O I I k >- , . GIFT or ll\nxttx hi il^t Cttg of nRtcljmonb CHARTER OF THE City of Richmond ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION No. 11 Adopted in Assembly, February 11, 1909 Adopted in Senate, February 25, 1909 CHAPTETR XVIII Assembly concurrent resolution No. 11, approv- ing the charter of the City of Richmond, State of California, voted for and ratified by the qualified voters of said city at a special municipal election held therein for that pur- pose on the 9th day of February, 1909. Whereas, The City of Richmond, a municipal corporation of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, now is and was at all times herein referred to a city containing a population of more than three thousand five hundred (3,500) but less than ten thousand (10,000) inhabitants, and Whereas, At a special election duly held in said city on the 12th day of October, 1908, under and in accordance with law and the provisions of section S of article XI of the Constitution of the State of California, a board of fifteen free- holders, duly qualified, was elected in and by said city and by the qualified electors thereof to prepare and propose a charter for the gov- ernment of said city; and Whereas, Said board of freeholders did, with- in ninety (90) days after said election, prepare 4;i/o049 im and pro pp§ e ,ar. charter, for ^.tlfev government of said Qity: ;q^: '^(ihpioha • ^ [a^n^ . . »* Whereas," Sai^ charter 'was on the 23rd day of December, 19C8, signed in duplicate by the members of said board of freeholders and was thereupon duly returned and filed, one copy with the president of the board of trustees of said City of Richmond, and the other copy with the county recorder of the said County of Con- tra Ccsta and filed in the office of the said county recorder; and Whereas, Said proposed charter was there- after published in the ''Richmond Record," being a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in said City of Richmond, and the said charter being published as aforesaid for i period of more than twenty (20) days, the first publication thereof being m.ade within twenty (20) days after the completion of said charter; and Whereas. Said proposed charter was within thirty f.SO) days after the completion of said publication submitted by the board of trustees of the City of Richmond to the qualified electors cf said City of Ricbmond at a soecial election, previously duly called and thp^-ein held on the 9th day of February, 1909; and Whereas. At said last menti'^ned sr»ecial elec- tion a ma.loritv of said ouaMfied electors of said City of Richmond, votine at said sDeci?>l election, voted in favor of and duly ratified said charter as proposed as a whole; and Whereas. Said board of trustees, after can- vassing said returns, duly found and declared that the majority of said Qualified electors voting at said special election had voted for and rati- fied said charter as above specified; and Whereas, The same is now submitted to the legislature of the State of California for its ap- proval or rejection as a whole without power of alteration or amendment, in accordance with the provisions of section 8 of article XI of the Constitution of the State of California; and Whereas, Said charter so ratified is in the words and figures following, to-wit: OJItarter oi i\]t Otg of 5^tcI}mo^^ Prepared and proposed by the board of free- holders, elected October 12th, 1908, in pur- suance of the provisions of Section 8, Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Cali- fornia. Contents Article 1 — Boundaries. Article 2 — Powers Article 3 — The Council. Article 4 — Duties of Officers. Article 5 — Elections. Article 6 — School Department. Article 7 — Police Court. Article 8 — The Recall, Initiative and Referen- dum. Article 9 — Miscellaneous. Article 10 — Charter to take effect, certificate. ARTICLE I Boundaries of the City '' Section 1. The municipal corporation now ex- isting and organized under the general laws of the State of California as a municipal corporation of the sixth class, and known as the City of Richmond, shall continue to be a body corporate and politic under the name of the City cf Rich- mond, and shall be a continuation of said City of Richmond, and continue to hold and enjoy all of the rights, privileges and property now vested in said city, and all ordinances of said city not in conflict with this charter shall be continued in force until amended or repealed; and all proceedings providing for any public im- provement pending and incompleted shall be continued in accordance with the law under which such proceedings were commenced. Sec. 2. The territory of the City of Richmond shall be all that which is embraced within ths following boundaries, to- wit: Beginning at the point where the westerly boundary of said Contra Costa County intersects the line between Townships One (1) and Two (2) North, Mount Diablo Base; and thence run- ning east to the southeast corner of Lot Twenty- eight (28) of Section Thirty-five (35) of Town- ship Two (2) North, Range Five (5) West, M. D. B. & M.; thence south parallel with the west line of Section Two (2) of Township One (1) North of Range Five (5) West, M. D. B. (fe M. to a point due west of the southwest corner of Lot Eighty-five (85) of the San Pablo Rancho as shown on the map accompanying the Final Decree of Partition of said Rancho; thence east to a point One Hundred and Seventy (170) feet east of the center line of Road Fourteen (14) as shown on said map; thence south to the south- erly boundary of said Contra Costa County; thence following the boundary line of said Contra Costa County westerly and northerly to the place of beginning. Sec. 3. The boundaries above described may be altered and the territory embraced therein may be added to or diminished in accordance with the laws of the State of California govern- ing the annexation and exclusion of territory by municipalities. ARTICLE II Powers Section 1. The City of Richmond shall have and exercise the following powers: 1. To have perpetual succession. 2. To have and use a corporate seal and alter it at pleasure. 3. To sue and be sued in all courts and places, and in all actions and proceedings what- soever. 4. To purchase, receive, have, take, hold, lease, use and enjoy property of every kind and description, both within and without the limits of said city, proper for municipal purposes, and to control and dispose of the same for the puhlic benefit. 5. To receive bequests, devises and donations cf property of every kind, either absolutely or in trust for any purpose, and to do acts neces- Fary to carry out the purposes of such bequests, devises and donations, and to manage, control, sell or otherwise dispose of such property in accordance with the terms of such bequests, de- vises or donations. 6. To exercise police powers and make all necessary police and sanitary regulations, and to adopt ordinances and prescribe penalties for the violation thereof. 7. To levy and collect taxes and assessments, impose license fees for revenue or regulation, and provide all means for raising the revenue necessary for the city. 8. To borrow money, incur municipal indebted- ness and provide for the issuance of bonds or other evidences of such indebtedness for any purpose authorized by the electors voting on the proposition to incur such indebtedness; to invest the proceeds arising from the sale of bonds in street improvement bonds issued under any act of the legislature. 9. To construct, maintain and operate all necessary works for the supplying of the city and its inhabitants with water, lieht, heat and power, and to dispose of commodities produced or render service in connection with such works outside of the boundaries of said city. 10. To control the bays, inlets and channels flowing through the city or adjoining the same, to widen, straighten and deepen the same where such work is necessary for the purposes of sani- tation, drainage or removal of sewage; to fill the same when they are obstructions to pro- posed streets or roads; to control and improve the water front of the city and to maintain em- bankments and other works necessary to protect the city from overflow; to construct and main- tain wharves, chutes, piers and breakwaters within the limits of the city. 11. To establish and change the grade and lay out, open, extend, widen, change, vacate, pave, re-pave or otherwise improve all publio streets and highways and public places, construct sewers, drains, bridges, conduits, culverts and subways thereon or thereunder, to plant trees, construct parking, and to remove weeds; to levy special assessments to defray the whole or any part of the cost of such works or improvements. Also to provide for the repair, cleaning and sprinkling of such streets and public places. 12. To construct and maintain all works neces- sary for the disposition of the sewage, garbage and waste within the city, and to define and abate nuisances. 13. To establish and maintain hospitals, in- digent homes and all other charitable institu- tions. 14. To acquire and maintain parks, play- grounds and places for recreation. 15. To acquire and maintain markets, baths and public halls. 16. To establish and maintain schools, libra- ries, museums, gymnasiums, and to do all things to promote the education of the people. 17. To equip and maintain a fire department and to make all necessary regulations for the prevention of fires. 18. To acquire, construct and maintain all buildings necessary for the transaction of pub- lic business. 19. To exercise the right of eminent domain for the purpose of acquiring real and personal property of every kind for any public use. 20. To grant franchises to use the streets or public property, and impose conditions in con- nection therewith. 21. To exercise any power conferred upon municipalities by the constitution and laws of the state to fix and establish rates to be charged by any corporation for any public service and to regulate the quality of such service. 22. To exercise such other powers as may be hereafter granted by the legislature to mu- nicipalities within the state. 23. To exercise all other needful powers for the efficient administration of the municipal government, whether such powers are herein expressly enumerated or not. 24. Lastly, this grant of power^.|s to'.Vbe Ub- erally construed for the purposes of securing the well being of the municipality and its in- habitants. ARTICLE III The Council Section 1. All powers herein granted to and vested in the City of Richmond, shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be exercised by a council to be designated the Council of the City of Richmond; and said Council shall, except as herein otherwise provided, have the power to fix and establish the method and manner in which such powers shall be exercised. Sec. 2. Said Council shall be composed of nine members, each of whom shall have been an elector of the City of Richmond for at least one year next preceding his election. The members of said Council shall be known as councilm.en, and their terms of office shall be six years commencing on the first day of July next succeeding their election, except that the terms of those first elected to serve as councilmen shall be as herein provided. Sec. 3. On the second Monday of May, 1909, an' election shall be held within said city for the purpose of electing nine mem.bers of said Council. The nine members elected at such- election F,hall, at the first regular meeting in July, 1909, so classify themselves by lot that three of said niembers shall hold office for the term of two years, three for the term of four years, and three for term of six years. ' Thereafter, on the second Monday in May, of each odd-numbered year, an election shall be held at which the three councilmen shall be elected to succeed the three members whose terms expire on the first day of July next fol- lowing; also to elect a member for any un- expired term that may exist. The electors, in form and manner prescribed in section two of article VIII, may by ordinance provide for the division of the city into dis- tricts or wards and require that one council- m.an to be elected at each election shall be a resident of each ward at the time of his elec- tion; provided that all councilmen shall be voted for at large. Sec. 4. The councilmen shall each receive the sum of five dollars for each day while sitting as a Board of Equalization; but no other com- pensation shall be paid unless the electors, by ordinance proposed and adopted in accordance with section two of article VIII, shall otherwise provide. Sec. 5. Said Council shall fix the time and place for its regular meetings and adopt rules to govern its proceedings. Sec. 6. Five members of the Council shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business; but a less number may ad- journ from time to time and compel the attend- ance of absent members, and impose such fines as it may deem proper upon members re- fusing or neglecting to attend such meetings. Sec. 7. No ordinance shall be passed, no officer appointed or removed, no contract shall be awarded and no obligation incurred by the city in excess of three hundred dollars without the affirmative vote of at least five members of the Council. Sec. 8. Said Council shall elect one of its number as its presiding officer, who shall be known as Mayor, to serve for one year after his election. In the absence or disability of the Mayor, a Mayor pro-tem shall be elected. The said Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council, shall be the Chief Executive of said city, and as such shall sign all contracts on behalf of the city, and perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Council. In all other respects he shall perform the same duties as any other member of the Council. Sec. 9. The Council shall appoint or provide for the appointment of a Clerk, Treasurer, Audi- tor, Tax Collector, Assessor, Attorney, Engineer, Chief of Police, and except as otherwise pro- vided, such other officers, boards or commissions, as may be necessary for the transaction of the affairs of the municipality. It shall also ap- point a Commissioner of Health and City Phy- 8 sician, each of whom shall be a physician li- censed to practice medicine. Sec. 10. A vacancy in the Council shall be filled by a majority of the remaining members. Such appointees shall hold office until the first' day of July succeeding the next election at which councilm_en are to be elected. At the next election succeeding any vacancy a council- man shall be elected to serve for the unexpired term.. Sec. 11. The Council shall by ordinance pro- vide for the assessment, levy and collection of taxes, and shall act as a Board of Equalization in equalizing the value of property listed upon the assessment roll. During the month of September in each year, it shall levy such tax as may be necessary to raise revenue for the maintenance of the city and the several depart- m.ents during the fiscal year, but such tax levy for all municipal purposes except the payment of interest and principal on any bended debt and in support of the public schools, shall not ex- ceed the sum of sixty cents upon each $100.00 of assessed valuation as the same appears upon the assessm-ent roll. If in the judgment of the Council it should be necessary to provide a revenue in excess of the sum realized from the levy herein provided, the question of the levy of an additional tax shall be submitted to the electors and a special election m.ay be held for that purpose. The additional sum or rate re- quired to be raised by such additional tax levy shall be expressed upon the ballot. If a ma- jority of the votes cast upon such proposition shall be in favor of authorizing the Council to levy such additional rate, then the Council may levy the additional tax so authorized. ARTICLE IV Duties of Officers Section 1. Clerk. — It shall be the duty of the Clerk to keep a true record of the proceedings of the Council and record the same in proper books kept for that purpose. He shall have power to administer oaths in connection with all matters relating to the municipality. Sec. 2. Auditor. — It shall be the duty of the Auditor to act as bookkeeper and accountant of the municipality and shall record all financial transactions in books kept for that purpose. He shall draw warrants upon the City Treasurer for all claims against the city which have been allowed by the Council. He shall render each month a statement to the Council showing the financial condition of the city, and annually a like statement covering all of the financial transactions of the city during the year pre- vious. Sec. 3. Tax Collector.— It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector to receive and collect all moneys due the city for taxes and licenses and from other sources, and shall pay all moneys received into the treasury of the city, within twenty-four hours after the receipt thereof. Sec. 4. Treasurer. — The Treasurer shall re- ceive and safely keep all moneys belonging to the city and shall pay the same only upon war- rants drawn by the auditor for claims which have been previously allowed by the Council or Board of Education, provided that the approval of the Council shall not be necessary to pay the monthly salaries of employees. The Treas- urer may deposit all or such portion of the public moneys as may be determined by the Council, in any bank authorized by law to re- ceive deposits of public money, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and Act of the Legislature entitled: "An Act to Provide for and Regulate the Deposit of County and Municipal Moneys in Banks and Banking Cor- porations, Limiting the Amount of Public Moneys that may be Deposited therein and Pro- viding a Penalty for the Illegal Deposit and Use thereof." (Approved March 23, 1907.) And the provisions of such act are hereby made ap- plicable to the government of the City of Rich- mond. Sec. 5. Assessor. — It shall be the duty of the Assessor to make annually, a complete assess- ment of all property liable for taxation within the city between the first Monday of March and the first Monday of July next succeeding, and shall upon said last named date turn over to 10 the City Council the assessment roll so prepared by him. He shall act as Tax Collector for the purpose of collecting taxes upon personal prop- er'^^y when the same are unsecured by lien upon real estate. Sec. 6. Attorney.-^The Attorney shall act as the legal adviser cf the Council and any officer of the city who requests his advice. He shall prepare all ordinances and contracts whenever reouired so to do by the Council. He shall prosecute all violatorr of the city ordinances and shall represent the city in all actions. S'^^c. 7. Engineer. — The City Engineer shall advise the Council unon all matters of an en- gineering nature. He shall also be ex-officio Superintendent of Streets. Sf»c. 8. Chief of Police.— The Chief of Police shaH be the head of the police department and shall perform such duties as the Council may imi^ose. Sec. 9. Commissioner of Health. — The Com- missioner of Health shall have and exercise a general supervision over the sanitary condition of the city and shall issue all orders and direc- tions for the enforcement of all sanitary laws and regulations; he shall enforce all laws of thp state and ordinances of the city, and all rules and regulations of the Department of Health in relation to the sanitary matters; to m.ake or cause to be made frequent analyses and examinations of milk and cream, meat, water and food stuffs and keep a record of the same and cause all nuisances to be abated with rea- sonable promptner?, and in the performance of his duties shall be permitted at all times to enter any house, store, stable or building, may cause floors to be raised if necessary, and make thorough examination of cellars, vaults, sinks and drains; he shall impose such restrictions upon and exercise supervision of all persons ex- posed to, afflicted or sick with small-pox, scarlet fever or any contagious or epidemic disease as shall be necessary to protect from such disease all persons not of necessity connected with any person so exposed, afflicted or sick; he shall have power to cause any house or premises to be cleaned, disinfected or closed to visitors and 11 prohibit persons from resorting thereto while fc-uch house is under quarantine; he may, by an order in writing, direct any nuisance to be abated, or unwholesome matter or substance, ant or fiUh to De removed from any house or premises and to take any other measures he may deem necessary to prevent the spread of any disease; with the approval of the Council he fchall have power to make such rules and regu- lations for the prevention and suppression of disease he may deem necessary; he shall ap- point such inspectors and other employees as may be necessary, subject to the approval of the Council, and shall fix their ducies; he shall have the power to remove or discharge any person so appointed. ihe Commissioner of Health and such depu- ties, inspectors and employees as may be des- ignated by him shall have the powers of a police officer and may arrest, or cause to be arrested, any person violating any sanitary law. The Commissioner of Health shall annually on the first day of July, send to the Council a statement of the amount of work performed by his department during the preceding year, to- gether with such other information and sugges- tions as he may deem proper to submit; he shall publish from time to time such statistics and information relating to the health of the com- munity or methods of preventing or curing dis- ease as he shall deem proper to publish; he shall also transmit to the Council prior to the fixing of the tax levy an estimate in detail of the cost of providing for and maintaining his department during the current fiscal year. Sec. 10. City Physician. — The City Physician shall properly care for the indigent poor not otherwise provided with medical attendance; when directed by the Chief of Police or any police officer having charge thereof, he shall visit any police station and examine and make provision for the care of all persons there found to be sick, injured or insane, and report the result of such examination to the person di- recting such examination; he may at any time, and when required so to do by the Board of Education, make physical examination of the 12 pupils of the public schools and make report of such examination. He shall transmit to the Council on the first day of each month a detailed report of the duties performed by him during the preceding month, and for the purpose of making such report shall keep a record of all duties performed; he shall annually prior to the fixing of the annual tax levy send to the Council a statement of the expenses of his office for the past year, together with an esti- mate in detail of the appropriations required for the maintenance of his office during the current fiscal year. Sec. 11. The Council may require any or all of the above officers to give official bonds in such sums as it may deem proper, and the city shall pay all premiums upon surety bonds when such bonds are given. It may provide for the appointment of such deputies and assistants as may be required, and shall fix the compensa- tion of all officers and such deputies and as- sistants. All of the above officers shall per- form such other services as the Council may require and serve during its plearure. Sec. 12. Any officer having charge of any de- partment of the city government shall, sub j set to the approval of the Council, appoint his sub- ordinate officers or employees at such compensa- tion as shall be determined by the Council. Sec. 13. The term of all officers appointed by the Council shall be at the pleasure of the ap- pointing power, but shall not exceed two years ending on June 30th, 1910, and each even num- bered year thereafter. All officers shall s-erve until their successors are appointed and quali- fied. Sec. 14. Whenever the public interest may require, the Council miay consolidate any of the offices provided for in this article. ARTICLE V Elections Section 1. All elections for Councilmen shall be held in accordance with the general laws of the state governing elections within municipali- ties unless otherwise provided by this charter 13 or by ordiuance of the Council; and elections for members of the Board of Education shall be held m accordance with the general laws of the slate governing the election of trustees of school districts, unless otherwise provided by this charter or by an order of the Board of Education. Sec. 2. Nominations for Councilmen and mem- bers of the Board of Education shall be made as herein provided. ISec. 6. A petition shall be filed in the office of the Clerk for the nomination of Councilmen, or with the Clerk of the Board of Education for the nomination of members of said Board, at least twenty-five days prior to the day fixed for the election of the same, asking that the per- son named therein be a candidate for the office of — — (naming it) and giving the residence of said person within the City of Rich- mond. Such petition shall be signed by quali- fied and registered voters equal in number to at leasi three per centum of the votes cast at the preceding election for officers for which the ' nomination is asked. The requirements as to signatures (other than the number thereof), the verification of the petition and certification there- of provided in Section 1 of Article VIII for pe- titions for recall, shall apply to petitions for nonj- inations for public office. Sec. 4. If petitions asking for nominations to the number of more than twice the number of officers to be elected at such elections are filed, then a primary elections shall be held two weeks prior to the day fixed in the charter, or date of special election if such elections is called, for the election of such officers. If less than $uch num.ber of petitions are filed then no such pri- mary election need be held, but th'e pel*sons named in such petitions shall be" deemed can- didates for the office named, at the election to be held for the election of such petitions shall be deemed candidates for the office named at the eleceiton to be held for the election of such officers and the names of such candidates shall be printed on thei official ballot to be used at such election or indicated on ballot machines, if such machines shall be used. 14 Sec. 5. If a primary election is held, it shall be the duty of the Council, in case df the nom- ination of Councilmen, and of the. Board of Education, in case of the nomination of mem- bers of said Board, to provide for the holding of same, shall designate the precincts, polling places, appoint officers of election (which need not be more than one inspector, one judge and one clerk) but such precincts, polling places and officers shall conform as nearly as possible to those designated and selected for and at the election of officers thereafter to follow. In case the Council or Board of Education fail to make the necessary provision for such primary elec- tion, then the Clerk or the Clerk of the Board of Education shall perform such duties. The proper Clerk shall give notice of such primary election and shall state therein the names of the candidates whose petitions shall have been filed and such notice shall be published in the official newspaper of the city for five days prior to the day of such election. He shall also cause ballots to be printed, stating the office to be filled and the candidates therefor whose peti- tions have been filed, printing the name of ouch candidates upon said ballot in the order in which such petitions shall have been filed^ Said ballot shall contain a direction as to the number of candidates which one voter may vote for, which shall be the same number as is to be elected to the office at the regular election to follow; also instructions required to be printed on ballots by the general laws, so far as such instructions may be applicable. All bal- lots cast or marked contrary to such instructions shall be void. The polls shall open during the same hours as required for the regular election tnereafter to follow and in all respects the election shall be held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat shall be counted and returns thereof made as may be required for the elec- tion at which ar to be elected the officers for th nomination of which the primary election is held. Sec. 6. The returns of such primary election shall be filed with the City Clerk, or the Clerk of the Board of Education, as the case may be, 15 and within forty-eight hours thereafter the said Clerk shall open and canvass such return and declare the result of such election. The candi- dates to the number of twice the number of officers to be elected at the regular election there- after to follow, receiving the highest number of votes at such primary election shall be declared to be the candidates to be voted for at the said following regular election. Their names shall be ijrinted on the official ballot to be used at such election in the order of the number of votes received by each such candidate, the name of the candidate receiving the highest number of votes to be placed at the head of the list. In case the highest number of votes cast cannot be determined by reason of a tie between one or more candidates, then the names of all such candidates whose votes are tied shall be placed on the official ballot. The names of all candidates to be voted for thus selected at the primary election shall be published for one week prior to the regular election in the official paper of said city. ARTICLE VI School Department Section 1. The School Department of the City of Richmond shall be under the manage- ment and control of a Board of Education. Such Board shall be -composed of three members who shall have been citizens of the United States and residents of the City of Richmond for at least one year immediately preceding their election, and their terms of office shall be six years from ana after the first day of July next succeeding their election, except as herein othewise provided. Elections for m_embers of the Board of Education shall be held on the first Saturday in May of each even numbered year. At the election to be held in May, 1910, one member shall be elected to serve for the term of four years and one member for the term of six years. The member of the Board of Trustees of Richmond School District elected at the school election in April, 1909, shall be a member of the Board of Education 16 until July 1, 1912, and his successor shall be elected at the election held on the first Satur- day in May, 1912. At the election herein pro- vided for, members of the Board of Education shall be elected for any unexpired term that may exist. The members of the Board shall receive no compensation. Sec. 2. Until the election and qualification of the members of the Board of Education as here- in provided for the present Trustees of the Richmond School District shall be and consti- tute the Board of Education of the City of Richmond, and shall exercise the powers hereby conferred thereon. Sec. 3. Said Board of Education shall have and exercise all the powers conferred upon Boards of Trustees and Boards of Education by the laws of the State of California, and in addition thereto shall have power: 1. To choose one of its members as Presi- dent of the Board, fix a time and place for holding regular meetings, which shall be pub- lic, provide for holding special meetings, adopt rules for governing its own proceedings, and adopt an official seal. 2. To appoint a Superintendent of Schools to serve during its pleasure and fix his com- pensation. 3. To provide for the establishment of kin- dergartens, manual training schools, night schools, technical schools, and to prescribe the studies to be taught therein. 4. To construct school buildings when neces- sary, and no special election need be held to authorize such construction. 5. To provide free text books when author- ized so to do by the electors voting on such proposition. 6. To prescribe the requirements for gradu- ation from the public schools and issue cer- tificates of graduation. 7. To provide the manner in which all elections shall be held and conducted for the election of members of said Board and such special elections as may be authorized by law, except as in this charter otherwise provided. 8. To receive bequests, devises and dona- 17 tions of property of every kind, either abso- lutely or in trust for any purpose, and to man- age, hold or dispose of such property in ac- cordance with the terms of any bequest, de- vise or donation. 9. To fill any vacancy in the membership of the Board by appointment, the person appointed to nold office until the first day of July fol- lowing the next election held for the election of members of such Board. 10. It shall elect and fix the salaries of all teachers, but such election shall be made only from a list of candidates nominated and rec- om.mended by the Superintendent, of Schools, but the Board may make rules in accordance with which such nominations and recomipendations shall be made. It shall fix a time when ^such election of teachers shall be had. . Fqx the first two years of their service in /the j^ school department of the city, principals ai^jd tipachers shall be subject to annual election; after a service of two years they may be elepjted^.^for a term of three years. ... Sec. 4. The Superintendent of Schoojis shall be the executive officer of the Board . of Ejiu- cation and subject only to the orders 7|hereof, and all principals, teachers and other em- ployees shall be under the control an<|, direc- tion of the Superintendent. He must examine and, in conjunction with the Board, appmye all plans for the construction or re-construublished in said city, and that publication was made for more than twenty (20) days, and that the first publication of said proposed charter was made within twenty (20) days after the com.pletion of said charter; that within thirty (30) days after the publication of said charter, as required in said section 8, to-wit, on the 9th day of February, 1909, said charter was sub- mitted at a special election duly called and held therein for the purpose of ratifying or rejecting said proposed charter; that by a majority of the votes of the qualified electors voting at said election said proposed charter was ratified as a whole; that the returns of said election was duly canvassed by the Board of Trustees of said City of Richmond on the 9th day of Feb- ruary, 1909, and the result thereof declared as above set forth; and that in all matters and things pertaining to said proposed charter, all provisions of said section of the Constitution and the laws of the State of California pertaining to the adoption of the charter have been fully complied with in every particular. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and caused the corporate seal of said City of Richmond to be affixed this 9th day of February, 1909. J. B. WILLIS, (Seal) President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Richmond^ H. H. TURLEY, Clerk of said Board of Trustees and said City of Richmond. And, WHEREAS, said proposed charter, so ratified, has been duly presented and submitted to the Legislature of the State of California for approval or rejection, without power of altera- tion or amendment, in accordance with section S of article XI of the Constitution of the State of California; Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Assembly of the State of 29 California, the Senate tliereof concurring (a majority of all the members elected to each house voting for the adoption of this resolution and concurring therein) that said charter of the City of Richmond, as presented to, adopted anl ratified by the qualified electors of said city, be, and the same is hereby, approved as a whole as and for the charter of the said City of Richmond. P. A. STANTON, Speaker of the Assembly. Attest: W. R. PORTER, President of the Senate. F. CURRY, Secretary of State. Filed in the office of the Secretary of State the 4th day of March, A. D. 1909, at 10:50 o'clock A. M. C. F. CURRY, Secretary of State. By J HOESCH. Deputy. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Contra Costa City of Richmond. I, J. B. Willis, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Richmond and chief executive officer of said city, do hereby certify that the foregoing charter was submitted to the qualified electors of said city at a special elec- tion duly called and held therein for the pur- pose of ratifying or rejecting same on the 9th day of February, 1909, and that by a majority of votes of qualified electors, voting at said election, said charter was ratified as a whole; that the returns of said election were duly can- vassed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Richmond on the 9th day of February, 1909, and the result thereof declared as above set forth; that in all matters and things pertaining to said proposed charter, all provisions of sec- tion 8 of article XI of the Constitution of the 30 state of California, pertaining to the adoption of the charter, have been fully complied with in every particular. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the corporate seal of the City of Richmond to be affixed this 24th day cf March, 1909. (Seal) J. B. WILLIS, President of the Board of Trustees and chief executive officer of the City of Richmond. Attest: H. H. TURLEY, City Clerk of said City of Richmond. Recorded at the request of H. H. Turley, March 26th, A. D. 1909, at 30 min. past 9 A. M. in Vol. 5 of Miscellaneous, page 1, Records of Contra Costa County. M. H. HURLEY, County Recorder. Piled April 5, 1909. H. H. TURLEY, City Clerk cf Richmond, Cal. • •«•• *• •«• THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. OCT 6 ^93^ mAB 241943 MAR 13 1947 -Xa ySQFW TEB^eTSSr YA 01046 :iyo049 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY