[ GIFT OF JANE KoSATHER OC^l^t Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/fromgrselectionsOOfeltrich SELECTIONS FROil GREEK HISTORIANS (BASED UPON FELT ON' S SELECTIONS). WITH NOTES BY O. M. FERNALD, PROFESSOR OF GREEK IN WILLIAMS COLLEGE. WITH THREE MAPS. FULliTH EJ)I'C10N . BOSTON: JOHN ALLYN, PUBLISHER. 1885. [Copyright, 1S7S, by John Allyn.] University Press : John Wilson & Son, Cambridge. PREFACE It was at the request of the publisher that I undertook to pre« pare a new edition of the late President Felton's Selections from the Greek Historians. It soon became clear that in order to secure unity of treatment throughout it would be necessaiy to use the notes of the old edition in precisely the same way as an}- other notes ; i.e., to resort to them only when the}' answered my purpose, and to give credit to them in each instance. And it has been the design, both with reference to those notes and to all others, to give due credit for all matter directly borrowed or adapted from any source ; but it is not always possible to acknowledge suggestions which the labors of many previous editors have made common property. As regards the text, it has been my purpose to retain no reading which has not the authority of some standard modern edition ; and, in order to reach t« is end, frequent changes have been necessary in the text and punctuation, particularly in the extracts from Herodotus, the text of which was in a bad con- dition in the old plates. In revising and annotating the text of Herodotus, I have depended mainly upon the editions of Stein and Abicht. In Thucydides, the editions of Classen and Kriiger have furnished more aid, perhaps, than an}' others. In Xen- ophon, the old plates varied so widely from recent texts that new plates have been cast, in which the text of Dindorf 's third edition has been strictly followed. A list of the other editions which have been consulted will be found on page 282. President Felton's extracts have been retained without omission as far as page 207; i.e., through Herodotus, the 360217 IV PBEFACE. mythological selections from Diodorus, and two extracts from Thncydides ; but, bej-ond that page, in oiiler to bring the book within reasonable compass, large omissions have been made in the list of selections from Thucydides and Xenophon, and noth- ing has been retained from the later historians. It is believed, however, that enough has been kept for the historical reading of the Freshman year in college. In the notes my aim has been to furnish aid to the student. The teacher will have access to more exhaustive commentaries. I have not intended to pass over any real difficulty unnoticed, and at the same time I have tried to avoid the mistake of giving unnecessary help. The notes assume that every student has at his elbow a Classical Dictionary, both of Biography and of Antiquities, a Classical Atlas, and a good history of Greece. At the head of the notes on the several selections have been placed references to those parts of Grote, Curtius, Smith (the larger history) , and Cox (the General History) , which elucidate the subject of the selection ; and the student is strongly urged to read carefully the passage referred to, before beginning the Greek text. For this purpose Grote and Curtius are particularly recommended. In many cases it will be necessary to enlarge the portions referred to, both at the beginning and the end, in order to get an intelligent sense of the whole situation ; though this will be less often true of Grote than of the others. While frequent references have been given to the grammars of Goodwin and Hadley, and to Goodwin's Greek Moods and Tenses, the notes themselves will in most cases be found to state briefly the principle referred to ; but the student should not for that reason fail to look up the references, particularly to the Moods and Tenses, which by its copious examples and explana- tions will often throw much light upon the difficulties of the text. Owing to the considerable changes which have been made in the text and punctuation throughout, the reduction in the num- ber of the selections, the new annotation of pages 1-188, and the addition of notes upon the remaining pages where there were none before, it has not seemed proper to hold President Felton'a name responsible for this work any further than is indicated upon the title-page. The Maps are based upon those found in Cox's General His- tory of Greece, but some changes of detail have been made in the two larger. Suggestions and corrections of errors will be gratefully re- ceived by the publisher or editor. O. M. FERNALD. Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., August 1, 1878. NOTE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. The thanks of the editor are due to several friends, and espe- cially to Dr. Charles F. Smith, of Vanderbilt University, for important corrections and suggestions. November, 1884. CONTENTS. DIODORUS SICULUS. PAGE I. Introduction (Book IV., Chap. 1) 1 II. The Muses (IV., 7) 2 III. Herakles (IV., 10-18, 23-24) 4 IV. Orpheus (IV., 25) 21 V. The Argonauts (IV., 40-55) 21 VI. The Seven at Thebes, and the Epigoni (IV., 64-67) . . 43 VII. Oinomaos, Sp. (IV., 73-75) 49 HERODOTUS. I. The Capture of Miletos (Book VI., Chaps. 1-21) ... 65 I. Subjection of the other Ionians (VI., 31-33) .... 74 III. Expedition of Mardonios (VI., 42-45) 76 IV. Embassy sent by Darius to Greece (VI., 48-51) ... 79 V. Expedition of Datis and Artaphernes (VI., 94-101) . . SI VI. Battle of Marathon (VI., 102-120) '85 VII. The Succession of Xerxes (VII., 1-4) ...... 95 VTII. Debate upon the Invasion of Greece (VII., 8-18) ... 97 IX. March of the Persians (VII., 19-G0) 108 X. Preparations of the Greeks (VII., 13S-162, 109, 172-171) 127 XI. Battle of Thermopylai (VII., 19S-228), v.ith Map . . 115 XII. Sea-fights near Artemision (VIII., 1-17) 159 Vlll CONTENTS. TAGE XIII. Occupation of Salamis (VIII., 40-42) 10G XIV. Battle of Salamis (VIII. , 78-95), with Map .... 167 XV. Battle of Plataia (IX., 58-65), with Map 176 XVI. Battle of Mykale (IX., 98-106) 180 XVII. Capture of Sestos (IX., 114-121) 185 THUCYDIDES. I. Ancient Condition of Hellas (Book I., Chaps. 2-17) . 53-64 II. Growth of the Athenian Empire (I., 88-117) .... 189 III. Second Congress at Sparta (I., 118-125) 209 IV. Speech of Perildes (I., 139-146) 214 V. Resources of Athens (II., 13) 223 VI. Funeral Oration by Perikles (II., 34-47) 225 VII. Defence of Perikles, his Death and Character (II. , 59-65) 235 VIII. Mutilation of the Hermai (VI., 26-29, 60, 01) . . . 243 IX. Final Scenes of the Sicilian Expedition (VII., 75-87) . 247 X. Effects of the Disasters in Sicily (VIII., 1-4). ... 259 XENOPIION. I. Return of Alkibiades (Hellenica, Book I., Chap. 4) . . 263 II. Sea-fight near Arginousai (I., 6) 266 III. Battle of Aigospotamoi (II., 1) 269 IV. Taking of Athens by Lysandros (II., 2) 243 Notes 281 AIOA&POD SIKEAI&THS. I. INTRODUCTION. Ovk dyvoco p,ev on ro2ov<; elvav 777909 dXXy)Xovs. Awnrep tcov lieTayevecrrepcov Icnopioypdcpcov ol irpcoTevovre^ tj) Bo^rj T)}? puev dpyaias fivOoXoyias direcnriaav Bid t?]v Bvo~%e- petav, rdf Be vecorepas Trpdgets dvaypdcpeiv eTreyeipr\o~av. 15 "Ecpopo? {lev yap 6 Kup.alo^, 'Io-o/cpdrovs cov p.a6r]Ti]<;, VTroaT^crdjxevo^ ypdcpeiv tGBUs siculus. 8&v ' xuO'uSov' •frpa%&£vTCu ^fJvpTa%dfxevo]tcovcni> eiraivoLs et9 tcw alcova /caOv/xvrjcrev. 'Ev /xev ovv rat9 7rpo ravrris (3t/3\ot<; rpicrlp dveypd-^rajxev rd<; nrapd toi9 aX\otpa<; koX to, cj)vo- jxeva Trap' avrols 6r\pla ical raXXa t,coa /cal /caOokov irdvra ra [xvr)p,r\^ a£ia ical TrapaSo^oXoyovfieva hie^iov- T69, eV ravrr] Se ra irapa Tot9 "EW,7]cnv laTopovpueva 20 Kara tov<; dpyaioTdrowi %povov<; irepl tcov eincp'avecTTd- tcov i)paxov T6 /cat r/puOecov /cal /caOoXov tcov /caTa irb- Xejxov d^ioXoyov tl KaTeipyaa/xevcov, bpLoicos Se /cal tcov €V elpijvr) TL %pi'l}? 7rot>;cre&>? tcov eyiecopia^o- 25 pevcov eiratvov p,eya /c\eo<; ireptiroLelv tol<; eTraivovpbevois, EvTepirrjv Be diro tov Tepireiv tovs d/cpocopevov? rot? diro T7}? TratBeias dyadoU, GdXetav Be diro tov OdWeiv eirl 7toWovs xpovowi 7-01/9 Blci, tcov TTOLr\paTcov eytccopia- ^opevovs, M.e\iropLevr)v Be diro tj)? pe\cpBia<;, Bt ?;9 3 " 4 DIODORUS SICULUS. tow; uhovgvtcls ^rwyaywyelcrOai, Tepy^riy^opiiv Be avrb tov repiretv tow; a/cpoaras rot? etc 7rai8eta<; irepLyivopLevoLel]<7tv twv Bacr/xwv /cat pueO v/3pew<; elrr]pi,acra]aay TroXefjLLWV Bvvdfiews d^prjcrTov 7roi? / yvn]o~iw t>jv ttoXlv eireTpe^rev • EvpvaOevs B Ti]v fiao-tXetav eywv t?/ OLKiav rjauya^ev, ckkXcvcov ras rcov avOpcorrcov opci- Xcas re Kac arravTi]oecs. TeXos 8e rod ypdvov to rrdOos 25 rrpavvavros Kpivas vrropevecv rovs kcvSvvovs irapeye- vero rrpos EvpvaOea • Kal rrpcorov ekaj3ev adXov drro- KTCivat, rov ev Nep,ea Xe'ovra. Ovros 8e peyeOec pev vrrep- , kcu tov dijpiov avpcpvyovTos 64? ti]V Bicopvya crvvaKoXovOcov clvtco Kat, to eTepov 5 Twv crTOfuojv eptcppa^as o-vvewXaKi], Kat tov avyeva o~$t- y£a<; rot? fipayj,ocnv aTreirvt^e. Ti]v Be Bopav avTov nrept- 6epevoo? GcouaTOS eKarov avyeves e^ovTes tce ~ v fit v, trap,evo<; ctKpipws ttjv o-vp,perpiav (nrrjve'yKe rov Kairpov ^covtcl 77/509 Evpvo0ea ' ov l8a>v 6 ftaatXevs ein rcov cbp-wv (pepovra, kcli ^>o/3ij9eiTO<; avrov p,v7\o6r]vai rov <&dXov t?;? Al- ovvaov TrapayyeXta?. AvoiyQevros ovv rov ttlOov, koI tt)? eva>8ta<; xnro- eras a^iav rwv 7rpoKareipyacrp,eva)V avvearr[0"aro pdyrjv. Svvrjyavi^ero 8 avrols 1) p,rjT7]p Necpe'XT) ttoXvv opjBpov eK^eovaa, 81 ov rov? pev rerpao-KeXels ovrc efiXarrre, reS 8e Bvacv Tjpeccrpevro a/ceXecrt rrjv (Buaiv oXiaO-qpav Kare- dflCKeva^ev- AXX 6/v,a>9 """ot? tolovtols 7rpoT6pi]p,acri irXeO' HERAKLES. . 9 v€KTOvvrapa tcap- ttou? eXvptatvero. Bia ptev ovv aSuvarov v\v ^etpcoaacrdai to, £a>a 8ta ttjv i>7rep{3oXi]v tov irXrfiovs, cpoXore^vov 8* eTTivoim i) 7rpa%t<; 7rpoo-e8eno. Aioirep KaTao~Kevacra<; %aX- Krjv irXarayi]V, kcu 8ia TCtVTT)? e^atatov /caraaKevufav io yfrocpov, etjecpofiet ra £eoa, Hat irepas tij crvve^eui tov /cporov paBtcos €K7roXe/uii]aa/5i? v/3peo}<; o-vvereXeae tov ddXov ev 7]ptepa pita. Ato Kat Oavptaaat av Ti? ti]v eirtvotav to yap v7repr](f)avov tov Trpoo-TtiypaTo? %&>pt? a\ayyvr)<$ eirereXeo-ev, ov8ev v-Troptetva? ava^tov tt}<; aOavaata^, MeTa 8e TavTa Xaftcov ddXov tov e/c KprjTrjs ravpov 25 ayayelv, ov IIaat vavaroXyOet^. TeXeaas 8e tovtov tov ddXov tov 'OXv/xTrtaKov dyco- 30 va crvvecn i]aaT0, KaXXtcrTOV twv tottcov 7rpo9 ryXtKavrrjv HERAKLES. 11 Travr\yvpiv TrpoKpcva? to irapa tov AXcpeiov irorafxov ireoLov, ev or tov aycova tovtov tco All to) iraTplco kcl- Oiepcocre. %Te ■ rj^tcoae Be ravTi]<; Tr}<; •7rpo(rr} r yopia<; tcov eic Qw t Tcov yvvcuKcov jevopcevfjov Aio- 5 vvtrov Kac 'Hpa/cXea, ov /xovov on warpo? ?jcrav Aio? aXX ore kcll ttjv irpocupecnv o/xoiav ecryov, evepyeTrjaav- T€? jxeyaka tov /3cov tcov avdpcoircov. Zev? Be, JJpopn]- 6eco<; 'TrapaBovTos to irvp to7<; uvQponroi^, Bea/Aols Kare- Xa/3eT0 teat irapeaT^aev aerov tov eoQlovTa to rprap • ' avTou. HparcXrjs Be opcov Trj ecrcoae tov koivov evepyeTTjv. Mctcl Be Taina eXaftev ciOXov dyayelv Tas Alo/xtjBov; tov @paico<; 'nnrow;. AvTat Be is yaXica<; pcev cpaTvas elyov But ttjv aypcoTriTa, aXvaecrt Be copals Bia tt]v tayyv eBecr/xevovTO, Tpocpi]v B eXapb- fiavov ov Tt]V €K y?;? cpvoLievi]v, aXXa tli tcov %evcov fxeXr] BiaipovLievcu Tpocprjv elyov ti]v av/ncpopav tcov dtcXiipovvTcov. Tav~a<; 6 'Hpa/cXrjs /3ovXo/ievo<; yjtpcoaa- 20 adai, tov Kvpiov AiopLrjBrjv 7rape/3aXe, /cat Tacs tov ttci- pavofjbetv 8iBa£a.vTO<; aap^iv e/cirXrjpooaa*; ttjv evBeiav tcov t,cocov evTreiOel? eayev. Evpvcrdevs Be, ayOetocov Trpo? avTov tcov 'ittttcov, ravTa? p,ev lepas eiroiyaev ' Hpas, cbv Tt\v e7TLjovi]v ovvej3rj Biafxelvai [xeypt Tr}<$ AXe^avBpov 25 tov MarceBovos fiacr£Xeia rrpcorov yreu rrap avrcov rov tt p oarer ay p,evov £(oo-rrjpa • cos S ou^ vtt^kovov, avvrj-^re pd^jv avTa ^' To p,ev ovv aXXo ir\rj0o W €K TrpoK\i]aeco^ kcpaaav errraKCS vevi/crjfcevat rov avrcra^apevov. Heaovar/^ Be Kat, ravrrjs, reraprr/v e%et- pcoaaro ri}V ovopa^opevrjv 'EpL(3oiav. Abrr) Be Bta ri]V ev tch? iroXepLKols dycocriv avBpayaQiav Kav^copevrj p,r)Be- w? yjpeiav e X €t/V fiorjOov, tyevBri ri]V errayyeXcav ecr^e 20 Kpeirrovt, TrepLirecrovaa. Mera Be ravras KeXaivco koo Evpvftla Kat ^ot/3rj. 'AprepiBos ovcrai avyKvvr/yol' koI Bui rravros eucrTo^co? aKovrc^ovcrat, tov eva gkottov ovk erpcoaav, d\A,' eavrals crvvao-TTt^ovcrai rratrai rore Kare- KOTTTjaav. Merd Be ravra'? Arjiuvetpav Kat, Aarepiav 25 Kat M(tp7rr)v en Be TeKprjacrav Kat, AXiccmriqv e^etpcoaa- ro. Avrif] Be opoaacra rrapOevos Biapeveiv, rov fiev bpKOV Bierr'iprjae, to Be ty~jv ov BiecpvXa^ev. e H Be ri]v crrparr)- ycav eyovaa rcov 'Apac^ovcov MeXavcTrmj Kat, Oavpa^opevrj uuXiara Bt, avBpsiav aire&aXe rr\v i^yepovtav. 'Hpa/cA.?;? 30 2 14 DIODORUS SICULUS. Be Ttt9 e7ri(f)av6<; Be Kal row; rrapavo- 15 fiovvra 1 ; dvdpunrovs r) Bvvao~ra<; inre pr) fieye8ei, ri]v ovopba^opbevrjv EKa- TopnrvXov, fj edero tijv TTpoarjyopiav diro rov 7rXrj0ov^ rcov Kar avrijv rrvXoov. Aiapbepievr/Ke Be t] ravrr)<; rrjs 7TOAf:C09 evbaiuovia p^eyjpi rcov vecorepcov Kaipcov, ev oi<; 30 16 DIODORUS SICULUS. kclI Kapxn^ovioi Bwdfiecriv d%ioX6yoi<$ kcu crTpaTr)yoi<} dyadol<; arpareucravTe Kac Tt / tA? ^ e ^ V7r ° TiV °S T ™ v e 7X C0 " ptcov fiao-iXeoos, dv8po<; evo~e/3eta teal Bucaioo-vvr) Biacpe- povTOi, KareXcire /xe'po? tcov (3ocov ev Bcopeais tw (3aac- Xet. ( Be Xaficov dTrdcras /cadiepcoaev 'HpaicXel, /cat tear 15 eviavTOV etc tovtcov edvev avTco tov KaXXiaTevovTa tcov Taupcov ' tcis Be /3ouP av Ka1, (pOaprjvai ra Kar av- rrjv diravra. 'AXXa ra pev Kara ttjv GerraXiav errpa^ev evepyercov rovs " EXXrjvas, ra Be Kara ttjv Boicoriav rc- pcopcav Xapftdvcov rrapa rcov rr\v MivvaSa KaroiKovvrcov ij» Bui ttjv rcov &7j(3aicov KaraBovXcoaiv Mera Be ravra fiovXopevo? eyKVKXwOrjvab iraaav ~2i- KeXlav, erroielro rrjv rropelav drro UeXcopiaBos em rov "EpvKa. Aie^Lovros 8' avrov rr\v rrapaXiov rrfi vrjcrov, pvOoXoyovai rd<; vvpcpas dvelvai Oeppd Xovrpd 71730? rrjv 20 dvairavcnv t?/? Kara rr)v oBonropiav yevopevrj? avrco Ka- KOTradeias. Tovrcov Be ovrcov Birrcov, ra pev 'Ipepala rd S' ' ) Eyearala rrpoaayopeverai, ttjv ovopacriav eyovra ravrrjv drrb rcov rorrwv. Tov B HpaKXeov; irXrjaiaaav- to? rol aOavaatas, ev8oK7]aa<; 6 "Epvl; rrj crvvdrifcrj /cat iraXataas, eXetcpOrj /cat rrjv %copav aire- 5 fiaXev. ( 8 ' Hpa/cXr}? ttiv ptev %copav irapeOero tow ey^coptow, arvy^copr]o-a? eyywpiovs /car evtavrov tt} Kopj) Kat Trpo? Tr) Kvdvi] Xapurpcos dyetv iravr\yvptv re Kat Overlap. Avtos Be fierd tcov fiocov 81a t?}? pteaoyetov Bte^tcov, kol 25 tcov ey^coplcov Xtxavcov pteyaXais Bvvapteatv avTira^apte- vcov, evtK7]o~ev eirtcbavel irapara^et Kat, ttoXXovs aireKret- vev, ev of? ptvOoXoyovcri Ttve<; Kat crTpaTrjyovs eirtcpavew yeyevrjaOat tou? ^XP l tov vvv 7 ?/ 3 rifif}? rvyycivov- Tas, AevKaairtv /cat IIe8iaKpaTT]v Kat Bovcpovav Kat T\v 30 yonav en Be Bvratav koi KpvriSav. HEKAKLES. 19 Wlera Be ravra SteXdcov to AeovTtvov ireBtov to ptev icaWo<; t?/9 yu>pa<; eOavptaae, irpoVTa<; BtaTtdeptevo? aTreXtTre irap ai)Tot<; dOavara ixvqjxela rrj Trpoarj/xalvov- T09. OBov 'yap ovaT)? ov/c airodev rfjs rrroXecos 7reTp(oBov /caXelaOat irpoaera^ev • waav- 7&)? Be /cat twv fiowv rots airoTVirwdetatv Xyyeat ttjv a

ytveadat /caT evtavTov Tti? ^XP V T0 ^ v ^ v T V~ povptevas. UavTes yap ot icaTa TavTr/v t)]v iroXtv ol/covv- 25 Te? e/c yeveTrjs Ta? icoptas lepas IoXaoo Tpecpovat, pteypt av otov Ovcnatcrt. TocavTr] S' ccttIv ayveia /cat o-eptvoTrj<; irepl to Teptevos wene tovs p,>) TeXovvTas ra dew, rrapa-^prj/xa arTo/eaBiaracrQat epaat tou? ry rrpo- €i.prjfi€ur) vocrw Kare^opievov^. Oc B ovv ey^wptot rovrois 6 <1koXov6w<; tt)v fiev rrvXrjv 7rpo? y ret? airavrr\aeiv TrepatwBeis ei? rrjv IraXiav Trporfye Bid rrjp.aTov ddXa>v So^i]<; aetp,vr\- (ttov TeTeiryoTas, ^rjXwaat t fiaatXet Ta%eco$ Xafietv avTOV ovyicuTcuvov, ov% ovtco tov IleXtov enrev- 10 Bovtos irpoayayeiv a? €7rupaveiav tov veaviaicov &>v a^evov irpocrayopeveaOat, ^svoktovovvtcov twv eyyoapiwv tovs KaTairXeovTas. 'laaova Be Bo^rjs ope- yd/xevov /cat tov ctOXov Bvcre(ptKT0V ptev, ov KaTa irav S' aBvvaTov KpivovTa, Kat Bta tovto [xaXXov avTOv eirt- (paveo-Tepov eaeaOat BtaXaptfiavovTa, TrapaaKevaaaaOat 25 to. irpos ttjv e7rt/3oXr)v. Kat wpwTov ptev irept to TJ^Xtov vavKr\yi}o-acr6at to crKacpos, ttoXv tQ> pteyeOet Kat ttj Xotiry KaTacrKevrj ttjv Tore avvrjOetav virepfiaXXov, Bia to cr^eBtats irXelv tovs TOTe dvOpuiirovs Kal fiiKpot? TravTeXois aKaTtots. Aio Ka\ 30 twv iBovrcov avTO totc KaTaTrXrjTTOfxevcov, Kat Trjs epr) rrfi i& vecos, cos 8 evLoc Xeyovacv, airo rrjs rrepi ro rayos vrrep- ftoXrjS, cos av rcov apyaicov apyov ro rayy rrpoaayopev- ovrcov. Tovs 8' ouv dptarels aweXOovras eXeaOai crebcov av- rcov crrparTjyov 'HpaKXea, rrpoKpivavras Kar av8peiav. 20 "Ewecra m rrjs 'IcoXkov rov €kttXovv rroirjaapevovs, /cal rrapaXXa^avras rov re ' Adco Kai 2apo6paKT]v, yeip,covi rrepnreaelv, Kal nTpoaeveyOrjvat rrjs TpcoaBos rrpos Hiyeiov. 'Evravda §' avrcov ri]v airoftaaiv rroirjaapbevcov eupedrjvat cpaai rrapOevov BeBepuevrjv irapd rov acyiaXov Bed rouwras 25 air las. Ae'yerac rov IIoaeiBcova 8td rr\v pbv6oXoyovp,evr}v rcov Tpcoi-Kcov reiywv KaraaKevrjv prjvLaavra AaofieBovrc rco fiacnXel Krjros dvelvat e/c rov 7reXayovs irpos ri)v %co- pav vivo oe rovrov rows irapa rov atyiaXov 8iarpc/3ovras kcu robs yecopyovvras ri]v irapaOaXamov irapaBoJ-cos 30 24 DIODORUS SICULUS. avvapTTu^ecrOai • 7rpo9 Se tovtois \ol/aov epuTreaeiv et? ra ifkr]6r} /cat Kapirwv iravTeXrj Ti]crovTa<; wep\ tcov av/jL/3e/37]KOTO)v. 'EiKTreaovTOS ovv xprjo fiov pirjviv virdp- yew Uo(jethu>vo tcrjTei, 16 cpaalv diravTWV et? tov Kkrjpov epLj3aivovTcov eiraveXOelv eU 'Hatdvrjv ttjv tov f3aaiXeco HpatcXeovs dvatpeOrjvav, Trj 6° 'Haiovrj hodrjvcu Ti]v e^ovaiav et,T€ /3ovXolto uerd tov TrpoarjKovat %evioi<; Xapbirpco^ tl- ptrjOevTa Ti]v 'HaiovrjV ical tcis Ittttovs irapadeaOat, 30 tw Aao/jbedovTi, avvTa^uuevov p,€Ta Ti]V etc KoX^cov THE ARGONAUTS. 25 eiravohov a7Td\.7)^readai ravra, avTov S' dva^Ofjvai jxera tcov ApyovavTcov Kara aiTovhi}v ewl tov irpo/ceipbevov a9\ov. Eiriyevopbevov he pbeyaXov ■^eip.covo 1 ?, teal tcov api- GTecav uiroyLvcoaiedvTcov tjjv acoTrjplav, cpacAv 'Opcpe'a, 5 t?7? rtXeT?;? pbovov tcov cTvpuirXeovTcov pceTea^ij/coTa, ttolt]- aaaOat tols XapLoOpafy ras virep rrjs acoTrjpias ev^a?. Ev6u$ he tov 7rv€vpiaTo tcov Atocncovpcov eirt- l& cpaveiav. Ou pii)v aXXa tot€ Xrj%avTO<; tov %eip.covos airo^rjvai pbev tovs apiaTea T179 @pa/c?7? ei? ttjv vtto $iveco aev ev Tat? avdytcais w 26 DIODOKUS SICULUS. ovras eiriKaXeaaaOai tcaddirep deovs tow; apiaret^, teal t<29 aniaivea TriKpco<; diravT^aavra roi? tjevois irapay- 5 ye'ikav fir/Bev tcov tca0' iavrov TroXvrrpaypLovelv ' fit]* Beva yap irarepa Xafietv Trap vicov etcovcucos Tip,co- piav, el fir) tco /xeyedet tcov aBiicr)fiaTcov vnepuolwro Tr)v iveto$ Trpos p,ayr}v, kcli tov TcXry 0ow; tcov Qpatccov avvBpafidvTO'i, cpaat tov Hpa/cXea irav- tcov dptcTTa Biaywvicrdfievov avTov Te tov <&ivea tcai tcov aXXcov ovtc oXtyow; dveXeiv, to Be TeXevTalov KpaTi]o~avTa tcov ftaaiXeicov Tr)v fiev KXeotraTpav etc T?;? 9 re tcai tt} rpocfrals. 'Einreipiav 8e 30 28 - DIODORUS SICIjLLS. fieyaXTju ev Tourot? e^ovaav irpiinov {iev tov irarepa Kara- irXeovras %evov<; QvecrQai Trj Bern KaraBei^acrav, e7r' 5 a)/jLorr]Ti Biovofiaadrjvai. Mera Be iavia crvvoLKrjaaaav AlrjTr) yevvrjaac Buo dvyarepaq, KlpKrjv re teal Mr\- Beiav, ere B' viov AlyiaXea. Kal ti\v p.ev KipKf]v ea 7rep/3oXi]v airoXnrelv erepa irpos eirivocav (papfiaK€ia<;. AoQr\vai S' avTi]v et? yap,ov t<» fiacuXel raiv Xappuarcov, ovs hvtOL Xicvdas irpocr- 13 ayopevouac. Kal to fiev rrpcoTov rov dvhpa (papfia- kols dveXelv, fiera Be. ravra ttjv fiacnXetav BiaBe^a- IxevTjv iroXXa Kara twv apyop.evu>v cofia irpa^ac /cat fitaia. Aioirep eKirecrovaav Trjs /3ao-tXe/a? Kara [xev Tivav laTopitcwv eKknrovaav rov Tldvrov Karoticfjaai ttJ? Ira- Xia<; dfcpa)T7]piov to ^XP L T °v v ^ v a7T e/cet ^ 7 ?? Kip- Katov ovo/jLa^ofxevov. 25 Tijv Be Mi)Beiav Icrropovai /xaOelv irapd re t?}? nrjTpos Kal rrjs dBeXcpr}^ dirdaa^ tcis rwv (pap/Jbatcoov Bvvafieis, irpoaipeaet 6° evavricoraTT) xprjadat • BiareXecv yap tous KaraTrXeovTas twv %e'voov e\aipovp.evr\v en. twv klvBvvwv- Kal irore jxev irapd tov irarpo^ aireoaOai Be^aec /cat 30 ydpiTi twv twv ueXXovTcov aTroXXvaOai acor^piav, irort THE ARGONAUTS. 29 S ' avTTju eic tt/9 (pvXaicrjs dtytelaav irpovoelcrdat, tt}? twv aTvyovvTwv dcrfydXeias • tov p.ev yap Air\TT)v ra fiev Bid tt]v iBiav a)/j,0T7)Ta, tu S' vtto tt}? yvvaiKos E/caTi]? ireiadevra, irpoaBe^aaOai to Tr} eU to Trpoeiptifie'vov rep.evos. Ev6a Brj trepLTvyovTas trj MrjBeia m-Xavco/xevij irepu rov ai- yiaXov, Kol pbaOovraq Trap avTrjs to T179 ^evotcTovias vofXifiov, diroBe^aaOat fiev ttjv i]fj.epoT7}Ta T179 irapde- 15 vov, BifXwo-avTCLS Be ainy Tip eavTwv eirL^oXi}V iraXtv 7rap y ctcelvr)*; p,a6elv tov virdpyovTa avrrj klvBvvov diro tov iraTpos Bid Ti]v Trpos tov<=» gevovs evaefieiav. Koivov Be tov o-vp,v op/cwv Bovvat iriaTei<; otc yrjp.a<; avTi]v e%eo crvp,{3iov airavTa tov tov ^yjv yjpovov. Mera Be Taina tow 'ApyovavTas cnroXnTovTas (j>vXaKa<; vv- KT09 oppLrjcrat, p.erd t?}9 Mt]Beia<; e-m to xpvaop.aXXov 25 Be'po re/iieWt ret^o? kcu (pvXaKa? ttoXXovs errio-Trjaai twv e/c ttjs TavpiKrjf a wv kcu repaT(i)Betpa<; expvo-rjs Kpiov, kcu ti]v ' EWqv Svcrcpopovcrav 67U Trj vavTia, koI Btd tovto eVt tov 30 toi%ov t?7TO Ka ^ ° v eo-r/fMuvero Te\evTr\o~eLV avrov ic orav %evoi icaTcnfXeuo-avTes to tou Kpiov Bepos aire- veyKcocri, (petal tov /3acn\e'a Teiyio-ai to Tepuevos teat, (ppovpav iyKaTCto-Trjcrcu, 7roo? Be tovtow XpvacocTcu to Bepo<;, "iva Bid Trjv eiricpdveiav vtro tcov trTpciTicoTcov e r mp,e\eo-TdTT]S d%ico6r} (pvka/crjs. TavTd p,ev ovv e£e- 15 crTai tou? uvayivcocrKOVTa^ icpiveiv irpos tu<; iBias e/ca- gtov Trpoatpeaea. Tijv Be Mr\Beiav IcTTopovai KadrjyrjaacrOai toi? Ap- yovavrais 7rpo? to tou "Apeoi Tep,evos, aiteyov e/38o- p,r\KOVTa tnaBiovs dirb t^? TroXecos, hv KdXeicrOai fiev 20 Svftapiv, eyeiv Be ia ftaaiXeia tcov KoX^cov. Upocr- e\6ovaav Be Tat? TrvXaa KeK\eicrp,evai<; vvkto<; ttj Tavpifcr) BiaXe/cTcp 7rpoacpcovrjcrai Tot? (ppovpois. Tcov Be o~TpctTUi)Ta)V dvoi^dvTcov 7rpo9vfico ir\r\dei, twv crvvaywviCpiievwv Trepi^vOe'vTa kcll ficcuoTepov ey/ceifcevov virb MeXedypov cpovevdrjvat. "Ev0a 8r] ireaovTO? tov /3acnXe'w<; /ecu twv 'EXXj]vwv eirapOevTwv, TpaiTrjvab tou? KoXyovs 7rpo? (pvyrjv, /ecu Kara tov Siwy/xov tovs 7rXeL- 15 cttovs avrwv dvaipedyvac. TeveaOai he /cat twv api- o-rewv TpavpLarlas * Ida ova, kou Aaeprrjv ere Se ATa- \dvrqv Kal tovs Gea'Tridb'as Trpoo-ayopevofievovs. Tov- tou? pbkv ovv (paaiv vir6 t?}? MrjSeia? ev oXiyai<; ?;/xe- pais Tial pleats Kau fioTavaa depairevOrjvai, tovs 8 20 'Apyovauras e7rLaiTiaapievov. KaOoXov 6° eg ovduaros irpoa^wvT\o-avTa THE ARGONAUTS. 33 irdpras tovs ' 'ApyovauTas eliretv o>9 Blcl ra? Opea)' OV KCLL T1]V ttoXlv TWV Bv'C/OLVTmV (0VOfJ.aa8cU. 'EvravOa Be /3cop.ovaai tov tottov tov ere /cat vvv TifMo/JL'evov xjtto twv TrapcnrXeovrcov. Mem Be tclvtcl dva-^devra^;, kcu BiairXevo-avTa (pvXaKrjv Bvo i;iv apiarecov hid ras dpera<; liriKpaTOvvTWV, pvQoXoyovcn. 5 tov 'HpaicXea irdvrwv dpiara hiaywvtaaadai • tov re yap AaouehovTa, (povevaai, fcal tt/? 7roA.e ^aatXev rrj iraTtpa Bpaavfif/xvova, 6vp.o\eovTa- *Os 7rore 8evp i\6(bv eV^ iTnreov AaoptSovrog *E£ o'lijs (tvv vrjval Kai avbpc'uri ttciv pore poia iv 'iXt'ou e^aXdna^e ttoXiv, xrjpaxre 8 dyvuis. 20 Tov; o° 'ApyovavTWi (fiacrlv etc tt}? Tpcoaho; avaxQtvras eh 'ZapoQpaicqv KoptaQrptai, icai rot? peyaXoi; deoi; ret? euva? aTrohovTas 7raXiv avadecvai ra<; (piaXa; ei; to re- /jLevos Ta? en kcli vvv hiapevovaa;. T?;? he toov apicnewv avafcopihf); ayvoovpevrj; ere 25 Kara rrjv OerraXiav fyacri irpoo-ireaelv ov IIpop,axov 3 iralha THE ARGONAUTS. 35 rrjV fjXnciav ovra, (povevcrai • , AfKpcvo^V v oe rr)V pi)repa fieWovaav dvaipelaOai cpaaiv eiravSpov nai p,vi)p.ri<; a^iav eiriTeXeaaadao -rpagiv. KaTCKpvyovaav yap evt ri)v ear lav tov fiao-tXecos /ecu KaTapaaapievrjv tradeiv avrov d%ia tcov dcre/Srjfidrcov gicpei Trara^aaav eavrr)? to crrr}- 5 #09 rjpcoLKoos Karaarpe^at tov fiiov. Tov he IleXiav tovto) tco rpoiro) iraaav ti]V 'Idcrovos avyye'veiav dphrjv dveXovTa tw^v rr]V irpoa^tcovaav Toh ao~efir\p.aoi Kop-i- aaa0at Tcpbcoplav. Tov yap 'Ida-ova KaTa-rrXevcravTa vvfCTOi Trjs &erra\ia<; eh op/xov ov paicpdv fiev tt}? 10 'IooX/cov tcetpievov, ddecoprjrov he T0Z9 etc 7779 7roXe&)pav Ta yevofieva rrept tovs avyyeveh drv)(rip.aTa. UdvTfov he tcov apiaTecov eroifMov ovtcov fiorjdelv to> 'Idaovt kcu Trdvra klvovvov dvahe^eadai, irepl tt}? eirLOeaecoq epvrreo-eiv avToh aficpia- 15 fir\T7)aiv ovs fiev yap avfifiovXeveiv irapaxpr/p-a fita- aapLevovs eh tt)v ttoXlv dirpoaooicriTeos eTrideaOai tco /3a- aiXet, two* S' dirocpalveadai hew a-TparicoTas airo ttji lolas iraTplhos eicaa-Tov avXXe^avTa kolvov apaaQai tto- Xep.ov ' dSuvaTOV yap elvai irevTi}K0VTa koI Tpialv avopa- 20 at irepiyeveadai fiaaiXecos ovvap.LV eyovTO*; /cat TroXets atjioXoyovs. ToiavTTjs 6' ovarii ev avToh diroplas, XeyeTat ttjv Mrjoeiav eirayyetkaaOat he' eavTrjs tov re TleXiav diroKTelvai hoXto kcu rd ftacriXeia irapahcoaetv xoi? 2 _ > dptarevo-iv dicivovvcos. 'Evravda ttclvtcov davfiacrav- tcov tov Xoyov teal tov Tpdirov t?;? imifioXr]<; p-adelv tyjTovvToov, e'nreiv otu KOfii^ei fie9 eavTij<; TroXXas /cat, Trapaho^ovs hvvdp,ei<; (papp,dKcov vtto re 7:79 prjrpos 'Ekh- T175 evpt]p.e'vav BaaiXetoov clvtoIs eTrayyeiXaadac ar)- 5 pLCuveiv rrj<; /u.ev ^fiepaq kcvkvQ>, t??? Be vvktos irvpl, irpb Baifiovt rjj re TtdXet, Trdarj xal tc! BaaiXel. JJavrcov Be irpocricvvovvTcov icaX ti/xwvtcov ttjv Qeov Ovcnacs, feat, to avvoXov rrjs iroXeo)<; dirdat]^ avvOea- 20 ^ovaris, ecaBaXecv ri]v Mr'jBeiav eU rd ftaaikeia, /cal tov re UeXiav ea BeiaiBaiuova BidOeaiv e/xBaXelv teal tv o^ovfievrjv ttjv "ApTe/xiv 6V aepos vTrepTTeTaaOrjvat, iroXXa f^epr] t?/? olicovp,evr)s, koi TTpo? KaQibpvaiv eavTrjs /cat Ti/xa IleXia irapaKaXeaat Tat? OvyaTpdcrt BiaKeXevcra- aOcu crvvepyelv kcu irpaTTetv direp av auTai? irpocr- tclttt) • Trpo(jT]Keiv yap tco tov fSacriXews acofictTt fir) SovXikuIs yepcr\v aXXa Tat? twv t€kvwv OepairevOevTa rvyelv T?;? irapa dewv evepyeaia?. Aioirep tov UeXiov 25 Tat? OvyaTpucri 8iappi)8r}v eirrovTos iravTa irpaTTeiv baa av r) Mr\8eia TrpoaTtiTTr/ irepl to awfia tov iraTpos, Tti? fiev TrapOevovs eTOifiovs oixra? to KeXevofievov eiriTeXeiv, Ti]V 8e MjjBeiav vvktos €7riyevofxevrj<; Kai tov UeXiov ■7Too? vttvov Tpaire'vTO'i Xe'yeiv w? avayKaiov ev XefSrjTt 30 38 DIODORUS- SICULUS. /caOt-drycrai to aco/xa rov HJeklov. Upoarjvws Be twv irapOevcov Be^a^evcov tov \6yov, erepav avTiqv eTrivorjo-ai ttlcttlv tcov vtt avTrjs Xeyo/xevcov. Tpecfzo/nevov yap /cpiov TroXverovs Kara ttjv oitclav, eirayyeCkao-dai, rat,? /copais / r\ » ' v ' > » » „ 5 tovtov irporepov Kaoe-yrrjaeiv kcli Tronjaetv air ap%i]<; apva. "XvyKaraOejjiivwv S' avTcov, pLvdoXoyovcn ttjv Mr\- Beiav Kara fieXrj BieXovcrav to aco/xa tov tcpiov tca6e\lrr)- crai, icai Bca tlvcov cpap/iaKcov TrapaKpovaa/xevrjv e^eXeiv €/c tov \e(3rjTO<; apvos elBcoXov. EvTavOa tcov irapOevcov 10 KaTairXayetacov, kcu 'jricTTeis t?}? e7rayyeXta<; rjyrjaafievcov evBe^o/Me'vaq e^eiv, virovpyr)o~ai tocs TrpoaTayjxaat. Kal Ta? eic tca/ctas p.ev ovBev 5 ijfiaprov, d/couaLcos Be Be* aTTarr/v r/Tvyrjaav. KaOoXov Be Tracri rot? avyyevecnv eirayyeiXdp.evov eVtet/cco? Kal p.e- yaXotyvyto*; Trpoaevey6i}aea6ai, auvayayelv et, EvaBvrjv Be Kdvrj to) KecpciXov, <&vXaKecov totc (3acriXevovTt Taura fiev vcrrepov avTov irpa^at, Tore Be puera tcov ape- 20 cnecov et fiacrtXel tcov Kopivdicov KpeovTi pt,eraayeiv Trjs TroXiTeias Kai tov Xonrov ypovov ev ttj Kopivdcp KaToifcrjaai. 25 McXXovtcov Be tcov ' ApyovavTcov et? tcis TraTplBas Bia- ycopt^eaOat cpacn tov Hpa/cXea avpi^ovXevaai Tot? api- cTevai 77/509 tcl irapdBo^a TT79 Tvyr)<; aXXiiXois bp/cov? Bou- vai (rvpLfiayrjo-eiv, eav tc<; /3or)6ela<; TrpoaBerjOr}- etcXe^a- aQai Be Kal T179 'EXXaBos tov eiri^aveararov tottov ei9 w 40 DIODORUS SICULUS. dycovcov decriv kcu rravl]yvpiv kolvi]V, kcli Kauiepcocrai rov dycova rco jxeyicrrcp rcov Oecov Au OXvp,7rico. 2,vvop,o- advrcov Be rcov dpiarecov irept, t?}/?a? T0V 7ra P^ 1 T0V AXfyeiov. Aio Kai ttjv TrapaTTOTajiiav KaQiepcoaavra rco fAeyiarcp rcov decov ' OXvpariav air etceivov rrpocrayopevcrai. Tiroart]- adfievov S' ImrtKov dycova kcu jv/jLVLkov ra re rrepi rcov 10 dOXcov Biard^at kcu Oecopovs dirocrrelXai tol>? rals rroXecri irpoepovvra^ ri)V deav rcov dycovcov. Ata Be ri]V rrapa TOi? 'ApyovavTCUS yevo/xevrjv airoBoxyv avrov Kara rr)v arparelav ov /Aerplco*; Bo^aade'vros, rrpoayeveaOai rr)v e/c rr)9 67ro7TTa? yevop,evov ejrav € % a( p@U> 8vaKaTao-/3ecrTov. "Acpvco 8e pt.aTQS :« 42 DIODORUS SICULUS. d^ra[xevov reXevrrjcrai. Tijv Se Mr]Setav airoTvyovaav Tot? TrpwToi? ey^etprjfiacnv ovk airoarrjvai tt]<; Ichtovo? TifjLcopia?. Ettl toctovto yap irpoeXOelv avTrjv opyrjs apia fcal tyfkoTviTLas eri c>' co{iott]to<;, oxtt eirei Sietyvye tov 5 /u.6T«. T?}? vv/j, tt}? Hpas rep,evei Burifai, Kal jxera twv iricyroraTcov Oepairaivihav en tto\- 10 X?J? vvktos oi>ar)<; cpvyeiv etc t?}? KoptvOov, Kai oieKTre- aeiv el? @7]/3a9 irpos t HpaicXea • tovtov yap fieo~CTi)v ye- yovora twv 6/xoXoyiwv ev Ko\yot<> eTrrjyyeXOac fiorjarjaetv avrrj irapaa- r rrovhovp,evri. 'Ev togovtw Se tov jxev lacrova aTepvfievra TeKVwv 15 Kal yvvaiKos 8o%at iraac BiKaia TreirovQevai ' olo Kai fir) Bwa/xevov eveyKelv to p,eye6o<; t?}? avfupopas e/c tov tfiv eavTov pbeTacrTrjaac. Tou? Se Koptvdcovs eKTreTrXr}- yOab fxev ttjv BetvoTrjra tt}? TrepnreTetas, fiaXicrTa S utto- pelv irepl Trj$ Tacfrrjs twv iracSwv. Aioirep airoa-TeCkav- 20 twv avTcov TLvOwhe tovs eTrepwTi]crovTa^ tov 6eov birwq ■ypycrTe'ov earl to7<; awfiacn twv iraiSwv, irpoaTa^ai tjjv TlvQlav ev tw> Tefievet ttjs' Hpas avTOw; Od^ai Kac Tifiwv rjpwtKwv ainov -rrdBu o-vve^opuevov Kai tou? vlovs 5 uTreKrajKora, (bapp-aKoa aviov uiaacruai. Tov o ihv- pva6ea)a? 7rpo? Alyea tov UavBlovos. 'EvravOa B oi p-ev (paaiv avrrjv Atyel GVVoiKr\aao-av yevvrjcrcu MrjBov tov 10 vaTepov M^Bta? fiaaLkevcravTa, Tives S' iGTopovaiv vcp ^Ittttotov tov KpeovTos k^cuTOvpLevrjv Kptcrewi Tv%eiv, kcu twv eyKkrjpaTCDV diro\vd)]vai. MeTa Be TavTa ©Tjaeax; eiraveXddvTO? Ik Tpoitfivos eU Tas * AQiyvax eyickrjOeLcrav em (papp,a/<€ia cpvyelv e/c tt}? 7roX,e(u? ' Bovto<; B Aiyeco<; 15 tou? nrapaTt'ep^ovTCVs eU rp> (3ov\oito %wpav ei? ty\v $oivU-qv KopuaOfjvai. 'EvTevOev S' eU tovs avco tottovs T17? 'Acrias dvafiacrav crvvoLKrjaat tlvv twv eirupavcov /3a- o~i\e(ov, ki; ov yevvrjo-ai, iralBa MrjBov • kcu tov p.ev iralBa pbeTci ttjv tov 7raTpo9 TeXevTrjv BiaBe^dpbevov ti]v fiaai- 20 Xecav 6avp.aadf)vai T6 kcito, tt)V dvBpecav kcu tov? Xaovs d(f) iavTOV MtjBovs ovop,aacu. VI. THE SEVEN AT THEBES, AND THE EPIGONI. t Hp,el$ Be irepl tovtcov apKOWToys ecprjKOTes tu irepi rcov eirTii eVi &ij(3a<; 10-Topiiaop.ev, dva\a{3ovTe<; tu? e£ 44 DIODORUS SICULUS. apXl^ cuTta? rov iroXepov. Actios 6 ©rifioav (3aaCkev% yrj/jLas IoKaarrjv ttjv KpeovTos, nai ^povov \tcavov airais cov, eirripcorrjcre top 0eov vrepl re/cvcov yeveaecos. Trjs 8e IIv6iara Be Blrrovv, yqpaaavra Be rpirrovv, (SaKrrjpia Xpojfievov But t)jv aade.ve.iav. Evravda rip) [xev acplyya Kara rov fivOoXoyovpievov yprjafiov eavrijv KaraKprifivi- crat, rov Be OiBittovv yrifiavra rrjv ayvoovpLevqv vcp eavrov /xr/repa yevvrjaat Bvo fiev viovs Ereo/ckea icau g TloXvvei.'crjv, Buo Be Ovyarepas Avriyovt]v Kac lapnqvqv. Tcov £' vlcov avBpcoOevrwv, teal rcov rrepi rrjv ouciav dae/3rjp,circov yvcoaOe'vrcov, rov pcev OlBlttovv vtto rcov v'icov evBov /xevecv dvayKaaOrjvai Bid Ti}v aiayyvr\v, row Be veaviaKovs irapaXafiovraq ri]V apyjqv ofioXoyias 6e- 10 aOat 777509 aXXi]Xov$ trap ev eavrov apyeiv. JTpeafihre- pov 8' ovtos 'EreoKXeovs, rovrov irpwrov ap^ai, /cat Bc- eXOdvros rov ypovov /z?) fiovXeaOat, rrapaBtBovai njv /3a- atXeiav. Tov Be IIoXvveiKTjv Kara rai;<;. Tovi 8e irepl tov IloXvveitcrjv €7n/3a\eadai, TrelOecv Aficptapaov tov /auvtiv avaTpctTeveiv avTolr)v 8e A8pao~Tov. Trjs 8e to vtKTjfjia 7repi0elo-7]<; A8paaT(p, teal irept Trjs eiu £b;/3a9 crTpaTeias aTTocprjvafjLevr]? 8elv aTpciTeveiv, 6 p.ev A/ucpia- pao jxeTa Ti)v iavTov TeXevTijv tt]v EpLprjaav, o Be "ABpacrros KaraXirrcov ardcpovs rov? rereXevrr/Koras eira- vrfkOev et? "Apyo?. Arav vrro rr]v KaBfielav rreTrrcoKorcov awp.drwv, kcu p,r/Bevo<; roXpicovroao-i, ro ira- Xaiov Bcoprjo-afievrjs 'Appcovia ry KaBpuov rov re bpfiov 25 koI rrerrXov, apicfidrepa ravra rrpoaBe^aaOat ri]V Epupv- Xrjv, rov p.ev oppbov irapa HoXvveiKovs Xaftovaav, rov Be irerrXov rrapd rov vlov rov IIoXvveiKovs QepaavBpov, 07TCO? rreiarj rov vlov arpareveiv erri rav eyevero p^a^q icaprepa, /cad rpv evt/crjcrav ol rrept rov AXfc/uLaicovcf ol Be Orjfiaiot Xet(p6e'vre<; rrj p^dyrj 5 /cat iroWowi rwv rroXtrwv dirofiaXovres crvverpi/3?]aav rai<; eXirtcrtv. Ouk bvres 8' a^topta^ot, crvp:(3ovXov eXaj3ov Tetpeatav rov ptavrtv, b? e/ceXevae (pvyetv e/c rrj0r}o-ea6at. Ol ptev ovv KaBp,elot Kara rrjv rov ptdvrew; viro6i]tcr}v io e^eXf/rov rrjv rroXtv, /ecu vvktos ervveepvyov et? rt ywp'tov t?79 Botwrtas ovopta^opievov TtXcpcocraalov. Erretd ot ptev Eirtyovot rrjv rroXtv eXovres Btripiracrav, /cat t?;? Tet- pecriou 6vyarpos Ad(pvr)<; ey/cparels yevoptevot raurrjv piev avedeaav et? AeXcpovs Kara rtva ev-£i]v a/cpoQiviov rat 15 6ea>. Avtt] Be rrjv ptavrtKipv ov% t)rrov rov irarpo<; etBvta, •noXv ptaXXov ev rols AeXcpols Btarpf^raaa rrjv reyyijv eTrrjv^rjcre. $vcret Be 6avptaarrj Ke^oprjyqptevr] y^prja p,ov$ eypa-^re rravroBairov^, Btas eirt Acoptets earparevaav, 30 /cat ptd^r) vtKi\(7avrea- Xaiots airavra 8ceX9eiv • Kara yap ttjv TleXoirovvrjcrov ev to iroXet IIicrT) "Apr)<; eyewqaev Oa>o\iaov. Ovros 8e Qvya- lepa jjbovoyevrj yevvrjo~a<; covofiacrev IiTiTo8afJieiav. Xprj- aT-qpta^ofievcp 8e avrco iTep\ rrj SopciTt Kai Biacfideipeiv tov fxvrjcrTrjpa. Tovtco Be Tea TpoiTU) tov<; ael /xvTjai evopevovs KaTaXap,{3dvwv Bid ti]V o%vT7]Ta twv 'nnrwv ttoXXovs avrjpei. IUXoyjr Be 6 Tav- toXov KaTavTrjo-as et? Iliaav, Kai 6eaaap.evo^ ti]v 'Itttto- io Bdfxeiav, 67re6up,r]ae tov ya/xov ■ cfideipas Be tou rjvio^ov tov Olvo/ndov MvpTiXov, teal Xaftwv avvepybv 7rpo? ttjv vikt/v, ecpdaae irapayevofievos eiri top Ia6p.ov 7rpoaap,ev7) rrpoaera^e rco [iev AiroXkrovt Kararo- %evaai tou? vlovs rrjs Nidfir}?, rrj B' 'Aprep.tSt, ra<; 6v- yarepaq. Tourcov S' vrraKovaavroiV rrj firjTpt, Kau Kara 10 rov avrov Kcupov Kararo^evcravrcov ra retcva rrjs Nio- /3t7?, crvvefir) rrjv rrpoeiprjfievrjv v

v Qewv e^erreaev ck t^? IlacpXayovias vrro "IXov rov Tpcoo'9, uvaj/ccuov eari /cac ra irept rov 15 9 IXov Kai tow irpoyovovs avrov boeXdecv. Tr}<; Tpaidbos %«/><*? 7rpwro<; e/3aaiXevae Ted/epos, wo? wv ^Kapbdvbpov rov rrora/xov tcai 'Ibala? vvfupr)?, dvi)p e7ri(pav7)<;. Kai tol>? Xaovs a' eavrov Tevtcpovs rrpoarjydpevae. TevKpov b eyevero Ovyarrjp Bareia* 20 ravrrjv be Adpbavos 6 Atos yr t p.as, Kai rrjv fiaatXeiav biabe£dp,evo<;, rov 1 ? pcev Xaovs a

v Ti0(t)pbv fiaatXevaas Karrvv eyevvqo-ev • ef ov TeKveodeh '^4y^/cr?7? e| y A6eipovro tcai dfia vtto aXXocpvXwv fiaXXov 54 THUKYDIDES. €7re/3ov\tvovTO. Trjv yovv Attiki]v, e/c tov em Tikelo-Tov Bid to \e7TTojecov aaTaaiacrTov ovaav, avOpcorroi wkovv ol aurol del. Kal irapdBeiyp,a ToBe tov \oyov ovk ekd-^ia-Tov eo~Ti Bid ra9 ixeTotKi)crei<; to, aX\a [xrj ofioiaxi 5 avfy]Qr\vai. 'Etc jap ttjs aU?/? EWaoo? oi TroXe/xa) rj aTclcrei eKTrlirTovTe? Trap ^Adrjvalov; ol BvvaTWTaToi a>9 (Sefiaiov ov dveywpovv, koi TroXiTai yiyvopevoi ev6v €ti erroirjaav TrXrfiei avdpanrcov Ti)V tto\iv, wo-Te Kal e? 'Icoviav vcnepov m ov% licavrj<; ouo-779 1) -7-779 * Attikt]<$ diroLKLas e^erre^av. Arfkol Be jxoi xai ToBe twv iraXaicov dadeveiav ov% r\tao~ia • irpo yap twv TpwiKcov ovBev (palveTai irpoTepov koivjj epyaaafievq rj 'EX\.d<;, oofcel Be [jloi, ovBe Tovvofia tovto ^ufiTracra ttco elx ev > oXKa to, [xev irpo "E\Xr)vo0io)tiBi lo"vyo-dvT(ov, Kal eTrayofxevuiv avrov<; eir dxfreXlq, e9 Ta? 20 aXXas TroXeis, KaQ^ eKao-Tovs \xev rjBr) ttj ofiiXia /ndXXov KaXelaOai" EXXrjva^, ov fievToi ttoXXov ye yjpdvov rjBvva- to Kal diracnv eKVtKijaai. TeK/xTjpioi Be paXio-Ta Ofirj- 009 • ttoXXm yap vaTepov bti Kai twv TpwiKiov yevofievo? ov$a/jLov Tovti8o9 e/xol BoKel, avTirraXov e'9 ev ovofia aTTOKeKpLO-Oat. Ol S' ovv C09 eKaaToi "EX\.r]ve<; so icaTa 7ro'/\.ei9 re oaot d\\r]\o3V %vviecrav Kai %vjj.iravTeTo<; tcov irXetaTcov eyevero, Kapa? e£e\acra9 ovre cov irvvOdvov- Tat, aira^iovvTcov to epyov, 019 t eirtpeXe^ elr/ elBevat ovk oveiBt^ovTcov. EXijl^ovto Be icai KaT ijweipov aXXrjXovs. 25 Kai p^eypi rovBe 7roXXa Trjs EXXaBos tco iraXaiw Tpoirco veperai Trepi T€ AoKpovs tou9 O&Xas /cal AlrcoXovs Kal Aicapvavas /cat ttjv Tavrr) lyneipov. To T€ o-iBrjpocpopel- crOai tovtov^ toIs rj7reipa>Tairepcov dvrwv, rrepiovcna? fidXXov eyovcrai yprjfxdrcov err avroh roh alyiaXols relyeaiv eKrt^ovro Kal rovs la9piov vvv en QaiTTovcn. Kara- OTavTO^ Be rov Mivco vavrt/cov irXcolpcorepa eyevero irap 1 aXXi]\ov<; ' ol yap e« tcov vt] ev tovtco tco Tpoircp puaXXov r]8t] ovres vaTepov xpovcp eiri Tpoiav eaTpdrrevaav. Ayapepvcov Te p:ot SoKel tcov TOTe hvvdpet irpovywv, Kac ov toctovtov toIs Tvvhapeco opKois KareiXrjppevow; tovs EXevr)? pvrjarP]- 25 pa? dycov, tov cttoXov ayelpai. Aeyovcrc Se Kal 01 Tti cracpeaTara TleXoirovvrjcncov p>vy]pr, ivapa tcov irpo- Tepov SeSeypevoc UeXoira Te irpcorov irXifiei j^pripiaTcov, a ifK.9ev €/c ti}? Acnas eywv e? av0po)7rov<; airopovs, hvvaiAiv 7rept7roc7]aaaevov ttjv eircovvpuiav t?}? %wpa? 33 58 TIIUKYDIDES. eiryXvryv ovra o/xco^ o~yeiv /cat varepov rot? e/cyovow en p,ei£a> ^vveveyQyvai, EvpvaOecos fiev ev ry 'Am/eg vwo Hpa/cXei&cov inrodavovTos, Arpecos Be puyrpos aBe\- , kcu eimpe-^ravTO^ EvpvaOe'wi or earpd* 5 T€ve, MvKrjvas re Kol ryv otpy^yv Kara to ol/<:e2ov Arpel, Tvyyavetv Be aurov (peuyovra rov Tratepa Bui rov XpvcwrTrov Oavarov, kcu &>? ovKeri, aveyco- pyaev EvpvaOevs, (3ou\op,evcov kcu rwv MvKyvaicov (fiofia) rcov HpaKkeihwv rcac afia Bvvarov BoKovvra 10 elvai nac to ifkyOos TeOepairevKora, rcov MvKyvaicov re kcu bacov Evpvadevs ypye ryv fiaatkeiav 'Arpea irapakafielv, kcu twv IlepaeiBcov tou? JTeA.07r/Sa9 p-et- £bi"? KaracTTrjvai. A p,oi BoKel Ayap,ep.va>v irapaXa- ficov km vauriKco re ap,a eirt ifkeov twv aWwv 15 io-^ucra?, ri]V arpareiav ov %api,ri to likelov y qboj3a> ^vvayaycov irotyaaaOau ffraiverai yap vavcri re ir\el~ arais avTO? a ra>v 7repioiKiBa>v, avrcu Be ovk av iroWai eiyaav, yireipwTys a)V eKparet, ei pur] ri kcli vavTLKov etyev. EXkoC^iv Be %py kcu ravTy ry aTpareta 25 ola yv tu irpo avTys. Kul ore p,ev MvKyvat puKpov yv, y a ri rcov Toie iro\i(TLLa vvv puy a^io^pecov BoKei elvai, ovk aKptjBel av Tt? cry/xeto) y^pu>p.evos airitnoLy pJr\ yeveaOat, top cttoXov rocrovTOV, oaov ol re iroiyjai eipynacn kcli a 30 \oyo<; Kare'^ei. AaKeBcupLovuov yap et, y 7roXt? epypiar ANCIENT CONDITION OF HELLAS. 59 OeiT], Xetcpdecq 8e ra re lepa /cat, tjJ? Karao-rcevi}? tli eBacprj, 7toWt]v av olp.ai cnriaTiav rrjs 8vvap,ecoCLlVOVTCLl eXdoVTe?, CO? UTTO 7TCt- arjs Tr)<; EXXaBos koivjj Trepmop,evoi. Altiov B 7]V ov-% 7] oXvyavOpwirla Toaomov ocrov 5 t) a-^pTj/naria. T?;? yap Tpocprjs airopta tov t€ arparov eXaaaco nqyayov /cat bcrov rfXin^ov avroOev iroXepiovvTa fitOTevcreiv, eireiBr) re d§iKop,evQi ^XV expaTr/crav (S)}\ov Be ' to yap epvp,a tco aTpaToireBw ovk av ere^icraz/To), (palvovTai S' ouS' evTavQa irdo-r] Ty Bv- io vapuet XP r l (ja l Jie voL, aXXa irpo? yecopycav t?5? Xepcro- V7]aov TpaTTopuevoL Kat XrjaTecav tt}? Tpocprjs airopia. Hi Kat p^aXXov oi Tpcoes clvtwv BteaTrappLevtov to. 8e/ca eTT) avTelxpv /3ta, rot? aet v7roXet7roptevot<; avTt- nraXoi cWe?. Ueptovatav Be et rjX0ov e^oz^Te? Tpocprj? /cat cWe? adpooL dvev A^crrem? kcli yecopytas ^vvex^ ov iroXepuov Btecpepov, paBtcos av ^XV K P ar ovvTepf]cri T <*> v 'EXXtjvwv to iraXai Kara yrjv Ttt irXeico i) Kara OdXacrcrav, rwv re evros TleXoTrowtjaov kol 30 62 THUKYDIDES. T&jy e^ca, Bui 7-779 €K€iVcov Trap aX\rjXov<; empLia- ydvroiv, ypr\paaC re Svvaroc ijaav, co? /cat tow ira\aco7fcar}s re MaaaaXiav ouci- 15 %ovreq KapyySoviovs Ivikwv vavpayovvres. Avvarco- rara yap ravra rcov vavriKwv i]V. Qaiverai Be Kal ravra, rroXXais yeveacs vcrrepa yevopueva rcov TpcoiKcov, rpir\peai p,ev oXiyai? y^pcopueva, rrevrr)Kov- ropois 6° en Kal 7nYo£Oi<> p,aKpol<; e^rjprvpeva o>? eKacrrot ot aaruye trove? eiroXep-ouv. Ma- Xtara Be e? rov rraXat rrore yevofjtevov 7roXep,ov XaXtct- Be'cov kcu Eperpteoov, /cat ro aXXo EXXiivtKov e? %uft/j,a- yiav eicarepcov Btearrj. ^Eireyevero Be dXXot? re aXXodt KtoXu/xara fir) 20 av^r)6r)vat, /cat Icoat, Trpo^copijaavrcov eirt fxeya rcov irpay/xdrcov, Kupo? /cat t] Ilepcrt/cr] fiaatXeta Kpdlaov /caOeXovcra /cat baa euro? AXuo? irora/Ltou rrpo? 6aXaa~ aav eirearpareuae /cat ra? ev rrj rjiretpco rroXet? eBouXcoae, Aapeio? Be varepov rco QotvUtov vaurtKco 25 Kparwv Ka\ ra? vrjaou?. Tvpavvot Be baot rjaav ev rat? ' EXXrjvtKai? iroXeat, ro e

<; ti)v cnpeKei^v rr\<; aTTocnaaLos ' "Ovtco toc, 'IaTiaie, eyet kclto, TavTa to, 7rpijyp,aTa • tovto to viTohrjpba eppa-tyas puev av, V7reh-q- 10 craTO he Apio-Tayoprj^y ApTacpepvrjs pbev TavTa e? ttjv airoo-TaaiV e-^ovTa elrre. Jcrrwuo? he Setcra? <«9 crvvt- evTa ApTCKpepvea vtto ttjv TTpwTrjv eire\6ovaav vvkto, arrehpr) €7rt OaXaaaav, fiaaiXea Aapeiov efy)TraTr)icw Aa- peiov 7ro\ep,ov. Aiaftas he e<; Xiov ehedi] vtto Xccov, tea- 66 HERODOTOS. ray vwo Oils 7rpos avToov vecorepa 7rpr t aaeiv irpi^jxara es ecovTow; €K Aapelou. MaOovres pevTOi oo Xiot iov irav- ra \dyov, w? TroXepuo? eit] ^aacke'i, eXvaav avrov. Ev~ daura Bi] elpcoTeofievo? vtto tcov 'Icovcdv 6 'Icttlcuos, fear 5 o tl 7rpo9v/jLa><; OVTQi eireo-TeiXe tu> 'ApicrTayopr) airtcrTa- aQai diro (3avas Be ev rfj <&oivUr], kcu tovtcov e'iveicev eVtcrTetXeie." OvBev ri rrdvrco<; ravra /3acn\eo<; {3ov\evcrap,evov eh)eip,ar tov tov$ "Icovas. MeTa Be 6 'Iariato? Bi dyyekov 7roievp,evo<; 'EppLiir- ttov, dvBpbs ' ' Arapveirew rolcrc ev XdpBicn covert Uep- 15 creoov eirepare /3t/3?u'a. co? 7rpoXe\ecr)(i)vevp,evcov aura) enro- errdeno^ nrept. 'O Be "Ep/M7nro<; 7rpo9 tou9 p^ev direr irepLcpdr], ov BlBol, (pepwv Be eve^eipicre rd /3if3\ia 'AprcMpepvel. 'O Be pbadoov dirav to yivbpuevov e/cekeve TOV "EppuLTTTTOV TCL piCV TTapa TOV 'IaTlCLlOV BoVVCll (pepOVTd 20 Tolat irep ecpepe, to. he apioi/3aia tcl nrapa twv Uepaecov dvTi7rep.Trdp,eva 'IaTialro ecovTu> Bovvai. Tovtcov Be ye- vop.evcov (havepcov uiveicTeive evOaina iroWovs TLepaewv 6 'ApTcupe'pvr)*;. lie pi XdpBiq ptev Brj eyiveTO Tapa^r\. 'loTialov Be TavT7]s diroaepaXevTa ti}? e\7riooo-avra<; Be o~vXXeyeo~6ai rrjv rayiartjv e9 weicrovTai Te dyapt ovhev hid t^v diroaraaLV, ovhe crept, ovTe Ta tpd ovre Ta ohia efiireTrpr^creTai, ovhe fSiatoTepov e^ovcri ovhev r) irpoTepov elyov. El he Tavra 30 p,ev ov Troiv,o-ovo~L, ol he TrdvTws hid fidyr}i Xeyere eirrjpedilpvres rd rrep a(f>ea<; Kcnegef &>v e? rrjv MiXrjrov rcov TIepaecov eyivero. Merd Be', rcov 'Icovcov ovXXe^Oevrcov e? rr\v AaBrjv, eyivovro dyopal' Kai Br] kov trtfii Kai aXXoi rjyopocovro, ev Be Br) Kai 6 Bep,iav vpuecov e%&> iXirlBa /xr) ov Bcocreiv Vfieas BUrjv rep fiacnXei rP]s d-TToardcrios. 'AXX* i/xoi re ireir QeaQe koX epidl vp,eas avrobs emrpe^are ■ Kai vplv iyco, decov rd t'cra ve/juovrcov, viroBeKO/xai i) ov crvp,/xl^eiv rovs rroXepbiovs, rj avfifiicryovras rroXXbv eXao-acoo-ea6al. , 25 Tavra aKovcravres oi "leaves emrpdirovai atpeas avrovs rco AiovvaUo ' 6 Be dvdycov eKcicrrore eVl Kepas rds veas, 0/CW9 roicri eperrjai xpijcrairo BieKirXoov iroievp,evo<; rrjai vrjvo-l Bi dXXrjXecov, Kai rovv, rerpvpevoi re raXairrcophjai re /cat rj\la>, 5 eXe^av 73750? ecovrov? rdhe' " Tiva haipovcov rrapafidvres rdhe avaTTiprrfkayiev ; Oirive? rrapacppovijo-avres koX e/c- 7r\coo-avT€ vea$ rpeis, eirirpe^avre^ fjpeas avrov? e%opev. 'O he 7rapaXafiu>v r/pueas Xv]iaiverai Xvp-rjcri dvr]KecrroLaf 10 koX hi] iroXXol pev rj/juecov e? vovcrov<; rreiTrdiKacn, iroXXoi he eirlho^oi roovrb rovro rreicreaOai \elcri\. Upo re rov- rwv rwv kolkwv i)p2v ye Kpicrcrov real 6 ri cov aXXo ira- 6eiv ecrri, teal ri]v peXXovaav hovXr]ir]v viropelvai, i']tls earai, jxaXXov i) rfj irapeovcrr) crvve^eadai. io~Kir]Tpo(f>eovTO, real eaftaiveiv ovtc eOeXeatcov e? ra? veas 01)8' dvaireipdcrQai. MaOovres he ravra ra yivbpeva 20 etc row ^Idtvwv oi arparrjjol rwv "XapUov evOavra hi] rrap Aldtceo<; rov XvXocroivros etceivovs rovs irpbrepov eTrepmeXb- yov<; 6 Aid/a]? KeXevovrcov rwv JJepaewv, heopevo? acpecov i/cXnrelv ri]v 'Icovoov o~vppayjy]v, oi ~%dpioi oiv bpeovreL irapecrrat rrevrarrX^cnov. Ilpocpdcnos oov eVt- Xaftop,evoi, erret re rdyicrra elhov rov<; "Jwi^a? dpvevpivovs 30 elvai xpricrrovs, ev tcephei eiroievvro rrepiTTOt?]aai rd re ipa CAPTURE OF MILETOS. 71 ra cr(f)€Tepa feat, ra cSta. 'O Be Alcikt]^, Trap brev tov? Xoyovs eBeKovTO ol %ap,LOL, Trais puev 7]v XuXogcovtos tov Aldtceos, rvpavvos Be ecov ~SdpLOV vtto tov MlXtjctlov ' ApicrTayopeco cnreaTe'prjTO Ti]v ap%r]V, Karamep ol aXXoi T?;? Icovtrjs rvpavvoi. s Tore cov errreX eireirXwov ol <&olvt/ce6r]Gav Tpr\yyTaTa Xlol to? airoBeLKwpLevoL Te epya Xap.Trpd KaX ovk eOeXoKaKeovTes. HapeLyovTO p,ev yap, toGTrep KaX irpoTepov elpeOrj, pea? eKarov KaX eV e/ca- 0-7-77? avrecov avBpas TeGGepaKovra tcov ugtcov XoydBa<; 25 €7rij3arevovTa i i. Opeovres Be tovs ttoXXov? tcov Gvp,p,a- ycov 7r/3oSiSoWa? ovk eBLKaLevv yevecdaL toIctl KaKolcri, avrcov opLotoL, aXXa p,er oXiycov avpLpba^cov p,ep,ovvcop,evoi BLeKirXcoovTes evavpidyeov, e? o tcov troXepulcov eXovTes vea<; o-vxycis direfiaXov tcov crcpeTepicov vecov tco/caievs, iiret re epiade tcov 'Icovcov rd 7rp7jyp,ara Biecpdappbiva, vea? eXcov rpetf tcov is 7roXep,icov, ci7re7rXee e? ptev evrXcoe e'? $olvik7]v. TauXovs Be evdavra /caTaSv&as ko\ yjpr]iiaTa Xa/3cbv 7roXXa eirXcoe e'? XiKeXirjv • oppueop-evo? Be evOevTev Xr)icrTr)<; KaTeemjicee 'EXXrjvcov ptev ovBevos, 20 Kap^rjBovicov Be koX Tvpcrijvcov. Ol Be Uepcrat eirel Te tj) vavp.ayjrj evUeov tov<; "Icovas, ttjv MiXrjTov iroXiopKeovTes e'/c }? /cat OaXcicrcrrjs, /cat inropvo-crovTe<; tcz Teiyea koX TcavToia^ p,rj^avaT7)pi7)<; *n}9 ttoXios t?}? crcpeTeprjs eyjuqaBu] eiri- koivov yj)r)o-T>]piov, to piev e'? clvtovs tov<; 'Apyeiowi 30 (pepov, Ttjv Be 7rapev9/]tci]v e%pi]o-e e'? MlXtjctlov^;. To CAPTURE OF MILETOS. 73 aev vvv 65 tov$ 'Apyelovs e%ov, eireav koto tovto yevco- \iai rod Xuyou, Tore fivT)a07]crofJLai, • ra 8e rolao MiXr^criocat, ov Trapeovcn e^pi]ae, e%et, co8e • Kal r6re 8rj, MLx-qre, kmOov iiri/jL7ix al ' e ep-ywy, TloMo'tcrti/ 5e?7iWj> Te Kal ay\aa dwpa yevrjaTi • 2ai 5' a'Ao^ot 7roXXoicrt i>68as vtyovcri Kop.r]TaiS' Nqou 8' fjfieTepov AtSu/xou iiKXoiai /xe\i](Tei. Tore 8rj tovto tol<5 MiX^a/ou? /caTeXafxftave, ore ye dv8pe Bevrepw erei w? aveifXwae, cupeet evirerews Ta? vr\aovs rd<; he \d/3oi rivd rwv vrjacov, w? eKaarrjv alpeovre? ol fidpfiapoi e rroXias tio-i Tavrd Te Br} eirolevv, kou ra<; 7toA-kz? eveirifiTrpa- 20 aav avToicri roicn ipotcri. Uvrco or/ to rpirov leaves KareBovkdOycrav, rrpwrov fiev virb AvBcov, Bis Be eire^r}? Tore inro Uepcrewv. Arro Be Icovir,<; cnraWao-crofAe- i/o? o vavTLK07rr) cuSe tov EXXtjctttovtov • Xepao- vi)(Tooivuce<$ KaTCLKavcravTes tclvtcis to.9 %v, 6aa<; irporepov n;po Meya- 15 fidtov 6/j.oXoy)]aavTe<; tco ev AaaKvXeiq) virdpyjp. TV79 Be Xepaovi]crov, ttXijv KapBh]^ ttoXios, Ta<; dfcXas 7racraoiW/ce?. 'HPOAOTOS, EXPEDITION OF MARDONIOS. (Erato VI. 42-45. B. C. 492.) Kat Kara ro erov Ilepcrecov ovSev eiri irXeov eyevero rourcov e? veiKos (pe'pov "Iaiai, aXXd rdSe p,ev ^pijcrt/ia fcapra toktc Iwat, eyevero rov- rov rod ereo?. Apracpepviy; 6 Xaphlaiv virapyos fiera- 5 7repb^\fafievo^ ayyeXovs etc rwv ttoXlwv o-vvBr\Ka eapi, rcov aXXoov KaraXeXvpLevwv o~rpa~ TTjycJv eK fiaaiXeos, MapSovcos 6 Tco^pveco Kareftaive 67rt daXaaaav, arparov troXXov p,ev Kapra ire^ov dp,a ayd/jievo 1 ?, rroXXov Se vavrtKov, ijXiKtrjv re veos eoiv, Ka\ EXPEDITION OF MAEDOXIOS. 77 veacrTl yeyafj,i]Koo<; fiacriXeos Aapeiou Oujarepa Apra^co- Grprjv. "Ayeov he Toy (rrparov tovtov o Mapoovios, eirei re eyevuTO ev rrj KtXtKir], auTO? fiev €7r£/3a9 XP e ^ v et7 ? hrjpLotepaTeecrdat Ile'pcras • tov? yap Tvpdvvovs tcov Icovcov Karairavaa^ 10 irdvras 6 Maphdvtos 8r]fu,ofcpaTia>i Kariara e] aXXoc vrjaiwrai SiSovac yrjv re koI vScop Aapeirp teat Sr) /cat, Aiytvtjrai. Tlocrjaaat Se o~(f)t ravra i6ea><; ' A6r]va2oi eireKearo, Soiceovres errl afyicri eyovra<$ row? Aiyiviyra? SeScuKe'vac &><; cl/xa rep Uepar] errl 16 aea<} crrpareucovrai • /cal dajxevot 7rpo(f)do-io<; erreXa- 80 HERODOTOS. (Sovto, (pocreovret re e? TrjV "%Trdprr\v Karrjyopeov TOiV Alyivr^recov ra rrerronqKotev irpoBovre? rr\v 'EXXdBa. IIpo, /3aacXev<; eoov Xirapn^rewv, Bi,e(3r) e? Aiyivav, 5 j3ovXojxevo eyivovro dvrl^ooi to)v Alyivrjrecov, ev Be Br) /cal Kpibs 6 IIoXvfcpL- rov pbdXicrra, o? ovk e? o~vvoio~bpevo." 'jEy Be rfj Xirdprrj rovrov rbv yjpbvov V7rop,evcov Ar\pdpT)ro<$ 6 ^Apio-rwvos BteftaXXe rbv KXeop,evea, eoov fiaaCXevs real ouros Xirapri^rewv, oIklt)s Be r?]<; inroBeearepri^, icar 20 dXXo puev ovBev vrroBeearepri^ (airb yap rod aurov yeyb- vaai), Kara irpeo-j3vyevei r qv Be kws TerifirjraL pbdXXov f} EvpvaOeveos. EXPEDITION OF DATIS AND ARTAPHERNES. 81 II. EXPEDITION OF DATIS AND ARTA- PHERNES AGAINST ERETRIA. (Erato VI. 94-101. B. C.490.) 'Adrjvaiotat [xev Sr] 7roXep,o<; o-vvrpno 7rpo? Aiywrpas* ( 8e Heparin to icovrov eiroiee, ware avap,tp,vi]crKOVTo^ re alel rov depdirovTO? fxe/xvrjadat puv tcov AOrjvaiwv, icai UeLatcnpaTiZeoiv it poa Karrj fievcov /cai SiafiaXXovrciw Adrjvaiovs, dp,a 8e (3ovXop,evo<; 6 Aapelos tcivtt]? e%op.e- 5 vo p,ev 8r] cfiXavpcos Trprfeavra rco ardXcp irapaXvei ttjs o-TpaTrjyirjs • aWovs 8e , on ra> irporepot erei rroievjj-evoL Taunt) ri]v Kop,iBi\v pieyaXwi irpoaeTrrav- evyovres e? Trjvov. TV79 is Be arpanrj^ Kara7rXeovar]s, Adris 7rpo7rXo)o-a<; ovtc ea Ta? ve'as rrpos rrjv vrjcrov rrpoaopiXL^eaOaL, aXXa rrepiiv ev rrj 'Prjver) • avros Be rrvOofxevos iva rjaav 01 AiiXioi, rre'/xircov ic?]pv/ca rjyopeve a(f)i raBe • " AvBpe? tpoc, ri (f>evyovrerov rpiiiKocna ruXavra /caravijcras erri rov /3a>/xov edv/xirjae. Autos pev Br] ravra 7ron]cra<; €7rXee ct/xa ra> crrparCp erri rrjv E'perptav rrpwra, d/xa ayofievos icai Iwvas airijeipav iic t?)? A/}Xov, irpoalcryov 7rpo? raP r ) v > tovtovs aepi BiBoucri Ti/icopovs. Twv Be 30 84 HERODOTOS. "'Eperpttoov rjv dpa ovBev vyies (SovXeviia, ol (lererre'/i- rrovro fxev AOrjvalovs, ecppoveov Be Bupaaias iBeas. Ol /xev jap avTwv e/3ovXeuovro eKXnrelv rrjv ttoXlv e? ra aicpa rrjea? e? rr]v acpe- 10 repr/v, 'iva /at) TrpocraTroXcovrai. Oi Be AOrjvaloc ravra Alaylvq iXapv lpo)v, rovro Be rov? dvOpdnrovs rjvBpaTroBtaavro Kara to.? Aapelov evroXa^. BATTLE OF MARATHON. 85 III BATTLE OF MARATHON. (Erato VL 102-120. Sept., B. C. 490.) Xeipcoad/aevoi, Be ttjv 'Eperpiav Kal e7no-%ovTe<; oXt,- y«9 rj/jbepas eirXeov e? rrjv 'Attlktiv. KaTepyovres re ttoX- Xov, teal So/ceovres Tama tou) 7rpecrj3vTepo<; rwv 8 86 HERODOTOS. iralScov tco Kljxwvi %T7]aayoprj<; tp T))viKavra irapa toj irdrpw MiKridhrj Tpecpofievos ev ry Xepaovrjcrcp, o Be ved>Tepos trap* avra> Kl/aojvi ev AOj-jvyac, Towo/aa e%cov dirb tov ol/aaieaj rrj) dov Tore 6 MCKmaBrfi ijkcov e/c tt}? Xep- aovrivov Kal eKireopevyoos BtfXoov Qavarov earparrjyee 'AOrjvaicov. " Afia /xev yap ol $OLVttce<; avrov ot, eTnBuco- %avreeiSiTr7rlSeoi tov Hava ' AOrjvaioicri Kekevcrai array' yelXai,, Blotl ecovrov ovBe/iiav eirifieXeiav rroievvrat, e'cWo? evvoov ^AdrjvaioLo-i Kal rroWa-^rj yevo/xevov tfdij o~c\>Lcn 25 xprjo-i/jbov, to, S' en Kal eao/Mevov. Kal ravra /xev 'AOrjvaloi, Karauravrcov crcpicri, ev tfSrj tcov rrpyyyudrcov., TTio~Tevo~avTe] ravT-rj njv otyiv avve- /3u\€to e%e\rfk.v6evai. 6 'Adrjvaiotcrt he Terayptevotcrt iv reptevei 'HpaKkeos eirifkOov /BoTjdiovres TtXaratee^ TravhripteL Kal 'Ava^avhplheco Kal AaKehatptovtoicrt acpeas clutovs • ol he ov heK.6p.evot eXeyov crept rahe' "' Hpels ptev eKaarepco re olKeopuev, Kal vp.lv rot/jhe. Tt? ? p3ovXop,evot robs , A07]vaLov) 7roA.i?, otrj re eart Trpoorr] roov EXXyvthoov TroXtoov yeveaBat. Kai? (ov S/; ravra ola re eart yeveaOat, Kal as kcos is ae rot rovrcov dv)']Ket roov irpriypdroov rb Kvpo? exeiv, vvv epyoy Lal p.r) efepe avfifiaXXetv, «9 etcaaTOV aviwv eylvero TrpvTavqi'q tt}? rj/ne'pr)?, MlXtiuBt) irapeBiSo- crav • 6 Be BeKo/J.evo<; ov re Kto crv/M^oXrjv eiroieeTO, irptv 15 ye Br) avrov irpvTavrfirj eyeveTO. 'fit he e? eicelvov irepirjXde, evOavra Br) eracraovTO o)Be *A07}valoi &>? avfi{3a\e'ovTe$. Tov jiev Befyov Ke'peos rjyeero 6 nroXe/Jbapyos KaXXip,a%o9 r/pifffie- ovro al vvfxov Kepa$ UXaratee?. Atto TavTt]6(3o<; aKovcrat. Mayo- 15 ptevcov Be ev rep Mapadcovt ypovos eyivero ttoXXos. Kat to ptev ptecrov rod crrparo7reBov evUeov ol ftdpflapot, rfj Hepcrat Te avrol KaX SaKat ererdyaro • Kara tovto p,ev Brj evUeov ol /3dp/3apot, Kal p/^avres eBlcoKov e? Ti]V ptecroyatav ' to Be Kepas eKarepov evUeov 'Adrjvatot Te Kal 20 TlXaratees. NtKeovres Be to ptev rerpafifiivou rcov ftapftdpcov cpevyetv ecov, toIcji Be. to puicrov pijgacri avrcov crvvayayovres to, Kepea dptcporepa eptdyovro, Kal evUeov 'AOrjvcuot. evyovat Be rotcrt IHpar/at e'trrovro kotttov- t€9, e? o iirl T7)V OaXacrcrav aTTtKoptevot irvp Te atreov 26 Kal eireXapbfidvovro tcov vecov. Kal tovto ptev ev rovrco tco ttovco 6 iro\ep.apyos KaXXipayos BtacpOelperat, dvr/p yevoptevos dyados, diro 8' Wave tcov aTparrjycov "ZTrjcriXecos QpacrvXeco ' tovto Be Kvvalyeipo AOrjvalot. Trjat Se Xoiirrjai ol fiapfiapoi e^avaicpovoa- b fj-evot, fcal dvaXafidvTes etc Tr}<; vr\aov ev Tjj eXnrov ra e| EperpiTjs avhparroZa, TrepieirXcoov Xovvlov, fiovkojxevoi (pdfjvcu tou? A6r/vaLovs iroScov elyov rd^tara efiorfieov e? to acrrv, teat, ecpOrjcrav re (iTriKO/ievoi trpiv y row; fiapfiapovs i-jKetv, icai earparo- TreSevcravro dircyfievoi e% ' HpatcXeiov tov ev MapaOcovc 15 ev aXXco 'HpaicXeicp tw ev KwocrdpyeL Ol he (3dp/3apoi rrjerc vrjval vTrepaLcoprjdevTes 4>aXr]pov, tovto yap r\v eTTiveiov tot€ tcov AOyvatcov, virep tovtov avaKwyevaav- re? To.? vea$ cnreTrXcoov ottictw eTe j3\r]0evTa • icai to Xolttov Trjs £0779 SiaT6- Xe'eiv O.TTO tovtov tov ypdvov edvra TvcpXov. Aeyetv Se avTov irepl tov 7ra#eo? rjKovaa TOiovSe riva Xoyov, avSpa ol hoKeetv ottXlttjv dvTicnrjvai pbeyav, tov to ye- 30 vetov ttjv do-Trl^a iraaav crtcid^eiv' to Se cj)do~pLa tovto BATTLE OF MARATHON. 93 ecovroi fiev rrapegeXOelv, rov Be ecovrov rrapaarar^v arroKrelvai. Tavra pcev Bi] EiutyiXov eTrvdofirjv Xeyecv. Aaris Be Tropevofievos ap.a rco arparco e? riyv Acwjv, eirel re eyevero ev Mvkovcp, elBe oyjrtv ev tw inrvco. Kal tjTK /xev tjv ■>) b-ty-is, ov Xeyerat • 6 Be, aXrov Kai aXa<; Kal eXaiov dpvacrovrai eg avrov rpoirco rouoBe. *AvrXeerai piev K^Xcovrjtcp, dvrl Be yavXov r\pnav uctkov 01 rrpoaBeBerai • v7rorvi}ra<; Be rovrco avrXeei Kai erreira 3d 94 HERODOTOS. iyX^ €i e? avrbs puev yevoiro Aapeico o]Bi] /3aaiXevovri Kai eyovri to Ilepaecov Kpdros, 'ApTafia^dvtis Be en iBicorr) iovri Aapeico, ovkcov ovr olkos en] ovre Bttcaiov aXXcv rivd to yepas eyeiv rrpo ecovrov ' errei ye Kai ev "Ziraprrj, ecprj 6 ArjfidprjTOS inroriOepievos, ovrco vopn^ecrOai, tjv 01 25 pCev rrpoyeyovdres ecocri rrpiv ?; tov rrarepa acpecov fiaai- Xevcrai, Be ftaaiXevovri oyjriyovo? emyevrjTai, tov em- yevop.evov tijv exBegiv rrjs /3ao-tX?/(,'?;9 yiveaOai. Xprjcra- /ne'vov Be 'Be'pgecx) tt] Ay]\.iaprfrov VTro6i}K7), yvovs Aapeio? w? Xe'yoL BiKata, ftaaiXea fiiv aireBege. AoKeei 8' ip,ol 3n Kal avev TavTTjs tj}? viroO^Krjs fiaaiXevaat civ Hep^5 * DEBATE UPON THE INVASION OF GREECE. 97 rj yap "Arocrcra el%e to irctv fepaTO?. ATo&e^as Be (3a- aiXea Ileparjcn Aapelov ze'p^ea wpp,7)TO aTpareveaOai. *AWa jap fierd tclvtu. re real Aiyviriov airoo-racnv rco vcrrepw erei Trapae K.eva'Cpiievov avv^veace avTOV Aapelov, /3acn\evcravTa tu iravja eg re tcai Tpir\Kovra erea, amo- 5 Oavelv, ovSe ol e^eyevero ovt6 tou? a7reaTecora<; Atyv- 7rr/ou9 ol)T6 A6i]vaiov^ Ttp,o)prjcraadaL. AiroQavovro^ be Aapelov rj ^aaCkrfirj dve^prjae e? top Tralba tov e/ceivou Rep^ea. II. THE DEBATE UPON THE INVASION OF GREECE. (Polymnia VII. 8-18.) Ee/3^5 Se fiera Aiyvmov dXwatv, &>9 e/xeXKe e? ^apa irvvddvopuai tcov irpeajBvrepwv, ovSafid kco i]Tpep,i]o-a/xev, eirei re irape- \d/3op,ev ri]v riye/xovirjv TTjvSe irapa MijScov, Kvpov icare- \ovtos ' Aarudyea ' aXXa $eos Te o'vrco ayet rcai avTOicri rjfjuv iroXXa eireirovat av/j,(peperat eitt to d/xetvov. Ta 20 fiev vvv Kvpds re /ecu KafA{3uo-r)<; iraTJjp re e/xo? Aapeto? KarepydaavTO /cat irpoaeKn]cravTO edvea, eTncrraixevoiai ev qvk dv Tt? Xeyot. 'Eyco Se, eirel re irapeXaftov tov OpovoVy rovro eeppovrt^ov, okco<; /jlij Xef^rofiac tcov irpoie- 98 HERODOTOS. pov yevojxevcov ev riprj rrjBe p,i]Be eXaaaai rrpocrKrrioopai, Bvvap.iv Ilepcrrjcn. $povTi£(ov Be evpiafcco apa pev fcvBa rjfuv re rrpoayivdpevov ^u)pr]v re rrjs vvv €/crr]p,e6a ova eXaaaova ovBe cpXavporeprjv, rrapLCpopwrepTjv re, afia Be 5 Tificopirjv re tcai rlaiv yivopevrjv. Ato vp.ea<; vvv eyoa avveXe^a, 'Iva rb voeco rrpijaaeiv vitepQewpai vplv. MeX- Xai ^ev^a<; rov ' EXXriarrovrov eXav arparov Bia rrji Evp(i)7rr]<; eiri ri)v 'EXXaBa, Iva Adrjvaiovs rip,wpr\awpai oaa Br] ireTron]icao~i Tlepo-a MiXTjacw BovXqy Be rjpe- I 5/ ■> I t V.. \ V < / repay arrbicofievoi-, everrprjaav ra re a\aea /cat ra ipa • Bevrepa Be 7]pea Alo^ aiOepi opov- 25 peovaav ov yap Br] ycoprjv ye ovBepaav Karo^erat o ijXlo? Ofiovpeovaav rrj Tj/xerepT), aXXa a(pea<; rraaaBe e^eiv ■ ovre riva rro'Stv av- 8po)v ovBe/xiav ovre eOvos ovSev avOpoiiTwv vTroXeiireadai, 30 to rjfxlv olov re ecrrac eXdelv 69 p ro ^ rwv r ™ v Kart- DEBATE ETON THE INVASION OF GREECE. 99 \e%a v7re%apatpr]fieva>v. Ovrco ot re rjp.iv atrtot e^ovat BovXtov ^vyov, ol re avatrtot. T/xei? B av (jlol ruBe 7roie'ovrerara vo/mQtcu elvat ev oj/aere'pov. Ilotrjre'a jjtev vvv ravrd eart ovrw. Iva Be fi7] tBto^ovXevetv vpuv Bo/ceco, rtdrj/M ro irpriyp,a e? p,eaov, yvdfiijv iceXevcov vfiecov rov ffovXofievov aTrocpatveauat. Tavra et7ra? erravero. lu Mer avrov Be MapBovtos eXeye' "'fl Bearrora, ov uovvov el? roiv yevop,evcov TLepcrewv aptcrro?, dXXa Kat rwv eaofjbdvwv, o? rd re aXXa Xeycov eirUeo dptara Kat aXr)6e- arara, icai "Icovas rovs ev rrj Evpoiirrj KarotKr)/j,evov tjBt) eireXavvwv em rovs avBpas rovrovs inrb irarpos rov aov KeXeva0et<; • icai p,ot ^ey^pi MatceBoviT]<; eXaaavrt icai oXtyov diroXiirovrt ecn, e%evpdvTe<; to koXXicttov ywpiov Kai Xeiorarov, e? tovto kclti6vt6<; fxa- yovrai) coare aw Kaictp p,eyaX(p 01 viKWVTes airaXXaa- 5 aovrat' irepi Be reov eaacoptevcov ovBe \eyco apyr\v, e^coXee? yap 8)] yivovrai. Tovs XP^ V eovias 6p,oyX(oaaov<; kt\- pv^t T€ hia-^pewp,ivovea? ra<; diraaa^ ; 'f2<; p.ev eyw Bo/ceco, ovk e? tovto Opaaeos avijfcet, tu 'EXXtjPcov 7rpr,yp,aTa. El Be dpa eyd> ye tyeva9eii]v yvd>p,rj, ko\ eicelvoi eTraepdevTe? d(3ov\trj eXOoiev i'ip-Zv e? pidyr)v, puddoiev civ, oj? elpcev dvOpdnrwv apicrTOL to, irdXepaa. "EaTco S' cov p,rjBev aireipriTov 20 auTopuaTov yap ovBev, aXX' diro Tretprj^ trdvTa dvOpco- iroiai v aXXoov Uepaewv teat, ov ToXpLc'ov- tcov yva)p,7]v airoBeiKwadat avTtrjv Trj irpoiceipLevr], ApTa- 25 p3avo<; 6 'TcTTaaTreo?, TciTpws ecov ^ep^r], toj Br/ /cat irlav- vov p.ev yvwpiewv avTiewv aXXi]X7]crt, ovk eo-Ti ii]V ap,eivco atpeop^evov eXeoOat, aXXa Bel tj} eipr]p.eprj ^pdcrdai, \e- yBeicrewv Be, eo~Tt • Marrep tov %pvaov tov uKv { pcnov av- 3,0 TOf puev 677' ewvTov ov BiayivcDcrKopLev, eiveav Be irapaTpt- DEBATE UPON THE INVASION OS GREECE. 101 \jrcofiev aXXcp xpvcrcp, BtayivwoKOfiev rbs dfidiwt E yco Be teat irarpl tw crco, aBeXcpeco Be efico, Aapeicp vyopevov u>] arpareveadai eirt %Ku8as, dvBpaq ovBafiodt yrj<> acrrv ve'/xovras • 6 Be eXm^oyv Xfcv6a<; tovs vofiaBas Karaarpe- \jreadat e/.ioc re ovk erreiOero, arparevaufievoi re 7roX- 5 Xovs re kcu ayaOov; rrj<; o-rpanr)s airofiaXwv a'trrjkde. Xv Be, o) ftacnXev, fieXXeis eir avBpaq arparevecrOac iroX- Xov afieivova^ ?; ^KvOas, 6l Kara OaXaacrav re apicrroL kcli Kara yr\v Xeyovrai etvat. To Be avrolai evearc Bet- vov, epce croc BcKaiov eon (ppa^eiv. Zev^as (py$ rov EX- io \r](T7rovTOV e\ay crrparov 8ia rr)0rjvat, ?/ kcu Kar aficpdrepa. Ol yap avBpes Xeyovrat etvat aXKtfiot • rrapeart he kcu o-ra6fiw- aaaOat, et arpamjv ye roaavrrjv aw Aart kcu Apra- i& (pepvet eXOovaav e? r?]v ArrtKi]V ^copr/v fiovvot AOrjvatoi BtecpOetpav. Ovk d>v aptcporepr) apr)ae ' aXX rjv ryot vrjvot efifiaXaot Kac vnctjoavreoa, Biepyacrro ao ra Uepaewv irpijyfiara. Kac rot xai Xoycp aKoZaai Beivov, €7r avBpl ye evi iravra ra f3aaiXeo<;, ei 01 i] ti/^t? ewicrTroiTO, evpiq^a ebpTjfce, 10 eaaov he ouhev oi Ka/cco<; /3ej3ov\evrai. 'Opa? ra inrepe- yovra £coa ? e? ol/crj/Aara ra fieycara aiei /cat hevhpea ra roiaura airoaicr^ineL ra Be- \ea ; $Ckeei yap 6 0eo<; ra virepeyovTa iravra icoXoveiv. 15 Ovtco hi] /cat crTparos iroXkos vtto oXoyov hia^deiperav Kara rotovhe. Eireav acpi 6 6eo6ap7]crav availed? ecovTcov ' ov yap ea cppoveeiv pueya 6 deos aXXov )] ecovTov. Eirei- yQr\vai fiev vvv ttclv •Trprjyp.a TLKrei cra\p.aTa, ere tcov 20 ^7]/j,lat jxeyaXai cpiXeovcrt yiveaOai ' ev he ™ emayelv eveoTi ayaOd, ec p,i] irapavTuca hoKeovra elvai, aW ava yjpovov e^evpoc ri? civ. %ot fiev hrj ravra, co f3aai\ev, crvfi/3ovXevco. Xv he, a> ttcxl TcofSpveco Maphovce, Trav- aai \eycov \6yov<; fiaTaiovs Trepl 'EWrpwv ov/c edvrwv 25 a^icov (p\avpa>s axoveiv. ' EWrjva? ydp hiafiaWwv eiraelpeis avrov fiacriXe'a arparevecrOai • avTod he tovtov eiveica hoKeet<; p.oc iraaav Trpo6v/j.o]v eKTeiveiv. Mi] vvv ovrco yevrjTat. Aiafio\i] yap eaTt heivoTarov • ev ttj hvo fiev eiai ol ahuceovTes, eh he ahiiceop.evo<;. O fiev yap 3° hiafiaWoov ahiKeei, ov rrapeovTOS KaTi]yopecov • 6 he ahr DEBATE UPON THE INVASION OP GREECE. 103 Keet avanreiOopuevos irpcv ?; arpefcecos eKpLadrj, O Se Si) airecov tov \oyov TaSe ev auroiai aSiKeerai., $ia/3\r)0ei<; re vtto tov erepov Kal vopbia8el<; 7rpo? rov erepov ieaico<; etvat. 'AW ev S?/ Set ye iravTcos eirv tou? avBpas tovtovs (TTpareveadai, (pepe, /3aai\evs p,ev avros ev r\0eai rocat, 5 Uepaewv pueveroi • ijpuewv Se ap,(poTe'pcov TrapajSaWopievoiV to, re/cva, aTparrfXaree avros av, e7n\e%auevo<; re avSpaf rov? e0e\ecv, MapSoviov fieya n natcov e^epyaapuevov Hep- is era?, vtto Kvvwv re Kal opvc0cov Svacpopevpvevov ■)] kov ev yrj rrj ' Adrjvaicov rj ae ye ev rrj AaKe8aip,ovca)V, et pur) apa Kal trporepov Kar ohov, yvovra err oiovs avSpas ava- yivooaKets arpareveaOai fiaavXea." 'ApTiiftavos p,ev ravra eAefe. Sep^? Se 0vp,o)0ei<; 20 apbeLfieraL roiaihe* " Aprafiave, irarpos eh rov epov d8e\r)Te avarpareveaOav epioi ye eVl ttjv 'EWuSa, avrov t€ pveveiv ap.a rrjai yvvai^t. 25 'Eyco Se Kal avev ae'o oaa irep elira eircreXea irotrjaoi. Mr) yap e'lrjv eK Aapelov rov 'TaTaaireos, tov Apaap,eo a ^- a troieeLV rj iraOelv Trpo/ce'eTaL aytov, 'iva ?) rd8e iravra vtto EXXrjaL ij eKelva irdvra vtto Ilepcnjcri, ye'vij- rai ' to yap fxeaov ovBev t?;? e%0pr}<; ear/. KaXbv oov irpoTreirovOoTas ?;//,e'a? rip,a>peeiv rjBq ylverai, tva tcai to Betvov, to ireiaofiai, tovto /naOco, eXaaas eir dvBpa<; tov- iotou?, tous ye kcu FLeXo-fr 6 $pvg, ewv iraTepwv twv ejxcov BovXos, Karearpeyp-aTo ovtco &>9 kcu e? ToBe ovto'l re cov0pa>7Tot kclL i] yrj avTwv eircovvfioi tov KaTaarpe\lra- fievov KaXeovTcu." TavTa jxev €7rl togovto eXe'yeTO. Merci Be eveppovrj t€ 15 eyivcro- Koi 'Bep^ea envt^e ?; Aprafidvov yvd>ixr], vvktl Be fiovXijv SiBovs TTayynj evpio-Ke 01 ov irprjyfia elvai o-rparevecrOac eirl ti]v 'EXXaBa' BeBoy/xevav he 61 avris tovtcov Karvrrvwae. Kai Br] kov ev t-q vvktl elBe o-^nv TOLiqvBe, &>ptrj^ rrapavrUa ptev rj veorrj^ erre^eae, ware detKearepa drropptyat errea es dvBpa rrpea^vrepov i) xpecov. Nvv ptevrot avyyvovs yjpi] "Bep^rj Karv7fvcoptev(p eXeye errtardv " ' S2 rzal Aapetov, teat Bj] cpatveat ev Ueparjat m re uTrenrdfievos ri]v arparrjXaatijv /cat ra epta eirea ev ovBevt iroievfievos Xoyep co? irap ovBevos a/coucra?. Ev vvv to'S' ta6t, ■t'jv irep p,i] avrifca arparrjXare^, raBe rot e£ avrcov avacr^cret' go? Kat pteyas Kat ttoXXos eyeveo ev oXtycp ^povcp, ovrw Kat rairetvo<; oirtcrco Kara Ta^oSe av ytvopteva ravra, el Xd{3ot<; rrjv epLi]V aKevi]V rrdaav, Kat evBv<; ptera rovro no 106 HERODOTOS. CCpio e? tov epov Opovov Kac kiretra ev koittj rrj ep,y tea* Tvirvtoaeias" Zep^Tjs p,ev ravrd ol eXeye • ApTaftavos Be ov tco irpoiTm ol KeXevap,aTt, 7rei6opevo, Trap epoi /cefcpirat, (ppoveeiv re ev /cat tco Xe'~ yovTi j^prjcna edeXecv TteiOeadai • tcl ae /ecu apeporepa irepii]KovTa avOpcoircov tcattcov oputXlat acpaXXovai, Kara 10 irep ti)V 7ravTcov yjp7)aipcoTaTT)v av6pco7roiai daXaaaav 7rvevp,ard cpaat, dvep,cov epjirlirrovra ov ireptopdv cpvai rf] e(ovrrj 30 yap Br) real epot «oel\ei eyovTi ti]v arjv ecrOrjra rj ou fcai ttjv efir\v, ovBe tl fiaXkov ev Konrf rrj arj avairavo- fxevco r) ov km ev rrj e/irj, el irep & virvw, tocne Bo^ei e/xe opwv ae elvai rrj err) eaOrJTt re- Kfj.aipofj.evov. El Be efxe fiev ev ovBevt \oyqy iroir]creTai ovBe a^uoaet ewccpavyvac, ovre i)V tt)v e/jr)v eaQrrra e^co ovre rjv ttjv ar\v, ae he e7nqboLTr\crei, tovto r)8r) [xa6r)Teov eo-Ti. Ei yap Br) enrKpoiT^aeie ye avve-^ew^, abairjv av w kcu avTos Oelov elvai. El Be toi ovtw BeBoKrjTai ylve- adai kcu ovk ola Te avTO TrapaTpetyai, a\\ rjBrj Set e/xe ev KoiTrf TTf err} KaTvirvwaai, (pepe, tovtcov etj epev enri- TeXevfievcov, qbavr)Tco /cat efioi. Me%pi Be tovtov ttj irapeovar) yvw/xr) yjpr\oofj,ai" • 15 TocravTa e'liras 'ApTd(3avo<;, eXiri^cov p,ep%ea airoBe^eiv Xe'yovTa ovBev, enroiee to /ceXevofievov. EvBus Be ti]v aep^ew eaQrrra kcu l^ofievos 69 tov ^aaiXrfiov 6po- vov &)9 fxeTa tclvtcl KotTov eiroieeTo, rj\Qe oi kcitv- Trv(Ofxev(p t&vto oveipov to /cat irapa 'Bep^ea eepoiTa, 20 uirepaTav Be tov ApTaftavov etire TaBe • "' ' Apa crv Br) e/cetfo')\a>Tai." TavTci Te Br) eBoicee ' ApT(if3avo<; to oveipov direCkeeLv Kal OepLiolai criBrjpioicri eKKaieiv avTov p,e\\eiv tov<; dcpOakfiovs. Kal 09 afjftcocras fieya avaOpoocrKei, Kal Trap 1^6 fxevos Uep^rj, W9 ttjv o-^nv oi tov evvirviov 8te^rj\6e aTrrfyeofxevos, Bav- st 108 HERODOTOS. repa 01 \eyec rdBe ' " 'Eyco puev, S) j3acn\ev, 61a dvQpw- 7to? l&cov ifir] irdXkd re Kai pceydXa irecrovra irpy'iypaTa vtto ecrcrovcov, ovk ecov ere to, nravra 777 rjXiKtrj eUeiv, e7ncrrd/jievo<; &)aio<; errl pev Teaaepa eTea irXripea irapapTeeTO (TT par ir\v T6 Kai to, Trpoacpopa 777 crTpaTirj, irepiTTcp oe MARCH OF THE PERSIANS. 109 erei avopievcp eo~TpaTrj\aTee X ei P L peyaXr) 7r\?^eo?. Uto- Xcov yap tcov ?)/xet? IBpuev, 7roX\w B>] fieytcrTOS ovto? eyevero, ware fii^re tov Aapeiov tov eirt Xkv6o.<; irapa tovtov fxrjBev (paiveaOai, p,r}Te tov XkvQikov, ore XtcvOai Ktp,jbLepiovs BitoKOVTes e? tjjv Mt)&lk7]v ywpr)v ep./3a\oPT€vr)<$. 'Ev Se rco IcrOpcp tovtco, e'9 tov TeXev- to, 6 "AOcos, Xavri ttoXis 'EXXcts otKTjrat. Ai Se ivTos "Xavrjs, ecrco Se tov " A6co otKrjptevai, ret? tot€ 6 Ilepcrris vrjo-MDTiSas avTL rjiretpcortScov copfirjTO iroteetv, eicrl aiSe, Alov, 'OXo^>ufo9, 'AicpoOcoov, Overcrop, KXecovai. UoXtes 10 ptev avrat, at tov ' ' ABcov vepovrai. "Slpvcrcrov Se eoSe • Sacrdptevot tov x&pov oi fidpftapot Kara eOvea, kclto, "2,avr\v iroXtv cryotvoTeve9 uttlkovto e'9 TOU9 dvcoTaTco, ovtoi Se e'fecio- peov Te Kal i^efiaXXov. Total, ptev vvv aXXotat irXrjv oivt/ccov Karappriyvvptevot oi Kpr\p,vol tov opvyptaro? 7ro- vov SfTrXrjcrtov irapelyov • are yap tov Te avco aroparo^ 20 /cal tov Karco to, avrd pterpa Trotevptevcov, epteXXe crept TotoiiTO diropl^creaOat. Oi Se <&olviice<; aocptrjv ev re rotcrt dXXotcrt epyotcrt diroSeUvvvrai Kal Srj Kal ev eKeivco. AiroXaj(yvTe? hvo rpiripeas irXeetp opov eXaaT pev p,evas. Total he avrolcn 6 TovToiai, rolal irep icai to opvypa, irpoaeTeTaxTO real top %Tpvfiova iroTaphv £ev£apTa<; ye Se ovtol top irpoKetptevop itopop epya^oPTO, ev tovto) 6 7re£b9 airas avXXeXeyp,evo<; apta Uep^y eiropeveTO 20 e> 2dphis, €K KptTaXXcop opptrjOeis tcop ep KainrahoKir) • evdavTa yap elptyro avXXeyeaOai iravTa top kclt ijweipop pteXXoPTO, apta avTco 'Bep^r] iropeveaQai aTparop. O? fiep pvp tcop vTvapytoP aTpaTop /caXXiaTa eaTaXptepop dyaycop to irpo/celpteva irapa fiaaiXeos eXafte hcopa, ovtc 25 e^co (ppctaat, ' ovhe yap dp-^tjp e', ovBe MARCH OF THE PERSIANS. 113 ben i? e? oyjriv ti]v €/ll?]v Kcnacna*; avTe7rayyeXTov eya> avii ai/Tcov yepea ToiaBe BiScofit ' %eivov re ae iroievpiai efidv, Kal t ypverew Kal (teXeBco- 3C 114 HERODOTOS. vg> ddavdrco avBpt eirtrpetyas Bevreprj rjptepr] dirtKero eq rwv AvBwv to ciarv. ' AirtKopLevos Be e? XdpBts rrpwra fiev air eire pare Kr]pvKa<; e? ttjv 'EXXaBa alrrjaovTa? yrrv re Kat vBcop /cat rrpoepeovras Belirva fiaatXe't irapaaKevd- 5 %etv ' irXrjv ovre 69 AOiqvas ovre e? AaKeBatptova dire- Treptire eVi yrjs atrrjatv, ry Be aXXr} iravrr/. TwvBe Be elve/ca to Bevrepov direirepi'iTe eiri yr}v re /ecu vBcop • oaoi rrporepov ov/c eBoaav Aapetw Tre'ptyjravrt, rovrov? rray^v eBofcee rore 8etaavra7T7]v. Eart Be rr}<; Xepaovr]aov Trj? ev EXXrjairovTW, Xtjotov re itoXlos fiera^u kcu MaBvrov, is atcTT) rpriyea €9 daXaaaav KarrjKovaa ''AfivBa) Karavrtov • evda ptera ravra XP 0V( P varepov ou iroXXa), eiii 'BavOtmrov rov 'Aplcppovos arparrjyov ' 'Adrjvatcov, 'ApravKrrjv dvBpa Tleparjv Xaj3ovre<; H?]arov virapyov ^covra 7roo9 aaviBa BteiraaaaXevaav, 09 tcai 69 rov UpwreatXeco to Ipbv e'9 20 EXatovvra aytveoptevos yvvaiKas ddepura epBeaice. £9 ravrr)v wv rr)v dfcrrjv ef 'AfivBov oppteoptevot eyeepvpovv rola 1 rrpoaetceero, rr)v ptev XevKoXtvov $otvtKe$, ttjv B ereprjv rrjv /3v/3Xtvr)v Atyinrrtot. Eart Be eirra araBioi e£ AftvBov €9 rrjv drravrlov. Kat Br) e^evypbevov rov 25 Tropov eirtyevopbevo^ yetp,wv p,e'ya$ avvetco-^re re etcelva iravra Kat BteXvae. */29 S' eirvOero Ee'of?;9, Beivd iroiev- ptevo? rov ' EXXrjairovrov eiceXeve rpir]Koaia<; eTTiKeadat, ptaartyt irXr)ya<; real Karelvai 69 to ireXayos nreBewv %evyo<;. HBr t Be y/covaa 0)9 Kat artyeas apta rovrotat V) aireTrepbi^e art^ovras rov ' EXXTjarrovrov. 'EvereXXero Br] MARCH OF THE PERSIANS. 115 tov parri£ovTa$ Xeyeiv (3ap(3apa re /cat uraaOaXa • " 12 irtfcpov vhcop, hecnroTrj? roc hUrjv eTTLTidel TTjvhe, otl p,iv rjSiKT]cra<; ovhev 7rpo? svelvov ahiKOV iraOov. Kat |8acri\eu9 pev Hepf?/? 8iaf3rj(T€Tat o~e, r\v re av ye (BovXy rjV re fM]. Sol he Kara Sikvv apa ovheL? avOpunrwv dvet, s &)? iovri 6oXepu> re kcll aXp.vpa> TroTa/Aw." Tr\v re hi] OaXaacrav evereXXero tovtolctl fy/xiovv, kcll twv eirecneoi- rcov tt) £ev%L tov ' EXXr}cnrovTOV cnroTap,eiv ra<; fceSe. IJevrriKOvrepovi kcll Tptrjpea? avv6tv- T69 VTTO flkv TJ]V 7T/30? TOV EvtjeLPOU IJoVTOV e%l]KOVTCL T6 Kai rpLTiKoo-Las, vtto he ti]V erepr]V reaaepeaKaiheKa Kat Ty0i^/cov, 01 re %vtoi, irepi ra aro/xara rrj<{ 8ia>pv%o eapi 7rapeo~Kevao~/xevo<$ o crrparo^ Ik ray "XapBtcov wpLia.ro eXwv e? AjSvBov. 'flp/xrj/xe'va) Be' ol 6 rjXios eKkLTToov rr}V eK rov ovpavov e'Bprjv dcpavr)? rjv, 15 ovr e7uve(pe\a)v eovrcov aiOpirjs re ra LiaXiara • dvrl ijLieprjs re vv£ eyevero. IBovri Be Kai LtaOovri rovro ra> ^ep^r) eiTtLieX\^ eyevero • /cal elpero rovs /xdyov? ro deXei 7rpo(fiatveiv ro ]dr), ecprj re v7rovpyijaeiv icaX Brj dyo- pevetv meXeve orev Beoiro. 'O Be, errei re ravra 30 rjKovcre, eXeye 6apa?]aaea<; Kara\ap/3av€t irdvra^ ap,a ? Be ricrcrepas aye apca crecovrcp ' /cal rrprfeas; ra voeeos, voarr']9-eca<; oiricrto." Kdpra re eOvpucoOrj o aep- £779 kcu dfieifiero rotcriBe' "^12 icaice dvQpcorre, crv ir6\fjbr]cra9 ev rolat coat rcov avOpcoircov o\xeei 6 Ovfios, 09 ^prjard p,ev a/covcra? Tepyjnos ep,rrt- rfkeet to ao)fia, virevavrta Be rovrotat uKovaas avoi- ia Beet. "Ore fie'v vvv j^prjarct rrotrjcra^ erepa rotavra errrjyyeWeo, evepyealt^at fSacrikea ov Kav^rjcreat, vTrepfia- Xe'aOat • eiret re Be €9 to dvaiBearepov erpdirev, tt}v fiev d%ir}v ov XapL^reai, ekdaaco Be rrjq d%ir)<;. Ze p,ev yap kcu tol»9 reaaepa<; rcov rraiBcov pverat ra %etvta ' rov Be 20 ef09, rov rrepteyeat ptdktara, ry ■^rv^rj ^rjpttcocreau fls Be ravra vTreicplvaro, avrUa e/ceXeve rolat rrpoaereraKro ravra irpr\aaetv rcov TIvOiov rraiBcov e£evpovra<; rov rrpea^vrarov ''p.eaov Biara/xetv • Biaraptovras Be ra r)fiLTop,a BiaOelvai, rb fiev iirl Be%td T/79 6Bov, rb Be eir 25 dpiarepd, Kal rdvrrj Bie^tevat rbv crrparov. Uotrfaavrcov Be rovrcov rovro, fiera ravra Bie^rjle crrparov. 'Hyeovro Be rrpwrot p,ev ot, crKevofyopoi re Kat ra viro&yia, p.era Be rovrovs crrparo<; rravrotcov eOvecov u.vapi£, ov Bi.aKeKpip.evoi. Tij Be v7repr]p.io-ee<> i)aav, 30 118 HERODOTOS. evvavra Sie\e\eiiTTo • /cal ov avvepaayov ovtol /3a? KoXkicna. Niaaloi Se tcakeovrcu tWot £7rt Tovoe. Ecttl ireSiov p,eya Tr)q Mt]Sckij<; tco ovvopud €cm Niaaiov tovs gov Srj Xttttovs tov? fieyciXov^ cbepei to ireSlov tovto. "QiuaQe Se tovtcov ray 8i/ca "inrwv 10 apfia Aios Ipov eirereraKTo, to Xititoi plv elXrcov Xev/col oktoo, biriave Se tcov Xttttcov eXirero ire^y ^vioyo^ e-)(Ofievo^ tcov ^aXcvcov • ovSeU yap Srj eirl tovtov top Bpovov avOpwirwv dvafiaivet. Tovtov Se oiriaOe clvtos aep^Tjs eir apfiaTos 'uttttwv Ncaaicov TrapaftefirjKee Se 15 oi, i)vio^o<;, tco ovvopa f)v TIaTipdp poici? km oi ei? ttjv yrjv Tp&TrovTes tci<; \oyx a< >> Kai ' M^a ol ayxicrTa eiTop.evoi aep^r). Tolat, Se pLvploiai, eireTeTaKTO fc7T7T09 TIepaecov pvpiT). MeTa Se ti]v Ittttov 8ie\e\enrTO so Kai Svo o-TaSiovs, Kal eirena 6 Xot7T09 o/jLikos ifie dvap,ll~. MARCH OF THE PERSIANS. 119 \E7ro1eeTO Be rt]v 6Bbv e'/t 7% AvBirjs 6 arparbs hri. re Trorafxbv KuIkov kcu yrjv t>)V Mvctltjv, a'irb Be Kal'kov opfieofievos, Kdvrjs 6poj(3r}<; 7reBiov iiropeveTO, '' 'Arpafivrreiov re irokiv kuI "AvravBpov rrjv JJeXaayLSa TrapafAeiftc/xevos. Tijv "IBrjv Be \a(3a)V €? cipicTTepijv xelpa ifie e? tj]v 'IXtdSa yfjv. Kat, 7rpcora fj,ev ol vtto rfj "IBy vv/cra avap,elvavTL (3povrai re icai Trprjcrrripes eireicnriTnovcn, Kal riva avrov ravrrj crvyyov OjxCkov Biecpdeipav. ' A-KiKoyuivov Be rod arparov iirl tov 10 2/cdfj,av$pov, 09 irpoiTO avT- ttcov, evOavra Eepf??? ecovrov eparcdptcre, perd Be rovro 5 eoa/cpuae. MaOwv Be puiv ' ' Aprd(3avos 6 rrdrpw? nroXv aXXrjXoov Key/cop to-pteva epydaao vvv re 10 /cat oXiyw irporepov • paKapiaas yap aecovrbv oWpuet?." O Be elire • " ^EarfxOe yap pe Xoytadpevov KarotKrel- pav etv. At re yap avptcpopat irpoairtTrrovaat Kat at vovaot avv- 20 rapaaaovaat, Kat, fipa^yv eovra patcpov BoKeetv elvai Trotevat rov »/3tov. Ovrco o ptev Qavaro^, poy6r]pri<; eovo-rjs rrjs £o?;?, Karal v apx air l v jvcaprjv, ovk an ecov pe crrpareveadat eiri rr/v 'EXXaSa, i] p,erearr)q av ; MARCH OF THE PERSIANS. 121 Qcpe fioi tovto drpeKecos wire." Be afieifiero Xeycov' "*f2 (3ao-iXev, <£v/a? /xev i) eiricpavelaa tov oveipov, eo? (3ov\ofjLe9a d/jbv ; *Jf teal crvva/Mporepa ravra ; El yap tol ravrrj evBee'crre- pa (palverai elvai to, rj/nerepa Trpriy/xara, crrparov av aX- Xov Tt? Tijv TayjLO-Tr]v dyepcriv 7ro£otro." O 8 a/xeifieTO Xeycov • " T /2 fiaoiXev, ovts oTparov tovtov, bcrrcs ye 15 ervveenv eyei, p,e'/j,cpoiT av, ovre tcov vewv to TrXr)6o<; • rjv Be 7rXevva<; o~vXXe'f;7)$, Ta 8vo toc, Ta Xeyco, 7roXXa) €Tt iroXe/xcwrepa yiverai. Ta Be 8vo Tavra eari yfj re Ka\ BaXaaaa. Ovre yap tt}? daXaacn] aLei KXe7rroLievo irecaeaOac xprjpua, ev Be tw epya> 6pao~v<; et'77." 'Afielftercu Beplf?/? TOicriBe • " ' ' Aprdftave, ol- kotg)<; jxev cry ye tovtcov eKacrra Btaipeeai • arap pLrjre irdv ra cpofie'o ixrjTe Ttdv o/xcnco? ermXeyeo. El yap Br) /3ou- Xoio eirl ru> cuei eireafyepopLevw Trp^ypLari to nrav 6fiola>e/\«? ev avTolai 6/Wco? Kal 6 iiirevavTia 15 TovToiai Xi%a$. Tovto puev vvv eV tcr^? eyei • elBevai Be dvdpwnov eovTa /ceo? ^pr] to fteftaiov ; Ao/ceco pdev ov8a/j,a)<;. Tolctl tolvvv fiovXojjLevoiat, tzoieeiv cos to eTTLirav (piXeei ycveaOat tu /cepBea, tocctl Be eiriXeyopLe- voiai re iravTa Kai o/cvevcri ou pbaXa edeXei. 'Opas to, 20 JJepaewv 7rpi]y/u,aTa e? b Bvvapuios irpoKeyMprjKe • el to'lvvv etceivoi oi irpo ep,ev yevopcevoi /3aaiXee<; yvwfirjcn eypeovTO 6/Aoirjat Kai av, rj p,i] ypeofievoc yvwfxrjai TOiavTrjai aXXov<; avp,{3ovXov<; clyov toiovtovs, ovk av KOTe eiBes avTa e? tovto irpoeXOovTa • vvv Be kivBvvov<; dvap- 25 pnrTeovTes e? tovto acpea irporjydyovTO. MeyaXa ydp TTpiqypLaTa pbeyaXoiat KtvBvvoiat eOeXet KaTatpeeaOai. Hp,ec, ovTe Xiucp evTv%6vTev tcarvirep repot yiveaOat. *H yap a(peas, r;v eirwviai, Bet aBtKw TaTou? yiveoBai KaTaBovXovpevowi ti\v pr\Tpoiro\tv, ?; BitcaioTaTov? avve\ev8epovvTa<;. ABtKWTaTot p,ev vvv yivdpevot ovBev Ke'pBos peya i)piv "irpoafiaWovat, Bucaio- is raToi Be yivdpevot olo'i re Br[ki]aaa6at pteyaXcos ttjv ai]v crrpaTirjv yivovrau '.E? dvpov d>v ftaXev /cat to iraXaiov IVo?, &>? yap eyu> rrwddvofiat, en dvSpa? crrparevo- fieda dyaOovs, rwv rjv Kpar7]awjxev, ov /jltj ta? rjfuv aXXos arparb? dvriarrj /core avOpumwv. Nvv he Bia- ftalvwfiev eirev^d/iievoi rolai deotai, ol IlepaiSa yrjv XeXdy%acn" Tavrrjv fiev rrjv r\pkpr]v rrapediceva'Cpvro 15 e? ri]v Bidj3aaiv. Ty Be varepaiij dvep,evov rov rfKcov edeXovres iBeaOat dvlayovra, 6vp,n}p,ara re rravrola em rcov yecpvpecov Karayl'Cpvre'i tcai puvpo-ivyat aropvvvreo?, rov aiavaK.7)v /caXeovcri. Tau- 25 ra ouk e^co arpefcecos oiaKpivai, ovre ei ™ f]Ki(o avarc- 0el$ tearrjree e? rb rreXayos, ovre el fxerepieXrjae ot, rov * EXXr\a r 7Tovrov ^aaruyweravrv Kal avrl rovrcov rrjv 6a- Xaaaav eBcopeero. '/2? Be ravrd ol eireirolriro, Biefiatvov icard puev rrjv ereprjv rwv yeev T7]v rj/Jbepriv ovtol, rfj Be varepairj irpanoi pev oX re linroTai ical ol rd<; Aoy^as" Kara rpdirovres ' ecrre- 5 (pavoovTO Be ical ovroi • puerd Be ol re Xrcrroi oi ipot icai to apfia to Ipov eirl Be avro<; re aepPijq ical ol al^po- n » r v t / \ » r \ » , / Be o o-rparos avrov ev errra i]peprjat icai ev eirra eveppo- vrjeri, eXivuaas ovBeva ypovov. EvBavra Xeyerac, Hep- %ea) i]Brj 8ta/3e/3?7/coTo? top 'EXXriairovrov, dvBpa ehrelv 15 'EXX'qairdvriov • " r fL Zed, rl Bi] dvBpl elBdpevos Uepaj) ical ovvopa dvrl Aws Uepgea depevos avaararov ri]v 'EXXaBa eOeXeis nrotrjaai,, dywv rrdvra<; dvOpwirow; ; KaX yap avev rovrcov e£i]v roc rroieeiv ravra. 72? Be Bie(3r)o-av irdvre<; s e? bBbv copp^pevoicn repa<; 20 &v ryBe rovro eyevero, on epeXXe puev eXdv arrpanrjv eirl rrjv 'EXXaBa 'Eep^r)'; dyavpdrara ical pueya- XoTrpeireo-rara, oirlaw Be rrep). ecovrov rpeywv rj^eiv e? 25 rbv avrov ywpov. Eyevero Be icai erepov avrco repas edvrc ev XdpBicrt,' r/piovo<; yap ereice i/pbiovov Bi^d eyov- aav alBola, ra pev epaevos, tci Be 07]XeT] irpoeiprjTo aTTiKopuevw ire- 5 pip,eveiv 6 Be kclt ^ireipov arparo<; 7rpos i)co re kcu o]Xlov avaro\a racpov tt)? AdapLavTos, ev dpiareprj Be KapBirjv ttoXiv. Ata p,ear]<; Be iropevojxevo^ 77-0/U09, rrj ovvopua Tvy^uvet eov Ayopi], evOevrev he KapiTTwv tov 10 koXttov tov MeXava KaXeo/xevov, /cat MeXava iT0Tap,6v, ovk avTicryovTa Tore ttj aTpaTtrj to peedpov, aXX eTTiXiTrov- Td, TOVTOV TOV TTOTdflOV OCapUS, C7T OV Kdl KOXTTO? OV- to? Ti]V eTrc0vvp,L7]v e%et, »7*e irpos eairepr/v, Alvov Te ttoXlv AloXtBa /cat ^TevToplSa Xipvrjv irape%t.wv, e? b airiKeTQ e? 15 AopicrKOV. 'O Se AopLcrtcos eoTi 7-779 &p7]i'/c7]<; aiyiaXos Te kcu ireBtov peya, Slci Be avTov peei iroTap,o<; pueya? "Efipos. 'Ev to> Ter^o? re eBeB/xrjTO j3aatXr)lov tovto to Br] Aopto-Kos KGKXrjTai, kcu Hepaewv (ppovpr) ev avTcp KaTeaTrjKee imo Aapetov e£ etceivov tov ^povov eiret, re so eiri ^Kv0a<; eaTpwreveTO. "EBo^e cvv tu> 'Eep^rj 6 %%>09 elvca e7riTi]Beo<; evBidTa^ai Te kcu i^apiOpiijaat, tov crTpaTov kcu eiroiee tcli/tcl. Tas jiev Brj ve'a<; tlis iracras airiKopevas e? AopiCKOV 01 vavap- yoi KeXevaavTo*; aep^eo) e? tov cuytaXov tov irpoo-eyea 25 Aopi'cTKCp eKopicrav, ev tu> XaXrj Te "XapodprjlKir] ireiroXi \jTdi 7roA,t? kcu Zcovr], TeXevTaia Be avTov Xeppeiov ciKprj ovvopacrTi) • 6 Be %%>o? ovtos to iraXacbv rjv Klkovcov. 'JEq toviov tov alyiaXov KaTao-%ovTe<; tcls ve'as ave-^rv^ov dveXKvaavTes. 'O Be ev tg> AoplaKtp tovtov tov ^povov 30 tj}<5 crTpaTC?]irwv • GvpiravTO^ Be rod arparov tov rre^ov to ir\rjdo rpdrrcp e^ripiO p-qaav. y ApidjjL7}cravT€ Uepcrr) el%ov 6apao<; a>9 ouBev iretcropevot, d^api 7rpo? tou ftapfidpov ol Be ov Bovres ev Beipart peydkco Karearacrav, are ovre vecov eovaecov ev rrj EWa- Bi dpiOpov afyopaywv BeKeaOat tov emovra, ovre fiovko- 20 pevcov rcov ttoWcov avrairreadai rov rro\epov, p,7]Bi^uvTO)v Be rrpoOvpws. 'EvOavra avayKair/ e^e'pyofxai, yvwprjv diroBe^aaOai eni^Bovov pev 7rpo? rwv rrXeovwv avBpw- ircov, 'opens Be, rrj ye p,oc atveTai eivat, aXrjOes, ovic 128 HERODOTOS. bino~yr]o-w. El ' 'AOrjvaiot KarappooB^aavres rov ernovra tcivBvvov e^eXiirov ttjv o-fere'prjv, r) kcu fir) eicXnrovres aXXd fielvavres eBoaav crcpeas avrovs aepgr), Kara rr)v QdXaaaav ovBafiol av eirecpcovro dvrievfievot fiaaiXei. 5 El Tolvvv Kara rr)v ddXaaaav fir}Belv6<; r/crav eXrfXapevoi Bua rov laOfiov JJeXo- 7rovvr)o~ioicn, rrpoBoQevre^ av AaKeBaifioviot viro rcov av/i- pd-ycov, ov/c e/covTcov aXX vrr avayKatr}^, Kara 770X49 10 dXHTKOfievoov V7ro rov vavriKov arparov rov fSapfidpov, CfiovvdOrfcrav • fiovvco6evre aXXov<; "EXXrjvarr)papa, A Ovre nodes vearoi ovt av X*P es i °^ Te Tt pecraTjs AftVtrat, dXX' a£r]\a Tre'Xet. Kara yap piv ipe'ntti Uvp re Kal 6£us "Aprjs, 2vpir)yeves dppa 8lukpara, kov to crov Oiov HoWovs S' adavaTcov vrjovs pa\epa> nvp\ ficocret, 10 Ot ttov vvu ibpwTL peovpevoi eo~TTjKao't t Aelpart naWopevof KaTa b' dicpoTaTOis 6p6cpoto~i Aipa peXav /ce^vrat, irpo'ibbv KaKOTrjros avayKas. AXX' itov if- dbvToio, kclkoIs 8' eniKibvaTe dvpov. TavTa ciKovcravTes 01 twv AOrjvaicov Oeoirpoiroi avfi- 15 (poprj ry fxeylaTr) e-^peovTo. IlpofiaWovcn Se crcpeaq av- TOU? V7T0 TOU KCLKOV TOV K€^pr)crpePOV TipCOV AvhpO- (3ov\ov, twv AeXcptov avrjp hoKLpos 6/J.ola tu> fiakccxTa, avve/3ov\eve crept, uceTrjpia*; \a/3ovcrt BevTepa clvtis e\6ov- Ta? xpaaOai ra ^prjarripio) &>? IfceTa?. IIetdop,evoicrt Se 20 Tavra toIctl AOijvaioccrt /cat Xeyovai " ' S2va£, %pfjcrov rjfilv apeivov Tt Tcept tt}? TraTptSos, aiSeaOeLS ra.9 l/ceTr]pia<; TaaSe ra? tol i-jKopev (pepovTes • 77 ov tol cnrifiev e/c tou a&uTOV, aW avTov T7]8e fieveopev, eo~T av /cat T€- \€UTi']croj/jL€v " • TavTa b)e Xeyovcrt r) rrrpop,avTC<; y_pa 8ev- 25 Tepa TclSe' Ov bvvaTai IlnXXas At" 'OXvpTriov e'^iXdo-acrflai, Aicro-optvr] noXXolo-i Xdyots Ka\ prjTibi. nvKisr). Sol be roS' avris (iros epea>, dbdpavTi 7reXdo"(ras • Twi' ciXhav yap dXio-Kopevcou, ocra KtKponos ovpos . 30 'Evtos t'x €l v irpeaftuTeponv eXeyop /iere^eVepoi BoKeeiv aXXe 20 tcl Suo tcl TeXevTala pr]8ePTa vtto t?5? Ilvdn)? • *{2 6elr) 2a\apis, aTro\e'is 8e av reKva yvvainatv *H ttov 0-Kibvap.ivrjs ArjprjTfpos rj avviovar}s. KaTa TavTa tcl eirea avpe^eoPTO at ypcofiai twp (ftafiepcov Ta? peas to %vXipop Telyo<; elpcu. Oc yap ^p^cr/xoXoyot 25 TavTi) Taura eXa[xj3avop, «9 afupi XdXafuva Set cr ovpofia liep rjv &e filer TOKXer)$, 7rat? £e NeoKXeos eKaXeeTO. Ov- TO? wvrjp ovk €(f)i] ttcxp op0a)$ tou? %pr]o-/io\oyov<; crvff so fSaXXeadai, Xeyu>p TOidSe * " El e? 'AOyvalovs el%e to PREPARATIONS OF THE GREEKS. 131 e7ro? elprijievov edWtw?, ovk av oura> pnv hotceetv r)Tria) avTjj TeXevrrjaetv. 'AXXd yap e? tovs irokefiiovs tw> 6ea> eiprjadai to y^pr\(7Tr\piov avXXaLiftavovTt Kara to opdov, aXX' ovk e? '^4^yatou?." TlapacrKeva^ecrOat cov avTovs a><; vavpafflo-ovras avve/3ovXeve, cos tovtov eovTos rov %vXivov Tei%€o<;. Tcivtt) OefUcrTO/cXeos aiTOv vavp-ayj^v 10 dpreeoBai, to 8e av/xwav elvai ovSe yelpa? avraeipecrdai, aXXa ifcXnrovTas X™PV V T V P 'ArriK-qv, aXXrjv rivd oiki- t koivw, ra e/c rwv pberaXXwv crept 15 irpoarfK.de rcov airo Aavpeiov, ep,eXXov Xu^eadai opyrjhov eicacrTO<; Sena Zpaypiaq • Tore @e/xto-TO/fXe?;? aveyvwae ABr\vaiovi, p.erd to yjpr\o-rr\piov f3ovXevop,evoLai, eircovra eirl tt)v 'EXXaSa rov (3dp(3apov ZeKeaOat rrjcri prjvcrl m-avhripiei, ra deep 7rei6op,evov<;, dpua EXXqvwv rolai fiovXoLievoicri. Td llgv 8ij ^prjcrrripia ravra tolctl Adr]- valoiai eyeyovee. ao 132 HERODOTOS. SvXXeyoptevcov Se e? twvto twv irepl rrjv 'EXXaSa EXXrjvcov rcov ra aptetvto cppoveovrcov kclI StSdvrcov crcptai Xoyov /cat TTtariv, evdavra eSd/cee fiovXevopevotat avrotcrt irpcorov pev xprj/MciTcov ttovtcov KaraXXaaaeadat rd<; re 5 e^Opa? teat row? /car aX\r)Xov crrparco eivat ev XapStat, efiovXev- aavro KaraaKOTTovs 7re'/uL7reiv e? ttjv 'Aotrjv rcov (SaaiXeo? io 7rpr]yparcov, e? Apyos re ayyeXovs opat^ptrjv avvdrj- croptevovs rrpo^ rov Ile'paijv, /ca\ e? 'XtKeXtrjV aXXov? rrepu- ireiv rrapa TeXcova rov Aetvopteveos, e? re KepKvpav, fceXevaovras ftorjdeetv ry EXXaSt, /cat es KprjT7]v aXXovs, (ppovrjaavre^; et kcos ev re yevotro ro 'EXXtjvlkov, kcu el 15 crvyKwtyavres rcovro rrprjeraotev iravre<;, &>? Setvcov eiridv- rcov optotcos rratrt EXXrjat. Ta Se Te'Xcovos irpi-\ypara pteyaXa eXeyero elvai, ovSapcov EXXrjvtKcov rcov ov 7roX- Xov pe^co. C if2? Se ravrd crept eSotje, KardXvaaptevot rd<; e%0pa? cnroXevpuevoi. Kat rolat ptev /carafceicptro 6dvaro<;. Heof??? Se &>? eirudero ravra, ptep,cp6et<; rcov 25 crrparrjycov ttjv yvcoptrjv rreptiret rcov rtva<; Sopvcpopcov, evretXapevos, ty KaraXaficocrt tou? KaraaKcnrovs favTas, ayetv Trap 1 ecovrov. /2? Se ert nrepteovra? avTovs fcare- "Xafiov tcai r^yov e? o^rtv ttjv /3ao~Ti dXXo rrralafia 77750? tov Ueparjv, fir) to Xolttov ecoac AaKehai/xovlcov vm']Kooi. Twv he ayyeXcov rov? lvko t?}? SirapTris rrpos ra prjdevra e/c rr)<; f3ovXr)q dfiei^acrOat TOicrihe • rrepl fiev arrovhecov dvoicreiv e\ tov<; nrXevvas • Trepl he rjyefiovLrjs avrolai evTeTakdai viroKpi- 30 vaaOai Kai ht) Xeyetv aiai fiev elvai hvo /SacrtXea?, PREPARATIONS OF THE GREEKS. 135 % Apyeloio i Be eva • ovkwv Bvva-Tov elvai twv tK XirupT^ ovBeWepov iravaai rrj<; i]ye/j.ovi7js. Mera Be Bvo twv acperepcov ofxo^lrrjcpov tov Apyeiov eivat, KwXveiv ovBev.'' Ovtw Bi] ol * ApyeioL (paac ov/c avaaykoQai twv Srrap- TiTjTeoiv Ti]v irXeove^ujv, aXX eXeaOac fiaXXov vno twv s fiapfidpwv dpyeo-Qai r\ tl virel^ai AaKeBat/xovtocac • "jrpoenreiv Te Tolat, ayyeXotat irpo Bvvtos rjXiov airaX- XacraeaOai etc T?)s * Apyelwv X^PW* ' et Be ^Tq^irepie^e- o~9at a>9 TroXefiiovs. • Avtol fiev 'Apyecot ToaavTa tovtwv irepi Xeyovat. 10 *EaTt Be aXXos Xoyos Xeyofievos clvd ttjv 'EXXaBa, C09 Eeof?;? eire/i^jre /cripv/ca e." TavTa aKovaavTa? Apyeiovs XeyeTai •7rprjy/j.a TroirjaacrOai, Kal 7rapa^prjfj,a fxev ovBev eirayyeX- Xop,evov<; fxeTaiTeetv • eVet Be acpea? irapaXa^dveiv tou? 25 'EXXrjvas, ovtw Br) e7rio-Ta/xevov<; oti ov fieTaBwcrovcn t^? ap%?]<; Aa/ceBaifiovtoi, fxeTaiTeecv, cva ein irpo(pacno<; i]o~v%!r)v dywai. Hvfnreaelv Be tovtoictl Kai TovBe tov Xoyov Xeyovcrl Tive? 'EXXr]vwv, 7roXXocai CTeai vaTepov yevd/xevov tovtwv. Tv^elv ev Xovaoiai Tolac Mepivo- 30 136 HERODOTOS. vioicrt eovras erepov rrpiiyptaro? elvetca ayyeXovs 'Adij- vatcov, KaXXtrjv re rov IrrrrovtKov Kat tous ptera toutov avaftavras, Apyetovs 8e" rov avrov rovrov yjpovov rrept-y-avras Kat rovrov; e? 2,ovcra ayyeXovs etpcorav 6 Apra^ep^ea rov aep^eco " et crept en eptptevet r?]V irpos aep^ea cptXtqv crvve/cepacravro, ?? voptt^otaro rrpos avrov elvat TroXepttot." BaatXea Be Apra^ep^ea " ptaXtcrra eptptevetv," cpavat, "Kat ovBepttav voptt^etv rroXtv ' Apyeo arpeKeoos etirat, ovoe rtva yvcopirjv rrept avrcov arro- cpatvoptat aXXr)v ye rj rt]v rrep avrdt Apyetot Xeyovcrt. Eirtcrraptat Se roaovro brt, et iravre hopvcpopos ' Iiriroicpa- T609 • yu.era he ov ttoXXov ypovov hi dpeTiiv direhe^Orj irdcrr}^ 7-779 Xttttov elvac XivKapyo^. TloXiopKeovTos yap 'l77770/cpaTeo9 KaXXt7roXiTas Te Kal Na^iovq Kal Zay- KXaiovdyrj ^craco- vevTWi erri TroTapboo EXcopw. EppvaavTO Be ovtoi eTrl roiaSe /caraXXd^avTes, eir & re 'iTTTroKpdrel Kapidpivav XvprjKoaiov? irapaBovvai • Xvpt]KO(riwv Be rjv Kapidpiva to dpyaiov. c /2? Be Kai 'Iiriroicpdrea TvpavvevaavTa io laa erea t&> aBeX(pea> KXeavBpw tcareXafte diroQavelv 7rpo? ttoXi T/3Xr) arparevaapievov eTrl tovs IliKeXovs, ovtco 8jj o TeXcov too Xoyoo Ttp.copecov toIgi 'iTTTTOKpaTeos iraiai Ev/cXeiSr] re Kai KXeavBprp ov /3ovXop,evcov tcov ■jroXirjTecov Karij/cocov en elvai, too epycp, co? erreKpuTTjae is ptaj^r) tcov TeXoowv, rjpx e civtos airoaTepi]ea> ecovTov • 6 Be tcl? 25 Hvp7]Kovaa9 iroXiopKeo/xevoi e? 6pboXoyir,v rrpoae^copTjaav, row; fiev avrwv rra^eaf aeipap,evov<; re rroXep-ov avra> ical wpocrBoKeovras drroXeeaOai Bia, rovro, ayayaiv e? ni9 ^vprjKovcras iroXirira^ erroirjae • rov Be Brjpiov rcov Meyape'cov ovk eovra peer air lov rov rroXepi,ov rovrov 5 ovBe 7rpooSeKOfievov kclkov ovBev rrelcreaBai, dyaycov Kai rourovs e? Ta? Xvprjicovaa? err AOrjva? eXavvei, ev vow Be e^cov 20 rtaaav rr\v 'EXXuBa wrr ea>vra> rron^aaoOai. £u Be Bvvapbio\ re tf/cets /xeyaXr]^, Kai /xolpd rot t^? 'EXXaBo<; ovk eXa^larr] pier-a dpyovri ye SiKeXir]? • jSoridei re rolai eXevdepovai rrjv EXXaBa Kai avveXevdepov. 'AXtj? /iev yap yevopievr) rraaa rj 'EXXas ^eip pieyuXr] crvvd- 25 yerai, Kai a£iop,a%oi yivop.e6a roiai emovai • yv Be r/pewv 01 piev KararrpoBiBwai, 01 Be pnrj OeXcoai ripioype'eiv, ro Be vyialvov rr.q 'EXXaBos y oXiyov, rovro Bt] ijBrj Set' vov yiverai, pirj rrearj rraaa ?; 'EXXa<;. Mi) yap eXrriar)^, tjv 7]fxe'a<; Karaarpe-^rrjrai 6 Uepar)<; pia^r) Kpan'jaai, «u? an 140 HERODOTOS. ovki rfeei irapa ere ye, aXXa rrpo tovtov cpvXa^ai. Hoi)' 6ea>v yap i)plv creeovTw ri/xaypeec;. Ta> Be ev j3ovXev6evri 7rpi} irapcucaXeovres eXdetv. Avtol Se, epuev irporepov herftev- to? /3ap{3apiKov crTparov ervveTratyacrOai, ore pcoi irpo<; Kap%i)c)ovlov<; vei/eos ervvrprTO, eirurK^TTTOVTo^ re tov Aeo- 10 pie'os rov Ava^avSpcSeo) irpo^ Eyearaiwv cpovov enirpri- %acr9ai, vTroreivovTo? re ra epLiropia ervveXevOepovv, car (ov vpuv pieycikat, coepeXiat re feat erravpecnes yeyovaai, ovre ep,ev eiveiea ijXdere fioTjOrjaovTe? ovre tov Acopieo? cpovov etcirprj^opievoL, to Se kclt itpieas Tab)e airavTa viro 1 5 fiapfidpoicri vepbeTdi. AXXa ev yap r/puv teal errt to ajxeivov KaTeaTt)' vvv Se, eTrecBi] irepieX^XvOe 6 7ro\ep.o) FeXoovo? p.vrjcrTi<; yeyove. ATtpurjS Se 7T0O? VpLCCOV KVp7]0~a5 OVK OpLOLWO-OpLCU VpUV, aXX' eTolpos eipu (SorjOeeiv irape^opuevoq Si7]/eoaia<; re 20 Tpnjpea? kcu hiapLvpiovs 07rXtTa Se Xoyw ovt av avTos eXdotpu out av aXXovs irepL^aipu" TavTa d/covo-as ovre rjvea^eTO 6 Xvaypos elire ts TaSe' " 'H fee p.ey oip,w%eiev 6 TJeXoTrlSr}^ Ayap^epvwv irvdo- 30 jjuevos ^TrapririTas Trp> riyep-ovcrjv a7rapatpya6at vtto Te- PREPARATIONS OF THE GREEKS. 141 Xcovos re /ecu Xvpr\KO Xoyco ov p.e €7reio-a<; do"xfip,ova ev rrj dpioifirj yeve'aOat,. ' Otcov he 10 ^619 ovtco 7repiJ^ea6e rrjs yyepLOViris, oikos kcli ep,e paX- Xov vp.ecov irepLe-^eaOai, ar parti)? re eovra iroXXarrXaa trj? r/yep-ova koX vecbv rroXXov rrXevvcov. ^AXX eiret re vp!tv 6 Xoyo? ovtco irpocrdvTr}? Karlararat, r)ptel? ri birei^op,ev rov dpya'tov Xoyov. El rov ptev rre^ov vptel? rjyeotaOe, 15 rov Be vavTLfcov eyco ' et Be vplv r\Bovr\ rov Kara vaXacr- crav rjyepoi'eveiv, rov rre^ov eyco OeXco. Kat i] rovrotat vptea? ypecov eart dpecnceaOat i] arrtevat avptptaycov rotcov- Be eprjixovs. " TeXcov ptev Br) ravra rrpoereivero. $0dcra<; Be 6 ^Adrj- 20 vaicov ciyyeXo? rov AafceBaLpbovlcov aptelfiero putv roicriBe ' ""*{! (3ao~tXev XvprjKoaCcov, ovtc t)yep.dvos Beoptevq r) 'EXXa? direTrep-^rev rjpte'a? rrpo? ae, aXXa crrparti)?. av Be, okcos ptev arparuyv rrep.-ifet? ptrj o]yeup,evo<; ri)s EX- \aS09, ov irpocpatvets, cos Be arpar^yycret? avrrjs, yXt- 25 veat • ocrov ptev vvv iravrb? rov 'EXXrjvcov arparov eBeov r]yeea6at, e^r\pKei r)ptlv rolcrt 'AOrjvatoto-t i}CTvyjLT)v ayetv emcrrafievoio-t C09 o Adfccov l/cavds rot ep,eXXe eaeaOac fcac vrrep dpcpore'pcov drroXoyevpbevos' eirei re Be d-rracrr]^ arre- Xavvduevos Beeat rrjs vavriKr)^; ap^eLV, ovtco e%ei rou 3d 142 HERODOTOS. OvB yjv 6 AaKwv eirir] tol apyeiv 0.1/7-779, ^yttet? eirricro- fiev • yfieTepr) yap cart avTij ye, fxr/ avrwv {3ovXofiev(oi AaKehaLjJLovLcov. TovTotai p.ev a>v rjye'eaOcu /3ov\o/xevoLcri ovk avrirecvo/nev, aXXw Be Trapi]aojxev ovBevl vavapyeeiv. 5 Mutijv yap av tbSe irapaXov 'EXXrjvcov arparov ifkelaroi elr}/j,ev etcT7)p,e'voi, el ^vprjKoaioLCTL e'oWe? 'Adrjvaioc auy- ^Qiprjcrojiiev tt}<; 7]ye/u,ovi7]$, apyaioTarov fxev eOvos Trapeyo- fievoi, jxovvol he eovres ov [leravaaTai 'EXXr'jvcov twv koi O/xrjpos o e7T07ro(05 avBpa apiarov ecprjae e? "IXlov io aiTLKeaOai ra^at re /cat, Bia/coafxfjaat arpardv. Ovtco ovk bvebSov ttjv 'EXXaBa t^? ewvrov avfifia^it)'; euKa^e w? ei to eap e/c tov eviavTov e^apaiprj- fievov eirj Kpfjre^ Be, ewei Te o~v Mivcos eire/x^e fjiijvicov BaKpvfiaTa, oti ol piev ov crvve^eTrpi'j^avTO ai)Ta> tov ev 30 Kap,LKa> OdvaTov yevouevov, vp,els Be eKelvotcri T7]v ix PREPARATIONS OF THE GREEKS. 143 ^rrdprrj^ dpiracrOelaav vir dvhpbs fiapfidpov yvvaiKa" Tavra ol Kprjres a>9 dmeveiyQevra r)Kovaav, eo-ypvro 7-779 TCfMCOpll]9, el fir) rrep^rere, errLcrraade ?}/xea9 opboXoyi'iaeiv rep Uepcry. Ov yap roi rrpoKarrjpevov^ roaovro rrpb 7-779 aXXrjs 'EXXdBos povvovs rrpb vpuecov Bel ■ diroXeadai. Boj]deetv Be ov (3ovXbp,evot, dvayfcairjv t)plv ovBep,iav oloi re icrre 7rpocrcpepeiv ' ovBapua yap dBvvaaiT}^ avdy/crj 20 Kpecracov ecpv • i)p,elpo9 7reBivo$, t>3 /xei/ evpvs, t$ he /cat Kapra GTeivo<$. TIepi s he tov ywpov ovpea v\jn]Xa kcli aj3a.Ta irepi.Kkrj'CeL Traaav t^v MrfXlhcL yrjv, Tprjyiviai ire'rpai, tcaXeo/xevaL. Upu>T7) uev vvv 7roA,t9 eaTL ev to) koXttgi Iovtl diro AyaLLr)? 'AvTucvpr}, Trap 1 r\v 7TOTa/zo9 5Vep%e£09 pecov ef 'EvliJ- vcov es OdXaaaav ifchthol. ^Arro he tovtov hia eltcoai 10 kov o-tclBlcdv aXXos 7rora^o9, to) ovvopua tceeTCLL Avpas, tov (3or]8eovTa rco 'HpatcXei Kcuop,ev(o Xoyos eaTL avcupa- vrjvai. *Airb he tovtov ht aXXwv eiKocri aTahicov aXXo? 7TOTa/xo? eaTL, 09 naXeeTaL MeXas. Tp7]^t<; he 7roX,t? cltto tov MeXavos tovtov iroTapiov ir'evTe aTahia wjTe-%ei. 15 TavTTj he icai ehpvTardv eaTL 7rdar}<; Trjs ywpr}<; TavT7)v ovpecov es OaXaaaav, /car a Tprj^a ireiroXiaTaL • hio-yiXid Te yap /ecu hio-p,vpia irXedpa tov irehiov eaTL. Tov he ovpeos, to TrepLKXrfieL ttjv yrjv tt)i> Tpr^yLvir^v, eaTL hLaav ovpecov tovtcov p'ewv e9 tov Aawrrov e/chihol. Kclto. he tov <&o'ivlk(x ttotoljxov aTeLvoTOTov eaTL • dpa^LToolvlkos -rroTapLov irevTe- 146 HEEODOTOS. KaiSe/ca cjraBui ecrri e? 0epfio7rvXa<;. 'Ev Be ra piera^v Qolvikos rrorajiov /cat ©epp,07rvXecov kco/jltj re ecrri, rr) ovvofia 'AvOrjXr) Keerai, Trap r)v Br) rrapap'pecov 6 'AaaiTros e? OdXacrcrav IkBlBoI, Kal %wpo? rrepl aurr)v evpvs, ev tw b Ai]puT)Tpo tcaicbv e£ a/3%?}? ytvoptevcp ov crvveptL-^0)], Tolcrt he pteyicrTotcrt avrwv 5 ptey terra. 'OfelXetv cov /cat rbv eireXavvovra, 009 iovra OirjTov, airb t?}] 6? Aewvthrjv avejBatve ?; (BacrtXri'Cri, Kat htoTt irpoTepo^ eyeyovee KXeopt/SpoTov, (oi>ro<; yap t)v veo)Tarov tow; e? tov dpidpov Xoytadptevov eaTpaTi]yee AeovTtdhi]? 6 Evpv/xd^ov. Tovhe he e'tveKev tovtovs 3C 148 HERODOTOS. cnrov$))V e7TOti]aaro AewvcBr)? povvovs EXXr]vcov irapa- \aj3elv, otl crcpecov p,eyuXco<; KaTtjyoprjTO pyBi^etv. JJa- peKaXee cov e? tov nroXepbov OeXcov elBevat, eo re Gvpnre\X' ■proven el re kcll airepeovaL e/c tov ep,cpaveo<; Ti]v EX- 5 Xtjvcov Gvpfia^trjv, Ol Be aWocppoveovres eirepm-ov. Tovrovi pev tov? a/xcpl AecoviBrjv 7rpu>rov]p,eL *f2i Be fcal ol XolttoI rcov Gvppbd^cov evevcovTO kol avrob erepa rocavra iroLrjaeiv • i]V yap Kara tcovto 0\vp7ria] ovtco StevevcovTO Troir\GeLV. Ol Be ev Qep/xo7rv\i](TL EXXrjves, eireiBt] 7reXa? eye'vero •ny? eo-(3o\r}s 6 JJeparj^, KaTappcoBeovTe? efiovXevovro 20 irepi airaXXayrj^ • toIgl p,ev vvv aXXoLGt UcXoTrovvrjGioL- gl eBo'fcee eXOovcn e? TleXoirovvriGov tov Ia6/xov eye.Lv ev cpvXaKrj • AecovLBi^ Be, corcecov Kac AoKpcov irepLGirep- yedvTcov Ty yvco/xT) Tavrrj, avTov re peveiv e^rycpl^eTO, irepiretv re ayyeXovs e? Ta$ iroXiaq KeXevovTaf G(pL x, eTn/3oi]6eeiv, cos edvTcov avTcov oXlycov GTparov tcov Mr}Bcov aXe^aaOaL. Tavra /3ovXevop,evcov GCpecov, eirepbire 'Eeptris KaTacTKOTrov nrtrea iBeaOai okogol re eiat, Kac o tl Troieoiev. AKrjKoee Be ert ecov ev QeacraXii], cos aXiGpulvr] elrj Tavrrj GTpaTLt] oXiyq, kcu tou? r/yepova?, so &><; eiTqaav AaKeBaipovtoL re Kai AecovcB^, ecov yevo 0VK 0La re *) v KaTt ~ Beadai • 6 Be tow? e^co ep,av9ave, tolcti irpo tov Tefycos s Ttf bifXa 6k€ito. Etu^ov Be tovtov tov yjpovov Aclk6- Batp,oviot e'^co rerayfievot. Tov? puev Br] copa yvp.va'Cp- fjt,evov? airoXeopevot re Kai aTToXeovTes Kara Bvvapiv • aXk' , avTcp yeXola yap 15 ecpacvovTO iroieeiv, peTt7repy\raTO Ai]papr\TOV tov Aptarco- vos eovTa ev tm oTpaTOTreBw. AiriKopevov Be pu,v elpojTa Eepf?7? eicaaTa tovtcov, eOeXcov paOelv to iroiev- p.evov 7rpo9 tcov AaKeBatpbovicov. 'O Be elire' ""Hkov- cras puev pev /cal irpoTepov, evTe ooppueopev eVi ttjv 'EX- 2« XdBa, irepl tcov dvBpcov tovtcov ' aKovaas Be yeXcoTci p,e eOev XeyovTa to, irep copcov e/cj3r]o-6p,eva irpr}ypara Taina. 'EpLol yap ttjv aXr}6elr)V dcrfceetv dvTia crev, Si fiaaiXev, dycov pbeyLGTos eaTi. "A/covcrov Be /ecu vvv. 01 avBpe<; ovtol dirUaTai payeabp,evoi yp,lv Trepl t>}> & eauBov, kcu TavTa irapaa Kevtt^ovTai. Nupos yap acpi ovtco e)(wv icTTt, ' eireciv pueXXcoai KivBvveveiv Tjj "tyvyflt TOTe Ta? /cecpaXas /coap,eovTai. ^EwtaTaao Be, el tovtovs Te teal to vrropevov ev 'XirapTri KcuracrTpk^feai, eaTi ovBev aXXo e6vo<> dvOpcoircov, to ere, fiaatXev, viropueveeL yelpa*; 3C IS* 150 HERODUI'OS. avraeipofievov. Nvv yap 7rpo? ftaaiXijt'ijv re kcu KaXXt* ctttjv t.oXlv rwv ev EXkrjcrL 7rpoa(f)6peai kcu av8pa? ovk airaXXaaaovro aXXa ol ecpaivovro avaiBetrj re /cat afiovXni 8ia%pea)p,evoi fie'veiv, rzepmei eir avrow; Mi'jSow; re kcu Kio-alovs 6v/j,(o8ei<;, evreiXap,evo i i crcpea? ^u>ypi]aavrare<;. AijXov 8 enrolevv rravri rea> kcu, ovk iiKiara avrCo fiacnXei, ort iroXXol jjbev avOpwiroi elev, uXiyoi he av8pes. 'Eylvero 20 Be i] o-vfi/3o\r] 8t i]fiepT]<;. Eirei, re he ol Mrj8oi rpt)- %e'&)? irepielirovro, evOavra ovroi [xev vire^ifiaav, ol 8e Uepcrai e/cSe^a/zet-ot eirrfLo-av, rovs adavarov? eKaXee f3acnXev$, rcov ?)px e 'T8apvr)<;, tu? 8rj ovrot ye ev7rere'a><; Karepyaao/ievoi. /2TO rrj re %u>pii> fia-^o- fxevoi, kcu 8opaai fipayvrepoiai ^peoo/xevot, rjirep oi "EXXijves, kcu ovk e%ovre<; 7rXi}6ei y^p^aao-Qai. AaKe8ai- fiovLot 8e efxdyovro a^/w? Xoyov, aXXa re cnroheiKWfievoi 30 ev ovk emarafjiepoLai, p,ayea6ai e^emo-rafzevot, Kai okcoi BATTLE OF THEEMOPTLAI. 151 hnpe^reiai rd vcora, aXee? cpevyeaKov SfjOev, ol Se (3dp- fiapoi opeovreq cpevyovras fioj) re Kal irardyto eTrijicrav, ol S' dv KaTa\a[x^avojjbevot inrecrrpecpov dvriot elvcu rolcrt fiapfidpoicn • fj,eracrrpecp6/j,evoL Se KarefiaXkov rr\/)9ei dvaptd/jbr]TOV']yfj.ari, 'EirtdXrrjs 6 EvpvSij/xov, dvrjp MrjXtevs, r/X6e ol 69 \6yov$, &>? fxeya ri rrapd /3acrtXeo? SoKecov o'lae- uQai • ecppaae re rrjv drpairov rr/v Sid rod ovpeos (pepovaav e? Ov?]T?7? re 6 $avayopea), dvrjp KapvcrTto<;, icai KopvhaXXof 'AvTiKVpev? elcri ol enravres irpos fiacnXea tovtov? tous Xoyovs, kcli ireptrjyrjaaptevoi to ovpos rolat Hepai-f- at, ouSa/xco? eptot ye itio-tos. Tovro ptev yap rrpSe xprj lo crTa6ptd>oao~6ai, otl oi twv EXXi\va>v UvXayopoi eiretci]- pv£av ovtc eiri *Ovr\Tr) re teal KopvhaXXco apyvptov aXX eirl ^EttiuXtt) tm Tpr\yj.viw, iravTcos kov to tiTpeiceaTaTov irvOdp-evoi ' tovto he (pevyovTa, tov EiriaXTrjv TavTrjv T7]v atTirjv olhaptev. Ethetrj ptev yap av, /cat ecov pttj 15 MrjXtev^, TavTijv itjv arpairov OvrjTr]?, et ttj % w PV iroXXa MpttXrjtcws etrj • aXX EiriaXTTjs yap eaTi o ireptr)- y7]adptevov eo-TpaTi]yee 'Thdpvj]?. 'flppteaTO he 7repl Xv)(va>v dcpd<; etc tov aTpaToirehov. T)]v he arpa- ttov TavTrjv e^evpov ptev ot eirt^wpioi MrjXiees, e^evpov- T6&)/fe'a? Tore OTe ol •P&weW, (ppdfjavTes Tet^ei ti]v ea^oXrjV, r/aav ev atceir-r) 25 tov iroXe'ptov ' etc Te toctov hi] tcaTehehe/CTO eovaa ovhev •ypr]o-Ti] MrjXievo-i. E^et he a>he r\ aTpairo? avTrj. " ApyeTat ptev dirb tov 'Aacoirov iroiaptov tov hta ttJ? hiao~(f>dyo<; peovTO? • ovvopta he rq> ovpel tovtw teat t\i a-Tpairq) twvto tceeTat, ^ Avoirata. Telvet he 17 ' 'Avoir aia 30 avTrj KaTa pdytv tov ovpeo] t>]V arpanrov icai ovtco eyovcrav ol Hepcrai, tov Aacoirov SiafiavTes, eiropevovTO Tracrav ri]V vvktci, 5 cv Be^trj fxev e%ovTe<; ovpea ra Olralcov, ev dpiaTeprj Be Ta Tprj^tvicov ' ?;&)? re Biecpacve, Kat eyevovTO eir arcpa>- TTjpuo tov ovpeos. Kara Be tovto tov ovpeos ecpvXaa- crov, cofC€e<;, ft>? e(3aXXovTO tolcti TO^ev/naat ttoXXolcti 25 T6 kol TTV/cvolcri, o'I^ovto cpevyovTes eirl tov ovpeos tov Kopv/J.(3ov, e7naT(iju.evot &)? eVt trcpeas copixrfi^aav upj(7}V, ical irapeaKevdBaTO &)? diroXedfievoi. Ovtoi /xev B>) Tay- ra ecppoveov, ol Be dfufi EttuiXttjv Kat TBapvea Ilepaai $coKecov fiev ovBeva Xoyov eirotevvTO, ol Be KaTeBaivov to 30 OVpOS KO-TCL Ta'^O?. 154 HERODOTOS. Tola he ev QepjJLOTrvkrjcri iovcri 'EWyjvoov nrpwrov /aev o [xavTis Meyio-Ttr)*;, ecnhcov e9 ra Ipd, ecppacre ibv fxeXXovra eaeaOai a/xa rjot crcpb Ollvcltov ' eirh he kcl\ avTopioXoi rjcrav ol e^ayyeikavrei tv Ilepaecov rrjv B Treplohov * ovrot, fxev en vvkto<; earj^vav, rpiroi 8k ol iniepoafcoTTOL KarahpapLovTes anro rcov ctfcpcov tjhr) Bta(f)aivoucr7)<; rj/meprj^' evdavra e/3ov\evovTO oi ' EWrjves, kclL acfrecov eayi'CpvTO al yvwp.ai. Ot, fiev yap outc ecov rr)v tu^lv , ercXnrelv, ol he avrereivov. Mera he rovro 10 hia/cpi.de'vres ol fiev ciTraWaaaovro /cat hiao-Kehaa6evret] aTroXwvrai fC7)hop,evo<; • avrm he /cal ^TraprirjTe'cov rolai Trapeovai outc eyeiv 15 evTTpeirewi'i eickLTrelv rrjv rd^cv e? tttjv ij\6ov cpvXa^ovreq apyrjv. Tauri] Kai fiaXXov ry yvoofxr) ifXetaTO^ et/u, Aecovihrjv, eirel re ycrOero rout avfifxa^ov; eovra? airpo- 6ufxov he airievai ov tcaXux; 20 ex eLVm * Mevovrc he avrov /cXeos pueya eXeiirero, nai ?; 27rdpT7)<$ evhaifjiovir] ou/c i^rj\eLcpero. ' E Ke^pv " 7 ' V^P V7rb ri]<; IIv9L7} 'XwdpTTis olK^ropes evpvx<$poio, *H jue'-ya aarv ipiKvSes vir' avSpdcri Ilepcre'/'Spo-t Tlepderai ■ t) rb /jlcv ovk'l, a(p' 'HpaxAeovs Se yivld\tit Xlevdrjcrei fiacriArj (pdifuvov AaKeSaifiovos oiipos. BATTLE OF THERMOPYLAE 15o Qv yap tov ravpeov c^crei ptvos ovde \f6vrcov AvrifttTjv. Zrji'os ycip e^et ptvos ' ov8e i'fprjpt S^ijo-eo-^at, 7vp\v rcovb' erepov Sia ndvra Sacr^rat. Tavrd re Bii eirtXeyop-evov AecoviBrjv, kcli (3ovXop.evov tcXeos KaraOeaOai ptovvov ^TraprLTjrecDV, airoirepi-^at toi/? 6 cuyu/ia^ou? piaXXov i) yvcopir] BtevetyOevTCts ovrco a/coo-fia)? olyeaOat tol»9 ol^o/iivou?. Maprvptov Be ptot kcu roBq ovk eXd%io~TOV tovtov irept yeyove. Ou yap p.ovvov rovs aXXovs, aXXa kcu tov piavTiv b? etTreTO rrj aTpariy tclvtt], MeyLcrriijv tov 'A/capvrjva, Xeyoptevov eivat ra 10 dveicadev utto MeXaptiroBos, tovtov etiravra e/c twv tpwv ret fieWovrd crept eic{3aiveiv cpavepos ecrri AecovtBr}? cnroTreptirwv, 'iva pir] avvaTroXrjrat crept. O Be airoirept- irdpLevos avrbs puev ovk direXtire • tov Be rralBa avarpa- Tevdptevov, eovTct ol powoyevea, aireireputye. Ot ptev wv is crvp,p,ayot ot, airorrepiiTopevot otyovTO t6 amovTe? /cat kireidovro AecoviBy, ©ecnnees Be zeal Qrjficuoi tca- re/ietvav ptovvot irapd AaKeBatptoviotcrt. Totjtcov Be &r]f3alot ptev deKovres tpuevov tcai ou plovXoptevot • KdTeiye yap crcpeas AecovtBr]<; ev opar\pwv Xoycp iroiev- 20 ptevos • @eo"7Tteet\o<; AiaBpopteco. He/j£»7? Be', 67ret rjXtov dvaretXavTos 9 Ti)v eirl Bavarco e^oBov rroievp,evoi, ~)]Brj rroXXco fiaXXov ?) Kar ap%ti9 eire^rftaav e? to evpvrepov rov av%evo$. To fiev yap epv/xa rov re/^eo? ecpvXaacrero, 01 Be ava 5 Ttt9 irporepas rjp.epa<; vire^iovres efievoo re Kat areovres. Abpara fiev vvv rolcrv rrXeoai avrcov rt]viKavra tfBr) ervy)(ave Karerjyora, ol Be rolcn ^Icpecrt Btepyd^ovro rov9 dvBpcov d^icov yevofievcov errv- 6op,T]v ra ovv6fjL^,ra • i7rv66p,rjv Be Kal drravrcov rcov rptrj- Kotritov. Kal Bi) Kal Uepaecov rrlrrrovcri evOavra aXXoi re 7roXXol Kal ovvopuacrroi, ev Be Brj Kal Aapelov Bvo rralBes, ^A^poKopn]^ re Kal 'TirepdvOr)*;, e'« rr\<; 'Aprdveco 25 Ovyarpbs %a)p&) ifl aXe^ofxe'vovi fiayaipycri, Tolcri avTcov ervyyavov ere irepieovcrai, Kai X e P ai Kab o-To^iacri KaTe%coo-av ol fiap- fiapoi fiaXXovTes, ol piev it; ivavTirjs inTiairbiJievoi Kai to epv/xa tov Tei^eo? crvyxcocravTes, ol Be TrepieXObvTes TravToOev irepiaTaSbv. 15 AaKeBaipiovicov Be Kai Qecnriecov toiovtcov yevofievcov, 6'ytiw? Xeyerai dvijp apicrTos yevkcrOai %7rapTii]Tr)<; Airjve- K7]<;' tov ToBe ovvo]ia i]v Ac6vpap,j3o i i Apfia- rlSeo). &a. 'Einypafifuun fiev vvv teal 7rpe7re6? to ir\r}8o<> eKaaroi rwv vewv irapelyovro. ' 'Apid/Mos Be rcov avWe^Oeiaecov vemv 15 eir 'Aprefiio-iov r\v, irape% rwv irevrrjKovrepcov, fita Kac efiBoixr}Kovra Kal BnjKoatat. Tov Be arparrjyov rov to /.teyiarov KptiTos e%ovra irapeiyovro ^iraprirjraL Evpv- (3id8ea rov EvpvKkelBeoo. Ol yap avfifia^oc ovk ecpacrav "rp> /jutj 6 Acikcov r/yefxovevr}, 'A6r)valoio-L e^readat i)yeopLe- 2C voiat, aXka Xvcreiv ro fieWov ecreaOai crrparev\ia" 'Eye'vero yap Kar apyu<^ \dyos, irplv rj Kai €9 2iKe\i7]V irepureiv eirl o-v[xp.a-^ir}v, to? rb vavriKOV 'AOyvalotcri, %pea>v eir] eircrpdireiv. Avri/3dvra>v Be rcov crv/u,fid^cov elKov oi 'Adrjvaioi, pueya ireiroi^/Jbivoi irepielvai ri]v 'EXkdBa, Kal 25 yvovres, el araatdaovai rrepl Trj9 diroXeerac 160 HERODOT013. rj 'EXXfl'?, op6a voevvres. 'Xracns yap e/x(pv\o<; rroXep,ov ofMHppoveovTos Toaovro) kuklov eo-ri, ocrcp 7roA.€p,o9 8ie8e%av. 5 '/2? yap 8rj wadp,evoi rov Tliparjv irepl t?}? eiceivov i]8r] top dywva errotevvro, rrpdcpaaiv ri]v Ilavaavieco vfipiv rrpoio-yop,evoi drreiXovro rrjv i)yepLOvir]v tou? AaicehcufMO- vlovs. 'iXXci ravra puev varepov eyevero. Tore 8e ovrot ol koc eV ' Aprepuicnov 'EXXrjvwv airtKo- 10 puevot, a>9 el8ov v4a9 avroc KareSofceov, Karappwhrjcravres Bpijcrfibv ej3ovXevovro airo rov 'Aprefii.criov eaco e'9 ri)v 'EXXa8a. Tvovres 8e acpeas 15 ol Evfioe'es ravra fiovXevopbevow; e8eovro Eupv^taSeo) irpoapbelvac ypovov oXiyov, ear av auroc reKva re /ecu toi>9 ot/cera9 vTretcOecovTat. '/29 8 ovk erreiOov, p,e- rafidvres rov 'Ad^valcov arparrjyov ireldovai Qepu- CTO/cXea eVl pLio-0q) rpujKovra raXavroicri, err u> re 20 Karapueivavres rrpb 7779 Ev/3oir)<; rroii}crovrai rrjv vav- jia-^Lrjv. 'O he QepaaroKXer]v rre^yp-eie aTroXirrovri, 30 robs o-vpLpLaxovs" Tavrd re dp,a i)yopeve icai rrkpurrei erii SEA-FIGHTS NEAR ARTEMISION. 161 Ti]v vea t?]v 'ASetpdvrov rdXavra dpyvpiov rpla. Ovroi re Sj) 7rXt]yevre9 e£ 'Acperewv Bvs e? rrjv OaXaaaav ov irporepov avea%e TTplv rj aiTLKeTO errl to ' Apre/JLiaLOV, aTaBlovs ixakto-Ta ict\ tovtovs e'9 oyBwKovra Blcl Tr)<; daXaaarj? Bie^eXdwv. AeyeraL p.ev vvv koi aXXa ^jrevBeaL etKeXa irepi rov dv&pos tovtov, tcl Be fjteTe^erepa aXr]6ea. IJepl fievrot 15 tovtov yvwfii) fJLOL airoBeBe^Ow ttXolw [jllv aTTLtceauaL eirt to 'ApTefiLo-Lov. 'fls Be dirUeTO, avTina earjfirjve Tolat CTTpaTriyoLcn Tr\v Te vavr)yL7]v 009 yevoLTO, Kat t9 ovBeis a9 ouSels avru>v airovoaTrjaei • ovjro aaOevea acpt ecpalvero elvai ra twv 'EXXtjvwv 7rpj]y/j,ara. Oaoicri, Be kcu r/Sofie'voicrL r)v to yivofievov, afiiXXav eiroievvTO 6/cco9 avTos €Kao~TO$ irpwTOS vea Attlktjv eXwv irapa /3aatXeo? eai'ifiiive, irpwTa fiev avriTrpcopoc toIgi f3ap/3apoicri yevdfjievot e? to fiecrov ras 7rpv/xva<; avv7]yayov, BevTepa Be cnjjjir]vavTO arparoirehw avBpa. 2To&>to9 Be EXXtjvwv vea twv iroXe/nicov elXe dviip ' ' AOrjvaios Av/cofiriBrjs Ala-^palov, /cat 20 to apiary)iov eXa/3e ovtos. Tovs B ev tii vavfiayir/ tciutt) eVepa\/ce&)? aywvi&fievovs vv% eireXOovaa BteXvae. O't [xev Bi] "EXXr]veeTa<;, kcli irept re ras irpwpas tcov vewv etXe'ovTO kcli erapaaaov tov? rapaovi tcov Kwrrecov. Ol Be arpcniwraL ol ravrj] aKovovre? 5 raura e? tpofiov /cano-rearo, eXirtfyvTes irdyxy ctiroXee- adctt, e? ola ica/ca rjicov. IIplv yap ?) kcu avairvevoai acpea<; tic re rrjs vavrjyirjs /cal tov ^e(/iwyo? tov yevofievov kcito, Ilriktov, vireXafie vavfxaxh fcapTeprj, eic Be rfjTrj irep eovaa vv% iroXXov yv eri dyptcoTe'prj, ToaovTco baco ev ireXayei cpepoftevotat eTrliTTLTTTe, teal to TeXos crept eyeveTo ayapi ' ? tcov fiapfidpeov ol irepnrXcoovTe]V avTTjv <%pr)V irXdovTes hneireo-ov vrjvat KtXiaayot ' TavTas Be BtacpdetpavTes, co« 30 evcppovij eyeveTo, direirXwov oiricrw eirt to ApTe/Mtatov. SEA-FIGHTS NEAR ARTEMIS10N. 165 Tpirr, Be r/p^epr) Betvdv tl woirjaapevoi 01 crrparrjyot twv (Bapfidpwp yea? ovtw crept, oXiyas Xvpaipeadai, teat to uirb Uepi^ew Beip,alvovTe<;, ovk apepeipav en, tou? "EXXrjpas ^^779 apgat, dXXa Trapa/ceXevadfievoi Kara /xeaov ripeprjs dvrjyop tcW yea?. Xvveinine Be ware 5 rfjerc aurfjcri rjp,eprjcri, rds re pavpuayj,a<; ylpeaOat Tavras fcai Ta? 7re£b/Aa^/a? Tax ev QeppoTrvXycn. ' Hp Be 7ra? 6 dywv rolai Kara OaXacraav irepi rov EvptTrov, wairep rolac dpLcpl AewviBrjv ttjv eafioXrjv (pvXdaaeiv ' ol p,ev Brj TrapeiceXevovTO okws prj irapi}aovcn e? rrjv EXXaSa tov$ 10 fiapfidpovs • 61 B\ okws to 'EXXijpikov crrpaTevp,a BcacpOelpavTeq rov iropov Kparrjaovai. /2? Be rafa/teyot ol aep^ew eireirXwop, 61 EXXqpes arpepas ec^ov 7roo? tc5 'AprepLaicp. Ol Be fidpfiapoc prjpoeiBh iroir\aavre^ twv vecov e/cvfckovPTO &>? 7repi\d(3oiep ai/rov?. 'EpQevTep ol 15 "EXXrjves eirapeirXwop re koi avvepacryov. ''Ev TavTy tj} vavpuaylt] TrapcnrXricnoL aXXrjXoicn eyivovTO. O yap *Eep%ew crrpaTO? viro p,eyadeo<> Te /cat TrXrjdeos at>TO? vtt Iwvtov eTTiiTTe, Tapaacropevewv Te twv veoov Kat •jrepiiri- TTTOvaeoov irepl uXkiy\api? e/caTepoi. Ep TavTj) ttj pavpa- 25 ytrj AlyuTTTiot p,ev twp He'p^ew aTpaTiwTewv rjpiaTeuaap, ol aX\a Te peyaXa epya aireBe^apTO Kai pea<; avToiac dpBpdai elXov ' EXXrjvtBas irepTe. Twp Be 'EXXrjPwv KaTa TauTT]v Ti]v i)pepr]v rjpio-Tevaap A6r\valoi, /cat, 'Adrjvatwp KXetpti]v ayetv rrpo'i ty]v XaXafuva. Oi pev St] aWot Kareayov e%etv to, Te'/cva re /cal tov? 20 oifceTas" EvQaxna ol pev irXetaTot e? Tpoi^rjva drre- ypr^arriptw re (3ov\opevoi VTrijpereetv, icai Srj /cat rovSe e'tvena ovk tftaara • Xe'yovai oi 'A0r)vaioL ocptv peyav (pvXa/ea r/}? dtcponroXto^ evStat- BATTLE OF SAL AMIS. 167 racrdcu ev rw Ipco. Aey overt re ravra /cal oV; /cal cos eovn e7np,ijvia emreXeovcri rrpondevres ' rd h 1 emp^via, /AeXiToeacrd ecrri. Avrrj o° 97 p,e\iroeaaa ev r<5 rrpbcrQe alel XPWV uvai<; koi t?}9 Oeov a7ro\e\onrvir)<; rrjv aKpoiroXtv. f /2? he crept rrdvra vrre^e/ceero, eirXwov e irXevves ve'es r) err AprepLiaia) evavpayeov, /cat airb rroXtwv TrXevveov. Navap^ourolXov, e%6pov Be tu fxaXiaTa • viro Be /Aeyddeos tcov irapeovTwv kclkwv \r\6i-jv i/celvcov 7roievp.evo<; e^eKaXeero, OeXwv clvtco aup.p.'i^ac. UpoaKrjKoee Be oti cnrevBoiev ol airo HeXoirovv^aov dvdyeiv ra? veas 7Tpb ^ v Te r< p aXXcp Kaipcp Kal Br) teal ev TcoBe irepl tov OKOTepos r)p,ecov TrXew dyaOa Trjv iraTplBa epydcreTac. Aeyoa Be toi, oti taov €cttI iroXXa Te Kal oXiya Xeyeiv irepl cittottXoov tov evOeinev UeXoTTovvrjaioLo-L. 'Eyoo yap avTOTTTt)^ toi Xeyco yevo- 15 p,evoc Tama (rr)p,r)vov" 'O S' a/i,e//3exo ToialBe • " KdpTa Te ^prjcrTa Sta/ceXeveat Kal ev tfyyeiXas • to, yap eya> iBeopurjv 20 yeveaOai, avTos avToiTTt]^ yevop,evo<; r)Kei<$. "IcrOt yap i% i/xeo to, Tvoievp.eva viro M/jScov. ,r ESee ydp, oVe ovk eKovTes rjdeXov e? fid^rjv KaTicrTaaOai ol "EXXr)ve<;, deKov- ra? Trapao-T7]craoBai.. Xv Be, eirei irep rjKeis x.PV (Tra airayyeXXcov, at>To? acpt dyyeiXov. ' Hv yap eya> avTct 25 Xeyco, Bd^co 7rXacra<; Xeyeiv Kai ov 7reiaco to? ov iroievv- tcov twv (3ap/3apcov TavTa. AXXa acf)t o-r\p,r)vov avTO? irapeXOwv a>? e%ec. Eireav Be o-tj/u.iivt]s, i)v fxev ireiQwv- Tat, TavTa Br] tcl KaXXiaTa • i]V Be auTolac /jut) nrLOTtt yevrjTat, bp.olov i]plv ecTai. Ov yap ctl 8ia8pi]o-ovTai, 30 elirep Trepieyop,eQa -navTa-yodev, a)9 crv Xeyet^y Taina BATTLE OF SALAMIS. 1(59 eXeyc iraptXQcov 6 ' ApiarelB^, (pd/juevos e% Alylvifi re rj/ceiv kcu fioya i/cirXioaac XaOwv tovs eiropfxeovra^ • irepte'-^eadat yap irav to arpardireBov to EXXtjvikov viro twv vecov rd>v aep^eco • irapapTteaBal re avvej3ovXeve &>? dXe%rj(rop,e'vov<;. Kcu 6 fiev ravra euiras fiereaTr]Kee, 3 tu>v Be avTis eyivero Xoycov afiv arpaTrjycoi/ ov/c eizelBovro ra e%ayyeX6ev7a. 'JTnaredvTwv Be rovioov rj/ce Tpir\pr)s avBpcbv Trjvuov avTOjjLoXe'ovaa, t?5 ApT€fxlacov rrj Arjfivirj e%67rXr}povTO ro vawuicov roiat "EXXrjaL e? iriard Bt) rd Xeyop,eva i]v rdyv Trjvlcop p/]p,aTa, irapeaKevd^ovro oj? vaup,axWovre<;. 'HmW Te Btecpaive, Kal oc avXXoyov tojv eirt^areoiv iroir]- crdpLevoi, Trporjyopeve ev eypvra fiev etc iravruiv QefiiaTo- 20 /cXei]$, rd Be eirea r)v Trdvra Kpecraco rolcrt eaaocrt dvTLTLOepbeva. "Oaa Be ev dvQpdnrov (puac Kal KaraaTao-c eyy iverai, irapaiveaa^ Br) tovtcov rd Kpeaaco atpeeo-0at, Kal KarairXe^a^ ri)u prjcriv, eo-fialveiv eKeXeve es t) ecreftaivov, Kal r)/ce >} air Alyivij? (paapca aepi ywaifcbs ecpuvr], cpaveuaav Be Bia/ceXevaaodat coare kol ciirav UKOvaav to twv EWrjvcov arpaToireBov, oveiBiaaaav irpoTepov TaBe • " 'SI BaipbovLoi, p-e^pt tcoaov eti irpvpLvqv 10 avaicpoveade ; " Kara p.ev Bq ' AQqvalovi eTerdyaTO <&oiviice Te Ka\ top Ueipaiea. 'EOeXo- Kafceov fxevroL avroiv Kara ras QepaaTOKXeos evToXas 16 okiyoi, ol Be TrXevves ov. "Eyjco puev vvv avyvebv ovvopuara Tpiqpdpywv KardXe^ai Teov vea<; 'EWijviBas eXovtcdv, xp/jaofjiai Be avTolai ovBev ttXtjv ©eop,qaro- pos Te tov ' AvBpoBdfiavTos /cat vXdtcov tov 'laTiaiov, %apiieov dpuepoTepeov. TovBe Be e'iveica p,epuvqpuai tovtcov 20 pbovvwv, oti Qeopbrjarwp p,ev Bia tovto to epyov Sdp,ov eTvpavvevae fcaraaTTjaavTcov Teov Uepaeeov, (frvXa/co? Be evepyeTT)? /3acn\eo<; dveypdep?) Ka\ xeoprj °^ eBeopqdrj iroXkr]. Ol 8 evepyerai, tov ftaatXe'os opoadyyai /raXe- ovTai HepataTL. Tlepi fxev vvv tovtovs ovtco elye. To 2& Be 7r~\.r]do i] to>v .EAA77- vwv riya>VL%ovTO, Kara Se ApTep,taci]v ruSe eyevero, air wv ev8oKip,r)o~e /xaWov eVt irapd fiaaiXei'. EirecSi] yap €? Oopvfiov 7roX\ov dirt/cero to, fiaaikeos irpi)yp,aTa, ev tovtw tg3 KatpS i) V7]v twv tto- Xe/x elirelv ovje eo e/c irpovoti)^ avra eiroLrjcre, ovre et ovv€ku- prjae r) twv KaXvv&ecov Kara, tv^tjv 7rapa7reaovaa vtjvs. zo 'f29 el8e jjllv epufiaXkovaav vrfi avSpwv fiapftdpwv, vopLiaa? ttjv vea tt)v , Aprepn,aL7]]V vea e^fia- 30 172 HERODOTOS. Xovcrav, Kal B/j Ttva elirat tcov irapebvTWV ' " AeairoTa, opas ^ApTepttatijv, to? ev dycovl^eTat /ecu vea twv 7ro\e- ptlwv KareSvae ; " Kal tov eiretpecrdat el d\r)0ecos ecrrt 'ApTepttatr)? to epyor, Kal tol'9 cpdvat, cra^ew? to 5 iirtar/pov tyjs veos eiriaTapevovs • ttjv Be Btacpdapelaav rjwtaTeaTO elvat iroXeptirjv. Ta re yap aWa, &)? etprjiat, avTrj avvt]vetKe e? evTvytrjv yevopeva, teat to twv etc t/}? Ka\vvBtKrj airoXXvpevot, e? Tiqv XaXaplva Bteveov. Twv Be fiapfiapcov ot iroXXol ev Trj QaXdaat) 20 Bce dopvfta) tovtw. Twv Ttves v, tmv at We? Bte(p6dpaTO, eX06vTe<; trapa /3acrtXea Bte/3aXXov tou9 "lavas, &)? Bt eKelvovs diroXoiaTo at vies, &>9 irpoBovTcov. XwrjvetKe cov ovtco &cTTe , I(avwv Te tovs aTpaT^yovs ptrj airoXeadat, <&otvt- 30 kcov Te toi)? BtafidWovTas \a6etv TOtovBe pttaOov. "Eti BATTLE OF SALAMIS. 173 rovrcov ravra X^-yovrcov eve/3aXe vyi 'Armey Xapuodpyi- Kiy vyvs ' r\ re Si] ArriKi] KareSvero, /cat e-mcpepofxe'vij Acycvaty vyvs KareSvcre rcov XapuoQpyiKcov ri]v via. Are Si] edvres ciKovriarat 01 XapLodpytKes row? €7ri{3ura<; airb ry<; KaraSvaaays veos /3aXXovre<; airypa^av teal errefty- 5 crav re teal ecr^ov avryv. Tavra yevdp,eva row; Icovas eppveraro. ' avrlov %aXap2vo<;, ro KaXeerai AcyaXecos, aveirvvBavero rov rroiycravra • Kat 01 ypap.p,artarac ave'ypacpov irarpoQev rov rpiypapyov Kal 15 ryv ttoXlv. TLphs Se ri Kal 7rpocre/3dXero cpiXos ecov Apiapa/xvys, avrjp Hepays irapecov, rovrov rov $oivt,Kytov irdOeos. 01 puev Sy 777909 rous epya a-weSe^avro Xoyov a^ta. Oi fiev yap 'Adyvaloi ev tw dopvfico eKepai^ov ra<; re avricrrapevas Kal Ttt? (pevyouo~a<; rcov vecov, ot, Se Aiytvyrai ra$ eKrrXcoovcras • okcos Se rives row; AOyvaiow; Siacpvyoiev, 2b cpepop.evoL eaemirrov e? row; Aiyivyras. EvOavra avv- eKvpeov vies y re QepucrroKXios SccoKovaa via, Kal y JTo- XvKpirov rov Kpiov, avSpbs Alyivyreco, vyi ep,(3aXovoa XiScovly, yirep elXe ryv irpocpvXdo-aovaav iirl ^Kcddco ri]v Alytvaiyv, err y<; e7rX.ee IlvOiys 'la-^evoov, rov oi su 15* 174 HERODOTOS. Hepaai KaraKorrevra aperr}<; eivetea el%ov ev rrj vrj't ite- 7rayXeo/u,evoi. Tov Srj irepidyovaa ap.a rolai JJepar/ai rjKoy vr)i>ev^e. Ei, fiev vuv e/naOe on ev raprrj irXtoot, rj AprepaaLt], ovk av erravaaro irporepov ?; eiXe puv i] /cat, avros i]Xa>. Total yap AOrjvaicov rpi^pap^oiai Trapetce- KeXevaro, Trpb<; Se teal de6Xov eKeero puvptat Spa^^ai, 20 09 civ piiv ^o)7]v eXrj. Aeivov yap tl erroievvro yvvaltca errl Ta aXy}p(p. Aheip.avrov he tov Ko- pivdiov arpar^ybv Xeyovai 'AOrjvaiot avritea tear «p%«? 25 a>? avve'fiiayov al vies, etcrrXayevra re teai virepheiaavra, rd laria deipdp,evov ol^eaOai cpevyovra, ihovras he rov<; KoptvOlovs Tiyv arparr\yiha cpevyovaav, (oaaurco? olyeaQai. c /2? Be dpa (pevyovra? yiveadai ttj? %aXa- pbiVLTj? Kara, to Ipov 'AOrjvanjs Uteipahos, TrepirrnTrew a(f>i 30 tceXrjra 6ei.7] rropmr), rov ovre rrep^avra cpavrjvai, ovBe'va, BATTLE OF SAL Ail IS. 175 ovt€ ri twv airo t?}? arpaTi7]." Tavra Xeyov- ra>v, aTricrTeeiv yap rbv ^AheL/xavrov, avrts rdBe Xe- yeiv, a>s " avrol oloi re elev dyofievoi opLijpoi dnro- Qvi)crKeiv, i)v p:r) vuceovTes (paivwvrai ol ' EXXrjves. ' Ourco 10 Bij aTTOCTTpk^favra tjjv vea avTov re ical rov<; aXXov) dopvftrp tovtm ra vrepl XaXapuiva yevopcevw rdBe iiroiee. UapaXafiaiv iroXXovs tcov oirXirecov, o'c iraparerd^aTO irapa, rr)v dfCTijv t?}pr)fca koli tov$ a8eX] e7rocrjcrav Ilepaas rrdvrwv BUas" Tavra elrras rjye rou$ Ilepaas Bpdfxca BcajBdvras rov ' Aaoarrov Kara arc(3ov rcov EXXtjvcov a> "EXXrjva<; oi XolttoI tcov fiapfiapiKcov TeXecov apxovres clvtlkcl "Havre*; tfeipav t« ar)p,T)ia, Kal ehicoKOv w? iroBcov €kcigto<; el^ov, ovre Kocrfiw ovhevl Koa/j,7]6evre? IttvOovto, cop/xeaTO fiorjOeeiv Kal tu puiXicrTa eiraixv- 25 veiv. Kal crept ■IjSr) aTuyovai eTUTiOevTai 01 avnTayQkv- T69 ' EXXi]vcov tcov ueTa fiaaiXeos yevop,evcov, cocrre /xt}k€tc hvvaadat. ^orjOrjcrai • to yap irpoaKelpuevov acpeas eXvrree. Ovtco Br) iiovvcoOevreq Aa.Kehaip,6vLoi Kac TeyerJTai, edv- T£9 crvv -ty-iXoio-L apc6fiov 01 fiev TreviaKLop.vpioi, Te- 30 178 HERODOTOS. yeryrai Be Totcr^tXiot (ovtoo yap ovSapd tnreo~x% OVTQL dirb AafceScu/jLovLGiv), iacfyayid^ovTO co? o~v/x(3a\6ovTe<; MapBoviw Kal tj] orpaTirj ry irapeovar). Kal ov yap av twv ^7rapTi7]T€(ov Kal twv ev vvv Kal pw^r/ ouk eaaove€VO<; XevKod e'xcov tg irepl ecovTov Xoydba? Ilep- aecov tovs dplo-Tovs x^ 0V(i > TavTj) Be Kal paXiGTa tov? 30 evavTtovs eirieaav. "Oaov pkv vvv XP 0V0V MapSovio? BATTLE OF PLATAIA. 179 Trepirjv, ol Be avret^ov kcu ap,vvop,evoi KctTefiaXXov iroX- Xou? twv AaKeSaifjLOvlcov • g>9 Be MapBovtos airedave km to trepl eiceLvov reray/xeuov ebv \ayypoTarov eireae, ovtoo Br) kcu ol aXXoc eTpaTTOVTO kcu el^av toigc Aa/ceBaifio- vloio-c. TIXelaTov yap crcpea? eBrjXeeTO i] eaOrjs €p7jp,o9 eTpairov- to inrb twv AaKeBatp.ovi(ov, ecpevyov ovBeva Kocrpiov e9 to o-TpaToireBov to ecovTcov kcu €9 to T6t^o9 to gvXtvov, to enon'}o-avTO ev puoipr] Tjj Qr)ftaiBi. @S)vp,a Be /not okws 20 irapa T179 Ai]p,r)Tpo<; to aXaos /na-xopievcov ovBe et9 ecpavrj twv TLepaecov ovTe eaeXOcov €9 to Tep,evos ovt€ evanroQa- vwv, irep'i Te to Ipov ol TrXeiaTOi ev tco fieftriXa) eireaov. AoKeco Be, el ti irepl tu>v Oeiwv irpr/ypbaTWV BoKeeiv Bet, i) 0eo9 auT)] <7ea9 ovk e'Se/ceTo ep,7rp>jcra,VTas to Ipov to ev 25 'EXevalvu avaKTopov. Avtt] p,ev vvv 1) p-u-X 1 ! t?7r ^ too~ovto iyeveTO. 180 HERODOTOS. X. BATTLE OF MYKALE. (Calliope IX. 98-106. Sept., B. C. 479.) 01 Se "EWrjves, ct>9 IttvQovto ol)^a)K6rav 7rpo<; tov eiraKovaavTos." c J2vto<; Si] ovtos 20 ea)v Tvy^avec vdos tov Trpi}yp.aTOs Kat, 6 Oep,iaTOK\eoe- vov<; e? /idxV v Ka> l folai "Icoai irapaiveaavra^, tovto jxev v7Tovoi]aavTe<; row; Zlafxiovs ra EXXi]va>v (ppoveeiv dTTaipeovTCU, ra o-rrXa. Ol yap 0)V XapuoL cnritcofxevwv 'AOrjvaicov a}\p.aXwTU>v ev ttjctv vtjvoI tcov /3ap/3apa)v, a tovs eXa/3ov dvd tijv 'Attiktjv XeXei/Ap-evow; ol 'Bep^eco, tovtov; XvaafxevoL nxavra^ air oireinr ovat eTrooiacravTes es •ra? 'Adidas ' twv elveicev ovk tficuna viro^rnqv et^oi/, irevTaKoaias /cecpaXas twv p,ep£ea) iroXejiLwv Xvaafievoi. Tovto Se ra? SioSov<; ra? e'? eiriaTa/xevoccrt SrjOev fidXicrTa tt~)v ywpnqv. Eiroievv Se tovtov el've/cev, iva eKTO? tov aTpaTOireSov ecoai. Tov- TOU9 [xev 'Icovwv, Tolai kcu KaTeSo/ceov veoyjiov av to Troieetv Svvdfiios eirika(3ofxevoLaL, Tpoiroiai tolovtolgl 15 Trpoe9 rcov 'EXXrjvcov, pvq rrepl MapSovico irraiarj r\ EXXas. fls pievroi i] kXt/Sojv avrrj crept ecrerrraro, piaXXov n tcai rayyrepov rt]v rrpocroSov eiroievvro. Ol p,ev Si] ' EXXr/ves kcu ol (3ap/3apoi earrev- Sov 69 rrjv piayqv, w? crept /cat at vrjcrot Kai o EXXricrrrov- 15 T09 aeOXa Trpoe/ceero. Total piev vvv AOrjvaioiai Kai roicri irpoo-eyecri rov- roicri reraypievoicri, ^XP L K0V T< ** Vt ulcr€cov > V o8o<; eyivero tear aiyiaXov re icai cnveSov ycopov ■ roicri Se AaKeSaipiovioiai icai roicri eire^r}? rovroiai reraypievoicri 20 Kara re yapd-Spr/v kcu ovpea. 'Ev go Se ol AaKeSaipidviot irepn]iaav, ovtoi oi em rep erepep Kepei en kcu or] ep.a- yovro. Eco<> piev vvv roicri Uepai)cri bpOia iiv ra yeppa, rjpbvvovro re kcu ovSev eXacrcrov el%ov rjj piay). Eirei Se rcov A6rjvaio.iv kcu rcov rrpoae^cov 6 arparo^, okcos 25 ecovrcov yevrjrai ro epyov kcu pir) AaKeSaipiovicov, rrapaKe^ Xevaapievot epyov et^o^To rrpoOvpiorepov, evOevrev ^Stj erepoiovro ro irprjypici. Aicoaupevoi yap rd yeppa ovroi ipepopievoi eaerreaov aXees e? tou? ITepcras • ol Se Se^dpie- voi Kai xpovov crvyyov apivvopievoi reXo<; ecf>evyov e? ro 30 T€^09. A6i]vaioi Se Kai KopivOioi Kai ^ikvojvioi koI BATTLE OF MYKALE. 183 TpoiXp]Vioi, ovico yap rjaav €7re^rj<; reray/xevoi, avveiriarro- jjLevot avveaemrrrov 69 to re2%o acb- £covrai 69 ra<; Kopvcpas t??9 MvKaXr]?. Erd^drjaav fiev vvv eirl rovro to Trprjyfia 01 Mt,Xi]at,ot rovrov re elveKev 25 Kat Iva p,7) rrapeovres ev rco arparoireBco rt, veo-^p-ov iroieoiev. Ol Be irdv to evavrtov rov rrpoarerayp,evov €7roieov, aXXas re Karrjyeofievoi crept, 6Bov$ cpevyovai, at, Br) ecpepov e? rov<; 7ro\e/xtovvioi rjplarevaav. 'Eirel re Be Karepydaavro oi EXXyve? tou? ttoXXovs, rovs fiev fiaxofievovs, tovs Be km cpevyov- io ra? tcov ftapfidpcov, Ta? ve'as eveirprjaav teat to retxo vea el't] t?}? EXXa- So? tcaroLKLcraL tt}? avrol eyicpaTees rjaav, tt)v Be ""IwvlrjV diretvat rolai fiapftupoiai. ' 'ABvvarov yap ecpaivero crept elvat ewvrovs re 'Icovcov irpoKarrjaOaL (ppovpeovras rov irdvra XP° V0V * f€a1, e A"? Trpo- 20 Ka,TT]p,evc0V "Iwva? ovBepulav eXiriBa eixov x ai P 0l ' Ta< ? 7rpov JJepaeutv drraXXa^eiv. IIpos ravra IleXo- irovvrjcrLwv pcev rolat ev reXel eovai eBo/cee rwv /u,rj8i- advTcov eOveusv twv ' EXXijvckoov tu efiTropta e^avaarrj- aavra<; Bovvai rrjv x^PW I (ao ~ 1 ' evoiKrjaai ' Aurivaioiat, 25 Be ov/c eBofcee dpxh v 'I'-oviV 1 ' yeveadai avaararov, ovBe HeXoTrovvrjaloiai Trepl twv acperepecov airoiKiecov fiov- Xeveiv. ' AvTLTeivdvTwv Be tovtcov 7rpo6vp.co EXXr]CnTOVTOV CLTTIKOVTO. Toicfi ixev vvv aficfii AevTvyi- Brjv Ue\oirovvri 'EXXaBa, AQt]vaioLcn Be kcu 'EavOnnrcp ra> aTparrjyco avrov viro- lieivavTcv? iretpaadat TJ79 Xepaovrjaov. Ol puev Br) aireTrXeov, A6i)vatoL Be etc t?;? AfSvBov BiafiavTes e? Ti)V 15 Xepaovrjaov Hrjarov eiroXiopKeov. E<$ Be ttjv ^rjarov ravT-qv, 9 rjKovcrav irapelvai tou9 EXXrjva Aalrjv iracrav vopbi^ovcn icovTcov elvai Tlepcrau Kac tov acet /3a- cnXevovTos. 'Eirel Be eBodrj tu yjpr\p,aTa, ef EXaiovvTos 69 'X^cttov e^tcpdprjcre, Kal to Tepbevos ecnreLpe Kat evepe- 20 to ' auT09 re o/c&>9 uttlkolto €9 EXatovvTa, ev tco aSvTfp yvvaiQi lp.laye.TO. Tot€ Be eiroXiopKeeTO vtto AOrjvactov o&Te' irapecrKevacrpevos h TroXiopKir)v ovTe 7rpoaBeKopLevo<; Tov<;"EXXr}va'i' acpvXaKTCp Se /c&)9 avTco eireireaov. Eiret, Se 7roXiopKeop,evoco-l crept cpOivoircopov eireyiveTO, Kai 25 rjcryaXXov ol ' AOrjvalot dird.Te T779 ecovTcov a r rroSr]p,eovTeev vvv eiccpv- ydvTa e? rrjv Opy'Urjv @p?jt/ce? ' ' A-^'lvQlol XafidvTe? eQv- aav UXeio~Tcopcp emyvypiw deep Tpoirco tco crcpeTepco ■ tovs io Be puer e/eetvov aXXcp rpoirco eepdvevaav. Ol he apbcpo tov 'ApTavrcTTiv varepoi 6ppLi]6evTe<; cfrevyeiv, kcu cos kcltc- Xap,ftdvovTO oXlyov edvres virep Alyos Tlorapjcov, aXetjd- puevoL ypovov eirc crvyvbv oi p*ev aireOavov ol Be ^coovres e\dpbcp9i]CTav. Kcu avvBrjcravTepeovre<; eBeovro (iiv /cara%pi]o-6r]vai, kcli avrov rov arparriyov ravrrj o voos ecpepe. Airaya- ydvres Be avrov e? rijv a/crrjv 69 ttjv He/3^9 e£ev£e rov 5 rropov, ol Be Xeyovat 67ri rov koXcovov top virep MaBvrov m'oXios, aavcBa rrpoairaao-aXeuo'avre'i aveKpefxa'aav rov Be iraiBa ev ocpdaX^olcri rov ApravKreco KareXevcrav. Tavra Be rroLr\aavre)aovrepr]o-av e« t>?, ol Be AQt]vcllol kcu, ol airo lama? kcu ' EXXrjcnrovTOV ^vpuyuciyoi, t]hr) acpeo~Tr}- Kores utto fiacuXecos, virofxeivavTe^ %r\o~rov enroXLopKOW B c Mri&cov €%dvTa>v, kcu eTTL^eijiacravTe^ eiXov aurrjv is 4 ' 9 ' eKXnropTcov tcov fiapfiapcov, kcu jj.€tcl tovto aire- 190 TIIUKYDIDES. irXevaav e% ' EXXrjcrirovTov &>? e/cacrToi, Kara TroXew. Adtjvaiwv Be to kocvov, eireiBi-j avrols ol j3ap/3apoi etc T?y? %wpa<; aTrfjXOov, Sie/cofufyvro evdvs 06 ev vire^edevTO iraiBas icai yvvaiKas icai ttjv irepiovcrav K? av to ret^o? LKavov apwcriv waTe airop,ayeo~vai eK tov avay- tcaiOTaTOV v-^rov; • Teiyjufyiv Be TravTa<^ TravBrjpuel tovu>v avTtov avSpa<$ o'trtves XPV~ 15 o~Tot Kat 7rtaru)a irepntet KeXevcov a><; rjKtcrTa eirtcpavtos Ka- Taayelv Kat ptr] acpetvat irptv av avrot iraktv KopttaOcoatv 77877 yap Kal r]KOV avTco ol %vp7rpecrf3et<;, 'Afiptovtyds re 20 6 Avat.co<; aKovcretav, ovKeTt acpcocriv. Ot tg ovv Adrjvatot tov<; 7rpeo~/3etcrKOVTa<; to Xotrrov tevat ra re o~(f)io-iv avTolavf]vai. Aoiceiv ovv acpicri /cat vvv djieivov elvai rrjv 5 eavrow iroXiv rel^o? e^eiv, xai iSia, toi? 7toX/tcu9 teal e? tou9 iravra^ ^vfji/xa^ov^ o)(peXip,a)Tepov ecreadai' ov yap oiov r ecvai firj otto avTiiraXov 7rapa(TK€vr]s op.oiov ti rj laov e? to kowov /3ovXevea0ai. 'H iravrwi ovv aT€(,%io-Tov<; e<£?7 %prjvai ^vyLpuayeLv, rj teal raSe vo/xi^eiv io op9a><; e-^eiv. O' 1, ^ 6 AatcehaijJbovioi d/covcravTes opyi)v fiev (f>avepav ovk eiroiovvTo rocs AOrjvaiois (ov8e yap err} KcoXvfMTj aXka yvwparj^ irapaiveaei Srj0ev no teoivcp eirpe- o~fievaavTO, ap,a he /cat, TrpoafyiXels ovres ev tw totc hid rrjv e? rov Mr)hov irpo0vp.iav ra fiaXiara avTols ervy- 15 ^avov), T179 fievroi ftovXriGeoii dpLapTavovres ahi}Xco e/earepaiv dirr]X0ov Itt ooteov aveiracXrjTws. ToVTO) TU) Tp07T(p ol A0rjvaloi TtjV TToXlV eT€l%l- B c> crav ev oXiyco ^povo). Kal hrjXrj rj oitcohopiia en 4/8 ' 20 /cat vvv eo-riv oti Kara cnrovhrjv eyevero' ol yap 0ep,e\iot wavTOiwv Xi0cov viroiceivTcu teai ov ^vveipyacr p,evwv eartv rj, aXX &)? eKaaroi irore Trpoaecpepov, iroXXat re arrjXai otto arniarrwv /cat Xi0oi eipyao-jievoi eyteareXeyrjcrav. Mei^cov yap 6 7repi/3oXo? dvde/cTea eari, Kal tijv dp^v ei?0u9 guy /career /ceva^ev. Kal coKoBo[xi)cav rrj eKeivov yvcop,r) to 7ra^o? tov Tei^ovs oirep vvv ert BtjXov ecrTt irepl tov Ueipaici' Bvo yap ap,a%ai evavTiat, aXXi]Xais rovs Xtdovs eirrjyov. Evto? 6 Be ovre %aXi£ ovre 7777X05 r}V, aXXa %vvcpKoBop,rnxevot, p,eyaXot X1O01 Kal ev ro/xrj eyycovioi, aiBijpcp irpos aXXri- Xovs ra egcoOev /cat p,oXvj3Bcp BeBep,evoi. To Be y^o? 7]/jucrb uaXicrra ereXecrOr) ov Btevoelro. EfiovXero yap tco fieyeOet Kal tco irayei dcpicrTavat tu? tcov iroXepucov eirt- 10 fiovXas, avOpcoircov re evofxi^ev oXiycov Kac tcov a%peio- tutcov dpKecretv Ti)V cpvXaKi\v, tovs B aXXovs e$ ra? ejjiol Sofcel, Tr/i fiacrtXecos crrpaTias tt)v Kara OaXacrcrav €(f>o*ov ev7ropcoTepav t?;? Kara yr\v ovcrav tov re Ileipata 15 cocf>eXtficoTepov evop,t^e t?}? avco 7roXeco<;, Kai TroXXaKts rocs Adrjvaiots iraprjvei, yv apa irore Kara yrjv /3iacrdcocri, KarapavTai? ou 7repLO^o/M€voi raXXa re /cardan] a op,evoi rj cpaivoiro 5 dpicrra avroh. '-Ey Toura he ol Aa/ceSaLfioviot fiere- Tre/jbirovro Ylavcraviav avaKpivovvres cov rrept errvvoa- vovro ' Kal yap dBcKia rroXXi] Karrjyopelro avrov vno rcov 'EXXrivcov rcov dcpiKVOvfievcov, Kal rvpavviSo? fxak- Xov ecpalvero fiifirjcus rj crrparrjyta. awefSrj re avrcp 10 KaXelaOal re afia Kal rov? gvfi/jbaxovs rep eKeivov e%6ei Trap 'AOrjvalovs fierard^aaOat rrXrjv rcov airo TJeXo- r Kovvr\o-ov crrparicorcov. 'ExOcov §6 e? AaKeZaifxova rcov /xev Ihla 7rpo9 riva dSiKrjjiarcov evOvvdrj, ra Se fieyiara drroXverai fir) dBiKetv • Karrjyopelro Se avrov ij °VX V Kttecrav ol ^vfniayot rrjv i)yefioviav. Ol Be alaOofievoi drrrjXOov ' Kal aXXovs ovKert vcrrepov 20 \%errepu^fav ol AaKeSaipdvioi, (pofiov/ievot, jii) crcptcnv ol e^tovres yelpovs ylyvcovrac, brrep Kai ev ra Ilavaavia evelBov, airaXka^elovres Se Kal rov MrfitKov rroXe/xov, Kat tou9 'AOrjvalovs vofii&vre? iKavovs e^rjyelcrdac Kat acpiaiv ev ra rare irapovn eTTirrjSeiovs. HapaXafiovres Se 01 25 *A6i]valoL rrjv r)ypuoviav rovrcp rco rpoircp eKovrcov rcov gv/jLfidyoyv Sea, to JJavaaviov puaos, era^av a9 re eSet, rrapeyeiv rcov rroXecov %prjfxara 77750? rov {3apf3apov Kal a • rrpdcr^jia yap r)v afivvacrOat, cov eiraOov Br/ovvras ri]V {SacrtXecos yuipav. Kai eXXr/vorafitai go rore rrpcorov *A0r)valoL<; Karearrj dp^i], ol eBe^ovro rov GROWTH OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE. 195 opov • ovrco yap covo/j,acr6r) tcov yjp^iaTcov ■)] )s airoBeifyv eyei rffc tcov '' 'Adrjvatcov, ev oico rpoirco KaTecrTrj. B c UpcoTOV \xev 'Htova ttjv IttI Srpv/JLovt Mr t Bcov 4 ' 6- eyovTcov TroXiopKia, elXov teat i)vBpaTroBiaav, Kifico- 20 i/o? rov MiXriaBov crTpaT7)youvTo<;. "EiretTa H/cvpov ri]V ev rep Atyalco vtjctov, t)v cokovv AoXoires, 7]vBpa.7roBiaav. teal cotacrav avroi. IIpos Be Kapvariovs avrols avev tcov aXXcov Eiftoecov 7roXep,os eyevero, teal %povcp ZyvefiT)- B c crav Ka& 6/zoXoyiav. Na^iocs Be airoaraai fiera 25 466 ravra eiroXe/jLiicrav teal TvoXioptcta irapearriaavio, irpcoTT) re avTT) 7ro'/U? ^vp,p,a^(ls trapa to KaOearrjKOS IBovXcoOt], eireira Be teal tcov aXXcov cos eKacnrj gvvefir). Alrlat Be aXXai, re rjcrav tcov airoo-racrecov teat, /xeyLcrrai al tcov cpopcov teal vecov etcBeiat teat, XecrroaTpaTLOv ec tco 30 196 THUKYDIDES. lyeveTo • ol yap ' ' AQiqvaLoi aKpifim eirpaaaov /cat, \v7tt)' pol r/crav ovk elcodocrov ovBe fiovXofxevois Takaiiruipetv TrpocrayovTe^ raepoiev, avTOt Be, oirore airoaraiev, airapaaKevoi nai a-rreipoL 69 tov iroxeftov KaQlGTaVTO. 'Eye'veTO Be pcera Taina Kal r\ eir EvpvfieBovTi BC< 15 7T0TajJLG) ev IIap,(pvXla Tre'Cpp-ayla Kal vavpayja 46d ' 'AOrjvatcov Kal tcov ^vjjbjxayoov trpos Mr t Bov<;, Kat eviKwv tt) avTrj i)fjLepa afifycnepa AOrjvaloi Kl/acovos tov MlXti- aBov o-TpaT7)yovvTO$, Kal elXov t puppets oivikcov Kat, Bie'cfjOeipav to-? iraaas 69 to-9 BiaKoaias. Xpovco re 20 vo-Tepov %vve'{3r) Qaalovs avTtov anroo-Trjvai, BueveyOevTas irepl tcov ev 777 avTiirepai QpaKij e/M7ropicov Kac tov fxeTaXXov, a evep,ovTO. Kal vaval pCev eirt Qaaov TrXevaavTes ol ' 'A9i]valoi vavfiayla eKpaTrjaav Kai €9 Tt]V yP]v a,7re'j3r)o-av • eirl Be ^Tpvfiova irep,-^ravTe<; fivptovs 25 ol/crjTopa-i avTtov Kal twv %vp,p,aywv vtto tovs avTov9 oIklouvt€<; to-9 totc Ka\ovp,eva<; Evvea 'OBovs vvv Be : Afi(f>i7ro\iv, twv fiev 'Evvea 'OBojv avTOt eKpaT-qo-av a9 elyov 'HBcovoo, irpoeXQovTes Be rrjv iraXatwv Mecrcryvtcov Tore B c BovXwOevTwv anroyovot • y Kal Mecrai]vtot eKXr]6rj- 4GL aav ol iravTes. TIpos ptev ovv tows ev 'Idw^rj io B c 7roXe/i09 KaOeio-Ti'iKet, AaKeBatptovtots • Gaatot Be 46i ' Tpirtp eret iroXtopKOvpievot wptoXoyrjcrav A07]i>aioi<; Tet%o$ re Ka6eXovTes Kal vav9 avTols 7rpo? tou9 ev I0wp,y e[JL7)Kvv6T0 6 7roXe/i09, aXXow; Te eireKaXea-avTO ^vptpta- Yoi»9 Kal ^ ABr\va'tov^' ol B 7]Xdov Ktptwvos aTpaTt]- jovvtos TrXrfiet ovk oXtyw. MaXtcrTa B avTovs eireKa- XecravTO OTt Teiyoptayelv eBoKOW BvvaTot- elvat, rot9 Be 23 7roXiopKta<; ptaKpas Ka6ecrTr]KVta<; tovtov evBea ecpatveTO • (3ta yap av elXov to ywpiov. Kat Btacpopa e/c TavTrjs Trjs crTpaTetas irpwTov AaKeBat/utovtots Kat A0r)vatot<; (pavepa eyeveTO. Ol yap AaKeBatptovtot, erretBii to ywptov ftict ov% i]XtcrKeTO, BeicravTes twv A0i]vaiwv to ToXptrjpov 25 Kal ttjv vecoTepoirottav, Kat aXXocpuXovs apta ^yrjaapbevot, fiij ti, i)v irapaptelvwatv, vtto twv ev 'Idwp-rj TretadevTes vea)Teptcro)crt, ptovous twv %vptpta%wv aireTreptyp-av, tj]V ptev inro-ty-lav ov BriXovvTes, etirovTes Be OTt ovBev nrpoaBeovTat avTwv eTi. Ol B Adrjvalot kyvwaav ovk au 17* 198 THUKYDIDES. €7rc rep fieXriovi \oycp airoireix-Trojievoi, aXka twos V7T07TT0V KCiTeiyov • Kai ecryov AOrjvaloi Meya- pa Kai TLrjya'i, /cat Ta p,aKpa Teiyr) cpKoBdfxr]aav Meya- pevat Ta airo tyjs iroXecos e? Niaatav, Kai ecppoupouv auToi. Kai KopivOiois fiev ov% rjKicrTa airo TOuBe to crcpoSpov fiicros yp^aTO irpwTov 69 ^ AQiqvaious yeveadai. 25 Ivapcos Se 6 WapbixrjTtyou, Aifius, fiacriXeui B c Aifiucov tcov 7rpo €Kare'pot, icai evopuaav avrot e/carepov ovk 30 200 THUKYDIDES. eXaaaov eyetv ev rco epyco. Kat ot ptev ' AO-rjvatoi (eKparrjaav yap optco? ptaXXov) aireXOovrcov rcov Koptv- 6icov rporralov earrjaav • ot Be Koptvdtot KaKt^optevot virb rcov ev rr/ iroXet irpeafivrepcov, Kat irapaaKevaaa- 6 ptevot r)ptepa<; varepov BcoBeKa ptaXtara, eXOovre? avdt- araaav rpoiralov Kai avrol cos vtKtjaavres. Kai ot 'Adrjvaiot eK/3oT)6r)cravT€<; e/c rcov Meydpcov rovs re ro rpoiralov tardvras BtacpOeipovat kclL rots aXXots %vfi(3a- Xovres eKparrjaav. Oi Be vtKcoptevot VTrey^copovv, Kai io rt avrcov ptepos ovk oXtyov rrpoa^taaQev Kat StaptapTOV rrjs 6Bov eae-neaev es rov ycopiov iBtcorov, to ervyev opvypta pteya ireptelpyov Kai ovk rrv e^oBos. Ot Be A0rj- valot yvdvres Kard irpoacoirov re elpyov rots oirXtrats Kai 7reptarr\aavres kvkXco row? yjrtXovs KareXevaav 15 rrdvras rovs eaeXOdvras, Kat irados pteya rovro Koptv- Otots eyevero. To Be 7rXr)dos aTre^coprjaev avrols rr)s arpartas eir otKov. " Hp^avro Be Kara rovs -yjjovov? rovrovs Kat ra /jtaKpd retyrj e? OaXaaaav 'Adrjvatot otK.oBop.elv, ro re 2U $aXr]povBe Kai ro e? Hetpatd. Kai <&coKecov arparev- advrcov e? Acopias rrjv AaKeBatptovtcov ptrjrpo7roXtv, Botbv Kai Kvrtvtov Kai 'Epiveov, Kai eXovrcov ev rcov iroXtaptdrcov rovrcov, oi AaKeBaptovtot NtKoptrjBovs rov KXeoptf3pdrov virep TlXetaroavaKros rov Tlavaavtov 25 fiaatXe'cos, ve'ov dvros ert, r\yovp,evov eftorfirjaav roU Acoptevatv eavrcov re irevraKoatots Kat y^tXtots oirXtrats Kai rcov %vptptdycov fivptots, Kat rovs ecpaivero auroi<; Adr/vauov e^ovrcov Meyapa kcu TlTjyas iropeveaOat. AvaoBo? re yap t] Tepaveia koll ecppovpeiro aei viro Adyvaiaiv ■ Kai rore rjadavovTO avrow; fieXXovra? tccu ravrrj KroXvcreiv. 5 EBo^e 6° avTois ev BoicotoU irepifxeivaai afce-^raadai otg) rpoTTG) aav €7rrjyov avrovs /cpvcpa, eX7rc (ravTes BrjfMov t£ Karairavaeiv Kai ra jiaicpa Tecyrj ocKoSo/xoufMeva. E(3orj9r]crav Be eir avrovs 01 AOrjvaioi 10 TravBriiiei Kai Apyeicov %iXioi Kai twv aXXwv ^v^iia- %cov o»9 eKacrrot • %v[nravTe epyco irapa tow; AaKeBaijAoviovs. Tevofjievr]^ Be ^a-^rj^ ev Tavaypa Trjs BoicoTias eviKcov AaKeBai/uovioi /cat, 01 ^ufifia^oi, Kai (povopa<$ eKparrjaai 25 t?}? Boi(DTia<; Kai $coKiBo<;, Kai Tavaypaicov to rel^o? irepielXov, Kai AoKpwv twv Oirovvriwv eKarbv avBpa? 6/jiiipovs tov$ 7rXovcri(OTaTov;? 777? fiaxy e/cpaTrjcrav. Ol Be ev 777 AlyvTTTG) ' 'AOrjvalot, Kal ol %vpupuayoi eire- fievov, kcu avToh iroXXal iBeai TroXe'pcov Karearrjaav. To p,ev yap irpcoTov e/cparovv rf]<; Alyvirrov ABrjvaloi, 10 Kal ftacnXevs irepirei, k AaKeBalpuova Meydfia&v dvBpa n.e'pcrr)v, ^p-qpuara expvra, 07r&>9 e? Tip Attlki]V ecrfiaXelv TreiaOivTwv tcov TlekoTrovvqa-ioDV air Al- yviTTOu tnraydyoi 'AOrjvacovs. 'f2eXP° ov £r)pdva<$ Ti]V Bicopvya Kal irapaTpetya? aXXy to vBcop t«? re vav? eirl tov %T)pov eTroirjae Kal 7S7? vrjerov ra iroXXd tfiretpov, Kal Sta/3a? elXe ttjv vrjerov ire^g. Ovtco 25 p,ev to), tcov 'EXXrjveov TrpaypuaTa ecfrOapr), ef eTij iroXe- pJ\cravTa' kcu bxlyov citto iroXXcov iropevopLevoi Bia 7/75 Ai/3vr) / 3>V \ f if. J 5 * afJb&orepa aTreycoprjcrav eir olkov, Kau at eg JiLjv- 7TT0V vrjes ttoKlv al eXdovaat fier avTcov. AaKeBacjxo- vioi Be fx,era ravra top lepov KaXovfievov iroXepiov Ictt par ever av, Kal KpaTr\cravTes rov ev AeXcpow tepov [5 irape'Boaav AeXcpoU • /cat av9t<; vcrrepov AQiqvaioi 5 t ' r. / V / airoycoprjcravTcov avTcov arpareuaavra Kai KpaTi]o~av- T69 irapeBoaav 0€Lpav tcov ' 'AOrjvalcov, tovs Be £&Wa9 eXafiov. Kai 30 T/)f BotcoTiav e^eXiirov ' 'AOrjvalot iraaav, OTrovBas GROWTH OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE. 205 Troitjadfxepot e w tovs avBpa<; Kopuovvrai. Kat oc cpevyovres Boicotwv KareX0ovre<; Kat ot aXXot iraviet avTovofjbOL iraktv eyevovTO. Mera Be ravra ov 7roXX

eo-Tr}Ke kcu JleXoTrouvrjatot fxeXXovatv ecrftaXetv e? rrjv ' 'Attlktjv kcu ol (ppovpot AOtjvcucov BiecpOapfievot elcnv viro Meyapecov, irXi]V bo~ot e? Nlcrcuav diretyvyov ' eTrayaydp-evot Be KopivOiov? kcu 10 SiKVcoviovs kcu 'EirtBavptovs arrearrjaav ot Meyaprjs. 'O Be JJepLK\ri<; iraXtv Kara Ta%o<; eKoptt^e Ti]v arpaTtav Ik ttjs Evfiolas. Kcu fiera rovro ot TJeXo- •Trovvr\o-LOL tt;? 'Attics e? ^EXevalva Kat ©ptco^e eafiaXovTes eBrjcoaav, UXetcrToavaKTos rou Uavcravtov 15 /3acrtA.ea)? AaKeBatpovtcov riyovfie'vov, Kal to TrXeov ovKeri TrpoeXOovres an '^co prjcrav err olkov. Kat 'Adrjvalot iraXtv € iroXe- B c pro Trap' 'AOrjvatov? eX0ovTe<; KaTeftocov tcou 2 a- 44a fitcov. 'BvverreXa/x/3dvovTO Be Kal e% avTr}<; ttjs 2a- /jlov avBpes tBtcoTat veoorepiaat ftovXopevot tijv TroXtrecav. 30 18 20 G THUKYDIDES. HXevaavres ovv ' * AQiqvcuoi e? Xafiov vavai rea-aUpa- Kovra Br}/ioKpariav KareaTTjaav, /cat ojuipov? ekafiov two Xapiiwv 7revrr\KOVTa pev TralBas tcrovs Be avSpas, Kai Karedevro e9 Arjfivov, km (ppovpav eyKaTaXnrovTe? b aveywprjcrav. Twv Be Hafxiwv (rjaav yap Tives 6\ ovx virifievov, tboC ecf>vyov e? rrjv nqireipov) %vv6ep,e- vol twv Iv rr) irokei rot? BwaTwraTOis Kai Tliaaov- 6v7] ra> 'To-raairov £vp,puoylav, o? elye %apBei Bi]p.w e7raveaTT]aav Kai eKparrjaav tcov irkeicrTwv, eireira row; ofiripovs KXetyavres eic Ar\pbvov tov; avrwv aireo-Trj- aav, Kai tou? (ppovpovs tou? AOyvaiwv Kai tou? apyovras ol rjo-av irapa acplaiv e<~eBoaav UiaaouOvT], 15 Ittl Te Ml\r)Tov ev6vs irapeaKevaCpvTo cnpaTeveiv. ^vva7recrT7]aav Be avrols Bv^avnoi. AOrjvaloi Be to? 7](x6ovto, ir\evcravTe<; vavarlv e^i}KOvra eiri Hafiov Tat? fiev eKKacBeica twv vewv ovk expijcravTO (eTVX<>v yap al fiev eiri Kapla? e ire^w eirdkiopKOW Tpial re^eo-i rrjv nrokiv, Kai en so GaXcuroys afia. IlepiKkrfi Be Xaftwv e^KOVTa vavx ero Kara t«^09 €7tc Kavvov Kac Kapcas, ecrayyeXdevTGiv ore <&olvco~o~ai vr}e<; lir avTovs irXeouacv • w%€to yap Kac e/c rrjs Xap-ov rrevre vaval ^Trjcrayopas kcli aXXoc eirc ra<; Qoivlaaas. 'Ev tovt(o Be oc Xaynoi e^aircvalwi ckttXovv nx ocr\ a a p.evoc 5 a(f>patcTG> ra> arparoireBo) eircireaovres ra$ re 7rpoopjnicovo<; vrjes, eUoac Be al fierce TXrjiroXefiov Kai AvrcKXeovs, e/c Be Xcov teal Ae'aftov rpiaKovra. 15 Kac vavfiaycav fiev rcva ^pa^elav eiroc^aavro 61 Xa- fiioi, aBvvaroc Be ovre$ Kat T7/9 «f>%?79 TouBe tou TruXep.ou • ev 0/9 A0}]va1ot Tt]v re apyi}V ejKparearepav KaTecrTijO-avTO Kat avroi eirt pteya e^p^o-av Buvaptecos' ot Be AaKe- Baiptoviot aiaOoptevot oure eKoiXuov et pti] eirt (Bpayu, 10 ij9 Xe'yeTat, KaTa KpaTOs iroXe- ptoucrt vt/cijv eaecrdat, ical avTO<; ecpr] ^uXXr^ecrOat Kal 7rapafca\ouptcvo9 p,i] irpocrr)- kovtojv elvai, TTpoaBe-^eo-Oai Be irore, ei tcl kutw irpoolvro, Kav p^e^pi, g^^v to Betvov irpoe\6elv, kcu, 7repl avTWV ov-% rjcrcrov vvv (3ov\evea6cu. Aioirep kcli fiyj oKvetv bet avrow; tov irohepicv avr eiprprjq fie- 25 Ta\ap,ftdveiv. ' AvBpwv ydp aacppovcov p,ev eo-Tiv, a, fir} clBikoIvto, rjo-w^d^etv, ayaOcov Be aBiKovp,evov<; en p,ev elprtvr]? 7ro\efie7v, ev Be 7rapao~)(ov etc iro\ep,ov •n-dXiv ^VjjL^rjvat, kcu p^rpe ttj kclto, 7roXep,ov evTV- yla hralpeo-Qai pLryre to> r^v^up tt}<; etp/ivrj^ rjBo' ;,; pLevov dBtKeladai. "O re yap Bia, ttjv r/Bovrjv okvwv SECOND CONGRESS AT SPARTA. 211 raytcrT av dcpavpeOeirj r^ paarcovq^ ro repirvov BC oirep oKvet, el i)o-vyd^oi, b re ev rvoXep.w evrvyjia, irkeovd^cov ovk evre0v/X7]rat Opaaei amarco erraipo- ixevos. UoWa yap kclkws yvcoaOevra afiovkorepwv rcov evavricov rvyovrcov KarcopdcoOr], kcli ere irXeco s a fcaXws BoKovvra J3ov\ev0?]vcu e? rovvavriov au- crvptos nepieari] • ev6vp,elrai yap ovBea o/xola rfj rrlarei teal epyco eire^ep-yerai, aXXd (xer aacpaXeias fiev Bo^d^opuev, /xerd Beovs Be ev ra epyw eXXet- Trofxev. 'H/xei? Be vvv Kat, aBiKoufxevoi rov rroXe/xov 10 iyelpo/xev teal Itcava eyovres ey/iXi]/xara, Kat orav dfxvvco/xe9a 'AOrjvatow;, KaradrjaofieOa avrov ev Kacpcp. Kara rroXXa he rjfids el/cos eiriKparrjo-ai, rrpwrov fxev ifki]6et irpovyovra^ /cat e/x7reipia iroXe/xiKT], erreira 6p,0Lm irdvras e? rd irapayyeXXo/xeva tovras. Nav- is tikov re, co lay^uovaiv, airo rr)s virapyovar]^ re eica- arois ovcrUs e^aprvaofieOa Kai arro rcov ev AeXcpol? Kai 'OXvfjLTTia ^pripuarcov Bavetcrfxa yap Trocrjerafxevot, v7ro\a(3etv oloi r ecrpekv fxiaOcp fxel&vi rovs gevovs avrcov vav{3dravcrei, ayaOov, eKelvoi? ovk di yevono Bioayrj • o B eKelvoi emtm}- fit] irpovypvat, KaBaipereov yficv earc peXerrj. Xpr]- fiara S' coar eyetv e? avrd, olaopbev 7] Beivov av 30 5 1 2 THUKYDIDES. el'j), el ol fiev e/celvwv ^vfifia^oi €7rt hovXeca rrj avrwv (frepovre? ovk direpovcnv, t]fie2)cro fiev, nat em t fit] vir eKewcou 5 aura dfyaipeOevres . avrols tovtols /ca/cw? nraayeiv. 'Tirdpyovat he kcu aXXat Shot, iroXefiov t]fuv, %vfifia- ycov re tnroGTacns, fiaXiara Trapaipecri<; ovua rfov mpoaohwv at? la^uovcn, km e7rtre^tcr/xo? irj ywpq, aXXa re oca ovk dv Tt? vvv irpo'ihoi. Hklo-tcl jap 10 7roXe/zo? em prjTols ^(wpel, auTO? he acp avrov ra 7roX\d re-^vcnai irpo^ to iraparvy^dvov • ev (p 6 fiev evopyrjTa)? avrat irpoao[iLXi]o-a y ht- Ara/co? hoKolfiev av irdo-yeiv rj hia heiXiav aveyeaBav, 20 Kal twv irarepwv %e/pou9 (fSaivecrdai, ot, ttjv EXXaha rfkevOepwcrav • rjfiels he ovh t]fiiv avroi<; f3e(3at,ovfiev avrd, rvpavvov he eoifiev eyKaQecrravai iroXtv, rovopa)v 30 a7n)XXaKTac, d^vvealas t) fiaXaKias t) afieXeias. Ov SECOND CONGRESS AT SPARTA. 213 yap hi] rrefyevyores ravra em rt]V irXeicrrovs Br) (SXa-^aaav Karafypovrjcriv Ke^coprjKare, rj e/c rov 7ro\\ou<; o~(f>d\\eiv ro evavrtov bvopa cKppoavvr) p,e- Twv6ua(TTat. Ta p,ev ovv u-poyeyewqpeva rt Bel /LiciKpurepov rj e? ocrov Tot? vvv gvptyepet aniaoQai ; 5 TJepl Be rwv erretra pueWovrcov to!? rrapovat /3orj- Oovvtcli %pr) eTUraXanrcopeiv ' rrarpiov yap vplv e/c rwv rrdvcov Ta? aperd<; KrdaOat • Kat p,)] fiera- fiaWeiv ro e0o<;, et dpa rrXovrco re vvv feat e%ov- cria okiyov irpofyepere (ov yap BiKaiov a rrj arropia 10 ckti'jOt] rrj rrepiovala aTToXe'aOat^, aWa Oapcrovvras \evai Kara iroXkd e? rov rroXepov, rov re 6eov %pr\- cravTos Kal avrov vrroo-yopevov ^vWrj-^recrdai, Kai rrj? aAA.779 'EWaBos 7rdar]<; ^vvaycovcoupbevi]<;, rd p,ev d/3a>, rd Be axpeXta. 'XrrovBas re ov Xvaere rrpo- is repot, aV ye fcdl 6 6eo$ KeXevwv rroXepuelv vopi^et, rrapaj3e(Sdadai, ijBiKr)p.e'vat<; Be paXXov fior/di'iaere • Xvovai yap ov-% 01 apbvvopevoi, aXX 01 rrporepoi eVtoWe?. "flare rravrayoBev /eaA.co? vrrapyov vpiv 7ro\ep.e7v, Kal r t pwv raBe Koivrj rrapaivouvrcov, eirrep 20 (3e/3aidrarov ro ravra %vpplav, oven Acoptevat Kal viro Iwvcov rro- XiopKOvpevots, ov Trporepov i)v rovvavriov, Kat rwv aXXwv ptereXOelv rr t v ekevOepiav, co? ovKert evBe%e- 25 rat rrepipLevovras rov<; /.tev ?/§?; ^XarrreaOat, rov<; 8\ el yvcoadrjad/j.eOa %vveX6ovre' Be H* 1 ) 7roXeprjaai, ov% 6fioioo<; aKLvhvvov. Kal 5 ttjv KadecrrrjKvlav ev tt) EXXaht ttoXiv Tvpavvov r^r\- aajxevoi ewb iraaiv 6/ioicds KaOearavat, toaTe tcov pcev ^67] cip-^eiv tcov he hcavoelaOac, irapao-TrjacopeOa eVeX,- Oovres, Kal avrol ClKlvhuVCOS to Xonrbv ol/cwfiev, Kal tou? vvv hehovXcop^evov^ EXXtjvcl*; eXevdepcocrcop,€v" io TotauTa a Kopiv0Loi elirov. Ot he AaKehaipovioi, e7rethi] acp diravTcov rjKovaav jvco/jltjv, yjrfjcfiov eirr]yayov toI$ %vp,payoiv d(pbarap:eva>v. TeXo9 Be a(f>LKop,evcov ra>v re\euratcov irpea(3ea>v etc AaKeBalpbovos, 'Pap,(f)bov re u> Kal MeXrjo-lirTrov Kal ' 'AyrjadvBpov, Kal Xeyovrcov aWo fiev ovBev wv rrpdrepov elwOeaav, avra Be rdBe orb " AaKeBaijJLovioi fiovkovrai rrjv elprivqv elvai, eit) 8' av e\ tov9 ^pr) iroXefietv Kab ixr)9 25 dvOpunrovs ov rrj avrrj opyrj ava r 7reb6op,evov<; re iro\e- /xelv Kal ev rco epyqy 7rpacrcrovrap,a<; rpe-7rop,evov<;. Opai Be Kal vvv opbola Kal rtapa-nk^crba %vpb/3ov\evrea p,oi ovra, KCtb TOW9 dva-neidopbivovi vp,Q)V BiKaico Tot9 3C arcov TOV 216 THUKYDIDES. Koivr) Bo^acnv, r)v apa Tt /ecu o-p,rj /cat tovto VTra/covo-avTes • airto-yypicrap.evoi Be aacpe<; av /cara- crTi'jcratTe avTol? airo tov tcrov vptiv ptaXXov 7rpocrcpe~ pecrOat. AvToQev Bi) Biavoi]9rjTe ■)] viraicovetv irpiv ti fiXafirjvai, rj ei iroXep,i]cropiev, co? eptoiye apteivov 30 Bo/eel elvat, kcu eiri pteyaXtj /cat eirt /3pa%eia optot- SPEECH OF PERIKLES. 217 W9 Trpocpaaei fitj et^ovres purjBe %vv cpo{3(p h^ovre? a K€KT7]jj,eda • ti)v yap auri]v hvvarat BouXcoaiv rj Te fieyiGTT] /ecu e\a^carrj BiKacooat,^ airo tu>v o[xol- cov irpo BUt]^ toIs 7re?\.a? €7nracrao/j.evr]. Ta Be rou TrdXefiov Kac twv eKarepois virapyovTiav a)9 ovk s aadevearepa e^o/xev, yvcore icaQ hicacnov aKovovres. Avroupyol re yap etcrt Uekcnrovvriaioi, Kac ovre tBta ovre ev kolvu> ^prj/xara ecrriv avrois, eireura ^povcow 7ro\ejjLcov Kal BiairovTioiv aireipoi Bia to fipa-^ew? avroi eir aWrfkovs viro 7rma9 €7rt(pepei.v. Kav ol 10 tolovtol ovre vavs irXrjpovvres ovre 7re^aTroiv V XP 7 'lf jLa(Tl ' t ^- 6 ^^^ T0 / i6y ttio-tov e%ovTe9 rjKcara tu ocKela (pOe'ipai. Xpoviot Te 'guviovres ev (3pa%el pblv p-opuo CTKOTroval Ti Tcov Kotvcov, Tu> Be TrXeovc tu otKela 3C 20* 218 THUKYDIDES. irpaacrovatv. Kat eKacrro^ ov irapct ttjv iavrov dpte- Xeiav olerat /3\a\jretv, p,e\etv Be' Ttvt kcu aXXrp virep eavrov Tt irpo'iSetv, coare tg> avTco viro diravrcov tBia Bo£acrp,aTt XavOavetv to koivov dOpoov (pdetpoptevov. 5 MeytaTOV Be rrj twv ^prjptaTcov arravet KcoXucrovrai, brav cr^oXrj avra iropt'Cpp.evot Btap,eXXa>o-tv • . tov Be iroXepov ot Kaipol ov pteveTOt. Kal pn]v ovB* rj e7Ttre^(cri? ovBe to vcwtikov civtcov d^tov (poftrjOrj- vat. Tr)v ptev yap ^aXeirov Kat ev etpr\V7) woXtv 10 dvTtiraXov Trapao-KevdcracrOat, rj ttov Br] ev iroXepiia Te Kai ov% fjacrov eKetvots ijficov avTeirtTeTetytcr puevcov. $povptov B et irotrjcrovTat, t?;9 p>ev yrj<; /3\aTTTOiev av ti [xepoTo ev6v<; airo tu>v MtjBikcov, e^etpyacrOe ttco ■ 7r firj pteKeTwvTt u^vveTcoTepot eaovTat Kat Bt avTO Kat oKvrjpoTepot. To Be vavTiKov Te- yvrj irBfpepyov 'aXXo ycyveaOac. Ecietcal Kcvr l cravre<; rcov ^OXvpirtacrcv ?) AeXtpols ^pTjpLtncov pccrOco pel^ovc Trecpwvro ojpcov i/TToXaftetv tou? %evov<} ru>v vavroov, fit) ovtcov p,ev o]p.a)V avrciraXwv eafiav- tcoi avrcov re teal twv pcerottccDV heivov av i)v • 5 vvv he rohe re virap-^ei, Kac birep Kparccnov, kv- fiepvrjTas e^opcev iroXtTas Kac ti]v aXXr/V vrrripeaiav rrXetovs Kac ap,eivovs i] iracra t] oXKtj EXXa<;. Kac €7tI TCp KCvhvVCp Ovhec? CLV he'^aCTO TCOV £eVCOV TT]V T€ avTOv (pevyecv Kac pbera t?; dpaprtas y ra9 tcov evavrtcov Stavolas. AXX eicelva ptev Kat ev aXXco Xoja) apa rots epyots hrjXco6r']r\re rjptwv p-^TS twv ijperepajv ^vppa^cov (ovre yap eKelvo KcoXuet ev rals a7TOvoal$ ovre roSe), tu? he 7rdXet$ ore avrovoptovs d(p>i/xr) re irXeiovi 7] tvxV Kai roXjirj p.ei'Cpvi ?7 Buva/xei rov re fiapftapov aireco- aavro icai e rroXiv ecre\6ovra d>v e? re ra TtpoTrvXaia T7]/)t? he %pvaiov aai}pov Kac apyvpcov ev re ava6r']pacnv Ihcoc? real hrjpcocriocs Kac baa lepci crxeur] irepc re ra? 7ro/X7ra9 Kac tou? aycova? Kac aKvXa MtjSlkO, KCU el TC TOCOVTOTpOlTOV, 0\!K eka iroXefjucp. PUBLIC FUNERAL OF THOSE WHO FELL IN THE FIRST SUMMER OF THE PELOPON- NESIAN WAR, AND THE FUNERAL ORA- TION IN THEIR HONOR BY PERICLES. (Lib. II. cc. 34-47. B.C. 431.) 'Ev Se tco avrcp yei\xtovi ol A6r)vcuoL rco ircnpuo vofxco ^pcopievot, Srj/xocria Tcupas eiroLrjaavTO rcov ev 10 Twhe T6t> 7ro\efia> irpcorov diroOavovrcov rpoTrco rouoBe. To. piev octto. rrpoTbOevrai tcov tnroyevop,eva>v irporpna ) eKcpopa y, XapvaKa* KVTrapicrcrivas ayovaiv ajxa^ai, cfivXrjs eKuarr]^ filav ' evearc Be ra oara 779 eKaaTOS rfv cpvXrjs. Mia Be kXivij Kevi] (fiepeTcu eo~T pco pievr) tcov afpavcov, 61 av /xrj evpe- 5 Bcoaiv e? avaipeaiv. 'BvveKcpe'pei Be 6 {3ovXop.cvos kclL acncov Kai ^evcov, kcu yvvaiKes Trapeiaiv ai irpoaijKovaai, €7TL TOV TCMpOV oXoCpVpopievai. TlQeaCTlV 0VV e? TO &7]{l6- aiov arjpba, o eo~Tiv eirt, tov KaXXio~TOV Trpoaareiov tt^? 7T0Ae&)?, Kai aei ev avrco votttovcti tow; e/c tcov 10 iroXepicov, 7r\rjv ye tov<; ev MapaOcovi • eKe'ivcov Be Biairpeirrj ttjv apeTrjv tcpivavTes ai/Tov koll tov Tacpov erroirjcrav. EireiBav Be KpwtycotTL yrj, avr\p tjpi]fxevo^ vtto T179 7ro\eco9, 05 av yvcopir) re Bo/cr) pn] u'£weT0] tcaipos eXap,(3ave, irpoeXOcov airb tov o~q- 20 //,aro9 eirc {3r)p,a vtyijXov ireironipLevov, oVw? cikovoito 6)9 em irXelaTov tov opiiXov, eXeye ToidBe. " Oi fiev 7roXXoi tcov evOaBe eipijKOTcov i-jBt] eirai- vovai tov irpoaOevTa tco vo/jlco tov Xoyov TOvBe, 6)9 tcaXov eiri TOt9 e/c tcov iroXepicov 6a7TTop,e'voi<; ayopeve- 25 a9ai avTov. E/jloi B apKovv av eBo/cei elvai dvBpcov ayadcov epyco yevofxevcov epyep Kai B7]Xova0ai tu<; Tip.d<;, oia Kai vvv irepi tov tuc^ov TopBe Bi])Jioaia vrapa- aKevaaOe'vTa Spare, icai p,ij ev evi avBpl 7roXXcov apeTcis KivBvvevecrdai ev Te Kai ^e?pov enrovTt iricrTev 30 dijvaL. XaXeirov yap to /i€Tpico<; enreiv ev co yttoXts FUNERAL ORATION. 227 Kal 7] SoKTjcns rrjs akrjOeia^ fieftatovrat. ' O re yap ^vvetBcos Kal evvovs aKpoari]^ Ta% dv rt ivBeearepcos 77/305 a (BovXeral re Kal errlararat vopiaete BrjXov- crdai, o re cnreipos eartv a, Kal ifKeova^eaOat, Bta Be virepfiaXkovrt avrwv (p0o- vovvres 77S77 Kal dirtcrrovatv. EiretBi] Be roU trdXat ovtcos eBoKipuaOr) ravra koXoos eyeiv, yjpr\ Kal epe 10 eiropevov ra> vopw rreipacrOat vpwv ri) roupBe ri)V rtpi)v ravrrjv 7-775 pvr\p7]rov elpi 30 228 THUKYDIDES. kcu eirl top TcovSe kivatvov, vopi^cov eiri re Tea ira- povrt ovk av arrpeirrj \e%drjvai aura, /cat tov iravra opuXov Kal ae- povtriv. Kal jjli]v Kai tcov ttovcov TrXeiaTaq avairavXa? Trj yvcofx-q eiropiaapeOa, ay coat, p,ev ye Kat, Ovalais 2j hieT-qo-iOLS vopl^ovTes, iSiats Se KaTacrKevals evTrpeirecTtv, cov Ka9' rjpepav i) repi^t? to \v7njpov eK7rXi}(TaeL. ^EireiaepyeTai Se Sea peyeOo? rrj<; 7roXecos Ik Tracr??? }? to. iravTa, Kat, %vfif3aivet, r\plv fii]Sev oiKeiOTepq Trj diro\avaev to, avTov ayada yiyvop,eva Kapirovadai 80 rj teal Ta tcov aXXcov avdpa>~cov. Ata re yap Trokiv tcotV7]V Trapeyopev Kal ovk ecrrcv ore %6Pi)\acriaL$ aireipyofiep riva rj p,a6ripLaT0<; i) Bea- IMXtos, o p,rj KpvcpOev av Tt9 tcov irdkepacov locov u>j>ekrj9elr], rrio-TevovTei ov rat9 irapacTKevais to irXeov fi teal cnraTcu? rj too a(p ypcov avrcov e? ra epya ev^rvy^cp • Kal ev rat9 7ratSe/at9 ol fiev eirnrovco ao-icrpu evdvs vioi ovres to clvSpelov peTepyovTai, Tjfieis he aveip,eva)$ BiatTcopevot ovhev rjcrcrov €7Tt Tovq io-oira\ei<$ kivovvov? ycopovpev. TeKpi'ipiov he • ovt€ yap AaKehacpovcot, tcad io exdcTovs, [iGTa iravTcov & e? Ti]v yrjv ypoov UTpaTev- ovcrc, ti')v T6 tcov TreXai avTOi eireXOovTes ov yaXeTroos ev t/7 aXXoTpia tovs irepl tcov oiKeccov ap,vvop,evovs p,a- yopevoi Ta 7rXetco KpaTOvp,ev. AQpoa T6 tt) Svvup.ec rjpcov ouSeis itco 7ro\e/uo9 eveTvye hia Trjv tov vavTiKOv is re apa e.Trip,eXeiav Kal ti]v ev Tg yy eirc iroXXa rjfiSiv avrwv erriirepb'^nv • tjv he ttov p-op'up tlvI irpocrpi^coac, KpaTrpavTes re Tivas ypoov ivavTa^ avyovcriv airecocrOai, Kal vi/crjOevTes vcp diravTcov riao~rjo~9ai. Kcutoi. ec pa~ Qvp'ia fiaXkov r) ttovcov pueXeTT] Kai p,r) fieTa vopcov to 20 irXelov 7) TpoTTcov dvhplas eOeXopev Kcvhvveveiv, irepi- ylyveTai rjpuv T0Z9 re p,eXXovcriv aXyeivol? pur) irpoicd- p,veiv, ical e'9 avTtt eXOovcri pi] aToXpoTepovs tcov aei poyBovvrcov (paiveaOat, Kal ev re tovtols tijv ttoXlv d^iav elvat 6avpd^ecr6at /cat e*rt ev aXXois. CXoica- 2 i Xovpev yap p,eT evTeXeias icai % opoXoyelv tivi alay^pov, uXXa p,i) hia<\>euyeiv epyro aiayiov. Eve Te to1<; avTOi? olKelcov (ijxa Kal ttoXltlkcov €7rtp,eXeia, /cat eTtpot<; irpo^ m 230 THUKYDIDES. epya TerpaiiLievoi^ ra ttoXitikcl lit} ivBew<; yvcovai • fxovot yap tov re LirjBev TcovBe LieTe^ovTa ovk aTrpdyiiova aXX* ayjpeiov voiii^oiiev, Kai avroi rrroi KplvoLiev ye r) cvOv- fiou/ueOa op0a)<; ia TrpaytiaTa, ov rou? Xoyovs to£? epyoi<; 5 fiXafirjv rjyovLievoi, aXXa fir) 7rpoBiBa^6r]vai fidXXov Xoyqy Trporepov ■>] eiri a Bel epya) eXOelv. Aias ydp Bi] /cat, roSe e^ofiev coare ToXfiav Te 01 avrol fiaXio~Ta Kat, irepi wv eiri^eip^aofiev eKXoyc^eadai' o rot? aXXoi<; afiadia fiev Opaaros, Xoyio-fios Be okvov (pe'pei. Kpd- 10 no-rot B* av tt)v ^ru^v BiKai(oo~KOVTe<; /cat hid ravra fjbi) airoTpeirofievoi etc tcov kivBvvcov. Kat rd e? dperrjv rjvavTioifieda toliXov$. BefiacoTepo? Be 6 Bpd- 15 (TTe o(pei\ofiev7)v Bi evvoias a> Be'oai/cs aoy^eiv ' 6 B avTOcpeiXcov afij3XvTepo<;, elBco? ovk £9 yapw aXX e? o(peiXrjfia Tt\v aperrjv airoBooawv. Kai fiovoi ov tov ^vfupepovTO? pdXXov Xoyicrfid) r) r?;9 eXev- 6epia aSe£>9 Tiva oxpeXovfiev. auveXcov T6 2, Xe'yco tt\v re irao-av ttoXlv Tr)$ 'EXXaBos iraioevcriv eivai, Kai /caO eKaaTov BoKeiv dv fioi tov avrbv dvBpa Trap i/fioov eiri TrXetar av eiorj Kai /xera yapircov fiaXio~T av evrpaireXa)^ to aco/xa avTapices TrapeyeaOai. Kal tu9 ov Xoycov ev to> irapovn KOfnro erreXdovTi ayavaKTrjaiv e%ei vcji o'lwv KaKoiradel, ovre t&> VTrr/KOw KaTafxeff^riv &)9 ov% 30 U7r' a%L(ov dpyeTai. Mera neyaXcov Be o-rjLieicov Kai FUNERAL ORATION. 231 ov Br] roc afiaprvpov ye rr\v bvvafitv irapaa^ofievot. Tot? re vvv Kal toU eiretra davp,ao-9r)adfie9a, kclI ovBev irpocrBedfievot ovre 'Ofirjpov eiratverov ovre oari? eirecri fiev to avrUa reptyei, rcov 8' epycov ri]V vttovoulv tj aXr]6eia fiXa^ec, aXXa rraaav fiev ddXaaaav teal yrjv 5 ecrf3arov rrj rjfierepa roXfirj KaravayKacravre^ yevecrOai, rravravov Be /xvTjfiela KaKcov re KayaOcov dioia %vy/ca- ToiKio-avres. Tlepl roiavrrj? ovv rroXecos OiBe re yev- valcos, hacaiovvres fir) dc\>aipeQr\vai avrr]V, {layofievoi ere- Xevrrjcrav, Kal rcov XetTrop,evcov rrdvri rtva et/co? e0e- 10 Xecv irrrep avrrjs Kci/ivecv. A 10 Br) /cat, efir]Kvva ra rrepl rr}s rroXecos, BiBacrKaXiav re 7roLov/xevo<; fir] rrept lgov tjfilv etvai rov dycova kcu ot oh vvv Xeyco cpavepdv ar]fietot<; Ka0iardavlcravre<; koivco? fiaXXov tocpe\7]o-av r) he rcov IBicov efSXa^av. TtivBe Be ovre rrXovrcp Tt? ttjv en drroXavcnv rrporifir']aa^ efiaXa- 25 kIo-Qt], ovre irevias eXirlBi, to? kclv ere Siavya>v avn)v irXovrr]o-eiev, dva]3oXr)v rov Becvov ertoi^craro • rrjv Be rcov Ivavrtcov rificopiav rroQeivorepav avrcov Xafiovres, Kal klvBvvcov djxa rovBe KaXXtarov vofilcravres, efiov- Xr']6i)crav fier avrov rovs fiev rtficopelaQai rcov Be 30 22* 232 THUKYDIDES. ecpleaOcu, i\7Ti8o [xev to cupavh tov KaropOcoaecv lirnpi^ravre'i, epyw 8e 7repl rov tfSr) opco/ievou acpiatv avro2 tt}V dxpeXtav, r)v dv -m 7rpo? ov8ev X e ^P 0V avrov< i v/ias el8oTa<; purjKvvot, Xeytwy bcra ev tu> tov? iroXe- fjiiovs d/ivvecrdai, dyaOd eveaTiv, aXXd piaXXov tj]V t?/ dea>p,evov<; kcu epa- crTa? yiyvofievov? avTrjs, kcu brav vpuv pueyaXr) 8o£rj elvcu, evdvpbovplvovs oti To\/A&We? kcu yiyvcoo-KOVTes Ta 8eovTd kcu ev T0Z9 epyots cdayyvopbevoi dv8pe r\ 8o£a ovtwv 25 irapa tco evTvyovTi, aet kcu Xoyov kcu epyov Kcupa) deifiv7]aT0et- hoiev av tov (3iov, oh eXirh ovk ear dyadov, aXX* ot? rj evavTta fierafioXr) ev ra> %i}v en KivSvveverai 5 teat ev ot] pera tov paXaKtaOfjvat /cd/cwcris 1) 6 peTa pu>pii<; Kal Koivi)? eXTriSos dpa ytyvopevovpopai paXXov r) TrapapvQr\- aopai. Ev TroXvTpoirots yap %vp$opal<; eirtuTavTaL TpacfievTe? • to o evTV^e'$ teal 15 evTeXevTTJaai J-vvepeTprfit). XaXeirbv pev ovv oloa •jrecOetv ov, (ov /cai 7ro\\dfa<; e^eTe viropv^paTa ev aXXcov evTv^iais, ais -rroTe /cat avTol r^yuXXeaOe • Kat, \vtt7] ov% cov av Ti? p,t) Treipaadpevos dyaOwv CTTepiaKTjTai,, aXX ov av e0ds yevopevo<; dcfiatpedf). 20 KapTepelv he XPV KC " aXkcov TratSwv eXirtht, oh ctl ijXtKia TeKrwcrtv Troieladat • iota ydp Te toiv ovk ovtcov Xy'jdrj ol eiriyiyvopevol tiglv eaovTat, Kal ttj 7roXet of^oOev, eK T€ tov pr) epripovaOat /cat dacpaXeia, ^vvoiaei • ov yap oldv T€ taov ti rj otKatov fiov- 23 XeveaOac ot av pr] Kal 7rat8a? Ik tov opotov irapa- fiaXXopevoi Kivovvevo)o-Lv. "Oaoc 8' av irap7ifii]KaTe, tov Te irXetova Kepoo? bv evTv^elre /3tov yyelcrOe Kat TovSe (3pa-)(yv eaeaOai, Kal ttj Twvoe evKXeca Kovtyt^ecrde. To yap (f)iXoTipov dyi'ipwv pdvov, Kal 30 234 THUKYDIDES. ovtc ev T&) aypeiw t?7? ifKiicias to Kepoatvetv, wairep Tives (pacn, fxaXXov Teptrei, aXXa to Tipaauai. Haicri B' ay oVot raiySe irdpeaTe rj dSeXcpols 6p5> fxejav tov aycova • tov yap ovx buret a/iras ecwuev eTraivetv, 5 teal poXa av /cad' u7rep/3oXr]v aperfy ov% ofAolot aXX oXcyrp yelpow? KpiOei'qre. <&0ovo<; yap rois ^cocrt, 77-/309 to avTCTraXov, to Be yu.77 e/jU7roScov avavTaywvio-Tio evvolci Tert^rac. El Be fie Bel /cal yvvaaceias ti aperfjs, oaai vvv ev yr^peta eaovrai, /jLvrjo-urjvat, ppa- 10 X e ' ia Ttapaivla-ei enrav a-rj^ava). TV}? t€ yap virap- ypvarj^ (pvae(0etTe. ToioaBe p,ev 6 Tacpos iyevero ev tg3 ^etyt&w tovtw ' Kal Bie\66vTojjLa FLept- KXel. O Be opcov avrovs 7roojirjrepov icai aBee'arepov Karaarrjcrai. IlapeXOcov Be eXe^e rotdBe. 15 " Kai irpoaBeyopbeixp pot ra T79 opyrj? vp,(ov e Kat et prj eve6vpr\Qr\ • o r eywv ap(porepa, rrj Be iroXet Bvavovs, ov/c av opotcos rt otKetoos (ppa^ot • irpoaovros Be Kat rovBe, yjpripacri Be vtrccopevov, ret £vpiravra rovrov evos av ircoXolro. 15 flcrr et pot Kat ptecrcos 1'iyovpevot paXXov erepcov rrpoo-elvac avra iroXepetv eiretad^re, ovk av etKorcos vvv rod ye aBtKetv atrtav (pepotpr/v. Kat yap ots ptev a'ipeats yeyevqrat raXXa evrvyovcrt, iroXXr) avoia rroXeprjaat •■ et B avayKalov rjv »; eo^avras ev6vs rots 20 7reXas viraKovcrat ?? KtvBvvevaavras rreptyeveaOai, 6 v rov KtvBvvov rov vrroaravros pepirrorepos. Kal eyco pev 6 avros etpi Kat ovk e^tarafMat • vpels Be pera(3dXXere, €7reiBr) gvve/3r] vplv iretaOrjvat pev aKepatots, perapeXetv Be KaKovpevots, Kat rov epov 25 Xoyov ev ra> v/xere'pu) aadevel rrjs yveoprjs %tr) opdov TOV inroiTTevopbevov, BrjXcocrco Be /cat ToBe, o ixoi BoKeWe out avTol 7r&>7roT€ evOvpurjOrjvai, virapyov 16 vpuv (jLeyedov? irept e? ttjv apyr)v, ovt eyco ev toi? Trplv Xoyois • ouS' av vvv ey^prjaapuriv KopiTrcoBeaTepav eyovTC Ti]V nrpoo-TTol^cnv, ec ptrj KaTa-neirXiqypievov^ v/xas -rrapa to el/cos ecopcov. O'leade fxev yap tcov ^v/xpiaywv fiovov apyetv, eyco Be aTrocpacvco Bvo puepcov 20 tcov e? xprjcnv cpavepwv, yrjs icai OaXacrari^, tov 6Te- pov vptas iravTos Kvpia>TaTOV<; ovTas, ecp baov Te vvv ve'fieo-Oe Kal *]v errl irXeov ^ovXt]6P]T€ • teal ovk eaTiv octtis tt) virap-yovari TTapaaKevrj tov vavTiKov 7rXeovTa? Vfias ovt€ (3acriXev<; tccoXvaei ovt€ aXXo ovBev eOvos 25 tcov ev tco irapovTi. "flcrTe ov icaTa Tt]v tcov oiklcov Kal T?}? 717? xpeiav, cov fieyaXcov vopu^eTe eaTeprj- cdai, avTt] i] BvvapLis cpaiveTai • ovB eiKO? y^aXei7co 15 ev too airopcp 7] to")(y) irpovoia. T?}? Te iroXews ypbca el/cos rco Tip,cop,evcp drib tov dp-yew, cp-rrep airavTecov avTcov avTovopboi ol/cr\- aeiav • to yap airpaypuov ov erco^eTai pur) p,erd tov BpacTTTjptov T6Tayp,evov, ovSe ev dpyoven) iroXei ^vp,ef)e'' 30 pec aXX ev virri/eocp, aocpaXcos hovXeveiv. 'Tpeos £e DEFENCE OF PERIKLES. 239 fir}re vrrb rwv roiwvBe ito\itwv TrapayecrOe, firjre efie 6Y opyr)s e^ere, u> kol avrol ^vvBieyvwre TroXeftelv, el /cat eireXOdvre? ol evavrloL eBpaaav direp et/co? rp> fir} eOeXrjcrdvrcov vficov v7raKoveiv, eTTLyeyevr/raL re irepa oiV irpocreBeyofieOa i) vdao<; i}Be, rrpayfia p-ovov Br) 5 rcov rrdvrcov ekTrl&os Kpelcrcrov yeyevrjfievov. Kcu Bl avrrjv ot8' on fie'pos ri fiaXXov ero fiLaovfiaL, ov SiKaicos, el fir) kol orav irapa Xoyov rL ev irpd^re efiol dva9r]crere. $epetv re %pr} ra re Baifiovia dvay/caicos rd re airo rwv iroXefiLWV avopeioos • ravra 10 yap ev edei rf/Be rrj irdXeL irpdrepov re r}V vvv re fir) ev vfiiv KcoXv0rj. Tvorre Be ovofia fieyiarov avrr)v eyovcrav ev iraaiv dvOpomoL? 8ia ro Tat? ^vficpopal? fir) e'tKeiv, irXelcrra Be acofiara KaL ttovovs avaXco- tce'vat iroXefior, kcu Bvvap.LV fieyiarrjv Bi} fie^pL rov % e 1° KeKrrjfievrjV, r)<; e? d'l'Biov TOt9 eiriyiyvofievoLs, i}v kcu, vvv virevBwfiev rrore {iravra yap TrecpVKe KaL eXaacrov- crOai), pLV7]fit] KaraXeXel^erai, 'EXXtjvcdv re otl "EX~ Xr}ves TrXeLGTcov Br) tfp^afiev, kcu iroXep,OL<; fieyiarois avre'cryo/iev 77-/309 re £vp,Travra<; Kai Kad eKaarovs, 20 ttoXlv re Tot9 iracjLv eviropwrarryv KaL fieyicrrrp) avaj- aafiev. KairoL ravra 6 fiev d-n pay ficov fie'fiyjraLr dv, 6 Be Bpdv rL fiovXd/ievos kol avro<; ^Xwcret • el Be' 7*9 fir) KeKrrjraL, (pdovrjaeL. To Be fuaeiadai KaL Xvmipovv elvaL ev ru> rrapdvrL rraaL fiev vrrr)p^e Br} 25 oo-ol erepoL erepwv rjglcocrav apyeiv • octtls B eirl fieyiaroL<; ro e7rl(p9ovov Xafifiavei, op6m fSovXeverai. Micros aev yap ovk eirl nroXv avreyei, rj Be rrapav- rUa re XajnrpdrrjS kol e? ro erreLra Bo%a aeifivt]- OT09 KaraXelrreraL. 'Tfiels Be e rjBr) 7rpo6vjj,(p ap,orepa Krr)cracr9e, /ecu AaKeBat/ioviots pwf\re €7n/cr]puKev€a9e p,i]re evBrjXoi eare rocs irapovcn ttovocs fiapvvofjcevoi, w? olrives rrpos tpLevo$ earepriro kcu rovrcov, ol Be Bvvaroc KaXa Krr\pbara Kara, ttjv ywpav 15 oiKohopucu? re km rroXvreXecn, KctTCLo nevoid airoXwXe- /cores, to Be pueyiarov, rroXepcov avr eipi]vqs eyovres. Ov fievTOi rrpdrepov ye ol ^vpvrravres eiravaavro ev opyy eypvres avrov rrpiv €%rjp,uDcrav y^pi}p,ao-iv. ' Tare- pov 8 etudes ov ttoXXq), brrep cptXel o/uAo? rrouelv, 20 arparrjyov eiXovro Kav iravra ra rrpayp,ara eirerpe- yjrav, o)v p,ev rrep), ra oacela eKaaros rjXyei, dp,j3Xv- repoi i]8r) bvres, <; ev rrj etprjvrj, p,erpcu><; e^rjyelro 25 km aa Be Bvo err] /cal firjvas e% • /cat eVetS^ aireOa- vev, errl irXeov en iyvcbaOrj t) rrpbvoia avrov r) e? 30 rbv rroXepLov. 'O p,ev yap i)av)(a^ovrd re d^iwfxart kcu, ttj yvafiy, XPV/ jbaT0)V tc Biafyavoos 10 d8a)poTCLTO Brjfia> Kat, ra irpayfiaTa evBcBovai. \E£ wv aXXa re iroXXa, eofi7)<; d/iapTrjfia r)v 7rpo? oi»? eirye- 25 o~av, oaov ol eKTre/xyjravTe^ ov tu Trpoacfropa tois otyo" nevoid einyiyv(X)o-KOV7e<; aXka koto, Ta$ iBias SiaftoXa? irepl T175 tov Brjfxov nrpoo-Tacna^ Ta Te ev tw GTpa- TOTreBco a/.t/3\vTepa eirotovv Kal Ta irept ttjv iroXtv irpwTov ev aXXrjXois eTapay6r}aav. 2a\evTeicravTO, Kal el Tt9 aXko n olSev dcre'l3rjfj.a yey evrjpuevov, fxrjvveiv dSecos rov ftovXopievov Kai aarcov kcu %evcov Kai Sov- Xcov. Kal to irpdyfia pei^ovcos e\apj3avov • rov re 15 yap eKirXov olcovb<; eSoKei elvai, Kai em ^vvcopocna afia vecorepcov rrpaypdrcov Kal Br]/nov KaraXvaecos yeyevrjcrdai. Mrjvuerat ovv drib peroUcov re rivcov Kat liko\ov6cov rrept fiev rcov 'Eppcov ovSev, aXkeov Be ayaXpurcov rrepiKorrai Tvve9 rroieirai ev oiKi- at? i9 eirt Srjfiov KaraXvaet rd re ptvcntKa /cat r\ tcov Ep/xwp 5 irepLKOTTr] yevotro Kat Qv8ev etrj avrcov b rt ov uer e/cecvov eirpd^6rj, ernXeyovres reKpuripta tjjv dXXrjv av- rou e? ra e7rtr7]8evpara ov 8r)p.ortKr]v rrapavopiav. 8 ev re ra> irapovrt irpos ra paqvvpara aireXoyeiro, Kat, erotpto? Xpr], ec p,7] kcu BeBpaKev, avrov re ciBeiav iroi^aafxevov 10 acocrai Kac ti)v ttoXcv tt}<; irapovorjs inrotyca'i rravaac • fieBacorepav yap avrco acorrjptav elvac 6pbo\oyr\aavrc fieT aBeias 77 apvrjOevTC Bca Siktjs e\0elv. Kai 6 (xev avTos T€ Kad eavrov kcu kclt dXkcov pcrjvvec to tcov Ep/ncov ' 6 Be Sfj/xo? 6 rcov 'Adrjvaicov aap,evo<; XaBcov, 15 cos coero, to aacpes, kcu Becvov irocovpievoc irporepov, el row; eircBovkevovra<; acpcov ra irXrjOec pui) ecaovrac, tov fxev jjl7}vvt7]v evOw; Kac tow; aWovs p,er avrov, oltcov fir) KaTijyop^Kei, eXvcrav, rov<; Be KaraiTia9evra<; Kpt era? 7rotr]cravT€<; tow; fiev aireKreivav, oaoc %vve\r\cpdr)- 20 crav, rcov Be 8ia) fxaWov kcu tci jivo-tlkci, cov e7raiTio<; tjv, pieTO, tov avTov \oyov kcu t?;? ^vvcoixoalw; eiri tco BripLco air eKetvov eSoKei Trpaydr\vai. Kai yap 30 29 2i6 THUKYDIDES. Tt9 km crrpana AatceSaifiovuov ov 7roA,A?/ GT^X e Kara rov /caipov tovtov, ev a> rrepi ravra euopvpovvro, pe^pi IaOfiov rrapeXOovaa, 7rpo9 Boicorovs re rrpaacrovre<;. ESo/cet ovv eiceivov rrpa^avro^, kcll ov Boicorcov eveKa, 6 arro %vv9r}p,aro<; 7]/ ev rroXet ev orrXois. Ol re %evoi rov A\ki/3iu8ov ol ev Apyei Kara rov avrov ^povov viro3- io wrevO^crav rQ> 8r\ptp errtriOeaOai • Kai rov? 6p,j]pov<; rcov Apyetcov rov vr\ao^ Keip,evov<> ol ' AOrjvaloi Tore rrape8oaav ru> Apyetcov S?;/*w Sia ravra Siaxprjo-aadaL. Tlavra^oOev re rrepiearr\Kei vTroyjria e? rov A\ki(3iu8t]v. "flare (3ov\6fievoc avrov e? Kpiaiv ayayovres diroKrel- 15 vat, irepuirovcnv ovra> rv)V 2a\ap,tvcav vavv e'9 t>)v %t- KeXiav eW re eKelvov Kal cov rrepi aXXcov epepn)vvro. Eiprjro 8e rrpoearelv avrca diroXoyrio-opbevcp itKoXovOelv, %v\\apL{3dvetv 8e pur\, Oepairevovre'i ro re rrpo9 pier avrov ' o>9 S' ovhapuov (pavepol rjaav, coyovro so dirorfKeovre^. 'O Be 'A\Kij3id8r] Ni/cia feat Arjpio- adevet l/cavcbs irapeaKevaaOai, real ■)] avacrracris 77877 rov 8 tirparevpuaro^ TpLTT) i]/j.epa citto rrjs vavpua^iaf; eyiyvero. Aeivov ovv r)v ov icaQ ev p,ovov rwv rrpayyuarwv, on tcis re vavs aTroXa)\eKOT€v re yap vefepcbv aracpcov bvrcov, birore rt? tSot riva ra>v e7rtT7]8eiu>v Kecp-evov, e? Xvtttjv fiera cpdj3ov nadt- araro, koI ol ^wvres icaraXenrop.evoL rpaup,ariai re koI aaOevels 7roXv rwv reOvecoreov rots ^axri Xvrrripo- 15 repot, T)crav real rwv arroXoiXorcov aOXiwrepoi. IT/009 yap avnfioXiav teat oXotpvpfxou rpairop,evoL e? airopiav tca- Otaracrav, ayeiv re cr<£a? a^iovvre^ feat eva eieacrrov eirifioutfievoi,, eo riva rrov Tt? iSot 77 eraipwv 77 oticeicov, rdv re gvato'jvcov 77877 diribvrwv e.Kiepep,avvvpbevoL icai 20 eTraieoXovdovvres e? bo~ov Bvvaivro, el r(p Se rrpoXiiroi 7] pdipi-q /eal rb acop^a, ou/e aveu \oXlywv\ i7ri8ecaap,cbv Kol olpLcoyrj? VTroXetirbpLevoi ' cocrre Sdicpvcri rrav rb arpdrevp,a rrXrjcrOev KaX urropia, rotavrrj p,rj paSico? 248 THUKYDIDES. a aTpaToireBw. Kal p,rjv r) aXkr) aiKia is /cat rj laopoipia twv tcaicwv, eyovaa Tiva o/jlo><;, to /LieTa ttoWcov, Kov<; re Kal airb otas XapnrpoTrjTos Kai avyr\paTO, eirnrapuov W9 €K twv {map- SPEECH OF NIKIAS. 249 yovrwv eddpcrvve re kcu 7rapepbv6etro, fior) re %p9 BtaKetptai viro rr)s voaov^ ovr evrvyict Bokcov ttov 10 vcrrepos rov elvai Kara rov tBtov fitov Kat e? raXXa, vvv ev ra> avra> kivBvvw rots 6ewv eirtcpdovoi, eo-rparevcraptev, aTro-^poovrcos iiBrr rerip,copr]pte6a. 'HX6ov yap rrov kcu aXXot rives i]Bt) ecf) erepovs, kcu dvOpcoTreta Bpdaavres ctveKra eiraOov. 20 Kal ry/xa-9 etKos vvv rd re airo rov deov eXirt^etv rjirtw- repa e^etv (o'iktov yap air avrwv d^icorepot i]8r] eaptev rj cp06vov~), Kal opaivres vptds avrov?, oloi oirXtrat apta Kal oaot ^vvrerayptevot ^wpetre, ptrj KaraTreifK^Oe ayav, Xoyt^eade Be ore avrot re 7roXt<; evOvs ecrre, ottoc av 25 Ka0e%r]o-0e, Kal akXr] ovBepila vp,d? avrov?, Kal- airavrav evprjpvevov /ecu crvrva aXXa Kopvi^evv. To Be ^v/xirav yvwre, co dvBpa crrparvcorav, dvayKaldv re ov vpZv avBpacrvv ayadols yvyveadav, ? Kavirep irerrrcoKvlav hravopBdi- crovre? ' avBpe? yap 7roXi?, /cat ov rev^rj ovBe vrje? 15 avBpwv Kevav. O pvev IVi/aa? rovaBe 7rapaKe\evopevo<; dpva eirrjev ro arparevpva, Kac ev nrrj opwrj Bveairaap.evov Kal pur] ev ra£ev %a>povv, %vvaywv Kal KaQicrrus, kcu 6 ArjpvocrOe- V7)<; ovBev fjcrcrov, revs Ka6 eavrov rovavrd re Kal 20 TTapaifk-qcria Xeycov. To Be e^copev ev ifkavcrvw rera- ypvevov, irpwrov p,ev rjyovpvevov ro Nvkvov, efyeiropvevov Be ro Aripocrdevowi • rovs Be crKevocpdpovs Kal rov 7r\ev- cttov o^kov evros efyov ov oirXvrai. Kal eVetSrj re eyevovro em rrj Bva/3acrev rov Avdirov irorapvov, evpov 25 eir avrep 7rapaTeray/jL€vovs rcov 2,vpaKoavcov Kav %vp,pa- ")((ov, Kav rpe-^rcipvevov avrovs Kal Kpari]cravre<; rov irdpov eyospovv e? to irpoaOev • ov Be ^vpaKocrioi irapvmrev' ovre<$ re rrpoaeKevvro Kal ecraKovri^ovre<; ov yj/vXov. Kac ravrt) pvev rrj ypvepa irpoe\6ovres araBiovs to? 30 reaaapaKOvra rjvkvaavro irpos \o(pa> rvv) ov Adrjvavoi • rcov Kai RETREAT OF THE ATHENIANS. 251 777 8 uarepaiq rrpoo'C eiropevovro Kai irporjXOov a>s el/coat araSiovs, fcai, Kare^rjaav e? ywpiov aireBov rt kcu avrov earparoTreBevaavro, ftovXofxevoi e/c re oiklcov XafBeiv n eBooSifxov (opKelro jap 6 ywpo^ vBoop fxera acpcov avrwv (^epeadai avrodev • ev yap ra> 5 rrpdaOev em rroXXa crraBia, r/ ep,eXXov levai, ovk acpdo- vov r\v. Ol Be XvpaKocrioi ev rovrco rrpoeXOovres rrjv BioBov ri]V ev ™ rrpoaOev airereiyi^ov ■ tjv Be Xocpos Kaprepo? Kai e/carepcoOev avrov y^apdBpa Kpr]fxvu)Br]pr)crav rraXiv e? ro avro arparonreBov ' Kai rci em- m TTjBeia ovKeri ofioiw; eiyov. Ov yap en airoywpelv oiov r rn> inrb rwv imrecov. Upoo'i Be apavres eiro- pevovro avOis, Kai efiidcravTO irpos rov Xocfiov eXdelv rov airorereiyia fxevov, Kai evpov rrpo eavrcov vrcep rov air 01 eiyla jiaros rrjv Tre^qv arpariav irapareray jxevrjv 20 ouk eir oXiycov aamBcov • arevov yap i]v ro ywpiov. Kai rrpoo-fiaXovres ol 'Adrjvaloi ereiyofiayovv Kai {3aX- XofxevoL vrro ttoXXcov airo rov Xopovv, ec 8 ava^copolev, eireKeLvro, teal p,d- io Kiara roa vcrraroi9 Kara opayv rpe^a/xevoL irav ro arparevpea cpoj3r\creLav. Kal e7rl 'iroXv p,ev roiovra) rpoirw avrel^ov ol AOrjvatoi, errevra irpoeXOovres irevre y ef crraS/ou? aveiravovro ev rat irehua • ave^wprjaav 8e tcai ol XvpaKoaioi air avrcov 15 e} ^vpLiraara 68b<; avrrj ovk errl Kard- vr/ err par ev \iar i, dXXa Kara rb erepov pLepos t^? 25 ^LKeXias, rb 77730? KapbdpLvav Kal TeXav Kal Ta? ravry 7roA,et? Kal 'EWrjv&as Kal fiapfidpow;. Kavaavre^ ovv rrvpd ttoXXcl eyd>povv ev rfj vvKrl. Kal avrol^, olov (piXel Kal rrdcrL arparo7re8oL<; re 80 Kal ev vvktl re Kal 8ll\ iroXeulas Kal d'rrb iroXepii- RETREAT OF THE ATHENIANS. 253 oav ov 7ro\v dire^ovTcov tovcrtv, ep,irtiTTet Tapa^r\ • koI to pev Ntictov (TTpaTev/JLa, coairep rjyeiro, %vvepteve re Kal irpovXafie iroWcp, to Se At]poaQevov^, to rjptav /xuXiara /ecu irXe'ov, aTrecnrdcrOr) Te Kat araKTOTepov e^opet. Apa Se tjj e]V fcaXov- ptvTjv eiropevovTO, o7rco ttotci- fi(p tco KaKvirapet, irapa tov irorapov totev avco Sta pteaoyeta<; • rjXirt^ov yap Kal tou? HtKeXov? TavTrj, oy? pteTeirep-^rav, diravTrio-eaOai. ''Eire^r) S' eyevovTO eirl w too irorapuw, evpov koX evravOa (pvXaKi'jv Ttva rtov 5!v- paKoaccov arTOTeiyjuLpvcrav re Kat wTToaTavpovaav tov iropov. Kal (3taadpevot avrrjv 8ie/3rjcrav re tov iroTa- fjbov Kat eywpovv av9t<; 7rpo<; r; re tjpepa eyevero Kal eyvcocrav tou9 AOr/vatov? a7reXrj- Xv0OTa<;, ev atTta Te ol ttoXXol tov VvXtirirov etyov eKovra dcpelvat rou9 AdrjvaLovi, Kat Kara Tayps 8ta>- kovt€<$, r] ov y^aXeTrw? fjaOavovTO Keycaps KOTas, Kara- 20 Xaptftdvovat irepl dptcrTOV copav. Kat ? Trjs vvktos Tore £vveTapdy6r)crav, ev6vv But to varepw dvayco- povvTt avra> irpwTW eiriKeLO-Qai tow? 7ro\eptov<; koi Tore yvovs rows SvpaKociovs BuoKOVTas ov irpov-^wpei 5 utaXXov rj 69 puiXV v ^werdo-o-eTO, eco? evBiaTpiftaiv kv- hXovrai re vir aurcov Kai ev rrroXXa> Oopvfiw avrd? re kcu ol per avrov AOrjvcuoL rjcrav • dveiX7]6e'vre<; yap e re ti<; eytyvero eir evirpayta yBi] o~a- 15 (pel fii] TrpoavaXcoOrjvai ra, Kai evoptitpv Kai w? ravrt] Trj tBea, KaTaBap.aadp.evoi Xr^eaBat avTovs. 'EireiBrj yovv Bt i]/Jtepa<> fiuXXovTes wavTa^oOev tovs 'A0i]vaiov<; icat ^vppw^ovs ewpwv 77S77 reraXatTrcop^ptevovi rots re Tpavpacri teat 7-77 aXXrj KaKwcrei, Kiqpvypa irotovvrai 20 TvXf7nro<; /cat XvpaKocrioi icat ot ^vptpta^ot, irpwrov ptev twv vr]cna>TC0V et ti$ fiovXerat eir ekevOepia «s o-epds amevai • Kai aire^coprjaav rives 7rdXei<; ov ttoX- Xat. Eiretra B varrepov feat Trpov %vp,/3rjvat, oo~a dvuXaxrav xpi'i/xara Hvpa- 10 koctiol ev\d%avre<; ro r}0-vyaCpv efieXXov iropevecrOat,. Kal dvaXap,{3dvovcrc re rd oirXa, teat ol Svpa/coaiot 20 alaOdvovrab km erraidiviaav. Yvdvre^ Be 01 AOifvaloi ore ov XavOdvovai,, KareOevro iraXiv irXrjv rpiaKoat- (ov txaXtara dvBpcov ' ovrot Be Bia rwv (pvXaKcov (3ia- crd/xevot eywpovv rrj<; WKros y eBvvavro. Nuctas Be, eVetS/) rj/xe'pa eyevero, rjye rrjv arpariav • 01 Be %v- 23 paKoaioi Kai 01 t,vp,puayoi irpocreKeivro rov avrov rpo- irov Travraypdev ftaXXovres re Kal KaraKOvrl'Cpvre^. Kat ol 'AdrjvaloL rj-rrelyovro 7rpo<; rov 'Aaacvapov irorap-ov, a/xa /xev dta^dfievot, vtto rrjs rravrayoQev rrpoo-(3oXr}<; linrecDV re iroXXwv Kai rov aXXov b'-)(Xov, oiop,evoi paov 20 256 THUKYDIDES. ri acpiaLv ecreaOcu, i)v Biafiwcn tov iroTapov, a/xa Be viro rrjpe2v eire- irnrTov T6 aXXi'jXois /cac Kareirarovv, irepi re rots Bopa- riois /cac (TKeveatv ol puev ev8v<; BiecpOeipovro, ol Be €LL7ra\aaaofxevot, /careppeov. £9 ra ein darepa re tov 10 iroTa/xov Trapaaravre^ ol "ZvpaKoaioi (tjv Be Kprj/xvwBe^ eftaXXov avoiOev T01/9 AOrjvaiovs, irlvovra^ re tou9 7roX- Xovs aaiievovi kcu ev kolXw ovtc to> iroTafico ev acpl- aiv clvtoIs Tapao-o-OLLevovs. Ol re JJeXoirovvriatot, eiri- tcaTajSavTes tows ev ra iroTaLiS) [xaXiaTa eacpa^ov. Kcu 15 to vBcop ev6v$ Bie'cpOapro, aXX ovBev r\cro-ov eirlveTo Te oLtov T(p TTTJXco rj/xaTCOfxevov kcu Trepi/xa^Tov rjv toI$ iroXXol^. TeA.09 Be veKpcov Te ttoXXwv eir aXXi]- \ol$ j]Br) KeiLtevcov ev tco TTOTapuw kcu BtecpOap/xe'vov tov oTpaTev /xa.T09 tov puev Kara tov iroTapLov, tov be, 20 kcu eo tc BiCMpuiyot, viro tcov nnrecDV, Niklcis TvXlirirGi iavTOv 7rapaBcBa>ai, Tuo-Tevcras pbaXXov ainco rj Tot9 ^vpaKoacoa • kcu eavrcp fiev y^prjaOai eKeXevev eKetvov Te km AciKeBcufioviovs b tl (BovXovtcu, tow? Be aX- Xovs o~TpaTia)Ta<; iravaaaOai (povevovras. Ka\ 6 Tv- '& Xt7r7ro9 pbeTct tovto ^coypelv IjBt) eKeXeve • kcu tov? Te Xo'.ttow;, bcrovs Lirj aireKpv^ravTo (iroXXol Be ovrot eye- vovro^, ^weKopucrav ^wvras, kcu em tou9 TpiaKoatovs, oi Trjv (pvXaKrjv Bie^rjXOov tyjs vvktos, 7re'fityavTe XiKeXiKco iroXepw rovrcp eyevero. Kai k ev rat? eXeyero, ol pev Beiaavres, on irpos avrov eKeKoivoXoyrjvro, pi) fiaaavi^dpevos Bid ro roiovTo rapayrp acpicriv ev evrrpay'ia Tron\o~rj, aXXoi 3C 30 258 THUKYDIDES Be', kcu ov% I'-jKiara ol KoplvOiot, p,r] ■)(pi}p,ao~i $ 7 1 7r6i " (ra? Tivds, on ir\ovaio? bri 5 eyyvTCLTa tovtcov atria, ere9vr\Kei, rjKLara Bi] a£io<; cov tcov ye 67T Ifiov 'EXXrjvcov e? rovro Bvcrrv)^capla> epbrreTrrcDKOTas KaKoiraOrjaai, ovBev to ovk erreyevero aurols. Kal Tjfiepas fiev e/3So- /jbi]KOVTa Tivas ourco Si7]Ti]0r]o-av aBpooi ' erreira, ttXijv 'AOrjvaicov Kal el nves "XuceXiwTwv ?; ItoXlcotcov %uve- 25 arpdreucrav, rovs aWovs direhovTO. E\r)07]o-av oe 01 %vp,7rai'Te<;, dicpifieiq fxev ^aXeirov e^eiirelv, 6/ico? Be ovk eXacro-ovs eTTTaKio-^iXiwv. 'Bvve^T] Te epyov tovto 'EXXtjvikov tcov Kara tov iroXep,ov TovBe /xe- yio-TOV yeveaBai, BoKelv S' efioiye koI wv ciKorj EX- 30 Xtjvlkwv 'lajxev, icai rocs Te KpaT)}aaao XafLirpoTaroit EFFECTS OF THE DISASTERS IN SICILY. 259 nai Tok BiacpOapelai Bvarvxea-rarov ' Kara iravra yap TravTcos viKr/devre 1 ? kcu ovBev oXiyov e9 A?)-vJroz>- rcu XiKeXlav. Tlavra Be nravTayoQev avrovs eXviret 15 re kcu Trepieio-Ti'iKev eiri tw yeyevrjfieva) <£o/3o9 re kcu Kard-TrXr]^ ^eycart] S?/. "Apia p,ev yap o-rep6p,evoc kol iBla e/cao"T09 kcu r) ttoXis ottXitcov re 7roXXwv Kat tTTirecov ko.1 yXiKtas, o'lav ov^ erepav ecopcov virapyovaav efia- pvvovro • apid Be vav<5 ov^ opwvres ev ro?<; veoiaoi- 20 «-ot9 iKavas ovBe yjpr}p,aTa ev tu> koivco ovB VTrrjpe- er/a.9 Tat9 vavalv, dveXmcrTOL rjaav ev to) irapovn acoar]- aeaOai, tou9 tc diro t?79 HiKeXtas iroXcpiiovs evdvs a-t- aiv ivopu^ov tco vavTiKco eiri rov Ileipaia TrXevo~eco~6ai, 260 THUKYDIDES. aXXcos re icai toctovtov KpaT7]0~avTas, tcai tovs auro- ftev iroXepuovs rore Br] Kat SiTrXacrtcos iravra irape- crKevacrpevovs Kara Kparos tfSr) kcll e/c yrjs kcu Ik oaXaacrrjs €7riKecaea6at, /cat tovs ^vppa-^ovs acpcov per 5 avTcov airocrTavTas. Opcos Se cos eK tcov inrapyov- tcov eSofcec %prjvai purj evSiBovai, aXXa irapaaKeva^e- a6at kcli vavTCKOv, o6ev av SuvcovTai £vXa ^vpiro- pLaapuevovs Kat %pr]paTa, kclI tcl tcov ^vpLpd^cov e? aacpaXeiav Troieladat, nai p,uXicrTa tijv Evftoiav, tcov 10 Te Kara Tr)v irokiv tl is eurekeiav crcocppovio-ai, koX apXV v Tlva trpetrftvTepcov dvSpcov kXeadai, oiTtves irepl tcov nrapovTcov, cos av Kaipos tj, irpo/3ovXevo-ovcn. TIdvTa Te irpos to irapay^piipa TrepiBees, birep cf>iXei Zr/pos TTOLetv, erolpioi ijcrav evTaKreiv. Kat, cos eSo^ev av- 15 rots', Kal eiroLOvv TauTa, kcu to 6 epos ereXevTa. Too S eiriyLyvopevov ^eip^covos irpos ti)v 6k ttJ? SiKeXias tcov A6rjvaicov peyaXrjv KaKoir pay lav evOvs ol ' EXXijves iravres errr/ppevot rjaav, ol p,ev yu^oVre- pcov ovres ^vppa^ot cos niv tis Kat pur] irapaKaXr] acpas, 20 ovk airoo-TaTeov en tou iroXep.ov elrj, aXX edeXovTt LTeov eiri tovs AOrivatovs, vopuaavTes Kav cirl crcfias €Kao~TOi eXOelv avTOVs, ec to, ev rrj SiKeXici Karcop- dcocrav, Kal dp,a [ijyovpevoi] /3pa%vv ecreaOai rov Xoi- ttov woXepov, ov pL6Tao-%etv KaXov elvac • ol 6° av tcov 23 AaKeSaipoiucov ^vpupayot ^vpuTrpoOvpiiOevTes eirl TrXeov 7] irpiv ciTraXXa^eadaL Bta Tayovs 7roXXrjs TaXaiirco- ptas. MaXicrTa Se oi tcov AQiivatcov vtti]kooi erot- fiov rjcrav Kav irapd Zvvapiv avTcov acpio-Tacrdai, Bict to opycovTes Kpiveiv Ta irpaypbarva kcu, p,r]B viroXel- 30 7T6LV Xoyov avTocs cos to y einov Oepos oloi t eaovTai EFFECTS OF THE DISASTERS IN SICILY. 261 irepiyeveaOat. 'H he rwv AatceSaifiovlcov iroXt? iracri re rovroi? edetpaet Kal fj,aXi(rra ort ol etc rri? At- KeXta? avrol? %vfi/.iaxot TroXXrj Bvvafiei, Kar avayKrjv 77877 rov vavrtKOV r irpocryeyevr]p 1 evov > ap,a rep ijpt, eo? etud?, Trapio-eaOai efieXXov. UavraxpBev re eveXTrthe? 5 ovre? aTrpocpao- terra)? airrecrOat htevoovvro rov rroXep.ov, Xoyi^dfievot KaXco? TeXeuT7]o-ayro? avrov Ktvhvveov re rotovreov ciTrrfkXaxdat av ro Xotiro'v, olo? Kat arro rwv ' 'A07]vato)v ireptecrrr] av avrov?, el ro HtKeXtKOV rrpoer- eXa/3ov, fcal KadeXovre? metvov? avrot rr]? iracn]? EX- 10 Xciho? 77877 ciajjaXw? rjyrjcreadat. EvOv? ovv ' Ayi? fiev 6 fiaenXev? avrcov ev ra> yeiiiuvi rovrep opfirjOet? errparep rtvt Ik AeKeXeta? ret re reov gv/xfieixeov rjpyvpoXoyrjaev e? ro vavrticov, Kal rpa^Gfievo? eirt rov MrjXtw? koX- ttov Olratcov re Kara rrjv 7raXatav e^dpav rrj? Xeta? 15 ri]v ttoXXijv ei7roXa/3cov xPW ara eirpa^aro, Kat -4%at- ov? rov? <£9tu>ra? Kal rov? aXXov? rov? ravrrj Oecr- craXcov virrjKoov?, p,e/jb(pofievcov Kat aKovreov reov Qeer- eraXcov, 6fM]pov? re' riva? ijvayKaere hovvat Kat xpVf iara t Kal KareOero rov? opu'ipov? e? KoptvOov, e? re rr/v 20 ^v[Xjxa-)(,MV eiretparo irpoerdyetv. AaKehatfidvtot he ri}V irpoara^tv rat? nroXeatv eKarbv vecov rrj? vavirrjyta? eirotovvro, Kat eavrot? fiev Kat Boteorot? rrevre Kat eiKoeriv eKarepot? era^av, $eoKevert he Kat AoKpol? rrev- rexalheKa, Kal KoptvOiot? irevreKatheKa, ApKaert he Kal 25 UeXXTjvevat Kal XtKveovLOt? heKa, Meyapevert he Kat Tpot- fyvlot? Kal "'E-mhavpiot? Kal 'Epptovevat heKa • ra re aXXa irapeo-Kevd^ovro w? ev6v? irpo? ro lap e^ojxevoi rov iroXejiov. TlapeeTKivd^ovro he Kal ' Adiqvalot, oierrrep htevovfir^- 30 262 THUKYDIDES. trav, ev rco avrco y^eL[xwvi tovtw rr\v re vavirriyiav £vXa %vfi7ropicrd/jLevoi kclL "Xovviov ret^lcravTe';, oVco? avroiv Biamco- irovvre<; (irj ccfrcov aTrocnno-ovTcu. E E N O $ 12 N RETURN OF ALKIBIADES. (Hellenica, Lib. I. c. 4. B. C. 407.) *Akici(3idZri<; he /3ov\6/j,evo<; fxera tcov arparccorojv diroirXelv oUahe, dvifyOr] evdus eirl %dp,ov • eiceWev he \a(3cov tcov vecov et/cocriv eiikevae ttjs Kaplan el? rov Kepa/jucKou koXttov. ^EiceWev Be avWe^as e/caTov rdXavra r/fcev els ti]V Xdjiov. @pacrv/3ov\os he crvv 5 TpidtcovTa vavcrlv eirl @paKr)s co^eTo, e'/ceZ he rd T6 aXXa ywpia Ta ^po? Aa/cehaifioviovs fieOeaTrjKOTa Karea-rpe-^raTo teal Qdcrov, e^pvaav KaKws viro re tcov TroXificov Kal endcrecov Kal Xijxov. QpdcrvWos he crvv tt) aWy aTpcLTul els ^AOipas KareirXevae * trplv he 10 fjiceiv avrbv oi ^Adrjvalot crrparrjyovs e'tkovro 'A\kl- ftidhijv p,ev cpevyovTa Kal ©paav/3ov\ov dirovra, K6- vcova he rplrov eVc tcov otKoOev. * AXKifiidhris S' e/c tt)s Xdp,ov e^cov rd xprj/xara KareTrXevaev els TIdpov vavcrlv ei/cocnv, eiceWev S' dv^-yQr) eudu TvOelov erfi is KaTa?] ov SiKaico? cpvyoi, e7ri/3ovXev6el? Be into rcov eXarrov eKeivov Bvvapuevcov pLO^Or/porepd re Xeyovrcov Kal 7rpb? rb avrcov IBiov Ke'pBo? ttoXi- 15 revovrcov, eKeivov del rb kolvov av^ovro? Kal dirb rcov avrov Kal dirb rov rfj? rroXeco? Bvvarov, e9e- Xovro? Be rore Kplvetrdai 7rapa^prjpa rfj? atria? \apri\ yeyevrjpievri? cb? r)cre^r]K,6ro? el? rd pLvar/jpia, virep- /3aXop,evoi ol e%9pol rd BoKovvra SiKaia elvai dirovra 20 avrov etrreprjcrav rfj? irarplBo? • ev co XP° V( P ^ 7r ° dpaj- yavla? \BovXevcov\ rjvayKacrOr] puev Oepaireveiv rov? €%0l- crrov?, KivBvvevcov del rrap eKatrrTjv f/puepav diroXe-- a6ai • rov? Be oiKeiordrov? iroXlra? re Kal avyyevel? Kal r?]v ttoXiv diraaav opcov e^apuaprdvovcrav, ovk elyev 25 oirco? cocpeXolrj cpvyfj direipyopievo? • ovk ecpaaav Be rcov olcovirep avrb? ovrcov elvai Kaivcov Belcrdai rrpaypdrcov ovBe pieracrrdaeco? • virdpyeiv yap eK rov B)jp,ov avrco puev rcov re ifXiKicorcov irXeov eyeiv rcov re Trpecrfiv- repcov pbrj eXarrovcrOat, rol? S' avrov i%0poi? roi- 30 ovroi? BoKelv elvai oToicnrep rrporepov, varepov 8& RETURN OF ALKIBIADES. 265 BwaaOetaiv diroXXuvat Toy? j3eXr[arovi, aurovs Be pbovovs XeupOevras Bt avrb rovro dyarraaOat vrrb rwv 7ro\iT(bv ore erepoL? fieXrioaiv ov/c el)(ov ^pijadat • ol Be, ore rcov rrapoiyopevwv avrots kclkosv p,6vo? cplXov? pier abrcov, Tore a7ro/3a? dvafiaivei eU rr]V rroXtv pbera rcov irapeo-Kevav, el T£? drrroiro, pur] emrperreiv. 'Ev Be rfj ftovXr) Kal rfj eKKXrjcTia drroXoyr)o-dpevos &>? ov/c r)o~e/3)]tcei, elrroov Be co? rjBiKrjrai, Xe%6evrcov 15 Be zeal ciXXcov roiovrcov /ecu ovBevb? dvreirrbvros Bed to py] dvatryko~6ai dv ri]v eKKXrjcriav, dvappr]9el$ drrdvrcov rjyepcov avroKpdrcop, &>? olos re lov orcocrai rrjv rrpo- repav tt)? rroXeco? Bvvapiv, rrpbrepov pbev t« pevcrri]- pia rwv 'AOrjvatcov Kara OdXarrav dybvrcov Bta rbv 20 rroXepov, Kara, yjjp erroi-qcrev e^ayaycov robs arpa- ricbra<; airavra? • puera Be ravra KareXe^aro arparidv, 07rXira<; pbev rrevraKocriov<; Kal %iXiov$, Irnreas Be rrev- ri]Kovra Kal eKarbv, vav$ 8' eKarbv. Kal pbera rbv KardrrXovv rplrcp pbTjvl dvr)ydr) err "AvBpov depecrrr}- 25 Kvlav rcov 'AOrjvalcov, Kal peer avrov 'ApicrroKparr}? Kal 'ASelpavros AevKoXocplBov crvverrepb(p6rjo-av fjpri- pbevoi Kara pa? eh Tavpeiov • eK/3or)- 6>]aavra<; Be robs 'AvBplovs erpe^ravro Kal KareKXetaav 30 26b XENOPHOJN. et? T7)V TToXlV KCLL TIVv ra irvpd, ical rivcov aurcp i^ayyeiXdvrcov on ol Adrjvaloi elev, avrj- SEA-FIGHT NEAR AKGIXOUSAL 267 yero irepl pbeaas vvtcras, &)? e^aivivaiws irpocnreaoi, ■ vBcop 8' einyevbpevov 7ro\v /cat ftpovral Bte/cco\vaav rrjv dva- ywyi'jv. 'EireX Be dveo-)(ev, a/xa rfj -qfxepa eirkei eVt T to evci)PVfjLov eviK-qcrav, ivrevdev cpvyr] rcov IleXo- irovvrjo-lwv eyevero eh Xiov, ifXelo'Twv Be /ecu eh <&co- Kaiav ' ol Be 'AOqvaiot irdXiv eh tv o-vp,p,d%a>v 7rA.ef.ou9 17 e^/jKOura. "EBo^e Be [ato.1] toi9 10 Tcov ^Adrjvatcov o-rparr/yoh eirrd p,ev Kal TeTTapdrcovra vaval 0rjpa/jLeprj re Kal QpaavfiovXov Tpii]pdp%ovs ovras /ecu rcov Ta^idpywv Tivds 7rXelv eVl Ta.9 Ka- TaBeBvicvlas vavs Kal rov? eir avrcov dvOpuiirow;, Tah Be aXXats eVl 7729 p*er 'Ereovlfcov 777 MurcXtprj ecpop- 15 povcra<;. Tavra Be fiovXopevovs iroielv dvep,os Kal , )(ei,p,u)V BieicdiXvo-ev ainov? p,eyaava>p,evovs ical /3ocovra<; on KaXXucparLBa? vevUrjice vavpuayjhv ical ore al raiv ' AOrjvalcov vr)e<; aTroXcoXacyiv amacrai. Kal ol pbev ravr enroiovv ' avrbs B\ eVetSJ) 25 eicelvoi tcareirXeov, edve rd evayyeXia, Kal roh crrpa- Tuorat<; 7rapj)yyetXe BeLirvoirotelo'daL, Kal Toh ep,7ropoi,<; rd %pi]fjLara o-iomrf) evOepcevovs eh rd irXola diroTrXe'lv eh Xtov, rjv Be to irvevp-a ovpiov, Kai ra<; rpujpeis rip Tayjo-T7]V. Avtos Be to ire^bv dirr\yev eh ttjv M/j- 30 Qvpvav, to CTpaToireBov epL7rpi]o-a<$. Kovcov Be KaOeX' BATTLE OF AIGOSPOTAMOI. 269 kv]6poicrev, el 10 irov Ti9 rjv, koI TavTas t iirecrKeva^e /cal a\\a<; iv 'AvrdvSpfp ivavirrjyelro. ^EXOaiv Be irapa Kvpov XP 7 1~ [iara njret ' 6 8' aurco etirev ort ret ptev irapa j3aat~ Xew9 avr\kwpbkva elrj, /cal en ir\eloi iroWco, Bet/cvvcov oo~a etcao-TO? tcov vavdp^cav eyot, 0/XC09 8' eBcotce. Aa- 15 f3a)V Be 6 AvcravBpos Tapyvpiov, eirl t«9 Tpiijpets rpir)- pap-yovs eirecmrjae ical toXeaTCOTa<;. 270 XENOPHON. "Hicovra Be AvaavBpov ovk eia vav\xayelv irpbs : A0r]- vaiovs, iav jxtj ttoXXw irXelovs vavs eyjl • elvat yap XP 7 !' fiara iroXXa koI /SaaiXec Kal avroj, coo-re rovrov eve- Kev rroXXa$ irXijpovv. IlapeBei^e S' avrcp rrdvra^ tou9 5 9 el^e ixevoi t?V (3aaCXeco<; KaKws erroiovv, Kal errl rr\v Xlov koI ttjv "Ecfreaov eireTrXeov, Kal irapeaKevd^ovro irpb? vaviiayjav, Kal arparrjyovs 7rpo? rots virdpyovai 20 7rpoaetXovro MevavBpov, TvBia, Kr/^aabBorov. Avaav- Bpo8ov irape- TrXei eh Adp,^aKov avpu^ayov ovaav ' AOrjvaicov ' Kal ol ' A/3uBrjvol Kal ol aXXot irapfiaav Tre^fj • rjyelro Be @oopa% AaKe8aip,6pio<;. IIpoo-(3aXbvTe<; Be rfj iroXei alpovo~L Kara Kpdros, Kal Biijp7racrav ol o~TparicoTaL 30 ovaav nrXovaiav Kal olvov Kal cltov kcu tcov aXXcov BATTLE OF AIGOSPOTAMOI. 271 eViT^SefW irkrjpr} • ra Be kXevdepa aco/xara rrdvra dcp?)Ke AvaavBpos. 01 S' ^AOrjvaloi Kara rroBas rrXe- ovres (hpfxiaavro t?}? Xeppov)]crov iv ^EXatovvn vavcrlv 6y&07]Kovra /cat eKarov. *Evrav6a Br) dpiaroTroiov/xe- vois avTols dyyeXXerat ra rrepl Adp,-tyaKov, ica\ evOvs 5 dvifydtjcrav ew X^crrov. 'ErceWev 8' ev0us eVtcuTtcra/ze- vot eirXevo-av eU Alybs rrorap-ovs dvriov t>}? Aap.- yfraKov • Bteyei S' 6 ' EXXrjcnrovros ravrrj araBtov<; a)? irevreKaiBeKa. ""EvravQa Be iBeiirvorroiovvro. Av- cravBpos Be rfj emovcnj vvkti, eVet opOpos tjv, io~/]fir)- 11 vev et? els vavpia-yiav Ka\ ra rrapa- (3\)']fiara 7rapaf3aXd>v, rrpoelirev &>9 eh vavp.ayjav. 'Errel Be ouk dvravrjyaye Av- cravBpos, teal rrjs rjp.epas 6-^re r/v, direiiXevaav rrakiv 6t? rov]va?, drrayye* Xovtra Ta yeyovora. AvcravSpo? Se Ta? Te vav? Kal rov? afy/xaXcoTov? Kal raXXa rravra el? AdjxtyaKov dir^yayev, eXa/3e Se Kal rcov arpari]ycov aXXov? re Kal $iXoKXea 30 Kal ' ASeipavTov. r Ht 8' r/fiepq, Tama Kareipydaaro, TAKING OF ATHENS BY LYSANDROS. 213 €7T€fJ.-yp-€ GeoTTOfiTTOV tov Mi\ij] Kar^yopiat eyiyvovro 7ro\\al rcov 'Adi]- 5 vaiwv, a re i']8r] 7rapevevofi/)Keaav ical a e^^^to-fievoo rjaav iroielv, el Kpar/jaeiav rfj vavp.ayja, ri]V Se^idv yelpa anroKOTzreiv rcov £eoypi]6evTcov ttcwtwv, kcli ore \a(36vre<; Svo Tpujpets, Koptvdlav teal 'AvSpiav, tou9 avSpas i£ avroiv irdvra^ Karate prj/xvlcreiav ' $i\.ofc\r)$ U S' rjv crrpaTrjybs rwv ' 'AdrjvaLcov, £9 tovtovs oii(f)uet- pev. 'EXeyero Se ical aXXa 7roXXa, /cal eSo^ev diro- KTelvai Twv al'^jxaXcoTcov ocrot r/aav 'Adrjvalot ttXj]V 'ASei/xdvTOV, otl fx6voi,ic6/j,evo<; eh Aecrfiov Kareaicevdo-aTo rd<; re aXkas 7roXei9 ev avry /cat Mvti\i]vt)v • et'9 Se rdirl 274 XEXOPHOX. GpaKrjq %wpia eirep^e Sexa rpnjpeis eypvra ""Ereo- vikqv, o? ra e'/cet rrdvra rrphs AaKeSaifxovLovs pere- crTi](Tev. EvOus Be Kal ?} aX\r] 'EWas dcpeio-r/jKei, AQj\vai(£>v puerd rrjv vavp^ayjav rrXrjv Xapuiwv ' ovroi 6 Be acpayds rcov yvwpipwv 7rou]aavTe$ Karelyov rr]V ttoXiv. AvaavZpos Be piera ravra eirepb-^re rrphi ^Aytv re eh Ae/ceXeiav teal eh AaKeBaipuova on rrpocnrXel auv BiaKocrlais vavcrl. AatceBcup,6vioL S' e^fjerav 7rav~ Bypuel Kal ol aXkoi UeXoTrovv^aLoi rrXyv 'Apyelcov, io rrapayyel\avro<; rov erepov AaKeBaipbOvtcov fiacriXecos JJavcravlov. 'Eirel B' diravre^ rjdpoicrOrjcrav, dva\a- ficov aurovs rrpos rrjv 7Tok.Lv ecrrparoireBevaev ev rfj 'ArcaBq^ela [rco KaXovpcevco yvp,vao-icci\. AvcravBpo<; Be dcpiKopuevos eh AXyivav drrehcoKe rrjv rrokiv Alyivrj- 15 rats, ocrou? eBvvaro rrXelcrrov^ avrcov ddpoicras, ft)? S' avrws Kal M.i]\ioi;? KaOaipeaewi ovSeh e/3ovXero crv/x^ovXeverv • 1 Appear par 09 yap elircbv ev rr) fiovXf) Aa/ceBaijj,o- la viots KpaTMJTov etvai ecf) oh irpovKaXovvro elp/]v?]v ttoi- elauai, ebeOrj • irpovKaXovvro Be rcov fxaKpoov reiywv eirl Bi/ca crraBtovs KaOeXetv exarepov • eyevero Be -^n']- cpicr/ia p,r) e^elvat rrepl rovrcov crvp,{3ovXeveiv. Towv- rcov Be ovrcov ©rjpap,evr) (p rd re fuiKpa ret^r) Kal rbv Uecpaid KaOeXovra^ Kal rd$ vaiis rrXrjv hcoheKa rrapaS6vrav- ydha? KaOevras rbv avrbv i%6pbv Kal (filXov vopl- ^ovras AaKeSaifxovioi? erreaOai Kal Kara, yrjv Kal Kara 20 OdXarrav ottol civ i)ywvrai. Qr)papevr))vas. Elcrwvras S' avrovs 0^X09 trepie^elro iroXvs, (fiof3ov{ievoi, fir) airpaKroi ojKocev • ov yap ert ive^copet peXXetv hid rb ifkrjOos roiv diroXXvpevcov rco Xi.pco. Tjj he vcrre- 25 paia amjyyeWov ol 7rpeo-/3et<; e<£' oh ol AaKehac- puovioi rrotolvro rrjv elprjvrjv irpoyyopec he aurcov 0r]- pa/jbivris, Xeycov &)? xprj rreLQeo-Qai AaKehaipovioi? Kal rd relxv rrepiaipelv. ' Avrei-Trovrcov he rivcov avrm 7roXu he 7rXeiova>v o-vveiraLveaavrcov, eho^e he-^ecrdat 30 ri]v elprjvrjv. Merd h£ ravra AvaavhpoaXafots : briefly. 4. 'AXKpdv: see the Class. Diet. 6. K€KpdTT)K€v \ L 6., has been generally accepted as correct. 8. X«'-yw (/ mean) has no influence upon the construction, the genitives being in appos. with avSpuv. 10. From the Odyssey, XXIV., 60. 12. Hesiod, Theogony, 77. 15. Trpoo-dTTTOvcri : ascribe. — 8ta0€s ; €iro.ivov(ievois, pass, voice, dat. of advantage after inpnroieiv. 28. d-yaGois : G. 188 ; H. 607. 29. rovs €-yK&>[jua£. : pass, voice, sub. of 6d\\av. Page 4, 1. 2. irepi-yivojAe'vois : springing. 4. diroTeXeiv : to render = Kara- 07ceua(,W, 1. 5. 11. 8udopov oSo-av : by her superiority. HERACLES. Upon the parentage of Heracles, and the cause of his subordination to Eurystheus, consult the Classical Dictionary. Page 4, 1. 14. dvaXi&crovTas : ava\i. 26. T[X€v9epa>o-€ : i. e., from the Minyae, as the narrative goes on to show. Page 5, 1. 2. Mivv&iv : the reigning family of Orchomenus (see Minyae in the Class. Diet.). Thebes was tributary to them, and had to pay a tax which was levied annually in a harsh and arbitrary manner. 3. KarairXa- •yefe: pass, in form, but mid. in sense (H. 414), and governing the accus. 4. SeSovXctfjxevwv : middle voice. It refers to the Minyae. 13. rjo-av dva-re- 0€ikot6S = aveTeee'iKeo-av. G. 98, 2, N. 14. •fjv = i^rjv, was possible. 19-20. Kal .... iroiT|o-as : so at the historic battle of ThermoTjylas the mass of the Per- sian army was useless on account of the narrowness of the pass. 21. dveiXe : cp. our take off = destroy. Page 6, 1. 6. Sioti = on. 10. ov t?|v Tu\o€o-av : extraordinary. — To* .... SovXeusiv : subjection to his inferior. 11. Disregard [8eiv]. — ISCas : his. 15. ird- Govs, gen. absol. ; 4>pevwv, gen. after inrSs (G. 182, 2 ; H. 589). 17. Upon Iolaus see the Class. Diet. — einfiakiTo : formed the design. 18. Ik, &c. : his children by Megara had remained with him, despite his insanity. 20. l8tov : see above, 1. 11. 24. tIXos : finally. Adv. accus. by G. 160, 2 ; H. 552. 25. irap€7€veTO : presented himself. 29. The sense is that manual force was needed to subdue him, weapons being useless. — AierpijSs : sup. 6 AeW. Page 7, 1. 1. Tpiyrdv: the name means bored or pierced, and was given, no doubt, on account of the natural caverns in the sides of the mountain ; but these caverns are, in the myth, the work of the NemSan lion. — dirb tov 0etpe : sup. 'Hpa.K\r)s. 22. licavaJs • . . . elpTjcrOco : let this account of mine suffice. M. and T. 18, 2. 26. ovk dxpr]o-TOTepav : not less useful. Page 10, 1. 4. eireiroXao-e : (iTwroKaCa}) hovered over. 9. e£a£o-iov .... \|/o- avov tov irpoo-Td-yu-aTOS = rb vTr€pr](pai>ot> irpoo-Tayna. 27. ire'Xa-yos: object of vavcToXnOds (having crossed). — eir avrw : for, or to get, the bull. Some, however, make vavo-roXvOeis refer to his return from Crete, and eV airy mean upon him, i. e., upon the bull's back (cp. the similar exploit of Europa). 30. - vw - 16- Seven times before this, when challenged to single combat, she had invariably con- quered her foe. 20. €Tra-yy€\£av : announcement, boast. 23. 8id .... 6.kovt£- £ov an d governs 3>v. G. HEEACLES. 287 160, 2 ; H. 552, end. 19. Suo-^iktov : full of difficulty. 24, 25. That is, the central position of Crete admirably adapts it for a starting place for expedi- tions going to any Mediterranean country. 30. olov : for example. Page 15, 1. 3. KaTfjpev: Karatpa). 4. 'Avraiov: see Antaeus in the Class. Diet. 9. «(jTi|i€pwo-€v : civilized (F.). 10. vewp-yfrus: grain-farms. — tous &X- Xcus .... •n-apao-Kevai;. means fruit-farms. 11, 12. ttoXXt|v, itoXXt|v : (largely, largely) in appos. with avr-nv, the omitted sub. of irA-npaiBrjvat. 15. \eiir«r0cu : (to fall below) governs x^>P as - 18. avrov : sub. of the infinitives. 19. irai8l .... VT]ir£w : against him in his infancy. Cp. p. 4, ll. 13-16. 20. lirifEovXovs .... ■y€V€ , o-0ai = imfiovkevtrcu. 21. dv8pa>0€VTi (in manhood) ireo-tiv: sup. s : anacolouthon again. Either 6is should have been omitted, or Siao-Katyai, iroirj T0U : unl ^- Page 20, 1. 1. oStoi .... &iroKa9£ao-i tovs .... Ka/rexofu'vovs : anacolouthon. Regularly it would be ovtoi ol rfj irpoeip-nixivri vScrcp Karexo- fievoi. aTroKct.6io-Ta.vTai, &s (pao-iv, but the sense is clear as it stands. 3. d-rro- Ka6io-Tao-0ai : are restored. — Kare^o^vovs : afflicted. 5, 6. d.iravTT|o-€is Kal 0vo-£as -n-apeo-TTjo-av : zeugma (H. 882). Trans, as if it were irphs y r

Ta> : that it would be an advantage to him to be initiated. 24. |j.€t«o-x.€ : took part in, i. e., he was initiated. ORPHEUS. Page 21, 1. 2. irapeKpdvTas : by a digression. 13. yvvaiKa : Eurydice. See the Class. Diet. 14. "AtScv: sup. o'Ikov. H. 509, 0. 16. ^waiKa : object ot avayayziv. 17. irapairXtio-icos tu> Aiovtjo-w : in the manner of Dionysus. 19. d9a- vaoias: partit. gen. by G. 170, 2; H. 574, a. THE ARGONAUTS. Collateral Reading : Grote, Part I. chap. xiii. ; the articles Argonautae, Jason, and Medea in the Classical Dictionary ; the Medea of Euripides ; the Jason of William Morris. THE ARGONAUTS. 289 In the rationalizing process to which Diodorus has subjected the Argo- nautic myths, he will be found not merely to have eliminated much of the supernatural from them, but also to have destroyed much of their charm and grace. Page 22, 1. 3. Sim'YKavTo, : (-uicrav : releasing. 2, 3. ra p.kv .... to. 84: partly .... partly. G. 143, N. 1 ; H. 525, a, end. 4. irpov\aKTJv : secluded her in private custody, i. e., kept her under surveillance and re- straint. Cp. the Lat. libera custodia. 15. diro8ej;ao-8ai : expressed their appro- bation of her humanity. 23. tov tftv : G. 262, 2 ; H. 781. 26. to kcito. |i€pos : the several details. 27. ri\v vjtokciu.. lo-rop. : the present history. Page 30, 1. 7. dvoJeivai to Se'pos : made a votive offering of the, &c. 12. tcaTa- 8ei£ai : issued orders. 16, 17. The fact that Aeaetes selected Taurians as a special guard for the temple gave rise, Diodorus says, to the wonderful tale«i, concocted among the Greeks, about the fire-breathing bulls (ravpot). — •»r\acr07}vo8ov goes with dveXeiv : at the first charge. 10, 11. tois dtXXois .... irepi.x.v0evTa : pouring around the rest of the Argonauts. The irepixcco pictures the prepon- derance of numbers on the side of Aeaetes. 12. <|>ovEv0fjvcu : sup. avr6v (i. e., Aeaetes), with which the preceding participles agree. 16. Tpa-u^aTias : ac- cus. pi. 20 |i€o-ov : the middle of. G. 142, 4, N. 4 ; H. 536. 22. ko.1 -irpoTC- pov: see p. 25, 11. 5-7 and note. 24, 25. tov, &c. : the marine deity called Glaucus. Before his translation to this new sphere Glaucus had been one of the Argonauts. He now emerges from the sea with words of hope and prophecy. See Glaucus, no. 7 in Smith's unabridged Diet, of Gi-eek and Rom. Biog. and My Owl. Page 33, 1. 5. 8fe : cp. p. 25, 11. 5-7. 9. vXater|v: prison 24. ovSevbs .... irpoo-e^ovros : when nobody observed him. 26. tols ircpi, &c. . viz., Telamon, Iphiclus, and their companions. 27. ■yeveo-Sat: sup. avrSv (Priam) for subject; ai/riov is the pred. accus. after yevecr6ai. Page 34, 1. 6. «£ eoSov : see n. on p. 32, 1. 7. 15. * AXXotov, &c. : from the Iliad, V., 638. Tlepolemus, son of Heracles, meets Sarpedon in battle, and taunts him with not being the son of Zeus, as was claimed. The pre- ceding lines will give the connection : — "Lying flatterers are they That call thee son of Jupiter who bears The aegis ; for unlike the heroes thou, Born to the Thunderer in times of old." BryanVs Translation. BC^v 'HpaKXTjeCijv : poet, for the mighty Heracles. 22. irdXiv : goes with diro- SdvTas. Cp. p. 25, 11. 13, 14. 27. tccupov .... iiiroXa|ipdvovTa : supposing he had a favorable opportunity. Page 35, 1. 2. dveupeio-Sai : passive voice. 5. ■jraTd£a the perfect rarely, and the present, as here, still more rarely. Cp. M. and T. 112, N. 7 with Kiihner, 482, 11. 13. "AXktjotlv: op. the next page, 1. 16. Alcestis is one of the finest char- acters of Greek mythology and dramatic literature. See the Class. Diet., and the Alcestis of Euripides. — diro(rxev [eVrl] Tjp.lv: I must add. 27. rbv vTro\iitr6[t.tvov Xo-yov : the rest of the account. 29. «■: by. Page 41, 1. 5. del p.dXXcv .... dtpaipoup-c'vov : as time more and more destroyed her natural charms. 7. epaa-Sevra (epa'a>) : having fallen in love with. 9-10. €iu- (3aXeV9ai . . . . avrbv iretQeiv: that Jason undertook to persuade. 11. airrf^v : object of yaneTi/. It refers to Glauce, while abriiv in the next line refers to Medea, — a cartless use of words. The Paris (Didot) ed. of Diodorus has 294 NOTES ON DIODORUS. &\\7]v for the first abr^v. 14. ■yvvaiKo's : Medea. 15. She calls as witnesses of his perfidy the gods by whom he had sworn to marry her (p. 29, 1. 22). la €£€Xavvo|«'vi]v : being banished, 19. Xapoua-av : having received, or been granted. It governs rjfiepay. 23. «{;a<{>0T] : i£dirru, to ignite. 26. Tivt's, &c. : another account says that Medea's sons carried as a present to Glauce a poi- soned garment, or ornament, which, as soon as she put it on, caused her death, as well as that of her father, who ran to her aid. 30. a-w^cn-os : par- tit, gen. by G. 171 ; H. 574, b. Page 42, 1. 1. a^dpevov : Hirrofiat {airru), to touch, grasp. 2. tois . . . . iy- X€ipT](Acitriv : in her main purpose (i. e., the death of Jason). G. 184, 5 ; H. 609, 3. €irl too-oOto op-y^s : to such a degree of anger. 5. tt)s vv|i4>ns : his bride. 6. IjiPaXctv avrdv : that she involved him. Sup. avr^y for subject, and so with airoo-(pd^ai and Odtyai below. 9. 'in ... . oiicrns : when it was now late at night. 11. (X€(t£tt)v = negotiator. 12. ofioXoviciiv : the agreement described p. 29, 11, 19-23. 19. irepl, &c: i. e., whether they should permit the bodies to remain within the consecrated precinct. 22. tijauv : from rifi-f). 25. iv K. Tpa<^vTa p.€Toi Tain-a : having grown up in C, after that, or, as we should say, after he had come to manhood in C. ravra refers to the idea of rpd(pevra by H. 518, b. 28. Kara, -ye'vos : by reason of his relationship, upon which see p. 22, top. Page 43, 1. 6. dir€KTa-yKOTa = the earlier aireKTovSra from airoKTeivto. 6-8. Eurystheus was imposing so many tasks upon Heracles at this time that Medea despaired of any immediate aid from him, and fled to Athens. 12. KpCo-ecos Tvxetv : was tried for the murder of Creon and Glauce, but ac- quitted. 15. €irl .... 4>vveiv : was banished for poisoning. 17. &v« : in its frequent sense of interior, or inland. 20. 8ia8e£d|xevov : having succeeded to THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES, AND THE EPIGONI. Collateral Reading : Grote, Part I., chap. XIV. The student will be well repaid for reading this chapter of Grote before attacking the Greek. The Classical Dictionary also must not be neglected. The following tragedies are based upon incidents in these Theban legends : the Seven against Thebes of Aeschylus ; the Oedipus Ti/rannus, Oedipus at Co- lonics, and Antigone of Sophocles ; the Suppliants and Phoenissae of Euripides. The caution given in the note upon 1. 3 of p. 22 is repeated. Page 43, 1. 23. tovtwv : i. e., myths just given, but not included in this book. 24. dvaXaPovTes : having taken up. Page 44, 1. 3. Q(6v : i. e., the oracle of Apollo. 4. pi| o-vfjLlp€iv : that it was not best. 8. l^'OrjKe : exposed. See Oedipus in the Class. Diet. : " I agree in the statement of Schomann that the practice and feeling of At'aens, as well as of Greece generally, left it to the discretion of the father whether he would THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES, AND THE EPIGONI. 295 consent, or refuse, to bring up a new-born child " ( Grote). 15. rf|v .... viro- PoXtjv: "of his being a supposititious child; literally, of the substitution, or ex- change with regard to himself; of his being placed in the family of Polybus as his child, being the child of another" (Felton). 21. o-{yya: lex. t\av0pvyeiv: the subject is XloXvveix-nv. 20. o-vvoi- kCo-cu: gave in marriage. 23. diro$oxT}s : favor, consideration. Page 46, 1. 1. els .... Stao-wO^vai : came safely to Argos. 2. to. T]vap.e'vT]S 8eiv orpaTeveiv : having an- nounced that Amphiaraus must take the field. 23. The guilty consciousness of murdering his mother drove Alcmaeon mad. Cp. the similar experience of Orestes. Page 47, 1. 1. Pia£d|i€vos : while forcing an entrance. 2. Amphiaraus is spared the disgrace of death at the hands of his foes through the kindness of the gods, who cause the earth to open and swallow him up. 5, 6. The Thebans are guilty of conduct wholly revolting to Greek ideas, for they re- fuse permission to remove and bury the enemies' dead. 10. Sicwpc'povTcs .... XpTloTOTTyri : excelling in kindness of heart. 14. Iire^iovres : avenging. 21. du- cporepa: the murder of his mother, Eriphyle, and the expedition against Thebts. 22, 23. Kcvrd : for, i. e., as the price of. 25-29. As Polyneices had bribed Eriphyle with the necklace, so does Thersander, son of Polyneices, bribe her with the peplus to secure the participation of her son, Alcmaeon, in the new expedition against Thebes. Page 48, 1. 4. Xei^Se'vTes => riTTvdevres or viK-n&ivTis. 12. The Epigoni captured Daphne (or Manto. See the Class. Diet.), the daughter of Teire- 296 NOTES ON DIODORUS. Bias, and dedicated her, as the noblest token of their victory, to the sf rvice of Apollo at Delphi. There she surpassed even her father's prophetic fame, and was the composer of oracles upon all subjects, and of so high an order that Homer borrowed many of them with which to adorn his verse. 18. Si.a- €(riv : the start. Page 50, 11. 1-8. Oenomftus gives the competing suitor for his daughter's hand the advantage of starting first ; he himself, as soon as he has completed the sacrifice of a ram, follows in his chariot, with Myrtilus for driver ; and, by the superior speed of his horses, he succeeds in overtaking each suitor, whom he then puts to death with the spear carried for that purpose. 4. ?x 0VTa agrees with Olvo/xaov. 7. de£: from time to time. 10. 0e£pas: having corrupted, bribed. 11. , banish) in sense, and hence takes a gen. of the agent with vw6, as if it were a passive verb. 17. ifiacrlkevo-t : M. and T. 19, N. 1. 18. tov iroTa|io{i : the river-god. 23. itzl : by, near. 27, 28. From the Iliad, XX., 220. — Kerra: so accented by G. 23, 2; H. 102. Page 52, 1. 6. Sia-rcuvas: having proceeded. — gcos: as a preposition in the 6ense of fiexp 1 ' ■*•*• avrpTra-yn : ai/apirafa. 15. olvoxoelv : the infin. to ex- press purpose by G. 265 ; H 765. THE ANCIENT CONDITION OF HELLAS. 297 THUCYDIDES. Upon the life and writings of Thucydides, see Smith's (unabridged) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology; Grote, passim (consult the final index), especially Part I. chap. XVI. middle; Curtius, passim (consult the final index), especially vol. II. 569; Smith's history, chap. XXXV. § 8. » THE ANCIENT CONDITION OF HELLAS. The migratory condition of ancient Hellas; the absence of commerce and free inter- course between different sections ; the neglect of agriculture except for a bare subsist- ence, owing to the lack of walled towns and the consequent danger from predatory- incursions ; no great cities, and no accumulation of resources. The most fertile districts most subject to changes of inhabitants, as the growing wealth begat internal jealousies and invited foreign plots. Page 53, 1. 1. -yap : explanatory of previous statements not given in this text. 2. oiKovfievri : 21. and T. 16. 2, 113; G. 280; H. 797, 1. — |A€Tavao-rd- a-us: sup. (paivovTai. So with eKaaroi. — to, irpoT. : adverbial. G. 160, 2; H. 552, a. 4. Ti}s vap, &c. : since there was no commerce, &c. The following causal participles (agreeing with the sub. of airavio-ravTo) should be trans, likewise as subordinate clauses introduced by since. See M. and T. 111. 5. oih-€ ovre : G. 283, 8, 2d paragraph ; H. 813. 6. ilKao-rca : tr. seve- rally. 7. <5vt«v. : planting orchards and vineyards. — Sv: the impersonal participle in the accus. absol. (G. 278, 2; H. 792), giving the rea- son why they planted no trees. — ko.1 connects a partic. in the nom. with a gen. absol., as does ovb" in 1. 5. 9. dvrcov : sup. ai/riiv, i. e., the inhabitants of any locality. 10. They felt able to get a living anywhere. 13. v^s t} dpCo-rn : G. 168, N. 1 ; H. 559, e. 16. ape-rTJv : fertility. 17. Sweets : the power which wealth gives. Tr., perhaps, wealth, resources. — rurl: limits equally the participle and the verb. It refers, accord, to Kr., to districts, not individuals ; but CI. thinks it designedly vague, and applicable to both. The sterility and security of Attica ; exiles flock to it ; Ionia colonized from it. No joint Hellenic action till the Trojan war. The name " Hellenes," derived from Hellen, local, not national, in Homer, and the word /3apj3apoi not a distinctive term for all non- Hellenes till after Homer. Page 54, 1. 1. U tov eirl irXetarov : an adv. expression (from the most distant times) limiting oZaa.v ; tov agrees with the substantival phrase iir\ irXuarov. 298 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. Cp. Xen. Anab., V., 4, 3, ol e'/c rod eV 4Kf?va, (Kr.). 2. Xeirro-ycwv : used as a substant, poverty of the soil. 3. tov Xo-you : the proposition stated above in a general way, and here repeated in a special connection and modified form, that the other parts of Greece did not grow as fast as Attica, owing to the constant shifing of the population. The clause Sid tois p.€TOiKT|tms .... av£n0f)vai is in appos. with \6yov, while toSe is explained by the next sentence. — ovk IXd- Xio-tov : notice the frequent use of litotes in Thucyd. H. 665, a. 5, 6. ol .... €KTr{irTovTes : those icho were exiled. 7. «s .... 6v : on the ground that there was security among the Athenians. Cp. &5rj\ov ov, 1. 8, previous p. and the note. Upon ws see G. 277, N. 2 ; H. 795, e. So in 1. 9,, 11. -yap : explana- tory (as in 1. 5 above), not causal, and introduces the proof which r6Se looks forward to. — twv TpwiKuv: to TponiKoi is constantly used by Greek writers for the Trojan war. 12. irpoVspov : pleonastic ; disregard it in trans. 14. toL \i\v irpb 'E. : in the times before Hellen. Cp. n. on to irpSrepa., 1. 2 of the pre- vious p. — Kal irdw ov8£ elvai : sup. 5ok(7; does not seem even to have existed at all. 15. kcito 'iQvr\ : nation by nation. The idea of %8vn is to be mentally re- peated as the sub. of irapexeo-Ocu, 16. Iirl irXeto-TOV : especially ; goes with rb TleXaayiKSv. 19. €iraYO|j^v<0v, &c. : when their neighbors called them in for aid, i. e., summoned them as allies. The sub. of eirayofiev. is some general word, like avQp&Ttuv, to be supplied. M. and T. 110, N. 2 ; H. 791, a, 792, b. 20. kciG' eKdoTovs : one by one, i. e., the name was gradually applied to sepa- rate communities through their connection with Hellen and his descendants. Sup. in this sent. Sonet from 1. 13. 21. T|8vva.To : Kr. and CI. sup. (to) Ka- \e?v6- fiao-ev. Kr. considers TlaviKK-nvas, II. II., 530, a spurious reading. 26. 'inetri : poems. 27. Ov .... €t'pt]K€ : has not spoken of barbarians, has not used the ex- pression (CI.). 28. dvrCiraXov agrees with Si/opa. The Greeks had not yet been called by (lit. separated into) one distinctive name, and hence there was no need of one comprehensive term, by way of contrast, for all who were not Greeks. 29. ol . . . . KXnGe'vTts go together, and "EXXnves is the pred. nom. : those who were separately (or singly, &s enao-roi) called Hellenes, both by cities (as many as understood each other, i. e., spoke the same language) and aferward without distinction (^ifxiravres). The Greeks a maritime people before the Trojan war. Minos the first to become powerful by sea; be forces the Carians to leave the Cyclades, and puts down piracy. Piracy and freebooting in early times honorable ; the old poets refer to piracy respect- fully. Certain districts still retain the old ways ; the Greek habit of carrying weapons in peace a relic of piratical times. Page 55, 1. 3. orpaTeiav: cognate accus. after £wrj\. — XP C *F ,€V6: governed by irpovx<»v. 25. SpKois: according to one tradition (not Horn .) all the suitors for Helen's hand had bound themselves with an oath to protect the husband of her choice from injuries inflicted on her account. Tlmcyd. considers, however, the material power of Ag. the secret of his ability to gather such a force. 26. oi . . . . SeSe-yfie'voi go together: those tvho received. 27. to, ilcXo-ir. : the clearest accounts of the Peloponnesians, i. e., the clearest accounts of their affairs. Some, however, make rieAoir. a partit. gen. after oi SeSeyixevoi. 28. IleXoira: consult the Class. Diet, (and pp. 49, 60 of this book). 30. iirwvvidav : the obj. of crx^v. Page 58, 1. 1. Svra: concessive, though he was, &c. 2. in ... . f-vvtveyB. : still greater prosperity attended. 3. vnb .... diroGavdvTos : see Heracleidae in the Class. Diet. — p]Tpds : Nicippe, the mother of Eurystheus, was the sis- ter of Atreus and daughter of Pelops. 4. 6t lo-Tpd-r. : when he went to punish Athens for harboring the sons of Heracles. 5. Kara, &c. : on account cf the relationship. 6. Tiryx°- V£lv • • • • GavaTov : parenthetical, depending on THE ANCIENT CONDITION OF HELLAS. 301 \eyovai at the begin, of the sentence. — av-rov: Atreus (see the Class. Diet.). — «vi70VTa: G. 279, 2; H. 801. — ira,T«pa (obj. of (pevyovra) : Pelops. 9, 10. The participles agree with 'Arpea, the sub. of irapaXafieTv, which de- pends on \iyova£voiT : sup. fi irSXis, although -rroKews occurs in the same sentence, in the gen. absol. H. 791, d. 10. "AG-nvafav .... iraGovTcov = el Se 'Adrjvaiioi .... nddottv. M. and T., 52. 11. eiKcL^e- c-9ai depends on ol/xat, 1. 2. 14, 15. p.fyto-rnv .... tuv irpb aur^s : a frequent rhetorical error of Greek writers, instead of /tei^co .... twv, &c. : greater than those, &c. — Xemopivnv: outstripped by, inferior to. 16. afi : a;jain, referring back to p. 58, 1. 18. — KdvTai30a: also here, i. e., also in regard to the Trojan expedition, as in regard to his estimate of Agamemnon's naval power. 17. rjv may refer to iroi^o-et (Kr.), or to o-TpaTeiav ( CL), and the sense is about equally good in either way. It is the obj. of Koo-fj.rj \LeiX,ov : too much. H. 662. 18. «v8€eo-Te'pa : sup. mentally io-r\ ruv vvv. The eubj. is r) o-rpaTfia. 19. vecov: partit. gen. after to? fx.lv Boicotuv. 20. dv- 8pwv: gen. of characteristic or material after vavs omitted; has represented * On the no. see G. 135, N. 4; H. 513. 302 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. of the 1200 ships those of the B. as ships of 120 men (Cp. Kr.). 22. ev V£»v kotoX. (II. II., 492-end), and, in 1. 24., Iv rats #i\. va£s (II. II., 716-728): see n. on p. 58, 1. 19. 30. X/no-TiKcoTtpov : adv. — Ilpbs t&s, &c. : i. e., if one strike the average between 120 and 50 [and multiply the result by the no. of the ships], the total will not seem large, considering that it represents all Greece. Upon o-koitoOvti see G. 184, 5 ; H. 601, a. Inadequate means cripple the efficiency of the armament from the start. The besieg- ing forces resort to agriculture and marauding excursions for supplies ; the Trojans a match for the army thus weakened, and the war prolonged. Confusion in Greece aris- ing from the long absence of the heroes, who, in many cases, are expatriated, and found new cities. The colonization of Boeotia from Thessaly, and occupation of the Pelopon- nesus by Dorians. Ionia and many islands colonized from Athens; Italy and Sicily from the Peloponnese. Page 60, 1. 6. IXdco-w : less than were needed, too small. — 8aivovToi 8': the tie in apodosis, untranslatable. G. 227, 2; H. 862, b. — ovS' IvTavfia: i. e., not even after their arrival. 13. tois del viroXei/n-. : those who were, from time to time, left behind to continue the siege. 17. oil: its anteced. is the sub. of il\ov; trans, oi ye, seeing that they, inasmuch as they. — Kal ofo dGpcot : ovres to be sup. as in 1. 15. nai : although. 18. dv- reixov : held out, continued the siege. 20. tovtuv : neuter, this expedition. So avrd .... Tavra and avrcov just below. Cp. ra Tpcciicd. 21. 6vo(iao-TOT. : see n. on fxeyiaT-nv, p. 59, 1. 14. 22. tois gpvois : the facts stated in the next sentence, viz., that certain causes which kept Greece weak long after the Trojan war, must, at that earlier date, have forbidden so powerful an arma- ment as Homer describes. 27. xp°v£a : long deferred. 28. a>s eirl iro\v : very generally, far and wide (CI). — d' v seems to be a repetition, and is brack- eted as a gloss by Kr. 16. €irl p-qTols -yipaa-i: under fixed prerogatives. The distinction made between tyrannies and kingships "is plainly this, that in the latter case the power was legitimate, hereditary, and limited; in the for- mer, usurped, unlimited, and despotic ; at least nominally so, there being no sort of constitutional or legal check on their will" (Bloomfdd). 17. 0a\dv: i. e., Corinthians. 3. &4>veiov lTr&>v6|J.ao-av : e. g., Iliad II., 570. 5. KaG^povv : sup. oi Kopivdioi. 6. &|A«>Kafjs : see n. on AwpiTJs, p. 61, 1. 4. Phocaea was on the W. coast of Asia Minor, just N. of the river Hermus. 16. -yap gives his reasons for mentioning the maritime states. " I have done this," he says, " because these were the strongest of the early navies " ( CI.). 17. ysvopeva. : concessive, although, &c. 18, 19. xP«H- €va > «iplpTvp. € ' va : G. 280; H. 797. 20. €Ketva : the Trojan armament. The Sicilian and Corcyraean the most notable of more recent navies. Others com- posed of 00-oared ships. The Athenian ships, built later, by advice of Themistocles La.l only partial decks. Maritime states became rich Those who lacked territory would subjugate the islands. Land wars local and unimportant. No distant expeditions for conquest. In the war between Eretria and Chalcis all Greece took sides. The progress of I be Ionic cities checked by the Persian conquest of Asia Minor The Greek tyrants, looking to their personal security and the increase of their estates, mani- fested little interest in foreign enterprises, and did nothing worthy of general notice. The Greek cities, then, for many reasons long cut ofl' from the display of valor either iu combination or singly. 304 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. Page 62, 1. 23. irepl 2iKe\Cav : i. e., in Sicily, Magna Graecia, &c. 26. ko.1 .... &\A.oi, &c. : and whoever else had a navy had a small one. 28. Ityi re [i)v] . d' ov is a confusion of two expressions. The 6i|/€ expects a subsequent " when " or " before " {it was late when Themistocles, &c), while &4> oxi assumes a preceding ov wo\vs xp& vos 6 ' ffT ^ ( zt ls wo ' on .7 ' ! ' me s i> lce , &c). Classen. Trans. and it was a long time before, &c. 29. iroX€|xoiivTas : both temp, and causal, as is the gen. absol. connected with it by nal. 30. rds vavs : the well-known (Kr.) ships which they built by advice of Themist. out of the surplus of the Laurian mines. Curtius, II., 260, 263; Grote, chap. 39; Hdt., VII., 144. Page 63, 1. 1. Ivaup.dx. 1 1 " av : i. e., at Artemisium and Salamis. — 8iu irdo-iis : throughout ; an elliptical expression, but the noun to be sup. indeterminate. In the same way occur many phrases in which it is not easy to sup. the fem. adject, with a noun. (See Classen's list.) The sense is that each ship had only a partial deck. 5. ol Trpoo-cr^ovTes : those who gave their attention to them, i. e., to navies. Sup. tov vovv as the obj. of 7rpos, &c. H. 247, D. 2. Transfer of aspiration: iudavra, ivBevrev, Kidd>v, for imavBa, ivrevBev, X ird>v. H. 66 D. 3. Retention of a smooth mute before an aspirated vowel, particularly in the adv. ovk, and in the prepositions &vt£, diro, eirf, Kara., u.€-ra, viro after the elision of the final vowel: avrrj/xepSy, e7re£7/s, an ov, Kari-rj/LH, ovk outccs, for av9-rnj.ep6v, i(pe£ris, a.

' ov, KaBl-q/xi, ou% ovtws- G. 17, N. ; H. 72 D. 4. Change of a rough mute into a smooth: k for x. i Se'/co/iai, ovk'i, for 5e'x»- fiat, oi>xl. t for : airis for avBis. H. 65 D. Exchange of Vowels. 5. il for a : Bwp-nt,, aireSp-n, Bz-nrpov, &c. G. 30, 1 ; H. 24 D, a. 6. t\ for a : in abstract nouns in -eta, -oia, and a few other words : aXij- 0en7, irpovoif}, ipei-r), irpv^vn, &C. "7. t for a : in the fem. of adject, in -vs, as rjSea for ^8e?a. So in /cpe'tr- v, neC"", w\eW, 5<=|co, e & c - Cp. § 5 above. G. 39; H. 125 D, 2. DIALECTIC FORMS USED BY HERODOTUS. 307 1-1. «w fir ov in the gen. sing, of nouns in -t]?, -ir\v, ytvziwv, &C. Note: Barytones shorten -eeW into -iuv. Some authorities (e.g. Ab. and A".) make the fern. gen. pi. like the masc. in barytone adjectives, pronouns, and participles in os, v, ov. See K. 104, 3; G. 39, 79, 1, end, 83, N. 3; H. 128 D. 16. -t|o-i for the ending of the dat. plural. G. 39; H. 129 D. Declension II. : — 17. -oio-i for the end. of the dat. phi. G. 44 ; H. 140 D, b. 18. The so-called Attic II. declension is almost limited to proper names, particularly those ending in -Xews, as MeveAetM, XapiKews. So too "A9ws, Mivcos, "Ajxcpidpews, and a few others. The Attic veds, icd\ws, \ayd>s, &c. appear as vn6s, k) of de- clens. III. G. 55, N. 1 ; H. 146 D, 182. Declension III. : — 19. The contracted forms found in Attic are not found in Herod, in the following classes of words : neuters in -os, adjectives in -tjs, proper names in -kX.€t)s. Those in -kXs'tjs drop one € when two are brought by declension before a vowel in the ending, as 'HpaicAe-ns, 'HpaitAeos for -/cAeW, &c. G. 59, 4; H. 176 D, 180 D. 20. Nouns in -is, All. gen. -ews, are declined like iroXis : ir6\ios, tt6ai, tt6- \iv, iroAi, plu. ir6\ies, iroAtccv, iroKiffi, tt6Kio.s or ttSkIs. G. 59, 2 ; H. 186 D. 21. Nouns in -us and — evs, Alt. gen. -«ws, -«os, e. g., irrixvs, $aai\evs, have the gen. sing, in -€os, -e'os respectively, gen. pi. in -mv for both, other forms as in Att., but without contraction. G. 59, 3; H. 18G D, 189 D; G. 53, 1, N. 3, end (new ed.). 22. Neuters in -as are like Ke'pas : Kcpeos, Kepe'i, pi. nipea, Kepeav. But Kpe'as, Kps'ws, pi. Kpe'a, tcpeaiv; "y^pa-s, VTJpaos, yr\pa'i. II. 1G8 D, 182 D. 23. vavs becomes vt\vs (cp. § 9), and is thus declined: vnvs, veos, vnt, via, pi. vies, veQiv, rnvol, vias. H. 189 D; G. 54, N. (new ed.). Pronoi^'S : — 24. For the dec. of iy&, oni, and A (Att. oZ) see G. 79, N. 2 ; H. 233 D. For t£s and rls, G. 84, N. 2 ; H. 244 D. For Saris, G. 86, N. 2 ; H. 246 D. CONJUGATION. Augment : — 25. In the reduplication of the perfect an initial vowel may remain short H. 318 D. 26. Iterative imperfects and aorists in -o-kov, -o-k6\lt\v do not take the aug- ment. G- 122,2; H.410D. 308 HERODOTUS. 27. The syllabic augment is lacking in a few pluperfects. G. 101, N. 2; H. 309 D. 28. The use of the temporal augment is not uniform. The majority of verbs which can take it, do so; in some, however, it is regularly omitted; and in others it is used and omitted with about equal frequency. Personal Endings : — 29. The pluperfect active has -€a, -eas, -ee, plu. 2 pers. -eWe, 3 pers. -eo-av only. G. 122, 2; H. 351 D. 30. The perf and pluperf. mid. and pass. 3 plu. usually, even after vowels, and the pres. and imperf of |ii verbs often take ctTai, aTO for vrai, vto. A pre- ceding a or n then becomes e ; and a preceding it, |3, k, or y at the end of the perf. stem is aspirated (but the aspiration fails in d-iriKveojiai). Examples : rerdxarai (— rerayfieyoi elcri), oiKearai (— wKrjvrai) , ifddparo, 8e5e'x aTa( > a-wiKaro; ridearai (== rldevrat) , iSuvearo (= eSvuavro). G. 122, 2, 128; H. 355 D. e, 392, Rem. a, 392 D. end. Also the Optat. 3 pers. plu. always has a/ro instead of vto ; e. g., yiyvoiaro for yiyvoivro. G. 122, 2 ; H. 357 D. 3© si. The 2 Aor. in/in. act. has -inv as well as -eiv (though some editors admit -elp only). G. 122, 2, end ; H. 352 D. Contraction : — 31. The following forms remain uncontracted : the fut. of liquid verbs (e.g., o-np.avto), airofiaAeeis) : the aor. pass. sub. in -eco, -ecojxev, -iaa-i (e.g., airaipedeu, (pavecoo-t) ; the endings -tai, -ao, -eo in the 2 pers. sing. mid. and passive (e. g., remain uncontracted. Exceptions : eo and eou may become ev; also i6r)e?ro, ridel (see §§ 36, 37 below), Se?, Sew occur. The imperat. ending -eeo may be shortened into -eo (e. g., alreo for alreeo). G. 124, 2 ; H. 370 D, e. 33. In verbs in -ao> the a generally changes into e before o, ou, a>, and remains uncontracted (making e.g. Tip-iovrai, opeovai), but eo, eov occasionally con- tract into ev. The regular contraction of the combinations given above, according to the Attic rule, will occasionally be found in most editions ; and also the irregular forms dpewvres, ixpewvTo, &c. In other combinations verbs in -<£» are contracted as in Attic. G. 124, 1 ; H. 370 D, d. 34. Verbs in -ow are contracted as in Attic except that ev sometimes tikes the place of ov. G. 124, 3 ; H 370 D. f. Verbs in — p.t : — 35. -arai, -a.ro for -vtch, -vto in the 3 pers. pi. See § 30 above DIALECTIC FORMS USED BY HERODOTUS. 309 36. In addition to the usual forms of -fit verbs, certain collateral forms are found which must be referred to assumed presents in -4a, -da, -6a. G. 127; H. 401 D, h. Cp. §§ 37-40. 37. tCOtihi : pres. indie. rt9e?s, rifle?, rtOeTo-i; imperf. irlOea (H. 403 D. 2), eridees, erldee ; 2 Aor. M. Opt. irpos-, inro-8eoiTo (for the sub. see § 41), indie. 2 pers. sing, edev (cp. § 32, Exceptions). Cp. § 36. 38. infu: (as if from Xa) pres. ind. act. 3 pers. sing, let, sub. airi'j? ; sub. 3 plu. ob-teWi (G. 128, 2; H. 400 D. i. end); perf. part. fiefiertfieyos as if from a simple verb fieria = fieri-nfn (Att. fieO-). 39. tirn||u: 3 sing. lary. (as well as Xarrtai), imperf. 3 sing, fcra [i. e. la-rae). Cp. § 36 above. Upon the 3 pi. in -arat, -a.ro, see § 30. Tor the 2 Aor. Sub. see § 41. 40. 8(8ujii: 8tSo?j, 8(8o? (rarely Si'S&jo-i), 3 plu. SiSoCo-i. Cp. § 36 above. 41. In the 2 Aor. Sab. a is resolved into -4a even in a stems : 6ea>, Oeafiev, Qeaifft, deaixai, decovrat, ffreafiev ('iv, see G. 141, N. 2 ; H. 527, d. 21. crvo-TpaTeudp,. : G. 270, 2 ; H. 801. 22. tovtwv .... onivKaXso-avTes : a mere repetition of o-vWe^avres .... Tvpdwovs above, in a modified form, on account of the interruption of the sense caused by the relat. clause. 24. iroiTJo-as : G. 280 ; H. 797. 25. diroo-x^wv : cp. n. on kciticCv, p. 66, 1. 29. 26. LTpoi.o-xop.evoi : bringing the matter before them. 23. o-t : dat. of disad- vantage, but nearly equal in sense to the possessive gen. after Ipd and t5«a. G. 184, N. 4. 30. ol : om. in trans. When emphasis has been laid by /x4» on the action of some subject, " it is a peculiar idiom of Horn, and Hdt. to use ol 8e with the second pred., as it were to repeat the subject." J. 764, 3, d. Trans. " and will at all events go through battle." F. Page 69, 1. 2. IfavSpairoSievvTai = Att. -ovvtch, fut. tense. 3,4 ttoitjo-o- p.€V belongs to both clauses. With dvao-irdo-Tous es, it = we loill transfer to Bactra, — i.e., as concubines. 8, dYvcojioo-uvn. SiexpeovTo (D. F. 33): re- viained obstinate. irpoo-CtvTO : (did not admit, i.e.) would not listen to. 12. p.6Td 8^ : see n. on p. 66, 1. 13. 13. tivopduvTo : imperf . of ayopdofiai, an Epic form borrowed by Hdt., if the reading be correct, which is very doubtful. Ab. and D. have Tj-yopevovTo, from a.yoptvv .... v«jx6vt. : (TKia.Tpo. D. F. 5. 19, dva- impa.0-9ai : the technical term for systematic naval practice. 20, 24. Ik : "on the part of" (F.). 20-25. oi o-TpaTrryoC is the real sub. of iStKovTo (D. F. 4), but is repeated (owing to the intervening lines) in the form of 2d/j.toi. So tovs Xo"yovs (25) is a mere repetition of tKcivous (21), which is the obj. of ^4kovto. So also MoJovres .... 'Iwvwv (19-20) is repeated (24,25) in 6pe'ovr«s .... 'Iwvuv. Tr. the sentence so as to reproduce the thought, but not the confused form in which the Greek expresses it. 22. AldKTjs : one of those exiled Ionian despots, who had sought (p. 69, 1. 5) to alienate their former subjects from the Ionian alliance. The Samians now renewed negotiations with him, and agreed to desert in the midst of the impending battle. 25. dSuvara : the pred. adject, is often in the neut. pi. when the subject is an infinitive. H. 518. eirio-TdfAsvoi takes the case of Sajutoi (23), the structure of the previous sentence (in which the real subj. is (TovT£3 : see n. on Suktt\oos, p. 69, 1. 28. «s 8 : until. 30. &tt€ j3aXov : lost. Page 72, 1. 2. dSuvo/rot virb rpiopirav (D. F. 11) : disabled. 3. oStoi Sc : the ovtoi is the antecedent of "Oopicov : the ordinary temporal gen. and the gen. absol. expressing time, are here co-ordinated. 7. y"vcu£i : dat. by G. 181,4; H. 598. 8. 0eo-|xo4>opiu)v : a festival in honor of Demeter, in which only women participated. See the D. of A., under Thesmophoria. 15. ovain : not again (St.). 16. dvSpa-n-oSieiTtu : cp. n. on p. 69, 1. 2. The optat. might have been used. G. 243 ; H. 736. ws d\t : just as he was ; i. e., without fur- ther delay or preparation. 18. 6pp.e6p.evos (6p/xoco: D. F. 33) Z\ evGevrev: and making that his headquarters. 19. Ka.Tecr-nf|Kee [D. F. 3, 29) : settled down as a pirate. Upon the prevalence of piracy among the Greeks, see the state- ment of Thucyd., p. 55, 1. 9, &c, of this book, with the note. 24 ko.t* &KpT]s: utterly. 26. crviAirco-etv .... xP T F TT lp£4 ) : their experience agreed with the oracle. 27. yj>zo\i.ivo\. above) : relating to. — iwro tov Xo-yov : that part of the history which relates to the war between Sparta and Argos. II.lt., VI." 77. — y4v»|MU : M. and T. 01, 3 ; 20, X. 1 ; G. 232, 3 ; H. 760. 2. ra : relative. 3. '4\pr\s €k&o-tt]v : since they took the islands one at a time, their forces were kept together, and there were always men enough for the operation described. 16. aireiXds: cp. p. 69, 11. 2-5. 17. rds : G. 159 ; H. 547, b. 20. avToia-i toio-i tpotcri : temples and all. G. 188, 5, N. ; H. 604. 21. AvSwv : viz., under Croesus (560-546 B.C.). 8is : first by Cyrus, after his conquest of Lydia, in 546 B.C. ; again by the forces of Darius, in this Ionic revolt (dates disputed ; perhaps 502-495 b.c. See Grote's note, chap. XXXV., near the end). 23. ivnki- ovn: sup. rivl. G. 184, 5; II. 601. Page 75, 1. 2. atSe sup. tt6\us. The Hellespont here includes the Pro- pontis and the Bosporus (Baehr). 8. ol'Kicrav : founded. Some eds. have oiKTjcrav, settled in, on the ground that Mesambria (or Mesembria) was founded by Megarians, according to Strabo (Stein). 11. vet(JiavT€s : having committed to the flames. 12. irpdrspov : viz., at their entrance into the Hel- lespont (St.). 14. dpxrjv : G. 160, 2 ; H. 552. EXPEDITION" OF MAPvDOXIUS. Collateral Eeading : Grote, ch. XXX VI., beginning; Curtius, II. 215- 217 ; Smith, chap. XVII., beginning ; Cox, 146. Page 76, 1. 2. tovtojv : G. 175 ; H. 585. — Is v€?kos e'pov : tending to strife with the Ionians. "Ioxri : G. 184, 3 ; H. 597 ; J. 602, 3. 4. p.€Ta7r€|JA{/d[*€V03 : having summoned. 5. Co-i : whh each other. G. 185 ; H. 602 ; J. 594, Obs. 2. 7. 4>€peiv Kal d-yeiv : see lex. ayca, I. near beginning. 10. Kara toutovs, a mere repetition. 11. oi.' refers to 8ap€io-as, subj. of elvat. 30. dv8pwira>v : sup. tovs diacpOapei'Tas elvai. — wctt€ : as. Ionic and poetic use. Page 78, 1. 2. Grpuov, &c. : this statement is to be referred to the imagina- tion of Hdt. or his informants, unless, with Grote and Baehr, we take the sense to be that this coast was infested with wild beasts, which destroyed those of the Persians who reached the land in safety. 4. rimo-TeaTo : I). F. 35. 9. Tpw^aT^ovo-t : D. F. 11. 14. dre : G. 277, 0, X. 2, end ; H. 795, d. FIRST PERSIAN WAR. Collateral Reading : Grote, ch. XXX VI., near the beginning; Cwrtius, vol. II. 229, &c. Page 79, 1. 1. 'EWt|vwv : G. 171 ; H. 574, b. (or 576, Hadley's preference). 2. KOT«pa: D. F. 1. 3. dWovs aXkr\ : some this way, some that. 4. -yfjv Kal ■G8cjp : symbols of submission. To yield to this demand was to submit to the Persians ; to refuse was to defy them. 7. 7rapa0a\atrC : the Aeginetans ; acpio-i in the next 1. the Athenians. 14. lirtKe'aTO (fVi'/ceiyuai) : D. F. 35; manifested hostility. — eirl omovT€s : D. F. 33. 2. Alyiviyrioiv : G. 173, 2, N. ; H. 583. — TT£TroiT|Kouv : G. 248, 4, and examples p. 190, top ; .1/. and T. 77, 1, e. and ex on p. 169. 3. irpos : in consequence of 7. ev: adv. 8. \a£povTa : 316 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. "with impunity ; lit. rejoicing " {F.). 9. (Lvev = injussu (St.). kouvov : cp. note on p. 71, 1. 15. 10. dva-yvtocrOcVTa xPTpacri : having been bribed. 11. &v . . . . o-v\Xa;i.pj.v€ii> represents Si' ... . arweKaixfiave^ of the direct discourse. G. 222, 242, 2 ; M. and T. 49, 2 ; 69, 3, 4; 73. 12. This was the second in- stance in which Demaratus had thwarted his colleague. See Hdt V. 75 (Ruwlinson). 15. KaTaxaAKoii : for a similar play upon this name, Kpios, see Aristoph., Nub. 135(3. Of the same sort is Cicero's pun upon the name "Verres" (verres, a hoar-pig). 16. Kc'pea : D. F. 22. 19 oIk£t|s : house. 20. &\\o : other than Trpeao " av : both did not give — and declined. 22. \iyovrts : meaning. 25. irapeo-T^crav, &c. : "came over to the views of the Persians" (F.). 28-30. See Hdt. V. 77 for a history'of the establishment of 4,000 Athenian colonists on the lands of the Chaleidian iirir60oTai, who were the local aristocracy, as the Imreis, equites, were in other parts of Greece. This is the first recorded instance of Athe- nian derricks. For an account of the system, see the D. of A., Colonia, or the history (Cleruchi, Cleruchies, or Kleruchies, in the index). Page 84, 1. 2. €pdv6ov, &c. : " but laid divided opinions." ISs'as, cognate ace. 6. €Kd.T€pa : proleptic. H. 726. 7. to. irpan-a : equals in trans, rwv irpwTiav tis. So in Hdt. IX. 78, and in other authors (H. 518, 522; fully explained in J. 382, 1). 8. o-i : the Eretrians. 13. icaTecrxov (lex. Kario-xcu) : steered. — X^P 1 !? : G. 171; H. 574, c. 14. KaratrxovTes : having put in, landed. 16. «s: subjective. G. p. 202, N. 2 ; H. 795, e. — irpoo-oio-d(j.€voi (-(pipofxat): G. 277, 3 ; H. 789, d. 18. Sta^vXd^awv : M. and T. 77, 1, c. 19. ri : not translatable. H. 856. — eviKa: prevailed; sup. y yvd/xv, the plan. — 24, 26. ToiJTo (jle'v, tovto 8c : cp. note on p. 77, 1. 19. dvOpwiro-us : inhabitants, not men merely. MARATHON. Collateral Reading: Grote, chap. XXXVI.; Curttus, II. 236-255; Smith, chap. XVII.; Cox, 145-160; Bawlinson, Herod. Bk. VI. Appendix; Blahesley, Herod. Bk. VI. Excursus ; Creasy, " The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World." Page 85, 1. 2. Karep-yovTes (lex. Karzipyai) : "greatly straitening the Athe- nians" (It.). 3. iroifjirav : G. 165 ; H. 555. 4. -yap : since. 5. Although this place was selected because it was so well adapted to cavalry movements, no mention of cavalry occurs in the account of the battle. 6. dYXOTarw: nearest to. G. 182, 2; H. 589. — Ka-nyyeVro : D. F. 3, 32. 9. orpai-TiYoi: see 318 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. Strategus, in the D. of A. — MiX-rio-Siis : the following table will show the relationship of the persons mentioned in this passage : — Ctpselus -f- the same wife + Stesagoras I. [Marries the widow of Cypselus.] MlLTIADES I. [OiKtcmjs of the Chersonese ; gains the Olympic prize; dies childless, and is suc- ceeded by his half-nephew, Stesagoras II.] ClMON I. [Gains three Olympic prizes with the same horses ; is murdered by the sons of Peisistratus.l Stesagoras II. Mii/hades II. [Dies childless, and is succeeded in the [Ex-tyrant of the Chersonese ; the hero Chersonese by his brother, Miltiades II.] of Marathon.] 9. tot) tov, &c. : to ichose father, &c, it happened to be banished (<|>vy6tv, M. and T. p. 5, N. 4, p. 24, N. 1) by Peisistrattis. 13. e£eveiKao-0.u = e£- eveyKaaOai, from iK(pepca. In this victory lie secured the same prize which his half-brother, Miltiades I., had once received. 14. MiXtlcISt) : G. 186; H. 603. 15. t'iriroio-1 : notice the explanation of the gender in the lex. — irapa- 8i8ot : D. F., 36, 40. He agreed to transfer to P. the honor of being pro- claimed victor, upon condition of being allowed to return from exile. 20. Kara : near. 21. iiireio-avrts : having j>Iaced in ambush. A defective aor. ; see vcp€?o-a, in the lex. ; 'l£w, in G. p. 225, and in H. 431 D. 6 ; (eco) in Veitch. 22. irepiiv: beyond. 23. TeOatjmTcu (Oairrw) : D. F. 30. Page 86, 1. 1. Kijawvi: dat. after i}j> rpe8dva>. 9. dSvvara: when the subject is an infln. or clause, the pred. adj. is often in the neut. pi. H. 518, a ; J. 383. 11. Lo-to,- |x€vow : on the triple division of the Att. lunar month, see lex., p.4\v : or Cal- exdarium in the D. of A. Tr. the ninth da ij of the month. 12. p/fiov: strictly, according to the usual force of ^ ov in such connections (G. p. 208, 1. 4; M. and T. p. 200, hot.), unless the moon were full. But as this could not occur on the ninth day of a lunar month, we may translate this, since the moon was not full. The Carneian festival, which ended with the full moon, is be- lieved to have been in progress and to have caused the delay, as military enter- prises were forbidden during it. 17. . F. 4. — €KacrT6pa>: too far away. 14. ¥\ nva: M. and T. p. 212, top ; G. 274, N. ; H. 708. 17. 'eovo-i: D. F. 42. 19. crvv«a-T€WTas : through colli- sion with the Boeotians (lit. having become involved with) : i. c, with the Boeotian league. 23. pa>;idv: this altar was in the agora, and was the point from which distances were measured upon the roads diverging thence. 25. MeX- XdvTuv cruvd-TTtiv : when about to engage; i. e., the Boeotian league, represented 320 NOTES OX HERODOTUS. by Thebes, to engage against Athens and Plataea. 27. oiipicrav : lex. bpifa. 28. ©batons: sub. of iai> (to let alone). 29. es B. reXe'eiv : to belong to the B. league. Page 89, 1. 3. ' Ao-wirov : the Thebans were now deprived of the territory s. of the Asopus, which the Corinthian arbitration had left in their hands. 8. o-TpaTT]-yoiep€ s : G. 277, N. 2 ; H. 795, e. — trvp.(3a\e- ovt€s: D. F. 31. 20. Sc-fjiov : the right wing was the post of honor because the post of danger, the left being protected by the shields. — ej-eSsicovTo : followed each other. 21. 4x°F- ev£U d\Xi]X. : in close order (lit. clinging to each other.) There were no gaps in the line to mark tribal divisions. 23. -yap : the sentence whereof the causal yap gives the premise is very often sup- pressed, and must be supplied by the mind. J. 786, Obs. 1. "And it is evi- dent that the Plataeans were of great service to the Athenians for since the time of this battle " (others say because of, — cWo). — d(3os, pred. noin. ; axoOo-ai de- pends on <^/9os by G. 261,2, N.; H. 767, a. — Maxop.\&crra\faov : G. 177 ; H. 583. 17. ii-irep, &c. : a mere repetition ; after keeping their ships at anchor off this place, I say. L. & S. (6th ed.) adopt the spelling avoxcoxtvw. 20. Rawl. estimates the Persians actually engaged in the battle at 110,000 (30,000 heavy-armed), and the Greeks at 20,000 (half heavy-armed) ; "but there are really no materials even for a probable guess in respect to the Persians" [Grate). 22. o-uvr|Vti.K€ (-i . cherished against them, ola : G. 277, N. 2, end ; H. 795, d. 21. dSiKfrrjs : i. e., their share in the burning of Sardis (Hdt. V. 101). 27. to •n-ape'xeTai, &c. : which yields three different products, viz. bitumen, salt, and petroleum. The bitumen is the residue of the petroleum after its volatile parts have evap- orated. 29. KTjXwvn'ici) : a sweep, like the common well-sweep of rural New England. 30. viroTv»J/as : the singular used collectively for the plu. is not uncommon in descriptions of customs, &c. (St.). Page 94, 1. 1. &XXo : the neut. used substantively, where we should expect &\\t]v (5e|a/xeHjj/)- — Siaxeojievov Tpa/rreTai. : as with &vtX.€6t). 4. tcai 8f| Kal : intensive ; trans. " far more than ever was he then enraged." 5. cop|XT]To : plupf . in the sense of the aor. M. and T. 17, N. 4. 7. iroXis : D. F. 20. irXt'w : sup. o-Tpari-fiv. 8. Kal ve'as T€, &c. : and both ships and horses, &c. veas, men-of-war; irXoia, transports. 13. direo-TTjcrav : revolted. H. 416, 1, a. Page 96, 1. 1. diroSe'ijavTa : D. F. 7. 3. Pao-iXevo-ai : G. 200, N. 5, second paragraph ; H. 708. — T Ho-av — "yt-yovoTes : M. and T. 17, N. 2. 4. Tafipieu : D. F. 14. 9. iravrcs tov "ydvov : of all the children. 10. vo|u£ofjLeva : used adjectively, customanj. Por the plu. numb, see n. on p. 87, 1. 9. 14. ko,t& to)vto: at the same time. — tovtoio-i : neut. gender. Dat. by G. 186; H. 603. 15. ATjadptiTos : the same who figures on p. 80. Cleomenes had secured his deposition from his kingly office on the ground of illegitimacy, and he had gone into voluntary exile. Cp. Hdt. VI. 61-70. 17. a>VT|p (= Att. avnp) : by crasis for 6 av-fip- 18. tbs t| dTis p.iv g^ei : as the story reports him. 19. tolo-i : relative. 22. oIkos = Att. ioiicSs (lex. ioixa.), fitting. 24. vrro- Ti6e'p.€vos : by way of suggestion. 26. tov Kn,-y£vo[«vov : possess, gen. in the pred. by G. 169 ; H. 572, c. 29. AoKe'ei, &c. : on the construct, and trans. of this sent, see M. and T. p. 192, N. 2 (H. 777). Page 97, I. 3. dXXd -yap : supplying the ellipsis, we have but [he did not do this J for, &c. ; trans, but in point of fact. H. 870, d. 4. o-vvrjvaK€: see n. on THE DEBATE. 823 p. 02, 1. 22. 5. t& iravTa: in agreement with IVea, but trans, in all. J 454, /3 ; H. 537. 6. ov8s ol e^e-ye'veTo, &e. : it was not even granted to him. 8. dvtx.w- prjcre ts : devolved upon. THE DEBATE. Collateral Reading : the same as with the preceding extract. " These speeches have scarcely any higher historical character than those of the conspirators in the third hook. They must he considered, however, as embodying Persian as well as Greek views of the circumstances out of which the war arose, and the feelings of those who engaged in it" (Rawlin- son). Having learned from Persian sources of this debate and of the inci- dents attending it, as current gossip reported them, he puts into the mouths of the speakers the sentiments which they would naturally have expressed, unconsciously giving at the same time a Grecian cast to the whole. Page 97, 1. 10. Is x e ^P a S &£• : to ta ^ ce ln hand, i. e., to undertake the expedition. 13. irv9t]Toi : G. 216, 2 ; H. 740 ; M. and T. 44, 2. 15. Ka.TTiYTJa-ofi.ai (D. F. 3) TiGas: be the first to establish. — vojaov: custom, viz., of aggressive warfare. 17. €TT€i t€ :. lex. iirelre ; G. 151, X. 4 ; H. 856. 19. &y« l : ^ads. 20. iroXAd : object of tTreTrovo-i. (lex. i : M. and T. 20, X. 1, end. 18. d.Tro(3dvTas : after we had made a landing upon their coast at Marathon. 20. dvdpTT)|icu {avaprdo} : D. F. 25) : am bound. 21. iv aoToiori : therein; neut. pi. where we should expect the sing. 24. dirooeijonev (Sei- kvv/xi: D. F. 7) : render. — 6(iovpe'ovorav (D.F. 10) : conterminous with, adjoin- ing. The earth, a plane, is represented as bounded by the heavens, which descend to meet it at its extremities. The Persian empire is to cover the whole earth. Page 90, 1. 1. viTreijapaip. : see ref . on p. 88, 1. 8. 3. iroie'ovTes = el TtoUoire. G. 226 j II. 780, e. 5. 'i\w. Wl1 ^- 6. rd tijalcot. : accord, to Xen. (Anab. I. 2, 27), these were a horse with bridle trimmed with gold; necklace, brace- lets, and scimetar, all of gold; and a Persian robe. 13. Xe/tov i-nixto ( = foiicuv : D.F.3,ol): " have touched upon in your speech" (F.). 15. r\y.~.v : dat. 324 NOTES ON" HERODOTUS. usually after KarayeAax in Hilt. Attic use has gen. (or accus.) — dva|iovs: unworthy, i. e., having no reason, to revile us. 18. &8iKT|cravTa, &c. : not because they have harmed the P. at all, but because of our wish to extend our power. 21. Koii^v Tc\r)6eos, &c. : what vast numbers ? 22. p.dx T l v : manner of fighting. 24 ev *rf} T|fJ- €T v V1Z - on tne w - coast of Asia Minor. 26-30. Upon the hist, and failure of this exped. see pp. 76-78. 28, 29. oXi-yov diroX. dmKeo-9. : fell little short of reaching ; a mere variation of the common expression hxiyov 8e^- aavTi OLTTiKeaOai, lacked little of reaching. Cp. p. 101, 1. 22. Page 100, 11. 2, 3. " It is not very clear on what facts in early Grecian his- tory this statement is founded " {Rawl.). 5. &px.T|v : at all; only with nega- tives. G. 160, 2 ; H. 552. — !|j : this fact. 26. p.ir|. &c. : the gen. ahsol. = a cond. sent.: if hostile opinions have not been expressed. On the ending -e'wv, see D. F. 15. 28. alpeopevov IXeVScu : to select in choos- ing. 30. irapaTpivl/Diicv : the relative purity of two specimens of gold was ascertained hy rubbing them separately against the touchstone (pdcavos, q. v. in the lex.), and comparing the colors of the streaks. Page 101, 1. 1. XP V0 " 8 * avroto-i, &c: tr. but what peril is involved in that. To, relat. ; airoio-i, cp. p. 98, 1. 21, note. 12. Kal 8t|, &c. : now, suppose it happen (lit. has happened) that you are, &c. A future contingency is vividly presented as an accomplished fact, as is sometimes done in prophetic language. The same usage is continued in 1. 17, Ouk uv, &c. 14. irdpsa-ri — o-Ta9jAao-. continues the idea of the pre- vious clause ; and we may also conclude (that they are strong) since (el). 17. Ovk — d[iavTai;€o-9ai : to become conspicuous. 16. cr$C . the persons composing an army. 17. Ppovrr|v : to be taken in its usual sig- nification. So B. and St., the latter of whom cites Hdt. VIII. 37 as an illustration. 18. 'EimxOiivai (iire(yu) : haste in any cause produces failure*. Cp. our " Haste makes waste." 20. i\€ous dtcoueiv : to be spoken of depreciatingly. See the lex., aKovco. 26. avroO tovtov : neut. gend. 27. €KT€ivetv : to exert. 30. ov, &c. : in accusing a man behind his back, irapeovros : gen. by G. 173, 2, N. ; H. 583. Page 103, 1. 2. Iv avroian : see note on p. 98, 1. 21. 3. tou kripov .... tov — eripov : the one . ... the other. 6. TrapaSaWop.. : staking ; gen. absol. 8. tovs : rel. — fk>vX.€cu : D. F. 31. 9. ttj : as. — dvaPaivr) : (urn out. 10,11. ejxo£, ioi>. — dvavivw = Z-kitz\*o-o) : I ivill carry through. 27-29. This list is arranged as if representing one continuous genealogical line, while it really represents two parallel lines, springing from a common source in Teispes, as the following table will show : — achaemexes Teispes 1 Cambyses Cykus 1 Ariaramnes Arsames 1 Cambyses - [Successor of Cyrus.] - Smerdis — Atossa 1 1 Hystaspes 1 Dakixts 1 Xvaixes 326 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. Through his mother, Atossa, he had descended from Cyrus and Cambyses (not to be confounded with King Cambyses, the son and successor of Cyrus, and brother of Atossa). The sense may be shown as follows : " May I not be thought to have sprung from Darius, the son of Hystaspes, the son of Arsames, the son of Ariaramnes, the son of Teispes ; nor from Cyrus, the son of Cambyses, the son of the same Teispes, the son of Achaemenes, if I do not," &c. Full pedigrees of the Achaemenidae will be found in Rawl., Append, to Bk. VII.; Blakesley, Excursus to Bk. III.; and Stein, Bk. VII. 11. Page 104, 1. 1. kciI p.d\a; even again; fxdXa = /nd\' addis. Other in- stances of this usage are cited in L. & S. 2. cl, &c. : if it is right to judge from their past acts, lit. from the acts begun (lex. virdpxw ■ D- F. 25) by them. 5. TTOit'eiv, &c. : to act or to suffer is the alternative proposed. 7. [Atcrov oiSe'v : no compromise. 9. Ssivov, to ireis. &c. : when he had gone through with a description, &c. Page 108, 1. 1. oia .... IS^v : as one who had seen. 2. ireo-ovTct : over- thrown. — irpTJ-yjiaTa : " empires" (R.). 3. Zwv : idw, no aug. D. F. 28. — tt] tjXik. €t'K€iv : to give way to youthful impulses. 5. Kvpou ordXov : the exped. in which C. lost his life, accord, to Hdt. (I. 214), though his account is discredited.— 'Inptfe : fared. 6. rbv Kanpiicrew: the terrible privations suffered by the participants in this exped. are described by Hdt. III. 25. 7. The Scyth. exped. is described in Bk. IV. of Hdt. See Grote, chap. XXXIV.; Curt., II. 181-186; Smith, chap. XV. end. 13. xpao-9ai, &c - : t0 follow your previous directions. 15. " In order that nothing shall be lacking on your part ; " lit. " nothing of your [preparations] shall be," &c. On the mood, see G. 216, N. 1 ; H. 756 ; M. and T. 44, N. 1. — -irapaSiS. : permits you to go against Greece. 17. {in-epeTiGeTo : disclosed. MARCH OF THE PERSIANS. Collateral Readixg: Grote, chap. XXXVIII. ; Curtius, II. 276-282; Smith, chap. XVIII. ; Cox, 160, and following. Page 109, 1. 1. dvojxc'va) : " in the course of the fifth year " (BL). So the better cds. generally, including B. and St., contrary to L. & S. — X* L P'-> &°- : w ^ tn 328 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. an enormous force. 3. tov «rl 2. : see n. on p. 101, 11. 23, 24 — irapd: by the side of, in comparison with. 4. 2kv0ik6v : accord, to Hdt. (I. 103-106), this occurred in the reign of Cyaxares (7th cent, b.c), and resulted in the over- throw of the Median empire and the occupation of northern Asia by the barbarians for twenty-eight years. It also furnished Darius, about a century later, with a pretext for his counter-invasion of Scythia. 7. InjiwpUTo : G. 200, N. 2 ; H. 702. 9-11. The exped. of the Mysians and Teucrians is referred to again by Hdt. in VII. 75, where the Thracians upon the Strymon are said to have been driven from their homes by the M. and T., and to have settled in Bithynia. " With respect to the exped. here mentioned, great obscurity prevails " (R.). The "Ionian Sea" is the S. part of the Adriatic off Epidamnus. 16. The idea is that only the large rivers could supply such a host with drinking water. 18. ererdxcvro (rao-crco : I). F. 30) : had been ordered to supply infantry. 19. tijia crrpaT. : while also joining the exped. in person. 22. tovto p='v : G. 148, N. 4 ; H. 525, a (mid.) ; the cor- responding tovto Se is lacking. a>s, &c. : on the ground that. G. 277, N. 2 ; H. 795, e. — tcov irpcoTcov: i. e. the exped. of Mardanius (pp. 76-78). 23. irpoyroi|x&i;eTo : Xerxes made preparations ; or, impersonally, preparations were made. 25. dSpwov: op/ieco. — ei>9eurev 6pp.e6p.evoi (optica: D. F. 33): making this the naval head-quarters. Cp. p. 72, 1. 18, note. 30. ovvopacrrov : D. F. 10. Page 110, 1. 1. Tt} : where. 3. cos : about ; with numerals. The length of this canal was thus less than one and one-half miles ; and, as it ran through a nearly level country, no part of which was more than a few feet above the level of the sea, it has no claim to distinction in comparison with simi- lar modern works. But it was so audacious an undertaking in those times that the Romans, a little later, rejected the whole story as fabulous. Cp. Juv. X. 174. The credibility of the account of Hdt. is affirmed by all the best modern authorities, including Curtius and Grote. Travellers report that the canal can still be traced through a large part of its course ; and its present local name, Provlaka {irpoavKal, the canal in front of Athos),is a remi- niscence of its history. — tovto : subj. of e'cn-i" omitted ; it refers to la6fj.6s, but agrees in gender with the predicate, ■n-eSiou. koXcovoi" : same constr. as TreS.W. 6. oiKtrrcu : D. F. 25. — evrcs 2. = south of S. 9. IloXies: D. F. 20. 11. Kara Sivqv : past Sane. 15. pd0pwv : stagings. 16. dirixovTO : the assertion is made of the workmen, and hence uses a plu. verb, while we should have expected the singular, with 6 x^^ for subject. 19. tov, &c. : the top of the cutting ; gen. after fierpa, which is the obj. of voievfxevwv. 28. i'va: where. 29. dX.TiXeo-p.evos : cWco. — cos, &c. : So far as I can ascertain by considering the facts. See G. 268 ; H. 772. Page 111, 1. 2. Ilapeov : G. 278, 2 ; H. 792 ; D. F. 42. 3. Sieipvcrai : this process was familiar to the Greeks in connection with the Diolcus (at the MARCH OF THE PERSIANS. 3Z9 isthmus of Corinth), "a level road, on which small vessels could be trans- ported bodily by means of rollers." 5. irXiav : G. 266, N. 1 ; H. 770 (to which add " So also sometimes with ws"). 7. £€v£avTas: om. in trans. It refers to uniting the river banks by a bridge. 8. irap€o-K€vd£. : sup. Eep£r;s for subj. 13. I'va: ivhere. — ellrj refers indefinitely to any one of a series of special orders upon the same subject, and hence the opt. is used, accord, to G. 233 ; M. and T. 62. 18. 8iaT€Ta*y[x€voi. : by special directions. 19. 'Ev a> : while. 21. SdpSis: D. F. 20. 23. "Os, &c. : which of the commanders, &c. 25. d-ya-yiov : for bringing, &c. G. 277, 2 ; H. 789, c. — irpoK€tp.€va : proposed. See p. 99, 11. 5-6. 26. apx^v : at all. G. 160, 2 ; H. 552. 27. etrd t€ (or eweire) : when. 29. dvaSiSown. : rise. D. F. 36, 40. Cp. Xen. An. I. n. 7-8. Hdt ( V. 118) mentions a river Marsyas, but it is in Caria. Page 112, 1. 1. The Catarrh-act is the Marsyas of Xen. 3. «k8i8oi: D. F. 36, 40. — kv tt} : in which market-place. 4. dvaKpe'|xajxai serves as pass, to -Kptnavvvixi. — v-rth $pvywv : gen. of agent with \6yos «x e » — ^yerau 10. tis, &c. : toho P. was, and how much property he had, that he should, &c. 13. rot : tr. your. G. 184, N. 5 ; H. 599. 15. r&v : G. 153 ; H. 808, 1. 16. 0a>up.do-as : D. F. 11. 23-25. The wealth of Pythius was immense : 2,000 silver talents == $2,000,000+; 3,993,000 Darics = $21,000,000+ ; total over $23,000,000 in ready money, — an amount much greater even than it seems, because the purchasing power of a given sum was so much greater then than now. Page 113, 1. 6. diroirX.T|x) ■ that the bridge of ships beneath might sustain tlie extended cables. Supply 7) yiv9€VT€S : a mere repetition of the same word above. — KaT^Kav : KaOi-npn, D. F. 3. 17. tt}s eTeptis : as both bridges needed to be anchored upon both sides, it is better to supply, not yeeXa is here used substantively. The force of Iovtcov is cnrried over into the next clause, and hence ioio-ns is omit, with aiQpi-ns. In fact, no eclipse visible at Sardis took place in the spring of 480. The statement is 'based upon misinformation. See Curtius, II. 346, 347. 20. irpo8e). 5. |i(v : masc. ; refers to Xerxes. 332 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. Supply with it " SaKpvo-avTa, as with ;E;«p£;a just below, which is a mere repetition of p.Cv, as pao-8€is is of p.a9a>v. On line 6, cp. pp. 100-103. 9. ws, &c. : how far removed from each other are your present and your former behavior . K€x.top«r. agrees with the omit. obj. of ipydo-ao. 12. el, &c. : if of Utese who are so many, no one is to survive to his, &c. G. 221, N. ; M. and T. 49, 1, N. 3 16-17. oi)To) euScupcov .... to ov Trapao-rrio-cTai : so happy that it will not often be his experience. 20. Kal (3pax.vv €OVTa: although it is short. 24. iv auTui : therein (referring to the gift just mentioned). On the thought cp. p. 102, 1. 10, foil. 26. Suupe'eai elvai : define it to be. 27. p.epv€cipe9a = Att. -1/dfj.eda which some eds. have here. The usage is like that of D. F. 31, the e of the stem being accounted for in D. F. 33. 28. t| 6i|as : the dream of p. 107, 1. 20, foil. Page 121, 1. 3. Ti\evTr\ aUl, &c. : in the emergen- cies ichich are ever arising. — opoitos : i. e., on the dark side. 11. irdvTa : neut. pi., obj. of 6ap" es ) '• covers of wall, i.e., covering or protecting walls. — 'Io-9jj.ov: i.e., of Corinth, the usual use of the term, unless specially referred to some other locality. 9. ttoXTs : D. F. 20. 11. [io\Jvt»9e'vT€s (if they had been deserted) : contains the protasis of &v airidavov, while diro8«|dij.. has a concessive force (although they had dis- played). St. 12,13. irpb tov: G. 143, 2; H. 525, d. — opdovres : D F. 33. — &v goes with ixP^1 ffaVT0 - It i s 0Iten thus repeated (G. 212, 2 ; M. and T. 42, 3). So in lines 18, 19 below. 18. Ni)v : as it is. 20. OStoi, &a: PREPARATIONS OF THE GREEKS. 335 For to whatever side they leaned, that was destined to prevail. 22. tovto .... €}j.t)8io-€ : all the rest of the Greeks who (lit. as man if as) did not espouse the Per- sian cause. On yA\, see G. 231; M. and T. 58, 3; H. 835. 24. dvcoo-dp.. : from avcadeu. 26. es . . . |3a\6vTa : which threw them into consternation. - 28. 8eija,o-9ai : to meet. Page 129, 1. 1. to, vop.i?6(i. : the customary rites. 3. The oracle is if hexameter verse, as usual. The phrenzy of the priestess is suggested by the somewhat incoherent character of the whole oracle, and particularly by the gram, confusion, the plu. and sing, both occurring in this line, the sing. ()> as m 1- ?• ■'■*• KaKot s .... Ovjxov : " Spread a brave spirit over your ills." L. & S., and B. ; while St., Grote, and others adopt in substance the meaning, " Steep your souls in sorrow," which is in harmony with the general sense of the oracle, and seems the preferable interpreta- tion. "It is a sentence of nothing but desolation and sadness" (Grote). 15-16. opfj, &c. : "felt it as the greatest of calamities " (F.). — iyjpeovro : D. F. 33. — npo,Qd\. : fig. prostrating themselves under, &c. This partic, as well as Xafiovo-i, agrees with fi£v : .1/. and T. 66, 2 (G. 239, 2). 25. Xeyouo-i : a mere repetit. of Xiyovcri in line 21. 29. d8dfiavTi ireXdcr. : see L. & S., ire\d(a>. 30. Ke'icpo- iros ovpos : some tr. Cecrops's Mount, i. e., the Acropolis ; others the bounds of Cecrops, i. e. of Attica. That is, ovpos may = Att. opos, or '6pos. I prefer the latter. Page 130, 1. 1. TpiTo-yevei : Athena. — S1801 : D. F. 36, 40. 3. Iw-nwii- vtjv = J7r7re7s. — p-e'vciv = the imperat. G. 209 ; II. 784. 4. iyKtipov : Asia. 7. Ati[iT)T€pos (the patroness of cereals, used fig. for grain itself), &c. : either in seed-time or harvest. 12. pa\p.6v .... tivat,: referred to thefiedge. 18. dire'vTas : a.a\Xe : 336 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. puzzled. 29. ovk . . . . irav opOws .... o-vp.(3dX. : had not altogether got th* sense of the last two lines. 30. «tx € • • • &pi\P-tvov = dpn T0 {St.). Page- 131, 1. 4. 'AXXa -yap : but this was not so, for, &c. H. 870, d. 5. v : iaas. 11. rb 8£ o-vp/irav dvai : but in brief. G. 2(38 ; H. 772. 13. Is Kaipbv Tipicrreuo-t : had opportunely prevailed. 14. 'A0T]vai- ouri : dat. after yevopev. G. 184, 4 ; H. 598. 15. to. : relat. 22. 4s ... . eiroiT|9-no-av : for the purpose for which they were built, viz., for the Aeginetan war. 23. «s Seov = is Kcup6v of 11. 13, 14. Page 132, 11. 1, 2. " When the Greeks of Hellas who had right ideas of duty had assembled and exchanged arguments and pledges." The language excludes the Greeks of Asia, Sicily, &c, and all Medizing Greeks of Hellas proper. 6. e-yKexeLpTHxe'voi : sup. ir6\ep.oi for subject. 14. povr|o-avT£s & kws, &c. : with the design that (considering if) in some way the Greek race might become a unit. For the optat. see M. and T. 53, N. 2, 77, 1, c. 15. «s : on the ground that. G. 277, N. 2 ; H. 795, e. 17. oipSapiv 'EX.., &c. : greater than those of every Greek State ; a condensed expression for ovSa/xci 'EWtjviko. Trpyiyixara ?>v twv {than which) t& T4\wvos ov iro\\bi> p.4Cw ^v. The expression oviSajiiov twv ov is used as a comp. pron. (= every), agreeing with 'EWtjvikuv. See K. 555, 5 ; cp. also the similar idiom mentioned in G. 153, N. 4 j H. 817, a. 23. &TroXeu(i€vot : D. F. 31, Exception. Page 133, 1. 5. \6-yov p.e't«> : greater than could be told ; too great for descrip- tion. 9. irpb .... •yivofw'vov : before the expedition which was preparing should start from Sardis. 11. OIk€ = Zoace, seemed like. 12. yv&\Lr\ : " reason- ing" (R.). 27. to, kot' lawrovs : the state of the case, so far as they were con- cerned. 30. irapaXauPdv. : to enlist them against the Persians. In Hdt. iretpdo/xai frequently takes a partic, instead of an infin. Page 134, 1. 3. iroievo-i : partic. agreeing with o-oX^| is to be taken as referring to the citadel of Argos or to the ruling class of its citizens, is disputed. Upon irecpvXaj-o, see M and T. 18, 2, N. 2. 16. KaC toi = tcatroi. 17. t€ : o« condition that. The Epic re (as in brel re) is not translatable. H. 856, a ; J. 755, 3. 12. irpbs t& •7ruv9a.vop.ai ; by what I learn of Ids char- acter.— KaT€p-yao-ao-9ai : appos. with tovto. 17. to. inrtvavrla tovtwv : contrary to this = on the contrary. G. 160, 2 ; H. 552. 21. dir«'9av€ .... {nrd : cp. p. 85, 1. 19. 28. etvai : M. and T. 97, N. 3. 30. Kai irpds : and fur- thermore. Page 138, 1. 6. IttI toio-Sc KaraXXo.;. : having secured peace between the Syr. and Hip. on the following terms, viz. that the S. transfer, &c. 8. irapaSovvai : M. and T. 99. 10. Ka-nlXape : cp. p. 85, 1. 10, and note. 12. ™ Xdvio Tip.co- pewv: though nominally aiding. 14. tu> €pYa>: in fact. 15. d.Trocrr€pT|cras : having deposed. 17. vafj-opovs : a Doric Sicilian term for wealthy citizens,— properly land-holders. — «Kireo-6vTas : iietreo-dv = to be expelled or banished. 19. 8« may occur, as here, without a previous /xcv when several predicates belong to the same subject, and the contrast is slight between the clauses. J. 767 3, b. 25. Kal fjo-av : and S. was every thing to him. 26, 29. tovto 338 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. piv .... tovto Se: cp. n. on p. 91, 11. 27, 29. — {nr«piiu.Ccr£as and rcWrd : G. 165 ; H. 555. 30. Toitri Kap,. : dat. of likeness after tq>vt6. G. 186 ; EL 603. — Me-yaps'as : the inhabitants of Megara Hijblaea, a little north of Syracuse. Page 139, 1. 1. iroXiopKeop.. : by siege. 2. iraxeas : fig- for ir\ovo-iovs. 3. irpoa-8oK€ovTas : TrpoaSoKdco. D. F. 33. 7. eir' eija-ywyTJ Ik 2. : to be re- moved from Sicily. 8. Eu{3oeas : a colony of Leontini, location not known. 9. SiaKpivas : making the same exception as in the case of the Megarians. 12. T6t : on condition that. 28. T|v«rx6To : G. 105, N. 3 ; H. 314, second part. 29. ''H ks p.€-y' oljitoj-aev : an Homeric phrase, taken from the II. VII. 125. 30. o/rrapai.pT)a-9ai : cp. avapaipearo, p. 88, 1. 8, note. — ^(lovi'iiv : G. 164 ; H. 553. The passive retains the accus. of the thing. Page 141, 1. 3. frrSi dp£6jj.. : know that you will be ruled by,&c. G. 279, 280, N. 3 ; H. 799, 802. 5. 8e" : om. in tr. G. 227, 2 ; H. 862, b. — Pot^deiv: for the imperative. G. 269; H. 784. — %>a (Space) = Att. kdipa. 6. &7r€i\«a: cp. n. on i$e\ei, p. 140, 1. 3. 10. "Okou: since. 11. Kal spi, &c: that I cling to it too, even more than you. 16. tov 8e: see note on 1. 5, above, av tjy«hp.t]v is to be supplied mentally. 24, 25. THE BATTLE OF THERMOPYLAE. 339 8kws . . . . ov irpocj>a£vets : you make no offer that, &c. — p/f| Tj-ycvp.. : unless yoix have command of the Greeks. G. 283, 4; H. 839. 26. oerov : as long as. 29. airdo-qs: sup. arpariris. 30. ovtw .... '4\ti toi : then the case stands as foU lows. We might have looked for wSe in place of ovtw. Page 142, 1. 1. itrir\, «rTJcrop.ev : D. F. 3. 4. irapie'vai va.vapyiiiv = to re- sign the naval command. 5. irdpaXov : used for vavriKov (Si.). 6,7. el . . . . 9dvoiT€, &c. : you could not be too quick in retiring. G. 279, 2 ; H. 801. 17. voos : sup. itrrl. — to .... Xeyeiv (what he means to say) is probably a marginal comment of some early reader, which crept into the text by mistake. It adds nothing to the sense. 18. SfjXa : sup. itrrl. Cp. n. on aSvvara, p. 87, 1. 9. 20. crrpa,Ti."r'jv : sup. BoKifiwrar-nv sivcu. Observe the change from cos with the indie, to the infin. with subj. accus. 27. " Fools ! you still complain of the miseries (tears) which, on account of your aid to Menelaus, Minos (after he was deified) sent upon you, in his anger because they (the Greeks) did not join in avenging his death at Camicus (in Sicily)." Page 143, 1. 1. dvSpos, i. e., Paris. 2. Tavra .... 6.Trevay6evra : ^' s report. 4. virb dva/yKat-qs . ... us Su'Se^av (Si'tKi/v/j.i) : from compulsion, since they made it clear that, &c. 17. irpoKaTTjae'voDS, &c. : that ive, situated so far in front of the rest of Greece, should, &c. 19. ov : we should expect p-h (by G. 283, 4; H. 839), and the use of ov is regarded by St. as only an over- Bight for fi-h. — dvo.-yKaiip', &c. : " You cannot compel us to oppose the Per- sians ; for nothing can compel men to do impossibilities." Page 144. 1. 2. Kcvrd : about. 9. (xrgSe, &c. : and not to remain at the pass and be trodden under foot. 14. Aok«iv : G. 268 ; H. 772. 16. Kara: by, past. 17. rfj irep : where. 19. Avtt], &c. : such did the expedition into Thrace prove to be. THE BATTLE OF THERMOPYLAE. Collateral Reading : Grote, chap. XL. ; Curtius, II. 306-311 ; Smith, chap. XVIII.; Cox, 180-191; Leake's Travels in Northern Greece, H. 31-55. Page 145, 1. 1, refers to events mentioned in preceding chapters not found in this book. This Achaia was in the S. E. part of Thessaly. 2. ${it : D F. 43. Supply Qep^s for its subject. 3. dji-n-uTis, &c. : ebb and flow of the tide. 340 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. The average tide in the Mediterranean does not exceed eighteen inches. " The flatness of the coast round the Maliac Gulf would render the rise and fall more perceptible there than elsewhere" (R.). 5. tt| \iiv, ttj 8e: here, there. 8. Iovti: G. 184, 5, end; H. 601, a. 10. IkSiSoC: D. F. 36, 40. 11. kov: somewhere about. — iroTajxos : sup. iavrjvai. — Kaiojie'vw : when he teas burning upon the pyre erected by himself upon Mt. Oeta. This myth represents the river-god Dyras as his deliverer. See the Class. Diet. 14. Tptrx.Cs: D. F. 5. 16. TavTTj : here. — tvpvra- tov : tr. the widest part. See n. on p. 187, 1. 4. 17. kcit & = tt}, where. 18. TrXe'8pa must be taken to mean sq. measure, if the text be correct; but distance rather than area is naturally suggested by the context. B., R., and others suppose the text corrupt. 25. oreivoTaTdv €o-ri : see the n. on 1. 16. 26. St'SjiT^Tai : Se/xw. Page 146, 1. 1. 'Ev tm p.€Ta£v: between. 4. X"P°S : sup. earl. 5, 6. 'A[i- <}>iKTuoviSos : Amphictyonic. Upon Amphictyon, seethe Class. Diet.; upon the Amphictyonic council, see the history (consult the index). This region has changed so much, through the gradual filling up of the Maliac Gulf with the alluvial deposits of the Spercheius and other streams, that the descrip- tion of Hdt. would now be a poor guide to the topography of the district. The coast-line has receded some four miles at the head of the gulf, the Spercheius enters the gulf seven or eight miles from its ancient mouth, and where there was only room for a wagon-road between the rocks and the sea there is now a marshy plain about a mile wide between the pass and the Spercheius (Elladha). The name ®epp.o-wv\ai, Hot-gates, is due to the hot springs which abound in the vicinity of the pass. The water of these springs now serves to turn the wheel of a grist-mill. The pass itself is still easily traced. 12, 13. t<5v irpbs ■ • . irdvTwv : all the places stretching toward the north. — olSe: the Greeks. 14. 4>€pdvTa>v = exivruv of the previous line. — to eiri, &c. : so far as the main land was concerned. Ace. of specification. G. 160 ; H. 549, c. 30. cl'rj kv uXo,kt} = tyvAaao-oiTo, was guarded. Abicht and Baehr make C refer to the Greeks ; Stein, to the Locrians and Pho- cians. In the former interpretation it is the dat. of the agent after the pas- sive idea of efy eV eiX€i.v .... &v (represents 6€CXoi .... &v of the direct discourse) : would necessarily fail of his expectations. The position of &v is unusual. 18 «£ ourpocrScK^TCv : unexpectedly. 21. "ydvov : G. 180, N. 1 ; H. 584, b, end. — AwpUos: cp. n. on p. 140, 1. 9. 23. kio>v p.evd\u>s KarTjYopTjTo : " vehement accusations had been brought against them " (F.). See G. 173, 2, N. ; H. 583. 3, 4. el' re: see efre in the lex. — direpeouori (-eiVelV): renounce. 5. dWocjjpov. : concessive. G. 277, 5 ; H. 789, f . 8. oStoi, the allies ; owovs, the Spartans. 9. v-rrep- Pa\.: lingering. — K&pvcu»:a Doric festival, in honor of Carneian Apollo. It was celebrated annually in August for a period of nine days, and during its continuance (as also in case of other great festivals of the Greeks) no active military operations were begun. " That the origin and meaning of the word Carneius was unknown to the Greeks appears from the various explanations of Pausanias and others" (R.). 12. ivevwvTo (= ivevSnvro ; formed by contraction, but with irreg. accent) : pluperfect mid. of voice. 13. tTEpa toi. irowjcmv : to take a similar course. — ?\v -yap, &c. : this state- ment is not exact. The Olympic games came at the first full moon after the summer solstice, and hence were a little earlier than the Carneia. 14. OiiKwv: D. F. 12. 25,26. 6\£ywv .... dXe'ijao-eai : too few to ward off '. G. 261; H. 767. 26. €'tov : the Greeks at Thermopylae. 27. I8«r8ai: G. 265 ; H. 765. 27, 28. tlcru, iroiioiev : note the change of mood, and cp. i/)Koiev and elai, p. 146, 1. 28. 29. tovs Trv€|j.6vas : obj. of d/ci7/cJee by antici- pation (prolepsis; H. 726), while logically the subj. of elncray. Cp. Shak- spere, Merchant of Venice, IV. 1 : " You hear the learn'd Bellario, what he writes." Page 149, 1. 2. Kcmopa (opdw) : D. F. 3. — irav ykv ov to o-TpaTdir. : only a part of the forces (lit. not all of the encamped army). o-rpaTo'ireSov = OTpcn6v. 4. dvop0uxravTes eI\ov : which they had rebuilt, and were now holding. 5. €udv9av€: observed. — toio-i, : wnose. G. 184, 3, N. 4; H. 598, a. 7. upa : cp. Kardopa, above. 8. See 11. 27, 28 below for an explanation of these acts. 11. out« . . . . t« : " Sometimes a neg. member is connected with a fol- lowing affirmat. by ofae .... re." H. 859, examples. — dXo-yins, &c. : t. e., they paid no attention to him. 13. epdp.evoi: furious!//. 18 iravit tc-j: every one. G. 84, N. 2 ; H. 244 D. 19. iroMol .... &v8pes : no Eng. trans. can reproduce the terseness of the Greek. However sufficient his army was in numbers, in men it was deficient 21. irepisfcovTo : irepteirw. 22. tovs: relative. — dGavo/rovs : see n. on p 114, 1. 1. 23. ws, &c. : as though they at least would easily "finish the business" (R.) 25. e^e'povTo: accomplished. 29, 30. &XAa ts, &c. : both in other respects showing that they were well versed in the art of fighting [and that they were now] among those who were ignorant of the art. &X\a: accus. of specification. — eijsTrio-rdp.. : G. 280; H. 797. — ri after a\\a corresponds to /ecu before okws : both .... and. Page 151, 1. 1. evrpt'tj/eiav : G. 233 ; M. and T. 02. — fcvyta-Kov : iterative imperf. The &r\Qev shows that the flight was a mere ruse. 3. &v . . . . vw«TTp€cJ>ov : G. 200; H. 704. — KaraXa.ji|3avd|i. : when already captured, as their pursuers imagined. 7. eSuvearo: D. F. 30 — ecroSov: G. (171) and H. (570) differ in their explanations of the gen. after ireipdofiai. I prefer the former. 13. edvTcov : sup. tuv "EWyvoov. — eXirfrravTes, &c. : the Per- sians supposed (iKirlaavTes) that the Greeks (acpeas) must have been dis- abled. 16. h p.epe'i .... €(ao.xovto : the pass was too narrow for all of the Greeks to engage the enemy at once. 18. dTpairdv: the famous path by which the Persians under Hydarnes circumvented Leonidas. See the map. 21. 8 tu: how. G. 160, 2; H. 552, a.— xp^o-tjtcu: G. 244; M. and T. 71. 23. ol : G. 186, Note 1. 25. ko.1 8Ucp9ap6, &c. : and thus destroyed. — Tavrn: there, i.e., at Thermopylae. 27. oi: dat. after iireKnpvxQv- 28. The Pyiagori were one of the two grades of deputies to the Amphictyonic council. This council assembled semi-annually near Pvlae for certain ancient rites, and then adjourned to Delphi for business. — TLAainv : the general name for the Session begun near Pylae, but continued at Delphi. 30. air€'9ave = was killed, and so takes a gen. of the agent with vtt6. — 'A9tj- vdSeco : D. F. 14. Page 152, 11. 2, 3. rf|v .... o-t]|iaveco : Hdt. does not redeem this prom- ise. 4. vvnpov tovtwv : afier these events, i. e., after the Persian invasion was ended. 8. \6-yovs: accounts of the arpa-n-Ss. — THpa~r\}ju\r|!&> : I record him as the culprit. 18. ^petre : ctpe'v M. : adjoining the M.\ after passing the M. boundary. 2. The epithet Melampygus was applied to some boulder or crag in the narrowest part of the pass, from its local asso- ciation with the myth of Heracles and the Cercopes (see the diet, or Class. Diet.). "Hercules, annoyed at the insults offered to him by the Cerco- pians, binds two of them to'a pole in the manner represented on the bas- relief of Selinus, and marches off with his prize. Happily for the offenders the hinder parts of Hercules had become tanned by continued labours and exposure to the atmosphere, which reminded them of an old prophecy, warn- ing them to beware of a person of this complexion, and the coincidence caused them to burst out into an immoderate fit of laughter. This sur- prised Hercules, who inquired the reason, and was himself so diverted by it, that he set both his prisoners at liberty." Midler's Dorians, vol. I. p. 464. 12. virb rtov eipnrcu : by those by whom it has been said that the pass was guarded, i. e., by Leonidas and his men. 13. {nroSe^. : according to a promise tht // had made L. 15. oSpos «ov : they were able to ascend the moun- tain unobserved, because it was heavily wooded. Oaks and pines still abound there. 17. oiko's = ioixts. 26. et>YOVT£s : G. 279, N. 27. The Phocians thought that an attack upon them was the main object of the Persians/; om the outset (apxhv- G. 160, 2). 30. oi : omit in trans. Page 154, 1. 3. erri 8e (corresponds to irpwrov jueV, just above) : and further- more. On the adv. use of brt, see n. on p. 66, 1. 13. 5. ovjtoi, i. e., Megis- tias and the deserters. — 2ti wktos : while still night; before dawn. 9 dvTt- •mvov: insisted upon withdrawing. 10. SiaxpiGevrcs : hating separated. 14. ovk 2x«iv evirpeire'ws : that it icas disgraceful. The infill, depends upon a word of thinking or feeling suppressed, but suggested by K-n86nevos. 16. apxriv, as above, p. 153, 1. 27. Taiirn., &e. : / incline in opinion [ T f; . . . eifu] this icay [ravrri, adv.], viz., that L. sent off his allies, even more [koX fiuWov) than to the other view, viz., that they separated owing to discord. 18, 20. KeXevcrai, lyjiiv. depend on tt) yv. n\. elfii. 20. clvtov : adv. 21. 'EKe'xpip-ro, &c. : when at the very begin, of the war the Spartans had consulted the oracle with respect to it, the following reply had been given them by the Pythia. 26. «v ifir£cri cjjau. «!x 0VTa: being in hexameter. 'iyiiv in the sense of thai is not uncommon, especially with adverbs and adv. phrases, but the partic. seems unnecessary here. It agrees, as does Xe'-yovTa, with Tavra. 28. Upon the second foot, &a- €oi: the same who have just been mentioned. Page 157, 1. 2. {nr^eCpuo-av : carried away, or rescued, his body (tovtov). 3. Tovto 8£ tn)V€(TTT|K£€ : this struggle continued. 6. 'Es . . . to (rreivov : cp. 1. 3, p. 156. 10. eiri : in honor of. — 'Ev tovtio, &c. : the sense is that while the Greeks were here defending themselves with hands, teeth, and short SEA-FIGHTS NEAR ARTEMISIUM. 345 swords, — so far as they still retained their swords, — the Persians fairly buried them beneath their missiles (fidWovrts, lit. by hurling). 13-15. The Persians had followed up (ein.crir6p.evoi.: ttpeirw) the Greeks in front (e£ tvav- t^s), as they retired behind their fortified wall, had then destroyed the wall, and in the confusion 'of the ensuing fight many had probably suc- ceeded in pressing past the Greeks and in joining Hydarnes,by which union the Spartans were completely inclosed. 18. irplv if\ : G. 274, N. ; H. 768 (cp. 709). — 'iiros: witty reply, bon mot. The tiros appears in 11.24-27, below. 20. diri.e'a>cri (acpi-n/xi : D. F. 38) : shoot. 22. toctovto, &c. : so great did the Trachinian say their numbers were, tlvai depends on a verb of saying, im- plied. 22, 23. tov .... etircu : a mere repetition, in effect, of the same words four lines above, though the r6v there is to be regarded as a relative, here as a demonstrative. 25, 26. ayyeKkoi, &toito : oratio obliqua. The words of Dieneces were cVy7e / A.A.ej, terrai. Page 158, 1. 1. 'AppxiTiSeco : D. F. 14. Note the omission of 6 (and cp. G. 141, N. 4 ; H. 509, 0). 2. ea<|>9eicri (II. 60, R. d) : 66*™. — av-rov Tavrt] : cp. n. on p. 72, 1. 4. 3. irporepov ¥\ : see n. on irplv fi, p. 157, 1. 18. 6,7. On the metres, see G. 295, 5; H. 911. 7. IleXoirovvdcrov, rtropes: Doric forms. 10. d-yye'XAeiv : G. 209 ; H. 784. 11. " It is because the laws of Lycurgus were not written that Simonides calls them f>-hfxara, 'oral laws'" {Lurcher). 13. Mevurria: G. 39 ( Gen. Sing.); H. 130, Rem. d. 14. &(j.ei\|mp.€V(H : having crossed. 17. e^co ■ff : except. The construction is peculiar, as we should expect «|» alone, followed by the gen. Ab. and St. regard iiriypa/j.p.a as a second accus. after iiriKo0e&>. — ttjs : sup. yrjs. G. 141, N. 4 ; H. 500, b. This refers to the expedi- tion under Pausanias in which the Greek cities in Cyprus were liberated, Byzantium taken, &c. The transfer of authority to Athens was largely] due to the misconduct and arrogance of Pausanias, the Spartan com- mander. The date usually assigned is 477 B.C. ; but Curt, says 474, circa. See Grole, chap. XLIV. ; Curt., H. 368-376; Smith, chap. XXII.; Cox, 234- 236. 7. d-ireiXovro : D. F. 3 ; G. 164 ; H. 553. 9-13. The KaC in line 9 refers back to p. 148, 11. 18-20, where the same statement is made about the Greeks who had gone to Thermopylae (Ab.). 12. f\ (is av-rol ko.t€86k€ov : this phrase merely amplifies the idea of irapd 86£av, and may be omit, in trans. It seems to have been used in forgetfulness of the previous wapi. d6^av, as if some such word as a?^\ws, otherwise, had preceded. 19. to- XdvToio-i: in appos. with yui ts = Att. i wre, on condition that. 23. Trap' ttavrov 8fj6ev : from his own means of course. 25. powos : D. F. 10. 27. ciro- pocras: iirofivvfii. Page 101, 1. 2. -rrXTvyevTcs Sup. : having been smitten icith, i. e., having yielded to bribes. 3. Ik^x^P 10 ^ (xapiC°f iai ) '• impersonal. 4. Ta Xoiird: the re- maining 22 talents.— Ifcwv: G. 279, 2; H. 801. — ^merreaTo (D. F. 30): supposed. 6. em . . . . tovtw : for this purpose {Ab. and St.). 9. irepl .... ■irpcoiTiv: early in the afternoon. 12. e"Xoiev: opt. in orat. obliq. G. 24S, 2; M. and T. 77, 1, C, 53, N. 2. —Ik ttjs dvTirjs (in front) = e| evavriris of 1. 24 below. 15. KaTaXdpoi: overtake. — kcu, &c. : and the Greeks would in all probability (8rj6ei>) escape through the darkness, while it was necessary, as the Persians stated, that not a soul should be saved by fight. 7rvp6pov, &c, is a proverb, expression, derived from a Spartan custom. In the Spartan armies the irupcpSpos carried the sacred fire from the altar of Zeus at Sparta. It was essential that this should not be extinguished; and hence the bearer was so carefully guarded that in a disaster he was the last man to fall. 19. SKidGov: study the map upon this passage. The 200 ships, after rounding Geraestus, the s. extremity of Euboea, and sailing through Euri- pus, were expected to reach the rear of the Greeks at Artemisium, and cut off their avenue of escape. The main body (crcj>€fs) would then attack the Greeks in front, who would thus be surrounded. — ol pe'v, the Persians on the 200 ships. 27. o-vv9npa : signal. 29. ev 8e tovtw, &c. : a disconnected sentence, its primary plan being changed before it is finished (H. 880). The sense is that at this time the diver Scyllias,who had distinguished him- SEA-FIGHTS NEAR ARTEMISIUM. 347 eelf in the disaster off Pelion, succeeded in carrying out a long cherished plan of deserting to the Greeks. Page 1G2, 1. 3. The account of the shipwreck off Pelion (Hdt. VII. 188) is not included in this book. 11. p-aXic-rd ktj with numerals indicates that the statement does not claim to be exact. Here with es it shows that the distance, in the estimation of Hdt., came about up to 80 stades, i. e., about nine miles. The distance is in fact about seven miles (A\). 19. X6-yov .... ISiSocrav: conferred, deliberated together. 20. tvtaa: the plan teas adopted. The subject is iropiveaQai and airavrav below. 21. avXia-Oe'vTas : a word not properly applicable to naval forces, unless we suppose with Stein that they were to pass the time upon the shore, so as to avoid any appearance of a contemplated movement. Trans, having slept there. 22. irape'vTas (impi-nni) : having let pass. — ttJo-i Tr€pnrXv (refers to the Persians) p-ax^s : their method of fighting. Upon 8i€KirXoov, see the n. on p. 69, 1. 28. 28. ird-yx u • • • • €TT€VtiKavT€s (eTTKpcpca) : imputing complete madness to them. Cp. the similar expression, p. 91, 1. 6. Page 163, 1. 3. Karat^pov. . . . ravTa: being confident of this (so Ab. and St. in substance); or thinking thus meanly of them (ravra, cogn. accus.). J elf. — avToxis here and in 1. 6 refers to the Greeks. 8. "Oorouri Si (contrasted with"O(T0« p.iv above), &c. : as many as found the present state of things even agreeable. 9. djuXXav eiroieCvro : strove. — 8kws .... XdpJ/€Tai (Att. Ai';^-) : on the fut. indie, with fates, see G. 217 ; M. and T. 45 ; H. 756. 11. ' A0tj- vatwv .... Xo-yos : respect for the Ath. — auToia-i: the Persians, or perhaps the Ionians in particular. 12. dvd: throughout. 13. lo-r\\i.i]vi: sup. 6 o> : dat. of " degree of difference," but best trans, by sinrt (Ab.). 16. Koi\a: the Hollows. Most authorities locate it on the S. W side of the island, between Geraestus and Eretria ; although some, including Grote, incline to the S. E. side. 17. tt} : where. 18. 9eov : see n. on 1. 29 of the previous page. 22. dTpe>as: adverb. — i d-n-expa-ro (impersonal): they were content. 28. t^v avnfjv : the same as the day before (p. 162, 1. 24, note). Page 165, 1. 3. to un-6 S € 'pl €w : tne wrath of X. 5. trvviTrnrre : it happened, fell out. 8, 9. uio-Tep .... - |atjs : gov. by i^evo-fj-evot as a verb of separation. 11. inroxaT. (D. F. 3) : awaiting: 12. I6v : G. 279 ; H. 799. ot St", the Athen. ; abrots, the Pelo- ponnesians. 13, 14. tt^v IleX irepuivat. (the safety of the Pel.) de- pends on Trotevftevovs. 15. diriivai ( af'fn/xt : D. F. 3) : were neglecting, de- pendent upon (iTwdavovTo, by a change of construction, instead of the participle (as in TeixeWas,1.13. G. 280; H. 799). 16. o-cpe'wv = alrap of 1. 5, i. e., the allied Greeks. 17. ri\v etovrwv : sup. yy\v. G. 141, N. 4 ; H. 509, b. 18. fori|i,v : arrival. 19. -nr} : relative, in whatever way. 20. oiKeVas : households. 22. {nreK0e'o-. : to remove to a place of safety. Cp. fore- £aydy., 1. 6. — xP 7 l crTT lp' < i ) : see P- 130. Page 167, 1. 1. tpw : the sanctuary of Athena Polias in the Erechtheium. The superstition here described was probably a reminiscence of the myth of SALAMIS. 349 Ercchtheus (sie the Class. Diet.). 2. €mp.TJvia : equally the obj. of both the following words, but trans., render homage by presenting monthly offerings to it as a real thing. 5. p.&XX6v ti : Hdt. in several instances co-ordinates this phrase with a following comparative where it is difficult to preserve both in English. " Naturalis verborum scriptura haec erat, ko\ /j.a\\6v rt irpofly^J- Ttpov" (Schweig.). 6. 0eov : Athena. 8. vtt6J;€K6=to : used as the pass, of vTrexTid-n/j.1. 10. iruvSavoix. : when they learned of it (('. e., of the arrival at Salamis). 17. dpicrra tt-Xg). : the best sailers. Chapters 43-77, omitted here, contain an enumeratirlh of the ships fur. nished by different cities and islands ; an account of the occupation of Athens by Xerxes ; a description of the building of a wall across the Isthmus by the Peloponnesians ; and an account of the dissensions among the Greek commanders as to the expediency of awaiting the Persians at Salamis, and of the sharp practice by which Themistocles forced them to remain and fight. Page 167, 1. 19. a>9«rfi6s Xd-y. iroX. : violent wrangling about leaving Sala mis. 21. ttjs TJ|x€pT]s : the previous day. Gen. of time by G. 179; H. 591. — K(vr& \copT]v : in the same position. 23. o-vveo-TTjKOT. : while the generals were contending. Page 168, 1. 7. o-v|xjuj;ai : to confer. 11. to€ agrees with the clause 6k<$- Tepos .... kpyatrtrai. G. 141, N. 6, sec. clause ; H. 493, e. — d-ya0d, ira- Tpi8a : ace. of the thing and of the person by G. 165 ; H. 555. 14. IlcXoirov. : dat. after Kaov [all the same). 21. e£ Ijxe'o : sup. irouv^va (G. 280; H. 799). St. Tr. that the things done have been done at my instigation. — ovk Ikovtss ^0€- Xov: would not voluntarily. 25. irXdcras (irXaaaai) Xt'-yeiv: to tell a story of my own invention. — a>s, &c. : on the, ground that, as they believe, the barbarians are not, &.C. 29. ojaoiov: all the same. Cp. "gov, 1. 12. Page 169, 1. 2. Kal ^719, &c. : " and that he with difficulty made his way through, unperceived by those who were keeping the blockade" (Felton). 10-12. For their timely desertion the names of the Tenians were enrolled upon the pedestal of the tripod at Delphi in the list of those who had over- powered the barbarian. This tripod was erected from the spoils taken from the Persians at the battle of Plataea, 479. The tripod was of gold, but the pedestal of bronze, in the form of a three-headed serpent, tightly coiled into a straight, upright column. A fragment of the pedestal, sixteen feet high, still exists at Constantinople, and contains the inscription here referred to. See Hdt., IX. 81, and Rawlinson's note and Appendix. 19. ol . . . . irotT]o-d|x. : in partitive apposition with OejiurTOKXens. Cp. n. on p. 90, 1. 28. Trans, as if the Greek were iirelre yds re 5iee'povo-a : forcibly. The mid. part, is more common in this sense, as on p. 173, 1. 26. 15, 16. re ... . kavai: and that they affirmed that it was. 5. tirt- ^as : the Samothracians. 13. KaTt|(j.€vos : see the n. on p. 171, 1. 3. 15. iraTpdOev, &c. : the name of the trierarch with that of his father and that of his city. 16. irpbs 8e : see the n. on p. 166, 1. 7. — irpoCX.os : i.e., a friend of the Ionians. 18. oi ue'v : the officers who had to execute the orders of 11. 9, 10, above. 21. viroo-rcivTes, &c. : lying in wait in the strait off the lower end of Psyttaleia. 22. dircSt^avTo : D.F.I. 26. epdjji.: headlong. Cp. n. on p. 171, 1. 15. 26 foil. The situation is this: Themist. is pursuing a Persian ship down the channel, while Polycritus, the Aeginetan, is cutting off the fugitive ships as they appear at the lower end of the strait, and has just attacked a Sidonian ship ; this Sidon. ship proves to be the same which cap- tured the Aeginetan guard-ship off Sciatlius (before the battles of Artemi- sium, Hdt. VII. 181), and to have still on board Pytheas, the hero of the guard-ship, his life having been spared through admiration of his valor ; Polycritus recognizes the ensign of the flag-ship (of Themistocles) and pro- ceeds to gratify an old grudge by hurling at Themistocles sarcastic allusions to the Medism once charged upon Aegina ( Curt. II. 244). A few years before this, the Athenians had accused the Aeginetans of favoring Persia; and Crius, the father of Polycritus, had been prominently involved in the troubles which arose from the charge, — a fact which no doubt sharpened the hostility of his son to Athens. See p. 80 of this book. Page 174, 1. 8. vrjt: dat. after eV in iufra\dii>. 12. ■ijKouo-av 'EXXf|vov 352 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. fi,pis • . • • «fy. ov : as f ast as ^V ""®" vidually could, at full speed. G. 168, N. 3 ; H. 589. 8. t) frnros : the (Persian) cavalry. 10. «!veu : in appos. with aywvos. 11. viro twv o-v|i. : the allies (Corinthians, Megarians, &c.) had violated orders in withdrawing toPlataea, which was so far beyond the place agreed upon that they were of no service in the battle. 13. 8ia.8pa.viw agrees with (rv/x/xoixoov. — to ev6«n-ev : hence- forth, at once. 14. d|xvvo|uvovs, &c. : sup. SeSoKrai, of which irepio-TtKKeiv is the subject. 15. El ... . wp|rr)o-<: : a supposition contrary to fact. For the omission of tv in the apod, with xpvv, see G. 222, N. 2 ; M. and T. p. 97, N. 3. 18. aVirao-a: sup. ^ 'liriros. 19. 8iKaioi, &c. : trans, as if it were Si- Kai6v iffTi v/xfas .... a/iweovras Uvai. H. 777. 20. |xoip£W (D. F. 15) = T«AeW of 1. 3. — d(j.vv€0VT£ S : D. F. 31. 21. dSvvaTov ti PoTjGteiv: any in- ability to come to our aid. — v|i€is 8': om. 8e' in trans. See n. on 1. 29 of p. 178. 22. o-vvoCSttjitv ol v|i.iv .... tovcri irpo9vfj.oTdToio-i : in Hdt. VIII. 113, is found the unmutilated form of this idiom, the verb taking the accus. tI with a supplementary participle and a dative of the agent after the partic. On p. 176, 1. 14 (see note), we find the phrase disguised by the omission of the partic, but the accus. r\ and the dat. remaining. Here the disguise is more complete, through the substitution of iovfft vpodv/xor. (in agreement with vn?v) for the accus. tL Translate : we are aware that you are most zealous by far, &c, so that you will in this case listen to our request. 28. to irpoa-Ktl- u €V ov = ol vpo(TK(:ifj.ivoi (those who were pressing upon them), viz., the Greek allies of the Persians. Page 178, 1. 1. ovtoi yap: for they would (lit. did) on no account separate themselves, &c. 3. Kal ov -yap : an incomplete sentence as it stands. It begins as if it were intended to read thus : " And since the sacrifices were unfavor- able, and many of his men were falling, &c, Pausanias, turning his eyes toward the Heraeum, besought the goddess," &c. In trans, neglect yip, and 354 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. the anacolouthon will not be noticed. 6. (ppdj-avTts to. -yeppa: having made a barricade of their wicker shields. — dirteo-av : D. F. 3. 7. -nutp^ivav : pas- sive voice. 8. ov vivo|A€v. : sup. XP 7 )' TT ^> V - 10. ® € ° v : Hera. 16. kyivero : sup. t& acpayia. xpV a " r °- 17. avrioi : sup. iylj/ovro. — p.€T€VTts (fJ.ediv/J.i) : throwing aside. 21. Sopora : t. e., of the Greeks. 25. kot ilva, &c. : the Persians rushed upon the Greeks, now singly and now ten at a time, form- ing themselves into squads for this purpose (wKevves, i\d8e£povTO : passive. 29. to.vtt) 8e: omit the Se in trans. So two lines below, in ol 8e avreixov. Cp. p. 177, 1. 21. See G. 227, 2 ; H. 862, b. 30. kirUa-av : iri4fy. Page 179, 1. 1. irepiiiv : lived. 3. to ... . Tera.-yp.evov : cp. to irpooWyue- vov, p. 177, 1. 28, and note. 7-9. rj hlK-n .... e-ireTeXeVro : the penalty was paid. 8 xp-r\(TTi\p\.ov : see Hdt. VIII. 114. 10. t«v : cp. the n. on p. 176, 1. 22. 11. Toiv, &c. : Pausanias and Leonidas were respectively grandson and son of Anaxandrides. Hence the list of the ancestors of Leonidas (p. 147 of this book) belongs equally to his nephew, Pausanias. — Ko/rinrepOe: [from above) from the beginning. — ol: possess, dat. limiting -rrpoySvwv. (See Jelf, 597, Obs. 1; Kiih. 424, 4, c.) 12. es: down to, as far as. 15. iroXe'p.ou : known as the third Messenian war, B.C. 464. 18. Koo-p.ov : adv. accus. 19, 20. Mardonius had built on the northern bank of the Asopus in the Theban district (p-o£pT|) a camp, ten stades square, and had surrounded it with a stockade (Hdt., IX. 15). — 0ivp.a: sup. iarl. 24. d tv . . . . 8o- Ke'eiv Set : if one ought to have an opinion about, &c. 25. o-e'as, &c. : refused to admit them, because tliey had burnt, &c. BATTLE OF MYCALE. Collateral Reading : Grote, chap. XLII. ; Curtius, II. 354-356 ; Smith, chap. XX. ; Cox, 227-230. Page 180, 1. 1. When the Greek fleet, in the summer of 479 B.C., reached Samos, where they expected to find the Persian fleet, they discovered that the Persians had not ventured to await their coming, but had crossed over to Mycale, in order to be under the protection of their land forces. 3, 4. For the subjunctives, see G. 244, 256 ; M. and T. 71, 88. 6. diropd, 6pas gang-ways for boarding a hostile ship, or for disembarking. 9. vs'as &c. : they found the Persian ships beached and surrounded by a rampart of stones, logs, and stakes driven into the ground (Hdt. IX. 97). 10. irapaKe- Kpip.. : drawn up in line. 12. €YXP'| J -'| m S • • • • to. p.a\io-Ta : as close as possi- ble to the shore, so that the Ionians in the Persian army might be reached by BATTLE OF MYCALE. 355 the herald's voice. — A€vtvx£8t)s (== Att. Ae«rwxfoijs) : Spartan king and admiral. 15. oii8h> cruvT|(ro\>v : will understand nothing of what. 17. Tivd : evert/ one of you. — fierdtadv. 18. crvv0Tip.aTos : watch-word. 19. irpds : from. All who heard the herald were to spread his message among those who did not hear it. 20. voos, &c. : the design of the act was the same which Themistocles had in putting inscriptions upon the Euboean coast, urging the Ionians not to bear arms against their fatherland (Hdt, VIII. 22). — KO.C : as. H. 856, c. — 6 : sup. v6os. 22. (Sappapovs : obj. of \ad6vra. 23. dv€V£ix0«VTa : avafyipas. 24. 8evT«pa : in the next place. Tage 181, 11. 2, 10. tovto p.€v, tovto 8e : see the n. on p. 91, 11. 27, 20. 3. toL 'EXXtjv. pov€€iv: (thought the thoughts of the Greeks, i.e.), sided with the Greeks. 6. XeXciixp-e'vovs : this refers to the few Athenians who, the previous sum- mer, had awaited Xerxes upon the Acropolis instead of withdrawing to Salamis, or elsewhere. According to Hdt. (just below), they were 500 in number. 7. XvaXds : at two minae a head, the rate of ransom customary in the Peloponnese (Hdt., VI. 79), and adopted in one case at least by the Athenians (Hdt., V. 77), the ransom of these prisoners required over §20,000, which sum, moreover, represents several times its nominal value, owing to the greater purchasing power of money in those days. 11. 4>epova-as : leading. 12. SfjGev shows that the reason alleged was only a pretext. —In 'Eiroiew, the subj. refers to the Persians; in &»t|P1 : " a divine Pheme or message flew into the camp." "The ancient idea of #^/nj, — a divine voice or vocal goddess, generally considered as informing a crowd of persons at once, or moving them all by one and the same unanimous feeling, — the Vox Dei passing into the Vox Populi." See Grote's long and interesting note upon this passage. 22. viko>€v: had conquered, were victorious. 23. Td 0tia tuv irptl- ■y(j.dT(ov: (the divine element of the affairs) the divine influence upon the. affairs of men. 24. A Kal: (if indeed, if in fact) assumes the supposition as real, and maybe trans, since. — awiis : the Eng. will be bettered by ora. this word in trans. — o-v|imTrroiio-r]s : coinciding. 26. Tp(op.a,Tos: disaster to the Persians. 30. dp.€pd|i€voi : impetuously. Cp. the n. on p. 173, 1. 26. — 8e(jd|i€voi : having waited for them, having stood their ground. 29. rt'Xos : finally. Adverb, accus. Page 183, 1. 2. o-vvarEiri-irrov : the avj> indicates that the foremost Greeks entered the Persian intrenchments as soon as the Persians themselves, so vigorous had been the pursuit. 3. dpeu'pTrro : G. p. 218, aipew ; H. 321 D., 450 D., 1. — irpbs .... IrpdirovTO : resorted to, depended upon. 4. wpp.ia.ro : D. F. 30. — ol dXXot: all the other nationalities represented in their army. 5. KttT 6Xtyovs Yivdp.. : forming into little knots. 12. t& Xoiird o-vvSk-x^P 1 - £ov: participated in the rest of the fight. 16. oVXa: the accus. of the thing, retained after the passive verb. 19. dp^avras : beginning a defection. 22. o-fyl: dat. after amr-np^s (G. 184, 3; H. 597). It refers to the Persians. 23. old irep KQTeXape : any such experiences as did in fact befall them. 26. veoxudv : cp. p. 181, 1. 14, note. 27. The action of the Ionians was, in fact, exactly contrary to their instructions. They guided the fleeing Per- sians by other roads back into the midst of the Greeks, and at last took an active part themselves in putting the barbarians to death. 30. to iivnpov : upon the first Ionic revolt, see pp. 65 foil, of this book. Page 184, 1. 3. ira-yKpariov : see Pancratium in the Diet, of Antiq. 3. tov- tov, &c. : it befell this Hermolycus . ... to be buried near Geraestus. The war between Athens and Carystus is referred to by Thucyd. (p. 195, 1. 23 of this book). Nothing is known about the location of Cyrnus, except that it must have been at the S. end of Euboea. 8. Ko/rep-yda-avTo : had destroyed. 12. OTjo-cujpovs xPl^^wv : hoards of treasure. 15. dvaa-Tacrios : a removal of the Ionians to new homes in Greece, where they would be safe from Persian violence. The Greeks felt that the Ionians in their old homes would need the constant protection of Grecian troops, — a protection which they were not in a condition to guarantee. The Pelopon. leaders (toio-i Iv TeXe'i Iovo-l) suggested the forcible expulsion from their cities of the Greeks who had helped Xerxes, aud the establishment of the Ionians in their places ; but the Athenians rejected this proposal, because in the first place they did not favor the removal of the Ionians, and again because many of the Medizing cities had been Athenian colonies, and this proposition of the Peloponnesians was an unwarrantable interference with Athenian affairs. 15. 'EXXdSos : part. gen. after 6'«j?. G. 182, 2 ; H. 589. 16. avrot : the Greeks as a whole. 17. direivai : aijpas : the bridges across the Hellespont had in fact been destroyed by a storm many months before, so that Xerxes was compelled to cross the channel in ships upon his return from Greece the previous autumn (Hdt., VIII. 117). It is so strange as to be almost in- conceivable that the news of this had not yet reached Greece. The Persians who escaped from this battle retreated safely to Sardis, where Xerxes was still lingering, after his flight from Greece. SESTOS. Collateral Reading : Grate, chap. XLII. end ; Curtius, II. 357 ; SmiUi, chap. XX. end. Page 185, 1. 7. . — Ledum was the name of the promontory in the S. W. corner of Troas. In the channel between Lectum and Lesbos the fleet would be sheltered from northerly winds. 9. ■y€<|>iipa,s, &c. : see the n. on 1. 3, above. 13. Xanthippus was the father of Pericles. — awToC : there. 14. ir€ipdo-0ai ttjs Xepo-ovrjcrov : to attempt the Chersonese, i. e., to attempt to recover it from the Persians, in whose hands it had been since the flight of Miltiades in 493 (cp. pp. 85, 86 of this book). 17. Tefyeos : fortress. — ipov€€ : of what Artai/ctes designed. 17. aUC : from time to time. 20. 8k d8vTo), &c. : he indulged in excesses with his concubines within the temple. " This is probably the Hellenic version of the fact that Artayctes 358 NOTES ON HERODOTUS. converted the demesne and temple of Protesilaus into a paradise and se- raglio " (Bl). 24. 0-4.C : the besieged. 26,27. eSe'ovTo, &c. : begged their generals to take them back to Athens. For Skws with a finite verb in place of the infin. after Se'o/iai, see M. and T. p. 77, N. 5. The opt. is due to the past tense of e'SeWro, — oratio obliqua. — ovk &pao-av: refused. 28. irplv ^ €|«Xwo-i : M. and T. § 67, N. 3, and n. on p. 144; G. 240, 2, note, and 239, note. 30. Is irdv KaKoii : to extreme suffering. Page 187, 1. 1. Their food being exhausted, they softened the leather straps from their beds (cp. our old-fashioned " bed-cords") by boiling, and ate them. 2. vvb vvktci : see the n. on p. 176, 1. 2. 4. tt{ tjv Ipt]|a6tcitov : (where was the place freest from the foe, i. e.) where the enemy — Greeks — were fewest. We should expect to ip-n^Tarov ; but the omission of the article is a favorite usage of Hdt. with a superlative (used as a substantive) and the copula. Cp. €vpvra.T6v iari and ffreivSTarSv el, &c 01 \ilv airlGavov,. ol 84 £o>ovt€s !X.d[jL0nv oi (B.). Some eds. omit Kai. 17. T€o> = Attr. rivi. 18. oirreovTi: broiling. — Tapfyovs : salt fish. 20. IttAXXovto (iraWofxcu) : quivered. — 8kg>s ir«p = tlxnrzp. 23. of3eo: D. F. 32. 25. Tapixos : the word may be used for any dead body preserved from decay by artificial means, and hence is not used here facetiously. It may be trans- lated embalmed. 30. irepryevoiievos : if allowed to lice. G. 226 ; H. 789, e. Page 188, 1. 2. \iiv KaraxpTjcr. : that he (i. e., Artayctes) be put to death. 3. TavTT) ?4>ep€: inclined the same wag. 4. VT£s = on TfjStov tii> kwpwv. — tKcivovs : Atlienians. 12. avruv: Athenians. 13. Is: tr. in connection with, in reference to. 14. twv 360 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. 8(ja> ITeXo-rr. : gen after irepifi6xovs. 15. 8v : the Laced. — rb piv PovXoixevov, &C. : the desire and suspicion of their minds with reference to the Athenians. 17. ws Se: the influence of rj^lovy (1. 14) is still felt; "but they made this demand on the ground that," &c. 18. ovk &v ^ovtos represents ovk hv ex 01 - 19. ex^P ^ woOev = e%vpov nuos x u P^ 0V in sense (C7.). — vvv: i. e., in the recent Persian invasion, particularly in the campaign of Mardonius in 479, in which he made Thebes his base of operations. 22. Aa.KeSa.410v. : obj. of air-hxXa^av. 23. d>s : prep. G. 191, 3, end; H. 621. 26. irpds : in addition to. — IXop-e'v. agrees with the omit. subj. of airoffTzXXeiv and iKTre/x- veiv. 27. eirurxeiv : to detain. — Hws &v, &c. : substantially, " until they have raised the wall to the least height sufficient for an effective defence." 30. avTovs = dvSpas in trans. Page 191, 1. 4. TaKei : the negotiations at Sparta. — irpdfjot : orat. obliq. He said irpd^w (M. and T. 26 and 70, 2). So in 1. 2 &rrcu might have been taoiTo. 5. t&s apx,ds : the authorities. So tcov ev reXet ovtojv. — St^-ye : kept delaying. 7. «r«'px€Tcu might have been the opt. 8. {jvp/irpeo-peis : object of aya/xe- veiv. — owr\o\£as (causal gen. absol. ) : on account of a business engagement they, &c. 11. twv Se &XX. : but when all the others who came from Athens declared very positively that, &c. 12. KaC : intensive adverb with aas. Cp. Classen. 13. ouk e!x ov > & c - : did n °t know (lit. have) how they could, &c. 15. ofrn-ves : sup. elo-L 17. 'AGrivaiois : the dat. and the infin. (after Ke\evo3i>) for the ace. and infin. 19. airoi: Themistocles and his fellow- ambassadors. — KOjuo-Buo-iv : M. and T. p. 167, middle. 23. dKovo-eiav, &<{>a)o-iv : M. Sf T. 77, 2, note. 29. Uvai : they (the Laced.) would thenceforth come as to, &c. The infin. is governed by etirev, 1. 26, by a change of con- struction. It is future in effect (M. and T. 10, N. 6; G. 200, N. 3; H. 699, a). Page 192, 1. 2. Zfyao-av : the pi. is used because, though Themistocles is the speaker, he represents the embassy. Above in direv and below in stXifj.coT€pov : more useful to the citizens in their private affairs and in their rela- tions to all, &c. 6. ou -yap, &c. : a general proposition with a special applica- tion in the mind of the speaker to the case of Athens ; " in deliberating for the common interests a state could not have equal weight with others, unless her military status was as good as theirs." With jj.r| . . . . irapao-K€ufis, the condit. participle PovXevofxivovs is to be sup. (CI.) from 0ovXzvecr6ai: unless they gave their advice from a state of equal military preparation. 9. rdSt the erection of walls at Athens. 12. dXXd yvo>. impaiy. Sfj6«v tu koivw : but merely to urge a policy upon the assembly of Athens. xapaiveVei is governed by iirl, and Koivip by the verbal force of irapa.ivi'o-ei. 14. avror? : Athenians. ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE. 3G1 21. koA ov, &c. : and of unwrought stone in some places (J-utiv tj : G. 152, N. 2 ; H. 812.). 24. e^TJx®''] : was carried out, i. e., a larger space was enclosed by the new wall than by the old, so as " in case of a future siege to offer a retreat to the country population within the capital itself" (Curtius). 25. irdvTO .... Kivovvres : this phrase probably involves both a literal and a figura- tive sense, for they would move every obstacle out of the way, and there would necessarily be everywhere a ferment of activity and commotion. Kriig. illustrates this expression by citing the adage irdi/ra \l6ov kivziv. 27. inrfjpKTo avroC : a beginning had been made of it. The verb is imper- sonal, and governs avrou. The year of the archonship of Themist. is dis- puted. 28. ■fjs: by attraction for the cognate accus. (G. 153; H. 808). 29. Kal auTovs, Sac. : and that they (the Athen.), by having become a maritime people, ivere making great progress toward, &c. irposj>6p€iv is intransitive, and the object of vo/iiCoy- — f*Y a : adverbial. Page 193, 1. 1. 6a\dcro-r]s : governed by ai/deicTta (G. 171; II. 574, b). 2. dve€KT€'a (avrexonat, cling to) ecuvoi.to : M. and T. 61, 3 ; 69, 4, end. 5. avrois : the Athenians. 7. avroii : after the comp. verb. G. 173, 2, Note ; H. 583, examples. 9. «4>a£v€To (sup. y o-Tparnyia) : his behav- ior as general seemed, &c. 13. I8£a irpc? rivet limit the verbal noun dSiKTjyui- rttv : for his outrages in private against anylwdy he was called to an account, i. e., 362 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. he had to suffer some penalty. He seems to hare been convicted of the lesser charges of wrong and oppression against private persons, but ac- quitted of the weightier charge of treason, owing to the lack, probably, of competent technical proofs. And yet there were indications enough of his guilt to establish a prima facie presumption that the charge had been really well founded (Iookci o-a^e'trraTovetvai). 24. !iriTT]86ious : friendly, well disposed. — n.apaX.a|36vT€s, &c. : in thus assuming the guidance of the allied Greeks against Persia, Athens became the head of the league known in history as the Confederacy of Delos. 28. &s : same construct, with os in 1. 26. — vavs : same construct, with xpvi^ara. — d(iwaf) •" this work has per- ished. 19. An enumeration of specific events which led to Athenian su- prema sy. The chronology of this period is in dispute. He dismisses in a few lines the chief events of ten years, indicating their order, but not the ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE. 363 intervals between them. Curtius puts the capture of Eion and Seyrus in 470 or 469. Eion seems to have been the last Persian stronghold left upon the Thracian coast. 25. diroo-rdo-i : not to be confounded with the noun iiirdj-Taais. 27. irapd : contrary to. 28. eSovX.(o0T] : used of political subjec- tion. They lost their independent position as a penalty for revolt. Cp. 11. 4, 5, above. — 30. ?k86icu : arrearages, failures to furnish. — Xeiiroo-Tpdnov : failure to provide their contingent of soldiers (Kriig.). Page 190, 11. 1-3. For such omissions as those just mentioned, Athens rigorously used compulsory measures which led to revolts on the part of those allies who were not used nor inclined to bear hardships. 4. 4v T|8ovfj: to the satisfaction of the allies. — &px.ovt€s : used as a pred. adject. (M. and T. p. 215, Notes 5, 6). 6-10. The allies were responsible for this state of things ; for, as the annual supply of ships and men which some of them had agreed to furnish became irksome to them because of the unwillingness of their citizens to do military duty at a distance from home, they gradually arranged to pay their share of the expense (to ikvovjx. dvd\&>p.a) in money (xpT p.ara : appos. with a.vd\co,ua) , and thus Athens became able to domineer over the allies, and they unable to resist, since they had no soldiers. 11, 12. ^vjx- ): having quarrelled. 22. p-erdXXov : used in a collective sense ; trans, mines. 25. iird : about or during. 26. oIkiowt€s (olnifa) : fut. to express purpose. G. 277, 3; H. 789, d. 27. 'Evve'a 'OSdiv : Nine Ways. 30. to X wp^v KTi£6fi€vov : the occupation of the place. — x w P^ ov takes 'OSol as an appositive. Page 197, 1. 4. ' A0t]vcuwv : G. 182, 2, end ; H. 589, end. — Sup. iirafxHvai after the verbs of this line. 5. tov : this was by pre-eminence the earth- quake of Spartan history. It nearly destroyed the city, and gave the long- suffering Helots an opportunity to revolt; and the Perioeci of Thuria and Aethaea (position unknown) joined them. (Consult the account of the Spartan population in the history, or see Helotes and Perioeci in the Diet, of Antiq.) 7. A!9aifjs: G. 53, 3, N. 2 ; H. 190, d. 8. t6t€p«iv, present, involving a general line of action for the future (Classen). 20-22. -rots 8e: Arnold, Kriiger, and others make roh refer to the Laced. ; tvhile to them (as contrasted with the Athenians, whose superior skill was admitted) there seemed, owing to the pro- 364 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. longation of the siege, to he a lack of the art of besieging, tovtov refers to tcix* Haxelv, and depends on eVSea. Upon the impersonal expression, evSea «}>aiv., cp. p. 57, 1. 12, ■jrAwifj.iirfpa iysvero, and the n. on p. 66, 1. 25. p&j y^Pj & c - : for otherwise they (the Laced.) would have taken, &c. (This appears to be the most natural interpretation of this passage ; but Classen and others refer to?s to the Athen., making the contrast between what was expected of the Athenians and what they actually accomplished. In this way, the sub. of «t\ov will refer to the Athenians.) 25. The sincerity of the Athenians was mistrusted because of their daring and innovating spirit, and because, be- longing to another race, they might more naturally sympathize with the rebels within Ithome. 27. |atj depends on Seiaavres, in spite of the inter- vening rjyriirdfieyoi. Page 198, 1. 1. peXrCovi Xd-yo) implies that the alleged reason was better than the real motive; that they were sent off, not for the valid (lit. better) reason stated, but, &c. &irojj.e|jiir. : G. 280 ; H. 799. 5. £u[ifiax.iav irpbs airovs : alliance with them. avTovs and ei«£vcov refer to the Laced. 7. dii(j)OT^pois : t. e., the Argives and Athenians. 9. «cf>' o> t« e^ao-tv : M. and T. 65, 2, and 10, N. 6 ; G. 236, N. 2, 200, N. 3. 12. elvai depends on \vvi$-no-}i.r\ra. : Doric gen. G. 39; H. 134 D. 16. -fjSrj suggests the sudden growth of Athenian hostility to Sparta, on account of the experience at Ithome (p. 197, 1. 28). 17. 'irv- \ov : sup. ol 'AO-nvaToi. 18. Me-yapfjs : cp. Aleaurjs, p. 197, 1. 7, and note. 20. 8pwv: from opos. 25. When Egypt was conquered in 525 B.C. by Cam- byses, the adjoining Libya also surrendered to Persia. Upon the result of the revolt at this time and the fate of Inarus, see pp. 202, 203. Marea was upon the border of L. Mareotis, at the N. W. extremity of the Delta of the Nile. 26. 6pjiu|j.evos «k : cp. p. 72, 1. 18, and p. 109, 1. 25, with the notes. 29. €TTT]-yd-y€To : summoned as allies. As Persia was the enemy of Greece as well as of Egypt, it was easy for the Greeks to listen to such a call. Upon this episode in Greek history, see Curtius, II. 422, 443, 446; Smith, chap. 23, § 12. Page 199, 1. 5. oi KaTatJ>VYovT€s : those who had fled thither before the pur- suing Greeks. 6. ot |rf| |vvairoo-Ta.vT€S : those who had not joined Inarus in the revolt. 7. 'AXi&s : Halieis, the name of a small settlement of fisher- men or sailors (as the name suggests) on the southern coast of Argolis. The form is contracted for -eas (cp. fiao-iAevs, which does not, however, contract the ace. pi.). 9. inC: at, by. So in 1. 12. 10. KsKpuaXeia : a small island between Aegina and Argolis. — vavcri : G. 186, N. 1 ; H. 602. 16. eroXiopKow : sup. tV Aiywav as object. 18. irpoTepov goes with iirt- Kovpovs (with which sup. ovras) ; i. e., the 300 hoplites (by implication mer- cenaries) had formerly been in the service of Corinth and Epidaurus ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE. 365 (Krilger). 20. TepaveCas : the mountain range west of Megaris. 26. Ik Tf|S iroXews (Athens) : trans, as if it were iv tj? ir6\et, which our idiom requires. Page 200, 1. 5. (idXitrra: about. So often with numerals. 7. €k(3ot]0tj- m the midst of the action. 30. ir«pie\6vT£s : M. and T. 24, N. 3. Page 202, l. 4. vcwpiov : i. e., Gytheium, on the Laconian coast, about thirty miles from Sparta. 5. Iv &Tro|3a.a-£i tt}s yr\S : in a landing upon tlieir territory, i.e., after making a landing. 10. pao-iXeiis : Artaxerxes. 11. xpy\aara: money with which to bribe the Spartans to make a landing upon Attic ter- ritory. He thought that the Athenian force in Egypt would then neces- sarily be recalled. 13. irpovx^pei : impersonal, progress was made, affairs prospered. 14. aXXcos : in vain (i.e., otherwise than effectively). 16. irep/n-ei : sup. Qao-iKivs. 20. The island of Prosopitis " was between the Canopic and Sebennytic branches [of the Nile], at the fork, and on the west side of the apex of the Delta" (Rawlinson's Uerodotus, II. 41, note). 22. £t]pdvas : \t)palva>. t^v Suopvxa: Sidpuxa is generally interpreted (e.g., by Grote and Classen) to mean one of the channels of the Nile itself, in which the Athen. fleet was lying. Others, following the usual sense of the word, think it refers to a large canal connected with one of the Nile channels, anil with that forming a small island within the larger Prosopitis. 24. ^-ireipov : sec- 366 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. ond accus. after iirolrjo-e, to be repeated from the previous clause (G. 166 ; H. 556). 25. "7roX€|iTiv. Cp. Arnold, Kriig., and Class., and on the nature of the government in Thessaly see Grote, Part. II. chap. 3, and the Did. of Antiq., under Tagus. 26. Trapa\aj36vT€s 'Ax- : having received Achatans as allies. Cp. Curtius, II. p. 453, note. Page 204, 1. 1. itryov : intrans., refrained from, gave up. 5. ' Ap.vpTa.Cou : causal, gen. absol. On Amyrtaeus, see p. 202, 1. 29. 13. TroXejxov : cognate accus. after io-Tpdrevaav as if it were iTroXeix-qo-av (G. 159; H. 547, b). At this time the Phocians had assumed to themselves the management of the temple, but lost it as the result of this expedition from Sparta. As soon, however, as the Laced, had retired, the Athenians marched thither, took the temple away from the native Delphians, in whose hands the Laced, had left it, and gave it to the Phocians, their allies (Grote). 18. BokotiSv : causal gen. absol. "After the victory of Oenophyta.[p- 201, 1. 24], the Athenians had broken up the governments in the Boeotian cities established by Sparta before the battle of Tanagra [p. 201, 1. 17], and converted them into democ- racies at Thebes and elsewhere. Many of the previous leading men had then been sent into exile" (Gi-ote). 21. twv .... ckoic-tois : and with troops of the allies, according to their several allotments. 23. ko.1 avSpcnr. : lacking in the best MSS. 27. ttjs .... ■yvwirqs : of the same opinion, i. e., hostile to Athenian ascendency. Page 205, 1. 1. «J> a> . . . . Kopaovvrcu : M. and T. 65, 2. The Athenians agreed to evacuate Boeotia entirely, in order to recover their men who had been captured. 5. TlepiKX&vs : M. and T. p. 224, N. 5 ; H. 791, d. 7. TleXo- irovv. : it is to be assumed that the five years' truce (p. 203, bottom) had now expired. 16. to irXiov .... irpoeXGovrts : The sudden withdrawal of the Spartans without advancing further than Eleusis and Thria was attrib- uted to the bribery by Pericles of Pleistoanax and his adviser, Cleandrides, both of whom were exiled from Sparta in consequence. 20. 'Eomaias (t. e., -eas from -ei5s} : this exceptional severity was due to the fact that the lies- ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE. 367 tiaeans (Ionic, Histiaeans) had murdered the crew of an Attic ship, which they had captured. Attic settlers took possession of their territory, and it was subsequently called Oreos. 25. ' Axcuav : see the n. on p. 203, 1. 26. The al- lusions to any control of Achaia by Athens are so slight that the word here is to be understood as referring, not to the district as a whole, but rather to individual towns within its limits. 27. mpC : concerning the possession of. Page 206, 1. 5. 2a|u eiravecrrno-av : rose against (CI.) their own democracy. 12. toiis aii- twv : appos. with 6/x-hpovs. — direo-r^erav : revolted from Athens. 20. olx°- [itvan : G. 279, 2 ; H. 801 . — irepiayyeMovcrcu (3otj0uv : to carry around to all the allies the order to bring aid (M. and T. 109, 5, end). 22. SckoLtov : trans. with nine others. The poet Sophocles was one of the ten generals, and had command of the detachment which went to summon the allies. 24. s, which had been beached in the usual manner, were sud- denly launched and got under way to support the sentry-ships and to repel the Samians, but were defeated. 9. reo-o-apao-KaiSeKa : i. e., rearo-epas ica\ StKa, which is a better way of printing it. 10. icrtKo\iia-v«pT|o-av .... tivai (= £iWj3- & tov : G. 143, 2 ; H. 525, d. — H^l goes with ovtzs raxels, and cannot be distinguished in trans, from ov, which would be expected here. " When the participle is causal, ov is gener- ally used, but sometimes also /t^ " (Kiihner, § 515, 3, Anm. 3). — Uvai de- pends on tox«s. — cl . . . ava/yKdi;. : a past gen. suppos. 13. rb 8c* ti: an adv. expression, differing but slightly from rb 8e (G. 143, N. 1 ; H. 525, a, middle). So at p. 201, 1. 7. — oIkcCois : i. e., with the Helots (p. 197). 15. air&v : the Lacedaemonians. 16. ImxeipTrreo, .... etvoi : that they must make an attach. An impersonal expression (H. 494, fine print, end, and 518, a). So Cl., Kr., and Poppo. 18. dpajicvois (atpeo) agrees with the omitted avro?s, the dat. of agent with the verbals. — Atjtois .... Sic-yvcocrro refers to the vote of the Laced, assembly after the first conference. See the preliminary remarks above. 23. '4, last def. in L. & S. 16. (rf| ev iropu) : not at a landing-place, i. e., not on the coast. 17. tois ko.td)v : those who live in the interior. 23. o^x. ■fjftrov : sup. t) (than) irepl ruu Kara) (Kr.). 26. d-yaGwv : same construct, as avdpSiv. Brave men, when injured, give up the advantages of peace to engage in war. 26, 27. €k : out of, here leaving. 27. ev irapatrxov : a good oppor- tunity offering (accus. absol. by M. and T. 110, 2 ; G. 278, 2 ; H. 792). 28- 30. £v|if3i\vai, €Tra£peor9at, d8iK€to-8ai : same construct, with rjavxa^iv and iroXtfj.z'iv. 29. TiSofievov : causal. Same construct, with aSiKov/xevovs. The change of number is due to the indefiniteness of the omit. sub. of the infinitives. Page 211, 1. 1. Tepirvov: the ace. of the thing after the pass, verb by G. 197, N. 2 ; H. 553, a. 3. Gpdcret : not to be confounded with epaos?. — €Traip6|i«vos : G. 280; H. 799. 4, 5. IloXXd KOTtopGioG^ : "many ill-planned movements in war turn out (G. 205, 2 ; H. 707) well, because the counter-movements of the foe are planned still worse." 7. -yap gives the reason of Kal tri TrAe'w [iari] Si ... . TrtpUo-rr) (CI.). 8. irio-rti goes equally with both verbs ; Kai connects the verbs, not the datives. 9. eWei- iro;i€v : fail, fdl short 10, 11. d8iKovji., *x.ovTes : causal. 16. dir6 .... ovj-tas : from the existing wealth of the members of the Pelop. confeder- acy. 18. XP T 1H L< "" C0V : m cases of necessity, the treasures of the temples were taken, upon condition of future restitution (Kr.). 21. tovto: the danger of being seduced by the offer of larger wages from some other State. 24. (ieXeTT]o-o|i£V .... vavTiKa: i. e., we sliall thereby have a longer time for naval training. 28. 8 . . . . irpovx.ovo-i : whatever advantage they have. — Ka0atp€T«ov .... itrrC: we must get t'e better of (Kr.). 30. « avrd : for the purpose, i. e., to acquire naval superiority. — oio-onev, used of pay- ing taxes. So 4>epovTts, just below. 370 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. Page 212, 1. 1. eKeivcov: the Athenians. 2. cpe'povT. ovk dircpovo-iv (aneiirov) shall not fail to pay, be tired of paying. On ovk for ^ after el, see M. and T. 47, 3, second part. — to agrees with ffw£e (adv. phrase) : under ivhich circumstances. 12. avT. — Pepaiorepos : sup. iffrl. " Whoever engages in war in that calmness of temper which is not discomposed by surprises and repulses has the more secure position, while he who is moved by passionate excitement about war (avrov) and its vicissitudes is more (lit. no less) liable to fail [than others]." 16, 17. The Athen. were a match for all the Pel. allies combined, and more than a match for them taken singly (/card ir6\iv). 21. epovcrav : G. 280 ; H. 799. — 8 : sub. of the infin. 22. aurxpov : sup. iffrl. 23. kv a> (in ichich case) serves as protasis, like el 5" oyuccs tovto fi/yu- /3oi7j (CL). — SiKaitus : with irda-x eiv - 24. SoKoipev : should have the name of, &c. 27. avTo = to £\ev6epov elvai (CL), the condition of freedom. 28. ev (iia : in any single city. The suppression of tyrants by the Laced, is more fully referred to by Thu. in I. 18. — ko.1 ovk lerp-ev 8-irus TcLSe .... ciTrT|\Xa.KTat : and we do not know how this conduct is free from, &c. 30. Ov, &c. : " for surely it is not by an escape from these evils (TaOTa, referring to alwealas, &c.) that you have resorted to contempt (of your foe)," &c. That is, your contempt of the Ath. shows that you have not escaped, — that you are still chargeable with some one of these evils. Page 213, 1. 6. tuv eir. fieWov-r. (the future), -rots Trctpovcri (the present) : both neuter. 7. irdrpiov -yap vp.iv [ectti] : it is your birth-right. 8. Tas dp. Krd- o-9ai : to secure your deserts. 12. Uvai : the influence of xP'h continues. — 9«ov : cp. p. 209, 11. 20-24. Causal gen. absol. 14. £vvo.Y&>viovp.. : G. 120, 3; H. 376. — rd p.ev . . . . Td U : adverbial. G. 143, N. 1 : H. 525, a, middle. 15. oHpeXCa : from interest. They hoped for lighter burdens after overthrow- ing the Ath. supremacy. 19. ko-Xws vTrdpxov vp.iv: as it is in your power to wage war under favorable conditions. Accus. absol. impersonal (G. 278,2; H. 792). — vp.iv: the Laced., the Corinthians, and other allies of Sparta. 20. TdSe i.e., iro\efie?v (H. 518, b). So Tavra, next line. — el/irsp, &c. : " if it be admitted as most certain that this measure is alike for the benefit of states and of the individuals who reside in them" (Arnold). 25. p.€TeX- 8eiv: seek to secure. — €v8e"x«Tai : it is possible. 26. tovs p.«v refers to the Potidaeans ; tovs 84, the rest of us. 29. d(Jux6at : impersonal, that matters have come. 30. TaSe dp. X^eo-Gai " that the best course is that suggested now by us." &pio-Ta, predicate. SPEECH OF PERICLES. 371 Page 214, 1. 1. \ir\, instead of ov, through the influence of the imperative, with which the part, is connected (H. 841). 2. avrov: i.e., rod iroXtnov (67.), or tov Seivov. — 8id ttXeiovos: lasting. 3. d(j>* : out of regard for, for the sake of. 4. iroX«|iTio-ai : M. and T. 19, N. 1. — owe 6ji.oCws : ». e., not so safe as the peace which results from war. 6. e-irl . . . . KaGecrrdvai, : has thus established itself with equal danger to all (lit. equally against all). 7. Sia- vo€iicravTo : plu. with a collective sub. in the sing, by G. 135, 3 ; H. 514, a. — Ae8o"y[A€vov : cp. the n. on inrdpxou, 1. 19, previous page. Though the decree for war had been passed, they were not prepared to put it into imme- diate execution. 15. dSwara: cp. the n. on p. 87, 1. 9. 16. ofo-iv goes with ai/To7s. 17. Ka,9icrTap.€vois : sup. avrois. SPEECH OF PERICLES BEFORE THE ATHENIAN ASSEM- BLY, IN REPLY TO THE SPARTAN ULTIMATUM. Collateral Reading : Grate, chap. XL VIII. (near the middle) ; Curtim, III. 26-31; Smith, chap. XXV. §§ 7-9; Cox, 270,271; Lloyd's The Age of Pericles, II. 366-370. Page 214, 1. 22. Toiavra eTreVa^av refers to the Laced, demand ( Thu. I. 126, 127) for the expulsion of the Alcmaeonidae from Athens, on account of the sacrilege committed by their ancestor, Megacles (see Ctlon in the Class. Diet.). This demand was aimed at Pericles, who was an Alcmaeonid. The Ath. replied with a counter-demand that Sparta purge herself of two acts of sacrilege, specifically referred to {Thu. I. 128). 23. eXdo-sws fol- lows irepl, and governs ivarywv. 24. non-Saias : gen. after airaviaraaQai. Page 215, 1. 3. KaGeXovo-i : dat. of the participle, involving a protasis, and agreeing with avroTs (the Ath.) to be supplied. It governs ^(pifffia. 4. av- tous : the Megarians. 9. TeXos : adv. accus. 12. wv — tovtwv a. — avra. : merely. avr6s often = /j.6vos- 14. d<|>eiT€ : Aor. Opt. for apenjre. 16. a/rra£ : once for all, finally. 17. irapiovres : coming forward to speak. 18. «ir &u.({>6t -yvcoixais : " expressing opinions on both sides of the ques- tion," t. e., some favoring and others resisting the Spartan demands. •yviip-ais : dat. of respect. G. 184, 5 ; H. 601. 20. tlvai and KaOeXttv depend on xpi t0 be repeated (CI). 24. -yv^s : after Z x °H ai - G. 171; II. 574, b. 26-28. The participles are supplementary after elSds. The sense is that the enthusiasm with which war is resolved upon does not remain constant thereafter, but with change of events [Zvfj.v 8ia4><5pwv : a judicial settlement of their differences, i. e., a settlement by arbi- tration. 18. vop.ltrr\ : G. 254 ; H. 720, b. 19. Strep : introduced (prolepsis, H. 726) as the obj. of irpoi/x-> though logically the subj. of Kadaipedflr) (CI). This decree "they chiefly put forward as if its repeal would avert the war" (Grote). 24. yvujxtjs : spirit, resolution. Ka£ : also. &XXo : the ace. of the thing, retained in the passive (G. 197, N. 2). 26. &mcrxvpio-d|A. &c. : but by a vigorous resistance to their demands, you would impress it upon them to approach you hereafter on terms of greater equality, i. e., without assump- tions of superiority and of the right to dictate to the Athenians. 28. kvl : the Spartan league was at a disadvantage, as compared with the Athenian, because the former was composed of inde- pendent allies, who had not delegated authority to any central council to act promptly for them in emergencies, and moreover the Pelop. allies were SPEECH OF PERICLES. 3^3 not bound together by unity of race as closely as were the Athenians. 25. rb i<\>' eaurdv : his own private interests. 26. iX«i: impersonal, it is usual. fJLTjStv : sub. of the infin. (CI.). 29. (lopiw: sup. toO xp^vov; or tt)s ftWSou (Kr.). 30. to> irXe'ovi: the er of the previous line is to be mentally repeated. Supply xp o.vitu> 8o- fjdo-naTi : the noun, from its verbal force, takes a gen. of the agent with vivo, and also an adv. Tr. t/ie opinion held by all as individual members of the alliance. 5. p.e'vto~rov (= oirep p.eyio-r6v itrri. CI.) : "the most important consideration is that they," &c. Appos. with the sentence (G. 137, N. 3; H. 602, a, b). kwXvo-ovtcu : used as a passive (G. 199, N. 4 ; H. 379). 6. o^oX*}, &C. : by their sloumess in providing funds (avra) cause delay. 9. ri\v ]Uv: sup. imrelxto-iv. Tr. as to the former. irdXiv dvrCir. is the obj. of irapa- 0-K.eva.o-a.o-Qcu (to found), which has some general word like rivd. for its subj. 11. €K«Cvois : after inl in avreTtireTeix- 12. povpiov : castle, fortress. pXd- irroiev dv : on the mixture of forms in this cond. sent., see M. and T. § 54, and the last ex. under (a), p. 117. 13. avro|xoX£as : the slaves would be welcomed in the hostile fortress, as their desertion would weaken the sur- rounding country. So 20,000 Ath. slaves escaped to the Spartans at Dece- leia (see Grote, chap. 61, near the beginning). 14. ? : in view of the risk. ri\v : sup. yrjv. For the hired sailors to de- Bert Athens was really to desert their own homes, since they generally came from the states which were dependent upon Athens. 11. T|p.€pa>v de- pends on fiiarSov, and that on S6o-6a>s. envois (the Pelopon.) : dat. of accompaniment. 14. tovitwv .... diniXXdxOai : to be exempt from these dis- advantages. 15. ovk dirb tov 'tcrov = superior. As we have certain ad- vantages which they do not possess, we are not upon an equality with them, but superior to them. 17. ovYtin, &c. : " it will be worse for them to have even a part of the Felop. laid waste than for us to have all of Attica suffer the same." 23. dAuirroTtpoi : less exposed. 24. 8ti kyyvrara (H. 661) governs tovtov by G. 182, 2 ; H. 589. tovtov : i. e., the idea of being islanders. " It is necessary to accustom our minds as much as possible to being islanders, — to act as if we had no lands or homes to lose, instead of making frantic assaults upon superior forces of the Pelop. in their defence." 27. Kpa.TTJa-avT£S = iav KpaT^ffwfiev. Page 220, 1. 2. iroieio-3ai : same constr. with Sia/idx^o-Oat. 5. aura : i. e., houses and land. So tovtodv. 6. tovtcov '^v«Ka : so far as these things are con- cerned. Pericles reverts to this topic in Tim. II. 62 (bot. of p. 237 of this book). 1. tyji>= i%<» elTTetv {CI), tov irepUo-eo-Gai : of success. "Victory over the Pel. is assured, if the Ath. will forego their passion for extending their sway while at war, and will not incur needless (' self -chosen ') risks." 11. «Keiva refers to the thought of the preceding sentences, iv &XXa> .... 8p-yois : in another discussion in connection with events as they occur. He re- deems this promise in Thu. II. 13, 61 (this book, pp. 223-225, and 236). 12. tovtois : the Laced, envoys. In connection with the answer here made, see again their demands, p. 215, top. 15. £evT]\ao-ias : Thu. in II. 39 (top of p. 229 of this book) again criticises the Spartan custom of excluding strangers (cp. also Aristophanes, Birds, 1008). This custom was founded upon the belief that intercourse with foreigners would corrupt the simplicity of the national character and manners. See Xenelasia in the Diet, of Antiq. 16. otfre, &c. : " for nothing in the treaty (t. e., the thirty years' treaty) forbids either the one (Iksivo, the exclusion of the Meg. from Ath. markets, &c.) or the other (toS*, the exclusion of foreigners from Sparta)." K-cn what they had. 2. d-ireucravTo (-uidiu>) : G. 103 ; H. 812. 3. TaSs, the present prosperity; avrd, i. e., to. virdpxovra (Kr.), the power of the 6tate. So in 1.5. T i2v: gen. of separation. 4. Xeiirto-Oai : to fall behind. 11. to {jvp/irav .... -iroiT|creiv : in general they would do nothing at Spartan dictation (KeXeuo|X€voi). 17. «v : during, in the midst of. 18. dKTjpvKTws : as they were still nominally at peace, there was no need of a herald (or flag of truce, as we should say) in journeying from one city to the other. 19. £uyx uo " 1 s : violation, to, -ytYvd^va : the occurrences at Epidamnus and Corcyra. RESOURCES OF ATHEXS. Consult Boeckh's Public Economy of the Athenians, Book III. Page 223, 1. 6. iroXXaKis : perchance, avro's : ». c, Archidamus. His friend- ship for Pericles might lead him to spare the latter's property, or the Laced, might force him to spare it in order to bring Pericles into suspicion among the Athenians. 9. tol dyq eXaweiv : cp. the n. on p. 214, 1. 22. 11, 12. eir\, yivoiTo : indirect discourse. " He said |€fos fiol tariv, ob fx4vroi .... iye viTo " (M. and T. p. 151, top), e'trj, ivas ; -yevoiTo, had become. 14. d^^o-iv: the force of Sri, 1. 10, continues. Pericles said afp'typi aura, and hence the present in the indirect form (Arnold). avTa: i. e., fields and houses. It is not stated by Thucyd., nor by any trustworthy authority, whether Pericles had occasion to redeem this promise or not. 15. 71-^60-60,1, by a change of construction, goes back to Trporiy6peve (here = eKe\eve) for its government, in disregard of the intervening clauses with 8Vi (Kr.). 20. Ta t« twv £u|a. ( &c. : t. e., to keep a firm hold upon their allies, so as not to lose the yearly tribute. 21. avn-ols: the Athenians. Dat. of possessor after elvai. The order is awkward and unusual. The logical order is airb tt)s irpoa65ov rov- tuv ru>v xpv^aTuv. That is, tovtojv agrees with xf"7M c ' T& " / ( tne tribute from the allies), and that limits rys wpocrSSov. 22, 23. Td 8e iroXXd tov v0 \ KpaTticrflai = and that victory in war ivas generally gained. 24. 6pov : gen. of material after to- \dvTCDv. 26. T-qs &XX. irpoo-68. : upon the various sources of revenue to the state (Athens), see Boeckh, as cited above. Page 224, 1. 1. ttJ dKpoiroXei : the Ath. treasury was in the Parthe- non. eirio-T|px>i> : coined. 2. ra -yap, &c. : the highest sum had been 10,000 talents wanting 300, -ydp explains the presence of trt r6re (CI.). 3. irpoirvXcua, &c. : the Propylaea, the Parthenon, and other edifices had been erected with public moneys. 4. es TIoTCScuav : upon the siege of Potidaea. See Thu. I. 56, foll. : II. 70 ; Smith's history, chap. 25, § 4, chap. 26, § 8. 5. diravT]Xw0Ti : 376 NOTES ON THUCYTJIDES. the funds had been taken. 6. oo-a Upd crKevrj : condensed for iv Upo7s CKeiecri ocra . . . fiv teat connects iv avadrnnaaiv with eV . . . . c/teuecn implied. 8 au d ta ^e e^do-o-ovos as a predicate. 10. dXXwv : other than the Parthenon, in which the treasures previously mentioned were kept. \pi]pot)pioi.s : Ath. strongholds in Attica, while £7raA|iv refers to the walls sur- rounding Ath., and the Peiraeus, and those extending from the one to the Other (67.). 20. ottotc .... lo-pdXoiev: whenever they made an incursion, i. e., during the early portion of the war. The opt. of repeated action. to irpci-rov implies that the numbers stated did not remain the same at a later time (cp. CI). 24. dortos: as usual, the city proper, as contrasted with the Peiraeus. 26. tov p.aKpou (sup. relxovs) : loosely expressed for tuv (xa.Kp5>v T€ix&v- 28. to g£ w 9 €V : the manning of the south, or Phalerie, wall made it unnecessary to garrison the inner of the two long walls. A glance at the map of Athens will elucidate the statements of this pas- sage. Page 225, 1. 4. koora : sup. ^v. tovtwv : than this, gen. after the compar. 5. &A€\\«: the indicative after ore, because only one invasion — the first — is referred to. Cp. the more general 07T(5t6 .... 4avwv : for (of) the missing. — €vpe0(So-iv : have not been found (M. and T. p. 27 ; so also upon /cpitywcrj, 1. 12). 8 tov KaXX. trpoaa-Tilov : the outer Cerameicus. 10. tovs «v M. : i.e., those who fell at Marathon. 11. avrov kch : on the spot, too (where they fell). 14. eir : over, in honor of. So in 1. 17. 16. o-n-dre j-vu-PcUu : as of en as the necessity came to them through the casualties of the war. 19. €-tt€lSt*| Kaipbs tXdnp. : when the right moment came (lit. overtook him), i. e., after the burial. The article would be expected with icatpos. 21. a>s eirl irX. tov 6u.£Xou : over the greatest possible part of the throng (partit. gen.). 8irws expresses the purpose of u<|>tjA.&j/ imrotri/i. ws intensifies the superlative. THE ORATION. " "While others praise the addition of a eulogy to the funeral ceremony, to me the practical gratitude of the latter would seem Bofflclent. II is hard to strike a just mean In praising the dead, and thus avoid the charge by their friends on the one hand of In- adequate treatment, or hy the envious on the other of exaggeration. Nevertheless I will ohserve the law, and will strive to secure the approval of my audience in the dis- charge of this duty." 378 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. Page 220, 1. 23. tov irpoer9«vTa tu vo;j.u). : ////« «;Ao proposed as part of the law, — ws koXov .... d-yopevKO-Gai avTov : on the ground that it is becoming for it (avTov, i. e., \6yov) to be spoken, &c. "With KaXov sup. ov (accus. absol. by G. 278, 2 ; H. 792, a). Cp. Arn., CI., Bigg, and Kiih. (Ausfuhr. Gram., zweiter Theil, p. 659). 25. dpKoiiv .... elvai = apitslv (CI.), contrary to the general prose usage, as stated in M. and T. 108, N. 6. 28. After ko.1 sup. i/xo\ Uv iSoKei. He would not approve of having the merits of many imperilled as to their public recognition (Tri zv $ : in a matter in which even the acceptance of the speaker's truthfulness is with difficulty secured among his hearers. Page 227, 1. 3. irpbs &, &c. : as compared ivith what he icishes, &c. 4. 6 fiimpos : one who is ignorant of the history of the dead. — go-riv & : some parts (sub. of the pass. irAeoi/af). G. 152, N. 2 ; H. 812. 5. d n, &c. : if any deed beyond his own capacity were attributed to the dead, he would charge the speaker with exaggeration. 7. &v with the subjunctive, like a present general condition (M. and T. 62). 8. tu {nreppNiX.. (neut.) a.vrS>v (partitive), &c. : being at once filled with envy of any one of those things which passes their own powers. " Great credit is due to our early ancestors and even more to our fathers for laying the sure foundation on -which we have been able to build up our present prosperity. The military history of our natioiial growth I do not need to refer to before those who know it so well, but it may be well for me to portray the national character, polity, and habits which underlie our greatness, before offering the specific tribute to the dead." Page 227, 1. 14. Tcuirny: i. e., of mentioning them first. 16. 8ia8. tuv envy. : from generation to generation. 18. ira-rcpcs : the generation subsequent to the Persian invasions. 19. irpbs ots = irpbs tovtois a. They had inher- ited Attica. 21. (idXio-Ta : used as with numerals, to show that eV rfj KaOfcrr. rjXiK. (middle life) is not meant for an exact statement. 23. -rn,v ir6\. rots it. irapecricev avrapKeo-. : have made the city completely independent by providing it with every requisite. 24. T £lv : masc, referring to irartpes and rifi^s, above. 26. (3dp|3apov and "EXXnya (used as an adj.) agree with ■jr6\e/j.ou, which is personified by the addition of iiriovTa. 27. Iv elSoeriv : general in form, but of course here referring to the speaker's audience. 30. e-y€V€TO : sup. avrd from 1. 29. " Our constitution is original. Our government is called a democracy, as being ad- ministered for the people ; but all men are equal before the law, while public honors are conferred not from party considerations but from personal merit, and in the public service lack of wealth and social position do not hinder the advancement of an efficient officer. Liberal in our public policy, we are equally liberal toward private tastes which differ from our own. Avoiding oflence both in our private and public relations, wa show deference to the officers of the State and to its laws, especially those enacted to aid the distressed, and we respect even the unwritten law of public opinion." THE FUNERAL ORATION. 379 Page 228, 1. 4. £nXovo-Tj = fit/Aovfutvr) (Scholiast). 5. uapdS«iYr ia o"vt€S .... |Ai|ioii|i.evoi : by a change of constr. for TrapaSdyfiari ovo-n .... fju/xovfieirn. 6. fivojxa : accus. of specif. 7. oUeiv: intrans., to be administered. 8. «e- kXutch.: sup. % -rroKiTcia ( CI. and Kr.). 10. nipovs: part;/ or class. 11. irpo- Tijidrai : is promoted, elevated. KO.T& ireviav should be rendered as if it were irev-ns yUff &v. 13. The force of 'EXcuOepcos .... iroXi.Tetiou.ev extends to the second clause : " and as regards suspicions of each other's daily em- ployments we act in a liberal spirit, holding resentment against no neighbor for doing as he likes (el .... Spa: M. and T. 51, N. 3), and avoiding (lit. not assuming) even an offensive demeanor, which though harmless is dis- agreeable to see." Many others (e. g., Grote) take ttj 6\|/cl dxGnSov. irpoor- 1-18. as " putting on sour looks," governing ctyei by the irp6s of the parti- ciple. The eds. disagree upon some other details of the sent., but in its general sense it evidently means to contrast the freedom of private judg- ment and action at Athens with Spartan narrowness and illiberality. 18. KSia, 8i]p.6p.r\ (= ttj tyvxy- Scholiast) : dat. of advant. 25. vop.i^ovTes : in the sense, and with the constr., of xp^nwoi. 26. ko.9 'TJuepav T| T«'p\J/is = v Kad-n/xepia rtp^is- — to Xvirnpov : discontent; or ennui (Bigg). 28. ^fjLpatvei: the result is (lit. it happens to us). — p/nStv : adv. accus. witli nap- irovaQai. — o'lKeioTe'pa ttj diroX. : (with a more personal enjoyment, but we should say) more freely. 29. av-rov: here (Attica). " "We adopt no policy of concealment, and do not abridge the privileges of strangers to keep information from the enemy. We do not secure courage by a system of train- ing, but without imposing irksome restraints upon ourselves we encounter perils as great as others. For the Laced, do not invade our land without their allies, while we contend alone upon foreign soil and for the most part successfully. And no foe has ever met all our forces at once, as they are so widely scattered over land and sea, but, whether victor or vanquished In an engagement with some detachment of ours, the enemy always claims that it was our whole force. By our light-hearted way of pre- paring for danger we have the advantage of not being prematurely exhausted by Labors still to come, of showing ourselves as brave as others in action, and of making our city admired for other things as well as for military discipline." Page 229, 1. 1. p-eXeTais : dative of respect ; Toio-Se, modal dat., to be trans, like £8e. ivavrluv : after 5tae : G. 152, N. 2 ; H. bl2 3. £evnXa4>9ev= el /X7] Kputpdtir). 5. itapao-Keu ical d-aTa s : tr. contrivances for mil- 380 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. leading. 6. to> . . . . eixj/v^w = tj) efyvxia- 7. eitivs v&)i oVtss (with affK-ficret, in trans.) : training from their very boyhood. On «v0iis, see ikT. awe? T. p. 219, N. 2. 9. lo-oiraXets : equal to, or as great as, those which the Spartans meet. 10. T€K|atj P iov : appos. with the foil. sent. (G. 137, N. 3; H. 502, b). — tco.9' Ikcio-tods : the Laced, do not send the contingent of any single mem- ber of the Pelop. confederacy to invade Attica, but join all their forces for the purpose. 12. tt|v (sup. yrjv) : after iire\66i>Tes, which becomes transit, by composition, like fMerepxovTai, above. — airol = /jlSvoi in trens. as often. 17. |xop£a>: i. e., of our force. — irpoo-[u£{oion seems to us a necessary preliminary to any undertaking, and we are able to deliberate without losing our readiness to act, while most men begin to falter when they begin to think. And the noblest spirits may delib- erately choose dangers rather than the pleasures of peace. Our friends we get by doing rather than receiving kindness; and doing a kindness confirms the friendship of the doer. No other people confers favors from pure generosity regardless of advantage." Page 229, 1. 26. p.€T tv-reXeCas : as this statement is conspicuously untrue of the public buildings of the age of Pericles at Athens, it must be sup- posed to refer to the existing conditions of art culture in private life. 30. €T€pois : same constr. as rots avrois. — irpbs ^p-ya T€Tpap.u.. : i. e., en- gaged in active business. Page 230, 1. 2. TwvSe : partit. gen. after fxerexovra. 3. avroL : cp. the n. on p. 229, 1. 12. 4. gp-yois : dat. after the verbal noun $\aX.o|ie- \r\v : repeat tV X"P 1 "- The details of the clause coo-re .... cj> o'icov (masc.) : tr. as if it were on oirb towvtuv (cp. H. 815). 30. |i€T& .... o-Tjiieicov : in effect a pred. adj. with b~vvajj.iv like aftdprvpov, and hence the nai connecting the two. Page 231, 1. 2. From ko.1 ovSe'v to (SXctyei is parenthetical 'CL). 3. l-rrvn. : verses or epics. 7. kcxkcov KcryaOtov : the mischief and the good we have done to foes and friends respectively. 8. o'toe: those just buried here. 9. o.vtt|v: " accus. of the thing," retained after the pass, verb (G. 197, N. 2; H. 553, a) 10. Ttov X.«uroji«vwv : tlie survivors. 382 NOTES ON TIIUCYDIDES. "In speaking thus at length I have wished, first, to show that we hare more at stake than those who have not our advantages; and, secondly, to give plain reasons for my eulogy of the dead. Our glory is due to such as they, and few are the Greeks whose fame is so completely deserved as theirs. Such a fate as theirs proves a man's valor, and outweighs possible faults of private character. Neither the prospect of the continued enjoyment of wealth, nor the hope of escape from poverty made cowards of them. To them it was the noblest risk to avenge themselves on the foe, and in that they were willing to commit to hope the uncertainties of future success, while, in the visible dangers of the present, they trusted their own valor. They chose to suffer in exacting satisfaction from the enemy rather than to save themselves basely, and so they shrunk from the imputation of cowardice, exposed their lives in action, and fell at the height of their glory with no manifestation of fear." Page 231, 1. 13. ols = tovtois ots : though having the Spartans in mind, he chooses the indefinite form of expression. Hence, p-nSev, not ovScp (M. and T. 58, 3). 14. tvko-yla.v Itp' ols, i. e., evKoylau tovtoiv e«XCav: considering in no merely rhetorical way the advantage of a bold spirit, i. e., not merely by listening to an oratorical portrayal of its benefits. 12. tis .... |at]kvvoi, i. e., tyco .... /j.7]Kwoifj.t. — irpos governs avrovs v/aus. — ovSe'v Xeipov, i. e., "as well as the speaker" (cp. paKpnyope'iv iv elSSaiv, p. 227, 1. 27). 14. oXXa : the connection will be seen by rejecting for the moment the previous words from H\v to eyeo-nv. 15, 17. Gewfievovs, ev9ufj.oup.evovs : same constr. as ffKoirodvTas, 1. 11. 18. ai.o-xvvdp.evoi: ashamed of, hence avoiding, disgrace. 19. avTa : as so often before, the power and resources of the state. — ireCpo. tov a\. : (failed of any thing in trial) failed in any attempt. Opt. of repeated past action (M. and T. 62 ; G. 233; H. 729, b). 25. iropa .... Kcupu> : upon every returning occasion for oratory or action, i. e., whenever orators may use their lives to illustrate heroism, or citizens take them as models for action. 27. o-njiaCvei, used absolutely, = at]fi.iUv io-rt (CL). 28. tt) p.^| irpoo-nKovo-n = foreign. Sup. y]). 29. avpaos • • • • evSiaiTa- Tai : there abides with every one an unwritten memorial of inward sympathy rather than of external monuments. Page 233, 1. 1. to ev8a.ip.ov (happiness) and to 8e e\ev8epov: predicate accus. (G. 1GG; H. 556). The article is used with the pred., contrary to general usage, to give the neut. adject, the character of an abstract noun (G. 130, 2). 2. iKpiopdo-ee : neglect, shrink from. 3. ol Ka.Koirpa.-y. : those whose lives are full of hardships. For the general sense, see the abstract given above. 5. ois, &c. : i. e., those whose present circumstances are such that there is loss in any change to a contrary condition of life. 6. to. Sicute'povTa : the difference between their present and the future wliich a calamity would 384 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. bring. 8. kv tu : disregard in translating. It is rejected generally by the eds., except Kriiger. 9. koivtis sXttiSos: hope of the common good (Am.). — dvaur0i]TOs : t. e., compared with the pain of a lingering death from illness (cp. the e\axi€VT€S : know they have been brought up, live. 13. to 8* iv-royjis, ol &v, &c. : a combination of two phrases, to 8" evrvxes eo-riv edv rives, &c, and ol 8' eurvx^s elan of &v, &c. But there is no difficulty in the expression, since ol iLv = edv rives. — evirpeTr60dvos, &c. : ». e., the living are envied on the part of their competitors ("with reference to their competition"); but if competition be removed by the death of a rival, his merits are fully recognized. 8. TeTip-Tyrai : gnomic (31. and T. 30). — YwatKeias = yvyatieuf, and hence serves as the antecedent of 6Voi. 12. koI ^s = Kal iieydKv tarai v 8a£veo-9ai : sub. of t,wifi-n, like ireia ■6ijj>a.i, &c. — Sioti, &c. : i. e., because that which brings present distress makes itself so keenly felt as to banish from the mind the final advantage which it may work out. — '4\ei = irapi- Xei {CI., &c), as at p. 230, 1. 28. 29. Taimyr) .... e-yKaprepeiv & g-yvan-e: too feeble to persevere in your determination. Cp. 6\lywv a\e£aardai, p. 148, 1.25. Page 237, 1. 4. avTiirdXois avTi] : equal to it. The ways in which they had been reared were as noble as the city they inhabited. 6. d^avi^eiv : our idiom is " to tarnish," though that is not quite strong enough. 7. 86£r|s : after eWeiiret. 8. ttjs prj TpoorT|KOvo-r|s [8o|tjs] : a reputation which does not belong to him. 9. dira\-yT|o-avTas rd ilSia : having disregarded our private dis' tress. — tov Kotvoxi limits (rwr-npias. 10. irdvov: really the object of aire- Set^a ; but owing to the intervening matter, avTov (representing ir6vov) is inserted with the verb, for the sake of clearness, irovov may be translated as an accus. of specif. 11. p.TJ depends on inroirrevonevov {CI. and Kr.). THE DEFENCE OF PERICLES. 387 12. oiSlv (laXXov : no more (than if the toil were not excessive). 14. toS«, 8 . . . . dpxT)v: that ichich, as regards the extent of its influence ( piytfovs ire'pi) upon the establishment of your supremacy, you seem to me never to have considered to belong to you (cp. CI). to8<= is their naval power. — 8: ol>j. of ivOvfj.-ndij- vai. 16. otfr t-yw (sup. ividv^e-nv. Kr.) : nor did I consider fully. (Am. supplies ixpn, referring to r6Se. 20. Sxio jiepcov : partit. gen. after rod erepov (the one). 22. €<}> 8o-ov .... veneer^: so far as you now avail yourselves of it. 25. pao-iXcvs and 29vos are in appos. with the sub. of %(ttiv. This is a combination of two expressions, viz., " neither a king nor any one else " and " neither any king nor nation." The awkwardness may be avoided by disregarding &\\o in translation. 26. ov Kara : not on a level with, i. e., above, superior to. 28. Svvaius : i. e., naval power. 29. avraiv (i. e., houses and land) : causal gen. after x^A.. (pepeiv. — ov is silent in our idiom. Its use is analogous to the repetition of the negative with an infin. after a verb of negative meaning (cp. Jelf, 749, 3). Instead of grieving so deeply over the loss of houses and other possessions, they should regard them as mere appendages of wealth, and care little for them as compared with their naval power (irpbs ravrnv). Page 238, 1. 3. inraKovo-ao-i (after i\ao-o-ovff6ai) : dat. of disadvantage.— i\«iv : are wont. 4. tear dn^orepa refers forward to Kariaxov (acquiring power) and iraptdoaav (transmitting it unimpaired). — 4>aviivai (sup. faZs as sub.) : same constr.. as yv&vai and pov^|p.cm : disdain. — AtixiK-a, &c. : i.e., even a man void of real spirit may make a lucky hit ignorantly, and hence acquire self-confidence; but the sentiment of disdain toward one's foes belongs only to him who is confident of his superiority to them in counsel. KaTcuppovno-is 8£ [sup. epovos) gives greater security in deeds of daring. — 'Airo .... tvxts : setting out from fortune, which favors neither party. So €K emphasizes the idea of the starting- point of |iW(m, where we should say with or based upon. 15. -yv Ti|«op.tvtp = t£ TtuZo-dai. 18.^: or else. 20. d\Xd connects o-Teprjo-ecos and mvSuvov with evbs p.6vov. 21. kivSwov s SoiAevav : to occupy a dependent position quietly. The sub. of £v(Hpepei (CI. and Kr.). Page 239, 1. 1. irapa-y€o-9e : be misled. 11. iv '4dn : customary. 12. \i.i\ . . . . Kco\x>9fj : let them not be checked in you, i. e., so far as depends on you (Kr.). 16. f\s after \>-vr\}i.r\, below. — tois en-i-yi-yvofie'vois : posterity. — i)v .... iroT«: even if we do now at length give way a little. 18. KaToXeXsuj/eTai : M. and T. 29, N. 1. — 'EXXrjviov, &c. : i. e., that we held a wider sway over the Greek race than any other Greek state. 8ti depends on fiwnfir]. 20. kciG' «<£- o-tovs: Classen and most eds. (but not Kr.) take this as a substantive phrase (= Lat. singulos) in the same constr. as Iv/xitavra : against all, both col- lectively and individually. The statement that the Athenians had met all the Greeks collectively is an exaggeration. 21. tois .... €wop<0TdTT)v : very rich in all things. 24. fito-eiv the sub. of ^7re- picnreuce. 10. auTos : of himself, i. e., unaided by any practical experience of what they would do when put to an extreme test. PREPARING FOR THE SICILIAN EXPEDITION"; THE MUTILATION OF THE HERMAE. Collateral Reading : Grote, chaps. LVIL, LVIII. ; Curtius, TIL 321- 364; Smith, chap. XXIX. §§ 10-15, chap. XXX. §§ 1-6 ; Cox, 361-374. Page 243, 1. 1. fierd. Tavra : i. e., after a debate concerning the Sicilian expedition, and a final vote to give the generals full power to make all necessary arrangements, and even to determine the size of the armament according to their views of what the interests of Athens required. 3. dva- X^$ei .... tauTTJv: had recovered. 4. £vvex°Ss: i.e., from the beginning of the war in 431 b.c. to the Peace of Nicias in 421. 5. Is : with reference to (CL). — \pt]\ia.r(i>v : said to have been as much as 7,000 talents. — Ifcexei- pCav : the partial cessation of hostilities since the Peace of Nicias. 7. 'Ep- p.al : consult the histories, as cited above. See also Hermae in the Diet, of Antiq. 8. €is : obj. gen. after ^vyce/xocria. — 8tjji.ov: democracy. 18. di0a>v : personal attendants, body-servants. 23. avToi viroXa^Pav. : taking it up. Page 244, 1. 1. lp.iro8o>v ovtu .... irpoco-Tdvau : i. e., because he was in the way of their being the recognized popular leaders. Svti goes with 'Aaki- PidSr). — fi.Tj is silent (G. 283, 6; H. 838). 2. teal connects vo/j-iaauTes and inroXanfiav. 3. lp.e-ydX.wov : exaggerated. Repeat mentally ai/rd as its ob- ject. 5. ow (i€T = ivithout. 6. ImXI-yovres T6K[iT|pia : mentioning as further indications. 7. Is: cp. 1. 5, previous page. 9. Kptv€cr0ai: passive. 11. tllp- •yao-ro irregularly represents e^pyao-fiai of the direct discourse. 12. diroXv0€iTi represents (regularly) iav cnroKvOw of the direct form (31. and T. 77, 2, N. 2). — dpxeiv : i. e., to take his place as one of the three commanders of the THE MUTILATION OF THE HERMAE. 391 Sicil. expedition. — £ir€p.apTvp€To : with /*}) cnrob'ex €0 '8 ai > earnestly begged ; with ort below, forcibly showed. — dirovros irepi avTov = irepl ai)TOv o.tt6vtos [in his absence). 14. ko.1 Sti, &c. : a change of constr. from the infin. — pov«rT€pov : more prudent. 16. StSioTes, &c. : i. e., they feared to act against Alcib. with so large an array near the city, devoted to him. 17. ^t] = jj. 18. [laXaKi^TiTai : i.e., toward Alcibiades. 21. tXOovra . after his return. 24. &>o(je : it was voted. 26. wv : neuter. Thucyd. has been giving an account (omitted in this book) of the tyrannical conduct of Hippias. Remembering what they had suffered under a tyranny, they were very jealous of any indications of a tyrannical spirit in a public leader, or of any attempt to destroy their democratic constitution. 28. tovs irep^- .... Xaj3dvTas : " those who had been criminated respecting " (Bloom field). 30. av-ruv .... opy^o^ivuv : owing to their indignation at such action (to toiovtou, i. e., such as the mock-mysteries). Page 215, 1 3. €o,Cvsto : sup. irpd.yfj.aTa or t& irpay/xa. — tireStScxrav : neuter, increased. — Is (in respect to) governs aypidrepov and ^vWafx^dvetv (airest). 6. i'ire .... ko.1 ov : to make disclosures, whether true or false. 7. eir d|i6T€pa : both ways, i. e., as to the truth of his revelations. 10. dSsiav •jrou}a-ap.evov : by securing immunity, i. e., by turning state's evidence. 16. iroi.ovp.evoi : considering. The plural, because 8fjp.os is a collective noun. — «l = oti (M. and T. 56). 17. e'frrovTai: from oTSa. 19. jatj : G. 231 ; H. 835. — tovs KaTcuTiaOevTas : partit. appos. with robs fieu, in stead of the partit. gen. (G. 137, N. 2 ; H. 500, b). 21. tcov Sicupvvovrwv : G 173, 2; H. 577, b. 23. d cLSCkus : whether they had not unjustly (Krilger). 25. Iva-yovrtov : urging action. 26. x. a XeTr<»>S .... IXdu.(3avov : took hold of the matter in an angry mood. 29. Xo-yov: motive. — kcU (after tov avrov) : as (H. 856, c). — ttjs £wo>p.oo-£as : attracted into the case of \6yov instead of being, like fivo-TiKa, in the nominative. " The profane imitation of the mysteries had apparently been carried out by him from the same motive as the conspiracy against," &c. This is the interpretation of Classen, which I am inclined to accept, in preference to those of Poppo (eodem consilio et quidem cum con jura- tione), or Kriiger [under the same motive and under, on account of, the con- spiracy). 30. air represents the agent as the source of the act (cp. p. 63, 1. 30, note). Page 246, 1. 3. irpbs B. n irpdo-crovTes : carrying out some project in connec- tion with B. On -rrpdo-o-ovTcS see the n. on p. 215, 1. 16. 5. diro £w. : as the result of, according to, an agreement between them and Alcibiades. — g(f>0ao-av : . 7. f| iroXis : sup. i86iv. 17. Ei.pn.To : directions had been given to the captain of the Salamin- ian. 18. OspairevovTes : anacolouthon (H. 886). The participle is used as if an active verb ("they had given orders") had preceded instead of etp-qro. The whole clause is awkward in structure. Its sense is that the authorities at Athens, in order to avoid excitement among the forces in Sicily, did not formally arrest Alcibiades there. Gepa/rredovTes to . . . p/f) 0op\jf3eiv : guard- ing against excitement with reference to those in S., both their own and the hostile forces. The position of ri (t6 re irpos) cannot be satisfactorily explained. The reading apparently should be QepairevovTzs re, corresponding to koL .... fSov\6jjLEi>oi below. Classen avoids the difficulty by arbitrarily striking out the words t6 re irpos. 22. o-as : the Mantineans and Argives. Regular usage would require uvtovs. Some read o-v, " just as non modo in Latin FINAL SCENES OF THE SICILIAN EXPFDITION. 393 Is used instead of non modo non "). 24. diropCa : like SaKpvtri, after ir\-no-Qiv t modal dative. Page 248, 1. 1. Ik iroXtjiias (yvs) t«: sup. acpop/xcafievovs from the preced- ing acpop/j-uffOai. — peiijio ^ KaTa : too great for. 2. irepl twv ev dcpavet = irepl twv /j.€\\6vtwv (Scholiast). 4. Ovhlv -yap aXXo ^ : a not uncommon idiom, in which a verb of doing or being is suppressed ; tlieij did nothing else than resemble, i. e., they completely resembled. (Read the examples under H. 508, b). 9. linn}$: G. 53, 3, N. 2; H. 100, d. — impel: contrary to. 12. dirrprro|io\. : sup. ol o.k6\ovBoi. — TrapaxpT|p.a (= iv T$ r6re irapivrt, at that very time. Scholiast) : sup. a.irnvTOfi6\ovv (Kr.). 15. ^x o,Jcra • • • • K °u- cciopp.do-8ai : same constr. as airizvai. 25. irpocr- exovras: animos advertentes, i.e., confidentes (Poppo). 30. eirnrapiciv : pass- ing to the front. — us .... {nrapxovTwv (connect with the following verbs) : as far as existing circumstances allowed. Page 249, 1. 1. (Jot} xP"F- €V0S > & c - : calling out, through his earnestness, even louder (than on previous occasions) to the individuals, &c. €Kdo-rois : dat. of advantage. 6. KaTa|x€p.4>£cr0ai : repeat x pi 7, 8. £vp.opcus, previous re- verses in battle; KaKoiraeeicus, their present adverse and desperate condi- tion. 9. irpo€'pwv (with gen.): though excelling. 11. «s : with reference to. 12. tois «X.<5v : the native or prae-Hellenic race, whom the com- ing of Greek colonists had driven into the interior. 7. eipTipe'vov : accus. absol., directions laving been given (G. 278, 2 ; H. 702). In trans, it precedes ifol (both) airavTav. — iLKka: tor. betides. 10. p.aXaKio-8evTts = tl moA<""- 394 NOTES ON THUCYDIDES. a-Be'iyre (act the coward). 11, 13. T€v£6|ievoi, €iravop9w(rovT€S with yvwre: be assured that the rest of you will obtain .... and that the Ath. will restore, &c. 16. iirr\i\.: passed along. 20. To Si: sup. os : " It was a narrow ridge, or hog's back, to which the road ascended from the valley, and terminating on both sides in a steep and precipitous ravine " ( Arnold). 10. Tt} vo-Ttpaia : the third day of the retreat. 16. d'jroxwpetv : to go away from the main body after supplies. 17. Ilpwt : the fourth day. 18. Xo<|>ov : the same as in 1. 8. 21. ovk .... do-irtStov = many deep. — -yap : the depth of the enemy's line was due to the narrowness of the pass, which forbade them to form in any other way. 24. Sukvovvto : reached the Athenians with their missiles. Page 252, 1. 6. T-^ vo-Tepcuq, : the fifth day. 16. " It was now manifest that to reach the Sikelian country by ascending the valley from Syracuse was utterly hopeless : the generals accordingly resolved to change their line of retreat, and to penetrate into the interior by the valley of the Cacyparis, which terminates on the sea-coast, about six or seven miles to the southward of the Anapus" (Arnold). Consult a map of Sicily. 18. Before KaTo/re- TpavjActT. sup. in trans. '6ti, because. 28. otov .... eyvfyvjo-Oai, : otov (which) has the idea of efj-iriirrei Ta.pa.xh for its antecedent, and serves as the sub. of o{3oi ko.1 Sa^a/rci, in appo- sition with otov, and explanatory of its meaning. This addition may, per- haps, be due to the distance of oXov from its antecedent. The clause may be rendered "as alarms and fancies are wont to befall even all encamp- ments." Page 253, 1. 1. lovo-iv agrees with avroh, above. 2. £uve|i€V€ : staid to- gether. 5. ?w: the sixth day. 16. tj Tip-epa: same as ?&» 1- 5. 18. ev alria .... elypv .... &(J>€ivai: accused G. of intentionally letting the Ath. escape. Iv atria d^ov = titi&vto, and, like that, takes the infin. (Kr.). 20. TJ, &c. : by which they easily saw that the Ath. had gone. 23. «os . . . . £vv- €Tapdx.9'ncrav : just as they had got into confusion during the night " at the time men- tioned above" (totc). Cp Am. 28. to v7ro|wveiv Kal p.d\«o-8ai is the first accus. and c-corqpCav the second after a verb of thinking (vop.l(o)v). G. 166 ; H. 556. — eKovTas «Ivai : voluntarily ; with to inrofit'veiv, voluntary delay. Upon the constr., see G. 268, note; H. 775, a. 30. Tocrain-a: only so much. Page 254, 1. 1. to. irXeCw : adv. accus. 2. to : with iiriKeiadai. 5. p.dX- Xov ^ may be trans, but rather. 7. dv€i\Ti0<=vT€s : " being driven back in con- fusion " into " a piece of ground thickly planted with olive-trees, and nearly surrounded by a wall, while a road ran along each side of it" (Arnold). So substantially Poppo. Grote, however, thinks the place to have been "a walled olive-ground, through the middle of which the road passed," since FINAL SCENES OF THE SICILIAN EXPEDITION. 395 " a road which passed right through the walled ground, entering at one side and coming out at the other, might well be called 68bs ev6ev re tea) ZvQev." Arnold's interpretation seems to me more consistent with the Greek than Grote's. 11. £uo-t, dat. after iylyvero), when success was now assured (err' .... o-a.(J>€i), strove to avoid throwing away his life before participating in the final victory. 21. vno-t- ds dirte'vai: ;'. e., to leave the Ath. and come over to them. Page 255, 1. 1. ravT-r] t^ T)ne'pa : still the sixth day. 4. ttj vtrrtpata : the seventh day of the retreat. 6. KeXevovrcs : with 2vpaK6a h\ . . . . eju9vfu'a gives the second, and Pia£6|±€voi gives the ground of oi6|i€voi .... iroTajiov (cp. Poppo and Kr.). Page 25G, 1. 4. irds ti tis: the re shows that iras tis and oi iroXe/xioi are together the sub. of iirolow. 7. ir€p£, &c. : perished at once from their spears and impedimenta. But the more usual, and perhaps better, interpretation sepa- rates o-Ktveo-Lv from its natural connection and joins it with tp.TTaXao-cr6p.evoi in sense. Thus Jowett: "some at once perished, pierced by their own spears; others got entangled in the baggage and were carried down the stream." — KciTfppcov : floated down stream ("sank on the ground exhausted," ac- cording to Arm, as he thinks that the Assinarus, unless swollen by re<"pnt rain, would scarcely have water enough in the month of September to float any thing). 9. 'Es .... OaTepa: on die other bank. 10. tjv: sub. indeter- minate. In Eng. sup. bank. 12. ko£\co : i. e., flowing in a deep channel, the water far below the banks. 17. tcXos : adv. accna., finally. 23. o ti : trans. as. 28. ot . . . . vuktos: cp. p. 255, 1. 24. Page 257, 1. 4. ovSevos : sup. e0fj- vai (a6v/j.Ti87i. 27. lavrdv serves as the obj. of both par- tic, and verb. 28. Seio-avnis : i. c, some of the Syracusans, who had held a treasonable correspondence with Nicias, feared that he would be put to torture and disclose their names. Page 258, I. 1. xPwl 1010 " 1 ' • • • • tiv&s : by bribing certain persons. 4. toi- avTTj .... alTia : from such a cause or something very nearly like it. 7. Sid •n?|v .... «riTr|8evcriv : because of his general and habitual practice of (is, strictly, with reference to) virtue. Or irdcrav may go with aper-fiv. every virtue. 10. rjXioi : hot, sunny days. 11. irvi-yos : suffocating heat. 14-16. The geni- tives absolute are causal, accounting for the 6o~fiai. — travra ttoiovvtwv av- tuv : euphemistic. 19. ISiSoo-av .... kotvXt]v : i. e., they gave the amounts stated every day for eight months. The kotv\t) was about half a pint. " The allowance of food was only one-half of that commonly given to a slave " (Arnold). 23. '{vix.ra., &c. : at the end of seventy days the surviv- ing prisoners were sold into slavery, except the Athenians and any Sicilian or Italian Greeks, they being kept to the end of the eight months men- tioned above. 24. ei rivts : whoever. 27. iTrmKio-xiXtav : it will be remem- bered that 40,000 started upon the retreat (p. 248, 1. 6). Thucyd. accounts for the remainder on p. 257, near the top. 29. Soksiv 8'. . . . iio-jxev : and, as it seems to me, the greatest also of all Greek affairs with which we are acquainted by tradition. — 8ok«iv: independent in structure (G. 268; H. 772). Page 259, 1. 2. ovStv 6\lyov .... Ka,Koira0TJo-avT€S : having suffered no tri- fling loss in any matter. In is ovSe'v we have the common repetition of the negative to strengthen the negation (G. 283, 8; H. 843). 3. -navtaXtBpia goes with airwXero. — to Xevofievov : according to the common expression, as the saying is. In appos. with Travukedpla .... aird>\eTO (G. 137, note 3; H. 502, b). — " ir€£6s, vr\ts, and ovSev 8ti ovk belong properly to the pred. of the proposition, and not to its subject" (Am.). The sub. is the omitted pron. with which vikt]0€vt€s and KaKo-rra.9no-. agree, and hence dirwXeTo should be plural ; but through the proximity of ovSev '6 tj ovk (every thing), it is at- tracted into the singular. 5. dirb ttoXXwv : i. e., out of the many who had gone to Sicily. " More than 200 ships of state, with their entire equipment, had been lost ; and if we reckon up the numbers despatched on successive occasions to Sicily, the sum total, inclusive of the auxiliary troops, may be calculated at about G0,000 men " (Curtius). EFFECTS OF THE DISASTERS IN SICILY. 397 EFFECTS OF THE DISASTERS IN" SICILY. Collateral Reading : Grote, chap. LXL, near the beginning; Curtius, ILL 414 foil., 427 foil. ; Smith, chap. XXXI, beginning; Cox, 412. Page 250, 1. 8. k : public treasury. — xnniptcrias : crews. Page 260, 1. 2. ical .... irapecrKevao-pivovs : even doubly provided with aU requisites. 4. KoS6[i,T]9u TtjGeCov : straight for Ggtheium, the port of Sparta. The gen. after ei>86 (G. 182, 2 ; H. 589) is similar to that after verbs of aiming at, &c. 17. tov .... li\a : now ine C ^U ?s affected toward him in respect to his returning home, ws, '6ttcos, &c, with %x u ma y govern a geni- tive (cp. p. 270, 1. 6, and the familiar &>s iroSwy eKaaros e7x € "> as f asi as eacn could). Page 264, 1. 1. Tip-r^vous agrees with robs iroKiras, implied in [tt^Ah/] ovaav. 2. |i6Taire|xiro(i€vovs : were sending for him. 3. II\vvTT|pia : the Plyn- teria, a festival in honor of Athena Aglauros, held in the first half of June. On this clay the statue of the goddess and its drapery were cleansed and put in order, the statue being meanwhile veiled from the public gaze. 4. 8 refers to the idea of the previous clause. 10. Oav^d^ovTts : plu. because 6x^os is a collective noun. So at p. 276, 1. 22. 11. ot \Uv : the correspond- ing oi 8€ is found at 1. 3, on the next page. 12. |xo'vos .... avtop.€vovs : wearing garlands, as if they had been victorious. 26. Ipirdpois : sutlers. 27. xpTJP-aTa: goods, wares. 28. TpiTJpeis (the force of irapriyyeiKe con- tinues, and a.Troir\uy is to be repeated. Biich.) : he bade the triremes to sail away. " The battle of the Arginusae was the greatest naval battle which took place in the entire course of the war; 275 ships had been engaged in it, i.e., five more than even in the great naval conflict at Sybota " (Curtius). THE DISASTER TO THE ATHENIANS AT AEGOSPOTAMI. Collateral Reading: Grote, chap. LXV., beginning; Curtius, HI. 547- 553; Smith, chap. XXXII., §§ 19, 20; Cox, 475-480. Page 269, 1. 7. [«irl 'Apxvro .... *A\e£fov] : bracketed as an interpola- tion, on the ground that this method of indicating dates belongs to a later 402 j NOTES ON XEXOPHON. period than that of Xenophon. 'Ap\vTa: Doric gen. (G. 39; H. 134 D). 18. IIapecrK€v&£ovTo .... irpbs rb vcujtikov: were making preparations for their navy, i. e., probably, were making additions to it. Cp. the note of Br., who conjectures that some object of the verb like &K\as TTivr^Kovra yavs haa fallen out of the text. 21. o.vtw: i. e., Cyrus. &v goes with the sub. of KaKoi-q. The Cadusii were on the S. W. coast of the Caspian Sea. Page 270, 1. 2. elvat -yap, &c. : dependent on the verb of saying implied in ovk efa. 3. wo-T6 .... ir\T]po{iv : so that he (Lysander) could, so far as it de- pended on that, man many ships (cp. Br. and B'dch.). 4. TlapeSei^ : turned over, assigned. 6. ws etx £ 4>iXias irpos, &c. : cp. the n. on p. 263, 1. 17. 19. Kal KaXovjitvo) yunvaa-Cw] : bracketed as an interpolation by Dindorf, but not by Br. and Biich. Its construction is a " peculiar form of apposition, instead of eV rm yv/xvao-lcp t£ 'A/faS^/ief^ naXovfiivw" (Biich.). The Academy was about a mile N. "W. of the city. It subsequently became famous as the scene of the teachings of Plato. 14. dire'SwKe: restored. Al-yivTJTttis : in 431 B.C. the resolve had been taken by the Athenians " to expel the Aeginetans in a body from their island ; since they, above all, had contributed by secret accusations to excite the Peloponnesians against Athens Accordingly, the lands were without delay distributed among Attic citizens, and the native Aeginetans transported with their families to the Peloponnesian coasts" (Curtius, III. 62). The siege and capture of Melos (416 b.c.) had been followed by the massacre of the grown men and the enslavement of the rest of the inhabitants, their lands being given to Athenian colonists. 22. ov8e|iCav .... iraSdv : that they had no security against suffering. 23. &: object of both' eirofijacra,v : refused. 14. tois .... kivSwcis: t. e., in the Persian wars. 15. k$ $ (on condition that) is followed by the infln., eireo-dai (M. and T. 99; G. 267). 18. KaOevTcis: having taken back. — rbv avTov .... AaKeSatp-oviois (dat. of likeness) : the same with the Lace- daemonians. 22. <|)oPov(i€Voi : plu. because ox^-os is a collective noun. 26. itoioivto (offered) : opt. in indirect discourse. Page 277, 1. 1. KaTTjcrav = KaTyeaav. 2. vir avXirrpCStov : under the etimulus of music by flute-girls. GOODWIN'S GREEK GRAMMAR. List of Parallel References to the Old and New Editions so far as is required in usiny the notes of this booh. Old Edition. New Edition. Old Edition. New Edition. Page 92, mid. § HO, 10. § 122, 2. §119, 2-5, 10, and " 107, N. Page 173, N. 2. 12(6); and 126, " 108, N. " 174, N. 3. 5. " 110, v. N. " 178, Tt., N. § 123, N. 2. § 98, X. 2. " 190, top. " 288, (4). § 124, 1. § 120, 1 (d). " 202, X. 2. " 301,N.2(a). § 124, 2. § 120, 2 (a). " 208, 1. -4. " 309, X. § 124, 3. § 120, 3 (a). " 218. " 330. § 127. § 126, 1. « 225, '/&>• " 337, e^bjuai. § 128, 2. § 126, 7. § 130, 2, X. § 127, vii., X. § 59, 2. § 53, 1, X. 3. § 141, X. 6, 2nd § 59, 3. § 53, X. 4. clause. § 141, N. 7. § 59, 4. § 52, N. 4. § 142, 1. § 142, 1, X. § 79, 1, End. § 79, 1, X. 6. § 173, l.end. § 173, X. 1. § 98, 2, N. § 118, 4. § 191, 3, end. §191, in., 2. § 101, N. 2. § 101, 4, X. § 239, X. § 239, X. 1. § in:;. §104. § 279, 2. § 279, 4. § 120, 2. § 110, ii., X. 1. § 279, X. § -'79, 4, X. 406 PARALLEL REFERENCES. PARALLEL REFERENCES TO HADLEY'S AND HADLEY & ALLEN'S GREEK GRAMMARS. Hadley. Hadlev and Allen. Hadley. Hadley and Allen. Hadley. Hadley and Allen. P. 209, top § 021, C 246 D. 280 D. 508, b 612 P. 225, 1. 4 §622 247 D. 281 D. 509, b 021, a &c. § 11 D. 14 D. 309 D. 356 D. 509 (a) 622 22 27 311, Rem. a 358, c 509,0 730, a 24 D. a 30D.(1) 312 359 510 996 24 D. c & d 34 D. 314 361 513 010 26 D. 36 D. 318 D. 363 D. 514, a 609 87 42 351 D. 458 D. 516 605 65 D. 73 D. 352 D. 435 D. b 518 635 66 D. 74 1). 355 D. e ( 376 D. d 1 464 D. a 518, d 637 06 R. d 74, d 522 017 63 D. Rem.c 77 D. 357 D. 376 D. e 525 654 72 D. 82 D. 36:] D. 383 D. 4 525, d 655, d 73 D. 84 D. 370 D. 409 D 527, d 058 102 109 371 D.c 412 D 534 66 ;, c 102, a 109, b 373 D. 422 D. 536 671 125 D. 2 138 D.c 374 423 53,7 672 128 D. 141 1). 376 425 538 673 129 D. 142 D. 379 496 547 715 134 D. 146 D. 392, Rem. a 464, a 519 718 136 R, d 149 392 D. 464 D. 552 719 136 D. b. 2 148 D. 2 400 I). Lend 444 D. end 552, a 719, b 140 D. b 156 D. 401 D. h 419 D. 553 724 146 159 403 1). 2 534 D. 1 555 725 168 D. 183 D. 405 D. 1 477 1). 556 726 176 D. 190 D. 405 D. 2 482 I). 559 729, e 180 D. 194 D. 406 D. 1 478 1). 559, e 730, e 182 190, 191, 198 409 D. 491 D. 560 729, f 182 D. 190 D. 410 D. 493 572 732 1*6 D. 201 D. 414 498 574 736 180 D. 206 D. 416 500 574, a 737 190, d 208, a 431 P. 6 517 D. 7 574, b 738 191 247, b 432 D. 518 D. 574, c 739 193 197 450 D. 1 539 1). 1 574, e 736 212 D. 229 D. 493, e 690, a 575, a 743, b 233 D. 261 D. 500, b 624, d 576 742 243 D. 275 1). 502 626 577, b 745 244 D. 277 D. 504, c 602, c 583 751 TAIIALLEL REFERENCES. 407 PARALLEL REFERENCES (Continued). Hadley. Hadlev and Allen. Had ley. Hadley and Allen. Hadley. Hadley and Allen. 584, b, end 753, c, end 720, c . 866, 3 799 982 584, e 753, i 721, 1 870 800 983 585 755 720 878 801 984 687, c 764, c 729, b ( 894, 2 \ 914. B, 2 802 o;-o 588 750 804, b 990 58'J 757 735 932, 1 808 994 691 759 730 932, 2 809 995 595, J 765, a 740 881, a 809, a 905, c 596 766 743 887 810 990 597 707 750 901* 812 oos 598 768 756 911 814 1000 599 770 760 898, c 815 1001 601 771 765 951 816 1002 61 12 772 707 952 817, a 1003, a 603 773 768 954 825 1011 004 774 709 955 835 1021 004, end 774, a 770 953 8:17, b 1024 005 775 772 956 838 1029 007 776 775, a 950, a 839 1025 609 780 777 944 841 1027 610 781 781 959, Gen. 842 1028 015 785 781, a 900 848 1030 618, a 788 7S4 057 845 10S2 021 784, a, end 789, c 969, b 847 1034 G27, Plirases ( 052, a | 797, Phrases 789, d 000, c 856 1041 789, e 900, d 856 c 1042<*i 662 649 789, f 900, e 859 1044 664 051 791, a 972, a 862, 1) 1040, c 665 652 791, d 972, d 870, d 1050, d 699, a 828, a 792 973 87:!, a 804 702 832 705, d 977 882 1059 704 835 795, e 978 884 1001 7o7 840 796 980 886 1063 708 841 707 981 911 1101 720, b 866,2 798 981 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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