal, Villnge /(. Plautagenet, North — Nord. Popula- tion. 3,384 4,231 2,587 3,093 603 3,509 9,500 19,400 2,927 3,281 2,511 2,()3B 2,101 3,416 2,528 i 21, 919 1 1,674: 1,S6G 2,548 1,520 612 94 2,13l! 2,143 505 1,082 1,155 1,120 259 548 1,010 3,(i52 15,808 932 1,021 1 1,''93 9,717 3,045 24,173 3,f'53 1,943 4,896 2,740, 2,042 1, '72 1,002 4,245 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 577 800 539 552 116 644 1,800| I 3,865! ! 5631 588' 506 511 453 725 519 4,181 327 348 492 279 114 20 369 417 113 196 195 235 47 111 222 ()96 3,108 174 204 206 1,937 587 4,138 515 325 831 504 355 195 180 706 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 791 538 549 113 642 1,786 3,818 559 585 495 505 450 712 512 4,152 325 347 491 279 114 2i) .368 406 112 192 191 233 47 110 222 695 3,069 172 204 206 1,901 586 4,005 484 324 803 490 351 178 165 686 Ves- sels Houses and shan- ties. — • Na- Mai- vires sons. et chan- tiers. 565 10 791 538 519 113 642 1,786 3,815 3 559 584 1 495 505 4.50 710 2 512 4,136 16 325 346 i 490 1 279 114 20 368 406 112 190 2 179 12 233 47 110 222 695 3,068 1 172 203 i 206 1,901 586 4,003 2 482 2 324 803 490 351 178 165 686 Houses — Maisons. W ood. Brick. En En bois. brique. 473 626 360 443 68 516 1,219 2,462 331 397 290 372 355 440 277 3,421 217 267 473 279 114 20 299 327 112 190 174 187 47 110 124 481 1,749 159 133 135 894 428 3,473 441 303 677 330 .S07 148 135 648 79 151 178 100 44 117 564 1,032 173 125 142 118 95 165 214 631 107 69 15 Stone. En pierre. 64 57 2 43 94 180 1,267 11 67 67 992 130 443 33 14 106 138 35 23 21 33 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 63 Houses- -Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and habit- ed. con- struc- _ over. _ _. over. tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En f. etage. etages. etages etages chain - cham- cham- cliam- cham- h,10 k 15 cham- habi- cons- XI et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cliam- cham- bres et tees. truc- a plus. bre>>. bres. plus. tion. ^ 455 110 5 47 77 88 63 2.53 27 5 23 1 707 83 1 5 39 91 121 112 390 29 4 22 4 2 431 104 2 i 11 21 37 84 357 22 6 42 1 3 514 35 30 89 95 69 256 9 1 23 5 4 83 30 1 6 7 18 74 4 3 5 1 5 528 114 i 40 48 91 92 333 35 2 45 4 R 1,270 467 43 6 2 24 63 193 231 1,144 101 28! 104 6 7 2,624 1,168 23 6 71 228 4.58 456 2,353 218 1 25 185 14 404 155 8 34 63 60 351 43 10 g 380 204 8 30 82 69 3()S 26 1 32 1 9 238 257 9 30 48 59 308 37 4 10 4 10 374 129 2 2 19 59 75 48 282 17 3 17 5 11 395 50 5 1 10 16 41 73 277 25 ( 25 1 12 445 249 16 2 13 23 85 98 440 39 10 57 2 13 388 124 I 4 36 64 49 327 31 34 1 14 3,447 672 16 1 104 399 524 680 501 1,711 229 38 212 46 225 95 4 1 2 10 28 39 215 24 7 17 14 15 256 90 8 20 38 54 34 160 29 3 18 1 16 462 28 5 14 14 109 42 68 71 84 64 65 38 134 45 11 4 5 1 46 14 2 6 17 273 1 18 113 1 21 26 7 25 5 23 3 9 3 10 2 1 2 10 20 20 339 28 1 2 20 41 62 52 169 21 1 32 2 21 344 62 > • . 6 44 74 69 45 158 8 2 13 4 22 91 21 24 19 22 11 16 20 2 7 ^3 174 15 1 12 44 38 35 16 41 2 2 22 4 24 176 3 198 1 1 7 4 40 13 39 13 29 33 58 150 4 12 1 7 9 7 2 ?5 30 5 26 46 1 10 12 8 5 9 3 27 99 11 47 12 1 15 4 25 19 13 22 17 23 26 136 2 14 3 2 5 2 •?8 173 2 ■ •• 1 29 626 67 2 1 2 19 30 94 78 388 78 6 24 . . . 30 1,947 944 168 9 1 73 135 289 286 1,833 378 67 189 39 105 7 1 6 7 50 22 78 7 1 21 2 31 100 103 22 1 3 6 11 12 24 18 30 19 117 115 17 30 6 16 7 1 5 3-? 183 1 33 1,029 699 164 • 9 1 22 61 134 165 1,206 256 56 107 27 34 470 113 3 . . . 4 36 44 63 50 317 68 4: 38 4 35 3,006 975 22 201 573 866 677 337 1,163 151 35 ■S21 43 367 110 5 49 78 151 76 35 86 5 2 110 8 36 173 151 18 52 32 76 111 69 237 47 137 29 61 41 . 205 10 18 ' 2 37 31 12 4 37 783 2 38 327 157 6 19 60 51 45 40 224 40 111 34 7 39 1 345 5 21 32 59 32 184 15 8 1 4 40 171 7 13 13 37 41 60 13 1 6 • • 41 145 17 3 16 2S 24 17 56 19 5 10 1 42 563 123 24 io(; 172 U2 « 179 18 2 50 5 43 64 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 q 41 42 43 44 45 DISTRICTS S. -DISTRICTS. i. Plantagenet, South — Sud. 112.— Prince Edward. n. Anjeliasburgh b. Athol c. Hallowell (/. Hillier e. Marysburg, North — Nord. f. Marysburg, South— Sud . . . 'J. Picton, Town — Ville...., h. Sophiasburg ('. Wellington, Village Popula- tion. 113. —Renfrew, North— Nord.. Algona, South — Sud Alice and Fraser Bromley Buchanan, Wylie and Rolph . . . Head, Maria and Clara Pembioke Pembroke, Totvn — Ville Petewawa and McKay Ross Stafford ... Westmeath Wilberforce and Algoma, North — Nord Egan ville. Village (part). , . . 114. — Renfrew, South — Sud. Admaston Arnprior, Village Bagot and Blytlifield Brougham Brudenell Eganville, Village (part) Grattan Griffith Hagerty and Jones Horton Lyndoch M awatchan , M.xVab Raglan and Radcliff Renfrew, Village Sebastopol Sherwood, Richards and Burns . 115. -Russell. a. Camljridge . b. Clarence c. Ciuiiberland . . . d. Gloucester e. New Edinburgh tier Ward — Quar- 3,080 18,889 3,079 1,284 3,380 1,890 1,430 1,643 3,287; 2,341 5551 23,005 1,025 1,920 1,933 1,034 521 801 4,401 991 2,402 1,173 3,612 2,877 315 23,972 2,548 3,341 1,595 548 1,104 395 1,724 275 1,608 1,608 294 446 3,514 1,059 2,611 710 592 31,643 4,113 4,779 4,014 (i,823 1,673 Families. Total dwell- Number. ings occu- pied. Families. Total desde- meures "Nombre. oc- cupees. 527 4,446 690 323 837 454 309 378 753 556 146 3,967 159 327 348 179 89 139 741 170 420 187 652 49(: 60 4,044 409 635 256 87 182 73 277 45 252 271 51 70 588 174 458 118 98 5,590 704 785 726 1,216 308 Houses Mai- sons. 524 4,420 685 322 834 450 •307 377 744 555 146 3,794 154 319 336 174 86 1.15 709 156 403 184 600 482 56 3,929| 398 582 256 86 170 67 265 45 247 270 46 67 584 173 457 118 98 5,408 647 768 689 1,188 304 524 4,408 685 322 827 448 307 377 744 553 145 3,687 154 310 334 174 86 135 708 149 402 183 598 398 56 3,901 397 582 256 86 168 67 246 45 244 270 45 67 583 173 456 118 98 5,360 613 768 688 1,178 304 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 12 Houses — Maisons. 2 1 107 1 1 2 84 28 1 2 ii) 3 i "i ' .i 48 34 1 10 Wood. Brick. En En bois. brique. 484 40 3,371 900 570 89 260 59 585 220 391 42 262 34 326 47 392 311 470 69 115 29 3,291 379 1.54 294 317 i 174} 86l 118| 476 149 351 165 556 396 55 3,655 393 496 252 85 168 65 244 45 244 241 45 67 5471 173' 374 118 98 1 5,033 603; 758,' 669, 1,(J86, 246 Stone. En pierre. 16 15 16 227 49 15 39 204 -3 79 i 2 " "i 15 14 ' 22 " i4 78 4 243 83 9 15, 59' 41 2 4 33 17 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 65 Houses— -Maisons. 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. 3 etages 1 4 etages et plus. 1 cham- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres. 5 cham- bres. a 10 cham- bres. 11 h 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- 1 habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. I i 25 476 47 25 92 113 110 39 128 13 4 42 2 1 2,900 1,465 37 30 173 282 535 505 2,372 451 60 234 19 495 282 5.58 384 124 227 268 489 190 40 265 62 182 150 448 64 64 -i 2 1 ""28 3 1 4 7 ""io 2 3 31 13 42 21 16 18 20 8 4 44 8 57 37 26 26 39 39 6 74 36 97 63 81 39 70 63 12 72 34 97 35 30 53 100 67 17 340 187 457 247 140 182 426 302 91 103 40 66 37 14 48 67 63 13 18 3 7 1 i 20 8 2 48 25 39 21 12 20 24 39 6 1 1 5 1 8 3 • 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 79 2 10 2,478 1,187 21 1 186 560 477 588 424 1,279 144 29 205 50 151 3 5 156 18 55 41 196 7 113 6 345 6 46 12 2 11 i 48 11 3 23 41 90 60 27 6 5 13 45 69 30 126 32 82 40 21 11 22 37 20 44 36 71 39 27 55 42 15 24 70 14 95 26 72 12 16 39 28 6 16 113 4 43 24 51 24 47 120 47 30 58 385 16 122 02 236 7 8 22 8 4 6 46 5 23 7 23 3 3 6 2 5 1 4 10 11 305 2 8 6 5 10 66 2 16 2 19 .... ^ 2 "23 2 12 177 156 1 13 14 31 15 90 498 142 287 177 252 4 13 2 " 1 ""i 16 17 18 19 20 21 165 233 9 1,446 23 47 1 578 54 7 498 104 5 800 66 6 411 99 .33 1,183 4 4 100 1 29 46 10 00; 47 ?3 2,444 11 , 302 113 38 207 497 189 85 59 65 66 13 1 4 47 163 23 50 335 1 16 1 35 4 ""i 94 12 74 8 51 "ii 22 83 25 15 17 38 34 31 30 33 88 34 17 9 20 6 25 4 47 68 9 13 62 28 31 32 5 06 108 41 27 53 6 169 12 29 40 7 18 123 10 64 16 11 30 95 17 11 9 8 24 1 1 27 2 5 83 8 74 13 3 98 295 04 23 32 39 17 2 • 3 101 2 9 256 12 212 11 7 4 26 7 3 2 5 1 11 1 1 1 2 17 11 9 6 5 2 o "lO 10. .ii t. 3 9 2 2 1 1 (5 2 ;r"3 2 1 4 1 1 24 ?5 197 ?6 21 102 27 53 245 1 29 30 41 4 81 2 10 2 6 75 11 15 39 31 197 3'' 107 22 5 3 12 4 28 1 2 33 34 17 35 247 173 1 3 2 5 23 3 14 36 37 107 115 341 3 2 2,797 8 38 39 96 40 2,512 49 1 99 823 763 1,145 618 1,758 133 20 382 51 223 389 378 317 605 2 70 3 15 99 158 82 119 98 109 146 147 178 102 138 279 75 76 68 184 134 247 231 386 22 5 17 41 4 1 3 7 52 88 36 76 6 8 5 15 41 .389 371 1 42 43 550 22 1 44 41 242 21 5 35 58 190 13 3 14 4 45 A— 5 66 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. 0; 4 5 6 ( 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 DISTRICTS & S. DISTRICTS. /. Osgoode ... ... /. Rockland, Villar/e h. Russell .'.. 116.— Simcoe, East— Ed. Gravenhurst, Toicn — Ville ]\Iat(hedash Mfdonte Medora and Wood Midland, Villurje Monck Muskoka Orillia Orillia, Town— Ville Oro . . . •. Peuetangui.shene, Town — Ville. Tay Tiny Popula- tion. 117-— Simcoe, North— Nord . a. Barrie, Toivn — Ville b. CoUingwood, Town— Ville. e. Creemore d. Flos e. Nottawasaga /. Stayner, Village (I. Sunnidale h. Vespra 118.— Simcoe, South— Sua. a. Alliston, Vilkuje b. Beeton do c. Essa d. Innisfil c. Mulmur /. Tecumseth <■/. Tossorontio h. Tottenham, Villac/e 119.— Toronto, City— Cite. a. St. b. St. c. St d. St e. St. f. St. r/. St, h. St, i. St Andrew's 'SNaxd—Quartier David's do , George's do James' do John's do La\\Tence do Patrick'.s do Stephen's and St. Mark's Ward — Quartier (part). . . . . Thomas Ward — Quartier. 120. —Victoria, North— Nord. a. Anson and Hindon b. Bexley c. Garden 4,858 1,465 3,918 35,801 1,848 375 4,514 2 854 797] 3, 687 1 4,752 4,357 2,110 4,714 4,784 28,203 5,.550 4,939 721 3,782 6,060 1,357 2,772 3,022 20,824 1,371 771 3,592 5,110 3,661 3,863 1,870 586 144,023 14,251 22,790 7,517 12,867 13,765 7,864 27,665 24,393 12,911 16,849 275 902 815 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 889 268 694 6,591 348 60 831 191 396! 151 137 684 918 832 368 875 800 5,189 1,013 982 133 678 1,047 286 501 549 3,965 281 152 693 1,002 668 706 339 124 27,211 2,490 4,468 1,230 2,233 2,713 1,597 5,493 4,779 2,208 3,202 52 168 150 874 259 679 6,507 346 56 817 183 396 150 136 664 915 825 366 861 792 5,097 1,005 937 132 674 1,032 286 501 530 3,899 280 150 672 1,002 646 695 335 119 25,826 2,320 4,291 1,062 2,012 2,484 1,546 5,326 4,667 2,118 3,169 52 165 149 Ves- sels ; Houses and j shan- 1 ties. — Na- Mai- vires sons. et chan- 1 tiers. 874 1 259 676 3 6,452 55 346 56 816 1 183 396 150 115 21 660 4 915 804 2\ 366 856 5 789 3 5,076 21' 1,005 937 132 674 1 1,022 io 286 1 497 4' 523 7 3,887 12 1 280 1 1 671 1,002 635 695 335 119 25,810 2,319 4,291 1,060 2,011 2,482 1,537 5,326 4,666 2,118 3,113 52 159 149 11 16 1 56 ' 6 Houses — Maisons. Wood".' Brick. En En bois. brique. 777 74 255 3 639 34 5,753 681 323 23 53 3 743 70 182 1 339 57 145 4 114 575 77 671 243 707 94 301 65! 843 13! 757 31 4,039 803 726 277 474 246 106 25 641 32 894 116 253 33 474 23 471 51 3,258 594 207 73 121 29 572 99! 830 156' 578 48 567 120 308 25 75 44 10,368 15,389 1,106 1,208 1,722 2,569 454 593 594 1,403 1,556 925 899 624 1,906 3,417 1,350 3,315 781 1,335 2,899 200 51 1 156 3 144 5 Stone. En pierre. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Fainilles et Demeures. 67 Houses— -Maisons. 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and habit- ed. con- struc- _ over. _. _ _ over. tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En ?. etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- a 10 a 15 cham- habi- cons- ^ et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- brcjs et ] tees. truc- H plus. bres. bres. plus. i tion. 'A 403 469 2 8 98 68 248 m 364 18 ■ 1 49 7 1 232 27 370 173 94 48 142 28 137 5 83 5 201 "h i ' " '67 "a 2 303 3 1 3 4,574 1,847 27 4 68 473 851 1,193 999 2,624 184 60 i 220 60 243 100 53 38 3 8 8 58 29 5 102 65 15 150 125 159 24 349 5 1 22 1 6 5 13 6 45 5 1 11 4 3 5 777 1 h 6 137 42 4 • • . • . 10 29 24 36 18 51 6 9 12 3 7 335 56 5 17 29 53 82 203 8 4 8 2 8 23 124 2 i 5 14 21 38 25 43 2 2 2 9 109 6 133 4 41 18 ]06 32 136 21 95 38 248 2 23 2 6 15 1 1 10 523 1 3 9 11 315 594 6 ... . 5 26 54 100 125 545 46 14 24 7 12 G91 113 53 6 54 29 105 61 137 58 87 55 390 147 23 10 2 6 25 11 4 4 13 310 3 14 353 502 1 20 67 108 182 195 254 22 8 22 6 15 755 33 1 8 118 189 191 94 173 14 2 33 13 16 2,254 2,766 50 6 43 219 509 735 720 2,558 242 50 223 31 457 519 29 3 17 67 125 153 552 68 20 9 3 17 391 524 17 5 8 10 94 139 623 52 11 44 5 18 75 55 2 1 3 12 15 18 76 4 3 2 19 206 468 13 42 122 100 90 283 21 3 42 7 20 466 555 1 9 56 117 169 144 466 56 5 37 6 21 121 164 1 r • < . . 18 29 46 34 147 8 4 20 2 22 247 250 231 10 7 49 26 69 83 85 101 78 64 181 230 22 11 3 1 1 29 40 4 4 ?,S 291 1 24 1,229 2,621 33 4 17 151 357 636 448 2,063 184 31 93 21 84 189 7 2 7 26 34 18 182 6 5 1 25 19 113 475 16 1 2 7 58 14 112 19 63 98 363 6 16 6 4 3 7 2 26 195 2 53 27 327 673 2 5 25 95 157 146 514 52 8, 9 3 28 393 241 1 5 28 75 128 85 284 29 li 35 10 29 65 627 2 1 1 16 39 115 69 402 49 4 20 2 30 137 196 2 2 20 55 71 35 135 17 18 1 31 9 107 2 1 2 2 5 13 85 9 3 1 2 32 4,683 16,481 4,459 187 30 184 752 2,480 3,094 17,070 1,749 451 2,113 344 334 1,571 365 49 13 17 75 274 304 1,479 126 31 148 26 33 1,052 2,770 466 3 2 28 107 572 531 2,909 123 19 3f)0 32 34 177 605 258 20 3 4 15 76 114 665 121 62 69 11 35 152 1,011 813 35 4 12 24 77 111 1,367 346 70 1.58 12 36 712 1,334 430 6 45 144 362 442 1,257 187 45 1.53 29 37 525 851 118 43 6 34 131 336 277 647 38 68 192 17 38 844 3,343 1,125 14 2 25 104 316 565 3,893 349 72 268 80 39 602 3,675 388 1 10 103 390 554 3,510 87 12 636 127 40 285 1,321 496 16 9 49 77 196 1,343 372 72 99 10 41 2,165 943 5 69 342 483 679 366 1,024 115 35 196 26 26 26 1 21 7 2 5 14 1 1 2 42 135 22 2 10 32 38 18 49 8 4 21 2 43 127 22 3 13 21 47 18 39 6 2 30 44 A-5| 68 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. ri3 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 DISTRICTS S. -DISTRICTS. Dalton Eldon Feiielon Falls, Village Galway. Laxton, Digby and Longfoi'd . . Lutterworth Minden Snowden Stanhope, Sherburne and Mc- Clintock Somerville. Woodville, Villar/e 121. — Victoria, South — Sml. Bobcaygeon, Village . . Emily. . Lindsay, Town — Villc. Mariposa Omemee, Villac/c /• Ops g. Verulani 122.— Waterloo, North-Nord. a. Berlin, Town — Ville Elmira, Village Waterloo . . . d. Waterloo, Toivn — Ville. e. Wellesley /. Woolwich 123.— Waterloo, South—Sud. . a. Ayr, Village Dumfries, Nortli — Nord Gait, Town— Ville d. Hespeler, Village e. New Hamburg, Village. . f. Preston, Village , g. Waterloo, South — Slid h. Wilmot 124.-Welland a. Bertie h. Chippewa, Village c. Crowland d. Fort Erie, Village e. Humberstone /. Niagara Falls, Town — Yille. g. Niagara F'al Is, Village h. Port Colborne do i. Stamford j. Thorokl k. Thorokl, Town— Ville I. Welland do m. Willoughby Popula- tion. 509 3,145 2,809 1,219 710 874 549 1,182 1,014 583 1,940 323 20,455 1,018 2,603 6,081 4,849 687 2,926 2,291 25,325 7,425 1,069 3,443 2,941 5,009 4,838 25,139 1,040 2,516 7,535 1,482 1,335 1,843 3,901 5,487 25,132 4,222 523 1,107 934 2,842 3,349 1.179 1,154 2.099 2,316 2,273 2,035 1,099 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 95 579 529 244 144 171 108 218 180 116 389 59 4,000 207 4751 l,26l[ 978 151 518 410 4,827 1,466 211 632 567 1,031 920 4,868 226 470 1,554 281 260 381 750 946 5,247 862 118 252 195 596 665 270 243 428 478 478 449 213 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 94 575 525 244 142 171 97 216 179 115 387 58 3,918 193 475 1,219 964 149 510 408 4,576 1,296 204 621 555 1,022 878 4,821 224 462 1,543 281 259 379 747 926 5,180 845 116 250 195 589 657 268 240 426 475 478 432 209 Houses Mai- sons. 93 567 517 244 141 171 92 215 162 115 378 58 3,902 192 475 1,219 955 149 508 404 4,575 1,296 20 1 621 555 1,021 878 4,820 224 462 1,542 281 259 379 747 926 5,173 843 116 250 195 587 657 267 240 426 475 476, 432 209 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 5J 1 17 16 1 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. 93 509 445 216 141 165 92 210 160 111 372 34 2,926 174 380 765 742 122 371 372 2,255 469 99 325 267 689 406 2,697 133 266 745 166 149 218 450 570 4,581 766 94 213 190 529 572 232 218 362 431 394 387 193 55 70 27 6 24 937 16 84 452 199 27 128 31 1,990 816 103 200 287 252 332 1,198 86 57 460 27 110 98 123 237 511 68 22 34 5 54 70 32 20 44 39 65 44 14 Stone. En pierre. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 69 Houses— -Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In storj'. stories. stories stories and over. room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and over. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En s etage. etages. etages etages cham- chara- cham- cham- cham- ?i 10 a 15 cham- habi- cons- is et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- % plus. bres. bres. plus. tion. ^ 49 44 15 18 27 10 20 2 1 2 1 293 273 1 9 30 86 114 68 230 22 8 39 4 2 272 245 29 6 1 26 13 46 23 98 30 53 40 250 119 35 13 3 5 35 10 3 1 3 214 1 4 110 31 5 23 22 55 10 24 2 3 1 5 141 29 1 4 14 30 51 28 38 5 1 7 2 6 SI 11 17 ... , 2 16 38 45 20 37 20 39 2 22 10 47 7 198 6 3 8 135 27 4 2 8 20 29 30 22 42 21 27 13 34 20 6 2 i; 21 4 2 9 111 10 255 123 12 42 88 90 46 93 4 3 22 11 18 40 1,360 v 12 3 174 1 267 5 518 6 497 37 2,188 3 211 3 1 35 2 137 33 12 2,503 38 1 102 87 3 6 12 32 36 98 4 4 13 1 13 338 136 1 3 59 32 78 59 223 20 1 15 1 14 636 551 31 1 2 40 56 143 1.34 750 74 20 22 24 15 5.30 423 2 3 26 70 112 139 545 55 5 8 1 16 134 14 1 2 10 14 14 12 90 4 3 8 1 17 480 28 12 37 61 66 287 43 2 40 4 18 283 121 2 21 46 78 51 195 11 31 1 19 2,406 2,127 41 1 6 78 225 507 560 2,887 249 63 72 20 616 648 32 1 17 66 130 160 817 67 38 8 1 20 56 148 1 4 13 22 33 121 8 2' 1 3 21 305 315 1 8 41 44 72 389 63 4 12 2 22 273 275 6 1 10 23 78 54 349 33 8 1 23 818 201 2 4 20 62 143 134 615 38 5i 18 2 24 338 540 19 20 90 107 .596 40 6 20 6 25 3,223 1,551 38 8 9 • 53 156 506 581 3,128 328 59 230 31 92 130 1 1 3 8 19 41 138 12 3 39 3 26 315 147 429 4 1 5 7 14 27 39 182 28 222 322 1,009 48 69 2 25 40 81 1 20 27 1,092 15 6 28 168 111 2 2 14 38 29 181 12 5 3 29 119 134 6 1 3 18 20 28 171 15 3! 9 30 279 95 5 2 12 18 34 61 228 19 5| 6 3 31 598 147 2 12 31 77 86 478 57 6| 35 1 32 560 358 7 1 1 9 26 97 86 601 96 lo! 1 17 3 33 2,400 2,729 43 1 11 81 217 448 559 3,1.57 597 103 399 23 424 416 3 2 13 25 59 91 526 111 16 61 6 34 39 77 1 4 14 13 69 15 19 2 35 1(>1 89 9 18 37 21 142 19 4 10 36 77 118 3 8 19 29 109 19 8 1 1 37 348 236 3 2 12 39 61 67 321 78 / 66 3 38 187 449 21 8 18 41 66 457 49 18 51 4 39 85 181 1 3 3 20 32 27 149 29 4 2 40 58 181 1 2 2 14 26 29 128 34 5 36 1 41 89 333 3 1 9 20 40 38 207 46 6 18 42 386 88 1 13 13 28 52 2f)8 90 11 30 1 43 170 298 8 2 3 20 35 52 292 62 10 66 3 44 194 236 2 9 7 34 60 298 22 9 23 45 182 27 3 11 22 14 131 23 5 16 2 46 70 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. 23,387 793 1,304 1,598 2,169 3,043 3,546 2,050 2,962 4,253 1,663 24,956 2,799 3,224 1.296 634 1,087 4,222 3,637 2,214 2,006 3,2.37 24,373 3,116 4,048 594 2,464 10, .537 3,614 14,591 4,036 3,.546 2,661 3,079 669 16,770 4,997 1,674 2,002 1,744 1,095 1,610 883 2,705 35,118 5,081 1,100 17,085 Families. Number. Families. Noinbre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total desde- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et ch an- tlers. Houses — Maisons. 1 Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 2 125.— "Wellington, Centre... a. Drayton, VilUige b. Elora do " 4,502 178 277 334 392 559 087 420 593 805 311 4,038 550 585 263 121 329 770 639 415 375 591 4,805 604 782 122 442 2,173 682 2,933 938 678 526 631 160 3,207 776 316 419 342 223 348 196 587 7,018 1,194 230 3,496 4,511 176 272 334 389 550 675 422 588 796 309 4,565 544 584 247 121 327 760 639 407 370 566 4,092 • 598 1 720 1 122 432 2,151 663 2,931 937 677 526 631 160 3,184 709 311 417 338 223 347 195 584 6,811 1,183 225 3,351 4,507 176 272 334 387 549 674 422 588 796 309 4,565 544 584 247 121 327 760 039 407 370 566 4,687 597 720 122 431 2,150 061 2,931 937 077 526 631 160 3,181 768 311 417 336 223 347 195 584 6,808 1,182 225 3,351 1 4 2 1 1 5 1 i 1 2 3 1 '"2 3 1 2,839 123 143 147 257 403 537 206 263 .587 173 3,600 473 488 175 101 224 681 .513 240 272 433 2,806 380 535 92 231 1,108 454 2,128 718 439 372 484 115 2,593 495 288 398 249 174 314 163 512 4,283 872 136 1,812 1,056 53 70 57 88 58 111 85 311 176 47 876 62 69 61 17 103 71 117 167 90 113 911 57 125 20 01 008 40 470 102 195 75 88 10 481 218 21 18 80 35 31 27 51 2,430 204 87 1,.534 005 " "59 3 c. Fergus do 130 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 d. Garafraxa, East^Est e. Garafraxa, West — Quest /. Maryborough g. Nichol h. Orangeville, Town — Ville i. Peel. j. Pilkington 126.— Wellington 42 88 26 131 8 33 88 89 11 12 (North— Nord.) a. Amaranth 6. Arthur 9 27 13 c. Arthur, Village 11 14 d. Clifford do 15 16 17 18 19 9.0 e. Harriston, To7vn — Ville /. Luther, East 541 24 1 25 74 79 90 66 209 21 2 35 5 4V 92 345 1 18 2 22 7 68 9 57 24 75 12 44 39 90 6 1 48 6 1 49 64 2! 1 3 7 19 5 45 13 2 8 7 50 7S 44 3 35 13 29 24 32 28 11 3 12 2 2 23 4 3 51 70 52 1 76 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. S s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. i. Lachute, Town — Ville j. Mille Isles ' . k. Morin I. St. Andrew's m. St. .Jerusalem n. Wentworth and Montcalm. 137.— Bagot a. Acton, Town — Ville , b. St. Andre , c. St. Dominique d. St. Ephrem d'Upton . . . . . e. St. Ephrem d'Upton, Village f. Ste. Helene ij. St. Hughes h. St. Liboire (•. St. Pie j. Ste. Rosalie k. St. Simon I. St. Theodore d 'Acton 138.— Beauce 19 a. 20 b. 21 \c. 22 \d. 23 e. 24 !/. 25 !f/. 26 i)i. 27 \i. 28 \j. 29 A-. 30 j/. 31 \,i. 32 'rt. 33 0. 34 /3. 35 '/• 36 r. 37 s. 38 t. 39 u. 40 V. 41 w. 42 X. 4? V- 44 z. 45 au Adstock Ditchfield Dorset St. Benoit Labre St. Samuel de Gayhurst. . . St. Martin St. Come de Kennebec .... St. Theophile. .^ Sacre-Cceur de Jesus St. Honore de Shenley .... Sts. Anges . . . . St. Elzear St. Ephrem de Tring St. Evariste de Forsyth. . . St. Fran9ois St. Frederic St. Georges St. Joseph St. Joseph, Village . Ste. Marie St. Pierre de Broughton . . St. Sebastien d'Aylmer . . St. Severin St. Victor de Tring St. Vital de Lambton. . Spaulding and Risborough .Woburn and Clinton Popula- tion. 139.— Beauhariiois 46 la. Beauharnoi.s, Toivn — Ville 47 b. SalaberrydeValleyfield, T. — F. 48 c. Ste. Ceclle 49 d. St. Clement 50 c. St. Etienne 51 /. St. Louis de Gonzague . 1,751 519 471 1,702 1,062 898 21,695 1,381 2,064 1,8!)7| 1,314 839 1 1,526: 2,003i 2,353| 3,342] 1,339 1,782 1,855 37,222 682 848 346 772 889 894 1,279 318 1,586 1,578 993 1,2471^ 2,386! l,248|j 4,022j; l,814!i 3,099; 2,128[ 1,0351 2,897| 7891 859 790l 2, .5571 1,7801 1881 198; 16,662 1,590' 5, .515 1,315 1,771 982 2,187 Total Ves- Families. dwell- sels ings Houses and occu- shan- Number. pied. ties. — Total — Na- Families. des de- Mai- vires meures sons. et oc- chan- Nombre. cupees. tiers. 344 \ 342 83 83 98 97 334 334 198 1 192 137 130 4,106 255 389' 365 247 j I 172! 303 371; 467 585' 255 349, 348 j 6,524 135 178 48 141 155 156 220 62 263 271 162 200 395 232 741 278, 544 353 195 560 147 147 139 408 315 43 36 2,888 308 963 212 305 168 372 342 83 97 334 192 130 3,.583 3,582 236 308 327 198 137 254 371 335 536 247 293 341 5,951 106 166 43 127 133 153 199 59 260 237 160 196 340 225 617i 275, 519 3161 168^ 470] 146 134 138. 236 308 32(5 198 137 254 371 335 536 247 293 341 5,945 105 166 43 126 1.S3 153 199 59 260 2371 160 1 1961 340 225 1 617 275 519 316 168 470 146 134 138 1 396 396 295 291 40 40 33 33 2,655 2,654 291 291 787 787 201 200 282 282 168 168 369 369 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. 238 83 96 2.59 124 130 3,449 211 297 306 197 130 252 364 324 510 235 284 339 5,913 105 166 43 126 133 153 199 59 260 237 160 195 340 225 617 275 516 315 166 451 146 134 138 391 290 40 33 2,283 228 700 181 207 149 318 95 57 48 86 25 5 8 1 7 1 6 9 9 6 7 2 29 3 1 1 18 222i 34 69 17 25 18 37 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 77 Houses- -Mai son s. 1 2 i 3 '■ 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories . stories stories anrl over. room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and ov^r. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En £ etage. etages. etages etages chara- cham- cham- cham- cham- ^10 h 15 cham- habi- cons- M et bre. bres. bres. bre.s. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- g plus. bres. bres. plus. tion. ^ 239 99 3 1 34 22 55 43 162 21 5 47 2 1 83 2 3 6 17 36 24 19 18 23 10 4 10 8 1 1 9 95 ' 1 3 305 28 1 12 65 36 43 29 129 14 6 10 1 4 122 70 4 6 20 23 23 101 13 2 18 2 5 127 2 1 9 41 34 31 7 7 1 9 6 2,373 1,172 25 1 168 386 753 569 461 1,119 97 18 426 27 10 222 4 5 32 37 36 105 15 6 39 7 293 9 3 38 64 102 32 20 46 2 1 30 5 8 308 15 2 30 76 46 61 101 7 ■ • * • . 26 2 9 100 98 13 30 52 30 16 55 2 14 10 27 100 10 1 10 10 10 20 71 14 1 6 2 11 163 91 3 20 1 23 28 80 36 32 110 26 49 69 141 3 5 1 1 19 54 4 1 19! 368 13 192 143 .... 25 54 96 . 38 24 86 10 2 45 5 14 300 223 8 1 1 7 38 104 117 235 25 5 97 5 15 168 79 152 14 5 45 42 67 66 37 41 29 37 52 93 2 8 1 27 52 2 16 140 17 304 37 .... 48 48 98 52 26 65 4 17 1 18 4,750 1,116 77 2 710 1,157 1,222 1,044 593 1,081 103 35 711 154 102 3 43 34 15 3 6 4 16 20 19 129 33 4 2 42 34 31 19 31 3 4 1 3 20 20 23 10 " 46 18 30 10 37 7 5 3 1 5 7 2 19 3 1 *>! 116 22 124 9 39 26 41 20 5 1 ■ 1 13 2 23 147 6 47 39 43 ■ 7 9 7 i 26 1 24 149 50 31 19 38 37 24 44 4 2 18 13 25 57 2 43 85 13 94 2 51 1 15 17 27 6 4 ''6 257 3 _ _ _ . 4 ii 97 203 26| 8 2 23 61 83 37 31 62 8 ?H 159 li 5 34 43 44 18 15 1 29 159 35] 2 16 24 27 53 39 33 4 24 4 30 273 66; 1 84 73 89 34 17 41 1 1 85 3 31 177 37 11 30 40 50 37 25 39 4 19 11 32 433 182: 2 54 205 112 SO 47 102 16 1 70 17 33 251 24 .. 8 37 50 71 35 72 2 26 34 429 79 10 1 93 76 125 66 51 84 18 6 49 15 35 190 126 3 48 49 63 51 97 4 1 23 3 36 83 72 13 8 14 27 22 14 65 14 4 15 5 37 268 179 22 1 3 23 46 122 42 200 24 10 31 5 38 143 3 14 59 35 17 14 6 1 36 39 118 15 1 2 14 22 36 20 38 1 i 3 3 40 118 20 8 26 33 35 1 15 20 1 33 1 41 304 91 1 103 84 79 j 60 67 2 1 39 6 42 274 15 2 15 25 I 85 70 35 57 2 2 44 7 43 40 29 5 13 231 2 11 509 3 3 551 1 1 308 6 7 271 4 4 10 44 27 6 959 4 867 1 112 59 45 1,639 50 6 17 183 98 10 2 20 38 70 27 100 24 10 20 46 333 422 30 2 5 35 85 141 99 332 53 37 49 47 170 20 1 2 2 32 60 30 19 51 3 3 32 2 48 254 27 I 2 1 33 68 74 33 64 6 3 36 ...» 49 69 99 4 26 32 18 84 3 1 24 2 50 230 137 1 1 4 40 i 79 1 71 51 110 13 1 71 1 51 78 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. s 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. ff. St. Stanislas de Kostka h. St. Tiir.othee 140. — Bellechasse a. Armagh b. Beaumont c. Buckland (/. St. Charles e. St. Damien /. St. Gervais (J. St. Lazare h. St. Magloire i. St. Michel j. St. Nere k. Ste. Philomene de Mailloux.. . , l. St. Raphael m. St. Valier , 141.— Berthier a. Berthier . . . . I. Berthier, Town — Villc c. Courcelle d. Lanoraie , e. Lavaltrie /. St. Barthelemi r/. St. Cvithbert h. St. Damien *. St. Gabriel de Brandon j. St. Michel des Saints k: St. Norbert /. Visitation de ITle Dupas 142.— Bonaventure a. Carleton *c. Hamilton, Kast — Est /. . , d. Hamilton, West — Quest e. Hope, East — Est /. Hope, West — Quest fj. Mann and Indian Reserve. . . . h. Maria, East — Est i. Maria, West — Quest j. Metapedia k, I. New Carlisle, East aivd West— Est ct Quest , m. New Richmond, East — Est n. New Richmond, West — Quest.. 0. Nou velle & Shoolbred, East- Est p. Nouvelle & Shoolbred, West- Q. q. Paspebiac, East — Est r. Paspebiac, West — Quest , .5. Port Daniel, East — Est t. Port Daniel, West — Quest ti. Restigouche V. St. Charles de Caplan 143.— Brome Popula- tion. 1,198 2,104 18,368 1,549 811 1,199 2,076 820 2,072 1,322 1,065 1,838 1,181 707 2,406 1,322 19,836 1,827 1,537 304 1,715 987 2,527 3,179 1,163 3,172 591 1,478 1,356 20,835 1,078 1,130 198 ,286; 828! 808! ,467: 966 ,273 991 786 1,264 1,359 791 858 891 1,305 672 579 1,305 14,709 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 196 364 3,555 289 149 202 403 154 432 284 206 348 224 129 447 288 3,822 305 345 64 344 219 470 645 207 586 111 269 257 3,373 150 180 179 216 132 147 223 124 237 185 128 195 197 116 145 167 235 114 87 216 3,117 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 195 362 3,018 231 136 171 323 143 345 273 179 302 200 107 384 224 3,281 303 312 57 314 187 466 495 175 450 91 248 183 3,047 148 147 152 198 120 147 222 123 204 173 Ml 194 184 114 117 122 187 112 83 .183 3,008 Houses Mai- sons. 195 362 3,018 231 136 171 323 143 345 273 179 302 200 107 384 224 Ves- sels and shan- ties. 3,2' // 303 312 55 313 187 466 494 175 450 91 248 183 3,042 148 147 152 198 120 147 222 123 204 173 117 194 184 112 117 122 Na- vires et ch an- tlers. 186 1 112 81 2 183 2,994 14 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. 188 312 2,961 231 116 171 314 143 342 273 179 286 200 107 378 221 3,074 283 254 55 274 173 445 474 175 427 91 247 176 3,041 148 147 152 198 120 147 222 123 204 172 117 194 184 112 117 122 186 112 81 183 2,794 Brick. En brique. 22 15 Stone. En pierre.' 182 18 57 39 6 18 14 23 158 *6. Cascapediac and xo. Tracadieche no population. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 79 Houses — Maisons. 1 2 3 story. I stories, stories 1 2 3 etage. etages. etages 17G 224 2,793 225 123 171 290 140 311 248 1G(J 2(J2 190 107 342 212 1,943 200 7 46 296 85 303 300 105 250 50 200 101 2,423 83 147 74 193 118 120 142 112 199 162 115 111 119 60 116 65 186 103 58 140 2,768 18 132 218 6 12 25 3 32 24 13 39 10 42 12 1,301 101 289 9 14 102 158 190 70 198 41 48 81 617 64 ■■■78 5 2 27 80 11 5 11 2 83 64 52 1 57 9 23 43 212 30 1 16 4 stories and over. 4 etages et plus. 1 room. 1 chani- bre. 417 113 14 26 5 49 86 90 7 44 2 10 9 3 20 210 8 8 "54 10 34 20 10 19 7 1 2 2 ' i3 "2 18 14 2 I 3 rooms rooms 2 cham- bres. 24 43 628 34 1 41 34 68 41 91 35 20 130 50 61 22 259 3 17 18 1 52 55 46 17 24 22 450 4 32 9 55 34 41 30 3 53 12 17 10 18 9 34 10 33 23 3 20 206 3 cham- bres. 64 89 599 63 7 36 59 21 89 78 37 32 52 30 67 28 453 16 7 32 96 30 13 62 30 95 14 40 18 528 10 22 34 31 23 24 19 27 41 22 24 32 35 10 41 34 61 7 7 24 270 4 rooms. 4 cham- bres. 47 86 483 10 26 50 91 16 67 25 11 58 17 19 57 36 rooms. 5 cham- bres. 27 34 319 5 28 *23 59 3 50 17 8 44 1 41 40 6 to 10 rooms. 6 a 10 cliam- bres. 628 474 50 42 36 56 12 1 105 19 40 25 60 110 75 60 33 23 94 55 38 7 58 50 27 26 538 359 42 19 26 14 28 31 25 8 20 14 13 7 36 30 42 25 35 26 17 15 29 16 41 26 32 29 23 18 14 6 15 8 25 17 19 7 15 15 41 28 403 311 28 98 483 3 65 16 57 8 81 13 2 92 5 61 80 1,246 150 183 5 62 61 250 214 29 128 12 68 84 818 56 40 47 23 1 25 77 13 26 77 27 73 64 41 8 46 35 32 33 58 1,448 11 to 15 rooms 11 a 15 cham- bres. 2 8 5 9 1 10 19 2 (J 11 133 31 18 2 4 2() 26 2 9 3 6 6 112 8 5 3 2 2 3 9 1 4 17 2 7 3 10 1 5 13 6 4 7 288 16 rooms and over. 16 cham bres et plus. 16 1 1 10 1 40 10 12 3 .. I 2! 27 1 4 3 46 Unin- habit- ed. In- habi- tees. 14 25 258 4 20 13 31 5 45 22 14 24 21 11 33 15 290 1 22 '20 33 35 47 29 69 1 14 19 177 4 7 6 4 3 19 19 3 19 2 4 9 9 8 7 9 10 7 12 16 102 In con- struc- tion. En cons- truc- tion. -a o 33 34 4 2 5 4 2 7 9 4 2 124 7 13 3 3 5 11 7 19 12 8 3 7 2 8 4 1 24 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 80 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. a I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. ff. Bolton, East — Est. . . . b. Bolton, West — Quest . c. Brome d. Farnham, East — Est. e. Potton /. Sutton 144.-Chambly. Boucherville Boucher ville, Villafjc ChaniVjly d. Chambly Basin, Village. . . Chanibly Canton do Longvieuil Longueuil, Town — Ville. . St. Bazile le Grand. . . . . St. Bruno St. Hubert St. Lambert , . . 145. — Champlain Caj) de la Magdeleine La Visitation Notre Dame du Mont Carmel. . St. Adolphe Ste. Anne de la Perade Ste. Flore . ... St. Fran9ois Xavier de Batiscan Ste. Genevieve St. Jacques des Piles St. Luc St. Maurice , St. Narcisse St. Prosper St. Severin St. Stanislas Ste. Thecle St. Tite LTnorganized Territory 146. —Charlevoix . Baie St. Paul Isle aux Coudres. . . . Les Eboulements Malbaie . Petite Riviere /. Point au Pic, Village, g. Ste. Agnes.. Ste. Fidele St. Hilarion St. Irenee St. Simeon St. L^rbain . 147. — Chateauguay. 2,383 891 3,775 2,045 2,253 3,362 11,704 995 821 958 879 846 1,194 2,757 683 721 944 906 29,267 1,289 1,523 2,042 3.52 2,820 1,932 996 1,985 791 795 3,040 1,950 1,358 1,068 2,456 l.lul 2,535 1,234 19,038 3,760 907 2,608 3,239 886 420 1,790 1,068 1,099 1,152 968 1,141 13,864 Families Number. Families. Nombre. 503 179 803 413 467 752 2,170 159 190 . 156 164 165 225 512 125 140 163 171 5,057 243 238 362 56 517 336 172 338 164 117 503 330 214 175 393 195 448 256 2,836 587 114 366 495 129 65 269 173 161 151 144 182J 2,640i Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 486 176 781 405 465 695 2,073 158 174 154 151 1.58 200 499 122 132 160 165 4,598 222 235 297 55 500 277 169 334 135 103 456 308 175 175 382 176 343 256 2,666 575 104 357 452 124 65 261 144 157 138 125 164 2,533 Houses Mai- sons. 486 176 767 405 465 695 2,073 158 174 154 151 158 200 499 122 132 160 165 4,433 222 235 293 53 500 276 169 334 126 103 456 307 175 175 382 176 340 111 2,666 575 104 357 452 124 65 261 144 157 138 125 164 2,531 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 14 Houses — Maisons. Wood. 165 4 2 3 145 En bois. 485 170 689 357 463 630 1,590 118 138 135 129 134 127 350 113 110 122 114 4,317 219 225 292 53 446 276 156 324 126 103 449 304 167 175 378 176 337 111 2,631 559 104 346 446 123 65 2(;i 144 157 137 125 164 2,097 Brick, En brique. 2 53 47 1 55 307 20 20 9 18 14 26 125 6 13 13 43 64 2 8 Stone. En pierte. 33 291 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 81 Houses — Maisons. 1 story. 2 stories, 3. 4 stories stones and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 4 rooms! rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 452 171 704 394 427 620 1,301 141 156 100 115 102 110 225 53 104 122 73 4,162 220 230 283 52 441 209 137 305 108 102 447 293 164 174 377 175 335 110 2,450 471 103 335 416 105 61 257 143 1571 122i 120 160 2,280| 2 etages, 32 5 55 11 38 71 726 17 17 51 27 48 90 257 65 26 37 91 258 2 4 10 1 54 67 32 27 16 1 9 12 11 1 5 1 5 204 96 1 21 34 19 4 4 1 1.5 5 4 248 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 39 2 8 8 'i5 4 1 ' i 13 10 6 1 o 1 oham- bre. 2 3 4 cham- cham-; cham- bres. t bres 193 16 5 .36 "ig 19 1 33 5 19 10 "2 8 1 19 291 78 4 18 22 16 4 59 27 "9 21 33 34 43 11 42 17 45 48 49 2 1 15 15 2 6 730 33 16 46 21 62 33 7 56 35 17 55 66 28 45 54 49 66 41 306 58 20 20 37 16 1 21 38 32 38 14 11 198 54 18 58 44 61 35 198 15 28 6 11 6 24 53 12 26 6 11 834 73 40 62 11 57 104 13 51 26 25 53 73 52 37 46 52 36 23 501 110 22 78 75 30 6 58 29 12 23 20 38 357 bres. 86 21 100 50 70 76 351 35 38 25 21 12 39 79 27 24 35 16 987 62 73 50 15 107 34 33 57 31 26 99 60 53 59 99 37 78 14 517 102 32 76 69 21 111 36! 27 51 30 39 23! 428 5 cham- bres. 47 10 93 44 4] 76 285 35 . 21 26 15 25 21 70 24 23 11 14 528 13 37 34 6 51 30 18 40 14 5 74 38 17 20 62 11 50 8 401 71 16 91 62 15 6 47 15 28 15 14 21 329 6 ?ilO cham- bres. 218 96 384 202 203 345 1,026 70 63 90 80 96 92 226 49 4 98 115 1,069 24 60 60 "iso 52 88 88 9 10 163 67 15 14 111 19 103 6 577 139 10 65 156 26 27 38 7 34 21 17 37 1,068 11 h 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. 30 19 66 39 35 99 111 3 14 4 13 13 6 35 7 5 5 6 80 1 3 5 "i9 4 8 8 5 1 11 3 55 13 "8 23 "6 2 1 "1 "1 100 17 4 8 10 46 4 2 8 5 1 18 1 1 5 1 12 1 "i 18 4 "i 8 17 In- habi- tees. 21 12 23 10 15 21 273 41 14 33 2 27 35 29 14 30 34 14 463 21 26 38 31 50 31 13 57 14 12 69 1 15 14 25 10 35 1 374 75 3 49 69 10 21 27 15 45 35 6 19 241 En cons- truc- tion. I 1 2 10 38 1 1 ' i 1 19 5 10 87 J2 a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 3 2 13 4 1 6 1 8 3 8 16 4 52 6 6 7 8 1 1 6 7 1 3 3 3 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 A— 6 82 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. 585 845 2,270 1,560 2,656 1,600 1,105 1,318 1,925 38,281 2,071 2,277 189 761 587 1,006 1,887 509 1,040 535 434 783 1,689 1,476 1,663 564 423 435 1,477 988 777 960 1,124 1,835 ■ 1,031 1,155 1,050 253 351 667 128 341 1,105 269 365 l,75i 498 2,440 1,387 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. i W ood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 9 a. St. Antoine Abbe h. Ste. Clothilde 112 149 414 285 519 298 223 256 384 6,341 367 378 33 95 100 152 291 93 164 86 95 131 261 213 224 104 65 63 241 155 137 143 198 249 150 185 172 42 61 124 24 62 208 40 64 282 84 444 361 106 140 398 279 500 292 208 236 374 5,545 240 314 21 86 97 118 286 91 158 86 93 111 228 192 214 101 50 58 193 140 105 121 162 226 135 154 167 42 56 90 22 62 146 40 64 278 81 356 361 106 139 398 278 500 2!)2 208 236 .374 5,047 240 314 21 8(> 96 118 286 91 158 48 32 111 227 192 214 101 49 58 193 124 105 121 162 220 126 152 163 41 56 90 20 61 146 40 64 278 81 356 i i 498 i .38 61 1 1 16 9 2 4 1 2 1 ' '36i 1»1 113 366 227 360 260 184 208 278 4,980 230 291 21 86 96 112 284 90 158 48 32 109 224 190 208 101 49 58 186 123 105 121 162 225 126 151 163 40 56 90 20 61 146 40 64 277 81 356 4 10 26 3 117 19 10 20 82 47 10 19 1 16 3 c. St. Jean Chrysostonie 6 4 5 6 (/. St. Joachim e. St. Malachie d'Ornistown /. Ste. Martine 48 23 13 7 8 q (J. Ste. Philomeme h. St. Urbain Premier. I. Tres Saint Sacrement 14 8 14 148.-Chicoutiini and Sa- sTTienav 20 10 11 12 a. Chicoutimi b. Chicoutimi, Town — Ville c. Haive.y, St. Germain, Durocher and Labrosse d. L'Anse St. Jean ... c. Normandin, Albanel and Parent /. Xotre-Dame de Laterriere r/. Notre-Dame d'Hebertville h. N.-D. d'Hebertville, Village... i. N.-D. du Lac St. Jean and Roberval j. Racine, Dalmas, Taillon and Delisle k. Indian Reserve . . I. Roberval, Vilhi'ie 4 13 14 ■ • 15 16 17 18 i 1 6 1 19 20 ^1 i 2 6 2 22 23 in. St. Alexis . . n. St. Alphonse and Bagotville, Villa lie 2 94 0. Ste. Anne 9^ p. St. Bruno q. St. Charles and St. Ambroise . r. St. Cyriac .s. St. Dominique t. St. Felicien, Ashuapmouchouan, North — Nord, Desmeules and Dufferin 26 27 28 29 4 1 3 30 n. St. Fulgence V. St. Gedeon V 32 33 34 II.: St. Hilaire, Dequen, Dablon,&c X. St. .Jerome 11 St .Tos*M>h d' \lma i "" i i 35 36 z. St. Louis de Metabetchouan . . . art. St. Prime and Ashuapmouch- ouan, South — Slid 37 ht). Isle of Antico.sti .... . 38 cc. Bonne Esperance dd. lOscoumains 3<) 40 ec. Manicouacan 41 ff. Mecatina i'lij. Mille Vaches hh. Moisie a Natasliconan 42 43 44 45 46 jj. Pointe aiix Esquimaux kk. Pointe des Monts ... • 1 47 48 11. Tadousac mm. IhioTganized Territory RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 83 Houses— Maisons . 1 story. 1 etage. 2 stories. 2 etages. 3 stories 3 etages 4 stories and over. 4 etages et plus. 1 room. 1 cham- bre. 2 rooms 2 cham- bres. 3 rooms 3 cham- bres. 4 rooms. 4 cham- bres. 5 rooms. 5 ctiam- bres. 6 to 10 rooms. 6 a 10 cham- bres. 11 to 15 rooms 11 a 15 cham- bres. 16 rooms and over. 16 cham- bres et plus. Unin- habit- ed. In- habi- tees. In con- struc- tion. En cons- truc- tion. Si 99 7 14 10 24 112 42 18 1 11 7 44 6 81 6 1 10 32 898 16 50 7 12 20 19 44 4 48 4 16 19 18 22 28 33 2 15 28 32 18 10 24 18 16 17 40 9 35 17 5 23 27 9 10 77 33 73 44 24 95 26 30 36 23 31 48 1,059 42 61 3 21 15 22 48 13 18 8 4 25 47 33 54 19 12 22 47 27 33 34 40 48 27 25 41 8 12 18 6 20 35 12 15 57 14 73 23 37 49 28 48 79 48 57 59 959 49 58 4 13 8 31 72 12 44 10 5 14 42 46 40 33 8 12 35 16 22 20 15 49 23 52 27 9 5 30 1 8 23 6 5 40 17 55 6 20 43 52 40 45 36 45 42 520 43 23 2 3 6 13 36 15 26 1 3 10 35 41 21 7 8 26 5 12 16 2 31 20 22 7 4 19 47 139 137 256 120 90 87 173 769 84 84 4 5 3 29 29 36 21 1 3 24 57 34 21 9 4 8 46 15 9 14 6 43 15 35 12 7 2 4 20 24 19 4 6 4 17 97 5 23 3 .3 4 2 2! 4 2 1 27 1 1^ 7| "i 15 52 72 8 6 33 19 23 13 707 45 8 1 4 1 43 42 26 1 2 1 2 ""2 1 168 5 6 2 2 10 3 6 5 2 1 1 125 9, 388 254 385 250 "!"'3 5 1 24 3 I 6 190 7 230 15 2 1 718 8 1 28 44 " "56 2 8 359 9 4,674 226 275 21 357 13 36 10 1 2 6 i 10 11 12 82 4 6 19 10 55 2 1 30 9 6 27 8 5 1 13 90 14 98 276 35 156 1 3 1 7 1 1 2 1 1 15 16 1 17 18 47 ! 24 "10 22 7 46 ""15 19 1 101 221 1| 1 6 4 8 4 1 3 2 1 i ^0 5 41 24 23 9 9 4 10 21 14 16 51 21 23 10 20 21 19 8 4 39 2 8 77 38 5 14 6 6 5 10 7 i 6 9 5 10 8 3 6 3 12 4 3 ■ "9 1 12 21 22 164 206 96 48 58 1 . .. 23 24 95 1 9(\ i 7 2 27 181 114 10 10 2 4 27 11 2() 75 31 22 35 2 4 8 "38 7 10 64 "'9i 28 29 105 30 121 161 218 122 145 1.56 38 .56 .. . ..^ 6 4 7 7 1 ""2 . . . '" 2 4 3 2 1 2 ""i 1 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 63 27 3 26 3 5 1 1 6 4 10 17 8 30 12 7 8 '1 14 21 7 27 " " 1 4 i 2 5 " 1 2 39 17 35 143 40 e 40 41 42 43 64 276 81 337 i i9 i 44 45 46 47 48 A-6i 84 a s 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. 149.— Compton a. Auckland b. Bury c. Chesham d. Clifton, East and West— Est it Quest, and St. Edwidge and Martinville, Village e. Compton /. Ditton g. Eaton h. Emberton i. Haraden ./. Hereford and Paqvietteville, V. k. Lake Megantic, Village /. Lingwiok ?«. Marsden and Piopolis, Village, n. Newport 0. Waterville, Village p. Westbury q. Whitton and Ste. Cecile, Village r. Winslow and Roniaine do 150.— Deux Montag-nes. . . a. L'Annonciation h. St. Augustin, Village c. St. Benoit d. St. Canut . e. St. Colomban . . /. St. Eustache g. St. Eustache, Village h. St. Hernias i. St. Joseph j. Ste. Monique k. St. Placide 1. Ste. Scholastique .... III. Ste. Scholastique, Village Popula- tion. 32 « 151. —Dorchester 37 If. 38 I'/. 39 \h. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 St. Anselme St. Bernard Ste. Claire St. Edouard de Frampton St. Germain du Lac Etchemin. Ste. Henedine St. Isidore Ste. Justine St. Leon de Standon St. Malachie Ste. Marguerite St. Odilon de Cranbourne St. Prosper, Buckland, W.-O.. Ste. Rose de Watford St. Zacharie de Metgermette . . 152.— Drummond and Ar thabaska a. Arthabaskaville, Village. 22,779 677 1,621 621 1,840 2,409 827 3,078 422 1,006 1,814 1,173 1,022 1,117 1,121 516 973 983 1,499 15,027 1,466 1,.S28 1,385 (i39 395 1,796 900 1,217 1,1.53 1,090 990 1,770 838 19,017 2,002 1,582 1,824 1,6.53 1,278 1,049 2,04(i 609 1,602 1,482 1,200 997 074 306 053 43,923 1,034 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 4,309 111 331 109 349 486 153 616 85 196 337 225 184 189 225 101 176 171 265 2,688 255 258 244 124 71! 307 j 194 1 2141 221 1 162; 175 300 163 3,367 354 280 321 286 222 198 337 112 259 274 221 189 125 .58 131 7,823 178 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total desde- meures oc- cupees. 4,095 95 320 103 335 470 150 608 75 159 299 223 172 176 223 101 172 163 251 2,645 240 257 243 124 71 304 194 213 218 160 169 292 160 3,169 322 267 300 277 215 179 324 106 242 262 215 176 120 49 115 6,986 157 Houses Mai- sons. 4,060 95 308 101 334 460 148 606 74 159 299 223 171 175 221 101 172 163 250 2,644 240 257 243 124 71 304 194 213 218 160 168 292 160 3,169 322 267 300 277 215 179 324 106 242 262 215 176 120 49 115 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 35 6,914 157 12 2 1 10 2 2 1 72 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. 4,027 95 308 100 332 460 148 594 74 159 299 222 171 174 218 91 169 163 250 2,338 233 208 209 111 71 237 169 ice 195 149 150 273 140 3,082 321 266 299 276 215 177 321 106 241 185 215 176 120 49 115 6,762 135 29 Stone. En pierre. 12 3 10 3 138 4 18 24 4 25 9 16 10 4 11 13 82 // 135 22 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 85 Houses- -Maisons. 1 story. 1 etage. 2 stories. 2 etages. 3 stories 3 etages 4 stories and over. 4 etages et plus. 1 room. 1 cham- bre. 2 rooms 2 cham- bres. 3 rooms 3 cham- bres. 4 rooms. 4 chani- bres. 5 rooms. 5 cham- brt's. 6 to 10 rooms. 6 a 10 cham- bre.s. 1,487 16 140 15 133 255 24 323 6 46 104 40 61 22 104 64 54 26 54 517 23 70 80 34 13 33 48 44 3 17 47 44 61 589 115 42 89 41 6 81 87 4 17 40 39 13 5 1 9 1,827 71 11 to 15 rooms 11 k 15 cham- bres. 16 rooms and over. 16 chain- breset plus. Unin- habit- ed. In- habi- tees. In con- struc- tion. p:n cons- truc- tion. 55 1 4 2 2 1 .... ^ 1 .... ^ 6 8 2 1 6 8 17 5 i 3 1 2 "1 3 61 1 2 i 7 4 2 4 2 6 2 2 2 18 3 5 105 1 3,298 83 744 12 143 20 64 215 18 54 ""i5 102 30 11 2 7 20 16 16 1 102 467 11 16 37 29 15 30 20 22 20 42 47 22 34 18 567 13 25 20 54 31 29 36 14 30 49 43 29 58 30 3 32 26 45 . 621 88 35 36 25 15 75 51 57 54 50 35 78 22 593 35 56 53 52 37 21 60 20 63 49 42 44 20 8 33 1,513 13 692 38 51 15 51 49 43 73 3 38 52 58 26 26 32 7 34 33 63 6.50 60 99 55 29 31 102 35 49 10 49 32 73 26 542 72 38 70 58 21 28 60 15 24 49 49 20 20 1 17 1,336 22 423 17 53 8 33 36 19 49 2 18 34 20 20 8 22 10 22 14 38 288 16 18 46 . 13 6 26 17 35 5 15 22 53 16 385 44 40 53 55 5 28 53 15 12 23 28 14 8 7 759 20 267 54 327 3 13 18 32 33 42 22 18 2 36 2 5 31 8 10 7 14 31 231 23 13 47 11 35 24 7 13 9 13 19 9 8 321 42 19 31 48 7 14 43 11 35 11 9 23 3 5 20 946 11 1 165 20 2 26 55 3 90 2 11 8 10 4 13 13 3 71 7 4 7 4 1 3 2 3 14 ""i2 i 5 7 1 1 4 i 22 4 1 5 2 78 270 245 128 2 2 2 ■■■■4 1 5 5 3 4 5 6 550 74 140 197 3 27 4 2 2 23 1 7 8 9 10 188 160 4 1 11 12 173 214 13 14 80 i 15 156 2 9 18 67 7 5 3 1 i 6 3 34 "1 2 343 4 'I 22 51 24 56 36 14 42 30 31 3 320 1 25 55 24 408 35 25 11 18 5 67 12 19 112 25 21 42 16 651 34 78 25 41 94 10 46 26 67 (iO 40 41 3(> 8 45 922 8 16 163 17 234 2,359 229 206 233 120 15 271 9 50 8 4 2 16 41 23 6 16 41 18 37 452 58 29 108 36 3 36 13 i 14 2 1 2 18 19 20 21 22 69 288 23 24 149 190 4 .'.'.'.'.'.\ 20 G 5 25 26 212 ' ' 1 1 3 5 1 I 2 1 27 144 126 273 4 8 28 29 30 120 2,710 263 238 10 60 14 6 7 1 11 4 2 3 5 3 2 1 7 6 4 i i 31 32 33 190 240 212 2 1 34 35 36 142 311 i 37 38 106 39 187 55 44 9 9 11 40 218 41 206 167 109 42 43 44 49 45 72 5,806 136 41 1,019 17 2 28 3 1 1 1 190 17 47 5 46 47 86 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. 03 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4^ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 b. Chenier c. Chester, North — Nord d. Durham e. Durham, South — Sud /. Drummondville, Town — Ville fl. Grantham h. Kingsey i. Kingsey Falls j. L'Avenir k. Princeville, Village I. Stanfold m. St. Albert de Warwick n, Ste. Anne du Sault 0. St. Bonaventure d 'Upton . . . p. Ste. Clothilde d'Horton ... . q. St. Christophe d'Arthabaska. r. Ste. Elizabeth de Warwick . . s. St. Eugene de Grantham .... t. St. Germain de Grantham. . '(. St. Guillaunie d'Upton r. Ste. Helene ?('. St. Louis de Blanford X. St. Norbert d'Arthabaska. . . . I/. St. Paul z. St. Remi de Tingwick aa. St. Valere de Bulstrode . . . bb. Ste. Victoire cc. Tingwick (Id. Victoria ville, Town — Ville . . . ee. Warwick ff. Warwick, Villar/c (/ff. Wendover and Simpson hh. Wickham, East — Est ii. Wickham, West — Oucst 153.— Gaspe . a. Basin .... b. Cap Chat c. Cap Rosier d. Chlorydormes c. Douglas /. Etang du Nord (J. Fox and Sydenham, N'th-Nord h. Gaspe Bay (North — Nord) and Sydenham, South — Sud .... i. (iaspe, Villaf/e . . j. Grande Vallee des Monts k. Grosse He, Isle Bryon and Bird Rocks 1. Havre Aubert . . m. Havre au.x Maisons n. La Gi'ande Riviere o. L'Anse aux Griffons p. L'Anse du Cap q. Malbaie /•. Mont Louis s. Newport t. Pabos u. Perce . Popula- tion. 1,500 640 543 1,494 1,955 911 1,536 924 1,252 837 2,084 737 588 1,209 1,145 1,079 528 1,049 3,065 2,821 1,681 573 836 1,874 1,024 1,494 963 979 l-,300 1,505 853 2,300 499 1,111 26,875 839 1,237 785 647 1,468 1,952 1,422 1,153 307 575 398 6011 1,1.52 2,348' 1,0.S0 1,497 1,827 896 1,481 1,348 1,800 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 253 101 104 286 388 164 293 179 229 147 353 132 120 1 2111 206 { 170 1 93 193 538 514 293 95 147 305 185!! 260' 167 172 227 263 166 416 82 193 4,196 140 185 129 100 2()1 312 208 197 61 81 61 111 161 357 184 213 297 115 219 215 273 Houses 222 82 104 277 326 1.50 268 170 218 124 301 109 108 203 169 156 73 150 471 507 221 79 138 284 167 221 145 152 217 235 145 371 82 181 3,976 139 153 122 96 256 29.S 206 190 61 76 58 111 161 311 175 212 297 115 199 195 272 Mai- sons. 217 82 104 277 325 147 257 170 218 124 296 104 103 203 163 156 71 150 471 507 224 75 138 284 167 218 145 151 217 234 144 352 82 181 3,954 139 153 119 96 256 293 206 190 61 76 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 58 HI 161 311;. 175 . 212 . 280i 115[. 199 . 195!. 272' I 1 3 11 3 "l i 1 19 22 17 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. 212 82 96 265 321 146 227 170 203 120 294 104 103 203 163 155 71 150 468 505 224 75 133 283 167 218 144 151 199 229 134 349 82 181 3,946 139 151 118 96 256 293 206 190 59 76 58 111 161 311 175 212 280 115 199 195 270 Brick. En brique. 8 12 4 28 18 5 9 2 Stone. En pierre. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 87 Houses— Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and over. room . rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and over. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En ^ etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- h,10 a 15 cham- habi- cons- ^ s et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- chain- breset tees. truc- plus. 38 bres. 60 bres. plus. tion. ^ 207 10 22 23 68 4 2 44 2 1 82 1 14 6 18 6 20 10 13 8 15 59 1 10 5 31 12 1 2 96 1 3 139 136 123 2 9 1 1 46 19 41 80 45 70 17 33 115 96 10 19 2 7 15 26 ■■■■4 4 193 5 143 4 13 24 31 30 12 34 2 1 30 4 6 216 41 3 20 24 48 25 124 11 2 28 2 7 150 20 1 15 20 24 18 79 12 1 13 1 8 196 22 4 20 32 22 22 109 9 6 2 9 110 1] 3 6 5 19 19 64 8 3 18 .... 10 287 9 17 43 55 64 52 61 4 73 1 11 101 3 15 12 26 22 28 1 28 12 96 6 8 1 4 13 32 .38 40 65 20 36 3 20 3 30 1 ... ^ 21 7 13 195 14 158 5 13 24 52 23 17 30 3 1 33 i3 15 154 2 6 34 5 45 20 35 14 20 12 21 16 1 1 .. .. 21 16 I 16 65 3 17 147 3 215 19 20 65 46 70 29 127 6 74 30 121 " 12 '"2 26 68 3 5 18 256 19 268 236 3 5 34 131 61 49 210 15 2 59 20 213 11 53 50 76 26 4 14 1 56 3 21 75 2 15 / 15 10 15 15 3 22 6 22 133 4 1 14 17 20 20 20 47 32 23 283 1 3 63 2 46 38 86 34 52 47 21 28 15 17 1 14 2 8 24 164 1 .... 25. 213 5 3 26 9 40 14 59 67 53 40 12 9 1 1 1 1 58 26 12 2 26 142 27 148 3 24 "" 2 5 16 12 35 40 30 62 20 25 43 52 2 19 ""7 32 1 3 2 28 191 29 • 230 2 9 2 17 43 10 71 18 39 29 35 28 29 49 6 15 1 2 30 135 8 2' 31 321 30 1 27 70 94 67 26 59 7 2 43 7 32 73 9 31 1 2 404 4 37 687 15 54 662 23 25 692 8 8 334 27 53 1,082 3! 1 2 .. . 83 10 25 28 397 1 2 244 33 150 34 3,603 347 2 2 138 1 61 26 22 16 5 9 10 35 115 37 1 37 14 24 30 19 26 3 20 3b 119 6 5 17 17 65 9 12 16 3V 96 11 5 19 10 26 24 15 22 24 180 1 7 8 18 9 16 38 256 8 39 242 51 1 9 37 2 97 48 15 51 59 25 80 35 38 18 4 14 37 21 94 1 2 2 21 28 18 10 16 40 205 41 183 7 42 46 12 1 2 1 2 4 4 3 33 10 4 3 3 43 76 21 22 18 4 15 11 7 3 4 6 11 10 24 6 3 2 44 24 34 2 45 21 90 9 2 24 8 35 9 27 43 6 30 15 64 2 6 ■ 1 49 35 6 2 4b 152 4V 310 1 40 54 2 71 23 86 26 62 40 12 36 22 46 4 2 22 16 29 7 48 135 49 181 31 2 1 41 45 21 71 39 41 24 31 27 56 27 22 17 35 2 6 80 93 10 24 8 5 33 6 32 3 4 bO 278 3 31 45 ( 51 114 o2 199 d6 193 2 63 41 22 22 9 37 i 1 12 24 54 269 3 1 42 39 42 35 101 9 3 ! ^^ 10 06 88 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. g 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 *23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a. b. c. d. e. f. a- 32 h. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. V. Ste. Anne des Monts w. York 154.— Hochelaga. C6te des Neiges, Village C6te St. Antoine do Cote St. liouis, Toivn — Ville . . . Cote St. Paul Cote St. Paul, Village Cote Visitation do Hochelaga Ward — Quartier, (annexed to Montreal) Longue Pointe Maisonneuve^ Town — Ville . . . Mile End, Village Notre-Dame de Grace, Village. N. - Dame des Neiges, West-Ouest Outremont, Village Pointe aux Trembles. ... ... Sault aux Recollets Ste. Cunegonde, Totvn — Ville.. St. Gabriel Ward — Quartier, (annexed to Monti-eal) St. Henri, Town—Ville St. Jean Baptiste Ward--Qw«r- tier (annexed to Montreal). . . St. Joseph, Riv. des Prairies. . . St. Leonard, Port Maurice . . Verdun, Village ... 155.— Huntingdon Dundee Elgin Franklin Godmanchester Havelock Hemmingford Hemmingford, Village. Hinchinbrooke Huntingdon, Village... St. Anicet Ste. Barbe . ^. 156. -Iberville. -Ville. Iberville, Town- St. Alexandre Ste. Anne de Sabrevois. . St. Athanase Ste. Brigade /. St. George de Henriville g. St. Gregoire le Grand. . . h. St. Sebastien 157.— Jacques Cartier a. Lachine 6. Lachine, ^own — Ville Popula- tion. 1,762 350 80,998 391 3,076 2,972 475 842 810 8,540 2,445 1,226 3,537 2,305 933 408 876 1,820 9,291 9,986 13,413 15,423 761 1,166 296 14,385 1,535 915 1,133 1,6731 1,035{ 1,733| 300| 2,209 1,177 2,093 582 11,893 1,710 2,101 775 1,028 2,083 1,324 1,377 1,495 13,832 1,0.58 3,761 Families. Number. Families, Nombre. 258 58 15,939 71 572 649 92 192 145 1,589 177 261 77 339 160 64 172 333 1,912 1,957 2,766 3,290 150 218 52 2,808 303 177 222 337 204 340 69 428 244 379 105 2,207 347 393 137 163 415 240 241 271 2, .591 195 081 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 221 57 13,991 71 524 630 90 191 135 970 177 239 559 335 159 61 154 296 1,734 1,842 2,538 Houses Mai- sons. 219 57 13,987 71 .524 636 90 191 135 970 177 239 559 335 1.59 61 153 290 1,731 1,842 2,538 Ves- sels and shan- ties. 2,904 2,904 113 113 214 214 49 49 2,771 2,748 292 269 177 177 219 219 337 337 203 203 335 335 69 69 424 424 231 231 379 379 105 . 105 2,053 2,053 338 338 354 354 125 125 152 152 386 386 229 229 240 240 229 229 2,313 2,313 190 190 476 476 Na- vires et chan- tiers. 23 23 Houses — Maisons. Wood En bois. 219 56 4,683 51 153 380 73 114 §6 44 124 24 317 241 114 27 110 213 113 226 1,359 710 84 129 21 2,258 248 136 188 260 178 257 54 328 163 342 104 1,796 271 317 119 133 366 180 213 197 1,792 119 369 Brick. Stone, i En brique. 1 8,559 7 237 187 17 75 46 917 33 212 228 63 19 23 14 12 1,606 1,592 1,1.59 2,071 4 13 24 318 11 12 18 48 19 36 7 75 64 27 1 205 63 31 4 15 20 37 13 22 173 28 63 En pierre. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 89 Housea- -Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and habit- ed. con- struc- over. _ _ over. _ tion. 1 ■etage. 2 etages. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 1 cham- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres- 5 cham- bi'es. 6 h 10 cham- bres. 11 A, 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. SI S 197 22 3 7,221 5 98 51 3 910 58 7 2,040 32 12 4,232 17 2 1,826 49 31 4,099 5 2 568 2 214 33 6 567 9 1 54 1 2 5,952 788 26 439 30 40 395 1 38 419 199 89 127 39 3 65 38 4 1 2 6 3 84 3 1 16 11 2 136 (> 10 18 12 28 18S 33 20 34 8 24 85 13 8 6 25 360 116 33 101 49 9 93 22 1 15 6 ' 13 3 1 t 3 24 21 3 42 4 7 5 6 GO 88 4 7 i 32 Ij 20 4 8 163 119 157 152 106 57 43 795 50 62 376 224 94 18 96 158 1,012 11 6 20 31 4 7 " 2 9 5 I 1 """5 37 17 13 41 21 9 97 42 25 73 41 20 319 30 85 163 64 43 5 39 48 633 108 24 30 56 42 18 8 22 57 272 192 38 67 165 137 48 40 42 113 416 128 23 10 34 24 17 7 5 18 20 88 3 4 27 6 4' 1 7 10 4 57 3 36 40 i " 2 4 26 1 4 70 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 54 127 712 1 2 2' 5 9 7 20 87 31 25 290 10 41 7 9 1 1 16 17 18 901 1,388 898 975 42 172 1 3 1 '"28 58 235 224 523 680 951 397 325 464 448 15 21 4 7 46 68 81 70 19 20 1,050 107 192 10 1,491 5 21 35 357 1 1 3 6 i 10 1 4 202 11 37 ' 2 389 31 46 778 31 41 7 278 16 26 3 1,147 17 51 30 82 6 7 5 18 .... ^ 2 172 10 119 2 21 22 23 24 2,358 384 6 11 257 317 362 290 1,312 178 21 227 28 252 165 216 323 16 12 3 14 3 8 10 15 44 191 68 1 "i 2 4 1 '" 1 2 70 2 15 21 29 10 "20 1 62 27 17 20 34 44 27 40 4 40 13 57 21 47 18 25 36 22 56 14 46 27 51 20 20 13 20 42 27 45 24 39 16 89 115 108 168 91 180 35 240 130 140 16 25 9 14 24 2 9 5 31 31 25 3 1 2 1 4 3 1 5 4 42 22 9 ""3i 40 5 18 8 24 28 16 1 " i 5 1 "'"4 25 26 27 28 200 327 59 408 183 188 " 1 4 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 .... Ao 1,868 181 4 4 74 355 437 305 779 83 16 251 7 296 41 73 2 2 10 12 37 4 1 ' 2 7 14 3 11 20 9 4 6 39 91 17 3() 81 24 33 34 83 80 34 37 87 32 52 32 50 52 25 21 59 31 39 28 132 110 38 45 131 110 107 106 « 7 2 8 19 5 15 6 1 1 2 6 25 2 36 279 123 150 376 21 22 1 23 69 3 38 39 40 216 203 225 1 2 2 5 46 40 ""1 41 42 43 1,224 82 85 1,023 104 357 52 4 23 2 "i 23 228 23 7 362 16 27 492 32 57 301 23 32 699 83 217 134 8 82 62 5 44 247 1 1 72 1 32 24 8 2 44 45 90 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. 589 1,171 1,295 729 823 .514 1,993 1,184 715 22,921 3,372 1,128 1,706 1,043 840 850 2,725 939 2,847 2,675 1,243 1,485 2,068 20,454 600 1,075 1,972 1,741 2,734 1,398 909 611 1,518 1,050 760 1,928 3,109 1,049 10,900 1,574 1,246 1,936 1,572 1,463 1,393 1,716 13,674 608 1,275 1,256 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oo- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. s Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c. Ste. Anne (du Bout de I'lle) . . . d. Ste. Anne de Belle vue. Village. e. Ste. G'enevieve /. Ste. Genevieve, Vilhu/e 265 374 212 205 324 124 407 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total desde- meures oc- cupees. 208 282 112 417 313 194 368 115 1,747 169 141 518 253 216 450 4,363 134 619 1,208 1.58 93 132 380 312 58 244 307 624 34 2,204 101 93 473 240 195 207 310 159 129 297 3,155 158 152 219 227 345 202 194 261 111 345 Houses Mai- sons. 208 282' 112 417 313 194 368 115 1,747 169 141 518 253 216 450 4,362 134 619 1,268 158 93 1.32 380 312 58 244 306 624 34 2,199 100 92 473 240 193 207 309 159 129 297 3,154 158 152 219 227 344 202 194 261 111 345 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. Wood. Brick. Stone. En En En bois. brique. pierre. 125 75 8 209 43 30 95 3 14 388 7 22 280 10 17 157 9 28 321 17 30 80 12 23 1,346 80 321 153 3 13 109 , 32 421 23 74 175 5 73 174 13 29 314 36 100 4,032 250 52 127 4 3 544 53 17 1,095 161 10 152 5 1 71 2 4 131 376 i 1 310 1 1 58 ■ 244 295 6 5 596 17 9 33 1 2,180 5 14 100 92 470 2 i 240 193 207 304 2 3 159 129 • • • • 286 i 10 3,105 29 20 158 152 , 216 2 i 227 338 i 5 202 190 4 261 • • . • 111 322 19 4 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IL — Population, Families et Demeures, 93 Houses- — Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and over. room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and over. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En 1; etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- .\10 M5 cham- habi- cons- ^ et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. chaiii- cham- bres et tees. truc- b plus. bres. bres. plus. tion. » 161 44 2 1 18 30 39 19 82 14 6 1 1 227 501 3 2 7 73 58 50 88 3 3 11 1 ?. 109 3 • . . 7 17 24 18 38 t 1 14 3 404 13 4 39 76 112 62 111 11 2 18 4 219 87| 1 . . i 7 31 84 O'.) 122 7 1 12 1 5 184 10 ... . j 1 7 27 56 20 1 ( 5 1; 8 2 6 268 98; 2 . ... 33 46 66 41 174 7 1 32 4 7 110 5 . . .. 9 21 25 19 33 / 1 14 1 8 1,612 126 9 29 260 397 400 222 382 42 1 15 137 14 156 13 5 4 81 8 23 41 32 31 14 20 14 38 1 3 rr 1 16 1 1 136 10 489 29! 16 89 150 112 52 87 6 6 25 n 247 5 1 5 27 62 76 37 46 28 12 209 7 67 1 3 28 27 30 91 44 105 17 82 82 115 ii 21 3 6 19 42 4 8 13 375 8 14 3,494 752 82 6 45 326 644 977 604 1,454 235 49 443 18 91 43 98 1 1 39 8 91 17 177 13 71 85 203 9 28 1 4 7 87 6 15 .510 5 1 16 853 342 67 4 8 77 145 262 155 460 124 35 93 17 142 11 4 1 2 4 23 33 81 11 4 10 1 18 65 11 1 7 37 100 17 11 64 45 22 74 ? 7 i 12 2 34 3 1 19 122 J 10 2 17 42 33 88 ''O 348 3 21 256 56 2 3 38 53 4 82 12 48 11 83 31 4 1 27 15 2 9^ 56 23 221 23 14 10 49 12 57 25 60 45 43 57 25 150 35 77 1 94 292 17 25 507 113 2 i ii 47 133 151 72 180 25 3 36 4 26 31 3 2 3 4 9 15 1 8 27 1,543 J!f613 42 1 66 282 333 435 254 701 102 26 166 29 52 48 38 27 25 23 15 30 31 I 13 12 ■■"1 5 14 2 7 ?« 50 4 29 389 83 1 2 OD 63 97 64 169 17 6 21 30 110 127 3 1 39 51 58 41 44 4 2 8 i 31 121 69 3 21 28 56 37 22 29 30 9 S? 113 89 4 1 3 17 43 1 109 27 7 19 2 33 281 28 57 4 19 37 28 29 -59 21 50 12 129 54 1() 5 4 1 35 10 2 34 100 2 35 127 2 35 18 27 19 15 14 1 12 3 36 200 72 25 17 41 40 34 128 31 6 12 3 37 3,022 128 4 72 277 541 728 474 980 68 14 330 41 146 12 13 23 32 35 14 .36 5 32 4 38 136 15 1 ... 17 24 41 25 41 3 i 26 2 39 219 1 38 8 35 23 991 49 23 127 27 8 1 3 14 25 3 9 40 224 3 4 41 324 19 1 3 24 31 63 54 161 7 1 27 2 42 200 2 9 21 21 66 44 51 45 14 79 24 3 1 18 8 2 43 185 18 44 250 11 1 23 17 57 57 99 6 1 46 4 45 109 9. 13 15 38 20 5 14 5 1 18 5 46 326 19 . . .. 8 29 111 83 34 71 8 i| 20 2 47 94 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. o g s !5 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. St. Louis St. Narcisse St. P.itrice de Beaurivage. Ste. Philomene St. Svlvestre 166.— Maskinonge a. Hunterstown h. Louiseville, Town- c. Mastigoche d. Riviere du Lou]) . Popula- tion. -Ville 10 \e. St. Alexis des Monts. /. St. Didace. !/. St. Joseph h. St. J ustin f . St. Leon j. St. Paulin k. Ste. Ursule l. L^norganized Territory 167.— Megantic Halifax, North — Word Halifax, South — ^^ud Inverness Ireland, No7-th — Nord Ireland, S. , and Coleraine Leeds, East — Ed Leeds, West — Onest Nelson Plessis ville, VUhtge Somerset, North — Nord Somerset, South — Sud Ste. Anastasie de Nelson St. Pierre Piaptiste Thetford, North— Nord.. ...... Thetford, South — Sad Thetford Mines, Black Lake Mines and Coleraine 168. — Missisquoi . a. Bedford, Toicn — Ville b. Cowaiisville, Village c. Dunham d. Dunham, VilliKje e. Famham, !Z'o?«/i — Ville /. Farnham, West — Onesi ff. Frelighsbnrg h. Notre- Dame des Anges ?'. N.-D. de Stanbridge, Vilku/e . j. Philipsburg, Villa;ie k. St. Armand, East —Est I. St. Armand, West— Guest. . . . til. St. George de Clarenceville. . . n. St. Thomas , 0. Stanbridge Station p. Stanbiidge , q. Sweetsburg, Village 1,854 782 988 830 • 1,033 17,829 727 1,740 563 2,099 1,194 1,954 2,021 1,677 1,875 1,4.53 2,490 36 22,233 1,513 2,235 1,700 1,199 9.53 655 1,795 410 1,323 1,628 1,482 1,343 901 1,330 352 3,414 18,549 1,5711 639 2,466' 327 2,822 1,520 263 .376 1,245 230 1,049 999 1,138 698 860 941 303 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 291 135 160 143 257 3,083 127 303 110 350 231 342 347 260 294 268 384 7 3,931 242 371 333 199 171 119 335 72 250 274 232 265 163 217 03 625 3,816 324 137 489 66 578 291 54 64 238 62 224 222 232 1.50 170 234 61 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 273 123 153 138 254 2,535 81 319 65 304 168 275 298 244 261 171 343 6 3,543 205 363 32' 183 163 11 322 68 244 254 226 244 1.56 211 60 400 3,652 324 1.3( 486 66 528 266 54 61 217 62 205 21 229 148 157 225 61 House? Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 273 123 153 138 254 2,527 81 318 63 304 163 275 298 244 261 171 343 6 3,528 205 363 327 177 163 117 322 68 244 254 220 244 156 211 51 400 3,650j 324' 136 486 00 528 206 54 01 215 62 205 217 229 148 157 225 01 15 Houses — Maisons. Wood. Brick. En En bois . brique. 203 123 153 138 251 2,450 81 301 03 282 103 274 279 233 257 171 340 3,503 203 303 324 177 162 117 318 68 2.37 250 224 244 156 211 50 399 2,920 245 97 372 44 434 240 39 50 176 54 172 194 188 109 128 174 29 Stone. En pierre. 2 1 58 14 'i7 10 7 1 15 1 "2 603 76 39 69 15 88 23 14 9 31 6 24 19 33 :.4 19 47 32 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 95 Houses— -Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 ! Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and 1 habit- ed. con- struc- over. over. 1 tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En ^, etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- ?ilO ■X 15 cham- habi- cons- et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- plus. 10 bre.s. bres. plus. tion. 'A 257 16 32 36 180 12 3 14 1 I 118 5 17 35 35 17 17 2 16 2 •) 153 33 24 33 25 34 3 1 18 1 3 129 8 1 7 30 42 24 31 4 6 4 4 24G 7 1 12 20 59 70 52 39 1 1 42 5 2,031 477 16 3 38 317 326 436 375 886 130 19 305 24 80 1 7 20 23 10 19 1 1 13 1 6 141 163 13 1 22 32 49 45 131 35 4 16 1 / (53 1 28 7 13 11 15 25 3 56 3 166 ' 13 12 3 8 168 133 o 1 36 3 9 153 10 5 57 35 29 12 21 4 i 42 • . . 10 257 18 7 72 68 56 26 42 3 1 61 10 11 281 17 13 29 50 51 1.35 18 21 55 3 12 229 15 18 9 42 52 117 5 1 9 13 231 29 1| 12 21 33 38 39 104 12 2 22 3 14 162 9 77 6 367 27 44 1 620 15 59 2 741 43 64 2 597 23 5S 344 54 93 1 863 8 8 1 4 31 31 15 266 13 3 16 17 3,144 13 1 4i 239 102 22 385 82 201 4 ! 3 22 28 47 41 61 3 1 29 18 343 20 48 I 22 9 51 21 132 47 56 44 32 66 61 125 8 14 ll 1 54 74 i 7 19 279 [ 20 120 56 1 39 79 28 13 3 12 3 13 3 21 154 9 21 31 .^,0 23 7 49 2 16 4 22 99 17 i 1 44 14 19 6 30 2 1 10 23 266 56 ' 5 2 27 6 53 18 52 17 43 13 132 12 10 21 8 & 24 68 25 181 61 2 6 15 40 38 26 90 21 8 11 3 26 2^ 21 5 4 12 33 59 47 26 62 11 4 22 1 2-/ 226 5 29 33 51 25 78 5 55 28 244 26 80 76 27 8 24 2 A 24 1 29 156 22 57 25 52 41 43 34 32 14 9 19 17 1 1 18 ' 19 5 30 198 13 31 50 1 61 9 15 90 19 80 12 85 3 22 2 89 19 6 3 8 4 47 32 335 4 33 1,344 2,244 54 3 9 177 337 43(i 420 1,754 426 '86 245 15 35 284 5 17 11 38 37 186 28 7 8 2 34 45 86 5 9 7 11 14 67 19 9 3 3o 298 188 17 2 27 1 38 2 48 5 46 4 234 40 75 12 16 2 47 4 36 48 1 37 211 283 29 3 37 67 68 82 225 34 13 10 10 38 138 128 20 10 51 4 12 71 5 12 44 4 2 84 27 32 6 11 1 3 4 4 7 39 34 40 54 1 1 41 11 203 1 9 25 31 38 98 12 2 22 42 13 46 3 5 5 2 9 28 7 6 101 43 92 113 161 6 6 6 11 14 12 19 29 97 102 53 50 10 7 24 28 1 44 55 1 45 40 187 1 3 7 27 26 21 101 43 8 46 61 87 9 15 14 13 81 15 1 14 1 4V 101 52 2 3 12 23 23 81 10 3 }f? ... . 48 64 161 48 1 12 2 23 3 83 4 12 2 130 33 12 13 2 4 17 49 8 i ^ 50 96 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1S91. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. s DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 35 36 37 38 3!) 40 41 42 r. St. I^ace 169. —Montcalm . a. St. Alexis ... b. St. Calixte, Villaoe c. St. Donat and Chilton. . . . d. L St. Emile and Wexford. e. St. Esprit /. St. Jacques g. Ste. Julienne h. St. Liguori i. Ste. Marie Salomee j. St. Patrick de Rawdon . . . k. St. Theodore de Chertsey. 170.— Montraagny — a. Cap St. Tgnace b. L'Assomption de Berthier c. Montminy, Rolette and Panet. d. Montmagny, Town — Vi/lc e. Patton and Ashburton /. St. Antoine de I'lle aux Grues. g. St. Frangois de la Riviere du Sud h. St. Pierre i. St. Thomas 171.— Montmorency . 22 23 24 25 26 e. 27 !/. 28 .g. 29 h. 30 i. 31 \j. 32 ]k. 33 :i. 34 m. a. Chateau Richer b. L'Ange Gardien c. Ste. Anne d. Ste. Brigitte de Laval Ste. Famille St. Fereol St. Fran9ois St. Jean St. Joachim ... St. Laurent. ... Ste. Petronille de Beaulien, Village St. Pierre St. Tite des Caps Popula- tion. 172. Montreal a. Centre Ward- b. East c. Ste. Anne's d. St. Antoine e. St. James' /. St. Lawrence g. St. Louis h. St. Mary's 43 \i. West - Quartier do do do do do do do do Est. Oucst 173. —Napier ville. 1,102 12,131 1,231 1,002 351 375 1,419 2,423 1,150 1,170 655 1,180 1,169 14,726 3,5.S9 1,1521 1,4361 1,697 582 586 1,554 1,331 2,849 12,309 1,587 1,137 1,013 639 786 1,041; 508! 1,2771 897' 792 285 772 975 182,695 075 3,437 23,003 44,62() 32,393 17,884 24,924 34,746 1,007 10,101 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 220j 2, 438 1 242 197 68: 71 j 314 495 241 1 2091 157, 214' 230i 2,736 676 227 274 343 106 98 303 231 478 2,124^ 299' 2041 302: 106 1291 181 ! 77! 231 149 126 51 99 170 35,396 ] 124' 540 4,405 7,780 6,781: 3,297! 5,0621 7, 251 1 150! l,806i Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 210 2,187 228 167 59 68 285 408 220 208 129 213 202 2.484 587 215 220 305 96 96 273 Houses 471 1,990 280 175 273 105 129 174 76 214 143 125 45 98 153j 31,932 105 441 4,051 i 7,143i 5,860 3,118 4,446 6,636 132 Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. 210 2,177 228 165 55 68 285 408 220 208 129 213 198 2,484 587 215 220 305 96 96 273 2211 221 471 1,990 280 175 273 105 129 174 76 214 143 125 45 98 153 31,931 105 441 4,051 7,143 5,860 3,118 4,446 6,635 132 1,712| 1,712 Na- vires et chan- tiers. 10 Houses — Maisons. Wood. Brick. Stone.. En bois. 181 " 2,015 195 161 55 68 233 357 210 198 127 213 198 2,462 583 214 220 297 95 96 268 221 468 1,438 156 106 195 105 72 146 30 165 93 98 43 76 153 3,604 En brique. 24' 731 558 882: 402 1 266 741 1,499 25 61 28 24 1 5 10 12 4 • 1 5 3 1 3 2 44 11 9 13 En pierre.. 23,371 46 171 3,214 4,290 4,327 1,939 3,545 5,783 56 159 101 33 1 24 27 9 5 2 508 113 60 65 ' 52 28 46 47 47 26 2 22 4,955 59 246 106 2,295 651 776 635 111 76 54 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Deraeures. 97 H ouses— -Maisons. 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 - stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 1 chani- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres. 5 cham- bres. 6 ^10 cham- bres. 11 k 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. 1 c 5 38 173 1 2 16 18 19 21 108 25 1 17 1 1 2,024 151 2 128 321 587 444 275 384 34 4 228 15 216 147 11 18 1 5 27 31 "'i4 7 2 i 41 102 34 30 4 27 32 58 22 19 35 14 46 257 90 60 12 29 54 127 28 37 56 26 68 355 37 34 3 6 64 83 51 78 19 43 26 604 16 2 2 5 43 78 48 31 7 34 9 310 43 10 2 1 73 51 63 35 11 87 8 748 3 2 1 4 4 5 6 1 8 i '3 1 56 13 3 17 13 37 15 7 33 33 169 2 4 3 1 5 23 2 55 4 68 15 222 380 63 28 6 4 8 7 6 806 6 7 214 8 203 121 1 9 10 206 192 11 1? 1,657 17 4 81 27 433 166 38 233 55 153 48 179 69 41 45 1 2 3 "i 1 2 1 26 3 20 53 25 33 14 24 12 60 60 35 45 23 16 204 60 49 47 13 20 52 25 41 26 8 14 202 43 34 122 8 31 13 1 2 33 1 "15 30 15 45 12 12 2 3 1 5 3 6 13 14 15 16 17 50 1 3 18 186 94 402 85 117 69 401 1 9 1 1 5 21 24 107 29 18 49 231 31 20 65 215 66 27 118 292 31 27 86 275 101 91 116 726 7 13 9 110 3 4 4 34 10 15 28 183 2 3 32 19 20 ?1 1,500 85 4 109 102 229 97 112 65 34 8 23 1 1 98 15 16 58 8 9 1 I 5 i 24 "'54 ""2 21 3 46 18 1 59 11 3 12 7 26 7 40 20 17 21 15 8 20 12 46 17 34 18 19 28 25 16 29 17 51 37 31 15 30 8 14 25 23 28 110 95 92 9 57 4 10 141 46 51 14 15 16 1 4 1 18 8 8 7 1 13 i 3 5 17 13 14 21 8 23 3 11 21 7 3 2 3 5 6 3 2 1 2 22 23 24 ?5 103 173 2 1 26 97 75 113 124 108 ■ 3 3 1 i 28 29 30 31 29 93 145 15 5 8 1 ""21 1 " "49 2 27 1 6 36 1 3 9 32 71 8 8 14 3 2 2 32 3 10 " 1 4 32 33 34 14,502 11,702 4,049 1,677 153 1,990 4,672 7,815 3,325 10,782 2,542 651 1,063 142 1 117 1,355 2,273 3,066 816 1,714 5,160 24 154 2,130 2,470 2,132 1,470 1,963 1,307 52 38 99 551 1,483 482 595 613 148 40 42 71 15 917 180 236 156 20 40 '"11 2 27 48 12 32 20 1 3 33 223 329 379 137 249 634 3 15 41 730 788 945 324 546 1,281 2 14 57 1,352 958 1,558 468 818 2,582 8 28 28 471 468 648 378 450 843 11 43 175 1,168 2,861 1,884 1,385 2,039 1,174 53 '"""71 88 1,384 315 336 251 78 19 2 25 17 328 83 77 61 23 35 5 8 105 247 184 73 197 241 3 4 2 51 15 34 7 27 2 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1,491 217 2 2 25 181 353 326 231 522 60 14 225 2 A—1 98 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3L 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. a. Napierville, Village b. St. Cyprien c. St. Edouard d. St. Michel Archange .... e. St. Patrice de Sherrington .... /. St. Remi ij. St. Rerai, Village 174 -Nicolet «. Becancourt b. Gentilly . c. LaRochelle, Village d. Nicolet . e. Nicolet, To !«i—F(:«f /. Ste. Angele de Laval .'/. Ste. Brigitte des Saults . . . . h. St. Celestin i. Ste. Eulalie j. Ste. Gertrude A'. St. Gregoire /. St. Leonard 111. Ste. Marie de Blanford . ... 71. Ste. Monique o. Ste. Perpetue p. St. Pierre les Becquets q. St. Samuel /•. Ste. Sophie de Levrard s. St. Sylvere t. St. Wenceslas 175.— Ottawa, County— Comte. a. Amherst h. Aumond . . . . , c. Aylwin d. Aylmer, Town— Ville e. Bigelow, Wells, Blake and McGill /. Bouchette g. Bouthillier, Kiamiku and Campbell h. Bowmen and Villeneuve ('. Buckingham, Town — Ville. . . j. Buckingham k. Cameron /. Clyde and Joly m. Denholm n. Eardley o. Egan , p. Hartwell q. Hincks... r. Hull, City— Cite «. Hull t. Kensington u. Labelle V. L'Ange Gardien 10. Lathbury and Bidwell X. Lochaber and Gore y. Low Popula- tion. 860 1,703 1,290 1,(519 1,815 1,647 1,167 28,735 2,017 2,486 382 1,824 2,518 1,136 1,012 1,532 891 1,748 1,843 1,734 270 2,171 833 2,274 200 1,116 839 1,909 63, .560 388 515 835 1,945 655 990 331 634 2,239 2,186 513 736 334 1,.530 1,220 1,204 522 11,264 4,325 281 35 1,354 6 1,857 1,255 Total Families. dwell- ings occu- Number. pied. — Total Families. des de- nieures oc- Nombre. cupees. 183 169 290 286 213 202 309 282 335 300 271 268 205 205 5,172 4,684 345 339 464 437 78 75 339 302 469 374 183 177 183 151 265 253 178 155 326 323 277 270 299 297 60 57 356 348 152 144 407 311 35 31 208 182 191 130 357 328 11,321 10,821 63 61 84 82 130 128 371 344 112 97 169 169 59 58 104 104 419 390 380 376 73 73 137 129 60 .55 245 237 211 206 220 192! 97 93 2,249 2,090, 760 744! 42 42| 6 6, 232 227 2 2 285 285 202 201 1 Houses Mai- sons. 169 286 202 282 300 268 205 4,663 339 437 75 302 374 177 151 253 155 323 270 290 57 348 141 310 31 182 124 324 10,132 60 72 125 344 96 142 36 101 390 376 62 126 47 237 120 191 80 2,086 742 35 6 227 2 283 192 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et ch an- tlers. 21 6 4 689 1 10 3 1 27 22 3 11 3 86 1 13 4 2 7 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. 162 248 198 241 184 261 205 4, .540 329 433 71 274 346 166 151 252 155 323 248 289 57 345 140 300 31 182 124 324 9,795 60 72 125 307 96 142 36 101 367 373 62 126 47 229 120 191 80 1,926 708 35 6 223 2 281 192 Brick. En brique. 3 14 1 25 111 5 74 8 4 2 13 19 6 13 211 14 19 2 98 17 Stone. En pierre. 4 24 3 16 5 2 49 2 "2 15 9 5 1 1 3 126 23 4 1 62 17 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 99 Houses— Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 ITnin- In story. stories . stories stories and over. room, rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms rooms and over. haliit- ed. con- strue- ticm. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En f. etage. etages. etages ''stages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- a 10 a 15 cham- habi- cons- ^ et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- br(!s et t66S* truc- S jjIus. bres. bres. plus. 4 tion. '/^ 141 28 3 11 40 38 59 14 24 1 194 92 23 15 16 25 26 28 43 76 53 46 47 42 45 27 ■140 35 92 7 8 7 i 88 25 20 '> 179 3 267 6 4 281 19 12 64 89 49 23 54 8 1 40 2 5 264 3 1 ' 5 39 80 44 30 65 3 2 21 6 165 37 1 2 2 8 26 47 26 77 13 6 7 7 2,362 2,207 88 6 50 374 528 892 650 2,003 135 31 355 50 117 222 13 2 2 3 314 5 17 8 200 237 58 37 66 .52 212 12 18 1 9 70 5 . • ■ 5 6 19 40 5 5 10 i79 117 5 1 14 30 65 36 143 8 6 38 3 11 37 275 58 4 6 21 26 87 54 137 28 15 18 5 12 104 70 3 19 15 31 27 76 9 2 1 13 100 51 247 is 14 32 44 6 14 3 32 238 2 4 2 ""6 5 14 2 4 15 50 104 1 8 1 38 62 44 2 18 3 16 206 115 2 58 39 75 50 98 2 1 46 4 17 100 170 5 11 18 38 177 21 31 2 18 204 84 2 ? 51 84 46 28 75 4 1 19 21 36 142 7 9 23 12 33 20 59 6 76 10 137 "io 3 8 16 2 1 ?,0 206 21 101 40 J J > • • 23 15 30 36 35 2 3 22 200 105 4 1 10 23 45 57 155 16 4 54 3 23 21 8 98 2 2 1 3 31 3 43 8 43 6 31 10 32 6 38 1 2 24 82 2 25 117 7 . • < • • 8 10 58 40 3 2 3 26 10 26 315 9 10 64 162 52 36 8 3 27 •6,107 3,844 169 12 582 1,671 1,838 1,998 1,218 2,425 307 93 673 163 35 25 1 5 27 22 1? 11 20 2 5 7 7 7 10 5 4 28 71 1 29 64 59 2 5 18 24 20 9 40 6 3 4 4 30 SO 247 16 1 4 24 38 62 37 144 24 11 7 6 31 58 36 2 1 25 6 47 4 9 4 20 1 32 142 67 24 23 24 5 6 2 3 1 16 4 2 1 16 4 6 3 33 20 12 2 2 34 92 9 35 23 26 11 6 6 2 35 91 281 17 1 3 30 57 62 50 154 26 8 24 3 36 215 161 1 14 2 20 39 17 32 58 15 45 111 2 35 56 2 5 95 6 7 15 "3 22 V 1 7 37 61 '" 2 38 110 2 39 29 18 2 4 15 11 11 4 1 40 229 I 21 2 1,769 1 18 16 35 28 28 55 78 13 219 38 21 54 13 280 47 10 19 4 558 35 4 8 1 398 71 10 12 14 .531 16 1 4 i 1 22 3 9 10 73 1 3 1 6 11 41 111 42 170 ■^ 43 78 44 215 94 8 49 23 45 492 243 7 9 68 96 175 95 258 33 8 82 10 46 35 6 4 10 2 8 4 4 3 1 1 47 6 48 143 82 2 15 38 45 32 32 56 9 16 2 49 2 "17 2 27 ""62 43 38 "89 7 ... . ""53 50 152 131 51 192 .... 34 70 20 23 8 35 2 14 4 52 A—n 100 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II,— Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. Families. Number. Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total desde- meures oe- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. s Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 2 z. Maniwaki aa. Marchand 966! 414 i 2,103 754 632 792 431 1,520 301 772 1,064 24!) 1,557 2,548 2,482 413 359 908 2,964 578 1,278 227 1,852 1,182 22,084 666 1,618 268 J, 050 1,225 1,944 l,.310i 250 711^ 1,403 1,235 G77 323 928 1,0.57 879 1,050 741 668 432 791 940 1,.551 361 25,813 756 1,185 172 73 330 134 108 132 64 269 58 130 183 49 264 423 420 71 63 188 507 98 347 42 306 178 3,702 124 254 50 169 209 296 214' 40 115 230 218 131 60 1 148 166 136 180 127 112 96, 120 155 298 54 4,417 138 213 156 70 323 119 102 118 64 26G 55 118 183 47 256 410 382 69 61 173 502 96 .344 38 300 178 3,646 124 252 49 168 208 289 211 39 114 230 217 122 60 146 164 135 179 127 112 93 120 154 279 54 4,129 127 192 118 68 321 ^8? 118 59 266 40 107 183 36 2;55 407 382 67 51 166 493 96 31 35 293 156 3,461 124 251 48 166 208 289 211 39 114 226 217 122 60 146 153 135 176 127 111 93 112 154 130 49 4,103 126 187 38 2 2 '*15 5 " "i5 11 ii 1 3 2 10 7 9 ' " ' sis 3 7 22 185 i 1 2 4 li 3 i 8 ■'i49 5 26 1 5 116 68 320 111 87 117 , 59 260 40 107 183 36 255 400 370 67 51 166 485 80 31 35 288 156 3,375 124 247 48 166 201 282 209 36 113 221 210 120 56 146 153 134 173 109 106 77 111 154 1.30 49 3,898 126 178 2 3 bb. Masham 1 6 i 4 cc. Montebello, Villa'/e 2 5 6 7 dd. Mulgrave and Derry ee. Notre-Dame de Bon Secours. //. Northfield (/g. Pointe Gatineau 8 4 2 9 hh. Ponsonby 10 a. Portland, East — Est 11 jj. Portland, West—Ouest . kk. Preston and Addington 11. Ripon 12 13 14 15 16 vim. St. Andre Avelin nn. Ste. Angelique 00. St. Malachie pp. Sicotte, Lytton & Baskatong qq. Suffolk 5 10 2 2 17 18 7 15 19 rr. Templeton 1 20 21 ss. Thur.so, ViiJage tt. Unorganized Territory uu. Wabasee and Dudley vv. Wakefield 1 22 23 5 66 3 24 WW. Wright 176.— Pontiac 18 2.5 a. Aldfield 26 27 h. Allumette Island c. Aylene and Caywood 1 28 d. Bristol, North — Nord 29 30 e. Bristol, South— Sud /. Bryson, Village, and Upper Litchfield 7 5 """2 1 5 6 2 31 g. Calumet Island 2 32 33 h. Chapeau, Village i. Chichester 1 34 35 36 37 38 j. Clarendon, North— Nord k. Clarendon, South — Sud I. Duhamel and Guigues m. Fort Coulonge, Village n. Leslie, Clapham and Hudders- fieJd 0. Mansfield and Pontefract p. Onslow, North — Nord i .... ^ 39, 40 1 2 10 5 16 1 40 41 q. Onslow, South— Sud 1 42 r. Portage du Fort, Village, and Lower Litchfield 8 43 44 45 s. Quyon, Village t. Shawville, Village u. Sheen, Eslier, Aberdeen and Malakotf 46 V. Thorne 47 48 w. Unorganized Territory X. Waltham and Bryson 177.— Portneuf 165 49 «. Bourg Louis, Village . b. Cap Sante 50 6 3 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 101 H< 3uses — Maisons . 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 1 Unin- In- story. stories . stories stories room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 to 15 rooms habit- con- and rooms. rooms and ed, struc- 1 over. over. _ tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En f. etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- a 10 a 15 chain- habi- cons- ^ s et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- pins. bres. bres. plus. tion. ^ 107 10 1 20 36 13 11 7 22 5 4 6 7 1 60 8 4 32 17 4 6 4 1 1 1 2 185 135 1 71 55 73 36 77 8 i 5 2 3 98 19 2 2 8 17 22 10 48 10 2 8 2 4 82 5 28 30 20 3 3 3 ... 11 3 5 111 1 15 24 4 ""29 17 11 29 IS 36 40 11 S3 4 10 16 5 68 10 10 9 1 26 5 1 20 7 50 3 20 1 6 59 3 30 4 6 2 4 3 6 7 247 19 5 31 5 1 8 35 9 76 1 10 124 59 15 50 7 34 3 27 38 18 66 19 6 92 48 4 39 34 5 24 3 "5 2 10 7 9 4 4 1 11 21 12 201 4 13 376 24 7 2 92 149 86 27 42 4 5 9 1 14 347 34 1 1 9 41 63 72 156 28 12 27 5 15 41 26 2 4 16 14 28 3 12 2 16 40 11 22 13 5 5 2 4 1 . . : 17 164 2 8 70 55 25 3 3 2 49 6 18 333 157 3 61 117 126 51 28 101 9 20 8 19 50 44 2 1 14 15 14 43 5 4 14 20 26 5 15 30 10 13 27 3 11 .34 7 7 51 3 1 47 8 3 111 "i6 4 5 3 7 5 1 2 21 20 3 22 259 4 23 152 4 993 25 289 47 509 29 547 18 678 4 305 31 1,002 2 104 25 20 290 11 79 24 2,440 26 124 88 22 6 1 2 15 3 25 147 104 40 25 109 16 59 2 17 26 21 26 1 6 12 13 4 12 1 9 1 27 108 58 7 19 29 45 19 46 1 37 11 28 105 101 2 1 16 22 34 20 106 9 3 29 249 37 1 40 86 20 31 13 82 10 5 20 3 30 180 31 5 40 48 4 48 2 23 3 17 6 31 23 3 1 1 5 5 6 31 34 32 114 1 19 6 9 23 43 37 26 41 41 11 20 23 34 112 91 6 16 13 i x^ 215 10 104 1 3 16 1 34 113 35 47 72 3 22 40 22 22 4 7 3 2 20 31 36 31 28 1 5 7 16 6 18 5 3 5 37 144 2 50 21 22 23 12 15 2 1 6 1 as 112 41 12 31 42 28 15 24 1 3 2 39 133 2 3 13 34 39 16 29 i 28 40 158 18 7 41 35 29 9 53 2 15 5 41 22 101 4 6 14 13 17 58 17 2 21 42 88 21 2 8 16 19 16 41 8 3 3 3 43 2 82 9 4 1 7 12 58 8 3 5 1 44 106 4 2 9 29 27 12 31 3 1 11 45 100 54 21 36 57 12 26 1 2 9 5 46 46 84 8 454 12 6 272 24 11 414 13 9 599 19 8 863 19 5 575 36 8 1,254 6 2 107 i 19 5 13 1 321 4 2 46 4V 41 48 3,640 8 1 124 2 10 21 64 7 21 3 1 10 1 49 96 89 2 8 3 15 31 30 91 7 2 18 1 50 102 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. Families. Number. Families. Nombre. Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. si s 3 Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 c. Deschambault 2,401 528 1,431 606 1,240 1,855 603 2,090 1,413 1,912 2,927 1,103 1,289 3,320 1,154 63,090 772 367 2,634 8,525 3,941 3, .541 2,354 7,747 2,835 2,699 8,986 3,331 15,358 19,503 2,444 4,644 2,328 727 2,934 875 2,663 216 534 1,034 504 600 21,354 6,669 2,481 1,213 1,210 1,092 1,169 1,6.54 918 492 1,879 1,045 402 84 237 123 205 336 113 353 227 319 474 180 254 558 201 11,776 109 59 536 1,739 784 593' 358 1,398 385 481 1,829 435 3,070 3,625 429 878 412 134 555 188 484 41 111 188 104 101 3,755 1,265 375 209 209 195 218 280 178 90 284 189 373 78 200 106 200 320 100 317 226 311 418 177 253 547 184 8,313 99 57 447 991 672 .523 337 1,209 358 337 991 328 1,964 3,428 405 845 391 123 503 156 468 41 109 186 101 100 3,240 1,206 300 154 191 159 201 188 107 75 274 166 373 78 200 87 200 320 100 317 226 311 418 177 252 547 184 8,313 99 57 447 991 672 523 337 1,209 358 337 991 328 1,964 3,427 405 845 391 123 .503 155 468 41 109 186 101 100 3,240 1,206 300 154 191 "i9 1 1 "i 1 332 71 164 87 133 315 100 313 217 309 410 175 250 534 184 3,686 55 31 1'79 495 171 51 8 284 19 27 483 274 1,609 2,880 384 435 343 122 498 149 422 41 101 . 186 99 100 2,919 986 288 149 189 159 199 162 80 73 272 143 3 1 4 38 9. d. Ecureuils 6 3 4 e. Grondines . . f. Notre-Dame des Anges r/. Pointe aux Trembles h. Portneuf . . 32 5 6 i 67 4 7 i. Riviere-a-Pierre 8 j. St. Alban. . 2 7 4 ""l2 2 9 k. St. Au^ustin 2 10 I. St. Bazile • 2 11 12 13 14 m. St. Casimir n. Ste. Catherine 0. Ste. .Jeanne de Neiiville . ... p. St. Raymond Nonnat 4 2 2 1 15 q. St. Ubalde 178.— Quebec, City— Cite a. Banlieu . . . h. Banlieu, South — Sud c. Champlain Ward — Quartier... . d. Jacques Cartier do e. Montcalm do Centre f. Montcalm do W.-O. g. Palais do h. St. John's do i. St. Louis do j. St. Pierre do k. St. Roch do I. St Roch, North— Nord m. St. Roch, South — Sxul. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 •?s 3,173 26 24 171 391 389 388 57 756 23 85 475 41 347 77 17 13 2 2 37 1,454 18 2 97 105 112 84 272 169 316 225 33 13 8 ^9 179.— Quebec, County— ComtS. a. Ancienne Lorette 470 4 .SO h. Beauport 410 31 32 33 34 35 36 c. Charlesbourg d. Stoneham and Tewkesbury e. St. Ambroise de la J. Lorette. . /. St. Ambroise, Village g. St. Colomb de Sillery h. St. Dunstan, Lac Beauport i. St. Felix du Cap Rouge j. Ste. Foye k. St. Gabriel de Valcartier I. St. Gabriel, West— Quest ISO.— Richelieu 35 1 3 4 9 37 38 6 2 39 40 307 216 12 4 2 2 11 41 a. Sorel, Gity—Cit6 3 42 h. St. Aime 43 44 c. Ste. Anne de Sorel ... d. St. Joseph de Sorel , 45 e. St. Louis de Bonsecours /. St. Marcel g. St. Ours ... h. St. Ours, Toxvn-Ville i. St. Pierre de Sorel i59 46 47 48 49 201 188 107 75 274 166 " "24 24 2 2 21 2 2 3 50 j. St. Robert 51 k. St. Roch 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 103 H ouses — Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories room, rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 to 15 rooms habit- con- and rooms. rooms and ed. struc- over. _ _ over. _ tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En ?, etage. etages. etages etages chani- cham- cham- cham- cham- a 10 a 15 cham- habi- cons- et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- plus. bres. bres. plus. tion. K 232i 139 2' 30 37 33 72 45 138 16 2 21 3 1 78' . .. . 1 7 8 7 16 12 14 26 37 1%^ 2 22 3 6 33 1 2 1S2 17 1 3 80 7 24 12 12 16 15 25 20 14 41 10 41 10 64 6 "i 10 25 5 4 176 5 240' 80 20 21 55 80 41 95 7 1 31 4 6 96| 3 1 21 30 16 19 3 10 1 2 2| 7 30(J! 10 1 20 41 76 72 36 69 3 6 2, 8 221 5 5 8 45 18 32 16 49 38 64 301 111 50 69 3 2 2 27 21 li 4' 9 306; 10 394 23j 1 1 44 45 73 82! 158 11 4 35 8, 11 168 8 1 20 3L 30 32 36' 26 2 33 l| 12 246 6 28 "51 14 70 24 107 40 163 50 116 46 93 7 15 1 2 17 9 5 13 519 2 14 176 8 4,092 24 43 24 479 52 827 32 1,508 28 23 1 954 338 17 440 6 15 I 2,597 i 1,304 320 791 3,373 102 7 53 37 2 1 20 3 31 27 17 1 16 1 43 195 11 100 2 9 6 78 9 116 1 .39 23 140 14 34 4 3 7 64 IV 143 37 18 380 494 110 7 1 7 45 128 106 470 171 63 17 3 19 231 284 103 54 1 35 70 159 71 282 45 9 22 t> 20 13 302 188 20 2 6 24| 90 42 274 72 13 13 ^ 21 69 101 134 33 4 < ' 20 20 173 90 23 33 2 22 389 .583 187 50 5 74 147 290 119 485 68 21 46 22 23 13 57 174 114 ') 6 9 127 143 71 25 1 24 102 137 84 14 1 15 37 54 28 151 41 10 138 2o 278 623 8.5 5 5 81 124 255 84 295 98 49 1 6 7 2b 214 106 5 3 8 21 38 57 44 126 26 8 28 2b 2'< 757 1,114 86 7 20 198 249 304 225 796 125 47 1 41 33 28 2,458 920 47 2 31 407 536 800 492 1,041 90 30 249 39 169 236 81 1 1 1 20 125 40 213 50 208 71 110 217 168 5 17 1 3 35 16 5 9 29 763 1 30 190 196 5 4 32 44 55 59 176 18 3 37 8 31 58 64 1 21 22 24 20 34 2 9 1 32 487 16 16 109 45 142 84 104 2 i 15 5 33 134 21 1 5 20 21 40 19 46 4 16 5 34 263 166 37 2 2 24 52 143 66 143 26 \2 64 4 3.-) 34 7 17 113 1 9 14 9 4 19 18 10 36 34 4 8 21 11 24 87 6 10 2 2 6 8 14 22 1 i 3b 92 37 70 3 1 38 98 IfiO 3 6 18 295 16 42 622 30 28 601 24 6 444 25 6 1,0.jO • * • . 39 1 115 13 i 355 10 40 2,137 i 982 1 ' 105 12 97 33 530 i 566 97i 10 14 6C L54 25c 179 4.50 60 24 88 41 258 25 4C 12b 1 51 2] i »: 2 J 10 9 12 1 . . 2C 11 If 3( \ 73 27 ) 63 I 6S )■; 46 61 2." 26 2i 26 1 33 >l 22 S 24 ) 5 $ 2c 92 57 47 12 55 11 2 1 1 i 65 15 13 1 42 1 1 1 1 42 43 140 1 44 13fc 1 4o 197 I! IC 46 17c > 1! Ji 1 ] L IC 1 3- I 42 ! 97 1 2 1 42 1 4i 8C ) 2\ ■y ] i i i J 7 ( i 11 66 IC > 5 < 1 48 2i > b'. 21... . 1 ;: > i: J i ) i: J 16 * 17 i 49 26^ I 1( ) 1 y. 1 3f L » 4( 2. ) 7( ii 3i 1 ) 5( ) 3! J 3( L 4t ) A ! 1 I 1 27 IJ ) 1 } 00 14< 11 1 t ] . 51 104 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IL — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 263 5,716 331 235 192 411 326 279 107 469 64 401 452 199 121 91 172 177 258 258 380 161 299 333 5,541 25 129 62 134 38 321 107 181 206 37 159 60 193 141 106 322 148 124 302 164 212 148 ! 339 62 217 142 102 456 202 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures 00- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. 1 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. 1 s s Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 1 /. Ste. Victoire 1,532 31,347 1,766 1,249 884 2.143 i;793 1,530 594 2,467 289 2,056 2,318 1,133 723 507 939 1,024 1,609 1,530 2,219 967 1,591 2,016 33,430 155 739 425 742 247 1,881 668 1,220 1,429 236 942 324 1,231 803 595 1,990 863 760 1,994 1,064 1,296 937 2,025 401 1,375 846 537 2,523 1,115 219 5,418 322 233 171 397 316 235 92 455 63 387 417 196 119 87 155 161 248 244 359 160 290 311 4,699 24 84 48 121 25 257 86 161 205 31 123 49 169 110 85 264 122 89 244 162 208 134 320 51 179 108 81 371 195 219 5,349 321 233 171 392 306 235 85 449 63 387 417 188 119 78 155 160 234 238 359 158 290 311 4,691 24 84 48 121 25 257 86 160 205 31 123 49 169 108 84 264 122 89 244 160 208 134 320 51 179 W)8 81 371 193 69 1 5 10 " 7 6 8 9 i 14 6 2 8 i !-■■■■ 2 1 2 2 219 5,062 317 204 149 388 306 235 85 426 48 241 394 188 119 78 155 160 234 238 356 157 285 299 4,563 24 84 48 121 25 255 86 157 201 31 119 48 167 108 84 264 122 89 244 160 196 134 319 51 169 20 81 370 193 2 3 4 5 6 7 181.— Richmond 8z Wolfe. . a. Brompton andSt. Frs.-Xavier. h. Cleveland c. Danville d. Dudswell e. Garthby and d'lsraeli /. Ham, North— Nord g. Ham, South — Sud. 279 3 25 22 4 8 1 4 8 22 15 146 22 9 10 h. Melbourne, Brompton, Gore and New Rockland, Village i. Melbourne, Villar/e 1 11 j, Richmond 12 13 k. Shipton I. Stoke 1 14 m. Stratford 15 n. St.^ Adrien , 0. St. Camille 16 17 p. St. Fortunat de Wolf eston q. St. George de Windsor r. St. Julien s. Weedon t. Windsor 18 19 20 ^1 3 5 12 34 ^ 22 ^3 u. Windsor Mills, Village V. Wotton 182. — Rimouski 6 94 a. Causapscal 95 b. Cherbourg 9.i\ c. Dalibaire 97 d. Mont Joli, Village e. Nei;4ette /. N. D. de I'Assomption g. N. D. du Sacre-Coeur 9?i 29 30 2 81 h. Rimouski 3 32 33 i. Rimouski, Town — Ville j. Romieux., 3 34 35 36 37 k. St. Anaclet I. Ste. Anne de la Pointe au Pere . m. Ste. Angele de Merrici n. St. Benoit Labre & St. Edmond. 0. Ste. Blandine 4 2 i 38 39 p. Ste. Ceeile du Bic 40 q. St. Damase 41 r. St. Donat 12 i 9 4? s. St. Fabien 4S 44 45 46 t. Ste. Felicite and Cherbourg. . . u. Ste. Flavie V. St. Gabriel and St. Marcclin . . w. St. Jerdme de Matane. 47 X. St. Joseph de Lepaige 48 V. Ste. Luce 1 49 50 2. St. Mathieu fflrt. St. Moise 51 fi9, 66. St. Octave de Metis and Vil- lage des Ecossais cc. St. Pierre du Lac & Sayabec . . .... 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II.— Population, Families et Demeures. 105 Houses— jNIaisons. 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 1 cham- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres. 5 cham- bres. 6 klO cham- bres. 11 a 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. i 158 61 652 19 297 20 789 59 903 40 905 33 487 44 1,691 4 225 52 35 525 77 1 4,665 31 1 307 220 99 302 294 215 81 14 12 69 87 9 19 4 25 14 105 28 94 4 1 3 3 3 1 6 35 14 22 66 3 7 51 76 55 21 41 3 20 33 49 19 17 30 48 47 64 59 20 19 41 69 13 10 52 78 69 11 42 1 21 34 43 37 25 16 40 59 61 81 23 43 75 53 41 13 59 39 57 12 75 5 62 56 31 16 8 43 14 33 56 89 32 65 46 20 31 8 27 23 13 8 58 4 54 40 10 5 3 27 4 13 25 21 17 46 30 100 138 80 132 60 16 29 203 41 197 216 38 15 4 36 2 22 27 95 57 92 91 12 5 35 33 12 2 3 26 3 22 25 1 2 1 2 1 2 12 3 4 1 1 3 3 11 3 1 i 41 35 2 7 8 42 22 69 2 12 34 40 9 34 13 8 18 11 20 29 4 65 5 3 2 5 1 13 4 6 i 1 2 3 2 4 3 8 6 2 2 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 424 1 3 "16 15 25 20 ""52 57 4 3 6 4 20 q 49 10 269 389 93 115 12 1 1 11 12 13 14 78 15 154 155 1 5 16 17 234 3 1 11 3 17 6 4 2 18 234 4 79 2 72 5 19 275 156 5 20 ?1 216 306 2 22 23 2,988 1,403 206 6 289 902 729 1,188 303 1,000 154 38 600 107 17 66 6 16 18 27 24 96 5 14 63 15 72 20 32 94 8 85 45 24 71 10 174 10 43 3 81 20 26 190 15 1 2 3 13 4 1 4 3 5 1 5 8 57 19 78 22 73 23 39 37 10 54 13 81 75 20 43 20 7 16 33 83 14 83 8 96 1 4 1 22 22 26 20 5 8 10 2 13 4 4 6 9 36 4 1 2 8 8 5 22 17 28 3 64 21 24 54 15 51 14 31 18 3 75 8 13 52 9 107 7 36 2 83 20 6 102 14 1 17 6 1 7 54 20 20 2 3 6 12 16 15 39 27 8 43 25 25 1 8 6 2 6 2 1 .... ^ "5 6 3 2 9 5 3 3 3 6 1 } 7 11 24 ?5 27 ?6 80 1 11 3 27 1 ^8 159 81 2 7 3 15 9 50 6 1] 22 30 10 40 19 9 1 4 28 1 2 4 i 1 1 7 2 ... ^ 16 2 i 29 30 146 89 15 "53 1 2 7 1 1 9 31 32 33 49 19 137 13 75 170 77 " '3 i 1 ""'36 25 50 10 ( 1 53 1 44 59 30 18 39 58 1 4 "12 75 22 17 41 45 1 29 85 9 34 35 3^ 37 38 39 40 62 3 22 1 15 41 151 149 19 10 1 15 i 42 43 44 124 53 21 7 29 67 17 45 258 48 17 2 ir 3 28 1 1 25 22 6 48 2 46 47 98 48 49 52 3 29 3 3 20 65 123 33 63 52 1 17 64 5 51 f>(» 152 178 18 1 5 51 ; 5-? 106 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. S 41 42 43 44 45 46 DISTRICTS S.-DISTRICTS. dd. St. Simon . . ee. St. Ulric . . . ff. St. Valerien. gg. Tessier .... 183.-Rouville. 5 \a. Canrobert, Village 6 \b. L'Ang^e Gardieii 7 c. Marieville, Village 8 d. Notre-Daine fie Bonsecours. 9 e. Riclielieu, Village 10 /. Ste. An^ele 11 g. St. Cesaire 12 k. St. Cesaire, Village 13 i. St. Hilaire 14 ./. St. .Jean Baptiste 15 ik. Ste. Marie de Monnoir 16 \l. St. Matliias 17 111. St. Michel de Rougemont. . . 18 n. St. Paul d'Abbot.sford 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 184. -St. Hyacinthe. a. La Presentation b. Notre-Dame de St. Hyacinthe. e. St. Barnabe d. St. Charles f. St. Daroase /. St. Denis g. St. Hyacinthe, City — Cite h. St. Hyacinthe le Confesseur. . . i. St. Jude j. St. Louis de Bonsecours . .... it. Ste. Marie Madeleine , 185.— St. Jean , a. St. Bernard de Lacolle b. St. Jean I'Evangeliste. c. St. Jean, Town — Ville d. St. Luc e. Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, f. St. Valentin 186.- St. Maurice. 40 e. Pointe du Lac St. Barnabe St. Boniface St. Elie de Caxton . . . . St. Etienne des Gres. . . St. Mathieu St. Severe Trois-Rivieres (part) . . Unorganized Territory . Yamachiche Yamachiche, Village . . . 187.-Shefford. Popula- tion. 998 1,704 814 551 16,012 311 1,874 1,206 569 530 1,325 1,623 1,021 1,2.51 1,455 1,.357 725 832 1,873 21,433 1,285 2,799 1,005 989 1,718 2,2.50 7,016 940 2,197 298 936 12,282 2, .528 875 4,722 801 1,508 1,788 12,267 1,366 2,014 1,828 8.S5 2,166 233 972 295 125 2,025 908 23,263 Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 163 289 145 105 3,179 67 362 248 105 115 286 291 214 250 258 282 139 186 376 4,072 239 545 182 191 328 461 1,274 184 429 63 176 2,166 490 143 844 122 285 282 2,165 203 332 254 157 401 45 174 53 25 345 176 4,431 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. 140 274 108 71 3,059 59 309 247 103 112 278 286 200 247 256 278 136 185 363 3,392 223 367 173 171 307 421 1,001 177 339 63 150 2,090 474 141 817 122 259 277 2,013 202 .322 246 131 365 44 150 45 25 307 .176 4,192 Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et clian- tiers. 140i 274 108: 71; 3,0.57 59 309: 247 103 112 278; 2861 200' 247! 256 278 136 185 361 3,392! 223! . 3671 . 173|. 171!. 3071 421!. 1,001 177 339 63 150 2,090 474 141 817 122 259 277 1,984 .202 322 24() 131 365 44 146 45 " 307 176| 4.154 29 38 Houses — Maisons. Wood, Brick. En En bois. brique. 140 274 108 71 2,765 53 290 222 85 101 248 264 176 216 244 239 124 165 338 2,954 203 350 159 150 276 384 728 162 334 63 145 1,.592 .387 109 550 104 221 221 1,907 199 312 246 131 361 44 145 45 282 142 3,858 Stone. En pierre. 177 2 10 25 15 7 11 18 23 16 6 22 2 13 7 362 18 12 14 11 18 18 251 13 5 371 45 13 253 6 15 39 10 23 33 269 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 107 Houses— -Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories, stories stories room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 to 15 rooms habit- con- and rooms. rooms and ed. struc- __ _ _ over. over. tion. >A 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- ¥.n etage. etages. jetages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- klO it 15 cham- habi- cons- ,o et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- A plus. bres. bres. plus. tion. 74 54 12 2 12 11 22 14 58 18 3 24 1 226 39 9 24 92 69 43 8 33 4 1 64 4 2 105 3 15 50 30 10 3 • ■ • < . 27 3 3 71 20 216 20 520 20 576 6 417 5 1,129 118 45 6 247 6 11 4 2,091 936 23 2 31 37 22 84 1 12 7 59 11 88 9 41 6 15 20 84 3 4 2 1 3 31 5 219 1 6 176 65 4 2 5 3 27 45 41 105 14 .7 18 7 87 16 • ■ • • • • 1 22 25 19 31 5 13 8 55 54 3 9 27 20 48 8 7 9 135 141 2 ie 44 75 52 87 2 2 9 10 89 196 77 1 10 6 7 19 25 54 20 60 25 139 94 8 17 12 35 13 1 3 11 113 12 226 20 1 2 20 51 36 21 100 12 5 7 1 13 177 79 23 4 1 16 9 63 19 52 68 33 58 81 106 4 15 3 2 33 20 1 14 254 1 15 123 13 68 ""l 16 18 26 33 27 34 21 16 44 76 2 5 2 8 17 . . . 2 16 117 17 283 78 836 5 65 38 212 83 554 63 592 30 500 114 1,227 19 154 9 73 33 296 3 13 18 2,452 75 14 175 48 2 30 57 32 39 60 1 2 28 3 19 358 8 i 19 79 69 67 125 7 1 28 20 154 19 23 8 1 33 12 17 41 32 22 82 80 1 13 i 23 22 1 ?n 148 1 22 307 . 1 25 68 69 135 6 3 35 23 417 2 2 7 41 91 88 48 134 5 7 29 1 24 302 605 69 12 10 47 84 142 122 422 104 57 39 5 25 94 81 2 4 30 35 39 61 6 2 8 26 332 7 23 31 110 65 40 63 7 52 1 27 63 22 25 5 13 20 3 32 22 65 27 2 ?,8 102 45 1 " 4 29 1,426 577 84 3 7 85 219 365 317 949 117 31 223 9 448 25 1 6 27 58 72 65 209 30 7 30 3 30 123 16 2 9 21 30 29 47 5 21 31 546 193 76 2: 1 22 54 152 121 381 67 19 62 5 32 112 8 2 4 12 24 20 56 5 1 22 1 33 104 154 1 7 25 54 38 127 7 1 36 > • • - 34 93 181 2 1 16 49 33 44 129 3 3! 52 35 1,829 148 7 156 301 423 326 246 485 40 7 164 16 200 2 31 17 45 17 24 33 59 33 51 31 51 68 84 3 7 i 28 28 2 36 290 1 37 246 21 57 23 64 65 35 31 37 6 29 6 3 1 11 1 1 38 131 39 353 'I 29 18 110 4 112 10 49 6 20 1 37 / i 43 4 2 40 42 41 142 4 9 3 1 16 8 20 22 31 4 30 6 45 4 1 20 11 3 49 36 43 41 276 si 21 26 25 59 42 121 i3 14 3 45 113 57 6 1 16 13 27 22 86 6 5 8 46 3,394 730 22 8 84 507 749 643 392 1,567 179 33 406 36 108 CENSUS OF CANADA. 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. (4 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 DISTRICTS S.- DISTRICTS. a. Ely b. Ely, North— Nord c. Granby d. Granby, Village e. Roxton , /. Roxton Falls, Village . g. Shefford h. Stukely, North — Nord i. Stukely, South — Sud . . j. Ste. Cecils de Milton . k. Ste. Prudentienne I. St. Valerien m. Waterloo, Village 188.— Sherbrooke. . . 14 a. Centre Ward — Quartier Centre Popula- tion. do do do b. East c. North d. South e. Ascott /. Lennoxville, Village g. Orford Est. Nord. Sud . . 189.— Soulanges a. Cedars, Village b. Coteau Landing, Village Coteau Station do d. River Beaudette do e. St. Clet /. St. Ignace g. St. Joseph h. St. Polycarpe i. . St. Polycarpe, Village. . . j. St. Telesphore k. St. Zotique 190. — Stanstead a. Barford 6. Barnston c. Beebe Plains, Village . . . d. Coaticook, Town — Ville . e. Dixville, Village /. Hatley g. Magog h. Magog, Village i. Stanstead ,/. Stanstead Plain, Village. 191.— Temiscouata . . . a. Cabano, Parfvington and U.Ter. h. Cacouna c. Cacouna, Village . . d. Fraser ville. Town — Ville e He Verte /. Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs, g. Notre-Dame du Lac Families. Number. Families. N ombre. 1,764 983 2,795 1,710 1,765 908 3,241 2,127 1,003 1,496 1,832 1,906 1,733 16,088 2,627 2,192 2,350 2,928 3,934 960 1,097 9,608 256 507 390 238 965 1,276 1,442 1,734 431 1,307 1,062 18,067 1,631 2,694 412 3,086 514 2,i577 769 2,100 3,684 600 25,698 330 899 620 4,175 2,415 291 1,393 298 164 563 323 305 196 634 385 195 291 354 352 371 2,998 473 414 456 533 734 182 206 1,823 55 100 78 44 190 217 294 300 95 238 212 3,698 308 560 102 598 110 542 172 350 822 134 4,010 53 133 105 750 38P 38 219 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures 00- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. 452 312 670 1.50 191 1,742 53 100 • 78 44 171 210 270 285 94 231 206 3,427 .304 .549 100 562 100 504 165 266 749 128 3,757 50 133 104 712 385 33 189 Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. 298 298 163 163 516 .512 319 319 292 291 194 194 591 560 378 378 182 180 234 234 342 342 312 312 371 371 2,582 2,580 456 456 351 351 452 312 668 150 191 1,742 53 100 78 44 171 210 270 285 94 231 206 3,410 289 549 100 562 100 504 164 266 748 128 3,755 50 133 102 712 385 33 189 4 "l '3i "2 17 15 Houses — Maisons. Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. 2851 163 469 1 262 j 291 176 498 372 170 222 335 312 303 2,253 369i 331i .372: 255i 648! 91 1871 1,625 44 89 74 44 154 195 262 259 86 221 197 3,316: 287. 548 i 96 509 100 1 502' 158 2.58 737 121 3,693 50 133 101 672 380 33 188 10 40 56 17 58 4 6 5 6 67 301 86 19 59 57 18 58 4 80 15 7 2 21 7 6 7 86 Stone. En pierre. 4 53 "2 5 6 11 5 51 37 3 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 109 Houses — Maisons • 1 story. 2 stories. 3 stories 4 stories and over. 1 room. 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms. 5 rooms. 6 to 10 rooms. 11 to 15 rooms 16 rooms and over. Unin- habit- ed. In con- .struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. 3 etages 4 etages et plus. 1 cham- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres. 5 cham- bres. 6 klO cham- bres. 11 h 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. 6 u E 55 234 161 313 64 o 199 80 2 28 41 28 63 71 60 6 86 5 18 3 3 1 12 1 22 52 19 61 28 41 82 21 30 77 52 21 21 22 105 39 95 52 61 70 29 32 83 110 30 40 39 89 59 66 20 76 61 19 50 42 42 40 59 21 38 22 20 20 51 33 12 38 17 22 39 168 53 204 153 31 62 285 120 81 75 84 67 184 8 6 23 16 1 i 6 33 29 52 1 27 10 37 59 37 41 25 55 i 6 8 2 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 226 289 13 'i 2 4 5 163 519 7 38 9 5 8 15 3 41 2 5 2 1 1 6 7 349 117 163 1 8 9 10 282 24 16 2 11 306 272 " '7 6 12 13 1,597 861 92 11 40 186 304 380 256 1,091 231 73 85 21 78 260 190 145 626 112 315 89 239 142 40 31 5 58 1 7 19 1 6 4 i 10 3 1 19 48 35 6 4 50 101 49 20 6 108 2 18 80 69 58 18 115 7 33 57 34 38 25 73 11 18 120 144 255 170 246 87 69 26 16 46 55 51 35 2 13 3 10 33 5 8 1 7 11 7 3 38 4 15 1 4 I 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 186 7 43 20 1,030 691 20 1 18 167 316 354 239 552 81 15 177 13 ( 21 29 26 68 52 26 70 63 65 102 72 67 80 6 3 2 . 2 1 1 1 .... 1 2 7 10 5 11 20 19 37 14 17 10 9 34 57 21 67 10 36 41 10 13 7 8 44 55 59 57 16 45 40 2 12 9 4 15 18 67 41 10 37 24 17 42 33 13 61 41 95 78 39 69 64 7 5 8 4 3 12 6 5 16 10 6 "4 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 8 6 2 20 37 18 18 12 31 24 2 2 1 1 2 i 1 2 1 21 22 24 16 100 146 204 183 "2 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 i 1 2 1 29 163 124 7 8 26 24 30 31 2,930 455 19 6 44 138 195 322 312 1,914 396 89 209 23 279 507 83 8 42 17 154 9 79 11 44 63 28 1 1 24 2 38 21 2 3 "'24 12 25 11 ■ 2 47 32 1 21 3 30 15 10 33 3 42 51 4 46 62 13 17 73 7 23 54 7 72 11 46 10 20 64 5 100 319 67 332 65 272 78 155 463 63 13 64 16 69 13 51 27 28 86 29 2 6 3 19 5 8 10 17 19 33 19 11 21 9 26 8 31 48 3 2 1 1 4 7 ■■■■4 3 1 32 33 34 397 91 8 3 1 14 1 1 1 35 36 425 37 153 216 681 98 6 2 2 2 38 39 40 41 2,821 50 925 7 2 338 17 5 388 9 7 24 33 4 32 696 12 40 5 51 61 7 62 646 8 29 10 132 61 8 45 496 3 25 5 106 55 6 17 976 " 30 47 309 13.5 7 9 167 1 4 22 68 21 I 1 48 6 22 4 1 468 15 8 50 56 25 8 28 47 1 "15 1 1 1 42 133 76 15 363 30 ""26 690 22 3 12 "" 6 i 43 44 45 46 47 177 22 48 110 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. Families. Number. Families. Nombre. 75 169 101 167 173 118 71 132 166 107 146 51 122 114 109 128 375 4,106 38 243 276 309 120 144 180 327 539 198 126 122 129 248 233 259 317 298 1,645 486 412 479 192 76 1,963 83 61 259 125 161 304 249 275 86 266 94 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- ciipees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses — Maisons. 1 s Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pieiTH. ] 2 3 h. ^«<)tre-Dame du Portage iand t. Randot & St. Jean de Dieu j. Riviere du Loup 477 1,055 788 1,079 1,213 833 575 913 1,158 704 860 312 804 764 745 800 2,495 23,128 204 1,493 1,703 1,717 669 856 1,056 1,961 2,868 1,144 722 694 725 1,460 1,255 1,483 1,662 1,457 8,834 2,630 2,139 2,458 1,107 500 10,792 400 322 1,552 673 858 1,536 1,325 1,610 526 1,563 427 71 142 100 167 173 110 70 115 163 106 138 50 110 108 97 107 324 4,054 37 237 276 304 109 144 ISO 322 527 192 126 122 125 247 233 258 317 298 1,559 434 412 454 183 76 1,873 79 56 250 120 144 282 249 263 82 257 91 71 142 100 167 173 110 70 115 163 106 138 50 110 108 97 107 324 4,021 37 237 275 304 93 144 180 322 527 188 126 116 124 247 232 254 317 298 1,559 434 412 454 183 76 1,870 78 56 250 120 144 282 247 263 82 257 91 i 33 i 16 4 6 1 i 4 3 1 2 71 142 98 167 168 110 70 113 163 106 138 48 110 107 97 107 321 3,682 33 237 275 282 93 144 171 315 467 185 103 116 124 246 226 178 247 240 1,179 344 233 386 142 ! 74 1,693 72 52 244 101 128 264 245 206 72 234 75 2 " 5 4 5 6 k. St. Antoine I. St. Arsene m. St. Clement n. St CvDi'ien T-Tooonart 7 8 0. St. Eloi 2 q 10 q. Ste. Frangoise ' ' i n 1^ r. St. Frs.-Xavier & St. Hubert. . s. St. Honore 2 13 14 u. Sk. Louis du Ha ! Ha ! r. Ste. Modesto 15 w. St. Paul de la Croix X. Ste. Rose du Degele y. Trois Pistoles. . . 192.— Terrebonne a. New Glasgow, Village ... h. Ste. Adele c. Ste. Agatha d. Ste. Anne des Plaines e. St. Faustin 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?? 1 189 3 li 2 150 1 ' "ii ?3 /. St. Hypolite. . 24 g. St. Janvier h. St. Jerdme 1 1 55 3 7 ... ^ 4 21 50 32 348 85 160 66 36 1 118 1 4 4 16 2 12 8 6 26 «7 i. St. Jerdme, Town — Ville j. St. Jovite 5 ?I8 k. St. Louis. ... 16 29 I. Ste. Lucio 30 31 m. Ste. Marguerite n, St. Sauveur 32 33 34 0. Ste. Sophie p. Ste. Therese q. Ste. Therese, Village 2 55 20 35 36 37 38 39 40 r. TeTTehonne, To^on— Ville 193.— Trois-Rivieres a. Notre Dame Ward — Quartier b. St. Louis do c. St. Philippe do d. Ste. Ursule do c. Trois-Rivieres (part) 194.— Vaudreuil 26 32 5 19 2 5 1 51 41 a. Como, Village 5 42 43 b. Pointe Fortune, Village c. Rigaud 2 44 d. Rigaud, Village 3 45 46 47 e. Ste. Jeanne de ITle Perrot /. Ste. Justine de Newton ff. St. Lazare 11 4 48 h. Ste. Marthe 49 9 13 8 8 49 i. Tres St. Sacrement 1 50 51 j. Vaudreuil k. Vaudreuil, Village 10 7 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. Ill Houses- -Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 Unin- In story. stories . stories stories and over. room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms. to 15 rooms .ooms and over. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 16 In- En i etage. etages. etages etages cham- cham- cham- cham- cham- klO h 15 cham- habi- cons- ^ et bre. bres. bres. bres. bres. cham- cham- bres et tees. truc- plus. bres. bres. plus. tion. ^ 60 10 5 8 1 4 43 14 10 18 23 8 14 29 39 10 21 8 2 17 15 40 4 1 1 137 38 19 8 ^ 92 4 1 3 159 8 15 15 8 15 7 28 9 2 24 3 21 25 15 28 7 15 27 37 31 25 22 18 39 40 28 24 8 16 20 20 21 10 4 20 26 16 65 18 5 41 27 4 2 1 "i 23 9 3 8 19 10 3 ""2 2 2 4 158 5 95 n 62 7 100 2 2 1 s 156 9 102 4 6 2 37 33 11 19 29 11 29 32 6 10 18 5 3 10 10 8 14 7 13 18 16 2 10 132 2 n 48 12 106 4 28 21 31 12 9 8 1 9 1 13 108 . > . . • 10 15 25 21 37 6 14 97 45 20 12 15 32 8 35 7 14 2 11 28 12 3 5 15 105 2 3 16 260 63 402 1 40 13 585 65 1,016 53 923 53 399 110 674 22 100 8 36 32 427 3 38 17 3,571 8 288 17 18 2 3 4 9 1 14 6 1 18 233 4 22 11 36 56 34 58 42 59 80 105 • 59 45 55 26 14 36 18 18 58 5 3 8 1 34 75 29 11 19 253 "^O 291 1 1 1 21 90 3 9 1 1 32 40 37 27 42 17 19 3 8 4 4 1 2 12 17 4 1 2^ 135 . . 23 176 4 4 20 54 41 27 32 2 11 . 24 319 3 76 "'l8 25 11 29 50 116 105 81 135 36 50 33 142 2 20 ""ii 40 27 2 3 25 430 3 26 129 56 3 55 49 44 16 19 5 . 12 3 27 75 51 2 5 37 24 18 38 1 1 9 1 28 108 8 12 25 21 26 29 34 39 21 23 4 4 5 6 1 2 21 5 1 29 112 30 228 18 1 45 36 65 52 21 21 6 1 46 31 230 2 18 35 47 58 16 50 7 1 27 1 32 234 19 1 10 44 68 81 31 16 3 1 36 3 33 266 40 8 3 1 11 37 96 53 97 14 8 18 2 34 245 46 6 1 1 31 48 63 35 99 12 9 8 4 35 550 870 113 26 19 110 1G4 430 164 535 96 41 93 8 127 280 19 8 9 28 50 113 48 147 28 11 19 7 36 237 92 71 12 10 26 45 89 28 146 46 22 17 , 37 119 326 9 40 45 177 56 131 5 27 1 38 31 132 14 6 12 19 46 14 68 16 8 16 39 36 40 4 5 5 18 43 1 14 40 1,319 530 11 2 77 253 354 382 214 491 75 16 151 14 42 36 5 9 11 14 34 4 1 14 1 41 15 40 1 5 6 12 7 23 3 4 42 186 64 17 1 3 49 18 41 13 60 18 21 8 76 38 2 16 6 15 11 2 43 97 4 2 44 109 32 1 20 25 43 18 31 3 25 2 45 201 78 1 38 54 63 45 67 13 37 3 46 229 16 65 68 55 29 6 19 3 7 3 47 170 93 13 111 30 2 18 6 23 3 75 18 46 12 51 28 47 20 36 11 38 10 76 18 85 24 4 '" i5 12 1 1 1 6 6 10 17 5 2 "1 48 69 49 146 2 3 50 55 5 51 112 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. V Table II. — Population, Families and Dwellings. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. Families. Xumber. Families. Nombre. 2,298 357 311 ■ 277 i 244: 198 110 253| 150 398 2,898' 407 266 450 113 367 291 238 342 289 135 14,415 5,232 2,430 1,315 1,487 4,693 3,253 1,440 2,203 135 287 1,716 65 2,287 587 306 1,394 7,148 Total dwell- ings occu- pied. Total des de- meures oc- cupees. Houses Mai- sons. Ves- sels and shan- ties. Na- vires et chan- tiers. Houses— Mai sons. ii a 1 Wood. En bois. Brick. En brique. Stone. En pierre. 195. — Vercheres 12,257 1,805 1,760 1,473 1,299 897 582 1,599 802 2,040 16,058 2,0551 1,297 2,312 712 2,255 1,747 1,289 2,121 1,632 638 66,799 25,277 11,199 6,875 7,203 20,482 13,676 6,800 9,890 689 1,316 7,565 320 11,150 2,790 1,484 6,876 32,168 2,158 357 270 277 244 154 109 251 125 371 2,669 378 242 370 106 367 244 220 337 278 127 14,129 5,154 2,383 1,306 1,465 4,644 3,217 1,427 2,121 126 285 1,645 65 2,210 583 283 1,344 6,850 2,108 341 270 249 239 154 109 251 125 370 2,668 378 242 370 106 366 244 220 337 278 127 10,702 3,553 1,816 856 881 3,978 2,809 1,169 1,887 126 265 1,438 58 1,284 ^232 70 982 350 50 16 28 -5 i 1 i 3,427 1,601 567 450 584 666 408 258 234 20 207 7 926 1 35ll i 213 362 6,500 1,720 268 250 202 237 123 80 163 103 294 2,534 337 230 367 101 348 232 220 318 261 120 10,227 3,503 1,783 854 866 3,615 2,514 1,101 1,846 125 257 1,406 58 1,263 232 70 961 375 118 35 10 27 1 12 2 7 7 17 110 32 12 1 2 16 11 270 1 a. Belceil 38 2 b. ContreecRur 10 3 c. St. Antoine 20 4 5 d. Ste. Julie e. St. Marc 1 19 6 /. Ste. Theodosie 27 7 (/. Varennes 81 8 h. Varennes, Village 15 9 i. Vercheres 59 196. — Yamaska. 24 10 a. La Baie du Febvre 9 11 12 h. Pierre ville and Abenakis, Vges. c. St. David 2 13 14 d. St. Elphege e. St. Francois 3 2 15 /. St. Michel 1 16 g. St. Pie de Guire 17 18 19 h. St. Thomas de Pierreville i. St. Zephirin de Courval j. Yamaska, Village 17 14 5 100 33 20 2 11 34 8 26 18 1 1 16 15 2 3 2 The Territories 197.— Alberta 148 17 20 a. Calgary and Red Deer 13 21 b. Edmonton 22 c. McLeod ... 4 23 198.— Assiniboia, East— Est.. a. Broadview 102 00 24 25 b. Qu'Appelle 199.— Assiniboia, West-Ouest. a. Maple Creek 42 23 26 h. Medicine Hat 7 27 28 29 c. Moose Jaw and Regina d. Sv.'ift Current 200.— Saskatche-wan a. Battleford b. Carrot River and Lake Winni- ^ peg c. Prince Albert 16 6 30 31 15 8 " 6 201.— The Unorganized Territories 17 I RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau II. — Population, Families et Demeures. 113 Houses— -Maisons. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 11 16 Unin- In story. stories. stories stories and over. room. rooms rooms rooms. rooms. to 10 rooms . to 15 rooms rooms and over. habit- ed. con- struc- tion. 1 etage. 2 etages. etages 4 4 etages et plus. 1 cham- bre. 2 cham- bres. 3 cham- bres. 4 cham- bres. 5 cham- bres. 6 klO cham- bres. 11 k 15 cham- bres. 16 cham- bres et plus. In- habi- tees. En cons- truc- tion. s 1 i 1,880 218 6 9 110 314 433 321 809 * 88 24 221 6 312 258 201 236 139 27 11 47 3 15 23 14 43 35 "l 1 2 4 1 1 36 12 18 18 8 2 58 84 27 47 21 12 5 11 49 46 53 49 92 23 17 62 24 67 46 30 26 34 20 30 62 15 58 126 87 106 44 75 44 116 48 163 19 3 21 3 5 4 5 16 12 6 1 2 ""l i 5: 1 41 27 25 24 29 12 39 8 16 3 2 i 1 2 3 4 5 86 6 237 7 78 333 1 1 3 1 ' 3 3 13 8 9 2,579 83 6 27 260 522 516 343 896 88 16 193 15 352 35o 99 21 10 9 7 12 5 1 1 7 10 3,319 5 6 1 3 3 13 1 2,067 17 17 71 5 39 18 34 34 19 6 2,502 23 22 162 12 65 22 70 80 48 18 1,803 35 48 86 18 83 55 46 84 41 20 1,453 39 47 24 12 52 59 22 44 31 13 885 220 99 15 55 116 88 42 89 115 57 1,548 40 n 1 4 2 10 2 3 3 8 9 141 4 2 2 1 1 ! 3; 76 20 15 65 9 9 26 25 18 2 4 1,541 1 4 2 i 4 3 481 10 11 1 12 13 354 14 239 219 15 16 336 271 117 17 18 19 7,123 29 4 2,746 797 8 2 622 788 617 527 272 628 64 35 200 110 1,374 661 711 434 193 170 8 "" 2 286 172 164 343 260 185 305 156 156 297 99 131 161 45 66 370 108 150 34 10 20 20 6 9 126 33 41 72 18 20 20 21 22 2,022 1,720 8 1 669 974 754 522 344 432 38 18 791 206 1,408 614 1,170 550 4 4 i 473 196 720 254 500 194 307 155 192 152 239 193 23 15 8 10 409 382 157 49 23 24 1,484 393 9 1 416 370 284 280 162 334 24 17 353 87 93 220 1,124 47 33 41 308 11 409 5 1 2 30 352 32 360 8 54 296 12 370 26 48 207 3 148 40 48 191 1 124 4 29 129 107 42 47 237 8 154 1 5 16 2 15 3 4 10 6 95 58 284 11 197 8 78 1 78 26 27 28 871 4 121 111 5 293 53 51 256 58 8 304 21 1 126 20 3 95 25 2 80 46 4 104 2 1 12 1 5 16 2 179 8 1 69 29 65 685 4 30 31 275 50 25 90 178 4S 18 9 7 3 A— 8 TABLE III. CIVIL COISTDITIOISr. TABLEAU in. ET^T CIVIL A-8J 116 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. • Population. Families- -Families. Sexes. Number. Nombre. Average size. Moyenne. Males. Hommes. Females. Femmes. CANADA 4,833,239 98,173 5,519 671 534 234 388 840 207 125 1,088 706 316 410 42,226 21,839 (),678 13,709 18,229 191 548 140 921 413 125 3,270 335 197 1,625 6,512 610 436 2,906 18,538 3,873 8,707 4,261 740 215 742 13,661 697 303 826 774 1,517 1,220 921,643 20,718 1,333 141 117 44 84 241 37 60 lf»l 193 153 72 8,519 4.710 2,(153 3,712 65 127 39 185 114 31 699 75 51 348 1,426 119 100 338 3,6.50 796 1,718 768 170 49 149 3,504 137 63 239 215 372 294 5-2 4-7 41 4-7 4-5 5-3 4-6 3-2 5-6 21 5-7 3-6 21 5-7 4-9 4-6 5-7 51 4-9 2-9 4-3 3-6 50 3-6 41 4-7 45 3-9 4'7 4-5 51 4-3 8-6 51 4-9 51 5-5 4-3 4-4 50 3-9 51 4-8 3-4 3 6 41 41 2,460,471 63,003 3,605 395 321 168 249 556 127 117 608 503 276 285 27,234 13,780 4,512 8,942 11,203 124 323 84 588 283 84 1,911 232 132 1,106 4,217 362 264 1,493 11,724 2,178 5,569 2,906 475 126 470 9,237 423 179 544 438 928 1,099 2,372,768 British Colnmbiii 35,170 1. — Cariboo 1,914 1 9, a. Alexandria 6. Alkali Lakp 276 213 3 4 c. Big Bar . '/. Clinton. ... . . 66 139 5 e. Keithlev Creek 284 6 7 8 9 10 /. Lac La Hache ff. Liglitning Creek h. Lillooet i. Quesiielle /. Richfield 80 8 480 203 40 11 12 13 14 k. Williams' Lake 2.— New Westminster a. New Westminster 6. New Westminster, City — Cite c. Vancouver do 125 14,992 8,059 2,166 4,767 15 16 17 3.— Vancouver a. Alberni b. Comox c. Como.x, South — Slid 7,026 67 225 56 18 19 d. Cowichan, North — Nord e. Cowichan, Soutit — Sud 333 130 20 21 /. Gabriola Island g. Coldstream and Sooke 41 1,359 22 h. Lake and High Laiid 103 23 24 i. Mayne Islan! ... j. Mountain 65 519 25 26 27 28 k. Nanaimo I. Saanich, North and South -Nard rt Siid. . m. Salt Spring Island n. West Shore 2,295 248 172 1,413 29 4.— Victoria a. James' Bay Wa,rd—Quarticr 6,814 1,695 30 31 c. Yates Street do 3,138 1,355 32 d. Esquimau 265 33 34 e. Metchosen /. Victoria 89 272 35 36 37 38 5. -Yale a. Cache Creek . . b. Douglas Lake d. Hope 4,424 274 124 282 336 39 40 e. Kamlooi)s /. Kootenay, Lower 589 121 /■ RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 117 Children and Uni married. Married— Maries. | Widowed — En Venvage. | — French Cana- dians. Enfants et non-maries. Others. Males. Females Miiles. Females Males. Females — — — — Total. — — Total. — — Total. Cana- diens- Autres. Si Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fran^ais. i ines. mes. mes. i 796,153 791,902 1,588,055 62,777 129,015 191,792 1,601,541 1,451,851 3,053,392 1,404,974 3,428,265 18,811 14,809 33,620 1,612 1,890 3,502 42,580 18,471 61,0.51 1,181 96,992 1,203 825 2,023 139 145 284 2,263 944 3,207 35 5,484 135 104 239 13 19 32 247 153 400 5 666 1 102 91 193 11 15 26 208 107 315 534 2 42 29 71 5 3 8 121 34 155 234 3 77 53 130 16 12 28 156 74 2.-50 8' 380 4 119 114 233 7 29 36 430 141 571 1 839 5 36 34 3 238 70 24 524 ii' 28 2 1 37 2 12 65 91 85 294 44 4 205 1.35 89 499 207 125 1,086 6 21 7 286 2 8 229 89 318 21 13 34 253 101 354 12 694 9 69 14 83 22 3 25 185 23 208 4 312 10 87 56 148 5 11 16 193 58 251 3 407 11 7,793 6,179 13,972 614 699 1,313 18,827 8,114 26,941 648 41,578 4,180 3,372 7,552 401 460 861 9,199 4,227 13,426 345 21,494 12 1,091 879 1,970 45 92 137 3,376 1,195 4,571 108 6,570 13 2,522 1,928 4,450 168 147 315 6,252 2,692 8,944 195 13,514 14 4.047 o. 185 7,232 377 461 838 6,779 3,380 10,159 (;9 18,160 23 36 49 4 1 5 97 40 137 191 15 85 84 169 6 9 15 232 132 364 3' 545 16 17 14 110 31 263 5 16 3 19 8 35 62 419 39 204 101 623 140 902 17 153 i9' IS 76 55 131 7 3 10 200 72 272 6 407 19 18 16 34 5 1 6 61 24 85 3 122 20 824 680 1,504 87 138 225 1,000 541 1,541 6 3,264 21 71 39 110 12 5 17 149 59 208 2 333 22 31 25 223 56 593 4 26 2 14 6 40 97 710 38 282 1.35 092 197 1,618 23 370 7 24 1,368 911 2,279 102 93 105 2,747 1,291 4,0.38 11 6,501 25 102 87 189 11 9 20 249 152 401 8 602 26 68 67 135 6 2 8 190 103 293 3 433 27 841 848 1,689 86 162 248 566 403 969 1 2,905 28 2,93b 2,649 5,584 213 324 537 8,576 3,841 12,417 65 18,473 663 603 1,256 58 89 147 1,467 1,003 2,470 22 3,851 29 1,329 1,239 2,568 76 133 209 4,164 1,766 5,930 25 8,682 30 656 551 1,207 40 84 124 2,210 720 2,930 16 4,245 31 119 108 227 19 6 25 337 151 4SS 2 738 32 45 40 108 1,971 85 241 4,804 7 13 269 7 5 261 14 18 530 74 324 6,135 42 159 2,192 116 483 8,327 215 742 1.3,297 33 133 34 2,833 364 128 114 242 23 20 43 272 140 412 5 692 35 66 57 123 7 10 17 106 57 163 303 36 176 127 303 10 22 32 358 133 491 52 774 37 176 158 334 14 28 42 248 150 398 2 772 38 288 243 531 28 36 64 612 310 922 41 1,476 39 198 61 259 24 2 26 877 58 935 68 1,152 40 118 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III, — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Population. Families- -Families. Sexes, s 3 Number. Nombre. Average Size, Moyenne. Males. Hommes. Females. Femmes. 1 2 g. Kootenay, Upper h, Lytton ... 2,185 1,338 752 348 711 739 220 1,342 307 382 152,506 22,103 1,237 1,01!) 612 1,167 1,641 571 383 1,296 2,901 950 1,775 2,228 1,849 1,105 1,697 610 1,032 36,069 727 846 338 527 439 596 2,661 1,417 567 378 752 437 1,037 1,068 614 774 1,564 2,340 723 1,074 664 3,882 547 364 213 89 208 175 75 343 59 111 31,786 4,229 208 202 132 240 314 102 74 260 535 180 334 417 374 204 339 122 192 7,837 174 177 75 163 105 151 580 310 120 78 168 120 272 294 108 154 389 487 155 234 158 672 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 7 5 9 4 2 9 2 4 8 9 9 9 2 6 2 9 4 3 3 3 4 4 ■ 7 ; 2 8 5 2 1 9 7 7 7 8 5 6 6 7 8 7 6 2 1,665 759 405 233 462 535 162 1,000 184 221 84,342 11.962 677 558 366 597 847 306 214 663 1,610 .531 1,013 1,163 968 613 913 330 593 20,653 407 481 188 311 265 362 1,528 845 318 197 452 248 611 608 326 404 893 1,352 436 624 392 2,230 520 579 3 4 i. Nicola j. Okanagan Mission 347 115 5 S 7 8 9 10 k. O.soyoos I. Priest's Valley VI. Princeton n. Spalhnncheen 0. Spence'b Bridge p. Yale 249 204 58 342 123 161 n Manitolta 6.— Lisg-ar a. Assiniboi'a 68,164 10,141 560 12 13 14 1o b. Belcourt c. East Selkirk, Town — Ville, and r. Va- rennes . . d. Fairford and i. Posen e. Gimli. . 461 276 570 794 16 17 /. Kildonan . . . . g. Macdonald 265 169 18 h. Plessis (Fort Alexander) 633 19 20 21 j. Rockwood k. Selkirk, Toivn—Ville m,. St. Andrew's 1,291 41^ 762 1,065 23 24 0. St. Fran^ois-Xavier 881 492 25 26 27 28 p. St. Laurent q. St. Paul 7.— Marquette a. Archie and i. Ellice 784 280 439 15,416 320 29 h. Birtle 365 30 31 c. Birtle, Town—Ville d. Blanchard 150 216 32 33 e. I'oulton and ee. Shell River 174 234 34 35 g. Cypress, North — Word h. Cypress, South — Sud 1,133 602 36 37 j. Film River k. (j ladstone, Toioi — Villc 249 181 38 39 I. (ilendale 300 189 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 n. I/ansdowne 0. Miniota p. Minncdosa, Toivn — Ville f/. Neepawa do r. Norfolk, North— Nord s. Norfolk, South — Sud t. Oak River 426 460 288 370 671 988 287 47 48 49 u. Odanah V. Osprey 450 272 1,652 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 119 Married — Maries. Females Femmes 214 2Sl 1G5 47 112 90 21 147 60 68 24,065 3,342 183 158 95 167 300 80 57 174 427 162 261 320 261 160 281 93 163 5,524 119 126 61 87 58 97 413 218 ■ 92 66 106 59 143 161 93 124 268 380 109 170 98 572 Total. Widowed— En Veuvage. 747 573 326 100 248 245 79 422 132 140 48,886 i 6,'5'38 : 368 i 319 i 197 I 335 603 168 115 348 862 326 531 643 528 320 562 186 327 11,275 240 258 124 175 120 203 844 459 185 136 214 121 288 326 198 251 549 775 225 345 196 1,168 Males. Hom- ines. 37 40 7 12 16 12 4 21 7 7 1,517 260 7 17 16 2 37 5 5 2 29 26 26 27 10 12 20 10 15 384 15 5 8 6 5 7 23 17 6 7 6 17 12 8 7 11 25 10 6 11 45 Females Femmes 12 49 13 7 17 11 6 5 6 17 2,033 352 26 14 12 2 43 19 4 2 37 22 16 55 19 22 41 11 7 428 9 10 4 7 8 4 37 14 • 9 6 9 6 8 14 5 17 17 18 5 16 8 45 Total. 49 89 20 19 33 23 10 26 13 24 3,550 618 33 31 28 4 80 24 9 4 66 48 42 82 29 34 61 21 22 812 24 15 12 13 13 11 60 31 15 6 16 12 25 26 13 24 28 43 15 22 19 90 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. Hom- mes. 1,095 427 237 168 310 308 100 704 Ul 142 .58,004 8,300 485 380 248 427 507 213 151 487 1,146 341 717 813 691 441 612 227 414 14,518 271 344 117 217 198 249 1,074 587 219 127 337 180 449 431 213 270 601 932 310 443 283 1,589 Females Femmes 294 249 1(;9 01 120 103 190 51 70 42,066 6,447 351 289 169 401 451 160 108 457 827 235 485 (;90 (iOl 310 402 170 209 9,404 192 229 S5 122 108 1.S3 083 370 148 109 1S5 124 275 2S5 190 Total. 1,389 670 406 229 4,30 471 131 894 162 218 100,070 14,747 836 069 417 828 958 379 259 944 1,973 576 1,202 1,503 1,292 751 1,074 403 683 23,982 463 .573 202 339 306 382 1,757 957 307 236 522 35 1,100 1,041 505 345 1,293 2,901 943 1,775 2.222 1,847 9.S5 1,04S 009 1,018 35,699 698 846 527 434 596 2,6:i5 1,447 3:t» 378 752 437 1,036 1,005 014 774 1.562 2.323 723 1,074 004 3,806 J3 3 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 i 44 45 46 47 48 49 120 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 li) 20 21 22 %^ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Portage la Prairie, Tovyii — VilU. y. Rapids City do ^. Riding Mountain aa. Rosedale bb. Rossburn cc. (jg. Russell — Silver Creek dd. Saslcatchewan ff, hh. Shoal Lake, Strathclair a. Westbourne DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. 8. — Pro vencher -Ville a. Cartier 6. Salaberr}" c. Emerson, Toicn- d. Franklin e. Hanover /. Hespeler g. La Broquerie h. Montcalm i. Morris j. Morris, Town — Ville k. Ste. Anne I. St. Boniface VI. St. Boniface, Town — Ville. n. St. Norbert o. Tache p. Youville 9.- Selkirk. a. h. c. d. e. 9- 'J- h. i. i. k. I. m. n. 0. P- q- r. s. t. u. V. w. X. y- z. Argyle Arthur ... Brandon, City— Cite Brenda .... Carleton Cornwallis Daly Deloraine Derby Douglas Dufferin, North— Nord Dufferin, South— Sud. . . Elton Glenwood Inchiquiii Lome Louise Medora Morden, Toivn — Ville... Oakland Pipestone Rhineland ; . . Ri verside Sifton Turtle Mountain Virden, Town— Vide . . Population. 3,363 543 976 1,698 551 1,407 720 1,537 1,819 15,469 939 1,207 660 1,662 1,177 1,122 330 1,688 739 286 1,523 251 1,553 960 910 462 53,226 2,272 666 3,778 1,016 1,484 1,254 928 1,928 1,245 4,467 2,406 2,429 1,534 1,473 408 2,588 2,551 794 1,176 1,456 1,100 5,093 1,3.38 1,504 1,572 606 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. 582 96 290 426 118 292 137 396 356 2,769 184 207 126 349 196 196 66 297 145 55 249 41 241 177 156 84 11,977 618 225 696 271 426 2.38 211 465 431 817 530 532 304 332 143 583 493 215 234 312 282 927 332 334 387 130 Average Size. Moyenne. 5-6 44 Sexes. Males. Hommes. 1,785 292 608 1,002 326 850 433 905 974 8,222 30,099 1,311 388 2,047 612 831 742 555 1,087 741 2,352 1,407 1,366 926 890 244 1,425 1,396 452 623 869 638 2,688 769 873 880 312 Females. Femmes. 499 440 638 569 338 322 9.30 732 598 579 599 523 186 144 903 785 426 313 165 121 792 731 135 116 749 804 525 435 498 412 241 221 ,578 251 368 696 225 557 287 632 845 7,247 23,127 961 278 1,731 404 653 512 373 841 504 2,115 999 1,063 608 583 164 1,163 1,155 342 553 587 462 2,405 569 631 686 294 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau HI. — Etat Civil. 121 Manied — Maries. Males. Females — — Total. Hom- Femmes mes. 553 531 1,084 94 91 185 127 116 243 282 271 553 82 78 160 205 201 406 109 106 215 246 238 484 273 272 545 2,454 2,377 4,831 150 153 309 187 183 370 109 101 210 257 248 505 208 212 420 189 185 374 57 46 103 274 275 549 134 114 248 58 46 104 233 231 464 31 31 62 201! 205 411 149 149 298 135 134 269 71 64 135 8,835 8,567 17,402 401 378 779 114 111 225 635 595 1,230 153 152 305 231 228 459 179 176 355 142 136 278 335 330 665 200 206 406 7G9 759 1,.528 392 377 769 394 389 783 230 223 453 231 215 446 76 66 142 422 408 830 3it6 393 789 137 131 268 203 196 399 249 224 473 164 158 322 915 899 1,814 232 221 453 267 254 521 267 260 527 103 106 209 Widowed — En Veuvage. Males. Females Hom- Femmes ines. 21 64 6 7 17 14 13 10 8 7 14 7 5 6 22 15 21 22 146 169 7 10 7 13 10 9 19 15 6 8 6 6 3 2 15 16 3 6 3 2 21 7 5 5 14 34 13 19 10 12 4 5 489 552 21 42 4 6 34 48 12 9 21 19 9 13 10 21 24 18 24 12 26 42 14 24 24 38 14 15 19 9 3 6 24 21 13 26 7 9 8 11 14 13 3 5 26 34 14 15 16 9 19 14 6 9 Total. 85 13 31 23 15 21 11 37 43 315 17 20 19 34 14 12 5 31 9 5 28 10 48 32 22 9 1,041 63 10 82 21 40 22 31 42 36 68 38 62 29 28 9 45 39 16 19 27 8 60 29 25 33 15 Children and Unmarried. J^nfauts et non-niaries. Males. Hom- mes. 1,211 192 464 707 236 631 319 637 680 5,622 336 444 219 654 384 404 126 614 289 104 538 99 529 363 353 166 20,775 889 270 1,378 447 579 551 403 728 517 1,557 1,001 948 682 640 165 979 987 308 412 606 471 1,747 523 590 600 203 Females Femmes 983 153 238 415 140 349 175 379 551 4,701 277 373 212 469 359 332 96 494 193 73 493 80 565 267 266 152 14,008 541 161 1,088 243 406 323 216 493 286 1,314 598 636 370 359 92 734 736 202 346 350 299 1,472 333 368 412 179 Total. 2,194 345 702 1,122 376 980 494 1,016 1,231 10,323 613 817 431 1,123 743 736 222 1,108 482 177 1,031 179 1,094 630 619 318 34,783 1,430 431 2,466 690 985 877 619 1,221 803 2,871 1,599 1,584 1,052 999 257 1,713 1,723 510 758 950 770 3,219 856 958 1,012 382 French Cana- dians. Cana- dit'ns- Francais. 26 "'4' ii" 8,286 809 1,034 12 31 102 3 273 1,262 201 18 1,132 125 1,303 8i2 757 302 1,271 25 " 26 17 38 5 20 722 19 Others. Autres. 3 1 23 287 29 3,337 543 972 1,698 540 1,407 720 1,531 1,816 7,183 130 173 648 1,631 1,075 1,119 57 406 538 268 391 126 250 118 153 100 51,955 2,247 666 3,752 999 1,446 1,249 928 1,923 1,244 4,467 2,386 2,429 1,534 1,473 408 1,866 2,551 794 1,157 1,456 1,097 5,092 1,315 1,217 1.543 606 B o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1 90 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Population. Families- -Families. Sexes. SI S 1 Number. Nombre. A verage Size. Moyenne. Males. Hommes. Females. Femnies. 1 aa. W^jillace 1,474 1,464 1,727 1,495 25,639 930 6,097 1,976 8,2(i6 7,086 1,284 321,263 10,971 1,091 1,387 2,422 1,614 2,677 1,780 22,529 1,.314 2, .382 2,786 1,110 1,318 1,^80 756 1,760 2,240 1,928 1,767 3,288 23,752 1,188 177 334 807 2,397 423 2,146 1,032 1,778 674 1,554 2,757 2,266 921 70S 2,680 266 1,644 347 338 422 402 4,974 174 1,142 364 1,645 1,418 231 58,462 2,006 197 237 396 319 487 370 4,277 232 430 495 188 242 376 148 370 399 377 366 654 4,693 214 32 70 149 493 76 423 208 387 122 278 5.55 406 172 138 584 59 327 4-3 4-3 41 3-7 5 2 5 3 5-3 5-4 50 50 5-5 5-5 5-4 5-5 5-8 61 50 5-5 4-8 5 3 5-6 5-5 5-6 5-9 5-4 50 51 4-8 5-6 51 4-8 50 50 5-5 5-5 4-8 5-4 4-9 5-6 5 ! 51 4-6 5-5 5-6 50 5-6 5-4 51 4-6 4-5 50 '904 879 1,034 852 13,406 449 3,174 984 4,347 3,731 721 163,739 5,829 588 769 1,282 869 1,402 919 11,632 692 1,229 1,482 .575 684 974 386 888 1,178 1,005 929 1,615 12,184 621 102 164 421 1,246 226 1,015 538 903 359 819 1,460 1,216 472 344 1,286 144 848 570 2 3 4 66. Whitehead cc. Whitewater (id. Wood worth 10. — Winnipeg', Clly—CiU 585 693 643 12,233 5 a. Ward No. 1, Qaartier b. do 2, do ... 481 2,923 7 c. do .3, do 992 8 9 10 11 d. do 4, do e. do 5, do /. do C, do Xew Brunswick ll.-Albert a. Ahna 6. Coverdale 3,919 3,355 563 157,524 5,142 503 618 13 14 15 c. Elgin d. Harvey c. Hillsborougli 1,140 745 1,275 IG /. Hopewell 12.— Carleton 861 10,897 17 18 19 6. Brighton c. Kent 622 1,153 1,304 20 d. Northampton 535 21 c. Peel 634 22 ^3 /. Eithniond (1. Siniond's 906 370 24 25 h. Wakefield i. Wicklow 872 1,067 26 j. Wiliuot 923 27 k. Woodstock 838 28 I. Woodstock, Toion—Ville 13.- -Charlotte 1,673 11,568 29 30 «. Campobello .... , ..... 6. Clarendon 567 75 31 c. Dufferin 170 32 33 d. I)umbarton e. Grand Manan 386 1,151 34 35 /. Lepreaux . . ... 'q. >1 illtown, Toicn—ViUe .. . . . 197 1,131 36 37 38 k. Pennfield .... i. St. Andrew's, Toivn and Parish — Ville et P. j. Ste. Croix 494 875 315 39 k. St. David . 735 40 41 /. St. fJeorge, Town and Parish— Ville et P. m. St. James 1,297 1,050 449 364 1,394 122 Z96 42 43 44 45 46 n. St. Patrick's 0. St. Stephen's p. St. Stephen's, Tou-n — Ville q. Upper Mills do n West Isles (Deer Island) RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 123 Married — Maries. Females Femmes 240 231 27S 227 4,255 157 938 33(5 1,34G 1,261 217 51,235 1,849 179 222 38r, 288 445 330 .3,044 218 422 438 185 :^29 320 130 340 401 333 314 (.il4 3,953 207 27 57 ].^0 449 66 355 173 268 107 244 4.33 346 141 117 490 48 295 Total. 483 466 565 460 8,640 318 1,917 659 2,744 2,562 440 102,388 3,684 357 444 768 576 884 655 7,883 436 845 875 .370 458 643 258 677 799 668 628 1,226 7,897 410 56 113 262 898 130 710 347 535 213 486 865 692 282 231 978 96 593 Widowed — En Veuvage. Males. Hom- ines. 13 18 25 24 232 6 59 12 81 57 17 4,475 151 22 17 25 26 34 27 306 10 24 31 23 11 31 7 31 34 37 28 .39 416 18 3 9 12 23 9 34 18 51 8 33 62 45 17 15 37 4 18 Females; Femmes — Total. 15 14 17 18 532 18 126 44 191 133 20 9,043 289 21 29 44 40 93 62 599 18 59 40 28 32 68 26 67 45 54 61 101 780 28 2 20 20 64 9 74 34 78 19 55 91 76 32 19 101 12 43 28 32 42 42 764 24 185 56 272 190 37 13,518 440 43 4(5 69 66 127 89 905 28 83 71 51 43 99 33 98 79 91 89 140 1,196 46 5 2!) 32 87 18 108 52 129 27 88 153 121 49 34 141 16 61 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. Hom- mes. 648 626 722 595 8,789 282 2,1.36 649 2,868 2,-373 481 108,111 3,843 388 530 874 555 929 567 7,387 464 782 1,014 367 444 620 251 520 741 633 587 964 7,824 400 70 99 277 774 153 626 346 585 245 544 966 825 314 215 761 92 532 Females Femmes 315 340 398 398 7,446 306 1,859 612 2,382 1,96] 326 97,246 3,004 303 367 711 417 737 469 6,354 386 672 826 322 373 51S 214 4(55 621 53(! 463 958 6,835 332 46 93 23r) 6.38 122 702 287 529 189 436 773 628 276 228 800 62 4.58 Total. 963 966 1,120 993 16,235 588 3,995 1,261 .5,2.50 4,334 807 j 205,357 6,847 691 8!)7 1,.585 972 1,666 1,036 13,741 850 1,4.54 1,840 689 817 1,138 465 985 1,362 1,169 1,050 1,922 14,659 732 116 192 513 1,412 275 1,328 633 1,114 434 980 1,7.39 1,4.53 590 443 1,.561 154 990 French Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Fran^ais. 10 15 25 507 42 202 24 159 76 4 61,767 10 2 3 2 40 6 21 Others. Autres. 1,474 1,454 1,712 1,470 25,132 888 5,895 1,952 8,107 7,010 1,280 259,496 10,961 1,089 1,387 2,419 1,614 2.674 1,778 22,489 1,314 2,376 2,785 1,109 1,317 1,876 7.56 1,760 ' 2,240 1,928 1.761 3,267 23,747 1,188 177 334 807 2,396 423 2,144 1,032 1,778 673 1,.5.54 2,757 2,265 921 7 2 3 4 5 6 rr I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. y. Victoria. 29. -Colchester. Acadia Mines, West — Oiicst Acadia Mines, East — Est Brookfield Clifton Earlton Economy Five Islands Kemjjt, Town — VUle Lower Stewiacke, North — Nord. Lower Stewiacke, South— Sad . . Lower Onslow Lower Londonderry Middle Londonderry Middle Stewiacke New Annan North River Salmon River Tatamagouche, East — Est Tatamagouche, West — Ourst . . . Truro, Tonm—Ville Upper Stewiacke, West — Quest Upper Stewiacke, East — Est. . . . Upper Londonderry Waugh's River, North — Nord... Waugh's River, SouthSud. . . . 30. —Cumberland. Amherst, Toivn — ViJfr . . Amheist Amherst Shore Advocate Harl)our Maccan Malagash Oxford Pugwash Parrsboro', Tencn—Ville. Parrsboro' Parrsboro' Shore River Pliilip River Hebert ... Springhill, Town—Vil/e. Springhill Victoria Westchester Wallace Wentworth 3L-Digby .... rt. Cheticamp. ... Ij. Church Point. Comeauville . . , d. Cnlloden Di^by /. Freeport , Population. G29 27,160 1,151 1,214 1,074 1,017 i,o;'.s 1,106 70.-? 298 946 672 8.53 95.'? 1,249 694 854 1,175 1,.S04 741 725 5,102 .542 812 1,150 742 685 34,529 3,781 2,518 2,(;92 1,152 1,013 748 2,378 2,160 1,909 1,852 1,232 1,0.31 2,611 4,813 400 843 971 1,6.50 745 19,897 460 874 932 655 1,381 751 Families — Families. Niimber. Noinbre. 115 5,165 239 212 197 214 21 z. do 29 aa. do 30 bb. Dartmouth, Toivn — Ville 537 613 148 197 401 3,152 20 cc. Polling District No. .S2a 301 21 diL do • 326 230 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ce. do 33 ff. do 34 f/:'. do 35 hh. do 3(5 a. do 37 j.i. do 38 M-. do 39 35.-Hants rt. Avondale b. Brooklyn ... 460 434 140 447 408 286 103 10,864 413 490 31 32 c. Burlington . . . d. Curry's Corner 303 441 33 c. Falmouth 420 34 /'. Five Mile River 185 35 g. Forks 391 36 h. Gore 590 37 I. Hantsport . 446 38 39 j. Kempt k. Maitland 891 355 40 41 42 I. Nine Mile River m. Noel . n. Rawdon Church 563 566 455 43 44 0. Scotch Village p. Selmah 405 263 45 46 47 48 q. Shubenecadie r. South Maitland s. South Rawdon and Uniacke t. Ste. Croi.x 651 261 398 732 49 u. Walton 331 50 51 r. Windsor (Court House) 36.— Inverness a. Broad Cove Marsh 1,314 12,825 562 52 6. Cheticanip 1,.529 53 54 c. Glencoe d. Hawkesbury, Toion—Villc 512 303 RECENSEMENT DQ CANADA, 1891. Tahlkau III.— Etat Civil. 137 Children I and Unmarried. Married — Maries. | Widowed— En Veuvage. | — Frpnoh Enfants et non-maries. J. ICJilyll Cana- dians. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — — — Total. — Total. — — Total. Cana- diens- A litres. Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femme.o jFran^ais. 1 ilies. mes. mes. 162 ^ 115 114 229 9 21 30 227 389 648 1 132 135 2()7 25 34 59 295 260 555 i 880 2 150 153 303 21 21 42 371 271 642 1 986 3 103 106 209 17 16 33 239 239 478 720 4 75 75 150 13 9 22 186 158 344 516 5 162 • 168 330 ' 16 26 42 316 304 620 l' 991 6 194 189 383 20 28 48 402 360 762 1,193 1 92 92 184 13 9 22 172 156 328 534 8 122 123 241 245 485 7 12 25 36 32 48 253 490 231 464 484 954 761 1,487 9 244 ........ 10 116 117 137 233 274 , 9 15 24 17 33 32 289 376 233 304 522 680 788 986 11 137 12 121 122 243 12 10 22 261 240 501 766 13 173 174 347 17 20 37 396 343 739 1,123 14 213 215 428 31 35 66 400 363 763 630' 627 15 39 40 79 I 7 10 17 100 98 198 294 16 65 66 117 131 234 4 11 16 32 20 43 150 314 115 252 265 566 416 843 17 117 18 978 980 1,958 220 104 229 333 2,018 1,943 180 .3,961 ' ' 6,252 19 110 110 1 11 12 216 396 628 20 99 99 198 10 9 19 159 122 2Hl 498 21 147 146 293 16 20 36 313 294 607 1 936 22 1.53 157 310 13 32 45 324 245 569 924 23 39 43 82 ; 6 11 17 101 86 187 i 285 24 152 152 139 304 277 14 12 12 18 26 30 353 285 283 251 63(J 536 966 843 25 138 26 115 112 33 227 66 10 6 8 12 18 18 245 90 166 58 411 148 656 216 27 33 16 28 3,424 3,424 6,848 294 728 1,022 7,470 6,712 14,182 8 22,044 147 146 293 16 29 45 284 238 522 860 29 152 154 306 23 36 59 375 300 675 1,040 30 105 110 215 13 24 37 240 169 4(»9 661 31 129 130 259 15 33 48 307 278 .585 892 32 145 145 290 7 28 35 257 247 504 i 829 33 50 4') 99 1 12 13 144 124 268 j . 380 34 125 123 248 3 26 29 302 242 544 1 821 35 186 186 372 13 35 48 428 369 7!)7 1 1 1,217 36 169 170 339 11 32 43 290 244 534 • 916 37 300 300 600 24 73 97 538 518 1,056 . 1,753 38 111 111 222 8 22 30 234 222 456 . 708 39 166 167 333 14 35 49 387 3GI 748 ■j- 1,123 40 185 182 367 10 28 38 439 356 795 1,200 41 123 120 243 11 29 40 266 306 572 . 8.55 42 123 122 245 : 16 36 52 277 247 524 821 43 89 90 179 6 23 29 205 1.50 3.55 563 44 203 204 407 17 37 54 478 410 888 1,349 45 76 78 154 10 16 26 206 167 373 5.53 46 129 129 258 ! 10 15 25 320 254 574 857 47 228 228 456 27 39 66 496 465 961 1,483 48 100 99 199 9 23 32 247 209 456 687 49 383 381 764 30 97 ]27 750 836 1,586 1 2,476 50 3,395 3, .394 6,789 336 801 1,137 9,223 8,630 17,853 4,153 21,626 1 1 112 112 224 17 33 .50 394 417 811 2 1,083 51 486 489 975 34 56 90 1,093 984 2,077 2,985 157 52 142 141 104 283 209 17 8 43 60 384 328 712 1,055 53 105 21 29 242 178 420 658 54 X\JkJ 138 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. (D 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. e. Hillsboro' /. Judiqne fj. Lake Ainslie, Kast — Est h. Lake Ainslie, West — Oiicst. . . . i. Margarie ./. Margarie, North-east — Nord-est. ■ k. Margarie, South-irest — Sud-ouest. I. North Mountain ' m. Pleasant Bay n. Pojjlar Grove 0. Port Hastings . . p. Port Hood. . q. River Dennis r. River Inhabitants s. Strathlorn t. Whycoconiagh u. Whycocumngh, .South — Sud.. .. 37.— King's. Canning Canard Centre villa . Lakeville Somerset Kentville and Canaan, . . Gasjjereaux Wolfville Lower Horton Aylesford, South — Sud . . Dalhou^ie Aylesford, North— Nord. Berwick Harbourville 38.— Lunenburg. Bayswater Blockhouse. . . . Bridgewater . . . Chester Conquerall Lunenburg. . . . Mill Cove New (4ermany . New Ross . . . . Petite Riviere . Ritcey's Cove. . Suinmei-side . . . Tancook 39.-Pictou 51 a. Abercrombie 6. Bailey's Brook c. Barney's River d. Cai)e .John e. Cariboo, East and West — E»t et Quest Population. Families — ramilles. 50 /. Dalhousie g. East River. 9,97 1,914 772 417 1,743 1,461 1,067 808 235 1,061 1,681 1,646 1,089 1,145 1,514 1,509 780 22,489 2,989 1,296 2,192 1,340 931 2,526 996 1,963 1,455 1,889 2S5 1,6.37 1,738 1,252 31,075 608 4,153 3,936 3,050 1,418 4,894 619 3,838 1,127 3,415 1,934 1,513 570 34,541 429 887 1,026 1,.552 1,095 979 1,149 Number. Nombre. Average Size. Moj'enne. 158 6- 286 6- 108 7- 62 6- 273 6- 233 6- 1.53 7' 143 5- 37 6- 172 6- 290 5- 272 6- 181 6- 187 6- 226 6- 264 5- 139 5- 4,312 5- 521 5- 272 4- 442 4- 260 5- 184 5- 512 4- 193 5- 359 5- 250 5- 385 4- 55 5- 312 5- 344 5- 223 5- 5,808 5- 122 4- 813 5- 696 5- 560 5- 268 5- 989 4- 110 5- 656 5- 180 6- 657 5- 387 4- 260 5- 110 5- 6,696 5' 81 5- 146 6- 206 4- 293 5- 220 4- 185 5- 241 4- Sexes. Males. Hommes. 509 915 383 177 888 747 554 399 121 534 834 823 524 579 754 791 388 11,352 1,571 635 1,126 679 461 1,2.37 523 962 707 945 141 849 871 645 15,944 334 2,135 1,999 1,557 732 2,459 344 1,994 598 1,734 1,009 762 287 17,316 219 427 521 785 576 485 553 Females. Femmes. 488 999 389 240 855 714 513 409 114 527 847 823 565 566 760 718 392 11,137 1,418 661 1,066 661 470 1,289 473 1,001 748 944 144 788 867 607 15,131 274 2,018 1,937 1,493 686 2,435 275 1,844 529 1,681 925 751 283 17,225 210 460 505 767 519 494 596 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 139 Married — Maries. Males. Females Hom- Fenimes mes. 126 126 227 225 86 87 49 50 237 237 211 212 144 144 114 114 37 35 144 144 209 210 220 223 124 121 149 150 182 183 196 191 95 96 3,742 3,740 475 472 233 233 374 372 229 226 153 155 425 425 159 160 301 307 217 218 359 360 43 43 270 269 299 296 205 204 — Total. 5,496 104 774 668 528 249 894 105 665 170 607 374 251 107 5,280 5,500 102 779 667 528 249 895 105 666 174 605 372 251 107 5,276 68 67 135 106 108 214 136 139 275 250 250 500 158 158 316 127 127 254 186 185 371 252 452 173 99 474 423 288 228 72 288 419 443 245 299 365 387 191 7,482 947 466 746 455 308 850 319 608 435 719 86 539 595 409 10,996 206 1,553 1,335 1,056 498 1,789 210 1,331 344 1,212 746 502 214 10,556 Widowed — En Veuvage. Males. Hom- ines. 12 24 6 5 18 19 11 16 4 15 29 12 26 13 14 27 9 343 49 13 31 24 10 25 30 41 20 20 3 27 29 21 312 36 38 29 12 56 12 36 9 30 27 18 1 496 5 11 29 14 31 17 17 Females Femmes 31 81 25 13 46 48 8 28 4 23 79 64 35 39 48 50 26 736 87 42 79 41 34 58 31 96 55 43 9 51 65 45 766 Total. 43 105 31 IS 64 67 19 44 8 38 108 76 61 52 62 77 35 1,079 1.36 55 110 65 44 83 61 137 75 63 12 78 94 66 1,078 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. Hora- mes. 14 22 90 126 101 139 82 111 36 48 137 193 4 16 66 102 12 21 108 138 53 80 55 73 8 9 1,308 1,804 14 19 36 47 40 69 55 69 51 82 47 64 48 65 371 664 291 123 633 517 399 269 80 375 596 591 374 417 558 568 284 7,267 1,047 389 721 426 298 787 334 620 470 566 95 552 543 419 10,136 222 1,325 1,293 1,000 471 1,509 227 1,293 419 1,097 608 493 179 11,540 146 310 356 521 387 341 350 Females Femmes 331 693 277 177 572 454 361 2()7 75 360 558 536 409 377 529 477 270 6,661 859 386 615 394 281 806 282 598 475 541 92 468 506 358 8,865 158 1,149 1,169 883 401 1,403 16(5 ■ 1,112 343 968 500 445 168 10,641 129 316 326 462 310 .S20 363 Total. 702 1,357 568 300 1,205 971 760 536 155 735 1,154 1,127 783 794 1,087 1,045 554 13,928 1,906 775 1,336 820 579 1,593 616 1,218 945 1,107 187 1,020 1,049 777 19,001 380 2,474 2,462 1,883 872 2,912 393 2,405 762 2,065 1,108 938 347 22,181 275 626 682 983 697 661 713 French Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Fran^ais. 934 221 1 1 1 10 43 Others. Autres. 997 1,914 772 417 809 1,461 846 807 235 1,0,53 1,680 1,645 1,089 1,145 1,.514 1,509 780 22,479 2,989 1,296 2,192 1,340 931 2,518 996 1,961 1,4.55 1,889 285 1,637 1,738 1,252 31,074 607 4,153 3,936 3,050 1,418 4,894 619 3,838 1,127 3,415 1,934 1,513 570 34,498 429 887 1,026 1,552 1,094 979 1,148 £ .a o 12; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 140 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Population. Families - -Families. Sexes. j s Number. Nombre. Average Size. Moyenne. Males. Hommes. Females. Femmes. 1 2 h. Eraser's Mountain and Churchville i. Trench River .... 1,441 632 831 757 960 1,658 762 1,769 772 801 587 953 3,776 474 577 2,998 1,275 839 2,410 3,152 10,610 915 614 1,037 670 551 428 472 2,465 773 984 943 758 14,399 670 1,061 619 1,559 656 866 414 858 612 887 1,120 1,4.53 1,199 1,236 1,189 14,950 880 625 1,029 1,088 291 115 143 1.53 202 322 140 353 161 164 131 196 697 97 114 614 261 171 434 565 2,131 178 136 187 134 98 76 82 516 162 215 201 146 2,6.52 166 180 113 310 103 153 69 152 108 167 225 241 229 222 214 2,922 190 146 196 217 4-9 5-5 5-8 4-9 4-8 51 5-4 50 4-8 4-9 4-5 4-9 5-4 4-9 51 4-9 4-9 4-9 5-6 5-6 4-9 51 4-5 5-5 50 5-6 5-6 5-8 4-8 4'8 4-6 4'7 5-2 5-4 40 5-9 5-5 5-0 6-4 5-7 6 56 5-6 5-3 4-6 60 5-2 5-6 5-6 51 4-6 4-3 5-2 50 739 324 449 379 472 848 387 884 376 411 289 478 1,841 233 276 1,432 654 420 1,228 1,630 5,370 477 300 552 362 298 213 253 1,175 381 493 467 399 7,252 325 539 310 794 346 440 196 456 304 426 570 726 610 629 581 7,573 428 311 530 566 702 308 3 5. Garden of Eden .382 4 k. Green Hill 378 5 6 7 I. Hardwood Hill m. Hopewell and Lome '/i. Little Harbour 488 810 375 8 0. McLellan's Mountain 885 9 p. Merigomish 396 10 11 q. Middle River r. Mill Brook ... . , 390 298 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 s. Mount Thorn t. New Glasgow, Town— Ville M. New Larig V. Pictou Island and Fisher's Grant IV. Pictou, Town — Ville X. River John. . y. River John, Went brunch — Brunchc oucst . z. Stellartou aa. West ville 475 1,935 241 301 1,566 621 419 1,182 1,522 40. — Queen's 5,240 21 22 28 a. Brookfield h. Brooklyn c. Caledonia . 438 314 485 24 25 d. Eagle Head e. Greenfield 308 253 26 27 /. Hunt's Point g. Kempt 215 219 28 29 30 31 32 h. Liverpool i. Mill Village j. Milton k. Port Medway I. Port Mouton 1,290 392 491 476 359 41.— Richmond 7,147 33 34 35 a. Arichat b. Arichat, East— Est c. Black River 345 522 309 36 37 38 39 40 41 d. Descousse c. Framboise /. Grand River g. Loch Lomond h. Lower I'Ardoise i. Petit de Grat 765 310 426 218 402 308 42 43 44 j. Red Islands ; . k. River Bourgeois . , I. River Inhabitants 461 550 727 45 46 47 VI. St. Peter's n. Upper I'Ardoise 0. We.st Arichat — Quest 42.— Shelburne 589 607 608 7,383 452 48 a. Harrington 49 b. Barrington Passage 314 50 61 c. Cape Sable Lsland d. Cape Sable Island, Centre 499 522 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III. — Etat Civil. 141 Married — Maries. Females Femmes 230. 97 125 118 169 245 111 260 122 127 89 132 585 69 92 494 216 113 367 481 1,877 163 117 157 135 101 69 87 434 1.30 187 170 127 2,345 114 163 89 300 94 115 54 148 110 132 215 231 178 205 197 2,692 180 118 187 203 Total. 463 194 248 235 335 495 221 520 245 257 174 267 1,173 137 181 982 436 227 737 964 3,760 327 236 319 270 202 138 177 865 258 .373 341 254 4,694 228 325 175 602 189 232 108 296 219 263 429 463 355 414 396 5,384 359 237 375 405 Widowed — En Veuvage. Males. Hom- mes. 21 7 7 18 13 19 13 22 11 16 12 19 35 11 7 42 24 20 23 32 144 13 12 19 9 2 4 4 31 8 20 14 8 198 19 14 6 15 7 11 6 18 5 24 11 17 9 19- 17 194 14 13 9 9 Females Femmes 52 IS 22 27 36 66 29 65 29 31 33 45 144 28 22 141 40 39 80 70 407 22 22 32 18 4 19 12 133 33 42 37 33 537 34 37 26 58 22 30 16 27 15 33 42 44 48 41 64 517 35 49 23 33 Total. 73 25 29 45 49 85 42 87 40 47 45 64 179 39 29 183 64 59 103 102 551 35 34 51 27 6 23 16 164 41 62 51 41 735 53 51 32 73 29 41 22 45 20 57 53 61 57 60 81 711 49 62 32 42 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. Females Hom- Femmes mes. 485 420 220 193 319 235 244 233 293 283 579 499 264 235 602 5(i0 242 245 265 232 192 176 324 298 1,218 1,206 154 144 180 187 902 931 410 365 286 267 835 735 1,115 971 3,343 2,956 300 253 169 175 371 296 218 155 195 148 140 127 159 120 713 723 245 229 287 262 282 2(i9 264 199 4,705 4,265 192 197 363 322 218 194 477 407 244 194 312 281 136 148 290 227 190 188 271 296 345 293 477 452 424 363 401 361 365 347 4,687 4,174 235 237 179 147 333 289 355 286 — Total. 905 413 .554 477 576 1,078 499 1,162 487 497 368 622 2,424 298 367 1,833 775 5.53 1,570 2,086 6,299 553 344 667 373 343 267 279 1,436 474 549 551 463 8,970 3S9 085 412 884 438 593 284 517 373 567 638 929 787 762 712 8,861 472 326 622 641 French Cana- Others. dians. Cana- diens- Autres. Frangais. 1 1,440 632 831 757 960 1,6.51 7 1 701 1,769 772 801 587 953 3,774 2 474 577 2,976 22 1,275 1 838 2 2,408 5 3,147 2 10,608 915 614 1,035 2 670 551 428 472 2,465 '- 773 984 943 758 8,261 6,138 670 231 830 619 1,296 263 CM 864 2 414 650 208 610 o 1 886 700 420 l,4.-.3 80 1.119 923 313 1,046 143 14,956 8S0 625 l,0v9 1,0S8 o 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Ii2 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Population. Families- -Families. Sexes. 1 s Number. Nombre, Average Size. Moyenne. 1 Males. Hommes. Females. Femmes. 1 9, e. Church-Over /, Green Harbour 630 • 6S7 390 600 1,000 1,220 834 373 1,004 1,049 485 628 1,300 1,134 12,432 1,285 618 689 1,240 1,0.51 515 1,283 1,260 340 559 896 384 429 621 613 643 22,216 1,329 931 1,241 749 1,049 1,006 1,175 499 1,525 767 474 302 793 967 958 536 1,091 938 701 1,545 1,699 323 1,618 107 143 69 123 ISl 231 172 56 196 223 95 136 241 200 2,107 241 94 131 207 179 77 224 207 65 85 152 62 73 101 99 110 4,237 245 197 222 1.52 218 215 223 73 310 181 78 58 161 177 218 84 191 141 157 312 2S7 69 268 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 6 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 6 4 4 6 5 4 5 4 6 5 6 4 4 5 4 6 9 8 6 9 5 3 8 7 1 7 1 6 4 6 9 3 6 3 9 9 7 7 1 2 6 9 2 9 1 2 8 2 4 7 6 9 8 7 3 S 9 2 1 2 9 5 4 4 2 7 I 9 7 321 356 180 319 .524 612 415 181 502 528 246 313 657 584 6,157 633 335 328 602 554 265 61.S - 671 161 261 414 180 22! 1 289 297 325 10,928 644 4(iS 603 374 487 513 566 232 709 383 234 164 374 479 464 200 540 472 351 724 873 182 832 309 331 3 4 g. Jordan Bay, West — Quest h. .Jordan Falls 210 281 5 6 7 8 i. Louis Head j. Lockeport k. North-East Harbour I. Ohio 476 608 419 192 9 m. Port Clyde .502 10 n. Port la Tour 521 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0. Sandy Point p. Shagr Harbour q. Shelburne r. Wood's Harbour 43.— Victoria a. Baddeck b. Bay St. Lawrence c. Big Baddeck d. Boularderie e. Cape North 239 315 643 550 6,275 652 283 361 638 497 20 21 22 23 24 ^5 /. English town g. Grand Narrows h. Ingonish i. Little Narrows, North — Nord j. Little Narrows, South — Sud k. Middle River. ... . 250 670 595 179 298 482 ^6 I. New Campbellton 204 27 m. New Haven 200 28 n. North Shore 332 29 0. North River 316 30 p. South Gut 318 31 44.— Yarmouth 11,288 685 32 33 34 35 36 6. Argyle c. Belleville d. Carleton e. Centre, Toivn — Ville f. Chearoarcrin 403 638 375 562 493 37 q. Court House 609 38 39 40 41 42 h. Eel Brook . . L Exchange Building . . i. Hebron k. Islands I. Kemptville ' 267 816 .384 240 138 43 m. Milton ... 419 44 n. Ohio 488 45 46 47 48 0. Port Maitland p. Pubnico, Eftst — Est q. Pubnico Head r. Pubnico, West — Quest 494 276 .551 460 49 s. Rockville 350 50 t. South End 821 51 u. Tusket 820 52 53 V. Tusket Lakes w. Tusket Wedge 141 786 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III. — Etat Civil. 143 Children and Unmarried. Married — Maries. 1 1 Widowed— En Veuvage. | — French Cana- dians. Enfants et non-maries. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — — — Total, — — Total. — — Total. Cana- diens- Autres. 1 Hom- Femines Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fran9ais. a mes. mes. mes. i 100 97 197 12 20 32 209 192 401 630 1 127 127 254 8 22 30 221 182 403 687 2 48 51 99 9 16 25 123 143 266 390 3 101 104 205 8 14 22 210 163 373 600 4 1G4 164 328 25 36 61 335 276 611 ".'.'..".'. J 1,000 5 212 210 422 18 37 55 382 361 743 1 1,220 6 159 159 318 4 28 32 252 232 4S4 1 834 7 58 57 115 6 8 14 117 127 244 373 8 189 189 222 82 139 378 444 166 275 9 11 11 11 43 37 20 20 52 48 31 31 304 295 151 1()6 270 262 137 156 574 557 288 322 1,004 1,049 485 628 9 222 10 84 11 136 12 209 209 4l8 7 41 48 441 393 834 . ..... 1,300 13 195 194 389 10 35 45 379 321 7C0 1,134 14 1,710 1,725 3,435 169 430 599 4,278 4,120 8,398 50 12,382 199 200 399 23 40 63 411 412 823 1,285 1.-) 78 78 156 11 10 21 246 195 441 9' 609 16 86 88 174 11 38 49 231 235 4C6 689 17 157 157 314 13 54 67 432 427 8i:9 i" i;239 18 164 166 330 8 25 33 382 306 6^8 34 1,017 19 62 63 125 6 13 19 197 174 371 515 20 166 166 332 25 54 79 422 450 872 1,283 21 190 189 379 14 22 36 467 384 851 3' 1,263 22 55 55 110 146 5 6 13 18 101 111 212 310 23 72 74 19 25 183 205 388 559 24 121 126 247 10 37 47 283 319 602 2 894 25 46 47 93 135 2 5 17 7 19 132 140 272 384 26 67 * 1 68 12 157 125 282 i' 428 27 81 81 162 11 23 34 197 228 425 621 28 85 85 170 14 29 43 198 202 400 613 29 81 82 163 7,806 5 253 29 34 239 207 446 643 30 3,899 3,907 731 984 6,776 6,050 13,426 7,169 15,047 230 229 459 22 45 67 392 411 803 223 1,106 31 180 181 361 24 33 57 2()4 249 513 931 32 206 206 412 8 40 48 389 392 781 "973' Oi'vJ 33 147 148 295 8 21 29 219 206 425 749 34 200 197 397 8 43 51 279 322 601 45' 1,004 .35 199 201 400 7 33 40 307 259 560 33 973 36 198 195 393 11 47 58 357 367 724 46 1,129 ! 37 71 72 143 8 15 23 1.53 180 333 480 19 3?< 262 264 526 11 73 84 436 479 915 271 1,254 39 153 158 311 7 20 33 223 200 423 10 751 40 76 76 1.52 4 14 18 154 150 304 464 10 41 C^') 61 141 123 282 4 39 4 102 73 175 302 42 141 io 49 223 239 462 59' 734 43 167 167 334 17 26 43 295 295 590 4 963 44 190 190 380 12 35 47 262 269 .531 2 956 45 79 80 159 8 12 20 173 184 357 424 112 46 191 194 385 14 20 34 .S35 337 672 8 1,083 47 147 147 294 9 18 27 316 301 617 923 15 48 13C 134 270 9 34 43 206 182 388 .5 69(> 49 281 283 564 9 57 06 434 4S1 915 443 1,102 50 278 278 556 14 40 54 .581 508 1,089 1,428 271 51 62 62 124 6 11 17 114 68 182 11 312 52 243 243 486 27 45 72 .562 498 r 1,060 1,311 307 53 144 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS Families- -Families. Se.xes. & Population. Number. Average Size. Males. Females. S. -DISTRICTS. — — — — a 3 Nombre. Moyenne. Hommes. Femmes. Ontario 2,114,321 414,798 51 1,069,487 1,044,834 45.— Adding-ton 24,151 4,986 4-8 12,477 11,674 1 a. Abinger, Effingham, Ashby and Den- bigh 870 176 4 ■9 470 400 -2 6. Bairie 670 1,837 4,745 127 339 1,053 5 5 4 •2 •4 •5 347 943 2,359 323 3 c. Bedford 894 4 d. Camden 2,386 e. Clai-endon and Miller 929 1,465 160 324 5 4 8 5 495 763 434 6 f. Hinchinbrooke 702 7 f/. Kaladar and Anglesea 1,232 238 5 ■1 665 567 8 h. Kennebec 1,428 267 5 3 752 676 y i. Loughborough 2,218 461 4 •8 1,145 1,073 iO j. Newburg, Vil/aqe 648 148 4 3 322 326 ii k. Olden 1,002 1,176 207 227 4 5 8 1 520 63'2 482 12 1. Oso 544 13 m. Palmerston and Canonto 1,01)4 207 5 •1 549 515 14 n, Portland 2,512 556 4 5 1,311 1,201 15 0. Sheffield 2,355 496 4-7 1,204 1,151 46.— Algoma 41,856 8,289 50 23,371 18,485 (Eastern Division — Est.) U a. Algoma Mills 620 125 4 9 337 283 17 6. Bruce Mines 750 143 5 2 403 347 18 c. Day 834 169 4 9 464 370 19 d. Echo River 499 97 5 1 272 227 20 e. Garden River 606 115 5 2 318 288 21 /. Goulais Bay 239 53 4 5 130 109 22 g. Grande Pointe 137 28 4 9 75 62 23 h. Hallam and Graham 702 132 5 3 428 274 24 i. Hilton 389 70 5 5 204 185 25 ./. KLUainey 501 96 5 2 270 231 2(3 185 104 34 21 5 4 4 9 99 54 86 27 I. Mamainse 50 28 ra. Michipicoton 115 789 26 160 4 4 4 9 62 447 53 2!) n. Mississatfua 312 3U 0. Otter Tail 873 161 5 4 481 392 31 p. Port Fiiidley 795 161 4 9 457 338 32 q. Root River and Korah 591 991 124 197 4 5 7 317 524 274 33 r. Sault, Centre 467 34 s. Sault, Eastern — Est 471 82 5 7 246 225 3;j t. Sault, Wrs'ern — Guest 952 172 5 5 553 399 3() M. Spanish River 1,400 272 5 1 801 599 3V V. St. Joseph 367 73 5 207 160 38 ?f. Tenby Bay 369 74 5 207 162 8!) X. Thessalou ( Western Division— Oiiest.) 1,160 223 5 2 634 526 40 >j. Beaver and Silver Mountain 685 132 5 1 449 236 41 z. Biscotasing, Chapleau, Missanabi, White River, Peninsula and Schreiber.. .. 2,280 472 4 8 1,460 820 42 aa. Chelmsford and Cartier 755 151 5 423 332 43 bh. Fort Francis 1,339 17 314 8 4 2 2 1 735 13 604 41 cc. Hawk Lake 4 45 dd. Keewatin, North— Nord 572 129 4- 4 307 265 46 ee. Keewatin, South—Sud 844 427 171 112 4 3- 9 8 479 256 365 47 //. Murilla 171 48 (1(1. ii. Neebing, Centre and South—Sud . . . . 1,118 222 5- 655 463 49 hh. Neebing, North— Nord 1,058 167 6- 3 746 312 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. U5 Married — Maries. Females Femmes 1 1 177 197 352,798 4,265 150 119 287 897 155 248 210 250 384 119 188 201 183 481 393 6,706 111 125 132 80 100 42 19 114 61 78 28 17 20 137 127 111 106 170 70 164 241 58 65 197 101 332 133 229 3 103 159 72 162 141 A— 10 Total. 705,858 8,532 301 238 574 1,787 314 501 422 495 768 238 376 407 369 955 787 13,823 223 247 267 160 201 81 38 235 126 155 56 35 44 272 262 228 213 344 137 357 488 118 128 389 220 776 273 459 5 210 317 149 339 338 Widowed — En Veuvage. Males. Females Horn- IFemmes mes. 27,778 271 9 2 19 57 11 14 13 13 24 10 9 13 10 39 28 555 3 11 10 5 5 3 1 8 4 12 2 1 16 12 21 9 14 6 3 11 4 5 15 34 5 24 60,289 622 U 9 53 154 7 29 23 26 72 25 18 23 16 74 82 633 13 15 5 3 14 2 5 10 8 16 1 3 14 14 12 33 12 Total. 14 10 12 5 22 16 11 14 2 5 26 22 4 28 16 12 5 29 5 88,067 893 20 11 72 211 18 43 36 39 96 35 27 36 26 113 110 1,188 16 26 15 8 19 5 6 18 12 28 3 3 1 30 22 33 14 36 22 14 25 6 10 41 9 56 9 52 30 26 17 62 17 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. Hom- mes. 688,649 7,939 310 226 637 1,412 325 496 440 494 737 193 323 413 353 798 782 15,699 222 270 319 187 212 88 55 299 135 181 69 36 37 296 334 319 201 336 173 357 543 143 139 427 326 982 278 481 11 186 307 167 445 537 Females Femmes 631,747 6,787 239 195 5.54 1,335 272 425 334 400 617 182 276 320 316 646 676 11,146 159 207 233 144 174 65 38 150 116 137 57 30 33 191 255 215 163 275 139 224 344 100 92 303 130 466 195 347 1 146 194 94 272 166 Total. 1,320,396 14,726 549 421 1,191 2,747 597 921 774 894 1,354 375 599 733 669 1,444 1,458 26,845 381 477 552 331 386 153 93 449 251 318 126 66 70 487 589 534 364 611 312 581 887 243 231 730 456 1,448 473 828 12 332 501 261 717 703 French Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Fran9ais. Others. Autres. 101,123 [2,013,198 471 3 10 87 2 8 213 4 1 4 2 19 94 2 22 3,386 29 30 2 11 16 123 27 194 6 18 128 2 5 31 11 34 , 107 404 2 118 83 391 532 25 2 16 175 7 103 145 23,680 867 660 1,750 4,743 921 1,465 1,019 1,424 2,217 644 1,000 1,157 970 2,510 2,333 38,470 591 720 832 488 590 239 137 579 362 307 179 86 115 661 871 790 560 980 437 845 996 365 369 1,042 602 1,889 223 1,314 15 556 669 420 1,015 913 9 u B o IS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3a 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 146 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. 0) B 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 DISTRICTS S. -DISTRICTS. /)', kk. Nipigon and Pays Plat II. Norman ?iim. I'ort A.rthur, Centre an. Port Arthur, North — N'ord. . 00. Port Arthur, iiouth — Sud lip. Rainy River qq. Rat Portage, East — Est rr. Rat Portage, West — Oncst ... ss. Savanna, Ignace, Barclay and Ver- million [Manitoulin.) tt. Allan uu. A.ssiginack vv. Barry Lsland WW. Bidw cIl XX. Billing.s yij. Buri)t-i' S3. Cani])bell aaa. Carnavon hhh. Cockburn Island ccr.. Dawson.. ddd. Duck Islands eee. Gordon fff. Gore Bay, Town—Villc t/'i;/. Howland hhh. Mills iii. Robinson jjj. .Sandtield kkk. Sheguiandah III. Tehkuniniah mmrn. Wookwaniakong Unorganized Territory .. . Population. 47.— Bothwell 38 :h. 39 \i. 40 j. Bothwell, Town—Ville Camden Chatham Dawn Dresden, Town — Villc. Sombra Thaniesvillo, Villai/e. . . Wallaeebiug do \Val[>ole Island Zone 48.— Brant, North— N'ord. a. Ancaster b. Blenheim c. Brantford d. Dumfries, South — Sud. . 49.— Brant, South- Sud. a. Brantford, V/est—Oucst. b. Brantford, City — Citi... c. Onondaga d. Paris, Town— Villc e. Tuscarora 909 726 975 907 810 871 1,091 715 1,019 317 818 209 4.-)8 635 186 547 500 240 113 83 455 472 1,255 188 318 280 423 405 1,191 1,200 25,593 897 2.991 6,150 3,480 2,058 4,207 798 2.72(> 885 1,401 10,993 4,098 .5,(;0(; 4,1.52 3,137 23,359 2,802 12,753 1,482 3,094 3,228 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. Average Size. Moyenne. 152 5- 150 4- 172 5- 187 4- 149 5- 222 3- 231 4- 132 5- 218 4- 55 5- 156 5- 37 5- 80 5- 119 5- 38 4- 101 5- 82 6 47 5- 30 3- 17 4- 91 5 101 4 221 5- 35 5- 64 4- 45 6- 85 5- 80 5- 266 4- 240 5- 5,244 4 201 4- 622 4- 1,199 5- 711 4- 451 4- 859 4- 177 4- 543 5- 195 4- 286 4- 3,446 4- 814 5- 1,140 4- 835 4- 657 4- 4,907 4- 589 4- 2,656 4i 285 5- 644 4- 733 4-' Sexes. Male.=, Hommes. 480 396 .542 489 450 454 608 444 569 169 429 113 231 3^9 102 295 267 132 60 72 236 248 665 99 178 147 219 220 595 600 13,583 451 1,591 3,275 1,877 1,043 2,344 390 1,402 450 754 8,655 2,085 2,8.33 2,170 1,507 11,456 1,470 6,127 766 1,415 1,678 Femmes. Femmes. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau HI— Etat Civil. 14< Children and Unmarried. Married— Maries. | Widowed — En Veuvapre. 1 — Enfants et non-maries. | 1 Males. Females • Males. Females Males. Females — — Total. — — Total. — — Total. Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femines ines. mes. mes. 143 149 292 18 29 47 319 251 .570 136 133 269 7 4 11 253 193 446 156 140 296 11 14 25 375 279 654 167 148 315 20 14 34 302 256 558 16S 132 300 6 17 23 276 217 493 160 161 321 20 32 52 274 224 498 208 194 402 13 15 28 387 274 661 99 96 195 7 9 16 338 166 504 147 140 287 4 1 5 418 309 727 47 40 87 5 3 8 117 105 222 132 125 257 9 11 20 288 253 541 30 30 60 3 2 5 80 64 144 70 70 140 2 5 7 159 152 311 100 103 203 8 10 18 241 173 414 33 . 31 64 2 1 3 67 52 119 85 87 172 7 4 11 203 161 .%4 70 69 139 6 5 11 191 159 350 41 38 79 4 4 8 87 66 153 25 24 49 2 2 35 27 62 27 3 30 i' 1 44 8 52 72 71 143 2 6' 8 162 142 304 81 81 162 7 7 14 1 160 136 296 211 212 423 12 19 31 442 359 801 27 28 55 4 1 5 68 60 128 53 . 48 101 4 12 16 121 80 201 39 39 78 4 1 5 104 93 197 73 70 143 8 7 15 1.38 127 2(55 62 64 126 6 5 11 152 116 268 223 222 445 22 .35 57 350 339 689 150 150 4,482 300 8,966 450 8,760 450 6,925 900 15,685 4,484 339 603 942 169 169 338 14 32 46 268 245 513 546 545 1,091 38 56 94 1,007 799 1,806 1,058 1,053 2,111 74 140 214 2,143 1,682 3,825 586 583 1,169 50 .53 103 1,241 9()7 2,208 380 377 757 27 75 102 636 5(13 1,199 704 148 707 147 1,411 295 46 15 87 21 133 36 1,594 2.33 1,06!) 234 2,603 4(;7 484 489 973 37 69 106 881 766 1,647 159 163 322 24 38 62 2()7 234 501 250 249 499 14 32 46 490 366 856 ( 2,967 2,972 5,939 272 485 757 5,416 4,881 10,297 709 710 1,419 78 129 207 1,298 1,174 2,472 957 9()0 1,917 100 157 257 1 1,776 1,656 3,4.32 756 7.55 1,511 52 107 159 1,362 1,120 2,482 545 547 1,092 42 92 134 980 931 I 1,911 4,078 4,089 8,167 346 918 1,261 7,032 6,896 13,928 497 489 986 55 91 146 918 752 1,070 2,270 2,284 4,554 1.53 526 679 3,704 3,816 7,520 236 235 471 24 39 63 .501 > 442 94.S 49S 501 999 47 138 185 870 1.040 1,910 577 580 1,157 67 124 191 1,034 846 1 1,880 1 French Cana- Others. dians. Cana- CJ clieiis- Autres. ^ h ranyais. S ^ 3 906 1 170 556 2 79 896 3 12 895 4 20 7!)6 o 7 864 6 136 955 7 62 0.53 8 34 985 9 317 818 10 11 209 458 1^ 1.3 635 14 186 547 500 15 16 17 1 239 18 113 39 19 44" 20 1 454 21 472 22 19 1,236 23 1 187 24 1 317 25 280 422 26 1 27 5 400 28 13 1,178 29 1,200 30 255 25,338 3 894 31 1 2,990 32 145 6,005 33 7 3,473 34 3 2,0.55 35 27 4,180 36 26 772 37 42 2,684 as 885 1,400 39 i 40 9 . 16,984 4,098 41 5,606 42 5 4,147 43 4 3,133 44 C2 23,297 2,802 45 54 12,699 46 1,482 47 1 3,087 48 1 3,227 49 A— lOi 148 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. 01 £ DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. I 8 9 10 11 12 13 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 50. —Brock ville. Centre Ward — Qimrtier Centre East do North do South do West do Total Brockville, Elizabethtown . . . Kitley City- Est. Nord . Sud . . Oil est . -Cite. . . 51. — Bruce, East— Est. a. Brant b. Carrick c Cullross d. Greenock e. Teeswater, Vilhuje /. Walkerton, Town— Ville 52.— Bruce, North— Nord.. 14 a. 15 6. 16 c. 17 d. 18 'e. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Albemarle and Cai)e Croker Amabel and Sangeen Arran Chesley, Viliaije Eastnor Elderslie Lindsay Paisley, ViUor/e Port Elgin, Villayc St. Edmund's Southampton, Villayc. . . . . . Tara, Villarie Wiarton, Village 53 — Bruce, West—Oue.^t , a. Bruce b. Huron . . c. Kincardine d. Kincardine, Town — Ville. e. Kinloss /. Lucknow, Village g. Saugeen .... h. Tiverton, Village 54.— Card well.. a. Adjala . h. Albion c. Bolton, Village.. d. Caledon . , e. Mono 55.— Carleton. a. Goulburn b. March Marlborough . Population. 15,853 1,455 2,000 1,766 1,179 2,331 8,791 4,726 2,336 21,355 4,929 5,503 3,345 3,389 1,128 3,061 22,530 1,819 3,890 2,913 1,437 1,4«4 3,047 550 1,328 1,659 287 1,437 695 1,984 20,718 3,793 4,125 3,618 2,631 2, 9, (3 1,2S5 1,813 550 15,382 2,4.59 3,142 743 5,520 3,518 21,746 2,784 1,264 1,703 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. 3,288 301 414 .386 225 491 1,817 953 518 3,770 855 921 575 613 210 590 4,373 379 744 540 289 290 537 108 280 345 61 278 147 375 3,828 670 780 662 518 524 250 317 107 2,965 465 623 157 1,043 677 4,039 500 223 328 Average size. Moyenne. 4'8 Sexes. Males. Hommes. 7,734 660 953 840 525 1,134 4,112 2,462 1,160 10,975 2, .541 2,850 1,7.38 1,780 546 1,520 11,644 1,007 2,033 1.489 723 798 1,.579 308 042 824 170 695 343 1,033 10,567 2,000 2,091 1,870 1,277 1,492 629 938 270 8,092 1,304 1,659 383 2,803 1,883 11,144 1,443 657 878 Femmes. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 140 Children and Unmarried. - -- Married— Maries. Widowed — En Veuvage. Enfants et non-i maries. French Cana- dians. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — — — Total. — — Total. — — Total. Cana- diens- Autres. 1 Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fran9ais. i ines. mes. 202 mes. ^ 2,804 2,808 1 5,612 633 835 4,728 4,678 9,406 291 15,562 232 233 465 23 78 101 405 484 889 45 1,410 1 342 340 682 21 81 102 590 686 1,276 33 2,027 2 333 334 667 19 80 99 488 512 1,000 11 1,755 3 205 205 410 15 43 58 305 406' 711 124 1,0.55 4 424 425 849 19 93 112 691 679 1,370 22 2,309 5 1,536 1,537 3,073 97 375 472 2,479 2,767 5,246 235 8,5.56 848 853 1,701 67 164 231 1,547 1,247 2,794 54 4,672 6 420 418 838 38 94 132 702 664 1,366 2 2,334 7 3,236 3,2.38 6,474 252 424 676 7,487 6,718 14,205 87 21,268 750 751 1,501 57 99 156 1,734 1,538 3,272 13 4,916 8 831 831 1,662 65 87 152 1,954 1,735 3,689 51 5,452 9 480 477 " 957 39 60 99 1,219 1,070 2,289 2 3,343 10 495 500 995 56 70 126 1,229 1,039 2,268 10 3,379 11 180 182 362 7 32 39 359 368 727 1 1,127 12 500 497 997 28 76 104 992 968 1,960 10 3,051 13 3,623 3,631 7,254 232 464 696 7,789 6,791 14,580 79 22,451 303 303 606 23 37 60 681 472 1,153 8 1,811 14 634 637 1,271 38 67 105 1,361 1,153 2,514 2 3,888 15 460 460 920 32 50 82 997 914 1,911 2,913 16 233 236 469 16 43 59 474 435 909 1,437 17 243 242 485 9 11 20 546 433 979 1,484 18 447 446 893 35 66 101 1,097 956 2,0.53 3,047 19 93 90 183 4 4 8 211 148 359 i' 549 20 211 208 419 20 48 68 411 430 841 3 1,325 21 275 285 560 9 49 58 540 501 1,041 , , 1,659 22 56 54 110 3 1 4 111 62 173 1 286 23 230 229 459 14 42 56 451 471 922 03 1,374 24 112 114 226 14 15 29 217 223 440 ...... 695 25 326 327 653 15 31 46 692 593 1,285 1 1,983 20 3,118 3,126 6,244 232 524 756 7,217 6,501 13,718 23 20,695 555 557 1,112 51 82 133 1,394 1,154 2,548 3,793 27 630 634 1,264 1,025 844 37 32 114 151 1,424 1,326 824 1,286 1,133 847 2,710 4,125 28 .512 102 134 2,459 3,618 29 419 425 34 82 116 1,671 8" 2,623 30 433 432 865 37 63 100 1,022 916 1,938 14 2,889 31 203 195 398 12 42 54 414 419 833 1 1,284 32 ^89 289 81 2,314 578 17 12 24 41 632 562 1,194 365 1,813 33 77 2,314 15 27 181 184 550 34 4,628 233 411 644 5,545 4,565 10,110 49 15,333 337 468 337 463 674 36 75 85 111 ' 931 743 1,674 2,459 ,35 931 59 144 1,132 935 2,067 i" 3,141 30 123 124 SS3 247 1,765 15 68 24 39 245 212 457 743 37 882 138 206 1,913 1,630 3,549 48' 5.472 38 504 507 1,011 55 89 144 1,324 1,039 2,363 3,518 39 3,472 3,472 6,944 245 553 798 7,427 6,577 14,004 2,484 19,202 414 411 825 33 63 96 996 867 1,863 2 2,782 40 185 185 370 15 18 33 457 404 861 26 1,2:^8 41 250 254 504 29 42 71 599 529 1,128 10 1,093 42 150 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS S.- DISTRICTS. ;^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 d. Nepean e. North Gower /. Ottawa, East — Est, Village. g. Richmond, Village h. Torbolton 56.— Cornwall and Stormont. a. Cornwall 6. Centre Ward — Quartier Centre c. East do Est d. West do Guest .... Total, Cornwall, Town—VUk e. Finch , /. Osnabruck g. Roxborongh . . .... :/ a. Chesterville, Village, h. Iroquois, do c. Matilda d. Morrisburg, Village . e. Mountain /. Williamsburg. . . . , g. Winchester h. Winchester, Village. 57.— Dundas 58.— Durham, East— Est. a. Cavan 6. Hope c. Man vers d. Millbrook, Village e. Port Hope, Town—Ville. 59.— Durham, West— Quest. a. Bowmanville, Town — Ville. h. Cartwright c. Clarke d. Darlington e. Newcastle, Village 60.— Elgin, East— Est. a. Aylmer, Town — Ville. . b. Bayhani c. Malahide d. l'(jrt Stanley, Village . . . e. St. Thomas, City — Cite . f. Vienna, Village g. Yarmouth 61.— Elgin, West— Quest. 39 ((. Aldborough. 40 \b. I)unwich 41 \c. Dutton, Village. 42 d. Howard Population. 11,401 2,383 741 447 1,023 27,156 6,790 2,116 2,292 2,397 6,805 3,509 5,316 4,736 20,132 775 1,047 4,138 1,859 3,422 4,308 3,621 962 17,053 3,106 3,887 4,047 971 5,042 15,374 3,377 2,026 4,427 4.757 '787 26,724 2,166 3,856 3,851 616 10,366 398 5,471 23,925 5,299 3,663 838 3,626 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. 2,097 489 142 92 168 5,007 1,215 419 384 441 1,244 617 1,060 871 3,937 144 216 825 379 701 825 653 194 3,522 608 815 787 201 1,111 3,256 743 412 953 962 186 5,978 536 892 914 134 2,232 102 1,168 4,996 1,077 757 172 778 Average Size. Moyenne Sexes. Males. Females. Hommes. Femmes. 5,795 5,606 1,218 1,165 385 356 228 219 540 483 13,621 13,535 3,490 3,300 998 1,118 1,120 1,172 1,180 1,217 3,298 3,507 1,763 1,746 2,642 2,674 2,428 2,308 10,037 10,095 390 385 502 545 2,072 2,066 879 980 1,714 1,708 ■ 2,156 2,152 1,849 1,772 475 487 8,501 8,552 1,621 1.485 2,010 1,877 2,081 1,966 478 493 2,311 2,731 7,663 7,711 1,622 1,755 1,046 980 2,238 2,189 2,302 2,455 455 .332 13,441 13,283 1,026 1,140 1,942 1,914 1,949 1,902 309 307 5,151 5,215 196 202 2,868 2,603 12,308 11,617 2,-737 2,562 1,915 1,748 413 425 1,886 1,740 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 151 Married — Maries. Males. Hom- ines. 1,915 376 136 63 133 4,517 1,120 358 373 411 1,142 536 945 774 3,493 135 177 739 300 570 771 610 179 2,884 481 682 662 160 899 2,669 618 341 761 795 154 5,125 438 706 815 98 1,928 84 996 4,080 862 578 150 661 Females Femmes 1,916 377 133 64 132 4,482 1,120 359 300 388 1,107 535 946 774 3,506 133 180 738 322 570 772 000 185 2,892 480 677 661 100 914 2,671 Total. 4,084 S62 581 145 062 3,831 753 269 127 265 8,999 2,240 717 733 799 2,249 1,071 1,891 1,548 6,999 208 357 1,477 028 1,152 1,543 1,210 364 5,770 901 1,359 1,323 320 1,813 5,340 620 345 1,238 (.80 700 1,521 792 1,587 154 308 5,120 10,251 441 879 704 811 98 1,530 1,620 196 1,932 82 3,800 100 998 1,!)!)4 Widowed — En Veuvage. Males. Hom- mes. 8,104 1,724 1,159 295 1,323 112 28 7 14 7 324 93 25 9 25 59 41 75 50 282 9 13 02 23 60 63 43 9 217 44 48 49 9 67 243 54 32 72 Females Femmes 274 80 20 22 28 777 192 09 75 76 220 S() 173 106 583 20 41 128 68 114 118 67 27 507 70 91 84 30 226 553 150 55 100 Total. 71 149 14 39 303 890 23 99 54 129 47 120 11 20 130 344 5 15 93 163 370 697 80 152 57 113 13 19 40 90 386 114 27 36 35 1,101 285 94 84 101 279 127 248 162 865 29 54 190 91 174 181 110 36 724 120 139 133 39 293 796 204 87 232 220 53 1,253 122 183 167 31 474 20 256 1,067 232 170 32 136 Children and Unmarried. Knfants et non-maries. Males. Hoin- mes. 3,768 814 242 151 400 8,780 2,277 615 738 744 2,097 1,180 1,022 1,598 6,262 246 312 1,271 550 1,078 1,322 1,190 287 5,400 1,096 1,280 1,370 309 1,345 4,751 950 673 1,405 1,436 287 7,953 565 1,122 1,087 200 3,093 107 1,779 7,858 1,795 1,280 250 1,179 Females Femmes 3,410 702 203 133 323 8,276 1,988 090 737 753 2,180 1,125 1,555 1,428 6,006 232 324 1,200 590 1,018 1,202 1,105 275 5,153 929 1,109 1,221 303 1,591 4,487 985 580 1,209 1,514 139 7,267 600 1,021 971 189 2,939 105 1,442 6,836 1,548 1,0.54 261 988 Total. 7,184 1,516 445 284 723 17,056 4,265 1,305 1,475 1,497 4,277 2,311 3,177 3,026 12,268 478 636 2,471 1,140 2,096 2, .584 2,301 562 10,553 2,025 2,389 2,591 612 2,936 9,238 1,935 1,253 2,074 2,950 426 15,220 1,165 2,143 2,058 389 6,032 212 3,221 14,694 3,343 2,334 511 2,167 French Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Frangais. 2,215 09 137 10 15 5,614 1,478 323 1,315 081 2,319 077 73 1,067 355 5 8 9 77 72 7 154 23 40 11 29 20 15 2 2 i" 29 Others. Autres. 20 7 2 34 5 9,180 2,314 (i04 437 1,008 21,542 5, .312 1,793 977 1,710 4,480 2,S32 5,243 3,669 19,777 770 1.039 4,129 1,782 3,3.J0 4,301 3,407 939 17,013 3,106 3,876 4,047 971 5,013 15,354 3,362 2,024 4,425 4,757 786 26,695 2,106 3,850 3,851 010 10,346 391 5,409 23,891 5,294 3,663 SoS 3,023 S o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 152 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table HE. — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Fami lies — Families. Sexes. Population. ; -^^^Yier. 1 c. Orford 2 I /. Ridgetown, Toicn—VUle 3 g. Southwold 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1^. 11 h 12 \i. 13 \i 62.— Essex, yorth—Nwd . Belle River, Village ^Liidstone Rochester Sandwich, Eait — Est Sandwich, West — Guest Sandwich, Town — Ville . . . Tilbury, West — Quest Tilbury Centre, FiYZage (part). Walker\'ille . . . Windsor, Town — Ville 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 n21 - 22 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 Z\ 35 36 63. — Essex, South — Sud. ja. A mb erstburg, Town^Ville. \h. Anderdon e. Colchester, 3^orf^ — Nord .. d. Colchester, South — Sud . . .. e. Essex Centre, Village i /. Gosfield \g. Kingsville, Village 'h. Leamington do ' i. Maiden I j. Mersea . . . \k. Pelee Island 64.— Frontenac a. Grarden Island, Village. h. Howe Island c. Kingston d. Pittsburg e Portsmouth, Village . . . f. StorringtOQ a. Wolfe Island 65. —Glengarry a. Alexandria, Village . b. Ch.irlottenburg . . . c. Kenyon . . d. Lancaster . . . . . . , e. Lancaster, Village . 37 !/. Lochiel. 66.— Gren ville. South— Sud. 38 a. Augusta 39 h. Cardinal, Village . ... 40 e. Edwardsburg 41 d. Prescott, Town— Ville. 67.— Grey, East— Est . 42 a. Collingwood . . 3,479 2,2.>4 4,766 31,523 657 3,127 2,806 4,378 2,643 1,3.52 5,100 205 933 10,322 24,022 2,279 2,205 1,723 2,827 1,709 4,071 1,335 1,910 1,-573 3,788 605 13,445 412 422 3.349 3,000 1,974 2,285 2,003 22,447 1,614 5,657 5,376 4,084 700 5,016 12,929 4,-534 9.59 4,517 2,919 26,225 3,932 Nombre. / 713 510 989 6,035 133 602 502 814 510 923 38 185 2,064 4,844 508 398 336 .565 M7 809 299 403 293 751 135 2,452 76 69 703 564 171 442 427 3,991 307 1,023 943 as 137 868 2.706 976 203 902 625 5,071 775 Average Size. !Males. Moyenne. Hommes. Females. Femmes. 4-8 4 4 4-8 5 2 4-9 5 1 5 6 5 3 5 1 51 5'5 5-4 50 50 4 9 4 4 5 5 5 1 5 4 9 50 4-4 4-7 5-3 5 4-5 5 4 5 4 6 1 4-7 5-3 11 5 51 4-7 5 6 5-2 55 5-7 5-7 51 6-8 4-8 4 6 4-7 50 4 6 5 1 50 i 1,799 1,680 1.113 1,141 2,445 2,321 16,247 15,276 348 309 1,673 1,454 1,498 1,308 2,321 2,057 1,368 1,275 fr43 709 2,665 2,435 116 89 493 440 5,122 5,200 12,407 11,615 1,092 1,187 L14S 1,057 925 L496 880 2,105 m) 960 797 2,014 .330 7,139 209 211 1,725 1,546 1,226 L208 1,014 11,072 771 2.795 2.6.51 2,025 .348 2,482 6,440 2,268 431 2.322 1,369 13,637 2,069 795 1,331 829 1,966 675 950 776 1,774 275 6,306 203 211 1,624 1,454 748 1,077 989 11,375 843 2,862 21725 2,059 352 2,5^4 6,489 2,266 478 2.195 1,550 12,.588 1,863 RECENSEMEXT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III. — Etat Civil. 153 ! 1 Children and Unmarried. Manied — Maries. Widowed— En Veuvage. Enfants et non-maries. French Cana- dians. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — — — Total. ~ — Total. — - Total. Cana- diens- Autres. t Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fran9ais. a mes. 590 mes. 102 mes. ^ 589 1,179 ' 66 168 ' 1,144 988 2,1.32 15 3,464 1 432 436 868 .39 74 113 642 631 1,273 10 2,244 2 808 808 1,616 69 147 216 1,568 1,360 2,934 1 4,765 3 .5,359 5,348 10,707 443 774 1,217 ! 10,445 9,154 19,599 11,737 19,786 111 111 222 1 9 13 22 22.S 185 413 563 94 4 491 491 982 46 68 114 1,136 895 2,0.31 774 2,3.53 5 453 451 904 41 33 ^^ 1 l,fi04 824 1,828 1,574 1,232 6 706 70.5 1,411 67 96 163 : 1,548 1,2.56 2,804 2,3.55 2,023 7 445 442 887 38 81 119 885 752 1,637 i 1,866 777 8 231 231 462 23 36 .59 .389 442 831 535 817 9 840 840 1,686 68 65 133 1,751 1,.530 3,281 ! 2,657 2,443 10 31 31 62 6 4 10 79 54 133 1 116 89 11 173 174 347 14 15 29 306 251 .5.57 1 89 844 12 1,872 1,872 3,744 131 363 494 3,119 2,965 6,084 1,208 9,114 13 4,308 4,306 8,614 345 .521 866 j 7,754 6,788 14,542 2,264 21,758 404 407 811 48 113 101 ' 640 667 1,307 69 2,210 14 352 a50 702 34 38 72 762 669 1,431 1 945 1,2(K) 15 305 302 607 21 29 .50 599 404 1,063 379 1,341 16 480 481 961 45 56 101 971 794 1,765 95 2,732 17 318 318 6.S6 1 20 35 55 , .542 470 1,018 23 1,686 18 7-55 754 1,.509 , 59 75 134 1,291 1,137 2,428 15 4,0.56 19 281 281 562 ■' 17 37 54 362 357 719 4 1,331 20 365 370 735 31 36 67 564 544 1,108 3 1,907 21 261 259 520 , 19 39 58 .517 478 995 616 957 22 674 671 1,345 46 53 99 l,2fJ4 1,050 2,344 105 3,683 23 113 113 226 5 10 15 212 152 364 10 595 24 2,182 2,097 4,279 210 3.56 .566 4,747 3,853 8,600 441 13,004 68 68 136 i 4 10 14 1 137 125 262 147 265 25 60 60 120 1 5 11 16 ' 146 1¥> 286 56 366 26 574 569 1,143 .55 99 154 1 1,096 9.56 2,0.52 122 3,227 27 4.53 460 913 40 83 123 I 1,0.53 Oil 1,964 28 2,972 28 a52 202 614 22 43 65 852 443 l,2f^5 32 1,942 29 360 363 723 .50 55 105 798 659 1,4.57 15 2,270 3t) 315 315 63() 1 55 89 665 619 1,284 41 1,962 31 3,205 3,206 6,411 298 724 1,022 7,569 7,445 15,014 5,574 16,873 230 235 465 ; 20 62 82 521 546 1,067 519 1,095 32 821 816 1,6.37 ' 86 171 257 1,888 1,875 3,763 1,590 4,Ofi7 33 708 770 l.oliS 62 180 242 1,821 1,775 3,590 715 4,661 34 566 566 1,132 53 143 196 1,4W; 1,3.50 2,756 1,170 2,914 35 114 113 227 9 24 a3 225 215 440 252 448 36 706 706 1,412 j 68 144 212 1,708 1,684 3,392 1,328 3,688 37 2,233 2,238 4,471 195 473 668 4,012 3,778 7,790 115 12,814 821 821 1,642 68 136 204 ' 1,379 1,3W< 2,688 9 4,.525 38 175 179 a54 10 27 37 : 296 272 568 33 ton, Town — Ville. b. ( 'hinguacousy c. Streetsville, Village d. Toronto e. Toronto Gore Population. 107.— Perth, North— Nord. 18,371 4,066 1,698 4,190 3,080 2,551 2,786 18,792 2,143 5,998 1,148 3,461 2,023 4,019 37,269 6,417 7,910 5,788 3,054 14,070 26,131 1,911 2,551 2,149 627 3,031 8,612 4,262 2,988 22,421 4,939 4,191 2,389 2,943 1,255 858 2,155 1,498 2,193 15,466 3,252 4,744 695 5,528 1,247 26,907 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. 3,884 878 387 861 631 535 592 4,021 464 1,302 270 711 437 837 6,746 1,172 1,448 1,033 550 2,543 5,205 361 463 394 143 GOl 1,841 811 591 4,880 1,096 925 498 621 302 184 452 318 484 3,090 695 910 149 1,118 218 5,028 Average Size. Moyenne. 4-7 46 50 5-4 Sexes. Males. Hommes. 9,274 1,996 819 2,1.50 1,615 1,332 1,362 9,524 1,049 3,042 561 1,777 1,004 2,091 17,602 3,158 3,721 2,624 1,535 6,564 13,194 994 1,302 1,108 303 1,563 4,149 2,215 1,560 11,261 2,540 1,993 1,231 1,452 596 435 1,105 795 1,114 7,819 1,509 2,4.56 336 2,855 663 13,486 Females. Femmes. 9,097 2,070 879 2,040 1,465 1,219 1,424 9,268 1,094 2,956 587 l,68t 1,019 1,928 19,667 3,2.59 4,219 3,164 1,519 7,506 12,937 917 1,249 1,041 324 1,468 4,463 2,047 1,428 11,160 2,399 2,198 1,158 1,491 659 423 1,050 703 1,079 7,647 1,713 2,288 359 2,673 584 13,421 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1S91. Tableau HI. — Etat Civil. 169 1 Children and Unmarried. Married — Maries. Widowed — En Veuvage. Enfant s et non-maries. French Cana- dians. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — — Total. — — Total. — — Total. Cana- diens- Autres. % Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fraucais. S o ines. mes. mes. ^ 3,199 3,202 1 6,401 1 250 617 867 5,825 5,278 11,103 34 18,337 710 713 1,423 ! 55 1.54 209 1,231 1,203 2,434 19 4,047 1 311 312 623 17 71 88 491 496 987 1 1,697 2 715 714 1,429 70 125 195 1,365 1,201 2,566 6 4,184 .3 5G5 564 1,129 39 73 112 1,011 828 1,839 1 3,079 4 428 429 857 39 78 117 865 712 1,577 2 2,549 5 470 470 940 30 116 146 862 838 1,700 5 2,781 6 3,404 3,399 6,803 275 563 838 5,845 5,306 11,151 20 18,772 365 368 733 31 104 135 653 622 1,275 13 2,130 1,091 1,086 2,177 90 170 260 1,861 1,700 3, .561 2 5,996 8 232 233 465 12 39 51 317 315 632 1,148 9 623 618 1,241 45 85 130 1,109 981 2,090 i' 3,460 10 365 366 731 28 64 92 611 589 1,200 2 2,021 11 728 728 1,456 69 101 170 1,294 1,099 2,393 2 4,017 12 6,053 6,042 12,095 436 1,.394 1,830 11,113 12,231 23,344 12,790 24,479 1,066 1,062 2,128 85 239 324 2,007 1,958 3,965 3,808 2,609 13 1,321 1,313 2,631 111 308 419 2,289 2,598 4,887 5,804 2,136 14 913 919 1,832 51 212 263 1,660 2,033 3,693 1,062 4,726 15 531 516 1,047 35 100 135 969 903 1,872 1,133 1,921 16 2,222 2,232 4,454 154 535 689 4,188 4,739 8,927 983 13,087 17 4,372 4,373 8,745 354 763 1,117 8,468 7,801 16,269 14 26,117 314 313 627 26 40 66 654 564 1,218 1,911 18 398 398 796 33 62 95 871 789 1,660 i' 2,550 19 344 344 688 33 48 81 731 649 1,380 2 2,147 20 105 100 205 8 34 42 190 190 380 627 21 490 490 980 37 92 129 1,036 886 1,922 I l' 3,030 22 1,559 1,562 3,121 116 310 426 2,474 2,591 5,065 8 8,604 23 712 713 1,425 60 92 152 1,443 1,242 2,685 2 4,260 24 450 453 903 41 85 126 1,069 890 1,959 2,988 25 4,108 4,111 8,219 338 725 1,063 6,815 6,324 13,139 25 22,396 932 930 1,862 80 145 225 1,528 1,324 2,8.52 3 4.936 26 741 748 1,489 54 170 224 1,198 1,280 2,478 5 4,186 27 439 436 875 32 62 94 760 660 1,420 2 2,387 28 536 538 1,074 45 107 152 871 846 1,717 2 2,941 29 250 • 250 .500 16 49 65 330 360 690 1 1,254 30 159 161 320 18 31 49 258 231 489 7 851 31 385 382 767 35 59 94 685 609 1,294 1 2,154 32 251 248 499 24 43 67 520 412 932 3 1,495 33 415 418 833 34 59 93 665 602 1,267 1 2,192 34 2,461 2,462 4,923 221 527 748 5,137 4,658 9,795 4 15,462 547 551 1,098 50 162 212 912 1,0.30 1,942 1 3,251 35 710 711 1,421 71 146 217 1,675 1,431 3,106 1 4,743 36 111 111 222 8 34 42 217 214 431 2 693 ; 37 909 906 1,815 78 159 237 1,868 1,008 3,476 5,.528 if 184 183 367 14 26 40 465 375 840 1,247 39 4,299 4,310 8,609 322 733 1,055 1 8,865 8,378 17,243 75 26,832 170 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. u e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DISTRICTS S. -DISTRICTS. a. Ellice 6. Elma c. Listowel, Town — Ville d. liOgan e. Milverton, Village .... /. Mornington g. Stratford, City — Cit6 . 108.— Perth, South— Sud a. Blaiichard b. Downie c. Fullarton d. Hibbert e. Mitchell, Toion— Ville f. St. Mary's do g. Usborne 109.— Peterborough, East— Est. Population. 21 g. 22 h. 23 i. 24 j. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Ashburnham, Village Asphodel Belmont Burleigh, Anstruther and Chandos Cardiff. Cavendibh . . Douro Dummer Glamorgan Harcourt, Dudley, Dysart, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Clyde, Eyre, Have- lock, Living.stone, Lawrence and Nightingale Harvey Lakefield, Village Methuen Monmouth Norwood, Village Otonabee 110.— Peterborough, West— Quest. a. Ennismore h. Monaghan, North — Nord . . c. Monaghan, South — Sud . . . . d. Peterborough, Tovm — Ville. e. Smith 111.— Prescott a. Alfred 6. Caledonia Hawkesbury, East — Est . . d. Hawkesbury, West — Guest . e. Hawkesbury, Village /. Longueuil g. L'Orignal, Village h. Plantagenet, North — Nord. 3,384 4.231 2,587 3,093 G03 3,509 9,500 19,400 2,927 3,281 2,.511 2,630 2,101 3,416 2,528 21,919 1,674 1,866 2,548 1,520 612 94 2,181 2,143 505 1,082 1,155 1,120 259 548 1,010 3,652 15,808 932 1,021 1,093 9,717 3,045 24,173 3,053 1,943 4,896 2,740 2,042 1,172 1,002 4,245 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. 577 800 539 552 116 644 1,800 3,865 563 588 506 511 453 725 519 4,181 .327 348 492 279 114 20 369 417 113 196 195 235 47 111 222 696 3,108 174 204 206 1,937 587 4,138 515 325 831 504 355 195 180 706 Average Size. Moyenne. 51 5-8 Sexes. Males. Hommes. Females. Femmes. 1,736 2,158 1,245 1,598 300 1,796 4,653 9,777 1,494 1.688 1,322 1,380 975 1,640 1,278 1,648 2,073 1,342 1,495 303 1,713 4,847 9,623 1,433 1,593 1,189 1,256 1,126 1,776 1,250 11,415 10,504 806 868. 1,000 866 1,364 1,184 815 705 333 279 53 41 1,107 1,024 1,125 1,018 274 231 576 506 612 543 556 564 139 120 290 258 493 517 1,872 1,780 7,798 8,010 478 454 530- 491 568 525 4,653 5,064 1,569 1,476 12,402 11,771 1,582 1,471 1,001 942 2,468 2,428 1,377 1,363 1,065 977 609 563 493 509 2,197 2,048 RECENSEMENT D,U CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 171 Married — Maries. Males. Hom- ines. 509 695 457 497 102 551 1,488 3,129 464 488 424 411 365 550 427 3,513 274 286 442 248 97 17 296 339 95 174 177 193 43 95 180 557 2,523 133 163 168 1,560 499 3,716 478 301 746 407 306 179 162 644 Females Ferames 511 702 459 496 102 551 1,489 3,138 464 489 423 409 368 556 429 3,511 274 284 440 248 98 16 295 339 94 174 177 192 44 96 184 556 2,535 133 165 169 1,569 499 3,710 478 301 742 406 310 178 162 639 Total. Widowed— En Veuvage. 1,020 1,397 916 993 204 1,102 2,977 6,267 928 977 847 820 733 1,106 856 7,024 548 570 882 496 195 33 591 678 189 348 354 385 87 191 364 1,113 5,058 266 328 337 3,129 998 7,426 956 602 1,488 813 616 357 324 1,283 Males. Females Hom- Femmes mes. _ Total. 39 66 23 31 8 41 114 328 45 53 49 32 43 55 51 298 24 36 42 14 7 1 25 25 6 11 15 15 2 4 13 58 235 10 25 20 130 50 85 81 93 55 14 81 324 549 69 84 58 58 76 157 47 469 55 30 43 22 6 65 44 9 16 15 40 5 5 34 80 536 35 22 20 397 62 247 481 21 46 16 36 55 111 28 95 21 40 12 21 12 16 55 76 124 147 116 86 22 122 438 877 114 137 107 90 119 212 98 767 79 66 85 36 13 1 90 69 15 27 30 55 7 9 47 138 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non- maries. 77i 45 47 40 527 112 728 67 52 166 123 61 33 28 131 Males. Hom- mes. Females Femmes 1,188 1,397 765 1,070 190 1,204 3,051 6,320 985 1,147 849 937 567 1,035 800 7,604 508 «78 880 553 229 35 786 761 173 391 420 348 94 191 300 1,257 5,040 335 342 380 2,963 1,020 8,439 1,083 6S4 1,667 942 738 418 319 1,498 Total. 1,052 1,290 790 944 187 1,081 3,034 5,936 900 1,020 708 789 682 1,063 774 6,524 539 552 701 435 175 25 664 635 128 316 351 332 71 157 299 1,144 4,939 286 304 336 3.098 915 7,580 947 605 1,575 862 627 364 331 1,333 French Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Franijais. 2,240 2,687 1,555 2,014 377 2,285 6,085 12,256 1,885 2,167 1,557 1,726 1,249 2,098 1,574 14,128 1,047 1,230 1,.581 988 404 60 1,450 1,396 301 707 771 680 165 348 599 2,401 9,979 621 646 716 6,061 1,935 16,019 2,030 1,289 3,242 1,804 1,365 782 650 2,831 2 44 29 1 1 92 15 1 4 21 8 o 8 13 1 1 8 2 761 1 63 659 38 16,250 2,721 1,135 3,253 1,064 1,.310 958 705 3,168 Others. Autres. 3,384 4,229 2,587 3,049 603 3,509 9,471 19,395 2,925 3,280 2,511 2,636 2,101 8,415 2,527 21,827 1,659 1,865 2,544 1,520 604 94 2,110 2,1.35 503 1,082 1,147 1,107 25S 547 1,002 3,650 15,047 931 958 1,093 9,058 3,007 7,923 332 80S 1,643 l.(i76 732 214 297 1,077 e o 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 .39 40 41 42 43 R 172 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. s 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 If) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Population. Number. Families — Families. i. Plantagenet, South — Sud , 112.— Prince Edward a. Ameliasburgh b. Athol c. Hallowell . .• d. Hillier e. Marysburg, North — Nord f. Marysburg, South — Sud g. Picton, Toivn — Ville h. Sophiasburg i. Wellington, Village 113.— Renfrew, North— Nord a. Algona, South — Sud 6. Alice and Fraser c. Bromley d. Buchanan, Wylie and Rolph e. Head, Maria and Clara /. Pembroke g. Pembroke, Toion — Ville h. Petewawa and McKay i. Ross /. Stafiford k. Westmeath I. Wilberforce and Algoma, North — Nord m. Egan ville, Village (part) 114.— Renfrew, South— Sud a. Admaston b. Arnprior, Village c. Bagot and Blythfield d. Brougham e. Brudenell /. Eganville, Village (pa.rt) f/. Grattan 'h. Griffith i. Hagerty and Jones 7. Horton L Lyndoch I. Matawatchan m. McNab n. Raglan and Radcliff 0. Renfrew, Village p. Sebastopol q. Sherwood, Richards and Burns ..... . 115.— Russell a. Cambridge 6. Clarence ... c. Cmuberland d. Gloucester e. New Edinburgh Ward — Quartier .... 3,080 18,889 3,079 1,284 3,380 1,890 1,430 1,643 3,287 2,341 555 23,005 1,025 1,920 1,933 1,034 521 801 4,401 991 2,402 1,173 3,612 2,877 315 23,971 2,548 3,341 1,594 548 1,104 395 1,724 275 1,608 1,608 294 446 3,514 1,059 2,611 710 592 31,643 4,113 4,779 4,014 6,823 1,673 Nombre. 527 4,446 690 323 837 454 309 378 753 556 146 3,967 159 327 348 179 89 139 741 170 420 187 652 496 60 4,044 5,590 704 785 726 1,216 308 Average Size. Moyenne. 5-8 4-2 4-5 40 40 41 4-6 4-3 4-4 4-2 3-8 5-8 409 6 635 5 256 6 87 6 182 6 73 5 277 6 45 6 252 6 271 5 51 5 70 6 588 6 174 6 458 5 118 6 98 6 5-9 5-6 Sexes. Males. Hommes. 1,610 9,298 1,549 642 1,657 942 699 834 1,522 1,189 264 11,767 527 1,008 987 533 281 399 2,157 512 1,236 613 1,860 1,488 166 12,190 1,310 1,645 812 283 581 185 913 143 825 817 162 226 1,789 535 1,269 382 313 16,432 2,147 2,468 2,110 3,556 825 Females. Femmes. 1,470 9,591 1,530 642 1,723 948 731 809 1,765 1,152 291 11,238 498 912 946 501 240 402 2,244 479 1,166 560 1,752 1,389 149 11,781 1,2.S8 1,696 782 265 523 210 811 132 783 791 132 220 1,725 524 1,342 328 279 15,211 1,966 2,311 1,904 3,267 848 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 173 Married — Maries. Males. Hom- mes. 493 3,985 637 305 763 416 267 340 625 515 117 3,526 147 313 289 161 84 131 663 156 363 183 559 423 54 3,549 349 540 240 80 150 59 238 39 241 246 46 65 503 156 402 99 96 4,954 664 741 608 1,061 282 Females Femmes 494 3,990 632 307 764 419 266 341 630 514 117 3,514 145 313 288 162 84 131 664 152 364 179 555 425 52 3,545 344 539 237 78 150 59 235 37 242 245 46 65 511 156 402 103 96 4,959 665 741 600 1,061 283 Total. 987 7,975 1,269 612 1,527 835 533 681 1,255 1,029 234 7,040 292 626 577 .323 168 262 1,327 308 727 362 1,114 848 106 7,094 698 1,079 477 158 300 118 473 76 483 491 92 130 1,014 312 S04 202 192 9,913 1,329 1,482 1,214 2,122 565 Widowed— En Veuvage. Males. Hom- mes. 27 273 40 23 42 24 16 26 54 37 11 263 12 16 30 12 9 9 48 14 28 10 34 40 1 242 30 26 21 6 12 4 19 1 10 24 2 4 37 5 28 10 3 355 41 42 48 97 14 Females Femmes 40 736 89 39 146 70 47 52 194 72 27 455 26 23 43 15 5 20 120 22 38 15 60 60 8 467 51 75 31 12 16 10 31 1 22 34 4 9 75 18 57 15 6 623 50 79 91 138 48 Total. 67 1,009 129 62 188 94 63 78 248 109 38 718 38 39 73 27 14 29 168 36 66 25 94 100 9 709 81 101 52 18 28 14 50 2 32 58 6 13 112 23 85 25 9 978 91 121 139 235 62 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. Hom- mes. 1,090 5,040 872 314 852 502 416 468 843 637 136 7,978 368 679 668 360 188 259 1,446 342 845 420 1,267 1,025 111 8,399 931 1,079 551 197 419 122 656 103 574 547 114 157 1,249 374 839 273 214 11,123 1,442 1,685 1,454 2,398 529 Females Femmes 936 4,865 809 296 813 459 418 416 941 566 147 7,269 327 576 615 324 151 251 1,460 305 764 366 1,137 904 89 7,769 843 1,082 514 175 357 141 545 94 519 512 82 146 1,139 3.50 883 210 177 9,629 1,251 1,491 1,207 2,068 517 Total. 2,026 9,905 1,681 610 1,665 961 834 884 1,784 1,203 283 15,247 695 1,2.55 1,283 684 339 510 2,906 647 1,609 786 2,404 1,929 200 16,168 1,774 2,161 1,065 372 776 263 1,201 197 1,093 1,0.59 196 303 2,388 724 1,722 483 391 20,752 2,693 3,176 2,661 4,466 1,046 French Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Fran9ais. 1,936 88 62 1 4 4 1 2 10 4 2,229 50 56 34 166 70 152 773 168 14 188 541 16 1 1,938 10 645 83 87 4 2 301 37 42 26 183 56 36 423 2 1 14,101 3,292 .3,815 1,310 2,360 114 Others. Autrer. 1,144 18,801 3,017 1,283 3,376 1,886 1.429 1,641 3,277 2,337 555 20,776 975 1,864 1,899 868 451 649 3,628 823 2,388 985 3,071 2,861 314 22,033 2,538 2,696 1,511 461 1,100 393 1,423 238 1,5(!0 1,582 294 263 3,458 1,023 2,188 708 591 17,542 821 964 2,704 4,463 1,559 o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 174 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. (D 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 DISTRICTS S. -DISTRICTS. /. Osgoode (/. Rockland, Village k. Russell ... 116.— Simcoe, East— Est a. Gravenhurst, Town — Ville b. Matchedash c Medonte , d. Medora and Wood e. Midland, Village /. Monck f/. Muskoka Ii. Orillia i. Orillia, Town — Ville. j. Oro k. Penetanguishene, Town — Ville I. Tay ni. Tiny 117 — Simcoe, Jf/'orth— Word a. Barrie, Town — Ville b. GoWingvfood, Town — Ville c. Creemore d. Flos e. Nottawasaga /. Stayner, Village g. Sunnidale h. Vespra 118.— Simcoe, South— Sua. a. Alliston, Village 6. Beeton do c. Essa d. Innisfil e. Muhnur /. Tecumseth ". g. Tossorontio h. Tottenham, Village 119.— Toronto, City— CM a. St. Andrew's Ward — Quartier 6. St. David's do c. St. George's do d. St. James' do e. St. John's do f. St. La\vrence do g. St. Patrick's do h. St. Stephen's and St. Mark's Ward Quartier (part) i. St. Thomas Ward — Quartier 120.— Victoria, North— Nord. a. Anson and Hindon b. Bexley c. Garden Population. 4,8.58 1,465 3,918 35,801 1,848 375 4,514 921 2,088 854 797 3,687 4,752 4,3.57 2,110 4,714 4,784 28,203 5,550 4,939 721 3,782 6,060 1,357 2,772 3,022 20,824 1,371 771 3,592 5,110 3,661 3,863 1,870 586 144,023 14,251 22,790 7,517 12,867 l.S,765 7,864 27,665 24,393 12,911 16,849 275 902 815 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. 889 268 694 6,591 348 60 831 191 .396 151 137 684 918 832 368 875 800 5,189 1,013 982 133 678 1,047 286 501 549 3,965 281 152 693 1,002 668 706 339 124 27,211 2,490 4,468 1,230 2,2.33 2,713 1,597 5,493 4,779 2,208 3,202 52 168 150 Average Size. Moyenne. 5-4 5-4 5-6 5-4 Sexes. Males. Hommes. 2,519 792 2,015 18,445 969 210 2,351 509 1,0.58 450 400 1,933 2,363 2,195 1,074 2,488 2,445 14,312 2,665 2,381 364 2,016 3,130 645 1,472 1,639 10,726 669 377 1,891 2,633 1,934 2,006 950 266 69,521 7,203 10,716 3,987 6,157 6, .592 4,090 12,832 11,926 6,018 8,889 154 489 441 Females. Femmes. 2,339 673 1,903 17,356 879 165 2,163 412 1,030 404 397 1,754 2,389 2,162 1,0.S6 2,226 2,339 13,891 2,885 2,558 357 1,766 2,930 712 1,300 1,383 10,098 702 394 1,701 2,477 1,727 1,857 920 320 74,502 7,048 12,074 3,530 6,710 7,173 3,774 14,833 12,467 6,893 7,960 121 413 374 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891 Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 175 ' Children and Unmarried. ' Married — Maries. | Widowed — En Veuvage. || — T^rAnph Enfants et non-maries. Cana- dians. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — — — Total. — — Total. — — Total. Cana- diens- Autres. I Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fran9ais. c o mes. mes. mes. 92 4,766 S5 706 706 1,412 68 134 202 1 1,745 1,499 3,244 1 2G2 201 523 11 14 25 519 398 917 1,159 306 2 630 636 1,266 34 69 103 1,351 1,198 2,549 1,959 1,959 3 5,845 5,835 11,680 373 690 1,063 12,227 10,831 23,058 3,751 32,050 313 313 626 19 38 57 637 528 1,165 11 1,837 4 58 56 114 5 1 12 147 102 249 1 374 5 717 717 1,434 47 97 144 1,587 1,349 2,936 11 4,503 6 153 150 303 14 15 29 342 247 589 42 879 7 389 389 778 9 33 42 660 608 1,268 130 1,958 8 131 131 262 4 10 14 315 263 578 11 843 9 123 123 246 7 13 20 270 261 531 797 10 601 600 1,201 42 65 107 1,290 1,089 2,379 U 3,673 11 794 797 1,591 50 134 184 1,519 1,458 2,977 21 4,731 12 666 659 1,825 59 117 176 1,470 1,386 2,856 1 4,. 356 13 343 343 686 22 42 64 709 651 1,360 784 1,326 14 809 809 1,618 43 59 102 1,636 1,358 2,994 839 3,875 15 748 748 1,496 52 60 112 1,645 1,531 3,176 1,886 2,898 16 4,389 4,383 8,772 325 667 992 9,598 8,841 18,439 113 28,090 902 900 1,802 59 164 223 1,704 1,821 3,.525 25 5,525 17 793 793 1,586 30 165 195 1,558 1,600 3,158 1 4,938 18 116 115 231 9 11 20 239 231 470 6 715 19 573 572 1,145 48 56 104 1,395 1,138 2,533 1 3,781 20 885 885 1,770 80 129 209 2,165 1,916 4,081 19 6,041 21 226 227 453 25 50 75 394 435 829 3 1,354 22 429 430 859 36 44 80 1,007 826 1,833 58 2,715 23 465 461 926 38 48 86 1,136 874 2,010 3,021 24 3,302 3,301 6,603 268 533 801 7,156 6,264 13,420 16 20,808 225 225 450 19 40 59 425 437 862 4 1,367 25 127 564 128 562 9^^ 8 20 28 242 246 488 771 26 1,126 44 83 127 1,283 1,056 2,339 • • • 3,592 27 837 837 1,674 76 135 211 1,720 1,505 3,225 4 5,106 28 580 579 1,159 36 74 110 1,318 1,074 2,392 3,661 29 571 566 1,137 65 123 188 1,370 1,168 2,538 8' 3,855 30 301 304 605 17 34 51 632 582 1,214 1,870 31 97 100 197 3 24 27 166 196 362 586 32 23,856 23,933 47,789 1,632 5,295 6,927 44,033 45,274 89,307 822 143,201 2,393 2,377 4,770 199 563 762 4,611 4,108 8,719 54 14,197 33 3,884 3,902 7,786 215 797 1,012 6,617 7,375 13,992 270 22,.520 34 1,050 1,048 2,098 112 292 404 2,825 2,19(t .5,015 35 7,4S2 35 1,765 1,770 3,535 185 557 742 4,207 4,3S3 8,590 32 12.835 36 2,247 2,273 4,520 229 650 879 4,116 4,250 8,366 75 13,6!K) 37 1,422 1,383 2,805 100 198 298 2,568 2,193 4,761 76 7,788 38 4,705 4,765 9,470 238 1,112 1,350 7,889 8,956 16,845 160 27,505 39 4 475 4,499 8,974 223 631 854 7,228 ' 7,337 14,565 40 24,353 40 1,915 1,916 3,831 131 495 626 3,972 i 4,482 8,454 80 12,831 41 2,692 2,702 5,394 228 333 561 5,969 1 4,925 10,894 ' 121 16,728 47 144 47 144 94 288 3 10 7 14 10 104 67 171 275 42 24 335 255 590 6* 896 43 115 112 227 13 26 39 313 236 549 1 814 44 176 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 (/. Dalton e. Eldon /. Feiielon f/. Falls, Village h. Galway. . . i. Laxton, Digby and Longford j. Lutterworth k. Minden I. Snowden m. Stanhope, Sherburne and McClintiick. n. Somerville o. Woodville, Village DISTRICTS S.-DrSTRICTS. 121.— Victoria, South— Sud. a. Bobcaygeon, Village . . b. Emily'. e. Lindsay, Town — Ville. d. Mariposa e. Omemee, Village /•Ops g. Verulam 122.— "Waterloo, North— Nord. a. Bei-lin, Town — Ville . . h. Elmira, Village c. Waterloo d. Waterloo. Tom, — Ville. e. Wellesley /. Woolwich 123. — Waterloo, Sonth — Sud. a. Ayr, Village b. Dumfries, North — Nord. c. Gait, Town — Ville d. Hespeler, Village e. New Hambui'g, Village. . f. Preston, Village g. Waterloo. South — Sud. . h. Wilmot. .' 124.-Welland, a. Bertie b. Chippewa, Village c. Crowland d. Fort Erie, Village e. Humberstone /. Niagara Falls, Toivn — Ville. g. Niagara Falls, Village h. Port Colborne do i. Stamford /. Thorold . it. Thorold, Toivn— Ville /. Welland do m. Willoughby Population. 509 3,145 2,809 1,219 710 874 549 1,182 1,014 583 1,940 323 20,455 1,018 2,603 6,081 4,849 687 2,926 2,291 25,325 7,425 1,069 3,443 2,941 .5,609 4,838 25,139 1,040 2,516 7,535 1,482 1,335 1,843 3,901 5,487 25,132 4,222 523 1,107 934 2,842 3,349 1,179 ],154 2,099 2,316 2,273 2,035 1,099 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. 95 579 529 244 144 171 108 218 180 116 389 59 4,000 207 475 1,261 978 151 518 410 4,827 1,466 211 632 567 1,031 920 4,868 226 470 1,554 281 260 381 750 946 5,247 862 118 252 195 596 665 270 243 428 478 478 449 213 Average Size. Moyenne. 51 5-2 Sexes. Males. Hommes. 267 1,656 1,450 635 363 465 285 629 534 316 035 170 1 10,437 520 1,359 2,965 2, .507 329 1,547 1,210 12,668 3,600 ■ 528 1,740 1,414 2,917 2,469 12,342 477 1,298 3,602 688 651 896 1,966 2,764 12,476 2,132 257 564 464 1,451 1,648 559 584 1,048 1,169 1,067 977 556 Females. Femmes. 242 1,489 1,359 584 347 409 264 553 480 267 905 153 10,018 498 1,244 3,116 2,342 358 1,379 1,081 12,657 3,825 541 1,703 1,527 2,692 2,369 12,797 563 1,218 3,933 794 684 947 1,935 2,723 12,656 2,090 266 543 470 1,391 1,701 020 570 1,0.51 1,147 1,206 1,058 543 RECENSEMENT 1)U CANADA, 1891. Tableau III. -Etat Civil. 177 Married — Maries. Females Femmes 83 459 450 199 no 149 89 188 173 96 348 49 3,365 181 389 1,&59 833 118 421 364 4,216 1,316 172 566 508 868 786 4,221 179 379 1,317 226 240 321 670 889 4,458 755 85 216 158 512 610 213 196 365 430 371 382 165 A— 12 Widowed— En Veuvage. Total. 167 916 901 395 230 296 177 375 .346 193 694 95 6,716 359 779 2,106 1,666 236 842 728 8,432- 2,636 346 1,127 1,015 1,736 1,572 8,442 354 758 2,649 452 477 643 1,.335 1,774 8,926 1,510 169 433 319 1,023 1,220 428 386 732 870 743 763 330 Males. Females Hom- mes. 12 38 46 20 7 7 6 17 9 8 28 4 276 16 29 86 70 9 38 28 281 48 9 54 30 78 62 337 17 50 107 9 13 20 62 59 383 52 8 24 12 46 39 13 15 41 31 42 44 16 Femmes a 53 35 13 18 9 18 16 8 22 9 .577 32 67 218 127 25 70 38 593 190 45 67 69 110 112 798 42 67 315 48 49 79 85 113 913 133 25 35 47 86 120 62 38 58 75 113 75 46 Total. 20 115 99 55 20 25 15 35 25 16 .50 13 853 48 96 .304 197 34 108 66 874 238 54 121 99 188 174 1,135 59 117 422 57 ()2 99 147 172 1,296 185 33 59 59 132 159 75 53 99 10(i 155 119 62 Children and Unmarried. Knfants et non-maries. Males. Hom- mes. 171 1,161 9.53 419 242 311 191 425 352 211 661 120 6,810 326 940 1,832 1,604 202 1,088 818 8,171 2,232 345 1,125 877 1,971 1,621 7,784 285 869 2,163 453 401 554 1,239 1,820 7,625 1,325 165 323 291 894 999 331 379 (HO 69S ti53 552 .375 Females Femmes 1.51 953 85() 350 218 242 166 347 291 163 5.35 95 6,076 285 788 1,8.39 1,382 215 888 679 7,848 2,319 324 1,070 950 1,714 1,471 7,778 342 772 2,301 520 395 547 1,180 1,721 Total. 322 2,114 1,809 76<) 460 5.53 357 772 ()43 374 1,196 215 12,886 611 1,728 3.()71 2,986 417 1,976 1,497 16,019 4,.551 669 2,195 1,827 3,685 3,092 15,562 627 1,641 4,464 973 796 1,101 2,419 3,541 7,285 ! 14,910 1,202 156 292 265 793 971 345 .336 628 642 722 (iOl 332 3-'l 615 5.".(> 1,687 1,970 676 715 1,268 1,.340 1,375 1,153 707 French Cana- dians. Cana- di«!Ms- FranCj-ais. 1 2 5 40 5 5 19 16 1 20 219 30 1 162 3 2 21 3 1 35 1 20 4 2 1 6 1 40 1 3 2 22 2 Oth. Autres. 508 3,143 2,804 1,179 705 869 5.30 1,166 1,014 .582 1,920 323 20,236 988 2,602 5,919 4,846 687 2,924 2.270 25,316 7,424 1,067 3,441 2,941 5,606 4,837 25,104 1,039 2,.516 7,515 1,478 1,333 1,842 3,895 5,486 25,092 4,221 523 1.107 933 2,842 .3,341 1,178 1,154 2,096 2,314 2,251 2,033 1,099 o 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 178 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. u il .a !3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 .37 38 39 40 41 42 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Population. 125.— Welling'ton, Centre. a. Drayton, Village b. Elora do c. Fergus do d. Garafraxa, East — Est ;. Garafra.xa, West — Guest . . f. Maryborough ff. Nichol h. Orangeville, Toivn — Ville. Peel. j. Pilkington 126.— Wellington [North— Nord). a. Amaranth h. Arthur c. Arthur, Village d. Cliflford do e. Harriston, Toivn — Ville /, iMXhcT, East and West— Est et Quest. g. Minto h. Mount Forest, Town — Ville i. Palmerston do j. Wallace 127.— Wellington [South— Sud) a. Eramosa b. Erin c. Erin, Village d. Guelph e. Guelph, Citi/ — Cite f. Puslinch 128.— Wentworth [North— Nord) . a. Beverley. 6. Dundas, Town — Ville Flamborough, East — Est . . d. Flamborough, West — Quest. Waterdown, Village 129.— Wentworth [South— Sud.) a. Barton ... b. Binbrook c. Caistor d. Glanford e. Grimsby, North — Nord. f. Grimsby, South — Sud. . g. Grimsby, Village h Saltfleet 130. York, East— Est. n. Markham b. Markham, Village c. St. Paul & St. M-athew's y^nrA—Quartier 23,387 793 1,304 1,598 2,169 3,043 3,546 2,056 2,962 4,253 1,663 24,956 2,799 3,224 1,296 634 1,687 4,222 3,637 2,214 2,006 3,237 24,373 3,116 4,048 594 2,464 10, .537 3,614 14,591 4,636 3,546 2,661 3,079 669 16,770 4,997 1,674 2,002 1,744 1,095 1,610 883 2,765 35,148 5,681 1,100 17,685 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. 4,562 178 277 334 392 559 687 426 593 805 311 4,638 550 585 263 121 329 770 639 415 375 591 4,805 604 782 122 442 2,173 682 2,933 938 678 526 631 160 3,207 776 316 419 342 223 348 196 587 7,018 1,194 230 3,496 Average Size. Moyenne. 51 Sexes. Males. Hommes. 11,977 410 624 762 1,144 1,583 1,,S4.S 1,032 1,454 2,225 900 12,913 1,495 1,661 657 330 825 2,258 1,888 1,114 1,015 1,670 11,963 1,538 2.043 296 1.260 4,986 1,840 7,356 2,401 1,687 1,365 1,589 314 8,521 2,523 866 1,022 912 541 801 417 1,439 17,408 2,928 539 8,500 Females. Femmes. 11,410 383 680 836 1,025 1,460 1,703 1,024 1,.508 2,028 763 12,043 1,304 1,563 039 304 862 1,964 1,749 1,100 991 1,567 12,410 1,578 2,005 298 1,204 5,551 1,774 7,235 2,235 1,859 1,296 1,490 355 8,249 2,474 808 980 832 554 809 466 1,.326 17,680 2,753 561 9,185 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 179 Married — Maries. Females Femmes 3,665 134 204 240 340 463 593 307 479 658 247 3,928 448 478 199 109 266 683 544 336 316 549 3,916 483 642 92 358 1,801 540 2,446 781 543 462 .538 122 3,028 906 271 374 302 200 302 171 Total. 7,319 270 408 479 680 919 1,186 614 949 1,317 497 7,839 896 958 398 218 530 1,365 1,084 668 627 1,095 7,800 967 1,284 182 709 3,577 1,081 4,881 1,-562 1,078 924 1,075 242 5,998 1,744 .546 748 604 405 601 345 502 1,005 6,176 12,346 1,035 182 3,150 2,075 365 6,290 Widowed— p]n "S'euvage. Males. Hom- ines. 333 14 18 27 25 36 56 .33 44 56 24 306 35 44 22 7 19 35 50 27 38 29 331 44 45 51 135 56 244 82 69 35 42 16 203 57 15 20 20 18 21 1 51 400 87 14 164 Females Femmes 677 23 (>4 81 53 68 79 79 108 88 34 510 44 76 42 9 .56 66 76 68 36 37 743 78 100 21 59 374 111 458 129 168 57 74 30 453 140 34 45 50 35 50 32 67 972 156 42 522 Total. 1,010 37 82 108 78 104 135 112 1.52 144 58 816 79 120 64 16 75 101 126 95 74 66 1,074 122 145 21 110 .509 167 702 211 237 92 116 46 656 197 49 65 70 53 71 33 118 1,372 243 56 686 Children and I'lunanied. Knfants et non-inaries. Males. Females — I Total. Hoin- me.s. Femme.s 7,990 7,068 260 226 402 412 49(j .515 779 632 1,0<.»1 1,194 (i;»2 929 1,031 638 940 921 1,510 626 1,282 482 8,696 1,012 1,137 436 214 542 1,.541 1,298 755 666 1,095 7,748 1,010 1,356 206 858 3,075 1,243 4,677 1,538 1,083 868 1,010 178 5,348 1,628 576 628 .590 318 481 242 885 10,898 1,801 342 .5,196 7,605 812 1,009 398 186 540 1,215 1,129 696 639 981 7,751 1,017 1,263 185 787 3,376 1,123 4,331 1,325 1,148 1 1 1 878 203 4,768 1,428 503 561 480 319 4.57 2(;3 757 10,532 1,562 337 5,513 15,058 486 814 1,011 1,411 2,020 2,225 1,330 1,861 2,792 1,108 16,301 1,824 2,146 834 400 1,082 2,7.56 2,427 1,4.51 1.305 2,076 15,499 2,027 2,619 391 1,645 6,451 2,36(> 9,008 2,863 2,231 1,645 1,888 381 10,116 3,0.56 1,079 1,189 1,070 r>37 938 505 1,642 21,430 3,363 679 10,709 PVench Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Fran^ais, 25 10 1 7 7 41 25 "i I 3 2 1 1 1 19 19 127 12 85 2 28 1 79 46 Others. Autres. 23,362 793 1,304 1,598 2,169 3,043 3,.536 2,056 2,961 4,246 1,6.56 24,915 2,774 3,224 1,295 634 1,680 4,219 3,635 2,213 2,005 3,236 24,-354 3,116 4,048 594 2,464 10,518 3,614 14,464 4,624 3,461 2,659 3,051 669 16,763 4,994 1,674 2,002 1,743 1,093 1,610 883 2,764 35,069 5,681 1,100 17,639 4) J5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .32 33 34 35 3(5 37 38 39 40 41 42 A— 12i^ 180 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III, — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. ; Families — Families. Population. v-,„„w.p ■ «TI^^^ Nombre. Sexes. 1 d. Scarborough . . . . 2 e. York. East— Est. 10 11 12 l.S 14 15 m 17 18 19 131.— York. Xorth—Nord. 3 a. Aurora, Town — Ville . 4 b. Bradford, Village 5 c. Georgina and Georgina Island 6 d. Gwillimbury, East — Est 7 e. Gwillimbury, Horth — Nord, and Snake I Island .... 8 /. Gwillimbury, West — Oucst 9 rj. Holland Landing, Villaije h. King i. Sutton, Village. 132.— York. West—Om.^t. Etobicoke Richmond Hill, Village St. Alban s Ward — Quartier. St. Mark's do Vaughan Weston, Village Wood bridge, Village. k. York, Wc^t — Ouest. Prince Edward Island. 133. -King's. 20 21 22 2.S 24 •2o 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3.5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Georgetown Royalty Town.ship No. 38 ... . e. /. .'/. h. i. J- k. I. ra. n. o. P- 7- r. «. t. II. V. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 39 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 17 51 .52. r3 54 -55. .56. 59 61 63 61 66 134. Prince «. Summerside. . . . h. Township No. 1 . c. do 2 d. do 3. I 4,028 6,654 20,284 1,743 996 1,990 3,S44 1,990 2, .525 443 6,067 686 4,557 743 7,381 5,325 5,292 1,194 762 16,603 109,078 26,633 1.060 975 957 1,026 1,199 6.5.5 1,068 1,291 1,997 1,075 1,139 1.110 1,429 1.229 1,028 1,337 988 1,786 1,525 1.494 1,920 .345 .3 7 8 n 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 .36 37 .38 39 40 41 42 43 DISTRICTS & S.- DISTRICTS. Township No. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 4. 5.. (>., 7 ,s !). 10. 11. 12. 13 14 1;"). 16 , 17. IS., lit. L'.") 2() 27. 28 135. —Queen's. ra. n. 0. P- q- r. s. t. u. V. w. Charlottetown Royalty . Township No. 20 ....'. 44 X. 45 46 47 48 49 50 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 21 22 .. 23... 24... 29 . 30 . 31 .. 32... ,33... 34... 35 . . . 36... 37... 48 .. 49... 50.. .57 . 58 . 60 62 . 65 . 67 . Quebec . 136.- Argenteuil «. Arundel h. Carillon, ViUaijc.. c. Chathani d. (iore c. Grenville /. Grenville, ViUa(ic . . 51 (J. Harrington 52 \h. Howard Families — Families. Population. 39(5 532 446 038 887 727 440 700 963 379 .502 062 333 694 704 7.53 017 278 425 578 45,975 11,373 1,325 1,700 1.466 1,835 2.615 1,970 ],417 1,576 1,214 1,279 1,.317 1,089 1,2.53 1,.395 1,3.55 1,543 1,376 2,001 1,246 971 1,085 1,721 1,853 1,488,535 15,158 743 255 .3.371 533 2,183 502 720 448 Average Number. Size. Nombre. Moyenne. 368 241 215 172 163 122 69 118 158 216 238 295 210 268 292 295 165 235 239 308 7,962 2.141 218 294 244 313 427 346 2.33 263 202 211 241 197 208 256 235 257 2.35 319 211 169 179 284 279 271,991 2,714 123 48 587 100 364 94 125 79 65 6-3 67 60 5-4 5-9 6-4 60 61 6 4 6-3 70 6-3 6-3 61 5-9 61 5-4 60 51 5-8 5-3 61 5-8 60 5-9 61 5-7 61 60 60 60 5-5 5-5 60 5-4 5-8 60 5-9 6-3 5-9 5-7 61 6-1 6-6 5-5 5-6 60 5-3 5-7 5-3 60 5-3 5-7 5-7 Sexes. Males. Females. Hommes. Femmes. 1.245 775 732 515 433 382 211 352 507 728 738 1.038 661 843 901 885 502 653 716 794 22,905 5,382 650 850 732 900 1,299 976 709 798 614 662 689 577 667 706 689 775 716 998 641 472 539 900 964 744,141 7,756 .397 124 1,740 264 1,099 245 369 256 REOENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III. — Etat Civil. 183 Married — Marie.s. Males. Females Horn- Femmes mes. 334 230 206 141 112 107 .54 103 151 204 204 324 195 262 240 262 14.5 194 203 277 6,532 1,650 200 200 187 277 393 285 186 237 183 187 191 154 164 189 204 219 184 246 172 140 1.54 230 240 244,792 2,327 114 37 513 80 ji;{0 74 107 74 334 228 208 144 118 107 57 102 152 207 204 323 195 262 237 263 145 195 203 283 6,554 1,667 200 258 189 277 392 287 186 235 183 187 191 153 163 191 205 219 185 248 172 1.39 155 230 242 Total. Widowed — En Veuvage. 668 458 414 285 230 214 111 205 303 411 408 647 390 524 477 525 290 389 406 560 13,086 3,317 400 .518 376 554 785 .572 372 472 366 374 382 307 .S27 380 409 438 369 494 344 279 309 460 482 244,639 489,431 2,328 i 4,655 114 36 508 80 332 74 109 75 228 73 1,021 160 ()62 148 216 149 Males. Hom- ines. Females Femmes 20 13 11 11 9 7 6 8 11 7 21 29 12 23 33 17 7 21 21 18 627 167 15 14 21 15 31 29 20 17 13 16 22 13 26 30 13 18 20 34 14 11 20 28 20 19,296 187 6 3 44 8 22 8 9 6 46 32 17 21 25 12 12 15 13 27 34 40 20 33 44 42 27 31 35 50 1,532 518 34 41 48 43 65 42 51 41 30 39 39 35 37 53 31 49 48 79 37 31 36 58 47 36,362 Total. 66 45 28 32 34 19 18 23 24 34 55 69 32 56 77 59 34 52 56 68 2,159 685 49 55 69 58 96 71 71 58 43 55 61 48 63 83 44 67 68 113 51 42 56 86 67 55,658 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. Hom- mes. 891 532 515 363 312 268 151 241 345 517 513 685 454 558 628 606 350 438 492 499 15,746 3,565 435 576 524 608 875 662 .503 544 418 459 476 410 477 487 472 538 512 718 455 321 365 642 704 Females Femines 771 497 489 358 311 226 160 231 291 417 526 661 457 556 612 563 343 399 471 4.51 14,984 3,806 441 .551 497 615 859 665 471 502 387 391 398 324 386 445 430 500 427 676 396 329 355 5.33 600 Total. 1,662 1,029 1,004 721 623 494 311 472 636 934 1,039 1,346 911 1,114 1,240 1,169 693 837 963 950 30,730 7,371 876 1,127 1,021 1,223 1,734 1,.327 974 1,046 805 850 874 734 863 932 902 1,038 939 1,394 851 650 720 1,175 1,304 333 520 1 13 13 16 69 113 11 19 45 67 15 23 16 25 3 »j 5,242 4,741 277 00.5 84 82 1,183 1,0.54 176 178 747 707 163 168 253 226 176 114 480,053 463,393 ; 943, 446 9,983 502 166 2,2.37 354 1,454 331 479 290 P^rfnch Cana- Others. dians. Cana- diens- Autres. Fran^ais. 372 2,024 650 882 527 919 21 1,017 1 886 7 720 22 418 1 699 53 910 1,379 472 1,030 1,851 211 346 5187 712 982 10 1,784 13 1,740 1 1,010 39 1,239 18 1,407 5 1,573 2,343 43,6.32 57 11,316 3 i,;«2 1,700 169 1,297 622 1,213 1,425 1,190 1,970 1 ■ 1,417 1,576 2 1,212 .52 1,227 3 1,314 1,089 3 1,250 4 1,391 . , 1,355 1 1.542 1.376 2,(M»1 1,246 ...... !I71 l,a85 1,721 2 1,851 1,186,346 302,189 5,951 9,207 357 386 177 78 1,475 1,896 2 531 726 1,457 174 328 94 626 418 1 30 u e o 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 .50 51 52 184 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. 3 t 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 IS DISTRICTS & S.-DISTUTCTS i. Lachiitt-, Town — Ville j. Mille Isles k. IVEorin 1. St. Andrew's m. St. Jerusaleni n. Wentworth and Muntcalni. 137.— Bagot a. Acton, Toirn — Ville. ...... h. St. Andre c. St. Dominique d. St. Ephreni d"Ui)ton. . . . e. St. Ephrem d'Upton, Vil/ar/e f. Ste. Helene '.. [/. St. Hughes , h. St. Liboire i. St. Pie j. Ste. Rosalie k. St. Simon f. St. Theodore d'Acton 138. Beauce 19 20 21 22 23 \e. 24 /. 25. U 26 \h. 27 \L 28 \j. 29 k. 30 l. 31 ra. 32 n. 33 0. 34 P- 35 q- 36 r. 37 s. 38 t. 39 u. 40 V. 41 w. 42 X. 43 y- 44 z. 45 au a. Adstoek \b. Ditchfield \c. J^orset \d. St. Eenoit Labre St. Samuel de Gay hurst. . . St. Martin St. Come de Kennebec .... St. Theophile. , Sacre-Creur de Jesus St. Honore de Shenley .... Sts. Anges St. Elzear St. Ephrem de Tring St. Evariste de Fors^yth. . . St. rran9ois St. Frederic St. George St. Joseph St. Joseph, Village Ste. Marie St. Pierre de Broughton . . St. Sebastien d'Aylmer . . St. Severin St. Victor de Tring St. Vital de Lambton . . Spaulding and Risborough • Woburn and Clinton 139. — Beauhariiois Families — Families. Population. ' >^u„,ber, 46 47 48 49 50 51 o. Beauharnois, Town — Ville. .. h. Salaberryde Valley field, To^vn- c. Ste. Cecile d. St. Cli-nicnt c. St. Etienne f. St. Louis de Gonzague -Ville. 1,751 519 471 1.702 1,062 898 21,695 1,381 2.0H4 1.897 1,314 839 1.526 2.003 2.3."i3 3.342 1,83!> 1,7N2 1,85.!) 37,222 682 848 346 772 8«9 894 1,279 318 1,586 1,578 993 1,247 2,386 1,248 4,022 1,814 3,099 2, 128 1,0;C) 2,897 789 859 790 2,.557 1,780 188 198 16,662 1,590 5,515 1,315 1,771 082 2,187 Nonibre. 344 83 98 334 198 137 4,106 255 389 365 247 172 303 371 Ai)7 5S5 2.00 349 348 6, .524 135 178 48 141 155 156 220 62 263 271 162 200 395 232 741 278 544 353 195 560 147 147 139 408 315 43 36 2,888 308 963 212 305 168 Average Size. Moyenne. Sexes. Males. I Females. Hommes. 865 265 2.55 833 518 526 10,952 670 1.060 939 680 429 7S4 1,018 1,173 1,673 664 896 966 19,127 3.58 439 172 419 472 466 657 160 795 798 507 641 1,212 639 2,116 936 1,.569 1,112 489 1,452 412 446 392 1,.318 931 110 109 8,262 733 2,695 652 iK)5 484 1,086 Femmes. 886 254 216 869 544 372 10,743 711 1.004 9.58 634 410 742 985 1.180 1,669 675 886 889 18,095 324 409 174 353 417 428 622 158 791 780 486 606 1,174 609 1,906 878 1,.530 1,016 546 1,445 377 413 .S98 1,239 849 78 89 8,400 857 2,820 6(i3 866 498 1,101 recensemp:nt du Canada, is9i. Tableau III. — Etat Civil. 185 Married — jVIaries. Males, i Females Horn- jFemmes mes. 318 123 154 42 120 134 Total. 30«J 307 72 72 91 91 252 252 15.S 158 119 120 3JC5 3,753 249 250 358 358 328 321) 228 2.SI) 151 151 2(;7 2t)7 347 346 420 423 576 561 221 221 302 303 317 123 151 41 123 134 144 198 144 198 57 57 259 258 252 255 165 159 186 186 408 410 220 218 643 649 276 278 473 476 353 352 166 165 470 468 135 135 126 129 117 117 398 402 294 292 36 36 32 31 ,655 2,648 254 255 921 912 200 200 287 286 159 159 324 324 613 144 182 5114 316 239 7,518 49i) 716 654 458 302 534 693 843 1,137 442 605 635 5,981 5,987 \ 11,968 246 305 83 243 268 288 396 114 517 507 324 372 818 438 1,292 554 949 705 331 938 270 255 234 800 586 72 63 5,303 509 1,833 400 573 318 648 Widowed — En Veuvage. Males. Hom- ilies. 18 32 14 266 14 16 21 10 14 24 42 19 48 17 27 14 407 Females Femiiies 42 11 8 50 33 10 414 26 15 39 18 14 21 50 41 103 24 33 30 547 5 3 7 9 2 4 6 7 5 13 10 8 14 19 4 5 12 18 21 24 9 16 22 34 10 19 11 16 49 56 23 27 33 53 18 30 12 26 57 54 7 14 11 11 8 21 24 28 22 28 1 2 4 2 163 383 14 55 52 155 10 16 26 30 16 19 23 57 Total. 60 18 13 82 47 15 680 40 31 (;() 28 28 45 92 60 151 41 60 44 954 8 16 6 13 18 18 33 9 30 45 25 56 29 27 105 50 86 48 38 111 21 22 29 52 50 3 6 546 69 207 26 56 35 80 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. I Females Hoin- [Femmes mes. 541 186 1.59 54!» 346 402 6,921 407 (isd .■)90 442 2(14 493 (i29 734 1,049 426 5()7 (534 12,739 230 278 128 293 333 312 445 99 524 525 333 433 794 408 1,424 637 1.063 741 311 925 270 3(t!t 267 S96 615 73 73 5,444 465 1,722 442 592 309 739 537 171 117 567 353 242 6,576 435 631 593 386 245 454 589 716 1.005 430 550 542 11,561 198 249 129 223 270 276 405 96 515 501 311 386 745 375 1,201 573 1,001 634 355 923 228 273 260 809 529 40 56 5,369 547 1.753 447 550 320 720 Total. 1,078 357 276 1,116 699 644 13,497 842 1,317 1,183 828 509 947 1,218 1,450 2,054 856 1,117 1,176 24,3(X» 428 527 257 516 603 588 850 195 1,039 1,026 644 819 ],.5.39 783 2,625 1,210 2,064 1,375 666 1,848 498 582 527 1,705 1,144 113 129 French Cana- dians. Cana- dions- Franfais. 809 12 211 862 189 445 21,375 1,285 1,982 1,89() 1,3(M^ 776 1,524 1,996 2,344 3,306 1,335 1,780 1,851 36,076 676 .518 34(> 770 889 8(J0 1,061 318 1,551 1,577 985 1,228 2,384 1,248 3,989 1.810 2,834 2,127 1,031 2,885 768 859 703 2,5.57 1,771 179 152 1,012 3,475 889 1,142 62!) 1,459 10,813 ! 15,370 l..*)22 4,911 1,280 1,727 .S72 1.798 Others. Autres. 942 507 260 840 873 453 320 96 82 1 14 63 2 36 4 2 4 1,146 35 1 8 19 2 "33 4 265 1 4 12 21 87 9 9 46 1,292 68 604 35 44 110 389 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 I 13 9 : 14 15 16 17 18 6 19 330 20 . ..{21 2 I 22 ■ 23 34 24 218 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ,50 51 186 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. 1 g. St. Stanisla.s de Kostka. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 h. St. Tin;othee 140. — Bellechasse . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 //, 23 !/i, 24 25 26 27 a. Armagh b. Beaumont c. Bnckland. . . d. St. Charles e. St. Damien /. St. Cxervais f/. St. Lazare h. St. Magloire i. St. Michel j. St. Nwe. A'. Ste. Philomene de Maillou.x. I. St. Raphael , . m. St. Valier 141.— Berthier. -Ville. Berthier Berthier, l^own- Courcelle Lanoraie Lavaltrie St. Barthelemi St. Cuthbert St. Damien St. (jabriel de Brandon . . St. Michel des Saints St. Norbert Visitation de File Dupas 142. — Bonaventure. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 \k; i 38 \m. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Carleton H-.untlton, East — Est , Hamilton, West — Quest Hope, East — Est ... Hope, West — Oucst Mann and Indian Reserve Maria, East — Est Maria, West — Quest Metapedia ?. New Carli.sle, East and West— Est et Quest New Richmond, East — Est New Richmond, West — Quest Nouvelle & Shoolbred, East — Est Nouvelle & Shoolbred, West — Quest. . . . Paspebiac, East — Est Paspebiac, West — Quest . . Port Daniel, East — Est . Port Daniel, West — Quest Restigouche St. Charles de Caplan 143.— Brome. Population. 1.198 2,104 18,368 1,549 811 1,199 2,070 820 2,072 1,322 1,065 1,838 1,181 707 2,406 1,322 19,833 1,827 1,537 304 1,715 987 2,527 3,179 1,163 3,172 591 1.478 1,356 20,835 1,078 1,130 1,198 1,286 828 808 1,467 966 1,273 991 786 1,264 1,359 791 858 891 1,305 672 579 1,305 14,709 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. 196 364 3,555 289 149 202 403 1.54 432 284 206 348 224 129 447 288 3,822 305 345 64 344 219 470 045 207 .586 111 269 257 3,373 150 180 179 216 132 147 223 124 237 185 128 195 197 116 145 167 235 114 87 216 3,117 Average Size. Moyenne. 4-7 Sexes. Males. Hommes. 630 1,077 9,229 786 407 638 1,023 409 1,059 660 542 875 626 359 1,213 632 9,911 898 735 1.51 832 492 1,276 1,569 596 1,603 319 750 690 10, .5.56 534 593 601 640 417 428 753 484 658 490 383 604 674 418 442 468 (iSO 338 302 649 7,666 Females. Femmes. 568 1,027 9,139 763 404 561 1,053 411 1,013 662 523 963 555 348 1,193 690 9,925 929 802 153 883 495 1,251 1,610 567 1,569 272 728 666 10,279 544 537 597 646 411 380 714 482 615 501 403 660 685 373 416 423 625 334 277 ()5fi 7,043 *b, Cascapediac and w. Tracadieche no population. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III. — Etat Civil. 187 " \ Children and Unmarried. " " ^* Married — M.iries. | Widowed— En VeuvaRe. — French Cana- dians. Enfants et non-maries. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — i i — Total. — — Total. — — Total. Cana- diens- Autres. 1 i Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fraii^ais. s S ines. mes. * mes. 1,160 ^ VM 189 379 1 11 13 24 429 366 i 795 38 1 320 323 643 11 38 49 746 666 1,412 2,100 4 2 2,928 2,929 5,857 246 408 6.54 6,055 5,802 11,8.57 18,332 36 240 240 480 11 24 .35 535 499 1,034 1,549 3 1.S5 1.S4 269 15 22 37 257 248 505 806 .5' 4 17S 179 357 12 16 28 448 366 814 1,199 2,073 5 -I 1 <-' .S19 X 1 if 318 637 37 54 91 ()67 6,S1 1,348 3' 6 141 141 282 6 9 15 262 261 523 820 7 327 326 653 42 50 92 (i90 637 1,327 2,(»72 ...... 8 204 205 409 18 34 52 438 423 861 ! 1.321 1 9 174 173 347 9 15 24 359 .3^35 694 1,061 4 10 2S9 289 578 23 65 88 563 609 1,172 1,836 2 11 175 112 413 178 114 413 3">3 ^ 15 23 443 362 805 1,181 _ 12 ''•id •5 11 242 228 470 707 13 826 38 60 98 762 720 1,482 2, .387 19' 14 221 219 440 22 38 60 389 433 822 1,320 2 15 3,333 3,333 6,666 301 416 717 6,277 6,176 12,4.53 j 19,539 297 291 288 579 20 45 65 587 596 1,183 1,816 11 16 270 273 543 24 52 76 441 477 918 1,4.52 85 17 57 57 114 3 5 8 91 91 182 280 24 18 292 292 .584 35 49 84 5(15 .542 1,047 1,712 3 19 177 174 351 21 22 43 294 299 593 986 1 20 387 .387 774 38 54 92 .S51 810 1,661 2.527 21 551 549 1,100 51 69 120 9(i7 90_' 1,959 .3.173 6 22 184 187 371 18 19 37 394 .361 7.55 1.161 2 '£i 546 546 1,092 .39 .54 93 1,01S 969 1.987 3,012 ItK) 24 105 107 212 5 4 9 209 161 370 .580 2 25 246 246 492 24 17 41 480 465 945 1,478 26 227 227 454 23 26 49 440 413 853 1,353 3 27 3,028 3,032 6,060 223 473 696 7,305 6,774 14,070 13,-287 7,548 1.S8 139 277 17 35 52 379 370 749 1,074 4 28 150 150 300 8 37 45 435 3.50 785 815 315 29 153 153 306 9 25 34 439 419 858 1.197 1 30 209 209 418 13 15 28 418 422 840 737 549 31 122 125 247 7 16 23 288 270 558 394 434 32 122 122 244 15 38 53 201 220 511 105 703 33 201 197 398 20 41 61 532 476 1,008 1,175 292 34 121 121 242 15 24 39 348 337 685 945 21 35 208 209 417 13 16 29 437 390 827 1,069 204 m 1 154 1.54 308 11 28 39 325 .319 644 73 918 37 126 137 263 3 7 10 2.54 259 513 15 771 3» 185 183 368 15 26 41 404 451 855 1.58 1,106 39 189 189 378 1 10 27 37 475 469 944 i 1,182 177 40 108 107 215 9 22 31 ' .301 •244 545 344 447 41 133 122 132 119 265 241 8 16 15 20 23 36 301 330 269 284 .570 614 8.50 .575 8 316 42 43 212 212 424 12 23 35 456 390 846 1,188 117 44 103 102 205 6 21 27 •'29 211 44(1 143 529 45 72 73 145 8 14 22 222 190 412 76 503 4(> 200 1 ./. St. Irenee k. St. Simeon 564 488 47 I. St. Urbain 555 147.— Ohateau^uay 5 3 6,822 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tahlkau IIL— Etat Civil. 189 Children and Unmarried. Married — Maries. Widowed— En Veuvage. Enfants et non- maries. French Cana- dians. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — _ _ Total. _ _ Total. i _ Total. Cana- Autres. 6 1 dij'iis- .a Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fran(jais. o ilies. 1 932 mes. mes. ' "A 466 466 31 40 71 1 788 592 1,380 1,224 1,1.59 1 182 183 365 10 24 34 ^ 263 229 492 111 780 2 730 721 1,451 62 113 175 1,162 987 2.149 1.074 2,701 3 387 387 774 26 59 85 645 541 1,186 1,006 1,039 4 457 457 914 44 63 107 682 550 1,232 515 1,738 5 714 710 1,433 , 53 109 162 964 803 1,767 ft09 2,453 6 1,916 1,910 3,826 168 299 467 3,653 3,758 7,411 10,139 1,565 145 144 289 20 21 41 338 .327 665 995 7 152 1.51 .303 20 36 .56 203 259 462 805 ie' 8 143 143 286 18 17 35 325 312 637 858 100 9 1,32 134 266 11 12 23 288 302 590 851 28 10 145 145 290 5 31 36 259 261 520 690 ir)6 11 203 203 406 18 17 35 360 393 753 926 268 12 457 454 911 36 88 124 820 902 1,722 2,411 346 13 111 110 221 6 20 26 231 205 4.30 1 679 4 14 132 133 265 14 15 29 236 191 427 717 4 15 140 140 280 17 19 36 325 303 628 941 3 16 156 1.53 309 3 23 26 268 303 571 266 610 17 4,668 4,669 9,337 371 523 894 9,876 9,160 19,036 28,284 983 214 214 428 21 21 42 42() 393 819 1,264 25 18 241 240 481 18 41 59 460 523 983 1,.523 19 320 323 643 30 25 .55 720 624 1,344 2,040 2' 20 58 58 116 4 10 14 122 100 222 304 48 21 456 456 912 57 68 125 888 895 1,783 • 2,782 38 22 322 323 645 15 36 51 653 583 1,236 1,932 . • • • ... 23 150 150 300 19 22 41 333 322 655 987 9 24 312 315 627 24 51 75 652 631 1,283 1,981 4 25 148 147 295 6 6 12 266 218 484 790 1 26 121 121 242 9 11 20 280 253 533 792 3 27 471 470 941 46 55 101 1,039 959 1,998 2,963 77 28 202 293 585 22 41 63 684 618 1,302 ' 1,948 2 2J» 190 189 370 18 22 40 495 444 939 1,3.57 1 30 172 172 344 11 14 25 359 .340 699 1,054 14 31 376 3/7 753 30 64 94 824 785 1,609 2,444 12 32 184 181 365 8 8 16 369 351 720 1,100 1 33 423 422 845 22 23 45 868 777 1,645 I 2,.527 8 34 218 218 436 11 5 16 438 344 782 1 496 738 35 3,0.54 3,047 6,101 246 360 606 6,287 6,044 12,331 18,896 142 613 610 1,223 51 69 120 1,203 1,214 2,417 3,748 12 3(> 136 136 272 18 21 39 ' .301 295 596 906 1 37 402 403 805 38 52 90 877 836 1,713 1 2,593 15 .38 4!)lt 496 995 48 69 117 1,095 1,032 2,127 ' 3,210 2tt 39 148 148 2'.)6 11 12 23 270 297 567 885 1 40 66 65 131 ! 10 7 17 143 129 272 419 1 1 41 2!)0 291 581 21 39 60 586 5(>3 1,149 1,789 1 i 42 180 180 360 5 16 21 361 • 326 687 1,(K!3 5 43 1S4 183 367 7 20 27 370 :«5 705 1,088 11 44 104 195 389 13 12 25 381 3.57 738 1,152 45 1.52 152 304 12 16 28 31() 320 636 917 51 46 100 188 378 1 12 27 39 384 340 724 1,126 15 47 2,245 2,241 4,486 1 191 339 530 4,606 4,242 8,848 9,660 4,204 190 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. a [2; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. St. Antoiiu' Al)l)<'' Ste. Clothilile c. St. Jean CHirysusiuiiie. . . '/. St. Joachim e. St. iVIalac-hie d'OrKistown /. Ste. M artiiie r/. Stf. I'hiluineme . . . h. St. Urbaiii I'lfiiiier. i. Tres Saint Sacreuient. . . . 148.— Ohicoutimi and Saguenay a. b. c. d. e. f. ff- \h. \i. P'- k. I. m. n. 0. P- q- r. s. t. u. V. w. \x. \y- 'Z \bh. \cc. \dd. ee. ff- 90- Ml. ii. jj- kk. II. Durocher and Rober- Chicoutinii Chicoutiini, Town-Ville Harvey, St. Germain, Labrosse L'Anse St. Jean Nonuandin, Albaiiel and Parent. Notre-Danie de Laterriere Notre-Dame d'Hebertville N.-D. d'Hebertville, VUhnje N.-D. du Jjhc St. Jean and val Racine, Dalmas, Taillon and Delisle . . . Indian Reserve . Rober val. Village St. Alexis St. Alphonse and Bagotville, Village . . . Ste. Anne St. Bruno St. Charles and St. Ambroise St. Cyriac St. Dominique Felieien, Ashuapmouchouan, No7-th — Nord, Desmeules and Dufferin .... Fulo-ence Gedeon Hilaire, Dequen, Dablon, &c.' Jerome . Joseph d'Alma Louis de Metabetchouan Prime and Ashuapmouchouan, St. St St. St. St. St. St. , St, South — Slid . . . Isle of Anticosti Bonne Esperance Escoumains Manicouagan Mecatina MilleVaehes. Moisie Natashcouan Pointe aux Esquimaux. Pointe des Monts Tadousac . Population. mm. Unorganized Territory , 585 845 2,270 i,m) 2,656 1,600 1,105 1,318 1,925 38,281 2,071 2,277 189 761 587 1,006 1,887 509 1,040 535 434 783 1,689 1,476 1,663 564 423 435 1,477 988 777 960 1,124 1,835 1,031 1,155 1,0.50 253 351 G67 128 341 105 269 365 751 498 2,440 1,387 1 1 Families — Families. Number. Nonibre. 112 149 414 285 519 298 223 256 384 6,341 .367 378 33 95 100 152 291 93 164 86 95 131 261 213 224 104 65 63 2il 155 137 143 198 249 1.50 185 172 42 61 124 24 62 208 40 64 282 84 444 361 Average Size. Moyenne. 5-2 5-7 5-5 5-5 51 5-4 4-9 51 50 60 5-6 60 5-7 80 5-9 6-6 6-5 5-5 6-3 6-2 4-6 60 6-4 6-9 7-4 5-4 6-5 6-9 61 6-4 5-7 6-7 5-7 7 4 6-9 6-2 61 60 5-8 5-4 5-3 5-5 5-3 6-7 5-7 6-2 5-9 5-5 3-8 Se.xes. Males. Hommes. 286 473 1.140 802 1,308 812 551 670 1,000 19,963 1,099 1,179 97 387 324 526 968 258 560 276 212 395 877 762 855 294 226 223 764 523 434 498 593 944 .542 589 581 146 186 332 68 181 .597 149 195 869 271 1,280 703 Females. Femmes. 299 372 1,130 758 1,348 788 554 648 925 18,318 972 1,098 92 374 263 480 919 251 480 25!) 222 388 812 714 808 270 197 212 713 465 343 462 531 891 489 566 469 107 165 335 60 160 508 120 170 882 227 1,160 684 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA. 1891. Tahlkau III. — Etat Civil. 191 Married — Maries. Females Fern 111 es 6,075 320 349 33 118 94 150 291 80 1.53 90 82 129 250 227 263 90 67 76 219 156 119 148 187 284 157 181 156 37 55 114 20 57 183 41 65 276 78 385 295 Total. 98 196 124 248 353 709 238 476 439 878 275 549 192 386 213 426 309 618 Widowed — En Veuvage. ji ! Children and Unmarried. 12,158 640 699 66 236 188 300 580 160 317 180 164 258 499 4.52 526 181 134 1.50 435 313 239 295 375 566 315 361 313 74 110 226 40 114 367 83 130 555 156 771 590 Males. Hom- mes. 6 11 30 26 27 25 20 18 28 427 27 30 2 10 3 11 20 7 7 3 5 4 16 16 22 3 1 18 6 12 10 10 15 7 11 11 7 5 10 ' 7 18 5 5 26 4 32 21 Females Femmes 12 17 72 41 61 39 23 30 44 566 43 51 5 5 18 18 12 15 3 13 8 40 25 21 6 6 7 23 6 9 8 3 Total. Enfaikts et non-niarie.t. 18 28 102 67 88 64 43 48 72 993 70 81 2 15 8 29 38 19 22 6 18 12 56 41 43 9 7 7 41 12 21 18 13 12 19 1 18 29 10 21 3 10 5 10 12 22 1 1 4 11 11 29 3 8 4 9 2t 50 3 7 36 68 51 72 Males. iFemales Horn- Femmes mes. I 1 182 1 189 338 231 754 705 538 479 842 848 513 474 337 339 439 405 663 572 13,453 11,677 752 609 799 698 62 59 259 251 227 164 365 312 659 610 171 159 389 312 183 166 125 127 262 251 612 522 521 462 570 524 200 174 158 124 149 129 530 471 360 303 302 215 341 306 395 .341 647 583 377 320 .398 367 413 303 102 67 126 105 210 209 48 39 117 99 395 314 102 76 125 101 5(!4 .582 189 146 862 739 387 338 Total. 371 569 1,459 1,017 1,690 987 676 844 1,235 25,130 1,361 1,497 121 510 391 677 1,269 330 701 349 252 513 1,134 983 1,094 374 282 278 1,001 663 517 647 736 1,230 (597 765 71(i 169 231 419 87 216 709 178 226 1,146 335 1,601 725 French Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Fran9ais. 504 539 1,741 1,523 829 1,4.52 1,053 1,224 795 35,656 2,068 2,232 189 761 587 994 1,.'<87 .509 1,034 535 52 764 1,679 1,469 1,.598 564 422 435 1,476 988 770 956 1,120 1,833 l.OSO 1,116 1,037 Hi7 144 6.55 117 124 I.I'M 2.59 356 1,739 484 2,400 2 Others. Autres. a5 7 4 4 2 1 39 86 207 12 11 217 1 o 1 2 3 4 5 (> 7 8 9 81 306 529 37 1,827 148 52 94 1,130 2,625 3 10 45 11 ' 12 I 13 i 14 12 15 16 17 6 18 ' 19 382 20 19 21 10 22 23 24 25 2(i 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 13 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 10 I 43 9 i 44 12 I 45 14 I 46 40 I 47 1,385 48 192 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. S DISTRICTS & S.-DI.STRICTS. Population. o 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 149. Compton 4 't/. Auckland Bury Chf^hain Clifton, Ell at and West— Est et Quest, and St. Edwidge and Martinville. Villmje. Compton Ditton Eaton Emberton Hamdwi Herefoi-d and Paqiietteville, VilUujc. ... Lake Megantic, ViUiiiH Lingwii-k Marsden and Piopolis, Village. ...... Newport Waterville, Village West bury Whitton and Ste. Cecils, Villaijc Winslow and St. Roniain do 150.— Deux-Montagnes. a. L'Annonciation b. St. Au'_'ustin, Villaije. ... . c. St. Benoit d. St. Canut e. St. Colomban . . /. St. Kustache (1. St. Eustache, Village h. St. Hernias i. St. .Joseph /. Ste. Monique k. St. Placide I. Ste. Scholastique. . m. Ste. Scholasticjue, Villaijc. . . 151. - Dor Chester 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 '(,. 39 'h. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 St. Anselme St. Bernard : Ste. Claire St. Ed85 943 Females. Femmes. 704 325 253 750 959 448 732 450 614 427 1,001 3.50 261 600 528 549 245 513 1,.521 1,422 803 296 419 907 490 ()97 470 471 656 721 447 1,120 238 544 12,930 400 577 353 315 720 949 710 540 143 271 188 312 557 1,132 481 718 871 441 695 663 857 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 195 Children and L'ninarried. Married — Marieis. Widowed— En Veuvage. Enfants et non-i naries. French Cana- dians. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — — — Total. — — Total. — — Total. Cana- diens- Autres. .2 Hom- Femnies Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes 1 Fran(,ais. i mes. mes. ines. 1,3.32 i, 237 236 473 15 20 35 544 448 992 168 I 98 98 196 13 8 21 204 219 423 6:^4 6 2 82 82 164 16 11 27 192 HW 352 27 516 3 229 229 458 21 43 64 494 478 972 769 725 4 .S.52 351 703 26 35 61 618 573 1,191 1,797 158 5 150 150 300 11 17 28 302 281 583 820 91 6 251 251 502 26 44 70 527 4.37 9(!4 1,015 521 7 178 178 356 9 20 29 287 252 539 487 437 8 199 200 399 ' 13 27 40 426 387 813 884 368 9 138 138 276 9 23 32 263 266 529 8,33 4 10 344 344 688 25 35 60 714 622 1,3.36 ! 2,m; 18 11 127 127 254 1 9 9 18 251 214 465 1 735 2 12 103 103 206 i 6 4 10 218 154 .372 i 584 4 13 206 206 412 9 21 30 394 373 767 1 1,209 14 198 199 397 10 15 25 409 314 723 ; 1,133 12 15 174 173 347 S 16 24 348 360 708 1,078 1 16 85 86 171 4 5 9 194 154 348 492 36 17 178 178 35(i 6 20 26 352 315 (i67 1,013 36 18 502 502 1,004 41 44 85 1,001 975 1,976 o,01(J 55 19 475 475 950 37 58 95 887 889 1,776 2,.S20 1 20 273 273 546 9 22 31 596 .508 1,104 ; l,6.so 1 21 93 93 186 7 7 14 177 196 373 573 22 132 132 264 10 25 35 275 262 537 8a5 i' 23 308 310 618 15 18 33 644 579 1,223 1 1,872 2 24 173 172 345 9 11 20 352 307 659 1>77 47 25 249 251 500 20 15 35 528 431 959 1,482 12 26 1(56 163 329 14 15 29 313 292 605 9(i3 27 173 173 346 11 16 27 324 282 606 3; 14 '585 28 193 193 386 18 16 34 433 447 880 : 1,2(18 32 2i) 235 235 470 18 23 41 531 463 994 ' 1,437 68 30 137 138 275 15 18 33 254 291 545 1 824 29 31 396 397 793 28 18 46 756 705 1,461 1 2,166 134 32 81 81 162 9 3 12 171 154 325 ! .394 105 33 191 196 387 13 17 30 363 331 694 1 1,009 102 34 4,105 4,085 8,190 317 526 843 9,523 8,319 17,842 19,406 7,469 165 164 329 11 20 31 263 216 479 S29 10 35 188 188 376 9 17 26 463 372 835 1.224 13 36 114 113 227 17 18 35 301 222 523 . 321 464 37 92 92 184 10 8 18 230 215 445 1 634 13 38 221 216 437 31 45 76 496 4.59 955 87 1,.381 39 311 314 625 15 36 51 677 599 1,276 l.8(l<.l 143 40 223 222 445 17 23 40 472 465 937 : 1.316 IIM) 41 187 188 375 19 24 43 407 328 735 299 854 42 47 47 94 3 9 12 114 87 201 42 265 43 90 90 180 4 5 9 210 176 386 565 10 44 62 62 124 3 10 13 145 116 261 1.58 240 45 118 116 234 7 22 2!t 164 174 338 ! 5f>8 93 46 176 173 349 8 29 37 411 .3.55 766 1,127 25 47 .350 351 701 25 44 ()!» 841 737 1,578 2,032 316 48 154 155 309 16 16 32 379 310 689 < 710 320 49 217 216 433 17 34 51 545 468 1,013 1.146 351 .50 282 277 559 16 42 58 658 .552 1,210 754 1,073 51 118 118 236 8 9 17 329 314 643 828 68 52 212 209 421 19 19 .38 555 467 1,022 1,275 206 53 194 193 .387 13 23 3<) 478 447 925 1 835 513 54 280 277 557 26 39 65 637 541 1,178 1 1,1.58 642 55 A— 13Jt 196 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III. — Civil Condition. ID 3 4 .'3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 DISTRICTS S. -DISTRICTS. Population. 25 a. V. Ste. Anne des Monts w. York 164.— Hochelaga. C6te des Neiges, Village Ccite St. Antoine do C6te St. Louis, Town — Ville C6teSt. Paul C6te St. Paul, Village C6te Visitation do Hochelaga Ward — Quartier (annexed to Montreal) Longue Pointe . . Maisonneuve, Toion — Ville ... Mile End, Village Notre-Dame de Grace, Village N.- Dame des Neiges, West-Ouest Outremont, Village Pointe aux Trenitales Sault aux Recollets Ste. Cunegonde, Town — Ville St. Gabriel Ward — Quartier (annexed to Montreal) St. Henri, Town— Ville St. Jean-Baptiste Ward — Quartier (an- nexed to Montreal) St. Joiseph, Riv. des Prairies St. Leonard, Port Maurice Verdun, Village 155.— Huntingdon 32 h. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Dundee Elgin Franklin Godmanchester Havelock Hemmingford Henimingford, Village. Hinchinbroo]ve Huntingdon, Village.. . St. Anicet Ste. Barbe 156.-Iberville. a. Iberville, Town — Ville. . . b. St. Alexandre c. Ste. Anne de Sabrevois. . d. St. Athanase . e. Ste. Brigide /. St. George de Henriville g. St. Gregoire le Grand. . . h. St. Sebastian 157. — Jacques-Cartier a. Lachine b. Lachine, Town — Ville.. 1,762 350 80,998 391 3,076 2,972 475 842 816 8,540 2,445 1,226 3,537 2,305 933 408 876 1,820 9,291 9,986 .13,413 1.5,423 761 1,166 296 14,385 1,535 915 1,133 1,673 1,035 1,733 300 2,209 1,177 2,093 582 11,893 1,710 2,101 775 1,028 2,083 1,324 1,377 1,495 13,832 ■1,058 3,761 Families— Families. Number. Nombre. 258 58 15,939 71 572 649 92 192 145 1,589 177 261 778 339 160 64 172 333 1,912 1,957 2,766 3,290 150 218 52 2,808 303 177 222 337 204 340 69 428 244 379 105 2,207 347 393 137 163 415 240 241 271 2,591 195 681 Average Size. Sexes. Males. Moyenne. Hommes. 6-8 6 51 5-4 4 6 5-2 4-4 5-6 5-4 13-8 4-7 45 6 8 5-8 6 4 5 1 5-8 4-9 51 4-9 4-7 51 5-3 5-7 51 50 5 2 51 4-9 51 51 4 3 5 1 4-8 5-5 5-5 5-4 4 9 5-3 5-7 6-3 50 5-5 5-7 5-5 5.3 5-4 5-5 904 171 40,023 214 1,476 1,493 233 435 471 4,157 1,222 605 1,787 1,021 483 228 420 901 4,610 5,039 6,613 7,497 373 595 150 7,269 774 457 .596 866 506 867 148 1,136 567 1.061 291 6,044 860 1,078 398 518 1,098 643 703 746 6,859 509 1,824 Females. Femmes. 858 179 40,975 177 1,600 1,479 242 407 345 4.383 1,223 621 1,750 1,284 450 180 456 919 4,681 4,947 6,800 7,926 388 571 146 7,116 761 458 537 807 529 866 152 1,073 610 1,032 291 5,849 850 1,023 377 510 985 681 674 749 6,973 489 1,937 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III. — Etat Civil. 197 Childrer 1 and Unmarried. Married —Maries. i Widowed — En Veuvage. 1 T^ 1 ' Enfants et non- maries. l ranch Cana- dians. Others. Males. Females Males. Females Males. Females — — _ _ Total. _ _ Total. __ _ Total. Cana- 1 diens- Autres, Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fran9ai8. S ines. mes. mes. I,7a5 i 250 249 499 ! 20 27 47 634 582 1,216 27 1 54 55 109 i 3 7 10 114 117 231 14 336 2 14,530 14,503 29,033 875 1,974 2,849 24,618 24,498 49,116 58,522 22,476 60 60 120 16 13 29 138 104 242 374 17 3 454 450 904 35 92 127 987 1,058 2,045 286 2,790 4 594 595 1,189 i 34 72 106 865 812 1,677 2,.590 382 5 77 76 153 8 16 24 148 150 298 382 93 6 140 141 281 10 16 26 285 250 535 618 224 7 128 128 256 16 14 30 327 203 530 566 250 8 1,464 1,466 2,930 91 184 275 2,602 2,733 .5,335 7,544 996 9 328 291 619 39 86 125 855 846 1,701 1,885 560 10 236 236 472 13 18 31 356 367 723 928 298 11 724 722 1,446 28 79 107 1,035 949 1,984 .3,297 240 12 328 328 656 24 43 67 669 913 1,582 1,873 432 13 160 153 313 8 17 25 315 280 595 699 234 14 65 68 133 9 9 18 154 103 2.57 127 281 15 151 150 301 14 31 45 255 275 530 815 61 16 268 271 539 23 46 69 610 602 1,212 1,616 204 17 1,698 1,718 3,416 109 242 351 2,803 2,721 5,524 7,500 1,791 18 1,849 1,850 3,699 88 204 292 3,102 2,893 5,995 4,679 5, .307 19 2,450 2,448 4,898 126 338 4(^1 4,037 4,014 8,051 6,841 6,572 20 3,010 3,007 6,017 149 411 560 4,338 4,508 8,846 13,949 1,474 21 127 126 253 13 17 30 233 245 478 752 9 22 184 184 368 18 24 42 393 363 756 1,145 21 23 35 35 70 4 2 6 111 109 220 56 240 24 2,238 2,233 4,471 190 370 560 4,841 4,513 9,354 4,489 9,896 250 247 497 14 40 54 510 474 984 348 1,187 25 140 138 278 20 40 60 297 280 577 3.S 877 26 192 191 383 10 35 45 394 311 705 483 650 27 269 270 539 40 59 99 .5.57 478 1,035 307 1,366 28 159 159 318 20 46 66 327 324 651 324 711 29 206 212 418 32 34 66 629 620 1,249 539 1,194 30 53 51 104 1 2 3 94 99 193 85 215 31 393 394 787 10 10 20 733 669 1,402 175 2,034 32 153 152 305 19 51 70 395 407 802 : 265 912 33 335 330 665 23 43 66 703 659 1,362 i 1,387 70 d, Ste. Anne de Belle vue, Village 598 3 e. Ste. Genevieve 610 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 /. Ste. Genevieve, Village (I. St. Joachim de la Pointe Claire h. St. Joachim de la Pointe Claire, Vil- lage i. St. Laiirent j. St. Laurent, Villaqc k. St. Raphael de ITle Bizard 158.-Joliette a. Joliette, Toicn—ViUe h. St. Alphonse de Rodriguez 383 442 259 989 646 334 11,333 1,699 559 1^ c. St. Ambroise de Kildare .' 842 13 14 d. Ste. Beatrice . . c. St. Charles Borromee 508 423 If) /. St. Come 392 16 17 g. Ste. Elizabeth h. Ste. Emelie de I'Energie 1,415 438 18 19 i. St. Felix de Valois j, St. Jean de Matha 1,428 1,321 ?.o k. Ste. Melanie 587 9^ I. St. Paul 734 22 TO. St. Thomas 159. — Kamouraska 987 10,280 ?'^ a. Kamouraska, Village 337 94 h. Mont Carrael 551 95 c. Riviere Quelle 973 26 27 28 d. St. Alexandre e. Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere /. St. Andre and part of Notre-Dame du Portage 860 1,355 701 ^9 g. St. Denis 486 .SO h. St. Eleuthere .301 31 i. Ste. Helene ... /. St. Louis 765 512 33 34 3f) k. St. Onesime d'lxworth I. St. Pac6me m. St. Paschal and Woodbridge 388 977 1,523 36 n. St. Philippe de Neri 551 37 160.— Laprairie a. Laprairie 5,422 775 38 39 h. Laprairie, Village , c. Sault St. Louis 644 976 40 41 d. St. Constant e. St. Isidore 779 743 42 43 /. St. Jacques le Mineur g. St. Phillippe 688 817 44 161.— L'Assomption a. Lachenaie ' 6,976 319 45 46 ''. L'Assomption c. L'Assomption, Town — Ville 636 683 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 199 Married — Maries. i Widowed — En Veuvage. Males. Females Horn- nies. Femmes 92 201 200 120 152 89 331 166 110 3,932 580 184 280 174 138 143 464 163 489 521 204 238 354 3,193 89 173 298 259 430 214 132 107 240 154 137 315 492 153 1,798 249 200 392 242 243 212 260 2,231 88 196 182 91 201 202 120 152 94 330 170 109 3,933 583 185 277 174 138 142 464 163 489 520 205 239 354 3,196 90 173 298 260 429 215 131 109 237 154 137 315 495 153 1,795 248 201 392 241 242 211 260 2,228 89 195 179 Total. 183 402 402 240 304 183 661 336 219 7,865 1,163 369 557 348 276 285 928 .326 978 1,041 409 477 708 6,389 179 346 596 519 859 429 263 216 477 308 274 630 987 306 3,593 497 401 784 483 485 423 520 4,459 177 391 361 Males. Females Hom- mes. Femmes 9 17 24 9 11 10 33 20 12 276 55 11 23 6 14 8 32 5 .% 19 17 33 18 276 12 11 20 23 48 17 15 6 18 16 7 23 37 23 189 38 26 34 28 17 25 21 260 5 30 28 Total. 10 32 34 26 21 13 47 42 14 505 139 30 47 10 23 9 71 10 59 16 23 37 31 498 32 23 41 37 74 47 24 7 26 21 13 57 66 30 320 22 61 79 46 31 43 38 304 19 24 50 19 49 58 35 32 23 80 62 26 781 194 41 70 16 37 17 103 15 94 .35 40 70 49 774 44 34 61 60 122 64 39 13 44 37 20 80 103 53 509 60 87 113 74 48 68 59 624 24 54 78 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. Hom- mes. Females Femmes 202 355 461 217 218 156 640 352 259 7,380 1,038 374 561 355 265 307 814 333 895 814 435 480 709 6,705 162 340 681 599 901 466 276 197 495 368 228 613 1,057 322 3,491 512 376 534 523 460 468 618 4,207 196 413 363 185 365 374 237 269 152 612 434 211 6,895 977 344 518 324 262 241 880 265 880 785 359 4.58 602 215 3.55 634 .563 852 439 331 185 502 337 2.38 605 962 368 3,307 505 382 505 492 470 434 519 4,384 211 417 454 Total. I F'rench Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Fran5ai8. 387 720 8.35 454 487 .308 1,252 786 470 14,275 2,015 718 1,079 679 527 .548 1,694 .598 1,775 1,.599 794 938 1,311 6,586 13,291 377 695 1,.315 1,162 1,753 905 607 382 997 705 466 1.218 2.019 690 6,798 1,017 7.58 1,039 1,015 930 902 1,137 8,591 407 830 817 530 1,078 1,290 727 804 477 1,730 1,184 712 22,3.^0 3,331 S()!( 1,570 1,042 839 840 2 7*^2 "'939 2,793 2,671 1,223 1,484 2.'i( 6 44 2,101 2,106 4,207 106 214 320 3,498 3,239 6,737 10,062 1,202 45 671 672 1,313 33 85 118 1,496 1,368 2,864 1,207 3,118 46 47 45 92 5 5 10 104 75 179 164 117 47 6 6 218 12 436 12 462 11 414 23 876 29 1,151 6 203 48 218 "'is' 24' '42' 49 1 1 2 3 1 4 6 50 274 278 552 IS "" 30' 48' 670 587 1,2.57 1,042 8I5' 51 172 171 343 18 29 47 487 378 865 1 ,9 1,166 52 208 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III.— Civil Condition. 8 fl ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 .39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. 1 iz. 2 \na. 3 \bb. 4 ec. :, (id. ee. 7 !//. 'Jfl- kk. ii. ii- kk. II. mm. nn. 00. pp. qq. rr. ss. tt. uu. vv. WW. Maiiiwaki Marchand Masliam ]\loiitcbello, Villane Miilgrave and Deny Notie-Dame de Bon Secours. . Noitlifield Pointe Gatineau T^on.sonljy. . . Portland, East~Est Portland, Wcxt—Onest Preston and Addington Ripon St. Andre Avelin Ste. Angeliqvie St. IMalachie Sicotte, Lytton & Baskatong. Suffolk Templeton Thurso, Villa fir Unorganized Territory Wabaseeand Dudley Wakefield Wright Families — Families. Population. -v- , ^ js umber 176. -Pontiac 48 'x. Aldfield AUumette Island . . Aylene and Cay wood Bristol, North— Nord Bristol, South — Sud Bryson, Village, and Upper Litchfield . . Calumet Island Clia])eau, Village Chichester Clarendon, North — Nord Clarendon, South — Sud Duhamel and Guigues Fort Coulonge, Village Leslie, Clapham and Huddersfield Mansfield and Pontefract Onslow, North — Nord Onslow, South — Sud Portage du Fort, Village, and Lower Litchfield Quyon, Village Shawville, Village Sheen, Esher, Aberdeen and Malakoff. . Thome . . Unorganized Territory Waltham and Bryson 177. -Portneuf 49 50 Bourg Louis Cap Sante . . Village . 414 2,10.S 754 632 792 431 1,520 301 772 1,064 249 1,5.57 2,548 2,482 413 359 968 2,964 578 1,278 227 1,852 1,182 22,084 666 1,618 268 1,0.50 1,225 1,944 1,310 2.50 7]1 1,403 1,235 677 323 928 1,057 879 1,056 741 668 432 791 940 1,551 361 25,813 756 1,185 Average Size. Nombre. Moyenne. 172 73 330 134 108 132 64 2(i9 58 130 183 49 264 423 420 71 63 188 507 98 347 42 306 178 3,702 124 254 50 169 209 296 214 40 115 2.30 218 131 (iO 148 166 136 180 127 112 96 120 155 298 54 4,417 1.S8 213 5-9 5-8 5-5 5-6 6 I i 4 6 9 7 7 2 9 8 1 9 f» 8 7 1 8 9 7 4 6 Sexes. Males. Females. Hommes. Femmes. 511 228 1,088 376 324 417 214 777 162 407 577 139 796 1,297 1,266 203 198 514 1,597 287 657 118 958 596 362 816 1.53 541 623 1,013 692 124 363 738 632 380 168 450 .552 475 562 .375 347 226 428 491 825 187 12,981 399 582 455 186 1,015 378 308 375 217 743 139 365 4S7 110 761 1,2.-)1 1,216 210 161 454 1,367 291 621 109 89-1 586 11,523 10,561 304 802 115 509 (;(»2 931 CIS 12(i ,348 ()65 603 297 155 478 505 404 494 36(5 321 206 363 449 726 174 12,832 357 603 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat Civil. 209 Married — Maries. Males. Hom- ines. 153 72 297 123 96 109 63 263 52 129 180 47 235 400 390 53 49 174 453 93 166 38 263 166 3,256 Females Temmes 111 98 80 110 138 259 51 4,048 1.32 187 157 72 296 122 96 109 63 263 51 132 179 47 236 401 399 52 48 175 453 92 165 37 262 169 3,244 125 122 209 209 41 42 146 143 189 189 253 253 183 183 33 34 98 96 203 202 190 191 117 116 53 54 132 131 155 155 125 123 157 158 111 99 80 111 135 256 51 4,044 129 189 Total. 310 144 593 245 192 218 126 526 103 261 359 94 471 801 789 105 97 349 906 185 331 75 525 335 6,500 Widowed — En Veuvage. 247 418 83 289 378 506 366 67 194 405 381 233 107 263 310 248 315 222 197 160 221 273 515 102 8,092 261 376 Males. Hom- mes. 12 2 19 9 6 8 6 13 2 6 10 1 14 25 27 9 9 15 46 7 4 4 31 10 284 Females Femmes 7 15 3 17 19 17 23 6 15 17 17 9 "12" 11 7 15 4 9 6 18 8 25 4 409 16 20 23 1 52 13 17 14 5 37 3 9 9 16 48 42 16 3 7 49 20 1 4 45 32 485 Total. 9 42 9 20 45 45 23 8 22 40 28 9 6 17 18 12 17 20 27 6 17 19 22 4 541 9 30 35 3 71 22 23 22 11 50 5 15 19 1 30 73 69 25 12 22 95 27 5 8 76 42 769 Children and Unmarried. Enfants et non-maries. Males. Hom- mes. 16 57 12 37 64 62 46 14 37 57 45 18 6 29 29 19 32 24 36 12 35 27 47 8 950 25 50 346 154 772 244 222 300 145 .501 108 272 387 91 547 872 849 141 140 325 1,098 187 487 76 664 420 7,983 Females Femmes 230 592 109 378 415 743 486 85 250 518 425 254 115 306 .386 343 .390 260 240 140 300 345 .541 132 8,524 251 375 275 113 667 243 195 252 149 443 85 224 299 63 509 802 775 142 110 272 865 179 455 68 587 385 6,832 173 551 64 346 368 633 412 84 230 423 384 172 95 330 332 269 .319 235 195 120 235 295 448 119 8,247 219 384 Total. 621 267 1,439 487 417 552 294 944 193 496 686 154 1,056 1,674 1,624 283 250 597 1,963 366 942 144 1,251 805 14,815 403 1,143 173 724 783 1,376 898 169 480 941 809 426 210 636 718 612 709 495 435 260 .535 640 989 251 16,771 470 759 French Cana- dians. Cana- diens- Fran9ai8. 486 409 1,128 725 175 767 294 1,487 162 629 512 210 1,550 2,498 2,076 16 174 760 1,638 365 247 213 483 822 6,663 476 703 1 20 67 557 834 139 343 39 1 551 138 441 810 184 66 152 173 1 163 1 637 166 24,102 320 1,177 Others. Autres. 480 5 975 29 457 25 137 33 139 143 552 39 7 50 406 397 ! 16 185 208 1,326 213 1,031 14 1,369 360 15,421 190 915 267 1,030 1,158 1,387 476 111 368 1,364 1,234 126 185 487 247 695 990 589 495 431 628 939 914 195 1,711 436 8 s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 A— 14 210 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table III, — Civil Condition. c Si s 3 DISTRTCTS & S. -DISTRICTS. 13 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8 9 10 11 \m. 12 'n. 15 7. Deschanibiiult .*. . . Ecureuils Grondines Notre-Dame des Aiiges. . Pointe aux Trembles. . . . Portneuf Riviere-a-Pierre St. Alban. . . Aiigustin . . . Bazile CasiiTiir Ste. Catherine Ste. Jeanne de Nenville. St. Raymtjnd Nonnat . . . St. Ubalde Population. St. St. St. il78.~Quebec, City— Cite. 16 la. 17 \b. 18 \c. 19 id. Banlieu Banlieu, South — Sud Chaniplain Ward — Quart ier .Tacques-Cartier do Montcalm do Montcalm do Palais do St. John's do St. Louis do St. Pierre do St. Roch do St Roch, North— Nord. St. Roch, South — Sud. . Centre West — Quest 179.— Quebec, Countii—Comti. 29 a. Ancienne Lorette 30 h. Beauport 31 c. Charlesbourg .32 d. Stoneham and Tewkesbury . . . 33 e. St. Ambroise de la J. Lorette. 34 /. St. Ambroise, ViUarje 35 g. St. Oolomb de Sillery 36 h. St. Dunstan, Lac Beauport. . . 37 «. St. Felix du Cap Rouge 38 j. Ste. Foye 39 [k. St. Gabriel de Valcartier 40 1;. St. Gabriel, West— Quest 1180.— Richelieu. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Sorel. City—Cits St. Aime Ste. Anne de Sorel St. .Joseph de Sorel St. Louis de Bonsecoiu's . St. Marcel St. Ours . . . St. Ours, Town—VUle. . St. Pierre de Sorel St. Robert St. Roch 2,401 528 1,431 606 1,240 1,855 603 2,090 1,413 1,912 2,927 1,103 1,289 3,320 1,154 63,090 772 367 2,634 8, .525 3,941 3,.541 2,354 7,747 2,835 2,699 8,986 .S,331 15,358 19,503 2,444 4,644 2,328 727 2,934 875 2,663 216 534 1,034 504 600 21,354 6,669 2,481 1,213 1,210 1,092 1,169 1,654 918 492 1,879 1,045 Families — Families. Number. Nombre. A verage Size. Moyenne. 402 6- 84 6- 237 6 123 4- 205 6- 3;i6 5- 113 5- 353 5- 227 6 319 6- 474 6- 180 6- 254 5- 558 5- 201 5- 11,776 5 109 7- 59 6- 536 4- 1,739 4 784 5- 593 6- 358 6- 1,398 5- 385 7- 481 5- 1,829 4- 435 1 3,070 5- 3,625 5- 429 5- 878 5- 412 5- 134 5- 555 5- 188 4- 484 5- 41 5- 111 4-) 188 5-. 104 4 101 5- 3,755 5' 1,265 5- 375 6- 209 5- 209 5- 195 5- 218 5- 280 5- 178 5- 90 5- 284 6- 189 5- Sexes. Males. Hommes. 1,189 25(5 690 307 604 918 336 1,029 687 995 1,497 561 039 1,710 582 29,096 366 165 1,314 3,978 1,765 1,426 1,009 3,422 1,100 1,272 4,2S8 1,700 7,251 9,335 1,145 2,243 1,128 358 1,390 393 1,293 100 229 487 256 313 10,647 3,246 1,259 594 610 566 592 832 436 240 954 529 Females. Femmes. 1,212 272 741 299 636 937 267 1,061 726 .917 1,430 542 6.50 1,610 572 33,994 406 202 1,320 4,547 -2,176 2,115 1,345 4,325 1,645 1,427 4,748 1,631 8,107 10,168 1,299 2,401 1,200 369 1,544 482 1,370 116 305 547 248 287 10,707 3,423 1,222 619 600 526 577 822 482 252 925 516 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau III.— Etat. Civil. 211 Children and Unmarried. | Man •led— Maries. Widowed— En V euvage. _- T I Knfant s (it non-maries. 1' rf'ncii Caiia A'. ... Others. rluins. Males. Females I Males. Females Males. Females — — — — Total. — — Total. — — Total. Cana- dieus- Autres. Honi- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Franyais. a mes. ines. mes. 2,387 ^^ 366 366 732 .38 57 95 785 789 1,574 14 1 80 79 218 1.59 437 10 26 16 47 26 73 166 445 177 476 343 921 528 1,4;<0 2 219 l' 3 105 106 169 211 339 2 29 5 38 7 67 200 405 188 429 388 834 1,237 4 170 3' 5 2<>0 290 580 ; 28 40 68 600 607 1,207 1,554 301 6 no 110 220 4 3 7 222 154 376 521 82 7 313 311 (i24 34 41 75 682 709 1,391 2,(»90 . . . ... 8 194 ]94 388 1 38 44 82 45,5 488 943 1,376 37 '.) 287 287 574 31 40 71 ()77 590 1,267 1,741 171 10 485 487 972 .38 55 93 974 888 1,862 2,920 7 11 153 155 308 22 24 46 386 363 749 593 510 12 214 214 428 31 32 63 394 404 798 1,287 2 13 557 554 1,111 33 47 80 1,120 1,009 2,129 3,183 137 14 186 186 372 9 13 22 387 373 760 1,152 2 15 9,922 9,948 19,870 931 2,460 3,391 18,243 21,586 39,829 51,273 11,817 104 103 207 18 24 42 244 279 523 342 430 16 50 47 97 16 16 32 99 139 238 161 206 17 407 410 817 48 127 175 859 783 1,642 902 1,732 18 1,399 1,401 2,800 127 .337 464 2,452 2,809 .5,261 7,821 704 19 624 620 1,244 50 186 236 1,091 1,370 2,461 2,580 1.361 20 474 472 946 37 1()9 206 915 1,474 2,389 i 1,542 1,999 21 271 276 547 42 116 158 696 953 1,649 1,.509 845 22 1.160 1,173 2,333 87 349 436 2,175 2,803 4,978 6,842 905 23 337 335 672 40 125 165 813 1,185 1,998 1,226 1,609 24 412 412 824 41 96 137 819 919 1,738 1,894 805 2.5 1,483 1,494 2,977 155 329 484 2,600 2,925 5, .525 8,652 334 26 486 480 966 53 90 143 1,161 1,061 2,222 2,702 (i29 27 2,715 2,725 5,440 217 496 713 4,319 4,886 9,205 15,100 258 28 3,174 3,175 6,349 325 522 847 5,836 6,471 12,307 16,373 3,130 401 401 802 .39 55 94 705 843 1,.548 2.423 21 29 788 785 1,573 94 122 216 1,361 1,494 2,855 ! 4,517 127 30 364 364 728 42 62 104 722 774 1,496 ! 2,272 56 31 118 119 237 5 12 17 235 238 473 408 319 32 .525 529 1,0.54 42 69 111 823 946 1,769 2,S81 53 33 154 156 310 7 44 51 232 282 514 848 27 34 381 378 759 48 88 1.36 864 904 1,768 1,569 1,094 .35 33 33 66 1 4 5 66 79 145 44 172 3(> !Hi 97 193 .5 13 18 128 195 323 498 36 37 145 145 290 24 27 51 1 318 375 693 864 170 38 83 83 166 10 14 24 t l(i3 151 314 8 496 39 86 85 171 8 12 20 219 190 409 41 559 40 3,730 3,721 7,451 276 485 761 6,641 6,501 13,142 21,098 256 1,179 1,174 2,3.53 84 208 292 1,983 2,041 4,024 6.475 194 41 434 428 862 30 43 73 795 751 1,54<; 763 2.4S1 42 206 207 413 15 22 37 373 .390 1,2(17 6' 43 205 211 416 17 24 41 388 365 753 1,204 G 44 213 220 433 9 10 19 344 296 (>40 1.089 3 45 185 186 371 17 25 42 390 .366 756 1.1(18 1 46 271 2(58 539 25 .32 57 .53(5 .522 1,058 1,650 4 47 152 148 300 13 28 41 271 306 577 916 2 48 89 96 349 185 705 151 571 545 .307 1,116 492 1,.S44 35' 49 356 27' ' 3i 58' 50 185 181 366 18 28 46 .32 Males. Females — — — — Total. — — Total. — — Total. Cana- diens- Autres. Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Hom- Femmes Fran9ais. S o ines. mes. mes. ^ 1,983 1,977 3,960 244 339 583 3,881 3,833 7,714 12,176 81 284 284 568 33 44 77 577 583 1,160 1,758 47 1 301 300 601 29 43 72 534 553 1,087 1,756 4 2 238 235 473 28 49 77 474 449 923 1,470 3 3 216 216 432 20 28 48 435 384 819 1,294 5 4 150 151 301 30 • 21 51 272 273 545 888 9 5 96 97 193 10 17 27 174 188 .362 582 6 249 246 495 32 24 56 563 485 1,048 1,599 7 118 118 236 19 42 61 217 288 505 795 7 8 331 330 661 43 71 114 635 630 1,265 2,034 6 9 2,728 2,733 5,461 220 .335 555 5,231 4,811 10,042 15,712 346 341 342 683 26 51 77 681 614 1,295 2,054 1 10 222 221 443 32 32 64 397 393 790 998 299 11 422 425 847 31 53 84 702 679 1,381 2,302 10 12 114 112 226 3 14 17 243 226 469 710 2 13 370 374 744 36 57 93 707 711 1,418 2,245 10 14 269 272 541 17 35 52 617 537 1,154 1,747 15 223 222 445 18 23 41 417 386 803 1,285 4 16 369 368 737 27 30 57 727 600 1,327 2,109 12 17 281 281 562 20 29 49 557 464 1,021 1,624 8 18 117 116 10,031 233 20,196 10 555 11 759 21 1,314 183 26,906 201 18,383 384 45,289 638 1,543 19 10,165 65,256 3,613 3,581 7,194 181 248 429 10,855 6,799 17,654 886 24,391 1,648 1,605 3,253 83 116 199 4,988 2,759 7,747 211 10,988 20 958 970 1,928 36 74 110 2,790 2,047 4,837 509 6,366 21 1,007 1,006 2,013 62 58 120 3,077 1,993 5,070 166 7,037 22 3,351 3,251 6,602 179 229 408 7,867 5,605 13,472 363 20,119 2,303 2,216 4,519 124 154 278 5,179 3,700 8,879 86 13,590 23 1,048 1,035 2,083 55 75 130 2,688 1,905 4,593 277 6,52i) 24 1,594 1,539 3,133 105 133 238 4,088 2,431 6,519 136 9,754 101 92 193 13 8 21 332 143 475 11 678 25 225 217 442 12 10 22 545 307 852 41 1,275 26 1,214 1,188 2,402 77 101 178 3,052 1,933 4,985 82 7,483 27 54 42 96 3 14 17 159 48 207 2 318 28 1,607 1,660 3,267 90 149 239 4,096 3,548 7,644 158 10,992 377 419 796 14 29 43 1,024 927 1,951 96 2,694 29 220 223 443 8 20 28 517 496 1,013 1 1,483 30 1,010 1,018 2,028 68 100 168 2,555 2,125 4,680 61 6,815 31 6,031 6,836 12,867 132 1 682 814 9,996 8,491 18,487 227 31,941 /^ TABLE IV. RELiaioisrs TABLEAU IV. RELiaiONS 224 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Religions. DISTRICTS & S.- DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Remains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens Re- for- med Re- for- mes. 708 3 Ot- her. Au- tres. 425 21 Me thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. 7,183 97 Pri- mi- tive. 160 Ot- her. Au- tres. 607 8 Breth- ren. CANADA 1 1,992,017 20,843 3,416 510 446 136 183 481 121 5 872 398 17 247 6,762 4,258 952 1,552 3,787 19 37 12 104 59 20 1,.568 34 32 410 782 102 105 503 2,063 373 813 596 122 89 70 4,815 294 152 445 505 667 327 646,059 23,619 361 35 18 5 67 25 19 11 60 30 65 26 9,143 3,770 1,619 3,754 4,325 52 190 31 371 164 45 795 145 68 316 1,694 251 191 12 6,160 1,739 2,348 1,277 3.58 95 343 3,630 181 58 132 111 252 157 754,193 15,260 272 22 3 11 41 20 39 21 35 9 33 38 7,397 2,484 1,546 3,367 2,638 72 215 26 176 40 27 244 41 47 302 1,341 (J5 40 2 3,228 909 1,305 767 93 15 139 1,725 95 46 83 34 252 232 839,815 14,193 147 26 3 17 7 13 5 22 14 25 15 8,514 5,208 1,113 2,193 2,371 29 52 56 96 30 9 246 23 26 270 1,348 107 74 5 2,189 336 1,395 357 45 49 972 36 21 20 70 131 137 11,637 British ColuniMa 166 1. — Cariboo 1 a. Alexandria b. Alkali Lake c. Big Bar d. Clinton e. Keithley Creek /. Lac La Hache g. Lightning Creek h. Lillooet i. Quesnelle 9 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 q 10 9. Richfield.. n k. Williams' Lake 2.— Ne-w Westminster a. New Westminster 6. New Westminster, City — Cite. . c. Vancouver do 3.— Vancouver a. Alberni b. Comox c. Comox, South — Sud d. Cowichan, North — Nord e. Cowichan, South — Sud /. Gabriola Island g, Coldstream and Sooke 64 42 '22 4 . .. 12 13 ]4 2 1 "i 21 1 19 1 57 24 8 25 8 15 1 16 ... . 17 18 19 2 .\ . •JO ''1 ''? h. Lake and High Land 4 23 i. Mayne Island j. Mountain 24 95 k. Nanaimo 26 ?. Saanich, iV. and S.—N. et S.... m. Salt Spring Island n. West Shore 2 2 97 1 '>8 4.— Victoria a. James' Bay Wa,rd—Qua7-tier. . . b. Johnson Street do c. Yates Street do d. Esquimalt 20 11 8 1 .... 7 5 95 29 30 53 20 31 17 3? 2 33 e. Metchosen 34 /. Victoria , 5. -Yale a. Cache Creek 1 5 35 9 1 6 36 b. Douglas Lake 37 c. Grand Prairie. .... 38 d. Hope 39 e. Kamloops 40 /. Kootenay, Lower 3 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 225 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Other De- Not Lu- tlier- Con- tari- versal- tion Jews. In.'" «'«■«'- ans. grega- Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. Qua- tions. tied. "~~ Bap- Free- Tun- tion - ci- ven- '~~ — test- — kers. — Lu- tists. will. kers. ples. tists. Uni- Uni- ants. Ar- ;«': ^'^^ th^- al. tai- versa mee Juifs. Cun- fes- speci- ?^ nens. res. liste-s. du Salut. fies. 6,354 sions. ^ (53,982 257,449 45,116 1,274 28,157 12,763 1,777 3,186 12,253 13,949 4,650 6,414 33,756 89,355 2,083 2,960 130 1 8 775 62 109 79 45 286 298 38 277 597 16,216 39 15 3 9 4 5 2 25 1 2 248 970 2 1 1 7 1 2 3 . . .'. . 2 14 56 58 76 59 303 13 77 96 1 2 3 2 6 3 11 1 .... 1 1 4 3 5 fi 1 5 1 7 2 8 2 1 1 1 1,599 246 126 6 1.56 70 6,504 9 9 8 • • 500 5 31 18 ' ' ii 204 i 154 2 17 106 10 1 22 38 n 861 83 3 429 454 40 76 17 2 9 7 115 45 11 21 62' 4,763 12 133 458 37 18 1 3 89 39 2 12 629 13 299 687 6 3 406 5 35 19 11 70 6 83 52! 1,112 14 416i 446 37 101 23 36 14 2 5 80 12 18 liol 3,796 2! 5 5 1 5 15 10 19 3 2 20 5 3 2 ■■■3 12 3 95 16 1 1 13 8 " 2 17 36 1 2 18 12! •3 5 5 3 1 1 20 19 1 1 7 25 6 '" io 58 10 357 69 7 19 11 ""q ""l 1 ?0 13 9 15 ?1 3 2',^! 2: 2 23 81 86 277 21 30 1 11 2 15 i 3 14 56 1 2 ' 16 10' 110 42 060 94 227, 3 26 16 25 2 2 634 6 1 1 1 2 30 8 3 2 '2.377 ?fi 10 1 97 2; 1 52 ?8 1 396 1 3 3 113 12 10 25 16 58 2 148 86 3,218 60; 92 39 1 4 9 4 44 12 1 15 166 29 236! 351 2 3 :i8 10 6 11 6 8 28 1 88 38 1,992 30 SSi 172 1 23 1 • 5 2 18 1 59 15 861 31 5; 11 8 266 7 1 5 52 3 94 5 100 1,728 3'^ 3| 33 4 4 7 15 27 34 371 4 2 5 21 4 5 5 5 1 11 2 1 2 "l 1 1 1 1 1 1 77 17 122 51 35 3 36 21 1 37 1 ,38 7 15 1 26 1 2 1 2 1 1 1.58 39 63 53 ... . 2 1 2 2 2 5 234 40 A— 15 R 226 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. « ^ 9 10 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 P- g. Kootenay, Upper. . . h. Lytton i. Nicola j. Okanagan Mission. k. Osoyoos I. Priest's Valley . . . . m. Princeton Spallumcheen. Spence's Bridge . Yale Manitoba 6.— Lisgar. a. Assiniboia 6. Belcourt c. East Selkirk, Town — Ville, and r. Varennes d. Fairford and i. Posen e. (ximli /. Kildonan (/. Macdonald h. Plessis (Fort Alexander) j. Rockwood k. Selkirk, Town—ViUe I. Springfield m. St. Andrew's n. St. Clements 0. St. Frangois Xavier p. St. Laurent q. St. Paul s. Woodlands . 7. —Marquette. a. Archie and i. Ellice h. Birtle c. Birtle, Town — Ville d. Blanchard e. Boulton and ee. Shell River . /. Clanwilliam g. Cypress, North — Nord h. Cypress, South — Sud \j. Elm River k. Gladstone, Town — Ville /. Glendale in. Harrison n. Lansdowne . . . o. Miniota p. Minnedosa, Town — Ville. q. Neepawa do r. Norfolk, North^Nord. ... s. Norfolk, South — Sud t. Oak River u. Odanah V. Osprey . . . w. Portage la Prairie Church Roman of Catho- Eng- lics. land. Gatholi- Eglise ques d'An- Romains. gle- terre. 510 515 194 988 222 316 220 50 404 88 344 80 84 31 308 265 28 221 111 185 20,571 30,852 4,017 5,964 390 534 826 103 55 158 169 159 1 15 71 120 64 61 171 108 110 790 79 359 26 496 112 1,346 165 531 699 160 989 237 20 387 70 400 1,986 7,974 172 143 17 2(98 18 91 1 118 2 151 1 116 36 467 16 379 267 139 33 51 6 136 66 2i 226 18 305 11 178 16 86 19 368 86 605 1 109 65 197 2 90 211 925 Presbyterians. Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes 316 35 113 3G 62 108 11 258 24 20 38,977 4,423 172 79 187 26 20' 326! 158; 26| 1,028| 202 852 366! 2311 161 188 126 275 13,271 214 249 109 235 224 196 1,209 436 96 171 211 145 386 351 205 300 552 828 343 382 363! 1,323| 20 Ot- her Au- tres. Methodists. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. 109 36 62 17 76 45 3 174 13 22 28,210 1,806 108 2 51 9 30 32 44 5 772 28 .314 37 19 41 49 42 223 8,650 138 183 91 154 41 84 822 449 55 109 274 83 306 204 142 284 421 695 245 290 95 1,000 Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive 188 9 161 24 15 34 29 23 Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 33 33 389 81 17 ]5 7 6 3 9 16 5 99 24 1 20 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. ^ — Religions. 227 Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Other De- Lu- Not ther- Con- tari- versal- tion •Jews. nom- speci- fied. ans. Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. ina- tiuns grega- Qua- -~ Bap- Free- Tun- tion- Cl- ven- — — test- — kers. — Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Lu- tists. will. kers. l)les. tists. Uni- Uni- ants. Ar- Non the- al. tai- versa- mee Juifs. sjjeci- f. riens. res. listes. du fies. 10 Saint. c 143 43 3 9 1 2 3 5 514 1 3 79 2 9 4 2 6 i 13 3 3 6 13 8 69 1 5 15i 4 13 1 4 4 1 2 1 9 .%' 5 8 1361 6 9i 7 10 1 1 84 34 2 1 1 3i 210 8 5 1 1 15,829 278 5 1,815 261 1 . . . 14 9 43 10 6,54.5 32 74 5 1,874 399 124 743 448 4,824 2,231 246 74 1 77 20 1,045 7 ^?. 2 46 2,008 13 4 9 15 1 n 12 52 8 1 . . 7 " "46 10 10 120 13 24 ' 1 723 14 1,567 15 4 14 14 2 2 16 19 3 1 1 1 17 1 5 104 6 35 45 7 "l 100 23 842 18 9 6 22 3 2 34 19 L'55 1 3 11 20 7 1 8 1 65 21 2 300 1 22 37 / 12 3 1 ..... 7 13 7 11 1 598 i 1 215 23 10 6 5 24 209 1 25 4 26 18 13 1,.S13 2 145 1 4 289 422 2 212 59 1 40 4 824 27 500 101 11 8 1 15 38 50 11 2 2 4 1 "10 5 28 9 6 1 4 7 11 '>9 4 i 30 4 4 6 "5 1 10 3 31 7 32 182 14 ... 1 2 . 33 1 33 13 1 .30 8 13 1 34 61 44 5 ... 10 1 3 1 48 .35 36 2 10 78 8 1 9 .... ^ 1 37 6 8 18 4 2 1 88 39 .38 2 37 19 .39 3 1 40 6 25 24 56 3 24 8 " "52 2 11 42 1 "27 80 1 2 59 41 11 " h 13 40 1 43 25 3 44 13 1 9 39 9 80 ""'l 3 '6 19 2 27 2 4 9 45 2 7 18 55 46 37 47 12 .. . 1 48 25 137 7 34 i70 3 2 23 49 A— 15i 228 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 X. Portage la Prairie, Toion — Ville >/. Rapids City do z. Riding Mountain .... na. Rosedale . . hb. Rossburn cc. mi. Russell — Silver Creek dd. Saskatchewan ff, hh. Shoal Lake, Strathclair ii. Westbourne DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. 8.— Provencher . . . „ , Cartier Salaberry Emerson, Town — Ville .... Franklin Hanover Hespeler La Broqueric Montcalm Morris Morris, Toxim — Ville Ste. Anne .... St. Boniface St. Boniface. Town— Ville. St. Norb( rt Tache Youville Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. 9.- Selkirk. a. Argyle b. Arthur c. Hvandon, C ill/— Citd. .. . d. Brenda e. Carleton /. Cornwall! s 'J- Daly . h. Deloraine /. Derby /. Douglas k. Dufferiii, North — Nord I. Dufferin, Smith -Sud. . . m. Elton n. Glenwood 0. Inchiquin p. Lome q. Louise r. Medora s. Morden, Town — Ville... t. Oakland u. Pipestoni' V. Rhineland w. Rivei'side X. Sifton y. Turtle Mountain z. Virden, Toivn — Ville .. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. 144 2 243 336 33 8 18 23 160 8,900 843 1,144 60 97 6 1 288 1,325 202 48 1,223 138 1,488 871 799 367 3,198 43 7 201 209 70 29 5 43 52 61 113 34 20 63 8 1,180 17 17 75 30 36 66 55 500 47 13 801 85 217 224 28 436 104 261 574 1,016 18 19 173 317 6 15 77 55 85 88 20 37 52 21 33 9,044 Presbyterians. Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. 313 168 856 154 432 285 311 444 304 38 348 513 268 322 79 390 428 167 254 284 239 51 194 312 429 132 1,235 219 288 478 164 589 384 808 578 1,393 37 26 213 397 Re- for- med Re- for- mes. 9 19 142 117 71 155 82 13 28 48 36 13,946 540 250 1,022 227 528 362 296 654 .542 10<) 695 743 652 512 136 463 956 239 381 608 267 25 510 349 567 255 13 Ot- her. Au- tres. 11 Method i.sts. Me- thod- Bible Ot- ists. Chr- Pri- her. — is- mi- — Me- tive. Au- tho- tian. tres. distes. 758 134 157 448 124 174 129 241 320 I 897: 41 1 150 353 22 8 97 69 57 25 11 5 4 29 9?^ 12,549 634 166 904 349 426 439 231 656 299 54 710 838 513 475 153 288 924 281 288 470 245 37 371 238 417 159 16 Breth- 4 162 1 59 10 18 23 6 24 RECE-NSEMENT DL^ CANADA, 1891. 229 Tableau IV.- -Religions. Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Other De- Not Lu- tlifr- Con- tari- versal- tion Jews. s|x;ci- ;iiis. grega- Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. Qua- ina- tions. lied. ' Bap- Free- Tun- tion - ci- ven- — — test- — kers. — Au- ~"~ Lu- tists. will. kers. ples. tists. Uni- Uni- ants. Ar- Non the- al. tai- versa- mee Juifs. Con- fes- speci- t riens. res. listes. du Salut. fies. 1 sions. 27 206 89 18 65 23 30 66 16J 51 2,627 1 1 81 2 2 9 2 16 12 9 43 2 30 5 5 21 10 1 2 10 4 31 63 128 119 4 6 65 267 1 3 9, 1 i . .. . 14 33 30 25 3 2 1 4 3 5 17 ""ll "l 6 11 1 7 1 58 8 6 38 150 2 4 10 1 30 9 88 16 1 8 . . . . 1 1 10 16 1 11 6 51 90 1 4 2 2 ... ^ 4 259 11^ 4 1 136 13 8, 1,161 1 1 14 40 1,014' 35! ;;;.; 1 30 15 16 9 2 17 2531 ... 8 1 42 7 1 18 8 19 7i 10. .- . 1 14 '>0 8 1 ?1 1 1 '^? 4 1 23 5 7 ?4 11 25 1,435 10,607 34 1 390 89 21 19 3 242 77 47 65 210 1,052 695 18 ll 2 15 124 1 1 22 14 1 24 3 103 26 3 46 302 ""28 7 4 27 122^ .3i "12 22 •>8 3 60 7' 71 .... 39 1 29 8 30 14 "'l2 6 9 17 \si 3 • 1 1 1 7 32 27 ! 81. ... 16 1 1 2 .33 6 1 30. .. 7 4 34 165 4,030 1 7 ""io 5 408 .35 9 75 24 1 1 36 34 150 .11 .")0 20 47 145 59 59 49 38 4,807 84 51 1 1 4 1 1 9 103 1 37 20 23 16 1 2 2 .38 4 1 1 5 .39 7 1 1 40 .S7 .37 11 1 2 26 1 1 4 1 49 HI 41 19 ■'" 1 10 4 3 15 2 154 5 3 18 42 9 7 "2i ■'6 "32 43 55 44 4 7 45 8 80 1 46 99 1 1 47 20 ■ . . 5 1 70 48 22 4 5 49 8 40 27 6: i 3 1 2 20 21 4 11 "12 .50 2 1 ' 3 51 230 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTEICTS. 1 Ma. Wallace. . . 2 166. Whitehead. 6 6, 7 8 9 cc. Whitewater dd. Wood worth . 10.— Winnipeg, City— Cite. . . a. Ward No. 1, Quartier . do 2, do . 10 /. do do do do 3, 4, 5, 6, do do do do 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BJTew Brnns^vick. ll.-Albert. a. Alma 6. Coverdale . . . c. Elg-in d. Harvey e. Hillsborough /. Hopewell 12.— Oarleton. a. A-berdeen . . 6. Brighton, c. Kent d. Northampton e. Peel /. Richmond g. Simond's h. Wakefield i. Wicklow j. Wilmot . . k. Woodstock l. Woodstock, Town — Vilh.. 13.— Charlotte 34 /. 35 r/. 36 h. 37 38 39 40 41 42 \n. 43 o. 44 \p. 45 '7. 46 r. Campobello Clarendon Dufferin Dumbarton Grand Manan Lepreaux Milltown, Tovm—Ville Pennfield .... St. Andrew's, Town & P., V.et P. Ste. Croix St. David St. George, To2on 4 . .. 1 s 6 9 1 63 1.30 4 2,291 1,050 ... . 26 94 673 79 17 164 15 223 " "5 ■ "2 '9 8 ""2 4 30 10 5 264 4 37 .53 6 315 58 435 337 25 54,960 103 427 273 9 1,036 ""24 . . . . "6 8 51 31 1 993 2 14 41 552 35 19 4 1,163 7 827! 1 3 1 24,674 1 15 1 2 1 105 506 8 783, 58 1,003 9 23 715 147 259 22 10 377 17 73 376 4 6,724 1,083 8! 3 3 3 1 11 7 10 . . . 4 4 364 861 1,020 10 182 880 8 ' 'i 3 7 1 2 n " '2 12 9 13 2 1,080 4 2 1 14 2 2,323 1,076 2 5 2 1 2 io 15 2 1 16 4 4,155 7,610 27 ] 487 3 9 1 81 41 l.'i8 2 171 137 513 154 324 1.907 899 375 ■ • ■ 1 .... ^ 1 13 25 18 11 7 1 2 i 61 1 17 18 12 19 1 2 20 388 247 168 510 432 6.59 32 323 579 1,060 9 15 52 73 2 2 1 4 ■ ^? 21 2 1 9f?, 1 23 1 .. . . 1 1 24 25 22 2 382 423 553 302 1 1 35 26 1 1 1 20 26 30 27 630 1 4,941 597 1,932 5 18 443 158 31 23 160 75 148 11 1 1 171 5 28 14 1 837 265 1 12 13 88 190 808 49 101 433 97 621 31 1 4 29 1 1 12 30 1 12 1 31 "sie 3 5 7 39 ""l ■ i i 2 393 3 7 10 14 ' '9 2 1 3 32 1 "12 71 1!. 174 33 34 2 1 ■■■5 8 1 2 1 ■ 3 28 35 24 2 36 4 37 251 459 1,331 227 1 1 3 5 6 ■ 14 4 38 110 66 6 18 11 39 1 7 35 45 1 40 3 8 41 101 .... 5 3 42 8 39 457 27 .... ^ 2 54 1 5 43 28 10 ig 1 44 35 250 4 336 1 17 '2 1 "124 "13 45 679 41; 232 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 s Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. 1,065 488 223 34 16 172 7 37 88 3,736 26 374 82 395 905 30 79 23 1,605 217' 2,679 112 Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. 5 Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 14.— Gloucester a. Bathurst .' h. Beresford c Caraquet. 22,327 3,475 4,012 4,575 1,986 1,857 865 2,577 2,980 17,136 1,074 786 2,986 430 2,451 2,081 2,042 963 1,080 3,243 3,107 161 38 136 246 369^ 918 440 45 18 6 299 ie 94 1,355 4 20 88 193 415 9 1 5 559 61 6,295 142 274 244 712 74 32 1,034 411 .531 324 420 804 370 457 466 2,405 4 313 122 640 206 16 293 233 198 317 58 2 3 2,026 532 390 6 3 iii 6 1 2 6 3 4 5 6 d. Inkerman e. New Bandon /. St. Isidore 5 7 g. Saiimarez h. Shippigan 15.— Kent a. Acadieville h. Carleton c. Dundas . . ... d. Harcourt 2 20 929 1 8 1 4 9 10 11 " ' 5i 168 173 12 -.3 e. Richibucto ... . 14 /. St. Louis 15 q. St. Mary's 71 2 287 177 3,273 158 132 22 274 323 3 189 126 48 943 277 350 104 101 223 1,577 93 14 91 4 16 h. St. Paul's 17 i. Weldford j. Wellington 16.— King's a. Cardwell 1 18 19 9 1 6 .. . 20 h. Greenwich 21 c. Hammond d. Hampton e. Havelock /. Kars 83 219 64 "78 160 132 273 239 662 274 262 121 7,682 711 402 158 1,831 329 785 208 84 352 1,798 530 31 463 1,075 22 4 23 24 . .. 25 g. Kingston h. Norton i. Rothesay j. Studholm 164 314 176 293 67 595 209 241 98 12,438 2,142 1,060 157 2,660 119 573 607 73 1,306 1,466 634 1,333 308 1,069 26 5 1 27 28 29 k. Springfield I. Sussex wi. Upham 1 30 31 1 14 2 32 n. Waterford 0. Westfield 33 17.— Northumberland a. Alnwick... . h. BlackviUe c. Blissfield 3 34 35 36 37 d. Chatham 4''^8 38 e. Derby i 132 4 61 152 42 239 218 11 92 1,502 39 /. Glenelg 40 g. Hardewicke h. Ludlow 41 ' i 1 42 i. Nelson j. Newcastle k. North Esk I. Rogersville ... m. South Esk 18.— Queen's 43 44 45 "l2 46 6 ... 6 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. — Relimons. 233 Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- lihtes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Anny. Ar- moje du Salut. Qua- kers. 1 1 Jews. Juifs. Other De- noni- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fier. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. 1 3(5 11 14 1 1 •:■:. 6 3 1 2 . . .. 1 1 2 3 4 10 1 626 1 72 112 37 5 6 7 4 5 2 ' "l 2 • ■ • 1 44 "15 5 1 9 1 1 12 90 2 2 5 4 9 1 8 ... . . ... 9 10 i 4 1 . .. . 11 12 3 13 ■'2 .... ^ . • ■ ■ 14 182 46 26 150 5,401 489 222 282 389 i 1,170 309 214 228 154 471 588 438 169 97 181 1,421 1 2.59 360 13 83 i 259 8 128 132 • • • j^^j i,&i4 ... . ... . 15 16 17 2,124 149 152 10 22 9 8 1 7 4 18 2 27 3 14 19 1 1 ' "l9 7 8 ■■3 20 21 22 70 1.58 119 355 5 23 1 1 . . . . .... ^ 1 24 2 1 25 2 7 26 2 4 1 1 1 ... 1" i3 ] 1 3i 12 27 1 463 i 14 2 94 2 1 46 28 269 322 14 10 38 43 7 16 2 8 .... 3 . . . 29 30 7 2 5 34 22 '3 3i 7 1 i 7 32 33 34 35 ■ " ■ 6 36 12 37 2 38 4 . .. 2 .... 1 39 40 41 "43 42 4 5 1 — 4 2 75 43 44 1 3 1 1,765 1 2 a 2 1 5 1 6 45 46 1 234 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Remains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. s 3 Pres- by- tej'ians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re for- mes. Ot- her. a". tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- dists. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 Of/- ^Brunswick 8 218 105 123 416 97 291 476 229 63 682 391 6 220 30 35 5,597 224 274 887 501 660 834 908 543 766 5,749 824 822 685 229 881 3,441 775 234 514 785 719 70 182 66 124 185 57 35 1,687 437 411 110 377 42 1 8 102 160 49 150 108 199 574 143 9 218 155 6 30 9 18 3,547 159 125 490 288 206 625 852 264 538 .3,038 482 409 277 172 402 1,742 630 16 251 399 793 120 293 .32 69 18 2 259 512 148 23 61 61 44 ?. b. Cambridge 85 51 221 99 29 70 461 35 18 4,393 1,124 430 1,480 1,345 14 7,337 380 404 621 168 1,251 1,616 667 1,029 1,201 7,651 1,526 1,343 594 339 756 4,558 1,425 241 285 1,142 713 18 235 65 95 88 199 13 12,269 91 1,088 4 709 7 18 36 635 6 71 99 5 " 3 •• 1 .s c. Canning 4 d. Chipman e. Gagetown . ?> (> /. Hampstead ff. .Johnston. . . 7 1 2 .. . 8 k. Petersville i. Waterborough . 139 51 20 2,758 908 456 765 571 58 2,925 151 109 478 1.51 272 461 536 158 609 2,965 504 277 149 68 628 1,626 712 60 162 405 240 12 28 36 20 18 115 11 1,041 112 71 143 46 75 1 q 10 j, Wickham . .. 19.— Restigouche a. Addington 11 1^ 6. Colborne 18 c. Dalhousie 14 rf. Durham. 15 e, £ldon and Restigouche River. . 59 20.— St. John, City—Cite. a. Albert Ward — Quartier. 23 12 . . . 1 72 1f> 17 18 19 b. Brook's do c. Duke's do d. Guy's do e. King's do /. Prince do g. Queen's do h. Sydney do i. Wellington do 21.— St. John, County— a. Dufferin Wai'd — Quarti • "4 .... ^ ■?o 1 42 12 4 21 5 6 10 1 "5 13 22 21 2,S ^4 31 5^5 Comte. tr . . . C 1 •• 87 34 26 b. Lansdowne do c. Lome do d. Stanley do ..." €. Victoria do Total, Portland, Town—Ville \ f. Lancaster g. Musqviash ?7 28 'i •■ 29 ■■■6 33 .SO 67 .SI ' 3 .S2 .S.S h. St. Martin's i. Sinionds .S4 4 :: 'il 22.— Sunburv .S.^ a. Blissville 3fi b. Burton 37 c. Gladstone d. Lincoln 38 ,S9 c. Maugerville /. Northfield g. Sheffield 23.— Victoria a. Andover 40 41 .. . . 1 42 43 b. Drummond c. Gordon 44 45 46 d. Grand Falls e. Lome — ■- • 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 235 Tableau IV. -Religions. ■ Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Other De- Not Lu- ther- Con- tari- versal- tion Jews. 8i>eci- fied. ans. Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. Qua- til ins. grega- — Bap- Free- Tun- tion - ci- ven- — — test- — kers. "~* Au- tres Con- fes- ' ' " Lu- tists. will. kers. ples. 1 tists. Uni- Uni- ants. Ar- Non the al. tai- versa- mee Juifs. sjjeci- 2 riens. ros. listes. du Salut. fies. .5 5 sions. 1^ 1 295 837 392 602 155 155 784 148 68 95 1 1 3 54 1 1 i !!;!! 5 1 2 1 6 3 10 199 2 1 4 1 1 4 1 8 5 666 140 104 ■'3 .... t; i 1 8 888 6 • ■•>.. 9 348 477 ... . ... 10 6 198 153 15 1 2 .... . . . . 12 12 26 7 1 11 1 12 6 3 17 25 12 . . .... ::.:: 16 1 1 13 14 15 11 3,510 205 573 139 1 124 69 . . . 25 1 ... 200 6 34 19 3 57 2 16 233 1 1 1 7 I 12! 17 11 466 24 21 12 12 21 2 1 . . : 13- 2 457 290 248 "'"22 " 9 1 .... 13 6 -1 1 6 19 5 is 21 20 595 56 29 4 8 41 10 2 7' 21 566 14 37 16 2 1 57 1 22 2 197 501 4,507 33 58 798 ""l 2 12 87 f) ■■■■49 132 " 9 9 5 72 3 5 112 23 1 18 56 1 2 69 24 43 3 6 318 208 17 7 1 7 28 1 25 706 818 4 14 10 14 .32 14 8 28 8 8 1 2 2d 513 27 10 101 8 . . . ^ • 17 e! 28 14 437 17 33 15 1 1 18 27 74! 29 30 2,380 738 76 46 1 54 3 99 9 36 82! 30 5 549 214 1,065 299 1,354 38 38 8 7 . . . . 7 4 15 27 1 5 17 1 18 8! 31 41 32 8 10 10! 33 7 1,871 500 8 34 53 6 1 4 8 . 6 35 122 75 593 630 1 1 3H 6 37 420 155 113 :<8 11 ... • • • 39 195 349 835 35 " "42 12 ■■■■3 4<» 1 6 1 21 41 221 1,565 192 73 263 1 8 8 3 19 8 260 127 150 ... 1 4 • ■ • 1 1 2 4 42- 220 , 43 8| 44 22 2 361 138 . . - . 1 1 1 4 10 45 1 1 4& 236 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Religions. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 1 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes Ot- her. Au tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 /. Madawaska g. Perth h. Ste. Anne i. St. Bazile j. St. Francis 1,542 230 966 1,557 1,950 991 864 2,270 17,047 1,930 4,609 2,332 2,059 528 157 5,249 183 4,170 31 321 207 125 468 204 416 258 136 1,482 747 299 130 6 38 156 63 337 8 220 122,452 564 106 20 1 22 8 12 50 20 3 22 18 9 70 136 7 10 578 21 138 '?, 3 4 5 33 10 54 2,948 66 380 965 115 437 269 420 296 5,548 306 397 587 81 340 526 422 241 178 1,707 806 51 153 131 27 331 163 447 303 558 64,410 8,514 471 106 404 237 82 114 88 37 116 178 208 130 6 27 3 ■ i 6 7 k. St. Hilaire I. St. Jacques m. St. Leonard's 24.— "Westmoreland a. Botsford h. Dorchester c. Moncton, CU,u — Cite d. Moncton e. Sackville /. Salisbury gf. Shediac. ... h. Westmoreland 25.— York i6 5,865 918 305 1,297 668 1,097 442 111 1,027 4,828 89 21 16 8 3 3,878 739 222 1,612 449 193 152 232 279 4,829 52 150 241 206 185 44 37 8 1 2 q in n 5 2 12 18 i 14 "2 . . . . 8 1 "1 17 1 ' * 15 1 2 11 1f> 2 ! 60 17 a. Bright 18 14 h. Canterbury c. Douglas 227 702 61 291 103 250 321 175 1,140 147 30 467 9 48 99 ^0 d. Dumfries e. Cai-leton Ward — Qaartier . . . . ' /. King's do g. Queen's do .... h. St. Ann's do . . . . " i. Wellington do .... Total Fredericton, City—Citi. , j. Kingsclear •?1 22 93 119 .. . 210: .... 229 8 .... '^4 ^- 25 95 838 146 i 1,138 I 77 1 113 81 432 194 293 170 698 108,520 495 73 9 28 43 15 29 i 4 5 25 1 7 415 '"8 1^7 98 k. Manners Sutton I. Marys ville, Town — Ville m. New Maryland 60 99 80 31 89 n. Northlake 0. Prince William p. Queensbury q. St. Mary's r. Southampton s. Stanley Xova Scotia 26.— Annapolis . . .. «. Annapolis Royal b. Bear River. . 33 34 35 36 37 38 131 1.070 ■ 74 534 53,781 3,642 164 135 205 261 179 2 1 420 63 "i 1 43 242 5 39 c. Belleisle 40 41 d. Bridgetown. e. Carleton's Corner 5 42 43 /. Clarence. f). Clements 148| 164 44 45 46 47 48 49 h. Clementsvale i. Clements, West — Ouext j. Dalhousie k. Granville Ferry /. Granville, Lower m. Hampton 59 58 122 216 151 11 243 ■■■■4 ■4 50 n. Lawrencetown Lane 13 RECENSEMKNT DU CANADA, 1891. 237 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion - al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- vers.al- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- niee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- noui- ina- titiiis. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not sijeci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. 1 31 1(52 3 533 5 1 2 1 1 7 3 .. . . 1 1 2 3 . ...' 4 33 1 ■ ■ • 47 9,972 408 671 2,144 1,575 2,679 1,975 179 341 6,676 577 941 447 212 207 101 47 328 230 913 325 65 120 149 474 180 462 856 750 205 72,731 10,436 103 337 323 511 528 587 372 573 284 68 418 561 331 379 1,265 4 163 235 197 645 7 14 4,030 327 254 540 "87 1 2 18 1 5 () 15 1 4 "2 8 7 53 9 1 .... 16 7 2 1 15 2 2 3 3 5 10 10 137 1 5 92 2 26 11 1 10 35 16 1 133 2 1 25 80 9 7 9 102 45 3 41 1 8 !l 10 16 10 . . . . 13 11 1?! 3 5 1 13 2 1 1 14 10 15 12 255 162 1 28 8 7 7 6 201 72 :2 77 6 4 42 ... ^ 2 3 1 142 1 16 5 5 17 18 2 19 20 L 31 6 3 55 8 103 8 9 .; .. 21 22 2 33 154 ... . 1 3 23 2 10 27 1 1 12 1 ""l 21 24 25 2 274 52 21 362 '" 84 192 505 307 987 125 10,377 31 2 9 2 ... ^ 2 1 3 i 4 1 2 3 11 1 2 26 1 ""27 6 27 28 1 29 30 1 1 3 2 " 1 2 7 43 2,231 25 2 2 31 2 1 1 32 "18 22 1,651 274 7 75 24 3,S 1 115 12 .. . ^ i .. . 20 34 14 1 1 3,112 56 " 11 ■9 1,728 14 35 5,882 71 326 12 1 9 1 47 1 1,377 98 26 8 41 21 31 1 482 15 7 36 37 38 2 16 39 1 22 11 2 3 "1 40 . 2 41 2 7 16 1 . ... 42 3 3 43 44 1 ■■■■4 68 14 "i 2 1 45 i 1 12 "i ... . 46 47 48 4 3 i 1 5 2 2 49 50 238 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 1 12; Pres- by- terians. Pres- by teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 0. Lequille 103 7 1 14 17 20 12 15 24 '2.3 24 13,859 2,257 591 745 933 729 1,061 725 962 291 606 837 939 1,056 532 1,303 292 17,994 376 454 797 590 1,531 193 354 1,710 224 1,387 687 1,427 34 577 1,622 575 83 335 554 1,121 976 549 1,326 176 522 14 11 20 26 83 113 8 16 9 19 2 398 69 327 52 25 31 7 52 19 92 90 151 145 113 195 9 38 146 112 249 36 70 80 70 3 ? p. Maitland 53 3 q. Margarets ville r. Meadowvale s. Malvern . . t. Middleton u. Milf ord 4 ... ,5 32 r> 20 5 7 5 ""1 7 ... 8 V. New Albany w. Nictaux X. Parker's Cove y. Port George z. Port Lome cw.Round Hill (Moschelle) 66. Springfield 27.— Antigonish a. Antigonish Harbour 6. Antigonish, Village. c. Arisaig d. Ballantyne's Cove c. Eraser's Mills /. Harbour au Bouche g. Heatherton 9 10 n 2 6 ""47 i 22 1,586 351 75 1 1 ... 12 14 15 18 16 17 18 4 '3 87 98 3 40 5 8 2 2,917 256 6 1 12 131 36 .341 6 34 146 '36 22 74 29 '332 342 280 405 164 189 1 125 8 2 26 14 519 "'"I6 10 16 47 121 256 10,370 392 2 137 623 462 535 1,113 2 549 801 50 1 901 356 150 174 299 19 9,0 • • 9^ 47 9.9 h. Lenwood 23 9A i. Lochaber Lake j. Malignant Brook k. Mahoney's Beach I. Merland 1 9.5 9.(i 19 97 m. Poraquet River n. Salt Springs 0. St. Joseph's p. Upper South River ^8 29 4 ■ ■ 1 1,347 7 12 18 4 30 ... 31 28.— Cape Breton a. Ball's Creek b. Big Pond c. Boisdale d. Boularderie 3^ 1 .. 33 34 10 16 ) 3.5 e. Bridgeport ... /. Catalone g. Cow Bay h. EastBuy, North,South—N.,Sud i. Gabarus ... j. Glace Bay 36 37 17 2 482 23 38 39 40 41 k. Grand Mira I. Grand Narrows 42 43 m. Hillside Mira n. Leitche's Creek 0. Lingan p. Little Bras d'Or 44 31 15 1 ""81 17 260 180 37 149 3 i 45 46 "1 47 q. Loch Lomond r. Louisburg 8. Main-a-IHeu t. North Sydney M. Sydney, Tovm — Ville V. Sydney Forks 48 351 67 585 1 49 50 51 738| .... 4731 1 752 1 .o2 1 53 w. Sydney Mines X. Trout Brook 54 718 RECENSEMENT DV CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV- — Religions. 230 Baptists. Con- grega- tion - al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du- Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies- Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. i 174 246 480 488 335 409 231 181 575 403 391 635 149 364 173 93 2 2 .... 1 1 2 2 5 3 3 2 • ■•• • G 5 3 1 ' '1 2 ""i "5 4 5 1 6 24 8 7 3 2 4 ""1 3 7 13 5 4 8 1 9 41 15 2 1 3 '2 1 • •• ■ 10 11 12 7 13 13 1 74 ""1 15 1 17 3 14 1 15 16 17 18 19 "3 20 22 5 22 . . . . 2 . ... 21 22 23 24 25 57 26 27 11 4 14 1,420 118 .... • • ■ 28 111 49 1 .... 29 30 6 1 • • • 1 46 1 2 2 19 7 2 3 31 32 33 67 10 17 271 34 16 9 35 1 . .. . 5 . ""2 36 37 38 50 93 21 67 196 5 32 "17 243 109 6 18 7 39 ' 1 40 " 1 . . •• • 41 42 3 ■ "5 43 44 15 3 8 , 45 46 47 i 48 2 1 1 """28 8 ""'i "3 1 49 50 51 .52 11 .... 53 .54 240 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Reliojions. DISTRICTS & ' S. DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. u s Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. i Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 V. Victoria 336 1,304 318 190 37 74 2,341 352 157 28 34 10 70 26 234 71 35 6 19 12 15 10 91 32 16 855 7 6 12 111 132 3,784 635 188 87 47 56 42 117 171 473 326 270 60 234 898 24 11 52 90 3 1,410 130 16,285 385 451 791 816 989 530 7 2,805 201 256 32 29. —Colchester. . a. Acadia Mines, West — Ouexf. . . . b. Acadia Mines, East — Enf c. Brookfield d. Clifton 6 12 2 3 i 1 -1 1 5 .. . 6 1 25 1 "43 213 fT /. Economy g. Five Islands . h Ivemnt Town — Vill(* R 330 .... q 242 540 425 4(i(t 706 913 648 (ilO .517 957 640 425 2,129 484 786 761 319 2 34 26 95 9 49 8 86 287 97 29 184 690 8 4 92 289 62 10,501 772 936 934 666 510 289 811 489 386 .573 535 619 419 953 225 341 165 567 311 1,466 1 10 i. Lower Stewiacke, North — Nord j. Lower Stewiacke, South— Sad. k. Lower Onslow 58 31 7 5 13 11 T^ 13 / TjOWHr Tjondondftrrv 14 15 n. Middle Stewiacke. 16 0. New Annan 2 17 p. North River . . . 4 49 13 7 475 1 11 6 12 40 3,873 747 402 223 11 75 54 49 64 287 191 31 45 913 612 34 62 26 27 20 9,302 445 868 926 72 81 27 18 o. Salmon River. 19 20 ''I r. Tatamagouche, East — Est s. Tatamagouche, West — Quest... t. Truro, Town—Ville w. Ul^per Stewiacke, West — Quest V. Upper Stewiacke, East — Est. . . w. L^pper Londonderry 2 ' 1 "11 1 ^•? 93 '>4 ?5 X. Waugh's River, North — Nord.. y. Waugh's River, South — Sud . . . 30. — Cumberland. 1 ^6 431 7,643 558 257 635 22 141 353 417 824 28(5 329 104 96 461 1,735 67 229 203 680 246 165 3 260 4 '2ii .... 37 ■40 97 a. Amherst, Toxnx — VUle h. Amherst 1 m • • 2 .... 1 ?9 c. Amherst Shore 18 30 d. Advocate Harbour e. Maccan /. Malagash ... (J. Oxford ... h. Pugwash 31 3*^ .... ' 16 33 11 34 34 6 35 i. Parrsboro', Town— ViUc /. Parrsboro' A-. Parrsboro' Shore L River Philip m. River Hebert n. Springhill, Town — Ville 0. Springhill .... 36 37 38 39 29 1 40 41 1 ... 49 p. Victoria 1 43 q. We.stchester 44 r. Wallace 1 45 s. Wentworth Sl.-Digby ft. Cheticiimp 6. Church Point c. Comeauville d. Culloden 42 2 46 47 48 '59 520 7 1 63 26 1 49 239 274 12 2 ""g 50 e. Digbv 51 /. Fieeport R RECEN8EMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV.— Religions. ^ 241 Baptists. Con- grega tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- i tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal ists. Uni- versa listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not sjjeci- fied. Non stKipi- nes. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. i 1 Bap- tists. 1 Free- will. Tun- kers. il ! 73 3,734 184 141 197 126 1 1 ! 1 11 8 209 2 1 1 " i 274 1 ... ^ "198 6 12 5 2 "2 4 1 1 46 ""i5 . 3 2 58 3 44 ""4 4 1 2 3 8 1 •> •• 3 4 4 f) .... 46 • ■ • .. . 1 295 1 1 2 1 ... . ' 146 1 28 s "i Q ... . 75 10 Ill 11 255 227 1 1 12 254 1 21 .... 98 — '2 ..... " "45 1 1 1 ' 1 1 "" "14 14 15 16 354 17 109 18 ... 1 23 77 656 40 3 272 9 15 7,504 97fi 5 160 1 1 p. 1 1 1 " 2 6 19 1 "72 27 2 1 ""5 ' i 6 6 ' ' 16 1 1 "24 20 21 22 ?3 94 ?5 29 8' 3 169 6 . . .. .12 9 33 5 304 44 8 120 2 170 17 44 12 1 26 27 . . . . i 719 1 28 6 ' 432 46 ... 1 5 .... ^ 2 1 2 12 ... "9 81 111 9<) .. . i 8!tO 1 9 2 SO 217 .... 8i 2! 1 .. . " * * 1 ! 2 ... 1 2 ! 22 14 2 2; 9(\ 31 ... 905 .... 1| 507, 5 338 li 46 32 100 33 34 St 424 192 i 1 5 3' 3 1 15 S6 96 1 1 3 1 1 7 1 7 5 7 S7 199 . . . 2 • 3 57 6 4 1 S8 7 485 16 .^5(1 . 8 39 40 1 40' 180 497 281 161 6,2.33 3 5 191 436 675 » 1 1 2 2 11 6 23 14 6 41 4? 1 43 : ■:i 44 3 1 1 3(;4 1 8 6 5 1 556 132 3 115 5 1 4 69 45 46 47 48 ... 21 31 14 2 1 49 5 5 6 1 3 50 51 1 1 A— 16 242 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Relioions. DISTRICTS & S.— DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbj'terians. Methodists. si s 1 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. .... Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 g. Grosses Coques 660 160 18 202 1,045 1,004 282 746 22 1,081 24 10 998 3 628 5,386 ?, h. Hillsburg 56 3 94 3 7 ' ' " 2 210 9 141 3 3 4 i. Little River j. Marshall, Tomi—Ville k. Metaglian I. Metaghan River 111. New Tiiskett ■ . . . 7 1 5 ft 7 5 85 53 9 68 17 59 1 15 356 3,364 3 133 184 320 7 88 98 144 174 36 392 217 573 536 2 1 216 9 224 9,964 2,610 785 538 371 3,654 2,006 3 7 13 6 5 11 9 1 134 1 18 229 53 1 3 14 123 2,334 5 358 79 140 9 599 158 2 27 50 14 3 311 9 129 178 17 ' '230 3,978 764 316 116 151 1,640 991 8 n. Plynipton 0. Rossway p. Salmon River 9 10 ""5 1 11 q. Sandy Cove .... 1 T>, r. Smith Cove s. St. Bernards t. Tiverton 13 14 15 u. Westport r. Weymouth 32.— Guysborough u, Caledonia 9 13 16 1 16 17 8 2,283 206 11 50 1 698 24 5 262 142 85 6 3 8 108 ""96 577 1 4,876 1,.588 431 201 97 1,.514 1,045 1 \ 18 h. Canso 914 22 109 52 419 511 82 45 20 785 1 3.59 2 669 5 1 I*) c. Country Harbour d. Crow Harbour e. Forks St. Mary's /. Guysboi'ough _, (J. (iuysborough Intervale h. Goshen /. Indian Harbour j. Isaac's Harbour k. Larry's River ... I. Liscombe ?/t. Manchester n. Marie Joseph 20 21 99 . . . 1 9S • ■• 94 2.5 26 27 28 ?9 "io 30 31 0. Milford 3*^ p. New Harbour 33 q. Salmon River 566 56 276 498 15,658 2,962 1,909 1,350 942 5,522 2,973 34 1 .... 35 s. Tracadie 36 t. White Head 33.— Halifax, City— Cite a. Ward No. 1, Quartier h. do 2 do c. do 3 do d. do 4 do e. do 5 do 37 13 3 1 "8 1 5 "57 32 38 ... "5 6 3ft 40 41 "i 2 14 42 43 /. do 6 do .Sable Island 3 44 34.— Halifax, County— Comte . . a. Polling District No. 7 h. do 8 c. do 9. . 7,935 526 534 117 652 19 2 70 1 115 11,629 172 15 23 10 524 492 140 376 220 6,626 17 3 10 1 2,208 2 1 28 45 46 380 .. . 47 '/. do 10 c. do 11 /. do 12 q. do 13 . 48 2 2 119 119 101 75 40 36 36 50 51 h. do 14 i. do 15 18 52 12 . . . .' .... 1 18 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. — Religions. 243 Baptists. Con- grega- tion - al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. '" 75 ■3 Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- niee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- noni- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. 1 Tun- kers. I i "■'744 327 557 6 264 515 342 119 351 208 1.58 264 545 463 3,545 • ■ 2 1 7 1 ""1 6 31 i 2 1 41 '3 1 .... ^ 2 'A 4 5 6 7 1 1 32 8 9 1 1 78 2 4 1 2 1 2 61 8 3 8 8 225 160 106 "34 1 ■■■ 4 1 1 4 1 10 11 "6 12 13 14 4 2 1 14 7 1 9 15 252 151 1 1 8 13 8 1 24 16 ^i 1 1 17 401 78 201 87 406 64 67 328 823 66 2 355 29 44 173 24 109 155 133 2,812 414 170 66 110 1,373 679 3,854 1 1 1 18 33 17 4 19 i 90 1 4 1 3 1 1 5 ?.\ 9 ?,9. 3 ^3 24 20 2n 4 ""1 • ?6 . .. . 27 f>8 57 8 2 99 1 30 1 31 3^ " 74 7 33 1 6 34 . . . . 35 114 34 42 1 13 57 23 20 39 2 25 8 3 2 3 37 127 52 9 2 1 35 28 53 2 1 ""i 157 34 4 31 4 59 25 18 26 t "ii 3 4 550 25 13 .36 37 10 38 15 13 30 12 ""i 2 15 ■3 15 19 16 " "i 15 9 81 1 ■ 17 12 39 8 40 421 41 13 42 . . 1 • 58 160 43 1 2 83 4 ... 45 44 45 1 ' 1 ' ' 142 143 50 9 46 . 47 20 34 1 48 1 24 49 i 1 ./.... 1 6 1 50 51 59 . 5? A— I6i 244 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Remains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. s Pres- by- terians. Pres- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- trcs. Breth- ren. 1 9 .7. Polling District No. 16 k. do 17 l. do 18 m. do 19 n. do 20 0. do 21 p. do 22 q. do 23 r. do 24 s. do 25 t. do 2fia ((. do 266 v. do 27a w. do 27& ic. do 28« ij. do 28b z. do 29 na. do 30 bb. Dartmouth, Tuivn — Ville cc. Polling District No. 32a dd. do 326 ee. do 33 //. do 34 f/r/. do 35 hh. do 36 ii. . do 37 jj. do 38 kk. do 39.... 35.— Hants ft. Avondale . . 48 129 260 47 25 11 48 335 . 5 478 31 342 173 10 1,163 10 2 36 1,387 6 283 115 616 117 190 32 1,235 117 361 202 132 55 6 31 190 432 556 549 535 393 476 84 245 119 .57 2,123 403 452 540 534 2 304 254 3.53 1.52 4,220 125 133 38 298 100 264 389 382 137 45 244 114 209 289 81 18 153 39 260 200 127 575 83 2 150 270 527 314 700 1,007 2 229 333 196 105 173 87 10 26 236 ' 1^042 2 1 73 235 261 39 200 2 31 6,197 33 443 46 21() 42 92 486 73 216 283 580 614 99 3 61 77 9 65 226 65 2 21 94 8 3 4 "i 6 7 1 K " i q 10 ^•> IS 7 71 14 Vi ifi 17 18 .... 43 1 615 8 1 19 22 7 2 210 11 3 .5,091 570 257 482 117 277 iS 77 202 821 131 161 144 163 209 198 52 33 40 177 188 647 447 1 1 r ■ ■ ■ It ■ 2 ... 1 3 20 91 1 99 5 9S 94 9f) 2(5 97 98 1 ?<^ 61 20 2 53 so h. Brooklyn 13 59 13 6 1 49 24 104 3 189 13 76 17 1 138 67 98 107 5 252 16,270 1,084 3,105 806 212 SI c. Burlington d. Curry's Corner e. Falmouth /. Five Mile River g. Forks h. Gore i. Hantsport 89 1 3.S . . . .... ... I 34 35 .... ::: 3fi 1 37 .... * 38 j. Kempt 39 k Maitland ... . 40 I. Nine Mile River m. Noel n. Rawdon Churcli 0. Scotch Village p. Selniiih rj. Shubenecadie r. South Maitland s. South Rawdon and Uniacke. . . t Ste. Croix 6 2 41 49 43 148 249 901 274 160 638 149 448 7,922 9 44 "ii 4.5 4fi 47 1 48 9 44 41 1 u. Walton 1 50 V. Windsor (Court House). . 36 — Inverness 3 .... 51 a. Broad Cove Marsh 5^ b. Cheticamp c. Glencoe d. Hawkesbury, Town — Ville 13 2 32 21 234 95 53 54 222 ' RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. — Relitfions. 245 Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. 1 \ Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. 8 irni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal - ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. - Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. i 1 4(19 17G 153 2 49 46 27 1 40 3 4 4 20 479 'is 10 749 776 194 36 12 l" 16 2 58 100 11 3,827 116 136 86 197 356 1 1 ■ '1 1 1 1 3 1 i '"'12 .... ^ 10 2 1 2 3 5 .... ^ '■"■4 26 4 5 r> 1 2 15 6 7 8 9 5 15 1 10 11 12 ::::::i .5 1 13 14 15 16 '" 1 6 17 "10 2 13 3 '" '8 11 " "36 "45 ■ 98 2 1 ■ "3 212 18 8' 75 1 ■ ■ ■ 3 ... 3 ■ '6 " 2 62 19 20 21 ?2 18 1^3 24 1 .... 25 1 26 .. . . ... . .... . 27 28 30^ 54 2 ■■■16 \ I 422 530 Ifi 13 35 1 41 1 29 6 3 9 7 1 179 2 ""14 1 10 42 .... ^ 30 31 ' .5 ?f>. . 33 34 1 288 36 447 546 " ' 22 72 7i 284 27 tl 241 243 61 529 615 2 13 94 ""ll 12 9 4 5 47 a5 "s 36 2 6 2 2 37 38 39 12 134 5 43 8 128 72 '" 44 6 2 10 1 6 14 1 5 4 i 4 116 5 23 40 " "1 "e 41 42 43 • • 1 65 1 110 3 40 348 ... ^ " ' 3 ■■i9 ■■■"is 44 45 .... "12 1 2 42 2 46 12 12 1 66 47 48 49 8 50 51 .:::: ""2 52 .... 1 53 54 246 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS. & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 3 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- terians. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. [ Ot- her. 1 ! Au-' tres. Breth- 1 ren. 1 e. Hillsboro' 492 1,914 272 188 1,541 332 1,052 24 117 776 972 1,315 686 378 868 118 18 1,399 166 77 250 92 28 260 7 77 15 33 117 162 37 78 629 1 20 163 89 3 72 1 i 6 . ^ 19 1 3 3 2,437 110 258 341 30 52 835 29 192 62 58 99 220 119 32 10,030 .579 1,663 718 1 1,633 400 1,113 537 718 728 1,327 58 552 4 1,755 16 17 3 261 48 4 7 442 1 9| /. Judique 3 g. Lake Ainslie, East — Est h. Lake Ainslie, West — Quest. . . . i. Margarie j. Margarie, North-cast — Nord-est. k. Margarie, South-west — Sud-ouest I. North Mountain 500 229 187 271 11 753 118 284 665 167 400 767 646 1,373 759 1,562 i 124 172 272 112 55 223 33 163 161 32 12 47 104 52 3,535 ""532 482 13 186 931 4 5 1 56 6 8 9 10 m. Pleasant Bay n. Poplar (xrove. 11 12 13 0. Port Hastings p. Poi't Hood. . q. River Dennis r. River Inhabitants . . s. Strathlorn t. Whycoconiagh 23 134 1 ""3 14 1.5 Ifi 7 17 u. Whycocomagh, South — Slid.. . 37. -King's a. Canning 6. Canard c. Centre ville d. Lakeville e. Somerset 18 146 3,748 509 148 197 146 205 220 25 376 534 376 2 507 318 185 5,.576 4 484 281 78 169 1,509 20 6 13 19 ^0 . .. 1 ^1 14 109 1 2 9 1 8 1 3 9,9. 1 9?. /. Kentville and Canaan 9A g. Gaspereaux h. Wolfville i. Lower Horton j. Aylesford, South — Slid k. Dalhousie I. Aylesford, North— Nord. 111. Berwick II. Harbour ville ^o 26 27 1 11 28 29 . ... 30 11 31 38.— Lunenburg- a. Bayswater . h. Blockhouse c. Bridgewater 1 ..... 32 33 34 m d. Chester .... 36 e. Conquerall /. Lunenburg 37 38 (). Mill Cove 39 h. New Germany i. New Ross j. Petite Ri viere 59 184 25 i3 4,387 45 629 79 9 10 2 316 632 6 1,479 749 167 18 1,414 35 40 41 347 574 153 1 26,058 327 241 902 1,071 971 958 1,107 ... . 42 k. Ritcey's Cove I. Summerside rii. Tancook , . . . 39.-Pictou a. Abercroinbie b. Bailey's Brook c. Barney's River d. Cape -John e. Cariboo, East d- West— Est et 0. f. Dalhousie g. East River 43 44 1 8 45 18 9 2 46 47 .... "" 85 29 2 48 49 50 51 10 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. ■2i] Tableau IV. — Religions. I'a|>ti>ts. Con- Igrega- tion- al. Dis- ci- pies. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- i.sts. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Freo- will. Tun- kers. 2 a 1 33 28 1 2 ... . . ... •3 4 3 444 13 i 7 1 2 8 336 4 • • 5 22 6 4 8 7 8 9 10 19 1 . . . n 12 13 14 4 11,204 1,130 530 806 791 419 926 883 1,123 602 1,367 53 691 1,050 833 5,117 22 560 916 1,144 376 284 70 934 205 27 19 13 547 600 19 118 1 10 7 ■ "4 802 329 9 226 105 7 2 2 1 28 4 '21 68 187 310 291 "" 1 7 155 19 77 9 16 9 1 15 16 21 319 203 3 60 21 'I 10 "6 '4 25 1 1 1 3 7 6 1 ""1 '4 .... 130 69 5 14 " "19 6 1 5 1 40 18 2 147 14 15 7 2 ""29 4 10 15 8 1 8 33 1 123 1 11 8 17 18 ... 19 20 7 21 22 2 1 .... 23 24 I 2 6 2 1 357 2 2 2 1 10 1 12 1 25 6 12 5 "" 3 1 1 26 1 1 ""11 ""i 3 ""2 27 28 29 1 1 9 1 16 30 31 5,450 2 5 2 31 32 883 1 1,0491 85 284 24 . . "279 1 "8 4 ■■■■» :;::.: .... 33 34 35 36 93.3 1 3 12 9 2 ... . 3 " '2 3 5 26 5 83 2 ""1 25 1 2 4 11 37 2 1,084 " "l83 529 ;i8 39 "12 ... . . . . 40 41 42 416 11 151 34 1 18 3 2 7 48 110 2 " "2i "34 2 43 44 45 46 47 1 1 i 7 6 "1 . * • ' • * ' ' 48 49 50 51 ' 248 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS. & S.-DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. ' ' 1 s Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres Breth- ren. ] A.. Eraser's M'tainand Churchville . 254 27 58 9 42 56 111 279 80 i 4 32 14 19 101 1,044 592 771 723 855 1,518 616 1,459 576 782 587 918 2,552 459 448 1,559 901 772 1,151 2,198 166 67 8 33 40 12 9 .... .... 1 s i Gi-ardon of T]flf»n 4 k. Green Hill I. Hardwood Hill 20 18 31 6 1 34 6 1 i1 6 7 m. Hopewell and Lome n. Little Harbour .. 2 ' ' 1 8 9 p. Merigomish q. Middle River. r. Mill Brook s. Mount Thom t. New Glasgow, Totvn — Ville . . . 11. New Larii? 150 5(1 .... 8 10 1 4 609 12 217 n !'> 4 150 13 14 1 "9 J, . . . 1' 15 16 17 V. Pictou Island and Fisher's Grant w. Pictou, Town — VUle . . X. River John . . . ' . 94 719 8 328 129 2 279 262 2,241 119 70 33 425 41 97 8 1,002 117 39 256 34 451 103 111 11 106 1 "l .... 17 1 310 1 191 ! -l^ 1 180 184 2,202 75 46 210 12 25 221 50 724 303 28 163 1 345 1 j 279 14 1 18 1'> y. River John, W. hranch-Br. ouest z. Stellarton . . . aa. Westville 40. — Queen's 760 440 763 73 1 404 1 19 4 34 96 41 51 10 29 10,238 523 944 39 1,441 12 19 3 .'... "^0 143 7 3 "3 ?1 a. Brookfield ^^ b. Brooklyn 1 1 23 ?4 c. Caledonia . d. Eagle Head e. Greenfield . . ■4 1 ?5 8 2 W /. Hunt's Point g. Kempt 9:7 96 4 1 9S h. Liverpool i. Mill Village j. Milton k. Port Medway I. Port Mouton 26 3 2 15 2 3,239 26 2 531 12 498 847 414 110 ^9 30 31 '36 - 4 .... 3?l 41.— Richmond a. Arichat b. Arichat, East — Est c. Black River d. Descousse , . - , . . . 3 .3 33 34 3.5 " 4 36 37 38 39 c. Framboise /. Grand River (/. Loch Lomond '. 1 45 I 1 .... 40 h. Lower I'Ardoise i. Petit de f irat 747 606 852 944 932 829 1,228 1,122 187 6 2 1 6 9 28 29 1 46 2,397 24 33 2 6 41 49, j. Red Islands k. River Bourgeois l. River Inhabitants 34 162 246 331 7 19 1,013 33 36 1 N«7 43 ""2i9 1 44 4.5 m. St. Peter's n. LTpper I'Ardoise 0. West Arichat — Ouest , . . . 46 47 42.— Shelburne 4,124 397 103 1 10 8 2 48 a. Barrington b. Barrington Passage 2 49 m c. Cape Sal)le Island • •• .51 d. Cape Sable Island, Centre KECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. — Religions. 249 Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal - ista. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- ni»m- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied Non speci- fics. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. 1 1 1 Bap- tists- Free- will. Tun- kers. i .... 6 1 1 17 1 •>. 3 1 12 30 9 1 20 7 .... . ... i • • i 3 4 5 4 6 7 8 3 3 9 1 10 11 193 10 11 1 1 4 12 6 3 30 1 2 13 .... 1 6 14 1 10 40 53 6 29 .35 2,883 401 137 2.35 8 421 18 231 359 284 464 247 78 140 15 1 17 1 3 5 4 3 1 5 1 \ 65 2 16 ! 17 1 , . . . 1 10 19 79 4 1 2 4 18 19 5 731 58 5 61 28 5 28 51 3 11 242 232 18 .3 1 1 1 ..... I 1 3 20 91 28 1 797 77 292 11 161 1 2 2 142 354 4 2 10 47 44 1 12 4 3 2 27 ■■27 21 4 3 29 23 ?4 26 25 56 " i2 ^ . . . . "31 26 7 13 ""{ 4 " "54 27 28 29 109 270 1 1 1 11 30 10' 31 3 3 1 15 1' 1 32 1 ■ • • 5 33 ; 3 1 14 ... 34 1 . . . 5 12 35 36 37 38 39 100 .... 1 ■■■; 1 1 40 41 42 43 44 .. . 1 1 ."> 27 8 1 1 ' 1 45 46 2 2,448 32 51 7 3,844 359 394 912 1,025 47 6 9 24 9 631 9 3 94 15 1 6 4 1 i 242 181 2 1 48 49 . . . . . 4 5 nO nl 250 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Religions. 1 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d 'An- gle- terra. Presbyterians. Methodists. s 1 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. 21 10 102 Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 (. Church-Over /. Gieen Harbour f/. .Jordan Bay, West — Quest .... 3 2 21 2 49 538 202 68 222 24 257 23 54 15 14 236 16 645 . 18 584 90 11 27 13 14 15 1 67 8 7 331 48 208 73 102 403 176 787 19 611 • 796 57 100 190 13 461 19 2 3 4 69 5 104 13 181 1 5 5 i. Louis Head ... . . ... ^ A;. North-East Harbour I. Ohio 8 9 11 6 2 10 72 211 5 15 4 145 31 7,879 1,033 165 595 1.046 476 495 31 116 232 492 885 366 79 621 613 634 620 12 10 ■n "Port, Ifl, T'mir 11 0. Sandy Point . . p. Shag- Harbour q. Shelburne r Wood'^ Ha.rbour '" 2 12 13 14 43.— Victoria «. Baddeck ... 3,411 120 435 22 174 391 1 1 5 15 16 17 c. Big Baddeck d. Boularderie e. Cape North / Eno-lishtown 22 5 18 ^^ 159 1 90 '>1 g. Grand Narrows h. Ingonish i. Little Narrows, North, — Jford . j. Little Narrows, South — Sud. . . k Middle River 1,251 844 108 55 1 8 1 99 .... 238 23 94 95 1 3 18 '>6 / ^ew Oamnbellton 97 m. New Haven ji. North Shore 98 29 30 0. North River. v. South Grllt i 8,058 256 50 1,014 8 168 67 138 499 401 19 467 962 114 3 7 11 128 6 129 '"227 1 .... 44.— Yarmouth a. Arcadia .... 2,038 227 34 1 24 23 31 .... 3'? b. Argyle 33 c. Belleville d. Carleton e. Centre, Totvn — Ville 34 74 91 11 , 111 ' ■ ■ ■ 83 2 14 158 208 184 """235 60 35 1 36 f. Chesrosrsrin ... 37 q. Court House 1 3 38 39 h. Eel Brook i. Exchange Building . . . i. Hebron k. Islands I. Keniptville 40 41 4? 1 105 13 9 427 691 272 31 626 1,435 15 1,346 53 293 81 55 5 43 ni. Milton n. Ohio 41 14 17 5 73 12 3 10 44 45 0. Port Maitland TO. Pubnico Ecist — Est 20 46 47 q. Pubnico Head . 48 r. Pubnico, West — Quest 12 25 120 65 15 22 13 92 37 ■1 5 15 37 310 15 6 48 49 s. Rockville 50 t. South End 13 51 ■w. Tusket 5? V. Tusket Lakes w. Tusket Wedge 53 .... RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. 251 Baptists. i 1 Con- grega- t . 1 tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. 3 ■■'3 Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal - ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. C^ua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- i na- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Xon spc-ci- ties. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. 1.5 2.S9 132 163 541 604 11 9 49 6 ! 171 25 100 293 48 10 "l5 6 3 Free- will. Tun- kers. i 2 1 1 20 ""s 8 '"74 216 ' ' '297 3 11 9 3 1 4 2 12 3 10 4 1 5 6 7 8 5 4 1 3 16 3 5 168 72 239 91 9 2 2 1 10 1 '2 4 4 " '71 9 11 1-:^ 13 531 16 ""i 7 4 12 3 7 14 2 1 • 7 5 2 4 2 15 16 17 1 1 18 19 .... . . 20 21 i 7 3 22 23 1 . . . . ^ 24 2 ... • • • 25 26 97 288 109 "■"is 18 9 28 29 7 6,138 519 193 170 345 345 594 402 1 3/417 181 542 .50 284 44 94 73 151 6 1 1 12 30 3 381 11 9 80 2 7 1 31 32 "ii 76 4 82 ' "1 1 .. .. 1 17 1 18 1 1 1 1 33 34 .35 i 1 1 36 8 13 2 37 38 332 550 7 14 248 705 513 19 250 140 276 265 95 141 15 124 121 73 10 6 3 41 39 .... 4 ■■•■3 40 41 226 13 141 321 39 1 i ""1 1 7 4« 1 43 ..... ' " 10 10 44 45 15 '"23 ... . 55 26 46 1.50 462 118 78 83 93 180 " " 88 17 5 '""3 1 34 3 47 48 49 1 20 50 51 1 ... 4 1 43 3 5?, 53 252 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. ■ DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics.' Catholi- que.s Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. 142 Ot- her. Au- tres. i 293 Me- thod- ists. Me- 1 tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. 5,889 12 ■ Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. Ontario 45.— Addington a. Abinger, Effingham, Ashby and Denbigh b. Barrie c. Bedford d. Camden . e. Clarendon and Miller /. Hinchinbrooke //. Kaladar and Anglesea /(. Kenneljec i. Loughborough j. Newburg, Village k. Olden 358,300 4,139 29 59 706 754 108 221 334 16 365 89 58 118 162 237 883 10,907 291 37 15 10 415 87 385,999 3,695 49 153 278 605 210 237 138 511 172: 106 258 483' 231 304 420 1 9,362 117 145 120 110 144 63 34 108 81 115 42 11 2 84 203 69 198 279: 184 151 138 75 121 162 129 394 28 287: 1 305 105 109 243 326 452,712 2,299 109 57 186 507 70 224 27 14 90 97 54 119 469 156 120 9,363 125 162 340 130 14 36 42 147 146 24 30 6 109 453 469 109 211 90 221 245 165 139 418 153 291 21 124 4 128 213 88 265 221 647,518 13,178 538 366 639 2,635 470 751 645 1,340 1,555 363 625 409 176 1,765 911 6,252 55 366 288 220 22 40 25 82 66 20 86 .14 138 488 9,343 89 1 " "16 3 '12 4 4 5 6 7 • • • i 1 74 8 9 10 ... 1 11 V? /. Oso 2 1 13 m. Palmerston and Canonto . . . . n. Portland 0. Sheffield 46.--Alg'oina. . . 14 1.5 90 1 1 166 16 {Eastern Division — Est. ) a. Algoma Mills b. Bruce Mines c. Day d. Echo River e. Garden River / GoLilais Bay ff. Grande Pointe 17 .... 4 IS 1 12 . ... 16 19 20 21 5^2 9 5^3 h. Hallam and Graham ('. Hilton j. Killarney . . k. Kirkwood 351 86 325 9A 1 9^ 26 27 I. Mamainse 711. Michipicoton n. Mississagua 0. Otter Tail p. Port Findley q. Root River and Korah r. Sault, Centre s. Sault, Eastern— Est t. Sault, Western — Quest u. Spanish River ..... r. St. Joseph w. Tenby Bay X. Thessalon { Western Division— Quest.) y. Beaver and Silver Mountain. . . z. Biscotasing, Chapleau, Miss- anabi. White River, Peninsula and Schreiber iia. Chelmsford and Cartier bh. Fort Francis cc. Hawk Lake 79 107 405 9 21 52 251 70 285 795 44 11 237 217 969 611 188 6 .50 204 66 482 329 .... 28 29 82 153 189 191 183 107 167 122 83 76 265 95 183 72 28 3 22 69 125 94 116 30 31 .... "1 .... 2 .... ..-. 32 33 1 34 3.0 36 37 ... 38 "'5 39 12 40 41 42 1 43 44 4.5 dd: Keewatin, North — Nord . . . . ee. Keewatin, South — Sud //. Murillo hh. Neebing, North — Nord 46 .... . . . . 1 1 47 48 .. . . 49 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. — Religions. 253 Baptists. Con- grega- tion - al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- li.stes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. 4,350 188 ■■■■4 14 113 9 "'i5 Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- i na- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non sixici- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- thi'- riens. Bap- tists. 1 Free- will. Tun- kers. 1 a 5 45,029 189 134 6 37 90,969 84 3 6 ■ ■ 4 1 11 3 2 32 12 10 1,046 8 34 41 8 1 9 2 3 11 7 7,869 5 "3 i "1 158 2 8 3 "3 1,209 2 '" i 1 16,879 10 4 5 1 9,106 2 447 776 2 "i 1,094 7 7 2,938 10,320 13 ii 2,501 22 "1? 2 . 29,934 39 4 9 4 1 14 "" 5 4 131 24,078 176 9 76 10 2 6 ' "18 15 13 3 19 3,176 1 2 3 4 5 1 8 3 2 2 6 7 8 82 2 9 1 10 11 12 13 — 32 1 25 1 15 14 15 800 13 153 11 7 ..... 4 3 88 19 IB 17 1 1 1 6 5 3 .... ^ 18 1 2 19 2 "is 1 7 . . . . 3 . . .. '>0 8 1 • ■ • 21 22 ^3 6 17 24 '>5 •'(i 97 30 55 10 8 3 IS 47 16 12 58 3 38 1 1 7 3 27 9 25 "11 50 .... 7 2 , , ■ ■ ■ 72 i 9 1 1 13 57 3 270 2 671 "'55 182 2 1 28 6 "io 30 31 11 3? 1 i ■ "■ 6 2 33 1 1 t 34 G2 2 7 4 2 1 ' 3 35 •> 10 36 37 38 1 88 39 40 125 3 3 '3 4 3 2 5 1 5 1 13 4 2 41 11 "is 1 1 5 49 10 2 3 2 ■ ■ 2 .. . ^ 2 43 44 45 60 46 6 1 47 7 18 33 4 49 254 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Religions. DISTRICTS & S.- DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. 373 347 1.54 165 273 72 287 189 98 5 28 12 20 237 2 1 14 57 6 52 Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. ill a Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. "l ... .... 1 "i ot- her. Au- tres. ....i • • • • 1 3 "3 Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- • tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 ij, kk. Niyiigon and Pays Plat U. Nonnan mm. Port Arthur, Centre 100 135 257 214 145 187 327 227 262 16 263 37 97 114 30 45 85 69 45 "231 140, 306; 70 86 14 185 92 "900 3,927 160 429 670 491 242 659 180 348 424 324 1,962 630 379 819 134 5,273 537 2,622 351 533 1,230 18 122 315 219 181 69 265 170 99 147 257 67 124 179 125 231 188 60 32 26 107 181 354 82 52 96 i 79 i 179 4,274 193 265 1,102 731 396 I 710 181 i 520 2 174 4,018 872 1,572 511 1,063 3,839 480 2,064 349 914 32 20 68 153 157 113 7 79 88 15 61 109 90 188 81 25 99 137 50 - 29 3 95 85 358 22 52 132 132 95 2 3 7 4 5 nn. Port A rthnr, North — Nord. . , 00. Port Arthur, South — Sud pp. Rainy River fi 7 cjq. Rat Portage, East — Est rr. Rat Portage, West — Quest .... ss. Savamie, Ignace, Barclay and Vermillion 4 8 9 1 10 [Manitoulin.) tt. Allan uu. Assiginack vv. Barry Island unv. Bidwell XX. Billings. 6 3 n 35 12 13 3 14 15 VV. Burpee 16 17 18 19 zz. Campbell aoa. Carnavon hhh. Cockburn Island ccc. Dawson.. 30 1 1 25 14 20 ddd. Duck Islands 21 eee. Gordon 11 5 " i . 22 23 24 ///. Gore Bay, Town—Ville (jr/ri. Howland hhh. Mills 87 ""12 25 Hi: Robinson j/j. Sandfield 126 26 18 27 28 29 kkk. Sheguiandah ///. Tehkummah mmm. Wookwamakong . 5 2 1,190 2,443 113 66 614 145 47 701 98 5.38 22 99 738 182 141 242 173 2,121 107 1,.5.34 65 412 3 ""18 30 Unorganized Territory 47.-Bothwell a. Both well, Town—Ville b. Camden c. Chatham 31 11,113 251 1,603 ' 2,903 I 1,.582 9SS 1,730 240 893 379 544 6,372 1,984 1,830 1,628 930 6,228 1,041 3,484 428 656 619 7 30 21 32 33 19 " 9 1 5 34 d. Dawn •••■^ 9 35 e. Dresden, Town — Ville.. ..'..... 36 37 /. Sombra ff. Thamesville, Village h. Wallaceburg do i. Walpole Island j. Zone 48.— Brant, North— Nord a. Ancaster 6. Blenheim . c. Brantford 2 38 39 40 41 42 43 6 2 2 1 1 2 2 5 244 i 4 172 65 44 45 d. Dumfries, South — Sud 49.— Brant, South- Sud a. Brantford, West — Ouesi b. Brantford, City— Citi c. Onondaga d. Paris, Town— Ville e. Tuscarora. 1 3 190 24 46 47 1 1 105 48 49 1 ... 5 56 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV- — ^ReligiunK. 255 1 1 Baptists. Con- grega- ! tion- al. Dia- Cl- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee dn Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- noni- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not sijeci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. - Free- will. Tun- kers. 19 7 5 56 77 31 3 40 13 19 15 29 1 16 1 371 "3 1 ■ 29 516 2 473 19 84 1 20 28, 72 4.^ 2 4 1 ""1 3 2 i 3 1 1 1 9. . 3 4 5 5 .... 1 1 1 2 6 5 1 1 1 6 74 27 2 7 8 1 i 1 1 47 9 . 1 10 10 1 11 3 12 14 8 11 1 3 1 13 6 4 • ' 5 '"'76 5 ' 2 15 14 15 30 4 1 16 37 2 7 17 2 18 1 ""1 2 19 1 20 5 28 87 5 1 12 18 1 1 17 12 2 1 21 16 22 6 8 25 23 8 24 1 25 5 ""'1 11 6 4 "i 1 ' 1 248 1 "239 899 75 277 38 302 26 1 27 . . . , .. . . 28 29 61 30 "12 30 18 2,202 141 14 35 1 10 8 "49 40 zl 196 'i87 5 2 2 7 3 10 3 ""3 207 37 24 9 23 16 "26 21 ■57 49 A 13 4 136 ■'■76 1 30 29 6 31 3 2 ■ • ■ • • J. . . . 44 78 7 32 ()7(> 7 ll.') 4 1 1 ■"2 33 .34 .SI).") 63 35 5 2S'.) 11 1 13 12 1 1 22 ' 14 "'83 537 9 509 10 9 324 121 189 2 "12 51 36 (il 3 1 14 37 .5 3:>7 21 38 " " 1 ' 48 i • ■ ■ • 93 : "is 44 31 711 27 435 9 240 1 "8 1 1 58 39 '40 232 11 2,295 ! 373 ()(;7 752 503 j 3,598 428 1,9(J0 250 280 680 11 3 8 11 370 27 46 20 277 641 27 41 211 : 1 4 "1 42 1 1 43 9 1 44 30 25 4 6 1 9 2 14 1 4 12 4 8 5 5 45 11 .... 54 46 LS 1 1 7 31 47 1 15 "i ■ 48 557 49 256 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. 50. —Brock ville. a. Centre Ward — Quart ier Cent. b. East do Est.. c. North do Nord] d. South do Sud e. West do Quest Total Brockville, City— Cite. f. Elizabethtown g. Kitley Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. 51.— Bruce, East— Est. 8 a. Brant .... 9 \h. Carrick 10 c CulWss 11 id. Greenock 12 e. Teesvvater, Village 13 /. Walkerton, Town— Ville ... 52.— Bruce, N'oHh. — Nord. Albemarle and Cape Croker. . . Amabel and Saugeen . 21 \h. 22 Arran Chesley, Village Eastnor Elderslie Lindsay Paisley, Village Port Elgin, Village. . . St. Edmund's Sonthamjjton, Village . Tara, Village Wiarton, Village 53 — Bruce, West— Quest . . . a. Bruce b. Huron c. Kincardine d. Kincardine, To^vn — ViUe.... €. Kinloss ; /. Lucknow, Village , g. Saugeen h. Tiverton, Village , 54.— Card-well. a. Adjala b. Albion c. Bolton, Village. d. Caledon .... . e. Mono 55. — Carleton. a. Goulburn. . b. March c. Marlboro'. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. 29 156 50 15 1 2,268 1,235 489 13 480 51 6,8.52 381 336 252 2,728 4,167 325 432 486 651 432 457 441 240 403 686 2,087 2,466 2.50 1,106 391 595 6,623 1,808 720 579 2,606 78 1,306 150 1,128 443 160 78 703 480 690 3,365 155 309 137 559 22 627 39 135 27 312 46 297 12 105 6 174 19 127 22 33 110 270 1 94 94 323 314 2,191 10 141 24 424 291 530 586 282 167 46 15 Presbyterians. Pre?- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. 2,761 257 363 329 191 488 1,628 792 341 5,325 1,249 584 1,199 1,105 477 711 7,368 399 1,066 798 570 465 1,308 254 599 462 91 593 288 475 10,993 2,213 2,440 1,779 1,102 1,637 646 898 278 Re- for- med Re- for- mes, 3,762' 3,950 403 767 216 936 1,440, 5,973 974 6281 689 450 313 197 2,027 963 3,860 497 127 114 Ot- her. Au- tres, Methodists. 12 11 64 64 15 Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. 5,131 312 434 4.S4 218 566 1,964 2,245 922 4,043 1,172 781 551 482 325 732 8,284 800 1,718 1,283 483 589 925 144 360 560 101 416 293 612 4,885 527 1,192 833 774 787 3S5 281 106 4,677 362 1,.530 29) 1,480 1,009 4,402 881 163 646 Bible Chr- is- tian. 16 Pri- mi- tive. 1 1 16 3 1 1 2 28). i 14i 14 Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 257 Tableau IV. — Religions, Baptists. Con- grega- tion - al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. 1 1 Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. •Tews. Juifs. Other De- noni- ina-' tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tan- kers. 1 E 5 3 728 83 56 98 61 140 438 235 55 678 119 148 28 174 61 148 1,028 65 178 53 " 5 382 171 89 23 "55 1,104 501 25 236 68 1 9 15 113 137 269 1 1 9 29 18 7 4 1 1 4 17 1 26 7 11 1 7 '5 5 " "2 8 8 37 7 8 2 3 5 25 12 31 8 "i 9 3 2 25 ""5 10 1 7 23 ""2 657 189 438 13 103 10 8 2 20 70 13 198 37 15 48 3 95 161 2 21 22 1 1 17 3 1 25 1 2 29 ""29 2 ""i 4 6 5 3 4 "5 "i 4 3 3 2 2 7 2 5 138 82 ■- •• 2 7 1,718 710 832 41 40 . 1 8 9 22 . . . "7 1 11 169 48 47 18 1 ■'6 3 8 " "45 193 25 1 1 4 81 1 18 10 27 11 16 111 .... a 2 7 8 9 429 12 13 290 224 19 " "i8 25 14 """i 37 "iio 104 46 2 3 36 16 1 1 1 5 18 14 42 89 8 54 84 5 26 19 1 217 15 8 16 25 61 7 i — . 5 17 18 25 9 10 '>0 1 13 ?!1 27 99 3; ?3 i . . . 1 9 6 14 4 50 51 11 7 7 •>4 7 ^5 SI 49 214 29 96 21 9 9 2 1 14 1 13 38 ?fi 117 389 147 1 5 10 11 1 27 98 11 172 .... 9Q 1 13 1 11 .SO 2 T 11 1 68 5 18 3 39 3 87 31 1 1 7 2 224 3"^ 93 33 42 Zj 12 247 3 6 5 233 44 1 34 10 44 1 2 3 24 35 2 13 3 9 1 11 11 2 1 36 '"■32 12 1 1 37 8 246 28 3 38 12 1 1481 81 2 23 39 175 8 8 6 1 27 9 1 40 41 1 42 A— 17 258 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S.— DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. 4,989 283 289 111 211 10,579 3,627 846 1,571 1,324 3,741 1,249 408 1,554 2,196 189 103 301 377 378 200 603 45 531 13 65 8 4 441 227 65 1 43 62 56 1,491 13 12 22 26 1,208 2 208 991 242 185 9 163 1 Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. i Presbyterians. Methodists. Pres- by- terians. Pres- by teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. 15 Me- thod- ists. :Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 d. Nepean e. North Gower /. Ottawa, East — Est, Village g. Richmond, Village 2,206 769 148 190 369 4,092 1,154 460 286 455 1,201 242 1,228 267 2,036 38 234 478 402 304 383 125 72 4,307 994 747 741 382 1,443 2,129 513 611 507 244 254 3,837 344 202 319 152i 2,245! 68 507 3,155 546 378 125 871 2,205 430 86 (52 339 7,276 1,091 468 250 395 1,113 1,357 1,514 2,201 4,438 169 236 645 314 1,035 949 857 233 3,291 711 736 770 209 865 2,563 401 476 1,097 440 149 3,168 196 94 120 136 1,826 2 794 7,219 1,962 1,689 301 636 1,594 871 68 83 96 3,992 775 225 117 166 508 620 1,664 425 8,936 347 468 2,516 549 38 9| 5 3 4 .... 3 5 h. Torbolton 56.— Corn-wall and Stor- mont a. Cornwall 120 6 2 7 h. Centre Ward — Quartier Centre f c. East do Est ... J d. West do Ouest.' Total, Cornwall, Town—Ville. . e. Finch 8 9 10 5 5 11 2 1? /. Osnabruck 8 ... 105 13 14 g. Roxborough 57.— Dundas a. Chesterville, Village 6. Iroquois, do c. Matilda d. Morrisburg, Village 8 15 16 17 18 e. Mountain 1,543 1 293 19 /. Williamsburg g. Winchester h. Winchester, Village ^0 1,729 6 ?^ 2 491 8,202 1,327 2,235 2,426 343 1,871 9,234 1,652 923 2,605 3,736 318 9,957 767 1,582 2,038 262 3,477 138 1,693 7,777 1,442 679 193 1,507 2 82 58.— Durham, East— Est a. Cavan ... m . . .. 9!3 6. Hope 8 61 "is 153 16 9A c. Manvers d. Millbrook, Villaf/e %5 ... ... ^6 e. Port Hope, Town—Ville 59.— Durham, West— Quest .. . a. Bowman villa, Town — Ville 6. Cartwright 27 ] 1 16 15 ^9 c. Clarke 106 26 5 24 ■ 1 30 31 d. Darlington. e. Newcastle, Village 60. —Elgin, East— Est 3 1 134 32 a. Aylmer, Town — Ville 14 33 6. Bayham c. Malahide 89 34 1 ' i ' 1 "i 7 35 d. Port Stanley, Villaqe e. St. Thomas, City— Cite /. Vienna, Village g. Yarmouth 3 17 4 36 3 37 21 38 61.— Elgin, West— Ouest tt. Aldborough h. Dunwich c. Dutton, Village 18 39 ' ' 40 41 . . . . 49. d. Howard * 6 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 259 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Other De- Not Lu- 1 ther- Con- tari- versal- tion Jews. noni- sijeci- ans. grega- Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. Qua- tions. «ed. — Bap- Free- Tun- tion- ci- ven- — test- — kers. ~~" Au- tres Con- fes- sions. ~ Lu- tists. will. kers. ples. tists. Uni- Uni- ants. Ar- Non the- riens. al. tai- res. versa- libtes. niee Sahit. Juifs. speci- fies. 1 c 58 106 3 59 3 ' 40 1 1 6 13! 10 8 63 9 1 2 iiz 1 1 19 3 * • • • • . • • • • 7 3 4 • • • • 8 5 75 622 33 130 10 46 4 81 52 5 39 9 26 63 58 21 142 9 1 21 3 3 2 56 12 6 IS 3 20 6 1 30 101 2 7 8 1 13 13 1 5 51 1 1 5 7 9 9 2 3 10 22 11 36 284 14 7 43 2 . . . . 6 1 1 3 12 6 161 433 4 59 109 1 137 9 42 13 1,809 8 20 6 1 10 3 7 14 2 14 2 10 1 ... . 4 15 172 3 16 128 32 98 21 197 65 448 40 16 5 1 50 13 15 4 39 68 4 11 25 19 9 2 9 11 3 13 64 7 53 3 .... ^ 17 .5 36 4 16 18 1,415 81 8 9 19 ?o 9.1 25 5 16 4 2 4 4 4 1 1 23 1 22 23 1 1 8 6 8 24 8 384 25 2 4 2? 56 12 17 25 2 4,485 250 240 295 271 3 1 20 58 6 7 340 184 3 2 3 3 39 8 ?7 '^S 5 4 1 84 ' 52 7 28 128 1 9 20 2 1,261 29 3 G7 11 46 6 7 1 8 56 1 2 2 68 7 15 1 8 12 1 9 2 6 . ... 8 10 1 2 n ;:::i:::::: 1 8 12 1 3 2 13 9 1 7 1 4 14 7 6 ' 172 78 5 12 320 147 2 158 13 434 28 12 131 17 93 141 12 146 39 4() 8 15 18 20 15 19 ' "io 5 99 15 6 16 i 1 14 13 14 17 38 98 22 18 1 1 • • -• • 2 19 20 37 ""i 52 26 1 26 26 1 45 25 3 2 15 150 23 5 2 103 8 1 8 911 23 28 11 78 55 " 20 3 265 "44 61 10 3 4 141 2 122 2 22 21 1 4 75 69 1 22 19 5 77 75 3 2 1 7 7 2 1 6 11 39 29 23 24 25 14 6 30 4 10 1 61 2 345 1 6 6 16 10 .. .. 26 1 10 68 27 592 .... . . . . 3 .... 28 23 "61 1 4 136 5 112 84 3 3 ... • 35 8 1 1 29 198 30 350 6 1 \'.'.'.'.'.. 31 4 1 1 11 13 113 32 1 15 1 5 2 1 1 1 33 12 1 ' 34 4 1,127 7 31 1 2 3 35 36 867 1 772 37 41 2 16 66 11 17 54 12 27 36 3 8 3 38 141 22 4 5 10 38 39 13 1 2 1 40 24 33 16 41 34 42 1 • i 1 266 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. s 3 Pres- by- terians. Pres- _by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. 2 Ot- her. Au- tres. 11 Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. 4 Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 78.— Huron, West— Quest a. Ashfield 1,952 785 60 140 99 114 460 294 6,494 14 1,550 2,476 456 859 41 236 862 5,185 1,351 1,185 415 673 291 780 490 1,077 66 2 52 125 291 93 229 20 135 64 2,772 163 700 195 335 270 1,104 5 3,528 871 127 148 619 3,428 467 520 289 314 647 785 406 4,973 415 1,983 419 867 863 104 54 268 5,030 930 940 361 1,309 142 532 816 4,331 154 17 385 852 706 239 653 50 890 385 4,424 533 938 526 393 519 1,285 230 3,737 444 93 76 1,011 6,545 1,638 681 613 843 518 1,469 783 5,114 264 1,406 494 1,207 654 105 185 799 3,300 427 744 198 816 130 448 537 5,786 315 33 754 1,188 1,260 281 821 181 716 237 6,495 394 1,390 887 565 1,625 1,401 173 7,864 1,094 1,742 459 696 7,119 1,044 1,223 977 686 1,413 998 778 11,221 592 2,854 892 2,603 2,135 1,097 177 871 4,319 719 1,138 194 1,276 226 267 499 8,250 336 97 1,206 1,096 2,094 452 1,212 249 1,160 348 7,171 552 1,758 1,888 526 247 1,849 351 2,687 431 116 39 588 192 1 29 ?, b. Clinton, Town — Ville. 1 1 3 46 .s c. Colbome 15 4 d. East Wawanosh, East — Est e. Goderich /. Godench, Town—Villk g. Wawanosh, West — Quest 79.— Kent a. Blenheim, Town—Ville 6. Chatham do c. Dover ... ^ 10 .^ 1 23 fi 60 7 2 ... 9 8 7 3 23 1 "22 53 9 ""i 6 3 38 10 1 .... 9 n d. Harwich e. Ralftiijh 1^ 4 1,S /. Romney . g. Tilbury Centre, Village (part). . h. Tilbury, East— Est 80.— Kingston, City— CM.... a. Cataraqui Ward — Quartier h. Prontenac do c. Ontario do d. Rideau do e. St. Lawrence do .... /. Sydenham do g. Victoria do 81.— Lambton, East— Est a. Alvinston, Village ... r 14 ... . 1 15 1 2 "i 2 32 16 17 18 1 ... 3 3 19 1 4 ^0 1 21 4 9.?, 18 4 2 2 58 23 ?4 6. Arkona do c. Bosanquet d. Brof)ke . %^ 2fi "2 16 9.7 e. Enniskillen . . . . /. Oil Springs, Village.. g. Petrolia, Towii, — Ville 2 ?!8 1 29 5 30 h. Thedford, Village., i. Warwick 31 ' i 30 4 1 7 "is 3 7 1 32 j. Watford, Village 40 11 ■ll 4 4 35 82.— Lambton, West— Quest., a. Forest, Town — Ville 35 33 5 34 h. Moore c. Plympton d. Point Edwards, Village e. Sarnia 7 35 36 37 • 16 4 38 /. Sarnia, Town—Ville 3 39 g. Wyoming, Villaae 40 41 83.— Lanark, North- If or d.. . . a. Almonte, Town — Ville 6. DalhousieandSherbrookc North c. Darling 8 1 42 43 d. Pitzroy 6 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. — Religions. 2G7 Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Other De- Not Lu- ther- Con- tari- versal - tion Jews. noin- SlXiCl- ans. grega- Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. Qua- tions . fied. — Bap- Free- Tun- tion- ci- ven- ^~ *— " test- — kers. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. ^"~ Lu- tists. will. kers. ples. tists. Uni- Uni- ants. Ar- Non the- al. tai- versa- mee •Juifs. speci- ¥. nens. res. listes. Salut. fies. 1 89 181 11 45 55 23 25 11 11 2,064 10 34 42 3 85 192 24 142 12 3 1 2 107 6 11 242 1 1 4 47 1 1 3 33 ?. 27 97 40 30 1 3 20 9 .... . 30 1 4 1 25 6 11 97 5 ^ 2 6 34' 7 1 31 324 1 71 4 11 186 1 229 14 24 245 6 314 793 71 412 "ise 1 108 ""i ""io " 1 5 33 2 51 13 i 40 89 "13 1 23 34 63 3 47 9 45 10 28 8 5 9 1 10 4 10 171 50 11 13 294 46 1 1 5 ....; ... 2 3 i 23 46 12 2 133 12 35 265 40 54 23 85 13 22 28 1,815 ""is 46 7 6 1 1 ""9 50 741 34 192 43 215 21 107 129 516 1 2 1 34 11 2 163 21 68 15 34 6 6 13 321 29 46 24 "11 1 9 3 13 5 86 95 49 10 7 27 1 1 1,511 13 1 1 1 — 14 l.'V 12 5 "I 1 ""i 49 39 18 2 3 7 5 4 IG 9 1 1 17 . . 1 18 19 1 20 "33 103 1 21 2 22 16 70 • . . . 1 8 20 3 319 102 57 107 499 2 1 74 9 5 6 6 1 28 5 14 245 62 45 23 10 78 18 24 3 68 29 20 20 25 1 26 10 351 1 1 4 6 1 25 98 55 98 27 1 42 ^ " ' * * 9 2 288 127 379 5 3 7 "141 3 72 11 28 1 3431 5 63' . . 1 51 44 56 32 118 15 "14 1 2 1.001 29 1 3 16 16 113 30 225 26 2 1 31 24 4 32 29 1,682 31 18 1 7 4 10 39 221 222 4 111 12 14 1 21 4 1 • •• • 26 25 5 , 14 33 8 1 34 216 47 224 690 62 384 27 " 2 2 42 1 110 4 14 126 2 745 1 1 3 13 6 42 36 24 1 1 3 1 1 1 ■ 38 .. 31 7 6 1 7 40 34 9 51 65 :i5 36 16 , 37 5 3 4 36 38 2 1 39 14 1 1 89 7 1 14 42 5 20 15 1 i 1 : 1 34 1 12 . . . . 2 32 37 2 40 41 4^^ 3 ' 1 43 268 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — ReUffions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- Romains. Church of Eng- land. Rgrlise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. 1 Methodists. J s Pres- by- tenans. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. An- tres. Breth- ren. 1 e. Huntley f, Lanark 729 187 76 92 346 333 3,804 ( 7 649 532 365 145 492 757 76 2,229 264 222 1.54 266 461 78.5 77 3,748 23 418 819 320 909 511 151 51 375 141 1,212 17 120 57 147 104 72 412 283 3,724 37 39 207 S£U 473 724 i 238 > 67 13 570 ! 501 5,198 672 628 72 1,0911 587! 289 802 7421 315| 3,299 194 169 371 321 806 897 541, 5,125 175 923 2.58 4^5 689 747 , 713 369 426 632 1,329 167 38 1.35 385 8 g. Lanark, ViUaije h. Lavant ... 4 .f> i. Pakenham 8 /. Ramsay 84.— Lanark, South— Sud a. Bathurst 40 336 6 1 5,490 ... 4,043 63 190 7 715 [ 762 279 i 1.514 1 640 420 149 527 9 216 46 45 8 6. Beckwith c. Burgess, North — Nord d. Carleton Place, Village. e. Dnimraond /. Elmslej" ... p. Montague -. . 3 9 27 10 11 1? ... .. . 946 451 233 51 707 39 20 1 18 ... .... y 14 15 X. Perth, Toicn — Ville 890 121 1 2,620 .501 46 /. Sherbrooke. Smith — Surf 416 - ■ 85— Leeds and Grenville. 4,575 10 104 Ifi Xo rth — Nord a. Elm.sley, South — Sud 6. Gower do 292 2.58 171 116 840 ■ S13 130 2,745 88 72 i I 172 •^39 ,52 17 ... 9. ... 18 c. Kemptville d. Merrickv-iUe, Village e. O.xford i 436 8 19 1 344 1,09<) : 1,009 ' 1.276 ?0 ... ■^1 /. Smith's Falls, Town— Ville g. Wolford 86.— Leeds, South— Sud a. Athens. Village b. B*stard and Burgess, South-Sud c. Crosby, North — Nord. d. Crosbv, South — Sud 52 ?? 9,764 8 10 ?« .525 5 1,5;39 •■ 4 ^4 25 ?,6 368 88 746 .. . 476 910 1,199 1.496 W e. Gananoque, Toicn — Ville /. Lansdow-ne and Leeds, Fronts . g. Lansdowne and Leeds, Rears. . h. Newboro', ViUane ... ?W 574 .... 6 ?9 219 58 469 63 1,544 14 1,1391 3 30 215 1,579 31 i. Yonge and Escott, Fronts i. Yonge and Escott, Rears 87-— Lennox a. Adolphustown h. Amherst Island c. Bath, Village d. Emesto%vn e. Fredericksburg, North — Nord. . f. Fredericksburg, South— Sud... g. Xapanee, Toicn — Ville. h. Richmond 88.— Lincoln and Niagara a. Beamsville, Village b. Clinton ?ff. 734 33 9,239 374 99 227 2,620 1,247 624 1,994 4 21 34 425 12 35 36 37 390 104 ... . 106 ... . .358 i •-■ .. . 5 2 45 38 39 ...--- 1 40 135 3,328 227 2,054j .... 5,741 13 ... 17 30 41 247 . - . . .. . 42 367 260 186 181 567 43 c. Grantham d. Louth e. Merritton. Villaae ....1 646 560 561 6 6 44 45 ... ... ' ""2 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 269 Tableau IV. —Religions. Baptists. Con- grega tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal - ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jtws. .Tuifs. Other Ue- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. Ln- 1 ther- ' ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. 1 i 11 1 1 13(1 29 1 ■ 450 251 3 1 ""29 1 10 9. 3 10 '2 5 45 "38 "'i5 67 ""27 13 4 1 57 51 743 26 42 "280 80 71 5.5 l.S(i 53 438 3 62 52 3 20 295 3 772 37 325 163 94 23 11 55 10 21 33 27 1 " "26 4 1 1 1,245 191 150 107 86 5 6 123 52 ' W "24 " 3 26 11 57 t 1 7 1 8 9 1 "22 • ■ • 5 10 11 20 12 11 52 1 6 3 13 1 3 11 1 4 14 -[h 2i 58 8 10 28 1 9 11 108 " 2 14 2 2 2 86 45 i 27 1 5 16 ""1 "55 2 49 ■■■■26 2 12 4 5 2 17 1 1 5 3 18 9 2 4 6 19 ■■ '2' 8 13 1 20 21 ?,?, 9 1 6 15 1 • •• • 4 1 1 91 19 46 16 15 1 1 ■■■3 3 1 2 8 ""1 6 23 ^4 ' 12 ^5 ^6 i 9 4 9 1 "' 1 17 G 1 1 67 5 ^7 1 1 5^8 ?9 '2 30 8 1 12 2 40 3 1 3 31 10 10 ""1 4 19 32 9 1 2 5 130 "11 56 5 1 44 13 61 ::.: 33 4 ■ "3 34 35 4 ..... 2 ' ' 2 1 12 36 1 1 '" 1 .... ^ fi! 37 ±55 " ii 17 5 .. .. . .. 1 2 11 "19 15 9 805 1 3 11 79 7 33 6 1 3 38 39 40 154 692 126 328 14 176 15 17 41 27 11 2 7 <) 430 30 215 10 4''1 1 43 73 ' ' is 44 7 23 ' 45 270 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 /. Niagara , (J. Niagara, Toicn — Ville k. Port Dalhousie, Village. . St. Catharines, Vity — Cit6 89.— London, Gity—GiU. a. Ward 1 — QuaHicr. do 2 do do 3 do DISTRICTS & S.— DISTRICTS. d. do 4 do 90.— Middlesex, East— Est. . . . a. Dorchester, North — N'ord 6. Dorchester, South— Sud c. London d. London, East — Est e. London, West — Quest — Village. f. Nissonri do g. Springfield, Village 91.— Middlesex, North— Nord. a. Ailsa Craig, Village . b. Biddulph .... c. Exeter, Village d. Lucan do McGillivray . /. Parkhill, Town— Ville.. g. Stephen h. Williams, East — Est i. Williams, West — Quest . 92.— Middlesex, South— Sud. a. Caradoc .... h. Delaware .... c. Lobo d. Westminster. 93.— Middlesex, West— Quest a. Adelaide h. Ekfrid c. Euphemia d. Glencoe, Village e. Metcalfe /. Mosa g. Newbury, Village h. Strathroy, Town — Ville. i. Wards ville. Village 94.— Monck. a. Canboro' b. Cayuga, South — Sud. c. Dunn d. Dunn ville, Village . . e. Gainssborough ....... Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Pies- Re-lOt- by- for- ! her. terians. med 1311 264| 205 2,279, 603 653 384 2,283 3,450] 6,720 680 1,117 732 921 1,627 90 5 658 505 238 128 3 2,777 15 789 7 83 379 236 771 148 349 644 133 19 29 463 696 174 97 99 19 78 52 21 149 7 536 118 48 44 107 6 I 1,365 1,677 1,839 1,839 7,122 661 139 2,866 1,885 811 745 15 3,340 148 7H2 363 480 700 206 488 46 127 3,472 602 664 322 1.884 3,176 515 187 670 242 360 323 1.50 620 109 2,418 78 37 424 592 75 Pres- by- Re for- teriens. mes. 385 142 224 1,356 3,605 589 895 915 1,206 4,342 590 272 1,679 684 203 842 72 4,492 351 251 247 93 641 470 363 1,357 719 3,908 694 366 787 2,061 5,032 585 1,270 381 414 470 1,093 80 625 114 1,870 52 19 207 258 489 Au- tres. Methodists. Me- thod- Bible ists. ' iPri- Chr- mi- Me-- tho- distes. is- tian. 596 . . . 269 .. . 52 ... 2,243 7 6.351' 12 1,351 999 2,200 1,801 10,038 1,801 879 3,115 1,876 G20 1,438 309 6,295 123 744 1,112 247 1,504 589 1,369 128 479 6,518 1,396 1,466 504 3,152 5,647 1,082 77 904 200 676 643 150 1,093 127 5,627 663 195 147 613 1,324 2 3 6 1 13 1 ii "i tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. 38 17 1 20 12 6 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tablkau IV- — Religions. 271 Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Other De- Not Lu- ther- Con- tari- versal- tion Jews. nom- 8{)t!Cl- ans. • gi'eg.i- Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. Qua- ina- tions. fied. — Bap- Free- Tun- tion- ci- ven- — — test- — kers. — Au- tres Con- fes- Lu- tists. will. kers. ples. tists. Uni- Uni- ants. Ar- Non the- riens. al. tai- res. versa- listes. mee du Salut. Juifs. speci- fies. 1 4 sions. ^ 9 105 5 4 .. . , . . . 9 2 1 3 3 1 10 9. 2 5 3 27 574 956 17 79 il8 354 37 9 12 10 4 1 54 149 2 2 15 144 113 82 22 195 4 54 1 17' 179 199 333 2 28 58 39 173 1 11 65 57 20 ... ^ 1 75 28 19 24 3 28 30 124 12 5 26 6 6 4 1 7 5 245 1,346 49 75 1 84 122 4 126 i 1 io 7 16 9 22 2 27 175 29 452 8 33 1 1 10 259 136 427 5 ""51 4 118 1 6 29 24 319 39 48 9 " "ie 1 "9 "3 1 10 22 1 1 11 1 391 25 1 13 65 3 6 5 . .. . 113 36 4 ^9. 13 59 49 688 90 13 23 " ' 193 136 92 99 42 1,806 34 11 63 10 1 2 14 13 19 4 95 1 9 1 " i 1 1 1 3 974 6 47 14 1 15 267 67 4 16 8 " "24 6 .... 1 5 9 18 3 8 4 1,810 17 21 5 18 19 1 26 3 934 1 10 228 20 1 24 8 5 21 222 1 3 36 ... 1 . ... 22 23 11 24 11 ■■■■| 1 34 2 6 23 21 44 117 2 421 12 999 374 70 7 11 7 1 7 3 1 2 4 169 53 1,420 25 2 1 ... ^ 35 "32 2 3 26 2 11 9 ■■■"37 114 1 7 380 27 9 6 23 28 4 1,799 104 433 89 35 30 11 6 146 "'26 4 2 1 1 5 2 8 168 7 4 1 1 250 13 45 214 86 29 2 13 30 328 40 57 166 37 632 2 872 8 '"2 3 4 24 1 37 56 2 552 7 17 1 10 17 10 104 2 6 i ... 66 7 "91 3 25 1,131 18 31 1 49 32 11 33 1 1 2 1 1 3 34 ■ "4 1 31 2 327 .^5 2 204 1 36 15 186 93 37 251 3 14 27 402 1 87 116 69 37 ii 10 46 4 10 327 8 1 38 56 io 22 39 6 45 152 25 25 1 "■'1 1 4 22 156 81 7 210 1 6 154 40 4 5 81 1 5 ... . • • 41 7 12 42 ' 272 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Relit^ions. DISTRICTS & S.- DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. ■ Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 1 s Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 /. Moulton 54 63 38 58 2,855 55 350 104 658 63 20 55 38 187 26 271 533 60 56 59 69 164 25 26 36 8,371 187 1,098 592 185 1,648 1,303 747 264 81 1,335 1 253 188 92 679 6,305: 470 98 539 95 63S; 326 120 87 87 508 106 352 632 317 246 255 500 308 268 353 1,442 36 108 34 97 204 12 521 67 12 270 291 280 32 242 6,230 531 18 365 154 469 309 141 150 159 406 173 438 506 269 591 234 530 154 261 .372 1,561 13 126 33 118 125 493 129 70 12 403 1 638 965 20 1,062 8,409 797 171 524 173 402 480 178 170 215 663 227 323 490 404 501 375 903 636 285 492 1,337 434 ? g. Pelham s 3 h. Sherbrooke "i 26 1 30 4 i. Wainfleet 155 5 95.— Muskoka and Parry Sound a. Armour and Ryerson 2 1 28 "28 1 219 31 6 h. Baxter, Gibson and Freeman . . c. Bethune, Perry and Proudfoot. d. Blair, Brown, Burton, Sha- wanaga, Harrison, Walbridge, Mowat and French River .... e. Brunei and Stephenson /. Chapman and Croft 1 7 91 8 9 3 10 9 11 g. Conger, Cowper and Foley h. Ferguson, Carling and Burpee. i. Ferrie, Mills, Hardy, Wilson, McConkey and McKenzie . . . j. Franklin, Sinclair and Chaf- f ey "io " i 1^ 13 l' 14 18 15 16 k. Gurd, Pringle and Patterson . . I. Himsworth (North and South — Nord et Sud) and Nipissing . . 7/1. Humphrey, Watt and Card- well 3 17 1 13 IS n. Huntsville, Village 19 0. Joly, Strong and Sund ridge. Village 1 8 "0 p. Laurier, Machai- and Louut . . . q. McDougall, Parry Soimd ( Town — Ville) and Parry Island r. McKellar and Hagerman s. Monteith, Spence and Christie. t. Stisted and McMurrick Q5i. — Ni"Dissins'. . . 20 21 1 1 n 13 23 5 1 8 3 1 ?,F> a. Cameron, Deacon & Fitzgerald . h. Mattawa, Village c. Papineau and Mattawa d. Calvin, Lauder, Ballantyne, Wilkes, Pentland, Paxton, Biggar, Osier, Lyster and Boyd ?.(\ 91 25 125 245 363 76 112 45 220 1 91 28 29 e. Bonfield, Chisholra, Boulter and Ferris 30 /. North Bay (Town—ViUe), Wid- difield, Phelps and Olrig g. Nipis.sing, Indian Reserve, Springer, Field, Badgerowand Caldwell 31 1 32 h. Kirkjiatrick, Hugel, Ratter and Dunnett 33 i. Appleby, Hagar, Awrey, Haw- ley, Dryden, Dill and Nelson . j. Blezard, McKim (inclwling — inclus Sudbury and Broder). . . 34 2 1 RECENSEMENT DIJ CANADA, 1891. 273 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Other De- Not Lu- ther- Con- tari- versal- tion Jews. speci- ans. grega- Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. Qua- tions. fied. — Bap- Free- Tun- tion- ci- ven- — test- — kers. — Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Lu- tists. will. kers. ples. tists. Uni- Uni- ants, Ar- Non tho- al. tai- versa- mee Juifs. speci- 0, rieus. res. Hstes. du Salut. fies. S c 1 2 292 '^ 28 08 im 175 38 777 2 75 48 80 3 183 119 ■■■3 1 1 1 12 37 275 22 102 297 7 57 13 80 258 1 8 183 ?. 11 1 52 138 ■■■'82 3 134 1 25 143 17 2 4 584 8 13 34' 201 13 7 3 3 7 8 10 22 10 5 1 ! 6 30 24 27 4 ■■'12 1 i 1 1 2 31 "19 7 8 7 15 ■■■■73 .... ""i 8 10! 9 106 18 1 ; 1 4 5 8 2 22 .... ^ 10 10 11 1 10 13 12 55 27 98 9 7 6 8 1 4 4 2 4 1 4 13 3 28 18 14 471 3 14l 1 15 34^ 23i 13 1 12 "44 16 24 83 7 21 1 12 69 2 9 6 5 1G 35 39 24 68 23 . . ., 1 20 17 4| .. . 18 19 105 5 19 76 i 1 2 1 7 2G 20 ' 1 13' ; 122 1 21 G 41: ;••• • : 42i i 1 22 IKi 14 10 3 17 23 39 60 83 : 2 1 3 20 24 96 52 ■ ! 10 5 3 3 G 1 ' I 6 9 "l 25 1' 2 ' 1 1 9i\ 10 27 2 11 6 6 22 16 3 7 1 28 10 1 29 i 9 11 4 4 3 3 30 31 . 1 1 32 1 4 ■| 1 .... • • . 33 63 30 11 2 1 3 11 1 1 34 A— ] 274 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Religions. DISTRICTS & S.— DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. 18 63 1,546, 387 258, 336 244 59 262 2,640 318 174 420 106 719 386 517 2,446 308 222 359 272 168 63 443 261 350 2,567 186 1,245 537 i 599 3,148 159 367 586 207 260 228 138 174 150 117 266 29 54 268 39 106 Pr&sbj'terian.s. Methodists. 1 3 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 k. Finlayson and I'eck .... l. Unorganized Territory ... 96.— Norfolk, North— Nord... . a. Dereham h. Middleton 120 811 882 202 100 83 66 18 413 470 98 20 19 1,649 449 35 "'r1 8 1 9,079 2,313 1,438 899 1,915 492 2,022 ' 6,499 1,547 878 316 1.38 800 1,950 870 11,759 2,195 713 854 506 1,865 241 2,220 1,598 1,567 5,452 876 1,253 1,632 1,691 7,579 108 478 2,000 390 338 253 116 619 271 77 516 60 444 1,014 493 402 6 5 1 1 37 4 4 192 354 130 62 13 5 6 c. Tilsonburg, Tmv7i — Ville d. Townsend . . .. .... 1 9 7 e. Waterford, Village 8 /. Windham 462 1,900 398 51 262 25 454 288 422 3,658 234 298 608 178 330 199 1 1 1 1 1 10 97.— Norfolk, South— Sud a. Charlotteville 132 9 . . . 14 10 b. Houghton ... 78 11 c. Port Dover, Village d. Port Rowan do c. Simcoe, Town — ViUe /. Walsingham g. Woodhouse 36 3 166 104 63 2,732 93 84 443 27 230 296 418 784 357 2,264 40 1,214 649 361 2,619 48 107 224 15 43 6 24 1,468 24 24 451 2 13 45 1 124 n 13 14 40 15 16 98.— Northumberland ( East— Est) a. Brighton 252 25 7 17 17 b. Brighton, Villaqe 18 c. Campbellford do 4 2 210 ""3 8 7 4 19 d. Colborne do e. Cramahe ■^1 f. Hastings, Village . ' 3 m g. Murray h, Percy 152 633 1,026 3,274 216 762 1,049 1,247 6,308 518 247 920 353 241 182 159 870 255 151 480 88 52 826 41 925 8 ?3 — 2 94 i. Seymour 99.— Northumberland ^ (West— Quest.) a. Alnwick 333 2 21 ?.h . .. . 26 b. Cobourg, Town, — Ville 11 322 21 27 c. Haldimand d. Hamilton 28 2 22 9.9 100.— Ontario, North— Nord. . a. Beaverton, Village 2 227 2 4 18 15 .... 11 30 b. Bracebridge do 15 1 31 c. Brock . d. Cannington, Villaqe 32 33 34 e. Diaper /. Macaulay ..■.. 7 35 (). MacLean 7 36 h. Mara i. Morrison 2 37 55 ■■■4 7 38 j. Oakley 39 k. Rama I. Ridout . . . . m. Ryde 40 41 42 n. Scott 65 32 25 3 43 0. Scugog 44 p. Thorah RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Table IV.— Religions. ;yo Baptists. Con- ^ega- tiou- al. 1 Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tan- kers. 5 , 152 30 9 81 6 13 13 263 21 '"29 19 1 11 1 1 1 i 9 235 19 116 '""32 23 45 592 146 81 10 1 60 124 170 10 2 392 12 196 18 6 107 53 351 16 79 17 18 1 194 26 53 13 2 2 6 4 4 1 366 4 3 4,777 579 753 387 1,800 420 838 4,629 1,327 663 107 357 418 1,432 325 538 80 105 87 69 103 2 3 26 63 349 1 33 255 60 457 10 86 108 58 14 13 40 10 12 1 20 11 8 43 14 81 10 2 63 1 1 U 3 44 12 1 1 1 6 4 1 8 3 25 69 4 23 "'42 32 1 2 3 344 1 "io 4 3 5 3 57 12 2 44 12 1 i 2 (; 12 90 19 2 1 36 12 5 3 8 1 3 7 3 14 69 1 "■"i2 "13 2 41 3 5 8 2 2 1 8 9 10 n 1 T^ 2 3 29 203 12 " "2 4 5 1 2 14 18 ' 29 2 32 122 59 185 4 44 50 "3 1 108 52 6 3 13 61 6 2 1 "i 3 1 3 14 15 16 — 5 1 2 17 2 9 68 1 4 107 51 ""27 1 18 1 1 19 11 3 4 3 1 "43 ?0 ""2 5 70 12 36 . . . . 21 22 9S 2 478 1 200 15 1 3 19 1 2 10 6 29 2 24 22 59 24 ?5 2 13 2 121 3 28 28 1 7 130 7 11 27 21 34 26 27 234 24 176 7 277 92 2 ""73 2 6 3 1 1 35 27 17 127 28 29 11 138 '"si 1 .. .. 3 50 16 6 3 10 i 30 1 31 3? 113 ■ 35 55 22 11 .. . . 7 22 33 6 1 34 6 35 3 24 2 2 19 4 1 1 1 3 86 51 21 37 8 38 5 8 1 39 40 39 7 1 1 24 1 41 1 6 5 ... . 46 9 1 8 1 4'^ 32 43 23 6 5 44 A-18i 276 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Religions. DISTRICTS. S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Roniains. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 101.— Ontario, South— Siul. a. Oshawa, Tou-n — Ville.. b. Port Perry, Village c. Reach , d. Whitbv, East— Est. . . . e. Whitbv, West-Outst.. f. Whitby, Toicn-Villc. 102.— Ontario, West— Quest. a. Newmarket, Toivn — Ville.. b. Pickering c. Stouff ville. Villa fjc d. Uxbridge e. ITxbridge, Toion — Ville. . . f. Whitchurch 103.— Ottawa, City— Cite.. a. By Ward— QwarUer. 6. Ottawa do c. St. George's do d. Victoria do e. Wellington do 104.— Oxford, North— Nord. a. Blandford b. Easthope, North — Nord . . c. Easthope, South — Sud. . . . d. Embro, Village e. Nissouri, East— Est /. Woodstock, Town — Ville. (J. Zorra, East — Est .... . . . . h. Zorra, West — Quest.. . . 105. —Oxford, South— Sud. 26 a. Bur ford 27 b. Ingersoll, Town—Villc.. 28 jC. Norwich, North— Nord. 29 d. Norwich, South — Sud. . . 30 e. Norwich, Village 31 /. Oakland 32 «. Oxford, East— Est 33 \h. Oxford, North— Nord.. 34 i. Oxford, West — Quest . . . 35 36 37 38 39 106. -Peel , a. Brampton, Town— Ville. b. ( 'hinguacousy c. StreetsvWle, Village d. Toronto e. Toronto Gore 107.— Perth, North— Nord. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. 1,336, 3,010 513 35 167 171 75 375 317 470 7 124 79 176 5,239 7,24l! 2,693' l,751j 4,265' 1,056 22 92 198 104 504 100 36 139 504! 120 344 5 29 118 172 81 1,127 88 130 37 626 246 3,725 728 255 529 340 371 787 1,173 2,241 458 516 68 420 394 385 21,189 6,702 673 275 1,444 538 3,772 3,610 340 77 44 19 517 1,821 648 144 1,512 3,601 831 7051 321 358 233 50 499 319 285 2,999! 53Sj 598 259 1,313 291 4,173 Presbyterians. Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. 3,283 541 306 1 1 824 468 627 ■ • 517 3,045 345 1,223 225 • • 414 441 397 4,160 160 2 11 168 652 365 2,815 8,097 723 878 367 332 1,136 1,995 962 1,704 1 1 5 "2 ' i "2 "11 3,011 392 848 -157 200 250 76 7 1 "1 2 1 "i 335 445 308 3,364 562 3 — 1,554 208 877 163 6,534 1 Methodists. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. 8,897 1,860 791 2, .537 1,728 1,152 829 7,985 777 2,501 362 1,760 817 1,768 3,226 243 108 1 514! 283 2,078 6,350 Bible Chr- is- tian. 439 140 11 17 223 38 10 932 99 173 70 92 11 487 26 2,707 737 667 9,260 11 2,541 1,344 973 1,146 538 418| 917 391 992 7,214 1,772' . 2,151 189: . 2,563 . 536 . Pri- mi- tive. 8 12 35 540 339 298 33 83! 979, 5,7221 27 Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- 50 61 42 2 8 10 "9 RECENSEMEXT DU CANADA, 1891. 277 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Other De- Not Lu- ther- Con- tari- ver.sal- tion Jews. nom- sjjeci- ans. Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. ina- fied. _ Bap- Free- Tun- grega- ci- ven- _ test- Qua- _ _ Lu- tists. will. kers. tion- ples. tists. Uni- Uni- ants. 1 Ar- kers. Au- Non the- al. tai- versa- niee Juifs. tres Con- fes- sions. speci- P, nens. 20 res. listes. dn Salut. iies. i 5 803 15 33 51 4 6 1 280 46 9 36 24 3 129 9 11 32 2 54 3 3 4 1 246 69 So 6 16 "" 6 ""1 15 19 30 " 2 19 1 7 2 2 12 1 6 3 1 4 4 110 164 1,061 2 8 185 ■■'12 146 4 1 2 4 11 115 47 203 36 5 600 9 5 5 366 6 4 87 5 2 6 15 584 100 28 13 6 1 22 60 1 11 9 609 8 17 4 67 . • 8 230 151 6 8 4 102 44 61 367 1 5 133 22 41 20 35 6 65 12 55 30 4 9 1 11 10 156 122 4 .... 93 25 26 207 ■ ' 'i47 '""36 11 2 148 77 8 32 ... . ... . 12 288 676 47 1 278 .... 6 36 6 158 41 3 46 100 91 16 18 8 153 50 447 2 ""26 16 9 i 15 1 15 4 243 2 2 ■■■3 5 14 10 22 5 19 54 2 1 2 3 83 13 73 5 40 102 14 123 14 6 16 1 15 1 16 75 1 5 16 37 17 17 2,349 2,209 49 1 538 3 5 167 13 2 1,219 371 54 75 45 38 19 220 1,082 ■' 3 36 4 1 ""1 112 314 216 5 18 136 17 106 2 24 29 52 18 684 1 19 913 4 20 137 9 136 1 1 "i 3 6 10 148 21 ■■■4 1 22 7 1 23 640 568 102 3,006 9 1 28 29 223 ! 516 1 7 6 3 4 •• • ■ 418 141 24 51 25 27 21 2 56 263 383 6 300 330 4 483 1 372 20 1 1 14 1 6 74 4 26 9 310 487 596 167 193 228 120 422 600 225 2 5 23 11 117 14 25 14 12 261 50 46 •• 45 9 131 1 287 10 12 2 4 4 7 41 16 27 1 2 5 1 .... 6 "'"55 •>8 1 4 29 1 .30 7 .. .. 31 4 6 .38 35 42 33 12 16 1 23 19 2 .32 1 33 6 21 20 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 34 3 9 6 24 3 3 35 254 1 119 18 1 2 8 7 6 13 1 11 36 37 ■« . ... 1 13 2 2 38 1 866 105 1 1 7 5 9 741 559 39 3,580 162 366 19 4 182 278 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- qiies Remains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. z Pres- by- terians. Pres- ,by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 a. Ellice . 889 74 6 624 10 358 1,704 1,940 67 540 16 737 124 420 27 3,850 386 500 136 190 21 13 1,319 161 6 26 122 57 288 644 394 308 34 3Sl 2,174 2,490 390 426 160 261 469 567 217 3,710 399 183 463 333 130 27 245 190 129 423 148 258 40 179 109 448 2,589 72 205 215 1,842 2.55 1,163 61 240 250 240 167 44 44 29 272 1,561 560 :h4 112 1,351 2,364 5,994 745 1,446 845 871 452 973 662 4,563 207 371 488 24(i 169 11 213 493 38 210 320 238 405 1,324 587 765 180 682 1,779 7,622 1,683 571 1,119 677 900 1,192 1,480 8,709 545 756 1,417 607 200 18 311 1,094 323 376 516 469 206 241 499 1,131 4,719 37 343 472 2,542 1,325 1,174 18 49 ■272 323 34 32 71 90 9 6. Elma 13 18 8 c. Listowel, Town — Ville ; 59 4 5 e. Milverton, Yillaqe 6 f. IMorninsrton 7 g. Stratford, City— Cite 1 14 3 52 108.— Perth, SouthSud .... a. Blanchard 8 S .... .... q b. Downifi in c. Fullarton . 1 11 d. Hibbert e. Mitchell, Town— Ville /. St. Mary's do g. Usborne 4 V IS 3 1 14 109.— Peterborough {East— Est.) 1 123 12 Ti 16 b. As jhodel 2 2 68 25 5 10 17 18 d. Burleigh, Anstruther and Chan- dos . 10 e. Cardiff .... ?0 /. Cavendish ^1 g. Douro 9f?, h. Dummer '^8 i. Glamorgan 24 j. Harcourt, Dudley, Dysart, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Clyde, Eyre, Havelock, Liv- ingstone, Lawrence and Nightingale 2 ^5 k. Harvey "'"i ''fi Z. Lakefield Villdftp '>! 7)1. Methuen 1 W n. Monmouth . 3 79 822 3,950 797 133 5 2,718 297 18,534 2,927 1,250 3,690 1,346 1,482 1,061 734 3.735 54 253 1,192 3,287 17 314 342 1,907 70? 2,566 26 393 564 734 281 29 133 162 90 0. Norwood. Vilhtfid 30 p. Otonabee 20 4 •• 110. — Peterborousrh 1 .. . 20 31 S2 {West— Quest.) a. Ennismoi-e 6. Monaglian, North — Nord c. Monaghan, South — Sud d. Peterborough, Town — Ville e. Smith S8 1 S4 4 3 19 35 111.— Prescott 44 S« a. Alfred , 1 '^T b. Caledonia c. Hawkesbury, East — Est d. Hawke.sbury, West — Guest . . 38 SO ... "11 40 17 41 f. Longueuil 49 3 43 h. Plantagenet, North— Nord RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 270 Tableau IV.- -Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. ' ■ r uu- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. kers. 1 1 1,249 67 101 84 29 11 30 544 524 27 64 133 32 " ' ' 170 98 578 44 42 10 49 35 21 43 191 6 10 33 86 8 733 8 24 50 390 261 285 15 11 16 39 ""2 4 5 185 69 67 1 51 302 66 62 2 13 36 447 1 2 1 59 52 4 32 3 5 4 1 173 205 118 "21 10 134 . . . . 2 1 70 2 1,030 4 202 1 5 454! "222 3 (; 267! 23 41 7 7 27 134 '"24 1 "1 ■19::::: 1 112 3 2 1 39 52 2 1 ""{7 24 8 69 26 2 7 581 4 20 1 " i9 1 186 8 233 i 4 10 22 126 8 1 30 21 18 7 11 1? 2 1 2 ... . 1.^ 11 7 4 14 20 5 1 . . 118 15 3 "3 2 16 5 17 13 18 10 1 4 .. . . 21 19 90 ... . 21 1 13 ?? 3 11 1 6 i 5 ?,S 11 3 94 16 6 ?5 3 96 97 7 10 48 1 53 1 4 50 1 •?s 19 117 2 1 1 1 19 •>9 6 26 290 1 9 4 1 30 31 1 3? 8 32 9 68 6 10 2 3 1 3 4 33 6 118 172 69 1 1 9 49 1 3 . ... 1 100 16 1 7 19 34 35 14 198 5 36 1 37 104 6 29 3 8 27 6 11 28 8 1 3 38 65 39 40 1 41 . . . . 4 1 1 49 6 196 43 1 1 280 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. s Pres- by- tenans. 1 Pres- _by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. lot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. 3 10 3 Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 i. Plantagenet, South — Sud. ... 112.— Prince Edward a. Anieliasburgh 2,309 1,124 97 68 162 27 244 72 332 68 54 7,028 562 327 .949 545 88 2,359 . 318 ♦ 105 285 312 246 112 750 123 108 3,016 16 167 150 121 \ 72 ] 86 476 113 341 .' 334 ' 532 / 577 1,785 83 444 64 21 137 39 101 24 89 162 12 17 206 117 192 36 41 3,347 55 101 844 1,030 479 244 957 80 18 62 168 IS 15 370 219 7 4,151 285 12,890 2,526 962 2,115 1,140 907 1,410 1,712 1,858 260 3,948 13 21 9, 8 b. Athol 4 c. Hallowell . . . 5 d. Hillier 6 e. Marysbnrg, North — Nor-d f. Marysburg, South — Sud a. Picton, Town — Villc h. Sophiasburg i. Wellington, Village 113.— Renfrew, North— Nord.. a. Algona, South — Sud b. Alice and Fraser c. Bromley .... d. Buchanan, Wylie and Rolph . . . e. H'^ad, Maria a,nd Cla,rfi,_ 7 ... 8 7 21 9 10 i 1 1 4 81 n 12 283 431 278 77 54 113 787 51 738 162 953 224 6,143 797 871 . 459 32 20 35 330 5 64 671 23 198 1,838 61 716 9 14 5,265 264 299 245 168 62 6 2 200 842 10 907 214 1,071 221 2,007 213 292 220 1 42 " 'io 3 36 383 .57 16 207 176 321 30 13 ... 13 14 15 1 If) f Vprnhrnl-f, 17 '/ PpmJirrikp, T''imi — Vdle . .. 3.51 1 18 h. Petewa.wa, and MoKay ,.,.,. L847 5 19 )■ Rns« , , , ^325 20 ). Sta.fFord ... ~362 21 I- \Ve«tmth -r-r. . [1^42 — _ 737 22 I. Wilberforce and Algoma, North — TVnril 1 8 23 ?n,. Eg-anville, F)7//-/r;r^ (paxt). . ,, 268 4 10 54 114.— Renfrew, South— Sud. . . a. Admaston 11,147 1,290 1,334 794 434 809 320 1,003 240 1,187 287 106 213 676 303 1,220 345 526 18,478 3,604 4,000 1,937 3,497 306 7 '■ 45 24 ' 10 2.5 b. Arnprior, Village c. Bagot and Blythfield d. Brougham e. Brudenell /. Eganville, FiZZa (/e (part). ... 0. Grattan h. Griffith i. Hagerty and Jones i. Horton . . . . ; 26 .. . 7 27 28 5 11 29 30 .. . ... j... . 31 ( 32 . .. 6 33 34 k. Lyndoch 2 35 I. Matawatchan .... m. McNab n. Raglan and Rad cliff 36 1 ... 12 37 • •• 38 0. Renfrew, Village p. Sebastopol 2 4 39 40 q. Sherwood, Richards and Bums . 115.— Russell 2 2,322 91 132 268 636 101 10 21 ... 202 41 a. Cambridge 6. Clarence 42 2 2 7 10 21 43 c. Cumberland 746 1,327 322 10.S 44 d. Gloucester 46 45 e. New Edinburgh Ward — Quar- tier 3 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 281 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. •Juifs. Other De- noiu- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non sjjeci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. 1 j 1 Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- ker.-^. ! 1 I 93 35 18 2 3 '" 'i 10 3 8 1 3 ' " 2 ■2 1 2 214 2 141 40 4 25 611 4 45 351 68 6 9 19 39 70 29 3 39 152 1 3 1 78 1 2 i' 7 6 1 64 254 20 29 113 54 ""28 10 1 6 5 4 206 3 46 120 1 8 9 2 3 ] 26 4 rt ""i "'"4 6 585 86 173 2 9 10 48 767 5 191 "■4 7 8 i4 5 1 9 2,984 361 1 237 .. ^ 2 34 1 48 2 53 10 11 715 . ... 12 1.5 14 13 28 ... . 14 102 25 1 1 15 48 16 21 21 140 2 12 15 15 1,365 40 178 18 23 65 1 49 " ' 130 75 84 1 7 1 ""9 2 ""1 63 1 21 6 7 5 3 1 304 408 8 5 21 3 525 5 59 11 5 8 17 2t>0 18 418 19 lo! . 1 8 1 21 1 40 . .. 20 Do 32 21 22 918 13 23 894 94 21 4 .... 6 6 c 9 24 72 145 7 2;-) "" 1 "ii 1 6 — 5 6 9 26 27 14 16 28 29 159 ■;;;;■ 10 2 30 3 31 22 20 .... 10 .... ^ ... . 48 1 16 32 33 10 .. .... — 34 . 2 35 82 473 35 110 78 1,102 23 201 67 37 42 1 2 1 10 7 36 199, i 1 3 86 44 28 "" 6 166 2 60 i 21 3 " "8 133 i a5 20 14 37 4 25 19 2 17 38 211 39 6 552 3 2 1 11 '"' 2 1 8 1 1 40 26 41 o 42 9 1 11 15 1 ..... 43 147 34 44 368 — 3 45 282 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 DISTRICTS. S.-DISTRICTS. /. Osgoode g. Rockland, Village h. Russell 116. — Simcoe, East— Est . a. Gravenhnrst, Town — ■Ville b. Matchedash c. Medonte d. Medora and Wood e. Midland, Village /. Monck f/. Muskoka h. Orillia i. Orillia, Town — Ville. ./. Oro k. Penetanguishene, Town — Ville. ^ Tay m. Tiny 117-— Simcoe, North— Nord. . . a. Barrie, Town — Ville 6. Colling-wood, Town— Ville . c. Creeiiiore d. Flos e. Nottavvasaga /. Stayner, Villugc g. kSunnidale h. Vespra 118.— Simcoe, South— Sua. a. Alliston, Village 6. Beeton do c. Essa d. Iniiisfil e. Mulmur .... /. Tecinn.seth g. Tossorontio h. Tottenham, Village 119.— Toronto, City— Cite. a. St. Andrew's Ward — Quartier b. St. David's do c. St. George's do d. St. James' do e. St. .John's do f. St. Lawrence do g. St. Patrick's do h. St. Stephen's and St. Mark Ward — Quartier (part) .... i. St. Thomas Ward — Quartier. 120.— Victoria, North— Nord.. a. Anson and Hindon h. Bexley . c. Garden Church Roman' of Catho- Eng- lics. land. Catholi- Eglise ques d'An- Remains. gle- terre. 1,493 5841 1.196 28! 2,445 226i 7,609 7,713 172 4681 23 165 617 873 110 355 417 413 98 363 6 261 582 839 690 1,177 T37 812 1,220 426 1,329 798 2,208 763 3,651 5,779 1,186 l,3.o7 449 1,065 22 218 756 792 301 961 176 225 312 482 449 679 1,490 5,282 351 238 16 211 105 920 229 1,262 8 953 494 1,068 97 566 190 64 21,830 46,084 3,C14 4,339 3,992 7,166 1,747 2,588 1,'931 3,602 2,105 4,621 1,654 2.721 2,632 9,794 2,802 7,311 1,958 3,942 1,491 2,92.^5 2 lOfi 84 20R 366 55 Presbyterians. Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Ot- her. Re- Au- for-,tres. mes 1,470 109 728 7, 963 1 538 161 977 154 471 160 21.'1 832 1,196 1,510 219 983 616 7,525 834 1,343 213 1,075| 2,363 429 636 632 5,988 319 198 1,400 1,570 1,182 687 520 112 27,445 I 2,585! 4,200! 1,384! 2,651 2,193 1,152 6,177 4,578 2,525 5,004 128 171 162 153 Methodists. Me- thod- Bible ists Chr . Me- ^tho- distes. is- tian. 610 17 467 9, .397 472 167 1,496 226' 675 156 176 949 1,208 1,1.50 224 1,376 1,122 7,877 1,595 1,371 238 997 1,553 320 905 898 7,484 451 334 1,111 1,798 1,485 1,554 583 168 32,309 2,721 5,081 1,194 2,886 3,091 1,710 6,180 6,757j 2,689; . 6,132 28 350 226 10 55 47 59 3 3 19 20 1 12 1 2 i 194 17 6 5 9 29 11 70 47 14 irTl- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres Breth- ren. 5 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 283 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Uni- Uni- Sal- va- Otlif-r De- Not Lu- ther- Con- tari- versal- tion Jews. nom- si)eci- ans. grega- Dis- Ad- ans. ists. Pro- Army. Qua- tions. fied. "" Bap- 'Fiee- Tun- tion- ci- ven- ^~ — test- — kers. ^— Au- tres Con- fes- Lu- tists. will. kers. ples. tists. Uni- Uni- ants. Ar- Non the- al. tai- versa- ineo Juifs. speci- 2 rieus. res. lis tes. du Salut. fies. 1 sions. ^ 579 113 1 1 35 56 2 1 2 40 715 4GD 3 12 18 1 1 550 3 161 139 2 25 233 13 3 607 52 50 " ' ' 4(i 43 2 i 1 ""14 42 ■ 34 42 2 4 4 7 5 2 164 9 282 1 6 19 3 7 42 45 1!) 4 ... . 2 54 10 64 8 23 9 12 15 117 "'23 1 8 2() 10 21 40 1 33 125 11 7 209 105 /. Woolwich 103 m 123.— Waterloo, South— Sud. . a. Ayr, Village b. Dumfries, North — Nord c. Gait, Toimi— Ville d. Hespeler, Village e. New Hambui-g, Village. . f. Preston, Village g. Waterloo. South — Sud 2 2 470 2 37 1 1 81 28 53 39 39 30 31 33 1 ""2 5 8 ... ii 185 33 h. Wilmot 152 124.— Welland 27 7 7 474 34 a. Bertie 205 3.^ b. Chip])ewa, Village 3fi c. Crowland d. Fort Erie, Village 10 ""3 4 '""5 3 2 80 37 38 e. Humberstone i9 39 /. Niagara Falls, Toivn — Ville .... q. Niagara Falls, Village 40 238 152 452 226 398 265 269 4 41 h. Port Colborne do 43 i. Stamford 1 32 43 j. Thorold 81 44 k. Thorold, Town— Ville 45 I. Welland do 2 46 m. Willoughby i 51 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. — Religions. 285 Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nora- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Npn speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. i ?5 . 29 ■ 15 1 1 41 15 13 109 2 77 81 15 9 3 7 7 16 39 22 1 3 4 5 22 88 69 37 2 32 28 "23 1 ""'1 95 2 1 1 ' 2 7 5 10 6 2 5 1 40 (; 3 7 2 S 2G 1 5 ■54 9 7 104 1 :.::: in n 3 2 646 30 12 4 7 160 6 12 119 1 1 50 7 38 17 5 67 63 13 1 2, 1 22- 6 49 2 17 5 "ii 5 265 144 "17 3 51 50 209 12 40 53 ■■ 3 24 3 74 268 5 14 3 14 124 2 4 11 1 1 84 "16 12 1 15 16 6 98 233 423 26G 17 " ' "22 7 1 1 2 .. . 18 11 4,026 818 19 8,955 2,963 •574 20 1 1 3 3 2 1 47 20 17 18 16 13 1 6 ■■■■4 2 55 21 770 1 1 31 4 6 1,134 5 234 624 22 1,474 1 23 1,583 18 91 1 1 92 3 1 ... 13 3 43 2i 1,591 3 1,161 25 4,529 24 1 758 10 42 4 57 307 4 34 43 18 6 ••■•12 1 1 75 13 60 2 6 3,147 8 150 22 119 185 29 1,009 1,625 1,498 572 ?.c, 52 171 ' 4 "2 27 2S 325 1 1 .... ^ 42 29 636 30 708 21 32 31 853 .. . 32 1,760 1,675 282 1 222: 2j 52 894 1 26| 278 59: i 136 3 24 2 171 ! 11 24 7 11 3 1 2 t 19 4 20 33 24 49 5 189 61 1 24 1 10 2 34 38 1 1 23 1 37 9 <> 2 3.-. 46 1 20 25 1 3C. 25 151 1 "'14 1 3 3 6 37 1,039 139 91 61 2 12 527 50 6 26 97 9 2 38 20 i 1 39 1 ; 100 8C 7P 113 62 14( 1 1 40 44 1 1 ■■5 60 ■■ 2 41 10 13 1 1 5 14 10 2 87 ; ' "12 7 1 1 1 10 25 11 24 92 4 17 24' 20 174 3 42 42 o 24 4 1 24 1 43 44 >i 1 49 19 8 45 101 15 46 1 286 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Religions. g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 125.— 'Welling-ton, Centre. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Remains. a. Drayton, Village 6. Elora do c. Fergus do d. Garafraxa, East — Est Garafraxa, West — Quest.. f. Maryborough g. Nichol h. Orange ville, Town — Ville. i. Peel j. Pilkington.. 126.— ■Wellington (North^Nord.) %. Amaranth b. Arthur c. Arthur, Village d. Clifford do e. Harriston, Town — Ville /, 'L\ith.(.-r,East(ScWest — Est et Quest g. Minto h. Mount Forest, Town — Ville . . . i. Palmerston do j. Wallace 127.— Wellington.. . [South — Sud.) a. Eramosa 6. Erin c. Erin, Village d. Guelph e. Guelph, Citt/ — Cit^ . . /. Puslinch 128.— Wentworth (North— Nord.) a. Beverley 6. Dundas, Town — Ville c. Flamborough, East — Est . . d. Flamborough, West — Quest. Waterdown, Village 129.— Wentworth. . . . [South — Sud.) a. Barton 6. Binbrook c. Caistor d. Glanf ord e. Grimsby, North — Nord. f. Grimsby, South — Sud. . g. Grimsby, Village h Saltfleet 130.— York, East~Est. a. Markham b. Markham, Village . c. St. Paul & St. Mathew'sW.— Q. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. 2,507 00 180 123 2 188 121 330 105 933 453 2,412 21 1,093 430 20 13 379 219 186 26 26 3,645 384 64 8 614 2,035 540 2,028 247 1,081 226 377 97 841 475 77 51 21 35 61 44 77 2,606 176 73 1,658 2,891 89 271 169 229 165 585 150 798 313 116 .S,725 433 447 238 51 282 717 343 344 460 410 3,292 296 330 91 399 1,865 311 1,993 202 700 451 487 153 3,258 1,388 218 78 295 309 153 267 550 9,984 .564 339 5,746 Presbyterians. Pres- by- terians. Pres- ,by- teriens. 7,989 78 490 854 1,029 1,317 1,011 1,103 805 803 439 8,100 1,006 803 294 219 728 1,709 1,505 061 478 697 7,653 1,050 1,553 198 832 2,365 1,655 3,712 1,652 713 435 779 133 2,937 1,065 423 167 185 292 307 99 399 6,733 1,080 195 2,808 Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres, Methodists. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. I Bible Chr- is- tian. 7,607 420 340 367 596 910 1,335 350 995 1,750 544 7,753 1,110 578 293 249 593 1,147 1,141 781 742 1,119 5,934 920 906 156 442 2,707 803 5,355 1,834 688 1,373 1,203 257 7,909 Ot- Pri- her. mi- tive. Au- tres. 159 81 "33 45 66 1 13 7 42 3 17 4 2 10 1 1,491 815 1,559 1,097 272i 792... . 292! l,59li ""i 10,845 224 2,317! 161 4141 17 4,852! 15 I Breth- RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 287 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. 4 Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal - ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Arrny. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. 52 Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied Non si)eci- fi6s. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists- Free- will. Tun- kers. 1 324 4 237 1 8 2 14 26 21 3 133 8 21 755 21 221 12 7 24 30 119 184 111 26 890 21 292 44 32 437 64 758 254 242 135 108 19 830 247 115 88 32 125 31 144 48 1,958 284 27 1,272 31 472 199 5 4 2 112 49 511 189 1 1 7 7 19 (W 345 9, 7 141 16 "7i 9 187 3 17 11 91 25 19 23 120 2 1 1 6 15 27 3 23 3 39 125 12 41 29 ■■■■31 12 128 32 4 3 88 1 264 123 14 3 7 3 40 23 51 129 I 66 3 1 2 4 1 4 5 92 5 5 43 1 14 6 37 22 7 4 125 13 1 '2 17 43 i 48 571 137 60 13 17 5 292 82 18 17 1 ■4 7 1 "is 1 33 11 4 197 43 464 72 24 8 160 34 10 5 1 10 9 29 741 3 10 ■2 2 8 5 214 12 10 11 23 3 "12 18 176 3 ""ii 32 12 5 1 " "io '""40 2 110 40 208 33 3 ""i 13 74 6 6 5 "19 t 4 330 140 6 20 1 11 67 35 55 45 3 5 2 144 43 5 40 17 5 17 2 15 828 621 5 123 14 15 21 105 121 47 6 1,236 238 768 67 14 139 10 6 4 ' 1 1 127 4 1 8 16 17 40 18 19 464 10 16 13 1 4 11 20 161 1 1 13 1 72 " 1 21 22 23 40 "leo 13 67 62 1 1 30 59 315 6 6 42 36 5 153 17 56 3 48 3 .... ^ 9 5 2 '""ii 24 77 42 13 1 71 25 26 51 14 4 2 "2 3 2 1 12 4 7 1 54 41 2 27 4 .. .. 2 28 15 .... ^ 81 .... ^ 1 70 .... ^ 6 45 1 " "42 3 1 29 14 4 4 30 31 87 44 8 42 65 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 32 33 2 4 2 3 1 29 88 2 34 1 ■" 8 10 ■"'32 35 13 ■58 3 7 3 36 14 37 i5 6 1 38 39 217 130 120 120 694 61 9 571 73 33 "'"22 14 21 2 1 1 25 "24 346 36 9 258 46 22 "i9 6 ; 5 40 5 64 ■■■5 "14 41 42 2S8 CEN'SITS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. £ I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 42 43 44 45 DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. 1 ;c?. Scarborough . . . . 2 le. York, East— Est. 131.— York, North— Nord. a. Aurora, Toivn—Ville 6. Bradford, VUhirie c. Georgina and Georgina Island . d. Gwillimbury, East — Est e. Gwillimbury, North — iVorc/,and Snake Island /. Gwillimbury, West— Quest *■• 1 1 .53 ••■■ J " ' 12 7 13 3 3 1 9 '"27 14 30 4 62 19 3 1 2 ? 2 14 7 15 6 16 16 17 18 . ... 544 209 ■"27 121 15 19 20 172 1 2 2 142 4 4 ■■■"4 2 2 2 84 45 "3 1 21 22 4 1 51 23 24 ' 142 o 2 1 25 5l. 26 27 1 22 28 2011 1 "30 29 218 48 61 43 10 1 18 . ... 1 4 6 1 15 30 31 32 33 .. . 4 34 14 146 154 79 127 31 13 46 178 90 6,854 634 12 1 1 i • •• • 35 11 1 1 • •■ • 53 1 15 2 ""2 1 ""2 1 2,882 212 36 37 38 . . .. . 39 .... , i 40 41 71 • 71(1 35 42 4:^ 14 1,127 78 1 10 2 297 13 44 i,:j8d 4,296 53 20 3,364 554 1,426 1 ! 2,34-2 1 38 2,703 6 1 1 45 1 46 " " ' 328 "m u 38 i 6S e S " ) » 1 3 179 "a 47 .... 1 48 , 49 1 5Ct I • • 6 51 I 1 52 1 1 A-19^ 292 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 s Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 I. Lachute, Town — Ville 7 \Iille Tslf^s 828 51 296 688 372 514 21,390 1,295 2,007 1,897 1,296 810 1,526 2,003 2,345 3.266 i;336 1,782 1,827 36,480 682 513 346 772 889 892 1,107 318 1,542 1,578 993 1,247 2,386 1,248 4,011 1,811 2,943 2,128 1,035 2,895 784 854 790 2,.557 1,776 185 198 15,584 1,532 5,035 1,284 1,742 •104 1,810 159 249 50 270 36 258 150 75 16 "18 29 348 159 36 536 508 83 52 5 13 251 57 15 198 107 30 60 6 27 42 ? s k. Morin 4 ^ «; «. Wentworth and Montcalm 13V — "RaoTjt 8 6. St. Andre 9 10 d. St. Ephrem d'Upton e. St. Ephrem d'Upton, Village . . f. Ste. Helene (1 Rt, TTn^lif"^ n T> IS 14 h. St. Liboire *: St Pie li 8 23 15 6 3 16 j. Ste. Rosalie h St Simon 17 18 I. St. Theodore d'Acton 138 — Beauce 1 304 3 369 18 35 19 a, Adstock '>0 h. Ditchfield 109 168 33 *>! 99 d. St. Benoit Labre e. St. Samuel de Gayhur.st /. St. Martin 'i^S 94 " 15 """44 2 157 ?5 g. St. C6me de Kennebec h. St. Theophile . i. Sacre-Coeur de Jesus .;'. St. Honore de Shenley k. Sts. Anges I. St. Elzear .... m. St. Eohrem de Trinsr 26 97 ■^8 ?9 SO SI 3 3 127 S9 n, St. Evariste de Forsyth 0. St. Francois 33 4 S-l p. St. Frederic q. St. George r. St. Joseph s. St. Joseph, Village t. Ste. Marie 35 26 2 36 37 38 2 5 39 u. St. Pierre de Broughton . .... V. St. Sebastien d'Aylmer w. St. Severin X. St. Victor de Triiig 40 5 41 4?: 43 y. St. Vital de Lambton z. Spaulding and Rislxirough .... aa. Woburn and Clinton 3 44 4^ 139.— Beauharuois n. Beauharnois, Town — Ville :b. Salaberryde Valleyfield, T.—V. c. Ste. Cecile d. St. Clement ' c. St. Etienne /. St. Louis de Gonzague 1 136 • 8 100 2 11 2 819 46 285 27 . 18 78 353 1 ... 54 2 50 1 11 46 47 48 49 1 ^0 61 1 11 1 R RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 293 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uiii- tai- res. Uni- versal - ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- noin- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not 8|)eci- tied. Non sjjeci- lies. Ln- ther- aiiN. Ln- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tvni- kers. 1 89 1 1 10 24 8 42 1 2 . . . 1 ""1 12 . ... "27 I't 1 3 1 •7 42 8 s 5 4 1 5 1 1 .T .... , : . . . •• 6 ^ 1 8 9 10 • ""1 n 19 13 "35 14 IT) K) 6 8 8 17 18 1 8 17 .. . in 4 13 9n :;;;•: 9A .. . . . . ... . 22 23 94 9,h 20 27 1 ... . , .. . .... 2s 2!» .... ..... ...... 30 31 32 4 33 " 1 ... . . . . .... 34 3.5 3»5 37 .. . . 38 39 1 40 1 ..... .. . 41 . 42 1 3 . . . 4.S 44 . ... 45 34 2 2 4 ■■■4 10 10 7 7 • . • ... . 46 34 47 48 .. .. . ... . . . 49 m ' ' 51 1 294 CENSUS OF CANADA. 1891. Table IV- — Relisrions. DISTRICiS S.-DISTRICi'S. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Chnrch \ Presbyterians. 1 Methodists. 2 of Kng- Pres- land. by- terians. Eglise dAn- Pres- gle- br- terre, teriens. Re- for- med Re-' for- mes Ot- her Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- diit^s. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive Ot- her. An- ttes. Breth- itn. 1 (1. St Stani«la.« dft K^rt;Tta_ 1,173 13 12 1 2 8 k. St. Timothee 140.— Bellecba.s.se a. Armagh 2,104 18,364 1,549 810 1 1 ....|....| 1 4 b. Beaumoni 1 - - * > - - . - . .... 5 c. Backland l,l!»li ■^076 R d. St. Charles. 7 f Sr. T)ATniPT1. 820 2.072 1,321 1.065 1,838 l,18t 706 2,405 1,322 19,702 8 /. St. Gervais g. St. T.azare. h. St. ^Magloire. ::::ii::::::: d 10 ...... \".'.'.".'. ....' ■ ■ u 12 13 i. St. MicheL j. St. Xere. : 1 : ^ ''.... ... .... k. StP. PhiloTTiPTua rip \raiTI«nv 1 1 ::::ii ■ "■- .... 14 I. St. Ranha^l. 1 1 15 16 17 18 m. St. Taiier 1 1 1 141.— Berthier 125 1 .5 i a. Berthier 1.808 15 4 1 6. Benhier. Toicn — Ville 1.469 63 L :::. ::;:: c. Conrrpllp 3'>4 1.714 ....1 Ifl Id. TAnoraip 1 20 e. Lavaltrie 987: II ".:::: 21 i/. St. Barthelemi 22 1. St. rnthhprt. 2,527 3.179 1,161 ii:-;:: : 23 k. St. T)aTniPTi 9 1 ::::\"":: 24 i- St. Gabripl rip BmnrlATi 3,128 44 ... 25 J. St. Michel des Saints 591 1,478 1,356 15,771 r . k. St. Xorbert.. ::::i:::::-: 27 I. Visitation de ITle Dupas 142.— Bona venture a. Carleton. *e. Hamilton. Entt — Est •2.M9 ±n92 * 1 116 11 259 W 1,071 5 2 896 179 49 *?9 30 d. Hamilton, West—Ouest. e. Hof*, Ea^t — Eit 1,198 f 795 440 51 455 181; 191 695 12! 95 ... 31 i 3-7 r. Hope, West — Oufit . :::"[i:::::;: 33 <]. Mann and Indian Reserve h. Maria, Eait—Eit i. Maria, Wat — Ow.^ ). Metapedia. k, L New Carlisle, Eatt and Wi^— Eit et Oufst I e 34 1,331 6 108 960 1 5 1,1 :>> 12 73 132 641 213 386 5 184 612^ 22 592 1.328! 10; 14 r " •" 1 21 a=) ■•■ r 36 1 I 29 37 --.- ...1 "h * • ■ • '"262 26 38 m. New Richmond, East — Est n. New Richmond, TTe^f — Ouat. . 0. NouveUe & Shoi:)Ibred. Eatt-Eit. p. NouveUe k Shoolbred, West- O. . q. Paspebiac, E-iit — Est 3ft 1 4(t * " 7 63 41 419 3 .^W> ''. 4-^ 854 4 650 163 43 r. Paspebiac, West — Oufst ?. Port Daniel, East — Est t. Port Daniel, West— Quest 1 u. Restigouche 72 5 .... 44 1,219 84 I 275 259 132 164 33 i 344 1,24)9 2 1 94 4.988 3 610 132 1 45 . . . 46 10 ... 47 |r. St. Charles de Caplan 14^ — ■Rrom*» — 3.566[ 9 4 *b. Cascapediac and if. Tracadieci le no popnlation. 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. — Relionons. 295 Baptists. Con- grega- tion- aL Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- lis tes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Lu- ther- ans. 1 Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- wilL Tun- kers. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. £ .a 1 1 2 1 1 .S 4 5 6 7 8 1 ■ 9 ... 1 10 11 12 13 ' 14 1 15 4 16 4 17 , 18 ...... |. ...... 19 20 21 . .. 22 23 24 25 26 27 3 83 7 6 8 28 6 29 1 30 1 31 ...... 32 .... > 33 1 34 . • . . ... 35 36 5 1 36 37 3 38 2 39 " * * * • • 40 1 1 2 41 42 1 1 43 1 . . . . I 44 . ... 5 1 45 Al 4 ... i in n. Chicoutimi h. Chicoutimi, Town — Ville c. Harvey, St. Germain, Durocher and Tialirosse ]i 2 245' 14 9 12 189 761 587 1,005 1,887 509 1,039 535 424 781 1,675 1,476 1,663 564 423 435 13 '/. L'Anse St. Jean 14 e. Normandin,Albanel and Parent 15 t. N^otre-Danif^ de Latt^rriere 1 16 , 27 28 1 .... 99 1 1 ... . 80 HI 32 . ... 33 34 • • 3.T .Sfi 1 9 37 38 ... . ... . .. . 39 40 41 . . . . 1 . ... 4-2 43 14 4.^) ... . 4r. .... 47 199 48 300 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S.- DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Remains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. i Pres- by- terians. j Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 149. — Oorrrnf.on 11,150 647 155 620 1,082 793 801 778 422 422 1,344 1,000 76 538 254 100 608 486 1,024 14,428 1,239 1,274 1,353 570 372 1,728 943 1,212 1,143 1,071 980 1,707 836 18,498 1,995 1,579 1,799 1,533 1,278 1,047 2,044 609 1,522 1,274 1,259 926 674 306 653 40,869 1,033 3,232 4 740 3,561 2,711 16 331 11 3 1 a. Auckland ?, 6. Bury . 275 8 c. Ohftsham 4 d. Clifton, East and West — Est et Quest, and St. Edwidge and 88 550 3 817 66 81 455 484 ^ e. Compton . 3 6 f. Ditton 7 f?. Katon 118 768 8 h. Kmbprton 9 i. yi^,n^f](^.r\ . , , 90 153 23 77 4 303 152 193 31 4 27 1 2 1 14 7 i 1 479 467 9 75 844 559 89 21 32 454 471 309 29 70 . 22 13 15 347 62 88 11 1 10 j. Hereford and Pa^juetteville, V. k. Lake Megantic, Village I. Lingwick m. Marsden and Piopolis, Village. n. Newport 0. Waterville, Village 10 11 1^ 18 14 1 15 .... 16 p. Westbury 17 q. Whitton and Ste. Cecile, Village r. Winslow and Romaine do 150.— Deux-Montag-nes — a. L'Annonciation b. St. Augustin, Village c. St. Benoit . . 18 255 227 19 •?.o 53 30 49 1 68 10 4 9 19 10 55 1 28 2\ 22 d. St. Canut 11 8 ... ?3 e. St. Colomban '^4 /. St. Eustaohe g. St. Eustache, Village 2,T .2fi h. St. Hernias i. St. Joseph 1 1 27 28 j. Ste. Monique k. St. Plaeide 29 .SO /. Ste. Scholastique .... m. Ste. Scholastique, Village 151.— Dorchester 7 ,S1 ... 10 7 3 32 a. St. Anselme b. St. Bernard 33 ,34 c. Ste. Claire 25 117 3.^ d. St. Edouard de Frampton e. St. Germain du Lac Etchemin . /. Ste. Henedine 2 36 37 2 2 ,38 g. St. Isidore .... h. Ste. Justine 1 1 39 40 i. St. Leon de Standon 64 208 ei 15 41 1. St. Malachie , 42 k. Ste. Marguerite /. St. Odilon de Cranbourne 7ft. St. Prosper, Buckland, W.-O.. n. Ste. Ro.se de Watford 0. St. Zacharie de Metgermette . . 152.— Drummond and Ar- thabaska i 10 • • 43 44 4.T i 46 1,506 1 159 943 14 47 a. Arthabaskaville, Village . RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 301 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. ITni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. 1 85 410 3 7 40 173 3 115 1 229 5 52 31 .. .. 424 7 2 77 473 1 67 311 10 2 5 14 13 137' 4 1 24 .. . . 10 ?! 1 1 5 5 6 5 ■'""26 3 19 130 25 79 4 4 i5 3 5 6 2 98 183 52 112 4 7 8 54 98 > > ■■■■57 7 1 3 9 11 5 18 7 39 28 12 10 4 7 n 12 1 51 6 "' 21 14 3 13 i 28 99 3 22 18 12 ,;;■:. 2 1 18 2 2 10 14 43 3 1 15 16 1 17 18 8 19 20 21 8 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • 29 30 1 31 1 32 33 .34 1 35 ■ •- ■ 36 37 .. . . .. . ... . — . ... ... . 38 39 1 40 1 41 . .. 42 43 44 45 46 108 4 1 226 47 8 4 1 2 86 47 . ... |..-^- / 302 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 1 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 6. Chenier G. Chester, North — Word d Durham 1,487 639 69 806 1,814 831 1,103 536 1,023 832 2,083 737 585 1,209 1,145 1,079 507 1,049 3,043 2,821 1,681 573 836 1,847 1,023 1,482 963 650 1,295 1,493 852 2,209 457 1,077 23,456 839 1,237 539 646 979 1,818 1,388 517 93 574 147 516 1,146 2,326 1,024 1,271 1,321 895 1,448 1,.305 1,590 12 1 186 294 108 79 279 86 81 5 o 3 3 16 28 1 21 21 5 199 359 1 4 p T^iirliM,!!! South, — S}/(I 5 /. Drummondville, Toivn — Ville. ^ 7 h. JCiTlQ*SPV 73 177 31 14 8 q 7 Tj'Avpiiir 10 k. Princeville, Village I. Stanfold m. St. Albert de Warwick 71 St^e Anne dii Sanlt n ^'> 13 1 14 0. St. Boiiaventixre d'Upton p. Ste. Clothilda d'Horton q. St. Christophe d'Arthabaska. . r. Ste. Elizabeth de Warwick. . . s. St. Eugene de Grantham t. St. Germain de Grantham .... u. St. Guillaume d'Upton V. Ste. Helene w. St. Louis de Blanford X. St. Norbert d'Arthabaska y. St. Paul 15 16 17 21 18 19 11 1 90 •^1 22 •;^3 ?A 1 26 1 25 z. St. Remi de Tingwick axi. St. Valere de Bulstrode hb. Ste. Victoire ec. Tingwick dd. Victoria ville, Toiun — ViJle .... ee. Warwick . . ff. Warwick, Villarje gg. Wendover and Simpson hh. Wickham, East — Est 9,6 12 "'"26i ^7 'PiS 23 15 ^9 30 1 5 31 32 50 28 11 3,019 36 33 14 20 39 34 ii. Wickham, West — Ouest 153. — Gaspe 3 281 1 35 a. Basin 36 6. Cap Chat 37 c. Cap Rosier 140 1 467 128 21 485 147 1 247 85 4 21 6 226 495 1 33 27 210 99 38 d. Chlorydormes 39 e. Douglas 2 5 8 1 40 /. Etang du Nord g. Fox and Sydenham, ITth-Nord h. Gaspe Bay {North— Nord) and Sydenham, South — Sud i. Gaspe, Village 41 42 4 146 26 43 44 j. Grande Vallee des Monts k. Grosse He, Isle Bryon and Bird Rocks I. Havre Aubert .... 45 2 1 46 47 m. Havre aux Maisons 1 48 n. La Grande Riviere 49 0. L'Anse aux Griffons 50 p. L'Anse du Cap 51 q. Malbaie 8 ... 1 52 r. Mont Louis 53 8. Newport 54 t. Pabos 16 55 M. Perce RECENSEMENT T)U CANADA, 1891. 303 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. 2 '"■78 19 4 ■ 4 "'"5 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 " "li 83 1 2 ■" 1 ""'24 ft 4 7 18 3 8 1 110 1<) 17 18 . .. . 10 I't '>n '>i 9-> •7-^ ... . . . . . •'1 2^ 9(; " "24 27 5 6 6 98 9q SO 1 SI ... . 5 S"* SS . 34 2 3 2 2 46 2 19 3 3-1 36 1 6 S7 S8 9 2 sq 1 40 13 41 1 1 4? 2 37 1 1 43 44 i ■ ••- ::::: .■•;•; ;:::•• . ... 4.5 4fi 47 , 1 48 40 ' 1 .... • ••• 50 1 .51 5-1 • •••>• 54 5o 304 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S.— DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Remains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 Pres- by- terians. 1 Pres- _by- iteriens. Re- 1 for- med Re for- mes. her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- dists. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tiva Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 2 V. Ste. Anne des Monts w. York . . 1,762 75 68,755 383 4.55 2,735 396 661 700 8,013 2,182 1,004 3,391 1,955 805 153 812 1,698 8,048 6,311 12,537 14,518 760 1,143 95 7,011 1,012 187 590 757 394 773 106 481 403 1,769 539 11,459 1,634 2,099 715 1,008 2,038 1,238 1,368 1,359 12,314 783 2,897 274 4,699 6 941 133 4 35 57 245 115 130 41 165' 25 103 3- 53 510 1,454 324 312 1 1 41 1,315 15 79 165 109 179 160 36 389 173 10 184 52 57 19 5 43 i 3,780 2 i 920 20 154. — Hochelasra 1 2,094 23 57 8 a. C6te des Neiges, Village b. Cote St. Antoine do c. Cote St. Louis, Town—Ville. . . d. Cote St. Paul 4 1 439 44 7 2 6 88 13 8 15 36 22 46 28 5 5 6 1 7 e. Cote St. Paul, Villai/e i 3 50 90 110 74 29 125 79 100 15 61 471 1,141 232 240 8 /. Cote Visitation do g. Hochelaga Ward — Quart ier, (annexed to Montreal) h. Longue Pointe i. Maisonneuve, Town — Ville . . . j. Mile End, Village 9 10 11 12 6 13 k. Notre-Dame de Grace, Village . I. N. - Dame des Neiges, West-Ouest m. Outremont, Village n. Pointe aux Trembles 0. Sault aux Recollets p. Ste. Cunegonde, Town—Ville.. q. St. Gabriel Ward — Quartier, (annexed to Montreal) r. St. Henri, Town — Ville s. St. Jean Baptiste Wa,rd— Quar- tier (annexed to Montreal). . . t. St. Joseph, Riv. des Prairies. . . u. St. Leonard, Port Maurice . . V. Verdun, Village 155.— Huntingdon a. Dundee b. Elgin c. Franklin ... (J 14 15 16 17 ..... 18 189 791 204 155 1 22 ») 19 20 20 11 21 22 23 14 4 3,995 466 517 138 502 243 475 74 849 395 293 43 34 9 1 1 1 17 3 1 . . 24 .... 1,839 27 131 221 243 213 305 64 456 167 12 4 25 26 27 28 d. Godmanchester.. . 29 e. Hav'elock , , 30 /. Hemmingford g. Hemmingford, Village h. Hinchinbrooke i. Huntingdon, Village 31 32 2 33 2 34 j. St. Anicet 1 35 k. Ste. Barbe 156.-Iberville a. Iberville, Town — Ville. 130 10 1 1 36 37 b. St. Alexandre c. Ste. Anne de Sabrevois d. St. Athanase 38 39 .... . 40 e. Ste. Brigide 19 39 41 /. St. George de Henri ville g. St. Gregoire le Grand 42 ;.:: 43 h. St. Sebastian 157.— Jacques-Cartier . .. a. Lachine . . 8 624 122 406 2 678 113 353 61 137 29 1 .... 9 44 5 45 lb. Lachine. ToiMi— F(7/c 93 I RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 305 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. ... . Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- i na- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non si)eci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lxi- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. c 5 441 19 187 1 9, 88 9 58 2 553 6 5 16 83 122 s 5 92 32 147 32 7 4 7 21 8 3 6 1 7 16 1 1 3 1 1 4 5 64 135 ...... 6 6 7 is 2 12 3 25 i 5 , .. 8 q 4 2 10 9 . . . . ■ • ""22 11 1 6 I'' 15 ... . ... 13 14 6 "1 4 3 9 ... 15 18 .. 7 111 "i43 16 7 8 24 148 44 45 "'i3 17 5 3 . .. ""is 7 2 1 10 18 12 7 28 1 29 4 7 7 5 83 5 17 18 17 2 19 17 4 '>{) 9 7 21 9,?. i .... 23 94 1 23 3 15 53 4 1 6 7 7 95 1 W , ... . 19 1 ""22 11 ^7 18 43 3 14 1 9 8 28 1 ■■■4 2 ^9 c:.:.: 30 i 13 15 31 9 1 S9 1 2 1 33 34 35 89 5 46 36 37 2 38 39 4 40 • ■ • 1 41 9 19 3 49. 1 45 16 43 6 4 35 5 6 44 4 1 5 2 46 1 ... . A— 20 306 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS. & S.-DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. s Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres .... Breth- ren. 1 9, c. Ste. Anne (du Bout de ITle). . . d. Ste. Anne de Belle vue, Village. €, Ste. Genevieve. 544 1,109 1,295 727 809 479 1,775 1,181 715 22,647 3,343 1,084 1,.589 1,043 829 850 2,725 939 2,783 2,675 1,234 1,485 2,068 20,451 600 1,075 1,972 1,741 2,734 1,398 909 611 1,518 1,050 760 1,925 3,109 1,049 10,725 1,569 1,230 1,932 1,409 1,463 1,329 1,703 13,535 608 1,275 1,255 25 23 "9 28 11 16 33 1 8 4 /. Ste. Genevieve, ViUage >j. St. Joachim de la Pointe Claire h. St. Joachim de la Pointe Claire, Village , t. St. Laurent j. St. Laurent, Villar/e ■. ... 5 4 5 5 .... 6 7 1 162 .... 8 / 9 k. St. Raphael de I'lle Bizard .... 158.— Joliette 191 2 39 85 27 6 2 1 " i 40 7 3 30 in a. .Joliette, Toivn — Ville . • 11 b. St. Alphonse de Rodriguez. . . . c. St. Ambroise de Kildare ■. . d. Ste. Beatrice e. St. Charles Borromee 1.S 14 ■■■64 11 15 /. St. Come 16 g. Ste. Elizabeth h. Ste. Emelie de I'Energie ('. St. Felix de Valois j. St. Jean de Matha 17 18 19 ^ '^0 k. Ste. Melanie 1 8 ^1 I. St. Paul m. St. Thomas 9,9, 159. — Kamouraska 3 2.S a. Kamouraska, Village b. Mont Carmel .... 24 ... '^r> c. Riviere Quelle 5^6 d. St. Alexandre 5?7 e. Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere /. St. Andre and part of Notre- Dame du Portage ... 28 5^9 f/. St. Denis 30 h. St. Kleuthere . i. Ste. Helene ;'. St. Louis 81 1 R9. 38 k. St. Onesime d'lxworth I. St. Pacome 84 3 85 7n. St. Paschal and Woodbridge . . n. St. Philippe de Neri 86 160.— Laprairie a. Laprairie 69 5 1 23 — 4 87 88 b. Laprairie, Village c. Sault St. Louis 15 89 4 40 d. St. Constant e. St. Isidore 50 13 57 3 41 4? /. St. Jacques le Mineur 48 g. St. Phillippe 5 37 161.— L'Assomption a. Lachenaie b. L'Assomption . . c. L'Assomption, Town — Ville . . . 26 44 45 46 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 307 Tableau IV.- -Reli gioiis. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs . Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not si)eci- fied. Non sjjeci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. . ... 4 4 1 o i. 3 2 4 1 1 i 3 6 1 34 8 9 4 4 1 1 10 10 . 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Ifi 17 18 19 ... 20 21 ... . . . 23 ''4 25 26 ■>7 28 y • .. .. 29 SO SI 3'^ 33 34 35 3(> 59 20 S7 .".".' SS 39 51 8 20 40 ... . 41 4'> .. . 43 5 2 2 10 44 45 . V A— 20J 308 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. i Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 d. Laurentides, Toivn — Ville e. L'Epiphanie /. Repentigny g. St. Henri de Mascouche /i. St. Lin i. St Paul I'Ermite 930 1,44G 684 2,018 1,491 1,159 2,048 621 9,341 876 808 2,673 1,486 1,052 2,446 25,505 835 3,532 6,983 1,475 624 788 2,228 1,750 351 1,433 1,765 3,508 233 13,821 624 570 2,414 1,573 1,289 1,499 2,170 979 1,041 1,662 20,330 1,001 901 1,450 1,740 2,309 1,354 1,189 1.717 598 2,300 «?! 1 1 21 28 4 3 5 8 21 3 3 23 4 5 6 7 ?. St. Roch de l'Acbi£ran 8 k. St. Sulpice 162. —Laval 1 72 4 10, 4 54 271 i 180 19, 5| 8, 32 11 i i 9 178 5 18 120 2 4 9 a. Ste. Dorothee .... 10 11 6. St. Francois de Sales c. St. Martin *4 \ 1^ d. Ste. Rose 1 13 e. Ste. Rose, Villa(je 14 f. St. Vincent de Paul 3 18 163.— Levis a. Bienville, Village 15 1 Ifi h. Lauzon do c. Levis, Citu — Cite 17 9 IS d. Notre- Dame de la Victoire e. St. David de I'Auberiviere. ... /. St. Etienne de Lauzon g. St. Henri de Lauzon . . ... h. St. Jean Chrysostome 19 ^0 t 9 ^1 .... ^V! 4 ??. i. St. Joseph /. St. Lambert de Lauzon k. St. Nicholas ....'.; 94 ^5 2 11 W I. St. Romuald d'Etchemin m. St. Telesphore 16 5 ^7 164.— L'Islet ^S a. St. Damase b. Elgin and Tache c. L'Islet 29 30 .. . 31 d, St. Aubert 31^ e. St. Cyrille 33 /. St. Eugene _ g. St. Jean Port Joli h. Ste. Louise i. St. Pamphile. . . i. St. Roch des Aulnaies 34 35 36 37 139 i'>: ao ... 165. — Lotbiniere 38 «. St. Aga])it 39 6. Ste. Agathe. c. St. Antoine de Tilly d. St. Apolliiiaire c. Ste. Croi.\ 4 1 40 41 4? 43 /. St. Edouard 3 2 44 g. Ste. EmilieandLeclercville, Ft7. h. St. Flavien i. St. Gilles 45 46 29 4 47 i St. Jean Deschaillons. . . ' " * ' ! RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 309 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. •Juifs. Other De- noni- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not si)eci- tied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Ln- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. t i 1 o 9 1 3 ... . 2 4 ... . " "5 2 5 6 1 f7 1 1 2 8 2 1 2 10 11 1 ^?, 13 2 1 5 1 1 1 2 9 14 3 . .. 5 1.5 Ifi 1 2 1 5 17 18 19 1 3 • * • • .. . 20 . .. . 21 4 22 23 24 1 2.5 5 1 26 1 27 28 29 30 i 31 32 i 33 1 1 1 34 35 3<". 37 t 3 3 38 .... . . 3!) 40 41 42 43 44 45 4(> 47 110 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. c S Pres- by- tenans. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 k. St. Louis , L St. Narcisse m. St. P.atrice de Beaurivage 1,854 775 866 830 1,446 17,779 725 1,732 563 2,099 1,194 1,954 2,019 1,677 1,875 1,452 2,453 36 18,079 1,513 2,036 478 1,0.30 581 483 304 274 1,323 1,601 1,478 1,335 771 1,303 262 3,307 10,146 847 174 980 2,223 1,344 110 347 1,187 87 486 174 277 201 660 218 89 9 7 35 -. 8 28 59 4 f) 0. St. Sylvestre 65 45 115 3 1 1 1 1 f5fi — IVTaRlrinone'*^ 6 a. Himterstown b. Louiseville, Town — ViUe c. Mastigoche . Y 7 1 8 1 j 9 10 d. Riviere du Lonp e. St. Alexis des Monts 11 /. St. Didace g. St. Joseph A. St. Justin i. St. Leon j. St. Paulin T> 37 2 13 14 1 15 Ifi k. Ste. TJrsule ... 17 I. Unorganized Territory 167. — Megantic 1,740 1,570 767 18 ffl. Halifax, North — Nord b. Halifax, South — Sud c. Inverness d. Ireland, North— Nord e. Ireland, S., and Coleraine f. Ijeeds East — Est IQ 120 488) 78' 338 99 384l 1 48 365 2 20 341 77 30 3 233 19 90 1 , ''1 ?'> " ■ • 98 70 861 48 ?4 a. Leeds. West — Quest ?fi h. Nelson ?6 i. Plessisville, Village 97 j. Somerset, North — Nord k. Somerset, South — Sud /. Ste. Anastasie de Nelson m. St. Pierre Baptiste n. Thetford, North— Nord 0. Thetford, South— Sud p. Thetford Mines, Black Lake Mines and Coleraine 168. — MissisQuoi 5 22 9.H 4 ?0 m. Ste. Marie de Blanford . . . n. Ste. Monique 0. Ste. Perpetue p. St. Pierre les Becquets q. St. Samuel r. Ste. Sophie de Levrard s. St. Sylvere '>1 99 9^ 24 95 "^6 i .... ?7 t. St. Wenceslas 175.— Ottawa, County— Comte. a. Amher.st h. Aumond c. Aylwin d. Avlmer, Town — Ville . 3,894 - 18 2 163 293 4,037 5 1 290 129 4 6 2,329 2 11 112 114 13 3 142 28 9q 30 31 32 e. Bigelow, Wells, Blake and McGill 33 /. Bouchette g. Bouthillier, Kiamiku and Campbell . 34 35 h. Bowmen and Villeneuve i. Buckingham, Toion — Ville j. Buckingham .... 42 187 324 36 170 195 10 8 53 18 2 37 11 38 39 k. Cameron I. Clyde and Joly .... 40 m. Denholm n. Eardley 0. Egan p. HartweU q. Hincks r. Hull, City— Cite s. Hull t. Kensington « u. Labelle V. L'Ange Gardien w. Lathbury and Bid well X. Lochaber and Gore y. Low 52 380 21 70 407 542 15 5 46 72 141 10 26 26 223 677 32 41 270 1 41 42 43 • - • 2 44 45 3 118 455 46 47 1 16 48 49 116 183 15 50 51 1,205 102 1 051 77 129 111 11 5'> RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 315 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- ' versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- noni- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not si)eci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. 1 Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. 1 _ 5 6 5 10 1 "12 1 1 I . . 1 9, a 4 1 & 6 7 7 1 2 8 6 9 * 10 i n 1 1 2 1^ 13 ... . 14 . . .i ^^ 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2.S- 24 I 25. 26 27 2f.S 990 192 2 12 8 2 83 11 32 37 54 28 1 29 30 .14 2 1 1 31 32 11 4 33 34 120 35- 68 61 22 2 7 9 4 3 2 36 3 37 38 39 1 40 1" 16 41 1 1 1 42' 2 1 . .. 43 1 1 ! 44 93 66 1 1 4 b ! 4 4.^ 4 37 1 4o 47 1 48 17 12 49 50 5 180 35 [ 1 7 1 . .. L 51 1 ! 52 1 1 J 316 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Reliofions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Remains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 3 Pres- by- terians. Pres- ,by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 z. Mani waki 908 413 1,117 732 346 790 325 1,493 183 720 640 234 1,5.57 2,514 2,123 400 240 839 2,253 408 1,286 217 1,004 967 12,966 574 1,590 28 529 261 1,326 1,145 226 702 110 96 650 191 522 898 578 396 327 429 4 719 67 1,353 245 25,027 422 1,185 10 1 253 15 24 1 34 10 28 45 202 26 73 5 17 17 73 4 9 192 109 3,282 33 14 118 135 163 148 38 6 1 617 400 11 15 197 33 86 329 155 145 233 16 347 40 2 646 303 30 9 9 8 bb, Mash am 424 5 7 1 13 23 6 132 12 299 5 4 cc. Montebello Villane 5 dd. Mulgrave and Derry ee. Notre-Dame de Bon Secours . //. Northfield on. Points (ratinfaii I ^ 6 7 59 16 38 8 9 hh. Ponsonbv 10 iL Portlanf] J^n,.^f, — Ji^at n jj. Portland, West — Quest kk. Preston and Addington' 11. Rinon 30 29 1^ 13 14 mm. St. Andre Avelin nn. Ste. Angelique 8 1.0 8 8 1 Ifi 00. St. Malachie pp. Sicotte, Lytton & Baskatong qq. Suffolk . 17 33 110 330 14 12 1« 19 T/', Templeton 157 42 68 '^0 ss. Thurso, ViUaqe . .. ^1 tt. Unorganized Territory uu. Wabasee and Dudley vv. Wakefield 22 1 494 63 2,431 3 2 23 131 695 291 81 12 60 273 12 86 53 117 5 88 172 20 36 49 45 118 59 81 3 ""i42 42 ?A WW. Wright. 176.— Pontiac 2,755 5 12 94 226 86 168 36 77 9.^ a. Aldfield ?,fi h. Allumette Island c. Aylene and Caj'wood 27 28 d. Bristol, North— Nord.. 29 e. Bristol, South — Sud /. Bryson, Village, and Upper Litchfield i 30 ,S1 q. Calumet Island . 9 3-;^ h. Chapeau, Village 6 •8 559 421 3 .... 1 33 i. Chichester .... \ 34 j. Clarendon, North — Nord k. Clarendon, South— Sud I. Duhamel and Guigues m. Fort Coulonge, Villane n. Leslie, Clapham and Hudders- field 0. Mansfield and Pontefract p. Onslow, North — Nord. ....1 7 3,5 1 3fi 37 31 ; ; : 38 55 1 209 196 87 ' 69 146 t 7 60 39 40 41 q. Onslow, South — Sud .... 42 r. Portage du Fort, Village, and Lower Litchfield ". 43 s. Quyon, Village t. Shawville, Village u. Sheen, Esher, Aberdeen and Malakoflf 44 45 4fi V. Thome 239 31 55 47 w. Unorganized Territory X. Waltham and Bryson ... 48 177.— Portneuf 50 28 49 a. Bourg Louis, Village . h. Cap Sante fiO 1 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 317 Tableau IV. — Religions. 1 Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut, Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- i na- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not sjjeci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- wUl. Tun- kers. J i 1 9 1 i 1 1 2 1 ... . 2 1 1 3 4 127 120 ■ • ! 5 B 1 ... 1 7 1 29 8 i 9 10 8 13 3 10 11 12 .;:: 13 '" 249 7 1 81 87 1 .... "■'io 1 ""io 14 15 16 "'l3 — 17 2 18 .. . ""io 2 19 20 21 "li 148 1 22 9 1 38 23 20 1 24 350; 50 - .... 1 15 25 26 "" 13 20 3 16 2 27 28 29 8 ... . , . . . 1 2 . ... 30 1 31 32 33 22 40 1 1 38 28 4 34 35 36 37 .... 2 38 3 1 39 ., .. "9 1 ""l 40 41 42 4 8 43 2 • •• 3 44 45 241 i ( • • • " i 6 46 8 1 1 ::;.;: 47 48 1 1 . . . . 49 . . . . 50 1 1 t 1 318 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV- — Religions. • DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. s Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- \ ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. i Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. ■\ 2,380 528 1,431 606 1,240 1,593 560 2,090 1,413 1,891 2,923 1,074 1,280 3,258 1,153 58,554 521 252 2,561 8,218 3,378 2,899 1,934 7,213 1,821 2,512 8,900 3,036 15,309 18,368 2,444 4,624 2,326 599 2,930 874 2,463 137 534 1,001 152 284 21,169 6,532 2,481 1,210 1,199 1,092 1 169 12 9 1 2 d. Ecureuils e. Grondines f. Notre-Dame des Anges (/. Pointe aiix Trembles * . . h, T^ort.TiPnf Q 4 5 6 206 32 44 8 11 3 7 a j. St. Alban A' Sfi Aii0*nst,in 9 " "l9 28 46 ... .. 10 /. St. Bazile 11 ra. St. Casimir n. Ste. Catherine 0. Ste. Jeanne de Neuville .... w St R,avmnnd TVonna.t 12 1 i6 13 14 ... 8 15 Q. St. Ubalde 178.— Quebec, City—Cit6... d. Banlieu 2,530 193 44 49 157 347 447 189 224 650 70 33 93 34 674 952 44 18 16 54 133 98 95 121 198 63 5 95 12 437 554 4 30 16 14 17 18 h. Banlieu, South — Sud ... c. Champlain Ward — Quartier d. Jacques Cartier do e. Montcalm do Centre f. Montcalm do W.-O. (J. Palais do h. St. John's do i. St. Louis do j. St. Pierre do k. St. Roch do I. St Roch, North— Nord ??i. St. ILoch South — S'url 29 7 66 55 61 90 77 90 32 35 11 1 1 ■19 20 21 22 2.^ ... 4 9i 10 25 26 ... • • 27 28 .... 179.— Quebec, County— Comt^. ft. Anciennf Tjorettp ''9 SO b. Beauport c. Charlesbourg 15 55 1 1 156 70 1 31 2 73 3 3.5 8 32 d. Stoneham and Tewkesbury e. St. Ambroise de la J. Lorette. . /. St. Ambroise, Villai/e. . g. St. Colomb de Sillery ... .'' St. Dun.'^tan, Lac Beauport i. St. Felix du Cap Rouge j. Ste. Foye ... k. St. Gabriel de V alcartier •I. St. Gabriel, West— Quest 180. — Richelieu. 33 34 35 36 37 .... . . 1 ... 38 5 203 168 101 79 '20 148 148 58 49 39 40 • •• 9 8 41 a Sorel Citu — Cit^ 42 b. St. Aime 43 c. Ste. Anne de Sorel . . . d St .Tosenh de Sorel 3 2 44 8 1 45 e. St. Louis de Bonsecours /. St. Marcel g. St. Ours 46 47 1,653 918 491 1,853 1,039 1 48 h. St. Ours. Town — Ville. 49 i. St. Pierre de Sorel . . . 1 11 5 50 7. St. Robert 51 k St Roch RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 319 Tableau IV.- -Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not sjieci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Ln- tlie- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. I c 1 . . . . 2 3 4 i 5 6 7 8 "1 4 i . . .. 9 10 1 n 1? 1 IS 122 . . . .^.^. 6 14 1 13 15 33" 9 1 2 194 11 1 6 2 2 75 1 "95 1 . 7 5 9 45 32 16 17 2 8 8 "is 1 1 1 1 1 "6 "'3 18 14 13 12 22 16 26 6 i 5 5 2 3 1 1 19 ?0 1 12 8 9 21 2 ■■■■4 1 1 1 ^8 7 16 12 9A 9 4 25 ^6 1 27 1 ?8 7 2 ^9 30 31 3^ i i 6 1 ... ""2 33 34 35 36 37 2 6 1 38 39 40 1 1 .. 16 41 . .. .... • • • 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 15 1 50 51 320 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS. & S. -DISTRICTS, Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Roniains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. a 1 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- tor- med Re- for- mes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 I. Ste. Victoire 1,532 23,798 1.354 615 411 1,100 1,788 1,512 474 876 44 1,250 1,128 1,004 723 496 939 1,023 1,598 1,514 2,139 567 1,251 1,992 32,965 155 737 420 736 247 1,842 668 1,220 1,426 236 942 312 1,231 802 595 1,989 863 760 1,994 1,064 1,296 937 2,012 401 1,375 846 536 2,146 1,110 9 181.— Richmond & "Wolfe. . a. Brompton and St. Frs.-Xavier. b. Cleveland c. Danville d. Dudswell e. Garthby and d'lsraeli /. Ham, North — Nord g. Ham, South — Sud. 2,848 134 229! 1.31 580, 4 42 529 103 367 436 60 1,659 108 172 43 22 2 1,757 156 185 104 227 8 1 1 24 8 4 5 .... 8 7 8 1 502 29 219 138 20 77 339 34 153 267 12 9 10 h. Melbourne, Brompton, Gore and New Rockland, Village i. Melbourne, Village 3 24 n j. Richmond 1^ k. Shipton I. Stoke 1 18 14 m. Stratford • ■ • • 1.^ n. St. Adrien 3 10 12 5 84 119 33 .... 8 16 0. St. Camille p. St. Fortunat de Wolf eston q. St. George de Windsor r. St. .Julien 17 1 1 1 60 223 118 1 275 18 19 9,0 s. Weedon t. Windsor u. Windsor Mills, Village V. Wotton 182. — Rimouski . 3 79 90 23 157 .... 9^ 1 ' * * ?,?. ^8 ... 9A a. Causapscal ?5 b. Cherbourg c. Dalibaire 1 3 1 5 3 ... ?fi 97 d. Mont Joli, Village e. Neigette /. N.-D. de FAssomption. . g. N.-D. du Sacre-CcEur . ... 9.9, 99 39 80 81 h. Rimouski i 8^ i. Rimouski, Toivn — Ville j. Romieux., 2 88 84 k. St. Anaclet I. Ste. Anne de la Pointe au P^re . rii. Ste. Angele de Merrici n. St. Benoit Labre & St. Edmond. 0. Ste. Blandine 8.^ 12 i 8fi 37 88 1 89 p. Ste. Cecile du Bic q. St. Damase r. St. Donat s. St. Fabien 40 41 4^ 48 t. Ste. Felicite and Cherbourg. . . u. Ste. Flavie V. St. Gabriel and St. Marcelin . . IV. St. Jer6me de Matane 44 4.^ 4fi 3 10 ... 47 X. St. .Toseph de Lepage 48 y. Ste. Luce 49 50 2. St. Mathieu aa. St. Moise i 11 ■ ■ 51 bb. St. Octave de Metis and Vil- lage des Ecossais cc. St. Pierre du Lac & Sayabec. . 255 ... 111 5 52 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 321 Tableau IV. -Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. 228 Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. 35 Sal- va- tion Army. Ar mee du Salut. 18 Qua- kers. •Jews. Juifs. Other l)e- noni- i na- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not sjjeci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. i 581 4 24 133 2 2 2 40 1 1 4 13 8 25 1 202 1 16 1 90 6 17 < 15 9 1 2 32 33 "2 "is 4 1 s 7 4 151 1 f> 6 7 39 1 17 7 4 '2 8 111 70 57 173 8 2 ' 144 1 6 7 9 10 2 13 6 11 18 10 ^'> 2 25 13 14 Ti 1f) 17 • •••«.• 3 3 ""7 — . ... 9 .... 18 19 90 2 3 4 1 4 '^1 2 2 •'?: 93 24 25 26 9.8 ?9 . ... 80 ... . 31 ^'>. . . . 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1 . . . ! 42 43 • • . . . ■ . ... . 44 45 46 ■ 47 . . . /. 48 49 .50 51 52 A— 21 322 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV.- -Religions. DISTRICTS & S.-DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. 1 Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- tenens. Re- for- med Re for- mes Ot- her Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. _ Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 1 dd. St. Simon ct. St. Ulric //. St. Valerien 998 1,704 814 551 15,534 311 1,869 1,243 ,553 519 1,296 1,623 1,001 1,242 1,421 1,350 719 705 1,682 21,293 1,285 2,776 1,005 989 1,718 2,250 6,901 939 2,196 298 936 10,673 1,793 874 4,107 756 1,459 1,684 12,252 1 .8R9! ^ 8 4 ijij. Tessier 183.-Rouville a. Canrobert, Village h. L'Ange Gardien c. Marieville, Village.. d. Notre-Dame de Bonsecours . . . c. Richelieu, Village /. Ste. Ansfele g. St. Cesaire h. St. Cesaire, Village I. St. Hilaire 278 12 40 ."S « 5 6 16 11 4 6 1 122 107 40 21 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 3 i 3 5 53 14 15 j. St. Jean-Baptiste k. Ste. Marie de Monnoir /. St. Mathias 111. St. Michel de Rougemont n. St. Paul d'Abbotsford Ifi 17 1 39 19 18 184. -St. Hyacinthe a. La Presentation h. Notre-Dame de St. Hyacinthe. c. St. Barnabe d. St. Charles 19 ■^0 ^1 9^, 23 24 25 e. St. Damase. /. St. Denis g. St. Hyacinthe, Citii — Cite h. St. Hyacinthe le Confesseur. . . i. St. Jude j. St. Louis de Bonsecours k. Ste. Marie Madeleine 185.— St. Jean a. St. Bernard de Lacolle b St »Teaii I'Evano^eliste "" 19 738 243 si 1 1 i9 .... 2R 97 '?8 29 90 35 613 447 1 161 SO 81 8? c. St. Jean. Town — Ville. . . 387 34 53 21 13 4 32 7 8 8 1 88 d. St. Luc e. Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie. /. St. Valentin 186 — St. Maurice a, Pointe du Lsic . , 84 1 1 3 1 35 .... 8fi 87 h. St. Barnabe ! 2ioi4 c. St. Boniface 1,328 d. St. Elie de Caxton . , . . 834 38 89 1 8 40 e. St. Etienne des Gres 2,1.56 233 972 295 1 1 41 /. St. Mathieu A9, g. St. Severe h. Trois- Rivieres (part) 48 44 i. Unorganized Territory . 195 4*1 j. Yamachiche. . . ! . | 2,025 k, Yamachiche, Villar/e > 908 46 187.-Shefford 19,395 1,554 115 1,237 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 323 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- gi-egra- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. i Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- niee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- noin- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not si)eci- tied. Non sjjeci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. u .a i . .... i 1 1 2 "^ 1 105 1 18 2 2 15 4; 4 5 6 1 12 1 3 7 g 27 ■■ 2 9 10 . . . . ... 1 " 15 . . . 11 12 13 34 6 4 22 9 l-l 15 i 1 16 . . . 17 18 1 18 1 ... 2 4 2 ' 19 1 1 20 21 22 9Q '>! 18 ::::: i 25 1 26 15 1 1 27 98 n St .Tosf^Dh . h. St. Polycarpe 29 30 1 St. Telesohore 1,069 1,039 7,692 1,265 875 71 1,862 87 846 317 1,541 574 254 25,528 330 898 620 4,014 2,415 291 1,391 6 7 2,591 108 517 68 384 139 385 122 235 515 118 86 230 16 320 2 29 4 77 7 73 8 26 83 11 40 31 k. St. Zotique . IQO — Stanstead. 2,812 30 523 151 408 27 262 131 202 911 167 38 11 7 1 6 32 a. Barford h. Barnston c. Beebe Plains, Villaf/e 33 T 34 35 d. Coaticook, Toivn — Ville e. Dixville, Villaf/e 36 37 38 /. Hatley '/. MasroET ... 6 39 h Maafosr. Villaoe 4 40 i. Stanstead j. Stanstead Plain, Village 191 — Temiscouata j * 41 42 43 a. Cabano, Packington and U.Ter. b. Cacouna .... • • > . 44 c. Cacouna, Village d. Fraserville, Town — Ville e- lie Verte /. Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs. g. Notre-Dame du Lac 45 84 39 37 46 47 4S 2 . . . RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau IV. — Religions. 325 Baptists. Con- grega- tion - al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. i i 52 "12 1 18 23 5 4 -87 1 2 7 '" 1 ! "250 142 3 6 2 ""2 3 1 4 5 Q "i2 2 2 ""u ' "24 ""1 . 61 2 52 1 2 1 12 4 2 7 8 1 3 2 q 10 11 12 13 12 2 2 .3 149 10 7 396 27 48 111 4 54 146 3 19 2 2 14 10 1 18 5 86 4 1 20 3 24 7 27 13 12 21 1 27 5 14 15 74 241 28 70 29 1 2 1 1 7 1 109 1 2 2 1 "21 3 6 4 5 16 17 IS 5 . . . 7 64 1 21 42 3 26 1 19 66 16 20 2 ••••>* . . . . •'1 ... . 22 23 24 '>5 ''G .... 27 31 1 .... 350 27 65 15 29 26 8 k. St. Louis ?!M I, Ste. Lucie 30 m. Ste. Marguerite n, St. Sauveur 19 165 9 8 53 136 51 36 "'i24 97 "45 31 3?l 0. Ste. Sophie p. Ste. Therese q. Ste. Therese, Village r. Terrebonne, Toiv n — Ville 193.— Trois-Rivieres n. Notre-Dame Ward — Quartier b. St. Louis do c. St. Philippe do d. StP. Ursule do c. Trois-Rivieres (part) 194. — Vaudreuil 6 4 2 2 33 12 33 75 30 4 83 45 12 26 34 35 36 37 38 39 1 14 6 113 49 13 40 336 150 36 4 66 23 43 41 a. Como, Village .. . 4? 6. Point e P^ortune, Village c. Rigaud 43 44 d. Rigaud, Village e. Ste. Jeanne de Tile Perrot /. Ste. Justine de Newton g. St. Lazare. . . . 45 46 3 10 17 47 49 13 48 h. Ste. Marthe 49 i. Tres St. Saerement 50 j. Vaudreuil k. Vaudreuil, Village 84 21 51 u RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 327 Tableau IV. — Religions. Baptists. Con- grega- tion - al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal- ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. Jews. Juifs. Other De- nom- ina- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not speci- fied. Non sp«jci- ■ies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. Tun- kers. i 1 1 . , ?, 3 4 .5 6 .... .... 7 8 9 10 n • • ^'?, 13 14 15 1« 3 4 17 10 1 14 2 2 1 1 1 ... . 1 2 1 18 19 20 21 22 . ... .1 3 1 23 • ■ 24 25 26 11 .. .. 27 28 1 29 .... i 2 i 1 30 31 32 33 9 2 1 1 1 34 28 35 1 1 .% 1 2 1 28 37 38 39 . . 40 2 1 1 1 1 2 7 1 2 41 2 42 1 ... 43 1 44 * * * ' 45 6 1 _ 46 1 1 47 48 1 ... . .. . 49 50 51 328 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table IV. — Religions. DISTRICTS & S. -DISTRICTS. Roman Catho- lics. Catholi- ques Romains. Church of Eng- land. Eglise d'An- gle- terre. Presbyterians. Methodists. s Pres- by- terians. Pres- by- teriens. Re- for- med Re- for- raes. Ot- her. Au- tres. Me- thod- ists. Me- tho- distes. Bible Chr- is- tian. Pri- mi- tive. Ot- her. Au- tres. Breth- ren. 195. — Vercheres 12,234 1,783 1,760 1,473 1,299 897 582 1,.599 8 8 15 14 1 a, Belceil 9. 6. Contrecoeur c. St. Antoine d. Ste. Julie ... e. St. Marc 3 4 5 6 /. Ste. Theodosie ■• ... . .. 7 g. Varennes h. Varennes, Villa ye 8 802 2,039 15,974 2,055 1,225 2,309 711 2,252 1,747 1,287 2,121 1,629 638 13,008 5,899 1,444 2,994 1,461 2,195 1,189 1,006 1,567 182 135 1,154 96 3,347 906 289 2,1.52 1,336 q i. Vercheres 1 •• 196.— Yamaska a. La Baie du Febvre 47 12 10 n b. Pierre ville and Abenakis, Vges. c. St. David 40 2 1 1 2 8 1?, 13 14 d. St. Elphege e. St. Francois 2 15 /. St. Michel 16 ff. St. Pie de Guire h. St. Thomas de Pierre ville i. St. Zephirin de Courval . ... j. Yamaska, Village 17 18 1 2 19 The Territories 197.— Alberta 14,166 4,537 2,540 792 1,205 4,774 3,268 1,506 2,109 202 280 1,579 48 2,746 380 371 1,995 1,800 12,496 3,748 2,166 579 1,003 4,962 3,569 1,393 2,489 195 353 1,871 70 1,297 159 16 1,122 51 11 7 1 3 3 4 4 7,932 2,602 1,489 675 438 3,4.53 2,255 1,198 1,550 84 147 1,276 43 327 55 37 5 1 2 2 2 ""2 28 11 1 1 134 17 20 2^ a. Calgary and Red Deer 6. Edmonton c. McLeod 11 1 ?.?, 5 ?3 198.— Assiniboia, East— Est. . a. Broadview 10 8 2 78 78 ?A b. Qu'Appelle 199.— Assiniboia, West-Ouest. a. Maple Creek 32 ?„T ... 916 b. Medicine Hat 1 W c. Moose Jaw and Regina ...... d. Swift Current 200.— SaskatcheTvan. a. Battleford b. Carrot River and Lake Winni- peg c. Prince Albert 28 • • 31 ?^ 2 7 tW 30 6 31 272 178 2 1 201.— The Unorg-anized Territories RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 189T. Tableau IV. — Religions. 329 Baptists. Con- grega- tion- al. Dis- ci- ples. Ad- ven- tists. Uni- tari- ans. Uni- tai- res. Uni- versal - ists. Uni- versa- listes. Pro- test- ants. Sal- va- tion Army. Ar- mee du Salut. Qua- kers. .Tews. Juifs. Other De- nom- i na- tions. Au- tres Con- fes- sions. Not siieci- fied. Non speci- fies. Lu- ther- ans. Lu- the- riens. Bap- tists. Free- will. • Tan- kers. 1 i 1 2 s . . . • ■ • • 1 ... . 4 5 6 1 23 7 8 9 10 1 23 11 1 T' 13 14 15 .. . . 16 17 IS 19 2,676 554 419 59 76 1,429 1,173 256 676 19 1,397 373 255 55 63 568 378 190 401 6 104 288 3 55 1 3 51 149 45 44 1 102 88 14 2 1 9 1 ""i 4 4 1 233 48 33 7 8 151 89 62 29 ""29 5 5 52 5 5 16 4 12 31 "31 14 1 " "i 13 18 10 2 6 2 4 1 3 1 i 7 5 1 1 4,720 2,335 848 596 891 867 495 372 309 85 59 50 6 3 12 7 5 13 34 4 ■'■■4 26 "26 2 85 12 6 1 5 61 61 12 589 457 111 3 343 65 51 14 65 8,936 4,550 1,768 1,094 1,688 1,699 954 745 560 20 21 22 23 24 262 1 12 23 39 3 2 2 10 514 36 2,127 818 502 807 28,782 *>fi 375 20 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 2 4 309 13 2 12 27 28 29 30 31 17 17 1,209 458 297 454 15 1 "i 2 1 " "i 2 _ TJ^lBLE V. PLACES OF BIRTH. TABLEAU V. LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. ^ ■AmS' .<■ ■ Mti-' 332 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V- — Places of Birth. CD s> S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. Canadian born. Nes au Canada Ontario Quebec . Nouvelle-Ecosse. Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick INouveau-Brunswick Manitoba JManitoba British Columbia .... iColombie-Britannique Prince Edward Island |Ile du Prince-Edouard . North-West Territories Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Foreign born Nes a I'etranger. Terrenenve Angleterre et Galles. lies de la Manche . . . Newfoundland England and Wales Channel Islands Scotland jEcosse. Ireland Ilrlande . Other British Possessions. . . A utres^ possessions Britan. United States Germany Scandinavia Poland Russia France Italy Spain and Portugal . . China Other countries At Sea Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie Pologne Russia France Italie Espagne et Portugal . Chine Autres contrees . . . . En mer Unknown Non donnes Place of birth of father. Canada . Newfoundland England Scotland Ireland United States , . . Germany Scandinavia France Italy Russia Other countries Unknown Place of birth of mother. 40 Canada 41 Newfoundland 42 England 43 Scotland Ireland United States Germany i Allemagne. . Scandinavia ;. Scandinavie, Lieu de naissance du phre. Canada. . Terreneuve Angleterre Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie France Italie Russie Autres contrees Non donnes Province of British Columbia. Province de la Colombie-Britannique. Districts. 1 Cariboo. Lieu de naissance de la mire. Canada Terreneuve Angleterre Ecosse Irlande. ... Etats-Unis France Italy Russia Other countries. France Italie Russie Autres contrees. Unknown INon donnes. 3,905 143 137 13 11 3 3,588 10 1,614 148 75 74 7 136 26 13 2 20 5 1,074 28 1 5 3,373 257 203 189 196 62 20 45 16 2 1,136 20 3,652 206 132 146 138 76 13 16 5 3 1,119 13 2 New West- minster. 26,328 7,429 1,460 1,134 1,169 603 14,102 346 85 15,898 215 4,751 35 1,787 1,265 162 2,681 332 475 29 72 71 170 5 3,276 527 3 42 18,710 227 7,625 4,224 3^432 2,048 660 648 139 194 115 4,007 197 20,068 215 7,021 3,816 3,051 2,234 562 618 125 196 98 4,049 173 3 4 Van- Victoria couver. 10,061 7,737 743 1,779 134 333 510 775 211 216 12 126 8,417 4,376 28 109 6 23 8,168 10,801 18 183 3,077 3,869 11 21 974 1,166 348 702 92 226 1,307 1,568 172 288 157 182 3 5 142 16 54 63 217 68 6 9 1,103 2,080 482 269 2 31 3 55 6,674 2,841 13 63 5,118 6,456 1.993 2,291 932 1,501 684 1,061 321 539 220 165 96 124 245 82 153 28 1,758 2,679 22 708 7,585 3,469 21 71 4,611 5,960 1,691 2,019 796 1,492 842 1,266 254 492 193 150 79 110 2.34 73 151 39 1,750 2,685 22 712 5 Yale. 8,820 1,564 503 224 160 69 6,218 42 40 4,841 21 1,114 " 366' 382 20 875 86 238 3 44 60 100 1,377 141 6,677 22 1,751 948 1,038 846 185 248 122 130 41 1,627 26 7,432 26 1,462 785 916 759 157 261 107 120 42 1,575 19 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 333 Province of Manitoba Province of New Brunswick. Totals of Province du Manitoba Province du British Nouveau-Brunswick. Columbia. — Districts. Totals Districts. Totaux de la of Manitoba. Col. -Brit. 6 7 8 9 10 Totaux 11 12 2 Lisgar. Marquette Proven- cher. Selkirk. Winnipeg (City-CiU) du Manitoba. Albert. Carleton. i 56,851 16,853 26,873 12,460 37,118 14,713 108,017 10,576 20,728 11,658 2,847 14,670 1,663 20,198 7,242 46,620 6 27 1 2,567 780 682 3,262 1,685 1,146 7,555 3 16 2 2.656 108 375 28 520 371 1,402 196 376 3 1,767 87 104 20 228 279 718 10,289 20,248 4 813 12,580 10,846 7,407 14,305 5,510 50,648 36,701 16 7 1 6 25 55 4 6 535 15 50 10 76 83 234 78 ei 7 154 420 5,250 139 9,196 69 3,009 100 16,108 57 10,926 785 44,489 8 41,322 395 1,801 437 12 8 1 32 19 72 21 20 9 12,959 1,861 4,399 446 4,965 4,346 16,017 64 200 10 67 4 8 5 5 22 2 2 11 4,3G8 813 2,273 280' 2,515 1,563 7,444 20 228 12 2,771 450 1,252 193 1,433 1,225 4,553 186 712 13 507 34 35 6 73 38 186 3 14 6,567 263 538 599 786 877 3,063 86 559 15 904 51 146 31 290 339 857 9 4 16 1,065 1,600 322 14 617 1,193 3,746 3 8 17 40 22 1 5 1,194 3 4,526 23 477 31 6,220 , 18 276 2 19 268 31 70 91 242 40 474 20 560 6 5 13 24 i' 21 27 3 1 1 1 .... ^. 1 3' 12 8 31 22 8,910 ie" 23 1,447 72 113 140 502 738 1,565 2 6' 24 37 4 1 1 1 1 1 25 112 27 20 6 103 13 169 i" 56 1 26 38,275 12,029 14,937 9,924 18,695 7,015 62,600 9,381 i 16,500 27 325 12 20 1 42 25 100 25 11 1 28 21,207 3,157 7,709 888 9,438 6,874 28.066 302 867 29 9,659 2,687 6,760 842 6,720 3,937 20,946 138 925 30 7,092 1,386 4,945 711 6,141 3,343 16,526 915 3,379 31 4,835 285 473 204 643 681 2,286 89 668 32 1,767 91 351 100 800 521 1,863 45 24 33 1,301 2,127 435 22 936 1,407 4,927 14 19 34 526 48 92 8 1 139 279 59 617 5 35 667 TO 3 4 1 2,394 33 643 45 11,976 2 2 36 339 ■ " ■ 8,9.34' 37 11,207 132 197 238 538 1,045 2,150 15 27 38 973 142 141 5 60 56 404 43 104 39 42,206 13,691 17,201 10,139 20,769 8,157 69,957 9,694 17,491 ■ 40 333 8 6 6 45 27 92 25 26 41 19,260 2,761 6,843 864 8,414 6,525 25,407 168 445 . 42 8,443 1,722 5.973 628 6,224 3,460 18,007 108 720 43 6,401 1,186 4,283 617 5,465 3,073 14,624 792 2,893 44 5,239 243 615 348 794 755 2,755 108 810 45 1,541 82 333 81 722 483 1,701 21 8 46 1,235 2,098 380 22 857 1,422 4,779 5 11 47 437 41 90 120 266 58 575 2 1 ^l 628 3 4 10 14 620 27 11,979 1 1 49 333 " ' 2,462" " " ' 8^953' .50 11,178 126 i89 239 573 994 2,121 3' 26 51 939 138 146 3 144 51 482 44 97 52 334 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V.— Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 :^3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Canadian born JNes au Canada. Ontario • . Ontario (Quebec . Nova Scotia New Brunswick Manitoba British Columbia Prince Edward Island . North-West Territories Foreign born. Quebec . Nouvelle-Ecosse Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba Colombie-Britannique . He dn Prince- Edouard . . . . Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Nes a I'estranger. . . . . Province of New Brunswick. Province du Nouveau-Brunswick. Districts. 13 Char- lotte. 21,433 19 16 466 20,867 14 Glou- cester. Newfoundland England and Wales Channel Islands . . . .Scotland Ireland ... Other British Possessions United States Germany Scandinavia Poland Pologne . Russia jRussie France France Italy Italie Spain and Portugal Espagne et Portugal 1 64 Terreneuve .... . . Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande Autres po.'sessions Britan. . Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie China . Other countries. At Sea Chine Autres contrees . En mer Unknown . jNon donnes I Place of birth of father. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland Ireland United States Germany Scandinavia France Italy Russia Other countries Unknown Lieu de naissance du pere. Canada Terreneuve Angleterre Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie France Italie Russie Autres contrees Non donnes Place of birth of mother. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland Ireland United States . . . Germany Scandinavia Fiance Italy Russia Other countries Unknown 2,319 3 260 150 879 10 988 9 3 Lieu de naissance de la mere. Canada Terreneuve Angleterre Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis AUemaerne Scandinavie France Italie Russie Autres contrees Non donnes 1 11 1 3 16,086 2 928 812 3,9.59 1,785 35 51 10 2 2 42 38 17,240 10 699 599 3,241 1,829 22 38 4 2 1 - 36 31 24,478 15 398 46 23,940 15 Kent. 2 77 419 3 35 19 83 225 1 30 1 1 23,368 8 90 221 22,600 5 4 438 2 477 7 82 "l60 145 1 60 1 5 16 1 17 j North- King's, umljer- land. 22,854 8 264 375 1,235 41 3 8 49 1 9 30 20 23,506 3 150 242 907 25 6 1 26 1 3 8 19 21,308 4 438 934 966 86 1 23 46 1 1 21 16 21,886 9 366 809 685 43 1 6 9 1 4 9 17 21,498 14 5 255 21,160 1 63 1,589 24 303 "i52 928 3 148 9 1 10 "9 16,854 9 980 593 4,153 354 43 11 5 9 18 58 18,049 35 600 535 3,4.58 286 50 2 4 1 24 43 24,600 37 134 257 23,749 2 421 1,113 22 145 3 253 522 3 82 4 35 1 13 22 6 2 19,313 42 823 1,669 3,436 181 14 90 39 65 41 21,178 34 424 1,198 2,632 120 16 31 13 26 41 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 335 Province of New Brunswick. Province du Nouveau-Brunswick. Totals of New Brunswick Districts. Totaux du 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Nouveau- ?, Queen's. Resti- gouche. St. John {Citji—Cite) St. John (County — Comte). Sunbury. Victoria. West- moreland. York. Brunswick o 52i 11,465 7,812 20,732 22,152 5,403 16,347 39,989 28,573 299,154 5 19 63 19 7 19 55 31 344 1 4 1,369 54 50 1,280 145 38 3,602 2 78 95 872 548 31 137 1,758 191 5,527 3 11,360 6,215 19,535 21,383 5,348 14,880 37,100 28,252 286,926 4 2 2 2 2 2 16 5 1 205 1 28 2 926 1 58 18 2,718 6 18 114 150 17 7 1 3 8 687 496 3,452 3,238 359 1,870 1,488 2,406 22,109 3 17 85 46 3 3 69 20 346 9 79 76 747 522 82 110 419 712 3,836 10 3 224 1 271 2 229 4 333 36 2,935 11 48 335 46 403 12 495 89 1,755 1,950 179 147 383 917 9,512 13 1 24 6 1 14 12 79 14 49 64 384 296 39 887 238 368 4,278 15 5 2 40 58 6 2 33 10 193 16 1 13 14 34 2 297 56 12 485 1 26 17 18 1 7 3 6 o 19 1 6 1 3 2 5 * 12 1 2 1 55 17 20 1 '?^ 1 8 173 ?*'! 3 52 2 12 ?3 5 5 31 1 4 4 24 4 1 6 5 4 8 2 7 25 103 '>5 2 1 1 26 9,093 6,208 12,979 V 14,260 4,427 14,753 36,422 22,569 243,007 27 2 24 97 25 1 2 71 19 342 28 351 284 2,085 1,467 240 343 1,323 2,255 12,9.50 29 284 1,119 1,284 1,062 116 729 1,110 1,241 12,391 30 2,208 475 6,870 7,691 870 828 1,730 4,204 42,919 31 160 61 551 471 71 945 318 582 6,363 32 9 20 97 145 26 7 98 24 591 33 4 34 72 35 6 493 100 18 978 34 2 23 20 21 23 29 9 281 a5 1 3 1 111 2 9 70 2 7 2 24 2 9 33 30 40 515 36 1 13 4 21 37 23 38 15 46 14 132 3 61 232 33 856 39 9,736 6,636 14,864 15,873 4,651 14,752 37,632 24,358 257,546 40 3 15 99 43 6 8 125 49 4iH) 41 218 220 1,484 1,081 181 219 888 1,703 8,846 42 216 871 904 790 117 709 787 955 9,560 43 1,848 421 5,998 6,875 728 703 1,338 3,264 35,783 44 84 58 609 413 42 1,279 283 5.53 6,.542 45 13 15 90 166 20 10 67 20 .525 46 2 13 25 48 12 486 70 13 7(33 47 „ 6 10 7 9 24 11 126 48 1 2 1 87 1 8 38 6 3 7 3 4 22 20 31 338 49 2 7 26 ,50 16 8 51 15 45 11 47 3 26 230 24 693 52 336 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V. — Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. Province of Nova Scotia. Province de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. Districts. s 525 26 Anna- polis. 18,782 22 18,448 270 27 Anti- gonish. 28 Cai)e Breton. 29 Col- chester. 30 Cum- berland. 1 2 3 Canadian born Ontario Quebec . . ._ - Nova Scotia Nes au Canada Ontario Quebec Nouvelle-Ecosse . Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba 15,650 12 15 1.5,578 21 31,483 51 25 31,254 65 •2 1 84 1 2,761 521 146 4 1,782 122 14 98 4 17 25,572 88 69 24,842 451 1 31,896 55 65 28,617 2,794 4 New Brunswick 5 Manitoba. . . . 4 6 British Columbia Prince Edward Island . . . North- West Territories Foreign born Newfoundland Eng-land and Wales Channel Islands Colombie-Britannique 7 8 He du Prince-Edouard Territories du Nord-Ouest . . 35 24 119 2 1,588 248 489 1 407 116 8 268 6 9 360 1 9 10 11 Nes a I'etranger ... Terreneuve Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande Autres possessions Britan. . . Etats-Unis .' Allemagne . . Scandinavie Pologne 568 31 166 6 45 106 14 173 4 6 464 18 31 "233 76 79' 2,633 610 754 12 13 14 IPi Scotland Ireland Other British Possessions. . . United States 381 356 2 332 16 17 18 Germany Scandinavia .. Poland Russia France 33 3() 19 Russie France Italie Espagne et Portugal Chine Autres con trees i' 1 ' l' 11 1 2 17,725 23 515 235 515 220 39 22 7 2 <) 90 2 4 25 10 2 11 5 17 21 Italy Spain and Portugal ........ China Other countries At Sea Unknown Place of birth of father. Canada Newfoundland , England 35 ^3 1 10 6 3 22,355 336 1,151 2,209 758 233 22 16 10 8 1 33 28 23,571 262 815 1,686 512 218 24 13 13 7 ?4 20 i" 13,186 27 67 2,182 477 80 2 1 46 14 12 1 3 22,394 601 745 9,040 1,030 1.35 18 44 130 45 1 42 19 24.764 770 325 7,510 600 121 8 20 62 9 21 25 ?6 En mer Non donnes 17 27 28 Lieu de naissance dupere. Canada .... Terreneuve Angleterre 28,068 451 1,831 1,701 30 Scotland Ireland United States . Ecosse 31 3"^ Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie 1,738 406 33 34 Germany Scandinavia.. 94 76 35 36 France Italy France Italie ...... . 40 41 37 Russia Russie 12 38 .39 40 41 4^ Other countries Unknown Place of birth of mother . Canada Newfoundland England Scotland Autres contrees Non donnes Lieu de naiasancc de la mere. Canada Terreneuve Angleterre 40 7 18,728 40 174 44 134 190 4 30 2 14,088 30 50 1,509 313 71 2" 22 4 31 40 29,166 565 1,409 43 Ecosse Irlande 1,408 1,310 406 44 Ireland United Stat es 45 Etats-Unis Allemagne. Scandinavie 46 47 Germany Scandinavia France 81 41 48 France . .... 2 27 49 Italy Russia Italie 35 50 Russie 9 51 Other countries Autres contrees . . ..... . Non donnes 34 23 2 41 14 25 14 . 25 5^ Unknown 47 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 337 Province of Nova Scotia. Province de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. Districts. 31 32 33 34 35 3(5 37 38 39 ^ Digby. tJuys- boroiigh. Halifax (City—C'te) Halifax {County — Comte.) Hant:^. Inverness. King's. Lunen- hiirg. Pictou. i 19,585 10,746 30,756 1 31,5.52 1 21,255 24,583 ' 2],.-)13 3{iJ.'i4 32,1.59 17 2 231 118 25 4! 19 11 , 34 1 20 3 132 34 10 27 17 8 58 2 19,31G 16,677 29,586 31,200 20.998 24,422 21,133 1 30,6.55 31,426 3 20(; 24 475 113 19() 31 313 36 262 4 1 7 39 280 5 15 62 2 9 5 25 40 31 97 1 31 23 375 7 6 7,739 5 1,311 i 1 1 341 2 2,382 8 312 449 797 1,196 976 4 65 1,639 180 34 36 37 .59 118 9 68 80 2,617 394 298 22 220 79 4.57 10 621 2 209 4 992 1 142 37' 4 1,165 11 19 121 113 12 55 95 1,557 250 148 24 238 41 1.50 13 1 4 129 43 6 14 2 6 14 142 68 665 148 169 IOC) 284 56 260 15 1 100 14 15 6 6 24 10 16 2 2 98 1 16 49 13 2 1 7 21 13 17 18 2 3 6 27 19 7 4 4 1 2 20 2 30 3 1 2 1 2 17 21 1 i 9' 6 2 117 1 4 9 2 ?2 1 5 16 ?3 8 27 24 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 25 1 1 15,094 82 20,552 23 28,497 6 20,059 3 30,241 41 24,688 ?6 18,941 19,728 18,784 27 13 116 1,826 180 39 39 33 73 170 28 248 292 5,869 1,275 757 124 562 240 1,147 29 93 772 2,266 815 478 6,372 348 128 7,247 30 273 758 5,885 1,104 816 331 1,135 163 733 31 261 104 653 .328 162 72 240 70 153 32 9 15 370 83 31 20 36 93 45 33 1 9 208 43 8 1 16 23 2(; 34 27 5 120 33 5 12 t 1 63 35 2 5 58 9 4 2 9 17 36 39 388 1 72 i6 10 1 30 19 12 141 37 IS 14 38 5 11 261 423 12 10 20 y 99 39 19,230 1.5,751 24,632 29,533 20,424 20,802 20,589 30,488 27,114 40 11 152 2,401 271 53 35 44 101 179 41 154 147 3,835 763 4(i2 63 427 136 804 42 56 534 1,522 625 342 4,(i35 2!H) 84 5,397 43 207 499 4,446 862 508 167 758 112 509 44 213 77 706 262 195 55 286 56 218 45 1 2 217 28 34 3 13 48 23 46 2 2 109 7 2 1 1 24 13 47 7 8 77 8 6 5 5 6 40 48 2 44 19 241 3 2 69 1 6 3 2 2 17 17 115 49 50 10 12 10 46 13 51 4 11 246 430 19 1 22 5 95 52 A— 22 338 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V. — Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. Province of Nova Scotia. Province de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. Districts. a 40 Queen's. 41 Rich- mond. 42, Shel- burne. 43 Victoria 44 Yar- mouth. 1 2 3 4 5 Canadian born Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick Manitoba Nes au Canada Ontario Quebec Nouvelle-Ecosse . Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba 10,270 5 3 10,215 42 13,881 4 17 13,810 13 14,762 1 2 14,669 25 10 11,140 10 37 11,054 21 21,571 29 22 21,.'^26 164 6 British Coluniljia ....... . Prince Edward Island North-West Territories . . . Foreign born Newfoundland . England and Wales Channel Islands Scotland Ireland Colombie-Britannique He du Prince-Edouard ... . Territoires du Nord-Ouest. . 7 8 5 37 18 37 194 rr 1 31 27 64 13 5 19 3" 8 18 30 9 Nes a Tetranger Terreneuve 340 36 39 36 16 65 7 55 3 4 518 20 28 1 356 23 49' 1 3 1,292 323 32 645 24 10 n Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche 173 12 13 Ecosse ... Irlande 879 10 36 2 3 56 87 14 15 Other British Pos.session.s. . . United States . . Germany Scandinavia .... Poland Autres possessions Britan. . . Etats-Unis 7 231 16 17 18 Allemagne Scandinavie Pologne 4 5 19 20 Ru.ssia Russie France 2 1 2' 1 France 26 1 1 2 5 11 21 Italy Italie Espagne et Portugal Chine 2 22 Soain and Portueral 1 38 China i 1 7,048 339 228 4,582 136 36 7 9 29 1 1 11 5 8,203 460 50 3,625 39 33 2 3 9 24 25 2r> Other countries At Sea Unknown Place of birth of father. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland . Autres contrees . . En nier . ... Non donnes 74 7 2 11,799 26 158 1,945 280 41 12 6 99 •8 3 4 14,016 26 276 170 156 186 37 22 8 39 2 2 27 Lieu de naissance du pere. Canada 9,700 33 177 140 336 102 24 17 8 A 12 10,035 45 75 86 235 75 6 3 1 1 1 40 7 20,701 28 29 Terreneuve Angleterre 22 459 30 Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis \lleinaffne 199 31 Ireland 376 32 33 United States Germany 293 19 34 Scandinavia France Italy Russia Other countries ■Scandinavie 19 35 36 37 France .... Italie Russia Autres contrees 43 2 1 38 27 6 12,477 55 39 1,.522 163 44 4 2 39 1 36 23 14,376 17 106 101 99 192 13 10 2 63 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Unknown Place of birth of mother. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland Ireland United States Germany Scandinavia Non donnes ZiCM de naissance de la mhre. Canada Terreneuve . ... Angleterre Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne 19 21,249 33 305 IOC) 244 210 8 47 Scandinavie France Italie Russie Autres contrees Non donnes 5 48 France 14 49 Italy 2 .^0 Russia 1 51 52 Other countries Unknown 42 11 20 20 3 5 36 3 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux cle Naissance. 339 Province of Ontario. Totals — of Province d'Ontario. ]N' ova Scotia Totaux dela Nouvelle- Disti-icts. 45 46 47 48 Brant 49 Brant 50 51 Bruce (East- Est) 52 I'ruce 1 J'iCosse. Addington. Algonia. Bothwell. 21,712 (JVorth.— Nord). (South— ISu(l). Broekville (North— Nord). i 423,890 21,667 34,165 13,987 18,535 12,603 17,631 18,824 738 21,406 30,428 21,304 13,837 18,266 12,167 17,498 18,.541 1 571 192 2,495 271 59 154 395 41 210 2 415,221 19 362 90 33 23 15 47 27 3 5,522 39 239 21 45 ti8 13 13 19 4 34 4 1 473 1 7 12 4 « 8 5 5 55 4' 6 1,694 6 88 20 6 6 1 24' 20 7 55 79 2 2 4 2 8 26,506 2,484 7,691 3,881 3,006 4,824 3,250 3,724 3,706 4,040 1 18 6 2 13 4 11 12 9 6,124 592 2,512 1,253 1,348 2,281 739 556 924 10 93 1 5 5 1 2 301 1 2 11 7,638 240 1,412 581 760 813 540 8.56 1,343 12 3,532 1,209 1,182 750 382 991 1,145 788 900 13 262 8 6 1 4 12 13 10 4 14 3,238 257 1,348 1,153 266 557 463 199 283 15 233 117 137 53 219 102 / 1,213 178 16 245 5 417 6 1 1 1 3 2 17 9 4 255 42 1 2 3 7 39 5 18 34 8 3 19 200 9 7 is' 20 116 149 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 21 21 '.'/.".]... l' 2 22 5 8 159 2 18 23 497 24' * 9' 7 s' 38 is 24 28 1 18 4 32 3 51 1 12 4 10 2 6 9 26 25 191 7' 26 363,576 15,411 22,748 12,903 7,897 10.154 7,850 7,445 9,498 27 4,373 3 19 9 7 19 10 6 18 28 16,121 1,643 5,752 4,023 3,494 5,815 1,559 1,774 2,918 29 40,922 80(i 4,804 2,121 2,607 2,550 1,128 .3,015 4,468 30 17,000 5,029 4,775 3,452 1,283 3,115 4,307 3,299 4,030 31 3,775 741 1,636 2,483 860 1,072 806 354 605 32 976 306 396 179 728 399 34 5,051 720 .33 573 18 566 26 5 8 4 19 5 34 699 17 122 37 18 50 33 214 13 35 219 is' 54 180 326 229 1 4 52 6 5 16 5 1 116 4 * 69 36 73 37 1,078 40' 34' 38 1,011 105 303 320 60 120 95 56 182 39 385,220 17,027 25,005 14,861 8,945 11,606 8,818 9,371 11,470 40 5,524 1 45 17 2 19 6 • 11 14 41 10,139 1,272 4,823 3,023 3,007 4,948 1,185 1,515 2.314 42 31,082 641 4,218 1,915 2,270 2,220 9(52 2,593 4,008 43 11,717 4,250 4,322 2,922 1,232 2,922 3,984 2,839 3,319 44 3,628 494 1,689 2,295 7()<> ]]ii6 740 368 539 45 519 295 a52 193 644 . .321 13 4,349 640 46 266 8 497 12 4 2 5 6 47 353 12 87 20 23 36 26 160 ^S 48 133 165 ' 1 2 2 3 2 49 49 811 i5' 38 339 219 2 46 4 15 50 18' 43 84 57 51 955 98 95 317 56 121 96 57 1.35 52 A—! 22| 340 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V. — Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSAXCE. Pro\-ince of Ontario. Province d "Ontario. Districts. s 53 Bruce {W.-O.) 54 Card- well. 55 Carleton 56 Corn- wall. 57 Dundas. 1 9. Canadian born Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick Manitoba Nes au Canada Ontario Quebec . . 16,791 16,463 107 163 11 4 2 41 12,998 12,890 80 23 3 2 18,418 16,468 1,891 22 20 4 3 8 2 3,328 1 934 1 324 1,.563 67 193 134 36 1" 14 7 24,188 21,288 2,s36 30 22 6 1 4 1 2,968 32 463 1 674 f)34 1,059 20 6 12 2 10 35 '"'i' 12 18,399 18,059 320 3 4 5 Nouvelle-Ecosse Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba ... 13 3 2 6 7 .S British Columbia Prince Edward [sland North- West Territories Foreign born Colombie-Britannique He du Prince-Edouard Territoires du Nord-Ouest. . 2 Nes a I'etranger Terreneuve Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche 3,927 1 629 5 2,251 755 1 128 140 2,384 1 829 '227' 1,220 1 89 5 2 1,733 9 10 11 Newfoundland England and Wales Channel Islands Scotland Ireland Other British Possessions. . . United States Germany Scandinavia "246' ^9 Ecosse 267 13 14 15 16 17 Irlande Autres possessions Britan . . Etats-Unis Allemagne. . . Scandinavie 742 3 414 48 2 18 19 Poland Russia France Italy Spain and Portugal China " Other countries Pologne Russie 20 21 France Italie 4 1 4 22 •^3 Espagne et Portugal . Chine 1 24 Autres eon trees 5 2 6 6,306 2 2,094 7,861 3,627 216 549 2 13 3 C 6,350 1 2,222 975 5, .596 185 11 2 1 18 3 32 11,037 2 1,915 1,134 6,645 264 208 46 49 9 4 2,T At Sea L nknown Place of birth of father. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland Ireland . United States Germany En mer Non donnes Lieu de naissance du pere. Canada Terreneuve 26 27 as 7 19,796 16 1,021 2,466 2,501 1,038 88 16 50 51 12 67 .34 20,906 39 810 l,9(i7 2,053 1,160 47 8 33 34 12 .52 35 3 13,802 29 30 31 32 33 Angleterre Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis .\llemagne Scandinavde . 738 949 3,492 863 156 .34 Scandinavia 3 3.5 36 France Italy Russia Other countries Unknown 1 Place of birth of mother. \ Canada Newfoundland England Scotland. Ireland L^nited States Germany Scandinavia France Italy Russia Other countries France Italie 12 4 37 1 Russie 3« Autres contrees i2 36 8,456 4 1,.")76 6,973 2,862 305 489 11 28 7,642 7 1,801 849 4,830 181 1 1 59 378 12,609 ' l,.5i9' 949 .5.699 309 i 207 42 26 6 2 46 332 14 39 40 41 Non donnes Lieu de naissance de la mere. ([Canada. . Terreneuve 99 14,605 3 42 43 Angleterre Ecosse 558 790 44 4.T Irlande Etats-Unis 3,088 818 42 3 ''3 Chine 2 •24 25 2H Autres con trees En mer Non donnes ... 3 3 46 4 33 8,313 43 4,212 5,712 6,071 501 1,127 14 15 10 1 141 181 10,952 47 3,452 4,790 5,200 524 1,032 15 13 2 3 131 180 9 4 12 5,914 1 3,045 5,468 5,228 328 3,570 1 2i> 7 3" 8,105 8 2,969 1,363 2,352 521 794 4 132 5 1 12 97 Lieu de nai.f sauce du ptrc. Canada.. Terrenevive Angleterre Ecosse 9,968 25 5,082 3,746 6,770 339 172 9 24 5 3 32 50 12,409 30 3,948 3,321 5,836 455 142 3 13 1 " .3l' 36 8,794 28 29 SO Newfoundland England Scotland. Ireland 6 5,007 2,733 31 Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie 4,167 S9 United States 870 33 34 Germany ... Scandinavia 242 16 35 France ... Italy Russia Other countries Unknown Place of birth of mother. Canada Newfoundland France Italie Russie Autres contrees 12 15 37 3S 41 47 8,090 1 2,521 4,893 4,598 331 3,160 is' 1 23 35 9,262 20 2,319 1,086 2,145 545 767 1 113 2 32 39 40 41 Non donnes ... Lieu de naissancc de la mere. Canada Terreneuve 86 8,698 2 42 43 England Scotland Ireland United States Germany : Scandinavia France Italy Russia Angleterre Ecosse 4,097 2,358 44 45 46 47 48 49 Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie .... France Italie Russie Autres contrees Non donnes 5,673 820 203 5 14 3 50 12' 51 1 10 38 3 51 52 1 Other countries Unknown 19 87 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 343 Province of Ontario. Province d'Ontario. Districts. 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ? Hamilton. Hastings (East— Est) Hastings {North— Nord.) Hastings ( West— Oiicst. ) Huron {East-Eft) Huron {South — Slid.) Huron ( West— Ouest. ) Kent. Kingston. J5 B o 31,649 15,595 19,588 15,702 15,427 15,099 16,168 25,927 14,543 30,732 15,251 19,251 15,160 15,208 14,835 15,850 ■ 2.5,128 13,824 1 705 303 300 512 131 169 79 609 538 2 127 31 6 8 46 63 94 101 115 3 42 4 16 12 14 9 28 61 43 4 17 2 2 10 8 102 7 9 5 11 2 1 3 13 5 10 5 16 2 11 6 11 15 4 15' 7 4 1 2,455 2,625 4 3,262 2 3,541 4,085 5,507 1 4,720 8 15,596 3,853 59 3 749 856" 12 1,340 2 1,122 11 1,192 6 2,201 31 1,560 q 6,536 901 10 10 3 318 1 1,213 6 839 2 522 n 2,571 183 371 1,113 1,091 12 3,389 1,103 978 1,017 1,051 919 1,305 920 1,896 13 55 4 4 9 1 1 6 4 24 14 1,840 233 261 354 129 156 155 1,364 493 15 758 6 128 59 215 579 73 93 41 16 17 5 4 5 5 11 2 5 8 17 17 1 24 8 2 8 3 2 62 3 11 10 18 96 1 1 1 3 19 30 1 34 20 17 19 4 79 i 84 23 21 4 3 1 99. 7 3 23 91 9 8 10 10 14 9 20 41 24 o 1 1 1 1 2 25 94 140 8 21 5 16 4 10 51 26 11,266 10,586 12,703 9,939 6,093 5,840 6,267 15,218 6,878 27 46 4 1,709 1 2,470 17 3,250 2 3,477 9 3,810 14 6,198 33 3,534 ^8 14,168 3,130 29 7,093 502 1,280 913 4,309 3,914 3,823 2,795 1,589 30 9,668 4, .349 4,505 3,382 4,256 3,615 5,421 3,586 5,942 31 2,183 623 773 931 253 256 331 2,895 611 32 1,968 43 340 184 822 1,939 295 383 162 33 34 ( t 11 9 21 6 12 20 34 132 - 12 20 38 21 24 14 >137 58 35 28 22 7 2 36 82 33 33 1 11 13 1 1 44 29 14 9^ 36 159 ij' 4 75 37 202 15 38 298 178 69 151 50 50 28 117 295 39 24,120 11,810 14,099 11,284 7,958 7,818 8,186 16,938 8,247 40 79 1 23 6 6 18 16 38 41 2,438 1,380 2,086 2,674 2,468 2,823 3,299 5,191 2,950 42 6,037 426 1,108 751 3,779 3,472 3,354 2,620 1,212 43 9,875 3,646 3,760 3,041 3,644 2,995 4,551 3,3.32 5,559 44 2,119 528 707 752 244 316 298 2,730 642 45 1,745 27 346 131 737 1,616 222 294 117 46 32 6 6 4 8 19 9 8 47 91 2 13 26 24 42 17 94 42 48 20 21 5 1 35 83 34 21 8" 36 4 26 13 109 49 150 4 75 50 271 17 24 31 51 268 186 47 140 56 49 40 131 300 1 52 344 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V- — Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. Province of Ontario. Province d 'Ontario. Districts. 1 81 Lambt'n {East— Est.) 20,210 19,954 142 52 43 5 2 '1 4,059 10 1,576 4 929 973 6 456 50 15 1 1 7 1 1 1 10 2 16 10,162 20 4,702 3,501 4,322 803 177 34 22 1 2 39 484 12,340 17 3,721 2,990 3,607 843 168 21 37 1 2 29 493 82 Lambt'n ( Went— Quest.) 83 Lanark (North- Nord.) 84 Lanark {South — Svd.) 85 Leeds & Gren- ville(iV.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Canadian born Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick Manitoba .... British (Columbia. Nes au Canada Ontario Quebec Nouvelle-Ecosse Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba Colombie-Britannique ... . He du Prince-Edouard . ... Territoires du Nord-Ouest . . Nes a I'etranger Terreneuve Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande Autres possessions Britan. . . Etats-Unis 18,480 18,132 225 43 37 3 46' 16,528 16,183 325 4 4 7 1 4 17,298 16,982 292 8 5 9 2 11,742 11,486 217 15 14 9 7 8 Prince Edward Island North West Territories Foreig'n born Newfoundland England and Wales Channel Lslands Scotland Ireland . . ...... 1 9 10 11 12 IS 4,966 16 1,720 8 1,200 1,113 5 785 70 6 l' 3 11 1 2,732 1 529 1 816 1,158 3 155 19 13 '2' 2 1 2,564 88 451 5 625 1,1.52 6 189 16 5 6 5' 1 1 1,779 '328' '" 225' 977 14 1.") Other British Possessions. . . I ^nited States 6 220 1<) 5 En mer Non donnes ?fi 4 10,467 107 1,245 2,527 5,118 218 55 10 22 3 " 54' 36 11,445 136 1,023 2,198 4,695 213 43 9 21 1 36' 48 2 27 28 29 30 31 3? Lieu de naissaiice du ptre. Canada Terreneuve Angleterre Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie 6,999 ""863 792 4,332 407 33 34 (jennany Scandinavia 16 6 35 France France .... 20 3(5 37 Italy Russia Other countries Unknown Italie. . Russie 5 3 38 39 Autres contrees Non donnes Lieu de naissance dc la mere. Canada . . Terreneuve . . . ... Angleterre Ecos.se Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne 30 48 40 41 Place of birth of mother. Canada Newfoundland 7,993 1 42 43 44 45 40 England . Scotland Ireland United State.s fiermnnv- 685 634 3,644 444 21 47 Scandinavia 48 T'ra.iip.fi Scandinavie France 2 6 49 50 51 52 Italy Russia Other countries Unknown Italie Russie Aiitres contrees Non donnes 1 2 41 47 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 345 Province of Onta •io. Province d'Ontario. Districts. 86 87 ss 89 90 91 92 93 94 ?, Leeds Lincoln Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex ■=> (South— Lennox. and London. (East— (North— (Soutti — ( West— Monck. 5 Sud.) Niagara. Est.) Nord. ) Sud.) Quest.) ^ 19,730 13,071 16,902 15,476 19,789 15,574 14,773 14,288 13,788 19,490 12,960 16,583 15,042 19,539 15,307 14,488 14,006 13,690 1 203 82 250 273 144 171 117 118 60 2 19 9 23 76 68 41 130 129 27 3 6 5 29 45 24 13 28 19 3 4 7 2 8 22 5 7 4 4 . . 5 1 1 8 7 9 4 4 29 6 1 5 \2 1 1 6 3 3 7 1 1 1,829 4,904 2 6,805 1 5,780 8 2,719 3,516 ^4,033 3,000 1,527 4 2 691 15 1,849 39 3,156 20 2,935 1 1,221 5 1,783 5 1,269 9 512 522 10 1 1 1 6 5 2 2 3 2 11 368 148 518 894 858 918 793 751 105 12 1,141 682 1,238 1,611 1,383 876 484 666 319 13 3 2 11 41 13 1 15 6 2 14 638 235 987 743 407 177 314 225 275 15 8 10 174 90 69 297 46 43 262 16 2 1 28 7 20 6 5 3 15 17 2 7 1 2 2 12 2 39 16 1 3 8 18 4 2 12 3' 1 19 9 5 20 7 43 23 1 3 27 74 1 9 48 21 ?2 1 7 23 12 5 15 9 26 13 24 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 t > • • ■ 25 7 12 29 40 2 554 10 5 26 12,737 9,50() 9,662 5,399 8,435 6,365 7,994 7,328 10,119 27 2 12 44 23 6 11 13 28 1,684 1,655 3,936 7,543 7,826 4,073 4,580 3,478 1,479 29 1,019 455 1,663 2,618 2,407 .3,466 2,788 3,078 449 30 5,444 2,390 4,(J06 4,888 4,566 3,6.55 1,671 2,630 1,2.52 31 1,339 740 1,665 863 669 325 895 399 918 32 73 53 518 310 184 1,108 189 139 907 33 4 9 67 31 49 18 17 7 22 34 19 9 48 38 127 27 17 10 45 35 8 43 18 12 36 6 105 126 67 88 .5 33 2 3i' 36 53' 3 49 ' 12 34 37 29 38 93 8 82 266 1,245 20 596 156 65 39 14,452 10,270 10.097 7,051 9,925 8,192 9,049 8,649 11,020 40 10 2 1.314 30 3,519 67 6,3.37 19 6,999 9 4,012 3 2,897 2 1,230 41 1,248 3,310 42 847 368 1,354 2,4(t0 2,372 2,982 2,612 2,720 346 43 4,624 2,258 4,416 4,549 4,020 3,230 1,462 2,2.55 1,120 44 1,102 560 1,689 978 758 356 808 430 769 4.'3 30 42 439 253 118 944 142 132 696 46 2 1 42 20 42 20 13 4 21 47 37 7 18 46 17 12 15 5 23 48 7 43 37 124 1 ,49 9 20 6 70 46 138 4 53 i 35 i7 14! 50 6 18 83 51 84 6 89 272 1,242 26 601 157 57 ' 52 }46 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V. — Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. Province of Ontario. Province d'Ontario. Districts. k P !2i 95 Muskoka '& Parrj' Sound. 95i Ni pis- sing. 11,695 8,053 3,562 25 24 7 1 10 13 1,325 6 420 4 161 268 1 226 68 45 1 63 21 96 Norfolk {North- Nord). 97 Norfolk [South- Slid). 98 North- umber- land [E) 1 Canadian born Ontario Quebec Nes au Canada Ontario 20,756 19,822 832 52 39 3 7 1 5,759 4 2,69(5 11 848 1,022 4 343 449 134 16,958 16,778 52 64 55 2 5' 2 2,442 2 1,199 '323' 403 2 321 168 2 1 1 4 15,445 1.5,300 68 27- 36 7 2 2,335 4 992 6 306 447 5 454 77 3' 7 19,345 19,182 122 9 Quebec . Nouvelle-Ecosse Nouveau-Brunswick .... Manitoba Colombie-Britannique .... He du Prince-Edouard Territoires du Nord-Ouest. . ^es a I'etrang-er . . . Terreneuve S Xova Scotia 7 4 5 New Brunswick Manitoba British Columbia 15 3 7 7 8 9 Prince Edward Island North- West Territories. ... Foreign born Newfoundland Engrland and Wales Channel Islands Scotland Ireland Other British Possessions . . United States Germany Scandinavia . . Poland Russia France Italy Spain and Portugal China Other countries 6 3 2,650 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande Autres possessions Britan. . . Etats-Unis ... Allemagne Scandinavie 910 10 528 807 3 353 13 1 IS Pologne 1 19 20 ?! Russie France Italie Espagne et Portugal 4 21 24 s' 1 9'? 23 94 Ghine . Autres contrees 1 172 2 24 11,308 5 6,308 2,531 3,991 031 974 211 65 48 13 285 145 12,914 14 5,185 2,538 3,430 739 1,001 219 45 35 12 245 138 1 37 1 2 9,476 22 928 619 1,362 218 134 47 59 3 75 74 3 10,091 8 730 512 1,157 150 142 64 30 1 75 57 3 "io 2 4 10,959 6 3,588 1,161 1,5.52 1,306 658 10 30 2 2 36 90 12,438 3 2,944 986 1,329 1,037 544 3 9 2 18 87 26 s' 9,997 14 3,320 1,004 1,4.54 1,370 342 6 20 1' 88 164 10,999 2 2,579 968 1,462 1,208 268 4 27 s' 93 167 3 25 At Sea Unknown En mer Non donnes Lieu de naissance du pere. Canada Terreneuve Angleterre 1 9 27 28 ^9 Place of birth of father. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland 12,537 1 2,667 30 Ecosse 1 892 31 Ireland Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie .3,283 1,269 75 2 3"^ United States 33 34 Germany Scandinavia France Italy 35 France 61 3fi Italie 1 37 38 Russia Other countries Unknown Place of birth of mother. Canada Russie Autres contrees 30 39 40 Non donnes Lieu de naismnce de he mere. Canada . 177 14 "19 41 Newfoundland Terreneuve T) 42 43 England Scotland ^Vngleterre Eci )sse ... Irlande , Etats-Unis , . . . , -Alleiaagne Scandinavie 2,307 1 ''no 44 45 46 47 Ireland United States Germany Scandinavia France Italy Russia Other countries 2,517 901 34 1 48 49 50 France Italie Russie 22 1 51 Autres contrees IS 52 Unknown Non donnes 159 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 347 Province of Ontario. Province d'Ontario. Districts. 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 1U6 107 V Northum- Ontario Ontario Ontario Ottawa (City-Cite) Oxford Oxford Perth JS berland (North- (South — • ( West— North— (South— Peel. (North - {W.-Ouest) ward). Sud). Quest). Nord). Sud). Nord). '^ 11,875 17,342 14,246 1.5,839 30,838 20,972 18,625 12,369 21,033 11,786 17,110 14,012 15,722 21,120 20,782 18,385 12,296 20,741 1 62 175 185 61 9,170 84 74 53 202 2 7 26 17 15 223 62 36 5 44 3 7 17 20 31 229 34 111 9 20 4 10 6 1 1 7 33 7 51 2 6 9 5 4 3 3 13 3 9 1 8 6 3 7 7 1 4,043 3 4,125 1 2,953 5 6,431 2 5,1.59 1 3,796 1 5,874 8 3,072 3,097 3 6 1 3 29 5 5 4 9 9 1,265 1,693 2,297 1,558 1,947 2,002 1,891 1,561 1,841 10 4 2 462 614 2 1,494 1 591 1 386 4 1,019 11 470 1,000 637 12 1,065 990 767 680 2,3.36 569 604 1,001 1,495 13 9 10 2 2 32 15 25 2 15 14 229 192 364 209 787 322 570 119 292 15 4 105 31 21 278 672 67. 8 1,110 16 2 6 1 6 2 i 45 1 18 92 2 2 2 16 2 3 17 4 3 18 21 27 19 3 8 2 20 1 2 2 76 4 5 112 11 3 2 13 2 4 3 21 1 2 44 1 22 2 23 10 27 16 10 22 24 3 2 3 6,243 2 7 43 20,357 5 4 9,619 2 11,071 5 5,965 5 25 4 5 8,323 6 : 26 5,485 8,762 1 8,0.53 27 2 7 4 / 18 o 20 4 25 28 3,522 4,643 6,662 4,999 4, .387 5,348 5,186 4,2.56 4,827 29 1,683 3,523 1,973 1,439 2.231) 5,375 1,944 1,300 3,463 30 3,603 3,950 2,613 2,4.36 8,037 1.987 2,164 3,507 .5,783 31 543 434 693 947 805 734 1,655 300 ;s93 32 11 358 118 110 538 2,831 225 40 4,024 33 1 12 3 2 51 21 14 4 19 34 7 21 6 16 210 62 42 3 131 35 8 1 1 77 3 1 23 116 29 204 3 124 7 2 35 13 11 22 78 36' 1 33 37 26 12 38 56 35 29 40 281 22 56 62 78 39 6,335 lO.l.SO 8,087 10,101 22,775 13,862 12,574 7,080 10,334 40 3 17 1 9 24 12 16 10 31 41 3,036 3,869 5,446 4,115 3,518 4,639 4,292 3, .501 3,963 42 1,485 2,967 1,746 1,382 1,674 4,897 1.709 1,146 3,1.50 43 3,477 3,627 2,361 2,251 7,249 1,821 2,015 3,3(i3 5,076 44 502 378 6.50 756 844 703 1,433 260 500 4;) 18 267 1 92 455 29 241 32 3,573 46 4 6 15 1 10 49 140 12 37 3 17 9. 3 4 47 6 7 122 48 1 3 83 28 159 17 4 41 4 4 49 1 78 .50 37 33 30 99 6 78 51 43 30 26 49 271 20 59 59 72 52 348 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V.— Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. Province of Ontario. Province d'Ontario. Districts. a 108 Perth (South— Sud.) 15,427 15,285 71 36 10 8 3 11 3 3,973 2 1,661 "'867' 1,095 1 164 166 2 1 109 Peter- borough (E.-K) 110 Peter- borough (W.-O.) 111 Prescott 112 Prince Edward 1 Canadian born Ontario . . Nes au Canada . Ontario Quebec Nouvelle-Ecosse Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba Colombie-Britaiinique He du Prince-Edouard Territoiies du North-Ouest. Nes a I'etranger Terreneuve Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche Ecosse 18,749 18,510 214 7 5 1 9 5 5 3,170 3 1,218 2 452 1,226 4 196 31 1 12,876 12,4.50 398 5 7 1 '9' 6 2,932 8 1,196 1 348 1,003 3 305 11 5 23,231 17,277 5,935 9 2 6 1 17,151 17,014 a 25 2 3 4 Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick 5 Manitoba British Columbia 19 7 Prince Edward Island North-West Territories Foreign born — Newfoundland 8 9 1 942 ""uo 1 172 405 5 173 4 8 1,738 10 11 England and Wales . . Channel Islands. ... 651 12 Scotland Ireland 146 13 Irlande Autres possessions Britan. . . Etats-Unis AUemagne . . Scandinavie 631 14 1^ Other British Possessions. . . United States 1 290 16 txernianv 5 17 Scandinavia Poland Russia France Italy Spain and Portugal China 1 18 Pologne Russie '^0 France 6 2 1 37 2 *>! Italic Espagne et Portugal 22 «>S Chine Autres contrees En mer 6' 1 7 6,247 '"5,i69 3,140 3,926 204 697 10 5 "'ii' 3 15 10,484 2 3,632 1,803 5,290 4.55 100 13 25 3 i9 93 11,937 6 2,970 1,639 4,699 439 84 2 15 1 1 32 94 24 Other countries At Sea 10 3 1 6,496 3,224 1,314 4,312 280 47 19" 48 25" 36 7,707 7 2,809 1,036 3,686 399 42 4 2 28 20,541 43C" 876 1,849 168 8 29' 1 5 8 252 21,061 1 368 733 1,539 223 8 3 26 27 28 LTnknown Place of birth of father. Canada.. Newfoundland England Non donne.s . Lieu de naissance du pere. Canada Terreneuve Angleterre 6 13,184 2 1,709 30 31 Scotland Ireland Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis AUemagne Scandinavie France 384 2,352 32 33 34 United States. . Germany Scandinavia 1,147 34 1 35 France 19 3fi Italy Russia Other countries Unknown Place of birth of mother. Canada Newfoundland England Italie 9 37 38 Russie Autres contrees 4 17 41 7,470 6 4,375 2,724 3,817 331 603 7 4 1 7 39 Non donnes 47 40 41 4-? Lieu de naissance de la mere. Canada . . . . Terreneuve .\iigleterre ... 14,186 4 1,346 353 43 Scotland ICcosse Irlande 44 Ireland 1,925 973 33 1 45 46 47 United States Germany Scandinavia Etats-Unis AUemagne Scandinavie France Italie 48 France 15 41 '3i" 35 15 5" 19 201 11 4!) Italy 50 51 Russia Other countries Russie Autres contrees Non donnes " '21' 42 1 5-,', Unknown 50 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 349 Province of Ontario. Province d'Ontario. Districts. 113 114 115 116 117 118 11 <) 120 121 £ Renfrew Keiifrew Sin coe Si mcoe Si mcoe Toronto Victoria Victoria SI (Noi-th — (Suuth— Russell. {Eaiit— {North — {.'South— (Citii— (North - {South— B Nord.) iiud.) Est.) Nord.) Sud. ) Cite.) Nord.) Sud.) ^ 18,837 19,686 28,521 30,128 23,103 17,433 93,162 14,130 17,234 17,056 18,420 21,831 28,613 22,792 17,335 89,747 13,964 17,002 1 1,736 1,191 6,601 1,3()7 2.S5 76 2,7(;i 117 201 2 12 51 32 88 36 7 306 28 10 3 29 11 34 28 22 12 213 13 6 4 1 1 11 13 5 1 54 1 6 5 1 1 3 15 1 9 14 46 7 1 8 6 2 lo" 2 7 1 2 4,285 1 5,673 3 5,100 21 50,861 8 4,168 3,132 3,391 2,719 3,221 15 50 4 13 10 591 3 2 9 368 324 616 2,571 1,988 992" 22,801 1,022 1,.306 10 3 8 511 1 1,039 5 1,096 427 39 6,347 1 763 2 382 11 318 520 12 1,233 1,210 1,232 1,388 1,522 1,749 13,252 699 1,325 13 7 16 8 17 8 8 218 2 3 14 138 125 285 410 365 169 5,086 138 166 15 1,990 1,695 332 115 64 14 799 53 16 16 44 6 29 57 4 6 76 15 9 17 2 1 2 1 1 97 315 18 s' 2 1 19 11 Itj' 60 13 5 114 2' 2' 20 2 1 2 451 15 33 445 1 1 10 1 21 2 22 2' 23 9 290' 24 24" 22' 5 24 3 13 2 1 1 8 4 2 25 21 18 16 21 8 16 174 5 3 26 10,742 10,280 22,043 17.091 10,884 8,564 32,598 6,906 8,448 27 13 79 19 3 ^ 1 612 5 28 960 951 1^13 7,310 5,644 ' 3,114 46,472 3,298 '3,983 29 1,329 2,450 1,819 3,893 4,033 1,398 ](i,9(»7 2,792 1,567 30 5,238 5,408 5,240 5,921 5,855 7,138 3."j,459 3,193 5,944 31 249 239 300 816 814 374 5,137 319 345 32 4,123 3,820 543 322 263 58 2.210 156 66 33 69 9 37 110 8 IS 140 27 18 34 65 68 119 77 20 7 :v.:-2 23 14 35 12 10 7 7 1 534 573 7 1 1 1 36 8' i' i 37 38 573 68 78 45 31 1,002 29 22 38 171 93 49 147 633 113 2,017 93 46 39 11,962 11,725 23,790 19,904 13,189 10,240 41,756 8,446 10,258 40 13 83 8 13 1 1 518 8 5 41 689 708 1,054 5,712 4,563 2,425 41,906 2.712 3,244 42 1,109 1,991 1,512 3,489 3,6.S4 1,209 14,450 2,361 1,343 43 4,681 4,758 4,197 5,332 5,167 6,292 33,151 2.776 5,116 44 226 202 300 689 769 480 5,607 251 343 45 4,015 3,793 541 304 201 34 2,131 167 60 46 84 14 29 95 10 7 144 22 12 47 31 37 89 40 9 4 362 5 8 48 1 3 2 2 1 570 2 3 49 7 10 65 2 81 si' 1 17 .553 1,015 1 20 50 47 560' 25' 51 140 100 45 138 607 113 1,860 74 42 52 350 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V.— Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. Province < Province A Ontario. d'Ontario. Districts. 1 s 122 Waterloo {North— Nord.) 123 Waterloo (South — Hud. ) 124 Welland. 125 Wellington (Centre.) 1 Canadian born Ontario Nes au Canada Ontario tjuebec Nouvelle-Ecosse Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba Colombie-Britannique He du Prince-Edouaid Territoires du Nord-Ouest, . Nes a I'etrang-er Terreneuve Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande Autres possessions Britan . . Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie 20,4.58 20,3.57 34 .56 11 20,173 20,036 72 35 13 11 1 5 19,935 19,714 . 158 30 9 19,202 19,036 94 ') Quebec 3 4 Nova Scotia New Brunswick 15 17 .5 6 Manitoba British Columbia Prince Edward Island North-West Territories Foreiarn born 38 1 7 S 2 1 4,867 3 363 7 260 205 3.59 3,566 11 1 5 32 4,966 5 1,059 " ' i',342 332 10 471 1,580 5,197 7 1,530 1 481 979 6 1,435 637 6 4,185 5 q Newfoundland 10 11 12 13 England and Wales ...... . Channel Islands Scotland Ireland 1,133 2 1,252 1,373 6 163 195 2 14 16 17 Other British Possessions. . . United States Germany Scandinavia IS Poland Russia Pologne ^^ Russie 4 73 13 4 90 France France . . Italie 22 54 1 14 ?1 Italy Spain and Portugal China Other countries ^•? Esijagne et Portugal 9S Chine '>A Autres contrees En mer 49 "e" 9,968 10 1,074 891 982 1,050 11,048 .30 121 63 3 7 9,707 8 2,937 4,303 1,231 1,029 5,323 6 315 46 169 58 11,246 2,508 3,905 1,169 947 4,944 3 275 30 7 38 60 27 1 10 11,962 1 3,719 1,.509 3,236 2,136 2,238 20 110 68 2 60 71 13,202 10 3,146 1,341 2,992 2,251 1,907 9 89 60 12 '^R At Sea Unknown Place of birth of father. Canada Newfoundland 2 26 Non donnes Lieu de naissance da pere. Canada 19 8,499 ?8 Terreneuve 12 W P^ngland Angleterre Ecosse 3,879 30 Scotland Ireland Ignited States 4,151 31 3*^ Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne 5,384 366 33 Germany Scandinavia. . . . / France Italy Russia. Other countries ... Unknown Place of birth of mother. Canada Newfoundland 855 34 3.5 36 Scandinavie France Italie 1 66 12 37 Russie 120 24 10,939 2 1,038 840 856 895 10,517 16 112 1 5 81 23 38 3ft Autres contrees Non donnes 38 124 40 Lieu de nai-fsance de la mere. Canada 10,542 41 Terreneuve Angleterre Ecosse Irlande 8 42 43 44 England Scotland Ireland 3,012 3,694 4,825 45 United States Etats-Unis 327 46 Germany Scandinavia France . . Italy Russia Other countries Unknown Allemagne 743 47 48 Scandinavie France 2 60 49 .50 Italie Russie 9 51 Autres contrees 45 80 43 52 Non donnes 122 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V- — Lieux de Naissance. 351 Province of Ontario. Province ; d 'Ontario. Districts. Totals of Ontario. 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 £ Wellinfijton Wellington Wentworth Wentworth York (East— Est.) York York Totaux -a (North— (South — (North— (South — (North— ( West— d'Ontario. c 3 Nord.) Sud.) Nord.) Sud.) Nord.) Guest.) ^ 20,455 19,415 11,727 13,679 23,511 17,162 28,620 1,708,702 20,245 19,253 11,530 13,534 23,047 17,032 27,798 1,640,131 1 146 99 150 62 351 82 522 58,772 2 31 35 17 63 37 17 74 4,a59 3 21 18 16 14 43 18 173 2,763 4 4 2 8 5 12 5 17 1,171 5 1 1 5 2 2 4 1 4 9 8 9 23 4 180 813 213 6 4 7 1 "J 3 ••'■•■ 8 4,501 4,958 2,864 3,091 10,637 3,122 13,237 405,619 2 4 4 69 339 2,001 9 i',i9i' 1,725 1,071 1,.542 6,338 1,622' 7,537 151,301 10 3 4 5 5 21 3 8 605 11 1,098 1,460 653 574 1,387 370 1,425 70.1.57 12 1,561 1,075 778 568 1,9.36 878 2,544 103,986 13 4 7 9 7 22 5 45 987 14 222 375 191 234 662 228 893 42,702 15 392 251 131 106 105 8 80 23,440 16 8 4 3 8 13 13 1,316 17 2 9 6 1 1 1 12 187 974 1,294 18 2 """ 3' 12 19 2' 3' 4' 20 1 8 1 1 21 1,414 21 1 2 21 1 2 48 2 70 97 2,679 22 2 10 2 22 23 9' 3' 52' 24 2 1 5 4 14 2 2 261 179 2,230 25 8 3" 15 26 8,203 8,239 6,151 8,357 10,443 9,905 12,201 923,420 27 3 9 1 74 1 412 2,071 28 3,866 5,363 2,758 3,495 13,729 4,791 15,602 387,161 29 4,083 4,989 2,(161 1,494 3,849 1,437 3,935 235,829 30 6,751 4,144 2,505 1,377 5,095 3,241 7,543 384,041 31 375 560 537 782 1,031 774 1,029 75,070 32 1,529 888 471 256 337 55 449 73,721 33 29 5 4 15 41 1 36 2,403 34 32 37 11 6 70 15 51 4,696 35 1 13 10 2 7 1 2 46 4 1,8.55 1,570 36 2 4 37 43 42 30 38 103 19 73 6, .526 38 44 80 52 945 367 42 476 1.5,958 39 10,818 10,388 7,037 9,252 12,325 11,310 14,638 1,080,434 40 4 2 3 110 434 2,361 41 3[i34' 4,269 2,375 2,973 12,245 3^863' 13,718 315, .501 42 3,582 4,373 1,905 1,312 3,461 1,243 3,514 205,320 43 5,513 3,810 2,299 1345 5,134 3,041 7,355 34.5,040 44 368 616 487 677 1,090 711 1,190 72,858 45 1,392 736 393 198 274 49 262 63,954 46 13 3 5 11 20 , 29 1,935 47 10 35 9 11 30 8 45 3,480 48 2 8 10 ■J 1 4 37 9 1,628 1,467 49 50 54' 42 39' 37 82 i9' 150 6,160 51 70 79 38 951 372 40 476 14,183 52 352 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V.— Places of Birth. ^ PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PPXJPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSAXCE. Province of Prince Ed ward Island ' ! Province de I'lle Prince-Edouard ! Districts. 133 King's. Canadian born 'Nes au Canada . 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Ontario Ontario Quebec Quebec Nova Scotia ^Nouvelle-Ecosse New Brunswick JNouveau-Brunswick . . . Manitoba IManitoba British Columbia jColombie-Britaiinique . Prince Edward Island 'lie du Prince-Edouard . North-West Territories . . . Territoires du Nord-Ouest Foreign born. Newfoundland England and Wales Channel Islands Scotland Ireland Other British Possessions United States Germany Scandinavia Poland Russia France Italy Spain and Portugal China Other countries At Sea L^nknown . . . . Nes a I'etranger. 24,818 9 67 865 78 2 2 23,795 134 Prince. 135 Queen's. Terreneuve Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande Autres possessions Britan . Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie Pologne Russie France Italie Espagne et Portugal . Chine Autres contrees En mer Non donnes Lieu de naismnce du pere. Canada . . . Terreneuve Angleterre Ecosse Place of birth of father Canada Newfoundland England Scotland Ireland Ilrlande United States ' Etats-Unis Germany Allemagne . . . . Scandinavia . Scandinavie... France France Italy Ttalie Russia Russie .' . . Other countries j Autres contrees Unknown Non donnes Place of birth of mother. Lieu de naiasancc de la mere. Canada 'Canada Terreneuve Angleterre . Ecosse Newfoundland . England Scotland Ireland Irlande United States Etats-Unis .... Germany ..Allemagne. . Scandinavia Scandin.avie ... France France Italy Italie Russia 'Russie Other countries i Autres contrees Unknown . . Non donnes . . . . 1,815 217 140 2 814 .S.J2 28 *>97 16 3 5 18,494 381 916 4,407 2,129 124 10 16 52 1 1 65 37 20,467 326 480 3,()41 1,531 113 6 5 9 4 22 29 35,237 36 50 411 ().53 1 34,086 1,233 57 3.55 1 251 419 4 122 1 4 29,643 126 1,957 1,855 2,591 166 13 24 18 11 1 16 49 31,500 125 1,294 1,408 1,980 96 8 4 6 4 42,597 60 74 674 277 4 1 41,505 2 3,378 281 648 ' 1,100 1,022 12 233 6 2 Totals of Prince Edward Lsland. Totaux de rile du Prince- Edouard. 1 10 7 11 34 39 3 14 30,385 378 3,218 6,199 5,221 227 29 9 42 7 7 64 189 33,444 392 2,387 4,9.57 4,290 178 19 6 18 15 69 200 102,652 105 191 1,950 1,008 C, 4 99,38(; 6,426 555 1,143 3 2,165 1,793 44 582 11 1 17 11 1 58 7 28 78,522 885 6,091 12,461 9,941 517 52 49 112 19 9 145 275 8.5,411 843 4,161 10,006 7,801 387 33 15 33 23 102 263 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 353 Province of Quebec. Province de Quebec. Districts. 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Argenteuil. Bagot. Beauce. Beau- harnois. Belle- chasse. Berthier. Bonaven- ture. Brome. Clianibly. 5 13,958 21,298 36,767 16,250 18,318 19,654 20,487 12,722 11,148 322 10 21,285 31 36,731 03 16,171 13 19,639 9 19,868 38 12,671 74 11,041 1 13,615 18,318 2 12 2 1 3 4 12 21 302 10 2 1 25 7 » 7 4 1 5 i 6 2 2 287 7 1 182 8 1,200 397 455 412 50 348 1,987 556 3 9 38 3 387 2 299 9 230 16 63 129 7 17 10 1 1 22 29 112 72 1 77 174 60 74 11 ."^OO 38 70 116 38 3 8 1^ 457 2 13 1 2 333 3 69 1 1,311 3 84 14 125 204 101 ii7 15 2 " 1 1 29 2 2 3 1 3 2 16 1 17 3 i 6 18 19 63 12 66 14 33 7 4 18 20 2 2 6 1 11 3 ^1 1 22 io' "s 8' 4 2' 23 12 1 10 24 95 2 21,480 2 36,384 3 15,789 2 19,090 10 10,613 1 10,661 ^6 10,649 18,349 19,715 27 50 143 11 369 1 701 1 513 W 747 223 2 27 29 1,421 13 109 417 1 15 615 283 197 30 2,043 61 334 134 9 28 448 655 208 31 139 59 113 38 1 17 87 2,371 53 32 8 1 7 3 3 11 5 9 33 5 20 29 117 6 19 2 26 34 89 20 112 31 35 4 10 7 i.5' 1 11 5 36 io 1 37 49 10 35 7 20 38 6 1 21,533 6 36,499 5 15,944 23 19,633 37 10,915 9 10,759 39 11,393 18,332 19,718 40 23 7 6 41 499 20 125 193 10 25 155 620 460 42 1,217 6 97 310 2 11 531 218 145 43 1,799 61 279 106 7 50 378 608 198 44 140 52. 117 69 5 17 40 2,274 68 45 3 1 15 5 2 2 10 7 1 9 2 46 2 47 74 12 69 21 10 7 19 5 21 48 1 9 1 2 16 3 1 i3 1 10 2 7 35 i 21 14 49 .'iO 24 6 27 16 .51 8 52 A— 23 354 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V.— Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THP^ PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. Province of Quebec. Province de Quebec. Districts. 1 145 Cham- plain. 14G Charle- voix. 19,018 4 19,013 1 147 Chateau- giiay. 14.S C'hicou- timi & Sag'nay 149 Comi)- ton. 1 ■2 Canadian born Ontario Quebec Nes au Canada Ontario Quebec Nouvelle-Ecosse Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba 29,015 29,002 2 3 13,203 32 13,168 1 37,815 5 37,693 14 82 12 8' 1 466 166 34 9 8 11 24' 2 ' 9 1 19,237 112 19,070 28 19 3 4 Nova Scotia ' New Brunswick Manitoba British Columbia ii 2 G Colombie-Britanniqne .... lie du Prince-Edouard . ... Territoires du Nord -Quest Nes a Tetranger Terreneuve Angle terre et Galles lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande Autres posses.sions Britan . . Etats-Unis . Alleuiagne 1 2 7 Prince Edward Island .... North-West Territories. . . Foreisrn born 1 ■ ■ ■ 2 « 1 ()61 1 139 267 158 1 75 2 3 1 2 252 1 11 6 9 210' 1 20 ()' 1 2 3 2 2 1 S ■■>4-> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Newfoundland England and Wales Channel Islands Scotland. Ii-eland . . . . . Othei British Possessions . . . ITnited States (ierniany Scandinavia 1 761 3 1,077 339 9 1,124 14 97 IS 19 Poland Russia Pologne Russie 6 2 '20 Fi'ance . . France 12 1 2 11 19 1 74 21 22 Italy S])ain and Portugal China . . . Other countries At Sea Unknown Place of bi 7-th of father. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland Ireland Italie Espagne et Portugal Chine _ Autres con trees. . . 3 1 23 1 13 1 167 37,374 349 168 91 28 2 4 7 33 24 1 2 11,.583 284' 1,123 787 49 7 6 8 23 25 En nier 3 26 27 28 Non donnes Lieu lie nuissance du pe.rc. Canada ... Terreneuve 1 29,097 1 18,985 1 19 1 19 9" 5 14,887 1 29 30 Angleterre Ecosse 30 37 51 23 2 1,802 2,970 31 Irlande .... 1,261 32 United States Etats-I^nis AUemagne Scandinavie 1,424 23 33 fierniany 34 Scandinavia France . . Italy Russia. . . Other countries Unknown Place of birth of mother. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland Ireland United States Germany Scandinavia 201 35 France 19 1 .5' 2 29,107 4 114 36 Italie Russie Autres contrees Non donnes Lieu de nfiis.mnce de la ml' re. Canada 12 37 38 39 40 19,009 16" 7 11,829 2 243 1,010 644 94 9 3 19 '23' 202 37,636 306 61 20 47 4 3 7 27 1 12' 157 4 48 32 15,603 41 Terreneuve 1 42 Angleterre 19 17 59 28 1 2i' 1 "i' 7 5 2 9 1 5 ■3' 1,544 43 44 45 46 47 Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis AUemagne Scandinavie France 2,742 1,124 1,383 27 167 48 France Italy 100 49 3 bO Russia Russie ... . Autres contrees Non donnes. i' 3 5' 6 4 51 .52 Other countries Unknown 56 25 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 355 V Province of Quebec. Province de Quebec. Districts. 150 Deux-Mon- tagnes. 151 Dorchester. 152 Druiiiiiiond & Artha- baska. 153 (laspe. 154 Hochelaga 155 Hunting- don. 156 Iberville. 157 Jacques- Cartier. 158 Joliette. 1 i 12; 14,835 23 14,812 18,788 ' ' 18,783' 3 2 42,329 32 42,233 2 7 14 38 3 26,479 12 26,210 114 88 2 53 73,163 1,071 71,841 131 67 9 13 19 12 7,835 305 2,919 2 999 1,600 17 1,219 104 48 2 13 400 5G 3 12,550 131 12,344 72 2 1 11,501 17 11,478 •) 3 13,010 119 12,657 8 206 17 22,741 5 22,734 i' 1 2 3 4 6 2 1 822 4 386 1 1,835 219' 5 315 639 8 515 7 5 1 392 io' s 192 229 1,594 4 458 1 55 303 1 710 2 2 396 21 138 62 20 61 32 21 2 3 180 3 f) 59 6 10 1> 19 62 1 9 3 154 58' 11 43 290' 2 113 134 1 70 7 9 2 1 37 27 2 61 160 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 "i' 26 IS 10 si' 2 t 19 34 8 108 3 20 ''I 90 •'S 2 2 1 2 41,738 4 400 178 1,249 250 14 1 68 6 5 148 9 1 1 9,338 "" ' 392' 1,400 2,633 523 26 5 15 6 22' 25 10,001 320' 1,083 2,271 634 14 4 8 4 7 15 2 1 24 •'5 6 2 11,510 34' 28 207 65 3 1 31 i' 11 2 11,493 24' 20 193 104 1 1 30 16 12,429 2 614 283 282 55 10 11 65 39 1 24 17 12,584 514 241 288 65 9 9 37 35 5 18 20 ?6 14,563 18,141 4 26 15 795 10 4 1 15 24.842 44 925 136 557 36 11 10 164 3 7 125 15 25,736 50 439 56 424 20 6 4 57 2 72 9 66,989 268 5,045 2,452 3,972 727 241 65 616 97 24 234 268 68,443 279 4,362 1,988 3,794 851 188 52 486 62 12 221 260 22,584 1 7 28 254 14 1 1 12 27 98 67 106 242 4 2 29 30 31 32 33 34 31 36 36 10 13 1 22,633 9' 5 211 41 1 37 2 8 7 42,065 2 277 200 1,030 275 8 38 10 14,611 6 18,234 39 40 41 68 120 178 8 1 30 8 698 22 42 43 44 45 46 47 31 1 19 50 4 4" 8 8 io' 2 1 I 48 49 50 2 14 32 9 18 51 7 6 52 A— 23i 356 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V.— Places of Birth. t4 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 .39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 PLACES OF EIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. Canadian born. Ontario . . Quebec ... . Nova Scotia New Brunswick Nes au Canada Ontario Quebec Nouvelle-Ecosse . , . . Nouveau-Brun.swick Manitoba .... Manitoba Briti.sh Columbia Prince Edward Island . North-West Territories Foreign born Colombie-Britannique lie du Prince-Edouard . . . . Territoires du Nord-Ouest Nes a Tetranger Newfoundland . Terreneuve England and Wales . Angleterre et Galles Channel Islands . Scotland Ireland Other British Possessions . . United States Germany Scandinavia Poland Russia France Italy Spain and Portugal , China Other countries At Sea Unknown Place of birth of father. Canada Newfoundland Ejigland . , . , Scotland Ireland United State.s , Germany Scandinavia , France Italy Russia , Other countries Unknown lies de la Manche. Ecosse Irlande Autres possessions Britan. Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinax'ii' Pologne Russie France « Italie Espagiie et Portugal Chine Autres contrees v. . En mer . . Noil donnes Lieu de nai usance du pere. Canada Teneneuve Angleterre Ecos,se Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandina\ ic . . . France Italie Russie Autres contrees. Non donnes Place of birth of mother Canada NewfoundlaTid England Scotland Ireland . ....... United State.s Germany Scandinavia , France France Italy [Italie Russia jRussie Other countries Autres contree.s Unknown 'Non donnes .... Lieu de naissance de la mhre. Canada Ten-eneu\e Angleterre P^cosse Irlande Etats-Unis Allernagne Scandinavie Province of Quebec. Province de Quebec. Districts. 159 Kamou- raska. 20,418 6 20,411 160 La- prairie. 36 1 11 1 20 1 20,413 1 9 1 20 20,416 25 4 10,765 22 10,740 3 135 28 2 14 '76' 1 18 1 10,689 161 L'As- somp- tion. 13,538 18 13,518 162 Laval. 9,253 12 9,234 3 3 1 "i 1.36 54 8 40 20 2 13,515 38 18 25 17 2 14 2 1 94 10,768 37 15 29 23 17 1 0:: 18 69 12 2 13,461 71 21 99 7 4 183 49 9 42 53 2 1 19 2 9,203 50 17 79 41 6 25 9 9,226 1 52 11 78 37 2 1 20 2 163 Levis. 25,662 281 25,360 2 14 2 2 1 333 2 58 . 3 38 105 54 1 25 1 20 12 3 7 1 3 24,959 29 199 108 367 169 12 13 71 42 1 18 25,220 12 143 82 364 86 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 357 Province of Quebec. Province de Quebec. Districts. 164 L'Islet. 165 Lotbiniere. 166 Maski- nong-e. 167 Megantic. 168 Missisquoi 169 Montcalm 170 Mont- inagny. 171 Mont- morency. 172 Montreal {Cittj-Cite) 13,762 20,424 2 20,422 17,601 5 17,594 2 21,207 156 21,011 24 7 16,557 102 16,402 20 22 3 11,938 14 11,924 14,702 5 14,697 12,244 13 12,180 150,852 6,0.52 143,747 561 :J40 42 13 71 26 31,843 1,164 9,117 35 3,776 9,460 96 3,996 757 204 176 711 950 418 16 33 761 6 167 119,910 1,146 16,827 10,095 24,314 3,116 1,551 381 1,399 630 1,177 1,610 539 124,975 1,307 14, .573 8.182 2.3,271 3,787 l,4f)7 243 1,263 535 1,111 1,500 541 1 13,761 2 3 1 12 38 1 4 .5 6 2 7 1,026 1 211 1 137 423 6 2 1,992 5 440 104' 274 4 1,119 9 5 15' 7 264 1 10 9' 196 228 1' " 4 1 8 61 193 24 65 9 25 98 57 1 3 4 1 2 37 10 11 12 3 2 13 14 52 43 216 i' 228 9 2 1 1 1 13 1 7 15 16 2 17 4 18 19 3 4 1 1 5 1 20 21 22 23 3 17,758 5 6 19,559 4 404 414 1,741 65 9 7 10 14,667 4 880 321 936 1,598 32 7 40 1 1 13 24 i 19,888 1 35 26 716 3 25 26 13,809 11,652 72 25 255 10 2 14,698 3 4 5 5 2 12,152 1 8 5 122 2 1 6 27 28 1 6 17 9 18 5 29 .30 10 1 31 32 33 34 1 16 3 1 6 12 8 a5 36 37 2 ] 20,017 12 17,782 4 27 19,.580 345' 525 1,622 84 15 2 2 i' 6 51 16 44 14,890 2 766 276 782 1,730 14 5 23 1 12 12,161 .38 1 13,815 3 11,627 1 14,702 39 40 41 31 25 599 9 5 8 7 23 52 16 396 32 1 4 1 6 7 1 4 8 114 7 42 5" 43 44 45 46 47 3 6 1 1 2 4 4 2 44 49 .50 11 49 1 2 1 13 51 1 52 358 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V.^Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. "A 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Canadian born Nes au Canada Ontario Ontario . . . . . 'Quel)ec IQu<^bec :Nova Scotia iNouvelle-Ecosse. New Brunswick jManitoVia .. .... ] British Columbia Prince Edward Island. . . I North- West Territories. . Foreign born. 9 iNewfoundland 10 [England and Wales 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 iFrance 21 iltaly 22 I Spain and Portugal 23 j China 24 ! Other covnitries . . 25 jAt vSea 26 Unknown Channel Islands. Scotland Ireland Other British Possessions . United States Germany Scandinavia Poland Russia Place of birth oj father Canada . . . . Newfoundlaufl England Scotland Ireland United States Germany Scandinavia France Italy Russia Other countries Unknown i Place of birth of mother. Canada ... Newfoundland England Scotland , Ireland .United States.. . . . . . . (rermany 'Scandinavia {France.. . Italy_ Russia I Other countries , . Unknown Nouveau-Bnniswick Manitoba Colombie-Britannique ... lie du Prinee-Edouard .... Territoires du Nord-Oue.st. Nes a I'etranger Terreneuve Angleterre et Galles. . lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande Autres possessions Britan. Etats-LTnis Allemagne Scandinavia Pologne Russie Fi-ance Italie Esi)agne et Portugal Chine , . .. -A.Htres con trees Eu mer Non donnes . Lieu de naissancc du pere. Canada Terreneuve Angleteri'e Ecosse Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie France.. . Italie Russie Autres contrees Non donnes Lieu de naissancc de la mi^rc. Canada Terreneuve Angleterre Ecosse. . . Irlande Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie France Italie Russie Autres contrees Non donnes Province of Quebec. Province de Quebec. Districts. 173 Napier- ville. 9,898 5 9,891 203 174 Nicolet. 28,527 4 28,515 4 2 1 1 6 30 148 1 9,873 1 27 31 117 21 4 16 1 208 1 1 1 1 24 164 3 1 9,885 1 28 27 106 39 2 28,510 1 13 5 135 27 5 1 26 1 ' li 175 Ottawa {County -Coiate.) 60,141 2,773 57,300 18 28 2 2 2 16 3,419 6 665 "'233' 1,475 5 377 225 7 2 19 2.52 29 103 2 19 176 Pontiate. 20,032 1,554 18,450 6 15 2 5 2,052 209 1 269 ,109 2 144 67 17 29 34 7 1 154 2 7 28,560 3 5 6 105 25 4 1 6 1 13 6 177 Port- neuf. 25,539 12 25,503 11 11 2 274 37 is' 101 1 97 2 3 5 3 52,438 14,175 25,054 4 1,445 571 102 1,009 1,078 61 6,701 5,236 533 538 256 19 487 152 4 17 47 3 494 86 21 55 8 6 48 52 208 369 2 116 54 8 54,752 15,465 25,250 8 1 1,305 396 72 801 825 63 4,961 4, .589 373 528 222 23 483 141 5 31 17 3 351 53 11 36 7 1 31 178 312 3 95 57 8 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1H91. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissaiice. 359 Province of Quebec. Province de Quebec. Districts. 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 Quebec {City— Cite) Quebec {Comity — Cmnte.) Richelieu. Richmond & Wolfe. Riniouski. Rouville. St. Hya- cinthe. St. Jean. St. Mau- rice. .a s 60,265 19,080 21,106 28,828 33,288 15,510 20,933 11,676 12,153 206 28 19,043 41 21,052 90 28,705 12 33,248 10 15,490 14 20,911 56 11,612 1 5it,929 12,1.52 .> 49 4 7 4 2 1 3 1 3 60 2 16 22 8 4 4 . . . .... 4 6 ' ! 4 o 3 1 1 5 1 6 12 3 7 2 423 6 248 2 2,519 2 142 1 502 8 2,825 500 606 114 40 9 8 5 1 •1 500 66 16 949 29 31 24 209 10 2 1 1 3 11 166 37 10 292 26 3 4 29 1 12 1,537 265 11 532 9 23 14 125 1 13 15 2 4 ....... 14 258 30 179 648 53 405 387 194 84 15 38 1 1 2 1 1 3 16 28 4 19 5 1 1 5 1 17 4 18 6 108 4 14 19 11 9 44 14' IS 43 ie 27 20 10 1 1 2 1 •~> 21 4 2 1 T T' 23 90 4 16 2 2 12 24 25 14 12 25,819 33,082 1 15,711 4 21,165 11 11,141 12,227 21; 55,432 18,451 20,919 27 33 22 16 9 1 2 28 1,403 lis 53 2,004 88 61 41 499 ii 29 647 91 53 945 174 14 8 87 4 30 4,532 797 39 1,800 19 89 ,50 351 10 31 202 23 250 614 16 82 52 129 5 32 112 6 6 13 69 7 10 24 2 1 13 t 2 1 33 43 228 5 34 9 32 70 22 9 35 43 10 1 Q 1 4 14 36 7 28 15 3 26" 1 11 37 150 6 2 38 255 58,005 31 5 18,356 8 21 26,651 9 1 33,183 7 2 15,712 2 3 21,196 1 16 11,174 39 21,145 6 12,234 4M 41 677 128 74 1,499 .55 55 32 428 42 330 102 28 8.56 113 10 8 63 3 43 3,083 198 857 22 47 38 1,584 610 .35 8 83 108 40 70 383 174 4 14 44 45 1 4 1 2 4 14 r» ri 10 5 46 50 28 1 2 2 i 47 119 15 8 52 20 17 50 20 6 48 2 4 1 4 2 7 32 1 1 in' 3 4 14' U 49 6 50 51 106 450 4 27 4 6 14 52 1 360 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. • Table V.— Places of Birtli. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAK LIEUX DE XAISSANCE. Province of Quebec. Province de Quebec. Districts. 1 187 Shefford. 188 Sherbrooke 189 Soulanges. 190 Stanstead. 1 2 3 4 Canadian born Ontario (Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick Manitoba British Columbia Prince Edward Island .... North-West Territories Foreign born Newfoundland England and Wales Channel Islands Scotland Ii'eland Other British Possessions . . , United States Germany . Scandinavia Nes au Canada Ontario Quebec Nouvelle-Ecos.se Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba 21,925 92 21,808 15 4 13,773 922 12,715 117 11 1 2 3 2 2,315 28 1,154 250 348 4 412 12 21 5 1 42 25 1 2 9,491 133 9,348 7 1 1 15,585 105 15,384 71 25 e; Colombie-Britannique He du Prinoe-Edouard ... . Territoires du Nord-Ouest . . Nes a I'etranger Terreneuve 2 4' 1,338 8 q 1 117 2,482 2 10 n Angleterre et Galles lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande 217 2 56 330 1 692 4 2 25 540 12 IS 14 27 29" 1 2 130 256 14 Autres possessions Britan. . . Etats-Unis 6 1,493 7 Ifi Allemagne 17 Scandinavie .■ . . Pologne 9 IS Poland Russia France Italy Spain and Portugal China.. . Other countries At Sea Unknown Place of birth of father. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland ^'^ Russie 1 17 2 8 10 2 ''() France 7 21 Italic Espagne et Portugal 2 ^3 Chine ?4 Autres contrees 8 i6' 1 19 ?T En mer 1 ^fi Non donnes Lieu dc naissance du p^re. Canada Terreneuve Angleterre. Ecosse. 6 21,206 3 412 169 869 556 6 2 19 8 27 28 29 30 11,131 59 2,152 649 1,220 622 25 25 71 38 11 56 29 ll,i546 49 1,946 623 1,088 579 60 a5 56 27 8 43 28 9,266 3 43 123 99 14 13,211 " " 1,090' 403 31 Ireland Irlande 777 32 United States Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie 2,479 33 Germany Scandinavia . France Italy Russia. Other countries 13 34 2 31 19 i 4 9,417 42 14 68 40 2 10 11 9 S'S France 31 36 [talie 1 37 Russie 1 2 18 21,034 (> 382 163 924 629 62 2 24 2 1 5 29 5 38 Autres contrees Non donnes 27 39 Unknown Place of birth of mother. Canada Newfoundland England Scotland Ireland 21 40 41 4? Lieu de naissance de la vihre. Canada ...... Terreneuve Angleterre 13,395 94.5 43 44 Ecosse Irlande 366 722 45 48 47 United States Germany Scandinavia . . . Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie France Italie Russie Autres contrees 2, .545 10 48 49 50 51 France Italy Russia Other countries Unknown 24 1 4 28 52 Non donnes 4 21 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V. — Lieux de Naissance. 361 Province of Quebec. Province de Quebec. Districts. Totals of Quebec. Totaux de Quebec. 191 Temiscouata. li)2 ToTiebonne. 193 Trois- Rivieres. 194 VaudreuU. 195 Verch^res. 196 Yamaska. I § 25,4(n 23 25,3(;0 1 22,712 93 22,615 1 8,661 3 8,613 5 6 2 i" 1 173 1 27 2 7 23 10,595 517 10,074 2 12,201 2 12,195 15,925 28 15,885 7 •1,406,514 15,541 1,387,200 1,402 1,511 170 79 497 108 82,021 1,843 21,160 431 9,484 21,223 055 18,524 1,371 554 236 821 2,883 638 37 30 1,594 31 500 1,313,.508 2,051 41,734 28,841 69,012 17,187 2,907 938 4,636 1,084 1,375 3,303 1,959 1,334,215 2,145 . 34,042 23,920 61,572 18,187 2,643 732 3,444 790 1,288 2,891 2,066 1 2 3 70 2 2 ,1 362 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table V- — Places of Birth. PLACES OF BIRTH OF THE PEOPLE. POPULATION PAR LIEUX DE NAISSANCE. The Territories. Les Territoires. Districts. Canadian born. 1 Ontai'io 2 iQuebeo 3 iNova Scotia 4 iNew Brunswick 5 Manitoba 6 jBritish Columbia 7 'Prince Edward Island . 8 ;Nortli-West Territories I Foreign born Nes au Canada 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Newfoundland . England and Wales ... . Channel Islands Scotland Ireland Other British Possessions . United States Germany Scandinavia Poland . . Russia France Italy Spain and Portugal Ontario Quebec ... Nouvelle-Ecosse . Nouveau-Brunswick Manitoba Colombie-Britannique He du Prince-Edouard . . . . Territoires du Nord-Ouest . Nes a I'etranger . . . . Terreneuve 23 jChina 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Other countries At Sea . . . Unknown Angleterre et Calles lies de la Manche Ecosse Irlande . . . Autres possessions Britan. Etats-Unis Allemagne Scandinavie Pologue Russie France Italie Espagne et Portugal Chine ^ Autres contrees En nier Noil donnes Place of birth of father. Canada Newfoundland England j Angleterre Scotland Ecosse . . . , Ireland Irlande United States | Etats-lTnis Germany Scandinavia France Italy Russia Other countries Unknown Lieu de naissance d u pere. Canada iTerreneuve Allemagne Scandinavie ... France Italie Russie Autres contrees. Non donnes . . . 197 Alberta. Place of birth of mother. Lieu de naissance de la uu-.rc. Canada iCanada Newfoundland ... Terreneuve . . . England Angleterre . . Scotland Ecosse Ii-eland ... i Irlande United States | Etats-Unis .... Germany Allemagne Scandinavia Scandinavie . . . France . . . j France ....... Italy I Italie Russia [Rnssie Other countries. . .... i Autres contrees. Unknown I Non donnes .... 198 Assini- boia (E.) 18,717 I 12,770 4,473 906 534 236 842 43 88 11,595 G,560 30 2,405 7 950 6!S6 287 1,251 146 115 10 132 88 14 3 31 277 3 125 14,797 35 3,700 2,299 1,878 900 229 183 149 22 1(;4 682 239 l(i,651 33 3,463 1,900 1,650 902 223 1.50 121 14 160 4 6 5,174 461 233 94 821 2 49 5,936 7,712 5 3,284 2 1,633 656 53 283 364 259 177 258 68 1 1 1 651 2 14 7,808 ■)•) 4,941 2.996 2,214 2.55 501 335 80 200 1,074 56 8,658 11 4,6.57 2,777 1,943 254 4.55 310 81 1 180 1,120 35 199 Assini- boia {W.-O. 6,114 3,035 264 67 64 380 10 47 2,247 3,776 5 1,215 2 614 312 110 317 219 24 4 479 10 1 9 454 1 200 Sas- katche- wan. .3,761 1,990 1,405 1,016 290 309 29 25 2 540 504 17 4,296 1 1,730 1,2.55 886 294 315 29 18 538 513 15 10,366 902 184 44 12 1,517 6 42 7,659 784 1 240 1 193 160 11 110 18 7 1 21 18 1 2 9,148 2 542 751 417 149 39 31 36 Totals of Provi- sional Districts 5 13 17 9,634 47,967 13,584 1,815 878 406 3, .560 61 226 27,437 18,8.32 41 7,144 12 3,390 1,814 4C,1 961 747 405 191 870 187 15 1 o 41 1,400 141 35,514 61 11,173 7,4.-.l 5,525 1,594 1,07S 578 290 24 909 2,273 329 RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. Tableau V- — Lieux de Naissance. 363 201 Unorgan- ized Territories 32,130 10 14 1 12 32,093 38 1 4 13 17 32,121 3 10 1 30 32,126 1 2 Provinces. 3 "i '35' British Colum- bia. Colombie Bri- tannique 56,851 11,658 2,567 2,656 1,767 813 36,701 535 154 41,322 437 12,959 67 4,368 2,771 507 6,567 904 1,065 40 276 268 560 27 8,910 1,447 37 112 38,275 325 21,207 9,659 7,092 • 4,835 1,767 1,301 526 667 339 11,207 973 42,206 333 19,260 8,443 6,401 5,239 1,541 1,235 437 628 333' 11,178 939 Manitoba 108,017 46,620 7,555 1,402 718 50,648 55 234 785 44,489 72 16,017 22 7,444 4,553 186 3,063 857 3,746 31 6,220 474 24 8 31 1,565 169 62,600 100 28,066 20,946 16,.526 2,286 1,863 4,927 617 45 11,976 2,150 404 69,957 92 25,407 18,007 14,624 2,755 1,701 4,779 575 27 11,979 2,121 482 New Bruns- wick. Nouveau- Bruns- wick. 299,154 344 3,602 5,527 286,926 16 18 2,718 3 22,109 346 3,836 36 2,935 9,512 79 4,278 193 485 1 26 55 17 1 8 173 25 103 243,007 342 12,950 12,301 42,919 6.363 591 978 281 30 40 515 856 257,546 490 8,846 9, .560 35,783 6,542 525 763 126 20 31 338 693 Nova Scotia. Nouvelle- Ecosse. 423,890 738 571 415,221 5,522 34 55 1,694 55 26,506 4,040 6,124 93 7,638 3,532 262 3,238 233 245 9 34 2f)0 116 21 5 497 28 191 363,576 4,373 16,121 40,922 17,000 3,775 976 573 699 219 73 1,078 1,011 385,220 5,524 10,139 31,082 11,717 3,628 519 206 3.53 133 49 811 955 Ontario. 1,708,702 1,640,131 58,772 4,6.59 2,763 1,171 180 813 213 405,619 2,001 151,301 605 70,157 103,986 987 42,702 23,440 1,316 187 974 1,294 1,414 70 97 2,679 179 2,230 923,420 2,071 387,161 235,829 384,041 75,070 73,721 2,403 4,696 1,855 1,570 6,526 15,958 1,080,434 2,361 31 5, .501 205,320 345,040 72,858 63.9.54 1,935 .3,480 1,628 1,467 6,160 14,183 Prince Edward Island. lledu Prince- Edouard. 102,652 105 191 1,950 1,008 6 4 99, .386 2 6,426 555 1,143 3 2,165 1,793 44 582 7 11 1 17 11 i 58 7 28 78,522 885 6,091 12,461 9,941 517 52 49 112 19 9 145 275 85,411 843 4,161 10,006 7,801 387 33 15 33 23 K)2 263 Quebec. 1,406,514 15,541 1,387,206 1,402 1,511 170 79 497 108 82,021 1,843 21,160 431 9,484 21,223 6.55 18,524 1,371 .554 236 821 2,883 638 37 ;% 1,.594 31 5i;0 1,313,508 2,051 41,734 28,841 69,012 17,187 2,907 938 4,636 1,084 1,375 3,303 1,959 1,334,215 2,145 34,642 23,920 61,. 572 18,187 2,643 732 3,444 790 1,288 2,891 2,066 The Terri- tories. Les Terri- toires. 80,097 13,594 1,829 879 406 3,572 61 226 59,530 18,870 42 7,148 12 3,403 1,814 461 1,961 747 405 191 870 190 15 5 41 1,400 158 67,635 61 11,176 7,461 5, .526 1,594 1,078 578 293 24 909 2,273 359 71,365 53 10,273 6,448 4,828 1,569 1,036 494 245 15 881 1,653 107 Canada. 4,185,877 1,728,731 1,462,293 433,696 300,621 56,430 37,153 106,103 60,8.50 647,362 9,336 219,688 1,25a. 107,58.4 149,184 3,181 80,915 27,752 7,827 695 9,222 .5,381 2,795 169 9,129 9,413 321 3,491 ;2; 1 2 3 4 .5 U 7 8 9 : 10 . 12. . 13 14 15 16 I 1" I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ' 26 3,690,543 10,208 524,506 368,510 .552,057 111,627 82,955 11,747 11,860 3,943 16,291 27,197 21,795 3,326,354 11,841 428,229 312,786 487,766 111,1(^5 71,952 10,219 8,693 3,264 16,028 25,254 19,688 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 J TABLE VT. POPULATION OF 1871, 1881, AND 1891 COMPARED BY ELECTORAL DISTRICTS WITHIN THEIR PRESENT LIMITS (1891) AND THEIR RELATION TO CENSUS DISTRICTS. TABLEAU VL POPULATION DE 1871, 1881 ET 1891 COMPAREE PAR DISTRICTS ELECTORAUX TELS QUE CONSTITUES EN 1891, ET LEUR CON- CORDANCE AVEC LES DISTRICTS DE RECENSEMENT. 366 CENSUS OF CANABA, 1891. Table VI. — Population of 1871, 1881 and 1891 compared by Electoral Districts within their present limits (1891), and their relation to Census Districts. p:lector.\l districts. DISTRICTS ELECTORAUX. CANADA . British Columbia 1 Colonibie Britannique — / Civiboo New Westminster. Vancouver A^ictoria Yale Manitoba Lisgar Marquette . Provencher. Selkirk Winnipeg, City — Cite. Ne'w Brunswick ") Nouveau -Brunswick J Albert Carleton Charlotte Gloucester Kent King's Northumberland Queen's Restigouche St. John, at II — Cite. . , . . . St. John, County — Comte. Sunbury . . . . Victoria Westmoreland . . York Nova Scotia Nouvelle Bcosse. Annapolis Antigonish Cajie Breton Colchester Cumberland , ... Digby ( Juysborough Halifax Hants Inverness King's . . . . . . Lunenburg Pictou < Queen's . . Richmond Shelburne Victoria Yarmouth Population. 1871. 3,689,257 ■■36,247 l,9.5ij 1,356 1,41!) 4,540 1,316 25,228 10,006 7,93S 3,784 3,259 241 285,594 10,672 ]9,9S8 25,882 18,810 19,101 24,593 20,116 13,847 5, .575 28,805 23,315 6,824 11,641 29,335 27,140 387,800 18,121 16, .512 26,454 23,331 23,518 17,037 16,555 56,963 21,301 23,415 21,510 23,834 32,114 10, .554 14,268 12,417 11,346 18,550 1881. 4,324,810 49,459 7,550 15,417 9,991 7,301 9,200 62,260 14,879 13,996 12,779 12,621 7,985 321,233 12,329 23,365 26,087 21,614 22,618 25,617 25,109 14,017 7,058 26,127 26,839 6,651 15,686 37,719 30,397 440, .572 20,598 18,060 31,258 26,720 27,368 19,881 17,808 67,917 23,359 25,651 23,469 28,583 35,535 10,577 15,121 14,913 12,470 21,284 1891. 4,833,239 98,173 5,519 42,22(5 18,22^) 18,538 13,661 152, .506 22,103 36,069 1.5,469 53,226 25,639 321,263 10,971 22, .529 23,7.52 24,897 23,845 23,087 25,713 12,1.52 8,308 24,184 2.5,390 5,762 18,217 41,477 30,979 450,396 19, .3.50 16,114 34,244 27,160 34,529 19,897 17,195 71,358 22,052 25,779 22,489 31,075 34,541 10,610 14,399 14,956 12,432 22,216 Re- pre- senta- tion. 215 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 21 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Relation between Electoral and Census Districts. Concordance entre les Dis- tricts Electoraux et les Districts du Re- censement. District 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 including Dis. 20. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33 and 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. I Including 2.5,661 Indians. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. :^67 Tableau VI. — Population de 1871, 1881 et 1891 compai-ee par Districts Eleclor;in.\ tels que constitues en 1891, et leur concordance avec les Districts de Recensenient. ELECTOKAL DISTRICTS. DISTRICTS ELECTORAUX. Ontario Addington Algoma Bothwell Brant, North—Nord Brant, South — Sud Brockville Brnce, East — Est Bruce, North— Noi-d . , Bruce, West — Oucst Card well Carleton ... ... Cornwall and Storniont Dundas . Durham, East — Est Durham, West — Quest Elgin, East — Est Elgin, West — Oucst Essex, North — Nord , Essex, South — Sud Frontenac Glengariy (irenville, South — Sud Grey, East— Est Grey, North — Nord Grey, South — Sud Haldiniand Halton Hamilton, Cit>/ — Cite Hastings, East— Est Hastings, North — Nord Hastings, West — Oucst. Huron, East — Est Huron, South — Sud Huron, West — Ouest Kent Kingston, Citii — Cite Lambton, East — Est Lambton, West — Ouest Lanark, North — Nord. Lanark, South — Sud Leeds and (xrenville, North — Nord. Leeds, South — Sud Lennox Lincoln and Niagara London, City — Cite Middlesex, East — Est Middlesex, North — Nord Middlesex, South— Sud Middlesex, West— Oucst Monk Muskoka and Parry Sound Nipissing Norfolk, North — Nord Norfolk, South —Sud NorthiuTiberland, East — E.'it Northumberland, West — Ouest Ontario, North — Nord Ontario, South — Sud Ontario, West — Ouest Ottawa, Citi/ — Cite . . . . Oxford, North — Nord Oxford, South — Sud Peel Population. 1871. 1881 1,620,851 '■21,312 7,018 15,722 18,332 18,683 13,345 17,819 10,840 19,856 16,500 1.5,680 18,987 18,777 19,064 18,316 18,799 20,421 17,988 14,709 16,310 20,521 1.3,197 18,709 18,580 22,106 18,070 22,606 26,716 17,392 16,607 14,365 16,425 20,254 21,306 21,800 12,407 16,370 15,624 19,889 18,040 11,810 20,716 16,396 21,242 1.5,826 20,740 19,485 17,448 17,906 14,985 ,3,584 1,791 19,372 17,226 21,758 17,328 16,624 19,357 18,911 21, .M5 23,434 24,487 16,369 1,926,922 23,470 24,014 22,477 17,645 20,482 15,107 22,355 18,645 24,218 16,770 18,777 23,198 20,598 18,710 17,555 25,748 23,4«0 25,659 21,303 14,993 22,221 13,526 25,3.34 23,334 2.5,703 17,660 21,919 35,961 17,313 20,479 17,400 21,720 21,901 23,512 29,194 14,091 21,725 20,891 19,8.55 17,945 12,423 22,206 16..314 23, .300 19,746 25,107 21,268 18,888 19,491 15,940 17,636 1,959 20,933 19,019 22,991 16,984 21,281 20,244 20,189 27,412 24,3i)0 24,778 16,387 1891. 2,114,321 24,1.51 41,8.56 25, .593 16,993 23,359 15,853 21,355 22.530 20,718 1.5.382 21,746 27,156 20,132 17,053 15,374 26,724 23,925 31,523 24,022 13,445 22,447 12,929 26,225 26,341 23,672 16,:iG7 21,982 47,245 18,050 22,213 18,964 18,968 19,184 20,621 31,434 19,263 24,269 23,44(i 19,260 19,862 13,521 22,449 14.900 21,806 22,281 25,569 19,090 18,806 17,288 15,315 26,515 13,020 19,400 17,780 21,995 14,947 21,385 18,371 18,792 37,269 26.131 22,421 15,466 Re- pre- senta- tion. 92 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Relation between Electf)ral and Census Districts. Concordance entre les Dis- tricts Electoraux et les Districts du Re- cen .semen t. District Di.st. 95J. District 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. .57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. not represented. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 1«5. 106. 368 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table VI. — Population of 1871, 1881 and 1891, compared by Electoral Districts, within their present limits (1891), and their relation to Census Districts. ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. DISTRICTS ELECTORAUX. Perth, North —Nord Perth, SouthSud Peterborough, EaM — Est Peterborough, West— Quest Prescott Prince Edward Renfrew, North — Nord Renfrew, South — Sud Russell Simcoe, East— Est Simcoe, North — Nord Simcoe, South — Sud Toronto, Centre Toronto, East— Est Toronto, West — Quest Victoria, North — Nord Victoria, South — Sud W Siterloo, North^Nord.. .. Waterloo, South — Sud Welland Wellington, Centre Wellington, North — Nord. . . Wellington, South — Sud . . . Wentworth, North — Nord.. . Wentworth, South— Sud. York, East— Est York, North— Nord York, West — Quest Prince Edward Island 1 He du Prince-Edouard / King's. Prince . . Queen's . Quebec Argenteuil . Bagot Beauce Beauharnois Bellechasse Berthier Bonaventure Brome , Chambly Champlain , Charlevoix , Chateauguay Chicoiitinii and Saguenay. . . Comptnn Deux Montagnes Dorchester. . Druinmond and Arthabaska. Gaspe Hochelaga Huntingdon Iberville Janques-Cartier Joliette Kamouraska Laprairie Population. 1871. 18,798 22,715 17,338 11,767 17,647 20,336 13,878 14,099 18,. 344 16,071 18,755 19,504 20,647 15,090 29, .355 12,324 19,244 19,256 20,995 20,572 25, .536 17,903 23,431 16,245 14,922 19,360 21,654 16,260 94,021 23,068 28,302 42,651 1,191,516 12,098 19,491 27,253 14,757 16,523 19,804 15,923 13,757 10,498 22,052 1.5,611 16,166 22,980 13,665 15,615 17,779 31,892 18,729 25,640 16,304 1.5,413 11,179 23,075 21,254 11,861 1881. 26,538 21,608 20,402 13,310 22,857 21,044 19,124 19,042 25,082 27,185 26,120 22,721 22,983 24,867 38,565 16,661 20,813 20,986 21,754 26,152 26,816 26,024 25,400 15,998 15,539 22,853 21,7.30 18,884 108,891 26,433 34,347 48,111 1,359,027 14,947 21,199 32,020 l(i,005 16,914 21,838 18,908 15,827 10,8.58 26,818 17,901 14, .393 32,409 19, .581 1.5,894 18,710 37,360 25,001 40,079 15,495 14,459 12,345 21,988 22,181 11,436 1891. 26,907 19,400 21,»9 15,808 24,173 18,889 23,005 23,971 31,643 35,801 28,203 20,824 26,632 43,565 73,826 16,849 20,4.55 25,325 25,139 25,132 23,387 24,956 24,373 14,591 16,770 35,148 20,284 41,857 109,078 26,633 36,470 45,975 1,488.535 15,1,58 21,695 37,222 1(),662 18,.368 19,836 20,835 14,709 11,704 29,267 19,038 13,864 .38,281 22,779 1.5,027 19,017 43,923 26,875 80,99.S 14,385 11,893 13,8.32 22,921 20,454 10,900 Re- pre- senta- tion. 65 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Relation between Electoral .T,nd Census Districts. Concordance entre les Dis- tricts Electoraux et les Districts du Re- censement. District 107. " 108. " 109. " 110. " 111. " 112. " 11.3. " 114. " 115. " 116. " 117. " 118. S.-Dist. d, e, of District 119. h,f,i,oi " 119. «, c, (7, /i, of " 119. District 120. " 121. " 122. " 123. " 124. " 125. " 126. " 127. " 128. " 129. " 130. " 131. " 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 1.39. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. RECENSEMENT DU CANADA, 1891. 369 Tableau VI. — Population de 1871, 1881 et 1891, coraparde par districts electoraux, tels que constitues en 1891, et leur concordance avec les districts de recensement. ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. DISTRICTS ELECTORAUX. L'Assomption Laval Levis L'Islet.. Lotbiniere Maskinonge Megantic Missisquoi .... Montcalm Montinagny Montmorency Montreal, Caitre Montreal, East — Est. . . . Montreal, West — Quest . Napierville Nicolet Ottawa, County — Camte Pontiac Portneuf Quebec, Centre Quebec, East — Est Quebec, West — Quest . . . Quebec, County — Comte Richelieu Richmond and Wolfe. . Rimouski Rouville St. Hyacinthe. . St. Jean St. Maurice Shefford Sherbrooke Soulanges Stanstead Temiscouata Terrebonne Trois-Rivieres Vaudreuil Vercheres Yainaska The Territories. Les Territoires. Alberta Assiniboia, East — Est.. . Assiniboia, West — Quest. Saskatchewan . , TheUnor^anizedTerritories Les Territoires non orga- nises Population. 1871. 15,473 9,472 24,831 13,517 20,606 15,079 18,879 16,922 12,742 14,669 12,085 23,903 46,291 37,031 11,688 23,262 37,892 16,547 22,569 18,188 28,305 13,206 19,607 20,048 20,036 27,418 17,634 18,310 12,122 11,085 19,077 8,516 10,808 13,138 22,491 20,299 8,414 11,003 12,717 16,317 18,000 30,000 I 1881. 15,282 9,462 27,980 14,917 20,857 17,493 19,056 17,784 12,966 16,422 12,322 25,078 67,506 48,163 10,511 26,611 49,432 19,939 25,175 17,898 31,900 12,648 20,278 20,218 26,339 a3.791 18,547 20,631 12,265 12,986 23,233 12,221 10,220 15,556 25,484 22,969 9,296 11,485 12,449 17,091 25,515 30,931 1891. 13,674 9,436 25,995 13,823 20,688 17,829 22,233 18,549 12,131 14,726 12,309 28,122 92,063 62,510 10,101 28,735 63,560 22,084 25,813 17,649 36,200 9,241 19,503 21,354 31,347 33,430 16,012 21,433 12,282 12,267 23,263 16,088 9,608 18,067 25,698 23,128 8,834 10,792 12,257 16,058 66,799 25,277 20.482 9,890 11,150 32,168 Re- pre- senta- tion. Relation between Electoral and Census Districts. Concordance des Districts Electoraux avec les Districts de Recensement. District 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. S.-Dist. a, b, c, i, of Dist. 172. " e,g,h,oi " 172. " d,f,g,ot " 172. District 173. 174. 175. 176. " 177. S.-Dist. a,c,^,A,t,of Dist.178. " d,k,l,m,oi " 178. " b,c,f,j,oi " 178. District 179. 180. 18L 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 19,3. 194. 195, 1%, 197. 198. 199. 200. Dist. 201 not represented. A— 24 370 CENSUS OF CANADA, 1891. Table VII. — Population of Cities and Towns having over 5,000 inhabitants compared. Tableau VIL — Population comparee, des Villes ayant plus de 5,000 habitants. NAMES. NOMS. Montreal Toronto Quebec Hamilton Ottawa St. John Halifax London Winnipeg Kingston Victoria Vancouver St. Henri Brantford Charlottetown . . . . Hull Gueljth St. Thomas Windsor Sherbrooke Belleville Peter borf)Ugh Stratford St. Cunegonde . . . . St. Catharines . . . . Chatham Brockville Moncton Woodstock Trois-Rivieres . . . . Gait Owen Sound Berlin Levis St. Hyacinths . . . . Cornwall Sarnia Sorel New Westminster . Fredericton Dartmouth Yarmouth Lindsay Barrie Valleyfield Truro Port Hope PROVINCES. Quebec . Ontario Quebec . Ontario N. Brunswick Nova Scotia — Nouvellc-Ecossc . . . Ontario . Manitoba . , Ontario British Columbia — Colomb ie-Brit it it a a Quebec ( Hochelaga) Ontario (Brant, aS'. ) Prince Edward Island (Queen's) Quebec Ontario (Wellington, S.) , (Elgin, JE;.) (Essex) Quebec . Ontario (Hastings) , Ontario (Perth) . Quebec (Hochelaga) . Ontaiio (Lincoln) . , (Kent) N. Brunswick (Westmoreland) Ontario (Oxford) Quebec Ontario (Waterloo, S.) (Grey, N.) (Waterloo, iV.) Quebec Ontario (Lambton, W.—O.) Quebec ( Richelieu) British Co\umh\&—Colot)ibie-Brit N. Brunswick (York) Novi Scotia — Nouvdle-Ecosse . . . . Ontario (Victoria, S.) " (Simcoe, N.) Quebec (Beauharnois) Nova Scotia — Nouvelle-Ecosse . . . Ontario (Durham) Population. 1871. 107,225 56,092 59,699 26,716 21,515 28,805 29,.582 15,826 241 12,407 3,270 8,107 8,807 6,878' 2,197 4,253 4,432 7,305 4,611 4,313 7,864 5,873 5,102 3,982' 7,570 3,827 3,369 2,743 6,691 3,74(> 2,929' 5,636 6,006 4,049 3,398 5,114 1881. 155,237 96,196 62,446 33,960 .Sl,807 41,353 36,100 26,266 it 7,985 14,091 5,925 6,415 9,616 11,485 6,890 9,890 8,367 6,561 7,227 9,516 6,812 8,239 4,849 9,631 7,873 7,609 5,032 5,373 8,670 5,187 4,426 4,054 7,597 5,321 4,468 3,874 .5,791 1,500 6,218 3,786 3,485 5,080 4,854 3,906 .3,461 5,581 1891. 216,650 181,220 63,090 48,980 44,154 .39,179 38,5.56 31,977 25,642 19,264 16,841 13,685 13,415 12,753 11,374 11,265 10,539 10,370 10,322 10,110 9,914 9,717 9,501 9,293 9,170 9,052 8,793 8,765 8,612 8,334 7,535 7,497 7,425 7, .301 7,016 6,805 6,693 6,669 6,641 6,502 6,249 6,089 6,081 5.550 5, .516 5,102 5,042 Vakiations. Between 1881 and 1891. Entre 1881 et 1891. Increase or Decrease. 61,413 85,024 644 13,020 12,847 -2,174 2,456 5,711 17,657 5,173 10,916 13,685 7,000 3,137 —111 4,375 649 2,003 3,761 2,883 398 2,905 1,262 4,444 —461 1,179 1,184 3,733 3,239 —336 2,348 3,071 3,371 —296 1,695 2,337 2,819 878 5,141 284 2,463 2,604 1,001 696 1,610 1,641 —539 Per cent. Augmen- Par tation ou \ cent, diminution! 39-0 88-4 10 .36-2 41 —5-2 6-8 21-7 221 1 36 7 184-2 109 1 32-6 —0-9 63-5 6 5 23-9 573 39-9 4-2 42 6 15-3 91-7 -4-7 150 15-5 74-2 60-4 —3-8 45 2 69-5 831 —3 9 31-9 52 3 72-7 15-2 .342-9 4-5 650 74-7 19-7 14-3 41-2 474 —9 6 * Included in another municipality in 1871. — Comprise dans une autre municipalite en 1871. + The population in the 1881 column includes the same boundaries as in the 1891 column, and conse- quently diflFers in these cases, where annexations have taken place since 1881, from the population as given by the census of 1881. — Dans la colonne de la population pour 1881, les limites des villes sont les memes que celles qui existaient en avril 1891 ; consequemment les chiffres de la population pour les villes oii il y a eu extension depuis 1881, different de ceux qui se trouvent dans le rapport du recensement de 1881. X The imperial troops stationed in Halifax are not included in these figures. — Les troupes en garnison h. Halifax ne sont pas comprises dans ces chiffres. INDEX OF SUB-DISTRICTS, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDKK. 371 INDEX DES SOUS DT.STIUCTS, PAll ORDHK ALPHABKTIQUE. NAMES. NOMS. Abenakis, Village, v. Pierreville, Villiige A bercrombie Abercrombie, v. St. Hiipolite . . . Aberdeen Aberdeen, v. Sheen ... . Abinger Acadia Mines, Eaat — Est .... Acadia Mines, West — Quest Acadieville Acton, Tojvn — Ville Acton, Village Addington Addington, v. Preston Adelaide Adjala Admaston Adolphnstown Ad.stock Advocate Harbour Ailsa Craig, Village Airey, v. Sabine Albanel, v. Normandin Albemarle .... Alberni Albion Aldborough Aldfield.. Alexandria Alexandria, Village Alfred Algonia Mills Algona, N., v. Wilherforce .... Algrona, South — Sud Alice Alkali Lake Allan Alliston, Village Alluniette Island Alma Almonte, Town — Ville Alnwick Alnwick Alvinston, Village Amabel Amaranth Ameliasburg Amherst Amherst Amherst, Island — He Amherst, Shore — Cote Amherst, Town — Ville Amherstburg, Toien — Vtlle. . Ancaster Ancienne Lorette Anderdon Andover Anglesea, r. Kaladar Anglin, v. Finlayson Annapolis Royal Anson Number of District. Numero du District. 19r> 3!» 192 12 17tJ 45 29 29 1.5 137 71 19 175 93 54 114 87 138 30 91 74 148 52 3 54 61 170 1 65 111 46 113 113 113 1 46 118 176 11 83 17 99 81 52 126 112 30 175 87 30 30 63 48 179 63 23 45 95i 26"' 120 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Siius- District. b a f a u a b a a a a a kk rt a a a a d a, n c a a b a a a a a a I a b b tt a b a a a a a h a a b a b c a a a a b a U k a a NAMES. NOMS. Anstruther, v. Burleigh .... Antigoiiisli, Harbour— Havre . . Antigoni.sli, Village . Appleby Arcadia Archie Argyle Argyle Arichat Arichat, East — Est Arichat, West — Quest Arisaig Arkona, Village Armagh Armand, r. St. Honore Armour Armstrong, v. French Am prior. Village Arran Artemesia Arthabaskaville, Village Arthur . Arthur Arthur, Village Arundel Ascott Ashburnliam, Village Ashburton, r. Patton Ashby, V. Abinger . Ashfield Ashuapmouchouan, North — Nord. r. St. Felicien Ashuapmouchouan, South-Sud, r. St. Prime Asphodel Assiginack AssiniV)oia Athabaska (Unorganized Ter). . Atlieiis, Villaqe . Athol Auckland Augusta Avim Bruce Bruce Mines Brudenell Brunei Brunswick Brussels, Village Bruton, r. Harcourt Bryson, Villaye Bryson, v. Waltham Buchanan Buck, V. French Buckingham Buckingham, Toivn — Ville Buckland Buckland, West — Quest, v. St. Prosper Burford Burgess, North — Nord Burgess, South — Sud, v. Bastard Burleigh Burlington Burlington, Village Burns, v. Sherwood Burpee Burpee, v. Ferguson Burton Burton, v. Blair Bury Butt, V. Finlayson Cabano ... Cache Creek . Cacouna . . Cacouna, Village Caistor.. Caldwell, v. Nipissing I.R. . Caledon Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia Caledonia, Village Calgary. Calumet Island Calvin Cambridge Cambridge Camden . . . Camden . Cameron(Camden in Table No. 2 Cameron 36 198 100 .50 95i 143"" 113 181 181 951 81 29 40 35 40 114 107 95 53 46 114 95 18 76 109 176 176 113 95i 175" 175 140 151 105 84 80 109 35 71 114 46 95 22 95 149 mh 191" 5 191 191 129 95i 54" 32 40 111 70 197 176 95i 18" 115 45 47 95i 175 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. a a c a,b,r,d,e J c c a h k d c a b h d f d a b e e a b J f X d I J i C a c b d c b Q yy h b d b k a a b c c 9 d a c 6 a a 9 d b a d b a k N.\MES. NOMS. Campbell Campbell, v. Bouthillier. Campbellford, Village... CamiX)bello Canaan Number ' Letter of of Sub- District. Numero du District. Canard Canboro Canisbay, v. Finlayson Canning Canning Cannington, Village Canonto, v. Palmer ston Canrobert, Village . Canso Canterbury Cap Chat Cap de la Magdeleine Cai)e Croker Cape John Cape North Cape Sable Island Cajje Sable Island, Centre Cay) Rosier Cap Sante Cap St. Ignace Caradoc Caraquet Carden Cardiff Cardinal, Village Cardwell Cardwell, v. Humphrey Cariboo, Eastd: West- Est et Quest Carillon, Village Carleton Carleton Carleton Carleton Carleton Place, Village Carleton's Corner Carling, v. Ferguson Carlow Carnarvon Carrick Carrot River Cartier Cartier, v. Chelmsford Cartwright Cascapediac Casey, v. French Ca.shel, v. Tudor Catalone Caughnawaga, Vil'ge, v. Sault St. Louis . ... . . Caiisapscal Cavan Cavendish Cayuga, North — Nord . Cayuga, South — Sud Cayuga, Village Caywood, v. Aylene Cedars, Village Centre, Toini— Ville Centreville Chaffey, v. Franklin Chamberlain, v. French Ciiambly District. Lettre du Sous- District. 160 182 58 109 70 94 70 176 189 44 37 95 954 144 46 zz 175 g 98 c 13 a 37 f 37 b 94 a 95i k 18 c 37 a 100 d 45 m 183 a 32 b 25 b 153 b 145 a 52 a 39 d 43 e 42 c 42 d 153 c 177 b 170 a 92 a 14 c 120 c 109 e 66 b 16 a 95 m 39 e 1.S6 b 9 e 15 b 44 d 142 a 84 d 26 e 95 h 74 b 46 aaa 51 b 200 b 8 a 46 aa 59 b 142 b 95A I 74 P 28 J c a a f b b c c a t c j I c 374 INDEX. NAMES. NOMS. Chaiubly Basin, ViUaye Chanibly Canton, VUhuie Cliandos, v. Bitrleiyh . Chai^ean, Vi(l(t 26 114 116 40 42 39 51 16 136 136 76 114 129 129 12!" 74 177 153 31 127 127 176 109 95 95i 32" 32 131 131 131 95i 95' 70 114 99 33 34 167 167 46 112 181 181 149 99 72 142 142 16 18 16 26 8 35 27 37 109 15 109 17 39 95 95i 136" 95i Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District, k I ff f k d h e f c h e f ewell Hopewell Horton Houghton Howard Howard Howe Island Howich Howland Huddersfield, v. Leslie Hudson. V. French Hugel, V. Kirkpatrick Hull Hull, City— Cite HuUett Number of District. Numero du District. 95 126 175 11 109 148 79 98 190 16 155 109 153 1.53 111 36 111 111 46 95i 77' 113 27 44 155 155 149 74 8 123 108 3 95^ 112 36 11 31 28 46 95 45 155 175 120 154 68 131 5 58 142 142 11 39 114 97 61 136 64 76 46 176 95h 95$ 175 175 77 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. d e P d k c d f f e e m c d e d cc i b e g j f g J I f d d h I d e e h m i I f h q a g b g d b e f f m j b d h b d n I h s r 378 INDEX. NAMES. NOMS. Huniberstone Humphrey Hungerford Hunter, r. Finlauson Hunterstown Huntingdon Huntingdon, Villatje .... Huntley Hunt's Point Huntsville, Villugc Huron Iberville, Town — Villc. . . . Ignace, v. iiuvuHiic.. .. He Bryon, v. Grosse Isle. . He Verte Inchiquin Indian Harbour Indian Ret^erve Ingersoll, Toioj — Villc . Ingonish Ingram, v. French Inkerman Iimisfil Inverness Ireland, North — Nord . . . . Ireland, South-- Sud Iroquois, Village Isaacs Harbour Islands Isle aux Coudres Isle of Anticosti Johnston . . . . .Toliette, Town—Villc Joly, V. Cliide Joly Jones, r. Hagerty Jordan Bay, West — Oitest. Jordan Falls Judique Kaladar Kamloops Kamouraska, Village .... Kars Keewatin, Worth — Nord. Keewatin, South — Sad. . . . Keithley Creek Kempt Kempt Kempt, Tou-n—Ville .... Kempt ville Kem])tville, Village Kennebec Kensington Kent Kentville Kenyon Keppel Kerns, r. French Kiamiku, r. Bouthillicr.. . Kildonan Killarney Kincardine Kincardine, Town — ViUe . King Kingsclear Kingsey Kingsey Falls Number of District. Numero du District. 124 95 73 95i 74 l.~)5 83 40 95 53 156 46 153 191 9 32 148 105 43 95i 14' 118 167 167 l(i7 57 32 14 146 148 18 158 175 95 114 42 42 36 45 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. e m b k a f i e f n b a ss k I i k b h I d d c d e b .i k b bb ff a I y h f y e 159 a 16 f 46 dd 46 ee 1 e 35 J 40 ff 29 h 44 I 85 c 45 h 175 t 12 c 37 f 65 c 68 c 95i I 175 y 6 f 46 J .53 c 53 d 131 h 25 J 152 h 152 i NA]MES. NOMS. Kingston Kingston Kingston, Citii — Citi. Kingsville, Village Kinloss Kirkpatrick Kirkwood Kitley Kootenay, Lower Kootenay, Upper Koi'ah, r. Root Mirer La Bale du Febvre Labelle . . Labrador La Broquerie Labrosse, r. Harvey Lac Beauport, v. St. Dunstan.. L'Acadie, v. St. Marguerite de Blairjindie Lachenaie Lachine Lachine, Town — Ville Lachute, Town — Ville Lac La Hache Lac Megan tic. Village La Grande Riviere Lake and High Land Lake, v. Marmora Lake Ainslie, East — E.9t Lake Ainslie, Went — Quest. . . Lakefield, Village Lakeville Lake Winnipeg, c. Carrot River Lanark Lanark, Village Lancaster Lancaster Lancaster, Village Lauder, v. Calvin . . . L'Ange Gardien L'Ange Gardien L'Ange Gardien L'Annonciation Lanoraie Lansdowne Lansdowne Front Lansdowne Rear L'Anse aux Griffons L"An.se du Cap L'Anse St. Jean Laprairie Laprairie, Village La Presentation L'Ardoise, Lower L'Ardoise, Upper LaRochelle, Village Larry's River L'Assomption L' Assomi)tion, Town — Ville . . L'Assomption de Berthier. . . Lathbury Laurentides, Town — Ville. .. Laurier Lauzon, Village Laval trie Lavant L'Avenir Number of District. Numero du District. 16 64 80 63 53 95i 46 50 5 5 46 196 175 201 8 148 179 185 161 157 157 136 1 149 153 3 74 36 36 109 37 200 83 83 21 65 65 95i 171" 175 183 150 141 86 86 1.53 153 148 100 160 184 41 41 174 32 161 161 170 175 161 95 163 141 83 152 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre dti Sous- District. y c y e h k y f y V a u y c h a a b i f k n h J y k I d b f g f d e d b V b a d n f y p d a b a h n c k b c b w d P b e h. J INDEX. 379 NAMES. NOMS. La Visitation Lawrence, v. Harcourt Lawrencetown Lane Laxton Leamington, Villat/c Leclercville, Vi/lar/e,v.Stc. Emilie Leeds, Bad — Ettt Leeds, /roH^ v. La nsdownc front Leeds, rear, v. L(insdownf rear. Leeds, WcM — Oucst Leitche's Creek Lennoxville, Villatic liCnwood L'Epiiihanie Lepreaux Lequille Les Kboulements Leslie Levis, ('itij — Cite Lightning Creek . , Lillooet . . Limerick Lincoln Lindsay Lindsay, Toicn — ViUc Lingan Lingwick Liscombe Llslet Listowel. Totvn — ViUc Litchfield, Lower — Bus, v. Port- age (III Fort, Village Litchfield, Uppet — Haut, r. Bry- son Village Little Bras d'or Little Harbour Little Narrows, North — Nord. . Little Larrows, South— Sad .. . . Little River Liverpool . Livingstone, v. Harcourt Lobo Lochaber Lochaber Lake Lochiel Loch Lomond Loch Lomond Lockeport Logan London London, Citii — Cite London, £^a,s^ — Ed, Town — Ville London, West — Quest, Village. Longford, r. Laxton Longue Pointe Longueuil Longueuil Longueuil, Town — Ville L'Orignal, Village Lome Lome Lome Lorrain, r. French Loughborough Louisbourg Louise Louis Head Number of District. Nimiero du District. 145 109 26 120 63 165 167 86 86 167 28 188 27 161 13 26 146 176 163 1 1 74 22 .52 121 28 14) 32 164 107 176 176 28 3D 43 43 31 40 109 92 175 27 65 28 41 42 107 90 89 IK) 90 120 154 111 144 144 111 9 23 39 95i 45" 28 9 42 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. 6 J n i h g f / (J y n f h e f o c n c g h g d g c o I I c c / p n ■i J i h j C X i f U j d c t h f f g {I V e m I i r i NAMES. NOMS. Louisville, Town— Ville Lount, r. Laurier Louth Low Lower Horton Lower I'Ardoise ... Lower Litchfield, r. Portage du Fort, Village . Lower Londonderry Lower Onslow Lower Stewiacke, North — Nord Lower Stewiacke, South — Sxid.. Lucan, Village Lucknow, Village Ludlow Lunenburg Luther. .Ea.s? <{.• West-Est ct Oucst Lutterworth Lyel], V. Sabine Lyndoch Lyster r. Calvin Lytton Ly tton, V. Sicotte IMacaulay jMaccan Macdonald Macliar, v. Laurier MacLean Mada waska Madoc ...... Madoc, Village Magog Magog, Village Mahonej^'s Beach Maidstone Main-a-I)ieu Maisonneuve, Town — Ville . . Maitland Maitland INIaitland, South— Sud Malagash Malaliide ^Nlalakoff, v. Sheen Malbaie Malbaie Maiden ^lalignant Brook Maniainse M anchester Manicuu.igan Maniwaki Mann and Indian Reserve Manners Sutton Man.sfield Man vers Maple Creek Mara ^larch Marchand ]Margaretsville Margarie ]Margarie, North -cast— Nord-est. Margarie, South - west —Sud-ouest Maria, Ea.'!t — Est Maria, r. Head Maria, West — Quest Marie ville, Village Number of District. Nuniero du District. 166 95 88 175 37 41 176 29 29 29 29 91 53 17 38 126 120 74 114 95i 5 175 100 30 6 95 100 23 74 74 190 190 27 62 28 154 26 35 35 30 60 176 146 1.53 63 27 4(; 32 148 175 142 25 176 58 199 100 55 175 26 36 36 3(i 142 113 142 183 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. b P d y i h r L k i j d f 'h f f ./' II k d h PP f c il P n f 'h I g h k b P k r f c u d '/ ( /' / 111 ■(( <] k o c a h b an '/ i I k k c i c 380 INDEX. NAMES. NOMS. Marie Joseph Mariposa Markdale, Tillage Markham Markham, Village Marlborough Marmora, r. Lake Marsden Marshall, Town — Ville Marter, v. French Martinville, Village, v. Clifton, East. 191 181 145 138 148 182 141 179 154 179 148 145 1.57 157 13 168 156 181 138 148 1.52 1.51 174 140 165 174 156 152 1.37 152 1.59 151 163 161 154 1.50 23 148 183 146 191 138 144 191 137 184 184 192 168 189 146 14 151 160 23 169 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. o ;/ c g h h — Village St. Joseph d'Alma St. Joseph de Lepage St. Joseph de Levis. St. Joseph de Maskinonge. . St. Joseph de Sorel ... Joseph de Soulange.s. Jo.se] jh Riv. des Prairies. Jo.seph's Jovite Jude , Julie St. St. St. St. St. Ste. St. JuHen Ste. Julienne St. Justin Ste. Justine Ste. Justine de Newton. . . . St. Lambert St. Lambert de Lauzon. . . St. Laurent St. Laurent St. Laurent St. Laurent, VilUigc St. Lazare St. Lazare St. Leon St. Leonard's . St. Leonard St. Leonard Port Maurice. St. Leon de Standon St. Liboire St. Liguori St. Lin... St. Louis Number of District. Numero du District. 145 IGO 13 192 171 1S5 183 154 147 163 1!»1 158 165 185 164 194 177 148 192 192 182 136 147 171 157 157 20 46 138 150 1.38 148 182 163 166 180 189 154 27 192 184 195 181 169 166 151 194 144 163 6 157 171 157 140 194 166 23 174 1.54 151 1.37 169 161 15 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District, / m k c 3 s c h t J J b V e o X h i 10 m d i a V r i s y X i il d 139 145 171 177 182 146 147 166 185 152 182 187 140 152 180 138 67 162 138 174 151 196 189 3 74 33 24 138 8 139 24 29 31 32 129 3 27 46 62 62 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. k k dd H o P k J P k I f h P >/ 111 n i c h h 1 III q et I h k f aa ff I m bb I X h f y t i k I » c i b b f 9 P 9 h m n JJJ d f 388 INDEX. NAMES. NOMS. Sandwich, West— Guest Sandy Cove .... Sandy Point Sarawack Sarnia Saniia, Tofai — Fille Saskatchewan Saiigeen Saugeen (Indian Reserve) ... Sault, Centre Sault, East — Est Sault, West — Guest Sault au.x Recollets Sault St. Louis Sauniarez Savanne Sayabec, v. St. Pierre du Lac Scarborough . Schreil)er, r. Bi scotasiny . . . . Scotch Village Scotch Village, v. St. Get. de Metis Scott Scugog Seaforth, Tov:n — Ville Sebastopol Selkirk, Toion — Ville Selkirk, East— Est, Town— Ville Selniah Seneca Seymour Sliag Harbour Shawanaga, r. Blair Shawanigan. v, St. Boniface . . Shawville, Villvjc Shediac Sheen Sheffield Sheffield Shefford Sheguiandah Slielburne . Sholburne, Viilayc Shell River .Sherbrooke. ... SherDrooke Sherbrooke, City— Cite Sherbrooke, North — Nord, t Jjalhousie oherbrooke. South — Sud Sherburae, v. Stanhope Sherwood . . Sliippigan Stiipton Siioal Lake Shoolbred, East-Est, v. Nouvelle Shoolbred, West — Guest.. .... Shore, West — Guest Shubenacadie Sicotte Sifton Silver Creek .... Silver Mountain, v. Beaver . . Simcoe, Tou-n — Ville Simond's Siinond's Simpson, v. Wendover Sinclair, v. Franklin Number of District. Numuro du District. 62 31 42 68 82 82 7 5.S .52 46 46 46 154 160 14 46 182 l.SO 46 35 182 100 100 77 114 6 6 35 70 98 42 5)5 186 176 24 176 22 45 187 46 42 67 7 32 94 188 83 84 120 114 14 181 7 142 142 3 35 175 9 7 46 97 12 21 152 95 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous- District. e Q e f dd H b r s t c 9 ss cc d Lb n o e P k c P CI i P d c t y u 9 o (I kkk q i ce r h a,b,c,d m q h k ff o P n 9 PP X y c 9 i 99 J NAMES. NOMS. Smith Smith Cove Smith's Falls, Town— Ville Snake Island, r. Givillimburij, North— Nord Snowden Sombra Somerset, North — Nord .'"Omerset, South — Sud Somerville Sooke . So].)hiasburg Sorel, Citi/ — Cite Southampton Southampton, Villar/e South End ". South Esk Sotith Gut South Maitland. . South Rawdon, v. Uniacke Southwold Spallumcheen. Spanish River Spaulding . Spence, r. Monteith Spei^cc's Bridge . Springer, v. Nipissing I. R . . . . Springfield Springfield Springfield S[)ringfield, Village Si)ringhill Springhill, Town — Ville.. ■ . . . . Sproiile, ?■. Finlavson Stafford ". Stamford Stan bridge Stanbridge Station ... Stanfold . . Stanhope Stanley. .... Stanley Stanstead Stanstead Plain, Village Stayner, Village Stellarton Stephen ... Stephenson, v. Brunei Stewart, v. French Stirling, Village Stisted, V. McMurrick Stoke Stoneham Storrington Stouffville, Village Stratford Stratford, City — Cite Strathclair Strathlorn Strathroy , Town— Ville . Stratton, v. Finlayson Streetsvillc, Village Strong, V. July Studholm Stukely, North — Nord . . Stukely, South — Sud Sudbury, v. Blezard Number Letter of of Sub- District. District. Numero du District. 110 31 85 131 120 47 167 167 120 3 112 180 25 52 44 17 43 35 .35 61 5 46 138 95 5 95i 6" 16 26 90 30 30 95i 113' 124 168 168 152 120 25 77 190 1!)0 117 39 91 95 951 74 95 181 179 64 102 181 107 7 36 93 95A 106' 95 16 187 187 95i Lettre du Sous- District. e r f I f J k n 9 h a r k t m P r s 9 n u s o 9 I k hb 9 o n k J i P u I m s f i J f 9 c I o t I d f c m g hh ;;. k c o ./ h i j INDEX. 389 NAMES. NOMS. Suffolk Sullivan Somerset Suiniuerside Suniiuerside Suudiidge, Villof/e, v. Stroufj. . . Suiiuidale Sussex Sutton Sutton, Vilhnic Sweetsbiu'g', ViUnfic Swift Current Sydenham Sydenham, ^'o?-//(-iVo/Y/, v. Fox Sydenham, South--Sud, v. Gaupe Bail, South —i^wl Sydney, Toiot—Virie Sydney Sydney Forks Sydney Mines Sydney, North- Nord Tache Tache, r. Ehjin Tadousac Taillon. r. Racine Tancook . . Tara, VWckic Tataniagouclie, Enst — Est Tatamagouche, West — Quest. . . Tay Tecumseth. Teesv\ater, Vilhcje Tehkumniah . Tenipleton Tenby Bay Terrebonne, 2'oiva — ViUc . . . Tessier Tewkesbury, r. Stonchavi Thamesville, ViUaije Thedford, Villaye Thessalon Thetford iVIines Thetford, Nortti-^Nord Thetford, South— iSud Thorah Thornl>urs-, Toxvn — ViUe Thorne . ; Thorold Thorold, Tovn—Ville Thurlow Thurso. Villufic Tilbury Centre, Village Tilburv Centre, Villar/c Tilbury, East— Ed . '. Tilbury, West— Guest Tilsonburg, Town — Ville Tingwick Tiny Ti verton Tiverton, Village Torbolton Toronto Toronto, Citij — Cite Toronto, City — Cite, St. Albans, Ward — Quartier Toronto, Citii-Cite, St. Paul and St. Mathews, Ward — Quartier Z Number of District. Letter of Sub- District Nuniero Lettredn du Sous District. I District. 175 (•)8 37 38 134 !)5 117 10 143 131 108 19!) 68 153 153 28 75 28 28 28 8 104 148 148 38 52 29 29 110 118 51 40 175 40 192 182 179 47 81 46 107 107 167 100 67 176 124 124 73 175 02 79 79 62 90 152 116 31 53 55 106 119 132 130 / c I a o U I f i d g (J h u c V w t o h II j rii I r s I f e III rr w r 'Jfl d 9 h X P n o P J V j k c ss k g h c CO VI t h h d NAMES. NOMS. Toronto Gore Tossorc intit) Tottenham, Village Townsend Townships, P. E. I., I. duP.E. Sec page— Voi/ez page 391 Tracadie Tracadieche Traf algai- Trenton, Tovn-ViUe .. Tres St. Redemptenr {Tres St. Saerevient in Tahless 2, 3 ct 4).. Tres St. Sacrenient Trois-Pistoles Trois-Kivieres Trois Rivieres Trois-Kivieres, City-'Citi Trout Brook Truro, Toirn — Ville Tuckersmith Tudor, r. Ca.^hel Turnberry Turtle Mountain Tuscarora Tusket Tusket Lakes Tusket Wedge TyentUnaga Uniacke, v.Raiedon, South — Sud Unorganized Territory Unorganized Teiritory. .... . . Unorganized Territory Unorganized Territory Unorganized Territory Unorganized Territory Unorganized Territory Unorganized Territory, v. C«- hano Unorganized Territories | L^jAam . Upper I'Ardoise IT]ji)er Litchfield, v. Briison, Vil. Upi>er Londonderry ITpper Mills, ToP-n — Ville Upper South River . Upper Stewiacke, East — Est . . . I^'pper Stewiacke, West — Quest. Usboi'ne l^xln-idge Uxbridge, Town— Ville Vancouver, Citii—Cite . . Varennes Vareunes Varennes, Village Vaudreuii Vaudreuil, Village Vaughan Vercheres Verdun, Village. Vermilion, r. Savanna Ver\ilam Vesjira Victoria ■ Victoria Victoria Victoria, Citij—Cite Victoriaville, Tov:n— Ville Number of District. Nuniero du District. lOf) 118 118 96 32 142 71 75 194 147 191 18(; 193 193 28 29 77 74 76 9 49 44 44 44 73 35 95i 145' 148 160 175 170 180 191 201 10 41 170 29 13 27 29 29 108 102 102 2 6 195 195 194 194 1.2 195 154 40 121 117 4 28 30 4 152 Letter of Sub- District. Lettre du Sous District. e >J h d s i d i i y k c a,b,c,d X t P f y e u r w d s I r rarii I tt w i a ra n f Dartmouth, N.-E., population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus rindex des S.-D.) '' -^^O ^^ ^^ Demeures occupees, total des '' ?• }- .< << J. P Disciples, nombre de personnes de cette confession " 22;), 227 ^^ "^ 329 Districts Electoraux, inseres dans le Tableau VI " 366, 3()7 " " 369 332, 333 117, 119 117, 119 224, 226 9, n 8, 10 370 332, 333 332, 333 2 8, 10 116, 118 224, 226 332, 333 366 396 INDEX. Districts, difference between Electoral and Census Pages 366, 367 and following to 369 Electoral, inserted in Table VI " 366, 367 " " 369 Dwellings occupied, total " 8, 10 " " 112 E Electoral Counties, comparative population in 1871, 1881 and 1891, amount of representation and relation to Census Dis- tricts " 366, 367 " " 369 England AND Wales, number of persons born in " 332,333 ' " 363 English Church, number of members of the. " 224,226 " " 328 Enumeration of sexes. " 116,118 " " 220 Families, average size of " number of Foreign born, Table V France, number of persons born in ... Fredericton, comparative pop\ilation of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) French Canadians, number of others than G Galt, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other infonnation, see Index of S.-D.) Germany, number of i)ersons born in GUELPH, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881, and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D. ) ." . Guernsey, number of persons born in the Channel Islands !- comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1801, Halifax, \ Hamilton, J ^^^^ -^^^^^ information, see Index of S.-D.). Houses, No. of, built in Wood, Brick or Stone No. of, stories and rooms in . " Uninhabited and in construction. .'. Hull, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S. - D. ) 116, 118 8, 10 332, 333 3.S2, 333 370 117, 119 117, 119 .370 332, 333 370 332, 333 370 8, 10 9, 11 9, 11 370 220 112 363 363 221 221 363 363 112 113 113 Index of Sub-Districts Introduction to Volume I. Irel.'VNd, number of persons born in Italy, " " " . .371, 372 332, 333 332, 333 391 363 363 Jersey, number of persons born in the Channel Islands. . . Jewish, number of persons of Jewish religion. K Kingston, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) 1891, I. Law Census L^vis, Lindsay London Lutherans, number of members of this persuasion AY, \ )N, J comparative ixjpulation of, in 1871. 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) M M.\NIT0BA, ninnber of persons born in the Province of see Table I II " III " IV... '< "V " " yl/^v^v^'//..vvv^'.. ^'. /.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'. M.\rria&e State, number of persons under Methodists, number of persons of this persuasion Moncton, ) comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, Montreal, j (for other information, see Index of S.-D.).. . . 332, 333 225, 227 370 363 329 Introduction, page ix " .370 " 22.'5, 227 and following to 329 332, 333 " 363 2 10, 12, 14 118, 120, 122 226, 228, 230 333 366 117, 119 " 221 224, 226 " 328 370 INDEX. 397 Districts he Recensejient inseres par ordre, h la suite des Tableaux I, II, III, I V et V Pages 2-G, 8 113, 116-221, 224- 3.S2-3(;3. Division du Tekritoire ix)ur les fins de Recensement Introduction, page x E EcossE, nombre de personnes nees en Eglise d'Angleterre, nombre de personnes de cette confession. PjNIWNTS et non-maries, nombre d' EsPAGNE et Portugal, nombre de personnes nees en Et.vges, nombre d'etages des niaisons Etat de Mariage, enumeration des personnesr selon 1" . Etats-Unis, nombre de personnes nees dans les F Familles, moyenne des " nombre de familles ou menages . Francais, nombre de Canadiens France, nombre de personnes nees en Fr^dericton, population com puree, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus rindex des S. -D. ) G (tAT.les, nombre de personnes nees en Angleterre et le Paj's de. . h''^^''"' 'population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de LtIElph, J pj^jg rindex des S.-D.) Guernsey, nombre de personnes nees dans les lies dela Manche. . 329, 332, 333 et .SUl vantes k 363 224, 22(J 328 117, 119 221 332, 333 363 9, 11 113 117, 119 221 332, 3.33 3C3 116, 118 ti 14 22(> 8, 10 (( l( 112 117, 119 ik t( 221 332, 333 c( «( 363 370 332, 333 370 332, 333 Halifax, Hamilton, Hull, H population comparee, de 1871, 188] et 1891 (voir de plus rindex des S.-D,) 363 363 370 Ile du Prince-Edouard, nombre de personnes nees dans la Province de 1' au Tableau I II Ill IV Iles de la Manche, nombre de personnes nees dans les. Index des Sous-Districts Introduction au premier Volume Irlande, nombre de personnes nees en Italie, nombre de personnes nees en . 332, 333 363 2, 4 72, 74 180, 182 288, 290 352, .S()8, 332, .^33 363 371, 372 391 IX xxi 332, 333 363 332, 333 363 JuiFS, nombre de personnes de Religion Juive. K Kingston, population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus rindex des S.-D.). . , .. .■ . I. Les Territoires, nombre de personnes nees dans " au Tableau I ■ . II Ill IV " YI. '.'.'..'.'.'.' '.'.'.'.'.'...'..'. '...".'... L^vis, population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus I'Index des S.-D.) LiEUX DE NAisSANCE, Tableau V Lindsay, population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus rindex des S.-D.) Loi DU Recensement : • • • • London, population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus rindex des S.-D.) LuTH^RlENS, nombre de personnes de cette confession 225, 227 370 329 332, as3 < 1 9 6 112 220 328 362, 363 369 370 332, 333 <(. t 370 Introduction, page X 370 225, 227 et suivantes 363 363 k 329 398 INDEX. N New Brunswick, number of persons born in the Province of see Table T II Ill IV Yi'.'.'.'.'. ".'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.".'.".'.'.'.'.'. Newfoundland, number of persons born in New Wkstmin'ster, comijarative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D. ) Nova Scotia, number of persons born in the Province of " see Table I " II " III " IV " V " VI O Ontario, number of persons born in the Province of. see Table I II " III IV " " V VI. Ottawa, 1 comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, Owen Sound, / (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) . . . Papes 332, 333 and following to 363 "2 14. 16, 18, 20 122, 124 and followinpr to 128 230, 232 (( (£ 236 333, 366 334, 335 332, 333 C( (( 363 370 332, 333 C( <( 363 2, 3 20, 22 a (( 34 128, 130 6C (( 142 236, 238 i( ti 2.o0 336, 337 it ii 339 366 (( 332, 333 t( tc 363 '* ■2 3,4 (( 32, 36 i i ct 72 ti 144, 146 n (( 180 252, 254 C6 ( ( 288 (( 339, 340 <( <( 351 a 367, 368 370 Persons, number of, born in unknown countries Peterborough, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D.). Places of Birth, Table V Poland, number of persons born in Population, according to Census Districts and Sub-districts. . . . Electoral Districts for 1871, 1881 and 1891 Population, comparative, of cities and towns of over 5,000 inhabi- tants Port Hope, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) Portugal, number of persons born in Spain and Presbyterians, number of persons of this persuasion Prince Edward Island, numl>er of persons born in the Provinceof see Table I " II " III " IV Protestants, not otherwise designated 332, 333 Q Quakers, number of persons of this persuasion Quebec, City of, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891 (ff)r other information, see Index of S.-D.) number of persons born in the Province of see Table I II " III IV " V VI. R Relation between I^lectoral and Census Districts Religions, Table II Report laid before His Excellency the Governor General Report laid before the Minister of Agriculture Representation, number of representatives of each Electoral District in the House of Commons of Canada Rooms, number of rooms in houses Russia, number of persons born in 370 332, 333 332, 333 8, 10 366, 367 370 370 332, 333 224, 226 332, 333 2, 4 72, 74 180, 182 288, 290 352 368 225, 227 225, 227 370 332, 333 74, 76 182, 184 290, 292 353, 354 368, 369 363 363 363 112 369 363 .328 363 329 329 363 112 220 328 361 366, 367 " " 369 224, 225 " " 329 Introduction, page vi " viii 366, 367 and following to 369 9, 11 " " 113 332, 333 " " 363 INDEX. 399 M Maisons, en bois, brique ou pierre, nombre des Pages " inhabitees et en construction " nombre de chambres dans les. . . . " " d etages total des Manitoba, nombre de personnes nees dans la Province du an Tableau I II Ill IV «' "V vj. ^v v^v^'.'.'.'^'.'^'.'^v.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Maries, nombre des Mer, nombre de personnes nees sur Methodistes, nombre de personnes de cette confession. . . . MoxcTON, I population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 Montreal, J" de plus I'lndex des S.-D.) (voir N Naissance, lieu de naissance du pere et de la mere Navires et chantiers, nombre de ces demeures temporaires New Westminster, population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus I'lndex des S.-D.) . NoN-MARiES, nombre d'enfants Nouveau-Brunswick, nombre de personnes nees dans la Pro- vince du au Tableau I... II.. III. IV. v.. VI. NOUVELLE-ECOSSE, nombre de personnes nees dans la Province de la au Tableau I II Ill IV V VI «, 10 ft 9, 11 9, 11 9, 11 8, 10 332, 333 2 10, 12, 14 118, 120, 122 220, 22t<, 230 333 300 117, 11!) < 332, 33;^ t 224, 221 ; 6 suivantes k 370 332, .333 8, 10 370 117, 119 332, 3:i3 2 14, 16 122, 124 230, 232 333, 334, 335 30(5 332, 333 2, 3 20, 22 128, 130 L36, 2Sf< 33(;, 337 360 112 113 113 113 112 3G3 221 363 328 363 112 221 363 .20 128 236 363 34 142 2.50 339 o Ontario, nombre de personnes nees dans la Province d' Ontario, au Tableau I . II II r >« •' IV " "V. Ottawa, \]X)pulation comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir Owen Sound, J de plus ITndex des S.-D.) 332, 333 2, 3,4 36, 38 144, 146 2.52, 2.54 339, 340 367, 368 370 363 72 180 288 351 Personnes nees k I'etranger " nombre de, nees dans des pays non donnes Peterborough, population compares de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus ITndex des S.-D. ) Pierre, nombre de maisons baties en PoLOGNE, nombre de personnes nees en Population comparee, des villes ayant au-dessus de 5,000 habitants " par Districts et Sous-Districts de Recensement. . . . " totale du Canada Port Hope, population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus ITndex des S.-D.) Portugal, nombre de personnes nees en Espagne et en . . Possessions Britanniques, nombre de personnes nees dans les autres Presbyteriens. nombre de personnes de cette confession Presentation du Rapport a Son ExceH'celeGouvemeur-General " " au Ministre de r Agriculture Protest.\nts, nombre de, non autrement designes 332, 333 332, 333 (C << <4 ,363 363 370 8, 10 332, 333 (< It l( 112 363 370 8, 10 8 « hi 112 370 332, 333 a (( 363 332, 333 •' 224, 226 Introduction, page l( vii 363 328 225,227 " IX et suivantes k 329 400 INDEX. S ■■J comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index ofS.-D.) Pages St. Catharines, St. Ccnegonde, St. Henri, St. Hyacinthe, St. John, N.B, St. Thomas, Salvation Army, number of persons of this persuasion Sarnia, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) ... Scandinavia, number of persons bom in Scotland, number of persons born in Sea, number of persons born at Sexes, enumeration of Shantie.s and Vessels, number of such temporary dwellings. . . Sherbrooke, 1 comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, SoREL, J (for other information, see Index of S.-D.). . . Spain and Portugal, number of persons born in Stone Houses, numter of Story, number of stories in houses Stratford, comparative population of in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) Sub-Districts, Index of .•■■•,• • ■ • • Superficies, by Census Districts in acres, kilometres and square miles 370 225, 227 and following to 329 3()8 303 303 220 112 370 332, 3.33 332, 333 332, 333 116, lis 8, 10 370 332, 333 8, 10 9, 11 370 371, 372 303 112 113 391 6 T Table I, area of Canada by Districts " II, population, families and dwellings " III, civil condition *' IV, religions , *' V, place of birth . . " VI, population of 1871, 1881 and 1891 compared by Elec- toral Districts withintheir present limits (1891) and their relation to census districts " VII, population of cities and towns having over 5,000 inhabitants compared ... Table of general matter The Territories, number of persons born in see Table I II . Ill IV VI.'.'..' '^.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'. ' ...v. Toronto, ) comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and Trois-Rivieres, / 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) Totals of Canada, Table I " II " III " " IV VI. Towns .\nd Counties, Electoral, comparative population in 1871, 1881 and 1891. . . " comparative jwpulation of cities and towns of over 5,000 inhabitants in 1871, 1881 and 1891 Truro, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S -D. ) 2, 3 8, 9 116, 117 224, 225 332, 333 366, 367 370 IV 332, 333 2, 6 112 220 328 362, 363 309 370 2 8, 9 116, 117 224, 225 332, 333 366 366, 367 370 370 6 113 221 329 3tJ3 369 363 369 u Unitarians, number of persons of this persuasion. . .. United States, number of persons born in the Universalists, n\nnV)er of persons of this jiersuasion . Unmarried, and children, number of S32, 11 t. 227 333 227 119 329 363 329 221 V V.\lleyfield, 1 comparative jjopulation of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, Vancouver, J (for other information, see Index of S.-D.). ... " 370 Vessels and Shanties, number of such temporary dwellings . . " 8, Victoria, B.C., comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D. ) ........ " 370 10 112 INDEX. 101 Q Quakers, nombre de personnes de cette confession Pages 225, Qc^BEO, Cite de, population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus I'lndex de.s S.-D.) " nombre de personnes nees dans la province de " au Tableau I '• " n ".'.'..'.'.['.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'......'.'.' .'.'.'.'. " " IV (I it Y " " YI..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'....'.'.'.'....'.'..'.'.'.'..'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'. igee 225, 227 et suivantes " 370 " 332, 333 t( 1 2, 5 " 74, 76 K i " 182, 184 it 1 " 290, 292 (( i " 3r)3, 354 << " 3G8, 3G!t k 329 363 112 220 328 361 R Recensement, antorite pour I'execution du. Religions, Tableau II RussiE, noir.bre de personnes nees en s Sainte-Catherine, ' SATNTE-CuN]feGONDE, Saint-Henri, I population comparee de 1871, 1881 et 1891 Saint-HyacintSe, ['^ ^( voir de plus rindexdesS.-D.) Saint- Jean, N.-B., ^ ' Saint-Thomas, Sarnia. ; ScANDiNAViE, nombre de personnes nees en Sexes, denombrement des sexes Sherbrooke, (population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir Sorel, J de plus ITndex des S.-D.) Sous-Distriots, Index des _. Stratford, population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891 (voir de plus rindex des S.-D. ) . SUPERFICIE de chaque District de Recensement, en acres, kilo- metres et milles carres Syst^me adopte pour I'execution du Recensement Tableau I. Superficie du Canada par Districts " 11. Population, families et demeures " III. Etat civil " IV. Religions '* V. Lieux de naissance " VI. Population de 1871, 1881 et 1891, comparee par Districts Electoraux tele que constitues en 1891, et leur concordance avec les Dis- tricts de Recensement " VII. Population comparee, des villes ayant plus de 5,000 habitants Table generale des matieres : .... Terreneuve, nombre de personnes nees_^ Toronto, cite de, population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891, (voir de plus ITndex des S. -D. ) Totaux du Canada, Tableau I II Ill TV ( t < 1 Y ... Trois-Riviekes, I population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891, Truro, / voir de plus ITndex des S.-D. ) u Unitaires, nombre de personnes de cette confession Universalistes, nombre de personnes de cette confession V Valleyfield, 1 population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891, Vancouver, j voir de v>lus ITndex des S.-D.) Veufs et veuves, nombre des Victorla, C.-B., population comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891, (voir de plu.s ITndex des S. -D. ) A— 26 Introduction, page x 224, 225 et suivantes k 329 332, 333 370 366, 367 370 V. 332, 333 370 2 8, 9 116, 117 224, 225 332, 333 366 370 225, 227 225, 227 370 117, 119 370 353 a 332, 333 It i< :^)3 a 116, 118 f ( (C 220 a 370 cc 371, 372 (( <( 391 a 370 a 2 3 (( (t 6 Introduction, page X 2, 3 (( 6 8, 9 ii 113 116, 117 *• 221 224, 225 1 1 329 332, 333 tt 363 369 363 329 329 221 402 INDEX. W Wales, number of persons born in England and Pages 332, 333, and following to 363 Widows and Widowers, number of " 117, 119 " " 221 Windsor, ^ comparative jiopulation of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, Winnipeg,/ (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) " 370 Wood houses, number of " 8, 10 " " 112 Woodstock, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891, (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) " 370 Y Yarmouth, comparative population of, in 1871, 1881 and 1891 , (for other information, see Index of S.-D.) " 370 INDEX. 403 W wlM^fpi^r Ipopulation comparee, de 1871, 1881 et 1891, Woodstock, Ont. | ^^^^ ^« P^^^ l'I"<^«^ d«« S.-D.) Pag. 370 Yarmouth, population compart, de 1871, 1881 et 1891, (voir de plusl'IndexdesS.-D.) " 370 UNrV'ERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. f^ p^S5 ^^ to THREE WEEKS FROM DA1£ Pi fttfeUJli '^fcTD-Hrf SEP 3 Form L9-50m-ll,'50 (2554)444 THE LIBRARY HNIYERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELJSS J, B / t I i •■V University Research Library w ^ a o o •0 > c H X o a i'.V«V.%5\- m m ..•.'y,K}j>.'>^w^r- , . ...■ >A ,■ ■ ' u'^.^v.^jj:' ' ■:,.■ . m;..^;. r/.'^^frv.v^tu^'