REESE LIBRARY BIOLOGY LIBRARY i> THK G UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Rtcthvd Accessions No. .f NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT, THE NATURALIST'S ASSISTANT a $?anfrl3ooft for tlje ffioliector antr Stulrcnt WITH A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FIFTEEN HUNDRED WORKS NECESSARY FOR THE SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGIST BY J. S. KINGSLEY BOSTON S. E. CASSINO, PUBLISHER 1882 Copyright, T S. E. CASSINO, 1882. ELECTROTYPED. BOSTON STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY, No. 4 PEARL STREET. UNIVERSITY CHAPTER I. COLLECTING AND PRESERVING SPECIMENS. MANY treatises and papers have been written on the methods of collecting and preserving zoological specimens ; the more important of which are enumerated below. Space prevents giving the various operations in detail in this volume, but it is hoped that the directions given, although concise, will prove explicit and valuable. For more extended accounts of the methods employed in collecting and preserving specimens, the student is referred to the following works : Boitard Manuel du Naturaliste PrSparateur. Paris, 1853. T. Brown The Taxidermist's Manual. London, 1859. Elliott Coues Field Ornithology. Salem, 1874. J. B. Davies Naturalists' Guide. Edinburgh, 1853. G. Dimmock Directions for the Collecting of Coleoptera. Spring- field, Mass., 1872. J. H. Emerton Life on the Seashore. Salem, 1880. James Lewis Directions for Collecting Land and Fresh Water Shells (American Naturalist, vol. ii, 1868). C. J. Maynard Naturalists' Guide. Salem, 1870. A. S. Packard, jr. Directions for Collecting and Preserving In- sects (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Directions for Collectors. W. Swainson Taxidermy. London, 1851. 1 (1) 2 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. C. A. Walker Hints on Taxidermy (American Naturalist, vol. iii, 1870). Lord Walsingham Directions for Collecting Micro-Lepidoptera (American Naturalist, vol. vi, 1872). S. P. Woodward Manual of the Mollusca. London, 1871. VERTEBRATES. Mammals and birds are most readily procured by shooting with a gun, using shot large enough to kill, but not so large as seriously to injure the specimen. The size of the shot to be employed cannot, of course, be dogmatically prescribed, as it varies with the size of the animal, but in general terms " number 8 " shot will be large enough for all birds under the size of a pigeon, while for birds of greater bulk, " number 5 ", or larger, will be required. These remarks apply equally well to the smaller mammals ; for the larger ones a rifle may be necessary. It must be insisted on that the collector shoot at any part of the body rather than at the head. Some col- lectors use a bow and arrow or a blow gun for the smaller birds, and with slight practice become very expert. Traps and snares of various sorts are frequently employed and with the advantage of obtaining the specimen in an uninjured condition. " Bird-lime " is also used to capture birds alive. The English method of making this substance is as fol- lows : the middle bark of the holly, mistletoe or distaff-thistle, is chopped up and boiled in water several hours. The result- ing liquid is then strained and concentrated by evaporation until it assumes a gelatinous consistency, resembling moist putty. Doubtless the bark of several of our American trees VERTEBRATES. 3 and shrubs would answer the same purpose, but the writer is not aware of any experiments having been tried. A substitute may be made by taking ordinary wheat flour, placing it in a bag of fine muslin and washing it in running water, aiding the process by squeezing until all the starch is washed out, and only the gluten remains behind. This gluten is an adhesive substance, which is said to answer the purpose well. A third formula for bird-lime is to take linseed oil and heat it over a slow fire (carefully watching it to see that it does not burn), until it is very thick, then pour it into cold water. If it should prove too thick, the addition of a little pine tar will readily thin it for use. The bird-lime should be smeared on the branches of trees, etc., where birds most do congregate, and by adhering to their feet, it holds them fast, and renders them an easy prey to the collector. No matter how procured, all mammals and birds intended for stuffing should have the mouth, nostrils, anus and all wounds, stopped immediately with cotton wool to prevent any soiling of the fur or feathers. It is also well to place each bird head first in a cone made of cartridge paper, before placing in the game bag, as this will prevent disarrangement of the feathers. All Vertebrates are really more valuable as alcoholic speci- mens, than they are when mounted after the usual manner of taxidermists, as the naturalist is then able at any time to pursue any desired investigation of their anatomy, a course from which he is utterly debarred with stuffed specimens. Before being placed in spirit, the abdominal walls of all Ver- 4 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. tebrates should be cut open, care being taken not to injure the viscera. This allows the alcohol to readily penetrate the interior. It is also well to remove a portion of the skull, so that the preservative fluid can have access to the brain. Al- coholic specimens of foreign vertebrates thus prepared are a great desideratum in all museums, and especially in those where it is realized that science is more than skin deep, and consists of more than a lot of scientific names. The art of skinning mammals and birds may be more readily learned by seeing another perform the operation than from pages of description. For those who do not have an opportunity of learning the methods employed by observation, the following directions which are modified from those given in Davies' " Naturalist's Guide " (by the way a very valuable little work) may prove of use. MAMMALS. The cotton wool is first removed from the nostrils, mouth, anus and wounds and replaced by fresh plugs. The animal is then laid on its back, its legs pressed out and the fur parted on the median line of the ventral surface. An incision is then made through the skin, at the posterior portion of the abdomen, care being taken to cut the skin only and not the underlying muscles, this incision to be continued forward to near the neck. With the left hand the skin is then raised first on one side and then on the other, and at the same time separated from the adjacent muscles with the handle of the scalpel, an ivory paper knife or other blunt instrument held in MAMMALS. 5 the right hand. The portion of the skin thus disengaged is kept from adhering to the flesh of the body, by being sprinkled with plaster of Paris. The anus is then cut through, and im- mediately after, the tail at its junction with the body. The hind legs are then cut off at the upper thigh joint, and the posterior part of the body turned out of the skin. The carcase is now suspended by the pelvis on a hook supported by a string from the ceiling of the room, and the skin gently pulled down from the back, the operation being facilitated by the handle of the scalpel as before. The fore legs are then disarticu- lated at the shoulder joint. The neck is then uncovered and the head proceeded with. In skinning the latter part, great care must be exercised to cut off the ears as close to the skull as possible, and to preserve the eyelids, nostrils and lips uninjured. The neck is now separated from the skull. The trunk is now removed from the hook and laid aside, and the legs successively hung on the hook, and the skin drawn down as far as the toes. The flesh is then removed from the bones of the legs, care being taken to leave the tendons uniting the joints entire. In order to skin the tail, the first two or three vertebrae are laid bare and attached to a stout cord. A cleft stick is then made to embrace this portion already skinned beyond the cord and gradually forced down toward the extremity, carrying with it the freed skin. The skin now being separated is carefully examined and any flesh or fat removed by the scalpel. The inside of the skin is then thoroughly rubbed over with the common white arsenic of the shops (arsenious acid) or if preferred com- pletely anointed with arsenical soap. The bones of the legs 6 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. are to be treated in the same manner, and, having been wrapped with tow, are returned to their places. The skull is next pulled out through the neck and freed from fat and flesh and the brain removed through the opening behind. In some cases it may be necessary to enlarge this opening by breaking away the adjacent bone, but this course should be avoided as much as possible, as the skull, from a scientific standpoint, is ot as much value as the skin, and should the latter by any means become destroyed (by no means an uncommon occurrence), the specimen will still retain a scientific value. It is well, when possible, to remove the skull entirely from the skin and macerate it in water until the flesh is removed, and the brain so decomposed as to be readily shaken out of the opening. It is sometimes desirable to preserve the skull and the skin separately, and at such times a rough model of the skull may be made of plaster of Paris, and placed in the skin, while such disposition is made of the skull as may be desired. Should the skull be returned to the head, the place of all flesh removed should be filled by tow. A wire wrapped with tow may be inserted in the tail, while the body is distended to something like its original shape by the same material. BIRDS. A paper ring is made fitting tightly around the body ; this is preserved as a measure of the proper size and is used farther on. This ring is then removed, the bird laid on its back, with the head pointing obliquely from the operator to- BIRDS. 7 ward his left hand. The feathers are then separated in the median line by the left hand, and an incision is made much as in mammals, the extent of this slit varying somewhat with the expertness of the operator, as well as the kind of bird being skinned. The slit being made, the ringers are in- serted between the skin and the flesh, and the parts exposed dusted with plaster of Paris, to prevent any adhesion of the feathers. In some cases, it is advantageous to sew strips of cloth to the cut edges of the skin to keep the feathers clean, and also to prevent the skin from stretching. The legs are now pushed forward, and divided at the knee joints, after which the vertebral column is divided, leaving the last joint in the skin, as a support to the tail feathers. The body is then suspended from the hook by the rump end, and the skin separated from the back and sides (as in the case of mam- mals) until the shoulder joints appear. If the bird in hand be a water-fowl, it may be necessary to separate the wings at the shoulder joint, but whenever possible the division had best be made at the elbow. The neck is next to be skinned, taking great care not to stretch the skin, especially in the case of the long-necked birds. Then the head is separated from the integument as far as the bill. Now remove the tongue and muscles from the skull, and separate it from the neck, placing the carcase aside, and remove the brain from the skull with a quill, enlarging the opening if necessary for the purpose. Great care should be taken, in skinning the head, not to injure the external ear and the parts around the eyes. The bones left in the legs (tibia) are now to be skinned, cleaned, thoroughly covered with preservative (arsenic or 8 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. arsenical soap), and wrapped with tow. After treating the skin of the leg with arsenic, the bones are to be returned to their places by being gently pushed in. When the upper bone of the wing (hutoerus) is retained, it must be treated in the same manner. Except in the case of large birds, no treatment is necessary for the bones of the fore wing. In these, however, the muscles may be removed by making an incision on the inside of the wing, and then impregnating with arsenic, and fastening with two or three stitches. Now remove all flesh and fat from the skull and skin, and impreg- nate them thoroughly (the skull inside as well as out) with arsenic. A wire about the length of the neck is then taken, and one end being fastened in the base of the skull, a little tow or flax filled with arsenic is wrapped around it, and the head is pulled out of the neck by means of a string attached to the bill, bringing with it the tow-covered wire. Next dis- pose the wings in their proper position, place the paper ring, mentioned above, around the body, stuff the skin out to its proper dimensions with tow, sew up the slit, label and dry, and the specimen is ready for the cabinet. The foregoing directions are applicable to the majority of birds but will have to be modified occasionally. The feet of the larger birds of prey are frequently fleshy. In these cases it will be necessary to cut a slit on the under side of each toe and perhaps up to the back of the tarsus to remove the muscles and tendons ; then rub in the preservative, fill with tow and close the openings with a few stitches. The webs on the feet of swimming birds had best be skinned be- low and in all cases should be thoroughly poisoned. BIRDS. 9 When the head is of such a size that the skin of the neck cannot be drawn over it, as is the case with the flamingo and most web- footed birds, it will be necessary to make an incision in the neck near the base of the skull and through it remove the brain, etc. This is an operation of considerable nicety as the feathers are very liable to get daubed. In case, however, any blood, brain or feculent matter should get on the feathers, it should be carefully removed by a cloth dampened 'in warm water. Grebes, and other water fowl with white silky bellies are sometimes skinned from an incision in the back. In this way the feathers are less liable to be daubed and to be stained by the oil of the body when in the cabinet. Humming birds from their diminutive size are not easily skinned. They may, however, be preserved by making an in- cision on the belly and removing as much of the soft parts as possible with the forceps and scissors. The skin should then be thoroughly poisoned and filled with cotton wool or tow. On the label attached to each bird should be information as to the following points : Exact locality, date of capture, sex, food (ascertained by an examination of crop and gizzard) color of the eyes, feet, bill, gums, membranes, caruncles, etc. Attitude of body when at rest. Does the bird perch or not ? The length in inches from the tip of bill to the end of tail, the distance between the extremities of the outstretched wings and the length of the wing from the carpal joint. Should it be desired to mount the specimen, information on the following points will aid the taxidermist in giving the proper position. 10 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Position of the wings whether supported or hanging, cross- ing on the tail or not. Are they continuous, or covered by the feathers of the back and breast, for the upper half or third or two-thirds of their length? Do their extremities reach the tip of the tail, the half or fourth of its length? Are the heels covered by the feathers of the belly ? The skins of mammals and birds prepared according to the foregoing directions are really more valuable for the nat- uralist than the mounted specimens. They may be kept systematically arranged in boxes or drawers. Mount- ing mammals and birds is the work of a taxidermist and directions for the op- erations are foreign to the purposes of this work. If it be desired to prepare the specimens for exhibition they had better be sent to the professional taxidermist, as amateur work generally pres- ents a very slovenly appearance. One thing, however, should always be insisted on ; the stands employed should be of the simplest character. For birds the form of stand shown in the adjacent figure is preferable. These stands are usually painted white. For mammals and many aquatic birds a board is all that is necessary. By all means avoid the use of mosc, mica sand, artificial leaves, etc., as they not only afford excellent lurking places for vermin, but also detract greatly from a scientific appearance of the collection ; they and not the specimens attract the eye. FIG. COLLECTING NESTS AND EGGS. II NESTS AND EGGS. The nests and eggs of birds are largely collected, espec- ially by the young, and many a naturalist of note traces his interest in zoology to h'.s early cabinet of eggs. It is not necessary to tell where to look for nests as every one with his eyes open can find them. Some are in tall trees, some birds build in bushes, some on the ground, while others affect the habitation of man. When a nest is found, great care should be taken to iden- tify the bird to which it belongs, otherwise both nest and eggs are scientifically useless. In some cases and especially with collectors in foreign countries, it will be necessary to shoot the parent birds to ac- complish this. All of the eggs should be taken and labelled at once so as to be beyond a doubt at any FIG. 2. time. The contents should also be extracted. This is effected by boring a hole in one side of the egg with an "egg drill" (a steel instrument which can be procured of any dealer in naturalists' supplies), fig. 2, and through this opening all contents may be withdrawn. For this purpose some use a fine nozzled syringe, while others insert the tip of a jeweller's blow-pipe into the opening, and then by blowing in the egg the yolk is forced out around the sides of the pipe. If incu- bation has proceeded to any length it will be necessary to cut the embryo up with fine pointed scissors and extract it in fragments with the aid of a bent needle. The interior should then be thoroughly rinsed, first with water and then with 12 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. arsenical soap. The opening can then be covered with a bit of goldbeater's skin. Exact labels giving the name of the bird laying the eggs, the locality and date, the number of eggs in the nest, etc., should be kept with each specimen and numbered to corre- spond with a number placed on the egg. Eggs of our native birds taken at various stages of incu- bation, the shell cracked and then the whole placed in 40 per cent, alcohol and in a few hours transferred to fresh and slightly stronger spirit, and then after a day or two to alcohol of 70 to 80 per cent., would 'be very desirable in every museum of the world. Of course, with each egg should be preserved not only the name of the species, but also the number of hours since incubation began. Thus the student will be able to trace more or less completely, according to the amount of material at command, the development of the various forms of which, at present, comparatively little is known. The same process may be advantageously followed with the eggs of other animals, and in dissecting mammals all embryos should be carefully preserved. REPTILES AND BATRACHIA. The collection of snakes, turtles, lizards, frogs, toads, and salamanders is not accompanied with any special difficulty though proper precautions should be taken against venomous serpents. Various species of each group affect certain lo- calities, some living on land and others in the water. Some live in the open fields, others in thick woods, while still others FISHES. 13 are generally found in damp places under decaying timber, etc. All of the lower vertebrates are best preserved as "wet specimens," and in fact with the exception of the turtles and a few large forms are spoiled by being skinned and stuffed. In skinning turtles the lower shell (plastron) should first be removed with a chisel or saw ; the succeeding steps are essen- tially the same as pursued with mammals. Alligators and large lizards are skinned the same as mammals. When it is desired to put any of the lower vertebrates in alcohol, an incision should be made in the abdominal walls, so that the spirit may more readily penetrate the viscera. This is abso- lutely necessary if it be desired at any future time to investi- gate any more of the anatomy than the osteology. FISHES. Besides the familiar hook and line, fishes may be obtained by seines, trawls, etc., to be described further on under the head, "Marine Collecting." A good way of obtaining many forms is to visit the fish markets ; and also if possible hire the fishermen themselves to bring in specimens of all sorts that come up in their nets or on their lines. In this way many varieties may be obtained which never appear in the markets, as fishermen are accustomed to throw back all fish which according to their ideas are not edible. Fishes are almost universally preserved in alcohol, though some of the largest ones are occasionally stuffed. At such times a professional taxidermist had best be employed. 14 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. In putting in alcohol the abdominal walls should be opened so that the spirit may the more readily enter and thus ensure the preservation of the viscera, some parts of which are very important even from a systematic standpoint. Fishes in alcohol do not present a very interesting or attractive appearance on the shelves of a museum, and only the ichthyologist is able to decide on the identity of alcoholic and fresh specimens. Many attempts have been made to preserve fish dry but the majority of methods employed do not produce very satisfactory results. The best process known to the writer is that invented by Dr. H. E. Davidson, who has not only described his method but has also given chances to witness the operation which is as follows : The necessary materials are thin pieces of soft wood about one- eighth of an inch in thickness ; square sticks measuring from three-fourths of an inch upwards ; plaster of paris glycerine, tissue paper, pins, and double pointed carpet tacks- The outline of the fish without the fins is marked on two pieces of board which are held together by pieces of the square sticks tacked across the ends, and then the portion corresponding to the body is cut away so that we have two strips of wood one following the dorsal and the other the ventral contour of the fish. The fish is then placed in this opening and the various fins are extended and fixed in position with pins, the board in the meantime being supported so that one side of the fish can freely extend through the opening in the joined boards. Strips of tissue paper wet with glycerine are then laid smoothly over the fish and next a coating of plaster is poured over the same side. When FISHES, 15 the plaster is hardened, the boards, etc., are reversed and the rest of the work is carried on from the opposite side of the body. All that portion of the fish which projects through the opening is first cut away, and then all of the muscles, bones and viscera, are carefully removed until nothing re- mains but the skin supporting the fins and its plaster backing. In this condition one side of the skin is entire and on the other side a narrow strip of skin extends around the median line of the body from a quarter to half of an inch in width. The interior of the skin is now dusted with arsenic. The eye is then placed in position and the skin is filled with plaster mixed to about the consistency of cream. The double pointed carpet tacks are then taken, and their points, having been bent as shown in the adjacent figure, are hooked into the strip of skin and the loop embedded in the plaster. A small FIG 3 strip of wood (previously coated with shellac to prevent undue expansion from the moisture), is also em- bedded in the plaster, its upper surface being even with that of the plaster. The two halves of the board are separated when the plaster becomes dry, the skin with its plaster interior is removed from its mould and washed and the fins placed in clips so that they may dry flat. When thoroughly dry, the specimen is mounted on a wooden tablet by screws passing into the embedded block and the whole is ready for exhibi- tion. No means have yet been found of preserving the ' natural colors of the fish ; and the only way of representing them on the specimens thus mounted is by means of paints. 1 6 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. This process which has been thus briefly described, is the property of Dr. H. E. Davidson of Boston, and to him all inquiries, as to the rights to use it, should be addressed. SKELETONS. Of fully as much importance as skins, and scarcely more difficult to prepare, are skeletons of vertebrates, and when from any circumstance it is impossible to prepare the whole skeleton, the skull can frequently be preserved. The modus operandi is essentially the same for all vertebrates. Skeletons are of two sorts, natural and artificial : *. ^A-^ *^-s FIG. 27. This form may stand on the laboratory table or can hang against the wall as desired. They can also be hinged to- gether in pairs, labelled and placed on shelves. CASES. 75 Perhaps the best form of case for homeopathic vials is that described by the same gentleman in the American Natura- list. Narrow deep drawers are made with the front, bottom, back and one side of wood while the other side consists of two wires. This holds the bottles in an upright position and also admits an easy examination of the contents. These drawers may be m .de of varying width but in no case should the front be less than an inch across. This is none too wide for the smallest vials. By making the drawers wider, larger FIG. 28. vials (one and two oz. can be admitted. The drawers may advantageously be four and one-half inches in depth and twelve inches in length. The bottles are fastened i.i position with a wedge as shown in fij. 28. These drawers may be placed together in a cabinet (fig. 29) and are interchangeable. By this means any desired arrangement of the collections can' be effected, new specimens can be interpolated at any time and by having the drawers labelled any desired specimen can be at once found. Microscopic slides also require special cases. Of these NATURALISTS ASSISTANT. there are primarily two forms, those in which the specimens lie flat and those in which they stand on an edge. The for- mer are preferable from the reason that the "mount" is less liable to slip. On the other hand they take up much more CASES. 77 room. The specimens may be kept flat in drawers sliding in a frame or in trays piled one on another and enclosed in a li^ht box ; the former is the most convenient, the latter the more compact. When slides stand on their edges they are supported in the box by strips of wood in which transverse grooves are cut with a saw. In a box of this character many slides may be packed in a small compass. Another method which has been proposed is to take the frame of an ordinary school slate and replace the' stone with pasteboard. Rubber cord is then sewed through the pasteboard forming clips which support the slides. Several of the frames are bound together in book form and placed on the shelves. The forms of cases above described will answer in the majority of instances, but occasionally circumstances will de- mand something different. No rules can be laid down to cover every condition which may arise ; a use of common sense and ingenuity will solve most difficulties. THE MICROSCOPE, CHAPTER IV. THE MICROSCOPE. To the student of Nature the microscope is indispensable ; he requires it to obtain an enlarged view of the objects he studies. The simplest form of microscope is a piece of glass with one or both sides convex, and known as a lens. These FIG. 30. simple lenses are very cheap and still very handy. It is some- times desirable to have two or three so mounted that either one or more may be used, as occasion demands a greater or 6 (81) 82 NATURALISTS ASSISTANT. less amount of amplification. This is frequently obtained by an arrangement similar to that shown in fig. 30. For very low powers it is convenient to have the style of mounting used by watchmakers as this can readily be held by the muscles around the eye, leaving both hands free for wcrk. With the simple lens there are, however, disadvantages ; as, when a clear view is obtained of the centre, objects at the margin of the field are blurred and surrounded by rainbow hues. Various plans have been adopted to avoid these defects FIG. 31. FIG. 32. (known as spherical and chromatic aberration), the simplest is that of the Coddington lens (fig. 31) in which the glass has a deep groove cut around the margin which is filled with some black pigment leaving only a small opening in the centre. This to a considerable extent does away with the color and distortion but at the expense of the brilliancy of the view obtained. Another, and the better, method of avoiding aberration is by having the lens made of different kinds of glass, which produce different effects on light and which tend to balance each other. These lenses are sold under the names of THE MICROSCOPE. 83 "doublets" (two pieces of glass), "triplets'" (three pieces), "platyscopic lenses," etc. A section of a triplet is shown in fig. 32. A good triplet gives a perfectly flat field and is free from rainbow hues around the object viewed. Some means of support should be devised to hold the simple lens. A very simple one may be made by means of a block of wood, two bits of stiff iron wire, and a couple of corks. The block of wood should be used as a base. In its centre one of the pieces of wire should be fixed in an up- right position. On this wire one of the corks should be FIG. 33- made to slide up and down freely, but not so loosely as to slip. Through this cork the second rod should move with the same freedom as the first, but at right angles ; and at its farther extremity, the second cork, which is shaped to hold the lens, should be fixed. The corks used in this way afford a very smooth motion and the apparatus produces good results. A rather more expensive piece of apparatus for this pur- pose is that shown in fig. 33, and which hardly needs any explanation. The whole is made of brass and is especially adapted for the usual style of mounting triplets. The two 84 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. joints of the apparatus enable a person to raise and depress the lens and still keep it horizontal. The end portion con- sists of a piece of brass tube with a slot cut in it to receive the cover of the lens. Such an instrument can be made for two dollars at the most, and to all intents and purposes will serve instead of a dissecting microscope, all forms of which are more or less inconvenient. When it is desirable to use trans- mitted light, the watch glass or other transparent dish may be placed in the mouth of a bottle and thus sufficient light for all ordinary purposes can be obtained. Dissecting microscopes are advertised by all dealers in microscopic goods, but they are but little used by professional naturalists, a triplet with a stand answering all their purposes and that with few of the many objections which they all have. The compound microscope is next to be considered. In this instrument an inverted image is formed by the lens (or combination of lenses) nearest the object (called the object glass) and viewed by the other lens nearer the eye (the eye-piece or ocular). These lenses are mounted in a tube fitted with appliances for bringing them nearer to or re- moving them farther from an object placed on the stage. Suitable methods are also employed for illuminating the ob- ject, and a stand to support the whole completes the list of necessary portions. These will now be taken up in order and their various requisites discussed. In this the writer is well aware that the views advanced are in direct opposition to those held by many microscopists, but he is also aware that they are in almost full accord with the opinions of those who THE MICROSCOPE. 85 use the instrument as a means of research and not as a play- thing. First and foremost, the simpler the working parts are, the better. Complication means a waste of time with no corre- sponding gain. When a microscope becomes a mass of machinery with screws, wheels, pinions and a thousand and one appliances, its sphere of usefulness is gone. The tube of the microscope should be short and, if the owner has money for objectives, a draw tube and an ampli- fier are utterly useless. The use of a draw tube is to increase the length of the tube of the microscope and thus enlarge the image formed by the objective, but it must be at once evident that the increased size of the image is counterbal- anced by a corresponding loss in distinctness and brilliancy. But few objectives are made which will stand the strain of the higher oculars and a draw tube. The continental workers adopt the other method of using objectives of greater mag- nifying power to obtain the desired amplification and it is only necessary to refer to their published figures to show the great superiority of their method. The writer would there- fore advise instruments with short tubes, the amplification of the image to depend on the objective. There should be two methods of regulating the distance between the objective and the object : one by which it can be rapidly increased or diminished, while the other works at a greatly lower rate of speed and thus is suitable for small distances. These are called respectively the coarse and fine adjustments. There have been many plans for regulating the coarse adjustment, but two, however, having any extensive 86 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. application : by sliding tube, and by rack and pinion. For the novi:e the latter is the better method but in the hands of the experienced person equally good results are readily obtained by the former plan. With the sliding tube, the tube carrying the lenses is made to slide in a closely fitting collar by a screwing motion. The rack and pinion dispense with the collar and move the tube by a toothed wheel, working into a straight bar fitted with similar teeth. The great ob- jection to this is that the teeth wear rapidly, thus allowing more or less "play" and causing the tube to move by jerks, a serious disadvantage. The methods employed for securing the fine adjustment are still more numerous. Some move the "nose piece" (/'. . Paris, 1874. (Fr.) Harlan, R. Fauna Americana. Descriptions of the Mammalia of North America. 1 vol., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. Horsfleld, T. Zoological researches in Java. 4to. London, 1824. Jardine, Sir W. Naturalists' Library. Mammalia (by Jardine, Waterhouse, Macgillivray and others). 13 vols., 8vo. Edin- burg, 1833-42. Jerdon, T. C. The Mammals of India. 8vo. London, 1874. Kennerly, C. B. Mammals of Upper California in Pacific R. R. Survey, vol. x, 4to. Washington, 18.">9. Locke. Mammals and Birds of the Scientific exploration of Algiers. 4 vols., 4to. Paris, 1867. (Fr.) Milne Edwards, H. et A. Researches in the Natural History of the Mammalia. 1 vol., 4to. 105 Plates. Paris, 1868-74. (Fr.) Peters, W. Mammalia of Travels in Mozambique. 1 vol., fol. Berlin, 1852. (Ger.) Pucheran. Monograph of the Genus Cervis. 4to Paris, 1852. Reichenbach, H. G. L. Complete Natural History of the Apes. 4to. Dresden, 1863. (Ger.) Richardson, J. Quadrupeds of the Fauna of Northern Amer- ica. 4to. London, 1829-36. i5 6 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Richardson, J. Mammals of Beechey's Voyage. 4to. Lon- don, 1839. Sagra and d'Orbigny. Mammals and Birds in de Sagra's His- tory of Cuba. Paris, 1840. (Fr.) Scammon, C. M. The Marine Mammals of the North West- ern Coast of North America. 8vo. San Francisco, 1873. Schinz, H. R. Illustrations and Natural History of the Mammalia. 2vol.,fol. Zurich, 1827. (Ger.) Schinz, H. R. Monographs of the Mammalia. 4to. Zurich, 1843-56. (Ger.) Schlegel, H. Monograph of the Apes. Ley den, 1876. (Fr.) Schlegel and Pollen. Investigation of the Mammals and Birds of Madagascar. Folio. Leyden, 1868. (Fr.) Schreber, J. C. D. The Mammalia in pictures from Nature with descriptions continued by J. A. Wagner, 1775-92, 1840-55. Siebold, Temminck and Schlegel. Mammalia of the Fauna Japonica. fol. Leyden, 1842. (Fr.) Slack, J. H. Monograph of the Prehensile tailed Apes. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1862). 8vo. Temminck, C. J. Monograph of the Mammalia. 2 vols., 4to. Paris and Leyden, 1827-41. (Fr.) Tschudi, J. J. Investigations of the Peruvian Fauna. Mam- mals and Reptiles. 4to. St. Gallen, 1844-46. (Ger.) Waterhouse, G. R. Natural History of the Mammalia. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1846-48. BIRDS. Allen, J. A. Catalogue of Mammals and winter Birds of East- ern Florida. (Bulletin Mus. Comp. Zool., ii, 1871.) Audubon, J. J. Ornithological Biography, 5 vols., 8vo. Edinburg, 1831-39. BIBLIOGRAPHY. I S 7 Audubon, J. J. Birds of America from original drawings. 5 vols., fol. London, 1827-38. Audubon, J. J. Birds of America, from drawings made in the U. S. and their Territories. 7 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1840-44. Baird, S. F. Birds in Stansbury's Salt Lake. 8vo. 1853 Baird, S. F. Birds in Rep. Mexican Boundary Sur- vey. 4lo. Washington, 1859. Baird, S. F. Catalogue of North American Birds. (Smith- sonian Inst. Misc. Coll., ii, 1850). Baird, S. F. Birds, vol. ix of Report Pacific Railroad Survey. 4 to. Washington, 1859. Baird, S. F. Review of American Birds in the Smith- sonian Museum. (S. I. Misc. Coll. xii). 8vo Washington, 1864. Baird, Brewer and Ridgway. A History of North American Birds. (Land Birds complete, 3 vols.) Baird, Cassin and Lawrence. The Birds of North America. 4to. Philadelphia, 1860. Bannister, W. H. Classification of the American Anserinae (Proc. Phila. Acad. 1870). Barrows, W. B. Catalogue of the Alcidse in the Collection of the Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. (Proc. Bost. Soc. xix, 877). Blanford, W. T. Monograph of the genus Saxicola. Lon- don, 1870 Blyth, E. Catalogue of Birds in the Museum of the Asiatic Society. 8vo. Calcutta, 1849. Bonaparte, C. S. American Ornithology or Nat. Hist, of Birds of North America, not given by Wilson. 4vols,4to. N. Y., 1825-33. Bonaparte, C S. Genera of N. A. Birds and a synopsis of those found in the U. S. (Annals N. Y. Lyceum Nat. Hist ii, 1826.) Also separate, 1828. *5 8 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Bonaparte, C. S. Monographs of the Shrikes, Parroquets, Birds of Prey and Gulls. Revue et Magazin de Zoologie, 1853-55. (Fr.) Bonaparte C. S. Conspectus of the Genera of Birds edited by Finsch. Leyden, 1850-65. 2 vols., 8vo. (Lat.) Bonaparte, C. S. Iconography of the Pigeons, fol. Paris, 1857. (Fr.) Bonaparte and Schlegel. Monograph of the Cross Bills. 4to. Leyden, 1850. (Ger.) Boucard, A. Catalogue of all described Birds. 8vo. London, 1876. Brehm, C. L. Handbook of the Birds of Europe. 8vo. Ilmenau, 1831. (Ger.) Brewer, T. W. North American Oology. Raptores and Fissirostres. (Smithsonian Contrib. to Knowl. xi). 4to. Washington, 1857. Buffon. Natural History of Birds. 10 vols., 4to. 1008 Pis. Paris, 1770-86. (Fr.) Burmeister, H. Systematic Review of Brazilian Animals. 8vo. Berlin, 1854. (Ger ) Cassin, J. Mammals and Birds of the U. S. Exploring Ex- pedition. 4to. atlas folio. Phila., 1858. Cassin, J. Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. (1st series 50 pis). 4to. Phila., 1853-55. Cooper and Baird. Ornithology of California, vol. i. Lam] Birds. 4to. (Pub. Cal. Geol. Survey). San Francisco, 1873. Costa, O. G. Ornithology of the Kingdom of Naples. 4to. Naples, 1857. (Ital.) Coues, E. Monograph of the Alcidse. (Proc. Phila. Acad. 1868). Coues, E. Key to North American Birds. 8vo. Salem, 1872. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 159 Coues, E. Materials for a Monograph of the Spheniscidse. (Proc. Phila. Acad., 1872). Coues, E. Revision of the species of Myiarchus. (Proc. Phila. Acad., 1872. Coues, E. Field Ornithology with a check list of North American Birds. 8vo. Salem, 1874. Coues, E. Birds of the North West. (Hayden's Survey) 8vo. Washington, 1874. Coues, E. Birds of the Colorado Valley. (Hayden's Survey). 8vo. Washington, 1878. Daudin, F. M. Ornithological Treatise. 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1800. (Fr.) Degland et Gerbe. European Ornithology. 2 vols., 8vo. 2 edit. Paris, 1867. (Fr.) DeKay, J. E. N. Y. Fauna, Pt. ii, Birds. 4to. Albany, 1844. Des Murs, P. O. Iconographic Ornithology. 4to. Paris, 1845-49. (Fr.) Donovan. Natural History of British Birds. 11 vols., 8vo. London, 1794-1818. Dresser and Sharpe. History of the Birds of Europe. 74 pts. pub. 4to, 480 pis. London, 1871-69 et seq. Elliot, D. G. Monograph of the Psittidae. fol. N. Y., 1861-62. Elliot, D. G. Monograph of the Tetraonidse. fol. N. Y., 1865. Elliot, D. G. Monograph of the Phasianidae. 2 vols., fol. London, 1872. Elliot, D. G. Monograph of the Birds of Paradise, fol. London, 1875. Elliot, D. G. Monograph of the Horn Bills. Folio. Lon- don, 1876 et spq. Eyton, T. C. Monograph of the Anatidae. 4to. London, 1838. 160 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Fritsch, A. Natural History of European Birds. 8vo, fol., atlas. Frag, 1858-1871. (Ger.) Geoffrey St. Hilaire. Mammals and Birds in Jacquemont's Voyage to the East -Indies. 4to. Paris, 1842-43. (Fr.) Gould, .J. Birds in the Voyage of the Beagle. London, 1841-44. Gould, J. Birds of Europe. 5 vols. folio. London, 1832-37. Gould, J. Synopsis of the Birds of Australia. Fol. Lon- don, 1834. Gould, J. Monograph of the Ramphastidae. Folio. London. Gould, J. Monograph of the Trogonidse. Folio. London, 1838. Gould, J. Monograph of the Partridges of America. Folio. London, 1850. Gould, J. Monograph of the Trochilidse. Folio. London, 1850. Gould, J. Handbook of the Birds of Australia. 2vols., 8vo. London, 18G5. Gray, G. K. List of the specimens of Birds in the British Museum. 8vo. London, 1844-56. Gray, G. B. The Genera of Birds. 2 edit., 3 vols., fol., 350 pis. London, 1844-49. Gray and Sharpe. Birds in Voyage Erebus and Terror. Lon- don, 1846-1875. Hartlaub, G. Revision of genus Fulica. Jour, fur Ornithol- ogie. i. 1853. (Ger.) Heuglin, Th. von. Ornithology of North East Africa. 8vo. Cassel, 1869-75. (Ger.) Hewitson, W. C. Colored illustrations and descriptions of the eggs of British Birds. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1846. 137 plates. Horsfield and Moore. Catalogue of Birds in the East India Company's Museum. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1752-58. Ingersoll, E. Nests and Eggs of American Birds. Salem, 1879. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 161 Latham, J. Natural History or general Synopsis of Birds. 10 vols., 4to. London, 1781-1802. Layard and Sharpe. The Birds of South Africa. 1875. Levaillant, F. Natural History of Paroquets cont'd by St. Hilaire and Souance. 4 vols., 4to, 300 pis. Paris, 1801-57. (Fr.) Levaillant, F. Natural History of the Birds of Paradise, Toucans, etc. 2 vols , 114 pis. Paris, 1806. (Fr.) Maynard, C. J. Birds of Florida. 4to. Salem, 1872- Merriam, C. II. Review of the Birds of Connecticut. Trans. Conn. Acad., iv. 1877. Milne Edwards and Graudidier. Natural History of the Birds of Madagascar. 3 vols., 4to. Paris, 1876-78. (Fr.) Minot, H. D. Land and Game Birds of New England. 8vo. Salem, 1876. Nuttall, T. Manual of Ornithology of the U. S. and Canada. Boston, 1832-34. 2nd edit., 1840. Pcabody, B. O. Birds of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Reichenbach, H. G. L. Natural System of Birds. 4to. Dres- den, 1850. (Ger.) Reichenbach, H. G. L. The Natatores. 4to, 113 pis. Dres- den. (Ger.) Reichenbach, H. G. L. The Grallatores. 4to, 75 pis. Dres- den. (Ger.) Reichenbach, H. G. L. The Fulicarise et Rallarise. 4to, 34 pis. Dresden. (Ger.) Reichenbach, H. G. L. Complete Natural History of the Columbariae. 4to, 74 pis. Dresden. (Ger.) Reichenbach, H. G. L. Illustrations of the Gallinaceae. 4to, 112 pis. Dresden. (Ger.) Reichenbach, H. G. L. Monograph of the Alcedinse. 4to, 44 pis. Dresden. (Ger.) Reicheubach, H. G. L. Monograph of the Sittinae. 4to : 43 pis. Dresden. (Ger.) 1 62 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Reichenbach, H. G. L. Monograph of the Tenuirostres. 4to, 62 pis. Dresden. (Ger.) Reichenbach, H. G. L. Monograph of the Picinse. 4to, 66 pis. Dresden. (Ger.) Reichenbach, II. G. L. Monograph of the Trochilinae. 4to, 176 pis. Leipzig. 1855-62. (Ger.) Reichenbach, H. G. L. Exotic Song Birds. 4to, 50 pis. Dresden, 1861. (Ger.) Reichenow. Conspectus Psittacorum. Jour. f. Ornith., xxix. 1881. Ridgway, R. Outlines of a Natural Arrangement of the Fal- conklae. Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, ii. 1875. Ridgway, R. Studies of the American Falconidae. Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey, ii. 1876. Roux, P. Ornithology of Provence. 2 vols., 4to, 413 pis. Marseilles, 1825-29. (Fr.) Rowley, G. D. Ornithological Miscellany. 3 vols., 4to, 115 pis. London, 1875-78. Sagra and d'Orbigny. Mammals and Birds in Sagra's Hist, of Cuba. 4to. Paris, 1840. (Fr.) Salvin, O. On the Avifauna of the Gallapagos Archipelago. 4to. London, 1876. Samuels, E. A. Birds of New England. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1870. Sclater, L. P. Synopsis of the Tanagridae. Proc. Zool. Soc. of London, xxiv. 1856. Sclater, L. P. Monograph of the Tanagrine Genus Calliste. 8vo, 45 pis. London, 1857. Sclater and Salvin. Nomenclator avium Neotropicalum. 4to. London, 1873. Sclater and Salvin. Exotic Ornithology (South American Birds.) 13 parts, 4to, 100 plates. London, 1866-69. Schlegel and Pollen. Mammals and Birds of Madagascar 4to, 40 pis. Leyden, 1868. (Fr.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. >3 Sharpe, R. B. Monograph of the Alcedinidae. 4to, 120 pis. London, 18G9-71. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the Accipitres in the British Museum. 8vo. London, 1874. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of the.Striges in Brit. Museum. 8vo. London, 1875. Sharpe, R. B. Catalogue of Passeriformes in British Museum. 8vo. London, 1877. Stimpson, W. Illustrations of North American Birds. (Trans. Chicago Acad. I, 1807.) Swainson, W. Birds in Fauna Boreali-Americana. 4to. London, 1831. Swainson, W. Synopsis of Birds discovered in Mexico. Philosoph. Magazine, 1827. Swaiuson, W. Birds of Western Africa. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 18G1-62. Temminck and Langier. A New Collection of Colored Plates of Birds. 5 vols., 4 to. Paris, 1838. (Fr.) Vieillot, L. P. Natural History of Birds of North America. 2vols.,fol. Paris, 1807. (Fr.) Vigors, N. A. Birds in Beechey's Voyage. 4to. London, 1839. Wilson, A. American Ornithology. (1808-1825.) Con- tinued by C. L. Bonaparte. 13 vols., 4to. Phila. 1808-33. Wilson, A. Jardine's Edition. London and New York, 1876. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. [It has been found more convenient to catalogue these two divisions together, since in the older works the Batrachia are considered as belonging to the Replilia.] Agassiz, L. North American Testudinata. Contri- butions to the Nat. Hist, of the U. S., vol. ii, 1857. 164 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Allen, J. A. Catalogue of Reptiles and Batrachia of Massa- chusetts. Springfield, 1879 Baird, S. F. North American Tailed Batrachia. Jour. Phila. Acad. 4to. 1849. Baird, S. P. Reptilia in Report Mexican Boundary Survey. 4to 1849. Baird, S. F. Reptilia in Reports Pacific Railroad Surveys. Vols. v and x, 4to. 1857-59. (4 papers.) Baird and Girard. Reptilia in Stansbury's Salt Lake Report. 8 vo. Washington, 1852. Baird, S. F. Catalogue of North American Serpents. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., ii. 1853.) Bell, T. Monograph of the Testudinata. Folio. London, 1836-41. Bell, T. History of British Reptiles. 2nd edit. 8vo. Lon- don, 1849. Blanford, W. T. Reptilia in Scientific Results second Yar- kand Mission. Calcutta, 1878. Boie, H. Herpetology of Java, in Ferrusac's Bulletin. 1826. (Fr.) Cocteau et Bibron. Herpetology in de la Sagra's History of Cuba. Paris, 1840. Cooper, J. G. Reptilia of Washington Territory. Pacific R. R. Survey, vol. xii, pt. ii. 1800. Cope, E. D. Catalogue of the Venomous Serpents. Proc. Phila. Acad., 1859. Cope, E. D. " Catalogue of the Colubridse in the Museum of the Phila. Acad. Proc. Acad., 1860. Cope, E. D. Observations on the Keptiles of the Old World. Proc. Phila. Acad., 1868. Cope, E. D. On the Arciferous Anura and the Uroclela. Jour. Phila. Acad., 1866. Cope, E. P. On the Families of the Raniform Anura. Jour. Phila. Acad., 1867. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 165 Cope, E. D. Synopsis of the Chelydrinse. Proc. Phila. Acad. , 1872. Cope, E. D. Review of the species of Plethoclontidse and Desmognathidae. Proc. Phila. Acad., 1869. Cope, E. D. On the Batrachia and Reptilia of Costa Rico. Jour. Phila. Acad., 1875. Cope, E. D. Check List of North American Batra- chia and Reptilia. (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 1, 1875.) Cope, E. D. On the Primary divisions of the Salamandridae. Proc. Phila. Acad., 1859. (See also other Papers in Proceedings Journal Phila. Acad., Trans. Am. Philosoph. Soc., and Publica- tions of Hay den's Survey.) Daudin,F. Natural History of Reptiles. 8vols.,8vo. Paris, 1802-3. (Fr.) DeKay, J. E. Natural History of New York. Reptilia. 4to. Albany, 1842. Dumeril, A. Reptiles and Fishes of West Africa. Paris, 1861. (Fr.) Dumeril et Bibron. General Herpetology. 10 vols., 8vo, 120 pis. Paris, 1834-54. (Fr.) Dumeril et Boucourt. Reptiles and Batrachia in Mission Sci. au Mexique et dans 1'Amerique Centrale. 4to, Paris, 1870. (Fr.) Duvernoy, G. L. Natural History of Reptiles. 4to, 46 pis. Paris, 1850. (Fr.) Girard, C. Monograph of Phrynosoma (Horned Toads). Stansbury's Salt Lake Report. Washington, 1825. Goode, G. B. Preliminary Catalogue of the Reptiles and Fishes of the Bermudas. Am. Jour. Sci., 1877. Gray, J. E. Genera of Reptiles. Annals of Philosophy, 1825. Gray, J. E. Synopsis Reptilium. Pt. 1, Cataphracta (all pub.) 8vo. London, 1831. T 56 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Gray, J. E. Reptilia in Beechey's Voyage. 4to. London, 1839. Gray, J. E. Catalogue of Tortoises, Crocodiles and Amphis- baenians in the British Museum. 12mo. London, 1844. Gray, J. E. Catalogue of Lizards in British Museum. 12mo. London, 1845. Gray, J. E. Catalogue of Snakes in British Museum. Lon- don, 1849. Gray, J. E. Catalogue of Batrachia Gradentia in British Museum. 12mo. London, 1850. Gray, J. E. Descriptive "Catalogue of Tortoises in the British Museum. 2 vols. and Suppl. 4to, 50 pis. London, 1855-70. Gray, J. E. Synopsis of the recent Crocodilians. 4to. Lon- don, 1867. Gray, J. E. Hand list of Shield Reptiles in British Museum. 8vo. London, 1873. Gray and Sowerby. Monograph of the Testudinata. 4to, 60 pis. London, 1872. Guichenot. Reptilia in 1'Exploration scientiflque de 1'Algerie. 4to. Paris, 1850. (Fr.) Guichenot. New or Rare Reptiles from South America (in Castelnau's Expedition). 4to. Paris, 1855. Gunther, A. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salentia in the British Museum. 8vo. London, 1858. Gunther, A. Catalogue of the Colubrine Snakes in the Brit- ish Museum. 12mo. London, 1858. Gunther, A. Reptiles of British India. (Ray Society.) fol., 26 pis. London, 1864. Hallowell, E. Reptiles of the Zuni and Colorado Rivers (in Sitgreaves' Report). Washington, 1853. Hallowell, E. New Reptiles from Oregon and West Africa. (Jour. Phila. Acad.) 1854. 4to. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 167 Hallowell, E. Reptilia in Reports Pacific R. R. Survey. Vol. x. 1859. Hoffman, C. K, The classes and orders of the Am- phibia. [Bronn's "Klassen und Ordnuug."] 1 vol., 8vo. Leipzig, 1874-77. Holbrook, J. E. North American Herpetology. 5 vols., 4to. Phila., 1836-42. Jan, G. Iconography of the Ophidia, continued by Sordelli. 50 parts, 4to., 300 plates. Paris, 1860-7G. (Fr.) Leconte, John. Catalogue of N^rth American Testudinata. Proc. Phila. Acad., 1854. Peters, W. On the classification of the Caecilians (Monats- ber. Berlin Acad., 1879). 8vo. (Ger.) Schinz, H. R. Natural History and Illustrations of Reptiles, fol., 102 pis. Leipzig, 1833. (Ger.) Schlegel, A. Illustrations of New or little-known Amphibia. Text. 8vo, atlas, 50 f<>'. plates. Dusseldorf, 1837-44. (Ger.) Spix, J. B. New Species of Tortoises and Frogs collected in Brazil. 4to, 39 pis. Munich, 1824. (Lat.) Steindacher, Franz. Amphibia and Reptilia of the "Novara" Expedition around the world. 4to. Vienna, 1867. (Ger.) Storer, D. H. Repti'es of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Stranch, A. Revision of the Genera of Salamanders with desc. of new sp. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1873. Swainson, W. Natural History of Fishes, Reptiles and Am- phibians. 2vols.,8vo. London, 1838-39. Tschudi, J. J. Investigations of the Peruvian Fauna (Mam- mals and Reptiles). 4to, 30 pis. St. Gall, 1844-46. (Ger.) Wiegrnann, A. F. Herpetologia Mexicana. Berlin, 1834. Yarrow, H. C. Reptiles and Batrachi in Wheeler's Survey. 4to, vol. v. Washington, 1875, 1 68 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. FISHES. Agassiz, L. Natural History of the fresh-water fishes of cen- tral Europe. 2 pts., 8vo, with folio atlas, 52 plates. Neuchatel, 1839-42. (Fr.) Agassiz, L. Selected genera and species of Fish collected by Spix in Brazil, fol., 96 pis. Munich, 1829. (Lat.) Ayers, W. O. Fishes from Brookhaven, L. I. (Jour. Boston Soc., 1 vol.). 1842. Baird, S. F. Fishes of New Jersey and Long Island. (9th Report Smithsonian Inst.) 1855. Baird and Girard. Fishes in Sitgreaves' Zuni and Colorado Expedition Report. 8vo. Washington, 1853. Beavan, R. Fresh-water Fishes of India. 8vo. London, 1877. Bennett, J. W. Fishes of Ceylon. 4to. London. 1828-30. Bleeker, P. Prodrome of the Ichthyology of the Indian Arch- ipelago. 4to. Batavia, 1858-60. (Lat.) Bleeker, P. Ichthyological Atlas of the Dutch East Indies (33 parts published). Fol., 500 pis. Amsterdam, 1862-77. (Fr.) Bleeker et Pollen. Fishes of Madagascar and Reunion. 4to. Leyden, 1874. Bloch, M. E. Natural History of Native and Exotic Fishes. 4to, 432 pis. Berlin, 1782-95. (Ger.) Bloch, M. E. Ichthyology, a general and specific history of Fish. 12 vols., fol., 432 pis. Berlin, 1785-97. (Fr.) Bonnaterre. Natural History of Fish. 4to, 100 pis. Paris, 1788. (Fr.) Brevoort, J. C. Notes on Japanese Fish. (Perry's Japan Expedition Report. Vol. ii.) Washington, 1857. Canestrini, J. Systematic arrangement of the Percidae (VerhandlungZool.-Bot. Gesellschaftin Wien). 1860. (Ger.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1 69 Cantor, T. Catalogue of Malayan Fishes. 8vo. Calcutta, 1850. Castelnau, F. New or rare fishes from South America. 4to, 50 pis. Paris, 1855. (Fr.) Cope, E. D. S3 r nopsis of the Cyprinidae of Pennsylvania. (Trans. Am. Phila. Soc., xiii.) 4to. Phila., 18(16. Cope, E. D. Partial synopsis of the Fresh water fishes of North Carolina. 8vo. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 1870. 2nd edit., 1877. Cope, E. D. Contributions to the Ichthyology of the lesser Antilles. (Trans. Am. Phila. Soc., 1871). 4to. Cope, E. I). Report on Reptiles and Fishes. Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey for 1870. Cope, E. D. On the Fishes of the Ambyiacu River. (Proc. Phila. Acad., 1871.) Cope, E. I). Contribution to the Ichthyology of Alaska (Proc. Am. Phila. Soc., 1873). Cope and Yarrow. Fishes, in Zoology of Wheeler's Survey, vol. v, 4to. Washington, 1875. Cuvier et Valenciennes. Natural History of Pishes. 22 vols., 4to, with atlas, 650 plates. Paris, 1829-49. (Fr.) Cuvier et Valenciennes. The same, 8vo. Day, F. Fishes of Malabar and Cochin China. 4to. Lon- don, 1865. Day, F. Fishes of India. 4 pts., 4to, 160 pis. London, 1875-8. DeKay, J. E. N. Y. Fauna : Fishes. 4to, 79 pis. Albany, 1842. Dumeril, A. Reptiles and Fishes of West Africa. 4to. Par- is, 1861. (Fr.) Dumeril, A. Ichthyology or Natural History of Fishes. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1850-7. (Fr.) Fitzinger, L. J. Atlas of the Natural History of Fish. 4to, 77 pis. Vienna, 1864. (Ger.) i7 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Gill, Theodore. Catalogue of Fishes of the East Coast of N. A. (Rep. U. S. Fish Com. for 1871-2). Washington, 1875. (See also numerous other papers, Proc. Phila. Acad., 1863 ft seq.} Girard, Charles. Monograph of the Fresh-water Cottoids of North America. (Smithsonian Contributions iii ) 4to. 1851. Girard, Charles. Fishes in Reports Pacific R. R. Survey. Vols. vi and x. 4to. Washington, 1857-59. Girard, Charles. Ichthyology of the Mexican Bound- ary Survey. 4to. Washington, 1859. Goode, G. Brown. Preliminary Catalogue of the Reptiles and Fishes of the Bermudas. (Am. Jour. Sci., 1877.) Goode and Bean. List of the Fishes of Essex Co., Mass. (Bull. Essex lust, xi, 1879). Goode and Bean. Notices of 50 species East Coast Fishe*. (Am. Jour. Sci. xvii, 1879.) Gray, J. E. List of Cartilaginous Fishes in the British Mu- seum. 8vo. London, 1851. Gray and Gerrard. List of Choudropterygii in the British Museum. 12mo. London, 1851. Guichenot. Fishes in de la Sagra's Hist. Cuba. Paris, 1854. (Fr.) Gunther, A. Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum. 8 vols., 8vo. London, 1859-70. (Gives diagnoses of all known forms. Indispensable.) Gunther, A. Fishes of Central America. 4to, 25 pis. Lon- don, 18G8. Gunther, A. Fishes of the South Seas. 4to, many plates. Hamburg, 1873. (Ger.) Hamilton, F. Fishes of the Ganges. 4to, atlas fol. Edin- burg, 1822. Holbrook, J. E. Southern Ichthyology. No. ii. 4to. New York, 1847 (no more published). BIBLIOGRAPHY. I 7 1 Holbrook, J. E. Ichthyology of South Carolina, 4to. Charleston, 1855 (incomplete). Holbrook, J. E. Ichthyology of South Carolina. 4to. Charleston, 1860 (incomplete). The text is essentially the same but the plates are different. Holmes, E. Report on the Fishes of Maine fete.]. 2nd Rep. on the Gcol. and Nat. Hist, of Maine, 1862. Ilutton and Hector. Fishes of New Zealand. 8vo. Well- ington, N. Z., 1872. Jenyns, L. Fishes in Voyage of the Beagle. 4to. London, 1842. Jordan, D. S. Synopsis of the genera and species of fish to be looked for in Indiana. (Rep. Ind. Geol. Sur., 1874 [75].) Jordan, D. S. Catalogue of the Fishes of Illinois. (Bull. 111. Industrial Univ., No. 2, 1878.) Jordan, D. S. Fishes of Northern Indiana. (Proc. Phila. Acad., 1877.) Jordan, D. S. Partial Synopsis of the Fishes of upper Geor- gia [etc.]. Annals N. Y. Lyceum, xi, 1877. Jordan, D. S. Contributions to North American Ichthyology, No,l. Bulletin U. S. Nat. Mus. 9, 1877. Jordan, D. S. On a collection of Fishes made in Dacota, and Montana. (Bulletin U. S. Geol. Sur. iv, 1878.) Jordan, D. S. Concerning Fishes of "Ichthyologia ohioensis." (Bull. Buff S<>c , 1870.) Jordan, D. G. Synopsis of the Catostomidse. (Bull. Nat. Mus. 12, 1878 ) Jordan, D. S. Catalogue of the Fislies of the Fresh waters of North America. Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey iv, 1878. Jordan and Copeland. Check list of the fishes of the fresh waters of North America. (Bull. Buff. Soc., 1877.) Jordan and Gilbert. On the genera of North Amer- ican Fresh- water Fishes, (Proc. Phila. Acad., 1877.) i7 2 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Kaup, J. J. Catalogues of the Apodal and Lophobranchiate fish in the British Museum. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1856. Knight, T. F. Descriptive Catalogue of fishes of Nova Sco- tia, Halifax. 8vo. 1866. Kroyer, H. Danish Fish. 4pts.,8vo. Copenhagen, 1838-53. (Danish.) Kroyer, H. Fishes in Gaimard's Travels in Scandinavia. Folio. Paris, 1847. Lay and Bennett. Fishes of Beechey's Voyage. London, 1839. Lesueur, C. A. Papers in Jour. Phila. Acad., 1817-1822. Love. Fishes of Madeira. 5pts.,8vo. London, 1843-60. McClellan, J. Indian Cyprinidae. 4to. Calcutta, 1839. Mitchell, S. L. The Fishes of New York. (Trans. Lit. and Philos. Soc., N. Y. i, 1815.) Mitchell, S. L. Memoir on Ichthyology. (American Monthly Mag. and Critical Review, ii, 1818.) Mu'ller and Henle. Systematic descriptions of the Plagios- tomi. fol. Berlin, 1841. (Ger.) Muller and Troschel. Horae Ichthyologiae. 3 pts., fol. Ber- lin, 1845-49. (Ger.) Playfair and Gunther. Fishes of Zanzibar. 4to. London, 1877. Poey, F. Conspectus of Cuban Fish. (Mem. Hist. Nat. Cuba, ii.) 8vo. Havana, 1861. Poey, F. Synopsis of Cuban Fish. (Repertorio fisico-natural de la isla Cuba, ii.) 8vo. Havana, 1868. Poey, F. Review of Cuban Trisotropes. (Ann. N. Y. Ly- ceum, ix, 1870.) Poey, F. Monograph of the Cuban Sparini. (Ann. N. Y. Lyceum, x, 1872.) (Fr.) Putnam, F. W. Fishes of Essex Co., Mass. (Proc. Essex Inst., i, 1855-6.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 173 Putnam, F. W. List of Fishes sent by the Museum to other Institutions. (Bulletin Mus. Comp. Zool., i, 1863.) Richardson. Fishes in Fauna Boreali Americana. 4to. Lon- lon, 1836. Schinz, H. R. Natural History and Illustrations of Fish. lolio, 97 pis. Leipzig, 1836. (Ger.) Schomburgh, R. H. Natural History of the Fishes of Guiana. 2 vols., 8vo, 60 pis. Edinburg, 1841-43. Siebold, Temminck and Schlegel. Fishes of the Fauna Jap- onica. folio. 161 plates. Leyden, 1844-50. Steindacher, F. Many papers in Verhandlung Zool. bot. Gesellschaft Wein, and other Austrian publications. Storer, D. H. Report on the Fishes of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1839 (almost the same under the same title in Jour. Bost. Soc. ii-iv, 1839-1842). Storer, D. H. Synopsis of the Pishes of North America. 4to. Cambridge, 1846. (Ext. from Memoirs Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. New Series, ii, 1846. Storer, D. H. A History of the Fishes of Massa- chusetts. (Memoirs Am. Acad. New Series, vols. v-ix. 39 pis. 4to. 1853-1867.) Suckley, G. [Fishes of Washington Territory]. (Pacific R. R. Survey). Vol. xii, pt. ii, 1860. Vaillant, L. The Etheostomoids of North American Fresh waters. (Nouv. Archives du Mus.) 4to. Paris. 1873. (Fr.) Vaillant et Boucourt. Fishes of the Mission Scien- tiflque au Mexique et dans 1'Amerique Centrale. 4to. Paris, 1874. (Fr.) Valenciennes, A. Ichthyology of the Canary Isles. 4to. Paris, 1842. Valenciennes, A. Fishes in D'Orbigny's Voyage to Central America. 4to. Paris, 1847. Wright, Fries, and Ekstrom. Scandinavian Fish. 4to. 63 pis. Stockholm, 1836-57. (Swedish.) *74 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Yarrell, W. History of British Fishes. 2 vols. and Suppl. 8vo. London, 1836-39. 3d edit. 2 vols. Lond. 1859-60. INVEKTEBRATA (General). Guerin-Meneville. Articulata in Sagra's Cuba. Text, 8vo. atlas, folio. Paris, 1857. (French). Gould, A. A. Report on the Invertebrata of Massa- chusetts. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841. Lamarck, J. B. Natural History of Invertebrated Animals. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815-1822. (Fr.) Lamarck, J. B. Second edition by Deshayes and Milne Ed- wards. 11 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835-45. (Fr.) Latreille, P. A. Natural History of Crustacea and Insects. 14 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802-05. (Fr.) Latreille, P. A. Genera of Crustacea and Insects. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806-9. (Fr.) Leidy, Joseph. Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey. (Jour. Phila. Acad. 1855.) Leuckart, R. Human Parasites. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1863-76. (Ger.) Lucas, H. Natural History of Crustacea, Arachnida and My- riapoda. 8vo. Paris, 1840. (Fr.) Lucas, H. Articulata in Expl. Scientifique de 1'Algerie. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1846-50. (Fr.) Packard, A. S., jr. List of Animals dredged in Southern Lab- rador. (Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, iii, 1863.) Packard, A. S., jr. Recent Invertebrate Fauna of Labrador (Memoirs Bost. Soc. 4to. i. 1867.) Sars, G. O. Remarkable forms from great depths off the Nor- wegian Coast. 4to. 13 pis. Christiana, 1872-75. Sars, M. and G. O. Contributions to a knowledge of the Fauna of Christiana Fjord. 3 pts. 8vo. Christiania, 1868-73. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1 75 Sars, Koren and Danielssen. Fauna of the shores of Norway. 3 vols., 38 pis., 4to. Bergen, 1846-1877. Smith and Harger. Report on the Dredgings in the region of St. George's Banks, in 1872. (Trans. Conn. Acad. iii. 1874.) Stimpson, W. Marine Invertebrata of Grand Menan. (Smithsonian Contributions, vi. 1857.) Verrill, A. E. External and Internal Parasites of man and domestic animals. (Rep. Conn. Board of Agri- culture, 1870.) Verrill, A. E. New Invertebrata of the N. E. Coast of the U. S. (Proc. U. S. National Museum, i, 1879.) (See also numerous papers in Am. Jour. Sci.) Verrill, A. E. Preliminary Check-list of Inverte- brata of North East Coast of America. 8vo. New Ha- ven, 1879. Verrill, Smith and Harger. Marine Invertebrata of Vineyard Sound. (Rep. U. S. Fish Commission. 1871-2 [1873].) INSECTA (General). Audouin and Brulle. Natural History of Insects. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-37. (Fr.) Beauvois, de, A. M. and F. J. P. Insects from Africa and America (etc.). 4to. 90 pis. Paris, 1805. (Fr.) Bedel et Simon. Cave Insects. 8vo. Paris, 1875. (Fr.) Blanchard. Natural History of Insects. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840-41. (Fr.) Blanchard. Metamorphoses, Habits and Instincts of Insects. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1866. (Fr.) Blanchard. Same translated 'by Duncan. London, 1868. Boisduvnl, J. A. Entomological Fauna of Oceanica. 8vo. Paris, 1835. (Fr.) 1 76 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Burmeister, H. Handbook of Entomology. 5 parts. 8vo. Berlin, 1832-55. (Ger.) Burmeister, H. Same (Manual of Entomology), translated by Shuckard. 1 vol. 8vo London, 1836. Burmeister, H. Illustration of the Genera of Insects. 8vo. Berlin, 1838-46. Catlow, M. E. Popular British Entomology. 1 vol. 12 mo. London, 1860. Curtis, J. British Entomology. 3 vols. London. Donovan. Natural History of the Insects of China. 4to. London, 1798. Donovan. New Edition by Westwood. London, 1842. Donovan. Natural History of the Insects of India. (West- wood's Edition.) 4to. London, 1838. Drury, Dm. Illustrations of Exotic Entomology. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1770-1782. Drury, Dru. New Edition by Westwood. London, 1837. Emmons and Fitch. New York Fauna. Vol. v. Insects. 4to. Albany, 1854. Fabricius, J. C. Species Insectorum. 2 vols. 8vo. Ham- burg, 1781. (Lat.) Fabricius, J. C. Mantissa Insectorum. 2 vols. 8vo. Co- penhagen, 1787. (Lat.) Fabricius, J. C. Entomologise Systematicae with Suppl. and Index. 7 vols. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1792-98. Pitch, A. Reports on the Noxious and Beneficial In- sects of the State of New York. 14 nos. (Trans. N. Y. State Agric. Soc. 1854-68.) Geer, de, C. Memoirs on the History of Insects. 7 vols. 4to. Stockholm, 1752-78. (French.) Germar et Ahrens. European Insect Fauna. 6 vols. 12mo. 575 plates. Halle, 1813-1818. (Lat.) Glover, T. Notes from my Journal. 4to. Washington (pri- vately printed). BIBLIOGRAPHY. 177 Guerin et Percheron. Genera of Insects. 8vo. Paris, 1835- 38. (Fr.) Hagen, H. A. Biblotheca Entomologica. (Bibliog- raphy of Entomology. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1862-63. Haldemann. Insects iu Stansbury's Salt Lake Report. 8vo. Washington, 1852. Harris, M. The Aurelian. New Edition by Westwood. 4to. London, 1840. Harris, T. W. Insects injurious to Vegetation, fcvo Cambridge, 1842. Harris, T. W. New edition by Flint. Boston, 1862. Harris, T. W. Entomological Correspondence, edited by Scudder. 8vo. Boston, 1869. Kirby, W. Insects of the Fauna boreali Americana. 4to. London, 1836. (Reprint by Bethune in Canadian Entomologist, ii, 1870 et seq.} Kirby and Spence. Introduction to Entomology. 2d edit., 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. 5th edit. 4 vols., 1828. 7th (comprising vols. 3 and 4 of 5 edit.,) 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1857. Lacordaire, T. Introduction to Entomology. (Suites a Buf- fon.) 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-38. (Fr.) Lintner, J. A. Papers in Reports Regents. N. Y. University. Lucas, H. Entomology of Castelnau's So. American Voyage. 4to. Paris, 1857. (Fr.) MacLeay, W. S. Annulosa Javanica. 4to. London, 1825. (French Edition.) Paris, 1833. MacLeay, W. Illustrations of the Annulosa of South Africa. 4to. London, 1838. Miiller, J. Terminologica Entomologica. (Dictionary of Entomological terms.) 2 edit. 12mo. Briinn, 1782. Packard, A. S. Record of American Entomology. 5 parts. 8vo. Salem, 1869-73. 12 178 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Packard, A. S. Guide to the Study of Insects. 1st edit. 8vo. Salem, 1869. 8th edit. N. Y., 1880. Packard, A. S. Report on Rocky Mt. Locust and other Insects. (Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1875, [1877J). Packard, A. S. Reports on Injurious and Beneficial Insects of Mass. (Mass. Agr. Repts., 1871-73.) Packard, A. S. Directions for Collecting and pre- serving Insects. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll. xi.) Panzer, G. W. German Insect Fauna. Continued by Her- rich-Schaffer and Roch. 190 parts, 12mo., 4572 plates. Nurem- burg and Regensburg, 1793-1844. Ratzeburg, J. T. Forest Insects. 3 vols., 4to. Berlin, 1839-44. (Ger.) Riley, C. V. Missouri State Entomological Reports. 1869 et srq. Savigny, J. C. Entomological Fauna of Egypt, fol. Paris, 1818. (Fr.) Say, T. American Entomology. 3 vols. 8vo. Phila., 1824-28. Say, T. Complete writings on Entomology. Edited by Le- conte. 2 vols., 8vo. N Y. 1859. Spix et Martius. Articulata collected in Brazil. Folio. Munich, 1830-34. (Lat.) Stephens, J. F. Illust rations of British Entomology. 12 vols , 100 pis., 8vo. London, 1828-46. Walker, F. Insecta Saundcrsiana. 8vo. London, 1856. Walsh, Lebaron and Thorns. Reporrs 111. State Entomolo- gists. Westwood, J. O. Introduction to the Modern Clas- sification of Insects. 2 vols., 8 vo. London, 1839-40. Westwood, J. O. Arcana Entomologica. 2 vols., 8vo, 96 pis. London, 1845. Westwood, J. O. Thesaurus Entomologica Hopeianus. Fol. Oxford, 1875. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1 79 White and Butler. Insects of the voyage of the Erebus and Terror. 4to. London, 1874. Wollaston, T. Insecta Madeirensia. 4to. London, 1874. HYMENOPTERA. Blake, C. J. Synopsis of Mutillidse of North America. (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., 1871.) Buckley, S. B. Descriptions of New Species N. A. Formici- dse. Phila., 1866-7. Cresson, E. T. Papers in Proc. Phila. Acad., and Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., Canadian Entom., 1'roc. Bos. Soc. 1863 et seq. Cresson. Hymenoptera texana. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., iv, 1872. Cresson and Norton. Hymenoptera 'in Report Wheeler's Survey. Vol. v. 1875. Giraud, J. Papers in Verhandl. Zool. Bot. Gesellschaft in Wien, 1858 etseq. (Ger.) Gravenhorst, J. L. C. Icnenmonologiee Europsea. 3 vols., 8vo Ratisbonne, 1829. Green, J. W. Review of the American Bombidae. (Ann. N. Y. Lyceum, vii, 18GO.) Haliday, A. H. Hymenoptera Brittanica. 8vo. London, 1839. Hartig, T. Families of Leaf and Wood Wasps. 8vo. Ber- lin, 1837. (Ger.) Kirby, W. Monograph i a Apium Anglite (Monograph of Brit- ish Bees. 2 vols., 8vo. Ipswich, 1802. Kirchner, L. Catalogue of the Hymenoptera of Europe. 8vo. Vienna, 18G7. Latreille, P A. Bees of Central America. 4to. Paris, 1811. (Fr.) 180 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Lepelletier, St. Pargeau et Brulle. Natural History of the Hymenoptera. (Suites a Buffon). 4 vols., 8vo. Paris, 183(5-45. (Fr.) Linden, P. L. van der. Fossorial Hymenoptera of Europe. 4to. Brussels, 1829. (Fr.) Marshall, T. A. Catalogues of British Hymenoptera. 8vo. London, 1873. Mayr, G. L. Synonymical Index of Formicidse. (Verb. Zool. Bot. Gesell. in Wien. 18G3 ) Mayr, G. L. Australian Formicidse 4to. Hamburg, 1876. (Ger.) (See other papers on Formicidae, etc., Vienna publica- tions, 1850.) Moggridge, J. T. Harvesting ants and Trap-door spiders. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1873-74. Norton, E. Catalogue of Tenthredinidse and Uro- ceridse of N. A. (Trans. Am. But. Sue., 1, 1867-8.) Norton, E. Description of Mexican Ants. (Proc. Essex Inst., vi. 1868. Norton, E. Hymenoptera of the Genus Atlantus in the U. S. (Jour. Bost. Soc., vii. 1860.) Ormerod, E. L. British social wasps. 8vo. London, 1868. Osten-Sacken. Cynipidae of the N. A o:iks and their galls. (Phila., 1861 5,) and (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., iii, 1870). Packard, A. S., jr. Revision of the Fossorial Hy- menoptera Of N. A. (Proc. Ent. Soo. Phila., 1865-7.) Packard, A. S., Jr. Humble Bees of New England and their Parasites. (Proc. Essex Inst., iv, 1864.) Saussure, H. de. Studies of the Family Vespidae. 3 vols., 8vo. 75 pis. Geneva, 1852-58. Saussure, H. de. Synopsis of American Solitary Wasps. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll.) Washington, 1875. Shuckard,W E. British fossorial Hymenoptera. 8vo. Lon- don, 1837. BIBLIOGRAPHY. l8l Shuckard, W. E. Natural History of British Bees. 8vo. London, 1866. Sicliel, J. et Radoszkovsky. Monograph of the Mutillas. (St.. Petersburg.) 8vo. 18G9-70. (Fr.) Smith, F. Catalogue of Hymenoptera in British Museum. 7 parts, 12 mo. London, 1853-59. (See also other 1 apers in Trans. Eut. Soc. London, 1853-59. See also other papers iu Trans. Ent. Soc., London, etc.) Thompsen, C. G. Scandinavian Hymenoptera. 4 vols., 8vo Lund, 1871-76. (Lat.) Walker, F. Monograph of Chalcidae. 8vo. London, 1839. Walker, F. List of Chalcidae in the British Museum. 8vo. London, 1845-8. Walker, F. Hymenoptera collected in Egypt and Arabia. 8vo. London, 1870. Walker, F. Notes on Chalcidse. 7 parts, 8vo. London, 1871-72. Walsh, B. D. Papers Trans. St. Louis Acad., 1873, and Am- erican Entomologist, ii, 1870. Wesmael, C. Monograph of the Braconidae of Belgium. 4to. Brbssels, 1835-37. (Fr.) LKPIDOPTERA. Blanchard and Doyere. Lepidoptera in Regne Animal. 4to 31 pis. Paris, 1849. (Fr.) Boisduval, J. A. Monograph of Zygsenidse. 8vo Paris, 1829. (Fr.) Boisduval, J. A. New and little-known Lepidoptera of Europe. 8vo, 81 pis. Paris, 1832-41. (Fr.) Boisduval, J. A. Species generale cles Lepidopteres. 8vo (2 vols. pub.) 34 pis. Paris, 1836-74. (Fr.) Boisduval et Guene"e. Species generale des Lepi- dopteres. 8 vols., 8vo. (Suites a Buffon.) Paris, 1836-74. 1 82 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Boisduval et Leconte. Iconography of North Amer- ican Butterflies. 8vo, 78 pis. Paris, 1830-42. (Fr.) Butler, A. G. Catalogue of Satyridse. 8vo. London, 1869. Butler, A. G. Lepidoptera exotica. 4to, 64 pis. London, 1869-74. Butler, A. G. Monograph of Callidryas. 4to, 16 pis. Lon- don, 1874. Butler, A. G. Revision of Sphingidse. 4to. London, 1875. Butler, A. G. Illustrations of Typical Heterocera. 4to., many plates. London, 1877. Butler, A. G. Synonymic List of Species of Pieris. (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872.) Chambers, V. T. Index of described Tineina of North America. (Bulletin Hayden's Survey, 1877. Clemens, B. Tineina of North America. Edited by Staiuton. 8vo. London, 1872. (A collection of all his papers on the subject.) Cramer, P. Papillons exotiques. 4 vols., 4to, 442 plates. Amsterdam, 1789-91. (Fr.) Doubleday and Gray. List of Lepidoptera in British Mu- seum. 3 vols., 8vo. London. 1844-56. Doubleday, Hewiston and Westwood. Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera. 2 vols., fol., many plates. London, 1846 52. Duncan and Westwood. History of British Lepidoptera. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836. Duncan and Westwood. Exotic Lepidoptera. 2 vols., 8vo. 07 pis. Edinburg, 1842. Duponchel, P. A. Catalogue Lepidoptera of Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Duponchel and Guenee. Iconography of the Caterpillars. 2 vols., 8 vo, 92 pis. Paris, 1849. (Fr.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 183 Edwards, H. Papers in Proc. Cal. Acad. Edwards, W. H. Butterflies of Worth America. 4to, many pis. Phila. 1868. Edwards, W. H. New species North American Butterflies. (Trans. Arn. Ent. Soc., iii-iv, 1872.) Edwards, W. II. Catalogue of Lepidoptera of North America. 8vo Phila., 1877. Esper, E. J. European Butterflies. Continued by Charpeu- tier. 5 vols., 4to, 439 pis. Erlangen, 1777-1832. (Ger.) Felder, C. and J. Lepidoptera of Novara's Voyage. 4to, 140 pis. Vienna, 1865-77. (Ger.) Freyer, C. F. New Contributions to a knowledge of the Lepidoptera. 7 vols., 4to, 700 pis. Augsburg, 1831-59. (Ger.) Gerhard, B. Monograph European Lycaenidse. 4to, 39 pis. Hamburg, 1853. Gerhard, B. Systematic Arrangement of North American Macro-Lepidoptera. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. Gray, G. R. Catalogue Lepidopterous Insects in British Museum. 4to. London, 1852. Gray, Walker, Stainton, etc. List of Lepidoptera in British Museum. 35- pts., 8vo. London, 1854-65. Grote, A. R. See numerous short papers in Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Bulletin Buff. Soc., Bulletin Haydeu's Survey, Canadian Entomologist, etc. 1863 et seq. Grote and Robinson. As above. Harris, T. W. North American Sphingidse. (Am. Jour. Sci., xxxvi.) Harvey, L. F. On Texan Lepidoptera. Bull. Buff. Soc., iii, 1877. Herrich-Schaffer, G. Systematic treatise on European But- terflies. 6 vols., 4to, 670 pis. Regensburg, 1843-56. (Ger.) Herrich-Schaffer, G. Lepidoptera exotica nova. Regens- burg, 1850-58. 184 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Hewiston Illustrations of Exotic Butterflies. 5 vols.,4to, 300 pis. London, 1861-76. Hewiston. Illustrations of Diurnal Lepidoptera-Lycsenidae. 4to, 79 pis. London, 1863-75. Hiibner, J. Collection of European Butterflies. Continued by Geyer. 4to, 790 pis. Augsburg, 1805-41. (Ger.) Hiibner, J. History of European Butterflies. 4to, 485 pis. Augsburg, 1806-41. (Ger.) Humphreys, H. N. Genera of British Moths. 2 vols., 4to, 60 pis. London, 1861. Kirby, W. F. Manual of European Butterflies. 8vo. Lon- don, 1862. Kirby, P. Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal Lepi- doptera (of the world) with suppl. 8vo. London, 1871-77. Mead and Edwards. Lepidoptera in Rep. Wheeler's Survey, V, 1875. Minot, C S. American Lepidoptera, Proc. Bos. Soc., xii, 1869. Morris, J. G. A Natural History of British Moths. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1871. Morris, J. G. Synopsis of Lepidoptera of North America. Pt. 1 (all published). Smithsonian Misc. Coll., iv, 1862. Newman, E. Illustrated Nat. Hist. British Moths. 8vo. 740 fig. London, 1869. Packard, A. S., jr. Notes on Zygaenidae. (Proc. Essex Inst. iv, 1864.) Packard, A. S., jr. Synopsis Bombycidse of the United States. (Proc. Eut. Soc., Phila., 1864.) Packard, A. S., jr. Catalogue of Phalaeiiidaa of California. (Proc. Bost. Soc., 1870-74). Packard, A. S., jr. New American Moths; Zygaenidae and Bombycidae. (Rep. Peabody Acad., 1872.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 185 Packard, A. S.,jr. Catalogue of Pyralidae of California. (Ann. N. Y. Lyceum, 1873.) Packard, A. S., jr. Monograph of the Phalsenidae of the U. S. (llaydfn's Survey.) 4to, 13 pis. Washington, 1876. Robinson, C. T. Notes on American TortricidaB (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., ii, 1869.) Saunders, W. Synopsis of Canadian Arctiadae. Toronto, 1863. Scudder, S. H. List of Butterflies of New England. (Proc. Essex Inst., iii, 1863). Scudder, S. H. Revision of North American species of Chionobas. (Proc. Ent. Soc., Phila., 1865.) Scudder, S. H. Species of Pamphila. (Memoirs Bost. Soc., ii, 1874.) Scudder, S. H. Synonymic List of North American Butterflies. (Bulletin Buffalo Soc., 1875-76.) Scudder, S. H. Systematic Revision of some Amer- ican Butterflies. (4th Rep. Peubody Acad., 1872.) Smith and Abbot. Natural History of Rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia. 2 vols., fol., 104 pis. London, 1797. Stainton, H. T. Insecta Brittanica; Tineina. 8vo. Lon- don, 1854. Stainton, Zeller, Douglas and Prey. Natural His- tory of the Tineina. 13 vols., 8vo, 102 pis. London, 1858-73. (Eiig., Lat., Fr., Ger. Staudinger et Wocke. Catalogue of European Lepidoptera 8vo. Dresden, 1871. Strecker, H. Lepidoptera, indigenous and exotic 4to, many pis. Reading, Pa., 1872. Stretch. Illustrations of Zygaenidse and Bomby- cidse. 8vo, pis. San Francisco, 1874. West wood. Synopsis of the Uranidae. Trans. Zool. Soc., x, 1879. 1 86 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Wilkinson, S. J. British Tortrices. 8vo. London, 1859. Zeller, P. C. Contributions to a knowledge of North Ameri- can Heterocera [Texan forms]. (Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 1872-74. Ger.) See numerous other papers in Isis, and publi- cations of Berlin and Vienna Societies, 1838. DlPTERA. Bergenstamin und Loew. Synopsis Cecidomyidarum. 8vo. Vienna, 1876. Bigot, J. Classification of the Diptera. 8vo. Paris, 1852-4. (Fr.) Bigot, J. Diptera of Madagascar and Gaboon. 8vo. Paris, 1858-9. (Fr.) Brauer, F. Monograph of the (Estridse. 8vo. Vienna, 1863. (Ger.) Fallen, C. F. Diptera Sueciae. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1814-25. Loew, H. New contributions to a knowledge of the Diptera. 4to. Berlin, 1853-62. (Ger.) Loew, H. South African Diptera. 4to. Berlin, 1861. (Ger.) Loew, H. European Trypetidse. Folio. Vienna, 1862. Loew, H. Monographs of the Diptera of North America, edited by Osten Sacken c Parts i, iv. (Smith- sonian Misc. Coll., vols., vi, viii, and ix ) Washington, 1862-73. Loew, H. Diptera Americanse septentrionalis. (Berlin, Ent. Zeit., xvi, 1872. Loew, H. Centuries of Descriptions North Ameri- can Diptera. (Berlin Ent Zeit.) Macquart, J. New or little-known exotic Diptera. 9 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1838-55. (Fr.) Macquart, J. Natural History of the Diptera. (Suites aBuffon). 2 vols., 8 vo. Paris, 1834-5. (Fr.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 187 Macquart, J. Diptera of the North of France. (5 parts.) 8vo. Lille, 182G-33. (Fr.) Meigen, J. W. Classification and Description of European Diptera. 4to. 1804. (Ger.) Meigen, J. W. Systematic descriptions of the known European Diptera. 7 vols., 8vo. Aix and Hamburg, 1818-1838. Meigen, J. W. Same continued by Loew, vols. 8-10. Halle, 1869-73. Osten Sacken, C. R. Catalogue of Described Diptera of North America. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., iii.) Wash- ington, 1859. Osten Sacken, C. R. New N. A. Tipulidse with short palpi. (Proc. Ph,ila. Acacl., 1860.) Osten Sacken, C. R. Diptera in Wheeler's Survey. Zo- ology. 4to, 1875. Osten Sacken, C. R. North American species of Syrphus. (Proc. Bost. Soc., xviii, 1875.) Osten Sacken, C. R. List of North American Syrphidae. (Bull. Buff. Soc.) 1877. Osten Sacken, C. R. Prodrome of a Monograph of the TabanidaB of the TJ. S. (Mem. Bost. Soc.) 1875-6. Robineau Desvoicly, J. B. Natural History of the Diptera of the neighborhood of Paris. 8vo. Paris, 18G3. (Fr.) Rondani, C. Prodrome of Italian Diptcrology. Svols., 8vo. Parma, 1856-77. (Lat.) Schellenberg, J. R. Genera of Flies. 8vo, 42 pis. Zurich, 1803. Schiner, J. R. Dipterous Fauna of Austria. 2 vols., 8vo. Vienna, 1860-64. (Ger.) Schiner, J. R. Diptera of the voyage of the Novara. 4to. Vienna, 1868. (Ger.) Siebke et Schneider. Enumeration of Norwegian Insects, iv, Diptera. 8vo. Christiania, 1877. 1 88 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Walker, P. List of the Diptera in the Collection of the British Museum. 7 parts, 12 mo. 1848-55. Walker, F. Insecta Brittanica; Diptera. 3 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1851-56. Walker, F. Catalogues of Diptera collected by Wallace in the East Indies. 8 parts. London, 1856-64. Werdemann, C. R. Diptera exotica. 1 vol., 12mo. 1821. Werdemann, C. R. Extra European Diptera. 4 vols. 8vo. 1828-30. (Ger.) Winnerz, J. Monograph of the Mycetophilida3. (Verhand- lungZool.Bot.Soc) 8vo. Vienna, 1863. Zetterstedt, J. W. Scandinavian Diptera arranged and de- scribed. 14 vols., 8vo. London, 1842-60. COLEOPTERA. Austin, E. P. Species of Sunius and Paederus in U. S. (Proc. Bost. Soc., xviii, 1876.) Baly, J. S. Descriptive Catalogue of Hispidae. 8vo. Lon- don, 1858. Bland, J. H. Descriptions of Staphylinidse of U. S. 8vo. Phila., 1865. Bohemann, C. H. Monograph of Cassididaa. 4 vols., 8vo. Stockholm, 1850-G2. (Lat.) Bohemann, C. H. Catalogue of CassidaB in British Museum. 8vo. London, 1856. Boisduval. Coleoptera of the Voyage of the Astrolabe. 8vo. Paris, 1835. (Fr.) Bonvouloir, H. Monograph of Throscidae. 8vo. Paris, 1859-60. (Fr.) Bonvouloir, H. Monograph of Eucnemidae. 8vo, 42 pis. Paris, 1871-5. (Fr.) BreTne, F. Monograph of Cossyphidae. 8vo and 4to. Paris, 1842-6. (Fr.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 189 Candeze, E. Monograph of Elateridse. 4 vols. and suppl. Liege, 1857-64. (Fr.) Castelnau and Gory. Natural History and Icono- graphy of Coleoptera. 6 vols., 8vo, 2GO pis. Paris, 1835-41. (Fr.) Chupnis, J. Monograph of Platypidse. 8vo. Liege, 1866. (Fr.) Chenu. Encyclopedia of Natural History. Coleop- tera. 3 vols., 4to, 1800 figs. Paris, 1851-61. Clievrolat, A. Coleoptera of Mexico. 8vo. Strasburg, 1834-42. (Fr.) Clark, H. Catalogue of Halticida? in British Museum. Pt. 1. 8vo. London, 1860. Cox, H. ,E. Handbook of Coleoptera of Gt. Britain. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1873. Crotch, G. R. Materials for study of Phytophaga of U. S. (Proc. Phila. Acad., 1873.) Crotch, G. R. Check List of North American Co- leoptera. 8vo. Salem, 1874. Crotch, G. R. Revision of the Coccinellida3 and Erotylidae. 8vo. London, 1874-6. Crotch, G. R. Synopses Erotylidse, Endomychidae, Coccinellidae and Dytiscidse of U. S. (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., iv, 1873 ) Dejean et Aube\ Species Generale de Cole"opteres 6 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1825-38. (Fr.) Dejean, Boisduval et Aub6. Iconographic Natural History of the Coleoptera of Europe. 4 vols , 8vo, 223 pis. Paris, 1829-34 (Fr.) Duval et Fairmaire. Genera of European Coleoptera. 4 vols., 8vo, 300 pis. Paris, 1857-68. (Fr.) Erichson, W. F. Genera and species of Staphylinida3. 8vo Berlin, 1840. (Lat ) 19 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Erichson, W. F. Conspectus of Peruvian Coleoptera. 8vo. Berlin, 1847. (Lat ) Fairmaire et Germaine. Revision of Coleoptera of Chili. vo. Paris, 1860-G3. (Fr.) Gemminger et Harold. Catalogue of all described coleoptera with synonyma. 11 vols., 8vo. Munich, 1868-74. (Lat.) Girard, M. Treatise on Entomology. Coleoptera. 8vo, 60 pis. Paris, 1873. (Fr.) Gory et Percheron. Monograph of Cetonias and allied Gen- era. 8vo, 77 pis. Paris, 1833. (Fr.) Haldeman, S. S. North American Cryptocephali. 4to. Phila., 1849. Haldeman, S. S. Materials towards a Monograph of the Coleoptera Longicornia of the U.S. 4to. Phila., 1847. Hope, F. W. Coleopterist's Manual. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1837-40. Hope, F. W. Buprestidse of New Holland. 8vo. Hope, F. W. Monograph of Genus Euchlora, (Ann. Nat. Hist., iv, 1840.) Horn, G. H. Revision of North American Tenebri- onidse. (Trans. Am. Phila. Soc., 1870.) Horn, G. H. Revision of species of Acmseodera of U. S. (Trans. Am Ent. Soc., vii, 1878.) Horn, G. H. Synopsis of Parnidae. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., ii, 1870. Horn, G. H. Contributions to the Coleopterology of the U. S. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., ii, 1870. Horn, G. H. Descriptive catalogue of species of Nebria and Pelophila. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., ii, 1870. Horn, G. H. On the species of Codes and allied genera of U. S. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. ii, 1870. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 19 1 Horn, G. H. Descriptions of the species of Aphoderus and Dialytes. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., ii, 1870. Horn, G. H. Synopses of Corphyra and Aphodiini of U. S. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., ii, 1871. Horn, G. H. Synopsis of Malachid.86 of U. S. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc , iv, 1872. Horn, G.H. Brenthidseof U.S. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., iv, 1872. Horn, G. H. Revision of species of Lebia. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., iv, 1872. Horn, G. H. Contributions to a knowledge of the Curculionidse of the U. S. Proc. Am. Phil. .Soc., 1873. Horn, G. H. Revision of Meloidae, Hydrobiini, Histeridae and Bruchidae. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 1873. (For a full list of Papers on Coleoptera by George H. Horn, see Psyche for 1878.) Lacordaire, T. Genera of Coleoptera, continued by Chapius. 12 vols. 8vo with atlas, 134 plates. Paris, 1854-76. (Fr.) Lacordaire, T. Revision of the Cicindelidse. 8vo, Paris, 1843. (Fr.) Lacordaire, T. Monograph of the Phytophagous Coleoptera. 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1845-8. (Fr.) Leconte, J. L. Synonymical Note on N. A. Coleoptera (a review of the types of Kirby, Newman, Walker and those of the Parisian collections). Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1870. Leconte, J. L. Classification of the Coleoptera of the U. S. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., iii andxi. 1861-73. Leconte, J. L. Classification of the Rhynchophorous Col- eoptera. Amer. Naturalist, viii, 1874. Leconte, J. L. New species of N. A. Coleoptera. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 1863-1873. Leconte, J. L. List of North American Coleoptera. Smith. Misc. Coll., 1863 . 19- : NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Leconte, J. L. Coleoptera of Kansas and Eastern New Mexico. (Smithsonian Contributions xi, 1859 Leconte, J. L. Pterostichi of the U. S. (Jour. Phila. Acad. ii, 1852) Revision. Proc. Phila. A cad., 1873. Leconte, J. L. Synomymical remarks on N. A. Coleoptera. Proc. Phil. Acad., 1873. Leconte, J. L. Revision of the Cicindelidse of U. S. (PMla. 4to, 185G). Leconte, J. L. Synopsis of Melolonthidae of U. S. (Phila. 4to, 1856). Leconte, J. L. Revision of Buprestidse. (Phila. 4t<>, 1859.) Leconte, J. L. Attempt to classify the Longicorn Coleoptera of N. A. (Jour. Phil. Acad. ii, 1853.) Leconte, J. L. Coleoptera in Agassiz's Lake Superior. 1850. Leconte, J. L. Revision of the Elateridse of the U. S. (Phila.) 4to, 1853. Leconte, J. L. Notes on Classification of Carabid86 Of U. S. 4to (Phila.), 1853. (For a full list of Papers on Coleoptera by John L. Leconte, see Psyche, 1878.) Marseul, S. A. Monograph of the Histeridae. 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1853-59. (Fr.) Matthews, A. Trichopterygia illustrata et descripta. 8vo, 31 plates, London, 1871. Melsheimer, F. E. Catalogue of North American Coleoptera. Edited by Haldeman and Leconte. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 1853. Mulsant, E. Natural History of the Coleoptera of France. 27 vols. 8vo, many plates. Paris, 1839-75. (Fr.) Olivier, A. G. Natural History of Insects. Coleoptera. 6 vols. 4to, atlas, 363 pis. Paris, 1789-1808. (Fr.) Pascoe, F. P. Longicornia of Australia. 8vo, London, 1867. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 193 Putzeys, J. Revision of the Clivinidae. 8vo. Brussels, 1867-8. fFr.^ Reclteubacher, L. Austrian Coleoptera. 3rd edit. Vienna. i 71-74. (Ger.) Suunders, E. Catalogus Buprestidarum. 8vo. London, 1871. Schaufuss, L. W. Monograph of genus Macha3rites. Verh. X. B. Gesell. Wien, 1863. Schiodte. De Metamorphosi Eleutheratorum observations. (Naturhistorisk Ticlsskrift. 1861-77. 72 pis. Lat.) Schonherr, C. J. Genera et Species Curculiotiidum. 8 vols. Hvo. Paris, 1833-45. Sharp, D. Coleoptera of the Amazon Valley. Staphylinidae. (Lond.) 1876. Spinola, M. Monograph of the Cleridse. 2 vols. 8vo. 47 pis. 1844 (Fr.) Sprague, P S. Notes on some of the common species of Carabidae of North America. Canadian Entomologist, ii, 1870. Spry and Shuckard. The British Coleoptera delineated. 8vo. 93 pis. Lond., 1861. Stal. C, Monograph of American Chrysomeiidse. 4to, Upsaia, 1862-5. (Fr.) Strauch, A. Systematic catalogue of Coleoptera described in the Annales de la Societ6 Entomologique de France. 8vo. Halle, 1861. Sturm, J. German Coleoptera. 23 vols. 8vo. 424 plates. Nu- renburg, 1805-1857. (Ger.) Thompson, J. Monograph of the Cicindelidae. fol. Paris, KS5<). (Fr.) Thompson, J. Classification of the Cerambycidse. 8 vo. Paris. 18GO. (Fr.) Thompson, J. Systema Cerambvcidarum. 4 pts. 8vo. Paris. 1866-R8. Thompson, C. G. Scandinavian Coleoptera. Synopticaliy arranged. 10 vois. 8vo. Lund., 1859-69. ip4 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Ulke, H. Coleoptera in Report Wheeler's Survey, v. 4to, Washington, 1875. Walton, John. List of British Curculionidse. London. 1856. White, Smith and Boheman. Catalogue of Coleoptera in Brit- ish Museum. 9 pts. pub. 12mo. Lond., 1847-56. Zimmermann. Synopsis of Scolytidse of North America. 8vo. Phila., 1868. HEMIPTERA. Amyot, C. J. B. Entomologie Francais Rhynchotes. 8vo. Paris, 1848. (Fr.) Amyot et Serville. Natural History of the Hemip- tera (suites a Buffon). 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1843. (Fr.) Biireusprung, F. Catalogue of European Hemiptera. 8vo. Berlin, ,1860. (Ger.) Buckton, G. B. Monograph of the British Aphides. (Ray So- ciety). 2vo!s. 8vo. London, 1876-79. Dallas, W. S. List of the Hemiptera in British Museum. 2 pts. 8vo, London, 1851-2. Delaporte, F. L. Systematic classification of the Hemiptera. 8vo. Paris, 1833. (Fr.) Denney. Monographia Anoplurum Brittaniae. (British Lice.) 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1842. Dohrn, A. Catalogue of Hemiptera. 8vo. 1859. Douglas and Scott. British Hemiptera Vol. 1. Heteroptera. (Kay Society.) 8vo. London. 1865. Fieber, F. X. European Hemiptera. 8vo. Vienna, 1861. (Ger.) Giebel, C. G. Insecta Epizoa Parasites of Mammals and Birds, fol. 20 pis. Leipzig. 1874. CGer.) Glover, T. Manuscript Notes : Hemiptera. 4to 10 pis. Wash- ington, 1876. Hann und Herrlch SchSffer. The Hemipterous Insects. 9 vols. 8vo. 324 pis. Nurenburg, 1831-53. (Ger.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 195 . Herrich Schaffer. Synonymical Index of Heteropterous Hem- iptera. 8vo. Regensburg, 1853. Koch, C. L. The Plant Lice figured and described. 8vo 54 plates. Nurenburg, 1857. (Ger.) Mulsant et Key. Natural History of the Bugs of France. 4 vols. 8vo. Lyons, 1865-73. Renter, O. M. American Acanthidse. (Roy. Swed. Acad.) 8vo. 1871. (Lat.) Router, O. M. North American Cupsinse (1. c.), 1875. (Lat.) (See also other papers published by the Swedish Academy.) Riley and Monell. Notes on Aphiclae of the U. S. (Bull. U. 8. Geol. Surv., v.) 8vo, Washington, 1879. Saunders, E. Synopsis of British Heteroptera 8vo. London, 1875. Say, T. Descriptions of new species of Heterop- terous Hemiptera. (Reprinted Trans. N. Y. State Agr. Soc., 1857.) Siebke, H. Enumeratio Insectorum Norvegicum. I. Hemip- tera. 8vo. Christiania, 1874. Stal, C. Papers published by Royal Swedish Academy. 1853. Th mas, C. List of the Aphidini of the U. S. (Bulletin Illinois Indust. Univ. No. 2. 1878.)' Thomas, C. Monograph of the Plant Lice. (8th Report State Entomologist of 111 , 1879.) Uhler, P. R. Notices of Hemiptera of Vv'esteru Territories. (Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1871). 8vo, 1872. Uhler, P.R. Monographs Cydnidse and Saldae [etc.]. (Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. iii, 1877). Uhler, P. R. Hemiptera of Wheeler's Survey Zoology, v, 1875. Walker, F. List of Homoptera in British Museum. 5 parts. 8vo. London, 1850-58. Walker, F. Catalogue of Hemiptera Heteroptera in British Museum. 8 vols. and suppl. 8vo. 1867-74, 196 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. ORTHOPTERA. B runner, C. Monograph of the Phaneropteridae. 8vo. Vienna, 1878. (Ger.) Brunner, C. Orthopterological Studies (Verh. Z. B. Gesell- schaftWien). 8vo. 1861. (Ger.) Charpentier, T. de. Orthoptera figured and described. 1 vol., 4to, 60 pis. Leipzig, 1841-5. (Lat.) Fischer, L. H. Orthoptera Europa3a. 4to. Leipzig, 1853. Fischer, de Waldheim. Orthoptera Imperil Rossici (cont. by Eversmann). 4to. Moscow, 1846-7. (Lat.) Gray, G. R. Entomology of Australia. Pt. 1, Monograph of the genus Phasma (all pub.) 4to, London, 1833. Gray, G. R. Synopsis of the Family Phasmidse. 8vo. Lon- don, 1835 ,, Glover, T. Illustrations of North American Entomology. Orthoptera. 4to, 13 pis. Washington, 1872. Saussure, H. Natural History of the Orthoptera of Central America, Mexico and the Antilles. Blattariae. 2 parts, 4to. Geneva, 1862-5. (Fr.) Saussure, H. Orthoptera of Mexico : Mantides. 4to. Gen- eva, 1871. (Fr.) Saussure, H. Orthopterological Miscellany. 6 pts., 4to. Geneva, 1863-77. (Fr.) Saussure, H. Studies of the Orthoptera of Mexico and Cen- tral America. (3 pts. pub.) Folio. Paris, 1870-74. (Fr.) Scudder, S. H. Materials for a Monograph of the M". A. Orthoptera. (Jour. Bost. Socy., vii). 8vo. 1862. Scudder, S. H. Catalogue of Worth American Or- thoptera. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., viii). 8vo. Washing- ton, 1868. Scudder, S. H. On the arrangement of the Families of Or- thoptera. (Proc. Bost. Socy., xii). 8vo. Boston, 1869. Scudder, S. H. Revision of the Mole Crickets (Mem. Pea- body Acad. No. 1). 4to. Salem, 1869. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 197 Scudder, S. H. Notes on Forflcul arise with list of described species. (Proc. Bost. Socy., xviii). 8vo. 1876. Scudder, S. H. A Century of Orthoptera (Proc. Bost. Socy.). Scudder, S. H. Remarks on Calliptenus and Melanophus with a notice of New England species (Proc. Bost. Socy., xix). 1877. Serville, A. Natural History of the Orthoptera (suites a Buffon). lvol.,8vo. Paris, 1839. (Fr.) Siebke, II. Enumeratio Insectorum Norvegicum : I, Or- thoptera. 8vo. Christiania, 1874. Stal, C. Recensio Orthopterorum. (Review of Orthoptera described by Linne, De Geer, etc.) 3 pts , 8vo. Stockholm, 1873-5. Stoll, C. Representations of the Phasmidse, Mantida3, Acricli- dse, Gryllida? (etc.), of the four parts of the world. 2 vols. 4to. 70 pis. Amsterdam, 1815. (Fr.) Thomas, C. List and description of new species of Orthop- tera (Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1870). 8vo. Washington, 1871. Thomas, C. Synopsis of Acrididae of Worth Amer- ica. (Final Report U. S. Geol. Surv., Vol. v). 4to. Wash- ington, 1875. Thomas, C. Orthoptera in Rep. Wheeler's Survey, v. 1875. Walker, F. Complete Catalogue of genera and species of Blattariae. 8vo. London, 1878. Walker, F. Complete Catalogue of Dermaptera Saltatoria. 4 vols. and suppl., 8vo. London, 1869-71. Westwood, J. O. Catalogue Orthoptera in British Museum : I, Phasmida (all pub.) 4to, 48 pis. London, 1859. NKUHOPTKKA. Charpentier. European Libellulina figured and described. 4to, 48 pis. Leipzig, 1840. (Lat.) Eaton, A. E. Monograph Ephemeridae. Pt. 1. (Trans. Ent. Socy., London.) 8vo. 1871. 198 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Hagen, H. A. Special Monograph of the Termites. 4 pts., 8vo. (Berlin ) 1858. (Ger.) Hagen. H. A. Catalogue of Neuroptera in British Museum : Termetina. 8vo. London, 1858. Hagen, H. A. Synopsis of described Neuroptera of N. A. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll , iv). 8vo. Washington, 1861. Hagen, II. A. The Larvae of the Ant Lions. (Verh. Entom. ViM-eins Stettin, xxxiv.) 8vo. 1873. (Ger.) Hagen, S. H. Neuroptera collected by Lieut. Carpenter (Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1873.) 8vo. 1874. Hagen, H. A. Neuroptera in Wheeler's Survey, v. 4to, 1875 Hagen, H. A, Synopsis of the Odonata of America. (Proc. Bost. Socy., xviii.) 8vo. Boston, 1875. Hagen, H. A. Pseudoneuroptera and Neuroptera in collection of T. W. Harris. (Proc. Bost. Soc.,xv, 1873). Kolenati, F. A. Genera and species of Trichoptera. 2 pts., 4to. Prague, 1848. MQSCOW, 1859. (Lat.) McLachlan, R. Monograph British Psocidse. 8vo. London, 1867. McLachlan, R. Monographic revision of the Trichoptera of Europe, incomplete. Parts 1-7. 44 pis., 8vo. London, 1874-8. Newport, G. On Pteronarcys regalis with descriptions of American Perlidse. 4to. (London.) 1851. Pictet, F. J. Natural History of the Neuroptera. 2 vols., 8vo.,100pls. Geneva, 1841-3. (Fr.) Rambur, P. Natural History of the Neuroptera (suites h Buffon.) 1 vol., 8vo. Paris, 1842. (Fr.) De Selys Longchamps, E. Monograph of the Libellulse of Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1840. (Fr.) De Selys Longchamps and Hagen. Review of the Odonata of Europe. 8vo. Brussels, 1850. (Fr.) De Selys Longchamps and Hagen. Monographs of the Cal- opteryginae and Gomphinse. 8vo. 37 pis. Brussels, 1854 and 58. (Fr.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 199 Walker, F. Catalogue of Neuroptera in British Museum. 4pts. and suppl. 12mo. London, 1852-8. SYMPHILA. (Thysaintra and Collembola.") Lubbock, J. Notes on the Thysanura. (Trans. Linn. Soc.) 4to. 7 pis. London, 1867-70. Lubbock, J. Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura. (Ray Soc.) 8vo. 78 pis. London, 1873. Meinert, F. Campodeae, a Family of Thysanura. (Natur- hist. Tidskrift) 8vo. Copenhagen, 1865. (Swedish and Latin.) Nicolet, H. Researches on the Podurellas. 4to. 9 pis. Neu- chatel, 1842. (Fr.) Packard, A. S., jr. Bristle Tails and Spring Tails. (Ameri- can Naturalist) 8vo. Salem, 1871. Packard, A. S., jr. Synopsis of Thysanura of Essex Co., Mass. (5th Report Peabody Academy) 8vo. Salem, 1872. Tullburg, T. F. Swedish PoduridaB. 8vo. 12 pis. Stockholm, 1872. Tullburg, T. F. Collembola boreali. (Roy. Swedish Acacl.) 8vo. 1876. ARACHNIDA. Ausserer, A. Contributions to the Territellame. (Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges., Wien, xxi, 1871. (Ger.) Blackwall, J. Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. (Ray Socy.) 2 vols. 4to. 29 pis. London, 1861-66. Cambridge, O. P. Papers in Proceedings of various Socie- ties of London. Doleschall, C. L. Contributions to a knowledge of the Arach- nidaof the East Indies. 2 pts. Batavia, 1856-9. (Dutch.) Furstenberg, H. The Itch Mites of Men and Animals. fol. 15 pis. Leipzig, 1861. (Ger.) 200 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Hahn, C. W. Monographia aranearum. 8 pts. 4to. 32 plates, Nurenburg, 1820-30. (Gcr.) Hahn und Koch. Die Arachniden. 16 vols. 8vo. 560 plates. Nurenburg, 1831-48. (Ger.) Haldemann, S. S. On some species of Hydrachnidae. (Zoological Contributions No. 1.) 8vo. Phila. 1842. Hentz, N. M. Spiders of the United States. (Jour. Bost. Soc. vol. 1-6 and Proc. ii). Hentz, N. M. Reprint by Emerton and Burgess. 1vol. 8vo. (Occas. Papers Bost. Soc.) 21 plates, 1875. Herbst, J. F. W. Natural History of Apterous Insects. 4 parts. 4to. 23 plates, Berlin, 1797-1800. (Ger.) Hodge, G. On British Pycnogonida. (Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist.) London, 1864. Johnston, Geo. An attempt to ascertain the British Pycno- gonida. (Mag. Zool. and Bot. i) London, 1837. Keyserling. Papers in Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 1862. (Ger.) Koch, C. L. lleview of the Arachnida. 8vo. 49 pis. Nuren- berg, 1837-50. (Ger.) Koch, C. L. Arachnida of the Family Drassidaa. 7 parts (all pub.) 8vo. Nurenburg, 1866-8. (Ger.) Koch, C. L. Australian Arachnida. (22 parts pub.) 4to. Nurenburg, 1871-8. (Ger.) Kramer, P. Systematic Revision of the Mites (Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte xliii) 8vo. 1877. (Ger.) Kramer, P. Natural History of Hydrachnidae. (Archiv fiir Naturgesch., 1875. Mengc, A. Prussian Spiders. 8vo. 81 pis. Dantzig, 1866-76. Nicolet, H. Acarina of the environs of Paris. 4to. 10 pis. Paris, 1855. (Fr.) Say, T. Description of the Arachnides of the U.S. (Jour. Phila. Acad., 1821) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 2O1 Simon, E. Natural History of the Araneides. 8vo. Paris, 1864. (Fr.) Simon, E. The Arachnida of France. (4 vols. pub.) 8vo. Paris, 1874-8. (Fr.) Stanley, E. J. British Spiders. 8vo. London, 1866. Thorell, T. European Spiders (1 pt. pub.) 4to. Upsala, 1869- 70. (English.) Thorell, T. Spiders from Labrador. (Proc. Bost. Soc., 1875. ) Thorell, T. Studies of Malay and Papuan Spiders. 8vo. Genoa, 1877. (Lat.) Thorell, T. Classification of Scorpion. (Am. and Mag. N. H. Jan., 187C.) (A list of the literature of European spi- ders will be found in Thorell's European Spiders supra.') Vinson, A. Arachnida of Reunion, Mauritius and Madagas- car. 4to. Paris, 1863. (Fr.) Walckener et Gervais. Natural History of the Aptera (suites a BufFon). 4vols. 8vo. 52 pis. Paris, 1837-47. (Fr.) Westring, N. Swedish Arachnida. 8vo. Gothenburg, 1862. (Lat.) Wilson, E. B. Synopsis of Pycnogonida of New England. (Trans. Conn. Acad., v, 1878.) Wilson, E. B. The Pycnogonida of New England and adja- cent waters. Rep. U. S. FLvh Comm., 1881, pp. 43, pis. 7. Wood, H. C. Phalangese of the U. S. (Proc. Essex Inst., vi) 8vo. Salrm, 18(58. Wood, H. C. Pedipalpi of North America. (Trans. Am. Phila. Soc.) 4to. 1863. MYHIAPODA. Cope, E. D. New or little known Myriapoda from South Western Virginia, (Proc. Am. Phil. Soc.) 1869. Harger. New North American Myriapoda. (Am. Jour. Sci. iv) 8vo. New Haven, 1874. 202 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Humbert, A, Myriapods of Ceylon. 4to. Geneva, 1865. (Fr.) Koch, C. L. The Myriapods. 2 vdls. 8vo. 119 pis. Halle, 1863. (Ger.) Meinert, F. Myriapods of the Copenhagen Museum. 8vo. Cogenhagen, 1812. (Lat.) Newport, Geo. Monograph of the Myriapoda Chil- opoda. (Trans. Linn. Soc. xix) 4to. London, 1844-5. Saussure, H. Myriupod Fauna of Mexico. 4to. 7pls. Geneva, 1860. (Fr.) Saussure et Humbert. Studies of the Myriapods of Mexico and Central America with a catalogue of American Myriapoda. fol. Paris, 1872. (Fr.) Stuxberg, A. North American Lithobidae and Oniscidse. (Forh. Roy. Sw. Acad.) 8vo. Stockholm, 1875. (Swedish.) Wood, H. C. Myriapoda of North America. (Trans. Am. Phil. Soc.) 4to. 1865. CRUSTACEA. Baird, W. History of the British Entomostraca (Ray Soc.) 8vo, 36 pis. London, 1850. Bate, C. S. Catalogue of Amphipodous Crustacea in British Museum. 1 vol. 8vo. 59 pis. London, 1862. Bate and Westwood. British Sessile-eyed Crustacea. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1863-9. Bell, T. Monograph of the Leucosoidea. (Trans. Linn. Soc. xxi.) 4to. London, 1855. Birge, E. A. Notes on Cladocera. (Trans. Wisconsin Acad. iv.) 1878. Boeck, A. Boreal and Arctic Amphipod Crustacea. ( Vidensk. selsk. Forh.) 8vo. 1870. (Latin.) Boeck, A. Contributions to Califomian Amphipod Fauna (I.e.) 8vo. 1871. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 203 Brady, G. S. Monograph of recent British Ostracoda. (Trans. Linn. Socy., xxvi.) 4t-. 19 pis. 1808. Brady, G. S. Mon ->grai h of free and semi parasitic Copepoda of British Isles. (Kay Socy.) 8vo. 1878. Brandt, J. F. Crustacea in Middendorff's Siberian Journey. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1851. Glaus, C. Free Copepoda of North Sea and Mediterranean. 4to. 37 pis. Leipzig, 1803. Dana, J. D. Crustacea of the U. S. Exploring Expe- dition. 2 vols. 4to. and folio atlas. 90 pis. Phila., 1852. (Preliminary papers were published in Proc. Phila. Acad., Proc. Am. Acad., and Am. Jour. Sci.) Darwin, C. Monograph of Cirripedia. (Ray Society.) 2 vols. 8vb. 40 pis. London, 1851-4. DeKay, J. E. N. Y. Fauna : Crustacea. 4to. 13 pis. Albany, 1844. Gerstaecker, A. Garcinological Contributions (Archiv fur Naturgeschichte xxi) 8vo. 1856. (Ger.) Gerstaecker, A. Classes and orders of Arthropoda in Brown's '-Klassen und Ordnungen" 1800 (incomplete.) Gibbes, L. R. On the Careinological Collections of the TJ. S. (Proc. Am. Assoc. iii, 1851). Gamroth. Contributions to a Natural History of the Caprelli- dae. (Zeitsch. Wiss. Zoologie, xxviii, 1878) (Ger.) Hagen, H. A. Monograph N. A. Astacidse. (111. Cat- alogue Mus. Coin]). Zool) 4to. Cambridge, 1870. Harger, O. Description of new genera and species New Eng- land Isopoda. (Am. Jour. Sci. xv, 1878.) Harger, O. Notes on New England Isopoda. (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1879.) Harger, O. Marine Isopoda of New England. Rep. U S. Fish Com., 1878 [1880J. Heller, C. Crustacea of Southern Europe. 8vo. Vicuna, 1863. (Ger.) 2O4 NATURALISTS ASSISTANT. Heller, C. Crustacea of the voyage of the Novara. 4to, 25 pis. Vienna, 1868. (Ger.) Heller, C. Contributions to the Crustacean Fauna of the Keel Sea. (Stzb. K. K. Aknd Wieu. xliii, i, 1861.) Herbst, J. F. W. Natural History of Crabs and Crawfish. 3vols. 4to. Atlas. 62 plates, fol. Berlin, 1790- 1804. Hess, W. Contributions to a knowledge of the Decapoda of East Australia. (Archiv fur Naturgesch. 1865.) (Gcr.) Hilgendorf, F. Crustacea in van der Decken's Travels in East Africa. 8vo. Leipzig, 1869. (Ger.) Kingsley, J. S. Synopsis of North American Alphei. (Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. iv, 1878.) Kingsley, J. S. Crustacea from Virginia and Florida with a revision of the genera of Caridea. (Proc. Phil. Acad., 1879.) Kingsley, J. S. Carcinological Notes, Revision of Gelasimus, Ocypoda and Grapsidse. (Proc. Phil. Acad., 1880). Kossmann, R. On the Rhizocephala. Aibeiten Zool. Zoot. Inst. Wurzburg i, 1874. (Ger.) . Kosmann, R. Zoological Results of Travels in the neighbor, hood of the Red Sea. 4to. Leipzig, 1877. (Ger.) Krauss, F. South African Crustacea. 4to. Stuttgart, 1843. (Ger.) Kroyer, H. Greenland Amphipoda. 4to. Copenha- gen, 1837. (Danish.) Kroyer, H. Monograph of Northern Hippoiytes. 4to. Copenhagen, 1842. (Danish.) Kroyer, H. Monograph of Sergestes. 4to. Copenhagen, 1856. (Danish.) Kroyer, H. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Parasitic- Crustacea. 8vo, 18 pis. Copenhagen, 1863. (Danish.) Leach, W. E. British stalk-eyed Crustacea, continued by Sowerby. 19 parts, 4to, 54 pis. London, 1815-1875. Lereboullet, A. Oniscidae of Alsace. 4to, 10 pis.. Stras- burg, 1853. (Fr ) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 205 Leydig, F. Natural History of the Daphnida. 1 vol., 4to. Tubingen, 1860. (Ger.) Lilljeborg, Crustacea, Cladocera, Ostracoda et Copepoda Sca- niae. 4to, 27 pis. Lund., 1853. (Lat.) Lockington, W. N. Papers in Proceedings California Acad. and Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874. (Pacific forms.) Lutken, C. F. Contributions to a Knowledge of the genus Cyamus. 4to. Copenhagen, 1873. (Danish.) von Martens, E. On Cuban Crustacea. (Archiv fur Natur- gesch, xxxviii). 8vo., 1872. (Ger.) Meinert, F. Crustacea Isopode Amphipoda et Decapoda DaniaB. (Naturhist. Tidsskrift iii, xi.) 8vo. 1877. Miers, E. J. Notes on oxystomatous Crustacea. (Trans. Li'nn. Soc., 1876.) Miers, E. J. Crustacea from the Malaysian Region. (Ann. and Mag. N. H., V. v.) 8vo. London, 1880. Miers, E. J. Notes on Peneidse. (Proc. Zool. Socy. London, 1878.) Miers, E. J. Revision of the Hipp idea. (Jour. Linn. Socy. 1878.) Miers, E. J. On the Classification of the Maioid Crustacea. (Jour. Linn. Socy. xiv. 1879.) Miers, E. J. Revision of the Plagusina?. (Ann. and Mag. N. H. 1878.) Miers, E. J. On the Squillidae. (Ann. and Mag. N. H., vol. v. 1880.) Miers, E. J. Catalogue of New Zealand Crustacea. 8vo. London, 1876. Milne-Edwards, A. Studies of the Recent Portuni- dse. (Archives du Museum, x, 1861.) 4to, 11 pis. Paris, 1861. (Fr.) Milne-Edwards, A. Researches on the Carcinological fauna of New Caledonia. (Nouv. Arch, viii & ix ) 4to. Paris, 1872-3. (Fr.) 2o6 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Milne-Edwards, A. Revision of the genus Thelphusae. (Nouv. Arch, v, 1869.) (Fr.) Milne-Edwards, A. Studies of the Cancridae. (Nouv. Arch, i.) 4to. 186G. (Fr.) Milne-Edwards, H. Crustacea of Mission scientif- ique au Mexique et dans Amerique meridionale (incomplete). 4to, many plates. Paris, 1873. (Fr.) Milne-Edwards, H. Natural History of the Crusta- cea (suites a lUiffon). 3 vols. and atlas, 8vo. Paris, 1837-42. (Fr.) Milne-Edwards, H. Notes on new or little-known Crustacea. (Archives Museum vii.) 4to. 1854. Milne-Edwards and Lucas. Crustacea in D'Orbigny's Voyage to Central America. 4to, 17 pis. Paris, 1844. (Fr.) Miiller, Fritz. Facts for Darwin, translated by Dallas. 8vo. London, 1869. Muller, P. E. Denmark's Cladocera. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1868. Ordway, A. Monograph of the genus Callinectes. (Jour. Bost. Socy., 1863.) Owen, R. Crustacea of Beechey's Voyage of the Blossom. 4to. London, 1839. Packard, A. S. jr. Synopsis of fresh-water Phyllo- poda of N. A. (Rep. U. S. Geol. Survey, 1873 [1874].) Randall, J. W. Crustacea from the West Coast of North America. (Jour. Phila. Acad. viii, 1839). Riippell, E. Crabs of the Red sea. 4to. Frankfort, 1830. (Ger.) Sars, G. 0. Review of Norse Marine Ostracoda. 8vo. Christiania, 1865. (N.) Sars, G. O. Natural History of fresh-water Crustacea of Norway. 4to. Christiauia, 1867. (Fr.) Sars, G. O. Monograph of Mysida? of Norway. 4to. Chris- tiauia, 1870-2. (N.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. Sars, G. O. Cumacea Oceani Atlantic!. 4to, 20 pis. Stock- holm, 1871. Sars, M. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Fauna of Christiania fiord. 3 pts., 8vo. (Mollusca & Crust.) Christia- nia, 1868-73. (N.) Saussure, H. Various new Crustacea from the Antilles and Mexico. (Mem. Soc Phys. et d'Hist. Nat. Geneve, xiv). 4to. Geneva, 1858. (Fr.) Saussure, II. New Crustacea from the West Coast of Mexico. (Rev. et Mag. Zool. II, v, 1853.) (Fr.) Say, T. An Account of the Crustacea of the U. S. (Jour. Phila. Acad. i, 1817.) Schiodte et Meinert. Monograph of the Cymothoi- d3B. (Natwrhist. Tidssk. 1879-.) (Lat.) Smith, S. I. New or little-known American Cancroid Crus- tacea. (Proc. Bost. Socy. xii. 1869.) Smith, S. I. Crustacea collected by C. F. Hartt in Brazil. (Trans. Conn. Acad. i, 1869.) Smith, S.I. Notes on N. A. Crustacea: I, Ocypodoidea. (Trans. Conn. Acad. i. 1870.) Smith, S. I. Crustacea in Report U. S. Fish Com- mission. 1871-2. 8vo. 1873. Smith, S. I. Crustacea of fresh waters of U. S. (Rep. U. S. Fish Com., 1872-3. (1874.) Smith, S. I. Stalk-eyed Crustacea of Atlantic Coasts of North America. (Trans. Conn. Acad. v, 1879.) Stimpson, W. Crustacea and Echinodermata of Paci- fic Coast of N. A. (Jour. Bost. Socy. vi, 1857). Stimpson, W. Crustacea of the North Pacific Ex- ploring Expedition. (Proc. Phila. Acad., 1858-60). (Lat.) Stimpson, W. Notes on North American Crustacea. (Annals N. Y. Lyceum vii and x. 1859-71). Stimpson, W. Crustacea dredged in the Gulf Stream. (Bulletin Mus. Comp. Zool. ii, 1871). 2o8 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Stuxberg, A.. North American Oniscidse. (K. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1875. Sw. and Lat.) Verrill, A. E. Phyllopoda of family Branchipidae. (Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 18G9.) Weismann, A. Contributions to a Natural History of the Daphnoidea. (Zuitsch. Wiss. Zool. 1876-8. (Ger.) White, A. List of Crustacea in British Museum. 12 mo. 1847. Wood, Mason J. Indian and Malayan Thelphusidae. (Jour. Asiatic Socy. Bengal xl. 1871.) De Haan W. Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, folio, 70 pis. Leyden, 1835-50. (Lat.) MOLLUSCA. Adams and Reeve. Mollusca of the voyage of the Samarang. 4to, 24 pis. London, 1848. Adams, C. B. Catalogue of shells collected at Panama. 8vo. N. Y., 1852. Adams, C. B. Contributions to Conchology. 8vo. N. Y., 1849-52. Adams, H and A. Genera of recent Mollusca. 2 vols. 8vo. atlas, 144 pis. London, 1853-8. Alder and Handcock. Monograph British Nudibranch Mol- lusca. (Ray Socy.) 2 vols. fol. 83 pis. London, 1845-55. Bergh, R. Malacological Researches. Scientific Re- sults of Semper' s Travels in the Philippines. 4to, 58 pis. Weisbaden, 1870-77. (Ger.) Bergh, R. On the Nudibranchiate Gasteropod Mol- lusca of the North Pacific Ocean. (Proc. Phila. Acad. 1879.) See numerous other papers on Nudibranchiata, etc. Co- penhagen et Vienna, 1853. Binney, A. Terrestrial air-breathing Mollusca of the U. S. Edited by A. A. Gould. 4 vols., 8vo, 110 pis. Boston, 1851-59. (See also Jour. Bost. Socy. Vol. ii, et seq.~) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 209 Binney, W. G. Bibliography of N. A. Conchology. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll. V.) 2 pts 8vo. Washington, 1863-04 Binney, W. G. Catalogue Terrestrial air-breathing Molluscs of North America. (Bulletin M. C. Z. iii.) 1874. Binney, W. G. Notes on American land shells. 8vo. Bur- lington, N. J., 1874-75. Binney, Bland, and Tryon. Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll.) 4 vols. 8vo, 1865-74. Blainville, de,D. Manual of Malacology and Conchology. 8vo. 109 pis. Paris, 1825. (Fr.)' Blanford, W. T. and H. F. Contributions to Indian Malacol- ogy. 12 nos. 8vo. Calcutta, 1860-70. Bourgulnat, J. R. Malacology of Algiers. 2 vols. 4to, 60 pis. Paris, 1863-64. (Fr.) Bourguinat, J. R. Molluscs, new, doubtful or little known. 12 parts, 8vo, 49 pis. Paris, 1863-70. (Fr.) Brot, A. Catalogue of the genera, species and varieties of Melanidse. 8vo. New York, 1868. Brown, T. Illustrations of the recent Conchology of Great Britain. 2 edit., 4to. London, 1844. Calkins, W. W. Marine Shells of Florida. (Proc. Dav. Acad., 1878. Carpenter, P. P. Molluscs of Western North Amer- ica. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. x. Reprints of many of his papers on the subject.) 1872. Carpenter, Lea, Stimpson, etc. Check List North American shells. (S. I. Misc. Coll., ii, 1860.) Catlow and Reeve. Conchologist's Nomenclator, a catalogue of all the recent species of shells. 8vo. London, 1845. Chenu, J. C. BibliothSque Couchyliologie. [Papers by Say, Conrad, Rafinesque, Leach, etc.] 3 vols., 8vo, 91 pis. Paris 1845-6. (Fr.) U 210 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Chenu, J. C. Manual of Conchology. 2 vols., 8vo, 5,000 fig. Paris, 1800-62. (Fr.) Conrad, T. A. Catalogue and Synonymy of Genera and Spe cies of Solenidse, Mnctrida; and Anatinidae. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808. Conrad, T. A. Synopsis of American Naiades. 1 vol., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834. Cox, J. Monograph Australian Land Shells. 4to. Sydney, 1868. Ball, W. H. Limpets and Chitons of Alaska, etc. Proc. Nat. Mus. i, 1879. Dall, W. H. The Genus Pompholyx and its allies with a re- vision of the Limaeidse. (Am. N. Y. Lye. ix, 1870.) Dall, W. II. Brachiopoda obtained by U. S. Coast survey with a revision of the Craniidae and Discinidre. (Bull. M. C. Z.) 1871. Dekay, J. E. N. Y. Fauna: Pt. V, Mollusca. 4to. Albany, 1843. Deshayes, G. B. Mollusca in Regne animal. 4to, 222 pis. Paris, 1850. (Fr.) Deshayes, G. B. Catalogue of Bivalve Shells in British Mu- seum. 8vo. London, 1853-54. Donovan, E. Natural History of British shells. 5 vols., 8vo, many plates. London. 171)9-1804. D'Orbigny. Molluscs of de la Sagras Cuba. 2 vols., 8vo, with folio Atlas. Paris, 1853-55. (,I ; rJ Draparnaud, J. Natural History of hand and fluviatile Mollus- ca of France. 2 vols., 4to. Paris. 1805-31. (Fr.) DuClos, P. L. Monograph of genus Oliva. fol., 35 pis. Paris, 1835. (Fr.) DuClos, P. L. Natural History of Oliva and Columbella. fol., 47 pis. Paris, 1835-40. Eydoux et Souleyet. Mollusca of Voyage of La Bonite. Paris, 1836-7. (Fr.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 211 Ferrusac et Deshayes. Natural History of Molluscs living and fossil. 42 pts., folio, 247 pis. Paris, 1820-51. (Fr.) Fischer et Crosse. Studies of the terrestrial and Fluviatile Molluscs of Mexico and Central America. Fol., many plates Paris, 1870 . (Fr.) Forbes and Hanley. History of British Mollusca. 4 vols., 8vo, 202 pis. London, 1855. Gould, A. A. Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841. Second Edition by W. G. Binney. Boston, 1809. Gould, A. A. Mollusca of U. S. Exploring Expedi- tion. 4to, with atlas of Many plates. Philadelphia, 1852. Gould,' A. A. otia Coiichologica. [Comprising shorter pa- pers from 1839-62]. 8vo. Boston, 1862. Gray, J. E. Catalogues of Mollusca in British Museum. 9 parts. London, 1849-57. Haldemann, S. S. Monograph of fresh-water uni- valve Mollusca of U. S. 8vo, 35 pis. Philadelphia, 1840-44. Hanley, S. Ipsa Linnaei Conohylia. 8vo. London, 1855. Hanley, S. Conchologieal Miscellany. 4to, 40 pis. London, 1858. Hanley and Theobald. Conchologia Indica. 4to, 160 Pis. London, 1870-76. Hidalgo, J. G. Marine Mollusca of Spain, Portugal and the Balearic Isles. 8vo, many plates. Madrid, 1870-. (Sp.) Jay, J. C. Catalogue of Recent shells in his cabinet, 4th edit., 4to. 1852. Jeffrey, J. G. British Conchology. 5 vols., 8vo, 147 pis. London, 1862-69. Kiener, L. C. Spe'cies ge'ne'rale et Iconographie des Coquilles vivants. 149 pts. pub. 861 pis., 8vo. Paris, 1839-74. ^Fr.) 2 1 2 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Kobelt. Illustrated shell book. 4to, many plates. Nurem- burg, 1876. (Ger.) Kiister, H. C. The Family Volutacea. 3 pts., 4to, 56 pis. Nurcmburg, 1841-49. (Ger.) Kiister and Weinkauff. Monograph of Conidae. 4to, 72 pis. Xureniburg, 1875. (Ger.) Lamarck. Historie Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres. 2nd edit, by DeShayes. 11 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1835-45. Lea, Isaac. Observations on the genus Unio. 13 vols., 4to, 250 pis. Philadelphia, 1834-74. [Several parts in Trans. Am. Phil. Socy., Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. and Am. Jour. Sci.] Lea, Isaac. Synopsis of the Family Naiades. 1st edit., 8vo, 1836. 4th Edit. 4to. Philadelphia. 1870. (See also over 150 other papers on Lund & Fluviatile Mollusca in Trans. Am. Phil. Socy. iii, 1830-x, 1853; Proc. Am. Phil. Socy., i, 1838- v, 1854. Proc. Phila. ; Acad. 1841-73. Jour. Phil. Acad. II, ii, lS-4-viii, 1874; Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1850.) Lischke, C. E. Japanese Marine Shells. 3 pts. 4to. Cassel, 1869-75. (Ger.) Martini et Chemnitz. Systematische Conchylien Cabinet. 270 pts. pub. 4to. 1400 pis. Nuremburg, 1840-78. (Ger.) Moquin Tandon, A. Terrestrial and Fluviatile Mollusca of France. 2 vols. 8vo 50 pis. Paris, 1855. (Fr.) Morch, O. A. S. Descriptive Catalogue West Indian Scal- idse. Jour. Phila. Acad. viii, 1876. Morse, E. S. Observations on the Terrestrial Pulmonifera of Maine. (Jour. Portland Socy. vol i, 1864. Morse, E. S. Land Shells of New England. (Amer. Natur- alist i, 1867.) Neville, G. Hand List of Mollusca in the Indian Museum. 8vo. Calcutta, 1878. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 213 Pfeiffer. Monographia Heliceorum vivent. Svols. 8vo. I eipzig, 1848-77. Pfeiffer. Novitates Conchologicae. 67 pts. Cassel, 1855-77. (Ger.) Philippi, R. A. Figures and descriptions of new or little known shells. 3 vols. 4to. H4 pis. Cussel, 1845-51. (Ger.) Prime, T. Monograph of North American Corbiculadse (Smithsonian Misc. Coll. vii) 1865. Prime, T. Catalogue and synonymy of the recent genera and species of Corbiculadse. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868. Raflnesque, C. S. Complete writings on Conchology. Edited by Biunoy and Tryon. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864. Redflcld, J. H. Catalogue and synonymy of the species of Margin ejlidas. (Am. Jour. Conch., 1870.) Reeve, L. Coachologia Iconica, Monographs of the genera of Shells, continued by G. B. Sowerby. 20 vols. 4to. 2727pls. 20,000 figures. London, 1843-78. Romer, E. Monographs of Dosinise, Venides, Cytherea, Donax, Cardum and Tellina. 4to 264 pis. Cassel, 1862-72. (Ger.) Sander Hang, A. Natural History of the Aplysieus. 4to. 25 pis. Paris, 1828. (Fr.) Sander Rang and. Souleyet. Natural History of the Pteropod Mollusca. 4to. Paris, 1852. (Fr.) Sars, G. O.. Mollusca Regionis Arctica Norvegise. 8vo. Christiania, 1878 Say, T. Description of the Shells of North America. 8vo. 68 pis. Philadelphia, 1830-34. Smith and Prime. Mollusca of Long Island. i^Ann. N. Y. Lye. ix, 1870. Sowerby, G. B. Conchological Manual. 4th edit. 8vo. Lon- don,*1852. Sowerby, G. B. Conchological Illustrations. 200 pts. 200 pis. 8vo. London, 1841-45. 214 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Sowerby, G B. Thesaurus Conchyliorum. 32 pts. 4to. 350 pis. London, 1842-66. Sowerby, J. Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells. 42 nos. 8vo. 266 pis. London, 1820-25. Slimpson, W. Shells of New England. 8vo. Boston, 1851. Stimpson, W. Monograph Hydrobiniae. (Smithsonian Misc. Coll. vii, 1805. Svvainson, W. Exotic Conchology. 2 edit, by Hanley. 4to. 48 pis. London, 1841. Tryon, G. W. American Marine Conchology. 8vo. 44 pis. Philadelphia, 1875. Tryon, G. W. Monograph of the Pholadacea. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1862. Tryon, G. W. Catalogues and Synonymy of Pholadacea, Saxicavidae, Myidae, Corbulidae, Telh-nidae, Galeominidse, Astar- ticlae, Solemyidae, Lucinidae, Chrmidae and Chametrachidae. 8vo. Phlla., 1862-72. (Am. Jour. Conch, and Proc. Phil. Acad.) Tryon, G. W. North American Strepomatidae (Melanians). S. I. Misc. Coll. xii, 1873. Tryon, G. W. Manual of Conchology. 8vo. Many poor plates. Phila., 1879 et seq. Verrill, A. E. Descriptions of shells from Gulf of Califor- nia. Am. Jour. Sc-i., 1870 Verrill, A. E. Synopsis of Cephalopoda of the northeast coast of America. (Am. Jour Sci., 1880.) Verrill, A. E. Cephalopoda of the northeast coast of Amer- ica. Pt. I. Trans. Conn Acad. v, 1879. Verrill, A. E. Mollusca of Vineyard Sound. In Rep. U. S. Fish Comm., 1871-72. (1873.) See also numerous other papers in Am. Jour. Sci , etc. Wood, W. Index Testaceologicus. 2 edit, by Hanley. 8vo. 2780 figs. London, 1856. Woodward, S. P. Manual of the Mollusca. 8vo. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 215 Loud., 1851-56. 3 edit. London, 1875. (The first edition con- tains the Tunicata which are omitted from the others.) Yarrow, H. C. Mollusca in Rep. Wheeler's Survey, v, 1875. MOLLUSCOIDA, TUNICATA, BKACHIOPODA, and POLYZOA. (See also general works on Mollusca.) Allman, G-. J. Monograph of Fresh Water Polyzoa British and Foreign. (Kay Soc'y.) fol. 11 pis. London, 1856. Busk, F. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in British Museum. 3 pts. (1 and 2, 12mo; 3, 8vo.) 162 pis. London, 1852-75. Dall, ( W. H. Catalogue of recent species of Brach- iopoda. (Proc. Phila. Acad. 1873.) Dall, W. II. Index to names which have been applied to the subdivisions of the Brachiopoda. (Bulletin U. S. National Museum. No. 8, 1877. Davidson, T. Classification of the Brachiopoda. London, 1853. (See also Proc. Zool. Socy., 1871, etc.) Dumortier et Van Beneden. Natural History of the Fluvia- tile Bryozoa.* 4to, 6 pis. Brussels, 1850. (Fr.) Heller, C. Bryozoa of the Adriatic. 8vo. Vienna, 1867. (Ger.) Heller, C. Researches on the Tunicata of the Adriatic. (Denksch. K. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 1874-77) 4to, 19 pis. Hyatt, A. Observations on Fresh Water Polyzoa. (Proc. Essex lust, iv-v.) 1866-G8. Lacaze-Duthiers, H. Natural History of Mediterranean Brachiopoda. 8vo. Paris, 1868. Milne-Edwards, H. Compound Ascidia of la Manche. (Arch, du Mus., 1872) 4to, 18 pis. 1872-3. (English,) Smitt, F. A. Floridan Bryozoa. (Trans. Roy. Sw. Acad.) 4to, 18 pis. 1872-3. (English.) 2 1 6 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Sraitt, F. A. Scandinavian Marine Polyzoa. 5 pts., 4to, 24 pis. Stockholm, 1865-72. (Sw.) Vogt, C. Siphonophora and Tunicata of Nice. 2 vols. , 4to, 27 pis. Geneva, 1854. (Fr.) WORMS. Audouin et Milne-Edwards. Researches in Nat- ural History of France. 2 vols., 8vo, 25 pis. Paris, 1832-34. (Fr.) Audouin et Milne-Edwards. Classification of Annelides. 8vo, 18 pis. Paris, 1834. (Fr.) Baird, W. Catalogue of Entozoa in British Museum. 8vo. London, 1853. Van Beneden, C. J. Memoire sur les Vers Intestinaux. 4to, 27 pis. Paris, 1861. (Fr.) Van Beneden, C. J. Turbellarians of Belgium. 4to. Brus- sels, 1861. (Fr.) Van Beneden et Hesse. Marine Bdellidae and Trematoda. 4to, 18 pis. Brussels, 1863-65. (Fr.) Claparede, E. Annelida Chaetopoda of Naples. 4to, 46 pis. Geneva, 1867-71. (Fr.) ^ Cobbold, T. S. Entozoa. 8vo. London, 1879. Diesing, C. M. Systerna Helminthum. 2 vols., 8vo. Vienna, 1850-51. (Numerous other papers in Publications of Vienna Societies, 1836. D'udekem. New classification of the setigerous Annelid Abranchiata. (Mem. Acad. Roy. Belg. 1859.) (See also Bul- letin Acad. Belg. 1855.) Dujardin, P. Natural History of the Helminthes. 8vo. Paris, 1845. (Fr.) Ehlers, E. Die Borstenwiirmer, Annelida Chseto- poda. 2 pts., 4to, 23 pis Leipzig, 1864-68. (Ger.) Hubrecht, A. W. Genera of European Nemerteans critically revised. (Note xliv of Leyrlen Museum.) 1P78. (Fr.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 21 7 Jensen, O. S. Turbellaria ad Litoria Norwegian occidentale. Bergen, 1878. Keferstein. Contributions to Systematic Knowledge of SipunculidBB. (Zcit. Wiss. Zool. xvi.) 1865. (Ger.) Keferstein. On American Sipunculids. (Zeit. Wiss. Zool. xvii.) 186G. (Ger.) Kramer. The Family Bdellidae. (Arch, fur Naturgesch. xlii.) (Ger.) Leidy, Jos. Flora and Fauna in Living Animals. (Smithso- nian Cont. v.) 1853. Leidy, Jos. Helminthological contributions. (Proc. Phil. Acad., 1850.) Leidy, Jos. Synopsis of Entozoa. (Proc. Phil. Acad., 1856.) Leuckart,' R. Human Parasites. 2vols.,8vo. Leipzig, 1863- 68. (Ger.) Malmgren, A. J. Marine Arctic Amnulata. 8vo, 20 pis. Stockholm, 1865-66. Malmgren, A. J. Polychsetous Annelida of Spitzbergen, Greenland, etc. 8vo, 14 pis. Stockholm, 1867. (Lat.) Mclntosh, W. C. Monograph of British. Annelids: I, Nemerteans. (Ray Socy.) fol.,23pls. London, 1873-74. Mclntosh, W. C. On British Annelida. Pt. I, 4to. (London) 1876. Moquin Tandon. Monograph of the Hirudinidae. 8vo, 14 pis., 2 edit. Paris, 1846. (Fr ) Morch, 0. A. L. Critical Revision of the Serpulidse. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1863. (Lat.) Moseley, H. N. Notes on Land Planarians with a list of known species. (Micros. Jour., xvii. 1877.) Oersted, A. S. Gronlands Annulata dorsibranchiata. 4to, 8 pis. Copenhagen, 1843. (Dan.) Perrier, E. Researches on the history of the terrestrial Lum- bricidae. 4to, 5 pis. (Paris), 1872. (Fr.) 2 1 8 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Pourtales, L. F. de. American Sipunculids. (Proc. Am. Assoc., 1851.) Quatrefages, A. de. History of the Annelida and Gephyrea. 3 vols., 8vo, 20 pis. Paris, 1865. (Fr.) Rudolphi, C. Entozoorum sur Vermium Intestinum Historia Naturalia. 2 vols., 8vo, 12 pis. Amsterdam, 1808-10. (Lat.) Rudolphi, C. Entozoorum synopsis. 8vo. Berlin. Savigny, J. C. Systeme des Annelides. Fol. Paris, 1820. (Fr.) Schmarda, L. K. Neue wirbellose Thiere. (Turbellaria, Ro- tatoria et Annelida). 2 pts., folio, 37 pis. Leipzig, 1859-61. (Ger.) Schultze, M. Natural History of the Turbellaria. 4to, 7 pis. Griefswald, 1851. (Ger.) Stimpson, W. Prodromus descriptionis animali, etc. Pts. 1 &2. Turbellaria. Proc. Phil. Acad., 1857. (Lat.) Verrill, A. E. Synopsis of North American fresh water leeches. (Rep. U. S. Fish Commission. 1872-3. 1874.) Verrill, A. E. Leeches in Report Wheeler's Surv.,v. 1875. Villott, A. Monograph of Gordiadae. Arch. Zool. Exp. et gen., iii. 1874. (Fr.) Webster, H. E. Annelida Chsetopoda of Virginia Coast. (Trans. Albany lust., ix. 1879). Williams, T. Report on British Annelida. 8vo, 10 pis. (London), 1852. ECHINODERMATA AND CcELKNTERATA. Agassiz, A. Illustrated Catalogue of North Amer- ican Acalephse. (111. Cat. Mus. Comp. Zool.) 4to. Cambridge, 1865. Agassiz, A. List of Echinoderms sent by the Museum of Comp. Zoology to various Institutions. (Bulletin M. C. Z. i, 1863.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 219 Agassiz, A. Kevision of the Echini. (Memoirs M. C. Z.) 4pts.94 pis. 1872-74. Agassiz, A. and E. C. Seaside studies in Natural History. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Agassiz, Lyman and Pourtales. Contributions to the fauna of the Gulf Stream at great depths. (B. M. C. Z. i, 1869.) Agassiz and Pourtales. Echini, Crinoids and Corals of the Hassler Expedition. (111. Cat. M. C. Z. viii, 1874.) Agassiz and Pourtales. Monograph of Corals of Florida. (111. Cat. M. C. Z., 1871.) Agassiz, L. Monographic d'Echinodermes. 4 vols. 4to. 63 fol.pls. Neuchatel, 1838-42. (Fr.) Agassiz, L. Contributions to Natural History of the Acalephse'of the U. S. (Mem. Am. Acad., 1849.) Agassiz, L. Contributions to the Natural History of the U. S. 4 vols. 4to. many plates, Boston, 1857-62. Allman, G. J. Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydioids. 2 vols. fol. (Ray Soc.) 23 pis. London, 1871-72. Van Beneden, P. J. Polyps of Belgium. 4to. 19 pis. Brus- sels, 1866. Clark, H. E. Prodrome of Lucernaria. (Jour. Bost. Socy. 1863) Clarke, S. F. New Hydroids. (Am. Jour. Sci. iii, 1876.) Clarke, S. F. Alaskan Hydroids. (Proo. Pliila. Acad. 1877.) Dana, J. D. Zoophytes U. S. Exploring Expedition. 4to, with folio atlas, 6.1 pis. New Haven, 18!6-59. Dana, J. D. Structure and Classification of Zoophytes. 4 to. Phila., 1846. Dana, J. D. Coral and Coral Islands. 8vo. N. Y., 1872. Dnnielssen and Koren. Results of the Norse Northern Expe- dition. 3 pts. pub. 8vo. 1877-79. Diiben et Koren. Review of Scandinavian Echinodermata. 8vo. Stockholm, 1845. 220 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. Duchassaing et Michelotti. Corals of the Antilles. 2 pts. 4to. 21 pis. Tunn, 1860-64. (Fr.) Esper, E. J. Die Pflanzenthiere. (Zoophyta.) 3 pts. and suppl. 4to. 443 pis. Nurenburg, 1791-1830. (Ger.) Forbes, E. History of British Starfishes and other Echino- dermata. 8vo. London, 1841. Forbes, E. Monograph of British Naked-eyed Medusa?. (Ray Soc.) fol. 13 pis. London, 1846. Gegenbaur, C. Contributions to a better knowledge of the Siphonophora. 4to. 10 pis. Leipzig, 1854-60. Gosse, P. H. Actinologia Brittanica. (British Sea Anemo- nes and Corals.) 8vo. London, 1860. Gray, J. E. Catalogues of Echinida, Starfishes, Sea Pens and Stony Corals in British Museum. Zool. 8vo. 1855-70. Gray, J. E. Synopsis of the Star Fish in British Museum. 4to. 16 pis. London, 1867. Greene, J. R. Manual of the Coelenterata. 8vo. London, 1869. Haeckel, E. Contributions to Nat. Hist, of Hydromedusae. 8vo. Leipzig, 1865. Haeckel, E. System der Medusen. 4to, many plates. 1879. (Ger.) Hincks, T. Natural History of British Hydroid Zoo- phytes. 2 vols. 8vo. 67 pis. London, 1868. Hulton, F. W. Catalogue New Zealand Echinodermata. 8vo. Wellington, 1872. Huxley, T. H. Oceanic Hydrozoa. (Ray Soc.) 4to. 12 pis. London, 1859. Johnston, G. History of British Zoophytes. 8vo. 44 pis. Edinburg, 1838; 2 edit. 74 pis. London, 1847. Kolliker, A. Siphonophora of Messina, fol. 12 pi. Leipzig, 1853. (Ger.) Kolliker, A. Descriptions, Anatomical and Systematic, of the Alcionaria. (Pt. i, 4to, 24 pis. Frankfort, 1872. (Oer.) BIBLIOGRAPAY. 221 Lamouroux, J. G. History of the flexible Coralline polypid- oms. 8vo, 19 pis. Caen, 1810. (Fr.) English Edition, London, 1824 Leidy, J. Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey. (Jour. Phil. Acad., iii, 1855). Lockington. List of Echinoidea in Collection of California Academy. (Proc. Cal. Acad., vii, 1875.) Ltitken, C. Echinoderms of Central America. 8vo. Copen- hagen, 1858. Liitken, C. Additamenta ad historian! Ophiuridarum. 4to, 7 pis. Copenhagen, 1859-G9. (Lat.) Lyman, T. Ophiuridse and Astrophytidse. (111. Cat. Mus. Comp. Zool., No. 1, 1864. Suppl. No. 6, 1871.) Lyman, T. ' Ophiuridae and Astrophytidse, new and old. (Bul- letin M. C. Z., iii, 1874). Lyman, T. O^hiuridse and Ai-trophytidae of the Hassler Expe- dition. Memoirs M. C. Z, 1874. Macready, J. Proc. Elliot Socy., i. 1856-60. Merten", II. Observations and Researches on Beroid Acale- phae. 4to, 13 pis. St. Petersburg, 1833. (Ger.) Milne-Edwards, H. Researches on the Polyps. 8vo, 28 pis. Paris, 1838. (Fr.) Milne-Edwards, H. Natural History of the Polyps proper. Svo, 31 pis. Paris, 1857-60. (Fr.) Miilier und Troschel. System der Asteriden. 4to, 12 pis. Brunswick, 1842. (Ger.) Pervier, E. Revision of Stellierdes. (Arch. Zool. Exp. et Gen. ,iv, 1875.) (Fr.) Pourtales, L. F. de. Deep Sea Corals. (Illust. Catalogue M. C. Z., iv, 1871). Pourtales, L. F. de. Corals and Antipathea of the Caribbean Sea. (Bulletin Mus. Comp. Zool., vi, 1880.) Rathbun, R. Echinoid Fauna of Brazil. (Am. Jour. Sci., 1878.) 222 Rathbun, R. List of Brazilian Echinoderms. (Trans. Conn. Acad., v, 1878). Richiardi, S. Monograph of PennatulidaB. 8vo, 14 pis. Bo- logna, 1869. (Ital.) Sars, M. Memoir on living Crinoids. 4to, 6 pis. Christiana, 1868. (Fr.) Sars, M. Review of Norse Echinodermata. 8vo. Christiana, 1861. Savigny, J. C Iconographie des Echinodermes, Polypes et Zoophytes del'Egypt, fol. 28 pis. Paris, 1810. Selenka, E. Anatomy and Revision of the Holothu- rians. (Zeitsch. Wiss. Zool. xvii.) 1807. 4 pis. (Ger.) Semper, C. Scientific Results of Travels in Philip- pene Archipelago. Holothurians. 4to, 37 pis. Leipzig, 1867-8. (The most .valuable work on the subject ever pub- lished.) Trywell, G. MMIHIM! of British Sea Anemones. 8vo, 7 pis. London, 1856. Verrill, A. E. Re vision of Polypes, east coast of Amer- ica. (Memoirs Bost. Socy. i, 1863.) Verrill, A. E. List of Polypes and Corals sent by Museum Comp. Zool. (Bulletin M. C. Z.) i, 1864. Verrill, A. E. Synopsis of Polypes and Corals of No. Pacific Exploring Expedition. (Bulletin Essex Inst. iv-vi, 1866-69.) Verrill, A. E. Notes on Radiata. (Trans. Conn. Acad. i, 1868-71.) Verrill, A. E. New and imperfectly known Echinoderms and Corals. (Proc. Bost. Socy. xii. 1869.) Vogt, C. Sipbonophora and Tunicata of Nice. 2 vols., 4to, 27 pis. Geneva, 1854. (Fr.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. 223 SPONGES AND PROTOZOA. Bowerbank, J. Monograph, of British Spongiadse. 3vols. 8vo, 129 pis. (Kay Soc.) London, 1864-74. Bowerbank, J. Monograph of Silicco-fihrous sponges. 8vo. London, 1809-70. Butschli, O. Contributions to a knowledge of the Flagel- lata. (Zeit. Wiss. Zool. xxviii, 1878.) (Ger.) Carpenter, W. B- Researches on Foraminifera. 4to 22 pis. London, 1850-01. Carpenter, Parker and Jones. Introduction to study of Foraminifera. fol. 22 pis. (Ray Soc.) London, 1802. Claparede et Lachmann. Studies of Infusoria and Rhizopoda.' 2 vols. 4lo, 37 pis. Geneva, 1858-01 (Fr.) D'Orbigny, A. Foraminifera in de la Sagra's Cuba. Paris, 1839. (Fr.) Duchassaing et Michelotti. Sponges of the Caribbean and Antilles. 4to. 25 pis. Harlem, 1804. (Fr.) Dujardin, F. Natural Hisfory of the Infusoria. (Suites a Buflbn). 8vo. Paris, 1841. (Fr.) Ehrenberg, C. G. Organization, Classification and Geograph- ical Distribution of the Infusoria. 4to. 24 pis. Berlin, 1830-36. (Ger.) Ehrenberg, C. G. Die Infusionthierchen. fol. 04 pis. Leipzig, 1838. (Ger.) Greene, J R. Manual of the Protozoa. 8vo. London, 1871. Haeckel, E. Monograph of the Radiolaria. Folio with atlas, 35 pis. Berlin, 1802. (Ger.) Haeckel, E. Monograph of Monera. 8vo. Jena, 1868. (Ger.) Haeckel, E. Monograph of Calcispongise. 3 vols. 4to. CO pis. Berlin, 1872. (Ger.) Hertwig R. Studies on Rhizopoda. (Jena Zeitsch., 1877. Ger.) 224 NATURALISTS' ASSISTANT. 4r Hyatt, A. Revision of North American Poriferse. (Mem. Bost. Soc. ii, 1874.) Johnston, G. History of British Sponges. 8vo. Edinburg, 1842. Leidy, J. Flora and Fauna in living Animals. (Smithsonian Contributions v, 1853.) Leidy, J. Fresh Water Rhizopoda of North Amer- ica. (Hay den's Survey.) 4to, 48 pis. 1880. Parker and Jones. Nomenclature of the Foraminifera. 10 pts., 8vo. (London), 1859-72. Parker and Jones. On some Foraminifera from the North At- lantic. 4to, 8 pis. (London, 18G5.) Pritchard, A. History of the Infusoria. 8vo. London, 1842. 2 edit. 8vo, 13 pis. London, 1840. Quennerstedt, A. Contributions to the Swedish Infusoria fauna. 4to (Lund), 1860-70. (Swcd.) Stein, Pr. Die Organismus der Infusionsthiere. 3 vols., 4to, many pis. Leipzig, 1859-77. (Ger.) Williamson. Monograph Recent Foraminifera. (Ray Socy.) fol. London, 1857. INDEX. PAGK PAGE Aberration .... 82 Breeding cage . 31 Acetic acid . . . 137 Breeding larvae . 31 Adjustment of microscope 85 Bullock's arsenical pow- Adjustment for cover-glass 98 der- 141 Alcohol 41 Bulls eye .... 90 Alcoholic specimens . 3 Butterfly nets 19 Ammonia carhiins . 135 Butterfly triangles 25 Angle of aperture 98 Arsenical powdor . 141 Cabinets for bottles . 74 Argentic nitrate 137 Camera lucida . 91,95) Arsenical soap . 140 Card catalogues 51 Artificial serur.i 138 Care of microscope . 96 Auric chloride . 37 Caring for collections 40 Carmine l.,5 B&tr&chiji 12 Cases . . 63, (!8 Bausch and Lomb micro- Cases for microscopic scope .... 95 slides .... 75 Beam trawl 37 Cases for small bottles . 73 "Reek's microscopes . 95 Catalogues .... 50 Beating for insects . 20 Cement , 142 Bccoeur's arpenical soap 140 Chairs 106 Bibliography 149 Chloride of gold 137 Bichromate of potash 38 Chromic acid 125 Birdlime .... 2, 3 Clams, disserting 118 Birds 6 Coarse adjustment of mi- Blackening brass 143 croscope .... 85 Blackening wax 57 Coddington lens 82 Black ink . , 143 Collecting and preserving, Blow gun . . . , 2 works on . 1 Borax carmine . . . 135 Collecting batrachia . 12 Boring glass . . 57 Collecting equipment Si Bottom collecting . . 35 Collecting insects 18 Bottles .... 55 Collecting net 18 Brackets for shelves 70 Collecting reptiles 12 Brass, to blacken 1, 3 Collecting umbrella . 20 (225) 226 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Collecting vertebrates 2 Gasteropoda 118 College museums 64 Gelatine injections 121 Colors; conventional 59 Generic names . . , 46 Compound microscope 84 Glass, to bore 57 CompressArium 101 Glass stages 8!) Condenser . ... 90 Glycerine and gum 139 Conventional colors . 59, 110 Glycerine jelly . 121, 138 Corrosive sublimate . 141 Goadby's solutions 140 Craig microscope 92 Gold chloride 137 Crustacea 118 Grafting wax 54, 143 Cyanide bottle 20 Gum . . 48 Cyanide of potassium 20 Gum arabic 127 Gumming insects 23 Destroying pigment . Diaphragm .... 125 90 Haematoxylin 135 Dissecting .... 115 Hardening tissues 12.) Dissecting insects, etc. Dissecting microscopes . 116 84 Hartnack microscopes Hartnack objectives . 94 89 Dissecting tank . 115 -Heliotype . 110 Dissections preserved 56 High angle lenses 98 Dissolving paraffine . 129 "Homoeopathic" collec- Drawing .... 109 tions 73 Drawtube .... 85 Homoeopathic vials . 5(> Dredging . ... 35 Horizontal cases 71 Huygenian oculars . 86 Eggs ..... 11 Egg drill .... Eggs exhibiting . Elder pith .... 11 52 128 Ichneumon parasites . Illustrations Imbedding . 33 109 125, 127 Electrical cement Eosin 142 Imbedding tray . Immersion lenses 87,97 Equipment, collecting Exhibition cases . 34 69 India ink . Inflating larvae . 46 27 Exhibiting birds' eggs 52 Inflating oven Injecting . 28 120 Injecting media 121 Fine adjustment of microscope 85 Ink 46, 143 Fishes 13 Ink for labels 46 Focal length of objectives 87 Insects . 18 Focussing the microscope 97 Insect cases 72 Formulae . . . . 135 Insect forceps 24 Freezing microtome . 129 Insect labels 49 Freezing tissues . . . 129 Insect localities . 22 Frey's fuschine . . . 136 Insect net .... 23 119 T f Fruit jars . . . . 41, 57 insGCt pins Insect poison 142 Fuschine .... 136 Instruments for laboratory 107 INDEX. 22 7 PAGE PAGE Iodized serum 138 Mounting shells . M Mounting skeletons . 17 Jars for storage 57 Mounting specimens . 45 Jellyfish 41 Mounting spiders 90 Mucilage . . - .48, ! Killing insects . 20 MUllers fluid . , .124, 13S Killing spiders . 30 Museum plans . 64 Killing marine forms 41 Myriapoda .... 33 Kleinenberg's haematoxylin 136 Nacbet objectives 89 Labels .... 45 Natural skaletons 17 Label holders . ... 48 Nests and eggs . 11 Labels, large 59 Neutral salt solution i:>s Labelling birds . 9 Nitric acid 125 Labelling bottles 49 Nitrate of silver i:J7 Labelling fossils and mi- Note books 10'.) nerals .... 50 Novelty microscope 92 Labelling insects 49 Laboratories . . .67, 105 Objectives . 84 Laboratory necessaries . 107 Oculars .... 84 Laboratory tables 105 Old a'cohol 143 Laboratory work 115 Oniscidae 34 Lamellibranchs 118 Osmic acid . . . 124, 1:57 Land shells 42 Ox gall for mending insects 96 Large labels 59 Larvae, breeding 81 Packing butterflies . 95 Larvae, inflating 27 Packing insects 96 Laurent's arsenical soap . 141 Packing jars 57 Leconte's insect poison . 142 Painting tablets 5:5 Lenses .... 81 Paper trays 12<5 Lens holder 83 Paraffin e .... 125 Lilting sections 129 Peron's luting 143 Lobsters . 118 Perosmic acid . 137 ... - 69 Photo-illustrations . . 111 Logwood (see Haematoxylin) 135 Picrocarmine 135 Pigment .... 1-2.1 Macerating skeletons 16 Pill bugs .... 34 Macerating skulls 17 Pinning forceps 24 Mammals .... 4 Pinning insects 23 Marine collecting . . 34 Plan for museum . . 64 Medusae .... 41 Poison bottle . . * 20 Mending insects 26 Poisoning insects 'JO Microscope .... 81 Polariscope 91 Microscopic slide cases 75 Polyzoa .... 42 Microtomes . . .127, 130 Potassic bichromate 1:58 Moistenring insects . 25 Protozoa . . . . . 117 Moleschott's acetic acid . 137 Printed labels . 48 Mounting fishes . . . 14 Pumping .... 58 228 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Quinine bottles 58 Stands for birds 10 Starfish .... 117 Reagents 107 Sterling microtome . 130 Recipes 135 Storage jars 57 Relaxing insects 25 Storing specimens 57 Reptiles 12 Stretching paper 72 Revolving stages 101 Substitutes for cork 72 Rooms 63 Sugar for moths 141 Sunken net 3!) Safety cord 37 Surface collecting 3!) Schieck objectives 89 Swainson's soap 140 Scoop nets 19 Sea anemones 117 Tables .... 106 Sea urchins 117 Table cases 71 Section cutters . 127, 130 Tablets .... 53 Section cutting 122 Tangle .... 38 Section knife 128 Teasing tissues 123 Section lifter 129 Tightening cases 70 Seiler's microtome 132 Tolles' instruments . M| Serum 138 Transparent soap 127 Setting insects . 24 Transporting insects fit Shelf brackets 70 Trawl ..... 37 Shot .... 2 Triplets .... 82 Silver nitrate 137 Turtles .... r, Simon's arsenical soap 141 Typical collections . 58 Skeletons 16 Skimming . 39 Use of microscope 9!i Skimming net 40 Useful hints 135. Skinning birds . 9 Skinning mammals . 4 . 17 Vertebrates 2,119 Sledge microtome 131 | 1 o Vertical camera Vials . . . 100 55 Soap for imbedding 127 * Softening tissues 125 Washing the collections . 37 Solid eye-pieces 87 Wing trawl 38 Sow bugs . . . 34 Wooden tablets 53 Specific names . 46 Work tables 105 Spiders 33 Works on collecting 1 Spiders, mounting 30 Spreading insects 24 Zeiss microscopes 94 Spreading board 2t Zeiss objectives 89 Sponges . * 117 Zentmayer microscopes . 95 NATURALISTS' INSTRUMENTS. We keep constantly on hand an assortment of Instruments used by Natural- ists, such as SCALPELS, BIRD-STUFFING FORCEPS, SCISSORS (curved and straight, EGG BLOWERS, EGG DRILLS, INSECT PINS, INSECT PIN FORCEPS, &c. SCALPELS, Ebony Handle . . . $ .75 BIRD-STUFFING FORCEPS, 75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.75 According to length. SCISSORS, Straight 75, 1.00 SCISSORS, Curved . . 1.25, 1.37, 1.50 EGG DRILLS .25 to 1.50 SYRINGES . 4.00 to 25.00 EGG BLOWERS, Nickeled 50 NATURALISTS' CASES. PROF. MARKS' CASE INSTRUMENTS $6.00 PROF. WILDER'S CASE INSTRUMENTS . . 10.00 CODMAN & SHURTLEFF, Surgical and Dental Instruments, 13 AND 15 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON, MASS. HARTNACK MICROSCOPES. THE HARTNACK MICROSCOPES AND OBJECTIVES Acknowledged by the most eminent experts as the best in- struments in the world for fflSTOLOGICAL, BOTANICAL, AND OTHER SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. Recommended by the Professors of Harvard Univer- sity, and used in every Department. Arrangements have been made by which these Microscopes, with their Objectives, can now be placed upon the American market in com- petition with other manu- factures. As SOLE AGENTS we guarantee them to be as represented. MARICHN. = Prices from $20 to $300. Stand No. VII. Selling Agents for Chance's Slides and Cover Glasses, and Markoe's Mounting Materials. IMPORTERS AXT> MANUFACTURERS OF MICROSCOPISTS' SUPPLIES, EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES, CHEMICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS. Correspondence solicited. Catalogues on application. GEO. A. SMITH AND COMPANY, No. 7 Park Street, Boston. C J. MAYNARD & CO., No. 306 Washington Street, BOSTON, MASS. DEALERS IN NATURALISTS' SUPPLIES Birds' Eggs, Nests, Skins, &c., &c. We make a Spee : alty of NATURALISTS' and TAXIDERMISTS' SUPPLIES, such as Instru- ments for Egg- Blowing, Stringing, Mounting, etc. Also, ARTIFICIAL EYES, LEAVES, GRASSES, MOSSES, and in fact all Supplies needed by the Collector and Taxidermist. Send for Catalogue, addressing as above. JOSEPH ZENTMAYER, OPTICIAN, MANUFACTURER OF MICROSCOPES Microscopic Apparatus, 147 S. FOURTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PENN. 00 CO ee a g o o I 03 MICROSCOPES FROM $38 TO $1,OOO. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. IMPORTANT BOOKS FOR THE NATURALIST. Handbook of Invertebrate Zoology. FOR LABORATORIES and SEASIDE WORK. By Prof. W. K. BROOKS, Ph. I)., Director Chesapeake Zoological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. Price, $3.00 This work is published in one large 8vo volume of 400 pages. Illustrated with 200 entirely new cuts, from drawings by the author, or made under his direct supervision. Handbook of Entomology. By Prof. CHARLES V. RILEY, U. S. Entomologist, Chief of Entomological Commission, State Entomologist of Mo., etc., etc. In press. Cloth. 8vo. Price, 9 3.00 International Scientists 9 Directory. Containing the Names, Special Departments of Science, etc., etc., of Amateur and Professional Naturalists, Chemists, Physicists, Astrono- mers, etc., etc., in America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica. Ready Jan., 1883. 12mo. Price, paper, $2.00; cloth, $2.50 Sea Mosses. By Rev. A. B. HERVEY. New edition. 20 Colored Plates. 12mo. Price, $2.00 Check List of Coleoptera. Check List of Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico. By G. R. CROTCH, M. A. 8vo. New edition, with supplement. Price, $1.25. Minot's Birds of New England. Land Birds and Game Birds of New England, with descriptions of Birds, their Nests and Eggs, their Habits and Mates. By H. D. MINOT, Illus- trated by outline cuts. 456 pages. 8vo. Cloth. Price, $3.00 Fern* of North America. Text by Prof. DANIEL C. EATOX, of Yale College. Illustrations by Messrs. J. H. Emerton and Charles E. Faxon. Complete in two volumes. Large 4to. Cloth, gilt top. Price $30.00 Life on the Sea-Shore; OR, ANIMALS OF OUR COASTS AND BAYS. With illustrations and descrip- tions by James H. Emertou. 12mo. Cloth. Price, $1.50 Primative Industry ; OR, ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE HANDIWORK IN STONE, BONE AND CLAY, OF THE NATIVK RACES OF THE NORTHERN ATLANTIC SEA-BOARD. By CHARLES C. ABBOTT, M. D. 560 pages. 8vo. 429 cuts. Price, $3.00 How to Mount Birds and Animals; OR, THE TAXIDERMIST'S GUIDE. By C. J. MAYNARD. 12mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Price, $1.50 This is an entirely new work, just issued, and should be in the hands of all who are interested in our birds and animals. With its aid the tyro can soon prepare skins in as good shape as the most experienced taxidermist. Any book mentioned sent by mail on receipt of price. Books imported from all European centres at lowest rates. S. E. CASSINO, PUBLISHER, 32 Hawley St., Boston, Mass. HANDBOOK INTERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY, FOR LABORATORIES AND SEASIDE STUDY. DBTT "W. K- BROOKS, Associate Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, and Director of the Marine Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University: formerly Assistant in the Boston Society of Natural History. The book contains directions for studying the general anatomy, the micro- scopic structure, and the development of selected types of animal life ; and it also describes the method of collecting and preserving the forms which are de- scribed. The following are some ol the subjects treated : The structure of Vorticellae, The reproduction of Vorticellae, The structure of a Sponge, The structure and growth of a Campanularian Hydroid, The structure and development of a Hydro- Medusa, The general anatomy of a Starfish, The microscopic anatomy of a Starfish. The general anatomy of a Sea Urchin, The embryology and metamorphosis of the Sea Urchin and Starfish, The general anatomy of the Earthworm, The microscopic structure of the Earthworm, The anatomy of the Leech, The anatomy of a Crab. The metamorphosis of a Crab, The structure and development of Cyclops, The anatomy of a Grasshopper, The general anatomy of Unio, The microscopic anatomy of Unio, The embryology and metamorphosis of Unio, The anatomy and embryology of the Squid. Illustrated by nearly two hundred cuts from the author's draw- Ings, or from drawings made from nature under his direction. S. E. CASSINO, Publisher, BOSTON, MASS. NEW WORK - ON - SEA MOSSES. \\ TE shall issue in a few days an elegantly illustrated "MANUAL OF AMERICAN SEA MOSSES," prepared by Rev. A. B. Hervey. It is just such a work as has lon^ been needed and much called for: a handy, convenient book for sea-side use. Nothing of the kind has been published in this country; Harvey's great work, com- pleted 25 years ago, in three ponderous quartos, being too expensive and too cum- bersome for general and popular use. It is a complete Collector's Guide, giving practical information as to the best times, places and methods of collecting the necessary apparatus, and the details of float- ing out, pressing, drying, preserving, and mounting these beautiful plants Full directions are also given of the best methods of studying and identifying these plants. Full "keys" art. given, at the head of each group, by which the most inexperienced may be easily guided to the genus to which the plant he is studying belongs. While in the description of species the method of treatment is popular, and especially adapted to the need of amateur botanists and sea-side collectors, all the state- ments are made with scientific accuracy and carefulness. Ail the common species belonging to the three great groups of Green, Olive Colored and Red Algz, are taken up in order, and so described in detail, that it is believed they may be easily identified whenever found. The book is thus made a complete guide to all the common and beautiful forms of our Atlantic flora, north of the Carolinas, including nearly all the characteristic forms of the Pacific coast, for California, Oregon and the North. The plates, twenty in number, are drawn and colored from nature, and represent twenty-four of the most interesting, beautiful and characteristic species, in not less than nineteen genera. The work is issued in elegant binding, 12 mo., over 300 pages, and is printed on fine, heavy paper, with 20 full-paged colored plates. Price, postpaid, $2.00. %gF*For sale by all booksellers, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of Price, by the publisher. S. E. CASSINO, PUBLISHER, 32 HAWLEy STREET, BOSTON, MASS. NATURAL HISTORY STORE. ESTABLISHED IN 1859. No. 168 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. W. J. KNOWLTON, (SUCCESSOR TO BBEWSTER & KNOWLTON) DEALER IN Birds, Minerals, Fossils, Shells, AND OBJECTS OF NATURAL HISTORY FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. NATURALISTS', TAXIDERMISTS', AND MINERALOGISTS' SUPPLIES, BIRDS' EYES AT LOWEST PRICES. Send for Catalogue, THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. OEC gy 7 1932 MAR 3 1933 MAY 6 1939 APR 9 1940 MAR 27 1941 APR161957 APR 2 1957 MAY 2 5 1963 LD 21-50m-8,-32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY