PEACTICAL LOGIC; OR, THE AET OF THINKING. BY D. S. GREGORY, D.D.. PRESIDENT OF LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY. Of THE UNIVERSITY or NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA HINDS, NOBLE & ELDREDGE WFFITT J^AX Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, by ELDREDGE & BROTHER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. "VTEXT to right and noble living, which is the highest thing U* to which man may aspire, may be placed the right think- ing which is essential to such living. Logic, as the Science of the Laws of Thought, is very widely studied, in the higher schools, as an aid to the pupil in thinking ; yet it is the set- tled conviction of many of the best educators that this Sci- ence, as it is ordinarily presented, does very little toward training to think or preparing for thinking. In short, there seems to be a growing feeling that it rather serves, in case of the average mind, to cram the memory and paralyze the thinking powers. The author of this volume shares to some extent in this conviction and feeling; hence the present attempt to construct a Practical Logic, by the use of which intelligent teachers may train inquiring minds to correct thinking. The only way to learn to think is by thinking; the only way of training a pupil to think is by making him practise thinking. Assuming the correctness of this principle, Logi- cal Praxis is made the prominent and essential feature of the work. Each principle of thought is turned into a Rule, iii 215264 IV PREFACE. and then made part of the mental property and power of the student by abundant exercises. The best training in thinking must be intelligent and sys- tematic. Accordingly the foundation for this is laid by a comprehensive and systematic presentation of the forms and laws of thinking. The processes of formation and unfolding, of involution and evolution, are presented in succession. Be- ginning with the simplest process of observation, the praxis is carried, by successive stages, up to the highest and most complex processes of constructive thinking, and the mind capable of such work trained intelligently and systematically to clear, distinct, connected, continuous, and constructive thought. To the various writers on the subject of Logic, the author would acknowledge his indebtedness, and especially to Ueber- weg, Hamilton, Thomson, Whately, Mill, Jevons, Atwater, McCosh, Davis, Bowen, and Day. To teachers he would suggest that Part I. may be used in the earlier stages of training, and the remaining parts reserved for a later stage. In the use of the text-book the teacher will ordinarily do his best work for his pupil by drawing largely on his own resources for material for praxis. Each locality, school-room, branch of study, and experience will suggest innumerable topics of fresh and living interest, which may be profitably substituted for those given in the text-book. D. S. GREGORY. LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY, 1 LAKE FOREST, ILL., August, 1881. ) 1 INTRODUCTION. PAGE I. NATURE OF LOGIC 9 TOPIC 1. OBJECT-MATTER OP LOGIC 10 TOPIC 2. PRACTICAL AIM OP LOGIC .... 13 TOPIC 3. PRINCIPLES OR LAWS OF THOUGHT . . .17 II. DIVISIONS OF LOGIC 22 PART I. The Logic of Conception or the Term. CHAPTER I. THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS . . 25 SECTION I. OBSERVATION 26 TOPIC 1. THE PREDICABLES OR THINGS KNOWABLE . 27 TOPIC 2. OBSERVATION OF THINGS PREDICABLE . . 30 SECTION II. CONCEPTION PROPER 34 TOPIC 1. PROCESS OP CONCEPT-FORMING . . . .34 TOPIC 2. PRODUCT OP CONCEPT-FORMING. . . .38 SECTION III. CLASSIFICATION 41 TOPIC 1. PROCESS OP CLASSIFICATION . . . .41 TOPIC 2. EESULTS OP CLASSIFICATION .... 44 SECTION IY. DENOMINATION OR NAMING . . .49 TOPIC 1. PROCESS OF NAMING 49 TOPIC 2. PRODUCTS OF NAMING 52 1* v VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. PACK THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS . . 56 SECTION I. LOGICAL PARTITION 57 TOPIC 1. FORMS OP LOGICAL PARTITION . . . .59 TOPIC 2 RULES OP LOGICAL PARTITION . . . .60 SECTION II. LOGICAL DIVISION 64 TOPIC 1. FORMS OF LOGICAL DIVISION . . . .65 TOPIC 2. RULES OP LOGICAL DIVISION . . . .68 SECTION III. LOGICAL DEFINITION 75 TOPIC 1. KINDS OP DEFINITION 75 TOPIC 2. RULES OF LOGICAL DEFINITION , 81 PART II. The Logic of Judgment or the Proposition. CHAPTER I. THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS OR PROP- OSITIONS 93 SECTION I. PROCESS or JUDGMENT-FORMING . . 93 TOPIC 1. THE ELEMENTS OP JUDGMENT . . . .93 TOPIC 2. VERIFICATION OR PROOF OF JUDGMENTS . . 98 SECTION II. PRODUCTS OF JUDGMENT .... no TOPIC 1. QUALITY OF JUDGMENTS Ill TOPIC 2. QUANTITY OF JUDGMENTS 112 TOPIC 3. RELATION OF JUDGMENTS 116 TOPIC 4. GRAMMATICAL COMBINATION OF JUDGMENTS . 118 CHAPTER II. THE UNFOLDING OF JUDGMENTS. . . 121 SECTION I. DEVELOPMENT OF CONTAINED JUDG- MENTS 121 SECTION II. DEVELOPMENT OF IMPLIED JUDGMENTS 123 TOPIC 1. SIMPLER FORMS OP IMPLICATION . . . 123 TOPIC 2. OBVERSION . . 123 CONTENTS. vii PAGE SECTION III. DEVELOPMENT OF INFERRED JUDG- MENTS 125 TOPIC 1. INFERRED JUDGMENTS BY ADDITIONS . . 126 TOPIC 2. INFERRED JUDGMENTS BY DISJUNCTION . . 126 TOPIC 3. INFERRED JUDGMENTS BY CONVERSION . . 126 TOPIC 4. INFERRED JUDGMENTS BY OPPOSITION . 128 PART III. The Logic of Reasoning or the Syllogism. CHAPTER I. THE FORMATION OF REASONING OR MEDI- ATE INFERENCES . . . .135 SECTION I. PROCESS OF REASONING IN GENERAL . 135 TOPIC 1. FORMS OF REASONING 135 TOPIC 2. ELEMENTS OF REASONING 137 TOPIC 3. FINDING AND VERIFYING ARGUMENTS . . 139 SECTION II. DEDUCTIVE REASONING . . . .139 TOPIC 1. PROCESS OF VERIFYING THE ARGUMENT IN DE- DUCTION 139 TOPIC 2. PRODUCTS OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING . . 141 SECTION III. INDUCTIVE REASONING .... 147 TOPIC 1. VERIFYING CAUSE IN INDUCTION . . . 147 TOPIC 2. PRODUCTS OF INDUCTIVE REASONING . . 157 CHAPTER II. THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING OR THE SYLLOGISM 162 SECTION I. THE CATEGORICAL SYLLOGISM UNFOLDED 162 TOPIC 1. POSSIBLE FORMS OR FIGURE AND MOOD . . 162 TOPIC 2. TESTING OF VALID FORMS 164 TOPIC 3. COMPLEX AND ABNORMAL FORMS . . . 179 SECTION II. THE HYPOTHETICAL SYLLOGISM UN- FOLDED 185 TOPIC 1. CONDITIONAL OR CONJUNCTIVE SYLLOGISM . 185 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE TOPIC 2. DISJUNCTIVE SYLLOGISM 188 TOPIC 3. DlLEMMATIC SYLLOGISM 189 SECTION III. CONSPECTUS OF FALLACIES . . .191 TOPIC 1. FALLACIES IN INDUCTION 191 TOPIC 2. FALLACIES IN DEDUCTION . . 192 PART IV. The Logic of Construction or the System. CHAPTER I. THE FORMATION OF CONSTRUCTION OR SYSTEM ..... 200 SECTION I. SCIENTIFIC CONSTRUCTION . . . .200 TOPIC 1. PROCESS OF FORMING AND VERIFYING SCIEN- TIFIC SYSTEM 200 TOPIC 2. PRODUCTS OF SCIENTIFIC CONSTRUCTION . . 202 SECTION II. PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTION . . .206 TOPIC 1. PROCESS OF FORMING AND VERIFYING PRAC- TICAL SYSTEM 206 TOPIC 2. PRODUCTS OF PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTION . . 207 CHAPTER II. THE UNFOLDING AND TESTING OF SYSTEMS. 207 SECTION I. ASCERTAINING THE ELEMENTS. . . 208 TOPIC 1. THE WHOLE AND ITS PRINCIPLE . . . 208 TOPIC 2. THE ARTICULATION OR KELATION OF THE PARTS 209 TOPIC 3. THE RELATION TO THE OBJECTIVE REALITY . 209 SECTION II. TESTING OF SYSTEMS 210 TOPIC 1. DIRECTIONS FOR TESTING 210 TOPIC 2. EXAMPLES ILLUSTRATIVE , .211 INDEX 213 PRACTICAL LOGIC, INTRODUCTION. I. THE NATURE OF LOGIC. What is Logic? This question has been variously answered. Whately says it may be considered as " the Science and also as the Art of Reasoning." Hamilton de- fines it as " the Science of the formal and necessary Laws of Thought as Thought." Dr. Watts called his work, " The Art of Thinking." According to his view, " Logic is the art of directing the reason aright in acquiring the knowl- edge of things, for the instruction both of ourselves and others." Without stopping to discuss these definitions, which would be un- intelligible to the ordinary student at the outset, it is clear that these different authors must either be defining different things, or defining the same thing from different points of view, or defining different things from different points of view. "Reasoning" and "thought" are different things, the former being only one form of the latter. The points of view of science and art are different, the one being theoretical, the other practical. Definition. As treated in the present work, Logic is the Q 10 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Practical Science of the Principles or Laws which govern the various forms of correct Thinking or Thought. This definition will be best explained by considering the following Topics : Topic I The Object-Matter of Logic, Topic II The Practical Aim of Logic, Topic III The Principles or Laws of Thinking or Thought, Topic First. The Object-Matter of Logic is found in the Forms of Thinking or Thought. 1. What is Thinking or Thought ? (1.) In a loose sense, any operation of the human soul is sometimes spoken of as thought. The man knows, feels and purposes or wills; any act of knowing, feeling, or willing may, in this loose sense, be called thinking. The term is evidently not used in this loose sense in the definition of Logic. (2.) In a stricter sense, thinking or thought is confined to the operations of the intellect or power of knowing. In popular phrase, it is any act of the head as distinguished from the heart and will of the man. In this sense, "think- ing " is synonymous with " knowing." The main office of the human intellect is to know, i. e., first, to apprehend objects in themselves and their phenomena or attributes ; and secondly, to apprehend objects or their phenomena in their con- nections or relations. The first of these forms may be termed simple apprehension, or intuition, or simple knowledge ; the second, thought- knowledge, or thought. Logic has to do with thought-knowledge, or thought. To state the same thing in another and fuller form, the cognitive power or intellect of man performs its entire office of knowing in four different ways ; in other words, it has four different faculties : 1st. The intellect acquires the fundamental facts of knowledge of things material and spiritual by the senses and consciousness ; and has, therefore, a simple cognitive faculty. Its office is to gather the material for the use of the higher faculties of thought. THE NATURE OF LOGIC. 11 2d. The intellect keeps the acquired knowledge in such shape as to be able to reproduce it for use at any time when it may be needed by the higher faculties ; and has, therefore, a conservative faculty or memory. These two faculties furnish knowledge and keep it at command for use, and their operations are often spoken of, in a loose sense, as thought ; but, using thought in the strict sense, it is often truly said of one who uses these two powers with great ease, " He never had a thought in his life. He is a mere man of memory.'' 3d. The intellect compares the knowledges acquired and conserved, and connects them into conceptions, judgments, and arguments ; and has, therefore, a comparative, or elaborative, faculty. 4th. The intellect groups in systems, according to the law of the true, the beautiful, or the good, the knowledges acquired by the simple cognitive faculty, kept and reproduced by the conservative faculty, and connected in thought by the comparative faculty ; and has, there- fore, a system-making, or constructive, faculty. This is also discursive. The term " thinking" or " thought " is often applied to all four forms of intellectual action. This is evidently not the sense in which it is used in the definition of Logic. (3.) Thought or thinking, strictly speaking, is the opera- tion or product of the operation of the third and fourth fac- ulties only, i. e., of the comparative and constructive facul- ties only. These faculties are the thought faculties ; their operation is thinking ; and the product of their operation is thought. Ordinarily, the word thought is used for any or all three : the faculty, its exercise, its product. These fac- ulties are also called discursive, since they proceed from simple knowledges to new results founded upon them. 2. What are the Forms of Thinking or Thought ? The forms of thinking or thought are the forms in which the discursive or thought faculties act, or the products of that action. (1.) As thinking is embodied in language, the most common forms of thought may be learned by an examination of thought expressed in language. Take the following example : Light is opposed to dark- ness ; feathers are light ; therefore, feathers are opposed to darkness. 12 PRACTICAL LOGIC. This is in the form of a syllogism. A syllogism embodies an argu- ment, or process of reasoning. In it two propositions are compared and a conclusion reached which is expressed in a third proposition. This is thought as reasoning. These three propositions are verbal expressions of judgments, in which the mind compares and connects two terms. This is thought as judgment. Each of the terms in these propositions is a thought, and must be understood, as is shown by the example given, if any correct think- ing is to be done. This is thought as conception. When a series of terms, propositions, arguments, etc., is grouped together to make a larger whole of thought, the result is thought as system. (2.) Or looking at the subject from the thought side, instead of from the language side, the same result is reached. The comparative faculty acts in three ways : a. By comparing the objects or knowledges, given by the simple cognitive faculty and re- tained by the conservative faculty, and connecting them by resembling attributes or marks, thus forming notions or concepts, classes and general terms. This is thought as conception, b. By comparing concepts or general terms and connecting them by agreement or dis- agreement, resulting in judgments and propositions. This is thought as judgment, c. By comparing judgments or propositions and connect- ing them by the principle of reason and consequent, resulting in argu- ments including syllogisms. This is thought as reasoning. The constructive faculty also acts in three ways : a. Grouping by the Law of the True, or in the form of scientific construction, result- ing in scientific systems, b. Grouping by the Law of the Beautiful, or in the form of artistic or aesthetic construction, resulting in artistic, or aesthetic, systems, including all art productions, c. Grouping by the Law of the Good, or in the form of practical construction, result- ing in practical systems, including inventions, plans of conduct, etc. It will at once be seen that the second of these forms of construc- tion falls within the sphere of ^Esthetics, leaving only the first and third in the sphere of Logic. The distinct Forms of Thought with which Logic deals are, therefore, as follows : Conception, embodied in the general term ; Judgment, embodied in the proposition ; THE NATURE OF LOGIC. 13 Reasoning 1 , embodied in the argument ; Construction, embodied in system, scientific and prac- tical. The facts concerning the workings of the Human Soul may be tabu- lated so as to present their relations to the eye. THE HUMAN SOUL, or Man, the Conscious Subject, Man, by the COGNI- TIVE POWER, KNOWS, and, therefore, has a Cog- nitive Power, or Intellect ; FEELS, and, therefore, has an Emo- tive Power, or Sensibility ; WILLS, and, therefore, has a power of Endeavor, or Conative Pow- er, or Will. ACQUIRES knowledges by the Simple Cognitive Faculty ; KEEPS knowledges by the Conserv- ative Faculty, or Memory ; COMPARES knowledges, or works out their Relations by the Comparative Faculty ; CONSTRUCTS knowledges into Systems by the Constructive Faculty. s ~ 9 ^ ' * I 1 5- COMPARES, by the Compara- tive Faculty, MAN, by the DISCURSIVE Faculties, CONSTRUCTS, by the Construct- ive Faculty, Simple knowledges, in Con- ception ; Conceptions, in Judgment ; Judgments, in Reasoning. The True, in Scientific Sys- tem; The Beautiful, in .Esthetic System ; The Good, in Practical Sys- tem. Topic Second. The Practical Aim of Logic is to train to Correct Thinking or Thought. Logic, as here treated, is a practical science, aiming to lead the thinker to a systematic knowledge of the laws of 2 1 PRACTICAL LOGIC. thought, in order to find in these the rules by which to train to skill in right thinking-. 1. What is Practical Science or Art? A science is a complete and systematic presentation of the facts and principles in any sphere of knowledge, in accordance with truth. Hamilton draws from Aristotle the distinction between Philosophy " Theoretical " and " Practical." " Theoretical, called likewise specu- lative and contemplative, philosophy has for its highest end mere truth or knowledge. Practical philosophy, on the other hand, has truth or knowledge only as its proximate end, this end being subor- dinate to the ulterior end of some practical action." Notwithstanding Hamilton's objections to the expressions, they are in common use, and will doubtless continue in use. "Science" and "Art" are also often used to express substantially the same distinction. The sciences and arts are both systematic forms of human knowl- edge. The aim of a science is to give systematic knowledge of some- thing ; that of an art, to give skill in doing something. The one calls for the study of scientific principles ; the other for the intelligent appli- cation to practice of rules based upon these principles. A science pre- sents truths to be grasped ; an art, exercises to be performed. Practical Science, or Art, as it is sometimes called, is a form of science in which the systematic knowledge of the subject treated is subordinate to the training to skill in some activity. 2. How far is Logic Theoretical and how far Practical ? Logic is a theoretical science, or science proper, so far as it aims to give a systematic view of the laws of thought ; it is a practical science, or art, so far as it subordinates this to its aim to train to skill in applying the laws of thought in avoiding error and arriving at truth. From the scientific side, Logic should present in systematic shape the laws which govern the various forms of thought, or the laws by which the mind must be governed when it thinks cor- rectly, i. e., when it conceives, judges, reasons, systematizes correctly. From the practical side, Logic should turn these THE NATURE OF LOGIC. 15 laws into rules and train the mind to think correctly and efficiently, by training it to use these rules of thought intel- ligently and skilfully. It should, if it is to be of the most service, train the thinker at once to accuracy of thought in reaching truth and avoiding error, and to power in using the thought-faculties, in other words, it should train both to skill and power. In accordance with this view, Pro- fessor Bain remarks, that although " Logic, no doubt, has a certain theoretic aspect, ... its chief aim must ever be practical. Had the subject not been wanted as an aid to the search of truth, it would never have been called into existence." 3. Logic aims at Correct Thinking, or at Truth. Logic is defined, in the " Port Eoyal Logic," as " the science of the operations of the understanding in the pur- suit of truth." Logic aims at correct thinking. Such thinking is, from one point of view, thinking that is done in accordance with the laws of thought which are treated in works on Logic. From another point of view it is think- ing which, by conformity to the laws of thought, arrives at truth. (1.) Truth. In order to understand the meaning of these statements concerning truth, there is need of considering : the nature and crite- rion of truth ; the modes of arriving at truth ; the degrees of assur- ance in the grasp of truth. a. The Nature and Criterion of Truth. According to Hamilton, truth is " the correspondence or agreement of a cognition with its object." Or, including both thought and state- ment, truth is the agreement of a thought or statement with the reality which the thought or statement concerns. Error is the opposite, or the want of harmony between a thought or statement and its object. The criterion, or test of truth, arises out of its nature as thus stated. Does it correspond with the reality ? " Man is mortal." " The sun shines." " Madagascar is inhabited." " The earth is spherical." In deciding whether these statements are true, the question to be asked of each is, Does it agree with fact or reality f 16 PRACTICAL LOGIC. b. Modes of Arriving at Truth. The truth in any given case is arrived at in one or other of two ways : First, by the use of one's own powers intuitive or discursive. These give knowledge in the narrower sense. The intuitive powers furnish immediate knowledge, or a priori knowledge : (a.) By external or sense perception, of matter and its phenomena ; (6.) By internal perception or self-consciousness, of spirit and its operations ; (c.) By intuition proper, of the self-evident and necessary notions and principles which underlie and condition all human experience. The discursive powers furnish mediate or a posteriori knowledge by the processes of thought, conception, judgment, reasoning, and construction. Secondly, by acceptance of the statements of others. These give belief in the narrow and strict sense, or the acceptance of truth on the ground of testimony. Most of man's knowledge in the wide sense, and that the most valuable part of it, is derived from this source. The witnesses gain their knowledge either : (a.) By the use of their intuitive powers, which lays the foundation for testimony proper; or, (6.) By the use of their discursive or thought powers, which lays the foundation for authority. o. Degrees in the Assurance of Truth. The mind does not lay hold of all its knowledge with the same de- gree of certainty. Distinction is made between belief, opinion, proba- ble truth, certain truth. Certainty is the consciousness of the necessity of agreement between a thought and its object, in whichever of the above ways that thought may be reached. It absolutely excludes the admission of any opposite supposition. Where this is not the case, doubt and uncertainty arise. Considered with reference to the degree of certainty, there appear, at the two extremes : Knowledge, in the strictest sense, where the consciousness of neces- sity is absolute, or certainty perfect ; Opinion, or the admission of something where the evidence is not such as to necessitate a perfect certainty. Probability appears in the approximation of the imperfect certainty of opinion to the perfect certainty of knowledge. Belief is used in various loose senses, but the distinction given above will, it is thought, commend itself as the fundamental sense. Belief is the acceptance of truth on the ground of testimony, including testi- mony proper and authority. THE NATURE OF LOGIC. 17 (2.) Truth by Thought. The aim of Logic is to arrive at truth through the powers of thinking or thought. The grasp of the truth reached will evidently depend upon the kind of truth and the accu- racy of the thinking. Correct thinking will give a more or less cer- tain grasp of the truth reached as the result of it. In mathematical and intuitive truth the result reached is absolutely certain. In other regions of thought the results of thought are more or less probable. These varying degrees of certainty may be illustrated by examples. It is certain that two and two cannot but make four ; that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other ; that every event must have a cause. It is probable that the first day of January, 1900, will be cold. It is extremely probable that the sun will rise to-morrow. It is probable that a young man of good capacity, char- acter, and habits will succeed in business. It is the opinion of certain astronomers that the moon is uninhabited. It is the belief of most intelligent men that the earth is about 93,000,000 miles from the sun. Topic Third. The Principles or Laws of Thinking or Thought. Logic deals with the principles or laws which govern thought. Every rational human activity proceeds according to definite laws, known or unknown. The highest degree of intelligence and efficiency in any such activity requires that the laws be known and correctly made use of in directing the activity. This is true of the various forms of thought ; they have their laws which govern their action. There are laws of conception, laws of judgment, laws of reasoning, laws of construction. Logic should enable the thinker to ascertain and apply these laws, and thus aid him in correct thinking and save him from incorrect thinking. It is likewise true that the highest degree of intelligence and efficiency in thinking requires a thorough knowledge of the laws of thought and a correct use of them in guid- ing the exercise of thought. Practical Logic should aim to give the thinker the most thorough knowledge of the laws and the greatest efficiency in using them in thinking. Besides the special laws which govern the various forms of thought, there are certain general laws, certain axioms or fundamental laws and certain postulates with which Logic sets out. The special laws will be unfolded in con- 2* B 18 PRACTICAL LOGIC. nection with the treatment of the various forms of thought ; at the outset must be presented the fundamental laws and postulates. 1, The Fundamental Laws of Thought. Logic, like other sciences, has certain fundamental prin- ciples upon which the more special laws rest. These are usually reduced to four : The Law of Identity, or Affirmation ; The Law of Contradiction, or Negation ; The Law of Excluded Middle, or Exclusion ; The Law of Reason and Consequent, or Sufficient Reason. (1.) The Law of Identity, or Affirmation. The Law of Identity may be stated as follows : Every- thing is identical with itself, or is what it is, and we may affirm this of it. This has been formulated : A is A ; or A = A. Whatever is, is. The identity may be : a. Absolute, or that of total sameness of a thing or thought with all its parts ; or, 6. Relative, or that of partial sameness of a thing or thought with each or some of its parts. The logical concept or notion expressed by the general term, man, is made up of the following elements : being, material, organized, animated, rational, terrestrial. Man is, therefore, totally identical with all these elements ; so that it may be correctly affirmed that man is material, organized, animated, rational, terrestrial being. Man is partially iden- tical with any of these elements ; so that it may be correctly affirmed that man is material ; man is organized, etc. The Law of Identity gives the logical right to affirm such total or partial identity in all cases where it exists. It is at the basis of all consistent affirmative thinking, of all positive conceptions, logical definitions, affirmative judg- ments, and categorical arguments. (2.) The Law of Contradiction, Negation, or, as Ham- ilton terms it, Non-contradiction, may be stated as fol- THE NATURE OF LOGIC. 19 lows : Everything is not what it is not, and we may affirm this of it. Or, conflicting attributes cannot co-exist in and may not be affirmed of the same object. This has been formulated : A is n't not -A. Nothing can both be and not be. The logical concepts expressed in the following pairs of general terms are contradictories : black and not-black ; round and not-round ; good and wicked ; finite and infinite. We are logically excluded from affirming the co-existence of these mutually contradictory thoughts or things. A thing cannot be black and not-black at the same time and in the same sense. A door cannot be open and shut (not-open) at the same time and in the same sense. Black-white, round-square, good- wickedness, finite-infinitude, combine mutual contradictories, and are, therefore, logically excluded from correct thought by this law. The law of non-contradiction is the complement of that of identity. Its importance arises from the fact that it is at the basis of all logical negation and distinction in thought, of all negative conceptions and judgments. (3.) The Law of Excluded Middle, or Exclusion, may be stated as follows : Of two contradictories one must be true and the other false. If one is affirmed, the other is thereby denied. One excludes the other, and hence there can be no medium affirmation between the two. This axiom has been formulated : A either is or is not. A either is or is not B. Everything must either be or not be. E. g., An intra-mercurial planet, Vulcan, exists or does not. The moon either is inhabited or it is not. Bacon either was Shakespeare or he was not. The two propositions, Vulcan exists, Vulcan does not exist, are first tested by the Laws of Identity and Contradiction. If by the Law of Identity it is true that Vulcan exists, then, by the Law of Exclusion, the proposition, Vulcan does not exist, must be false. If by the Law of Contradiction it be true that Vulcan does not exist, then, by the Law of Exclusion, the proposition, Vulcan exists, must be false. The importance of the Principle of Exclusion arises from 20 PRACTICAL LOGIC. its being the foundation of all disjunctive judgments, i. ., " of judgments in which a plurality of judgments are con- tained, and which stand to each other in such a reciprocal relation that the affirmation of one is the denial of the other." (4.) The Law of Reason and Consequent, or Sufficient Reason. The Law is stated as follows: All continuous thought must be rationally connected. The Law has been formulated : Infer nothing without a ground or reason. The starting-point in continuous thinking is the affirmation of some knowledge by which the mind is necessitated to affirm or posit something else. This starting-point is called the logical reason, ground, or antecedent, or, as Hamilton sug- gests, condition; that something else which the mind is necessitated to affirm or posit is called the logical conse- quent, or the conditioned ; the relation between the reason and consequent is called the logical connection or consequence. Reason and consequent involve not only cause and effect, but every case where an antecedent compels the mind to affirm something else, as logically following it. It includes the relations of whole to part, cause to effect, substance to attribute, etc., with the reversed relations of part to whole, effect to cause, attribute to substance, etc. The axiom, as presented by Hamilton, takes a positive and a nega- tive form. (a.) Positive Form. "When a reason is explicitly or implicitly given, then there must exist a consequent ; and, vice versa, when a consequent is given, there must also exist a reason." The presence of a tree as a whole always implies the presence of any or all of its parts, roots, trunk, branches. The presence of any attribute, as intelli- gence, always implies the presence of the substance of which it is an attribute, mind. (b.) Negative Form. Where there is no reason, there can be no consequent (either implicitly or explicitly). Where there is no con- sequent, there can be no reason. The absence of mind involves the absence of memory as an attribute of mind. The absence of will implies the absence of moral accountability, of which it is an attribute. THE NATURE OF LOGIC. 21 The logical significance and value of the Law of Keason and Consequent lies in this, " that, in virtue of it, thought is constituted into a series of acts all indissolubly con- nected; each necessarily inferring the other." Without it, continuous and connected thought or reasoning would be impossible. 2. The Postulates of Logic. There are certain fundamental postulates, or practical propositions, assumed at the outset of the treatment of Logic. The two here emphasized respect the reality of truth, and the requirement of full, explicit statement. (1.) The First Postulate, There is such a thing as truth, which can be ascertained, and on which all minds, acting in accordance with the laws of thought, must agree. Without this assumption there can be no starting-point for thought, and no goal for the activity of the thought- power. No two minds could otherwise have any common basis from which to start together or on which to come to- gether in thinking or discussion. (2.) The Second Postulate. This, as stated by Hamilton, is, " to be allowed to state explicitly in language all that is implicitly contained in thought." Logic deals ultimately with thought, and it has to do with language only as ex- pressing thought. It is, therefore, proper to ask, in connec- tion with any term, proposition, or argument, " What is the thought in this?" or, in other words, "What is the full and exact meaning of this?" and to state in full this meaning. Abridged forms are to be completed, rhetorical forms to be translated into plain language, and expressions changed, if need be (provided the thought be preserved), until the thought is brought out naked and entire. Mill states this postulate as follows : " Logic postulates to be allowed to assert the same meaning in any words which will 22 PRACTICAL LOO 1C. express it ; we require the liberty of exchanging a propo- sition for any other that is equipollent (that is, having equal power and reach) with it." II. THE DIVISIONS OF LOGIC. WHAT are the Divisions under which Logic should be presented ? This question has been variously answered. The answer should, in any case, depend upon the point of view and object of the work. The most common division is, perhaps, into Pure Logic and Applied Logic. Hamilton divides it into Pure and Modified. Regarded as a Practical Science, it is, perhaps, better to base its divisions on the various Forms of Thought. 1. Distinction of Pure and Applied Logic. The logical writers who follow the common division find it necessary to define and distinguish Pure and Applied Logic, or Theo- retical and Practical Logic. As these terms will constantly be met with in the works on Logic, a brief explanation of them will here be given. (1.) Pure Logic is the Science of the Necessary and Formal Laws of Thought as Thought. It treats of the necessary laws of thought, in the strict sense of discursive thought, as they are in themselves, whatever may be the object-matter to which they are applied. In this sense Logic is a science of abstractions, like pure mathematics or metaphysics. As furnishing the principles implied in and underlying the construction of all other Sciences, it has also been called " the science of sciences." (2.) Applied Logic treats of the application of the prin- ciples, or laws of thought, unfolded in Pure Logic, to the investigation of truth. It assists in ascertaining and fol- THE DIVISIONS OF LOGIC. 23 lowing right processes of thought and in avoiding wrong processes. This division is the same as the distinction of the School- men, of Logica Docens and Logica Utens ; of the Wolfian School in Germany into Theoretical and Practical ; also, as General and Special, Abstract and Concrete. The following Outline presents the common Divisions of Logic from this point of view : LOGIC, the Science of the Laws of Dis- cursive Thought, comprises I. THEORETICAL, or PUEE, LOGIC, or the Science of these Laws themselves, eluding m in- II. PEACTICAL, or APPLIED, LOGIC, including 1. Laws of Conception. 2. Laws of Judgment. 3. Laws of Eeasoning. 1. The Doctrine of Fal- lacies, or the modes of avoiding incor- rect thinking. 2. Method, or the right modes of ascertain- ing truth. 2. Distinction of Pure and Modified Logic, Sir William Hamilton divides Logic into Pure and Modified : confining attention to Abstract or General Logic. (1.) Pure Logic, in the Hamiltonian sense, " considers Thought Proper simply and in itself, and apart from the various circumstances by which it may be affected in its actual application. But human thought, it is evident, is not exerted except by men and individual men." It is, therefore, variously modified by individual peculiarities, original and acquired, and by the circumstances of the thinker. Hence arises (2.) Modified Logic, which considers "the conditions to which thought is subject, arising from the empirical circum- 24 PRACTICAL LOGIC. stances, external and internal, under which exclusively it is the will of our Creator that man should manifest his fac- ulty of thinking." For Hamilton's Divisions, see Hamilton's "Logic," page 49. 3. Divisions based on the Forms of Thought. In treat- ing Logic as a Practical Science, it is more convenient and satisfactory, if not more logical, to base the divisions on the various Forms of Thought, Conception, Judgment, Rea- soning, and System. It is more convenient and satisfac- tory, since by this method, first, the learning of the princi- ples will go hand in hand with their use ; secondly, the scientific view will be kept in strict subordination to the practical end aimed at. It is more logical, since in this way it is believed that, first, the subjects of Fallacies and of Method will fall into their natural places, in connection with the presentation of the laws of correct thinking ; secondly, the whole subject will take such shape as is best to train to skill and power in right thinking and in testing the products of thought. According to this view, Logic will be treated under four Divisions : PART FIRST. Logic of Conception, or of the Term. PART SECOND. Logic of Judgment, or of the Proposition. PART THIRD. Logic of Reasoning, or of the Syllogism. PART FOURTH. Logic of Construction, or of the System. PART I. THE LOGIC OF CONCEPTION OR THE TERM. THE aim of the Logic of Conception is to train the mind to skill in dealing with the first and fundamental Form of Thought. Definition. Conception is that form of thought in which we compare various acquired knowledges and connect them by resembling marks or attributes, thus forming Concepts, Classes, and General Terms. This definition suggests, as a first subject for treatment, the formation of conceptions. The every-day practical necessity for studying and logically testing the work of thinkers, as embodied in their scientific, philosophic, and literary productions, suggests, as a second subject, the un- folding 1 of conceptions. The Logic of Conception will, therefore, be treated in two Chapters. CHAPTER I. THE FORMATION OP CONCEPTIONS. WORKS on Logic are usually mainly confined to the work of unfolding thought ; but as the process of forming con- ceptions furnishes the key to their unfolding, it will be first 3 25 26 PRACTICAL LOGIC. considered. The definition of conception suggests the four elements of the process, to be treated in as many Sections : First, the gathering of the materials for conception, i.e., the knowledges or objects of thought. This is the work of Observation. Second, the placing of these materials side by side, noting the resembling parts, marks, or attributes, and gathering these into thoughts, called concepts. This is Conception proper. Third, the gathering of the objects, to which these con- cepts or bundles of common attributes apply, into classes. This is Classification. Fourth, the embodying of both concepts and classes in names, or general terms. This is Denomination. The skilful thinker will need to have command of the laws of these four elements of Conception : Observation, Conception proper, Classi- fication, and Denomination. The last three will be seen in their formation to involve comparison as an essential element. In the treatment of the three in the First Chapter, both the process and product will be considered. The unfolding of the products of the three the concept proper, the class, and the term by Partition, Division, and Definition, will be the work of the Second Chapter. Section I. Observation. Strictly speaking, Observation is a condition rather than an element of conception. It must always precede the proper work of conception, since, without careful examina- tion of the objects or facts about which the work of think- ing is done, no material would be furnished in fit shape for the use of thought in its first form. Definition. Observation is the mental process by which we gain a minute and comprehensive knowledge of objects and their make-up. The Instruments of Observation are the Senses and Consciousness. In gaining a knowledge of the external or material world, the ob THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 27 server must make use of his five senses. This is observation in the narrow sense. In gaining a knowledge of the facts of the inner world, or world of mind, he must make use of consciousness, or inter- nal perception. This is sometimes known as reflection, or introspec- tion, and, with observation by the senses, makes up observation in the wide sense. Topic First. The Predicables, or Things Knowable or Nameable. The first thing in order to observe well for the purpose of correct thinking is to know the kinds of things that may be known, or what the observer may expect to find. This will furnish him with the clew needed to make his observation exact and complete in gathering his material for thinking. From another point of view, the kinds of things know- able or nameable are called the categories (from a Greek word meaning to predicate), or the predicates (from the Latin, meaning to assert), or the predicables, since they sum up what may be predicated or asserted of anything. It should manifestly be the aim of every intelligent man to acquire the power to know as much as possible of what may be known and named. 1. The Predicables. Starting with being, or thing, as the conception including all things in the universe, a simple classification may be made which will be of practical value to the observer. Being always appears as substance having properties or attributes. Properties may be divided into four kinds, reducible to three : 1st, Properties of quality, or those which constitute any- thing what it is. 2d. Properties of action, or those which manifest the active and passive powers of any being. 3d. Properties of condition, or those which express the connections of beings with space and time. 4th. Properties of relation, or those which express the connections of beings with other beings. 28 PRACTICAL LOGIC. The properties or attributes of condition and relation are sometimes known together as properties of relation in the wide sense, and the scheme thus reduced to three kinds of properties. Substance and property and the kindred terms need to be carefully distinguished. 1. Substance is used in two kindred meanings: first, as being, in contrast to and independent of its properties, as that which exists absolutely and of itself, absolute being; second, "as conjoined with the attributes " and furnishing their basis, that which stands under and supports the attributes, the thing back of all phenomena " which is and abides." In the latter and more common meaning, substance is divided into matter and spirit, or that which is extended and that which thinks. Subject is used in the more recent philosophy, es- pecially German, to denote the spirit, " the basis of the various mental phenomena." Conscious subject means the thinker or the mind itself. Object is a term for that about which the knowing subject is conver- sant. Subjective is applied to that which belongs to or proceeds from the conscious subject; objective, to that which belongs to 01 proceeds from the object known. 2. Various properties called, also, attributes, qualities, parts, marks, characteristics, phenomena, etc. are the materials to be gathered, in connection with substance, for conception. These terms are often used in a loose sense as synonymes. The first three property, attribute, quality are the most important, from the point of view of logic, and need to be carefully distinguished ; the others sufficiently explain themselves. Property may be regarded as the widest of the three terms, and as including whatever belongs to or pertains to any object of knowledge. Quality, etymologically, is that which makes anything what it is, and may, therefore, be properly regarded as including the essential properties, called, in the Scheme given, properties of quality. With Aristotle and Descartes, attributes are real properties, essential and inherent. They may be restricted to properties of quality, or extended so as to include properties of action. Properties may be distinguished as intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic properties of any object of knowledge are those which are inherent in the object itself. In the Categories the properties of quality and action may be regarded as intrinsic. Intrinsic properties may be looked upon as including what are sometimes called peculiar prop~ THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 29 erties and inseparable accidents. The extrinsic properties of any object are those which arise from its connection with something exter- nal rather than from its own nature. They include the properties of condition and relation. Properties are also distinguished as essential and non-essential. An essential property is one of those which make any object, class, or species what it is, as, in man, the faculties of sense and intelligence ; in body, the dimensions of length, breadth, and thickness. An essen- tial property might appropriately be called a quality, in the strict etymological sense. The essential properties of any object, or those which make it what it is, are known as its essence or (in the old Logic) its definition. Non-essential properties are those which do not belong to the essence of an object. Essential properties are substantially the same as intrinsic, and non-espential as extrinsic. The former may be looked upon as embracing properties of quality and of action ; the latter, properties of condition and relation. Note. Logicians have, from the earliest times, made use of the distinctions of peculiar property (often called simply property) and of accidental property, or accident. A peculiar property has been defined to be one which is common to the whole of a class of objects, but is not necessary to mark off that class from other classes. " Capable of speaking correctly " is said to be a peculiar property of man, not embraced in the definition or essence of man, " rational animal." " It is, however," as Thomson has shown, " a part of the essence, for rational implies it. In like manner, all the properties seem to be implicitly contained in every perfect definition. No criterion can be given for distin- guishing between the essence and the inseparable accompaniment of the essence ; and a larger acquaintance with the nature of things makes it evident that, what one science regards as a property, another must consider as essen- tial, and that there is no one paramount quality which is absolutely essential and can never be degraded to the rank of a property." An accidental property, or accident, is one which may indifferently belong or not belong to the objects of any class without affecting their essence. The birthplace of a man and the clothes he wears are accidents which have no necessary effect upon his manhood. Accidents are separable or inseparable. A separable accident is one that can be changed, as the clothes of a man, his position, and many other circumstances. An inseparable accident is one that can never be changed, although it may have no necessary connection with essential properties, as the birthplace of a man, his height, etc. Thomson has, however, shown that it is often difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish acci- dent from essential property. Writing in England, he says: " It is an accident to the people of this country that they were born in it ; because we might con- ceive them to have been born elsewhere ; but then it has modified their nature or essence, and we understand by Englishman not merely one who was born within the four seas, but a man of particular feelings, views, and privileges, which are parts of his very nature. Here accident and genus or property seem to become confused." 3* 30 PRACTICAL LOGIC, It is, therefore, proposed to abandon these distinctions as at least unneces- sary for logical purposes. The Scheme of Predicables, therefore, becomes : f Substance, BEING, j Properties, or Modes of Substance, Quality, I Intringic and Essential Action, J Condition, ^ Relation, Extrinsic and Non-essential. The old Aristotelian logicians looked upon all existing things as being divided by nature into ten classes or categories. These, accord- ing to Aristotle, are: substance, quantity, quality, relation, place, time, posture, possession, action, passion. A thing that can be known or named comes under one or other of these categories. As will be seen at a later stage in the study of Logic, the categories will not stand the test of the laws of accurate division. It will readily be seen that these categories of Aristotle may all be placed under one or other of the categories of the simpler scheme pre- viously given. 2. Use of the Predicables. The accurate and intelligent observer must consciously or unconsciously make use of some such scheme in order to make his observations intelli- gent and complete ; otherwise he will never know when he has learned the most important facts in any given case, nor when he has learned all the main facts. The scheme will decide the general questions to be asked when attention is called to any object of knowledge. 1st. What is it in its substance spiritual or material ? This will bring out what is included under Aristotle's category of substance. 2d. What are its properties of quality ? This will embrace Aristotle's cate- gory of quality. 3d. What are its properties of action? This will embrace Aristotle's catego- ries of action and passion. 4th. What are its properties of condition ? This will take in Aristotle's cate- gories of time, place, Quantity, and posture. 5th. What are its properties of relation? This will include Aristotle's cate- gories of relation and possession. Topic Second. Observation of Things Predicable. The practical work of observation lies at the foundation of cor- THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 31 rect thinking, since such thinking must depend upon first ascertaining the exact facts about which it is to be done. The tendency is to careless and superficial observation. Per- haps more errors in science arise from want of proper obser- vation of facts than from any other source. Hence the neces- sity of securing, in the earlier stages of training, the careful study and diligent practice of the processes and rules of exact observation. I. Processes and Products of Observation in General. Whately styles the operation of the mind, in contem- plating any object, simple apprehension. It is often called intuition, or immediate knowledge. The result of this operation may be called the simple notion. This notion may take various forms, from that of the vaguest percept to that of the complete, concrete thing. In beginning the work of observation we apprehend ob- jects, whether material or mental, with various properties or parts. We perceive a tree with its trunk, branches, and leaves, with their forms, colors, qualities, etc. We thus gain what is called a percept of the tree. We may subse- quently give special attention to any particular part or property of the tree, as its height, or color, or firmness of texture. This is called abstraction, or the drawing away of a part or property from the concrete whole. The result is an abstract, or abstract notion, of these parts or attri- butes, of height, color, etc. The most important element in accurate observation is mental analysis, in which the atten- tion is voluntarily turned to particular parts or properties of any object of knowledge. This process of mental sepa- ration is continued until many constituent parts of the object are brought out. In examining material objects, these parts may evidently be regarded either as spacial parts or as attribute parts. The first point of view leads to what is called physical partition, the second to mental analysis proper. 32 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Physical partition is the simplest form of mental analysis. The analysis of tree into roots, trunk, branches, leaves, brings out the spacial parts. Such partition is of special service in the earlier stages of mental training. Praxis. Name in an orderly manner the parts of the following objects: 1. A peach. 2. A piano. 3. A ship. 4. A book. 5. A house. 6. A landscape. 7. A mountain view. 8. A telephone. 9. A telescope. 10. A locomotive. Mental analysis proper, the more important form of observation, deals with attributes rather than with spacial parts. It belongs to a more advanced stage of mental training. Water may thus be ana- lyzed in thought into the separate properties named weight, liquid- ity, transparency, refracting power, solvent power. A dime may be analyzed into the attributes or parts, material substance, heavy, round, small, white, coin. Note. It will be obvious that chemical analysis, involving intricate proc- esses of thought, belongs to a different range of mental activity. It would bring out of water its chemical components, oxygen and hydrogen, and out of a gold dollar its chemical components, gold and the alloy of silver and copper. The result of the careful application of these processes of abstraction and mental analysis is the notion of the com- plete concrete object, or thing 1 , which, according to Horn Tooke, is the same as think, a thing being what one thing- eth or thinketh. Praxis. Analyze and describe in an orderly way the following objects : 1. A diamond. 2. A gold dollar. 3. A painting. 4. A piece of wood. 5. A flower. 6. A rose. 7. A forest. 8. A sunset at sea. 9. A church service. 10. An act of memory. II. Exact or Scientific Observation and its Rules. The general and superficial observation thus far consid- ered, however well it may serve the purposes of common life, is insufficient for the purposes of accurate thinking. Scientific observation must be made accurate and exact by intelligent conformity to certain rules, and must be made complete by careful use of the scheme of things knowable. 1. The Rules of Observation, which need to be grasped and practised in order to reach the best results, are three. THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 33 They are substantially Hamilton's Laws of Integrity, Par- cimony, and Harmony. Rule 1st. Observe all the essential facts, parts, or proper- ties in any given case. Rule 2d. Admit no fact, part, or property that does not belong to the case in hand. Rule 3d. Avoid all delusive mixtures of inference with the facts of observation. Rule 1st is needed to guard against the common fault of incomplete observation. Through the careless use of the powers, or the holding of some false theory, or the blinding influence of prejudice, men are liable not to see all the facts. The honest observer should see to it that none of these things stand in the way of completeness or integ- rity of observation. Rule 2d is intended to guard against the danger of receiving as facts things that are not such, and of receiving as facts of the region under observation things which belong to some other sphere of facts. This danger arises in the same way as the preceding. Rule 3d is to guard against the introduction of unsound or irrelevant inferences among the facts of observation. The sources of this danger are the same as the preceding. Here is the fruitful source of much of the scientific and philosophic error in all ages. 2. Scientific Observation, in order to the best results, while conforming to these rules, must make intelligent use of the categories. The observer must make use of the questions, already given in connection with the scheme, in order to bring out the facts of all kinds. The character of this observation will appear more fully in the later stages of the study of Logic. The mode of using the scheme may here be cursorily illustrated, and the main things in the process sug- gested, by the observation of a white-oak tree in the school-yard or campus. Question first will bring out the fact of material substance or constitution. Question second will give the facts of extension, of organization, of life, and of unity of structure and plan in the tree, the facts of cupule-bearing and half-covered fruit, and the other facts peculiar to the white-oak. Question third will furnish the facts of growth, of resisting violence, of counteracting pressure, etc. Question fourth will lead to the facts concerning the height, size, shape, habitat, C 34 PRACTICAL LOGIC. etc., of the tree, and those concerning its time of planting, length of life, periods of growth, etc. Question fifth will direct to the facts con- cerning the position of the tree with reference to the school-building, to other trees and objects on the grounds, to other trees belonging to the class, oak, to the industrial arts in which its wood is used, etc. Praxis. Observe systematically and describe carefully the following objects: 1. An inkstand upon the writing-desk. 2. A clock upon the mantel-piece. 3. A student's lamp upon the table. 4. A Worcester's Dictionary in the library-case. 5. A stove in the room. 6. A ship at sea. 7. Jupiter as the evening star. 8. The centre-table in the library. 9. The feeling of home-sickness in the student. 10. The contemplation of Church's Niagara. Note. The teacher will do well to use as an adjunct some such work as the little Manual, published by Eldredge & Brother, entitled " The Cultivation of the Senses." This will prepare the way for the application of the right princi- ples to the more difficult work of introspection and analysis of mental objects. Section II, Conception Proper, Conception proper is the first essential element in the first Form of Thought. The work of Observation makes ready the material for it; Conception proper begins the work of comparing that material, arriving at the thought- connections, and gathering up and combining the results in a thought. Topic First. The Process of Concept-Forming. Definition. Conception proper is the mental process of fixing upon resembling parts, marks, or properties of objects, and grasping them singly or together as attribute thoughts or concepts. This element of conception always involves a comparison of two or more objects of knowledge, and has more or less direct reference to the process of classification by similar properties. The concept may, indeed, be said to be formed for the purpose of being used to classify objects, and this gives it its chief value. There is need, therefore, of considering two things : first, the gathering of similars by comparison ; second, the grasping of similars in thought by conception. THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 35 I. The Gathering of Similars by Comparison. Comparison in the formation of concepts proper begins with the work of fixing upon similar properties. Observ- ing objects side by side, we note and affirm differences and resemblances, and then fix upon and abstract the resem- blances or properties common to the objects. 1. The simplest connecting act in thought is in finding a single point of resemblance, and withdrawing, or abstract- ing, this from the points of difference. E.g., water has materiality, weight, liquidity, refracting power, solvent power, transparency, etc. A dime has materiality, weight, whiteness, hardness, malleability, roundness, smallness, the stamp of a coin, etc. Air has materiality, fluidity, elasticity, invisibility, etc. Examining these three objects side by side, they are all found to have in common materiality. They resemble each other in this point, or, in other words, this is a characteristic common to them all. 2. A more important connecting act in this first stage of thought is that of finding and seizing upon several or all the points of similarity in the objects compared. It will readily be seen that the same objects may be ob- served from different points of view. A gold or silver coin may be observed as a substance having essential attributes of its own, or as a piece of money used in the work of com- mercial exchange. The observer should first fix upon his point of view, and then seek the resemblances from that point of view. Considered as a substance, a sovereign is material, of yellow color, extremely malleable, of circular shape, nineteen times heavier than water, etc. As a piece of money it is of the metal gold, of compara- tively high value, being worth five dollars, of the kind which is the standard of values in most countries, a coin, etc. Considered as a substance, a silver dollar is material, of white color, moderately mal- leable, of circular shape, ten times heavier than water, etc. As a piece of money it is a coin, fashioned of the metal silver, of moderately high value, being worth one hundred cents, etc. Treating the gold and silver coins as substances merely, they resemble each other in 36 PRACTICAL LOGIC. being material, having color, being malleable, having circular shape, being of high specific gravity, etc. These are the resembling or common properties or parts. Treating them as pieces of money, they resemble each other in being coins, composed of metal shaped into circular form and valuable for the purposes of exchange. 3. The most important connecting act in this stage of thought is that of finding and fixing upon the essential points of similarity in the objects compared. Scientific thinking, as will be seen further on, must fix mainly upon the essential points of resemblance, rather than upon the non-essential. Praxis. State, concerning the properties of the following objects, whether they are intrinsic or extrinsic ; whether essential or non- essential; whether properties of quality, action, condition, or relation : 1. Of George Washington, born in Virginia in 1732, studied mathe- matics under a private instructor, tall, wise, just, brave, president, led the armies of his country, the friend of Hamilton, the father of his country, died in 1799. 2. Of Great Britain, populous, fertile, insu- lar, powerful, manufacturing, agricultural, commercial, philanthropic, missionary, kingdom, colonizing, literary, modern, small, nation. Compare the following objects, fixing upon some resembling prop- erty, and stating to what class of properties it belongs : 1. Snow, light, chalk, lime. 2. Book, parchment roll, Kosetta stone, paper manu- script. 3. Oak-tree, rose, elephant, man. 4. Memory, argument, fence, watch, world. Compare the following objects, fixing upon the resembling proper- ties, and stating to what class they belong : 1. Wood, coke, charcoal, bituminous coal. 2. Plumbago, charcoal, diamond. 3. Star, student's lamp, sun. 4. Tree, carriage, watch, poem. 5. Poem, painting, statue, anthem, temple. 6. Triangle, polygon, dodecahedron, globe. Note. The teacher may, with great profit to the student, devote much time to the processes of Observation and Comparison. They lie at the very basis of correct thinking, so that their importance cannot well be over-estimated. II. The Grasping of Similars by Conception, The work of observation and comparison up to the pres- ent point has only brought out common attributes without fixing them in a thought binding them together into logical THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 37 unity. The attributes of the sovereign as money are named each by itself. The work of conception brings together all these attributes into one thought, which, as being the product of conception, is called a concept, or attribute- thought. This concept, which is named sovereign (in accord- ance with the laws of naming to be considered under Section Fourth) embraces in itself the characteristics coin, fash- ioned of the metal gold, of comparatively high value, being worth five dollars, of the kind which is the standard of values in most countries, etc. The value of the product of thought reached by the process of grasping together properties will depend upon the method and principles followed. 1. It is obvious that any of the kinds of properties already considered may be fixed upon and embodied in the concept or attribute-thought, and that this may be done in various ways. a. A single property of any kind may be fixed upon, in which case the result may be looked upon as a simple concept, although the mental act is one of simple grasping, and not of grasping together. b. The properties of any particular object may be grasped together, without special attention to other objects, or to the principle of simi- larity. This may also be regarded as an unapplied concept, which may be applied later to similar objects in the work of classification. c. The similar properties of various objects may be grasped together, keeping in view the principle of similarity. This is the concept in the strictest sense. 2. The Rules which must govern concept-forming, if the best results are to be reached, may be reduced to two. Rule 1st. In order to the best thought, essential prop- erties should be grasped in preference to others. The loose thinking of common life is characterized by its seizing upon non-essential properties. In observing an individual man the separable accident of wearing broadcloth may be observed, abstracted, and embodied in the concept broadcloth-wearing. Such a concept brings out nothing essential to man. Scientific thinking, on the other 4 38 PRACTICAL LOGIC. hand, fixes chiefly upon essential properties, so that it embodies the very nature of the objects of thought. In observing a man, it fixes upon the animal and rational properties which make him what he is, and embodies these in the concept man, or humanity. The products of scientific thinking will be found of the utmost value in the work of classifying objects. Rule 2d. In order to the best, the only adequate, thought in this form, all the essential properties should, so far as possible, be grasped. It is obvious that any number of abstractions may be drawn from any object. Strictly speaking, we can never be certain that all the possible properties have been abstracted. There may always remain innumerable unobserved or undetected properties. But ordinarily all the essential properties may be more or less clearly detected and grasped, and the perfection of the concept as a group of properties will depend upon the completeness with which it takes in the essence of the object of thought. Observing carefully an animal, the properties of organized being, of life, of sentiency, and of voluntary motion, are fixed upon as essential properties. These are all embodied in the concept, animal. If but one of these sets of properties should be embodied, the concept would be of comparatively little value. Observing some virtuous act, as the Prophet Daniel's act of praying to the true God notwithstanding the prohibitory decree of the king, the characteristics, conformity to the law of right, and intelligent, intentional action, are fixed upon and embodied in the concept virtue, or virtuousness. If any one of these essential characteristics is omitted in our conception of virtue, the thought will be incomplete and of little value scientifically. Praxis. Gather up into concepts the similar properties of the fol- lowing groups of objects, stating the kind of property in each case: 1. A piece of crayon, a chair, a lamp, a book, a tree, a stone. 2. A man, an eagle, a lion, a serpent. 3. A horse, a tiger, an elephant, a lap-dog. 4. A cat, a leopard, a hyena. 5. A vulture, a hawk, a falcon. 6. Love, patience, joy, gratitude. 7. Faith, hope, charity. 8. Cathedral of Milan, Madonna of Raphael, Paradise Lost of Milton. 9. Great Britain, United States, Germany. Topic Second, The Product of Concept-Forming. The product of gathering up the abstracted properties of THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 39 objects in thought is a thought property or group of proper- ties. It would be appropriately named a notion (from notce, marks, characteristics), if that word were not used in such loose and varied senses. Concept proper is, perhaps, the best name. But whether spoken of as notion, concept proper, or attribute thought, the essential thing in it is always the grasping in thought of certain observed properties of objects. The properties contained in any concept make up its con- tent. The same thing has also been denoted by internal quantity, intension, comprehension, depth, marks, etc. The content of the concept man is made up of animal and rational properties. The content of triangle is plane figure, three-sided, rectilineal. In connection with concepts proper, Logic gives promi- nence to their reciprocal relations by content. These rela- tions may be considered from two points of view : first, that of identity, and, second, that of congruity. 1. Compared by content, concepts proper are distin- guished as identical and different. They are 1st. Identical, when they coincide in their marks, or comprise the same properties. Identity is either absolute or relative. Absolute identity, or sameness, does not strictly exist between concepts, but rela- tive identity, or similarity, does exist. The terms of a complete defi- nition approach most nearly to absolute identity, both comprising the same marks or properties, e.g., " Body is extended substance." 2d. Different, when they do not comprise the same properties. Dif- ference is again either absolute or relative. 2. Compared by content, concepts proper are also divided by logicians into congruent and conflictive. 1st. Congruent notions are such as may be connected in thought with the same object, as good, wise, powerful, etc. 2d. Conflictive notions are such as may not be connected in thought. Conflictive opposition is either contradictory or contrary. Immediate or contradictory opposites are " directly, immediately, and absolutely repugnant" to each other, as exemplified in yellow, not-yellow ; walk- ing, not-walking. Of these conflictives there can be two only, and one of them must be true. In contrary opposition, on the other hand, PRACTICAL LOGIC. more than two conflictive characters are possible, as yellow, blue, red, etc. ; sitting, standing, lying, etc. If one of these be not predicated of any person, it does not follow that any one other must be. Thus, though I cannot at once sit and stand, yet I may be neither sitting nor standing, I may lie ; but I must either sit or not sit ; I must either stand or not stand, etc. These relations of concepts by content may be represented to the eye by diagram. Squares may be used to represent the sphere or con- tent of concepts and also the objects of which they may or may not be predicated. The overlapping parts of the double squares and the dotted lines indicate the partial coincidence of the properties. The sign plus (-(-) may indicate congruence, the sign minus ( ) confliction. or 1. Identity, 2. Difference, Absolute, or Sameness, Relative, or Similarity, Absolute, Relative, Humanity and Rational I and Animality. ' " -"- Affection and Desire. Common Element = Emotion. Spirituality and Materiality. Touching in Being. Science and Art. Common Element = System of Truth. 1. Congruence, Good, Wise Just, in Moses. 2. Conflic- tion, Contradictory Opposition, Contrary Op- position, Living and Not-living. J L I with f Paul. Red, Blue, Green, and R I- THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 41 Praxis. State and illustrate by diagram the relation by content of the following concepts: 1. Running, lying. 2. Blue, not-blue. 3. White, black. 4. Money, memory. 5. Learning, virtue. 6. Saint, sinner. 7. Grace, unmerited favor. 8. Yellow, blue, red. 9. Walk- ing, standing, sitting, running. 10. Wealth, poverty. 11. Beauty, virtue. 12. Old, middle-aged, young. 13. Tall, short. Give five examples of each of the following relations of concepts by content: 1. Identity absolute. 2. Identity relative. 3. Difference absolute. 4. Difference relative. 5. Congruence. 6. Contradictory opposition. 7. Contrary opposition. Section III, Classification, The second essential element of conception, in the wide sense, may be defined as grasping in one thought, called a class, all the objects to which the attributes included in any concept or notion are common. Hence the process is called classification. From another point of view it may be defined as extending the application of the content of a concept or notion to all the objects to which it is applicable. Hence the process is also called generalization. A dime has the property of roundness. When we extend the appli- cation of this property to all bodies that possess it, and so connect them all with dime into one thought, the result is the class, round bodies. A dime has the property of whiteness. When we extend the application of this property in the same manner as before, the result is the class, white bodies. Making use of both round and white, the result is the class, round, white bodies. Classifying by the mark, stamped as coin, the result is the class of coins. It is thus evident that the work of classification is simply the gen- eral application of one or more properties of a concept to objects. The resemblance of properties or attributes furnishes the key to the work. If bodies had no differences, there would be but one great, monotonous mass of existing things ; if they had no resemblances, no two could be brought together into a group, and there would be no possibility of thought. Classification is possible because objects have both different and resembling properties. Topic First Process of Classification. Classes may either be considered singly, or in systems 42 PRACTICAL LOGIC. or combinations. Hence the ordinary distinctions and rules. 1. In forming single classes, it is obvious that the thinker may make use of accidental, peculiar, or essential proper- ties. In order to reach the most valuable scientific results, classification should keep in view the most important properties. Rule. Classify by essential properties rather than by non-essential. Gold might be classified, by the property of color, with yellow objects ; silver in the same way with white objects. Such a classifica- tion would, however, be of no scientific value. Taking the resembling essential properties of the two: (1), they are elements or simple sub- stances; (2), they possess metallic lustre; (3), they are good con- ductors of heat and electricity, they may be classified with other objects having like properties, as metals. Such classification is of sci- entific value. Praxis. Classify each of the following with like objects by various non-essential and essential properties : 1. Porter's " Human Intellect." 2. A comet. 3. The north star. 4. The Temple of Solomon. 5. The Parthenon. 6. The Washington Monument. 7. The Mississippi River. 8. The Mer de Glace. 9. Mount Vesuvius. 10. Victoria of England. 11. Ulysses S. Grant. 12. Jefferson Davis. 13. Moses. 14. Jesus. 2. Objects of knowledge are so related that they may be arranged in systems of classes. Such classification requires the application to classes of the process used in forming single classes, while keeping in view the wider relations of things. It is a successive classification of classes. Rule. Classify the lower classes under higher by fixing upon properties common to the lower. Certain figures are classified, by the number and relation of their straight sides, as triangles, squares, parallelograms, polygons, etc. All these classes have the common characteristic, being bounded by straight lines, and may, therefore, be classed as rectilinear figures. Certain other figures are classified, by the various character of their curved boun- dary-lines, as circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas, etc. All these THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 43 classes have the common characteristic, being bounded by curved lines, and may, therefore, be classed as curvilinear figures. Rectilinear and curvilinear figures have, as a common characteristic, plane surface, and may, therefore, be classed as plane figures. Certain other figures are classed, by the character of their bounding surfaces, as tetrahe- drons, cubes, parallelepipeds, etc. They are in common bounded by plane surfaces, and may, therefore, be classed as plane solids. Certain other figures are classed, by the character of their bounding surfaces, as spheres, cones, paraboloids, etc. They are in common bounded by curved surfaces, and may, therefore, be classed as curved solids. Both plane and curved solids have in common, solidity, and may, therefore, be classed as solid figures. Plane figures and solid figures have in common, extension, which is the subject-matter of Geometry, and may, therefore, all be classed as geometrical figures. The result is a System of Classes : Triangles, Squares, Rectilinear Polygons, Figures. . etc. 1 Circles, Plane Figures. o Ellipses, Curvilinear 8 Parabolas, Hyperbolas, etc. Figures. Geometrical sensation, reason, ) individual. (. Father of his country. J From this diagram it is apparent that the concept, body, which has, as its content, only extended substance, has the greatest extent, em- bracing stone, plant, brute, man, etc., while the lowest concept, man, which has, as its content, extended substance with life, sensation, and reason, has the least extent, embracing only mankind. Washington, with still broader content, has, as its extent, only an individual. Being, the concept of least possible content, containing simply exist- ence, is the absolute highest class, and has the greatest possible extent, embracing all things material and spiritual. Praxis. Give five illustrations of each of the following relations of classes: 1. Exclusion. 2. Co-extension. 3. Subordination. 4. Co- ordination. 5. Intersection. State and illustrate, by diagram and by circular notation, the rela- tions of the classes: I.Man, horse. 2. Dog, ox, alligator. 3. Book, manuscript. 4. Magazine, daily paper. 5. Planet, body moving round the sun. 6. Aryan, European, Frenchman. 7. Faith, hope, love. 8. Affection, desire. 9. Man, animal. 10. Plant, tree. 11. House, barn. 12. Botany, Geology. 13. Mathematics, Astronomy. Illustrate by three examples each: 1. Genus, species, differentia, THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 49 individual. 2. Highest class, lowest species, sub-class, sub-species, superordinate, subordinate, co-ordinate, disparate. 3. The varying relation of content and extent. Section IV, Denomination, When, by the processes of conception, concepts and classes have been formed, they need to be embodied in language in order that they may be fixed and made subject to recall for further use. This is the third essential element in Concep- tion. Topic First. The Process of Naming. Language is the expression of thoughts by means of words spoken or written. It is the medium of communi- cation between men. It fixes thoughts which would other- wise be vague, or fleeting, or confined to some individual, and makes them the property of all. It thus greatly facili- tates the progress of our thinking. In short, while it is true that some of our processes of thought may be carried on without any language, it is nevertheless true that with- out it thought would practically cease, while communica- tion would become impossible. I. Modes of Naming. In giving names to our conceptions, the aim should be to embody them as perfectly as possible and bring them as fully as may be under the recall and control of ourselves and others. It is evident that this aim is not always kept in view. Things are named in various ways, and the names, judged by the mode in which they are given, are oftener non-logical than logical. 1. The name is sometimes purely arbitrary. This is often the case with the strictly proper name. " It denotes an individual, but does not indicate or imply any attribute of that individual. . . It is an unmeaning mark or sign which we connect in our minds with an object, so that when this sign meets our eyes or ears we may think of 5 D 50 PRACTICAL LOGIC. that individual." The most profane of men may be named Christo- pher, Christ-bearer. 2. The name is sometimes given from some accidental circumstance or property. In proper names this is illustrated by such Bible names as Moses, drawn out; Isaac, laughter. In common or class names, the same process is illustrated by moon, measurer; planet, wanderer; vul- ture, flyer; lord, loaf -keeper. 3. The name sometimes embodies some prominent essential property or mark. This is illustrated by such words as sun, shiner; man, thinker; animal, breather; barometer, weight-measurer. 4. The perfect or strictly logical name aims to embody as completely as possible the entire essence of a conception. As such naming is difficult in the case of complex conceptions, it is usually necessary to fix upon some prominent essential property, in accordance with the principle already given. The essential marks in the conception, man, are rational and animal, but the Aryan people who named man seized upon the essential mark, thought, and so called him man, i. e., thinker. 5. Names, as languages are constituted, are often, in fact, little more than mere hints, which start the mind on its work of interpretation. This has been shown by Hamilton to be one of the necessities of lan- guage, since, unless the vocabulary becomes almost infinite so as to express all our single notions, the same words must be used to express a multitude of thoughts, more or less differing from each other. See Hamilton's Logic, p. 437. II. Rules for Naming. The Rules for giving names to our conceptions naturally arise from the aim in naming. Rule 1st. Name a conception what it is. The science of the human soul should be named, not mental philoso- phy, nor intellectual philosophy, nor metaphysics, nor philosophy, but psychology. Rule 2d. Make the name self-interpreting if possible. A name is notative when it suggests its own marks (note), and thus becomes self-interpreting. It is symbolical when it serves as a symbol or label of properties or marks which it does not suggest. Names should be notative, if possible, in order to give the mind the best start in its work of interpretation. It is a fact to be noted, that many THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 51 names which were originally notative have lost their power of sug- gestion except to men who are educated. To one who would best understand thought as expressed in English, acquaintance with the languages from which the English has drawn its words becomes a neces- sity. To one acquainted with Latin, triangle, quadruped, biped, become notative and self-interpreting. To one having the mastery of Greek, democracy, oligarchy, oxygen, mythology, philosophy, become self- interpreting. To one understanding Anglo-Saxon, lord, wicked, battle, war, orchard, become self-interpreting. To one versed in Philology and History, heathen, villain, church, sincere, saunter, become self- interpreting. Rule 3d, Make the name as simple as possible. As the genius of our language is Saxon, let the preference be given to Saxon, and, if possible, let the name be a single word. Pierce is better than penetrate ; love is stronger than affection, and hate than animosity ; working is more forceful than operation. Psychology, as being one word, is better than intellectual philosophy ; arithmetic than the art of computation. Rule 4th. In naming a system of conceptions or classes, use a system of names. In a system of names one may be made to suggest all the other names and thoughts. Such system is thus of immense advantage, especially in the various Sciences. In .the Natural History Sciences, which deal largely with classes, a system of distinctions has been adopted by which the precise place of each logical genus and species in the great system of classes may be accurately fixed. In Zoology, the Animal Kingdom is separated by Agassiz into Branches, Classes, Orders, Families, Genera, Species, Varieties. Praxis. Test the following names by the rules for naming, stating whether they are notative or symbolical: 1. Intellectual Philoso- phy, for science of the human soul. 2. Paternal ancestor, for father. 3. Affection, for love. 4. Sierra Nevada Mountains. 5. Telegraph. 6. Geology. 7. Geography. 8. Academy. 9. School of herring. 10. Ac- cident. 11. Blackboard. 12. Candlestick. 13. Ambition. 14. Navy. 15. Book. 16. Bible. 17. Volume. 18. Parchment. 19. Paper. 20. Pen. 52 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Topic Second. Products of Naming. The products of naming concepts and classes are the various kinds of terms in which our notions are embodied. The divisions are based, (1), either upon something in the term itself; or (2), upon something in the relations of terms. I. Kinds of Terms arising out of the Nature of the Term itself. The term involves in itself three elements, mark or property, object, name. 1. Considered as made up of marks, terms are divided, (1), by the presence or absence of such marks into positive and non-positive; (2), by the separation or connection of the attributes with objects, into abstract and concrete. (1.) All terms are either positive or non-positive. A positive term is one that implies the presence of some real mark or property, as man, tree, good. A non-positive term is one that implies the absence of such mark or property, as not-man, uncertain, deaf. Non-positive terms are either negative or privative. A negative term is one that implies simply the absence of any real mark, as not-tree, not-good, uncertain. Terms apparently negative are often positive in reality, as immortal, the word meaning not only not subject to death, but living for ever. So terms apparently positive are often negative, as idle, which is equivalent to not working, or not disposed to work. Privative terms are equivalent to a positive and negative term taken together. They mark the absence of certain properties, and the pres- ence of others, from which the presence also of the former might nat- urally have been expected. Such terms are, blind, unkind, unholy. Blind is not equivalent to not seeing, nor to not capable of seeing, but signifies deprivation of sight in some being which might have been expected to have it. (2.) All terms are either abstract or concrete. Abstract terms are those which embody abstracts or marks or properties as apart from the objects to which they properly belong, as coldness, hardness. Of the innumerable abstracts formed, the mind suffers the greater number to pass without naming, but fixes some by names. Thus in observing some individual man, the abstracts, life, intelligence, feeling, self- THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 53 activity, etc., are seized upon and fixed singly by names ; or several of them together, under one name, as intelligence, feeling, etc., under rationality; or all the marks together under humanity. Concrete terms present the marks or qualities in connection with the objects to which they belong, or (as indicated by the derivation of the word from the Latin con and cresco, or con and cerno} with which they are grown together or seen together, as the adjective terms, cold, hard, and the substance terms or substantives, ice, iron, man. 2. Considered as embodying objects, terms are divided, (1), by the number of objects embodied, into singular and universal ; (2), by the connection of the objects with their marks, into connotative and non-connotative. (1.) All terms are either singular or universal. Singular terms are those in which our percepts or simple apprehensions are embodied, or our general notions as connected with our perceptions ; as, Shakespeare, the Great Eastern, this man. They begin with embodying simple no tions, but gradually rise toward the expression of thought proper or general notions. They are of three kinds : proper names, individual- ized common names, and collective names. Proper names are singular concrete terms which denote an individual, but do not necessarily indicate or express any properties of that individual; as, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton. There is, however, a tendency in the progress of thought to connect with and designate by the proper term the peculiar qualities of the individual denoted by it. We say of a man he is a Washington or a Caesar meaning to bring out his patriotism and equanimity or his ambition and universal genius. An individualized common term is one which expresses the simple notion of an object as it is presented to us in the concrete with more or less of its properties; as, this table, this man, yonder mountain. It is usually formed by adding some individualizing or limiting word to a common or general term ; as, this table, that man, an organ, my hat. The collective term is also properly a singular made up of many objects brought together into the unity of a mass, rather than that of a class ; as, the House of Commons, the army, a regiment, a forest. The universal term is that in which the general notion, embracing concept proper and class, is embodied. It is universal, as it embraces all the objects possessing the common marks or properties involved in it as an attribute term. It is common, or general, since it is applicable to any and every one of these objects, as living, or man, is applicable 5* 54 PRACTICAL LOGIC. to every individual of the human race. It differs from the collective term, which embraces a number of things joined together in one mass, as regiment, Congress, since the collective is not applicable to each and every object under it. Every being embraced under the general term, man, is a man ; but not every soldier embraced under the collective term, army, is an army. When the concept proper, or complement of ID arks or properties in a general term, is made prominent, it is used as a concept, or attribute, term; when the class, or complement of objects embraced in it, is made prominent, it is considered as a class term. In he propositions, Jesus was man ; Jesus was a man, the meaning of the first is, that Jesus had the marks or properties of a man ; of the second, that he belonged to the class, man. In the first proposition man is a concept or attribute term ; in the second, a class term. (2.) All terms are either connotative or non-connotative. A conno- tative term is one which denotes an object, and notes along with it a mark or property. A npn-connotative term is one which signifies an object only or a property only. All proper names are non-connota- tive, since they denote objects, but connote no property ; as, Wash- ington, London. All abstracts of qualities, as whiteness, length, are non-connotative, as they denote only properties without connoting any objects. All adjectives, as white, just, and all concrete general names, as bird, fish, are connotative, since they denote objects and connote properties. 3. Considered as words, terms are divided, (1), by self- interpretation, into notative and non-notative or symbol- ical ; and (2), by the number of words constituting the term, into simple and complex. (1.) All terms are either notative or symbolical. This distinction has already been defined and illustrated under the Second Rule of Denomination. (2.) All terms are either simple or complex. A simple term is one which consists of only one word. But some words cannot be used as terms, although they may form parts of terms. Hence arise complex terms, which are made up of combinations of words. With reference to their being used as terms, words are either categorematic (from a Greek word, to assert or predicate), i. e., such that they can stand alone as complete terms in propositions ; or syncategorematic (from the Greek, to assert or predicate along with), i. e., such that they can only form parts of terms, since they must be used with other words to THE FORMATION OF CONCEPTIONS. 55 make up complete terms. To the former belong the noun, adjective, and certain parts of the verb. There are, however, those who con- tend that in the last analysis only nouns can form, terms. Such sen- tences, as " Dictionaries are useful," must be completed by adding books or things; thus, "Dictionaries are useful books" Adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, etc., are syncategorematic. We speak of " the conservation of energy," " the conflict of religion and science," thus uniting many conceptions in one, and embodying them in a phrase. In the statement, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" the part italicized is a term expressed in a sentence. Complex terms are formed by combining syncategorematic with categorematic words. Any of the objects and properties included under the Predicables may thus be combined in complex terms. II. Kinds of Terms arising out of the Relations of Terms. Terms are divided, 1, by their relation to one another, into relative and non-relative or absolute ; and, 2, by their relation to the objects of which they are predicated, into compatible and incompatible. 1. All terms are either relative or non-relative. A relative term is one which implies some other of which we may predicate it as its cor- relative, as father, son ; ruler, subject; cause, effect. Non-relative or absolute terms are such as do not imply any such relative object or correlative, as tree, stone. 2. All terms are either compatible or incompatible. Compatible terms are such as can be applied to the same object at the same time. Contrary terms are the most opposed that can be conceived as appli- cable to the same object at the same time, as wise and foolish, good and bad. They are not compatible, however, when used in a strict sense ; since anything which is absolutely good cannot be in any sense bad. Incompatible terms are such as are entirely excluded from appli- cation to the same object in the same sense at the same time. All contradictory terms are incompatible, as wise and not- wise, black and not-black. These various distinctions of terms, embodying impor- tant distinctions in thought, are to be met with more or less frequently in all the profounder discussions in science, philosophy, and theology. Most of them will be found to 66 PRACTICAL LOGIC. be of value in the subsequent portions of Logic. They may readily be presented in outline form by the student. Praxis. Apply all the foregoing distinctions, as far as possible, to the following words : 1. Government. 2. Industry. 3. Art. 4. Agri- culture. 5. Joy. 6. Jupiter. 7. This earth. 8. The consolations of philosophy. 9. Intemperance. 10. Foolish. 11. Sobriety. 12. Hope- fulness. 13. Psychology. 14. Virtue. 15. Non-relative. 16. Abso- lute. 17. Immortal. 18. Deaf. 19. From. 20. Life. Select, from the page preceding the praxis, the following kinds of terms or words: 1. Negative. 2. Privative. 3. Simple. 4. Complex. 5. Concrete. 6. Abstract. 7. Relative. 8. Absolute. 9. Singular. 10. Universal. 11. Syncategorematic. 12. Notative. 13. Symbolical. 14. Connotative. 15. Non-connotative. 16. Abstract. 17. Concrete. 18. Collective. 19. Attribute. 20. Class. CHAPTER II. THE UNFOLDING OP CONCEPTIONS. CONCEPTION, in its three essential elements, conception proper, classification, and denomination, has been found to result in three products : First, the Concept Proper, embracing content or contained properties ; Second, the Class, embracing extent or included individ- ual objects; Third, the Term, embodying both concept proper and class, and, therefore, to be regarded either as an attribute term or as a class term. The processes of unfolding these products, or of ascertaining accu- rately and exhibiting systematically and completely what is con- tained in them, are the processes at the foundation of all right and full understanding of the materials of which discourse, whether spoken or written, is made up. It is evident at once that a man who does not understand what is involved in such conceptions as cause, force, expe- THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS.. 57 rience, persistence, can neither think nor discourse intelligently con- cerning them, and can neither hear nor read intelligently anything that others may say or write, which involves these conceptions. As the products of conception are three, the processes of unfolding are three : First, the unfolding of the content of the concept proper. This has been named Metaphysical Analysis, but has also been called Logical Partition. Second, the unfolding of the extent of the class. This is known as Logical Division. Third, the unfolding of the term. This will be known as Logical Definition. Logical Partition, Division and Definition will, there- fore, furnish the subjects of the three Sections embraced under the Unfolding of Conceptions. Section I, Logical Partition, Logical Partition is that form of analysis which takes a concept proper, as a complex of properties or attributes, and unfolds the component properties. In other words, Logical Partition is the complete and orderly statement of the parts of the content of a concept, or the separation of a complex attribute into its component attributes. The thought-whole analyzed in partition is the concept proper which is an attribute or intensive whole. The mind contemplates the objects presented to it under three kinds of wholes : 1st. Mathematical or Quantitative Wholes, or Wholes of strict In- tuition. This inckides two kinds : a. The Numerical, based on Time. b. The Geometrical, based on Space. 2d. Essential orThysical Wholes, or Wholes of Observation. This includes two kinds : a. The Substance, as composed of substance and attributes. b. The Causal, as composed of cause and effects. 58 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 3d. Logical Wholes, or Wholes of Discursion or Thought. This includes two kinds : a. The Attribute or Intensive Whole, or Whole of Content. b. The Class or Extensive Whole, or Whole of Extent. A mathematical whole, called also a quantitative, an intuitive, an integrate, whole, is, according to Hamilton, one composed of integral, or, more properly, integrant parts. It is a whole every part of which lies out of every other part, while all the parts together make up the integer or complete whole. Thus in the integrate spacial whole of the human body, the head, body, and limbs, its integrant parts, are not contained in, but each lies out of, each other. When the parts of an integrate spacial whole are separate and accidentally thrown together, the result is a mass whole, as a gallon of water, a pile of wheat, a block of wood. When the parts of an integrate numerical whole are thus separate and accidentally thrown together, the result is a collect- ive whole, as an army, a forest. These wholes are analyzed by mechanical or physical partition. An essential whole, called also a physical whole and a whole of observation, is the kind of whole with which observation brings us in contact. It consists of substance and properties either of quality or of action. The parts do not lie out of each other, but substance and property permeate and modify each other. Thus in gold the material substance is inseparably connected and blended with the properties of quality and action, metallic and reflecting the yellow rays of light. These wholes are analyzed by the process of mental analysis already described. A logical whole, called also a whole of thought, is the product of the power of conception, and is, therefore, a creation of thought. As a concept proper it is analyzed by logical partition ; as a class whole, by logical division. Logical analysis by partition and division, therefore, deals with the logical whole in its two forms, partition having particularly to do with the logical whole as an attribute whole. The aim of partition, to unfold the con- tent of an attribute whole, will, in connection with the nature and make-up of this whole as already learned from the formation of the concept proper, suggest the forms and rules of the process. THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 59 Topic First. The Forms of Logical Partition. The purpose of the thinker in partition is to attain to completeness in the work of unfolding the marks or prop- erties of the concept. Such completeness may be either relative or absolute. This gives the two forms of partition. I. Relatively Complete Partition. A partition is relatively complete when complete from the thinker's point of view or for his special purpose. It is obvious that it is not always the aim to bring out all the possible properties included in the four predicable classes. Thus the chemist may desire to bring out the properties of gold as an element or as a metal ; the banker, as a medium of exchange ; the encyclopaedist, in these and all other aspects. It is thus manifest that any one of many points of view may be made available, the choice being always governed by the object of the thinker. The point of view may be some one of the four kinds of properties, and the aim to reach the component parts from this point of view. The concept man may be parted by qualitative properties into ration- ality and animality ; or by active properties, or as a causal agency, into self-acting, thinking, feeling, etc. ; or by properties of condition, into temporal, terrestrial, etc. ; or by relative properties, into depend- ent, responsible, sinful, etc. Or the point of view may be a single aspect of some one of the four kinds of predicable properties. E. g., taking active properties as the starting-point, man as a causal agency operates in many different spheres, and may, therefore, have the properties unfolded with ref- erence to any one of these spheres. The thinker may be a physicist and so may regard man materially, as counterpoising more or less weight and excluding other objects from the same space. He may be a chemist and so may regard man chemically, as forming, by decom- position, nitrogen, carbon, and other chemical elements. He may be a physiologist and so may regard man organically, as breathing, digesting, etc. He may be a political economist and so may regard man industrially, as farming, manufacturing, trading, or as producing, transporting, consuming, etc. He may be a psychologist and so may 60 PRACTICAL LOGIC. regard man spiritually, as thinking, feeling, willing, etc. He may be a theologian and so may regard man religiously, as recognizing, long- ing after and worshipping God, etc. II. Absolutely Complete Partition. A partition is absolutely complete when the aim is to give an exhaustive analysis of a concept, or to present all the kinds of properties. In such partition the various characteristics of man, as given from the four points of view, would all be embraced. Or, to take another example, gold may be parted by qualitative properties, as material, solid, elementary substance, etc. ; by active properties, as reflecting the yellow rays of light, conducting heat and electricity, counterpoising great weight, etc. ; by relative attributes (including condition and relation proper), as being mainly confined to particular regions of the earth, being of great value as a precious metal, being the standard of values in exchange, etc. Topic Second. The Rules of Logical Partition. The rules for logical partition are determined by its aim to unfold systematically, from some definite point of view, the properties or attributes contained in a given concept. Rule 1st. The thinker in partition should first fix upon a single complement of attributes, should then determine upon the proper point of view for the purpose he has in mind, and should finally adhere to this point of view throughout the entire partition. This is the law of unity. The danger of violating it arises from the fact that language uses the same term or the same form of ex- pression for very different concepts or bundles of properties. Man, from the point of view of the physiologist, has very different marks from man as considered in social science or in psychology or theology. Physiology considers man as a material, organized, living being ; social science, as a member of society and having certain social wants and instincts ; psychology, as a spirit embodied ; theology, as a crea- ture and subject of God. The law of unity requires that the proper point of view be fixed upon and prohibits the mixing up of proper- ties belonging to man from these various points of view. THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 61 Rule 2d. A partition should be complete from its point of view, or inclusive of the whole complement of proper- ties divided. This is a form of the general law of completeness or adequacy or integrity. So far as a partition is incomplete it omits something essen- tial to the conception, and thus fails to give that distinct view which requires that all the parts be presented in their proper relation to each other. Moreover, incomplete partitions are necessarily partial or one- sided, and will inevitably lead to positive error. If, for example, in analyzing faith as a Christian virtue, we recognize only the marks, knowledge, assent or intellectual belief, and sentiment or response of the heart, leaving out all moral disposition or purpose, we make faith involuntary, and so take from it the essential element of all virtue. Such faith ceases to be a virtue. Mr. Mill falls into a like error in analyzing cause, as invariable antecedence, thereby omitting efficiency, the principal and essential property involved in causation. Prof. Day, in writing of the general Law of Adequacy in analysis, says: " The practical importance of a careful observance of this Law of Logical Analysis is to be seen in the fact that by far the greatest part of erroneous opinion in all departments of knowledge arises from the incomplete apprehension of the objects of knowledge. Most dis- sensions in science and in belief would be ended by a complete survey of all the constituent elements of the matter in dispute. It is mainly because the parties look, one at one element, the other at another, and each to the exclusion from his view of some element or character im- portant to a correct opinion, that any dissension arises." This holds with special force in partition, since this process deals with the prop- erties, involved in the essential nature and make-up of things, upon which all scientific classification depends. If, for example, murder is analyzed into the elements, taking of human life, deliberate purpose, then the act of the sheriff in hanging a murderer, or the killing of another in self-defence, would be murder. The essential element of malice is omitted in the analysis. Or, again, if virtue is analyzed as embracing intelligence and conformity to the law of right, omitting intention, then the act of every hypocritical Pharisee in giving alms might be termed virtuous. On the other hand, if right intention is embraced in the partition, and conformity to the law of right omitted, the acts of the fanatic and enthusiast might be termed virtuous. It is only by taking in all the elements that error is escaped. Or, once more, if the characters of the rose are 6 62 PRACTICAL LOGIC. given, as a shrub, producing flowers, having thorns, the rose might be confounded with any thorn-bush. All such possibilities of error are eliminated when the characters are fully enumerated as they are in the scientific text-books of Botany. Rule 3d. A partition should be exclusive, i. e., it should shut out all marks or characters not belonging to the sub- ject. This rule corresponds to the Law of Parcimony under observation. It is violated if education is made to embrace, drawing out of the powers, putting them to use by their proper exercise, in the study of the physical sciences, in a scientific school. The use, the kind of study, and the place are none of them essential to the process, and they should, therefore, be excluded. So money may be analyzed into the charac- ters, stamped metal, means of exchange. This, however, would not apply to most of the money in use in civilized lands, as most of it is not metallic. Money embraces the characters, representative of value, means of exchange, passing current, so that metallic is not an essen tial characteristic. Rule 4th. A partition should be orderly in the arrange- ment of the component elements. This requires that some principle of arrangement should be seized upon and made use of in the statement of the elements of the complex thought analyzed. It also requires that in any continued process of partition the elements ob- tained should be arranged so as to bring out the relations of co-ordination and subordination. In analyzing man, in its intrinsic elements, by partition, we may begin with the visible and tangible and proceed to the higher invis- ible and intangible. The resulting partition will be, animal attributes or animality and rational attributes or rationality. Analyzing ani- mality, we may again proceed from lower elements to higher. The result will be, attributes of matter or corporeity, of organization, of life, of sentiency, of voluntary motion. On the same principle of pro- cedure, rationality will yield the properties of intelligence, emotion, and endeavor. The rule given requires such orderly procedure and arrangement in the work of partition. In the partition of man. it THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 63 would forbid the mingling of the two sets of attributes and the co- ordination of any of the set of attributes resulting from the second step in the partition, as sentiency, with animality or rationality. In an exhaustive process of partition each of these elements should be still further divided into its component properties, until the ulti- mate elements are reached. For example, corporeity would give extension in length, breadth and thickness, weight, etc. Organization, life, etc., would each be found to yield component elements co-ordinate with those of corporeity. Praxis. Give exhaustive Partitions of the following Concepts, test- ing the work by the Rules: 1. Money. 2. Englishman. 3. The love of God. 4. Life. 5. Salvation. 6. Genius. 7. Despair. 8. Forgive- ness. 9. Heaven. 10. Duty. 11. Manliness. 12. Wisdom. 13. Jus- tice. 14. Beauty. 15. Prophet. 16. Foresight. 17. Value. 18. For- titude. 19. Egotism. 20. Selfishness. 21. History. 22. Philosophy. 23. Benevolence. 24. Charity. 25. Eternity. 26. Omnipotence. 27. Politeness. 28. Explanation. 29. Confirmation. 30. Design. Give the component elements of the following Concepts, stating the kind of whole and the point of view, and showing that the Partition is in each case made in conformity to the Rules given : 1. The violet. 2. The diamond. 3. Botany. 4. Habit. 5. Hope. 6. Affection. 7. Religion. 8. Art. 9. Fine Arts. 10. The orange. 11. Carbon. 12. Monsoon. 13. Partition. Examine the following Partitions, stating the kind of whole and the point of view, showing whether they conform to the Rules, and, in case they do not, correcting or completing the Partition according to the Rules : 1. Government = Intelligent power, ordered by law, controlling action. 2. Duelling = Fighting of two persons, mutual agreement, intent to kill, deadly weapons. 3. Lie = Enunciation of what is false, intent to deceive, violation of some obligation to give to others the truth. 4. Novel = Fictitious story, central interest in love, artistic con- struction. 5. Contract Two parties, mutual promise, mutual obligation. 6. Charity Compassion and sympathy for the needy, kindly and affectionate provision for the need, wise administering of the relief. 7. Circle = A curved line, drawn round a given point. 8. Planet = A star wandering in the heavens. 64 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 9. Triangle = A plane figure, three sides, three angles equal to two right angles. 10. Parallelogram = A plane figure, four-sided, opposite sides equal and parallel, opposite angles equal. 11. Fluid = Material substance, yielding easily to pressure, parts readily changing relative position without separation, gaseous form. 12. Whale = A large fish, living in cold regions, useful, yielding oil. 13. Education = Instruction, moral discipline, training. Section II, Logical Division. Logical Division is that form of logical analysis which takes a conception as a genus or class whole and unfolds its component species. In the words of Ueberweg : " Division is the complete and orderly statement of the parts of the extent of a notion, or the separation of a genus into its species." Note. The student needs to distinguish carefully between partition and division. The former takes a concept proper or attribute whole and separates it into its component properties ; the latter takes a genus or class whole and separates it into its component species made up of individuals. The grounds or principles of division are found in the concept proper, or the common properties by which the objects in the class were originally classified. These prop- erties embodied in the concept proper, and making up its content, have been called the base, since they are at the foundation of both concept and class. The possible prin- ciples of division in any given case are, therefore, only limited by the number of properties and combinations of properties, intrinsic and extrinsic, contained in the base and unfolded by partition. Thus the class man has a content or base of two complex intrinsic properties, animality and rationality. The class may he divided by. any property embraced in these. It may be analyzed into animal parts, by the material properties, of extension in length, of weight and of color, giving tall and short ; heavy and light ; white, tawny, and black : by the properties of organization, giving sanguine, nerv- ous, and bilious; etc., etc. Or man may be divided into rational THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 65 parts, by different properties of intelligence, giving cultivated and uncultivated ; enlightened and barbarous ; learned and unlearned ; imitative and creative ; etc. : by the comparative prominence of the intelligence, sensibility, and will, giving intellectual, sentimental, and practical. Or it may be divided by both animal and rational parts combined, by language, giving Aryan, Semitic, and Turanian ; by race constitution, giving Caucasian, Mongolian, etc. ; and the like. Man has also a base of many extrinsic properties, or properties of con- dition and relation, which may also furnish innumerable other prin- ciples of division. It may thus be divided by relation to place, as European, Asiatic, etc. ; islanders and dwellers on the continents ; men of the torrid, temperate, and frigid zones ; and the like : by rela- tion to time, into ancient and modern ; or ancient, mediaeval, and modern ; antediluvian and postdiluvian ; old, middle-aged, and young ; and the like : or by relation proper, into bond and free ; rulers and ruled ; and the like. Topic First. The Forms of Logical Division. The principal forms of logical division are the artificial or dichotomous and the natural. Either of these may be single and unextended or complex and extended. 1. The simplest form of division is the artificial or di- chotomous, or that which arrives at two members which are contradictories. For example : animals are rational and irrational, or vertebrate and invertebrate; angles are right and not-right or oblique; oblique angles are acute and not-acute or obtuse ; the ancients were Jews and Gentiles, or Greeks and barbarians, or bond and free. Such division is said by the logicians to be strictly logical, considering merely the form of the thought and not requiring any knowledge of what the concepts mean in order to assure us that the division is correct and ex- haustive. But, as Ueberweg has remarked, "it labors under the defect that the species classed under the nega- tion are left indefinite. Through the unimportance of the principle of division, or by reason of the number of species included in the negative and contradictory notion, the division may become worthless." 6* E 66 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Substance. Thus, the division of the universe into partridges and not-partridges is of no value, both because of the worthlessness of the ground of division and the indefiniteness of the negative notion. The process of dichotomous division may be extended until the lowest species or individuals are reached. There are two forms of this extended dichotomous division, a loose form and a strict one. In the loose form the principles of division are seized upon suc- cessively as the new occasions of division arise. This is illustrated by what is known, from its author, the Greek logician Porphyrius, as the Tree of Porphyry, which, starting with substance as the highest genus, closes with man as the lowest species, and with Socrates, Plato, etc., as the indi- viduals. It will be observed that the successive principles of division are the qualities implied in cor- poreal, animate, sensible (or sen- tient), and rational. It is evident that the divisions on the nega- tive side, incorporeal, insensate, etc., are also capable of like sub- division with those on the posi- tive side. In the stricter form of dichot- omous division, one principle of division is carried through the entire series of subdivisions. In this case it is necessary to select at the outset some mark or attri- bute of the original class, as the principle on which the successive divisions shall be made. This Corporeal. Animate. Sensible. Rational. Incorporeal. Inanimate. Insensible. Irrational. Socrates, Plato, and others. may be illustrated by dividing man or mankind by religion as the principle of division. THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 67 Mankind I The ists Atheists Mon otheists Polytheists Chris tians Non-Christians Pa pists Anti-Papists Jes uits Non-Jesuits Loyola and others In this example, religion, in the various forms in which it appears among mankind, furnishes successive principles of division. The suc- cessive marks or characteristics used are, a personal God, the one God, God in Christ, the control of the Pope, Jesuitical principles. 2. The most perfect form of division is natural division. "It founds itself," as Ueberweg has said, "on the essen- tial modifications of the essentially constitutive (or intrin- sic) attributes. It depends on the essential parts of the notion or class to be divided. It is called natural division in the same sense as the system which results from a con- tinuous series of such divisions is to be called a natural system." It is evident that divisions of this kind cannot be formed in any way according to an external uniform scheme. It is incorrect to look for an equal number of members of division in all cases in divisions of this kind. Thus the animal kingdom, divided by plan of structure, gives, by the four distinct kinds of structure, vertebrates, articulates, molluscs, and radiates. These four divisions are again taken up and subdivided in the Natural System of Zoology. Confining the natural subdivision to the vertebrates, we find at least five subdivisions recog- nized by zoologists, mammals, birds, reptiles proper, amphibians, and fishes. Again, human duties, divided by the object toward which they are directed, naturally fall into the divisions, individual, social, and theistic. The student may also turn to the classification of the cupule- bearing trees, as already given, for another illustration of natural division. The natural divisions are seldom dichotomous. 68 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 3. From both dichotomous and natural division often arise the trichotomy or threefold division, and the polytomy or manifold division. From the examples already presented, it is manifest that natural division is often found to be trichotomous or polytomous. It is like- wise true that these forms may arise from a condensed statement of extended dichotomous division. Angles are divided, by the degrees of difference in the direction of the sides, into acute, right, and obtuse. This is a trichotomy condensed from an extended dichotomy, as fol- lows : angles are right and not-right ; angles not-right are acute and obtuse. The trichotomy is drawn from this. Mankind are Christians, Jews, Mohammedans, polytheists, and atheists, is a polytomy con- densed from an extended dichotomous process, as follows: Mankind I The ists Atheists Mon otheists Polytheists Christians Non-Christians Jews and Mohammedans The trichotomy often arises because the parts of the class divided are not sharply marked off or separated from each other. Thus, men divided by color are white, tawny, and black. The present condition of a sentient being may be one of pleasure, of indifference, or of pain. Men divided by age are young, middle-aged, and old. Action con- sidered morally is good, indifferent, or bad. Topic Second. The Rules of Logical Division. The rules for division naturally arise out of its nature and aim. They spring either from the principle of division, from the various relations of the parts or species to the whole or class divided, or from the relations of the divisions and subdivisions to each other. Rule 1st. In a logical division the first requirement is to fix upon the one principle of division suited to the pur- pose in view, and the next to adhere to it throughout. THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 69 Several particulars need to be noted and emphasized in connection with this rule. 1. There must be some principle of division in every case as the reason or ground for the division. This is self- evident, for, as Hamilton has said, " otherwise there would be no division determined, no division carried into effect." 2. The principle of division is always to be sought in some common mark or property, intrinsic or extrinsic, of the class to be divided, and should be clearly and defi- nitely grasped. In general, it is manifest that the essential or intrinsic properties (those of quality and action) have most to do with determining the character pf the class and its species. These properties must, there- fore, furnish the most important principles, or those of natural division. In dividing man, rationality and animality furnish more character- istic divisions than the extrinsic properties (those of relation). The particular end which the thinker has in view must, however, regulate the choice of the principle of division, so that in certain cir- cumstances that principle is found in extrinsic or relative properties. Man is divided by intrinsic properties, mental and physical constitu- tion, into Caucasian, Mongolian, etc. Geographically, man may need to be divided, by the relative property, place of abode, into European, Asiatic, etc. In all cases the principle of division, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, should be clearly and definitely grasped. Failure in this inevitably leads to incoherent, uncertain, and unsatisfactory results. Thus when sentences are divided into indicative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory, no principle of division is apparent ; we are left uncer- tain whether these are all the kinds of sentences and whether they should all enter into a proper division. 3. Every division should have only one principle. The result of not complying with this requirement is what is called cross-division. This fault brings confusion and perplexity. The division of governments into monarchical, republican, despotic, aristo- cratic, and hereditary, violates this principle. The first, second, and fourth of these divisions have as their ground, the persons by whom the authority is exercised ; the third has its ground in the extent of 70 PRACTICAL LOGIC. the control ; the fifth in the tenure of office. Monarchy and aristoc- racy may be despotic or hereditary, or b }th or neither. In short, the divisions cross each other in various ways and the whole is hopelessly confused. The same thing is illustrated by the division of books into poetry, history, Latin, French, German, morocco, and cloth. Three principles of division are made use of: the subject-matter, the lan- guage in which written, and the kind of binding. This results in many and perplexing cross-divisions. 4. The principle of division should always be one of some importance and value. This excludes all useless and foolish divisions, but especially the counterfeit of dichotomy known as division by infinitation. To divide the universe of being into man and not-man; or the animal kingdom into parrots and not- parrots, may have a show of logic, but. the result, as already seen, is absolutely worthless. 5. The principle of division should always be suited to the purpose. Very different divisions of the same class may be required for different ends. For the purposes of Philology, a division of conjunctions, by the words from which they are derived, into verbal, adjective, substantive, phrase or prepositional, and composite, might possibly be of some service ; but as a division for the purposes of grammar (which gives attention to the thought embodied rather than the origin of words) it has no relevancy and is of no value. For the purposes of Grammar, the principle of division should be, by the relations of the sentences or parts of sentences to each other, into co-ordinate and subordinate. These again should be subdivided, by the special forms of co-ordination and subordination, into copulative, adversative, etc., final, conditional, etc. For the purposes of Philology it would be as absurd to divide man into producers, transporters, and consumers, as it would to divide man, for the purposes of Political Economy, into Aryan, Semitic, and Turanian. Rule 2d. A division should be complete or inclusive of all the species of the class divided. These species into which a class is divided are called the members of the division. If these species or members of the division taken to- THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 71 gether do not exactly equal the class, then the division is evidently only partial and imperfect. This rule may be transgressed in various ways, as has been shown by writers on logic. 1. The rule is transgressed when members of a division are left out. For example, when we divide the actions of men into good and bad. To this we should add, indifferent. 2. The rule is transgressed when a subdivision is co-ordinated with a division, as when we divide mathematical figures into solids and plane surfaces. It should be solids or surfaces, since this is the funda* mental division (by the number of dimensions), and plane and curved surfaces are subdivisions of surfaces by another principle. 3. We violate the rule when we bring in a dividing member too much, as when we divide mathematical figures into solids, surfaces, lines, and points. Here the last two elements, lines and points, must be excluded, since lines and points, though elements of mathematical figures, are not themselves figures. Rule 3d. The members of a division should be recipro- cally exclusive. This requires that each specific part brought out should be entirely different from every other such part. 1. This rule is violated by placing a subdivision above or beside a division under which it belongs, as when human actions are divided into necessary, free, and moral. Free actions are either moral or indifferent. In this case, therefore, a subdivision of free actions, which is included under it, is placed by the side of it. Or, again, when the sphere of Natural History is divided into the animal, vege- table, and mineral kingdoms, and the vertebrates ; vertebrates is sub- ordinate to animal, and as a subdivision of it should be excluded from enumeration with it. 2. The rule is also violated when more principles of division than one are used. For example, when we divide human actions into neces- sary, free, useful, and detrimental, two principles of division are used, necessity and utility, and the result is that the enumeration covers the whole class of human actions twice. Rule 4th. A division should proceed immediately from proximate genera to proximate species. 72 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Divisions should, as far as possible, be continuous, that is, the notion must first be divided into its proximate, and then into its remoter parts, and this without overleaping any one part ; or, in other words, each part must be immediately subordinated to its own whole. It is, therefore, improper to divide animals into elephants, birds, fishes, etc. According to Cuvier, as modified by Agassiz, the system of Zoology which gives the true division of animal is as follows : Kingdom Animal. Branch Vertebrates, Articulates, Mollusfo, and Radiates. Class Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, etc. Elephants belong under mammals. In the division given, the inter- mediate classes, vertebrates and mammals, are overleaped. Such an overleaping is, however, sometimes allowed for the sake of brevity ; but this only when the omitted members can be readily sup- plied in thought. This is illustrated by the common mathematical division, already given, of triangles, into right, acute, or obtuse. Rule 5th. A division should be orderly in the arrange- ment of the specific parts into which the class is divided, i. e., the parts should be placed in proper co-ordination and subordination. This is simply the requirement that in the statement of a system of division everything should be put in its own place. The rule may be illustrated by the Intellect or Power of Cognition, beginning with the Simple Cognitive Faculty. COGNITIVE POWER OR INTELLECT (divided by progressive stages of knowing) : 1. Simple Cognitive Faculty (by kind of knowledges acquired), (1.) Internal Perception or Self-Consciousness, giving knowledge of self; (2.) External Perception or Sense, giving knowledge of external world ; (3.) Intuitive Perception or Intuition Proper, giving knowledge of first truths. 2. Conservative Faculty or Memory (by psychological elements in keeping knowledges), THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 73 (1.) Retention, keeping knowledges, out of consciousness; (2.) Reproduction or Association of Ideas, bringing back knowl- edges by linking them together ; (3.) Representation or Imagination, vividly imaging the knowl- edges reproduced ; (4.) Recognition, connecting the present imago with the past knowledge. 3. Comparative Faculty or Thought (by material compared), (1.) Conception or Comparison of Objects, forming concepts, classes, and terms ; (2.) Judgment or Comparison of Concepts, forming judgments and propositions ; (3.) Reasoning or Comparison of Judgments, forming arguments and conclusions. 4. Constructive or System-making Faculty (by law followed), (1.) Scientific Construction or Construction by the True, giving scientific system ; (2.) Artistic Construction or Construction by the Beautiful, giving aesthetic system ; (3.) Practical Construction or Construction by the Good, giving practical system. It will be observed that neither of the four main divisions can change place with any other. Simple cognition, or the power of acquiring our simple and fundamental knowledges, must act before there can be anything for memory to conserve; conservation or memory must act before comparison can have any material to elab- orate ; comparison must do its work in order to furnish the materials for construction. The powers subordinate to these four must likewise take their proper places of subordination. Praxis. Give Divisions of the following Classes, stating clearly the Principles of Division and whether Artificial or Natural, and testing the work by the Rules : 1. The Races of Men. 2. The Nations of the Earth. 3. Languages. 4. Fruits. 5. Heavenly Bodies. 6. Commerce. 7. Art. 8. Industries. 9. Governments. 10. Churches. 11. Emotions. 12. Desires. 13. Ships. 14. Triangles. 15. Quadrilaterals. 16. Laws. 17. Life. 18. Dogs. 19. Metals. 20. The Carnivora. 21. Plants. 22. Roses. 23. Stars. 24. Processes of Rhetorical Invention. 25. Phys- ical Forces. 26. Colors. 27. Divisions of time. 28. Flowering Shruba 7 74 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 29. The ruminants. 30. Insects. 31. Forms of religion. 32. Civiliza- tions. 33. Laws. 34. Societies. 35. Educational institutions. 36. Me- chanic arts. 37. Wars. 38. International alliances. 39. Homicides. 40. Social conditions. 41. Human relationships. 42. The rocks. 43. Occupations. 44. Systems of unbelief. 45. Monotheistic systems. 46. Periods of human history. 47. Theistic systems. 48. Diversities of genius. 49. Poets. 50. Phases of religious character. 51. Tem- peraments. 52. Influences in formation of character. 53. Influences of the Crusades upon European civilization. 54. Aims in life. 55. Mo- tives influencing human conduct. 56. Benefits of international com- merce. Give extended and complete Divisions, Dichotomous or Natural, of the following Classes, stating the Principle and testing by the Rules : 1. The vegetable kingdom. 2. Furniture. 3. Birds. 4. Cereals. 5. Fishes. 6. Creeds of Christendom. 7. The Sciences. 8. Foods for man. 9. Views of the origin of the universe. 10. Forces of civili- zation. Examine each of the following Divisions, stating the Principle of Division, showing whether the Division is Natural or Artificial and whether it conforms to the Rules ; and, in case it does not, showing wherein it fails and correcting and completing it: 1. Triangle = equilateral and equiangular. 2. Triangle = right-angled, isosceles, and scalene. 3. Literature = history, oratory, and poetry. 4. Literature = writings historical, religious, poetical, classical, and current. 5. Government = democracy, oligarchy, aristocracy, and monarchy. 6. Government = absolute, limited, constitutional, and free. 7. Government = empires, kingdoms, dukedoms, and republics. 8. The fine arts = the arts of free beauty, the arts of dependent beauty, and the arts of utility. 9. The arts of free beauty = music, sculpture, painting, and poetry. 10. The arts of dependent beauty = architecture, landscape-garden- ing, embroidery, and decorative painting. 11. Rectilinear figures = triangles, quadrangles, rectangles, paral- lelograms, and polygons. 12. Sentence = simple, compound, and complex. 13. Proposition = categorical, hypothetical, conditional, and dis- junctive. 14. Proposition = affirmative, hypothetical, and negative. THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 75 15. Man = foot and horsemen. 16. Man = white, black, copper-colored, olive-colored, etc. 17. Thought memory, conception, and reasoning. 18. Poetry = didactic, lyric, and epic. 19. Poetry = didactic, lyric, epic, and the ballad and sonnet. 20. Matter solid, liquid, aeriform, and radiant. 21. Duties to self = self-conservation, self-culture, and self-conduct or direction. 22. Carnivora = cats, dogs, civets, weasels, bears, seals, whales, etc. 23. Mental faculties = sense-perception, memory, conception, ab- straction, judgment, reasoning, and taste. Section III, Logical Definition, Definition in general is the mental separation of an object of thought embodied in language from every other object of thought. Logical definition is the accurate unfolding of the signification of the terms which embody thought. The various forms of definition and the indefiniteness of view on the whole subject of definition make it necessary to consider with greater care, the kinds of definition and the rules of logical definition. Topic First. The Kinds of Definition. The word definition is used in both a wide and loose and in a narrow and strict sense. For definition in the former sense, Hamilton has suggested the name of declaration, signifying throwing light upon, clearing up. It may also be called rhetorical definition, in distinction from definition in the narrow and strict sense, which is called logical definition. I. Rhetorical Definition. The object of rhetorical definition or declaration is to give the meaning of a 'word loosely, or as it is popularly understood and for common use, rather than exactly and for scientific ends. It does not necessarily undertake to unfold essential properties, but freely uses those that are 76 PRACTICAL LOGIC. accidental, relative, or extrinsic. It is called description when it makes use of a number of concrete characteristics, as when we say that the Caucasian is tall, white, graceful. 1. Various popular modes of defining words may be in- cluded under rhetorical definition. These should be dis- tinguished in order to guard against certain common errors and fallacies. (1.) Etymological definition traces the root of a word back to its origin and defines accordingly. It sometimes throws much light upon the meaning of a word and adds great force to the word. There are, as has been shown by Trench in his "Study of Words," most important lessons of history, romance, poetry, and morals wrapped up in even our commonest words. In bringing out this meaning by etymological definition it is necessary, however, to guard very care- fully against two errors in particular, that of fixing upon a wrong etymology, and that of assuming that what the word meant at the beginning it means now. Home Tooke furnished an illustration of the first error in confounding the root of truth with that of trow, meaning think, and then concluding that " truth is what onetroweth," or simply a matter of opinion. A better philology finds for truth a root which would make it signify reality. The second error may be illustrated by assuming that villain is still simply a villager, because that was the original meaning, or that knave is still merely a boy, because that is what the word once meant. (2.) Definition by word analysis, or by unfolding the various roots of which a word is made up, bringing out and combining their significations, is also of value ; but, since it involves, in most cases, a knowledge of the roots of words, it is liable to lead to the same errors as etymo- logical definition. For example, the word edify, separated into its two component parts, one meaning a temple and the other to make, would be defined etymo- logically as the making or building of a temple. This may be strikingly suggestive of the greater work of spiritual building signified by the word as now used, but it can hardly be taken in the literal sense. THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 77 Note. The subject of word analysis is treated of in such works as Webb's " Manual of Etymology," and Swinton's " Word Analysis." The student of Logic ought to be familiar with it. 2. Rhetorical Definition may also proceed by the vari- ous thought wholes, already considered. It may define words, in the looser way, as essential, as mathematical, or as logical wholes, by giving concrete characteristics, by using synonymes, or by casual substitution of phrases. Such careless definition sometimes takes the form of mere descrip- tion, or the naming of one or more concrete characteristics, as when we say, " Man is a risible animal," " Man is a two-legged animal without feathers," " The east is where the sun rises." It sometimes becomes only the enumeration of synonymes, as in much of the defi- nition of the Dictionaries, as, " Law is a rule, decree, or statute," " Religion is piety." It sometimes becomes little more than a careless or casual substitution of phrases, narrative or descriptive, perhaps presenting some consequence or attendant circumstance, as " Wisdom leads to virtue and blessedness." Some names are not definable except by rhetorical definition. It is obvious that an individual cannot be logically defined, since practi- cally we cannot form a notion comprising all the essential marks which it has in common with any other notion or thing. Description is the process applicable to individuals. On the other hand, simple notions, or those containing a single or simple mark, cannot be logic- ally defined, since they have only one mark and, therefore, no differ- ential or distinguishing element. Being, for example, having only one mark, existing, cannot be unfolded, as there is no complex content to unfold. It can only be distinguished from nothing or non-entity, which is a mere negation, or defined by some synonyme, as thing, existence. One office of Logic is to make plain the insufficiency of all such loose forms of definition, while giving command of the stricter forms of logical definition. II. Logical Definition. Logical definition separates a conception, as expressed by a word, from all other conceptions by fixing upon and pre- senting the essential and distinctive property or properties. 7* 78 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 1. Strict or perfect logical definition has two forms. The general term, as has been shown, may be considered either as embodying a class or a concept proper, in other words, either as a class term or as a concept term. Logical definition should, therefore, regard the general term from both these points of view. In other words, it is of two forms : one defining the general term as a class term and the other as a concept term ; the former dealing with extent or contained objects, the latter with content or contained properties. Note. The failure to recognize this twofold form has led to various differ- ences of statement concerning the nature of logical definition. The old logical definition was confined to the conception as a genus or class. Professor Davis proposes to confine it to the conception as a concept proper. Logical definition thus becomes substantially synonymous with Partition as that subject has already been presented. Other logicians confine it to language or terms, and make it apply chiefly to class terms. The view here taken is that it applies to terms as embodying both classes and concepts. It is thus to be distinguished from Logical Division and Partition, which deal with thought directly rather than indirectly through language. (1.) Definition of the Class Term. If the term to be defined is regarded or used as a class term, the definer is required, by the principles of logical definition, First, to name the next higher genus to which the class, considered as a species, belongs ; and, Secondly, to name the difference (differentia), or specific difference or that which distinguishes the class, considered as a species, from all the other co-ordinate species under that higher genus. The genus and difference together make up the essence of the term, because they embrace the essential character- istics or marks of the class embodied in the term. Thus, in the definition, Man is a rational animal, it is meant that animal is the next higher genus to which man belongs as a species, and that rational is the difference or that which distinguishes man from the other co-ordinate species, irrational animal or brute. (2.) Definition of the Concept Term. If the term to be THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 79 defined is regarded or used as an attribute or concept term, the definer is required, by the principles of logical definition, First, to state the properties of the higher genus to which the term, considered as a species, belongs ; and Secondly, to state the properties which distinguish the term, considered as a species, from other species under the higher genus. Thus, in the definition, Man is rational animal, the meaning is that the concept term, man, includes animal properties or animality, and rational properties or rationality. The properties of the higher genus are included under animality, and those of the species under rationality. 2. Certain imperfect forms of logical definition are also distinguished by logicians. These are known as definition by division, by colligation, by resolution, and by compo- sition. They approach the strict standard of definition more nearly than does rhetorical definition. They are in fact statements of the results of Division and Partition. The first two forms are simply different statements of the results of Division as already treated. Definition by division unfolds a class term into its constituent species or individuals, as when we state that, " The animal kingdom consists of radiates, mollusks, articulates, and vertebrates." Definition by colligation, which is the reverse of defi- nition by division, gathers up and unites the constituent species or in- dividuals of a genus or species, as when we say that, " The Earth, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, etc., are the planets." The second two forms are simply different statements of the results of Partition as already treated. Resolution brings out of a concept term its component prop- erties, as when we say that, " Man is rational animal." Composition, the reverse of resolution, gathers up and unites the component proper- ties, as when we say that, " Rational animal is man." 3. By an extended process of logical definition an ulti- mate and indefinable term is reached. In making such a complete explication of a term it is necessary to proceed by 80 PRACTICAL LOGIC. defining successively the genus of each new definition until a simple notion is reached. Professor Davis has illustrated this process in tabular form by an extended definition of carnivore. " A carnivore is a flesh-eating (= differentia] mammal (= genus). A mammal is a vertebrate (= g) suckling its young (= d). A vertebrate is an animal (=g) having an internal skeleton ( d). An animal is a sentient (= d) organism (= g). An organism is a living (= d) being (= g)." The process comes to a close when the simple notion, being, is reached. The result of the definition embraces all the properties con- noted by the concept term, carnivore, and all that would be brought out by a Partition of that term. Stated as a definition by resolution, it becomes, "Carnivore includes flesh-eating, suck-giving, internal- skeletoned, sentient, living, existing." Ill, Nominal, Real, and Genetic Definition. Logicians, from another point of view, distinguish defi- nition as nominal, real, or genetic. The first has to do with the mere name of the object of thought ; the second with its reality or essential properties ; the third with the cause which generates it. Nominal or verbal definitions, or definitions of names or words, comprise the loose forms given under rhetorical definition or declara- tion, as when we say, " The word circle signifies a uniformly curved line." A real definition is a definition of the thought or reality em- bodied in a word. It unfolds essential marks, and is, therefore, strictly analytic. It comprises the forms of logical definition already given. Thus we define a circle as "a line returning upon itself, of which all the parts are equidistant from a given point." A genetic or causal definition is one which states the rise or production of a thing as the result of some working cause. It adds something to what is contained in the defined term, and hence is always synthetic. The genetic defi- nition of a circle is, "A circle is formed when we draw around, and always at the same distance from, a fixed point, a movable point which leaves its trace, until the termination of the movement coincides with the commencement." Only such notions as relate to quantities repre- THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 81 sented in space and time, in other words only mathematical notions, can be genetically denned. Topic Second. The Rules of Logical Definition. The rules for logical definition are determined by its nature and aim. They spring either from peculiarities in the origin and use of language, or from the nature of the thought embodied in the language. Rule 1st. In logical definition the first step is to study carefully the term to be defined. The object of such study is to guard against the common errors in defining, which arise from the ambiguities of lan- guage. It is obvious, therefore, that logical definition requires in general a knowledge of language and the prin- ciples of interpretation. In particular it calls for a knowl- edge of the kinds and sources of ambiguity in the use of terms. Professor Jevons has presented very forcibly the importance of a thorough acquaintance with the great imperfections of language. He says, " Comparatively few terms have one single clear meaning and one meaning only, and whenever two or more meanings are uncon- sciously confused together, we inevitably commit a logical fallacy. If, for instance, a person should argue that ' punishment is an evil,' and according to the principles of morality ' no evil is to be allowed even with the purpose of doing good,' we might not at the first moment see how to avoid the conclusion that ' no punishments should be allowed,' because they are evil. A little reflection will show that the word evil is here used in two totally different senses ; in the first case it means physical evil or pain ; in the second, moral evil ; and because moral evil is never to be committed, it does not follow that physical evils are never to be inflicted, for they are often the very means of preventing moral evil." In studying the subtle variations in the meaning of even our common words, it is necessary to distinguish between terms as univocal and equivocal. Univocal terms are those which can suggest to the mind no more than a single mean- F 82 PRACTICAL LOGIC. ing. Equivocal terms are such as have two or more differ- ent meanings. 1. Strictly univocal terms are not liable to mislead. The names of individual objects, persons, or events are usually fixed and certain in their meaning, as George Washington, Westminster Abbey, the Atlan- tic Ocean. The instances of univocal terms, outside of individual names, are found chiefly in technical and scientific language. Steam- engine, railway train, oxygen, hydrogen, sulphuric acid, etc., are examples of what may be found in connection with every well-defined science. It will be seen, however, on looking more closely, that gen- eral terms are not strictly univocal. The same word has been found to embody both the concept proper and the class. Hence the first inquiry, even in the case of words commonly called univocal, should be, 7s the term here used as a concept term or as a class term f The word man may be used in one case to express the attributes of human- ity, and in another to express the species or individual human beings, and clear thinking requires that the thinker should know precisely which is meant in any given case. 2. Equivocal terms are exceedingly numerous. Equivocal terms are either properly ambiguous or homonymous. (1.) A properly ambiguous (from Latin ambigo, to wander, hesitate, or be in doubt) term is one that has come to be used in different sig- nifications. Equivocation from ambiguity arises in two different ways : 1st. Through, association, i. e., from the transfer of the meaning from the thing originally denoted by the word to some other thing habit- ually and intimately associated with it. The word church originally denoted the building in which religious worshippers assemble. It has come to mean the particular body of worshippers accustomed to assemble in any one place ; or any body of persons holding the same opinions and connected in one organization, as the Church of Eng- land, the Roman Catholic Church ; or the church of Christendom ; or the clergy and religious authorities of any sect or country. The word differs entirely in meaning as used by a member of the Anglican, Greek, Roman Catholic, Congregational, Presbyterian, or any other existing church. 2d. Through analogy, i. e., from the transfer of meaning to analo- gous objects. We speak of a sweet taste, a sweet flower, a sweet tune, a sweet face, a sweet poem, from the analogy or resemblance between the pleasure given by the flower, tune, etc., and that given by something sweet to the taste, as a lump of sugar. THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 83 The use of the same word in different significations renders it neces- sary in many cases to ask the question, What is the signification in which the word is here used? When the philosopher asserts that " experience proves the eternity of matter," the first question gives rise to such as follow : Whose experience ? The philosopher's ? All men's? All men's in all ages? All human experience plus human speculation ? There are some ambiguous words which should be carefully studied in order that an intelligent answer may be given to the question, Precisely what does this word mean in the present instance f The word all is an example of such ambiguity. In the proposition, " All these soldiers are individual persons," all is used distributively, or one by one. In the propositions, "Not all men are soldiers," "All men are not soldiers," all with the negative attached is not equal to none, but only to not some, so that the all in this case is only equal to some. Words often change their meaning in the course of time, so that in studying and testing the works of past thinkers, there is need to ask the question, What was the meaning of the term to be defined, in the day when this author wrote f When the authors of King James's ver- sion of the Bible represent the Psalmist as praying, " Let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us," careful inquiry should be made into the use of the word prevent, about the opening of the seventeenth century. Such inquiry will reveal the fact that the word, which now means to go before one to hinder him, then meant to go before to anticipate or supply his wants. (2.) Homonyms are terms which, though of different origins, have accidentally assumed the same form either in sound, or in spelling, or in both. Examples of the first kind are seen in such words as right, wright, write, rite, or rein, rain, reign, etc. Examples of the second kind are such words as lead, the metal, and lead, as in following the guidance of another. Examples of the third kind are such words as mass, a heap, and mass, a Roman Catholic religious service. An im- portant instance of this kind of equivocation is found in grammar, "as between the numeral one, derived from an Aryan root, through the Latin unus, and the indeterminate pronoun, one (as in, ' one ought to do ones duty'), which is really a corrupt form of the French word homme or man. The Germans to the present day use man in this sense, as in, man sagt, i.e., one says." Too great care cannot well be given to the study of the terms to be defined. It is obvious, from the examples 84 PRACTICAL LOO 1C. given, that any failure to grasp the precise signification in which a single important word is used may utterly vitiate a whole system of thought. Rule 2d. A logical definition should bring out the essence of the term defined. This requires scientific accuracy. The non-essential or accidental properties are not sufficiently charac- teristic for a definition. The worthlessness of the well-known Platonic definition, " Man is a two-legged animal without feathers," as contain- ing only non-essential marks, was easily shown by Diogenes when he presented a plucked chicken as Plato's man. Since general terms embrace both concept and class, use is to be made of both Partition and Division in framing logical definitions. In the case of a class term the definition should bring out the next higher genus, and the differentia, or characteristic of the term defined considered as a species under that genus. In the case of a concept term the defi- nition should bring out the properties of the next higher genus, and the differentia, or characteristics of the term considered as the marks of a species under that genus. Definition of the term as a class term is much the more common form. Such definition becomes easy when the student has once learned to put the term defined under the next higher class, and then to bring out the distinguishing characteristics. Rhetoric is defined by first putting it under the next higher class, art, or practical science, and then distinguishing it from all other co-ordinate species of art by stating its object, discourse, "Rhetoric is the art of discourse." Patriotism is defined by first putting it under the next higher class, love, and then naming the special object, one's country, which distin- guishes it from all other forms of love, " Patriotism is love of one's country." Rule 3d. A logical definition should be adequate or precisely equal to the term defined. This forbids making the definition too wide or too narrow, deficient or redundant. It follows that a good definition may be tested by simple conver- sion, or by letting the subject and predicate change places. If the common definition, "Man is a rational animal," be adequate, then THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 85 the converse will be true, " Every rational animal is man." Strictly speaking, we are not absolutely certain of the truth of this converse, for although it may be true of this earth, there may be in other worlds rational animals that are not men. The definition is, therefore, on this supposition, said to be too wide, embracing not only man, but all possible rational animals in other worlds. To make it perfectly ade- quate it is necessary to add the relative property expressed by terres- trial or some such term, as, " Man is a rational animal of this earth." The converse will then be strictly true, " All rational animals of this earth are men." On the other hand, if man be defined as a praying animal, the definition is said to be too narrow. It is not true in the strict sense that no animals that do not pray are men. The definition, in other words, embraces only a part of men. Definitions are redun- dant when they add to the essential characteristics derivative or unes- sential marks, as, "Man is a rational animal that laughs;" they are deficient when they omit some essential characteristic, as, " Man is an animal." To the latter belong definitions by co-ordinate and subordi- nate notions, as, " An odd number is that which is distinguished from . an even by unity," " Man is an American." Ride 4th. A logical definition should be expressed in language as perfect as possible. This forbids absurdity, ambiguity, verbosity, tautology, and obscurity of language, as well as circular, negative, and figurative definitions. The language in a definition should be clear and signifi- cant and not vague, ambiguous, or senseless. When Mr. Spencer defines the virtue of patriotism as national egoism, his definition is probably accepted by the mass of readers without thought. But egoism is selfishness, which of course is not a virtue at all, and patriotism is not a national but an individual senti- ment. The definition is, therefore, absurd. The same objection holds against Mr. Spencer's definition of evolution, " Evolution is a change from an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite coherent hetero- geneity, through continuous differentiations and integrations." The definition is pronounced obscure both by common readers and by those who understand the strict meaning of the scientific and mathemati- cal phraseology. A British critic has translated the definition into English, as follows: " Evolution is a change from a nohowish untalk- 8 86 PRACTICAL LOGIC. aboutable-all-alikeness, to a somehowish and in-general-talkaboutable- not-all-alikeness, by continuous somethingelsifications and stickto- getherations." The language in a definition should be precise and free from surplus words. Dr. Johnson's definition of oats, " Oats is a grain which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people'' vio- lates this principle. The specific difference, expressed by the words italicized, is entirely unessential. Dr. James, in the " Anxious In- quirer," says, " It is a great principle that subjective religion, or in other words, religion in us, is produced and sustained by fixing the mind on objective religion, or the facts and doctrines of the word of God." Ruskin says of this, " Put entirely out the words I have put in italics, and the sentence has a meaning, but by its verbosities it is extended into pure nonsense; for 'facts' are neither ' objective ' nor ' subjective ' religion ; they are not religion at all. The belief of them, attended with certain feelings, is religion ; and it must always be religion 'in us,' for in whom else should it be (unless in angels ; which would not make it less subjective)." The language in definition should not be tautological, i. e., a definition should not contain the name of the thing defined, nor a derivative, synonymous, or correlative term, for this would be to define a thing by itself. This is violated by such definitions as " Life is the vital force." It is also violated by what is called the circle or dialellon, as, " A board is a thin plank," " A plank is a thick board." John Stuart Mill's final definition of cause is a flagrant violation of this principle. It is as follows : " We may define, therefore, the cause of a phenomenon to be the antecedent, or concurrence of antecedents, on which it is conse- quent invariably, and subject only to the absence of preventing or counteracting causes." The essential idea of cause, efficiency, is left out ; the last and perhaps the most emphatic word in the definition of cause is causes ; and the affirmation that the consequent is invariable is followed immediately by the assertion of a variable condition. The language in a definition should be perspicuous. The aim of definition is to place the thought before the mind with more distinctness ; hence, terms more unintelligible than the one de- THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 87 fined should be avoided. This is violated by Aristotle's definition, " The soul is the first entelechy or energy of a natural organized body possessing life potentially." Definition by negative marks is also for- bidden by this principle, where definition by positive marks is possible. To define man as not a brute or not an angel gives no clear concep- tion of what he is. Figures of speech are not ordinarily suitable for definition, e.g., " Memory is the warder of the brain ; " " The Divine nature is a circle whose centre is everywhere and the circumference nowhere." Such definitions make thought obscure rather than distinct. Praxis. Define the following terms Etymologically, by Analysis (where possible), Rhetorically and Logically, stating the kind of Whole in each case : 1. Proposition. 2. Development. 3. Sincere. 4. Lord. 5. Heathen. 6. Tawdry. 7. Saunter. 8. Slave. 9. Faculty. 10. Op- eration. 11. Education. 12. Vulture. 13. Instinct. 14. Virtue. 15. Patriotism. 16. Fanaticism. 17. Ox. 18. Gas. 19. Ice. 20. Oxy- gen. 21. Diamond. 22. Electricity. 23. Sun. 24. Moon. 25. Load- stone. 26. Gold. 27. Sophomore. 28. Voyage. 29. Battle. 30. War. 31. Sentence. 32. Grammar. 33. Rhetoric. 34. Logic. 35. Arith- metic. 36. Straight line. 37. Circle. 38. Point. 39. Sphere. 40. Vice. 41. Ghost. 42. Spirit. 43. Tribulation. 44. Passion. 45. Vexation. 46. Rage. 47. Love. 48. Desire. 49. Expectation. 50. Loafer. Note. See Trench " On the Study of Words" Define the words from number 36 to number 39 inclusive, nominally, really, and genetically. Examine each of the following definitions, stating of what kind it is, showing whether it conforms to the Rules, and, in case it does not, showing wherein it fails, and correcting and completing it : 1. Grammar is the science of language. 2. Philology is the science of language. 3. A triangle is a rectilinear figure having three sides and three angles. 4. A square is a quadrilateral having all the angles right angles, all the sides equal, and the opposite sides parallel. 5. Malaria is that which induces fever. 6. A cone is a solid generated by the revolution of an angle about one of its sides. 7. Virtue is a voluntary act done in obedience to the law of God for the sake of everlasting happiness. 8. Logic is the art of reasoning. WHATELY. 88 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 9. Logic is the light-house of the understanding. 10. Truth is the agreement of a cognition with its object. HAM- ILTON. 11. Truth is accordance with the reality. 12. A whale is a large fish inhabiting the polar seas, and furnishing oil and whalebone as articles of commerce. 13. Happiness is the reflex of unimpeded energy. HAMILTON. 14. Life is that condition of an organized being in which it is capable of performing its functions. PORTER. 15. Life is definable as the continued adjustment of internal rela- tions to external relations. SPENCER. 16. Science is systematized knowledge. 17. Mind is the unextended. BAIN. 18. Matter is the permanent possibility of sensation. MILL. 19. Mind is a conscious string of sensations. 20. A sphere is a solid generated by a revolution of a semicircle about its diameter as an axis. 21. A sphere is a solid or volume bounded by a surface, every point of which is equally distant from a point within, called the centre. WORCESTER. 22. Education is the training of the intellectual powers, principally by the study of the physical sciences. 23. Knowledge is power. 24. Net-work is anything reticulated or decussated at equal dis- tances with interstices between the intersections. DR. JOHNSON. 25. A saunterer is one who is going to the Holy Land. 26. Law is a lawful command. 27. Gratitude is a lively sense of future favors. 28. Gratitude is a virtue of acknowledgment. 29. A ruler is one who establishes laws. 30. A circle is a curved line returning upon itself, the parts of which are at an equal distance from the central point. 31. Logic is the electric light of the intellect, the cynosure of truth, the physic of the mind. 32. Man is an animal walking on two feet. 33. Man is a bimanous mammal. 34. Monarchy is a form of political government in which one man is sovereign. 35. Wealth is that which furthers the well-being of man. 36. The soul is the principle by which we live, feel, move, perceive, and understand. ARISTOTLE. THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 89 37. Beauty is the feeling we experience in recognizing unity amidst variety. 38. A dragon is a serpent breathing flame. 39. Fine Art is the embodiment of thought in sensuous form. 40. Man is a rational being. 41. A cat is a domestic animal. 42. A dog is a digitigrade quadruped, having fixed claws, four toes, and a recurved tail. 43. Memory is that power of the human soul which recalls past knowledge. 44. Philosophy is the science of principles. UEBERWEG. 45. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. 46. Dirt is matter in the wrong place. LORD PALMERSTON. 47. A perception is an impression made on the mind. 48. Mathematics is the science of extension. 49. Snow is frozen mist. 50. A carnivore is flesh-eating, suck-giving, internal-skeletoned, sentient, living, existing. 51. A seal is a species of fish. 52. Honesty is a species of policy distinguished from other co- ordinate species by being the best. 53. Dancing is a refined and sublimated modification of circum- ambulatory locomotion. 54. Man is physically a living machine. 55. A conjunction is a word that connects words and sentences. 56. Matter is that in which is discerned the promise and potency of all terrestrial life. TYNDALL. 57. God is the not-ourselves which makes for righteousness. MAT- THEW ARNOLD. 58. Religion is cosmic emotion. CLIFFORD. 59. Evolution or development is essentially a combination of causes working toward a particular end. McCosH. 60. The conic section is that mathematical figure which divides into these four forms circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola. 61. The sensibility takes that to be good which warrants or prom- ises pleasure, and affects us pleasantly ; the desires rest on pleasant feelings. 62. The feeling of the pleasant is the immediate consciousness of the furtherance of life. UEBERWEG. 63. Justice is a square number. 64. The idea of the good is the sun in the kingdom of ideas. PLATO. 8* 90 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 65. Nature (Heaven and earth and all that is therein) is the body of God. 66. The state is man writ large. Define the principal Terms used in the following Sciences, testing the definitions by the Rules: 1. Arithmetic. 2. Geometry. 3. Botany. 4. Zoology. 5. Grammar. 6. Physical Geography. 7. Rhetoric. 8. Psy- chology. 9. Natural Philosophy. 10. Astronomy. 11. Geology. 12. Eth- ics. 13. Political Economy. 14. Science of Government. SUMMARY OF RESULTS THE aim of the Logic of Conception is to train to the best thinking and fullest appreciation of thought in the first form. The degree of perfection or imperfection with which the mind grasps its conceptions constitutes what is called the logical quality of conception, Our grasp of con- ceptions is perfect in proportion as it is clear, distinct, and adequate : imperfect in proportion as it is obscure, confused, and inadequate. A conception is clear when it is simply distinguishable from others ; obscure when it is not. This may be illustrated by experience in gazing upon a tree. When the light falls upon it we readily distin- guish it from other trees and objects of the landscape, and the view is clear ; but when the mist or the twilight settles around it we can no longer distinguish it from other objects, and the view becomes obscure. We have a clear conception of man when we distinguish it from inor- ganic matter, plant, animal, etc. ; so long as we are unable to do this our conception of it is obscure. A conception is distinct when we not only distinguish its object from all others, but also grasp the constituent marks or parts of that object. In every-day life we may know the hand-writing or features of a person from those of all others and yet not be able to give the characteristics of either. This is true in conception, we may be able to discriminate man from mineral, plant, animal, etc., and yet not be able to give the characteristics of man. Our conception is confused or indistinct. Distinctness requires us not only to discriminate between THE UNFOLDING OF CONCEPTIONS. 91 an object and all others, but also to know the distinctive marks or parts of that object. Our conception of man becomes distinct when we see that it includes animality, rationality, and terrestriality ; until then it is confused. A conception is adequate when we not only grasp the constituent marks, but also the marks of these marks ; inadequate when we fail to do this. Perfect adequacy of conception is reached by carrying out the complex processes of Partition, Division, and Definition until the lowest component attributes, constituent species, and characteristic marks are reached. The extent to which these processes must be car- ried to reach a practical adequacy of conception in any given case will depend upon the exigencies of the thinking or the aims of the thinker. The conception of man is adequate when we not only know the three marks given above, but have also gone further and grasped the marks of animality, as corporeity, organization, life, sentiency, voluntary motion ; of rationality, as intuition of first truths and the power of thinking and acting in the light of such truths ; of terrestriality, as limitation to the earth with its conditions of time and space. It will be readily seen that clearness is chiefly attained through Definition ; distinctness through Partition and Division ; adequacy through the extended processes of Par- tition, Division, and Definition. A conception is true when it corresponds with the reality. The aim of the Practical Logic of conception is fully at- tained when the training results in the ability of the thinker to reach true conceptions which are clear, distinct, and adequate. PART II. THE LOGIC OF JUDGMENT OR THE PROPOSITION. THE aim of the Logic of Judgment is to train the mind to skill in dealing with the second Form of Thought. Definition. (Judgment is that form of thought in which we compare two notions and mentally affirm their union or disunion, on the ground of a like union or disunion appre- hended in the objects or realities which the notions repre- sent The result of the operation of judging is a complex form of thought known as a Judgment, the verbal expres- sion of which is called an Assertion or Proposition. The connection between judgment and proposition is so intimate that the two terms are used interchangeably. Note. The definitions of judgment have been various. Some have defined it to be, the affirmation of the agreement or disagreement, or of the congruence or confliction, of two notions. According to Thomson, it is " an expression that two notions can or cannot be reconciled that the mark of the one may or may not henceforward be assigned to the other." Manifestly judgment as thought is much more than mere affirmation, whether mental or verbal, of the agreement or disagreement of two notions. The question whether the form of words, "Man is intelligent," or, " Man is patent elliptic," is a judgment or embodies a judgment, is not to be decided by affirmation of any kind. It de- pends upon the knowledge of connection existing or not existing between the realities or objects represented by the words and notions. Ueberweg comes nearer the presentation of the essence of judgment, when he makes it the comparison of two notions, whose forms are different from but belong to each other, and the mental affirmation of their union or disjunc- tion on the ground of like relation apprehended between the objective realities 92 THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 93 which the notions represent. The all-important thing is " the consciousness, whether or not the analogous combination exists between the corresponding objective elements. As the individual conception corresponds to the individ- ual existence, so the judgment in its various forms corresponds to and is the subjective copy of the various objective relations." The desired skill in judgment can only be acquired by the knowledge and use of the principles which govern the forming and unfolding of judgments. The subject will, therefore, be considered under two Chapters, one treating of the formation of judgments, the other of their unfolding. CHAPTER I. THE FORMATION OP JUDGMENTS OR PROPOSITIONS. THE formation of judgments is manifestly a most impor- tant work of thought. Processes of reasoning and systems of science and philosophy are made up of combinations of judgments, and if the judgments are not properly and thoroughly established, i. e., if they are not true, then the arguments and systems cannot be expected to prove true. It is, therefore, necessary to inquire carefully into both the process and products of judgment-forming. Section I, The Process of Judgment-Forming. The definition of judgment already given suggests for consideration the following Topics : first, ascertaining and combining the elements of judgment; second, finding the reasons or grounds upon which the truth of judgments de- pends, or the verification of judgments. Topic First. The Elements of Judgment. The elements of judgment are ascertained by analyzing judgment either as embodied in the proposition or as a form of thought. From the former point of view, it is 94 PRACTICAL LOGIC. made up of two terms (so called because they are the ter- mini or boundaries of the proposition) united by the verb to be as copula (bond) ; from the latter point of view, it is composed of two notions united by some connecting link of thought. I. The Terms or Notions in Judgment. The terms or notions are distinguished as the Subject or Subject Notion, or that about which the assertion is made, and the Predicate or Predicate Notion, or that whose union or non-union with the subject is affirmed. In logical form- ulas the subject is usually expressed by S and the predicate byP, The various notions, already considered, resulting from the processes of conception, constitute the material which may possibly form the terms of judgments. The following kinds have already been distin- guished : (1.) The simple notion, called also simple apprehension, and percept. This is the result of immediate cognitions by the senses and consciousness. In observation this notion has as yet no name given, but may be known by the indefinite " it." An orange, as an object hitherto unseen and unknown, might be called "it." (2.) The simple abstract notion, or part abstracted from the object observed, but not yet combined with others into a concept. By observation we get, from the hitherto unseen and uninvestigated orange, the abstracts, yellow, round, sweet, juicy, etc. (3.) The general notion, as the con- cept proper or bundle of properties or marks expressed in the concept term. By conception proper the various abstracted properties are gathered up in thought in the concept, orange. (4.) The general no- tion, as the class or group of objects to which the bundle of attributes in the concept applies. By classification the concept orange is applied. It will be seen that only part of these can enter into the strictly logical judgment. II. The Connecting Links of Judgment. The two terms of a proposition are always united by the copula, which, according to the view of most logicians, is always the present tense indicative of the verb to be, either with or without the negative particle. The real quality of THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 95 judgment, however, or that which makes it what it is, is the mental union or separation of two terms or notions, on the ground of a more or less clearly apprehended connec- tion or absence of connection between them. The various links by which this union in judgment is affected are to be found in the predicables already given. 1. While the connecting link of judgment in language is always the verb to be, which to the logician signifies connec- tion rather than existence, it is obvious that the copula does not always appear in this form in propositions as we find them. E. g., " Columbus discovered America ; " " Napoleon was the emperor of France." Hence arises the necessity for the practical application of the Second Logical Postulate, in reducing judgments to the normal form, S is P, or S is not P. Under this any change of logical form is permissible, provided it brings out the thought more fully, without changing it. "I am," means "I am existing," or, "I am a being." "Columbus discovered America," means, "Columbus is the one who discovered America." " Napoleon was the emperor of France," means, " Napoleon is he who was the emperor of France." " Stars twinkle," means, " Stars are things that twinkle." The same postulate permits the restoration of all inversions and displacements of parts of sen- tences to the normal form, S is P, or S is not P. E. g., " Great is Diana of the Ephesians " becomes " Diana of the Ephesians is great." 2. A judgment, however, is not a mere form of words, two terms joined by the verb to be. " Man is intelligent." " Man is round-square horizontal." One of these is a judg- ment ; the other is not. The difference is that in the one case there is a connection in thought, while in the other there is none. This connection has been variously pre- sented. (1.) It has been said that the affirmative judgment is always based upon the Axiom of Identity ; the negative on the Axiom of Contradiction. In accordance with this view judgment has been defined to be the affirmation of agree- ment or disagreement. 96 PRACTICAL LOGIC. This is true, but it is necessary to go below these generalities to the special features in which the agreement or disagreement is found. E. g., in the judgment, " Man is a terrestrial, rational animal," the copula represents equality or identity. This is true in all perfect definitions. Or again, in the judgment, " Man is intelligent," the copula expresses the relation of substance and property, or genus and species, and the judgment is interpreted as meaning, either that intelligence is an attri- bute of humanity, or that man is a species of the genus intelligent beings. Or again, in the judgment, " The life was the light of men," the copula may express the relation of substance and active property or cause and effect. The judgment is thus seen to involve certain spe- cial principles of connection which underlie the mere agreement or disagreement. (2.) According to the Aristotelian logic, every judgment predicates of the subject either a genus, or a property, or a definition, or an accident. These forms of predication have been illustrated by suitable judg- ments. " Envy is a passion." The relation is that of genus to species. "Man has the faculty of speech." The relation is that si peculiar property to substance or subject. "A state is a community governed by its own laws." The relation is that of identity of the essential properties, or essence of a thing, by which the definition is consti- tuted, with the thing itself. " Life is sweet." The relation is that of an accidental property to its subject. These predicable classes have been reduced by Thomson to definition and attribute, the latter including genus, property, and accident. (3.) The Predicables as given, page 30, furnish the sim- plest statement of what may be predicated in any judgment. Of any subject may be predicated its substance and what- ever belongs to it as its properties. Thus of man may be predicated the substance of the thing itself, as " Man is man ; " or some of the properties of quality, as " Man is rational," or all of them (the essence or definition), "Man is rational animal ; " or active properties, as " Man is the moulder of nature ; " or relative properties, as " Man is of few days," " Man is terrestrial," " Man is finite," etc. When notions or terms are thought together by one or other of these various connections the product is a judgment. THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 97 III. The Elements Combined. The various notions or terms are united either in judg- ments of observation or in strictly logical judgments. These are both included under logical judgments in the wider sense. Note. Hamilton gives the name of primitive judgment to the judgment of existence implied in all our cognitions. This is not, however, judgment as thought, and, therefore, is not to be treated in Logic. 1. The judgment of observation follows upon observation. In start- ing with an orange, assumed to be a thing never before known, the observer has no name for the object. The mental analysis by which the abstracts are formed may be looked upon as made up of a succes- sion of judgments : " It is yellow ; " " It is sweet ; " " It is round ; " etc. All the predicates of these judgments, when gathered up, give the concept, which is finally embodied in the word orange, and then used in classifying all like objects as oranges. The judgment of obser- vation may be seen to be the mental union of simple apprehensions or percepts and abstracts. 2. The judgment of observation thus prepares the way for and gradually approaches the strictly logical judgment, which makes use of the concept and class, as, " The orange is yellow ; " " Oranges are yellow." It will readily be seen that the strictly logical judgment will take different forms, as the subject and predicate are concept or class notions. The various relations of the notions in logical judg- ments as embodied in propositions may be brought out in the following form, using the notions man and mortal: Subject. Copula. Predicate. Concept proper, Concept proper, ' (Man = humanity) r is -j (mortal.) Class, ) or I Class (Man=. mankind) I is not' (a mortal.) The strictly logical judgment is the form of judgment of which Logic mainly treats. In the logical proposition the two terms may both be concept terms, giving a proposition of content, as, " Man is mortal ; " or both class terms, giv- ing a proposition of extent, as, " Man is a mortal." The subject term in the latter form may be either an individual, as, 9 G 98 PRACTICAL LOO 1C. " Garibaldi ; " or an individualized general term, as " this man ; " or a general term taken partially, as " some men ; " or a general term taken universally, as " all men." This form of logical judgment may, therefore, be either, " Garibaldi is a mortal," or " This man is a mor- tal," or " Some men are mortals," or " All men are mortals." Note. The strictly impersonal judgments, expressed in the classical lan- guages without subject (except as the subject in the third person singular is involved in the termination of the impersonal verb) and in the English with " it" as the subject, as, " it rains," " it thunders," properly come under the logi- cal judgments. Says Ueberweg, " In the so-called judgments without subjects the sum total of the existence surrounding us, thought of indefinitely, or an indefinite part of it, takes the place of the subject." Praxis. Examine carefully the following judgments, stating them in the normal form (S is P, or S is not P), naming the subject and predicate, and bringing out the precise connecting link in each case : 1. Truth is stronger than error. 2. The human race was one in its origin. 3. A square is rectangular. 4. A square is an equilateral rectangle. 5. " Few and short were the prayers we said." 6. " Flashed all their sabres bare." 7. Man is risible. 8. Not all the ills of earth can mar my joy. 9. Not all men are virtuous. 10. A horse may be white. 11. He that destroys a usurper does right. 12. Great is the work of life. 13. There was no possibility of substan- tiating the allegations. 14. " In jewels and gold men cannot grow old." 15. " From peak to peak the rattling crags among leaps the live thunder." 16. It is wrong to put an innocent man to death. 17. There is no place like home. 18. " None but the brave deserve the fair." 19. " The most sublime act is to put another before thee." 20. Life every man holds dear. Topic Second. Verification or Proof of Judgments. When a so-called judgment, expressed in a proposition, is brought before the mind, the question is naturally asked concerning it, What reason is there for believing it to be true? A so-called judgment is decided to be true, doubt- ful, or false, by the presence or absence of proof, i. e., of something which makes the reality of the connection of the two notions more or less evident to the mind. Practically, in all our intercourse with men and books, judgments of every form are constantly being presented to our minds for con- THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 99 sideration. " Geometry is the science of extension." " Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other." " Logic is the art of reasoning." " The weather is cold." " If the weather remains as at present, the streams will be frozen over." In short, every sen- tence read, heard, or uttered involves one or more judgments, and no such judgment is anything more to us than an empty assertion until we have grasped some proof that the expressed connection of its parts agrees with the corresponding reality. The verification or confirmation of judgments is, therefore, a most important part of this form of thought. Judgments have been divided, by the sources from which the predicate is drawn, into analytic and synthetic. The predicate notion may either be brought out of the subject notion by analysis, or brought to it from without. Proofs are accordingly either analytic or synthetic, the former being drawn by analysis from the terms of the proposition itself; the latter being brought from outside the terms of the proposition. An analytic or explicative judgment is one in which what is affirmed in the predicate is already contained in the definition of the concept or general term which forms the subject. " Man is rational," is an analytic judgment; since the predicate, rational, is involved in the notion, man, as brought out by partition or by the definition, "Man is a rational animal." Such judgments are also called a priori, or judgments not grounded on but prior to experience. The simple study of what is contained in the subject notion gives the predicate without resort to the testimony of experience. E. g., in the judgment, " Body is extended," the instant the thinker understands what is meant by the term "body," he knows that "extended" is comprehended in it. A synthetic or ampliative judgment is one in which the predicate adds something which is not contained in the conception or definition of the subject. E. g., "Man is a sinner," "Neptune is the most remote of the planets," are synthetic judgments. The predicate adds to the subject something which it brings from outside and which no analysis could have discerned in the subject. In connection with the various forms of judgment analytic and synthetic the nature of the proof, and the canons or rules governing it, will be set forth. 100 PRACTICAL LOGIC. I. Proof of Analytic Judgments. Analytic judgments furnish within themselves the ma- terial for their own verification. This is to be brought out by analysis, i. e., by partition or division of the subject or predicate or both. The proposition, "All trees are organic," is proved by analyzing " organic." The proposition is regarded as one of extent, affirming that the genus, " organic beings " includes the species, " trees." Or- ganic beings are divided, by the presence or absence of a nervous sys- tem and power of causation, into animals and plants. Plants are divided, by the size and duration of the stem or ascending axis, into herbs, shrubs, and trees. The result reached may be expressed in tab- ular form : Organic beings = j Animals, / Herbs, ( Plants = | Shrubs, ( Trees ; froDi which it is apparent that the lower species " trees " is included under the higher genus " organic." The proposition, " Duelling is murder," is analytic. Regarded as a proposition of content, its proof is reached by partition of the terms. " Murder " includes the generic mark, taking of human life, and the differential or specific marks, de- liberately, unlawfully, maliciously. "Duelling," where it results in death, is found to include the same marks, taking of human life, de- liberately, unlawfully, maliciously. The two are thus found to agree. Duelling is, therefore, murder, i. e., the relation affirmed to exist between the two, in the proposition to be proved, corresponds to the reality. The proof of the proposition, "Labor is a blessing to man," is to be found by an analysis of the terms. Regarded as a proposition of ex- tent, it affirms that "labor" is one species of the genus or class "blessings to man." By partition "blessing to man" has the active properties or characteristics, meeting some fundamental and natural need of man, giving satisfaction or happiness. There are, therefore, as many "blessings to man " as he has fundamental and legitimate needs to be satisfied. Analyzing " blessings to man " by division, we, there- fore, find that the genus includes the desires for habitual activity physical and rational, for knowledge, for power, for property, for help in dependence and helplessness, for deliverance from sin, etc. Any- thing which meets and satisfies any one of these desires is a blessing THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 101 to man. " Labor " analyzed by partition is found to include the marks, exertion of the powers, habitual, with rational aim, or, in other words, habitual rational activity. " Labor," as meeting the funda- mental and legitimate need for habitual rational activity is a " blessing to man." Continuing the process of thought still further, we may conclude from the analysis, that " knowledge " is a blessing to man, "power" is a blessing to man, "wealth" is a blessing to man, "the sustaining power of divine providence" is a blessing to man, "sal- vation from sin " is a blessing to man, etc. General Rule. The analysis must be accurate and com- plete. It is obvious that this method of proof must render cer- tain the truth of the propositions which admit of its appli- cation. All analytic proof is, therefore, said to be demon- strative in its force. II. Proof of Synthetic Judgments. Synthetic judgments require that their proofs be sought outside of the judgments themselves. No analysis of terms will furnish the proof that, " Duelling is a relic of barbar- ism," or that, " The Feudal System was beneficial." The proof must be brought from outside sources. The precise source or place outside will depend upon the species of synthetic judgment to be proved. Synthetic judgments are divided, by the place outside the proposition from which the predicate is brought, into intuitive and em- pirical. Intuitive, or a priori, judgments are those whose predicates are brought from within the mind itself, from some fundamental or thought necessity. In these the predicate could never be unfolded from the subject, as in the judgment, " Every event must have a cause." It is a law of our thinking that compels us to connect " must have a cause " with the subject, " every event." Empirical, or a posteriori, judg- ments are those of which the predicates are brought from outside the mind. They have their ground in experience. The judgment, " Body is extended substance," is analytic, since " extended substance " is seen to be comprehended in "body," or to be identical with it; but the 102 PRACTICAL LOGIC. judgment, " Body is heavy," is a synthetic judgment, since the mark "heavy " is not comprehended in " body." The latter is an empirical judgment, since only experience, examining bodies and measuring pressure by muscular effort, enables us to predicate " heavy " of " body." 1. Proof of Intuitive Judgments. These draw their proofs from the mind itself. The proofs are intuitions or fundamental truths, accepted by all, and lying at the foun- dation of all human knowledge and activity. For the proposition, " Suicide is wrong," the proof is to be found in man's intuitive convictions of duty. Every one knows intuitively that man, as a creature under the moral government of God, is bound to make the most and the best of himself, and that to fail in this is wrong. Duty is intuitively seen to require that he should preserve himself, improve himself, and use his powers for the true end of life. "Suicide" is intuitively seen to break the first of these requirements, and, therefore, seen to be " wrong." The propositions, " I exist," " I am thinking," rest upon the intuitive belief in the veracity of our consciousness. As so-called intuitions are often urged in proof of various false judgments, it becomes necessary to keep clearly in mind the tests of intuition, These may be given in the following rules : Rule 1st. Every intuition is self-evident. The mind, on the bare contemplation of it, must see its truth at once, without requiring any foreign evidence or outside proof. Rule 2d. Every intuition is necessary. The mind cannot help be- lieving and acting upon its truth. That " Space exceeds my widest imagination of space," and that " Every event must have a cause," one cannot help believing. Rule 3d. Every intuition is catholic or universal. It must be en- tertained by all men intelligent and understanding what is meant by it. An intuition is sometimes described as being " What all men everywhere and always believe." Rule 4th. Every intuition is accepted by all men practically. In- tuitive truths may not be consciously apprehended and stated by the majority of mankind, but they are assumed and acted upon by all men, even by those who deny their belief in them. THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 103 The notions of being, personal identity, time, space, causation, the axioms of Mathematics, Logic, Ethics, etc., are among these self-evi- dent, necessary, and universal cognitions of men. It is evident that all such proofs, properly tested, must render certain the truth of propositions based upon them. Intuitive proofs are, therefore, said to be, like analytic proofs, demonstrative in force. 2, Proofs of Empirical Judgments. Empirical judg- ments, or those based upon something outside of the propo- sition and of the mind itself, rest for their proofs upon the experience of the thinker himself or of others. Knowledge in the form of experience has been seen (p. 16) to include the observation and thinking of the man himself, and the observation and experience of others given in testimony and authority. This suggests the kinds of empirical judg- ments to be established. (1.) Judgments from Observation. When the judgment to be veri- fied is based upon our own observation of things external or internal, its truth is tested by careful application of the Rules of Observation already given (p. 33). Thus, " I see my uplifted hand in all its parts ; " " I am conscious of exertion in lifting my hand," are judgments of observation. Their truth evidently depends upon the trustworthiness of the senses and consciousness, assumed in all observation, and upon strict compliance with the Rules of Observation. (2.) Judgment from Thought. Many empirical judgments are reached by the processes of Reasoning Inductive and Deductive. These must be tested by the Canons of Reasoning, which will be presented in Part III. (3.) Judgments from Testimony and Authority. Testi- mony is the statement of others concerning matters of fact which they have observed in their own consciousness or in the world around them. Authority is the statement of others concerning matters of opinion which they have reached by the processes of conception, judgment, and rea- soning. The testimony or authority may be recorded on 104 PRACTICAL LOGIC. monuments or in writings, books, etc., or given by word of mouth. As almost all human knowledge is received on testimony or authority, the question, What are the tests of testimony and authority ? becomes a most important one. The tests are to be found either, first, in the ability, character and number of witnesses or authorities, or, secondly, in the character of that which they present. Out of these arise the Rules to be observed in judging of the truth or falsity of judgments received from others. Rule 1st. A witness or authority must be competent, i. e., must have the opportunity, the ability, and the dispo- sition to know the facts testified to, or to think out the judgments presented on his authority. a. Want of opportunity to observe destroys the value of any so- called testimony. The testimony of A concerning what B says that C did is mere hearsay, and of little evidential value. Negative testi- mony is of little value. The testimony of a thousand witnesses that they did not see A kill B is not sufficient to countervail the statement of one good witness that he did see A kill B. Want of ability to ob- serve the facts in any given case may make the testimony worthless. A blind man's testimony to mere objects of sight is worthless. Cer- tain spheres of observation require special skill, so that only the testi- mony of experts, or those trained for the purpose, may be of value in those spheres. A man acquainted with the phenomena of electricity will be able to detect important facts which would entirely escape the notice of the ordinary observer. Testimony regarding the distance, size, form, and appearance of any object requires a trained judgment to make the observation trustworthy. Thus the testimony of an ex- pert, e. g., of a practical astronomer to the fall of a meteor, may become of more value than that of hundreds of ordinary observers. Want of disposition to observe accurately vitiates testimony. This may result, through habitual carelessness, in imperfect observation, or, through prejudice, in warped views of things. There are men who, from the first cause, never see anything worth seeing, and others who, from the second cause, always see things double or quadruple or as they expect or wish to see them. b. Want of opportunity or ability or disposition to think out the THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 105 conclusions for which one is quoted as an authority must, of course, destroy the weight of the authority. In order to be an authority in any department of thought a man must have had special opportunity of acquaintance with that department, must have shown himself pos- sessed of extraordinary ability to deal with it and of unusual mastery of it, and must be disposed to seek and discern the truth in it. The authorities in Law are the men who have shown themselves masters of legal science. The authorities in Physical Science, are, accord- ing to Professor Tait, " the advanced, best, ablest scientific thinkers." The "competent authorities "" in Physics are not the men who simply observe and experiment, but the men of exact science, who, largely by the aid of mathematics, have advanced the bounds of the science. Professor Tait names as such authorities in Great Britain, " Brewster, Faraday, Forbes, Graham, Rowan Hamilton, Herschel, and Talbot," in the immediate past, and "Andrews, Joule, Clerk Maxwell, Balfour Stewart, Stokes, William Thomson, and such like," in the present. The authorities in Theology, Philosophy, etc., are the men who are masters in these departments. The utterance of a competent authority in any department has great weight even when not accompanied with the reasons, because he is rightly supposed to know whereof he affirms. The word of the aver- age man, even if he is admitted to be familiar with his subject, has just as much weight as the reasons by which he supports it, and it has weight at all only as he presents his reasons along with it. He is not an authority. Assertions made concerning Theology, Metaphysics, etc., by experimental physicists who have given absolutely no attention to those difficult departments, are worth just as much as the counter assertions made concerning Experimental Physics by theologians who know nothing of that department. In all such cases, however dis- tinguished a man may be in his own department, his words concerning the unknown department should have only so much weight as is given by the reasons with which he accompanies them. Rule 2cL A witness or authority must be credible, i. e. t must be of such a character as to be worthy of belief. a. Whatever the opportunities or natural ability of a witness, if he is shown to be careless in observing, credulous in receiving state- ments, addicted to falsehood, under the influence of prejudice, or swayed by motives that would warp his view of the facts, the value of his testimony is just so far impaired. 106 PRACTICAL LOGIC. b. The value of arthority is equally affected by the credibility of the one giving the opinion. If the judge who renders a certain de- cision can be shown to be corrupt, or to be in any way wanting in principle, his decision will come so far short of commanding assent as authority. Rule 3d. Concurrence in testimony or authority in- creases the probability of its truth. a. The force of concurrence in testimony is broken when there is evidence of collusion or pre-arrangement. Precise agreement in stat- ing the general facts and all the details of any occurrence is looked upon as proof of collusion ; whereas incidental variation in non-essen- tial particulars, along with general agreement, shows the absence of collusion and the truthfulness of the witnesses. Where there has been no opportunity for collusion, concurrent testimony may become abso- lutely conclusive even where all the witnesses are noted liars. In such cases we cannot account for the agreement except on the ground that what the witnesses independently state is true. b. The force of concurrence in authority is subject to the same limi- tations as that in testimony. Too precise agreement in statement of matters of opinion indicates probable collusion. No weight is to be attached to the concurrence of many judges, if it can be shown that the successive decisions have all followed some one original and lead- ing decision. If, however, there is evidence that each arrived at his decision by independent thought, the authority may become of the greatest weight, even when the word of each one separately could command little or no respect. The cumulative force of convergent evidence or argument is also to be considered. The convergence of several lines of proof is often sufficient to render certain what perhaps of these lines alone would fully establish. This is illustrated in the proof that there is a personal God. The consent of mankind, the principle of causation, the order of the universe, the intuition of the infinite, the voice of conscience, and the yearnings of the affections, all converge towards the common centre, a personal God, and the strength of the proof lies in this convergence, rather than in the sep- arate arguments taken alone. Rule 4th. Things absurd or impossible are not to be be- lieved on the ground of testimony or authority, although THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 107 things strange, wonderful, or even miraculous may be be- lieved on such ground. Whatever is absurd or impossible, i. e., logically contradictory or beyond the reach of power to accomplish, cannot, of course, be believed. No testimony or authority could make one believe in a triangle with four sides, or in Mill's conceived world in which two and two make five. It must be observed, however, that what is merely contrary to experience is not necessarily absurd or impossible. The King of Siam had never in his experience known water to be transformed into a solid upon which men could walk ; but every one sees that this was not sufficient reason for his pronouncing the missionary, who told him of such a thing, a liar and impostor, since human experience is very limited. There is need to note especially the natural inclination of men to pronounce everything absurd and impossible which contradicts their settled convictions, their preconceptions or their prejudices, or which is repugnant to their feelings. It was once, by the majority of man- kind, pronounced impossible for the earth to turn on its axis and move through space with incredible rapidity without our perceiving it. It was declared absolutely impossible that information should be trans- mitted thousands of miles in the fraction of a second, or that a man should converse with his friend hundreds of miles away. It must be borne in mind that the impossible is only that which is logically con- tradictory or beyond the reach of power ; and that, therefore, before any particular thing can be pronounced impossible, the laws and limi- tations of thought and power must be comprehended and found to forbid its accomplishment. A thing may, therefore, be perfectly cred- ible, though it be strange, unaccountable, or even unintelligible. " What is strange or unaccountable to one mind may be perfectly familiar and plain to another. For the most limited intellect or ex- perience to make itself the standard of the possible, would be as absurd as a man's making his visible horizon the limit of space." Even tes- timony to supernatural and miraculous events may be entirely worthy of belief, if there be any Supernatural Power in the universe, and such events may and ought to be believed if the witnesses are com- petent and credible and concur in their statements. It is a remarkable fact that the greatest scientists and philosophers, such men as Bacon, Locke, Descartes, Newton, Herschel, Brewster, and Faraday, have unhesitatingly believed in miracles on the ground of such testimony, regarding them, not as events without any adequate cause, but as 108 PRACTICAL LOGIC. events into whose production a higher, Unseen Cause entered. In all such cases, however, the witnesses to the supernatural events should be subjected to the most rigid scrutiny and cross-examination, accord- ing to the established rules of testimony. It is evident that the proofs of empirical judgments never give the judgments the absolutely demonstrative force which belongs to the proofs of analytic and intuitive judgments, but simply render them more or less probable. As the entire practical ongoing of human life depends upon such judgments from experience, i. e., from observation, thought, testimony, and authority, the meaning and truth of Butler's statement, that "probability is the guide of life," becomes apparent. Probability varies in different cases. It may in one case practically amount to certainty ; in another the balance may be as a thousand, or a million, or vastly more, to one, against the truth of the judgment. The rational conduct of human affairs varies accordingly. Where the balance of probabilities is in favor of the truth of a judgment, men base their action upon it, in all the ordinary affairs of life, with a confidence increasing as the degree of probability rises. When the probabilities are as fifty-one to forty-nine that certain goods will greatly advance in price, the enterprising merchant hesitatingly in- vests in them ; as the probabilities become as seventy-five to twenty- five, he invests more eagerly ; as the probabilities approach certainty, he secures control of all that his capital will enable him to command. Where great and permanent practical interests are involved, even the lowest degree of probability should, in accordance with the dic- tates of common sense, be acted upon. The man wrecked in mid- ocean wisely clings to his solitary plank even when the probabilities that he will be saved are only as one to a thousand or even one to a million. The balancing of probabilities and deciding the course in view of them is manifestly an essential part of man's rational and moral discipline in this world. Note. Professor Jevons says of the Theory of Probabilities : " It is the very guide of life, and hardly can we take a step or make a decision of any kind without correctly or incorrectly making an estimate of probabilities. . . . The whole cogency of inductive reasoning rests upon probabilities. The truth or untruth of a natural law, when carefully investigated, resolves itself into a THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 109 high or low degree of probability, and this is the case whether or not we are capable of producing precise numerical data." Jevons' Principles oj Science, p. 217. Praxis. Examine critically the following judgments or proposi- tions, first, stating of each whether it is analytic or synthetic ; secondly, if analytic, developing the proof from the judgment itself; thirdly, if synthetic, showing whence its proofs are to be derived and bringing the proofs of the judgments from observation, testimony, and authority from the proper sources : 1. Washington is the capital of the United States. 2. George Washington was a true patriot. 3. Columbus discovered America. 4. New Orleans is situated on the Mississippi. 5. England is across the Atlantic Ocean. 6. There is such a country as China. 7. Madagascar is inhabited. 8. Civilization has been progressive from the earliest ages. 9. The Aztecs reached a high degree of civilization. 10. Lying is never justifiable. 11. The Allegheny Mountains were formerly submerged. 12. The Himalayas are the highest mountains on the globe. 13. The feudal system was beneficial. 14. Honesty is the best policy. 15. Education cannot be effected by mere class-room instruction or lecturing. 16. The sum of the three angles of a triangle is equal to two right angles. 17. Two straight lines cannot inclose a space. 18. The earth is between 93,000,000 and 94,000,000 miles from the sun. 19. Wrong-doing blinds the conscience. 20. Falsehood is dangerous. 21. The story of Christ's life and death is true. 22. Joan of Arc was a religious enthusiast. 23. In a right-angled triangle the hypothenuse is the longest side. 24. Any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third. 25. Christianity is of divine origin. 26. The study of the classics is necessary to the highest culture. 27. North America was once inhabited by a race of Indians of higher civilization than the existing tribes. 10 110 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 28. Christianity is the religion which meets the needs of man. 29. A triangle cannot have more than one angle as great as a right angle. 30. The moon revolves round the earth. 31. The best science recognizes a God. 32. Probability is the guide of life. Section II, The Products of Judgment, The process of judging results in judgments which are embodied in propositions. These products need to be care- fully classified and divided, since the unfolding of judg- ments depends upon a knowledge of their kinds and char- acteristics, and since judgments constitute the material of Reasoning, the third Form of Thought. Judgments of content and extent and analytic and syn- thetic judgments have already been considered in treating the process of judgment (pp. 97-99). For further logical purposes the chief divisions of judgments are based on the various ways of making the predication or assertion, since the assertive element is the main one in judgment. This gives rise to the following divisions : First, by the quality of the predication, whether affirmative or not, into affirmative and negative judgments. This division is treated under Quality of Judgments. Second, by the extent of the predication, whether total or not, into universal or total and particular or partial judgments. This division is treated under Quantity of Judgments. Third, by the directness of the predication, whether direct or indi- rect, into categorical and hypothetical. This division is treated under Relation of Judgments. Fourth, by the degree of certainty of the predication, whether certain or not, into certain including demonstrative and assertory, and not-certain including probable and possible. This division, as it has reference to the results in the mind of the thinker himself, will be treated, in summing up the results of thinking in its second form, at the close of Part II., under Modality of Judgments. Since the divisions of scientific syntax in Grammar depend upon the forms and combinations of logical judgments or logical propositions, THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. Ill for grammatical purposes there is still another division of judgments, which needs to be considered : Fifth, by combination, whether single or not, into simple, and mul- tiple or combined including complex and compound. This is treated under Grammatical Combination of Judgments. Topic First. Quality of Judgments. By the quality or character of the predication judgments are either affirmative, as, " Belgium is populous; " or nega- tive, as, " The vicious are not wise." In the former there is indicated the union of the two notions by some link of connection, and they are, therefore, said to agree, by the principle of Identity ; in the latter there is indicated by the negative the separation of the two notions, which are, there- fore, said to disagree, by the principle of Contradiction. It follows from the nature of negation that a negative copula always excludes everything in the predicate, the whole, the species, the indi- viduals, entirely from the subject. E. g., " No men are angels" cuts off the entire class " angels " and all that is included in it from the class "men." "Some men are not artists" cuts off the entire class " artists " from these " some men." This is called the distribution of the predicate, or the taking of it in its entire signification. It should be observed that the negative particle is not always con- nected with the copula, but may be placed in other parts of the propo- sition ; yet in every judgment really negative it belongs only to the copula. By the second Logical Postulate it is always permissible to put the negative into its proper place, with the verb to be, in reducing any proposition to the normal form, S is not P. " No human knowl- edge is perfect " may thus be changed into, " All human knowledge is not perfect." In many apparently negative propositions the force of the negative particle does not fall on the copula, but upon one of the terms. E. g., "Not to submit is madness " is really an affirmative prop- osition, since the force of the "not" falls on the words "to submit." The meaning is, "Non-submission (or resistance) -is madness." Again, "A person not vicious is virtuous" is equivalent to, "A non-vicious person is virtuous," and is, therefore, an affirmative proposition. In like manner propositions apparently affirmative may be really nega- tive, the force of the negative particle being in some way involved in the thought, if not in the form of expression. E. g., " Only a few 112 PRACTICAL LOGIC. men are wise ; " " Few men are wise ; " " But few men are wise," are all substantially negative propositions, since they are equivalent to, " Most men are not wise." On the other hand, " A few men are wise," is an affirmative proposition. Great care should manifestly be exer- cised in ascertaining the precise quality of all such propositions. Topic Second. Quantity of Judgments. The quantity of judgments depends upon the extent of the predication. Certain logical distinctions, which arise from the combination of quantity with quality, may also be most conveniently treated under this Topic. I. Kinds of Judgments by Quantity. The predicate notion of a judgment may be affirmed or denied either of the whole of a subject or of a part of it only. Having once formed the notion, "orange," we may affirm that, "This orange is yellow," or, "Some oranges are yellow," or, "All oranges are yellow." Hence judg- ments by this division are universal or total and particular or partial. 1. Universal or total judgments include the strictly uni- versal, or those in which the notion of the subject is taken in its entire extent ; the judgments in which a definite part of the notion of the subject is taken; the judgments with individualized, singular, or collective subjects ; and equiv- alent or substitutive judgments. Universal judgments in the strict sense are those in which the pred- icate notion is affirmed or denied of the entire subject notion, i. e., of all that is comprehended or contained under it, whether attributes or objects. The subject is, in this case, a logical whole taken in all its parts. "All men are mortal;" "Every man is mortal," are univer- sal judgments, the subject embracing the total number of objects in the class "man." The subject in all universal judgments, whether affirm- ative or negative, is said to be distributed, because what is predicated is predicated of each and every object in the entire whole. Universal judgments include those in which a definite part of the subject is taken, as, "These men are Japanese." They also include judgments with individualized subjects, as, " This man is sober ; " and judgments with THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 113 singular subjects, as, "Bucephalus is a horse;" "France is not an empire." This follows from the fact that the predicate notion is af- firmed or denied of the whole subject. The same is true of judgments whose subjects are collective wholes, as army, forest; mass wholes, as, wheat, rice ; material wholes, as gold, stone. From the predication of the definition, or essence, of a notion, there arises a peculiar kind of universal judgment in which the subject and predicate are equal and identical. This is known as the equivalent, or substitutive judgment, in distinction from the simple attributive judg- ment or ordinary universal. For example, " Body is extended sub- stance ; " " Man is a rational animal." In all such judgments the notions or terms of both subject and predicate are taken in their entire meaning, or distributed. The signs of universal judgments are all, every, each, both, any, none, neither, always, never, whoever, wherever, whatever, etc. Care must be taken, however, to guard against the ambiguous use of such signs, especially against such use of the word all. The word all in its proper logical sense means " each and every ; " but it stands sometimes for "all taken together," as, "All these claims upon my time overpower me." Hence may arise an ambiguity, since instead of all, in its proper sense of "all taken together," we are liable, in our interpretation, to put all in its logical sense of " each and every." The example could not mean, " Every single claim upon my time overpowers me." 2. Particular or partial judgments embrace the ordinary form including the purely indefinite and the semi-definite judgments; and the more unusual forms called numerically definite and plurative judgments. Particular or partial judgments are those in which the predicate notion is affirmed or denied of a number of objects less than the whole denoted by the subject notion, as, "Some men are poets," "Some rulers are not just." In particular judgments the naked subject must always be restricted either by implication or by some restrictive term. The signs of particular judgments, are, some, not all, not every, a few, there are that, a or an, one, two, three, etc., sometimes, somewhere, etc. The word some, as used in introducing particular judgments embod- ied in propositions, is, as Hamilton has shown, ambiguous. In some instances it introduces a semi-definite judgment, as, " Some men are poets," i. e., some at most, not all. In other instances it introduces a strictly indefinite judgment, as, "Some men reason," i. e., some at 10* H 114 PRACTICAL LOGIC. least, perhaps all The latter is the old logical meaning of some, and the judgment is wholly indefinite ; the former meaning makes the judg- ment semi-definite, since it excludes all. In which sense the word is used in any given instance must be determined by examining the thought or, in connected discourse, the context. Numerically defi- nite judgments, are those in which the predicate notion is affirmed or denied of a definite number or proportion of the objects included in the subject, as, " Ten men in a thousand are wise." Considering the " ten men " alone as the subject, the judgment would be regarded as universal, since the predicate is affirmed of all the ten. Of like nature are plurative judgments which embrace more than half but not all the subject. These may be numerically definite, as, " Forty men out of the fifty on the steamer perished ; " or indefinite, as, " Most men are not poets." In the numerically definite form the sign is found in numbers expressing more than half of the whole embraced in the subject. In the indefinite plurative judgment the signs are found in such expressions as, more than half, the majority, many, etc. "When the predication approaches more nearly to covering the whole of the subject, as in approximately universal judgments, such terms are used as most, almost every one, the large majority, etc. On the other hand the following signs are nearly total negatives : few, very few, hardly or scarcely any, little, small, slight, rare, seldom, etc. II. Logical Distinctions from Quantity and Quality Com- bined. Two subjects the normal forms of judgments as they appear in the syllogism, and the distribution of terms are dependent upon both Quality and Quantity, and will be most naturally treated and best understood in immediate connection with these topics. 1. Normal Forms of Judgment. Men in their thinking combine quality and quantity in judgments. To facilitate the use of judgments in the syllogism logicians have formed a complete scheme of judgments combining quality and quantity, and have affixed to each form a symbol by which both quality and quantity are briefly expressed. The pos- sible combinations are four, two of which are subdivided as shown in the following form : THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 115 Quantity. Quality. Symbol. Formula. Universal Affirmative, Attributive, A, All S is (some) P. [ Substitutive, U, All S is (all) P.] Universal Negative, E, No S is (any) P. Particular Affirmative, Attributive, I, Some S is (some) P. [ Substitutive, Y, Some S is (all) P.] Particular Negative, 0, Some S is not (any) P. These may be illustrated by examples: All men are (some) mortals .... A. [ All men are (all) rational animals . . . U.} No men are (any) angels . E. Some men are (some) mortals .... I. [ Some men are (all) the poets Y.] Some men are not (any) artists ... 0. The judgments in most common use are A, E, I, and 0, and the log- ical processes are usually confined mainly to these. 2. Distribution of Terms. As already indicated, a term is said to be distributed when it is taken in its entire sig- nification embracing each and every object included under it. From the principles already presented a general state- ment of the terms distributed, or taken in their full extent, in the various judgments and also of those undistributed, or not taken in their full extent, can readily be made. These may be embodied in Rules. Rule 1st. All universals, A, U, and E, and no par- ticulars, I, Y, and 0,- distribute the subject. Rule 2d. All negatives, E and 0, and all substitutive affirmatives, U and Y, but no attributive affirmatives, A and I, distribute the predicate. From the nature of quantity and quality, as seen in the statements made and examplep given, it appears that the six kinds of judgment* have their terms distributed or undistributed, as follows : 116 PRACTICAL LOGIC. A distributes the subject only. U " both subject and predicate. E " both subject and predicate. I " neither subject nor predicate. Y " the predicate only. " the predicate only. Praxis. State of each of the following judgments, first, to which of the six forms it belongs, and whether its terms are distributed or undistributed and why, marking the judgment by its appropriate letter ; secondly, if the judgment is particular, whether it is definite, semi-definite, numerically definite, plurative, etc., and if universal, whether singular, attributive, substitutive, etc.; and, thirdly, if am- biguous, wherein the ambiguity consists : 1. All oaks are trees. 2. Some men have genius. 3. Poets are men of genius. 4. Body is extended substance. 5. This inkstand is made of glass. 6. The senate has adjourned. 7. Birds breathe and fly. 8. " All Jerusalem went out to meet him." 9. Salt is chloride of sodium. 10. Some men reason. 11. Some men seek reputation. 12. A few were saved. 13. He that does not heed, stumbles. 14. Nine boys out of ten prefer play to study. 15. Forty of the fifty sailors perished. 16. Not every mistake is culpable. 17. Milton was blind. 18. All men are not liars. 19. God is good. 20. Gold is a heavy metal. 21. With rare exceptions men are selfish. Topic Third. Relation of Judgments. The relation of judgments depends upon the manner of predication. The predication may be made either simply and positively or may be made to depend upon something else. The first gives rise to the categorical judgment ; the second to the hypothetical. Note. The ordinary grammatical division of propositions as embodied in sentences is based upon the mental states embodied. It embraces the follow- ing kinds of sentences : /Expressing Cognition or Intellect, including, I ( Interrogative, showing search for ground of judgment, m \l Hypothetical, showing certain grounds only as still in doubt, 8 1 ( Categorical, showing the comparison and connection completed ; v /Expressing Emotion or Sensibility, g J Exclamatory, embodying feeling ; w /Expressing Conation or Will, including, I ( Optative, indicating wish or choice, V 1 Imperative, indicating determination or volition. THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 117 Interrogative sentences may have the same terms as the other sentences ex- pressing cognition, and are treated in Logic in the same manner as those sen- tences. The elements of emotion and will do not enter into the thought of the proposition, in the strict sense. In so far as the sentences based upon them ex- press thought in the proper sense, they may be treated as propositions express- ing cognitions, and so become either categorical or hypothetical. See Davis' Logic, p. 82. 1. A categorical judgment is one in which the predicate is affirmed or denied of the subject simply and absolutely or without condition, as, " Captain Jack was a Modoc chief; " " Benedict Arnold was not a patriot." The affirmatives are based on the principle of Identity, the negatives on that of Contradiction. 2. A hypothetical judgment is one in which the predica- tion is based upon some circumstance " which must be granted or supposed before the assertion becomes applicable." The supposition may be either a condition or an alternative or both these combined ; and hypothetical judgments are, therefore, of three kinds, conditional, disjunctive, and di- lemmatic. (1.) A conditional or conjunctive judgment suspends the predication upon some supposed circumstance (called a condition), as, " If the sun shines the snow melts." This may be put into the form, " The snow is, if the sun shines, melting." " Melting " is predicated of " snow " upon the condition that " the sun shines." If it be true that " the sun shines," then it is true that " the snow melts." The supposed cir- cumstance, " If the sun shines," is called the antecedent ; the judg- ment suspended upon the condition is called the consequent. The rela- tion between the two is that of reason and consequent, or cause and effect. The conditional judgment is, therefore, based upon the princi- ple of Sufficient Reason. The signs of conditionals are, if, when, in case of, etc. Conditional judgments may be converted into categorical form by changing the signs, if, when, in case of, etc., into such phrases as "the case of," " the circumstances in which," etc. Thus the conditional, " If the sun shines the snow melts," becomes " The case of the sun's shining is the case of the snow's melting." (2.) A disjunctive judgment suspends the predication upon some alternative introduced by "either or." It involves two or more 118 PRACTICAL LOO I C. judgments, all of which cannot be true, but one or more of which, by the principle of Excluded Middle, must be true. Thus in the disjunc- tive, " Either the Bible is false or holiness ought to be followed," there are two alternative judgments, " The Bible is false; " and " Holiness ought to be followed." " Either London is in England or it is not," contains two alternative judgments, " London is in England; " " Lon- don is not in England." One or other of them must be true ; the other cannot be. The disjunctive needs to be carefully distinguished from the partitive judgment, which, under the form of a disjunctive, simply predicates of a genus its several species ; as, " All Africans are either bond or free." The genus, Africans, is in this case made up of the component species, bond and free, which are affirmed of it not alternatively nor disjunctively, but concurrently. The affirmation of the one is not a denial of the other. Disjunctive judgments may be converted into categorical form by using all their members for one of the terms, and the phrase " possible cases," or, " the only alternative," or one like it, for the other term. The disjunctive, " This season is either Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter," becomes, " All the possible cases regarding this season are Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter." Disjunctives may also be converted into conditionals by taking the contradictory of one of the members for the antecedent and making the other members conse- quents. Thus, "If it is not Summer, it is either Autumn, Winter, or Spring." (3.) A dilemmatic judgment is a hypothetical involving a combina- tion of the conditional and the disjunctive. The disjunctive may fall either in the antecedent or in the consequent. Thus, " If a man falls into the sea, he will either sink or swim ; " " If man is either praise- worthy or blameworthy, he must be a free agent." A dilemmatic judgment may be converted into categorical form by changing each of its elements, according to the principles laid down under hypotheticals and disjunctives. Topic Fourth. Grammatical Combination of Judgments or Propositions. Judgments embodied in propositions are either single or combined. Combined judgments are combined by subordination or by co-ordina- tion. Propositions are, therefore, simple, complex, or compound. A simple proposition consists of only one subject and predicate. Both the subject and predicate may, however, be grammatically very complex, e. g., "A THE FORMATION OF JUDGMENTS. 119 legitimate and forcible argument may fail to win the assent of a prejudiced man." The kinds of judgments thus far treated are chiefly forms of simple judgments embodied in simple propositions. A complex proposition consists of a principal judgment with one or more subordinate judgments, e. g., " Man who is born of a woman is of few days." The subordinate elements appear as substantive, adjective, or adverbial elements, so that in logic the complex sentence is treated as embodying a simple judg- ment. The office of the subordinate clauses is explicative, as, " Whoever is right, is safe ; " or restrictive, as, " Men who are avaricious are discontented." A compound proposition is made up of two or more co-ordinate judgments, as, " Art is long, and time is fleeting." For logical purposes the constituent judg- ments of a compound proposition require separate and independent statement. Co-ordination is either copulative, adversative, disjunctive, or causal. The co- ordination is copulative when two or more thoughts, which are considered independent, are so united together that the thought expressed in the co-ordi- nated judgment gives a greater extent to the thought of the preceding judg- ments, e. g., " Socrates and Plato were wise ; " " Plato was a philosopher and Sophocles was a poet." The copulative connection may be either annexive, en- hansive, intensive, or ordinative. The co-ordination is adversative when the judgments united in thought stand in opposition to one another, e. g., "Not the rich are happy, but the good." The opposition may be contradictory, con- trary, or restrictive. The co-ordination is disjunctive when the judgments united in the one thought exclude one another, e. g. " Either he is here or he is not here." The disjunction is either exclusive as in the ordinary disjunctive judgments, or separative as in comparisons. The co-ordination is causal when the last of the co-ordinate judgments denotes the ground of the preceding judg- ment, or the conclusion from it, as, " Aristotle was an accurate thinker, for he formed conceptions and judgments well." The causal relation in the wide sense, may be either reason, or cause proper, or conclusion from reason, or conse- quence from cause. Note. For a full presentation of the principles of subordination and co-or- dination, see Kiihner's Latin and Greek Grammars, and Becker's German Grammar. Praxis. Examine and characterize the following judgments, First, reducing them to the normal form ; secondly, bringing out the connect- ing links; thirdly, indicating the sources of proof; fourthly, giving the quantity, quality, and relation, and showing the distribution of the terms ; fifthly, stating whether simple or combined, and if com- bined showing whether complex or compound, and bringing out the particular relations of subordination or co-ordination : 1. No reptiles have feathers. 2. Grace is unmerited favor. 3. None are free who do not govern themselves. 4. He that ruleth his own spirit is greater than he that taketh a city. 5. George Eliot was the wife of George H. Lewes. 120 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 6. He that getteth silver is not satisfied with silver. 7. Thomas Jefferson prepared the first Anglo-Saxon Grammar pro- duced in America. 8. There is no fireside, howsoe'er defended, But has one vacant chair. 9. Never morning wore to evening but some, heart did break. 10. The rich are not necessarily happy, for happiness is not the result of external circumstances. 11. Those here present constitute the class in Logic. 12. All that glitters is not gold. 13. Man was originally a long-eared animal of arboreal habits. 14. A miracle is impossible. 15. No such thing as a miracle has ever been experienced. 16. Who steals my purse, steals trash. 17. Life every man holds dear. 18. If Christ rose from the dead, then Christianity is true. 19. Either Richard III. was a monster or Shakespeare was wrong. 20. If Socrates was innocent, Anytus was either deceived or per- jured. 21. Wherever thore is smoke, there is fire. 22. If Caesar lives, he will rule or ruin. 23. He would have gone, but was prevented by sickness. 24. Goliath uttered his challenge and David accepted it. 25. First, the dawn ; then, the rising sun ; and last, the busy tide of life. 26. There are studies much vaunted, yet of little utility. 27. Some democracies are unstable. 28. Some honest men become bankrupt. 29. The world's no neuter ; it will wound or save. 30. The country is generally flat or but slightly undulating. 31. Wealth may seek us ; but wisdom must be sought. 32. He had the air of dignity, yet of deep feeling. 33. For man to tell how human life began is hard ; for who him- self beginning knew ? 34. Thy father slew my father ; therefore die. 35. We have no slaves at home then why abroad ? 36. He is very great in knowledge, and accordingly valiant. 37. I have the wish, but want the will to act. 38. The widow and her child returned to England, and lived almost hopeless in their old home. THE UNFOLDING OF JUDGMENTS. 121 CHAPTER II. THE UNFOLDING OP JUDGMENTS. THE best use of judgment in the practical work of think- ing requires that the thinker should be able to unfold what may be contained in any judgment, or implied in it, or im- mediately inferred from it. Hence the following Topics: First, the development of contained judgments. Second, the development of implied judgments. Third, the development of inferred judgments. Note. Some logicians consider this subject as a part of Reasoning. Ac- cording to these, Reasoning is, either by inference from one judgment to an- other derived from it ; or from two judgments to a third, which could not be derived from either alone but is drawn from both combined. The latter is called Mediate Inference ; the former Immediate Inference. The subjects of the present Chapter are, according to this view, treated under the head of Rea- soning. They are, however, properly to be treated under Judgment, for they all flow from the nature of conceptions as already presented and from the re- lations of these conceptions in judgments and propositions. Section I, Development of Contained Judgments, That which is contained in any judgment may be brought out by analysis of the content or extent of its terms, the subject and predicate. This form of analysis is of great service in careful thinking and especially in confirmation of judgments. It is applicable, of course, only to judgments in which at least one of the terms is complex or has component attributes or species. The process must conform to the laws of Partition and Division. The proposition, " The highest civilization is dependent on Chris- tianity," may be analyzed, as a proposition of content, either by par- tition of the subject or of the predicate. The subject, "the highest civilization," includes as marks or attributes : the most righteous civil government ; the completest development of the arts industrial and aesthetic ; the broadest and most liberal education ; the best manners and morals, or conduct in all relations ; the highest spirit of enter- prise and progress. The proposition may therefore be unfolded into the following : The most righteous civil government is dependent on 11 122 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Christianity ; The completest development of the arts industrial and aesthetic is dependent on Christianity ; The broadest and most liberal education is dependent on Christianity ; The best form of manners and morals, or conduct, in all relations is dependent on Christianity ; The highest degree of enterprise and progress is dependent on Christianity. The predicate element, " Christianity," may be analyzed to meet the requirements of these propositions for proof. From this point of view, it includes the following marks : the perfect standard of justice ; the true theory of activity and beauty ; the grandest system of truth ; the complete theory of responsibility and duty ; the inspiring prin- ciples of progress. The proposition may, therefore, be unfolded into the following : The highest civilization is dependent upon Christianity as a perfect standard of justice ; The highest civilization is dependent upon Christianity as the true theory of activity and beauty; The highest civilization is dependent on Christianity as embracing the grandest system of truth ; The highest civilization is dependent on Christianity as the complete theory of responsibility and duty ; The highest civilization is dependent on Christianity as containing the in- spiring principles of progress. Propositions of extent may be unfolded by the principles of division. Thus, " Free institutions are conducive to progress,'' may be unfolded through the subject as a genus, as including free governmental institu- tions,, free educational institutions, free social institutions, free religious institutions, etc. ; and through the predicate, as including political prog- ress, educational progress, social progress, religious progress, etc. To the development of contained judgments manifestly belongs also what Thomson names, " Immediate Inference by the Sum of several Predicates." "Copper is a metal, red, malleable, ductile, etc.," is in no proper sense an immediate inference from the judgments, " Copper is a metal," " Copper is red, etc.," but a simple compounding of them. So these component judgments are simple constituents of the general judgment, and may be unfolded from it. Praxis. Develop the following propositions by Subject and Pred- icate, and suggest the sources of proof for the resulting propositions: 1. The studies of the High School Course are best fitted to prepare for the pursuits of business life. 2. The studies of the College Course are best fitted to prepare for the work of the professions. 3. The Fine Arts are favorable to a pure morality. THE UNFOLDING OF JUDGMENTS. 123 4. The study of the Ancient Classics is the best discipline for the mind. 5. Manly qualities are becoming to a student. 6. Proper protection of the various industries is essential to national prosperity. 7. The discipline of life is essential to man's development. 8. Division of labor is essential to national wealth. Section II, Development of Implied Judgments, The implied judgment, according to Davis, " is one that actually exists together with the given judgment, either merely in thought or involved covertly in the expression." Several simpler and less important forms of implication need to be noted, but especially the more important form named obversion. Topic First Simpler Forms of Implication. These are chiefly forms of interpretation of the language or thought. Such judgments may be covertly implied in the language. Thuc, in the proposition, " Few men are wise," it is covertly implied by the language that " Most men are not wise." " Some men are rich," im- plies that " Some men are not rich." Such judgments are sometimes implied in the thought. Thomson places under immediate inference, what he names, " Immediate Inferences of Interpretation." It is not strictly inference but rather implication. Thus, in the judgment, " John loves Mary," it is implied that " John lives," that, "Mary lives," and that, " there is such a thing as love." . The development of active and passive forms of judgments from each other may also be placed here. In the active form, " Napoleon conquered Europe," is implied the passive form, " Europe was con- quered by Napoleon." In any simple proposition many other propositions may be implied. Thus, " Yesterday I lifted one hundred pounds," implies judgments of the existence of yesterday, of the one hundred pounds, of myself, of the lifting, 6f memory, of time, of personal identity, of will power, etc. Topic Second, Obversion. Under implied judgments belongs also what Bain calls obversion. It is sometimes termed, " Immediate Inference 124 PRACTICAL LOGIC. by Reciprocal Change of Positive and Privative Concep- tions." In affirming one thing we impliedly deny the op- posite. Obversion is the bringing out and denying of this opposite or reverse form. Thus, " The road is level ; " " The road is not inclined ; " are not two facts, but the same fact from different sides. The second is not an inference from the first, but something implied in the first, an obverse form of the first. "Whoever is wise is not foolish ; " we must grant the obverse form if we grant the positive. In obversion the negative form may be taken either as infinitated or as simply privative. " Wise " implies the infinitated notion, " not-wise " or " non-wise," the two to- gether making up the universe of being ; and also the privative, " not- wise " or " unwise." Each of the normal forms of judgment, A, E, I, 0, has its obverse form. For developing these obverse implied judgments we have the following Rule. Obvert the predicate (i. '*' THE FORMATION OF REASONING. 147 Praxis. Find middle terms for the following conclusions, according to the Rules given ; verify the premises and test the conclusion ; and mark by the appropriate vowels the quantity and quality of all the judgments: 1. Jupiter is a planet. 2. Education is valuable. 3. Religion is indispensable. 4. The crocodile is a reptile. 5. Few patriots have been disinterested. 6. No brutes are responsible. 7. Perseverance is a condition of success. 8. A sensualist is not truly free. 9. The elk is ruminant. 10. Good logicians are not true poets. 11. The immoral man is not happy. 12. The inactive man cannot be happy. 13. Astrology is not a science. 14. Astronomy is a science. Give a complete outline of the kinds of Syllogisms, as presented in the preceding Section, and then construct one or more original syllo- gisms illustrating each of the kinds. Section III, Inductive Seasoning, Topic First. Process of Finding and Verifying the Cause in Induction. Two things are essential in induction : first, fixing upon some assumed cause which works in the facts from which the inference is sought, and which furnishes the basis for a working hypothesis ; second, testing and verifying this hypothesis. Note. Ueberweg has said truly: " Hypotheses are necessary in all sciences if the knowledge of causes is to be reached. Causes as such are not accessible to observation, and, therefore, at first can be thought only under the form of hypotheses, until, with the advance of the sciences, the previously problem- atic suppositions pass over into knowledge apodictically certain. . . Scientific hypotheses . . . are the results of regular reflection on experience, and, as premises in tentative deductions, form the necessary preliminaries to ade- quate knowledge." I. Finding the Working Hypothesis. In finding the cause in induction, the first question to be asked is, What working hypotheses, in themselves possible, can be formed, which agree with the facts of experience, so that the phenomena may all be taken into account and ex- plained ? Induction derives its data from experience. Experience is the ex- amination which is necessary to furnish us the facts from which to 148 PRACTICAL LOGIC make inferences. Such experience is obtained either by observation or by experiment. Observation is the act of the mind in seizing upon facts as they are sponta- neously presented in nature. Its nature and methods have already been unfolded (p. 26). Experiment is the process of voluntarily " putting in action causes and agents over which we have control, and purposely varying their combinations and noticing what effects take place." It vastly multiplies the possibilities of observation, and is thus of the greatest importance to science. The data drawn from experience for use in induction consist of facts or phe- nomena. A phenomenon means literally " that which appears to, or is known directly by, the senses," and then " that which is known as a fact to the mind." The word, therefore, includes all facts whether made known by the senses or consciousness. The word fact is substantially its equivalent in usage. It sig- nifies literally "something done," and maybe defined to be anything that exists or happens, whether in the world of matter or of mind. Equally important with the data of induction is the correct logical method of dealing with the facts. This Bacon sought to furnish in his Novum Organum or New Instrument. Its aim is to direct the mind in seizing upon the facts in any given region, constructing hypotheses for their explanation, and, through the verification of these, reaching perfected theories or general truths. " The correct construction of hypotheses," says Ueberweg, " is a life and death question with Philosophy ; for it is the science of the principles which underlie all the sciences, and requires more than any other to pass beyond mere experience, and to bring together by comparison very different departments of knowledge." Hence the importance of correct Rules carefully applied. Bale 1st. Observe, analyze, and classify the facts to be generalized and explained, in order to ascertain their reality and their various elements and relations. This Rule guards against two common sources of error in induction. The first is that of assuming what is not fact to be fact. This is illustrated by the problem presented by Charles II. to the Royal Society : " Why does a live fish in water increase the weight while a dead fish does not?" The answer to the question, " Is it a fact ?" would have saved the time spent in endeavoring to solve the imaginary problem. The second is the error from getting only a partial view of the facts or from failure to get them in their relations. This is illustrated in Stahl's method of accounting for combustion, by the extrication of a substance supposed to be contained in all combustible matter, called phlogiston, which went up in the flame. Combustion results in the visible residue of ashes and the invisible phlogiston which passes off. The error was in the non-observation of an important part of the actual residue, the gas- eous products of combustion. When these were at last taken into account, it was found that the gases with the ashes weighed much more than the sub- stance burned, so that there was no room for phlogiston. See Mill's Logic, Book V., Ch. iv. THE FORMATION OF REASONING. 149 "Rule 2d. Correctly interpret the facts, i. e., seek to find the appro- priate cause for the facts and basis for the generalization. By cause in induction is meant " operating power," or, more strictly, " power which in operating originates new forms of being." It is anything which has efficiency and exerts it in producing change, and hence is often called efficient cause. It should be carefully dis- tinguished from law, which has no efficiency, but is merely an expres- sion of an established sequence of facts, or of the regular order in which a cause operates. A condition is " that which is prerequisite in order that something may be, and especially in order that a cause may operate." It is " prior to the production of an effect; but it does not produce it. It is fire that burns ; but, before it burns, it is a condition that there be an approximation of the fire to the fuel, or the matter that is burned. . . The cause of burning is the element of fire, fuel is the con-cause, and the condition is the approximation of the one to the other." The cause may be sought, first, in some known, or. secondly, in some un- known, force or forces. The search in the former case has to do with some real cause and is guided by the so-called Methods of Induction, and in the latter case must be reached by inductive assumption or assumption of strictly hypothetical cause. In the former case the results tend to take shape in contri- butions to exact science ; in the latter they belong to the region of scientific question or metaphysical speculation. The quarrels of scientists and theolo- gians very often arise from confounding the two. (1.) Inductions of Real Cause. The Canons of the In- ductive Method used in the search for the real cause for any phenomenon, whether that cause is simple or complex, may have reference either to the preliminary consideration of the happening or not happening of the event, the cause of which is sought; or to the more advanced problem of meas- uring the exact quantity of an effect, if it be capable of being more or less, and connecting it with the quantity of the cause. To the first stage belong the methods of agreement and of difference ; to the second, the methods of concomitant vari- ation and of residues. A. What can be learned of the real cause of an event from the happening or not happening of that event ? The Method of Agreement is applied in case of the uniform hap- pening of an event. This gives rise to 13* 150 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Canon First. If in all observed cases of an effect or phenomenon one condition is uniformly present, that is probably the cause, or in- cludes the cause, of the phenomenon or effect. In other words, " the sole invariable antecedent of a phenomenon is probably its cause." " To apply this method we must collect as many instances of the phenom- enon as possible, and compare together their antecedents. Among these the causes will lie, but if we notice that certain antecedents are present or absent without appearing to affect the result, we conclude that they cannot be neces- sary antecedents." The method of agreement is subject to a serious difficulty. An antecedent may not be a cause. Night or the cock-crowing or the rising of some diligent workman may uniformly precede the coming of the day without being the cause of it. Hence the necessity for tests by which to distinguish between simple antecedent and real cause. The Method of Difference is applied in case of the uniform happen- ing of an event in the case of the presence of some condition, and the uniform failure of it in case of the absence of that condition. This gives rise to Canon Second. If, in all instances in which a phenomenon does occur, one single condition is present, which is uniformly absent whenever such phenomenon does not occur, this constantly present or absent condition is presumed to be the cause of the phenomenon. Thus we can clearly prove that friction is one cause of heat, because when" two sticks are rubbed together they become heated ; when not rubbed they do not become heated. Sir Humphrey Davy showed that even two pieces of ice when rubbed together in a vacuum produce heat, as shown by their melting, and thus completely demonstrated that the friction is the source and cause of the heat. We prove that air is the cause of sound being communicated to our ears, by striking a bell in the receiver of an air-pump, as Hawksbee first did in 1705, and then observing that when the receiver is full of air we hear the bell ; when it contains little or no air we do not hear the bell. B. What can be learned of the Real Cause of an event from the varying degree or quantity of an event ? " Every science and every question in science is," as Jevons has said, " first, a matter of fact only, then a matter of quantity, and by degrees becomes more and more precisely quantitative. Thirty years ago most of the phenomena of electricity and electro-magnetism were known merely as facts ; now they can be for the most part exactly measured and calculated. " There is in fact a natural course of progress through which we proceed in every such inquiry, as may be stated in the following se- ries of questions. THE FORMATION OF REASONING. 151 1. Does the antecedent invariably produce an effect? 2. In what direction is that effect? 3. How much is that effect in proportion to the cause ? 4. Is it uniformly in that proportion ? 5. If not, according to what law does it vary ? " The Method of Concomitant Variations is applied, after phenomena begin to be measured, in cases where there is an increase or decrease of an event with a corresponding increase or decrease of the condition which, by the other methods, has been assumed to be the cause. This gives rise to Canon Third. Increase or diminution of t'he effect, accompanied by the increased or diminished intensity of the assumed cause, in cases which admit of increase and diminution, increases the assurance of the causal relation. By the method of difference it may be shown that air is the cause of the transmission of sound, by striking a bell in the air and in a vacuum. Instead of this, the method of concomitant variations may be applied, by striking a bell in the receiver of an air-pump with a very little air, and then increasing and decreasing the density of the air. The sound, which is very faint with a little air, grows fainter and disappears as the air is exhausted, and becomes louder and fuller as air is added. This method is made use of in seeking causes for events which go through pe- riodic changes, alternately increasing and decreasing. It leads us to search for a cause which undergoes like periodic changes. The tides are thus proved to be due to the combined attraction of the moon and sun, since the periods of high and low, spring and neap, tides succeed each other in intervals corre- sponding to the apparent revolutions of those bodies round the earth. But all these methods are subject to difficulty from the fact that causes are usually complex, or, in other words, that there is usually a plurality of causes co-operating in the production of any given effect. This gives rise to The Method of Residues or of Eesidual Variations. When there are several causes each producing a part of the effect, we desire to know how much is due to each cause. This leads to Canon Fourth. Subtract from any phenomenon such part as is known by previous inductions to be the effect of certain of the causes, and the residue of the phenomenon is the effect of the remaining causes. This is illustrated by the method of ascertaining the exact weight of a load of hay or any other commodity in a cart, by weighing the cart and load to- gether, and then subtracting the tare or weight of the cart alone, previously ascertained. Almost all the remarkable modern predictions in astronomy have been made by the use of the method of residues. Thus, after the effects of all known attractions were calculated in the case of Uranus, it was still 152 PRACTICAL LOGIC. found that the planet was sometimes before and sometimes behind its calcu- lated place. This residual effect pointed to the existence of some cause of attraction not then known, and the exact place and size of the disturbing body was calculated and the planet Neptune discovered. " The motions of several comets have in this way been calculated, but it is observed that they return each time a little later than they ought. This re- tardation points to the existence of some obstructive power in the space passed through, the nature of which is not yet understood." When the same phenomenon may be the effect of any one of various causes, there arises the necessity for excluding all the causes but that which really operates in the given case. Ordinarily this is not a difficult matter. It requires, however, that the attendant circum- stances should be carefully noted and understood. A room may be heated by the August sun, or by a fire in furnace or grate or stove, or by any one of various other causes. Which is the operating cause may be ascertained by the proper inspection, the real cause being thus found and all others excluded. (2.) Inductions of Hypothetical Cause, When the cause of any given phenomenon is unknown or beyond our reach, the assumption of some hypothetical cause becomes a ne- cessity of the human mind. Such cases are in the region of tentative science or scientific speculation, rather than in that of exact science. Rule 2d requires in such cases that the cause or causes assumed should be appropriate and ade- quate to account for all the facts. Eule 3d. When the facts have been sufficiently investigated com- bine them all under the cause, simple or complex, which seems best suited to produce them, and which is at work in all similar facts. This gives the working hypothesis, which must be modified to suit the further developments of investigation. As the observation may be more or less complete, various working hypotheses may be reached by the same thinker or by different thinkers. When the facts concerning the movements of bodies on the earth and in the heavens have been to some extent observed, they may be referred to gravity as the cause. When the investigation has been carried still further, the work- ing hypothesis of universal gravitation, of Newton, may be stated : "Any two masses in the universe, whatever their material, attract each otlier by gravitation with a force which varies directly as the mass and inversely as the square of the dis- tance." THE FORMATION OF REASONING. 153 This is the work of the constructive imagination or of the power of scientific construction, and must always pre- cede complete and established scientific theory. II. Testing the Working Hypothesis. Scientific thinking requires that to the most ingenious boldness in forming working hypotheses should be united the most cautious accuracy in testing them before their acceptance as truth. The tests of hypotheses are found in connection with the cause assumed, the facts to be explained, or the application of the deductive method. "A riper inquiry," says Ueberweg, " recognizes that in all problems where we must proceed upon mere observation, and not with mathematical certainty, the scientific correctness of distinct hypotheses must be the first object of investigation. An essential advance in method in this sense was made in Astronomy, when in the Platonic school, and especially by Heraclides of Pon- tus, the question to be investigated was not stated in this way : What positions and motions of the heavenly bodies are to be necessarily accepted on empir- ical and speculative grounds? but in this : What hypotheses of regular motions, in themselves possible, can be formed which agree with the facts of observa- tion, so that the phenomena may be ' preserved ' ? " Rule 1st. See that the hypothesis in each case embodies a cause or complex of causes which is appropriate, sufficient, and, if possible, known and true. This is the cause test. All rival hypotheses should be considered and fairly tested accord- ing to this Rule. The direction of Ueberweg is as follows : " Let all the opposing fundamental qpinions be brought under the view of dif- ferent thoroughly testing hypotheses, and do not let the one opinion (as too often happens if it is the traditional one) be treated from outset as correct, necessary, sound, and rational, and those of opponents con- sidered to be false, arbitrary, unsuitable, or foolish." The Rule suggests various particulars to be noted in settling the claims of rival hypotheses. 1st. The hypothesis which is to be of service must embody a cause. The hypothesis of evolution, as stated by Spencer, embodies no cause : " Evo- lution is a change from an indefinite, incoherent homogeneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity through continuous differentiations and integration." " A change " is not a cause, but is rather the very thing to be explained. This is true of a vast region of so-called inductions, which are not inductions at all, because there is no cause at the foundation of the facts. For example, it might readily be concluded, from the fact that man and all the animals with which 154 PRACTICAL LOGIC. we come in contact move the lower jaw in masticating food, that all animals do the same. The fact, however, is that the crocodile moves the upper jaw. This is mere generalization, and not induction in the proper sense. 2d. The hypothesis is to be preferred which embodies an appro- priate cause. The universe is found by scientific investigation to be a thought-system. Of various hypotheses concerning its production, by chance, by self-origination through blind matter and force, by an Intelligent Author capable of planning and constructing such a thought-system, etc., the hypothesis of an Intelli- gent Author is the only scientific one, since such a cause is the only appro- priate one for the effect. 3d. The hypothesis is to be preferred which embodies a known cause. Induction assumes the simplicity of nature. That is, the Author of nature works as man would work, using the simplest means to attain the end in view, never introducing a new force where some already existing force will accom- plish the object. On this principle Newton extended the familiar action of the known force of gravity on the earth's surface to the phenomena of the heavens. 4th. The hypothesis is to be preferred which embodies a true cause. Newton's view of gravitation made use of a true cause, which " had been already known as an actual power in nature, in the power of weight upon the earth." When no known agent can be found, it becomes necessary to assume some unknown, but appropriate and adequate, cause. Thus, the physicist in accounting for the phenomena of light, electricity, etc., assumes the existence of ether, an extremely tenuous substance, pervading all bodies and extending through the universe, which is the vibratory medium in the transmission of all these forms of energy. This is, of course, a strictly hypothetical cause. Some other hypothesis may, at some future time, take its place. 5th. The hypothesis is to be preferred which takes into account the complex nature of causes and makes the right ones prominent. Almost universally in nature causes are manifold and complex, and none of the complex elements can be overlooked without falling into error. For example, about 1854, some excavators broucht up some burnt brick and pot- tery from the depth of 60 and 72 feet, in the valley of the Nile. Assuming that they were found where they were made, and that the alluvium had been deposited upon them at the rate at which the Nile now makes its deposit, and that this was the only cause at work, it was calculated mathematically that the relics must be from 12,000 to 60,000 years old. One causal element omitted was the weight of the brick-bats in connection with the fact (also causal) that all the region is a vast quagmire during the inundation which covers it with water during a large part of the year. Sir Robert Stephenson afterwards found in the Delta near Damietta, at a far greater depth, a brick bearing the stamp of Mohammed AH (1808). Some one said satirically that the main ques- tion in the first case should have been : How long will it take a brick to sink 72 feet in a quagmire? But although this might be the main question, all causes should be given their due weight in reaching the correct result. THE FORMATION OF REASONING. 155 Bale 2d. See that the hypothesis in each case combines and ex- plains all the facts. This is the fact test. This embraces various particulars. 1st. The hypothesis must embrace the facts. This is the object in forming hypotheses, and forgetfulness of it is fatal to correct thinking. The question in inductive science should not be, what must be ? but, what is ? The old science, putting assumption and deduction in the place of induction from facts, taught that the orbits of the heavenly bodies must be circular, because " the circle is the perfect figure ;" the true science teaches that the orbits of the heavenly bodies are, in fact, ellipses, because this alone agrees with the facts as explained by the laws of centrifugal and cen- tripetal force in connection with gravitation and the motion of the bodies. 2d. The hypothesis must explain all the facts. A single fact clearly contradictory to any hypothesis calls for the modification or abandon- ment of the hypothesis. It is manifest that even a single fact clearly contradictory to any hypothesis proves the hypothesis untenable, as that single fact, though there were no other such fact, would prove the principle embodied in the hypothesis not universal. The place occupied by exceptional facts is thus seen to be very important. As Jevoiis has said, " they are commonly the points from which we start to explore new regions of knowledge." As all exceptions are not equally fatal to the hypotheses to which they appear to be exceptional, Jevons (Principles of Science, pp. 644-672) has arranged them under eight classes : (1.) " Imaginary, or false, exceptions, that is, facts, objects, or events which are not really what they are supposed to be. (2.) "Apparent but congruent exceptions, which, though apparently in con- flict with a law of nature, are really in agreement with it. (3.) " Singular exceptions, which really agree with a law of nature, but ex- hibit remarkable and unique results of it. (4.) " Divergent exceptions, which really proceed from the ordinary action of known processes of nature, but which are excessive in amount or monstrous in character. (5.) " Accidental exceptions, arising from the interference of some entirely distinct but known law of nature. This is the largest class of exceptions. (6.) " Novel and unexplained exceptions, which lead to the discovery of a new series of laws and phenomena, modifying or disguising the effects of pre- viously known laws, without being inconsistent with them. (7.) " Limiting exceptions, showing the falsity of a supposed law in some cases to which it has been extended, but not affecting its truth in other cases. (8.) " Contradictory or real exceptions, which lead us to the conclusion that a supposed hypothesis or theory is in opposition to the phenomena of nature, and must therefore be abandoned." These exceptions are the most important of all, " since they lead to the entire rejection of a law or theory before ac- cepted." No law of nature can fail; there are no such things as real excep- tions to real laws. Where contradiction ex-ists, it must be in the mind of the 156 PRACTICAL LOGIC. experimentalist. Either the law is imaginary or the phenomena which con- flict with it ; if, then, by our senses we satisfy ourselves of the actual occurrence of the phenomena, the law must be rejected as illusory. Rule 3d. Apply the principles of deduction to the hypothesis, as- certaining what ought to happen in any given circumstances if the hypothesis he true, and test the predicted results by observation and experiment. This is the prediction test. When any hypothesis embodies a real cause, it gives the thinker the power of predicting by deduction the particular phenomena which come under it. The verification of such predictions is one of the last and highest tests of an induction. "There is no more convincing proof of the soundness of knowl- edge than that it confers the gift of foresight." Astronomy furnished the earliest development of this power. Thales, the Father of Philosophy, pre- dicted the eclipse which suddenly turned day into night during a battle be- tween the Medes and Lydians. The recent discovery of Neptune is the most remarkable instance of this prevision. The method of prediction by deduction is equally applicable to all the physical and mental sciences. " As we deduce more and more conclusions from any hypothesis and find them verified by trial, the probability of the theory increases in a rapid man- ner; but we never escape the risk of error altogether. Absolute certainty is beyond the powers of inductive investigation, and the most plausible supposi- tion may ultimately be proved false. "Such is the groundwork of similarity in nature, that two very different conditions may often give closely similar results. We sometimes find our- selves, therefore, in possession of two or more hypotheses which both agree with so many experimental facts as to have great appearance of truth. Under such circumstances we have need of some new experiment, which shall give results agreeing with one hypothesis but not with the other." This gives rise to what Bacon called an Experimentum Crucis, an " Experiment of the Fin- ger Post." In Pascal's day his own hypothesis, that the mercury rose in the tube because of the pressure of the atmosphere, had as its rival the doctrine, that this phenomenon was due to nature's abhorrence of a vacuum. His ex- periment of causing a barometer to be carried to the top of the Puy-de-D6me was the crucial experiment which established his own theory and negatived the rival hypothesis. Rule 4th. Avoid the common error of assuming unverified hypoth- eses, or such as are based upon other unverified hypotheses, as true. The failure to conform to this general rule has been the bane of sci- entific investigation in both its physical and mental spheres in all ages. The spirit of speculation and the determination to believe one's own dreams to be the reality have overborne the spirit of the true philoso- pher. "The philosopher," says Faraday, "should be a man willing to listen to every suggestion, but determined to judge for himself. He should not be biased by appearances ; have no favorite hypothesis ; be of no school ; and in doctrine have no master. He should not be a respecter of persons, but of things. Truth should be his primary THE FORMATION OF REASONING. 157 object. If to these qualities be added industry, he may indeed hope to walk within the veil of the temple of nature." Topic Second. Products of Inductive Reasoning. The product of induction is a generalization. The pro- cess may be expressed in quasi-syllogistic form, as follows : Mars, Jupiter, the Earth ......... move in elliptical orbits round the sun; These are (as good as or fairly represent) all the planets ; /. All the planets move in elliptical orbits round the sun. Or letting Mj, M 2 , etc., represent the different instances from which the inductions are made, we have the formula: M,, as well as M 2 , is P; M 1? as well as M 2 , is S ; T?TTQ1-TT Q id P Every S is P. I. Varieties of Induction, Inductions are divided by logicians into perfect and im- perfect. 1. The so-called perfect induction takes place " when, by a perfect enumeration of all individuals or particulars, the whole sphere of the universal is exhausted." For example: Mercury revolves on its axis ; so do Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. But these are all the old planets. .'. All the old planets revolve upon their axes. This, however, is enumeration and addition rather than inference. It is ordinarily applicable, of course, only to spheres of objects so limited that all the individuals may be successively examined. 2. The so-called imperfect induction includes the cases in which the general is reached by inference, without the complete enumeration of objects. Sometimes only a very few objects out of an indefinite number are examined. The conclusion in such cases may be made universal, first, by the pure assumption of a real causal nexus between the subject and pre- dicate of the conclusion, giving what may be called an inductive guess, often mistaken for induction ; or, secondly, by the strictly inductive method of finding some real, adequate and, if possible, true cause, to connect the subject and predicate of the conclusion, giving what may be called a true induction. 14 158 PRACTICAL LOGIC. (1.) The inductive guess or primary induction may be illustrated by the following example : Iron is heavier than water, so is silver, quicksilver, gold, etc. /. All the metals are heavier than water. The primitive inductions thus formed are mostly false, as in this example, since some of the metals, as sodium and potassium, are lighter than water. A vast amount, not only of the thinking of common life but also of the so-called scientific induction, is of this nature, and, therefore, at the best only the work of the imagination, and at the worst mere crude guess-work. (2.) The true induction is that in which a causal nexus, found in the nature or essential relation of the objects examined, is more or less completely established. The generalizations in such cases vary in degree of probability. The highest degree of probability is reached where some true and known cause is at work producing like effects in the various individual instances. The probability decreases as the cause recedes into the region of the unknown and hypothetical. The true induction may be illustrated by the following examples : Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, etc., appear to be wanderers among the fixed stars ; These represent all the planets (since this apparent wandering is due to the motion of these stars and the earth) ; . . All the planets will probably appear to be wanderers among the. fixed stars. 3. Analogy has already been shown (p. 136) to involve both induction and deduction, the inductive being the prin- cipal element. As analogy depends upon some assumed likeness, its kinds may be indicated by the kinds of prop- erties (pp. 28-9) in which the likeness is found. That like- ness may be in either essential or non-essential properties. (1.) Analogy based upon resemblance in essential properties is the most valuable kind. The reasoning in this case rests upon the generic and essential nature of the objects coordinated in the analogy. This may be illustrated by the inference made by Franklin in November, 1749, which must be reckoned among inferences from analogy, since lightning and electrical phenomena were not yet known to be the same but only similar : " The electric fluid, as it shows itself in experiments made by us, is attracted by projecting metallic points; THE FORMATION OF REASONING. 159 " This electric fluid and lightning agree in the properties, that they give light of the same color, have a quick motion, are conducted by metals, etc., etc. ; " Hence it is to be presumed that lightning will also be attracted by project- ing metallic points." (2.) Analogy based upon resemblance in peculiar or accidental prop- erties is of comparatively little value, since these properties do not indicate any essential or causal principle lying back of them. This may be illustrated by the following examples : " The American swan is white; therefore, the Australian swan is white." " John Smith, a man with a red nose, is a drunkard ; therefore, Timothy Jones, another man with a red nose, is a drunkard." But the Australian swan, though in all essential respects the same as the American, differs in the non-essential property of color, being found to be black. In like manner the red nose may be the result of exposure to the sun, or of any other of many causes. (3.) Analogy based upon the resemblance of relations is the most difficult to deal with of all the forms of analogy. This is analogy in the strictest sense. It is necessary in all inferences of this kind to consider with great care how far the analogy holds. In the direct form these characteristics of analogy may be illustrated by the rela- tions of a foot to a man and a mountain. It is under the man as a support and under the mountain as a support, but its being that upon which man walks does not warrant the extension of this relation to the foot of a mountain. Analogy from contradictories is illustrated when, from the fact that virtue produces happiness, it is inferred by analogy that its contradictory moral quality, vice, will produce unhap- piness. II. Fallacies in Induction, The most common fallacies in induction arise from fail- ure, first, in dealing with the facts ; or, secondly, in finding the cause. The most common fallacy is that of false generalization (fictae universalitatis, or unreal universality*}. This makes a show, at least, of complete and conclusive induction. (1.) This may result from careless and incomplete observation of facts, and may then be called the fallacy of insufficient observation. Thus, a French physician, it is said, once gave a Frenchman, who had typhoid fever, chicken soup ; the patient recovered, and on the basis 160 PRACTICAL LOGIC. of this one fact the doctor made the generalization, "Chicken soup will cure a man who has typhoid fever." He afterwards used the same remedy in the case of an Englishman who had the same disease ; the patient died, and the doctor reached and recorded the further gen- eralization, " Chicken soup cures a Frenchman, but kills an English- man." (2.) The false generalization may also result from the hasty assump- tion of something as the cause which is not the cause (non causa pro causa}. That which is assumed as the cause in such cases may be either a simple concomitant or a mere antecedent (post hoc ergo propter hoc). The fallacy of assuming that a simple concomitant is a cause (cum hoc ergo propter hoc) is illustrated by the conclusion of the materialist, that since chemical action in the brain accompanies mental action, it is the cause of mental action ; which is paralleled by the assumption, that because the small boy's boots always accompany the small boy, therefore, they are the small boy. The fallacy of assuming that a mere antecedent is a cause (post hoc ergo propter hoc) is illus- trated by the inference, among the ancient Romans, that when a general engaged the enemy where the response of the augurs had been unfavorable, and suffered defeat, the cause of the disaster was the unfavorable character of the auspices. Praxis. Test the following conclusions reached by induction ; state whether the induction is valid or not in each case ; verify the induction when valid, and when not valid show what is the fallacy involved : 1. " The Jews are rogues, The Carthaginians, faithless, The Cretans, liars, The French, braggadocios, The Germans, mystics, The rich, purse-proud, The noble, haughty, Women, frivolous, The learned, pedants." 2. Matter is eternal. 3. Spirit is essentially immortal. 4. The Irish are malcontents. 5. All human languages had a common origin. 6. The great civilizations have all flourished in the North Temperate Zone. 7. Man is what circumstances make him. 8. " There 's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will." 9. That which survives is fittest. 10. All the planets revolve on their axes. 11. Conceited men are always shallow. 12. Ignorant men are con- ceited. 13. Selfish men are not men of principle. 14. Man is born sinful. 15. The Christian nations are the progressive nations. 16. The Protestant nations are the foremost nations in the world. 17. The reach of gravitation is univer- sal. 18. The best education is secured by means of the Classics. 19. The best education is secured by means of the Natural Sciences. 20. The best edu- cation is secured by means of the combined study of the Classics, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics. 21. The appearance of a comet is the harbinger of famine, pestilence, and war. 22. Friday is an unlucky day. State, in the following cases, whether the facts are exceptional, and, if so, to what class each belongs ; and show whether and how they eTHE \ RSITY J RMATION OF REASONING. 161 can be reconciled with the hypotheses to which they appear to be ex- ceptional : 1. The rotation of the earth upon its axis gives to all the stars an apparent motion of rotation from east to west. The Pole Star seems not so to revolve. 2. According to the Newtonian view of gravitation all bodies are heavy. But flame, bubbles, clouds, etc., ascend, and were, therefore, regarded by the an- cients as essentially light. 3. The Copernican theory teaches that the earth in revolving moves toward the east at the rate of a thousand miles or more an hour. It has been objected to it that, if this be so, then a stone dropped from the topmast of a ship at anchor ought to fall behind toward the west, just as a stone dropped from the mast-head of a moving ship would fall behind, owing to the motion of the ship. 4. The ancients held that the general tendency of bodies on the earth is downward. In the case of the loadstone held over iron, the iron had a tendency upward. This could not be explained by the hypoth- esis of essential lightness, since iron is one of the heaviest substances. 5. According to the theory of Torricelli and Pascal, the mercury ought to stand at a height of about 31 inches in the barometer. Boyle showed that in a perfectly cleansed tube it could be made to stand as high as 75 inches. 6. According to the hypothesis of the materialistic evolutionist, the development of the universe has been a continuous change and progress from the primor- dial atom, without break or interference of any other than material forces. Dr. McCosh, in Christianity and Positivism (Appendix, p. 344), enumerates eleven breaks in the continuity, among which are the following : " Chemical action cannot be produced by mechanical power." " Life, even its lowest forms, cannot be produced from unorganized matter." " Protoplasm can be produced only by living matter." "A living being can be produced only from a seed or germ." "An animal cannot be produced from a plant." " Sensation cannot be produced by insentient matter." The genesis of a new species of plant or animal has never come under the cognizance of man, either directly or indirectly. Consciousness cannot be produced out of mere matter or sensa- tion. " We have no knowledge of man being generated out of the lower ani- mals." "All human beings, even savages, are capable of forming certain high ideas, such as those of God and duty ;" the brute is not. State and test the following hypotheses : 1. The Wolffian hypothesis of the origin of the Homeric Poems. 2. The hypotheses concerning the origin of the Four Gospels. 3. The hypotheses concerning the nature of Electricity. 4. The hypotheses concerning the nature of Heat. 5. The hypotheses concerning the composition of Comets. 6. The hypotheses concerning the origin of Life on our globe. 7. The hypoth- eses concerning the nature of Man. 8. The hypotheses concerning the nature of Beauty. 9. The hypotheses concerning the origin of the Universe. Note. For a complete and extended treatment of Induction, the teacher and student are referred to the following works : Jevon's Principles of Science; Mill's System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive. 14* L 162 PRACTICAL LOGIC. CHAPTER II. THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING OR THB SYLLOGISM. THE treatment of the formation of reasoning is naturally followed by the consideration of the unfolding and testing of its various kinds, as embodied in the Syllogism, and the presentation of the various forms of Fallacy or unsound reasoning. Practical Logic should train the thinker to distinguish readily between a true syllogism and one that only seems to be a true one. This requires the treatment, in successive Sections, of the Forms and Tests of Categorical and Hypo- thetical Syllogisms, and the kinds of Fallacies. Section I, The Categorical Syllogism Unfolded, In unfolding the categorical syllogism, the nature and kinds of which have already been presented (p. 141), the following Topics will be considered : Topio I, The Possible Forms of the Syllogism, or Figure and Mood. Topic II. The Testing of the Valid Forms. Topio III. Complex and Abnormal Forms. Topic First. -The Possible Forms of the Simple Categor- ical Syllogism. The possible forms of the single syllogism are determined by the various positions of the middle term, in the premises, with reference to the major and minor terms, and the pos- sible combinations of the four normal judgments, A, E, I, 0, in groups of three. The first gives rise to Figure, the second to Mood. I. Figure of Syllogisms. Syllogisms are divided into different Figures by the posi- THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 163 tion of the middle term. The possible positions are four, which give rise to as many Figures : Figure I, middle term subj. of maj. prem. and pred. of minor. Figure II, " " pred. of both maj. and min. premises. Figure III, " " subj. " " " " Figure IV, " " pred. of maj. prem. and subj. of minor. This may be expressed and illustrated as follows : f M * P Every virtue is praiseworthy ; = A l %' ' J g ^ M Eloquence is a virtue ; = A ig. I. f b prae. j P /. Eloquence is praiseworthy. = A f P ^|- M No vice is praiseworthy ; = E l %' \ 4 S M Eloquence is praiseworthy ; = A prae prae. [ ^ g ^ p ^ Eloquence is not a yice == E f M * P Every virtue is praiseworthy ; = A sub sub. [ ^ g ^ p ^ g ome thing useful is praiseworthy. = I c P ^ M Every virtue is praiseworthy ; A lg ' 'X M S Everything praiseworthy is useful ; = A prae sub. ^ . g ^ p . g omething usefo i i s a v i rtue . = I In these examples the mnemonic sub and prae stand for subject and predicate. The wedge-shaped figure or line (^ ) denotes a judg- ment. Its thick end turns toward the subject of extension, which is contained as a species under the predicate as a genus. The perpendic- ular stroke drawn through the line (^ ) indicates negation. In the Hamiltonian Notation, of which this is a part, the heavy horizon- tal line () used in the unfigured syllogism (p. 165), indicates equality between subject and predicate, or a substitutive judgment. Note. The syllogisms ordinarily used in the examples in Logic are made up of propositions of extent, and are, therefore, called extensive syllogisms. Hamilton introduces and insists upon the intensive syllogism. This is ex- pressed by reversing the wedge-shaped figure, which in this case represents the copula as meaning "comprehends," instead of "is contained under," which is its meaning in the extensive syllogism. The two forms may be illus- trated : The notion responsible is contained under the notion free- agent; M P The notion man is contained under the notion responsible agent ; S M The notion man is contained under the notion free- agent. .'. S i 164 PRACTICAL LOO 1C. jj, ( The notion man comprehends the notion responsible ; * -I The notion responsible comprehends the notion free ; t: [ .-. The notion man comprehends the notion free. In the first form the notions are class notions; in the second, concepts proper. In the second form the premises of the first form are transposed. With this slight change extensive and intensive syllogisms conform to the same rules, and are so nearly identical that the intensive form does not need separate treatment. In fact, both propositions of extent and of content are often used in the same syllogism. Thus: All of the metals are positive ; Proposition of content. Silver is one of the metals ; Proposition of extent. /. Silver is positive. Proposition of content. II, Mood of Syllogisms. The Mood of a Syllogism is the arrangement of its prop- ositions according to their respective quantity and quality. There are as many possible Moods as there are combinations of the four normal propositions, A, E, I, 0, in syllogistic form. It will be seen on examination that in the premises each of the four may be placed first, and then followed by each of the four successively, giving 4X4 = 16 combinations. Each of these 16 combinations may then be followed successively in the The 16 Premise Forms. conclusion by each of the four judg . AE EE IE OE >>te, A, E, 1,0, giving 16X4 = 64 possible syllogistic combinations. These forms will be presented later, in gath- ering up the results of the application of the Rules, and need not, therefore, be here given. The student, moreover, will be able readily to form the combinations for himself. It will be found, when the proper tests are applied, that compar- atively few of these combinations give valid syllogisms. Topic Second. The Testing of the Valid Forms. Two methods have been employed in testing the validity of the various combinations : First, By what Hamilton calls " the thorough-going quan- tification of the predicate." Second, By comparing the spheres of the notions in the THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 165 various combinations and framing and using Rules based upon the results. This is the logical method. ist. The Unfigured Syllogism. By quantifying the predicate, Hamilton has sought to dispense with Figure altogether. By the explicit quantification of the terms the exact quantity of each is brought out. After the quantifica- tion the relation between the terms of the judgments may, according to Ham- ilton, be expressed by the sign of equality, and the subject and predicate may indifferently change places. The figured and unfigured form may be illustrated by example : Figured. Fig. I. Unfigured. A Men are rational ; All men = some rational ; A Negroes are men ; All negroes = some men ; A .'. Negroes are rational. .'. All negroes = some rational. If the object in introducing this new method is to simplify reasoning i*, is not attained, since while it apparently simplifies it really complicates it. The fatal objection to its general introduction is found in the fact, that the instant the predicate of a judgment is quantified, it ceases to be a logical or qualitative whole and becomes a simple* quantitative or mathematical whole. The judgment is no longer a logical, but a simple mathematical, judgment. Davis enforces this position in " The Theory of Thought," p. 124: " For, consider the meaning of ' all ' in the predicate. It is not, it cannot be, the distributive, divisive, exemplar ' all,' but is always the total, indivisible, cumular ' all,' a mathematical whole. E. g., 'All men are bimana ;' this is the distributive ' all,' meaning that all, each, and every man is in the class, or has the mark, bimana. But let us say 'All men are all bimana ;' this does not mean ' Every man is all bimana,' nor 'All men are every bimana,' nor ' Every man is every bimana,' which is nonsense. It means 'All men (as a mathemat- ical, total, collective whole) are all bimana' (as ditto). Thus ' all' in the "pred- icate is never distributive, but cumular, and enforces the ' all ' of the subject also to be cumular. So also the total predicate of a negative is a mathemat- ical, not a distributed total ; and ' some ' in the predicate is a mathematical part. More generally, whenever the quantity of the predicate is designated, both terms are individuals, and the judgment is mathematical." The decision whether a given combination leads to a valid inference, and the proof of the validity or non-validity, must depend upon the comparison of the spheres of the notions as given in the premises of the apparent syllo- gism. The reciprocal relations of notions, already presented (pp. 40 and 45), comprehend all the relations essential in the comparison of notions in reason- ing. These relations, as has been seen, may be made apparent to the senses by the use of geometrical figures. 2d. The proper method of testing the validity of the various combinations of judgments as premises is by com- paring the spheres of the notions involved in these judg- ments. The valid forms are determined by General Princi- ples arising out of the Logical Axioms ; by General Rules 166 PRACTICAL LOO 1C. arising out of the relations of the terms and propositions of the Syllogism ; and by Special Canons arising out of the nature of the particular Figures. Figure I. has always been considered the normal form of the syllogism, to which the other forms may be reduced. Hence, the principles which govern the Reduction of Syllogisms to this Figure need to be presented. For convenience of reference, a Conspectus of Results will also be given. I. The General Principles. At the foundation and applying equally to all the figures are three general principles embodying the axiom of Iden- tity or Affirmation and of Contradiction or Negation. First General Principle. Affirmative Conclusion. If, when the major and minor terms are compared with the same middle term, they both agree with it, they may agree with each other. This is the basis of affirmative conclusions. Second General Principle. Negative Conclusion. If, on such com- parison, one term agrees and the otfear disagrees with the same middle term, they disagree with each other. This is the basis of negative conclusions, which, therefore, result from the combination of one af- firmative and one negative premise. Third General Principle. No Conclusion. If, on such comparison, both terms disagree with the same middle term, it is uncertain whether they agree or disagree with each other, and, therefore, no valid infer- ence can be drawn in such cases. This is the case where both prem- ises are negative. II. The General Rules. The general rules arising out of these general principles depend upon the relations of the terms and propositions of the syllogism. They may be reduced to seven, and are equally applicable to all the figures. Rule 1st. There must be three, and only three, terms in any valid syllogism. The major and minor terms would not otherwise be logi- cally connected at all. This needs no illustration. It guards against the common Fallacy of Four Terms, which oftenest arises from the use THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 167 of equivocal terms (p. 82) or want of clear thought. In all cases the middle term needs to be carefully examined in order to make sure that it is used in precisely the same sense in both premises. Whenever it is not so used the case is one of substantially four terms. E. g. " What we eat grows in the fields or is the flesh of animals ; Cooked food is what we eat ; /. Cooked food grows in the fields or is the flesh of animals." This is a case of two middle terms. In one premise, " what we eat" is used with reference to its mere essence ; in the other, with reference to the accident or property of being cooked. This is the Fallacy of Accident (Fallacia Accidentis). Rule 2d. The middle term must be distributed at least once. The necessity for this arises from the fact that without it the major and minor terms might be compared with different parts of the sphere of the middle term, and so fail of being brought into logical connection. E.g.: All poets (P) are men (M) ; = A All orators (S) are men (M). = A We cannot infer that " All poets are orators," or that "Some poets are orators," since the universal affirmative, A, does not distribute the predicate (p. 115), which is here the middle term. Such conclusions would result in the Fallacy of Undistributed Middle. Rule 3d. A term undistributed in the premises must not be dis- tributed in the conclusion. Otherwise the conclusion would include more than is involved in the premises. The violation of this rule is called the Fallacy of Illicit Process. The fallacy may occur either with the major term or with the minor. Illicit Process of the Major Term. All birds (M) are winged (P) ; = A A bat (S) is not a bird (M) ; = E ($) .'. A bat (S) is not winged (P). = E The major term, " winged," is undistributed in the major premise (A), and distributed in the conclusion (E). Hence the inference is not valid, as may be seen from the above presentation of the relation of the spheres of the notions. Illicit Process of the Minor Term. Persons without imagination (M) are not true poets (P) ; = E Good logicians often (S) are without imagination (M) ; = I .'. Good logicians (S) are not true poets (P). = E 168 PRACTICAL LOGIC. In this case the word " often" makes the judgment equivalent to, " Some good logicians are not true poets ;" while the universal neg- ative conclusion denies of "all good logicians" that they are "true poets." Rule 4th. The conclusion must always follow the weaker part. By this is meant that, if one premise is negative the conclusion must be negative, and, if one premise is particular the conclusion must be particular. This does not need illustration. It follows that universal conclusions can be reached only from uni- versal premises. It will appear subsequently that universal conclu- sions are not warranted in all cases by universal premises, since they would often involve the fallacies of undistributed middle or of illicit process. Rule 5th. No valid inference can be drawn where both premises are negative. This follows from the Third General Principle. The relation of the major and minor terms to each other is left wholly un- determined by the form of the judgment. Three cases come under this Rule : where both premises are universal neg- ative ; where one is universal negative and the other particular negative ; where both are particular negatives. The Rule, therefore, excludes, as invalid in all instances, four of the sixteen possible combinations, E E, E O, O E, O, leaving only twelve possibly valid combinations. A single illustration, coming under the first case, will suffice to assist the student in presenting for himself in diagram the various forms which the in- determinate relations of the major and minor terms may take. No poets (P) are angels (M) ; No P is M ; = E No men (S) are angels (M) ; NoSisM; =E By the terms of the judgments both " poets" and " men " are excluded from " angels," but they may stand to each other in any one of at least the five fol- lowing relations (p. 40) : 1st. They may be independent or coordinate. 2d. They may be coextensive. 3d. S may include P. 4th. P may include S. 5th. S and P may intersect each other. 2 It will be found that, in the second and third cases of negative premises, the possible relations of the terms become even more complicated. Rule 6th. No valid inference can be drawn where both premises are particular. In such instances the precise connection of the spheres of the major and minor terms with that of the middle cannot be deter- mined from the form of the judgments. THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 169 Three cases come under the Rule : where both premises are particular affir- mative ; where one is particular affirmative and the other particular negative ; where both are particular negative. The first case, 1 1, will furnish a sufficient illustration. Some poets (M) are intellectual (P) ; Some M is P ; =1 Some poets (M) are emotional (S) ; Some M are 8; = I In this case the " intellectual " and " emotional " poets might stand in either of the following relations : 1st. They might exactly coincide. 2d. They might wholly exclude each other. 3d. They might intersect each other, etc. 3 "f '" i \ etc. The same indeterminateness, in the relation of the major and minor terms to each other through the middle term, may be shown to exist in the other cases. The third case is likewise excluded from valid syllogistic forms by the Rule for negative premises. The Rule, therefore, excludes three combinations not excluded by the pre- vious Rule : 1 1, 1 O, O I ; leaving but nine possibly valid combinations. Apparent Exceptions. Two apparent exceptions to this Rule need to be noted: first, syllogisms involving plurative judgments (p. 114); secondly, those in which one or both of the premises are substitutive judgments (p. 113). These are not, of course, strictly particular judgments. Plurative Judgments, whether indefinite or numerically definite, give valid conclusions, as seen in the following examples : Most men (M) are conceited (P) ; A I g norailt 1 D I r> L> Conceited. Most men (M) are ignorant (S) ; E Ignorant and conceited. | Q /. At least some conceited men (S) are ignorant (P). It is obvious in this case that " most men " in the major premise may coin- cide more or less fully with "most men" in the minor, as illustrated in the diagrams. In the first case, the line A C represents the " ignorant," B D the " conceited," and AD" all men." The line B C represents the minimum of agreement, in the given case, when the " ignorant" and " conceited" differ to the utmost. In the second case, E F represents both the " ignorant" and the " conceited," and EG" all men." The line E F represents the maximum of agreement, when the "ignorant" and "conceited" agree to the utmost, i. e., coincide. If this be given the numerically definite or proportional form, it may become 80 out of every 100 men are conceited ; 80 out of every 100 men are ignorant ; :. At least 60 out of every 100 conceited men are ignorant. 15 170 PRACTICAL LOGIC. In this instance the "80" of the major premise may agree more or less fully with the " 80 " of the minor, as illustrated by the diagram. The minimum of agreement, as shown in the following diagram, is D B, or 60 out of every 100 ; the maximum, E F, 80 out of every 100. Ignorant = 80 B Ignorant-conceited = 80 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I A D | Conceited = 80 C E | F G Substitutive Judgments, even when particular (Y), often result in making conclusions valid that would be invalid if the premises were mere particular attributives. Such judgments, whether universal or particular, always distribute the predicate (p. 115). They are not, how- ever, strictly particular judgments. For example : Some trees (P) are (all the) oaks (M) ; = Y Some P is all M ; Some oaks (M) are white oaks (S) ; = I or Y Some M is (all) S; /.Some white oaks (S) are trees (P). = I .-. All S is P. Eule 7th. No valid inference can be drawn from the combination of a particular major premise with a negative minor premise. This will appear from the comparison of the spheres of the notions in the four possible cases : IE; OE; 10; 00. The Rule may be sufficiently illustrated by the first case, I E. The other combinations have also been already excluded from the valid combinations, O E and O O by negative premises ; I O and O O by particular premises. Some iron ores (P) are magnetic (M) ; = I No lead ores (S) are magnetic (M) ; = E It is not determined whether the sphere of S is quite separated from the sphere of P, or intersects it, or falls wholly within it. If the attempt were made to draw the conclusion, " No lead ores are iron ores," the negative would dis- tribute the predicate, "iron ores" (P), which is not distributed in the major premise, and would thus result in illicit process of the major term. This Rule, therefore, excludes the combination I E, and leaves only eight out of sixteen, which can be valid in any case. These may be stated (numbered for convenient reference in treating the four Figures) as follows : 1. A A. 2. E A. 3. I A. 4. O A. Only part of the remaining eight will 5. A E. be found to hold true in any one of the 6. A I. 7. E I. Figures. 8. A O. III. Special Canons of the Figures. Each of the four Figures has its special rules resulting from the relations of the terms, which may be embodied in a Canon for that Figure. 1. Figure I. is that which has the middle term as the sub- THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 171 ject of the major premise and the predicate of the minor. There follows, from the resulting relations of the terms, Canon 1st. In Figure I. the requirements are : f Major prem. universal to avoid fallacy of undistributed middle; 1 Minor prem. affirmative to avoid fallacy of illicit process of maj. term. Testing by this Canon the eight possible combinations left by the General Rules, only six syllogistic forms are found valid in Figure I.: AAA, AAI, EAE, EAO, All, EIO. These are reducible to four, since AAI and EAO are but cases of particular or weakened conclu- sions, included in the universals, AAA and EAE. Note. In this Figure the process of testing by the General Rules and the Canon will be applied to the eight combinations successively, in order to pre- pare the student to apply the like process to the remaining three Figures. No. i, A A, by the successive addition of the four propositions, A, E, I, O, gives AAA, AAE, AAI, AAO. The second and fourth of these forms, AAE, AAO, drop out since the affirmative premises indicate agreement, while the negative conclusion would infer disagreement. The third, AAI, is included in AAA. Only one valuable form, AAA, remains. It conforms to the Canon, since its major premise is universal and its minor premise affirmative, and the syllogism thus guarded against fallacy. This valid mood is known among logicians by the mnemonic word, Barbara, the meaning of the consonants in which will be subsequently explained under Reduction. It is illustrated in the following example : 2 All that is composite is dissoluble ; = A All M is P; ja All material things are composite ; = A All S is M ; .-. All material things are dissoluble. = A /. All S is P. No. a, E A, by the successive addition of the four propositions, A, E, I, O, gives EAA, EAE, EAI, EAO. The first and third of these forms, EAA and EAI, drop out, since the one negative premise always requires a negative con- clusion by Rule 4th. The fourth, EAO, is included in EAE, drawing a partic- ular conclusion when the universal is permissible. The valid mood, EAE, is known among logicians by the mnemonic word, Celarent. It stands the test of the Canon. It is illustrated in the following example : No finite being is exempt from error ; = E No M is P ; ~ g All men are finite beings ; = A All S is M ; "5 /. No man is exempt from error. = E .-. No S is P. No. 3, 1 A, gives IAA, IAE, IAI, IAO, none of which are valid, since, besides the breach of the General Rules, the particular major premise, I, violates the Canon, and always results in undistributed middle. No 4, OA, gives OAA, OAE, OAI, OAO, none of which are valid for the rea- sons given under No. 3. No. 5, AE, gives AEA, AEE, AEI, AEO, none of which are valid, since the negative minor premise, E, violates the Canon, and results in illicit process of the major term. 172 PRACTICAL LOO I C. No. 6, A I. gives AIA, AIE, All, AIO. The first form, AIA, violates Rule 4th ; the second and fourth, AIE and AIO, violate the General Principle of all affirmatives. The fourth, All, is valid, standing the test of the Canon. The valid mood is known among logicians by the mnemonic word, Darii. It is illustrated as follows : X p ..: All virtues are laudable ; = A All M is P ; Some habits are virtues ; = I Some S is M ; Q .'. Some habits are laudable. = I /. Some S is P. No. 7, E I, gives EIA, EIE, EII, EIO. The first, second, and third forms, EIA, E1E, EII, violate Rule 4th. The fourth, EIO, is valid, standing the test of the Canon. The valid mood is known among logicians by the mnemonic word, Ferio. It is illustrated as follows : g- No virtue is reprehensible ; = E No M is P ; Some habits are virtues ; = I Some S is M ; fe .-. Some habits are not reprehensible. = O .*. Some S is not P. x --^-K P No. 8, A O, gives AOA, AOE, AOI, AGO, none of which are valid, since the negative minor premise, O, violates the Canon. The valid moods in Figure I. are Barbara, Celarent, Darii, Ferio. The Figure is naturally and unconsciously used, according to Lambert, to prove qualities. It follows from the " Dictum de omni et nullo." 2. Figure II, is that which has the middle term as the predicate of both premises. There follows, from the result- ing relations of the terms, Canon 2d. In Figure II. the requirements are : f Major prem. universal, to avoid illicit process of maj. term; 1 One prem. negative, to avoid undistributed middle. Testing by this Canon the eight possible combinations left by the General Rules, only six syllogistic forms are found valid in Figure II. : EAE, EAO, AEE, AEO, EIO, AOO. These are reducible to four, since EAO and AEO are but cases of particular conclusions, included in the universals, EAE and AEE. Leaving the student to test the various possible forms, it will be suf- ficient to illustrate the valid moods by examples. The moods are known among logicians as Cesare, Camestres, Festino, Baroko. S Nothing material has free will ; = E No P is M ; HP J g All spirits have free will ; =A AllSisM; ^~^l <-> .-. No spirit is material. = E .-. No S is P. V f S M ^^i=rf Cesare is a valid mood, as is seen by its conforming to the Canon, in its uni- versal negative major premise, E. I THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 173 All colors are visible ; = A All P is M ; No sound is visible ; = E No S is M ; /. No sound is a color. = E No S is P. Camestres is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon in its universal major premise, A, and negative minor, E. S No vice is praiseworthy; =E NoPisM; g Some actions are praiseworthy ; = I Some S is M ; fa .-. Some actions are not vices. = O /. Some S is not P. VLV M Festino is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon in its universal neg- ative major premise, E. 5 All birds are oviparous ; =A AllPisM; Jj Some animals are not oviparous ; = O Some S is not M . m .*. Some animals are not birds. = O /. Some S is not P. *r Baroko is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon in its universal major premise and negative minor. Figure II. is naturally and unconsciously used, according to Lambert, to prove di/erences. It follows from a "Dictum de diverse:" "Things which are different do not belong to each other." 3. Figure III. is that which has the middle term as the subject of both premises. There follows, from the resulting relations of the terms, Canon 3d. In Figure III. the requirements are : ( Minor prem. affirmative to avoid illicit process of maj. term; \ Conclusion particular to avoid illicit process of min. term. Testing by this Canon the eight combinations of premises, six are found to be valid in this Figure: AAI, IAI, All, EAO, OAO, EIO. These are known among logicians as Darapti, Disamis, Datisi, Felapton, Bokardo (Dokamok), Ferison. M a All gilding is metallic ; =A AllMisP; g All gilding shines ; = A All M is S ; Q /. Some things that shine are metallic. = I .'. Some S is P. Darapti is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its affirmative minor premise, A, and its particular conclusion, I. en 'g Some acts of homicide are laudable ; = I Some M is P 3 All acts of homicide are cruel ; = A All M is S ; Q /. Some cruel acts are laudable. = I /. Some S is P. * 15* 174 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Disamis is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its affirmative minor premise, A, and its particular conclusion, I. ! All acts of homicide are cruel ; " = A All M is P ; ^ Some acts of homicide are laudable ; = I Some M is S ; /. Some laudable acts are cruel. = I .-. Some S is P. CO Datisi is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its affirmative minor, I, and its particular conclusion, I. c" Q * No material substance is a moral subject; =E NoMisP; .2 All material substance is extended; = A All M is S; fit .'. Some extended thing is not a moral subject. = O/. Some S is not P. Felapton is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its affirmative minor premise, A, and its particular conclusion, O. d "2 Some syllogisms are not regular ; = O Some M is not P J4 All syllogisms are things important ; = A All M is S ; ffl .'. Some important things are not regular. = O .'. Some S is not P. Bokardo is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its affirmative minor premise, A, and its particular conclusion, O. JNo truth is without result ; = E No M is P : Some truths are misunderstood ; = I Some M is S ; .'. Some things misunderstood are not without result. = O /. Some S is not P. Ferison is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its affirmative minor premise, I, and its particular conclusion, O. Figure III. is naturally and unconsciously used, according to Lam- bert, to prove examples and conceptions (concepts proper). He founds it on a " Dictum de exemplo :" " When one finds things A which are B, then there are A which are B." 4. Figure IV. is that which has the middle term as the predicate of the major premise and the subject of the minor. There follows, from the resulting relations of the terms, Canon 4th. In Figure IV. the requirements are : C If either prem. neg., maj. prem. universal to avoid illic. major; < If maj. prem. affirm., min. prem. universal to avoid undistrib. mid. ; ( If min. prem. affirm., conclusion particular to avoid illicit minor. Testing by this Canon the eight combinations of premises, five are found to be valid in this Figure : AAI, AEE, IAI, EAO, EIO. These are known among logicians as Bram-antip, Camenes, Dimaris, Fesapo, Fresison. THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 175 All greyhounds are dogs ; = A All P is M ; All dogs are quadrupeds ; = A All M is S ; Some quadrupeds are greyhounds. = I /. Some S is P. Bramantip is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its universal minor premise, A, with particular conclusion, I. All ruminating animals have four stomachs ; = A All P is M ; No animal with four stomachs is carnivorous ; = E No M is S ; No carnivorous animal ruminates. = E .'. No S is P. Camenes is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its universal major premise, A, and its universal minor premise, E. Some practically virtuous men are necessarians ; I Some P is M ; ~ All necessarians speculatively sub- vert the distinction of vice and 2 virtue; =A AllMisS; .-. Some who speculatively subvert " the distinction of vice and vir- tue are practically virtuous. = I /. Some S is P. Dimaris is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its universal minor premise, A, and its particular conclusion, I. No negro is a Hindoo ; = E No P is M ; All Hindoos are blacks ; - A All M is S ; Some blacks are not ne- groes. = /. Some S is not P. Fesapo is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its universal major premise, E, its universal minor premise, A, and its particular conclusion, O. No moral principle is an animal impulse ; = E No P is M ; 55 Some animal impulses are principles of action ; = I Some M is S ; ^ /. Some principles of action 10 are not moral principles. = O .'. Some S is not P. Fresison is a valid mood, since it conforms to the Canon, in its universal major premise, E, and in its particular conclusion, O. Figure IV. is the reverse of Figure I. It is naturally and uncon- sciously used, according to Lambert, to prove reciprocities. He founds it on a " Dictum de reciproco :" " If no M is B, no B is this or that M ; if C is or is not this or that B, there are B which are or are not C." 176 PRACTICAL LOGIC. IV. Collected Results. For convenient reference the results of the testing of the o various forms may be gathered up and tabulated. 1. Table of Moods, Valid and Invalid. 5i *, X Conclu. Moods. Tested. s?| , = i S| Conclu. Moods. Tested. A A E I AAA AAE A AI A AO V. C. i. I. C. 2. 3. 4. I. P. 1. y.c. 2 i(W). 3 .4. L R I. A A E I O E A A EAE E AI EAO I. P. 2. V. C. I. 2. I. C. 3. 4. I. P. 2. V. c C. 2 (W, 3 . 4 . E A E I AE A AEE AEI ABO I. P. 2. V. C. 2. 4. I. C. 1. 3. I. P. 2. V.C.2(W>4.(W). I. C. 1. 3. E A E I EEA EEE EEI EEO I. P. 3. R. 5. I. P. 3. R. 5. I. P. 3. R. 5. I. P. 3. R. 5. A V, AIA AI E I. R. 4. I P 1 R 4 A F El A E I E I. P. 2. R. 4. I R 4 I I O All AIO V. C. i. 3. I. C. 2. 4. I. P. 1. I I O EH EIO I. P. 2. V. C. i. 2. 3. 4- A V, AO A AO E I. P. 2. R. 4. I. R. 4. A F, EGA EOE I. P. 3. R. 4. . P. 3. R. 4. 5. O I O AOI AGO I. P. 2. V. C. 2. I. C. 1. 3. 4. O I EOI EOO . P. 3. R. 5. . P. 3. R. 5. A A E I O I A A IAE I AI IAO I. R. 4. I. P. 1. R. 4. V. C. 3. 4- I. C. 1. 2. I. P. 1. A A E I O O A A O A E OAI OAO . P. 2. R. 4. .R.4. .P. 2. V. C. 3. . C. 1. 2. 4. E A E I O I EA IEE IEI IEO I. P. 2. R. 4. I. R. 4. I. P. 2. I. R. 7. E A E I O OE A OEE OEI OEO P. 3. R. 4. 5. P. 3. R. 4. 5. . P. 3. R. 5. .P.3. R.4.5. A F IIA HE I. P. 3. R. 6. I. P. 1. 3. R. 4. 6. A F OIA O1E . P. 2. 3. R. 4. 6. . P. 3. R. 6. 1 I O III HO I. P. 3. R. 6. I. P. 1. 3. R. 6. I I O Oil OIO P. 2. 3. R. 4. 6. P. 3. R. 6. A F IO A I O E I. P. 2. 3. R. 4. 5. I P 3 R 4. 6. A F OO A OOE P. 3. R. 4. 5. 6. P. 3. R. 4. 5. 6. O I O 101 IOO I. P. 2. 3. R. 4. 6. I. P. 3. R. 6. O I O 001 OOO P. 3. R. 4. 5. 6. P. 3. R. 4. 5. 6. Note. In the column headed "Tested," V denotes valid; I, invalid; P, principle; R, rule; C, both canon and figure; W, weak (indicating a partic- ular conclusion where a universal might be drawn). The student will find profitable exercise in applying the tests to all the forms and figures. THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 177 2. Things Proved by the Figures. Fig. Proved. I. Attribute. II. Difference. III. Example. IV. Eeoiprocity. Process. Ascribes to the thing what we know of its attribute. It con- cludes from the genus to the species. Leads to the discrimination of things, and relieves perplex- ity in our notions. Affords only negative conclusions. Affords examples and excep- tions in propositions which appear general. Gives only particular conclusions. Finds species in a genus in Bra- mantip and Dimaris; shows that the species does not ex- haust the genus in Fesapo and Fresison ; denies of the species what was denied of the genus in Camenes. Dictum. Dictum de Omni et Nullo. What is true of all A is true of every A. Dictum de Diverso. Things which are different are not attributes of each other. Dictum de Exem- plo. When we find things A which are B, in that case some A are B. Dictum de Recip- roco. If no M is B, no B is this or that M ; if C is (or is not)thisorthatB, there are B which are (or are not) C. 3. Valid Moods in the Four Figures. The valid moods in all the Figures have been embodied in five Latin hexameter lines : Fig. 1. Barbara, Celarent, Darii, Ferio^we prioris; Fig. 2. Cesare, Camestres, Festino, Baroko (or Fakofo), secundce; Fig. 3. Tertia Darapti, Disamis, Datisi, Felapton, Dokamok (Bokardo), Ferison habet. Quarto, insuper addit Fig. 4. Bramantip, Camenes, Dimaris, Fesapo, Fresison. V. Reduction of Figures. Figure I. has been looked upon by logicians as the normal Figure, to which all the others may be reduced. The object of Logical Reduc- tion is to bring arguments of the last three Figures into the form of Figure I., and thus bring all alike to the test of Aristotle's Dictum. It is thus shown that this Dictum, which is clearly the regulating prin- ciple in Figure I., is also the regulating principle in all deductive rea- M 178 PRACTICAL LOGIC. soning, and that the process is, therefore, always substantially the same (p. 138). Note. Reduction is usually described as being of two kinds: Direct or Os- tensive, and Indirect (Eeductio ad impossibUe). The latter method was the re- sult of a mistaken notion of the logicians that Baroco and Bocardo could not be directly reduced, and is of no value theoretical or practical. Fakofo and Dokamok will be substituted for Baroco and Bokardo, and may be reduced by the direct method. The mnemonic words in the last three Figures were designed to in- dicate not only the mood of syllogisms, but also the principles by which they are to be reduced. The valid forms in the four Figures must be kept in view in reduction. The initial consonant, B, C, D or F, in the last three Figures indi- cates the mood in the first Figure to which the syllogism reduces. Thus, a syllogism in the mood Cesare, Fig. II., reduces to Celarent. The inserted consonants, s, p, k, f, m, indicate the various processes in reduction. S indicates that the proposition symbolized by the vowel preceding it is to be converted simply (p. 127); p, by limitation or per accidens (p. 127) ; k, by contraposition (p. 128) ; f, by infinitation or obversion (p. 124). The letter m (mutari) indicates that the premises of the given syllogism are to be transposed. The p in Bramantip shows that, after converting simply, the premises warrant a universal conclusion. The other consonants, b, d, 1, n, r, t, a,re not significant, but are in- serted for the sake of euphony, or of the metre in the mnemonic hex- ameters invented, to keep the moods and figures in mind, by Petrus Hispanus, who died in 1277 as Pope John XXII. The process of reduction may be illustrated by the following examples: Figure II. Figure I. NoPisM; f NoMisP; Cesare = ^ All S is M ; Celarent = \ All S is M ; No S. is P. I .-. No S is P. Bashfulness is not something thor- oughly good ; Modesty is something thoroughly good; /. Modesty is not bashfulness. Nothing thoroughly good is bash- fulness ; Modesty is something thoroughly good; Modesty is not bashfulness. The C in Cesare indicates that the mood reduces to Celarent ; the s, that the major premise is to be converted simply. Figure III. Figure I. AllMisP; C AllMisP; Darapti = -| AllMisS; Darii = j Some S is M; , Some S is P. (. /. Some S is P, THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 179 All whales are mammalia ; All whales are water animals ; Some mammalia are water animals. All whales are mammalia ; Some water animals are whales ; .'. Some mammalia are water animals. The D in Darapti indicates that the mood reduces to Darii ; the p, that the preceding proposition, A, is to be converted by limitation. Note. The student can readily carry the work of reduction through all the figures and moods. Topic Third. Complex and Abnormal Forms. In books and in conversation arguments usually appear in incomplete or irregular forms, and often combined as polysyllogisms manifest or occult. In dealing with these, the incomplete forms, except in the case of such regular forms as the Sorites, need to be completed and the irreg- ular forms reduced to regularity. The general rules then become applicable. The greater part of this work the student may be left to carry out for himself by aid of the principles already laid down. There is need, however, to present the principles which govern the Sorites, to con- sider briefly some peculiar forms of argumentation, and to exhibit especially the calculation of probabilities. I. The Sorites Tested. The Sorites, or chain of Enthymemes in Fig. I., has al- ready been denned and illustrated (p. 143). There are two ways of testing the Sorites : by completing all the abridged syllogisms (p. 144), and then applying the usual tests ; or by using a system of rules which may be immediately applied. The former method may be left to the student himself ; only the latter needs to be illustrated. From the nature of the Sorites the following principles result : 1. The first proposition furnishes the major premise of the first com- pleted syllogism ; the last proposition is the conclusion of the last syl- logism and of the whole chain ; the intermediate propositions are the minor premises of the successive syllogisms. The number of syllogisms must, therefore, equal the number of minor premises. 2. The major premise of each successive syllogism after the first is furnished by the conclusion of the preceding syllogism. The reasoning must conform to the Canon of Fig. I. 180 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Rule 1st. Every major premise must be universal in order to avoid undistributed middle. It follows that only the last proposition in the progressive sorites and the first in the regressive may be particular, since any other particular premise would result in making the conclusion of its syllogism, or the next major premise, particular also. Kule 2d. Every minor premise must be affirmative in order to avoid illicit process of the major term. It follows that only one premise may be negative, the last proposition in the regressive sorites and the first in the progressive, since these only are not minor premises. The Sorites and its Rules may be illustrated by the following examples, which are abridged to admit of compact parallel statement : Regressive Sorites. Some prosperous are avaricious ; The avaricious are intent on gain ; The intent on gain are discontented ; The discontented are not happy ; .*. Some prosperous are not happy. Progressive Sorites. No discontented are happy; All intent on gain are discontented ; All avaricious are intent on gain ; Some prosperous are avaricious ; , Some prosperous are not happy. It has been often asserted that Sorites cannot occur in any other than Fig. I. It has been shown, however, by Mill, that one step, and only one, step in a So- rites may be either in Figure II. or Figure III. II. Peculiar Forms of Argumentation. The usual form of direct proof of propositions is known among logicians as the argumentum ad rem, or proof of the thing itself. As variations from it or in contrast with it may be noted the argumentum a fortiori, the argumentum adjudi- cium, the argumentum ad populum, the argumentum ad verecundiam, the argumentum ad ignorantiam, the argumen- tum ad homincm, and the reductw ad absurdum. The argumentum a fortiori, or, " by a stronger reason," is one involving com- parative judgments. It is based upon the maxim, " What is greater than a greater is greater still than the thing." The argument is essentially mathe- matical or quantitative. Thus : Asia is larger than Africa ; Africa is larger than Europe ; .*. By much more is Asia larger than Europe. This may also be presented as follows : The Atlantic Ocean is as large as Lake Superior (and more) ; Lake Superior is as large as the Dead Sea (and more) ; .'. The Atlantic Ocean is as large as the Dead Sea (and still more). The argument a fortiori is also denned as " the proof of a conclusion deduced from that of a less probable supposition that depends upon it." For example, see Matthew vi. 30 and vii. 11. THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 181 The argumentum ad judicium is based upon the common judgments of man- kind. Its maxim is, " What all men everywhere and always believe, is true," or the so-called principle of common sense on which the Scottish philosophy of Reid rests. The argument has great force when it is really based on the common judgment of mankind. The danger of appealing to this principle without sufficient grounds is, however, very great. Under the confident asser- tions, " Everybody says," " No one pretends to think," the greatest fallacies are often covered. The argument may be illustrated as follows : The material world is a reality and our perception of it immediate, because all men, everywhere and always, have so believed. The argumentum ad populum is based on an appeal to public opinion, or to passion or prejudice, rather than intelligence. It is often employed because no really good arguments are to be found, or because it is easier to appeal to the passions and prejudices of the masses than to their intelligence. It often puts forward as its major premise the false maxim, " Vox popuM Vox Dei," " The voice of the people is the voice of God." The argumentum ad verecundiam is an appeal to the feelings of reverence for certain persons or objects, instead of proceeding to prove the point in hand. The Scholastics used as a standing major premise the maxim, " It is foolish to affirm that Aristotle erred." The argumentum ad ignorantiam is addressed to the ignorance of men. It sometimes consists in assuming that a position is correct because an adversary cannot show the contrary ; sometimes, in taking advantage of men's ignorance to impose upon them by some shallow sophism, false statement, or confident assertion. Under this may be included the Fallacy of Interrogation, in which a question is so put as to be equivalent to a confident assertion of some error. The de- mand for an adequate conception (p. 91) or description, often made by a brow- beating lawyer upon a witness in court, is of the same character. It is only a few experts who can give anything more than a clear notion (p. 91) of the handwriting, features, or dress of the most intimate friend. The argumentum ad hominem is an appeal to the practice, principles or professions of an opponent as confirming our own position or destructive to his. An opponent may thus be silenced, since the argument is good against him, even though it be not good against the views he advocates. As soon as he renounces such practice, principles or professions, the argument ceases to be of value as against him. Our Lord often used this method to silence the cavils of the Jews ; for example, Matthew xxii. 41-45. The reductio ad absurdum proves a proposition indirectly by proving the absurdity of its contradictory. It has already been considered (p. 129). III. Calculation of Probabilities. The theory of probabilities, or of chances, as it is some- times designated, has in recent times received increased attention. In an elementary work there is only space for the simplest rules and cases. Thomson has described chance as " the amount of belief with which we expect one or other, out of two or more uncertain events." Uncertain, 16 182 PRACTICAL LOGIC. or merely probable, events are " those wherein no cause or law appears to determine the occurrence of one rather than another." Jevons pro- poses " to dispense altogether with this obscure word ' belief,' and to say that the theory of probability deals with quantity of knowledge." An event is merely "probable when our knowledge of it is diluted with ignorance, and exact calculation is needed to discriminate how much we do and do not know." At the basis of the rules for the calculation of probabilities are the common- sense principles which underlie all reasoning. " We must treat equals equally, and what we know of one case may be affirmed of every case resembling it in the necessary circumstances. The theory consists in putting similar cases on a par, and distributing equally among them whatever knowledge we possess. Throw a penny into the air, and consider what we know with regard to its way of falling. We know that it will certainly fall upon a side, so that either head or tail will be uppermost; but as to whether it will be head or tail, our knowledge is equally divided. Whatever we know concerning head, we know also concerning tail, so that we have no reason for expecting one more than the other. The least predominance of belief to either side would be irra- tional ; it would consist in treating unequally things of wkich our knowledge is equal." The Rules concern either simjda 9r combined probabilities. Bale 1st. A single probability of any uncertain event is ascer- tained by dividing the number of chances favorable to the event by the total number of chances favorable and unfavorable. Thus the probability that the head will fall uppermost, when a penny is thrown into the air, is expressed by ^. The probability that a man blind- folded will draw a white ball out of an urn containing 2 white balls and 8 black ones is expressed by ^ or . To take a different case, if the letters of the word Roma are thrown down casually in a row. what is the probability that they will form a significant Latin word ? The possible combinations of the four letters are 4 X 3 X 2 X 1 = 24. If all the combinations are examined, 7 will be found to have a meaning, namely, Roma, ramo, oram, mora, maro, armo, and amor. Hence the probability sought is &. Bule 2d. The probability of the independent recurrence of an event is found by multiplying together the fractions expressing the single probabilities. Thus the probability of throwing head twice with a penny is % X % = % : the probability of throwing it three times is y z X Y z X Yz = Y& This Rule will be seen to rest on Rule 1st, since the denominator represents the possible com- b' nations in the case, or the whole number of ways of the happening of the compound event, and the numerator the number of ways favorable. Bule 3d. " In order to calculate the probability that an event al- ready observed will be repeated any given number of times, divide the number of times the event has been observed, increased by one, TEE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 183 by the same number increased by one and the number of times the event is to recur." " Thus, if the tide had been observed 9 times, the chance that it would recur 10 times more would be f + j +j = ^ J. This is the same thin S as if each reproduction of the observed event corresponded to putting a white ball in an urn where there were already, before commencing the trials, a white ball and as many black balls as it is supposed that the event observed should re-occur times." Two or more probabilities if mutually dependent weaken each other, while if independent they strengthen each other. Eule 4th. In case of mutually dependent probabilities, or prob- abilities of probabilities, the total probability is reached by multiply- ing together the several single probabilities. Thus, if the credibility (p. 105) of a witness be %, and his competency (p. 104), or ability to know the facts of which he testifies, be %, the total probabil- ity of his telling the truth is % X % = = Y& As certainty is represented by unity, the testimony will, in this case, be twice as likely to be false as it is to be true. Kule 5th. In case of independent probabilities the total probabil- ity is reached by subtracting each separate probability from unity (which gives the probability of the opposite event, in each case, or the probability of a probability), multiplying the separate results together (according to Rule 4th), and subtracting this product from unity (thus arriving at the probability of the original compound event). Thus, the total probability that the Gospels are true may be made up from the probability arising from the character of the authors, represented by % . from the absence of any motive on the part of the authors to fabricate such accounts, represented by % ; from the influence of the Gospels themselves upon the world, represented by $. Subtracting each of these from unity and multiplying the results together, we have, as the probability of imposture, 1 A X V A X \ = sV This subtracted from unity gives fg as the probability of the truth of the Gospels. Note. See Thomson's Laws of Thought; Jevon's Principles of Science; New- comb's Algebra. Praxis. In the following syllogisms show whether the premises are true. Name the middle, minor, and major terms. Name the mood and figure of each, showing whether valid or not. Reduce any mood in the other Figures to Fig. I. Bring out the relation of reason and consequent involved in connection with the middle term in each case, substituting the letters, S, P, M, for the terms in the general formula, and giving the relation of the notions by the circular notation. 1. No human weakness can belong to God ; some attributes imputed 184 PRACTICAL LOGIC. to the Deity by mythology are human weaknesses ; hence (at least) some attributes imputed to the Deity by mythology cannot belong to Him. 2. Some who act in accordance with law do not do what is right with right intention ; .*. some who act legally are not morally disposed. 3. Every real, natural poem is naive ; those poems of Ossian which Macpherson pretended to discover are not naive (but sentimental) ; hence they are not real, natural poems. 4. The sum total of the worlds belonging to our solar system must completely determine the orbit of Uranus ; the known worlds of our solar system do not fully account for the orbit of Uranus ; hence the whole of the worlds of our so.lar system are not known. 5. Passive mental states make men neither noble nor base, worthy of praise or of blame ; the virtues do this ; .*. the virtues are not pass- ive mental states. 6. All squares are rectilineal plane figures ; some parallelograms are squares ; /. some parallelograms are rectilineal plane figures. 7. No form of knowledge, which corresponds to a peculiar form of existence, is of merely didactic value ; syllogism is a form of knowledge which corresponds to a peculiar form of existence (viz., to the real con- formability to law) ; hence the syllogism is not of mere didactic worth. 8. All cetaceous animals are water animals ; all cetaceous animals are mammalia ; hence some mammalia are water animals. 9. Some persons accused of witchcraft have not believed themselves to be free from the guilt laid to their charge ; all those accused of witchcraft were accused of a merely feigned crime ; hence some who were accused of a merely feigned crime have not believed themselves free from the guilt laid to their charge. 10. Jubeo is not a verb sentiendi vel declarandi ; jubeo takes the con- struction of the accusative and infinitive ; hence at least one or some Latin verbs which take the construction of accusative and infinitive are not verbs sentiendi vel declarandi. 11. All squares are regular figures ; some parallelograms are squares ; .. some parallelograms are regular figures. 12. Some parallelograms are squares ; all squares are regular figures; .*. some regular figures are parallelograms. 13. All squares are parallelograms ; no parallelogram has converg- ing opposite sides ; .*. no square has converging opposite sides. 14. Good non-conductors of heat retain heat longer ; woollen clothes are good non-conductors ; .'. woollen clothes retain "heat longer. 15 Some things which retain heat longer are woollen clothes ; things THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 185 which retain heat longer are good non-conductors ; .'. woollen clothes are good non-conductors. Supply the conclusions to each of the following pairs of premises, and show whether the conclusion is valid, or why no conclusion can be drawn. Treat the syllogisms as required in the preceding examples. 1. All good reasoners are candid ; some infidels are not candid ; 2. The ox, deer, sheep, goat, etc., are ruminant ; the ox, the deer, etc., are as good as all horned animals ; . 3. Oaks are vegetables ; oysters are not oaks ; . 4. No good action results in evil ; some alms-giving results in evil ; 5. Animals are bodies having organization and sensation; frogs have organization and sensation ; / 6. Some of our tax laws are oppressive measures; all oppressive measures should be repealed ; . 7. Reptiles bring forth their young by eggs ; the rat does not bring forth its young by eggs ; / 8. The connection of soul and body is to be believed ; the connec- tion of soul and body is incomprehensible ; / 9. True poets are men of genius ; very unwise men have proved true poets ; .* 10. All good men are sincere ; Rousseau was sincere ; . 11. Political Economy is a profitable study ; profitable study sharpens the intellect ; .* 12. No truth is worthless ; many truths are misapplied ; / 13. Most people are careless ; most people are destitute of perfect health; / 14. 90 out of every 100 men are imprudent ; 90 out of every 100 are unsuccessful ; .*. . '. . . . 15. Elephants are stronger than horses ; horses are stronger than men ; / Section II, Unfolding of the Hypothetical Syllogism, Hypothetical syllogisms have already been defined and divided (pp. 144-146). They will now be considered in the order of the division given. Topic First The Conditional or Conjunctive Syllogism. The conditional syllogism may either be tested as it is, 186 PRACTICAL LOGIC. or reduced to categorical form and then tested by the prin- ciples of categorical reasoning. I. The Tests of Conditional Syllogisms. The tests of conditional syllogisms arise out of their na- ture as directly embodying the principle of Reason and Consequent. From this it follows that, if the reason be present in any given case we may be sure of the presence of the consequent ; and if the consequent be absent we may be sure of the absence of its reason. Hence the two forms of conditionals, the constructive and destructive, and the Rules applicable to these forms of reasoning. Bale 1st. Affirming the antecedent or reason affirms the conse- quent (modus ponens] ; while denying the consequent denies the ante- cedent (modus tollens). The first part of the Rule gives the constructive conditional, which affirms the reason or antecedent, and then on the ground of this af- firms the consequent. The second part gives the destructive condi- tional, which denies the consequent, and on the ground of this denies the reason. The two forms may be illustrated as follows : . Antecedent. Consequent. 3 If General Grant has a fever, he is sick ; Major premise. g He has a fever ; (Modus ponens). Minor premise. o '. He is sick. Conclusion. o Antecedent. Consequent. 3 If General Grant has a fever, he is sick ; Major premise. *j He is not sick; (Modus tollens.) Minor premise. Q /. He has not a fever. Conclusion. The absence of the particular reason or antecedent mentioned in any given case does not render certain the absence of the consequent, since antecedents or reasons are manifold and the consequent may follow from other antecedents. So the presence of the consequent does not argue the presence of a particular antecedent or reason, since it may be the consequent or effect of some other antecedent. Hence Rule 2d. Denying the antecedent does not deny the consequent; and affirming the consequent does not affirm the antecedent. THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 187 Antecedent. Consequent. {If there is fire in the stove ; the room will be warm ; Major premise. There is no fire in the stove ; (Deny Ant.) Minor premise. . No conclusion. If there is fire in the stove ; the room will be warm ; Major premise. The room is warm. (Affirm Conseq.) Minor premise. . No conclusion. In the case of the denial of the antecedent the conclusion that the room will not be warm does not follow, since it may be warmed by a grate, or a furnace, or steam apparatus, or a warm sun in summer, or the presence of a large audience, or by being on fire, etc. In the case of the affirmation of the consequent, the particular antecedent does not follow, since the same thing may result from any one of the ante- cedents enumerated. The whole may be illustrated by diagram : Furnace. ~~ -- '~^~^ Heated % 3 Steam. I pa _*5b_ Room. I The dotted lines may represent the possible lines of reason or causa- tion ; the heated room, the consequent or effect. If the stove is pres- ent, then the heated room will be present, because that is a sufficient reason. If the stove is not present, the room may still be heated, since the grate, furnace, etc., may furnish the sufficient reason. If there is not the heated room, then all the antecedents must be absent, stove, etc. If there be the heated room, no definite a priori conclusion concerning the agency of the stove is possible, since the consequent may result from any other of the antecedents. II, Reduction of the Conjunctive Syllogism. The conjunctive or conditional syllogism may readily be reduced to the categorical form, as already shown (p. 117), 188 PRACTICAL LOGIC. and then tested by the Rules which apply to the various Figures. Applying the principles of reduction to the syllogism just given, it becomes : i st. The case of the presence of the heated stove is the case of a warm room ; The present is the case of a heated stove ; M * .'. The present is the case of a warm room. gj Or A. : Every room in which a stove is heated is warm ; A. This is a room in which a stove is heated ; A. .*. This room is a warm room. 2d. A. Every room in which the stove is heated is warm ; 3 E. This room is not warm ; E. /. The stove is not heated in this room. 3d. A. Every room in which the stove is heated is warm ; E. This is a room in which the stove is not heated ; .5 E. .'. This room is not warm. (Not valid.) M This form corresponding to the denial of the antecedent, under Rule 2d, in- volves illicit process of the major term. u 4th. A. Every room in which the stove is heated is a warm room ; 3 A. This room is a warm room ; S? A. .*. This room is one in which the stove is heated. (Not valid.) This form corresponding to the affirming of the consequent, under Rule 2d, involves undistributed middle, or substantially four terms. Topic Second. The Disjunctive Syllogism. The tests of the disjunctive syllogism arise out of the na- ture of the disjunctive judgment, as embodying the prin- ciple of Excluded Middle, in connection with Reason and Consequent the principle of all reasoning. A perfect disjunctive judgment embodies a complete division of some genus or class, and the alternatives presented are the species under that class, and are reciprocally exclusive (p. 71). The major premise presents these species as alternatives. The minor premise makes a categorical predication concerning one or other of the species or alternatives. The conclusion draws an inference concerning the other species. Kule 1st. See that the disjunction exhausts the division, and that the disjunctives are reciprocally exclusive. Kule 2d. Affirming a part of the disjunctives, wholly or disjunc- tively, in the minor premise, denies all the others in the conclusion. THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 189 Rule 3d. Denying a part of the disjunctives, in the minor prem- ise, affirms the rest, in the conclusion, wholly or disjunctively, ac- cording as one or more may remain. These may be illustrated by the following examples : The Apostles must have been fanatics, or impostors, or true men; They were neither fanatics nor impostors ; .*. They were true men. The season of the battle of Lexington must have been spring, or summer, or autumn, or winter ; It was neither summer nor winter ; /. It was either autumn or spring. In the first example the character of the Apostles is analyzed into three possible exclusive phases, and we affirm that if they do not be- long to one or other of the first two they must belong to the third. In the second example the seasons are analyzed into the four, and we af- firm that since it was neither the second nor fourth it was one of the other two. Topic Third. The Dilemmatic Syllogism. The dilemma tic, or conjunctive-disjunctive, syllogism is subject to the Rules of conditionals and disjunctives. The most common forms are the following : I. One Antecedent in the Major with Disjunctive Consequent. This takes the form : If A is B, either C is D or E is F. By the rules of conditionals and disjunctives we have the following possible cases and results : Affirm Antecedent. A is B ; /. either C is D or E is F. Deny Cons, wholly. Neither C is D nor E F ; /. A is not B. Deny Cons, disjunctively. Either C is not D or E is not F. No conclusion. Denial of Antecedent. A is not B. No conclusion. Affirmation of Consequent. C is D or E is F No conclusion. II. Plurality of Antecedents in the Major with Common Consequent. This takes the form : If A is B, X is Y, and if C is D, X is Y. This gives the following oases and results : Affirm Antec. wholly. A is B and C is D ; .-. X is Y. Affirm Antec. disjunct. A is B or C is D ; .'.X is Y. Deny Consequent. X is not Y ; .'. neither A is B nor C is D. Deny Antecedents. A is not B nor is C D. No conclusion. Affirm Consequent. X is Y. No conclusion. III. Plurality of Antecedents in Major, each with its own Conse- quent. 190 PRACTICAL LOGIC. This takes the form : If A is B, C is D, and if E is F, G is H. This gives the following oases and results : Affirm Ant. wholly. A is B and E is F ; /. C is D and G is H, Affirm Ant. di&junct. A is B or E is F ; .'. C is D or G is H. Deny Cons, wholly. C is not D and C is not H ; /.A is not B and E is not F. Deny Cons, disjunct. C is not D and G is not H ; /.A is not B or E is not F. Deny Antecedent. A is not B and E is not F. No conclusion. Affirm Consequent. C is D and G is H. No conclusion. Note. All the forms enumerated are called dilemmatic syllogisms, but. as already stated (p. 146), the dilemma, in the strict sense, is only that form which has a plurality of antecedents in the major, and a disjunctive minor. This dilemma is sometimes rebutted by another with an opposite conclusion. Aris- totle illustrates the process of rebuttal thus : " An Athenian mother said to her son, ' Do not engage in public affairs ; for if you do what is just men will hate you, and if you do what is unjust the gods will hate you.' This the son re- butted by the following retort : ' I ought to enter into public affairs ; for if I do what is unjust men will love me, and if I do what is just the gods will love me.' " Praxis. In the following examples, complete the syllogisms if in- complete. Name the kind in each case and formulate with letters and illustrate by diagram. Test each example by the Rules. 1. If men are virtuous they are wise, and if they are vicious they are unwise ; But they are either virtuous or vicious ; /. They are either wise or unwise. 2. If the classics teach how to produce wealth they ought to be studied ; They do not so teach ; /. They ought not to be studied. 3. Mahomet was either an enthusiast or an impostor; He was an enthusiast ; /. He was not an impostor. 4. If there be no future life, then either virtue receives its due re- ward in the present world, or there is no perfect government admin- istered over men ; neither of which is admissible. 5. The fact that I defended him is a proof that I hold him innocent. 6. If pain is severe, it will be brief; and if it last long, it will be slight ; hence it should be borne patiently. 7. If this man were wise, he would not speak irreverently of Scrip- ture in jest, and if he were good, he would not do so in earnest ; But he does it either in jest or in earnest; THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 191 Section III. Conspectus of Fallacies, A fallacy is any unsound or delusive mode of reasoning. The principal fallacies in induction and deduction need to be particularized and distinguished. In order to acquire a complete command of the principles of reason- ing and to guard against error, the thinker must make himself familiar with the most common kinds of fallacy. In the previous Sections, as Jevons has said, " we have considered, as it were, how to find the right road ; it is our task here to ascertain the turnings at which we are most liable to take the wrong road." Note. With respect to the knowledge or intention of the reasoner, fallacies have been divided into paralogisms and sophisms. A paralogism is a fallacy which is unknown to the reasoner himself; a sophism is a false argument, un- derstood to be so by the reasoner himself and intentionally used to deceive. This is not, however, a logical distinction, since it is not based upon the thought, but upon the mental and moral condition of the reasoner, and is, therefore, of no logical value. Topic First. Fallacies in Induction. In induction we deal with matters of fact. The require- ments of induction are summed up in two things : 1st. Exact Observation of the facts. 2cL Correct Interpretation of the facts. All fallacies in induction arise from failure to conform to these requirements. I. Fallacies from Failures in Exact Observation. 1. Neglect of observation, or ignoring of all facts (pp. 26-34, 148, 155). 2. Partial observation, giving incomplete view of the facts (pp. 33, 148, 155). 3. Neglect of exceptional, and especially contradictory, facts (p. 155). 4. Assuming what is not fact to be fact (pp. 33, 148). 5. Mixing illegitimate inferences with the facts (p. 33). II. Fallacies from Failures in Correct Interpretation. 1. Neglect of all cause, or confounding induction with mere general- ization (pp. 147, 153), including groundless universal conclusion from few unimportant facts (fictce universalitatis) (p. 159). 2. Partial explanation of the facts, by assuming an improper or in- sufficient cause, including: 192 PRACTICAL LOGIC. (1.) Assuming inappropriate cause (p. 154). (2.) Assuming inadequate cause (p. 154). (3.) Assuming a single cause where there is a complex of causes (p. 154). 3. Neglect of real cause for hypothetical cause (p. 154). 4. Fallacy of unreal reason, or assuming what is not a cause to be a cause (non causa pro causa) (p. 160), including: (1.) Confounding antecedent and cause (post hoc ergo propter hoc) (p. 149). (2.) Confounding concomitant, condition or occasion and cause (cum hoc ergo propter hoc) (p. 149). (3.) Confounding law and cause (p. 149). Note. The most noted forms of the fallacy of unreal reason are the lazy reason (ignava ratio), the reaper (ratio mctens), and the controlling reason (ratio dominans). These are all of the same character, and may be illustrated by an example of the first, which gave it its name : Sumption." If I ought to exert myself to effect a certain event, this event either must take place or it must not; Sub-sumption. " If it must take place, my exertion is superfluous; if it must not take place, my exertion is of no avail ; Conclusion. " Therefore, on either alternative, my exertion is useless." In regard to the vice of this sophism, Krug, as quoted by Hamilton, says: 11 It is manifest that it lies in the sumption, in which the disjunct members are imperfectly enounced. It ought to have been thus conceived : If I ought to exert myself to effect a certain event, which I cannot, however, of myself effect, this event must either take place from other causes, or it must not take place at all. It is only under such a condition that my exertion can, on either alternative, be useless, and not if the event depend wholly or in part for its accomplishment on my exertion itself, as the conditio sine qua non." This shows that this so-called syllogism formally violates Rule 1st under disjunctives (p. 188), as applied to the dilemma. 5. Assuming unverified hypotheses as truth (pp. 156, 160). Topic Second. Fallacies in Deduction or Syllogism. Deductive reasoning deals with truths or general princi- ples. Its requirements are, therefore, summed up in two things : 1st. Correct Matter or Thought, or the grasping of true premises. 2d. Correct Form in Reasoning, or the proper unfolding of what is contained in the premises. All fallacies in deduction result, therefore, from failure to comply with one or both these requirements. Those which result from some failure in the matter or thought are known as Material Fallacies ; those resulting from some failure in the form of reasoning are known THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 193 as Logical or Formal Fallacies ; those resulting from failure in both matter and form are known as Semi-Logical Fallacies. I. Material Fallacies. Material fallacies are those which arise outside of the mere form of thought, or verbal statement (extra dictionem), in the subject-matter or thought itself. They may take the form of unwarranted assumption of premises, or of irrelevant conclusion from the proper premises. 1. Unwarranted Assumption of Premises. (1.) Begging the question (petitio principii), or virtual assumption of the thing to be proved or of that by which it is to be proved. This includes : a. Petitio principii proper, where the assumption is openly made without show of proof. b. Arguing in a circle, where the conclusion is virtually used to prove the premise. E. g., John Knox and John Witherspoon are excellent men because they be- longed to an excellent church, the Presbyterian Church ; and the Presbyterian Church is an excellent one because it has contained such good men. c. Assuming a resemblance without proving it, or where there is no such resemblance (non tale pro tali). E. g., ' All other religions are delusions ; therefore, Christianity is a delusion." (2.) Failure in Estimating Probabilities. a. Over-estimation of dependent probabilities (p. 182). b. Under-estimation of independent probabilities (pp. 108, 188). 2. Irrelevant Conclusion from Proper Premises. (1.) Fallacy from arguing to the wrong point. This is also called ignoratio elenchi, or " ignoring the refutation," which refutation in- volves the establishment of the contradictory (p. 129). This includes: a. Perverted argument from common consent (argumentum ad judicium) (p. 181). b. Argumentum ad populum (p. 181). c. Argumentum ad verecundiam (p. 181). d. Argumentum ad ignorantiam (p. 181). e. Argumentum ad hominem (p. 181). (2.) Fallacy from simple Confusion of Thought. This includes: a. Fallacy of accident (fallacia accidentis) and the converse (p. 167). This includes : (a.) Arguing from a general rule to a special case, where some accidental cir- cumstance renders the rule inapplicable. (b.) Arguing from a special case to a general one. This is described by the 17 N 194 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Latin phrase, " a dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter," meaning " from a statement under a condition to. a statement simply or without that condition." (c.) Arguing from one special case to another special case. b. Fallacy of the consequent, or non sequitur, where the reasoning is so loose and inconsequent that no one can discover any force in it. c. Fallacy of many questions (plures interrogationum), which results from so combining two or more questions that no true answer can be given to them. II. Logical or Formal Fallacies. Logical fallacies are those which occur in the mere form of the statement (in dictione) . They may ordinarily be dis- covered by the aid of the rules of deduction or the syllo- gism, without any knowledge of the subject-matter of the argument. They are violations of the Rules of Reasoning categorical and hypothetical. 1. Fallacies in Categorical Reasoning. (1.) Violation of the Rules for Terms. a. Four Terms (quaternio terminorum). Breach of Rule 1st (p. 166). b. Undistributed Middle. Breach of Rule 2d (p. 167). c. Illicit Process of Major or Minor. Breach of Rule 3d (p. 167). (2.) Violation of the Rules for Premises. a. Failure of conclusion to follow weaker part. Breach of Rule 4th (p. 168). b. Conclusion from two negative premises. Breach of Rule 5th (p. 168). c. Conclusion from particular premises. Breach of Rule 6th (p. 168). d. Conclusion from particular major with negative minor. Breach of Rule 7th (p. 170). 2. Fallacies in Hypothetical Reasoning. (1.) Violation of Rules for Conditionals. Conclusion from denying antecedent or from affirming consequent. Breach of Rule 2d (p. 186). (2.) Violation of Rules for Disjunctives. a. Confounding partitive and disjunctive judgments (p. 118). b. Disjunctive elements not exclusive and inclusive. Breach of Rule 1st (p. 188). c. Conclusion not in accordance with the affirmation or denial of disjunction. Breach of Rules 2d and 3d (pp. 188, 189). III. Semi-Logical Fallacies. Semi-logical fallacies are fallacies partly material and partly formal. These fallacies arise largely from the ambiguous use of terms. In such cases the term used in two senses is substantially equivalent to THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 195 two terms. The ambiguity must first be detected by examining into the meaning of the terms. The fallacy is so far material. When the ambiguity is fairly detected, the fallacy is at once transformed into the formal or logical fallacy of four terms. It includes : 1. Fallacy of Equivocation, consisting in the use of the same word in two distinct senses. (1.) Fallacy of ambiguous middle (p. 82). (2.) Fallacy of homonymous terms (p. 83). 2. Fallacy of Amphibology, consisting in ambiguous gram- matical structure of a sentence. E. g., " The Duke yet lives that Henry shall depose." 3. Fallacy of Composition and Division, arising from using a term distributively (pp. 112, 115) in one premise, and col- lectively (pp. 54, 113) in the other. This is especially common in the use of " all" (p. 113), " not all" (p. Ill), etc. 4. Fallacy of Etymology. This includes : (1.) Fixing upon a wrong root (p. 76.) (2.) Assuming that the original meaning of the root of a word de- cides the present meaning of the word (p. 76). Note. For enumerations of the sources of human error, see Bacon's Novum Organum, Lib. i. ; Mill's Logic, Book V., ch. ii. ; Hamilton's Logic, Lect. xxiii. Praxis. Examine the following arguments, completing them if in- complete, and reducing to regular form if irregular. Examine and de- fine the important conceptions or terms. Name the kind of argument in each case, formulating with letters and illustrating by diagram. Present the proof of the premises. Test each example by the Rules, naming and explaining the fallacy, material, logical or semi-logical, wherever such fallacy exists. If categorical, reduce to Fig. 1. 1. A science which furnishes the mind with a multitude of useful facts deserves cultivation; but Logic is not such a science; .. Logic does not deserve cultivation. 2. Nuisances are punishable by law ; to keep a noisy dog is a nui- sance ; .*. to keep a noisy dog is punishable by law. 3. Twice two and three are seven; twice two and three are ten; /. seven is equal to ten. 4. If motion is possible, a body must move either in the place where it is, or in a place where it is not ; but a body cannot move in a place 196 PRACTICAL LOGIC. where it is, and of course it cannot move where it is not ; /. motion is impossible. 5. What you bought yesterday you eat to-day ; you bought raw meat yesterday ; /. you eat raw meat to-day. 6. The Jews are avaricious; .'. the prophet Daniel was avaricious. 7. All bodies that move themselves are animated ; the stars move themselves ; /. the stars are animated. 8. Mouse is a syllable ; but a mouse eats cheese ; .'. a syllable eats cheese. 9. If it be fated that you recover from your present disease, whether you call in a doctor or not you will recover ; again, if it be fated that you do not recover from your present disease, whether you call in a doctor or not you will not recover ; But one or other of the contra- dictories is fatal ; .'. To call in a doctor is of no consequence. 10. Episcopacy is of Scripture origin; the Church of England is the only episcopal church in England ; .*. the Church established is the Church that should be supported. 11. Carbon is combustible ; diamonds are composed of carbon ; /. diamonds are combustible. 12. Rain has fallen, if the ground is wet; but the ground is not wet ; .*. rain has not fallen. 13. None but mortals are men ; monarchs are men ; .'. monarchs are mortals. 14. Logic as it was cultivated by the Schoolmen proved a fruitless study ; .-. Logic as it is cultivated at the present day must be a fruit- less study. 15. Men can live without animal food, and they can live without vegetable food, as has been often demonstrated ; but all food is either animal or vegetable; /. men can live without food. 16. All birds are animals ; no reptiles are birds ; .*. no reptiles are animals. 17. He who is most hungry eats most; he who eats least is most hungry ; /. he who eats least eats most. 18. If rain has fallen, the ground is wet ; but rain has not fallen ; .*. the ground is not wet. 19. Night must be the cause of day, for it invariably precedes it. 20. If Brandreth's pills are of any value, those who take them will improve in health ; my friend who has been taking them has im- proved in health ; /. they are of value. 21. He that can swim needs not despair to fly ; for to swim is to fly in a grosser fluid, and to fly is to swim in a subtler. THE UNFOLDING OF REASONING. 197 22. The ground is wet, if rain has fallen; the ground is wet; /. rain has fallen. 23. All stars are self-luminous ; all planets are not self-luminous ; /. no planets are stars. 24. Some flowers are tulips ; all flowers are beautiful ; /.all the tu- lips are beautiful. 25. The probability of the existence of a God, derived from the ex- istence of the universe, may be stated as f ; from order in the universe, f ; from conscience, f ; from common belief of mankind, f, etc. These all fall far below unity or full proof ; .'. the proofs of the existence of a God are insufficient to warrant belief. 26. If the books in the Alexandrine Library be in conformity with the doctrines of the Koran, there is no need of them ; if adverse, then also they should be burned. 27. If the ground is wet, rain has fallen ; but rain has fallen ; /. the ground is wet. 28. The hope of immortality is either a rational expectation or an illusion ; but that belief cannot be an illusion which all the most en- lightened peoples have adopted. 29. Personal deformity is an affliction of nature ; disgrace is not an affliction of nature ; /. personal deformity is not disgrace. 30. No idle person can be a successful writer of history ; .*. Hume, Macaulay, Hallam, and Grote must have been industrious. 31. Bacon was a great lawyer and statesman ; and as he was also a philosopher, we may infer that any philosopher may be a great lawyer and statesman. 32. Nothing is better than wisdom ; dry bread is better than noth- ing; .'. a fortiori is dry bread better than wisdom. 33. If classical education is worth the cost, either it must be pre- eminently fitted to develop the mental powers, or it must furnish ex- ceedingly valuable information ; but neither alternative can be main- tained, and so classical education is not worth the cost. 34. Men love to be humbugged ; the President of the Bible Society is a man ; /.he loves to be humbugged. 35. All power proceeds from will as its antecedent ; a steam-engine has no will ; /. it has no power. 36. What produces intoxication should be prohibited ; the use of spirituous liquors produces intoxication; .'. the use of spirituous liquors should be prohibited. 37. All the trees in the park make a thick shade ; this tree is one of them ; .'. this tree makes a thick shade. 198 PRACTICAL LOGIC. 38. The object of war is durable peace ; /. soldiers are the best peacemakers. 39. Improbable events happen almost every day ; but what happens almost every day is a very probable event; .'. improbable events are very probable events. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. THE aim of the Logic of Reasoning is, in general, to train to the best thinking and fullest appreciation of thought in its third form. The perfection of thinking as reasoning depends upon the degree of certainty that the right cause or mid- dle term has been fixed upon. As the finished result of Con- ception is clear and distinct thinking, and that of Judg- ment connected thinking, so that of Reasoning is continuous thinking. The conclusions from induction are probahle truths (judg- ments, p. 132), varying in probability all the way from mere hypotheses to perfected theories. The conclusions from deduction are always certain truths (judgments, p. 132) when the premises are certain and the reasonings correct, and probable truths when the premises are only probable. The special aim of the Practical Logic of Reasoning should be to train the thinker to the highest degree of skill and certainty in using the various processes of induc- tion and deduction in his own thinking, and to the greatest readiness and accuracy in grasping and testing these pro- cesses and their products as they are presented in the think- ing of others. PART IV. THE LOGIC OF CONSTRUCTION OR THE SYSTEM. THE aim of the Logic of Construction should be to train the student to skill in dealing with the Fourth Form of Thought. Definition. Construction is that higher form of thought in which we combine mutually related products of the lower forms of thought, according to some rational principle, into one relatively complete whole (pp. 11-13). The product of construction is known as the System. Ueberweg defines system as "the orderly combination of mutually- related knowledge into one relatively complete whole." System is either mechanical or rational. Rational system is that in which the combination is a result of the application of some rational principle ; mechanical system, that in which such rational principle is wanting. The alphabet, as arranged in the order, a, b, c, etc., is a mechanical system ; as arranged in classes, as vowels, semi-vowels, and conso- nants; or tonics, subtonics, and atonies, it is a rational system. There are three forms of rational system : scientific system ; artistic system ; practical system. These all imply orderly arrangement, but they differ in the law by which that arrangement is effected ; that of scientific system being according to the law of the true ; that of artistic system according to the law of the beautiful ; that of practical system according to the law of the good. In scientific system the aim is to combine the related thoughts in 199 200 PRACTICAL LOGIC. such a way that the totality will exactly express the truth and the whole truth. It is, therefore, said to be governed by the Law of the True. In artistic or aesthetic system the aim is to combine the related truths in such a way as to produce a totality which will express di- versity in unity, or beauty. It is, therefore, said to be governed by the Law of the Beautiful. In practical system the aim is to combine forces and agencies as means so as to secure a whole by which some desired end or good may be secured. It is, therefore, said to be gov- erned by the Law of the Good. Artistic or aesthetic system belongs to ^Esthetics ; the other forms may be regarded as properly belonging to Logic (p. 12), and will be briefly considered. Constructive thinking is manifestly the highest act of the human intellect, and should, therefore, be made prominent in the later stages of higher education. The formation and unfolding of systems will be briefly treated in successive Chapters. CHAPTER I. THE FORMATION OP CONSTRUCTION OR SYSTEM. AN understanding of the combination of mutually related thoughts into systems, by the constructive faculty, must prepare the way for unfolding and testing such systems. The process and the products will be considered briefly under each of the forms of construction. Section I, Scientific Construction. Scientific construction is construction according to the law of the true. Its product is Scientific System. Topic First. Process of Forming and Verifying Scien- tific System. Three things are essential in thinking in the form of scientific system : First, fixing upon some one sphere of THE FORMATION OF CONSTRUCTION. 201 mutually related thoughts, or thoughts constituting a whole ; secondly, maintaining logical consistency in the joining of all the parts under this whole ; thirdly, verifying the agree- ment of the resulting combination, in its parts and as a whole, with the entire reality of the sphere which is being systematized. These give the Laws of Scientific Construction ; the Laws of Logical Unity or Logical Totality ; of Logical Consis- tency ; and of Logical Truthfulness. I. The Law of Logical Unity or Totality. The unity and totality of a system are determined by this, that all the individual thoughts contained in it depend on a common principle. A principle, in this sense, has been defined as " an absolutely or relatively original element on which a series of other elements depends." It is the unify- ing thought which binds together the otherwise disconnected and unorganized mass of thoughts. Hence arises Rule 1st. Seek a principle which will bring the thoughts to be systematized into unity under one sphere or whole. The Law of Totality may also be presented as the Law of Numer- ical Completeness, which requires that a scientific view of any region of fact or truth shall present all the essential facts and truths, none added and none omitted. Any so-called science, e.g., astronomy, may be rendered so far false by an addition to the facts or truths or sub- traction from them. Various principles, or points of view, may be made use of in system- atizing any region of truth. The sphere may thus be enlarged or diminished. For example, the astronomer may aim to present the astronomy of the solar system or of the universe ; he may give his work a mathematical or a descriptive form ; he may present the solar system and universe as they are, or treat them historically, giving the stages in their development. II. The Law of Logical Consistency or Correlation. The logical consistency of a system requires the proper joining or correlation of all the parts under the whole or 202 PRACTICAL LOGIC. totality. All the truths combined should be in their proper relation to each other. The main relations to be kept in mind in such work are those of substance and properties, as brought out under Observation (p. 29) ; those of content of concepts (p. 40) and extent of concepts (p. 45) ; those of reason and consequent, as involved in induction and deduc- tion (pp. 138-9). There should be perfect accuracy of thought in all the parts and relations of the system. Hence arises Rule 2d. See that all the parts are properly joined or articulated under the one whole. Any science, e. g., zoology, may be rendered false by any departure from the facts or laws of succession ; or from the relations of co-ordina- tion, subordination, etc., brought out by logical and scientific division; or from the relations of reason and consequent, as involved in induc- tion and deduction. III. The Law of Logical Truthfulness. The logical truthfulness of a system requires that the entire system so constructed shall, in all its parts and as a whole, be in accordance with the reality, or the entire sphere or whole which is being systematized. This con- formity with the reality is the crucial test of a system. From it arises Rule 3d. Test the system of thought constructed by the reality which it represents. In any scientific system any want of conformity to the sphere of reality renders the system so far false. Imaginary schemes, such as the scheme of organized being as unfolded by Haeckel in his History of Natural Evolution, have no claim to the name of scientific system. Topic Second. Products of Scientific Construction. Systems, as the products of scientific construction, are either absolutely or relatively complete. Scientific System has sometimes been confounded with systems of classes (p. 44), but it is manifest that these merely form one of the elements used in constructing scientific systems. Science is used in various senses: "exact knowledge;" "classified knowledge;" etc. Ueberweg defines it as a " whole of knowledge in the form of the sys- THE FORMATION OF CONSTRUCTION. 203 tern," in which sense it is substantially equivalent to scientific system. According to this view, " scientific knowledge finds its perfection in the combination of thoughts, one with the other, into a whole, which in its content and form represents the objective reality." " Science as such has its true existence only in the systematic form." I. Relatively Complete System. The Sciences, as we find them, usually deal with some relative whole and not with the entire universe of truth. They are inductive, deductive, or mixed, according to the method of thought employed. 1. The inductive sciences result from the employment of the induc- tive method of thought. The Inductive Method involves three elements : First, The scientific investigator starts with matters of fact. Secondly, In reaching the materials for the science, he makes use of the principles of inductive reasoning chiefly. Thirdly, These materials are given their proper systematic form by the principles of scientific construction (p. 201). Its steps are, as has been seen (pp. 148-9, 200-3) : exact observation, correct interpreta- tion, and scientific construction. The product is a system of thought wrought out from the facts. 2. The deductive sciences result from the employment of the deduc- tive method of thought. The Deductive Method involves three elements : First, The scientific investigator starts with ideas or relations of ideas. Secondly, In gathering the materials for the science he makes use of the principles of deduction chiefly. Thirdly, These materials are given their proper systematic form by the same general principles of scientific construction made use of in the inductive method. Its steps are, therefore : proper grasp of truth, or right judgments or general principles ; correct unfolding of truth ; and scientific construc- tion of the results. In it induction may be used in subordination whenever matters of fact are incidentally taken into account. The product is a system of thought unfolded from fundamental thoughts or truths. 2(M PRACTICAL LOO I C. 3. The mixed sciences arise from the joint employment of the in- ductive and deductive methods. This results from the presence of both facts and truths, both of which need to be wrought into the sys- tem. Astronomy furnishes an illustration of mixed scientific method. II. Absolutely Complete System. The absolutely complete science deals with all things, or the universe. It aims to construct the universal scientific system and the universal philosophy, both of which are in- cluded under complete scientific system in the wide sense. Herbert Spencer distinguishes between knowledge, science, and phil- osophy as follows : " Knowledge of the lowest kind is ununified knowl- edge ; science is partially unified knowledge ; philosophy is completely unified knowledge." The distinction usually made between science and philosophy is as follows : science deals with facts and their order, or with the " what;" philosophy deals with general principles and rea- sons, or the " why." It is impossible, however, to have any science so completely empirical as not to involve more or less of the principles or reasons of things, and equally impossible to have any philosophy so entirely transcendental as not to embrace a solid basis of fact or reality. In the highest sense science, as scientific system, embraces both facts and their reasons, both the "what" and "the why," or both science proper and philosophy. 1. The Complete Science. Great thinkers have sought to construct the one universal scientific system, and with va- rious success. The system of Comte may be presented as one of the best. Comte starts with the suggestion of Descartes, that " sound knowledge should advance from the simpler to the more complex phenomena." In this suggestion "-lay the germ of a sound arrangement of the sciences, which scarcely, however, seems to have begun to bear fruit before the time of Ampere and Comte." Thomson, in his Laws of Thought, pp. 316-319, has presented the system drawn from Comte in brief form. ' Mathematics, or the science of quantity, is at once the most simple in its elements and the most general in its application, entering more or less into all the sciences of nature, and constituting almost the whole of that which comes next it in the order of dependence. Astronomy, or the science of the heav- enly bodies, is the application of mathematical truths to the laws of matter and motion, matter and the motions of material bodies being the new concep- THE FORMATION OF CONSTRUCTION. 205 tion which belongs to this science. Physics, being the science, or rather group of sciences, which is conversant with the general laws of the world so far as they relate to beings without life or organization, would come next ; and it imports, in addition to the conceptions of Astronomy, those of light, of heat, of sound, of electricity, of magnetism, and many others. Chemistry would rank next, which is the science of the decomposition and combinations of the various substances that compose and surround the earth. Next in order of complexity would rank Physiology, founded on the additional conception of vegetable and animal life. To this would succeed Anthropology, or the science of man's nature ; and to this Social Science, which ascertains the laws that govern men when combined in cities and nations. Each of these departments may be divided into many branches, as Physics into Acoustics, Optics, Electricity, and the like ; or Social Science into Morals, Politics, Political Economy, Law, and the like There is a general correspondence between this classification and the order in which the various objects of science came into being. The heavenly bodies were first appointed their paths in the celestial spaces ; then the surface of our earth was prepared for living creatures ; then they were created after their kind, and man the last. The social life of man grew up last of all, when his race was multiplied on the globe ; and ever as new elements appear, the conditions of society are being modified even to the present time." We are now in a position to sketch the table of the Sciences. "CLASSIFICATION OF THE SCIENCES. Group. Mode of Treatment. 1. MATHEMATICS Theoretical. Historical. Applied. II. ASTRONOMY " " " III. PHYSICS " IV. CHEMISTRY " " " V. PHYSIOLOGY " * VI. ANTHROPOLOGY M " " VII. SOCIAL SCIENCE " M " RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY." 2. The Complete Philosophy. Thinkers have also aimed, in dealing with the question " Why?" to construct the uni- versal philosophic system, and with equally various success. The common-sense philosophy may be accepted as the best. The philosopher must seek to give a rational explanation of the ul- timate facts to which all scientific investigation of phenomena leads. These ultimate facts are three : consciousness ; the cosmos of matter and spirit ; the being back of all on which all depends. A complete 18 206 PRACTICAL LOGIC. philosophy must, therefore, have its psychological theory, its cosmo- logical theory, and its ontological theory. The three are embraced in THE COMMON-SENSE PHILOSOPHY. I. PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY.. ..Consciousness is made up of two ele- ments of knowledge: experience and intuitioji. II. COSMOLOGICAL THEORY The Cosmos is made up of two ele- ments: spirit and matter. III. ONTOLOGICAL THEORY The Ultimate Being, or First Cause of the Cosmos, is the infinite, per- sonal Spirit, God. Section II, Practical Construction, Practical construction is construction according to the law of the good. Its product is Practical System. Topic First. Process of Forming and Verifying Practical System. Three things are essential to thinking in the form of prac- tical construction : First, the intelligent fixing upon some one complex plan or aim ; secondly, the careful preparation or gathering of ideas and forces which will serve as means to this end; thirdly, the best arrangement and adjustment of the means to secure the end in view. These give the laws of practical aim, practical adaptation, and practical unity. I. The Law of Fraotical Aim. Practical aim in constructive thinking requires that the view be fixed upon some beneficent, useful, rational, or moral end to be attained. Hence arises Rule 1st. Fix upon and define clearly in the mind the end to be attained. II. The Law of Practical Adaptation. Practical adaptation in constructive thinking requires that all the material made use of be such, and only such, as is suited to secure the proposed end. Hence arises THE UNFOLDING OP SYSTEMS. 207 Rule 2d. See that the suitable means are provided for attaining the proposed end. III. The Law of Practical Unity. Practical unity in constructive thinking requires that all the means be combined, arranged, and adjusted in such system as best to secure the end proposed. Hence arises Rule 3d. See that the means are properly correlated so as to secure the proposed end. Topic Second. Products of Practical Construction. The Laws of Practical Construction govern in the pro- duction of all inventions, ideals, plans of life, etc. Success in life depends largely upon the possession of this power in proper development. One of the highest forms of practical construction is found in oratory, in which the aim is to arrange thought in such a system as shall induce a change of view, of judgment, of feeling, or of purpose in an audience. Illustrations will suggest themselves to the teacher and student. For the purpose of directing in the work, a few examples will suffice. Praxis. Study as practical systems: 1. A steam-engine. 2. A telephone. 3. A plough. 4. The speech of Daniel Webster, in the trial of John Francis Knapp, for the murder of Joseph White. 5. The oration of Demosthenes on the Crown. CHAPTER II. THE UNFOLDING AND TESTING- OF SYSTEMS. THE best use of the power of construction in the work of thinking requires that the thinker should be able to grasp and unfold what may be contained in any system, and to test such system by the principles of construction, scientific and practical. For the purposes of the brief discussion here proposed, the two forms of logical system need not be separated. Two things are of prime importance: first, the ascertaining of the elements of systems, and secondly, the testing of systems. 208 PRACTICAL LOGIC. Section I, Ascertaining the Elements, The elements of any system may be learned from the Laws of Construction. In unfolding scientific constructions (to which attention will be confined) three things are embraced : First, the grasping of the totality involved in the system ; secondly, the study of the relations of the parts or the articulation of the system ; thirdly, the comparison of the system with the objective reality. The careful study of these elements is requisite to prepare for the testing of systems. Topic First. The Whole and its Principle. In studying any system it is necessary first to seize upon it as a whole by ascertaining the principle which unites its elements. A system is " an organized body of truth, or truths arranged under one and the same idea, which idea is as the life or soul which assim- ilates all those truths." In studying and unfolding any system, it is, therefore, necessary to inquire first for this organic idea or principle, which is the soul of the system. This holds in all three forms of sys- tem, scientific, aesthetic, and practical. Trendelenburg distinguishes " systems of arrangement," correspond- ing to systems of classes (p. 47); and "systems of development," corresponding to the products of scientific construction (p. 202). The former arise under Conception, by Classification or Division ; the latter, under Reasoning, by Induction and Deduction. The former take the form of the descriptive, classificatory, or natural history sciences, as Botany, Zoology, etc. ; the latter, of explanatory natural and mental sciences, as Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, etc. The principle or organic idea in systems of classes, is simply the principle of classification (p. 47) or division (p. 68), which has already been considered. E. g., in Zoology the system of the animal kingdom is a system of classes and sub-classes, based on plan of organic structure. The principle or organic idea in the higher form of system, or sys- tem in the stricter sense, is the central truth to which the inductive method leads, and with which the deductive method starts out. Accordingly, Ueberweg has said : " The principles of knowledge are of two kinds, according as the individual or particular, or the universal, serves as the THE UNFOLDING OF SYSTEMS. 209 starting-point of knowledge. The former do not correspond to the real prin- ciples, but form the natural foundations of propaedeutic knowledge; the latter distinctly correspond to real principles and, accordingly, form the foundations of strictly scientific knowledge. "The propaedeutic or method of investigation proceeds regressively or analytically to the knowledge of real principles ; the purely scientific or con- structive method proceeds progressively or synthetically from principles to particulars or individuals. But it is by no means always desirable, in an exposition of the sciences, to thoroughly separate the analytic from the synthetic elements. Both are often to be combined with each other in the treatment of individual problems." The construction and value of a system will, therefore, manifestly depend, in any given case, first of all, upon the correctness and completeness of the principle which unites its parts into a whole. Hence, in examining systems, Rule 1st. Ascertain the principle or organic idea of the system. In a system of Ethics the idea of right or virtue is the principle. In the Moral System of the universe the idea of right as embodied in the control of the Moral Governor is the principle. Topic Second. The Articulation or Relation of the Parts. In studying any system it is necessary, in the second place, to seize upon the relations of the parts to each other. Every truth has relation to some other. In a system the various connections of related truths are brought out. Bishop Butler says, in his Sermons : " A System, Economy, or Constitution, is a one or a whole, made up of several parts, but yet the several parts even con- sidered as a whole do not complete the idea, unless in the notion of a whole you include the relations and respects which these parts have to each other." The relations of the thoughts to each other, in any system, may in- clude any or all the possible relations of conception, judgment and reasoning. The aim in all systematic knowledge is " to unite the facts of knowledge so as to see them in their several bearings." Hence Rule 2d. See that the parts of the system are logically connected throughout. Topic Third. The Relation to the Objective Reality. In studying any system, it is necessary, in the third place, to compare the thought-system with the reality which it represents. 18* O 210 PRACTICAL LOGIC. "System applies not only to our knowledge, but to the objects of our knowledge. Thus we speak of the planetary system, the muscu- lar system, the nervous system. We believe that the order to which we would reduce our ideas has a foundation in the nature of things. And it is this belief that encourages us to reduce our knowledge of things into systematic order." The final test of the correctness of any system must be found, there- fore, in its exact truthfulness. Hence arises Bule 3d. See that the system agrees exactly with the reality. Section II, Testing of Systems. As the highest process in the formation of thought is the construction of systems, so the highest process in the un- folding of thought is the testing of systems. The possibilities and dangers of error have been seen to be very great in Conception, Judgment and Reasoning, but they must evi- dently be as much greater in Systematizing, as this form of thought is higher and more difficult than the others. Mohammedanism and Buddhism in religion, Epicureanism and Utilitarianism in morals, and numberless other systems in all departments of thought, maintain their hold upon mankind simply because of the inability of the masses of mankind to ascertain their elements and put the systems themselves to the test. Some examples of the testing of systems will best illustrate the kind of work to be done in order to avoid error. In a text-book of the scope of the present, it is impossible to find space for presenting such examples in detail. The work must, therefore, be confined to giving directions for testing systems, and referring the teacher and student to examples of such testing to be found elsewhere. Topic First, Directions for Testing. The first inquiry, resulting from the carrying out of Rule 1st, is, What is the organic thought or principle which holds together the parts of the system ? The second inquiry, resulting from Rule 2d, is, Are the parts logically connected ? The third inquiry, resulting from Rule 3d, is, Does the system of thought agree with the facts or the reality ? THE UNFOLDING OF SYSTEMS. 211 Archbishop Whately has clearly marked out the course to be pur- sued in testing a system of argument. We quote his directions, which are as follows : " First, then, of whatever length the reasoning may be, whether treatise, chapter, or paragraph, begin with the concluding assertion, not necessarily the last sentence expressed, but the last point established, and this, whether it be formally enunciated or left to be understood. Then, tracing the reason backwards, observe on what ground that assertion is made. The assertion will be your Conclusion ; the ground on which it rests your Premises. The whole Syllogism thus obtained may be tried by the rules of Logic. " If no incorrectness appear in this syllogism, proceed to take the premises separately, and pursue with each the same plan as with the conclusion you first stated. A premise must have been used as such, either because it required no proof, or because it had been proved. If it have not been proved, consider whether it be so self-evident as to have needed no proof. If it have been proved, you must regard it as a conclusion derived from other assertions which are premises to it, so that the process with which you set out will be repeated, viz., to observe on what grounds the assertion rests, to state these as premises, and to apply the proper rules to the syllogism thus obtained. Having satisfied yourself of the correctness of this, proceed, as before, to state its premises, if needful, as conclusions derived from other assertions. And thus the analysis will go on (if the whole chain of argument be correct) till you arrive at the premises with which the whole commences, which of course should be assertions requiring no proof; or, if the chain be anywhere faulty, the analysis will proceed till you come to some proposition, either assumed as self-evident though requiring proof, or incorrectly deduced from other asser- tions." See Whately's Logic, pp. 418, 419. Topic Second. Examples Illustrative. The teacher of Logic will be able to furnish illustrations of this subject in every department of thought. I. Familiar Subjects. The tests should be applied first to familiar subjects. These are found in the text-books of Arithmetic, Geography, Physical Geography, Grammar, Rhetoric, Psychology, Ethics, etc., used in the study of these various departments. One of the most important and useful of all mental processes is that of studying and grasping a science in its entirety as a system. It trains all the mental faculties, simple cognition, memory, compar- ison and construction. Until a science is so grasped, it is not in any proper sense mastered, since the main thing in a science is not its sep- arate facts and truths, but its whole of related facts and truths. 212 PRACTICAL LOGIC. The best preparation for grasping and testing large and complex systems of thought is secured, by constantly training the student to analyze, outline, and test the parts and chapters of the text-books used. II, More Difficult Subjects. The logical training of the young is not, however, com- plete until this process of testing has been extended to more difficult and abstruse subjects. The following illustrations of such testing, found in various works, some of which at least will be within the reach of every teacher of Logic, may be of service. The illustrations may be extended at pleasure by the teacher. 1. Analysis of Part First of Paley's Evidences of Christianity. See Whately's Logic, Appendix III., pp. 421-427. 2. Mill's Criticism of the Theistic Argument for a First Cause, in Three Essays on Religion. Criticised in Princeton Review, September, 1878, Article "John Stuart Mill and the Destruction of Theism." 3. Herbert Spencer's First Principles. Criticised in The Philosophy of Herbert Spencer, by Professor Borden P. Bowne ; and in Mr. Spen- cer's Formula of Evolution, by Malcolm Guthrie. GENERAL SUMMARY. THE last aim of all training in thinking should be to pre- pare for and lead to constructive thinking. The safe con- duct of life, in the largest and best sense, will depend upon the thinker's power to know in system, that is, to distin- guish between true systems and false systems, as presented by others, and to construct true systems scientific and prac- tical for himself. To help to prepare man intellectually for such conduct of life should be the aim of the Practical Logic of Construction. INDEX. Absolute, terms = non-relative, 55 ; being, 28. Abstract, or abstract notion, 31. Abstraction, 31. Accident, separable and inseparable, 29. Accidental definition = description, 76. Added determinants, 126. Additions, inference by, 126. Adequate knowledge, 91 ; perfectly and practically, 91. A dicto secundum quid, 193. Affirmative propositions or judg- ments, 111. Ambiguity, of terms, 82 ; of negative particles, 111; of all, some, etc., 113; fallacy from, 195 ; sources of, 82. Amphibology, fallacy of, 195. Ampliative judgments, 99. Analogy, 137, 158. Analysis, logical, 58; two kinds, 58. Analysis! phyqiralt 32; onfa^ ft2j_y ^Analytic judgment, 99. Antecedent, 117; not cause, 150. Argument, as middle term and cause, 138. Argumentum, ad ignorantiam, 181 ; ad hominem, 181 ; adjudicium, 181 ; ad ver- ecundiam, 181 ; a fortiori, 180. Argumentum ex concesso, a proof derived from a proposition already con- ceded. Aristotle's Dictum, 138. Art, definition, 14. Artificial Classification, 42, 65. Assertion == a statement or proposi- tion, affirmative or negative, 92. Association, ambiguity from, 82. Assumption, any proposition taken for granted as the basis of an argu- ment ; unwarranted, 193. Attribute, 28 ; term, 54 ; proved, 177. Attributive, term = connotative term, 54; judgment, 113. Authority, defined, 105; competency of, 104 ; credibility of, 105 ; concurrence of, 106. Axioms of Logic, 18. Baconian Method, or inductive method, 148. Barbara, Celarent, etc., 177. Base, logical, 64. Begging the question, 193. Belief, 16 ; see Probability. Calculation of Probabilities, 181 ; overestimation in, 193. Canons, of Inductive Method, 149 ; of syllogism, 170-175. Canons of Syllogism, 170. Categorematic words, 54. Categorical, propositions, 117; syllo- gisms, 141 ; syllogisms tested, 162. Categories, 27 ; Aristotle's, 30. Cause, 149, 86 ; in induction, 138 ; test, 153; complex, 154; hypothetical, 152. "Aristotle distinguished four kinds of causes for the existence of a thing. 1. The Material Cause, the sub- stance or matter composing it; 2. The Formal Cause, the pattern, type, or design, according to which it is shaped ; 3. The Efficient Cause, the force employed in shaping it ; 4. The Final Cause, the end, motive, or pur- pose of the work." 213 214 INDEX. Chain syllogisms, 143. Chance, definition, 181. Changes, in meaning of words, 82; periodic, 151. Characteristics = marks or proper- ties, 28. Circulus, in definiendo, 86 ; inprobando, 193. Classes, single, 42 ; systems of, 42 ; ex- tent of, 44 ; relations of, 44 ; distinc- tions arising from, 45. Classification, process, 41 ; rules, 42 ; results, 44; special relations from, 45 ; artificial and natural, 65, 42. Clearness of knowledge, 90. Cognition or knowing, 10. Collective terms, 53; undistributed, 113. Colligation, definition by, 79. Comparison, faculty of, 12 ; of objects, 34; of notions or terms, 92; of judg- ments, 134; by similar properties, 34. Compatible terms, 55. Complex, concept, 35 ; proposition, 119 ; syllogism, 142. Complex conceptions, development of, 121. Composition of Causes, in complex cause, 154. Composition, fallacy of, 195. Compound, proposition, 119; syllo- gism, 142. Comprehension of terms, 39. Concept proper, 37 ; rules for form- ing, 37, 38; distinctions, 39; relation to class, 47. Conception, definition, 12, 25 ; forma- tion of, 25 ; unfolding of, 56 ; elements of, 26 ; proper, 34 ; products, 56 ; logical quality, 90. Conclusion, of syllogism, 138; false, 141, 193 ; weakened, 171 ; from plura- tive judgments, 169; principles govern- ing, 166; from substitutive judgments, 170. Concrete terms, 53. Concurrence, of testimony and au- thority, 106. Condition, 149. Conditional, propositions or judg- ments, 47 ; syllogisms, 145, 185. Confusion of words, sources of, 81. Connotation of terms, 54. Consequence = the connection be- tween the antecedent and consequent. Consequent, reason and, 20 ; fallacy of the, or non sequitur, 194 ; in conditional propositions, 117 ; as effect of cause, 20. Consilience of Inductions = " the agreement of inductions derived from different and independent series of facts, as when we learn the motion of the earth by entirely different modes of observation and reasoning." Whewell. Consistent terms = compatible terms. Conspectus, of relations of concepts, 40 ; of relations of classes, 45 ; of judg- ments, 115; of grammatical proposi- tions, 116 ; of opposing judgments, 131 ; of figures of syllogism, 163 ; of moods, 176 ; of things proved by the figures, 177 ; of valid moods, 177 ; of fallacies, 191. Construction, Logic of, 199-212. Content, of concepts or terms, 39. Contradiction, law of, 18; of judg- ments, 129. Contradictory, terms, 55; proposi- tions, 129; opposition, 129. Convergent evidence, 106. Converse fallacy, of accident, 193. Conversion of propositions, 126; simple, 127 ; by limitation, 127 ; by con- traposition, 128; by opposition, 128. Convertend, 126. Coordinate, conceptions, 44 ; proposi- tions, 119. Copula, 94. Criterion = of truth, 15. Cross division, 69. Data, the facts from which a conclusion is to be drawn, 147. Declaration, 75. Deduction and Induction, 136. Deductive or Combined Method, 203. De facto = what actually or really happens, as opposed to de jure, what ought to happen by law or right. Definition, 75 ; rhetorical, 75 ; etymo- logical and by word analysis, 76 ; loose, 77 ; logical, 75, 77 ; perfect, 78; of class terms, 78; of attribute terms, 78; im- perfect, 79 ; extended, 79 ; nominal, real and genetic, 80 ; rules, 81. Demonstrative judgments, 131. Demonstrative, or absolutely conclu- sive, proof, analytic, 101; intuitive, 103; indirect, 129. INDEX 215 Denomination, or naming, 49 ; pro- cess and modes, 49 ; rules, 50 ; products of, 52. Denotation of terms = extent, 44. Depth of a notion ; see Content. Description, or accidental definition, 76. Destructive conditional syllo- gism, 186. Diagrams, of content, 40 ; of extent, 45; of opposition, 129; of syllogism, 167-175. Dichotomy, 65. Differences and resemblances, 41. Differentia, or specific difference, 46. Dilemma, 145; rules of, 189. Dilemmatic, judgments, 118; syllo- gisms, 145, 189. Discovery, or investigation, method of, 209. Discursive faculties, 11. Disjunction, inference by, 126. Disjunctive, propositions, 117 ; distin- guished from partitive, 118 ; converted, 118; syllogisms, 145, 188. Distinct knowledge, 90. Distribution of terms, 111-113; rules, 115. Division, logical, 57, 64 ; principle of, 64; forms, 65; dichotomous, 66 ; natu- ral, 67 ; rules, 68. Divisions of Logic, 22; principle of, 24. Doubt = hesitation between various views, 181. Empirical judgments and proofs, 103. Enthymeme, 142. Epichirema, 142. Episyllogism, 142. Equivocal terms, 82. Equivocation, sources of, 82 ; fallacy of, 195. Essence, 29. Essential propositions explica- tive, 99. Euler's Notation, 45. Evidence = any facts apprehended by the mind and made the grounds of knowledge and belief. As testimony and authority, 103; convergent, 106. Exceptional facts, 155. Excluded middle, law of, 19. Exhaustive division, 70. Experience, 16, 103, 147. Experimentum crucis, 156. Experts, definition, 104. Explanation of facts, in induction, 148, 155. Explicative propositions, 99. Extension, or extent, 44 ; relations of to content, 48. Extensive Syllogism, 163. Extremes, or terms, of a proposition, 52,94. Fact, or phenomenon, 148. Faculties, of intellect, 12, 72 ; discur- sive, 13. Fallacies, classification of, 191 ; in in- duction, 159, 191 ; in deduction, 192 ; material, 193; logical or formal, 194; semi-logical, 194. False cause, 160, 192. Figures of speech, in definition, 87. Figures, of the syllogism, 162 ; canons of, 170. Forms of thought, 11. Fundamental principle of syllo- gism, 138. Fundamentum divisionis, or prin- ciple of division, 68. General, notion, 44 ; term, 53. Generalization, 41 ; as product of in- duction, 157 ; false, 159 ; mere, 154. Genus, 46. Grammatical combination of propo- sitions, 118. Grammatical sentences, 116; co- ordination of, 119; subordination of, 119. Hamiltonian Notation, 163. Hearsay, definition and value, 104. Homonymous terms, 83. Hypothesis, finding the working, 147; testing, 153. Hypothetical, propositions, 117; syl- logisms, 144, 185. Identity, law of, 18 ; of concepts, 39. Ignoratio Elenchi, 129, 193. Illative Conversion, 126. Illicit Process, of the major term, of minor term, 167. Immediate inference, 134. Imperfect figures, of the syllogism, 177. Imperfect induction, 157. 216 INDEX. Inconsistent propositions = con- tradictory, 129. Inconsistent terms, or incompatible terms, 55. Indefinite use of some, 114. Indirect demonstration, 129. Indirect reduction, 178. Individual, 46. Induction, 136; unfolded, 147; pro- ducts of, 157; perfect and imperfect, 158; fallacies in, 159, 191 ; true, 156. Inductive syllogism, 157 ; guess, 156. Inference, mediate and immediate, 134. Infima species, 46. Infinitation, judgments from, 124. Inseparable accident, 29. Instances, exceptional, 155. Intellect, faculties of, 13, 72. Intension, 39. Intensive syllogisms, 163. Intention, first and second. " Of the first intention are the names of things, a man, stone, etc. ; of the second are the names of names and species, as univer- sal, particular, genus, species, syllogism, and the like." Hdbbes. Terms of the second intention express the mode in which the mind regards or classifies terms of the first intention. Intuitive knowledge, 31. Inversions restored to normal form, 95, 111. Irrelevant conclusion, 193. Judgment, definition, 12, 92; forma- tion of and elements, 93 ; primitive and logical, 97 ; of extent and content, 97 ; impersonal, 98; verification or proof, 98; analytic and synthetic, 99 ; intui- tive and empirical, 101 ; products, 110 ; quality, quantity, relation, and modal- ity, 110; normal forms, 114; categor- ical and hypothetical, 117; unfolding of, 121; contained, implied, and in- ferred, 121 ; conversion of, 126; demon- strative, assertory, and problematic, 131 ; of observation, 97. Language, its relation to thought, 50 ; ambiguities of, 81 ; in definition, 85. Law, 149. Law of thought, special and general, 17; fundamental, 18; of Identity, 18; of Contradiction, 18 ; of Excluded Mid- dle, 19 ; of Sufficient Reason, 20. Limitation, conversion by, 127. Logic, definitions, 8 ; practical aim, 13; postulates, 21 ; divisions, 22. Lowest species, 46. Major term, 137; premise, 138. Many questions, fallacy of, 194. Material fallacies, 193. Mediate inference, 134. Members of division, 70. Metaphysical division = Logical Partition, 57. Method, logical, 23. Methods of indviction, agreement, 149; difference, 150; concomitant vari- ations, 151 ; residual variations, 151. Metonymy = transfer of meaning, 82. Middle term, 137. Minor term, 137 ; premise, 138. Miracles, credible, 107. Mnemonic verses, 177. Modal propositions = those assert- ing that the predicate does or does not belong to the subject, with an intima- tion of the mode or manner. Modality of judgments, 110, 131. Modus, ponens, 186; lollens, 186. Moods of the syllogism, 164 ; valid and invalid, 176. Names or terms, notative and symbol- ical, 50 ; systems of, 51 ; positive and non-positive, abstract and concrete, 52 ; singular and universal, 53; attribute and class, connotative and non-conno- tative, simple and complex, categore- matic and syn-categorematic, 54 ; rela- tive and non-relative, compatible and incompatible, 55 ; univocal and equiv- ocal, 82 ; homonymous, 83. Natural Classification, 65, 42. Negation, conversion by, 128. Negative, term, 52; definition, 87; judgment, 111 ; copula, 111 ; premises, 168 ; conclusion, 166 ; testimony, 104. Nominal definition, 80. Non causa pro causa, 192. Non sequitur, 194. Notion, 39 ; simple, 31 ; identical and different, congruent and conflictive, contrary and contradictory, 39 ; con- tent of. 39. Novum Organum, aim of, 148. Numerically definite, judgment, 114; syllogism, 169. INDEX. 217 Object, 28. Objective, 28. Obscure knowledge, 91. Observation, definition, 26, 148; dis- tinguished from experiment, 148 ; in- struments and forms of, 26 ; objects of, 27 ; processes and products, 31 ; exact, 32 ; rules, 33. Occasion, of an event = condition, 149. Occult forms of syllogism, 143. Opposite terms = different or con- flictive,39. Opposition of propositions, inference by, 128. Paralogism = purely logical fallacy, 191, 194. Parity of reasoning, used to denote that when one case has been demon- strated, other similar cases can be dem- onstrated by a like course of reason- ing. Particular premises, 168 ; fallacy of, 194. Particular propositions, 113. Partition = metaphysical division, 57. Partition, logical, 57; matter of, 57; forms, 59 ; rules, 60 ; physical, 31. Partitive judgments, 118. Per accidens, conversion, 127. Percept, 31. Perfect figure, of the syllogism = Figure I., 177. Perfect knowledge, by conception, 90 ; by judgment, 131 ; by reasoning, 198 ; by construction, 212. Periodic changes, 151. Petitio principii, 193. Phenomenon, 148. Philosophy, definition, 204 ; complete, 205. Physical definition = statement of physical parts. Plurative propositions, 114; syllo- gisms, 169. Polysyllogism, 142. Polytomy, 68. Porphyry, tree of, 66. Positive terms, 52. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, 192. Postulates of Logic, 21. Predicables, 27; scheme of, 30; use of, 30 ; observation of, 30. 19 Predicaments = Categories. Predicate, quantified, 164. Premise in reasoning, 138. Principle, of division, 64 ; of system, 208. Privative conception, inference by, 124. Privative, terms, 52. Probability, degrees of, 108 ; the guide of life, 108 ; calculation of, 181 ; in in- duction, 158; overestimation and un- derestimation of, 193. Problem =* an assertion put forward for proof or dis-proof. Proof of judgment, 98 ; analytic, 100 ; synthetic, 101; intuitive, 101; empir- ical, 103 ; from testimony and authori- ty, 103. Proper names, 53. Property, definition, 28; kinds, 27; distinguished from attribute, quality, etc., 28 ; intrinsic and extrinsic, 28 ; es- sential and non-essential, 28 ; peculiar, 29; accidental, 29. Propositions, or judgments, classifica- tion of, by quality, 111; by quantity, 112 ; by relation, 116 ; by modality, 131 ; by grammatical form, 118 ; by source of predicate, 99. Prosyllogism, 142. Proximate genus, 47. Quantification of predicate, 164. Quantity of propositions, 112. Quaternio termiiiorum, 166, 194. Ratiocination = Syllogism or Deduc- tion. Reason = middle term, 139 ; lazy and controlling, 192. Reason and Consequent, principle of, 20 ; forms of, 20. Reasoning, logic of, 134-198. Reductio, ad absurdum, 129, 181 ; ad impossible, 178. Reduction, of figures, 177; of con- junctive syllogisms, 187. Relation = any connection in thought or fact between things. Category or properties of, 27. Relative terms, 55. Residues, method of, 151. Rules, of observation, 33 ; of concept- forming, 37 ; of classification, 42 ; of naming, 50 ; of partition, 60 ; of divi- 218 INDEX. sion, 68 ; of definition, 81 ; of intuition, 102; of testimony and authority, 104; of obversion, 124 ; of illative conver- sion, 126 ; of illative opposition, 129 ; of verifying deduction, 139 ; of induction, 148; of hypothesis, 153; of categorical syllogism, 166 ; of sorites, 179 ; of cal- culating probabilities, 182 ; of condi- tional syllogism, 186; of disjunctive syllogism, 188 ; of forming system, 201 ; of testing system, 209. Science, definition, 13, 204 ; complete, 204; practical, 14. Semilogical fallacies, 194. Sentence, grammatical forms, 118. Separable accident, 29. Signs of judgments, universal, 113; particular, 113 ; approximately univer- sal, 114. Similars, grasped in conception, 35. Simple, apprehension, 31 ; conversion, 127. Singular, terms, 53 ; judgments, 113. Sophism, 191. Sorites, or chain syllogism, 143; classi- fied, 144; tested, 179. Specialization, or deduction, 136. Species, in Logic, 46 ; in Natural His- tory, 46 ; distinctions of, 46-48. Subaltern, genera and species, 46; propositions, 129. Subalternans, subalternates, 129. Subcontrary, 129. Subject, 28; and predicate, 94; naked, 127. Subjective, 28. Subordinate, genera and species, 47 ; propositions, 129. Substance, definition, 28; properties of, 28. Subsumption = bringing a special case under the general rule or law ex- pressed in the major premise or sump- tion, 192. Sufficient Reason, law of, 20; basis of reasoning, 138. Summum genus, 46. Sumption = major premise, 192. Syllogism, 24, 134 ; inductive, 157. Symbolical terms, 50. Syncategorematic terms, 54. Synthesis, or synthetic method, 209. Synthetic syllogism, 134. System, definition and forms, 12, 199 ; of classes, 46 ; natural, 67. Tacit or occult premise, 142. Tautology, in definition, 86. Terms, or names, formation of, 52; classification of, 52-56 ; distribution of, 115. Testimony and Authority, nature of, 16 ; proof from and rules for, 103. Theory = verified hypothesis, 148. Thing, 32. Thought, definition, 10 ; forms, 11 ; law, 17. Transfer of meaning of terms, 82. Tree of Porphyry, 66. Trichotomy, 68. Trilemma=dilemmatic syllogism (145) with three alternatives. Truth, definition and criterion, 15; modes of arriving at, 16; degrees in assurance of, 16. Universal, terms, 53; propositions, 112. Univocal terms, 82. Variations, method of, 151 ; periodic, 151. Weakened conclusion, 171. Weaker part, in syllogism, 168. Whole, kinds of, 57. Witnesses, competency, 104; credibil- ity, 105; concurrence of, 106; inci- dental variations of, 106; noted liars, 106. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ;, - 20Ju!'53lf - * . 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