DEFT* ITS PROPERTIES, ANALYSIS, CLASSIFI CATION, GEOLOGY, EXTRACTION, USES AND DISTRIBUTION BY ELWOOD S. MOORE, M.A., PH.D. PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY AND DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES OF THE PENN- SYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED IQ22 COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY ELWOOD S. MOORE TECHNICAL COMPOSITION CO. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. PREFACE This work has been prepared in an attempt to satisfy the demand for a handy volume on coal. There already exists a very valuable literature on this important subject, but it is so voluminous and scattered that much of it is not accessible to the average reader. Many of our older works need revision because of new discoveries in the study of coal, such, for example, as the practical application of the microscope in the determination of its physical character and the discovery of more refined chemical processes for determining its chemical properties. The great advances in extracting coal from the earth by mechanical means and in the cleaning and coking of the products of the mine also make it necessary to bring new processes to the attention of the public. There are so many different phases in the discussion of a subject so broad as this that details regarding many matters must be omit- ted in a one-volume work, and readers desiring detailed descriptions of machines or complicated processes must consult works dealing with those matters alone. While many topics are fully dealt with in this text, such as the properties, the origin, the uses and the gen- eral distribution of coal, some others as mining machinery, and de- tails of distribution and character of local coal deposits can be treated only in works of several volumes. It is hoped, however, that the data presented will serve, for ready reference, those who make fre- quent use of a work of this type. I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation to those who have so generously contributed to this work. My thanks are specially due to Dr. H. Ries of Cornell University, at whose sug- gestion the preparation of this text was undertaken, for suggestions and the use of photographs and cuts. I am also particularly obli- gated to my friend, Professor A. Lacroix, Secretaire perpetuel de 1' Academic des Sciences, Paris, for many favors, such as access to the library of the Academy and to valuable collections, including Ren- iii 469107 IV PREFACE ault's slides on which he made his original study of bacteria in coal. The late Dr. Charles R. Zeiller kindly placed at my disposal his works on plant fossils and the coal basins of France, and Monsieur Peyerim- hoff de Fontenelle, President, le Comite Central des Houilleres de France generously presented me with a copy of the splendid work, Atlas General des Houilleres, by E. Gruner and G. Bousquet. Dr. Aubrey Strahan, Director of the Geological Survey of England and Wales kindly supplied an advance copy of one of his works in addition to other original data. My thanks are due also to Dr. D. F. Mc- Farland, and to Dr. J. B. Hill of the Pennsylvania State College, for criticism of the chapters dealing with the chemistry of coal and with paleobotany; to Professor A. L. Kocher for retouching photo- graphs, and to several of my students who aided greatly in copying diagrams, sections and other material. Although acknowledgment has been made in the text to those from whom photographs and plans have been received, I wish to mention particularly the officials of the Twelfth International Geol- ogical Congress, Dr. F. D. Adams, President, who kindly granted me permission to republish the various maps in the report on the Coal Resources of the World. I am also indebted to Coal Age, the Barrett Company, the Delaware and Hudson Company, the Koppers Company and the Semet-Solvay Company for the privilege of re- producing illustrations. Photographs or drawings were generously contributed by Dr. R. Thiessen of the United States Bureau of Mines, the Director of the United States Geological Survey, Dr. E. C. Jeffrey of Harvard University, Dr W. R. Crane, Mr. Francis Harper, the Hillman Coal Company, the Sullivan Machinery Company, the Bethlehem Fabricators, the Ebensburg Coal Company and Mr. John Bevan of Pottsville, Pa. In addition to those persons and organiza- tions specifically mentioned, there are many of my friends and col- leagues who have furnished information which has been very helpful, and their interest and aid have been much appreciated. ELWOOD S. MOORE STATE COLLEGE, PA. October 27, 1921. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL i II. THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL 18 III. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL 40 IV. VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL 82 V. THE CLASSIFICATION OF COALS 105 VI. THE ORIGIN OF COAL 123 VII. FOSSIL FLORA OF THE COAL-FORMING PERIODS 178 VIII. STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF COAL SEAMS 214 IX. PROSPECTING FOR COAL AND THE VALUATION OF COAL LANDS 238 X. MINING OF COAL 264 XI. THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL 299 XII. THE GEOLOGIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF COAL 328 XIII. THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA 336 XIV. THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD EUROPE AND ASIA 407 XV. THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AFRICA AND OCEANIA 438 COAL CHAPTER I THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL Introduction History. The first mention of coal in literature dates from the fourth century, B. C., but so rapidly has its use developed that it has become one of the most important among all commercial factors. The enormous production of approximately 1,478,000,000 short tons 1 for the year 1913, the last year of normal production before the great war, indicates how useful a commodity it is to the world. This output reckoned at the average price of the coal, as sold at the mine throughout the United States for the same year, would reach the sum of $1,965,740,000, while if it were computed at the price prevailing in England or France it would be from nearly two to two and one- half times this amount. Scarcely any home or industrial concern among white races can exist without its use, directly or indirectly, although as recently as the reign of Henry II of France it was con- sidered so objectionable a fuel that the smiths in Paris obtained a special license or paid a fine for using it. There were regulations against its use in many of the cities of Europe during the seventeenth century although it began to enter actively into trade in England about the thirteenth century. Mining did not, however, become very extensive until after the invention of the steam engine. In America the first bituminous coal mining began in Virginia in 1787 and the first recorded shipments of anthracite were made about 1805, although anthracite was discovered about the year 1762, and bituminous coal in 1679. The earliest records of production of bituminous coal in this country date from 1820, when 3000 tons were produced. In 1814 there were 22 tons of anthracite recorded. The million- ton 1 Mineral Resources, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1914, Pt. 2, p. 639. i PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL mark was first passed for anthracite in 1837 and for bituminous coal in 1850. History shows that no country has reached an eminent industrial position which has not had large supplies of coal within its borders or had ready access to them. Reference to the prominent nations of the present day proves that coal and iron have been two essential factors in their development. It has been said that the Chinese knew the use of coal to a slight extent before the Greeks did, but the first definite record of its utiliza- tion is found in Aristotle's Meteorology. 1 Speaking of the combustible bodies he says, "Those bodies which have more of earth than of smoke are called coal-like substances." Theophrastus, a pupil of Aristotle, and Pliny both mention this substance and its use by the smiths. The coal mentioned in these writings was evidently all of the brown- coal variety, and it came from Thrace in northern Greece and from Liguria in northwestern Italy. It thus became known to the ancients as Thracius lapis and gemma Samothracia, while jet which came from Lycia in Asia Minor, was called Gagates after a river in that region. The word coal, as now used, is derived from the Saxon col. It was always cole in English until sometime in the seventeenth century, and coal then referred to charcoal as that term is now employed. At the present time the term coals is employed in two senses, one meaning glowing fragments of some combustible substance and the other the different varieties of the material known in a general way as coal. The Germans use for coal the term Steinkohle and the French speak of it as charbon or charbon de terre. Coal a rock, not a mineral. Coal is the term applied to vegetal matter with varying amounts of mineral matter and with or without small proportions of animal matter, which through geological processes has become so changed by loss of volatile constituents that it is more or less compact and dark in color. It burns with comparative slow- ness and decomposes slowly in the atmosphere. It has a variable chemical composition and it is not homogeneous. It grades into peat, and differs from that substance in composition chiefly in the smaller percentages of water, oxygen and volatile hydrocarbons which it contains. It is frequently spoken of as mineral coal 2 and in the 1 Book IV, Chap. 9, Sections 36-37. (French translation by B. S. Hilaire.) 2 Dana, E. S., System of mineralogy, 6th ed., 1892, p. 1021. INTRODUCTION 3 United States coal lands are classed under the division of Mineral Lands. It is not, however, a mineral in the strict sense of the term because a mineral, as denned by Dana, 1 must be inorganic, homoge- neous, and have a definite chemical composition, all three of which requirements coal lacks. Yet it might be questioned whether the varying amount of impurity in the form of ash in the coal is not somewhat analogous to the impurities which are present in some minerals producing coloring effects and variation in other physical properties, and also whether the chemical formulae for some of the complex silicates, such as members of the amphibole group, do not vary almost as much as those for some varieties of coal when ash and moisture are eliminated. Although not a mineral, coal is a rock, since the geologist regards as rocks all natural, solid substances, organic or inorganic, which com- pose the earth's crust. It is as much a rock as are sandstone and limestone, and when one attempts to classify the different varieties of coal he meets with the same difficulties experienced in classifying other rocks, for the reason that Nature does not draw sharp lines between varieties. It is just as difficult to decide in some cases whether a certain coal is bituminous coal or anthracite as it is to determine when a shale, high in lime, passes into a limestone, or when an igneous rock by variation ceases to be a syenite and becomes a diorite. As a result of this lack of definiteness in the delineation of our varieties of coal, many attempts have been made in recent years to devise some concise method of classifying coals so that all the terms employed will have some definite meaning. These attempts have met with some of the same difficulties encountered by the petro- graphers who have attempted the quantitative classification of ig- neous rocks. Some of the objections are that in many cases elaborate chemical analyses are required, and in most cases the chemical and physical properties and the field characteristics are not closely enough related to make the classification readily applicable to all varieties under all conditions. 1 A textbook of mineralogy, p. i. 4 THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL Physical Properties In the description of the varieties of coal certain common physical and chemical terms much used in mineralogy are employed. The physical properties include specific gravity, hardness, fracture, color, streak, luster, and physical constitution or texture. These are the properties by which the public recognizes the different varieties of coal in the trade, but the chemical composition is the determining factor in the value of coal. Specific gravity. The specific gravity of a body is the ratio of its weight to the weight of an equal volume of water at 4 C. When the average specific gravity of a quantity of coal is known the space which a ton will occupy can be roughly determined, it being always remem- bered that the volume of a ton will vary with the size to which the coal is broken. The gravity of the common varieties of coal varies as follows: Lignite 0.5-1.30; Bituminous coal 1.15-1.5; Cannel 1.2-1.3; Anthracite 1.29-1.65. There are various methods for determining the specific gravity of coal. It may be determined approximately for compact fragments by drying the specimen carefully, weighing it in air (weight = W), and then in water (weight = Wi). Since the specimen loses in weight an amount equal to the weight of the water displaced, i.e., the weight of its own volume of water, the specific gravity is found W from the following formula: G = . Fora more accurate W Wi determination of the solid substance with the pores omitted the specimen should be boiled in water in order that the air may be ex- pelled from the pores. On the other hand, if the specific gravity of a given mass of coal with all pores included is desired the body should be coated with a thin veneer of paraffin or varnish to exclude all water from the pores. Determination by use of pycnometer: Accurate laboratory deter- minations may be made on powdered coal by using the pycnometer. This is a glass vessel which when filled to a specified mark contains a given weight of water at a certain temperature. The dry powder is weighed in air (weight = W). The pycnometer is weighed full of water (weight = Wi), and then emptied. The powder is then placed in the vessel, all air is excluded, the water is brought to the SPECIFIC GRAVITY 5 same level as before the coal was added and the vessel is weighed (weight = W 2 ). The specific gravity is then obtained from the fol- W lowing formula G = w + Wi _ w; The following methods for determining the specific gravity of coal and coke are used in the fuel-testing laboratories of the United States Bureau of Mines. 1 To determine the true specific gravity the pyc- nometer is ordinarily employed and about 3.5 grams of the 6o-mesh coal or coke is used as a sample. About 30 c.c. of distilled water is employed in a 5o-c.c. pycnometer, and the water is thoroughly boiled after the sample is placed in the bottle, for the purpose of excluding all air. The boiling is done on a water-bath and to avoid loss of par- ticles of the coal or coke a one-bulb, 6-inch drying tube is connected with the pycnometer by means of a small piece of pure gum tubing. This drying tube is then attached to an aspirator and suction is applied while the water in the flask is gently boiled for three hours. The tube is then detached, the flask removed from the bath, and almost filled with water previously boiled and cooled. When cooled to the temperature of the room at which original weighing was made, the pycnometer is stoppered and weighed. The formula employed W is the same as that given above, G = _ . Determination by Hogarth-flask: A special method is recommended as being more convenient and accurate for routine determinations than the pycnometer method. This consists in the use of a Hogarth flask such as that used in deter- mining the specific gravity of iron ores. (Fig. i.) This flask has a capacity of 100 to 125 c.c. To make the test a lo-gram sample of 6o-mesh coal or coke is weighed and introduced into the weighed flask together with sufficient distilled water to fill it half full. The flask is placed on a small electric hot plate inside a lo-inch vacuum desiccator and the latter is evacuated by an aspirator or air pump. IG * It ? gar * f r specific gravity flask. The water in the flask is kept boiling and the air is expelled in thirty minutes with a good air pump. The flask is then removed from the desiccator and filled to the tubulure with 1 Stanton, F. M., and Fieldner, A. C., Tech. Paper 8, 1913. 6 THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL distilled water which has recently been boiled and cooled. The stopper is inserted after having been coated with a thin film of vaseline to prevent leakage. After the flask has cooled to about 25 C. in a water thermostat, distilled water that has been cooled in the same thermostat is drawn through the tubulure until the water level is slightly above the mark on the capillary of the stopper. If the end of the tubulure be inserted in a small beaker of water and a slight suction applied to the stopper this operation may be performed without removing the flask from the thermostat. The flask should be left in the thermostat until the temperature is 25 C. The water level may be adjusted to the mark in the capillary by drawing in a little water. When this is done the flask is removed, wiped dry, and weighed. The true specific grav- ity is then- found by the formula used in the previously described test. Hydrometer method: To determine the apparent specific gravity an apparatus is used which consists of a brass hydrometer immersed in a galvanized-iron cylinder filled with water to a water-line. There are two pans on the top of the hydrometer, the upper one being used for weights and the lower for the sample of coal or coke. Below the copper air buoy there is a brass cage highly perforated so as to allow the air to escape during immersion. This cage carries the sample when it is weighed under water. To determine the specific gravity with this apparatus, brass weights are placed on the upper pan causing the hydrometer to sink to a mark on the stem between the pan and the buoy. This weight is desig- nated by (W). The weights are removed and about 500 grams of the sample in ij to 2 inch cubical lumps is placed in the copper dish. Weights are again added until the instrument sinks to the same mark on the stem as it did previously, (weight = Wi). The sample is then transferred to the perforated cage and weights are added until the same mark on the stem again touches the surface of the water; (weight = W 2 ). We now have the following, (W Wi) = weight of sample in air, and (W W 2 ) = weight of sample in water. Since the body loses in weight when weighed in water an amount equal to the weight of the water displaced the apparent specific gravity = W - Wt (w - wo - (w - w 2 y SPECIFIC GRAVITY 7 Further, in determining the specific gravity of coke 100 X apparent specific gravity = ntage by volume of coke subs tance, true specific gravity and 100 percentage by volume of coke substance = percentage by volume of cell space. Certain precautions are observed in making apparent specific gravity tests on coke. It should preferably be in lumps of nearly the same size and shape, and when the sample is immersed the hy- drometer should be moved rapidly up and down a few times to remove air bubbles. Coke samples, because of their marked porosity, should not remain in the water more than five minutes and all specimens of coal or coke should be thoroughly dried before tests are made. Use of heavy solutions in determination of specific gravity: In an investigation of the Canadian coals Porter and Durley 1 used a heavy solution consisting of calcium chloride and calcium nitrate mixed so as to obtain required densities. The crushed coal was placed in this solution and separated, the heavier sinking, the lighter rising to the top, and that of the same gravity as the solution floating suspended in the liquid. Gravity of "ash-free" and "moisture-free" specimens: In case it is desired to obtain the specific gravity of the pure fuel with moisture and ash excluded a correction must be made for these. The actual specific gravity of the ash may be obtained, or, as Pollard 2 suggests, the correction for ash may be made with a sufficient degree of accuracy for all practical purposes by deducting o.oi from the specific gravity of the coal for each per cent ash. As a rule, high-carbon coals have higher specific gravities than those low in carbon because of their more compact character. It might be expected that the percentage of ash would be the factor controlling the specific gravity of the coal in all cases since the mineral matter entering the ash has, as a rule, a higher specific gravity than the materials forming the combustible portion of the fuel, and this is generally true if the proportions of the other constituents remain 1 Porter, J. B., and Durley, R. J., An investigation of the coals of Canada. Canada Dept. of Mines, Vol. i, pp. 194 and 199, 1912. 2 Strahan, A., and Pollard, W., The Coals of South Wales with special reference to the origin and distribution of anthracite. Memoirs of the Geol. Survey of England and Wales, 2d ed., p. 12, 1915. 8 THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL constant. It is found, however, from a study of a large number of analyses that there is no regular ratio between the percentage of ash and the specific gravity, and this seems to be due to a variation in the volatile constituents, and the compactness of the fuel. It de- pends also upon the nature of the ash since the presence of iron com- pounds tends to raise the specific gravity above that for silica, alumina and many other constituents. That the specific gravity has a direct bearing on the burning qual- ities of the coal is seen in the statement of Porter and Durley, 1 who conclude as a result of their investigation of Canadian coals that few, if any, coals which have a specific gravity over 1.6 are worth burn- ing and that, excepting the anthracites and perhaps one or two special types of coals, the approximate limit for commercially profitable coals is 1.55. They add further that the pure bituminous coals of Canada have a specific gravity between 1.265 an d I -3 2 5- Hardness. The hardness of coal varies from that of the soft lignites to that of the hard anthracites. It is difficult to state any definite hardness for the coals other than anthracite because they vary so much in different portions of the same fragment. Anthracite varies from 2 to 2.5 in Moh's scale of hardness, which means that it can be scratched with difficulty by the finger nail. Fracture. The fracture in coal is a very important determining factor in recognizing the ordinary types in hand specimens. The anthracites break with a conchoidal fracture, i.e. the fracture leaves a concave surface like that of a shell. This is characteristic also of cannel coal, but the other varieties of bituminous coal generally break with a rectangular or cubical fracture. The lignites fracture so that, as a rule, they break into roughly tabular or flat, elongated fragments. (Plates III and IV.) In coal beds there are usually two sets of joints resulting from the drying out of the rocks and the movement of the strata and these run approximately normal to each other. Those which lie normal to the strike and cut across the bedding of the coal are frequently known as cleats. They are, as a rule, more clearly marked than the joints running in the other direction. Color and streak. The color of coal varies from light to dark brown in the lignites to grayish black and jet black in the higher 1 Op. cit., p. 194. PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION 9 grades. The streak is the color of the powder and it is determined by making a mark on a piece of unglazed porcelain. For the coals below bituminous it is brown to yellow. In bituminous coal it is brownish to black and in cannel it is brown to black. The streak of the higher-rank coals is black. Luster. The luster, or the manner in which the coal reflects light from its surface, is, like the fracture, often an important diag- nostic property in a hand specimen. The anthracites have usually a bright to almost submetallic luster and the luster of natural coke is bright to submetallic, while that of cannel coal is usually, and that of mineral charcoal, always, dull to earthy. Slaty coal is dull. In bi- tuminous coal there are interlayered bright and dull bands, the former representing portions of the coal formed from trunks or branches of trees, and the latter portions being made up of mineral charcoal and the smaller particles of vegetal matter or sometimes of impure earthy layers. Physical constitution. That coal has been derived almost en- tirely from vegetal matter is proven by the presence in lignite of abundant remains of plants and by the presence in decreasing amounts of distinctly recognizable plant remains in all the varieties of coal from lignite to anthracite. While some anthracite may not show a trace of woody tissue to the naked eye, or even under the microscope, some other portions of this coal from the same seam may show dis- tinct evidence of the presence of vegetal constituents now altered to coal. The microscope has been of great service in recent years in aiding us in detecting the presence of altered vegetal remains in coals where they were not formerly recognized by the naked eye. The effects of the different kinds of vegetation or the different portions of the same types of vegetation which enter into the coal may now be recognized through the varying appearances of the coal produced from these different materials. It is found that the spores from the Cryptogamic plants which can be recognized under the microscope, if comparatively free from other materials will produce the dull- lustered cannel bands, the stems of trees usually produce bright bands in the coal, while resins generally produce light-colored spots or streaks. It has been found, therefore, that coal is usually made up of the following constituents: (a) distinctly woody or xyloid material, so abundant in lignite and to which Thiessen has given PLATE I. FIG. i. Photomicrograph of coal from No. 6 seam, Royalton, 111. (x 160). Distinct woody tissue and a few flattened spores are visible. (After R. Thiessen.) FIG. 2. Same as Fig. i. Shows little xyloid tissue but many flattened spores as white lines. / Io ) DEVELOPMENT OF THE MICROSCOPIC STUDY II the name anthraxylon, from the Greek anthrax, coal and xylon, wood. (b) canneloid, consisting chiefly of spores and forming the bulk of cannel coal; (c) resins found in all coals but especially evident in lignite and scarce in cannel; (d) de"bris, or the macerated material mixed with the woody matter and derived from a great variety of substances by the breaking up of stems, cells, cuticles, spores, and particles of resin; (e) the " fundamental matter," 1 or the colloidal groundmass in which the other constituents of the coal are embedded and which is made up chiefly of the remains of the more readily de- composable parts of the vegetal matter. It seems to consist chiefly of fragments of cellulosic material, cuticles, cutinized cell walls, spore- exines, pollen-exines, fragments of wood fiber, bits of resin, and all the other finer particles of the material entering into the composition of the coal. Some authors consider that large quantities of algal remains are included in this substance and this subject will be dis- cussed more fully in the chapter on the origin of coal The Microscopic Study of Coal Development of the microscopic study. The subject of the physical constitution of coal has received a great deal of attention during the last century and a half, and the historic development of this study is well treated in the work by White and Thiessen. As early as 1778 Franz von Beroldingen 2 outlined a logical theory for the development of the coal swamps and for the origin of petroleum. In 1833 H. Witham 3 made what was probably the first microscopic examination of coal and his work was followed by that of Hutton. 4 In 1838 Link 5 boiled coal fragments in kerosene to render them more nearly transparent for microscopic study. In 1855 Franz Schulze 6 1 White, D., and Thiessen, R., The origin of coal. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 38, p. 227, 1913. 2 Von Beroldingen, Franz, Beobachtungen, Zweifel, und Fragen, die Mineralogie iiberhaupt, und insbesondere ein natiirliches Mineral System betreffend, vol. i, ist ed., 1778, 2d ed., 1792. 3 Witham, Henry, On the internal structure of fossil vegetables found in the carbon- iferous and oolitic deposits of Great Britain, 1833. 4 Hutton, W., Observations on coal. London and Edinburgh Phil. Mag. and Jour, of Science, vol. 2, p. 302, 1833. 5 Link, Frederick, Uber den Ursprung der Steinkohlen und Braunkohlen nach mikro- skopischen untersuchungen. Abhandl. k. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 33-34, 1838. 6 Schulze, Franz, Uber das Vorkommenwohlerhaltenes Cellulose in Braunkohle und Steinkohle; Ber. k. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 676-678, 1855. 12 THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL adopted the maceration process for lignite and bituminous coal. He digested the material in a mixture of dilute nitric acid and potas- sium chlorate and then washed it in ammonium hydroxide and hot alcohol, thus isolating woody fibers. FIG. 2. Photomicrograph of bituminous coal showing bright bands due to woody material and dark bands due to debris. (Photo by Thiessen.) The work of these investigators was followed by that of J. W. Dawson, C. W. von Giimbel, C. E. Bertrand, B. Renault, H. Potonie, O. Barsch, D. White, and E. C. Jeffrey, all of whom have paid par- ticular attention to the microscopic characters of coal. It was not, however, until about 1910 that a satisfactory method was found for preparing thin sections for study. This was discovered by Jeffrey and described in his article published in that year. 1 Preparation of thin sections. In the preparation of thin sections with the microtome there are two chief operations necessary, one the removal of the mineral matter and the other the softening of the coal 1 Jeffrey, E. C., The nature of some supposed algal coals. Proc. Am. Acad. of Arts and Sci., vol. 46, pp. 273-290, 1910. PREPARATION OF THIN SECTIONS 13 so that it may be cut on the microtome like an ordinary botanical or zoological section. The chief agent used for the removal of the mineral matter, which consists mainly of silica, pyrite and carbon- ates 3 is hydrofluoric acid and the softening agent is potassium or sodium hydroxide. Jeffrey has recently concluded, however, that phenol is a still better softening agent since it does not cause so much swelling of the coal. 1 As to whether the hydroxide should have water or alcohol added to it or be employed hot or cold depends upon the resistance of the coal Thiessen 2 points out that alcohol, by causing shrinkage, has the advantage of counteracting the expanding influence of the hydroxide but it causes a more violent reaction. For cannel Jeffrey 3 used a mixture of yo-per cent alcohol saturated with sodium or potassium hydroxide. He allowed the coal to stand in this for a week or more at a temperature of 60 to 70 C. until it was softened. The mixture was then carefully removed by hot alcohol and the frag- ments later treated with hydrofluoric acid for two or three weeks. After this treatment the acid was washed out very thoroughly so that no trace of it might attack the knife, the coal was embedded in celloidin to stiffen it, and was then cut on a microtome. The celloidin recommended is that known as Schering's. For those coals which are more resistant to the softening process he uses either aqua regia (HNO 3 + 3 HC1) or nitric and hydrofluoric acid of full strength. He found that the acid treatment in many cases must be followed by a treatment with sodium or potassium hydroxide after the acid is removed. After the sections are cut they are dehydrated in a mixture of absolute alcohol and chloroform. One difficulty was experienced in preparing the sections for cutting; this was the fact that hot alcohol and ether must be used in embedding the specimens in the celloidin and these solvents dissolve some portions of the lower grades of coal. After various experiments Thiessen recommends that mineral acids such as nitric acid, be avoided if possible, owing to their oxidiz- ing action on the coal. In place of nitric acid alternate applications of hydrofluoric acid and potassium or sodium hydroxide may be used to soften resistant samples. In treating the samples with hydro- 1 Jeffrey, E. C., Methods of studying coal. Conspectus, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1916. 2 .Thiessen, R., Op. cit., p. 207 3 Jeffrey, E. C., Op. cit. THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL fluoric acid they should be placed in paraffin, ceresin, or rubber bottles rather than in lead. For lignite a good solution is one part commer- cial hydrofluoric acid and one part of 30 to 50 per cent alcohol In which the blocks, which have been cut about 2 to 4 millimeters square and 10 millimeters long, are placed until the mineral matter is dis- solved. The acid may then be removed by potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide and the section cut on the microtome without further softening. If the specimens are resistant and need sof- tening a 5 per cent solu- tion of sodium hydroxide in 50 per cent alcohol is used. If they are friable they may be embedded in paraffin but this must not be allowed to actually penetrate the coal. The sections may be bleached in nitric acid or Javel water. After dehydra- tion they may be mounted on slides with Canada balsam. Thiessen has, in his more recent work, abandoned the use of the microtome and adopted the grinding method since this has one distinct advantage over the slicing method. 1 By preparing the specimens in this way no part of the coal or its included foreign matter is removed by the acids or other reagents and all the features of the coal may be studied. It has a disadvantage, however, in that several sections cannot be cut from the same specimen of coal almost as easily as one. When the coal is once softened it is an easy task to cut on the microtome many sections from the same block, for the study of the internal structure of bodies occurring in the coal. The sections of anthracite or bituminous coal must be ground extremely 1 White D., and Thiessen R., The origin of coal. Bull. 38, U. S. Bur. Mines. Also Thiessen R., Structure in paleozoic bituminous coals. Bull. 117, 1920. FIG. 3. Baxton megaspores from coal, with air sacks and showing tri-radiate lines (x 25). (After R. Thiessen.) PREPARATION OF THIN SECTIONS 15 thin to permit any light to pass through them and it is only after considerable practice that this grinding process can be successfully carried out. In preparing the sections a block less than an inch in diameter is cut from the coal. The preliminary grinding is done with a paste of carborundum powder on a fine textured carborundum lap, then on the lap without any powder but with a stream of water playing on the lap. The specimen is then rubbed on a hone with a stream of water running over it until it is perfectly smooth and flat on the polished side. After this operation the specimen is waterproofed to prevent water entering the coal and causing it to swell. This process consists of soaking the polished surface, first heated to about 105 C., in paraffin heated to the same temperature. This requires only a few minutes. After waterproofing, the specimen is cemented to a slide with a strong, transparent cement consisting of 3 parts of Canada balsam to 2 parts of marine glue which have been heated together in a drying oven at a temperature of about 105 C. for a sufficiently long time to make a quickly setting, strong, but not brittle cement. This cement is warmed until it is completely liquid and the specimen, wiped free of any excess paraffin, is placed in it and pressed down in such a way as to exclude all air bubbles. The grinding of the section is continued by first grinding the speci- men down as far as possible in the same manner as the first grinding was done and then finishing it on the hone. Considerable care must be exercised in doing the fine grinding, especially when the section becomes very thin, to avoid breaking it up, and frequent exami- nations should be made with the microscope to test its condition. All powder must be removed from the specimen by washing before it is rubbed on the hone. If the section is to be studied in oblique illumination the dry specimen should be polished on a dry hone by drawing it over the hone in one direction only. By means of thin sections prepared as described above photo- micrographs may be made with a magnification of 2000 diameters. A detailed study can be made of the internal structure of the coal and such a study throws a great deal of light on the composition and origin of coals. Thiessen has made use of this in a very practical way in the study of the occurrence of sulphur in coal and in the cor- PLATE II. FIG. i. Photomicrograph of horizontal section of coal from the Pittsburgh seam showing numerous spores (x 800). (Photo by R. Thiessen.) FIG. 2. Photomicrograph of a section from the coal in the Black Creek seam (x 800). It shows flattened spores peculiar to this seam. (Photo by R. Thiessen.) (16) PREPARATION OF THIN SECTIONS 17 relation of coal seams. It has been found that most coal seams carry certain plant spores which are characteristic of those seams and which distinguish them from other seams, just as animal fossils dis- tinguish one formation from another in a sedimentary series (Plate II). While certain spores may be common to several seams there are usually one or more types found only in one seam. The microscope has also been of the greatest service in determining the origin and character of boghead coals and oil shales. CHAPTER II THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL Introduction The chemistry of coal and its derivatives is a subject of extreme complexity and of very comprehensive range. It cannot be treated fully in a text of this sort but the main principles of the subject are here set forth. Since coal has been derived chiefly from woody constituents it consists mainly of the elements which go to compose wood, but it differs from wood in composition inasmuch as certain proportions of those elements have been changed during the fermentation and metamorphic processes which have altered the wood to coal. There have been additions to the woody matter during the growth of the vegetation, through streams and winds carrying particles of mineral matter into the coal swamps. Again, after the woody matter has changed to peat and even to the higher grades of coal, percolating meteoric waters or hot magmatic waters, the latter rising in regions where igneous rocks occur, may add a quota of their dissolved salts to the coal and increase the ash and sulphur content. In some regions of igneous activity a great variety of mineral compounds, some comparatively rare, have been found in the coals. Besides the vegetal and mineral matter a certain amount of animal matter may have been imprisoned in the coal and this may have caused a variation in some constituents, especially in the nitrogen and phosphorous content. Fish remains have been found in the rocks associated with coal seams in many localities, a notable example being that of the coal basin at Commentry, central France. Fish remains have been found also in some seams of cannel coal in England. Constituents of Vegetation Cellulose and lignocellulose. The chief constituent of vegetation which goes to form coal is cellulose, the formula of which is (C 6 Hi O 6 ). Many writers have discussed the derivation of coal from woody ma- terials as if cellulose were practically the only important constituent 18 CELLULOSE AND LIGNOCELLULOSE 19 of the vegetal matter but Clarke 1 considers that wood consists more nearly of equal proportions of cellulose and lignocellulose (Ci 2 Hi 8 O 9 ). The latter is known also as lignone and lignin and its composition is similar to that of jute fiber. From the formulae of these two com- pounds their percentage composition is as follows: Cellulose Lignocellulose C 44 . 44 per cent C 47 . 06 per cent H 6.18 " H 5.89 O49-38 O 47-05 If the composition of these substances be compared with that of wood it is seen that the wood runs higher in carbon, averages about FIG. 4. Photomicrograph of section of bituminous coal from No. 5 seam, Vandalia, Indiana (x 160). Consists chiefly of particles of resin. (Photo by R. Thiessen.) the same in hydrogen, and is considerably lower in oxygen. A fair average composition for wood is C; 49.50, H; 6.25, and O; 44.00 per cent. It will vary somewhat with the inclusion or exclusion of the oils, waxes, and gums because they are much higher in carbon and hydrogen and lower in oxygen than cellulose and lignocellulose. 1 Clarke, F. W., The data of geochemistry. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 616, 3d ed., p. 739, 1916. 20 THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL Resins, fats and oils. According to Thiessen 1 the coniferous resins, resinoles, or resinolic acids contain C; 76.8 to 83.63, H; 9.7 to 12.9, and 0; o.o to ii.n per cent. The waxes contain C; 80.32 to 81.6, H; 13.07 to 14.1 and O; 4.5 to 6.61 per cent. The fats and oils are composed of C; 74 to 78, H; 10.26 to 13.36, and O; 9.43 to 15.71 per cent. Salts of organic acids. There have also been found in lignites salts of organic acids such as whewellite, calcium oxalate, hum- bold tine, ferrous oxalate, and mellite, the latter a salt of aluminum and mellitic acid. Clarke 2 considers that since oxalic acid is readily formed from cellulose, and calcium oxalate *is insoluble it is remark- able that the oxalate is not more common in coal. Humus acids. Humic acid occurs abundantly in peat and to a considerable extent in lignite. The analyses of Borntrager 3 show that in the black humus varieties of some German peats there are 12.50 to 30.00 per cent of humus acids to about 50 per cent of fiber. In the brown coal at Falkenau, Bohemia, Von John 4 has found native humic acid as a black crumbling coaly mass. It is soluble in ammonia and sodium carbonate, and hydrochloric acid precipitates all ot the organic material from solution. The percentage composition is C, 54.98; H, 4.64; O, 39.98; and ash, 0.40; dried at 100. The calculated formula is C 46 H46O25 and it resembles somewhat a sub- stance found in the brown coal of Bavaria. The " paper coals" of Russia also contain humic acid in considerable quantity. The paraffin series. The presence of at least one of the lower gaseous members of the paraffin series in coal has long been recog- nized because methane (CH 4 ) or marsh gas is a well-known gas in mines. Chamberlin 5 has also found ethane (C 2 H 6 ) to be present in much smaller quantities. It is found in pulverizing the coal. The presence of some of the higher members of the series as liquids and solids has been pointed out by Thiessen who mentions the compounds (CnHae), (C 2 4H 5 o), and (C 2 6H 54 ) discovered by Krafft in brown coal. 1 White, D., and Thiessen, R., The origin of coal. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 38, p.. 293, 1913- 2 Op. cit., p. 741. 3 Quoted by Clarke, Op. cit., p. 744. 4 Von John, C., Verhandl. K. k. Reichsanstalt, p. 64, Feb. 3, 1891. 6 Chamberlin, R. T., Notes on explosive mine gases and dusts. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 26, 1911. THE PARAFFIN SERIES 21 Paraffins with formulae (Ci H 2 2) and (C 32 H G 6) have been described by Cohen and Finn 1 as occurring in the roof of a Yorkshire coal seam. Hall 2 separated the oils (CiiH 24 ) and (Ci 3 H 28 ) from material taken from the roof of a coal seam in North Staffordshire, and Bedson 3 found paraffins in the Whitehaven Collieries, whose formulae were believed to vary from (Ci 3 H 28 ) to (CisH 38 ). It is probable that members of the paraffin series are. much more common in coal than they were formerly believed to be but they are likely to be over- looked and not separated in analyses. Jones and Wheeler 4 have found solid paraffins apparently existing free in several British coals by treating the extract obtained by the solvent action of pyridine and chloroform with pentane. This solution yields crystals of paraf- fin wax melting between 55 and 59 C. and similar in composition to those obtained by the destructive distillation of the coal. The wax forms about per cent of the total weight of the coals exam- ined but it may not be present in all coals. It is the opinion of these writers that the paraffins exist as alkyl or paraffinoid groups attached chemically to another non-alkyl group, R. H. The paraffin would thus be in a so-called " bound" condition and would occur as a com- ponent part of a molecule whose general formula would be repre- sented by RH C n H 2n +i where n may have any value up to at least 32. When coal is decomposed thermally the "free" paraffins are rapidly distilled from the " bound" molecules according to the fol- lowing system: R H.C n H 2n+ i - R + C n H 2n + 2 or R H.C R H 2n +i > R ~h C n H 2n + 2 H- C ni H 2ni In somewhat the same way the formation of free naphthenes is ex- plained. 1 Cohen, J. B., and Finn, C. P., Paraffin from Yorkshire coal seams. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., Vol. 31, p. 12, 1915. 2 Hall, A. A., Oil from the roof of the Cockshead coal seam, North Staffordshire. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., Vol. 26, p. 1223, 1907. 3 Bedson, P. P., Paraffin wax from the Ladysmith Pit. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., Vol. 26, p. 1224, 1907. 4 Jones, D. T., and Wheeler, R. V., The composition of coal. Trans. Chem. Soc., Vol. 105, p. 140, 1914. 22 THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL Gases in Coal Gases given off at normal temperatures. In many coal mines methane, CH 4 , (marsh gas or, when mixed with air, fire damp) and carbon dioxide, CO 2 , (choke damp or black damp) are found in large quantities. Carbon monoxide, CO, (white damp) occurs in lesser amounts than the other two but it is present in small proportions in many mines. The quantity of gas, consisting chiefly of carbon dioxide and methane, which escapes from some mines is very great, running into many thousands of cubic feet. What is regarded as the most gaseous mine in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania has emitted as high as 2400 cubic feet of methane per minute. Experiments have shown that coals will absorb gases in much the same way as charcoal but regarding the actual condition of the gas in the coal before mining there is still much uncertainty. Some investigators have considered it as occluded but as Porter and Ovitz 1 have pointed out it is doubtful whether the gas exists as occluded gas, or in a condensed condition, in the true sense of the term occluded. The experiments of Chamberlin 2 and others have shown that the coal gives up a considerable quantity of methane and some ethane when pulverized but only a small percentage of that given off if the coal be allowed to stand at atmospheric temperature for several months in vacuo in a closed vessel. Porter and Ovitz have shown that although the escape of methane from a mine seems to be dependent to some extent upon the atmospheric pressure, the gas from broken coal after a time escapes at approximately the same rate under atmospheric pressure as in vacuo. The proportion of oxygen in the gas surround- ing the coal does, however, have a great influence on the rate and amount of the methane given off without causing a marked effect upon the proportion of carbon dioxide set free. From a practical standpoint these conclusions are important because ventilating a mine carries off the gas set free but it also fur- nishes more oxygen to the coal and thus facilitates the escape of 1 Porter, H. C., and Ovitz, F. K., The escape of gas from coal. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 2, 191 1. Also Parr S. W., and Barker, P., The occluded gases in coal. Uni- versity of 111., Bull. No. 20, Vol. VI, 1909. 2 Chamberlin, R. T., Notes on explosive mine gases and dusts with special reference to the explosions in the Monongala, Darr and Naomi coal mines. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 383, 1909. GASES EVOLVED FROM COAL 23 deleterious gases. The amount of gas, both methane and carbon dioxide, given off from coal which has been mined varies greatly with different coals, but in practically all cases the proportion given off during the first few days is much greater than that which escapes with an increase in the length of time during which the experiment is con- tinued. The loss of gas is usually complete in from three to eighteen months and the deterioration in heating value is small. When coal absorbs methane it gives up nitrogen somewhat less in amount than the volume of methane absorbed 1 . Gases evolved from coal heated below temperature of decom- position. In addition to the gases given off in the coal seams at atmospheric temperature and pressure considerable quantities are driven out of the coal by heating it to a point a little below the tem- perature at which decomposition begins. In view of the effect of the absorption of oxygen on the gases given off it seems probable that the increase of temperature not only expels the gas because of increas- ing the volume but that it aids chemical action to a slight degree. In peat the gases given off seem to consist chiefly of nitrogen and marsh gas with smaller amounts of carbon dioxide. The presence of the nitrogen is probably largely the result of air being imprisoned in the fuel. The oxygen of the air is taken up by carbon or hydrogen during the chemical processes accompanying the decay of the vegeta- tion, leaving the nitrogen free in the peat. The gases from lignite, heated to 100 C. in vacuo, consist, so far as they have been tested, chiefly of carbon dioxide with small amounts of carbon monoxide, nitrogen, oxygen, olefmes, and marsh gas. From cannel coals the gases are largely methane and carbon dioxide. In a series of analyses of English and Scotch cannels Thomas 2 shows that when they are heated to 100 C. in vacuo they give from 16.8 to 421.3 c.c. of gas per 100 grams of coal and the composition of the gas varies as follows: CO2 6 . 44-84 . 55 per cent. CH4 77 . 19-80. 69 per cent. Absent in three samples C2He 2 . 67-7 . 80 per cent. Absent in two samples C 3 H 8 0.91 percent. Present in one sample only C4Hio Not present N 2 5 . 96-46 . 06 per cent. 1 Katz, S. H., Absorption of methane and other gases by coal. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 147, 1917. Also McConnell, W., Gases enclosed in coal and coal dust. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., Vol. 13, p. 25, 1894. 2 Thomas, J. W., Jour. Chem. Soc., Vol. 30, p. 144, 1876. THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL A sample of Whitby jet yielded 30.2 c.c. of gas consisting of CO 2 , 10.93; C 4 Hio, 86.90; and N 2 , 21.7 per cent. From these analyses it is seen that carbon dioxide is present in all, and abundant in some coals. Nitrogen is present in fairly large proportion in all these coals and is present also in jet. While these results obtained by Thomas are interesting it may be questioned whether they can be fully relied upon in view of the difficulty experienced at the present day with more modern analytical methods, in our attempts to rec- ognize certain of these rarer gases. The gases obtained from bituminous coal and anthracite under the conditions stated above are very variable in amount and com- position. Von Meyer 1 found ethane up to 23 per cent and other undetermined hydrocarbon gases in small amounts in some Saxon and Westphalian coals. From the works of W. McConnell 2 on the coals from Newcastle and of Thomas 3 on the Welsh coals the following figures were compiled: Volumes of gases derived from 100 grams of bituminous coal heated in vacuo at 100 C., 1.61 to 818 c.c.; from semibituminous and steam coal, 73.6 to 375.4 c.c.; and from anthracite, 555.3 to 600.6 c.c. The composition of the gases varied as follows: Semibituminous and steam coal Bituminous Anthracite C0 2 CH 4 and other paraffins O 2 5 .04-1 8. 90 per cent 72.51-87.30 0.33 i .02 o . 7 2-36 . 42 per cent o . 40-88 . 50 0.80 9 .41 2. 62-14. 72 per cent 84.18-93.13 N 2 3.49-14.62 8.70-80.11 1. 10- 4.25 '* The paraffins in the bituminous coals consisted in some cases almost entirely of methane although ethane was present in greater or lesser amount. The steam coal of Seaton Delaval gave off no hydrocar- bons, the gas consisting entirely of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitro- gen. The above figures go to show that in anthracite the predominant gas is methane, while in the lower types of coal carbon dioxide, nitro- 1 Quoted by F. W. Clarke, Op. cit, p. 759. 2 Op. cit. 3 Thomas, J. W., Jour. Chem. Soc., Vol. 28, p. 793, 1876. PRODUCTS OF DISTILLATION 25 gen and methane form the main constituents of the gas. This is further illustrated by the fact that if heated to higher temperatures but still below the point of decomposition the relative proportion of methane increases while that of nitrogen decreases. The longer the coal is heated the more gas is given off, this being especially true of hard compact coals such as anthracites. The bulk of the gas, however, is evolved early in the experiment. Relation of mine gases to volatile constituents in coal. The proportion of volatile matter in coal seems to have little or no relation to the percentage of gas evolved on heating below the temperature of decomposition and the explosibility of mine gases and dusts seems to depend much more upon the nature of the gases evolved than upon the relative percentage of volatile matter in the coal. Analyses made by Thomas of the gases from blowers in coal seams and of those gases obtained from the seam by boring show that there is little difference between them. In some blowers the oxygen reaches over 10 per cent and nitrogen over 41 per cent of the gas, but oxygen is lacking in many. Carbon dioxide is less than i per cent in nearly all, while marsh gas constitutes over 90 per cent of the gases derived from practically all blowers and borings in the seams. Products o Distillation The chief products resulting from the distillation of coal are coke, tar, light oils, water of decomposition, and a mixture of gases con- sisting chiefly of NH 3 , H 2 S, H, C0 2 , CO, unsaturated hydrocarbons, and C n H 2 n+2. The processes of distillation and the chemistry of the resulting products are subjects which are so complex that a de- tailed discussion of them involves a treatment of the subjects of gas manufacture, the dye industry, and many other related problems. (Fig. 5) 1 - The relative proportions of the volatile constituents obtained depend upon many factors, such as the kind of coal and the con- ditions under which the coal is heated, including the temperature, the pressure and the length of time involved. It has also been found that 1 For detailed descriptions of experiments and conclusions regarding the volatile matter in coal, see Porter, H. C., and Ovitz, F. K.. The volatile matter of coal. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull, i, 1910; and The primary volatile products of the carbonization of coal. Tech. Paper 140, 1916. Also Rittman, W. F., and Whitaker, M. C., A bibliog- raphy of the chemistry of gas manufacture. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 120, 1915. 26 THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL a wet coal will produce a greater ammonia yield and less gas, but a gas richer in hydrocarbons, than a dry coal. Effect of temperature on quantity and kind of constituents evolved. The experiments of Porter and Ovitz have shown that, as a rule, more than two-thirds of the organic substances are de- composed at temperatures below 500 C. It is probable that some change takes place in exposed coal at atmospheric temperatures but appreciable quantities of volatile matter are given off from most coals at 250 C. In a series of experiments on bituminous coals Burgess and Wheeler 1 found that occluded or " condensed" gases which are unextractable at atmospheric temperatures are extracted in vacuo by heating from 150 to 200 C. These gases consist mainly of the higher members of the paraffin hydrocarbons. The following table shows the quantity of gas and its composition evolved from 100 grams of coal heated to 100 C. and the same amount heated to 200 C. Temperature Volume of gas Composition per cent C0 2 0, OH, CH 2n(n72) CO H, C.H 2n+2 100 200 34 c.c. 65.5 c.c. 6.70 8.85 1-65 0.70 0.85 0.85 1.30 2 .90 1.40 2.6o 1.90 2-75 84.55 Sl.OO Of the gas obtained at 200 about 7.5 per cent consisted of butane. The identification of this gas has, however, been called in question by some chemists. The younger coals of the western and middle-western states break down more quickly, as a rule, than the Appalachian coals. This greater ease of disintegration is probably related to the proportions of resinous and cellulosic constituents, the older coals yielding a larger proportion of hydrocarbon constituents from the resinous materials and the less mature coals a greater proportion of carbon dioxide and water. The early products of distillation are mostly CO 2 , CO, and H 2 O and these come off slowly up to 450 C. At this temperature the products of the lower grades of coal are mostly water and carbon dioxide, and those from bituminous coal largely members 1 Burgess, M. J., and Wheeler, R. V., The distillation of coal in a vacuum; Trans. Chem. Soc., Vol. 105. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE 27 of the paraffin series, with gases of the series C n H 2n +2, higher than CH 4 , predominating below 400 C. Water of decomposition is ex- pelled much more rapidly between 250 C. and 500 C. than at a higher temperature. Sulphurous gases, such as H 2 S, begin to be formed at 250 C. and the production rises to a climax more rapidly than that of hydrogen or the hydrocarbons. The thermal decomposition of the volatile matter takes place very readily at temperatures above 750 C. and the percentage of hydrogen and the hydrocarbons increases, with hydrogen predominating, at the higher temperatures. The increase of these gases takes place, however, at the expense of the tar, which has been increased 13 per cent in yield from Pittsburgh coal by heat- ing it below 500 C. rather than at the usual temperature employed in carbonizing coal. It is evident that the composition of the tar obtained at the different temperatures will vary considerably. At 900 C. the volatile matter is practically all expelled from a coal of the Pittsburgh type although heated only a few seconds, which is the time necessary to raise the temperature to that point. The experiments of Burgess and Wheeler 1 in England produced results for low temperature distillation gases, very similar to those described above, but these authors concluded that there is a decompo- sition point between 700 and 800 C. at which hydrogen is distilled at a marked increase in rate. This change is considered as indicating the presence in the coal of two types of compounds, one type decom- posing at a lower temperature than the other and yielding mostly hydrocarbons in contrast to the other which yields hydrogen as the chief decomposition product. Although Porter and Ovitz found that hydrogen was given off in greater proportions above 750 C. they do not consider that any line of demarcation may be drawn near this point which would indicate the decomposition of distinct compounds. 1 Burgess, M. J., and Wheeler, R. V., The volatile constituents of coal. Jour. Chem. Soc., Vol. 97, p. 1917, 1910; Vol. 99, p. 649, 1911. Clark, A. H., and Wheeler, R. V., The volatile constituents of coal. Jour. Chem. Soc., Vol. 103, p. 1704, 1913. 28 THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL By-product tests on coals: TABLE SHOWING RESULTS OF BY-PRODUCT TESTS ON VARIOUS COALS 1 Number of Samples 16 3 23 ii ii (Air-dried) 25 46 Number of tests averaged. . . . 2 2 4 2 2 2 Coke, per cent. . . 79-i 71-4 63.1 44-7 53-o 58.6 63.9 Tar, per cent .... 7.2 n-3 II-9 7-i 5-5 12.3 10.3 Water, per cent . i-3 4-9 10.7 27-5 19.0 ii. 8 IO.O Ammonia, pounds of sulphate per ton 12 Q 23 8 2C 2 27 ^ 26 7 26 i 26 7 CO 2 , per cent. . . . j 0.44 *o * w 0.72 o o 1.20 ^ / 8.14 ^.\J . j 8.41 *\> . ^ 3-i3 ' v } 2.13 H 2 S, per cent. . . . O.O7 0.25 0.46 0.08 O.II 0.24 0.30 Gas, cu. ft. per ton (a) Q.7OO 8,140 8.4OO 7,8^0 8,170 7,620 7 Q4.O Composition of y / *** ^> AiJ.W U,f.\SW / J^O Uf ft y W ^ )\J 4\S / >:7T- W gas (6) . . . Illuminants 1.4 3-2 3-o 2 .2 2.6 5-7 5-5 CO 3-2 S-i 7-4 !9-5 21.4 14-9 12.3 CH 4 , C 2 H 6 , etc. . . 26.4 27.8 26. 3 (C) 18.1 22.6(C) 27.2 25.4 H 67.8 6r.o 56.8(c) ^4 o 4Q. 2(^) 47.8 C2 I N I .2 2-9 6-5 OT- * ^ 6.2 T^^'O \ / 4-i 4-4 oo 3-7 Value of "n" in C n H 2n+2 (*) 1.27 (*) 1.18 () 1.32 1.29 Total volatile products with- out moisture. . . 19-7 27.4 29.8 33-3 35-5 38.5 32.4 Water of consti- tution O.I 3-7 3-6 5-5 7-5 8.9 6-3 Inert volatile matter (d) 0.7 4-7 5-i 14.0 16.3 12.4 8.8 (a) Calculated to dry basis at o C. and 760 mm. pressure, free of air and carbon dioxide. (6) Calculated to carbon dioxide and oxygen-free basis, (c) Hydrogen not determined separately by palladium but calculated from com- bustion: Methane probably high and hydrogen low. (d) Sum of carbon dioxide, ammonia and water of constitution. The coals used in these tests were as follows: No. 16, Pocahontas; No. 3, Connellsville; No. 23, Harrisburg, 111.; No. n, Sheridan, Wyoming subbituminous coal; No. 25, Utah bituminous coal; No. 46, Wyoming bituminous coal. Burgess and Wheeler 2 distilled anthracite at 900 C. for varying 1 Porter and Ovitz, U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. I, p. 26, 1910. See also Church, S. R., Methods for testing coal tar and refined tars, oils, and pitches derived therefrom. Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Vol. 3 p., 227, 1911. 2 Burgess, M. J., and Wheeler, R. V., The volatile constituents of coal, Pt. II. Trans. Chem. Soc., Vol. 99, pp. 665-6, 1910. =1 . .'GOIM GAS LIQUOR | ilSULFID BEN20 '- TOLUOL XYLOL II SULFUR JI C YANOOEN|{ " " 'I AMMONIUM AMMONIUM JJ AMMONIUM AMI^ _SULFATE II NITRATE Ij CARBONATE || CARP I SULFOCYANIDE | | FERROCYANIDE f FERRICYANIDE | | PRUSSIAN BLUE ) LIGHT OIL MIDDLE OIL I C ""jr" ||. U T,,LO,U,| | 1 | PAINT THINNERS | [ *", I | PHENOL | CRE80L | I BA . . [. ,,. | 1 P"H T E ^NO'L' 1 h'REslNS-||^S-S- || j*W | RA L^^'N||8AL,C^?C\CI D llk^ 1 DYE STJFF8 | | FLAVORINGS I 1 PMENACETIN | Lg fffr. |P fc PICRIC I L DYE STUFFS 1 I XPLOSIVES ^ r- HEA I CRUDE NAPHTHALIN | 8Hi NGL E I I NA R P E H F THALIN I | PHENOL ||cRESOL|[ PXTHALICAC1D j NAPHTHOU8 { NAPHTHOU8 | EZTJ__ SDLE INDIGO 1AMIDO NAPHTHOL I Pi 8ULFOACID 1 1 | PHENOL ~\ j CRE80L8 [ I PORE TOLUOL LOY^^Fr, j| SOLVENT | | "JTROin^ I EXPLOSIVES I j TOLUIDir II "gffl I L_ I HMOJ I | PMOTOaRAPMY"^ | DYE 8TUFM || ANTPYRIN T6STI!)F.F I INDIGO FIG. 5 Distillation products of coal and their commerci >AL | COKE 1 AMMONIUM. 1 _|| CHLORIDE | 1 1 1 1 ! 1 - _ | ELECTRODES || LAMP BLACK | | LUBRICANT j CRUCIBLES || ELECTRODES | i'lL REFINED TAR PITCH j PRES^TION 1 * C1N | | LAMP . LACK PAINTS TARRED FELT | P'PE SUB SIDEWALK PAVING 1 1 WITH p,TCH II COATING || FLOORING || COMPOSITION || M ATERIALS F~l 1 iM^SoN I I 1 .__ TAR-ROK 1 TARVIA 1 1 PRESERVATION 1 1 CEASES ANTHRACIN | .Kg | 1 ^ NTAN j | | SHINGLES || ROOFING II HOOFING |l TION (PROOFING | | CARBOZOL |j PHENANTHRIN | | ANTHRACIN JANTHRA- 1 QU.NONE 1 1 JLPHO U ACIS E QUINAZARIN J , 1 DYE STUFFS | 1 ALIZARIN DYE STUFFS 1 1 ALGOL I I 1 DYE STUFFS I SOFT PITCH , 1 , 1 1 INSULATION 1 p^J^L PAVING MEDIUM | III ' ACID | | BENZOLDEHYDE | BRIQUETS | | PA.NTS | | ROOFING | | pR VATER Q | | HARD p ITCH; 1 ^n 1 i YE STUFFS | PERFUMES 11 BE A N C 2 ,' C | BRIQUETS II coJ^J^g || EL C E A C R 7 N D 8 E8 || TARGETS 1 1 POWD. FUEL 1 1 PITCH * i ! " " ' T ' | METAL CASTING j | FUEL | r L_ 1 ""FUMES | .88m. m FOOD 1 PRESERVATIVE | es. (Reproduced by permission of the Barrett Company.) HAT 1 ~ L i ..;.-. i^ _ THE SOLUBILITY OF COAL AND ITS DESTRUCTION BY ACIDS 29 periods of time and recorded the results for periods of five seconds each. During the first five seconds 6.65 c.c. of gas at o C. and 760 mm. were evolved, and during the tenth five-second period 20.95 c - c - The composition of the gas taken at the periods mentioned was as follows when calculated on a " nitrogen-free " basis: A B NH 3 6.10 0.20 C 6 H 6 3-80 o-35 H 2 S 2.75 0.35 CO 2 9.85 1.40 C 2 H 2 0.30 nil C 2 H4 2.35 nil CO 16.65 5-6o H 2 31-20 82.30 CH4 25.95 8 -4o C 2 H 6 1. 10 1.35 The tarry products derived from the distillation of coal are of great industrial importance and their derivatives are obtained by numerous chemical processes, some of which are of remarkable complexity. 1 The following plan shows the main products derived from coal and it sets forth the relations among these various compounds. (Fig. 5.) The Solubility of Coal and its Destruction by Acids The degree of solubility of different coals varies greatly owing to the fact that they are not homogeneous and their resinous con- stituents will dissolve much more readily in some reagents than their cellulosic constituents. Coals which contain much humic acid will dissolve to a considerable extent in alkaline solutions, while the cellulosic constituents may be attacked by nitric acid. Most of the resinous constituents are soluble to some extent in organic solvents such as benzine. Peat and the xyloid lignites are partially soluble in caustic alkalies and almost completely soluble in alkaline hypochlorites. The com- pact lignites or subbituminous coals are readily attacked by the al- kaline hypochlorites but are only slightly soluble in caustic alkalies, while bituminous coals and anthracite are not dissolved by alkaline solutions. Dilute nitric acid will attack lignite and strong acid will slowly attack the higher coals but a mixture of nitric and sulphuric 1 Hoffman, A. W., Etudes sur les matieres colorantes derivees du goudron de houille Compt. Rend., Vol. 55, pp. 781, 805, 817, 849 and 901, 1862, and Vol. 56, pp. 1033 and 1062. THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL acids will completely break down the more reshtant coals leaving a deep brown solution from which the coloring matter is precipitated on the addition of water. 1 By the action of nitric acid on finely pulverized coal Guignet 2 ob- tained oxypicric acid and a mixture of oxide of iron and sulphuric acid resulting from the pyrite in the coal. By boiling the mixture in water with barium carbonate the oxide of iron and the oxalic and sulphuric acids were thrown out while the oxypicrato of barium re- mained. On precipitating the barium as sulphate, crystals of oxy- picric acid remained. There were left on filtering the original nitric acid solution compounds which were insoluble and which exploded when heated. Most of the resinous compounds in coal are partially soluble in the strong acids, they are partially or entirely soluble m alcohol, and most of them partially so in ether and in turpentine. The sol- vent action of benzine is variable. It is thus evident that the pro- portion of resinous constituents in coal will affect to a considerable extent its solubility in various solvents. Relation of solubility to coking qualities. The results of Vig- non's 3 work show that there is some definite relation between the composition of the coal, its solubility in various organic solvents and incidentally its coking quality. The coals from the Loire region showed the following results when treated with aniline. Taking fat gas coals, semi-fat coals, and lean or dry coals he obtained the following results: Initial weight Weight after treatment with Percentage Percentage soluble, ash aniline deducted (i) Fat gas coal. . . (2) Semi-fat coal. . 1.46-1.68 1.17-1.32 I .12-1 .29 I .09-1 .23 23.40 6.58 26.8 7.2 (3) Lean or dry coal 2 . 172 .OI 2 . 142 .OI 1.56 1.8 1 Fremy, E., Recherches chimiques sur les combustibles mineraux. Compt. Rend., Vol. 52, pp. 114-117, 1861. 2 Guignet, E., Sur la constitution de la houille. Compt. Rend., Vol. 88, pp. 590-592, 1879- 3 Vignon, Leo, Sur les dissolvants de la houille. Compt. Rend. VoL 158, pp. 1421- 1424, 1914. RELATION OF SOLUBILITY TO COKING QUALITIES The portion of the coal which is soluble is richer in hydrogen than the insoluble portion and from this it may be inferred that the coking coals will differ from non-coking coals in their solvent action with aniline. On treating coal with alcohol, ether, benzine, toluene, aniline and nitro-benzine, Vignon obtained the following results with 50 c.c. of the solvent and 10 grams of coal. Soluble at ordinary temperature for 24 hours Soluble at boiling point for 3 hours Alcohol 0.076 per cent 0.0167 per cent Ether 0.059 Benzine .... 0.080 ' 0.191 Toluene. 0.078 0.190 " Aniline Nitro-benzine 2.250 i .410 12.050 3-190 From this table it is evident that aniline js the most active solvent for these bituminous coals of the Loire basin. Of the other common solvents pyridine and phenol may be regarded as the most active. Clark and Wheeler 1 claim that a coal may be divided into two types of compounds recognized by their differential solvent action with pyridine and chloroform, one of these compounds being higher in hydrogen and the other in hydrocarbons. Phenol has been employed as a solvent for coal by a number of chemists, but the first extensive experiments to determine the deriva- tives of the solution with phenol were carried out by Parr and Hadley 2 and by Frazer and Hoffman. 3 The latter authors found that 10.87 per cent of an Illinois non-coking, bituminous coal was dissolved in phenol. From this solution a large number of derivatives were extracted, some of which are believed to be pure compounds. Parr and Hadley found that there is a distinct relation between the per- centage of the coal dissolved in phenol and its coking qualities. The coking constituents are almost all dissolved in this solvent and oxi- 4 Clark, A. H., and Wheeler, R. V., Op. cit. 2 Parr, S. W., and Hadley, H. F., The analysis of coal with phenol as a solvent, Uni- versity of 111., Bull No. 10, Vol. XII. 3 Frazer, J. C. W., and Hoffman, E. J., The constituents of coal soluble in phenol. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 5, 1912. 32 THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL dation of the coal greatly affects its relative solubility. This solvent was also used to extract organic sulphur. Chemical Causes of Spontaneous Combustion 1 There has been a great deal of speculation regarding the cause of spontaneous combustion of coal and many have assigned it to the oxidation of pyrite. It is now recognized, however, that while the oxidation of pyrite and the action of the sulphuric acid on moisture in the coal may produce some heat, the fundamental cause of the heating is the oxidation of the coal itself. The sulphuric acid re- sulting from the oxidation of pyrite is a powerful oxidizing agent and its presence facilitates oxidation of the coal, but coal itself will oxidize rather rapidly for a time after mining. If there is a good circulation of air it will not take fire but if there is only a partial supply of air oxidation goes on and the heat is retained. As the temperature of the fuel rises the rate of oxidation is greatly accelerated and in con- sequence there is cumulative action progressing towards the tempera- ture of combustion which varies from about 300 C. upward depending upon the character of the coal. According to Fayol finely powdered lignite may ignite at a temperature as low as 150 C. and gas coal at 200 C. There is a fairly definite relation, as shown by Wheeler, 2 between the temperature of ignition of coal dust and the proportion of its resinous constituents, which are soluble in pyridine. The oxidation process goes on in both moist and dry coals, although moisture aids the process very greatly. If the coal be completely covered with stagnant water oxidation almost ceases after a bref time but circulating water may bring in new supplies of oxygen to le coal. The finer the coal, the more rapid is the oxidation of a given surface, other things being equal. The percentage of volatile matter 1 Parr, S. W., and Kressmann, F. W., The spontaneous combustion of coal. Univer- sity of 111., Bull. 16, 1910. Moissan, H., Traite de chimie minerale, Vol. 2, pp. 363-364, 1905, (on spontaneous combustion). Stansfield, E., An investigation of the coals o* Canada. Vol. 6, Dept. of Mines, Canada, 1912. Hapke, L., The causes and prevention of spontaneous combustion. Chem. Zeit. 17, p. 916, 1893. 2 Wheeler, R. V., The volatile constituent? of coal, Pt. IV: The relative inflamma- bilities of coal dusts. Trans. Chem. Soc., Vol. 103, p. 1715, 1913. SULPHUR 33 seems to make little difference in the spontaneous heating as all types of coal have been known to heat. 1 There are, however, no authentic cases reported where anthracite has actually taken fire in storage. The natural process of heating is often accelerated by the proximity of the coal bins to furnaces and other sources of heat and this, no doubt, explains why coal on shipboard and in other places adjacent to boilers often takes fire while in the bins. A certain amount of loss in the heating value of coal takes place during weathering and the accompanying oxidation. This may be readily understood when the results of White's investigations are considered, since he found oxygen and ash to be of almost equal anti- calorific value. 2 Further, the loss of methane accompanies the oxi- dation process and the heating value of this gas amounts to a small item. Source of Mineral Constituents The source of many of the constituents of coal is self-evident when the composition of wood is considered. The carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen may all be derived directly from the wood but there are many other constituents whose source and whose condition in the coal are not so readily recognized. In addition to the nitrogen in wood, which varies from less than i per cent to over 3 per cent, some is supplied by animal matter and it is probable that a little is added to the coal from the air through its imprisonment in the vege- tation before it becomes coal. Sulphur. Sulphur is a constituent of considerable economic im- portance in coal because it reduces the quality of coke for metallurgical purposes, it increases corrosion of boilers and in quantities of more than about 2 per cent it increases clinkering in furnaces by aiding the fusion of ash. This 2-per cent limit will vary, however, with the varying proportions of ash and sulphur present and it is probable that the iron combined with the sulphur in pyrite may aid the fusi- bility of the ash almost as much as the sulphur. In coking approxi- mately one-half of the sulphur in the coal is supposed to enter the coke. This proportion will apparently vary with the proportion of 1 Porter, H. C., and Ovitz, F. K., Deterioration and spontaneous heating of coal in storage. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 16, 1912. 2 White, D., The effect of oxygen in coal. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 382, 1909. 34 THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL organic and inorganic sulphur. While one molecule of the sulphur in pyrite (FeS 2 ) may be removed in the burning process leaving the other to enter the coke with the iron, this relation will not hold for the proportions of organic sulphur, the compounds of which are not so well known. Sulphur occurs in varying amounts in coal, from less than i per cent to 10 per cent or more. It commonly amounts to between one- half of i per cent and 3 per cent although many of the coals of our middle-west states carry between 3 and 5 per cent. The sulphur is in two forms: organic and inorganic. The inorganic type is most familiar and it occurs in the following forms: (i) Mineral sulphides, (2) Sulphates and (3) Free sulphur. Inorganic sulphur. Of the sulphides iron pyrite (FeS2, Isometric) and marcasite (FeS 2 , Orthorhombic) are the most common. Chal- copyrite (Cu'FeS 2 ), arsenopyrite (FeAsS), stibnite (Sb 2 S 3 ) and a few other sulphides have been found but they are rare except in some regions where volcanic activity has occurred. Pyrite or iron pyrites, also known as " fools' gold" is responsible for most of the "sulphur balls," "coal brasses," and "sulphur diamonds" found in coal seams although marcasite frequently occurs in sulphur balls and is mis- taken for pyrite since many people do not distinguish these two minerals from each other. The sulphide occurs in largest quantities in concretions, commonly known as "sulphur balls," in lenses or bands running parallel with the coal seam or in veinlets cutting across the seam. When in sufficiently large quantities it is separated from the coal in mining and at some mines it is sold for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. In addition to the masses of pyrite which are so evident to the naked eye, Thiessen 1 has shown that in practically all coals and also in peat there are numerous grains of pyrite averaging 25 to 40 microns in diameter, distributed through the fuel (Fig. 6). These appear to be more abundant in the xyloid bands in the coal and it seems quite probable that at least part of the pyrite has been formed by combination of iron with hydrogen sulphide derived from organic sulphur. These grains of sulphide are so small that they cannot be removed from the coal by washing unless the coal has been ground to fine powder. 1 Thiessen, R., Finely disseminated sulphur compounds in coal. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Met. Eng. Vol. LXIII, p. 913, 1920. ORGANIC SULPHUR 35 The most common sulphate known is calcium sulphate or gypsum (CaSO4.2H 2 O). Sulphates of iron, copper and magnesium may also occur but they are not abundant. These salts occur as a result of the action of sulphuric acid on carbonates or by the oxidation of sulphides. The sulphuric acid may result from the oxidation of iron pyrite as in the following equation : FeS 2 + 76 + H 2 = FeSCX + H 2 S0 4 . Native sulphur occurs only as the result of extreme oxidation of some of the minerals mentioned above and it is rare. I FIG. 6. Photomicrograph showing finely disseminated pyrite in coal (x 155). (Photo by R. Thiessen.) Organic sulphur. It has for many years been recognized that a portion of the sulphur in coal must exist in some form other than the mineral sulphides and sulphates. This is shown by the fact that in some coals the sulphur does not exist in such proportions that it can be combined with the elements necessary to form these mineral compounds. Sulphur which gives every indication of being com- 36 THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL bined in organic compounds in coal has been found running from 0.5 to 2 per cent, and 3 per cent is reported in one coal. Thiessen points out that there is sulphur in the proteins of practically all plants and in addition to the protein sulphur there is some non-protein sulphur in most of them. This organic sulphur by putrefaction is changed to hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S) which can precipitate sulphides of the metals from their soluble salts. The plants obtain the sulphur, which they assimilate in the form of sulphates, from the weathering of sulphides in the rocks or from the products of sulphur bacteria, which oxidize hydrogen sulphide to sulphuric acid. The sulphuric acid can then form calcium, magnesium or potassium sulphates, which are assimilated by the plants. R. Dawson Hall has also called attention to the fact that many coal seams contain a larger proportion of sulphur than the rocks lying above and below them, indicating the presence of organic sulphur compounds in coal. He early sus- pected that some of the sulphur in pyrite had an organic origin. Phosphorous. Like sulphur, phosphorous is an important con- stituent in coal which is to be used in making coke since they both enter the coke to at least some degree. Its presence in the coal may be due to solutions formed by streams running over rocks which contain calcium phosphate in some form and these solutions then precipitating the phosphate in the swamps where the coal vegetation was laid down. It is evident, however, that a certain percentage of the phosphorous is derived directly from the vegetation which produces the coal. In a study of the origin and distribution of phosphorous in bituminous and cannel coals Carnot 1 has found that certain parts of plants, especially the spores, contain considerable phosphorous. In a series of analyses he found in the Grande Couche, a thick seam at Commentry, 0.00163 per cent of phosphorous; in the coal of Fer- rieres 0.01385 per cent and in anthracite 0.01467 per cent of phos- phorous. In several stems of typical Coal Measure plants changed to coal he found from a trace to 0.007 per cent phosphorous. Various cannels from England and central France were found to contain considerably more of this element than the other coals, the percentage varying from a trace to 0.028. Several bogheads gave 0.019 to 0.0627 per cent. 1 Carnot, Ad., Sur Porigine et la distribution du phosphore dans la houille et le cannel coal. Compt. Rend., Vol. 99, pp. 154-156, 1884. CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM AND IRON 37 For comparison the spores of several modern types of ferns related to the Carboniferous plants were analysed and they contained from 0.078 to 0.228 per cent of phosphorous compared with 0.009 to o.oio per cent for the body of the fern. The Ceratizamia mexicana yielded 0.28857 P er cent phosphorous from the pollen grains and 0.11899 P er cent from the envelopes which had become fairly well separated from the pollen grains. Mineral charcoal appears to be higher in phos- phorous than the coal associated with it because during the change from coal to mineral charcoal the phosphorous remained while vola- tile constituents were lost, thus increasing the proportion of the former. The alkalies and chlorine. Sodium chloride and other alkaline salts may be carried into the coal in saline solutions which have been derived from the surrounding rocks. The alkalies are derived chiefly from the feldspars and related minerals and they are set free by weathering of these minerals. The chlorine comes from plants and from igneous rocks. Silica. This compound enters the ash of the coal and is derived chiefly from mineral matter deposited in the swamp by wind and water both as mechanical sediment and in solution. It is, however, derived partly from such plants as the horsetails which may contain upwards of 12 per cent of it in their stems. Calcium, magnesium and iron. All three of these elements may be carried in solution as carbonates in the presence of carbon dioxide. They may also be carried as sulphates and in small amounts as chlor- ides. The iron in the form of sulphate or chloride on coming in con- tact with a soluble salt, such as a salt of calcium, would normally be thrown down as the hydrous oxide unless there were an excess of carbon dioxide present to prevent oxidation in which case iron carbonate might be precipitated instead of the oxide. The presence of so much iron carbonate or " black band" associated with the coal deposits in parts of America and England is explained by assuming that the carbon dioxide, furnished by decomposing vegetation, caused the iron to be precipitated as the carbonate (sider- ite) rather than as the more commonly occurring hydrous oxide. In addition to the elements mentioned there may be found in coal ash, traces of gold, silver, zinc, lead, copper, titanium, vanadium, manganese and a vast number of other elements of no particular economic importance but of some scientific interest. Of these ele- THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF COAL ments zinc has been found in wood, and manganese occurs up to 25.53 P er cen t as Mn 3 O4 in the ash from leaves of Norway spruce, and 41.23 per cent in the ash of the bark. Some Hawaiian pineapples show 1.15 to 2.12 per cent Mn 3 O 4 . 1 It is thus evident that most of the elements have been derived in part directly from the vegetation and in part from solutions carried into the swamps. The following table 2 illustrates the composition of the ash from several types of trees and it shows that at least small percentages of most of the elements may be supplied to the coal from the vegetal matter which goes to form it. Some elements seem to be entirely lacking in the ash of the common plants, while others are extremely rare. For example, molybdenum and caesium are lacking while ANALYSES OF ASH FROM TREES (Dried at 105 in oven) Birch Leaves Per cent Birch Stems Per cent Oak Leaves Per cent Oak Stems Per cent Pine Needles Per cent Pine Stems Per cent SiO 2 0.050 0.030 O.222 0.024 0.170 o .014 TiO 2 Trace NF. Trace Trace . OOOI O.OOI A1 2 3 .... 0.24 N.F. 0.038 0.070 0-253 0.090 Fe 2 3 . . . 0.29 0.015 0.023 O.O2O O.O2O 0.016 MnO.... 0.655 0.0098 0.160 0.0393 0.0596 O.OII Cr,O 6 .... N F. N.F. Trace N.F. Trace N.F. V 2 6 N.F. N.F. N.F. N.F. Trace N.F. MoO 2 . . . N.F. N.F. N.F. N.F. N.F. N.F. CaO i-4S 0.440 1.14 1-25 o 320 0.240 BaO O.OI2 0.005 0.015 O.O20 0.005 0.007 SrO 0.006 0.004 0.013 0.023 0.003 0.004 MgO.... 0-55 0.170 0.72 0.18 0.210 0.130 K 2 O i-99 0.58 0.91 0.34 0.30 Na 2 0.... O.IO 0.13 0.13 0.15 O.O7 0.07 Li 2 O ... 0.000047 0.00003 0.00015 o . 000003 O.OOOO6 . OOOI Rb 2 O.... O.OOI 0.0003 O.OOOOI2 0.0015 O.OOOI5 N.F. CS20. ... N.F. N.F. N.F. N.F. N.F. N.F. P 2 5 .... i .10 0-33 0.261 0.274 0.27 0.075 SO 3 o-35 0.16 0-35 0.16 0.42 0.14 Cl 0.12 0.04 0.06 0.05 O.II 0.05 H 2 O..... 8.68 8.26 7-74 6.68 7.2 8.4 Mineral constitu- ents by addition 5-8 4.0 4.0 2.6 2.8 i.i 1 Kelley, W. P., Manganese in some of its relations to the growth of pineapples. Jour. Ind. & Eng. Chem., Vol. I, p. 533, 1909. 2 Robinson, W. O., Stemkoenig, L. A., and Miller, C. F., The relation of some of the rarer elements in soils and plants. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bull. No. 600, Dec. 10, 1917. CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM AND IRON 39 chromium and vanadium are very rare. It is evident that the high percentage of vanadium in the ash analysis quoted below is due entirely to some external source. An analysis of ash from coal near the town of San Raphael in the province of Mendozza, Argentina, gave the following results: 1 Soluble in Acids Percent Insoluble in Acids Percent Vanadic acid 38 . 5 SiO 2 13.6 H 2 SO 4 12. i A1 2 O 3 5.5 P 2 O 5 0.8 Fe 2 O 3 9.4 Fe 2 O 3 4.1 MgO 0.9 A1 2 O 3 4.0 CaO 8.44 K 2 O i. 80 This coal contained 0.24 per cent of vanadic acid and this constitu- ent was no doubt injected into the coal by solutions which percolated through the. seam and which may have been derived from igneous sources. Igneous rocks are the source of most of such rare constit- uents in coal. 1 Mourlot, A., Analyse de la houille vanadifere. Compt. Rend., Vol. 117, pp. 546- 548, 1893. CHAPTER III CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL Introduction The analyzing of coal has long been recognized as the best laboratory means of determining its commercial qualities. Much attention, therefore, has been paid by chemists, geologists, and mining men, to the various methods for obtaining samples and making analyses. To be of any real value for purposes of comparison with other coals or as a means of determining the commercial qualities of a seam the coal analysed must be selected from the mine according to some definite scheme. The uninitiated person invariably pays too little attention to sampling and he very often picks out the best appearing coal, thus deceiving not only his customers but himself regarding the quality of the coal which is to be analysed. Too much attention cannot be paid to the selection of samples which properly represent the average composition of a coal seam or a shipment of coal. Sampling for Analysis The importance of a standard method. Different companies or institutions may have their own methods of sampling, but it is de- sirable that some uniform system be adopted for sampling coal in all countries in order that the analyses made from the samples may be available for comparative purposes. Much care has been taken to standardize methods of analysis but much less attention has been paid to standardizing methods of sampling. When a sample is selected from a seam it should be taken in such a way that it will represent the coal which will be mined. If a certain portion of the parting is included in mining, this should also be included in the sample. A standard of size for the material selected is also of im- portance because the manner in which the portions of the seam high in ash or low in ash break down on crushing will vary greatly. This is owing to the varying character of the material constituting bony streaks in the coal. In some places these may be sandy and in others argillaceous. An analysis of the finely powdered material 40 THE IMPORTANCE OF A STANDARD METHOD 41 may differ distinctly from the lumpy portion, and standard crushing and screening are therefore essential. The portion of the seam selec- ted is a factor of importance because weathered coals differ in com- position, heating value, and coking qualities from the unweathered coal of the same seam owing to the effects of oxidation. The nature of the roof and floor of the seam has an important bearing on the probable weathered condition and in many places on the sulphur content. Care should be taken, therefore, to observe faulted zones and other disturbed areas. Examples are known where the coal near the outcrop is higher in sulphur than that some distance under- ground owing to the fact that, where the roof is fractured as a result of weathering, sulphur compounds have been carried into the coal from overlying pyrite-bearing rocks. The writer knows of one case where the decision to purchase an important property on which the coal was regarded as a high-sulphur type was based entirely on the consideration of this phenomenon and the deal turned out very suc- cessfully. In some mines there is much more sulphur in the "rolls" under the seam than in the adjacent rocks and if water works through fractures in these rolls the sulphur content may be increased in the coal adjacent to them. After the coal is obtained from the mine, car, or stock pile, care should be taken to see that if it is not analysed at once it is kept in air-tight receptacles in order that it may not lose or gain moisture, lose gas or become oxidized. It is well known that coals lose a large amount of methane on exposure to the atmosphere and take up oxy- gen rapidly, especially just after removal from the seam, unless they are carefully sealed. The altitude at which a sample is exposed to the air also has a bearing on its composition since a marked change in barometric conditions will affect the rate of evaporation of moisture and the escape of gases. United States Bureau of Mines and Geological Survey mine samp- ling methods. In proceeding to sample a mine it is well to procure a map if possible, so that the location where each sample is taken may be properly fixed. The number of samples to be taken will vary a great deal with the uniformity of the coal in a seam but about four samples for a daily production of 200 tons or less, with an extra sample for each additional 200 tons mined per diem, is considered sufficient. 42 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL In taking the sample the United States Geological Survey and the Bureau of Mines 1 recommend that a space 5 feet in width be cleared of dirt and powder from top to bottom of the seam. Down the center of this cleared space a zone i foot wide is cut to a depth of at least i inch, in order to get perfectly clean coal behind that removed. A cut is then made up the center of this zone to a depth of 2 inches and a width of 6 inches or, if the coal be soft, to a depth of 3 inches and a width of 4 inches. There should thus be obtained not less than 5 to 6 pounds of coal for each foot thickness of the seam and this should include, as nearly as possible, all bony coal retained in mining operations, and it should exclude all partings discarded in mining. It is suggested that in most places partings over f inch thick, and sulphur balls, or other impurities, more than 2 inches in maximum diameter and -| inch thick be omitted from the sample. The sample taken as described above is collected on a collecting cloth and then screened. The lumps are broken in a mortar and all passed through a ^-inch or f-inch screen. The sample is thoroughly mixed with the coarser materials evenly distributed. It is then quartered and after remixing, it is requartered, if it be still too large for convenient handling. The mixing complete, the sample is placed in a can, the top screwed on and sealed with adhesive tape. The can is carefully labeled with the name of the collector, the location, the date, and all other information which might be of service when the analysis is prepared. The government bureaus have prepared very elaborate blank forms, which are filled out and shipped with the cans. Equipment for mine sampling. As equipment for the special work of sampling, the following materials and tools have been sug- gested: A portable mortar with sides 5 inches high and having a capacity of 500 cubic inches; a pestle consisting of a steel head, i inch thick and 3 to 4 inches long; a good spring balance of 50 pounds capacity graduated to ^ pound; a galvanized iron wire screen of f-inch mesh and provided with a wooden frame; a galvanized sheet- 1 Holmes, J. A., The sampling of coal in the mine. U. S. Bur. of Mines Tech. Paper I, 191 1 ; Campbell, M. R., The commercial value of coal-mine sampling. Trans. Amer. Inst. of Mng. Eng., Vol. 36, p. 341, 1906; The value of coal-mine sampling. Econ. Geol. Vol. 2, p. 48, 1907; also Parr, S. W., Chemical study of Illinois coals. Illinois Coal Mining Investigations. State Geol. Survey, Bull. 3, 1916. SAMPLING WAGON, CAR, OR CARGO LOTS 43 iron scoop 8 inches long, 2 inches deep and ii inches wide, but a trowel or shingle will serve in place of this; a stiff brush; a 2O-foot waterproof measuring tape; a sampling can about 9 inches deep by 3 inches in diameter made of No. 27 galvanized iron which is crimped and soldered to make it strong and air-tight; adhesive tape; a pick; and a shovel. Sampling wagon, car, or cargo lots. In sampling wagon-loads, carloads, or cargo lots of coal care should be taken to collect a repre- sentative sample by choosing shovelfuls from different parts of the load or pile and including an average amount of impurities. If the coal be in coarse fragments, a larger sample should be collected than if it be finely broken. About 1000 pounds should be taken as a gross sample for carload or cargo lots and this should be increased to at least 1500 pounds if the coal contains much impurity in coarse frag- ments. It has been found that the analysis of a large gross sample comes closer to the average for the lot than a small one, up to a certain limit, above which there is no advantage in increasing the size of the gross sample. 1 The looo-pound sample may be crushed so as to pass a i-inch screen. It is then mixed, halved, by quartering method, and passed through a f-inch screen. This process is continued until a 3o-pound sample is obtained which will pass a T \-inch screen. After thorough mixing and quartering a sample weighing 5 pounds is taken for an- alysis. From the tests of various coals by the United States Geological Survey and Bureau of Mines it has been found that certain differences exist between the analyses of mine samples and carload lots of the same coal. These differences are due chiefly to oxidation and to the changes in the moisture and gas content while exposed to the atmosphere during transportation. The following statements apply in most cases. In lignite and lignitic coals the moisture content is greater in the car sample than in that taken in the mine and the de- crease in calorific value may amount to 1.3 per cent in the moisture- free and ash-free coal. If bituminous coals have a moisture content 1 Pope, G. S., Methods of sampling delivered coal. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bulls. 63, 1913 and 116, 1916; Bailey, E. G., Accuracy in sampling coal. Jour. Ind. Eng. Chem., Vol. i, p. 1612, 1909; also Parr, S. W., Purchase and sale of Illinois coal on specification. 111. State Geol. Survey, Bull. 29, 1914. (Methods of Sampling.) 44 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL of over 5 per cent in mine samples they usually lose moisture in tran- sit but they also lose calorific value from 0.3 to 0.8 per cent. Those with less than 5 per cent usually show a gain in moisture up to about 1.5 per cent and the change in calorific value amounts to a very small decrease. 1 Standard method of sampling. The Joint Committee of the American Society for Testing Materials and the American Chemical Society 2 suggests the following methods for sampling and the method described in the final report of the Committee will hereafter be known in this work as the standard method of sampling and analyzing coal. It is insisted that the method outlined should be used in obtaining a sample whether it is taken from a i-ton lot or from a lot containing hundreds of tons. Also if this method is adopted in a contract the following provisions shall be agreed upon (i) Place sampling is done, (2) Approximate size of sample required when standard conditions do not apply, (3) The number of samples to be taken or the amount of coal to be represented by each sample when the standard con- ditions (i.e. those outlined below) do not apply. For the determination of all constituents except that of total moisture the following regulations are observed (i) The coal is sampled as it is loaded into or unloaded from conveyances or bins. If the coal is crushed as received samples may be taken after the crushing. Samples from the surfaces of piles are not reliable. (2) For taking samples a shovel or specially designed tool capable of taking equal portions of the coal shall be used. For slack or small sizes of an- thracite increments as small as 5 to 10 pounds may be taken but for run-of-mine or lump coal 10 to 30 pounds may be taken. (3) The gross sample shall be not less than 1000 pounds and the increments shall be so regularly and systematically collected that the entire quantity of coal shall be properly represented in the sample. If the fragments are small, not exceeding f inch in size a sample of 500 pounds is sufficient. If there is an unusual amount of slate or other impurities or if the fragments are unusually large 1 500 pounds should 1 Campbell, M. R., Op. cit. Also Fieldner, A. C., Notes on the sampling and analysis of coal. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 76, 1914. For detailed descriptions of analyses see: Methods of analyzing coal and coke, by F. M. Stanton and A. C. Fieldner, U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 8, 1913. 2 American Society for Testing Materials, A. S. T. M. Standards, (D 21-16), 1918, P- 673. STANDARD METHOD OF SAMPLING 45 be taken. The following table shows the relation of the sizes of the fragments of the coal to the weight of the sample taken. (4) A TABLE A Weight of sample to be divided. In pounds Largest size of coal and impurities in sample before division. In inches 1000 or more 500 250 125 60 30 T \ or 4-mesh screen gross sample shall be taken for each 500 tons or less, or in larger tonnages according to agreement. (5) The gross sample shall be systematically crushed, mixed and reduced in quantity to convenient size for transmittal to the laboratory. The crushing may be done by hand or by mechanical means, but loss and addition of foreign matter must be prevented. (6) The progressive reduction of the sample to the various quantities and sizes mentioned in the table above shall be carried out in the following way : (a) The gross sample is reduced to 250 pounds by the alternate shovel method observing the requirements for relative sizes and weights in Table A, and div- iding the coal as follows: The crushed coal is shoveled into a conical pile by placing each shovelful on top of the one previously deposited and then piling the coal in this pile in a long pile as wide as the shovel and 5 to 10 feet long. This long pile is made by spreading each shovel- ful out for the full width and length of the pile with alternate shovel- fuls spread from opposite ends of the pile. The pile is flattened from time to time. Half of this pile is discarded by beginning at the end of the pile and taking shovelfuls side by side and one after the other along the side of the pile. These alternate shovelfuls are placed in two different piles and the operation continued until the long pile is completely encompassed and practically all the coal divided be- tween the two piles, (b) The sample now reduced to about 250 pounds is quartered, observing the relations outlined in Table A. Quantities of 125 to 250 pounds are coned and re-coned while smaller samples are placed on a cloth about 6 by 8 feet and mixed by raising first one end and then the other so as to roll the coal back and forth. 46 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL By gathering the four corners of the cloth a conical pile is formed and then quartered by first flattening down the apex uniformly and care- fully and then dividing the pile into quarters so that the dividing lines intersect at a point beneath the apex of the original cone. The alternate quarters are discarded and the process described above is repeated until a sample of about 30 pounds is secured, (c) The 3o-pound sample is crushed to T \ inch or 4-mesh size, mixed, flattened and quartered. The laboratory samples shall include all of one of the quarters or all of two opposite quarters if required and it is im- mediately placed in a container designed for this purpose and sealed. For the total moisture determination a special sample of about 100 pounds weight is made up by placing in a waterproof receptacle equal parts of freshly taken increments of the standard gross sample. This sample shall be rapidly crushed and reduced mechanically or by hand to about 5 pounds. This smaller sample is at once sealed air- tight in a container and sent immediately to the laboratory. The standard gross sample shall not be used in place of this special moisture sample unless equally representative results can be obtained from it. Preparation of Laboratory Samples by Standard Method 1 Apparatus. (a) Jaw crusher for crushing coarse samples to pass a 4-mesh sieve, (b) Roll crusher or coffee-mill type of grinder for reducing samples to 2o-mesh. This mill should be entirely enclosed and have an enclosed hopper capable of holding 10 pounds of coal. (c) Abbe Ball Mill, Planetary Disk Crusher, Chrome-steel bucking board or any satisfactory form of pulverizer for reducing the 2o-mesh material to 6o-mesh. For the ball mill the porcelain jars should be approximately 9 inches in diameter and 10 inches high. The flint pebbles should be smooth and well-rounded, (d) Large Riffle sam- pler with -j- or | -inch divisions for reducing the 4-mesh sample to 10 pounds, (e) Small Riffle sampler with J- or f-inch division for dividing down the 20-mesh and 6o-mesh material to a laboratory sample. (/) Eight-inch, 6o-mesh sieve with cover and receiver. (g) Galvanized iron pans, 18 by 18 by ij inches deep for air-drying wet samples, (h) Balance or solution scale for weighing the pans 1 Final report on coal analysis of the Joint Committee of the American Society for Testing Materials and the American Chemical Society. Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Vol. 9, No. i, p. 100, 1917. Also American Society for Testing Materials, A. S. T. M. Standards (D 22-16), p. 679, 1918. METHOD OF SAMPLING 47 and samples. (Required capacity 5 kilograms and sensitive to 0.5 gram.) (i) Air-drying oven to be used for drying wet samples. Not absolutely necessary. (Description in Bull. No. 9, Geol. Survey of Ohio, p. 312.) Method of sampling. There are two methods, the choice de- pending upon whether coal appears wet or dry. I. When coal appears dry the first procedure is to reduce the coal in the jaw crusher to pass a 4-mesh sieve and reduce the sample to 10 pounds weight, on the larger riffle sampler. (If crushed to pass 6-mesh the sample may be reduced to 5 pounds.) The lo-pound 4-mesh sample is ground in a roll crusher or coffee-mill to 2O-mesh. From various parts of this sample, take with a spoon, without sieving, a composite 6o-gram total-moisture sample which should be placed directly in a rubber-stoppered bottle. Thoroughly mix the main portion of the sample, reduce on the smaller riffle sampler to about 120 grams and pulverize to 6o-mesh by suitable grinder, disregarding loss of moisture. After passing 6o-mesh the sample is mixed and reduced to 60 grams on the small riffle sampler. This final sample is transferred to a 4-oz. rubber- stoppered bottle. Moisture is determined on both the 6o-mesh and 20-mesh samples. The following computation is made: The analysis of the 6o-mesh coal which has become partly air-dried during samp- ling is computed to the dry-coal basis by dividing each result by i minus its content of moisture. The analysis of the coal " as received " is computed from the dry-coal analysis by multiplying by i minus the total moisture found in the 2o-mesh sample. II. When coal appears wet the following method is followed: The sample is spread on tared pans, weighed and air-dried at room temperature, or in the special drying oven previously mentioned, at 10 to 15 C. above room temperature. It is weighed again. This drying is continued until the loss of weight is not more than o.i per cent per hour. The sampling is then completed as under I for dry coal. The following computation should be made: Correct the moisture found in the 2O-mesh air-dried sample to total moisture "as received" according to the following formula. loo percentage of air-drying loss vx f r X (percentage of moisture in 100 48 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL 2o-mesh coal) + (percentage of air-drying loss) = (total moisture "as received")- Compute the analysis to " dry-coal" and "as re- ceived" bases as under dry coal, using for the "as received" compu- tations the total moisture as found by the formula in place of the moisture found in the 20-mesh coal. Precautions: Owing to the fact that freshly mined or wet coal loses moisture rapidly in the laboratory the sampling operations should be carried out as quickly as possible between the time of opening the container and the securing of the 2o-mesh sample and the sample should be exposed to the air as little as possible. The accuracy of the method of preparing the laboratory samples should be frequently checked by using duplicate samples and by resampling rejected por- tions of samples. The ash in two samples should not differ more than the following amounts under the conditions stated: if no carbonates are present 0.4 per cent; considerable carbonates and pyrite present 0.7 per cent; coals with more than 12 per cent ash, containing con- siderable carbonate and pyrite i .o per cent. English method. In the English government laboratories 1 the coal is usually received in the laboratory in tins such as biscuit tins, enclosed in wooden boxes, each sample weighing 20 to 30 pounds. The sample is passed through a i-inch sieve, mixed thoroughly, quartered and one-half returned to the tin. The other half is crushed in a small Marsden-Blake crusher and by quartering reduced to about i pound. It is then ground in a closely set coffee-mill and divided into two parts, one of which is placed in a stoppered bottle and sealed for future reference purposes, the other being placed in a similar bottle for analysis. The sample taken from the coffee-mill is used for tests on moisture and volatile matter but for other estimations a portion is ground to pass a 5o-mesh sieve. The moisture is also determined in the latter portion but the practice of determining the volatile mat- ter in this portion also, has been discontinued as it has been found that the results differ very little for the two samples. The Proximate Analysis The proximate analysis or the determination of moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash and sulphur is the analysis usually made for practical purposes since it is much more readily made than the ulti- 1 Pollard, W., Memoirs of the Geol. Survey, England and Wales, p. 6, 1915. MOISTURE DETERMINATION 49 mate analysis and it furnishes most of the data necessary for the purpose of arriving at the quality of the coal. From it the grouping of the elements in the form most closely affecting combustion can be determined. Moisture determination by the standard method. Apparatus: The apparatus recommended consists of the following articles: (i) Moisture oven so constructed as to provide a minimum air space and a uniform temperature in all parts of the chamber. The air in the oven must be renewed 2 to 4 times every minute and the air must be dried by passing it through sulphuric acid. (2) Capsules with covers which permit the determination of ash in the same sample. Those recommended are the Royal Meissen porcelain capsule No. 2, J inch deep and if inches in diameter, or a fused silica capsule of similar shape with a well-fitting flat aluminum cover. Glass capsules with ground glass caps may also be used and they should be as shallow as possible consistent with conven- ient handling. Method: (i) For determination of moisture in the 6o-mesh sample the empty capsules are heated under the conditions at which the coal is to be dried, then covered and cooled over concentrated sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84) for thirty minutes and weighed. Ap- proximately i gram of the sample is dipped from the bottle with a spatula and placed in the capsules which are immediately closed and weighed. The covers are removed and the capsules quickly placed in a pre- heated oven (at 104 to 110 C.) through which passes a current of air dried by concentrated sulphuric acid. The oven is closed at once and the specimens are heated for one hour. The oven is then opened, the capsules quickly covered, and cooled in a desiccator over concentrated sulphuric acid. When cool they are weighed and the moisture computed. FIG. 7. Moisture oven. (After Stan- ton and Fieldner, U. S. Bureau of Mines. Tech. Paper 8.) 50 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL (2) For the determination of moisture in the 2o-mesh sample 5-gram samples are used and they are weighed with an accuracy of 2 milligrams. They are heated for one and a half hours, otherwise the procedure is the same as that described above for the 6o-mesh sample. Notes: The permissible differences in duplicate determinations are as follows: Same analyst Different analysts Moisture under 5 per cent Moisture over 5 per cent o . 2 per cent o 3 per cent 0.3 per cent o " Coal with more than 12 per cent ash containing carbon- ates and pyrite 0.5 " I Before the capsules are placed in the muffle for ignition to constant weight the ash should be stirred with a platinum or nichrome wire. Stirring once or twice before the first weighing hastens complete ignition. The result obtained as above is " uncorrected " ash. The mineral matter in the ash differs materially from the actual minerals in the coal. Other notes and methods: Some analysts have used a platinum crucible but this is not suitable for this purpose because, as stated by Carnot, if a platinum crucible which contains carbon is heated for some time a deposit of carbon and platinum dust may be made which affects the weight of the ash. A platinum crucible should never be used with coal containing pyrites. A coal high in pyrites is liable to cause more trouble if heated too rapidly than one without this mineral. For the rapid determination of ash in coal, in the field, Lesher has designed an apparatus for the use of the geologists of the United States Geological Survey. By means of it the ash can usually be determined within 2 per cent of the figures obtained by laboratory methods. 1 There are often considerable errors in the result obtained in the analyses of ash owing to the fact that the carbonates may change to oxides or to sulphates, depending upon certain conditions. If a carbonate changes to an oxide during combustion the carbon dioxide driven off escapes and is lost to the ash while its carbon is computed with the carbon, making it too high. This carbon is not in a com- bustible form and therefore does not add to the value of the coal. It will be seen that the oxygen is also affected by the error. Although these errors in the determination of ash, carbon and oxygen, are not 1 Lesher, C. E., Field apparatus for determining ash in coal. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 62I-A, 1915. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL considered in technical operation, where they are large they have an important bearing on correct methods of analysis and on the heating value of the coal. They have been fully discussed by a number of writers and formulae have been suggested for their correction. 1 After the ash has been obtained from the coal, it may be analyzed in much the same way as any other inorganic mixture. The following figures show the composition of some typical coal ashes: I. Per cent II. Per cent SiO 2 15.2-64.7 8.6-34.6 3.8-19.0 I .O-lS.I 0.4-10.0 0.3- 2.9 o-i- 5-3 - 2.6 Included with A1 2 O 3 0.1-26.9 45 . 24-50 . 23 23-43-33-28 5.50-14.68 2.76- 8.52 0.78- 2.88 -3-83 A1 2 O 3 Fe 2 O 3 . . . CaO MgO K 2 O Na 2 O TiO 2 P 2 O 5 0.26- 1.85 0-96- 3.92 SO 3 Temperature of fusio n ii5o-i5oo C. I. = Variations in composition shown in 9 analyses of ash from various types of coals. Quoted by Fieldner, Op. cit., p. 29. II. = Variations in composition shown in 4 analyses quoted by Carnot, Op. cit., p. 212. The fusibility of the ash of coal is very variable. Like that of clay it is lowered by the presence of such constituents as lime, iron, al- kalies and magnesia. The temperature of fusibility is determined by use of seger cones or the pyrometer. The ash itself may be molded into a pyramid and the temperature at which the pyramid bends over to its base is considered the point of fusibility. The more readily the ash fuses the greater the difficulty arising from clinkers in the fur- nace. The formation of clinkers can, however, be controlled to a considerable extent by careful firing. A list of analyses and the softening temperatures of a large number of western coals is as follows. 2 1 Parr, S. W., Determination of ash. Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Vol. 5, p. 523, 1913. Fieldner, A. C., Op. cit., p. 27. Pollard, Op. cit., p. 40. 2 Selvig, W. A., Lenhart, L. R., and Fieldner, A. C., Temperatures at which ash from western coals fuses to a sphere. Coal Age, Vol. 18, No. 14, p. 677, 1920. DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHOROUS IN ASH 53 Average for samples tested: Alaska 2040-3010 F. Nevada 2190-2480 F. California 2220-2340 New Mexico 2000-3000 + Idaho 1950-2640 Oregon 2060-2890 Montana 1930-2790 Utah 2040-2880 Washington 1870-3000 -f Determination of phosphorous in ash by the standard method. I. First method: The following method is to cover all cases: To the ash from 5 grams of coal in a platinum capsule there is added 10 c.c. of HNO 3 and 3 to 5 c.c. of HF. The liquid is evaporated and the residue fused with 3 grams of Na 2 CO 3 . If unburned carbon is present in the ash 0.2 grams of NaNO 3 is mixed with the carbonate. The melt is leached with water and the solution filtered. The residue is then ignited, fused with Na 2 CO 3 alone, the melt leached and the solution filtered. The filtrates are combined, held in a flask, acidified with HNOa and concentrated to a volume of 100 c.c. To this solution raised to 85 C. there is added 50 c.c. of molybdate solution and the flask is shaken for ten minutes. If the precipitate does not form promptly and settle quickly, enough NH 4 NO 3 is added to cause it to do so. The precipitate is washed six times or until free from acid, with a 2 per cent solution of KNO 3 , then returned to the flask and titrated with standard NaOH solution. The alkali solution may be made equal to 0.00025 gram phosphorous per cubic centimeter, or 0.005 P er cent f r a 5- ram sample of coal and is 0.995 f one-fifth normal. Or the phosphorous in the precipitate is determined by reduction and titration of the molybdenum with permanganate. The advantage in the use of HF in the initial attack on the ash lies in the removal of silica. Fusion with alkali carbonate is necessary for the elimination of titanium, which if present and not removed will contaminate the phospho-molybdate and is said to sometimes retard its precipitation. II. Second method: Where titanium is so low as to offer no ob- jection, the ash is decomposed in the same manner as in the first method described above, but evaporation is carried only to a volume of about 5 c.c. The solution is diluted with water to 30 c.c., boiled and filtered. If the washings are turbid they are again passed through the filter. The residue is ignited in a platinum crucible, fused with a little 54 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL Na 2 CO 3 , and the melt is dissolved in HNO 3 . If the solution is clear it is added to the main one but if not clear it is filtered. For the re- mainder of the operation this method is the same as the first method. The fusing of the residue may be omitted in routine work in a given coal if it is certain that it does not contain phosphorous. Determination of volatile matter by standard method. Apparatus: (i) Platinum crucible with tightly fitting cover and a capacity of not less than 10 c.c. nor more than 20 c.c. Dimensions to be not less than 25 nor more than 35 mm. in diameter and not less than 30 nor more than 35 mm. in height. (2) A vertical electric tube furnace, or a gas or electrically heated muffle fur- nace regulated to maintain a temperature of 950 C. ( 20 C.) in the crucible as indicated by a thermometer in the fur- nace (Fig. 8). If the deter- mination of volatile matter is not an essential feature of the specifications under which the coal is bought a Meker burner may be used. Method: In a weighed plat- inum crucible of 10 to 20 c.c. capacity, closed with a capsule cover, i gram of coal is placed. The crucible is placed on platin- um or nichrome-wire supports in the furnace chamber which must be kept at 950 C. ( 20 C.). After the more rapid discharge of volatile matter has subsided, as indicated by the dying down of the flame, the cover is gently tapped to close the crucible more tightly, and thus prevent the admission of air. The crucible is heated just seven minutes and then removed from the furnace without dis- turbing the lid. As soon as cool it is weighed. The loss of weight minus moisture equals the volatile matter. inum \^ Platinnm- " Rhodium FIG. 8 Electric furnace for deter- mination of volatile matter. DETERMINATION OF VOLATILE MATTER 55 For subbituminous coal, lignite or peat, a modified method is employed to avoid mechanical loss resulting from sudden heating of these coals high in volatile matter. This consists in playing a burner flame on the bottom of the crucible for five minutes thus gradually heating it to a high temperature before it is placed in the volatile- matter furnace. It is then heated in the furnace for six minutes at 950 C. as in the regular method. Notes and precautions: The permissible differences in duplicate determinations are as follows: Same analyst Different analysts Bituminous coals 0.5 per cent i o per cent Lignites TO " 20 " The cover should fit close enough so that the carbon deposit from bituminous coal or lignite does not burn away from the under. side of the lid. Temperatures should be carefully regulated to the stand- ards outlined. Other methods: According to the preliminary report of the Joint Committee 1 the method recommended was that in which the crucible of 10 c.c. capacity was heated for seven minutes over a Bunsen burner with the crucible 8 cm. above the mouth of the burner. The gas pressure required was 50 mm. and the flame about 18 cm. in height. The burner was to be surrounded with a refractory cylinder to pre- vent air currents from disturbing the flame. The specifications for the size of the crucible were: 2.4 cm., diameter at the base, 3.4 cm. diameter at the top and 4 cm. high. This method is still used where a suitable volatile-matter furnace is not available although a Meker burner is more reliable. When this type of burner is used the crucible is placed 2 cm. above the orifice with a flame 16 to 18 cm. high. A No. 3 Meker is the type specified. These methods are not so reliable as that with a proper furnace because of the varying conditions which it is possible to have. Carnofs method: Carnot, a French chemist, 2 suggests using 5 grams of coal in a platinum or porcelain crucible, the size of which 1 Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem. Vol. 5, p. 517, 1913. 2 Carnot, Adolphe, Traite d'analyse des substances minerales, Vol. I and II, p. 205, 1904. 56 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL will depend upon the extent to which the coal is likely to swell. The use of platinum should, however, be avoided if the coal contains pyrite, and most coals carry some of this mineral although not always in a megascopic condition. The crucible is covered with a closely fitting lid and placed in a crucible of pottery with blocks of wood charcoal surrounding it. The charcoal prevents the entrance of oxygen on cooling. The clay crucible is covered with a lid, placed in a calcination furnace, and heated for half an hour at a bright heat. It is cooled, the small crucible wiped clean and weighed. Carnot has also used a muffle furnace and, while he considers the Bunsen burner method the simpler, he thinks that the results are more liable to variation than those obtained by using a furnace. Determination of fixed carbon by standard method. Fixed car- bon is always determined by difference as follows: 100 (per- centage moisture + percentage ash + percentage volatile matter) = fixed carbon. Determination of sulphur by the Eschka method. 1 While such a method as the calorimeter method may be used for purposes of control in such a laboratory as the fuel-inspection laboratory of the United States Bureau of Mines no other method is considered quite so reliable as the Eschka method although it is not so rapid as some of the others. Apparatus: (i) Gas or electric muffle furnace, or burners for igniting the coal with the Eschka mixture arid for igniting the barium sulphate. (2) Porcelain, silica or platinum crucibles or capsules for igniting coal with the Eschka mixture. (3) No. i Royal Meissen porcelain capsule i inch deep and 2 inches in diameter. This capsule presents more surface for oxidation and it is more convenient to handle than the ordinary crucible. (4) No. i Royal Berlin porcelain crucibles of shallow form and a platinum crucible of similar size may be used. (5) No. o or oo porcelain crucibles or platinum, alun- dum or silica crucibles of similar size must be used for igniting the barium sulphate. Solutions and reagents: (i) Barium chloride. Dissolve 100 grams of barium chloride in 1000 c.c. of distilled water (2) Saturated bromine water. Add an excess of bromine to 1000 c.c. of distilled water. (3) Eschka mixture. Thoroughly mix 2 parts ; by weight, 1 Oesterreichische Zeitschr. XXII, p. in, 1874. DETERMINATION OF SULPHUR tf of light calcined magnesium oxide and i part of anhydrous sodium carbonate. Both materials should be as nearly as possible free from sulphur. (4) Methyl orange; Dissolve 0.02 gram in 100 c.c. of hot distilled water and then filter. (5) Hydrochloric acid. Mix 500 c.c. of hydrochloric acid (Sp. gr. 1.20) and 500 c.c. of distilled water. (6) Normal hydrochloric acid Dilute 80 c.c. of hydro- chloric acid (Sp. gr. 1.20) to i liter with distilled water. (7) Sodium carbonate. A saturated solution taking approximately 60 grams of crystallized or 22 grams of anhydrous sodium carbonate in 100 c.c. of distilled water. (8) Sodium hydroxide solution. Dissolve 100 grams of sodium hydroxide in i liter of distilled water. This solution may be used in place of the sodium-carbonate solution. Standard Method: Thoroughly mix on glazed paper i gram of coal and 3 grams of Eschka mixture. Transfer the mixture to a No. i Royal Meissen capsule, a No. i Royal Berlin crucible, or a platinum crucible of similar size. Cover with about i gram of Eschka mixture. Ignition shall be performed by heating the crucible over an alcohol, gasoline, or a natural gas flame or in a gas or electrically heated muffle. Artificial gas must not be used owing to its sulphur content, unless the crucible is heated in a muffle. When heated over a flame the crucible is placed in a slanting position on a triangle over a very low flame. This is necessary to avoid rapid expulsion of volatile matter which tends to prevent complete absorption of the products of combustion of the sulphur. The crucible is heated slowly for thirty minutes, the temperature being increased gradually and the mixture being stirred after all black particles have disappeared. The latter condition indicates the completeness of the operation. If the crucible is heated in a muffle, it should be placed in a cold muffle and the temperature gradually raised to 87o-975 C. (cherry- red heat) in about one hour. This maximum temperature is main- tained for about ij hours and the crucible is then allowed to cool in the muffle. After cooling, the contents are emptied into a 200 c.c. beaker and digested with 100 c.c. of hot water for one-half to three-quarters of an hour with occasional stirring. The solution is filtered and the residue washed by decantation. After several washings insoluble matter is transferred to the filter and washed five times, the mixture being kept well agitated. The filtrate amounting to about 250 c.c. is 58 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL treated with 10 to 20 c.c. of saturated bromine water which is then made slightly acid with hydrochloric acid and boiled to expel the liberated bromine. The so ution is then made just neutral to methyl orange either with sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate solution and i c.c. of normal hydrochloric acid is then added. It is boiled again and 10 c.c. of a 10 per cent-solution of barium chloride (BaCl 2 - 2H 2 O) is added slowly from a pipette with constant stirring. The boiling is continued for fifteen minutes and the solution allowed to stand for at least two hours, or better over night, at a temperature just below boiling. It is filtered through an ashless filter paper and washed with hot distilled water until a silver nitrate solution shows no precipitate with a drop of the filtrate. The wet filter containing the precipitate of barium sulphate is placed in a weighed platinum, porcelain, silica or alundum crucible, free access of air being allowed by folding the paper over the precipitate loosely so as to prevent spattering. The paper is smoked off gradually and at no time al- lowed to burn with flame. After the paper is practically consumed the temperature is raised to approximately 925 C. and heated to constant weight. The residue of magnesia, etc., after leaching should be dissolved in hydrochloric acid and very carefully tested for sulphur. If an appreciable amount is found it should be determined quantitatively as the amount of sulphur obtained is important. Blanks and Corrections: A correction must always be applied either (i) by running a blank exactly as described above using the same amount of all reagents that were employed in the regular de- termination, or more surely (2) by determining a known amount of sulphate added to a solution of the reagents after these have been put through the prescribed series of operations. If the latter procedure is adopted and carried out once a week or whenever a new supply of a reagent must be used and for a series of solutions covering the range of sulphur content likely to be met with in coals, it is only necessary to add to or subtract from the weight of barium sulphate obtained from a coal, whatever deficiency or excess may have been found in the appropriate " check" in order to obtain a result that is more certain to be correct than if a " blank" correction as determined by the former procedure is applied. This is due to the fact that the solubility error for BaSO 4 for the amounts of sulphur in question and SULPHUR DETERMINED BY THE BOMB CALORIMETER 59 the conditions of precipitation prescribed, is probably the largest one to be considered. BaSO 4 is soluble in acids and even in pure water and the solubility limit is reached almost immediately on contact with the solvent. Hence, in the event of using reagents of very superior quality or of exercising more than ordinary precautions there may be no apparent " blank" because the solubility limit of the solution for BaSO4 has not been reached or, at any rate, not exceeded. The Atkinson and sodium-peroxide methods give results similar to those obtained by the Eschka method. According to Register if 5 per cent of nitrogen is present in the gases contained in the bomb calorimeter, the sulphur of a coal is almost completely oxidized to H 2 SO4 and the washings of the calorimeter may be used for the de- termination of sulphur. The permissible differences in duplicate determinations are as follows : Same analyst Different analysts Sulphur under 2 per cent o 5 per cent o 10 per cent Sulphur over 2 per cent O.IO " o . 20 " Sulphur determined by the bomb calorimeter. To determine the sulphur content of a coal by means of the bomb calorimeter the washings from the calorimeter are collected in a 250 c.c. beaker. The solution is titrated with standard ammonia (0.00587 gram per c.c.) to make the "acid correction" for the heating value, methyl orange being used as an indicator. To this solution is added 5 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid (1:2) and it is then raised to the boiling point before filtering off any insoluble matter. After thorough wash- ing, the filtrate is boiled and the sulphur precipitated with barium chloride as in the Eschka method. The percentage of sulphur is then derived as follows: Weight of BaS0 4 X 13. 74 ' TTT 14. i * = percentage of sulphur. Weight of sample The results obtained by the calorimeter are usually 3 to 8 per cent lower than those by the Eschka method. (For a further note on this method see discussion under "The bomb calorimeter. " 6o CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL The calorimetric method is recommended by Parr 1 who also uses it for sulphur in coke. The coke is pulverized and burned in the Parr peroxide calorimeter with sodium peroxide and the sulphur determined in the washings. The Photometric Method with Turbidimeter. There are many variations of the photometric method but they can only be used for rough determinations. One apparatus which seems to give satis- factory results is a modified form of the Jackson candle turbidimeter (Fig. 9). This is one type of the turbidimeter which is being adop- ted by many analysts for rapid determinations of sulphur in control work. The principle of this apparatus is a brass stand, in the center of the base of which there is a holder for an English standard candle. This candle is regulated so that a flame 30 to 40 mm. long is maintained. Above this candle is a horizontal support with a hole in the center. Over this hole a grad- uated glass cylinder with flat polished bottom is placed in a vertical, opaque cylinder more than half the height of the glass vessel. Since this apparatus is used mainly for rapid water analysis 2 the vessel is graduated so that the lines correspond to turbidities pro- duced in distilled water by silica when present in certain parts per million. A 25-centimeter tube may show tur- bidities of 100 to 5000 parts per million of silica and a 75-centimeter tube 25 to 5000 parts per million. The early designs of this instrument were not very satisfactory for the determination of sulphur, but after an extended series of experi- ments Muer 3 found that with certain revised tables quite satisfactory results could be obtained. A series of experiments by this modified method gave results which compare favorably with those obtained by the gravimetric method. The method as outlined as is follows: The washings from the bomb calorimeter amounting to about 150 c.c. 1 Parr, S. W., Composition and character of Illinois Coals. 111. State Geol. Survey, Bull. 3, p. 55, 1906. 2 U. S. Geol. Survey, Water supply and irrigation paper No. 651, 1905. 3 Muer, H. F., The determination of sulphur in coal by means of Jackson's candle turbidimeter. Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Vol. 3, p. 553, 1911. FIG. 9. Jackson's candle turbidimeter. THE PHOTOMETRIC METHOD WITH TURBIDIMETER 6l are filtered and then titrated with N/io sodium carbonate, using methyl orange as indicator. The titrated solution is then made up to 200 c.c. The acidity of the solution may be taken as an index of the amount of solution to be taken for the sulphur test. For anthracite the proportion taken is i to and for soft coals J to T V of the whole. This portion of the solution is measured in the turbidi- meter tube diluted to near the 100 c.c. mark on the tube. It is shaken, acidified with i c.c. of i : i hydrochloric acid and made up to the 100 c.c. mark. It is mixed thoroughly by shaking. A tablet of barium chloride, weighing i gram and having been compressed without the use of a binder is placed in the solution. The barium chloride in this particular form seems to give the most finely divided precip- itate and therefore the best results. After the tablet is placed in the tube the latter is closed by a clean rubber stopper and then rolled gently until the precipitation of the sulphur is complete. The turbid liquid is transferred to a beaker. The candle is lighted, the gradu- ated tube is put in place, and enough of the liquid is at once poured in to prevent the tube from cracking. The liquid is then gradually poured in, being allowed to run down the side of the tube, until the flame becomes dim as one looks down the tube. The liquid is then added very slowly until the flame just disappears. The depth of the liquid in centimeters is noted, the liquid returned to the beaker and a new reading made. This process is repeated until a good average reading is obtained. Knowing the depth of the liquid in centi- meters the weight of sulphur and sulphur trioxide in milligrams may be obtained from a table which Muer has prepared. In his experi- ments he found that for a depth of less than 2.5 cm. of liquid there was a sharp deviation from a straight line curve in which the increase in depth in centimeters was inversely proportional to the weight of sulphur in milligrams. This variation seems to be due to the lens effect of the bottom of the tube and to avoid it the solution should be diluted so that the depth will be greater than 2.5 cm. For depths above 17.0 cm. there was also a marked variation from the straight line and to avoid this it is better to concentrate the solution. For all readings between these two limits it was found that the following formula is applicable: 62 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL where S is the weight of sulphur in milligrams and C is the depth of the liquid in centimeters at the time the flame becomes obscured. Methods for determining the proportions of the various forms of sulphur in coal. In a recent article Powell and Parr 1 have enumer- ated methods for determining the proportions of the various forms of sulphur in coal, as follows : For sulphate sulphur the coal is treated with hydrochloric acid after fine grinding. A sample of 5 grams is treated with 300 c.c. of a 3-per cent solution of the acid, for forty hours at 60 C. The solution is filtered and the filtrate analyzed for sulphur as in the regular method by precipitation with barium chlo- ride (BaCl 2 ). For the pyrite sulphur determination the sulphate sulphur is first removed as described above with hydrochloric acid and the coal is then treated with nitric acid. A i-gram sample of the finely powdered coal is employed and about 80 c.c. of nitric acid (i part HNOs sp. gr. 1.42 to 3 parts water, resulting sp. gr. about 1.12) is used. The solution stands at room temperature for twenty- four hours before being filtered. The nitric acid is disposed of by evaporating the filtrate to dryness and after taking up with a little hydrochloric acid the sulphur is precipitated by barium chloride (BaCl 2 ). The resinic sulphur is determined by treating the coal with phenol: this treatment involves prolonged extraction with this reagent. The other form of organic sulphur, known as the humus sulphur, is de- termined directly by taking the residue from the nitric acid extraction and adding 25 c.c. ammonium hydroxide (sp. gr. 0.90). This mix- ture is allowed to stand for several hours; it is then diluted, passed through a large filter and the filtrate evaporated to dryness. The sulphur may then be determined in the usual manner by fusing the residue with sodium peroxide. It is evident that the total organic sulphur may be determined by subtracting the sum of the sulphate and pyrite sulphur determinations from the total sulphur, or the humus sulphur might be determined by difference between total sul- phur and the sum of the other three types. Sulphur in ash. A determination of sulphur in the ash may be made by placing the ash in an evaporating dish, adding hydrochloric acid, evaporating to dryness, then taking up with hydrochloric acid 1 Powell, A. R., and Parr, S. W., Forms in which sulphur occurs in coal. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., Vol. LXIII. p. 674, 1920. DETERMINATION OF CARBON AND HYDROGEN and hot water. This solution is filtered and, after washing, the sul- phur is precipitated as barium sul- phate (BaSO 4 ) by adding barium chloride (BaCl 2 ). From the result obtained the combustible sulphur in the coal may be determined by sub- tracting the above result from the total sulphur. 1 Ultimate Analysis Determination of carbon and hy- drogen. The determination of car- bon and hydrogen is made with a combustion furnace, either gas or electric. The gas furnace used is usually the Glaser type with twenty- five burners. The Fletcher furnace is often used in England. The prin- ciple involved is the complete oxida- tion of the carbon and hydrogen by passing the products of combustion over red-hot copper oxide. The sul- phur is taken up by lead chromate. Description of the furnace: The apparatus consists of a purifying train in duplicate, a combustion tube and an absorption train (Fig. 10). The purifying train is in duplicate so that oxygen may be fed from a gas vessel, such as a Linde oxygen cylinder, through one set of tubes and air through the other. It is connected to the combustion tube by a three-way tap so that the currents may be regulated. The air and oxy- gen are first passed through sul- 1 Pollard. Op. cit., p. 9. 64 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL phuric acid, then through a 30 per cent potassium hydroxide solution, then over soda lime and granular calcium chloride in a U-tube. Some English analysts use two U-tubes filled with pumice saturated with sulphuric acid, the pumice having previously been ignited with sulphuric acid to remove chlorides and other impurities, in place of the soda lime and calcium chloride tube A small bottle of sulphuric acid may be connected in series next to the combustion tube for the purpose of indicating the rate at which the gases are being fed to the combustion tube. The combustion tube should be from 100 to no cm. in length by about 21 mm. in external or 12 to 15 mm. internal diameter. It should be of hard Jena or similar glass. The absorption train consists of a Marchand tube filled with gran- ular calcium chloride (CaCl 2 ) for absorption of the water. Instead of this material a U-tube filled with pumice saturated with sulphuric acid may be used. If the acid be used it is well to fill the tube, allow it to stand over night and then drain off the acid just before using. Following the Marchand tube there is a Liebig or Geissler bulb filled with 30 per cent potash solution to absorb the carbon dioxide given off. This solution should be treated with a little potassium perman- ganate for the purpose of oxidizing any ferrous iron or nitrates. In place of this solution powdered potash is often used. A guard tube comes next and is filled with soda lime and granular calcium chloride so as to absorb any traces of carbon dioxide and moisture which have passed the other tubes. Some analysts use sulphuric acid and pumice for this purpose. Testing the apparatus: To prepare the apparatus for a determin- ation care should be taken to see that all the reagents used are fresh and pure. A blank test may be run by passing about a liter of air through the train, heated as in a regular test; if there is a change in weight in the absorption tubes of less than 0.5 mg. each the apparatus is considered ready for use. Method of making the determination with furnace: The sample of dry coal ground to 50 or 6o-mesh is weighed into a platinum or por- celain boat. The weight of the sample used varies with different analysts, some considering that a o. 5-gram sample is best while others use a o.2-gram sample. The latter is recommended by the analysts of the United States Bureau of Mines. The boat containing the DETERMINATION OF. CARBON AND HYDROGEN 65 sample is kept in a weighing tube to exclude moisture while prepar- ations are being made for placing it in the combustion tube. The combustion tube is filled in different ways by different analysts. For example, Pollard leaves a space of 10 cm. at each end of the tube. The space is followed by 6-8 cm. of copper-oxide roll; 16-20 cm. for the boat; 45 cm. of copper oxide; 8 cm. lead chromate; and 10 cm. of silver spiral. Stan ton and Fieldner leave the first 30 cm. of the tube empty. This space is followed by an asbestos, acid- washed and ignited plug, or a roll of copper gauze. Following this is 40 cm. filled loosely with copper-oxide wire. The wire is separated from 10 cm. of lead chromate by another asbestos plug. A third asbestos plug 20 cm. from the end of the tube keeps the chromate in place. The combustion tube containing the boat in which the coal is spread out flat is connected in the train and the train is connected with an aspirator which produces a steady suction. The suction may be kept constant by using a Mariotte flask. It is easier to keep the joints tight if the gases be drawn through the apparatus than if they be forced through by pressure. A satisfactory test for the tightness of the apparatus is to draw air through the potash bulb at the rate of three bubbles per second. The three-way tap is then closed and if not more than three bubbles of gas pass the potash bulb per minute it is considered satisfactory. When the boat is placed in the combustion tube care must be taken to have the copper oxide at a bright red heat and the lead chromate at a dull red before the coal is heated. Otherwise methane may escape combustion. Before the coal is heated a current of oxygen is passed. The coal must be heated gradually; otherwise too much tarry matter may be driven off in a short space of time to permit complete combustion. The heat is increased gradually and the cur- rent of oxygen is maintained for about two minutes after the sample ceases to glow when it is turned off and about 1200 c.c. of air is drawn through the train. The absorption bulbs or tubes are disconnected and weighed. The hydrogen percentage in a o. 2-gram sample is determined by multiplying the increase in weight in the calcium chloride tube by 55.55 and the carbon percentage by multiplying the increase in weight in the potassium hydroxide bulb by 136.36. It is evident that 66 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL the percentage of carbon will vary slightly if there are carbonates in the coal and the hydrogen will vary if there are hydrous minerals or moisture present. The ash in this sample may be weighed and its percentage also determined. Duplicates should agree within o.i per cent for hy- drogen and 0.2 per cent for carbon. A convenient electric furnace of the Heraeus type may be used in place of the gas combustion furnace. This furnace as used by Stanton and Fieldner 1 consists of three independent heaters. Two of these are on wheels and mounted on a track so that they are mov- able. The third one is stationary around the tube where the lead chromate is located. The stationary heater is not a part of the regular Heraeus furnace but it was added by winding an alundum tube 12 cm. long with No. 16 nichrome II wire and enclosing it in a cylinder packed with magnesia-asbestos. The movable heaters have very thin platinum foil, weighing about 9 grams in all, wound on a porcelain tube of 30 mm. internal diameter. The combustion tube is about 21 mm. external diameter and 900 mm. in length. It consists of Jena glass or fused silica. It is sup- ported in an asbestos-lined nickel trough. Each heater has a separate rheostat and the current required is about 4.5 amperes with 220 volts. The purifying train consists of a Tauber s drying apparatus which contains sulphuric acid, a 30 per cent potassium hydroxide solution of granular soda lime and calcium chloride. The absorption train consists of a 5 -inch U-tube containing granular calcium chloride; a Vanier potash bulb containing a 30 per cent potassium hydroxide solution and granular calcium chloride; a guard tube, containing granular calcium chloride and soda lime; and a Mario tte flask for preserving a constant pressure. The calcium chloride used in the tube should be saturated with carbon dioxide before using by being placed in a large drying jar and having the jar filled with carbon dioxide. The jar is left over night and dry air is then drawn through it to remove the carbon dioxide. The saturated material may then be kept in tightly stoppered bottles. It is possible with this furnace to so adjust the heaters that the tube may be dried carefully, the lead chromate may be kept hot and 1 Op. cit., p. 22. DETERMINATION OF CARBON AND HYDROGEN 6 7 the copper oxide may be raised to a red heat before the boat con- taining the sample is heated to a high temperature. The boat is then heated until all the carbon is burned off as indicated by the fact that the residue ceases to glow. The tubes are then weighed and the calculation made as in the determination described above with the gas combustion furnace. In addition to the methods described above Parr 1 has described a process for determining total carbon with the improved Parr Calor- imeter. A description of this calorimeter is as follows: A A (Fig. na), is a liter can for water; BB and CC are insulating vessels of indurated fiber; D is a cartridge to receive the charge of coal and chemicals. Fig. ii. (a) Parr peroxide bomb calorimeter. (V) Bomb enlarged. It rests on the pivot F and is made to revolve by means of the pulley P. The small turbine wings produce complete circulation of the water. The temperature is recorded on the thermometer T. Figure nb is an enlargement of the bomb or cartridge which has been improved by placing the air chambers around the inner shell. These chambers contain air which the sudden rise in temperature expels. The air 1 Op. cit. 68 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL at first prevents the cooling of the sides of the chamber to such a point that the chemical action around the walls is checked and then on being expelled it permits the cooler water to come into contact with the hot walls of the shell and produce a more rapid transfer of heat and consequently greater efficiency. Parr used sodium peroxide and the reaction is approximately as follows: 56 Na 2 O 2 + C 25 Hi 8 O3 = 25 Na 2 CO 3 + iSNaOH + 22Na 2 O. Sodium Coal Sodium Sodium Sodium peroxide carbonate hydrate oxide For such substances as coke, petroleum, and anthracite a more vigorous oxidizing medium is used. The most effective is a mixture of potassium chlorate and nitrate in proportion of i to 4 and used with sodium peroxide in proportion of i to 10. This was used to good advantage on the slaty coals. Parr devised this method in order that there might be some ready means of obtaining the total carbon as this was necessary in his classification of coals. He also devised a curve from which can be read the percentage of combustible or available hydrogen when the carbon content is known. The curve is based on the principle that there is a more or less definite relation in the various coals between the total carbon, the fixed carbon, and the " available" hydrogen. (For a discussion of the subject of available hydrogen in coal, see Parr's Classification in Chapter 5.) The determination of nitrogen. The method usually employed for the determination of nitrogen is the modified Kjeldahl- Gunning method. 1 A gram of coal is placed in a 500 c.c. Kjeldahl flask to- gether with 30 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid, 5 to 8 grams of potassium sulphate (K 2 SO4) and 0.6 grams of mercury. Mercury oxide may be used instead of mercury, but a gram of the oxide is necessary. The solution should be boiled until the coal is all oxi- 1 Dyer, B., Kjeldahl's method for the determination of nitrogen. Jour. Chem. Soc., Vol. 67, pp. 811-817, l8 95- Also, Trescot, T. C., Comparison of the Kjeldahl-Gunning- Arnold method with the official Kjeldahl and official Gunning method of determining nitrogen. Jour. Ind. Eng. Chem., Vol. 5, pp. 914-915, 1913 and Wedemeyer, K., Ein Wort zur Stickstoffbestimmung nach Kjeldahl-Gunning. Chem. Ztg. Jahrg. 22. p. 21, 1898. THE DETERMINATION OF NITROGEN 69 dized and the solution has become practically colorless. The boiling may require two hours or more, depending upon the nature of the coal. The solution is allowed to cool and a little potassium perman- ganate (K Mn O 4 ) is added or it may be added without cooling. Some analysts add this while the solution is hot, while others cool it first. After boiling for an hour, the permanganate is added to- gether with more mercury and then boiled again until complete oxidation results. The solution is cooled and diluted to about 200 c.c. with cold water. To this is added 20 to 25 c.c. of potassium sulphide (K 2 S) solution (40 grams per liter) to precipitate the mercury. Sodium sulphide (Na 2 S) of same strength is sometimes used in place of the potassium sulphide. A little zinc is added to prevent bumping and then about 80 to 100 c.c., or enough to make the solution alkaline, of a 50 per cent solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The Kjeldahl flask is at once connected with the condenser and the ammonia is distilled over into a measured amount (usually 10 c.c.) of standard sulphuric acid, to which cochineal indicator is added for titration. The dis- tillation is continued until about 200 c.c. has passed over. The distillate is then titrated with standard ammonia solution. (In this case 20 c.c. NH 4 OH = 10 c.c. H 2 SO4 = 0.05 grams nitrogen.) Pollard 1 states that the following modification was used in the English Government laboratory with good results, a sharper end- point being obtained by this method than in the former practice. The duplicates agreed to within 0.05 per cent. To i gram of coal 30 c.c. of pure, concentrated sulphuric acid containing i gram of salicylic acid was added. The vessel was kept cool by being im- mersed in water while the acid was added. To this solution 5 grams of sodium thiosulphate were carefully added and then 7 grams of potassium sulphate, followed by a crystal of copper sulphate. This mixture was heated gradually at first and then strongly until complete oxidation occurred. It was cooled, and distilled with excess of soda and a little sodium sulphide in the usual way, into 25 c.c. of N/io sulphuric acid. The excess of soda was determined by adding to the solution 10 c.c. of a 10 per cent solution of potassium iodide, the liberated iodine being determined in the usual way. Pollard's use of copper sulphate is interesting in view of the fact that Fieldner and 1 Op. cit., p. 9. 70 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL Taylor 1 found that copper sulphate was not as good a catalytic agent as mercury. The determination of oxygen. A great many different analytical methods have been suggested for the determination of oxygen but none of them are sufficiently simple or accurate to be generally ac- cepted. 2 The scheme almost universally adopted is to obtain oxy- gen by difference, the sum of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, and ash being subtracted from 100 per cent. This has one great disad- vantage because it throws upon the oxygen the accumulated errors in the determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and ash. These errors may tend to balance one another to some extent but there are many indefinite factors which may affect the result. If the coal contains iron pyrite this tends to make the oxygen too low; if it contains argillaceous materials, which would naturally carry water of composition, the oxygen in the coal will be too high. 3 Carbonates from the coal, as already pointed out, will have a bearing on the proportions of oxygen and carbon in the coal. This is because there is no means, with our present methods, of distinguishing between the carbon and oxygen from the coal and that from the carbonates unless an analysis of the ash be made and the various constituents computed in terms of carbonates, sulphides, etc., an operation which cannot be carried out in practice. Some of the methods used for the direct determination of oxygen in coal are based on the following principles: Baumhauer 4 en- deavored to reoxidize the copper reduced in the combustion tube. He also employed iodate of silver. Mitscherlich 5 has used at different times a current of chlorine which united with hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid, leaving the oxygen free or to unite with carbon, and mercury dioxide. Since a certain amount of oxygen must be supplied in addition to that in the coal in order to produce complete 1 Fieldner, A. C., and Taylor, C. A., Determination of nitrogen in coal. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 64, p. 22, 1915. 2 For a good summary of various methods see Carnot, Op. cit., p. 229. 3 Parr, S. W., An initial coal substance having a constant heating value. 111. State Geol. Survey ; Bull. 8, 1907. 4 Baumhauer, E.H.V., Ueber die Elementaranalyse organische Korper. Zeitschr. f. Analyt. Chem., Vol. V, p. 143, 1866. 8 Mitscherlich, A., Neue Methoden zur Bestimmung der Zusammensetzung organischer Verbindungen, Zeitschr. f. Analyt. Chem., Vol. VI, p. 136, 1867. DETERMINATION OF THE CALORIFIC VALUE 71 combustion it is supplied by the mercury dioxide and its weight can be determined. Maumene 1 has employed litharge and calcium phosphate and has calculated the oxygen supplied by the litharge for combustion of the organic material. Determination of the Calorific Value The calorific value of a coal is the heat developed by the com- bustion of a unit weight of the substance. It is usually expressed in terms of the calorie or the British thermal unit (B.t.u.). The cal- orie is the unit in the metric system and the standard calorie is the heat required to raise i gram of water i C. at the point of its greatest density (4 C.). It is, however, often stated more conveniently as the heat required to raise one gram of water from 15 to 16 C. The large calorie is. the same except that a kilogram of water is used in- stead of a gram. The standard British thermal unit (B.t.u.) which is generally employed by English-speaking engineers is the heat required to raise i pound of water from 39.1 F. to 40.1 F., this corresponding in the English system to the point of greatest density of the water. In recent years the unit is often described as the heat required to raise i pound of water from 60 to 61 F., or from 62 to 63 F., as this is a little more convenient and the latter figures are usually adopted in practice. The difference in all these cases is very small. To express calories as British thermal units, multiply the number of calories by f or 1.8. The calorific value is sometimes expressed as the real calorific value and sometimes as the industrial calorific value. The real calorific value is the result obtained when complete combustion occurs in the laboratory in an apparatus such as the calorimeter and the industrial calorific value is the value obtained when the coal is burned under a boiler. The latter result approaches much more closely that which is obtained in industrial operations and it is always lower, owing to various losses, than the real value. It is measured as the heat neces- sary to vaporize large quantities of water and the weight of the coal used in some cases may be 1500 to 2000 kilograms. 1 Maumene, J., Compt. Rend., Vol. 55, p. 432, 1862. 72 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL The Bomb Calorimeter The calorimeter in some form has been in use at least since the time of Laplace and Lavoisier and it was practically perfected by Berthelot and Vielle, but it was not until Mahler took up the work for the Societe d'Encouragement a ITndustrie Nationale in France that a satisfactory calorimeter for practical uses was designed. The early calorimeters contained a great deal of platinum and this made Fig. 12. Emerson fuel calorimeter with diagram of bomb and pressure gauge and details of the ignition wiring. them very expensive. The Mahler bomb calorimeter was so much cheaper and so efficient that this general type, now known under many modifications, is almost universally adopted. The calori- meters which may be used for standard determinations are the Em- erson, Atwater, Davis, Peters, Parr, Mahler and Williams or similar types. One of the requirements is an inner surface of platinum, gold, porcelain, enamel or other material which is not attacked by products of combustion such as sulphuric and nitric acids. DETERMINATION BY CALORIMETER 73 Determination by calorimeter. To determine the calorific value by means of one of these calorimeters of the Mahler type, 1 place i gram of 6o-mesh coal on an asbestos mat in the platinum tray. The asbestos should be washed and ignited before using. The terminals of the firing circuit are connected by about 13 mg. of fine iron wire about 105 mm. long by 0.16 mm. in diameter. Platinum wire should be used if the bomb is platinum-lined and care must be taken to see that the terminals are clean. The wire is pressed down on the coal and the tray placed in the bomb. The lid is screwed down tightly on the lead gasket. Oxygen is forced into the bomb very slowly until the pressure within the bomb reaches 1 8 to 20 atmospheres with the needle-point valve closed just tight enough to avoid leakage. The brass bucket is placed in the insulating jacket and the bomb, full of oxygen, is placed in the brass bucket which contains about 2000 to 2500 c.c. of distilled water. The quantity of water used varies with the type of calorimeter. The stirring apparatus is adjusted so that it does not strike the bomb or bucket. The thermometer, which is graduated to 0.01 C. or, better, to 0.001 C., must not touch any metal parts and its bulb should be about 5 cm. from the bottom of the bucket. The terminals of the bomb are connected with wires leading to the switch. After the stirrer has been in motion until the water is thoroughly mixed the first reading of the thermometer is taken by means of a reading telescope attached to a ca the tome ter. The stirring is continued uniformly during the test and in a covered calorimeter trie temperature should never be allowed to rise more than i C. above that of the water jacket. Taking readings: The time required for the determination may be divided into the preliminary period, the combustion period and the final period. In the preliminary period five readings are usually taken one minute apart until the rate of change per minute is prac- tically constant. After the fifth reading is taken a current of 75 volts is turned on for about one-half second thus starting the com- bustion period. The first two readings in this period are taken one- half minute apart because of the great change in ratio. The tem- perature rises to a maximum and then begins to fall. The readings 1 Lord, N. W., and others. Analysis of coals. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 22, Part I, p. 17, 1913. Also Stanton and Fieldner, Op. cit., p. 26. 74 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL are made regularly every minute after the first minute and the first reading taken after the rate of fall becomes uniform is the last read- ing of the combustion period. The readings are continued every minute for five or six minutes composing the final period. Calculation of the readings: The following plan shows the method of calculating the calorimeter readings (weight of sample i.oooo grams). Time Readings p. m. C. 23 . 874 o . 0058 rate of i-54 55 .56 57 23.879 23-885 28.892 change per minute in preliminary period . S 8(T) 23.897 + 0.00580 + O.OO27 6 .585 24.160 + 0.00490 + o.ooi4 6 59 .60 2.01 .02 03 25.430 + o.ooo8 a - o.ooo6 6 26. 280 O.OO2O a 26.439 0.00250 26.463 0.0026 26.466 0.0026 - 0.00236 O.OO26 6 O.OO26 6 26.463 23.897 Observed temperature change 2 . 566 Thermometer correction 002 (Supplied with thermometer) 2.564 Heat loss o . 0066 Water equivalent Total heat developed in cal- ories. . . Correction Heat developed by combus- tion of sample in calories 7,670.4 .04 (t) 26.463 0.0026* 0.0066 algebraic sum. .05 26.460 .06 26.458 .07 26.455 ~ 0.0026, rate of change in final period .08 26.454 .09 26.450 Calories = 17-9 = 12.5 9-9 Wire burned = 11.2 mg Titer (i c.c. = 5 cal.) 2.5 c.c Sulphur (o.oi g. or i per cent = 13 cal.) 0.76 per cent Room temperature = 24 C. a Computed rate per minute of temperature change at each reading: b Temperature correction for heat loss during each interval. DETERMINATION BY CALORIMETER 75 Let A equal the rate of change during the preliminary period and B equal the rate of change during the final period, then A-B will equal the change in rate during the combustion period. Let T equal the initial temperature of the combustion period and / the final temperature of the combustion period, then T-t equals the apparent change in temperature during the combustion period. Then - - = the change in rate per degree of temperature change J. / during the combustion period. If the temperature readings during the combustion period be represented by t\, /2, ^3, etc., or in a general way by /, then the com- puted rate per minute of temperature change at each reading is found by the following formula: To obtain the temperature correction for heat loss during each interval multiply the mean of the computed rate per minute of tem- perature change, for any two readings, by the interval in minutes. The algebraic sum of these corrections gives the total correction for heat loss (e. g. 0.0066 C.). This quantity is added to the ob- served temperature change, and this sum multiplied by the weight of the water plus the water equivalent of the apparatus gives the total heat developed. Corrections for various factors: The observed temperature should be corrected for errors in the thermometer. The correction for the combustion of the iron wire is 1.6 calories per milligram. The cor- rection for sulphur burned to sulphuric acid is 1.3 calories per milli- gram. The correction for nitrogen to aqueous nitric acid is made by titrating the bomb liquor with standard ammonia solution (0.00587 grams NH 3 per cubic centimeter). This solution is equivalent to 5 calories per cubic centimeter. Analysis of the calorimeter washings: The calorimeter is thor- oughly rinsed out after the combustion test is finished and the wash- ings are titrated with standard ammonia solution (0.00587 gram per cubic centimeter) to make the acid correction. Methyl orange is used as an indicator. The nitric acid which is present is developed from the nitrogen in the coal and from the air imprisoned in the bomb. The solution also derives some acidity from the sulphur in 76 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL the coal. The sulphur is readily precipitated by barium chloride (BaCl 2 ) as in the Eschka method already described. Instead of the ammonia solution some analysts much prefer Stohman's solution, in which sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3 ) is used, because of the greater regularity of the results obtained with it. One cubic centimeter of this solution contains 0.003706 gram sodium carbonate and it is equivalent to 0.004406 gram nitric acid. One calorie of heat is produced when this acid is formed. Methyl orange is used as indic- ator. It is convenient to make the ammonia solution used of such strength that i c.c. is equivalent to 0.00483 gram of nitrogen because this weight of nitrogen burned to nitrogen pentoxide (N 2 O 5 ), plus water generates 5 calories of heat. When nitrogen burns to N 2 O 5 -f water 1035 calories of heat per gram are produced. The ammonia solution is made up according to the following equa- tion: HNO 3 + NH 3 = NH 4 NO 3 . Since N = 14 and NH 3 = 17, 14 : 17 = 0.00483 gram : 00587 gram. Therefore 0.00587 gram NH 3 is equivalent to 0.00483 gram of nitro- gen which when burned to nitric acid generates 5 calories of heat. The standard solution contains 5.87 grams of NH 3 per liter. The ammonia used must also neutralize the sulphuric acid gener- ated in the bomb from the sulphur and the strength of the ammonia solution in terms of the sulphur in the form of sulphuric acid is de- termined by the following equation: 2NH 3 + H 2 S0 4 = (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 2NH 3 : S = 34 : 32 = 0.00587 gram NH 3 : 0.0055 gram S. The heat of combustion of the sulphur when converted into aqueous sulphuric acid is 4450 calories per gram of sulphur provided it is burned in oxygen at high pressure, as it is in the bomb. Since the heat of combustion of the sulphur burned under a boiler in industrial operations where it only changes to sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ), is reck- oned as 2250 calories per gram of sulphur, a correction must be made, and the figure employed is 2200, or the difference between the above figures. Now, since i c.c. of the ammonia solution is equivalent to 0.0055 gram of sulphur, 0.0055 X 2200 = 12.1 calories. This is the DETERMINATION BY CALORIMETER 77 heat correction to be made on the basis that all the acidity in the washings from the bomb is due to the presence of sulphuric acid. A correction, however, must be made for the nitric acid as outlined above. The difference 12.1 5 = 7.1 calories, and 7.1 -5- 0.0055 = 1291 calories per gram of sulphur, or practically 13 calories for each per cent of sulphur present. Standardization of the calorimeter: A number of methods have been suggested for the determination of the water-equivalent of the calorimeter. One method makes use of the specific heats of the various portions of the apparatus. Another is the electric method, another the mixing of portions of water having different temperatures, 1 and still another the employment of different quantities of water while generating the same amount of heat in the bomb. None of these when considered from all points of view are as satisfactory for commercial operations as the method where substances of known calorific values are used. The calorific value of these substances is determined with elaborate electric apparatus by the Bureau of Stand- ards and samples may readily be obtained. The substances mostly used are benzoic acid, naphthalene, and sucrose. A weighed portion of one of these substances is placed in the bomb and the experiment carried out just as for a sample of coal. The weight of the sample should be such that its calorific value will be as nearly as possible that of a gram of coal. Method of calculating the relations between "air-dried" "as received" "moisture-free" and "ash-free" samples: The following system is adopted in calculating percentages in the "air-dried" sample to those in the "as received" sample: 1 Bownocker, J. A., Lord, N. W., and Somermeier, E. E., Coals of Ohio. Ohio State Geol. Survey, Bull. 9, p. 331, 1908. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL "Air-dried" condition "As received" condition ioo air-drying loss Moisture at 105 ^. multiplied oy Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Sulphur " " Hydrogen Carbon " " Nitrogen " " Oxygen " Calorific value " " Calculating percentages in the 1 ' moisture-free ' ' sample . "Air-dried" condition Volatile matter multiplied by Fixed carbon Ash IOO air-drying loss = moisture ioo air-drying loss i_*:i.._ ioo - air-drying loss IOO ioo air-drying loss IOO ioo - air-drying loss IOO ioo air-drying loss , IOO air-drying loss _ , 9 ioo - air-drying loss _ IOO ioo - air-drying loss _ h IOO ioo air-drying loss , 1 8 (air-drying loss) 9 ioo air-drying loss , .- , " air-dried" sample to those in the "Moisture-free" condition ^~ volatile matter ioo moisture IOO ioo moisture ash ioo moisture ioo moisture hydrogen Hydrogen ( 9 moisture) Carbon ioo moisture IOO , . _ , rrr carbon ioo moisture IOO ioo moisture IOO ' oxygen Uxygen ^ -- moisture,; Calorific value " * ioo moisture ioo moisture (i calorie =1.8 B.t.u.) CALCULATION OF THE CALORIFIC VALUE OF COAL 79 To calculate the analyses to an "ash-free" and " moisture-free" basis use as denominator 100 (moisture + ash) instead of " 100 moisture." ~~ Calculation of the Calorific Value of Coal from the Analysis The formula of Dulong is recognized as the most satisfactory for- mula so far devised for determining the calorific value from the an- alysis. It has, however, been modified in a number of ways. It is usually expressed as: Calorific value in calories per gram = 8080 C -f- 34,460 ( H J + S 2250, where C, H, O, and S, respectively, indicate the weights of the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulphur. This formula is not quite correct in view of the figures 1 lately ob- tained for the heating value of carbon, which should be approximately 8100 C instead of 8080 C, and 34,500 is a better figure to employ than 34,460. To avoid the necessity of analyzing the coal for hydrogen Parr 2 uses the formula 8080 C + 34,500 "H" + 2250 S in which "H" rep- resents the available hydrogen in the coal, or hydrogen not combined with oxygen to form water, and it is derived from a curve which is based on the principle that the hydrogen is united with some of the volatile carbon. He considers that the value for hydrogen so de- rived and used in Dulong's formula will produce results practically as satisfactory as those obtained from the original formula, and they are obtained much more readily. The calorific value from the proximate analysis: If the calorific value could be calculated from the proximate analysis a great advance would be made over Dulong's formula. What appears to be a sat- isfactory method for computing the calorific value of certain coals from the proximate analysis, has been suggested by Goutal 3 as a result of experiments on over 600 specimens of various kinds of coal. He used the following formula: P = 82 C + a V in which P = the number of calories in a gram of fuel, C = the percentage weight of fixed carbon, and 1 Richards, Metallurgical calculations, Part I. 2 Parr, S. W., Op. cit, p. 64. 3 Goutal, M., Sur le pouvoir calorifique de la houille. Compt. Rend., Vol. 135, p. 477, 1902 8o CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF COAL V = the percentage weight of the volatile matter; while a = a coefficient which varies with the percentage of volatile matter, V, in the pure coal. a is found from a curve (Fig. 13). This curve is constructed by 145 \f 140 135 110 X s ( 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 "X "V ^ ^ - ' --*. ^ -*^. ^ ^^ ^ ^ x 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Fig. 13. Goutal's curve for the determination of the calorific value of coal from the proximate analysis. taking the values for V as the abscissae and the values for a as the ordinates. V is found from the formula and a was found as a result of a vast number of analyses which were made during this investigation. In the anthracites a = 100, a con- stant. The values 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 38, and 40 per cent for volatile matter in the pure fuel (V) give the corresponding figures for a as follows: 145, 130, 117, 109, 103, 98, 94, 85, and 80 per cent respec- tively. For coals with a value for V between 5 and 35 per cent the variation between the results given by this method and those given by the calorimeter rarely vary more than i per cent. The value may reach 2 per cent in some anthracites and in weathered coals or lignites, and for these the calorimeter method is the only accurate means of de- termining their calorific value. The following table from Carnot shows how closely the results obtained by Goutal's formula correspond to those obtained from Dulong's formula and the calorimeter. They are in every case closer to the calorimetric figures than are those from Dulong's formula. CALCULATION OF THE CALORIFIC VALUE OF COAL 81 CALORIFIC VALUE BY VARI ous MEANS Fixed carbon Volatile matter Calorimetef From Du- long's for- mula FromGoutal's formula Anthracite of Pennsyl- vania Q7 .O 3 .0 8256 8462 8380 Anthracite coal of Keboa Q4. 8 52 828 8<2Q Anthracite coal of Creu- sot 8q 6 IO 4. 8687 8704 8680 Semi-fat coal of Angers Fat coal of Porter 85-9 80.7 I4.I 19.3 8656 8667 8750 8382 8722 8740 Fat coal of Ronchamp. . Gas coal of Bethune Gas coal of Montram- bert 76.8 69.6 6s 7 23.2 30-4 2 A *} 8797 8668 8^08 8678 8654 8-1O7 8702 8671 86l2 CHAPTER IV VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL Introduction The various classifications of coal which have been suggested are discussed in another chapter. There are, however, certain varieties recognized almost universally in science and commerce which should be described in detail before a comprehensive description of the less familiar classifications can be given. These varieties are not sharply separated and they grade into one another, so that in describing them the proportions of their constituents must be stated as varying within wide limits. Two coals with a certain percentage of fixed carbon may have very different calorific properties owing to the fact that the moisture or the ash may vary considerably, and consequently if one constituent be chosen as a standard the others do not necessarily agree. An attempt has been made, therefore, to give the limits of variation as well as the average properties of these different varieties as they have been recognized by many writers from numerous coun- tries. The ideal manner of presenting all the constituents other than moisture and ash, would be on a "moisture-free" and " ash-free" basis, but since the analyses selected have not been so recorded they have not been computed on this basis in the following figures unless it be so stated in the text. Since it is so generally admitted that all coal has been derived from peat in some form and that it has arrived at its present state as the result of various geological processes, peat is briefly described with the varieties of coal. It is not regarded as a variety of coal, but rather as an incipient stage in the formation of that substance. Peat (Fr. Tourbe, Ger. Torf). Peat is an accumulation of vegetal matter which has suffered varying degrees of disintegration and decomposition, and it contains a high percentage of water and oxygen. It varies in physical character from a distinctly fibrous and woody, light-brown material to a dark-brown and black jelly-like substance. There are all gradations from peat to muck in which 82 PEAT 83 mineral matter becomes so abundant as to prevent its free burning. Although it may be cut from the bog in blocks peat is seldom suffi- ciently compact to make a good fuel without compressing. The composition of peat is illustrated by the following figures. Water in original samples from different parts of the bog is 62.98 to 90.12 per cent, usually 80 to 90 per cent. In a large number of analyses of dried specimens from various countries the following variations and averages in composition are shown: Variations Carbon 37 . 15-66 . 55 per cent Hydrogen 4 . 08-10 . 39 " Oxygen 18. 59-42 .63 " Nitrogen o . 77- 3 . 10 " Fixed carbon 10.39-33 .91 " Volatile matter 43 .38-73 .60 " Ash 1.05-32.95 " Average 52.83 per cent 5-97 " 33-12 1-34 " 23-59 " 60. 18 " 9.58 " Sulphur is often as low as one-tenth of i per cent and it is usually below i per cent, but it may rise higher in pyritiferous types. The calorific value varies from 5500 to 10,000 B.t.u. in air-dried samples. Fig. 14. Branch of tree altered to lignite but preserving the original markings. From the coast of Alaska. (Collected by W. R. Crane.) Dopplerite: This is a variety of peat, found chiefly in Styria but also occurring elsewhere in Europe, whose composition shows it to be highly acid. An analysis by Schrotter shows that it contains Carbon 48 . 06 per cent Hydrogen 4-98 " Oxygen 40 . 07 " Nitrogen i . 03 " Ash 5.86 " It is amorphous and in the fresh state is elastic like rubber. Its 84 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL luster is greasy and its specific gravity is 1.089. It burns with little or no flame and emits an odor like peat. Lignite and brown coal (Fr. Lignite, Ger. Braunkohle). There seems to be no definite record of the first use of the term lignite. It is a French word and may possibly have arisen from the term Lithanthrax ligneus which, according to Hausmann 1 was used by Wallerius 2 for the distinctly woody type of brown coal. It was used by Brongniart 3 as early as 1807 and it is generally found in all French works since that time. The German word, Braunkohle was used in different ways by Karst, 4 Neuss, 5 and Blumenbach 6 about the beginning of the nineteenth century. In America the terms lignite and brown coal have come to be used interchangeably because both the amorphous and the xyloid, or woody types may be brown in color and may have similar chemical properties and uses. The two types grade into each other so that no sharp distinction can be made between them. In recent years, how- ever, the United States Geological Survey has decided to adopt the term subbituminous coal for the compact, so-called "black lignite" and to restrict the term lignite to the lower grade brown coal which is usually, but not always more or less woody and on drying splits up into slabs. 7 (Plate III, Fig. i.) The distinction is thus made on the basis of color. The composition of lignite or brown coal, as these terms are used in various countries, is indicated by the following figures compiled from numerous analyses of this coal from almost all parts of the world : Variation Average Moisture o . 75-43 . oo per cent 14.42 per cent Volatile matter 27 . 00-53 " 4 7^ " Fixed carbon 16 . 00-51 .00 " 36 . 37 Ash 2.60-42.00 ' 9.32 Sulphur 0.16-9.00 " i .14 " Hydrogen . 5 . 14 " Carbon 58.14 " Nitrogen i . 05 " Oxygen 25 . 17 " Hausmann, J. F. Ludw., Handbuch der Mineralogie, Vol. i, p. 79, 1813. Wallerius, J. G., Systema Mineralogicum, Vol. 2, p. 98, 1775. Brongniart, Alexandre, Traite 61ementaire de Mineralogie, Tome 2, 1807. Karst, Mineralogische Tabellen 58, 1800. Neuss, Min. II, 3, 154. Blumenbach, Handbuch Der Naturgeschichte I, 660. Campbell, M. R., A practical classification of low-grade coals. Econ. Geology, Vol. 3, p. 134, 1908. PLATE III. Fig. i. North Dakota lignite showing characteristic fracture and xyloid texture. Fig. 2. Bituminous coal showing characteristic cubical fracture. 85 86 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL The calorific value of lignite, undried as received from the mine, is 5500-7000 B.t.u. moisture-and-ash-free, 10,000-12,000 B.t.u. The specific gravity is 0.5 to 1.30. It colors brown a solution of potash. Some lignites in France are so high in pyrite that they can be used in the manufacture of iron sulphate and alum, and certain earthy varieties, known as terre d'ombre or ombre de Cologne, 1 are used for coloring matter. Dysodile (Houille, or lignite papyracee): This is a laminated lig- nite high in siliceous ash. The color is a yellow to greenish-gray, the specific gravity 1.14 to 1.25. It burns readily with a bright flame and gives off an odor like asafetida. The ash has been found to con- tain abundant shells of diatoms. An analysis by Church 2 shows the following composition, ash free: Sulphur 2.35 per cent Hydrogen 10 . 04 " Carbon 69 . 01 " Nitrogen i . 70 " Oxygen 16 . 90 " It occurs in Tertiary formations, and is found in limestone in Sicily and in lignite in Germany and the Central Plateau of France. Subbituminous coal. This term has been officially adopted by the United States Geological Survey to include the glossy black coal which grades downward in properties from bituminous to lignite but which, as a rule, is of a considerably higher grade than the woody or ligneous type. It includes the black lignite and since it may be lig- neous in texture it can in some cases be distinguished from brown coal in the field only by its black color, while it is separated from bituminous coal above by its mode of weathering. According to Campbell. 3 it parts along a surface nearly parallel to the bedding and thus breaks up into thin slabs, or it checks irregularly and does not disintegrate into cubes after the manner of bituminous coal. (Plate IV, Fig. i.) The fracture is sometimes conchoidal. It often has a distinctly pitchy luster and is therefore sometimes called Pechkohle (pitch coal) by the Germans. Analyses of samples of this variety of coal as it is 1 Moissan, Traite" de chimie min^rale, Vol. 2, p. 356, 1905. 2 Church, A. H., Dysodile. Chem. News, Vol. 34, p. 155, 1876. 3 Op. cit. BITUMINOUS COAL 87 known in the United States show the following variations in per- centage composition, 1 Moisture i 94~4Q . 58 per cent Volatile matter 7 50-70.86 " Fixed carbon 18 . 00-83 o " Ash 2.06-55.40 " Sulphur 0.15-8.65 " Hydrogen i . 76- 6 . 98 Carbon 30.68^86.85 Nitrogen o . 49- 2.13 Oxygen 2 . 80-52 . 18 Air-drying loss o . 80-28 . oo Calorific value 6205-14,843 B.t.u. Good grades of this coal have a calorific value of 8000 to 10,000 B.t.u. Bituminous coal (Fr. Houille, 2 Ger. Schwarzkohle 3 ). The term bituminous has evidently been handed down from the earliest writers on mineralogy because they frequently spoke of the volatile ma- terials given off this type of coal on distillation, as bitumen. Wal- lerius called this coal Bitumen lapideum. Among some modern writers there is a tendency to discard bituminous for the term humic since the coal lacks true bitumen in important amounts and contains a large percentage of humic acid. Bituminous coal burns with a long yellowish flame and gives off a suffocating bituminous odor. It is more or less laminated as a rule, and the luster of the different layers varies greatly. It may be resin- ous, silky, pitchy, or dull and earthy. It soils the fingers when handled. The color varies from pitch-black to dark gray. The fracture may be irregular and somewhat splintery but it is almost always roughly cubical. (Plate III, Fig. 2.) It is, as a rule, conchoidal in cannel coal. There are several types of bituminous coal. These include Caking and Non-caking coal the latter including the Cherry and Splint coals of England, Cannel coal and its related types, Torbanite and Boghead. Caking or coking coal: This coal has the property of softening and running together into a pasty mass at the point of incipient decom- 1 Lord, N. W., and others, Analyses of coals in the United States. U. S. Bur. Mines, Bull. 22, 1912. 2 De Lisle, Vol. 2, p. 590, 1783. Hauy, Trait< de mineralogie, Vol. 3, p. 316, 1801. 8 Hausmann, Op. cit., p. 73. 88 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL position and then at higher temperatures giving off its volatile con- stituents as bubbles of gas. There remains a hard, gray, cellular mass called coke (Fr. Coke, Ger. Coaks). While there is no chemical or simple physical test which will distinguish coking coals in all cases, there are some tests which will usually indicate their coking proper- ties. White 1 states that practically all coals with H : O ratios of 59 per cent or over seem to possess the quality of fusion and swelling necessary to good coking. Most with ratios down to 55 will make coke of some kind, while a few with ratios as low as 50 coke in the beehive oven, though very rarely producing a good article. Coals changing to anthracite, the weathered coals, and the coals of the boghead cannel group show considerable variation from this rule. It has been shown, also, that the solubility of coal in aniline may be used as an indication of coking properites. Vignon 2 says that the coke given by the coal insoluble in aniline is powdery and that of the coal soluble in aniline is agglomerated and swollen. A simple and, in many cases, a satisfactory test is that known as the agate mortar test. Coals which coke, when rubbed with a pestle in an agate mortar, cling to the sides of the mortar while the non- coking coals do not. 3 Non-caking or non-coking coal: This coal may resemble the coking coal in all outward appearances but in composition it differs in the ratio of the hydrogen to the oxygen and it does not cling to the sides of an agate mortar when rubbed with the pestle. It burns freely without softening and it leaves a powdery mass instead of a strong cellular mass. The Cherry coal, so well known in England, is a variety of the non-coking coal. It received its name because of its fine luster. It is usually velvet-black in color, is brittle and crumbles rather readily. Splint coal or, as it is sometimes called, "Slate coal," is also an English name for a variety of non-coking coal. It is black and as a rule it has a resinous and glistening luster, but often it is dull and contrasts with the brilliant luster of the Cherry coal. It fractures in two directions, the longitudinal break being curved and slaty and the transverse uneven and splintery. 1 White, David, The effect of oxygen in coal. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 382, 1909. 2 Vignon, Leo, Sur les dissolvants de la houille. Compt. Rend., Tome 158, pp. 1421- 1424, 1914. 3 Pishel, M. A., A practical test for coking coals. Econ. Geology, Vol. 3, pp. 265-275, 1908. CANNEL COAL 89 The composition of bituminous coal, as it has been recognized by different writers in various countries is as follows: Variation Average Moisture 0.04-34.33 per cent 2 . 50 per cent Volatile matter 8.63-64.31 " 32.00 " Fixed carbon 26.49-80.60 55.00 Ash 0.28-45.00 " 10.00 " Sulphur 0.0012-10.5 " 0.80 " Hydrogen 1.00-8.80 " 4.80 " Carbon 44.00-85.30 " 74.00 " Nitrogen 1.00-9.20 " 1.30 " Oxygen 0.95-46.90 " 7.00 " Calorific value 6840-15,169 B.t.u. 13,200 B.t.u. The specific gravity varies from 1.15 to 1.5, with an average of 1.3. A good average for the percentage composition and calorific value of the bituminous coals collected in the United States between the years 1904 and 19 lo 1 is as follows: Moisture 2 .00-10.00 per cent Volatile matter 25 .00-40.00 " Fixed carbon 45 . 00-65 " Ash 5.00-12.00 " Sulphur 0.50- 2.00 " Hydrogen 4 . 50- 6 . oo " Carbon 60. 00-80. oo " Nitrogen o. 80- 2 . oo " Oxygen 7 . 00-20 . oo " Calorific value 12,000-14,500 B.t.u. Cannel coal. 2 This coal was originally known as candle coal, but the term cannel was employed by the earliest mineralogists. Kirwin 3 describes this coal, along with Kilkenny coal, as dull black in color and with conchoidal fracture when broken transversely. It burns with a bright lively flame and in some cases it may be kindled by the application of a match owing to the large percentage of highly volatile constituents which it contains. This property gave rise to the name candle coal. A variety of Scotch cannel which produces a marked crackling sound has been called parrot coal and Dana 4 mentions a variety from South Wales known as horn coal because, on burning, it emits an odor as of burning horn. 1 U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 22. 2 Ashley, G. H., Cannel coal in the United States, U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 659, 1917. 3 Kirwin, Richard, Elements of mineralogy. P. 215, 1784. 4 Dana, E. S., A system of mineralogy. 6th ed., p. 1022, 1895. VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL Cannel coal is generally described as a non-coking bituminous type, but it is just within the boundary of a special group, the mem- bers of which are char- acterized by a higher percentage of volatile oils and gases than that found in ordinary bitu- minous coal. To this group Rogers applied the term hydrogenous or gas coals, 1 while Po- tonie 2 considers most of them as sapropelic types. Cannel un- doubtedly consists chiefly of the spores of plants or canneloid and, as a result, differs FIG. 15. Photomicrograph of section of cannel markedly from ordin- coal consisting almost entirely of flattened spores. coal in the char (Photo by E. C. Jeffrey.) " acter of the materials which compose it. (Fig. 15.) Beginning, therefore, with a different type of vegetal matter it is possible to have it pass through the stages corresponding to brown and to bituminous coal, still retaining its canneloid character. Its average composition is illustrated by the following analysis of Kentucky cannel: Moisture 2.36 per cent Volatile matter 48 . 40 Fixed carbon 38 . 75 Ash 10. 49 Sulphur i . 20 Hydrogen 6 . 47 Carbon 71-98 Nitrogen i . 16 Oxygen 8 . 70 Calorific value i3>77 B -t.u. The specific gravity varies from 1.2 to 1.3. 1 Rogers, H. D., Geology of Pennsylvania. Vol. 2, p. 990, 1883. 2 Potoni6, H. ; Die Enstehung der Steinkohle und der Kaustobiolith iiberhaupt, wie des Torfes, der Baunkohle, des Petroleums, u.s.w., 5th ed. 1910. CANNEL COAL 91 Torbanite: This is a variety of the boghead coals and it is named from Torbane Hill in Scotland where it has been mined for many years. It differs so much from ordinary coal that a prominent law- suit was carried through the Scottish courts about the middle of the last century to determine whether the mining of the rock was governed by the laws controlling mineral or coal deposits. The trial was settled in favor of the latter. Like the other bogheads it is charac- terized by a very high percentage of volatile constituents including illuminating and lubricating oils, paraffin, and large quantities of illuminating gases, running from 14,000 to 18,000 cubic feet per ton. There is a difference of opinion concerning its origin, some regarding it as derived from spores, others from algae, and it is often described as a variety of cannel coal. The evidence is strongly in favor of the origin from spores rather than from algae. It is closely related to the kerosene shales and bituminous schists. Its color is dark brown, its surface dull and lusterless. The fracture is irregular to subcon- choidal. According to Dana 1 the hardness is 2.25 and the specific gravity 1.17 to 1.2. Analyses quoted by the same authority show that the composition is approximately as follows, with ash excluded: Hydrogen n .48 per cent Carbon 81.15 " Nitrogen 1.37 ;< Oxygen 6 . oo ' The ash runs about 20 per cent. It is much higher in hydrogen than any ordinary type of coal. Byerite: This is a term applied by Mallett 2 to a so-called mineral coal, somewhat resembling Torbanite but differing from it in not crackling in the fire, in being heavier specific gravity 1.323 and in melting and intumescing when heated. It gives a large amount of gas and tarry oils, about 30 per cent more than English cannel. An analysis gave the following results moisture 6.02 per cent; volatile matter (gas and tarry oils) 39.95 per cent; fixed residue, consisting of coke and ash 54.03 per cent. The coke is a true coke but resembles the residue from the distillation of sugar and is too porous and crumbling to support a furnace burden. It is jet-black in color but gives a brown powder which does not color a potash solu- tion brown. It is insoluble in carbon bisulphide, ether, or turpentine. 1 Op. cit., p. 1022. 2 Mallett, E. J., On Middle Park mineral coal. Am. Jour, of Sci., Vol. 9, p. 146, 1875. 92 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL Semibituminous coal. H. D. Rogers 1 adopted this term for coal containing from n to 18 per cent volatile matter and to include what has been called dry bituminous coal, as opposed to the group of fat coals including caking coal, cherry coal, and splint coal. This type is, caking and, non-caking. In spite of the fact that on heating it softens and swells into a coke, this coke does not always agglutinate or cohere. Although the term is quite widely used in the United States, it seems a little unfortunate in view of the fact that the prefix semi conveys the idea that it should be a little below bituminous coal in the ascending scale from peat to anthracite, and it does not harmonize with the use of the term semianthracite. The term superbituminous might have been suggested as a more appropriate one. Rogers did not give any detailed description of this type of coal but various analyses from fields throughout the United States 2 show the varying proportions of the following constituents and their average in a good quality of this variety of coal: Variation Average Moisture o . 78- 8 . 99 per cent 2 . oo- 4 . oo per cent Volatile matter 7 . 40-23 .84 14 . 00-18 . oo " Fixed carbon 57. 11-80.89 70.00-80.00 " Ash 1.80-34.15 4.00-8.00 " Sulphur o . 44- 6 . 47 o . 50- i . 20 " Hydrogen 3 .34-5.17 4.00-5.00 " Carbon 51.23-85.54 76.00-82.00 " Nitrogen 0.81-1.82 1.00-1.50 " Oxygen 3.38-13.70 4.50-6.50 Calorific value 8386-14,814 B.t.u. 14,000-15,000 B.t.u. Semianthracite. This name was adopted by Rogers 3 at the same time as the term semibituminous, to cover the coal between semibituminous and anthracite. He describes it as possessing to a lesser degree the properties characteristic of anthracite. The conchoidal fracture is not so well developed as in anthracite, and the cleats are more numerous. It crumbles more readily in the fire and owing to a greater percentage of volatile matter it kindles more readily than anthracite and emits a small amount of yellow flame when ignited. Owing to more rapid consumption its efficiency is greater than that of anthracite for certain purposes. The volatile 1 Rogers, H. D., Geology of Pennsylvania, pp. 988-990, 1858. 2 Analyses of coals in the United States. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 22, 1912. 3 Op. cit. PLATE IV. FIG. i. Subbituminous coal showing irregular fracture. FIG. 2. Pennsylvania anthracite showing typical conchoidal fracture. (9-0 94 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL matter varies from 6 to 1 1 per cent and averages from 7 to 8 per cent. The specific gravity is about 1.4. Analyses of this type of coal from the United States 1 indicate the following range in composition: Moisture i . 96- 7 . 94 per cent Volatile matter 6.81-32 .46 Fixed carbon 58 . 24-82 . oo Asn 4.33-14.50 Sulphur 0.57- 4 . 05 Hydrogen 3.69- 4.81 Carbon 72 . 43-80 . oo Nitrogen 0.51- 1.45 Oxygen 5 . 46-10 . 02 Calorific value 12,460-14,184 B.t.u. A proximate analysis of a good grade of this coal is represented by the following : Moisture i . 94 per cent Volatile matter 9 . 95 " Fixed carbon 79 . oo " Ash 8.80 " Sulphur o . 29 " Anthracite (Fr. Anthracite, Ger. Glanzkohle) . The first use of this term among mineralogists is ascribed to Hauy, 2 although An- thrazit may have been employed by Karst 3 ten years earlier. In America this coal is frequently known as hard coal, and in Wales as culm or stone coal. It is characterized by an iron-black color, and dull to brilliant, and even submetallic luster. It does not soil the fingers as bituminous coal does. It burns with a short, pale blue flame, emits little odor, and does not coke. It commonly breaks with conchoidal fracture and thus differs from bituminous coal which usually breaks into roughly rectangular fragments (Plate IV, Fig. 2). When very small fractures are numerous, the freshly broken surface shows small rounded or oval, eyelike forms and it has then been called "Bird's-eye" coal. The calorific value of anthracite is not as great as that of semi- bituminous or high grade bituminous coal because it does not develop a high temperature so rapidly. This is owing to the small amount of readily combustible material compared with the fixed carbon. It is 1 Analyses of coals in the United States. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 22, 1912. 2 Trait6 de mineralogie, Tome III, p. 307, 1807. 3 Op. cit. ANTHRACITE 95 much sought after for domestic use on account of its lack of soot and dust and because of the fact that it burns so much longer than other types of coal. Anthracite reaches the maximum hardness in coal. It varies from 2 to 2.5 in Moh's scale. Certain varieties of this coal are capable of being cut and polished for ornamental purposes and some of that from the Hazleton and Summit Hill districts of Pennsylvania is used for this purpose. Like that of all other coals, the composition of anthracite as it has been mined in different regions varies greatly. The following figures show the variation in the analyses from various sources. Moisture o . 42- 5 . 61 per cent Volatile matter i . 72-10. 75 " Fixed carbon 73 . 71-90 . 90 " Ash 3.20-30.09 " Sulphur o . 17- 2 . 60 " Hydrogen i . 89- 5.61 " Carbon 78.41-83.89 " Nitrogen 0.63- i .57 " Oxygen 3 . 80-11 . 54 " Calorific value 9230-13,298 B.t.u. The specific gravity varies from 1.27 to 1.7. The anthracite from Rhode Island is not included in the above list. There the coal is in places graphitic, the moisture in the mine sample runs as high as 23 per cent and the fixed carbon as low as 49 per cent because of very high ash, although the volatile matter is as low as 2.5 per cent. The ash may be over 30 per cent and the oxygen is high except in the dried samples. The nitrogen is usually below 0.5 per cent. The pecific gravity of the Rhode Island anthracite varies from 1.43 to 2.2 1 The following averages represent the percentage composition of good anthracite calculated on a moisture-free and ash-free basis: Volatile matter i . 50- 6 . 50 per cent Fixed carbon 93 . 00-98 . oo " Sulphur o. 50- i . 50 " Hydrogen i . 75- 4 . oo " Carbon 90.00-94.00 " Nitrogen 0.60- i . 25 " Oxygen 1.25-2.75 " Calorific value 14,500-15,000 B.t.u. 1 Ashley, G. H., Rhode Island coal. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 615, 1915 9 6 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL The moisture will run from 2.5 to 4 per cent and the ash from 1.5 to 10 per cent. The specific gravity of Pennsylvania anthracite varies from 1.42 to i. 65,* and of the Welsh anthracite from 1.29 to 1.45, averaging about 1.33. COMPARATIVE COMPOSITION OF WOOD. PEAT, AND COALS Table showing the relative percentage composition of wood, peat, and coals. Proximate analyses Ultimate analyses Calorific value Kind of Fuel g | g g 03 5 IS & rt ^3 i Cc/i ,* d 1 rt -jg O 1 3 S "a CO I O | ! <5 o 3 Wood 6.25 49.50 .10 43.15 5,800 Peat a 56.70 26.14 11.17 5-99 0.64 8.33 21.03 .10 62.91 53.40 1,992 3,586 Do c 60.37 25.80 13-83 .48 4.69 48.57 54 28.89 4,600 8,280 Lignite a 34-55 35.34 22.91 7 20 .10 6.60 42.40 57 42.13 15.50 3,939 7,090 Do ft 60.67 39-33 .89 4 74 72.79 98 19.60 6,762 12,172 Subbituminous a . . 24.28 27.63 44-84 3 25 .36 6.14 55-28 .07 33 90 16.20 5,209 9,376 Do b 38.12 61.88 4- 74 76.28 47 17 01 7,188 _ o Bituminous a 3-24 27.13 62.52 7-H 95 5.24 78.00 23 7.47 i. so 7,733 13,919 Do b 30.26 69.74 .06 S-39 87.00 37 5.18 8,626 15,527 Cannel a I 70 50.76 9-31 O2 6.83 73-25 8.28 o. 40 14,251 Do b J. . /U 42.96 7.46 82.31 47 7.61 8,896 16,013 Semibituminous a . 2.03 14.47 75-31 8.19 .26 4.14 79-97 .26 4.18 1.40 7,823 14,081 Dob 16.12 83.88 52 4-37 89.07 -40 2.64 8,713 15,683 Semianthracite a . . 3.38 8.47 76.65 11.50 .63 3.58 78.43 .00 4.86 2.60 7,309 13,156 Dob 9-95 90-05 74 3.76 92.15 .18 2.17 8,587 15.457 Anthracite a 2.80 1.16 88.21 7-83 89 1.89 84.36 .'63 4.40 i 50 7,388 13,298 Do b 1.29 98.71 .00 1.77 94-39 .71 2-13 8,268 14,882 (a) Sample as received. (b) Same sample calculated to an ash- and moisture-free basis. (c) Sample calculated to a moisture-free basis. Peacock coal. Peacock coal is not a distinct variety of coal but rather a condition in which either anthracite or bituminous coal may be found. It is of considerable interest in some localities because of its beauty and abundance. It has received its name from its irides- cent colors which resemble those o the peacock in their changing lights. This play of colors is similar to that produced by a film of oil or of iron oxide on water and is due to the same cause, viz., re- fraction and interference of the rays of light in passing through the film. This coal is found only in the upper levels of the mine, par- 1 Stock, 22d Ann. Kept., U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 74, 1900-1901. JET 97 ticularly where the seam and roof slate are much fractured, thus per- mitting surface waters to percolate through the fissures in the coal and to deposit thin films of iron oxide along the cracks. The film may in a few cases be due to traces of crude oil or to sulphur dioxide but the main cause is the iron oxide produced by the oxidation of iron pyrite near the surface where the oxygen of the air can attack the iron sulphide. That it might be due in some rare cases to sulphur dioxide gas, which may be set free in the weathering of iron sulphide, is suggested by the fact that a burning sulphur match brought close to a fragment of coal will often produce a similar iridescent film on the surface of the coal. Other Combustible Substances Entering Into the Composition of Some Coal Seams Jet (Fr. Jayet, Ger. Gagath, Greek, Gagates). This is a black, rather fibrous to compact substance capable of taking a good polish and used in Europe for the manufacture of ornaments, especially for those worn in mourning. Formerly an industry on a small scale was carried on in France at Sainte-Colombe sur THero, Departement de PAude. In Yorkshire, England, a few tons of this material have been produced and it is said to have been worth about a shilling a pound. The composition of jet is as follows: 1 Volatile matter 37 . 90 per cent Ash 1.70 " Carbon 61 .40 " Its specific gravity varies from 1.26 to 1.3. Jet is generally described as a variety of lignite but Prestwich 2 speaks of it as a wood converted into a sort of cannel coal. While jet may resemble cannel a little in physical character, from our present knowledge of cannel it is evident that it cannot resemble it in origin since all writers agree that jet is altered wood while cannel is made up almost entirely of plant spores. The jet found in the Jurassic rocks on the Yorkshire coast of England is believed from structure detected in thin sections to have been formed mainly from coniferous wood which was allied to the Araucarian pines. It is also considered that the trees drifted to their present position since the jet is now 1 Descloizeaux, A., Manuel de mineralogie, Tome 2, p. 332, 1893. 2 Prestwich, J., Chemical, physical, stratigraphic geology, p. 142. 9 8 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL found associated with Ammonites and other marine fossils. It oc- curs in Asia Minor, Spain and Bohemia as well as in England and France. Natural coke or carbonite. In certain cases where igneous rocks have intruded bituminous coal seams the coal has been transformed m - into natural coke more or less resembling artificial coke but usually differing from the latter chiefly in the percentage of the volatile constituents which it contains and in its more com- pact character. Taff 1 has sug- gested that the greater percentage of volatile constituents in the natural coke may be due to the lack of opportunity for the es- cape of these gases and to the possible accession of gases to the coke from the adjacent coal seam after it has cooled. The coke shows a typical columnar struc- ture varying in degree of perfec- tion of the columns (Fig. 16), and with the columns normal to the surface of contact between the igneous rock and the coal which has been coked. The ex- tent to which the coal is coked FIG. 16. Natural coke, or carbonite from Hesse (specimen in collection of Museum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris). varies greatly. Other things being equal, there will be a fairly close relation between the thick- ness of the coked zone and that of the igneous rock, the former varying directly as the latter, but no definite rule can be established because cases have been noted where almost no observable coking has occurred, while in other cases the coal is coked out of all proportion to the size of the intruding rock. This condition is well understood when one considers that i Taff, J. A., Natural coke in the Wasatch Plateau. Science, N. S., Vol. 23, p. 696, 1906. NATURAL COKE OR CARBONITE 99 igneous masses entering the coal seams at various times or in differ- ent places may vary greatly in temperature and in the amount of the hot vapors and gases which they carry. In some cases the latter may escape along the bedding planes in the coal deposits and conduct the heat some distance from the igneous rock. The basic igneous rocks, being more fluid than the acid are often capa- ble of intruding themselves into narrow fissures in ways in which the more viscous acid rocks cannot. In the United States natural coke is common in Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico, and it is also abundant in Mexico 1 and Alaska where the coals have been extensively intruded by igneous rocks. This coke has a regular fracture, is dark gray to iron-black in color, and its texture varies from distinctly porous to compact. The luster is graphitic to submetallic. It often grades into anthracite which in turn passes into the bituminous coal of the seam. In most places it makes excellent fuel. The following analyses indicate the per- centage composition of the coke, the adjacent coal, and a sample of artificial coke. I II III IV V VI VII VIII* ix* x* Moisture 8.10 0.32 0.57 3.86 13.42 3.28 0.184 Volatile matter 40.20 20.38 0.39 35.34 5.83 1.64 0.552 20.30 12.20 4.70 Fixed carbon .45.91 65.90 78.24 53.28 61.50 89.14 88.726 79.70 87.80 95.30 Ash Sulphur. . Hydrogen Carbon. . 5.76 13.10 20.80 7.52 19.25 9.22 9.993 8.29 9.73 45.96 0.54 0.64 0.48 0.83 0.533 2.07 i. ii 0.15 5-48 3-39 72.66 61.55 Nitrogen 1.17 0.81 Oxygen 12.53 14.52 Air-drying loss . 2 . 60 1 1 . 60 B.t.u 13,068 9895 I. Analysis quoted by Taff of coal in seam in Wasatch Plateau. II. Natural coke from same seam. III. Natural coke from Cokedale Mine, Colorado. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 22, pt. i, p. 69. IV. Coal taken i foot from natural coke and z\ feet from a dike. Walsen Mine, Colorado. Op. cit. under III, p. 65. V. Same locality as IV but close to small dike and coke. VI. Artificial coke. VII. Artificial coke from the coal of the Connelsville basin, Pa. U. S. Geol. Survey. VIII. Coal in the seam removed from the influence of the eruptive. IX. Coal 0.3 metres from the igneous rock. X. Coal in contact with the eruptive. * Analyses by G. von Rath. Contactverhaltnisse Zwischen Kohle und einem basischen Eruptivgestein bei Fiinf kirchen : Neues Jahrbuch, I, pp. 274-277, 1880. 1 Durable, E. T., Natural coke of the Santa Clara Coal-Field, Sonora, Mexico. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. 29, pp. 546-549, 1899. 100 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL The greater percentage of ash shown in the analyses of the coke than in the analyses of the coal from the same seam is often only rela- tive, but in some cases it is probable that silica and possibly other mineral constituents have been added to the seam by the igneous rock in its immediate vicinity. FIG. 17- Intrusion of diabase into a coal seam in Alaska, producing natural coke. (From a sketch by W. R. Crane.) Mineral charcoal or "mother of coal" (Fr. Fusain). In the different varieties of coal from lignite to anthracite there are dull laminae, lenses, and irregular bands of a black to dark-grey material which, on account of its resemblance to charcoal is known as " mineral charcoal" or among many of the miners as " mother of coal." It may take the form of an iron-gray, almost powdery material or it may show the outline of blackened fragments still retaining some of the original woody structure and fibers. In some cases even the most delicate structures of the leaf are pre- served. When cut with a knife it shows much the same consistency MINERAL CHARCOAL OR MOTHER OF COAL" 101 as wood charcoal but is more sooty and crumbling. It soils the fingers. Various explanations have been offered for its origin. Daubree 1 in 1844 ascribed it to forest fires started by lightning, burn- ing in the swamps where the coal vegetation was laid down. As early as 1858 Rogers 2 recognized that it was due to some alteration which the vegetation suffered before being buried and this explanation is supported by White, 3 who considers that the association of the various woody materials, the preservation of the rods, and the delicate 'fern- leaf fragments make the forest fire hypothesis untenable. He be- lieves that the charcoal has originated as a result of the greater amount of decomposition which the vegetation suffered before being buried in the bog. On the other hand, Jeffrey 4 still clings to the theory that the forest fire was the agent which produced the charcoal. A consideration of the actions of forest fires in our modern swamps and peat-bogs in the northern portions of the continent, in addition to the arguments put forth by White, oppose the forest fire hypothesis. It is seldom that the fire leaves the charred materials in such quan- tities in proportion to the ash and in such associations in relation to the coarse and fine fragments as that in which they must generally have been left to produce the deposits now found in coal. It is possible that an occasional mass of charcoal resulted from fire but improbable that the greater part of the mineral charcoal was produced in that way. The best explanation is found in the greater alteration of the vegetal matter in parts of the swamp exposed to dry rot where the water was low. It is evident that carbonite and mineral charcoal have at times been confused by some writers. 5 Analyses show that mineral charcoal usually differs considerably in chemical composition from the other portions of the coal seam in which it occurs. The following analyses were made from a seam in which the charcoal occurs irregularly throughout the mine and is there known as " mother of coal." It is not found over 9 inches from the bottom of the seam and it always pinches out gradually. The 1 Daubree, A., Compt. Rend., Vol. 19, p. 126, 1844. 2 Rogers, H. D., Geology of Pennsylvania, Vol. 2, p. 993, 1858. 3 White and Thiessen, The origin of coal. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 38, p. 33, 1913. 4 Jeffrey, E. C., Jour, of Geology, Vol. 23, p. 218, 1915. 6 Heinrich, O. J., The Mesozoic formation in Virginia. Trans. Am. Inst. of Min. Eng., Vol. 6, pp. 243-244, 1877-78. 102 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL thickness of the charcoal varies from zero to 3 inches. There are usually very small bright streaks running through the dark gray, which always has a dull luster. The writer is indebted to Mr. H. B. Northrup for these analyses. I II Moisture o . 62 per cent o . 23 per cent Volatile matter 23 . 05 " 7.11 " Fixed carbon 68.86 " 90.99 " Ash 7.47 " 1.67 " Sulphur 1.19 " o . 23 " I. The coal from a seam in the Glenview Mine, Decatur Twp., Clearfield Co., Pa. II. Mineral charcoal from the same seam. Resinous substances. In addition to the substances described there are often found in coals, particularly in the younger and less altered coals such as the lignites, large and small masses of amber- like substances which represent the resins from various trees growing in the coal swamps. 1 To these the name Retinite is often applied in a general way. In the Tertiary lignites near Gore, New Zealand, masses of this retinite as large as a man's head may be seen and in some of the lignite of the western United States resins are found in considerable quantities. The following are examples of these resins from coal seams in various localities. 2 Ambrite (C 4 oH 6 6O 5 approx.): A yellowish-gray, subtransparent, amorphous resin which breaks with a conchoidal fracture. The hardness is 2 and the specific gravity 1.034. The luster is greasy. It becomes strongly electrified when subjected to friction. An an- alysis by Maly shows: Ash o. 19 per cent Hydrogen 10 . 58 Carbon 76.53 Oxygen 12 . 70 " It burns with a yellow smoky flame. It is insoluble in ether, oil of turpentine, benzine, chloroform, and dilute acid. This resin is described by Hochstetter as occurring in large masses in several of the coal fields of New Zealand. It is so much like the Kauri gum of the North Island that it is sometimes exported with it. 1 White, David, Resins in Paleozoic plants and in coals of high rank. U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 85 E, 1914. 2 For full description of these and related substances see Dana's System of mineralogy, pp. 1002-1014, 1892. Also, Descloizeaux, Manuel de mineralogie, Tome 2, p. 34, 1893. RESINOUS SUBSTANCES 103 Bathmllite: This substance forms dull brown lumps in the Tor- banite in Scotland and since it usually occurs as a cavity filling it is not known whether it is a resin or a secretion from the Torbanite which it resembles in composition although containing less oxygen. Duxite: A dark brown, opaque resin from the lignite at Dux, Bohemia. Its specific gravity is given as 1.13 and its chemical com- position according to Fischer is as follows : Moisture 2.72 per cent Ash 1.94 " Sulphur o . 42 " Hydrogen 8 . 14 " Carbon 78 . 25 " Oxygen 13-19 " This is in general similar to Muckite and Walchowite except that they are lighter colored. Neudorfite from the coal beds at Neudorf, Moravia is very similar in composition. Middletonite: This substance, which was named by Johnston 1 from the Middleton Collieries near Leeds, England, occurs about the middle of the main coal in little round masses. These masses are seldom larger than a pea and are generally in thin layers less than T \ inch in thickness between the layers of coal. It is hard and brittle, and its specific gravity is about 1.6. In color it is reddish-brown in reflected light and deep red in transmitted light. The luster is resin- ous. It blackens on exposure to the air and then cannot readily be distinguished from the coal except by its luster. It is unaffected by heat at 400 F. and it burns like resin. It is soluble in cold sulphuric acid but it is very slightly soluble in alcohol, ether and oil of turpentine. An analysis shows the following composition: Hydrogen 8 . 007 per cent Carbon 86.437 Oxygen 5 . 563 " The formula suggested is (C 2 oHi + H 2 O) which resembles that for the hydrate of the oil of turpentine. Succinite: This substance is commonly known as amber. It is found in considerable quantities on the coast of the Baltic. It occurs as irregular masses which have a conchoidal fracture. The hardness is about the same as that of anthracite coal, 2-2.5, an d the specific gravity is 1.05 to 1.09. The color is yellow or reddish-brown and the luster resinous. It is negatively electrified by friction and it softens 1 Johnston, F. W., The Phil. Mag., Vol. 12, p. 261, 1838. 104 VARIETIES AND RANKS OF COAL at 150 C. Its composition is represented by the following analysis by Schrotter: Hydrogen 10.22 per cent Carbon 78.82 " Oxygen 10 . 94 " There is usually a little sulphur present in the form of an organic compound. Succinite occurs in the bituminous coals of the southern part of France and in lignite in various localities. Wheelerite: In the Cretaceous lignite beds of New Mexico Loew 1 found a yellowish resin filling fissures and interstratified with the coal. This was named Wheelerite after Lt. G. M. Wheeler. The composition is as follows: Hydrogen 7.31 per cent Carbon 73 . n " Oxygen 19 . 58 " It is almost entirely dissolved in alcohol or ether and is partially soluble in carbon bisulphide. It is soluble also in sulphuric acid, producing a brown solution, and with nitric acid it evolves nitrous fumes. It melts at 154 C. There are numerous other resins similar in many respects to those described above. Among these might be mentioned lonite from the lignite of lone Valley, California; Koflach from the Tertiary brown coals of Styria; Rosthornite, the brown to garnet-red material which forms lenticular masses in the coal of Carusthia; Schleretinite from the Coal Measures of Wigan, England; Tasmanite from the bituminous shales of Tasmania; Trinkerite which forms large amorphous masses of a hyacinth-red to chestnut-brown color in the brown coal near Albona, Istria. Pyroretinite which resembles the resin of Pinus abies is said to occur in masses from the size of a nut to that of a man's head in the brown coal near Ausseg, Bohemia. Its specific gravity runs from 1.05 to 1.18 and its hardness about 2.5. Rochled- erite occurs in large reddish-brown resin-like masses in the brown coal of Zweifelsruth in Eger, Bohemia. 1 Loew, O., On wheelerite, a new fossil resin. Am. Jour. Sci. $d Series, Vol. 7, p. 571, 1874. CHAPTER V THE CLASSIFICATION OF COALS Introduction There have been in use since the earliest days of the coal trade certain names which distinguish different varieties of coal, such as anthracite, bituminous, and lignite. These names, or their equiva- lents, are in general use almost throughout the world. As the im- portance of the coal trade increased, however, it was realized that some more definite means of classifying coals according to their composition and heating value was desired because the lines of distinction between the varieties used in the past were not sufficiently definite for prac- tical purposes. Frazer's Classification One of the first in this country to attempt a definite classification of coals on the basis of their composition and heating value was Persifor Frazer, Jr. 1 He based his classification on the ratio of the fixed car- bon to the volatile combustible matter (C : V.Hc). He states that as early as 1844 W. R. Johnson had used the same principle and had recognized the ratio of the volatile to fixed combustible matter as a logical basis for the classification of coals. After various attempts to make the fuel ratio of the different coals fit the descriptions of the varieties suggested by H. D. Rogers in 1858, Frazer concluded that it is only possible to classify the coals according to their fuel ratio within wide limits, and suggests the following divisions: C V.Hc Hard-dry anthracite 100-12 Semianthracite 12-8 Semibituminous 8-5 Bituminous 5-0 The table is deficient for modern use because it does not distinguish 1 Frazer, Persifor, Jr., Classification of coals. Second Geol. Survey of Pennsylvania, Kept. M. M., pp. 128-144, 1879. Also Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. 6, pp. 430-451, 1877, and Vol. 36, p. 825, 1906 105 106 THE CLASSIFICATION OF COALS subbituminous coal and lignite from bituminous coal and as stated by Frazer the ratio limits had to be arbitrarily chosen. The table represents, however, a considerable advance over any previous work and it sets forth a principle which has become deeply established in the coal trade. In discussing Frazer's classification, A. S. McCreeth 1 calls attention to the fact that the sulphur content of the coal should be taken into consideration since it is partly volatilized in coking, and he suggests that the portion volatilized should be subtracted from the volatile hydrocarbon percentage and added to that of the fixed carbon. Classification on basis of Moisture Content In 1903 Collier 2 suggested that all coals with a moisture content of 10 per cent or more should be classed as lignite, and those with less than 10 per cent as bituminous, but his classification has proved en- tirely unsatisfactory. Campbell's Classification After extensive studies of coal for the purpose of obtaining a satis- factory classification Campbell 3 came to the following conclusions: (i) For the higher grades of coal the fuel ratio may be used as a satis- factory means of separation but it does not properly separate the lignites and bituminous coals. (2) The percentage of fixed carbon cannot be used as a satisfactory basis. (3) The calorific value cannot be used since many of the bituminous coals are of higher calorific value than the best grades of anthracite. It is, however, fairly satis- factory for the lignites and bituminous coals. (4) The percentage of hydrogen present is valueless as a basis of classification. (5) A classi- fication according to the carbon content is satisfactory in a general way as there is a fairly regular decrease in the carbon content from that of anthracite to that of lignite. The separation between anthracite and semibituminous is not marked and there are many exceptions to the rule. (6) The carbon-hydrogen ratio is regarded as the most satisfactory basis for classification. 1 McCreeth, A. S., Second Geol. Survey of Pennsylvania, Rept. M. M., p. 157, 1879. 2 Collier, A. J., Coal resources of the Yukon, Alaska; U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 218, 1003. 3 Campbell, M. R., The classification of coals. Am. Inst. of Min. Eng., Vol. 36, p. 324, 1906. Also, Report on the operation of the coal testing plant. U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 48, pt. i, 1906. SEYLER'S CARBON-HYDROGEN CLASSIFICATION 107 He then groups the coals as follows in a tentative classification, the ratios of the higher coals being rather indefinite owing to lack of ultimate anlyses. Carbon-Hydrogen Ratio. Group A (Graphite) oo-(?) Grouo B Group C Group D Group E Group F Group G Group H Group I Group J Group K Group L (Semianthracite) 26(?)-23(?) (Semibituminous) 23(?)-2o 20-17 (Bituminous) I4 ' I2.5-II.2 (Lignite) 11.2- 9.3 (Peat) 9-3- (?) (Wood, Cellulose) 7.2 Seyler' s Carbon-Hydrogen Classification Seyler 1 had previously published the following classification. It is based on the hydrogen and carbon in the pure coal. The genera, which are arranged vertically, are distinguished by their hydrogen content while the species are arranged horizontally and separated according to their percentage of carbon. This table is taken from Pollard. 2 1 Seyler, C. A., Chemical classification of coal. Proc. S. Wales Inst. Eng., Vol. 21, p. 483 and Vol. 22, p. 112. Also, Colliery Guardian LXXX pp. 17-19, 80-82 and 134-136. 2 Strahan, A., and Pollard, W., The coals of S. Wales. Mem. Geol. Survey of England and Wales, 2d ed., pp. 58-59, 1915. io8 THE CLASSIFICATION OF COALS Carbon Anthracitic Carbon- aceous Bituminous Lignitious Meta. Ortho. Para. Meta. Ortho. Carbon over 93 . 3 93-3-91.2 91.2-89.0 89.0-87.0 87.0-84.0 84-80 80-75 Perbitu- minous genus Hydrogen over 5. 8 per cent Perbitu- minous (Per-meta- bitumi- nous) Perbitu- minous (Per-ortho- bitumi- nous) Perbitu- minous (Per-para- bitumi- nous) Perligni- tious Bitumi- nous genus Hydrogen 5-0-5-8 per cent Pseudobi- tumi- nous species Metabitu- minous Orthobitu- minous Parabitu- minous Lignitious (Meta) (Ortho) Semibitu- minous genus Hydrogen 4-5-5-0 per cent Semibitu- minous species (Ortho- semibi- turni- nous) Subbitu- minous (Sub-meta- bitumi- nous) Subbitu- minous (Sub-or- thobitu- minous) Subbitu- minous (Sub-para- bitumi- nous) Subligni- tious (Meta) (Ortho) Carbon- aceous genus Hydrogen 4.0-4.5 per cent Semian- thracitic species Carbon- aceous species (Ortho- carbon- aceous) Pseudo- carbon- aceous (Sub- metabi- tumi- nous) Pseudo- carbon- aceous (Sub-or- thobitu- minous) Pseudo- carbon- aceous (Sub-para- bitumi- nous) Anthra- citic genus Hydrogen under 4 per cent Orthoan- thracitic Pseudoan- thracite Subcar- bon- aceous Pseudoan- thracite Sub-meta- bitumi- nous Pseudoan- thracite Sub-ortho- bitumi- nous Pseudoan- thracite Sub-para- bitumi- nous Pollard shows that in the coals analysed from the Welsh field the hydrogen-carbon ratio falls fairly satisfactorily into Seyler's classi- fication. The carbon-hydrogen ratios given by the U. S. Geological Survey do not fit the Welsh anthracites very well as many of them have a ratio below 26. PARR'S CLASSIFICATION 109 Grout's Classification based on Carbon Content In an article published the year after Campbell's classification appeared, Grout 1 criticizes the use of the carbon-hydrogen ratio as not being reliable and states that if total carbon in ash- and moisture- free coal had been considered the separation between lignite and bituminous coal would have been very satisfactory. The chief objection made to the carbon-hydrogen ratio is the fact that although the hydrogen content of lignite and bituminous coal is not so very different, the variation may amount to one-third of the total and thus give a large difference in ratio in coals which are not markedly differ- ent in other respects; on the other hand, it may throw two coals together which are unlike in many important respects. The diffi- culty in sampling the low grade coals so that all collectors may be able to get the same amount of moisture and therefore the same amount of hydrogen in the coal from the same seam is a further ob- jection to Campbell's carbon-hydrogen ratio since it is based on too variable a factor. The following is Grout's classification based on fixed carbon for those coals above bituminous, and on fixed carbon and total carbon for bituminous coals and those of lower grade. Graphite ............................... Fixed carbon over 99 per cent Anthracite .............................. Fixed carbon over 93 " Semianthracite .......................... Fixed carbon 83-93 " Semibituminous ......................... Fixed carbon 73-83 " Bituminous: grade ........................... Cannel / Fixed carbon 35~48 ....... I Total carbon 76.2- 76.2-88 Peat and turf / Fixed carbon below 55 Peat and turf ........................... ( Total carbon bdow Wood Parr's Classification Parr, 2 in his classification, considers that the term volatile combus- tible as it has generally been used is incorrect since it includes some 1 Grout, F. F., The composition of coals. Econ. Geology, Vol. 2, pp. 225-241, 1907. 2 Parr, S. W., Illinois Geol. Survey, Bull. 3, 1906. Also, The classification of coals. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 28, p. 1425, 1906. no THE CLASSIFICATION OF COALS hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, which are non-combustible. The hydrogen present as hydrocarbons is combustible but that combined with oxygen in water is not. For example, in a Pocahontas coal with 18.7 per cent volatile matter 14.5 per cent is combustible hydrocarbons and 4.2 per cent is non-combustible hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. This inert matter should be taken into consideration since it is not an asset to the fuel. In this classification total carbon (C) and fixed carbon (fc) are determined from analysis. The volatile carbon (vc) unassociated with hydrogen is obtained by subtracting the percentage of fixed carbon from that of total carbon (C fc = vc). The inert volatile matter is obtained by subtracting from 100 per cent the sum of total carbon + sulphur -f ash + water -f hydrogen, which is not united with oxygen in water and is, therefore, free to burn and produce heat. To reduce this remainder to a pure fuel basis it is divided by 100 less the sum of ash and water. The derived formula on which the fol- lowing table is based is vc 100 This ratio serves to differentiate the coals above bituminous. In the bituminous and lower grades of coal the inert volatile matter, which is so much more abundant in these coals, is taken into consideration. The classification is as follows : IOO vc Inert volatile C Anthracites proper . . . . Below 4 Anthracitic \ Semianthracites . . . . . . 4-8 . Semibiturninous 10 i^ A 20-32 5-io Bituminous Bituminous proper B 20-27 C 32-44 D 27-44 10-15 5-io 10-15 Black lignite Brown lignite 27 up 27 up 16-20 2030 In taking examples of the various analyses of coals tested by the U. S. Geological Survey at the St. Louis plant, Parr 1 shows that they readily follow this classification. 1 U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 48, 1906. WHITE'S CLASSIFICATION BASED ON CARBON in A further formula is suggested for the purpose of determining what Parr chooses to call the " gross coal index," or the amount of any coal necessary to give 100 pounds of pure fuel. It is found by adding together the carbon, sulphur ,and combustible hydrogen, (these three constituents being regarded as the only true heat-producing factors in the coal) dividing the sum by 100, and 100 by the quotient. Thus a Dakota lignite contains: C 52.66 per cent; H 1.83 per cent; and 5 2. 02 per cent = 56.51. The " gross coal index" for this coal would be = 177, or it would require 177 pounds of it to make 100 -5651 pounds of pure fuel. Grout's classification resembles this one of Parr's in providing two factors for fixing the position of, the coal and it has the advantage of being simpler in its application. White's Classification based on Carbon Oxygen + Ash Content Another method of classifying coals has been suggested by White 1 in making determinations of the anti-calorific influence of oxygen. As a result of an investigation of all available ultimate analyses it was found that ash and oxygen possess almost equal anti-calorific values, the former having slightly more than the latter. This was found to be true also for moisture-free coal. If two coals alternate in the percentages of ash and oxygen while the other constituents remain constant the calorific value changes very little. Since carbon is the principal calorific element in the fuel it seems appropriate that it should be taken as one factor and (oxygen -f ash) as the other in determining the calorific value. It is found, therefore, that the ratio C : (O + ash) gives a quotient which corresponds very closely to the determined calorific value of the coal, not varying more than i per cent, as a rule, from an efficiency curve. The sulphur, available hydrogen f H j and nitrogen seem to play a small part in con- trolling the calorific value of the fuel compared with that of the carbon, oxygen, and ash. The hydrogen is the most potent element of the three and its influence is shown in the special types of coal such as those of the boghead-cannel group. 1 White, David, The effect of oxygen in coal. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 382, 1909. 112 THE CLASSIFICATION OF COALS It was found, further, that the relation of the ratio C : (O + ash) to the calorific value becomes much less distinct in coals undergoing anthracitization and having over 79 per cent fixed carbon in the pure fuel, or in those which have been weathered. This classification is of great scientific interest in its bearing on the calorific value of coals but it has little application in classifying coals according to the terms which are familiar in the coal trade. There is one strong objection, from a practical standpoint, to all the preceding classifications except that of Frazer in the fact that they require ultimate anlyses. If possible, the making of ultimate an- alyses for classification purposes should be avoided since they are always costly. Parr has met this objection to a considerable degree by devising an apparatus by means of which the total carbon may be readily determined and he has also prepared a curve from which the available hydrogen may be obtained. This curve is constructed on the principle that the available hydrogen is combined with volatile carbon in the form of hydrocarbons and that the percentage of avail- able hydrogen, therefore, bears a fairly definite relation to the per- centage of volatile carbon. Since the latter is easily obtained by sub- tracting the fixed carbon from the total carbon it is not difficult to obtain the available hydrogen from the curve. Dowling's Split Volatile Ratio Classification In order to avoid the necessity of making an ultimate analysis Dowling 1 has suggested a classification based on what he calls the " split volatile ratio" This system is adopted in order to take into account the volatile matter, which is available for the production of heat and that portion which is inert and therefore should be placed with the moisture as anti-calorific material. The formula used is, Fixed carbon -f i volatile combustible TT7 ~ , . ., .., . ^ . When the quotients result- Moisture + J volatile combustible ing from this ratio are compared with those obtained from the car- bon-hydrogen ratio they are found to be almost equally satisfactory. The various coals may be grouped according to this classification in the following order: 1 Dowling, D. B., Classification of coals by the split volatile ratio. Can. Min. Joui. pp. 143-146, April 15, 1908. Also, Can. Geol. Survey, Rept., No. 1035, P- 43 CLASSIFICATION ADOPTED BY GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS 113 Anthracite 15 up Semianthracite 13-15 Anthracite coal 10-13 High carbon bituminous 6-10 Bituminous 3 . 5-6 Low carbon bituminous 3-3 . 5 Lignitic coal 2 . 5-3 Lignite 1-2-3.5 This split volatile ratio was adopted in part of the following classi- fication of the coals of the world by the Twelfth International Geol- ogical Congress 1 and also in a later work by Bowling on the coal resources of Canada. 2 Classification Adopted by the International Geological Congress CLASS A (1) Burns with short, blue flame; gives off 3 to 5 per cent of volatile combustible matter. ._ , . Fixed carbon Fuel ratio: . - = 12 and over. Volatile matter Calorific value, 8000 to 8330 calories, or, 14,500 to 15,000 B.t.u. Mean composition, Carbon 93 to 95 per cent Hydrogen 2 to 4 " Oxygen and nitrogen 3 to 5 " (2) Burns with slightly luminous, short flame and little smoke; does not coke, and yields from 7 to 12 per cent of volatile matter. Fuel ratio, 7 to 12. Calorific value generally 8300 to 8600 calories, or 15,000 to 15,500 B.t.u. Mean composition, Carbon 90 to 93 per cent Hydrogen 4 to 4.5 " Oxygen and nitrogen 3 to 5.5 " CLASS B (i) Burns with short, luminous flame and yields 12 to 15 per cent volatile matter; does not readily coke. Fuel ratio, 4 to 7. 1 Coal resources of the world. Vol. i, Toronto, Canada, 1913. * Coal fields and coal resources of Canada. Can. Geol. Survey, Mem. 59, 1915. 114 THE CLASSIFICATION OF COALS Calorific value generally 8400 to 8900 calories, or 15,200 to 16,000 B.t.u. Mean composition, Carbon 80 to 90 per cent Hydrogen 4 5 to 5 Oxygen and nitrogen 5 . 5 to 12 " (2) Burns with luminous flame and yields from 12 to 26 per cent volatile matter; generally cokes. Fuel ratio, 1.2 to 7. Calorific value 7700 to 8800 calories, or 14,000 to 16,000 B.t.u. Mean composition, Carbon 75 to 90 per cent Hydrogen 4. 5 to 5.5 " Oxygen and nitrogen 6 to 15 " (3) Burns freely with long flame; withstands weathering but frac- tures readily and occasionally has moisture content up to 6 per cent; volatile matter up to 35 per cent; makes porous, tender coke. Fixed carbon + \ volatile ! * = 2 . C tO 3 . ^ Hygroscopic moisture + J volatile Calorific value 6600 to 7800 calories, or 12,000 to 14,000 B.t.u. Mean composition, Carbon 70 to 80 per cent Hydrogen 4-5 to 6 " Oxygen and nitrogen 18 to 20 CLASS C Burns with long, smoky flame; yields from 30 to 40 per cent vola- tile matter on distillation, leaving very porous coke. Fracture generally resinous. Calorific value 6600 to 8800 calories, or 12,000 to 16,000 B.t.u. CLASS D Contains generally over 6 per cent of moisture; disintegrates on drying; streak brown or yellow; cleavage indistinct. (i) Moisture in fresh-mined, commercial output, up to 20 per cent. Fracture generally conchoidal. Drying-cracks irregular, curved lines. Color generally lustrous black, occasionally brown. Fixed carbon + volatile Hygroscopic moisture + \ volatile = 1.8 to 2.5 GRUNER'S CLASSIFICATION 115 Calorific value 5500 to 7200 calories, or 10,000 to 13,000 B.t.u. Average composition, Carbon 60 to 75 per cent Hydrogen 6 to 6 . 5 " Oxygen and nitrogen 20 to 30 (2) Moisture in commercial output over 20 per cent. Fracture generally earthy and dull. Drying-cracks generally separate along bedding planes and often show fibrous (woody) structure. Color generally brown, sometimes black. Calorific value 4000 to 6000 calories, or 7000 to 11,000 B.t.u. Average composition, Carbon 45 to 65 per cent Hydrogen 6 to 6.8 Oxygen and nitrogen 30 to 45 " In the above classification, letters are substituted for names. In a general way the classification conforms to the nomenclature used in America, as follows: AI = Anthracite coal. A z = Semianthracite coal. Bi Anthracitic coal and high carbon bituminous coal. B 2 = Bituminous coal. Bz = Low carbon bituminous coal. C = Cannel coal. DI = Lignitic or subbituminous coal. Dz = Lignite. Gruner's Classification In his classification of French coals Gruner 1 takes into consideration the fixed carbon and volatile matter as well as the constituents of the ultimate analysis. He also makes use of the ratio of hydrogen to (oxygen + nitrogen). No provision is made for lignite, subbitumi- nous coal, or cannel. The following table is a slightly abbreviated compilation of Gruner's tables. As previously mentioned the term "houille" in French corresponds to bituminous coal in America, and "charbon" is the general term used for coal. 1 Gruner, E., and Bousquet, G., Atlas general des houilleres. Deuxieme partie, Texte p. 16, 1911. n6 THE CLASSIFICATION OF COALS Class or type of coal and commercial name in France Proportion oi coke in 100 parts of pure coal Proportion of volatile matter in loo parts of pure coal Nature and ap- pearance of coke Real calorific power Industrial cal- orific power. Water at o vaporised at 112 by i kgm. of pure coal burned Per cent Per cent Calories Kgms. of water i. Houilles se- ches (dry) & longue flamme. Houilles flam- bantes. 55-60 45-40 Powdery or slightly fused. 8000-8500 6.70-7.50 2. Houilles grasses (fat) a longue flamme. Charbons a gaz. 60-68 42-32 Completely agglomer- ated and very often fused. 8500-8800 7.60-8.30 3. Houilles grasses (fat) proprement dites. Char- bons de forge et Houilles marechales (smiths). 68-74 32-26 Fused and more or less swollen. 8800-9300 8.40-9.20 4. Houilles trasses (fat) courte flamme. Charbons a coke. 74-82 26-18 Fused, com- pact. 9300-9600 9.20-IO.OO 5. Houilles maigres (lean) ou anthracit- euses char- bons demi- gras. Char- bons quart- gras. 82-90 I8-IO Slightly fused, very often powd- ery. 9200-9500 9.00-9.50 6. Anthracites. Charbon maigre (lean) anthracite. 90-92 10-8 Powdery, often de- crepitated. 9000-9200 9.00 GRUNER'S CLASSIFICATION 117 Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen anc Nitrogen . + N Designation in Germany (Ruhr Basin) Designation in Belgium Designation in England Ratio H Per cent I. 70-80 Per cent Percent 5-5-4-5 I9-5-I5-5 Between 4 and 3 Flamm- Kohle Flenus sees Splint coal 2. 80-85 5-8-5-0 14.2-10.0 Between 3 and 2 Gas-Kohle Flenus gras ou Mons Gas coal 3- 84-89 S-o-5-5 11.0-5.5 Between 2 and i Fett-Kohle Caking coal 4. 88-91 5-5-4-5 6-5-4-5 Nearly i Fett-Kohle Charbons durs ou Charleroi Steam coal 5- 90-93 6. 93-95 4-5-4-0 4 . 0-2 . o 5-5-3-0 Less than i Mager- Kohle 3-o 1-0.5 Anthrazit Anthracite Anthracite Il8 THE CLASSIFICATION OF COALS A number of experiments have shown that the lean (maigre) coals are almost insoluble in the ordinary solvents such as aniline while there is an increasing proportion of the fuel soluble, in passing from the lean to the fat (gras) coals. Ashley 's Use Classification A classification has recently been suggested by Ashley 1 which is intended primarily for the use of the person engaged in the coal business and which he designates as a "Use Classification." The main factors on which this classification are based are two ratios, the first being the ratio of the fixed carbon to volatile matter and moist- F c ure combined ' and the second the fuel ratio and the V.m. + rizU fixed-carbon-moisture ratio (F.c.m. ratio). A double ratio is thus made use of as in some of the previous classifications described. The higher-rank coals are distinguished by their fuel ratio and the lower ranks by the ratio of the moisture "as received" to fixed carbon. These ratios are chosen because in the higher ranks of coal the moist- ure changes little and the volatile matter much in relation to the fixed carbon when one rank of coal is changed to another higher in the scale by geological processes, while in the lower ranks there is a larger proportional change in the moisture than in the volatile matter with respect to the fixed carbon. The physical properties are also taken into consideration since they depend largely upon the genesis of the coal and must therefore be closely related to the chemical properties. For example cannel coal differs greatly from ordinary bituminous coal because of its different origin. The woody character of low- grade coals is also considered. A new departure in this classification is the adoption of locality names for certain ranks and grades of coal. The coal of a distinctive grade from a well-known mining locality takes the name of the lo- cality with the name changed so as to end in ite. As examples, Pocahontas coal would be known on the market as Pocahontite and Hocking Valley coal as Hockingite. In addition to the use of these terms for coal from those fields the names might be applied to the same grade of coal from other localities, thus adopting the use of locality names as they are used in mineralogy. 1 Ashley, G. H., A use classification of Coal. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Met. Eng. LXIII, p. 782, 1920. ASHLEY'S USE CLASSIFICATION 119 The following tables show examples of the application of these ratios to the analyses of various typical coals throughout the country. The first table shows the ratio of fixed carbon to volatile matter and moisture combined, and the second the fuel ratio and fixed-carbon- moisture ratio. RATIO OF FIXED CARBON TO VOLATILE MATTER AND MOISTURE COMBINED ( ~ F ',' 1J \V.m. + H Coal Ratio Coal Ratio Anthracite . . IO 7 4- Saint Clair Co., 111. coal o 96 Bernice coal 6 8 Sangamon Co., 111. coal o 84 Brushy Mountain, Va. coal . . . Pocahontas coal . . 4.8 7 .7 Grundy Co., 111. coal Sheridan, Wyo. coal 0.78 o 68 Sewell, New River, coal 2.8 Carney, Wyo. coal o 62 Connellsville coal 2 .O Gillette, Wyo. coal o. 2. To test mine gas for the presence of CO a small animal such as a mouse or canary bird is used, the latter being the best indicator. Experiments by the United States Bureau of Mines 1 have shown that in air containing carbon monoxide canaries and mice be- haved as follows: TABLE SHOWING THE EFFECT OF CARBON MONOXIDE ON ANIMALS Percentage in air Canaries Mice Chickens Dogs Guinea pigs O.IO No. tested 8; i affected in 12 min., 2 slightly af- fected in 4 hours. No. tested 7; i distressed in 30 min., 6 showed no distress in 2\ hours. No. tested i; no effect in 2\ hours. 0.15 No. tested 4; affected in 5 to 30 min. No. tested i; affected in 45 min. No. tested i; no distress in 45 min. O.2O No. tested 12; i distressed in 35 min., n in 2 to 6 min. No. tested 6; i distressed in 40 min., 5 in 6 to 1 2 min. No. tested 4; distressed in 10 to 45 min. No. tested i; slightly distressed in 5 min. o-35 No. tested 2; i distressed in i min., i in 2 min. No. tested 2; i distressed in 2 min., i in 3 min. No. tested i; distressed in 4 to 9 min. 0.50 No. tested 8; distressed in 2 to 9 min. It is evident that all animals of the same species are not affected to the same degree. If an animal becomes accustomed to small amounts 1 Burrell, G. A., Seibert, F. M., and Robertson, I. W., Effects of carbon monoxide on small animals. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 62, 1914. 294 MINING OF COAL of the gas it is more resistant to future attacks. Small animals are more readily affected than human beings but not in proportion to their weight. The flame of a safety lamp is not affected by less than i J per cent of this gas and about 2 per cent is necessary to show a cap. This cap is similar to that of marsh gas. An instrument known as the M-S-A Carbon Monoxide Detector has recently been put on the market; it is very sensitive to this gas and is supposed to indicate within ten seconds any percentage of the gas from 0.05 to i. Car- bon monoxide is explosive when mixed with air in proportions of about I 5-5 to 75 per cent, but the presence of carbon dioxide and marsh gas affects these limits by respectively raising and lowering them. Carbon monoxide is formed by incomplete combustion of carbon in a fire when the oxygen supply is deficient, by the explosion of some types of blasting powder such as those deficient in saltpetre and by the partial oxidation of organic material. The first process is the most important producer of the gas. Methane. This gas is also known as marsh gas (CH 4 ), and when mixed with air it forms fire damp. Its molecular weight is 16 and its specific gravity 0.53. It is thus much lighter than air. It is non- poisonous, tasteless, odorless and colorless. It will not support com- bustion but it will burn with oxygen, producing water and carbon dioxide, when the proportions of the gas vary from i volume of gas to between 3.5 and 30 volumes of air, the greatest explosive intensity being reached when the proportions are i volume of methane to 9.5 volumes of air. The cap produced on the flame of a safety lamp is the means usually employed in detecting the presence of the gas and the following table shows how the cap develops with the varying per- centages of the gas present in the air : Percentage of methane Height of cap and flame i Base of cap forming 1 2 iinch 2 f to 2 inch 25 | inch and slightly luminous top 2 f finch 3 i j inches 35 15 to if inches 3f Up in gauze An increase in moisture lowers the explosibility of fire damp and a mixture of i part of carbon dioxide with 7 parts of an explosive mixture SAFETY LAMPS 295 of air and marsh gas makes it non-explosive, or i part of nitrogen to 6 parts of a similar mixture produces the same result. Marsh gas is abundant in some mines but almost entirely absent in others. It is given off by the coal and it results from the alter- ation of the vegetal matter in forming coal as indicated in a general way in the following equation: C 57 H 56 10 - (3H 2 + C0 2 + 2CH 4 ) = C^A Lignite Bituminous coal As previously mentioned, one mine in the anthracite region of Penn- sylvania has produced as much as 2400 cubic feet of methane per minute. (For further notes see discussion of gases under the Chemi- cal Properties of Coal, Chapter II.) Hydrogen Sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide, or sulphuretted hy- drogen (H 2 S) occurs in mines in small amounts and when it is mixed with air the mixture is known as stink damp or stone damp since it has a very strong and disagreeable odor. It results in very small amounts from blasting, especially where black powder is used and it is also set free through the decay of organic matter. The odor of rotten eggs is largely due to the presence of this gas. It may also be generated by the action of acids on sulphur compounds. The gas will not support combustion but it burns in air with a pale blue flame, the temperature of ignition being 333.3 C. or at red heat. When mixed with one-half times its own volume of air it burns with ex- plosive force and with 7 volumes of air it explodes violently. It produces headache, nausea and the loss of the sense of smell, and if inhaled in sufficient quantities results are fatal. The amount neces- sary to produce death in a human being is about i part by volume to 200 parts of air. Canary birds are sensitive to about .05 per cent in air. Treatment consists in removal to a plentiful supply of fresh air, and in severe cases a little chlorine gas may be administered to aid recovery. Hydrogen. This gas may be formed in small amounts in mines as a result of incomplete combustion in mine fires or in explosions, but it seldom occurs in noticeable quantities. Other rarer gases, including some of the paraffin series, occur in very small quantities in mines. Safety Lamps Various methods have been devised for the lighting of mines, from the torch and the flint mill which generated sparks by contact of a 296 MINING OF COAL steel wheel with a piece of flint, to the high candle power electric light of the present day. In gaseous mines it is necessary to have a closed light and this gave rise to the safety lamp which is now found in such great variety. The structure of the safety lamp is based on the prin- ciple of a protecting envelope through which air will pass but which will prevent the gases outside of the lamp from becoming heated to the temperature of ignition. The first safety lamp was invented by Clanney in 1813 and air was forced into it through a water seal by means of a bellows. The Davy safety lamp was invented by Sir William Davy two years later and had a wire gauze around the flame to conduct the heat away so that the gases outside of the lamp would not take fire. Credit is also due to George Stephenson for discovering the principle of the bonnet 'the same year. The modern lamps are safely locked so that a miner cannot unlock them in the mine but must take them to a safe place to be unlocked by a key or an electrical device. Most of them have a self-lighting device inside which in- sures greater safety to the men. Oil is the fuel mostly used. The light is much better in the modern lamp than in the older types since it has a glass envelope or chimney and the air enters near the base of the lamp. The electric cap lamp has made its appearance in the mines during the last seven years and it gives promise of being very largely used because of its greater convenience and its efficiency in producing light. 1 It has one serious objection to the miner used to the other safety lamps, and that is the fact that it does not indicate the presence of harmful gases. For open lights in non-gaseous mines acetylene generated from calcium carbide in contact with water produces a very efficient light and acetylene lights are very commonly used. Mine Ventilation Since a coal mine is certain to contain more or less foul air it is essential that it be well ventilated. There are two means of ven- tilating a mine: by a furnace and by a fan. A furnace may be used in the smaller mines which are not gaseous. It is built of brick at the foot of a shaft on the main airway, so as to create a strong upward 1 Clark, H. H., Permissible electric lamps for mines. U. S. Bur. of Mines. Tech. Paper 75, 1914. MINE VENTILATION 297 draft by convection currents generated by a fire which is kept burning all the time men are at work in the mine. Mine fans are of many types. They may be constructed as the disc fan where the blades are arranged as they are on a windmill or as the centrifugal type in which the blades are normal to the plane of revo- lution. The fans are usually run so that they propel the air through the airways and to all the working places in the mine, but in some cases the fan may be run as an exhaust fan. It is considered neces- sary to so ventilate a mine that every man may have a minimum of 150 cubic feet of air per minute if the mine be non-gaseous and 200 cubic feet if it be gaseous. The velocity of the current of air in the mine workings is measured by an anemometer and the pressure by a water gage. If the anemometer reading were 1800 feet in three minutes and the size of the airway 6 feet by 10 feet the volume of air passing through would be found in the following way: 6 x 10 X - o = 36,000 cubic feet per minute. Fans are as much as 35 feet in diam- eter and they are capable of delivering from a few thousand up to over 400,000 cubic feet of air per minute, depending upon the size and type of the fan, the rate at which it is run, and the mine resistance. In ventilating a mine the foul air and explosive gases are driven out, but the fresh supply of oxygen tends to oxidize the coal and to set methane free, sometimes at a rapid rate. The air entering the mine becomes warmed and the presence of air with the increased tempera- ture aids the absorption of moisture which is carried out with the air current, leaving the mine dry and in some cases dusty. The fine coal dust becomes distributed through the air and acts much the same as an explosive gas when ignited. 1 It has been shown that the dust is capable of producing tremendous explosions and it is particularly dangerous when mixed with gas as this increases the possibility of igniting the dust by lamps or blasts. The discovery of the ready explosibility of coal dust has aided greatly in avoiding many bad ac- cidents. The danger of explosions may be greatly lessened by sprinkling the mine, and taking other precautions against trouble such as regulating the use of certain explosives, like black powder which generates a long flame on firing. There are certain explosives 1 Rice, G. S., and others, Explosibility of coal dust. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 20, 1911. 298 MINING OF COAL designated as permissible explosives 1 for coal mines and the use of these has aided in reducing accidents although they are not always the most suitable from the practical standpoint for producing the best type of coal for the market. Great strides have been made in recent years in the direction of greater protection for life and property in coal mining and the percentage of accidents has been greatly reduced. Mining has become a relatively safe occupation. Mine Fires Mine fires are one of the great causes of trouble in coal mines and they start by lamps firing gas, timbers or coal, or from blasts or spon- taneous combustion. If they are taken in their incipient stages they can as a rule be put out although the safest practice is to take all precautions against letting them get started. When small they may be put out with water or a chemical extinguisher but when once well started they must be flooded or smothered out. In some cases it may be necessary to flood the whole mine, while in others dams of con- crete, masonry or wood may be built and the spaces behind them flooded. In smothering a fire the mine shaft may have to be sealed up or a portion of the mine may be walled off and sealed so tightly that the fire dies out for want of oxygen. The sealing is done by walls of rock and clay, masonry or concrete. Sometimes a wooden wall is built, and clay, sand or other suitable material is filled in behind it. The waste or " slush " from a breaker or washery may in some cases be turned into the mine to seal up the fire. It is often extremely difficult to seal the area so tightly that no oxygen can enter and there are some fires which have burned for over half a century baffling all attempts to extinguish them. When sealed the area may retain its heat for years, and in some mines the fire which was sup- posed to be dead has broken out as soon as air was admitted. Great care must therefore be exercised in reopening a sealed mine or local area in a mine. In some cases fires have been extinguished by mining out the seam around the fire, thus isolating it. 1 Howell, S. P., Permissible explosives tested prior to Mar. i, 1915. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Paper 100, 1915. CHAPTER XI THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL Introduction A glance at the statistics of distribution of coal mined in the United States shows the manner in which the coals of various ranks are di- vided for consumption. 1 In 1917 the distribution of approximately 80 million tons of Pennsylvania anthracite was as follows: nearly 51 million tons were of domestic sizes; 18 million tons of steam sizes; 6 million tons were used by railroads and over 4 million tons exported. For the same year about 366 million short tons of bituminous coal, mined and distributed in this country, were divided as follows: Used at mines for steam and heat 12,117,159 tons " in manufacture of beehive coke 52,246,612 " in manufacture of by-product coke S^SQS^SQ " in manufacture of coal gas ........ 4,959,697 " by electrical utilities 31,692,722 " for domestic purposes 57,104,000 " for industrial purposes 176,365,939 In addition to the coal included in these figures about 153 million tons were used by the railroads and over 10 million tons were loaded at seaports for bunker purposes. Approximately 23 million tons were exported. For industrial purposes and for the use of the railroads, the two largest items of consumption, a great variety of coals and grades of coal may be used. The same holds true for the electrical utilities, mine consumption and to a certain degree for domestic purposes. For certain types of industrial operations where special coals are required as, for example, in smithing, there were 255,000 tons used. For coking purposes certain limits may be placed on the grade and ranks of coal used, as low sulphur coals and coking varieties must be selected. For domestic purposes the distinctions made lie more in the prep- aration of the coal for use than in the rank or grade of the coals, since all ranks from lignite to anthracite are extensively used and some of the coals are of very low grade. For gas manufacture particular types of fairly high volatile coals are best. 1 U. S. Geol. Survey, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1917. 299 3 oo THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL Preparation of Coal for Domestic Purposes Anthracite. On account of its high heating, low smoke-producing and long-burning qualities, and its freedom from dirt and dust, anthracite has long been a favorite domestic fuel. The operation of preparing it for market has become quite a highly developed me- chanic art. FIG. 101. Slate pickers in an anthracite breaker. (Photo by courtesy of R. P. Hutch- inson of the Bethlehem Fabricators Inc.) There are two main objects in view in breaking and separating anthracite, one being that of getting it into uniform sizes so that it will readily burn in a grate and the other that of cleaning the coal by washing out the small particles of mineral matter and by removing the larger fragments of slate by hand or with mechanical separators. According to Sterling 1 the methods of preparation may be grouped under three classes, as follows: (i) Dry preparation, used for lump coal which comes from the mine dry and which readily 1 Sterling, Paul, The preparation of anthracite. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. 42, p. 264, 1912. Also Peele's Handbook for Mining Engineers, p. 1842. ANTHRACITE 301 separates from the waste rock; (2) Combination of dry and wet preparation employed when the run-of-mine contains a high per- centage of impurities, perhaps up to 55 per cent, but also consid- erable lump coal which can be handled as in (i); (3) Wet prepara- tion, when the run-of-mine is high in impurities and is discolored with iron or clay. This type of coal occurs near the surface and in disturbed zones in the mine. The coal is taken from the mine mouth to the breaker in the mine cars or by conveyors, depending upon the relative position of the pit mouth and the top of the breaker. It is first passed over a sizing screen, sometimes known as a bull shaker, which sorts the lump from the smaller material, the former going to a picking table and the latter, which is often called the mud-screen product, moving along to be treated by the wet process, (Fig. 101). On the picking table pieces of rock are removed by hand. If coal and rock adhere the lumps are removed to a special table where they are broken by hand and the rock sent to the rock pile. The cleaned lump goes to a pocket for shipment as lump or to the rolls to be broken, depending upon the demand for the different sizes. The rolls, which are furnished with teeth, break the coal into the sizes indicated by the following table: TABLE SHOWING MARKET SIZES FOR ANTHRACITE AND SCREEN OPENINGS IN INCHES Size of coal Punched plate Woven wire Round Square Over Through Over Through Over Through , Lump 6^ 4^ 3* *& ife J P f A X 'ei 4^ I * f P A if 2 I* A 2 If 1 3 16 9 T 6 Ji' 2 ti 3 4 A i\ If' 2 if 1 Steamboat Broken Egg. . Stove Chestnut Pea Buckwheat Rice Barley Buckwheat No. 4 3 02 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL The percentages of each size allowable in the other sizes and the percentage of slate and bone allowable in the various sizes is shown in the following table: TABLE OF STANDARDS OF PREPARATION IN PERCENTAGE May contain Broken Egg Stove Nut Pea Buckwheat Rice Barley Of slate I 2 2-5 4 8 IO 15 IS Of bone 2 2 4 5 5 Of next size larger 5 5 10 5 8 8 8 Of next size smaller 2O 5 5 15 ISB 15 2 5 . isR After screening, the steamboat size is either sent to a pocket and shipped or sent to other rolls and further crushed, according to the condition of the market for various sizes. This process is continued until the whole operation is complete except that certain portions of the coal are put through the wet process to clean it if necessary. The course followed is clearly outlined by Ashmead 1 in the accompanying diagram, (Fig. 102). The screens used in recent years are largely of the shaker type rather than the oscillating or gyratory screens. The advantages of the shaker type, according to Sterling, are: low first cost; ease with which it may be repaired and maintained; good sizing of smaller sizes; large capacity; ability to size material not over 150 pounds in weight in going to the picking room. The revolving screen does not vibrate the breaker as much as a shaker screen and it performs exact screening and sizing. It has smaller capacity, however, and requires more space than shaking screens of the same capacity. Only about one-eighth of the surface is in contact with the coal at one time. The first cost and maintenance are high. There have been some recent developments in the use of jigs, es- pecially of the plunger type, for separating the slate from the coal, and mechanical pickers are used a great deal for the same purpose in dry preparation. Where hand picking is done the moving table 1 Ashmead, D. C., Modernized breaker with hand pickers, spirals, jigs and concen- trators. Coal Age, Vol. 18, p. 585, 1920. ANTHRACITE 303 34 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL is found to be an advantage. In the automatic mechanical pickers the moving table is so arranged as to give it a pitch in two directions, first transverse to the table, and second along the center line. This requires the moving material to travel up hill and the coal is separ- ated from the rock, owing to difference in specific gravity and friction FIG. 103. Cross-section of Alliance Breaker, showing loading method. (After Ash- mead: Reproduced by courtesy of Coal Age.) of the coal and slate on the table. The rock discharges at one point and the coal at another. With the increased efficiency of the cleaning equipment in the modern breakers it is now possible to save a much larger percentage of the coal than formerly and some of the culm banks can be reworked. Several large Pennsylvania anthracite companies have quite recently installed tables of the Deister-Over- strom type for washing the barley and smaller sizes of coal. There BITUMINOUS COAL 305 seems to be a good future in the Anthracite region for the application of some of the devices so long used for ores, and adopted in some of the western fields for coal washing and separation. Bituminous coal. It is becoming more and more a custom to wash and size bituminous and semibituminous coal for domestic pur- poses. A cleaner coal and a coal which will burn better and stand storage better is produced in this way, and mining operations are aided because some labor in sorting coal and rock underground is saved. At many mines simple bar screens are used while at others modern shaker screens have been adopted. The coal is sorted into various sizes somewhat like anthracite but on a less perfectly devel- oped plan. The state of Illinois has probably been the most advanced of the states of the Union in the systematic preparation of bituminous coal, and now only about 20 per cent of her output is sold as run-of- mine, the remainder being treated before shipment is made. 1 This remarkable development in washing and sizing operations in Illinois is partly due, however, to the fact that very little of the coal in the state is of coking quality. This is a type which does not need sizing for market, although it is customary to wash a great deal of coking coal to reduce the sulphur content. At mines where the coal is only passed over shaking screens and then sold, four sizes are commonly made; these are known by the following names: Name Size in inches Per cent of total output Lump Over 6 T (J Eee Over 3^ through 6 TQ No. i nut Over if through 3^ 16 No. 2 nut Over i through if II? No. 3 nut Over f through i 7 No. 4 nut Over j through f 7 No. 5 nut Through j 21 The sizes for these different types vary somewhat in different fields. In some areas the lump sizes run through 8 grades of lump, from 8- inch lump to ij-inch lump and on down through chunk, egg, nut, pea and screenings. At some mines mechanical pickers, as well as men and boys, are employed and some companies wash the coal in addition 1 Andros, S. O., Coal mining in Illinois. Illinois Coal Mining Investigations. Bull. 13, p. 202. Urbana, 1914. 3 6 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL to screening it. Washing tends to remove clay, slate and iron pyrite and this is quite an advantage for high sulphur coals for coking. An elaborate washery was put into operation at the United States Fuel Company's mine at Benton, Franklin County, Illinois in the fall of 1918. l It has been the hope of mining men that the greater part of the sulphur could be removed from coal by washing out the pyrite. Unfortunately, as previously pointed out in this text, it is impossible to wash out the sulphur in organic compounds, or the finely divided pyrite which is almost always present. FIG. 104. The Loree Breaker. (Photo by courtesy of R. P. Hutchinson, Bethlehem Fabricators, Inc.) Storage The storing of coal is a very important item in many industries. If it is not stored at times when it is plentiful and transportation facilities are good, plants may be tied up owing to break-downs in traffic or mining operations, resulting from storms, strikes or other causes. Another advantage in storing coal is that it distributes the demand more uniformly over the whole year and the peak load does 1 Campbell, J. R., Mechanical separation of sulphur minerals from coal. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. and Met. Eng., Vol. LXIII, p. 683, 1920. Also, Frazer, Thomas and Yancey, H. J., Some factors that affect the washability of a coal, p. 768. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION 307 not always fall in the winter when most coal is likely to be needed. According to Stock the coal should be stored as near the place where it will be used as possible, although it is practical to store at the mines temporarily when the car supply is short. The main objections to storage of coal in large amounts are the breakage, the cost of re- handling, danger of fire from spontaneous combustion or other causes, the deterioration from weathering, the difficulty in securing adequate storage facilities in large cities where the coal may be stored near the plant in which it is to be used, and the possibility of a sudden and considerable drop in price. 1 Spontaneous combustion. The cause of spontaneous combustion is heating of the coal by oxidation and other agencies. Oxidation is continually going on in coal exposed to the air and there is a general impression that sulphur in the form of pyrite is responsible for much of the trouble. This is not the real cause although it may aid the chemical processes producing the heat. Sulphuric acid is developed to a certain extent in the weathering of iron pyrite and since it is such a strong oxidizing agent and generates so much heat on coming in contact with water the presence of pyrite will naturally have an effect on chemical action. It should be borne in mind, however, that the condition in which the pyrite occurs in the coal, whether finely divided, or coarsely crystallized, will have some influence on its rate of weather- ing and it is found that the rate varies greatly. Specimens of pyrite in a collection in a laboratory show great differences in the rate of alteration. Some will break down in the course of a few years while others will remain perfectly bright for an indefinite period. In a recent paper some English writers 2 have claimed that fusain, (mother-of-coal or mineral charcoal) probably aids spontaneous com- bustion owing to the ease with which it crumbles to powder and takes fire. It smoulders in many cases without any evidence of flame. These writers have also found, as previously mentioned in this work, that mineral charcoal contains a higher percentage of ash and fixed carbon than the coal in which it occurs and that it is deleterious to the production of good coke. It seems possible to the writer, in view of 1 Norris, R. V., The storage of anthracite. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. XLII, p. 314, 1912. (Full discussion of systems of storage and handling.) 2 Sinnatt, F. S., Stern, H., and Bayley, F., Does fusain cause mine and bin fires, spoil coke and aid explosions? Coal Age. Vol. 18, p. 384, 1920. 308 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL the great absorptive quality of wood charcoal, that mineral charcoal may have the power of occluding within its walls more gases than or- dinary coal, and the presence of these gases would influence spon- taneous combustion. This would be a very interesting field for in- vestigation. An investigation of the causes of spontaneous combustion with special reference to Illinois coals was carried out by Parr and Kress- mann 1 and their conclusions were that the following factors entered into a consideration of the subject: (i) kind of coal with regard to its volatile matter; (2) purity of the coal; (3) presence of pyrite and other sulphur compounds; (4) temperature of the coal; (5) size of the fragments; (6) presence of occluded gases; (7) presence of mois- ture; (8) accessibility of oxygen; (9) pressure on the coal. Regarding the kind of coal, it is found that those high, or fairly high, in volatile matter such as lignites, subbituminous, bituminous and semibituminous coal are the only ones which are likely to take fire. The anthracitic coals have too high an ignition temperature and they weather too slowly to take fire readily. According to Fayol lignite as fine dust takes fire at 150 C., gas coal at 200 C., coke at 250 C. and anthracite at 300 C. or above. He also found that coal absorbed oxygen about twice as fast as did pyrite. The pure coals seem to oxidize more rapidly than those with more foreign matter. The effect of pyrite has already been described above. The size of the coal is an important factor as fine coal is a much more rapid absorbent of oxygen than lump and is dangerous in storage. Occluded gases of an inflammable type, such as methane, no doubt favor spontaneous combustion, but to what extent is unknown. Moisture under certain conditions aids the process since it influ- ences the oxidation of pyrite and coal. Accessibility of oxygen is without question an important factor. Pressure is believed to be an important factor in aiding the devel- opment of heat in coal, but to what extent and in what manner is not very fully understood. Some of the remedies suggested for spontaneous combustion are: storage under water to eliminate oxidation; exclusion of fine coal by screening, or its regular distribution throughout the pile; keeping 1 Parr, S. W., and Kressmann, F. W., The spontaneous combustion of coal, Illinois Experiment Station, Bull. 46, 1910. BRIQUETTING 309 the piles low, only a few feet hign; keeping the coal away from ex- ternal sources of heat such as boilers, pipes or the sun's rays; keeping it dry unless completely submerged; and elimination of high sulphur coals. The deterioration of coal in storage. From the researches of David White, previously mentioned, it is shown that oxygen in coal is practically equivalent to ash in its anti-calorific properties. The oxidation of coal therefore decreases its heating value. Regarding the deterioration in storage Parr 1 concludes that very little loss is suffered if the temperature is not allowed to rise above 180 F. as there is no appreciable evolution of CO 2 below 200 F. The loss per pound in heat value is due largely to an increase in weight per unit mass of coal on account of the absorption of oxygen, and Parr claims that the weathered coal gave just as satisfactory results in firing, if care were taken in controlling the fire, as the unweathered coal. In an earlier article Parr and Hamilton 2 present the following conclusions, in addition to those previously set forth: Submerged coal does not lose appreciably in heat value while outdoor exposure results in a loss in heating value of from 2 to 10 per cent. In some cases the losses appear to be complete at the end of five months. From the seventh to the ninth month the loss is not appreciable. Similar results were obtained by Porter and Ovitz 3 in experiments on Sheridan, Wyoming coal. They found that this coal lost 3 to 5.5 per cent of its heating value in about three years in storage, 70 to 80 per cent of the loss oc- curring within the first nine months. They also found that storage in air-tight bottom bins had a distinct advantage over covering the surface of the coal. The slacking of the coal is one of the important factors in weathering as it tends to destroy its firing qualities. Briquetting 4 The process of briquetting coal has developed considerably in re- cent years. It is applied to fuels which are dusty, such as peat, lig- 1 Parr, S. W., Effects of storage upon the properties of coal. University of Illinois, Bull. No. 39, Vol. XIV, 1917. 2 Parr, S. W., and Hamilton, N. D., The weathering of coal. University of Illinois, Bull. No. 33, 1907. 3 Porter, H. C., and Ovitz, F. K., Deterioration in the heating value of coal during storage. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 136, 1917. 4 Franke, G., A handbook of briquetting. Translated by F. Lantsberry, Charles Griffin and J. B. Lippincott, 1917. 310 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL nite, fine slack, and culm. It consists of compressing the powdered fuel into briquets or little bricks, using pitch as a bond to hold the particles together. The pressing is done at rather high temperatures. In recent years much material from the culm banks of the anthra- cite region of Pennsylvania has been recovered, washed, dried, and briquetted. Many of the old culm piles contain the coal which is now sold as barley and buckwheat sizes. According to Dorrance, 1 at the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company's plant the culm is loaded into gondolas of ioo,ooo-pound capacity and taken to a track hopper at the briquetting plant. It is elevated to the drying plant and passed through Vulcan rotary kiln driers which are heated by gases from the furnace. It is screened on vibrating screens of Newago type, the material passing through the finest screen going to the refuse conveyor. The refuse from this and later screenings is sent to the mines at Sum- mit Hill for slushing the mine fire burning there. Commercially- sized coal separated is sent to the drier building for feeding the fur- naces. The material from the screens is sent to Damon air separators and the coal retained from them is sent to the bins and from there to the mixing-house. Solid coal-tar pitch is used as a binder and it is fed into rolls and cracked to " pea " and " dust" sizes. This is then elevated to the pitch-measuring apparatus which feeds the right pro- portion of pitch to a squirrel-cage pulverizer which in turn feeds it into a screw conveyor with a measured amount of culm material. These materials then pass to the briquetting-house and are sent through the mixers to the presses. In the mixers the material is heated with superheated steam to about 400 then cooled by a cooling fan and pressed into briquets. Briquets are used by the railroads and industrial concerns, while the little balls known as boulets are sold for domestic use since the larger size does not seem to burn as well in domestic heaters as the smaller balls. Experiments have shown that a great number of binders may be used for briquetting, but some of them cost a prohibitive sum. 2 The nearness to the source of supply influences to quite a large extent the choice of the type of binder. The following binders have proven satisfactory and they are available in many localities: (i) Asphalt, 1 Dorrance, Charles, Jr., Anthracite culm briquets. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. XLII, p. 365, 1912. 2 Mills, James E., Binders for coal briquets. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. No. 24, 1911. PRODUCER GAS the heavy residuum from petroleum, costing about 45 to 60 cents per ton of briquets and used in proportion of 4 in 100. (2) Water-gas tar pitch costing 50 to 60 cents; 5 or 6 per cent is used. (3) Coal- tar pitch; 6.5 to 8 per cent is used per ton and the cost per ton of briquets runs 65 to 90 cents for binder. Other substances which might be used are starch, sulphite and magnesia. The results of the tests made on briquets by the Bureau of Mines 1 indicate that there is considerable difficulty in burning them in do- mestic heaters where low temperatures prevail so much of the time, as the binder either tends to produce a deposit on the interior walls of the furnace and the pipes which clogs them, or it burns off too rapidly when the temperature rises quickly. The briquets ignite readily unless an inorganic binder is used or there is too much im- purity in the slack from which they are made, and they produce a large amount of smoke if not properly fired. Their relative efficiency is high, they are clean and they weather very well. It is concluded, however, that there is no justification for briquetting lump coal and the main advantage in the process lies in consolidating coal which is in too fine a condition or is dusty. Lignite and fine coal, which does not coke may be profitably briquetted in many cases. Coking coals are more easily handled without briquetting than non-coking types since they are not readily lost by running through the grates. The average cost of briquetting a ton of fuel has been placed at about $1.00 to $1.80. Recent developments in the briquetting of partially devolatilized coal, or carbo-coal, indicate that there is probably a more promising future along that line than in the briquetting of the raw fuel. Coals Used in Gas Manufacture Producer gas. Coals which are used in gas manufacture may vary greatly in quality and it is difficult to fix limits as to their prop- erties. Fuels from peat to anthracite have been used for the manu- facture of producer gas, which is coal gas diluted with air and often mixed with water-gas. They should, however, be comparatively low in sulphur and ash and the fusibility of the ash is an important fac- tor. It should not be low. The size of the coal also has an impor- 1 Wright, C. L., Fuel briquetting investigations. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 58, p. 191, 312 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL tant bearing as coarse run-of-mine is not good material. Egg and nut sizes are desirable and screenings may be used. 1 Illuminating gas. For illuminating gas a coal must be high in volatile matter so as to yield per short ton at least 10,000 cubic feet of gas at 60 F. and 30 inches mercury pressure, and the gas should test 1 6 to 1 8 standard candle power. Cannel coal has long been recognized as probably the most desirable coal for this purpose. The quality of the volatile constituents is important as well as the quantity. The coal should also yield a good proportion of coke. The sulphur must be low, not above ij and preferably below i per cent, although coals have been used in some cases which run up to about 2 per cent. The sulphur unites with hydrogen to produce hydrogen sulphide H 2 S and with carbon to produce carbon disul- phide (082). The former is an evil-smelling, poisonous gas and the latter under certain conditions has a horrible odor. Both of these gases burn to sulphur dioxide (802) and this gas is not only suffo- cating and objectionable to man but it aids in tarnishing metal house- furnishings. The sulphur gases can be removed from the illumin- ating gas at a rather high and in many cases prohibitive cost. 2 The following figures indicate the general chemical composition of coals which have been used and are well adapted for gas making : Cannel Bituminous gas coal Moisture i . 30- 4 . 50 per cent i . oo- 4 . oo per cent Volatile matter 30.00-39.00 " 28.00-37.00 " Fixed carbon 50.00-60.00 " 54.00-61.00 " Ash 2.20-6.00 " 3.50-10.00 " Sulphur 0.50-1.05 " 0.80-1.32 " B.t.u 13,000-14,500 13,200-14,600 Water gas. Water gas is a commercial gas consisting very largely of carbon monoxide and hydrogen and it is made by dissociating steam into hydrogen and oxygen, thus permitting the latter to unite with carbon to form carbon monoxide (CO). Anthracite and coke have been most generally used for this purpose but non-coking bitu- minous coals might also be used. 1 Brooks, G. S., and Nitchie, C. C., Gas producer practice in western zinc plants. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. and Met. Eng., Vol. LXIII, p. 846, 1920. 2 Odell, W. W., and Dunkley, W. A., Removal of sulphur from illuminating gas. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. and Met. Eng., Vol. LIII, p. 660, 1920. POWDERED FUEL 313 Smithing Coals No very definite limits have been fixed for the quality of smithing coals. Semibituminous or " smokeless " coals have been generally used although anthracite and semianthracite coal have also been used. Some of the requirements for a first-class coal of this type are low sulphur, less than i per cent; high calorific value; low ash; and sufficient coking quality to seal over and retain the fire when articles are not being inserted or withdrawn. Coals for Cement and Tile Burning For a cement-burning coal the requirements are a high calorific value, 12,000 B.t.u. and upward, and a high volatile content. For burning brick and pottery, coals of high volatile content and non- coking qualities are desirable. For burning porcelain and the finer grades of ceramic materials low sulphur is essential and low ash desirable. According to Par- melee 1 the English pottery practice requires a coal which comes near the following figures: Total sulphur, 1.20 per cent; sulphur in ash o.i i per cent; and volatile sulphur 1.09 per cent. The practice in America is about as follows: For Sanitary ware: Maximum i.o per cent; 0.5 per cent desirable. For Sewer pipe: As high as 3.10 per cent has been used but 1.2 per cent should be the maximum and i.i per cent is about present run. Terra Cotta: i.o per cent is approximate and 0.5 per cent is basis of contract. Pottery: i.o per cent contract basis and 1.5 per cent probable content. Enameled brick: 1.3 per cent maximum. Powdered Fuel Powdered fuel must be ground exceedingly fine and then be blown into the furnaces with a supply of air adequate to completely con- sume it. For ordinary steam purposes the sulphur and a reasonable amount of ash do not greatly affect the qualifications, but for use in the steel plants the sulphur and ash must be low. The same rules should govern the proportions of sulphur in such fuel as in coke. The 1 Parmelee, C. W., Effect of sulphur in coal used in ceramic industries. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. and Met. Eng v Vol. LXIII, p. 727, 1920. 314 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL volatile matter should be over 30 per cent and the greater the pro- portion of combustible gas in the volatile matter the better the quality, other things being equal. There is an interesting new development in the use of coal as a colloidal fuel. 1 The use of this type of fuel is largely in the experi- mental stage but there may be a large future for it. The colloidal fuel in which coal has been concerned is very finely powdered coal suspended in fuel oil. Several types of coal have been used and the calorific power developed has been high. There seems to be a pos- sibility of not only suspending the fine coal in the liquid as a mechani- cal mixture but also of dissolving certain parts of it so that it actually goes into a liquid condition. Steam Coals Coals used in the production of steam include especially those used on ships, in locomotives and under stationary boilers and they embrace a wide range in ranks and grades. The ideal steaming coal is one combining high calorific power with small smoke- and clinker- producing, as well as fairly long-burning qualities. It should also be sufficiently high in volatile matter to permit a rapid response to stimulated firing, as a fireman on a locomotive, for example, may need a fire which responds rather quickly when heavy grades are approached. The coal must also be capable of standing storage, especially when employed for bunkering purposes. The presence of sulphur will influence its qualities for storing as well as the clink- ering of the ash since sulphur, especially in the form of mineral sul- phides, seems to show a marked influence in lowering the temperature of fusion of the ash if present in quantities over about 2 per cent. The character of the ash and the methods of firing will also influence the results to a marked degree. The iron of the pyrite unites with other elements and produces more fusible compounds. The sulphur compounds also break up and form new compounds some of which corrode the furnaces. Semibituminous, or so-called " smokeless," coal has long been rec- ognized in America and abroad as the finest type of steam coal. 1 Sheppard, S. E., Colloidal fuels, their preparation and properties. Jour, of Ind. and Eng. Chem. Vol. 13, p. 37, 1921. COKE It has the highest calorific value of any coal and it contains sufficient volatile matter to make it ignite a little more readily than anthracite. Some of the best steam coals in America are the semibituminous coals of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Central Pennsylvania, Arkansas, and Alberta, Canada. The steam coals of South Wales have long been famous. Analyses showing the limits in composition of some of the well- known types of semibituminous coals in the United States are as follows i 1 Arkansas Maryland Pennsylvania West Virginia Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbon. . . . Ash 0.85- 3.50 II .40-16.60 72.00-77.00 7 4OI2 OO 0.38- 3.40 15.40-27.00 57.20-76.60 4 20 18 so 0.57- 4.50 15 .80-27.20 64.30-78.00 2 4012 2O 0.30- 3.40 13 .IO-22.OO 71.90-79.00 2 OO I I 2O Sulphur B.t.u 1.30- 2.8o 13,20014,650 0.80- 4.70 12,76014,900 0.50- 2.IO 1 3,400 IA, 6 SO 0.50- 2.50 14. OOO 14. Q2O An analysis of high-grade Pocahontas coal would be illustrated by the following figures: Moisture, 1.31; Volatile matter, 16.30; Fixed carbon, 77.06; Ash, 5.33; Sulphur, 0.67; and B.t.u. 14,746. Coking The coking of coals for the purpose of securing metallurgical coke is a process which has long been in vogue and it has attained a place of great importance in our industrial operations. There are, however, some new phases of this process which bid fair to become of much more widespread interest than that of simply securing metallurgical coke. They are the saving of the volatile products from the coal and the production of solid fuels which will be better suited than coal for domestic use and for some industrial purposes. Coke. Coke is the hard residue obtained from heating coals in the absence of air. It has a dull to submetallic luster, is dark gray to silvery gray in color and is very porous, or vesicular. There is sometimes a great variation in the strength of coke made from the same coal seam. Some of it will support the largest blast furnace 1 Analyses from the Coal Catalog, Zern, E. N., Editor, Keystone Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, 1918. This work contains analyses of practically all coal seams in the country. 3i6 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL charges while other portions will not. The percentage of coke which may be derived from coal varies from about 50 to 80 per cent, but a profitable coking coal should yield on the average at least from 65 to 70 per cent coke. Coking coals. The question of what physical and chemical properties determine the quality of a coking or caking coal has not been fully decided. It is known that certain portions of a coking coal are soluble in such solvents as aniline, phenol, or pyridine, and that these soluble constituents constitute the better coking ingredients. As previously stated in the discussion on coking coal it has been found by Pishel that coking coals tend to adhere to the sides of an agate mortar when rubbed with a pestle while non-coking coals do not. White also shows that there is some relation between the oxygen and TT hydrogen ratio and the coking quality. When > 58 the coal TT TT generally cokes; when > 55 < 58 the coal may coke; when -- > 5 < 55 the coal is not likely to coke satisfactorily. Exceptions must be made for weathered coals. A test which is often used, es- pecially in Europe, to determine the coking qualities of a coal con- sists in mixing the powdered coal with sand and heating the mixture. The coking quality is judged from the ability of the coal to cause the and grains to stick together in a coherent mass, and the greater the amount of sand the coal can cement the better its coking qualities. The relative qualities of the various coals are fixed by a scale made for that purpose. All coals leave a residue but in many cases it is powdery and incoherent and of no value unless it is briquetted. It is assumed that a good coking coal should run over 30 per cent vola- tile matter and have not more than i J per cent sulphur and 0.02 per cent phosphorous. The requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials, for standard foundry coke are that the dry coke shall not exceed the following limits in chemical composition : Volatile matter not over 2 . o per cent Fixed carbon not under 86.0 " Ash not over 12.0 " Sulphur not over i . o " Sulphur in coke. Owing to the fact that the mineral constit- uents in the coal mostly enter the coke with the ash some of the sulphur SULPHUR IN COKE 317 is carried into the coke. The statement is frequently made that approximately one-half of the sulphur of the coal is driven off and the other half remains in the coke. This assumption has been largely verified by the recent work of Powell 1 although some factors not always considered must be taken into consideration in dealing with this subject. Sulphur in the coal may be in three forms: mineral sul- phides, as pyrite and related minerals; organic sulphur, in some un- determined form; and sulphates, in small amounts. The organic type occurs in quantities ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 per cent and the quantity is nearly uniform for a seam or locality. Apparently this uniformity is due to the nature of the plants which grew in that locality and to the bacteriological and other conditions existing at that time. Pure pyrite is completely decomposed at 1000 C. and the resulting products are ferrous sulphide and free sulphur, the latter uniting with hydrogen if this element be available to form hydro- gen sulphide. A negligible amount of the sulphur remains in the ferrous sulphide in the form of a solid solution known as pyrrhotite, or magnetic sulphide of iron. The sulphur is thus practically equally divided between the volatile and residual constituents. From his tests on the carbonization of coals Powell concludes as follows: (i) At 300 C. decomposition of the pyrite begins with the formation of pyrrhotite and hydrogen sulphide. The reaction is complete at 600 C. and reaches its maximum between 400 and 500 C. (2) At 600 C. the reduction of sulphates to sulphides is complete. (3) Decomposi- tion of J to J of the organic sulphur takes place to form hydrogen sulphide. Most of this reaction occurs below 500 C. (4) A small part of the organic sulphur decomposes to form volatile, organic sulphur compounds most of which enter the tar. This reaction takes place chiefly at the lower temperatures of the process. (5) A portion of the pyrrhotite disappears and the sulphur apparently enters into combination with carbon. This reaction is most active at 500 or more. Between 400 and 500 C. the organic sulphur not accounted for above undergoes decided changes and ceases to resemble the original sulphur in the coal. It appears therefore that the percentage of sulphur originally in the coal rather than the form of the sulphur will be the prevailing factor to be considered. Some carbon bisul- 1 Powell, A. R., Some factors affecting the sulphur content of coke and gas in the carbonization of coal. Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem. Vol. 13, p. 33, 1921. 3l8 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL phide is formed from hydrogen sulphide where it passes over red-hot coke. If hydrogen is passed through coke at a temperature above 600 C. a marked evolution of hydrogen sulphide occurs although the coke had ceased to evolve hydrogen sulphide at about 600 C. The effect of the hydrogen is to aid the decomposition of iron pyrite at a temperature below 500 C. and the decomposition of organic sulphur compounds at temperatures above 500 C. Hydrogen over a coke containing 1.2 per cent sulphur was saturated, when it contained about 0.25 pounds of sulphur per 1000 cubic feet with the coke at 900 C. Hydrogen can therefore scarcely be regarded as an agent which could be profitably employed to remove sulphur from coke. Apparently the gases given off in the coking process play an active part in removing the sulphur from the coke if they can be relieved of their load of sulphur and returned over the coke. Less sulphur was found in the by-product coke when the gases were returned in contact with the coking mass than in the coke where the gases were drawn entirely away from the mass. One may predict therefore, that some method may be devised to eliminate to quite an extent the sulphur in the coke. Beehive coking. The earliest forms of beehive ovens, which get their names from their shape, were built of clay but the modern ovens are standardized in size and form and are constructed of mas- onry, brick and tile. Fire brick is used for lining and the space between the lining and outside walls is filled with waste brick and other ma- terial to prevent, as far as possible, the loss of heat to the exterior. The ovens, which are usually 12.5 feet long by about 7 feet high internally, are arranged in a double row and connected with a com- mon flue, the opening to which is controlled by a damper. In some places the hot waste gases are used for producing steam in the power plant or for heating purposes. The cost of an individual oven in nor- mal times runs from about $450 . oo to $500 . oo. The oven is started at first with a wood fire and coal is added grad- ually for from two to four days to prevent cracking the brickwork. A small charge may then be added and the front door bricked up, leaving holes for air. The burning of this charge, which does not give good coke, is performed to heat the oven and the resulting ma- terial may be rejected or used to heat other ovens. When the oven is hot a charge is loaded in after the front door has been bricked up BEEHIVE COKING 319 about two- thirds of the distance to the top. The charge for a stand- ard oven is about 5 tons. The proportionate swelling of the coal on heating varies with different coals. In many places the coal is crushed to about \ mesh before charging, unless it be finely divided when it comes from the mine. The charge is carefully leveled with a leveling bar and the door bricked and FIG. 105. Beehive ovens at the Isabella plant of the Hecla Coal and Coke Co. courtesy of the Hillman Coal and Coke Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.) (By sealed up within about ij inches of the top, or far enough to admit just about the right amount of air to burn the gas above the charge. During the latter part of the process the oven is sealed tightly to prevent entrance of air, which causes loss of coke by combustion. The length of time the coke is burned depends upon the purpose to which it is to be put. The best foundry coke is burned for about seventy hours but about forty-five hours is the time many ovens are run for other types of coke. 320 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL When the charge is burned the " coke-puller " places a sort of iron sprinkler with comparatively large orifices, in the oven and quenches the coke, applying upwards of 1000 gallons of water to each oven. Care should be exercised so that the lower part of the oven will not be so cooled with excess water that it will not start the fresh charge when it is added. The coke is then drawn either by hand or with a drawing machine and is loaded with a fork so that the fines are separated. The Coppee type of oven. In an effort to exclude all direct access of air to the coking chamber Coppee introduced a retort type of oven in 1 86 1. 1 The oven consists of narrow rectangular chambers about 30 feet long and 3^ feet high. They are built with a slight taper towards one end to lessen the friction of discharging. The ovens are charged at the top and the gases pass into a series of vertical flues into which enough air is admitted to permit the combustion of the gases. The hot gases move downwards into a sole flue and after passing under the whole length of the oven they return to a chimney by the sole flue of the adjoining oven. They pass over boilers to utilize the heat and then up a chimney. The oven is discharged by a pusher and the coke is quenched outside the oven. The advan- tages claimed for this type over the ordinary beehive oven are: greater yield because of exclusion of air from the coking chamber; shorter coking period, because hot gases are utilized; saving in oven heat, because of external quenching and use of mechanical appliances. By-product coking. The beehive oven has long been recognized as an extremely wasteful apparatus and the time is rapidly coming when it will be entirely superseded by the by-product type which will save all of the volatile constituents as well as the coke. It was thought for a long time by metallurgists that the coke made in by-product ovens was inferior to that made in beehive ovens, but the by-product coke has become quite popular and it has been found that in regular operation the consumption of by-product coke per ton of pig iron manufactured is from 100 to 300 pounds less than of beehive coke, in the same operation. 2 Further, the energy used in coking a ton of 1 Byrom, T. H., and Christopher, J. E., Modern coking practice. Crosby, Lockwood and Son, 1910. 2 Sperr, F. W. Jr., and Bird, E. H Bv-product coking. Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Vol. 13, p. 26, 1921. BY-PRODUCT COKING 321 coal in a beehive oven is 9,388,000 B.t.u., the equivalent of 671 pounds of coal, or 33.5 per cent of the heating value of the coal, while in the same operation in a by-product oven the energy expended is 2,408,000 B.t.u., the equivalent of 172 pounds of coal, or 8.6 per cent of the heating value of the coal. As pointed out above it is apparent that it is possible to produce lower sulphur coke from a given coal in the by-product than in the beehive oven. Coals running as high as 35 per cent volatile matter have been used in a by-product oven although it is customary to mix high volatile coals with lower volatile types and thus produce a suit- able mixture. Kreisinger gives the following figures as representa- FIG. 1 06. Semet-Solvay coke pusher and cross-section of a regenerative oven. (By courtesy of the Semet-Solvay Co.) tive of the composition of the coal from a number of mines used in making by-product coke: Moisture, 2.77 per cent; Volatile matter, 34.17; Fixed carbon, 56.94; Ash, 8.99; and Sulphur, 1.37. The an- alysis of the coke runs: Moisture, 0.79 per cent; Volatile matter, 2.80; Fixed carbon, 79.29; and Ash, 17.14. In general, coals used run from 26 to 35 per cent volatile matter. The sulphur must not exceed i per cent in first-grade coke, and the ash in the coal must be less than 8 per cent if used for manufacture of first-grade coke. For second-grade coke sulphur has been placed at 1.20 per cent as a maxi- mum and ash in the coal at 10 per cent. In 1893 the production of beehive coke in the United States was 9,464,730 short tons and of by-product coke 12,850 tons. In 1919 the production of beehive coke was 19,650,000 short tons and of by-product 25,171,000 tons, 1 showing that the supremacy of the 1 Mineral Industry, p. 116, 1919. 3 22 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL beehive is rapidly waning. The by-products recovered for the year 1919 amounted to 668,200,000 pounds ammonium sulphate or its equivalent; 251,000,000 gallons of tar; 84,800,000 gallons of crude light oil and 367,700,000,000 cubic feet of gas. The cost of installing a large by-product plant has been one of the obstacles in the way of a more rapid introduction of the ovens although they are becoming very numerous, many of them being established FIG. 107. Semet-Solvay plant constructed for the Chattanooga Coke and Gas Co. (By courtesy of the Semet-Solvay Co.) in connection with the large metallurgical plants where the gas and tar are utilized for fuel. They are also built near cities where the gas can be utilized. The cost of some of the large plants runs from several hundred thousand to several million dollars. The main principle of the by-product oven is the heating of a chamber full of coal, which is connected with a system of condensers and stills. It is distinctly a distillation process. There are several types of ovens, such as the Semet-Solvay, Koppers, Otto-Hoffman, Otto-Hilgenstock, Coppee, Roberts, Willputte and Klonne. Of these the Semet-Solvay and Koppers are the most common in America DERIVATIVES FROM BY-PRODUCT OVENS 323 with the Otto type next. The Koppers has vertical and the Semet- Solvay horizontal flues (Figs. 106 and 108). The modern ovens are of the regenerative type, that is, they use the waste heat, and live gas from the ovens to heat the regenerators which in turn heat the air drawn through them on its way to aid combustion in the flues, where the gas from the ovens is used to maintain heat. The direc- tion of the current of gas or air is reversed about every half hour and in that way the regenerators are kept hot. The ovens are arranged in batteries and each oven is a steel cham- ber surrounded by flues and lined with silica brick. The batteries vary in size, but 60 ovens make a battery in the large plants and the largest plants have 640 or more ovens. An oven of a large type is about 30 to 36 feet long by 10 feet high while the smaller types are only about 6 feet high. The coke is pushed out of the oven by a pusher and taken in cars to a quenching bath. As a rule about 8 tons of crushed coal are fed into an oven with a charging machine and it is fired for from seventeen to twenty-four hours, depending upon requirements. A large plant will handle between 700 and 800 tons of coal per hour. Derivatives from by-product ovens. The process of separating the various by-products from one another is very complicated and a vast number of derivatives are obtainable. (See chart, Fig. 5.) The volatile constituents are drawn off the ovens and through con- densers and scrubbers by means of powerful exhausters. The tar is practically all eliminated from the other constituents by the re- duction of temperature. The remaining tar is finally eliminated by the impinging method employed in tar extractors of the impact type in which the tar and other constituents are drawn against a combina- tion of perforated and plain plates, the tar adhering while the more fluid constituents pass on. The ammonia is removed by scrubbers in which water absorbs the gas, and the oils are distilled (Fig. 108). The common products of the ovens are coke, gas, tar and ammonia liquor. The coke is used for metallurgical, foundry and heating pur- poses, and the fines from the coke, known as coke breeze are burned under boilers in power plants or other steam plants. The gas may be scrubbed and used for illuminating purposes, or it may be used for heating. In some cases it has been used in internal combustion en- gines. The tar is used to a large extent as fuel, in road making, I 4T^ m M * 8 T (324) MANUFACTURE OF COKE FOR DOMESTIC FUEL 325 in waterproofing, in paints and for other purposes. By heating it between 170 C. and 360 C. a number of derivatives may be ob- tained which include heavy and light oils, creosote, pitch and other constituents. The most important of the oils are benzol and toluol, the former of which on distillation gives a number of light oils such as gasoline and naphtha. The coal-tar dyes and numerous other val- uable constituents are derived by further distillation. The ammonia liquor is used chiefly for the extraction of sulphate of ammonia by treatment with sulphuric acid. The sulphate has extensive appli- cation in the chemical industries and in the manufacture of fertilizers. The total value of the by-products from coke produced in the United States in 1916 was placed at $61,931,595 of which nearly 25 million dollars were obtained from the benzol and toluol. The value of the coke for the same year was $75,373,070. The following figures show the amount of coal used for coking in the United States, the average yield of coke per cent from the coal, and the value of the coke, for the years 1915, 1916 and 1917: Coal for ovens Average percentage yield Value at ovens Beehive ovens 1915 42,278,516 65-1 $ 56,945,543 1916 55.084,958 64.4 95,468,127 1917 52,246,612 By-product ovens 63.5 159,599,864 1915 19,554,382 72.0 48,558,325 1916 26,524,502 71-9 75,373,070 1917 31,505,759 71.2 83,752,371 Of the states of the Union, Pennsylvania far surpasses all others in production, her output being about 60 per cent of that for the country. Manufacture of coke for domestic fuel. Some coke is now used for domestic and steaming purposes, but 80 to 90 per cent of all coke produced is used in the metallurgical industry. There has been a strong desire in recent years among men interested in fuels to find a fuel for domestic purposes with properties somewhere between those of coal and coke. A process has recently been tried out at Syracuse, New York, by Donald Markle, for one of the Pennsylvania anthracite companies, with the object of briquet ting and coking anthracite fines. Culm is 326 THE PREPARATION AND USES OF COAL washed, the coal crushed, cemented with 14 to 25 per cent of pitch to form briquets and then burned in an oven. The product is known as anthrocoal and it is claimed that the experiments tried have pro- duced a very satisfactory domestic fuel which on test was 20 per cent more efficient in a kitchen range than chestnut coal. The development of the process for carbonization of coal at low temperatures has led to the production of carbocoal, a fuel contain- ing a little more of the volatile combustible constituents of the coal, than that contained in ordinary coke, the ratio being about 3 to i. It, therefore, approaches anthracite as a fuel in burning longer, in being cleaner, in producing less smoke and in standing storage better than bituminous or other coals which lie below anthracite in fixed carbon. It has been shown by experiment in Canada 1 that lignite may be satisfactorily carbonized and the coked material, which is too powdery to be used in that condition, briquetted. From a ton of 2000 pounds of this lignite 3150 cubic feet of gas, 10.2 pounds of am- monium sulphate, 5.3 imperial gallons of tar, and 910 pounds of car- bonized residue were obtained. The coal used contains 31.8 per cent moisture. The carbonized products had an available heating value 75 per cent above that of the original coal. Bituminous coal has been treated very satisfactorily by carbon- izing it at low temperature and briquetting the coke formed. From coals running over 32 per cent volatile matter where carbonized at 850 to 950 P'. the following constituents have been obtained: 2 By-products per ton of coal Dry tar 34 gallons Gas 8457 cubic feet Ammonium sulphate 21 pounds Light oil from gas 1.87 gallons Other tar oils . . 19.3 gallons Pitch, per cent of tar 43 The average analysis of the briquets made from the residue is as follows: Volatile matter 3.8 per cent Fixed carbon 85 . i " Ash n. i " 1 Stansfield, Edgar, Carbonization of Canadian lignite. Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Vol. 13, p. 17, 1921. 2 Curtis, H. A., The commercial realization of the low-temperature carbonization of coal. Jour. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Vol. 13, p. 23, 1921. MANUFACTURE OF COKE FOR DOMESTIC FUEL 327 The production of such fuels has been put on a commercial basis within the last couple of years. A description of a plant at Clinch- field, Virginia, capable of treating 500 tons a day has been published by Eshereck. 1 In this plant there are 24 primary, low-temperature, and 10 high- temperature retorts. The primary retorts are arranged in four batteries and the crushed coal is fed into them from overhead bins. The semi-carbocoal is taken from these retorts, which are con- tinually in operation and carried to storage bins in the briquetting plant. It is then ground, mixed with pitch, fluxed and briquetted on heavy roll presses. The briquets are carried on a long conveyor and then by a steel charging car to the secondary retorts. The finished briquets are dumped from the secondary retorts, which are inclined, and later quenched. The by-products are carried through the same general process of condensing, scrubbing and distilling as in the other by-product processes described above. The process outlined is known as the Smith Process. It is found that the yield of carbocoal runs from 65 to 72 per cent of the coal used, depending upon the character of the coal, and on account of the low temperatures at which the primary retorts are heated there is a much greater yield of tar oils than in ordinary by-product operations. In some cases it is over seven times as great. There is practically no production of pitch, but the other constituents are similar in quantity to those derived from a by-product coke oven. It seems very probable that this method of producing fuel will have a rapid development and that in the future practically all of our fuels will be treated in some such manner. It is also probable that some of the liquid by-products obtained from this process will be used in our homes as domestic fuel. 1 Eshereck, George, Jr., Prospect that soon no coal will be used without preliminary devolatilization. Coal Age, Vol. 18, p. 327, 1920. CHAPTER XII THE GEOLOGIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF COAL From a geological standpoint coal is distributed through the vari- ous formations from the Upper Devonian to the Pleistocene although the latter contains only low-grade coal and the former a very limited quantity. In the later Pleistocene and the Recent rocks large beds of peat not yet changed to coal are found in many countries. The earliest coal deposits known are in the Upper Devonian in northern Russia and on Buren Island, Norway, and they are coincid- ent with the first great development of land plants on the earth. Between the Devonian and Pleistocene there is not a geological system without at least some coal somewhere on the globe. Certain systems, however, carry the bulk of the valuable coal. Taking the earth as a whole the Carboniferous is the most important for high-grade coal while the Tertiary contains most of the lignite. The Mississippian, or Lower Carboniferous, as it is known outside of the United States, carries valuable coal in Virginia, Scotland, Spitzbergen, Russia, Corea and Manchuria. The Permian is very important in the South- ern Hemisphere, particularly in Australia, India and Africa, and this system also carries some coal in Europe, the United States and eastern Asia. The Triassic is a prominent coal-bearing system outside of America as it contains the coal of Tasmania, some in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia, considerable in Hungary, Austria, Japan, China and South Africa and a small field in North Carolina and Virginia, in the eastern United States. The Jurassic is not important in America outside of Alaska and small areas in the Yukon but it is of great importance in China and Corea, and it is also coal-bearing in New Zealand and Austria. The Upper Cretaceous is one of the great coal-bearing periods in the earth's history especially in western North America and Central Europe, while the Lower Cretaceous, or Comanchean of some of the United States geologists, except in its 328 GEOLOGIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION 329 earlier formations, is probably the most barren of coal of all the systems from the Lower Carboniferous onward. It carries good coal in western Canada and in limited areas in the western states, a little in South Australia, and low grade bituminous coal in Spain. The abundance of coal in the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary, follow- ing its scarcity in the Lower Cretaceous repeats the conditions exist- ing in the Lower and Upper Carboniferous. The Lower Carbon- iferous and the Lower Cretaceous were periods of extension of the sea over the continents, except in the earlier stages of the Lower Creta- ceous when many lakes and swamps existed, while it gradually with- drew during the following periods leaving great flat areas covered with swamps, as in the case of our coastal plains of the present day. Extension of the sea and marine deposition or, on the other hand, very high lands with rapid erosion do not go together with coal formation, but the gradual restriction of the sea and the formation of coal work together harmoniously. The period of coal formation begun in the Upper Cretaceous con- tinued into the Tertiary and most of the lignite of the world was formed in that period. Every continent contains some coal of this age and America and Europe have very large supplies. There is some good anthracite and bituminous coal of Tertiary age but most of the coal outside of the mountain regions is of the lignite type be- cause it has not been changed to a higher form by heat or pressure or by these two agencies combined. As to the occurrence of coal in rocks older than the Upper Devon- ian, the question is often asked why coal should not exist in these older formations. The only explanation is that the land plants had not reached a stage in their evolution which made them sufficiently abundant and widely distributed to form extensive deposits of coal. Deposits of vegetal matter were made in earlier formations, even back in the pre-Cambrian, as shown by beds of black shales and deposits of graphite, but these were of quite limited extent and ap- parently made from aquatic plants. It is also true that from the close of the pre-Cambrian until the Carboniferous not only the American continent but some of the others as well were largely covered with the sea and marine deposits were the main types being formed. It re- quires proper topographic conditions as well as an abundance of land plants to produce coal. 330 GEOLOGIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION TABLE OF GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS USED IN AMERICA, EUROPE AND AUSTRALIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COAL-BEARING SERIES - America Great Britain France Germany Australia 1 R.ecent Recent Recent Alluvium decent 's o Pleistocene Pleistocene Pleistocene Pleistocene or 3 leistocene Diluvium Pliocene Pliocene Pliocene Pliocan 3 liocene 13 Miocene Miocene Miocene Miocan Miocene 1 Oligocene Oligocene Oligocene Oligocan Oligocene H Eocene Eocene Eocene Paleocan Socene Cretaceous (Upper) Cretaceous (Upper) Cretacique Kreide Cretaceous (Upper) (i) Laramie (i) Upper Chalk Neocretacique Ober Kreide (2) Montana (2) Lower Chalk (3) Colorado (3) Marls (4) Dakota (4) Upper Green- sand (5) Gault Comanchean or Cretaceous ( Lower } f Eocretacique Unter-Kreide Cretaceous Lower Cretaceous (i) Lower Green- (i) Gault (Lower) sand 1 (2) Wealden (2) Weald 1 Jurassic Jurassic Jurassique Jura furassic (i) Upper (i) Oolite (i) Neojurassique (i) Malm (2) Middle (2) Lias (2) Mesojurassique (2) Dogger (3) Lower (3) Eojurassique (2) Lias Triassic (Newark series) Triassic Friassique Trias Triassic (i) Rhaetic (i) Rhaetic (2) Keuper (2) Keuper (3) Bunter (3) Muschel- t kalk (4) Bunter GEOLOGIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION TABLE OF GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS (Continued) 331 America Great Britain France Germany Australia Permian (Dunkard) Permian or Dyas Permien Perm Permo-Carbon- iferous (a) Thuringien (a) Zechstein (a) Igneous series Upper Barren (b) Saxonien (b) Rothlie- (b) Upper or Measures gende Newcastle (c) Atunien Coal Measures / \ y% Carboniferous Carboniferous Carboniferien Karbon ^6^ .L/empsey series (d) Middle Coal (l) Pennsylvanian (i) Upper Carbon- Oberkarbon Measures or Upper Car- iferous () Upper Ma- boniferous rine Series (a) Monongahela (/) Lower or or Upper Pro- (a) Stephanien or (a) Ottweiler Greta Coal ductive Ouralien Measures Measures (b) Westphalien or (b) Saarbrucken (g) Lower Ma- (b) Conemaugh Muscovien rine Series .0 or Lower Bar- (a) Coal Measures 8 ren Measures 1 (c) Allegheny or 2 - Lower Produc- tive Measures (d) Pottsville or (b) Millstone Grit (c) Namurien Millstone Grit (2) Mississippian (2) Lower Carbon- Dinantien Unterkarbon Carboniferous or Sub-Car- iferous; Culm, Kulm or Koh- boniferous or Limestone lenkalk (a) Mauch Chunk series (b) Pocono Devonian Devonian Devonienne Devon Devonian Silurian Silurian Silurien Ober-Silur Silurian Ordovician Lower Silurian (i) Goth-Landien Unter-Silur Ordovician (2) Ordovicien Cambrian Cambrian Cambrien Kambrium Cambrian 1 Proterozoic or Pre-Cambrien or Eozoisch or Algonkian .0 Algonkian Archeen Archaozoisch | Archaeozoic or Archean Archean 1 Archean 332 GEOLOGIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION The following table shows the geological distribution of the different types of coal on the various continents and their relative abundance. More detailed tables are given for the individual continents where the coal resources of those continents are described. TABLE SHOWING THE GEOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION OF COAL BY VARIETIES Period North America South America Europe Asia Africa Oceania Quaternary 1 1 1 1 1 Tertiary SBLAB BLB BL BBL L L Cretaceous ABLBS BB BL b B 1 Jurassic and Triassic ablb a B 1 ASBL B aB Permian b b A B B B c B Permo-Carboniferous b ABB AB1 BB Carboniferous ABSB ABcl AS b Lower Carboniferous . aBs ABS B Devonian b A, Anthracite; S, Semibituminous; B, Bituminous; B, Subbituminous; L, Lignite, including brown coal; C, Cannel. Capital letters are used to indicate large and important deposits and lower case for small or unimportant deposits of the same variety Geographically, coal is almost universally distributed as there are very few countries which do not have some coal. Even Antarctica has a considerable supply. There are a few countries, including Egypt, Thibet and Bolivia, which do not report any workable de- posits. Norway has little or none outside of Spitzbergen and her other northern islands. Switzerland has had very small supplies and they are said to be nearly exhausted. Many other countries have very little coal in proportion to their political importance. Such are, for example, Italy, Roumania, Sweden, Brazil and the Argen- tine Republic. Japan is poorly supplied in proportion to her popula- tion and she will no doubt expect to control large areas on the main- land of Asia to take care of her industrial development, because history GEOLOGIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION 333 has shown that the accessibility of large coal supplies is an essential factor in the great industrial development of any country. A glance at the table showing the coal resources of the various continents will show that Africa and South America are not well supplied with coal, although no doubt further geological work on these continents will reveal much larger resources than are here indicated. North Amer- ica is lavishly supplied, and Europe, Australia and eastern Asia have plenty. The distribution of the coal deposits will have a very im- portant bearing on the future economic history and commercial relations of these continents and especially on those of certain countries. This is well illustrated by the international problems arising from the distribution of coal during the war and immediately following it. The following table will show the coal resources of the world by continents, in so far as geological data exist regarding them. This is the best and most complete estimate which has so far been com- piled. 0) COAL RESOURCES OF THE WORLD BY CONTINENTS (In million metric tons; i metric ton = i .1023 short tons) Class A Classes B and C Class D Anthracite and some dry coals Bituminous coals Subbituminous, brown coals and lignites Totals Oceania . . 6cq 1 33 4.8l 36 27O I7O 4.IO Asia Africa 407,637 11,662 760,098 4.c>.123 111,851 I O<4. 1,279,586 e>7 83Q America 22,542 2,271,080 2 811 906 5TQC C28 Europe / u o toy/too^ ( l ) From the Coal Resources of the World. Twelfth International Geologi- cal Congress, Morang & Company. For detailed discussion of classes of coal see Classification of Coals, Chapter V.. The above estimates include all seams i foot and over in thickness and less than 4000 feet deep; and 2 feet and over in thickness and between 4000 and 6000 feet below the surface. The outstanding features indicated in this table are the tremendous amount of coal in America and anthracite in Asia. The latter is mostly in China. It seems probable, however, that much coal has 334 GEOLOGIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION been classed as anthracite in China which will turn out to be semi- bituminous or high-grade bituminous coal. Nevertheless, China far surpasses all other countries combined in her resources in this variety of coal. America has little anthracite in comparison with her re- sources in bituminous and brown coals. The following table from Mineral Industry shows the coal produc- tion of the various countries of the world from the year 1911 to 1916. During the war the production of some countries almost ceased and since the beginning of the war it has been impossible to secure accurate data concerning the production of many countries. As indicated by the table, the output of the United States has increased rapidly and her production has almost passed the 6oo,ooo,ooo-ton mark. She has also become the leading exporter of coal since the exports of Great Britain have decreased from over 75,000,000 tons before the war to less than 20,000,000 in 1919, while those of the United States have more than doubled and are now said to be over 30,000,000 tons per annum. Few of the great industrial countries can look forward to exporting high-grade coal in very large quantities for an indefinite period because of the rate of increase in domestic requirements and the exhaustion of the more accessible seams. GEOLOGIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION 335 0) COAL PRODUCTION OF THE WORLD IN SHORT TONS FOR YEARS 1911-1916 Country or State 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 United States 496,371,126 Great Britain 304,518,927 Germany 258,223,763 Austria-Hungary . . 54,960,298 France 43,242,778 534.466,580 291,666,299 281,979,467 56.954,279 45,534.448 33.775.754 25.322,851 21,648,902 16,471,000 16,534,500 14,512.829 10,897,134 7,591,619 4,559,453 2.438,929 1,901,902 1,470,917 1,010,426 982,396 940,174 909.293 73L720 664,334 525,459 622,669 471,259 397,149 335.OOO 330,488 307,461 306,941 324,511 216,140 59, 987 16,938 (a) .12,000 2,998 569,960,219 321,922,130 305,714,664 59,647,957 45,108,544 37.188,480 25,600,960 23,988,292 18,163,856 15,432,200 15,012,178 11,113,865 8,191,243 4,731,647 2,115,834 2,064,608 1,362,334 1,162,497 927,244 772,802 668,524 609,973 453,136 401,199 351,687 301,970 237,728 61,648 49,762 27,653 13,355 513,525,477 297,698,617 270,594,152 (d) 53,396,400 33.360,885 36,414,560 (a) 19,000,000 21,700,572 18,430,974 13,594,984 11,663,865 7,778,706 4,897,360 2,548,664 1,928,540 1,180,825 861,265 691,640 699,217 440,905 404,143 357,515 312,897 391,394 68,130 128,505 32,743 531.619.487 283.570,560 259,139.786 (d) 52,679,712 19,908,892 31,158,400 15,691,465 22,596,750 19,156,404 13,269,023 10,582,889 9,275,083 5,414,475 2,208,624 2,262,148 1,147,186 1,042,748 588,104 727,531 454,432 321,066 318,563 458,934 66,000 597,474,000 287,110,153 50,801,602 (c) 22,000,000 28,962,724 (a) 19,900,000 22,189,969 19.325,637 (o) 24,000,000 14,461,678 11,262,420 11,200:370 6.05/.727 2,527,991 I 016,654 1,439,538 463,074 457,262 337,709 35L703 491,532 62,244 Russia 29,361,764 Belgium 25 411,917 Japan 19.436,536 India 13.494. 573 China 16,534,500 Canada . . .11,323,388 New South Wales . .9,374,596 Transvaal (&) 7,112,254 Spain 4,316,245 New Zealand 2,315,390 Holland 1,628,097 Chile i 277 191 Queensland 998,556 Mexico (a) 1,400,000 Bosnia and Herze- govina 848,510 Turkey 799,168 Italy 614,132 Victoria 732,328 Orange Free State (e) 482,690 Dutch East Indies (a) 600,000 Indo-China (a) 460 ooo Sweden 343 707 Servia . 335 495 Western Australia (a) 300,000 Peru (o) 300 ooo Formosa 280,999 Bulgaria 270,410 Rhodesia 212,529 Korea 138,508 Tasmania (a) 70 ooo British Borneo (a) 100,000 Spitzbergen . . 44 092 Brazil 16 535 Portugal (a) 10,000 Venezuela (a) 10,000 Switzerland 8,267 Philippine Islands. . (a) 2,000 Unspecified (0)1,016,947 Totals. . 1,309,574,000 (c) 1,377,000,000 (c) 1,478,000,000 (c) 1,334,000,000 (c) 1,270,000,000 ( J ) From Mineral Industry, 1917. (o) Estimated, (b) Transvaal, includes Natal and Cape of Good Hope and figures are only for coal sold, (c) Approximate. (d) Hungarian production estimated at 10,000,000 short tons, (e) Represents only coal sold, probably 10 to 12 per cent less than production. CHAPTER XIII THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA Introduction America is here considered as two units North and South. America undoubtedly has the greatest coal deposits of the world, but it is a striking fact that so far as our knowledge of the resources of the two continents extends the southern contains only about six-tenths of one per cent as much coal as the northern continent. A better knowledge of the geology of South America will no doubt extend her known resources but the disparity between the future supplies of the two continents will profoundly affect their trade relations. North America In a discussion of North America's coal deposits there are included those of Canada, Newfoundland, the West Indies, the United States, including Alaska, Cuba, Mexico and Central America. The following table shows the relative resources of these countries in so far as we have reasonably definite knowledge regarding them. Mexico has considerable good coal but her resources are not well known outside of a few areas explored by American or European companies. This table shows the great extent of the coal supplies of the United States in those types of coal which are used so much in the industries. Canada is also unusually well supplied with bituminous coal and with lower grades but she is deficient in anthracite and in related high- carbon coals. This deficiency will probably not be so keenly felt in the future, however, as it has been in the past, because with the develop- ment of the use of partially devolatilized fuels such as carbocoal a substitute for anthracite will be provided in many parts of the country. The coal deposits of Canada and the United States, especially of the latter, have been gone over fairly well, and the above estimate of the resources may be regarded as comparatively accurate. Considerable 336 NORTH AMERICA 337 changes will be made, however, in these figures as more geological work is done, particularly in those for Canada since there are very large areas in Canada on which little field work has been completed. ESTIMATE OF THE COAL RESOURCES OF NORTH AMERICA (In million metric tons; i metric ton = i .1023 short tons) Class A Classes B and C Class D Anthracite and some dry coals Bituminous coals Subbituminous coals, brown coals and lignites Totals Ne wf oundland . 500 500 Canada United States . . . Central America 2,158 19.684 283,661 i,955,52i i 948,450 1,863,452 4 1,234,269 3,838,657 5 Total 21,842 2,239,683 2,811,906 Z, O73, 4^1 Table from The Coal Resources of The World, Morang & Co., 1913. A detailed statement regarding the different classes of coal may be found in Chapter V on Classification of Coals. The estimates include all seams i foot and over in thickness and 4000 feet or less in depth; and all seams 2 feet and over in thick- ness and between 4000 and 6000 feet in depth. The geological age of the coals in North America ranges from Mississippian, or Sub-Carboniferous, to Pleistocene, the main periods for their formation being the Upper Carboniferous, or Pennsylvanian, the Cretaceous, and the Tertiary. The table given below shows their geological distribution. 338 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA GEOLOGICAL AGE OF COALS OF NORTH AMERICA Canada United States Newfoundland Mexico Central America Trinidad ri o3 > O New Brunswick Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan 3, 1 1 1 Yukon Territory N. W. Territory o J- 11 F Atlantic Coast Region Interior Province P Great Plains Province Rocky Mountain Province Pacific Coast Province i Pleistocene 1 . 1 1 Pliocene Miocene 1 1 aAB Eocene b 1 1 L B L L L BL BL BL aa BB L bBL Tertiary undifferen- tiated 1 b 1 b L 1 b BB L AA BB Upper Cretaceous B b L b B 1 B BB Lower Cretaceous a A B S B S B B B Jurassic bBl Triassic a a 9 aB Permian b b Pennsyl vanian B B b aA BS B b Mississippian b B C aa S B A. Anthracite; A. Semianthracite; S. Semibituminous; B. Bituminous; B. Subbituminous; L. Lignite and brown coal. Capital letters indicate important deposits and lower case relatively unim- portant to unworkable deposits of the same type. COAL AREAS OF CANADA PLATE XI. The Coal-fields of Canada. (i D. B. Bowling Canadian Geological Survey.) THE COAL DEPOSITS OF CANADA 339 THE COAL DEPOSITS or CAN AD A 1 The production, and the geological age, of the coals of Canada have been given in the preceding tables and the following table sums up the distribution and the characters of the coals in the various provinces as worked out by D. B. Dowling. COAL RESOURCES OF CANADA District Actual Reserve Calculation based on actual thick- ness and extent Probable Reserve (Approximate estimate) Area Sq. Miles Class of coal Metric tons (i metric ton = 1.1023 short tons) Area Sq. Miles Class of coal Metric tons B 2 2,137,736,000 B 2 4,891,817,000 Nova Scotia . . . 174.31 273 . 5 C 50,415,000 C 20,000,000 New Brunswick. . 121 B 2 151,000,000 Ontario 10 D 2 25,000,000 Manitoba 48 D2 160,000,000 Saskatchewan 306 D 2 2,412,000,000 13,100 D 2 57,400,000,000 D2 D 2 ^26,450,000,000 DX 382,500,000,000 DI 464,821,000,000 Alberta. 25,300 Bs 1,197,000,000 56,375 Bs 139,161,000,000 B 2 B! 2,026,800,000 B 2 Bi 43,022,600,000 \ A 2 669,000,000 A 2 100,000,000 A 2 B 2 23,653,242,000 A 2 B 2 40,807,700,000 British Columbia 439 j Bs 118,000,000 5,595 Bs 2,300,000,000 D 2 60,000,000 DiD 2 5,136,000,000 C 1,800,000,000 Yukon 2,840 A 2 Bs 250,000,000 North-West Territories 300 DiDz 4,690,000,000 D 2 4,800,000,000 Arctic Islands 6,000 B 2 Bs 6,000,000,000 C Totals 26,219.31 *4l4,8o4,l93,ooo 82,662.5 801,966,117,000 * 20,000,000 tons deducted for the amount of coal already exhausted in Alberta. Table from Coal Resources of the World. For details of classes of coal see Classification of Coals, Chapter V. This table contains all seams of I foot or over to a depth of 4000 feet. 1 For detailed accounts of the coal deposits of Canada see The Coal Resources of the World, Twelfth International Geological Congress, (Morang & Co.), An Economic In- vestigation of the Coals of Canada, by J. B. Porter and R. J. Durley, Department of Mines, Canada; The Coals of Canada, by D. B. Dowling, Memoir 59, Canadian Geol. Survey, 1915; and The Coal Fields of British Columbia, by D. B. Dowling, Memoir 69, Canadian Geol. Survey, 1915. 340 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA In addition to the figures mentioned here there might be added 17,499,000,000 metric tons of coal of Class B 2 which occurs in seams over 2 feet thick lying at a depth between 4000 and 6000 feet, in the provinces of Nova Scotia, Alberta and British Columbia. From the accompanying map (Plate XI) it will be observed that the coal deposits of the Dominion are almost all located in the ex- treme eastern and in the western parts of the country. Quebec and Ontario, the most populous and the most important of the prov- inces commercially have no good coal and they receive most of their supply from the United States. Quebec is without coal of any kind and Ontario has a few million tons of low-grade lignite in the inter- glacial deposits south of James Bay. Nova Scotia on the east and Alberta and British Columbia on the west have high-grade coal in large quantities while Saskatchewan and Alberta have very large resources in lignite and subbituminous coal. Nova Scotia. The coal of Nova Scotia is all of Pennsylvanian, or Upper Carboniferous, age except for thin and unmined seams in the Mississippian, or Lower Carboniferous. Thin seams occur in the Millstone grit but most of the coal lies above this formation. There are five important areas producing coal the Joggins and Springhill areas in the Cumberland field; the Pictou, Inverness and Cape Breton, or Sydney, fields. In the Joggins area there are two seams 3 to 5 feet in thickness, and the beds are inclined at angles of as much as 50. The coal is of fairly good quality but is high in ash. This area has been famous for its buried Carboniferous trees which are abundant in the sandstones of the Coal Measures. The Springhill area is considerably faulted and it seems to represent the central part of the basin in which the Joggins seams were laid down. There are a number of seams of which five can be mined and they make up a total of about 50 feet of coal, the thickest seam reaching 13 feet. In the Pictou field there is a little coal in the Millstone grit and in the Permian, but all the workable coal occurs in the Coal Measures proper, in two large fault blocks. One fault has a down- throw of about 2600 feet. There are four seams in the Westville area of this field varying from 6 to 18 feet in thickness and separated from one another by from 90 to 260 feet of strata including some beds of oil shales. As a rule the beds dip gently. In the Stellar ton area of the Pictou field there are 9 seams, some of which are very NOVA SCOTIA 341 thick. The Main seam varies from about 6 feet to 45 feet in thick- ness and the Deep seam from 20 to 33 feet. The other seams are rather thin. There is one bed of oil shale with a coal seam, in this area. It is 5 feet in thickness and it was formerly mined for the extraction of oil. FIG. 109. Allen Shaft, near Stellarton,Pictou coal field, Nova Scotia. (Photo by H. Ries.) The Inverness field is largely under the sea. The measures dip seaward at from 12 to over 75-and the seams mined run about 6 to 7 feet in thickness. In the Sydney field, which occupies the northern part of Cape Breton County the Coal Measures dip gently seaward, being disturbed by only small folds. They have been mined on the slope under the sea for more than a mile from the shore. The number of seams in this field varies from i to 12 with an aggregate thickness of coal 342 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA from i foot to 46 feet. It is expected that the workings will in time extend nearly 3 miles from the shore. New Brunswick. In New Brunswick the upper members of the Pennsylvanian are lacking. The Millstone grit is widely distributed over the province and it contains a few thin seams of which one is worked where it runs around 18 inches and over in thickness. The seams are shallow, the coal is high in ash and sulphur but lends it- self readily to hand picking. A little anthracite is reported from Le- preau in St. Johns County. FIG. no. Coal seam (retouched) in sea cliff on coast of Nova Scotia. (Photo by H. Ries.) Ontario. There is a small area of about 10 square miles along the lower part of the Moose River/ south of James Bay, which is underlain by lignite. This coal was formed in an interglacial period and it lies between two beds of boulder clay. It is suitable for future briquetting operations. There are no Carboniferous rocks in Ontario and Quebec. The formations are largely pre-Cambrian, except for some older Palaeozoics in the southern part of Ontario and around James Bay. ALBERTA 343 Manitoba. In the Tertiary rocks capping a hill called Turtle Mountain and in adjacent hills along the International Boundary there are some seams- of lignite. The eastern part of Manitoba is covered with pre-Cambrian rocks and the western portion chiefly by marine Cretaceous. Saskatchewan. The coal of Saskatchewan occurs in the Ter- tiary and Upper Cretaceous formations. The Tertiary formations seem to correspond to the Fort Union lacustrine and land-formation stage of the Eocene in North Dakota, and they are found in the hilly country in the southern part of the province. The strata lie prac- tically flat except for a syncline under the Souris River Valley and the seams outcrop along ravines and on hillsides. A good deal of coal is mined in the Souris Valley region and in a number of other places, and wagon mines are common as many of the western farmers dig their own coal. The Tertiary coal is practically all lignite and the maximum thickness of the seams is about 20 feet. The Cretaceous coals occur in the Belly River formation of the Upper Cretaceous along the Saskatchewan River, in the western part of the province. The coal lies from 200 to 300 feet below the surface and there are at least two seams about 4 feet and 8 feet thick respectively. They are not uniform in thickness or regular in distribution. This coal also is lignite. A little lignite occurs in the Middle Cretaceous south of Lac la Rouge. Alberta. In the province of Alberta coal occurs in the Kootenay series of the Lower Cretaceous; in the Belly River series, correspond- ing to the St. Pierre of the Montana series of the Upper Cretaceous; and in the fresh-water deposits of the Edmonton formation, corre- sponding to the Fort Union beds of the Eocene. The Kootenay series, regarded as lacustrine and terrestial in origin, contains the best coals of Canada, they being bituminous to an- thracite. It lies deeply buried beneath the younger sediments ex- cept where it is brought to light in the folds along the foothills or in the great fault blocks of the Rocky Mountains. Its thickness varies from 200 to about 3000 feet. The coal-bearing area in Alberta ex- tends from tlre International Boundary northward beyond the Atha- basca River and while little development work or even prospecting has been done in much of this great area, several very important mining districts have developed. The most important of these is in 344 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA the region of Crowsnest Pass on the Crowsnest branch of the Can- adian Pacific Railway. Mines occur at several places in the Blairmore- Frank region. A half dozen seams occur, ranging from 3 to 17 feet in thickness. It was at Frank that the famous landslide occurred which carried away a section of Turtle Mountain. It destroyed a number of houses in the town, killing ninety-three people, and it buried the railroad through the valley, (Fig. in). The track was so deeply M* . * . FIG. in. D6bris from the landslide at Frank, Alberta, partly covering the town. (Photo by E. S. Moore.) buried that a new line was constructed over the debris which con- sisted chiefly of great blocks of limestone. The lower portions of the mountain are composed largely of shales and coal seams, while the upper portion contains heavy beds of limestone. The mining operations, which had been carried well through the mountain, apparently disturbed the overlying strata and a large crack devel- oped which caused a tremendous mass of rock to break away, slide down the mountain and across the valley. In the Coleman area there are three seams as much as 8, 10 and 16 ALBERTA 345 feet in thickness, respectively, within a thickness of 300 feet of strata. In the Livingstone basin lying a short distance northward from the Blairmore-Frank region, there are in Cat Mountain as many as twenty- one seams with a total of about 125 feet of coal. On the west fork of the McLeod River southeast of Folding Mountains there are four seams CROWSNEST COAL AREA SCALE OF MILES FIG. 112. Map of the Crowsnest coal area. (After D. B. Bowling.) in the Folding Mountain anticline on the eastern limb and they vary from 2 feet to 28 feet in thickness. On the western limb a combina- tion of seams forms one mass as much as 50 feet thick. In the Cascade area there is a continuous coal field extending for about 90 miles from south of the Kananaskis River northward to near 346 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA the Saskatchewan River. This is a great fault block with a fault running along the western edge of the coal field. In some portions there are between 15 and 20 seams of coal with a maximum aggregate thickness of nearly 100 feet. Remnants of a very extensive coal- bearing area are found along the Bow River and there are mines at Canmore. At Bankhead, not far from Banff, semi-anthracite and anthracite are mined, and mines were formerly worked at Anthracite. These beds have been highly squeezed. Other important areas in Alberta are the Bighorn, Brule Lake, Nikanassin, Muskeg River, Shunda Creek, Costigan, and Moose Mountain in the foothills near Calgary. In Folding Mountain the beds are highly folded so that they are practically vertical. FIG. 113. Structure section through the Blairmore-Frank region, Alberta, i, Devono-carboniferous; 2, Lower cretaceous or Jurassic (Fernie shales); 3, Coal measures; 4, Equivalent of flathead beds; 5, Volcanic ash and agglomerates; 6, Upper cretaceous and laramie; 3-6, Cretaceous. Scale 4 miles = i inch. (After D. B. Dowling, Canadian Geol. Survey.) The abundance and high quality of the coal in western Alberta and the adjoining portion of British Columbia make this region the most promising coal-mining region of Canada. There is a great deal of good coking coal. The Belly River formation underlies about 16,000 square miles in eastern Alberta. The best coal in this formation is being mined at Lethbridge. The coal improves as the mountains are approached. Around Medicine Hat two seams, each about 5 feet thick, are exposed along the Bow River. In the vicinity of Calgary the Belly River formation is 'struck at depths of from 2560 to 2875 feet and the coal varies from 4 to 7 feet in thickness. At Edmonton the depth is about 1400 feet and the coal about 6 feet thick. In the Peace River Valley there is some coal in the Dunvegan series supposed to be equivalent to this formation. There is much coking coal in the Belly River for- mation. ALBERTA 347 The Edmonton (Eocene) series occurs in a large synclinal basin which runs nearly parallel to the Rocky Mountains and extends over about 4 degrees of latitude. The dips are steep on the western and low on the eastern limb of the basin and the basin flattens out to the north- westward. At Calgary there is a seam of lignite about 13 feet thick FIG. 114. Peaks behind Canmore, Alberta. About two-thirds of mountain face is Palaeozoic strata thrust over folded Mesozoic coal measures. (Photo by H. Ries.) under cover of 1800 feet of poorly consolidated sandstone and clay. On the North Saskatchewan, west of Edmonton, a 25-foo.t seam out- crops and on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway line at the Pembina River crossing it splits into two seams each 10 feet thick. About 500 feet below this seam several smaller seams occur over several 348 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA thousand square miles and they are mined at Edmonton, Tofield and at other places between Edmonton and Calgary. The coal varies from lignite in the northwestern part of the basin to a subbituminous and coking coal in the foothills of the Rockies. British Columbia. 1 The coal deposits of this province are grouped by Dowling under the five following heads: Southern, Central and Northern British Columbia, Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Southern district is located the Crowsnest area which is a basin of about 230 square miles around which lower beds have been uplifted and then eroded on a large scale leaving the coal field as an elevated plateau. The coal occurs here, as elsewhere in the Rocky Mountains, in the Kootenay series of the Lower Cretaceous and most of the better seams occur in the lower 2000 feet. It is said, however, that these upper seams are very largely cannel or other high volatile coals. The following is a tabulation of the seams in this area: At Morrissey 23 seams with 216 feet of coal in 3676 feet of measures At Fernie 23 seams with 172 feet of coal in 2250 feet of measures At Sparwood 23 seams with 173 feet of coal in 2050 feet of lower measures At Sparwood 24 seams with 43 feet of coal in 2015 feet of upper measures At Corbin a seam 80 feet thick is worked. The coal is in places highly faulted and folded and it is worked from tunnels. The coal- bearing strata occupy a basin which is in a hill, and on top of the hill there is so little cover that the coal, which is here 125 feet thick, is stripped and mined by steam shovels. The Flathead River area lying about 12 miles north of the Inter- national boundary gives promise of being a very important field for its size. It is probably a faulted block with the strata dipping only about 20 and exposing four seams which are 16, 20, 30 and 50 feet thick, respectively. The Upper Elk River area north of the Crows- nest area will probably be an important field as there are as many as eighteen seams in one section and there is an aggregate of 182 feet of coal in 1200 feet of strata. One seam reaches 31 feet in thickness. The coal in this area as in the others mentioned above is high-grade bituminous coal and it is used largely for coking. At Princeton on the Similkameen River there is a small basin con- 1 Coal Fields of British Columbia, Compiled by D. B. Dowling, Memoir 69. Geol Survey, Canadian Department of Mines, 1915. BRITISH COLUMBIA 349 taining lignite of Oligocene age. There are as many as seventeen seams in one section and the thickness varies from i foot to 18 feet. South of Tulameen similar lignite of Oligocene age occurs with two or three seams from 1 2 to 20 feel thick. In the Nicola and Quilchena basins there are also Oligocene deposits. Several collieries have been opened near the mouth of Coldwater Creek in the Nicola basin and in that region four seams running from 5 to 12 feet in thickness are mined. The coal is used for locomotives as it is of better grade than the lig- nite in the other regions. The basin is considerably broken by faults and it has been overlain by basalt flows. In the Central British Columbia region a number of coal deposits occur but many of them have not been proven to be of special im- portance. In the valley of the Bear River bituminous coking coal was found along the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in three seams running from 4 feet to 9 feet in thickness. It is of Tertiary age. On the southern tributaries of the Skeena River the Lower Cretaceous rocks carry a few seams of mineable bituminous coal. In the Telka River area some thick seams of coal, 19, 24 and 13 feet in thickness occur. The coals are reported to be of coking quality. Several areas of coal-bearing rocks occur in the Northern British Columbia district. In the Groundhog Mountain area on the head waters of the Skeena, semianthracite coal occurs in Lower Cretaceous rocks of the Skeena series, resting on Jurassic volcanics. The area is greatly broken by faults. In the Peace River district there is a projection of the coal formations described for Alberta. Tertiary lignites also occur on the Liard and Taku rivers but the deposits are little known. The coal seams of Vancouver Island are of Upper Cretaceous age, according to C. H. Clapp, and they occur in the Nanaimo series which is supposed to be largely estuarine in origin and is about 10,000 feet thick. The topographic conditions during its formation were not uniform and the beds in many cases lack persistency. The series has in places been greatly folded and faulted. The coal is of bituminous quality. There are six main basins as follows: Quatsino Sound at the northern end of the island; Suquash on the east coast; Comox, Nanaimo and Cowichan, all on the Strait of Georgia; and the Alberni in the central part of the island. The Suquash, Comox and Nanaimo basins contain seams which are being worked. In the Suquash 350 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA basin the beds are little disturbed and regular. The coal is a low carbon, high moisture, bituminous coal. In the Comox basin the lower seams lie over an irregular bottom and are quite irregular in thickness and distribution. In some places the coal is broken and coked by igneous intrusions. It is bituminous and coking and has the highest fuel ratio of any of the Vancouver Island coals. In the Nanaimo field there are many faults and the seams vary very greatly in thickness and quality within short distances, but they are quite persistent in extent. A case is cited by Clapp where a seam varies, within 100 feet, from 2 feet of dirty slickensided coal to 30 feet of clean coal. There are three seams with an aggregate of 10 feet of coal which is a high-volatile, coking, bituminous variety. This basin has produced the larger part of the coal of British Columbia. The coals of the Queen Charlotte Islands are of two geological ages Cretaceous and Tertiary, supposedly Miocene. The Creta- ceous coals vary from high- volatile bituminous to semianthracite and the Tertiary are subbituminous coals and lignites, some of the latter of very woody types. Part of the Cretaceous coal is coking. The semianthracite is unusually high in water and much of it is high in ash. The main basin lies on the southern end of Graham Island where the shales have been highly folded between masses of crystalline rocks. In some places the coal is greatly crushed. The Tertiary coals are not of much importance. Yukon Territory. Coal has been mined at five points in the Yukon: Tantalus Mine, and Five Fingers Mine on the Yukon River; on Cliff Creek; on Coal Creek, a tributary of the Yukon; and on Coal Creek, a tributary of Rock Creek. According to the conclusions of D. D. Cairnes, the coals are Jura-Cretaceous and Tertiary in age. The Tertiary coals are upper Eocene and they are lignites with con- siderable resin. In places volcanic rocks are associated with the soft shales and clays and loosely cemented conglomerates and sandstones. There are two coal horizons in the Jura-Cretaceous rocks, the upper being the Tantalus conglomerates, about 1000 feet thick, and the lower the Laberge series about 3800 feet in thickness. The coal seams occur near the top of the latter series which consists of arkoses, graywackes, sandstones, tuffs, shales and slates. The coal is bitumi- nous and in most places non-coking. The coal of the lower seam THE ARCTIC ISLANDS 351 when washed produces commercial coke. Some semianthracite occurs in the Whitehorse area. Northwest Territories. There are several coal basins in this region. One of these in Tertiary rocks, occurs in the Mackenzie River valley and runs a short distance up the Bear River at Fort Nor- man. There is probably a lignite area running south up the valley of the Mackenzie from Fort Norman and an area around the north- west side of Great Bear Lake. Three seams have been reported with a maximum of about 16 feet of coal. FIG. 115. The Tantalus coal mine on the Yukon River. (Photo by E. S. Moore.) Along the Peel and Horton rivers in the vicinity of the Mackenzie delta there are Cretaceous rocks carrying thin seams of coal with a maximum thickness of 4 feet. Some of the seams have been on fire in the past, producing reddened outcrops which offer striking features to the traveler. So far as known all the coal in the Territories is lignite. The Arctic Islands. Very little accurate information regarding the coal deposits on the Arctic Islands has been obtained but it is known that coal occurs at two horizons, in the Tertiary and in the Lower Carboniferous. The Tertiary coals are lignites and the older 352 COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA coals are bituminous. It is estimated that some 6000 square miles on Banks Island and the Parry Islands is underlain with Lower Carboniferous coals. Only one seam has been found but it is said to reach a maximum of 50 feet in thickness. Small deposits of Ter- tiary coal are believed to exist on Ellsmere, Baffin and Bylot islands. On Ellsmere Island a seam of Tertiary coal 25 feet thick has been reported from Cape Murchison. Cannel coal and oil shale have been found on the Parry Islands. NEWFOUNDLAND Owing to the prominence of the large and well developed coal deposits in Nova Scotia little attention has been paid to the Newfound- land deposits which are not so extensive nor so readily mined as those in Canada. There are, however, at least two areas of Carboniferous rocks which carry considerable coal in Newfoundland. One area is on St. George Bay and the other is about 100 miles northeast of it in the Humber River valley. In the former area there are, according to J. P. Howley, as many as nine seams varying in thickness from i foot to 9 feet. The beds are greatly disturbed and many of the seams are of small extent. In the Humber River valley the strata are for the most part older than the Pennsylvanian and they carry oil shales and material re- sembling the albertite of New Brunswick. There are, however, in parts of the district small areas of the Coal Measures which carry several workable seams running up to about 6 feet in thickness and some of the seams are greatly folded although in much of this field the strata are nearly flat. The Newfoundland coals are bituminous to semibituminous in character. COAL DEPOSITS or THE UNITED STATES PRODUCTION The United States not only has the largest deposits of coal of any country in the world but she is also developing them at a more rapid rate than any other country. A preceding table (page 335) shows the relative production of the countries of the world and the following table indicates the rank of the various states of the Union in pro- duction and the value of the coal produced. Pennsylvania has long been the chief producer in the country. o * H S 1 Gfl . Q o >. 1? II PRODUCTION ,S <8 %& 3 "8 3 i $> f IH M CO 00 W -* C 353 O M ^^ M O VO OO t^t^vo IO O> IO 10 t^- O VO O^OO TfCTiM ^VO (N IO*H IOM O^^O vo fO "^ 04 c^ovo Civo Tj-f-oS^^roo fO (C C C* M" VO* O* M* ^f fO 00* t> M* O* N M VO^NMVOM M OM III P$| ofoc*t--oo*o"iio** > v5oOM*^&r*5vooo ^- M M 10 Oi M II - * ^^ S'g s^sa oot^ 8 R MM lOVOtOOPOMNOl 00 Jo "M ** N f~ (~0 N ro t^ N Ol cfi ^ M T? ro ro 354 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA m I B CO p Q S o s hH B Q O II C 249,272,837 283,650,723 10 00 I I 502,519,682 87.578,493 2"S *f 10 c ro oo S 1 I I I N ro CO M I n. id Gulf Arka Texas - . ->..-e eld e r Rocky Montana: N. F. Fla field Mountain fi Yellowstone Red Lodge uc- al 917 Total tion o end DISTRIBUTION BY KINDS OF COAL I ^ oo* rt 3 J 359 001 327 ,153 o o T QJ .fa < n- A Anthraci and Semi thracit 88 8 o_ * " ibitum s coal No i ass B) S 5 .CIS *f<& IO &ffti H 1O IO t^ 10 N 8 88888 88 0000000 a 1 i i II ioq oo^ o^ M t Tt-lO Mt^OO MVO CO N M O H CO 3 I- 2 " Province tate and Field ^ and Shenandoah basins. (By courtesy of J. Bevan.) PENNSYLVANIA 363 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE VARIOUS STATES 1 Eastern Province Pennsylvania. 2 Pennsylvania contains the anthracite region in the east and the bituminous fields in the west and north-central parts of the state. These two areas were originally connected but they have been separated by erosion. The strata in the bituminous fields are as a rule but slightly folded and the faults, although numerous in some districts, are not of great throw, while in the anthracite region the strata are characteristically highly folded and there are extensive thrust faults which complicate the mining operations. There are some anthracite beds which lie practically flat for considerable dis- tances. Such are, for example, some of those in the Northern basin around Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. These have, nevertheless, been subjected to great pressure but the strata have resisted buckling and the pressure has been transmitted to the coal seam changing the coal to anthracite. Anthracite region: In the anthracite region the coal lies almost entirely in the synclines as it has been protected from erosion by the Pottsville conglomerate, or as it is often called, Millstone grit, and the Pocono sandstones. These formations are brought up in the anticlines between the basins and between these formations the red Mauch Chunk shale and sandstone makes a distinct horizon-marker and indicates the lower limit of all coal. Usually the Pottsville conglom- erate marks the base but a few seams have been found in it. Some of the synclines are probably of great depth; over 4000 feet, in the Southern field. Mining has not so far been carried beyond 2200 feet, with the deepest shaft only 1850 feet, but it must be in the future. The region is usually divided into the Northern, Eastern-middle, Southern and Western-middle fields and these fields contain the following districts. The Northern includes Carbondale, Scranton, Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Plymouth, Kingston and Nanticoke, these making up the Wyoming trade region. The Eastern-middle field in- 1 For special comprehensive reports see: 22nd Annual Report, U. S. Geol. Survey, Part III, 1902; The Coal Catalog, E. N. Zern, Editor, Keystone Consolidated Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, 1918; The Coal Fields of the United States, with map, by M. R. Campbell, U. S. Geol. Survey; Coal, by E. W. Parker, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1910. 2 Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania; County Reports and Geologic and Topographic Survey Commission reports. Also 22nd Annual Report, U. S. Geol. Survey, The Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Field by H. H. Stoek. 364 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA eludes the Green Mountain, Black Creek, Hazleton, Beaver Meadow, and Panther Creek districts, these making up the Lehigh trade region. The Southern field includes the East Schuylkill, West Schuylkill, Lorberry and Lykens Valley districts, while the Western-middle field embraces the local districts of East Mahanoy, West Mahanoy and Shamokin. The last two fields are comprised in the Schuylkill trade region. The structure of the region is illustrated by the accompanying sec- tions (Pis. XIII and XIV) and the names of the seams and their relations to one another are also indicated. The anticlines lie in a general direction of about N. 70 E. and as a rule the folds are steeper on the northwestern side of the anticline than on the opposite side since the thrusts producing them came from the southeast. The thickest seam is the Mammoth which reaches 50 to 60 feet of com- paratively clean coal and in some places is doubled by folding so that over 100 feet of coal occurs in a stripping. Since the cover over this and some of the other seams is so thin much coal is mined by stripping off the cover and digging the coal with steam shovels. The depth of the cover removed varies from almost nothing to 90 feet, although one stripping will reach almost 200 feet in depth under exceptional conditions. This is at Locust Mountain. The best-known seams in the various fields are as follows: In the Southern field there are the six Lykens Valley seams in the Potts- ville conglomerate, No. VI being the lowest, and three of these beds are found also in the Western-middle field. They vary from thin un- workable seams up to about n feet in the Western-middle field. There are no workable seams in the Pottsville in the other two fields. The lowest bed in the Coal Measures proper is the Buck Mountain bed of the Southern, the Western-middle and Eastern-middle fields. This bed is thickest in the Western-middle field and it probably corresponds to the lowest split of the lowest Red Ash bed in the Northern field. It runs between 3 and 19 feet in thickness. Be- tween the Buck Mountain and Mammoth seams in the Southern field there is the Skidmore bed; in the Western-middle field there are the Seven-foot and Skidmore beds and in the Eastern-middle field the Gamma bed, the Wharton bed and the Parlor bed. In the Northern field the lowest workable beds are the three Red Ash or Dunmore beds, also known as the Powder Mill and Clifford PENNSYLVANIA 365 beds. Above the Dunmore beds lie the Ross or Clark seam, and the Twin beds, followed by the two splits of the seam known as the Mammoth in the other fields. In this field this seam is known as the Baltimore, Pittston, Fourteen-foot, Big Bed or Grassy Island bed. Above this big seam lie the Rock bed and the Diamond bed, each about 3 feet thick, followed by the Hillman or Olyphant No. I, running up to about 15 feet in thickness. Above this seam is the Kidney, Diamond or Olyphant No. II which probably corresponds to the Diamond beds of the southern fields. It is about 5 feet thick in this field. The Abbott and Snake Island beds lie above it. In the Eastern-middle field the Mammoth bed which is here around 58 feet thick is the highest bed of importance and it is stripped a great deal. In the Western-middle field there are the Holmes bed, the Primrose bed, the Orchard beds, the Diamond beds and the Tracy beds, lying above the Mammoth seam which is here about 60 feet thick. In the Southern field the Mammoth seam has a number of splits making up a total of about 1 20 feet of coal and partings. The seams lying above the Mammoth bed are practically the same as those just mentioned for the Western-middle field with the addition of the Clinton beds. About twenty different beds have been worked in this field. It has been estimated that over 80 per cent of the coal in the Wy- oming basin and approximately 75 per cent of that in the other fields is marketable. The Pennsylvanian rocks are very thick in the Southern field, the Pottsville conglomerate varying from noo to 1475 feet in thickness and the other formations making up 2500 feet more. In the Western-middle field about 1200 feet of measures remains, and in the Northern field a maximum of 2200 feet is found in the deep basin between Nanticoke and Wilkes-Barre. The aver- age thickness for the Pottsville conglomerate and the Coal Measures respectively, in the various fields is placed at the following figures: Northern field 225 and 1800 feet; Western-middle 850 and 1000 feet; Eastern-middle 300 and 700 feet, and Southern 1200 and 2500 feet. An interesting feature in the Northern field is the buried valley between Pittston and Nanticoke in which a large stream flowed before the glacier passed over the region. When the glacier pushed 03 a nojnosq; I < 3 I 0< (366) PENNSYLVANIA 367 across the valley in the Pleistocene epoch the valley was filled up and since the glacier melted away the Susquehanna River has made a new channel for itself. It has also been suggested that this valley may have been caused by glacial erosion. Since this pre-glacial valley is filled with debris which holds much more water than the solid rock, it is naturally a menace in mining operations and it has been pretty carefully mapped out. 300- = Homewood Sandstone Upper Mercer Coal 20- -ZJ^I^I Lower Mercer Coal 200- 100- . > Conoqueneasing Sharon Coal Sharon Conglomerate FIG. 117. Section of the Pottsville in Mercer County, Pa. (After I. C. White, U. S. Geol. Survey.) Upper Free port Coal (E) Lower Freeport Coal ( D ) Freeport Sandstone Upper Kittanning Coal (C') Johnstown Cement Middle Kittanning Coal (C) Lower Kittanning Coal ( B) Ferriferous Limestone Clarion Coal (A') BrookvilleCoal(A) FIG. 118. Columnar section through the Allegheny formation on the Alle- gheny River, Armstrong County, Pa. (After D. White, U. S. Geol. Survey.) Pennsylvania produces almost all the anthracite mined con- siderably over 99 per cent in the country. Anthracite was dis- covered by the earliest settlers about 1762 and used by smiths and for local purposes for a number of years before active mining began. The records of shipments begin about 1805, but coal is said to have been shipped during the Revolutionary War. At first the people in the towns would have nothing to do with it as they were skep- tical regarding its value as a fuel. The Bernice field of Sullivan County is regarded by some as part of 3 68 Feetr ittle Pittsburgh Coal Connellsville Sandstone Morgantown Sandstone 11 -.T-_rJ "Elk Lick Coal Crinoidal Coal 100- THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA the anthracite region and the coal is put on the market as anthracite although it is more strictly semianthracite. It marks the transition from the anthracite region to the bituminous fields farther west. Bituminous region: 1 The bituminous fields of the state cover 14,200 square miles and while the southeastern border of the area has suffered a good deal of compression where the intensive folding found farther east dies out, the beds for the most part have gentle dips and the coal occurs in a large number of roughly parallel synclinal basins. The Broad top field in Huntingdon and Bedford counties is a remnant of the Coal Measures folded down into the mountains in that lo- cality and it is more disturbed than most of the other bituminous fields. Owing to the greater amount of folding which the eastern portion of the bituminous area has suffered, much of the coal is semibituminous in character and the Clearfield district is noted for its " Smoke- less coal " of this variety. The coals occur chiefly in the Alle- gheny and Monongahela series of the Coal Measures, between 40 and 50 per cent of the coal mined coming from the former series. The Pottsville (Fig. 117) contains the Sharon and Mercer coals mined in restricted areas. The Allegheny (Fig. 1 1 8) is about 300 feet thick on the average and contains the Brookville, or 1 White, D., and Campbell, M. R., The bitumi- nous coal fields of Pennsylvania. 22nd Annual Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, Pt. Ill, 1902. Also White, U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 65. Bakerstown Coal ,Masontown Coal Mahoning FIG. 119 Columnar section through the Conemaugh forma- tion on Dunbar Creek, Fayette County, Pa. (After I. C. White, U. S. Geol. Survey.) PENNSYLVANIA 3 6 9 Waynesburg Coal 300- 200- Uniontown Coal 100- Sewickley Coal A coal, the Clarion or A 1 , the Lower Kit tanning or B, the Middle Kittanning or C, the Upper Kittanning or C 1 , the Lower Freeport or D and the Upper Freeport or E. The Brookville coal is worked in many places in the eastern counties of the bituminous fields and the Clarion coal is of workable thickness in numerous lo- calities. The Lower Kittanning is usually Feet less than 4 feet thick but it is uniform in distribution and character. It is also known as the Miller seam. It is a valuable coal in at least eleven counties. The Upper Kittanning is characterized by a large amount of cannel coal in Beaver and Clear- field counties. The Middle Kittanning is not relatively important as it is thin and in many places dirty. The Upper and Lower seams are well known for coking, domestic, gas-producing and other pur- poses. The lower Freeport or Moshannon seam is a well-known seam, especially in Clearfield, Jefferson, Indiana, Cambria and Center counties. This coal is adapted to almost all varieties of uses. The Upper Freeport extends over a large area but it varies greatly in thickness and quality. The Conemaugh series (Fig. 119) carries several seams such as the Berlin, Bakers- town and Coleman but they are compara- tively unimportant. The Monongahela series (Fig. 120) con- tains the famous Pittsburgh seam and the Redstone, Sewickley and Waynesburg seams. The former seam occurs in the southwestern portion of the state in Greene, Washington, Westmoreland, Fayette, Allegheny, Somerset and In- diana counties. It runs from 4 to 9 feet in thickness and averages about 7 feet over an area of between 2000 and 2500 square miles. The coal of this seam is excellent for a great variety of uses. It has been the famous coking coal of the Connellsville district, and West- moreland County furnishes one of the best of gas coals from this seam. ..Redstone Coal Pittsburgh Coal FIG. 1 20. Columnar section of the Monongahela forma- tion in Fayette County, Pa. (After Stevenson, U. S. Geol. Survey.) 370 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA The Redstone seam is about 3 J feet thick. It is mined in a number of places in the southwestern counties, but on the whole it is not very important. The Waynesburg seam is mined in Westmoreland, Washington and Greene counties. It is about 3 feet thick on the average but locally it runs 6 feet, and in places it is a block coal. The coal is frequently bony. The Dunkard series of the Permian system carries the Washington seam which is worked to some extent in Washington and Greene Counties. It may reach 10 feet in thickness but, like the Waynesburg seam, it carries much rock. Rhode Island. 1 The coal in this state is interesting chiefly because of the fact that it has been so squeezed and broken that some of it has been turned into graphite, and therefore does not burn. The propor- tion of fixed carbon is so high compared with the volatile matter that combustion will not take place in some of the coal. The coal is also very high in ash, much of it running 30 per cent or more. It has been mined intermittently. Ohio. 2 Many of the seams mined in southwestern Pennsylvania continue into Ohio. They are all bituminous. In the Pottsville formation (Fig. 122) there are in ascending order, Sharon, or No. i, the block coal; Quakertown or No. 2; and ru, ^"olumnar section Lower Mercer or No. 3. Of these the through the Dunkard forma- Sharon, which is about 3 feet thick, is the tion in Greene County, Pa. on }y one o f mu ch importance although the (After Stevenson, U.S. Geol. m j ned ^ certa ; n ^ The Survey.) Sharon has been mined in limited areas, as 1 Ashley, G. H., Rhode Island Coal. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 615, 1915. 2 Bownocker, J. A., The coal fields of Ohio, with map. U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper loo-B, 1917. Also, Bull. 9, Fourth series, Ohio Geol. Survey, 1908. OHIO 371 around Massillon and Jackson. This coal is largely exhausted. It is characterized by coatings of calcium carbonate on the joints, known as " white cap." The sulphur is very low and the coal has been used raw in the blast furnaces in making pig iron. The Quakertown bed, also known as the Wellston or Jackson Hill bed, supplies good coal for domestic and steam purposes, and in Jackson County where it is mined most it runs about 4 feet in thickness. The Lower Mercer, or No. 3 and the Upper Mercer or No. 30, are unimportant. They are characterized by lying und^ thin lime- stones which go by the same name. The Upper Mercer is also known as the Bedford cannel and in Coshocton County it reaches a thickness of about 9 feet of which 5 feet is cannel. The Allegheny series contains the most widely extended and best beds of the state. The seams in ascending order are the Brookville or No. 4, the Clarion or No. 40, the Lower Kittanning or No. 5, the Middle Kittanning or No. 6, the Lower Freeport or No. 6a and the Upper Freeport or No. 7. The Brookville seam runs from 2 to 4 feet in thickness and it is not extensively mined as it is impure and thin over large areas. The Clarion bed lies under the Vanport, or Ferrif- erous limestone, which is a good horizon-marker. It is of compara- tively little value. The Lower Kittanning is not of great impor- tance but it is mined and a very important bed of clay lies beneath it. The Middle Kittanning is regarded as one of the most important in Ohio. It usually runs around 3 to 4 feet in thickness; it is high in sulphur in many places but is widely extended. In the Hocking Valley field what is known as the Jumbo " fault " causes much diffi- culty in mining. It is not a fault but an old " cut-out " where a stream has washed away the vegetal matter and deposited sand and mud in its place. The Lower Freeport is of little commercial im- portance except around Steubenville, while the Upper Freeport is a very important seam. The coal breaks down readily and is not suitable for transportation but it is a good steaming fuel. Its maxi- mum thickness is about 7 feet. Lying between the Upper Freeport and the Pittsburgh bed is the Conemaugh series, about 350 to 500 feet thick. It contains the Mahoning, Mason and Anderson seams, the latter being equivalent to the Bakerstown of Pennsylvania, but they are thin and little worked. The Monongahela, or Upper Productive Measures, contains three 372 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA seams of importance: The Pittsburgh or No. 8 at the base; the Red- stone or Pomeroy, or No. 8a; and Meigs or No. 9. The Pittsburgh is not as extensive or of as good quality as the Middle Kit tanning. It occurs in the three fields, Belmont County, Federal Creek and Swan Creek. The coal is used mostly for steam and domestic purposes. It runs about 6 feet in thickness with several clay partings in many places, and thin limestones occur in the shales of the roof. In some areas, as in Jefferson County, the coal is mined with steam shovels. The Pomeroy was for years regarded as the Pittsburgh bed of Penn- sylvania but it is now known to be the equivalent of the Redstone. It runs from 2 to 5 feet in thickness and is high in ash. The Meigs Creek is an important bed but in many places it is irregular. It is the equivalent of the Sewickley seam of Pennsylvania. The coal is used mostly for steam and domestic purposes. It is like many of the Ohio coals in being high in sulphur, and bands of pyrite frequently occur. In the Dunkard group of the Permian there are several thin seams but they are not of importance. Maryland. 1 The coals of Maryland occur in the following five basins: Georges Creek, Upper Potomac, Castleman, Upper Youghio- gheny and Lower Youghiogheny, all confined to Allegheny and Garrett counties. The Georges Creek basin is the most prominent producer with most of the remaining coal coming from the Potomac basin. The coals are mostly semibituminous. The following seams are recognized: Brookville, Clarion, Lower Kittanning, Upper Kittan- ning, Lower Freeport and Upper Freeport, in the Allegheny series. Those of the Pottsville are unimportant. In the Conemaugh the Bakerstown seam occurs and is of some importance. The Mononga- hela carries the Pittsburgh seam and the Upper Sewickley, also known as the Gas coal. The Pittsburgh seam or " Big Vein " has been the main source of the coal of the state but the other seams are being devel- oped more and more in recent years. This seam runs about 8 feet in thickness although in the southern part of the field it reaches 14 feet. The coal is massive and breaks down in large blocks. It fur- nishes a famous bunkering and steaming coal and can be coked, but it is not used to any extent for the latter purpose. West Virginia. 2 Many of the coal seams of Pennsylvania, Ohio 1 Clark, W. B., Maryland Geol. Survey, Vol. V, 1905. * White, West Virginia Geol. Survey, Vol. II, 1903 and Bull. 2, 1911. Shale Coal No. 7 a Fire clay Sandstone andjshale |5si5 Coal No. 7 Fire clay Limestone Gray shale Buff limestone Black band iron ore Fire clay Limestone Coal No, 6 b Shale and limestone Coal No. 6 i Fire clay E2~==J 0-50 0-50 Gray or black shale |=f=^E-=| 5-50 Coal No. 6 Fire clay Limestone Gray or black shale |EE:^=| Coal No. 5 Fire clay Shale and sandstone fe~t Limestone Coal Fire clay Sandstone Coal No. 4 Shale and sandstone Coal No. 3 b Shale and sandstone Coal No. 3 a Limestone with iron oi Fire clay 5-15 Shale and sandstone Coal No. 2 Fire clay Shale Sandstone Gray shale Coal No. 1 Fire clay Conglomerate mm mm 540 Grof. Stripe vein Brush Creek Mahoning f Upper Freeport I Cambridge ] Big Vein I Waterloo StillwelHoften conglomerate) Lower Freeport Hatcher Steubenville Whaa Upper Ktttanniiig (not Ohio) (Hocking Valley Straitsville Middle Kittanning Sheridan Mineral-Point Lower Kittanning Leetonia New Castle Gray ferriferous; Putnam Hill. Upper Clarion Brookeville f Homewood \ Piedmont Tionesta ( Bruce \ Upper Mercer ( Lower Mercer \ Flint Ridge canne Upper Massillon f Wellston 1 Quaker.tow.n Lower Massillon {Brier Massil Jacksc Hill Massillon Jackson Shaft STRATA SECTION FEET Limestone Sandstone Coal No. 13 Stwidstoiu* andLsh.a.1 CoalNoU2 Limestone Black shale Coal No. 8 Fire clay Limestone 30-70 U-30 Shale and sandstone pE^^'S 110 t-t^l^&l Shale Crinoidal limestone Shale Coal NO. 7 b Fire clay Shale and. sandstone Shale Coal No. 7 a. Fire clay LOCAL NAME Macksbure Waynesburg Meig Creek Sewickley Redstone in Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Norwich Patriot f Grof. < Stripe vein Brush Creek* FIG. 122. Columnar section of the Carboniferous formations in Ohio. Hazeltine, U. S. Geol. Survey). (After (373) 374 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA and Maryland extend into West Virginia, the main one being the Pittsburgh bed. This state is the second most important producer in the Union and her production is increasing rapidly. The main fields of West Virginia are the Fairmont or Clarksburg, the Piedmont or Elk Garden in the northern part of the state, and the New River, Kanawha and Pocahontas fields in the southern part. The Piedmont field is a narrow field lying in the Potomac basin to the east of the others and it carries semibituminous or " smokeless " coal in the following well-known veins: Pittsburgh, or " Big Vein," Thomas, or Upper Freeport, and Davis, probably Upper Kittanning. The Pittsburgh seam reaches a thickness of n feet. Much of the coal from West Virginia, especially in the southern part of the state, occurs in the Pottsville formation and this formation seems to increase in relative importance in the states to the south- west. The seams in the Pottsville in ascending order are the famous Pocahontas seams, Nos. 3, 4 and 6 of the Pocahontas field. Poca- hontas No. 3, known as the Thick seam and lying at the base of the Pottsville, reaches 12 feet in thickness though usually running around 6 feet. Pocahontas No. 4 also runs about 6 feet in thickness and No. 6 is not mined to any great extent. It runs up to 5 feet in thick- ness. The coal of this field is semibituminous, low in ash and sulphur and therefore suitable for mixing with high volatile coals in by-product ovens. It is a wonderful steam coal. In the New River field the lower and middle Pottsville, known as the New River group, carry the Fire Creek, Beckley, Welch, Sewell and laeger seams. Of these the Sewell, varying from 2 to 5 feet, the Beckley about 4 feet and the Fire Creek, 3 to 7 feet, are the most important and most largely mined seams. The coal is semibituminous and coking. In the Kanawha field the group of rocks named after the field is of Upper Pottsville age. The seams are the Eagle, Powellton, Gas, Alma, Cedar Grove, Chelton, Winifrede, Coalburg and Stockton. Of these the Eagle, Gas, Cedar Grove, Coalburg and Stockton are important. Some of these beds reach 1 2 feet in thickness. The Cedar Grove and Stockton carry cannel and the Coalburg and Stockton are known as the splint coals. The coal of the Kanawha field is bituminous to semibitumi- nous. It is coking, some of it is excellent gas-producing coal, and in general it is of high grade. In the Allegheny series the Lower Kittanning, Lower Freeport and VIRGINIA 375 Upper Freeport seams are found. The first seam is important in three of the fields and reaches 7 feet in thickness. The Upper Free- port is important in the northern part of the state, in places reaching 9 feet. These coals are good steaming and by-product coking coals, used chiefly for mixing with other types. In the Conemaugh the Bakerstown seam is worked to some extent in the Potomac basin. In the Monongahela the Pittsburgh, the Redstone, Sewickley and Waynesburg seams all occur in the northern fields only, the Pitts- burgh in the Fairmont, Panhandle and Piedmont fields. The Pitts- burgh seam averages 8 feet 6 inches, of which 7 feet are mined. It is a lump coal, high in sulphur in places, but much used in beehive coking where sulphur is low. It is a high grade bituminous steam- ing and domestic fuel. The Sewickley is an important seam reach- ing 10 feet in thickness. It is a good coal, containing much min- eral charcoal. The Waynesburg is mined but little. Virginia. 1 Virginia is said to have produced the first bituminous coal in the United States, coal having been discovered in 1700, min- ing begun in 1787 and shipments make in 1789. This coal occurs in the Atlantic Coastal region in rocks of Triassic age and in a syn- clinal basin much cut by faults and so intruded by igneous rocks that in places- the coal has been changed to natural coke. The coal is bituminous to semianthracite and some of it is of high grade. Some seams are very thick, but mining conditions are bad and mining has only been carried on intermittently. This field extends into North Carolina. The other fields of Virginia are the Pocahontas or Flat Top field, a continuation of the field of the same name in West Virginia, and the Big Stone Gap field which extends into Kentucky. In Frederick County there is a small isolated field, and another in Pulaski and Montgomery counties. In these fields the coal is of Mississippian age, and in the Pocono formation. This is geologically the oldest coal in the country. The coal is semianthracite to anthracite and of good quality. It is mined when thick enough to work, and some seams reach 4 feet or more in thickness. 1 U. S. Geol. Survey, igth Annual Kept., Pt. II, p. 393, 1898, Geology of the Rich- mo,nd Basin, Virginia, by N. S. Shaler and J. B. Woodworth; also Bull, in, 1893, Geology of the Big Stone Gap Coal Field of Virginia and Kentucky by M. R. Campbell; Mineral Resources of Virginia by Watson, Bulls. 9 and 12. 376 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA FIG. 123. Outcrop of the "Big" seam at Pocahontas, Va. with crossbedded sandstone above it. (Photo by H. Ries.) FIG. 1 24. Breaker for semibituminous coal at the Merrimac Mine, Mef rimac, Va. (Photo by H. Ries.) KENTUCKY 377 The seams mined in the other fields are, in ascending order, the Darby, Jawbone, Kennedy, Imboden, Lower Banner, Upper Banner and Pocahontas No. 3. The Pocahontas No. 3 is a continuation of this seam from West Virginia and here it is of the same quality and averages about 9 feet thick. The other seams occur chiefly along the extreme western part of the state. The Upper Banner and the Imboden are very important and the latter is a specially good coking coal. The other seams are all mined to a greater or less extent and some of them run as high as 10 feet in thickness. They are Potts- ville in age and of bituminous character. Kentucky. 1 The coal fields of Kentucky occur along the south- east and the northwest borders of the state, the southeastern portion being included in the Eastern province and the northwestern in the Interior province. The coal-bearing rocks of the southeastern part of the state are Pottsville and Allegheny. The Pottsville is about 500 feet thick and carries a large number of coal beds. There are about a dozen workable beds, the main ones being the Flag, Fire Clay, Hazard, Keokee, Leonard, High Splint, Dean, Harlan, Miller's Creek and Elkhorn. These seams range in thickness up to about 9 feet. The Keokee is equivalent to the Darby seam of Virginia. The High Splint as the name indicates, carries splint coal, an im- portant gas coal. The coals are bituminous. Some seams are good coking and particularly good gas coals. There is a good deal of can- nel coal in this field forming seams, or bands and lenses in the bitumi- nous seams. In the northwestern section of the state the main seams are known as Nos. 9, ii and 12, of which No. 9 is equivalent to No. 5 of Illinois. No. 9 is the most important producer. It averages about 5 feet in thickness and lies within 300 feet of the surface. In places this seam is badly faulted. No. 11, lying higher up, is more irregular but thicker in places than No. 9, being about 6 feet thick. No. 12 is worked in some areas. The coals are bituminous and higher in volatile matter than those to the east. They are also high in sulphur and ash. 1 Annual Kept., Inspector of Mines of Kentucky, 1902. Also Ky. Geol. Survey, series 2, Pt. XI, Vol. IV, by Moore; and Bull. 18, 1912 by Fobs. For analyses see Ky. Geol. Survey, New series, Chemical Reports. 378 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA Tennessee. 1 The Tennessee coal beds occur in the following basins: Wartburg, Walden, Sewanee and Cumberland. In the last-named it is said the Coal Measures are over 3000 feet thick and that they contain almost 100 feet of coal. The Wartburg basin has three or four beds which are now worked, one of which, the Brice- ville, is about 4 feet thick. In the eastern part of the Walden basin the beds are sharply upturned, but for the most part the coals of Tennessee lie quite flat. The best known seams in the state are the Sewanee, Jellico and Coal Creek. The coals are all bituminous and most of them are suitable for steam, domestic purposes and gas manu- facture. The Coal Creek coal is used in coking. Georgia. 2 Only 167 square miles are underlain with coal in this state and the coal is all of Pottsville age. The Walden basin of Tennessee crosses through Georgia into the Warrior and Blount Mountain basins of Alabama. The Lookout basin extends into Walker County, Georgia. In this basin the coal is of high quality, being semibituminous to semianthracite and low in sulphur. Part of it is coked. The rest of the coal in the state is bituminous. 4000 FIG. 125. Structure section in the northern part of the Cahaba Coal Field, Ala. (By Charles Butts, U. S. Geol. Survey.) Alabama. 3 The Coal Measures in crossing from Georgia widen out in Alabama and form four important basins, the Coosa, Ca- haba, Warrior and Plateau basins. The Coosa basin is a deep syn- 1 Hayes, C. W., The Southern Appalachian Coal Field. U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Rept. Pt. Ill, p. 227, 1902. Also Resources of Tennessee I, No. 5, by Ashley. 2 McCallie, Georgia Geol. Survey, 1904. 3 Butts, C., The northern part of the Cahaba Coal Field, Ala. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 316, p. 76, 1907. Also reports by McCalley on the Warrior Field, 1900 and by Gibson on the Coosa Field, Ala. Geol. Survey, 1895. MICHIGAN 379 cline of unexplored depth about 60 miles long by 6 wide. It con- tains a large number of seams. Two seams are worked, the Eureka and the Coal City. This basin is considerably faulted and folded. The Cahaba basin covers about 350 square miles and is very deep, the coal beds probably extending more than 3000 feet below the sur- face, (Fig. 125). The thickness of the Coal Measures is usually considered about 5500 feet. There are about ten seams mined and the coal is bituminous and coking. The Warrior is the most important of the basins. The best known seams are the Pratt and the Mary Lee as they furnish most of the coal mined in the Birmingham district, and this coal furnishes the coke after washing. The Pratt seam in places reaches 16 feet in thickness. Besides these two seams 16 other beds are worked in this basin. The Plateau field is small and undeveloped but it con- tains many good beds. The coals in Alabama are all of Pottsville age and bituminous in character. \_ T/tc Interior Province Michigan. 1 The coal basin of Michigan contains a compara- tively flat-lying, slightly faulted series which includes the Potts- ville and Allegheny formations of the Pennsylvanian and which is FIG. 126. Structure section in Bay County, Mich., from the Amelith Mine to the Central and Michigan mines. It shows glacial drift overlying the eroded surface of the Coal Measures. (After Lane, U. S. Geol. Survey.) overlain by glacial drift. There are seven coal-bearing horizons of significance and these are known as the Lower Coal, Lower Rider, Saginaw, Middle Rider, Lower Verne, Upper Verne and Upper Rider. The seams are very irregular in thickness and character and they change rapidly from place to place (Fig. 126). The coal is of bitu- 1 Lane, A. C., The Northern Interior Coal Field. U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Report. Pt. Ill, p. 313, 1902. Also Geol. Survey, Michigan, Vol. VIII, Pt. 2. 300 100 Rallsford Shale Red Shaly Limestone ^\ Conglomerate (380) Sandy Shale Conglomerate Fie. 127. Columnar sections of the Coal Measures in Illinois. (Illinois Geol. Survey.) ILLINOIS 381 minous rank, is non-coking and dry and is used for steam, producer gas, domestic, and related purposes. Illinois. 1 Illinois has the largest area of Carboniferous coals of any of the states as nearly three-fourths of the state is underlain by Coal Measures. The basin is comparatively flat with from 1500 to 2000 feet of measures near the center. The seams are faulted in many places by small faults and near the Kentucky border the beds are caught in overturned folds and considerably faulted. The fields are covered with glacial drift so that prospecting is often carried on with difficulty, shafts being necessary to reach the coal. The shafts in the state run from 25 feet to 1000 feet in depth but the majority are probably less than 300 feet. The beds as a rule are extensive and persistent. The coals are both coking and dry but the coals which will coke are high in sulphur, the average running around 3 per cent for many of the mines, and they are therefore unsuitable for commercial coke. They are used mostly for domestic, steam and locomotive purposes. Much of the coal is washed and sized. The longwall method of mining is used to a considerable extent in this state. In geological age the coals are Allegheny and Pottsville. The most important seams are Nos. 2, 5, 6, and 7. No. i seam and a few others occur in the Pottsville and are worked in the southern part of the state, No. i probably corresponding to the Mercer horizon farther east. No. 2 occurs in the Carbondale formation, which is regarded as equivalent to the Allegheny, and is a very per- sistent bed averaging around 4 feet in thickness. It is regarded by some as equivalent to the Clarion coal of Ohio and Pennsylvania. In places it contains many sulphur balls. These concretions are also common in No. 5 and in the roof shale above that seam. No. 5 runs about 4 to 5 feet in thickness and is an important seam. No. 6, or the "Belleville" seam, is probably the most persistent in the state, and in the western part is mined to a depth of about 800 feet. It runs from 5 to 6 feet in thickness over large areas and in places it reaches 9 feet. No. 7 is mined around Danville and is from 5 to 7 feet in thickness. It contains much sulphur which can be read- 1 Ashley, G. H., The Eastern Interior Coal Field, U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Report, Pt. Ill, p. 271; Bulls, i to 15, 111. Coal Mining Investigations, at University of Illinois, also Bulls. 4, 8 and 16, Illinois Geol. Survey. 382 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA ily separated by picking and washing. Another higher seam, No. 8, is mined in some localities. Indiana. 1 The coal beds of Indiana occur along the western border of the state and the coal is all of bituminous rank. It occurs in the Pottsville and Allegheny formations as in Illinois. Work- able coal is found at eight horizons at least and six of these are producing. The main seams are known as the Lower and Upper Block, the Minshall, and seams Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. No. 8 is thin. The lower coals, including the Block and Minshall seams, are of Pottsville age and are characterized by being non-coking, pure and dry coals which break into rectangular blocks. The seams usually run about 3 feet in thickness as an average. The other seams are classed as bituminous coals of Allegheny age and they run from 3 to 10 feet in thickness with 5 feet a very common figure and the beds very persistent. The shafts run from 50 to 450 feet in depth for most of the field. Iowa. 2 The coal fields lie in the southern and central part of the state and cover about 12,500 square miles. The beds are of lower Pennsylvanian age, as in Illinois and Indiana, and they occur in the Pottsville and Allegheny formations. These are represented by s.w. FIG. 128." Ideal cross-section of the formations in Mahaska County, Iowa, illus- trating the character of the Coal Measures in Iowa. (After H. Hinds, Iowa Geol. Survey.) two series of rocks, the lower, or Des Moines, and the upper, or Missouri group. The Missouri group contains much limestone and little coal, the Nodaway bed being the only one mined, and it fur- nishes less than i per cent of the coal mined in the state. It is 16 to 20 inches thick and fairly persistent. The Des Moines group, al- though consisting chiefly of shale and sandstone, has a thin lime- stone bed near the middle. It carries a well-known seam, the Mystic or Centreville bed, which is persistent and extends over into Mis- 1 Ashley, G. H., Stratigraphy and coal beds of Indiana Coal Field. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 381, p. 9, 1908; also Indiana Dept. of Geol. and Nat. Res., 33d Annual Rept. 1909. 2 Hinds, Henry, The coal deposits of Iowa. Iowa Geol. Survey, Vol. XIX, 1908. MISSOURI 383 souri. The lower part of the Des Moines group carries a number of beds and while they locally run up to 10 feet or more the average is about 5 feet in thickness. The seams are characterized by their lack of persistency and their sudden changes in quality. They lie nearly flat and while faults are numerous they are not large. The coal is dry, non-coking, comparatively high in sulphur and used al- most entirely for domestic and railroad purposes. The coal field is covered with glacial drift so that there are few outcrops and pros- pecting is difficult. For this reason little is known about many of the seams. Much of the coal lies 400 to 500 feet below the surface. Missouri. 1 The same geological series occur in Missouri as in Iowa, the Pennsylvanian rocks being divided into the upper, or Mis- souri group and a lower, or Des Moines group. The upper is quite largely a limestone series and carries little coal. Most of the seams occur in the Des Moines group. Those near the base are very ir- regular and lack persistency while the seams associated with the thin limestone beds higher up in the group are very persistent and comparatively regular. The main fields are the Bevier where the Bevier seam is 3 to 6 feet thick; the Lexington with a seam 14 inches to 2 feet thick which is mined by the longwall method; the South- western field; the Novinger field with a seam 3^ feet thick and prob- ably equivalent to the Bevier seam; the Marceline where a 29-inch seam is mined; and the Mendota where the coal lies at about the same horizon as that in the Lexington and the bed is supposed to be equiva- lent to the Centreville seam of Iowa. It is not mined to any great extent. There are a number of " pockets " of coal lying in isolated areas east of the main field. Some of these are very thick but limited in extent, Parker mentioning one where the coal is 80 feet thick and consists of ordinary bituminous coal and cannel. The seams of Missouri mostly lie nearly flat and the faults, while numerous, are small. There are many horsebacks, concretions and other obstructions in mining. Owing to the shallowness of the seams in parts of the state, approximately 20 per cent of the annual output is produced by the use of steam shovels. The coals are not high grade as they are high in sulphur, moisture and ash. They are used as domestic and steaming fuels. 1 Hinds, H., Missouri Bur. Mines and Geol., Vol. XI, 2nd series, 1912. 384 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA Kansas. 1 About 20,000 square miles are underlain by Pennsyl- vanian rocks in this state and it is estimated that nearly three- fourths of the area will prove pro- ductive. The field lies in the eastern portion of the state and the most important and best- known localities are in Cherokee and Crawford counties which fur- nish over 90 per cent of the coal. The geological series are much like those of Iowa only less dis- tinctly marked, with limestone more abundant in the lower series and the coal distributed more widely through the various forma- tions. The thickness of the meas- ures is about 3000 feet and on the whole the beds lie nearly flat, (Fig. 129). The Cherokee seam is the main bed and it varies from 3 to 10 feet in thickness with an average of about 40 inches. This coal is washed and it may then be coked but most of it is used for locomotive and domestic fuel. Much coal is mined by stripping methods where it lies near the surface. The weathered coal from the pits is non-coking because of oxidation. It is used raw in some of the zinc furnaces. In the Leavenworth district a 1 Howarth and Crane, Kansas Geol. Survey, Vol. Ill, 1898. Also the Western Interior Coal Field by H. F. Bain, U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Report, p. 339, 1902. ARKANSAS 385 thin seam is mined at a depth of 700 to 1150 feet. This is the only deep mining, according to Parker, which is carried on in the Western Interior field. Another area occurs in the Osage County district where a seam is mined at a horizon about 2000 feet above the Cherokee bed. A small lignite field also occurs in Kansas with coal of Cretaceous age which is mined for local consumption. Oklahoma. 1 The rocks carrying coal in . NMIESOF Oklahoma apparently represent most of the COAL BEOS Pennsylvanian formations. There are two main fields, the Cherokee and the Choctaw, the latter much the more important. The coals vary from ordinary bituminous to semibituminous. Some of the coals are coking and a number of ovens Paris are operated, but most of the coke is too high in sulphur for iron furnaces. There are about ten Charleston, workable seams of which the following are the best known: Hartshorne, Dawson, Henryetta, McAlester, Cavanal and Witteville, upper and lower. The Henryetta is the most important seam in the Cherokee field and averages about 3 feet in thickness. The Hartshorne seams H" run from 2 to 7 feet in thickness and the McAlester coals about 4 feet. The strata are much folded and faulted in parts of the fields, and many of the mines carry considerable gas. u PP er Hartshorne Fort Smith 375-425 Spadra 400-500 EG. 130 . Generalized columnar section of the coal-bearing rocks of Ar- kansas. (After Collier, U. S. Geol. Survey.) Gulf Province Arkansas. 2 The coal beds are well exposed in this field and they have suffered consider- able folding, faulting and erosion. They are of Pennsylvanian age, Pottsville to Allegheny, and the coals vary, even in the same seam, from bituminous to semibituminous and semianthracite, the fuel ratio increasing from about 5 on the western side of the field to 1 Taff, J. A., The Southwestern Coal Field. U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Rept., Pt. Ill, p. 367, 1902. 2 Collier, A. J., The Arkansas Coal Field. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 316, p. 137, 1906. 386 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA nearly 8 on the east. There are three seams, of which the Harts- horne, corresponding to the seam of the same name in Oklahoma, is the most important. This seam is about 8 feet thick and it supplies nearly all the coal of the state. Other seams which are mined a little are the Charleston, lying about 700 feet above the Hartshorne and the Paris about 1000 feet above the latter seam. There is some lignite lying in the lowlands southeast of Little Rock. It is mined to a small extent but is practically undeveloped. It is of Tertiary age and listed under the Gulf province. Texas. 1 There are three fields in Texas with coals of three differ- ent ages and grades. One of the fields in the north-central part of the state belongs to the southwestern field of the Interior province. The coal is Pennsylvanian in age and mostly of bituminous rank al- though there are portions of it which might be more properly classed as subbituminous. The Pennsylvanian is here divided into the fol- lowing divisions in ascending order: Millsap, Strawn, Canon, Cisco and Albany. The structure is simple, the basin dipping gently north- westward and westward. There are three workable seams, two of which are worked. They are thin, in few places more than 2 feet. No. i seam is in the Millsap and the Cisco formation carries two workable beds, one known as No. 7 which is the highest bed worked. The coals are high in sulphur and ash and are therefore used mostly for railroad and other steaming purposes. The Eagle Pass field is a small one on the Rio Grande and it ex- tends over into Mexico. The strata are considered to be of Upper Cretaceous age and the coal is subbituminous in rank. The beds run from 5 to 6 feet in thickness and dip steeply in parts of this field. The large lignite field extends across the state from the Sabine River to the Rio Grande. The rocks are of Eocene age and the coal varies from woody lignite to subbituminous grade. The latter oc- curs in the Laredo field along the Rio Grande where the rocks have been compressed by the uplift of the Sierra Madre Oriental, a little to the southwest, in Mexico. Campbell has pointed out that in the southern part of the state the lignite consists chiefly of trees and other coarse fragments of plants while in the northern part there is a much greater proportion of spores, seeds and other related vegetal 1 Dumble, E. J., Texas Geol. Survey, 1892. Phillips, W. B., and Worrell, S. H., The fuels used in Texas. Bull. University of Texas No. 307, 1913. (Numerous analyses.) NEW MEXICO 387 matter in the coal. The lignite occurs in the three upper divisions of the Eocene at comparatively shallow depths and the beds vary from a few inches to about 25 feet in thickness. Those being mined usually run between 4 and 8 feet, except in Webb County where the coal is subbituminous and the seams mined are less than 3 feet thick. The lignite field belongs in the Gulf province. The known field is much less than the probable field as the seams are largely unprospected. The lignite is largely used for domestic purposes, for steam, and in gas producers. The Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Provinces These two provinces are considered together here since many states are included in both of them. Arizona. Arizona is not yet a producer and has not been well prospected, but it contains several fields and a large reserve of coal of subbituminous quality. It is of Cretaceous age. The main area is the Black Mesa field, a flat, open, synclinal basin with coal in thin benches. The other field of which something is known is the Deer Creek field in the copper-bearing region of the state. This forms a simple synclinal basin with the rocks greatly broken and the coal of little value in the southwestern part. Two beds of workable thick- ness running from 24 to 30 inches are reported by Campbell. New Mexico. 1 This state contains coal varying in rank from subbituminous to anthracite, the latter occurring where the coal has been locally metamorphosed by igneous intrusions as in the Cerillos field. There are five fields: (a) The Raton field of Coif ax County, which is an extension of the Trinidad field of Colorado and will be discussed under that state; (b) The San Juan River region, in- cluding the Gallup and Monero producing districts, and extending into Colorado; (c) A little-known area in Valencia, Bernalillo and Sandoval counties; (d) The Los Cerillos field in Santa Fe County; and (e) The Whiteoaks field in Lincoln County. Outside of the Raton field the coal is practically all subbituminous and all the coals of the state are regarded as of Upper Cretaceous age, chiefly Montana, except in a very limited area near Pecos, carrying lower Pennsylvanian coal. 2 Near Monero the coal is bituminous. Some 1 Storrs, L. S., The Rocky Mountain Coal Field. U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Rept. Pt. Ill, p. 449. Also U. S. Geol. Survey, Bulls. 285, 316, 381, 471 and 531. 2 Gardner, J. H., U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 381, p. 449, 1908. 3 88 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA of the fields, as for example the Carthage field, are complexly faulted and igneous intrusions are common. Colorado. 1 This state is the largest coal producer west of the Mississippi. The fields of the state are as a rule divided into the Eastern, the Park and the Western groups. The Eastern group con- tains the following fields: Trinidad, Canon City and South Platte. The Park contains the South, Middle and North Park. The Western group is the largest and includes the Yampa field in the north, the Danforth Hills, White River and Grand Hogback to the north of Grand River, the Glenwood Springs basin, Crested Butte and Grand Mesa just south of the Grand River, Book Cliffs near Grand Junc- tion and the Durango field in the southwestern part of the state. 1000 2000 3000 Feet FIG. 131. Section between Occidental and Oakdale mines, northwest of La Veta. Colo. (After G. B. Richardson, U. S. Geol. Survey.) The coals are subbituminous in the North Park field and Denver re- gion, partly bituminous and partly subbituminous in the Durango field, partly bituminous and partly anthracite in the Uinta Basin region, and partly subbituminous, partly bituminous, and partly anthracite in the Yampa field. The other fields all contain bitumi- nous coals of varying grades. The anthracite and other high-carbon coals occur in those areas where the coal has been highly compressed or heated by igneous rocks and thus devolatilized. The same seam may carry coal ranging from bituminous to anthracite, the latter near the igneous rocks. The age of the Colorado coals is mostly Upper Cretaceous, the bulk of the coal occurring in the Mesaverde formation of the Mon- 1 U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Rept., Pt. Ill, p. 427. Also Bulls. 297 (Yampa) 316 (Danforth Hills, Book Cliffs and Durango) 317 (Book Cliffs) 381 (Denver Basin, South Park, Colorado Springs, Trinidad) Folio No. 9 (Crested Butte). COLORADO 389 tana series. Some is Laramie, a little Dakota and a small amount of Eocene age. The Trinidad field forms part of the Raton Mountain area which extends over into New Mexico. It is divided into the Trinidad district to the south and Walsenburg district to the northeast. The rocks are of Laramie age and the coal-bearing series varies in thick- ness from 1500 to 3000 feet. In this field there are as many as eight ,_ - ,^' x ' v x ' ^ ^ ' s ./ i yS-N ^^/ x"^ / \ /^x ^ v ""-t ^ . N| _ f* . -SCALE IN FEET FIG. 132. Sills of igneous rock in "Laramie" formation and bed of natural coke, in Purgatory Valley, near Trinidad, Colo. (After G. B. Richardson, U. S. Geol. Survey.) workable beds, varying from 2 to 14 feet in thickness in the lower coal- bearing group of beds, which is about 250 feet thick. These beds lie just above the Trinidad sandstone, and about 500 feet above the sandstone is the middle coal-bearing group carrying at least four seams, 2 to 4 feet thick. Lying about 1000 feet, on the average, above the Trinidad sandstone, is the upper coal-bearing group of shales carrying several seams, but these are unimportant so far as known. 3QO THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA The coal from the Trinidad field is bituminous, that from the northern part being non-coking while that from the southern makes an excellent coke. An interesting occurrence in the Walsenburg dis- trict is the niggerhead coal described on page 235. The coal in some of the seams adjacent to igneous rocks forms peculiar spherical struc- tures known locally as " niggerheads " and consisting of quite high- grade coal. Such bodies have been found in a few cases in other fields where igneous rocks have intruded the coal seams. In some places considerable natural coke, or carbonite, has been formed by igneous rocks in the Trinidad field. The structure of this region varies from places where the beds are practically flat and undis- turbed to others where they are highly folded, faulted and intruded with igneous rocks. The Canon City field is a small one containing bituminous coal in the Laramie formation. The rocks vary from flat-lying to steeply dipping. The South Platte field includes the counties around Denver and contains subbituminous coal of Laramie age. The beds are com- paratively flat except where the strata are more closely folded near the mountains along the western border. The beds are fairly thick in parts of the field and there are four of them in most places. The coal is not of high grade and it is used chiefly for domestic and steam purposes. The North Park field is reported to carry very thick coals of bitu- minous rank, some seams as high as 30 feet in thickness, but little mining is done. No mining is now carried on in the South Park field although some mines were operated during the last century. The Yampa field occupies a large synclinal basin with several minor anticlines and synclines running nearly parallel across it. The strata are in a few places greatly disturbed by faults, but as a rule the faults are of little importance. Most of the basin is not badly folded. The coal-bearing series is the Mesaverde of the Montana series of Upper Cretaceous. This series is about 3500 feet thick and it is overlain by approximately 2000 feet of Lewis and Laramie strata, the Laramie carrying thin beds of coal. The thickness of the seams varies up to about 12 feet. In the Anthracite Range, especially around Pilot Knob, there is some anthracite and natu- ral coke produced by action of the igneous rocks which sometimes affect UTAH 391 the coal for a distance of 50 feet or more. The coals in this field vary from subbituminous to anthracite. In the Danforth Hills and Grand Hogback fields, which represent part of the Uinta basin region, there is one coal-bearing horizon, the Mesaverde, and this is a distinct ledge-making formation be- cause of the sandstone which it contains. The structure of this region is simple as there are broad basins with minor folds, and faults are not numerous. There are as many as seven seams varying in thickness from 4 to 48 feet, making an aggregate thickness of coal of about 108 feet. Some of these seams are separated by over 1000 feet of intervening strata. The mines through this region are subject to much trouble with explosive gas and spontaneous com- bustion of the coal. In the Crested Butte district of the Uinta Basin region consider- able anthracite has been formed by igneous activity and both bitu- minous coal and anthracite occur in this field. The Durango field, lying in the southern part of the state, extends over into New Mexico in the San Juan River region and of the 73,900 square miles in this field only 1900 lie in Colorado. The coals in this field vary from subbituminous to bituminous. Their geological age is Upper Cretaceous, Dakota, Montana and Laramie. The Mesaverde formation of the Montana carries the best coals, the seams averaging around 5 or 6 feet in thickness. The Dakota coals are not of much inportance, and while the seams in the Laramie are very thick one reported to be as much as 80 feet the coal is of an inferior quality to that from the Mesaverde formation. The coal from several localities in the latter formation makes good coke. The structure of the basin is comparatively simple except around Gallup and in the southern end of the basin where the rocks have been highly disturbed. Utah. 1 The Uinta Basin region contains the largest area of coal lands in the state and it extends across the Colorado boundary from the Crested Butte district. The beds are deeply covered, going well below 3000 feet in the centre of this basin, and probably out of reach of mining operations. The coals are bituminous and coking. Prac- tically all the coal mined in the state comes from the vicinity of 1 U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Rept., Pt. Ill, p. 453. Also, Bulls. 316, 341, 415 and 47 1. 392 THE COM. FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA I II l 15 I! Sunnyside, Castlegate, Winterquarters and Clear Creek. There are about 20 seams in this dis- trict, with a maximum individual thickness of about 20 feet. The seams occur in the base of the Mesaverde (Montana) of the Upper Creta- ceous. In the Coalville field, which is a small one, two seams running about 7 to 14 feet in thickness are mined. The coal is in the Colorado series. The other field is the Colob Plateau field which carries a seam in the Colorado series from i to 10 feet thick. The coal varies from bituminous to semianthracite and impure anthracite. Be- cause of the closely folded nature of some of the strata much of the coal is of poor quality. In Kane County cannel occurs, and a little an- thracite is found in Iron County. Wyoming. 1 Wyoming probably contains the second largest resources in coal of any state in the Union, North Dakota coming first. The coals of Wyoming are, however, of higher grade than those in North Dakota since the coal in the latter state is all lignite and that in the former is not below subbituminous, while a considerable amount of it is bituminous in rank. The following regions are recognized: Black Hills and Powder River regions of the Great Plains province; the Bighorn Basin, Wind River Basin, Green River Basin, Hams Fork region, and the Hanna field, all of the Rocky Mountain province. Of these areas the Powder River region is the largest. It lies between the Bighorn Mountains and Black Hills and runs from the Platte River to the Montana boundary. It represents the extension of the Fort Union region of North Dakota. About 11,000 square 1 U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Rept., Pt. Ill, p. 439. Also, Bulls. 225, 260, 285, 316, 341, 381, 47i and 531, and Prof. Paper 56. NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTA 393 miles are underlain with coal beds more than 3 feet thick. The rocks of the field are of Fort Union (Eocene) age and they consist of a lower mem- ber of 2500 to 2800 feet of dull-drab, bluish and brown shales and sand- stone interbedded with many coal seams. The upper member is sub- divided into the Tongue River, Intermediate and Ulm coal-bearing groups. The sandy beds are in many places only slightly consoli- dated. In the Tongue group which is about 800 feet thick there are at least seven seams ranging from 5 to 32 feet in thickness. The Ulm group is 900 to 1150 feet thick and there is a distinct horizon- marker in the lower part of the group in the form of a shell bed which in some places is directly overlain by a coal seam and in other places separated from it by 30 to 40 feet of sand. There are two workable beds in this group, the Arvade, 5 to 10 feet thick, and the Felix, 6 to 30 feet thick. The Ulm group contains the Lower Ulm or Healy bed, 10 to 1 5 feet thick. The coal is all lignite and is used for domestic purposes, steam, and producer gas. The structure of the basin is very simple and the beds lie almost horizontal. The main mining centers of the state are in Uinta and Sweet- water counties. These areas furnish medium-grade bituminous coal. Subbituminous coal is mined in Sweetwater, Carbon, Sheridan, Con- verse, and Bighorn counties. The coals of Wyoming vary in age from Lower Cretaceous, of the Kootenay series in the Black Hills region, through the Mesaverde formation in the Montana series of the Upper Cretaceous, to the Fort Union of the Eocene. The older coals are of much higher grade, as a rule. At Cambria a bituminous coal is mined from the Lower Cretaceous rocks. In the Bighorn, Wind River, Hams Fork, and Green River regions the coals are of Upper Cretaceous (Montana and Laramie) and Eocene age. They vary from lignite through subbituminous to bituminous and are non-coking. They are used for domestic purposes, steaming and producer gas. North and South Dakota. 1 North Dakota probably has the largest reserve of coal of any state in the Union. The coal of the Dakotas is, however, all lignite. It is estimated that nearly 35,000 square miles in North Dakota and 11,000 in South Dakota are un- derlain with coal-bearing beds and that North Dakota contains 633,- 1 U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Kept., Pt. Ill, p. 456. Also, Bulls. 285, 341, 381, 471, and 531. 394 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA 329,800,000 tons of lignite. The coal is almost entirely in the Fort Union beds of the Eocene. The beds run as high as 30 feet in thick- ness and many of them are continuous for many miles. The Lance formation contains a little coal, but in most places the seams are too thin to work. The latter formation does not appear in the northern part of North Dakota but is extensively distributed around the border FIG. 134. Lignite seam, Williston, N. Dak. (After F. Wilder, photo. Reprinted by permission from Ries' Economic Geology, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) between the Dakotas. The lignite is mined only along the main lines of the railroad's and chiefly for domestic purposes, steaming and producer gas. Montana. 1 This state contains extensive coal lands. The Fort Union Basin of the Dakotas extends into this state and contains over half as much lignite as North Dakota in nearly the same area. The other areas in Montana are the Bull Mountain field, the Assinniboine region, the Judith Basin region, the Flathead River field, the Mountain fields, the Yellowstone region and the Red Lodge- Bridger field. The Bull Mountain field, which is being developed, contains rocks of Fort Union and Laramie age or slightly older. The 1 U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Rept., Pt. Ill, p. 460. Also, Bulls. 316, 341, 356 (Great Falls Field) 381, 531, 647 (Bull Mountain), University of Montana, Bull. 4, by Rowe. CALIFORNIA 395 structure of the synclinal basin is simple. The coal varies from lignite in the Tertiary rocks to subbituminous and low-grade bitu- minous in the older formations. There are 20 seams over 2 feet thick and the " Mammoth " seam runs from 8 to 15 feet. The field which is most largely worked is the Red Lodge-Bridger field where coal has been mined for a good many years. There are seven seams running from 3 to 12 feet in thickness. The coal is high-grade subbituminous, fairly high in moisture, and it soon breaks down or " slacks " when exposed to the air. The Great Falls field in Cascade County, forming part of the Judith Basin region, produces considerable coal at Sand Coulee, Stockett and Belt. The coal is bituminous and dirty and it occurs in the Kootenay series of the Lower Cretaceous. The seams in some places reach nearly 15 feet in thickness. The North Fork Flathead River field is considered to contain unimportant bituminous and sub- bituminous coals of Jurassic age as well as the Cretaceous coals. The Assinniboine region is represented by the Milk River Field. The strata belong chiefly to the Montana group and are buried under glacial drift. All the coal in this field occurs in the Judith River formation of the Montana series except a little lignite in the Fort Union. The coal beds are, as a rule, lenticular and they run up to 9 feet in thickness. Faults and folds are common in this region. The coal is of fairly good subbituminous grade. In many areas in this state, as in the other western states, the coal beds have been burned, leaving slag and reddened rock. This is partly due to the ease with which the coal ignites. The Pacific Coast Province 1 California. 2 The coal fields of California are very limited and there is no prospect of her ever becoming a great coal-mining state. The fields are also widely scattered, the main ones being as follows: lone Mine in Amador County, Mount Diablo of Contra Costa Coun- ty, Coral Hollow of Alamada County, Priest Valley and Trafton of San Benito County, and Stone Canyon of Monterey County. The 1 Smith, G. O., The coal fields of the Pacific Coast. U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Kept., Pt. Ill, p. 473, 1902. 2 Campbell, M. R., Coal of Stone Canyon, Monterey County. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 316, p. 435, 1907- 396 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA coal in Stone Canyon is of bituminous rank with a composition approaching cannel. A bed 10 to 14 feet thick has been exploited. The coals in the southern part of the state are bituminous and non- coking; those in the northern part are lignite, and those lying be- tween these fields are subbituminous. Practically the only coal pro- duced in the state, in some years at least, is lignite, which comes chiefly from the lone Mine, Amador County. The coal is of Eocene and Miocene age. The coal industry of all the western states where fuel oil is found in abundance is vitally affected by that commodity and will continue to be so affected as long as oil is abundant. Oregon. 1 Oregon has very little coal and comparatively little mining has been done. In the Coos Bay field, in the southern part of the state, mining has been carried on and coal is shipped from the Beaver Hill and Newport mines. The coal is subbituminous in grade. The coal in this field is difficult to mine and much of it lies below sea level. In the Eden Ridge field, also of Coos County, the coal is bituminous and coking as the strata have suffered more squeezing than in other parts of the county. The coal is shaly and dirty. A number of other small fields in the state contain thin or impure coal seams, but there is no development in these fields. The Oregon coals are used for domestic and steaming purposes. Washington. 2 There are five coal fields, confined to the western and central parts of this state. They are the North Puget Sound in Skagit and Whatcom counties, South Puget Sound in Pierce and King counties, Puget Sound basin lying just east of Seattle, the Roslyn field in Kittitas County on the east flank of the Cascade Mountains, and the Southwestern field in Lewis and Cowlitz counties. Washington is the only state in the Pacific province containing coking coals. These coals are in the North and South Puget Sound fields. The coals of this state range from subbituminous rank to anthracite. Coal has been mined in Washington since about 1860, the first mined being lignite, but spontaneous combustion closed oper- ations. The bituminous coals are used chiefly on the ocean-going ships and the subbituminous for domestic purposes. 1 Diller, J. S., Coos Bay Coal Field. U. S. Geol. Survey, igth Annual Rept., p. 309, 1899. 2 Washington Geol. Survey, Vol. II and Bull. 3. Also U. S. Geol. Survey, Bulls. 531 and 541. ALASKA 397 The coals in King County lie under a heavy mantle of glacial drift. They are of Eocene age, like the other coals of the state, but owing to the compression which they have suffered in mountain building they have been changed from lignite to subbituminous and bituminous rank. In this county the beds have been highly folded and broken so that in parts of the field mining is difficult. The ash in the coal is high. Pierce County carries the best coals in Wash- ington so far as known, as coals are bituminous, semibituminous and even anthracite where the rocks have been highly squeezed, broken and intruded by igneous rocks. The bituminous coals will coke. In the Roslyn field the beds lie regularly, and it is easy to mine the Roslyn seam, running between 2 and 3 feet thick. There is also another seam known as the " Big " seam which is full of part- ings and very dirty. It reaches nearly 20 feet in thickness. The coal is bituminous. The Puget Sound field is characterized by the tremendous number of coal seams which the formations contain. In one place there are about 125 seams, the majority of which are unworkable. This indicates a great number of changes, probably rapid ones, in the climatic or topographic conditions, or both, during the formation of these beds. Alaska 1 The coal fields of Alaska are but partially known, as so little ge- ological work has been done on this tremendous area. More or less work has been done on certain regions and fields, and a rough estimate of the character of the coals and their resources may be given. The accompanying map and the following table show the geographical and geological distribution of the coals, so far as known. The following fields or areas are recognized: Bering River, Matan- uska, Cook Inlet, Alaska Peninsula, Nenana, Northern Alaska and many other less-known fields and areas. 1 Brooks, Alfred H., and Martin, George C., Coal resources of the world. Inter- national Geological Congress, Vol. II, 1913. U. S. Geol. Survey, 22nd Annual Rept., Pt. Ill, p. 515, 1902; and Bulls. 284 and 314. 398 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION OF ALASKAN COALS* System Series Character of coal Principal distribution Quaternary Pleistocene Lignitic Yukon basin and other parts of Al- aska. Pliocene Lignitic Yakutat Bay and other localities. Tertiary Miocene or Eocene Anthracitic and bi- tuminous. Chiefly Bering River. Eocene lignitic, also some bituminous and sub- Throughout Alaska, notably on Cook In- bituminous let, in Matanuska Valley and Yukon Basin. Cretaceous Upper Cretaceous Subbituminous and Alaska peninsula, Yu- bituminous kon and Colville basins. Jurassic Lignitic, subbitumi- Near Cape Lisburne nous and bituminous and in Matanuska Valley. Carboniferous Pennsylvanian Subbituminous Yukon River. Mississippian Bituminous Twenty miles south of Cape Lisburne. ' Table by A. H. Brooks and G. C. Martin, Coal Resources of the World. The Bering River is an important field lying 25 miles northeast of Controller Bay. The coal beds run from 3 to 25 feet in thickness, in the Kustaka formation which is about 2000 feet thick and of Miocene age. The field is greatly folded and faulted and in many places, especially in the eastern and western ends of the field, the coal beds are so badly crushed as to ruin the coal. The coals vary from anthracite, averaging about 81 per cent, to semibituminous with 72 per cent fixed carbon. Some of the bituminous coal will coke. Another important field is the Matanuska, lying along the valley of the Matanuska River, about 25 miles from Knik-Arm. The measures are deeply covered with gravel in parts of the field. The rocks are of Eocene age and in the eastern part of the field highly folded and faulted. It is probable that the field will cover about 100 square miles. The seams range from 3 to 32 feet in thickness. In the west end of the field the coal is lignite and in passing eastward it changes to bituminous coal and anthracite. Some of the coal is high in ash but the average content is favorable. In the Cook Inlet field lignite occurs in the Kenai formation of ALASKA 399 the Eocene. There are fifteen or more seams running from 3 to 7 feet in thickness. On the Alaska Peninsula lignite occurs in the Kenai formation, but better coal is found in the Chignik formation of the Upper Cretaceous around Chignik Bay and Herendeen Bay. In this formation the coal is subbituminous and bituminous of fair quality, but little is known of the extent of the seams. LEGEND COAL AREAS AND THEIR POSSIBLE EXTENSION SMALLER COAL AREAS " AREAS KNOWN TO CONTAII ANTHRACITE AND HIGH GRADE BITUMINOUS COAL AREAS THAT MAY CONTAIN ANTHRACITE AND HIGH GRADE BITUMINOUS COAL [AREAS KNOWN TC L [LIGNITE FIG. 135. Alaska, showing distribution of coal deposits. (After A. H. Brooks. Reproduced from "Coal Resources of the World." Published by the 1 2th Interna- tional Geological Congress, Toronto, Canada.) In Northern Alaska there are three coal-bearing formations: one is Carboniferous, supposedly Mississippian, containing high-grade bituminous coals with low ash content; another is Jurassic with a large number of beds of subbituminous coal running as high as 1 2 feet in thickness; and the third is Tertiary, carrying lignite. The older beds are considerably folded and faulted but those in the Ter- tiary are quite flat. In the Nenana field there are a number of beds running from 3 to 30 feet in thickness. They occur in the Eocene, and the coal is mostly lignite. 400 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AMERICA The table given below is a summary of the estimates of Brooks and Martin for the coal fields of Alaska, in so far as information is available. ESTIMATE OF TONNAGE OF COAL IN ALASKA* Regions Area in square miles Estimated amount of coal in metric tons (i metric ton = 1.1023 short tons) Total Known coal fields , ( X Sary.* ^tr^tJ "X-v PLATE XVI. The Coal fields of western Europe. (Reproduced from "Coa Toroni :es of the World." Published by the i2th International Geological Congress, : CHAPTER XIV THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD EUROPE AND ASIA Europe 1 Europe was the mother of the coal-mining industry, which still flourishes on that continent, although in some respects America has surpassed her in the development of mining operations. Al- though her resources are small compared with those of America, Europe is well supplied with high-grade coal and she is more careful to utilize a greater proportion of it than we have been in America. The table given below shows the actual and estimated resources of coal in the various countries of the continent and the accompany- ing maps picture the area and distribution of the coal fields (Plates XVI and XVII.) This table indicates that the German Empire controls by far the largest coal resources of the countries of Europe. Great Britain comes second, Russia in Europe third, Austria fourth and France fifth. Italy has almost no coal in comparison with her population. Russia has a large estimated tonnage of anthracite almost twice that of the United States and second only to China. The figures given for Roumania do not properly indicate her probable reserves. The annual production of European countries is given on page 335. Great Britain. 2 Great Britain has long been one of the leading coal-producing states of the world and she is surpassed in production 1 For comprehensive descriptions of the coal deposits of Europe see Atlas general des Houilleres (Text and Atlas) by E. Gruner et G. Bousquet, Comite Central des Houil- ISres de France, Paris, 1911. Also Coal Resources of the World, International Geological Congress. Vol. I. 2 For comprehensive reports see the Coal Resources of Great Britain by A. Strahan, Coal Resources of the World. Also various Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales on individual fields. Analyses of British Coals and Coke and the Character- istics of the Chief Coal Seams worked in the British Isles, by Greenwell and Elsden. Colliery Guardian, London, 1907. Reports of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies, 1905. 407 408 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD EUROPE AND ASIA *COAL RESOURCES OF EUROPE IN MILLIONS OF METRIC TONS (i metric ton = 1.1023 short tons) Actual Reserve Probable Reserve Total Class of Coal Class of Coal A BandC D A BandC D Anthra- cite in- cluding some dry coals Bitumi- nous coals Subbitu- minous coals, brown coals and lignites Great Britain and Ireland: England 8,672 2,500 172 B 79,869 B 31,402 B 18,876 B 8 13 B 46,030 B 195 B 1,685 B in Wales Scotland . Ireland Portugal 11,344 20 1,008 42 130.155 B 2,016 C 2,016 B 358 C 386 394 13 148 437 48,021 B 296 C 296 B 567 C 431 373 189,533 20 Spain: Asturias Other fields France: North of Ardennes Massif. . Eastern Armorican Massif 1,050 520 59 2 4,776 B 2,600 C 670 B 3 B 2 B 233 C 114 394 301 585 1,690 7 890 103 1,590 B 6,260 C 420 B 13 C 630 B 24 B 1,079 C 632 373 1,331 8,768 Central Massif Alps Lignite areas Italy 581 I SO 3,622 159 301 51 10 2,690 143 270 9,058 C 30 3,923 B 7,oco B 1,000 B 3-ooc i,33i 48 30 358 50 17,583 243 40 388 50 4,402 Greece Bulgaria Denmark (Faroes) Netherlands Belgium Campine: Limburg D'Anveres Namur 11,000 11,000 EUROPE COAL RESOURCES OF EUROPE (Continued) 409 Actual Reserve Probable Reserve Class of Coal Class of Coal Total A BandC D A BandC D Anthra- cite in- cluding some dry coals Bitumi- nous coals Subbitu- minous coals, brown coals and lignite Germany: Saar district 16,548 56,344 B 718 B 10,325 B 225 B 10,458 B 247 3,ooo 6,069 75 169 157,222 B 2,226 B 155,662 3,676 293 99 Westphalia L Silesia U Silesia Saxony Left of the Rhine Other districts North German States Hesse 94,86s B 4 B 2,970 B 2 B 106 B 57 9,313 354 12,231 1,700 58 3 12 37,599 315,110 B 109 B 38,012 B 43 B 8 B 2,525 B 18,014 B 253 4,068 1,250 663 1,976 426 36 1,578 43 25 423,356 i,7i7 53,876 3,676 529 39 H4 Bosnia and Herzegovina Servia Roumania Russia; Dombrova (Poland) . Donetz . . S. W. Russia W. Urals Caucasus B 57 12 37,599 20,792 8,750 1,646 60,106 8,750 Total for Europe 13.046 236,716 24,427 41,300 456,446 12,255 784,190 * From the Coal Resources of the World. Estimate based on seams more than I foot thick and less than 4000 feet deep and on seams more than 2 feet thick and between 4000 and 6000 feet in depth. For detailed description of the classes of coal, see Classification of Coals, Chapter V. 410 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD EUROPE AND ASIA TABLE SHOWING THE GEOLOGICAL AGES OF EUROPEAN COALS England and Wales Scotland Ireland Portugal c 1 1 Switzerland 2 i SJ I .5 1 Denmark Netherlands S Germany Hungary Austria Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 Roumania Sweden Norway B "N '5. dS Russia m Europe Pleistocene Pliocene f , B B Oligocene B Eocene . . i . Tertiary undifferen- tiated L L L B 1 L L L Upper Cretaceous L L B - ) L L Lower Cretaceous Jurassic j p 1 Triassic (Rhaetic) ) 1 ) ) Permian Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) . . . A S B A S B i B a B B A i a B? a B a B A S B B B B 3 i a b b t B Sub-carboniferous (Mississippian) A S B B B A B B A Be Upper Devonian 1 b A, Anthracite and semianthracite; S, Semibituminous; B, Bituminous; B, Subbituminous; L, Lignite. Capital letters indicate important deposits and lower case relatively unimportant deposits of the same type. GREAT BRITAIN 41-1 only by the United States. She has given us many of our mining methods and many of the principles involved in our mining apparatus as well as a wonderfully efficient and hardy class of mining men. Her coal supplies have been one of the very important factors in the attainment of her high position in the industrial and commercial world, and she has exported coal lavishly to those countries less favored by nature in coal deposits than she. The tables given above show that she is exhausting her supplies at a much greater rate in proportion to her resources than any of the other great com- mercial countries with the exception of France. The conclusion of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies in iSyi 1 was that there was enough coal in sight to continue the existing rate of production for 1273 years, but that, considering the probable rate of increase in production, there was sufficient coal to last between 325 and 433 years. The latter figure would be much too high if the rate of in- crease should continue a few years longer. Several very thorough reports have been prepared on the coal resources of the islands and the available supplies are very well known. The fields are usually divided into two groups, known as (a) the Visible and Proved fields; and (b) The Concealed and as yet unworked fields. The first group includes those fields where the Coal Measures are not deeply buried by later formations, and the second group those fields where they are deeply covered but where they are known to exist in synclinal basins. In computing the re- sources it was assumed that a thickness of i foot of coal represents 960,000 tons per square mile, or 1500 statute tons per acre. The various fields with the number and thicknesses of the seams, the character of the coal and the resources of each field are set forth in the following table compiled by Strahan. 1 Reports of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies, 1871 and 1905. 412 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD EUROPE AND ASIA O O g O o o I 58 cC | to I M * P?< CQPQPQ pq . ,367 S-a S 8 ||l 111! , o S s ?8S S a S O'MN PQ PQ PQ pq PQ pq PQPQ pq < pq'pq pq w pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pqpq pq v i / . I O / *^ *\ ^ ' Hfll .Ct V COAL AREAS OF ASIA Tertiary Coals Mesozoic Coals Paleozoic Coals Longitude 80 East PLATE XVm. from 90 Greenwich Coal fields of Asia. titiL ASIA 429 Spitzbergen has been known for many years to contain consider- able deposits of good coal, and mining operations have been carried on for a number of years by several small companies and by one large American concern. The island is almost covered with snow and ice most of the year, but sufficient information has been collected to fix the age of the coal deposits as Carboniferous, Jurassic and Ter- tiary. The only valuable Carboniferous coal so far located is at the head of Ice Fiord, where a seam 7 meters in thickness occurs. The Jurassic coals so far as known are unimportant. The Tertiary coal occurs near the base of the Miocene and is a good quality of subbituminous to bituminous coal. It is mined on Advent Bay by an American company. All shipping must be done during about three summer months owing to the unfavorable weather conditions. The ground is said to be frozen to a maximum depth of about 400 meters but the Tertiary rocks in this area are thick and the mining operations are carried on without great hardship in spite of about four months of continual darkness. On account of the scarcity of coal for domestic and industrial purposes in that part of the world the Spitzbergen output finds a ready market. Asia Asia is well supplied with coal although little is yet known re- garding very large areas of that continent. The following table indicates the resources of the continent by countries and provinces in the various kinds of coal, and the accompanying map of the con- tinent shows the distribution of the coals, (Plate XVIII.) This table brings out two important points. One is the enormous resources of China in anthracite, although it seems probable that considerable coal classed as anthracite may be nearer semianthracite and semibituminous coal than true anthracite. In any case China leads the world by a tremendous margin in -this commodity. The other point is the lack of definite knowledge regarding the continent's coal deposits. A few of the other countries, especially Siberia, un- doubtedly have large reserves which are little known. 430 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD EUROPE AND ASIA 'COAL RESOURCES OF ASIA (IN MILLIONS OF METRIC TONS) Actual Reserve (i metric ton = 1.1023 short tons) Probable Reserve Total Class of Coal Class of Coal A BandC D A BandC D Subbitu- Anthracite and semi- anthracite Bitumi- nous coals minous coals and lignites Corea 7 I 5 33 B 4 22 C 9 81 China: Chili 6785 B 6201 3.242 B 5,490 C 292 C 658 Shantung. . 1360 B 2842 640 B 2,241 Shansi 240 B 123 299,760 B 414,217 Shensi 1,050 Kansu B 5,129 Honan 6,575 B 2,700 Kiangsu. . . 10 Anhui B 187 Hupei B 117 Chekiang. . 18 B 6 Chekiang. . 120* Kiangsi B 325 B 3,070 Fukien .... 80* Kuangtung 498 256 B 255 Kuangsi . . . Hunan. . . . 48,000 500 B 42,000 Szechuan. . 20,000 B 60,000 500 Kueichou . . B 30,000 Yunnan. . . B 30,000 100 8883 9783 378,58i 597,740 600 995,587 Japan: Mesozoic coals . 4 37 B 5 Tertiary. . . C 5 Karaf uto . C 17 C i,345 Hokkaido C 336 C 2,106 233 Honsu i C i 67 20 C 14 478 Kyushu . . C 542 C 2,374 Taiwan. . . C 385 5 C 896 67 57 6,234 711 7970 Estimated by Kinosuke Inouye. CHINA RESOURCES OF ASIA (Continued) 431 Actual Reserve (i metric ton = 1.1023 short tons) Probable Reserve Total Class of Coal Class of Coal A Anthracite and semi- anthracite B and C Bitumi- nous coals D Subbitu- minous coals and lignites A B and C D Manchuria. . Siberia. . B 31 C 378 B 48 B 24. C 30 C 119 222 3 68 i 20,002 B 223 C 508 B 66,034 B 53,037 C 210 B 22,657 B 246 C 28 107,844 2,327 50 1,208 173,879 20,002 Indo-China . India: Bengal, Bikai and Orissa Central India Central Provinces Mesozoic and Tertiary . . . Persia 221 225 76,178 B 1,858 2,377 79,001 1,858 Total in Asia 8895 11,310 297 398,742 748,788 111,554 1,279,586 1 From Coal Resources of the World, Vol. I. Estimate based on all seams less than 4000 feet deep and more than 14 inches thick, together with all seams between 4000 and 6000 feet deep and more than 2 feet thick, of workable coal. For description of classes see Classification of Coals, Chapter V. China. 1 The coal deposits of China are widespread. A very large area occurs in northern China covering most of the southern part of the province of Shansi, and another large field is found in the south covering parts of Hunan, Kueichou, Yunnan and Szechuan provinces. The age of the coals is Permo-Carboniferous, Rhaetic (Triassic), Jurassic and Tertiary, and the coals vary from lignite to anthracite. Some of the lignite is considered as Pliocene in age. The anthracite and other low- volatile coals occur in areas which are 1 Drake, N. F., and Kinosuke Inouye, The coal resources of China. Coal Resources of the World, Vol. I, pp. 129-214. 432 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD EUROPE AND ASIA more folded or compressed than the others, and considerable areas have been so crushed as to be almost unmineable. It is stated that in the Sieu River district in Hunan province, where much anthracite is mined, the seams of anthracite average 15 feet in thickness, and one seam, apparently of anthracite, is 50 feet thick. There is a large amount of good coking coal in the country. Korea. 1 Coal has been mined in Korea for many years but on a small scale and in a primitive way. The coals are of Paleozoic (appar- ently Carboniferous), Jurassic and Tertiary age. The Carbonifer- ous coals so far discovered are of little importance but little is known about the possibilities of the rocks of this age. The Jurassic coals are most important. The Tertiary coals are lignites. Most of the coal mined is semianthracite. It is powdery, and is sent to Japan where it is made into briquets. Japan takes nearly all the production and most of the coal used in Korea is imported. Manchuria. 2 Manchuria has large resources in coal and there are a large number of small mines operated in a primitive way. Large operations are, however, being carried on in the important Fu-Shun field. The age of the coal is Carboniferous, Jurassic and Tertiary. The coals range from low grade bituminous to semianthracite. Most of the coal mined is from the Tertiary and it varies from subbitu- minous to bituminous. In this field one of the seams has a remark- able thickness and mining has been carried on for many centuries. It is stated that coal was mined here for a porcelain factory 600 or 700 years ago and that it was also used for copper smelting possibly as far back as 3000 years ago. Mining was prohibited by the govern- ment in the eighteenth century. The main seam in the Chien- chin-chai section varies in thickness from 130 to 200 feet with nearly a hundred thin partings aggregating about 20 feet. The quality of the seam varies considerably where folded, shrinking to 75 feet; and the partings increase to an aggregate of 70 feet in 130 feet of coal. The coal is subbituminous to bituminous and is low in sulphur and ash. Japan. 3 Mining of coal has been carried on in a primitive way in Japan for centuries, but about 1868 real, active mining began 1 Kinosuke Inouye, Op. cit., p. 215. 2 Kinosuke Inouye, Op. cit., p. 239. 3 Kinosuke Inouye, Op. cit., p. 279. INDIA 433 under foreign engineers. The center of the coal-mining industry is in northern KyQshu and large mining plants are also in operation in Hokkaido. Chikuho, which is considered the richest and most im- portant area, is well developed, and the Miike field is developing rapidly. Japan exports a good deal of coal and imports little al- though the imports from China are growing. The coals of Japan are Triassic (Rhaetic), Jurassic, and Tertiary in age. The Rhaetic and Tertiary are of most importance, the latter being the best of all. Most of the Mesozoic fields are small and scattered and they have suffered much from folding and igneous intrusions. In the Tertiary the best coals occur in the Miocene. There is some lignite in the Pliocene. Some semianthracite coal occurs in the Mesozoic formations and natural coke occurs near ig- neous intrusions. Most of the coal mined is bituminous, much of it high-volatile. There is considerable coking coal. The Ishikan coal fields are remarkable for the number of seams and their thickness. In the lower series of the Tertiary there are said to be as many as 150 seams, lens-shaped, and ranging from a few inches to 60 feet in thickness. The coal is bituminous. India. 1 Very little definite information is obtainable regarding the extent of the coal deposits of India. They occur in the Gond- wana system, of Permo-Carboniferous age, and in the Tertiary, both in the Eocene and Miocene. There are unimportant and little- known areas in the Jurassic and Cretaceous. The older coals occur only in the Damuda series of the Lower Gondwana system. The Damuda series overlies the Talchir series, which is of glacial origin. The conditions in India strongly resemble those of South Africa and Australia where the coal deposits of the Permo-Carbon- iferous group are indirectly associated with glacial deposits and there are the same types of plants in the Glossopteris flora. The main Gondwana fields occur in the following provinces: Ben- gal, Bihar and Orissa, Central India, Central Provinces and the Nizam's Dominions, the most important being those of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. Active operations are carried on in the Ran- iganj, Giridih and Jherria fields. The coal is of bituminous quality, 1 Hayden, H. H., The coal resources of India. Coal Resources of the World, Vol. I, p. 353. See also Memoirs Geol. Survey of India, Vol. XLI, by R. R. Simpson. 434 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD EUROPE AND ASIA a good deal of it being of inferior grade. The seams have been in many places intruded, broken and altered by igneous rocks. In the Umaria field of Central India mining is regularly carried on. In the Central Provinces there are three basins, Sarguja and Chattisgarh on the northeast, the Satpura and Chindwara basin on the northwest and the Godavari basin extending for nearly 300 miles down the Godavari and its tributaries. The possibility of the rocks of the Sarguja basin connecting with the Satpura basin and these again with those of the Godavari beneath the Deccan trap has been suggested. This would give tremendous reserves not yet exploited or computed. The Mesozoic and Tertiary coals occur in Assam, and there is a group of collieries near Margherita opera- ting on seams aggregating 80 feet of coal. The coal is friable and high in sulphur. In Baluchistan a colliery is operated at Khost, but the seams of this district are thin and limited. Burma so far as known has little good coal. With regard to the countries adjacent to India, it is reported that Afghanistan apparently has large coal deposits, but little is known regarding them. Thibet has no coal so far as known. Persia. 1 Coal is widely distributed over Persia and is mined by primitive methods for local use, in a great number of places. Very little is known regarding the extent or quality of most of the seams. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO 2 The coal in this island is lignite and low-grade bituminous coal, and it is almost all of Tertiary age. The better coal is Eocene but there is some in the Oligocene, Miocene and Pleistocene formations. A num- ber of mines are worked and the labor is chiefly Chinese, Malay and Javanese. At Brooketon in the State of Sarawak, there are five seams with thicknesses of 28, 26, 29, 5 and 2 feet respectively. The first two of these seams are worked. The beds are tilted up to 80 degrees. The coal is very low in ash, one analysis showing only 1.58 per cent, and sulphur is low. Spontaneous combustion occurs 1 Rabino, H. L., The coal resources of Persia. Coal Resources of the World, Vol. I, P- 365- 2 Evans, J. W., The coal resources of British Territory in North Borneo. Coal Re- sources of the World, Vol. I, p. 89. Also see Coal Mining in Borneo by James Roden. Trans. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. 28, p. 240, 1904-05. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 435 under favorable conditions and there is a large amount of water in the mines. This field apparently extends under the sea to the north end of the Island of Labaun. Some of the coal contains a large amount of resin which the natives use for lighting purposes. The Silimpopon coal field on the river by that name is near the coast and shipments can readily be made. There is little gas in the mines and open lights are used. DUTCH EAST INDIES, OR NETHERLANDS INDIA 1 A large amount of coal is distributed through these islands. It is all Tertiary in age, Eocene and Pliocene. The coal is of lignitic and subbituminous rank. The production of the island of Sumatra amounts to about half a million tons a year and this comes chiefly from the Soegar area of the Ombilin field in which some seams reach a thickness of over 30 feet. The other field on the Sepoetih River is not of much importance. Java contains some coal but the seams are thin. Borneo has a much larger supply with more and thicker seams than the other islands. The probable resources of all the islands are probably about one billion tons. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 2 The important deposits of the Philippines are all Tertiary, chiefly Miocene in age, and these coals are mostly lignitic and subbituminous, with a little coal of bituminous rank. The total known area under- lain with coal seams amounts to about 53 square miles of which less than 7 square miles are of workable quality. There is a much larger unprospected area which will no doubt prove to contain val- uable seams. The fields occur on the islands of Baton, Cebu, Min- danao, Masbate, Mindoro and Luzon. On Luzon Island the coal is around Sugud Bay, and on the Island of Mindanao it is on Si- buguey Bay in the southwest corner of the island. Of these fields those on Baton and Cebu islands are regarded as most important. On the former island there are estimated to be about 26,000,000 tons of subbituminous coal in two to eight seams, 3 to 12 feet thick. The western part of the field is highly faulted and folded. On the island of Cebu the coals lie from 8 to 15 miles from the sea. 1 Douglas, E. A., Coal Resources of the World, Vol. I, p. 95. * Dalburg, F. A., Coal Resources of the World. Vol. I, p. 107. 436 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD EUROPE AND ASIA The coal is subbituminous and it occurs in a series of faulted and folded Oligocene and Miocene strata over 2000 feet thick. Some of the seams reach a thickness of 15 feet. The coal on Mindanao and Polillo islands is classed as bituminous by Dalburg. That on Mindoro Island near Bulalacao is lignite and the seams, six in num- ber, run up to 12 feet in thickness. On Sugud Bay, Island of Luzon, the seams of subbituminous coal vary from 10 to 27 feet in thickness. The beds are considerably folded in parts of the field. The Philippine coals are used chiefly by inhabitants of the islands for domestic purposes and on ships, and in recent years several mines have been operated on a fairly large scale. In most cases these are controlled by American mining men. Scarcely any of the coal cokes well. The total resources of the islands are placed at: bitu- minous coal, 4,959,200; subbituminous coal, 31,285,200; and lig- nite (black) 30,092,000 metric tons. Apparently the black lignite mentioned in the reports would be largely classed as subbituminous coal in this country according to our present custom. 40 Longitude 20" West PLATE XIX. The coal fields of Africa. (From "Coal Resources of the World," published by the i2th International Geological Congress, Toronto, Canada.) (437) CHAPTER XV THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AFRICA AND OCEANIA Africa 1 The Dark Continent is so large and there is so much of it which has not been thoroughly explored that anything like an attempt to accurately describe its coal deposits is impossible at this time. The accompanying map (Plate XIX) shows the distribution of the coals so far as known and the following table gives the estimates of the re- sources as compiled by the International Geological Congress in the year 1913. RESOURCES OF AFRICA Actual Reserve (In millions of metric tons) ''i metric ton = 1.1023 short tons) Probable Reserve (In millions of metric tons) Class of Coal Class of Coal Total Class A Anthracite and some dry coals. Classes B and C Bituminous coals Class D Subbitumi- nous coals. Brown coals and lignites A BandC D Belgian Congo Southern Nigeria . . . Rhodesia 2 B 306 C 37 80 74 4700 6000 960 B 90 B 119 C 31 B 28,800 C 7,200 B 4,600 B 2,880 C 960 900 990 80 569 56,200 South Africa: Transvaal Natal Zululand Orange Free State.. Cape, Basuto and Swaziland 1, 660 44,440 Total 2 343 154 1, 660 44,680 oo 57,839 For detailed description of classes see Classification of Coals, Chapter V. The reserves are figured on all seams which are i foot or over in thickness and less than 4000 feet deep; and on all seams of 2 feet and over which lie between 4000 and 6000 feet jn depth. 1 For detailed descriptions of deposits in Africa see Coal Resources of the World, Vol. II, pp. 375-428. Also Colonial Reports of the Museum of the Imperial Institute, London; Reports of the Department of Mines, Union of South Africa. 438 SOUTHERN NIGERIA 439 The geological ages of the coals of Africa are indicated in the table given below: GEOLOGICAL AGES OF AFRICAN COAL DEPOSITS S ?r * H 3 o rt r -3 S q 3 'ca o i i 1 CO Abyssin a 1 11 ^Z eg 1 * a .% H Rhodesi 3 s H o 8, l a I Pleistocene L Tertiary 1 b 1 1 L Upper Cretaceous g Triassic including Rhaetic . R s bs Permian p B Permo-Carboniferous b P a B 1 A, Anthracite; S, Semibituminous; B, Bituminous; B, Subbituminous; L, Lignite; C, Cannel. Capital letter indicates important deposits, lower case unimportant or unworkable deposits. The main coal fields of Africa are in the southern portions of the continent. Egypt has traces of lignite and bituminous coal but nothing workable. The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan is also lacking in workable coal although traces of lignite have been found. Abys- sinia is little better off, but according to Dum and Grabham the natives mine coal near Addis Abbaba, the capital of Abyssinia. The East Africa Protectorate has no workable seams and Madagascar has a very limited amount so far as is at present known. In the lanapera area of the island there are several seams reaching a maxi- mum thickness of 8 feet 4 inches, and according to Bonnefond the coal is like cannel in character. Southern Nigeria. In southern Nigeria good subbituminous coal and lignite have been discovered. The former is probably of Creta- ceous and the latter of Tertiary age. According to J. W. Evans, the best-known lignite areas occur in the vicinity of Onitsha and Asaba on the other side of the Niger River. In the latter locality six seams of lignite ranging from 8 to 20 feet in thickness have been examined, and this coal was found to make good briquets when tested in Europe and compared with the German lignites. The 440 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AFRICA AND OCEANIA seams of subbituminous coal reach nearly 6 feet in thickness and they outcrop in the escarpment about 45 miles east of the Niger River. Nyassaland has very little coal which is sufficiently clean to be utilized. Rhodesia. The Wankie coal field is the only one in Rhodesia where coal is being mined. This field lies about 60 miles south- east of Victoria Falls on the railroad line to Bulawayo. The coal lies in the basin of the Zambesi River and like the other fields of South Africa it occurs in the Karroo series which apparently in- cludes rocks ranging in age from Carboniferous to lower Jurassic, with no well-marked lines of division between them. The main coal-bearing formation is in the Lower Matobola which corresponds to the Ecca series of Cape Colony and the High Veld coal measures of the Transvaal. It lies just above the Dwyka conglomerate which is of glacial origin and usually regarded as of Permian age. Some geologists have considered at least some of the coal beds as of the same age as the Rhaetic of Europe. The seams are comparatively shallow in depth and vary from i foot to 12 feet in thickness. The other fields of Rhodesia are the Mafungabusi lying just north- east of the Wankie field, the Lufua and Losita about 50 miles to the northwest of the latter field, and the Luano some 75 miles east of Broken Hill, on the railroad line. A small field near Tuli lies about 150 miles southeast of Bulawayo, and another on the Sabi River, near Sabi, 225 miles southeast-by-east from Bulawayo. These two fields are not on a railroad. It is supposed that a concealed field lies beneath the Victoria Falls basalts. The largest number of seams explored is in the Luano field where four have been found reaching an aggregate thickness of almost 18 feet. The thickest single seam is in the Wankie field and it runs up to 12 feet. The ash in the Rhodesian coals is high like that in the coals of South Africa, most of them running over 13 per cent. Belgian Congo. In the Belgian Congo there are two coal fields according to Renier, known as the Lukugo and Lualabo. The coals in the former field are regarded as of Permo-Carboniferous age and there are three flat-lying seams running over 10 feet in thickness. The coal is much lower in ash than much of that in South Africa. It averages around 10 per cent. In the Lualabo field the coal is UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA 441 probably of Triassic age and there are several seams several feet in thickness. It is of inferior quality, however, as much of it is high in sulphur and very high in ash. Union of South Africa. The coal deposits of the Union of South Africa occur in the Karroo series which apparently includes rocks of Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic ages as they are known else- where. The seams usually lie within 200 feet above the Dwyka formation, the basal conglomerate of the Karroo series. Much of the coal is undoubtedly of Permian age and the same peculiar plant associations, usually known as the Glossopteris or Gangamopteris flora, which are found in the coal measures of India and Australia, are found here associated with the glacial deposits. The coal is practically all of the bituminous variety. A little lignite occurs in Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks but it is unimportant. One feature of most of the coal is the high ash content which runs from 6 to 30 per cent and averages between 10 and 15 per cent. Transvaal: In the Transvaal the coal seams lie quite flat and occupy the high lands. They are usually of shallow depth, those worked being less than 400 feet deep. Many of the deposits occupy rather limited and isolated basins owing to the topographic con- ditions existing when they originated. They are also associated with coarse sediments, and some writers have considered that practi- cally all of the South African coals are of drift origin, but in certain places stumps and roots are found in place beneath the seams indi- cating their in situ origin. In the Transvaal the main field is the Witbank or Middleburg and in it there are five known seams, giving an aggregate thickness of about 56 feet of coal. The average thick- ness of the seams worked runs around 10 feet, the maximum reaching about 20 feet. Cape of Good Hope and Natal: In these provinces as in the Transvaal, the coal occurs in the Karroo series, but near the top. The Dwyka lies at the base of the Karroo in this region as elsewhere in South Africa and includes a thick glacial till. The coal occurs in the Molteno beds which are younger than the beds containing the coal in the Transvaal and they are apparently of Rhaetic (Triassic) age. The mines are worked by adits and the workings are confined largely to the portions of the seams near the outcrops, because many of the seams have been so broken up by intrusions of igneous rock 44 2 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AFRICA AND OCEANIA that their extent is uncertain. Much of the coal has been devolati- lized and anthracitized by the heat of these intrusions. A consider- able amount of the coal is semianthracite and it is high in ash, usually above 20 per cent. It is low in sulphur but a large amount of clinker is produced and it is said that this clinker is taken care of on the locomotives by specially designed fireboxes. There are some beds of lignite of Tertiary age but they are not of much importance. In Natal, the coal, which is similar to that in the Cape of Good Hope Province, has been extensively intruded by igneous rocks and to quite an extent converted into semianthracite. Many of the mines are sufficiently gaseous to require the use of safety lamps. The coal industry in Africa is very young and much will be added in the coming years to our knowledge of the geology and the coal resources of the continent. From the general character of the ge- ological conditions on the continent, however, it seems improbable that Africa will ever be, comparatively speaking, a great coal-produc- ing continent. Oceania 1 Oceania includes, for the purposes of this discussion, the continent of Australia and the islands of New Zealand and Tasmania. Australia's reserves of high-grade coal are considerable, although they are smaller than those of Great Britain and very small compared with those of the United States or Canada, two countries to which Australia is almost equal in size. The table given below shows the estimated reserves for New Zealand and the various states of Aus- tralia. The latter country holds the record for the thickest coal seams in the world. There are two seams of brown coal in Victoria, which are 266 and 227 feet, respectively, in thickness. 1 For comprehensive reports see The Coal Resources of the World, Vol. I. Also Coal-fields and Collieries of Australia by F. Danvers Power (Critchley Parker). Hand- book for Australia, British Assn. Adv. Sci. 1914. Reports of the various state Geolog- ical Surveys and Departments of Mines. ioa no COAL AREAS OF OCEANIA SCALE OF MILES 100500 200 400 600 800 Tertiary Coals 170 ON ISLANDS &NE.W ,0 FIJI ISLANDS Cx? VETI o 20 NEW CALEDONIA 1 NORT Auck North Cape k ISLAN Bast Cape sou N ISLAND NEW Blen-y?"' 61 " 11 ** 011 Hrhein7% ZEALAND tchurch Dunedin U0 from Greenwich 150 & OCEANIA 443 iCOAL RESOURCES OF OCEANIA (In millions of metric tons, i metric ton = 1.1023 short tons.) Actual Reserve Probable Reserve Class of Coal Class of Coal Total A B and C D A BandC D Anthracite and some Bituminous Brown coals and dry coals lignites Australia: New South Wales B 118.4.30 Victoria B 40 B 12 3IH4 Queensland. . . 99 B 1766 66 <;6o B ii,on 800 C 165 C 7Si West Australia 153 500 Tasmania B 65 C i 99 1971 219 560 130,279 32,H4 165,242 New Zealand . . . B 26 612 B 99 1,863 C 363 C 423 3,386 99 2360 831 560 130,801 33.977 168,628 1 These figures are based on seams I foot and over to a depth of 4000 feet; and 2 feet and over between 4000 and 6000 feet in depth. Coal Resources of the World, Vol. I. For description of classes of coal, see Classification of Coals, Chapter V. Geological age of coals: The geological ages of the coals in Oceania vary from Carboniferous to Tertiary, the most important fields being Permo-Carboniferous (Permian). The latter are closely related to the coal deposits of India and South Africa and to some of those of South America. These deposits are characterized by the same pe- culiar plant associations, as Gangamopteris, Glossopteris and Rhacop- teris are among the outstanding fossil plants of the Australian coal measures. Lepidodendron, so abundant in the Coal Measures throughout the rest of the world is present in the Devonian and Carboniferous rocks in Australia but absent in the Permo-Carbon- iferous, as the violent changes in climate wiped out this and related genera and ushered in the Glossopteris flora. The same interesting glacial conditions prevailed in Australia in the Permo-Carboniferous ffU W>T jBSiig oiog- UJ9JTS8M. _ 444 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AFRICA AND OCEANIA as in India and South Africa and the same difficulty is experienced in trying to separate the Carboniferous from the Permian. The other geological systems carrying important coal seams are the Triassic in Tasmania, the Jura-Trias in Queens- land, the Upper Cretaceous in Queens- land and New Zealand, the Miocene in Victoria and the Tertiary in New Zealand. The rank of the coal varies from bituminous and anthracite in the Permo- Carboniferous to bituminous and lignite in the Mesozoic and lignite in the Tertiary formations. New South Wales. 1 The coals of this state are of high grade and are bituminous in rank. They are valuable as gas, domestic and steaming coals. Much of the coal is of good coking quality. There are four important fields, the Maitland, Newcastle, Illa- warra or Southern, and the Lithgow or Western field. The coal in all these fields is of Permo-Carboniferous age and the strata are divided as follows, in descending order: Thickness in feet. (1) Upper or Newcastle Coal Measures with twelve seams of coal varying from 3 to 25 feet in thickness with aggregate of 35 to 40 feet work- able coal. Glossopteris predom- inates over Gangamopteris. . . 1400-1500 (2) Dempsey series. Fresh water de- posits without coal 2200 (3) Middle, or Tomago, or East Mait- land Coal Measures with six 1 Pittman, E. F., The mineral resources of New South Wales, 1913. .s VICTORIA 445 Thickness in feet. seams of coal 3 to 7 feet in thickness and aggregating 18 feet of workable coal 500-1800 (4) Upper Marine series with glacial erratics in shales 6400 (5) Lower or Greta Coal Measures with approximately 20 feet of work- able coal in two seams, the Upper seam 14 to 32 feet thick and the Lower seam 3 to 1 1 feet thick. 100- 300 (6) Lower Marine series, containing much igneous rock and beds of glacial till at base. The rocks of the Carboniferous system are marine and fresh- water sediments with an abundance of igneous rock, and in parts of Australia are 20,000 feet thick. They are not coal-bear- ing. The Newcastle field has been the most important producer in the state but many of its collieries are already exhausted. In some places the mines extend beneath the sea. Some seams have been intruded with granite which has produced natural coke and nigger- head coal. In the Illawarra and Lithgow fields the coal occurs in the Newcastle series. This series is continuous from Newcastle to Illawarra and again from Sydney westward to Lithgow. At Sydney Harbor the upper seam is worked at a depth of 2882 feet. New South Wales contains a large amount of oil shale known in Australia as kerosene shale and resembling the Torbanite of Scot- land. The seams occur as lenses, sometimes reaching about a mile in extent, and from a few inches to about 4 feet in thickness. They are of Permo- Carboniferous age and the organic matter in them comes from the spores of plants. Queensland. This is the second most important state in Aus- tralia in coal reserves. The coal is almost all bituminous except a few million tons of semianthracite in the Dawson River field. There is some lignite, but this is of comparatively little importance. The coals are mostly of Permo-Carboniferous age, although the bulk of the coal so far worked is Jura-Trias in age. The Burrum field is considered to be of Cretaceous age, probably Lower Cretaceous. The Blair Athol field carries a seam of good clean coal 66 feet thick at a depth of only 120 feet below the surface. This coal is Permo- Carboniferous in age. Victoria. The coal resources of Victoria have not been very fully determined. There is some bituminous coal of Jurassic age but the main reserves are in the Miocene brown coal and the thick- 446 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AFRICA AND OCEANIA est seams known occur in this state. At Morwell a bore hole passes through 780 feet of brown coal in a depth of 1010 feet of strata and there are three very thick seams running 266, 227 and 166 feet, re- FIG. 141. Thick series of Coal Measures on coast of New South Wales, at Shep- herd's Hill. (Photo by E. S. Moore.) spectively. This coal averages 35.08 per cent water; 29.24 per cent volatile matter; 33.28 per cent fixed carbon; and 2.40 per cent ash. It can no doubt be used for briquetting and in gas producers. WESTERN AUSTRALIA 447 Tasmania. Permo- Carboniferous coal in thin seams and high in sulphur has been mined a little for domestic purposes in the Mer- sey and Preolenna coal fields. Most of the coal mined comes from the Triassic formations which have suffered much faulting and which have also been much disturbed by intrusions of igneous rock. The coal is high in ash and it is not used much except for domestic pur- poses and on some of the railroads. Two collieries are at work near St Mary's and they together produce about 60,000 tons a year. Considerable oil shale, known as Tasmanite shale, is found on the island and it is said to yield 40 to 50 gallons of crude oil per ton. I FIG. 142. Collieries at the state mine, Port Elizabeth, New Zealand. (Photo by E. S. Moore.) Western Australia. The only productive field in this state is the Collie field lying south of Perth. This field is a block of Permo- Carboniferous measures about 50 square miles in extent. It lies at quite a shallow depth and is little folded or faulted although surrounded by faults, one on the southwest having a throw of about 2000 feet. The coal is friable, non-coking, subbituminous to bituminous in rank and partly of the splint variety. It has a high moisture content. The low fuel ratio of the coals in the Collie field is due to the lack of pressure exerted on these beds even though they occur in for- mations as old as the Permo-Carboniferous. 448 THE COAL FIELDS OF THE WORLD AFRICA AND OCEANIA South Australia and Northern Territory. South Australia con- tains some Jurassic coal in the Leigh's Creek field, and a small amount has been mined. It is, however, of poor quality. A seam 47 feet thick is said to have been penetrated at a depth of about 1500 feet. In the Great Australian Artesian Water Basin lignite occurs in the Lower Cretaceous and in the southern part of the state lignite of Tertiary age occurs in a number of places, but there has been little exploitation. The Northern Territory, so far as known, has no important coal deposit. New Zealand. 1 New Zealand has inadequate fuel supplies for her future needs as at the present rate of increase in production her bi- tuminous coal will be exhausted in less than fifty years. Her main re- serve lies in the Tertiary brown coals. The seams are notably lenticu- lar in form and they occur as if deposited around the margins of basins. There is a little anthracite in the South Island, in the folded and faulted areas and where the seams have been intruded by igneous rocks, but the quantity is very small. The geological age of the coal runs from Jurassic through the Upper Cretaceous and the Ter- tiary. Possibly there is some lignite of Pleistocene age. The thick- nesses of some of the seams are as follows: 50 to 60 feet of brown coal in the Waikato district near Auckland; 53 feet of bituminous coal in the Buller-Mokihinui district; and 80 feet of lignite in Central Otago. As stated above, however, the seams are very irregular in thickness, and they are commonly lenticular in outline. Antarctica T. W. E. David 2 , who spent considerable time in Antarctica on geological work with the Shackleton expedition, states that the coal- bearing rocks in this great continent may cover something less than 12,000 square miles. Coal has been found at the head of Beard- more Glacier and at Mackay Glacier, 605 geographical miles Epart. The coal-bearing area is a long, narrow " horst " bounded by large faults. As many as six seams with 22 feet of coal have been seen. The enclosing rocks are believed to be of Permian age and the coals are therefore related to those of Australia. 1 Marshall, P., Geology of New Zealand, Wellington, N. Z., 1912. 2 Coal Resources of the World. INDEX Numbers refer to pages. Illustrations are indicated by an asterisk after page numbers. Africa: coal fields of, 438; coal resources, table of, 438; geological age of coals of, 439; map of, 437. Ala-Kool, algae in, 176. Alaska: coal fields of, 397; coal resources of, 400; entry on Coal Lands of, 240; lignite from, 83;* map of, 399. Alaskan coals, stratigraphic position of 398. Alberta, coal in, 343. Alethopteris serli, 205.* Algae, 186; ia bogheads, 175. Alkalies in coal, 37. Allegheny formation, section of, 367. Allen, A., 290. Allen Shaft, Pictou coal field, 341.* Alliance Breaker, 304.* Allochthonous, 124, 129. Ambrite, 102. American Society for Testing Materials, 44- Andreaeales, 188. Andre's rule for shaft pillars, 276. Andrews, E. B., 128. Andros, S. O., 305; illustration by, 283. Angers, 81. Angiosperms, 184, 185, 206; first appear- ance of, 213. Annularia, 198, 193.* Antarctica, coal deposits in, 448. Anthracite, 81, 94, 93;* market sizes of, 301; of Keboa., 81; specific gravity of, 4; standards of preparation of, 302; anthracite mine model, 274;* anthra- cite mining in Pennsylvania, 277; an- thracite region of Pennsylvania, 363. Anthrax, n. Anthrocoal, 326. Anticline, 222. Anticlinorium, 223. Apparent specific gravity, 7. Araucarian pines, 211. Arber, E. A. N., 154, 156. Arctic islands, coal in, 351. Arctic tundra, 132. Argentine Republic, coal in, 405. Arizona, coal in, 387 Aristotle's Meteorology, 2. Arkansas: coal in, 385; section of forma- tions of, 385. Ash determination, 50. Ashes: from coal, composition of, 52; fusibility of, 53, 121; from trees, compo- sition of, 38. Ashley, G. H., 89, 95, 147, 148, 255, 262, 370, 378, 381, 382. Ashley's Use Classification, 118. Ashmead, D. C., 302; illustration by, 304- Asia: coal fields of, 429; coal resources, table of, 430; map of, PI. XVIII. Asiminia triloba, 157. Asterophyllites, 198, 193.* Australia: coal resources of, 443; mining methods in, 288. Austria: coal fields of, 423; coal resources of, 409. Autochthonous, 124, 129. Autun, bituminous schists of, 175. Bacilli, 159.* Bacteria in coal, 158.* Bailey, E. G., 43. Bain, H. F., 263. Bald cypress, 211. Balfour, 174. Barnes, C. R., 186. Barrier pillars, 273; rule for size of, 275.. 449 450 INDEX Barsch, O., 12. Bathvillite, 103. Battery, 279. Battery breast, 279.* Baumhauer, E. H. V., 70. Baxton megaspores, 14.* Bayley, F., 307. Beard, J. T., 290. Beaver, Pa., Quadrangle, structure sec- tion of, 366. Bedson, P. P., 21. Beehive coking, 318. Beehive ovens, 319.* Belgian Congo, coal in, 440. Belgium: coal fields of, 420; coal resources of, 408; structure section in, 420. Bell, 220. Bennettitales, 207. Bernice Field, 367. Beroldingen, Franz von, n, 126. Bertrand, C. E., 12, 174, 175, 176; illus- tration by, 175. Bethune, 81. Bevan, J. P., 168. "Big" seam at Pocahontas, 376.* Biochemical process, 158. Bird, E. H., 320. "Bird's eye" coal, 94. Bituminous coal, 87, 85;* photomicro- graph of, 12; preparation of, 305; spec- ific gravity of, 4. Bituminous schists of Autun, 175. Black Creek seam, photomicrograph of ' coal from, 16. Black damp, 291. Black lignite, 84, 86. Blairmore-Frank region, structure sec- tion of, 346. Blandy, J. F., 217. Blind shaft, 267. Block longwall system, 284.* ""Blossom," 242. Blowers, gases from, 25. Blumenbach, 84. Bogheads, 87; origin of, 174; phosphor- ous in, 36. Bolivia, coal in, 404. Bomb calorimeter, 72; for sulphur, 59. Bontchew, G., 425. Borlkjof, J. C. B., 404. Borntrager, 20. Bosnia and Herzegovina; coal fields of, 424; coal resources of, 409. Botryococcus braunii, 176. Boulets. 310. Boulton, W. S., 264. "Bound" molecules, 21. Bousquet, G., 407. Bownocker, J. A., 77, 370. "Brasses," 34. Brazil, coal in, 405. Breaker; cross-section of the Alliance, 304; the Loree, 306.* Breaking coal at face, 284. Break-throughs, 270. Breasts, 267, 271, 278. British Columbia, coal in, 348. British North Borneo, coal in, 434. British thermal unit, (B.t.u.), 71. Brongniart A., 84, 194, 202. Brooks, A. H., 397; illustration by, 399. Brooks, G. S., 312. Brownsville, Pa., Quadrangle, structure section of, 366. Brunton's slope chart, 250. Brushing down, 269. Bryales, 188. Bryophytes, 186, 188. Buckland, W., 126. Buffon, L., 126. Buggy system, 278. Bulgaria: coal fields of, 425; coal re- sources of, 408. Bulman and Redmayne, 264. Butts, Charles, illustration by, 378. Bureau of Mines Method of determination of specific gravity, 5. Burgess, M. J., 26, 27, 28. "Buried forests," 138. Burrell, G. A.. 291, 293. Byerite, 91. By-product coking, 320. By-product derivatives, 323. By-product tests on various coals, 28. Byron, T. H., 320. Cahaba Coal Field, structure section of, 378. INDEX 451 Caking coal, 87. Calamarieae, 198. Calamites, 198, 195,* 194.* Calcareous concretions, 230. Calcium in coal, 37. Calcium oxalate, 20. California, coal in, 395. Calorie, 71. Calorific value: calculated, 79; deter- mination of, 71. Calorimeter: standardization of, 77; va- rious types of .bomb, 72; calorimeter washings, 75. " Camel-backs," 220. Campbell, J R., 306. Campbell, M. R., 42, 44, 84, 86, 169, 363, 368, 375, 395. Campbell's classification, 106. Canada: coal resources of, 339; map of, PI. XI. "Candle "coal, 89. Canmore, Alberta, 347.* Cannel coal, 87, 89; origin of, 174; photo micrograph of, 90; specific gravity of, 4, , Canneloid, n. Cape of Good Hope, coal in, 441. Carbocoal, 326. Carbon, determination of, 63. Carbon dioxide, 22, 291. Carbon-hydrogen ratio and depth, dia gram of, 167. Carbonite, 98.* Carbon monoxide, 22, 292; detector of, 294; effect on animals of, 293. * Carnegie, Pa., Quadrangle, structure section of, 366. Carnot, Ad., 36, 55, 70, 80. Cellulose, 18. Cement burning coals, 313. Central America, coal fields of, 401. Central Coal Basin rule for shaft pillars, 276. Ceratizamia mexicana, 37. Chain pillar, 273. Chamberlin, R. T., 20, 22. Chamberlin, T. C , 155. Chamber longwall, 284. Chambers, 267, 271. Chance, H. M., 25 Charbon, 2. Chemical analysis, 40. Chemical properties of coal, 18. Cherry Coal, 87, 88. Chile, coal in, 406. China: coal fields of, 431; coal resources of, 430. Chlorine in coal, 37. Choke damp, 291. Christopher, J. E., 320. Church, A. H., 86. Chutes, 278. Cincinnati arch, 151. Clanney, 296. Clark, A. H., 27, 31. Clark, H. H., 296. Clark, W. B., 372. Clarke, F. W., 19, 20. Classification: difficulties in, 3; of coal lands, 260; of coals, 105; of plants, 184. Clay veins, 214, 216, 215.* Cleats, 8. Climatic conditions, 155. Coal: amount derived from peat, 148; color of, 8; defined, 2; estimate of quantity in seam of, 258; origin of word, 2. Coal apples, 229. Coal balls, 229, 233. Coalification, second stage of, 160. Coal Measure plants, composition of, 161. Coal Miner's Pocketbook, 264. Coal provinces, 355. Coemans, E., 196. Cohen, J. B., 21. Coke, 88; for domestic fuel, 325; and coking, 315. Coke breeze, 323. Cokedale Mine natural coke, 99. Coking coal, 30, 87; coking coals, 316. Col., 2. Cole, B. A. J., 416. Coleman, A. P., 157. Collier, A. J., 385. Collier's classification, 106. Colloidal fuel, 314. Colombia, coal in, 402. Colorado, coal in, 388. 452 INDEX Combustion furnace, 63. Commentry Basin, 36; drifted material in, 142; fish remains in coal of, 18; open cut of, 287.* Competent beds, 170, 223. Composition of wood, peat, and coals, 96. Concretions in coal, 229. " Condensed " gases, 26. Conemaugh formation, section of, 368. Coniferales, 211. Connellsville basin coke, 99. Connellsville coal tested, 28. Constance, Lake, peat on, 147. Contiguous seams, working of, 280.* Contorted partings, 224. Contours, structural and surface, 248.* Coppee oven, 320. Cordaitales, 208, 209;* in Devonian, 182. Cost of mining, average, per ton, 257. Coulter, J. M., 186. Cowles, H. C., 1 86. Crane, W. R., 384; illustration by, 83, 100, 223. Critical level, 136. Cross and Bevan, 161. Cross-cuts, 270; cross-entries, 269. Crowsnest coal area, map of, 345. Cryptogamic plants, spores of, 9. Curtis^ H. A., 326. Cut-out, 214; 215;* on Des Moines River, 216. Cut-throughs, 273. Cycadales, 207. Cycadeoidea marshiana, 208.* Cycadofilicales, 206. Cycadofilices, 203. Cycads, Age of, 184, 208. Dakotas, coal fields of, 393. Dalburg, F. A., 435. Dana, E. S., 2, 3, 89, 91. Daubr'e, A., 101, 166. David, T. W. E., 156, 448. Davis, C. A., 131. Davy, Sir William, 296. Dawson, J. W., 12, 174, 209. "Debris," n. Defline, M., 416. Degousee, M. J., 140. De la Becke, 166. De Lisle, 87. Delta deposits, coal in, 139. Denmark: coal fields, of 421; coal re- sources of, 408. Denoel, L., 420. DePapp, C., 424. Depth: maximum of coal mines in foreign countries, 253; maximum, of coal mines in the United States, 251; of burial, 166; of seam, determination of, 247; table for determination of, 249. Derivatives of coal and their uses, Fig- 5. Descloizeaux, A., 97. Devonian period, first appearance of land plants in, 179. Diatoms, 86. Dike, 228,* 231.* Diller, J. S., 396. Dip, 221.* Dismal Swamp, 139,* 141,* 142;* Lake Drummond in, 137;* map of, 135; peat in, 137. Displacement in fault, 225. Distillation, products of, 25. Domestic anthracite, preparation of, 300. Dominian, L., 425. Dopplerite, 83. Dorrance, C., 310. Double battery breast, 279.* Double room, 272.* Douglas, E. A., 435. Dowling, D. B., 339, 348; classification by, 112; illustration by, 345, 346. Drake, N. F., 431. Drift, 266. Drifted vegetation, 139. Drills in prospecting, 243. Dron's rule for shaft pillars, 275. Dry coal, 92. Dulong's formula. 79. Dumble, E. T., 99, 386. Duncan, W. G., 291. Dunkard formation, section of, 370. Dunkley, W. A., 312. Durley, R. J, 7, 8, 339. Dutch East Indies, coal in, 435. Duxite, 103. INDEX 453 Dyer, B., 68. Dysodile, 86. Eastern-Middle Anthracite field, section through, 362. Ecuador, coal in, 404. Electric cap lamp, 296. England: coal resources of, 408; resources of various coal fields in, 412. Entries, 263, 270. Equisetales, 190, 198. Equisetum, 198. Eschka method for sulphur, 56 Eshereck, George, Jr., 327. Ethane in coal, 20. Europe: coal fields of, 407; coal resources, table of, 408; map of, PL XVI; min- ing methods in, 287; geological age of coals of, 410. Evans, J. W., 434. Exposure before burial, 162. Face, 271. Face on, 272. Falkenau, brown coal of, 20. Fat coal, 92. Fats, composition of, 20. Faults, 224, 225,* 226. Fayol, H., 32, 129, 141, 162. Federal Trade Commission Report, 257. Ferns, 180, 201, Fieldner, A. C., 44, 52, 70, 73 Filicales; see Ferns. Finn, C. P., 21. Fire damp, 22, 294. First mining in Virginia, i. First production in the United States, i. Fish remains in coal, 18. Fisher, C. A., 251. Fixed carbon, determination of, 56 Flow, igneous, 229. Flow sheet of Alliance Breaker, 303. Fontaine, W. M., 184, 193; and White, illustration by, 204. "Fool's gold," 34. Foot-acre, value of, 255. Formula for composition of coals, 149. Fossil flora of coal-forming periods, 178. Foster's rule for shaft pillars, 276. Foundry coke, standard for, 316. Fracture in coal, 8. France: coal fields of, 416; coal resources of, 408. Frank, Alberta, landslide, 344.* Franke, G., 309. Frazer, J. C. W, 31. Frazer, T., 306. Frazer's classification, 105. "Free" paraffins, 21. Fremy, E., 30. Fresh water swamps, 133. Fuel ratios of Pennsylvania coals, map of, 172 Fundamental matter, n. Fungi, 1 86; in coal, 159. Fusain, 100, 307. Fusibility: of ash, 121; of various coal ashes, 53. Gagates, 2, 97. Gamba, F. P., 402. Gangamopteris, 180; 211.* Gangamopteris flora, 156. Gangways, 267, 278. Garcia, J. A., 290. Gardner, J. H., 387. Gas manufacture: bibliography, cited, 25; coals for, 311. Gases: evolved from coal below tempera- ture of decomposition, 23; in coal, 22. Geikie, A., 147. Geographic distribution of coal, 328. Geological age of coals: of Africa, 439; of Europe, 410; of North America, table of, 338; of Oceania, 443; of the United States, 360. Geological distribution of coal, 328; by varieties, table of, 332. Geological formations, table of, 330 Georgia, coal in, 378. Germany: coal fields of, 421; coal re- sources of, 409. Gibson, 378. Gingkoales, 210; ancestors of, 182. Glanzkohle, 94 Glossopteris, 180, 211.* Glossopteris flora, 156, 157. Gob side, 272. 454 INDEX Gore, N. Z., retinite from, 102. Gottlieb, table by, 161. Gouge, 225. Goutal, M., 79. Goutal's curve, 80. Grains, cones, spores, 181.* Grains from Coal Measures, 185.* Grande Couche, 36, 214. Grand'Eury, F. C., 128, 191, 203; illus tration by, 150, 181, 185, 209. Graphic method for thickness, 244. Great Britain; coal fields of, 407; coal re- sources of, 408. Greece: coal fields of, 425; coal resources of, 408. Gresley, W. S., 130. Grinding thin sections, 15. Grout's classification, 109. Gruner, E., 407; classification by, 115. Gr Liner, L., 128. Guignet, E. 30. Gulf Province, 385. Giimbel, C. W., von, 12, 128. Gymnosperms, 185, 206; ancient types of, 203; dominant in Triassic, 182. Gypsum in coal, 35. Hade, 225. Hadley, H. F., 31. "Half on," 272. Hall, A. A., 21. Hall, R. D., 36. Hamilton, N. D., 309. Hapke, L., 32. Hard coal, 94. Hardness, 8. Harper, Francis, illustration by, 133, 134. Harrisburg, 111., coal tested, 28. Haulage, 288; electric, 290.* Hausmann, J. F. L., 84, 87. Hauy, 94. Hazeltine, illustration by, 373. Hazleton, Pa., district, 95; structure sec- tion of, 362. Hawes, G. W., 161. Hayden, H. H., 433. Hayes, C. W., 378. Headings, 267. Heat, effects of, 168. Heave, 225. Heavy solutions for determination of specific gravity, 7. Heinrich, O. J., 101. Hepaticae, 188. Hilaire, B. S., 2. Hill, R. T., 400. Hillman Coal and Coke Co., illustration by, 292, 319. Hinds, H., 382, 383. History of first uses of coal, i. Hochstetter, 102. Hoffman, E. J., 31. Hogarth's flask, determination of specific gravity by, 5.* Hoisting, 289. Holmes, J. A., 42. Horn Coal, 89. Horsebacks, 214, 216, 215;* on mine map, 218. Horsetails, 190; silica in, 37. Houille, 86, 87. Howarth, 384. Ho well, S. P., 298. Howley, J. P., 352. Hughes' rule for shaft pillars, 276. Humboldtine, 20. Humic coals, 87. Humus acids, 20. Hungary: coal fields of, 424; coal re- sources of, 409. Hutchinson R. P., illustration by, 300, 306. Hutton, W., 11, 174. Huxley, 174. Hydrogen, 295 ; determination of, 63. Hydrogen sulphide, 295. Hydrogenous coals, 90. Hydroxide of sodium for softening sec- tions, 13. Igneous intrusions, 228.* Illinois: coal in, 381; section of Coal Measures of, 380 Illuminating gas, 312. Inby, 271. Incompetent beds, 170. India: coal fields of, 433; coal resources of, 431- INDEX 455 Indian Lands, 240. Indiana, coal in, 382. Inert volatile matter, no. In situ theory, 124. Interior province, 379. International Geological Congress, classifi- cation by, 113. lonite, 104. Iowa: cross-section of formations of, 382; coal in, 382. Ireland: coal fields of, 416; coal resources of, 408; peat in, 133. Iron in coal, 37. Iso-anthracitic lines, 173, 174; of South Wales field, 165. Isoclinal fold, 222. Isovols, 174. Italy: coal fields of, 419; coal resources of, 408. Ivanov S. L., analysis by, 177. Japan: coal fields of, 432; coal resources of, 430. Jeffrey, E. C., 12, 13, 101, 130, 174, 176, 233; illustration by, 90. Jet, 97. John, von, 20. Johnson, W. R., 105. Johnston, F. W., 103. Jones, D. T., 21. Joseph, 1 66. Jukes, J. B., 127; illustration by, 229. Kansas: coal deposits in, 384; structure section of Coal Measures of, 384. Karst, 84, 94. Katz, S. H., 23. Katzer, F., 424. Kauri gum, 102. Kaustobioliths, 130. Kelley, W. P, 38. Kentucky cannel, 90. Kentucky, coal in, 377. Kerosene shale, 175. "Kettle," 220. Kick, J. J., 196. Kidston, 203. Kilkenny coal, 89. Kinosuke, I., 431, 432. Kirwin, R., 89. Kjeldahl-Gunning method, 68. Klonne oven, 322. Koppers byproduct coke plant, 324.* Korea, coal in, 432. Krafft, 20. Kressman, F. W., 32, 308. Le Conte J., 127. Laccolith, 228. Land Office Regulations, 238. Land plants, rise of, 180. Lane, A. C., 379. La Veta, Colorado, structure section near, 388. Law of Hill, 1 66. Laws governing prospecting, 238. Leaf cushions, 192. Leaf traces of Sigillaria, 194. Leasing laws, 240. Lenhart, L. R., 52. Lepidodendron, 157, 180, 191; 179,* 183.* Lesher, C. E., 51. Lesley, J. P., 128. Lesquereaux, illustration by, 191, 193, 195, 197, 200, 202. Lignite, 84; ignition temperature of, 32; 85;* seam of, 394;* specific gravity of, 4- Lignocellulose, 18. Liguria, 2. Link, F., n, 126. Locating new seams, 242. Loew, O., 104. Logan, W. E., 126. Loire basin coals, 31. Lonchopteris bricei, 206.* "Long horn," 272. Longwall, development in anthracite re- gion, 285.* Longwall method, 281. Longwall mine, 282,* 283.* Lord, N. W., 73, 77, 87. Loree Breaker, 306.* Lump anthracite, 301. Luster, 9. Lyburn, E., 416. Lycia, jet from, 2. Lycopodium, 190. INDEX Lycopods, 180. Lyes, 271. MacCulloch, J., 126. McCalley, 378. McCallie, 378. McConnell, W., 23, 24. McCreeth, A. S., 106. Macklin, J. F., illustration by, 290. Madura arantiaca, 157. Macrosporangia, 207. Magnesium in coal, 37. Mallett, E. J., 91. Maly, 102. Manchuria: coal fields of, 432; coal re- sources of, 431. Mangrove swamp, N. Z., 144.* Mangrove swamps, 138. Manitoba, coal, in 343. Map of: Africa, 437; Alaska, 399; Asia, PI. XVIII; Canada, PI. XI; European Russia, 427; Oceania, PI. XX; South America, 403; United States, PI. XII; Western Europe, PI. XVI. Marcasite, 34. Mariotte flask, 65. Marsh gas, 294. Marshall, P., 448. Marshes, 132. Martin, G. C., 397. Maryland, deposits in, 372. Marzec, L., 424. Maumen?, J., 71. Mellite, 20. Merrimac Mine Breaker, 376.* Metagami River timber, 145.* Methane, 22, 294; absorbed by coal, 23. Methyl orange indicator, 75. Mexico, coal in, 400. Meyer, von, 24. Michado, M. R., 406. Michigan: coal in, 379; structure section in, 379- Micrococcus, 159. Microscope in study of coal, 9, n. Middletonite, 103. Mietzsch, H., 128, 138, 154. Miller, B. L., 402. Miller, C. F., 38. Mills, J. E., 310. Milojkovitch, F. A., 424. Mine fires, 298. Mine gases, 290; relation of, to volatile constituents, 25. Mine level, 270. Mine ventilation, 296. Mineral charcoal, 100. Mineral coal, 2. Mineral constituents of coal, 33. Mineral, defined by Dana, 3. Mineral Industry, cited, 321, 335. Mineral Lands, 3, 238. Mineral Resources United States Geological Survey, cited, i, 255, 299, 353. Minimum thickness of seams mined, 253. Mining Engineering rule for shaft pillars, 276. Mining machine undercutting ream, 289.* Mining machines, 286. Mining methods in foreign countries, 287. Mining of coal, 264. Missouri, coal in, 383. Mitscherlich, A., 70. Moffat, E. S., 164. Mohr, F., 145. Moh's scale, 8, 95. Moissan, H., 32, 86. Moisture, determination of, 49. Moisture oven, 49. Monoclinal fold, 222. Monongahela formation, section of, 369. Montana, coal in, 394. Montenegro, 425. Moore, E. S., 217; illustration by, 144, 145, 148, 152, 227, 231, 236, 265, 287, 344, 351, 417, 446, 447. Morwell, Australia, 214. "Mother-of-coal," 100. Mourlot, A., 39. Mud-screen product, 301. Muer, H. F., 60 "Mur," 153. Murchison, R. L, 127. Musci, 1 88. Naked seeds, 206. Naphthenes, 21. Natal, coal in, 447. INDEX 457 National Parks, 240. Natural coke, 98.* Neck, 271. Netherlands: coal fields of, 420; coal re- sources of, 408. Neuropteris, 201,* 202.* Neuss, 84. New Brunswick, coal in, 342. New Mexico, coal in, 387. New South Wales, coal in, 444; section through main coal basin of, 444. New Zealand: coal fields of, 448; coal resources of, 443. Newberry, J. S., 128, 196. Newfoundland, coal in, 352. Niggerhead coal, 230, 235; analyses of, 237, 236.* Nitchie, C. C.. 312. Nitric acid, effects of, on coal, 30. Nitrogen determination of, 68. Non-caking coal, 88. Non-coking coal, 88. Normal fault, 225. Norris, R. V., 307. North America: coal fields of, 336; coal resources of, 337; geological age of coals of, 338. North Dakota lignite, 85.* Northern Anthracite field, section through, 362. Northern Great Plains Province, 387. Northern Territory, Australia, coal in, 448. Northrup, H. B., analyses by, 102. Northwest Territories, coal in, 351. Nova Scotia, coal in, 340. Norway, coal in, 428. Oak, composition of, 162. Oberfell, G. G., 291. Occluded gases in coal, 22. Oceania: coal fields of, 438, 442; coal resources, table of, 443; geological ages of coals of, 443 ; map of, PI. XX. Odell, W. W., 312. Odontopteris, 200.* Ohio: coal in, 370; section of Carbonifer- ous formations of, 373. Oils, composition of, 20. Okefinokee Swamp, 133,* 134.* Oklahoma, coal in, 385. Oleinic acid, 177. Oliver, F. W., 203, 204. Ombre de Cologne, 86. Ontario, coal in, 342. Ophioglossales, 190. Oregon: coal in, 396. Organic acids, salts of, 20. Origin of coal, 123. Osbon, C. C., 136. Otto-Hilgenstock oven, 322. Otto-Hoffman oven, 322. Outby, 271. Overthrust fold, 222. Ovitz, F. K., 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 309. Oxalic acid, 20. Oxygen, determination of, 70. Oxypicric acid, 30. Pacific Coast Province, 395. Packs; gob, 282; road, 282. Pack-walls, 282. Panel system, 277.* "Paper coals" of Russia, 20. Paraffin series, 20. Parmelee, C. W., 313. Parr, S. W., 31, 32, 42, 43, 52, 60, 62, 70, 79, 149, 308, 309; classification by, 109; peroxide bomb calorimeter of, 67. Parrot coal, 89. Partings, 214, 215.* Pas-de-Calais coal basin, complicated struc- ture in, 232.* Peacock coal, 96. Peat, 82; rate of accumulation of, 146. Peat-bogs, 131. Pebbles of coal in Coal Measures, 164. Pechkohle, 86. Pecopteris, 199.* Peek's Handbook, 264, 300. Pennsylvania, 81; bituminous region of, 368; coal fields of, 363; structure sec- tion through southwestern part of, 366. Pennsylvania anthracite: distribution of in 1917, 299; specific gravity of, 96. Pennsylvania bituminous coal, distribu- tion of in 1917, 299. Permissible explosives, 298. 458 INDEX Permo-Carboniferous section in New South Wales, 157, 444. Persia: coal fields of, 434; coal resources of, 431. Peru, coal'in, 404. Petrascheck, W., 423. Phanerogams, 206. Phenol as solvent for coal, 31. Philippine Islands, coal in, 435 Phillips, W. B., 386. Phosphorous, 36; determination of, in coal ash, 53. Photometric method for sulphur, 60. Photomicrographs of coal, 16; from Roy- alston showing spores and woody tissue, 10; showing pyrite, 35; showing resin, 19; showing spores in cannel, 90. Phylloglossum, 190. Physical constitution, 9. Physical properties, 4. Pila bibractensis, 175.* Pillar drawing, 280 Pillar-and-stall system, 276. Pillars, size of, 273. Pinaceae, 211. Pinches, 215. Pines, see Pinaceae. Pinnularia, 198. Pishel, M. A., 88. Pitch, 222. Pittman, E. F., 444. Pittsburgh seam, 369, 371, 372, 374, 375; photomicrograph of coal from, 16. Plan of four-entry mine, 268. Plankton algae, 177. Plant spores used in distinguishing seams, 17- Pliny, 2. Pocahontas coal tested, 28. Pocahontas field, 375. Poland, coal in, 426. Pollard, W., 7, 48, 63, 65, 69, 107, 166, 173. Pope, G. S., 43- Port Elizabeth, N. Z., collieries of, 447.* Porter, coal of, 81. Porter, H. C., 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 309. Porter, J. B, 7, 8, 339. Protugal: coal fields of, 418; coal re- sources of, 408. "Pot", 220. Potonie, H., 12, 90, 130, 138. Pottsville formation, section of, 367 Powdered fuel, 313. Powell, A. R., 62, 317. Power, F. Danvers, 288, 442. Preparation of coal, 299. Pressure, effect of, on coal, 170. Prestwich, J., 97. Price of coal at mine, 256. Producer gas, 311. Production of world in 1913, i; by coun- tries, 335; and states, 352. Prospecting for coal, 238. Proximate analysis, 48. Psilo tales, 190. Pteridophytes, 186, 188. Pycnometer, 4. Pyridine, 32. Pyrite, 34. Pyroretinite, 104. Queensland, coal in, 445. Rabino, H. L., 434. Ranks of coal, 82. Rath, G. von, analyses by, 99. Reinchia australis, 176. Renault B., 12, 148, 149, 174, 175, 196, 198, 207; illustration by, 158, 159, 210. Renier, A., 420. Resinous substances, 102. Resins: composition of, 20; in coal, n. Resources of world by continents, 333. Retinite, 102. Rhacopteris, 180, 211.* Rhode Island: anthracite of, 95; coal in, 370- Rhodesia, coal in, 440. Rib, 271. Rice, G. S., 287, 297. Richardson, G. B., illustration by, 388, 389- Ries, H., 172; illustration by, 341, 342, 347, 376, 394- Riffle sampler, 46. Rittman, W. F., 25. Roberts oven, 322. Robertson, I. W., 291, 293. INDEX 459 Robinson, W. O., 38. Rock chutes, 280. Rock Springs coal field, structure section of, 392. Rocky Mountain Province, 387. Roden, J., 434. Rogers, H. D., 90, 92, 101, 127. Rolls, 214, 216, 215,* 234.* Ronchamp, 81 Rooms, 267, 271; inclined, 271.* Room-and-pillar method, 264, 267. Royal Commission on Coal supplies, 253. Royalston, 111., photomicrograph of coal from, 10. Royalties on leases, 259. Roumania: coal fields of, 424; coal re- sources of, 409. Russia: coal fields of, 426; coal resources of, 409; in Europe, map of, 427. St. tienne: fault at, 227;* tree trunks near, 148,* 152.* Ste. Colombe sur 1'Hero, 97. Saar basin, section through, 422. Safety lamps, 295. Salisbury, R. D., 155. Sampling, 40; English method of, 48; equipment for, 42; in laboratory, 47; laboratory apparatus for, 46; standard method of, 44. San Raphael, 39. Sapropelic coals, 90. Sapropelic deposits, 130. Sargasso Sea, 145. Saskatchewan, coal in, 343. Schering's celloidin, 13. Schrotter, 104. Schulze, Franz, n. Schwarzkohle, 87. Scotland- coal fields of, 413; coal re- sources of, 408. Scott, D. H., 203, 204. Scouring rushes, 198. "Seatearth," 153. Seibert, F. M., 293. Selvage, 225. Selvig,W A, 52. Semet-Solvay coke pusher, 321.* Semet-Solvay plant, 322.* Semianthracite, 92. Semibituminous coal, 92. Sequoia, 211. Serbia: coal fields of, 424; coal resources of, 409. Seyler's classification, 107. Shaft, 266, 267. Shaft bottom, 292.* Shaft pillar, 273. Shaler, N. S, 135, 375; illustration by, i35, 137, 139, Ui, 142. Shamel Charles, 238. Shepherd's Hill, New South Wales, 446.* Sheppard, S. E., 314. Sheridan coal tested, 28. Shoofly, 271. "Short horn," 272. Shove fault, 226. Shultz and Lewis, illustration by, 392. Siberia, coal in, 431. Sidings, 271. Sigillaria, 180, 194, 187.* Sigillarian cones, 195. Sigillariostrobus goldenbergi, 189.* Silica in coal, 37. Sill, 228. Singewald, J. T., Jr., 402. Sinnatt, F. S., 307. Stele, 190. Slate pickers in breaker, 300 . * Slickenside, 225. Slip fault, 226. Slope, 266. Smith, G. O., 395. Smith process, 327. Smithing coals, 313. "Sole," 153. Solms-Laubach, 193, 198. Solubility of coal, 29; relation of, to coking, 30. Somermeier, E. E., 77. Somme Valley, peat in, 147. Sorus, 189. South Africa, Union of, coal in, 441. South America, coal fields of, 402; map of, 403 South Australia, coal in. 448 South Wales: coal in, 414; origin of coals of, 1 68. 460 INDEX South Wales field, diagram of ash and carbon-hydrogen ratios of coal of, 173. Southern Nigeria, coal in, 439. Spain, coal fields of, 418; coal resources of, 408. Specific gravity: defined, 4; of anthracite 4; of "ash-free" and "moisture-free" specimens, 7; of bituminous coal, 4; of cannel, 4; of lignite, 4; relation of, to quality of coal, 8. Specific gravity, determination of: by Bureau of Mines, 5; by heavy solutions, 7; by Hogarth-flask, 5; by hydrometer method, 6; by pycnometer, 4. Spermatophytes, 185, 186, 206. Sperr, F. W., Jr., 320. Sphagnum 132, 188. Sphenophyllales, 196. Sphenophyllum, 190. Sphenopteris, 197.* Spitzbergen: coal fields of, 428; coal re- sources of, 409. Splint coal, 87, 88. Split, 215.* Split-volatile ratio, 112. Spontaneous combustion, 307; chemical causes of, 32. Spruces, 211. Square-chamber method, 287. Squeezes, 214, 215. Standardization of calorimeter, 77. Stansfield, E., 32, 326. Stanton, F. M., 5, 44, 73. Steam coals, 314. Steinkohle, 2 Stemkoenig, L. A., 38. Stephenson, George, 296. Sterling, Paul, 300. Stern, H., 307. Stevenson, J. J., 124, 128, 129, 138; illus- tration by, 369, 370. Stigmaria, 130, 153, 193; S. ficoides, 196; S. ficoides, 191.* Stink damp, 295. Stock, H. H., 96, 363; illustration by 278, 280, 362. Stohman's solution, 76. Stone coal, 94. Stone damp, 295. Stopes, M. C., 230. Storage, 306; deterioration of coal in, 309 Storrs, L. S., 387. Stout, D. A., 237. Strahan, A., 7, 107, 166, 173, 407; illus- tration by, 224; and Pollard, diagram by, 165, 167. Streak, 8, 9. Streptococcus, 159. Strike, 221.* Stringer of coal, 221.* Stripping Mammoth seam, 265.* Stripping method, 264. Structural contours, 248. Structural features of coal seams, 214. Stumps in Coal Measures, 150.* Stur, D., 192. Subbituminous coal, 84, 86, 93.* Succinite, 103. Sullivan Machine Co., illustration by, 289. Sulphates in coal, 34. Sulphides in coal, 34. Sulphur, 33; determination of, by Eschka method, 56; in ash, 62; in coke, 33, 316; inorganic, 34; organic, 35. Sulphur balls, 34, 230. Sulphur diamonds, 34. Sulphuretted hydrogen, 295. Sulphurous gases, 27. Sumatra Swamp, 138. Summit Hill, 95. Superbituminous coal, 92. Sussmilch, C. A., 156, 210. Sweden: coal fields of, 428; coal resources of, 409. Swells, 214, 215. Swift, illustration by, 282. Switzerland, coal in, 419. Syncline: at Hazleton, 236;* pitching, 222.* Synclinorium, 223. System of Mineralogy, Dana's 2. Taeniopteris Newberriana, 204.* Taff, J. A., 98, 385- Tantalus Mine on Yukon River, 351.* Tasmania, coal in, 447. Tasmanite shale, 447. Tauber's drying apparatus, 66. INDEX 461 Taxaceae, 211. Taylor, C. A., 70. Temperature, effect on constituents, evolved, 26. Tennessee, coal in, 378. Terre d'ombre, 86 Texas, coal in, 386. Thallophytes, 186, 188. Theophrastus, 2. Thick seams: bench working in, 288;* mining in, 284. Thickening of seams in anticlines, 223. Thickest seam in world, 214. Thickness of formation: determination of, 245; curve for graphic determination of, 246. Theissen, R., 9, n, 13, 14, 15, 20, 34,36, 101, 130, 176; illustration by, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 35- Thin seams: mined in foreign countries, 255 ; mined in United States, table of, 254. Thin sections, preparation of, 12. Thomas, J. W., 23, 24. Thracius lapis, 2. Throw, 225. Thrust fault, 225. Tile burning coals, 313. Time since burial, 163. Topographic conditions in coal-forming periods, 150. Torbanite, 87, 91. Toronto, Canada, glacial deposits, 157. " Tortoises" 220. Transformation of vegetal matter to coal, 157- Transportation theory, 125. Transvaal, coal in, 441. Tree trunks in Coal Measures at St. tienne, 148,* 152.* Trees, composition of, 161. Trescot, T. C., 68. Trinidad, Colorado, section near, 389. Trinkerite, 104. Tri-radiate lines in spores, 14.* Tschernyschew, Th, 426. Tunnel, 266. Turbidimeter, Jackson's candle, 60. Turkey, coal in, 425. Turn-out, 271. Ultimate analysis, 63. Unconformity, 227. Underclays, origin of, 153. Underground work, 264. Uniontown, Pa., Quadrangle, structure section of, 366. United States: coal in, 352; coal produc- tion of, 352, 353, 354; distribution of coal of, by kinds, 355; geological age of coal formations of, 360; map of, PI. XII; table of coal resources of, 357, 358, 359- Upthrow side, of fault, 226. Uses of coal, 299. Utah: coal in, 391; coal of, tested, 28. Value of world's production in 1913, i. Valuation of coal lands, 238, 250. Vanadium in coal, 39. Vandalia, Ind., photomicrograph of coal from, 19. Varieties of coal, 82. Vascular cryptogams, 180, 182. Venezuela, coal in, 404. Venice, Gulf of, peat in, 140. Victoria, coal in, 445. Vignon, Leo, 30, 88. Virginia: coal in, 375; first mining in, i. Volatile constituents, escape of, from seam, 169. Volatile matter: determination of, 54; furnace for determination of, 54.* Voltzia, 182. Walchia, 182, 213; W. frondosa, 210.* Wales, coal resources of, 408, 412. WaUerius, J. G., 84. Walsen Mine, natural coke of, 99. Washington, coal in, 396. Water gas, 312. Watson, D. M. S., 230. Waxes, composition of, 20. Wedemeyer, K., 68. Weight of coal in foot-acre, 258. Welsh anthracite, specific gravity of, 96. Welsh coals, tests on, 24. West Indies, coal fields of, 401. West Virginia, coal in, 372. Western Australia, coal in, 447. 462 INDEX Wheeler, R. V., 21, 27, 28, 31, 32. Wheelerite, 104. Whewellite, 20. Whitaker, M, C., 25. White, D., ii, 12, 14, 20, 33, 88, 101, 102, 130, 156, 166, 170, 176, 195, .196, 203, 368; illustration by, 367. White, I. C., 193, 372, 405; illustration by, 367, 368. White damp, 292. White's classification, in. Wieland, G. R., 207; illustration by, 208. Wilder F., illustration by, 394. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., structure section at, 362. Willputte oven, 322. Witham, H., n, 126. Wood: changed to coal, 164; composi- tion of, 19. Woodworth, J. B., 375. Worrell, S. H., 386. Wright, C. L., 311. Wyoming basin, Pa., 171. Wyoming, coal in, 392. Xyloid lignites, solubility of, 29. Xyloid material, 9. Xylon, n. Yancey, H. J., 306. Yorkshire jet, 97. Yukon Territory, coal in, 350. Zalessky, M. D., 176, 235. Zamia, 207. Zamites, 207. Zeiller, R., 190, 195, 202, 203, 204, 207; illustration by, 179, 183, 187, 189, 194, 199, 201, 205, 206. Zern, E. N., 315, 363. MINERAL TESHNQLOBY LIBRARY TWO HOUR RESERVE BOOK Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is due on the LAST DATE and HOUR stamped below. SEP 2 7 1950 OCT 2 1950 OCT 4 1950 I OCT 9 1950 OCT 12 1950 OCT IS 1950 1 f 1950 - NOV KB 16-30m-2,'50 (B8638s4)4187 469107 ' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY