niniitiiiu)imHiiiiitii(tHii» UNIVE|«rfY OT CALIFORNIA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ABSTRACTS OF WILLS IN THE P W00atitj« €mvi 0f ^anterkrg AT SOMERSET HOUSE, LONDON, ENGLAND. Register SO A ME, 1620. Edited by J. HENRY LEA. PUBLISHED BY THE NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. 1904. LOAN STACK CS'/54 PREFACE. The Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, had jurisdiction practically throughout the King- dom, although limited by the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of York in the Northern Counties, and it nominally embraced all testators within the Province of Canterbury who left bona notabilia exceeding ^S in value in more than one Diocese of the Province, and all estates of persons deceased in parts beyond the seas. As a matter of fact, however, many executors of persons whose goods all fell within one Diocese chose to prove in the greater court rather than in one of the minor locals, and the net result is that we have here gathered together the most wonderful mass of testamentary evidences in the world, and an inexhaustable mine of wealth for the investigator. This storehouse of genealogical and historical facts has heretofore been approached by two totally different methods, of which Col. Joseph L. Chester and Mr. Henry F. Waters, the well known and justly celebrated American genealogists, may be taken as the exemplars. The first and more obvious method was that followed by Col. Chester and also by most enquirers, (including the writer,) to the present time, and consisted in making exhaustive search for the names of certain families in the Indices or Act Books, abstract- ing or carefully reading all the wills found, digesting and tabulating the results, and building up each particular pedigree as well as might be therefrom. The second method, instituted by Mr. Waters, was to read at random through various volumes, noting such references to names of interest to the reader as caught his eye. Both methods had their advantages and both of the gentlemen whom I have named achieved brilliant results in their chosen field, but in neither case was that result final for others, who were in turn forced to rework all the ground already gone over, again and again, for the special facts which these later comers desired to establish or disprove. A lifetime spent in genealogical investigation, and the last twenty years of it devoted exclusively to English Research, 163 iv PREFACE. has convinced the writer that these methods were both wrong, and involved a very great waste of time and money. The true course is to take everything for a given period, not leaving even a straw in the gleaning field to perplex or delay the future searcher. Many cares and distractions have interfered with carrying out the plan for abstracting the wills on these lines, but the writer has at length been able to complete this first volume, ^'Soame,'' cov- ering the historic year, 1620, and which he hopes to follow, at short intervals, if life and health are spared him, by at least nine or ten more volumes, to complete the decade to 1630, of which the second volume, *'Z>^/^," 1621, is now in hand. Much of course must depend on the reception accorded by the scholarly public to this volume, and their willingness to subscribe for future issues, but it is hoped that the value of this concentration of facts will be so apparent to the lay reader, as well as the scholar, that there should be no doubt of such support. For an exhaustive account of the Prerogative Court and its sys- tem of nomenclature of registers, etc., the reader is referred to the introduction to Vol. X of the Index Library*, by J. Challoner C. Smith, for many years the Superintendent of the Literary Search Room at Somerset House, whose authority on all matters apper- taining to this Court is absolute and unquestioned. A table giving the names and years of the Registers may be found in the above and also in the New-England Historical and Genealogical Registerf. The frontispiece of the first volume of the original register book is a fine contemporary portrait of Sir Stephen Soame, Knt., whose will gave name to the book. In consulting the volume the following facts should be kept constantly in mind : The Original Volumes are arranged in "folios," which may be held to answer to the "signatures" of a modern printed book. These comprise from twelve to twenty pages each, (six to ten leaves of parchment,) and are so numbered, each folio containing from five or six to twenty wills, the average being about twelve. This folio reference has been preserved as, in case it is desired to obtain an official copy of any particular will, it must be ordered by the folio number, which alone is recognized at the Probate Court, thus * Index of Wills Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1383-1558, by J. Challenor C. Smith, published by the British Record Society, London, 1893. t Vol. xlvi., page 300-303. . , PREFACE. V if it were desired to order a copy of the will of John Phillips on page 197, it must be written for as in " Soame fol. 50," but the fol- lowing will on the same page of Hugh Sloper would be ''^ Soame fol. 51." The numbers preceding the wills are purely arbitrary and are placed there by the Editor to facilitate reference from the index. They do not occur in the original register. The signature of the tes- tator will always be found in brackets and italics as \_John Smitli\ or \inark\ . The index has been the careful personal work of the Editor, and every human effort has been used to make it perfect, but errors will of course be detected, both in it and the text, in spite of all precautions. It is hoped they will be few. The Place Index has been the subject of especial solicitude to make the identification of all places, even the most insignificant, as clear as possible by an elaborate system of cross-references. Where a Parish in a certain County is found in a will, that will is indexed also under that county, even although the name of the county is not mentioned. In the same manner in the Index of Persons, the maiden name of the married women, etc., are noticed whenever they could be ascer- tained, while noblemen are placed under their family names in all cases. In short, no effort has been spared to render the task of the searcher both easy and accurate. The reader should bear in mind the fact that certain words in the Seventeenth Century differed very widely from present usage — thus Sir means often a Priest as well as a Knight, Mrs. was fre- quently used as a title of respect for an unmarried gentlewoman or even a child, nephew is as likely to describe a grandson as a brother's son, while kinsman and cousin were used in the loosest possible manner and might signify almost any degree of relation- ship. Many Christian names also are used with perplexing indif- ference, Jacob and James, Anne and Hannah, Elizabeth and Isabell, are common instances of this habit. Such bequests as gowns to 70 almsmen or bread to 48 poor old women almost invariably indicate the age of the testator, and are thus often of great value in his identification. As an instance of the value of the material here gathered may be cited the discovery, in the will of Christopher Lawne (660), of the fate of that well known recusant Separatist and Brownist of the early Puritan Church at Amsterdam, who afterward turned so vi PKEFACE. s viciously against his former associates*, and who is here shown to have gone to Virginia, probably in company with Francis Black- well, t and died there. Many references to well known New England families may also be mentioned, such as Bowditch, Adams, Tilly, Mullins, Vane, (Sir Harry), Mason, Hawthorne, Whalley, Win- throp, Winslow, Appleton, Waldo, and scores of others. Refer- ences to places in America occur from Newfoundland to Brazil. Among other matters of interest are the " unbrello of perfumed leather brought out of Italy" (will 20), the earliest mention of an umbrella in England the writer has ever met; Queen Elizabeth's Virginalls, made in Venice (will 138), probably the same instru- ment now in the Kensington Museum ; the ship Mayflower (will 887), but which is certainly not the Pilgrim ship, and many others which the reader will discover for himself. The Editor cannot close without a word of recognition of the uniform courtesy and kindness which he has received from the officials of the Search Room at Somerset House, from Mr. Smith, the former, to Mr. Nevill, the present. Superintendent, and all their subordinates to the most humble, which have made his labors there a pleasure. To his friend and co-laborer, Mr. William Brigg, he must express his special gratitude for the first inception of this idea as applied to the Prerogative Court, carried out in the publication of the first volume of ^^ Wootton, 1658," ten years ago, a work which it is to be hoped will be resumed and carried on. To his assistants in England, to whom much of the work has been entrusted during his absence in America, especially Mesdames Stokes and Cox, on whom the brunt of the work has fallen, he cannot weary of expressing his recognition. To their untiring industry and interest in the work, and to their pains in checking back and reviewing, over and again, the progress of editing the text, must be attributed largely the perfect condition in which he is able to present it to his readers. To Miss Westgate also, for her great care and pains in the arrangement and proof reading of the index, he must express his thanks. And, last but not least, to Hon. James P. Baxter, the President of the New-England Histori- cal and Genealogical Society, whose unfailing words of cheer have supported him through many periods of discouragement in * See Dexter's Congregationalism, p. 332, App. p. 25; 2 Mass. Hist. See. Proc, Vol. vi, pp. 41-64; Arber's Pilgrim Fathers, pp. 110-119. t Arber's Pilgrim Fathers, p. 126. PREFACE. vii the work, he must express his cordial gratitude for a moral sup- port without which he could hardly have had the courage to undertake the task. Finally, he begs to submit the finished work to his readers with the earnest hope that every one of them may find some " nugget " of worth in the mine which may make this labor of love on his part of both use and interest to them, and he invites criticism and cor- rection freely on all points involved. J. HENRY LEA. Elmlea, South Freeport, Maine. I October, 1904. ABBREVIATIONS. A. B. Bachelor of Arts. cod. codicil. ace. according. Coll. college. acct. account. com. commission. adj. adjoining. cond. conditional. adm. administration. cos. cousin (s). admr. administrator. cred. creditor. admx. administratrix. cur. curate. adv. advowson. aet. aged. dat. date, dated. afsd. aforesaid. dau. daus. daughter (s). aid. alderman. d. b. n. de bonis non. als. alias. D. C. L. Doctor of Civil Law. A. M. Master of Arts. D. D. Doctor of Divinity. ann. annum, annuity. deed. deceased. ap son. def. sen. definitive sentence. apoth. apothecary. Dioc. diocese. app. apparent. dow. dowager. appr. apprentice. Dr. doctor. appur. appurtenances. dur. during. atty. attorney. E. East, Earl. bach. bachelor. eld. elder, eldest. Bart. Baronet. Epi. bishop's. beq. bequest. Esq. Esquire. betw. between. est. estate. Bish. bishop. Exor: executor. bo. born. Extx: executrix. bot. bought. bro. bros. brother (s). fath. father. bur. buried. form. formerly. fr. from. cap. capital. frd. friend. Capt. captain. Cath. cathedral. eh. chn. child, children. gent. gentleman or woman. Ch. church. gr. granted. chart. chancel. grch. grchn. grandchild, etc. chyd. churchyard. gr. grch. great grandchild. cit. citizen. grd. ground. elk. clerk. gt. great. CO. county, company. guard. guardian. ABBREVIATIONS. hds. hands. occ. occupation or occupied. H. M. His or Her Majesty. oth. other, others. hosp. hospital. Overs : overseer (s). hou. hous house, houses. hr. heir. par. parson. hund. hundred. pars. parsonage. husb. husband. pd. paid. husbra. husbandman. Pk. park. poss. possession. I. isle, island. pow. res, power reserved. ibm. same. pr. proved or probate. indr. indenture. pres. presence. inv. inventory. prin. principal. prov. provision or provided. psh. parish. jr. junior. pshr. parishoner. pub. published. kinsm. kinsman. kinsw. kinswoman. Rcor. Recorder. Kt. Knight. reed. recorded. rect. rector or rectory. labr. labourer. rel. relict. Id. Ids. land, lands. rem. remainder. Ld. Lord. ren. renounced. leg. legacy, legatee. rep. repair. liv. living. res. residue. res. leg. residuary legatee. resd. reserved. man. manor. marr. married or marriage. S. South. md. maid. sch. school. mem. memorandum. scr. scrivener. merch. merchant. script. scriptor. mess. messuage. sd. said. min. minor, minority. senr. senior. mon. monument. sent. sentence. mort. mortgage or mortgaged. servt. servant. moth. mother. sig. signature or signed. Mr. mister or master. sisi; sister. Mris. mistress. Mrs. spr. spinster. missis. S. T. P. Prof, of Sacred Theology. surr. surrender (ed.) N. North. neph. nephew. ten. tenant or tenure. not. pub. notary public. tent. tenement. nr. near. test. testament. nunc. nuncupative. testr. testator. ABBREVIATIONS. und. under. W. univ. universal. wch. Univ. university. wh. unm. unmarried. wid. ux. 1 uz. j' wife. widr. wits, wt. verch. daughter. vie. vicar or vicarage. yeom, viz. namely. yr. West. which. where. widow. widower. witness (es). with. yeoman, younger. COUNTIES, ETC. Angl. Anglesey. Beds. Bedfordshire. Berks. Berkshire. Bre. Brecknock. Bucks. Buckinghamshire. Camb. Cambridgeshire. Card. Cardiganshire. Carm. Carmarthenshire. Cam. Carnarvonshire. Cest. Cheshire. Cornw. Cornwall. Cumb. Cumberland. Denb. Denbigh. Derb. Derbyshire. Devon. Devonshire. Dorset. Dorsetshire. Dur. Durham. Essex Essex. Exon. Exeter. Flint. Flintshire. Glam. Glamorganshire. Glouc. Gloucestershire. Hants, or Southton Hampshire. Heref. Herefordshire. Herts. Hertfordshire. Hunts. Huntingdonshire. Kent Lane. Leic. Kent. Lancashire. Leicestershire. Line. Lond. Merion. Midd. Monm. Mont. Lincolnshire. London. Merioneth. Middlesex. Monmouth. Montgomery. Norf. Norfolk. Northants. or Northton. Northamptonshire. Northumb. Northumberland. Norw. Norwich. Notts. Nottinghamshire. Oxon. Pemb. Rad. Rutl. Oxfordshire. Pembrokeshire. Radnor. Rutland. Salop. Shropshire. Sarum. Salisbury. Somst. Somersetshire. Southton. or Hants Hampshire. Staff, Staffordshire. Suff. Suffolk. Surr. Surrey. Suss. • Sussex. Warw. Westm. Wilts. Winton. Wore. Yorks. Warwickshire. Westmoreland. Wiltshire. Winchester. Worcestershire. Yorkshire. REGISTER SOAME, 1620. ABSTRACTS OF ^tUS IN C!)e ^rerogatttje Court of Canterftur? REGISTER SOAME, 1620. FOL. 1. 1 Stephen Soame, Kt., cit. and aid. of London. (Dat i5 Jas. I.) Bur. in Litle Thurlowe Ch. with dau. Judith and sons Mathew and Francis; Mon. to self and wife in chancel; Almshouses in Litle Thurlowe, Great Thurlowe and Wrat- ting; great mansion house in Litle Thurlowe; Mr. Turner, late reader at Almshouses; eld. son William; School- house in Litle Thurlowe; Gt. Bradley, Litle Bradley, Ketton and Hundon in co. Suff; Mr. John Smithe, pars, of Litle and Gt. Thurlowe; Mr. Withers, pars, of Disse; Exors: wife and 3 eld. sons William, Stephen and Thomas Soame; Adventures in Turkey; Son Sir Calthrop Parker and Ladie Marcey his wife; Anne Parker their dau. (under 21); Ste- phen, son of Sir Calthrop and my godson; his other sons; another dau. of Sir Calthrop, my goddau.; Ladie Anne Went- worth, my dau., Mr. John Wentworth, Esq., and Sir John Wentworth, Kt., her husband; Edmond and Stephen Ander- son, my grchn. (und. 21); son in law Nathaniel Barnardiston, Esq. and my dau. Jane, his wife; Anne, Thomas and Barnardiston, my grchn. (und. 21); Alice Withers, wid. of Thomas Walley deed.; Thomas Walley, in my house, all his bros. and sists. Mr. John Holmes; the chn. of Henry Awsten, merch. (und. 18); godson Farrington (und. 21); sist. Farrington, her husb. deed.; chn. of Henry Percehay (und. 18); chn. of my sist. Mayes in co. Norf.; sist. Mor- den; Stephen Morden, my godson, son of John Morden, deed. (und. 21); chn. of Oliver Morden (und. 21); chn. of 2 SOAME, FOL. 1. bro. Wm. Soame; Ward of Cheape, where I was appr. and chosen aid; Grocer's Co.; prisoners in Compter in the Poul- trie, Woodstreete Compter, Ludgate, etc.; Wife Dame Anne Soame, manors of Litle Thurlowe and the Temple, bot. of Sir Nicholas Heighes and Mr. Henry Waldegrave; Manor of Wiltsey; Mr. Cole; Wm. Greene; Id. bot. of Bladewell and oth.; manor of Brickenden Berrye in Herts.; manor of Wetheringsett with adv. ; 2 manors in Stowe upland; manor of Heringswell; manor of Freckenham; manor of Gt. Thurlowe; mess, called the Crowne at Harlowe; Hunden Parsonage; mess, called Cuts and Carbers in Mendlesham; manor of Earle Stonham with the adv.; mansion in Soper Lane, London; manor of Heydon Berrye; manor of Earles, bot. of Mr. Ayle- worth; manor of Cornchall in Bewers; manor of All Hallo wes in Kent; Ids. in Hunden bot. of Tayler and oth., and of one Courdthat dwelt about Berry side; Ids. of Mr. Thos. Woolriche in Cowlinge; manor of Elminster in Kent nr. Canterbury, bot. of Mr. Halsey, merch.; manor in Stowe Upland, bot. of Kible the heir; 2 mess, in Eling; Id. bot. of Thos. Miller in Wratting; mess, at St. Mary Wignalls, co. Norf. ; Id. in White Colne; mess, and farm at Guilden Mourdon in Camb. and Ashwell; half Ids. bot. of Sir. Charles Cornwallis in co. Norf; Sir George Hunt; Sir William Fitche; Mr. Mapes of Norwiche; one Pittes; manor of Goldingham, co. Essex; manor of Wickhambrooke; manor of Rollisbye; Christopher Goldingham; son John Soame; Overs: Sir Calthrop Parker, Kt., Sir John Went- worth, Kt., and Mr. Nathaniel Barnardiston, Esq., my 3 sons in law; Thos. Brooke, my servt; Sir George Le Hunt; my bro. Brooke; John Soame, my godson; my bro. Will- iam Soame's sons; Roger Browne, my ten.; Richard and James Soame; Mr. Jeame, merch.; Mr. Browne; Mr. Thomas Dobson; Richard Harris; John Soame of Lond., Thomas Soame, his son; Mr. Miller; Mr. Thomas Warren; Mr. Paskyn; Mr. Rolfe; Moreton in Fleete streete; Nicholas Herricke; Philipp, Stephen and Henry Parker; William Growte; Mr. Humfrey Slany; Mr. Bonham; Mr. Morrice, grocer; Wm. Eastowe; Mr. Baldwyn; Mr. Pen- nyfather; my dau. Soame; sists. Hunt, Soame, Farrington, Morden, Brooke and Maye; Mrs. Graye; Henry Awstyn's wife; Henry Percehay's wife; Rich'd Soame's wife; Mr. SOAME, FOL. 1. 3 Withers' wife; Mrs. Smythe; Wm. Green's wife; Lord Chief Justice Montague; Sir Wm. Craven; Robert de la Barr; Mr. Hopkyns of Coventrie; Sir Thos. Benet; Sir John Garrard; Sir John Jolles; Sir Wm. Soame; Cod. (2 March 1618-19); Manor of Carleton in Camb., bot. of Lord Dacres; Manor of Willsey in Wratting and a manor in Kent; Sir Thos. Barnardis- ton, Thos. Barnardiston, his eld. son, and Nathaniel, money for their education to their father and mother. Nunc. cod. (22 May 16 19) on deathbed at Thurlowe; sd. John Soame to be Exor: with those aforenamed; Lady Anderson; Mun Ander- son, poor boy. Wits: Wm. Soame, Thos. Soame, John Soame, Thos. Brooke \_no sig:'\ (Pr. 26 Jan. 1619-20.) 2 Thomas Browne of Eye, co. Suff. (Dat. 27 Dec. 1619.) Mess., etc., in towne of Thwaite, co. Suff.; wife Elli- nor; Thos. Caton; son Thos. Browne (und. 21); daus. Pe- nelope and Elizth; son Alexr; sons-in-law William Bussard and Thos. Willowes; Exor: bro. Robert Browne, [mark] Wits: Thos. Burgess, Nicholas Clarke, Robt. Awsye, Lawrence Lomax. (Pr. 27 Jan. 1619-20 and i3 Feb. 1625-6 by Alexr. Browne, "one of the exors. &c" (sic), Robert Browne being dead. ) 3 ^Villiatn Clarke of Cornerth Parva, co. Suff., yeom. (Dat. 6 August 1619.) Bur. chyd. of Little Cornerth; Mar- gery Clarke, dau. of son Richard Clarke; leasehold called Tayland and meadow bot. of Mr. Golding in Shawford meadow; Elizabeth Crane and her mother; dau. Margery, wife of Simon Condall; Id. bot. of Francis Daniell, Esq.; son William Clarke; hous. and Ids. called Clayes and one Fen late Stimpsons; Frances, now wife of Wm. Clarke; Exors: Wm. Clarke my son and Elizabeth Crane my servt. [rnarkl Wits: John Newman, George Wareyn, John Hall, (mark) (Pr. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) 4 Thomas Swyfte ( Thomas and John; dau. Johane Hannever; bro. John Hannever'schn.; Res. leg. and Extx: Agnes, my wife. Ino st'g^.l Wits: Richard Roupe, Richard Forde, Agnetis Han- never. {mark) (Pr. 10 Jan. 1619-20.) FOL. 2. 6 James Norris, cit. and Brewer of Lond. (Dat. 6 July, 1619.) Son James Norris (und. 21); dau. Sara Norris (und. 21); Mabell my Mayde; Poor of pshs. of St. Olave's, Southwarke, and Gt. Bursted, co. Essex, where I was bo.; Brewer's Co.; Robert Ofyn, my frd. ; fath. -in-law John Rey- noldes; bro. -in-law James Norris and his wife; aunt Elizth. Bostocke; cos. James Norris and Rebecca Goodson; frds. Hughe Reynoldes, Wm. Barton and Thos. Tompson; uncle John Willon; my nourse Tegg; Res. leg. wife Sarah; Exors: wife and fath. James Norris; Overs: sd. bro. -in-law, James Norris and Hughe Reynoldes. [.James Norris\ Wits: John Lee, Tobias Johnson, Edward Whittimer {mark), John Nobes, servt. to John Freebodye, scr. (Pr. 13 Jan. 1619-20.) 7 Thomas Wood of Hadleigh, co. Suff., miller. (Dat. 16 Nov. 16 1 9.) Poor of Hadleigh; Mary my wife, lease of mill in Hadleigh; Ids., etc., in Wattisham; Thos. Wood my son (und. 21); Elizth. and Sibell Woode my daus. ; copyhold Ids. in Hadleigh; Mary and Susan Wilde, daus. of my sd. wife (un- der 20); Ids. in Hadleigh, bot. of Chamberlaine of Stoke next Nayland; Richd Wilde's son; Richd Wilde (und. 21), my wife's son; bro. Henry Woode; Res. leg., wife Mary; Exors: Thos. Britten and John Beamont of Hadleighe; Overs: Mr. John Grimwade, son of Wm. Grymwade, late of Bildeston, deed. \_Thome Woode\ Wits: James Wood, Edw. Andrewe, Henry Swifte. {mark) (Adm. gr. 24 Jan. 1619-20, to rel. Mary, exors: ren.) 8 John Woode of Laigham, co. Suff., miller. (Dat. 6 Aug. 1619.) Poor of Laigham; frds. James Reason and John Welham; Elizth. my wife and 5 sons, James, Thos., Robert, John & Henry; dau. Anne, wife of Edward Shinglewood; my grandchn; Mary Jarman (und. 21); Res. leg. and Exor: son SOAME, FOL. 2. 6 Thos. Wood; Overs: sd. James Reason and John Wellham. {^mark] Wits: Wm. Owen and Mathewe Smithe, Not. pub. (Adm. gr. 24 Jan. 1619-20 to Robert Wood, son of John Wood, Thos. Wood being dead.) 9 John Awsten of Great Shelford, co. Camb. yeom. (Dat. 25 Dec. 1619.) Copyhold hou. wh. I now dwell and Id. in Shelford called Porters; youngest son James (min.); Copyhold hou. called Mannynges; son Robert; free close sometyme Mosses; wood bot. of Gregory Newton called Hockleys, sometyme Speedes, belonging to manor of Bury- sted; dau. Mary (und. 18); Id. in Heathfield and Stonehill, parcel of Mannynges, bot. of Christopher Rogers; Allington my dau. (und. 18); poor of Shelford; Res. leg. and Extx: Beatrix my wife. \_John Aivsten\ Wits: Wm. Barker, Edw. Mathewe (Pr. 28 Jan. 1619-20.) 10 Mary Skottowe of City of Norwich, wid. (Dat. 9 Feb. 1618-19). Bur. in psh. Ch. or Chan, of St. John's of Maddermarkett in Norwich; Rep. of that church; Poor of Norwich; 5 poor Lazar houses abowte Norwiche; Prisoners in Castle, Guildhall and Sherehouse, co. Norf. ; mess, in psh. St. John's, Mathermarkett; son John Skottowe and Anne his wife; son Augustine Skottowe; daus. of son John; Richd Skot- towe, Aid., my late husb.; Richd, Timothy, Joseph and Wm. Skottowe, my sons; Mary Thacker, Anne Peerson, Ciceley Harman, my daus.; John Thacker, Anthony Pereson, Richd Harman, my sons-in-law; Anne Skottowe and Mary Skottowe my daus-in-law; Mary, Sara and Anne Skottowe, my son John's daus. (und. 18); Mary, my son Augustine's dau. (und. 18), and his child yet unbo.; Richard Thacker my grch. (und. 21); Mary Thacker my grch. (und. 18); John and George Thacker my grchn. (und. 21); Anne and Cicely Thacker (und. 18); dau. Thacker's ch. yet unbo.; Robert Peereson my grch (und. 21); Mary and Anne Peerson, my grchn (und. 18); Mary Har- man my grch (und. 18); dau. Harman's ch. yet unbo.; sist. Amphillis Pitlyn; bro. Mr. Richard Tolye, Aid.; neph. Mr. John Tolye; cos. Mr. Robert Tolye; neph. Richard Tolye; nieces Mrs. Prisca Lee and Mrs. Anne Stephenson; chn. of deed. bro. John Sotherton, viz., Nicholas, Thos., George and John Sotherton (und. 18); nieces Mary Glascocke and 6 SOAME, FOL. 2. Elizth. Sotherton (und. i8); nieces Katharine and Margaret Sotherton (und. i8); sist. Mrs. Dorothie Younge; bro. Robt. Peereson; cos. Mr. Thos. Adkyn; cos. Susan Browne; COS. Seeker; cos., wife of Mr. Wm. Blomefeild the eld.; Anne Gardner; Mr. Johnsons; Widow Mayne; Mrs. Woodes of Fretham; Francis Streete; Robert Marsham my appr. ; John Atkinson an appr.; Anne Young, servt. in my house; Res. leg. and Exor: Augustine Skottowe my son, whom I ap- point Exor: of my late husband's will, of which I am Exor: Over: my son John. {,Mary Skottowe\ Wits: Thomas Kyng, Edward Aynsworth, John Atkinson. Cod. (9 Feb. 1618-19), legs, to her chn. Wits: Edward Aynsworth, John Atkinson. (Pr. 22 Jan. 1619-20.) 11 W^illiam Robinson cit. and Marchauntaylor of Lond. (Dat. 16 July, 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of All Saintes Bark- ing in Lond., with first wife, son Richd, and dau. Alice Towse, late wife of Nichs. Towse; Christ's Hospital, Lond.; Poor of All Saintes Barking, Lond.; Poor of Mydlam and Burton, CO. York, and St. Olave's, Hart Street, Lond.; Prisonersof two Compters, Ludgate and Newgate; cos. Wm. Barker, 2d son of sist. Elizth; Elizth, Anne and Jane Barker, sists. of sd. Wm. (Jane, und. 21); cos. Anthony Barker and Elizth. his wife; Charles, son of sd. Anthony Barker (und. 21); 2 chn. of cos. Raphe Robinson of Mydlam afsd.; bro. Wm. Kymber, his father's ring; cos. Thos., Wm. and Robt. Papworthe, and Eliza- beth Symons, wife of Simons; Mr. Edw. Englesbye in Tower Street; cos. Wm. Crombes and his wife my kinsw. ; god- son, son of sd. Wm. Crombes (und. 21); dau. of sd. Wm. Crombes (und. 21); Mr. John Simpson, Pars, of St. Olave's, Hart Street, Lond.; wid. Giles; Adam Edwards and John his ch.; Daniel Edwards my godson (pd. to his father); cos. Val- entine Haward and Elizth. his wife; godson Robinson Haward (und. 21), son of sd. Elizth.; cos. Roger Haward and his wife and Roger Haward, son of sd. Roger; goddau. Anne Haward, dau. of sd Roger (under 21); Elizabeth Gamble, my last wyve's dau. and Thos. Gamble her husb. and his 4 chn, boys and girls (und. 21); John Towse, my last wyves 2d son and Hughe her youngest son, "that he will become a good husb."; chn. of last wife Elizth. deed., orphans of sd. Wm. Towse; servts. Kath- arine Peache and Elizth. Carpenter; frd. Richard Green, Scr.; SOAME, FOL. 2. 7 garden in St. Mary Matfellon ah. Whitechappell, co. Midd.; Sir John Wolstenholme, Kt. & Sir John Simpson, Mr. Cow- dall and Mr. Dunn, Ministers; Mr. Carye; Goodman Mowle; godson Wm. Davies (ach.) andhisfath.; Res. leg. and Exor: Valentine Hayward, son of sist. Isabell; 2 tents, in Mark Lane over against Hart Street, Lond.; Nichs Hayward, eld. son of sd. sist. Isabell of Witchurch; 2 tents, in Preistes Alley over against Barking Ch., nr. Tower Hill, Lond.; Tent, in Houndesditch, Lond.; Wm. Barker, bro. of sd. Anthony; Elizth., Anne and Jane, sists. of sd. Anthy; Ids. in Turnemill street, nr. Cowe Cross, nr. West Smithfield, Lond.; Copyhold Ids. in Orsett, co. Essex, bot. of Barnard Hide, Esq.; Ids. in Curringham, co. Essex, bot. of John Rogers, gent.; Overs: bro. Wm. Kymber, cos. Robert Papworth, Mr. Ed- ward Englesbye. \_William Robinson\ Wits: John Cole and Richd Greene, Scr., Edward Willson. {mark) (Pr. 24 Jan. 1619-20.) 12 ^Villiam ^Vilford of Lond., Merch. and Skynner. (Dat. 22 Dec. 1619). Bur. St. Peter poor, Bread Street; Legs- left by their deed, grmother Wilford to my daus. Su- sanna, Elizth. and Mary Wilford and to Barbara and Anne Wil- ford; son Thomas Wilford (und. 24); Ids. in psh. of St. Pancras in the field, nr. Highe Holborne, Midd., called Battlebridge- fieldinocc. ofArthurStraingers; tent.inpsh. of St. Stebunheath, CO. Midd., in occ. of Willm Asbye; Id. in man. of Dunnesford, in occ. of Henry Brounridge; 6 shoppes and a gallery without Bishopsgate, adj. the Mouthe Taverne; Jno. Stephens, straun- ger; Martha Wilford; game of Swannes; portion or repetition for Id. in Ireland; my servt. Robert Bonnington; Elizth Web- ster; Anne Corne and Alice; Res. leg. and Extx: my wife iSusan); Overs: Frd. Thos. Billingsley; sist. Blackwell; my 6 daughters. \_Wtniam Wilford] Wits: Henry Hamond, Rcor, Thomas Billingsley. William Cokayne, Junr. (Pr. 21 Jan. 1619-20.) FOL. 3. 13 Thomas Thorowgood of Witcham in Isle of Elye, CO. Camb., yeom. (Dat. i Sept, 1619). Bur. in Ch. or chyd of Witcham; Helen my wife; Mary Browne my dau's child; Offerd, co. Hunts; Margaret, Elizth and Mary Thorow- 8 SOAME, POL. 3. good (und. 25), daus. of John Thorowgood my son; Wm. Thorowgood of Witcham; Andrew, George, Mark and John (und. 25), sons of John Thorowgood my son; Mr. Amras Clif- ton, Esq., deed.; Wm. Thorowgood; Elizth Thorowgood, dau. of Thos. Thorowgood my son; Thos. Troud; Robert Rawling; Poor of Witcham; Res. leg. and Exor: Andrewe Thor- owgood my son. [.mark] Wits: Edward Stacye, William Bear- ber, William Guye. (Pr. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) 14 Robert Smythe of St. George Hatlie, co. Camb., clerk. (Dat. 26 Dec. 1619.) Univ. leg. and Extx: for my chn, Dorothie my wife. [«'); Eliz. Flood; Adrian Waltham; Alice Gates; Anne Stanley; Bridget Young; Alice Cheife; Eliz. Brewer; Sibill Smithe, wid.; Geo. Searche; bros. John, Ricd. Thos. and Wm. Masey; sist. Anne Moore, wid.; sist. Eliz. Masey; Exor: bro. Geo. Masey; frds. Robt. Tothill and Henry Norman, Overs: {Chris- topher Masey] Wits: Robert Tothill, Henry Norman. (Pr. 20 Jan. 1619-20.) FOL. 8. 60 John Colgrove of Chadlington, co. Oxon, husbm. (Dat. 4 March 1615.) Bur. in Ch. of Chadlington; Ch. and poor of Wargrove, co. Berks.; Robt. Dowgles, his wife and chn.; Marian Franckley and her dau; Julian Carter and her chn.; Francis Gunnell, son of John Gunnell of Chastelman, co. Berks.; yr. chn. of sd. John Gunnell; Ch. and poor of White Waltham; Ricd. Johnson; Wm. Woods; Sibill Gardner and her chn. in psh. of Wargrove; Eliz. Hill of Hurley; wife of Wm. Sleymaker of Wargrove and her chn.; chn. of John Nor- man, my landlord; chn. of Robt. Carter, the yr. ; Anty. Nor- man; Wm. Norman, son of John Norman; Wm. and Susan Wheeler, son and dau. of David Wheeler; John Colgrove of Kiddenton and his son John; Edwd. Colgrove; Margery Tip- ping, wid.; Anne Colgrove, wid. and her dau.; Elias Harris; Exor: Ricd. Skaye; John Gunnell of Wargrove, yeom.; bro. George of Leffeild; son of dau. -in-law Edward, [mark] Wits: and Overs: Anthony Sherley, curate of Chadlington, Robt. Carter, the yr., Humfrey Coling. (Pr. 14 Jan. 1619-20.) 61 Nicholas ap W^illiam of Ruthin, co. Denb., dyer. (Dat. 8 Nov. 1619.) Rep. of psh. Ch. of Llanvoroch; bro. John ap William, dyer; sist. Ellen vz William; sist. Alice vz Wil- liam; nephews John and Robt. Williams, and Hugh, Fulke and Nicholas ap Richard; dau. Mary; son William (und. 21); SOAME, FOL. 8. 29 wife Jane Meivott and her moth.; mess. wh. I dwell in Morock Street, Ruthin; Exor: son William; Henry Meyvott of Henllan, gent., and John Thelwall of Ruthin, gent.. Overs: [.mark] Wits: John Thelwall, John Lloyd, William Thomas, Morris Griffith, Corvicer, David ap Richard, tanner, John ap William ap Reynold, Hugh Jefferyes. (Adm: gr. 20 Jan. 1619-20 to Jane Meyvott, wid., dur. min. of son William.) 62 John Jones als. Johnson, mariner, of the Ship "Anne Royall." (Nunc, will dat. June.) Sole legs, my 2 sists.; Wits: Christfer Kilborne, Mr. Thornebury, purser of the sd. Anne Royall, Mr. Harris, surgeon of same, John Reds. (Adm. gr. 18 Jan. 1619-20, to Roger Fenwick, merch., of St. Augus- tine's next Paul's gate, Lond.) 63 Marie Feake. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Marie Feake, late of St. Edmund the King, city of Lond., wid. Dispute betw. James Feake, son and Exor: of sd. Marie, and William, John, Thomas and Edward Feake, Sarah Feake a/s. Smith, and Rebecca Bournford a/s. Feake, chn. of deed. (Dat. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) 64 Edward Buckland. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Edward Buckland, senr., late of Kingston-on-Thames, co. Surr., elk. Dispute betw. Anna Buckland and Samuel Bon- nevall, Exors: of sd. Edward, and Robt. Buckland, bro., Mary Buckland a/s. Bonnevall, wife of sd. Samuel, and Dor- othy Buckland a/s. Johnson, wife of Henry Johnson, sists. of sd. Edward Buckland. (Dat. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) 65 George Barfeild. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of George Barfeild, of Weltam, co. Leic. Dispute betw. John Barfeild, bro. of sd. George, & Francis Preston, Exor: of sd. will. (Dat. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) 66 John Harrison. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of John Harrison late of St. Augustine's, Lond. Dispute betw. Charles Fisher and John Poecockes, Exors: of sd. will, and Agnes Stapers, mother, Mary Harrison, rel., and Katherine Barnard, sist. of sd. John Harrison. (Dat. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) 67 Thomas Rothwell. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Thomas Rothwell late of Cheriton, co. Southton. 30 SOAME, FOL. 8. Dispute betw. Hamlet Marshall, Professor of Theology, Exor: of sd. will, and Joan Rothwell rel. of sd. Thomas, and Stephen and William Rothwell, bros. (Dat. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) 68 Robt. Pepper of Beawmarres, co. Angl., gent. (Dat. 8 Nov. 1619.) Cath. Ch. of Bangor; Chapl. of Our Lady in Beawmarres; neph. Thwartes Pepper; bark called "For- tune;" godson, Robt. Thomas; bark called "Katherine;" Extx: wife Dorothy Pepper. \_Robert Pepper] Wits: Hughe Morgan, Thomas David ap William, Richard Baulton. (Pr. 5 Jan. 1619-20.) 69 Brian Barkham of Dorking, co. Sum, yeom. (Dat. 25 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. of Dorking; Edwd. Lusted, the yr., Edward Merrie, Agnes Taker, and Unica Potter, servts. of Edwd. Lusted of Chart ; Eliz. Cunstable, dau. of Wm. Cunstable; Nicholas, son of James Fynche, my godson; Gilbert Blase; godson John Holdsworth, son of Raphe Holdsworth ; Thos. Mason ; Ricd. Shooe ; Oliver Huntley, gent.; Walter Browne, gent.; Thos. Browne, gent., son of Mrs. Radcliffe; John Donne; Wm. Sheffeild, son of Robt. Sheffeild, an appr. ; Ricd. Daye, the eld.; Edwd. Sheffeild and Jane, his wife; wife of Edwd. Lusted of Chart.; Wm. Lusted of Stumblehole; poor of Dorking; Exor: Giles Huishe, of Dorking, gent.; Ricd. Daye, the eld. and Edwd. Lusted of Chart., Overs: [mark] Wits: Richard Daye, Senr., the writer hereof, Edward Lusted and Eunica, his wife. (Pr. 25 Jan. 1619-20.) 70 John Gammon of Roplie, co. Southton., husbm. (Nunc, will dat. 11 Dec. 1619.) Mr. Roger Hodges, elk. M. A., Vic. of Bishop Sutton; bros. Thos. Gammon the eld., Thos. Gammon the yr., and Zachary Gammon; sists. Mary Ansteed, wid., Johane Alwyne and Rose Frogbrooke; Exor: Thos. Gammon the eld. Wits: Thos. Gammon the yr., Eliza- beth Worthington, Agnes Chalcrofte. (Pr. 11 Jan. 1619-20.) Tl Thomas Daniell "nere unto Redfird's Water," psh. of Warmester co. Wilts., husbm. (Dat. 10 Nov. 1617.) Bro. Edmond Daniell; sist. Alice Pearcie; sist. Johane Daniell; cos. Thos. Pearcie of Bristol; cos. Mary Bolen, wife of Nicholas Bolen of Horningsham; Nicholas Bolen son of sd. SOAME, FOL. 8. 31 Mary (und. 20); Exor: cos. John Pearcie. {_mark] Wits: Thomas Oborne, Stephen Holowey. (Pr. 11 Jan. 1619-20.) 72 John Turner of Hothorp, co. Northton., gent. (Nunc, will dat. 23 Nov. 1619.) Extx: wife Mary; chn.; poor of psh. of Theddingworth, co. Leic; Robt. Carter, appr., son of Robert Carter and Dorothy his late wife, one of the sists. of John Turner; Henry Carter and his wife; William Buswell; wife's father, Wm. Pell of Hannington; his moth. -in-law; bro. Pearson; bro. Ricd. Turner. Wits: William Ireland, Henry Carter. (Pr. 4 Jan. 1619-20.) 73 John Grant of Shawell, co. Leic. (Nunc, will dat. about a fortnight or three weeks before Xmas 1619.) Mother Eliz. Graunte; cos. John Wister, the yr. Wits: Mr. Worshipp, his wife and others. (Adm. gr. 10 Jan. 1619-20 to John Wister.) 74 John Feme (0/ SL Vedast, Foster Lane^), Lond., yeom. (Dat. 2 Dec. 1619.) Sons John, James and Daniel Feme; Freehold Ids. in Virginia, America, called the Sommer Islands als. the Bermoothes, and Harrow on the Hill, co. Midd.; dau. Bridget, wife of John Newarke; 2 sons of Ricd. Lisney; Mr. Greenhams works among my books; Exor: son Daniel. (Executed 4 Dec. 1619.) {.John Feme] Wits: John Beeke, Edward Matthewe, Scr. (Pr. 7 Jan. 1619-20.) FOL. 9. 75 Henry Heskines of Bapton, co. Wilts., yeom. (Dat. 20 July 1613.) Lease of farm; sons Henry and Stephen; daus. Johane Heskines, Anne Heskines (both und. 21 years); wife's son John Gerishe; bros. Thomas, William, Reynold and John Heskins; sist. Lienor Fullford; sist. Anne Heskines; sist. Honor Heskines; uncle John Heskines; Robt. Locke; Edwd. Heskines; Edwd. Mason; poor of this psh; psh. Ch. of Fisherton de la More; Cath. Ch. of Sarum; wife {not named)', Exor: eld. son Henry; Henry Rebecke, and Christofer Smyther, Overs: {.no sig.] (no wits.) (Pr. 4 Jan. 1619-20.) 76 John Halcey of Great Chessum, co. Bucks., yeom. (Dat. 6 Oct. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Chessum; poor of * Pro. Act. Book. 82 SOAME, FOL. 9, Chesham and Redborne; Mr. Boaman, minister of Redborne; Richard Portrice and his wife; kinsw. Eliz. Warner; Robt. Whitley of Redborne; Hemethempsted; Thomas Aldcocke; Mary Whitley, Mary Shawe, and Katherine Beesley, servts. of sd. Robt. Whitley; John Bradwyn, servt. to sd. Robt. Whitley; kinsm. Edward Payne and Thomas his bro.; Robt., Eliz. and Bridget Payne; Exor: bro. Edwd. Slowe. Wm. Halcey, of the wood, psh. of Great Gaddesden, yeom.. Overs: \,marA] Wits: John Thewar, John Chappell, Thomas Symons, the eld. Robert Whitley. (Pr. 5 Jan. 1619-20.) 77 George Selbye of East Smithfield, co. Midd., brick- layer. (Dat. 12 Jan. 1619-20.) Liberty of East Smithfield; kinsm. Thomas Thurssell when his appr.ship expires; all the chn. of wife's 2 daus.; wife Anne Selbye; lease, held of Mr. Alanson now dwelling in E. Smithfield; chn. of son John Selbye, of E. Smithfield, bricklayer; Exor: son John; frds. Augustine Smith, Ricd. West and James Ruddam, Overs: [war/^l Wits: Thomas Abbott, Scr., John Johnson. (Pr. 18 Jan. 1619-20.) 78 Katherine Stockley of psh. of Christchurch, Lond., wid. (Dat. 5 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in sd Ch. und. stone of late husb. Hugh Bramley; cos. Katherine Milles (und. 21), cos. Peter Milles, her bro.; cos. Alice Milles; Eliz. Whetston and her father; cos. Wm. Rowle and his son Peter Roll; Nathaniel Kilpecke; Hugh Bramlie; rhy seal ring of gold; poor of Christ- church; Overs: kinsm. Thomas Turner and John Smithicke; cos. Eliz. Jempson, Extx: Imark] Wits: Peter Milles, (mark) Peter Hughes, Scr. (Pr. 8 Jan. 1619-20.) 79 Robert Parris, late of Greeneland, co. Bucks., cook. (Dat. 17 Dec. 1619.) Dau. of cos. Francis Marrett; servts. of Lady Perryams my mistress; poor scholars of Lady Per- ryam's school at Henley; poor of Henley upon Thames and Hambledon; Henry Bawle; Robt. Shipwash; Robert Lake; "old Eustace;" chn. of sist. Chaunce; Exor: bro. -in-law, Tristram Emmett. Imark} Wits: John Duckett, John Ash- man, William Williams. (Pr. 13 Jan. 1619-20.) 80 Jacob Pettit, merch., bo. at Wormes in Germany, now residing in Lond. (Dat. 19 Oct. 1619.) Translated out of Frenche. Poor of French Ch. in Franquendall {Bavaria); SOAME, FOL. 9. 83 to wife of Mr. Garrard Porter my hostess; Mr Jacob de Corcelles; Daniell Sorian; nieces, daus. of Mr. Daniell Sand- rack; wife Hester Duffay, deed.; bro. -in-law, Tobie Berk, Dr.; father Mr. Marke Petitt; Mr. John Sandrack, merch., dwelling at Amsterdam, and Isaac Van Peeuen, merch. of Lond.; Exors: \_ Jacobus Petitt\ Wits: Nicasius Roussell, Gar- rard Porter, Carolus Demetrius, Not. Pub. (Pr. 13 Jan. 1619-20.) 81 John Battell of Swanscombe, co. Kent. (Dat. 27 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Swanscombe; Mr. Thos. Weldon, son of Sir Ant. Weldon, Kt., my master; Mrs. Eliz. and Mrs. Ellen, 2 of the daus. of sd. Sir Anthony; sist. Francis Battell; sist. Anne Ducke, wife of Wm. Ducke of Goldanger, co. Essex; Mrs. Mary Weldon; Exor: bro. John Battell of Litle Tottham, co. Essex; frd. George Wood of Swanscombe, Overs: \mark\ Wits: Richard Bettes, George Wood, Robert Plumlye. (Pr. 28 Jan. 1619-20.) 82 'Williani Truslowe of psh. of Aldingbourne, co. Suss., yeom. (Nunc, will dat. 25 Jan. 1618.) Wife, Margery Trus- lowe; sons John, William (und. 21), and Richard (youngest) Truslowe; Henry Harriden of psh. of East Deane; Cath. Ch. of Chichester and poor of Allingborne; Exor: son John; Henry Harriden and John Short, Overs: Witd: 24 July 1619 by Henry Harridyne, John Truslowe. (Pr. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) 83 John Fenner of Worthe, co.. Suss. "Theliter," yeom. (Dat. 7 Oct. 1619.) Youngest son, John Fenner; poor of Worthe; tent, in psh. of Ifield, co. Suss. wt. Ids. called Bel- don Croft; sons Allan and Edward Fenner; my other chn.; wife Alice; Exor: son John; John Brownfeild and son Andrew Fenner, Overs: \no sig^ Wits: Jo: Byshe, William Byshe, Jacobi Byshe, {?nark), Richard Byshe. Mem.: (Dat. 22 Oct. 1619) John and Robert Heathe, sons of dau. (und. 21.) Wits: J. Bish. (Pr. 28 Jan. 1619-20.) 84 Richard Knyghte of Yapton, senr. (Dat. 3o Dec. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. at Yapton; High church of Chichester; Ch. and poor of Yapton; dau. Katherine Knighte; dau. Eliz. Knighte (und. 18); sons Richd., John and Thomas (und. 21); grfath. and uncle of sd. sons and daus.; lease of my pars, at 34 SOAME, FOL. 9. Lydsye; Exor: Wm. Knight, eld. son; wife Elizth., gossipp Edwd. Staker, gossipp Ambrose Dunce and cos. Wm. Morye, Overs: [i?. K7iighte\ Wits: Hugh Robertas, elk., Edward Staker, Henry Standen, Ambrose Dunce, Wilham Morie {mark). (Pr. 29 Jan. 1619-20.) 85 Thomas Smyth of Rye, co. Suss., merch. (Dat. 3 July 1616.) Son John Smith of Rye; fisher boat called the William of Rye; Scarborough; dau. Alice Smith; wife, Johane; tent, in the Wyshe within liberties of Rye; Margaret Royall, maid servt.; the 3 chn. of bro. Edward Smythe, Mary and Sara Smythe and one other; hou. wh. I dwell nr. Strand gate; close called ilatt house nr. conduit; garden, late John Pyes, adj. Ids. of John Boycott; 3 tents, bot. of Theophilus Taylor in the Wyshe; Extx: wife Joan; frds. Roger Bandford and Thomas Peacocke of Rye vyntener. Overs: \_Thomas S??iythe\ Wits: Roger Bamford, Thomas Peacocke, Robert Lashenden. (Pr. 31 Jan. 1619-20.) 86 George Leigh, servt. to Sir. Thos. Roe, Ambassador from England to the Great MogoU; {died abroad a bachelor"^). (Dat. 26 June 1617.) Francis Blindall, tayler; Philip Hill; Mr. Edward Haynes; John Duffield; the rest of my Lord's servts.; one rope Jangeenes; Mr. Chris: Greene, surgeon; Edwd. Terrey, minister. Overs: \_Geor£^e Leigh\ Wits: Chris- tofer Greene. (Adm. gr. 31 Jan. 1619-20 to John Leigh, bro.) 87 Richard Griffin of Lond., merch. {died abroad^). (Dat. 12 Feb. 1617.) "Nowe readie to proceede uppon a voyage to the East Indies" in service of East India Co., "in those parts;" sist. Anne Saris, wife of Capt. John Saris; kinsm. Ricd. Bowdler, son of Ricd. Bowdler, merch.; Extx: sist. Saris. \_Richard Griffin] Wits: Richard Chapman, scr., William Millett, Charles Bragg, servt. to Charles Bostock, scr. (Pr. 4 February 1619-20 by sist. Ann Saris, Extx:.) 88 John Hopkins of Lond., haberdasher. (Dat. 12 May 1619.) Moth.-in-law, Mrs. Perkins; sist. Mary Worsley, her 3 chn; sist. Hanna Gould; cos. John Worsley and Mary his sist.; cos. Wm. Enderlye; bros. Ricd. and Abraham; Mrs. Thos. Potter; sist. Prudence; 4 chn. of my fath. Perkins, Wm., Thos., Abigail and Sara; Barbara Smithe; my master •Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 9. 86 AUcocke and his wife; Mr. Clyffe in Holborne, taylor; wid. Browne; wife of John Launder in the Almhouse; Elizth. Southern; Exor: bro. Richd. Hopkyns; Overs: Mr. Wm. Pywall, John Hopkyns. Wits: Oliver Perkins, Wm. Pywall, John Rushton, Sam. Brownell. \_John Hopkyns] (Pr. i6Feb. 1619-20.) Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of John Hopkins, late of psh. of St. Annes, Blackfriars, Lond., deed, in Coventiy, co. Warw. Dispute betw. guardians Edward Willett, Not. Pub., and Prudence Perkins als. Hopkins, moth, of Ricd. Hopkins, a minor, bro. and Exor: of said John Hopkins and Mary Worsley als. Hopkins, sist. of said John Hopkins. 89 Joice Chandler late of Newington, co. Surr., wid. (Nunc, will dat. day before she died, Tuesday next after Easter, 1619.) Husband's son Leonard Champion, sole leg. and Exor: (Pr. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Joyce Chaundler. Dispute betw. Leonard Champion, William Cowper, Willm. Anderson, William Stowers and Cuthbert Chaundler. 90 Thomas "Worsley of Chale, Isle of Wight, co. South- ton., Esq. (Dat. 18 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Chale or Brooke; cath. Ch. of Winton; poor of Chale; grch. Barbara Bourman; daus. Barbara Bourman and Mary New- dicke; grchn.; Jane Goodall, servt. and Barbara her dau.; grch. Thomas Worsley (und. 21); indenture of entail dated 17 "this instant" Dec; Exor: son-in-law, Wm. Bourman; 4 daus. of Robt. Newdicke and Mary his wife; {^Thomas Worsley] Wits: William Mewys, John Hearne, Thomas Redman. Cod. (same date) sd. Wm. Mewis and Mr. Harry Button, joint Exors: with son Bourman; dau. Worsley. \_Thomas Worsley] Wits: John Hearne, Richard Johnson {mark). (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) FOL. 10. 91 John Lucas of Ramsey, co. Essex, Esq. (Dat. i Nov. 1619.) Bur. in Ramsey Ch. or chyd.; wife Margaret Lucas; cap. mess, now in occ. of Johane Butcher wid. and called Hurrantes in Sible Hynningham and Great Maplestead, co. Essex; Ids. called Barwicke's in Ramsay, in occ. of William 86 SOAME, FOL. 10. Stocke, Ricd. Raygnoldes, and Wm. Gosse; son Thos. Lucas (und. 24); dau. Mary Lucas (und. 21); son-in-law William Coldred, Anna Coldred his dau.; poor of Ramsey and Wrabnes; wife Margaret and bro. -in-law Thomas Wingfeild of Netlested, gent., Exors: \,John Lucas] Wits: John Hayle, Stephen Howard, William Tillett, (Pr. i Feb. 1619-20.) 92 William Taylor of St. Katherine {by the Tower, Lond., but deed, in farts beyond the sea^). (Dat. 5 Dec. 1617.) Mr. Cleave in petty Wales; Thomas Chattam; John Thomas; John Thorne; John Nicholls; bro. Richd. Dankes and his wife; sist. Ben. Taylor {sic.) and her dau.; kinsm. Edwd. and Wm. Dankes; poor of St. Katherine; William Harley in Just Alley; prisoners in the Poultrey; wife Johan; dau. Francis Taylor; Francis Ireland; Wm. Bussett; John Phippin; Wm. Dickson; John Tottonn, master, and Ricd. Weadmore, master's mate, Overs: [.no sig.] Wits: William Colston, purser. (Adm. gr. 8 Feb. 1619-20 to Johane Taylor rel.) 93 John Coleman of the city of Oxon, Mercer. (Nunc, will dat. 5 Nov. 1619.) Mr. Giles Sweete; Humfrey Jones; Extx: wife Johane. Wits: Matthewe Jenninges, Elizabeth Hawkes, Avis Saunders. (Pr. 4 Feb. 1619-20.) 94 W^illiam Bradford of Petworth, co. Suss., servt. to Anne, dow. Countess of Arundell. (Dat. 5 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. of Petworth; Cath. Ch. of Chichester; goddau. Katherine Thompson, dau. of Nicholas Thompson gent. (und. 21); godchn. John Stringer, son of Richd. Stringer, William Goble, son of Wm. Goble, Wm. Goble son of Thos. Goble, Thos. Holland, son of John Holland (all und. 21); poor of Doncaster, co. York, wh. I was bo.; tradesmen of Petworth; "To Six whom I love and call my sons," Nicholas Thomp- son, gent., Wm. Mose, the eld. gent., Wm. Most the yr. gent., John Hall, Wm. Goble, Robt. Burye; Johane Shorye, servt.; Thomas Goble, mercer; my landlady Maundefeild; Wm. Smarte; cos. Nich. Bradford of Norwich, baker; cos. Bradford of Doncaster, shoemaker; Mayor and burgesses of Arundell; rep. of Arundell Bridge; wid. North of Shellingley; Mrs. Mary Thompson, wife of Master Nich. Thompson; son Halle's wife; son Goble's wife; Mr. Alex. Browne, D. D. ; ♦Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 10. 87 George Goring, Esq.; John Mose, gent.; Wm. Garrett, gent.; John Powell, servt. to Earl of Arundell and Surrey; Mrs. Anne Barlowe; John Michell, gent.; Wm. Wase, gent.; Wm. Akes, gent.; Wm. Palmer; Edwd. Fletcher; Wm. Smithe of Lond., upholstrer; Exors: Nich. Thompson, John Hall and Wm. Goble; Wm. Wast and Wm. Garrett, Overs: {.mark] Wits: Henry Kelley, John Homley. (Pr. ii Feb. 1619-20.) 95 Thomas Broadhurst of Cleeton, co. Salop. (Dat. 6 June 1618.) Poor of Broomesgrove; son Thos. Broadhurst; one Phates Walling in Upwich; sons of two daus. (if any); chn. of dau. Jane; husb. of dau. Jane; dau. Eliz.; John Pardoe; lease of hou. in Cleeton; dau's. son Thomas Pardoe; dau's. dau. Johane Pardoe; John Pardoe, Exor: \_Thomas Broadhurst] {no wits.) (Pr. 26 Feb. 1619-20.) 96 Simon Symmes of psh. of St. Saviours in Southwark, CO. Surr., baker. (Dat. 30 Dec. 1619.) Dau. Alice Symmes (und. 21); dau. Susan; poor of the liberty of paris garden; ch. yet unbo.; frd. Tobye Brewer to bring up sd. dau. Alice; Richd. Symmes, my appr.; Extx: wife Eliz.; lease of hou. wh. I dwell; Tobye Brewer and Thos. Allen, Overs: \_Simon Symmes] Wits: Thomas Mason, Robert Monches {mark). (Pr. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 97 James Mewe of Ditcheat, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 17 Feb., 16 Jas. I.) Bur. in Ch. of Disheat; poor there; dau's. son James Hannam (und. 21); dau's. dau. Johane Hannam und. 21); Exors: wife Johane and son-in-law Henry Hannam; John Hannam, gent., bro. -in-law Wm. Roberts, John Gyfford, my neighbour, and neph. James Mewe of Caundle, Overs: {James Mewe] Wits: John Gifford, John Pullyn {mark), John Caplyn als. Tucker {mark). (Pr. 11 Feb. 1619-20.) 98 Anthony Harle of Westbuckland, co. Devon., gent. (Dat. 7 Oct. 1619.) Poor of Westbuckland; wife Grace Harrell; dau. Anne Harries, her husb. Wm. Harries, and her chn.; dau. Johane Dones; 3 sons of son John Harrell; Richd. Harrell; Anne Towills; Exor: son Wm. Harrle. Henry Yeo and John Harrle, rulers, {mark] Wits: Anthonye Upton, Robert Humacott. (Pr. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 99 Richard Heath. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Richd. Heath, late of Buxstead, co. Suss. Dispute betw. 88 SOAME, FOL. 10. Thomas Heath, Wm Heath, Exor:, and Dorothy Heath, wid. of sd. Richd. (Dat. 6 Feb. 1619-20.) 100 Sir W^illiam Pordage, Kt. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Sir Wm. Pordage, late of Radmersham, co. Kent, Kt. Dispute betw. Edward Gage, John Gage and John Thetcher, Exors: of sd. Sir Wm. Pardage, and Thoms. Por- dage, gent., bro., and Mary Skynner als. Pordage, sist. of testr. (Dat. 5 Feb. 1619-20.) 101 Thomas Dalbye. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Thomas Dalbye, late of the psh. of St. Laurence, Lond. Dispute betw. Anna Wilton, sist. of sd. Thos., Ann Banton and Edwd. Wrighte, creds., and John Banks, Exor: (Dat. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 102 Henry Petchey. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will and cod. of Henry Petchey, late of Hutton, co. Essex. Dis- pute betw. John and Thos. Petchey, Exors:, and Benedict Golding als. Petchey. (Dat. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 103 Hugh Bullocke. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Hugh Bullocke late of the psh. of St. Andrew Under- schaft, Lond. Dispute betw. Wm. Helmehirst, Exor:, and William, Hugh and Roger Bullock, nephs. and bro.'s sons and Roger Barne, kinsm. of testr. (Dat. 5 Feb. 1619-20.) 104 Audrey Hull. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Audrey Hull, wife of John Hull of St. Vedast, Lond. Dis- pute betw. John Hull, Exor:, and Philip and Elias Holman and Dionisia Stowers als. Holman, bros. and sist. of sd. Audrey. (Dat. 5 Feb. 1619-20.) FOL. 11. 105 Anne Frauncis. Def. sen. annulling nunc, will of Anne Frauncis late of Trewerne, co. Mont., wid. Dispute betw. Eleanor Reignoldes als. Frauncis, dau. of sd. Anne, and Roger Fraunces and Margt. Lloid als. Frauncis. (Dat. 6 Feb. 1619-20.) 106 Edward Vyne of Bloxworth, co. Dorset., yeom. (Dat. 21 Sept. 1616.) Bur. in chyd. of Bloxworth; Ch. and poor of Bloxworth; Agnes Bolt and Sichen. Dentch, servts.; SOAME, FOL. 11. 89 Katherine Header; frds. Mr. Robt. Wellsted, minister of Bloxworth, and Richd. Bushrod of Dorchester, haberdasher of hattes, Exors: and to bring up dau. Hester (und. 21); Wm. and Hen. Lowman sons of Wm. Lowman of Puddlehinton, CO. Dorset., yeom.; daus. of Richd. Vyne of Chesselborne, co. Dorset., yeom.; \_Edward Vyne'] Wits: William Savage, Thomas Savage. (Pr. 10 Feb. 1619-20.) 107 John Knepp of Micham, co. Surr., gent. (Dat. 9 Dec. 1619.) Freehold Ids. and tents, in Micham and Cashol- ton, CO. Surr.; wife Thomazine; eld. son Christopher Knepp (und. 21); yr. son, Richd. Knepp (und. 21); dau. Joyce (und. 21); bro. Henry; sist. Anne; aunt Joyce Holloway and Saunder Holloway her husb.; cos. Harman Atwood; copyhold Ids. in Mitcham to descend to youngest son; manor of FoxhuU; hou. in Micham called the "Grayhound," late. bot. of Thos. Gouldwyer, in occ. of one Chapman; kinsm. John Chillman, cheesemonger of Lond.; frd. Mr. Henry Lovelace; Mr. Thos. Crofton and his wife; Extx: wife; Richd. Dorrington of Stowe, CO. Hunts, gent, and Mr Richd. Mallcott, merch. of Lond., Overs: I John Xneppe] Wits: (13 Dec. 1619) Richard Daye, Thomas Crofton, Thomas Gouldwyer. (Pr. i Feb. 1619-20.) 108 William "Woodstocke of Cheilfeild, co. Kent., yeom. (Dat. II March, 15 Jas. L) Bur. in chyd. of Cheylfeild; daus. Eliz. and Agnes Woodstock; son John Woodstock; Exors: son and dau. John and Agnes; Overs: frds. Wm. Brasier and John Wakelyn the eld. of Cheylesfield. [_mark] Wits: George Manning, George Smythe, par. of Chelsfield, Alex- ander Ellis, cur. of Farnborowe. (Pr. 16 Feb. 1619-20 by John Woodstock, son, and Agnes Brasier, dau., of testr.) 109 Richard Richards of Keymesworthe, psh. of Neither- burye, co. Dorset.; husbm. (Dat. 21 Aug. 1618.) Poor of Neitherbury; eld. dau. Johane Richards; 2d dau. Susanna; 3d dau. Ellianor and Anne Richards my youngest dau.; Extx: wife Parnell Richards, Thos. Knight and bro. -in-law Chris. Jefferey, Overs: \,Rtchard Richards] Wits: Thomas Knighte {mark), Dennys Richards, Hugone Horsford, script. (Pr. 17 Feb. 1619-20.) 110 William Greene of Gloster, now of ship "Floriander" in the Roade of Bantam. (Dat. 18 Oct. 1616.) Morris Jones, 40 SOAME, FOL. 11. surgen of "Floriander;" Robt. Fythee; John Warring, cow- per of "Floriander;" John Collett; Roland Thomas, purser; Thomas Comminges, steward of Floriander; John Shippard; frd. George Goulding, Exor: \_mark] Wits: Morris Jones, Robert Fithie, George Goulding, (Pr. 23 Feb. 1619-20.) 111 Richard Averye of Powderham. (Dat. in St. Sebas- tians 20 Nov. 1619.) Chs. and poor of Powderham and Kenton; "score of Powderham;" sist. Johane Cuttyverd; Charles Ford; Extx: wife Johane. [_mark^ Wits: Daniell Vasse, George Ellett, John Tackerman. (Pr. 21 Feb. 1619-20.) 112 Katherine Deyman (^of Halberton, co. Devon.^^. (Un- dated.) Poor of Haberton and Tiverton; for my fath.'s bur. when he shall die; bro. William; all my sists.; Margaret, dau. of bro. Roger Deyman; bro. John; bro. Richd.; bros. Roger, Wm., Richd. and Thos. Deyman, Exors: \niark\ Wits: Willm. Deyman, Elizabeth Deyman. (Pr. 15 Feb. 1619-20.) 113 Sir Henry Lee of Woodford, co. Essex, Kt. (Dat. 28 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in fath's. vault in St. Andrew Undershaft, Lond.; wife. Dame Thomazine; eld. dau. Mary, wife of Sir William Martin, Kt. ; eld. son and hr. John Lee (und. 21); son Thomas; daus. Eliz. and Martha; grchn., daus. of Sir Wm. Martin, viz: Mary and Anne Martin (und. 21); Dr. Whiting, par. of St. Martin's in the Vintry, Lond.; bro. Sir Robert Lee, Kt.; George Gleave, servt. ; Robert Pye of Lond., scr.; Francis Digbye, Hen. Felsted and Garrett Meghennis, my men servts.; Ch. and poor of Woodford; John Wright, elk., par. of Woodford; Humfrey Hanford, merch.; Jas. Williamson, gent.; Edmond Plommer, merch.; mess, in Woodford, inocc. of Mr. Swynnarton; Ids. and tents, in AU- withley als. Avely, co. Essex, in occ. of John Mayle of Lond., scr., in trust to Hugh Hammersley of Lond., aid., James Cambell, sheriff of Lond., Chris. Clitherowe, William Green- well and Abraham Cartwright of Lond., merch.; Exors: bro. Sir Robt. Lee and son John or Thos.; Overs: bro. -in-law Mr. Wm. Gore, aid. of Lond. and son Sir Wm. Martin, Kt.; copyhd. ids. bot. in Woodford in names of sons John and Henry Lee (deed.); man. of Woodford; bro. Sir Robt. Lee *Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 11. 41 and son Sir Wm. Martin to procure wardship of son and hr., John Lee, and educatn. of chn. John and Thos. [.Henry Lee] Wits: William Martyn, Bartholomew , Richard Ven, Edward Quarles, Robert Pye, scr., George Gleave. Cod. (28 Dec. 1619.) Dr. Whiting; Mr. Robt. Wright, late par. of Woodford. [Henry Lee] Wits: Willm Martyn, Robert Pye. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 114 John Ames of Great Dornford, co. Wilts., husbm. (Dat. 9 Jan. 1619.) Ch. and poor of Gt. Dornford; Extx: wife Eliz. Ames; dau. Dennys Ames; Edmond and Wm. Eve, sons of Edmond Eve of Gt. Wishford, co. Wilts., husbm.; Thomas Ames; godch. John Semes; John Voke and John Eve, Overs: [no stg:] Wits: William Eve, John Voke, John Eve. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 115 John Eason. Def. sen. condemnatory of ace. and inv. exhibited by Judith Collins als. Eason, rel. and admx: of goods of John Eason, late of Lond., at the suit of Michael Eason and Jane Aris als. Eason, bro. and sist. of deed- (Dat. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 116 William Mattingley. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Wm. Mattingley, of Cookham, co. Berks. Dispute betw. Anna Hathorne als. Mattingley, wife of Nathaniel Hathorne, and late rel., and one of Exors:, and Ricd. Matting- ley of psh. of Laurence Walham, co. Berks., Margery Smythe, als. Mattingley, wid., of psh. of St. Faith the Virgin, Lond., son and dau. of deed., Wm. Godfrey, Accademic of Oxford, and Martha Burton als. Prescod, wife of Thos. Burton of psh. of St. Bartholomew the less, nr. Royal Exchange, Lond., neph. and niece of sd. Wm. (Dat. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) FOL. 12. 117 Thomas Hodgkyn. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Thos. Hodgkyn of Lamberhurst, co. Kent. Disputes betw. (i) John Hodgkin, bro. of sd. Thos. and John Hodgkin, Exor: of sd. Thomas and (2) the sd. Exor:, and Daniel, Thomas, Mary, Agnes, Dinah and Maria Hodgkin, kinsfolk of sd. Thomas. (Dat. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 118 George Hockenhull. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of George Hockenhull of psh. of St. Stephens, Coleman 42 SOAME, FOL. 12. Street, Lond. Dispute betw. Thomas Gibbes, Exor:, and Richd. Hockenhull, bro. of sd. George. (Dat. i6 Feb. 1619- 20.) 119 Robert Austen. Def. sen. pronouncing for the will of Robt. Austen, of Hawkeley, dioc. of Winchester. Dispute betw. Richd. Austen, Exor:, and Margt. Alwyn, sist., John Austen, senr., John Austen, Jr., Robert Austen, nephs., Eliz. Tegg, Alice Carter and Agnes J owning, nieces by the bros. of sd. Robert Austen. (Dat. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 120 Edwd. Lethebye of Pawle, co. Cornw., gent. (Dat. 8 Oct. 1619.) Tithes in Burian; poor of Pawle; towns of Newlen and Tredaw, this psh.; Thos. Toncken of Kerris; Mrs. Phil. Burlace; cos. Walter and Nich. Noye, Alice Cocke, Anne Tancken and Johane Mitchell; sist. Alice Shutford; dau. Ursula Wallishe; Exor : son Nicholas Letheby; Nicholas Godolphin, Esq., Overs: [,mark\ Wits: Nichas Hickes, John Trevivern, John Burlace. (Pr. 7 Feb. 1619-20,) 121 Samuel Daniell {of Ridge, co. SomsL*). (Dat. 4 Sept. 1619.) Sist. Susan Bowre; hou. at Ridge; Samuell Bowre; Johane, Susan and Mary Bowre; Exor: bro. John Daniell; frd. Mr. Simon Waterson and bro. -in-law John Philippes, Overs: [.Samuel Daniell] Wits: Humfrey Adlem {mark), William Wheatley {mark). (Pr. i Feb. 1619-20.) 122 "William Hore of Wareham, co. Dorset., elk. (Dat. 2 March 1617.) Bur. in " Trinitye " in Wareham; psh. Chs. of Trinity and St. Mary's in Wareham; poor of Wareham and Stoboroughe; wife Christian Hore and dau. Jane Hore, Extxs: [William Hor el {no wits.) (Pr. 19 Feb. 1619-20.) 123 Robert Pollard of Chulmley, co. Devon., gent. (Dat. 18 Aug. 1618.) Poor of Chulmeley; dau. Anne Pollard; James Ayshe, gent., fath. -in-law, and Anne, his wife, deed.; Extx: wife Johane Pollard; bros. -in-law John Phelpes and Wm. Pincombe, gent.; daus. Dorothy, Alice and Gartrude Pollard (all und. 21); cos. Lewis Pollard of Tilley, Esq., John Berrye of Chulmley and sd. bros. -in-law. Overs: [R. Foliar d\ Wits: William Pyncombe, Hugonis Harris {mark). (Pr. 10 Feb. 1619-20.) * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 12. 4» 124 Philipp Tonckinge of borough of Pennrynn, co. Cornw., merch. (Dat. 25 Aug. 1619.) Poor of Gluvias; son Salomon Tonckinge; dau. Petronell Tonckinge; dau. Alice, wife of Hen. Edwards; dau. Mary, wife of Richd. Goodding; son Vincent's son Philipp Tonckinge; Richd. Edwards; wife Sisley; Exor: son Vincent Tonckinge; Henry Edwards and John Livirsage, Overs: \_Fhilipp Tonckinge] Wits: Nicholas Pennos, elk. (Pr. 7 Feb. 1619-20.) 125 John Stone, Senr. of Cannington, {co. SomsL*). (Dat. I7julyi6i2.) Bur. in chyd. of Cannington; Ch. of Wells; poor of Cannington; dau. Dorothy; Henry, son of John Richards; George and Edwd. Watkins (und. 21), sons of dau.; Overs: bro. -in-law Hen. Stone, Jr., and John Richards; Extx: wife Julian; Jane Lamprey, [mark] Wits: Henry Stone, John Richards. (Pr. 19 Feb. 1619-20.) 126 John Cupper of Almesford (co. Somst.'^') gent. (Dat. 23 Oct. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch.; St. Andrews Wells; poor of Almesford; son John; godson John Cupper, my grch.; dau. Ellen and her dau. Agnes; dau. Mary Hodges; Eliz. Cupper, my wife; mess, in Redcrosse St., Lond.; Eliz. Arnam dau. of sd. Ellen; "bedstead in greene chamber wherin my arms are sett;" dau. Mary and her chn.; Mary Arnam; Ellianor Hodges; Anne Cupper, dau. of son John; Ellen Arnam dau. of dau. Ellen; Thos. Hodges son of John Hodges (und. 21); Francis and John Arnam, sons of Nicholas Arnam; Gabriell and John Cupper, sons of son John; psh. Ch. and poor of Castle Carey; Walter Illing my late servt. : Anne Gibson, wid.; Rose Biggin; Nichs. Arnam and John Hodges, my sons-in-law; Extx: wife Elizth.; Overs: Hercules Abarroughe, gent., Walter Carie, John Carie the yr. and John Taunton, vie. of Castle Carie. [John Cupper] Wits: Roberti Gyles {mark), John Hodges, Hercules Abarough, Walter Carye, John Taunton, elk. (Pr. 3 Feb. 1619-20.) 127 John Tryvett of Chardstoeke, co. Dorset., yeom. (Dat. 26 June i6i8.) Ch. and poor of Chardstoeke; wife Christian; copyhold tents, in Chardstoeke; meadow called Dyers Meade; kinsm. George Farthing and George Hackome both of Thornecombe; Wm. Merrimonth, servt.; Johane Wills, servt.; chn. of kinsm. George Cookney, George Farth- *Pro. Act. Book. 44 SOAME, FOL. 12. ing and George Hackome; goddau. Mary Turner; Deborah Turner; indr. dat. 20 Mar., 3 Jas. I.; cap. mess, called Warthiall in psh. of Wambrooke, co. Dorset.; John Dawbney, gent.; godson Wm. Pitcher, son of Wm. Pitcher of Chard- stocke, miller; George Willse, son of sist.; kinsm. Walt. Turner of Chardstock; Wm. Turner (und. 21), son of John Turner of Chardstocke, husbm.; tent, called Cliffehill, wh, I dwell; Exor: kinsm. Humfrey Wills of Chardstocke; Julian, wife of sd. Wm. Pitcher; Overs: frds. Hen. Turner, Humf. Marten and Robt. Marten. \_mark\ Wits: Xpofer Marraker, Henrici Turner {mark), Humfridi Martyn {mark), Roberti Martyn {mark), Petro Johnson, scr. (Pr. 24 Feb. 1619-20.) 128 Christopher Prowse, {of St. Mary Matfellon als. White Chapel^), cit. and vintner of Lond. (Dat. 9 Feb. 1619-20.) Wife Sara Prowse; Exor: son, Thos. Prowse; seal ring of gold; daus. Judith Prowse, Mary, Sara, Eliz. and Susan Prowse, (und. 21); mess, called "Sawyers" in S. Mym- mes, CO. Midd.; mess, in Allhallowes Lane in psh. AUhallowes the Great, Thames St., Lond., bot. of the now king; mess, called "The George," in psh. of Rye, co. Suss, and grd. there called Brickwell Garden; my "Bretheren" Wm. Hunter, Richd. Shelley, Overs: \_Christopher Prowse^ Wits: Robert Barnes {mark), William Hunter, the yr., servt. to Michaell Dover, scr. {mark), Thomas Hunter, Thomas Barnes. Mem. (14 Feb. 1619) as to lines inserted in will. \_Xpofer Prowse] Wits: William Hunter the yr., Nicholas Hoare, Thomas Hunter. (Pr. 21 Feb. 1619-20.) 129 James Hodgson, cit. and vintner of Lond. (Dat. 11 April 1618.) Son Richd. Hodgson; lease of mess, in White- cross St., CO. Midd., psh. of St. Giles, Cripplegate, Lond., held of Wm. Howe, Esq.; mess, in Whitecross St. in occ. of Elias Tuckey, held of John Goodfellow, salter; dau. Eliz. Hodgson; lease of grd. called Sandhills, in occ. of Francis Downes, cordwainer; son James Hodgson; lease of grd. on N. of the "Katherine Wheele," nr. penns of W. Smithfield, Lond., held of psh. of St. Sepulchres, Lond.; lease of mess, called "Goulden Lyon," nr. Holborn Bridge, in occ. of Thos. Rogerson, brownbaker; Christabell Mason, my servt., one of the chn. of sist. Agnes, wife of Geo. Mason, • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 12. 45 James Mason, bro. of sd. Christabell, Thos., Agnes and Isabell Mason, 3 oth. chn. of sist. Agnes (und. 21); John and Charles Lyndsey, sons of sist. Isabell Lyndsey, deed., and of John Lyndsey, deed.; Thos. Lyndsey, eld. son of sd. John Lyndsey, Mary Lyndsey, dau. of sd. Isabell; sist. Katherine Needier and her daus. Katherine and Jane, by sd. Mr. George Needier; Agnes, late wife of bro. William Needier, deed., now wife of Mr. Kenton, of Henley on Thames; John Needier and Agnes his wife; wife of Richard Reading; Susan Bathurst; Anthy. Cookson and Sara his wife; Stephen Chappell and Alice his wife; cos. Thos. Hodgson, reported deed.; Agnes Verey, deed., and her moth., deed., "her twoe daus.;" poor of psh. of St. Sepulchre's, "of which I am a parishoner;" Christs Hospital and Bridewell; John Ha- garth, eld. son of Geo. Hagarth, and all bros. and sists. of sd. John; legs. beq. by Raphe Lyndsey and Launcelot Hagarth; my late mistress Susan Carpenter, late wife of my late master Henry Carpenter, deed., vintner; Vintners co., a piece of plate with my name and arms engraven; wife Eliz. Hodgson, Extx:, and custody of my chn. James and Eliz.; Mr. Justice Hutton, bro. Mr. Geo. Needier and Richd. Ryding of Cambridge, gent.. Supervisors; ray swans "with my swanne marke;" brewhouses, etc., bot. of John Verrey, cit. and brewer of Lond.; greate mess, etc., late bot. of Thos. Hollyman of Lond., mercer; mess, called "Redd Lyon," bot. of Thos. Sexton and John Beere; all these premises in or nr. Whitecross St., psh. of St. Giles without Cripplegate, Lond.; tents, in Turn- bull St., CO. Midd., late in occ. of Henry Stokes, gardener, deed., bot. of George Needier and Margaret his late wife; mess. wh. I late dwelt called "Three Tonnes," nr. Holborn Bridge, in psh. of St. Sepulchre, bot. of Stephen Rogers, late cit. and tallowchandler of Lond., deed.; mess, called "Kath- erine Wheel" in W. Smithfield, bot. of Eliz. Pert, wid., and Tyndall Pert, her son; freehold and copyhold tents, at Acton, CO. Midd.; mess, called "Cock and Key," nr. Holborn Con- duyt, Lond., bot. of Wm. Hickes, in occ. of Andrew Geast; Humfrey Lloid, gent.; poor of the two compters, etc., and St. Andrews, Holborn within the bars; wife Eliz. Extx.: \,James Hodgson] Wits: John Maye, scr. (Pr. 21 Feb. 1619-20.) 48 SOAME, FOL. 12. 130 Roger Wheathe of Smethcott, co. Salop. (Dat. 19 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. of Middle, wh. I am parishr.; bros. Thos. and Phil. Wheath; son of bro. Thos. Wheathe, the yr.; Roger Walford, son of Richd. Walford (und. 21); Johane, dau. of sd. Richd. Walford (und. 21); oth. chn. of sd. Ricd., if he have any by Eliz., his now wife; Robt. Ditcher; wife, Johane Wheathe; sons-in-law Wm. and Roger Walford; Ellen Griffith and Morgan Onslowe, servts.; Wm. Sturdye, Richard Fox, and Katherine, my servts.; son of sist., Philipp Maddoxe, and his bros. and sists.; neph. Thos. Birche; Kath. Maddox, dau. of Rog. Maddox; sist. Anne Moodye; sists. Eliz. and Katherine; Richd. Arrowsmithe; wids. Massey, Turner and Evans; chn. of Roger Vicars; Edwd. Brookes of Preston; Chorles of the chyd.; goddau. Ellen, dau. of Edwd. Moodye; Raphe Kinnaston, par. of Middle; Wm. Tecka of Preston Gubballs, elk.; Phillip Davies; Marg. wife of Phillipp Maddox; Exors: wife Johane, Richd. Walford and Phil. Maddox; Raphe Kinnaston and Wm. Tecka, Overs: [no si'g:^ Wits: Morgan Onslowe, William Sturdye, William Walford, William Tecka, elk. Debts owing from Richd, Onslowe the eld. of Clive, William Kilvert of Grinsell, Roger Bird of Has- ton, Rees. Wenlocke of Cullmer, Thos. Jeffereys of Culmer, Adam Crosse of Yorton, John Edwardes, Philipp Wheathe, my bro. (Pr. last Feb. 1619-20, by Richard Walford and Philipp Maddox, and 18 May 1620, by Johane Wheath, rel.) FOL. 13. 131 Matthew Stocker of Lond., merch. (Dat. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) Bro. John Stocker; tents, called "Rowdens" in Basingstoke, co. Southton; Matthew Stoker, son of sd. bro. John; bro. Samuel Stocker; Ids. and tents, called "Etheridges" in Sherfield upon Loden, co. Southton.; Robert Stoker, son of sd. bro. Samuel; tent, in Bartholomew Street, Newberye, co. Berks.; tent, with meadow in Newtown, co. Southton.; bro. Thos. Stocker; niece Anne Stocker, dau. of sd. bro. John; oth. chn. of sd. bro. John; niece Eliz., dau. of sd. bro. Sam- uel, and other chn. of sd. Samuel; bro. Athanasius Stocker and his chn.; moth., Ursula Stocker; frd. Mr. Maurice Abbott, merch.; cos. Arthur Weale and Susan Richardson; SOAME, FOL. 18. 47 Fortune Spilman, wid.; Thomas Clarke, surgeon, of St. Stephens, Colman St., wh. I now dwell; Samuel German, minister of sd. psh.; poor of St. Stephens, Colman St., and Basingstoke, wh. I was bo.; poor prisoners of Ludgate and the two compters; Extx: wife Agnes Stocker; frds. Mr. Arthur Sheeres and Mr. Wm. Spurstowe, merch., Overs: \_Mathewe Stocker] Wits: John Raven, John Atkins, scr. (Pr. 28 Feb. 1619-20.) 132 William Baseley of St. Giles' in the Fields, co. Midd., gent. (Nunc, will a few days prior to 8 Feb. 1619.) Son Edward to be bound an appr.; dau. Mary (und. 17); wife Mary Baseley, Extx: Wits: Philip Boraston, gent., William Dugdale. (Pr. 25 Feb. 1619-20.) 133 Alice Fisher of Carleton, co. Beds., wid. (Dat. 26 Sept. 1619-20.) Mess. etc. in Carleton, Chellington and Tur- vey, CO. Beds.; eld. son Thos. Fisher; son Jasper; grchn. Jedean and Anne Fisher (und. 21); grchn. Thomas and Pris- cilla White (und. 21); son Jedean Fisher; son-in-law, Thomas White; tithes of Great Osborne, co. York, parcel of late dis- solved monastery of Egleston, co. York; grchn. William and Jasper White and Mary Fisher (und. 21); dau. Eliz. White; dau. -in-law Anne Fisher; poor of Carleton, Chillington, Castle Aishbie and Chadson, co., Northton.; Exors: sons Thos. and Jedean; son-in-law Thos. White and bro. -in-law Robt. Ranson of Northton., Overs: \_Alyce Fisher] Wits: Robert Harper, scr., John Rudd {mark), William Smythe. (Pr. 25 Feb. 1619-20.) 134 Cuthbert Dikes of Westminster, gent. (Dat. 30 Jan. 1619-20.) Sist. Eliz. Smith and Ricd. Smith her son; sist. Dorothy Latus and Thomas her son; sist. Jane Lindley; sist. Margt. Huetson; sists. of late wife, Anne Edge and Jane Lile; Ellen Tayler, my housekeeper; Eliz. Warner a poor woman; John Gosling; kitchen boy; Thos. Wood, und. cook; John Saunders; Alice Dobson; Rose Arter; George Richard- son of Southwark, leatherseller, Exor: [mark] Wits: Richard Lile {mark), Frauncis Rouse {mark), Thomas Aiscough. (Adm. gr. 24 Feb. 1619-20 to Thomas Latus, leg., the Exor: being deed.) 48 SOAME, FOL. 13. 135 James ap John of Dorstan, co. Heref. yeom. (Dat. 7 Jan. 1619-20.) Ch. of Dorston; sist. Jane vz John; Morgan Jenkyn; Richd. Llillwall; Henry Rogers, elk.; kinsm. David Watkyn; godsons, John Ball, James Rowland; William John, James Christopher, and James William; sist. Agnes vz John; Walter Prichard; sist. Jane Extx: [.mark^ Wits: David Watkin, Roger Nichas, William Parrie. Mem: (Dat. 10 Jan. 1619-20) relative to Richd. Lircott and Meredith ap Hoell. Wits: William Parrey, David Watkyn, Roger Nichas, William Rowland. (Pr. 25 Feb. 1619-20.) 136 John Dawson, cit. and grocer of Lond., (^of All Saints the Greats Thames St.*). (Dat. 6 Dec. 1619-20.) Tents, in Burroughes Ashe in psh. of Ockbrooke and Spooneden; co. Derby; sist. Mary wife of Chrisr. Bursey; cos. Mathewe and John Dawson, sons of bro. Michael Dawson; partner, Miles White and his wife Anne; uncle Edward Hollins; frd. Frauncis Taylo; cos. George Portor and John Ottywell; Zacharie Brack- neck; cos. Anne Jackson; frd. Michael Dunne; sd sist. Mary, Extx: \_John Da7vson\ Wits: John Leaves, scr., Leonard Bower, Richard Evans, servt. to sd. scr. (Pr. 26 Feb. 1619-20.) 137 William Moore of Willsford, (r^. Wilts.'). (Dat. i Dec. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Willsford; Chs. of Bulford, Dur- rington and Newtentony; poor of Durrington; son Phillip Moore and his now wife; free Id. in psh. of Bulford; son Wm. Moore; dau. Eliz. Moore; lease of Id., etc., in Newtentony; Id. in Durrington; Edward Subdeane; Johane Lacey; dau. Anne Poynter; Henry Moore; Anne Moore; Eliz. Ayers; Margt. Kyrden; Edith Moore, John Smart; Christian Frye; John Browne; Extx: wife Alice; John Biddle and son Philip Moore, Overs: \_William Moored Wits: William Edmonds, elk., William Wynter {mark). (Pr. 24 Feb. 1619-20.) FOL. 14. 138 Richard Connocke of Calstocke, co. Cornw., Esq. (Dat. 11 Dec, 17 James L) Almshouse or hospital to be erected in orchard of late dissolved priory of Launceston, co. Cornw., for 8 poor single women; Ids., etc., called New- • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 14. 49 house in pshs. of St. Stephens and St. Thomas, bot. as parcel of late dissolved monastery of Launceston, mort. to Sir Rich- ard Smythe, Kt.; Ids. called " Sheafe of Boyton," co. Cornw.; mayors of Launceston, Bodmin and Liscard, to be Overs: of my sd. hospital; wife Johane Conocke; my hou. at Hillesdon; silver spoons with pictures and images at the end; niece Carr; niece Lady Vivian; niece Billing, wife of Mr. Richd. Billing; man. of Lillesdon and Stathe, co. Somst.; kinsm. Richd. Connocke, son of Capt. Geo. Connocke; kinsm. and godson Nicholas Connocke, 2d son of John Connocke, Esq., the eld., of Treworgie, co. Cornw., my neph; 6 sons of Capt. Geo. Connocke and his daus.; 2 daus. of sist. Johane Marke, deed., some time wife of Peter Marke; cos. Richd. Langford; copy- hold tents, in man. of Lillesdon and Stathe; cos. Christopher, Alice and Mary Tucker; cos. Richd. Billing; Humphrey Arundell, servt., and his now wife Elizth.; Mrs. Adrian Jeni- fer of St. Martins in the Fields, wid.; frd. Mr. John Rowe of Tavistock, co. Cornw. {sic); bro. Mr. Wm. Conocke; Id. in Harwood and elsewhere in psh. of Calstock; fishing water and wear of Calstock, in river Tamer, sometime possession of Abbot of Tavistock; close of Id. called Biles Wood, in psh. of Calstocke; tent, in Calstock called Sandocke; household stuff in the pars, of Calstocke; Mrs. Johane Ellis, wid., in whose hou. I now live; Mrs. Toller of St. Martins in the Fields, Lond.; Ambrose Royston of Lond., pewterer; wife of Wm. Otemore, late of Lond., pewterer; niece, wife of neph. John Connocke; Sir Thomas Wyes, Kt., and his wife; Sir Richd. BuUer and his wife; godson and young kinsm. Richard Vivian, eld. son of Sir Frauncis Vivian, Kt.; virginalls sometimes the virginalls of the late Queen Elizabeth, made at Venice; cos. Edwd. Carr the yr., son of niece Mrs. Mary Carr, deed.; neph. Emanuell Langford, Esq., and his wife; cos. Edwd. Billing; Mr. Nich. Warden; black cloake of Philipp and Cheney; Richd. Moyle and Joseph Elsaye, servts.; Exors: Henry Hamont, Richd. Billing, Hum. Arundell and John Rowe; Sir Francis Vivian, Kt., and Edward Carr, the eld., of Lond., Esq., Overs: [_no sig:^ {no witsJ) Cod: Rules for sd. hosp. for poor women to be called The Hospitall of Richard Con- ock, Esq., servaunt and officer of the revenues of Prince Henry, eld. son of Kynge James, until the death of the sd. 60 SOAME, FOL. 14. Prynce; St. Cleere; Lostwithiell; prisoners of Launceston. (Pr. 15 Feb. 1619-20.) ^ 139 Anthony Urton als. Stephen of Herdinges, psh. of Norton, co. Derby, yeom. (Dat. 24 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. of Norton; yr. sons Ant. and Geo. (und. 14); Mr. George Wigfall, gent., Mr. Anty. Morwood, gent., and Phil. Gill, yeom., Mr. John Bamford, Nich. Kirke and Edwd. Steven, yeom., Supervisors; Extx: wife Margt; sist. Ellen Kirke als. Stephens; bros. Edward and George; sist. Eliz.; Rog. Webster, Geo. Turner, Dorothy Bedforthe and Gertrude Rogers, my servts.; Mr. Edwardes, vicar of Norton; poor of Norton; Netherfield and Lightwood close; Netherfield Springs; ward- ship of eld. son John; Ids. now in the occ. of fath. John Urton als. Steven; spring called Swynlee. \_Anthony Urton als. Stevens\ Wits: John Steven, Nicholas Kirke, Edward Steven, Richard Fenton, William Jenkinson. (Pr. 26 Feb. 1619-20.) 140 George Sudlowe of Monckton Deverell; co. Wilts., gent. (Dat. 10 Nov. 1618.) Poor of Monkton Deverell; highways about Mounckton and chapel there; Anne Whooper, one of daus. of John Whooper, and Jane Whooper, her sist.; Jane Whooper, wife of sd. John Whooper; wife's bro. Mr. Geo. Harrison; Edward Smythe; godson Geo. Glove; my wife, Mr. Geo. Harrison and John Whooper, Exors: \.Geor- gium. Sudlowe] {no wits.') (Pr. 25 Feb. 1619-20.) 141 Thomas Graunt of Northbrook, co. Warw., Esq. (Dat. 16 June i6o3.) Bur. in Ch. of Snitterfield, co. Warw.; daus. Mary, Anne and Maude Graunt; tents., etc., in Gremolbye als. Grembidby, Cockington, Manby and Ynges in CO. Line; wife Johane; rents in hds. of John Conosde; Ids. in Sturbridge, co. Wore; Wm. Harmer of Wore, woollen- draper; Henry Walker of Stratford upon Avon, mercer; Daniel Baker of same, woollen-draper; Wid. Touneshend of Barton; Robt. Verney, par. of Harburye; old George of Feckenham, CO. Wore, and to Gierke of the same; Mrs. Margt. Brock- man; Parson Pound; Extxs: sd. 3 daus.; Wm. Sinerfeild and Thos. Spencer, Esqrs., Overs: [mark] Wits: George Dethicke, Fowlke Minat, Robert Parker. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) SOAME, FOL. 14. 61 142 Mary Peerce of Overscales, psh. of Meere, co. Wilts. (Dat. 2o Sept. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Meere; Ch. there; Katherine Longman; poor of West End of Meere; Marg. Barnard and Joyce Abbott; kinsm. Wm. Abbott; Andrew Turner and his chn.; Dorothie Rendall; Aunt Marg. Abbott, wid.; kinsw. Ellyn Abbott; old Mother Moncke; old Father Moncke; Widow Launder; Alice Kyng; Margt. Sheppard; Wm. Cam, his wife and 2 daus.; Wm. Sheane, his wife and Agnes Sheane; Matthew Kyng; Exor: frd. John Forward, son of Thos. Forward of Woolverton, psh. of Meere; Wm. Sheene, Matt. Kyng, Overs: \_mark] Wits: William Sheane, Matthewe Kynge. (Pr. 25 Feb. 1619-20.) 143 John Swadling the eld. of Kennington, co. Berks., yeom. (Dat. 16 Jan. 1620. sic.) Wife Johane; Katherine, Thos. and Wm. Bewe; bro. John Swadling, the yr. ; sists. Mary Willis, Alice Bannister and Katherine Willis; Thos. Smith of Kennington; John Tilliard; poor of Sunningwell, Kennington, Rudley and Hinckley; Exors: bros. Thos. and Felix Swadling. [_mark] Wits: Frauncis Hurlocke, Thomas Smithe, John Tylleard. (Pr. 22 Feb. 1619-20.) 144 Nicholas Daye of Willesford, (ve of Lond., merch., {of St. Dunstans in the East*). (Dat. 13 Jan. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. wh. I dwell; poor of French Ch.; dau. Jane, wife of John Fisher; dau. Hester, wife of Thos. Rancharde; dau. Margt., wife of Edw. Williams; son David Carpreawe; daus. Sara, Judith, Mary and Rachell (und. 21); cos. Hellen Carpreawe and cos. Mary her dau.; servt. Samuell Ploier; Exor: son-in-law Edward Williams. Overs: sons-in-law Thos. Rancharde and John Fisher. \_David Capreawe] Wits: Richard Brokebancke, scr. (Pr. 8 Feb. 1619-20.) 1 70 Nicholas Harrison of Kinges Lynne, co. Norf., ship- master. (Dat. 4 Nov. 1619.) Univ. leg. and Extx: Katherine my wife; my chn. [niark] Wits: Thomas Hogins, Henry Chapell. (Pr. 22 Feb. 1619-20.) 171 Leonarde Bearde of Freckenham, co. Suff., shepherd. (Dat. 10 Nov. 1619.) Grchn. Leonarde and Frauncis Fyson {girl), (both und. 20); dau. Phillis; Exor: Thomas Fyson, my son-in-law; Supervisor John Minett, the eld. of Frecken- ham. \_mark] Wits: William Chapman, John Minett {mark)^ Robert Eaton. (Pr. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 172 "William Williams of Freckenham, co. Suff., knacker. (Dat. 7 Nov. 1619.) Copyhold Ids. held of man. of Frecken- ham; chn. Robt., Elizth and Henry ("untill they shalbe put appr."); wife Elizth.; son Ricd. (und. 21); son William (und. 23); son Samuel (und. 23); Exor: son John. \niark\ Wits: William Chapman, John Porter, John Mynotte, William Constable and Robert Webbe. Mem: relative to sd. copyhold Ids.; Wm. Constable the eld. (Pr. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 173 Marye Parris of Lond., wid. (Dat. 6 Apr. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. of St. Ethelborrough, Lond., nr. late husb., Thos. Parris; bro. Frauncis Rycroft and sist.-in-law, his wife, their son and dau., Frauncis and Marye Rycrofte; my sist. Anne Walles; Thos. and Humphrey Walles, sons of Stephen Walles; Jane, wife of Robt. Edge; lease of hou. in Three tunne alley, without Bishopsgate, bot. of Thos. Ancell; cos. Robt. Edge; cos. Precilla, wife of Edwd. Harper, their son Frauncis Harper; Mrs. Barnes in Newfish St.; cos. John * Pro. Act. Book. 60 SOAME, FOL. 17. Robinson; Mrs. Locke in St. Katherine's; Anne, wife of Alex. Charley, their dau. Mary Charley; son Saml. Smith and his wife; son Leonard Smythe; Anne Hethercampe; bro. Peter Hethercampe; Mrs. Vowell; Mrs. Robbins; sist. Saunders' 3 chn.; Elizth. Battyn; Philip, Mr. Warner's man; Anne Wignall; Anne, wife of Robt. Barnes; Susan, wife of Thos. Hardeinge; Exors: bro. Frauncis Rycrofte, cos. Robt. Edge; Overs: John Vowell. [Mary Parris\ Wits: Richard Langlay, Samuell Porter, scr. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 174 George Richardson, leatherdresser, of St. Thomas, Southwarke. (Nunc, will dat. 2 Feb. 1619-20.) Extx: wife Alice; my bro.; bro. -in-law Mr. Stockton. Wits: Will. Todd, minister there, Peter Canon, John Morris. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 175 Robert Theselwod of Candishe, co. Suff., shearman and singleman. (Nunc, will dat. 2 Feb. 1619-20.) Roger Dicke ijDecke) of same town. Wits: Thomas Finche and Silvester Glensforde of same town, Frauncis Howe. (Adm. gr. to Roger Dicke 11 Feb. 1619-20.) 176 Samuell Newington of Burwash, co. Suss., yeom. (Dat. 20 Jan. 1618-19.) Wife Anne; dau. Anne (und. 21); if a man child be bo. to me; my 5 sists.; Saml. Newington, son of bro. Jabes; Exor: kinsm. Zabulon Newington of Tishurst; Overs: kinsm. Frauncis Norman of Salhurst and Saml. New- ington of Kingston Bonsey; uncles Thos. Newington of Ripe and Joseph Newington of Tyshurst. \_Samuell Newingtortl Wits: Nicholas Busse, Returne Tyeherst (^mark). Nunc. cod. (11 Dec. 1619.) John Cruttenden, my wife's fath. Wits: William Muttrell, Frauncis Lucas, J one Muttrell. (Pr. 3 Feb. 1619-20.) 177 John White, D. D. {0/ Norwich diocese^). (Undated.) Bro. Edw. White; dur. 20 years past have engaged myself against Papistry in preaching and writing pub. in 2 books, wch. writings I commend to my chn.; wife to be ruled by Sir John Croftes and his lady, and bros. Robt. and Edw. White; son John I have devoted to the ministry; blind dau. Christian, whose sight has lately been taken away; "Fleet- * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 17. 61 wood if thou offendest thy uncle, thou fallest from God;" "Amy, Edwd., Frauncis, Richd. and Peter are so young nothing can help you but God;" good Lord Wentworth and your noble lady; patron Sir John Crofts and your lady, who first of all brought me into Suff.; you sent for me when I was unknown to you, out of a far country, wh. I was in distress; my good fath., a preacher these 5o years and brought up five of your own able to preach profitably, your eld. son in his own country wh. he lives; Exors: wife {Amy) and bro. Robt. White, ijohn White] Wits: Edw. White, Thomas Welles, Edw. Rilandes {tnark). (Pr. 21 Feb. 1619-20.) 178 John Jackson of Shellande, Suff., gent. (Dat. 3 Feb. 1616-17.) Son John; free and copyhold Ids. in Shellande and Onhouse; wife Frauncis; bro. -in-law Robt. Walthewe, Esq.; daus. Mary, Frauncis, Joanna, Bridgett, Elizth., Anne and Millycent Jackson (all und. 21); son Henry (und. 21); adven- ture in intended voyage to E. Indies; Exor: frd. John Hey- ward, one of the King's Chaplains; Overs: Robt. Walthewe, Esq., Richd. Pretiman of Bawton, Suff., gent., and Humfrey Pye of Lond., scr. \_John Jackson] Wits: William Bowyeare, Thomas Bannester, Senr. , John Taylor, servt. to sd. Hum- frey Pye, scr. (Adm. gr. to Frances Jackson, rel., 24 Feb. 1619-20.) 179 John Llewellin David of Cantres, co. Brecon. (Dat. 20 Sept. 1617.) Wife Jane verch Jevan; 3 mess, in Cantres, bot. by my grfath., David William, of John Wm. Morgan and David Powell Griffith, and by myself of Wm. Howell ap Jevan and Howell David ap Jeuan; tent, called Tirkoed Owen; son and hr. John ap John; grd. called Kayr Nantday; 2d son Llewellin John; mess, in pshs. of Penderin and Vaynor; fath. Llewellin David; bro. Griffith Llewellin David; son Jevan John; Wm. Jenkyns; John Powell, elk.; mess, in Vaynor bot. of Wm. Powell John; hou. stuff reed. fr. Jeffery David and Margaret verch Madock; dau. Malde (unm.); lease fr. Roger Williams, Esq., to Mr. Richd. Games and myself; son David John; Jenkin William my son-in-law and Joane my dau.; Jane verch Jenkin my woyr t ; Morgan Thomas William and Ellen verch Thomas; Margaret verch John William (und. 21); t Sic. Query if " wif e ?" 82 SOAME, FOL. 17. Elizth. the supposed dau. of John David Howell; Gladys verch Rees Llewellin; Agnest verch Rees Llewellin; Mary vz Rees Llewellin; Jane vz Morgan, wid.; Jane verch John, dau. of John William; Margaret vz John; John Thomas Madocke; Howell John David; Morgan John Howell; Morgan David Morgan; John Jevan David; Gladys vz David ap David; Jonett vz John; Gladys vz Howell; Jonett vz Rich- ard; Jane vz Morgan; Cicely vz Howell; Llewellin vz Wm. Jenkin; Margt. vz John; aunt Margt. vz John, wid.; Lley- kie vz Jevan, wife of John ap John Griffith; Howell David Griffith; John David; Margt. vz Madocke; Edwd. Wm. Thomas; poor of Ystradvellye; Exor: son Llewellin John; Overs: Richd. Games, John ap Jevan, David Llewellin and Jenkyn Griffith, gent., and tuition of my chn. for 7 years, (youngest ch. und. 17); neph. Wm. Morgan of the Middle Temple, Lond.; debts due fr. John Powell, elk., Thos. Mad- ocke, John Richd. Powell, Rees ap Jevan, Richd. David Morgan, Watkyn Herbert, Josias Morgan's elk.. Sir Wm. Awbrey, Howell Lien, John Prees, Thos. Hauarde, Wm. Prees, Augharad Llewellin, Leyson Jenkyn, Rees Phillipe Prees, Morgan Prees, John Thos. Madocke, Rees Herbert, Thos. Sollers, Houell Prichard, (for Pilcorne and cheese in Penderyn), Rees ap Jeuan de Vaynor, John Nichell, Trahearne Thomas, Griffith Jeffreys, Richard Thomas, Lewis Wm. David, Edward Harbert de Cackhowell, David Jenkin , David Awbrey, Senr., Harry Awbrey, Thos. Powell Madocke, William Edmund William, Thomas Llewellin. \no sig.'\ Wits: David Llewellin David, Howell ap Richard, Jenkin William, William Griffith, Llewellin ap Rees, John Llewel- lin Howell Thomas, Not. Pub. (Pr. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) FOL. 18. ISO Robert Dalison of Greetwell, co. Line, Esq. (Dat. 25 Aug. 1616.) Buried in chan. of Greetwell Ch.; Exor: neph. Wm. Dalison of Greetwell, Esq. \_Robert Dalysori] Wits: Frauncis Pregion, William Norton {mark), Robert Sandy. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 181 Robert Hardwicke of Dike in the psh. of Bourne, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 27 Oct. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Bourne; SOAME, FOL. 18. 63 poor of Bourne; son Wm., farm wh. he dwelleth at Scottle- tharpe; cottages in Cawthroppe; Id. in Holbich, Fleet Hargate and Fleet; dau. Anne Hardwicke, now wife of John Galloway; Jane Hardwicke (unm.); Ellen Hardwicke, my dau. (und. 21); dau. Elizth. Hardwicke (und. 21); son Robt. Hardwicke (und. 21); Id. in Pinchbecke; son Wm. Hard- wicke, his 2 sons Wm. and Robt. Hardwicke; son Hen. Hardwicke, his son and dau. Mary and Robt. Hardwicke; Wm. Galloway, son of sd. John; dau. Susan Sandall, her husb. and 4 chn. (und. 21); Mr. Tolley, my minister; Extx: wife Elizth.; Supervisors, John Hardwicke and Jeremy Pauson of Gosbertonne. [_jnark\ Wits: John Hardwicke, John Michaelson, Robte. Leefe, scr., Anthony Hardcure. [_mark\ Debts due fr. Jeffery Lenton, Isacca Resbury, Robt. Woods, Richd. Burton, John Nicholson, Robt. Seuerence, John Cane {gu Caue?), Robt. Howitt. (Pr. 11 Feb. 1619-20.) 182 Frauncis Thompson, Senr., of Northsommercotes, CO. Line, yeom. (Dat. 9 Jan. 1617-8.) Bur. in Ch.; poor of Somercotes; son Frauncis; Ids. bot. of John Goddericke, of Northsommercotes, yeom.; Jane Thompson, my now wife; Ids. in Northsommercotes; my first wife; daus. Joane Greene and Katherine Clarke; Richd. and Frauncis Greene, sons of my dau. Jane (und. 21); Richard Greene their father; Isabell Clarke (und. 21), dau. of my dau. Kathe.; Thos. Clarke, her fath.; Joane and Kathe. Thompson, the 2 daus. of my son Frauncis (und. 21); youngest son Roger and his moth.; Exor: son Roger; Overs: eld. son Frauncis. \niark] Wits: Thomas Mawncell, Thomas Woodde, William Burne. (Pr. 7 Feb. 1619-20.) 183 John Deacon of Kingston {co. Somsf.*). (Dat. 22 Sept. no year.) Chs. of Kingstone and Ilton; son Bauldwin; lease of a tent, at Rappsinpsh. of Ilton; sists. Kathe. Nation, Elizth. Welsman, Mary Sealy and Elinor; all my sists'. chn.; dau. Joane (und. 14); Extx: wife Elinor; Overs: bros.-in-law John Sealy and Lawr. Musgrave. l/o/in Deacon] Wits: Laurence Musgrave, George Cornishe, George Knighte {mark). (Pr. 12 Feb. 1619-20.) • Pro. Act. Book. 64 SOAME, FOL. 18. 184 John Baseley of Hemingford Abbotts, co. Hunts, yeom. (Dat. 2 June 1619,) Bur. in Ch. at own seat; eld. son Richard; grchn. John, Laurence and Jeremy Baselye; Elizth. and Alice Baselye, daus. of son Richd.; Agnes, wife of Rich- ard Martyn; Robt., Richd. and John, the 3 sons of Richd. Martyn; John, son of Edwd. Jante of Hilton; Jeremy Jante and Alice Jante, daus. of sd. Edwd.; Joane Jante, their mother; Joane and Agnes, daus. of Wm. Clerk of Hilton; Alice, wife of Mark Baselye; John and Richd., sons of sd. Mark, my son; poor of Hemmingford Abbots, on St. Thomas' day; servt. Ellen Taylor; Exor: son Mark Baselye. \_mark] Wits: John Crosse, Willm. Searle, Christopher Newman {mark), John AUcocke. (Pr. 9 Feb. 1619-20.) 185 John Turner of Sutton in psh. of Moorelinch, co. Somst. (Nunc, will dat. 6 Nov. 1619.) Chs. of St. Andrew, Wells, Moorelinch and Hinch, and chapel of Sutton Mallett in sd. psh.; bro. Wm. Turner; Stephen, son of Walter Woodrowe, his wife's son; Barbara Griffin, his only sist. now living, and her now chn,; John and Elizth. Woodrowe, bro. and sist. of sd. Stephen; John Cooke, son of Robert, his son-in-law; Mary Cooke, dau. of the sd. Robt.; Extx: wife Margt.; Joane Palmer, the eld. of Sutton Mallett. Wits: Roberte Wallis, Roberte Cooke. (Pr. 12 Feb. 1619-20.) 186 Thomas Toms of Kingsutton, co. Northants, husbm. (Dat. 12 Oct. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. of Kingsutton; the poor there; son Thos. Toms; free Id. in Kingsutton; sons Robt. and Giles; Thos. Toms, son of my son Wm. deed; Wm. Halles 4 chn.; the chn. my dau. Margt. had by Hen. Flowers; wife Joane; Elizth. wife of son Robt.; Exors: sons Edwd. and George Toms; Overs: neighbours Edwd. Whitbye and Wm. Bucknill. \_Thom'^s Toms] Wits: George Toms, Edward Whitbye. (Pr. 2 Feb. 1619-20.) 187 John Haskett of Sturmister Newton Castle, co. Dorset., fuller or tucker. (Dat. 30 Sept., 17 Jas. I.) Extx: wife Edith; Id. in Sutton Mountague; closes called Berill and Pittmeade. [mark] Wits: Christopher Gawler, Leonard Col- borne, per me Johannem Weste, seniorem. An undated mem: wit: by Christopher Gawler, Leonard Colborne and John White. (Pr. 5 Feb. 1619-20.) SOAME, FOL. 18. 65 188 James Stiles of psh. of St. Thomas the Apostle, Lond., cit. and tallow-chandler. (Dat. 25 Jan. 1619-20.) bro. John Chilman; cloak wch. I brought out of Ireland; sist. Joane Chilman; Extx: wife Elizth. ; bro. Deane, his dau. Jane. \_ James Stiles] Wits: Marcus Gharailts, Thomas Simp- son, Thomas Coffyn, John Dorbridge, servt. to Thos. Jadwyn, scr. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 189 Jane Blackall {o/St. Thomas the Apostle, nr. Exeter^), now wife of John Blackall of Lond,, draper, and Extx: of Thos. Hackett, late of Osett, co. Essex, gent. (Dat. i3 Dec. 1616.) Eld. dau. Jane Langley (und. 21); daus. Sara and Agnes; sons Raphe and John (und. 21); Exor: bro. -in-law Wm. Blackall of Exeter, merch. Overs: my husb. \_Jane Blackall] Wits: Raphe Hamor, Robert Southcott, George Lisle, William Bullock, appr. to John Smythen, scr. (Adm. gr. 9 Feb. 1619, to John Blackball, the husb., the Exor: renouncing.) 190 Richard Nash {of Bristol, but deed, beyond the seas*). (Dat. in Ambona, 10 Jan. 1618-9.) Wm. Rockwell, for pains taken in my sickness; Richd. Swanley; Richd. Newland; Richd. Griffen; Thos. Hewet; Exor: bro. Walter Daniell; moth. Joane Nash; Overs: Richd. Swanley and Richd. New- land. \_Richard NasJi] Wits: Richard Newland, Richarde Swanley. (Adm. gr. 18 Feb. 1619-20, to Joan Daniell als. Nash, moth, of the deed., to admr. dur. min. of Exor:.) 191 Edward Hill of Just, co. Glouc, gent. (Dat. 28 Jan. i6i8-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Olveston; poor of Olveston and Almondsbury; Mary, Eliz. and Edwd. Hill, chn. of son (all und. 21); Rowland Thomas, John Baker, Henry Pruett, Mary Hort, Joane Handcocke, and Joane Smith, servts.; Willm. Lugge; Edwd. West; Thos. Baker; Anne Crowne; Exor: son Thos. Hill; cos. Walter Hill, and Wm. Ryder of Thornbury, gent.. Overs: Debts fr. Peter Crowne, Charles Griffyn, Thomas Diaper, Anthony Chappe, Samuel Neale, Edwd. Jones, Wm. Edwardes, John Baker, John Sutton, Wm. Balye. \_Edward Hill] Wits: Robte Arthington, Peter Crowne {mark). (Pr. 11 Feb. 1619-20.) • Pro. Act. Book. 66 SOAME, FOL. 18. 192 ^Villiam Kimber, cit. and clothworker of Lond. (Dat. 26 June 1618.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of All Saints, Barking, Lond., whereof I am a parshr., nr. my fath.; Extx: wife Rachel; leases of tents., etc., in psh. of All Saints, Barking, held of Alice Polsteade, wid., and Henry Weston; 5 chn., James Kimber, Thomazine Neeve, Helen Cotton, Sarah Wood and Marg. Lewes; John Lewes, husb. of sd. Marg. ; my now dwelling at Gallye-Key, in sd. psh.; Christ's Hospital; daus.- in-law Marg. Jopson, wid., and Martha Place; chn. of dau., viz. Joan, Margt., and Edwd. Wood (und. 21); cos. Anne Inngrame and her 3 sons (und. 21); bros. -in-law Wm. Robin- son and Phillip Fowler; sist. -in-law Margt. Richardson; Isa- bell Graves; cos. Wright; John Awgar and his sist. Mary Obrey; sons-in-law, Richd. Cotton, goldsmith, and Edwd. Wood, barber-surgeon. Overs: [_Wm. Kimber] Wits: Rich. Greene, scr., William Bowen, Thomas Owen. (Pr. 8 Feb. 1619-20.) 193 Margaret Joslyn of Rocheforde, co. Essex, wid. (Dat. II Oct. 1619.) James, Eliz., Mary, Susanne and Anne Nuttall, son and daus. of son Charles Nuttall (all except Eliz. und. 21); chn. of wife of son Charles by a former husb.; Thos., John and Charles Nuttall, sons of son James Nuttall (John and Chas. und. 21); cottage in Rocheford, late in ten. of Richd. Ferryman; Wm., son of my son Wm. Taynter (und. 2i); lease of part of Doggetts; Exors: sons James Nuttall and Wm. Taynter; Charles, son of my son Charles Nuttall. [.mark] Wits: John Wilson, Robert Brathwaite. (Pr. 8 Feb. 1619-20.) FOL. 19. 194 William \Veale of the city of Bristol, baker. (Dat. 18 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of St. Thomas; poor of the Weavers Almshouse, Temple St., Bristol; the Tuckers Alms- house in sd. street; the Whitehouse Almshouse at Temple- gate, and St. Thomas Almshouse in Bristol; Ids. in Brisling- ton, CO. Somst.; Extx: wife Alice; Eliz. Hamlyn, wid.; hou. in Wine Street; Wm., son of Thurston Harris; hou. in Tem- ple St., Bristol; kinsm. Francis Weale; tent, in Tucker St., Bristol, bot. of Mr. Geo. Thorpe; kinsm. and servt. Edwd. SOAME, FOL. 19. 67 Weale (und. 21); Mr. Davies, minister; Rowland Benbowe; bro. Matthew Weale; sist. Eliz. Whitcot; sist. Francis CorfiU; Anne Weale, dau. of Hum. Weale, deed.; goddau. Mary Parphey; cos. John Tomlinson; Wm. Tomlinson; godsons, Edwd. and Wm. Warren; goddau. Anne Yeamans, dau. of Wm. Yeamans; goodwife Deane; Mr. Lovering; cos. Wm. Yeamans; Co. of Bakers in Bristoll; 5 chn. of Thurstan Harris; Overs: frd. Mr. Matthew Warren and cos. Thurstan Harris; godson, Wm. Daniel; Matthew Bat, servt., "at the end of his covenant year." [,Wtlliam Weale] Wits: William Yeamans, Not. Pub., Matthew Warren, Thurstone Harris. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 195 Charles Noell, Kt., of Stonesby, co. Leic. (Dat. 22 April 1619.) Bur. at Brooke Ch. in Rutland; monument; bro. Lord Noell and his Lady; godson Hen. Nbell, my hr. ; bro. and sist. Morison; Lord Noell's chn.; "my little Mrs. Mary Morison;" Geo. Bolton, servt.; Ellen Berne, servt.; Exors: bros. Arthur and Alex. Noell; hawks named Judith and MoUe; sist. Castellhaven. [no sig^.] {no wits.) (Pr. 5 Feb. 1619-20.) 196 Edward Skipwith of Beningworth, co. Line, Esq. (Dat. 24 Nov. 1619.) Poor of Biskerthorp, Beningworth and Gayton, wh. my first dwelling was; bro. -in-law Sir William Hansard, Kt., of Biskerthorp; am member Lincolns Inn, build- ing of a chapel there; daus. Mary and Eliz. (und. 21); wife Eliz. to have wardship of son Edwd.; goods at Gosbertowne, devised to wife by her late fath., Mr. Roger Death; Exors: wife Eliz. and son Edwd; sd. Sir Wm. Hansard, Kt., and cos. Richd. Towthbye of Towthbie, co. Line, Esq., Supervis- ors. \,Edtv: Ski^pw*^] Wits: Richard Knollis, Vincent Gibbon, Augustyne Storre. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 197 Robert Murden of Manyngtree, co. Essex, yeom. (Dat. 3 Oct. 1619.) Son Robt. Murden; mess, in Colchester; tents, in Maningtree now in the occ. of Abraham Snellinge; Hen. Pownde and Jas. Cooke; eld. dau. Eliz. Dawson, now wife of Symon Dawson; mess. wh. I now dwell in Maning- tree, and mess, and tents, in Lawford St.; yr. dau. Anne Cole, now wife of Edwd. Cole; tents, called Hurtes; Exor: son- in-law Edwd. Cole. \niark\ Wits: Thomas Themylthorpe, 68 SOAME, FOL. 19. George Pegreme, Anne Sewell {mark), Richarde Stone {mark). (Pr. 4 Feb. 1619-20.) 198 Anthony Gregory of the psh. of St. Thomas the Apos- tle, Southwark, co. Surr., currier. (Dat. 26 Jan. 1619-20.) Son John Gregory (und. 21); dau. Eliz. Gregory (und. 21); bro. John Gregory and his chn.; Mary Angell, dau. of bro.- in-law Edmund Angell; sist. Eliz., wife of sd. Ed. Angell; bro. -in-law Richd. Browne; frd. Peter Goodborne; Extx: wife Juliana; Richd. Browne, Peter Goodborne and Hen. Johnson, Overs: \_mark^ Wits: Wm. Page, scr., Peter Goodborne {mark), Richard Browne. (Pr. 11 Feb. 1619-20.) 199 Richard Rockland of Hagnabye, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 26 Nov. 1619.) Bur. among foreelders in chyd. of Raythbie; dau. Anne (und. 18); two closes in the East field, psh. of Hundleby, and other close called Stone Bridge; son Richard (und. 12); chn. of John Bowells; Thomas Ruck, garner of Ruckland, Overs: for my chn.; Lincoln Cath. ; poor of psh.; Extx: wife Anne; chn. of bro.; poor in Raythbie; debts fr. Richd. Smith of Bullingbrooke, Ustace Lincolne, John Richardson of Hunlebi, the yr. \_Richard Rockland] Wits: John Willerton, Tho. Wildren, Robert Hareby (war/^). (Pr. 17 Feb. 1619-20.) 200 Henry Carr of New Sleford, co. Line, shoemaker. (Dat. 2 Sep. 1618. Date heading will i May 1618.) Extx: wife Margt.; hou. wh. I dwell, wt. shop and warehou.; lease of Spencers hou.; son Wm. Carr (und. 21); son Henry Carre (und. 14); bros. Edwd. Carre and Robt. Carre and his chn.; chn. of sist. Mary, now wife of George Bamforde; chn. of sist. Eliz., now wife of Edwd. Rastrick; frd. John Rich- ardson; daus. -in-law Anne and Grace Wright; Mr. Newton, vicar of Sleford; poor of Sleford; bro. Edward Carre and frd. John Richardson, guards, of my sd. two sons and Supervisors. [Henry Carre] Wits: Edm. Newton, William Carre, Robte. Greene {mark). (Pr. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 201 William Blancherd of Glentham, co. Line, firesmith. (Dat. 15 Oct. 1618.) Bur. in chyd. of Glentham; neph. John Blanchard, son of bro.; Extx: wife Emme; bro. Richd. Blancherd; to Glentham Ch. a communion table cloth wt. my name in the four corners; Wm. Cooke of Glentham and John SOAME, FOL. 19. 89 Yorke, Supervisors, [no st£:] Wits: Mathewe Walker, elk., William Cooke and John Yorke. (Pr. i6 Feb. 1619-20.) 202 Randall Hollins, cit. and clothworker of Lond., in- tending a voyage to the E. Indies; {^dec^d. in pariibus*) . (Dat. 4 Feb. 1617-18.) Cos. Thos. Hollins, servt. to Mr. Vincent Ascue, cit. and girdler of Lond.; John, Thos. and Margt. Price, chn. of Thomas Price, cit. and clothworker of Lond., my good master; Exors: sd. Thos. Hollins and Thos. Price; [mark] Wits: Tho. Jadwyn, scr., John Dorbridge, servt. to sd. scr., Richard Searle {mark). (Pr. 8 Feb. 1619-20.) 203 Thomas Tatem, the eld. of Chelmesford, co. Essex, mercer. (Dat. 5 March 1615-16.) Poor of Chelmesford and Mulsham; wife Jane; hou. wh. I dwell and shop; son John Tatem (und. 23); son Wm. Tatem (und. 23); hou. in Chelmes- ford called the "Three Tuns," "both free and copye," with side called Butcher's Row adj., now in occ. of Sentleger Bechinge, scr.; son Edwd. (und. 23); dau. Jane Tatem (und. 20); Exor: son Thomas; son-in-law Wm. Ashpley of Lond. Supervisor, my dau. Elizth his wife, [no stg:'\ {no wits.^ (Pr. 8 Feb. 1619-20.) 204 Jane Hanley of Hanley Castle, co. Wore, wid. (Dat. 13 May 1619. ) Bur. in Ch. of Hanley; Eleanor Ades, dau. of James Ades; Thos. Ades; dau. Alice Ades; godsons Gyles Morley and John Cale; Katherine Pratt; Katherine Wakeman; Katherine SufHeld; Jane Tayler; Extx: dau. Eleanor Hanley; Overs: Richd. Hayward, John Durston and Geo. Chaunflower; goddau. Jane Cale. [mark\ Wits: Richarde Haywarde, John Durston, George Chaunflower, William Brick; Debt fr. Wm. Pantinge. (Pr. i Feb. 1619-20.) 205 Michaell Turner of Turfeild, co. Bucks., gent. CDat. 14 Dec. 1618.) Bur. in chan. of Turfeild; Wm. Mountayne of Thame the eld. and his sons John and Wm. Mountayne and his dau. Joyce Mountayne; Eliz. Bromfeild, servt.; Thos. Hawthorne; David Plomridge of Lane; David Plomridge of Cadmore; George Tyler; poorof Turfield, Ipstone and Vingest; Extx: wife Katherine; George Toovey; Cuthbert Hearinge. \inarti\ Wits: George Toovey, Robert Adkinson, Ro. Gib- sonne. (Pr. 11 Feb. 1619-20.) • Pro. Act. Book. 70 SOAME, FOL. 19. 206 Matthew Knappe {of Ratcliffe, co. Midtl., deed, beyond the seas^^. (Dat. 23 Feb. 1617-18.) Wife Hanna Knapp; aunt Mary Stanley and her dau. Mary Stanley; Andrew Das- son; Richd. Saunder; Chrisr. Warren; John Deedistone; George Gibson; Richd. Frye; Emmanuell Hatherne; Extx: wife Hannah (or Anna); \_Mattheiv Knappe^ Wits: Richd. Saunders, Andrew Dasson, Christopher Warren. (Pr. 9 Feb. 1619-20.) (Adm. d. b. n. gr. 3 May 1623 to Jane Ashe als. Knappe, sist. , Anne Knapp, rel., being deed.) * 207 William Haris, mariner. (Dat. 24 May 1619.) Sons John and Wm. Harris; wages due fr. East India Co. for ser- vice in James Royall and lesser James; hou. and Ids. in Saffron Walden; Extx: wife Eliz. Harris. \_William Harris\ Wits: Robte. Smith, purser, Jno. Beades i^mark), Roger Betterley. (Pr. 16 Feb. 1619-20.) 208 Eliz. Earth of Dynton, co. Wilts., wid. (Dat. 8 Jan. 1607-8.) Bur. in Ch. of Dinton; poor of Petersfeild, East- meane and Froxfeild, co. Southants., and of Collingborne and Dinton, co. Wilts.; copyhold in Froxfeild, held of East- meane man.; son Sir Gabriel Pyle, Kt., his son Thos. (und. 21); Ursula, wife of Mr. Thos. Webbe, their chn.; Elizth. wife of Mr. John Gerishe, their chn.; Dorothie, wife of Robt. Langrish, their chn.; Anne, wife of Robt. Shawe, gent., their chn.; servt. Thos. Foarde; Edith Borne; Raphe Greene, my sist's. son; my sists. Joane Massey, Ursula Earth and Anne Bethsworth; dau. Jane Ludlowe, her sons Gabriell Ludlowe, Roger, Thos. and Geo. Ludlowe; Fras., son of Sir Gabriel Pyle (und. 21), his eld. bro. or sist. living, if he die bef. 21; Willm., son of sd. Gabriell, and Gabriell his youngest son (both und. 21); tithes of Dynton farm, held of Dean of Windsor; my sist. Earth; dau. Pyle; Thos. Browne, eld. son of my COS. and grch. Thos. Browne; chn. of Thos. Browne, son of my dau. Anne Browne, deed.; Roger Earth, son of Hugh Earth, now dwelling in Ireland; Joseph Earth, my sist's. son; Mrs. Willoughby, wife of John Willoughby of Baverstock, gent.; ring made with Mr. Building's gold; bond by Robt. Langridge to Mr. Ellice, merch. of Bristol, for Robt. Willoughby, his appr.; Exor: son Sir Gabriel Pyle; • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 19. 71 Overs: frds. Willm. Earth, Thos. Smith, Robt. Langrishe and Thos. Webbe, gent. [^.] Wits: Steven Robertes, elk., Henry e Danell, William fTempeler, Henry Seymar. (Pr. i8 Feb. 1619-20.) FOL. 20. 209 Thomas Garrard of Uplamborne, co. Berks., gent. (Dat. I Aug. 1615.) Son George Garrard (und. 24); son Francis (und. 24); son Richard (und. 24); dau. Margaret (und. 21); "my said Fower younger children;" poor of Lam- borne, Titcombe, co. Wilts., Shawborne, cos. Barks, and Wilts.; Exors: sons Thos. and Roger Garrard; Overs: frds. Rowland Hill, elk., John Wirall, elk., Wm. Wilmott, Wm. Loveden, bro. Roger Garrarde, Thos. Orpewood, Rd. Con- stable, Wm. Nurse, Thomas Pearse and Thos. Payne. \.Thomas Garrard] Wits: Abraham Busher, Roger Seymor, Richard Torlys als. Buchers {mark). (Pr. 12 Feb. 1619-20.) 210 Thomas Everall of town Salop, and psh. of St. Alk- mund's, corviser. (Dat. 25 Feb. 1618-19.) Bur. in Ch. of St. Alkmund's; sons Rd., Wm., John and Abraham Everall; dau. Eliz.; dau. Joane Everall; dau. Mary Everall; Extx: dau. Winifride; my son Rd's. 4 chn. \_Thomas Everall] Wits: Thomas Lloyd, elk., John Prichard, John Everall. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 211 John Tyther of Bridgenorth, co. Salop., yeom. (Dat. 18 May 1619.) Bur. in St. Leonard's chyd., Bridgenorth, nr. fath. and moth.; poor of St. Leonard's; Mary Owen; Alice Tyther; Rowland Tyther, elk., my bro.; tents, in Todstill, psh. of Chetton, co. Salop, devolving to test, on death of bro. Rowland, to use of my eld. dau. Joane, 2d dau. Eliz., 3d dau. Sara, 4th dau. Anne, and youngest dau. Mary; son Thos.; lease held of Thos. Ottley, Esq.; my chn. being und. 2t; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: bro. Rowland and bro. -in-law Stephen Croft, [.no sig.] Wits: Frauncis Lewis, elk., Row- land Tyther, Stephen Croft, Thomas Smyth, Edmund Bob- bett. (Pr. 5 Feb. 1619-20.) 212 John Allen the eld. of Tamworth, co. Warw., mercer. (Dat. 8 Oct. 1619.) Croft in Amington or Bolehall adj. tlnitial indistinct. 72 SOAME, FOL. 20. King's roadway called Stony Lane als. Spittle Lane; son John; hou. wherein I dwell bot. of Aid. Lee; John Allen, eld. son of my son John, Rd. Allen, 2d. son of same; hou. on Ladyebridge Bank wh. Ellen Hewes, wid., dwells; Beck- moore meadow; Ellen Allen, dau. of son Raphe; son Raphe's wife; shop in market place; son Thos. Allen; servt. maid Eliz.; Exor: son Rd.; Overs: Mr. Henry Michell and Mr. John Savage; son Wm. \_John Allen\ Wits: Mathewe Wight- wicke, Richarde Linton {mark), Henry Baron. (Pr. 4 Feb. 1619-20.) 213 Christopher Sidey of Alphamstone, co. Essex, yeom. (Dat. 21 Jan. 1619-20.) Poor of Buers and Alphamstone; William PoUey the eld; bro. Thos. Sidey; Ids., etc., in Buers, CO. Essex; bro. Wm. Sydey and Wm. Sidey his son; sist. Isacke and her chn.; chn. of bro. Wm.; goddau. Margt. Sidey; COS. Smith and Margt. his wife; cos. Mary Townsend; sist. Joane Flower; Id. at Preston; Id. in Alphamstone and Lamersh, bot. in my name; John Lowe; Jeffrey Hay; Eliz. Clarke; Exor: bro. Wm. Sidey. \no sig.^ (^no wits.) (Pr. 5 Feb. 1619-20.) 214 Robert Botham of Baslowe, co. Derby, husbm. (Dat. I Feb. 1616-17.) Bur. chapel yd. of Baslowe; lease held of Sir George Manners, of Hadden, Kt.; reversion of lease held of Robert Lees, of Bubnell, co. Derby; dau. Anne, wife of Thos. Brough; dau. Margt. wife of Godfrey Hage; John son of Edm. White; dau's. chn.; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: neighbr. Edm. Cocke with my sd. sons; debtors to testr:, Ralph Dobbe of Pilsley, Mich. Stone of Stuesbye, Thos. Saxton, of Butterbushe. \no sig:'\ Wits: Jo. Boler, Tho. Brough, God. Hage, Edmunde Cocke. (Pr. 17 Feb. 1619-20.) 215 Anthony Osborne of Corsham, co. Wilts., freemason. (Dat. 22 Sept. 1619.) Psh. Ch. and poor of Corsham; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: bro. John Osborne and neighbr. John Nor- well. [mark] Wits: Ric. Waker, elk., John Norwell, Edward Lester, John Gravell. (Pr. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) 216 Roger Markes of Stepleashton, co. Wilts., yeom. (Dat. 6, Jan. 1618-19.) Ch. and poor of Stepleashton; sons Walter, Roger, and Anthony Markes; dau. Mary Flower; SOAME, FOL. 20. 78 lease of Strayerclose; Exors: wife Agnes and son George; Overs: bro. John Markes, cos. Mr. George Webbe, cos. Roger Martin and son-in-law John Flower; Peter Downe. \_Roger Markes, eider] godson George Markes. («^). (Pr. 3 Mar. 1619-20.) FOL. 30. 318 Robert Robinson of Springfield, co. Essex, yeom. (Dat. 29 Mar. 1617.) Humfrey Moninges, elk., preacher, late schoolmaster to chn. of Sir Thos. Mildemay of Barnes, Kt.; poor of Springfield, Chelmesford, Mulsham hamlet, Wydford, Much Baddowe, Sandon, Danbury, Little Baddow, Boreham, Little and Much Waltham, Bromfield, Roxwell, Writle, Chicknall St. James, Chicknall Smeley, Pleshey, Gt. Burstead, Billerica and Harvardstock; John Feild's hou. against the Ch, at Springfield; Joan Ballard; my cos. Henry Burkyn, Margt., his wife, his sons, Robert and Henry Burkyn, and his 2 daus.; Margt., Thomasine, Henry and Christr. Sturgion, chn. of Thos. Sturgion; Robt., son of John Cake- breade; Margt. Terry, wid. and her dau.; Thos. Jackson of Chelmesford, butcher, Eliz., his wife, and Robt., his son; Isabell Pinchon; cos. Edw. Gates, his 4 chn. and his bro.; my servts. John Smyth, Audrey Smyth; my godchn., Robt. Pake, Robt. Brewer, Robt. Rochell, son of Lawrence, and Joan Gardener; my late servt., Joane Archer; Fraunces Harris; Eliz. Bechinge, wife of John Seeley, and her 4 chn., John the yr., Thos., Rd. and Alice Seeley; Sentleger Bechinge of Chelmesford, scr., (grfath. of 10 chn.), and his 3 sons, Anthony, Jeremy and Sentleger Bechinge, the yr.; Anthony and Eliz. Bechinge, chn. of sd. Anthony Bechinge, of E. Bar- foulde, Suff. ; my godch., Daniel White; Sir Henry Milde- maye's 3 daus. (und. 18); Walter Mildemaye, esq,, and his son Walter; Henry Brand, appr. wt. Chas. Biglande, of Chelmesford, mercer; Robt. Goudge; Rd. Freeman, gent., and his wife, Judith, his 3 sons, John, Rd. and Thos. Free- man, and Penelope his dau. -in-law; Grace, wife of the sd. Chas. Biglande and his 4 chn., Chas., Grace, Nathl. and Margt. Biglande; Anne, wife of John Risley; Wm. Taylor, elk., and his wife; cos. Wm. Grafton, a trumpeter, and his son, my godch. (und. 21); Wm. Pake of Springfield; Edw. 110 SOAME, FOL. 30. Bigland of Chelmesford, his wife, and his sons, Edw. Big- land, elk., Ezechias Bigland, and his dau. Joan Bigland; Anne Marshall, dau. of John Marshall, late of Chelmesford, wooUendraper, deed.; Wm. Neale, of the hamlet of Moulsham; Rd. Eve of Chignall; Thos. Luekyn of Humfreys; Thos. Luekyn of Mashbury; Wm. Newlande of Roxwell; my Exor's: good lady; Joan, wife of George Stone, of Chelmesford; Thos. Gue als. Perry, of Chelmesford, buteher; Robt. Rowley of Chelmesford, tailor; Thos. Burr, elk., preacher in Brome- field; John Luddington, elk.; Mr. Robt. Browne of Spring- field and his wife; Thos. Stanes of Springfield and his wife; Thos. Watkyn; Thos. Baldwyn of Springfield; Anne Baldwyn; John Stansted, gent., and his wife; John Blaek and Humfrey Dale of Chelmesford; the making of the stone bridge in Springfield; spire for the steeple there; a new bell tuneable to the 4 that are already there; Andrew Pasehall, gent., and his son; Thos. Roehell's wife and his daus. Franees, Susan and Joan; John Field of Springfield and his wife; John, Wm., Bartw., Thos. and Rd. Feild; Clemenee Hawkes; Eliz. Smyth; Thos. Pake of Springfield; Edw. Boosey, the eld., of Spring- field; Mrs. Hills and her 2 daus.; John Leyland; John Dodd, apotheeary, and his 5 ehn., Rd., John, Anthony, Anne and Eliz. Dodd (und. 24); Exor: Sir Henry Mildemaye of Little Baddowe, Kt. ; Overs: Rd. Freman of Chelmesford, gent., and Chas. Biglande of Chelmsford. \,niark\ Wits: Nicholas Sutton, Edud. Hynd, Sentleger Beehinge, ser. (Pr. 25 Mar. 1620.) 319 John Bragge of Misely, eo. Essex, yeom. (Dat. i Feb. 1619-20.) Bro's. son, George Bragge, his bro. John (und. 21); my hou. called Creeke mill in Laforde; Ids. in Misely and Laford; Id. called Kettles and Keebles, bot. of Robt. Morgayne in the sd. towns; cos. John Bragge of Strat- ford; hou. called Haeksteades in Maningtree; hou. in Misely; hou. called Megges in Little Bromley; my bro's. son's dau., Rodith Bragge (und. 21); her bro., John Bragge (und. 21); his sist. Frances and oth. sists.; my godson John Bragge, son of John Bragge of Borely; my goddau. Franees Bragge, dau. of John Bragge of Stratford; George Cooke of Misely; poor of Misely; Mr. Wittham, par. of Misely; Thos. Felton, SOAME, FOL. 30. Ill par. of Little Bromeley; Extx: my wife Frances; Overs: John Bragge of Stratford. \_John Bragge\ Wits: Tho. Fel- ton, Frauncis Gallant. (Pr. 23 Mar. 1619-20.) 320 Sir George Coppin, Kt., and elk. of the Crown, (^/ St. MartirCs in the fields, Midd."^). (Dat. 19 Feb., 17 Jas. I.) Bur. in Ch. of St. Martin's in the fields, co. Midd.; poor of Donwich, co. Suff., and St. Martin's in the fields; dwelling in sd. psh. of St. Martin's; my hou. late built in psh. of St. Margt's., Westminster, and Ids. in same psh. in ten. of Prudam, innkeeper; Ids. called Nottingwood, co. Midd.; son Robt. Coppin; my yr. son Thos. Coppin (und. 21); rect. of Clawton, CO. Devon.; my sist. Margt. Pickeringe; my sist. Parnell Foster; nephs. Thos. Wilson and Jas. Pickeringe; cos. Mary Horton; my sist. Basill; my bro. Mr. Dr. Bold and his wife; Exors: wife Lady Anne Coppin and son Robt. Coppin; Overs: my sd. bro. -in-law Mr. Dr. John Bowie and my frd. John Wrighte of Gray's Inn, esq.; mon. wt. arms and inscription in sd. Ch. of St. Martin's. \_no sig:'\ Wits: John Wright, John Bendbowe, John Elmeston, Roger Rich- ardson, Edw. Phillippes. (Pr. 6 Mar. 1619-20, by Lady Anne Coppinge, rel., pow. res., etc. Pr. 30 June, 1620, by Robt. Coppin, son.) 321 Richard \Veller of Shipley, co. Suss., yeom. (Dat. 9 Apr. 1618.) Cath. Ch. of Chichester; poor of Shipley, Hor- sham and Billingeshurst; Rd., son of Hugh Weller; Id. called Hunger hill; John, another son of Hugh Weller; my sist's. daus., Agnes Lee and Beatrice Lee; my godson Rd. Mower; my sist's. dau's. dau., John {stc.^ Wood; Mary Chalke; my godsons, Rd. Withyeare, Rd. Sawyere, Nichs. Michaell and his dau., my goddau; Rd. Deane; Mary Pilfold; my goddau., Henry Lee's dau.; Rd. Felde; Wm. Tanner and his wife; my godson Rd. Tanner; 5 oth. chn. of Wm. Tanner; Anthony Tanner; Edw. Duke; Henry Wood and his chn.; Thos. Con- stable's wid., my sist's. dau., her youngest son; Rd. Cappe and his 3 chn.; wid. Goudge; Peter Goudge; Rd. Goudge; Joan Dungate; my goddau., Bridget Weller; my wife's dau., Dorothy Ramsden; Jas. and Eliz. Fuller; Henry and Edith Fuller; Joane Skynner; Rd. Fest's son, my godson; my god- * Pro. Act. Book. 112 SOAME, FOL. 30. dau. Joane Weller, dau. of Thos. Weller and his dau. Cicilie Weller; Hugh Weller, the yr.; John Weller; Mary, Susan and Jane Weller; Rd., Saml. and Matthew White; my wife's bro. Hugh Weller; John Lee, of Billingshurst; my godson Rd. Michaell; Exors: my wife Eliz., and Wm. Hunt of Bil- lingshurst, yeom. [mark] Wits: Thomas Taylor, Frauncis Strangers (mark), John Skinner (mark). (Pr. i6 Mar. 1619- 20, by Eliz. Weller, rel., Wm. Hunt having died.) 322 John Haywarde of Hartfield, co. Suss., gent. (Dat. 10 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chancel of Hartfield Ch.; poor of Hartfield, Mayfield, Rotherfield, Cowden, co. Kent.; Mr. Bowman, preacher; bro. Rd. Gaynsforde of Cowden, gent.; bro. Nichs. Stone, gent.; sist. Eliz. Stone; my servts. Kath. Browne, Mary Bartilmewe, Wm. Still, Thos. Waumer; Exor: cos. Stephen Packherst, of Mayfield, gent; Overs: my frds. Thos. Muddell of Mayfield, yeom., and Andrew Furminger of Hartfield. \,John Haywarde] Wits: William Woodgate, Richarde Payge, Andrewe Furminger. (Pr. 8 Mar. 1619-20.) 323 Joane "Windover of New Sarum, co. Wilts., wid. (Dat. 9 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. of St. Thos., New Sarum; son John Eyer and his wife Prudence; cos. Mr. Thos. Chafin and his son Thos., his dau. Dorothy Chafin and oth. 4 chn.; my sons Thos. and Wm. Eyer; Henry Byle, the yr.; Joan Eyer (und. 25), dau. of sd. Wm.; Dorothy, wife of Thos. Graye of Wilton; Mr. John Winddover; my goddau. Eliz. Graye (und. 21); poor of New Sarum; Extx: my dau. Margery Eyer; Overs: my kinsm. Mr. Thos. Chafin and Henry Byle, the yr. \no sig.] Wits: Thomas Chafin, Henry Byle, Jr., Michaell Mackerell, John Moggeridge; Mem. (dat. 31 Dec. 1619); Joan Williams and Mary Witchell, servts. to my bro.- in-law Mr. Wm. Holmes, {mark] Wits: Michael Macker- ell, John Moggeridge. (Pr. 3 Mar. 1619-20.) 324 George Saunders of Berlinge, co. Kent,t Dioc. of Rochester. (Dat. 25 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. of Ber- linge; bro. John Saunders of Audley End, co. Essex; sist. Mary, dwelling in co. Essex; bro. Nichs. Saunders of Phillip Lane, Lond.; neph. Thos., son of my bro. John; niece Margt., dau. of sd. John; my 2 nieces, daus. of my sist. Alice, t Sic. but Barling is in Essex. SOAME, FOL. 80. 118 wife of Bennet Browne; nephs. George, John and Thos., chn. of my sd. sist. Mary; niece, their sist.; 3 daus. of John Rose of Walden; Exor: my sd. bro. John. {_mark] Wits: Thomas Lloyd, elk., Arthur Barfourde, John Bennet. (Pr. 9 Mar. 1619-20.) 325 Daniel Finche of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, CO. Surr., mariner. (Dat. 7 Apr. 1618.) Bound forth unto the sea; pay due for this voyage; Exor: and sole leg. my bro. Wm. Finch of St. Mary Magdalene, afsd., fustian weaver. \_Daniell Finche] Wit: Richard Russhall, pub. scr. (Pr. 18 Mar. 1619-20.) 326 Sarah Forde, 3d dau. of Thas. Forde of Ware, co. Herts., yeom. (Dat. 11 Mar. 1619-20.) Thos. Bill, servt. to Mr. Wilburne, beer brewer, of Fleet bridge, Lond.; my goods in the hou. of John Rogers and John Scarman of Ware; my yr. sist. Annas Forde; Mary, dau. of John Rogers of Ware; bro. Andrew Forde; Extx: my sist. Susanne Catter- elds of Deptford. imark] Wit: William Mighell, I. H. (Pr. 27 Mar. 1620.) 327 Christopher Friston of Great Bradley, co. Suff., yeom. (Dat. 14 Dec. 1619.) Bur in chyd. of Gt. Bradley; chn. of wid. Friston of Great Thurlowe; Extx: my wife Tri- fina. \jfiark\ Wits: John Warren, John Webbe. (Pr. 16 Mar. 1619-20.) 328 Thomas Billinge, cit. and dyer of Lond. (undated.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Peter's, nr. Paul's wharf; son Joseph Billinge; my seal ring of gold; my grchn. Alice and Sarah Withens. {_no sig:] Wits: Jane Fishe, Edwarde Elmer. (Adm. gr. 8 Mar. 1619-20, to Joseph Billinge, son of deed., no Exor: being named.) FOL. 31. 329 Roger Baker of Milverton, co. Somst. (Dat. 3 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. of Milverton; my kinsw. Anastice Baker; bro. Jesper Baker; my shop; my moth. Agnes Baker; wife and chn. of bro. John Baker; aunt Pearse; servt. Maryan Graunt; poor of Milverton; chauntry Ids. in Milverton; son Roger Baker; Mary, wife of Justinian Crosse, of Milverton, 114 SOAME, FOL. 31. bot. of me moiety of hou. called Olde Hale; Thomazine Too- good, wid.; Wm. Vennor's hou. in Milverton; John Pearce bot. Ladder close of me; Wm. Edny of Milverton, yeom.; hou. in ten. of John Dey of Milverton; tent, in ten. of Jas. Butcher of Milverton; Extx: my wife Anastice Baker, [.no sz£:'] Wits: Walter Veysey, elk., Symon Sydenham, Robert Jenynges. (Pr. 21 Apr. 1620.) 330 Roger Papworthe of Hoxton, co. Midd., esq. (Dat. I Jan. 1612-13.) Poor of Hoxton; kinsm. Wm. Some; kinsw. Johnson, dau. of Johnson; servt. Rd. Pearce; frd. John Blomsom of Hoxton and his wife; Exor: John Parrott, my servt. [Jio: Papworth\ Wits: John Blomson, Thomas Stead, William Bowenf, Charles Yeoman, scr. (Adm. gr. 19 Apr. 1620, to Eliz. Gardner, next of kin to deed.; John Per- rot, Exor: named, having died. Adm. gr. 27 June 1622, to Wm. Harris and Eliz., his wife, next of kin to deed., Eliz. Gardner having died. Adm. gr. 24 July 1622, to Wm. Baldwin and Anne, his wife, next of kin to deed., Eliz. Gard- ner having died, and Wm. Harris and Eliz., his wife, renouncing.) 331 John Jencke of Colyton, co. Devon., chirurgeon. (Dat. 6 Dec. 1619.) Lease of tent, in Coliton; John Hill, gent. Exor: son John Jencke (und. 21); fath. -in-law Robt. Lowson's phn.; poor of Coliton; wife Eliz. Jencke; Overs: my uncles George Blanchefiower, guard, of sd. son, and John Pratt. [John Jencke] Wits: George Blanchefiower, Peter Bagwell, William Hore. (Adm. gr. 15 Apr. 1620, to George Blanchefiower, uncle of deed. dur. min. of John Jencke, son and Exor: named in will.) 332 Leonard Thorneton of St. Dunstan in the W., Lond. (Dat. 6 Apr. 1620.) Poor of sd. psh.; dau. Suzan (und. 21); lease in Kentish St.; Extx: wife Suzan. \_mark\ Wits: Symon Harland, Edwarde Vernon. (Pr. 20 Apr. 1620.) 333 Thomas Holebyn of Bristol, baker. (Dat. 19 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. of St. Thos. the Apostle, Bristol, nr. former wife; poor of sd. psh.; kinsw. Joan Ball, if she marry Thos. Hedges, my appr.; my kinsw. Mary Ball (und. 21), and Ellinor Ball; kinsm. Thos. Ball, Arthur Ball, Rd. t Qu. Bowey? / / SOAME, FOL. 31. 116 and Wm. Ball and Walter Smithe; kinsw. Ellen, dau. of Rd. Smithe, my bro. -in-law; kinsw. Sara Smithe, Agnes and Eliz. Holbyn, daus. of my bro. Rd. Holebyn; my servt. John Lambert, when he shall end his apprship.; my appr. Thos. Phillippes, Rowland Basse; my servts. Margt. and Joan Hill; my appr. Agnis; Thos., son of my bro. Rd. Holebin; tents, in Barckley, co. Glouc, in ten. of J as. Reckettes and Thos. Knighte; poor of Kainsham, co. Somst.; tent. wh. I dwell in Redcliffe St., Bristol; tent, in Ridland, co. Glouc; Walter, son of my bro. Rd. Holebin; if I have no children by my wife, Eliz.; Extx: my wife Eliz.; Overs: fath. -in-law „Wm. Seaman, and frd. Wm. Dueties (/) of Stapleton, yeom. [mark] Wits: William Seman, William Curtis, Richard Holebin, Thomas Phillippes, George Hartwell, scr. (Pr. 28 Apr. 1620.) 334 Jane Dare of Seaton, co. Devon., wid. (Dat. 5 Nov. 1619.) Son, Nicholas Dare; dau. Mawde Hooper; dau. Agnes Mastone; grds. held of John Clarke; my servt. Jane Coates; all my chn's. chn. except Wm. Whicker; Exor: son, Robt. Dare, [mark] Wits: Robert Starre, Richard Calley. (Pr. 28 Apr. 1620.) 335 Joseph Combe of Combe St. Nicholas, a peculiar dioc. of Bath and Wells. (Dat. 21 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. of Combe; dau. Agnis (und. 21); dau. Joan (und. 21); my child unborn; Extx: wife Winefred; John Bowdage of Totworthe in psh. of Chard; George Frye of Combe; bro. Wm. Combe of Combe; Edm. Meade, of Crockstreete, hatter; John Nothan of Yarcombe, rooper; Overs: my bro. Edw. Rossiter and my bro. Edm. Combe, [niark] Wits: Joseph Greenefield, elk., John Frye, Edwarde Rossiter, Edmunde Combe {mark). (Pr. 28 Apr. 1620.) 336 Margaret Talbott {of St. Dunstan's in the JVest*), Lond., wid. (Dat. 26 Mar. 1620.) Bur. in Albrighton if I be in Shropshire; my sist. Kath. Awdley, her dau. Kath. Awdley; bro. Andrewe Windsor; Bridgett Draycott; to George E. of Shrewsbury, my wedding ring; to Thos., Ld. Windsor, my moth's, wedding ring; sist.-in-law, Anne Windsor; godson Fredk. Windsor, one of sons of my bro. Andrew; cos. Margt. Goodridge; cos. Scott, wife of my cos. Edw. Scott; • Pro. Act. Book. 116 SOAME, FOL. 31. Mrs. Underwood; my frd., Mrs. Webbe, her maid Eliz.; my kinsm. John Wakeman of Beckford; cos. Edw. Wakeman, son and heir of the sd. John Wakeman; poor of Albrighton; my ancient servt. Alice Saunders; my bro. Awdley and my sist., his wife; Exors: my servt. Jervase Westcott and cos. Edw. Wakeman. \,Margarett Talbott\ Wits: John Middle- more, Robert Metcalfe, John Robinson. Cod. (dat. 27 Mar. 1620), COS. John Windsor; cos. John Middlemore; Mr. Met- calfe, Mrs. Metcalfe, their son Wm.; my sist. Anne Windsor; cos. Mrs. Scott; Dorothy Windloe; my maid, Anne Powell; Mr. Metcalfe's man who is wits, to my will, and Susan and Mary, his maids. \,Margarett Talbot i] (Pr. 28 Apr. 1620 by Jervase Westcott, pow. res., etc.) 337 Richard Clement of Bristol, yeom. (Dat. 23 Mar. 1619-20.) The ch. my wife now goeth wt. ; my sists. Joan Curtys and Margt. Clement; tent, in Barton hundred, co. Glouc, wch. wife has in reversion fr. my fath.; Extx: my wife Anne; Overs: frd. Wm. Pitt, draper, and uncle, John Walter. iRich: Clement] Wits: Wm. Pytt, John Walter, J no. White, William Yeamans, not. pub. (Pr. 29 Apr. 1620.) 338 Thomas Harrison of Woodham Mortimer, co. Essex, yeom. (Dat. 19 Mar., 17 Jas I.) Tent. wh. I dwell called Hookefield, Woodham Mortimer; Anne Harris (und. 20), dau. of John Harris of Cannewdon; Daniel Harris (und. 21), son of the sd. John Harris; tent, called Haywardes and Good- hewes, in Holmeade, in ten. of George Stanes and Wm. Guye in Woodham Walter; copyhold to the man. of Woodham Walter; the ch. my wife now goeth wt.; Andrew, son of John Bushe of Much Badew; Agnes Bush, dau. of the sd. John Bushe and his wife, Agnes; copyhold tent, called Brentre- den, in Much Bursted, co. Essex, in ten. of Thos. Harwood, customary to mans, of Much Bursted, Whites, Gurnerdes and Chalwedon; tent, in Danburye, co. Essex, in ten. of John Willins; my goddau., Eliz. Nevell, dau. of Wm. Nevell, late of Woodham Mortimer, deed.; Wm. Nevell, son of the sd. Wm. Nevell, deed.; another dau., Mary Nevell; indr. 2 Apr., 16 Jas. I.; betw. John Baker, of Woodham Ferrers, co. Essex, yeom., and me concerning a tent, late in ten. of sd. John, to be pd. at the hou. of Thos. Porter in Woodham Mortimer SOAME, FOL. 31. 117 2 Apr. 1621; indr. 8 Sept., 12 Jas. L, betw. Wm. Nevell and me concerning Id. called Great Prest Meade in Woodham Walter to be pd. in S. porch of the psh. Ch, of Sandon 29 Sept. 1629; son-in-law, John Graves; wife's dau., Anne Hen- bone; Susan, Bridget and Martha Harrison (all und. i8), daus. of bro. Edw. Harrison; goddaus. Anne Clemence, dau. of Clemence of Althorne and Offin, dau. of Robt. Offin of Much Badew; Mary, wife of Henry Bastwick of Little Badew; Eliz. wife of Thos. Porter of Haseleigh; Anne, wife of the foresd. John Harris; Anne, wife of Humfrey Offin of Much Badew; Joan, wife of Rd. Warre of Woodham Morti- mer; Harwood, fath. of the foresd. Thos. Harwood; Thos., son of Henry Bastwick, his dau. Bastwick; Mary and Wm. Nevell, dau. -in-law and son-in-law of Thos. Porter; Extx: my wife Mary, imark] Wits: William Pearson, Roger Lawrence (mark), Samuell Chese. (Pr. 24 Apr. 1620.) 339 'William Hill a/s. Spurwaye of Bampton, co. De- von., miller. (Nunc, will dat. 27 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. of Bampton; godch. Wm. Hill, son of my bro. John Hill; godchn. John Sunter, Tristram Blackmore, John Hopper of Cove and Alice Milden; Extx: my wife Marrian; Wits: John Yeeme (mark), John Hill (mark), Robert Bristowe. (Pr. 28 Apr. 1620.) 340 Humfrey Morgan (of Tiverton, Devon.*). (Dat. 16 June, 1619.) Son George; daus. Cath. and Mary; my fath.; Extx: wife Elinor; [mark^ Wits: John Morgan, his father, and Phelip Morgan (mark), his bro.; Overs: John Morgan and Rd. Cornishe. (Pr. 7 Apr. 1620.) FOL. 32. 341 Thomas Moleyns of Kingston, nr, Yevell, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 14 Jan. 1619-20.) Psh. of Yevell; Thos., son of my bro. Wm. Moleyns; Edith Bole, dau. of wid. Bole; Joane Bishoppe, of Trent, sist. of my wife; my moth's, hou.; Wm. Burges; leg. given me by my fath.; Extx: wife Ursula; \_Thomas Molyns] Wits: John Lavor, John Jacob. (Pr. 26 Apr. 1620.) 342 John Allen of Huntington als. Hunton, co. Kent, clothier. (Dat. 21 Feb. 1619-20.) Poor of Hunton and adj. * Pro. Act. Book. 118 SOAME, FOL. 32. pshs.; wife Susan; fath. -in-law J as. Partriche, deed.; tent. of my wife's wch. I sold to Saml. Evenden; dau. Frideswyde, her 4 chn. (all und. 2i); their fath.; my son Wm. Allen and his son Wm. Allen (und. 21); Ids. in Staplehurst and Cran- brook, CO. Kent.; the 2 sists. (und. 21) of my grch. Wm. Allen, by his own moth.; son-in-law Gilbert Hall; Exor: son Jas. Allen. \_John AUen\ Wits: Theophilus Higgons, Thomas Holyman, Gilbert Hall, Robert Hadsman. (Pr. 28 Apr. 1620.) 343 John Harrold of Bury St. Edmund's, co. Suff., clothier. (Dat. i Mar. 1619-20.) Sons John and Wm. Har- rold (und. 21); my 3 daus., Mary, Anne and Alice (all und. 21); my dwelling hou. in College Street, Bury St. Edmund's; Exors: wife Anne and Mathewe Lancaster, mercer. \_John Harrold] Wits: Thomas Claydon, John Jewell, John Hunte, Martyn Butterye. (Pr. 12 Apr. 1620, by Anne Harrold, pow. res., etc.) 344 Anne Kennett of Darford, co. Kent, wid. (Dat. last of Feb. 1619-20.) Son Henry Kennett; son-in-law Wm. Childes; son-in-law Frauncis Middleton, surety for my son Henry Kennett to one Smith of Ditton, co. Kent; dau., wife of Frauncis Middleton; Exor: son-in-law John Boghurst. [mark] Wits: Ry. Wallys, Thomas Beveridge {mark), William Whelplye {mark). (Pr. 12 Apr. 1620.) 345 James Spaighte of Woolwich, co. Kent, gent. (Dat. 21 Mar. 1619-20.) Lds. in Stratford Langthorne, cos. Essex and Midd.; Id. in Woolwich, co. Kent; Jas. Spaight, my eld. son and his hrs.; son Henry Spaight; the ch. my wife now goes wt.; copyhold Id. in Westham, Camhall, Bromley and Chabbornes, co. Essex, in mans, of Westham, Canhall, Bromeley and Chawbornes; hou. of Mr. Barley in Woolwich; dau. Mary Spaighte (und. 20); son-in-law Rd. Haynes; my old boat "the Besse" of Wolwich; 2 hou. wh. one Le dwells; son Jas. Spaighte, the boat or hoye "the James" of Woolwich; dau. Anne Sparrowe; poor of Woolwich and Stratford Lang- ton; wifeMargt.; Exor: my son Jas.; Overs: my bro. -in-law Mr. Thos. Meade of Lond., merch., and Henry Bowers, gent. \_Ja: Spaighte] Wits: Hen. Bowers, Ma. Frenchfelld, Francis Busshoppe (mark), William Meadcoate. (Adm. gr. i Apr. SOAME, FOL. 32. 119 1620 to Wm. Medcot and Lewis Sparrowe, dur. min. of Jas. Spaighte.) 346 John Biden of Maston, psh. of Preshat, co. Wilts., husbm. (Dat. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) My 3 chn., John, Thos. and Susan; Extx: my wife, Alice Byden; Overs: my bro., Henry Byden; [mark] Wits: John Hitchecock, elk.; John Stock- bridge, Henry Byden; Nichs. Dobson; John Mortimer; Thos. Smithe; Christer Spencer; Nichs. Moxen; Robt. Kingsman. (Pr. 22 Apr. 1620.) 347 Thomas Phelpes On pis. deyond^Ae sea*). (Undated.) Exor: my cos., Thos. Phelpes; poor of psh. wh. I was bo.; Wapping Ch.; Mr. Smith, purser of the ship; Jas. Allen, the surgeon; John Kinge; money due me by will of one Watson in keeping of Mr. Totten; Barbara Hitchinge, her son, my host, John Wottes; my 3 bros. and my sist. {_no si£^.^ Wits: John Kinge, John Wottes. (Pr. 10 Apr. 1620.) 348 Thomas Wilson of St. Martin's in the Fields, co. Midd., shoemaker. (Dat. 15 Mar. 1619-20.) Niece Isabell, wife of Wm. Pennycooke; nieces Christian and Eliz. Wilson; Exor: Mr. David Cunningham; Eliz. Hackett; Overs: fr. Mr. Andrewe Hackett and Mr. Thos. Thompson. \_Thomas Wil- son\ Wits: John Newton, Michaell Annaud, Alexander Ken- rosse {mark), Tho. Powell, not. pub. (Pr. 20 Apr. 1620.) 349 John Palmer of Burford, co. Oxon., shepherd. (Dat. 29 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of Burford; bro. John Palmer of Chillson, day labourer; bond of John Hickes of Bagbrooke; Aliceand JohnDrinckewater of Gaging well; Anthony Newman of Adelstroppe; my sist. Gunne; bond of Rd. Price of Adel- stroppe; Extx: my now wife, Eliz.; Overs: frds. Thos. Wyrge, of Fulbrooke and Ambrose Berry of Burford. [mark] Wits: Thomas Wirge {mark), Ambrose Berry, Walter Hayter, scr. (Pr. 26 Apr. 1620.) 350 James Abney of Willesley, co. Derb., esq. (Dat. 27 May 1609.) Bur. in chapel of Willesley wh. my ancestors lie; my grchn. (grsons und. 21 and grdaus. under 16) the chn. of my son and heir Geo. Abney and of my sons-in-law, Rd. Adderley of Coton, co. Staff., esq., John Wilson of Guildford, * Pro. Act. Book. 120 SOAME, FOL. 32. CO. Surr., elk., and Thos. Farmer of Hugglescote Grange, CO. Leic, gent,; bro. John Abney; chn. of bro. Robt. Abney, deed.; bros. Walter and Thos. Abney; my servt. Alice Det- hiek; Rd. Robinson of Willesley, deed.; Exor: neph. Wm. Eyre of Belton, eo. Leic. gent. \_Jacobum Abney\ Wits: Thomas Bennett, Nicholas Smithe. (Adm. gr. 7 Apr. 1620 to Geo. Abney, son of deed., Wm. Eyre, ren.) 351 Thomas Deane of Woxbridge, eo. Midd., husbm. (Dat. 2 Mar. 1619-20.) John Anderson, the yr., son of my kinsm., John Anderson of Woxbridge, butcher; Wm., Eliz. (und. 22), and Margt. Anderson (und..2i), chn. of the sd. John Anderson, the eld., his wife, my niece, Alice Anderson; John Ginger of Missendon, eo: Bucks., and his son, yeom.; Wm. Parsonidge of Missendon, innholder; John Courtney of Mis- sendon, yeom.; Henry Petepace ah. Blicke of Prince Risbor- ough, eo. Bucks.; Exor: John Anderson, the eld.; Overs: frs. John Smith, innholder, and George Battye, cordwainer, of Woxbridge. \niark\ Wits: Will. Fowler, ser., Geo. Battye, Robert White. (Pr. 26 Apr. 1620.) 352 Nicholas Farrar, eit. and skinner of Lond., {of SL Benedict Sherhogg^^. (Dat. 23 Mar. 1619-20.) Sir Edwin Sandys, treasurer of the Co. of Virginia, for college in Vir- ginia for conversion of infidel chn.; son John Farrar; St. Thomas, Christ's and St. Bart's hospitals; Bridewell; poor in Harford, wh. I was bo.; Co. of Skinners, whereof I am a bro.; friend and sometime partner. Sir Thos. Middleton; friend Mr. Hughe Middleton; Mr. Rd. Wyche; frds. Mr. Robt. Bateman, Mr. Thos. Shepheard, Mrs. Anna Middleton, wid.; cos. Mary Stead; dau. Farrar; son John Collett and his wife, their dau. Mary Collett (und. 21), whom I have brought up from her cradle; the rest of my dau. CoUett's chn. (und. 21); my greh. Nicholas Farrar; hou. wh. I now dwell, bot. of Mr. Wm. Allen, in St. Sythes Lane, psh. of St. Benett Sherehogge, Lond.; son, Nichs. Farrar; my hou. "The Bell" at Hartford; son Rd. Farrar; to poor 75 gowns weh. is my age; wife Mary Farrar; Exor: son Nicholas; Overs: wife Mary, and son John; \_Nic°. Farrar] Wits: Thomas Shepheard, Marye Col- lett, Richarde Farrar. (Pr. 4 Apr. 1620.) • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 32. 121 353 Thomas Rotherham of Worcester, gent. (Dat. 26 Mar. 1620.) Servts. Thos. Bodledge, Eliz. Walter and Mar- gery Bevington; half bro. George Rotherham; sist. Clayton; frds. Dr. Hamner, Mr. Wm. Warmistrye, Mr. Wm. Symondes and John Haselocke; poor Joan Hyde; my Ids.; Wm. Cooke of Worcester, vintner; godson Rotherham Blis- zard; half-bro. Raphe Rotherham; Exors: my half-bro. Mr. George Rotherham and bro. Edm. Rotherham. \_Thomas Rotherham] Wits: Will. Warmstrye, William Symonds, Elizabeth Walter. (Pr. 27 Apr. 1620.) 354 Thomas Cartewrighte of Oldburye, psh. of Hales- owen, CO. Salop. t, nailo'r. (Dat. 14 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of Halesowen; wife Eliz.; dau. Elianor; close called Ruddinges and Ruddinges meadow in Oldburye, bot. of John Duddeley; indr. concerning marr. dat. 20 Jan., 15 Jas. I; sons Thos. and John Cartwrighte; Exor: bro. Wm. Cart- wrighte; Overs: bros. -in-law Rd. Parkes and Thos. Carter. \_Thoinas Cartewrighte\ Wits: Thomas Staunton, Walter Mansell. (Pr. 13 Apr. 1620.) 355 William Lenne of Ovinge, co. Suss., yeom. (Dat. 7 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Ovinge; high Ch. of Chichester; dau. Eliz. Lenne (und. 18); sist. Susan Ismonger; 2 chn. of my cos. Mary Pyper, of psh, of Berrye; ch. of cos. Margt. Helliors; sist's. son Wm. Storke; sist's. dau. Grace Storke; bro. Edm. Davye of Bersted; poor of Ovinge and Barneham; goodwife Doterell of Bosham; cos. Joan Graye; servts. Edw. Lee and Alice Taylor; Wm. Man; Mrs. Holborne of Chichester; Mr. John Piers of Arundel's eld. dau. by his last wife; cos. Thos. Aucocke's chn.; Extx: my wife Eliz.; Overs: my frds. John Hulwood, vie. of Ovinge, and Thos. Aucock of Pagham. \no sig.l Wits: Jo. Hullwood, Henry Peachye, Thomas Aucock. (Pr. 21 Apr. 1620.) 356 Richard Pescod of Yapton, co. Suss., husbm. (Dat. 19 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Yapton; my wife late deed.; my youngest son Thos. Pescod (und. 21); my eld. son Rd. (und. 21); Ids. left him by his moth.; poor of Yapton and Walberton; my poor kindred; Exors: Owen Stockton, vie. of Walberton, and Edw. Stakers of Yapton; Overs: John t Sic. now in Wore. 122 SOAME, FOL. 32. Tillye of Barneham and Thos. Gawen of Limister; my md. Margery Rygate; Saml. Burre of Barneham; Wm. Wells of Yapton; Exor: Christr. Edmondes; wid. Barton. \_mark\ Wits: John Tillye, Anthony Tilley, Margerye Rygate. (Pr. 26 Apr. 1620, by Edw. Staker, pow. res., etc.) FOL. 33. 357 William Harrison, cit. and haberdasher of Lond., {0/ All Saints als. Allhallows, Stayning^^ . (Dat. 4 Mar. 1619- 20.) My chn. Wm., Thos., John, Jas., Michael, George, Mary, Cath. and Charlott (all und.21); my servts. Rd. Guye, John Gatley, Robt. Wrighte and Rebecca ; to Co. of Haber- dashers, Lond., 2 pieces of plate with my name and arms; poor of Christ's Hospital, whof. I am a member; poor in Bridewell, St. Thos'. Hospital and poor prisoners in comp- ters in Lond. and Ludgate; my sist. Grace, wife of Robt. Hutchinson, their daus. Mary Hutchinson (und. 21), and Grace Hutchinson (und. 21) and their son Robert Hutchinson, when he returns fr. E. Indies; my sist. Allen, her dau. Sara Allen (und. 21); stock in E. India Co.; tents, in King- ston upon Hull and Sutton Ingges, co. York, in ten. of Thos. Swan; Mr. Fenton; my sist. Agnes Shawe; Extx: my wife Mary; Overs: frds. Mr. Jeffrey Kirbye and Mr. Rd. Morer of Lond., merchs.; my tavern "the Mermaid," Southwark, Surr., in ten. of Raphe Babington; adv. of vie. of St. Sepulchre's without Newgate, Lond., wh. I late bot.; my tents, in Mark Lane, in psh. of All Saints als. All Hallow's, Stayning, Lond.; my Ids. in Perith, co. Cumb.; poor of Perith; \_W. Harrison] Wits: William Frithe, scr., William Shorte, Raphe Frith, servts. to sd. scr., John Gatley; Cod. (dat. 19 Mar. 1619-20); White, D. D., dwelling in or nr. Broad St., Lond.; Mr. Zacharie Evans, minister of our psh.; Mr. Shute of Lombard St.; I have the wardship and marr. of my wife's sist's. son, Thos. Alstone; Wits: James Garetes, William Frithe, scr. (Pr. 26 Apr. 1620.) 358 Marmaduke Brookes of the city of Oxford. (Dat. 17 Jan. 1619-20.) My godson, Marmaduke Fulkes, my sist's. son; lease of hou. in St. Nicholas als. St. Thomas in suburbs ♦ Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 33. 128 of Oxford, held of Christ Ch., Oxford, wh. Robt. Gouldinge now dwells; bro. Thos. Brookes; the hou. adj. eastward unto the former wh. Jas. Field now dwells; bro. Roger Brookes; tent, in sd. psh. wh. wid. Frenche and Rd. Forde now dwell; COS. Robt. Wickson to have the Plummerye hou. adj. wid. Frenche's and Rd. Forde, on condition he marry my sist. -in- law, Mary HoUier; moth. Joan Brookes; servt. Rd. Stringer- tools belonging to my trade; Extx: wife Joan; Overs: Mr. Oliver Smithe, now mayor of this city and Mr. Wm. Dewy. \_Marmaduke Brookes\ Wits: John Dante, Martin Sheene. Cod. (dat. 31 Jan. 1619-20); my old servt. and kinsm. Robt. Wickson. \mark\ Wits: John Dunte {mark), Martin Sheene, (Pr. 19 Apr. 1620.) 359 John Holney of Oldberye, psh. of Boxgrove, co. Suss., yeom. (Dat. 10 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. nr. W. side of Ch. door in chyd. of Boxgrove; Cath. of Chichester; psh. Ch. of Boxgrove; poor of Boxgrove and Runcken; Mary Bartlett; mdservt. Eales Pierce; son Rd. Holney; standerdes in the hou. at Runcken; dau. Eliz. (und. 18); wife's son Wm. Parker (und. 21); son; John Holney (und. 21); Extx: wife, Agnes Holney; Overs: my bros. Wm. Holney and John Bar- nard of Salvington and neighbours, Wm. Middleton, gent., Henry Hull of Crockerhill and John Whittington of Norton. {.John Holney] Wits: Henrye Hull, John Barnard. (Pr. 21 Apr. 1620.) 360 John Woode, the eld., of Birlinge, co. Kent, yeom. (Dat. 15 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Birlinge; son, John; dau. Annys, wife of Wm. Coveney of Yealdinge; hous. in Birlinge; hou. in West Mailing called "The Swan;" Ids. in co. Kent; wife Annys; Exor: son, John Wood, [ntark] Wits: Whetenhall Tilghman, Edwarde Fletcher {mark). (Pr. 27 Apr. 1620.) 361 Robert Revell of St. Martin in the Fields, co. Midd., gent. (Dat. 30 Mar. 1620.) Cos. John Abraham; my fellow, Edw. Kinge; my gossippe, Nicholas Reade; godson, Revell Abraham; sist. -in-law, Jane Partridge; neph. Nicholas Averill (und. 18); COS. Thos. Revell, his chn.; Extx: wife, Alice Revell. {Ro: Reveli\ Wits: Henry Sucker, Thomas Swarper, John Kinge, Ed. Kinge, scr. (Pr. 12 Apr. 1620.) 124 SOAME, FOL. 33. 362 Charles Tyrrell {of St. Andrew in the Wardrope*), Lond., esq. (Dat. 8 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in St. Andrew in Wardrope Ch., wt. wife; cos. Thos. Lea of Lond., gent.; servt. Eliz. Stockwell; my watch; Mr. Ramsey his Majesty's clockmaker; servts. Jane Williams, John Parsons; bros. Mr. Thos. Tyrrell, Tymothie Tyrrell; Over: Sir Edw. Tyrrell, Kt.; COS. Robt. Tyrrell, his son; bro. -in-law, Mr. Gardner; sist. Penelope Gardner; an antiquity of gold; cos. Wm. Trye, esq.; patent obtained on behalf of sist. Mrs. Mary Good, her chn.; sist. Nurce; sist. Bridget Tirrell; cos. Edm. West; Extx: sist. Mrs. Jane Tirrell, spinster. \_Charles Tyrrell] Wits: Tho. Lee, Tho. Buckoke, scr., Elizabeth Stockwell. (Pr. 4 Apr. 1620.) 363 ^Villiam Smithsby of Melton Mowbray, co. Leic. (Dat. 3 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in Ch. of Melton; son Wm. Smithsby; son Thos. Smithsby; dau. Eliz. Deepup; dau. Jane Howett; dau. Joyce Smithe; dau. Anne Goodwynne; Exor: son, Nichs. Smithsby. [mark] Wits: Zach. Cawdrey, vie. there, Ralphe Welles, Henrye Howytt. (Pr. 29 Apr. 1620.) 364 Thomas Reade of Peterstowe, dioc. andco. of Heref., smith. (Dat. 31 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chan. of Peterstowe; Mr. Bullock, par. of sd. Ch.; Wm. Shingleton and his 3 chn., his son John, my godson; Alice Longe (und. 16), dau. of my sist. Eliz.; bro. George Reade; Elianor (und. i6), another dau. of my sist. Eliz.; neph. George Longe; my servt. John Parrye; moth. Elianor Reade; Barbara Heynes; Johane Brace, one of the daus. of John Brace; the oth. 4 chn. of John Brace; Eliz. Preese; Johane, wife of Robt. Heynes; Chas. NichoUs; my godsons John Berrye, Robt. Jones, Thos. Vaughan; my working tools; Exors: Robt. Heynes and my bro. George Reade. [Thomas Reade] Wits: Elianor Reade, J ohan Heynes, John Brace; John Machin of Tretire; John Abrahall of Michelchurche, gent.; John Stanner; John Gwatkyn, gent.; John Benett of Stranford; Frauncis Beaumontes; Rd. Mynd; Owen Ashe, gent.; Griffith Trappinge; John Wrighte; John Howe; Wm. Baker; Thos. CoUings; Jas. Androwes; Wm. Massye; John Prichard; Wm. Pye; John Jones, farmer; Wm. Fowle; Chas. NicoUs, gent. (Pr. 21 Apr. 1620.) « Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 33. 125 365 John Cleaver of Hill, psh. of Lemington Hastinges, CO. Warw., shepherd. (Dat. 24 Aug. 1618.) Bur. in chyd. of Lemington; bro. Rd. Cleaver; John, son of bro. Wm. Cleaver; Jas., son of Henry Blisse of Hill; John Blisse, son of sd. Henry; Mary Blisse, dau. of sd. Henry; sons and dau. of John Skydmore of Long Itchington; Wm. Johnson of Hill; Wm. Myles of Hill; poor of Hill and Lemington; Exor: Henry Blisse. \_mark^ Wits: Joseph Worceter, scr., Robt. Walker, John Smarte (mark). (Pr. 19 Apr. 1620.) 366 Thomas Lovell of psh. of St. John the Baptist, city of Hereford, corvisor. (Dat. 10 Mar. 1619-20.) Wife Mar- gery; hou. wh. I now dwell; dau. Margery (und. 21); hou. in psh. of St. Owen's, wh. Rd. Thomas now dwells; poor of St. John the Baptist and St. Owen's; Wm., Rd. and Margt., chn. of my bro. Rd.; Exor: my frd. Thos. Beale of Yorkehill, gent., and governance of my dau.; my sist's. dau. Mary Floyde, my goddau.; my frd. Thos. Watters. \_Thomas Lovell] Wits: James Wilcoxe, Thomas Watters. (Pr. 14 Apr. 1620.) 367 Peter Gerye of Derby, co. Derb., draper. (Dat. 27 Aug. 1616.) Bur. in Ch. of All Saint's, Derby; wife Anne Gerye; son Thos. Gerye (und. 16); Thos. Walker, Wm. Walker and Anne Bradshawe, chn. of my wife, Mary Gerye, deed.; Wm. Bradshawe, Anthony Bradshawe, John Brad- shawe, and Mary Noble, chn. of my wife Anne Gerye; Exor: son Peter Gerye; Overs: Robt. Whynyates, Wm. Bradshawe. {.Feier Gerye] {no tails.) (Pr. 20 Apr. 1620.) 368 Anne Marshall of Bisham, co. Berks., spr. (Nunc, will dat. 4 Nov. 1619.) Cos. Mary Affall; Ellen Marshall; Wm. Marshall; Anne Marshall; Eustis Marshall; Wm. Affall's son; Mary Affall, dau. of sd. Wm. ; Alice Clarke; Exor: my kinsm. Wm. Affall; Wits: William Marshall, Catherine Row- land, Margerye Saytrye. (Pr. 21 Apr. 1620.) FOL. 34. 369 John Marden, cit. and merch. tailor of Lond. {0/ All Sai?its\ Bread Si .*). (Dat. 8 Apr. 1620.) Wife Susanne; sons and daus. (und. 21); my frd. Mr. Stock; Co. of Merch. - tailors; poor of Christchurch, Lond.; bro. John Owen; my frd. Wm. Chapman of Lond., grocer; sist. Owen; sist. * Pro. Act. Book. 126 SOAME, FOL. 34. Redmayne; inn called "The White Hynde," in town of Northton., in ten. of my bro. -in-law Jas. Wilkynson, of that town; Mr. Rd. Rodd; my sist. Wilkynson; my sist. Johnson, to educate my dau. Dorothy (und. 21); bro. Wil- coxe; my bro. and sist. Langhorne; cos. Laurence Lownes, scr.; Thos. Hodgkyns; my Ids. in man. of Warfeild or War- grave, CO. Berks.; my eld. son Wm.; my 3d son Rd.; my 4th son Jas.; my 5th son Peter; my 6th son Edw.; Ids. in man. of Winckfeild, co. Berks; Extx: my wife Suzanne; Overs: fath. -in-law Peter Bland, esq., and my frd. Wm. Chapman, grocer. \_John Marden\ Wits: Rich. Stocke, La. Lownes, scr., Willm. Liptratt, servt. to sd. scr. (Pr. 21 Apr. 1620.) 370 Nicholas Ricrafte of city, and co. of Exon., merch. (Dat. 8 Mar. 1619-20.) Poor of Upton Pyne, co. Devon.; building a hospital in Exon.; the way called Holloway, with- out the Southgate, Exon.; eld. son Nichs. (und. 21); sons Peter, John and Wm. (und. 21); eld. dau. Mary (und. 21); daus. Agnes, Jane, Joan and Margt. (und. 21); sist. -in-law Agnes Warren, wid.; shop nr. Broadgate, Exon., late in the occ. of Edw. Clashe and now in occ. of John Cooke, cord- wainer; my appr. Hugh Warren; my servt. Johan Whet- combe; Peter, son of John Tucker of Upton Pyne; ind. 24 June, 14 Jas. I, wherein Anthony Copplestone of Pynes, co. Devon., esq., mort. unto me the man, of Dalditch, in psh. of East Budleigh, co. Devon., payment on the nativity of St. John the Baptist, 1620, at my hou. in St. Petrock, Exon.; Ids. in Exon.; Extx: wife Mary; Overs: frds. Abraham Paule and John Pearse, of the sd. city, merchs. [^Nicholas Ricrafte\ Wits: Robert Gilvain, Maurice Levermore, Walter Pearse. (Pr. 13 Apr. 1620.) 371 Richard Wotton, cit. and woodmonger of Lond. {_of Great All Hallowes, Thames Si.*). (Dat. i Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. of Great Allhallows; 5 sons, not yet advanced, William Wootton, the eld., Henry and Christr. Wootton, Wm. Wootton, theyr. , and Rd. Wootton; son John Woot- ton, already advanced, and his son; son-in-law Nichs. lies and his wife, my dau. Joane; Extx: wife Sara; Overs: frd. Mr. Henry Olton, and son-in-law, Nichs. lies. {_mark] Wits: Henr. Colbron, servt. to Jas. Colbron, scr., John Davies * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 34. 127 (^mark), George James (^mark), Wm. Collyns {mark). (Pr. 22 Apr. 1620.) 372 Thomas Plumstede of Edmonton, co. Midd., gent. (Dat. 10 July, 161Q.) Poor of Plumsted, co. Norf., wh. I was bo.; neph., John Plumsted; dau. Anne Plumsted (und. 18), jewels which were her moth's., her godmoth., my aunt Colvile; Mr. Edw. Vaughan; a trunk wt. plate at Mr. John Gooche's hou. in Holborn; my eld. son, Frauncis (und. 21); tents, in Wood St., Steyninge Lane and elsewhere in city of Lond; tent, at Enfield Chaseside, Edmonton; 2d son, Edw. (und. 18); gilt bowls given my son Frauncis by his godfath. and godmoth.; Sir Thos. Hobart; gold ring with my seal of arms; lease of cottage held of St. Paul's in ten. of Lawrence Stephens; son Edw's. godfath., Mr. Vernon; Exors: my cos., Mr. Joseph Jackson and my frds., Mr. Jas. Desmaisters and Mr. John Gooch; \_Th07nas Plumsted] Wits: John Mathewe, Joyce Plumstede, Thomas Gardiner, John Rislingbury {mark); Lord and Lady Hobart; sist. Plumsted; cos. Jo. Plumsted of Oxford; neph. Barthol Plumsted; sist. Daine; sist. Clarke; bros. John, Robt. and Rd. Plumsted; cos. Perne; Mr. Gels- throppe; Henry Gardiner; cos. Thos. Plumsted; Anne Perne, servt. ; my man, Jo.; my md., Isbell; my kitchen girl, Mary; Mrs. Morewood and her son; poor of Winchmore hill. (Pr. 20 Apr. 1620, by Joseph Jackson and Jas. Desmaiters; John Gooch, ren.) 373 James ^Valker {of St. Salvador, Southwark, co. Surr.*). (Undated.) Extx: wife, Mary Waker; eld. dau. Jane (und. age); youngest dau. Mary; the ch. my wife now goeth wt. [.no sig^.] Wits: John Turner {mark), Mary Lywood {mark), Rachell Boodye {mark); John Tayler, Richard Boddye; moth. Joan Walker; bro. Wm. Walker; bros. Laurence and Frauncis Walker; John Lywood and Walter Constance, Overs: Wits: John Lywood {mark), Walter Constance. (Pr. 12 Apr. 1620.) 374 John Lewis of Staplegrove, co. Somst., clothier. (Dat. 13 Dec. 1619.) Dau. Joan Chappell; dau. Christian Coopper; dau. Eliz. Chaplyn; dau. Agnes Beadon; my chn's. chn.; wife Agnes; son-in-law, Thos. Beadon; son-in-law, Edw. * Pro. Act. Book. 128 SOAME, FOL. 34. Coopper; Jasper Chaplin; Wm. Chappie; Robt. Magridge of Taunton; Mr. George Hely; Robt. Galwaye; Exor: son, Hugh Lewis; Overs: Jasper Chaplyn, Edw. Cupper, Wm. Chappie, [.no sig:^ Wits: Jasper Chaplin, Willyam Chappell. (Pr. 15 Apr. 1620.) 375 Nicholas Hooper of Salcombe, (co. Devon.^^. (Dat. 9 Mar. 1608-9). Son Phillippe Hooper; dau. Suzanna Grigge, her dau. Joane and son Henry; my dau. Julian; dau. Mary Hooper; daus. Agnes and Kath. Hooper; my servts. Kath., Lyde and Arthur Rode; son John Hooper; Extx: my wife, Eliz. \no sig.^ Wits: Frauncis Fringe, elk., Ellis Lyde, John Lyde. (Fr, 15 Apr. 1620.) 376 Thomas Sawyer of Dudcott, co. Berks., yeom. (Dat. 13 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of Hagborne, wt. fath. and moth.; moth. Ch. of Sarum; poor and Ch. of Dud- cott, of Hagborne, of Southmorton; my free land; bro. Robt. Sawyer; sist. Margt. Hussie; sist. Joane Frince, her dau. Joan Weston, my goddau.; my godson Thos., son of Robt. Weston (und. 21); Anne, dau. of Nichs. Sawyer; kinsw. Margt., wife of John Cordry, her son, my godson, John Cordry, her oth. chn.; Robt. Hussie, his chn.; Edw. Hussie and his chn.; kinsw. Margery Barnard, her dau., my goddau., and her oth. chn.; Margt. Sullum's chn.; Rd. Hussie's chn.; my godsons, Thos. and John Sadler; Joan Taylor; my goddaus. Dorothy Cooper and Rose Bolter; m}^ godson and son-in-law, John Clynch and his wife; kinsm. Thos. Sawyer of Blewbery; kinsm. David Sawyer; Mary Fry; Exors: my cos. Rd. Hussie of Farnborough and David Sawyer of Dudcott; Overs: my kinsm. Robt. Sawyer of Coscot and Wm. Wilder of Sulham- steede Banaster. \_Thos: Sawyer\ Wits: Amon Alnewick, Richard Smyth {mark). (Fr. 22 Apr. 1620.) 377 Richard Lane of Stalbridge Weston, co. Dorset., yeom. (Dat. i Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in my psh. Ch.; son John Lane, his moth. -in-law, my wife Grace; son Edw. Lane; son George Lane; son Wm. Lane; son Thos. Lane; dau. Joane Guyer, her chn.; dau. Dianis Baber; dau. Elliner Wise; Extx: wife, GraceLane; Overs: my frds. Ellis Mewe and Edw. Hanne, the eld.; Rd., son of Wm. Lane; Deanes Baber, the * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 34. 129 yr. [_mark] Wits: John Gulloffer, Willyam Chamberlayne. (Pr. 29 Apr. 1620.) 378 W^illiam Punfell of Sherborne, co. Dorset., clothier. (Dat. I Sept. 1618.) My 3 daus., Eliz., Joan and Mary (allund. 17); poor and Ch. of Sherborne; chapels and poor of Leigh; Ch. and poor of Folk; bro. Edm. Punfell; Wm., son of Jos- eph Paty; copyhold tent, in Leighe, co. Dorset.; son Wm. (und. 7); Exors: Joan, my wife, and Wm., my son; Overs: bro. Edm. Punfell, Rd. Couper, John Chetmill, Joseph Patye. [.no si'g-.l Wits: John Chetmill, Edmund Punfell. (Pr. 7 Apr. 1620, by Joanne Punfeild, rel,, pow. res. to Wm. Punfell, son.) 379 William Warlande of Corffe Mullen, co. Dorset., husbm. (Undated.) Bur. in chyd. of Corffe Mullen; John Beale; Jo. Pottle; poor of Corffe and of Gt. Canforde; sist. Alice Harward, her sons and dau., Thos., Henry and Kath. Harward; my servts., Phil, and Thos. Pottle, Kath. Bugby; son Wm. Warland (und. 21); dau. Joane Warland (und. 21); Extx: my wife, Isabell. \_mark] Overs: Rd. Barnes, Robt. Paynter, Wm. Forde. Wits: Tho. Browne (mark), Wm. Jaye, Tho. Kinge (mark). (Pr. 15 Apr. 1620.) 380 Phillippe Churchill of Muckelforde, co. Dorset., husbm. (Dat. 21 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of Bradforde Peverell; Ch. and poor of Bradford; bro. Thos.; my bros. andsists.; term in tent, of Thos. Barons; Extx: wife Agnes; sch. hou. of Dorchester. [Phillippe Churchili\ Wits: John Maber, Nicho. Hardy, Roberte Maber; cos. Nichs. Hardy; fath.-in-law; Robt. Hardy; bro. Paul; bro. John; bro. Henry; Mr. Jesep; Mr. Smarte; Wm. Little; Mr. Symonds; Stacie; Henry Hardy. (Pr. 15 Apr. 1620.) 381 George Gyles {of St. Augustine, nr. FauPs Gate, Lond.*). (Dat. 13 Feb. 1619-20.) Exor: bro. Jeremy Gyles, his son, George; bro. John Gyles; my 3 sists.; bro. Edw. ; Mr. Warde, minister; my master, Joseph Tilden; George Nash; Mr. Stock, minister; Mr. Hamon; Rd. Sheafe, the yr. ; Mr. Rucker of Chrambroke; my fellow servts. ; Wm., son of Steven Gyles, of Canterbury; chn. of my bros. and sists.; my mr's. dau. * Fro. Act. Book. 180 SOAME, FOL. 34. Anne Tilden; my Ids. {.George Gyles] Wits: Roberte Ham- ond, Joseph Tilden, Henry Poole, George Nash. (Pr. ii Apr. 1620.) 382 John Taylor, cit. and haberdasher of Lond., dwelling on Lond. Bridge foot, in the psh. of St. Olave. (Nunc, will dat. 22 Mar. 1619-20.) My wife and chn.; Wits: Mathew Wighte, Wm. Grubbe {mark). (Adm. gr. 11 Apr. 1620, to Anne Taylor, rel. of deed., no Exor: being named.) 383 Thomas Eagles of Weybridge, co. Surr., innholder. (Dat. 25 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of Waybridge; Ch. and poor of sd. psh.; bro. John Eagles; bro. Saml. Eagles; Humfrey Browne, par.; Kath. Righte; Matthewe Goddard; Extx: wife, Mary Eagles; Overs: fath. -in-law Wm. Stevens, and John Wright, [mark] Wits: Humfredus Browne, rect., Thomas Childe, Richard Edmonds. (Pr. 5 Apr. 1620.) 384 James Marshall {of Si. Peter, Paul's wharf, Lond., woodmonger^). (Nunc, will dat. 29 Mar. 1620.) Fath. Eustace Marshall; goddau. Mary Marshall, dau. of my bro. Wm. Marshall; Mary Marshall, dau. of Abraham Marshall, cit. and cordwainer of Lond.; my sist. in the country; Wits: Mr. John Andrewes, Robt. Huggins, John Bates {mark), Anne Marchant {mark). (Adm. gr. 7 Apr. 1620 to Wm. Marshall, bro. of deed., no Exor: being named.) FOL. 35. 385 John Sheild, cit. and cook of Lond., {of St. Mary Aldermary*). (Dat. 27 Nov. 1618.) Bur. in Ch. of St. Mary Aldermary, Lond., wh. I have been long a pshr.; cos. Hugh Sheilde; cos. Suzan Sheilde, his sist.; cos. Kath. Allen (und. 21), her bro. John Allen (und. 21); my sist. Margt. Simpson, her dau., Eliz. Wilson; kinsm. Rd. Cooper (und. 21), son of my kinsw. Susan Wilson, deed.; my kinsw., Barbara Har- wood, the eld.; her daus. Suzan Harwood (und. 21) and Barbara Harwood, the yr. (und. 21); kinsm. Robt. Davies (und. 21), and Steven Calvert; Wynyfride Seabrighte, her dau., Anne Whitehead; my godsons, John Pippett and Peter Archer; my godson, Rd. Tiffyn, his moth.; frd. Master Deputy Rowe; * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 35. 131 Alice Joyce dwelling in Essex, once wt. the Lord Peter; John Goodyeare, cook; my sometime appr., Nathl. Smith; yeo- manry of Co. of Cooks, Lond.; poor of Christ's Hospital, of St. Andrew Holborn, of St. Sepulchre's without Newgate, of St. Botolph's without Aldersgate, St. Gyles without Cripple- gate, St. Botolph's without Bishopsgate, St. Botolph's with- out Aldgate, St. Benet Finck, Lond. and Hadley, co. Midd.; Mr. Alporte; Mr. Nedham; Co. of clothworkers, Lond.; Mr. Warren, elk. of that Co.; Thos. Holte; Robt. Sauckyn; Kath. Carter, who looks to my hou.; nourse Brockett; Overs: bro.- in-law, George Simpson and Steven Kinge, cit. and scr. of Lond.; cos. John Harwood; Frauncis Dent; lease of 2 tents, nr. Holborn Conduit, Lond.; Exors: Wm. Langhorne, gent, and Peter Ashecook. \jnark\ Wits: Wm. Shewarde, Stephen Kinge, scr., Richard Byrt, Kath. Carter (niark). (Pr. 6 Apr. 1620 by Wm. Langhorne, Peter Ashe being dead.) 386 Robert Cranmer of Cheeveninge, co. Kent, esq. (Dat. 17 Dec. 1616.) Bur. in chan. of Cheeveninge nr. my only dau.. Lady Herris; John, son of my uncle, Rd. Cranmer; my servt. Nichs. Noakes; Extx: wife Jane; grchn., Cranmer and John Herrys, (minors); Overs: their fath., my son-in-law, Sir Arthur Herris, Kt. and my bro. Edm. Cranmer; Leven Buskyn, esq.; Ids. in Cheeveninge, bot. of Jonathan Lloyd als. Flud and Henry Manninge; meadow in Long Mead, Cheeveninge, bot. of Edm. Thomas; Id. called Miskyn's acre; my bailiwick of Hithe als. Hide; lease of tent, in street of Chepstede for use of 4 poor wids.; wids. Charlwood, the eld., Charlwood, late wife of Raphe Charlwood, deed., Brougar and Lownes, now there; my dwelling hou. in Chepstede; Id. at Yorkshill bot. of Martyn Barneham, esq.; neices, Rossell, dau. of my eld. bro.. Lady Therold, wife of Sir John Therold, Kt., and Mary Gittyns, my bro. Edm. Cranmer's dau. {.Robert Cranmer] Wits: Fran. Sydney, rector of Cheeveninge, Roger Gittins, Thos. Yardley, William Noakes {mark). (Pr. 6 Apr. 1620.) 387 William Pringell {of St. Kath. by the Tower, Lond.*). (Dat. 7 Oct. 1618.) Hou. wh. my fath., Andrew Barter dwells; Eliz. Smithe, dau. of Robt. Smythe of the psh. of St. Kath.; * Pro. Act. Book. 132 SOAME, FOL. 35. my moth.; wages due unto me for this voyage; Anne Barnes of St. Kath.; Octavian Sparke; JohnMichaell; the bossen, Rd. Case; Henry Whitt; Wm. Laister; Josias Hudson, [mark] Wits: Octavian Spake, John Michell, Josias Hudson. (Adm. gr. 13 Apr. 1620 to Eliz. Smith, prin. leg., no Exor: being named.) 388 Thomas Reddinge of Arundell, Dioc. of Chichester. (Dat. 24 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in Arundel Ch.; my youngest dau. Susanna (und. 21); hou. wh. I now dwell; eld. dau., Alice Reddinge (und. 20); my 2d dau. Eliz. Reddinge; my 3d dau., Joane Reddinge; my 4th dau., Mary Reddinge; Exors: frds. Thos. Freman of Arundel, mercer, Rd. Morris, the eld. of Petworth, mercer, John Bartholomew, of Chichester, mer- cer, and my bro. -in-law, Rd. Remnant of Guildford, mercer; my servts. Wm. Adderley, Anne Dymocke, Rachell Harris; my pastor, Mr. Wm. Carrs; Ch. of Arundel; frd. JohnBigges of Drayton, co. Southton., to have tuition of dau. Mary; frd. Gershome Bayliffe of Lewis, co. Suss., shoemaker, to have tuition of dau. Alice; frd. Mr. Henry Mountague of Woking- ham, CO. Berks., gent., to have tuition of dau. Eliz.; Mr. John Bartholomew of Chichester to have tuition of dau. Joan; frd. Mr. John Planner of Wokingham, co. Berks., clothier, to have tuition of dau. Susanna; Overs: Frauncis Humfrey of Arundel, tailor and Wm. Knight of Arundel. \,Thomas Red- dinge\ Wits: William Cams, Thomas Philpott. (Pr. 7 Apr. 1620.) 389 Thomas Bostocke, cit. and clothmaker of Lond., {of St. Benedict Finck^'). (Dat. 25 Sept. 1619.) My 3 chn., George, Roger and Eliz. Bostocke; Co. of Clothworkers, Lond., whereof I am free; hospital of Bridewell, Christ's hospital; my wife; Exor: bro. -in-law, Anthony Abdy until son George shall be 21; Overs: frd. Chas. Bostocke. \_Thomas Bostocke\ Wits: Charles Bostocke, scr., Richarde Chapman and Charles Bragge, servts. to the sd. scr. (Pr. 3 Apr. 1620 by George Bostocke, son of deed.) 390 Joane Hamper of Savington, psh. of Tarringe, co. Suss., wid. (Dat. 3 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Tarringe; sons Wm., John and Rd. Hamper; dau. Joan, wife of John * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 35. 1S8 Pannett, her chn. (und. i6); dau. Kath., wife of John Whit- tington, her chn. (und. i6); my grchn. Jane Barnard, Rebecca Barnard, Susan Hamper, dau. of my son Rd., Margt. Seldyne, Edw. Barnard, John Barnarde, Margt., wife of Thos. Wes- ton, theyr., Joan, wife of Walter Weston and Joan Pannett; Exor: son Jas. Hamper; my bro. Thos. Rowland, [no sig:'^ Wits: Thomas Parkhurst, Thomas Campion {_mark). (Pr. 3 Apr. 1620.) 391 Joel Browne, cit. and barber chirurgeon of Lond., {0/ St. Gregory*). (Dat. 26 Mar. 1620.) Frauncis Craycroft, my sist. Emme's dau. (und. 21), her moth.; bro. George Browne and his chn., his now wife; cos. Jas. Cooke, his eld. son; Dr. Gwyn's now wife; Henry Lawrence; frd. Thos. Bur- ton; bro. Rd. Browne; Exors: frds. Mr. Leonard Skelt and Mr. Russell Harberte; John Raymon, poulter in New- gate market; John Browne, blacksmith in Tower St.; Rd. Barnes, son of Mr. Barnes, mercer in Cheapside. [joell Browne] Wits: John Browne; Richard Collyer, Henry Law- rence, scr. (Pr. 8 Apr. 1620.) 392 Sibill Buffkyn of Chepsted, psh. of Cheeveninge, co. Kent, wid. (Dat. 18 May 1619.) Poor of Ottham, co. Kent, and of Cheeveninge; neph. Robt. Cranmer, esq., and niece, his wife, Jane Cranmer; niece Alice, wife of John Gilbert of Seven- oaks, CO. Kent, gent.; niece Eliz. Rootes, late wife of Nichs. Rootes, of Horsted Keynes, co. Suss., deed.; niece Thamer Clarke, wife of Clark; niece Suzan Hebden; Anne Rootes, dau. of the sd. Eliz. Rootes; Extx: Jane Rootes, another dau. of the sd. Eliz. Rootes. [niark] Wits: Robt. Cranmer, Roger Gittins. (Pr. 10 Apr. 1620.) 393 Thomas Pellinge, of Lidfeild; co. Suss. (Dat. 23 Feb. 1616-17.) Thos., son of Thos. Newnham of Lindfield; COS. Eliz. Newnham; Kath. Newnham; Thos. and John Pel- land; servts. in my bros. hou.; Margery Pelland; bro. Henry Pellinge, his chn.; bro. Rd. Pellinge, his 2 sons; John Pel- linge of Cuckfeilde; Thos. Pellinge, Senr., of Skirmshill, his sons Thos. and John; Mary and Bridgett Pellinge; Wm. Pel- linge; my goddau. Elinor Payne, dau. of Thos. Payne of Freshfield, her sists. Eliz. Taylor and Alice Baker; my god- * Pro. Act. Book. 134 SOAME, FOL. 35. dau., dau. of Nicholas Godly of Chayley; 3 chn. of John Shep- heard of Barcombe; Bridget Velvick; John Fawkner; Exor: bro. -in-law Thos. Newnham; Overs: frds. Thos. Pellinge of Lindfield and Wm. Newton of Lindfield; cos. Kath. Travichin; Parnell Chapman's chn. imark] Wits: Nicholas Esson, John Verroll (mark), William Newton. (Pr. 4 Apr. 1620.) 394 George Smyth, cit. and white-baker of Lond., in psh. of St. Peter Comhill. (Dat. 25 Feb. 1619-20.) Poor of Co. of White-bakers; bro. John Smyth; cos. Mrs. Blaude, Mrs. Stonehouse and Mrs. Kidder; godsons John Kendall, Wm. Lee; cos. Man and his wife; John Drake, Mr. Currier; Extx: cos. Eliz. Sachfeild, wid. \_George Smith] Wits: John Smythe and Jo. Drake. (Pr. i Apr. 1620.) 395 Richarde Nightingale of Ludlowe, co. Salop., glover. (Dat. 30 Sept. 1617.) Son Wm. Nightingale, his intended wife, Mary, dau. of Henry Jevens of Rocke, co. Wore, yeom. ; son Roger; my Ids. on W. side Corbstreete, Ludlow, now in occ. of Eliz. Pippen; Exor: sd. Wm. Nightingale. [mark] Wits: William Sharrett, Thomas Powell. (Adm. gr. 20 Jan. 1619-20, to John Patchett and Thos. Powell, Exors: of Wm. Nightingale, deed., while liv. Exor: to Rd. Nightin- gale, dur. min. of Eliz. Nightingale, dau. of the sd. Wm.) 396 Dorothie Roberts (^), Barbara, wife of sd. Wm. {^mark). (Pr. 10 Apr. 1620.) 399 Thomas Rocke of Franckwell, suburb of Shrewsbury, glover. (Dat. 18 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of St. Chaddes; son Thos. (und. 21); dwelling house in Franckwell; anoth. tent, in Franckwell, bot. of Robt. Corbett, gent.; my moth.; dau Eliz. (und. 15); dau. Jane; my fath. -in-law, Roger Downce (j/V.); Mary Gardner, dau. of my kinsm. Rd. Gardner; Ids. of Croocke Meele; Extx: wife Gwen; Overs: 186 SOAME, FOL. 36. kinsm. Rd. Gardner and my wife's fath. -in-law, Robt. Downce ist'c). \jnark\ Wits: Richard Downce, Edwarde Ryder, Andrewe Williams, Robert Downce, David Lloide. (Pr. 13 Apr. 1620.) 400 Vrion Hearinge, cit. and draper of Lond. {of St. Bride's, Fleet St.*). (Dat. 30 Mar. 1620.) Exor: bro. -in-law Robt. Bowers. [.Vrion Her ing-e'\ Wits: Dick Welley, Wm. Dodge, Thomas Borne, Margrett Borne {mark). (Pr. 13 Apr. 1620.) 401 John Goodman of Westminster, gent. (Dat. 7 May, 1619.) Grch. John Goodman (und. 21); my rect. of Fulford, CO. York.; son Frauncis Goodman; grch. Henry Goodman, bro. of sd. John and 2d son of my son John Good- man, deed.; Cardell Goodman, 3d son of my sd. son John, deed; bond dat. 7 Nov. 1618, of George Cole, of the Inner Temple, Lond., esq.; grch. Grace Goodman, sist of the sd. bros. (und. 21); money to be pd. in the Middle Temple Hall, Fleet St.; Exor: son Frauncis. [mark] Wits: John Mathew, Edwarde Goodman, Fruncis Dufifild, Nathaniell Fordome {niarJi). (Pr. 6 Apr. 1620.) 402 Edward Lister {of St. Mary Aldermanbury*), Lond., Esq., Dr. of Physic. (Dat. 21 Nov. 1612). My wife Anne, all estate she brot. from her former husb. ; lease of demesne Ids. of Levenhall Garthe in Holderness; wife's dwelling house in Addlestreet, Lond.; her bro. Mr. Gyles Snoden; Mr. Edm. Meautys, whomarr: my wife's eld. dau.; Mr. Frauncis Blunte, who marr. her yr. dau.; my bros. and sists., and my wife's bros. and their wifes; Mr. John Slanye and his wife; Mr. Dia- mond and his wife; Mr. Mansfield and his wife; uncle, Mr. John Lister's sons and their wives; neph. Mr. Jehochanan Mawde and his wife; bro. Mr. Brian Lister, his eld. son Joseph; my King's College lease of man. of Boarhowse in Suff.; my hou. in Wakefield; bro. Dr. Lister of York; my seal and letters patent of arms; John Lister, now scholar of Eton, my bro. Brian's 2d son, his youngest son Stephen Lister and his dau., my niece, Eliz. Lister (und. 21); my sist. Mrs. Mawde, her 2 sons, Timothie and Sam'l., now at Cambridge; niece Rebecca Pigt- nells, and her sists. (und. 21), her bros.; Mary Kempe (und. 21), •Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 36. 137 dau. of my sist. Eliz,, deed.; Mr. Robt. Harland, pastor of Aldermanbury, his wife, Mrs. Harland; Mr. Robt. Davye, deed.; frds. Mr. Wm. Symons of Colehester, Mr. Anthony Wootton of Tower Hill; godson, Mr. WoottOn's son; my out- worn servitor, wid. Kinge; my books; my written books; my dau. Blunte; Exors: my bros. Dr. Lister of York, Mr. Wm. Lister of Wakefield, Mr. Rd. Lister of Milne Thorpe; Super- visors, frds. Mr. Rd. Hutton, esq., sergeant-at-law, Dr. Smithe, Provost of King's College, Cambridge and their wives. \_Edw. Lister] Wits: Jo. Miehell, scr., Thomas Dawson, servt. to sd. ser. Mem. dat. 26 Nov. 1618; Wits: Jo. Lister, Humfrey Robinson, John Partridge, Rob. Riehardson. (Pr. 12 Apr. 1620.) 403 William Chapman of Seaton, eo. Rutland. (Mem. nune. dat. Dec. 1619.) Bro. Toby Chapman; my fath.; Toby Chapman's chn.; hou. and Ids.; eld. bro. Rd. Chapman; Wits: Thoms. Skulthroppe, Richard Culpin. (Adm. gr. 27 Apr. 1620, to Toby Chapman, prin. leg.) 404 William Wise, the eld., of Sonninghill, eo. Berks., yeom. (Dat. 31 Aug. 1620.) Poor of Winkfield; son Henry Wise; son Thomas Wise; my grehn. ; Thos. Stapler of Lalam, CO. Midd., esq.; Exor: son, William Wise; Overs: frds. John Osborne of Potnole, and Henry Lane of Coworth, yeom. [ William Wise] Wits: Alexr. Leesingstone, Richarde Barre. (Pr. 2 Oct. 1620.) 405 William Harrison of Compton Bassett, eo. Wilts., husbm. (Dat. 4 July 1620. ) Bur. in chyd. of Compton Bassett; 3 sons, Roger, John and Rd. Harrison; 2 daus., Jane Butler and Agnes Lupus; Id. in Cherrilles field; John Butler, son of John Butler of Corsham; Wm. Lucas, son of Marke Lucas; daus. -in-law, Eliz., Mary and Christian Smithe; Extx: my wife, Grace; Overs: Rd. Burchall and Wm. Vivash, the yr.; Id. called Pill acre in Cherrillfield; my chn's. chn. [mark] Wits: Ed. Hargett, Richard Burchall, William Vivaishe, William Vivashe the eld. (Pr. 16 Oct. 1620.) 406 Humphrey Clare. Def. sen. confirming the will of Humph. Clare, late of the psh. of St. Bennett Fink, Lond., propounded by Margaret Clare, rel. and Extx:, and disputed 188 SOAME, FOL. 36. by John Clare and Anthy. Clare, bros. of deed. (Dat. 4 Nov. 1620.) 407 William Sha'we of Wapping, co. Midd., mariner. (Dat. 11 Mar. 1619-20.) Intended voyage to Virginia; my 6 chn., John, Martha, Mary, Joane, Eliz. and Sara Shawe (all und. 21); the ch. my wife now goethwt.; chn. of my bro. Thos. Shawe of Haslington, co. Chester, yeom.; sist. Margt., wife of Hugh Brome of Sandbiche, co. Chester, husbm. ; sist. Ciceley Abram of Haslington, co. Chester, wid.; sist. Anne Shawe of Sandbiche, spr.; wife's bros., Joseph Chapman and Jonathan Chapman; books and sea instruments; wife's bro., Saml. Chapman; Mr. Sedgewick, preacher of Wapping; Mr. Mekin of Lond., preacher; cos. John Shawe of Lond., gold- smith; frd. Robt. Papworth of Lond., chaundler; Extx: wife, Martha Shawe; Overs: frds. Robt. Mekin and Robt. Papworth and cos. John Shawe; my Ids. iJVm. Shawe] Wits: Richarde Greene, scr., Jo. Dearslye. (Pr. 11 Oct. 1620.) 408 John Smithe of Shepshed, co. Leic, yeom. (Dat. II Oct. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Shepshed; my moth.; Isabell Bowlter, her son that is with me, Wm. Bowlter; my chn., John and Jane Smithe; Extx: wife Suzance; Overs: frd. Mr. Francis Danvers of Swethe land, and fath. -in-law John Hanson of the same psh. \mark\ Wits: Peter Ollerenshaw and Wil- liam Colle; Wm. Hascum. (Pr. 14 Nov. 1620.) 409 Thomas Dally of Bradford, co. Wilts., shoemaker. (Dat. 4 July 1620.) Exors: son Edw. Dally and my wife, Joane Dallye; Overs: Wm. Hall and Wm. Ledyard. \ntark] Wits: William Ledyard, William Hall {mark), Alice Dally ijnarfi). (Pr. 14 Sept. 1620.) FOL. 37. 410 Sir Edward Morley of the Inner Temple, Lond., Kt. (Dat. 25 Dec. 1619.) Letters patent of grant of office of Cirographer of the common Bank to me for life and then to Christr. Barker, gent., son of Robt. Barker, esq.; indr. 28 May, 10 Jas. I, betw. Sir Edw. Frauncis, Kt, Sir Wm. Forde, Kt., by name of Wm. Forde, esq., Thos. Bowyer, esq., Edw. Mitchell, esq.. Sir Edw. Banister, Kt., by name of Edw. Ban- ister, esq., and Roger Rant, esq., and me by the name of SOAME, FOL. 37. 180 Edw. Morley, esq., concerning the man. of Wykis ah. Wikes, CO. Line, conveyed to the sd. Sir Edw. Frauncis, etc., by Sir Edw. Seymour, Kt., Baron Beauchamp and Earl of Hertford, sd. man. being conveyed by me to the sd. Sir Edw. Frauncis, etc., in trust to fulfil my will; fath., John Morley, esq., deed.; moth.. Dame Eliz. Carill, deed., late wife of Sir Edw. Carill, Kt., deed.; Mrs. Isabell Bagnoll, wid.; eld. bro.. Sir John Morley, Kt.; wife Kath.; son John Morley (under 21); my bro. Wm. Morley, his sons, John Morley and Edw. Morley; my sist., Mary Ingram, late wife of Wm. Ingram, esq., deed.; sist. Magdalen Cowper, wid., late wife of John Cowper, esq., deed.; indr. 3i Oct., 17 Jas. I, betw. Lancelot, late Bishop of Chichester, and me, of man. of Broyle or Broyle farm, nr. city of Chichester; Henry Goringe, son and hr. app. of Edw. Goringe of Okehurst, co. Suss., esq.; indr. 16 Nov., 7 Jas. I, betw. me and Sir Wm. Forde, Kt., by name of Wm. Forde of Hartinge, co. Suss., esq., Rd. Juxon of Chichester, gent., of man. of Broyle; my rect. of Rottinge deane, co. Suss.; water mill called Durforde myll, co. Suss.; lease of moiety of the man. of Terrington, co. Norf., of man. of Falkenerhurst, co. Kent; frd. Sir Thos. Puckeringe, Kt. and Bart.; John Ingram (und. 21), one of sons of m}'^ sist., Mrs. Mary Ingram, deed.; niece. Lady Eliz. Puckeringe, dau. of my bro.. Sir John Morley, his son, my neph. Wm. Morley; daus. -in-law, Mrs. Anne Barney and Mrs. Eliz. Wheatley, her dau. Kath. Wheat- ley; niece Mrs. Mary Ingram; poor of Chichester and of St. Botolph's without Aldersgate, Lond.; my servts. , Wm. Smith, Walter Godman; Exors: wife Kath. and son John; Overs: Sir John Morley, Sir Thos. Coventry, Kt., Sir Wm. Forde of Hartinge, Kt., Sir Thos. Trevor, Kt., Sir Jas. Kerton, Kt. \.Edward Morley] Wits: Elizabeth Whetley, John Hudson, Will. Smith, Thom. Pie, scr. (Pr. 30 May 1620, by Lady Kath. Morley, rel., pow. res. to son John Morley, when of age.) 411 Anthony Browne of Snitterton, CO. Derb., gent. (Dat. 21 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Chappell-in-the- Frith, wh. bo. and ancestors lie; farm at Underwood; neph., Mr. Nich- olas Browne of the Marshe, his chn.; estate in Snitterton; wife's son. Shore; Bentsall milne; Sir Wm. Kneveton, Bart.; Ids. in Workesworth and Ashbourne; my reputed son, Edw. 140 SOAME, FOL. 87. Browne als. Olrenshawe, when freeman of Lond.; poor of Chappell, Darley, Matlocke, Workesworth and Bontsall; my sist. Nash; Anne Broowne, wife of neph., John Browne, her son, John; plate as heirlooms; beaker of gilt wt. my name and arms; cos. Thos. Moult of the Eccles; gold seal of arms; Henry Browne, the milner of Bontsall; bro. Nichs. Browne of Matlock; neph. Edw. Browne; Troth and Mary Buckley; John Spatman, the eld.; Wm. Walker, of Riber; dau., Margt. Silkson; bed I gave dau. Mary at her wedding; my servt., Wm. Moore of Bontsall; Mr. Smith, par. at Matlock; my old servt., Lawrence Johnson; Exors: wife Margt. and neph. Nichs. and Mr. Thos. Moult of Eccles; my godchn. Anthonie Taylor and Anthonye Hodgkins. \_Antho: Browne] Wits: George Nedham, Henry Smith, Frauncis Beveredge. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 412 Thomas Adams, cit. and stationer {of St. Faith the Virg-in^), Lond. (Dat. 2 Mar. 1619-20.) Daus. Eliz., Mary and Anne (und. 21); poor of Bridewell; preachers at Paul's Cross, Lond.; the Mistery of Stationers of city of Lond.; Bishop of Lond.; bro. -in-law. Dr. Watkins and his wife; George Bach; Thos. and Andrew Bach; bro. George Adams; my godson, Thos. Jenninges; Symon Burton; goddau., Sara Constable; godson, Thos. Aspeley; my mdservt., Margt.; Dr. Day; Dr. Peirce and his wife; Mr. Wickham and his wife; Christr. Stanley and his wife; Thos. Mountford; Wm. Aspe- ley and his wife; Ids. in N. Shobury and S. Shobury, co. Essex, late bot. of Gyles Browne, gent.; Id. called Pike Meadow in Neine psh., co. Salop.; Ids. held by lease of Sir Rd. Kettleby in Neine; Extx: wife Eliz. Adams; Overs: frds. Wm. Leake and George Swinhewe. \_Thomas Adams] Wits: Hen. Watkins, Will. Aspley, Tho. Muntfort, not. pub., Andrew Hebb, servt. to Mr. Thos. Adams. (Pr. 4 May 1620.) 413 John Person of Stocklande, co. Dorset.; tailor. (Dat. 7 Apr. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Stockland; dau. Joane Mannynge; dau. Agnes Pasture; John Manninge (und. 21), son of sd. Joan; dau. Kath. Manfeilde; Grace, wife of John Streete of Staple, co. Somst.; godchn., John Stocker, Jr., John Mannynge, Agnes Newbery, dau. of John Newbery of * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 37. 141 Northdale, and Joane Carter; Kath. Northam, wid., of Year- combe; Exor: Henry Manfeild; Overs: Henry Preston, gent., and John Bovet, Jr. \_John Peirson\ Wits: John Bo vet, John Bovet, Thomas Voysey. (Pr. 29 May, 1620.) 414 William Jervice of Winscombe, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 26 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Winscombe; Ch. and poor of Winscombe and Huntspill; Cath. of Wells; son Wm. Jervice; grd. called Middle Hearth; dau. Jane Jervice (und. 21); dau. Joane Jervice (und. 21); Robt. Verman and Eliz. his wife; son John Jervice; son Josias Jervice; Thos. Bragge and Mary his wife, their son Thos. Bragge (und. 21); son Rd. Jervice (und. 21); sist. Kath. Gillinges' chn.; Wm. Harding's 4 chn. had by my sist.; Wm. Marnere's 2 chn.; bro. Wm. Jer- vice's ch.; Exors: wife Margt. and son Wm. \no sig.^ Wits: RoberteHayne, Thorns. Corpe, John Vowelles, Robert Baylye. (Pr. 23 May, 1620.) 415 Richard W^arfeild rect. of Dry Dayton, co. Camb. (Dat. I June, 1619.) Bur. in Ch. chan. nr. wife; free Ids. in Barford, co. Beds.; dau. Eliz., wife of Anthony Wood, of Lit- tle Hadham, co. Herts., and her dau. Mary; my 3d son Thos. (und. 21); my 2 yr. daus., Grace and Mary (both und. 21); uncle Mr. Thos. Anscell of Barford, esq., and my aunt, his wife; my bro. -in-law Mr. Rd. Hunter of Colmeworth, co. Beds., rect., and his wife, my wife's sist.; my 2d son Roger; Id. in Dry Drayton; my youngest ch. John; my books; my eld. son Rd-; my sists. Mrs. Susan Smithe and Agnes Norris, both of Lond., wids.; moth. -in-law Mrs. Mary Carter; sist. Mrs. Anne NichoUs of Lond.; gold ring wt.-my seal; Exor: my 2d son Roger; Overs: Mr. Tho. Anscell, Mr. Rd. Hunter and Mr. Thos. Carter, my wife's eld. bro., of Barford, gent. \_Richard Warfeild\ Wits: John Jackson, James Bridgman. (Pr. 20 May 1620.) 416 W^ alter Payne of city of Oxon., aid. (Dat. 17 Dec, 1619.) Bu. in psh. of St. Martin; wife Joane; 2 hous. in the ten. of Morrice Heath, smith, and Wooley, shoemaker; hous. within W. gate in the ten. of Martyn Knowles, huckster, and Freman, dyer; garden next my cos. Smith's house; garden against Lincoln College; my servts. John Smith, Thos. Coxe, Robt. Huett; goodwife Miles and John, her son, living 142 SOAME, FOL. 37. in my hou. ; hou. in Cheaney lane in ten. of Robt. Wells, bot. of one Fallowfeild; Mayor and city of Oxon. for consta- bles staves; poor prisoners in Bocardo, poor beadsmen called Trinity men, "almsmen of St. Bart's; old servt. Joane Herbert; lease of my hou. adj. the Rowebucke; held of Magdalene Col- lege; Thos. Penne's 6 chn. (und. i6); Mr. Radcliffe, town clerk of Oxon.; kinsm. Edw. Payne of Bristowe; lease of the chandler's house in Cheyney Lane used by Thos. Penne and Joan and Kath. Penne, his daus. (und. i6); frd. Mr. Wm. Powdrell; Mr. Andrew Carpenter; Exor: kinsm. Thos. Penne; John Barker, son of John Taylor's wife that was my servt.; Thos. Gardner of Panswicke, co. Glouc, to be guard, to sd. John Barker; Wits: Raphe Radcliffe, Andre we Carpenter, Wm. Powdrell. \mark\ Overs: frds. Thos. Harris and Mat- hewe Harrison, aldm. of this city; Nunc. cod. (no date.) Anne Penne, dau. of Thos. Penne, chandler; Cos. of Cord- wainers, corvisors and shoemakers in Oxford; Wits: Joane Payne, John Smith. (Pr. 24 May 1620.) 417 William Pokyns of Great Milton, co. Oxford, yeom. (Dat. 12 May 1620.) Bur in chyd. of Garsington; Exor: bro. Henry Pokyns; Ch. and poor of Gt. Milton; Ch. and poor of Garsmgton; wife Martha; crop ot 3 yard Ids. in Milton, wch. I rent of my aunt Pokyns; lease held of sd. aunt; Henry Keene; my wife's moth.; Thos. and Henry Phelp; goddau. Joane Pokyns; bro. John's dau. Edith Pokins; bro. Stephen Pokyns; bro. Robt. Pokins; bro. Jeremy Pokins; bro. Anthony Pokins; bro. Rd. Pokins; wife's bro. at Oxford and her 2 sists.; wife's bro. Wm. Wilgose. \mark\ Wits: Edmund Heme, scr., Richard Forde, Richarde Francklyn. (Pr. 24 May 1620.) 418 Sir Clement Fisher, Kt. of Great Packington, co. Warw. (Dat. 8 Apr. 1618.) Bur. und. my tomb in Ch. of Gt. Packington; wife Dame Mary Fisher; my mans, of Gt. Packington als. Packington Prior, Hill Bickenhull, Church Bickenhull and Middle Bickenhull, co. Warw.; indr. 20 May, 7 Jas. I.; tents, in Bickenhull, co. Warw., late bot. of John Lowe of Halesowen, co. Salop., t yeom.; tents, in Stichall als. Stivechall and Stoneley, co. Warw. and in co. of city of Coventry; my prebend of Bonyhall als. Bonell, co. Warw. t Now in "Wore. SOAME, FOL. 37. 143 and CO. Staff; tents, in ten. of Lycet; grch. Clement Fisher, son of my son Sir Robt. Fisher, Kt.; Ids. called Astell grove, held of Countess of Leicester; Extx: wife Mary; sale of rectory of Asheby Ledgers; Ids. in Kingesbury and Flaunders, co. Warw.; Id. in Newbold Comyn, co. Warw. [.no sig:^ (no wit.^ (Pr. 22 May 1620.) (Adm. gr. 22 May 1623 to Sir Robt. Fisher, Kt., son of deed., Lady Mary Fisher being dead.) FOL. 38. 419 Joyce Early of St. Margaret's, Westminster, co. Midd., wid. (Dat. 4 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. of St. Margt's., Westminster; Joane Keyes; Anne Clarke; Kath. Coulton; Cicilie Skynner; Extx: Ellen Morton, wid.; Overs: Thos. Mor- ris and Peter Haywood. {Joyce Earley\ Wits: Thomas Mor- rice, Peter Haywood, Godfrey Austinson, appr., John Barber als. Houson, scr. (Def. sen. revoking letters of adm. gr. to Edmd. Colton, and granting probate to the Extx: named, 27 May 1620.) 420 Lady Anne Egerton. Def. sen. confirming the will of Lady Anne Egerton, wid., late of the psh. of St. Michael Bassishaw in the city of Lond., propounded by Rob. Smith, Exor: and disputed by Sir Eras. Trapps, Kt., Robert Trapps, Henry Trapps, Dame Sarah Smith, wife of Sir Thomas Smith, Kt., Mary Cooper, wife of Richard Cooper, and Ursula Prowde, wid., chn. of the deed. (Dat. 9 May 1620.) 421 John 'Wood of Braunton, co. Devon., husbm. (Dat. 10 Sept. 1617.) Poor of Huanton Puncherdon; Mathewe Tooker, the yr., of Barnestable, co. Devon., merch., son of Mathewe Tooker, the eld., of same town, clothier; Ids. in Cambemertyn, co. Devon.; Rd. Wood, uncle of Mat. Tooker, the yr.; John and Joseph Tooker, sons of Mathew Tooker, the eld.; Priscilla, wife of Wm. Baker of Eastdowne, yeom.; sist. Emma Tooker; sist. Alice Pearse of Barnstaple, wid., her dau. Joane; Mathewe, Thos., Margt., Mary and Sarah Wood, chn. of my bro. Rd. Wood; Clement Greeneway; kinsw. Thomasine Larymer; son-in-law Phil. Peryn, his dau. Fraunces and his 7 chn.; my boy Alexr. Courteis; Eliz. Croppe of Huanton Punchardon; bur. in psh. Ch. of Huanton Punch- ardon; Extx: wife Margery; Overs: my frds. Mathewe Tooker, 144 SOAME, FOL. 38. the eld., John Mussaven of Braunton, weaver. {_no si'g:^ Wits: John YoUand, Jr., Matthew Tooker (mark), Senr., Roger Hunt, John Mosaven. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 422 Richard Baskervile, cit. and fishmonger {of St. Bene- dict Sherehogg^), Lond, (Dat. i Aug. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Benet Sherehogg, wh. I dwell; wife Grace, her sist. Sarah; son Rd. Baskervile (und. 21), to be a merch; bro. Thos. Baskervile of Exeter; daus. of my sist. Eliz. Jordaine; 3 daus. of cos. Mary Baskervile, wid.; poor in counters of Lond. and Ludgate; master porters of Fishmongers; god- son Rd. Perry (und. 21), son of my cos. Rd. Perry; Gilbert Shippe, cit. and grocer of Lond.; Exors: wife Grace and bro. Symon Baskervile, Dr.; Overs: fath. -in-law John Rose, cit. and draper, and my cos. Rd. Perry, cit. and merchant tailor of Lond.; Dr. Wynnyffe; 41 poor men, \_Richard Baskervile'\ Wits: Jo. Gifford, Robert Couert. (Pr. 14 June 1620, by Symon Baskervile, M. D., pow. res. to Grace Baskervile, rel. and 17 June by Grace Baskervile als. Garway, rel.) Def. sen. pronouncing for the validity of the above will, in a suit betw. the abovesd. Grace Baskervile and John Rose of the one part, and Dr. Simon Baskerville and Thomas Basker- ville, bros., and Elizth. Jordan als. Baskerville, sist. of the deed. (Dat. 27 May 1620.) 423 Mary Good of Rydmarley Dabitet, co. Wore, wid. (Dat. 23 Apr. 1620. ) Sons Henry, Wm. and John; dau, Mary, her chn.; my son Thos., his dau.; Mr. Cowles; Wm. Brig- house; my servt. Thos. Beale; Exor: son Thos. \no sig.^ Wits: Thomas. Dewxell, scr. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) 424 Walter Story of Littlehales, co. Salop., gent. (Dat. 13 Dec. 1619.) Dau. (by first wife) Frauncis; my unm. chn.; Exors: my now wife Jane, John Walter, Kt., and Rd. Barne- feild the yr., gent. {.Walter Story e^ Wits: Mar. Angrome, elk., Thomas Pyott. (Pr. 21 May 1620, by Jane Storye, rel., pow. res., etc.) 425 William Clifte of Bath, aid. (Dat. 25 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in Ch. of St. Michael's, without the North Gate; lease of my mill; son Henry; hou. called "the Hind;" lease of hou. wh. I dwell; my wife; servts. Sara Cogswell and Theophilus * Fro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 38. 145 Deane; dau. Sarah for her portion; son-in-law John Hull; Elianor Redborne, dau. to Thos. Redborne; godson Wm. Colibie; Rd. Rawnce; Jo. Nicholas; my weeder, Ball; Rd. Melsonne; Edw. Sheppard; poor and great Ch. of Bath; Exor: son Mathew. \.W^. Cli/te] Wits: Richd. Gaye, mayor, William Sherstone, Robt. Chambers, John Barker. (Pr. 31 May 1620.) 426 Raphe Chapington of Netherbury, co. Dorset., or- ganist. (Dat. 7 June 1619.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Nether- bury; rep. of Netherbury Ch. and poor of that place; Ch. of South Moolton; dau. Florence Chapington (unm. ); dau. Elinor Chapington; dau. Frauncis, wife of Rd. Wilmoth, her 3 chn.; Exor: son Rd. Chapington; debts owing by Thos. Golloppe of Strode, psh. of Netherbury; Dennis Munden; Thos. Mantell; John Gray; John Collens; my ten. at Wem- den; our Lady Ch., Sarum, St. Thos.' Ch., Sarum, St. Edm's., Sarum, St. Augustine's, Bristol, Ch. in Wedmoore, co. Somst., and Bridgwater Ch. \_mark\ Wits: John Strode, Hugh Crabb. (Pr. 5 May 1620.) 427 Thomas Carpenter of Horneton, co. Oxford, husbm. (Dat. 8 Jan., 17 Jas. I.) Eld. son Wm. Carpenter; 2d son Thomas Carpenter; dau. Mary Mayo; dau. Eliz. Gylson; dau's. chn. Thos, and Mary Mayo; dau's. son Peter Harris; Christr. Harris; Anne Harris; Mary Harris; dau's. son Thos. Gylson; Exor: son Thos.; Overs: Rd. Coxe and Thos. Craftes; Wm. Gylson; Alice Jesskyne; Rd. Raynbowe, of Hardwicke; John Hawton of Horneton. [no sig.'\ Wits: John Savadge, cur., Thomas Croftes, Rd. Coxe {mark). (Pr. 13 May 1620.) 428 Lawrence Dickinson of Irbie, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. I Jan. 1619-20.) Bro. John Dickinson, his chn.; bro. Ellis Dickinson, his son Wm., and daus. Mary and Anne; sist. Margt. Wilye, her dau. Anne Wilie, her oth. 3 chn; Eliz. Carre, dau. of Wm. Carre; Elizous East; Rd., son of Wm. Carre; Wm. Dickinson, bach.; Wm. Grimblebie, his chn.; every one I am uncle to by my wife; godch. Lawrence Grimbleby; my man, John Atkinson; Alife Netlam; 'John Burton (und. 21), son of John Burton, deed.; cottage in Lacebie in the Cotcher's plot; Wm. Dickinson, son of my 146 SOAME, FOL. 38. bro. Wm., deed.; Exor: Roger, son of Ellis Dickinson; Overs: Ellis Dickinson and Wm. Grimblebie. ino stg:^ Wits: Wil- liam Walton, Christopher Cooke. (Pr. i8 May 1620.) 429 John Randes of Clapham {Midd.). (Dat. 5 Apr. 1620.) Exor: neph. Oliver Rands, of Rodwell, psh. Fens- ham, his wife and chn.; bro. Wm. Randes; my 2 chn. John and Eliz. Rands (both und. 21). {.John Randes] Wits: Frauncis Taylor, Tho. Moze. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 430 Henry Hughes of Wollaston, co. Glouc, yeom. (Dat. 24 Nov. 1619.) Wife Elinor; dau. Kath. (und. 21); lease of Tewthing barn of Wollaston; dau. Eliz. (und. 21); son Henry; lease of Ids. in the Moore; Exor: son John (und. 21); Overs: bro. Griffyn Hughes and bro. -in-law Rd. Fowke. {.no stg-.] Wits: George James {G. /.), Thomas Jones {mark), Phillippe Tholes. (Adm. gr. 25 May 1620, to Rd. Fowke, dur. min. of John Hughes, Exor.) 431 James Curtice of Vobstoore, psh. Mells, co. Somst. (Dat. 2 Jan. 1619-20.) Dau. Anne Curtice; lease of tent, in Corton, psh. Boyton, co. Wilts., now in ten. of Wm. Smith; dau. Elinor Curtice; lease of gd. at Milcombe, psh. Melles; my ch. unbo.; lease of grd. in Melles East field, called the Moore; poor of Mells; my fath.; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: neighbours Rd. Perkins, Thos. Cornishe. \_/a?nes Curtis] Wits: Jo. Cornish, Richard Perkins, Thomas Cornishe. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 432 Christopher Endle of Tormoham, co. Devon., mari- ner. (Dat. 12 Nov. 1619.) Son John Endle (und. 21); son Walter Endle (und. 21); Extx: wife Agnes Endle. {.Christo- pher Endle] Wits: Nicholas Sillin, George Ball. (Pr. 3 May 1620.) FOL. 39. 433 "William Preistley cit. and merch. tailor, of Lond. {0/ All Hallows, Bread ^/.*). (Dat. 2 May 1620.) Bur. in aisle of All Hallows, Breadstreet, wh. my 2 wives lie; my 2 chn., Wm. and Eliz. Preistley (und. 21); bro. Robt. Preist- ley; sist. Mary Gomes Davela; dau. Martha Cutler, her husb. Wm. Cutler, and chn. (und. 21); poor of Hornsey, co. Midd.; * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 39. 147 Wm. and Edw. (und. 21), sons of my dau. Martha Cutler; Chas. Trippe, esq.; to Co. of Merch. tailors a piece of plate; Rd. Stocke and Culverwell, preachers; poor in Compters of Lond.; poor preachers in Lond.; Mr. Oswald Moseley, his bro. Frauncis Moseley; poor of Manchester, wh. I was brot. up.; poor chn. in Bridewell and Christ Ch. hosp., Lond.; Mrs. Clarke; Alexr. Maine; Gyles Clement; Mrs. Rich, sist. of Mr. Robt. Powell; Markes Knight, of Taunton, co. Somst.; god- son Wm. Perrocke; Mrs. Eliz. Pitcher, dau. of Mr. Hugh Pitcher and his wife; Thos. Hurt, his wife and his chn. ; Daniel Adams and his wife and chn.; Wm. Hurt, his son, my godson; Bartw. Elinor and his wife, his dau. Anne Elinor; goodman Smith, sexton; Jeffery Callis and his wife; John Hambleton and his wife; Valentyne Bowie and his wife; Eliz. Symonds; John Winch and his wife; John Venn and his wife; son-in-law Robt. Gray; Thos. Gray; John Milton and his wife; Mary Stone; George Towers; Diggerie Polewheele; my cos. Hughes, dwelling in Trinity Lane, Lond.; Martha Simones; Edw. Weedon; my servt. Margt. Willesey; Margt. Bright; George Aperley (und. 21); Nichs. Rud; goodwife Smith of Hornse}^; Mr. Smith and his wife; goodman Seaton of Hornsey; elk. and beadle of merch. tailors' hall; anoth. beadle, Griffyn; goodman Silverwood; kinsm. Sir Edw. Moseley, Kt.; Rd. Wilson; lease of hou. I now dwell in at Hornsey; grd. held of Mr. Lake in Hornsey; Abraham Holland; lease of hou. in Bread St., Lond., held of Goldsmiths' Co.; Dr. Westfeild; sist. Honor, wife of John Cason; Exors: my son Wm. Preist- ley and bro. John Cason of Lond., grocer; Overs: Sir Edw. Moseley, Kt., and Rd. Stocke, preacher; my 2 tents, in Bris- tol; tents, at Wyldhill, psh. Essendon, co. Herts.; brewhou. in Waltham Abbey, co. Essex. \_lVilliam Preistley\ Wits: Thomas Puleston, Martyn Pindar, Amias Baker. (Pr. 31 May 1620.) 434 Frauncis Terry, late of Yalton, co. Somst. (Dat. 16 Feb. 1618-19.) Dau. Kath. (und. 21); lease of hou. bot. of Wm. Cadwell, since called Cadwells, held of Mr. Blewet; son Thos. (und. 21); son Frauncis (und. 21); Id. in Kingston Seymor, held of Lady and Mr. Powlett; lease of Id. in man. of Yatton, held of Lady Stallenge; dau. Agnes (und. 21); son 148 SOAME, FOL. 39. Nichs. Terry, his wife Joane; dau. Margt. (und. 21); eld. son Christr.; hou. in North end of Yatton; dau. Florence Terry; Extx: wife Agnes; Overs: Wm. and John Beakes and Henry Lawrence of Yalton, yeom. \,Frauncis Terry] Cod. (22 Feb. 1618-19). Wits: Christopher Terrie, Francis Clap- ham. (Pr. 31 May 1620.) 435 Thomas Benet the yr., cit. and aid. of Lond. (Dat. 16 Apr. 1620.) Castle of Wycrofte, co. Devon., lately bot. of exors. of late E. of Devon., lying in Axminster; farm called Stagmore als. Stratforde in sd. psh,, bot. of sd. exors.; manor of Pery Courte, nr. Feversham, co. Kent, late bot. of Sir John Deane; man. of Keynor, psh. Siddlesham, co. Suss., late bot. of Sir Awdrian Scrope, Kt.; Ids. called New Parke, nr. Leicester, co. Leic, late bot. of Sir Wm. Wood- howse, Kt.; tent, called "the Black Swan" in Westcheape, Lond., nr. Gutter lane end, late bot of Edw. Duckett; eld. son, Rd.; son Thos.; Ids. in Benenden and Rolvenden, co. Kent, bot. of Thos. Richardson; tent, in Benenden, co. Kent, bot. of Robt. Everenden; Id. in Rolvenden, bot. of Thos. Holnes; tent, in Rolvendon, bot. of Obadiah Gibbons; tent. in Bow Lane, Lond., in occ. of Sir Francis Crane, Kt.; tent. in Soper Lane, Lond., in occ. of Thos. Lydall, bot. of John Hewitt; tent. nr. Battlebridge, Southwark,psh. of St. Olave's, CO. Surr., bot. of Henry Leake; man. of Walverton, co. Suss., bot. of exors. of Wm, Stone; youngest son Humfrey; Ids. in Mortlake, co. Surr., bot. of Phil. Lewis; tents, in Rochampton, co. Surr., late bot. of Thos. Miller; Robt. Smith and Robt. Thorneton; hou. wh. I dwell; Exors: wife Dorothy and sons Rd. and Thos. \_Thomas Benet\ Wits: Jo. Benet, Baptist Hickes, William Halliday, Geo. Croke. Cod. (18 Apr. 1620); Sir Raphe Shelton, Kt.; Sir Thos. Moun- son, Kt.;my chn. unadvanced; man. called Earnely, co. Suss., bot. of Sir Rd. Lumley, Kt. ; poor of Wallingford, co. Berks., wh. I was bo.; cos. Thos. Freeman and his wife; bro. Sir John Benet, Kt., and his wife, his son, Sir John Benet, Kt., and his wife, the other sons and daus. of my sd. bro., his dau. Mary Benet, my goddau.; my bros. Raphe and Edm. Benet; Co. of Mercers whereof I am a bro.; John Taylor; Sir Thos. Benet and his wife, his sons, Mr. Ambrose, Mr. John, Rd. SOAME, FOL. 39. 149 and Symon Benet and their wives; frd. George Crooke, esq., councillor at law, and my cos. his wife; bro. -in-law Sir Bap- tist Hickes and his wife, their sons-in-law, Lord Nowell, Sir Chas. Morrison, Kt. and their wives; frd. Mr. Geo. Huxley and his wife; Edw. Benet; bro. -in-law. Sir Wm. Heyrick, Kt. and his wife; my bros. Aldworth and Mr. Thos. Maye; bro.- in-law Sir Humfrey Maye, Kt., and his wife; my bros. .in-law Mr. Rd. and Mr. Geo. Maye and their wives; bro. -in-law Mr. Hugh Maye; John Greene and his wife; Robt. Draper and his wife; my sist. Brickenden and her son; poor prisoners of Newgate, Ludgate and two Compters; poor in Bridewell hosp., Lond., whereof I am a governor; Co. of merchant adventur- ers; poor of Mortlake, co. Surr., of St. Pancras, nr. Soper Lane, Lond., wh. I am a parishoner; rep. of St. Pancras psh. Ch.; Mr. Worme, par. of St. Pancras, and his wife; frd. Robt. Bankworth and his wife; frd. aid. Halliday and his wife; my late servts. Mr. Misselden and his wife; my ancient servt. Judith Jones; Mr. Langford, minister at Mortlake, and his wife; my ten. Robt. Cole of Mortlake and his wife; sons-in-law Mr. Lewkenor and Sir Gamaliell Capell and their wives, my daus.; Mr. Christr. Lewkenor; frds. aid. Jaye and Johnson and their wives; cos. David Benet and his wife; Sir Wm. Paddye, Kt.; kinsm. Dr. Andrewes and his wife; cos. Farrand and his wife; COS. Rd. Benet; gowns to 60 poor men; Anthony Anke- till. Cod. (19 Apr. 1620). My deputy Mr. Poynter; Mr. Bar- bor; bro. Mr. John Maye and his wife. {,Thomas Benet\ Wits: William Hallidaie, Robert Johnson, Geo. Croke, Robert Bankworth, Antho. Anketill, Edmund Redmayne. (Pr. 9 May 1620.) 436 "William Blandford of Potterne, co. Wilts, yeom. (Dat. 30 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chan. of Ch. of Potterne, nr. late wife, Jane; Cath. of Sarum; poor of Potterne and Devizes; cos. Geo. Turner of New Sarum; servt. Edith Strot- ton; godson Henry Collier, son of Mr. Collier of Bremble, preacher; godsons Wm. Hiscoxe, the yr., of Potterne and Wm. Maye of Potterne; goddau. Jane Haywarde, dau. of John Hayward; godson, the son of Nichs. Glasse; 5 chn. of John Stephens of Potterne; 3 chn. of son-in-law, Mark Sar- tayne, by his former wife; his servt. and my godson, Wm. 150 SOAME, FOL. 39. Howrde; godson Nichs. Bond of Potterne; cos. John Bland- forde, Jr., of Devizes; 6 chn. (und. 21), of son-in-law, Wm. Rooke; Joane Sartaine (und. 21), dau. of my sd. son-in-law, Sartaine; my wife Jane; Mr. John Nicholas of Rowndrey; Thos. Scott of Heddenton; lease of grd. in Potterne called the Grove; Exor: son John Blandford; hou. in Potterne wh. I dwell; Mr. Robt. Drewe of South Broome, esq.; Overs: John Hitchcock, the eld. of Bluntes Court, Potterne, gent., and Thos. Longe of Cheverell, gent.; close called Blackbury; Ids. in man. of Poulsed. \_mark] Wits. Phillippe Wheeler, Roger Bredmer (mark), Marke Sartaine, William Rooke. (Pr. 24 May 1620.) 437 "William ^Voll^idge, cit. and poulter {0/ SL Peter, Cornhilt'), Lond. (Dat. i Apr. 1620.) Bro. Thos. Wol- ridge; bro. -in-law Thos. Adis and his now wife; 3 chn. of John Basse, deed., late husb. of the wife of Thos. Adis; sist. Alice Jenynges; kinsm. Thos. (und. 21) son of Vincent Wol- ridge, deed.; Nichs. Burre; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: frds. Michaell Webbe, cit. and blacksmith of Lond., and John Mitchell, cit. and poulter of Lond. \,WiU: Wolridge'\ Wits: Wm. Powell, Wm. Scotton {mark). (Pr. 26 May 1620.) 438 Humfrye Beynon of Brunslowe, co. Salop., yeom. (Dat. 18 Apr. 1620.) Dau. Joane; my oth. chn.; son-in-law Chas. Moore and Eliz. his wife; sist. Eliz. Ambler; neph. John Ambler; my sd. sist's. daus., Siblie and Margery Amber; my servts., Thos. Lucas, Kath. Reynoldes; poor of Edgedon, of Lydbury, of Bishop's Castle, of Hopesay, of Moore and of Norbury; son John (und. 21); my late servt. Suzanne Yoppe; hou. in Brunslowe; Rowland Ockley; Reynold Clearke; Mor- rice Tanner; Wm. Bigges, minister; Penelope ap Richard; Exors: my bro. -in-law Thos. Hickes and Chas. Moore. {,no sig^.'\ Wits: John Ambler, Thomas Lucas, John Beynon. (Pr. 31 May 1620.) 439 Thomas Cheeke {of St. Bride's, Fleet St., Zond.*). (Dat. 23 Oct., 17 Jas. L) Neph. Jas. Dyer of Rochester; bro. Rd. Cheeke, deed.; Extx: wife Mary; tent, called Roses in Beekenham, co. Kent, bot. of Wm. Muscraft of Becken- ham; sist. Joane Dyer, late wife of Storye, deed. \_Thomas •Pro. Act. Book, SOAME, FOL. 39. 161 Cheeke\ Will made perfect (8 Jan. 1619-20). Wits: Samuell Fante, Wills. Wakerell, Ellen Tarye {mark). (Pr. i May 1620.) 440 Edith Walsh of Chard, co. Somst. (Dat. 15 Mar. 1619-20.) Husb. Nichs. Walsh; bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Charde; son Wm. Walsh (und. 21), to be paid in 1624 as appears by bond; dau. Edith Walsh (und. 25); my man Rd. Warry; John Clattery; my md. Elnor Brangwill; Walter and Jas. (both und. 21), sons of my dau. Elnor Tucker; Exor: son Hugh; Overs: John Warry, the eld., Hugh Crabbe of Bemis- ter, the eld., James Tucker, Robt. Bond and Thos. Legge, the yr. \_mark\ Wits: Nicholas Walsh (mark), Nicholas Walsh, theyr., Roberte Bond. (Pr. 24 May 1620.) FOL. 40. 441 Roger Stackhouse {of St. Martin's in the Fields, co. Midd.*), Lond., gent. (Dat. 9 May 1620.) Rd. Turner, who mar. my youngest dau. Frauncis; Rd. Wimpe, who mar. Amye, dau. of my eld. dau. Eliz.; Thos., Roger and Robt. Melham, sons of Edm. Melham, had by my eld. dau.; my servt. Margt. Motley; Exor: son John Stackhouse. \_Roger Stackhouse^ Wits: Samuel Baker, Richard Carrier. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 442 Richard Cornewall of St. Martin's, Ludgate, Lond., merch. tailor. (Dat. 13 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Martin's, Ludgate; sist. Eliz. Cornewall; my mris. Mrs. Kath. Fisher; Margt. Bye, servt. to the sd. Mrs. Fisher; Jas. Gresham, servt. to Mr. Wm. Whetstone of Lond., gent.; cos. Rd. Cornewall; cos. Whetstone; my fellow prentices, Henry Saunders, Wm. Knyveton, George Peirce; Extx: my sist. Anne Cornewall. {.Richard Cornewall] Wits: James Gresham, Ri. Cornewall. (Pr. i. May 1620.) 443 Henry Dawes not. pub. {of St. Martin's in the Fie Ids ^ Midd.^). (Dat. 12 June 1619.) Exors: my cos. Mr. Wm. Walley, gent., and his sist. Mrs. Joane Walley; my sist. Su- zanne Walley and her sist. Mrs. Julian Winter; my cos. wid. Joane Griffyn; frds. Mr. Robt. Ereswell and Mr. Wm. Bodye; *Pro. Act. Book. 162 SOAME, POL. 40. "to be bur. by my Mary." {.Henry Dawes] (Pr. 19 May 1620 by Wm. Walley, pow. res., etc.) 444 Ambrose Porter of Wilberton, Isle of Ely, co. Camb., gent. (Dat. 9 Apr. 1619.) Dau. Martha Bearte; grdchn. Thos. Bearte and Henry Bearte; son John Porter; son Ambrose Porter; dau. Mary Porter; dau. Alice Porter; Extx: wife Margt. {Ambrose Porter] Overs: bro. Mr. Raphe Smith of Milton Keynes, co. Bucks.; Wits: William Sell (^mark), Marke Goselin {mark). (Pr. 27 May 1629.) 445 Elizabeth Anables of St. Margarets, in the Burrough of Leicester, wid. (Dat. 12 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Margaret's; my sists. Rebecca Wilcocks and Sara Wick- ham; my bros. Wm. and Micheas Wickham; eld. son Robt. Anables (und. 21); my chn. John, Wm. (both und. 21), Eliz. and Mary (both und. 17), Anables; Exors: frd. Mr. John Blounte and bro. John Wilcockes; Overs: Mr. Edw. Blount, vie, and George Brooke of St. Margaret's, [mark] Wits: Edw. Blunt, vie, of St. Margt's., Leic, George Brooke, Katherine Vincent. (Pr. 25 May 1620, by John Blunt, pow. res., etc.) 446 Gabriell Savile of Newton in the parts of Resteven, CO. Line, esq. (Nunc, will dat. 3 Jan. 1619-20.) Son Thos. Savile, his wife and ch.; farm in Hacebie, in occ. of Wm. Turnpennie; wood in Hacebie; cottage in Hacebie in occ. of Anthonie Stannoppe; dau. Eliz. Savile; Exors: wife Eliz. and son and heir Wm. Savile; Overs: frds. Mr. Josua Whichcoate and Mr. Rd. Morris {sic); Wits: Richard Norris {sic), min- ister, Dorothie Rawlinson {?nark), Elizabeth Pames, Thomas Savile, Elizabeth Savile. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 447 Thomas Thirstone of Caldicott, co. Monm. (Dat. 3 Nov. 1619.) My only son John Thirstone (und. 21); Thos. Edmunds of Owstone, co. Glouc, yeom. Extx: wife Agnes. [mark] Wits: Johes Dowles, Walter Rogers. (Pr. 23 May 1620.) 448 William Valentine the eld. , {0/ Tatesfield, co. Surr.^). (Mem. nunc. dat. Jan. 1619-20.) My neph. Wm. Valentine the yr., of Tatesfield, co. Surr.; Exor: my only son, Henry Valentyne. (Pr. 29 May 1620.) * Fro. Act, Book. SOAME, FOL. 40. 168 449 James Cozen of Cannam, co. Suff., yeom. (Dat. 15 Jan. 1619-20.) My dau. Ruse; my 2 tents, in Cannam; Exor: son-in-law Thos. Ruse; Overs: son-in-law Henry Garrod. [,mark] Wits: Roger Hobart, Thomas Hobart, James Hobart, Christopher Elmer. (Pr. 17 May 1620.) 450 Godfrey Rogers the eld., of Burwell, co, Camb., yeom. (Dat. 2 Dec. 1617.) Fath. Wm. Rogers, deed.; son Wm. Rogers; tent, in High St., Burwell, wh. Edw. Wyatt now dwells; meadow called Scotlered meadow, late Cotton's; son Thos. Rogers; son Godfrey Rogers (und. 21); tent, in North St., Burwel, late Thos. Fowkes'; meadow called Cows- crofte lying next the pightell of St. John Cottons, Kt., called Barnabie's Pightell; son Rd. Rogers (und. 21); tent, called Dovehouse, late Westropp's; Id. late Wymark's; Id. late Rannowe's; Id. late Giggons; silver and gilt salt, wh. was my son Wm's. grdfath's.; dau. Margt. Rogers (und. 21); Exors: wife Margt. and son Godfrey; Thos. Casborne; Thos. Rokes; Rd. Cauforth, the eld.; Overs: bro. -in-law Rd. Carle- ton of Lynton, gent, [jnark] Wits: Thomas Bainnar, elk., Thos. Causborne, Thomas Rokes (mark), Richard Cauforth, the eld. {mark). (Pr. 19 May 1620, by Godfrey Rogers, pow. res., etc.) 451 Peter Beaumont of Little Wilberham, co. Camb., yeom. (Dat. 11 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of Little Wil- berham; neph. Wm. Pryme, the yr.; Id. wch. was Robt. Cotes of Botsham; dau. Mary Beaumont (und. 21); Extx: wife Mary; my unbo. ch.; wid. Pate of Foxtone; wid. Rayner of Fox- tone; Thos., Dorothy, Walter, Kath. and John Pate (all und. 21); Ambrose Davyeof Barnstone; David Chapman of Great Wilberham; Mary and Alice Beaumont (both und. 14), daus. of Henry Beaumont, deed.; Thos. (und. 24), son of Henry Beaumont, deed.; Robt. (und. 21), son of Wm. Pryme; Michaell Hancocke, the yr. (und. 21); Robt., son of Michaell Hancocke; kinsm. Robt. Whiskyn, of Fulburne, his chn.; Margt. Oliver (und. 21), dau. of Geo. Oliver; poor and Ch. of Little Wilberham; Tabitha Wyett of Gt. Wilberham; Anne Hemstede, the eld.; my close, Symunts. [mark] Wits: Wm. Pryme, Thomas Cowper. (Pr. 8 May 1620.) 154 SOAME, FOL. 40. 452 John Cossie of Baudsey, co. Suff., yeom. (Dat. 4 Jan. 1619-20.) Poor of Gosbacke; wife Judith; lease held £r. Mr. Pennynge; dau. Mary, wife of Wm. Dowe of Codden- ham; dau. Grace, wife of John Pells of Otley; Jonathan, Josua and Isaac Langworth; Exors: son Thos. Cossie, his chn.; chn. of sons-in-law John Pells and Wm. Dowe; my grchn., being 13 in number; Henry Townerawe of Dallingho, co. Suff., elk.; kinsm. Saml. Marken of Framesden; John Marken of Ashe Becken, weaver; kinsm. Wm. Cossie of Falkenham; my servts. Robt. Cutten and Mabel; Overs: Henry Towner- awe; (sealed 23 Mar. 1619-20). [.mark] Wits: Henry Townerawe, William Cossie {mark). (Pr. 13 May, 1620, by Thos. Cossie.) (Adm. gr. 10 Nov. 1621, to Nichs. Allen, cred. of John Cossie, of Bowdsey, Thos. Cossie his son being dead.*) 453 Richard Flemynge of Great Snoringe, co. Norf., tanner. (Dat. 2 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Gt. Snoringe; poor of Letheringsett; wife Joane Flemynge; close in the homestall called the Wood; meadow therein called the Carr; hou. in Gt. Snoringe; bond wt. my wife's bro., Wm. Barker, now of Letherinsett, yeom.; son Thos. Flemynge; son Rd. Flemynge (und. 21); close called Hubburtes and oth. Id. in Gt. Snoringe; dau. Eliz. Flemynge (und. 18); my unbo. ch.; Jeremy Earle (und. 21); Exor: Frauncis EUvye of Gt. Snoringe; Overs: my neph. George Tid of Dereham Market, CO. Norf., tanner, and Rd. Newton of Gt. Snoringe, yeom. \_Richard Flemynge] Wits: John Stephenson, elk., Lawrence Bond, Thomas Webbe, Richarde Newton. (Pr. 27 May 1620.) 454 John Frenche, the eld. of Halstocke, co. Dorset., yeom. (Dat. 13 July 1616.) Bur. in Halstocke; my wife; dau. Edith Sharlocke, her dau. Joane Sharlocke; my dau. Margery Wood; 4 chn. of my son Wm. French; 4 chn. of James Wood; hou. called Cartehouse, calves hou., a room called the Steane hou.; Exor: son Wm. French; Overs: Christr. Guppey, the carrier of Halstocke, yeom., and Fraun- cis House of Mountagne. \inark\ Wits: Nic. Tomkins, vie. of Mudforde, George Clarke {mark), Thomas Clothier. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) » Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 40. 155 455 John Rice of Melford, co. Suff., yeom. (Dat. i Feb. 1619-20.) Rd, Everred; Thos. Lee of Melford; tent, at Rodbridge Street, bot. of John Marchall; Ids. nr. the bridge called Rodbridge; Id. called the Sluce nr. Rodbridge; fath. Wm. Rice; kinsm. Robt. Lyes; bro. Thos. Rice; bro. Wm.; Ids. called Darton Tie, Broad meadow and Botesworth in Bures St. Mary, co. Suff.; Id. in High field, late in occ. of John Wynne; kinsm. Wm., John, Walter and Miles Lyes; Ids. in Shunplyn, co. Suff.; Prudence, wife of Rd. Colman; Margt., wife of Thos. Miller of Bures, her dau. Bridget Laye; dau. of my bro. Thos. Rice; my sist. Joane, wife of Myles Docker of Lexdon, co. Essex; Margery, wife of Thos. Hilles of Melford, her chn.; John, Wm., Arthur and Edm. Coe, sons of John Coe, late of Bockinge, deed.; Wm., son of Robt. Coe, late of Bulmer, deed.; Thos. Latter, dwelling wt. Sy- mond Leonarde of Ballingdon, weaver; Eliz. Dabnye (und. 21), dau. of Roger Dabnye; Mary Coe, dau. of John Coe, late of Bockinge; tent, in Cordnard end, Sudbury, occ. by one Mortimer; Miles Lyes, son of Margt. Miller; my servts. John Aggas and Wm. Sewell; kinsw. Ellen Affell (und. 21); Extx: wife Ellen. [mark\ Wits: John Lee, Thomas Cadiold. (Pr. 15 May 1620.) FOL. 41. 456 Daniell Shetterden {of All Hallowes, Barking^), Lond., gent. (Dat. 2 Oct. 1619.) Lds. in Kent; eld. son Daniell Shetterden (und. 21); 2d son John Shatterden (an appr.); my dau. Judith Paintell, her husb.; my moth., late deed., Alice Penington, her will dat. i Mar. i6o5-6; my 4 chn. then living, Edw., Daniel, John and Judith; Id. in precincts of St. Kaths., held of Master of St. Kaths.; Extx: wife Eliz.; my 8th part of the ship "Hercules" on a voyage to Venice; my servts. Michaell Piffe and Agnes NichoUs (und. 21); poor of the 4 prisons, 2 Compters, Ludgate and Newgate; Overs: frds. Henry Gosnold, Wm. Plott, esqrs. \_Daniell Shetterden] Wits: H. Gosnold, John Pentrace, not. pub., Michael Pyffe. (Pr. 17 May 1620.) 457 John Roope of Little Darmoth, co. Devon., gent. (Dat. 4 Dec, 17 Jas. L) Poor of Tounstall, of Dittesham, * Pro. Act. Book. 156 SOAME, FOL. 41. of Stockefleminge; my servts. Thos. Wakeham, Robt. Kinge, Wm. Drewe and Edw. Abbott; dau. -in-law Margt. Roope; Thos., George, Wm., Edw., John, Nich., Mary and Grace Chappell, chn. of my son-in-law John Chappell, his daus. Eliz. Chappell and Susan Chappell; John, son of Thos. Munday; dau. Barbara, wife of the sd. Thos. Munday; Amoretta Carye, dau. of Dudley Carye, gent.; son Anthony Roope; bro. -in-law John Forde; salt water mills in the borough of Clifton Dart- mouth; Hardnes in the sd co.; son George Roope; tent, called Chipton in psh. of Dittesham; my parts of ships "George" and "Philip" of Dartmouth, voyaging to Newfoundland; son George Roope's wife and chn.; John and Arthur Roope, sons of my bro. Phil. Roope, late deed.; Exor: son Ambrose Roope; Overs: frds. John Upton, esq., and Christr. Lap- thorne, gent. \_John Roufe\ Wits: George Roope, Thomas Wakeham (^mark), Jno. Dotin, Richardus Reinolds, rect. of Stake Fleminge. (Pr. 26 May 1620.) 458 Anne Shepheard of Pilton, co. Devon., wid. (Dat. 23 Feb. 1618-19.) Chn. of my late husb., Henry Shephearde, wch. he had before he marr. me; Cicilie Hurssell; Extx: my dau. Margt. (und. 21); Overs: my bro. Rd. Rice, M. A., and frds. John Drew the eld., of Barnstaple, and Jas. Squirell of Pilton. \_no sig-J] Wits: John YoUand, Geo. Holmeade. (Adm. gr. 9 May 1620, to Rd. Rice, bro. of deed., dur. min. of Margt. Shepheard; adm. gr. 3 May 1623, to Wm. Dewey, guard, of Margt. Shepheard, dur. her min., Rd. Rice now being dead. Pr. 24 May 1632, by Margt. Dewey als. Shepheard, wife of Francis Dewy, elk.) 459 Thomas Spurwaie of Lond. indeed, in pts. beyond the sea*^. (Dat. 2 Feb. 1615-16). Exors: my mistress, Rachell Huntley and my cos. Mr. John Vigars; Christian Riehason; moth., Grace Lambell; bro. John Spurway; sist. Judith Alsoppe. \_Thomas Sfurwayel Wits: William Richardson, Row- land Eles. (Pr. 29 May 1620, by John Vigors, pow. res. etc.) 460 Richard Bennet {of Lawhttton, co, Cornw.*). (Dat. 16 Aug. 1617.) Exors: wife Mary and son Robt. (und. 21); poor of Lawhitton, of Lostwithiell and prisoners in his High- ness' prisons there; Overs: frd. Mr. John Cole, parson of * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 41. 157 Lawhitton; my est. in man. of Lawhitton; Ids. called Eneham Tresselland Cathamatha, in psh. of Lezant; my 2 daus. Mary and Anne (both und. 18); my moth.; my moth. Clobery; my sist. and bro.; Robt. Arnold; Ids. in Northbrent, psh. of Lamerton; Steven Tavernor; John Jope; Rd. Nicholls; tents, in Lower Hexworthye; son Oliver; carriage way fr. Dewcombe North park through town place of hou. wh. I dwell to Green Park, through sd. park to my Ids. called Averyganes; man. of Botboroughe; son Wm.; Ids. in Tregaydo and next the com- mon Park there, in the occ. of my moth, and of John Beare and his wife. \_Ru: Bennet] (Pub. 2 Apr. 1619.) Wits: John Cole, John Jope, Richard Nicholls. (Adm. gr. 31 May 1620, to Marie Bennet, rel., dur. min. of Robt. Bennet, son of deed.; adm. gr. 19 Mar. 1622-23, to Robt. Bennet.) 461 ^Villiam Frauncis of Hadinham, Isle of Ely, co. Camb., yeom. (Dat. 22 Jan. 1619-20). Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Hadinham; tent, in Impington; 3 daus. Eliz., Jane and Margt. Frauncis (all under 20); Id. in Impington field; Id. in Hadinham fields; lease in Eadenham, held of Gonville and Caius' College, Cambridge; Extx: wife Alice, Overs: frds. Thos. Towers of Hadinham, gent., and John Abery of the same, yeom. \_fnark\ Wits: Thomas Towers, John Aberye {mark\ Henry Porter {mark), Edward Y oxter {mark). (Pr. 17 May 1620.) 462 John Bradford of Tewkesbury, co. Glouc, yeom. (Dat. 2 Jan., 17 Jas. I.) Dau. Mary; son Jeffery; tents, in Tewkesbury, late bot. of Edw. Wakeman, Wm. Hitches and Rd. Bradford, gent.; Extx: wife Joane; Overs: frds. Wm. Hitches and George Dowdeswell, gent. \_mark^ Wits: Roger Dowdeswell, William Hitches, George Dowdeswell, Richard Dowdeswell, Rowland Mountstephen {mark), Wm. Bannas- ter. (Pr. 29 May 1620.) 463 Nicholas Purches of Dorchester, co. Dorset., baker. (Nunc, will dat. 12 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. nr. my wife; Ch. and poor of Trinity, Dorchester; Exor: son Joseph Purches; Id. in Fordington field, held by lease of Sir George Trench- arde, Kt.; dau. Eliz. Corbin, wife of Henry Corbyn; Easter- garden plot behind malt hou.; dau. Jane, wife of Wm. Winsor, her chn., Nichs. son of the sd. Wm. Winsor (und. 158 SOAME, FOL. 41. 21 ); Jane Perryn, dau. of my dau. Margt., wife of Raphe Perryn; Thos. Winsor and Joan his wife, her son John Pur- ches; Nichs., son of Joseph Purches; St. Peter's Ch., Dor- chester; school and almswomen of almshouse there; Overs: Raphe Kellwaye of Torson and Thos. Reade of Dorchester; Wits: Hum. Jolyffe, Thomas Reade. TPr. 27 May 1620.) 464 Phillippe Fare'well of Bradford, co. Somst., wid. (Dat. 23 Mar. 1619-20.) Poor of Tanton Magdalen, of St. James', of North Molton and of Hilbishopps'; dau. Dorothie; son-in-law Andrewe Wootton; Margt. Farewell, dau. of my son, George Farewell; my servt. Mary Courtney; dau. Norris; dau. Pepwell; Eliz. Clatter of Hilbishopps; Mr. Cole; dau. Wootton, her chn., her eld. son Walter; son John Farewell, his son John; my sist. Alice Courtney; my dau. Frauncis; Exor: son Arthur Farewell, [mark] Wits: James Cole, Henrie Knight (mark). (Pr. 31 May 1620.) 465 Richard Mathewe of Clapton, psh. of Crewkerne, CO. Somst., tailor. (Nunc, will dat. i Mar, 1619-20.) Son Thos. Mathewe (und. 21); Extx: wife Agnes; Overs: frd. Robt. Norris of Wayford, husbm.; Wits: Clement Bagwell, Hugh Fallway, George Russell. (Pr. 27 May 1620.) 466 Ellis Collins of Leighe, psh. of Halstocke, (Dorset.'). (Dat. 28 Mar. 1620.) Bur. in Halstocke; my kinsw. Mary Budge; godson Rd. Samforde; sist. Jone Collins; my late fath.; Wm. Fooke of Closworth; godson John Collins; Sara and Priscilla, daus. of Rd. Samforde; Margt., dau. of Augus- tine Hillary; Extx: wife Agnes; Overs: George Wiseman and Wm. Joye. \_mark\ Wits: William Bankes, elk.. Will. Jaye, George Wiseman, Augustine Hillary. (Pr. 27 May 1620.) 467 Nicholas Mantle of Burstocke, co. Dorset., husbm. (Dat. 5 Sept. 1619.) Son Giles; son Edw.; dau. Edith; dau. Elianor; dau. Agnes; sons Robt. and Wm.; Extx: wife Mary; Overs: frds. Wm. Hickes and Faythfull Ashe. \mark\ Wits: John , William Hickes, Faythfull Ashe, John Cooke (mark). (Pr. 27 May 1620.) 468 James Cookeworthie of Salcombe, psh. of Mal- borough, CO. Devon., merch. (Dat. 27 July 1619.) Eld. sonWm.; my part of ship "Triall;" my 2d son Rd.; my 3d SOAME, FOL. 41. 159 son Leonarde; Ids. in Salcombe, sometime Mathewe White's; my 4th son John; Ids. in Plymouth; my 5th son James (und. 22); tent, held of Mr. Hillersdone; my eld. dau. Alice Cooke- worthie; youngest dau. Joane Cookeworthie; John, son of my son Wm. Cookeworthie; Johan and Isett Cookeworthie, daus. of my bro. John, deed.; my 2 sists'. chn.; Extx: wife English; Overs: frds. John Weamouth, Rd. Dearie, Rd. Euory. \_ James Cookeworthie^ Wits: John Weamouth {^mark), Richarde Derye, Rico. Euor3^ (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 469 John Salter of Whimple, co. Devon., yeom. (Dat. 24 Nov. 1617.) Bur. in Ch. of Whimple; Wm. Hayman; Wm. Predham; poor of Whimple and of Viniton; Wm. Moore; Wm. Sander; Wm. Goulzeree of Viniton; John, son of my bro. Wm. Salter; Rd. Counnete's 3 eld. chn.; my godchn., John Richards the yr., and John, son of Robt. Cunnet of Bud- ley; COS. Alice Salter of Viniton; Christr. Cunnet; godson Roger Cunnet of Lond.; John (und. 21), son of Thos. Salter; cos Robt. Peryam; cos. Robt. and Jas. Pratt; cos. Mary and Julian May, their moth., my sist.; cos. Fayth Peryam; cos. John Peryam (und. 21); cos., sometime my servt., Eliz. Groose; Michaell Sander, elk. of Talleton; Peternell Goulde; my servts., John Eveligh and Richarde Havell; Eliz. Herthinge; Exor: cos. Thos. Salter of Whimple; Overs: Wm. Peryman and Wm. Sounter of Broadclyste. \_John Salter] Cod. (20 Mar. 1619-20); Mary Salter (und. 22), dau. of cos. Thos. Salter; Ausetis, wife of cos. Thos. Salter; cos., chn. of Rd. Lackenton; cos. John and Grace, chn. of Symon Crose; my prentice Alice Landman; cos. Thomas May, son, and the dau. of Wm. Maye; quarter's rent due 25 Mar. 1620, fr. Wm. Maye; sist. Julian Peryam. \_fnark\ Wits: William Sunter, Wm. Peryman. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) FOL. 42. 470 William John Thomas of Cluddocke, co. Heref. (Nunc, will dat. 24 Mar. 1616-17.) Bro. Henry John Thomas; (Adm. gr. 23 Dec. 1620, {sic.) to Henry John Thomas, bro. of deed., no Exor: being named.) Def. sen. 27 May 1620, pronouncing for the validity of the above will, disputed by John William and Joan Rees. 160 SOAME, FOL. 42. 471 Jane Lynne of Baynton, co. Norths., wid. (Dat. 22 Oct. 1618.) Michaell, son of Thos. Styles of Baynton; Dor- othy and Elizth. Stiles, daus. of the sd. Thos.; John Styles; Wm. {Styles ?); son-in-law Robt. Noble; Exor. Michaell Styles. \,mark\ Wits: Johannis Haseldine, elk., Thomas Smith, Thomas Hill, Agnes Addington {icist two wits, crossed out^. (Pr. 17 May 1620.) Def. sen. of same day pronouncing for the validity of the will, disputed by Michael Obins, to whomadm. had previously been granted. Thomas Styles acts for his son, the Exor., a minor. 472 Alexander Darbyshire of St. Olive's, Southwark. (Nunc, will dat. 5 days before his death.) Cos. Mary Steven's 2 sons, Jonathan and Thos.; cos. Hester, wife of Danl. Bond, her bros. and sists.; my sist's. sons Wm. and Nichs. Graye; 4 chn. of Christian Greenwood; my sist. Mary Pearse, with whom I live; Exor: Danl. Bond. (Pr. 27 May 1620.) Def. sen. of that day pronouncing for validity of the will, disputed by John Darbyshire, neph. of deed. 473 Edward Roper of South Rawsbye, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 29 Dec. 1617.) Bur. in Ch. of North Rawsbye; Robt. Tyme, vie; my wife Eliz.; dau. Agnes Roper, wife of Thos. Corey; hou. wh. Greaves now dwells; dau. Eliz. Roper, wife of Wm. Porter; hou. wh. Wm. Wrightson now dwells; dau. Fayth, wife of Tobyas Edwardes; hou. wh. sd. Tobyas now dwells; Id. lying nr. Sir Edw. Carre; a close in the Maske; hou. wh. Wm. Morick now dwells; malthou.; close called Wylesgarth; Id. in New Dykes nr. John Souley's; Id. in Crooksdale next Spadeshafte; Id. on Springwell Hill nr. Suckin Meare; bed at Timberland; sons-in-law, Wm. Garat and Tobias Edwards, guards, to John Tilson (und. 21), his fath., Thos. Tilson, deed.; John Moricke; mansion hou. wh. I now dwell; Id. in the Becks; dau. Judith, wife of Wm. Garat; Exors: sons-in- law Wm. Garat and Tobias Edwards; Overs: Thos. Corey, Wm. Porter. \niark\ Wits: Robte. Time, vie, Johis Negus, Senr. {mark), John Negus; Hugh Badge; Hannah Berry; John Makner of Auber. (Pr. 26 May 1620.) 474 Stephen Somner of Hellingligh, co. Suss. (Dat. 3 Mar. 1619-20.) Cath. of Chichester; Ch. of Hillingligh; kinsm. SOAME, FOL. 42. 161 John Oliver; tent, called Great Sharpets in Hellingligh; my kinsm. John and Stephen Waterhouse (both und. 28); my fath. deed.; my youngest son Stephen; Ids. in Hellingligh and Haytham; son and hr. John (und. 24); woods near my sd. hou., called Sharpetts; frds. John andThos. Frencheand John Akeherst; Ids. in Haylsham mort. to me by John Harbart; son-in-law John Inkersall; wife Alice; sist. Dorothie Water- house, wife of Luke Waterhouse; tents, called Medes, in Bourne, late in poss. of John Payne; Exors: son-in-law John Inkersall and son, Stephen Somner; Overs: Rd. Knolls,. John Erenes. [no j/^.] Wits: Nicholas Staplye, John Gaiffeth. (Pr. 30 May 1620, by John Inkersall, pow. res., etc. 475 Richard Seaton of Hagworthingham, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 15 Aug. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Aswardbye; Aswardby Ch.; Ids. in Scrafield and Fursby; son John (und. 21); Roch Blundeston, son of Wm. Blundeston, gent.; my uncle West and his chn.; chn. of uncle Jennis, that were by my own aunt; chn. of Libens Sparrowe; cos. by my fath., Eliz. and Anne Seaton; Thos. Browne of Toynton, husb. of Margt. Blackit; chn. of uncle Wm. Lathrope; my fath's. sist., my aunt Rowood, her chn.; my sist. Margt. Blundeston; my wife's bro.; cos. Margt. Browne; my aunt Jenny's chn.; my aunt Lathroppe's 4 youngest chn.; my aunt Sparrow and her chn.; cos. Rd. Pearsall; cos. Anne Bury; John Cock, gent.; Overs: bro. Wm. Blundeston, gent., and Thos. Cheales, gent.; Extx: wife Mary. [Richard Seaton\ Wits: John Cocke, Edw. Kingston (.mark), Valentyne Maltbye {mark). (Pr. 17 May 1620.) 476 Robert Demont of Bridgwater, co. Somst., fishmon- ger. (Dat. 10 July 1619.) Wife Joane; Robt. Fowler, grch. of my wife; Robt., John, Elinor, Alice, Raphe the yr., Jacob and Thos. Demont (all und. 21), chn. of Raphe Demont, the eld., of Bridgwater; a poor girl, Elinor Came; Overs: George Graye and Hugh Boulte; Exor: son. Raphe Demont. [fnark] Wits: Edmunde Dase, Anthony Birkyn, Alexander Neall, Henry Potere. (Pr. 20 May 1620.) 477 Richard Manson of Elmor, co. of city of Glouc, merch. (Dat. 8 Dec. 1618.) Bur. in chyd. of Elmor; son Thos; dau. Anne; dau. Joane; Extx: wife Agnes; Overs: Rd. 162 SOAME, FOL. 42. Bullocke and Thos. Layton; Wits: Thomas Hanson, elk., and Walter White, [ntark] John Humfry; Eliz. Davies als. Snowe; Thomas Tomes; Thos. Manson; Wm. Wouells; Wm. Younge; Sander Poole; Ancell Balie; Rd. Southen; Sibell Crannage; Rd. Ridge. (Pr. 23 May 1620.) 478 Leonard Mapes of Beeston next Norwich, co. Norf., esq. (Dat. 3 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in chan. of Rollesby, nr. my wife; son Frauncis; son Robt.; hous. in St. Peter Man- crofte, Norwich, late Thos. Barton's; Id. in Lakenham field, held of man. of Lakenham; lease of rect. of South Walsham; my new built hou. in psh. of St. Gregory, Norwich; mess, in Norwich, called the Castell or Common Inn, by assignment of Thos. Fidell, wch. he had by gr. of Mayor of Norwich; my 3d son, John; leases of tents, in Newton St. Faith, co. Norf., late bot. of Chas. Walgrave and Henry Yaxley, esqrs., late Wm. Knapp's; Munck's close, in Newton St. Faith, bot. of Jas. Greene; son Rd. (und. 22); Ids. in Horsea and Noigates Him in Waxeham, bot. of Sir Thos. Holland, Kt.; money to be pd. in Guildhall porch, city of Norwich; my 3 grchn. (und. 20); Anne, wife of son Frauncis; mans, in Rollesby and Mar- tham, CO. Norf., bot. of Sir Stephen Some, Kt., and John Some, gent., his son; conveyance made 2 June 1605 betw. me and Rd. Lovedaye, esq., deed.; son Godfrye and dau. Rob- erta Godfrye; son Rd. to have bed I sent him to Cambridge; grchn., Kath. Mapes and Kath. Godfrye; Mr. Galliard, preacher, minister of Sprowson; niece, Martha Hearne; John Skoldinge; Edw. Skoldinge; my servt., John Longe; my dau. Blofielde; Lady Cleere; Mr. House; Eliz. Dodman, maid to my dau. Godfrye; wids. Sarah Askue and Browne; bro. Hearne's chn.; Overs: son, Mr. Thos. Blofeilde; Exors: sons Frauncis and Robt. \_Leonard Mapes\ Wits: Elizabeth God- frey, Jane Graves (^mark), John Cooke (^mark), John Lynge, Jr. (Pr. 17 May 1620.) 479 Alice Princklowe of Pelton, co. Somst., wid. (Dat. 20 July 1616.) Bur. in chyd. of Pelton; Cath. of Wells; poor and Ch. of Pelton; John Cope to make my grave; Joan, wife of Wm. Brent; Joan, wife of Edm. Croker; Alice, wife of Hugh Bartlet; Sibill, wife of Thos. Tottell; Anne Kechen, of Poison; John Kechen of Poison; Christian, wife of SOAME, FOL. 42. 163 Melles; Joane, wife of Thos. Durson; Joan Castle of Pelton; Francis Bartlett, dau. of Henry Bartlet of Pelton; my servts. Rd. Stone and Alice Marlor; Exor: kinsm. Wm. Lambord; Overs: frds. and neighbours, Robt. Hayne and Thos. War- ford, imark] Wits: Robert Hayne, Thomas Warford (mark). (Pr. 4 May 1620.) FOL. 43. 480 Moris Evans of Gwitherin, co. Denb., gent. (Dat. 12 Apr. 1618.) A chalice cup to Ch. of Gwitherin; poor of Gwitherin, of Redborne, Harpeden, St. Alban's, Hadley, Barnet and Workingham; Mr. Raphe Briscoe of Barnet; Mr. John Clarke of St. Alban's; Mr. Henry Planer of Okingham; sist., Mrs. Agnes Bagley; sist., Mrs. Margt. Goodrick, her husb.; mess. bot. of Wm. Vaughan, esq., in Gwitherin, Denb.; sists. by my fath., Jane, Lowry and Elianor Evans; uncle, Mr. Edw. Lewis; cos. Jane Lewis, dwelling nr. the Poultry, Lond.; cos. Margt. Thomas, wife of John Morgan; my late master. Sir John Scudamore, of Homlacie, Kt.; my godchn., Abraham, son of John Attwood of Luton, Joane Fouke of Flampstede, Frauncis Pendrell, late of Dunstable, Jas. Sills and Rice Chappell of Redborne and Moris ap Rice of Gwith- erin; uncle, Mr. John Griffith ap Edwarde, of Habodre; Mr. Rice Reade, esq., his dau. Mrs. Susan Reade; Sir John Luke, Kt.; Lady Smithe of Annable, her sist. Mrs. Eliz. Litton; hou. in Turnbull St., held by lease of my cos.. Tedder Griffith; Ids. in Denb.; Exor: neph. Edw. Kellett of Gray's Inn, gent., his son Morris Kellet and dau. Anne Kellet (und. 21); Sir George Smyth, Kt.; cos. Mr. Rd. Johns, servt. to Sir Francis Bacon, Kt., Lord Verulam, Ld. Chancellor of England; Edm. Vaughan of Gray's Inn, gent.; cos. Mr. Wm. Rowlande; frd. Thos Vaughan of Pantglasse, esq.; Ids. in Chancery Lane, co. Midd.; Sir Rd. Reade, late of Redborne, Kt., deed.; cos. Mr. Tetter; Ld. Bish. of Chichester; wid. Cooke of Redborne; Id. held of man. of Aynelles; my kinsm. and servt., Robt. Wil- liams; COS. David Morris, servt. to Sir Francis Bacon. iMorys £.'\ (Pr. 17 May 1620.) 481 William Lysons of Netherley, psh. of Wesbury, co. Glouc, gent. (Dat. 18 May 161 8.) Bur. in Ch. or chapel of 164 SOAME, FOL. 43. Wesbury, nr. my ancestors; son Thos.; dwelling hou., called Charlettes, of my son John; son Arthur; son Daniel; dau. Alice, wife of Thos. Wintle of Rodley, in sd. psh., their chn. (und. 21 ); Ids. in Bulley, co. Glouc; tent, in occ. of Thos. Keere at Milend, psh. of Newlande, co. Glouc; son Wm.; Wm., son of John Russell of Longley, co. Glouc, yeom.; John Russell's oth. chn.; ch. of my son, John Lyson; Extx: wife Anne; Overs: Rd. Pearse of Churcham, co. Glouc, John Russell and Thos. Wintle. \_no stg'.'\ Wits: John Hooper, Thomas Watts, scr. (Pr. 23 May 1620,) 482 Mathewe Havylande of Bristol, merch. and aid., aged 69. (Dat. 2 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in Warborrowe's chyd. nr. wife Joyce; tent, in Hawkesbury, co. Glouc, bot. of Mr. John Vizar and his fath., called Hawkesbury barns; Ids. in Hawkesbury, bot. of Mr. Walter Dennys; son Wm., his son Bartw. Havy- land; Ids. in Oldmyston, Crixton and Brent, co. Somerset, bot. of Mr. John Weekes and Roger Lortte; son Mathewe; son John's hou. in Stocklande, co. Somst.; my 8th part of prisage of wines coming to Bristoll; my tent, in Smale St., Bristol, wh. Mr. Thos. Colston now dwells; son Robt. Haviland's chn., Mathew, Mary, Florence, Jane and Eliz. (all und. 20); Samp- son and Joyce (both und. 20), chn. of dau. Anne Lort; bond dated 11 Oct. 1614 betw. Sampson Lortt (fath. of sd. Samp- son and Joyce) and Thos. Holmes of Bristol, Salter, concern- ing ship "Rose Lion" of Bristol; dau. Mary Holworthie's chn., Mathewe, Mary, Rd., Anne and John (all und. 20); son- in-law, Mr. Rd. Holworthie; sist. Elianor Helye; Mr. Farm- er, minister of Warborrowes; Mr. Wm. Yeaman, preacher; Ids. called the Grange, by Kingeswood, co. Wilts., bot. of Mr. Rd. Webb and Mr. Jeffery Bower; Charles the elk. of St. Warborrowes' Ch.; lease of grds. called VoUs, Knight's hill and Elberowe hill made Christmas, 16 14, to Henry Pett and John Groome; lease of hou. bot. of Mr. Dennys, made 22 Nov., 16 Eliz. by Wm. Butler, esq., to Anthur Vizar and after to Mrs. Ellen Dennys; Overs: kinsm. Mr. Wm. Pitt, draper, and Mr. Wm. Pitt, merch., and Edw. Batten, gent.; Exor: son and heir, Robt. Havilande. \_Mathewe Havtlande] Wits: Humphrie Browne, John Barker, Edw. Batten, Tho. Hobbes. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 43. 166 483 Edward Mondaye of Charde, co. Somst., merch. (Dat. 31 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Chard; poor and Ch. of Chard; dau. Margery, wife of John Channon, their son Rd. Channon; my hou. at Chrimcharde; book by Mr. Dodd on the Commandments; latin books; oth. chn. of dau. Mar- gery; son-in-law, Wm. Champneys and my dau. Eliz. his wife; meadow called Moore meade, bot. of Anthony Paulet, esq.; closes called Breachlands, bot. of sd. Anthony by the name of Sir Anthony Paulet, Kt.; coverlets of Mr. Goffe's making; Mr. Jewell's works in 2 vols.; John, son of the sd. Wm. Champneys; Extx: dau. Rebecca Monday; tent. wh. I now dwell; Id. called Parke meade in Chard, bot. of Anthony Paulet; "Book of Actes and Monumentes" by Mr. Foxe; John, son of John Atkyns, of Old Chard, merch.; my french Bible; Suzanna Wilson; Overs: frds. John Daye, Osmond Walrond, Wm. Atkins, merchs., and Thos. Pittes. {^Edwarde Mondaye] Wits: John Packer, Osmo. Walrond, Tho. Pittes, scr. (Pr. 24 May 1620.) 484 George Hele of Plymouth, co. Devon., merch. (Dat. 4 Sept. 1618.) Bound on a voyage; late fath., Thos. Hele of Plymouth, woollen draper, deed.; bros. -in-law, Henry Gates and Phil. Francis; sist. -in-law, Thomasin Frauncis; moth., Thomasin Frauncis; Exor: my fath. -in-law, Phil. Frauncis; Ids. in Plimpton Morris and Plymton St. Mary, co. Devon., wch. were late of my deed, fath.; Overs: frds. Christr. Pomeroy and Robt. Bonvill of Plymouth. {.Geo: Hele] Wits: Walter© Glubb, John Glubb, Arthur Gyddye. (Pr. 10 May 1620.) 485 John Griffin of Badgworth. (Dat. 20 Mar. .) Bur. in chyd. of Badgworth; wife Alice; wid. Dingers and her son; Eliz., wife of Thos. Burnell; lease at Badgworth; lease of Sir Edw. Rodney; Thos. Rafe; Churchhouse; lease of grd. of Mr. Barnard; lease held of Sir Theodor Newton; Mr. Ratle; Anne Newton's husb.; Exors: sons John and Noah Griffin; Overs: Wm. Welshe and Thos. Taylor, [no st£^.] Wits: Henry Forward, Thomas Barrowe, Nicholas Griffyn, John Griffin. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 486 Peter Lacke of Beamister, co. Dorset., chandler. (Dat. 27 Mar., 18 Jas. I.) Bur. in chyd. of Beamister; Ch. 166 SOAME, FOL. 43. and poor of Hemmiock, co. Devon.; Ch. and poor of Crook- horne, co. Somst., of Bridporte and of Beamister; godsons, Peter Meade, Peter Haywarde and Tobias Cooper; John, son of bro. Nichs. Lacke; Alice, dau. of the sd. Nichs.; cos. John Knollman of Hemmiock, his chn.; Nichs., son of my cos. John Lacke of Hemmiock; hou. wh. I now dwell; Thos. Champion of Beamister, his chn.; Joane, wife of Alexr. Jesop, her chn.; kinsm. John Babbercome of Sherborne; kinsm. John Edwards; William Phippin; my apprs., Thos. Syms and Jas. Deowe; Thomasine, wife of Wm. Shower of Topsham, CO. Devon.; Rd., son of Henry Hoskins of Beamister; Extx: wife Mary. [,no sig:^ Wits: Henry Hoskins, John Hoskyns, Joane Jesop {mark). (Pr. 23 May 1620.) 487 John Evererd of Eastlowe, co. Cornw., yeom. (Dat. 3 Mar. 1618-19.) Poor of Eastlowe and of St. Martin's by Eastlowe; son Walter; Thos. Parsons, his grmoth., Eliz. Parsons; Extx: my now wife Joane. [_Mark} Wits: Robert isu.). (Pr. 24 May 1620.) 488 Jasper Dare of Wotton Fitzpayne, co. Dorset., yeom. (Dat. 6 June 1619.) Bro. Wm. Dare, his sons, John, George, Wm. and Thos., his daus. Joane and Mary; bro. Edw's. 6 chn.; bro. George Dare, his 7 chn.; bro. John Dare, his son George, his daus. Rachell and Dorothie; Symon Lymbrie's 2 sons and 2 daus.; bro. Nichs'. son; godson Jasper Bagge; Exor: my bro. Edw.; Overs: my bro. Wm., and Thos. Punche. [no st£:^ {no wt'is.) (Pr. 9 May 1620.) 489 John Sawser of Henton Marye, co. Dorset., yeom. (Dat. 17 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in Henton Ch. or chyd.; neph. Saml. Sawser, his sist. Anne Sawser; my sist. Christian Winsecombe, her son John Winsecombe; Extx: wife Jane Sawser. [mark] Wits: John Castleman, Joseph Byles, Arthur Younge, Thomas Branker, Nicholas Branker. (Pr. 14 May 1620.) FOL. 44. 490 George Rithe. Def. sen. pronouncing for will of George Rithe, late of Aldershott, co. Hants., propounded by James Rythe, bro. and Exor:, and disputed by Sir Walter SOAME, FOL. 44. 167 Tichborne, Kt., Geo. Pescod, Elizth. Pescod, Pescod and Pescod, next of kin of deed. (Dat. 27 May 1620.) 491 Tymothy Galley of Beere, psh. of Seaton, co. Devon. (Dat. 10 Aug. i6i8.) Sist. Alice Galley; sist. Agnes Galley; sist. Mary Gallye; Exors: wife Mary, and my fath. John Galley, {.mark] Wits: Richard Galley, Thomas Galley. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 492 Richard W^yatt. Def. sen. pronouncing for will of Richd. Wyatt, late of the psh. of St. Peter next Paul's wharf, Lond., propounded by Margaret Wyatt, rel. and Extx:, and disputed by Henry Wyatt, son of deed. (Dat. 17 May 1620.) 493 ^A^illiam Jurden. Def. sen. pronouncing for will of Wm. Jurden, late of Poole, dioc. of Bristol, propounded by Richd. Jones, one of the Exors:, and disputed by Barbara Jurden, rel., Thomas, Wm., Thames (TAamem /), and Elizth. Jurden, and Lucy Jurden a/s. Jones, chn. of deed. (Dat. 27 May 1620.) 494 Ed'ward Yorke. Def. sen. pronouncing for will of Edwd. Yorke, late of Pontisbury, co. Salop,, deed., pro- pounded by Jane Yorke, rel. of deed., and disputed by Thomas Yorke his kinsm. (Dat. 27 May 1620.) 495 Nicholas Wheeler. Def. sen. pronouncing for will of Nicholas Wheeler, late of psh. of St. Mary Golechurch, Lond., deed., propounded by James Rudyarde, one of the Exors:, and disputed by Elizth. Dale and Anne Dye, sists. of the deed. (Dat. 27 May 1620.) 496 Henry Browne of Haflield, co. Glouc, gent. (Dat. 4 Feb. 1619-20.) Poor of city of Glouc, of Parshore, co. Wore, of Haffield and Ashleworth; Ids. in Haffield and Ash- elworth, co. Glouc, and Eldersfield, co. Wore; son Wm.; hou. wh. I dwell in Haffield, wch. wife's fath. gave her; Id. and tithe in Wick, co. Wore; farm called Golofors, in Little Gomberton, co. Wore, had of grant by Sir Thos. Trencharde; tithe of Bricklington, co. Wore and in Haflield; sons, Thos., John, Henry and Rd. (und. 21); Id. in Hafheld, bot. of Thos. Sely; my moth., deed.; site of man. of Uckington, co. Glouc; tithes of Uckington, Hardwicke and Bodington, co. Glouc; Id. called Gourte of ye Rye, bot. of Sir Wm. Throckmorton, 168 SOAME, FOL. 44. Kt., in Trynley als. Tyrley, co. Glouc. ; Id. in Tewkesbury Park and psh., co. Glouc; hou. in Tewkesbury wh. Mrs. Cotterell, wid., dwells, bot. of my kinsm. Mr. Nichs. Phels; close in town of Tewkesbury, nr. Carrenbrook, in ten. of John Orrell; Poole meadow and Walham meadow nr. Gloucester; Ids. in Bricklington, bot. of Newe; Ids. in Gt. Comberton, bot. of Thos. Younge and Barnard Hopkins; tent. nr. Audiner's Ford in psh. of Dowdswell, co. Qlouc; lease of Salperton in Cottshall held of College of Winchester; son-in-law, Mr. John Robertes, my dau. his wife, and my dau's. dau. Alice; my bro. Powell, his son my godson, my sist. Powell, her daus. Mary and Elinor; my bro. and sist.. Hill, their 2 daus.; cos. Isabell Bagott and Hester Webbe; Henry Savage; cos. Anne Greene, her dau., my goddau.; cos. Joane Rastell, her son Henry; COS., Mr. John Coke and Mr. Rd. Willys; Extx: wife Alice. \_Henry Browne\ Wits: Jo. Powell, John Deighton, Thomas Gilbert, John Powell, Jr. (Pr. 24 May 1620.) 497 John Crocker of Symonsbury, co. Dorset. (Dat. 4 May 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Symonsbury; poor of Symons- bury, of lazarhouse of Maudlen in Allington, of 2 almshouses in Burporte; John Shawefe, a poor boy I have brot, up; Exors: sons John and Andrew Crocker; Overs: Robt. Bets- combe, gent., John Betscombe and John Stevens. \_John Crocker} Wits: Roberte Betscombe, John Steevens. (Pr. 23 May 1620.) 498 Henry Achin, gent., one of the "Moon's" company. (Dat. 28 Jan. 1618-19.) Peter Maye, his. bro. Oliver May; Wm. Leage; Rd. Caswell; Jas. Couldwell; Andrew Hyde; Jas. Walden; John Gray; Wm. Robinson; Thos. Prime; Wm. Jenkinson; Josua Baynbridge; Mr. Robinson; Exor: my 2d bro. Wm. Achim; money due to me for voyage in the "Moon." [.no sig-.} {no wits.) (Pr. 21 May 1620.) 499 John Budge the eld., of Sutton, par. of Lynking- horne, co. Cornw., yeom. (Dat. 4 Nov. 1619.) Eld. son John; sons Edw., Wm. and Rd. Budge; wife Mary; daus., Joane, wife of John Rawlinge, and Jane, wife of John Scowne; Susanne Gadgcombe (und. 21); Emanuel, son of eld. son John Budge; John, Thos., Wm., Jane, Eliz., Joane, Mary and Suffrance Budge, chn. of son John; chn. of son Thos.; SOAME, FOL. 44. 169 chn. of son Edw.; chn. of son Rd.; chn. of sons-in-law, John Rawlinge and John Scowne; John and Joane Rawlinge, chn. of son-in-law John; Exor: son Thos. [niark] Wits: Henrye John {tnark), John Oliver als. Badwaye, Katherine Gedey {mark). (Pro. 20 May 1620.) 500 ^A^illiam Mathewe the eld., of Cockington, co. Devon. (Dat. 18 Feb. 1619-20.) John Martyn and Thos. l^adden of Cockington; poor of Cockington and of Tormoham; John and Robt. Mathewe, sons of my son Wm. Mathewe, his dau. Mary Mathewe; my dau's. sons, Wm., John and Andrewe Chappell and her son and dau., Rd. and Eliz. Cliffe; Wm., son of Henry Mathewe, deed.; my dau. Amy Cliffe; Wm., son of Gregory Mathewe, deed.; Henry and Eliz. Mathewe, chn. of Gregory Mathewe, deed.; my servt., Julyan Adams; Barnard Hanniwell; Rd. Hutchins; Joane Thome; my servts., George Muchill and Henry Browne; Exors: wife Alice and son Wm.; Overs: Elize Mathewe of Paington, and Thos. Paddon of Cockington. \_mark] Wits: John Trosse, Hughe Butcher {mark). (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 501 George Browne of Fairford, co. Glouc, yeom. (Dat. 5 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Fayrforde; son, Wm.; Id. in King's marshe; son George; Id. wch. was CoUis'; dau. Margt. Scovell; George and Edw., sons of my son-in-law John Scovell; son Anthony (und. 23); daus. Eliz. and Anne (both und. 21); Extx: wife Alice; Overs: Allen Hall of Fairforde, John Scovell and Walter Harberte. \_George Browne] Wits: Walt. Harbert, John Scovell, Allen Hall {mark). (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 502 Anthony Winbo^ve of Badminton magna, co. Glouc, yeom. (Dat. 21 Dec. 1618.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Badmin- ton magna; son Edw. Winbowe; dau. Edith, wife of Rd. Geale; sons, Thos., Robt. and Nichs. Winbowe; kinsw. Joane Winbowe, dau. of my son Wm., deed.; Exors: wife Jone and son John Winbowe; Overs: Wm. Venne and Rd. Roache; John Cable; Rd. Cable; son Thos. owes me p^i6, paid to deliver him out of Lamperd prison; John Howborowe of Sherston. \7nark\ Wits: Thomas Cadle, elk., vie. of Acton Turvill, scr., Richard Roache {mark), William Venne {mark). (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 170 SOAME, FOL. 45. FOL. 45. 503 Hugh Banbury of Heanton Puncherdon, co. Devon. (Dat. 26 Feb. 1619-20.) Kinsw. Eliz. Yolland of Landkey; poor of Heanton Puncherdon, of Braunton, of Bideford, of Northam, of Georgeham, of Westdowne, of Ilfordcombe, of Combemartyn, of Bermarbert, of East Aishford and of Pilton; bro. Wm. Banbury's chn.; John Handford the eld.; my god- son, John Handford the yr.; godchn., Wm. Upcott, John Glaowyn, Edw. Goole, Ellinor Hart, Eliz. Haywarde, Mary Bilsworthie, Henry Dennis' son, Rd. Saunder's dau.; Phil. Saunder; Ch. of Heanton; Ellinor, wife of John Ellet; Mary, dau. of Nichs. Hamont; Thomasine Belsworthie; my master, Mr. Robt. Dillen; tent, in Georgeham, in ten. of John Mar- chante; John Predeaux; Exor: bro. John Banbury. [_no sig:^ Wits: Robert Dillon, Phillippe Whitefeilde, John Handforde, William Upcott (mark); Anne Handforde; Margt. Homountj John Tucker; John Mathewe; Jas. Burgeis; Joane Hand- forde; Wilmott Harte; John Burgeis; Nichs. Hamont; Henry Dennis; Phillippe Reede. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 504 Phillippe Francombe of Old Sodbery, co. Glouc, clothier. (Dat. 6 Mar., 18 Jas. I.) Bur. in chyd. of Old Sodbery; my love, Alice Harris; John Bower; bro. John Francombe; bro. Rd.; sist. Joane Baker; Sibell Bawdry; Joane Bawdry; Rd. and Jane Bawdry; Eliz., Anne and Wm. Cambridge; Alice Puzellf; my godson, John Barnes; Exor: bro. John; Overs: my fath., Frauncis Francombe and Wm. Burcombe. {_no si'g:^ Wits: Thos. Burforde, Richarde Fran- combe. (Pr. 10 May 1620.) 505 Robert Trott of Crewkerne, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 29 Jan. 1619-20.) Ch., almshous. and 60 poor people of Crewkerne; wife Joane; Anne, dau. of John Trott; Joane, dau. of my son Robt. Trott; Robt., son of Henry Trott; son Robt.; dau. Christian Trott; Exor: my son, John Trott. Ino si's^.] Wits: John Fuller, Roger Cussins. (Pr. 6 May 1620.) 506 Sytnon Norman of St. John's in Glastone, co. Somst. (Dat. 21 Feb. 1619-20.) Ld. in Bride a/s. Beccory,t in man. of Glaston, co. Somst.; Exors: fds. George Sansom of Glas- ton, and Robt. Hebdich of Pedwell; sist's. dau., Joane Har- t Perhaps Bazell. t Perhaps Bickworthy. SOAME, FOL. 45. 171 dyn (und. 21); Mr. Floyer; my cos., wid. Margery Fry; wife Eliz.; bro. John Norman, his 3 chn.; sons-in-law Wm. and George Parsonnes; sist. Harding's sons; sist. Fossett's chn.; sist's. son, Thos. Stevens; sist. Agnes, her chn.; Id. in Bud- cleigh Westwood from Andrew Ham; frd. Bryan Pope of Budcleigh. [no sig:] Wits: John Winterhey, Richarde Withie, John Withy, Thomas Morse, Christopher Pope. (Pr. 5 May 1620.) SOT Susanne Allen of Wiveliscombe, diocese of Bath and Wells. (Dat. 19 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Wiveliscombe; poor of Wiveliscombe and Wemdon; dau. Jane Yea, her chn.; goddau. Susanne Yea; neph. David Yea; COS. Thompson Harris; cos. Anne Parsons; servts. of my son-in-law David Yea; Exor: my son Strowde Allen, [no st's^.^ Wits: Henrye Storie, Anne Parsons, Jane Yea, David Yea. (Pr. 10 May 1620.) 508 Richard Ilett of He Abbotts, co. Somst., husbm. (Dat. 21 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of He Abbotts; wife Alice; son John; Rd., son of my son-in-law Humfry Sweete; my wife's son, Rd. Lindon, his 7 chn.; Exor: son-in-law Hum- fry Sweete; Overs: bro. Wm. Ilett and frd. Christr. Hutchin. [mark] Wits: J no. Nurton, Katherine Masters (mark), Julian Masters (mark). (Pr. 23 May 1620.) 509 Richard Bowden of Aishweeke, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 7 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Aishweek; Chs. of Aishweek and Chilcompton, wh. I was bapt.; bro. Wm. Bowden; John Ludwell; my fath. deed.; kinsm. Rd. Hill; John Norman of Stooke St. Michaell a/s. Stooklane, bound in bond dat. 12 Feb. 1617-18; kinsm. Wm. Hill; my kinsm. Edw. Hill; kinsw. Margt. Hill; sist. Elianor Bowden; my wife's 3 sists. and their chn. ; my servt. Henry White; kinsw. Agnes Seller; Extx: wife Grace; Overs: Jas. Sellway, Rd. Norman, Rd. Weebe. [no stg:] Wits: John Heath, Henry White {mark), Richarde Webe {mark). (Pr. 5 May 1620.) 510 John Linsey of Corfe Mullen, co. Dorset. (Dat. 12 Apr. 1620.) Kinsw. Margt. Linsey; Rd. Presley of Cougrove; Margery Newman of Hinton-Martill; Exors: kinsm. Wm. Lynsey of Wimborne Minster, and his son John Lynsey; 172 SOAME, FOL. 45. Overs: Wm. Hobby, John Bruer. \_no sig:^ Wits: William Flooke, Walter Wheeller {_mark), John Lynsey {?nark). (Pr. 20 May 1620, by Wm. Linsey, pow. res., etc. Adm. gr. 31 Jan. 1649-50, to John Lynsey, his fath. Wm. Lynsey being dead.) 511 Thomas Dallinge {0/ Fremington, co. Devon.*). (Dat. 27 Feb. 1618-19.) Hou. wh. I dwell; my wife's fath. and moth.; son Wm.; Extx: wife Mary; bro. Harry Danell; bro. Steven Dallinge at Hartlande. [_mark\ Wits: John Yeo, John Cadd, Oliver Fishelie. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) 512 Steven Hurle of Stalbridge, co. Dorset. (Dat. 28 Mar. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Stalbridge; goddau. Constance Seiner; Extx: wife Ellen; Overs: John Wolridge and Christr. Senier; Wits: John Cryer, Anne Senier {mark). (Pr. 14 May 1620.) 513 Bridgett Burchall of Yatton, co. Somst., spinster. (Dat. 5 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. of Yatton; sist. Alice, wife of John Wreche of Puxson, her 4 chn.; sist. Rebecca, wife of Thos. Edwards; cos. John Hiscockes; goddau. Brid- gett Hiscockes; John, son of Nichs. Perington, my godson; Agnes Stretinge; Joane Maninge; Alice Warren; Thos., son of John Hiscocke; Mary Grofe, dau. of John Grofe; Joane, wife of Nichs. Perington; Isabell, wife of Edw. Beale; Joane Trappe of Brockley; my godson Wm. Terrell of Custoke; Wm. Dinvin; Joane, wife of Wm. Faylon; Exor: my cos. Edw. Beale. \.no sig:^ Wits: Nicholas Perington imark)^ John Avery {mark), Thomas Avery {mark). (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 514 John Keynes of Chippinge Sodbery, co. Glouc, vint- ner. (Dat. 7 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in chancel of Chippinge Sodbery, nr. fath. and moth.; bro. -in-law Anthony Norris, his wife Margery; my sist. Anne Lighte; silver bowl given my moth, by Mr. Power of Bath; wid. Currier; godson Wm., son of bro. Robt. ; Extx: wife Anne; Overs: frds. Mr. Christr. Stokes and Mr. John Tomlinson of Bristol. \_John Kaines] Wits: Christo. Stokes, Thomas Stevens, elk., Edward God- dard, Anthonie Norris. (Pr. 17 May 1620.) * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 45. 173 515 John Greene of Cucklington, co. Somst., husbm. (Dat. i6 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Cucklington, nr. kinsm. Wm. Greene; Cath. of Wells; Ch. of Cucklington; wife Agnes; poor of Cucklington, Eaststower, Weststower, Wyncanton and Gyllingham; Wm. Greene of Wyncanton, his chn., his son John (und. 21); Hugh Greene, servt. to Robt. Kinge, Hugh's bro. John (und. 30), and sist. Joane; John Greene of Hanley; my reversioner, Rd. Greene; kinsm. Wm. Haynes; Melior Greene; kinsm. Wm. Nalson (?) of Gyllingham; Rd., son of Ursula Greene; Thos., bro. of Rd. Reade; Symon Greene; Robt. Browne- the eld.; Wm. Greene the yr. ; Benj. Phillippes of Gyllingham; Wm. White, butcher; Robt. Davye, tailor; Mark and Andrew Cave of Gyllingham; Exors: kinsw. Edith Reade, wife of Rd. Reade, and her son, John Reade; Overs: Rd. Fitzharberte of Cucklington, elk., Mor- gan Cave of Gyllingham, gent., John Barnes of Magstone, yeom., and George Parrett of Eaststower, yeom. \_no st£^.^ Wits: Fitzharbert, elk., John March the eld. (mark), Ed- warde Tanner. (Pr. 22 May 1620, by Edith Reade, pow. res., etc.) 516 Thomas Trowbridge of Taunton, co. Somst., merch. tailor. (Dat. 6 July 1619.) Bur. in Ch. of Mary Magdalen, Taunton, nr. wife; chn. (und. 21) of son John Trowbridge; neph. Thos. Trowbridge; my shop; kinsw. Joane, wife of Steven Parrye, gent.; Martha, Agnes and Alice Webbe (all und. 21), daus. of Benedict Webbe and his late wife, my dau. Alice; Frauncis and Mary Godsall (und. 21), daus. of Robt. Godsall and his late wife, my dau. Dorothy; cos. Joane, wife of Thos. Pratten of Taunton, her chn.; Mr. Rd. Mercer, sch. -master of Castle sch., Taunton; Mr. Rd. Davies, minis- ter of St. James'; my late servt. Margery Wrentmore; Eliz. Webber; my servts. Robt. Andrewes, Joane Parry and Eliz. Harris; Exor: son John Trowbridge; Overs: frds. John Clarke, D. D., and Lewes Pope. \_no sig:'} Wits: John Good- wyn, George Randall, Lewes Pope, Robert Mockridge, John Wrentmore. (Pr. 6 May 1620.) 517 Roger Holman of Chancery Lane, Midd., tailor. (Dat. 26 Feb. 1619-20.) Eld. son Jas. Holman (und. 21); 2d son Daniel; 3d son Henry; dau. Alice Holman (und. 21); 174 SOAME, FOL. 45. dau. Eliz. Holman (und. 21); dau. Anne Holman (und. 21); dau. Margt. Holman (und. 21); fath. Wm. Holman; sist. Ellinor Woolford, her daus. Joane Harvye and Rebecca Coome; Extx: wife Alice; Overs: Jas. Bradforde, cit. and merch. tailor of Lond., Henry Shellye of the Strand, co. Midd., yeom., and bro. Rd. Tomlinson of Lond., sadler; Dorothy, wife of the sd. Tomlinson. \,Roger Holman] Wits: William Hewson, John Cornell. (Pr. 4 May 1620.) 518 ^Villiam Smyth of Wells, co. Somst., cloth worker. (Dat. 19 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of St. Cuthbert, Wells; Ch., almshou. and poor of Wells; Rd. Collins; Rd. and Thos. Smith, sons of bro. Rd. Smith; chn. of bro. -in-law John Grafton; chn. of bro. -in-law John Mouncke; Thos. Rocke of Butleigh, the yr., his fath., my cos., Mr. Thos. Rocke; Wm. Codd; godsons Phil. Isaack and David Isaack; COS. Margery Lovell; Alice Woodward, dau. of Rd. Wood- ward; poor of Bishop Froome, co. Heref., and of Strotten, co. Heref.; bro. George Smyth; cos. Mabell, her bros. and sists.; Robt. Woodward; Mary Grafton; godsons Ulisses Taunton and Thos. Sherborne; goddau. Cicilie Lewce; my tent, at St. Jones Bridge, Wells; Wm. Woodward; Extx: wife Kath- erine; Overs: Mr. Thos. Cowarde and Mr. Thos. Rocke the eld. \_no stg.] Wits: Nicholas Coxe, Gilbert Atwood, Robert Gradbere {mark), John Coxe. (Pr. 5 May 1620.) 519 Christopher Ninnis {of Fadstowe, co. Cornw.*). (Dat. 27 Aug. 1618.) Dau. Anne; sist. Eliz.; my meadow at Girl- ies; Extx: wife Alice. \_Christofer Ninis\ Wits: John Strib- lie {mark), John Tom, Pollidor luell, Elizabeth Baude {mark). (Pr. 29 May 1620.) 520 John Stonne of Sowtham, psh. of Bishop's Cleeve, CO. Glouc, yeom. (Dat. 22 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Bishop's Cleeve; Rd., son of kinsm. Henry Stone; Rd., son of bro. Kinnard Stone; kinsm. John Stone; Jane Stone, dau. of sd. Henry Stone; goddau., Ellinor Hiett; kinsw. Margt. Daye; Abigail and Mary, daus. of kinsm. Thos. Lorwinge of Heymes; Rd. Delabere, esq.; Joane Gotheridge; Frauncis Backer; Thos. Hewes the yr., of Woodmancott; Gyles Gase; Rd. Cope of Presbury; Wm. Wilkes of Hunt Courte; Rd. » Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 45. 176 Tucker of Presbury; Joane Castell; Valentyne Newman; Chas. Freeman of Presbury; Exor: Edm., son of Thos. Lor- winge of Heymes, co. Glouc, gent.; Overs: the sd. Thos. Lrorwinge, Thos. Hiett of Southam. Imark'] Wits: Thomas Loringe, Thomas Hiett (mark), John Yeardlington, Henry Stone (mark). (Adm. gr. 9 May 1620 to Thos. Lorringe, fath of Edm. Lorringe, the latter being dead.) FOL. 46. 521 Christopher "Waryn of city of Coventry, dyer, aged 55 yrs. (Dat. 28 Oct. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Michaell, Coventry, in chan., nr. wife; eld. son Christr.; Id. in Stoke, Coventry; Ids. called Yearnsforde als. Earnsford, in Bynley, CO. Warw.; tents, in occ. of Barnabie Holbach in Corley, co. Warw., and AUesley, in sd. co.; a silver salt called a jack salt wch. was my son's grfath's.; cottage in Stoake, in occ. of Thos. Smith, held of Mayor of Coventry; 2d son John; Ids. in Pinley als. Pyndley, bot. of Sir Walter Aston, Kt.; a dye- hou. called Bastle hou., in Coventry; 5 tents, in Myll lane, Coventry, on W. part of street, fr. Ids. belonging to Free Grammar Sch. in Coventry on S., to city wall on N., now in occ. of Michaell Marston, Joseph Uttinge, John Glasse, Rd. Brocken and Thos. Potter; tent, in Crosse Cheapinge, Coven- try, sometime the Id. of John Cockson, now in occ. of Anthonie Roch; stable in Palmer Lane, in occ. of Tobye Rowe, fish- monger; grd. without Bastle gate, betw. the wall and the Common River; tent, in New St., Coventry, in occ. of Robt. Baron; garden adj. in occ. of Thos. Potter; orchard in my occ, bot. of John Nethermill, esq., adj. the Priory Dyehouse, Coventry; anoth. orchard nr. Bishop's Palace, Coventry, in occ. of Mathewe Collyns, draper; tent, called Breach farm in psh. of Heynor, lordship of Loscoe, co. Derby, late in occ. of Christr. Ryley; Rd., Wm. and John, sons of bro. Rd. Waryn, deed.; Thos. Potter, dyer; daus. Margt., Kath., Prudence and Ellen; 3d son, Wm.; hou. wh. I now dwell in High St., Coventry, bot. of George Kevett, late of Finham, gent., deed.; Id. and tent, in Little Park St., adj. my back gates, bot. of the Mayor of Coventry, was in occ. of Rd. Illedge, baker; tent, in Earle St., in occ. of Rd. Flint, corviser; tent in Gos- ford St., Coventry, in occ. of Powell, tinker; tents, in Mill 176 SOAME, FOL. 46. lane, Coventry, inocc. of Edw. Hill, clothworker, and Christr. Wilkinson; Ids. in Corley, co. Warw., bot. of Thos. Harper and John Muston, in occ. of Hynd, tailor; field called Fawkes field in occ. of sd. Hynd; 4th son Edw.; groves called Wood- cockes and Theevestocke in Corley, bot. of John Oughton of Fylongley and Thos. Patchett; Ids. in Allesley; son-in-law John Snell, his son Wm., and daus. Joane and Ellen Snell; Exor: son John; Overs: frd. Mr. John Herringe, mercer, and my son-in-law John Snell, draper. \_Xpofer Waryn\ Wits: Michaell Love, John Foxley, Roberte Abbey, Jam. Brownell. (Pr. 30 May 1620.) 522 John Curtis of Whelforde, psh. of Kempsford, Glouc. (Dat. 20 May 1619.) Daus. Edith and Kath. (und. 18); yr. son Thos. (und. 21); son John; wife Alice; my part in the pars.; Exors: son John Curtis, bro. Henry Curtis and bro.- in-law John Gleede; Overs: Wm. Gynner, Thos. Hewer. \no sig^ Wits: William Ginner, Thomas Hewer {mark), William Stanley {mark); Frauncis Wilkes. (Pr. 19 May 1620 by Henry Curtis and John Gleede, pow. res. to John Curtis.) 523 Elizabeth Done of St. Bride als. St. Bridget, Lond., wid. (Dat. 4 Feb. 1617-18.) Poor of Fulham, co. Midd., wh. I have a dwelling hou.; poor of Cheswick, co. Midd., and of St. Bride; dau. Grace Barker, wife of Barker of Lond., draper, her unbo. ch.; John Clay, deed., late husb. to my sd. dau. Grace Barker, and her chn., Grace Claye, Eliz. Claye and John Clay (all und. 21); my dau., Eliz. Wilbraham; dau. Charity Smith; bro. Mr. Frauncis Anthonie, Dr. of Physick, and his wife; my grch. Eliz. Smith; Mrs. Sutton, wid.; Mrs. Lundaye, wid.; Exor: my bro., Frauncis Anthonie. [no stgJ] {no wits.) (Adm. gr. 12 May 1620 to Eliz. Wilbraham; Francis Anthonie renouncing.) 524 James "Wrench, elk., par. of Bramber wt. Botolph's, CO. Suss. (Dat. 10 Nov. 1617.) Moth., Mrs. Margt. Bentley; bro. John Wrench; bro. Rd. Wrench; sist. Alice; dwelling hou. on upper grd. of man. of Paris Garden, wh. moth, has her est. of widowhood; Extx: my wife Alice. \_James Wrench\ Wits: John Jefferye. (Pr. 16 May 1620.) 525 John Scullard of Upclatford, co. Southton., gent. (Dat. 15 Aug. 1619.) My man. of Farely; Ids. at Heeth and SOAME, FOL. 46. 177 Eling, CO. Southton.; son. Thos. (und. 14); Ids. in Downton, CO. Wilts., late bro. Marshall's, deed., held of St. Mary's College, Winchester; dau. Anne (und. 21); Extx: wife Mary; Overs: bro. Geo. Scullard, gent., and kinsm. Raphe Southe, gent, [y.] Wits: Geo. Scullard, Raphe South, George Tar- rant, Richard Hatten {mark). (Pr. 11 May 1620.) 526 Capt. Christopher Levyne {of St. Salvator, South- wark, Surr.^). (Nunc, will dat. i May 1620.) Mary Wayte, wid., whom I was about to marry, but the Preacher of the psh. refused on ace. of my illness, unless it were in a Ch., and her dau., Eliz. Wayte; Wits: William Comber, Ch. Sledd. (Adm. gr. 23 May 1620 to Mary Wayte, no Exor: being named.) 527 George Eystone of Basingstoke, co. Southton., gent. (Nunc, will dat. 13 Apr., 18 Jas. I.) My bro. Twyne; my chamber in Lond.; my sist. Twyne and her chn.; Wm. Nitingale; Mrs. Good; Exor: my bro. Thos. Eystone; Wits: Richarde Twyne, Mary Twyne, John Hale. (Pr. 29 May 1620.) 528 Roger Tegge of Rockborne, co. Southton., yeom. (Dat. 3 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in Rockborne chyd.; sist. Joane Coales; my servt., John Dando; frd. Wm. Tucker, his sist. Joane Tucker; my servts., John Younges and John Harise; frd. Thos. Bemburrowe; Eliz, Bower; Wyatt; bro. John Tegge (und. 21); my servt. Christian; Extx: my wife Eliz. iJ?o£-er Tegge\ Wits: William Younge, Roberte Burges, John Tegge, John Dando. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 529 Auckerett Slyme of St. James' within the Suburbs, Bristol, wid. (Dat. 11 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of St. James'; Mary Elwell, my late husb's. dau's. ch.; haberdasher wares I use to sell; Eliz., wife of Wm. Frye, his 3 chn.; Sy- mon Jurden, son of John Jurden, joiner; poor of St. James' and Christchureh pshs.; dau. -in-law Annis Frye; Ellen Jur- den; Extx: Mary Frye (und. age), dau. of son Gyles Frye, deed; Overs: Thos. Corye, tanner, and Nicholas Dabson, whittawer. \mark\ Wits: Edith Corye, John Addisson. (Adm. gr. 3 May 1620, to Thos. Corye and Nichs. Dabson, Overs:, dur. min. of Mary Frye, Extx:.) * Pro, Act. Book. 178 SOAME, FOL. 46. 530 John Langhorne par. of Corton Denham, co. Somst. (Dat. 8 Apr. 1620.) My 4 daus., Ursula Harris, Jane Crase, Diana and Eliz. Lang'horne; son Moris Langhorne; my books and papers; Wm. Langhorne, Thos. Scott; Exor: son John Langhorne; Overs: sd. son Moris and son-in-law Wm. Har- ris; my pars. (Adm. gr. 3 May 1620, to Wm. Harris and Ursula, his wife, dau. of deed., dur. min. of John Langhorne, Exor:.) 531 Edward Jordan of Bath, co. Somst., gent. (Dat. i Apr. 1619.) Fath. Wm. Jordan, late of Chitterne, co. Wilts, esq.; bro. Mr. Temis Jordan; poor of Chitterne All Saints; bro. Sir Wm. Jordan, Kt. ; sist. Mrs. Mary Stoughton, wid.; bro. -in-law Dr. Jordan, and sist., his wife Lucie Jordan; uncle Mr. John Temys; neph. and godson Thos. Hunton; godson Edw. Newman of Chitterne St. Mary; kinsm. John Maundy; Mr. Hind, minister of Chitterne All Saints; Exors: nephs. Edw. and Temys Jordan, sons of bro. Mr. Temys Jordan. [_Ed- wardu Jordan\ {no wits.^ (Adm. gr. 18 May 1620, to Temys Jordan, bro. of deed., dur. min. of Edw. and Temys Jordan, Exors:.) 532 ■William 'Wiggin of Ofchurch, co. Warw., vie. (Dat. 29 Oct. 161 7.) Bur. in chancel of Offchurch Ch,; my servts., John Bartlet, Wm. Handes, Saml. Plackett; Anne Miller, spr.; wife Ellen; wife's dau., Margt.; my son Edw.; son Haniball; sons Wm., Thos. and Rd.; dau. Kath. Smith and her ch.; poor of Offchurch and Bishop's Ichington; Exor: son John; Overs: frds. Robt. Yeardlye, Wm. Hill, Edw. Brabson. [no sig.'] Wits: Robte. Yeardley, William Hill, Anne Milner. (Pr, 24 May 1620.) 533 George Benion of the town of Salop, co. Salop. (Dat. 3 May, 18 Jas. L) My wife; Exor: my son Chas. Benion; my oth. ehn. already provided for. [George Benion\ Wits: Edw. Jones, Rieharde Jones, Richard Nettles. (Pr. 16 May 1620.) 534 Anne Wotton als. Slater, wife of John Slater, gent., residing at Bargen up Some, in pts. beyond the seas. (Nunc, will dat. 29 Dec. 1619.) Wit: John Slater {mark). (Adm. gr. 16 May 1620, to John Slater, husb. of deed., no Exor: being named.) SOAME, FOL. 46. IW 535 Edward Owen of St. Botolph's without Aldgate, Lond., merch. tailor. (Dat. 20 Mar. 1618-19.) Bur. in sd. Ch. of St. Botolph's; bro. Oliver Owen, his 4 daus., Joane, Dorothie, Eliz. and Anne (all und. 21); bro. John Owen; sist. Hellen; sist. Margt.; sist. Guen; neph. Hughe George, servt. unto my wife; neph. Edw. Owen (und. 21), son of bro. Oliver; nephs. Griffin Morris, John Morris and Edw. Thomas, appr.; Wm., son of Wm. Burman the yr.; our minister, Mr. John Brigges; Mr. Bartw. Elnor; Mr. Wm. Price; Mr. Wm. Carpenter; John Scott; my gossippe, Frankton and his wife Anne; cos. Edw. Owen by Paul's and his wife; my gossippe John Kitchen and his wife; my 12 frds. whom I call sons; poor of Portsoken ward; Co. of Merch. tailors, of wch. I am a member; Mr. Rd. Driver; chn. of Christ's hospital; Antho- ny and Christr. Tompson; Anne Tompson (und. 21), dau. of sd. Anthony; Extx: my wife Anne; Overs: frds. Mr. Bartw. Elnor and Mr. Wm. Carpenter, [mark] Wits: John Scott, Leonard Powers, Beniamin Lishe, Thomas Symcottes. (Pr. 24 May 1620.) FOL. 47. 536 ^Villiam Davyes of Westporte, co. Wilts., yeom. (Dat. I Feb. 1619-20.) Mary and Margt. (both und. 21), daus. of son-in-law Wm. Butcher, their bro., my grch., Saml. Butcher (und. 21); leases taken of Nichs. Archard and Rd. Fisher, gent.; wife Joane; Rd. and Eliz. (both und. 21), chn. of son-in-law Rd. Hopkins; Margt. (und. 21), dau. of son-in-law John Purnell, deed.; my servt. Eliz. Lugge; dau. Mabell; lease of tent, in Burnifall, in Westporte, called the Chappell; Extx: dau. Mary Purnell; Overs: Robt. Arch and Thos. Wayte. [fnark] Wits: Jacob Latymer, cur. of West- porte, Robert Arch, John Hall als. Baker, senr. (mark), Mary Vizar, wife of John Vizar, senr. (Pr. 24 May 1620.) 537 William Bowler of Westrope, psh. of Highworth, CO. Wilts., yeom. (Nunc, will dat. 20 May 1620.) Bro. John Bowler; Exor: bro. -in-law Ambrose Denman of West- roppe; Wits: Robert Cooke, Jane Arden. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 538 Phillippe Combe of Great Farringdon, co. Berks., yeom. (Dat. 9 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Farringdon; 180 SOAME, FOL. 47. Ch. and poor of Farringdon; poor of Westbrooke; bro. Thos. Combe; leases of Id. in Farringdon and Westbrooke; Barn- arde, 2d son of bro. Thos.; sist. Agnes George, deed., her chn.; sist. Eliz. Tuckwell's chn.; my sd. bro's. chn.; my servts., Margery Younge and Alice Butler; wife's kinsw. Joane Smith; neighbor Wm. Lawnder; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: frds. Thos. Reynoldes of Coleshill and Wm. Greene of Far- ringdon, baker, [.mark] Wits: Thos. Combes, Richard Hill, William Shearde, Jo. Hickes, script. (Pr. 27 May 1620.)- 539 Susan Dickinson of East Greenwich, co. Kent, wid. (Dat. 22 Apr. 1620.) Extxs: daus. Anne Nicholds als. Bur- man and Ellen Dickinson, \_mark] Wits: John Salake, Jo. Baldwin. (Pr. 4 May 1620.) 540 John Webbe, elk., vie. of Aldeburne {co. Wilts.''). (Dat. 19 Feb. 1619-20.) Sist. Anne Michell; my 2 chn., John and Joane, the rest of my wife's chn.; Extx: wife Cicelie; Overs: Mr. John Doyly, my wife's bros., Thos. and Wm. Burnett, and my bro. -in-law James Michell; sist. Eliz. Webbe; son-in-law Andrewe Brewer, [^mark] Wits: John Doyly, John Browne {mark), Anthony Brewer. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) 541 John Chapman of Barly, co. Herts. (Dat. 6 Jan. 1619-20.) Bro. Wm. Chapman; sist. Agnes Payne; Mary Payne; Susan Smith; close in Barly next town's end leading fr. Lond. to Cambridge; sist's son, John Payne; Id. in Great Westfield, Coginghachfeilde and Little Westfield; Eliz. Smyth; sist's son, Wm. Payne; Dorothy and Agnes Smith; Exor: Daniell Smith. [_mark\ Wits: Henry Withe, John Morris {mark). (Pr. 2 May 1620.) 542 John Clementes {bachelor'^). (Dat. 11 Dec. 1618.) Exors: Fath. Wm. Even and moth. Margt. Evens; money in Mr. Sotheck's hands, wch. moth, gave me when she marr.; hou. wch. she jointly bot. wt. me; money wch. I have in the ship; uncle Clement's dau.; Jno. Tooke; Anthony Roworth; George Barnes; Nicholas; Wm. Hayward. \_John Clementes] Wits: John Tookes, Anthony Roworth {mark), Thomas Pros- ser. (Pr. 17 May 1620, by Wm. Evans, pow. res. to Margt. Evans.) * Pro. Act. Book. t Pro. Act. Book, no place mentioned. SOAME, FOL. 47. 181 543 Frauncis Walton of the city of Worcester, co. of Wore, clothier. (Dat. 3 Nov. 1618.) Poor of All Saint's psh., wh. now I dwell; poor of St. Michael's; Exor: bro. Lewis Walton; Wits: John Euans, Thomas Derne, Margaret Derne. (Pr. 27 May 1620.) 544 Vincent Parret {of Stepney, co. Midd. , dying in pts. beyond the sea^). (Dat. 15 May 1618.) Extx: wife Judith; dau. Sara Parret, a silver and gilt wine cup marked T. P., wch. was her bro's., Thos. Parret's; dau. Eliz. Nicoulson a ring wch. was her moth's.; ship I am now in; 2 hous. in Black- wall; Overs: Mr. Paver, draper, in Canninge St., and my neighbour Abbott. [ Vincent Parrett'\ Wit: Daniell Bames- ter; gossippe Swafer of Blackwall; Bartw. Cabell of Felstead; Mr. Shepard at the red legge in Barnesbie St.; sist. Burt; sent money fr. the Downs by Mr. Rand; goodman Reeve of Blackwall; goodwife Parser of Blackwall; uncle Gooson; fath. Frauncis Alarte; half of a hoye, of wch. goodman Pas- call is master. (Pr. 5 May 1620.) 545 Clement Draper, cit. and ironmonger {of St. Clem- ent's, Eastcheap^'), Lond. (Dat. 10 Apr. 1620.) Son Vincent Draper; Abraham Pearse; Thurstone Symonds; goddau. Eliz. Pearse, dau. of sd. Abraham, her moth., Eliz. Pearse and her dau. Mary Pearse; my dau. Sara Symonds; little Dorcas Draper; Extx: wife Eliz. \_Clement Draper] Wits: Geo. Smith, scr., Wal. Smithe, his servt. (Pr. 18 May 1620.) 546 John Bridgman of Little Monden, co. Herts., yeom. (Dat. 24 Jan. 1619-20.) Chn. Agnes, John, Wm. and Rd. (all und. 21); bro. -in-law Rd. Cocke; bro. Henry Bridgman; Edw. Knott of Enfield; Extx: wife Joane. [mark] Wits: Richarde Baker, William Cater, John Cocke {mark). Pr. 10 May 1620.) 547 John Huckstep of Crowherst, co. Suss., yeom. (Dat. I Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Crowherst; son John Huck- stippe (und. 21); dau. Jane Huckstip (und. 19); dau. Eliz. Huckstippe (und. 19); bro. Thos. Huckstep; bros. Elias, Edw., Nehemia and Frauncis Hucksteppe; sists. Annes Ayerst, Jane Huckstep, Margt. Moore; Extx: wife Eliz.; * Pro. Act. Book. 182 SOAME, FOL. 47. Overs: Henry Frenham of Sedlescombe, Thos. Colvill of Crowherst. {.John Huckstep\ Wits: Thomas Colvill, Thomas Collins, Anne Squier, Isabell Guy, Marmaduke Burton. (Pr. 27 May 1620.) 548 John Smith of Maidesmorton, co. Bucks., yeom. (Dat. I Apr. 1620.) Lds. in Maidesmorton; wife Jone; son Thos. Smith, his son Wm.; Exors: frd. Mr. George Bate and my son-in-law Raphaell Turvey, his dau. Joane Turvey; my beckhorne and shop tools; sist. Cranwell; Overs: Mr. John Nicholls of Buckingham. \mark\ Wits: George Bate, John Nicholls, John Nicholls, Jr.; John North {mark), Raphaell Turvey. (Pr. 17 May 1620 by Raphaell Turvey, pow. res. to George Bate.) 549 Frauncis Palmer of Cardington, co. Salop., yeom. (Dat. 29 Mar. 1620.) My moth.; bro. Vincent Palmer; sist. Margt. Palmer; bro. Roger Palmer; bro. John Palmer; sist. Anne Palmer; Rd. Lewis of Astwall; Thos. Chellmicke of Botfeild; Wm. Palmer of Burley; dau. Sara (und. 21); pars. of Kenley; Margt. Palmer of Burley and her dau.; Extx: wife Margt. \_Fra: Palmer] Wit: William Dobyns, elk. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) 550 John ^A^oodruffe of Cote in psh. of Bishop's Canning, CO. Wilts., yeom. (Dat. 4 Sept. 1619.) Extx: wife Eliz.; Id. called HoUyns nr. my dwelling hou. in Cote; Ids. in Stocklye, psh. of Calne, co. Wilts.; grch. Suzan Cooke, dau. of Michaell Cooke, deed., and her bro., Woodruffe Cooke; Ids. in Calston, co. Wilts.; Overs: frds. Mr. John Grubbe, Michaell Tydcombe the eld., and Jeremy Chevers. [.mark] Wits: Michaell Tydcombe, John Fane, John Chander {marJi). (Pr. II May 1620.) 551 John Tomlinson of Westbromewich, co. Suff.,* yeom. (Dat. 15 Jan. 1607-8.) Wife Winifride; bro. Abraham Tom- linson; sist. Christian Weston; Exors: Thos., son of bro. Abraham Tomlinson, and my servt., Alice Kenricke, spr.; Overs: son-in-law, John Kenricke. \mark\ Wits: Thomas Walton, scr., Thomas Hunt {mark). (Pr. 18 May 1620.) • staff, ia Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 47. 183 552 Ralfe Sandiforth of Ashton-under-Lyne. (Dat. 12 Jan. 1619-20.) Eld. son John; hou. wh. I now dwell; Ids. called Newearth and the Rycroftes; son Saml.; Ids. in Mos- ley; son Edw. ; leases in Manchester; 2 daus., Grace and Sara, unm.; Thos. and Arthur Barker; John Sandiforth of Har- denshawe; Edm. Hawood; Hughe Smith; Robt. Cottrill of Stopworth; dau. Mary; dau. Jane's chn. (und. 21); John Bradborne; Edw. Hewit; Raphe Barlowe; John Mosse; Wm. Wyat; Robt. Brownell; Jas. Hollingpreist; John Bower; Wm. Moore; chn. of son-in-law John Sandiforth, his wife; close in Thurnela, psh. of Sadleworth; poor of Ashton and Oldham; Brook; Jas. Kinersley, his wife; John Smith of Ashton; Wm. Hall's wife of Oldam; sist. Cowper; bro. Edw's. sons; bro. John's son; Robt. Taylor's chn.; Henry Brearley's chn.; Thos. Whitehead's chn.; Robt. Smith's chn.; poor of Manchester; Ralfe Sandiforth of Crosse; Edw. Sand- iforth of Corpstare-hill; railings of Park bridge; Saml. Dickin- son's chn.; Ursula Beaman of Manchester; servts. of my Oast, Mr. John Maugham, in Hull; Mr. Parrat of Hull; Edm. Sandiforth's chn.; poor of Doncaster, of Crawley, of Axholme, of Belton, of Butterwicke, of Epworth, of Maston, of Barns- ley, of Cathorne and of Kingston upon Hull; Mr. Feild, Mr. Thackraye, Mr. Richardson, aldermen of Kingston upon Hull; Mr. Ramsdon, Mr. White, merchs.; Exors: wife Cath. and son John; Overs: Robt. Taylor, Wm. Wright and John Daw- son of Manchester. [.Ralfe Sandifort/i\ Wits: John Maham (jnark), Thomas Elsam, Thomas Homfray, Nicholas Denman, John Arnold. (Pr. 16 May 1620 by John Sandiforth, pow. res. to Cath. Sandiforth.) 553 Harbert Springett of Lewes, co. Suss., gent. (Dat. 30 Oct. 1617.) Son Thos.; Ids. in Suss, and Kent; hous. in Lewes, bot. of Rd. Smith, deed.; Rd. Crane; son Harbert Springett; bro. Wm. Springett's chn., his son Harbert Springett; my sist.. Margt Leedes, her daus.; poor of Lewes, Southover and the Cliffe, and of Hawkhurst, co. Kent; bro. Stempe and his wife; cos. Margerinn and his wife; my servt., Thos. Wiskey; Exor: son Thos. [Harbert Sfringett, sen^ J\ Overs: Wm. Newton, esq., Symon Stone, John Rowe and Wm. Stempe. («^ wits.) (Pr. 20 May 1620.) 184 SOAME, FOL. 48. FOL. 48. 554 George Farmery of Northroppe a/s. Northorppe, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 13 Sept. 1613,) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Northroppe; neph. Christr. Farmery; half a close in North- roppe, wch. I, wt. neph. Wm. Farmery, deed., bot. of Robt. Smith; neph. John Farmery; neph. Anthony Farmery; neph. George Farmery; Ids. in Snitterby, co. Line, in Wadingham and Atterby, co. Line; Ids. in Blyton, co. Line, in ten. of Anne Colson, wid., bot. of Godfrey CoUombell, gent., and of Wm. Sharpe; Ids. in Springethorppe, Sturgate and Little Corringham, co. Line, bot. of Thos. Swyft; bro. Robt.; windmill in Little Corringham; neph. Robt. Farmery; Anne Farmery, dau. of Christr. Farmery; nieces Jane Farmery and Ellen Farmery, my bro. Robt's. 2 daus. ; wife of Thos. Blythe, her 4 chn.; Wm. Pacocke, his sist. Dorothy Pacocke; godsons, George Noble, Robt. Howie; rep. of footway betw. Scotton and Northroppe; Ch. and bridges of Northroppe; wid. Tompsen of Northroppe, her 2 chn.; wid. Welborne; neph. Thos. Catley, his bro. Robt. Catley; German Godfrey; Exors: nephs., Christr. and John Farmery; Overs: frds. Robt. Broxholme and George CoUombell, gent. \^Geffr£-e J^arfnery] Wits: Richard Bishoppe, John Boormby (mark), John Browne {mark), Nicholas Lane (mark). (Pr. 23 May 1620.) 555 John Mitten of Upton Cresset, co. Salop., dioc. of Hereforde, turner. (Dat. 11 Feb. 1615-16.) Half sist., Ursula Mitton; moth. -in-law, Alice Mitton; Eliz. Shipman, dau of Wm. Shipman; Mrs. Eliz. Cresset, wife of Edw. Cressett, esq., his 3 eld. chn., Rd., Frauncis and Eliz. Cresset; Edw., son of sd. Edw. Cressett, esq.; Eliz. ; Eliz. Briscoe; Frauncis, wife of Wm. Shipman; Eliz. Dunne; Eliz. Knott, dau. of Rd. Knott; Margt., wife of Edw. Morice of Pleckes Green; Exor: bro. George Mitton. \_mark'\ Wits: Roger Bayley (mark), William Shipman, Frauncis Smallman, elk.; Humfrey Cartwright; George Nicholls; Thos. Hinton; George Norice; Edm. Taylor; Wm. Cowper; Wm. Sheapheard; Wm. Boulde; Robt. Woodhouse; Abraham Nuell; Thos. Vaughan; Reynold Witherton; John Cartwright; John Johnson. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 48. 185 556 Humfrey Baskervile of city of Hereford, co. Heref., gent. (Dat. 30 Sept. 1619.) Wife Anne; man. of Westhide, CO. Heref., in occ. of Jas. Mercer; vallett wood in coppice at Westhide; fath. -in-law Henry Vaughan of Mockas, esq. ; cos. Estaunce Whitney of Clifforde; cos. Walter Baskervile, son of uncle Walter Baskervile, deed.; eld. son Walter Baskervile; Ids. in Ewias Harrolde, co. Heref.; fath. Jas. Baskervile, esq.; uncle Wm. Baskervile of Kenchurch, gent.; dau. Anne; sons Humfrey, Henry, Roger and Wm.; daus. Bridget, Eliz. and Ellenor; bro. -in-law Roger Vaughan, esq. ; Haylingesfarm; Hollandes farm; farms James Jauncie holds of me by lease; neph. Chas. Baskervile's money used in lease of Lewis Crofte in Ewias Harrold; Exor: uncle Wm. Baskervile. \_Humfrey Baskervile] Wits: Tho. Bodenham, Richard Pearle, William Bodenham, Tho. Beale, James Wilcockes. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 557 John Gouldisburgh of Weme, co. Salop., gent. (Dat. 28 Feb. 1619-20.) Son Rowlande; dau. Mary (und. age); dau. Judith (und. age); son Rd. (und. age); Extx: wife Rebecca. \jnark\ Wits: John Watkys, Rowland Hill, Ri. ; Sir Frauncis Lacon; John Wilson; Thos. Gouldis- burgh; Henry Davis; Thos. Whittington; Andrewe Maunsill; Thos. Pearson; Godfrye Gouldisburgh; Walter Nicolles; Mr. Heaward; Edw. Widdoes; Rd. Pigeon; Wm. Thurlyn; John Sherrat; Wm. Laurence; Danl. Wicherlej^; Mary Banaster; Rd. Banaster; Avery Kellet; Jas. Whitaker; Rd. Eldershawe; George Higinson; Edw. Phellipps; Arthur Ware; Mr. Bick- erton. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 558 John Rundle of Edington, co. Wilts., husbm. (Dat. 18 Nov. 1619.) Joane Steevens, dau. of Henry Steevens, his son John Steevens, his dau. Millesent Steevens; Mary Sledge; godson John Morris the yr.; goddau. Jane Rundle; godson Wm. Wyett; Agnes, wife of John Robins the eld.; Extx: wife Eliz. ; Overs: Rd. Allen and John Morris, [mark] Wits: John Newman, elk., John Wyett. (Pr. 11 May 1620.) 559 Robert Tyas of Lond., esq., (^and later of Buttersey^ CO. Surr.^). (Dat. 28 Nov. 1612.) Bur. in grave wh. wife lies; Exor: son Wm. Tias; my Ids. in England. {.Ro: Tias\ * Pro. Act. Book. 186 SOAME, FOL. 48. Wits: Thomas Knyutt, John Browne, John Hine; Mem: (21 Oct. 1613); Wits: Henry Elsynge, Clem. Walker. (Pr. 6 May 1620.) 560 Thomas Fitche of Cootes, psh. of Bumpstede at the Tower, co. Essex. (Dat. 23 Sept. 1618.) Wife Anne; mess, called Cootes; Ids. in Bumpstede; tent, called Golcherd, late in occ. of Wm. Cowle; Goldherd croft, Bumpstede; Nathl. (und. 24), son of bro. Rd. Fitch, deed.; bro. Raphe Fitche; tent, called Bursons in Cockfield, co. Suff., wh. Chas. Warren now dwells; Ids. in Thorpe Moryeux, co. Suff., late. bot. of Randolph Lister, elk.; Thos., son of Raphe Fitch; Rd., son and heir of sd. bro. Rd.; Josua, Nathl. and Zachary, sons of sd. bro. Raphe; Jeremie Hasell; Hanna and Dorothie (both und. 22), daus of sd. bro. Rd., deed.; Ids. in Little Waldinge- field, CO. Suff., sold to Edw. Alstone; Thos., John, Suzanne, Hester, Judith and Tobith Ager, chn. of sist. Ager, deed.; nephs. Wm. and Saml. Allen, their fath., Wm. Allen, his oth. chn.; Rd. Bowles, who marr. my sist., his chn.; Mary, dau. of sist. Phillippe, deed.; Sara, Frauncis, Debora, Wm. and John, chn. of sist. Frauncis Chapman; Anne (und. 14), dau. of bro. Raphe and my wife's goddau.; bro. -in-law Gyles Pettitt; poor of Cavendish, Stoke next Clare and of Bump- stead at the Tower; sist. Allen; Eliz. Rowse; Eliz. Briant; grds. called Stubbinge, Longe Stubbinge and Herdes croft; Ids. in Bumpsted on E. side of highway fr. Stamborne to my mess. Cootes; Exor: bro. Raphe. \_Tho: Fitche] Wits: Thomas Geffray, Richard French. (Pr. 3 May 1620.) 561 Richard Salisburye, elk., pars, of Raunston als. Ravenston, co. Derb. and Leic. (Dat. 3 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in chancel of Paunston (jzV.) nr. wife Kath.; chn., Nathl., Saml., Sarah and Abigail; Joane Weaver; my now wife Frauncis; hou. wh. Wm. Steevens dwells; wife's fath's. will, her sists. Eliz. and Anne; Mr. Thos. Wightman; Replingham; Raphe Mann; Saml. Wightmann; Wm. Brocke; bro. in-law Wm. Bem; son Barwell, his fath.; my bro. Wm. at Tambworth fair; Mr. Dunckombe; Mr. Craftes of Peckle- ton; Mrs. Glover; bro. Wm's. ten., Robt. Jackson als. Paulphriman, deed., his wid., his suit against Naton and Bocheston; Nuneaton fair; sist. Alice Baker, my bro., her SOAME, FOL. 48. 187 husb.; Henry Biddle; John Roe; Mr. Orgell; Mr. Vate of Heather; Exor: son Nathl. Salisbury; Overs; Mr. Beale and Rd. Salisbury; poor of Raunston; bro. Ambrose Salisbury's tithes; tithe of Colepit; Mr. John Digbie's close; Roger Bar- well's mossell close; Drakelye's, bot. of Mr. Cuny; John Burton's close; goodwife Johnson; Mr. Thos. Digbye; rent of Brackley close; goodwife Barwell; tithe of Mildelands close. \_Richard Salisbury] Wits: Nathaniell Salisbury, George Brees {,mark), Richard Reade {mark). (Adm. gr. 17 May 1620, to Frauncis Salisbury, rel., Nathl. Salisbury ren.) 562 Raphe Copindale {0/ St. Anthony^), Lond., merch. (Dat. 9. May 1617 at Bantam.) My fath. and moth.; Edw. Chritch, merch. o,f Lond., who was prisoner to the King of Spain for debt in the Castle of Angra; Exor: bro. John Cop- indgall, gent., dwelling in Thruptone, co. Notts.; my brethren and sists.; bro. Rd.; sists. Anne and Frauncis. \,Raphe Copindali] Wits: Ric. Wickham, Richard Westby, Henry Bate. Cod. (lo Oct. 1617 at Bantam). Capt. George Ball, agent in Bantam to have my Jepan boy, Rowland; Mr. Thos. Darley, preacher aboard the "Charles;" Wm. Borratt; Wm. Stonywell; Thos. Bouth; Robt. Cave. \,Raphe Coppindall] Wits: William Stonywell, Thomas Bouth. (Pr. 15 May 1620.) 563 Steven Hewlet of Corton, psh. of Boyton, co. Wilts., husbm. (Dat. 9 Aug. 1617.) Bur. in Boyton Ch.; Cath. of Sarum; Jas. Chalke of Codford St. Peter; John Waterman of same; Jerrett Baker; poor of Codford St. Peter, Sheirington, Boyton, Stockton, Codford St. Mary and of Upton Louell; cos. John Edrudge; Mary, Rd. and Lionel Holliman, chn. of COS. Eliz. Gregory; Edm., son of Mr. Henry Gregory, rec; Margt. Prewett, dau. of my cos. Edith Prewett; cos. Thos. Hewlett and his sist. Maudlyn; cos. Alice, wife of John Prior of Codford St. Peter, his sons John and Symon Prior; cos. Mary Hayes' 2 chn.; godson Wm., son of cos. Wm. Hewlett, Mary Hewlett, eld. dau. of sd. Wm., his oth. chn.; Steven and Rd., sons of COS. John Papps, his dau. Agnes Papps, and his oth. chn.; godson Wm., son of cos. Robt. Hickes, and Henry Hickes, son of sd. Robt.; Exor: cos. John Hewlett; Overs: * Pro. Act. Book. 188 SOAME, FOL. 48. Henry Grigory, Thos. Hibbard and Wm. Hewlett. [_mark] Wits: Henrye Gregory, elk., John Searchfeild, Thomas Hib- bord {mark), Tho. Harvye (mark), Thomas Whitte {mark). (Pr. i8 May 1620.) 564 V^illiam Elliott of Kingscleare, co. Southton., gent. (Dat. 18 Apr., 18 Jas. I.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Kingsclere; son Wm.; daus. EUenor and Eliz.; bro. -in-law Rd. Wither; frd. Thos. Hinwood of Kingsclere; Frauncis Wirdnam of Strathfieldsaye, by bond dat. 11 Oct. 1607, stands bound to Eliz. Whight, dau. of Sir Rd. Whight, Kt.; obligation dat. 23 Jan. 1608-9 wherein sd. Wirdnam stands bound to John Wigge of Shipton; obligation dat. 12 Oct. 1608 wherein sd. Wirdnam stands bound to Rd. Heath of Yeatley; Exor: frd. Edw. Amane; Overs: frds. Phillippe Evererd of Kingsclear, tanner, and John Easton of Basingstoke, gent. llV". Ellyott\ Wits: William Stacie, carpenter {mark), John Stacye {marJi). (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 565 George Carlill of Welton, co. Line, husbm. (Dat. 27 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in Welton Ch.; son. Thos. (und. 21); son. Wm. (und. 21); dau. Eliz. (und. 21); bro. John Carlill; sist. Ellen Carlill; John Dobikin and his wife; Josep Turpin and his wife; Edw. Dobikin the yr. ; Wm. AUis, his chn. and wife; Mary Peacocke; Robt. Allis' ch.; Baystowe's wife; Wm. White's wife; wid. Sharpe; Extx: wife Mary; Overs: Mr. Robt. Huddlestone and John Carlill; Wits: Roberte Huddle- stone, John Carlill {.mark), Robert Venton (marli), Richarde Stevenson; George Jolland; Thos. Hornbie; Wm. Flinton; Wm. Tompson; Hugh Norton; Edw. Denton; Edw. Beadell; Thos. Stother; Frauncis Short; Thos. Holmes, [.mark and seal] (Pro. 15 May 1620.) 566 Elizabeth Rigden of Hundleby, co. Line, gent. (Dat. 6 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. or chan. of Hundleby; poor of Gretforth, wh. I was bo., and of Hundleby; 3 godchn., Agnes Pratt, Eliz. Crafte and Eliz. Coste (all und. 21); Wm., Edw., Eliz., and EUinor (und. 13), chn. of Jervas Reresby, gent.; bro. Mr. Edm. Buck's 2 daus.; Ellinor Cappyt, dau. of John Cappyt; Judith Tompson's 2 daus.; uncle Wm. Cappyt's chn.; Rd. Elvin's ch.; Thos. Cappyt's 2 chn.; cos. Mason's 4 chn.; her man, Rd.; Alexr. Lee's 4 chn.; sist. Mrs. SOAME, FOL. 48. 189 Anne Reresbye; my bros. and sists.; bro. Peter Ashton's ch.; bro. Edw. Ashton's eld. ch.; Thos. Baines, elk.; John Holmes; Exor: Jervas Reresby, gent, imark] Wits: Thomas Baines, elk., Robert Mason. (Pr. lo May 1620.) 567 John Salmon of Haltham upon Bayne, co. Line, elk. (Dat. 15 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in chan, of Haultham upon Bayne, nr. wife; grchn. Priscilla and Anne Salmon (und. 19); their fath. and moth.; Ids. in Crofte and Braytofte in the Marsh; Ids. in Wrangle, Holland; my hou. at Boston; Ids. at Wiberton and Sutton in the Marsh; John Sander; Mr. Ascough of Mooreby; Extx: Anne, wife of my son George Salmon; Overs: my kinsmen, Robt. Hutchinson and Thos. Hammer- ton, both of Horncastle. \.John Salmon\ Wits: Robert Price, Richard Sheriffe {mark), John Saunders {mark), Roger Bur- ton. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) 568 ^A^illiam Coale of East Woodhay, co. Southton., husbm. (Dat. i Mar. 1620 sic.) Agnes Watson (und. 21), her fath., my son-in-law, Rd. Watson; godson Jas. Coale; goddau. Mary Somerby; Extx: wife Winifrid; Overs: Jas. Knight the eld., Jas. Knight the yr., Thos. White, Roger Eeles. [inark^ Wits: Francis Allen, James Knight {mark), Thomas White, David Sawyer {mark), William Evered. (Pr. II May 1620.) FOL. 49. 569 Oliver \Vhiddon of Sidbury, co. Devon., esq. (Dat. 8 Sept. 1619.) Extx: wife Margt. ; Ids. called Woodhouse, in psh. Sidburie; moth. Margt. Ayre; Overs: bros. -in-law John Hore and Jas. Knapman; Ids. in Whiddon Ayston and Pas- ford, in pshs. of Chagford and Moreton Hampsted; my 5 daus. (und. 21); my unbo. ch. ; son Rowland (und. 21); mess, in South Tawton, in ten. of John Lange; lease of Ids. called Southdowne Parkes to Wm, Dixe, elk.; Ids. in Chagford; my fath's. will; bro. Frauncis Whiddon; Ids. called BuUapitt Estmagis and Westmagis; my servts., John Estbrooke and Wm. Hole. \_Olwer Whiddon] Wits: John Hore, James Potter, William Hole. Cod. (14 Sept. 1619). {^Oliver Whiddori] Wits: John Hore, Archelaus Mills, William Hole. (Pr. 26 May 1620.) 190 SOAME, FOL. 49. 570 Robert Crondwell of Pensherst, co. Kent, yeom. (Dat. 4 Jan. 1619-20.) Wife Clemence; my 6 chn.; son John (und. 21); sons Henry and Thos. (und. 21); George Harris of Asheherst; Exor: son Robt. (und. 21); Overs: Henry Stret- feild, James Beecher, Wm. Barr, Benj. Jesopp, Robt. Saxpes; tent. wh. I dwell in Pensherst; daus. Clemence and Anne (both und. 21); Ids. mort. by George Harris unto me; Ids. in Brenchley, co. Kent. \_Roberte Croundwell] Wits: Andrewe Gouldsmith {mark), Joseph Jesopp, Beniamyn Jesopp, Pawle Budgen {mark), Ro. Saxpes. (Pr. 17 May 1620.) 571 Meredith Thomas of St. Clement Dane's, co. Midd., tailor. (Dat. 21 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in St. Clement Dane's Ch., if I die within 20 miles of Lond., nr. font on S. side wh. wife was bur., und. stone with inscription in brass I have placed there; Dr. Bates, pars, of St. Clement's; my tents, in Gray's Inn Lane, co. Midd.; Mr. John Pottes of Mannington, CO. Norf., esq.; poor of St. Clements Dane's, of St. Mary in the Strand als. Savoy, co. Midd.; Mr. Gregorie Pratt, gent.; my partner, Walter Bonnell; neighbour John Browne; sist. Margt. , her chn.; bro. John ap Richard, his chn.; sist. Agnes, her 2 daus.; sist. Alice, her son Meredith, her oth. chn.; sist. Lowry; kinsm. John Lewis, my appr. ; kinsm. Edw. Lewis, appr. of Mr. Burgis, shoemaker in Fleet St.; my servt. Mor- ris Griffin; kinsm., sometime my servt., Rd. Conway; my late servt. Wm. Jones; servt. Edw. Bowes, who keeps my accts.; my sometime servts. Jas. Buckler and Rd. Hunt; kinsw. Eliz. Meverell; my covenant servts., John Phillipps, Nathaniell and Owen, who now dwells v/t. me; my md. servt. Joane, who dwells wt. me; Margt. Jones, wife of Howell Morgan of St. Clement Dane's, tailor; Eliz. Symes, dau. of Rd. Symes, bro. of goodwife Brewer who dwells wt. me; goodwife Brewer's husb.; reparation of Jesus College, Oxford; poor of Llangeveny, co. Angl., wh. I was bo.; fath. -in-law John ap Price ap William, of Pentraith, co. Angl., gent.; kinsw. Marie Hewes; dau. and heir. Eliz. Meredith (und. 21); Exors: my sd. fath. -in-law, uncle Owen Hewes of Pentraith, gent., and my kinsm. Frauncis Meverell and Owen Arther, cits, and grocers of Lond., to be her guards.; Exors: for accts., Dr. Bates, Mr. Gyles Brownerigge of St. Clement's, gent., my SOAME, FOL. 49. 191 frds. and neigfhbours, John Bramredge, tailor, and Mr. John Blancksbie, linen draper; bro. -in-law Hugh Gwin Owen and sist. Margt., his wife; my sd. fath.-in-law's sons, Rice Johanes and Hugh Joanes; bro. Wm. Joanes, son and heir of sd. John ap Price ap Williams; bro. Owen Jones; sist. -in-law Jane Jones; prisons in Lond., Westminster and Southwark. {.Meredeth Thomas] Wits: Henry Lee, William Bellamee, John Snowe, Beniamyn Paule, Anthoney Eyre, John Browne, scr. (Pr. 9 May 1620, by Owen Hewes, Francis Meverell and Owen Arthur, pow. res. to oth. Exor: and to Eliz., dau. of deed., when of age; Pr. 29 Jan. 1620-1, by John ap Price ap William; Pr. 29 Jan. 1627-8, by Eliz. White als. Meredith, dau. of deed.; adm. d. b, n. 12 May 1656, to William Thomas, curator of Eliz. and Dorothy Bennett, mins., chn. of Eliz. Bennet als. Thomas, als. White, als. Meredith, dau. of deed.) 572 William Lawrence of Crickladd St. Mary, eo. Wilts., gent. (Dat. 23 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chan. of St. Mary's Cricklade; psh. Chs. and poor of Crickladd St. Samp- son and St. Mary; wife Joyce; dau. Marrian (und. 14); dau. Sara; John and Wm. (und. 21), sons of my son, Thos. Law- rence; godch. George (und. 21), son of Edw. Pleydell, gent.; John Calfhey; Anne Butler; my servt. Thos. Haynes; my old servts., Wm. Dawes and his wife at Halstone; hou. of Mark Cottle, gent.; my millhou.; Mr. Len, vie. of Cricklade; Exor: son Robt. Lawrence; hou. wh. I dwell in Cricklade; godson Wm. Burge, Edw. Mills' son-in-law. \_lVilliam Lawrence] Overs: Mark Cottle, gent., and my son Thos. Wits: Andrew Len, elk., Marke Cottle, Thomas Lawrence. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 573 Thomas Hebden, the eld., of Burrish, co. Suss., gent. (Dat. 31 Jan. 1619-20.) Son Thos. (und. 21); Id. in Essex, weh. came by right of my wife; adv. of pars, of Bur- rish, gr. to my fath. Thos. Hebden, deed., by Sir Thos. Pel- ham, Kt. and Bart.; son Humfrey (und. 21); dau. Lienor (und. 21); lease of woods on my bro. John Hebden'slds,, called Peri- mans, bot. by my fath.; uncle Hebden; bro. Pitcher; Extx: moth. Mary Hebden; Overs: bros. -in-law Wm. Langham and Nichs. Manser, both of Battell. [Thomas Hebden] Wits: Wil- liam Muttrell, Constant Langham, Nicholas Manser, scr. (Pr. 27 May 1620.) 192 SOAME, FOL. 49. 574 James Morgan of Blackemore, co. Heref., gent. (Dat. 25jan. 1619-20.) My4daus., Magdalen, Sara, Eliz. and Marie (all und. 21); my 2 sons Thos. and James; deed of feoffment dat. 22 Jan., 17 Jas. I., granting in trust to Peter Garnous, Peter Dancer, John Greene and Wm. Morgan, gent., my man. of Hanley Court als. Hanley's Court, in Kingeston, CO. Heref., and Ids. in Kingston, Thruxton, Malfield and Alensmoore, form, belonging to Rowland Vaughan, late of Newe Court, esq., and his son John Vaughan, gent.; my eld. son Chas. Morgan; Ids. in lordship of Monington Stradle, co. Heref.; my fath.; sist. Mary Morgan; John Brewton of Stretton, esq.; Extx: wife Eliz; Wits: Ja. Morgan, Charles Parrie, William Morgan, John Hide, Tho. Greene; sists. Eliz. and Jane Morgan; Lady Hunsdon; Wits: Peeter Garnous, Tho. Greene, John Greene, William Morgan. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) 575 Henry Canter of Gosport, psh. of Alverstoke, co. Southton., gent. (Dat. 31 Mar. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Alverstoke; Cath. of Trinity, Winchester; Ch. of Alverstoke; poor of Gosport; dau. EUinor; dau. Agnes; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: Mr. Wm. Towrson and Henry Howlte of Portsmouth, gent. \_mark\ Wits: Tho. Tridles, Henrie Howlte, John Pop, the eld. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 576 William Blanford of Semly, co. Wilts., yeom. (Nunc, will dat. Oct. 1619.) Extx: wife Alice; my 2 daus.; Wits: Edmond Blanford, George Stile. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) FOL. 50. 577 Sara Keitch, now wife of John Keitch, and late wife and Extx: of Zabulon Wildinge of St. Olave's, Southwark, deed. (Dat. 8 July 1619.) Poor of St. Olave's, Southwark; dau. Grace Keitche (und. 21); dau. Eliz. Keitch (und. 21); Exor: hush. John Keitche. \_Sara Keitch\ Wits: Robert Hues, Robert Daveis, Ralphe Birde. (Pr. 20 May 1620.) 578 John Trymnell of Brodwas, co. Wore. (Dat. 26 Feb. 1619-20.) Poor of Brodwas, of Dodenham, of Tuberton; wife Alcice; Ids. in Tyberton; son Rd. Trymnell (und. 21); my 3 daus. Eliz., Anne and Marie (all und. 21); my servt. Joyce Lyes; Roger, a Welsh youth now wt. me; Exors: cos. Chas. SOAME, FOL. 50. 193 Cratford, bro. -in-law Rd. Hennang, and frd. Thos. Perke. [,mark'\ Wits: Henry Comby, Thomas Doughtie (marJ^)^ Margarett Whoper. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 579 Edward Hamblyn, the eld., of Reading, co. Berks., yeom. (Dat. 3 Oct. 1619.) Poor of Tylehurst and of pshs. of St. Lawrence, St. Mary and St. Giles, Reading; wife Anne; lease of hou. in Fryer St. wch. I took of Mr. Rd. Alder of Lond., merch.; eld. son John, his wife Eliz.; tent, in Tyle- hurst, wh. son Edw. dwells; Marie Hamblyn (und. 21), dau. of son John; son Wm. (und. 31); dau. Agnes Baker; dau. Marie Blake, her 3 chn.; dau. Debora Strowde, her chn. Wm. and John Strowde; Eliz. Midleton, her sist. Marie Smythe; my old servt. Cissely Loveioy; John Godwyne; John Dawson, keeper of Reading hospital; Griffen Kirton of Burfield; Thos. Soundie of Tylehurst; rep. of St. Lawrence Ch.; meadow in Asten Meade, Burfield psh., late bot. of Griffinn Kirton; 10 poor old men in Reading, 2 to be poor butchers; Ids. in Reading, Burghiield and Shinfeild, co. Berks.; Exor: son John; Overs: frds. Mr. Wm. Westlye, Mr. Wm. Willitiot and my sons-in-law Peter Blake, Wm. Stroude and Edw. Baker. \_tnark] Sealed 7 Oct. 1619. Wits: Willyam Westlye, John Mills, Avery Bearrye, George Mann i^mark). (Pr. 15 May 1620.) 580 William Dewe of Fennysutton, co. Wilts., carpen- ter. (Dat. 7 Feb., 17 Jas. i.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Fenny- sutton; Joane Henton of Patens; Eliz. Harris; Christr. Hew- lett; Alice, wife of John Vauge of Brewham, her daus. Rebeka and Jane Vauge (both und. 21); Mary Dewe (und. 21), dau. of Osmond Dewe; son Osmonde Dew, his dau. Jane Dew (und. 21), and his son Thos. (und. 21); Exors: dau. Jane and her husb. Robt. Henton; Overs: frds. John Henton, fath. of the sd. Robt., and Robt. Weekes, both of Fenny Sutton, yeom. \mark\ Wits: John Henton (^mark), Robert Weekes, Thomas Prior. (Pr. 10 May 1620, by Robt. Henton, pow. res. to Jane Henton.) 581 John RandoU of Killam, psh. of Wargrove, co. Berks., tanner. (Nunc, will dat. about Shrovetide, 1619.) Son Thos. (und. age); my hou. and Ids.; Extx: wife Alice; her chn. by 194 SOAME, FOL. 50. her former husb.; Wits: Thos. Randoll, fath. of the testr., Marie Whitman. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 582 Gervas Eyre of Horsleygate, {,co. Berb.'^'). (Dat. 7 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Dranfield; bro. George Eyre of Hassope; bro. Rowland Eyre, liv. in Essex; bro. Roger Eyre; sist. Jeane Pegg of Yeldersley; Lucy Needeham Cund. 21), dwelling wt. Mr. Else of Bradley; bro. Adam Eyre; godch. Francis Ragg; Robt. Ontrem of Horsleygate; my smilters Henry Crapper and Lawrence Lee; Henry Crapper of Horsleygate; my man Thos. Cocker; cos. Dorothy, wife of John Warde; Fayth Barlowe; Mary Barlowe; Eliz. Mills of Horsleygate; Mathew Braylsford, servt. to Thos. Ragg; Mar- gery, wife of Thos. Ragg, her son Rowland, and her 4 daus.; Godfrey Hancocke, servt. to Thos. Ragg; my wood colliers Edm. Couper, old Spittlehowse and Gill; my godchn. Ger- vais Person and Gervais Taylor; George Woodward; my Ids.; Exor: bro. Adam Eyre of Bradway. \_Gervais Eyre\ Wits: George Woodward, Godfrey Hastam, Francis Beueredge, Francis Ragg. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 583 Francis Hawlie of Derwent, co. Derb., husbm. (Dat. 9 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Hope; half sist. Anne Burges; goddau. Marie Hawlie, dau. of bro. Robt., his oth. chn.; Margt. Burdekin; chn. of bro. Roger Hawlie; George Hawlie als. Morten; George Troute; wife of John Hall of Derwent; John Yeamond; poor of Hope and of Derwent; enlarging chapel of Derwent; Exor: bro. -in-law Rd. Bag- shawe, his wife, my sist. Margt.; bro. -in-law Wilfraye Savage. imark\ Wits: John Thomasson, George Tinker. (Pr. 10 May 1620. ) 584 Edmond Come of Betley, co. Staff., husbm. (Dat. 23 Feb. 1610-11.) Dau. Anne, wife of Thos. Smyth; Id. called Shuttcrots, held of Robt. Palmer; lease held of Raphe Thicknes, esq., for one daywork of grd. in Bettley, dat. 10 Oct. 1608; lease dat. 2 Mar. 1609-10, held of Wm. Robothon and his son Raphe, for a meadow in Bettley; Collyes meadow in Betley; my dau's. 6 chn.; Wm. Cornnes of the Slade Yate; Exors: son-in-law Thos. Smyth and Thos. Whittingham. \mark\ Wits: Thomas Ferington, John Bratten, Thomas Come. (Pr. 17 May 1620 by Thos. Smyth, pow. res.) ♦ Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 50. 195 585 William Osborne of Worthington, co. Leic, yeom. (Dat. 25 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. inchyd. of Breedon; wife Anne; my tent.; Sara Potter (und. 20), one of daus. of my dau. Eliz. and John Potter the yr., of Newbold, co. Leic, husbm.; Thos., son of my son-in-law Thos. Lockington of Disworth; Anne Clare, dau. of George Clare; Id. in Worthington; dau. Kath. Lockington, her 2 chn.; sist. Alice Copeland, her4chn.; poor of Worthington, of Breedon and of Disworth; George and Anne Potter (both und. 18), chn. of my dau. Eliz.; my servt., Eliz. Holmes; ch. of my dau. Jane, wife of George Clare; Exors: George Clare and Thos. Lockington; Overs: John Presbury and Edw. Holmes the eld., of Newbold. \_lVillyam Osburne] Sealed 27 Feb.; Wits: Samuell Smalley, Joyles Jaques, George Rolston i^mark)^ Gyles Jaques {,mark). (Pr. 1 8 May 1620 by George Clare, pow. res.) 586 Elizabeth Russell of Brytford, co. Wilts., wid. (Dat. 3 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in chan. of Brytford, by husb.; Ch. and poor of Brytford; poor of Salisbury; grch. Jone Irton, dau. of son-in-law George Irton, her bro., my grch. Rd. Irton; Robt. (und. 30), son of late husb's. kinsm. Oliver Russell, deed.; sist. Christian Holmes; lease of farm of Bryt- ford; Thos. Barkesdale, his moth.; John Lane's blind son, John Lane; John Holloway; my servts., Eliz. Dewe (und. 30), Maryan and Marie; my boy Symon; Exor: George Irton; Overs: Dr. Sayword and Mr. Rd. Goldstone. \mark\ Wits: Henry Seward, Thomas Barkesdale, Sara John- son {mark), Elizabeth Dew {mark). (Pr. 13 May 1620.) 587 Sir George Spencer, Kt., of Yarneton, co. Oxon. (Nunc, will dat. 4 Apr. 1620.) Exor: bro. Sir Thos. Spencer, Kt. and Bart.; my servt. Silly John; sist. Lady Covile; Mr. Turvile, a preacher; my pars.; Wits: Nicholas Moasley, mistris Pennell, John Carter, Thomas Kingmann, Sara Cur- tice, Mr. Trote, master Stokes. (Pr. 16 May 1620.) 588 John Nashe of Patney, co. Wilts., yeom. (Dat. 3 Dec. 1619.) Nichs. Hicks (und. 16); moth., Jane Nashe; aunt Alice Dysmer; uncles Nichs. Nashe and John Pyper; Margt. Piper; Wm. Phillips; Osemonde Wheatebread; Mil- lissent Nashe, her son, Wm. ; wid. Coome and her chn; 3 chn. (und. age) of my sist. Eliz. Strtch {sic), their fath.; sheep at 196 SOAME, FOL. 50. Alton; Extx: wife Eliz.; my unbo. ch.; Overs: frds. and neighbours, Mr. Geffrey Bygge, elk., and Bryan Heyward. [no si£^.] Wits: Geffrey Bygge, elk., Thomas Humfrey, Robert Heyward, Willyam Phillips. (Pr. i6 May 1620.) 589 Steven Shephard of Marche, Isle of Ely, co. Camb., fisher. (Dat. 2 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of St. Wennfred, Marche; my close at Eastwood end, abutting on Brichelaye lane on the S.; my fath.; bro. Rennould Shephard; bro. J as. Shephard; close called Eight Acres; hou. I bot. of Thos. Neall of Wisbech; Steven, son of bro. Wm.; Wm., son of bro. John; fishing bot. of Mr. Gardyner; wife Kath.; hou. bot. by my fath. of Thos. Wallsham; hou. wh. John Wynnell dwells; Davy, son of Christr. Tomson; hou. wh. bro. Thos. dwells; Reanould Shephard, son of bro. Thos.; Steven Shep- hard, son of bro. Thos.; hou. and close bot. of Robt. Neale; Wm. Shephard, son of bro. Thos.; Thos. and Jeames Shep- hard (und. 21), sons of my bro. Thos.; John Shephard (und. 21), son of bro. Thos.; my sist. Ellen; Agnes and Jeane Shephard, daus. of bro. Rennould; wife's bro., John Broad; Exor: bro. Jas. Shephard; Overs: bros. John and Rennould Shephard; delivered surr. of copyhold Ids. to Rennould Shephard and Reanaulde Wallsham, tens, of man. of Dod- dington, in the presence of Wm. Shephard and John Coward, senr., tens, as afsd. [.no jz^.] Wits: Willam Shephard, John Coward, Renold Wallshame, John Shephard, Renold Shep- hard. (Pr. 10 May 1620.) 590 Jeffrey Burrough of Sahamtoney, co. Norf., gent. (Dat. 20 Mar. 1616-17.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Sahamteney, nr. my fath.; poor of Ingham, co. Suff., wh. I was bo., of Gristen, of Little Cressingham and of Sahamteney; my grchn. (und. 21); son-in-law Raphe Sherman; dau. Sherman; my kinsm. Henry Must; my old master, Mr. Smythe Philyer of Norf.; Mr. Owen Hughes; my chamber-fellow, Martin Stonhouse; son. Edw. (und. 21); Ids. in Sahamteney and Ovington; Marie Shereman; Sara Crane; Overs: my son-in-law Wm. Crane; Exor: my son Edw. [jeffry Burroughe\ {no wits.) (Pr. 6 May 1620.) 591 William Butler of St. Stephen's, Coleman St., Lond., cordwainer. (Nunc, will dat. 26 Apr. 1620.) Dau. Susan; SOAME, FOL. 50. 197 my moth.; my 3 apprs.; Extx: wife Joan; Wits: Thomas Camvile, Roger Riccard. (Pr. 5 May 1620.) 592 John Phillips of Pawlton, co. Somst., elk. (Dat. 20 July, 1616.) Bro., Rees Phillips; poor of Lanvaire, wh. I was bo.; cos. Ellen Davies, her sons, Wm., Gwalter and John Davies; Exor: cos. Mr. Roderick Lewelyme, elk., par. of Northstocke; Thos. Jeames of Pawlton; Rd. Borne; Thos. Tyller als. Wiltone of High Littleton. \_Johannen Fhillipps] Wits: Rees Davis, Robert Jones. (Pr. 10 May, 1620.) FOL. 51. 593 Hugh Sloper of Bishop's Canning, co. Wilts., yeom. (Dat. 29 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Bishop's Canning; eld. son, Wm.; son Rd.; dau. Alice; dau. Johane; Extx: wife Annis; Overs: fath. Wm. Sloper, fath. -in-law, Rd. Terrill, and kinsm. Mr. Thos. Weston. {mark\ Wits: George Ferebe, William Husland. (Pr. 26 May 1620.) 594 Edmond Johnson of the city of Lichfield. (Dat. 18 Nov. 1619.) My Ids.; chn. Symon, Edm., Mary and Eliz. Johnson (all und. age); Extx: wife Isabell; Overs: my master Sir Symon Wiston, Kt.; Mr. Wm. Babington; Rd. Turnepen- ney; Dr. Zacherie Babington, his man Joseph; John Amye; Marke Laud, the eld.; Wm. Wrighte; Wm. Clarke; Thos. Marshall; J as. Martin owes for barn in School Lane; Mr. Pudsey; Harte; Henry Robson. \_Edmund Johnson] Wits: Michaell Nickins, Hester Draper {mark). (Pr. 26 May 1620.) 595 Richard Hodson of Stratton St. Margaret's, co. Wilts., tailor. (Dat. 2 June 1617.) Bur. in chyd. of sd. Strutton; dau. Prudence Hodson (und. 21); Extx: wife Mary; Overs: neighbours, Thos. and Robt. Bestlie; godson Rd. Paynter (und. 2i). {.?nark] Wits: Thomas Bestlie, Robert Bestlie, William Spencer, William Fowler. (Pr. 30 May 1620.) 596 William Hodgettes of Halesowen, co. Salop., f yeom. (Dat. 6 June 1617.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Halesowen; wife, Margt.; Jane Hodgettes, dau. of bro. John Hodgettes; lease of tent, called Boise Tenement, held of Thos. Litleton, esq.; t Now in Wore. 198 SOAME, FOL. 51. sist. Mary, wife of Rd. Parr; Margery Shackleton, my bro's. dau.; Isabell and Winifride Hodgettes, daus. of bro. John; Exor: bro. Thos. Hodgettes; my hou. wh. he dwells; my Ids. in Handsworth; poor of Handsworth; Rd. and Wm., sons of my COS., John Hodgettes; my hou. at Greeth Green, West Bromwich, in the occ. of Thos. Okeley; cos. John's 6 oth. chn.; 4 chn. of uncle Wm. Hodgettes, deed.; poor of Hales- owen; my ten., Gilbert Smithe; John Hodgettes, son of bro. John; my ten., Roger Collins, in W. Bromwiche; Overs: frd. Thos. Millward of Tennall. [.mark] Wits: Gilbert Smythe, Thomas Walton, scr. (Pr. 30 May 1620.) 597 Frauncis Dossett, the yr. of Suretons hill, Dioc. of Lichfield, yeom. (Dat. i Jan. 1619-20.) Moth. Margt. Dossett; poor of Wroxceter; Exors: wife Joyce and son, Wm. Dossett; Overs: my landlord, Sir Frauncis Newporte, Kt. ino si's^.^ Wits: William WoUey, Henry Chapman and Rowland GrifBes; David Brooke of Charleton; Rd. Steevens of Donnington; Rd. Dias of Wroxeter; Randall Chilton; Thos. Johnson; John Worthington; John Worthington, the yr.; Thos. Jones of Donnington; Thos. Lockley; Nichs. Fare- ley of Rushton; Roger Botteley; John Cheshire; John Cardey; Simon Bullocke; Margt. Houlewart; George Higgins; Thos. Carter; George Parker; Leonard Inson of Bratton; Andrewe Allen; Roger Lawrence; John Reynoldes of the Heathe; Rd. Geerie of Kyngsland, par. of Mornell; Rd. Chilton of Wroxe- ter; Thos. Lee; Nichs. Foxe. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) 598 William Smyth of Figheldeane, co. Wilts., yeom. (Dat. 8 Feb. 1619-20.) Cath. of Sarum; Ch. and poor of Figheldeane; poor of Market Lavington, of St. Mary and of St. John, Devizes; rep. of Stort lane, psh. of Ursifont and Lybe Waye, in same psh.; son-in-law, Frauncis up John; son- in-law Henry up John; Wm. Dummer, tailor, of Market Lav- ington; lease of tent, called Henclose in the tithing of Wacame, in psh. of St. Cuthbert's in Wells, co. Somerset; Wm. Dum- mer's chn.; Johane, dau. of Nichs. Dummer; Wm. (und. 21), son of my bro. John Smythe, of Market Lavington, his oth. chn., and Johane, eld. dau. of my sd. bro. John; daus. my bro. John had by his last wife; bro.-in-law, Thos JoUes; bro.- in-law, Jas. Jolles, his son, my godson, Wm.; bro.-in-law, SOAME, FOL. 61. 199 John Cooke, his son Wm. and dau. Kath. ; kinsm. John Carrawaye of Imber, his 2 chn.; John, son of bro. -in-law, Edw. Baker of Tylset, his 4 oth. chn.; son of Thos. Haward of Litel Chiverel by my kinsw., his wife Joane; godson, Edw., son of Wm. Lancaster, of Market Lavington; kinsm., Robt. Hurle of that place, 2 of his chn.; kinsm., George Hurle, his chn.; chn. of kinsm. Rd. Hurle; Mary, dau. of kinsm., John Legg, his unbo. ch. and his wife, Jane, my kinsw.; Extx: wife, Anne; Overs: George Fitt (sic), elk., Thos. Gyne, John Long of Neitherhaven. imark^ Wits: Nathaniell Cannyng (mark), George Pytt (sic), elk., Thomas Gyne, Edward Gyne. (Pr. 29 Apr. 1620.) 599 Peter Andrewes of Harbridge, (co. Hants.^). (Dat. 15 Dec, 16 Jas. I). Bur. in psh. Ch. or chyd. of Harbridge; Dorothie, wife of Symon Kerlie, Simon, his son; son John Andrewes; sons Henry and Philipp; tent. wh. Symon Kerlie dwells; Peter, son of Philip Andrewes, his dau. Johane An- drewes; my son Barnabie Andrewes; tent, at Harbridge bot. of Mr. Branthwaite; dau. Margt. Andrewes (und. 21); dau. Kath. Andrewes (und. 21); Id. in Coblie feild, bot. of Nichs. Eldredge; Extx: wife Johane; Overs: bro. Henry Andrewes, Simon Bampton and Barnabie Coxe. \_Peter Andrewes'] Wits: Symon Bampton, Barnabie Coxe; Mrs. Busher; lease of Mr. Long. (Pr. 11 May 1620.) 600 Thomas Packer of Cumbegreene, psh. of Lea, co. Wilts., yeom. (Dat. 24 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of the Lea; son Hugh Packer (und. 16); lease of tent, in Brinckworth, co. Wilts., now in ten. of Anthony Player; dau. Jane Packer (und. 16); fath. Thos. Packer the eld., deed.; my servt. Alice Peacocke; sist. Kath. Packer; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: bros. Xpofer Leighe, elk., Rd. Packer and Anthony Taylor, yeomen, [no sig-J] Wits: Xpofer Leighe, elk., Richard Packer, Anthony Taylor. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 601 John Preston of Iselham, co. Camb., yeom. (Dat. 16 Jan. 1619-20.) George, son of John Sparrowe, deed.; Eliz., Mary and Susan (und. 21), daus. of Rd. Sparrowe, deed.; my first wife; Edw., John, Giles and Margt., chn. of bro. Edw. Preston; Thos., Rd. and Eliz. Morley; Mary, wife * Pro. Act. Book. 200 SOAME, FOL. 51. of John Towler; Robt. and Vyne, chn. of bro. Peter Hilles, their moth.; Thos. Mirable and Margt., chn, of sist. Harley; Mary Jacob, dau. of my last wife, deed., Eliz. Jacob, the youngest dau., and John and Nichs. Jacob, her sons; lease of Id. had wt. my last wife; bro. Thos. Preston; Margt., wife of Robt. Frost.; my half sists. Eliz. Farroe and Johane Carter; Eliz. Ide, dau. of bro. Ide, to have my first wife's wedding ring; Alice Preston, dau. of bro. Symon Preston; my 4 own sists.; my servts. Beatrice Barnes and Wm. Boyne; Exors: John Hynson of Fordham, co. Camb., yeom., and John Frauncis of Chippenham, co. Camb., yeom; Overs: frds. Martyn Sparrowe of Wixoe, and bro. Robt. Ide; tent. wh. I now dwell in Iselham; my Ids. in Iselham; grchn. of my first wife; my sists'. chn.; Edw., son of bro. Edw. Preston. \_John Preston\ Wits: Robert Ide (mark), Rose Preston ^mark), John Chemerye the yr., John Tyler {mark). (Adm. gr. 5 May 1620, to Edw. Preston and Mary Ide als. Preston, bro. and sist. of deed., John Hinson and John Frauncis renouncing.) 602 Robert, Lord Riche.f (Dat. 15 Sept. 1617.) Bur. in chancel of Felstead Ch.; chapel erected by me in Felsted wherein tombs for my grfath. Rd., Lord Riche, myfath., and my bro. Rd., deed., and myself; place built at Roehford for almsmen ace. to intention of grfath. and fath.; woods and chief hou. in Roehford Hundred; almshou. erected by grfath. at Felsted; bro. Sir Edwyn Riche, Kt. ; son Sir Henry Riche, Kt.; hou. at St. Edmund Bury, co. Suff. ; hou. at Bueken- ham, CO. Norf. ; plate in custody of Mr. Browne, aid. of Bury; sheep and corn at Hilborough; eld. son Sir Robt. Riche, Kt.; hangings at Leeze, bot. of Sir Wm. Hatton, Kt. , fath. of Fraunces, Lady Riche, wife of sd. son. Sir Robt. Riche, and oths. bot. in the Low Countries and of Lady Leicester; bed bot. of aid. Haughton of Lond.; leases of mans, of Childerditch and Tillingham, co. Essex, bot. in names of Sir John Rous, of Much Waltham, Kt., John Josselyne, esq., Robt. Bourne and Giles Mursley, gent., in trust for me; great mess, called AUington Hou. in Holborne, co. Midd., bot. in names of Sir Thos. Cheeke, Kt., and oths. in trust for me; man. of Butlers, moity of Shopland, moiety of Barlands and Blakes, co. Essex, t Created, 2 Aug. 1618, Earl of Warwick. SOAME, FOL. 51. 201 conveyed by John Butler of Toby, esq., deed., to Sir Wm. Pooley of Boxsteed, co. Suff., Kt., Sir Thos. Wiseman of Riv- enhall. Sir John Rousafsd., Kt., and Robt. Riche of Hornedon, CO. Essex, esq., in trust for me, and sold by my bro., Sir Edwyn Riche; Ids. in Childerditch, co. Essex, bot. of Robt. Threesher, deed., by John Pake and Peter Butler for me; Ids. called Slampsey in Notley; wife Dame Frauncis Riche; poor in co. Essex; dau. Carie; Sir John Crooke, Kt., justice of the King's Bench, and his wife, silver trenchers with my arms engraven; godson Robert Riche (und. 21), eld. son of sd. son Sir Robt.; Chas. and Henry Riche, yr. sons of sd. Sir Robt., his daus. Anne and Lucye Riche (both und. 21); 2 daus. (und. 21) of son Sir Henry Riche; dau. (und. 21) of dau. Cheeke; my servt. Othoe Praetor; money borrowed at request of Robert, late Earl of Essex, by me of Mr. Route by Thos. Crompton, esq., his Ldship's. officer, and del. into hands of Sir Henry Lynley and Sir Gelley Merricke, his Ldship's. officers, the day sd. Earl went fr. Lond. on a voyage to Cades in Spain; stat- ute made by me to Rd. Burrell of Lond., grocer, in presence of Lord Anderson, chief Justice of Common Pleas, at Essex House; young Countess of Southampton, cos. of sd. late Earl of Essex, his son Robert, now Earl of Essex, and his Ids. in Alderney whereof I was feoffee; conveyances dat. 15 June, 10 Jas. I; Exor: son Sir Robt. Riche, Kt.; Overs: frds. Sir Frauncis Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and my cos. Thos., Ld. Darcey, Baron of Chichie. [,Ro: Riche] Wits: Peter Phesant, Samuel Collins, Giles Mursley, Thomas Hop- kins. (Pr. 8 May 1620.) FOL. 52. 603 William Buttes of Southockenden, co. Essex, gent. (Dat. 22 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Raynham chan. nr. S. wall; poor of Rayneham; frd. Hugh Hodson and his wife; Mr. Lock- wood, preacher; poor of Southokendon; frd. John Ewer and his wife; Thos. Fanne of Raynham; Sir Edw. Barrett's park; my late sist's. dau., Jane Kynnesman, nr. Old Fish St., Lond., and anoth. dau., Anne Goltropp, at Hallowaye nr. Highgate; Roger Hobtrowe; sist. Anne Buttes; kinsm. John Earlye of Raynham; Extx: late bro's. dau., Dorothie Raynard; Rd. 202 SOAME, FOL. 52. Robotham. \_William JBuits] Wits: John Ewer, Hughe Hodson. (Pr. lo May 1620.) 604 Agnes Holmes of Cambridge, wid. (Dat. 6 Oct. S619.) Dau. Palmer; grchn., Andrewe Palmer, John Palmer, Eliz. Clarke, Wm. Greeke, Thos. Greeke, John Greeke, Margt. Fludd, Jane Robertes and Ellinor Greeke; poor of Little St. Mary's, wh. I dwell; Exor: grch. Wm. Greeke. [mark] Wits: Robert Robertes, John Brasbone, not. pub. (Pr. 27 May 1620, by def. sen., will having been disputed by Alice Palmer als. Holmes, dau. of deed.) 605 Joseph Markham {of St. Swtihin's*'), Lond., tailor. (.Dat. last of Feb. 1619-20.) Fath. John Markham of Oxen- den, CO. Northants., yeom.; my moth.; sist. Eliz., wife of Robt. Poole, their chn. Wm., John (apprs.), Nando, Johane (und. 21), Emme (und. 21), Margery (und. 21), and Mary Pole (und. 21); sist. Lettice Markham; bro. Thos. Markham; Exors: sist. Briget and her husb., Raphe Pavier of Lond., tailor; Overs: cos. Peter Worster of Lond., drawer. \_Joseph Markham] Wits: Thomas Baker, George Sadler, Thomas Tracelove. (Pr. 16 May 1620.) 606 William Sheward, cit. and grocer {0/ St. Mary Alder- mary*), Lond. (Dat. 12 Apr. 1620.) Bro. John Shewarde; godsons Wm. Sheward, Wm. Tayler and Peter Sheward; my nurse Brockett; Exor: bro. Rd. Sheward, cit. and grocer of Lond.; Overs: frd. John Blewe. \,Willnuin Sheward\ Wits: Richard Deanes, Thomas More; my servt. Rd. Deanes. (Pr. 23 May 1620.) 607 John Hedge of Mitcham, co. Surrey, esq. (Dat. 16 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Mitcham; poor of Mitcham and of Merstham; Thos. Parke of Epsom, carpenter; Wm. Hough- ton; my servts. John Francklyn and Marcella Ashton; wife Eliz.; son Thos. (und. 26); son Wm.; dau. Philipp Abbott; dau. Bridgett Hedge (und. 18); dau. Millicent Hedge (und. 18); frd. James of Lond., merch., wt. whom my son John is appr., and his wife; John Harrison of Lond., scr., his servt. Beniamyn Bolton; frds. Robt. Heath of the Inner Temple, Lond., esq., Mr. Theophilus Bruerton of Lond., merch., and * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 52. 203 Mr. Hugh Dodd of Lond., gent.; indr. dat. this day betw. me and mysd. frds.; son Anthony Hedge; Exor: sd. Robt. Heath; Overs: sd. Theos. Bruerton and Hughe Dodd. [John Hedge] Wits: Hughe Dodd, Jo. Harrison, scr., Jo. Blythe, James Dolman, John Francklyn, William Haughton. Cod. (nunc.) Sir Julius Ceaser, Kt., Master of the Rolls and Privy Coun- cillor; Mr. Henry Lovell; Wits: Eliz. Hedge, wife of testr., Anthony Hedge, eld. son of testr., Hughe Dodd, gent. (Pr. 6 May 1620.) 608 Thomas Townesend of Thornehill, psh. of Hope, CO. Derb., yeom. (Dat. 21 Aug. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Hope; my tithe corn of Thornhill; my son and dau. John and Eliz. Skynner; Extx: wife Mary. [_mark\ Wits: Thomas Howe, John Hogett {mark), John Leighe; Wm. Bennett of Grindlowe; John Sheldon of Holawe; Wm. Hall of Holawe; Anthony Willson of Eyam; Margt. Townsend, Thos. Mosley, Johane Hill and John Morten, all of Eyam; Godfrey Chap- man of Buslowe; Arthur Banckes; Thos. White of Stony Mid- dleton; Wm. White of Eyam; Thos. Mosley of Ingmenthorp; George Rosen of Eyam; Raphe Chalsworthe of Eyam; Robt. Wood and Jervase Armeseid, both of Eyam; Wm. Leadbet- ter, vie. of Hope; Mr. Ellis Warde of Hope; Wm. Darwend of Edge; Mr. Thos. Balgy; Mr. Lawrence Balgye; John Mor- ten of Dynninges; Adam Cliffe als. Edge; Thos. Howsson of Middleton; Thos. Cliffe als. Edge; Robt. Marshall of Thornhill; Wm. Hidler of Bamforth; Roger Skynner and his bro. Robt. of Bamforth; Edw. Bidcocke and Henry Hauxworth of Bam- forth; Michaell Thornehill of Thornhill. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) 609 Roger Newton of Bakewell, co. Derb., yeom. (Dat. 22 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Bakewell, nr. fath. and moth.; eld. son Roger Newton; tent, called Holme, in lordship of Ashford, co. Derb., late bot. of Gilbert Bowne; Ids. bot. of Arnold Bagshawe, Robt. Doughtie, George Frost and Frauncis Burton; Id. called Higgen holes, in lordship of Bakewell, bot. of George Sutton, esq.; my 3 daus. Johane, Anne and Margt. Call und. 21); son Hugh Newton; tent, in Over Haddon, co. Derb., bot. of Rowland Smythe of Water- fall; tent, in Bakewell in ten. of Peter Eches, late bot. of Henry Needham; Ids. in Over Haddon, bot. of Steph. Frenche 204 SOAME, FOL. 52, and George Hodgkinson; Exors: wife Anne and son Roger. {_mark] Wits: Edward Deane, Richard Robertes, John Red- feme. (Pr. 11 May 1620.) 610 Thomas Smythe of Uttoxeter, co. Staff. (Dat. 26 June 1616.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Uttoxeter; my 2 daus. Anne and Ellen Smythe; lease at Draycott; son Thos.; 2 tents, in Burton on Trent; son Saml.; lease of grds in man. of Uttoxeter, taken of John Russell; son John; lease of grd. called the Parkes, taken of Thos. Gilbert; Rd. Startin; Overs: bro. Rd. Smithe and bro. -in-law Wm. Harrison; my servts. Sara Nicklyn and Alice Lesson; Exors: wife Johanne and Rd. Star- tine. \,Thomas Smythe\ Wits: William Harrison, John Smythe, Edward Gilbert, scr. (Pr. 8 May 1620, by Johanne Smythe, rel. of deed., pow. res.) 611 Henry Thomas Frees of Clodocke, co. Heref., yeom. (Dat. 27 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Clodocke; Cath. of St. David; mending of bridge at Philip Watkin's hou. in Clodocke; my base son John, by Jonett, my now wife; Ids. in Newton, co. Heref., bot. of Watkyn Prees; son David Harrye and my dau. Blaunche, my legitimate chn. by wife Jonett; Ids. held by copy of court roll of Ld. Burgavennye, sometime occ. by sd. Watkyn Prees, surr. to me by Thos. Powell Mayde, ace. to custom of man. of Ewyes Lacye; my base dau. Eliz., by Jonett, my now wife; money in hands of Thos. John Phe. Pry to be pd. at feast of St. Jacob and St. Philip the Apostles, 1622; bro. John Thos. Prees; Chas. Jennynges; bro. David Thos. Prees; Ids. late in ten. of Wm. Thomas in Clodocke, called Tyr Shaywood; Ids. bot. of Phe. Morgan; leases held of Leysem Thomas, esq., and John James Harry Powell; Leyson, Lewis and Lucas, sons of David Thos. Prees, and Margt. and Sibill, his daus.; David, son of John Thos. Prees; Eliz. vergh Griffith; Jonet and Johane vergh .Griffith; George Griffith Howell; Gregorye Allen and Jas. Griffith; my goddau. Jane, dau. of Wm. Thomas; my godson Harry Thomas, son of Thos. John Phee. Pry; my servt. Johane Thomas; Tobias Lucas, son of Lucas Thomas; Thos. John Prosser; Margt. vergh David; Sibill vergh David; my godson Lewes John, son of John Powell of Trewerne; Evan Phe.; Kath., wife of Watkin Prees, cottage wh. she dwells; Exors: bro. John Thos. Prees and my SOAME, FOL. 52. 206 dau. Blaunche vergh Harrye; Overs: Thos. Powell of Olchon, Thos. Prosser, George Jenkin, Hughe Powell. \.mark^ Wits: John Jennynges, Thomas Morgan, George Griffith Howell (mark), Hughe Lewis. (Pr. 13 May 1620, by John Thos. Prees", pow. res. to Blaunche vergh Harrye; Pr. 13 Apr. i638, by Blanche vergh Harrye.) 612 Robert Passand of Cructon, psh. of Pontesbury, co. Salop., yeom. (Dat. 27 Oct. 1619. ) Bur. in Ch. of Han- wood; poor of Pontesburye and of Hanwood; John Farmor; neph. and godson, Robt. Passand of Asterley; my servt. Johane Purges; my old servt., Edw. Bromlowe; Thos. NichoUs; Roger Farmor, elk.; goddau. Jane, dau. of bro. John; bro. Humfrey Passand's 4 chn.; godson, son of Robt. Passand of Asterley; neph. Wm. Passand of London; Wm., son of bro. John; Anne, wife of John Browne of Aston Rogers; Johane, wife of Thos. Maud; George Hosier, gent., his chn.; Marget Onslowe, gent., her chn.; wife Anne; Exors: sd. neph., Robt.* Passand of Asterley and cos. John Farmor. [.mark] Wits: Morgan Evans, elk., Robert Downe (mark). (Pr. 13 May 1620. j 613 John Da'wnton of Winterborne Stooke, co. Wilts., husbm. (Dat. 31 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. chyd. of Win- terborne Stooke; Ch. of Sarum.; Woodford Ch.; dau. Agnes Dawnton; dau. Margery Dawnton; goddau. Mary Downton (und. 21); dau. Alice Dawnton (und. 21); dau. EUinor Dawnton (und. 21); son John (und. 21); bro. Thos. Dawn- ton (und. 30); my wife Christian; Id. in Winterborne Stooke; daus. -in-law, Johane Webb, Alice Webb, Agnes Webb and Eliz. Webb; son-in-law Roger Webb; Exor: son George; Overs: Rd. Greene and Nichs. Kello. [mark] Wits: John Gilbert, John Hooper. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) FOL 53. 614 Symon Hanson of Ashbourne, co. Derb., gent. (Dat. 13 May 1619.) Poor of Ashbourne and of Ilara; goddau. Eliz. Churlesworth; eld. son John (und. age); Ids. in Ashbourne, Offcott and Underwood; close nr. Ashbourne chyd. assigned to me by Wm. Heathcote; my dau.; my late wife; Ids. in Mappleton, Ham, Aldwarke and Musden Graunge sold to 206 SOAME, FOL. 53. Mr. Thos. Eyre, esq. and Edw. Peg, gent.; sons Rd., George and Symon (all und. 21); daus. Sence, Prudence and Rachell (all und. 18); frd. Mrs. Jackson of Ashbourne; Exors: frds. Wm. Hull, elk., Edw. Pigg, gent., Gilbert Warde, gent., and my bro. Wm. Hanson; my servt. Anne Bainford, Kath. Bolsover; Overs; Sir John Harpur, Kt., and John Millward, esq.; Mr. Gilbert Warde to have care of one of my yr. daus. \.Sy: Hanson] Wits: Gilbert Warde, Walter Edge, Edward Pegge. (Pr. 10 May 1620.) 615 Thomas Tate of Marlburye, co. Wilts., yeom. (Nunc, will dat. 20 May 1620.) Bros. Wm., Robt. and John Tate; Sir Ferninando Dudley, Kt.; frd. Jasper Ockley; Sir Mathewe Carewe, Kt.; sist. Johane Harding; Thos. Christopher, servt. to E. of Hertford; my fellow servts. at Sir Frauncis Seymor's, Kt.; John Parsons of Castle Carewe Park, nr. Bruton, co. Somst.; frds. Gilbert Payne, George Warner and John Jef- fery, and the rest of their fellows at Sir Gilbert Prinne's; Wm., bro. of John Parsons; Rd. Gibbons; Salomon Foxe, coach- man to E. of Hertford; John Heathe of city of Sarum, cord- wainer; hou. wh. I now lie; my fellow, Edw, Brinsen, his bro. Thos.; frds. Wm. Peacock and his wife; Exors: frds., John Inman and Thos. Batten; Sir Mathew Carey, Kt.; Mr. Graye of Enfield, esq.; John Kyng of Enfield, yeom.; Wits: John Inman, Thomas Batten, Rowland Case (mark), Thomas Willys, appr. to Wm. Swetenham, not. (Pr. 22 May 1620.) 616 John Weston of Barton, co. Berks., gent. (Dat. 17 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. of Beedon, nr. seat wh. fath. sits; Edm. Francklyn; moth. Ch. of Sarum; poor of Beedon, of Abingdon and of Dunstew; bro., Henry Weston; bro., John Smythe, his chn.; bro. Edw. Weston; sist. Sara; Id. in Bee- don; Extx: wife Sibill; Overs: my mr. Sir Thos. Read. \johannem Weston\ Wits: Thomas Reade, William Jestey. (Pr. 15 May 1620.) 617 Samuel Dauncey of Defford, co. Wore, yeom. (Dat. 6 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chapel of Defford; Ids in Defford and Birlingham, co. Wore; son, Rd. Dauncey; 2d son George; 3d son Maximilian; wife Margery; chn. (und. 21) of son George, by his wife Ursula; my servt. Alice Compton; Exor: SOAME, FOL. 53. 207 son, George Dauncey; Overs: neighbours and frds., George Pace, Humfrey Stanton and Frauncis Sheapherd, elk. {_no st'i^.l Wits: Walter Knighte, Robert Woodward, Elizabeth Pace, Philipp Maynard. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 618 Bridget Rastell of Birmingham, co. Warw., wid. (Dat. I Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Birmingham; Overs: Mr. Luke Smythe, par. thereof; Mr. Boltony, cur.; the 2 elks., Skipwith and Wigstead; Thos. Coxe; Thos. Brad- docke; chn. of son Rd. Pedke; dau. Margt. Kirbie, her son and daus., her dau. Hopkyns; my dau. Alice Innocent, her daus., Bridget Read and Alice Whorwood; my dau. Anne Belton; my son Belton, his son Rd. Belton; my dau. Dixon, her chn.; their fath.; my cos. Rd. Peake; my sist. Elianor Frauncis; my son Kirbie; Henry Wilde; Wm. Rastell; Isaac Bradocke; John Harthill and his wife; wife of Robt. Rich- ardes, her dau. Barbara; my servt. Mary Warley; my former servts. Margaret Crompton and Johane Banckes; wid. Groves, the midwife; Mr. John Carter; Mr. Zacharie Taylor; Mr. John Foxall; Mr. Edw. Fox; Exor: son Thos. Peake. Imar^^ Wits: Luke Smyth, par. of Birmingham, Robert Shelton, Edward Foxe, William Seely, John Rocke, Richard Billinges- ley. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 619 Dorothie Thomson of Husborne Crawley, co. Beds., wid. (Dat. 31 Oct. 1618.) My late husb. John Thomson of Husborne Crawley, esq., deed.; bur. in chan. ot Husborne Crawley, nr. sd. husb.; son Robt. Tomson and his wife, Mrs. Jane Thomson; dau. Lady Kempe; grson Sir John Thomson and his wife; my grch. Dorothie Andrewes, her husb. Mr. Edolph Andrewes; grch. Susan Thomson; rep. of bridges and high- ways in Husborne Crawley; grson-in-law Rd. Sutton, esq., and my grdau., his wife; Rd. Harvey, elk.; Rd. Impey, one of Sir John Thomson's men; grdau. Lady Cuttes, her husb., Sir John Cuttes; grdaus. Lady Chichley and Lady Skipwith, her husb., Sir Henry Skipwith; grdau. Lady Digges, her husb., Sir Dudley Digges; grson-in-law Sir Jas. Altham and grdau., his wife; my grson John Fishe and his wife; grson-in- law Edm. Blofeild and grdau., his wife; Mrs. Page; Dorothie Worsley, wid.; kinsw. Mary Allen, Dorothie Lawrance and Anne Mery; Valentyne Boner; tent. bot. of Mathewe Wright- 208 SOAME, FOL. 53. Sonne, John Adkinson and Thos. Knighte; Exors: Rd. Sutton, ^ esq., and Rd. Harvey, elk., vie. of Husborne Crawley; Overs: frd. Frauncis Stanton, gent, [niark] Wits: John Wood- land, Richard Impey, Richard Kent. (Adm. gr. 24 May 1620, to Sir John Thomson, Kt., grson of deed., Sir Rd. Sutton, Kt., and Rd. Harvey, elk., ren.) 620 George Bury of Leighton Bussard, co. Beds., gent. (Dat. 15 Jan. 1619-20.) Extx: wife Susan; Ids. in Hockley als, Hocklife, late. bot. of Thos. Hillersdon, esq., Fraunces Stanton, esq., John Hillersdon, Nicholas Johnson and Nich- olas Blofeild; daus. Anne and Johane Burye; son Rd. Burye; Mr. Christr. Sclater. [^George Bury] Wits: Richard Cowley, Robert Trunlye, Edmond Boulesworth, Jr. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 621 John Leighe the eld., of Caldwell, co. Beds., esq. (Dat. 20 Jan. 1619-20.) Son Goddard Leighe; late priory or monastery of Caldwell; Ids. in town of Bedford, Wootton, Kempston and Houghton Conquest; Extx: wife Anne; my dwelling at Caldwell; son and hr. app., Lewys Leigh, his wife Lucye and their chn.; Ids. in Cranfeild, co. Beds.; my servt. Anne Laverocke; my hou. in occ. of Thos. Hollyman in Bed- ford; leg. to my grch. Mr. John Leigh {struck out). [.John Leighe] Wits: Lewes Leighe, Goddard Leighe, Thomas Awdley, William Dymmock, Michael Dymocke, John Brad- ley. (Pr. 23 May 1620.) 622 Philemon Whale of Chickney, co. Essex, elk. (Dat. 4 Apr. 1618.) Bur. in chan. or chyd. of Chickney; eld. son Jonas Whale; books, ^Wilcockes upon the Psalms and Ursinns, his Cathechisme; youngest son Philemon Whale; eld. dau. Sara Ingreeme; dau. Margt., wife of Wm. Brocke, the yr., of Shepreth; dau. Eliz., wife of Wm. Cofeild of Hen- ham; youngest dau. Mary Whale; Extx: wife Agnes; eld. bro. John Whale, deed.; Eliz. Ingreeme (und. 19), dau. of dau. Sara. [Philemon Whale] Wits: Bartholmewe Collin, Laurence Collin. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 623 Thomas Tristram, cit. and fishmonger {of St. Michael, Queenhithe^'), Lond. (Dat. 11 May 1620.) Exors: wife Susan and son Thos. Tristram; lease of tent. whin. I • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 53. 209 dwell and Salt wharf, held of Co. of Fishmongers; lease of Queenhithe and Romeland wharfes, held of Mayor of Lond.; daus. Wolverston and Bruen; dau. Mary; my servt. Wm. Tredwaye; bro. Wm. Deane; bro. Adam Tristram; poor of St. Michael's, Queenhithe; Overs: bros. Wm. Deane and Adam Tristram, sons John Wolverston and Wm. Breuen. \_Thomas Tristram] Wits: Thomas Mathewe, scr., Laurene Norton, Giles Bagges; wife's bro. Christr. Deane. (Pr. 19 May 1620.) 624 Richard Rowbothum of Upminster, co. Essex, gent. (Dat. 18 Mar. 1619-20.) My 3 chn.; my unbo. ch.; Exors: wife and her bro. Thos. Speight; to be bur. in Upminster Ch. nr. my fath. and moth. \_Rich: Rowbothum] Wits: Paule Dewes {? Bewes), Paule Thorndicke, John Rawson. (Pr. 18 May 1620, by Rowbothum, rel., Thos. Speighte ren.) FOL. 54. 625 Thomas Hawes, the eld., of Bedford, co. Beds., gent. (Dat. i Jan. 1619-20.) My chambers and 3 shops in Butcher Rowe, psh. of St. Paul, Bedf., next shop of Robt. Bamford on the E., and shop of John Beard als. Farmer on the W., in ten. of wids. Storer, Griffyn, Eliott and Eliz. Huett, late bot. of Thos. Croote, for the use of 4 poor wids. of the pshs. of St. Paul and St. Mary in Bedf.; soi> and hr. app. Thos. Hawes, gent., his chn.; 2d son Robt. Hawes, gent., his chn.; Agnes, wife of John Newold; tent, in St. Paul's, Bedf., wh. sd. John Newold now dwells; grd. called Water- wick, lying by riverside in St. Paul's, Bedf.; poor of St. Paul, St. Mary, St. John the Baptist, St. Peter and St. Cuthbert in Bedford, of Potton, co. Beds., of Gamlingaye, co. Camb., of Biddenham, co. Beds.; cos. Rd. Parson, Robt. Haddocke and his wife, Rd. Smythe, pewterer, and his wife; Mark Crowder; cos. Peter Morgan of Cople and his wife; Thos. Cooke of Barnet, his sist.; bro. -in. -law Mr. John Rolte, his wife and chn.; bro. -in-law Mr. Edw. Rolte's chn.; bro. -in-law Mr. Thos. Rolte's chn.; cos. Mr. Wm. Tapp of Lond., and his chn.; sist. Shelley's chn.; sist. -in-law Alice Dillingham's chn.; sist. Doughton's ch.; son Baldwyn, his wife and grch., her son, John Baldwyne; my gt.-grchn.; Exors: sons Thos. 210 SOAME, FOL. 54. and Robt.; Overs: cos. Mr. Thos. Rolte of Milton, and Mr. Andrewe Dennys of St. John's, Bedf. \_Thomas Hawes, senior] Wits: Thomas Rolte, Andrewe Dennys. (Pr. i8 May 1620.) 626 John Wiles of All Saint's, Maiden, co. Essex, haber- dasher. (Dat. 30 Dec. 1619.) Son and hr. John Wiles; my farm called Iltney in Mondon, co. Essex, held of the King; daus. Hellen and Bridgett (both und, 21); poor of All Saints, St. Peter and St. Mary, Maiden; bro. Rd. Wiles; sist. Philipp Wiles; sist. Knighte; sist. Fall; Anne, wife of Michaell Cow- per; Wm. and John, sons of frd. Mr. Soane of Maldon; Eliz. Wiseman, wid.; bro. -in-law Thos. Thurgood; bro. -in-law Philipp Caston; Mrs. Gifford; my servts. Edw. Freshwater, John Tanner, Eliz. Harwood and Ruthe Alleson; Extx: wife Hellen; Overs: fath. -in-law Mr. Thurgood. '[John Wiles\ Wits: Thomas Burnett, John Soan, Joseph Walker. (Pr. 17 May 1620.) 627 Robert Kirke of Messingham, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 16 Sept. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Messingham; cottage, newly built, in ten. of Rd. Gelder; cottage in ten. of Wm. Hull; Lawman Mare close in Messingham, late bot. of Mr. Stowhill; eld. son Robt. Kyrke; hou. wh. he now dwells in Messingham; cottage in Messingham in ten. of Wm. Lam- bert; Id. late bot of Thos. Vrye, gent., in ten. of my sd. son; son Robt. Kyrke's chn.; my 2d son Wm.; hou. wh. I dwell; Ids. in Messingham, late bot. of Sir Edw. and Sir Phil. Tyr- whitt, Kts.; son Wm.'s chn.; my 3d son Rd.; mess, in Mes- singham, late bot. of Rd. Lawman; Id. in same, bot. of Antho. Sowthill and Nichs. Sowthill; Id. there bot. of Thos. Vyre, gent., and Mary, his wife, and of Marmaduke Tyrwhitt, esq., deed.; my youngest son Jas.; cottages in ten. of Thos. Kempe and Wm. Hull in Messingham, late bot. of John Duckle; close called Lodge Leas, in Laughton, co. Line, bot. of Sir Roger Dallyson, Kt. and Bart.; Edm. Gall; my dau. Mary, wife of George Dawber, his 4 daus.; my grch. Wm. Mawger; my sist's. chn.; Exors: wife Lucye and son Jas; Overs: Nichs. Oliver, John Parkins, Wm. Kyrke and George Dawber. \_no sig-.'] {no wits.) (Pr. 4 May 1620.) 628 William Goodall of Great Shepie, co. Leic, gent. (Dat. 24 Aug. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Gt. Shepie; eld. SOAME, FOL. 54. 211 son Wm. Goodall; 2d. son Thos.; 3d son Robt.; son Rd. (appr.); dau. Johane Goodall (und. 22); son-in-law Jonathan Needier, dwelling at Banbury; dau. Dorothie (und. 22); dau. Luce (und. 22); dau. Susanna (und. 22); grch. Saml. Good- all (und. 21); Mr. Thos. Bagshawe, dwelling at Wormehill, in Moreland; dau. Millicent Baker; dau. Kath. Nayler, her husb.; Rd. Abett of Manceter, elk.; Extx: wife Johane; Overs: son Wm. Goodall and Sampson Baker. \_William Goodall] Wits: Richard Abett, Abraham Astley, Thomas Milles. (Pr. 11 May 1620.") 629 Ellis Thomas of East Farleigh, co. Kent, yeom. (Dat. 3 April 1620.) My godch. Ellis Bigg; Extx: wife Godlie. {_mark] hou. wh. I now dwell; Id. in Lynton; Wits: Thomas Basden, Robert Groomebridge. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 630 John Best of Beddington, co. Surr., yeom. (Dat, 21 Mar. 161Q-20. ) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Beddington; fath. Rdbt. Best of Reygate, his wife, my moth. Johane; bro. Rd. Best, deed.; bro. Thos.; bro. Frauncis; Mr. Wm. Page of Lond.; sist. Anne, wife of Thos. Woonham of Reygate; sist. Julian, wife of Cornelius Palmer of Reygate; sist. Kath., wife of Barnabye of Reygate; poor of Reygate; eld. sons (und. 21), of my bros. Thos. and Frauncis; Roger Carter of Reygate; uncle Thos. Best of Aldersteed; chn. of Thos. Woonham and of Cornelius Palmer; frds. Thos. Pope, elk., and John Hiller of Beddington, yeom.; Sir Nichs. Carewe, Kt. ; Eliz. Blake, dau. of Wm. Blake of Wallington; Zabulon Mathewe; Margt. Ingram; Robt. Whiting; Rd. Owen; Mrs. Alice lUingworthe; Mary Reade; goodwife Johnson; Kath. Rogers; Wm. Aws- ten; my fellow servts.; 4 unm. chn. of Wm. Blake; poor of Beddington and Wallington; Exor: bro. Robt. Best, \john Besf\ Wits: Thomas Pope, Robert Whiting. (Pr. 8 May 1620; adm. gr. 24 Apr. 1629, to Anne Wonham, sist. of deed., Robert Best having died without fully administering.) 631 John Iden of Hunton als. Huntington, {^co. Hants.), yeom. (Dat. 19 Nov. 1619.) Son Robt. Iden's dau. (und. 23); Eliz. Hilles (und. 23), dau. of John Hilles of Heteorne; dau. Alice, wife of Fissendon of Ewhurst; son Wm. Iden; son John; hou. wh. I dwell; Id. called Heerstfeildes, lying against the King's Highway, leading to Style Bridge; 212 SOAME, FOL. 54. tent, called Stonnardes in occ. of wid. Lawe; Exor: son John. {,mark\ Wits: William Coveney, Thomas Holyman. (Pr. lo May 1620.) 632 Richard Relfe of Framfeild, co. Suss., gunfounder. (Dat. 23 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of Mayfield, co. Suss, wh. fath. and moth, lie; dau. Alice, wife of Fearenot Rodes; youngest dau. Annys Relfe (und. 18); Extx: wife Alice; son Rd. (und. 22); lease at Mayfield whin. Fraunces Panckhurst now dwells; sist. Eliz. Horlye, wid.; Ids. in Bucksted and Retherfield; Overs: Mr. Nichs. Stone of Fram- feild. \_mark\ Wits: Richard Russell, Robt. Vincent, Ben- iamyn Skynner. (Pr. 9 May 1620.) 633 Mary Pawley of Tonbridge, co. Kent, wid. (Dat. 16 June, 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Hadlowe; poor of that place; dau. Mary, wife of Robt. Children; youngest son Frauncis Pawley; Exor: eld. son Lawrence Pawley; tent, in Hadlowe St., Hadlowe, in ten. of Eliz. Rolfe, wid.; tent, called High- reedes in West Peckham in ten. of Edw. Hawkes; Overs: neighbours Thos. Barton of Hadlowe, and Mathewe Parker, yeom. {mark] Wits: Lewes Weelles, William Aynscombe. (Pr. 10 May 1620.) 634 ^A(^illiam Bower of Aynowe, co. Northton., yeom. (Dat. 31 May 1619.) Bur. in chan. of Aynoe Ch., nr. wife; son George Bower, 4 of his chn. (und. 18); son Edw. Bower, his son Edw.; dau. Kath. Cockman, her dau. Annys Cock- man; dau. Anne Hill, her 3 chn. (und. 21); dau. Eliz. Bower; grchn. Eliz. and Anne Walcote, their fath. deed.; guards, to sd. grchn., my sons, Rd., George and Edw. Bower and Edw. Cockman; Exor: son Rd.; Overs: son-in-law Edw. Cockman and sons, George and Edw. Bower. \_Willm Bower] Wits: Edward Whitbye, Edward Eaglesfeild {jnark), Edw. Bunt- ing {mark), (Pr. 13 May 1620.) FOL. 55. 635 Ralphe Gobbet of Weston, psh. of Weedon Pyncke- ney, co. Northton., gent. (Dat. 27 Mar. 1620.) Exors: bro. -in-law Rd. Love of Aynoe, co. Northants., gent., Thos. Hare of St. Giles, city of Oxford, gent., and bro. John Cob- bett of Staddam, co. Oxon., gent.; my man. hou. in Weston; SOAME, FOL. 55, 213 Ids. in Wheedon and Weston, late bot. of Thos. Betham and his son, Rd. Betham; tent, called Walters in Aston Rowant and Chawford, co. Oxon., late in ten. of Thos. Cowper; tent. in Aston, late in ten. of Lovedaye; my eld. son (und. 21); rest of my sons and daus. (und. 18); my servt. Eliz. Messen- ger; wife Eliz.; Overs: Christr. Pittes of Banburye, gent., and Edw. Haule of Boddycott, yeom. \_Raphe Cobbett\ Wits: Edward Travis, William Averye, Edward Hall, John Young {mark). (Pr. 9 May 1620, by John Cobbett, Rd. Love and Thos. Hare ren.) 636 Eliz. Harby of Walcott, co. Northants.t (Nunc, will dat. 19 Nov. 1619.) Exor: eld. bro. Edw. Harby; bros. Thos. and Clement Harbye; my 2 bros. Thos. and Robt. Browne, sons of Robt. Browne of Walcott; Wits: Dorcas Quarles, Mary Manistie {mark), Anne Leonard, Hester Chaumberlayne. (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 637 "William Beale of Ashby Parva, co. Leic, yeom. (Dat. 3 Apr. 1620.) Wm. Carter; John Bell; George Gilbert; hou. and Id. in Ashby Parva, bot. of Thos. Horpud; son Wm. (und. 21); son Rd. (und. 21); son George (und. 21); dau. Emmot (und. 21); dau. Margery (und. 21); dau. Kath. (und. 21); dau. Alice; dau. Margt.; bond dat. i Sept., 15 Jas. I, wt. Rd. Cheney, Wm. Cheney of Shernford, co. Leic, Henry Cheney of Brinckloe, co. Warw., and Robt. Clementes of Huncote, co. Leic; Eliz., dau. of John Doewell; Wm., son of my son, Thos. Beale, his dau. Alice; my servt. Wm. Morton; Extx: wife Johane; Overs: bro. Rd. Beale and son- in-law John Doewell. \j?iark^ Wits: John Hodgkinson, John Paybodye, John Gilbert, Thomas Beale. (Pr. 8 May 1620.) 638 Rose Reynoldes of St. Andrew's nr. the Wardrobe, Lond., wid. (Dat. 12 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in sd. Ch. of St. Andrew's, wh. I am a parishioner; bro. Rd., dwelling in Denbigh; Eliz. and Hellen Cadye (und. 21), chn. of son-in- law Arthur Cady and his wife, my dau. Alice, deed.; Exors: kinsm. Wm. Middleton of Lond., goldsmith, and frd. Wm. Townshend of Lond., gent.; Overs: frd. Robt. Sadler. \_mark^ Wits: John Heelye, Elizabeth Keylowe {mark), t Sic. Walcot is in Line, in psh, of Alkborough, nr. Northants. 214 SOAME, FOL. 55, Ellen Hunt {mark), John Hues {mark), Katherine Oyen {mark). (Pr. 3 May 1620.) 639 John Aulcocke of Seaton, co. Rutl., labourer. (Dat. 8 Aug. 1614.) Bur. in chyd. of Seaton; son John Aulcocke; my freelands; wife Kath.; daus. Johane and Millisent; Symon Hawley, Henry Hawley the yr., and their eld. sist. Alice Hawley; Kath, Hawley; Anne Hawley; John Boyer (und. 19), son of my dau. Millisent, late wife of Robt. Boyer, late of Lyddington, and her son Robt, Boyer (und. 17); Rd. Cattell (und. 17), son of sd. dau. Millisent; godchn. Robt. Gregorie, Alice Munton; Overs: son-in-law Henry Hawlie and Sampson Curtney; Exor: son John Aulcocke. {_no stg:^ Wits: Anthony Fed, script., John Alexander. (Pr. 2 May 1620.) 640 Edward Browne of Heckington, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. I May 1620.) Ch. of Lincoln; wife Kath.; bro. John Browne; Ids. in Heckington and Great Hale; bro. Mathias Browne; bro. Nathl. (und. 21); Ids. in Holland; fath. Edw. Browne of Horbling, deed.; sists. Esther and Eliz, Browne (und. 21); moth. Ailing; aunt Thornton; aunts Mary, Anne and Susan, their chn.; uncle Rd, Seagrave, his chn.; Mr. Broadstreet; Mr. Harrison; poor of Heckington and Horbling; Exor: bro. John Browne. [^Edward Browne] Wits: Robert Callice {mark), Edward Coke {mark). (Pr. 12 May 1620.) 641 James Aris of Deddington, co. Oxon., woollen draper. (Dat. I Mar. 1619-20,) Bur. in chyd. of Dedington; Extx: wife Millicent; hou. I now dwell in, in Deddington; Id, in Cliftonmeade, at little Bridge and the old Mill at the Sandes, Deddington; hou, wherein aunt Bunce dwells in Pilicocke St,, Deddington; son John (und, 14); dau, Mary (und, 18); cot- tage in Deddington, in ten. of Nichs. Banister; gr. in meadow called Beastes moore in Northanuston; son Edw.; Ids. in Westcoate Bartoun, co. Oxon., bequeathed to me by John Norwood, deed.; indr. dat. i Mar. 1619-20 betw, me and my cos, Wm. Ares of Hempton and my bro. Wm. Arris of Westcott Bartoun; 6 yr. chn,, Johane, Sara, Susan, Eliz. and Kath. (all und. 18), and my unbo. ch.; Overs: kinsm. Mr. Wm. Whatley of Banbury, elk., and bro, Wm, Ares of West- cott Barton; our minister, Mr, Edmondes; my fath, and moth. SOAME, FOL. 55. 215 Savidge; my own moth., Jane Norwood; Benedicke Norwood of Woodstocke; Mary Bussey of Oxford; dau. of Thos. Nor- wood of Woodstocke, deed. [.James Arts] Wits: William Whatley, Richard Lardge, Stephen Runell. (Pr. 3 May 1620.) 642 William Searles of St. Clement's, Ipswich, co. Suff., clothier. (Dat. 26 Feb. 1619-20.) Eld. son, Wm. Searles (und. 24); 2d son Robt. (und. 24); 3d son John; Ids. in St. Ellen's and St. Stephen's, Ipswich, sometime inheritance of Robt. Wilkenson, shipwright; 4th son Saml.; dau. Eliz. (und. 21); sist. Lowe; sist. Rebecca, wife of Robt. Wilkenson and her son William; Margt., dau. of sd. sist. Rebecca; Extx: wife Eliz. \_William Searles] Wits: Jo. Agar, Willum Lowe. (Pr. 6 May 1620.) 643 John Pace of All Saints', Worcester, clothier. (Dat. 29 Mar. 1620.) My 4 bros., Thos,, John, Wm. and Edm.; my 3 sists., Johane, Margery and Margt.; Extx: wife Anne; Overs: Rd. Cowper, fath. -in-law Thos. Harely, and bro. Wm. Pace, [.no sig.~\ Wits: Thomas Powell, par. of All Saint's, Dorothie Thorneton, George Baker, Miles Bestpitch. (Pr. 5 May 1620.) 644 William Dudding, bound on a voyage to the East Indies in ship called "Clover." (Dat. 8 Feb. 1617-18 at Lond.) Fath. Robert Dudding, ship carpenter, dwelling in Kynston upon Hull; my Mrs. Rochester. [William Dudding] (Adm. gr. 4 May 1620 to Robt. Dudding, fath. of deed., no Exor: being named.) 645 William Capper of Bridgnorth, {co. Salop?), vintner. (Dat. 22 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. nr. my fath. and moth, in High Church of St. Leonard; Extx: wife Eliz.; my hou. I now dwell in; hou. in Bridgend, Bridgnorth, wh. my ten. Robert Dickenson dwells. [ Willni Capper] Wits: Richard Creswell, Elizabeth Cresswell, Edward Poole {mark), Anthony Hanmer, minister of the same. (Pr. 3 May 1620.) 646 Richard Rose of Hever, co. Kent, yeom. (Dat. 23 Apr. 1618.) Bur. nr. fath. in the psh. of Withiam, co. Suss.; poor of that psh. and of Haver; bro. George's 2 sons and his dau.; bro. Wm. Standford and sist. Anne Standford; bro. Gawyn's 2 sons, John and Wm.; my sist. Margt's. 4 chn.; 216 SOAME, FOL. 55. COS. Anne Showbridge; Extx: wife Johane; Overs: bro. George Stanford and frd. Mr. Edmond Balam. [no stg:^ Wits: Edmond Balam, George Stanford (mark), Thomas Duglas. (Pr. 6 May 1620.) 647 Robert Allis of Welton, co. Line, husbm. (Dat. 20 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Welton; George Carlill's chn.; Wm. Allis' chn.; Rd. Dixon; Robt. Baxter, his chn.; Robt. Richardson; Wm. and Eliz. Baxter; Thos. Glother's wife and chn.; Edmond Beadle's wife and chn.; bro. Wm. Allis; Jane and Agnes Allis; Alice Allis; Edw. Allis; Margt. Rose; dau. Mary Allis (und. 21); Thos. Carlill; my hou. bot. of George Jelland; Extx: wife Goodith; Overs: George Carlill and Rd. Stephenson. [_mark] Wits: George Carlill (mark), Robt. Wilkenson, Richard Stephenson, William Allis; Edw. Wat- kinson. (Pr. 15 May 1620.) 648 Charles Pynner (o/ Wootton Bassett, co. Wilts., min- ister^). (Dat. 20 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. on N. side of chyd. of my psh.; Ch. and poor of my psh.; Christr. and Hellen White, chn. of dau. Isabell White, deed.; Chas. Gatackre, son of dau. Margery Gatacker, deed., and his fath.; chn. of kinsw. Fraunces Champant; bro. -in-law John Hamlet; my servt., Rd. Bestman; Extx: wife Isabell; Overs: neighbours, Jefferye Henley, Thos. Jacob the eld., of this psh., John Spencer and Wm. Yorke of Wroughton. \_Chareles Pynner\ Wits: Jefferie Henley {tnark), Christofer Henlie (^mark). (Pr. 3 May 1620.) FOL. 56. 649 Edward North of Kerford, {co. Suss.*). (Dat. 4 July 1617.) High Ch. of Chichester; eld. son John Northe (und. 21); son Thos. Northe; youngest son, Edw. Northe; eld. dau. Eliz. (of age); 2d dau. Eliz. (of age); 3d dau. Dennys (und. 18); 4th dau. Rose; 5th dau. Susan; Extx: wife Johane; Overs: bro. Edw. Northe, Wm. Fade of North Chappell, Hughe Tillye of Whitlye; John Hoade of Chidingsolde. [.rnark] Wits: Richard Edsole ijnark), John Denior (mark). (Pr. 6 May 1620.) • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 56. 217 650 Robert Maye of Roydon, {co. Nor/.^^, yeom. (Dat. 17 Dec. 1619.) Son Robt. Maye; hou. wh. I now dwell in Roydon; hou. in Snecham; hou. bot. of Thos. Clarke in Congham; Extx: wife Eliz.; Robt. Pricke of Flitcham, feoffee in trust for my dau. Annes (und. 18); Henry Hem- stead, feoffee in trust for my dau. Bridget (und. 18); if wife refuse to pay legacies, sd. Robt. Pricke and Henry Hemp- stead to be Exors.; bro Wm. Maye and his son Thos. [mark] Wits: Robert Best, Alice Johnson, wid., Thomas Maye. (Pr. 2 May 1620, by Robert Pricke, pow. res. to Henry Hemp- stead.) 651 John Moore of the Middle Temple, Lond., gent. (Dat. 12 Julv 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Maydesmoreton, co. Bucks.; ch. and poor of that psh.; poor of Buckingham and of St. Peter's in the E., city of Oxford; Extx: moth. Eliz. Everye; Ids. in Maydesmoreton, co. Bucks., in Buckingham and in Chackmore, co. Bucks., in Horley and Hornton, co. Oxon., uncle Mr. Wm. Lambart and his wife; uncle John Lambart; grmoth. Lambart; aunt Mrs. Frauncis Lambart; aunt Fox- ley; uncle Edm. Moore; aunt Suzan; bro. Symon Everye; sist. Joane Everye; sist. Eliz. Dormer (und. 21); sist. Alice Everye; Mr. John Nicholls of Buckingham; Eliz., wife of John Saule of Buckingham; moth's, servts. Thos. Seymor and Marye Goffe. \_John Moore] Wits: Frauncis Bannester, Wil- liam Lambart, John Nicholls, Thorn. Whitbye, Paule Robins, Robert Hearinge, Robert Woodcocke, Thomas Okeley, Symon Everye. (Pr. 20 Sept. 1620.) 652 Anne Gierke of Alliston, Dioc. of Bristol, wid. (Dat. 3 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in psh. chyd. of Alliston; son Gyles Clarke, my goddau., his dau. Mary; son John Clarke, his 3 daus. and sons Gyles, John and Saml. Clarke; son Wm' Clarke, his 2 daus. and son Gyles; my dau. Johane Jones; Annes Mansall and her dau. Joane; dau. Alice Lawrence; dau. -in-law Eliz. Clarke; Jone Jones; Suzan Snell; Elinor Erie; Barbara; Thos. Lyppiatt; Cath. Forde; husb. Gyles Clerke, deed., his dau. Agnes Mansall, her chn.; Arthure Mansall; Wm., John and Robt. Clarke; John Jones; Exor: son Robert; Overs: John Clerke and John Jones; John Clark; * Pro. Act. Book. 218 SOAME, POL. 56. Thos. Clarke's son of Calcott. Imar^'} Wits: John Clarke, John Jones. (Pr. i6 Sept. 1620.) 653 Leonard Lester of Charlton Canvill a/s. Horethorne, CO. Somst., gent. (Dat. 3 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur in S. aisle of Charlton Ch. wh. late wife Dorothie was bur.; Cath. of Wells; Chs. and poor of Charlton, and of Atworth, co. Wilts.; schol- ars of the name of Lester, Wattes, Chaunt or Bond; Ids. in Charlton, bot. of Anne Poyntington, wid.; dau. Anne Lester; dau. Edith, wife of Thos. Bond, his son Leonard Bond, and dau. Eliz. Bond; farm of Charleton, wh. I now dwell, bot. of John Waren; George Husey, gent.; dau. Israeli Wattes and her chn.; chn. of dau. Amy Chaunte, deed.; Allen and Doro- thie Lester (both. und. i6), chn. of son John Lester; John, son of Christr. Chaunte; Ids. in Shafton, co. Dorset.; George, son of bro. John Lester; Exor: son John; Overs: John Lang- horne, minister of Corton Denham, Rd. Chaundler, minister of Stoke and Bayford, Rd, Eburne, minister of Henstridge, Edw. Allen of Winterborne Basset, co. Wilts., gent., John Lacye of Charleton, gent., and John Riall of the same, yeom. \_Leonard Lester^ Wits: G. Husey, John Lacye, John Riall, Edward Helliar {mark), John Fox {mark), Edith Uphill, wid. (Pr. 10 June 1620.) 654 "William Allen of Wrington, co. Somst., gent. (Dat. 31 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in Wrington Ch.; bro. -in-law Robt. Whetcombe, his wife and chn.; bro. -in-law Thos. Allen, his wife and chn., John and Wm., his sons (und. 21); bro. -in-law Thos. Latche, his wife and chn., his son Thos.; bro. -in-law Henry Slye, his wife and chn.; bro. -in-law Thos. Alford and his wife; George, son of John Inman; George Forde and his wife Mawde and his chn.; Isabell, wife of Wm. Wallis; my own bro. Thos. Allen; lease of Id. in Kyngston Seymour, co, Somst., held of Lady Jennynges; Mr. Saml. Crooke; cos. John Coxe; uncle John Smithes, esq., his wife, my aunt, and their son John Smythes; fath. John Allen, deed.; erection of free school in Wrington; bro. George Allen; Exors: uncle John Smythes, esq., my cos. John Coxe, bros. -in-law Thos. Latche and Thos. Alford. \_William Allen\ Wits: John Bird, Wil- liam Hobbs, Richard Long. (Pr. 2S June 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 56. 219 655 Edward Vaughan of Farleighe Hungerford, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 19 June 1619.) Son Edward Vahan (und. 20); dau. Margt. Vahan (und. 20); my copyhold; Extx: wife Grace; Overs: neighbours Wm. Walter and Edw. Wade- man. \_Edward Vahan] Wits: Michaell Stokes, John Stokes. (Pr. 20 June 1620.) 656 Simon Vincent {0/ Yar combe ^ co. Devon.^). Dat. 22 Apr. 1620.) Eld. son Simon Vincent; eld. dau. Charitie; son Thos. Vincent; Extx: wife Margerye; Overs: bros. Thos. and John Vincent, [mark] Wits: Thomas Maior, vie. of Yearcombe, Willmo Facye, Mathewe Combe, Edmond Combe {mark). (Pr. 11 June 1620.) 657 John Frauncis of Combe Florye, co. Somst., esq. (Dat. 26 Apr. 1616.) Bur. in my aisle in psh. Ch. of Combflorye; son and hr. wch. shall be at time of my death; my wife's chamber; the boarded chamber; the new hou.; watering hou.; my uncle's chamber; pieces of plate as heir- looms; son John Frauncis, his wife; my manor of Eastcheve- thorne, co. Devon.; dau. Eliz., wife of Christr. Anketill, esq.; dau. Margt., wife of Sir Edm. Morgan, Kt,; dau. Margt. Frauncis; dau. Susan Frauncis; son Thos. Frauncis, deed.; Overs: kinsmen John Colles and Thos. Warre, esqrs.; Exors: my 2 sons Wm. and John Frauncis. \_John Frauncis] Cod. (14 May 1617); kinsman Thos. Wyndham of Kensford, to be Overs: in place of Thos. Warre, deed. \_John Frauncis] Wits: Richard Hill, elk., Aldred Dawe. (Pr. 20 June 1620.) 658 Thomas Wrentmore als. Bond, the eld., of Bishop's Liddyard, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 10 Mar. 1619-20.) Symon, John, Wm. and Jas. Clowter, chn. of bro. -in-law David Clow- ter; my sists'. and bros'. chn.; son Thos. Wrentmore als. Bond; son Nicholas (und. 21); Id. called Preston Close, in WoUavington, in sd. co.; dau. Anne (und. 21); my hou. wh. I now dwell; Extx: wife Johane; Overs: Henry Walcott, John Parson and Christr. Saunders, \jnark] Wits: John Parson, Henry Woolcott, Christofer Saunders, John Saunders. (Pr. 20 June 1620.) * Pro, Act. Book. 220 SOAME, FOL. 56. 659 Thomas Pawle of Danniate, co. Somst., husbm. (Dat. 17 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Donnyat; Ch. and poor of Donnyat; bro. John Pawle of Ilmister and his son, Wm. Pawle; bro, -in-law John Froste and his chn.; Johane and Dionis Hood; Extx: wife Mary; Overs: frds. John Everye and Walter Morse. \_no «^.] Wits: Walter Morse, script., Thomas Dynham, Giles Roseter. (Pr. 27 June 1620.) 660 Christopher Lawne of Blanford, co. Dorset., now lying in Charles City, Virginia. (Dat. 2 Nov. 1619.) Dau.- in-law Anne Oliffe; Robt. Olife; wife Susanna Lawne; my tobacco and sasafras in Virginia; my bills of adventure; Exors: sons Lovewell and Symon Lawne (both und. 24); Overs: in Virginia, frds. Capt. Nathl. Powle, Mr. Saml. Macocke and Capt. Ralph Hamor; Overs: frds. Mr. Laurence Anthony of the Poultry, Lond., Mr. Rd. Ellis of St. Sythinge's Lane, Lond., Mr. John White of Ockford, co. Dorset., and Mr. Wm. Willis of Woore, co. Dorset. \_Xpofer Lawne] Wits: Nathaniel West, Pharao Flynton. (Adm. gr. 17 June 1620, to William Willis, one of Overs:, dur. min. of Lovewell and Symon Lawne.) 661 John Lobb of Selworthie, co. Somst., husbm. (Dat. 2 Sept. 1619.) Bur. in chyd. of Luckham; St. Andrew's Ch., Wells; psh. Ch. of Luckham and of Selworthie, and poor of that place; sons John, George and Wm. Lobbe (all und. 21); sist. Mary Lobbe; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: frds. Jasper Howe, George Lobbe. \.John: Lobe] Wits: John Squirell, Jasper Howe, George Lobe; John Porter of Edington; John Bryant of Tymberscombe; Christofer Bradforde nr. Swansey; Christr. Thomas of Luckham; John Wallon als. Bishopp of same. (Pr. 27 June 1620.) FOL. 57. 662 William Nyghtingale of Lyngfeild, co. Surr., yeom. (Dat. 18 May 1617.) Poor of Lyngfield and of Eatonbridge, CO. Kent.; John, son of bro. John Nightingale; Sacharia Nightingale, son of sd. bro.; godson Wm. Cole; eld. dau. Kath (und. 20); youngest dau. Eliz.; sons Robt. and Wm.; wife Sara; my dwelling hou. in Lyngfield; tent. nr. Mershe greene in Eatonbridge, co. Kent, bot. of Anthony Standford, SOAME, FOL. 57. 221 now in occ. of Wm. Waters, and 2 tents thereto adj., wh. John Bottinge and John Reeve now dwell, late hot. of Robt. Hartis, deed.; Id. called Mershlandes in Eatonbridge, in ten. of John Knight; Exor: son Robt.; Overs: bro. -in-law Wm. Saxbyes and frd. John Wickenden. \^mark] Wits: John Wyckenden, Richard Jemmett, William Saxbee, John Glouer (mark). (Pr. 16 June 1620.) 663 Lettis Lyniall of East Greenwich, co. Kent, wid. (Dat. 26 May 1620.) Husb's. son Thos. Lyniall; bro. Wm. Skyffe; husb's. dau. Ellyn Hylls; husb's. godchn., Wm. Hills and Margt. Becknar; my md. Kath.; Exor: son-in-law Robt. Becknar. l_mark^ Wits: John Kynde, Francis Mar- gerison; Overs: Mr. George Lane and John Becknar. (Pr. 14 June 1620.) 664 Thomas Aspley of East Greenwich, co, Kent, ship carpenter. (Dat. 10 Jan. 1617-18.) Robt. Joanes of E. Greenwich, victualler; Christr. Carles of E. Greenwich, waterman; Extx: dau. Annes Aspley. [war/^] Wits: Baldwine, Christopher Carles (mark), Robert Joanes (mark), Rise Lewes (mark), Nicholas Wilson (mark). (Pr. 9 June 1620.) 665 John Ellyott of Greenes Norton, co. Northton., yeom. (Dat. 2 Apr. 1620.) Moth. Ch. of Peterborough; rep. of Ch. of Norton; Ids. in Greens Norton; eld. son and hr. (und. 24); dau. Dorothy Ellyott (und. 21); sons Edw., John and Rd. (und. 21); daus. Anna, Eliz. and Mary Elly- ott (all und. 21); Overs: fath. -in-law Wm. Wilkenson, uncle George Wilkenson, and bro. Wm. Elliott. Extx: wife Agnes. \_John Ellyott] Wits: George Wilkenson, Thomas Burd, John Colson. (Pr. 7 June 1620.) 666 William Yonge of Wadehurst, co. Suss. (Dat. 5 May 1620.) Bro. -in-law Anthony Marchant, my sist., his wife, Mary Marchant, and his chn. (und. 21); bro. Jesper Longly; bro. Thos. Longly; aunt, being my fath's. sist. at Rye; uncle Anthony CoUyn; Edw. Collin; Rd. Attkin; Wm. Garnebas; Saml. A' Jeames; Mary Hilder; Exor: uncle Alexr. Collin; tent, in Tyshurste, co. Suss.; aunt Anne Collin, wife of the sd. Alexr. \_Wtlltam Yonnge] Wits: John Barham, Thomas Peckham, John Hosmer, senr. (Pr. 17 June 1620.) 222 SOAME, FOL. 57. 667 Richard Marshe of Finchley, co. Midd., yeom. (Dat. lo May 1620.) Bur, in chyd. of Finchley; dau. Alice Marshe (und. 21); dau. Eliz. Marshe (und. 21); dau. Sara Marshe (und. 21); dau. Anne Marshe (und. 21); dau. Grace Marshe (und. 21); dau. Jane Marshe (und. 21); son Rd. (und. 21); Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: bro. -in-law Thos. Marshe. [.Richard Marshe] Wits: Wi. Kingsland, scr,, Anthony Huetson {?) {mark). (Pr. 12 June 1620.) 668 Richard Pickeringe of Ludlowe, co. Salop., gent. (Dat. 20 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in high chan. of St. Lawrence's Ch., Ludlowe, nr. wh. the little organs did late stand and wh. my fellow Mr. Edw. Jones lies; Lienor Browne; Exor: Rd. Skyrme, gent.; Isabell Browne, wid., her late husb. Rd. Browne; Rd. Wilsonn. \_Richard Pickeringe\ Wits: Richard Wilson, Margarett Wilson {mark), Lienor Browne {mark), Jane Rawlinges {marJi), Jonas Pittes. (Pr. 10 June 1620.) 669 Robert Ewens {of Stepney, co. Midd.'^), Lond., mar- iner. (Dat. 19 Sept. 1619.) Son Thos. Ewens; Susan Mauby; bro. John Ewens' 2 daus.; Mrs. Farley, her 5 chn. ; bro. Roger's man, Thos. Evan.; my keeper, Joane Overton; poor of Stepney; Mr. Owyns, preacher of Kinsale; Wm. Gwillins of Kinsale; poor of Kinsale; hou. wh. I now lie sick; Exors: wife Grace and son Thos.; Overs: bros. Roger and Wm. Ewens; my part in ship "George" of Lond. \_Robert Ewens] Wits: Thomas Clarke, Robert Glover, Richard Cooke, Wil- liam Potter {mark). (Pr. 10 June 1620 by Grace Ewens, pow. res. to Thos. Ewens.) 670 Paul Goddard of St. Olave's, Southwark, co. Surr., sailor; one of the Co. of ship "The Dragon" of Lond., now bound for the E. Indies. (Dat. 19 Jan. 1617-18.) Wages due to me; Extx: wife, Jane. \_Faule Goddard] Wits: Thomas Shephard, scr., Ra. Bowers, script., Willim Huilter, scr. (Pr. 13 June, 1620.) 671 Robert Turner of Ashhurst, co. Kent, yeom. (Dat. 21 May 1620.) Bur. in Ashurst psh. chyd.; poor of Ashhurst and of Withyhame; dau. Jane (und. 12); youngest dau. Eliz. (und. 12); fath. -in-law Drew Webbe; Wm. Crondole to be * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 57. 223 appr.; sist. Armamell; eld. son John Turner (und. 12); sons Robt. and Wm.; Wm. Brookes; Exors: bro. -in-law John Mone and bro. John Turner; Overs: David Webbe; Ids. in Retherfeild co. Suss.; hous. in Ashhurst, co. Kent, wh. I now dwell; Ids. in Cowedonne, co. Kent, [.mark^ Wits: William Gouldsmyth {mark), William Humfrey. (Pr. 16 June 1620.) 672 Phillipp Maynard of Panton, co. Devon., yeom. (Dat. 23 Dec. 1619.) Poor of Painton; sist's. son Rd. Stone- man, her hou.; sist. -in-law Rose Tapley, her sist. Agnes; Martin Stone; dau. Margt. Maynerd (und. 16); son Phillipp Maynerd (und. 16); daus. Marie and Eliz. Maynerd (both und. 16); Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: Robt. Sowton and John Drewe. [.no si£:^ Wits: Robert Sowton, John Drewe, Thomas Lymbury. (Pr. 3 June 1620.) 673 Robert Greene of Worcester, glasyer. (Dat. 3 May, 18 Jas. I.) Bur. in the College chyd., nr. wife Margt.; son George Greene, his chn. Thos., Robt. (und. 24), Margt., Cath. and Jane Greene (und. 21); dau. Elynor, wife of Rd. Walter of Worcester, clothier and his dau., Elynor Walter (und. 21); George (und. 24) son of son-in-law Francys Addams; Jane, wife of son-in-law Rd. Hopkins; Exors: sd. Rd. Hopkins and Jane, his wife; poor of All Saint's; Overs: John Hill of St. Johns, Bedwardyne, co. Wore, dyer, [markl Wits: Willm. Winslow, John Hill, scr. (Pr. 7 June 1620.) 674 Thomas Martyn, cit. and aldm. of Exeter. (Dat. 10 Apr. 1620.) Poor of Exeter; mending way called Hollowaye nr. the city; finishing of the High sch., Exeter; bros. -in-law Clement Wescombe, Dr. of Phisicke, Mr. Nichs. Downe of Barnstaple; Eliz. Martyn (und 21), dau. of my cos. Leonard Martyn; my servts. Marie, Margt. and Judith and George Marwood; frd. Mr. Peter Hukeley of Lond.; cos. Mr. Thos. Martyn of Lond,; son and hr. appr. Thos,; sons Wm. and Rd.; cap. mess, and Ids. called Lyndrydge, in Bishop's Taynton, co. Devon.; tent. wh. I now dwell, in psh. of St. Petrocke, Exeter; tent, in St, Pancras; Ids, called Lower Whytewaye and Tedbury in Kingesteynton, co. Devon., in ten, of Rd. Yarde, gent.; tents, in St. Clement's Lane, psh. of St, Clement's, Lond., late in ten. of Edm, Hill, grocer and 224 SOAME, FOL. 57. Robt. Dowe, merch. tailor; signet of goldwch. was my fath's.; Ids. called Higher Whitewaye in Kingesteynton, in ten. of Rd. Yarde; gt. tent, in St. Clement's Lane, adj. the sd. tents., in ten. of Robt. Dowe; Robt. CoUett, deed., fath. of my wife; my gold signet, with arms ingraven in a stone; Extx: wife Rhoda; Overs: bros. Nichs. and John Martyn. \_Thomas Martini Wits: John Gupwill, Nicholas Martyn, John Martin, Willm. Blackall, George Marwood. (Pr. lo June 1620.) 675 Nathaniell Watkine of Whitechapel, co. Midd. , black- smith. (Dat. 17 Jan. 1617-18.) Intending a voyage beyond the seas; Exor: bro. Edw. Watkin, cit. and merch. tailor of Lond.; Wm. Haselwoode's chn., Marke, Wm., Faithe, Eliz. and J one Haselwood; Robt., Nathl. and Eliz. Watkin, chn. of bro. John Watkin; Eliz. and Alice Watkin, chn. of bro. Wm. ; John and Jane, chn. of bro. -in-law, Francis Clarke; Wm., Eliz. and Jane Webb, chn. of bro. -in-law, John Webb. \jnark\ Wits: Hen. Haselwood {tnark), Jacob Falwatre, Anne Haselwood {tnark), George Brome, scr. (Pr. 9 June 1620.) FOL. 58. 676 George "Wigearne of Wicton, psh. of the Forde, co. Heref. (Dat. 10 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Leompster; Exor: son Rd. Wigearne; my now wife Fortune; tent, in Wicton; grain in Lud Manor; bro. -in-law John Wind and my sist. Mary; bro. John Wigearne, his son, my godson, and his oth. 3 chn.; sist. Johan's 3 chn., Wm., Margt. and Phil- lipp Hallard (all und. 21); Jane Wigearne; George Wigearne; Wm. Parkes and Eliz., his wife; goddau. Johane Mercer; Thos. Pennell; Humfrey, son of Wm. Knite, wch. I brought up, to be appr. ; poor and Ch. of Leompster; my servt. Eliz. Winde; Overs: bro. Tristram Wigearne; Walter Waucklen owes by bond; Roger Hare; Rd. Caswall; Thos. Browne; Francis Stivens; Hughe J aye of Wintercott; George Bache; Wm. Vaston of Grendon; Thos. Mucklen; Mr. Vaughan's man, Meredith; Fardinando. [,mark] Wits: Tristram Wig- earne, Thomas Pearkes; Eliz. Parkes; sist. Johan's dau., Ann {Hallard)', John Caldoe, the tyler; Fortune, wife of Wm. Caswall, the yr.; bro. -in-law, Thos. Muckland; Jas. Halls of Leompster; Wits: James Halls, William Pearkes, SOAME, FOL. 58. 226 Thomas Pearkes, William Kent, Tristram Wigearne. (Pr. 26 June 1620.) 677 David Jones of Croyden, co. Surr., shoemaker. (Dat. 12 June 1619.) Chn., Henry, Ann and Marie Jones; tent, in Croyden in ten. of George Kilpatricke; Extx: wife Eliz. \_David Jones] Wits: G. Jones, Edward Arnold, John Price, Robert Halywell, Edward Wynne {mark). (Pr. 19 June 1620.) 678 Elizabeth Qou\d\ngQ{o/ Maidstone, co. Kent^). (Dat. 21 Apr. 1620.) Late wife and Extx: of John Cooper, deed.; my uncle and aunt Carkaredge; Exor: husb. Mr. Robert Gouldinge. \_no sig.] Wits: George Hills {mark), Finch Whetland. (Pr. 20 June 1620.) 679 Richard Goulde of New Shoram, co. Suss., yeom. (Dat. 16 Dec. 1618.) Bur. in New Shorham Ch.; son Rd. Goulde; Ids. in New and Old Shoreham; hou. wh. Wm. Smyth and Edw. Mercer now dwell; new tent. wh. John Parson now dwells; Longe Crofte in New Shoram; dau. Sara Goulde (und. 21); dau. Ciceley Goulde (und. 18); dau. Margery Gould (und. 18); dau. Jane Gould (und. 18); Extx: wife Johane; Overs: frds. Phillipp More, and Rd. Gravett. \_mark'\ Wits: John Sisson, William Willot; sist. Johane, wife of George Smythe of Chichester; sist. Eliz's. dau., dwelling in Chichester; aunt Joane Coleham. [tnark'\ Wit: John Sisson. (Pr. 29 June 1620.) 680 John Crowther of Bristol, merch. (Dat. 23 Feb. 1613-14.) About to travel beyond seas as factor for Co. of Merchant Adventurers, Lond., trading for the E. Indies; Exors: fath. John Crowther of Yates Court, co. Glouc, gent., and moth., Margt. Crowther. \_John Crowther^ Wits: John Griffethes, scr., William Crowther, Thomas Lharoner (/ Gharoner); Cod. dat. in Bramper, E. India, 10 June 1617; my property in E. India; Nichs. Bauggam; Thos. Sprake; John Bauggam; Nichs. Hayward. \_John Crowther'] Wits: Nicholas Bauggam, Thomas Sprake. (Pr. 22 June 1620, by John Crowther, pow. res. to Margt. Crowther.) * Pro. Act. Book. 226 SOAME, FOL. 58. 681 Keneline ^Villoughby of Lymsters, psh. Rickmers- worth, CO. Herts., esq. (Dat. 31 Oct. 1618.) Bur. in Rick- mersworth psh. Ch.; my man. of Bowsell in psh. of Sen- nocke and Cheeveninge, co. Kent, now in tens, of John Keble, Harthroppe and John Hollandby; wife Sara; grch. Thos., son of late son-in-law Thos. Willoughby, gent., deed., and of my late dau. Clemence, deed.; Keneline, John, Christr. and Henry (all und. 21), sons of my bro. Christr. Willoughby; farm called Sallmons in psh. of Peasehurste and Chidding- stone, CO. Kent, in ten. of my bro. Christr.; farm of Wat- stocke in sd. psh., in ten. of Walter Tye; cos. Mr. George Duncombe of Clifford's Inn, gent.; Clemence and Jane Willoughby (und. 21), daus. of sd. late dau. Clemence; Margt., Eliz. and Bridget (all und. 21), daus. of sd. bro. Christr., his wife and his oth. chn.; Eliz., dau. of bro. Antho- ny; dau. -in-law Christian Beresford (und. 21); son-in-law Adryan Cliterbocke, and Eliz., his wife; neighbours and frds., Mr. Christr. Potkin and Mr. Michaell Sisson; poor of Pease- hurste, Cheeveninge, Chiddingston, Sevenokes and Rickmers- worthe; Mr. Edmunds, vie. of Rickmersworth; Exors: wife Sara and George Duncombe. \_Keneline Willoughby\ Wits: John Reading, W. Leonard. Cod. (22 May 1620); frd. Nathl. Studlye of Gray's Inn, co. Midd., esq.; son-in-law Rowland Beresford and Marie his wife; John Studley; Wits: John Colte, esq., John Androwes. (Pr. 24 June 1620, by Sara Willoughby, pow. res. to George Duncombe.) 682 "William Milles of Winson, in peculiar of Bybury. (Dat. 5 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in Bibury; sist. Eliz. Mills; sist. Grace Morse; my unbo. ch.; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: John Mathewe and Rd. Francklen. {no sig.^ Wits: George Prestwood, John Houze. (Pr. 22 June 1620.) 683 George Story of Watham Cross, co. Herts., gent, and innholder. (Dat. 28 May 1620.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Cheshunt; son Wm. Story, his bros. and sists.; Extx: wife Rosamonde; Overs: frds. Mr. Thos. Southwarke, gent., and Mr. Wm. Clarke, gent. \niark\ Wits: John Joye, Willam Clarke, Robert Story. (Pr. 28 June 1620.) 684 "William Thornbacke of Watford, co. Herts., yeom. (Dat. 27 Aug. 1618.) Bur. in Watford psh. Ch.; bro. Thos. SOAME, FOL. 58. 227 Thurnbacke; 3 yr. daus. (und. 21) of my sist. Joane Hearne; poor of Laytin and of Watford; Mr. Watson, preacher; bells of Watford Ch.; poor of Busshey, of King's Langley, of St. Alban's, of St. Hollas and St. Andrew's, co. Herts.; Thos. Lee, his wife and his dau., Eliz. Lee; cos. Rd. Cooke; cos. Rd. Bunnion; Auis and Anne Lee, daus. of thesd. Thos.; bro. Mathew Bayliffe; Robt. Tounson of Layton; cos. Edw. George; my fellows dwelling wt. Sir Chas. Moryson, Kt. and Bart.; frds. Thos. Kinge and Chas. Lennord; Exors: bro. Rd. Hearne and cos. Rd. Cooke. [,mark1 Wits: Charles Leanord, Thomas Kinge. (Pr. 29 June 1620, by R. Hearne, Rd. Cooke being dead.) 685 Oliver Powell of New Sarum, co. Wilts., grocer. (Dat. 6 Nov. 1619.) Par. Ch. and poor of St. Thos. the apostle, New Sarum; my servt. Bartw. Covey; tents, in occ. of John Lloid a/s. Floide, weaver, and Edw. Tacknell of New Sarum, tailor, and my warehouse, all in Castlestreet, psh. of St. Thos., New Sarum; Elianor Huttofte, dau. of, Gabriell Huttofte, to continue dwelling wt. my wife; my dau. Eliz. Huttofte and herchn.; Extx: wife Rachell; Overs: bro.- in-law, Thos. Haviland of Lond., stationer, and frd. Nichs. Yonge of Wincaulton, co. Somst. \_Oliver Powell'^ Wits: Nicholas Yonge, Thomas Haviland, Symon Farwell, John Haviland. (Pr, 29 June 1620.) 686 Richard Moore, the eld. of St. Margaret's Clee, co. Salop. (Dat. 28 Dec. 1619.) Dau, Johane Cadwaleder; Rd. Millichoppe; dau. Fraunces Rennouldes and her 3 chn.; John Cadwaleder; tent, in Enchmore, psh. of Cardington, wh. Wm. Godinges dwells; son, Rd. Moore; tent, in Flan- bathen, wh. Meredith ap Thomas dwells; Thos. Bente; Exors: Humphrey Whome and my son Francis Moore. {mark\ son John Moore; David Bevan ap Morrice; dau. -in-law Gven Davis; John Goddinges; Rd. Harley; Rd. Moore, the yr., promises that Johane Cadwalder shall have the end of the hou. wh. she now dwells; Wits: Richard Lacon, Edward Evars, Walter Milichap, Nicholas Millichope. (Pr. 24 June 1620.) 687 John Warner, senr., of Much Malverne, co. Wore, yeom. (Dat. 19 Feb. 1619-20.) Daus. Anne Warnor, Izard 228 SOAME, FOL. 58. Warnor, Eliz. Baylieffes and Alice Downe; sist. -in-law Thomasine Warnor and her daus. Joane and Alice Warnor; Rd. Baylieffes, mydau's. son, and his sist., Margt. Baylieffes; Exors: wife Jane and son John; Overs: neighbours, Rowland Gyfford and Christr. Dipper, [no si^:^ Wits: Willyam Com- bey, Francis Lawrence. (Pr. 29 June 1620.) 688 Martin Trott of Nasinge, co. Essex, esq. (Dat. 23 June 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. John's Walbrooke, Lond., wh. I was bo. and wh. wife lies, and a pendant shall be set up wt. the coate arms of me, my late wife and my now wife, of the city, the merch. adventurers and the mercers; George Carlton; John Vavasour, gent.; son Wm. Trott; son Westerne and my dau., his wife; son Banister and my dau., his wife; dau. Norden; son, Martin Trott; my grch. Sara Cage (und. 21), bo. in hou. wh. I now dwell in Naseing; Sir George Pernitt, Kt. ; my seal ring at arms; Extx: wife Phillipp Trott; Overs: Edw. Inde, minister of Nasinge, and John J eve of Broxbourne, gent. \,Mariin Trott] Wits: John Jeve, Edward Inde, Francis Sutton. (Pr. 29 June 1620.) 689 Edmund Barfoote of HoUoway, psh. of Islington, co. Midd., tanner. (Nunc, will dat. 27 Jan. 1619-20.) My 3 sists; my bros.; my mris. Mrs. Galthrope. (Adm. gr. 24 June 1620, to Thos. Barfoot, bro. of deed., no Exor: being named.) 690 Thomas Pinder, cit. and goldsmith of {St. Mary Mag- dalene, Milk St.*), Lond. (Dat. 4 May 1616.) Bur. in sd. psh. Ch. in grave wh. bro. Nichs. Pinder lies; sist. Marie Webb, wid., her son Thos. Webb (und. 21), and her dau. Barbara Webb (und. 21); bro. -in-law Robt. Smyth, his wife, my sist. Rebecca Smythe, and their chn. Humfry, Arthure, Thos., Isaack and Barbara (all und. 21); cos. Margt. Pinder of Hull, Yorks.; Wm. Clarke of Lond., draper, and Mary, his wife; Wm. Campion of Coomwell, co. Kent., gent., and Eliz., his wife; Co. of Goldsmiths, Lond.; Co. of the Artillery Gar- den; poor chn. of Christ's Hosp., Lond.; frds. Henry Cam- pion, gent., John Ball, Henry Robinson, Rd. Parsons, John Brookehouse and John Gare of Lond., merchs.; poor of St. Mary Magdalene, Milk St., of St. Nicholas in St. Nicholas * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 58. 229 Lane, Lond.; Mr. Nathl. Martin of Lond., goldsmith, and Cisseley, his wife; Extx: sist. Marie Webb; Overs: Mr. Wm. Clearke. \_Thomas Finder] Wits: John Granther, Peter Hughes. (Pr. i6 June 1620.) FOL. 59. 691 Nathaniel "Wade, cit. and draper {of St. Mathew, Fri- day St.*), Lond. (Dat. 2 June 1620.) Extx: wife Marie; tent, called "the Beare " in psh. of St. Mathew, Friday St., Lond., part thereof wh. John Shipton, grocer, dwells, leased to my fath. -in-law Mr. John Farmer, part wch. Mr. Roger Deacon holds; bro. Timothy Wade; bro. Andrewe Wade; sist. Marie Dike and her chn.; Ids. in Market Stainton, co. Line, bot. of Thos. Conyers, gent.; Margt., dau. of Wm. Pearte; Mary, dau. of sist. Marie Dike; frd. Mr. Rd . Stocke, par. of AUhallow's, Bread St.; Mr. Wight of Daintree, minis- ter; Johane and Mary, form. Wade, but now marr., dwelling about Southfleete, co. Kent; George Alchin; Eliz. Isham; Rebecca, wife of Raphe Hayes; uncle Jonas Hill; uncle Jos- eph; frds. Thos. Salsbury, Jeffrey Elder, John Shipton, Rd. Combes and Josephe Stacye; wife of my fath. Farmer; Kath. Elder; Anne Randoll, the eld.; Margt. Drake; sist. Benson; sist. Shipton; godson Nathl. Bayley; Walter Bayley; my servts. Raphe Eve, ThoS. Longe and John Stanton; bro. Dike; Roger Drake; my wife's sists. and bros.; my sist. and bro. Palmer and my godson, their son, John Palmer; poor chn. in Christ's Hosp.; Overs: frds. Wolstone Randoll and and Nichs. Benson; bro. Nichs. Sugar, minister. \_Nathaniell Wade] Wits: Richard Stocke, Thos. Hanley, scr. Cod. (undated); frds. Rowland Herlen and Rd. Stocke to be Overs: as well as those named. \_Nathaniell Wade] Wits: Richard Stocke, Raphe Eve. (Pr. 13 June 1620.) 692 Dame Dorothie Thornehurst of Fulham, co. Midd., wid. (Dat. 5 June 1620.) Bur. in Christ Ch., Canterbury, wh. husb. Sir Stephen Thornehurst, Kt., lies; my picture in alabaster to be set up kneeling before picture of late husb.; Ids. in Rumney Marsh, co. Kent, in occ. of Sir Isaack Sydley, Kt., and Sir Rd. Smyth, Kt.; son-in-law Thos. * Pro. Act. Book. 230 SOAME, FOL. 69. Thornehurst, esq., 2d son of sd. Sir Stephen and his wife Bar- bara; my sist. Anne, wife of Rd. Shute; sist. Sybell, wife of John Bun; Gifford Thornehurst; annuities to be paid in the common dining hall of Staple Inn, Holborn, co. Midd.; neph. Francis Drewe (und. 21), his sist., my niece Lucrecia (und. 21); my gentlewoman Joane Buckenham; poor of psh. of Cath. Ch., Chichester, wh. I was bo., of Fulham, co. Midd., wh. my country dwelling hou. is, of St. Gyles without Crip- plegate, in the suburbs of Lond., wh. my other dwelling is, and of Canterbury; my servts. Jane Wharton and J as. Green- feilde: Extx: niece Martha Gunter, wid., late wife of John Gunter, esq. deed., late son and hr. app. of Sir George Gun- ter of Racton, co. Suss., Kt.; Overs: my sd. sists. Ann and Sybell. \_Dorothee Thornehurst\ Wits: John Snowdon, Jeane Buckinham, Micyle Bray, Richard Prichett, Lewis Bowen, George Whicher. (Pr. 27 June 1620.) 693 "Wm. Pickes of Readdrife, co. Surr., shipwright. (Dat. 23 Feb. 1618-19.) My hous. at Limehouse, co. Surr., wh. Robt. Hovlett and Thos. Coper dwell; dau. Eliz. Tomp- son and her husb.; kinsm. Henry Godard and his wife, his sist. J one Cooke and their chn.; my book of Martyrs, best Bible, all Calvin's works and Mr. Parkyns upon Mathew; sist. Alice Godard and her husb.; godson John Godard; cos. Robt. Cooke and his wife Jone; godsons Caleb Cooke and Josuah Beckett, and his moth., my cos. Beckett; cos. Goodin; cos. Thos. Pickes; lease of my hou. I now dwell in; Eliz. and Josane Tompson, chn. of my son Tompson; sist. Saell, my wife's sist.; my cos. Bostocke; goddau. Marie Bostocke; cos. Saml. Seall; cos. Rd. Gaton's dau., my goddau.; cos. Eliz. Pickes of Ipswich; frd. Mr. Gattegar, preacher; Extx: wife Thom- asine; Overs: son. -in-law Thos. Tompsonne. \_Willam Pickes] {^no wtts.^ (Pr. 20 June 1620.) 694 Roger Hoode of St. Stephens, next Salteashe, co. Cornw., blacksmith. (Dat. 18 Dec. 1618.) My wife's son Wm. Gaiche (und. 21); the North Parke and meadow in Lockyeate; 4 of John Dodge's chn. (und. 18); godson Roger Dodge (und. 18); Nich. Derricke's 2 chn. (und. 21), wch. he had by my dau.; my dau. Dorothy; the Bridge grd.; dau. Joan Dodge; Id. in Salteashe has N. side the Ids. of Wm. SOAME, FOL. 59. 231 Bond of Earthe, esq., W. Id. of hrs. of Flammacke, E. Ids. of Peter Wills, gent., deed., S. the King's highway; Extx: wife Joan; Overs: Mr. Robt. Roues of Watton and Thos. Hodge of Tallend. \_no si£r.'] Wits: Robert Rous, Willyam Gaich, John Batten. (Adm. gr. 15 June 1620, to Dorothie Jefferie als. Hood, dau. of deed., Joane Hoode, rel. and Extx: being dead.) 695 Thomas Ewstice of St. Budox, co. Devon., yeom. (Dat. 19 Nov. 1619.) Poor of St. Budox, of St. Germans and of Egbuckland; dau. Mary Ewstice; son George Ewstice; dau. Eliz. Ewstice; son Wm.; dau. Agnes Ewstice; son John; dau. Argent Ewstice; dau. Joan, wife of Thos. Grossman; son Mathewe; tent, in Egbuckland, now in my occ. ; my 2d son Thos.; tents, in St. Budox, sometime the inheritance of John Dyer, gent., late bot. by me and in my own occ, known as the Tythinge house; Ids. called Dadwill, Slade Pk., Furse Pk., More Pk., Blindwill Pk., Binghaie's Pk., Barn Pk., Clenewill Pk., New Pk., South Downe, Reedland-end, Warwicke's East Down, all in St. Budoxe; eld. son Jas.; grch. Thos. Grossman; Marie, dau. of John Battyn; Susan, wife of Thos. James; my servt. George Jessoppe; Peter Piper; my sometime servt. Alee Kingson; Johan Downe of Plymouth; John Curber, son of George Curber, deed.; Anne Curber of Plymouth, hou. wh. she dwells; Extx: wife Wilmott Ewstice; Overs: bro. Stephen Ewstis, Phil. Battin, John Gaie and Thos. Bowhay. \_no sig-J^ Wits: Stephen Ewstice, Phillip Battyn {inark), John Gaye, Thomas Bowhay. (Pr. 17 June 1620.) 696 George Yeveley of Glossopp, co. Derb., elk. (Dat. 29 Sept. 1616.) Wife Grace; sons Anthony, George and John Yeveley; daus., Dorothy, wife of Wm. Ratcliffe, and Anne, wife of Roger Tymperley; my grchn.; tent, in Mellor, called Longhurst Lane, bot. by me in my cos. Thos. Yeveley's name; Id. in Torden; Mr. Robt. Cryer; gr. the adv. of vie. of Glossopp by Gilbert, late Earl of Shrewsbury; Exor: son Anthony. \_George Yeveley] Wits: John Morhouse, John Boore, William Boore. (Pr. 30 June 1620.) 697 Robert Flower of Christ Church, city of Bristol, shoemaker. (Dat. 15 Nov. 1619.) Our new par. of Christ Ch., Mr. Shaw; my shop and hou.; wife Anne; dau. Anne; 232 SOAME, FOL. 59. a chest wh. was old Egglestone's; tents, in Bristol and Whit- hall; bro. -in-law Wm. Lissett's 3 chn.; bro. -in-law Robt. Pirrye, and his dau.; George Hartwell; sist. Joane Bulle's chn.; COS. Anne Jordane;^Joane, dau. of Rd. Boxwell; John Blunte; Co. of Shoemakers of city of Bristol; my fellow sol- diers of Capt. Challenor's Co.; Exor: son Henry Flower; Overs: frds. Mr. Henry Yate and Mr. Wm. Lissett, my bro.- in-law. \.Robert Flower^ Bro. Henry Flower; Wits: Tobyas Patche, John Hearne. (Pr. 14 June 1620.) 698 Isabel! Bodrib of Lotisham, psh. of Dicheat, co. Somst., wid. (Dat. 9 May 1618.) Cath. of Wells; poor and Ch. of Dicheat; poor of Lotisham; son Ralfe Bodrib; goods now at his hou., his sons Jas. and Ralfe, and his daus. Isabell, Jane, Margery, Dorothy and Rachell; my sons Thos. and Stephen Brodrib, the latter at the wars; my daus. Margerie Walter, Alice and Marie; Marie Walter, dau. of my dau. Margery; Exor: son Robt. Brodrib; Overs: Nichs. Bucke and Wm. Brise. \jnark\ Wits: Thomas Teleer, Henry Teleer. (Pr. 23 June 1620.) 699 Sara Middleton {_of St. Augustine's^^, Lond., spin- ster. (Dat. 23 May 1620.) Bur. in psh. of St. Augustine's, Lond., wh. I now live; bro. -in-law John Cowland of Eltham, CO. Kent., husbm., my sist. Anne, his wife; bro. Wm. Mid- dleton; bro. Jas. Middleton; Rd. Kemer, servt. to the Prince; David Jones, tailor, wh. I now live, his wife Anne, and his daus. Rebecca and Margt., his servt. Anne; Mrs. Kath. Ful- ler of Tandridge, co. Surr. ; the wife of John Harlinge of Tandridge, labourer; Exors: Bastock Fuller of Tandridge, and the sd. John Cowland; Overs: David Jones. \_Sara Mid- dleton] Wits: Thos. Dannell, John Sharpe, scr. (Pr. 10 June 1620, by John Cowland, pow. res. to Bastock Fuller.) 700 John Malby of Blandford Forum, co. Dorset. (Dat. 27 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Blandford Forum; son Rd. (und. 21); my 3 daus., Jane, Eliz. and Mary (all und. 18); Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: frds. and neighbours, Mr. George Harlyn of Blandford, and Wm. Carter of same. \_mark\ Wits: George Harlyn, William Carter, Robert Durnford, Richard Everard. (Pr. 10 June 1620.) * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 59. 233 701 Otho Southcott of Exon., esq. (Dat. 9 Apr. 1620.) Extx: wife Kath. \_Otho Southcott] Wits: Willyam Strode, John Roddon, Richard Kooc. (Pr. 19 June 1620.) 702 Margaret Pratten of Gloucester, spr. (Dat. 9 Mar. 1619-20.) Exor: uncle Thos. Ingram, who does now keep me; my grfath., John Hedland, deed. \_mark\ Wits: John Holland, Richard Addys {mark). (Pr. 29 June 1620.) FOL. 60. 703 Hercules Holworthie of Keddesbury, co. Somst., esq. (Dat. i May 1619.) Bur. in chan. of psh. Ch. of Bridgwater, wh. uncle Robt. Holworthie lies, whose hr. and Exor: I am; Cath. of Wells; poor of Bridgwater, of Wemb- don and of Chilton; daus. Marye, Dorothie and Eliz. Hol- worthie (all und. 21); hou. in Bridgwater having on the W. the vie. Ids., on the E. Ids. of the hrs. of the Siddenham's and now in my poss.; Id. called Morley's Meade in Keddesbury, held of Christr. Salmon of Bridgwater and Thos. Warr, esq., deed.; Exor: son Wm. Holworthie (und. 21); dwelling hou. in Bridgwater in occ. of Mary Halcombe, wid., wch. I have as Exor: to my sd. uncle Robt., late of Bridgwater, deed., who had it of Wm. Penbrooke of Stogersey, son and hr. of Jeffery Penbrooke, tanner, deed.; lease of an old hou. in the northwest side of Backelane, over against hou. of Noah Ran- dall in Bridgwater, surr. by Wm. Spencer, deed., being parcel of the Ids. of the Tredinnickes and inheritance of Andrewe Henley of Taunton, gent.; Id. called St. George's grds. and Jewes Church yard, adj. to Keddesburie grds., being inher- itance of Wm. Gobell of Bridgwater, gent., late in ten. of Edw. Watkyns, gent.; Emanuel Lucar; grd. inheritance of Sir Nichs. Halswell, Kt., held of Wm. Doughwaight, John Came and Wm. Sealy, marser; indr. made betw. me and Rd. Parsons, Joan, his wife, and John Rant of Lond.; hou. nr. the W. gate of Bridgwater, having on the W. the Ids. of John Watkinges, deed., and on the E. the broadway leading to Wemdon; close called Keddesbury in psh. of Wemdon; Admrs: my wife Dorothy, bro. -in-law Wm. Frauncis of Cramborne, co. Dorset., esq., cos. Edw. Walker of Stowye, CO. Somst., gent., cos. Rd. Holworthie of Bristol, merch., and 234 SOAME, POL. 60. COS. George Hurd; Overs: John Pyme of Brinmore, co. Somst., esq., and frd. Thos. Saunderson of Lincoln's Inn, Lond., esq. \_Hercules Holworthie\ Wits: Amyce Harnye, Willm Sealy, Robert Rogers {mark). Pub. i July 1619, in presence of William Frauncis, Anto. Earbery, John Podye, Ed. Walker, Nicholas Holworthie, John Hill, George Hurd. (Adm. gr. 19 June 1620, to Dorothy Holworthie, rel. of deed., and Wm. Frauncis, esq., and Edw. Walker, dur. min. of Wm. Holworthie.) 704 'RogQvWenston{o/Malboroug-he, CO. BevonJ^) (Dat. I Mar. 1618-19.) Bur. in Melbram chyd.; son Roger; son {Robt. f); dau. Alice Venston; son John (und. 21); son Thos. (und. 21); Extx: wife Anastacie. \jnark\ Wits: Robert Rage(;), Alice Pearrot {jnark). (Pr. 17 June 1620.) 705 David Moris DD. ap Rees of Aberhaueshe, co. Monm. {Montgomery. '^) (Dat. 11 Jan., 17 Jas. I.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Aberhaueshe; Exors: wife Mary and son Thos.; my hou. in Aberhaueshe; hou. in Coyd Wicke; lease called Pen and Glanne; dau. Margt.; John ap Edwarde of Graig, psh. of Kerry; John ap Edward of Churstocke; son Oliver; Howell ap Richard of Churstocke; John ap Mathewe of Diffrinlanvair, psh. of Newtowne, deed.; Wm. Moris of Aberhaueshe; Thomas ap Owen; Brounton; Kath. vz. Rich- ard; Edw. Moris of Llanvuoke; Rd. Moris of Aberhaueshe; Frauncis and Rd. Gittoes; Rees ap Arthur, husb. of dau. Mary; Henrye Hobdaye; Margt. vz. Howell, wid.; John Deyse of Aberhaueshe; David Jones of Triginon; Rd. Moris; David Blajmey, esq.; Thos. Moris ap Humfrey; David James; Thos. Meredith; Jeaun ap Reesap Lewis; Rees DD. Meredith; Rees David ap Moris; bro. Thos. Moris; bro. Rd. Moris; sist. Margt. Moris; bro. Nichs. Moris; Jeaun ap Howell of Laulochayrne; rep. bridge of Ryd Lyddan; neph. Thos. Price; Rd. Arenway, gent.; goddau. Mary, dau. of Thos. DD. Mere- dith; Overs: David Griffith of Maynston, co. Mont., gent, and John ap Edward of Churstocke, in sd. co., gent.; David Whittingham of Aberhaueshe. \_mark\ Wits: David Whitting- ham, Raynold ap Ritherh, Thomas ap Rees ap Howell, Ellen vz. Jeaun, wife of John Thomas Hughe. (Pr. 23 June 1620.) • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 60. 235 706 Elinor Deacon of Kingston, co. Somst. wid. (Dat. i6 Feb. 1619-20.) Son Lawrence; hou. late Wm. Deacon's, deed.; sons John and Bauldwin; dau. Joane (und. 14); husb. John Deacon, deed.; my moth, and sist.; godson John Mus- grave; goddaus. Eliz. Browne, Jane Welshman and Margery Knight; Overs: fath. -in-law Phillippe Broome, bros. Lau- rence and Thos. Musgrave; Exor: son Bauldwin. Imark] Wits: Thomas Cornyshe (mark), Phillippe Brome, George Cornishe, Laurence Musgrave. Cod. (5 Apr. 1620.) Chn. of Christr. Cade; my moth. -in-law Pascew Fenner; sist. -in-law Elinor Deacon; Kath. Nation; sist. Agnes Browne; Wits: Phillippe Brome, Laurence Musgrave. (Adm. gr. 15 June 1620, to Laurence Musgrave, dur. min. of Baldwin Deacon.) 707 John Bidle of Napton super montem, co. Warw. (Nunc, will dat. Monday, i May 1620.) My 3 chn.; wife Eliz.; Wm. Clarke of Daintrye; Robt. Lucas of Shugborowe; Rd. Wrighte; Rd. Shepheard; J as. Greene; Thos. Gregory; Roger Mercer; Thos. Tomkins; Roger Webster; Wits: John Bidle, Robert Lucas, Grace Deacons, wife of Wm. Decons, Mary Greene, Agnes Biddle. (Adm. gr. 13 June 1620 to Eliz. Bidle, rel. of deed., no Exor: being named.) 708 Edward Mitton of Shipton, co. Salop., gent. (Dat. 24 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chan. of Shipton psh. Ch., nr. uncle, John Latwich; son, Edw.; Joane Glassard, dau. of Wm. Glassard; my hou. at Timber, in psh. of St. Peter's, Bedwar- dine; sist. Mary Haselwood; my servt., Mary Edwards; Exor: son Harry; Overs: my frds. Adam Chapman of Stan- way and Wm. Browne of Long Stanton. Ino jz^.] Wits: Ad. Chapman, William Browne, Richard Dixon, Thomas Black- way. (Pr. 30 June 1620.) 709 John Blake of Halse, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 10 Apr. 1620.) Dau. Anne (und. 21); lease of grd. in Weindon; dau. Edith (und. 21); grd. called Oxen lease, in Halse; my hou. at Halse; wife Kath.; my moth. -in-law; Extx: dau. Anas- tice (und. 21); Overs: bro. Robt. Blake, Wm. Buncombe, and Phil. Morse. Ino sig-.l Wits: William Cade, Richard Cade, Anthony Cade, William Buncombe. (Adm. gr. 12 June 1620, to Robt. Blake, Wm. Buncombe and Phil. Morse, dur. min. of Anastice Blake. ) 286 SOAME, FOL. 60. 710 Robert Wale of Whitnash, co. Warw., gent.- (Dat. 15 Nov. i6i8.) Bur. in Whitnash Ch., nr. late wife; dau. Kath., wife of John Everton of Whitnash; Ids. called Home close, May yarde and Wilcox yarde in Whitnash, in ten. of Wm. Newye; Id. called Gouldsmithe's Id. in Whitnash, in ten. of sd. John Everton, his sons Job, John, Clement and Jas. Everton; my dau. Eliz., late wife of John Olney, gent., deed., and now wife of Edw. Knightlye, gent.; Job Medeley, gent., 2d son of Clement Medeley, esq., deed.; Bennett Mede- ley, gent., 3d son of sd. Clement; Frauncis and Eliz. Ever- ton, daus. of sd. John; my man. hou. in Whitnash; Ids. called the Grove, Katherine Close, Milldam close and Fosse closes in Whitnash; tents, in occ. of my old servt. Mathewe Pirry and Wm. Cleavor; cottage built by me for use of poor men; Robt. Olney, eld son of sd. dau. Eliz.; Id. in occ. of Humfrey Crutche; Clement Olney, son of sd. dau. Eliz.; Clement Medeley, gent., eld. son of sd. Clement; Thos. and Bartholo- mewe Medeley, 4th and 5th sons of sd. Clement; Ids. in Whit- nash, in ten. of George Laurence, John Prenningham and Joane Comby, wid.; Frauncis, Sarah and Eliz. Olney, daus. of dau. Eliz.; cottage lately built for Wm. Blunt and Edw. Poultney, wt. land extending to pool in Crutches yard and to Wm. Boddington's grd.; Ids. called Lamplands by a close called Netherdoge lane and a close of Thos. Boddington called Lampepeece lying in the Far feild at end of Rudge way next lane of Edw. Freeman, given by Wm. Clarke of Whitnashe to Bennet Medeley to find a lamp in Whitnash Ch., wch. has now been taken away; cos. Joane and her husb. Wm. Newye; nephs. Thos. Fuller, Bennet Bush of Saffron Walden, co. Essex, and Roger Fuller of Lond., merch. tailor; dau. Ever- ton's 5 eld. chn.; cos. Edw. Murcott of Bishop's Tachbrooke, and his wife; Jane Commander; Kath. Colton; Edw. Colton and his wife; Joan Combye, wid.; Edw. Poultney and Wm. Blunt and their wives; Exor: grch. Robt. Olney (und. 21); Overs: his uncles John Eyres and John Everton. \_Robte Wale] Wits: Cle. Throckmorton, Nicholas Greenhill, John Eyres. (Adm. gr. 12 June 1620, to John Eyres and John Everton, dur. min. of Robt. Olney.) SOAME, FOL. 60. 237 711 Henry Sacheverell of Morley, co. Derb., esq. (Dat. 19 Sept. i6i6.) Cap. mess, called Oulde Heaye or Lauder- sheaye in Ratby, co. Leic, hot. by me in name of John Kayes of Smalley, co. Derb., gent., of Henry Cave, late of Ingersbye, co. Leic, esq., of Eliz., his wife, and Euseby Cave, their 2d son; Fardinand Valence and Francis Sachev- erell, my reputed chn., their moth. Eliz. Kayes; cottages in Wigston, CO. Leic, in occ of wids. Orme and Langton; Ids. in Hampleton, co. Leic, and Hopwell, co. Derb., in Draycott, co. Derb., late in occ. of Nichs. Dickinges and his son, and now of Bartw. Conier; man. called New Hall in Sutton Colefeilde, CO. Warw. ; Id. bot. of Thos. Gibbons in names of me and Nichs. Smyth; tent, called Cuningrie hou. in sd. psh. of Sut- ton Colefield, late in ten. of Thos. Fulforde and Mary, his wife; deed dat. 26 Oct., 10 Jas. I, concerning Cuningrie hou.; indr. dat. 25 Apr., 12 Jas. I, concerning my man. of Callow als. Cauley, co. Derb., and a sheepwalk on Brassington moore, co. Derb.; Eliz. Kayes, moth, of my son Valence (und. 14), who is Exor: of his property; indr. dat. 24 Dec, 8 Jas. I, assuring my Ids. of Morley, Smalley and Kidesley unto my son Jasineb Sacheverell; ind. dat. 23 Mar., 11 Jas. I, assuring my Ids. in Kilborne, Horsley and Horsley Woodhouse and Chaddesden, CO. Derb,, to Jonathas Sacheverell, my son; Victorin Sachev- erell, bound appr. ; dau. Abigail Packington and her husb.; poor of Morley; Edw. Squier of Barlston, elk.; wife Jane, dau. of Sir Humfrey Bradburne, Kt.; Gabriell Armstronge, esq.; Thos. Cell, esq.; John Tagge; Rd. Peate; imprisoned in the Fleet by my wife Jane to extort her dowry; wood in Morley Heayes; Exors: Bassell Feildinge of Newnam, co. Warw., esq., and Gowen Gravener of Sutton Colefeild, esq. \_H: Sacheueli\ Wits: George Pudsey, Edward Willughbye, Gawen Grosvenor, Roger Elliott, Robert Pudsey, Edwarde Vesey, Eustace Cradocke, John Haugton, Thomas Barlowe, Edwarde Osborne {mark), Edward Squier, script. Cod. nunc. (dat. at Newhall, co. Warw., 12 June 1620). Mr. Robt. Arden of Parkhall, co. Warw., esq., to be Exor: in place of Gowen Gravenor. (Pr. 24 June 1620 by Robt. Arden, general Exor:, pow. res. to Basil Feildinge, general Exor: and Valence Sach- everell, special Exor:, Pr. 3 July 1620, by Basil Feildinge, pow. res. to Valence Sacheverell.) 238 SOAME, FOL. 61. FOL. 61. 712 Humfry ^Vilson of Southwald, co. Suff., tailor. (Undated.) John Smith; Rd. Jenkin; Extx: wife Eliz.; son George; Hall's chn.; Robt. Hill's wife; Mr. Dicer; Wm. Draper. [,no si'^.l Wits: Adam Wilcone, John Sparke, Rich- ard Jenkyns, Richard Paine, Elizabeth Wilson. (Pr. 28 June 1620.) 713 Gilbert Davyes of Christowe, co. Devon., esq. (Dat. 21 Dec. 1617.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Christowe; my uncles and frds. John Northcott, esq., John Merefeild, esq., Emanu- ell Davye, gent., and Wm. Northcott, gent.; Ids. in Cornwall and in Chidley, Poughilland Mooreton Hampsted, co. Devon., in Christowe and in city of Exon; my moth.; Id. called the Justment; uncle Emanuell Davyes, his wife and my godson, his son Gilberte; my sheafe of St. Enedor, Cornw.; bro. John Davyes; bro. Robt. Davyes, his wife and ch.; bros. Saml., Emanuell, Edmunde and Joseph Davyes; sists. Marie Davyes, Kath. Davies, Eliz. and Anne Davyes; my servts. John Moore, Phillippe Northcott, Wm. Cornish, the yr.; my fath's. hynde Hore; Crosse; Extx: wife Gartrude; Mr. Miller, vie. of Christowe; sheafe of Christowe; fath. Robt. Davies, deed.; barton of Tresilian, co. Cornw., held by Mr. Wm. Smyth, my tent.; one Richard; my dau. Anne. [^Gilbert Davies] {no wits?) (Pr. i6 June 1620.) 714 Henry Rives of Barton Stacye (rsh. of Penkridge, co. Staff.']. (Dat. 7 May, 18 Jas. I.) Bur. in chyd. of Penchriche; dau. Frauncis Machine (und. 17); eld. dau. Margt.; my now wife Isabell; son Humfrey; Exors: my wife and Willm. Jobbe of Acton, [mark] Wits: John Aspley, Humfrey Valle {.marks). (Pr. 21 July 1620.) 834 Richard Slanye of the Hem, co. Salop., gent. (Dat. 6 May 1620.) Bur. nr. wife; poor of Linley, Willey and Barrowe; old Newton, an ancient servt. of fath. and my- self; dau. Mary and her husb.; son Moyses Slanye (und. 21); son Edwd. already hath had a portion; son John Slanye, merch.; son Stephen Slanye of Worster, clothier; bros. Mr. John Slanye and Mr. Humfrey Slanye, the latter's wife, Johane; sist. and bro. Allen; sist. and bro. Eaton; son Richd. Slanye of Lond., merch.; lease of hou., the Hem; Exor: son Richd.; Overs: sd. bros. [Rich: Slanye] Wits: William Whitmore, William Llaware, Edward Harwell, James Starr. (Pr. 20 July 1620.) 835 Giles W^arren. Def. sen. annulling the pr. of will of Giles Warren, late of Walworth, psh. of Newington, Surr., in a litigation betw. Jane Crayford als. Warren, dau. of John Warren, deed., bro. of sd. Giles, and John Powle, Exor: named in sd. will, and adm. gr. to sd. Jane as next of kin, 11 July 1620. 836 Clare Wrottesley {of Wrottesley, co. Staff.*). (Dat. 13 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. wh. it shall please Mr. Wrottesley; his dau. Penelope, and "the other eight;" Lady Devereux; Dorothie Wrottesley; a poor man or woman to keep the tomb at Keele for ever; cos. Sampson Colcloughe and Elea- nor Smethurst; Rd. Turner; Mary Smythe; Thos. Glasse Elizth. Bucknall; Mawdel3^n Harison; Jane Barnesley; Phil ipp Collettes; Geo. Aspley; Johane Hyley; Elizth. Barker Willm. Sheppard; Rowley; John Stanley, (a silver bowl wt her arms, sic.,); bro. Smethwicke; sist. Cottes; sist. Smeth wicke; sist. Schrimshawe; Mary Wrottesley; sist. Welche Susanna Wrottesley; bro. Cottes; cos. Mary Schrimshawe fath. -in-law Wrottesley; Lady Stanhop; bro. Minors; cos. Brooke; cos. Mary Oldfeild; Exors: husb. Sir Hughe and * In def. sen. 278 SOAME, FOL. 70. bro. Cottes. \_Clare Wrottesly] Wits: John Smythe, James Barnesley, Thomas Bucknell. (Pr. and approved by def. sen., II July 1620, the contesting party being Mary Coates, sist. of deed.) 837 Silvester Melton of Milverton {co. Somsi.). (undated) Exors: bro. Richd. and sist. Eleanor; Willm. Powell; god- son Jas. Melton to be brot. up as a scholar; my sist's. chn. \_no sig.^ {no wits.^ (Pr. 7 July 1620 by Richd. and Eleanor Melton, Exors:.) 838 Ewen Lake ^decd. in parts abroad*). (Dat. 11 Aug. 1617.) Willm. Colston, purser; Benjn. Parsons; Theophilus Basley; Abraham Steward; John Punchard; Elias Kickwood; bro. Thos. Lake; wages due to me fr. the Hon. Co.; Overs: Willm. Colston and Theophilus Basley. {_no st£^.'\ Wits: Beniamyn Persons, John Japan {mark). (Adm. gr. 20 July 1620 to Thos. Lake abovesd.) 839 Edward Hixon of Uffington, co. Line, carpenter. (Dat. 8 July 1620.) Bur. in N. aisle, Uffington; Lincoln Cath. and Chs. of Uffington, Barholme and Tallington; Robt. Addington of Langtofte, his chn. (und. 21); sist's. dau., Elizth. Cosen of Willesthorppe, her now husb., and her chn. (und. 21); servt. Margy. Smythe; Edwd. Dalbye, son of Humfrey Dalbey, deed.; 2 godchn., chn. of Johane Wortley, now wife of Nichs. Wartley and the rest of her chn.; the 2 chn. of Richd. Clapton, my godchn. and the rest of his chn. ; godchn. Jeffery Pullen and Edwd. Batson; servt. Simon Nunrye; poor of Uffington and ToUington; Mr. Newton, par. of Gretford; Michl. Wright of Uffington, carpenter; Exors: bro. Jeffrey Pullen of Tallington, yeom., and my cos. Richd. Claye, yeom.; Overs: John Wright of Tallington. \_Ed'ward Hixon\ Wits: Thomas Styles of Stamford, Simon Nunrye and Mar- gery Smythe {marks), (Pr. 18 July 1620.) 840 Richard "Walsted of Mid. Temple, Lond., esq., son and hr. appr. of Thos. Walsted of Walsted Delves in Wed- nesbury, co. Staff., gent. (Dat. 18 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chan. of Wednesbury, nr. grfath. Thos. Walsted, above Mr. Thos. Parkes, with a tombstone, and my fath., bro. * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 70. 279 and myself pictured thereon; mess., etc., in cos. Staff, or Wore, belonging to me or to my chn.; son John and dau. Mary Walsted (und. 21); oth. ch. to be bo.; bro. Frauncis Walsted; my wife; aunt Phippes; Exor: my fath.; Overs: uncles Pershouse, Perratt and Phippes, bro. Fras., Margy. Groves and Simon Rider. \_Richard Walsted] Wits: Eliza Reeves {mark), John Reves; Note by Exor: that will was confirmed by Testr: on his "deare" {death ?) bed, in presence of Exor's: bro., Nichs. Tudman and John Reves. (Pr. 8 July 1620.) 841 Edmund Palmer of Lambeth, Surr. (Nunc, will 25 May no year.) Bro. Richd. Palmer; testr's. wife to have no part; Wits: not named. (Adm. gr. 10 July 1620 to sd. Richd. Palmer.) 842 James Isaacke of Felmersham, Beds. (Dat. 22 June 1620.) Bur. in Felmersham chan.; dau. Elizth. Hooke and her chn.; dau. Sara Crumpton; tent, at Dayntrie; dau. Susan Traughton; dau. Mary Neuile; lease of Felmersham pars.; dau. Anne Chapman and her husb.; grch. Susan Crumpton (und. 21); grch. Mary Ardis (und. 21, and unm.); poor chn. of Felmersham and Rodwell; Exor: son-in-law Richd. Crumpton, merch. tailor. \_James Isaack] Wits: William Maddoxe {mark), Nicholas Craven, Roberto Butler, Henry Watkinson. (Pr. 4 July 1620.) 843 John Reeve, D. D., vie. of Gt. Bookeham, Surr. (Dat. 22 May 1620.) Son Jehoushua (und. 24); mess, in W. part of Bookeham street, called Crouche Hawe; daus. Margt., Agnes and Grace; wife Elizth.; son Christr. ; my gold signet; Overs: Willm. Williams, par. of Alford, Mr. John Harris of the Inner Temple, esq., and his wife, and Mr. Roger Cole, gent.; poor of Bookham and Stoke; Extxs: wife Elizth., daus. Margt. and Agnes. \.Jo: Reeve] Wits: Thomas Freere, Ambrose Freere. (Pr. 8 July 1620.) 844 Richard Kettle of Crayford als. Yarde, co. Kent, yeom. (Dat. 12 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in Crayford chyd.; poor of Crayford; sist. Elizth.; Bridget Kettle, dau. of my Exor:, John Kettle (und. 21); Exor: neph. John Kettle; Overs: Thos. Burton and Thos. Dalton of Crayford, yeomen; neph. Richd. Fletcher of Crayford, yeom.; tent, called Shorehams in Crayford; neph. 260 SOAME, FOL. 70. Richard, son of bro. John Kettle; mess. wh. I now dwell called Tytchinges; Elizth., wife of Thos. Burton, my Overs:; Id. called Millpostes, etc., in Crayford; John Kettle, son of my Exor:; mess, called Wolhouse in Crayford, late bot. of Sir Thos. Lowe, Kt., and aid. of Lond.; Ids. bot. of Hen. Dra- per, gent.; mess. bot. of Scudder, late in occ. of Willm. Gascoigne; Ids. late bot. of Sir Fras. Gouldsmithe and Jona. Brett, all in Crayford; Id. bot. of Richd. Androes in North- end, Crayford. V^fny hand 6^ seaP''\ Wits: Thomas San- tacilia, Thomas Dalton, Richard Stubborne, William Hall, Thomas Stevenson and Robert Hamman {marks). (Pr. lo July 1620.) FOL. 71. 845 Dorothie Paynter of Gillingham, co. Kent, wid. (Dat. 3 July 1617.) Nieces Frances Bagnall, dau. of my late dau., Dorothie Bagnall, and Thomasine Horneby, dau. of my late dau., Eleanor Paynter als. Horneby, towards their marr. ; dau. Johane Orwell; grch. Willm. Paynter; dau. Anne Payn- ter; Joyce and Martha Camp, 2 daus. of my deed, dau., Kath. Campe als. Paynter, Grace Campe, anoth. dau., and the sons of sd. Kath.; Willm. Orwell, son of my sd. dau. Johane; Wm. Bagnall, bro. of Frances Bagnall; poor of Gillingham; cos. Dorothie Bode ^/x. Geeres and her 3 chn.; cos. Willm. Rydge of the Tower Wharf, nr. Lond., and Anne Ridge, his moth.; my servt. Edwd. Sweatman; if I die in Lond., to be bur. nr. late husb., Mr. William Paynter, elk. of the gt. ordinance of the Tower of Lond.; Exor: frd. John Fynche of Groverst, in Milton Regis, Kent, gent.; Overs: my grch. Willm. Paynter and John Reynold of Lond., gent. \_mark\ Wits: Mary Reynoldes, William Thomas, Baptist Tusten, scr. (Adm. gr. 7 July 1620 to Willm. Paynter, neph. of the deed., the Exor: ren.) 846 Sir Justinian Lewyn, Kt., {of Otterden, co. Kent^). (Dat. 8 July 1620.) Dau. Elizth; Extx: wife Elizth., her ch. Cund. 21); poor of Otterden; sist. Washington; sists. Padgett and Isam; goddau. Elizth. Huytt, [rnark] Wits: John Andrewes, presbiter, Edward Capell, Humfrey Capell, Miles Corbett, R. Huyt. (Pr. 11 July 1620.) • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 71. 281 847 Roger Ewen late of Lond., mariner, {in Ireland deed.*). (Dat. lo June .) Neph. Thos., son of Robt. Ewen, deed.; Grace Ewen, late wife of sd. bro. Robt. Ewen; bro. John Ewen, his wife and 2 daus; sist. Manbye's dau. ; cos. Henry Davys; cos. Davies' wife; frd. Josias Farley and Anne his wife, their son, my godson, Anthy. Farley, their 5 oth. chn., Joseph, Roger, Margt., Averye and Elizth. Farley; Christian, a wid. woman, servt. to sd. Josias; fath. Cowle, Anthy. Teape and Mary, also his servts.; Priscilla Dyllon; poor of Kinsale; Richd. Owen, vie. of Kinsale; Grace Smythe, wid.; John Pulham; John Buckford, merch.; Exor: bro. Willm. Ewen; Overs: fds. Thos. Burton, Josias Farley and John Buckford. {.John Pelham "by consent and direction from mouth of Roger Ewen."] {.no oth. wits.) (Pr. 17 July 1620.) 848 Henry Bandfeild of Bradford, Somst., yeom. (Dat. 13 Mar. 1619-20.) Poor of Hill Bishopps and Bradford; bro. Lewis Bandfeild and his son Mark; Lewis and Deanis, son and dau. of sd. Mark (und. 21); Marrian, dau. of sd. bro.; Thomasine, wife of Christr. Morley; Johane, wife of Robt. Welshman; Richd., son of sd. Robt. (und. 21); Christian, dau. of sd. Robt., (und. 21); Elizth. Bandfeild; godson Henry Knighte; Christr. Brownesford; Humfrey Fringe; Johane, Philipp, Richard, Willm., Robt. and Mary, chn. of John HurtnoU (und. 21); Exor: Edwd. Bandfeild; Overs: Christr. Morle and Christr. Brownsford. {mark] Wits: Christofer Brownsford, Johanne Marshfeild. script. (Pr. 7 July 1620.) 849 John Culverwell the eld., of St. Deacoman's, co. Somst., fuller. (Dat. 14 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of W. Quantockshead; poor of that psh.; wife Elizth.; mess., etc., in St. Deacoman's; money due fr. Christian Dovell, senr., of Rodehuishe in Carhampton, co. Somst.; sist. Mary Stronge, her chn.; Mary Culverwell, dau. of bro. William deed.; Mary Culverwell, Margt. and Richd., chn. of bro. Richd.; bro. Thos. Culverwell's chn.; bro. Clement Culver- well's chn.; Johane and Elizth. Westcott, daus. of Richd. Westcott, and the rest of his chn.; chn. of sist. Agnes Franck- linge als. Hutchings; Michl. and John Culverwell, chn. of ♦ Pro. Act. Book. 282 SOAME, FOL. 71. Peter Culverwell; John, son of bro. Richd. Culverwell; lease of Philixmore; bro. -in-law Lambert Hemborowe; Exor: bro. John Culverwell; Overs: bro. Thos. Culverwell and bro. -in- law Richd. Hemborowe. [«^). (Pr. 6 Sept. 1620.) 1013 "William Kinge of Grauntham, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 28 Oct. 161 1.) Sist. Ursula, wife of John Bodenham of Woollfurlowe, co. Heref., and his son, Rd. Bodenham; sist. Cath., wife of Thos. Hyneley of Gt. Wytley, co. Wore; 338 SOAME, FOL. 87. Rd., son of bro. -in-law Thos. Williams, and Anne Williams, dau. of sd. Thos.; chn. of John and Ursula Bodenham; Exor: George Barnes of Upper Sapie, co. Heref., yeom. Imark] Wits: Walter Hopley, Tho: Baughe, John Baughe. (Adm. gr. 13 Sept. 1620, to Ursula Bodenham and Cath. Hinley, sists. of deed., George Barnes having ren.) 1014 Hugh Hotchkins a/s. Hotchkis of St. James' Clerkenwell, co. Midd. (Nunc, will dat. 20 Dec. 1619.) Bro. Rd. Hotchins a/s. Hotchkis; neph. John Griffithes; Wits: Anne Watson, wid., John Cable, Catherine Cable (mark). (Adm. gr. 20 Sept. 1620, to Rd. Hotchkins a/s. Hotchkis, bro. of deed., no Exor: being named.) 1015 John Coxe of Longford, co. of city of Gloucester. (Nunc, will dat. 30 June, 16 Jas. I.) Dau. and her husb.; Exors: Wm. Morwent of Harpery, co. of city of Gloucester, and Giles Coxe of Santhurst in same. [.mark] Wits: Tho: Gouldinham, John Barker, Richard Heald (mark). (Pr. 18 Sept. 1620.) 101 6 John Lacke of Hemiocke, co. Devon., yeom. (Nunc, will dat. 28 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Hemiocke; wife Prudence; fath. Nicholas Lacke; son Nicholas Lacke; uncle in Dorset.; poor of Hemiocke, Cleyheidon and Dunskes- will; sist. Alice; Id. called Yeoman leasne in Dunskeswill; lease in Ewe meadow a/s. Churchyard meadow and Weare meadow in Dunskeswill; cos. Margt. Windover; Rd. Mighell; Exor: fath. Nichs. Lacke; Wits: Henry Smith {mark), Mar- tin Crocker, Nicholas Hine (mark), Peter Hyne. (Pr. 19 Sept. 1620.) 1017 Symon Drawater of St. Saviour's, co. Surr., gent. (Dat. 6Sept. 1620.) Dau. Suzanand herhusb.; dau. Anne ; bro. Jonas Drawater; sists. Eliz. and Margery; chn. of cos. Isaacke Lathbury; wife's bro., Wm. Wright, and his wife, Margery; dau. Anne's godfath., Mr. Stretton; Robert, son of Robt. Evelyn, esq., my late deed, mr.; Mr. Archer, minister of thispsh.; Dr. Sutton, our lecturer; sist. Margery's husb.; son-in-law John Pigott; Eliz., dau. of sist. Margery; frd. Mr. John Evelyn the yr.; Extx: wife Alice; Overs: sd. Mr. Eve- lyn and John Pigott. \^Symon Drawater'\ Wits: Robert Wasse, Willm Brignall, Tho: HuUmer. (Pr. 22 Sept. 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 87. 339 1018 Dorothy Nicholls of Flamsted, co. Herts., wid. (Dat. I Sept., 13 Jas. I.) Bur. in psh. of St. Giles without Cripplegate; Lond.; son Thos. Nicholls; son Robt. Nicholls; son-in-law Henry Stockinge; dau. Esbell Page; grch. Sara Saltmarsh; grch. Wm. Florence; grch. Sara Stockinge; grch. Sara Nicholls; Exor: son-in-law Henry Stockinge. {mark] Wits: Edward James, William Dimock, William Booth, scr. (Pr. 12 Sept. 1620.) FOL. 88. 1019 Anne Haule of Waltham Abbey, co. Essex, wid. (Dat. 24 Jan. 1619-20.) Dau. Woodgate, her4chn.; son-in- law Mr. John Woodgate; neph. John Goldesburgh, his wife, Ann; dau. Bert's 5 chn.; dau. Braddocke's 5 chn.; dau. Sli- wrighte's 5 chn.; Anthony, son of neph., John Goldesburgh; son-in-law Thos. Sliwright; neph. Reignold Braddocke; my hou. in Waltham Abbey; niece Mabel Bert; niece Anne Berte, dau. of my dau. Birte; poor of Bishop's Stortford, co. Herts., and of Waltham Abbey, co. Essex; Exors: son-in-law Thos. Sliwright and dau, Goldesburgh. imark] Wits: Jo: Cotes, Ric. Monck. (Pr. 25 Oct. 1620.) 1020 William Payne of Gotaker, psh. of Hilmarton, co. Wilts. (Dat. II Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Hilmarton; son John Payne; my hou. at Clacke; son Robt. Payne; son Humfrey Payne; son Thos. Payne; Agnes Pockridge; bro. John Paine, his dau., Alice Payne; Exor: son Wm. Payne; Overs: bro. John Paine and Humfrey Tugwell. [,no sz'g:^ Wits: Wm. Essington (mark), Humfrey Tugwell (mark), Jeames Pounting (mark), Humfry Goodman (mark), John Payne. (Pr. 30 Oct. 1620.) 1021 William Bragge of Bullmer, co. Essex, yeom. (Dat. 23 Nov. 1619.) For a clock to strike a bell upon steeple of Ch. of St. Andrews in Bulmer; poor of Bullmer, St. Peter's, St. Gregory's and All Saints' in Sudburie and Ballington, to be distributed each Easter even.; my only sist. Alice, wife of Robert Milbourne, my bro. -in-law of Dunmowe; eld. bro. John Bragge; John Bragge, son of sd. bro. John (und. 21); Alice Bragge, dau. of sd. bro. John; Agnes Bragge; Parnell Bragge, my goddau., dau. of sd. bro. John (und. 21); 840 SOAME, FOL. 88. Alice Bragge, dau. of bro. Robt. (und. 21); Fras. Danyell, esq., and his wife; John Danyell, gent.; John Digbye, gent.; Nich., Peter, Edmd. and Jas. Daniell, gent., sons of sd. Fras.; Margt. and Mary Danyell, daus. of sd. Fras.; Roger Tumor; Wm. Thurgood, gent.; Chris. Curde; Mary, wife of Geo. Gouldinge of Sudbury, and late wife of John Gafford of Sudbury, deed. ; mess. , etc. , in the psh. of St. Peter's, Sudbury, bot. of sd. John Gafford and sd. Mary, his then wife, and now in occ. of sd. Geo. Goulding; John and Martin Gafford, sons of sd. Mary; godson Wm. Manwoode, son of Wm. Manwood of Liston, CO. Essex (und. 21); copyhold tent, in Gesting- thorpe, CO. Essex, in occ. of Hoye; Dan. Bragge, my servt.; tent, in BuUmer, wh. Zacha Smithe dwelleth; Bragge Elye, son of John Elye of Bullmer, blacksmith; kinsw. Mary Bragge; kinsm. John Bragge, servt. to bro. John Bragge; Alice, Margt., Agnes and Eliz. Manwoode, daus. of Wm. afsd. (und. 21), legs, given them by my moth.; Thos. Brown, servt. to Sir Fulke Grevill, Kt. ; Mrs. Fras. Bowden, wid.; Mrs. Margarett, that keepeth wt. Mrs. Fras. Bowden; John Dounell, now vie. of Bulmer, Fras. Downell, wife of sd. John; Wm. Bragge, son of bro. Robt.; John and Agnes Downell, chn. of sd. John (und. 21); bro. Robt.; tent, in Gilezes and Wightes in Gestingethorpe, Wickham St. Pauls and Belchampe Walter, co. Essex, now in the ten. of John and Agnes Rayner and John Cooke; common meadow called Waytes in Belchampe; lease of farm called Grondonhall held of Fras. Daniell, esq.; pars, of Bullmer; Wm. Bragge; aunt Mary White; Grace Bishop, servt. to Mr. Downell; Ric. Stevens, my workman; Exor: bro. Rob.; Wits: Robert Pay- nell, John Godfree, John Winter, Geo. Goldinge. Cod. (6 June 1620). John Bragge of Stratford, gent.; Wm. Holgate; Hellen, John, Eliz., Mary and Martin, chn. of John Garfurth, late of Sudburye, deed.; Rachel and Geo. Gouldinge, chn. of Geo. Gouldinge of Sudburye. [ Will. Bragge\ Wits: Wm. Pricke and Geo. Gouldinge. (Pr. 13 Oct. 1620.) 1022 Edw: Litton als. Smith of Somerford Keynes, CO. Wilts., blacksmith. (Dat. 18 Mar. 1619.) Poor of Somerford Keynes; psh. Ch. of Somerford Keynes; sist. Bridgett Litton als. Smith; lease of hou. in Malmesbury after SOAME, FOL. 88. 341 death of Roger Grove who now liveth there; godson Ed. Wells; goddau. Eliz. James; my moth.; Extx: wife Joana; ch. unbo.; bro. Walter Stoane; fath. Litton, Supervisor; sists. Margt., Eedie and Anne. {,Ed. Litton] Wits: John Sneede and Ric. Michaell; Mem. {undat.); John Sneede, minister of the Ch. of Somerford Keynes; Wits: Thos. and Anne Litton, fath. and moth. (Pr. 19 Oct. 1620.) 1023 Humfry Lovejoy als. Mathews of Sonning, co. Berks., yeom. (Dat. 18 Oct. 1618.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Sonning; Ch. of Sarum; poor of Sonning; son Humfrey Cund. 21); dau. Jane Lovejoy (und. 21); bro. Henry Lovejoy; Geo. Westmerland; Exors: wife Ann, son Humfrey and dau. Jane; Overs: Thos. Lovejoy als. Mathews, Geo. Aldright, Wm. Ems; bro. Thos. Lovejoy. [mark\ Wits: Geo. Aid- right and Geo. Westmerland. (Pr. 26 Oct. 1620.) 1024 John Cole of St. Olaves, Hart street, Lond., gent. (Dat. 25 July 1620, signed 10 Aug. 1620.) Poor of Sudberry, CO. Suff.; St. Peter's Ch. there; poor of St. Olave; Extx: wife Temperance; tents, in Milton, next Sittingborne, co. Kent.; bro. Ed. Cole; Anthy. Thomas, jr., eld. son of sist. Mary; COS. Wm. Oland and Wm. Locke; sist. Parnell Fettiplace; 4 chn. of bro. -in-law Anthy. Thomas (und. 21); cos. Eliz. Wraye; the 4 chn. of sd. sist. Mary; Mary Thos., eld. dau. of sd. sist. Mary; 3 daus. of bro. Roger; frd. Mr. Thos. Jones, skinner; my country man John Florey; indr. dat. 6 Aug., 5 Jas. I, by wch. Ric. Cole, late of Buckesh, esq., deed., gr. to Thos. Lea of E. Putford, co. Devon., gent., a tent, called Frox water, in Kilkhampton, co. Cornw., and tent, in Brodeworth, co. Devon.; indr. dat. 29 March, 3 Jas. I, by wch. sd. Ric. Cole gr. to sd. Thos. Lea and Ric. Dymand of Hartland, co. Devon., yeom., tents, in Venton in N. Tamerton, CO. Cornw.; ind. dat. 14 Dec. 1614, by wch. Thos. Ley gr. to me sd. Ids.; son-in-law Fras. Wall; Barnaby Bestowe, late of Lond., deed., by his indr. dat. 3 June 1609, gr. to me tent., etc., in Eastcheape, Lond., now in occ. of Wm. Wheatly; frd. Capt. John Watts of Maddox, psh. of Ware, esq.; frd. John Rogerman; Wm. Medicombe; Thos. Shorte; Thos. Rogerman; Geo. Middleton; Hugh Dennys. \.John Cole] 342 SOAME, FOL. 88. Mr. John Simpson, minister; fath. Heywood; seal gold ring of arms; Wits: John Cooper, George Nash. (Pr. ii Oct. 1620.) 1025 Richard Sleigh of Broademeadowe, psh. of Sheene, CO. Staff., yeom. (Dat. 17 Aug. 1620.) Close called Oxe- close on the moor and common at Nedham Graunge, psh. of Hartington, co. Derb., bot. of Sir Robt. Nedham of Shav- ington, CO. Salop., Kt.; no lawfully begotten issue; neph. Gervase Sleighe, eld. son of bro. Raphe Sleigh; bro. Gervase Sleighe; bro. John Sleighe and Ric. , his son; Joane Sleighe, dau. of sd. John; cos. John Mosselye ah. Slighe; neph. Rd. Sleighe now dwelling wt. me; Eliz., wife of neph. Gervase Sleighe; Marie Sleighe, youngest dau. of bro. Ralphe Sleighe; Hellen Sleighe, dau. of sd. Gervase; Rd. Harris; mort. of a hou. in lordship of Ashford, co. Derb.; my servt. Bridgett Hall; Exor: bro. Raphe Sleighe; Overs: bro. Gervase, my nephs. John Froggatt, Gervase Sleighe and John Mosseley ah. Sleighe. \niark\ Wits: John Frogatt, John Chicklowe, Humfr. Godwyn. (Pr. 26 Oct. 1620.) 1026 Agnes Browne of Sutton St. James, co. Line, wid. (Dat. 26 Oct. 1618.) Bur. in chapel yd. of St. James; moth. Ch. of Line; son Edw. Mettcalfe; bro's. son John Hodgeson (und. 21); bro. Rd. Farmer; bro's. dau. Agnes Foxe; Wm. Foxe and Agnes, his wife; Jane Ingrum and John Ingrum, her fath.; Robt. Ingrum and his dau.; Wm., son of Walter Wilson; Rd., Walter and Jane Wilson, chn. of Walter Wil- son; godch. Mary Farmer and her fath. Thos. Farmer; John and Mary Pennitt, chn. of John Pennitt; Rd., Robt. and Margt. Reade, chn. of sist. Ellin and Robert Reade; Robt. Hargrave; Jas. and Agnes Hargrave; Cath. Jackson; Symon Farmer; Thos. Newton's wife; Priscilla, wife of Robt. Gib- son; my servt. Alice Perkins; grch. Isabell Browne (und. 21); Exor: son Clement Browne; Overs: bro. Rd. Farmer. \mark\ Wits: John Downeham, John Richardson, Henrye Curtes. (Pr. 13 Oct. 1620.) 1027 Arrian Jenifer of St. Martin's in the Fields, co. Midd., wid. (Dat. 27 Sept. 1620.) Eld. son John Jenifer, his wife; son Rowland Jenifer (und. 21); dau. Margt. Jenifer (und. 21); grch. John Jenifer, the yr. (und. 21); grch. Bar- SOAME, FOL. 88. 343 bara Wardour (und. 21), ch. of Nichs. Wardourand my dau., his wife, Barbara Wardour; goddau. Arrian Toller (und. 21), dau. of Edm. Toller; bro. -in-law Frauncis Jenifer; lease of hou. wh. I dwell; Exors: son John Jenifer and son-in-law Nichs. Wardour; Overs: bro. Edm. Toller, {mark] Wits: Thomas Burgos, John Hodsoll, Edmond Toller. (Pr. 18 Oct. 1620.) 1028 Alice LuflF of Buriton, co. South., wid. (Dat. 3 Mar. 1619-20.) Cath. of Winchester; 5 chn. of my bro. John Paye; my sist's. dau. Margt. Wyne; Exor: son John Luff. imark] Wits: Phillipp Walker, John Benett. (Pr. 30 Oct. 1620.) 1029 Awdrey Berrye of St. Dunstan's in the East, Lond., wid. (Nunc, will dat. 20 Oct. 1609.) Extx: my servt. Suzan Graunt; Wits: Thomay Mathew, Mary le Roy. (Pr. 27 Oct. 1620.) FOL. 89. 1030 Anne Butcher of Gt. Therlowe, co. Suff., wid. (Dat. 8 Feb. 1611-12.) Bur. in chyd. of Gt. Therlowe; sons- in-law John Butcher, Wm. Butcher, Stephen Butcher; god- dau. Mary Butcher (und. 16); godson Robt. (und. 24), son of son Robt. Butcher of Little Thurlow, co. Suff.; Stephen (und. 24), son of sd. son Robt. Butcher; goddau. and kinsw. Anne Parker (und. 24); Anne Butcher (und. 2i), dau. of son Robt., and his son Jhon (und. 24); kinsw. Cath. Ruse, wid.; Margt. Hodsonn; kinsw. Mary, wife of Jeffery Ive; my some- time servt. Wm. Sebrooke; my servts. Thos. Parman and Margt. Whippam; my old servt. Ellen Sheldrake of Kelton; Exor: son Robt, Butcher, \_mark] Wits: John Smythe, minister of Gt. Therlowe, George Colle. (Pr. 6 Sept. 1620.) 1031 Robert Freeman, bound for E. Indies in ship "the Dragon " of Lond. (Dat. 18 May 1618.) Wages due fr. Co. of Merchs. of Lond., trading to the E. Indies; Exor: frd. Edw. Tyther, cit. and grocer of Lond. \_Robt Freemafi] Wits: Thomas Fryday, elk., Henry Christien. (Adm. gr. 19 Oct. 1620, to Edw. Freeman, bro. of deed., Edw. Tyther, ren.) 1032 ^VilliaIn Heigham of East Ham, co. Essex, esq. (Dat. 28 Apr. 1620.) Poor of E. Ham and of Moulton, co. 344 SOAME, FOL. 89. Suff.; Danl., Wm., George and Anne Button (all und. 21), chn. of dau. Anne; dau. Dorothy Plume, her sons Saml. and Thos. Plume (both und. 21); bro. Sir John Heigham, Kt.; neph. Mr. Clement Paman and his wife, my niece, Bidgett; Eliz., wife of son Rd. Heigham and their dau. Mary Heigham; Id. in E. Ham bot. of Sir John Hungerford, Kt., and his wife Mary; Id. in E. Ham called Cranefeild, bot. of Lady Hunt, Wm. Hunt, esq., and Thos. Sharpe; Id. in Barking, co. Essex., bot. of George Walderne; Exors: neph. Wm. Mose- ley of Darberton, co. Notts., esq., and son Rd. Heigham. \_Wil: Heighnia\ Dr. Whitinges; Mr. Burton; my daus'. md. Martha Tyson; {no wits.). (Pr. 28 Oct, 1620.) 1033 James Jeve of Bauldocke, co. Herts., gent. (Nunc, will dat. 12 July 1620.) Son Jas. Jeve; John Skegg; Wits: John Izard, John Scege. (Adm. gr. 28 Sept. 1620, to Jas. Jeve, son of deed., no Exor: being named.) 1034 Richard Johnes of Oswestrie, co. Salop., skinner. (Dat. II Feb. 1617-18.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Oswestry; rep. of sd. Ch.; son and hr. app. Rd. Jones (und. 16); my dwell- ing hou. in Church St., Oswestry, bot. of John Mathewes of Blodwell vechan, esq.; Id. in Sweney and Lanvorda, co. Salop., bot. of Rd. Thornes, esq., deed., and Edw. ap Thomas of Sweney; son-in-law Moris Hamner; dau. Sara Johnes and her chn.; poor of Oswestry; lease of common in Sweney, held of Ld. Treasurer of Engd.; my late wife; Exor: cos. Arthur Kj^n- aston, gent.; Overs: Mr. Theoder Trevor and Mr. Rd. Jones of WoUiow St. \_Richard Johnes, skynner\ Wits: Andrew Chambers, Theoder Treavor, Richard Jones, Moris Hamner, Thomas Owyne, Thomas Williams, Griffith ap Tuder, Samu- ell Robertes, Thomas Jones, baker; Rowland Hamner; John, son of Theoder Trevor; bro. -in-law Thos. Moris, baker, and his dau. -in-law. Joane Evance; my sist. Anne; Thomas ap Rees, labr.; Ellis ap John, labr.; John Ellis; Griuffeth ap Theoder; Saml. Roberts; Dorothy and Margt. Hamner in Lond.; Mr. Wm. Bisbie; Alexr. Bisbie; my sist. Eliz. Jones, wid., sist. to Mr. Hamner of Sweney; Mr. Ainge; Rd. Baker, Exor: of his fath. Edw. Baker; John Muckleston's tents, und. the Town hall; rent of my part of the Towles. (Pr. 9 Sept. 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 89. 345 1035 Thomas Symonds {of St. Peter, Cornhill*), Lond., skinner. (Dat. 30 Nov. 1619.) Abt. 60 years old. Bur. in chan. of psh. Ch. of AUhallow's, Lombard St., Lond., nr. first wife and chn.; wife Mary Symonds; chn. Thos. and Rd. Symonds, Eliz. Hawes, Mary Peate, Joen Symonds, An Sheperd, Sewzan and Ester Symonds; hou. wh. I now dwell; Overs: Sir Wm. Cockin, Kt., now Ld. Mayor, and my bro., Mr. Abraham Cartwright; hou. in Coleman St., late bot. of Wm. Bonner; poor of AUhallow's, Lombard St. , of St. Peter's, wh. I now dwell, and of Tawnton, co. Somst., wh. I was bo.; hosps. of Christ Church and St. Thomas, Southwark and Bridewell; prisoners of Newgate, Ludgate and compters in Wood St., and the Poltere, the Whitlyon, King's Bench, Marshalsea, Fleet and Gate House; An Ager and her moth.; eld. bro. Wm. Symonds and his wife, his 3 sons-in-law and their wives; my bro., Thos. Mun and his wife; Edw. Abott's wife; my sist. Wood; Bridget Botson; cos. Wm. Riche; John Darween; Edward Markes (^cancelled); Jno. Clarke; Jno. Mansell; cos. Sisilia Riche and her husb. at Beerye (/); gr.- chn. Marie and Joen Peet and Mary Shephard; godson Thos. Peet; Exor: son Thos. Symonds; Mary Mason and her fath.; my cos. Coeles; Charelles; Lowlis; Lawrence Lovlis (und. 21); cos. Vassell and his wife; bro. Wade, his wife and their son, Wm. Wade; Robt. Wade; cos. Gyll and his wife; Rd. Stens and his wife and wife's sist. and her husb. in Tawnton; Mills Coxton, the sergeant; Co. of Skinners; Mrs. Eliz. Abott, her dau. and her son, Edw. Abott. {^Thomas Symonds] Wits: Jno. Darwin, Edmond Marckes, Lawrence Lovelesse. (Pr. 6 Sept. 1620.) 1036 Emmott Drew of Halstoke, co. Dorsett. (Dat. 16 June 1618.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Halstoke; Agustyne Membry of Ilminster; Nichs. Rawlins of same psh.; Wm. Knight, joiner; John Jones of Netherhay, butcher, his sists., Eliz. Hext and Agnes Jones; 4 chn. of Eliz. Hext; 2 chn. of John Jones; Exor: son Robt. Drewe. \_mark\ Wits: Guli- elmo Bankes, Thomas Greeinway, Joh. Wills (^mark). (Pr. 2 Sept. 1620.) 1037 Timothy Reade cit. and grocer, {0/ St. Dunstan's in West*) Lond. (Dat. 24 July 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Dun- * Pro. Act. Book. 346 SOAME, FOL. 89. Stan's in the W., Fleet St., Lond., wh. I now dwell; indr. i June last, betw. me and frd. Anthony Oilman, cit. and stationer of Lond., and Thos. Bell, cit. and apoth. of Lond., concerning tents, in Clapham, co. Surr. ; Extx: wife Eliz.; sist. Sarah Stoner; poor of St. Dunstan's in the W,, and of Clapham; kinsm. Henry, Nichs. and Daniel Earle, sons of Raphe Earle, their sist. Mary; Winifred, wife of Thos. Molte, and his dau. Ann Molte (und. 21); godson Tymothie Mynns, son of Ellen Mynns (und. 21); bro. -in-law Mr. Wm. Clarke, apoth., sist. -in-law, his wife Alice, and their chn,, Wm., Ann., Eliz., Mary, John and Thos. Clarke (all und. 21); bro. -in-law Thos. Bell, apoth., and his now wife; bro. -in-law Wm. Bell, apoth., his now wife, and his son, Wm. Bell; bro. -in- law Wm. Casson, his dau. Hester Casson, now dwelling wt. me; bro. -in-law Sem Casson and his wife, their chn., Wm. and Sarah Casson (und. 21); bro. -in-law Robt. Casson; bro.- in-law Roger Casson and his wife Margt. ; bro. -in-law Edm. Casson; bro. -in-law Rd. Casson and his wife; Anthony Gil- man, his wife, and their dau., Eliz. Oilman; Henry Leigh, apoth., my sometime servt., his wife and his sons, John, Henry and Wm. Leigh (all und. 21); my sometime servt., John Stocke; Francis Archer; Benj. Cooper; Edm. Weaver, stationer, his wife Eliz., and his sons, Gabriell and Thos. Weaver; frd. and neighbour, Walter Meredithe; Mr. Wm. Bagnall; my servt., Wm, Broad, at end of his apprship.; frds., Mr. Hugh Richardson, Sir Francis Clarke, Kt., and his Lady, Mr. Nichs. Harmon; Symon Wadlowe and his wife, Margt.; Steph. Parkinson; Oeorge Steward; Thos. and The- odosia Yates, chn. of Thos. Yates, stationer; my servt., Winifred Marten; Rd. Orpim, servt. to bro. -in-law, Rd. Casson; Thos. Sill; Edm. Russell of Stretham; Wm. White, shoemaker, his dau., Margt. White; Anthony Scarisbucke, his wife and their dau., Oresigon; wife's goddau., Damaske Reeve; Margt. Hall; Jollife Lownes, apoth. to H. H. the Prince, his wife and their chn., John, Ann, Mary and Martha Lownes; poor prisoners in the 2 compters and Ludgate, Lond.; Christ's hosp., Lond.; Overs: Anthony Oilman, Thos. Bell, Wm. Bell and Anthony Scarisbricke. [_Ty?nothie Reade] Wits: Anthony Scarisbricke, Syman Wadlowe, Oeorge Moore, William Bagnall, William Broade, Walter Meredith. (Pr. 4 Oct. 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 89, 347 1038 Gertrude Rowse of Heybridge, co. Essex, spr. (Dat. 15 Aug., 18 Jas. I.) Thos. Estwood of Maldon, co. Essex, barber; grmoth. Dorothy Francklyn, deed.; uncle Gyles Frauncklyn of Roton, co. Wilts., gent., Exor: of my grmoth's. will; sist. Eliz. Rowse; John Estwood of Hey- bridge, his wife Agnes, and his dau., Agnes Estwood; Exor: Thos. Estwood. imark] Wits: John Parkine, Johan Parent, wid., Samuell Chese, scr. (Pr. 31 Oct. 1620.) 1039 John Spencer of Monington upon Wye, co. Heref., yeom. (Dat. 29 June 1615.) Cath. of Heref.; 8 of son John Spencer's chn.; 5 chn. of Wm. Shoter, by dau. Eliz.; Kath. and Margt., daus. of Wm. Gregges by dau. Anne; Anne Jenkins, dau. of John Jenkins; wife Anne; a heriot on my Ids. at Sotten; Marie and Anne, daus. of son Thos.; Wm., son of dau. Elinor Leath; Jas. Bridges of Mon- ington; Exor: my son Thos. Spencer. [,mark^ Wits: James Bridges, William Leath. (Pr. 31 Oct. 1620.) 1040 Anthony Wright (of Xelvedon, CO. Essex"^). (Dat. 20 Aug. 1620.) Poor of Kelvedon and S. Weald; Mr. An- thony Luther, jr., and Thos. Luther, sons of Rd. Luther; goodwife Hybell; Henry Baker; servts. of bro. John Wright; Mr. Goslinge; Mr. Wm. Wright, merch., of Lond.; Mr. Withers, preacher; cos. Rd. Wright and his wife; lease of hou. wh. he dwells; Henry, son of bro. John Wright, and his oth. chn.; bro. Lawrence Wright; sist. Emerson; copyhold Ids.; Exor: bro. John Wright. \,Anthony Wrig-hi] Wits: Stephen Withers, Thomas Luther, Henry Browne. (Pr. 27 Oct. 1620.) FOL. 90. 1041 ^Villiam Hatley of Caxton, co. Camb., gent. (Dat. 4 Oct. 1620,) Bur. in Caxton psh. Ch.; wife Emme; son Jas. (und. 21); hous. and Ids. belonging to man. of Swannes- ley, in psh. of Caxton, wch. I hold of Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb.; son John Hatley (und. 21); son Thos. Hatley (und. 21); Exor: son Philip Hatley; Overs: bro. -in-law Mr. Thos. Hatley, esq.; my wife's last husb. \_William Hatley\ Wits: Robert Christian, Thomas Wincoll, Laurence Kynge. (Pr. 31 Oct. 1620.) • Pro. Act. Book. 348 SOAME, FOL. 90. 1042 John Horsley of precincts of White Friars, Fleet St., Lond., tailor. (Dat. ii Aug. 1620.) My 5 daus. Judith, Anne, Barbara, Lucy and Dorothy Horsley (all und. 15); my servt. Mary Dobbins; Extx: wife Barbara; Overs: frds. Mr. Amos Browne, Mr. John Graye and Mr. John Penson. [mark] Wits: Richard Casson, Amos Browne, Wa: Retarick, scr. (Pr. 17 Oct. 1620.) 1043 Thomas Tirrell of St. Sidwill's, co. of city of Exon., yeom. (Dat. 25 Aug. 1620.) My now wife Richaurd; Moy- ses, Wm. and Anne Tirrell, chn. of son Wm. Tyrrell; sist. Eliz. Tirrell; poor prisoners in co. Devon, jail, and city of Exon. jail; Exor: John Tyrrell, son of my son Wm. [mark] Wits: John Cheeke, scr., Georgius Goddard, William Tirrell. (Adm. gr. 17 Oct. 1620, to Wm. Tirrell, fath. of John Tirrell, Exor:, dur. min. of sd. Exor:.) 1044 Roger Dye of St. Magnus, Lond., grocer. (Nunc, will dat. Monday, 16 Oct. 1620.) Extx: wife Nan; my chn.; poor of Christ's hosp. and St. Magnus; Wits: Anne Brisan, Rd. Champion, Mrs. Scalticke. (Pr. 18 Oct. 1620. Adm. gr. 8 May 1626, to John Davies of St. Andrew Holborn, co» Midd., gent., Anne, the rel., being dead and Lady Eliz. Thelwall a/s. Dye and Anne Dye, daus. of sd. deed., ren.) 1045 William Marshall, the yr., of St. Mary Ch., co. Devon., mariner. (Nunc, will dat. 20 Mar. 1619-20.) Bound on voyage to Newfoundland; poor of St. Mary Ch., of Cof- fingswell, Tarmoone;t Exor: fath. Wm. Marshall, [mark] Wits: John Marshall {mark), Johane Marshall (mark), Eliz- abeth Burring (mark). (Pr. 21 Oct. 1620.) 1046 Richard Woodman, the eld., of Forest row, psh. of East Grinsted, co. Suss., yeom. (Dat. 17 Oct. 1620.) Poor of E. Grinsted; sist. Susan Brightrid; tent, called Okehurst in Fletching, co. Suss., now in occ. of Robt. Woolman, lately bot. of Robt. Sevenocke; Id. called Hungersdowne in Fletch- ing, in occ. of Rd. Godlye, lately bot. of Wm. Jynner; John, one of the sons of Thos. Godlye of Forest row; Rd. Godlye (und. 21), son of Rd. Godlye of Fletching; Thos. Godlye, .theyr., son of sd. Thos. of Forestrow; tent, in Charlwood, t Tor Moham. SOAME, FOL. 90. 849 CO. Surr., in occ. of Nichs. Rickman; tent, in E. Grinsted, in occ. of Rd. Bryan; Jas. and Edw., oth. sons of sd. Thos. Godlye; Id. in Cowden, co. Kent, in occ. of Thos. Sways- land; Exor: John Godlye, son of Thos. Godlye, the eld.; Overs: John Wicking of Forest row, yeom., and John Yeo- mans of Fletching, yeom. \_Richard Woodma\ Wits: Rich- ard Lewis, George Best, Salomon Cole, Thomas West. (Pr. 27 Oct. 1620.) 1047 Edward Revett, the eld., of Ipswich, co. Suff., merch. (Dat. 26 Oct. 1619.) Son Edw. Revett; cap. mess, wh. I now dwell, in psh. of St. Mary at the Key in Ipswich, abutting on Common St. and the Channellor Common Key; tent, in St. Mary at the Key, Ipswich, in occ. of Edm. Jen- ney, esq.; son Phil. Revett; New Market Cross, Ipswich; dau. Ellen, wife of John Lowe; son-in-law John Norton and his wife, my dau. Mary; son John Revett; chn. (und. 21) of son Roger Revett; son Thos. Revett, when he shall come to England; Edm. Digbye (und. 21), son of my dau. Thomasine; Mr. Foster, minister of St. Mathew's, Ipswich; Exors: son Edw. and John Norton; Overs: kinsm. Mr. Thos. Clere of Ipswich. \_Edward Revet, senior] Wits: Tobye Abbott, John Carnabye, Jeane Goslyn. (Adm. gr. 14 Oct. 1620, to Joan Revett, rel. and Extx: of Edw. Revett, late while liv. Exor: of Edw. Revett, senr., of Ipswich, John Norton, ren.) 1048 Edward Rotheram {of St. Mary, Aldermanbury*), Lond., aid. (Dat. 25 May 1619.) Sist. Agnes Robinson, her husb., her eld. son John Scott, her 2d son Wm. Scott and her 3d son Abraham Scott; Id. lately bot. of Robotham; John Scott's chn., his son Edw. Scott; sist. Margt. and her husb.; John and Rd., sons of bro. Wm. Rotherham, deed.; Ids. in Yoxall and Uttoxiter; Id. held by sist. Ellen Allen, her former husb., my bro. John; Ellen, dau. of Wm. Rotheram (und. 21); Jas. (und. 21), youngest son of sd. Wm. Rotheram, his dau. Judith (und. 21) and his youngest dau. Agnes; Eliz. Willson; Co. of Drapers; hosp. of Bridewell; Christ's hosp.; poor of St. Mary Aldermanbury and of Eltham; Mr. Jenny; Rd. Band; Henry More and his wife Alice; leases in Staff.; Extx: wife Judith. \_Edward Rotheran{\ {no wits S) (Pr. 31 Oct. ♦ Pro. Act. Book. 860 SOAME, FOL. 90. 1620. Adm. gr. i Jan. 1647-8, to Ralph Austen and Ellen, his wife, and Thomas Whitmore and Judith, his wife, chn. of Wm. Rotheram, while liv. bro. of deed., Judith Rotheram, rel. of deed., being dead.) 1049 Johanne Domett of Chardstocke, co. Dorset., wid. (Dat. 10 May, 17 Jas. I.) Bur. in chyd. of Chardstocke; son John Domett, his son John (und. 21), and his dau. Magda- len (und. 21); son George Domett, his son Constantine (und. 21), and his dau. Ursula Domett (und. 21); Magdalen and Kath. Michell (both. und. 21), daus. of Salathiell Michell; Rd. Knighte (und. 21); Margt. Knighte, wid.; Overs: John and George Domett; Extx: dau. Magdalen Michell. ino sig:^ Wits: John Chubb, George Strounge (mark). (Pr. 13 Oct. 1620.) 1050 John Castell, the eld., of Southam, psh. of Bishop's Cleeve, co. Glouc, yeom. (Dat. 17 Nov. 1618.) Bur. in chyd. of Bishop's Cleeve; my 4 daus. Anne, Abigail, Margt. and Eliz.; son John Castle; son Rd. Castle (und. 21); fath.- in-law Thos. Pearse of Budsaye; Extx: wife Johane; Overs: Thos. Lorwing of Heymes, co. Glouc, gent., John Lorwing of Bishop's Cleeve, Robt. Newman and Thos. Leare of Sowtham, co. Glouc, yeom.; Wits: Robert Newman, Thomas Leare, John Yeardington. \_mark] (Pr. 6 Oct. 1620.) 1051 Josias Underbill, (deed, in ^ts. beyond the sea^). (Dat. 2 Apr. 1620, at sea on board the "Orange Tree.") Overs: Rd. Newland and Aron Elles; Extx: wife Johane; bro. John; my chn.; John Beeder. \_ Josias Underhili] Wits: William Thomas, George Yeomans. (Pr. 10 Oct. 1620.) 1052 Thomas Wadham of Marshfeild, co. Glouc, yeom. (Nunc, will dat. 8 Dec. 1619.) Bur. m psh. Ch. of Marshfield; wife Mary; moth. -in-law Margt. Gydings of Urchfont; fath. Wm. Wodham; my unbo. ch.; Wits: John Meredith, vie ibm., John Gyttinges, Thomas Wood, Margaret Gydynges, William Wodham. (Adm. gr. 2 Oct. 1620, to Mary Wodham, rel. of deed., no Exor: being named.) 1053 Hugh Harris of Donyatt, co. Somst., potter. (Dat. 4 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Donj'^att; wife Diones; Exor: « Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 90. 351 son George Harris; dau. Agnes, [no si'^:] Wits: Walter Morse, Richard Bromefeild, Philipp Mayne, WynifrideShawe. (Pr. 13 Oct. 1620.) 1054 Henry Bowyer of Warfield, co. Berks., yeom. (Dat. 24 Jan. 1614-15.) Bound on voyage to E. Indies on ship "the Lyon;" Exors: sist. Margt. Price and her husb. Thomas Price; Ids. in co. Berks, [ifenry Bowyer] Wits: Philipp Winsen, George Batt. (Pr. 19 Oct. 1620, by Thos. Price, pow. res. to Margt. Price.) 1055 William Challice of Shuddye Campes, co. Camb., yeom. (Dat. 21 July 1620.) Extx: wife Dyna; sons Wm., Barthw., John and Ed w. Challice (all und. 21). [_mark] Wits: Thomas Creake, Robert Bridge. (Pr. 3 Oct. 1620.) 1056 William Waltham (of Si. Martins in the Fields, co. Midd.""). (Dat. 17 Sept. 1620.) Dau. Margt. (und. 21); Mr. Kyngstone; bro. David; Extx: wife Eliz. [,no sig:] Wits: Nicholas Bacon, Henry Walker {mark), David Waltham. (Pr. 4 Oct. 1620.) FOL. 9L 1057 "William ^A^ebb, cit. and grocer, {of St. Giles with- out Cripp leg-ate*), Lond. (Dat. 2 Sept. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Giles without Cripplegate, Lond.; Eliz. Webb, dau. of bro. Rd. Webb; Wm., son of bro. Nicholas Webb (und. 21); dau. (und. 21) of sd. bro. Nicholas; bros. Thos. Webb, Henry Webb and John Webb; sist. Mary Packwood; sist. Eliz. Hall; poor of Wattenbury and of St. Giles', Lond.; Mary Brooke and Ann Broome, sists. -in-law to my Exor:; Priscilla Monday; Exor: Edw. Brooke, cit. and tallow chand- ler of Lond.; Overs: Isaacke Younge, apoth.; Mrs. Catter- ton, sometime wife of Chas. Catterton; Cath. Yates; poor of Woolvercot. \,William Webb] Wits: John Burdett, Richard Parkes, scr. pub. Cod. (11 Oct. 1620); my Idlord, Mr. Mundye and his wife; tent, in St. Giles without Criplegate, bot. by me and sd. Edw. Brooke; Wits: Humfrie Pye, scr., William Darracke, gr'. {sic.) Anthonye Stevens. (Pr. 18 Oct. 1620.) ♦ Pro. Act. Book. 352 SOAME, FOL. 91. 1058 John Wiseman {of Halstock, co. Dorset.^'). (Dat. 29 Mar. 1620) Grchn., my son Hugh Wiseman's chn., Rd., John, George and Cath. Wiseman (all und. 21); grchn. Hugh, Eamlin and Eliz. Vergin (all und. 21), chn. of dau. Eales and Hughe Vergin, her husb.; Extx: wife Ema; Overs: Rd. Dawe and Thos. Adams. \jnark\ Wits: Walter Fowler, George Paynter. (Pr. 13 Oct. 1620.) 1059 John Luccocke of Congersbury, co. Somst., victual- ler. (Dat. I May 1620.) Bur in chyd. of Congersbury; son John Luccocke; son Wm. Luccocke; dau. Eliz. Luccocke; sist. Hall; Extx: wife Eliz.; Joane May; Overs: frds. Edm. Hobbs and Rd. Lovell; (sealed 2 May 1620.) \no sig^ Wits: Joseph Harris {mark), Edward Walrond. (Pr. 18 Oct. 1620.) 1060 John \Vhite of Pouderham, co. Devon., mariner. (Dat. 13 June 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Pouderham; poor of Pouderham and of Kenn; 3 daus. Joane, Mary and Thomaz- ine; John Edwards, son of dau. Thomazine; Agnes Downe, dau. of dau. Thomazine; my barque "The Elizabeth" of Pou- derham, now bound for St. Lucar, in the King of Spain's dominions; my chn's. chn.; Extx: wife Margt.; neph. Thos. Waymouth; neph. Thos. Locke; Alice Varder, Alice Warren and old Joane, 3 poor women of Exminster; Overs: cos. John Waymouth of Pouderham and frd. George Shutt of Exminster; John, son of sd. John Waymouth. [_no sig:~\ Wits: Thomas Collins, elk., John Waymouth, Catherine Ford {mark), Cath- erine Helmer {mark). (Pr. 28 Oct. 1620.) 1061 Alice Hill of Wivellcombe, dioc. of Bath and Wells, wid. (Dat. 2 July 1620.) Son Thos., his wife and chn.; dau. Etheldred Norman and her chn.; close at Hescocke; Eliz. and Jane Norman; dau. Hester, her husb.; my dau. Joane; Hester Chapleyn; son Francis Hill; son Wm. ; son Thos.; wood in Darkemore; wid. Palmer; John Crosse; Exors: son and dau. Symon and Eliz. Hill. \_mark'\ Wits: Tho. , Robt. Shepley, Francis Norman {mark). (Pr. 19 Oct. 1620.) 1062 Richard Hawlke of Rewe, co. Devon., yeom. (Dat. 26 July 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Rewe, nr. the Cross on E. side; * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 91. 858 poor of Rewe, of Silferton and of Thorverton; wife Emmott; daus, Mary, Agnes and Julyan Hawlkes; cos. Johane Hooper of Witheridge; kinsm. Wm. Hawlkes of Farringdon; Bartw. Cole of Stocke Canon; Wm. Gill of Rewe; Jane Lipscomb of Silferton; Thos. Boucher of Thorverton; Mary Wellington of same; John Turner late of N. Downe, psh. of Thorver- ton, deed.; Nicholas Radford of Silferton; Rd. Knyll of Upton Pyne, elk., owes my son, Wm. Hawlkes j^s by fraudulant bond, of wch. j£^ were pd. in pres. of Steven Dicker of Silferton and John Newcomb of Thorverton; Exor: son Wm.; Overs: kinsm. Wm. Hawlkes of Far- ringdon, gent., and neighbour Rd. Radford of Rewe. \_Richu!'. Hawlkes] Wits: Richard Radford of Rewe, J oh: Oliver, script. (Pr. 21 Oct. 1620.) 1063 Frauncis Sadler {of St. Helen's within Bishops£rate^)^ Lond., woodmonger. (Dat. i Aug. 1620.) Extx: wife Jane Sadler; lease of my hou.; dau. Frauncis Woder; bro. and sist. Fletcher; son Woder; Co. of Woodmongers; Mr. Ellam; Mr. Andrew Ellam; son Atkinson; bro. Sadler and his wife; godson John Sadler; stock in E. India Co.; Mrs. Windsor; Mrs. Whitehead; Mr. Wraye gone into Line. ; Mr. Townerowe; Sir John Scott, Kt.; Virginia Co. owes me salary; Mr. Wat- kins; Thos. Batten; Adam Denton in the Indies; Walter Moumfort; JohnWilloby, factor in the Royal James; Joseph Reeue; John Caverlye; Mr. Lamnam; Mr. Bringborne; Mr. Hunter, haberdasher. \,Frauncis Sadler] Wits: Robert Woder. (Pr. 26 Oct. 1620.) 1064 John Edwines of Porthamall, co. Bre., gent. (Dat. 20 June 1620.) Bur. in chan. of the Vaughans, nr. Roger Hayward, deed., in psh. Ch. of Talgorth; Cath. of St. Davies; poor of Talgorth; dau. Ellenor (und. 16); tents, in Hursley, psh. of Letton, co. Heref., in ten. of Jas. Melyn; fath. Walter Edwines, deed.; moth. -in-law, Joane Edwines, wid.; bro. Water Edwines, his chn.; chn. of sist. Ann Rees; COS. Mr. John Downes of Hopton Bishop, co. Heref., gent.; goods in Morden; psh. Ch. of Morden; Exors: wife Lettice and son-in-law Edw. Tumor. \^John Edwines] Wits: Wat: Lewes, elk., Jenkin Thomas, lit, John Hutchins. (Pr. 25 Oct. 1620.) *Pro. Act. Book. t sic. Qu. Uewellin. 864 SOAME, FOL. 91. 1065 Thomas Phippes of Biburye, co. Glouc, husbm. (Dat. 28 May 1620.) Poor of Biburye, of Ablington and of Arlington; sist. Agnes Culle, her chn.; sist. Alice Pallmer; chn. of sist. Hellen Reynold; kinsm. Wm. Smith; kinsw. Helen Hartill; kinsm. Thos. Hartill; Extx: wife Margt.; Overs: frds., Thos. Marchan of Arlington and Rd. Winchcombe of Biburye. [mark] Wits: Francis Reynoldes, Richard Winch- combe {mark), Thomas Marchan {mark). (Pr. 25 Oct. 1620.) 1066 Brian Broughton of the Middle Temple, Lond., esq. (Dat. 18 Aug. 1618.) My man, Henry Herbert; bro. Edw. Broughton's chn. (und. 21); bro. Rd. Broughton; bro. John Broughton; sist. Cath., wife of John Weed; chn. of Thos. Vice of Bishopp Offley, co. Staff.; my cos. George Broughton, sometime servt. to Mrs. Woare of Lond.; my laundress, Joane Granger, wid.; poor of Egmanton; old Rd. Parthropp of Laxton; chn. of bro. Thos. Allott; Overs: Robt. Fulnetby, esq.; Jeston Jones, esq.; Mr. Perkin's works; bi:os. -in-law Wm. Church and John Wood; Exors: bro. Rd. Broughton and my servt. Henry Herbert. \_Bry: Broughton] Wits: Henry Best, scr., Anthony Scarisbrick, Humfrey Chaveney, Humfrey Shalscrose. (Pr. 24 Oct. 1620.) 1067 Samuel Tubman of St. Mary Bowe, Lond., apoth. (Nunc, will dat. 3 Oct. 1620.) Extx: wife Martha; Overs: and Wits: George Dun and Edward Rider. (Pr. 20 Oct. 1620.) 1068 John More, sergeant at law, {0/ Baddesley, co. Southton.^). (Dat. 5 Aug. 1620.) Sir Jas. Wolveridge, Kt., and Wm. Noye, esq., to have my mans, of Baddesley, Chilworth, Romsey infra and extra, co. Southton., for use of son John More; my dwelling hou. called Baddesley hou., in Baddesley; the Park; dau. Anna More (und. 20); dau. Dowcebell Dunche and her chn.; Exor: son John; Overs: sd. Sir Jas. Wolveridge, Kt., and Wm. Noye, esq.; Wits: J: Drake, Will: Weston, Evan Powell, Jo: Smith, Jo: Swanton. Cod. (13 Aug. 1620). My servts., John Swanton, John Smith and Evan Powell. \iio sig.] Wits: J: Drake, Ed: Chadwell, Jo: More. (Pr. 17 Oct. 1620, by John More, son. Adm. gr. 15 Aug. 1 62 1, to Dowcebelle Dunch als. Moore and Anne * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 91. 355 Hooper als. Moore, daus. of deed., and their husbs., Saml. Dunch and Edw. Hooper, John More, Exor:, being dead.) 1069 Lawrence Litler of St. Stephen's, Coleman St., gent. (Dat. ii Oct. 1620.) Bur. in sd. psh.; tents, in Midd., and Coleman St.; dau. Jane, wife of Thos. Chaloner, gent.; uncle Rd. Litler, gent., his wife; frds., Mrs. Ciselye Duncombe, Mr. Thos. Ravenscrofte and Mr. Raphe Ward; Mr. Duncombe; my bro. Chaloner; my gt. seal ring; Mrs. Williams; my elk., Roger Smithe; John Hudson; eos. Edw. Fryer; Mr. Jarman, yie. of St. Stephen's; my sist. Key; Auncients and gents, of Barnard's Inn; eos. Frauneis Turfett; Extx: wife Dorcas; my son; Overs: Frauneis Chaloner, gent., and my son-in-law Thos. Chaloner. \_Laur: Litler] Wits: Thomas Knight, Ralphe Yeardley, Richard Hamond, Thomas Taylor, James Pownser imark)^ Roger Smith, Johes Hudson. (Pr. 24 Oct. 1620.) 1070 Thomas Halhead of Banbury, eo. Oxon., woollen- draper, old. (Dat. 4 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in Banbury chyd.; eos. Thos. Halhead of Banbury and his chn.; close called Andros Pittes; eos. John, son of Henry Halhead; Alice Hal- head, dau. of sd. Henry; Id. in Calthrupp, Banbury, bot. of Sir Anthony Cope of Hanwell, deed.; Henry Hallhead's oth. chn.; chn. of Edm. Smalbone of Banbury; chn. of Mary Lovill of Bloxham; chn. of Joane Kymble of Calthrupp, wid.; chn. of Eliz. Leach of Chipping Norton, deed.; chn. of Rd. Hiett of Saford; chn. of Ursula Leach, deed.; 2 chn. of Sara Howse of Banbury, deed.; chn. of Joane Greenehill, wid.; frds. Mr. John Dodd, Mr. John Lancaster, Mr. George Gee, ministers; Mr. Robt. Cleaver of Drayton; Thos., son of Mr. Wm. Short of Banbury, deed.; cos. Henry Fitche of Saw- ford; Rd. Kyte, Wm. Knight, Dorothe Cole and Dorothe Taylor, servts. to my eos. Thos. Hallhead; Exor: eos. Thos. Hallhead of Banbury, woollendraper; Overs: Mr. Robt. Cleaver of Drayton and Robt. Lovell of Bloxham. [mark\ Wits: William Whately, Robert Drewe, Robert Benbow, scr. (Pr. 28 Oct. 1620.) 1071 William Mace of Goddington, psh. of Chelsfeild, eo. Kent, husbm. (Dat. 6 Apr. .) Son Wm.; my 2 daus. 356 SOAME, FOL. 91. Joane and Ann Mace; my part of my farm and lease of God- dington; Extx: wife Joane; Overs: frds. Jo. Wakelyn the eld. and Joseph Powle. [.mark] Wits: George Smith, par. of Chelsfeild, Thomas Mace {mark). (Pr. 17 Oct. 1620.) FOL. 92. 1072 Hugh Capon of St. Olave, Southwark, co. Surr., cit. and woodmonger of Lond. (Dat. 29 Sept. 1620.) Bro. Henry Capon and his chn.; Co. of woodmongers, Lond.; my servts. Robt. Clemenson, John Whight and Jane Wharton; Wm. Pallmer (und. 21), whom I took out of charity fr. the Ch. wardens of this psh.; Wm. Page, scr. ; Extx: wife Edith; Overs: Rd. Clarke and Wm. Sarnell {.mark}. Wits: William Page, scr., Nicholas Fryer. (Pr. 21 Oct. 1620.) 1073 Thomas Dabb of Pillesley, co. Derb., yeom. (Dat. 9 May 1617.) Bur. in my psh. Ch. of Northwinfeild; poor of Northwinfeild; rep. footway at Locke bridge; son-in-law George Calton and dau., his wife, Isabell; dau. Mary Dabb; son Rd., his chn. and his wife; dau. Ellen Dabb; dau. Margt., wife of Rd. Milwarde; son Raphe, his chn.; son Frauncis, if he returns to England wtin. 4 yrs.; son Wm. Dabb's chn., Thos. and Rd. Dabbe (und. 21), their bro., John Dabb (und. 18); Exor: eld. son John; Overs: frds. Thos. Brailsford of Seanor,t Robt. Newton of Higham and son Rd. Dabb. [mark] Wits: Hen: Hunlocke, John Brailesford, Tho. Brailesforde. Cod. (28 Sept. 1618). Imark] Wits: Thos: Brailsford, John Wright. (Pr. 21 Oct. 1620.) 1074 James Baynes (/« p^s. beyond the sea*), servt. to John Bill. (Dat. 2 Sept. 1620.) Extx: my moth. Eliz. Weldin of Bednall Greene; ill in Paris, to be bur. in place called Le Saint Pere, by the Clarck place established by King Lewis Xni, for burying those of reformed religion; French Ch. in Challonton; Monsr. du Moulin; poor of St. Andrews the Wardrobe; the alms hous. next my uncle Hogg; poor of Bednall Greene; Wm. Wamsley, orphan; sist. Jane Weldin; my mr. and mris., Mr. John Bill and his wife; John Cleaver and his wife; Christopher, the porter; my moth's, maid. Jacobin; uncle Questa, beyond the seas; uncle Lee; bro. t Sic. qu. Heanor? * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 92. 867 Wilson's chn. (und. 21); Abraham Segard; Mr. Hodges; Mr. John Parker; Mr. West, tailor; Mr. Stokes; Emanuell. [mark} {no wits.) (Pr. 17 Oct. 1620.) 1075 Elizabeth Killingworth, {of Fampes/ord, co. Camb., wid.*). (Dat. 7 Feb. 1619-20.) Late husb. John Killing- worth of Pampesford, esq., deed.; dau. Glascocke and her dau. Mary; dau. Cecill and her daus. Mary and Eliz. my god- dau.; son Cecill; dau. Skepper and her husb.; son Thos.; son John; son Wm.; grch. Fraunces Cropley her fath. and his dau. Marye; bros. Christr. Cheyney and John Cheney; bro. and sist. Feild; sist. Ann Cheyney; Wm. Cheyney, son of bro. John; my former servt. Jane Mortlocke; Exors: sons Glascocke and Cecill. [Elizabeth Killingworthl Wits: Tho. Hoskins, John Leader, Robert Beten. (Pr. 10 Oct. 1620.) 1076 William Greenefeild of Capell, co. Surr., yeom. (Dat. 9 Aug. 1620.) Lds. in Warnham, co. Suss., called Dawes, in ten. of John Butler and wid. Evershed; eld. dau. Joane (und. 20); 3d dau. Mary; daus. Bridget, Eliz. and Sarah; my servts. Thos. and Jas. March and Sarah Greene- feilde; Mary, wife of Edw. Brooker; my servt. Edw. Long- hurst; Extx: wife Joane; Overs: frds. George Steere, elk. and JohnYounge. [William Greenefeild} Wits: Henry Stone, John Constable, George Steere. (Pr. 23 Oct. 1620.) 1077 Thomas Hothersall of Lond., surgeon, (in pts. beyond the sea*). (Schedule of will dat. 11 Feb. 1617-18.) Bound as master surgeon in ship "Sampson" for the E. Indies; uncle Robt. Shuttleworth, cit. and merch. taylor of Lond. [Edm: Hothersall "t} Wits: Da: Phillipps, servt. to George Rickner, the eld., scr., deed., Edward Cotton. (Adm. gr. 31 Oct. 1620, to Robt. Shuttleworth, uncle of deed., no Exor: being named.) 1078 Edward Palmer of the Co. of Merch. Adventurers, {in pts. beyond the sea^). (Dat. at Middleborough, i Sept. 1620.) Poor of the English congregation; John Forboes, minister to the Co. of Merch. Adventurers; eld. bro. Rd. Palmer; 2d bro. Giles Palmer; 3d bro. Thos. Palmer; Overs: t Sic. • Pro. Act. Book. 368 SOAME, FOL. 92. Humfrey Burr and John Mount-Stevens; Rd. Bressy, broker to the sd. Co.; my laborer, Peter Jasper; Roger Flood; John Grenowes; my 5 sists. Margt., Mary, Ann, Joan and Merriall Palmer and their chn.; Exor: Gregorye Wilzerd. \_Edward Palmer\ Wits: Roger Flood, John Grenowes, Joannes Van; Rd. Bressy, script. Cod. (undated). John Winghe, minister of the English Ch. in Flushing. \_Edward Palmer] Wits: Roger Flood. (Pr. 25 Oct. 1620.) 1079 John Turnam of Downton, co. Wilts., weaver. (Dat. 2 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in Downton chyd.; Cath. of Sarum; John (und. 21), son of bro.-in-law Rd. Cater; John son of Walter Baylye, my ten.; Edm. Whitlocke; my kinsw. Joane Hardinge; 3 chn. of kinsw. Margt. Carvell; bro. Rd. Turnam; tent, in occ. of Walter Baylie; my kinsm. Jas. Carvell, his sist. Frances Carvell and her sist. Margt. Carvell, the eld.; Extx: wife, Eliz.; Overs: frds. Wm. Saunders, Wm, Lowe. \_John Turnam] Wits: John Snelgar, William San- ders, William Lowe, Edmund Whittoke {.mark). (Pr. 19 Oct. 1620.) 1080 Thomas Hull of St. Bride's als. Bridgett, Fleet St., Lond., Sadler. (Dat. 19 Sept. 1620.) My unbo. ch.; fath.- in-law, Robt. Russell, now husb. of my own moth., Edith Russell; bond in name of Rd. Wittam; bros. Robt. and Wm. Russell, sons of sd. Robt.; bro. Thos. Russell; bros. Christr. and George Russell; sist. Mary Russell; frd. Mr. Robt. Walker, barber surgeon, dwelling in Budg Row, Lond.; frd. Thos. Purnell, carpenter, dwelling in Colman St., Lond.; frd. John Freeman, sadler; Wm. Procter, sadler; my servts. Michaell Harman, Marie Hill; Overs: frds. George Potter of Lond., sadler, and Nathaniell Newburye of Lond., stationer; Extx: wife Sarah; bro. Thos. Russell to be Exor: should my wife die, she now being ill. \_Thomas Hull] Wits: William Cave, Thomas Newton, John May, scr. (Pr. 13 Oct. 1620 by rel. and Extx:.) 1081 Roger Mynde {of St. Botolph's without Aldersgate^), cit. and merch. tailor of Lond. (Dat. 31 Aug. 1620.) Wife Ann; chn. Roger and Eliz. Minde; Exors: John Speede, cit. • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME. FOL. 92, 359 and merch. tailor of Lond. and John Woodcocke, cit. and haberdasher of Lond. [^. M.'\ Wits: Henry Smith, Arthur Vizer, scr. (Pr. 2 Oct. 1620.) 1082 William Deane of Nethercott, co. Oxon., gent. (Dat. 6 Sept. 1620.) Son and hr. Wm. (und. 21); dau. Dorothie (und. 21); lease of Old Stoke Charity, co. Southton.; Ids. in Bucks, had of Joseph Moyne; Exors: wife Isabell and Mr. John Seller, elk., par. of Ickford; bro. Deane; Overs: John K., Bish. of Lond., Sir Thos. Chamberleyne, Kt., chief Justice of Chester, Sir Frauncis Stonerd, Kt., and Walter Dayrell, esq. [ Willm. Deane] Wits: Thos. Fleetewood, Robert Dove, Thos. Hedd. (Pr. 10 Oct. 1620 by Isabelle, rel. of deed., pow. res. to John Seller.) 1083 Edward Rossen of Odington upon Otmore, co. Oxon., yeom. (Dat. Saturday, 22 May 1619.) Bur. in Odington chyd.; dau. Eliz. Rossen; Extx: wife EUinor; Overs: Edw. Bygge of Long Crundone, co. Bucks., George Maund of Chescarton and Phillipp Sellenger of Odington, co. Oxon. \,Edward Rossen] Wits: Phillipp Sellinger, Elizabeth Roson, Edward Bigg. (Pr. 2 Oct. 1620.) 1084 William Cockes of Worfeild, {co. Salop.''). (Dat. 20 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. or chyd. of Worfeild; son Wm. Cockes; Francis Border; dau. Ames Bennett; dau. Mary Cockes; son Thos. Cockes (und. 21); son Rd. (und. 21); Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: son Wm. {,mark] Wits: Willm Bayly, elk., Alice Baily, George Poole. (Pr. 16 Oct. 1620.) FOL. 93. 1085 Richard Robinson of Clement Dane's, co. Midd., tailor. (Dat. 16 Jan. 1619-20.) Rd. (und. 21), son of bro. Roger Robinson of Oxford, cook, his bros.; Ids. called Criples als. Cripley, held of city of Oxford by lease dat. 31 Aug., 5 Jas. L; bro. Henry Akers; sist. Jane; cos. Edw. Robinson of St. Clement Dane's, his wife, his daus. Maudlyn and Margt. and his son John; John Phelps and his wife; Fayth Sewarde; Roger Hill and his wife; Alice, servt. to John Phelps; Exor: bro. Roger Robinson; Overs: Mr. Wm. * Pro. Act. Book. 360 SOAME, FOL. 93. Weekes of Oxford and Edw. Robinson; poor of St. Tabs, Oxford, of St. Peter, Oxford, of St. Clement Dane's. \,Rich- arde Robinson] Wits: George Peirce, scr., John Mesey {mark), James Herdes. (Pr. i6 Oct. 1620.) 1086 Richard Stiffe of Engleston, psh. of Hauxbury, co. Glouc, yeom. (Dat. 30 May 1620.) Son Rd.; my liv. at Engleston; ch. and poor of Hauxbury; Exors: wifef and son Rd.; Overs: Wm. Windbolde, Arthur Crawe, Arthur Dawe [.mark], {no wits.) (Pr. 5 Oct. 1620.) 1087 Sir Henry St. Barbe of Grey's Inn, co. Midd., Kt. (Dat. 9 Oct. 1620.) Nephs. George and Robt. St. Barbe; Alice, wife of neph. Wm. St. Barbe; neph. Stukely; cos. Elionar Woodwarde; Exors: bro. George St. Barbe, gent, and neph. Wm. St. Barbe of Lond., gent.; niece Ellyott. [Henry Saint Barbe] Wits: Wm. Woodward, EUinore Wood- warde (mark), Joanne Thomas (mark), Elizabeth Langley. (Pr. 19 Oct. 1620.) 1088 Katherine "Watson of St. Giles without Cripple- gate, Lond., wid. (Dat. 29 May, 1620.) Bur. in the sd. psh. Ch., nr. son-in-law Wm. Lewknor; Wm. Lewknor, son of my dau. Bridget, and his sist., my goddau., Ursula Lewk- nor (und. 21); Edw. Toose, his fath., Alexr. Toose's hou. in Stokelane, co. Somst.; Gartrud Toose, dau. of sd. Alexr., and her moth., Kath. Toose; linen marked P. and W.; dau.- in-law Jane Watson, linen wch. was her moth's.; late bro.'s son, Barthw. Feilde, Darkis Silliarde, his sist., and anoth. of his sists., Joane Gale; Mary Winch; cos. Sir Harbottell Grimston, Kt. and Bart.; cos. Sir Henry Grymston, Kt.; Mrs. Mary Cornewallis; cos. Mr. Thos. Hall; godson Bartw. Hall; Kath, wife of Robt. Brewer; John Bates; Saml. Bryms- meade; my servt., Joane Sels and her husb.; Mr. Jackson, par. of St. Albans, Gt. Wood St., Lond.; Extx: dau. Bridget Lewknor; Overs: cos. Sir Henry Grymston and Mr. Row- lande Deacon, gent, [mark] Wits: Henr: Grimeston, Samuell Brynsmeade, Christopher Longley. (Pr. 2 Oct. 1620.) 1089 Henry Loftus of Broxborne, co. Herts., gent. (Dat. 9 Sept. 1619.) Cos. Alexr. Glover of Westminster, co. Midd., gent., his wife Blanch; Extx: wife Joane; Ids. in Hod- t Name of wife does not occur in Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 93. 361 desdon, Broxborne and Amwell, co. Herts.; Wm. Glover, 3d son of sd. Alexr. by his first wife; sist. Julian Hepworth; my dwelling hou. in Hoddesdon, psh. of Broxborne; Jane, wife of Rd. Josselyn and dau. of my sd. sist.; Wm. and Jane Jos- selin (both und. 21), chn. of sd. Rd.; kinsm. Jonas Loftus; poor of Hoddesdon, of both the Broxbornes and of Amwell; bro. -in-law John Beacon, his wife Anne; frd. Mr. Roger Reve; poor kinsw. Awdrey of Hampstead, co. Midd., wid., and her chn.; Overs: cos. Thos. Packer and frd. Mr. Wm. Campe of Lond.; Marke Mansell of Lond., merch. tail- or; cos. Robt. Michell; hou. in Hoddesdon, wh. Thos. Clarke now dwells; Ellen, dau. of sd. Alexr. and Blanch Glover. \_Henricum Loftus\ Wits: Roberte Reve, Richarde Watkin- son, Thomas Packer, John Founten, John Saringe. Cod. (undat.); Blanch, wife of Alexr. Glover, is dau. of my fath's. bro. (Pr. 14 Oct. 1620.) 1090 Hugh Handforde of Denyton, psh. of Swymbridge, CO. Devon., gent. (Dat. 9 Feb. 1619-20.) Poor of Swym- bridge and of Loxeforde; cos. Mr. Gregorye Chichester; cos. Judith Chichester; Abraham and Henry, sons of Henry Her- der of High Brey, deed.; grds. called the Weeke, othwise. Mayes close or Mayes grounde, pt. of man. of Lankey in Swymbridge, wch. I hold of Sir Thos. Dennys, Kt.; Mary Chichester, now wife of Henry Herder, gent., deed. (j/V.); Rd. Maye; Walter Maye; my servt., Austen Warde; Wm. Hutchens of Swimbridge, his reversion of Marracot, now in ten. of wid. Wilkey of Bratton; my servts., Josias Oates als. Beuer, Mary Shirlande; Mary Barrey; Mrs. Margt. CoUe- more; Rd., son of Christian Smalden, wid.; John Pugsley; Edw. Symons; cos. Trystram Chichester; grd. called Allor- beare and West close, sometime parcel of farm of Mersh in Swimbridge; Robert Chichester, son of Trystram Chichester, gent., deed.; Judith Chichester, sist. of Robt.; Extx: wife Mary; Overs: frds. Mr. Arthur Hatch, Mr. Wm. Molforde, Mr. Thos. Pollard, Mr. Henry Wyatt. \no sig.l Wits: Rich- ard Pollard the eld., Thomas Pollard, Richard Pollard, jr., William Leigh. (Pr. 10 Oct. 1620.) 1091 Samuell Watts of Axebridge, co. Somst., gent. (Dat. 7 July 1620.) Poor of Axebridge and of Congersbury; 362 SOAME, FOL. 93. Edm. Hobbes; Edm., son of bro. Wm. Watts; wife Joane; goddau. Rachell Read, dau. of John Read of Bristol; godson Thos., son of Thos. Tucker of Yatton; chn. of kinsm. Rd. Wattes; kinsm. John Wattes of Congresbury; Abraham, the elk.; chn. of Brice Cole; Arthur, Erasmus and Anne Wattes, chn. of Edw. Wattes of Congresbury; chn. of John Wattes of Sanforde; Saml., son of Edm. Wattes of Churchill; Exor: kinsm. Saml., son of the sd. Edw. Watts; lease bot. of John Croker of Chedder; lease of Id. in Wear in sd. co., late bot. of Sir Edw. Rodny, Kt.; Overs: kinsm. Edw. Watts of Churchill and Edw. Watts of Conglersbury; reversion lying in the man. of Winscombe in sd. co., now in ten. of Thos. Mewgh, bot. of Wm. Smethes, gent.; Bridget Bisse, dau. of John Bisse, late of Bristol; George Tory; Christr. Broad- rippe; Lewis Stevens, elk.; Mr. Hobson. \_Samuell Wattes\ Wits: George Fuller, Richarde Fuller. (Pr. 17 Oct. 1620.) 1092 William Woodyeates the yr., of Shabrooke, co. Devon., yeom. (Dat. 10 Mar. 1619-20.). Eld. son Wm. (und. 21); 2d son Tobyas; 3d son Jas.; 4th son Laurence; 5th son Thos.; dau. Eliz. Woodyeates (und. 21); all of wch. chn. to be placed appr.; bro. Thos. Woodyeates; Id. called Northam; tent, and grist mill called Tamill; lease of Id. nr. head weir of sd. mill, dat. 12 Jan., 12 Jas. L, gr. by Sir Robt. Basset, Kt., and Dame Eliz., his wife; Id. called the Tithinge close in Shabrooke gr. by sd. Sir Robt. by lease, dat. 10 Mar., 10 Jas. L; Petronell Browne, dau. of John Browne of Shabrooke; John, son of Wm. Bremridge of Sanforde; Extx: wife Wilmott; Overs: bro. Thos. Woodyeates and bro. -in- law Wm. Bremridge. \_William Woodyeates] Wits: William Bremridge, William Woodyeates the eld. {mark)j John Maunder {mark). (Pr. 29 Oct. 1620.) 1093 Roger Kilbery the eld., of Gritleton als. Gritlington, CO. Wilts., yeom. (Dat. 14 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Gritleton als. Gritlington; Elias Woodroffe, elk., vie. of sd. psh.; poor and Ch. of sd. psh. of Hullavington, CO. Wilts.; gr. called Dunly Hill in Hullavington; Roger (und. 21), yr. son of Thos. Kilbery, late of Gritleton, deed., and of Joane Kilbery; Exor: John Kilbery of Gritleton; Alice Balden, wife of Rd. Balden, and sist. of sd. Roger; SOAME, FOL. 93. 363 his sist. Joane Smarte, wife of Edw. Smarte; Roger Smarte, son of Edw.; Robt. Gawen; John Gawen of Voscott, his chn., John and Mary Gawen, Joane, wife of Robt. Shipway, Prudence Gawen and Rd. Gawen; Isaac Light; gr. called Imphey belonging to the Priory in psh. of Kineton St. Michael's; gr. called Cowleaze in Eston Peircy in sd. psh. of Kineton, co. Wilts; John Taylor of the Priory afsd.; Mr. Bayly, Mr. Boare his son-in-law; Fardinando Parry of Eastongray, co. Wilts.; Rebecca Holborrowe, dau. of Rd. Holborrowe and Rd. Holborrowe, his son; Phillis, wife of Robt. Saunders, his daus., Agnes and Margery; Eliz. Kil- bery; Roger Bristowe; Alexr. Jones; John May; Alice Bun- gie; Thos. Brokenborowe; John Brockenborowe and his chn., Robt., Symon, Thos., Walter, Mary, Alice, Joane and Pru- dence; Overs: Elias Woodroffe of Gritleton, elk., Raphe Huggins of same, clothier, John Gawen the yr., of same, yeom., and Henry Outtridge of same, butcher, \mark] Wits: Elias Woodroffe, John Gawen {mark). Raphe Huckins. (Pr. 19 Oct. 1620.) FOL. 93-4. 1094 Sir Edmonde Wilde of Kempsey, co. Wore, Kt., and High Sheriff of sd. co. (Dat. 28 Mar. 1620.) Poor of Kempsey; Ids. in Waltham Forest, co. Essex, and in Haug- ton Conquest, co. Beds.; wardship of son Edmond (und. 21); son Walter (und. 24); man. of Tottam, co. Essex, in ten. of Sams; man. of Gippcrax, co. Essex; man. of Glase- ley, CO. Salop., in ten. of D (?) Dackham; man. of Ewden, CO. Salop.; Ids. in Chetton and Whaddley, co. Salop.; Ids. in Bassinges hall, Lond.; now wife. Dame Dorothye; Sir Edw. Bullocke of Brumfeilde, co. Essex, Kt., Walter Blount of Sodington, co. Wore, esq., Frauncis Clarke of Houghton Conquest, co. Beds., esq., my cos. John Wylde of the Harriotts, Droitwich, co. Wore, esq., and John Wynford of Ascley, co. Wore, esq., Exors: and trus- tees for my sd. sons; lease of Kempsey pars. ; nurse and cos. Mrs. Kath. Wynford; Joyce Hall (unm.); Mr. Rd. Harward, elk., vie of Kempsey; my servts., Thos. Robinson, Rd. Wheler, Henry Presse, John Goodyere and John, my foot- man. {.El Wits: Richard Harward, elk., Geo: Wylde, R. Glasbrooke, Tho: Robinson. (Pr. 28 Oct. 1620.) 364 SOAME, FOL. 93-4. 1095 John English of Horsham, co. Suss., yeom. (Dat. 27 Nov. 1617.) Poor of Horsham; wife Kath.; hou. wh. I now dwell at Raighey in Horsham; Henry Whitall; Thos. Bascea; John, eld. son, Rd., son, and Cicelye, dau., (all und. 16), of my son, Rd. Englishe, deed.; my hou. wh. Nichs. Best dwells; Julian, wife of Christmas; Margt. Buttler, my goddau.; Margt. Englishe; Thos. Mellishe of Dunsfold, CO. Surr.; neighbour Rd. Sawyer; Exor: son and hr., George Englishe; Overs: frds. Henry Michell of Northheath, psh. of Horsham, Rd. White the yr., Edw. Willett and Thos. Grome- bridge of Horsham, who are also feoffees for my Ids. in Roughey, psh. Horsham, by deed dat. 8 May, 13 Jas. I.; Eliz., moth, of my sd. grchn., and late the wife of my son Rd., deed.; chn. of my son George; frds. John Nye and Hen- ry Napper; mess, in borough of Horsham, now in oce. of Rowland Wood, [mark] Wits: John Nye, Henry Napper, John Potter, John Steere. (Pr. 6 Oct. 1620.) 1096 Sir W^illiam Kingesmill of Sidmountaine, co. Southton., Kt. (Dat. — Jan. 1617-18). Chs. of Kingselere, Church Okeley, Woodcott and Litchfield; wool in Hants.; my mans, in Warwick; Trustees and Overs: neph. Wm. Fenys, Lord Saye and Seal, Sir Henry Wallopp, Sir Thos. Baker, Sir Henry Colte, Kt., and my cos. John Dridon; Id. called Fabians and Marvins in pshs. of Wootton and Church Okeley, co. Southton.; Id. called Normans in Ramsdall, in tithing of Wootton and lordship of Manydowne; Id. in de- mesne of Hanington, called Sheeredowne, extending fr. Burgh- feild betw. Kippins and Rowedowne and Locklie Coppice, the tents, grds. of Haniton and Barefield to W. of Rastalls wood; pastures of Burfield and Barefield; Id., parcel of man. of Maningdown, called Earchlingham and a pike called Cul- verhaye, demised by Cath. of Winchester in deed dat. i Dec, 10 Jas. L; Exor: son and hr. app.. Sir Henry Kingesmill; sons Rd. and George Kingesmill; Wm. Frenche's indr. of demise, dat. 18 Feb., 11 Jas. I.; my man. and now dwelling hou. of Malshanger; sheep and kine at Litchfield and at Saundford; my wife; dau. Frauncis (unm.); fath. Sir Wm. Kingesmill, deed.; my marr. daus.; Judeth (und. 18), a eh. whom I have bred; son Joshua; fr. the death of Lady Sara SOAME, FOL. 93-4. 366 Zouche; leases of hous. in Fleet St.; lease unto Sir Anthony Palmer, Sir Thos. Baker and Sir Thos. Lucy, Kts., dat. 23 Aug., 14 Jas. I.; lease dat. 22 June, 35 Eliz., made by me and my wife to Wm. Coombe and Thos. Hilman, both deed., concerning Ids. in Hodnell als. Hodenhall, Ascott als. Ascon- icette, Hookes, Whittington, Radborne and St. Helen's, co. Warw.; deeds poll dat. 24 Feb., ii Jas. I., and 22 Aug., 14 Jas. I.; Wm. Knighte. [W. Kingsmill\ Wits: H: Wallopp, Henrye Colte, Jo: Jephson, Willm Atwell, Tho: Aless, scr., Willm Frencke. (Pr. 16 Oct. 1620. Adm. gr. 11 July 1651, to Abraham Barber, prin. cred. of deed., to admr. goods, etc., of deed, left unadmrd., by Sir Henry Kingesmill, Exor:.) 1097 John Hillier of Wincaunton, co. Somst., gent. (Dat. 20 May 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. wh. I now dwell; Exors: son-in-law Wm. Mogg and Dorothy, his wife; Ids. in Hatherlye, co. Somst. \mark\ Witnessed 25 day, by John Maycock, Rob: Powell, George Greenestreete, John Strode, Ma: Tabor, Regr. (Pr. 23 Oct. 1620.) 1098 John Deane of Worton, psh. of Potterne, co. Wilts., yeom. CDat. 19 June 1620.) Bur. in Potterne chyd.; Ch. of Potterne; poor of Worton; cos. Jas. Deane, his bro.; COS. Rd. Hiscocke; cos. Robt. Hiscocke; cos. Thos. (und. 21), Kath. and Eliz. Deane (both und. 18); Exor: my son, (by Agnes Wilkes) John Deane, to have bringing up of sd. cos. Thos., Kath. and Eliz. Deane; my leaseholds Rowken Marsh, the Gabridges and Howie Crafte; Overs: frds. John Tucker and Phillipp Tucker. \mark\ Wits: John Tucker, Phillipp Tucker, Edward Tucker. (Pr. 16 Oct. 1620, by John Deane, son of deed., by Agnes Wilkes. )t 1099 Mathewe Springeham of Richmond, co. Surr., esq. (Dat. 23 Sept. 1620.) Son Henry; dau. Anne Cuttes; dau. Marye Puckell; grch. Mathias Valentine (und. 21), his fath., Benj. Valentine; Henry Cuttes; grch. Henry Cuttes; sist. Mary Bennitt; bro. Rd. Springeham and his wife; cos. Mary Lea, her dau., Bridget Keeme and her son, Edw. Keme; COS. Henry Browne; young Thos. Massam; Lady Herick; Sir Ralphe Bingley; son Harry Springeham; George Coster- t The first eight lines of an incomplete duplicate of this will occur as the last eight lines of Folio 93, following number 1093, will of Roger Kilbery. 366 SOAME, FOL. 93-4. dine; Mathewe Costerdine; my bro. Thos. Costerdine and his wife, Alice; Abigail Weekes; my servt., Joyce Unnion; my old servt., Nathl. Seman; Mr. Byfeild; Mr. Banham; debt by Co. of Merch. tailors, poor of the hosp. joining their hall; my mds., Isserell Bentley, (^) Cath. and Jane; my man, John; Mr. Adams; Mr. Billingeton; cos. Henry Springham; stock in E. India Co.; Extx: wife Eliz. \_Math: Springhani\ Wits: Willm Heyricke, George Butler, John Keene, Richard Tenche. Mem. relative to the will 24 Sept. 1620; Wits: W. Heyricke, He: Cutts, John Keene. (Pr. 7 Oct. 1620.) 1100 Richard Stubbing of Hempsted, co. Essex, yeom. (Dat. 16 June 1620.) Son Lewis Stubbing; sons Rd. and Arthur Stubbing; Frauncis Stubbing, son of my son Giles; Exor: son Wm. \no sigi\ Wits: Henry Greenewood, Ed- mond Stubbing, Henry Pratt. (Pr. 17 Oct. 1620.) FOL. 94. 1101 Richard Rocke of the Abbey Foreyate, nr. Shrews- bury, CO. Salop., esq. CDat. 2 Sept. 1620.) Wife Alice, her late husb., Rd. Prowd, deed.; my mill of the green; my pas- ture grds. about Shrewsbury; son Thos. Rocke (und. 24); son Edw. Rocke (und. 24); dau. Dorothie; Exors: wife and son, Rd. Rocke. \_Richard Rocke] Wits: Samuell Bettoy, Lewis Owen, Peter Hatton. (Pr. 24 Nov. 1620.) 1102 Anne Tindall of Much Maplested, co. Essex, wid. (Dat. 14 June, 1620.) Eld. son Sir John Deane, his wife and their chn.; my eld. dau. Rachell Deane; dau. Anne Deane; bro. -in-law Mr. Francis Tindall; bro. Mr. Steven Egerton and sist., his wife; bro. Mr. Thos. Egerton; Exor: son Deane Tindall, his wife; goddau. Ann Tindall; grch. John Tindall; son Arthur Tindall; pastor Mr. Blith; dau. Tindall; my son and dau. John and Margt. Winthrop, their fath.; my servt. Margery Freeburne; niece Gibson, her dau. my goddau., Ann Hunwith; Mary Freeburne; Steven and Adam, sons of John and Margt. Winthrop; Mr. Seplary, preacher; bro. and sist. Winthrop. \_Ann Tindall] Thos. Bettes; Joane; Rd. Walker; Perry; my sometime dairy maid Kath.; Luce Reade; Jas. Harrington, (^nowits.^ (Pr. 2 Nov. 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 94. 367 1103 Henry Jay, cit. and aid. of Lond., {of St. AntJwlin's*). (Dat. 22 Nov. 1620.) Bur. in St. Antholin's psh. Ch., Budge Row, Lond., wh. fath. Henry Jay and my wife Eliz. were, bur.; Mary Burrell (imd. i8), dau. of bro. Burrell by my sist.; Exor: son Henry Jay (und. 21); dau. Jane Jay (und. 18); my now wife; my chn. marr. and unm.; leases of hous. in Budge Row and St. John, Walbrooke, Lond.; son Dyke dau., his wife, and his chn., their 2 sons (und. 21); dwell- ing hou. in Budge Row; bro. Mr. Thos. Rowe to be Exor: dur. min. of son Henry; guards, of chn., the sd. Thos. Rowe and cos. Robt. Jay; Overs: frds. Rd. Fisher, of Inner Temple, Lond., esq. and son Rd. Dike; my servt. Ann; Christ's hosp. [mark] Wits: Edward Barkham, Fra: Bickley and Steven Kinge, scr. (Pr. 30 Nov. 1620, by Thos. Rowe. Pr. 23 May 1626, by Henry Jay, son of deed.) 1104 Edward Beresford of Fenny Bentley, co. Derby, esq. (Dat. 3 June 1620.) Bur. in chan. of Fenny Bentley by dau's. grave; Rd. Beresford, son of bro. Robt. Beres- ford, gent., deed.; tent, at Greley side nr. Bucknall, in ten. of John Murhall or Wm. Murhall; meadow in Oldington nr. Ridgely, co. Staff., in ten. of wid. Hareley; my sometime servt. Robt. Ferinhoughe; my servt. Thos. Frost; tent, in Waterfall, co. Staff., in ten. of Thos. Smyth; Ann Laut, for the pains she took wt. my grch. dur. her service; my servt. John Bullocke and his wife Mary; neph. John Dixewell; my servts. Thos. and Wm. Wall; Anthony Meller; tent, in Water- fall in occ. of Wm. Ford; my servt. Jas. Thacker; godson Edw. Plymer; goddau. Mrs. Mary Millward; my shepherd, Shawe; John Gravenor; old goodwife, Briddon; Exors: son- in-law Sir John Stanhope, Kt. and kinsm. John Millward, esq.; grch. and hr., Ollive Stanhope. [Edward Beresford] Wits: Robert Butler, William Cooke, John Bullocks. (Pr. 27 Nov. 1620, by John Stanhope, Kt., pow. res.) 1105 John Hiscocke of Calston, co. Wilts., husbm. (Dat. 13 Sept. 1620.) Poor of Calne; sons Rd. and John; mill wch. Edw. Duck holds of me; Exor: son Steven; dau. Dennys; 2 mess., parcel of the man. of Calston Willington; son Robt.; grd. called Wilkins; grd. called the Marsh, of *Fro. Act. Book. 368 SOAME, FOL. 94. demise of John Horton, gent.; dau. Mary; Thos. and Ann Bromham, chn. of dau. Edith; Overs: son-in-law Thos. Bromham and frd. Wm. Warne of Bluckland. {.John Hiscocke] Wits: Edward Duck, John Smyth, James Flaye, Thomas Bromham {mark), William Warne. (Pr. 25 Nov. 1620.) 1106 Robert Smith of Little St. Bartholomew's, Lond., gent. (Dat. 7 Nov. 1620.) Moth. Jane Smith; bros. John, Bryan, Wm. and James Smith; sists. Mary Mawhood and Dorothy Sterne; Id. called Jescrofte, in psh. of Hicklinge, CO. Notts., mort. to me by bro., John Smyth of Hicklinge; my dwelling hou. in Little St. Bart's., Lond.; Extx: wife Magdaline; only dau. Mary Smith. {Robert Smith] Wits: Edward Mare, William Harvey. (Pr. 27 Nov. 1620.) 1107 John Carter of Huntington, co. Salop., yeom. (Dat. 10 Aug. 1620.) Poor of Little Wenlock and Wellington; 2 tents, in Little Wenlock and Wellington; indr. dat. 10 Dec, 14 Jas. I, betw. me and Thos. Charlton and Wm. Bowlesse, gent.; est. of my tithe in Wellington had fr. Mathew Steving- ton; kinsm. Edw. Carter, Henry Carter, Peter Carter, Wm. and John Blackway, Robt. Eavans; kinsw. Mary Blackway; John Beard; Margt., wife of Robt. Eavans; Betriche Carter, dau. of bro. Roger Carter; kinsw. Joane Carter; bro's. sons, John and Edw. Carter; Sir Francis Newport, Kt. ; Samuell Wood; chn. of son-in-law John Fareley, his wife, pewter I had wt. his moth.; Exors: frds. Francis Foster of Watlinge St., CO. Salop., esq., Thos. Charlton of Cristenus in sameco., gent, and Wm. Hayward of Little Wenlocke, gent.; sist. Anne Blackway of Kenley; Lewis Wright of Leighton. [mark] Wits: George Barker, elk., John Richards {mark), Thomas Carter, Robert James {mark), Mary Blakeway {mark). (Pr. 24 Nov. 1620.) 1108 George Rawlinson, merch., English neighbour of the city of Lond., of the Roman Catholic Ch. (Dat. at the city of the Groine, 14 July 1620.) Bur. in the monastery of St. Francis in this city, in a friar's weed of the order of St. Fran- cis; the holy crusatha to redeem the imprisoned; wife Eliz., dwelling in Lond.; sons Jason and George; daus. Martha and Eliz.; Mr. Wm. Sadler; Edw. Yorke, consul for the King SOAME, FOL. 94. 86& of Spain, dwelling in this city; goods in this kingdom and in England; ch. Eliz., in this city. [,no si'g:^ Wits: Diego Boyle, Irishman pensener («V.) in this city, Francis Gomes, husb., Pelter Albores of Lamada, and Gansales Beint, neigh- bours 'of the port of Coutelier and Marteene of Ranevare, neighbours of town of St. Sebastien, being in this city; Martene Teranevall; Sebastien Morado, scr. (Adm. gr. 27 Nov. 1620, to Randolph Rawlinson, bro. of the deed., by and with the consent of Elizabeth Rawlinson, rel., dur. min. of the chn; Adm. gr. 17 June 1631, to Eliz,, rel. and Extx: of Randall Rawlinson, deed., bro. of testr., dur. min. of Jason, Martha and Eliz.) 1109 William Peirce of Lewes, co. Suss., draper. (Dat. 6 Oct. 1620.) Dau. Mary; dau. Sarah; Exor: son John. [.William Feirce] Wits: Anthonie Lapthorne, John Addams. (Pr. 21 Nov. 1620.) 1110 John Walton of Coventry, tailor. (Dat. 13 May, 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of St. Michael's, Coventry; Exors: wife Mary and frd. and neighbor, John Moodie, of Coventry, draper, [.no sigJ] Wits: Math: Randoll, Richard Twycrosse. (Pr. 30 Nov. 1620, by Mary Walton, rel., pow. res.) 1111 Nicholas Latham, par. of Barnwell St. Andrew, co. Northants. (Dat. 6 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in chan. of Barnwell St. Andrew, and a mon. to be made; my patron. Sir Edw. Mountague; deed dat. 11 Oct. 1617, gr. to my hosp. in Barn- well St. Andrew, called par. Latham's hosp., all my tents, purchased in old Weston, Bythorne and Brinton, co. Hunts., and Pilton and Stocke Doyle, co. Northants.; the gt. bridge; poor chn. of this town; tents, in Ringstead, co. Northton., bot. by me, or by Francis Worlidge for me; students at Cam- bridge; deed dat. 11 Oct. 1617, gr. to my hosp. in Oundle, CO. Northton., my Ids. wch. I bot. in Oundle, Burton La3^ti- mer and Islip, co. Northton., and in Kerton and Morton in HoUande, co. Line, and in Kimbalton, Awconberie, Weston and Gt. Gidding, co. Hunts.; schoolmaster of sch. erected by me; deed dat. 16 Jan. i6i8, wherein I gave to Edw. Moun- tague, esq., son and hr. to Sir Edw. Mountague of Boughton, CO. Northton., Kt. of the Bath, and to John Taylor of Barn- well, Ids. bot. of Edw. Aspine als. James of Randes, co. 870 SOAME, FOL. 94. Northton., yeom., lying in Shelton, co. Beds., for mainte- nance of highway, etc.; cos. and servt., Ann Cranfeilde; chn. of late sist. Margitts, her son, Francis Margyttes, his bro. Rd. and his 2 sists., Joane and Eliz.; chn. of Mr. Gurrey, my late sist. Righte's son and his sist., Marie Laighton of Fleet, CO. Line; my half sist. marr. to Bates of Woodford, (a sorry fellow,) and her chn.; cos. Lewes Latham and his wife; cos. Symon Latham, his wife; cos. Henry Freeman; a ring that was his fath's.; my servts., Henry Blewett, Bridgett Lylli- man and Kath. Potter; my glebe Id.; tithe fr. the highfeilde; my sometime servts., Jeffery, wid. Gibbons, Alice Smith, Ann Worshipp, Eliz. CoUington, Edw. Good and his wife; neighbour Mr. BrMges; schoolmaster of my schs. in Oundle, Barnwell, Henington and Warton, John Parker, Thos. Tay- lor, jr., Wm. Wells and Wm. Hull; servts. of Sir Edw. Mountague, his wife and his 3 chn., his fath.. Sir Edw. Mountague of Bowton, who gave me my pars.; poor of Benefield, in Oundle, in Brigstocke, in Barnwell St. Andrews, in Barnwell All Saint's, in Polbrooke, in Ringsted, in Pilton, in Higham ferrys and in Rushden, wh. I was brought up; my late wife, deed.; Exor: frd. Mr. Wm. Worthington, M. A.; poor chn. of Brigstocke, wh. I was bo.; hou. called Town hou. in Brigstocke, wch. I inherited fr. my fath., he giving his Id. to my yr. bro. iJV. Latham\ Wits: William Worth- ington, Thomas Tayler, jr., William Hull {mark), William Warner. (Pr. 4 Nov. 1620.) 1112 Robert Davis of Limbroke, co. Heref., gent. (Dat. 19 Apr. 1620.) Bound on a journey to Lond., wh. my busi- ness does chiefly lie; son John and his wife Anne; son Robt.; tent. wh. Humfrey Lowe late dwelt, bot. of Phillip Clarke of Lyngen, lying in Wigmore; tent, in Luckton, in ten. of Wm. Taylor; Id. called Lampe Ridge in Luckton, held of the King in fee farm; son Thos.; dau. Ellenor Lyll; son Lyll's daus., Eliz., Mary and Anne; sist. Alice Griffith, her dau. Mary and 2 oth. chn., a boy and a girl; bro. Thos'. 2 daus.; son-in-law Rd. Creswell; dau. Eliz. Creswell; cos. Eliz. Wolrich; my old servt., Hugh ; my servts., Thos. Norecott and Eliz.; Extx: wife Mary. \.Robert Davies] {no wits.) (Pr. 7 Nov. 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 95. 371 FOL. 95. 1113 John Waddon the eld., of Plymouth, co. Devon., merch. (Dat. 13 Mar. 1619-20.) Hou. newly erected nr. Plymouth Ch. for poor chn.; poor of Plymouth, of Anthonye, CO. Cornw. and of Blowefleminge, co. Cornw.; son and hr., John Waddon; Ids. in Anthonye; Extx: my now wife Alice; son Jas.; tent, in Plymouth wh. Edm. Childe and John Corbin do now dwell, late John Phillipp's, deed.; brewhou. in Plymouth; palace in Plymouth nr. the old conduit; dau. Eliz.; son-in- law Thos. Wolridge, his wife, my dau. Joane, and their chn. (und. 21); son-in-law Wm. Cann, his wife, my dau. Margt., and their chn., Thos., Robt. and Mathewe Cann (und. 21); son-in-law Thos. Leake, his wife, my dau. Mary, and their chn., Thos. and Alice Leake (und. 21); son-in-law John White, his wife, my dau. Ann, and her unbo. ch.; Prudence, wife of my son John, their chn., John, Prudence, Thos. and Alice; tent. nr. chyd. of Plymouth, late in ten. of Danyell Notherell, elk.; dau. -in-law Kath., wife of son Peter Wad- don, now in the E. Indies; Id. called Marshe or Myll pool, in Plymouth; my servt., Stephen Peirs; Emett, wife of Phillipp Brusye, and their sons, John and Jonathan Brusye; Walter Glubb of Plymouth; Thos. Woodes of Plymouth, chirurgeon; Overs: son John Waddon, son-in-law Wm. Canne and frd. John Bownde the eld., of Plymouth, woollen draper, {mark] Wits: John Waddon, jr., Walter Glubb, John Glubb. (Pr. 10 Nov. 1620.) 1114 Henry Pindar of Gray's Inn, co. Midd., esq. (Dat. I Nov. 1618.) Exor: fath. Mr. Wm. Pyndar. \_Henry Pyndar\ Wits: Richard Samborne, Peter Howell, Nathaniell Freake. Mem. (29 Jan. 1618-19). \,He: Fyndar] Wits: Edwarde Blackforde, Hugh Jones. (Pr. 28 Nov. 1620, by Wm. Pin- dar, fath. of deed.; Adm. gr. 31 Oct. 1626, to Sarah Pyndar and Eliz. Pyndar, her dau., the niece of Henry Pyndar, late of St. Andrew Holborn, Lond., William Pindar, fath. and Exor: of deed., now being dead.) 1115 Frauncis W^arner of Tawscocke, co. Devon., servt. to Wm. Earl of Bath. (Dat. 31 Jan. 1619-20.) Son-in-law Nichs. Stile of Reading, co. Berks., draper, his dau. Ann Stile (und. 20); neph. Mr. Hierome Warner, servt. to Sir 872 SOAME, FOL. 95. John Benet, Kt. ; grch. Frances Gibbons; Exors: son-in-law John Gibbons of Tawscocke, co. Devon., yeom., and his wife, my dau. Joane. \_Fraunces Warner] Wits: Will: Skippon, Wil: Paget, Zacharye Cheveley, Charles Westcot. (Pr. 9 Nov. 1620, by John Gibbons, pow. res.) 1116 Robert Sopp of Maydenton, co. Wilts. (Dat. 24 June 1620.) Bur. in Maydenton chyd.; wife Alice; my dwelling hou.; eld. dau. Joan and her 2 chn., Thos. and Robt. Coles; dau. Alice Sopp; Id. in Stapleford; youngest son Henry (und. 21); Exor: son Steven Sopp; Overs: Wm. Harrison and Wm. George. \_?nark\ Wits: Tho: Grange, elk. (Pr. 24 Nov. 1620.) 1117 George Gascoigne of the Middle Temple, Lond., esq. (Dat. 17 Sept. 1619.) Son John; Id. called Grove close, CO. Wilts.; man. of St. Peter's Ampney als. Easting- ton, and Ids. in South Cerney, Cerney Wicke and Cricklade, COS. Glouc. and Wilts.; grson. John, son of my late son. Sir Nichs. Gascoigne, Kt., deed.; son Rd.; grson. George (und. 21 ), son of my son, Christr. Gascoigne; dau. Kath.; Eliz., Allathia, Susan, Marye, Dorothie, Jane and Kath. Gascoigne (all und. 21), daus. of my sd. son, Sir Nichs.; Dame Eliz., wid. of the sd. Sir Nichs.; Ids. in St. Mary Ampney, Hollye- roode Ampney, Ashebrooke and Dryefeilde; neph. Thos. Gascoigne of Maydewell, and his wife; neph. Robt. Barmebie; neph. Wm. Yonge; law books in my study at the Temple; niece Barbara Wharton; my servt., Henry Baker; poor of Jesus hosp. in Rowell, co. Northton.; Sir Thos. Tresham, Kt.; chn. of Johane Dearinge, late of Croydon, deed., one of the daus. of my sist. Thompson; bro. Rd. Gascoigne, late of Barmbrowe, esq., deed.; Chas. Norton; grchn. Martha and Mary Mercer (und. 21); niece Grace Snellocke; Exors: son John and frd. the sd. Henry Baker of the Middle Temple, Lond., gent. \_George Gascoigne] Witnessed (5 Oct. 1619) by Frauncis Browne, Wm. Botterton, John Stones. Cod. (7 Sept. 1619 sic. ); indr. dat. i May, 14 Jas. I., betw. me and Sir Wm. Windsore concerning my grchn., Edw., Henry and Thos., yr. sons (und. 21) of Thos. Longevile, late of Bradwell Abbey, deed.; Id. in Bradwell, co. Bucks.; Dame Nightingale, now wife of Sir Wm. Windsore; {signed and witnessed as above). (Pr. 18 Nov. 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 95. 378 1118 Thomas David ap David of Michelston upon Avan, Dice, of Llandaff. (Dat. i8 June 1620,) Cath. of Llandaff; wife Guenllian; bro. David ap David; John Howell of Pile; Griffith David of Glincorrwg; neph. David ap David, son of bro. David, his bro. Thos. David; niece Eliz. David; Margt. Rice Thomas; my servt., Jonett vz Rees; Extx: dau, Kath. Thomas; my tent, held by lease of Sir Thos. Mansell, Kt. and Bart., called y trehire; fines imposed on Jonett Rees by coun- cil in the Marches of Wales for not prosecuting David ap Jeun; guard, of Extx:, dur. her min., Lewis Thomas, esq.; Overs: the sd. Lewis Thomas and Wm. ap Jeun. [_no si'g^.^ Wits: Griffith Thomas, Willm ap Jeun, David ap David, William EUiat; Thos. Rosser of Skettie, psh. of Swansey; Eliz. Dovell; Morgan David a/s. Miller; Rees Griffith Beuell; Rydderch Owen of Swansey; Jeun ap Rees of Neath, his son Rees ap Jeun; Robt. Thomas; Wm. llison; John llenn Griffith; Thos. Morgan, weaver; Rees ap John Phillipp; David Jenkin of Lanwitt by Neath; Phelice Hopkin of Bag- Ian; Leison ap Rees, weaver; Thos. Morgan John; Wm. Watkin of Morgan; Thos. ap Rees of the same; John Thomas, tiler. (Adm. gr. 24 Nov. 1620, to Lewis Thomas, dur. min. of Kath. Thomas, dau. of Thos. David ap David, deed.) 1119 John CuUen of King's Lynne, co. Norf., merch. (Dat. 28 Sept. 1620.) Wife Johan; my part of ship "Chari- ty," of Lynne; nephs. Thos. and Wm. Back (both und. 21), my late sist's. chn.; nieces Alice and Anne Back (both und. 21); Exors: Edw. Margate, Thos. Revett and John Revett the eld.; wid. Peirs; godsons, the ch. of John Chapman, and the ch. of Rd. Waters; goddaus., the ch. of Thos. Carrow, the ch. of John Revett and the ch. of Michael Revett; Eliz., dau. of Michael Revett; godson, the ch. of Rd. Hodgeson; godson, Edw. Atwood; Alice, wife of Michael Revett. {.no sig-.l Wits: Michaell Revett, Robert Atwood. (Pr. 11 Nov. 1620.) 1120 Edmonde Elwards of Llbandarne vawer, co. Rad., yeom. (Dat. 17 May 1620.) Extx: wife Mary; her chn.; my Ids. {.Edmond Elwardes] Wits: Edmond Elwardes, jr., Humfrey ap Richard, Margarett Harrington, Timothy Burton. (Pr. 3 Nov. 1620.) 374 SOAME, FOL. 95. 1121 Robert Smith of Tadlowe, co. Camb., yeom. (Dat. 30 Oct. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Tadlowe; eld. son, David; Id. at Potton, wh. Ed. Waller now dwells; dau. Eliz. Smith (und. 20); 2d son, Rd.; Id. at Tadlowe; 3d son, Henry; dau. Anne Smith; cottage called Smitkinges in Tadlowe; Extx: wife Anne. \niark\ Wits: Samuell Bradstreete, John Hunt. (Pr. 15 Nov. 1620.) 1122 Christofer Molineux of Grey's Inn, co. Midd., esq. (Dat. 6 Apr. 1619.) Aged 73 years. Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Christ Ch., Lond.; Exor: frd. Mr. Robt. Chernocke, of Gray's Inn, co. Midd., esq. \_Xpofer Molineux] Wits: Tho: Fletcher, Thomas Held. (Pr. 11 Nov. 1620, by Roger Char- nocke, esq.) 1123 Thomas Tylney of Shelley Hall, co. Suff. (Dat. 20 Jan. 1618-19.) My 3 yr. chn., Frederick, Eliz. and Thos. (all und. 21); eld. son Phillipp; Extx: wife Eliz. \_Tho: Tyiney] Wits: R: Webster, Nicholas Mann; my gt. aggatt jewel; (Adm. gr. 18 Nov. 1620, to Philip Tylney, son of deed., rel. Eliz. ren.) 1124 William Elmhirste of St. Andrew Undershaft, Lond., cit. and haberdasher. (Nunc, will dat. 7 Nov. 1620.) Dau. Margt.; my unbo. ch.; my lease in Ireland; Wm. Elmhirste, son of bro. John; Extx: wife Suzan; Overs: my cos. George Willmer and George Radcliffe. \_no sig.] Wits: Duncomb Halsey, George Willmer, Geo: Radcliffe. (Pr. 22 Nov. 1620.) FOL. 96. 1125 Henry Cholmeley of Birton, co. Line, Kt. (Dat. 24 July 1619.) Bros. Nichs. and Rd. Cholmeley; lease of man. of Earles Hall, in Frampton and Donington, co. Line; son John; indr. dat. 20 June last past, wt. my 2 youngest sons, Robt. (und. 26) and Wm. (und. 27); dau. Mary (und. 24); Overs: bros. -in-law, Mr. Nathl. Lacye and Mr. Alexr. More, esqrs.; indr. dat. 23 June last past, wt. my son John; pay- ment of King's tenths ace. to decree in Court of Exchequer made in Trinity term, 1606; E. of Bridgewater, sole lord of sd. man.; grchn. Mountague and Robt. Cholmeley; free- hold Id. in Donington, bot. of Wm. Thompson; freehold Id. in Donington and Quadringe, co. Line, bot. of Mr. SOAME, FOL. 96. 376 Wm. Grandorge and Mr. Littleberry; my two books of Mr. Dikes making; lease in Donington held of the E. of Hertford; Exors: sons John, Robt. and Wm. Cholmeley; my marke of swans called Croefoote and the Pennycrosse, bot. of Thos. Wyche of Crowland; cos. Sir Raphe Hare, Kt,; his son Sir John Hare; my eld. son Henry Cholmeley; my marke of swans called the Harte, bot. of Mr. Wm. Lacye, esq., my late fath. -in-law; man. of Birton; dau, Eliz., wife of son Henry; 6 silver spoons wt. G. B. on them; sist. Dionise Chorton; cos. Hughe Awdley; neph. Andrewe Burton and his sist., my niece, Mabell Booth; sists.-in-law Lady Cassandra Beaumont, Mrs. Margt. Lacye, Mrs. Anne Moore, Mrs. Kath. Tookie, Mrs. Susan Chirme; cos. Henry Lacye of Lond.; my late servt. Valentine Moulton; my servts. Thos. Shipman, John Gell, John Presgrave, Alice Slater, John Richardson, Isbell Camock, Henry Lambert, Rd. Carter, cook, and Thos. Hawes; man. of Easton; ' Sir Henry Mountague, Kt., now Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench; Sir Rd. Sondes, Kt.; Mr. John Marshall, my ten. of the farm in Would Newton, CO. Line; cos. and godson Henry Tookie (und. 21), his fath. Thos. Tookie, made indr. wt. me, dat. 2 Nov. 1617; godson, Henry Carter. \_Henry Cholmeley] Wits: Henry Bell, elk., Robt Cherk, Will: Goodhall, Richard Carter, Thomas Hawes, Hambert, Thomas Shipman, John Presgrave, John Rich- ardson, Charles Hornby. (Pr. 11 Nov. 1620, by John and Robt. Cholmeley, pow. res. to Wm. Cholmeley.) 1126 Christopher Rodes {of St. Lawrence, Old Jury, Lond.*^. (Dat. Monday, 6 Nov. 1620.) Bur. in body of Ch. of Lawrance, Lond.; bro. John Rodes; lease of a hou. on the S. bank of the Thames called "The Green Dragon;" bro. Robt. Rodes of Hemly, co. York, his chn.; Thos. Rodes, the supposed son of John Rodes, in the Charterhouse, Lond.; sist. Grace, wife of the sd. John Rodes of the Charterhouse; eld. bro. Thos. Rodes, his chn.; my fath's. will of wch. I was Exor:; sist. Eliz. wife of Godfry Elison, dwelling at Coates, psh. of Silkstone, co. York and her chn.; wife of Rd. Beau- raonte of Birching Lane, Lond., baker; cos. Wm. Hepworth of Fish St. Hill; Robt. Butler, dwelling in Grub St. and his wife; Mary Starr, dwelling in Little Wood St.; Exors: Rd. * Pro. Act. Book. 376 SOAME, FOL. 96. Beaumont and Wm. Hepworthe. {.Christopher Rodes] Wits: John Bright, elk., William Hepworth, Gregory Curry {mark), (Pr. 22 Nov. 1620.) 1127 Richard Yolland of Aishburton {co. Devon.^), gent. (Undated.) My 3 sists. Mary, Agnes and Anne Tony; bro. John Yolland, his chn.; bro. Thos. Yolland; Nichs. Gortlie; mess, in North St. and borough of Aishberton, bot. lately of Wm. Horsham and Rd. Preston; mess. nr. the great conduit in Aishberton, in ten. of John Denband; barn in St. Lawrence Lane in ten. of Johan Freind, wid.; my unbo. ch.; Rd. Yol- don; Exors: wife Jane and bro. Wm. Yolland; Overs: Wm. Knowlinge, Christr. Gaunter, John and Roger Gaunter. Cod. (undated); the sd. Rd. Yolland (und. 21); Id. in occ. of John Quinte. {Ricardum YoUand\ Wits: Gilbert Collyns, John Cholwell, Thomas Yolland, John Jolland. (Pr. 22 Nov. 1620.) 1128 John V/heddon of Watchatt, psh. of St. Decuman's, CO. Somst., blacksmith. (Dat. 22 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in St. Decuman's chyd.; Cath. of Wells; eld. dau. Susan, her chn.; son Thos. Wheddon, his chn.; dau. Marye Longe, her chn.; dau. Maryan Preist, her chn. (und. 21); son John Wheddon; grd. wch. is of Mr. Lacie's Id. in the Higher Fowle bridge, bot. of Norish; son Attewill Whedden; dau. Alice Wheddon; Exor: son Rd. Wheddon; my lease of a hou. wch. is of Mr. Thos. Windham's Id.; Thos. Wheddon and Maryan, dau. {sic. ? of my dau. Susan); Symon, husb. of my dau. Susan; John Preist, husb. of dau. Maryan, hou. wh. he now dwells; Edith, my son Rd's. dau.; wife Edith, [no sig:] Wits: Wil- liam Torington, George Hoore, John Couch. (Pr. 10 Nov. 1620.) 1129 John Tayler of Woodnewton, co. Northants., yeom. (Dat. 30 Apr. 1617. ) Bur. in Woodnewton Ch.; Exors: wife Margt. and son John Tayler; my lease; son Christr. Tayler (und. 18); son Robt. (und. 18); son Thos. (und. 18); dau. Ellen Tayler (und. 18); dau. Anne Tayler (und. 18); dau. Eliz. Tayler (und. 18); dau. Mary, wife of Henry Allen; John, son of bro. Thos. Tayler; Agnes, wife of John Yates; Eliz., wife of Wm. Chapman; Dorothy, wife of Thos. Sharpe; Eliz., * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 96. 3T7 wife of Robt. Exton; Abigaill, wife of Lawrence Clarke; bro.- in-law, Wm. Ball of Witteringe, his bro. Rd. Ball; Eliz., wife of John Bishop; John, son of Robt. Exton; Robt., son of Jas. Roose; 3 chn. of Henry Phesant; rep. of bridges at Catlinges Milne; Christr. Merston, elk.; wife of John Sores- by; wife of Henry Smith, [no si£:'\ Wits: Xpofer Merston, elk., Thomas Sharpe, Robt Exton. (Pr. 9 Nov. 1620, by Margt. Tayler, rel., pow. res. 1130 Alice Gallington of Wells, co. Somst., wid. (Dat. 10 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of St. Cuthbert's Ch., Wells; poor in almshou., Wells; son Henry Foster, his wife Mary; son John Foster; dau. Ciceley, wife of John Brocke, of Mil- ton in psh. of St. Cuthbert's; son Wm. Foster; dau. Jane Colliwood; Henry and John, sons of son-in-law Rd. Collins; Christian Collins, dau. of sd. Rd., his wife Eliz.; lease of Id. in Blackestalle, nr. Wells; goddau. at Glaston; son Henry Foster's 3 sons; Christian Salmon; Exor: son-in-law Rd. Collins; Overs: frds. Mr. Henry Baron and Mr. Edw. Huishe of Wells; Jane Foster, dau. of George Foster of Dulcott; Mary Chaddy, sist. of Rd. Collins. i?na?-k] Wits: Henrye Baron, Edward Huishe, not. pub. (Pr. 21 Nov. 1620.) 1131 David Hoyell of Bromptonralphe, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 6 Sept. 1620.) Exors: Rd., son of bro. John Hoyell, Barbara, wife of sd. Rd.; tent, called Heale, wh. I now dwell; Id. called Long Broomes; bro. Christr. Hoyell; Judith Hoyell, dau. of bro. John, his sons, David, George and John Hoyell and his dau., Jone Hoyell; chn. of Jas. Hemborough; my prentice, Thos. Aplyn; Susan Hoyell, dau. of Edw. Hoyell, deed.; George Mauncell; Henry Hoyell, son of my bro. Wm.; Overs: bro. Wm. and John Tyler, [mark] Wits: John Wes- combe, Henry Hoyell, William Hoyell, John Tyler. (Pr. 22 Nov. 1620.) 1132 Robert Parris of Woollmingstonn, psh. of Chard- stocke, CO. Dorset., yeom. (Dat. 7 Nov. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. or chyd. of St. Andrew's, Chardstocke; Exor: bro. Thos. Parris; WooUmyngton farm in Chardstocke; Edith, John, Eliz., Thos., chn. of bro. Thos.; sist. Bridgett Drew and her chn.; bro. John Parris, his chn.; bro. Wm. Parris, his chn.; sist's. sons Henry, Thos. and Humfry Burton; Christr. Den- 378 SOAME, FOL. 96. man and Thos. Bartlett, servts. to bro. Thos.; cos. Thos. Parris, the eld.; Overs: John Bowech, the yr. and Robt. Sprake. \_Robert Parris\ Wits: John Bowech, scr., Robte. Sprake {mark), Robte Sprake, jr. (Pr. 21 Nov. 1620.) FOL. 97. 1133 William Seabright {of St. Edmund the King, Lombard St.*), Lond., esq. (Dat. 19 Jan. 1618-19.) Bur. in chan. of Ch. of St. Edmund the King, in vault wh. late wife lies; late wife's son Sir Jas. Boucher, Kt., his wife Lady Boucher, his eld. dau. Eliz., brought up in our hou., his dau. Frances Boucher, godson, his eld. son Thos. Boucher (und. 21), his 2d son Jas. Boucher, his 3d son John, his 4th son Rd., his 5th son Wm. and his youngest son Henry; bro. -in-law Thos. Morley, their uncle; John Burnell, Rd. Brigges, Edm. Page, Thos. Freeman, their cousins; niece Sara Astin, one of the daus. of sist. Eleanor Astin, wid., deed., and of Thos. Astin, deed.; neph. Edw. Seabright; my fath. Edw. Seabright, deed., to whom I was Exor: ; bro. John Seabright, gent., deed., to whom I was Exor:; lease of man. of the More, in psh. of Lindrich, co. Wore, and Ids. of Newenham and Knighton, in sd. psh. and co., held of Cath. of Wore; bro. John's wife and 5 chn.; suit against Edw. Hereford; lease of Kingford in Woolverly, held of Sir Thos. Whorwood, Kt., deed., and his son Gerrard Whorwood, esq.; Overs: cos. Sir Thos. Coventrye, Kt., Solicitor general, husb. of niece Sara, deed., dau. of sd. bro. John; cos. Edw. Broad, esq., who marr. my niece Judith, dau of my bro. John, his 3 chn.; Eliz. Blounte, wid. and admx. of neph. Wm. Seabright, deed., and son of bro. John; John Burnell, husb. of Anne; sd. bro's. youngest dau., their chn.; 2 chn. of niece Sara Coventrye, Thos. and Eliz.; sist. -in-law Anne, late wid. of my sd. bro. and now wife of Thos. Walsh, gent.; poor of Wolverley, co. Wore, wh. I was bo. and bred; erection of free grammar sch. there in trust to neph. Edw. Seabright, gent., Samuell Atwood, gent., Anthonye Carrington, vie. of Woolverley, cos. Simon Jewckes, Thos. Steward, Thos. Goodyeare, Edw. Hill, Frauncis Wood, Humfrye Langmore, Edw. Thomas and John Hill of Cockliffe, all of Wolverley; 2 tents, in Mark •Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 97. 379 Lane, Lond., newly built in psh. of St. Olave's, in ward of Tower of Lond., in ten. of Steeres and my Id. in Bed- nail green als. Blethenhall green, psh. of Stepney als. Stabin- heath, co. Midd., in field called Markhams wt. conduit head therein, late leased to Wm. Marquess of Winchester; Id. at Milkwive's bridge, in occ. of Stephen Newman and Reigh- nold Scelles, parcel of Stepney man., held of Thos. Lord Wentworth; poor of Old Swinford, Kitherminster, Chadsley Corbett and Bewdley, co. Wore, of Kinfare, co. Staff., of Alvely, CO. Salop.; rep. of Wolverley Ch. and 4 bridges; Dean of Wore. Cath.; 80 mourners, being poor men; neph. Edw. Seabright's wife and dau. and 3 of his sons; Anne Broade, dau. of my niece and Edw. Broad; chn. of my cos. John Burnell, bro. Thos. Morley, my sist., his wife and dau., my goddau.; bro. Boucher, my sist., his wife Alice; bro. Isacke Morley; Dr. Whitinge, preacher; Mr. Spendloe, cur. of St. Edmond's psh.; Mr. Padgett, preacher; frd. Arthur Harpur; cos. Burnell, wid.; cos. John Huntbach, niece, his wife, their 4 chn.; bro. Walshe and sist., his wife; cos. Page, his wife; cos. Brigges and his wife; wife of cos. Simon Jewckes; my servt. Edm. Nuttinge; my late servt. Thos. Hale; poor in Christ's Hosp., St. Thos.', Newgate, Bridewell, Compters of Poultry and Wood St., Ludgate, Bethlem, the Fleet, King's Bench, Marshalsea, the White Lyon, compter of Southwark, the Clincke, the Gatehouse at Westminster, Finsbury, Whitechapel, Castle and Goal of Worcester, of St. Edmond's Lombard St., St. Margt. Patten's, Bushopshall and Bednall Green, of Stepney, the new almshouses nr. Mile End, of Woolverley, Kinvarr, Sturbridge and. Old Swinford, Kitherminster, Ribsford and Bewdley, Halesowell, Enfeilde, Chadsley Corbatt, Bovington, Over Areley, Parshor and Bel- broughton; niece Theodosia Seabright, chn. of her and my neph. Edw. Seabright; neph. Wm. Astin's 4 chn. (und. 21); COS. Mrs. Susan Colles, wid.; frd. Lady Withens, my god- dau., her dau.; frd. John Hill of Cookliffe; bro. -in-law Rd. Gouldston; kinsm. Humfrey Packington, esq., his bro. John Packington; kinsm. Wm. Etkys and Edw. Gravener at Cam- den; COS., the wid. of Rd. Gravener, deed.; cos. John Lam- bert at Grocer's hall; Margt. Warren, a poor wid. of Bednall Green; servts. George Halfhide, Nathl. Fisher, Wm. Han- 380 SOAME, FOL. 97. clin, John Leigh, Marie Bettes, Anne Malton, Christian Hill and Eliz. Harbert; my gardiner Rd. Stevenson and his wife; late wife's kinsw., wid. Watson; neph. John Astin; late servt. John Steidman; Co. of Grocers, Lond.; a bason and ewer of silver wt. my arms; Exors: neph. Edw. Seabright and cos. John Burnell. [Wt'l/i'am Seabright\ Witnessed (25 Oct. 1620) by Jo: Whitinge S. T. P., William Haines, Nathaniell Daye, Daniell Darnellye, William Hauckley, Jo: Leigh, Ar: Harpur. (Pr. 7 Nov. 1620, by Edw. Seabright, pow. res.) 1134 Henry Manninge of St. Mary Cray, co. Kent, gent. (Dat. 18 July 1610.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Mary Cray; dau. Margt. Manninge (und. 21); woods called Brittens woods at Haverdstreete, psh. of Beckesley, co. Kent; sons Edw. and Jeremy Manninge; son John Manninge (und. 21); servt. Agnes Collins ah. Drewe; Overs: bro. Hughe Man- ninge of Foot's Cray, co. Kent, gent., and frd. Henry Kightly of Orpington, co. Kent, yeom.; Exor: son Matthew Man- ninge; tent, called Waldens, wh. I now dwell, in St. Mary Cray and Orpington; tent, in St. Mary Cray, in occ. of Thos. Standley; inn called "the Black Boye," in St. Mary Cray, in occ. of Sibbell Eaton, wid.; tents, in Eltham, co. Kent, in ten. of George Jenninges, husbm., and of Momby, husbm.; tent, called Coptehall in St. Mary Cray, in ten. of Wm. Kingesland; tent, in Beckesley, in ten. of Street, husbm.; woodld. called Goldeshole, in Sutton at Hoan, co. Kent; tent, at Kevinge town, pshs. of St. Mary Cray and Orpington, in ten. of Martin Chapman; tents, in Northampton wch. shall come to me after dec. of Mathewe Manninge of , co. Northants., gent., and of , his son; woods in Chiselhurst, CO. Kent. \_Henricum Manninge] Wits: George Samuell, not. pub., Henrye Kickley, John Hayte {mark). (Pr. 8 Nov. 1620.) 1135 Robert Barlov^e, one of the poor pensioners of King Jas. Hosp., Charterhouse. (Dat. 19 July, 1620.) Bur. in the usual place of burial in hosp. of Charterhouse; 80 poor brethren of this famous hosp.; Thos. Note, Jerom Farrar, George Bunnington, George Pynner and John Finch, breth- ren of the hosp.; Exors: Anthony Calton, Anthony Wikes, Nicholas Bettes and John Woolman; poor of Charterhouse SOAME, FOL. 97. 381 lane; Robt. Coxe; our preacher Mr. Burrell. [mark] Wits: Richard Rawstorne, Thomas Lawson, Henry Lacy, Edward Calvert. (Pr. ii Nov. 1620, by the 3 first named Exors:, pow. res. to John Woolman.) 1136 WiWiam Praed (0/ f/ny Lalani, co. Cormv., gent*'). (Dat. 6 Apr. 1620.) Dau. Alye Praed (und. 21); dau. Marye Praed (und. 21); godsons Wm. Coad and Wm. Praed; cos. Heugh Pawlye; Exor: son Jas. Praed; Degorye Turpin's chn.; lease of hou. wh. he now dwells, made by Thos. Lawrye to Anne Turpin, wid., deed. [W. Fraed] Wits: Anne Jagoes (mark), Andrew Lawry, James Jenkin. (Pr. 8 Nov. 1620.) FOL. 98. 1137 Richard Elliott, cit. and salter, {of St. Sepulchre's without Newgate^), Lond. (Dat. 6 Nov. 1620.) Co. of Salt- ers, whereof I am free; moth. Zacharye Thompkins; only dau. Kath. Ellyott; my unbo. ch.; bro. John Thompkins; kinsw. Eliz. Highwaye (und. 21), who now dwelleth wt. me; fath. -in-law Mr. Jeffrey Langley and his wife, my moth.-in- law, his son, my bro. -in-law, Mr. John Langley; my servt. Thos. Greene; Extx: wife Margt. Elliott; Overs: fath.-in-law Mr. Jeffrey Langley and frds. Mr. Wm. Hodges, Wm. Cloave, Thos. Fones and Wm. Payne. \_Richard Elliott] Wits: George Rickner, scr., John Harryson {mark), Andrewe Aid- worth, Thomas Greene. (Pr. 14 Nov. 1620.) 1138 Steven Bowdiedge of Hawckchurch, co. Dorset., yeom. (Dat. 4 Aug. 1620.) Bro. John Bowdiedge, his wife Eliz.; bro. -in. law Wm. Kinge; John Beere; Philippe Wal- lis, grch. of sd. Eliz. Bowdiedge; Nicholas Bowdiedge, son of sd. John and Eliz., his sists. Philippe Bowdiedge and Edith Bowdiedge, his bro. John; sist. Anne Kinge, her dau. Eliz. Kinge; Beerehill; Wm. Kinge, bro. of sd. Eliz. Kinge, her sist. Margery Kinge, her bro. John Kinge, her sist. Mary Kinge, her bro. Henry; Punies of Hewarde, psh. Thorne- combe; my bro. Thos.' 2 chn.; my wife's sists., their chn.; cos. Chas. Swetlande; Extx: wife Margt.; Wits: Nicholas Bowdiedge, script., John Bowdiedge, Willm Kinge {fnark). [no sig-.] (Pr. 16 Aug. 1620.) *-Pro. Act. Book. 382 SOAME. FOL. 98. 1139 John Shepparde ^/j-. Townsend of West Compton, psh. of Pulton als. Pilton, co. Somst., husbm. (Dat. 14 Sept. 1620.) Bur. in my psh. Ch. or chyd. of Pilton; gossip and neighbour Wm. Withers als. Rogers, his wife Edith and their 5 sons; Cicely Edgill, her son Phil. Edgill (und. 21), her oth. chn. and her bros.; kinsw. Joan Ameare als. Bailer; Wm. Wade, his wife and chn.; godsons Thos. Warforde and Wm. Moore; Exor: Wm., son of Wm. Rogers, par. of Dod- ington; Overs: Wm. Rogers, par., and his bro. Edw. Rog- ers, [mark] Wits: Edward Rogers {mark), Cicely Edgill, William Rogers. (Adm. gr. 10 Nov. 1620, to Wm. War- feilde of West Bradley, co. Somst., yeom., dur. min. of Exor:.) 1140 Raphe Bennet of Cubert, {co. Corn.*). (Dat. 8 Jan. 1617-18.) Bur. in chyd. of Perran in Sabulo; Christr. Render's 5 chn. and his wife Mary; Walter Nancivill's 2 chn. and his wife Martha; Bennet Bennet's 2 chn.; Jane, wife of Perran Tippet; Exor: son Bennet. [mark] Wits: William Julyan, senr., William J ulyan, jr., Richard Nancivill {mark). (Pr. 14 Nov. 1620, by Benedict Bennet, son of deed.) 1141 Sir James Kirton of Almesforde, co. Somst., Kt. (Dat. 22 July 1620.) Neph. Edw. Kirton, son of my bro. Daniel; trustees and Exors: frds. Sir Henry Barckley of Yarl- ington, CO. Somst., Kt., Wm. Chafyn of Zeales, co. Wilts., esq., and John Wightwicke of the Inner Temple, Lond., esq.; bro. Sir Edw. Morley, Kt., deed.; niece Mary Ingram; my late wife; Sir John Morley, Kt.; Ids. in Sopworth, co. Wilts., wch. were inheritance of Edw. E. of Hertford; hou. in Little St. Bartholomew, nr. West Smithfield, Lond.; moth. Lettice Kirton; mansion and Id. at Almesforde Pk., co. Somst., wh. my moth, now dwells, whereof I have lately made her an est. by indr. dat. 14 Dec, last past; mills in Castle Cary, co. Somst.; sist. Lady Vernon, wife of my eld. bro., deed.; pars, of Castle Cary, grds. there called Halfe Gardens and Mill close; grds. in Almesforde and South Cary, co. Somst., some- time in occ. of Wm. Hole, called Hole's Demesnes; niece Lady Banfeilde; Ids. in Kingston Deverell, co. Wilts.; Henry Boddenham, son of Lady Banfielde and her oth. chn.; niece ♦ Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 98. 888 Lady Bugges, her chn.; bro. Wm. Kirton, his wife and chn., Edw., Daniell and Robt. Kirton (all und. 21), his dau. Agatha Kirton (und. 21), and his son Jas.; copyhold Ids. in Almes- ford called Battes; niece Eliz. Lane, dau. of bro. Josias Kir- ton, and her husb. ; neph. Thos. Kirton, son of bro. Josias; Frauncis, Dorothie, Josias, Penelope, Wm. and Daniell Kir- ton (all und. 21), chn. of bro. Josias; bro. Frauncis Kirton, his wife and daus. Lettice and Frauncis Kirton (und. 21); sist. Mrs. Susanne Hepden, her husb. and her sons Thos. Nuthead and Wm. Nuthead, his wife and chn.; niece Selwood, dau. of sd. sist., her husb. Humfrey Selwood and their chn.; niece Bridget Wightwick, dau. of my sd. sist.; sist. Smith, her son John and her oth. chn. (und. 21); niece Lady Buck- eringe and her bro. Mr. Wm. Morley; neph. Mr. John Mor- ley, son of bro. Sir Edw., deed.; goddau. Mrs. Kath. Wheatly; Lady Eliz. Barckley of Bruton, wid.; Lady Barckley, wife of Sir Henry, his son, my godson, Mr. Edw. Barckley; my servt. Rd. Hickes; poor of Christ's hosp., of Castle Cary and of Almesforde; pension fr. the King; Exors: besides those named, Edw. Kirton, Ferdinando Bawde of Walgrave, co. Northton, esq., and Henry Tremell of Walgrave, gent.; dwelling hou. of John Wightwick, in Coventry; Overs: Chas. Barckley of Bruton, co. Somst., esq., and John Hawkins of Lond., esq. \,James Kirton\ Wits: Thomas Fisher, Tho: Packington, H: Crompton, Thom. Pie, Will: Crippes. (Pr. 7 Nov. 1620, by Edw. Kirton, neph. of deed.) 1142 Christopher Hawkins of Stogumber, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 28 Jan. 1618-19.) Cath. of Wells; son Wm.; sons Christr. and Robt. (und. 21); dau. Joane, wife of Rd. Sweetinge; wife's son Laurence Credland; John Trevillian, esq.; Hugh Doderidge; Jone Dawe; son Nicholas; Ids. in Stogumber; Extx: wife Margery; Overs: bros. Symon and Wm Hawkins, frd. George Chilcott and son-in-law Laurence Credland. \no sigP^ Ge: Chillcott, Michaell Streete, Symon Hawkins, Lawrence Credlande, William Hawkins. (Pr. 28 Nov. 1620.) 1143 Robert Hooke ah. Carter of South Petherton, co. Somst., yeom. (Dat. 29 Apr. 1620.) Eliz., wife of George Rowe, Thos. Miller, Wm. Dangarde, Rd. Maylerd, John S84 SOAME, FOL. 98. Tybbes and Elinor Carter, poor people of Shepton Beau- champe; kinsm. John Finch, his wife and 2 chn.; sist. Margt. in Kent, her dau. Anne Lake; John, son of bro. John Hooke ah. Carter, his sists. Joane, Kath. and Anne Hooke ah. Carter and his bros. Thos. and Nichs. Hooke ah. Carter; COS. Thos. England's 4 chn. and his rel. Mary England; kinsw. Mary Salmon; Edw. Forte of Shepton Beauchampe; Christr. French; Robt., son of bro. Edm. Hooke ah. Carter and sist. -in-law, his now wife; kinsw. Phillippe Fynche; Eliz., servt. to John Fynche; Wm., son of bro. -in-law Thos. Vaxe and my sist., his wife, Avis; kinsm. Robt. Vaxe; Thos. Vaxe, the yr., and his bro. John Vaxe; Margt. Englande, dau. of Mary Englande; Exor: bro. -in-law Thos. Vaxe. \mark\ Wits: Robert Hooke ah. Carter, Thomas Stuckey, elk., John Forte. (Pr. 16 Nov. 1620.) 1144 Cuthbert Haselwood (^t/^/. Sepulchre^ s without New- gate*), cit. and merch. tailor of Lond. (Dat. 11 July, 18 Jas. I.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Sepulchre's, Lond.; poor of Christ's hosp.; my son; Sarah Claybourne; bro. -in-law Wm. Cooke, his wife Eliz. and their son Wm.; frd. Mr. Prickett; poor kinsm. Mr. Gomersall; frd. Edw. Overy; my brethren of the Merch. Tailors called the sixteen men; frd. George Sie- bury; Mr. Broadgate; frd. Mrs. Powell; Extx: wife Anne. \_Cuthbert Haselwood] Wits: Ed: Overy, Roberte Smithe, John Hicke. (Pr. 11 Nov. 1620.) 1145 Jasper Swift, par. of Clist St. Mary, co. Devon. (Dat. 15 Oct. 1615.) Sist. Feake sist. Anthonie; sist.; Wheeler; bro. Wheeler; I leave Matthewe Anthony to Edw. Wood's care; cos. Will Swift; Nan Feake; Phillipple Drewe; my old woman Honor; Wm. Gibbe; Mr. Hockley and his wife; Joane; Christr.; Mr. Chanter, his wife; Mr. Chancel- lor, his wife; cos. Trott, his wife; cos. Niles; my adv. of Clist St. Mary; Exor: my servt. Edw. Wood, [jasper Swift'\ Wits:' Wm. Gibbe, Phillippe Drewe. (Pr. 17 Nov. 1620.) 1146 William Challoner of Bristol, merch. (Dat. 19 June 1620.) Moth. Joane Challoner; Ids. in Bristol; poor of St. Nicholas, Bristol; 3 tents, in Back St., Bristol, in ten. of John Veale, John Worgan and George Benson; son Robt. * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 98. 886 Challoner Cund. 21); gt. hou. wh. I dwell on the Backe of Bristol; Ids. in Rackhay, bot. of Thos. Hopkins; Ids. in Cornw.; wife's Ids. at Chewe, in trust fr. her fath.; son's grfaths. Knight and Challoner and his uncle and mr. Mr. Robt. Aldworth; son Frauncis Challoner (und. 21); gt. hou. in Balland St., Bristowe, wh. fath. Knight dwelt; Ids. in Pontymoile, bot. by fath. of Mr. Fenner; Ids. bot. of Thos. Tate and Thos. Claybrooke; son Wm. Challoner (und. 21); Ids. in Wollaston, bot. of Wm. James; term in Woodcroft; son Thos. (und. 21); Ids. at Wallappe, bot. of Wm. Bath- arne; dau. Joane Challoner (und. 18); dau. Bridget (und. 18); Thos. Robertes of Bristol, gent.; tent, in Westerleigh; bros. Rd. Challoner, Thos. Cleybrooke, Walter Harflett, Chas. Chute, Frauncis and Edw. Knight and their wives; Thos. Colston of Bristol, merch., marr. to my dau. Martha; hou. in Banbery called Kill hou., in ten. of Robt. Bentley; servts. Mary Penticrist, Walter Sandy; elks, in my works; Edgar Hill of Parkirine; Extx: wife Martha; Overs: uncle Mr. Robt. Aldworth; son Thos. Colston, bros. Rd. Challoner, Thos. Claybrooke and Edw. Knight. \_William Challoner] Wits: Willm Jones, elk., Johane Challoner, Thomas Clay- brooke, Willm Yeamans, not. pub. (Pr. 27 Nov. 1620.) FOL. 99. 1147 Sara Yomans of Shrewsbury, co. Salop., wid. (Dat. 28 Jan. 1619-20.) Cos. Rd. Griffithes of Sutton, co. Mont., gent.; bro. -in-law Wm. Yomans' chn. Thos. and Daniell Yomans and Marye Benyon; Humfry Waringe of Mitton; our preacher Mr. Browne; cos. Leonard Williams, his sist. Eliz. Hussey; cos. Henry Williams, gent. ; cos. Wm. Bayly, draper; Joane Griffithes and her dau. Eliz.; goddau. Sara Bland; Susanne Leaton; poor of St. Chadde, co. Salop.; Robt. Wil- liams, the yr.; Rd. Heywarde; Mary, wife of Rd. Owen, baker; Extx: Marye Ambler, \_mark] Wits: Robert Wil- liams {mark, R. W.), Humfry Leaton, Elinor Williams {mark), Richard Owen {mark), Tho: Mason. (Pr. 14 Nov. 1620, con- firmed by def. sen. of same dat., having been disputed by Henry Williams.) 1148 George Goldinge. Def. sen. in the matter of the exhibition of inv. and acct. of the goods of Geo. Goldinge, 386 SOAME, FOL. 99. late of Gt. Henney, co. Essex, deed., in a suit betw. Roger Gwynne and Elizth. Barrington als. Goldinge, guards, of Roger Goldinge and Beatrice als. Goldinge, mins., chn. of deed., of the one part, and William and Peter Goldinge, admrs. of the sd. goods of the oth. part, pronouncing in favour of the former. (Dat. 14 Nov. 1620,) 1149 Richard Walsted. Def. sen. confirming the will of Richard Walsted, late of the Middle Temple, Lond., gent., deed., propounded by Thos. Walsted, fath. and Exor: of the deed., and disputed by Mary Walsted, his rel. (Dat. 14. Nov. 1620.) 1150 Maurice Evans. Def. sen. confirming will of Maurice Evans, late of Harpenden, co. Herts., deed., propounded by Edwd. Kellett, Exor:, and disputed by Anne Bagley and Margt. Goodricke, sists. of the deed. (Dat. 14 Nov. 1620.) 1151 Sir George Smith, Kt. Def. sen. confirming the will of Sir Geo Smith, Kt., late of Madworthie, co. Devon., propounded by Sir Nichs. Smith, his son and Exor:, and dis- puted by Dame Grace Smith, rel.. Dame Elizth. Moncke, wife of Sir Thomas Monke, Kt., Jane Henninge, wife of Rich- ard Henninge, and Grace Grenvile, wife of Bevill Grenville, daus. of the deed. (Dat. 14 Nov. 1620.) 1152 Raphe Burrard of Bolder, co. Southton., blacksmith. (Dat. 8 Nov. 1719.) Bro. John Burrarde, his 4 chn. (und. 21); sist. Suzanna Burrard (und. 21); Dame Joane, wife of my mr., John Longe; kinsw. Eliz. Pickatt and Dorothie Pickatt; cos. Elianor Pickat; fellow servt., Kath. Greinhaue; Overs: kinsm. John Pickat; Exor: my mr., John Longe; bro. George Burrard. \jnark\ Wits: John Smith, William Domuck, Edmunde Wavell {mark), John Pickeet, Thomas Day. (Pr. 30 Nov. 1620.) 1153 Laurence Dicye of Bensted, co. Southton. ,t woollen- weaver. (Dat. 22 June 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Bensted; John Gale of Saudis; son Henry; my hou. of Freelande in Farnham; son John, his chn.; dau. Joane Russell, her chn. and her husb.; Thos., son of son Henry; my dau. Roose's chn. and their fath.; Margt. Reeder; Eliz. Micklyn; our minister, Mr. Cawte; Exors: wife Mary and son John; Overs: t Sic. Binstead is in Surr. SOAME, FOL. 99. 887 frds. Thos. Frost and Robt. Harrison. Ino sig:] Wits: William Cawte, Thomas Froste, senr., Robert Harrison. (Pr. 28 Nov. 1620.) 1154 Richard Jefferies of Yardley, co. Wore, spokehewer. (Dat. 17 July 1620.) Dau. Alice Ralton; godch. Bridgett Ralton (und. 21); Ambrose, Eliz. and John Ralton (all und. 21); dau. Anne Marshe a/s. Nicholls; godch. John Marshe a/s. Nicholls (und. 21); Thos. and Abraham Marshe a/s. Nichols (both und. 21); lease of my hou.; wife Margt.; Exors: Thos. Ralton and John Marshe a/s. Nichols; Overs: John Foxall of Birmijcham, tanner, and John Marston of Yardley, yeom. [mark] Wits: Richarde Welde, Robert Welde. (Pr. 20 Nov. 1620.) 1155 Sir Thomas Vavasor, Kt. and Bart., (of SJze//ing- i/iorpe, CO. Linc.^^. (Dat. 21 Oct. 1620.) My yr. son Wm. (und. 21); daus. Mary and Ann Vavasor (both und. 21); Ids. in Metheringham bot. of Rd. Enderly, gent.; Mr. Edw. Alforde; Thos. Emerson; Overs: my frd. the Earl of Suffolk and the Lord Bish. of Coventry and Lichfield; man. of Skel- lingthorpe mort. to Mr. Ferryes of Lond., linendraper; Arnolde; frds. Sir Thos. Grantham, Kt.; Sir Hamond Whitch- coate, Kt., and Robt. Callis, esq.; lease of pars, in Skelling- thorpe; eld. son Chas. ; Thos. Browne, gent.; Eliz. Rith; lame Hugh; Thos. Randall; Exors: sons Chas. and Wm. Vavasor. [TIio: Vavasor] Wits: Robert Callis, Edw: Vava- sor, William Gower, Thomas Randall. (Pr. 27 Nov. 1620, by Sir Chas. Vavasor, Kt. and Bart., pow. res.) 1156 Sir Henry North of Mildenhall, co. Suff., Kt. (Dat. 20 Nov. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Mildenhall; 2d son Hen- ry; man. of Patmers and Matfryers in Stetchworth, co. Camb.; Dudley, Ld. North; now wife Dame Mary; Ids. in Botesham, co. Camb.; dau. Eliz. Dunbarr, wife of David Dunbarr, esq., her eld. son Henry; Ids. in Depden, co. Suff.; my dwelling in Mildenhall; dau. Mary, wife of Thos. Mojde; dau. Dorothie North; hou. stuff at Badmondisfeild hall; poor of Mildenhall and of Wickhambrooke; lease of pars, of Mowl- ton a/s. Mowton, co. Suff.; Exor: son and hr. app., Roger North, Kt. {.no sig:] Wits: Thomas Turner, John Pages. (Pr. 27 Nov. 1620.) • Pro. Act. Book. 388 SOAME. FOL. 100. FOL. 100. 1157 John Kendricke {of All Hallow's Stayning's^), cit. and clothworker of Lond. (Dat. 3 Nov. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Little St. Botolph's, Lond.; moth. Grace Kendricke; sist. Joane Styles; Bomyers; sons Thos. and Wm.; bro. Raphe Kendricke; Thos. Styles the yr.; Christian Stiles; Rice Davies; Alice Highit; Overs: Roger Follett and Nichs. Hore; moth's, md., Alice Greene; sheds nr. bulwark of the Tower, Lond.; Extx: wife Anne. {.John Kendricke] Wits: Jonas Ramsden, scr., Tristram Mathewe, Michaell Southearn- wood, Thomas Style. (Pr. 8 Nov. 1620.) 1158 Edmund Head of Blockfeild, psh. Lyngfeild, co. Surr., yeom. (Undated.) Wife Mary; my farmhou. here; dau. Joane, wife of Topsell; Taylor; son Edm. Head; son John Head; fair of Groombridge; lease of Rowlandes; Exor: son Henry; farm Id. of Blockfeild; my 2 nephs. I keep; servts., Henry Cooke and Mary Blundell; dau. Mary, wife of Wm. Paine; dau. Margt., wife of Berd; heifer going in the Hunt- leys; Robt. Blundell; John Best; Overs: frd. Wm. Best of Sholstroode. \mark\ Wits: William Best {mark), William Baldwyn. (Pr. 30 Nov. 1620.) 1159 Dorothie Hewet of Hogsdon, co. Midd., wid. (Dat. 9 Aug. 1620.) Bur. at St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, nr. husb., Laurence Hewett; dau. Eliz. Coxe and her husb., Rd. Coxe; lease of garden in the Alley in Cheswell St., psh. of St, Gyles without Criplegate; dau. Susanne, wife of Rd. Hawkesworth; my bro. deed,; son-in-law Rd. Hawkyns; poor of Shoreditch; Exor: cos. Wm. Johnson of Lincoln's Inn, co. Midd., esq.; dau. Hawkesworth's chn. \_mark] Wits: Susanna Hawkes- worth, Robert Johnson. (Pr. 2 Nov, 1620.) 1160 Margaret Moughton of Widdington, co, Essex, wid. CDat. 18 Apr. 1615.) Chn. (und, 21), of son Edw,, his son Edw.; grchn. Fraunces Stacye (und. 21), Fraunces Taylor (und. 21), and Edw. Pamphilon (und. 21); dau. Mary, wife of Thos, Hodgshon; Extx: dau. Joane Pamphilon. [mark] Wits: Nicholas Foxe, John Foxe. (Adm. gr. 10 Nov. 1620, to John Tuer, Dr. at law, Joanne Pamphilon, Extx:, ren. * Pro, Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 100. 389 Adm. gr. 4 Feb. 1621-2, to Joanne Tuer als. Pamphilon, dau. of deed., John Tuer not having fully administered.) 1161 John Hanford. Def. sen. confirming the will of John Hanforde, late of Woollashall, co. Wore, deed., in a suit betw. Ann Hanford, one of the Exors:, and Francis, Edwd., John, Margt., Mary, Ann, Jane, Dorothy and Elizth. Han- ford, chn., and Katherine Whittington als. Hanford, and Margt. Copley als. Hanford, sists. of deed. (Dat. 4 Nov. 1620.) 1162 Jeuan ap David of Midleton, co. Salop., Dioc. of Hereford. (Dat. 21 July 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Chirbury; poor of that psh.; son Rd. ap Jeuan; son John ap Evan; daus. Kath. and Eliz.; John Lloyd of Morton; dau. Margt., wife of Rd. Midleton; neph. Wm. Midleton, son of the sd. Margt.; sons-in-law Wm., Hugh and George ap Hugh; Rd. ap Evan, my son Rd.'s son; Exors: wife Jane and son John ap Jeuan. imarkl Wits: Rowland Middleton, Peter Middleton, Peter Meredith, Richarde Goughe, John Dauies. (Pr. lo Nov. 1620.) 1163 Thomas Kempe of Twinsted, co. Essex, yeom. (Dat. 9 Jan. 1618-19.) Exor: eld. son Thos. Kempe; Ids. in Twinsted; dau. Silvester, wife of John Sparpointe of Sudbury; tents, in Sudbury wh. sd. Sparpointe now dwells, his chn., John, Eliz., Alice, Thos., Joseph and Peter; tent. wh. wid. Jackson and Lassett now dwell; dau. Phebe, wife of Wm. Clarke of Maplested; goddaus. Eliz. Clarke and Margt. Hunt; Joane Hunt, sist. of Margt. [tnark] Wits: William Strutt, Gyles Bagwell. (Pr. 10 Nov. 1620.) 1164 Richard Allen {of St. Feter advincula*), the Tower, Lond. (Dat. 25 Sept. 1620.) Bur. in the Tower; Exor: son Henry Allen; my lease at Ham; hou. at Plastowe, psh. of Ham; barn called Beggars barn; son George Allen; son John Allen; wife Joane. \,Richarde Allen\ Wits: Fay th Williams {mark), Nicholas Rumbole, John Kinge, Roger Fawkenor. (Pr. 3 Nov. 1620.) 1165 William Ryle of Burton upon, Trent, co. Staff. (Dat. 9 May 1618.) Extx: wife Margt.; my chn.; Overs: bro. Robt. Toone. [Wlllm Ryle\ Wits: Robert Toone, Willm Clarke. (Pr. 29 Nov. 1620.) * Pro. Act. Book. 3^0 SOAME, FOL. 100. 1166 John ap John ap Ithell of Llanverres, co. Denb., yeom. (Undated.) Exor: son Rd. Thelwall; Robt. Davies of Brinegwelis; Thos. ap Elis of Klocanodge; Evan ap Powell of Brinegwele; John ap Price ap Tidder of Llanarmon; Edw. ap Richarde of Llandesilio; bro. Thos. ap John ap Ithell; bro. Robt. John ap Ithell; Jane, dau. of my bro. John Rob- ert, his dau. Margt., and their grfath.; grch. Mary; Eliz. vz Evan of Kilken, her dau. {.no jz^.] Wits: Ambrose Thel- wall, Richard Thelwall {mark), Thomas ap Robert (mark), John ap John {mark), Fulcus ap Thomas (mark), Ithell ap John David (mark), Thomas Wynne. (Pr. 29 Nov. 1620.) 1167 Frauncis Goddesbye of Sandridge, co. Herts., yeom. (Dat. 15 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Ch. or chyd. of Sandridge; sist. Agnes, late wife of Salomon Grunwin of Whethamsted, CO. Herts., yeom., deed., his dau. Hellen, wife of Rd. Smyth of Whethamsted; Marye Grunwyn, dau. of the sd. Salomon and his dau. Sarah, wife of Phillippe Payne; Alice Pennocke, late the dau. of Wm. Parker of Hitchen, his daus. Joane Parker and Marye Parker; kinsm. Thos. Gaddesby; Saml. Cutt; John Carpenter; Edw. Feild; John Cogdell; Wm. Corke; Anne Shepheard; poor of Sandridge and Whethamstead; Extx: wife Alice; Overs: frds. Hugh Smith and Thos. Thrale. {Frauncis Gadsbye] Wits: Edmund Grunwyn, John Wood- warde {mark), William Creed, scr. (Pr. 7 Nov. 1620.) 1168 Tristram Conyers of Walthamstowe, co. Essex, gent. (Dat. 11 July 1620.) Marr. of neph. and godson Wm. Conyers of the Middle Temple, son and hr. of bro. Robt. Conyers, wt. Marye, dau. of Frauncis Harvye, esq.. Sergeant at law; indr. dat. i June, 14 Jas. I., betw. me, the sd. Ser- geant Harvie, Wm. and his wife Mary Conyers, my bro. -in- law George Solmes, Wm. Cholmley, Morcell Rivers and Nich- olas Cotton, conveying my Ids. in Walthamstowe, Layton, Elmested and Much Bromley in Essex, and tents, in St. Ellen's, Bishopsgate St., Lond., to sd. neph. and his hrs.; deed of revocation, dat. i May, 14 Jas. I.; Ids. in Holbeech, Whaploade, Moulton and Fleet, co. Line, and in Eastham Marche, co. Essex.; neph. Tristram Conyers (und. 21), son and hr. of neph. John Conyers, late of Scarborough, co. York, gent., deed.; Ids. in Scarbroughe and Skipsey, co. York, SOAME, FOL. 100. 391 conveyed to me and wife Eliz. on marr., by indr. dat. 25 June, 1593; Edw. Solme, yr. son of wife's bro. George Solmes, brought up in my hou.; wife's niece Marye Cotton, 12 yrs. old, and my neph. Wm. Conyers, aged 30 at time of his marr.; bro. Wm. Conyers; Sir Henry Chomley, Kt., deed.; lease of Ids. in Holbeech and Quaplead, co. Line, called Peakes and Coles, being the King's land; neph. Wm. Conyers, late appr. in Lond., son of bro. Wm. Conyers of Scarbroughe; chn. of wife's bro. and sist. Solmes; Ursula and Susanne Conyers (und. 21), daus. of neph. John Conyers, deed.; Mr. John Legearde of Gaunton, co. York, to be their guard.; niece Susanne Swayne, dau. of bro. Wm., her chn. (und. 21); wife's sists. and their husbs.; Rd. and Edw. Solmes, son of bro. Solmes; bro. Sudbery and his wife; cos. Dobson of Scar- brough and his wife; Christr. Pace; Wm. Cholmley; Fraun- cis Watson; Marmaduke Kiddall; Frauncis, wife of Thos. Barwicke, sometime my servt,; my servts. Robt. Watford and John Mason; poor of Scarbrough; Exor: neph. Wm., son of bro. Robt. Conyers; Overs: bro. -in-law Mr. George Solmes. \_Tristrani Conyers] Wits: Willm. Godsalue, John Parsons, Edr: Windover, Thomas Cole, Tho: Fabian. (Pr. 13 Nov. 1620.) 1169 Symon Rewse of Byrdbrooke, co. Essex, gent. (Dat. 19 June 1620.) Bur. in Byrdbrooke Ch., nr. fath.; poor of Byrdbrooke, of Stoke and of Whixo; Exor: bro. John Rewse; Ids. in Byrdbrooke and Stoke, co. Suff. ; bro. Thos. Rewse; neph. Robt. Rewse (und. 24); my moth.; wife Anne; fath. Dalton; neph. Cotton Rewse (und. 24); Martha Skelton; uncle Thos. Raie; Overs: cos. Rd. Everarde, gent., and my bro. John Skelton. [_Symon Rewse] Wits: John Alderman {mark), Andr: Tumor, scr., Thomas Dalton, George Rewse. (Pr. 25 Nov. 1620.) FOL. 101. 1170 Dame Grace Mildmaye of Apthorpe, co. Northton., wid. (Dat. 12 Dec. 1618.) Late husb. Sir Anthonye Mild- maye, Kt., deed.; indr. dat. 26 Dec, 15 Jas. L, confirming to my servts. John Haughton and Wm. Bellamy, in trust, man. of Gt. Leistroppe, co. Leics., now in occ. of Steven Pecke, gent.; son-in-law Sir Fran. Fane, Kt., and Lady Mary, his 392 SOAME, POL. 101. wife, my dau.; poor of Apthorpe and Woodnewton; poor scholars of Emanuel Coll., Cambridge; my grchn,; niece Lady Grace, wife of Sir Fra. Wortley, Kt. and Bart., her dau. Margt. and son Frauncis; sist. Lady Ledispencer; Lady Cecilia, wife of Sir Rd. Cycell, Kt.; Lady Mountague, wife of Sir Edw. Mountague, Kt.; sists. Lady Levison and Lady Sta- pleton; Lady Whetnall; niece Baynore; Mary Shepparde; Anne Blissendyne; cos. Thos. Sherrington; Dr. Athyll; cos. Greenwood; kinsw. Mary Pottes, dau. of Mr. George Pottes, dwelling nr. Dartmouth, co. Devon.; frd. Edw. Wymarcke, esq.; old servt. Isabell Binge, now wife of Mr. Raphe Gray; goddaus. Grace Beryl, Grace Fumybie, Grace Hacke, Grace Elkinge and Grace Bellamy (und. i8); Anthony (und. 24), son of Wm. Chatterish of Hemington; servts. Wm. Bellamy, Palina Peppes, John Scott, Eliz. Willes and Margt. Cave, now wife of Mr. Wilde; Adam Hill; Benjn. Cooke; John Jenkinge; Joane Parker; poor of Lacocke, wh. I was bo.; ten. of Bowden Lodge, Bowden Pk.; Exor: son-in-law Sir Fraun- cis Fane, Kt.; Overs: frds. Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Sydney Mountague, Sir John Hatcher, Kts., and Frauncis Harvie, sergeant at law. [.Grace Mildmaye] Wits: John Hatcher, William Bellamy, Benia: Aprice, Beniamyn Cooke, John Scott. Cod. (5 Mar. 1618-19). Grchn. Grace, Mary and Eliz. Fane; neph. Bryan Stapleton; {signed and witnessed as above). (Pr. 8 Nov. 1620.) 1171 Tobiah W^orthington of St. Mary's without Bishops- gate, called St. Mary Spittle, co. Midd., gent. (Dat. 20 Oct. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Buttolphe without Bishops- gate, nr. my two infants; poor of St. Botolp's; lease of vaults and King's Head in psh. of St. Mary Bow, Westcheape, Lond., held of Canterbury Cath., passed in trust to frds. Edw. Scarlett, Wm. Burton, Thos. Speight, John Wardall, Wm. Hoare and Jas. Speight, by deed dat. 23 Jan., 16 Jas. L; dau. Mary Worthington (und. 20); Extx: wife Ellen; my unbo. ch.; sist's. son Wm. Hoare, factor to the E. India Co., to pay me my bond dat. 20 Jan. 1617-18; sists. Eliz. Burte, Margt. Lockwell and Judith Shelton, wid.; Anne Browne, wid., dwelling in Bramble Lane, nr. Pettycoate Lane; sists. Kath., Judith and Dorothie Speight; cos. Hoell Hill; frd. Mr. SOAME, FOL. 101. 393 Owen Dowle; servts. Alice Smith and Raphe Dandy. \.Tobiah Worthington\ Wits: John Wardall, Willm Hickes, Edw: Overy, John Lea, John Pears, servt. to W. Hickes. Cod. (17 Oct. 1620). Raphe Salterly, my neph., his bro. Gabriell Salterly; Mary Shenton als. Shelton, dau. of John and Judith Shenton als. Shelton. {^Tobiah Worthington\ Wits: Edw: Overy, Tho: Hickes. (Pr. 14 Nov. 1620.) 1172 Thomas Inglish of Lawrence Marston, co. Northton., minister. (Dat. 24 June 1618, and finished 22 May 1620.) Bro. Wm's. chn.; bro. John's chn.; Thos. Mormecot, his chn. ; Thos. Glace's chn.; Anthony Mormecot and his chn.; COS. Margt., wid.; kinsw. Alice; Wm. Mormecot; bro. Thos. Inglish, his wife; Mr. Barkesdale; Rd. Parrish; my scholars Nathl. and Rd. Barkesdale and their sist. Eliz., chn. of my mris.; Mr. Edw. Greene of the Inner Temple, gent.; my clothier of Wore. John Bardesdale (jzV.), my mris.' son; Cres- cent Mecocke; Marye Barkesdale; Mr. Osborne of Thenforde, elk.; Rd. Keniton; godchn. Thos., son of Luke Hancocke, Thos., son of Wm. Osborne and Rd. Thomson of Marston; Exors: bro. Thos. Inglish and cos. Thos. Inglish of Toosy, CO. Bucks., yeom., if my bro. refuse, Thos., son of Wm. Inglish, to be joint Exor:; Mem. Thos. Inglish, bro., and Thos. Inglish, son of Wm., refused the Exorship:. \no sigi\ Wits: William Barkesdale, William Osborne; wid. Coleman of Overthrup; Thos. Yarner of Wilscott; Mr. Baxter of Draughton, elk.; Rd. Taylor of Middleton; Mr. Buttery; Shurley; Donde; Stacie; Dawson of Marston; Wm. Brookes; Dixon of Westbury; Sir Rd. Chitwood; Rd. Keniton of Westroppe, butcher. (Pr. 20 Nov. 1620.) 1173 ^Vest Arundell W St. Giles in the Fields, co. Midd. *). (Dat. 19 Nov. 1620.) Exors: my mr., Sir Lewis Lewkenor and his wife; hou. of Elinor Fordam in Drury Lane; Mr. John West, scr.; lease of Ids. in Suss., called Milfeilds farm in psh. of Ridgwicke; my little mris., Bridget Lewkenor; lease of my hou. in Drury Lane, next to Mr. Forates; Mr. Thos. Rookwood; Mrs. Jane Blount; my fath.; sist. Dorothie; sist. Cleofila; Mr. Welles, barber in the Strand; Mr. Rey- nolde Mohun; lease of the Cockpitt; bro. Thos.; sist. Baska- * Pro. Act. Book. 894 SOAME, FOL. 101. uile. \.lVest Arundeli\ Wits: Richarde Thelley, Richarde Leigh, William Lucas. (Pr. 25 Nov. 1620, by Sir Lewis Lewknor, Kt., pow. res. to Lady Lewknor.) 1174 William Pearson of St. Ives, co. Hunts., Dioc. Lincoln, ruffe mason. (Dat. 23 May 1620.) Bur. in St. Ives psh. chyd.; son John Pearson; daus. Agnes, Alice and Anne Pearson; Extx: wife Jane. \mark\ Wits: Edward Mundaye, William Whittell, John Pearson {mark), Richarde Wilson of St. Ives {mark). (Pr. 16 Nov. 1620.) 1175 Edmond Stampe of Ribie, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 15 May 1620.) Bur. in Rybie chyd.; moth. Ch. of Lincoln; Libie Haynton (und. age); bro. Wm. Stampe, deed.; sist's. dau., Eliz. Woodliffe (und. 21); Exor: son Robt. Stampe; sist's. dau., Sara Guddin, and her bros., Wm. Guddin and Frauncis Guddin; my sists., Guddin and Woodliffe; sist's. husb., Robt. Woodliffe, his oth. chn.; sist. Jackson; her daus. Margt. and Mary Faunte, her sons, Wm. and Thos. Faunt, and her dau., Margery Jackson (und. 16); kinsm. Thos. Stampe of Haber and Humfrye Stampe; Anne John- son of Rybie, her bro. Rd.; Marye Odlin of Asbye, dau. of Frauncis Odlyn, deed.; son-in-law Wm. Holmes, his chn.; dau. -in-law Cicely Humers, her chn.; servts., Hillington, James Barne and Marye Fayrbarne; Thos. Mossey of Rybie; Wm. Weatherhogge; Marye Cotcher of Rybie; my miller; my Idlord., Mr. Taylor; Mr. George Auton; Sir Edw. Hus- sey's eld. son; Mr. Michaell Hollinworth; Mr. Lion Shittle- worth of Lincoln; Sarah Johnson, her sist., Jane Johnson; Dorothie Johnson of Braydley, her chn.; Overs: kinsm. Jas. Stampe and Edw. Belle, minister of Rybie. [mark^ Wits: Edward Bella, Frauncis Lacon, Edmond Goodwine. (Pr. 16 Nov. 1620.) 1176 Margaret Blincoe of Lawraunce Marston, co. North- ton., wid. (Dat. 30 Aug. 1619. ) Bur. in Marston Lawrence Ch.; Isabell Woodward, dau. of Mr. John Woodward; sist. Duncombe; dau. Kempson; eld. son John Blincoe, his wife; son Wm. Blincoe; old servt., Isabell Squier, at Pursen; Exors: sons John and George Blincoe. {_mark^ Wits: John Blincoe, Willyam Brookes. (Pr. 21 Nov. 1620, by John Blincoe, pow. res.) SOAME, FOL. 101. 395 1177 Frauncis Doughtie of Muckley, co. Salop., Dioc. Hereford, yeom. (Dat. 24 Sept. 1620.) Anne Onslowe; David Lingnam; Wm. Hill; Kath. Yorke; David Grove; chn. Rowland, Frauncis, Mary and Beatrice Doughty; Extx: wife Marye; Overs: Frauncis Doughty of Round Acton. \,Fran- cis Doughty] Wits: Ra. Deyos, elk., Frauncis Doughty, Stephen Marshe, F. Simons; Alice Stanage; Thos. Vaughan; Edw. and Sibley Locor; John Sket; Rowland Wire. (Pr. 7 Nov. 1620.) FOL. 102. 1178 John Johnson, par. and pastor of Tandsover als. Tandsor, co. Northton. (Dat. 18 Oct. 1620.) Bur. in chan. of Tandsor psh. Ch. and epitaph put up; poor of Aston, co. York, wh. I was bo. and wh. Lord John Darcie now dwells; son Jonathan Johnson; poor of Tandsover and of St. Martyn's Ch., Leicester, co. Leic, wh. I was brought up at sch., and of Fotheringhay, wh. I kept sch.; wife Eliz.; lease of my farm in Haltham super Baijne, co. Line; Sir Thos. Grantham of Goltho, CO. Line, Kt.; my son to go to Trinity Coll., Cam- bridge; Dr. Richardson, mr. of Trinity Coll., Cambridge; Freesch. of Leic, wh. I was trained up; guards, to son and Exors: Sir Thos. Grantham and Dr. Richardson. \_Johni Johnson] Wits: E. L, Jonathan Johnson, Anthony Wells, John Welby. (Pr. 14 Nov. 1620, by Sir Thos. Grantham, Kt., pow. res. to Dr. Richardson.) 1179 Richard Coles of Northampton, co. Northton., gent. (Dat. 21 Oct. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of All Saints, North- ampton, in the Lady Chapelle, wh. fath., moth, and ancestors lie; sist. Jane Hutchins, her sons, John, Edw., Rd. and Tymothy Hutchins, and her dau., Anne Hutchins; cos. Joane Rathband, dau. of my late sist., Eliz. Woods; dau. Eliz. Rathband; tent, called "The Tabor and Pipe, "in St. Gyles St., Northampton, in occ. of Eliz. Holmes, wid.; Anne Woods, dau. of my sist. Eliz.; cousins, Mr. George Andrewe of Harles- ton, gent., and Wm. Andrewe of Sywell, gent.; Exor: kinsm. Thos. Andrewe of Harleston, co. Northton., esq.; Ids. in Lichborowe, Grimscott and Maidford, co. Northton., in ten. of Reynold Billinge, Thos. Storier and Thos. Medcalf; tent. in Mercers Row against the chyd. of All Saints, Northampton, 896 SOAME, FOL. 102. in occ. of Nathl. Sharpe; stable in Dichers lane als. Grope Lane; hou. on E. side of Cow lane, co. Northton., in occ, of John Clifford, vintner; tent, on N. side of Gould St., co. Northton., in own occ. late bot. of Thos. Trowe, gent., deed.; close in St. Edmund's End in the liberties of town of North- ton, in occ. of Anthony Smith, tailor; Overs: frd. Mr. Sillesby of Northton.; poor prisoners in town and county gaol, North- ampton; poor of Lichborowe, of Harleston and of Bryneton; ringers of All Saint's, St. Gyle's, St. Pulcher's and St. Peter's, {.Richard Coles\ Wits: John Clifford (mark), vintner, Mathew Sillesby, scr., Nathaniell Sharpe and John Lucke, appr. to the sd. scr. (Pr. 30 Nov. 1620.) 1180 Thomas Shepheard of Benington, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 8 June 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Benington; Lincoln minster; godson Thos. Pedder (und. 18); Id. in Millfeild; John, son of John Shepheard the eld.; Id. in Wharldall at Blackster hill next Leverton Inges; godson Rd. Shepheard; Id. at Gallygatt; Alice Pedder, dau. of Rd. Pedder; my eld. dau. Eliz. (und. 18); sist's. son, John Warde; Id. in Boston and Toft; Robt. Wilkinson, his son Wm. and his dau.; Id. in Benington; godson Thos. Shepheard and his bro. Symon; Id. called Sawell Green; Id. at Sowter pit; Eliz. Sturteyne, dau. of Rd. Warde, and his dau., Dorothy Warde; Rd. Ped- der; Thos. Rumsbottum; Thos. Goodrick; my sometime man, Wm. Smith; John Smith; George Willingame; Wm. Pedder; Eliz. Elwyn; my boy, Person; John Jackson; hou. to be built in Loyden green; Rd. Robson; Thos. Wilson; Rd. Tattershall; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: John Ward and Rd. Pedder. [mark.'\ Wits: Richard Whit {mark), Robert Lea {mark); John Marshall of Boston; Thos. Wilson. (Pr. 19 Nov. 1620.) 1181 Humfrey Yiosd^try {in pts. beyond the seas^). (Dat. 22 Dec. 1619.) Cos. Mr. John Eginton of Robason. {Humfrey Hardey^ {no wits.) (Adm. gr. 2 Nov. 1620, to John Egin- ton, univ. leg., no Exor: being named.) 1182 Amias Mabell of Stoake Gouldinge, co. Leic, Dioc. Lincoln, yeom. (Dat. 31 Jan. 1618-19.) Bur. in chan. of Stoke Ch.; Exor: son-in-law Humfrey Jaspar, elk.; his dwell- • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 102. 397 ing hou. in Stoake; poor of Stoake and of Manceter, Wyther- ley, Drayton, Hartshill, Higham, Hinckley and of Nuneaton; grch. John Hindman (und. 21), son of Thos. Hindman, late of Stoake, deed.; grchn. Thos. and Mary Hindman (both und. 21), chn. of the sd. Thos., the oth. chn. of my dau. Joane; Mary Purifie, dau. of Thos. Purifie, late of Barwell, deed.; Joane, wife of John Tewe; frd. Rd. Baker of Hinck- ley, his wife Margt.; Henry, son of John Bradford of Wikine; Daniel, son of Thos. Bayard of Atherston; Wm. and Emma Wilson of Whittington, co. Warw.; Mary Estline, servt. to Rd. Baker; godchn. Wm. Dafferne and Gambell's dau. of Barowell; dau. -in-law Isabell Oute; Eliz. Large and her blind ch.; Wm. and Frauncis, chn. of Edw. Forde of Stoake; dau. Joane, wife of the sd. Humfrey Jasper; Overs: frds. and neighbours, Wm. Carte the yr., of Stoake, yeom., and George Everard of Dadlington, co. Leic, husbm. {.mark] Wits: William Carte, George Everard, Tho: Bott, Humf: Jaspar. (Pr. 10 Nov. 1620.) 1183 JefTery Childe {of St. Margts., Lothbury, Lond^\ yeom. (Dat. 4 Aug. 1620.) Bro. Rd. Childe, his son John and his bro. Christr.; son of the sd. John Childe; Rd. and John Frauncis; ch. of Joane Childe; 3 daus. (und. 21), of Christr. Frauncis; dau. of Clementes Childe; John Horse- nale, his wife, his bro. Nichs.; Poole and Rd. Horsenale; 2 daus. of John Horsenale; dau. of Thos. Horsenale; cos. Jef- frey Tanner; wife of cos. John Childe.; Anne, wid. of Christr. Frauncis, deed.; frd. Suzan Lare and her son Henry Saun- ders; goodman Brooke, his wife Grace and her dau. Grace Myckfield; Wm. Brodhead, his bro. John; goddaus. Joane Holden and Joane Ingall of Wales hall, co. York (und. 21); Mrs. Alice, wife of Christr. Wainsford, esq.; Mr. Wm., son of Sir Hewet Osborne, Kt., deed.; tent, in Northend, Much Waltham, co. Essex, in ten. of Thos. Archer; Sybell, wife of Thos. Archer; Joane, wife of Porter; Dorothie, wife of Wood; poor of Harthill, co. York, of Wales, co. York, of Northend, wh. I was bo.; Rd. Bargh, servt. to Sir Peter Frethvile, Kt.; Anne, wife of Wm. Ingall of Wales and his chn.; Exors: my mr.. Sir Edw. Osborne, Kt. and Bart., and my neph. John Childe; Overs: John Horsenale; Robt. Brook; * Pro. Act. Book. 898 SOAME, FOL. 102. Wm. Brodehead. [_niark] Wits: William Ingall, John Sta- cie imark), George Alotson. (Pr. 8 Nov. 1620, by John Childe, pow. res.") 1184 Katherine Chadderton {0/ Halliwell, co. Hunts., wid."^^. (Dat. 23 Sept. 1620.) Late husb., Wm. Chadder- ton, late Bish. of Line; bur. in Sowtho Ch., nr. sd. husb.; frd. Frauncis Browne, esq.; sist. Cassee; cos. Edm. Chadder- ton, to his wife a maudlyn cup wt. my husb's. arms on it; Lady Lynne; Mrs. Browne, her dau. Frauncis; servt. Kath. Greene; Wm. Andrewes; servt. Joane; Alice Bright; Steph. Wilkinson; Robt. Tyhurst; Mrs. Bibee; Chs. of Hallywell and Sowtho; Mr. Burton, preacher; Anne Mintell; Mr. Wm. Hutchenson, his son, my godson, Daniel; Exor: servt. John Cockin, gent. \,K: Chaderton\ Wits: Frauncis Browne, Eliz- abeth Home, Willm Hutchinson, Frauncis Browne, Elynor Grimston, Katheryn Greene. (Pr. 3 Nov. 1620.) 1185 Roger Nicholson of Castle Greslie, psh. of Greslie, CO. Derb., husbm. (Dat. 12 June 1620.) Bur. in Greslie chyd.; kinsw. Eliz. Nicholson, dau. of Rd. Nicholson; Extx: wife Margery. \mark\ Wits: William Ward {.?nark), William Adams; Thos. Pemerton of Overseile; Rd. Holme of Linton; John Wakefeild of Greslye; Humfrey Morley of Newallord- shippe. (Pr. 10 Nov. 1620.) 1186 Thomas Sheppard {of St. Mary Bermondsey, co. Surr.*), cit. and leatherseller of Lond. (Dat. 6 Oct. 1620.) Dau. Rebeccah (und. 18); son Jonas (und. 21); dau. Jane (und. 18); Extx: wife Eliz. \_Thomas Sheppard^ Wits: John Amptill, scr., Will: Oke. (Pr. 3 Nov. 1620.) FOL. 103. 1187 Anthony Millington of St. Clement Dane's, without Temple Bar, co. Midd., gent. (Dat. 21 Feb. 1618-19.) Exor: son Gilbert; my dwelling hou. at Felley, co. Notts.; son John; tent, at Nasinge, co. Essex; tent, in St. Clement's, CO. Midd., held by lease of Countess of Arundell; bro. John Millington; neph. John Millington of Kimberley; Overs: frds. Mr. Rd. Brownlowe, esq. and Mr. Thos. Salter, gent. \.An' * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 103. 399 thony Millington\ Wits: John Cosforde, Humfrey Eley, John Millington; wife of my son Gilbert. (Pr. 4 Nov. 1620.) 1188 Thomas Hill of Haffeild, psh. of Ledbury, co. Heref., yeom. (Dat. 19 Aug. 1618.) Bur. in Ledbury psh. Ch.; poor of Ledbury and of Dymocke; John Gabbe; Exor: bro. John Hill of Haffeild. \niark\ Wits: Edwarde Hopley, John Gabbe, Wm. Lawrence, elk.; acknowledged as his will by Thos. Hill 24 May 1620; Wits: John Hoskins. (Pr. 5 Nov. 1620.) 1189 "William Richardes the eld. of Milverton, co. Somst. (Dat. 1619.) Bur. in Milverton Ch.; John Perry, gent., deed. ; yr. son J ohn Richardes; son J ohn Richardes the eld. ; son Edw.; chn. of dau. Olande als. Taylor; son-in-law John Wal- rond on a voyage to the seas; Alexr. Oliver, son of John Wal- rond, his oth. chn. (und. 16), his dau. who died in Salisbury; dau. Agnes Walrond; Exors: cousins Edw. Lancaster, esq. and Roger Robins; Overs: Wm. Chilcott of Preston Bowyer, psh. of Milverton, and John Stronge of Milverton; Cod. (6 July 1620); Anthony, son of son Edw. Richardes; Fortune, dau. of son John Richardes the yr. ; my dau. Mary Olande and her dau. Elyenor (und. 21); chn. of dau. Joane Walrond; chn. of son John Richardes the eld. by his now wife, dwelling in Mil- verton; son and dau. (und. 21) of my son Wm. Richardes. \no sig!\ {no wits.^ (Pr. 28 Nov. 1620 by Edw. Lancaster, esq., pow. res.) 1190 Thomas Alston of Polsted, co. Suff., yeom. (Dat. II Jan. 1619-20.) Poor of Sudbury, Mellford, Lavenham, Gt. and Little Waldingfield, Edwardston, Mounckes lUeigh, Groton, Boxford, Polsted, Stoke next Nayland, Nayland, Assington and Newton; Mr. Jas. Bromwell of Polsted; Mr. Joseph Byrde of Boxford; Mr. Thos. Nicholson of Groton; Mr. Thos. Deresley of Edwardston; Mr. Thos. Chamber of Assington; Ids. late bot. of Anthony Pennynge, esq., in occ. of John Rackham; Extx: wife Fraunces; eld. son Wm. Aston (und. 21); Ids. in Empsted and Fratinge, co. Essex, bot. of George, Peter and Robt. Poole and Wm. Towse, sergeant at law, now in occ. of Humfrey Smyth; Ids. in Ashen als. Esse, CO. Essex, late bot. of Henry Gridley and his sons; son Thos. Alston; Ids. in Stisted, co. Essex, bot. of Edw. Nevell, 400 SOAME, FOL. 103. Rd. Stephens and Peter Chaplyn; Ids. in Gt. Waldingfielde devised to me by late fath. Wm. Alston, deed.; 3d son Edw.; Ids. in Thaxted, co. Essex, devised by sd. fath.; Ids. in Gt. Maplested, Little Maplested, Twynsted, Pebmarshe, Wick- ham St. Paule and Gestingthorpe, devised by sd. fath's. will and also bot. of Rd. Holborough, Thos., John, Wm. and Daniel Strutt; tent, in Edwardston, bot. of Thos. Deresley, elk.; Ids. in Melford, co. Suff., devised by fath's. will; young- est son John; suit in Court of Common Pleas, Westminster, against Nichs. Heywarde; Robynson (und. 2i), son and hr. of Thos. Robynson, gent., late of Sudbury, deed.; Ids. in Stoke next Nayland ,in occ. of Joseph Butcher; man. called Geddingehall, wh. I now dwell; Id. called Further Birch- feilde; Id. in occ. of Thos. Balderye; my dau. Frauncis; my unbo. ch.; servts. Margt. Hill, Suzan Caunte, Suzan Mar- chaunt and John Aga?; my appr. John Smyth; Overs: bro. -in- law Symon Bloomfeilde. \_Thomas Alston] Wits: John Ham- ond, John Potter, John Thompson, the eld. (^mark). (Pr. 4 Feb. 1619-20.) 1191 ^A^illiam ap Rees Wynn of Teeveibian Meyrick, psh. of Llanbevlan, co. Angl. (Dat. 6 Apr. 16 18.) Bur. in Llanbevlan psh. Ch. ; Cath. of Bangor; Ch. of Badwrog; Extx: wife Jane Boulde; farms called Strydau Mynyddy glaw Klegir Bycham in Teeveibian Meorick, late in occ. of bro. John ap Rees Wynn, deed.; mill called Melyn Strydan, in Teeveibian Mevrick; son William ap William; daus. Janet vz. William, Mary vz. William, Ellen vz. William; son Rees ap William; farm wh. I now dwell, late in ten. of moth. Gwen vz. Thomas, deed.; 6 eld. chn. of Thos. Knappe of Glam. ; Kath. and Eliz. vz. Hughe, daus. of Hughe ap Rees ap Mathewe and John ap Hughe, his son; Eliz., Cath. and Ellen vz. Hugh ap Rees ap Jeuan; neph. John ap Hugh ap Hoell; niece Margt. vz. Hughe ap Hoell; Overs: Hughe ap William Prichard, Hughe ap John Owen, bro. -in-law, Wm. Boulde and Mr. Evan Lloyd, M. A. and rect. of Rosgobyn; niece Jane vz. Thomas, [.no sig-J] Wits: Hughe Lewis, Evan Lloyd, Hughe ap William Prichard, Owen Johnes, Robert ap John ap William, John ap Hughe ap Hoell, Rees ap Hughe. Cod. (29 Aug., 43 Jas. Lf); Edw. Morgan of Lloneber, t Sic, I. e. of Scotland. SOAME, FOL. 103. 401 CO. Merion.; Rd. Pigott of Denb.; Humfrey Hughes of co. Merion., esq.; Robt. ap John ap Jeun, deed.; Wm. ap David Lloyd of Mer., esq.; Nichs. ap Robert Lloyd; Thos. ap Thomas, deed.; John Edmund ap John ap Madog of Cam.; Harry Thos. Gruffith of same; Thos. Williams of Tre Jorddur and Kath., his wife; Owen Mores; Rd. ap John ap Lien; Wm. ap John ap Rees Wynn; Owen ap John ap Rees Wynn; Grace Lloyd; fields called Kaye mymydd y glaw; Mrs. Ellen Bulkeley; par. Gruffith; Hughe Lewis, esq.; Harry Lloyd, esq.; Sir Hughe Owen, Kt.; Wm. ap Rees ap Hoell; Rd. Bulkeley, esq.; Wm. ap John Dd; Rd. ap John; neph. Mr. Rice Gwynne of the Temple, esq.; Tristram Bulkeley; David Lewis; John ap Hughe ap Hoell; David ap Hughe, gent.; Thos. ap Lien ap Mdd. Imark] Wits: Rees Boulde, Ran: Bold, William Boulde, Rees ap Hughe. (Pr. 27 May 1620, by Jane, rel., adm. gr. 29 June 1625 to Wm. Bowld, dur. min. of Wm., Mary, Ellen and Joane ap Rees Wynn, chn. of deed.) 1192 Andrewe Stanstreete of Spelherst, co. Kent. , husbm. (Dat. 9 June 1617.) Exors: bro. -in-law, Thos. Neave and bro. Edw. Stanstreete; dau. Mildred (und. 24). [mark] Wits: John Baker, Henrye Newman, Robert Marchaunt. (Pr. 17 May 1620.) 1193 Dennis Orougham of St. Clement Dane's, co. Midd., gent. (Nunc, will dat. 28 Apr. 1620.) Exor: John Burges of Westminster, gent.; Wits: Richarde Maddux, gent., one of H. M.'s servts., Marye Davies, servt. to Dennis Orougham. (Pr. 25 May 1620.) 1194 Joane Antrum of Tollord Royal, co. Wilts. (Nunc, will dat. II Apr. 1620.) Bro. Rd. Antrum; cos. Edm. Tulke; aunt Jane Tulke; uncle Robt. Seamor and his chn.; Exor: uncle Henry Tulke; Overs: uncles Thos. and Rd. Seamer; Wits: Richard Seamer, Jane Tulke, Richarde Antrum. (Pr. 27 May 1620.) 1195 John Shewarde a/s. Seward of Shelsley Beau- champe, co. Wore, yeom. (Dat. 11 July 1616.) Bur. in Shelsley psh. Ch.; wife Maude; hou. wh. I now dwell in Shelsley, called Hill house and Hillorchard; sons John, Thos., 402 SOAME, FOL. 103. Wm., Rd. and Andrewe; dau. Anne (und. 21); hou. in Lud- lowe, CO. Salop., in occ. of Mr. Evans; Id. called Studleys in common fields of Orleton, co. Heref.; goodman Dossall's hou. there; Thos. Dossall; Id. hot. of John Turfett of Brim- feild, CO. Heref., as a passage to the Harley meadow; dau. Marye Adams; grchn. Wm. and Rd., sons of my son Wm.; poor of Little Herefford, wh. I was bo., bred and lived a long time and of Clifton; Exor: son John, {no j-/^.] Wits: John Woddes, elk., John Sheperde, Edwarde Lane, elk.; mem. 30 May; my son Robt. Adams; Wits: John Woodes, elk., Edward Lane, elk. (Pr. 22 Aug. 1620.) 1196 Susanne Laicolte (of All Hallows^ London Wall, Lond., wid.^). (Dat. 22 Aug. 1620.) Sist. Eliz. Kirbye's 4 daus., Eliz., Suzanne, Frauneis and Mary (all und. 21); sist. Drywood's 3 chn., George, Marye and Suzanne Dry wood; Sir Andrewe Asteley, my sist., his wife; goodwife Burton; Exor: frd. Wm. Morriee, eit. and mereh. of Lond.; frd. Wm. Drowte, eit. and brown baker of Lond. \_mark] Wits: Tho: Pottison, William Drowte, George Nicholsen, servt. to testr.; my servt. Eliz. Scott. (Pr. 2 Dee. 1620.) FOL. 104. 1197 Martin Cole of Sudbury, co. Suff., draper. (Dat. 28 Sept. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of St. Gregory's, Sudbury, nr. late fath., Mr. Martin Cole; frds. John Willet, Chas. Abbott, Wm. Byett, John Houghton, Wm. Nieholls and Benj. Fisher all of Sudbery; mills called Sherneford Mills in Henney, co. Essex; meadows called Little and Gt. Holmes in Lamarshe, CO. Essex, in occ. of Wm. Reyner; town hall called the Moothall in Sudbury; poor of St. Peter's, All Saint's and St. Gregory's, Sudbury; Martyn, son of bro. Cesar Cole; Extx: wife Anne; John arid Thos., sons of the sd. Caesar Cole; tent, wh. I late dwelt, in occ. of Walter Miers, in Langham, co. Essex; Rose Andrewe, dau. of late bro. -in-law Frauneis Andrewe of Hadleigh; meadow called Foordes als. Connys in Stratford, co. Suff., nr. Dedham bridge; Margt. wife of sd. Cesar Cole; grd. called Worthams, in ten. of Robt. Turnor, the gardener. West, and Turnor the weaver, in Hadleigh, co. *Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 104. 403 Suff.; late servt. Eliz. Smith, now the wid. Starke of Need- ham; Eliz., Anne, Jane and Sarah (und. 21) Andrewe, daus. of sd. bro. -in-law Francis; Ids. in Hadleigh and Layham by Holbetts, called Buttfeild, bot. of Mr. Appleton; late servt. Margt. Hayle, now wife of Edw. Smith; Id. called Bridge- mans in Layham, in occ. of bro. Frauncis Andrewe; late servt. Mary Shercroft, now wife of John Frauncis of Col- chester; hou. called "the George," wh. I dwell in Sudbury, held by lease, parcel of the Neales; tents, in Hadleigh, late Swynborne's, bot. of Mr. Adam Winthropp, in ten. of John Nutton, John Wells and Spencer; Frauncis and Edw., sons of sd. bro. Frauncis Andrewe of Hadleigh; psh. Ch. of Hadleigh; Ellen, John, Mary, Martin and Eliz., chn. of cos. Mary Garford, now wife of George Geldinge of Sudbury; 4 chn. of cos. Susan Brown, now wife of Wm. Sermon {_? Sea- mans) of Creatinge; Id. in Hadleigh held of Canterbury Cath.; Id. nr. Hadleigh Hall's yard, bot. of Mr. Wm. Farth, Mr. Thos. Harvie and Mr. Adam Winthropp, late servts.; Thos. Hayward of Gomersham and Eliz. Bennell of Saxham, late servts.; Id. called Woll Fenn in Roydon, co. Suff., in occ. of Adams; Rose Fuller, dau. of John Fuller of Naylond, bro. -in-law of my wife; servts. Edm. Sexten (und. 24) and Sarah Hamond (und. 24); John Baker, the eld., late of Lang- ham; Rose Richardes of Langham; Rose Walker, wid. of Robt. Walker of Stratford; Robt. son of cos. Robt. Hawkins, late of Ardleigh; tent, in Hadleigh, in occ. of Francis Mowle, brasier, and George Living; Id. in Gt. Cornard, co. Suff. and in Sudbury, bot. of Joseph Weld; Rose and Mary Andrewe (und. 24), daus. of bro. Wm. Andrewe of Hadleigh; Eliz. Cole, dau. of bro. Cesar; cousins Mr. Roger Cole, Mr. John Cole; bro. Edw. Andrewe; sist. Barbara Andrewe; Elias Stowe of Hadleigh, carpenter; late servt. Margt. Spurdance, now wife of Thos. Litman of Chelmesford; Rachel and George Golding (und. 21), chn. of cos. George Goldinge of Sudbury; COS. Thos. Brown; cos. Alice, wife of Wm. Harvey of Buers; Symon Rosier, the eld. of Needham, tanner; John Bond, the eld. of Ipswich, chapman, his grch. Clere; Overs: bros. Edw. and Francis Andrewe. \_Martin Cole] Wits: Willm Hewitt, John Reade, Thomas Sickleprice {mark), Francis Andrewe. (Pr. 19 Dec. 1620.) 404 SOAME, FOL. 104. 1198 John Rand of Holton, co. Suff., yeom. (Dat. 17 Mar., 1617-18.) Exor: eld. son John Rand; Ids. in Holton, Higham and Stratford, CO. Suff.; son Edm. Rand (und. 21); dau. Susan Rand (und. 18); Overs: cos. John Rande of Aldham. imark] Wits: Edward Andrewe, Willm Andrewe, Jonas Raunde, John Barwick. (Pr. 19 Dec. 1620.) 1199 Marye Haunes of Stratford, co. Suff. (Dat. 17 Oct. 1620.) Grch. Sara Webb (und. 18); grch. Eliz. Webb (und. 18); grch. Margt. Webb (und. 18); grch. Robt. Webb (und. 18); grch. Robt. Hawnes (und. 20); grch. John Hawnes (und. 20); son Robt. Havnes; Exor: son John Havnes. \_mark] Wits: John Barrwicke, Thomas Neverd, Peter Smith. (Pr. i Dec. 1620.) 1200 John Hynde of High Holborne, co. Midd., cord- wainer. (Dat. 7 Nov. 1620.) Fath. John Hynde; sist. Alice, wife of Robt. Allen, and her dau.; wife Joane; my 3 chn., John (und. 21), Margt. and Jane Hynde (both und. 18); servt. Lawrence Eccles; appr. Wm. Harrison; Exors: bros. Thos. and Wm. Hinde; Overs: Walter Retoricke and Francis Lepet. Imark] Wits: Wa: Retoricke, scr., Francis Lepet, Thomas Boothe. (Pr. 15 Dec. 1620, by Thos. Hinde, pow. res.) 1201 John Stephenson (0/ SL Bride's, Fleet St., Lond.^). (Dat. 27 Oct. 1620.) Bur. in St. Bride's Ch.; my sons (und. 21); my daus. (und. 18); Extx: wife Alice. \mark\ Wits: John Burton, Richard Johnson, John Bossevile. (Pr. 8 Dec. 1620.) FOL. 105. 1202 William Bucke of Southweald, co. Essex, yeom. (Dat. 14 June 1620.) Sons Jas. and Wm. Bucke; tent, called Levers and Cookes in Navestock, co. Essex, held by copy of man. of Navestock Hall; John Convers and Edm. Wells, customary tens, of sd. man.; my 3d son, Thos.; copy- hold Ids. in Gt. Gransden, co. Hunts.; Rd. Disher, Thos. Graves, customary tens, of that man.; Ids. in Stondon and Kelvedon, co. Essex, bot. of Rd. Jeale of Southweald, yeom.; dau. Sarah, wife of Robt. Suttle, her dau. Eliz. (und. 21); ,Pro. Act. Book. SOAME. FOL. 106. 405 my dau. Agnes, wife of Gabriell Cock, the yr.; lease held of Emanuel Coll., Cambridge, of Id. in Gt. Gransden; Exor: son Wm. [ William Bucke] Wits: Wil: Hawkeridge, Willm Gladwynn {mark), Robert Reeve. (Pr. 27 Oct. 1620.) 1203 Thomas Beale of Yarkhill, co. Heref. (Dat. 21 Jan. 1619-20.) Lease dat. 20 June, 7 Jas. I, made to me by Sir Roger Bodenham, Kt., and his wife, Dame Bridgitt; farm called the Court of Yarkehill; farm in Cobwall held by lease of the sd. Sir Roger; son Jas. (und. 24); daus. Marye, Johane, Anne and Alice (all und. 24); son Thos.; son John (und. 24); Id. called Garford's Court, bot. of Wm. Hall, deed.; son Roger; Exors: wife, son Thos. and son-in-law, Wm. Sadler. \_Tho: Beale] Wits: Thomas Taylar, John Hinley. (Pr. 21 Oct. 1620, by Thos. Beale and Wm. Sadler, pow. res. to Beale, rel.) 1204 Raphe Moore of St. Albans, co. Herts., gent. (Dat. I May 1618.) Poor of pshs. of St. Albans and St. Peter's in town of St. Albans; Exor: Raphe Pemberton of St. Albans, gent. \_mark\ Wits: Nichas Cochett {mark)^ Raphe Cotchett, Conon Rawly n, scr. (Pr. 28 Oct. 1620.) 1205 Margaret Cooper of Weston als. Southweston, co. Oxon., wid. (Dat. 10 Mar., 17 Jas. I.) Bur. in Weston chyd.; Exor: only son Thos. Cooper (und. 21); guards, of son and Overs: frd. Mr. Greene and cousins Thos. Cooper and John Stevens the yr. ; bro. Harry Syred; Robt. Steevens, son of sist. Johane, his bros.; my sist. Kath., her 3 chn.; bro. Rd.; 3 chn. of John Stevens the yr.; ch. of John Stevens the eld.; godson Thos. Steevens; Robt. Stevens, his ch.; Wm. Stevens; sist. Johane's 5 daus.; Thos. Cooper's 3 chn. [_mark\ Wits: Thomas Greene, minister, Frauncis Car- ter, Thoms Cooper, John Steevens {mark). (Adm. gr. 24 Oct. 1620, to Thos. Greene, dur. min. of Thos. Cooper.) 1206 Robert Bonner of Leighe, co. Essex, gent. (Dat. 26 Feb. 1617-18.) Bound on a voyage to the pts. beyond the seas; moth. Joane Bonner of Leighe, wid.; Extx: wife EHz.; my unbo. ch.; Overs: fath. -in-law John Dulinge of Rochester, CO. Kent, gent., Wm. Bower of Leighe, mariner, and John Robinson, cit. and grocer of Lond. {^Robert Bonner] Wits: 406 SOAME, FOL. 105. Richard Fursland, Edward Withers, Sam: Jenken. (Pr. 27 Oct. 1620.) 1207 Raphe Baldwynne of Chalfont St. Peter's, co. Bucks., yeom. (Dat. 26 Mar. 1620.) Eld. son Edm. (und. 21); son Raphe; dau. Hanna (und. 18); my unbo. ch.; bros. Thos. and Edm. Baldwin; sists. Eliz. Hodson and Anne Tibbie; Extx: wife Hanna; Overs: bro. Thos. Baldwin and frd. Raphe Wingiield. \,Raphe Baldwyn\ Wits: Jo: Androwes, Raphe Wingfield, Thomas Baldwyn. CPr. 13 Oct. 1620.) 1208 Robert Messenger of Drayton Bassett, co. Staff., yeom. (Dat. 14 Sept. 1620.) Bur. in Drayton Bassett Ch.; poor of Drayton Bassett, Coverdall, co. York, Tamworthe, Phasley, Bonell and Bitterscoote, and of Wilnescoote; sist. Agnes Geldard; cos. Thos. Geldard; cousins Alice Danbye, Dorothie Bardwicke, Eliz. Geldard, Edith and Mawde Geld- ard, Joane Ryder and Edithe Shegwick; sist. Joane Wraye, her 4 daus., Sisley Myles, Eliz. Myles, Barbara and Joane Wraye; my foresd. cousins' chn.; cos. Bartill Geldard's chn.; cos. Isble Dent's chn.; cos. Joane Watson; Joan Fuller; Lady Leicester's 4 gentlewomen; Mrs. Marye Frogge; Mrs. Marye Barber; Joane Sheepey; Mr. John Frogge; Wm. Blacke, Clement Pratente, Arthure Ludford and Wm. Boys, servts. to Lord of Leicester; my bedfellow, Thos. Boys; Mr. Jeme, preacher; John Jenkins; John Keellinge; Kath. Poot; Joane, wife of John Smithe of Wilnecoot; Robt. Myles, my godson; Robt., son of Mighill Myles; goodwife Bywater; Constance Moore; goodwife Nettleton; Mr. Humfrey Gunter and his wife; copyhold in Tanneworth; lease held of Countess of Leicester; Exor: sist's. son, John Wrye; Overs: Humfry Gunter, gent., and John Jenkins of Drayton Bassett. \_Robert Messinger\ Wits: Christo: Kettell, Humfrey Gunter, Edwarde Twelues, Marye Gunter, Joane Fuller (^mark), John Jenkins. (Pr. 31 Oct. 1620.) 1209 John George of Great Gaddesden, co. Herts., labr. (Dat. 24 Aug., 18 Jas. L) Bur, in chyd. of Gt. Gaddesdon; poor of Rishlippe, co. Midd.; Annys, wife of John Readinge of Rishlippe; Eliz., wife of John Crosier, and her son; Frauncis, wife of Edw. Heydon of Watford, and his bro., Wm. Heydon; Henry Burre of Watford, his bro., John SOAME, FOL. 105. 407 Burre; Henry Fenn; John Fenn of Harpeden, his son; Michaell Fenn of Eaton; Joane Baringer of Dunstable Houghton; kinsm. Rd. Burre and Thos. George, his sist. Kath., and his 3 chn. ; Henry Turpin; Nichs. Hare of Gt. Gaddesden, his wife, and his dau. Annys; Saml. Lynes of same; 3 chn. of Thos. Potton; Grace Munne and her sist., Marye Munne; son and dau. of Wm. Awdley; 6 chn. of Henrye Deane; 3 chn. of Edw. Younge; John, son of Henry Knighte, tailor; Ellen, wife of Robt. Adownes, her 3 chn.; dau. of Joseph Hare dwelling in Little Gaddesden; ch. of Edw. Hare of St. Margett's, psh. of Ivinge; 2 eld. daus. of Rd. Turner of Piggottesend, psh. of Hemelhempsted: Daniel Field of Hemelhempsted; dau. of Rd. Backstaff of High St., Hempsted; Henry Impye of Gt. Gaddesden; Saml. Harvey of same; Hester, dau. of Raphe Puddefatt of Watford; Susan, wife of Thos. Potton of Gt. Gaddesden; Nehemia Baker of Bovingdon; 2 sons of Steven Standley of Berk- hampstead; Joane, wife of Wm. Dagnall of Hempsted, and her sons, John, Wm. and Jas.; 5 chn. of Wm. Longe of Hemelhemsted; 10 daus. of Thos. Loveioye of Hempsted; John Allen of same; Henry Deane of Gt. Gaddesden, yeom.; dau. Mary (und. 21); wife Sarah; bro's. and sist's. chn.; Exor: Wm. Dagnall of Hempstead, labr.; Overs: Mr. Wm. Halsey of Gt. Gaddesdon pars., gent., and Edw. Younge of same, yeom. [mark] Wits: Jo: Ellis, Thomas Potton, Gilberd Fryer. (Pr. 27 Oct. 1620.) 1210 William Morton of Leicester, aid. (Dat. 17 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Martin, Leicester, nr. my wife late deed., in St. George's chapel; Wm., 2d son of son, Wm. Morton, deed.; tents, in High St., Leicester, in occ. of George Knighte, tailor, and Wm. Reade, cordwainer; Wm. Standley, son of dau. Pewsey, and her oth. 4 chn.; tent, in North Gate, Leicester, in ten. of Southwell, fellmonger; grson. Tobias Morton; hou. wh. I now dwell; tent. adj. east- ward, in ten. of Thos. Ludlam; garden of the backside and freesch.; meadow called the Tippett; little Park close; hou. in ten. of Wm. Billers; close called Rowlettes Close adj. Marie Lane in Brunckingsthorpe; tent, in Whatgate, in ten. of John Launder and Hughe Wattes; Id. called Burgis 408 SOAME, FOL. 105. meadow and Marye acre; Wm., bro. of Tobias Morton; barn in Whatgate, in ten. of Mr. Clarke of the Newe Hosp.; poor wids. of St. Joane's and poor of Leicester; my 2 sons, Row- land Pewsye and Wm. Billers; poor of the Old and New Hosps.; son and dau. Caldwell; my md. Anne; cos. John Morton the eld.; my sons, Burrowes, Thos. Gilbert, Wm. Twigden and Thos. Orton, cordwainer; shop the latter holds of me; Alice Morton, dau. of son Wm., deed.; dau. Warde's 8 chn.; dau. Horton's, of Saddington, being 6 or 7; dau. Baker's 8 chn.; Mr. Thos. Sacheverell; Extxs: 3 eld. daus., Eliz. Warde, Alice Horton, Anne Pewsey. \.William Morion] {^no wits.^ (Pr. 31 Oct. 1620.) 1211 James Wrighte of Carlbye, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 10 June 1620.) Bur. in Carlbye chyd.; bro. John Wrighte of Riall; bro. Robt. Wrighte; bros. Michaell and Thos. Wrighte; Thos., son of John Wrighte; Mary Thorpe; bro. Red's chn.; George Berre; Sara Wrighte, dau. of Wm. Wrighte, her moth, and aunt; Anne Watson, dau. of Anthony Watson; Thos. Aseldike; John Litester; Cath: Redmyle; bro. Edw. Wrighte's chn.; Extx: wife Jane. \_ James Wrighte] Wits: John Gilbert, Edwarde Berrye, Thomas Berrye {mark). (Pr. 30 Oct. 1620.) 1212 Richarde Howes of Banbury, co. Oxon. (Dat. 15 Jan., 17 Jas. L) Bro. Thos. Howes; Rd. Warde of Tadmar- ton; Exor: son Thos. Howes (und. 21); dau. Sara Howes (und. 16); Overs: Thos. Halhed the yr., bro. Thos. Howes, George Howes and George Drinckewater. [mark] Wits: Edw: Eden, Thomas Halhed, Thomas House, George Howes {mark), George Drinckewater. (Adm. gr. 29 Oct. 1620, to Thos. Halhed and Thos. Howse, dur. min. of Thos. Howse, son of deed.) 1213 Alice Kendall of Medlam, psh. of Revesbie, {co. Linc.^), wid. (Dat. 30 Apr. 1620.) Bur. in Revesbye chyd.; dau. Anes Puttrill; Anes Englishe; Oyers: John Puttriell; Wm. English, fath. of sd. Anes; Wm. Coulson; Extx: dau. Judith Coulson. \_Alice Kendell] Wits: Robert Salter, Wil- liam Houlton, William Englishe, William Coulson. (Pr. 30 Oct. 1620.) * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 105. 409 1214 Marie Hales of Caresley, co. of the city of Coventry. (Dat. I Sept. 1620.) Bur. by my fath.; John Hales of Car- esley, deed.; Exor: bro. Mr. John Hales, esq.; sists., Mrs. Jane Goodman and Bathonie Frodisham; niece (und. 21), dau. of the sd. Bathonie; John, Christr., Marice and Joane, chn. of bro. John Hales; chn. of cos. Mr. Stephen Hales, and his wife; frds., Mr. Phipps and his wife; Raphe Downes and his wife; my goddau. Mary Downes; godson Daniell Grimstone; Eliz. Hales, dau. of cos. Timothy; Eliz. Hales, dau. of cos. Stephen Hales; goddau. Anne Hales; my servts. in Newland House; Overs: cos. Mr. Stephen Hales, esq. {,M: Hales\ Wits: Stephen Hales, Valentine Overton, Eliz- abeth Downes. (Pr. 31 Oct. 1620.) 1215 Thomas Davies of Brightwell, co. Berks., husbm. (Dat. 19 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in Brightwell chyd.; moth. Ch. of Sarum; bros. Robt. and Christr. Davies; oth. bros. and sists. by fath's. side; my moth-in-law; sist. -in-law Marye Yewstar (und. 21); Ellin and Eliz. Yewstar; bro. -in-law Edw. Pangboorne's son John; Rd. Anthonye; godson John Norrowaye the yr. (und. 21); Extx: wife Avice; Overs: frds. Mr. Lawrence Whistler and John Norrowaye. \7nark\ Wits: Lawrence Whistler, John Norrowaye {marJi). (Pr. 6 Oct. 1620.) FOL. 106. 1216 Elizabeth Bridges of Cirencester, co. Glouc, wid. (Dat. 28 June 1620.) Bur. in Cirencester Ch., wh. husb., Humfrey Bridges, is bur.; my hou. called Hodden House in DoUer St., Cirencester, in ten. of Peeter Foorkens, John Blagg and Johane Chaundler, to be made fit for 6 poor wids. of Cirencester to dwell in; Mr. Burgoyne, preacher; Mr. Topp, preacher; kinsm. Humfrey Bridges of Bagenden, co. Glouc, and his bro. Rd., his sists., Margerye Ewer and Eliz. Canter; kinsm. George Bridges and kinsw. Johane Pearse and Barbara Taylor, son and daus. of George Bridges, deed.; Anne, dau. of John Bridges, deed.; servts., George Under- berrye, Ellianor Perryn and Johane Masters; son-in-law Rd. Bridges, his chn., Anthony and Margt. Bridges (und. 21); my 3 daus., Eliz., Margt. and Jane; Ids. in Glouc. and Wilts.; Exor: son-in-law Robt. Bridges; Overs: sons-in-law John 410 SOAME, FOL. 106. . Breache, Rd. Stephens, [niark] Wits: Rowland Freeman, William Litton, John Chaundlor (^mark), Roger Taylor {^mark). (Pr. 4 Nov. 1620.) 1217 Elizabeth Vause of St. Sepulchre's without Newgate, Lond., wid. (Dat. 13 Aug. 1620.) Sist. Johane Randall; bro. Wm. Heydon; sist. Mary; Eliz. Gale; Eliz., wife of Mor- gan Payne and his son, John Payne; son Frauncis Acton, his wife, my dau. Ruth, and his eld. son John (und. 21); my late dwelling hou. in the Old Baylie, Lond.; Adam, Johane and Thomasine Acton (und. 21), chn. of Frauncis and Ruth; Mr. Randall; Exor: Dr. Saye; Overs: frd. Dr. Warner, pre- bend of Canterbury. \piark\ Wits: Anthony Hudson, scr. CPr. 25 Nov. 1620, by Robert Saye S. T. P.*) 1218 John Ball of Kingswear, co. Devon., sailor. (Dat. 17 Mar. 1616-17.) Bound on a voyage in ship "The Rose" of Dartmouth, John Milberye, mr.; my moth.; godson John Manlye; Markes Boorton; Laurence, Anstice and Thomasine, chn. of Mary Collinges; Eliz., dau. of Andrewe Bickford; Mary, dau. of Henry Rowe; Extx: wife Mary; Overs: frds. Nicholas Ball of Affton and Robt. Crobeare of Kyngesweare. \jnark\ Wits: John Boorton, William Mauger, Sampsone Pearse. (Pr. 27 Nov. 1620.) 1219 W^illiam Palmer of King's Lynn, co. Norf., merch. (Dat. 25 Sept. 1620.) Bro's. son Wm. Palmer, his chn.; sd. bro's. son Robt. Palmer, his chn. (und. 21); another of my bro's. sons John Palmer, his chn. (und. 21); sd. bro's. dau. Margery Heland; Mr. John Wallis, aid. of Lynne; Allen Heland, husb. of sd. Margerye, her daus., Eliz. and Pretesa (und. 21); Thos., son of the sd. John Wallis; Ambrose Bird; Exors: sd. Mr. John Wallis and Mr. Thos. Miller of Lynne. \no sig-^ i^no wits.) (Pr. 20 Nov. 1620.) 1220 Thomas Thompson of Fremdsbery, co. Kent, gent. (Dat. 24 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in Fremdsbury psh. Ch.; my wife; hou. and Ids. leased of Rochester Bridge; lease of the man. of Layesdowne, Isle of Sheppie; bro's. son, Thos. Thompson (und. 21); bro's. dau., Anne Thompson (und. 18); sist. Eliz. Rampston; Exor: son Walter Thompson; adventure in E. • Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 106. 411 India Co.; adventure in the Jonathan. \_Thomas Thompson] Witnessed 6 Sept. 1620 by Thomas Hobson, Herbert Cad- man. (Pr. 7 Nov. 1620 by Walter Thompson. Adm. gr. 26 May 1632 to Elianore Simpon als. Thompson, moth, of deed., Walter Thompson now being dead. ) 1221 John Cole of Morewinstowe, co. Cornw. , yeom. (Dat. 6 Mar. 1619-20.) Chs. of Morewinstowe, Milton Dam- erell and Newton; 3 yr. chn. of George Drewe, deed.; 3 yr. ehn. of Thos. Pascowe, my kinsm., his wife Kath.; Mary Pascowe; Josephe and Margt. Pascowe; John Pascowe; kinsw. Mary Braddon; John Ayre of Langtree; cos. Wm. Braddon; sist. Margerie Braddon; kinsw. Margt. Pee; Giles Norcott; Kath. Norcott; Daniel Langdon; my servts. Abra- ham Esworthie and George Rodd; Thos. Bourman; Johane Beare of Bradworthie; son-in-law, George Deyman's 5 yr. ehn.; John Deyman's eld. son; Margt., dau. of son-in-law Wm. Langford, his sons Wm. and John and dau. Eliz.; son- in-law Rd. Canne's 6 yr. ehn., his eld. son Wm.; my dau.. Christian Langford; dau. Margt. Deyman; Wm., son of John Deyman; John, son of John Dennys of Thornbery, Rd. Cleverdon's chn. of Bradworthie; Wm. Cleverdon of E. Putt- ford; Ids. in Forde in Morewinstowe; wife Grace, her form, husb. John Meddon, deed., to whom she was Extx:; Christian Peate; Anne Wolcott; servts. Phillipp Stanberye, Mary Grilles, Hughe Lendon, John Bourman and Nichs. Stanberye; Exor: son-in-law John Deyman; Overs: Mr. Rd. Earle, elk., Wm. Canne of Bradworthie, Thos. Stanberye and John Dennys. \no sig.] Wits: Thomas Cholwill, Thomas Stanberye, Timothie Browning. (Pr. 22 Nov. 1620.) 1222 Abraham Butler i^of St. Peter, Westchepe*), cit. and clothworker of Lond. (Dat. 15 Sept. 1620.) Wife Eliz.; my unbo. ch.; moth. -in-law, Mrs. Eliz. Dale; bro. -in-law Rd. Dale; sists. -in-law Mary Rudyard, Anne Parker, Johane Reade; bros. Rd. and Joseph Butler; sists. Anne Humfrey, Mary Godbye, Eliz. Thorowgood, Sara Goodman and Judith Butler; fath. Mr. Rd. Butler; godson Raphael Humfrey; nephs. John and Rd. Godbye; chn. of Eliz. Thorowgood; 2 sons of Frauneis Churchman of Leicester, apprs. in Lond.; * Pro. Act. Book. 412 SOAME, FOL. 106. Mr. Vayter, preacher; bro. -in-law Jas. Rudyarde; my late mr., Mr. Roger Drake and his now wife; frds. George Bynn and Wm. Staunton; poor of Preston on the Hill, co. Northants., wh. I was bo.; goddau., dau. of Peter Ellyot of Preston, husbm.; servts. Amye Hatherne, Thos. Tutt, John Chauncey; Exors: bro. -in-law Rd. Reade and bro. Rd. Butler. \_Abrahavi Butler] Wits: Edw: Taylor, scr., William Dale, William Andrewes, servts. to sd. scr. Nunc. cod. (2 Nov. 1620.) Wits: Richard Reade, Mary Rudyard. (Pr. 17 Nov. 1620.) 1223 Stephen Grigg, the eld., of Warpestowe, co. Cornw., yeom. (Dat. 3 Dec. 1619.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Warpestowe; poor of Warpestowe, and Otterham; son Thos.; Id. called Heigh Park, Middle Park and Long Park, held of John Rowse of Warpestowe; son Stephen; Id. called Underwaye Park; tent, called Winsore; wife Alice; Id. called Bowfoune in Warpstowe Church town; son Eliazer; Id. called Bowtowne in Warpstowe; Johane Hickes; tent, in Warpstowe gr. me by Abell Frenche; son Rd.; son Humfrey; Id. called Furse Park in Treleshe; Downye; John, son of son Jas. Grigg, deed.; dau. Eliz.; son John; son Jas.; dau. Susanna; dau. Johane; servts. John Northye, Florence Fishe, Thos. Vissicke and Thos. Sandercocke; dau's chn. Rd. Shorte and Blanche Shorte; Jas. Sandercocke; servt. Elianor Morris; Margt. Duke; Exor: son Wm. [^Stephen Grigg\ Wits: John Michell, John Grigg (/war/fe), Rich: Harrye. (Pr. 22 Nov. 1620.) 1224 Richard Carewe of Anthonye, {co. Cornw*), (Dat. 7 Apr. 1619.) Bur. in Anthony Ch.; wife; Id in Taven Clyes, Wolgarne and Trevegles; Exor: son Rd.; rooms in the Bar- ten of Anthony; Id. called Inswoorkes Barton and Makertith; son George; son Wymond; Id. at Houndstorre; benefices of Sheviockes and Drugsteington; Roger Bond; John Best; have erected a kaye at Portwreckles; woods of Sheviock in man. of Sheviock; Overs: bros. -in-law, John Saintabyn and Wm. Carusewe, son-in-law Frauncis Godolphin, son John Carewe and Mr. Arthur Burell. \_Richard Carewe, of Anthony] Revised, lo June 1620. {^no wits.) (Pr. 25 Nov. 1620.) * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 106. 413 1225 Robert Collyns of East Orchett, psh. of Ewernmin- ster, CO. Dorset. (Dat. 28 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in Funtmill psh. Ch. amongt my ancestors; poor and Ch. of Funtmill; poor of Hargrove; Ch. of Ewernminster; poor and chapel of East Orchett; sist. Eliz. Criene, her chn.; bro. Wm. Collens, his chn.; cos. Rd. Dibbyn; dau. Ellen Collens; Extx: wife Ellen Collens; Overs: bro. Wm. Collyns and Robt. Seimer. [.Robert Collyns] {no wt'ls.) (Pr. 24 Nov. 1620.) 1226 Anne Lasey of Shafton, co. Dorset., wid. (Dat. 9 May 1620.) Son Nichs.Long «/j. Longinowghe's 6 chn. (su.) Sara, Mary, Johane, Edith and John Long als. Longinowgh; Henry Jerrard's 5 chn.; Elinor Grist als. Syms, wid.; Mary Kerley; Extx: dau. Agnes, wife of Nichs. Long als. Longi- nowgh. Imark} Wits: Thomas Cooper, script., William Stile, gent., the eld. imark)^ Willm Beamont. (Pr. 24 Nov. 1620.) FOL 107. 1227 Edward Revett of Ipswich, co. Suff., merch. (Dat. 28 Aug. 1620.) Mess, in occ. of Edm. Jennye, gent.; dau. Thomasine (und. 21); wife Johann; tent, in St. Mary at the Keye, Ipswich, wh. I now dwell; son Edw. (und. 24); dau. Hellen (und. 21); late fath. Edw. Revett, deed.; Exors: wife Johane and bro. John Revett, if he refuses, cos. John Carna- bie to be Exor: wt. my wife. {.Edward Revett] Wits: John Hanys, Tho: Cleere. (Pr. 9 Nov. 1620 by Revett, rel. of deed., pow. res.) 1228 John Arnold of St. Olave's, Southwark, co. Surr., cit. and dyer of Lond. (Dat. 16 Mar. 1617-18.) Rd., Hugh and Wm. Clarke, sons of late sist., Joyce Clarke, deed.; chn. of bro. Thos. Arnold; Extx: wife Alice, [mark] Wits: John Freebody, scr., Zacherie Dixon {mark), Wm. Collyer, Rich- ard Hoy, Marie Macklyn {mark). (Pr. 8 Nov. 1620.) 1229 Edward Pettus, servt. to the honorable Co. of Merchs. of Lond. trading to E. India. (Dat. — July 1620.) Fath. Thos. Pettus; moth. Cicelye Pettus; 2 eld. sons of eld. bro. Wm. Pettus; sist. Fraunces Pettus; 2d bro. John Pettus; 3d bro. George Pettus, out of Eng.; fourth bro. Theodor Pettus (und. 20); bro. Thos. Pettus (und. 21); sist. Christian Pettus; sist. Anna Pettus; sist. Susan, wife of Jeffery Mite; 414 SOAME, FOL. 107. bro. Wra's. wife; 2 eld. sons of sist. Eliz., wife of Nichs. Sadler; ryalls sent to Thos. Rastell fr. Cape Bona Esperance to Suratt by hds. of Rd. Swan, mr. of the Roebuck; uncle Wm. Green and his wife, my aunt; Overs: Wm. Gelstrope; pars, of St. Symon and Jude, Norwich, wh. my fath. dwells; Mr. Wells, minister there; Capt. John Ramsey, son of aid. Ramsey; Susan Skofeild, sometimes my moth's, md.; Thos. youngest son of Wm. Porey; Elias Wood, purser of the Lyon; John Weddell, mr. of the Lyon; Joseph Salbanck; Capt. John Adie; Rd. Browne; Henry Gamage, the swabber; Thos. Prichett; Robert Rash, son of old Rash, the baker, in Nor- wich, dwelling in psh. of St. Symon and Jude; Exor: eld. bro. Wm. ; Elias Wood and Thos. Pory to advertise them of my goods in the ship. {,Ed: Fetius] Wits: John Headly, chirur- geon, Willm. Sampson, Richard Browne. (Pr. 23 Nov. 1620.) 1230 Dassie Morgan, dau. of John Thos. Morgan of Lanwenarth, co. Monm., spr. (Dat. 27 Oct. 1620.) Neph. David Morgan, son of bro. Thos.; Anne, Eliz., Mary and Cath. Morgan, daus. of bro. Thos.; Wm. Morgon, son of bro. John; Chas., Mary, Eliz., Margt., Anne and Alice, chn. of bro. John; bro. Wm. Morgan, his sons, John and Wm. and dau. Margt.; John, Morgan, Mathew, Meredith, Roger, Wm., Giles, Gwenliane and Margt. Rosser, chn. of sist. Alice; Mathew, Water and Marye Rees, chn. of sist. Johan; Margt. and Marye William, daus. of sist. Anne; cos. Thos. Parry; Gwenliane Richard; rep. of Uske Bridge, Lanwenarth; Margt. John Harry Howett; Margt. Thomas Powell; godchn., Margt. William John, Meredith Rosser, Dassie John Mathew, Dassie and Richard Powell; Thos. Parrie; Harry Bean Jenkyn; godchn. Dassie Thomas Powell, Thos. William Bean, Hugh Morgan's ch. and Wm. Watkin Parrye; Thos. Phillipp; Wm. Jenkin; John William Prees; Wm. Thomas Prees; Harry Morgan Miller; sist. Margt. ; moth. Gwenliane Morgan; Mary Rees William; Exor: bro. Thos. Morgan. \_mark\ Witnessed 6 Nov. 1620, by Nathaniell Watkin, John Richard Prees, Thomas John, Thomas William, Richard Powell, elk. (Pr. 20 Nov. 1620.) 1231 John Cowper of Chichester, co. Suss., esq. (Dat. 26 Oct. 1620.) Indr. i Dec, i Jas. L, betw. me, my SOAME, FOL. 107. 415 eld. son, John Cowper, who marr. Magdalen, Sir John Mor- ley's sist., the sd. Sir John and his bro., Sir Edw. Morley, Kt., deed., concerning woods fr. the gate adj. Chaulton Downe to Upper Pond, and thence to Harehurst and woods in the Leeth and Calverishe; oth. indrs. 2 Dec; 2d son, Henry Cowper; 3d son Rd.; goods in hou. in South St., Chichester, wh. I now dwell; grch. John Cowper; his guards., my frds. Sir John Carrell of Hartinge, co. Suss., Kt., Thos. Bicley of Chidham, co. Suss., esq., and my bro. -in-law John Puxton of Salisbury, co. Wilts., gent.; Exor: son Rd.; [.mark] Wits: Jo: BuUokar, John Swayne, Willm Bird (mark), Robt. Peachey (mark). (Pr. 4 Nov. 1620.) 1232 Robert Maynard (0/ SL Bridgetfs, Fleet SL, Lond., esq.*). (Dat. 2 Nov. 1620.) Dame Joyce Clarke, wid. of Sir Robt. Clarke, Kt., Baron of the Exchequer; nephs. Robt. and Thos. Maynard; servt. Symon Eve; my landlady Rebecca Revell; poor of St. Bridgett's, and St. Gile's without Cripplegate, Lond.; hou. in More Lane in psh. of St. Gile's afsd.; Frauncis Wright; poor of Moore Lane and Grubb St.; late servt. Robt. Gamon, hou. he holds of me in More Lane; Christofer Folansbye and his wife Barbara; Exor: neph. Wm., Lord Maynard, Baron of Wicklo, in Ireland. {.Robt Maynard'] Wits: W: Halsey, Valentine Emes, John Harris, Lestraunge Hubberde. Cod. (undat.). Martha Bas- nett; tent, in Moore Lane in occ. of Robt. Baseley; my ten., Cuthbert Hutchinson; (signed and witnessed as above). (Pr. 7 Nov. 1620.) 1233 George Taylor of Eashere, co. Surr., yeom. (Dat. 22 Aug. 1620.) Anne Feelder, dau. of my dau., Anne Feelder; bros. Edm. Taylor and J as. Taylor; sist. Mawde's 2 daus. (und. age); son-in-law Roger Feelder, his oth. chn.; Ids. in Weston, psh. of Thames Ditton, co, Surr.; late dwelling hou. in Longe Ditton, co. Surr.; Id. there bot. of Robt. Heaver and his wife Eliz., dau. and hr. of Anthonie Kingston of Streatham, co. Surr., deed.; hou. at Chesington, co. Surr.; Id. in Surbiton nr. Kingston, co. Surr.; Eliz. Feelder (und. age), dau. of my dau. Anne; Roger Feelder (und. age), son of sd. son-in-law; neighbour Mrs. Eliz. Wheeler, her dau., * Pro. Act. Book. 416 SOAME, FOL. 107. Mrs. Margerye Delahaye; Overs: frd. Humfrey Cheke, gent., and son-in-law Roger Feelder; Extx: wife Anne; poor of Esher and of Thames Ditton; bro. Edm. Taylor's son and 2 daus. (und. age), imark] Wits: Humfry Cheke, Edw: Staunton, Edmond Strangwch, William Cheke, Edmond Mabanck. (Pr. 6 Nov. 1620.) 1234 Thomas Potter of Wivelsfeild, co. Suss. yeom. (Dat. 13 May 1616.) Bur. in chyd. of Wivelsfield; Exor: eld. son Rd.; Ids. in Westmeston and Wivelsfield; wife Eliz.; Id. called Westfeild and Parkes Crofte in Wivelsfield; youngest son Stephen; man. of Lyndfeild Arches; dau. Eliz.; 2d son Thos.; 4th son Henry (und. 21); 3d son John; youngest dau. Mary Potter; John Clyffordes, son of my dau. Eliz., his fath.; Overs: frds. Edm. at Ree, gent., and Stephen Martin of Longridge. [mark] Wits: Thomas Gunne, John Carew. (Pr. 3 Nov. 1620.) 1235 Avis Somer of St. Peter's in the East, Oxford, wid. (Undated) Bur. in St. Peter's Ch. , nr. husb., Mr. Symon Parrett, and son Peter Parrett; my md. Joane Smith; Joane and Alice Chillingworth; sist. Alice Canon, wife of Thos. Canon of Longe Grenden, her chn., J as., Eliz., Phillis and Jane; neph. Wm. Smarte; niece Eliz. Smart; my grchn., Thos., Wm., John, Marye, Joan and Susan Westly, chn. of dau. Mary, their grfath., Mr. John Westley; mon. in Magdalene Coll. Ch. for husb., Jas. Somer; Exors: son-in- law Wm. Westly and only ch. Mary, his wife; Overs: bro. Mr. John Westly. [A. S.] Wits: Frauncis Bradshawe, Edward Westly, Joan Smith. (Pr. 7 Nov. 1620, by Wm. Westly, pow. res. to Marie West.t) 1236 Robert Awsten of Tansor, Dioc. of Peterborough. (Dat. 21 Feb. 1619-20.) Wife Margerye; sist. Alice Shelton; wife's dau., Bridgett Gillett; fath. Thos. Awsten; moth. Awsten; kinsm. John Dowtye (und. 21); Rd. Awsten of Clyffe; my bro's. and sist's. chn.; Exor: bro. Edw. Lewen to be guard, to John Dowtye. {.Robert Awstin] Wits: Ed- ward Barber, senr., Edward Barber. (Pr. 21 Nov. 1620.) 1237 Jarrett Moseley of Blocley, Dioc. of Worcs. (Dat. 14 Mar. 1619-20.) Exor: son Jarrett; tents, in Blockley wh. t Sic. SOAME, FOL. 107. 417 he himself, Ambrose Titmarsh, Ann Morton and wid. Jelfes dwell; dau. Eliz., wife of Thos. Merry, her chn.; dau. Fraun- cis, wife of Wm. Ryly; Arthur (und. 21), son of my son, Thos. Moseley, deed.; Frauncis Merry, dau. of son-in-law Thos. Merry; Thos., John and Joan Moseley, chn. of son Jarrett; wife Alice; tent, in Blocley, wh. Florence Aspley dwells, held of Mr. Stevens, [.mark] Wits: Henry Danyell, William Rily, Thomas Merrye. (Pr. 10 Nov. 1620.) 1238 Richard Home of Bradford, co. Wilts., gent. (Nunc, will dat. 25 Aug. 1620.) Wife Jane; tent, called Pilchmeade; Extxs: 2 chn., Jane and Kath. Home; Wits: Thomas Reade, elk., vie. of Bradford, John Yewe, Willm Awbrey, Willm Home. (Adm. gr. 4 Nov. 1620, to Jane Home, rel., dur. min. of Jane and Cath. Home. Pr. 23 Dec. 1637, by Jane Home a/s. Rice, dau. of deed., Cath. Home, oth. dau., and Extx. being dead.) FOL. 108. 1239 Thomas Budden. Def. sen. confirming will of Thomas Budden, late of Badbridge, in psh. of Arreton in the I. of Wight, propounded by David Budden, his, son and Exor:, and disputed by John, Thomas, Matthew, Edwd. and Richd. Budden, Avice Pottnall, Parnell Maleighe and Eliza- bth. Budden, chn. of the deed. (Dat, 22 Nov. 1620.) 1240 Richard Connock. Def. sen. confirming will of Richd. Connock of Calstocke, co. Devon. t, esq., propounded by Richd. Billing, Humph. Arundell and John Rowe, Exors:, and disputed by Joan Connocke, rel., William Connocke and Jane Tucker, bro. and sist.. Lady Lowdaye Viuian, wife of Sir Fras. Vivyan, and Philadelphia Carr, nieces by the bro. of the sd. deed. (Dat. 22 Nov. 1620.) 1241 John Andrewe a/s. Moris. Def. sen. annulling adm. (with will attached) of goods of John Andrewe a/s. Morris, of Plymouth, co. Devon., deed., form. gr. to Agnes Howell, wid., at the suit of Alice Barber a/s. Capell; George Harris and Margaret Harris being parties of the third part to the suit. (Dat. 22 Nov. 1620.) 1242 John Hawkins. Def. sen. condemning John Thor- owgood to pay the costs of a suit betw. himself and Agnes t Sic. CalBtock is in Cornw. Bee will No. 138. 418 SOAME, FOL. 108. Hawkins, rel. and Admx. of John Hawkins, Wm. Atkinson and Geoffy. Kirbye, concerning the will of sd. John Hawkins, deed. (Dat. 22 Nov. 1620.) 1243 Richard Birche. Def. sen. revoking letters of adm. of goods of Edmd. (^called in margin Richd.) Birche of Adder- bury, CO. Oxon., deed., and annulling will propounded by George Birche and Hugh Birche, and disputed by John Turner. (Dat. 22 Nov. 1620.) 1244 Elizabeth Feltham of St. Thomas the Apostle, Southwark, co. Surr., wid. (Dat. 14 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of St. Olave, Southwark, in tomb wh. late husbs. Christr. Woodward and Robt. Feltham lie; gowns to 40 poor people; poor ehn. of Christ's hosp., Lond.; poor of St. Thomas' hosp., Southwark, of St. Olave's, of St. Thomas', .Southwark, of Obury, co. Salop., wh. I was bo., of St. George's, Southwark, and of Bromley, co. Kent.; poor prison- ers of the 3 prisons in Southwark, viz., the King's Bench, Marshalsea and the White Lyon; Nichs. King; son-in-law Henry Walton; Thos. and Wm. (und. 24), sons of son Christr. Woodward, his daus. Eliz., Cath., Susan, Mary and Anne Woodward (und. 21); Henry and John Kyng, Saml. Walton and Eliz., wife of Robt. Long (all und. 24), ehn. of dau., Susan Walton, deed.; Eliz. and Margt. Long (und. 21), ehn. of sd. Eliz. and Robt. Long; John, the yr., Rd., Christr., Henry, Edw. and Robt. Sayer (all und. 24), sons of dau. Rebecca Sayer, deed., her 2 daus., Eliz. and Rebecca Sayer (both und. 21); son-in-law, John Sayer; kinsm. Robt. Long; Co. of Vintners, Lond.; dau. -in-law Kath. Woodward; bro. -in-law Mr. Daynes; sist. Margt. Oldeberry, wife of bro. Rd., her dau., Fraunces; cos. Emlyn James; sist. Knighte; Thos. Westwood als. Oldberye, his daus. Eliz. and Susanna (und. 21); neph. Edw., son of bro. Christr. Westwood; John and Edw. Westwood als. Oldberye, ehn. of bro. Rd. Westwood als. Oldberrye, deed.; Eliz., wife of Thos. Wilboone; Mary, wife of Thos. Jenninges; Thos. (und. 21) sonof Agnes Crowe; John Hasell and his wife; Mary, weh. dwells wt. goodwife Hasell; frd. Nichs. King of Bromley, co. Kent; goddaus. Rebecca Cheney and Rebecca Phillippes; son of Robt. Warde my ten.; sometime servt. Walter; Exor: son Christr. Wood- SOAME, FOL. 108. 419 ward, [mark] Wits: Robert Thurlebye, Rich: Lee, James Read, scr. (Pr. 27 Nov. 1620.) 1245 Dorothie Reward of Onemanshouse, in Derwent, CO. Derb, wid. (Dat. 20 Mar. 1616-17.) Bur. in Hope Ch.; bros. Robt. and George Barber; sist. Mary Barber; dau. Mary Heward (und. 21), her governors to be my stepfath., Thos. Hoile of Onemanshouse, his wife Alice and my moth., whom I appoint my Exors:; sist. -in-law Alice Barber, her 3 chn. [mark] Thos. Morten; John Heward of Pignasse; Robt. Bridge; Wits: Edward Yeallott (mark), Nicholas Braye imark), George Tynker. (Pr. 10 Nov. 1620.) 1246 Margerye Fletcher of Paxford, co. Worcs., wid. (Dat. II May 1620.) Bur. in Blockley psh. Ch.; Ch. and poor of Blockley; Edw. (und. 24), youngest son of Thos. Fletcher; Margery Fletcher (und. 26), dau. of sd. Thos.; his sons John Fletcher (und. 30), Rd. and Thos. Fletcher (both und. 30); Angela Walker, dau. of my son-in-law Edw. Walker; the oth. chn. of dau. Margerye Walker; Ids. on downs of Blocklye; dau. Johane White's 3 chn., her youngest son John White; Eliz. Wincate; Exor: son Thos. Fletcher; Overs: Robt. Helmes of Northwicke, co. Wore, yeom. and Thos. Maunsell of Paxford, co. Wore, husbm. [mark] Wits: George Welles, Thomas Moomsell (mark), Thomas Hen- worthe (mark). (Pr. 23 Nov. 1620.) 1247 John Colles of Hatfield, co. Heref., esq. (Dat. 24 May 1616.) Bur. in Hatfield psh. Ch. in chan.; my wife; son Edmond, deed.; wife's kinsm., Thos. Nashe; inv. indented of goods at Doverdall a/s. Dardall, co. Wore, made 4 Oct., 4 Jas. I; indr. dat. 10 Sept., 4 Jas. I, betw. me, my wife, then being wid., and George and John Nashe; leases in Tewkes- bury, Aston upon Carrant, Fiddington, Treddington, Walton Cardiffe and Sowthwicke, co.Glouc, belonging to the Rect. of Tewkesbury, gr. by Queen Eliz. to Thos. Nelson and Chas. Paget by letters patent at Westminster, 14 June, 20 Eliz.; Philipp Winston and Wm. Hitches, gent.; grch. Eliz. Colles; Id. called Harsett, in Bromyarde, co. Heref., bot. of John Akerwood, deed.; grch. John Colles; George Browne and his wife; grch. Edm. Colles (und. 18); Timothy Colles (und. 21); 2d son of my grch. John and^Fraunces his wife; my kinsm. 420 SOAME, FOL. 108. and servt. Edm. Smythe; his son Edm.; servt. Johane Ash- feild; hou. and Ids. at Hatfield; poor of Leompster, Brom- yarde, Hatfield and Hampton in psh. of Bockleton; Susanna Patteshall; Exors: Alice and John Colles; Overs: John Bayn- ham of Bromyard, co. Heref., esq. and John Patteshall of Hatfield, gent. \_Johannem Colles] Wits: John Colles, jr., John Patteshall, Frauncis Colles, Mary Colles. (Pr. 23 Nov. 1620.) 1248 Roger Weston of Newberye, co. Berks., clothier. (Dat. 21 Sept. 1620.) Eld. son Wm., hou. wh. he now dwells; hou. wh. Roger Lynche, Edw. Wylliar and John Harrison dwell; son Phillip; close bot. of Hynde; dau. Mar- gerye Weston (und. 20); hou. in occ. of Giles Emerson and John Camber; dau. Anne Weston (und. 20); Id. at Wood- leys; Id. bot. of Rd. Cheife; tents, in occ. of Anne Johnson and Thos. Cobbett; fulling mill and Id. in Newberye; daus. Johane (und. 28), Margt. and Jane (both und. 20); son Wm.; dau. Pococke; almes people in Newberye Ch.; Extx: wife Agnes; Overs: neighbours, William Houghton, dyer, and bro. Thos. Dove. \_Roger Weston\ Wits: John Cottman, Thomas Dowe, William Houghton {mark), John Barksdale, the eld. (Pr. 23 Nov. 1620.) 1249 Thomas Crapon of Broadhinton, co. Wilts., elk. (Dat. 9 Apr., 18 Jas. I.) Daus. Dorothie and Mary (both und. 21); son Thos. (und. 21); dau. Sibill (^und. 21); Extx: wife Jane; Overs: fath. Robt. Crapon and bro. -in-law Walter Burshall. \_Thomas Crapon] {no wits.) (Pr. 27 Nov. 1620.^ FOL. 109. 1250 William Mallaber, the eld. als. of the Steppes, of Coton, psh. Lullington, co. Derb., husbm. (Dat. 26 Sept. 1620.) Bur. in Lullington Ch. under stone wh. ancestors lie; son Hughe Mallaber; dau. Margerye Cotes, her son Frauncis Cotes; dau. -in-law, wife of son John Mallaber; dau. Anne Mallaber; son Wm. Mallaber; Exor: son John Mallaber of Lond., vintner; Overs: bro. -in-law Thos. Baxter and kinsm. Rd. Bach, \niark] Wits: Richard Orgell, script., Thomas Owen {fuark), Thomas Cotes {mark). (Pr. 18 Nov. 1620.) 1251 Robert Pratt of Welland, co. Wore, gent. (Dat. 31 Dec, 17 Jas. L) Wife Anne; cap. mess, called Welland SOAME, FOL. 109. 42t Courte or Daunsies Farm, wh. I now dwell, and all appur. in Welland, Upton upon Severne and Castle Morton, co. Wore, bot. of Symon Mocklowe, esq.; grd. called Stoakes Hill had of John Archer, gent.; grd. called Moorefeildes in Castle Morton; field called Micklefeild and Id. adj. the Brook at the N. and lane leading to Little Welland at the S., bot. of Wm. and Rd. Coxe and had of Wm. Keyse; close adj. Mr. Bridge's grd. at Salman's end; sons Robt., Wm. and Thos.; dau. Apoline Pratt; dau. Eliz. Pratt; dau. Anne Pratt; daus. Jane, Margt., Mary, Kath., Barbara and Grace; Appoline Child, wid.; Id. in Upton upon Severne and Welland, bot. of Wm. Moyses; tents, by the Hooke side in Upton upon Severne, in ten. of John Carter, Mary Jeffkinges and Sibill Oringe; Id. in Lockridge, psh. of Upton; Id. called Woodfeildes; Rd. Dunn's Id.; Hoacke Green; tent, in Welland, late in ten. of John Gurney; John Turner; Id. called Tillbridge lying betw. Ids. of Frauncis Carterighte; Id. called Gt. and Little Skelles; Ids. called Chanereys; Id. at Burlingham; Rd. Haudes; Edw. Woodward's lease at Burlingham; poor of Welland, Upton and Castle Morton; Exors: wife and son Robt.; servt. Wm, Williams; Frauncis Stockes; Julian and Witt- combe, servts.; Overs: Mr. Wm. Childe, the yr., esq., Wal- ter Childe, gent., sons of Mr. Childe of Northwicke, and Rd. Hickox. \_Robtum Pratt] Cod. (dat. Christmas, 1619). Thos. Woodward; Id. at Hawley; bro. George; Id. in ten. of ■ Legg; Id. in Chaneryes and Guilefeild; bro. Wm. Woodward^ my sist. Martha, {no wits.) (Pr. 3 Nov. 1620.) 1252 Richard Brooke of Wanting, co. Berks., gent. (Dat. 18 Jas. L) Bur. in chan. of Wantage psh. Ch., nr. fath., Mr. Robt. Brooke; moth. Ch. of Sarum; eld, son Rd. (und. 21); tents, in Wantage and Grove, in psh. of Wantage-; 2d son Tristram; my unbo. ch.; mess, called Joycese; Extx: wife Margery; Overs: bro. -in-law Rd. Pusey and kinsm. Wm. Withens. {.Richard Brooke] Wits: William Wythens, Wil- liam Weeke (mark), John Saltern. (Pr. 24 Nov. 1620.) 1253 Nicholas Plant of Gt. Bourton, co. Oxon., yeom. (Dat. 17 June 1617.) Bur. in Cropredye psh. Ch., co. Oxon.^ son Mathewe; tent, in Gt. Bourton in ten. of Rd. Austen and 422 SOAME, FOL. 109. Wm. Jackman; kinsm. Thos. Plant; Ids. in Gt. and Little Bourton; tent, in Warrington, in ten. of Wm. Clerridge; Ids. in Harley, co. Oxon.; lease by Rd. Couper of Warrington, and Thos. Cooper to fath., Thos. Plant, for term of 5,000 years, dat. 10 Aug., 14 Eliz.; colt at Williamscott; dau. Avis Plant; wife Eliz.; Rebecca Horseman (und. 10), dau. of Barnabie Horseman; Exor: sd. son, Thos. Plant; tent, in Gt. Bourton, wh. I now dwell; lease dat. 16 Jan., 9 Jas. I., by Wm. Plant, my bro's. son; Overs: kinsm. John Wyng of Banburie, co. Oxon., mercer, Martyn Tustian of Banbury, gent., and son-in-law Barnabie Horseman of Tysoe, co. Warw. \_mark\ Wits: John Lovell, Thomas Gardener, Martyn Tuftian (su.). (Pr. 9 Nov. 1620.) 1254 Roger Johnsons of Worcester. (Dat. 27 Sept. 1620.) Jointure to wife dat. i Nov., 16 Jas. I.; salt vats in Droitwich and Witche; son John (und. 21); my unbo. ch.; Edm., son of Thos. Cooke of Ridmerlye, gent.; Ids. called the Cardinall Hatt, in psh. of St. Peter, city of Worcester; cos. Margt. Leighte, her chn.; 2 tents, in Broad St., Worces- ter, now in poss. of Rd. Price, barber, and John Heye, shoe- maker; Margt., wife of Robt. Crispe; bro. Robt. Johnsons; Id. called Hallom in St. John's, Bedwardine; 3 tents, in Foryate St., in occ. of Rd. Hill and oths.; Thos., son of sd. Robt. Johnsons; sist. Holder, her son Frauncis; tent, in Fryars St., sometime in ten. of Mr. Bullingham, now in poss. of Rd. Walter; cos. George Pitcher, his chn.; 3 tents, in Broad St., in poss. of George Wigfall; Ids. in Goldenwicke, bot. of Mr. Edw. Hall and Michaell Worvilde, now in poss. of Walter Burbage, Thos. Weaver and oths.; poor of Wor- cester, of St. John's and St. Michaell's nigh Worcester and All Saint's; sist. Robertes; poor of Leighe; neighbour Wos- ell's chn.; wife's sists.; chn. of Thos. Spooner; Saml. Matthewes the yr. ; servt. Thos. Bedle; Mr. Taylor, preacher; Thos. Cooke the yr.; neighbour Sallir's chn.; Armill, son of Armill Fincher; oth. chn. of cos. Cooke; goodwife Philipps; my ten. Thos. Philippes; Extx: my wife Milborowe; Overs: fath. -in-law Mr. Henry Myntridge and cos. Cooke the eld. \_Roger Johnsons] Wits: Thomas Taylor, Thomas Cooke, Henry Myntriche, Armell Fincher. (Pr. 20 Nov. 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 109. 423 1255 ^Villiam Keeling of the Parke, in psh. of Caris- brooke, I. of Wight, co. Southton., esq. (Dat. 6 Oct. 1620.) Bur. in Carisbrooke Ch. nr. communion table; tombstone of marble; servts. Mary Northe, Eliz. Giffard and Isaac Bartholmewe; my keeper, George Lawrence; servts., Robt. Davis, John Turnell and Michaell Evans; stock with English merchs. of the E. India Co.; Extx: wife Anne, who is to settle in Lond.; Overs: bros. -in-law Mr. Edw. Bromfeild and Mr. Thos. Overman of Lond., leathersellers; eld. son Edw. (und. 21); my oth. chn. \_lVilltam Keeling^ Wits: William Moore, Thomas Chappell, Frauncis Moundeford, John Jesson, script. (Pr. 20 Nov. 1620.) 1256 Mary Sare als. Andrewes of St. Giles in the Fields, CO. Midd. (Nunc, will dat. 18 Apr. 1619.) Exor: husb. Thomas Sare; grfath. Frauncis More, late of Turges, co. Southton., gent., deed., to whom I was Extx:; John Puck- more, his wife and their son Walter; Wits: Peter Athirsiche, (his wife) Margaret Athersiche {mark). (Pr. 16 Nov. 1620.) 1257 Mary Lewis of Colchester, co. Essex, wid. (Dat. 12 Oct. 1620.) Poor of St. Jas., and of All Saint's, Colchester; St. John's Coll., Cambridge; Mr. Wm. Beadle, preacher of Horningshearthe, co. Suff.; Susan Cleere, dau. of bro. Nichs. Cleere, deed., anoth. dau., Anna Cleere; Saml., son of sist. Anna Sherman, deed.; John, Benj., Sara, Anna and Mary Sherman, chn. of my sd. sist.; Mary Heekford, godson Stephen Thurston, Edmond, Joseph, Thos., Jane and Anna Thurston, chn. of my sist. Jane Thurston, deed.; Nichs., son of sist. Read, deed.; Eliz., wife of Wm. Kyng; Anne Weston, dau. of sist. Eliz. Weston, deed.; Mary Mathewe, dau. of kinsw. Johane Mathewe; Anne Anger, dau. of bro. Shearman, deed.; Edm., Rd. and Anne Shearman; Anne Butler, dau. of sist. Shearman; kinsm. Mr. Joseph Thurston; frd. Mr. John Inman of St. Edmund'sbury; sist. Thurston; Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. John Marshall; John Brattle of Ardleighe, his eld. son (und. 21); ch. of my cos. John Anger; Mr. Tayleeott, minis- ter of All Saint's; wid. Starke; late servt. Mary Kyng; servt. Thomasine Waford; late servt. George Wymple; ch. of my late servt. Alice Kyng; chn. (und. 21), of Robt. and Henry Osborne; Sara Fuller, dau. of Henry Osborne; Mary Cal- 424 SOAME, FOL. 109. thrope, dau. of Phil: Calthrope, deed.; kinsw. Jane Thurston, a pot wch. was my moth. Cleere's; Anne Hadley, dau. of Wm. Kynge, his son Wm. ; Sara Wood, dau. of Nichs. Wood, deed.; kinsm. Nathl. Northie; kinsw. Anne Searles and Mary Baeon; Exor: bro. Thos. Thurston. [Mary Lewes] Wits: Nath: Northie, "ffewke" {sic), William Kynge. (Pr. 21 Nov. 1620.) FOL. 110. 1258 Katherine Rydlie of Berkford, eo. Beds., wid. (Dat. 16 Oet. 1620.) Bur. in ehan. of Berkford Ch., nr. late husb. Henry Ridley; servt. Aliee Cleere; godehn. Kath. Tillye and Thos. Alyson; Kath., dau. of Anne Ouldmeadowe; my son Laneelot; son Jonas; goods at Elie; Extxs: daus. Eliz. Ridley and Margt., wife of Thos. Alyson; dau. Anne, late wife of Edm. Oldmeddowe, now wife of John Sidon. [mark] Wits: Samuel Hooke, Launeellot Rydley, Thomas Alison {mark), Miles Atkinson {mark). (Pr. 21 Nov. 1620.) 1259 Sir Edward Howard of Westminster, eo. Midd., Kt. (Dat. 5 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in Riegate Ch. nr. my moth.; bro. Sir Chas. Howard; my man. of Bagshott; servt. Anthony Stert; pars, barn of Lingfield; Exor: bro. Sir Frauncis How- ard, Kt. ; servts., Daniell Killpatriek, Christr. Best; my boy Robt.; my cook, Wm. Taylor; my housekeeping at Saies; poor of Ryegate. \_E. Howard] Wits: Ch: Howard, George Plucknett, appr. to John Plueknett, ser. (Pr. 17 Nov. 1620.) 1260 Symond Harvey of Hodsdon, co. Herts., gent. (Dat. 15 Oet. 1620.) Bur. in Broxbarne Ch. or ehyd.; wife Anne Harvey; sist. Aliee's sons, Edw., Symon, Rd., and Wm. Blooe; Ids. in Sandon, eo. Herts., ealled Hubberdes Heme; dau. Sara, wife of son-in-law Niehs. Haughton, of Lond., fishmonger; tent, in Rowe greene, Sandon, betw. Ids. ealled Walmans and Hartes, in ten. of John Anthonye; bro. George Harvie; sist. Alice Blooe; Robt., Nichs., John and Mary Haughton (all und. 21), chn. of dau. Sara; Margt. Keaine; sist's. dau., Johane Robinson; Jas. Edwards the eld.; Margt., dau. of Wm. Bonnet of Cottred; poor of Broxborne; Exor: John Haughton, son of Nichs.; Overs: Nicholas Haughton. \_Symon Harvey] Wits: John Saring, Gamaliel Hale, scr., SOAME, FOL. 110. 426 William Smithe (^mark). (Adm. gr. 17 Nov. 1620, to Anne Harvey, rel., dur. min. of John Haughton.) 1261 Christr. Burhopp of Byton, co. Heref., gent. (Dat. 27 July 1620.) Bur. in Byton Ch.; morts. dat. i Apr., 6 Jas. I, and 17 Nov., 3 Jas. I, concerning half a hou. in Glastrie, belonging to Rice ap John Jenkyn of Glastrie, co. Rad., gent.; son George Burhopp; Id. in Glastrie leased of Roger Morris of the Raber; son John Burhopp; sons Thos. and Walter Burhopp; Extx: wife Eliz.; Id. in psh. of / or vi'e.f \,Christofer Burhopp] Wits: Edward Lewis, William Dim- mer {altered to Dummer), Margaret Grififid, Henry George, elk. (Pr. 15 Nov. 1620.) 1262 Jeromie Lambert of Bures St. Mary, co. Essex., | clothier. (Dat. 22 June 1620.) Hou. in Bures St. Mary, co. Suff., wh. son John Lambert now dwells, his son Jerome Lambert; my sons Jerome, Robt. and Frauncis; daus. Margt. and Anne; Anne Lambert (und, 21), dau. of son John; Anne Lambert (und. 21), dau. of son Jerome; Exors: wife Margt. and son John. \_Jerom Lambert] Wits: Brian Smithe, Ralphe Downsdalle, Mathewe Howe. (Pr. 24 Nov. 1620, by Margt. Lambert, rel. of deed., John Lambert ren.) 1263 Daniel Adrey of St. Botolph's without Aldgate, Lond., gent. (Dat. 24 Jan. 1619-20.) Bur. in chyd. of St. Buttolph's without Aldgate, nr. wife Anne, late deed.; sons Robt. and Thos. Adrey (both und. 21); daus. Fraunces, Eliz. and Mary (all und. 21); cos. Mr. Wm. Hickes; cos. Mrs. Eliz. Hickes; frds. Mr. Thos. Morley and Rebecca, his wife, to bring up dau. Eliz.; frd. Capt. Morgan, now in Ireland; godfath. to son Robyn; Exors: frds. Mr. Edw. Overey and Mr. Thos. Weatherall dwelling nr. St. Anthonyn's, Lond.; frds. Mr. Thos. Moze and Mary, his wife, godmoth. to dau. Mary; frds. Mr. John Mondaye and Mr. Robt. Sowthe and his wife Sara. \,Danyel Adrey] Exor: Mr. Thos. Morley frd. Mr. Rowland Flemming. (Pr. 7 Nov. 1620, by Edw. Overy, pow. res. to Thos. Wetherall and Thos. Morley.) 1264 Emme Arnold of Gt. Farringdon, co. Berks., wid. (Dat. 30 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in Farringdon chyd.; Ch. of t Probably Eye, about eight miles east of Byton. % Bures St. Mary lies in both Essex and Suff. 426 SOAME, FOL. 110. Sarum; Emme Arnolde, dau. of Alexr. Arnold; Agnes Far- mor; Anne Stanbrooke; son Stephen Arnold; Wm. Hunt; son Thos. Arnold; son John Arnold; daus. Edith Arnold and Anne Arnold; son Wm. Arnold; son Nichs. Arnold; Overs: bro. Wm. Stephens and Henry Godfrey; Exors: son-in-law Thos. Sturtle and Eliz., his wife. [,mark] Wits: William Stephens, Henry Godfrey, William Launder. (Pr. lo Nov. 1620, by Thos. Sturtle, pow. res.) 1265 ^Villiam Cade of Bucksted, co. Suss., wheelwright. (Dat. 18 Oct. 1620.) Bur. in Bucksted chyd.; bro. Barnabie Cade; sist. Emme Moone; Nichs. and Rd. Cade (both und. 21), sons of John Cade, late of Bucksted; Rd. Sampson of Bucksted, yeom.; Henry and Dorothy Fryman (both und. 21), chn. of Henry Fryman, late of Framfeild, deed.; John Squire of Framfeild; Robt., Wm., Rd. and Mary Cade (all und. 21), chn. of Rd. Cade of Framfeild; Johane Diplocke, dau. of Robt. Diplocke; Emme Cade (und. 21), dau. of bro. Henry Cade; Exor: bro. Henry Cade; Overs: frds. John Squire of Framfeild and Rd. Sampson of Bucksted; Ids. in Ryngmore, co. Suss. [.William Cade} Wits: John Squire, Richard Samson, Robert Diplocke {mark), William Wool- man, scr. (Pr. 15 Nov. 1620.) 1266 Richard Burgis of Chipping Farringdon, co. Berks., butcher. (Dat. 10 Oct. 1620.) Bur. in Farringdon Ch.; poor of Farringdon, Wantage and Highworth; George Addams, his son Wm. Addams; Mr. Lloyde; Exors: and Overs: John Cowles and Wm. Page; Thos. Galland; Wm. Hawkins. [niark\ Wits: William Launder, George Adams. (Pr. 10 Nov. 1620, by John Cowles, pow. res.) 1267 Elizabeth Brooke of Camerwell, CO. Surr., spr. Dat. II Sept. 1620.) Neph. George, yr. son of bro. Thos. Brooke of Battle, CO. Suss.; yr. bro. J as. Brooke of Wilmington, co. Suss.; Id. mort. to me by John Wood of Wilmington, now in ten. of sd. Jas. Brooke; cos. and godson Thos., son of Arthur Brooke; godson Edmond Lentott; cos. Kath. Lentott; cos. Kath. and Anne Draper, daus. of cos. Jas. Draper of Cam- merwell; poor of Wilmington and Cammerwell; Mr. Spenser, preacher at Cammerwell; Exor: bro. -in-law John Hunnye of SOAME, FOL. 110. 427 Wilmington, [mark] Wits: William Spencer, James Draper, Margerye Hoell. (Pr. 15 Nov. 1620.) 1268 Thomas Panckhurst of Maighfeild, co. Suss., yeom. (Dat. 30 Sept. 1620.) Sist's. sons Thos. Downe and John Downe; 2 daus. of sd. John Downe; 3 daus. of bro. Wm. Panckhurst; servt. Alice Chaumbers; Agnes Dunton, wid.; hou. wh. she now dwells; Mary Olive; servt. Rd. Barten; Exor: bro. Wm. Panckhurst; Overs: George Courthop and John Pudland. [mark] Wits: Stephn Parker, John Peck- ham (mark). (Adm. gr. 9 Nov. 1620, to Hellene Panck- hurst, rel. of Wm. Panckhurst, deed., whilst liv. Exor: to Thos. Panckhurst.) 1269 Mary Rogers of Leighe nr. Tonbridge, co. Kent, wid., dau. and cohr. of John Childrens of Leighe, deed., and cohr. of bro. John Childrens, deed. (Dat. 30 Aug. 1620.) Poor of Leighe, of Godstone, co. Surr., and Chedingstone, co. Kent; chn. of my sists. Eliz., Susan and Margt., being 9 in number; John Willard of Leighe and his wife Eliz., John Hollambey of Chedingstone and his wife Susan, Walter Bur- stowe of Horley, co. Surr., and his wife Margt., my bros. -in- law and sists.; Ids. left me by sd. fath. and bro., deed.; deed dat. 26 Apr. 1620, to frds. Rd. Hollambey of Chedingstone and Godfrey Jesopp of Leighe; late husb. George Rogers; deed to Thos. CoUett and Thos. Theobald, gent.; Extx: moth. Susan Childrens, wid. [mark] Wits: John Chante, vie. of Leighe, Henry Cruttenden, John Newington (mark). (Pr. 10 Nov. 1620.) 1270 John Sagges, carpenter in the " Lion," now bound for Surrat, E. Indies. (Dat. 4. May 1618.) John Hedley; Anthony Coxe; Hugh Bradley; Exor: bro. Robt. Sagges; hou. in Chattam next unto the Plume of Feathers towards the Ch. l/oAn Sa££'es] Wits: Elias Wood, purser, Archard Shep- ard. (Pr. 14 Nov. 1620.) 1271 Stephen ToUey of Witherudge, co. Devon. (Dat. 2 Nov. 1619.) Bur. in Witherudge chyd.; servt. Peter Pitt; bro. Edw. Tolley; John ToUey; Jas. Tolley; Agnes Lang- worthie; Stephen, Edw., John, Jane and Eliz. Bishopp; Hughe, son of Edw. Tolley of Thelbridge; Stephen, Thos. and Errett 428 SOAME, FOL. 110. Tolley, sons and dau. of sd. Edw.; Hughe, son of Peter Tolley, deed.; godson Hughe Ellis; Extx: wife Margt.; Overs: Hughe Tolley of Withrudge and Robt. Lashbrooke of same. \_Stephen Tolley] {no wits.) (Pr. 24 Nov. 1620.) FOL. 111. 1272 Michael Sergeant of Lantegles by Foye {co. Cornw.^). (Dat. 6 Jan. 1619-20.) Dau. Eliz. Sergeant; dau. Susan; son Henry Sergeant; Extx: wife Anstice Sergeant; Overs: Raphe Wenmouthe, the yr., John Owen, John Davye. \,Michael Sergeant] Wits: Stephen Kyng, Raphe Wenmouthe, John Owen {mark), John Davye {mark). (Pr. i Nov. 1620.) \'2.1^ ^A^illiam Bradripp of Berrowe, co. Somst. (Nunc, will dat. 2 days before his death.) Lease of Ids. held in weake in psh. of Berrowe; son Christr. ; son Wm.; wife's fath. Thos. Sayard. (Adm. gr. 14 Nov. 1620, to Christr. Brad- ripp, son of deed., no Exor: being named.) 1274 John Luttrell {of Maperton, co. Dorset.'^). (Dat. 5 July 1620.) Dau. Anne Luttrell; Sir Amyas Bamfeild; bro. Luttrell; Wm. Frauneys, esq.; term of years of North Maper- ton Farm; sons John and George Luttrell, (the latter of King's Coll., Cambridge); old Crosse and his sist., ten. of farm of Avell, eo. Somst.; Extx: wife Anne. \_John Luttrell] {no wits.) (Pr. 17 Nov. 1620.) 1275 Thomas Hillie of Tewkesbury, co. Gloue. (Dat. 28 July, 1615.) Bur. in Tewkesbury psh. Ch.; tent, in Tewkesbury, wh. I now dwell; eld. son, Thos. (und. 21); tent, in Tewkesbury, wh. Rd. George dwells; Id. in the Oldburye, nr. tent. wh. I dwell; son, John; 2 tents, in Tewkes- bury, in ten. of John Orrell and Giles Hazard; fath. -in-law, Wm. Parsons; Philip Surman; Id. in the Parke nr. Lodge Orchard in Tewkesbury, late. bot. of Thos. Bicke; son, Edw.; my unbo. ch.; Extx: wife, Anne; Overs: Wm. Parsons, Thos. Bick and Philipp Surman. \_T. H.] Wits: William Parsons, Thomas Bicke, Philipp Surman, Roger Dowdeswell, William Bannaster. (Pr. 11 Dec, 1620.) * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 111. 420 1276 John Marshe of Huishe Chamflower, co. Somst. (Dat. I Mar. 1617-18.) Bur. in Huishe Chamflower chyd.; wife Kath.; son Thos.; son Wm.; dau. Johane Yendall; son Jas. (und. 21), and dau. Thomasine Marshe (und. 21), their grfath. Cawlling; my chn's. chn.; Exor: son John Marshe; Overs: sons-in-law, Henry Yendall and John Savor, [no J/^.] Wits: John Beadon, John Savor. (Pr. 12 Dec. 1620.) 1277 Thomas Jenkyn, the eld., of St. Stephen's, in Bran- nell, CO. Cornw., yeom. (Dat. 13 Oct. 1617.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Stephen's; Luce and Dwenis (?) daus. of my son, Thos. Jenkyn, his son, Anthony Jenkyn (und. 18); lease of tent, called Crapalla, in St. Stephen's; John (und. 18), son of Thos. Jenkyn, jr.; bro. Thos. Jenkyn of Gerrans, his son, Sampson Jenkyn; servts. Andrew Strong, Grace Mayster and John Yeo; Johane, wife of Hughe Maunder; wife, Thomasine; Exor: son Thos.; Overs: John Pye; Anthony Corne, vie. {mark] Wits: John Pye, Andrew Strong {mark)^ John Yeo (mark). (Pr. 29 Dec. 1620.) 1278 Johane Hayne of Banwell, co. Somst., wid. (Dat. 19 July 1618.) Bur. in Banwell Ch.; Chs. of Banwell and of Worll; son Thos. Hayne; son Wm. Hayne; Mr. John Payne; young John Hayne; young Edmond Hayne, son of John Hayne, the eld.; young Edmond Sheppard; Wm., son of John Hayne; John Brackman; John Baylie; Thos. Derricke; Thos. Daye; John Norman; Susan Sayer; son John Hayne; Extx: dau. Mary Hayne; Overs: John Wall and son John Hayne. [.mark] Wits: John Wall, John Hayne, Richard Goodridge, scr., John Brackman. (Pr. 17 Dec. 1620.) 1279 George Wood (0/ S^. Sepulchre's without Newgate, Lond.*), esq. (Dat. 7 Mar. 1619-20.) Frd. Sir James FuUerton, Kt.; Exors: cos. Wm. Wood and servt. Elias Gos- ling. [George Wood] Wits: John Gravett, Edward Norton, Richard Alie, scr. Cod. (6 Dec. 1620). Jean Wood; Martin Merricke; Mrs. Person; Jas. Name; Wm. Heugh; supper for neighbours of St. Martin's; Ellen Blower. [George Wood] Wits: William Wood, Elias Gosleyn. (Pr. 15 Dec. 1620.) 1280 John Frye the eld., of Combe St. Nicholas, peculiar of Bath and Wells {co. Somst.''). (Dat. 13 Jan. 1618-19.) Bur. * Pro. Act. Book. 480 SOAME, FOL. 111. in Ch. or chyd. of the sd. psh.; sist. Maute Meeres, her daus. Margt. and Agnes Meres (both und. 21); Hughe, son of Edw. Rosciter; cos. Eliz. Bourman; Exors: bro. John Frye and COS. Joseph Combe. \_John Frye] Wits: Joseph Greenfeild, vie. of Combe, William Lea of Whittstaunton. (Pr. 31 Dec. 1620, by John Frye, bro. of deed., Joseph Combe being dead.) 1281 Robert Gardener of Wapping, co. Midd., mariner. (Dat. 8 Aug. 1620.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of St. Mary Matfellon als. Whiteehapel, co. Midd., wh. I am a pshr., or in New Chapel, Wapping; my part of ship "William and John" of Lond.; my 2 ehn., John and Robt. Gardyner (both und. 21); Ids. in Harwich, co. Essex; tent, in occ. of moth., Lucye Gardiner; leases of now dwelling and oth. tents, in Wapping, held of Mr. Wm. Tothill, esq.; Overs: frds. John Hone and Wm. Watson, of Wapping, mariners; tent, in Harwich in occ, of , a schoolmaster; Extx: wife Johane. {^Robert Gardener] Wits: Richard Greene, scr., Thomas Hawkyns, Thomas Cobb. (Pr. 18 Dec. 1620.) 1282 Raphe Longworth of St. Augustine's, Lond., cit. and merch. tailor. (Dat. 9 Mar. 1619-20.) Bur. in St. Augustine's psh. Ch.; bro. Thos. Longworth, sist., his wife, Dorothy Longworth; bro. Jas. Longworthe; sist. Margt. Crosse; aunt Eliz. Welche; aunt Ellen Staundishe; cos. Thos. Staundishe; uncle Alexr. Standishe's 6 ehn.; cos. Thos. Lever at Tower Hill, his wife, Eliz.; cos. Rd. Lever; cos. Thos. Lever, grocer; bro. -in-law, Randall Robertes; sist. -in-law. Rose Foxe; John Calcott; my mris., Mrs. Mary Harrison; Anthony Lamptham, preacher; John Rapley, his wife; Jas. Vicares; Robt. Evans; Edmond Bowen; Martyn Bowen; maintenance of a preacher in chapel of Walmesley, psh. of Bowlton in the Moores, co. Lane.; my late wife; uncle Christr. Harrockes; cos. Kath. Lever; servts. Thos. Tarbocke and Ruthe Stretton; Exor: partner John Pococke; Overs: bro. Thos. Longworthe, and COS., Mr. Thos. Leaver at Tower hill. \_Raphe Long- worth] Wits: Richard Greene, scr., Edward Butler. (Pr. i8 Dec. 1620.) 1283 Edward Williams of Bristol, merch. (Dat. 17 Oct. 1620.) Son Wm. Williams (und. 21); that part of my SOAME, FOL. 111. 481 tent, in Marsh St., Bristol, called the Sign of the Rose, wh. Rd. Williams now dwells, late in occ. of Agnes Duzell, wid., and called the old building; room at back of sd. tent, late in occ. of Thos. Browne; son Thos. Williams (und. 21); 2 tents, wch. I late built next to Marsh St., parcel of sd. tent., now or late in ten. of Thos. Longden, turner, Margt. Horsham, wid., .and sd. Agnes Duzzell; son George Williams (und. 21); son John Williams (und. 21); daus. Mary and Sara Williams (both und. 17); sist. Margt. Pearson; sist's dau., Anne Moggeridge (und. 21); poor and Ch. of St. Stephen's, Bristol; Extx: wife Anne; Overs: frds. Mr. John Goringt, Mr. John Langton and Mr. Rd. Long, merchs.; \_Edward Williams] Wits: John Langton, William Eyton, George Harrington, Henry Pendre, Richard Griffith, scr. Cod. (19 Oct. 1620). \,Edward Williams] Wits: Richard Griffith, scr., Edithe White ah. Coxe {mark). (Pr. 8 Dec. 1620 by Anne Williams, rel. Adm. d. b. n. gr. 22 Sept. 1630, to Thos. Williams, son of deed,, Anne Williams having died.) 1284 Henry Porter of Edgbaston, {co Warw.*). (Dat. 12 Feb. 1618-19.) My Ids. of inheritance; eld. son Wm. Porter (und. 21); my signet gold ring; 2d son Thos.; Ids. in Alchurche and King's Norton, co. Wore, bot. of Alexr. Avenant, of King's Norton; youngest son Henry; grd. called Churche Leasowe in Alvechurch, bot. of Mr. John Kynge and Wm. Kyng of Birmingham; 3d son, Robt.; Ids. in Birming- ham, taken of bro. -in-law, Mr. Wm. Colmore, of Birmingham; meadow in Middleton, taken of bro. -in-law, John Greasbrooke; eld. dau. Sara Porter; 2d dau. Johane Porter (und. 21); youngest dau., Anne Porter; grd. called Belles barn in Birm- ingham; Thos. Loyde; George Smythe; Extx: wife Anne, {.Henry Porter] Wits: Edw: Colmore Jane Deurye {mark). (Pr. I Dec. 1620.) FOL. 112. 1285 Robert Bucke {of St. Andrew Undershaft*), cit. and draper of Lond. (Dat. 17 Nov. 1620.) Bur. in psh. of St. Andrew Undershafti Exor: cos. John Bucke, son of bro. Clement Bucke; Overs: cos. Thos. Bucke of BuUington Hall, psh. of Ugley, co. Essex, son of bro. John, deed., Abraham t Called Gonning in cod. ♦ Pro. Act. Book. 482 SOAME, FOL. 112. Cartwright and Thos. Mede, cits, and drapers of Lond., and George Smith, cit. and scr. of Lond.; John Walter, elk. of the Drapers Co., Lond.; wife Clare; lease of hou. wh. I now dwell, in St. Andrew Undershaft's, Lond.; wife's sist's. dau., Mary Croppenbery, wife of Joseph Croppenberry; Gt. Greenes Marsh and Lord's Piece in Eastham Marsh, psh. of Barking, co. Essex, wch. I hold by lease fr. nephs. John and Robt. Hellam, now in occ. of Henry Ward, moiner; Wm. Avery of Fillingley, co. Warw., esq., son and hr. of Wm. Avery, late of Fillingley, esq., deed., by indr. 30 Dec. 1618, enrolled in Court of Chancery, did sell to me and my wife Clare, parcel of a marsh called Newe Marsh als. Greene Marsh in Barking, co. Essex, sometime in occ. of Margt. Adding- ton, wid.; marsh Id. in Barking, in occ. of John Shipman, Rd. Addames and John Trigges; Halliwell pond, adj. sd. marshld.; Maximilian, son of cos. Thos. Bucke, of Ugley, CO. Essex, 6 oth. of his chn., Thos. (und. 24.), Mary, Mar- gery, Eliz., Abigail and Agnes Bucke (all und. 21); 7 chn. of cos. Eliz. Lake, late of Barking, co. Essex., deed., the sons at 24, the daus. at 21; Francis Bucke, late of Westham, deed., "then bound to sea", his dau. Francis Bucke (und. 21), bo. after her fath's. departure, her uncles, Thos. and John Bucke and her moth., Kath. Reeve; John (und. 24), son of John Bucke of Wardes, psh. of Ugley, bro. of sd. Francis Bucke, deed.; 4 chn. of cos. and Exor:, John Bucke, the sons at 24, the daus. at 21; Thos. Bucke of Bartlowe, co. Camb., yeom., bro. of cos. John Bucke of Wardes, in psh. of Ugley; Thos., eld. son of sd. Thos. Bucke of Bartlowe; John Hellam, son of sist. Margt. Hellam; Rd. Barnard, son of sist. Mary Barnard, wid.; John Perry of Dunmowe, co. Essex, marr. to a dau. of sist. Margt. Hellam of Dunmowe; Mary and Clare Avery, 2 of the daus. of John Avery of Walden, co. Essex; sometime servt. Sarah Whitinge; servt. Thos. Watkeis; Eliz. Fountaine, wid., her son, Erasmus de la Fountaine, her kinsm., Sir Daniell Delyne, Kt., his wife. Dame Eliz.; cos. Wm. Bacon of Lond., gent.; hosps. of King Edw. VI of England, of Christ, Bridewell and St. Thos. the Apostle, of Lond.; tent, called Fishers, in Staplehurst, co. Kent, in occ. of Andrewe Hamond, yeom.; Id. called Frides and Railes in Staplehurst, bot. of Thos. Usborne, tanner, and John SOAME, FOL. 112. 488 Allen, yeom.; Ids. in Sutton Valence, co. Kent, bot. of Edw. Ware the eld., late of Sutton Valance, clothier, deed., and of Edw. Ware theyr., his son and hr., and of his bro. -in-law, Walter Vyney; hou. for poor called Little St. Bartholomew's, nr. West Smithfeild, Lond., of the foundation of Henry VIII; Co. of Drapers; mourning cloaks to 70 poor men; poor of Creechurch, St. Andrew Undershaft, St. Botolph's with- out Bishopsgate, Lond., St. Mary Matfellon als. White- chapel, CO. Midd., St. Thomas's hosp. in Southwerk, the Compter in the Poultry, Lond., the Compter in Wood St., and of Ludgate; Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Misterie of Drapers; my birthday, 8th Nov.; chn. of Romaine Free the eld., deed., sometime dwelling at Lile, Flanders; my man. of Bollingtons als. BuUingtons, co. Essex; farm called Bollingtons als. BuUingtons in Ugley, Stansted, Ber- den and Ricklinge, co. Essex, late bot. of neph. Thos. Bucke, son of bro. John, deed.; Ids. in Barwicke field, Bar- wicke Bottome and Nortfeild in Ugley, Berden, BoUington end, Stansted Mountfitchett and Ricklinge, co. Essex, late bot. of Isaacke Rich of Gt. Barfeild, co. Essex, yeom., and Joane, his wife; Id. called Woodhall field in Stan- sted Mountfitchett, late bot. of Mathew Northage of Stansted Mountfitchett, yeom., son and hr. of Baldwin Northage, late of that place, yeom., deed.; Thos. Bucke, youngest son of COS. Thos. Bucke of Bullington Hall, now scholar in Caius' Coll., Cambridge; Robt. Lee of Gravesend, co. Kent, son of COS. Margt. Lee, hou. in Gravesend in his occ; Martin Lumley, aid., Allen Gotten, aid., Abraham Cartwright, Rd. Archdale, Rd. Campion, Morris Abbot, Wm. Terrey, Jolna Rauy, John Hall, Edw. Meredith, Wm. Garway the yr., Rd. Usbornes, Thos. Meade, Henry Garway, Raphe Finder, Thos. Walford and John Kenricke, drapers, to have my tent, called Caringe, in Caringe, psh. of Leedes or Langley, co. Kent, in occ. of Francis March, clothier, and Ids. in sd. psh. bot. of Edw. Chambers of Leedes, miller, in trust to buy cloth, fustian, 3 Monmouth caps, etc., etc., to send to Bulling- ton Hall in Ugley, co. Essex, wh. I was bo., to such of surname of Buckes as inhabit in Bullington Hall, for the poor of Bullington Hall, of Mallendine, co. Essex, Ugley and Stan- sted Mountfitchett; almshou. in Beech Lane. {.Robert Bucke] 434 SOAME, POL. 112. Wits: Geo: Smith, scr., Laurens Houlker, his servt., John Helium, Thomas Watkies {mar]i). (Pr. i6 Dec. 1620.) 1286 Ellas Dudson of Bromeley Abbottes «/j. Bromeley Pagettes, co. Staff., gent. (Dat. 7 July 1620.) Poor of sd. psh. and of Norton juxta Twycrosse, co. Leic; mort. by Eliz. Beardmore, wid., and Wm. Foxe, of Ratcliffe Culey, CO. Leic, gent., i Oct., 16 Jas. I, of Stony croftes close and meadows, the Hall orchard and little Crosse Ashe, to be paid i March, 1629 (-30), at my hou. in Bromeley Abbottes; son Nicholas Dudson; son Symon Dudson, his wife and dau. Francis; my dau. Joane Dudson; dau. Mary Dudson (und. 21); dau. Dorothy Dudson (und. 21); frd. Rd. Weston, esq.; bro. and sist. Sprott; fath. Sprott; moth. Sprott; bro. Roger Sprott; sist. Mighte; bro. Mighte; Extx: wife Frances. \_Elias Dudson] Wits: Tho: Sprott, Edr: Sherwoodd {mark), Ran. Herricke. (Pr. 27 Dec. 1620.) 1287 Dame Elizabeth Leighton, wid., i^of Highgate^ co, Midd."^). (Dat. 24 Nov. 1619.) Late husb., Sir Edw. Leighton of Watlesboroughe, co. Salop., Kt.; bur. in chapel of Highgate; son-in-law Robt. Meuerell; lease of pars, of Uttaxeter; bro. Nicholas Fuller, esq.; my sist. Odell; prayer- book covered with clean gold of goldsmith's work; sist. Ful- ler; neph. Gerard Whorewood, esq.; niece Eliz., wife of John Dudley, esq., bro. to Ld. Dudley, diamond cross wch. was my moth's.; niece and goddau. Eliz. Wagstaffe; niece Lady Ofley; niece Pindar; niece Abigaell Fuller; neph. Sir Nicholas Fuller, Kt.; neph. Daniel Fuller; cos. Edw. Dudly; COS. Eliz. Dudley, attending upon Princess Eliz.; cos. Law- rence Warburton, his wife Mawdlyn; cos. Anne Dudley; cos. John Whorewood; cos. Theodosia Seabright; cos. Maudlin Whorewood; cos. and goddau. Eliz, Whorewood; cos. and goddau. Eliz. Seabright; niece Clement's chn., wch. she had by her husb. Clement; neph. Thos. Odell; niece Eliz. Whit- ton; COS. Susanna Goldston, wid.; cos. Eliz. Lenthroppe, her dau. Mary; cos. Edw. Lenthroppe; cos. John Worsley of the Court; cos. Edw. Browne of the Court; cos. Bird, wid.; Em. Colfort; cos. Eliz. Young, dau. of Leonard Younge; cos. Eliz. Ofley; cos. Eliz. Marlow; cos. Ann Odell; godson * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 112. 436 Michael Pindar; goddau. Eliz. Pindar; Mr. John Leigh of the Compter, Wood St.; son-in-law Raphe Meuerell; servts., Margt. Bardollph, John Ouseley, Eliz. Edwards, wid., Mary Burton and Kath. Carter; Kath. Standish,wid.; Nicholas Wale; my little boy, John Tilten; poor of Hornsey within Highgate and the hosp. in Upper Holloway; Exors: cos. Sir Edw. Mos- ley, Kt., atty. general of the Dutchy, and Mr. Wm. Chamley of Highgate, co. Midd., esq. \,Eliz: Leighton\ Wits: John Bright, Natha Buckly. (Pr. 22 Dec. 1620.) 1288 "William Browne of Horton, co. Oxon., yeom. (Dat. 23 Nov. 1620.) Bur. in my psh. Ch. of Beckley; wife's son Rd. Gouldinge; sist's. dau. Eliz., wife of Thos. Cooke, butcher, in Oxon,; godson Wm. Clarke, his uncle John Gould- ing; Judith, dau. of son-in-law Wm. Adkins, her sist. Jane; wife Margt.; Exor: son-in-law Wm. Adkines; Overs: neigh- bours Wm. Sleumaker and John Pym. {markl Wits: Petter Norcott, William Sleumaker, John Pym (^mark). (Pr. 20 Dec. 1620.) FOL 113. 1289 Henry Crabbe {of St. Gregory^ Lond.*^, cit. and merch. tailor. (Dat. 25 Nov. 1620.) Son Henry Crabb (und. 21); money lent John Drewe, gent., on mort. of Ids. at the Banckside, in psh. of St. Saviour's, Southwark, co. Surr.; moth. Mary Crabb; bro. Robt. Crabbe; bro. Walter Crabb; sist. Mary Crabbe; Wm., Margt. and Anne Savage (all und. 21), chn. of Leonard Savadge, deed.; my late mr., Lewes Evans; late servt. "John Savadge his father;" uncle John Crabbe of Cranley, co, Surr., his chn.; frd. Wm. Fettyplace; bro. -in-law Robt. Lodge; bro. -in-law Wm. Wye; bro. -in-law Wm. Bushell; sist.-in-law Anne Lodge; sist. -in-law Rachel Bushell; sist.-in-law Mary Webbe; aunt Lidia Crabbe; frd. John West; kinsm, Rd. Foster, his wife; frd. Henry Reeve; Robt., son of Rd. Foster; poor of St. Gregory's in Paul's chyd., Lond.; Exors: wife Sara, and uncle John Crabb; Overs: kinsm. Rd. Foster and frd, John West. {.Henry Crabb] Wits: Peter Beoner, Henry Straunge {mark), John West {mark), Henry Reeve, scr. (Pr. 11 Dec. 1620 by Sara Crabb, John Crabb, ren.) • Pro. Act. Book. 486 SOAME, FOL. 113. 1290 Martyn Myles of Lowth, co. Line, yeom. CDat. II Feb. 1619-20.) Andrewe, Thos. and Margery Miles, chn. of bro. George Miles; my hou. in Mickall Hill; kinsm. Wm. Grime of Louthe, tailor, his wife Johane and his sons Robt. and Wm. Gryme (both und. 21); Martyn Myles, elk., son of Andrew Myles, deed., his wife; hou. wh. Mr. Bayley dwelt; 3 chn. of Martyn Myles, elk.; Abraham and Robt. (both und. 21), sons of Robt. Gryme of Barson, their sist. Ellen Gryme and her dau.; bro. Robt. Gryme's 2 daus. by his 2d wife; George Throgmorton of Louthe; Henry, son of Henry Easton, late of Louthe, deed.; close called Eallinure close in N. field of Lowthe; Charles Easton, bro, of Henry Easton; cottage in N. Somercottes, in ten. of Henry Cotton; Id. in Southsom- ercottes Inges; Id. in S. Somercottes in occ. of John Loury; servt. Bettris Newton; Mr. John Melton, elk.; Id. in Skid- brooke lordship, in ten. of Herbart Newstead, gent.; Id. in Lowthe lordship, called Hargathes, bot. of Mr. Fraunces Bradley; hou. bot. of old Wm. Graunte; poor of N. and S. Somercotes; Exors: wife Eliz. and Chas. Easton; Overs: Martyn Miles, elk. {jnark] Wits: Abraham Barnard, Stephen Smithe, Robt. Westerbie. (Pr. 16 Dec. 1620 by Eliz. Myles, rel., pow. res. to Chas. Easton. Pr. 12 May 1624, by Chas. Easton, Eliz. Myles, while living rel. of deed., now being dead.) 1291 John ^Vhalley of Welton, co. Line, yeom. (Dat. 10 Feb. 1605-6.) Bur. in psh. Ch. or chyd. of Welton juxta Lowthe; dau. Alice (und. 20); oxen at Ralfe Maltbye's of Hemingbie; dau. Eliz. (und. 20); oxen at Henry Page's of Hemmingbie; son Wm. (und. 20); steers at Thos. Broome- bye's; son Robt. (und. 20); dau. Eliz. the yr.; son Rd. (und. 20); the New close; dau. Isabell; my unbo. ch.; my landlord Mr. Henry Jenkinson; my man Knighte; Robt. Buddivant; Alice Johnson; chn. of John Twygg; chn. of Thos. Broome- bye; John, son of bro. Rd. Whalley; bro. Clarke's 2 sons; chn. of Thos. Smythe; Wm. Sergeant; chn. of Rd. Overton of Dynnington; sheep given my chn. by their grandmoth.; Mr. Banckes; Mr. Robt. Jenkinson, his bro. Mr. Philipp; Extx: wife Eliz.; Overs: bros. Rd. Whalley and Nicholas Clarke, {.no sig:^ Wits: Thomas Bancke, Richard Whalley {mark), Nicholas Clarke {mark). (Pr. 13 Dec. 1620.) SOAME, FOL. 118. 437 1292 "William Bayseleyof Maidwell,co. Northton., yeom. (Dat. 14 Aug. 1620.) Dau. Elianor Baysley; son Wm.; son Saml.; dau. Grace Riddington; dau. Anne Love; 7 chn. of son-in-law Thos. Riddington; 6 chn. of son-in-law Edw. Love; 3 chn. of son Edw. Bayseley; 3 chn. of son Robt. Bayseley; Exor: son Saml. Bayseley; Overs: sons-in-law Thos. Riddington and Edw. Love. [_mar^li Wits: William Poole, cur., William Weston; Isaack Smythe of Draughton. (Pr. 23 Dec. 1620.) 1293 Martin Folkes, the eld. of Lakingheath, co. Suff., yeom. (Dat. i Dec. 1620.) Wife Mary; Stephen Stevenson of Mildenhall, owes money on a purchase; son John; dau. Mary; lease of man. of Undeley; Exor: son Martyn. [J/. ^.] Wits: Thomas Hatman, Marke Spicer (mark), Elizabeth Folkes. (Pr. 27 Dec. 1620.) 1294 Drewe Tyler of Cowden, co. Kent, yeom. (Dat. 8 Dec. 1620.) Bur. in chyd. of Cowden; sons Drue and Anthony Tyler; Drewe Tyler, son of son Drewe; my son John Tyler; my late wife; dau. Bridget, her son Drewe (und. 21), her daus. Agnes and Bridget (both und. 21); dau. Eliz., her chn. Drewe and Eliz. (both und. 21); sist. Julian Powe; godson Drewe Pygott, son of son-in-law Wm. Pygott, his oth. chn. by my dau. Agnes; Exors: sons Frauncis and Rd. Tyler (und. 21); Overs: Edw. Swaysland of Cowden, yeom.; my dwelling and Id. called Bodmans in Cowden. [_mark] Wits: Thomas Wicking, John Dunstone {mark), Robert Hedley. (Pr. 19 Dec. 1620 by Francis and Rd. Tyler sic.) 1295 Fulke Hungerford of Hankerton, Dioc. of Sarum, CO. Wilts., gent. (Dat. 14 May 1620.) Bur. in chan. of psh. Ch. at the Lea; poor of the Lea; sons Henry and George Hungerford (both und. 21); dau. Susanna Hungerford (und. 21); my unbo. ch.; servt. Ellen Head; Extx: wife Avice; Overs: bro. -in-law Mr. Thos. Ivye, Rd. Escourt, bro. Thos. Hungerford and Hughe Waters, [no $•/>■.] Wits: Thomas Hungerford, Anthony Richmand, Hughe Waters, Robt Waters, Thomas Waters. (Pr. 19 Dec. 1620.) 1296 Bernard Cooper (0/ SL Peter le Poore*), cit. and clothworker of Lond. (Dat. 19 Oct. 1620.) Bro. John • Pro. Act. Book. 438 SOAME, FOL. 113. Cooper, his son, my godson Barnard Cooper (und. 21); Ids. in Germayne St. als. Priorye Lane, in town of Huntingdon; tent, in Balmeshall, in sd. town; oth. chn. of sd. bro. John; poor of Huntingdon; par. of psh. Ch. of All Hallows, Hunt- ingdon; poor of Shenfeild, co. Berks.; sist. Eliz. («V.), wife of Hierome Baynton; tent, called the Saracen's Head, in Lit- tle Eastchepe, Lond., wh. sd. Jherom and Isabell (^zV.) Bayn- ton now dwell; Jherom and John Baynton, sons of my sd. sist. Isabell; Eliz. (und. 21), unm., dau. of sd. sist. Isabell Bayn- ton; servt. and appr. Titus Harris, son of sist. Hellen Harris, her 2 oth. chn., John and Sara; bro. Thos. Hyde, late mr. of the Clothworkers Co., Lond., his wife, his son, my godson Barnard Hide, his dau. Anne, wife of Mr. Thos. Cole, and his sons Thos., Edw., John, Wm. and Benj. Hide; Co. of Clothworkers, Lond.; son-in-law Wm. Bagwell, cit. and draper of Lond., his bro. Rd. Bagwell; poor of Christ's Hosp., of the Compters in Poultry and Wood St., Lond.; Eliz. Hill; Extx: wife Mary; Overs: bro. Mr. Thos. Hide the eld., and frd. Mr. Christopher Gaylor, cits, and cloth- workers of Lond. \_Barnard Cooper] Wits: Adrian Evans, Nicholas Lockwood, John Warren, Thomas Holt. (Pr. 19 Dec. 1620.) 1297 Michaell Siddenham of Clarington Park, co. Wilts., gent. (Dat. 20 Sept. 1620.) Exor: cos. Wm. Siddenham of Clarington Park; cos. Rd. Payne. [_no st£r.'] Wits: Alex- ander Webb {mark), Henry Haydon {_mark), John Walker {mark), Achilles Trowte. (Pr. 22 Dec. 1626.) 1298 Katherine Thorowgood of Blunsham, co. Hunts., wid. (Dat. 14 Nov. 1620.) Bur. in Blounsham psh. Ch.; sist. Alice Bugg; Wm. Christenwheate of Blutensham, his wife Mary; Kath., wife of Rd. Wine the yr., of Erith; Exor: sd. Rd. Wine. \_Katherine Thorowgood] Wits: William Bur- ton, Daniell Abbott, John Weste, scr. (Pr. 21 Dec. 1620.) 1299 Christopher Lewis als. Sowton of Downton, co. Wilts., innkeeper. (Dat. 15 June 1620.) Bur. in Downton psh. Ch.; Cath. of New Sarum called Our Lady Ch.; Ch. and poor of Downton; bro. -in-law Robt. Shuring; sist. Kath. Shuring; Wm. Pawnee, sist's. son by her first husb.; Robt. SOAME, FOL. 113. 439 Shuring, son of my bro. -in-law Robt.; Extx: wifeEHz.; Overs: Wm. Maurice, elk., and Robert Michell, yeom. \_Christofer Sowtoril Wits: William Maurice, elk., Edmund Whitlocke, Ch. warden {mark). (,Pr. 21 Dec. 1620.) 1300 John Browne, late of AUington, psh. of Chippenham, CO. Wilts. (Dat. II Jan. 1619-20.) Wm. Gale of AUington; Thos. Harper, deed.; bro. -in-law John Gale of Avon; Robt. Baldwyn of Bidston, holds my copyhold tent, in Bidston; Extx: wife Martha. {_mark\ Wits: William Sayer, Richard Tanner, John Vixe. (Pr. 29 Dec. 1620.) 1301 Katherine Mynton of Shrewsbury, co. Salop., wid. (Nunc, will undated.) Eliz. Cole, dau. of Thos. Cole of Lenton; Mrs. Cole, wife of Thos. Cole of the Isle of Up Rossall, gent.; Simon Cole; Exors: Robt. Cole, son of Thos. Cole of the Isle of Up Rossall, and the sd. Thos. "Divers witnesses." (Pr. 16 Dec. 1620, by Thos. Cole, pow. res.) 1302 Roger Reve of St. Clement Dane's, co. Midd. (Undated.) Son Alexr.; my daus.; my fath.; Extx: wife; Overs: Mr. Howkyns or Mr. Welles. \_Roger Reve\ {no wtts.^, (Pr. 22 Dec. 1620, by Anne, the rel.) FOL. 114. 1303 John V^aymouth of Dawlish, co. Devon., mariner. (Dat. 14 Aug. i6i8.) Poor of Dawlish; prayers in chapel of Coston; son John to have a chest wch. was his moth's; son Thos.; son Wm.; son Rd.; son Edw.; dau. Joane Waymouth to have a pan wch. was her grfath's., after death of her moth.; dau. Thomasine Waymouth, a pan wch. was Peter Berryman's; dau. Marryan Waymouth; daus. Bridget, Eliz. and Mary Way- month; ch. wch. shall be bo. to son John; Extx: wife Joane; Overs: Edw. Knighton of Dawlish and son John. [_mark] Wits: William HoUys, Thomas Bawden. (Pr. i Dec. 1620.) 1304 John Rivers of Lond., coachman. (Dat. 25 Nov. 1620.) Bur. in psh. of St. Peter's the poor, Lond.; moth. Pottes; Eliz. Eves, dau. of Wm. Ives, towards her marr. ; John Hackney's stable in Smithfield; Judith Ives, wife of sd. Wm.; John Hackney and his wife; Dr. Westfeild for poor of Gt. St. Bart's.; Wm. Flood; Wm. Twisell; John Whitby of Wap- 440 SOAME, FOL. 114. ping, his stable in Coleman St.; Sara, wife of John Baughe; Exors: Wm. Ives of Lond., coachman, and Wm. Flood; John, that dwells at Mr. Jarvis' hou., and 3 coachmen more; Lady Carell's man; Eliz. Baker, her dau. Anne Baker; Anthony and Thos. Soreyne; Wm. and Rd. Ives (und. 21); Mrs. Baughe. [,mark'\ Wits: Willm Lloid, William Ives, {mark), John Hackney, Sara Baughe (mark). (Pr. 2 Dec. 1620.) 1305 John Annynge of Kilmington, co. Devon. (Dat. 3 Feb. 1602-3.) Bur. in Kilmington Ch. or chyd.; 4 sons John, Wm., Jas. and Peter Annynge (all und. 21); 4 daus. Eliz., Agnes, Joane and Marie Anninge (all und. 21); Extx: wife Alice; Overs: John Seller and Thos. Newton. [_no si'g:^ Wits: James CoUyns, scr.; Robt. Butter; Wm. Butter; Steph: Banckes; John Frye of Lyme Regis; Wm. Parsone; Robt. Robynes; John FoUett; Walter Dennynge; Henry Puddinge; Robt. Dare; Wm. Dare. Mem. nunc. (9 June 1620). Leases of Hoppers Moore and Yealandes; Wits: James Collins, John Annynge, Agnes Annynge and oths. (Pr. 14 Dec. 1620.) 1306 Thomas Chanon of Salcomb, (co. Devon.*) . (Dat. 19 June 1618.) Poor of Sidmouth; Margt. Ingland of Sal- comb; Walter Bull of Salcomb; aunt Eliz. Hake; sist. Barbara, her 2 yr. chn. and 2 eld. chn. (all und. 21); aunt Christian Soper; Exor: bro. John Chanon; Robt. Halstaffe of Sidmouth. [_no sz'g:] Wits: Fraunces Pring, John For- ward, Humfry Waye, John Robens. (Pr. 14 Dec. 1620.) 1307 Richard Hamonde of Otterie St. Mary, co. Devon., tailor. (Dat. 18 Aug. 1614. ) Son Robt. Hamonde; Mr. Forward, preacher; servts. Agnes Kende and Robt. Reede (und. 24); godsons, Rd. Thatcher, Thos. Row, Rd. Shapton, John Carselake; Extx: wife Grace. [_no sig:^ Wits: Robt. Fowkinge, Agnes Kende (mark). (Pr. 16 Dec. 1620.) 1308 Richard Collier of Salcombe, co. Devon. (Dat. 18 Apr. 1604.) Psh. Chs. of Salcomb and Sidmouth; Johan Crutchard; Anne Crutchard, two shoot nets and a noare rope; Kath. Isacke; Exors: wife Marie, dau. -in-law Jaquett Stone and sist's. son Robt. Crutcherd; Overs: Frauncis * Pro. Act. Book. SOAME, FOL. 114. 441 Pring, vie. of Salcomb, and Thos. Crutchard of Sidmouth. ino st'sr.l Wits: John Radford, scr., Robert Davie and Thomas Crutchard and oths. Debts — John Vawter of Sid- bury, butcher, Wm. Samford of Otterton, Robt. Tucker, butcher, Wm. Jesse a/s. Pall, Wm. Lauclarke, John Balston of Honiton, Nichs. Payne, Thos. Slade, Steph. Hodgin. (Pr. 14 Dec. 1620 by Marie Collier, rel.) 1309 KdwardPuTches (o/Stdmou^A, CO. Devon.*). (Dat. 16 Aug. 1614.) Dau. Judeth Purches (und. 22); dau. Grace Curtes; Henry Purches (money to be paid him at Roode), his fath.; Bridgett Bastone, her grfath.; my dau's chn.; god- dau. Anne Purches; Extx: wife Emmott. [« see also Baddam Addams ) , 911, 1197 mr. , 1099 Anne, 412 Daniel, 433 Elizabeth, 41,412 Florence, 968 Francis, 673 George, 412, 673, 1266 Henry, 54 John, 1109 Julyan, 600 Lawrence, 913 Mary, 412, 1195 Peter. 54 Richard, 1285 Robert, 759, 1195 Thomas, 412, 1058 William, 260, 1185, 1266, 1366 Adderley, Richard, 350 William, 388 Addington, , 908 Agnes, 471 Margaret, 1285 Robert, 839 Addison i -„ Adeson f™r..7&^ John, 529 Ades 1 Adis > see also Ardis Addys) Alice, 204 Eleanor, 204 James, 204 Richard, 702 Thomas, 20.t, 437 Adeson see Addison . Adie, John, 1229 Adis see Ades Adkins 1 Adkyn [ see also Atkins Adkyns ) mr., 284 Jane, 1288 Judith, 1288 Thomas, 10 William, 1288 Adkinsou see also Atkinson John, 619 Robert, 205 Adk^s}®®^^*^^i'^« Adlaud, Thomas, 760 Adlem, Hunifry, 121 Adownes, Ellen, 1209 Robert, 1209 Adrey, Anne, 1263 Daniel, 12«.3 Elizabeth, 1263 Frances, 1263 Mary, 1263 Robert, 1263 Robyn, 1263 Thomas, 1263 Adrianson Ver Cleef, John, 961 Adshed, Jane, 954 Adyn, Constantine, 724 Affall, Mary. 368 William, 368 Aflfwell, Ellen, 455 Agar) ,560 Ager J Ann, 1035 Benjamin, 29 Hester, 560 John, 560, 642 Judith, 560 Suzanne, 560 Thomas, 560 Tobith, 560 ligLM^l^^- 455. 1190 Loy, 16 Ager see Agar Aggas see Agaa Aiimer, John, 797 Ainge, mr., 1034 Aingell see Angell Aiscough see Ascough Akehurst, John, 474 Akers, Henry, 1085 Akerwood, John, 1247 Akes, William, 94 Alanson ) __ Allanson ) '"'^•' " Christopher, 249 John, 311 Alarte, Francis, 544 Albores, Pelter, 1108 Alchin, George, 691 Alcocke 1 AUcocke Aldcocke }■ ,88 Aulcocke I Dorothie, 747 Aucocke J Elizabeth, 747 Johane, 639 John, 43, 184.639 Katherine, 639 Mary, 747 Milllsent. 639 Thomas. 43, 76, 355, 747 WiUiam, 747 Alden, mr.. 794 Henry, 167 468 INDEX OF PERSONS. Mary, 831 Nicholas, 167 Thomas, 831 Alder, Richard, 579 Alderman, John, 1169 Aldright, George, 1023 Aldworth, , 435 Andrew, 1137 Robert, 1146 Aless see Allis Aleetone see Alston Allewaye ] ■*"««» -« < Thomas, 30 Alexander, D., 245 George, 1005 John, 639 Matthew, 57 William, 1012 IKel Edward, 1155 Robert, 994 Thomas, 654 William, 994 Alfrey, Anne, 37 Alie see also Lee Richard, 1279 Allanson see Alanson Allbright, William 813 AUcocke see Alcocke illeley} Bridget, 797 Robert, 797 Allen ) Allin [ , 357, 560, 834 AUyn ) goody, 930 mrs., 160 Alexander, 234 Alice, 243, 1200 Andrew, 597 Arthur, 243 Catherine, 234 Edward, 653, 751, 753 Elizabeth, 243, 251 Ellen, 212, 1048 Francis, 568 Frideswyde, 342 George, 654, 1164 Henry, 1129, 1164 James, 342, 347, 930 Jane, 607 Joane, 1164 John, 312, 234,255, 277, 348, 385, G54, 930, 1164, 1209, 1285 Joyce, 234, 753 Katherine, 385 Martha, 243 Mary, 619, 1129 Nicholas. 452, 753 Raphe, 212 Richard, 212, 316, 558, 1164 Robert, 156, 1200 Samuel, 560 Sara, 357 Strowde, 507 Susan, 342 Suaanne, HOI Thomas, 24, 96, 212, 654 "William, 212, 334, 255, 342. 352, 560, 654 Allen, Powell als, William, 766 AUerhed, Clement, 1358 AUerton, mr., 920 Alleson see Allison Allewaye see Aleway Allgar, Annes, 782 Allin see Allen Ailing, , 640 A1^8l)^8^««-W Alice, 647 Edward, 647 Goodith, 647 Jane, 647 Mary, 647 Robert, 565, 647 Thomas, 1096 William, 565, 647 Allison J Alleson J Margaret, 1258 Alyson ) Ruth, 626 Thomas, 1258 William, 263 Allott, Thomas, 1066 Allsopp 1 Alsopp I Henry, 43 Alsoppe ) Judith, 459 Ramfulus, 43 Thomas, 43 Allumbe, Annys, 802 John, 803 AUyn see Allen Alnewick, Amon, 376 Alotson, George, 1183 Alporte, mr., 385 iSel-«A"-PP Alston 1 Alstone [ see also Aston Alestone ) Alice, 756 Dorothy, 244 Edward, 5G0, 1190 Elizabeth, 756 Frances, 1190 John, 750, 1190 Thomas, 357, 1190 William, 1190 Altham, sir James, 619 Alward, Alice, 1358 Margaret, 119 Alyson see Allison Amane, Edward, 564 Imber'l^""^^''*^''^^ John, 438 Margery, 438 Mary, 1147 Siblie, 438 Ambrose, Nicholas, 1000 Ameare als. Bailer, Joan, 1139 Ames see also Eames ,991 Dennys, 114 Elizabeth, 114 Joan, 991 John, 114 Margaret, 991 Marie, 991 Nicholas, 991 Susan, 991 Symon, 991 Thomas, 114, 991 iS^esM«l-'«25 William, 260 Amptill, John, 1186 Amsden, John, 165 Joyce, 165 Thomas, 165 iSPs I Alice, 1011 John, 594 Richard, 1011 Anables, Elizabeth, 445 John, 445 Mary, 445 Robert, 445 William, 445 Ancell see Ansell Ancktill see Anketill Anderson, lady, 1 lord, 602 Alice, 351 Edmond, 1 Elizabeth, 351 John, 361 Margaret, 351 Mun, 1 Stephen, 1 William 89, 351 Andres, Thomas, 1312 Andrewe als. Moris John, 1341 Andrewes, Sare als. Mary, 1356 Andrews ■> Andrew | Andrewe I Andrewes vdoctor, 435 Androes I Anne, 1197 Androwe Barbara, 1197 Androwes J Barnabie, 599 Dorothie, 619 Edolph, 619 Edward, 7, 742, 1197, 1198 Elizabeth, 1197 Francis, 1197 George, 1179 Henry, 599 James, 364 Jane, 1197 Johane, .599 John, 384, 599, 681, 846, 866, 1207 Katherine, 599 Lancelot, bishop of Chi- chester, 410, 480 Margaret. 599 Mary, 1197 Peter, 599 Philip, 599 Richard, 844, 976 Robert, 516 Rose, 1197 Sarah, 742, 1197 Thomas, 255, 742, 1179 William, 1179, 1184, 1197, 1198, 1222 lSll--1336 Edmund 198 Elizabeth, 198 John, 749 Mary, 198 Robert, 1336 Anger, Anne, 1257 John, 1257 Angrome, Mar., 424 Anguishe, Thomas, 1348 Incktl}} I Anthony, 435, 962 Christopher, 657 Elizabeth, 657, 1345 Annaud, Michaell, 348 Anneler, Thomas, 161 Annesley, Elizabeth, 821 Raphe, 831 Anninge Annynpre Alice, 1305 Elizabeth, 1305 James, 1305 Agnes, 1305 INDEX OF PERSONS. Joane, 1305 John, 1305 Marie, 1305 Peter, 1305 William, 1305 Ansel 1 ) Anscell ) Edmund, 1351 Ancell ) John, 1351 Mary, 1351 Robert, 1351 Tliomas, 173, 415 Anslowe, John, 927 Ansteed, Mary, 70 Anstey, John, 743 Anthony J Anthonye > , 1145 Anthonie ) Elizabeth, 523 Francis, 523 George, 911 John, 12C0 Lawrence, 660 Matthew, 1145 Richard, 1215 Antrobus, Robert, 37 Antrum, Joane, 1194 Richard, 1194 Aperley, George, 433 Aplyn," Thomas, 1131 Applebye see also Upplebye Robert, 921 Appleton, mr,, 1197 Approbart, John, 723 Aprice see also Price and Rice Benjamin, 1170 Apsley, lady, 28 sir Allen, 28 Apthorp 1 *ij,„ 147 Apthorpe ( ^™y' ^*' Annys, 147 Curtis, 147 Edward, 147 Elizabeth, 147 James, 147 John, 147 Stephen, 147 Thomas, 147 Aram, PhiUipp, 1010 Arch, Robert, 536 Archard see Orchard Archdale, mr., 1336 Richard, 1285 Archer, rar., 1017 Francis, 1037 James, 957 Joane, 318 John, 874, 1251 Mary, 874 Peter, 385 Richard, 874 Robert, 281 Sybell, 1183 Thomas, 1183 Arden, Jane, 537 Robert, 711 Ardis see also Ades, Mary, 842 Arenway, Richard, 705 Ares see Aris Argall, , 30 Arg^enton, Eleanor, 893 John, 893 Aris) Ares > see also Harris Arris ) Edward, 641 Elizabeth, 641 James, 641 Jane, 115, 641 Johane, 641 John, 641 Katherine, 641 Mary, 641 Millicent, 641 Sara, 641 Susan, 641 William, 641 Armamell, , 671 Armeseid, Jervase, 608 Armeston, Thomas, 1360 lrT^iage}E^-beth,397 Gabriell, 711 James, 397 Arnam, Agnes, 126 Elizabeth, 126 Ellen, 126 Francis, 126 John, 126 Mary, 126 Nicliolas, 126 Arne, Christopher, 869 Arnold ) Arnolds [ , 1155 ArnoU ) Alexander, 1264 Alice, 1228 Anne, 1264 Avys, 1337 Edith, 1264 * Edward, 677 Elizabeth, 781, 1264 Emme, 1^64 Isabell, 1349 James, 40 John, 552, 1338, 1264 Joyce, 1228 Leonard, 889 Nicholas, 1264 Robert, 460, 926 Stephen, 1264 Thomas, 1228, 1264 William, 1264 Arnsbye, Anne, 158 Bridget, 158 Edmund, 158 Elizabeth, 158 Isaac, 158 Jeffrey, 158 John, 158 Martha, 158 Rebecca. 158 Arris see Aris Arrowsmith, Richard, 130 Irther }««« Arthur Arthington, Robert, 191 Arthur ) Arther [ Mary, 705 Arter ) Owen, 571 Rees ap, 705 Rose, 134 Arundell, countess of, see Alethea Howard earl of, see Thomas Howard Anne, 284 Anne, dowager countess of, see Anne Howard Cleoflla, 1173 Dorothy, 1173 Elizabeth, 138 Humphrey, 138, 1240 Thomas, 1173 ^Vest, 1173 Asbye, William, 12 Af «o^gh I I ^^ l=g'M--^67 Edward, 938 Thomas, 134 William, 938 Ascue see Askew Aseldike; Thomas, 1211 Asgale, Thomas, 1330 Ashbournham, John, 743 IShel^^'^^.l^S Faythfull, 467 James, 123 Jane, 206 Owen, 364 Peter, 385 Ashfleld ) T^,,„„ 1,-,^- Ashfeild } J«^^°' 1247. sir Robert, 31 Thomas, 30 Ashley, John, 760 Ashman, John, 79 Ashmole, Humphrey, 895 Johane, 895 Mary, 895 Richard, 895 Ashpley see Aspley Ash ton, Edward, 566 Elizabeth, 311 James, 772 John, 311 Marcella, 607 Peter, 566 Susan, 311 Thomas, 311 William, 311 Ash well, Robert, 265 Askew 1 Askue J see also Ascough Ascue ) James, 257 Sarah, 478 Vincent, 202 Asledine, Frauncis, 720 Aspeley see Aspley Aspine als. James Edward, 1111 Aspland, Richard, 263 Tymothie, 720 Aspley 1 Aspeley > Annes, 664 Ashpley ) Elizabeth, 203 Ellen, 930 Florence, 1237 George, 836 John, 833, 930 Margaret, 930 Thomas, 412, 664 William, 203, 412 Asteley see Astley Astin, Eleanor, 1133 John, 1133 Sara, 1133 Thomas, 1133 William, 1133 iSyll-'iy."^^. Abraham, 628 sir Andrew, 1196 William, 164 Aston see also Alston sir Walter, 521 William, 1190 Astwood, Jane, 744 lSthelM-g-«t,m6 Peter, 1256 Athyll, doctor, 1170 Atker, Francis van, 925 Atkins 1 Atkyns > Agnes, 853 Attkin ) George, 735 John, 17, 131,483 Richard, 666 William, 483, 749, 853, 879 Atkins, Reede ais., Robert, 745 470 INDEX OF PERSONS. -,336 Atkinson see a^so Adkinson , 1063 mr., 889 John, 10, 428 Mary, 717, 1363 Miles, 1258 Richard, 263, 888 Robert, 1363 William, 1242 Atkyns see Atkins At Ree see Ree At Rigg see Rigges Atterton, Thomas, 274 Attkin see Atkins Attwood see Atwood Thomas, 23, 911 "William, 1096 Atwick als. VVIckes Judith, 943 Obadiah, 943 Sarah, 943 ■William, 943 Atwill see Atwell Atwood ) see also Wood Attwood ) Abraham, 480 Edward, 1119 Gilbert, 518 Harman, 107 John, 480 Judith, 315 Robert, 1119 Samuel, 1133 Aucocke see Alcocke Audeley 1 Awdley ( Hugh, 259, 729, 1125 Katherine, 336 Nicholas, 259 Thomas, 259, 621, 726 William, 1209 Augur see Awgar Aulcocke see Alcocke Austin , Austen | Austyn I .nsR Awstin f ' ^''^ Aw8ten I Alice,163, 908, 1236 Awstyn -^ Allington,9 Beatrix, 9 Benjamin, 776 Elizabeth, 908 Ellen, 1048 Henry, 1 James, 9 John, 9, 119 Margaret, 119 Margery, 1236 Mary, 9 Michael, 163 Ralph, 1048 Richard, 14, 119, 776, 1236, 1253 Robert, 9, 119, 1236 Thomas, 1236 William, 630 Austinson, Godfrey, 419 Austyn see Austin Auton, George, 1175 Avenant, Alexander, 1284 Averill, Nicholas, 361 Ave7ye l^nne, 1002 Clare, 1285 Edward, 1002 Elizabeth, 1002 Jacob, 289 Johane, 111 John, 513, 1285 Lawrence, 1002 Mary, 1285 Kichard, 111 Thomas, 513 Thomasine. 1002 William, 635, 1285 Awbrey, David, 179 Harry, 179 William, 1238 sir William, 179 Awdley see Audeley f^^lf/ JFrauncis,720 John, 192 Mary, 192 Awsten ) Awstin [ see Austin Awstyn ) Awsye, Robert, 2 Awsyter, Ausyter, 311 ^y^f } see also Eyre Elizabeth, 137 John, 1221, 1323 Lucrece, 1323 Margaret, 569 Titus, 1323 Ayerst, Annes, 547 Ayleworth, mr., 1 Aynscombe, William, 633 Aynsworth, Edward, 10 Ayre see Ayers Ayscough see Ascough Ayshe see Ashe Babb, Margaret, 892 Babbercome, John, 486 Babbett, Mary, 913 Baber, Dianis, 377 William, 884 Babington, Raphe, 357 William, 594 Zacherie, 594 Baby, , 861 Eacheh«««^««B^«k Andrew, 412 George, 412, 676 Richard, 1250 Symon, 734 Thomas, 412 Bachus see also Backhouse Samuel, 277 Back see also Bach Alice, 1119 Anne, 1119 Thomas, 1119 William, 1119 Backer, mrs., 776 Francis, 520 Thomas, 776 Backhouse als. Chamberleyn see also Bachus George, 812 Backstafif, Richard, 1209 Bacon, sir Francis, lord Veru- 1am, 480, 002 Mary, 1257 Nicholas, 1056 Thomas, 714 William, 1285 Badcoate, Elizabeth, 869 Baddam see also Adams ,877 Badge, Hugh, 473 Badger, Leonard, 241 Badman, Joseph, 772 Mary, 772 Badnedge, Philip, 776 Badwaye, Oliver als. John, 499 Bage see Bagge Baggard, Ann, 1310 Francis, 1310 James, 1310 Peter, 1310 Bagges I Giles, 623 Base ) Jasper, 488 Walter, 90] Bagley, Agnes, 480 Anne, 1150 John, 930 Frances, 845 Isabell, 410 Laurence, 153 William, 845, 1037 Bagott, Isabell, 496 Bagshawe, Arnold, 609 Richard, 583 Thomas, 628 Giles, 745, 1163 John, 54 Peter, 331 Richard, 1296 Robert, 745 William, 1296 Baignham see Baineham Baily n Balie Bale Bayley Vdoctor, 772 Baylie mr, 1093, 1290 Bayly Adrie, 722 Bay lye y Alice, 289, 1084 Ancell, 477 Anne, 313, 772 Anthony, 287 Edmond, 247 Eleanor, 722 Elizabeth, 313, 722, 828, 997 Francis, 838 Grace, 1344 Joan, 287, 813 John, 723, 813, 976, 1079, 1278 Lyonel, 313 Margaret, 722 Margery, 722 Nathaniel, 691 Petronell, 722 Kaphe, 313 Richard, 288 Robert, 313, 414 Roger, 555 Thomas, 313, 722 Walter, 691, 1079 William, 191, 1084, 1147 Baineham ) Baignham [ see also Beuham Baynham ) Adam, 230 John, 274, 1247 Baines ) Beyne [ Elizabeth, 1074 Baynes ) James, 874, 1074 Joyce, 1357 Thomas, 566 Bainford, Anne, 614 Bainnar see Baynore Bainster, , 308 INDEX OF PERSONS. 471 Baker, - -, 294, 1210 Agnes, 329, 597 Alice, 298, 561, 393, 819 Amias, 433 Auastice, 329 Anne, 1304 Anthony, 786 Daniel, 141 Edmund, 17, 943 Edward, 298, 579, 598, 1034 Elizabeth, 811, 817 929, 1304 Ellin, 817 George, 643 Henry, 786, 791, 1040, 1117 James, 1358 Jasper, 329 Jerrett, 563 Joane, 504 Johane, 817 John, 191, 298, 329, 338, 598, 1117, 1192, 1197, 1337, 1352 Margaret, 1182 Mary, 310, 817 Millicept, 628 Nehemia, 1209 Paul, 298 Priscilla, 421 Richard, 50, 546, 776, 817, 1034, 1182 Koger, 329 Sampson, 628 Samuel, 441, 961 Thomas, 191, 251, 605, 778, 817 sir Thomas, 1096 Ursula, 817 William, 364, 421 Wilmett, 1358 Baker, Hall als., John, 536 Balam, mr., 809 Edmond, 046 Balden see Baldwin Balderston, , 1348 William, 891 Balderye, Thomas, 1190 Baldwin ^ Baldwine | Baldwyn Baldwyne -,625, 664 Baldwynne mr., 1, 930 Balden J Alice, 1093 Anne, 318, 330, 920, 1207 Edmund, 920, 1207 Edward, 747 Elizabeth, 1207 George, 1354 Hanna, 1207 Hugh, 920 Jo., 539 John, 625, 813, 930 Raphe, 1207 Richard, 1093 Robert, 1300 Thomas, 251,318, 1207 William, 251, 330, 920, 1158 Bale see Baily Baliye}l^*^'-«"««'«'8 Thomas 608 Balie see Baily Ball ) Balle [ ,425 Bawle ) mr. 1366 Arthur, 333 Ellinor, 333 George, 432, 562 Henry, 79 John, 22, 135, 333, 690, 738, 1218 Mary, 333, 1218 Nicholas, 1218 Richard, 333, 1129 Thomas, 333 Valentine, 766 Walter, 928 William. 333, 1129 Ballard, mr., 1323 Joan, 318 Robert, 1323 Balle see Ball Bailer, Ameare als., Joan, 1139 Ballett, John, 753 Balston, John, 1308 Josua, 225 Julian, 315 Bamester, Daniel, 544 laSpfiew!««««^«''B*°*«"d sir Amias, 911, 1274 iamforde|»^««'««Bandford George, 200 John, 139 Mary, 2(X) Robert, 625 Roger, 85 Bampfleld see Bamfeild Bampton, Simon, 599 Banaster see Banister Banbury, Edward, 258 Hugh, 503 John, 503 William, 503 Bance, David, 878 laSdes i Christopher, 46 Richard, 1018 Bandfeild see Banfeild Bandf ord see also Bamford Roger, 85 Banester see Banister Banfeild ] Banflelde [see also Banfeilde (Bamfeild Bandfeild j lady, 1141 Deanis, 848 Edward, 848 Elizabeth, 848 Henry, 848 Lewis, 848 Mark, 848 Marrian, 848 Banham, mr., 1099 Baning, Susan, 28 Banister ^ Banaster Banester I .-o Bannaster f ' ''°° Bannester I mr., 260 Bannister J Alice, 143, 809 Edward, 224, 410 sir Edward, 410 Elizabeth, 308 Francis, 651 Joan, 224 John, 809 Mary, 557 Nicholas, 641 Richard, 557 Thomas, 178, 224 William, 462, 1275 Banks ") Bankes I *„„„„ „„« Banckes h-^'^ys. 790 Bancke J Arthur, 608 Johane, 618 John, 101, 790 Luke, 150 Myles, 249 Roger, 790 Stephen, 790, 1305 Thomas, 790, 1291 William, 466, 1036 Bankworth, mr., 962 Robert, 435 Bannaster ) Bannester > see Banister Bannister ) Bauton, Ann, 101 William, 246 Barber ) Barbor [ mr., 435 Bearber ) Abraham, 1096 Alice, 1245 Edward, 1236 George, 1245 John, 942 Mary, 1208, 1245 Robert, 1245 William, 13 Barber als. Capell, Alice, 1241 Barber o/s. Houson, John, 419 Barclay ) Barkeley [ lady, 257, 1141 Barckley ) Charles, 1141 Edward, 1141 lady Elizabeth, 1141 sir Henry, 1141 John, 1322 Bard, George, 943 BardoUph, Margaret, 1287 Bardwicke, Dorothy, 1208 Barfeild, George, 65 John, 65 Barfoot ) Barf oote > Edmund, 689 Barfot ) Richard, 167 Thomas, 689 Barfourde, Arthur, 324 Bargh, Richard, 1183 Barnam, Anne, 37 John, 666 Nicholas, 37 Richard. 276 Robert, 37 William, 37, 1002 Baringer, Joane, 1209 Barkeham see Barkham Barkeley see Barclay Barker, , 294, 523, 776 mr., 752 sergeant, 754 Anne, 11, 718, 956 Anthony, 11 Arthur, 552 Charles, 11 Christopher, 410 Elizabeth, 11, 836 George, 1107 Grace, 523 James, 718 Jane, 11, 742 Joane, 453 John, 416, 425, 482, 1015 Mary, 718, 932 Robert, 410, 969 472 INDEX OF PEESONS. Sara, 718 Silvester, 932 Suziin, 967 Thomas, 552, 932, 956 William, 9, 11, 453, 909 Barkesdale see Barksdale Bark^e^aTl Brian. 69 Edward, 259, 1103 Barksdale I ^_ „,„ Barkesdale J ™'^-' "^^ Elizabeth, 1172 John, 1172, 1248 Mary, 1172 Nathaniel, 1172 Bichard, 1172 Thomas, 586 William, 1172 Barley, mr., 345 Barlowe, Anne, 94 Eayth, 582 Margaret, 1366 Mary, 582 Raphe, 552 Robert, 1135 Thomas, 711 Barmebie, Robert, 1117 Barnabye, , 630 Katherine, 630 Barnard ) „_ .q~ Barnarde | ™'- ^^^ Abraham, 1290 Edward, 390 Jane, 390 John, 359, 390, 781 Katherine, 66 Margaret, 142 Margery, 376 Mary, 1285 Rebecca, 390 Richard, 1285 Susan, 1311 Thomas, 781 Barnardiston, , 1 arms, 154 Anne, 1, 154 Gyles, 154 Hannah, 154 Jane, 1 Nathaniel, 1 sir Nathaniel, 164 Thomas, 1 sir Thomas, 1, 154 Barne see Barnes Barnefeild, Bichard, 424 Thomas, 316 Barneham see Barnham BarnT' I «-««'*« Baron mr., 391 mrs., 173 Anne, 173, 387 Anthony, 231 Beatrice, 601 Deane, 927 Dorothy, 231 Elizabeth, 231, 927 Emme, 231 George, 542, 1013 Henry, 819 James, 1175 Joane, 231 John, 231, 504, 515, 914, 927 Bichard, 231, 379, 391 Robert, 128, 173, 927 Roger, 103 Thomas, 128, 942 Barnesley, James, 836 Jane, 836 lamlttlD"'^«a°«'162 James, 315 John, 981 Barney, Anne, 410 Barnham I .,)„„ ioiq Barneham [Alice, 1319 Elizabeth, 1319 Jane, 48, 1319 Joan, 1319 Martin, 386, 1319 Stephen, 1319 Barons }««««'«oB*'^°e8 Elizabeth, 998 Henry, 212, 1130 John, 998 Richard, 1318 Robert, 521 Thomas, 380 William, 715 Barr, Robert de la, 1 William, 570 Barram. William, 748 Barras, Elizabeth, 859 Thomas, 859 Barre see Barrey Barrett "I iSt --^333 Borrett J Anthony, 149 Edmond, 1335 sir Edward, 603 John, 155 Robert, 978 Tobias, 915 William, 562 Barrey 1 Barre > Avery, 579 Bearrye ) Mary, 1090 John, 35 Richard, 404 Barrington, Elizabeth, 1148 iarror^^-^'^^Burrough Frances, 729 Jane, 1339 Joan, 1347 Bichard, 729 Thomas, 485 Barrwicke see Barwick Barte, Thomas, 227 Barten see Barton Barter, Andrew, 387 Bartholet, Elizabeth, 763 Johan, 763 Marke, 763 Bartholomew ) Bartholmew > Isaac, 1265 Bartholmewe ) John, 388 William, 856 Bartilmewe, Mary, 322 iSr! Alice, 479 Fran., 264 Frances, 479 Henry, 479 Hugh, 479 John, 532 Mary, 359 Thomas, 1132 Barton ) orc Barten \ ' ^^ Agnes, 952 Elizabeth, 962 Eme, 895 James, 952 John, 964 Katherine, 952 Laurence, 952 Leonard, 167 Richard, 1268 Thomas, 478, 633, 952 William, 6 Bar well, , 561 good wife, 561 George, 298 Hester, 298 Roger, 561 Barwick ) Barwicke > Frances, 1168 Barrwicke ) sir James, 144 John, 876, 1198, 1199 Thomas, 808, 1168 Bascea, Thomas, 1096 Basden, Thomas, 629 KKl-Basley Basill, , 320 1173 Baskervile I Baskavile ) ' Anne, 556 Bridget, 556 Charles, 556 Eleanor, 556 Elizabeth, 422, 556 Grace, 422 Henry, 556 Humfrey, 556, 792 sir Humphrey, 818 James, 556 Mary, 422 Bichard, 422 Roger, 656 Simon, 422 Thomas, 422 Walter, 666 William, 556 Basley j Baseley [ see also Beesley Baselye ) Alice, 184 Edward, 132 Elizabeth, 184 Jeremy, 184 John, 184 Laurence, 184 Mark, 184 Mary, 132 Richard, 184 Robert, 1232 Theophilus, 838 William, 132 Basnett, Martha, 1232 Basse, Abigail, 397 Humfrey, 397 John, 437 Luke, 397 Mary, 397 Nathaniel, 397 Bichard 397 Rowland, 333 Samuel, 397 Sara, 397 iasser^*^y^^^"*^"*^''"^2 Raphe, 763 sir Robert, 1092 Bastarde, Joan, 1337 Martha, 1337 Thomas, 1337 iast'*one!B" Alice, 800 Bendbowe ) Elizabeth, 800 Francis, 1357 John, 320 Robert, 1070 Rowland, 194 William, 800 Bencare, Thomas, 826 Bendbowe see Benbow Ki.tlBryan.873 Thomas, 873 William, 17 Beneflelde ) y , „„ Benefeild } John, 2*7 Margery, 965 Benerley, Suzan, 250 ienetth^^ »«""«" Benham see also Baineham Robert, 1007 Benion see Bunnion Ben'' 1 Annabella, 20 sir Anthony, 20 Elizabeth, 20 lady Jane , 20 Mary, 20 Peter, 742 Symon, 742 Bennell, Elizabeth, 1197 Bennet"! Bennett Bennitt )- ,960 Benett ( Ambrose, 435 Benet J Ames, 1084 Anne, 460, 1360 Arthur, 48 Benedict, 1140 Bennet, 1140 David, 435 Dorothy, 435, 571 Edmund, 435 Edward, 435 Elizabeth, 571 Humfrey, 435 Jo., 435 John, 324, 364, 435, 1028 sir John, 435, 1115, 1366 Mary, 435, 460, 1099 Oliver, 460 Raphe, 435, 1140 Richard, 435, 460, 911 Robert, 460 Roger, 916 Symon, 435 Thomas. 48, 240, 350, 435, 814 sir Thomas, 1, 435 William, 167, 460, 608, 911 Benson, , 52, 691 George, 1146 James, 265 Nicholas, 691, 859 Simon, ^t>5 William, 265 lente!jo^-.298 Elizabeth, 298 Thomas, 686 Bentley, , 308 Isserell, 1099 John, 396, 859, 898 Margaret, 524 Robert, 1140 Benton, Dorothie, 747 Thomas, 747 Benwell, Thomas, 17 Benyon see Bunnion Beomounte see Beaumont Beoner, Peter, 1289 Berche see Birch Bercher, Edward, 164 Berd see Bird Beresford, Anthony, 43 Christian, 681 Cornelius, 37 Edward, 1104 Henry, 43 Isabel!, 43 Marie, 681 Raphe, 43 Richard, 43, 1104 Robert, 1104 Rowland, 681 Thomasine, 43 Berk, Tobie, 80 Berne. Ellen, 195 Berre see Berry Kra'U^«^-'^^°^ Richard, 917 Berry I Berrye ] Berre }■ Ambrose, 349 Bery Awdrey, 1039 Berye J Edward, 1211 George, 1211 Hannah, 473 John, 22, 123, 364 Mary, 22 Pascowe, 22 Richard, 976 Thomas, 1211 Tymothie, 22 Berryman see Berriman lerteh^^Burt Se!««« Berry Beryl, Grace, 1170 Besse, George, 1319 Best, Anne, 630 Christopher, 1259 Edward, 970 Francis, 630 George, 1046 Henry, 1066 Johan, 630, 970 John, 630, 1158, 1224 Julian, 630 Katherine, 630 Nicholas, 1095 Richard, 630 Robert, 630, 650 Thomas, 630, 1349 William, 944, 1158 Bestlie, Robert, 595 Thomas, 595 Bestman, Richard, 648 Bestowe, Barnaby, 1024 Bestpitch, Miles, 643 Beten see Beaton Betham, Richard, 635 Thomas, 635 Betscombe, John, 497 Robert, 294, 497 Bett ) J47 Anne, 250 George, 932 Marie, 1133 Nicholas. 1135 Richard, 81, 250 Robert, 250 Thomas, 1102 Betterley, Roger, 207 Bettes see Bett fett*srrr*^}A«-.208 Mary, 984 Richard, 984 Bettoy, Samuel, 1101 Bettsworth see Bettisworth Beuer, Gates als. Josias, 1090 Beueredge see Beveredge Bevan see also Evan David ap, 862 Philip William, 862 William, 862 INDEX OF PERSONS. 475 Beyan ap Morrice, David, 686 Bevan Walter, William, 862 Bevell, Rees Griffith, 1118 Bever, John, 782 Beveredge ) Beveridge J Francis, 411, 682 Beueredge ) Thomas, 344 Bevington, Margery, 353 Paul, 624 Thomas, 143 William, 143 Bewley, ,148 Beyne see Baines Beynon, Elizabeth, 438 Humfrye, 438 Joane, 438 John, 438 John 38 Bicke, Thomas, 1275 Bickerton, mr., 557 Bickford, Andrew, 1218 Christopher, 1358 Elizabeth, 1218 Bickley, Era., 1103 Bicknell see also Bucknell Ruben, 943 Bicley, Thomas, 1231 Bidcocke, Edward, 608 iiX^j Agnes, 707 Elizabeth, 298, 707 Henry, 298, 561 John, 137, 707, 719 Richard, 298 Thomas, 298 William, 298 Biddolphe 1 pii-abeth 40 Biddulphe ] "'"zaoein.w John, 827 Michael, 40 Symon, 40 Henry, 346 John, 346 Susan, 346 Thomas, 346 Bidle see Biddle Bigge^ Bjfig [ ,255 Anne, 255 Catherine, 255 Clement, 255 Edward, 1083 Eleanor, 255 Elizabeth, 255 Ellis, 629 Geffrey, 588 John, 312, 388, 739 Samuel, 255 Thomas, 17, 255 William, 438 Biggin, Rose, 126 Bighouse, Dorothy, 257 ii|{ande|c^-^-.318 Edward, 318 Ezechias, 318 Grace, 318 Joan, 318 Margaret, 318 Nathaniel, 318 Bignoll, Joan, 1344 Bigrafe, John, 4 Bilatt, Elizabeth, 832 Robert, 832 William, 832 Bill, John, 242, 1074 Thomas, 326 Billers, William, 1210 Billidge, , 962 Billing ) Billinge [ Bridget, 979 Billings ) Edward, 138 Elizabeth, 979 Eusebie. 979 Joan, 979 John, 979 Joseph, 328 Mary, 979 Nicholas, 979 Reynolde, 1179 Richard, 138, 914, 990, 1240 Thomas, 328, 979 William, 979 Billingesley see Billingsley Billingeton, mr., 1099 Billings see Billing Billingsley I Billingesley f Richard, 618 Thomas, 12 William, 957 Billmor ) Bilmor \ Walter, 822 Belmor ) Bilsworthie see Belsworthie Binge, Isabell, 1170 Bingham see Byngham Bingley, George, 995 sir John, 36 Peter, 19 sir Ralphe, 1099 Birch ^ Blrche Berche \ Burch -,40 -o „, Christian, 714 grche^' Edmund, 1243 George, 156, 1243 Hugh, 1243 Kichard, 1343 Thomas, 130 William, 724 Bird . Birde Berd L ,41,1287 Ambrose, 1219 John, &>4, 738 Burd Byrd Byrde-^ Joseph, 754, 1190 Margaret, 1158 Ralphe, 577 Robert, 253, 1363 Roger, 130 Sibell. 818 Theodore, 218 Thomas, 41, 665,902 Walter, 832 William, 1231 Birkyn, Anthony, 476 Kj^t^j see Burt Bisbie, Alexander, 1034 William, 1034 Bish, J., 83 Bishop ^ Bishope Bishopp VBarnabie, 1347 Bishoppe Charles, 1337 Byshoppej Edward, 1271 Elizabeth, 1129, 1271 Grace, 1021 Jane, 1271 Joane, 341 John, 1129, 1271 Lyonell, 715 Richard, 554 Stephen, 1271 William, 41, 948 Bishop, Wallon als. John, 661 Bisse, doctor, 289 Bridget, 286, 1091 Edward, 286 Elizabeth, 286 James, 286 Joane, 286 John, 286. 1091 Mary, 286 Bissett, John, 280 Bistowe, John, 930 Bitter, John, 961 liackeh"^"'*"^'^^^ John, 318 Peter, 741 William, 1208 BSan}^g-«.l«^ Jane, 189 John, 189 Raphe, 189 Richard, 913 Sara, 189 William, 189, 674 Blackaller, Anne, 892 Johane, 892 Luce, 892 Margaret, 892 Peter, 892 Thomas, 892 Blacke see Black Blackford, Edward, 1114 Blackball see Blackall Blacklt, Margaret, 475 Blackmore, Edward, 34 Saul, 34 Tristram, 339 Blackstone, John, 297 Blackwayl • ,,„_ Blakewayf^"**®'^^"^ John, 1107 Mary, 1107 Thomas, 708 William, 1107 Blackwell, , 12 BlackAvyn. Henry, 898 Thomas. 898 Bladewell, , 1 Blagg, John, 1216 Blake see also Black Alice, 1312 Anastice, 709 Anne, 709, 858 Edith, 709 Edmund. 858 Elizabeth, 630, 858 Humfrv, 858 John, 709, 730, 858 Katharine, 709 Marie, 579 Mary, 858 Nicholas. 240 Peter, 579 Richard, 858 Robert, 709, 858 William, 230, 630, 858 Blakeway see Blackway Blakin, Kichard, 898 476 INDEX OF PERSONS. Blanchard 1 Blancharde [see also Blan- Blancherd f shert Blauncbard J ,46 Abraham, 909 Anne, 909 Elizabeth. 966 Emme, 201 Faith, 909 Frances, 909 George, 909 John, 201, 909 Margaret, 909 Martin, 909 Eichard, 201, 909 Samuel, 909 "William, 201, 909 Blancheflower, George, 331 Blancherd see Blanchard Blanckett, Woodward als. William, 1310 Bland, Peter, 369 Sara, 1147 Blandford 1 Blandf orde j ' ■ see Blanford Margaret, 901 Owen, 928 Blanford ) Blandford > Alice, 676 Blandforde ) Edmund, 576 Jane, 436 John, 436 William, 436, 576 Blanksbie, John, 571 Blanque, Daniel le, 397 Blanshert ) see also Blanoh- Blaunchert ) ard Robert, 281 Blase, Gilbert, 69 Blaude, mrs., 394 Blaunchard see Blanchard Blaunchert see Blanshert Blayney see Blaney Blessett, Robert, 978 Blevin, Richard, 793 Blewe, John, 606 Blewet ) 434 Blewett ] ^^•' *•** Henry, 1111 Blicke, , 239 Blicke, Petepace als. Henry, 351 Blincoe, George, 1176 John, 1176, 1347 Margaret, 1176 William, 1176 Blindall, Francis, 86 Blisse, Henry, 305 James, 365 John, 365 Mary, 365 Blissendyne, Anne, 1170 Bliszard see Blizzard Blith see Blythe Blizzard ) Blizard > Catherine, 221 Bliszard ) Francis, 221 Isabell, 221 Jane, 221 John, 221 Mary, 221 Rotherham, 221, 353 "William, 221, 247 Blofleld ) Bloteild \ ,478 Blofeilde ) Edmund, 619 Nichols, 620 Thomas, 478 Blomefeilde see Bloomfeilde Blomer, William, 734 Blomlye, Robert, 260 i}znjo^-.33o Blondwell, Thomas, 1005 Blooe, Alice, 1260 Edward, 1260 Richard, 1260 Symon, 1260 William, 1260 Bloome, Friswide, 37 George, 37 John, 37 Sara, 37 Bloomfeilde ) „. ..„„ Blomefeilde j »»°ioi>> i^^" William. 10 Blosse, Tobias, 148 Blount ] Blounte I Blunt r" Blunte J Anthony, 960 Edward, 445 Elizabeth, 1133 Francis, 402 Jane, 1173 John, 445, 697 Thomas, 160 Walter, 221, 1094 William, 710 Blower, Ellen, 1279 Bloxsiche, Mary, 1011 Blundell, Mary, 986, 1158 Robert, 783, 1158 Thomas, 1005 Blundeston, Margaret, 475 Roch. 475 William, 475 gfreH- Blount Blythe i Blith f ■ ,402 • mr., 1102 Elizabeth, 889 John, 607 Thomas, 151,554,889 William, 317 Boaman see Bowman Boame, Raphe, 985 Boare 1 _„ .^ar, Boore}'»'^-^093 John. 696 William, 696 Boate, Henry, 1315 Bobbett, Edmund, 211 Boddenham see Bodenham Boddington, Thomas, 710 William, 710 Boddye 1 Bodye > Dorothie, 845 Bode ) Richard, 373 William, 443 Boden see Bowden Bodenham I lady Bridget, Boddenham ( 1203 Henry, 1141 John, 1013 Richard, 1013 sir Roger, 1203 Thomas, 556 Ursula, 1013 William, 556 Bodledge, Thomas, 353 Bodley, , 53 Jane, 53 Simon, 53 Bodnam, Elizabeth, 221 Bodrib, Alice, 698 Dorothy, 698 Isabell, 698 James, 698 Jane, 698 Margery, 698 Marie, 698 Rachell, 698 Balfe, 698 Bodvill, John, 803 Bodye see Boddye Boggas, Paul, 754 Boghurst, John, 344 Bold see Boulde Bole see Bowles Bolen, Mary, 71 Nicholas, 71 Boler, John, 214 Bolnest, Thomas, 312 Bolsover, Katherine, 614 Bolt, Agnes, 106 Bolter, Rose, 376 Baulton} Benjamin. 607 George, 195 James. 820 Richard, 68 Boltony, mr., 618 Bompas see Bumpas Bomyers, , 1157 Bonde I ' 653, 751 Clere, 1197 Daniel, 472 Dorothy, 796 Edith, 653, 751 Elizabeth, 653, 751 Hester, 472 John, 148, 1197 Lawrence, 453 Leonard, 653, 751 Lidia, 150 Nicholas, 436 Robert, 440 Roger, 1224 Thomas, 653, 751 William, 694 Bond, Wrentmore als. Anne, 658 Johaue, 658 Nicholas, 658 Thomas, 658 Boner see Bonner Bonham, mr., 1 Bonnell, Walter, 571 BoTer''lEl-abeth,1206 Joan, 1206 Judith. 2.57 Mathew, 8U Rachel, 257 Robert, 1206 Susan, 257 Valentyne, 619 William, 1035 Bonnet, Ellen, 302 Margaret, 1260 William, 1260 SSI Mary. 64 Samuel, 64 Bonnington, Robert, 12 Bonnynge, Elizabeth, 756 George, 756 John, 756 Mary, 756 Thomas, 766 INDEX OF PERSONS. 477 Bonvill, Robert, 484 Bon water, John . 925 Boodye, Rachell, 373 Bookley, William, 315 Booles see Bowles Boore see Boare Boormby, John, 554 Boorton, John, 1218 Markes, 1218 Boosey, Edward, 318 Booth I oon Boothe}™'^-^'^^ Eleanor, 937 lady Elizabeth, 937 George 889, 1317 John, 741, 1317 Mabell, 1125 Mary, 46, 881 Thomas, 297, 1200 "William, 1018 ISfe [Martin. 1333 Thomas, 40 Boothe see Booth Booy, John, 883 Boraston, Philip, 132 Border, Francis, 1084 Boreman, Hamon, 998 Borer, , 775 Borne see Bourne Borough 1 Boroughes > see Burrough Borowe ) &1t' }-«--" Bosnell, Anthonie, 274 Bosse, John, 167 Bossevile, John, 1201 Bostock I ^no Bostocke ) ' ^^"^ mr.,218 Agnes, 809 Charles, 87, 389 Elizabeth, 6, 389 George. 389 Marie, 693 Peter, 809 Roger, 389 Thomas, 389 Boswell, Bar., 40 Bosworth als. Greene Arthur, 298 Botham, Anne, 214 Edward, 43 Elizabeth, 214 Margaret, 214 Robert, 314 William, 1010 Botson. Bridget, 1035 Bott, Thomas, 1182 Botteley, Roger, 597 Botterell, ,147 Botterton, William, 1117 Bottinge, John, 662 Bottomlev, John, 281, 800 Alice, 1133 Charles, 991 Elizabeth, 1133 Frances, 1133 Henry, 991, 1133 James, 1133 sir James, 1133 John, 991, 1133 Richard, 1133 Thomas, 1062, 1133 William, 1133 Boulde ) Bold \ see also Bowles Bowlde ) doctor, 320 Jane, 1191 Ran., 1191 Rees, 1191 William, 555, 1191 Boulesworth, Edmund, 620 Boulte, Hugh, 476 Silvester. 258 Bouraige see Burredge Bourchier, William, earl of Bath, 1115 Bourkett, Thomas, 1366 Bourman, Barbara, 90 Elizabeth, 1280 John, 1221 Thomas, 1221 William, 90 Bourne) . ono Borne f ^^^^' ^^ Edith, 208 Margrett, 400 Richard, 592 Robert, 602 Thomas, 408 William, 35, 269 Bournford, Rebecca, 63 Bousley, Anne, 975 Joan, 975 John, 975 William, 975 Bouth, Thomas, 562 Bovet, John. 413 Bowater, Edward, 1006 John, 1006 Bowcher see Boucher Bowdage see Bowditch Bowde see also Baude Symon, 946 William, 796 Bowden^ Bowdon j Boden ( Eleanor, 509 Bawden J Frances, 1021 Grace, ,509 Martin, 311 Mighill, 1358 Kichard, 509, 911 Thomas, 1303 William, 509 Bowditch "j Bowdiedge Bowdage vAnne, 1138 Bowridge Edith, 1138 Bowech J Elizabeth, 1138 John, 335, 1132, 1138 Margaret, 1138 Nicholas, 54, 1138 Philippe, 1138 Steven, 1138 Thomas, 999, 1138 William, 999 Bowdler, Richard, 87 Bowdon see Bowden Bowech see Bowditch Bowell ) see also Vowell Bowells ( and Howell John. 199, 1364 Bowen see also Owen Edmund, 1282 Lewis, 692 Martyn, 1282 William, 192. 330 Bo-wer ^ Bowers I Boweres [Alice, 971 Bowre J Anne, 634 Anthony, 971 Bridget, 971 Edward, 634 Elizabeth, 528, 634 George, 634 Henry, 345 Jeffery, 482 Johane, 121 John, 504, 552, 971 Katharine, 634 Leonard, 136 Mary, 121 Ra., 670 Richard, 634, 783 Robert, 400 Samuel, 121 Susan, 121 Thomas, 971 "William, 634, 1206 Bowes, Dorcas, 1000 Edward, 571 Frances, 1000 Isabel, 967 Mary, 1000 Mathew, 1000 sir William, 967 Bowey, William, 330 Bowhay, Thomas, 695 Bowis, George, 742 Bowlde see Boulde Bowie see Bowles Bowler, John, 537 "William, 537 Bowles ] Bole I see also Boulde Booles f ,341 Bowie J doctor, 320 sir Charles, 46 FAith, 341 John, 320 Richard, 560 Thomas. 865 Valentyne, 433 Bowlesse, William, 1107 Bowley, Thomas, 1331 Bowlter, Isabell 408 William, 408 Bowman ) „_ -/. „„„ Boaman } "^'^•' ^<'' ^^ Alice, 970 Thomas, 976 Bowe'^l^-t^-y-S^^ Gilbert, 609 John, 892, 1113 Katharine, 892 Margery, 892 Mary, 892 Bowre see Bower Bowridge see Bowditch i=Ir|H«-y.i«« Martin, 315 go^^elreH«««'-Boyer Elizabeth, 69 Henry, 1054 Katharine, 736 Margaret, 1054 Thomas, 410 William, 178 sir William, 807 Boxwell, Joane, 697 Richard, 697 K1 Alice, 958 John, 278 Mary, 278 Thomas, 1208 478 INDEX OF PERSONS. ■William, 1208 Boycott, John, 85 Boydell, , 1366 Boyden, Anne, 1350 Elizabeth, 1350 Jone, 1350 Mary, 1350 Robert, 1350 Boyear see Boyer Boyell, Gabriell, 926 Boyear i««««'««B«^yer, John, 639 Millisent, 639 Bobert, 639 Thomas, 905 Boyle, Diego, 1108 Boyne, William, 601 Boys see Boyce Boygon, Bov, 393 Boyston, Edward, 808 Boyton, William, 17 Brabie, Alice, 249 John, 249 Kichard, 249 Stephen 249 Brabson, Edward, 532 Brace, Jane, 221 Joliane, 364 John, 364 Richard, 221 Roger, 1337 Brackman, John, 1278 Brackneck Zacharie, 136 Bracksholme, mr., 909 Bradburne 1 tt * neo BradbornelH"™^'^«y>^56 sir Humphrey, 711 Jane, 711 John, 552 Braddock ) Braddocke [ , 1019 Braddock ) Isaac, 618 Reignold, 1019 Thomas, 257, 618 SnMargerie,1221 Mary, 1221 Peter, 742 William, 1221 Bradfeild, John, 989 Bradford ) „. Bradforde ( ' ■'^ Christofer, 661 Henry, 1182 James, 517 JelTery, 462 Joane, 462 John, 433, 182 Mary, 462 Nicholas, 94 Richard, 462 WiUiam, 94 Bradforth, Nicholas, 1348 Bradley, mr.,252 Abigail, 967 Dorothy, 967 Edmund, 916 Elizabeth, 967 Francis, 967, 1290 Henry, 397 Hugh, 1270 Jane, 397 John, 621, 736, 909, 967 Nicholas, 979 Thomas, 967 Bradocke see Braddock Bradripp, Christopher, 1273 TTilliam, 1273 Bradshawe, , 147 Anne, 367 Anthony, 367 Francis, 1235 John, 367 Mary, 367 Thomas, 223 William, 367 Bradstock ) •„4.t,„„„ oarr Joane, 887 John, 887 Richard, 887 Sibille, 887 Thomas, 887 William, 887 Bradstreete see also Broadstreet Samuel, 1121 Bradwell, Frances, 898 Bradwyn, John, 76 a%) Agnes, 1021 Alice, 1021 Augustine, 745 Charles, 87, 389, 86G, 1005 Dan., 1021 Frances, 319 George, 319 John, 319, 1021 Mary, 414, 1021 Parnell, 1021 Precilla, 1005 Richard, 1005, 1314 Robert, 1021 Rodith, 319 Thomas, 414 AVllliam, 1031 Brailsford ( Brailesford ) John, 1073 Thomas, 1073 Bramley ) Bramlie { Hugh, 78 Bramhley ) Katherine, 78 Richard, 1004 Brampton, John, 792 Richard, 792 Si bill, 792 Bramredge, John, 571 Brand Henry, 318 Prudence, 899 Brandiston, Thomas, 778 Brangwill, Elnor, 440 Branker, Nicholas, 489 Thomas, 489 Branston, Walter, 158 Branthwaite, mr., 599 Elizabeth, 284 Henry, 284 Brasbone, John, 604 Brashed, John, 884 Brasier, William, 108 Brather, Elizabeth, 820 Robert, 820 Brathwaite, Robert, 193 Bratten, John, 584 Brattle, John, 1257 Brauche, Ursula, 1321 Brauuche, Thomas, 900 Brawlerd, mr., 312 iraye|Micyle,692 Nicholas, 1245 Braylesford, Mathew, 582 Breache, John, 1216 Breare, William, 826 Brearley, Henry, 552 Bredmer, Roger, 436 Brees, George, 501 Bremble, James, 34 Brembridge, John, 1092 William, 1092 Brend, Agnes or Anne, 779 Brenforth, Rowland, 755 Brent, Joan, 479 William, 479 Brereton, , 827 Roger, 300 sir Thomas, 806 sir William, 827 Bregsy, Richard, 1078 BretshaTve als. Greene Elizabeth, 820 Jane, 820 Johane, 820 Kichard, 820 Brett, sir Alexander, 998 lady Anne, 998 George, 911 Henry, 998 Jonathan, 844 John, 735 Richard, 16 Robert, 998 sir Robert, 911, 998 William, 16, 824 Brettou, Thomas, 17 Breuen see Bruen Brewer ) --, Bruer \ • ^^^ good wife, 571 Andreas, 785 Andrew, 540, 785 Anne, 1352 Anthony, 540, 785 Benjamin, 785 Elizabeth, 59, 1352 Gabriell, 53 Jane, 822 John, 510, 1352 Katherine, 1088 Margaret, 1352 Kichard, 1352 Robert, 318, 1088 Sylvester, 53 Toby, 90 Brewster, John, 663 Mary, 1346 Thomas, 1346 William, 159 Brewton see also Broughton and Bruerton John, 574 Brian see Bryan Briant see Bryant Bricke|A^«t«"-222 William, 204 Brickenden, , 435 Brickerton, Frd., 964 Brickhouse see also Brock- house arid Brighouse, William, 733 Briddon, goodwife, 1104 Bridge I see also Brigges Bridges ) lady, 749 mr., 997, 1111,1251 Abraham, 1338 Anne, 1216 Anthony, 1216 Barbara, 1216 Elizabeth, 851, 1216, 1351 George, 1216, 1351 Humfrey, 1216 James, 1039 Jane, 1216 INDEX OF PERSONS. 479 Johan, 1216 John, 851, 894, 949, 1216 Jones, 794 Margaret, 794, 1216 Margery, 1216 Mary, 851 Richard, 851, 1216 Robert, 153, 1055, 1216, 1245 Thomas, 851 sir Thomas, 749 William, 851 Bridgewater, earl of, see John Egerton Brldgman, Agnes, 546 Anthony, 971 Henry, 546 James, 415 Joane, 546 John, 54G, 898 Richard, 546 "William, 546 Brigden, Sara. 759 Briggessee also Bridge ,1133 Edward, 926 John. 535 Matthew, 889 Richard, 1133 Brighman see Brightman Brighouse see also Brickhouse and Brockhouse William, 423 Bright I Alice 1184 Daniel, 917 Edward, 917 John, 151, 917, 1126, 1287 Margaret, 433 Richard, 909 Thomas, 950 Thomazine, 917 William, 817, 917 rrli};rnM»«^-*'«2« Thomas, 978 Brightred ) Brlghtrid | Susan, 1046 William, 28 Brignall, William, 1017 Brine, Henry, 861 Margaret, 745 Bringborue, mr., 1063 Brinley, , 812 Anne, 812 Ellen, 812 Hugh, 812 William, 812 Brinsen, Edward, 615 Thomas, 615 Brlsan, Anne, 1044 Bri|c-} Elizabeth, 555 John, 722 Raphe, 480 Brise, William, 698 Bristowe, Eleanor, 916 Robert, 339, 974 Roger, 1093 Britten, Thomas, 7 i^^t^e}Anne.n33 Edward, 1133 John, 27, 589 Judith, 1133 William, 876, 1037 Broadgate, mr., 1144 Richard, 733 Broadhurst, Elizabeth, 95 Jane, 95 Thomas, 95 Broadrippe, Christopher, 1091 Broadstreet see also Bradstreet mr., 640 Brockbanke 1 t,t„ **!,„„.„ oik Brokebancke}M^"li®^«>815 Richard, 169 Brooke, Ciceley, 1130 Margaret, 622 William, 561. 622 Brocken, Richard, 521 Brockenborowe, Alice, 1093 Joane, 1093 John, 1093 Mary, 1093 Prudence, 1093 Robert, 1093 Symon, 1093 Thomas, 1093 Walter, 1093 m'oTk^ul .385,606 Edward, 931 Brockhouse see also Brick- house and Brighouse Anne, 1010 Dorothy, 1010 Elizabeth, 1010 Jane, 1010 John, 1010 Katherine, 1010 Mary, 1010 Rachel, 1010 Robert, 1010 Brockman, Margaret, 141 Brodhead ) t„i noo Brodehcad r«^°' ^^83 William, 1183 Brodrib, Robert, 698 Stephen, 698 Thomas, 698 Brokebancke see Brockbanke Brome, George, 265, 675 Hugh, 407 Margaret, 407 Bromtield ) Bromfeild [ Amy, 763 Bromefeild ) Arthur, 964 Edward. 1255 Elizabeth, 205, 763 Mary, 763 Richard, 1053 Thomas, 763 Bromham, Ann, 1105 Edith, 1105 Thomas, 1105 Bromley, Hugh, 806 Bromlowe, Edward, 612 Bromwell, James, 1190 Brond, Thomas, 754 Bronger, Dorothie, 763 Brook ^ Brooke 1 Brookes [ Brooks J goodman, 1183 Agnes. 1346 Alice, 1346 Amy, 1346 Arthur, 298, 1267 David, 222, 597 Edward, 130, 859, 1057 Elizabeth, 859, 985, 1267, 1346 George, 445, 866, 1267 Grace, 1183 Henry, 42 James, 1267, 1346 1, 552, 836 Jane, 298, 1346 Joan, 358 John. 1130, 1367 Joseph, 794 Katherine, 859 Lydia, 1340 Margaret, 859, 1357 Margery, 1252, 1346 Marmaduke, 3.58 Mary, 985. 1057, 1.346 Mathew, 240 Michael, 914 Rachell. 859 Reynold. 985 Richard, 859, 906, 125%, 1340 sir Richard, 252 Robert, 259, 358, 906, 1183, 1252, 1346 Roger, 358, 1346 Samuel, 906 Thomas, 1, 1267 Thomasyn, 1346 Tristram. 1252 Walter, 1340 William, 671, 914, 985, 1172, 1176, 1346, 13,-57 Brooke, Gourd als. James, 339 Brookehoiise, John, 090 Brooker, Edward, 1076 George, 810 Mary. 1076 Brookes ) Brook Brooks J«eeiJrooK Broome, Ann, 1057 Elizabeth, 253 Phillippe, 706 Ralph. 253 Richard, 253 Broomebye, Thomas, 1291 Broowne see Brown Brougar, , 386 Brongh ) * „„„ 214 Broughe J ^^^^> ^^* Frances, 46 Hellen, 46 Henry, 46 Mary, 40 Peregrine. 46 Thomas, 214 William, 46 Bronghton see also Brewton Brian, 1066 Catherine, 1066 Edward, 1066 George, 241, 1066 John, 1066 Richard, 1066 Brounridge, Henry, 12 Brown ) Browne \ , 88, 478 Broowne i arms, 411 goodwife, 302 lady, 911 mr., 1, 602, 1147, 1336 mrs., 1184 Asrnes, 706, 1026 Alexander, 2, 94 Alice, 324, 496, 501 Amos, 1042 Anne, 208, 411, 501, 612, 640 ?, 1171 Anthony. 411, 501 Bennet, 324 Bridget, 1314 Clement, 1026 Denis, 233 480 INDEX OF PERSONS. Dorothy, 998 EdTrard, 411, G40, 1287, 1336 Eleanor, 2, CG8 Elizabeth, 2. 501, GW, 706 Emma, 391 Esther, 640 Francis, 1117, 1184 George, 391, 412, 601, 1247 Henry, 411, 496, 500, 1040, 1099 Humf rey, 383, 397, 482 Isabell, 668, 1020 James, 50 Jane, 233 Joane, 233 Joel, 391 John, 137, 233, 314, 391, 411, 496, 540, 554, 559, 571, 612, 640, 1003, 1092, 1300, 1324 sir John, 911 Katherine, 322, 640 Lawrence, 315 Margaret, 411, 475, 501, 1288 Marian, 314 Martha, 314, 1300, 1324 Mary, 13, 233, 411, 640? Mathias, 640 Nathaniel, 640 Nicliolas, 411 Penelope, 2 Peter, 998 Petronell, 1092 Phillip, 150 Richard, 198, 272, 391, 496, 668, 1229 Robert, 2, 318, 515, 636, 993 Roger, 1 Rowland, 830 Sebilla, 993 Susan, 10, 302, 640?, 1197 Thomas, 3, C9, 208, 314, 316, 379, 475, 490, 636, 676, 1021, 1155, 1197, 1283, 1324 W^alter 69 William, 233, 496, 501, 708, 1388 Browne als. Olrenshawe, Edward, 411 Brownell, Jam., 521 Robert, 552 Samuel, 88 Brownerigge, Gyles, 571 Brownesford see Brownsford Brownesmythe, John, 776 Brownfeild, John, 83 i=Sie}E"-^«t^.91« Joan, 916 John, 916 Thomas, 1337 Timothy, 1221 Brownlowe, Richard, 1187 ir;^Sd|c^-t<>p'^-,848 Browse, Nicholas, 23 Broxholrae, Robert, 554 Bruen ) „„„ Breuen \ ' ^'^ William, 623 Bruer see Brewer Bruerton see also Brewton Theophihis, 607 irrsen|oi--.1009 Brunsden, William, 253 Brunsell see Brumsell Brusye, Emett, 1113 Jonathan, 1113 John, 1113 Phillipp, 1113 Anne, 316 Frances, 1341 John, 316, 1341 Margery, 316 Mary. 316 Richard, 316, 1046 William, 31G Snt I Elizabeth, 560 John, 661, 866, 1314 Mary, 776 Richard, 1314 Robert, 1314 lryar8}E»-^^«th,973 Henry, 973 Lancelot, 859 Sara, 859 Brymble, Edith, 230 Brymsmeade, Samuel, 1088 Bucher, Torlys als. Richard, 209 lul'lcel Abigail. 1285 Agnes, 1202, 1286 Clare, 1285 Clement, 1285 Edmund, 566 Elizabeth, 1285 Frances, 1285 Francis, 1285 James, 1202 John, 1285 Katherine, 1285 Margaret, 1285 Margery, 1285 Mary, 1285 Maximilian, 1285 Nicholas, 698 Kobert, 1385 Sarah, 1202 Thomas, 1202, 1285 William, 1303 Buckenham see Buckingham Buckeringe, lady, 1141 Buckford, John, 847 » Buckingham ) Buckenham > Alice, 274 Buckinham ) Henry, 969 Jeane, 692 Joane, 692 Philip, 1334 Kichard, 274 Buckland, Anna, 64 Dorothy, 64 £dward, 64 Mary, 64 Robert, 64 Buckler, Anne, 853 James, 571 Buckley ( ^ ... Buckly fJ^ary. "1 Nathaniel, 1287 Troth, 411 Bucknell ) Bucknall { see also Bicknell Bucknill ) Elizabeth, 836 Margery, 1310 Thomas, 836 William, 186 Buckoke, Thomas, 362 Buckton, Arthur, 1005 Ellen, 1005 Thomas, 1005 William, 1005 Budd, Henry, 813 William, 245 Budden, Avice, 1239 David, 1239 Edward, 1239 Elizabeth, 1239 John, 1239 Mathew, 1239 Parnell, 1239 Richard, 1239 Thomas, 1339 Buddivant, Robert, 1291 Budes, John, 220 Budge, Edward, 499 Elizabeth, 499 Emanuel, 499 Jane, 499 Joane, 499 John, 499 Mary, 466, 499 Richard, 499 Suflfrance, 499 Thomas, 499 William, 499 Budgen, Paul, 570 Buffkyn, Sibill, 393 Bugby, Katherine, 379 Bugg ) Bugge [ lady, 1141 Bugges ) Alice, 1298 Christian, 867 Edward, 867 Elinor, 867 Joane, 867 Katherine, 1298 Mary, 867 Nicholas, 867 Roger, 867 Thomas, 867 William, 867 Building, mr., 208 Bulkeley, Ellen, 1191 Richard, 1191 Tristram, 1191 iSuejCl^"^*^*"'^ Joane, 697 Margaret, 957 Mathew, 801 Nicholas, 957 Richard, 957 Robert, 17, 957 Walter, 1300 Bullard, Leonard, 281 Bulle see Bull Buller, lady, 138 sir Richard, 138 Bullingham, mr., 1254 Bullock ) Bullocke>mr.,364 Bullocks ) Anthony, 770 sir Edward, 1094 Hugh, 103 John, 1104 Mary, 1104 Richard, 477 Roger, 103 Simon, 597 Thomas, 145, 266 William, 103, 189 Bullokar, John, 1231 Bulstrode, William, 743 Biilt, Edith, 287 Francis, 287 Thomas, 287 William, 387 INDEX OF PERSONS. 481 Jolin, 1310 Bumpas Bompas Bun, John, 692 Sybell, 692 Bunbury ) Bunburie ) Henry, 252 sir Henry, 252 Bunoe, , 641 mr., 748 James, 37 Mary, 37 Matthew, 37 Buncombe, William, 709 Bungie, Ahce, 1093 Bunuingtoii, George, 1135 Bunnion ) Benyon > Charles, 533 Benion ) George, 533 Mary, 1147 Richard, 684 Bunting I Edward, 634 Buntinge J ' Elizabeth, 161 Jeffrey, 161 Thomas, 161 William, 161 Burbage, Dorothy, 144 Matthew, 144 Walter, 1254 Burbye, Anne, 886 Burch see Birch Burcliall, Alice, 513 Bridgett, 513 Rebecca, 513 Richard, 253, 405, 989 Walter, 989 Burcombe, William, 504 Burd see Bird Burdekin, Margaret, 583 Burdett, John, 1057 Laurence, 313 Margery, 313 Burdham, William, 861 Burell see Burrell Burford, Edith, 223 Thomas, 504 Burgavenny see Abergavenny Burge, Edmund, 271 George, 991 Johane, 766 Melanye, 766 Richard, 766 William, 572 Burgess ^ Surges Burgeis Vmr., 571 Burgeys Burgis J Anne, 583 Edmund, 271 Ensweth, 748 George, 811 James, 503 Jane, 811 Johane, 612 John, 220. 245, 503, 1193 Margaret, 220 Margery, 748 Mary, 220 Prudence, 748 Richard, 1266 Robert, 528 Samuel, 220 Susanna, 220 Thomas, 2, 748 William, 220, 341,811 Burgin, Elnor, 745 Burgis see Burgess Burgos, Thomaa, 1027 Burgoyne, mr., 1216 Burhopp, Christopher, 1361 Elizabeth, 1261 George, 1261 John, 1261 Thomas, 1201 Walter, 1261 Burkell, Burkitt als. William, 907 Burkett, Robert, 907 Burkitt als. Burkell William, 907 Burkyn, Henry, 318 Margaret, 318 Robert, 318 Burlace, John, 120 Philip, 120 sir William, 277 Burleton, Humfrey, 239 Burman. William, 312, 535 Burman, Nicholds als, Anne, 539 Burnam see Burnham Burne, William, 182 Burnham)j j^ ggg Burnam ) ' Burnell, , 1133 Anne, 1133 Elizabeth, 485 John, 1133 Mary, 17 Thomas, 485 Burnett, , 785 Cicely, 540, 785 Mary, 785 Thomas, 540, 626 William, 540, 785 Kel^^^^'y'^"^^'^-'*^ Humfrey, 1078 John, 1209 Nicholas. 437 Richard, 1209 Samuel, 356 Thomas, 318 i^r'ra^dfiG-^g^."^^ John, 1152 Kaphe, 1168 Suzanna, 1152 Burre see Burr Burredge ) Burridge [ , 229 Bouraige ) John, 930 William, 930 IS"}--' "35 Arthur, 1224 Mary, 1103 Richard, 602 Burren, Avis, 832 Richard, 832 Thomas, 832 Burridge see Burredge Burring, Elizabeth, 1045 Burrish Burrishe • Anne, 831 Edward, 831 George, 831 Margaret. 20, 831 Mary, 20 ? Susan, 831 Thomas, 831 Burrope, Richard, 733 , 544, 1019 Anne, 1019 Elizabeth, 1171 Burroughs Borough I Boroughes I seeaZso Barrowes Borowe ( , 1210 Burr owe I Edward, 590 Burrowes ■' Elizabeth, 1000 Jeffrey, 30, 167, 690, 1346 Thomas, 167, 1000 Walter, 911 Bursey, Christopher, 136 Mary. 136 Burshall, Jane, 1249 Walter, 1249 Burstowe, Margaret, 1269 Walter, 1209 Burt >, Bert Berte Birt Birte Burte Byrt . Mabel, 1019 Richard, 385 Burton, mr., 1032, 1184 goodwife, 1196 Alice, 716, 742 Andrew, 742, 1125 Cicilie, 164 Edmund, 164 Edward, 716 Elizabeth, 844 Francis, 609, 742 George, 742 Henry, 959, 1132 sir Henry, 959 Humfry, 1132 Isabell, 716 John, 423,561,1201 Mabell. 1125 Marmaduke, 547 Martha, 116 Mary, 1287 Richard, 181 Roger, 667 Symon, 412 Thomas, 116, 279, 391, 844, 847, 890, 1132 Timothy, 1120 William, 742, 1171, 1298 Bur7e|^'^"«'*^5,620 George, 630 Johane, 620 Richard, 620 Robert, 94 Susan, 620 Thomas, 717 Busbrige, John, Buschier see Busscier Ke!Ag-«.338 Andrew, 338 Bennet, 710 John, 338 Mary, 800 Thomas, 269 William, 46 Bushell, Rachel, 1289 William, 1289 Busher, mr., 599 Abraham, 209 Bushey, , 875 Bushnell, ,985 Elizabeth, 985 Joan, 985 John, 985 William, 985 Bushrod, Richard, 106 482 INDEX OF PERSONS. Buskyn, Leven, 386 BuBsard, William, 2 Anne, 397 Constantine, 397 Doininick, 397 Qenivieve, 397 Jane, 397 Jeremy, 397 John, 397 Margaret, 397 Katlianiel, 397 Bussell 1 . ,, 504 Buzell ] "*■""*• ^"* Jana, 992 Busaett, William, 92 Bussey j Busse J John, 811 BuBsie ) Mary, 641 Nicholas, 176 Busshoppe, Francis, 345 Bussie see Bussey Buston, George, 296 BuzrenJEli-l'^*^.^^^ William, 72 Butcher, , 978 Anne, 1030 Edmund, 770 Hugh, 500 James, 329 Jane, 770 Johane, 91 John, 55, 1030 Joseph, 1190 Margaret, 536 Mary, 55, 536, 770, 1030 Robert, 241, 1030 Samuel, 536 Stephen, 1030 Thomas, 770 William, 53G, 1030 Butcher, Lestocke als, Charles, 994 Buttltr|g°°dwife,148 Abraham, 1822 Alice, 538 Anne, 572, 1222, 1257 Edward, 1282 Elizabeth, 1222 George, 1099 Jane, 405 Joan, 691, 734 John, 406, 602, 1076 Joseph, 1222 Judith, 1222 Margaret, 1095 Mary, 1222 Peter, 602 Bichard, 247, 1222 Robert, 842, 1104, 1126 Sara, 1222 Susan, 591 William, 482, 591 Butt, Bichard, 977 Butter, Robert, 1305 William, 1305 Butterfleld, Joane, 219 John, 219 Thomas, 219 iS*tSe|--."^2 Marty n, 343 Robert, 1310 Buttes, Anne, 603 Dorothie, 603 WilUam, 603 Buttler see Butler Button, Harry, 90 Buttris, William, 1342 Buxton, William, 148 Buzell see Bussell Buzwell see Buswell Byden see Biden Bye, Margaret, 442 Byett, William, 1197 Byfeild, mr., 1099 Bygge see Bigge Bygrave, John, 154 Byles ) Byle /Henry, 323 Joseph, 489 Bynckes, Roger, 735 Byngham, John, 36 Bynn, George, 1222 Bynney, , 962 i^rche(-^B>-^ Byrt see Burt Byshe, Jacob, 83 John, 83 Richard, 83 William, 83 Byshoppe see Bishop Bywater. goodwife, 1208 Richard, 895 ctbeuh^^^^^Cadle Bartholomew, 544 Catherine, 1014 John, 502, 1014 Mary, 1353 Richard, 502 Cadd, John, 511 Cade see Cady Cademan see Cadman Cadiold, Thomas, 455 Cadle see also Cable Thomas, 502 Cadman ) * „„„ yj Cademan ] '*^°°®' " Herbert, 1220 John, 17 Thomas, 17 Cadwallader ) Cadwallider J Jevan, 222 Cadwaleder ) Johane, 686 John, 222, 686 Morris, 222 Cadwell, William, 434 Cady ) Cadye > see also Cardey Cade ) Alice, 633 Anthony, 709 Arthur, 638 Barnaby, 1265 Christopher, 706 Elizabeth, 638 Emme, 1266 Hellen, 638 Henry. 1265 John, 1265 Mary, 1265 Nicholas, 1265 Richard, 709, 1265 Robert, 1265 William, 709, 1265 Caesar) .. „„- Ceaserf-*-^!*'^**^ sir Julius, 607, 768 Margaret, 985 Thomas, 986 Caesteker, Francis de, 1338 Nicholas de, 1338 Caestele see Casteele Cage, Sara, 688 William, 776 grnT} .1002 John, 181 Matt., 892 William, 32 Cakebread, John, 318 Robert, 318 Calcott, John, 1282 William, 832 Caldoe, John, 676 Caldwell see also Coldwell , 1210 Cale, Jane, 204 Calfe, Benjamin, 925 Joos, 925 Peter, 925 Calfhey, John, 572 Calford, Edward, 1 CallyTl^g'^^^'*^! Alice, 491 John, 491 Mary, 491 Richard, 334, 491 Roger, 253 Thomas, 491 Tymothy, 491 ctmcel*<'«"'*"Challloe Jeffery, 433 Robert, 640, 1155 Callowes, Anthony, 900 Samuel, 900 Callowhlll, Anne, 221 Thomas, 221 Callye see Galley 8tltroTH"-^« Mary. 1257 Phil., 1257 Calton, Anthony, 1135 George, 1073 Isabell, 1073 Caltropp see Calthrope Calvert, Edward, 1136 Steven, 385 Calvin, John, 693 Cam, William, 142 Cambell, James, 113 Camber, John, 1248 8o^S^ie}^-«.^ Anthony, 953 Elizabeth, 504 William, 604 Came, Elinor, 476 Grace, 913 John, 703 Mary, 913 Matthew, 913 Camforth, , 1348 Cammocke ) Camock ] Isbell, 1125 Robert, 909 Camp i Dorcas, 753 Campe ) ' Dorothy, 763 Grace, 753, 845 John, 753 Joyce, 753, 845 Katherine, 845 Martha, 753, 845 William, 1089 INDEX OF PERSONS. 488 -,236 Campion, , 284 Elizabeth, 690 Henry, 690 Kicliard, 1285 Tliomas, 390 William. 690 Camvile, Thomas, 591 Cane see Caine Caninge ) Cannyng J ' Nathaniel, 598 CaSnel Margaret, 755, 1113 Mathew. 1113 Richard, 1221 Robert, 1113 Stephen, 16 Thomas, 1113 William, 765, 1113, 1221 Cannocke, Thomas, 771 Cannon ) „_ noa Canon |mr.,986 Alice, 1235 Anne, 1323 Elizabeth, 1235 James, 1235 Jane, 1235 Peter, 174 Phillis, 1235 Thomas, 1235 Cannyng see Caninge Canon see Gannon Canter, Agnes, 575 Eleanor, 575 Elizabeth, 575, 1216 Henry, 676 Cantrell, Anne, 762 Edward, 762 Humfrey, 762 Mary, 762 Nicholas, 762 Kichard, 763 Thomas, 762 William, 702 Cantwell, Annabel!, 1364 Catherine, 1364 Edward, 1364 Jacomine, 1364 Katherine, 1364 Robert, 1364 Sarah, 1364 William, 1364 Capf" I Christopher, 863 Edward, 846 sir Gamaliel!, 435 Humfrey, 846 Capell, Barber als. Alice, 1241 Capercawe ) D^vid, 169 ^fPrff^e J Helen, 169 Carpreawe ) ' Hester, 169 Jane, 169 Judith, 169 Margaret, 169 Mary, 169 Eachell, 109 Sara, 169 Caple see Capell Caplin, Mary, 245 Caplyn als. Tucker, Jolrn, 97 Capon, Henry, 1072 Hugrh, 1078 Edith, 1072 Cappe, Richard, 321 Capper, Elizabeth, 645 William, 646 Cappyt, Eleanor, 566 John, 566 Thomas, 566 William, 566 Capreawe see Capercawe Carbet, lady, 40 Carbin, Raphe, 853 Carboneel, Anne, 1338 John, 1338 John, 597, 927 Carter 1 ®^^ "'*" ChareUes Christopher, 664 Richard, 1340 Carell see Carre!! garewe}G^°'««'1224 John, 1224, 1234 sir Mathew, 615 sir Nicholas, 630 Richard, 1234 Wymond, 1224 Caril! see Carrell Carkaredge, , 678 Carles see Careles Carleton see Carlton Carlill, Elizabeth, 565 Ellen, 565 George, 566, 647 John, 565 Mary, 565 Thomas, 565, 647 William, 565 8So°nW-'g«.688 Humfrey, 307 Richard, 450 Thomas, 876 Carmbrooke, Peter, 899 Thomas, 899 Clrnlby'e)j°^'^'l'^7'1227 Cams, William, 388 Carpenter, Andrew, 416 Elizabeth, 11, 427 Henry, 129 John, 276, 990, 1167 Mary, 427 Samuel, 994 Susan, 129 Thomas, 437 William, 427, 536, 1324 Carr ) 100 Carre < ' ^^^ Carrsj'^'-«-'29V Edward, 138, 200 sir Edward, 473 Elizabeth, 200, 428 Henry, 200 Margaret, 200 Mary, 138, 200 Philadelphia, 1240 Richard, 428 Robert, 200 Tliomas, 797 William, 200, 388, 428 Carpreawe see Capercawe Carrawaye, Jolm, 598 Carre see Carr Carrell ) Carell J lady, 1304 Carill ) sir Edward, 410 lady Elizabeth, 410 John, 892 sir John, 1231 Peter, 892 Carricke, Mary, 747 Carrier, Richard, 441 Carrington, Anthony, 1133 Carron, John, 225 Carrow, Thomas, 1119 Carrs see Carr Carselake, John, 1307 Carte, William, 1182 Cartedge see Cartridge Carter, ,944 Alice, 119, 775, 787 Ambrose, 787 Anne, 1107 Betriche, 1107 Dorothy, 72 Edward, 787, 1107 Elinor, 1143 Francis, 1205 George, 729 Henry, 72, 11^7, 1125 Joane, 413, 1107 Johane, 601 John, 40, 373, 587, 618, 764, 772, 776, 787, 895, 1107, 1251 Juliana, 60 Katherine, 385, 1287 Mary, 415 Peter, 1107 Richard, 1125 Robert, 60, 72, 787 Roger, 630, 1107 Sibell, 787 Thomas, 354, 415, 597, 787, 1107 WilUam, 637, 700, 787 Carter, Hooke als. Anne, 1143 Avis, 1143 Edmund, 1143 Joane, 1143 John, 1143 Katherine, 1143 Margaret, 1143 Nicholas, 1143 Robert, 1143 Thomas. 1143 . 8trt^^aeh-Cartwright 8rr^eig|^-«.1331 John, 1331 William, 1331 Cartwright ^ Cartwrighte ! Abraham, Cartewrighte [113, 921, 1035, Carterighte j 1285 Elianor, 354 Elizabeth, 354 Francis, 1251 Humfrey, 555 John, 354, 555 Margaret, 293 Thomas, 354 William, 354 Carusewe, William, 1224 Carvell, Frances, 1079 James, 1079 Margaret, 1079 Carwardine ) Carwardin ) John, 818 Walter, 1351 Cary ~) Carey I ,602 Carye Carie J mr., 11 Alice, 965 Amoretta, 457 Anne, 965 484 INDEX OF PERSONS. Dudley, 457 Elizabeth, 965 George, 958 Jane, 965 John, 126, 965 Margery, 965 Mary, 859, 965 sir Mathew, 615 Nicholas, 965 Rich, 958, 965, 1366 Shershawe, 966 Thomas, 1366 Walter, 126 William, 965, 1366 Case see also Caaie Henry, 46 Richard, 387 Rowland, 615 Thomas, 252 Casie ) Cassee > see also Case Casse ) , 1184 Edward, 766 William, 36 Cair} Edmund, 1037 Hester, 1037 Honor, 433 John, 433 Margaret, 1037 Richard, 1037, 1042 Robert, 1037 Roger, 1037 Sarah, 1037 Sem, 1037 William, 1037 Calstele}j«l^'^^^'^d«'i-1338 Margaret van den, 1338 Moses van den, 1338 Cas'tle"!^Wgail,1050 Anne, 1050 Elizabeth, 1050 George, 986 Joane, 479, 520 Johane, 1050 John, 1050 Margaret, 1050 Richard, 1050 Robert, 15 Castellhaven, , 195 Castle see Castell Castleman, John, 489 Caston, Philipp, 026 gini)^o^tune,676 Richard, 498, 676 William, 676 Cater, Cliristoplier, 717 John, 1079 Richard, 1079 William, 546 Catley, Robert, 554 Thomas, 554 Caton, Thomas, 2 Cattell, Millisent, 639 Richard, 639 Catterelds, Susanne, 326 Catterson als. Macklyn , 149 Catterton, mrs., 1057 Charles, 1057 Cattline, mr., 776 Catyer, Cicilie, 164 sir John, 164 Mary, 164 Robin, 164 Thomas, 164 William, 164 Cauforth, Richard, 450 Caunte, Susan, 1190 Caunter, Christopher, 1127 John, 1127 Roger, 1127 Causborne see Cosborne Cave, Andrew, 515 Elizabeth, 711 Euseby, 711 Henry, 711 John, 181 Margaret, 1170 Mark, 515 Morgan, 515 Robert, 562, 914 William, 1080 Caverlye, John, 1063 Cawdrey, Zach., 363 Cawlling, , 1276 Katherine, 1276 Cawte, William, 1153 Ceaser see Caesar Cecill ) Cicell { , 1075 Cycell ) lady Cecilia, 1170 David, 1366 sir Edward, 36 Elizabeth, 1075 Mary, 1075 sir Richard, 1170 Chadburne, Robert, 166 Chaddertoii, arms, 1184 Edmund, 1184 Katherine, 1184 William, bishop of Lincoln, 1184 Chaddy, Mary, 1130 Chadweke, Thomas, 930 Chadwell, Edward, 1068 Chaffer, John, 1326 aafyn}Anne.904 Dorothy, 323 Edward, 904 Francis, 904 Susan, 904 Thomas, 323, 904 William, 904, 1141 Chalcrofte, Agnes, 70 8h^}ke} Anne, 272 Edith, 272 Elizabeth, 272 James, 272, 503 Mabel, 272 Martha, 272 Mary, 321 Stephen, 272 Chalkhill, John, 1324 Margaret, 1324 Martha, 1334 Mary, 1324 Susanne, 1324 Challenor see Challoner 8hams'}-««'-Calli. Bartholomew, 1055 Dyna, 1055 Edward, 1055 Elizabeth, 302 John, 302, 930, 1055 W^illiam, 1055 Challoner^ Challenor I , 697, 1069, Chaloner [1146 Chalner J Bridget, 1146 Francis, 242, 1069, 1146 Jane, 1069 Joane, 1146 Martha, 1146 Raphe, 827 Richard, 1146 Robert, 1146 Thomas, 1069, 1146 William, 1146 Chalsworthe, Raphe, 608 Chamber see Chambers Chamberlaine S -,7 Chamberlayne , Chaumberlayne ] Chamberleyne J Hester, 636 Robert, 303 sir Thomas. 1082 William, 377 Chamberleyn, Backhouse als. George, 812 Chambers ■] Chaumbers I .,. „ ,„„„ Chamber K^^ce, 1208 Chambre J Andrew, 1034 Arthur, 300 Edward, 281, 1285 George, 725 Katherine, 283 Kinborowe, 977 Richard, 100 Robert, 425 Thomas, 1190 Chamley, William, 1287 Champan see Champion Champaut, Prances, 648 Richard, 1044 Thomas, 19, 486 Cliampneys, Elizabeth, 483 John, 483 William, 483 Chancellor, mr., 1145 Chandler^ Chaundler I ri„4.i,i^„„*. on Chaundlor ,^Cuthbert. 89 Chander J Johan, 1216 John, 550, 1216 Joice, 89 Richard, 652, 751 Channing, Christian, 54 Robert, 54 Snrl Barbara, 1306 John, 483, 1306 Margery, 483 Richard, 54, 483 Thomas, 1306 Chante .see Chaunt Chanter, mr., 1145 Chapell see Chappell Chapington, Elinor, 426 Florence, 426 Frances, 426 Raphe, 423 Richard, 426 Chaplin ) Chaplyn \ Elizabeth, 374 Cliapleyn ) Hester, 1061 Jasper, 374 John, 784 Peter, 1190 Chapman, Abraham, 909 Adam, 708 107. 900 INDEX OF PERSONS. 485 Agnes, 541 Aune, 744, 842 Catherine, 257 David, 451 Debora, 560 Edward, 809 Elizabeth, 809, 897, 1129 Frances, 560 Giles, 896 Godfrey, G08 Henry, 597 Jane, 909, 960 John, 167, 259, 641, 560, 744, 809, 1119 Jonathan, 407 Joseph, 407 Katherine, 9G0 Martha, 407 Martin, 1134 Mary, 717, 744 Matliewe, 744 Parnell, 393 Paul, 259 sir Peter, 909 Rhoda, 960 Ricliard, 87, 389, 403 Robert , 897 Samuel, 407 Sara, 560 Thomas, 257, 960 Toby, 403 ■William, 171, 172, 369, 403, 541, 560, 744, 809, 1129 Chappe, Anthony, 191 Chappell ) Chapell { AUce, 129 Chappie ) Andrew, 500 Edward, 457 Elizabeth, 457, 500 George, 457 Grace, 457 Henry, 170 Joan, 374 John, 76, 457, 500 Mary, 457 Nicholas, 457 Rice. 480 Stephen, 129 Susan, 457 Thomas, 457, 1255 William, 374, 457, 500 Chapperlinge, Richard, 253 Chappie see Chappell Charde, John, 1321 Margery, 1321 Richard, 42 Charelles see also Careles , 1035 Charles IX. King of France, 51 Charles, goodwife, 927 William, 792 Charley, Alexander, 173 Anne, 173 Mary, 173 Charlton, Thomas, 1107 Charlwood, , 386 Raphe, 386 Charman, John, 37 Charneburie, Joan, 227 8Kl^kelEd-- Ann, 951 Cheesman ) Elizabeth, 951 John, 253. 951 Stephen, 951 Susan, 951 William, 951 Chetmill, John, 378 Chettey, Abraham, 1319 8Ki."n^d|T'^--.^2 Cheveley, Zacharye, 1115 Chevers, Jeremy, 550 Chewe, Thomas, 959 Chibnoll, Elizabeth, 1003 Chiborne, Anne, 264 Catherine, 264 sir Charles, 264 Elizabeth, 2C4 Frances, 264 Margaret, 264 Mary, 264 Richard, 264 Winifred, 264 Chiche, Baron of, see sir Thomas Savage Chichester, bishop of, see Lancelot Andrews Gregory, 1090 Judith, lO'JO Mary, 1090 Robert, 1090 Trystram, 1090 Chichley, lady, 619 Chicklowe, John, 1025 William, 1189 C^iJf, )mr.,1251 CWIdesj^PP«"°«'1251 Christopher, 1183 Clementes, 1183 Edmund, 1113 Jeffery, 1183 Joane, 1183 Johane, 855 John, 1183, 1348 Richard, 1183 Samuel, 855 Thomas, 383 Walter, 1251 William, 344, 1251 ChiidrlSsl Elizabeth, 1269 John, 1269 Margaret, 1269 Mary, 633 Robert, 633 Susan, 1269 Chillcott see Chilcott Chillingworth, Alice, 1235 Joan, 1235 ShilrmTnlj— '1«8 John, 107, 188 Chilton, Randall, 597 Richard, 597 Chimseie, , 992 Chippett, Arthur, 866 Chirme, Susan, 1125 Chittenden, William, 1004 Chitwood, sir Richard, 1172 Choake, Frissett, 22 Cholmeley } Chomley { Dionise, 1125 Cholmey ) Elizabeth, 1125 Henry, 1125 sir Henry, 1168 John, 1125 Mary, 1125 Mountague, 1125 Nicholas, 259, 729, 1125 Richard, 1125 Robert, 1125 William. 226, 264, 1126, 1168 486 INDEX OF PERSONS. Thomas, 1221 Choinley see Cholmeley Chorles, , 130 Chorton, Dionise, 1125 Chountes, Kichard, 853 Chowne, Barbara, 251 Bray, 251 George, 251 sir George, 251 lady Mary, JJSl Rachel, 251 Thomas, 251 Chowneinge, George, 950 John, 950 Martha, 950 Christeuwheate, Mary, 1298 William, 1298 Christian ) Christians > Catherine, 295 Christien ) Frederick, 282, 395 George, 295 Henry, 1031 Mary, 295 Meynard, 295 Kobert, 1041 Christmas, , 1095 Julian, 1095 Christopher, James, 135 Thomas, 615 Chritch, Edward, 562 Chubb, John, 1049 Chulbe, William, 738 Church, Walter, 975 William, 975, 10G6 Churche, jerom, 56 Churchey, Johane, 56 Churchill, Agnes, 380 Henry, 380 John, 380 Paul, 380 Phillippe, 380 Thomas, 380 Churchman, Francis, 1222 Churchpride see also Kirkpride Henry, 939 Mary, 939 Richard, 939 Churlesworth, Elizabeth, 614 Chute, Charles. 1146 Chymney, Ursula, 259 William, 259 Chynery see Chenery Cicell see Cecill Clsmore, Ellen, 263 Ralph, 263 Thomas, 363 Clacke, Clement, 731 Elizabeth, 731 Isabell, 731 Lettice, 731 Moses, 731 Robert, 731 Thomas, 731 William, 731 Clacke als. Phillips Mary, 731 Clamperd, goodwlfe, 251 Clapham, Francis, 434 Clapton, Richard, 839 Clarcke see Clarke Clare, Anne, 585 Anthony, 406, 794 Clement, 218 Elizabeth, 218, 794 George, 585 Henry, 794 Humfrey, 406, 794 James, 218 Jane, 685 Joan, 218 John, 218, 406, 794 Joice, 794 Katherine, 218 Margaret, 406, 794 Mary, 218 Robert, 794 Thomas, 218, 902 Clarke '^ Clarcke I Clearke J- , 141, 259, 372, Gierke I 392 Clerk J lady, 1037 mr., 1008, 1210 mrs., 433 Abigail, 1129 Agnes, 41, 184 Alice, 368, 652, 853, 1003, 1037 Anne. 41, 419, 652, 1037 Barbara, 157 Catherine, 860 Clement, 255 Edward, 255, 958 Elizabeth, 41, 213. 272, 604, 652, 997, 1037, 1163 Ellen, 942 Frances, 3, 942 Frauncis, 284, 675, 732, 912, 942, 1094 sir Francis, 1037 George, 454, 860, 941, 1003 Gyles, 652 Helen, 41 Henry, 942 Hugh, 1228 Isabell, 182 Jane, 675 Joane, 184 Johane, 652 John, 284, 334, 397, 480, 516, 652, 675, 887, 942, 958, 975, 1035, 1037 Joyce, 1228 lady Joyce, 1232 Katherine, 182 Lawrence, 1129 Lettice, 942 Margaret, 38, 941 Margery, 3, 958 Mary, 41, 652, 690, 941, 1037 Michael, 997 Nicholas, 2. 1291 Phebe, 1163 Phillip, 166, 1112 Rebecca, 887 Reynold, 438 Kichard, 3, 41, 943, 1072, 1228 Kobert, 167, 652, 754. 796, 1348 sir Robert, 1232 Roger, 41 Rose, 41 Samuel, 652 Suzan, 397 Symon, 742 Thamer, 392 Thomas, 54, 131, 182, 650, 652, 669. 892, 941. 942, 958, 995, 1037, 1089, 1322 Thomasine, 272 WilUam, 3, 41, 184, 594, 652. 683, 690, 707. 710, 853, 905, 1008, 1037, 1163, 1165, 1228, 1288, 1310 Clarkson, Thomas, 307 Clashe, Edward, 370 Classen, Abigail, 925 Hester, 925 Nicholas, 925 Clatter, Elizabeth, 464 Clattery, John, 440 Claxton, Elizabeth, 735 Hamond, 918 cSe}™^^^«th.523 Grace, 523 John, 523 Richard, 839 Claybourne, Sarah, 1144 8Kroote^|Tl^o--."*6 Claydon, Thomas, 343 Claye see Clay Clayton, , 353 Bessy, 243 Elizabeth, 941 John, 941 Margaret, 941 Kichard, 941 Sarah, 941 Thomas, 832 Cleare see Cleere Clearke see Clarke aea«on}j«l-.^23,742 Robert, 742 Cleave, mr., 92 C?eTyof}j«h«' 365, 1074 Robert, 365, 1070 William, 365, 710 Clee, Thomas. 817 Cleef , John Adrianson Ver, 961 Cleere ) Cleare } , 1257 Clere ) lady, 478 Alice, 1258 Anna, 1257 Margaret, 913 Nicholas, 1257 Susan, 1257 Thomas, 1047, 1227 Sir}- Clement Clemenson, Robert, 1072 Clement ~j Clements Clementee }■ , 338 542, Clemence ( 1287 Clemens J Anne, 337, 338 Elizabeth, 277 Gyles, 433 Jetfery, 277 Joan, 337 John, 305, 543, 901, 1813 Margaret, 337, 542 Mary, 315 Nicholas, 277 Kichard, 337 Robert, 637 Thomas, 306 Clement, Fishe als., Alice, 913 Clench ") Olenche I Clynch f Almot, 155 Clynche J Edmund, 155 George, 155 John, 284, 376 Margaret, 155 c}entelj^'°««'734 Cleobury, Fra., 285 INDEX OF PERSONS. 487 Clere see Cleere clerke}*^ Clarke Clerridge, William, 1253 Cleverdon, Richard, 1221 William, 1221 Glewellan see Llewellin Cleybrooke see Claybrooke Cleyff see Cliffe Clieve, Joane, 1364 Richard, 13G4 ClilTe ) Clytfe } see also Clifte CleyfE ) mr., 88 Amy, 500 Elizabeth, 500 John, 1358 Richard, 500 Clitfe ills. Edge Adam, 608 Thomas, 608 c}yffordeslEli==abeth,1234 Francis, Earl of Cnmber- land, 315 Jane, 787 John, 1179, 1234 Clifte see also Clifife Henry, 425 Mathew, 425 Sarah, 425 William, 425 Clifton, Amras, 13 Edward, 983 George, 983 John, 280, 983 Richard, 983 Robert, 1003 Roger, 983 Thomas, 983 William, 983 Cliterbocke, Adryan, 681 Elizabeth, 681 Clitherowe, Christopher, 113 Cloave, William, 1137 Clobery, , 4G0 Mary, 460 Close, Ellianor, 38 Zacharie, 38 Clothier, Agnes, 56 Barbara, 771 Henry, 771 Johan, 56, 771 John, 56 Mary, 56, 771 Thomas, 454 William. 56 Clowter, David, 658 James, 658 John, 658 Symon, 658 William, 658 Clyat, Benjamin, 776 William, 776 Clyffe see Cliffe Clyffordea see Clifford 8&!-Clench Coad, William, 1136 8^lllsl-Cole Coates ■) Coattes I Cottes I Francis, 1250 Cotes J Jane, 334 John, 1019 Margery, 1260 Mary, 836 Robert, 451 Susanna, 993 Thomas, 993, 1250 Cobb ) Cobbe { see also Coby Cobbes ) Elizabeth, 1004 James, 17, 1004 John, 882 Margaret, 1004 Robert, 161 Thomas, 1004, 1281 William, 1004 Cobb^e« I *''«'*" ^^'^^^^ Elizabeth, 635 John, 635 Ralphe, 635 Thomas, 1248 Cobie see Coby Coborne see also Colborne William, 747 go^y} see aiso Cobb Henry, 1002 Roger, 267 Cochett, Nicholas, 1204 Cocke l^^^^'^^Coxe good wife, 962 Agnes, 1202 Alice, 120 Edmund, 156. 214 Gabriell, 1202 George, 156 John, 475, 546 Richard, 546 Samuel, 156 Cockfnlj«^°' 259, 1184 sir William, 1035 Cocker, Thomas, 582 Cockes see Cox Cockett, Allen, 794 Anthony, 259 Cockin see Cocken Cockman, Annys, 634 Edward, 634 Katharine, 634 Cockram, Elizabeth, 729 Robert, 729 Cockson. John, 521 Codd, William. 518 Coddrington, Giles, 269 g^ororl^^-^'^^^« Elizabeth, 1358 John, 1358 Mary, 892 Nicholas, 892 Coe, Arthur, 455 Edmund, 455 John, 455 Mary, 455 Richard, 1323 Robert, 455 William, 455 Coeles see Colles Cofeild, Elizabeth, 622 William, 622 Cognt^— 5«.««1 Thomas, 188 William, 786 Cogdell, John, 1167 Collins! Andrew, 281, 800 Julian, 785 Cogswell, Sara, 425 Coillmer, William, 1322 Cokayne, William, 12 sir William, 269 Coke see also Cooke Edward. 17, 640 John, 496 Thomas, 17 Colborne see also Coborne Katherine, 927 Leonard, 187 Raphe, 927 Colbron, Elinor, 867 Frances, 867 Henry, 371 James, 371 Colbye, Anne, 1006 Davy, 1006 Edward, 1006 Frances, 778 Jane, 1006 William, 1006 Colchester )»!:„„ 1310 Coulchester } "*''*'®' "^^ Marmaduke, 1310 Richard, 1310 Robert. 1310 Thomas, 1310 Colcloughe, Sampson, 836 ^l^TSe! Mary. 792 Roger, 44, 792 Coldham, John, 45 Coldred, Anna, 91 William, 91 Coufdwfll t^eea^so Caldwell Arthur, 243 Elizabeth, 243 George, 243 Henry, 243 James, 498 Jenars, 243 Judith, 243 Samuel, 243 Thoby, 243 William, 243 Cole ] Coles [see also Colles Sc Coales I Cowles Coale j arms, 1024 mr., 1, 464 mrs., 1301 Anne, 197, 1197, 1296 Arthur, 857 Bartholomew, 1062 Brice, 1091 Cajsar, 1197 Christian, 1221 Daniel, 312 Dorothe, 1070 Edward, 197, 1024 Elizabeth, 291, 1179. 1197, 1301 George, 401,910 Grace, 1221 Hester, 235 Isabell, 869 James, 464, 568 Jane, 1179 Joane, 528, 1116 John, 11, 204, 460, 776, 1024, 1J97, 1221, 1333 Margaret, 158, 1197, 1221 Margerie, 1221 Martin, 1197 Mary, 297. 1024 Parnell. 1024 Raphe, 769 Richard, 1024, 1179 Robert, 225, 312,435, 1116, 1301 Roger, 843, 1024, 1197 488 INDEX OF PERSONS. Salomon, 1046 Simon, 1,301 Thomas, 1116, 1168, 1197, 1296, 1301 William, 297, 568, C62 Winifrid, 568 Coleham, Joane, 679 Coleman ) Colman { , 1172 CoUmaun ) Henry, 219 Johane, 93 John, 93, 861 Mary, 754 Prudence, 455 Richard, 455 Thomas, 1004, 1357 William, 151 Coles see Cole Colfort, Em, 1287 Colglll, James, 786 Colgrove, Anne, 60 Edward, 60 George, 68 John, 60 Colibie, William, 425 Coling, Humfrey, 60 Colle see Colly Collemore ) Collimor [ Edward, 257, 1284 Colmore ) Elizabeth, 257 Margaret, 1090 Susan, 257 Thomas, 257 William, 1284 CoUens see Collins Colles ) see also Cole Coeles ) , 1035 Alice, 1247 Edmund, 1247 Elizabeth, 1247 Frances, 1247 John, 657, 1347 Mary, 1247 Susan, 1133 Timothy, 1247 Collet ) Coilett \ John, 110, 352 Collettes ) Judith, 1364 Mary, 352, 1364 Philipp, 836 Ehoda, 674 Robert, 674 Thomas, 1269, 1364 Colley see Colly Collier ) „_ .„„ Collyer}°^'-*36 Henry, 436 John, 281, 864, 1321 Marie, 1308 Richard, 391, 1308 William, 315, 1228 Collies see CoUis Collimor see Collemore Collin ) Collinges > see Collins Collings ) Collington, Elizabeth, 1111 Collins Collin CoUens Collyn Collyns Collinges Collings Anne, 666 Anstice, 1218 Agnes, 466 Alexander, 666 Alice, 813 Anthony, 666 Bartholomew, 622 Christian, 1130 Edward, 53, 666 Elizabeth, 1004, 1130, 1225 Ellen, 1225 Kills, 466 Gilbert, 1127 Henry, 1130 James, 1305 Joan, 813 John, 55, 426, 466, 1060, 1130, 1305 Jone, 466 Judith, 115 Laurence. 622, 1218 Margaret, 813 Mary, 1130, 1218 Mathew, 521 Richard, 518, 1130 Kobert, 880, 1335 Roger 596 Samuel, 602 Stephen, 53 Thomas, 364, 547, 813 Thomasine, 1218 William, 371, 1004, 1225 Collins als. Drewe, Agnes, 1134 Collis ) ,„i Collies f '501 Klizabeth, 854 Colliwood, Jane, 1130 Collmann see Coleman Collombell, George, 554 Godfrey, 564 Colly ) Colle \ Abraham, 859 Colley ) George, 1030 Martha, 921 William, 252, 408 Collyer see Collier 8olfc|-^ Collins Colman see Coleman Colmore see Collemore Colston) . __, Colson |Anne, D04 John, 665, 888 Martha, 1146 Thomas, 482, 1146 William, 92, 838 Colte, Henry, 1096 sir Henry, 1096 John 681 CouTtonlB^'-^^'^^.SOS Edmund, 419 Edward, 710 Jane, 301 John, 301 Katharine, 419, 710 William, 398 Colvill, ) ., „ Colvile, ( ' '^^^ Thomas, 547 Combe ■\ Combes Coombe V , 588 Coome Coomes J goody, 930 Agnes, 335, 538 Barnard, 638 Edmond, 335, C56 Elizabeth, 311, 538, 854 Joan, 335 Joseph, 335, 1280 Mary, 294 Mathew, 656 Philllppe, 538 Rebecca, 517 Richard, 691 Thomas, 538 William, 294, 336, 1096 Winefred,335 Comber, William, 52G « Comberford, Thomas, 942 Combes see Combe Combey see Comby Combridge see Cambridge Comby ) Combye [ Henry, 578 Combey I Joan, 710 William, G87 Comely, Alice, 734 Cominge see Cummyn Commander, Jane, 710 ComSyTH- Cummyn Compton, Alice, 617 John, 242 Walter, 928 Con see aUo Come, mr., 160 Condall, Margery, 3 Simon, 3 Coney, John, 789 Conier see Conyers Connies, , 52 Connincke, John de, 1338 Connock 1 Connocke J George, 138 Conocke ) Jane, 1240 Joan, 138, 1240 John, 138 Lowday, 1240 Nicholas, 138 Philadelphia, 1240 Richard, 138, 1340 William, 138, 1240 Connton, William, 998 Conocke see Connock Conosde, John, 141 Conradus, William, 257 Constable, John, 1076 Richard, 209 Sara, 412 Thomas, 321 William, 172 Constance, Walter, 373 Convers, John, 1202 Conway. Richard, 571 Co^ie*'^^ I Bartholomew, 711 Elizabeth, 1168 John, 1168 Mary. 1168 Robert, 1168 Susanne, 1168 'J'homas, 691 Tristram, 1168 Ursula, 1168 William, 1168 Matthewe, 64 Coode, Johane. 807 Margaret, 807 Cooke see also Coke , 17, 480 Agnes, 299 Benjamin, 1170 Caleb, 693 Christopher, 428 Edmvmd, 1254 Elizabeth. 43,747, 1144, 1288 Francis, 43 INDEX OF PERSONS. 480 George, 319 Grace, 150 Henry, 1158 James, 197, 391 •John, 148, 185, 299, 315, 3V0, 467, 478, 598, 747, 1021 Jone, 693 Katherine, 598 Leonard, 888 Mary, 185, 299 Michael, 299, 550 Kichard, 43, 669, 684, 997 Robert, 153, 185, 299, 537, 693 Stephen, 863 Suzan, 550 Thomas, 299, 625, 1254, 1288 William, 53, 201, 353, 598,907, 1104, 1144 Woodruffe, 650 Cookeworthie, Alice, 468 English, 468 Isett, 468 James, 468 Joane, 468 John, 468 Leonard, 468 Richard, 468 William, 468 Coolmey see Coockney Cookson, Anthony, 129 Sara, 129 Coombe \ Coome J see Combe Coomes ) Cooper "j Coopper I Couper J ,552 Cowper I mr., 729 Cupper ) Alice, 274 Anne, 126, 875 Barnard, 1296 Benjamin, 1037 Bernard, 1296 Christian, 374 Dorothy, 376 Edmund, 582 Edward, 46, 374 Elizabeth, 126, 678, 1296 Ellen, 126 Gabriell, 126 Helen. 1296 Henry, 1231 Honor, 46 Isabel, 1296 Jolin, 136, 410, 678, 876, 1024, 1231, 1296 Magdalen, 410, 1231 Margaret, 875, 1205 Mary, 126, 420, 1296 Michael, 626 Richard, 378, 385, 420, 643, 1231,1253 Ro., 714 Rowland, 877 Ruth, 875 Susan, 385 Thomas, 451, 635, 888, 1205, 1226, 1253 Tobias, 486 William, 89, 555, 729 Coote, Alice, 1332 Sarah, 1332 Cope, sir Anthony, 1070 lady Catherine, 976 sir Edward, 976 Elizabeth, 298 Erasmus, 976 Fardinando, 976 John, 479, 976 Mary, 976 Paul, 976 Richard. 298, 520 Susan, 976 Theophilus, 976 Thomas, 218 Copeland, Alice, 585 Coper, Thomas, 693 ^o"p^Kl\^|Anne,562 Frances, 562 John, 202 Kaphe, 562 Richard, 562 Copinger, Ambrose, 946 Anne, 946 Elizabeth, 916 Frances, 946 George, 946 John. 946 Raphe. 946 Copley, Margaret, 1161 Coppln, arms, 320 lady Anne, 320 sir George, 320 Margaret. 320 Parnell,320 Robert, 320 Thomas, 320 Copplestone, Anthony, 370 Copshawe. , 264 Corbett ) see also Cobbet Corbet 1 Humfrey, 151 Miles, 846 Robert, 399 Corbyn}Eli-*^«tl^.463 Henry, 463 John, 1113 Corcelles, Jacob de, 80 Cordry, John, 376 Margaret, 376 Cordwin, John, 909 C-y} Agnes, 473 Edith, 529 Mary, 828 Thomas, 473, 529 Cortfe, Awdric, 779 Corfill, Frances. 194 Corke, William, 1167 Corker, Henry, 150 Come see also Con Alice, 12 Anne, 12, 584 Anthony. 1277 JEdmond, 584 Frances. 1365 John, 1365 Margaret, 1365 Richard, 1365 Thomas, 38, 584 Cornelius, Hans, 921 Jane, 921 John, 272 Cornell, John, 517 Cornewall, Anne, 442 Elizabeth, 442 Richard, 442 Cornewallis see Cornwallis Cornish ) Cornishe { George, 183, 706 Cornyshe ) Jo., 431 Richard. 340 Roger, 861 Thomas, 431, 706 William, 713 Cornnes, William, 584 Cornwallis, UirTharlPS 1 Cornewallis, \ ^^^ ^^arles, 1 Mary, 1088 Cornyshe see Cornish Corocke, John, 260 Corpe, Thomas, 414 Corvaninge, Thomas, 992 Corye see Corey 8arbZe|T^o--.''50 Cosens Cosen Cosins Cussius / , 755, 1348 Cozen \ mr., 921 Cozens / Christian, 755 Elizabeth, 839 James, 449 John, 755 Richard, 853 Roger, 505 Cosford, John, 1187 Cosins see Cosens Cossam, Edward, 734 Thomas, 734 Cossett. Agelsbey, 930 Henry, 930 Cossie, Grace, 452 John, 305, 452 Judith, 305, 452 Mary, 452 Thomas, 452 William, 452 Coste, Elizabeth, 566 Costerdine, Alice, 1099 George. 1U99 Mathew, 1099 Thomas, 1099 Costin, Andrew, 245 Cotcher, Mary, 1175 Cotchett, Raphe, 1204 Cotes see Coates Cotten see Cotton Cotterell ) Cottrell \ mrs., 496 Cottrill ) Alice, 25 John, 25, 898 Nicholas. 25 Richard, 25, 723 Robert. 552 William. 25 Cottes see Coates Cottesford, Elizabeth, 777 Thomas, 777 Cottle, Mark, 572 Cottman, John. 1248 Cotton ) .-n Cotten J • ^^ mr., 1336 Allen, 1285 Anne, 1336 Edward, 1077 Elizabeth, 1330 Helen, 192 Henry, 1290 Hester, 1336 Joane, 1336 sir John, 450 Mary, 1168, 1336 Nicholas, 1168 Richard, 192 Sampson, 1336 Botfrm H- cotterell Couch. John, 1128 Couert, Robert, 422 Coulchester see Colchester 490 INDEX OF PERSONS. Couldwell see Coldwell Coulson, mrs., 1336 Judith, 1213 William, 1213 Coulton see Colton Counnete, Richard, 469 Couper see Cooper Courd, , 1 Courte, Edward, 1313 Courteis see Curtis Courteuay see Courtney Courthop ) „.„ Courtopp ] ' ^^^ George, 1268 Courtney ) Courtenay > Alice, 464 Curtney ) John, 351 Mary, 464 Richard, 856, 942 Sampson, 639 William, earl of Devon, 435 Courtopp see Courthop Coveney, Annys, 360 Edward, 278 Robert, 978 William, 360, 631 SntrL^bishopof, see Co^entrfeJThom"- Morton lady, 36 Isaac, 292 Elizabeth, 1133 Sara, 1133 Thomas, 1133 sir Thomas, 410, 1133 Covey, Bartholomew. 685 Covile, lady, 587 8=^e!j«l-.^«9 Nicholas, 865 Thomas, 518 Cowcher, Thomas, 879 Cowdall, mr., 11 Cowell, John, 297 Cowland, Anne, 699 John, 699 Cowles I see also Cole Cowle I , 847 mr.,423 John, 1266 William, 560 Cowley, Anne, 972 Edward, 972 Elizabeth, 972 John, 972 Judith, 972 Katherine, 972 Mabel, 972 Richard, 620, 972 Robert, 972 Samuel, 972 Thomas, 972 Walter, 973 Cowper see Cooper Cockesl ««««'«« Cock Alice, 1349 Ames, 1084 Anthony, 1270 Barnabie, 599 Dorothy, 235 Edward, 30 Elizabeth, 1084, 1159 Giles, 1015 John, 518, 654, 1015 Mary. 1084 Nicholas, 518 Philip, 277 Raph, 246 Richard, 427, 1084, 1135, 1159, 1251 Thomas, 41, 416, 618, 1084 William, 24, 772, 971, 1084, 1251 Coxe, White als. Edith, 1283 Coxton, Mills, 1035 dozens H-'^Cosens Crabbe, Henry, 1289 Hugh, 426, 440 John, 1289 Lidia, 1289 Mary, 1289 Robert, 1289 Sara, 1289 Walter, 1289 g?^Se)E-tace.711 John, 316 Mary, 316 Crafte ) ^_ -„, Craftes \ ™'^" ^^ Elizabeth, 566 Thomas, 427 Cragg, , 921 Alice, 716 Ann, 873 Charles, 1337 Dorothy, 873 Edward, 873 Elizabeth, 3, 1337 Emme, 716 sir Francis, 435 John, 716 Richard, 553, 808, 1337 Sara, 590 Thomas, 873, 1337 William, 590, 873, 1337 Cranfeild ) . n,. Cranfeilde | ^''°' "^^ sir Lionel, 257 Cranmer, Edmund, 386 Jane, 386, 392 John, 386 Richard, 386 Kobert, 392, 386 Crannage, Sibell, 477 Cranwell, , 648 Crapon, Dorothie, 1249 Jane, 1249 Mary, 1249 Robert, 1249 SiblU, 1249 Tbomas, 1249 Crapper, Henry, 582 Crase, Jane. 530 Thomas, 1366 Crasman, Christian, 23 Elizabeth, 23 Cratford, Charles, 578 Craven, Nicholas, 842 sir William, 1 Crawe, Arthur, 1086 Crawley als. Lewes Elizabeth, 910 Craycroft, Emme, 391 Frances, 391 Crayford, Jane, 835 Crayne see Crane Creake, Thomas, 1055 William, 167 Credland, Laurence, 1142 Margery, 1142 Creed, William, 1167 Cresbie, John, 250 Creshott, T., 1333 C=r} Edward, 555 Elizabeth, 555 Francis, 5.55 Richard , 555 Creswell \ Elizabeth, 646, Cresswell ) 1112 Richard, 615, 1112 Robert, 857 William, 857 Crewe, Arthur, 228 Peter, 1330 Walter 970 William, 867 Crewkerne, Henry, 974 Cricke, John 780 Criene, Elizabeth, 1225 Cripps \ Crippes { John, 963 Cripes ) Phoebe, 50 Thomas, 50 William, 1141 Crispe, mr. , 967 Ellis, 1336 Fraunce8, 1335 Margaret, 1254 Rebecca, 1335 Robert, 1254 Thomas, 1335 Critchell, Thomas, 994 Croach see also Crouch ,302 Crobeare, Robert, 1218 Crocker, Andrew, 497 John, 497 Martin, 1016 Croft ^ CroftesJ Anne, 986 James, 723, 869 John, 825 sir John, 177 Margaret, 734 Stephen, 211 Crofton, Thomas. 107 Crofts see Croft Croke, arms, 168 Bridget, 168 lady Catherine, 168 Charles, 168 Edward, 168 George, 168, 435 Henry, 168 sir John, 168, 743 Paul, 168 Paul Ambrose, 168 Rachel, 168 TJnton, 168 William, 168 Croker, Edmund, 479 Joan, 479 John, 1091 Crombes, William, 11 Crome, Richard, 247 Cromer, , 1002 Crompton, H., 1141 Margaret, 618 Thomas, 602 Croncke, Elizabeth, 809 Henry, 809 John, 809 Mary, 809 Crondole, William, 671 Crondwell, Anne, 570 INDEX OF PERSONS. 401 Clemence, 670 Henry, 570 John, 570 Robert. 570 Thomas, 570 Crooke, goodwife, 881 sir John, 602 Samuel, G54 Croote, Thomas, 625 Croper, Alice, 274 Cropley, Frances, 1075 Mary, 1075 Croppe, Elizabeth, 421 Croppenbury, Joseph, 1285 Mary, 1285 Crose see Crosse Crosier, Elizabeth, 1209 John, 1209 Cvoir] .713,1274 mr., 36 mrs., 36 Adam, 130 Alice. 36 Dunstane, 888 Edward, 961 Elinor, 306 Elizabeth, 888 Grace, 469 Honour, 306 Joane, 306 John, 184, 469, 1061 Justinian, 329 Margaret, 888, 1282 Mary, 329 Badigan, 306 Richard, 306 Symon, 469 Srrin|e!l="-^«t'^.892 Hugh, 911 Thomas, 911 Grossman, Joan, 695 Thomas, 695 CrowchH"""'"''^'^"^*'^ Edward, 220 Elizabeth, 256 Crowcher, William, 791 Crowder, Mark, 625 Crowe, mr., 1348 Agnes, 1244 Henry, 808 Mary, 859 Thomas, 1244 William, 1002 Crowne, Anne, 191 Peter, 191 Crowston, Easter, 907 Richard, 907 Crowther, mr., 981 John, 680 Margaret, 680 William, 680 Crump, William, 904 Crumpton, Richard, 842 Sara, 842 Susan, 842 Crusen, William van der, 925 Crutchard > » „„. ,300 Crutcherd f ^^^'^' ^^^ Johan, 1308 Robert, 1308 Thomas, 1308 Crutche, Humfrey, 710 Crutcherd see Crutchard Cruttenden, Anne, 176 Henry, 1269 John, 176 Cryer, John, 612 Robert, 696 Cuddon, John, 251 Cutfe, sszeo, 26 Culle, Agnes, 1065 CuUeu, Johan, 1119 John, 1119 Cullicke, John, 949 Cully, Thomas, 881 Culpin, Richard, 403 Culverwell, , 433 Agues, 849 Clement, 849 Elizabeth, 849 Ezechiel, 859 John, 849 Margaret, 849 Mary, 849 Michael, 849 Peter, 849 Richard, 849 Thomas, 849 William, 849 Cumberland, earl of, see Francis Clififord Cummyn ■"] Commyn ! , 235 Cominge (George, 39 CommingsJ Humfrey, 913 Thomas, 110 Cundie, Anne, 797 Cunnet, Christopher, 469 John. 469 Robert, 469 Roger, 469 Cunningham, David, 348 Cunstable, Elizabeth, 69 William, 69 Cuny, mr., , 561 Cupper see Cooper ap^pTm(jo^.742 Thomas, 742 Curber, Anne, 695 George, 695 John, 695 Curde, Christopher, 1021 Cureton, Robert, 228 Currens, mr., 36 Currier, , 514 mr., 394 Curry, Gregory, 1126 Curston, , 1348 Curtis ^ Curtice Curteg y , 147 Curtys I Courteis; Alexander, 421 Alice, 522 Anne, 431 Bridget, 773 Easter, 907 Edith, 522 Eleanor, 431 Elizabeth, 431,776 Ellen, 907 Faith, 907 Grace, 1309 Henry, 522, 1026 James, 431 Joan, 337 John, 522, 773, 907, 913 Katherine, 522 Margaret. 773, 907 Michael, 723 Philip, 773 Richard, 907 Robert, 773, 776 Sara, 587 Thomas, 522, 907 William, 333 Curtney see Courtney Curtys see Curtis Cussins see Cosens Cutler, Edward, 433 Martha, 433 Roger, 776 William. 433 Winifred, 776 Cutlock, Laurence, 881 Cuttes!'^1y.61» Anne, 1099 Henry, 1099 John, 749 sir John, 619 Samuel, 1167 Thomas, 851 William, 972 Cutten, Robert, 452 Cuttyverd, Johane, 111 Cycell see Cecill Dabble! Ellen, 1073 Francis, 1073 Isabell, 1073 John, 1073 Margaret, 1073 Mary, 1073 Raphe, 1073 Richard, 1073 Thomas, 1073 William, 1073 gtwreytEl-al>etl..455 John, 127 Roger, 455 Dabson, Nicholas, 529 Dackham ) y^ ,„«. Dackombe ] " • ^"^ Edward, 861 sir John, 286 Dacres, lord, see Richard Lennard Dafferne, William, 1182 Dagley, William, 219 Dagnall, James, 1209 Joan, 1209 John, 1209 William, 1209 Dale see Day Daine see Dane Dakyn, John, 43 Thomas, 43 Dalbin, mr., 1326 Edward, 839 Himifrey, 839 Thomas, 101 William, 869 Dale, Anne, 1222 Elizabeth, 495, 1222 Humfrey, 318 Johane, 1222 Mary, 1222 Richarde, 308, 872, 1222 William, 1222 Dalicott, Richard, 865 Dalison see Dallison Dallett, Anice. 752 John, 752, 951 Dallimore, Elizabeth, 760 John, 760 Dallinder, mr., 1336 492 INDEX OF PERSONS. Dalling:e, Mary, 511 Steven, 511 Thomas, 511 William, 611 Dallisoni SaS Charles, 938 Dalyson J George, 938 Maximilian, 938 Kobert, 180, 938 sir Roger, 627 Thomas, 938 William, 180, 938 g^^^el Alice, 409 Edward, 409 Joane, 409 Thomas, 409 Dallyson see Dallison Dalton, , 1169 Alice, 33 Anne, 33, 1169 John, 33 N., 154 Philip, 33 Thomas, 33, 844, 1169 William, 33 Dalyson see Dallison Dameron, Edward, 969 Damme, Lewes van, 925 Danhrey, Wildeforde, 815 Danbrooke, Daniel, 919 John, 919 Sarah, 919 Eange! Alice, 1208 Thomas, 881 Dancaster, Thomas, 277 Dancer, Peter, 574 Dando, John, 528 Dandy, Raphe, 1171 ^^^>^^} see also D^y^^s ,372 Anne, 37 Henry, 1012 Danell see Daniel Danforde, William, 1327 Dangarde, William, 1143 Daniel ^ Daniell Danyell V ,252 Danell mr., 714, 924 Dannell ) Alice, 71 Benjamin, 819 Edmund, 71, 1021 Francis, 3 Eras., 1021 Harry, 511 Henry, 208, 1237 James, 1021 Joan, 189 Johane, 71 John, 121, 1021, 1310, 1352 Margaret, 1021 Marie, 1310 Mary, 1021 Nicholas, 1021 Peter, 252, 1021 Samuel, 121 Thomas, 71, 150, 699 Walter, 190 William, 194 Dankes, Edward, 92 Richard, 92 William, 92 Dannell see Daniel Dannett, mr., 251 Luce, 251 g-re|jol-.358 Daiivers, Francis, 408 Danyell see Daniel Darbye, Bartholomew, 294 Darby8hire,Alexander,473 John, 472 Thomas, lord, 602 Day7el Agnes, 334 Amos, 987 Barnard, 987 Dorothie, 488 Edward, 488 George, 488, 987 Gideon, 987 Jane, 334 Jasper, 290, 488 Joan, 488, 987 John, 217, 488, 987 Marie, 987 Mary, 217, 488 Maude, 334 Nicholas, 334, 488 Rachel 1, 488 Robert, 334, 1305 Samuel, 987 Thomas, 488 William, 488, 1305 Darkemore, Saust, lOCl Darley, mr., , 981 Thomas, 562 Darling, mr., ■ -,775 Darnell, Thomas, 945 Darnellye, Daniel, 1133 Darracke, William, 1057 Darrell , sir Marmaduke, 30, 880 sir Sampson, 880 Darte, Thomas, 911 Etrweenlj^^^'lOSS Darwend, William, 608 Dase, Edmund, 476 Dash, Thomas, 787 Dashwood, Edward, 853 Dasson, Andrew, 206 Daston, Anne, 975 Joan, 975 John, 921,975 Richard, 975 E=er!^'^^-'^^^^ Garnous, 1339 Magdalen, 1339 Mary, 1339 Peter, 1339 Dauncey, George, 617 Margery, 617 Maximilian, 617 Richard, 617 Samuel, 617 Ursula, 617 Daunser see Dauncer Dave, James, 865 Sythe, 865 Daveis see Davis Davela, Mary Gomes, 433 Davenport, William, 827 David see also Davis David ap, 179,222, 1118 David Llewellin, 179 Elizabeth, 1118, 11G2 Gaynor uz Evan, 803 Gladys uz David ap, 179 Griflith, 1118 Griffith Llewellen, 179 Guenllian, 1118 Howell John, 179 Ithell ap John, 1166 Jane, 1162 Jeffery, 179 Jevan ap, X\G% Joane, 179 John, 179 John ap, 222 John Jevan, 179 John Lle-wellin, 179 Katherine, 1162 Katherine uz, 803 Lewis, 611 Liewis ap, 1011 Lewis William, 179 Levson, 611 Llewellin, 179 Lucas, 611 Malde, 179 Margaret, 705, 1162 Margaret uz, 803 Margaret verch, 611 Oliver, 705 Sibell verch, 611 Thomas, 705, 1118 William, 47 William ap John, 1191 David als. Miller, Morgan, 1118 David Griffith, Howell, 179 David Howell, John, 179 David Lloid, Lowrie uz, 803 David Lloyd, William ap, 1191 David Meredith, Rees, 705 Thomas, 705 David Morgan, Morgan, 179 Richard, 179 David Thomas Frees, Lewis. 611 Leyson, 611 Liicas, 611 David ap David, Tliomas, 1118 David ap Jevan, Howell, 179 David ap Moris, Rees, 705 David ap Kees, David Moris, 706 David ap William Ellen uz, 47 Thomas, 68 Davie see Davye Davies als. Snowe Elizabeth, 477 Davis ^ Davies 1 Daveis Vsee also David Davys , 11 , 847 DavyesJ mr., 194 Alice, 1112 Anne, 713. 1112 Avice, 1215 Christopher, 928, 1215 David, 757 Edmund, 713 Edward, 40, 917, 1336 Eleanor, 1112 Elizabeth, 713, 1112 Ellen, 592 Emanuell, 713. Gertrude, 713 Gilbert, 713 Gwalter, 592 Gwen, 686 Henry, 557, 847, 865 Hester, 1011 Joan, 536, 1011 Johane, 803 John, 371. 592, 713, 714, 829, 1044, 1112, 1162 INDEX OF PERSONS. 498 Joseph, 713 Katherine, 713 Lewes, 1011 Mabell, 536 Margaret, 47, 1011 Marie, 713 Mary, 1011,1112, 1193 Matthew, 302 Phillip, 130 Randolph, 970 Bees, 592 Bice, 1157 Bichard, 516, 970 Robert, 385, 577, 713, 1112, 1166, 1215, 1255 Samuel, 40, 713 Thomas, 1011, 1112, 1216 William, 11,536,592 Winif ride, 905 ga^fel^'"^"'"^^'^^^ Christofer, 797 Edmund, 355 Edward, 858 Emanuell, 713 John, 1272 Bobert, 402, 515, 1308 Stephen, 1358 Thomas, 1364 Davis Dawber, George, 627 Mary, 627 Dawbney see Dabnye SaTe'M^^^-^^^'^^^ Arthur, 1086 Henry, 443 Jone, 1142 Mary, 443 Philip, 813 Bichard, 1058 Suzanne, 443 "William, 572 Dawnton I a Spline QTO Downton f ^"eime, i)iu Agnes, 613 Alice, 013 Christian, 613 Ellinor, 613 George, 613 John, 613 Margery, 613 Mary, 613 Thomas, 613 Dawson, , 1172 Edward, 902 Elizabeth, 197 John, 136, 552, 579 Mary, 136 Matiiew, 136 Michael, 136 Symon, 197 Thomas, 402 Day ^ Sty J™"- ^28 Agnes, 1323 Anne, 37 Benjamin, 20, 831 Bridget, 37, 1002 Edmond, 144,776 Edward, 776 Elizabeth, 20, 144, 831 Emanuel, 776 George, 20, 831 James, 1346 Jane, 20, &31 Joan, 144 John, 20, 37, 144, 329, 483, 831, 1003 Leticia, 831 Margaret. 20, 520, 831, 1002 Mary, 20, 144, 831 Nathaniel, 1133 Nicholas, 144 Bichard, 69, 107, 831 Bobert, 37, 1002 Samuel, 776 Thomas, 144, 831, 896, 1152, 1278, 134(i William, 37, 831, 986, 1002 geynes'|«^««'««D^^« mr., 776, 1244 Clement, 1348 John, 167 Dayre see Dare Dayrell, Walter, 1082 Deacon ) Deacons { Baldwin, 183, 706 Decous ) Edward, 755 Elinor, 183, 706 Elizabeth, 183, 1342 Frances, 782 Grace, 707 Joane, 183, 706 John, 183, 706, 755 Jonas, 755 Katherine, 183 Lawrence, 706 Mary, 183 Eoger, 691 Bowland, 1088 Thomasine, 755 William, 706, 707 DeTnTsi .188,1082 goodwife, 194 Anne, 1102 Christopher, 623 Dorothie, 1082 Edward, 609 Elizabeth, 240, 1098 Henry, 1209 Isabell, 1082 James, 1098 Jane, 188 Joan, 314 John, 285, 1098 sir John, 435, 1102 Katherine, 1098 Bachel,1102 Bichard, 321, 606 Bobert, 7C7 Theophilus, 425 Tliomas, 285, 351, 1098 William, 304, 623, 1083 Derylf } «^« «'«« ^^"^^ Richard, 468 Dearinge, Johane, 1117 Dearslye, Jo., 407 Death, Boger, 196 Debney, Cicely, 1348 Bobert, 1348 Decke, Boger, 175 De Connicke see Connincke Decons see Deacon Dee, , 278 doctor, 278 Francis, 278 Deedistone, John, 206 Deepup, Elizabeth, 363 De Heere see Heere De Houck see Houck De Hurter see Hurter Deighton, John, 496 Deios, William, 723 de Kersghieter see Kersghieter De la Barr see Barr Delabere, Richard, 520 De La Fountaine see Fountaine Delahaye, Margery, 1233 Delawne, Peter, 156 Dell, Susan, 999 Delyne, sir Daniel, 1285 lady Elizabeth, 1285 Demetrius, Carolus, 80 Demont, Alice, 476 Elinor, 476 Jacob, 476 Joane, 476 John, 476 Raphe, 476 Kobert, 476 Thomas, 476 Denband, John, 1127 Denham see also Dynham Thomas, 151 Denior, John, 649 Denman, Ambrose, 537 Christopher, 1132 Nicholas, 552 Ursula, 16 Dennis 1 Dennys [ mr., 482 Denys ) Andrew, 625 Ellen, 482 Henry. 503 Hugh, 1024 John, 1221 Boger, 853 sir Thomas, 1090 Walter, 482 Denny see Denney Denuynge, Walter, 130 Dennys see Dennis Dent, Francis, 385 Isabel, 1208 Dentch see Dunch Denton, Adam, 1063 Edward, 565 George, 19 sir Thomas, 998 Denys see Dennis Deowe see Dowe De Baet see Raet Derbye, William, 1337 Deresley, Thomas, 1190 Dericke see Derricke Derne, Margaret, 543 Thomas, 543 SSe'l Francis, 966 Nicholas, 694 Thomas, 1278 Derrye see also Dearie Andrew. 808 Derye see Dearie De Ruet see Raet Desmaisters, James, 372 Desormeaux, Christopher, 925 John, 925 Lewes, 925 De Souter see Souter ES^e}Alice.350 George, 141 Gilbert. 882 Deurye, Jane, 1284 Deverell, Joane, 993 494 INDEX OF PERSONS. John, 752 Marie, 993 Eichard, 993 Devereux, lady, 836 Robert, earl of Essex, 602 Devon, earl of, see William Courtenay Eleanor, 948 Elizabeth, 586 Jane, 580 John, 948 Mary, 580 Osmund, 580 Stephen, 948 Thomas, 580, 948 William, 580, 948 Dewes, Paul, 624 gl-yj Francis, 458 Margaret, 458 "William, 358, 458 De Wittie see Wittie Dewxell, Thomas, 423 Dewy see Dewey Dey see Day Deyman, Elizabeth, 112 George, 1221 John, 112, 1221 Katherine, 113 Margaret. 112, 1221 Richard, 112 Roger, 112 Thomas, 112 William, 112, 1221 Deynes see Daynes Deyos, Ra, 1177 Deyse, John, 705 Diamond, mr., 402 Diaper, Thomas, 191 Dias, Richard, 597 Dibbyn, Richard, 1225 Dicer, mr., 712 Robert, 779 Dick ) , -o Dickef^'^-^8 Roger, 175 Dickenson see Dickinson Dicker, Steven, 1062 Dickinges, Nicholas, 711 S^tenTonN Anne, 428. 539 Ellen, 539, 930 Ellis, 428 John, 428 liSwrence, 438 Margaret, 428 Mary, 428 Robert, 645 Roger, 428 Samuel, 552 Susan, 539 William, 428 Dickson see Dixon DIcye, Henry, 1153 Joane, 1153 John, 1153 liaurence, 1153 Mary, 1153 Thomas, 1153 Digby ) Digbye [ Edmund, 1047 Digbie ) Francis, 113 John, 561. 1021 Thomas, 315, 561 Thomasine, 1047 lady, 619 Diggs ; Digges I sir Dudley, 278, 619, 931 Dike ) Dyke [ , 691 Dikes ) mr., 1125 Cuthbert, 134 Dorothy, 134 Elizabeth, 134 Jane, 134 Margaret, 134 Marie, 691 Mary, 691 Richard, 1103 Dillingham, Alice, 625 Dillon, Robert, 503 Dimmer see Dummer Dimock, William, 1018 Dingers, , 485 Dinvin, William, 513 DioU als. Sansome Temperance, 274 Diplocke, Johan, 1265 Robert, 1265 Dipper, Christopher, 687 Disher, Richard, 1202 Dison, John, 959 Diston, Joane, 746 Ditcher, Robert, 130 Dive, James, 870 Dixe, William, 569 Dixewell, John, 1104 SLroni .C18.m2 John, 820 Richard, 647, 708 William, 92 Zacherie, 1228 gobbeiG--.1310 James, 1310 Ralph, 214 go°Sr I Margery, 893 Mary, 1042 William, 549 Eobf"|^""*^"*^'13^^ Joane, 1319 John, 229 Walter, 48, 1319 Dobikin, Edward, 565 John, 565 Doble see Dobell Dobson, , 1168 Alice, 134 Nicholas, 34G Thomas, 1, 40 Dobyns see Dobbins Docker, Joane, 455 Myles, 4.55 Dockin, Edmund, 742 Katherine, 742 Peter, 742 Dodde \ ««« "^^^ Todd Sod i™"^-' 277. 483 Anne, 318, 957 Anthony, 318 Charles, 957 Elizabeth, 318 Hugh, 607 John, 31, 252, 318, 976, 1070 Katherine, 957 Margaret, 957 Norwich, 957 Randall, 252 Richard, 311, 318 Robert, 957 Susanna, 957 William, 931 goSgfi Elizabeth, 1334 Hugh, 1142 Doddington, Anne, 36 Doderidge see Dodderidge Dodge, Joan, 694 John, 694 Roger, C94 William, 400 Dodman Elizabeth, 478 Dodson, Robert, 223 Doe see also Dowe Elizabeth, 941 Doewell, Elizabeth, 637 John, 637 SSgeM--,737 Joseph, 737 Mary, 737 Michael, 915 Dolman, James, 607 John, 1333 Thomas, 235 Domett see Dommett Domingo, Ja., 998 Dommett ) . ,. „„„ Domett JAiice-yS-S Constantine, 1049 George, 1049 Johanne, 1049 John, 992, 1049 Magdalen, 1(H9 Thomas, 992 Ursula, 1049 William, 992 Domuck, William, 1152 Don see Donne Donde, , 1172 Done see Donne Doues, Johane, 98 i^^""® ) see also Dunn g^^-^^j Charity, 523 Elizabeth, 683 Grace. 523 John, 69 William, 305 Dorbridge, John, 188, 202 Dore, , 1312 Harvye, 1312 Dormer, Elizabeth, 651 Robert, lord, 30 William. 30 Dorrington, Richard, 107 Dossall, goodman, 1195 Thomas, 1195 Dossett, Frauncis, 597 Joyce, 597 Margaret, 597 William, 597 Doterell, goodwife, 355 Dotin, John, 457 Doughter, Thomas, 274 Doughtie see Doughty Doughton, , 625 Thomas, 802 Doughty ) Doughtie } Beatrice, 1177 Dowtye ) Frauncis, 1177 John, 36, 1236 Mary, 1177 Robert, 609 Rowland, 1177 Thomas, 578 Doughwaight, William, 703 INDEX OF PERSONS. 486 Dounell see Downell Dounklye see Duncklye Dove see also Dowe and Dovye Kobert, 1082 Thomas, 1248 Dovell, Christian, 849 Elizabeth, 1118 Dover, John, 1346 Michaell, 128 Dovye see also Dove Richard, 949 Dowble, William, 53 Dowdell, Nowell, 882 Dowdeswell, George, 462 Richard, 4G2 Roger, 462, 1275 Deowe 1 ^^^ "'^^'^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^'^^ James, 486 Mary, 452 Robert, 674 Thomas, 1248 William, 452 Dowgles, Robert, 60 Dowinge see Downing Dowlesj J j^ 447 Dowle I'JO'in.^^ Owen, 1171 Downce, Gwen,, 399 Richard, 399 Robert, 399 Roger, 399 Downe 1 Downne [ Agnes, 1060 Downes ) Alice, 687, 990 Barnard, 990 Elizabeth, 1214 Ellen, 1363 Francis, 129 James, 990 Johan, 695 John, 776, 1064, 1268 Mary, 1214 Morris, 990 Nicholas, 674 Peter, 216 Raphe, 1214 Robert, 612, 1363 Thomas, 20, 1268 "Welting, 990 Downeham, John, 1026 Erne^Vt^g-B.lO^l Frances, 1021 John, 1021 Downes see Downe SSgeM^-^«^-'«^ William, 46 Downne see Downe Downsdalle, Ralph, 1262 Downton see Dawnton Dowse, John, 285 Margery, 948 Thomas, 948 William, 948 Dowtye see Doughty Doj}feJ^"-^«t^.l6 John, 540 Katherine, 16 William, 16 Drake, J., 1068 John, 16, 394, 911 Margaret, 691 Robert, 826 Roger, 691, 1222 Draper, Anne, 1267 Clement, 545 Dorcas, 545 Elizabeth, 545, 972 Henry, 844 Hester, 594 James, 1267 Katherine, 1267 Robert, 435 Sara, 545 Vincent, 545 William, 712 Drawater, Alice, 1017 Anne, 1017 Awdrie, 811 Elizabeth, 1017 Jonas, 1017 Margery, 1017 Suzan, 1017 Symon, 1017 Draycott, Bridget, 336 Dredge, Joan, 948 greTe|B"'Jg«*>1^32 Bmmott, 1036 Francis, 692 George, 1221 John, 458, C72, 1289 Lucretia, 692 Phillippe, 1145 Robert, 299, 436, 1036, 1070 Welthian, 269 William, 220, 457 Drewe Collins als. Agnes, 1134 Drewry see Drury Dridon, Erasmus, 1347 John, 1096 Drincker, Philip, 275 Drinkwater ) .,. ^„ Drinckewater | ^"«e. "^^ George, 1212 John, 349 Katherine, 293 Driver, goodwife, 809 Richard, 535 Drower, Ursula, 291 Drowte, Frances, 782 Thomas, 782 William. 1196 Drury 1 Drurye [ Anne, 1360 Drewry ) Edmund, 1350 Elizabeth, 1350 Fras, 900 Jeremy, 309 John, 1350 Mary, 1350 William, 1350 Drywood, , 1196 George, 1196 Mary, 1196 Susan. 1196 Eucke}^'^°«'8^8«0 Edward, 960, 1105 Leonard, 826 William, 81, 913 Duckett, , 1004 Deane, 927 Dorothy, 927 £dmond, 937 Edward, 435 Elizabeth, 927 John, 79 Margaret, 927 Duckle, John, 627 Thomas, 889 Ducy, Anne, 40 Elizabeth, 40 Richard, 40 Robert, 40 William, 40 Duddeley see Dudley Duddeney, Judith, 915 Dudding:, Robert, 644 WilUam, 644 Duden, Francis, 220 Dudleston, Anne, 247 Dudley ) Dudly \ Anne, 1287 Duddelev ) Edward, 1287 Edward, lord, 1287 Elizabeth, 1287 sir Ferninando, 615 John, 354, 1287 Dudson, Dorothy, 1286 Elias, 1386 Frances, 1286 Joane, 1286 Mary, 1286 Nicholas, 1286 Symon, 1286 Dueties, William, 333 Dufen, James, 900 Duffay, Hester, 80 Duffield ^ Dutfeild I guSM^HFrancis,401 Dutfyld I Dutfold J John, 86, 284, 1346 Thomas, 153, 1346 William, 153 Eu|dan}^^"^*«P^«'^'2^2 John, 254 William, 132, 254 Dngjas, Thomas, 646 Eukes}^"Zl^n.U .30,1176 mr., 561, 1069 Ciselye, 1069 Elizabeth. 30 sir Francis. 920 George, 681 Richard, 737 496 INDEX OF PERSONS. Duner, Thomas, 1005 Dungate, Joan, 321 Duuman, William, 35 Sunne!*trif ^''''"' Dun ) '"'^•' ^1 Elizabeth, 555 George, lii67 Michael, 136 Richard, 1251 Thomas, 887 Dunster, Henry, 1311 liichard, 1311 Dunston I joi, „ ,204 Dunstone/''"^'^'^"'-^* Thomas, 832 Dunte see Dante Dunton, Agnes, 1268 SSr 1^01^-- 818 Thomas, 44, 818 Durberow, Symon, 287 Durham, Joan, 809 Durnford, Robert, 700 Durson, Joane, 479 Thomas, 479 Durstou, John, 204 Dusen, James, 900 Dutson, John, 1340 Duttiug, John, 852 Nicholas, 852 Dutton, Anne, 1032 Daniel, 1032 George, 1032 William, 1032 Duzell, Agnes, 1283 Dyase, Catherine, 1010 Dye, Anne, 495, 1044 Elizabeth, 1044 Nan, 1044 Koger, 1044 Dyer, James, 439 Joan, 439, 992 Johane, 301 John, 695 Richard, 873 Temperance, 872 Thomas, 872 Dyke see Dike Dykeman, Thomas, 31 Dyll, Robert, 872 William, 872 Dyllon, Priscilla, 847 Dymand, Richard, 1024 g^S;;.tl} Anne, 388, 806 Humfrey, 806 Margaret, 806 Michael, 621 Thomas, 806 William, 621. 806 Dynham see also Denham Thomas, 659 Dysmer, Alice, 588 Dyson, , 909 John, 918 Bade, William, 649 Mary, 383 Nicholas. 1347 Samuel. 383 Thomas, .383 Eagleston see Egglestone Eaglesfeild, Edward, 634 Ealfe sec Elfye Ealinge. John, 872 Eames see also Ames Anthony, 853 John, 853 Margery, 853 Mark, 853 Thomas, 853 Earbery, Anthony, 703 Earesby, William, 905 |^[g® [see a?so Early Daniel, 1037 Elinor, 052 Henry, 1037 Jeremy, 453 Mary, 1037 Nicholas, 1037 Richard, 1221 Earlstield, Anthony, 964 iar'iy^l«^«'«'««Earle John, 003 Joyce, 419 Earniuge, Bartholomew, 290 Earth, , 208 Anne, 208 Elizabeth, 208 Hugh, 208 Joseph, 208 Roger, 208 Ursula, 208 William, 208 Eason, Jane, 115 John, 115 Judith, 115 Michael, 115 East, Elizons, 428 Easterford, Edmund, 156 Easton, Chai-les, 1290 Henry, 1290 John, 504 Eastowe, William, 1 Eaton, , 834 Robert, 171 Sibbell, 1134 Eavans see Evan Eburne, Richard, 653, 751 Eccles, Lawrence, 1200 Eches, Peter, 609 Eclocke, Roger, 1366 Edborrough, , 245 Eden, Edward, 1212 Philip, 264 Ederiche, Robert, 1348 Edgar, John, 54 Edgburye, Kenricke, 917 Edge, Anne, 134 Jane, 173 Robert, 173 Walter, 614 Edge, Cliffe aZs. Adam. 608 Thomas, 608 Edgeocke, John, 255 Edgill, Cicely, 1139 Phil., 1139 Edmeade, John, 1357 Edmund "] Edmunds i Edmonds fmr., 641, 681, 752 Edmondes I mrs., 752 Christopher, 350 Richard, 383 Thomas, 447, 722 William, 137 Edmund ap John ap Madog John, 1191 Edmund William, William, 179 Edmy, William, 329 idrildfel-^E^l^-^g^ Edsole, Richard, 649 Edward VI.. King of England, 1285 Edward ""i Edwarde i Edwards f ,11,60,978 EdwardesJ mr., 139 Adam, 11 Agnes, 1060 Alice, 124 Arnolde, 275 Daniel, 11 Elizabeth, 1287 Fayth, 473 Erancis, 16 George, 230 Henry, 124 James, 1260 John, 11, 130, 486, 806, 948, 100-1, 1060 John ap, 705, 788 John Griffith ap, 480 Mary, 708 Maurice, 1366 Rebecca, 513 Richard, 124 Robert, 222 Samuel, 222 Tobyas, 473 Thomas, 513, 812 Thomazine, 1060 William, 191, 230, 284 Edwines, Ann, 1064 Ellenor, 1064 Joane, 1064 John, 1064 Lettice, 1064 Walter, 1064 Ee^ Susanna van, 925 William van, 925 Eeles see Ellis i&e}H-*'«68 Thomas, 233 Egelstone see Egglestone Egerton, Anne, 1102 lady Anne, 480 John, earl of Bridgewater, 1125 Mary, 420 Sarah, 420 Stephen, 277, 859, 1102 Thomas. 1102 sir Thomas, baron Ellesmere, 768 Ursula, 420 Egglestone"! Eagleston J Richard, 909 Robert, 952 Thomas. 952 Egiutou, John, 1 181 Eglestone see Egglestone Egmor, Robert, 17 Elborowe, John, 975 Elbridge, Gyles, 981 Elcocke, John, 252 Elder, Jeffrey, 691 Katherine, 691 Eldered, John, 752 Eldershawe, Richard, 557 Eldredge see also Etheridge Nicholas. 599 Eles see Ellis Eley see Elye ialfelG««^g«'220 INDEX OF PERSONS. 497 Joas, 925 Josina, 925 Eliott see Elliott Elis see Ellis Elison, Elizabeth, 1126 Godfry, 1126 Elizabeth, Princess of England, 1287 Elizabeth, Queen of England, 138, 888, 1247 Elkinge, Grace, 1170 Elkington, Harry, 981 Elks, William, 787 Ellacott, John, 892 Walter, 892 EUam, nir., 1063 Andrew, 1063 EUes see Ellis Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor, see sir Thomas Egerton lnett|™^«'^'503 George, 111 John, 503 Ellgrove, Thomas, 942 Elliat see Elliott Ellice see Ellis Elliott -\ Eliott Elyott Ellyot V , 625, 1087 EUyott Agnes, 665 Elliat Anna, 665 Elyat J Ciceley, 21 Dorothy, 665 Edward, GC5 Eleanor, 504 Elizabeth, 564, 665 Henry, 911 John, 665, 895 Katherine, 1137 Margaret, 1137 Mary, 665 Peter, 1222 Kichard, 665, 1137 Roger, 711 Sara. 21 Susan, 1341 sir Thomas, 160 William, 564, 665, 1118 Zacharye, 1137 Ellis \ Ellice Elles Eles y , 960 Elis mr., 208 Ellys Aaron, 1051 Eeles J Alexander, 108 Anne, 940, 997 Aurin, 961 Bennett, 1003 Bridget, 1333 Hugh, 1271 Johane, 138 John, 1034, 1209 Katharine, 1333 Mary, 269 Peter, 806 Richard, 269, 660, 1003 Roger, 568, 1333 Rowland, 459 Symon, 1334 Thomas, 806, ia33 Thomas ap, 1166 'William, 46, 909, 924, 940, 960, 1333 sir William, 46 l}',r} Anne, 433 Bartholomew, 433, 535 Ellvye, Francis, 453 UKt I «^^ Elliott Ellys see Ellis Elmeden, George, 1350 Elmer, , 723, 962 Christopher, 449 Edward, 328, 96S Elizabeth, 962 Hannah, 962 Jane, 962 John, 962 Margaret, 962 Mary, 962 Elmeston, John, 320 ie™Sf}j°^-."24 Margaret, 1124 Suzan, 1124 William, 103, 1124 Elnor see Elinor Elsam ) Elsame } , 978 Elshara ) Elizabeth, 978 George, 717 Gregory, 978 Robert, 978 Thomas, 552, 978 Elsaye, Joseph, 138 Else, mr., 582 Elshall. Elizabeth. 809 Elsham see Elsam Elsynge, Henry, 559 fK!H-y,46 Katherine, 46 Margaret, 46 Mary, 46 Elton, Anne, 1310 Edward, 1310 Margery, 1310 William, 1310 Eltonhead, Henry, 236 Nicholas, 236 Elvin, Richard, 566 Elwards, Edmonde, IISO Mary, 1120 Elwell, Mary, 529 Elwyn, Elizabeth, 1180 Elyat see Elliott Elev 1 *^* "'*" H^^'^y® Bragge, 1021 Humfrey, 1187 John, 730, 1021 Elyott see Elliott Emans, Henry, 1331 John, 925 Katherine, 1331 Emerson, , 1040 Elizabeth, 920 Giles, 277, 1248 Thomas, 1155 Emery, Dorothy, 1331 Emr I Valentine, 1232 William, 1023 St"}-^---'^" Tristram, 79 Empringham, Cecillie, 888 Dunstan, 888 Elizabeth, 888 L.eonard, 888 Mary, 888 Robert, 888 Symon, 888 Thomas, 888 William, 888 Ems see Ernes EnSe}R-l»ard,1155 William, 88 Endle, Agnes, 432 Christopher, 432 John, 432 Walter, 432 England 1 Englande [ Margaret, 1143, 1806 Ingland ) Mary, 1143 Thomas, 1143 Englesbye, Edward, 11 English ) Englishe [ Anes, 1213 Insrlish ) Cicely, 1095 Elizabeth, 1095 George, 1095 John, 1095, 1172 Katherine, 1095 Margaret, 1095, 1172 Richard, 1095 Thomas, 1172 WilUam, 1172, 1213 Ensor, Henry, 796 Entwesell 1 t«i,„ -iqar Entuesell } J^^"' ^^46 Enword, John, 801 Erenes, John, 474 Ereswell, Robert, 443 Eritage, John, 952 Erie see Earle Errington, Sarah, 941 Escott, Willis als. George, 866 Henry, 856 William, 856 Escourt, Richard, 1295 Essenton see Essington Essex, Henry. 920 Robert, earl of, see Robert Devereux iSoTl Eleanor, 253 Robert, 253 Thomas, 253 Walter, 253 William, 253. 1020 Esson, Nicholas, 393 Estbrooke, John, 569 Estline, Mary. 1182 Estman, Katherine, 913 Estmond, John, 867 Estwood, Agnes, 1038 John, 1038 Thomas, 1038 Esworthie, Abraham, 1221 William, 1334 Etheridge ) Ethridge ( see also Eldredge Edridge { , 986 Edrudge ) George, 986 John, 563 Suzanna, 885 Thomas, 885 William, 280 Etkys, William, 1133 irt?[^^L} Maud. 1337 William, 1337 Ettreye, Henry, 826 Ettrickes see Ettoricke Euans sec Evan Euory, Richard, 468 Eushberie, Humfrey, 235 498 INDEX OF PERSOiSrS. Euword, John, 801 Evan ~ Evans ■see also Sevan and Jevan ,247 Evanna Euans Eavans Evens Even J mr., 1195 widow, 130 Adrian, 1296 Agnes, 480 Anne, 1150 Cadd ap, 803 Cadwallader ap, 803 Christian, 253 Elianor, 480 Elizabeth, 1346 Elizabeth uz, 1166 Hugh, 859 Jane, 315, 480 Jeonett uz, 862 John, 225, 294, 543 John ap, 1162 Lewes, 1289 Lowry, 480 Margaret, 480, 542, 1107, 1150 Martha, 253, 315 Maurice, 1150 Michael, 1255 Morgan, 612 Moris, 480 Richard, 136 Richard ap, 11G2 Robert, 23, 1107, 1282 Robert ap, 1011 Thomas, 247, 669 Tristram, 287 "William, 268, 305, 542 Zacharie, 357 Evan David, Gagnor uz, 803 Evan Meredith, John ap, 862 Evan ap Meredith, John ap, 38 Evance, Joane, 1034 Evars see Evers Eves h«« «'^« I^« Edmond, 114 Elizabeth, 1304 John, 114 Mary, 302, 936 Raphe, 691 Richard, 318 Symon, 1232 William, 114 KefM'^^^'^'^^ Thomas, 982 Evelyn, John, 794, 1017 Robert, 1017 Even see Evan Evenden see Everenden Evens see Evan Everall, Abraham, 210 Elizabeth, 210 Joane, 210 John, 210 Mary, 210 Richard, 210 Thomas, 210 William, 210 Winifred, 210 Everard "^ l;rerdk-'^g«.1^82 Evered J Joane, 487 John, 19, 487 Margaret, 19 Phillippe, 564 Richard, 455, 700, 1169 Walter, 487 William, 568 Everenden ) ■D„i,„_i ^ot- Evenden \ ^o^^"^*, 435 Samuel, 342 Ivererd I «^« Everard Evereste, William, 953 f 7^r? I Charles, 1315 Edward, 686 Horatio, 1315 Priscilla,1315 Thomas,1315 Eversfleld, Joane, 276 Mary, 276 Evershed, , 1076 Everton, Clement, 710 Elizabeth, 710 Frances, 710 James, 710 Job, 710 John, 710 lverfe|^lice,651 Elizabeth, 651, 913 Joane, 651 John, 659 Symon, 651 Eves see Eve EwIns|G'-^««'669.847 John, 669, 847 Robert, 669, 847 Koger, 609, 847 Thomas, 669, 847, 1313 William, 669, 847 Ewer see also Hewer John, 603 Margery, 1216 frtfr} Agnes. 695 Argent, 695 Elizabeth, 695 George, 695 James, 695 Joan, 695 John, 695 Mary, 695 Mathew, 695 Stephen, 695 Thomas, 695 William, 695 Willmott, 695 Exham, William, 1348 Exton, baroness, see Anne Harrington Elizabeth, 1129 John, 1129 Robert, 1129 ^vrpt I *«^ «■'*<' -A-yers ^Yer ) Al>raham, 824 Adam, 582 Anthony, 571 George, 582 Gervas, 583 Jeane, 582 Joane, 323 John, 323, 710 Margery, 323 Prudence, 323 Roger, 582 Rowland, 582 Thomas, 323, 614 William, 323, 350 Eystone, George, 52^ Thomas, 527 Eyton, John, 806 William, 55, 1283 Fabian, Thomas, 1168 William, 1355 Facebrowne, Oliver, 148 Facye, William, 656 Fairley, George, 157 Falconer see Faulknor Falding, Robert, 888 Fall, 626 Fallowfeild, , 416 Fallway, Hugh, 465 Falwatre, Jacob, 675 Fane see also Vane Grace, 1170 Elizabeth, 1170 sir Francis, 1170 sir Harry, 37 John, 550 Mary, 1170 lady Mary, 1170 Fannani see Farnham Fanne, Thomas, 603 Fante, Samuel, 439 Fareley see Farley Farewell see Farwell ISy}-s.,669 Anne, 847 Anthony, 847 Averye, 847 Elizabeth, 847 George, 985 John, 1107 Joseph, 847 Josias, 847 Margaret, 847 Nicholas, 597 Roger, 847 Farman, Edward, 52, 1347 Farmer \ Farmar J mr., 482 Farmor ) Agnes, 1264 Edward, 52, 859 John, 52, 55, 612, 691, 859 Marie, 691 Mary, 1026 Richard, 52, 1026 Roger, 612 Symon, 1026 Thomas, 350, 1026 Farmer, Beard als. John, 625 Farmery, Anne, 554 Anthony, 554 Christopher. 554 Ellen, 554 George, 554 Jane, 554 John, 554 Robert, 554 William, 554 Farmor see Farmer Farnell, John 218 Farnham ) Fannam [ Edee, 225 Varnham ) Grace, 289 Henry, 235 John, 146 Mary, 225 Raph, 225 Parra see Farrar Farrand, , 435 INDEX OF PERSONS. 499 ,242 Farrar ) Tarrer [ , 352, 909 Farra ) Ambrose, 21 Jerom, 1135 John, 352 Mary, 352 Nicholas, 352 Peter, 21 Richard, 352 Farringdon, , 985 Joan, 985 Farrington, • , 1 Farroe, Elizabeth, 601 Farth, William, 1197 Farthing, George, 127 Arthur, .164 Dorothy, 464 Frances, 464 George, 464 John, 4G4 Margaret, 464 Phillippe, 464 Synion, 685 Farye, John, 947 FaslerC?), Walter, 21 Faulknor ^ Fawkner | Fawkener I ■cr^„„„ . Fawkenor ^Henry, . Fawconer Falconer J John, 393 Nicholas, 880 Ralph, 277 Richard, 242 Roger, 1164 iauSte} Margaret, 1175 Mary, 1175 Thomas, 1175 William, 1175 Fawconer j Fawkener ( ^^e Faulknor Fawkenor/ see±auiKnor Fawkner ) Fawweather, Josiah, 1315 Fayerman, William, 251 Faylon, Joane, 513 William, 513 Fayrbarne, Mary, 1175 Fayzie, Margaret, 235 Fazakerley, Henry, 868 Feake, , 1145 Edward, 63 James, 63 John, 63 Marie, 63 Nan, 1145 Rebecca, 63 Sarah, 63 'J'homas, 63 William, 63 Feasaunt, Jasper, 36 Thomas, 36 Feates, Harry, 716 Feathersall, Leonard, 928 Fed, Anthony, 639 Feelder, Anne, 1233 Elizabeth, 1233 Roger, 1233 Feild : Feilde Feildinge, Bassell, 711 Felde see Field Felial, Christian, 817 Felsted, Henry, 113 see Field Feltham, Flizabeth, 1344 Robert, 1244 Felton, Suzan, 967 Thomas, 319 Fenn ) see also "Venn Fenne ) mr., 277 Dorothy, 1342 Henry, 1209, 1343 Hiimf rey, 41 John, 1209 Michael, 1209 Richard, 1342 Rose, 41 Thomas, 1342 William, 1342 Fennell, Fllzabeth, 873 John, 873 William, 873 Fenner see also Vennor mr., 1146 Alice, 83 Allen, 83 Andrew, 83 Edward, 83 John, 83 Pascew, 706 Fenton, mr., 357 John, 30 Joseph, 15 Richard, 139 Fenwick, Roger, 62 Fenys, William, Lord Saye and Seal, 1096 Ferebe, George, 593 Ferington, Thomas, 584 Ferinhoughe, Robert, 1104 Feme, mrs., 290 Bridget, 74 Daniel, 74 James, 74 John, 74 Ferryes, mr., 1155 Fest, Richard. 321 Fetherston, Richard, 317 l^ttyplace [ -e a^.o Petepace Parnell, 1024 William, 1289, 1359 Fidell, Thomas, 478 Fields Feild Feilde V , 943, 1075 Felde mr., 552 Fields ' Anthony, 1315 Bartholomew, 318, 1088 Daniel, 1209 Dorcas, 1088 • Edward, 1167 Elizabeth, 910, 986 James, 358 Joane, 1088 John, 318, 986 Katherine, 1088 Richard, 318, 321, 945 Thomas, 318 William, 318 Figge, Henry, 231 Filkes see Philkes Finch ) Finche [ Daniel, 335 Fynche ) James, 69 John, 845, 1004, 1135, 1143 Nicholas, 69 Phillippe, 1143 Thomas, 175 William, 325, 943 Fincher, Armill, 1254 Finlye, Ralph, 812 Fishe, Cornelius, 962 Edward, 796 Florence, 1223 Francis, 796 Jane, 328 John, 619 Fishe als. Clement Alice, 913 Fishelie, Oliver, 511 Fisher, Alice, 133 Anne, 133 Benjamin, 1197 Charles, 66 Clement, 418 sir Clement, 418 Francis, 30 Henry, 795 Jane, 169 Jasper, 133 Jedean, 133 John, 169, 979 Katherine, 442 Mary, 133 lady Mary, 418 Nathaniel, 1133 Richard, 536, 1103 sir Robert, 418 Thomas, 133, 960, 1141, 1312 William, 906, 1359 Juche|^'^"e'560 Dorothie, 560 Hanna, 560 Henry, 1070 Josua, 560 Nathaniel, 560 Raphe, 560 Richard, 560 Talbott, 42 Thomas, 560 sir William, 1 Zachary, 560 Fithie see Fythee Fitt, George, 598 Fitton see Phy ton Fitzharberte see also Harbert Richard, 515 Flackett, John, 43 Flammacke Flamaueke 694 William, 817 Flaye, James, 1105 Fleete, Jane, 879 John, 879 Thomas, 879 Fleetewood, Elizabeth, 30 Thomas, 1082 Flem^n|e)El-l'eth,453 Joane, 453 Klohard, 453 Rowland, 1263 Thomas, 453 Fletcher, , 1063 mr., 1008 Edward, 94, 360, 1246 Humfrey, 828 James, 44 Johan, 1246 John, 1246 Margerye, 1346 Richard, 844, 1246 Thomas, 298, 990, 1122, 1246 Flint, Richard, 521 Flinton, William, 565 Floide, Lloide als. John, 685 Flood ) Fludd J see also Lloyd Flyd ) , 877, 1348 500 INDEX OF PERSONS. Elizabeth, 59 Margaret, 604 Roger, 1078 Thomas, 881 William, 1304 Plooke, William, 510 Florence, William, 1018 Florey, John, 1024 fi>Te?J^°-.697 Henry, 186, 697 Joane, 213, 697 John, 216, 743 Margaret, 186 Mary, 216 Richard, 832 Robert, 697 Thomas, 303 Flowerdewe, Stanley, 918 Flowers see Flower Floyd see also Lloyd Mary, 366 Floyer, mr., 506 Find, Lloyd als. Jonathan, 386 ™dj see Flood riyer, Elizabeth, 42 i'rancis, 40, 42 MatUew, 40, 43 Raphe, 40, 42 Richard, 42 Plynton, Pharao, 660 Foarde see Ford Foker, Roger, 158 Folansbye, Barbara, 1232 Christopher, 1232 FoUambe, Isabel Folkes see Fulkes Folkingham, William, 1348 Follett ) Folliot \ Goodlucke, 734 Folliat ) sir Henry, 1310 John, 956, 1305 Roger, 1157 Folsham, Smithe als. Ellen, 1346 Fones, Thomas, 1137 Foorkens, Peter, 1216 Forates, mr., 1173 FoTbaunche, Charles, 801 Frances, 801 Isabell, 801 Katherine, 801 Kichard, 801 Susan, 801 Thomas, 801 Forboes, John, 1078 Ford ) Forde [ Andrew, 326 Foarde ) Annas, 326 Catherine, 1060 Charles, 111 Edward, 1182 Francis, 1182 George, 654 John, 457 Mawde, 654 Richard, 5, 358, 417 Sarah, 326 Susanne, 326 Thomas, 208, 326 William, 379, 410, 1104, 1182 sir WilUam, 410 Ford, Simes als. Richard, 1314 Fordam see Fordham Forde see Ford Fordelie, William, 1348 Fordham "] Fordam ^Elinor, 1173 Fordome J Nathaniel, 401 Thomas, 896 Forrest, Isaac, 291 Forte, Edward, 1143 John, 1143 Philip, 745 For the, William, 151 Fortlio ) ifwxq Furtho f ' ^"""^ Anne, 1003 Edward, 1003 Elizabeth, 1003 Thomas, 1003 Fortrell, John, 928 Forward, mr., 1307 Henry, 485 John, 142, 1306 Thomas, 142 Fossett, , 506 Foster ) Forster \ mr., 153, 797, 1047 Foyster ) Alice, 1130 Anne, 166 Benjamin, 776 Cicely, 1130 E., 743 Elizabeth, 166, 1130 Francis, 1107 George, 315, 1130 Goddard, 275 Henry, 1130 Hugh, 808 Jane, 1130 Jasper, 166 John, 140, 1130 Mary, 1130 Morris, 313 Nicholas, 37 Parnell, 320 Richard, 37, 166, 1289 Robert, 37, 146, 1289 Roger, 1008 Thomas, 166, 275, 776 William, 223, 921, 1130 Fotherby, Charles, 278 Cicelie, 278 Elizabeth, 278 Margarite, 278 Margaret, 278 Martin, 378 Mary, 278 Thomas, 278 Fouke see Fulkes louStlr} Elizabeth, 1285 Erasmus de la, 1285 John, 1089 Fowers, Leonard, 535 Fo^kesh-™^^ Fowkinge, Robert, 1307 Fowle, William, 364 Fowler, Edith, 765 Henry, 977 Martha, 994 PhilUp, 192 Robert, 476, 765, 1353 Walter, 1058 Will., 351 William, 595 |:«^,[mr.,483 Agnes, 1026 Catherine, 255 Edward, 618 John, 653, 751, 1160 Nicholas, 597, 1160 Richard, 130 Rose, 1282 Salomon, 615 Samuel, 255 William, 1026, 1286 Foxall, John, 618, 1154 Foxcrofte, William, 992 Foxe see Fox Foxley, , 651 John, 521 Foye, Sara, 1341 Foyle, John, 853 Foyster see Foster Frampton, John, 865 Stephen, 20 William, 1337 Francis "^ Francys Fraunces [-Alice, 461 Frauncis | Anne, 105, 298, Frauncys I 1183 Christopher, 1183 Edward, 298 sir Edward, 410 Eleanor, 105, 618 Elizabeth, 298, 461, 657, 744, 1345 Henry, 925 Jane, 461 John, 298, 601, 667, 1183, 1197, 1345 Margaret, 105, 461, 657, 1345 Mary, 925, 1197 Nicholas, 1345 Philip, 484 Richard, 1183 Roger, 105 Susan, 657 Thomas, 657, 825 Thomasin, 484 William 298, 461, 657, 703, 897, 1274, 1345 Sa^Sc'Lh-^-"^« Francklen see Franklyn Franckley, Marian, 60 Francklinge \ Francklyn [ see Franklyn Francklyne ) Francombe, Francis, 504 Joane, 504 John, 504 Phillippe, 504 Richard, 504 Franke ) Franck { Arthur, 305 Francke ) Christopher, 715 John, 926 Frankesse, Anthony, 31 Mary, 31 Franklyn ^ Francklyn I Francklyne I ayt Francklinge [ a ^^s 849 Frauncklyn a^® 758 Francklen J Alice, 758 Dorothy, 1038 Edmund, 016 Francis, 758 Gyles, 1038 James, 758 Jane, 758 John, 607, 802 Mary, 758, 921 , INDEX OF PERSONS. 501 Richard, 417, 682 Thomas, 397 William, 768 Frankton, , 535 Anne, 535 Fraunces ) Francis Frauncis jseecrancis Frauncklyn see Franklyn Frauucys see Francis Freeke}^^*'^^"^'^ Nathaniel, 1114 Frearae, Elizabeth, 255 Frear see Freere Free, Romaine, 1285 Freebody, John, 6, 736, 1228 Freeburne, Margery, 1102 Mary, 1102 Freeke see Freake Freeman ) »-,(■ Fremau J ' ^^^ inrs., 752 Charles, 520 Edward, 710, 882, 1031 Elizabeth, 42 Henry, 1111 Jane, 42 Johane, 42 John, 318, 1080 Judith, 318 Penelope, 318 Raphe, 42 Richard, 318 Robert, 859, 1031 Rowland, 1216 Sara 4*^ Thomas, 318, 388, 453, 1133 William, 42, 917 Freere ) Frear [ see also Fryer Freyre ) Ambrose, 843 John, 160 Thomas, 843 William, 1358 Freeston, Richard, 832 Fr"ntljo^-."27 John, 1004 Thomas, 876 Freman see Freeman French ) Frenclie > , 358 Frencke ) Abell, 1223 Agnes, 892 Christopher, 1143 Edith, 454 Elizabeth, 892 Grace, 892 Jane, 892 John, 288, 454, 474, 865 Margery, 454 Richard, 560 Robert, 892 Stephen, 009 'riiomas,474 William,454, 892, 1096 Frenchbourne, Robert, 53 Frenche see French Frenchfelld, Ma., 345 Frencke see French Frend see Freiud Frenham, Henry, 547 Freshwater, Edward, 626 Frethvile, sir Peter, 1183 Freyre see Freere Frice, Robert, 567 Frie see Fry Frier see Fryer Frissendon, , 631 Alice, 631 Fristo, Thomas, 932 Friston ) 007 Fristone ] ' "*•" Cbristopher, 262, 327 Trifliia, 327 Irithe} Henry, 962 Raphe, 357 William, 357, 962 Frodisham, Bathonie, 1214 Frogbrooke, Rose, 70 Froggatt, John, 1025 Frogge, John, 1208 Mary, 1208 Frompton, Elizabeth, 243 FfoIte}^li^^b«*^'1334 George, 609 John, 43, 659 Margaret, 158, 601 Mary, 659 Robert, 601 Thomas, 1104, 1153, 1334 rXdel^g^-.^oa Walter, 903 Fry ) Frye > see also Vrye Frie ) Ankerett, 529 Annis, 529 Christian, 137 Dorothy, 988 Edith, 988 Elizabeth, 529 George, 335 Grace, 988 Gyles, 529, 745 Henry, 805 Jane, 988 John, 335, 865, 1280, 1305 Margery, 506 Mary, 376, 529 Maute, 1280 Nicholas, 911 Richard, 206, 861 Thomas, 988 William, 529, 911 Fryatt, Mary, 778 Fryday, Joane, 860 Thomas, 1031 Frye see Fry Frfer I *^* *'*'* Freere Alice, 21 Anthony, 888 Benjamin, 1337 Edward, 1069 Gilbert, 1209 John, 245 Margaret, 824 Nicholas, 1072 Richard, 824 Susan, 776 Fryland, John, 48 Mary, 48 Fryman, Dorothy, 1265 Henry, 1265 Fulford Ipieano- 7K Fulforde ( ^^eanor, 75 Mary, 711 Thomas, 711 Fulkes Folkes Fooke Fookes VEleanor, 430 Fouke Elizabeth, 1293 Fowke Joane, 480 Fowkes J John, 262, 1293 Marmaduke, 358 Martin, 1293 Mary, 1293 Richard, 262, 430 Thomas, 450 William, 466 Fullam, Elizabeth, 930 John, 930 Fullarton see FuUerton Fuller, , 1287 arms, 277 goodwife, 302 Abigail, 277, 1287 Adam, 1007 Anne, 277 Bastock, 099 Cuthbert. 277 Daniel, 277, 1287 Edith, 321 Elizabeth, 277, 321, 1287 Francis, 277 George, 1091 Henry, 321 James, 321 Joan, 1208 John, 505, 738, 1197 Katherine, 699 Mary, 277 Nicholas, 277, 1287 sir Nicholas, 277, 1287 Richard, 1091 Roger, 710 Rose, 1197 Sara, 277, 1257 Stephen, 950 Susan, 277 Thomas, 710 lunartoS!-J---.36.12T9 Fulnetby, Robert, 1066 Fumy hie, Grace, 1170 Punnell, Margaret, 50 Furkes, James, 866 Furminger, Andrew, 322 Fursland, Richard, 1206 Furtho see Fortho Fynche see Finch Fyson, Frances, 171 Leonard, 171 Thomas, 171 |:J^^^-JRobert.nO Gabbe, John, 1188 Gabell, Anne, 729 George, 729 Gaddesby, Thomas, 1167 Gadgcombe, Susanne, 499 Gadyner see Gardener gSljo'^-'lO^l Martin, 1021 Mary, 1021 Gage, Edward, 100 Jolm, 100 Gaiche, William, 694 Gaie see Gay Gaiffeth, John, 474 Gale see also Gell Elizabeth, 1217 Joane, 1088 John, 253, 1153, 1300 William, 1300 Gall, Edmund, 627 Johane, 852 Galland, Thomas, 1266 Gallant, Francis, 319 Galliard, mr., 478 Galllngrton, Alice, 1130 502 INDEX OF PERSONS. Galloway, Anna, 181 John, 181 William, 181 Galthrope, mrs., 689 Galwaye, Robert, 374 Gamage, Henry, 1229 Gambeil 1 ,, ..^o Gamble ] , n, 118J Elizabeth, 11 Thomas, 11 Games, Richard, 179 John, 70 Mary, 70 Robert, 1232 Rose, 70 Thomas, 70, 877 Zachary, 70 Gannocke, Edward, 250 Garat see Garrett Gard ) Gurshion or Garde J Gussinge, 876 James, 291 Gardener"! Gardiner Gardyner Vmr., 362, 589, 719 Gardner lady, 284 Gadyner j Anne, 10 Elizabeth, 330 Henry, 372 James, 1000 Joan, 318 Johane, 1281 John, 736, 1281 Lucy, 1281 Mary, 284, 399, 895 Michael, 1324 Penelope, 362 Richard, 399, 719 Bobert, 1281 sir Robert, 384 Sibill, 60 Thomas, 372, 416, 1253, 1324 William, 284, 978 Gare, John, 690 Garetes, James, 357 Garford, Elizabeth, 1197 Ellen, 1197 John, 1197 Martin, 1197 Mary, 1197 Garfurth, Elizabeth, 1021 Helen, 1021 John, 1021 Martin, 1021 Mary, 1021 \ Garland, Pascall, 269 Game, Elizabeth, 310 John, 310 Garnebas, William, 666 Garners, Anne, 1310 Garnous, Anne, 1339 Elizabeth, 1339 Magdalen, 1339 Mary, 1339 Peter, 574, 1339 Francis, 209 George, 209 Henry, 449 John, 884 sir John, 1 Judith, 884 Margaret. 209 Richard, 209 Roger, 209 Thomas, 309 Alice, 853 Godfrey, 918 Henry, 853 Judith, 473 Richard, 1347 William, 94, 473. Garrod see Garrard Garssett, Robert, 752 g^r^t^e}«-e,422 Henry, 1285 William, 1285 sir William, 36 Gascoigne, Allathia, 1117 Christopher, 1117 Dorothy, 1117 Elizabeth, 1117 lady Elizabeth, 1117 George, 1003, 1117 Jane, 1117 John, 1117 Katherine, 1117 Mary, 1117 Nicholas, 1003 sir Nicholas, 1117 Richard, 1117 Susan, 1117 Thomas, 1003, 1117 William, 844 Gase, Gyles, 520 Gastrell, Edmond, 251 Gatacre ) Gatackre { Charles, 648 Gatacker ) Margery, 648 Thomas, 949 Gates, Alice, 59 Edward, 318 Henry, 484 Gatley, John, 357 Gaton, Richard, 693 Gattegar, mr., 693 Gatteward, William, 151 Gaught, John, 1310 Gauntlet, Roger, 217 Gawdron, Thomas, 1346 Gawen, John, 1093 Mary, 1093 Prudence, 1093 Richard, 1093 Robert, 1093 Thomas, 356 Gawler, Christopher, 187 Gawton, John, 247 g-7,«|john,695 Richard, 425 Gaylerd, Alice, 1314 Robert, 1314 Gaylor, Christopher, 1296 Gaynsford \ -j ■. „-„ Gaynsfordef''"'^"' ""'^ Richard, 322 Geale see Geele Geast, Andrew, 129 Gedey, Katherine, 499 Gee, George, 1070 Olale! Edith, 502 Richard, 502, 877 GS)««^Gerye Gefferson, Helen, 717 Geffray see Jeif ery Geldard, Agnes, 1208 Bartill, 1208 Edith. 1208 Elizabeth, 1208 Maude, 1208 Thomas, 1208 Gelder, Edward, 888 Richard, 627 Geldinge, George, 1197 Mary, 1197 Gele ( *^^ '*'*" ^'^^^ John, 1125 Thomas, 711, 963 Gellstrop 1 Gelstrope [ mr., 372 Gelsthroppe ) William, 4, 1229 Gentel Henry, 264, 873 Geotfrayes see Jeffrey George see also Gorges Agnes, 538 Edward, 684 Henry, 1261 Hugh, 535 John, 1209 Katherine, 1209 Mary, 1209 Mawde, 1337 Richard, 1275 Sarah, 1209 Thomas, 1209 W^illiam, 1116 Gerishe, Elizabeth, 208 John, 75, 208 German see also Jermyn Samuel, 131 Gerrard ) • „ „o_ Jerrard ( ^^°®' ^^^ sir Charles, 827 Elizabeth, 285 George, 861 Henry, 1226 Mary, 251 Gerrie see Gerye Gervase see Jervis Gerye "] gSUnne,367 GeerTsJ»«>-«t'^i«.8^ John, 928 Mary, 367 Peter. 367 Richard, 597 Thomas, 367 Gharailts, Marcus, 188 Gharoner, Thomas, 680 gbbesh-Gi^^B-^ Gibbon ) ,,,, Gibbons ] ' ^^^'■ Frances, 1115 Joane, 1115 John, 777, 1115 Obadiah, 435 Richard, 615 Symon, 244 Thomas, 711 Vincent, 196 William, 155 Gibbs ) Gibbes \ Edward, 814 Gibbe ) Thomas, 57, 118 William, 1145 Gibion, John, 717 Olbson Gibsonne 1102 Agnes, 150 Anne, 126, 150, 1102 Edmond, 227 INDEX OF PERSONS. 503 11 George, 206 Joan, 742 Jobn, 150, 742 Priscilla, 1026 Robert, 205, 1026 Thomas, 150, 898 Gilford ) Gitfard \ mrs., 626 Gytford ) Edith, 921 Elizabeth, 1255 Jo. 422 John, 97 Rowland, 687 Gigg, Roger, 1353 Giggon, 450 Gilbert, Alice, 392 Edward, 610 George, 637 Griffith, 792 John, 392, 613, 637, 1211 sir John, 913 Margaret, 998 Roger, 44 Thomas, 496, 610, 1210 Gildon, Philip, 892 Giles 1 Gyles j " Ann, 869 Edward, 381 Elizabeth, 869 Frances, 869 George, 381 Hugh, 869 Jeremy, 381 John, 381, 869, 982 Philip, 928 Robert, 126 Steven, 381 Thomas, 869 William, 381, 869 Gyul '582.1035 PhiUp, 139 Richard, 1342 Thomas, 223 WilUam, 1062 Gillett, Annis, 864 Bridget, 1236 Giles, 864 Henry, 864 Joane, 864 Margery, 1236 Ralph, 864 Robert, 864 Sara, 864 Gilliuges, Katharine, 414 Gillman see Gilman Gillowe, Manasses, 217 Gilman ) Gylman \ Anthony, 1037 Gillman ) Elizabeth, 1037 John, 790 Peter, 716 Giltentoe, Agnes, 742 John, 742 Peter, 742 Gilvain, Robert, 370 Ginger, John, 351 G&n'erH^"«'^'''^y^«'^ Robert, 718 William, 522 Gissipp, John, 951 Gittins ) Gittyns } John, 1052 Gvttinges ) Mary, 386 Roger, 386, 392 Gittoes, Francis, 705 Richard, 705 Glace see also Glasse Thomas, 1172 Gladwynn, Wilbam, 1202 Glaowyn, John, 503 Glasbrooke, R., 1094 William, 244 Glascocke, , 1075 Mary, 10, 1075 Glassard, Joane, 708 William, 708 Glasse see also Glace John, 521 Nicholas, 436 Thomas, 836 Gleare, George, 113 Gleede, John, 522 Glensforde, Silvester, 175 GlUn, Hugh Philip, 862 Glother, Thomas, 647 Glouer see Glover Glove, George, 140 Glover ) „ -/,, Glouer f mrs., 561 Alexander, 1089 Blanch, 1089 Ellen, 1089 John, 226, 662 Martha, 1357 Robert, 669, 1000 William, 1089 Glubb, Frances, 755 Johane, 755 John, 484, 755, 1113 Nicholas, 755 Rowland, 755 Thomas, 755 Walter, 484, 755, 1113 Goalley, Edmund, 951 Ooard, Christopher, 876 James, 876 Julian, 876 Thomas, 876 Goates, Nicholas, 723 Gow"h^«--'«^ William, 94, 7d3 Gobett, , 729 Goble see Gobell Godard see Goddard Godbye, John, 1222 Mary, 1222 Richard, 1222 to"d^aM'^|l-dy,972 Alice, 693 Edward, 514 George, 1043 Henry, 693 Jane, 670 Jone, 693 John, 693 Matthew, 383 Paul, 670 Goddericke, John, 182 Godderus, William, 285 Goddesbye, Agnes, 1167 Alice, 1167 Frauncis, 1167 8^Srtj«^n.686 William, 686 Gode, John, 975 Godfrey ~| Godfree I .^^ Godfrie fTZ.' 272 Godfrye J ^»ne, ^7J Edward, 813 EUzabeth, 272, 478, 813 George, 813 German, 554 Henry, 1264 Jacob, 813 Joan, 813 John, 58, 1021 Katherine, 478 Roberta, 478 TVilliam, 116, 273 Godinges see Goddinges Godly ) Godlye \ Edward, 1046 Godlie ) James, 1046 John, 1046 Nicholas, 393 Richard, 1046 Sara, 810 Stephen, 747 Thomas, 1046 Godman, Walter, 410 Godolphin, Francis, 1224 Nicholas, 120 Godsall, Dorothy, 516 Frances, 516 Mary, 516 Robert, 516 WilUam, 1340 Godsalve, mrs., 259 William, 1168 Godschalck, Abigail, 1338 Anne, 1338 Jacob, 1338 John, 1338 Joos, 1338 Peter, 1338 Goife ^ Gofe 1^^ ,oQ Elizabeth, 1351 George, 860, 1351 Henry, 860, 922 Mary, 651, 1351 Richard, 1162 WilUam, 1351 Got ton see also Goston lady, 36 Francis, 36 sir Francis, 36 John, 36 Gogle, James, 1348 Golde see also Goulde Christian, 861 Goldesburgh ) . ,„„ Gouldisburgh ] ^^^' ^"^^ Anthony, 1019 Godfry, 657 Jobn, 557, 1019 Judith, 557 Mary, 557 Rebecca, 557 Richard, 557 Rowland, 557 Thomas, 557 Golding "^ ad1^^fjB-t"-."48 Christopher, 930 Elizabeth, 21, 678, 1148 George, 110, 1021, 1148, 1197 John, 1288 Margaret, 1288 Mary, 1021 Peter, 1148 Rachel, 1021, 1197 Richard, 1288 504 INDEX OF PERSONS. Robert, 358, 678 Roger, 1148 William, 1148 Goldiug ala. Petchey Benedict, 102 Thomas, 1015 ro}drne)l^-^-d,586 Susanna, 1287 Goldwell, Charles, 45 Gollopp 1 , J 014 GoUoppe ] ^™y' ^"^^* Anna, 999 Thomas, 426 WilUam, 999 Goltropp, Anne, 603 Gomersall, mr., 1144 Gomes, Francis, 1108 Gomes Davela, Mary, 433 Gonning ) Gonninge [ see also Goring Gonnynge ) John, 55, 1283, 1366 Gooche see also Gouch John, 372 Good see also Goude mrs., 527 Edward, 1111 Henry, 423, 733 Jane, 44 John, 423, 733 Margaret, 226 Mary, 362, 433, 744 Thomas, 423, 733, 1331 William, 423, 733 Goodall ) Gooddall { mrs., 20 Goodhall ) Barbara, 90 Dorothie, 628 Jane, 90 Johane, 628 Katherine, 628 Lucy, 628 Millicent, 628 Richard, 628 Robert, 628 Samuel, 628 Susanna, 628 Thomas, 628 William, 638. 1125 Goodborne, Peter, 198 Goodding, Mary, 124 Richard, 124 Goodfellow, mrs., 40 John, 129 Goodhall see Goodall Goodin see Goodwyn Goodman see also Man Garden, 401 Edward, 401 Francis, 401 Grace, 401 Henry, 401 Humfry, 1020 Jane, 1214 John, 287, 401 Richard, 885 Sara, 1222 Thomas, 926 Goodman als. Man Robert, 885 Goodrick ) Margaret, 480, Goodricke ( 1150 Thomas, 1180 Goodridge, Margaret, 336 Richard, 1278 Thomas, 313 Goodsett, John, 14 Goodson, Rebecca, 6 Goodwyn Goodwyne Goodwynne Good wine Goodin Godwyn Godwyne 693 Anne, 363, 753 Edmund, 1175 Humfry, 1025 John, 516, 579, 800 Thomas, 753 Goodrerrij«l^-.3«5,1094 Thomas, 1133 Googe, mr., 277 Gooke, Jane, 1337 John, 1337 Goole see Gould Goond, Henry, 978 Nicholas, 978 Thomas, 978 Goosey, Richard, 297 Gooson, , 544 g^Sell}^^-^"^'^^^'^^^ Gordon, Genevefue, 51 J'ohn, 51 Lucy, 51 sir Robert, 51 Gore, William, 113 sir Edward, 1366 sir Robert, 24 Thomas, 876 sir William, 1366 GorinieH«««^«««'^'^g Edward, 410 George, 94 Henry, 410 John, 1283 Gortlie, Nicholas, 1127 Gosling "^ Goslinge Goslyn ^mr., 1040 Gosleyn Elias, 1279 Gosehn J Jeane, 1047 John, 134 Marke, 444 Mary, 243 Sarah, 243 Gosnold H., 456 Henry, 456 Gosse, William, 91 Goston, see also Gofton lady, 36 sir Francis, 36 Gostwicke, Christofer, 797 Gotheridge, Joane, 520 Goude see also Good Anne, 830 Brldgett, 830 Richard, 830 Thomas, 830 William, 830 Goudge, , 321 Peter, 321 Robert, 318 Richard, 321 William, 859 Gough Uee(iojfe Goughe ( ^^ ^^^^ Gould ) Goulde \ see also Golde Goole ) , 243 Ciceley, 679 Edward, 503 Hanna, 88 Jane, 679 Johane, 679 Margery, 679 Peternell, 469 Bicbard,679 Sara, 679 Gouldan, Thomas, 929 Gouldinham see Goldingham. Gouldisburgh see Goldesburgh Gouldsmith \ Gouldsmithe > Andrew, 570 Gouldsmyth ) sir Francis, 844 Mary, 251 William, 671 Gouldston, Richard, 1133 Gouldwyer, John, 381, 800 Mary, 281 Thomas, 107 Goulzeree, William, 469 Gourd, George, 229 Humfrev, 229 John, 229 James, 229 Gourd als Brooke James. 339 Joan, 229 Gourney, Anne, 150 Hugh, 150 gS}^-«.229 Henry, 229 John, 229 Lewis, 861 Gower, William, 1155 Grace, Mary, 819 Mathew, 736 Kichard, 736, 819 Gradbere, Robert, 518 Grafton, Alice, 271 John, 518 Katherine, 271 Margaret, 271 Margery, 271 Mary, 518 Thomas, 371 William, 318 Grames, Prudence, 748 Richard, 748 Grandorge, William, 1125 afge}j«^-'«^^ Thomas, 1116 af/erlElianor,235 Elizabeth, 235 Joane, 1066 Walter, 235 Grant ) Graunt > Anne, 141 Graunte ) Elizabeth, 73 Humfry, 270 Johane, 141 John, 73 Mary, 141 Maryan, 329 Maud, 141 Suzan, 1029 Thomas, 141 William, 1290 Grantham, sir Thomas, 1155, 1178 Granther, John, 690 Graunge see Grange Graunger see Granger are }-««--' INDEX OF PERSONS. 505 Anuis, 1323 Elizabeth, 1323 Frauds, 887 Isabell, 192 Jaue, 478 John, 338 Mary, 1323 Robert, 1323 Sara, 1323 Thomas, 1202 William, 1323 Graven, John, 215, 237 Graves see Grave Gravett, John, 1279 Richard, 679 Gray ) Graye > mr., 615 Grey ) mrs., 1 Ann, 941 Anthony, 160, 941 Dorothy, 323 Elizabeth, 323, 941 George, 476 Humfrey, 160 Isabell, 1170 Joan, 355 John, 426, 498, 743, 941, 1042 Nicholas, 472 Raphe, 1170 Robert, 433 . Sarah, 941 Thomas, 161, 323, 433, 908 "William, 149, 472 Greasbrooke, John, 1284 Greaves, , 473 Charles, 1317 Kdward, 1317 John, 1317 Richard, 1317 Gredye, Thomas, 756 Greeinway see Greenwaie Greeke, EUinor, 604 John, 604 Thomas, 604 William, 604 Green ) Greene [ , 1348 Greine ) goody, 930 mr., 818 Abraham, 900 Agnes, 515 Alice, 1157 Anne, 57, 496, 734 Catherine, 673 Christopher, 86 Edmund, 1364 Edward, 57, 1172 Eleanor, 673 Elizabeth, 299 Ellen, 226 Francis, 182 George, 673 Hugh, 515 James, 478, 707 Jane, 182, 673 Joane, 182, 515 John, 435, 615, 574, 742, 782, 986 Josua, 57 Katherine, 1184 Margaret, 57, 673 Marie, 226 Mary, 707, 900 Melior, 515 Michaell, 734 Raphe, 208 Rebecca, 57 Richard, 11, 34, 182, 192, 284, 407, 515, 613, 734, 964, 1281, 1282 Kobert, 200, 673 Sara, 57 Symon, 515, 880 Thomas, 33, 574, 673, 1137, 1205 Ursula, 515 William, 1, 110, 515, 638, 888, 1229. 1348 Greene, Bretshawe als. Elizabeth, 820 Jane, 820 Johane, 820 Kichard, 820 Greene, Bosworth als. Arthur, 298 Greenefleld ) Greenef eild [ Bridget, 1076 Greenefeilde ) Elizabeth, 1076 James, 692 Joane, 107G Joseph, 335, 1280 Mary, 1076 Sarah, 1076 WiUiam, 1076 Greeneliill see Greenhill Greenestreete, George, 1097 Greeneway see Greenwaie Greenewell see Greenwell Greenewood see Greenwood Greenham, Richard, 74 Greenhill j joane 1070 GreenehiU \ '^°^^^' 1"^" Nicholas. 710 Greenhough ^ n'^^^'l't^^^ Uwgail, 243 Grenowes [ . ^f ' 040 Greinhaue J ^^tnur, Z4d John, 1078 Katherine, 1152 Sarah, 243 Greenwaie ) Greeneway > goodwife, 260 Greeinway ) Clement, 421 Thomas, 1036 Greenwell"! Greenewell Unne, 921 Grenewell f t„i,„ 'aoi Grenwell J '^*''^°' ^^1 Margaret, 921 Maud, 921 Robert, 921 Rowland, 921 Thomas, 921 William, 113, 917, 921 Greenwood ) ^.-n Greenewood) ' ^^*" Christian, 472 Henry, 1100 Gregges, Anne, 1039 Katherine, 1039 Margaret, 1039 William, 1039 Gregory "1 Grelorfe hA»th«*^y'19» GrflorTj^'^"^"'^'^'^^ Elizabeth, 198, 663 Henry, 563 John, 198 Robert, 639 Thomas, 707, 970 William, 27 Greine see Green Greinhaue see Greenhough Grenewell see Greenwell Grenowes see Greenhough Grenvile, Bevill, 1151 Grace, 1151 Grenwell see Greenwell Gresham, James, 442, 884 John, 884 Judith, 884 Penelopie, 884 Thomas, 884 William, 884 Grevili, sir Fulke, 1021 lady Joane, 235 Grey see Gray Gridley, Henry, 1190 Griflen see Griffin Grifleth ~l Gritfethes I „._ ri^«!+i, Griffld r^ Griffith Griffies Griffin Griffyn Grififen , 433, 625 Alice, 485 Anne, 87 Barbara, 185 Charles, 191 Joane, 443 John, 485 Morris, 571 Nicholas, 485 Noah, 485 Richard, 87, 190, 924 Thomas, 1353 Griffith ^ Gritfeth Griffethes Griffithes Griffltes J- ,1191 Griffittes Alice, 1112 Griffies Allen, 611 Griffld Anne, 55 Gruffith J Christopher, 55 David, 705 David Powell, 179 Edward, 55 Elizabeth, 55, 1147 Elizabeth verch, 611 Ellen, 130 Evans, 1011 George, 55 Gregory e, 611 Gwenllian, 268 Harry Thomas, 1191 Howell David, 179 James, 611 Jenkyn, 179 Joane, 922, 1147 Johane verch, 611 John, 55, 680, 723, 1014 John ap Edward, 480 John ap John, 179 John Llenn, 1118 Jonet verch, 611 Margaret, 47, 803, 806, 1261 Mary, 55, 1112 Morris, 61 Richard, 47, 55, 268, 1147, 1283, 1366 Rowland, 597 Tedder, 480 Thomas, 55 W^illiam, 55, 179, 922 Griffith Beuell, Rees, 1118 Griffith Howell, George, 611 Griffyn see Griffin Grig|l'}A"««'1223 Anne, 807 Eliazer, 1223 606 INDEX OF PERSONS. Elizabeth, 1223 Henry, 375, 807 Humfrey, 1223 James, 1223 Joane, 375 Johane, 807, 1223 John, 1223, 1318 Katherine, 807 Margaret, 807 Richard, 1223 Kobert, 807 Stephen, 1323 Susanna, 376, 1223 Thomas. 807, 1223 William, 807, 1223 Grigory see Gregory Grilles, Mary, 1221 Sb'letfe^— -.428 William, 428 Grimbold, Dorothy, 940 Martin, 940 Robert, 940 Grimes "^ George, 1005 Joane, 734 Johane, 1290 Richard, 734 Robert, 1290 William, 1290 Grirasbie. William, 889 Grimstone "j Grimston I i-,„„j„i m,. Grymstoner^^f'^i^l?!* Grymston j Edward, 946 Eleanor, 1184 Elizabeth, 946 sir Harbottell, 1088 sir Henry, 1088 Grim wade ) t«i,„ -7 Grymwade | ^^0^^°' ^ William, 7 Grinfeild, Joseph, 1311 Grist als. Syms Elinor, 1226 Grobham, sir Richard, 1352 Grofe, John, 513 Mary, 513 Groome, John, 482, 1330 Groomebridge, Robert, 629 Thomas, 1095 Groose, Elizabeth, 469 Grosvenor ) Gravenor [ Edward, 1133 Gravener ) Gawen, 711 Gowen, 711 Jane, 252 John, 1104 Richard, 253, 1133 Robert, 239 Grove | „ia Groves ( ' *'^° Anthony, 1333 David, 1177 John, 398, 947, 1007 Margaret, 255 Margery, 840 Roger, 1022 Growte, William, 1 Grubbe, John, 550 Richard, 1331 William, 382 Grufla, Thomas ap John, 803 Gruffl ap John, John, 803 Grufflth see Griffith Grundwyn see Grunwin Grundye, George, 167 Grunwin 1 Grunwyn [ Agnes, 1167 Grundwyn ) Edmund, 1167 Helen, 1167 Mary, 1167 Salomon, 1167 Sarah, 1167 Sesh-^"-- &toSe}-«G"-t-e Grymwade see Grimwade Gubon ) ,_ Guibon) ' ^' Frauncis, 17 William, 17 Guddin, , 1175 Francis, 1175 Sara, 1175 William, 1175 Gudgin, Oliver, 260 Reynold, 260 Gue a!s. Perry Thomas, 318 Gugan, John, 928 Guibon see Gubon Gullofifer, John, 377 Gulson, Antonie, 1001 Gunne, , 349 Thomas, 1234 Gunnell, Francis, 60 John, 60 Gunnynge, Johane, 55 Gunter, sir George, 692, 807 Humfrey, 1208 John, 692, 924 Martha, 692 Mary, 1208 Gunton, Jeremy, 896 Richard, 896 Johane, 987 John, 987 Gupwill, John, 674, 911 Gurney, John, 1251 Gurrey, mr., 1111 Marie, 1111 g-y,)mr.,1000 Isabell, 547 Richard, 357 William, 13, 338 Guyer, Joane, 377 Gwatkin see also Watkin John, 364 Gwillam see also William Elizabeth, 983 Gwillims, William, 669 Gwin Owen, Hugh, 571 Margaret, 571 Gwyn 1 Gwynne J doctor, 391 Gwinne ) Anne, 894 Jenkyn, 38 John, 792 Rice, 1191 Roger, 792, 1148 Gyblett, Hugh, 996 Gyddye, Arthur, 484 gdllTnges I Margaret, 1052 Mary, 1052 Gytford see Gifford Gyles see Giles Gyll see Gill Gylman see Gilman Gyne, Edward, 598 Thomas, 598 Gynner see Ginner Gylson, Elizabeth, 427 Thomas, 427 William, 427 Gyttinges see Gittins Habercham, Israeli, 891 Hacke, Grace, 1170 Hackett, Agnes, 189 Andrewe, 348 Elizabeth, 348 Jane. 189 John, 189 Raphe, 189 Sara, 189 Thomas, 189 Hacklitfe, Phillipp, 879 Hackney, John, 1304 Haekome, George, 127 Haddocke, Robert, 625 Hadds, Edward, 264 Hadley, Anne, 1257 Hadsman, Robert, 342 , Hafeaker, John, 280 William, 280 Haffield 1 a ii„„ ^oaq Haffeilde ] -^"ce, law Anne, 1340 Anthony, 1340 Frances, 1340 Joane, 1340 Margaret, 1340 Richard, 1340 Thomas, 1340 William, 1340 Hagarth, George, 129 John, 129 Launcelot, 129 Hage, Margaret, 214 Hailis, David, 800 Haines > Haynes | iafne'hBarbara,364 Havne Edmund, 1278 Ha/nneJ Edward, 86, 981 Joane, 1322 Johane, 364, 1378 John, 700, 970, 1278 Mary, 1278 Richard, 345, 952, 1322, 1326 Robert, 364, 414, 479 Thomas, 572, 867, 1008, 1278, 1322 William, 515, 1133, 1278 Hake, mr.,819 Elizabeth, 1306 Halcey see Halsey Haloombe, Mary, 793 Hale, Agnes, 239 Edward, 339 Elizabeth, 239 Gamaliel, 1260 Jane, 239 John, 30, 239, 527 Joyce, 239 Margaret, 239 Margery, 239 Richard, 239 Thomas, 239, 1133 Hales, Anne, 1214 Bathonie, 1214 Christopher, 1214 Daniell, 217 Elizabeth, 1214 Jane, 1214 Joan, 1214 John, 1214. INDEX OF PERSONS. 507 Marice, 1214 Marie, 1314 Stephen, 1214 Timothy, 1214 Halfhead, James, 859 Half hide, George, 1133 Halhead ) Halhed \ Alice, 1070 Hallhead ) Henry, 1070 John, 1070 Thomas, 1070, 1212 Hall } Haule [ , 712, 1059 Halls ) Allen, 501 Anne, 916, 1019 Anthony, 924 Bartholomew, 1088 Bridget, 1025 Dorothy, 784 Edmund, 975 Edward, 635. 784, 1254 Elizabeth 924, 1057 Frideswyde, 342 Gilbert, 342 Henry, 888 Humfrey, 159 James, 676 John, 3, 94, 583, 970, 1285 Joseph, dean of Worcester Cathedral, 1133 Joyce, 1094 Margaret, 1037 Mary, 924 Richard, 756 Robert, 765, 916 Koger, 788 Thomas, 788, 955, 1088 "William, 186, 409, 552, 008, 739 844, 916, 924, 1203 Hall als. Baker John, 536 Hallard, Ann, 676 Johane, 676 Margaret, 676 Phillipp, 676 William, 676 Hall awes, mr,, 279 Samuel, 279 Hallhead see Halhead Halliday ) Hallidaie ( -,435 William, 435 Hallinge, Nicholas, 237 Hallington, Alice, 716 Anne, 716 Dorothy, 716 Edward, 716 Ellen, 716 Isabel, 716 Katherine, 716 Margaret, 716 Susan, 716 William, 716 Halsey ) ^ Halcey ) ' Duncombe, 1124 Elizabeth, 923 John, 76 Kichard, 933 Robert. 923 W 1232 wiiliam, 76, 923, 1209 Halstatfe, Robert, 1306 Halswell, sir Nicholas, 703 Halywell. Robert, 677 Ham, Andrew, 506 Hieronimus, 269 Haman see Hamman Hambert, s-, 1125 Hambleton, John, 433 Hamblett see Hamlet Hamblyn see Hamlin Hamlet ) „-„ Hamblett ( • ^^ John, 648 Margaret, 253 Ralph, 253 Hamlin 1 Hamlyn J Agnes, 579 Hamblyn ) Anne, 579 Debora, 579 Edward, 579 Elizabeth, 194, 579 John, 579 Marie, 579 Richard, 971 William, 579 Hamman ) Haman > see also Hammond Hamon ) mr., 381 John, 275 Robert, 844 Hammant see Hamont Hamraersley, Hugh, 113 Hammerton, Thomas, 567 Hammond 1 Hamond > see also Hamonde) Hamman Andrew, 1285 Grace, 1307 Henry, 12 John, 1190 Richard, 1069, 1307 Robert, 381, 780, 859, 1307 Sarah, 1197 Thomas, 964 Hamner see also Hanmer, doctor, 353 Dorothy, 1034 Margaret, 1034 Moris, 1034 Rowland, 1034 Hamon see Hamman Sonde !-« Hammond K^nt [Henry, 138 Margaret, 899 Mary, 503 Nicholas, 503 iamorell^-lP^.l«9.««> Robert, 28 William, 28 Hampden, Mary, 160 Hamper, James, 890 Joane, 390 John, 390 Katherine, 390 Richard, 390 Susan, 390 William, 390 Hampton, Thomas, 983 William, 1350 Hanamell, , 264 Hanarde, Thomas, 179 Hanburie, mr., 244 Hanclin, William, 1133 Hancock 1 Hancocke > Anna, 149 Handcocke ) Godfrey, 582 Hester, 20 Joane, 191 John, 20 Luke, 1172 Michael, 451 Rebecca, 20 Robert, 451 Rowland, 1310 Thomas, 1172 i^S^^?^r( Abraham. 1330 Michael, 1336 Handes, William, 532 Hanford 'j Hanforde Handford VAgnes, 755 Handforde Ann, 503, 1161 Hannaf ord J Christopher, 892 Dorothy, 1161 Edward, 1161 Elizabeth, 1161 Francis, 1161 Hugh, 1090 Humfrey, 113 Jane, 1161 Joane, 503 John, 503, 1161 Katherine, 1161 Margaret, 1161 Mary, 1090, 1161 Haninge, Robert, 738 Hanley, Alice, 204 Eleanor. 204 Jane, 304 Thomas, 691 Hanmer, see also Hamner doctor, 221 Anthony, 645 Dorothy, 806 John, 806 Katherine, 806 lady Katherine, 806 Margaret, 806 Mary, 806 Roger, 806 Thomas, 806 sir Thomas, 806 Ursula, 806 William, 806 Hannaf ord see Hanford Hannam, Freedeswall, 772 Henry, 97, 772 James, 97 Johane, 97 John, 97. 773 Hanne, Edward, 377 Hannever, Agnes, 5 Francis, 5 Johane, 5 John , 5 Thomas, 5 Hannington, Richard, 861 Hanniwell, Barnard, 500 Hansard, sir William, 196 Hansby ) j, 251 Hansbie f ^•' ^^^ sir Raph, 251 Hanshaw, George, 888 John, 889 Hanslep ) oa Hansleppe ) ' Richard, 30 Hanson, Anne, 1001 George, 614 Henry, 1001 Joan, 1001 John, 408, 614, 1001 Priscilla, 1001 Prudence, 614 Rachell, 614 Richard, 614 Sara, 1001 Sence, 614 Symon, 614 Suzance, 408 Thomas, 477, 890, 1333 508 INDEX OF PERSONS. ■William, 614, 1001 Hanvs, eJohn, 1227 Hapijott, John, 1310 Harbert ) Harberte > see also Harbart ) Fitzharberte Edward, 179 Elizabeth, 1133 John, 474 Russell, 391 Walter, 501 Harburne, William, 317 Hartyn^'""^""*'^^*' Edward, 636 Elizabeth, 636 Thomas , G3G Hardcure, Anthony, 181 Hardey see Hardy Hardicke see Hardwlcke Hardie see Hardy Harding ) Hardinge [ , 506 Hardyn ) Joane, 506, 1079 Johane, 615 John, 279 Susan, 173 Thomas, 173 William, 414, 861 Hardinills, Kees, 282 Hardley, Peter, 35 Hardres, lady Eleanor, 728 Elizabeth, 728 Peirce, 728 Eichard, 728 Thomas, 728 Thoresby, 728 Hardware, George, 149 irrSi'"'"l^--.181.770 Elizabeth, 181 Ellen, 181 Henry, 181 Jane, 181 John, 181 Mary, 181, 770 Robert, 181 Susan, 181 William, 181 Hardy ■] Hardey 1 j^ j^j gaTd?e^"jH-ry,380 Humfrey, 1181 John, 151 Nicholas, 380 Kobert, 151, 380, 1008 Hose, 151 William, 226 Hardyn see Harding Hare, , 259 arms of, 259 Anne, 257, 729 Annys, 1209 Anthonie, 744 Catherine, 257 Edward, 1209 Elizabeth, 257 Hugh, 257, 359, 726 Jane, 729 John, 257, 259, 729 sir John, 259, 1125 Joseph, 1209 Margaret, 259, 726 Mary, 257 Melca, 257 Nicholas, 1209 Rachel, 257 sir Raphe, 259, 726, 1125 Roger, 676 Samuel, 357, 960 Susan, 257 Thomas, 259, 635, 726, 729 Thomazine, 259 Walter, 257 William, 257 Hare, Mountague als. lady Margaret, 726 Hareby, Robert, 199 Srl-Harley Haresse see Harris Harflett, Walter, 1146 Harforde, Mary, 1339 Richard, 1339 Hargate, Edward, 1119 Hargett, Edward, 405 ll::?i?^;L) Agnes. 1026 James, 1026 Robert, 1026 William, 920 Hariseh^^ Harris Harison see Harrison Hark, Edmund, 876 Harkwyn, Walter, 1309 Harland, mrs., 402 Robert, 402 Symon, 332 Harley ~j Harely Hareley \-see also Harrell Harle , 601, 1104 Harrle j Anne, 98, 643 Anthony, 98 Grace, 98 Johane, 98 John, 98 Margaret, 601 Mirable, 601 Richard, 686 Thomas, 601,643 William, 92, 98 Harlinge \ Harlyn John, 699 iaTrJSrfCiceley.lO Elizabeth, 1000 James, 747, 1000 John, 976, 1000 Mary, 10, 1000 Michaell, 1080 Nicholas, 1037 Richard, 10| Thomas, 924, 1000 Harmer, John, 863 Katherine, 863 William, 141, 863 Harmon see Harman Harnye, Amyce, 703 Harpam, James, 796 Johne, 796 Harpeley, Nicholas, 779 Harper Harpur Arthur, 1133, 1139 Edward, 173 Francis, 173 sir John, 614 Precilla, 173 sir Richard, 1010 Robert, 133 Thomas, 521, 1300 Harrell see also Harley Grace, 98 John, 98 ■ George, 700 mr.,818 \see also Aris [lady, 386 lmr.,62, 887 1 Agnes, 1053 Richard, 98 Harrice see Harris ^rrJi^rnel Henry, 82 Harries see Harris Harrington, lord, 743 Anne, baroness Exton, 168 lady Anne, 743 Francis, 794 George, 2G9, 1283 James, 1102 sir John, 743 Lucy, 743 Margaret, 1120 Harris \ Haris I Harise / Harrice Haresse Harries Herris Herrys Alice, 504 Anne, 98, 238, 427 Argeant, 892 sir Arthur, 386 Christopher, 427 Cranmer, 386 Daniel, 338 Diones, 1053 Edward, 294 Elias, 60 Elizabeth, 207, 330, 516, 580 Frances, 318 George, 570, 892, 1053, 1241 Helen, 1296 Hugh, 123, 1053 John, 24, 207, 338, 386, 528, 843, 869, 990, 1232, 1296 Joseph, 1059 Margaret, 1241 Mary, 269, 427 Peter, 427 Rachell, 388 Richard, 1, 257, 291, 1025 Rowland, 261 Sara, 1296 Thomas, 416 Thompson, 507 Thurston, 194 Titus, 1296 Ursula, 530 William, 17, 98, 194, 207, 330, 530, 928 Harrison ) Harryson > arms, 357 Harison ) good wife, 42 mr., 640 Agnes, 66, 357,406 Alexander, 797 Ann, 933 Bridget, 338 Catherine, 357 Charlott, 357 Edward, 338, 933 Frances, 797 George, 140, 357 Grace, 357, 405 James, 357, 904 Jane, 405 John, 66, 166, 357, 405, 607, 717, 884, 1137, 1248 Katherine, 66, 170 Martha, 338 Mary, 66, 338, 357, 727, 933, 1282 Mathew, 416 Mawdelyn, 836 Michael, 357 Nicholas, 170 INDEX OF PERSONS. 509 Northe, 920 Penelope, 293 Richard, 405 Robert, 1153 Roger, 405 Susan, 338 Thomas, 338, 357. 727, 933 William, 357, 405, 610, 737, 821, 1116, 1200 Harrockes, Christopher, 1282 Harrold, Alice, 343 Anne, 343 John, 343 Mary, 343 William, 343 Harrle see Harley Ha"ye } Blaunche verch, 611 David, 611 Elizabeth, 611 John, Oil Richard, 1223 Harry Howett, Margaret John, 1230 Harry Powell, John James, 611 Harry William, William, 818 Harryson see Harrison Harsey, Richard, 56 Harte} ^^^^""^ Ann, 916 Eleanor, 503 Elizabeth, 916 Gregory, 807 John. 229, 807, 916 Nicholas, 916 Thomas, 807, 916 Wilmott, 503 Harteley, John, 146 iartni"} Helen, 1065 John, 618 Thomas, 1065 Harthroppe, , 681 Hartill see Harthill Hartis, Robert, 662 Harton, Genett, 1310 Grace, 1310 Thomas, 1310 Hartwell, George, 333, 697, 1313 Samuel, 776 Harvey ) Harvye [ , 259 Harvie ) Alice, 1197, 1260 Anne, 1260, 1312 Anthony, 1312 Catherine, 871 Dorothy, 1312 Elizabeth, 797, 1312 Francis, 1168, 1170 George, 1260 Jane, 815 Joane, 517 John, 1000 Mary, 1168 Richard, 619, 811, 1008 Robert, 797 Samuel, 1209 Sarah, 726, 1260 Stephen, 752 Symond, 1260 Thomas, 503, 1197, 1313 William, 1106, 1197 Harward, Alice, 379 Henry, 379 Katherine, 379 Richard, 1094 Thomas, 379 Harwell, Edward, 834 Harwood, , 338 Barbara, 385 Benjamin, 982 Elizabeth, 620 John, .385 Margery, 982 Mary, 982 Moses, 982 Priscilla, 982 Ralph, 983 Robert, 926 Suzan, 385 Thomas, 338 Haseum, William, 408 Haseldine, John, 471 Hasell, goodwife, 1244 Alice, 153 Jeremie, 560 John, 153, 1244 Bicliard, 153 William, 1.53 Haselocke, John, 221, 353 gaTetl^de^ [Anne, 675. 1144 Cuthhert, 1144 Elizabeth, 675 Faith, 675 Henry, 675 Jone, 6"5 Mark, 675 Mary, 708 William, 675 Haskall 1 HaskoU \ Aernes, 1362 Hoskoll ) ARce, 1362 Edith, 1362 Ellen, 1362 Frances, 1362 George, 1362 Henry, 1362 Joane, 1363 John, 1362 Robert, 1862 Thomas, 1362 Haskett, Edith, 187 John, 187 Haskoll see Haskall Hassard see Hazard Hastam, Godfrey, 682 Hastings ) TT.n„„ lo^/. Hastinle f E"en, 1346 Robert, 821 Hatch, Arthur, 1090 NicoUes, 990 Welting, 990 Hatcher, John, 1170 sir John, 1170 Myles, 1349 Hatclittle, Anne, 880 Dorothy, 880 Elizabeth, 880 William 880 Hatherne see Hathorne Hatfield, Christopher, 973 Elizabeth, 973 Henry, 973 JulyaUj 973 Katherine, 973 Symon, 973 William, 973 Hathorne ) Hatherne | Amye, 1222 Hawthorne ) Anna, 116 Emmanuell, 206 Nathaniel, 116 Thomas, 205 Hatley, Emme, 1041 James, 1041 John, 1041 Philip, 1041 Thomas, 1041 W^illiam, 1041 Hatman, Thomas, 1293 Hatt, Thomas, 277 HatteS^^'^y^"^^^«*^'893 Frances, 602 Millicent, 965 Peter, 1101 Richard, 525 sir William, 602 Haucker, Ephraim, 217 Hauckinson, Mary, 1336 Hauckley, William, 1133 Haudes, Richard, 1251 Haughton ) Haugton [ , 602 Hawton ) Elizabeth, 297 John, 427. 711, 1170, 1260 Mary, 1260 Nicholas, 1260 Robert, 1260 Sara, 1260 Haule see Hall Haunes see Hawnes Hauxworth, Henry, 608 Haveland see Haviland Havell, Richard, 469 Haviland Havilande Haveland i . „„„ .r.o Havylande j Bartholomew, 482 Elianor, 482 Elizabeth, 482 Florence, 482 Jane, 482 John, 482, 685 Joyce, 482 Marv, 482 Mathewe, 269, 483 Robert, 482 Thomas, 685, 893 William, 482 Havnes see Hawnes Havyland I ogp Haviland Havylande ( *^^ iiavuana Haward see Hayward Hawes, Elizabeth, 1035 Humphrey, 859 John, 244 Katherine. 859 Nicholas, 164 Robert, 625 Thomas, 635, 1125 Hawkeridge, William, 1202 Hawkes ) Hawlkes } Agnes, 1062 Hawlke ) Clemence, 318 Edward, 633 Elizabeth, 93 Emmott, 1062 George, 251 Julyan, 1062 Mary, 1062 Richard, 1063 William, 1062 Hawkesworth, Richard, 1159 Susanna, 1159 Hatvklns ) Hawkines > Agnes, 1242 Hawkyns ) Alice, 765 Christopher, 1143 510 INDEX OF PERSONS. Henry, 235 Joane, 1142 John, 27, 1141, 1242 Leonard, 765 Margery, 1142 Nicholas, 1142 Kaynald, 985 Richard, 1159 Robert, 1142, 1197 Symon, 1142 Thomas, 1281 William, 1142, 1266 Hawley \ j^: „ goo Anne, 639 Edward, 812 Francis, 583 Henry, 639 Katheriue, 639 Margaret, 583 Marie, 583 Robert, 583 Roger, 583 Symon, 639 Hawlie als Morten George, 583 Hawnes ) Haunes } John, 1199 Havnes ) Mary, 1199 Robert. 1199 Hawood see Haywood Hawthorne see Hathorne ' Hawton see Haughton Hay ) Haye \ lord, 36 Heye ) Godfrey, 214 Jeffrey, 213 Jolin, 1254 ge^don} Edward, 1209 Elizabeth, 1217 Frances, 1209 Henry, 1297 Johan, 1217 Mary, 1217 William, 1209, 1217 Hayes, , 972 Mary, 563 Ralph, 691 Rebecca, 691 Hayewarde see Hayward Hayford, Mary, 772 Thomas, 772 Margaret, 1197 Thomas, 776 Hayman, William, 469 Haymere, Henry, 166 Hayne ) Haynes [ see Haines Haynne ) Haynton, Libie, 1175 Hayte, John, 1134 Hayter, Walter, 349 Hayward Hayvrarde) Hayeward Haward Heyward Heywarde Heaward Heaworde -,315 mr,, 557 Anne, 11 Bryan, 588 Elizabeth, 11, 322, 503 George, 956 Isabell, 11 Jane, 436 Joane, 598 John, 178, 332, 436, 780 Nicholas, 11, 680, 1190 Peter, 486 Richard, 204, 1147 Robert, 588 Robinson, 11 Roger, 11, 1064 Temperance, 872 Thomas, 598, 975, 1197 Valentine, 11 William, 542, 872, 1107 Hay warden, John, 253 Michail, 253 Walker, 253 Haywood ) Hey wood \ , 1024 Hawood J Edmund, 552 John, 789 Mary, 233 Peter, 419, 1325 Walter, 233 William, 305 itL\^'d}Gil«M275 John, 1008 Peter, 1008 Head, Edmund, 1158 Ellen, 1295 Henry, 1158 Joane, 1158 John, 1158 Margaret, 1158 Mary, 1158 Headford, Giles, 856 William, 856 Headington, John, 27 Mary, 27 Thomas, 27 Walter, 27 Headley see Hedley Heald, Richard, 1015 Heale, Sampson, 911 geardel^^-^^^^'^^O Humf ry, 734 Richard, 270 Ursula, 734 Hearinge, Cuthbert, 205 Robert, 651 Urion, 400 Hearne ) ,-o Heme f '"^^^ Arthur, 746 Beatrix, 146 Edmund, 417 Joane, 684 John, 90, 697 Martha, 478 Richard, C84 Hearst, Richard, 906 Heask, John, 750 Kfeh-.960 mrs., 960 Dorothy, 99 Faith, 790 John, 83, 509, 615 Morrice, 416 Kichard, 99, 564 Robert, 83, 242, 607 Thomas, 99 William, 99 Heathcote, William, 614 Heathe see Heath Heaver, Elizabeth, 1233 Robert, 1233 Heaward see Hayward Heawer, Thomas, 924 Heaworde see Hayward Hebb, Andrew, 412 Hehden, , 673 Eleanor, 573 Humfrey, 573 John, 573 Mary, 573 Suzan, 392 Thomas, 573 Hebdich, Robert, 506 Hebson, Thomas, 397 Heckford, Mary, 1257 Hedd, Nicholas, 868 Thomas, 1082 He%ff}^^t^«'^y.607 Bridgett, 607 Elizabeth, 607 John, 607 Millicent, 607 Philippe, 607 Thomas, 289, 333, 607 William, 007 Hedland, John, 702 Sead*lly}j°l^"' 1229. 1270 Robert, 224, 1294 Heelye"] Helve Ueea/soElye H«Jy;|Eleanor,482 George, 374, 484 John, 638 Thomas, 484 Thomasin, 484 Heere, Abigail de, 925 Hester de, 925 Mary de, 925 Matthew de, 925 Sara de, 925 Susanna de, 925 Heiborne, William, 731 Heies see Heiglies Heigham, Anne, 1032 Dorothy, 1032 Elizabeth, 1032 sir John, 1032 Mary, 1032 Richard, 1032 William, 1032 S-j Jane, 954 Nicholas, 954 sir Nicholas, 1 Heland, Allen, 1219 Elizabeth, 1219 Margery, 1219 Pretesa, 1219 Helcotte, Mathew, 17 Held, Thomas, 1122 Hele see Heelye Hell am ) qno Helium I '^^ goodwife, 1323 John, 1285 Margaret, 1285 Robert, 1285 Helliar ^ S^lr^L ^Edward, 053, 751 Menr|j«^-'7«6 Margaret, 355 Susanna, 917 William, 34, 786 Helium see Hellam Helme, Thomas, 1342 Helmehirst see Elmhirste Helmer, Catherine, 1060 Helmes, Robert, 1246 INDEX OF PERSONS. 511 Hembden, Robert, 748 Lambert, 849, 856 Richard, 849 Hemind, John, 811 Thomas, 811 Hemlocke, John, 983 Hemmynges, Bridget, 735 Margaret, 735 Thomas, 735 William, 736 Hempsall, Bartholomew, 941 John, 941 Richard, 941 Hempson, Roger, 735 Hemslay, Dorothy, 715 Hellen, 715 Joane, 716 John, 715 Peter, 715 Richard, 715 Robert, 715 Tliomas, 715 William, 715 Hemstead I . 4., Hemstede ( ^'^"®' ^^ Henry, 650 Henbone, Anne, 338 Hender, Christopher, 1140 Mary, 1140 Hendersoun, Rowland, 801 John, 150 Moses, 245 Hendrixsou, Walter, 295 Hendrye see Hendrey Henkes, John, 723 Andrewe, 703 Christofer. 648 Jefferye, 618 Sinftj-«."51 Richard, 578, 1151 Henry, Prince of Wales, 138 III., King of France, 51 IV., King of France, 51 VIII., King of England, 1285 John,8C2 Henseman, Edward, 1003 Henton, Jane, 580 Joane, 580 John, 580 Robert, 580 Henworthie, Thomas, 1246 Hepden, Susanne, 1141 Heptinstall, Thomas, 779 KrtteiJ-«.10«^ Julian, 1089 William, 1126 Herbert, Henry, 1066 Joane, 416 Rees, 179 Watkyn, 179 Herd see Kurd Herder, Abraham, 1090 Henry, 1090 Mary, 1090 Herdes see Hurd Hereford, Edward, 1133 Edward, earl of, 288 Mary, 56 Herick see Herricke Heringman, John, 888 Herlen, Rowland, 691 Hernden, Anne, 955 Dorothy, 956 £dward, 955 Heme see Hearne Herricke "1 S^yrtk KtU'a^'l HeyrickeJ-^'<''^°'^'^ Ran., 1286 William, 1099 sir William, 435 ierrin|e|EIi-^^«th,1339 John, 521 Thomas, 272 Herrysh^^H^"^^ Hertford, earl of, see Edward Seymour Herthinge, Elizabeth, 469 Herwicke, lady, 244 William, 244 sir William, 244 Heskins 1 . „ „. Edward, 75 Elenor, 75 Henry, 75 Honor, 75 Johane, 75 John, 75 Reynold, 75 Stephen, 75 Thomas, 75 William, 75 Hethercampe, Anne, 173 Peter, 173 Heughe see Hughes Heward, Dorothie, 1345 John, 1245 Mary, 1245 Hewer, see also Ewer Thomas, 522 glwsl I «- Hughes Hewett Hewitt Hewet Hewit Hewyt Huet Huyt Huytt j -Dorothie, 1159 I Edward, 552 Elizabeth, 625846, 1159 Henry, 761 John, 435 Jone, 303 Laurence, 1159 R., 846 Richard, 923 Robert, 303, 416 Susanne, 1159 Thomas, 190 William, 1197 Hewlett ^ wXtV** Unne,764.882 Hulet j Cliristopher, 580 James, 764, 882 John, 563, 766 Mandlyn, 563 Mary, 563 Steven, 663 Thomas, 563 William, 145, 266, 563, 882 Hewson, William, 517 Hewyt see Hewett Hext, Elizabeth, 1036 Heydon see Haydon Heye see Hay Heynes see Haines g:&|-Herricke l^^m-Hayward Hey wood see Haywood Hibbard) T , „-„ Hibbord | '^°'^^' ^^^ Thomas, 563 Hicke see Hickes Hickeford, Henry, 859 Hickes ) Hicks \ , 960 Hicke ) Alice, 1314 Anne, 1314 Baptist, 435 sir Baptist, 435 Elizabeth, 1263 Henry, 563 Jo, 538 Johan, 1223 John, 349, 1144 Nicholas, 120, 588, 867 Richard, 1141 Robert, 563, 1314 Thomas, 438, 1171, 1314 Tristram, 1314 William, 129, 467, 563, 1171, 12G3 Hicklinge, Thomas, 162 Hicknaan, Amy, 784 Dorothy, 784 John, 979 Nicholas, 784 Peter, 784 Robert, 784 Thomas, 784 WiUiam, 784 Hickox see also Hiscocke Richard. 1251 Hicks see Hickes Hidding, Johane, 765 Hide see Hyde Hidler, William, 608 Hiett, Eleanor, 520 Henry, 293 Richard, 1070 Thomas, 520 Higgens see Higgins Higges, Margaret, 734 Mellur, 865 Higgins J Higgens > Alice, 163 Higgons ) Daniel, 163 George, 597 John, 1310 Theophilus, 342 Higham, mr., 284 Highit, Alice, 1157 Highwaye, Elizabeth, 1137 Higinson, George, 557 Hilbart, John, 996 Hilder Mary, C66 Hiliard see Hilliard Hill 1 Hills ! 49g miles f^_- '^^f Hylls J ™"- ^^^ Adam, 1170 Alice, 1061 Annah, 289 Anne, 634 Benjamin, 289 Christian, 1133 Edgar, 1146 Edith, 289 Edmund, 674 612 INDEX OF PERSONS. Kdward, 191, 330, 509, 521, 1133 Elizabeth, 60, 191, 631, 854, 1061, 1296 Ellyn, 663 Etheldred, 1061 Francis, 1061 George, 678 Hester, 1061 Hoell, 1171 James, 901 Joane, 230, 333, 1061 Johane, 608 John, 331, 339, C31, 673, 703, 854, 1133, 1188 Jones, 091 Margaret, 333, 509, 859, 1190 Margery, 455 Marie, 1080 Mary, 191, 289 Peter, 601 Philip, 86, 289 Prudence, 289 Richard, 509, 538, 657, 859, 1254 Robert, 146, 601, 712 Roger, 1085 Rowland, 209, 557 Symon, 1061 Thomas, 191, 455, 471, 1061, 1188 Vyne, 601 Walter 191 William, 230, 289, 339, 509, 532, 663, 1061, 1177 Hill al8. Lawrence Mary, 859 Hill als. Spurwaye Marrian, 339 William, 339 Hillary, Augustine, 466 Jacob, 48 Margaret, 466 Hiller, John, 630 Hillersdon i .n^ Hillersdone \ ™'^-' ^^ John, 620 Thomas, 620 Hilles see Hill Hilliard („_ ,„„» HIliard}°^'^-1336 Elizabeth, 22 Joan, 22 Mary, 22 Pasco'we, 32 William, 1341 Hillle, Anne, 1275 Edward, 1275 John, 1275 Thomias, 1275 Hillier, Dorothy, 1097 John, 1097 Hillington, , 1175 Hills see Hill Hillson, , 17 Hillys see Hill Hilman, Thomas, 1096 Hinchsey, Isabell, 742 William, 742 Hinckes, Edward, 949 Frances. 949 John. 949 Margery, 949 Marie, 949 Richard, 949 Thomas, 949 William, 949 Hind ^ Hinde Hynd V , 521, 1248 Hynde mr., 531 Hyndes J Alice, 1200 Christopher, 776 Edward, 318 Margaret, 1200 Jane, 1200 Joane, 1200 John, 43, 1200 Th., 252 Thomas, 1200 William, 1200 Hindman, Joan, 1182 John, 1182 Mary, 1182 Thomas, 1182 Hindmarsh, mr., 716 |;"„«^} John. 559 Nicholas, 1016 Peter, 1016 HyneTeyl*^'^*^""^"'''''^ John. 1203 Thomas, 1013 K°oL)EHas,982 Thomas, 555 Hinwood, Thomas, 564 Hirst, , 278 Hiscocke ) Hiscoekes > see also Hickox, Hiscoxe ) Bridget, 513 Denny s, 1105 Edith, 1105 John, 513, 1106 Mary, 1105 Richard, 1098, 1105 Robert, 1098, 1105 Steven, 1105 Thomas, 513 William, 436 Hitchcock 1 Hitchcocke [ Bridget, 772 Hitchecock ) John, 346, 436, 772 Hitches, William. 234, 462, 1247 Hitchinge, Barbara. 347 Hixon, Kdward, 839 Hoade. John, 649 Hoare 1 Hoore [ see also Woare Hore ) , 713 goodwife, 809 Christian, 122 George, 1128 James, 892 Jane, 122 John, 569 Nicliolas, 128, 1157 Thomas. 975 William, 132, 331, 1171 g^^trU^^'^y'^^^ lord, 372 James, 449 Roger, 449 Strange, 297 Thomas, 449 sir Thomas, 372 iobblst Edmund, 1059. 1091 Thomas, 482 William, 654 Hobby, Anne, 1336 John, 1330 Mary, 1336 Rachel, 1336 Richard, 1336 Robert, 1336 William, 510 Hobday, Henry, 705 Hobson, mr., 1091 Thomas, 1220 Hobtrowe, Roger, 603 Hockenhull, George, 118 Richard, 118 Hockley, mr., 1145 Hocknell. Laurence, 17 Hodder, John, 294 Hodge see Hodges Hodgekis, Rondulphe, 316 Sr)-.,1074 Agnes, 826 Christopher, 826 Ellianor, 126 Johan, 1358 John, 126 Mary, 126 Roger, 70 Thomas. 126, 694 William, 1137 Hodgeson see Hodgson Hodgettes^ ^odgetti^s ( igabell, 596 iofe'tT"^ >-«.596 John, 596, 608 Margaret, 596, 934 Mary, 596 Richard, 596 Thomas, 596, 934 W^illiam, 596, 934 Winifride, 590 Hodgin, Stephen, 1308 Hodgkins 1 Hodgkin I A„„eg i,t Hodgkyns j-^gnes, iii Hodgkyn J Anthony e, 411 Daniel, 117 Dinah, 117 John, 117 Maria, 117 Mary, 117 Thomas, 117, 369 Hodgkinson, George, 609 John, 637 i^|&}-« Hodgkins Hodgson ) Hodgeson [ arms, 129 Hodgshon ) Agnes, 129 Elizabeth, 129 Isabell, 129 James, 139 John, 1026 Katherine, 129 Mary, 1160 Richard, 129, 1119 Thomas, 129, 888,1160 Hodsoll, John, 1027 iocfsonn}Eli^'^^«th,1207 Hugh, 603 Margaret, 1030 Mary, 595 Prudence, 595 Kichard, 595 Hoel see Howell Hogett see Hodgettes Hogg » ,Q-4 Hogge ] ' ^"'* Thomas, 874 Hogins see Huggins INDEX OF PERSONS. 613 Barbara, 1131 Christopher, 1131 David, 1131 Edward, 1131 George, 1131 Henry, 1131 John, 1131 Jone, 1131 Judith, 1131 Richard, 1131 Susan, 1131 Thomas, 1245 William, 1131 Holbach, Barnaby, 521 Holbett, , 1197 Holborne, mrs., 355 Kichard, 1093, 1190 Holbrooke, mr., 794, 960 Holbyn see Holebin Holden,mr., 284 Anne, 285 Charles, 285 Elizabeth, 285 Joane, 1183 Katherine, 285 Margaret, 285 Richard, 285 Robert, 285 Holder, , 1254 Francis, 1254 Holdgate see Holgate Holds worth, John, 69 Raphe, 69 Hole, Edward, 771 Elizabeth, 771 Emma, 904 Johane, 771 Thomas, 771 William, 569, 1141 Holebin ) Holebyn [ Agnes, 333 Holbyn ) Elizabeth, 333 Richard, 333 Sara, 333 Thomas, 333 Walter, 333 Holeman, Henry, 747 Thomas, 747 Holforde, Edmund, 733 go1&hlice,312 William, 1021 Hollambey see HoUandby Holland, Abraham, 433 John, 94, 702 Thomas, 94 sir Thomas, 478 Richard, 1269 Susan, 1269 Hollier, Mary, 358 io°l&'eijo^.«84 Robert, 960 Holliman ) HoUyman | Elizabeth, 563 Holyman ) Lionel, 563 Mary, 563 Richard, 563 Thomas, 129, 342, 621, 631 Hollingpreist, James, 552 goluXr't^ [Arthur. 396 Michael, 1176 Hollins, Bandall, SOS Thomas, 202 HolUnworth see Hollingworthe Hollms see Holmes Henry, 766 John, 253, 586 Joyce, 107 Peter, 315 Richard, 253 Saunder, 107 William, 253 HoUyman see Holliman Hollys, William, 1303 Holman, Alice, 517 Anne, 517 Audrey, 104 Daniel, 517 Dionisia, 104 Dorothy, 517 Eleanor, 517 Elias, 104 Elizabeth, 517 Henry, 517 James, 517 Margaret, 517 Roger, 517 Philip, 104 William, 517 Holmden, George, 37 Henry, 37 Jane, 37 John, 37 Mathew, 37 Peter, 37 Reignold, 37 Robert, 37 Sara, 37 Simon, 37 Thomas, 37 William, 37 Holme see Holmes Holmeade, George, 458 Holmes 'I Hollms Holme VAfirnes, 604 Homes ( Alice, 604 Home J Christian, 586 Edward, 136, 585 Elizabeth, 585, 1179, 1184 Joane, 730 John, 1, 566 Margaret, 730 Phillippe, 730 Richard, 1011, 1185 Robert, 1336 Thomas, 482, 565 WiUiam, 323, 1175 Holnes, Thomas, 435 Holney, Agnes, 359 Elizabeth, 359 John, 359 Richard, 359 William, 359 Holowey see Holway Holt ) Holte \ Anne, 729 Howlte ) Henry, 575 Thomas, 385, 729, 1296 William, 976 Holway 1 Holwey > Johane, 766 Holowey ) Melanye, 766 Stephen, 71 William, 766 Holwell, Anne, 871 Holwey see Holway Holworthie, Anne, 482 Dorothy, 703 Elizabeth, 703 Hercules, 703 John, 482 Mary, 482, 703 Mathew, 482 Nicholas, 703 Richard, 482, 703 Robert, 703 William, 70? Holylande see HoUiland Holyman see Holliman HoSesH^^Hol^es Homewood, Easter, 964 Robert, 934 Homfray see Huraf rey Homley, John, 94 Homount, Margaret, 503 Hone, John, 1281 Honistead, Richard, 776 Honiwell, William, 1334 Ho'ode|l^*°-«.659 Dorothy, 694 Joan, 694 Johane, 659 Roger, 694 Hoodlesse. Richard, 1354 Hooke, Elizabeth, 842 Joane, 756 Samuel, 1258 Hooke als Carter Anne, 1143 Avis, 1143 Edmund, 1143 Joane, 1143 John, 1143 Katherine, 1143 Margaret, 1143 Nicholas, 1143 Robert, 1143 Thomas, 1143 Hooker, mr., 36 Thomas, 265, 905 Hooky, Christopher, 861 Hooper "1 WhXer kg«e8,375 wSoper J^'^"«.l«.1068 Bartholomew, 865 Charles, 865 Edward, 1068 Elizabeth, 375 Henry, 32 Jane, 140 Johane, 1062 John, 140, 375, 481, 613 Julian, 375 Katherine, 375 Margaret, 578 Mary, 375 Maude, 334 Nicholas, 375 Phillippe, 375 Suzanna, 375 Hoore see Hoare Hopcote, John, 1310 Hope, , 299 Robert, 1004 Hopkin "^ Hopkins Hopkines 1 -m Hopky" r^nn''792 foT&lAbraUS88 Anne, 822 Barnard, 496 Elizabeth, 536 514 INDEX OF PERSONS. Guy, 764, 771 Hanna, 8S James, 268 Jane, 673 John, 88, 291 Mary, 88 Phelice, 1118 Prudence, 88 Richard, 88, 536, 673, 1310 Kobert, 914 Sara, 223 Thomas, 602, 1146 Watkin, 261 Hopley, Edward, 1188 Walter, 1013 Hopper, John, 339 Hore see Hoare HorlyU Elizabeth, 632 Kobert, 718 "Hornby ) Hornbie > Charles, 1125 Horneby ) Eleanor, 845 Thomas, 565 Thomasine, 845 Home, Jane, 1238 Katherine, 1238 Richard. 1^38 Thomas, 1001 William, 1238 Horneby see Hornby Horner, Rebecca, 158 Horpud, Thomas, 637 i^=r|Barnabie,1253 Elizabeth, 785, 908 Rebecca, 1253 Robert, 908 Horsenale, John, 1183 Nicholas, 1183 Poole, 1183 Richard, 1183 Thomas, 1183 Horsford, Hugh, 109 Horsham, Anne, 1313 Catherine, 1313 Elizabeth, 1313 John, 1313 Margaret, 1313 Richard, 1313 William, 1127 Horsley, Anne, 1042 Barbara, 1042 Dorothy, 1042 John, 1043 Judith, 1042 Lucy, 1042 Horsman see Horseman Horspool, , 18 Mary, 18 William, 18 Hort, Mary, 191 Horton, Alice, 1210 John, 1105 Mary, 320 Hosier, George, 612 Hoskins ) Hoskyns [ Charles, 36 Hoskyn ) Henry, 486 John, 486, 1188 Kedgwyn, 269 Richard, 486 Thomas, 1075 Hosmer, John, 666 Hotchkins als. Hotchkls Hugh, 1014 Richard, 1014 Hotchkls, Hotchklns als. Hugh, 1014 Richard, 1014 Hoth, Thomas, 149 Hothersall, Edmund, 1077 Thomas, 1077 Houbraeequen, Cornells, 282 Houck, Calleken de, 1338 Nicholas de, 1338 Peter de, 1338 atr}jo^n. 30,521,1197 William, 607, 1248 Houlewart, Margaret, 597 Houlker, Laurens, 1285 Houlton, William, 1213 House ') Houze > see also Howe Howse ) mr., 478 Francis, 454 John, 682, 851 Sara, 1070 William, 271 Houson, Barber als,, John, 419 Houze see House Hovlett see Howlett Howard ) Howarde > Alethea, countess Howrde ) of Arundell, 1187 Anne, dowager countess of Arundell, 94 Charles, 1259 sir Charles, 1259 sir Edward, 1359 sir Francis, 1259 John, 160 R., 227 Stephen, 91 Thomas, 227 Thomas, earl of Arundell, 94 Thomas, earl of Suffolk, 1155 Thomas, earl of Surrey, 94 William, 436 Howborowe, John, 502 Howies 1««««^«« House Edward, 905 Francis, 175 George, 737, 1212 James, 296 Jasper, 23, 661 Joane, 296 John, 364 Mary, 856 Mathew, 1262 Kiohard, 1313 Robert, 752 Roger, 1333 Sara, 1212 Thomas, 608, 764, 1212 William, 129 Howell ~| HoTel"sh^«^««H«^le Howellesj^g^^g 1241 Anne, 145, 266, 862 Cicely uz, 179 George Griffith, 611 Gladys uz, 179 Gwenllian, 261 James, 145, 266 Jane, 862 Jeun ap, 705 Jevan William, 268 John, 145, 366, 747, 863, 1118 John David, 179 John ap Hugh ap, 1191 Margaret uz, 705 Margaret uz Hugh ap, 1191 Margery, 1267 Meredeth ap, 135 Morgan Jehu, 179 Owen, 1366 Peter, 1114 Richard, 747 Thomas, 145, 266 Thomas ap Rees ap, 705 William ap Rees ap, 1191 Howell ap Jevan, William, 179 Howell John, Thomas, 44 Howell Lewis, Anne, 862 John, 862 Howell Thomas, John Llewellin, 179 Howes see Howe Margaret John Harry, 1230 Robert, 181 Howkins, mr., 1302 Howie see also Howell Robert, 554 Thomas, 788 Howlett } Howlet [ Christopher, 773 Hovlett ) Leonard, 976 Oliver, 773 Robert, 693 Howlett als. Shacklocke Robert, 1346 Howlte see Holt Howman, Alice, 853 Henry, 853 Martha, 960 Vertue, 853 Howper see Hooper Howrde see Howard Howse see House Howssou, Thomas, 608 Howytt, Henry, 363 &} .1021 mr., 312 Richard, 1228 Hoyell see Hoile Hubbard ) Hubberd S Benjamin, 776 Hubberde ) Elizabeth, 763 Lestraunge, 1232 Richard, 763 Thomas, 776, 962 Huchens see Hutchins Huckins see Huggins Huckstep ^ iuckstiT'k'^'^^'547 tuckltl^pe J Edward, 547 Elias, 547 Elizabeth, 547 Francis, 547 Jane, 547 John, 647 Margaret, 547 Nehemia, 547 Thomas, 547 Huddlestone, Robert, 565 Hudson, Anthony, 942, 1217 John, 410, 1069 Josias, 387 Richard, 17 Thomas, 152 Hues see Hughes Huetson, Anthony, 667 Dominick, 724 Margaret, 134 Huett see Hewett Huggard, William, 909 Huggeforde, Thomas, 956 INDEX OF PERSONS. 515 Hugglns "^ Huggons Huckins ^- - 1348 Hukyus I ElUs, 916 Hogins J Raphe, 1093 Robert, 384 Thomas, 170 Hughes' Hughe Hugh Heughe Hewes Hewse Huse Hues -,433 David ap, 1191 Eleanor, 430 Elizabeth, 430 Elizabeth uz, 1191 Ellen, 212 Ellen uz, 47 George ap, 1162 Griffyn, 430 Henry, 430, 928 Hugh ap, 1162 Humfry, 1191 Johane, 832 John, 430, 638 John ap, 1191 John Thomas, 705 Katherine, 430 Katherine uz, 1191 Marie, 671 Michael, 925 OUver ap, 806 Owen, 671, 590 Peter, 78, 690 Rees ap, 1191 Richard, 1310 Robert, 577, 879 Roger AVilUam, 862 Thomas, 520, 924 William, 1279 William ap, 1162 Hugh ap Hoell, John ap, 1191 Margaret uz, 1191 Hugh ap Rees ap Jevan, Catherine, 1191 Elizabeth uz, 1191 Ellen, 1191 Hughson, William, 800 Hunter, William, 670 Huishe, Edward, 1130 Giles, 69 Thomas, 795 Huitson, Thomas, 720 Hukeley, Peter, 674 Hukyns see Huggins Hulberte ) T„„„p 7^ Hulbertt JJoane, tW John, 760 iSlettl*^^^^^"" Hull, Audrey, 104 Edith, 1080 Henry, 369 John, 104, 425 Richard, 246 Sarah, 1080 Thomas, 1080 William, 614, 627, 1111 HuUmer, Thomas, 1817 HuUwood see Hulwood Hulse, •, 960 Hulwood ) T^T,„ -JKK HunwoodH«^'355 Humacott, Robert, 98 Humers, Cicely, 1175 Humf rey ) Homfray [ Anne, 1222 Humfry ) Francis, 388 George, 276 John, 477, 806 Raphael, 1222 Thomas, 552, 588 Thomas Moris ap, 705 William, 671 Hungrerford, Avice, 1295 Fulke, 1295 George, 1295 Henry, 1295 sir John, 1032 lady Mary, 1032 Susanna, 772, 1295 Thomas, 1295 Ursula, 772 Hunlocke, Henry, 1073 Hunnye, John, 1267 Hunsdon, lady, 574 Hunt ) , ,7 Hunte ] '^'^' lady, 1032 Anne, 217, 356, 1360 Edward, 217 Ellen, 638 Emott, 270 George, 1360 sir George le, 1 Joane, 1163 John, 343, 1111, 1360 Judith, 1008 Margaret, 1163, 1360 Mary, 217 Nicholas, 882 Richard, 571, 1360 Robert, 217 Roger, 421 Sarah, 217 Thomas, 317, 551, 1360 William, 321,1032, 1264 Huntbach, John, 1133 Hunte see Hunt Hunter, mr., 1063 Ensweth, 748 George, 748 Richard, 415 Thomas, 128 William, 128 Huntley, mr., 1337 Oliver, 69 Rachell, 459 William, 824 Hunton, Mordecay, 859 Samuel, 859 Thomas, 531 Huntred, Christopher, 226 Henry, 226 Hunwith, Ann, 1102 Hurd ) Herd J George, 703 Herdes ) James, 1085 William, 46 Hurforde, Elizabeth, 1339 Magdalen, 1339 Mary, 1339 Hurle, Ellen, 512 George, 598 Richard, 598 Robert, 598 Steven, 613 Hurlocke, Francis, 143 Hurlston, Roger, 252 Huri7eh«««'««Urrie Elizabeth, 896 John, 262 Katherine, 896 Thomas, 896 Hurssell, Cicilie, 458 Hurt, Elizabeth, 890 Frances, 890 Thomas, 433 William, 433 Hurter, Michaell de, 925 Hurtnoll, Johane, 848 John, 848 Mary, 848 Philipp 848 Richard, 848 Robert, 848 William, 848 Hurtwall, , 992 Husbands, Elizabeth, 878 James, 878 John, 878 Marie, 878 Rowland, 878 Huse see Hughes Husey see Hussey Husland, William, 593 Hussey ) Hussie > Deborah, 397 Husey ) Edward, 376 sir Edward, 1175 Elizabeth, 1147 G., 751 George, 653, 751 Jane, 397 Margaret, 376 Mary, 397 Richard, 376 Robert, 376 Sampson, 397 Hutchens see Hutchins Hutchenson 1 „^„ -et 4. t,i Hutcheson | see Hutchinson Hutchins Hutchens iSchens ) Christopher, 508 Edward, 1179 Gyles, 217 Hugh, 964 Jane, 1179 John, 1064, 1179 Nicholas, 850 Richard, 500, 1179 Thomas, 745 Timothy, 1179 William, 1090 Hutchinson ) Hutchenson [ Ch., 950 Hutcheson ) Cuthbert, 1232 Daniel, 1184 Grace, 357 John, 307 Mary, 357 Robert, 367, 567 Thomas, 311 William, 1184 Huttof te, Elianor, 685 Elizabeth, 685 Gabriell, 685 Hutton, mr., 129 Abel, 241 Dorothy, 921 James, 241 Joseph, 241 Judith, 241 Mary, 241 Richard, 402 Koger, 341 Huxley, George, 435 HuyttH^«S«^«« Hybell, goodwife, 1040 Hyf«} Andrew, 498 516 INDEX OF PERSONS. Anne, 1296 Barnard, 11, 1296 Benjamin, 1296 Edward, 1296 Joan, 363 John, 164, 574, 1296 sir Lawrence, 1366 Robert, 1359 Thomas, 1296 William, 1296 Hyley, Johane, 836 Hynd » Hynde > see Hind Hyndes ) Hyne see Hine Hyneley see Hinley Hynson, Jolm, 601 I , E. 1178 Ibotson, Bridget, 1333 John, 1333 Mary, 1333 Sara, 1333 Ide, Elizabeth, 601 Mary, 601 Robert, 601 Idell, George, 952 Iden, Alice, 631 John, 631 Robert, 631 William, 631 lies, Joan, 371 Nicholas, 371 nett, Alice, 508 John, 508 Richard, 508 William, 508 Illedge, Richard, 521 Illing, Walter, 126 lUingworthe, Alice, 630 Ilvine, John, 17 lS^;i} Henry 1209 Richard, 619 Inche, , 960 Inde, Edward, 688 Inell, PoUidor, 519 Infield, , 242 Agnes, 242 Anne, 242 Bridget, 242 Catherine, 242 Cordell, 242 Edmund, 242 James, 242 John, 242 Katherine, 242 Margaret, 242 Richard, 242 Infield als. Inyngfeld Kichard, 242 Ingall, Anne, 1183 Joane, 1183 William, 1183 Ingland see England Ingleby, sir William, 46 Inglish see English Ingoldsbye, Anthony, 742 Ingram ^ Ingrum f Ingreemej | InngrameJ George, 1340 James, 244 Jane, 1026 John, 410, 1026, 1340 Margaret, 630 Mary, 410, 1141 Robert, 1026 >-Anne, 192 Elizabeth, 622 Sara, 622 Thomas, 702 William, 410 Inkersall, John, 474 Inman, George, 664 John, 615, 654, 997, 1267 Inngrame see Ingram Innocent, Alice. 618 Bridget, 618 Inson, Leonard, 597 In wood, Thomas, 982 Inyngfeld, Infield als. Kichard, 343 lophell, Marie, 722 Ireland, , 761 Elizabeth, 783 Francis, 92, 783 James, 761 John. 251, 783 Sarry, 761 William, 72, 783 Irenside see Ironside Irishe, Alice, 767 Christofer, 852 Henry, 767 John, 767 Mary, 7G7 Ursula, 767 IreSs1de}M-g-ret,859 Richard, 859 Irpe, Henry, 316 William, 316 Irton, George, 586 Jone, 586 Richard, 586 Isaack ^ Isaacke I 013 Isack' J Anne,' 842 David, 518 Elizabeth, 842 James, 843 Katherine, 1308 Lawrence, 18 Mary, 842 Mickles, 761 Nicholas, 867 PhiL,518 Sara, 842 Susan, 842 Isackson, Henry, 1323 Margaret, 1323 Isham ) o.„ Isam \ '^6 Elizabeth, 691 sir Eusabie, 19 Ismonger, Susan, 355 Ithell John ap John ap, 1166 Robert John ap, 1166 Thomas ap John ap, 1166 Ivatt, Thomas, 817 j^gg I see also Eve Elizabeth, 729 Jelfery, 1030 Judith, 1304 Mary, 1030 Richard, 1304 William, 1304 Iverye, John, 1316 Ives see Ive Ivye, Thomas, 1295 Izard, John, 1033 Jackman, William, 1253 Jackson, ,40, 875, 909, 1163, 1175 nir., 1088 mrs., 614 Agnes, 740 Anne, 136, 178 Bridgett, 178 Catherine, 1026 Edward, 315 Elizabeth, 178, 318 Frances, 178 George, 315 Henry, 178, 742 Isabell, 795 Jane, 795 Joanna, 178 John, 178, 274, 415, 795, 1180 Joseph, 372 Margery, 795, 1175 Mary, 178 Miles, 1348, 1366 Millicent, 178 Robert, 318, 795 Thomas, 40, 318, 889 Jackson als. Paulphriman Robert, 561 Jacob ) ^._ Jacobb ] ™^-' "' Cicely, 1348 Elizabeth, 601 Joan, 257 John, 341, 601 Mary, 601 Nicholas, 601 Thomas, 648 William, 246, 970 Jacobssen, Andrew, 295 Jadwin ) „ ^„„„ Jadwynj°i'^-'1336 Thomas, 188, 202 Jagg, Robert, 17 Jagoes, Anne, 1136 Jakeman, George, 879 James I., king of England, 51, 128, 138, 285, 1112, 1141, 1193, 1328, 1330 James see also Jeame ,607 Alice, 228 Catherine, 228 David, 705 Edward, 40, 1018 Eleanor, 228, 268 Elizabeth, 1022 Emlyn, 1244 George, 371, 430 Hugh, 228 Joan, 228 John, 268, 1331 Joseph, 338 Lawrence, 228 Margaret, 40, 228 Mary, 228 Richard, 228, 1331 Robert, 1107 Roger, 738 Susan, 695 Thomas, 695, 818 William, 1146 James Harry Powell, John, 611 James, Aspine als. » Edward, 1111 Jansou, Katherine, 313 Lancelot, 313 Mary, 313 Sara, 313 William, 313 Jante, Alice, 184 Edward, 184 Jeremy, 184 Joane, 184 INDEX OF PERSONS. 517 John, 184 Japan, John, 838 Jaques, Giles, 586 Judith, 774 Robert, 774 Jarman, mr., 1069 George, 880 Mary, 8 Jarvis, mr., 1304 Anne, 918 Kichard, 918 Sar}--.1338 Humfrcy, 1182 Joan, 1182 Peter, 1078 Jauncie, James, 556 Elizabeth, 1103 Henry, 1103 Hugh, C76 Jane, 1103 Bobert, 1103 "William, 379, 466 Jeale, Eichard, 1202 Jeame ) Jeames > see also James Jeme ) mr., 1, 1208 Samuel A', 666 Thomas, 592 Joan, 974 Mary, 974 Kaphe, 1310 Bobert, 974 Jeckey, , 1004 ^ -Alice, 1154 Anne, 1154 Annys, 810 Christopher, 109 Dorothie, 694 Edward, 300 Elias, 810 Elizabeth, 920 Jeffery Jefferie Jefferey Jefferies Jeffereys Jeffereyes Jetferyes Jefiferys Jefiferye Jeffray Jeffreys Jetfreyes Jett'ries Geffray Geoffrayes George, 1008 Griffith, 179 Hugh, 61, 970 Joane, 299 John, 524, 615, 806, 920 Josias, 810 L.aurence, 769 Margaret, 769, 851, 1154 Mary, 769, 920 Richard, 1154 Bobert, 253, 920 Sara, 810 Temperance, 920 Thomas, 130, 500 William, 769 Jeffkinges, Mary, 1251 Jeffray ^ ?eKrh-j««-y Jeffries J Jelffe Jelfes 1237 Joane, 877 Mary, 877 ■William, 877 Jelland, Gteorge, 647 Jeme see Jeame Jemmett, Bichard, 662 Jempson, Elizabeth, 78 Jenars see also Jenour _____ 243 Jencke, Elizabeth, 331 John, 331 Jenifer, Adrian, 138 Arrian, 1027 Frauncis, 1027 John, 1027 Margaret, 1027 Eowland, 1027 Jeukin ~i Jenkins I Jenkyn VAnne, 1039 Jenken I Anthony, 1277 Jenkinge J David, 179, 1118 Dwenis, 1277 George, 611 Harry Bean, 1230 James, 1136 Jane verch, 179 John, 1039, 1170, 1208, 1277 Leyson, 179 Llewellin uz 'William, 179 Luce, 1277 Martha, 793 Morgan, 135 Bice ap John, 1261 Eichard, 712 Sampson, 1277 Samuel, 793, 1206 Thomas, 862, 901, 1277, 1351 Thomas John, 818 Thomasine, 1277 William, 179, 268, 1230 Jenkinson, , 742 Henry, 820, 1291 Philipp, 820, 1291 Bobert, 820, 1291 Thomas, 269 William, 139, 298, 498 Jenkyn see Jenkin Jenner, Anne, 997 Jennett, Bichard, 1354 JenneyT T»^J,'r ^mr., 1048 Jeny J Edmund, 1047, 1227 Thomas, 818 Jennings >^ Jenninges Jennyngs Jennynges Jenyngs Jenynges Jennyns j George, 1134 Henry, 964 Jane, 880 Johan, 818 John, 277, 818, 832, 611 Margaret, 818, 964 Mary, 1244 Matthewe, 93 Peter, 920 Bobert, 329 Eowland, 818 Sibill, 818 Thomas, 159, 412, 818, 894, 1244 William, 920 Jennis I ._- Jennys ] • *"* lady, 654, 772 Alice, 437 Charles, 611, 818 Edward, 880 Jennynges ) Jennyngs > see Jennings Jennyns ) Jennys see Jennis Jennyson, Mary, 41 jirz }««««'«« j^'^a" Andrew, 816 Ann, 816 George, 816 Grisogon, 816 Henry, 816 Kenelme, 816 Martha, 816 Eichard, 816 William, 816 Jeny see Jenney Jephson, John, 1096 Jermyn see also German Dorothy, 880 Jerrard see Gerrard Jerrett, Elizabeth, 1358 Johane, 1358 Margaret, 1358 Mary, 1358 Thomas, 1358 Jervis ) Jervice > Jane, 414 Gervase ) Joane, 414 John, 414 Josias, 414 Katherine, 414 Margaret, 414 Bichard, 414 Sleigh, 1025 William, 414, 714 Jesep 1 Jesop [ see Jessopp Jesopp ) Jesse, Eichard, 915 Jesse als. Pall William, 1308 Jesskyne, Alice, 427 Jesson, John, 1255 Jessopp '^ Jessoppe Jesopp ) , 37 Je8op mr., 380 Jesep J Alexander, 486 Bartholomew, 882 Benjamin, 570 George, 695 Godfrey, 1269 Joane, 486 John, 797, 882 Joseph, 570 Jestey, William, 616 Jeun, David ap, 1118 Ellen uz, 705 Bees ap, 1118 William ap, 1118 jIveSsi««««^««Evan Elizabeth uz, 1162 George ap, 788 Henry, 395 Howell David ap, 179 Hugh ap Bees ap, 1191 Jane verch, 179 Joan, 268 John ap, 179, 1162 Katherine uz, 1162 Lleykie uz, 179 Margaret uz, 1162 Mary, 395 Bees ap, 179 Eichard ap, 1162 518 INDEX OP PERSONS. Robert ap John ap, 1191 William Howell ap, 179 Jevan David, John, 179 Jeve, James, 1033 John, 688 Jevens see Jevan Jewckes see Jukes Jewell, Alice, 892 . John, 343, 483 Jeynes see Jeanea Joanes see Jones Joanes Rice ap John Thomas, 261 Jobbe, William, 833 Jochim, James, 970 John ^ Johns Johnes >see also Jones Johanes Agnes uz, 135 Johannesj Anne, 1034 Anne verch, 792 David, 179, 611 David ap, 222, 862 Elenor, 268 Elizabeth, 179 Ellis ap, 1034 Foulke ap, 806 Francis up, 598 sir Francis, 921 French, 981 Henry, 499 Henry up, 598 James ap, 135 Jane uz, 135, 1166 Jevan, 179 Joane, 179 John, 862 John ap, 179, 1166 John Gruffl ap, 803 Jonett uz, 179 Lewes, 611 Llewellin, 179 Malde, 179 Margaret uz, 179, 1166 Margaret William, 1230 Morgan, 862 Owen, 1191 Owen ap, 222 Bice, 671 Kichard, 480, 1034 Richard ap, 1191 Sara, 1034 Susan, 38 Tho. Joanes Rice ap, 261 Thomas, 1230 Thomas Howell, 44 Thomas Morgan, 1118 Watkyn ap, 792 William, 135, 862 William Powell, 179 John Bean Powell, Roger, 268 John David, Howell, 179 Ithell ap, 1166 William ap, 1191 John Griffith, John ap, 179 John Grufli, Thomas ap, 803 John Harry Howett Margaret, 1230 John Howell, Morgan, 179 John ap Ithell John ap, 1166 Robert, 1166 Thomas ap, 1166 John Jenkyn, Rice ap, 1261 Thomas, 818 John ap Jevan, Robert ap,1191 John Lewes, Thomas, 818 John ap Lien, Richard ap, 1191 John ap Madog John Edmund ap, 1191 John Mathew, Dassie, 1230 John Owen 1 tt^„v. „„ nm John ap Owen } Hugh ap, 1191 Thomas ap, 222 John Philip Pry, Thomas, 611 John Phillipp, Rees ap, 1118 John Prichard, Jane, 862 John Prosser, Thomas, 611 John ap Rees Wynn Owen ap, 1191 William ap, 1191 John Smyth, David ap, 862 John Thomas, Henry, 470 William, 470 John William ) Jane verch, John ap William ) 179 Jones Thomas, 862 Margaret verch. 179 Robert ap, 1191 ' Thomas, 862 Johnson ) , 244, 330, Johnsons j 369, 435 good wife, 561, 630 mr., 10 mrs., 891, 960 Alice, 650, 1291 Anne, 1165, 1248, 1313 Anthony, 781 Arthur, 43 Brian, 832 Dorothy, 64, 1175 Edmond, 594 Edward, 880, 889 EUzabeth, 21, 594, 1178 Francis, 797, 1313 George, 40 Henry, 64, 198, 1346 Isaac, 891 Isabell, 594 Jane, 1175 Jeremy, 244 John, 77, 555, 817, 941, 1178, 1254 Joice, 1313 Jonas, 344 Jonathan, 1178 Laurence, 411 Mary, 594 Milborowe, 1254 Nicholas, 620 Peter, 47, 127, 777 Richard, 60, 90, 251, 891, 908, 1175, 1201, 1313 Robert, 4, 435, 781, 797, 1159 Robyn, 164 Roger, 1854 Sarah, 586, 1175 Sedgwicke, 21 Symon, 594 Thomas, 6, 21, 303, 597, 921, 1254 William, 365, 781, 797, 1159 Johnson, Jones als. John, 62 Jo}yffe)H^f'-ey'463,853 JoUand see also YoUand George, 565 JoUes, James, 598 sir John, 1 Thomas, 598 William, 598 Jolly, Henry, 942 Jolyffe see Joliffe JoaTesH«««'«°J«»^° , 243, 313 goodman, 313 mr., 962 Abigail, 38 Agnes, 1036 Alexander, 1093 Anne, 677, 699 Catherine, 257 Cecilia, 260 David, 677, 699, 705 Dorothy, 47 Edward, 38, 191, 264, 260, 533, 668 Eleanor, 38, 293 Elizabeth, 38, 55, 243, 677, 1005, 1034, 1036, 1313 G., 677 Griffith, 222 sir Gwyllim, 261 He., 1327 Henry, 254, 677 Hugh, 38, 571, 952, 1114 Humfry, 47, 93 Jane, 571 Jeston, 1066 Johane, 652, 1352 John, 38, 222, 257, 260, 364, 652, 788, 994, 1036, 1330 Judith, 435 Lawrence, 222 Lewis, 1011, 1325 Lucy, 493 Margaret, 260, 571, 699 Marie, 677 Morgan, 788 Morris, 110, 317 Owen, 571,939 Rebecca, 290, 699 Richard, 261, 274, 493, 533, 802, 1034 Robert, 364, 592, 664, 775, 806, 981 Susan, 38 Thomas, 44, 268, 430, 597, 792, 1024, 1034 William, 55, 571, 862, 995, 1146, 1313 sir William, 47 Winifred, 38, 788 Jones als. Johnson John, 62 Jones Thomas, William, 862 Jope see also Yoppe John, 462 Jopson, Margaret, 192 Jordan Jordane Jordifne HZ^^r^'^.V^''' .Tonrdaine doctor, 531 JourdenJ^'^"'697,1008 Charles, 1008 Edward, 531 Elizabeth, 422 Ignatius, 911, 1008 John, 1008 Lucy, 531 Mary, 531, 1008 Nicholas, 1319 Suzan, 1008 Temis, 531 Thomas, 1008 Walter, 253 William, 531 sir William, 531 Joron, Frances, 47 Josselyn ^ Josselm I ono John, 602 Margaret, 193 INDEX OF PEKSONS. 619 Richard, 1089 William, 1089 Jourdaine 1 Jordan Jourden (seejoraan Jowning, Agnes, 119 Joyce, Alice, 385 ^°j|4 John, 683 Eichard, 832 William, 466 Joyner, mr., 302 Emme, 720 Judd. John, 790 Judson I _„ Judsonne ) ' Thomas, 52 Je''wck'e8|E'lward,1330 Humfrey, 1330 John, 1330 Simon, 1133 Julian Julyan ; -, 1251 William, 1140 Jurde, , 978 Jnrden see also Jordan Barbara, 493 Elizabeth, 493 Ellen. 529 Humfrey. 239 John, 529 Lucy, 493 Symon, 529 Thamem, 493 Thames, 493 Thomas, 493 William, 493, Justice, William, 922 Juxon, Albone, 1336 Elias or Ellis, 1336 Elizabeth, 1336 Ellis or Elias, 1336 Katherine, 1336 Mary, 1336 Rebecca, 1336 Richard, 410, 1336 Sara, 1336 Susan, 1336 Tbomas, 1336 Jynner see also Ginner William, 1046 Kasse, Elizabeth. 150 Kayes see Keyes Keaine see Keene Keate, Francis, 741 Keble, John, 681 Kechen, Anne, 479 John, 479 Kedgwyn 1 Christopher, Kedgwin | 269, 935 Henry, 269, 935 John, 269, 935 Martha, 269, 935 Mary, 269 Thomas, 269, 935 Welthian, 269 William, 269, 935 Keeleby, Thomas, 742 KeeUng) . ,,55 Keelinge ] -"^^e, 1^00 Edward, 1255 John, 1208 William, 1255 KemT} Bridget, 1099 Edward, 1099 Mary, 1099 Keene ) Keenes [ see also Keynes Keaine ) Anthony, 242 Francis, 812 Henry 417 John, 863, 1099 Katharine, 863 Margaret, 1260 Keere, Thomas, 481 Keete, Roger, 853 Keighley, Christopher, 923 Keitch, Elizabeth, 577 Grace, 577 John, 577 Sara, 677 KeUet*t}^°'^«'*80 Avery, 557 Edward, 480, 1150 Morris, 480 Kelley, Henry, 94 Kenorlj«^^°«'903 Kello j Nicholas, 613. 903 Kellwaye, Raphe, 463 Kember, Susan, 786 Keme see Keeme Kemer, Richard, 699 Kemishe, Katharine, 860 Kemmes see Kemys feTp^"tl--mr., 1128 Lacy Agnes, 1226 Lacie J Anne, 1226 Henry, 4, 1125, 1135 Johane, 137 John, 653, 751 Margaret, 1125 Nathaniel, 1125 William, 1125 racke, Alice, 486, 1016 John, 486, 1016 Mary, 486 Nicholas, 486, 1016 Peter, 486 Prudence, 1016 Lackenton, Richard, 469 Lacon, Francis, 1175 sir Francis, 557 Richard, 686 liadbrooke, Anne, 959 Jonas, 659 Ladd, Thomas, 932 William, 869 lialcolte, Susan, 1196 Laighton see Leighton Laister, William, 387 L.ake, mr.,433 Anne, 1143 Arthur, 15 Edmund, 294 Elizabeth, 1285 Ewen, 838 Margaret, 1143 Philipp, 850 Robert, 79 Thomas, 838 Lambard, Mary, 314 Lambart see Lambert Lambe, Richard, 801 Lambell, Grace, 459 liambert ) Lambart > , 651 Lambest ) Anne, 1262 Edward, 57 Elizabeth, 57, 651 Frances, 651 Francis, 1262 Henry, 1125 Jerome, 126!3 John, 333, 661. 1133, 1262 Margaret, 1262 Raphe, 156 Robert, 1262 William, 627, 651 Lambold, John, 807 Lambord, William, 479 Lamborne, Robert, 20 Morris, 925 Lamnam, mr., 1063 Lamprey, Jane, 125 Lamptham, Anthony, 1282 Lancaster, Edward, 598, 1189 John, 1070 Matthewe, 343 William, 598 Lancy. Elizabeth, 59 Landman, Alice, 469 LTe!-'--'930 Amos, 229 Dianis, 377 Edward, 377, 719, 1195 Eleanor, 377 Elizabeth, 1141 George, 377, 663, 966 Grace, 377 Henry, 404 Joane, 377 John, 377, 586, 966 Margaret, 1351 Mary, 229 Nicholas, 554 Klchard, 377, 994 Thomas, 156, 377, 791 Walter, 54 William, 377 Laney, Elizabeth, 59 Laugbridge, Benjamin, 721 Langdon, Agues, 301 Daniel, 1221 Lange, Johan, 1358 John, 569 Robert, 270 Langford ) .3- Langforde ] ^^- ^^ Alexander, 1337 Christian, 1221 Elizabeth, 1221 Emanuell, 138 Henry, 1337 John. 859, 1221 Maud, 1337 Margaret, 1221 Michael, 1337 Rachel, 1337 Richard, 138 William, 1221, 1*37 Langham, Constant, 573 William, 573 l,anghorne, , 369 Diana, 530 Elizabeth, 530 Jane, 530 John, 530, 653, 751 Moris, 530 Ursula, 530 William. 385, 530 Langley, Edward, 398 Elizabeth, 1087 Henry, 1364 Jane, 189 Jeffrey, 1137 John, 1137 Katharine, 1364 Margaret, 1137 Philip, 1366 Richard, 173 William, 308, 997 Langmore, Humfry, 1133; Langridge, Robert, 208 Langrish, Dorothy, 208 Robert, 208 StoLl^-t^-y.22i Langton, ■ -,711 Langton, John, 1283 William, 796 Langworth ) A„n<,8 1071 Langworthie 1 ^^^^^< ^^^^ Isaac, 452 Jonathan, 305, 452 Josua, 452 Richard, 233 Lantafe, John, 744 Lappington, Christian, 734 Lappy, John, 884 Lapthorne, Anthonie, 1109 Christopher, 457 Lapworth, Edward, 49 Larcombe, John, 54 Lardge see Large Lare, Suzan, 1183 Larige}Eli-^^«th,36,1182 John, 36 Richard, 641 Larke, Robert, 46 Larymer, Thomasine, 421 Lasey see Lacey Lashbrooke, Robert, 1271 Lashenden, Robert, 85 Laskey, Bartholomew, 913 Lassett, , 1163 Latche, Thomas. 654 Latham, Lewes, 1111 Nicholas, 1111 Symon, 1111 Lathbury, Isaac, 1017 Lathrope ) .r,c Lathroppe ) ' William, 475 Latter, Thomas, 455 Latus, Dorothy, 134 Thomas, 134 Latwich, John, 708 Latymer, Isaac, 247 Jacob. 536 Lauclarke, William, 1308 Laud, Marke, 594 Lauden, Joan, 1319 LauU, Francis, 1346 Launder ) ■■ ,« Lawnder ) ' John, 88, 1210 William, 538, 1264, 1266 Laurence see Lawrence Laut, Ann, 1104 Lavender, Anne, 909 Laverocke, Anne, 621 Lavor, John, 341 Lawe ) p/,1 Lawes } ' ^^ Anne, 244 Edmund, 1346 James, 1346 John, 315 Lawman, Richard, 627 Lawnder see Launder liawTie, Christopher, 660 Lovewell, 660 Roger, 226 Susanna, 660 Symon, 660 522 INDEX OF PERSONS. Bartholomew, 821 Dorcas, 867 Dorothie, 619 Francis, 687 George, 710, 1255 Henry, 223, 391, 434 Joan, 223 John, 572, 878 Joyce, 572 Marion, 572 Robert, 56, 572 Roger, 338, 597 Sara, 572 Thomas, 572, 858 TViiUam, 230, 557, 573, 1188 Lawrence, Hill als. Mary, 859 Lwr^elA- Alice, 811 Liewyn ) Bartholomew, 811 Edward, 1236 INDEX OF PERSOXS. 62S Elizabeth, 846 John, 811 sir Justinian, 18, 846 Thomas, 299 Lie'wig ) Lewes > Agnes, 374 liewya ) Anne Howell, 862 Catherine, 928 Christian, 162, 374 David, 1191 Edward, 480, 571, 850, 1261 Elizabetli, 374 Francis, 211 Hugh, 374, 611, 1191 Jane, 480, 921 Jeaun ap Rees ap, 705 Joan, 268, 374 John, 162, 192, 374, 571, 792, 928 John Howell, 862 John William, 862 Katherine, 9C6 Margaret, 192 Mary, 1267 Mathew, 268 Philip, 435 Rice, 664 Richard, 549, 1046 Rowland ap William, 47 Sysslll, 862 Thomas, 806, 928 Thomas John, 818 Wat., 1064 "William, 928 Lietvis als. Sowton Christoplier, 1299 Elizabeth. 1299 Katherine, 1299 ][;l^f }ia Anne, 514 Leighte ) Isaac, 1093 Margaret, 1254 Lightwyne, Samuel, 735 Lile*^ I *®^ '*'*'* ^'^^® Anne, 776 Jane, 134 Richard, 134 Lincoln i bishop of, see Wil- Luicolne ) liam Chadderton Ustace, 199 L^1l7}«^'«^'^^'^2 Jane, 134 Lindon, Alice, 508 Richard, 508 Linfleld. Edward, 242 T^^l 1 Ambrose, 284 Lynge ) ' Edward, 284 John, 478 Margaret, 284 William, 284 L^|en!«-'ge.723 Joane, 723 Margery, 723 Lingham, David, 1177 Linnolls, Judith, 733 Linsey ) Charles, 129 Isabell, 129 John, 129, 510 Margaret, 510 Mary, 129 Raphe, 129 Richard, 715 Thomas, 129 William, 510 1;^*-} Christian, 856 Richard, 212 Lippingcott, Thomasine, 871 Lipscomb, Jane, 1062 Liptratt, William, 369 Lircott, Richard, 135 Lishe, Benjamin, 535 Lisle see also Lilley and Lyll George, 189 Lisney, Richard, 74 Lissett, Anne, 697 William, 697 liister, arms, 402 doctor, 402 Anne, 402 Brian, 402 ICdward, 402 Elizabeth, 402 John, 402 Joseph, 402 Randolph, 560 Richard, 402 Stephen, 402 William, 402 Litester, John, 1211 Li tie see Little Litler see Littler Litleton see Littleton Litlin, Richard, 316 Litman, Margaret, 1197 Thomas, 1197 John, 760 Littleberry, mr,, 1125 Elizabeth, 942 Jane, 1069 Liawrence, 1069 Richard, 1069 l:l^l*rn°}B- Edward, 221 Thomas, 596 William, 743 Litton, Anne, 1022 Elizabeth, 480 Thomas, 1022 William, 1216 Litton als. Smith Anne, 1022 Bridgett, 1022 Edw. 1022 Eedie, 1022 Joana, 1022 Margaret, 1022 Liveley) -OQ Liueley f ™'^" ^^ John, 720 Liversa^e, John, 124 , 1064 Agnest verch. Rees, 179 Angharad, 179 Llaware see also Ware WiUiam, 834 LlInnl»««I'l«^el"'» Lien ap Meredeth Thomas ap, 1191 Llewellin ^ Lewellin Lewelyn Lewelyme Lien Llenn Clewellan . David, 179 Gladys verch Rees, 179 Howell, 179 James, 268 John Griffith, 1118 Martin. 1336 Mary, 1321 Mary uz Rees, 179 Rees, 179 Richard ap John ap, 1191 Roderick, 592 Thomas, 179 Watkyn William, 862 lilewellin David, David, 179 Griffith, 179 Joane, 179 John, 179 Malde, 179 Llewellin Howell Thomas, John, 179 Llillwall, Richard, 135 Llison, William, 1118 Lloid als. Floide John, 685 Lloyd ^ Lloyde Lloid ysee also Floyd and Lloide I Flood Loyde J mr., 1266 Andrew, 788 David, 399, 792 Edward, 878 Elizabeth, 788, 878 Evan, 1191 Grace, 1191 Harry, 788, 1191 Humfrey, 129, 901, 1339 Jevan, 806 John, 61, 878,1162 Lowrie vz David, 803 Margaret, 105 Mary, 792, 878 Nicholas ap Robert, 1191 Philip, 818 Robert, 47, 806 Thomas, 210, 269, 324, 1284 William, 1304 William ap David, 1191 Lloyd als. Flud, Jonathan, 336 Lloynd, Kaoed, 818 Loades, Philip, 17 LobI?e)E"2*^«tl^'6" George, 661 John, 661 Mary, 661 William, 661 Locke, mrs., 173 Nicholas, 286, 764 Robert, 75 Thomas, 1060 Tristram, 20 William, 1024 Lockington, Katherine, 585 Thomas, 685 524 INDEX OF PERSONS. Lockley, Thomas, 597 Lookwell, Margaret, 1171 Lockwood, mr., 603 Nicholas, 1296 Locor, Edward, 1177 Sibley, 1177 Lodge, Anne, 1289 Robert, 1289 Loesbe, Alexander, 254 Elizabeth, 890 James, 890 Kobert, 890 Thomas, 890 William, 890 Lo/tiD Henry. 1089 Joane, 1089 Jonas, 1089 Julian, 1089 Kobert, 40 William, 980 Loraax, Lawrence, 2 Londen, Alexander, 797 ae}--599 Agnes, 903 Alice, 228, 364 Anne, 226 Catherine, 228 Eleanor, 364 Elizabeth, 230, 364, 756, 903, 1244 George, 364, 930 Joane, 1152 Johane, 903 John, 478, 598, 756, 871, 1152 Margaret, 1244 Margery, 243 Marie, 756 Mary, 228. 903, 1128 Kichard, 65i, 1283 Kobert, 1244 Thomas, 436, 691, 756 William, 228, 1209 Long als. Longinowghe Agnes, 1226 Edith, 1226 Johan, 1226 John, 1226 Mary, 1226 Nicholas, 1226 Sara. 1226 Longden, Thomas, 1283 Longe see Long Longe als. Pynner Marv, 312 Nicholas, 312 Longevile, Edward, 1117 Henry, 1117 Thomas, 1117 Longhurst Edward, 1076 Longinowghe, Long als. Agnes, 1226 Edith, 1226 Johan, 1226 John, 1226 Mary, 1226 Nicholas, 1226 Sara, 1226 Lon|ley}ci^'-l«*«P^^^'1088 Jesper, 666 Thomas, 666 Longman, Katherine, 142 Longmore, John, 239 Thomas, 239 Longrave, Joan, 986 Longstrome, , 17 Thomas, 17 Long^^rthe'^lDo'^otJ^y.1282 James, 1282 Margaret, 1282 Kaphe, 1283 Thomas, 1282 i-*,, I Anne, 482 Joyce, 482 Roger, 482 Sampson, 482 Errn|ot^^ig-".S20 Edmund, 520 John, 1050 Mary, 520 Thomas, 520, 1050 Loiie see Love Louis XIII., king of France, 1074 Loury, John, 1290 Loue j^'^'^^'^^'l^^ Edward, 1292 Michaell, 521 Richard, 200, 635, 729 William, 729 Loveday i „.,. Lovedayej ' "*> Richard, 478 Loveden, William, 209 Lovejoy 1 q„„ Loveioye / ' ^^ Cissely, 579 Henrv, 1023 Humfrey, 1023 Jane, 1023 Margaret, 986 Thomas, 1023, 1209 liOvejoy als. Mathews Ann, 1023 Humfry, 1033 Thomas, 1023 Lovelace, Henry, 107 LSs"!l^-«-«e.l035 Lovm"}^"'''^'^''^'^^^ John, 1253 Margaret, 366 Margery, 366, 518 Mary, 1070 Richard, 366, 1059 Robert, 1070 Thomas, 306 William, 366 Lovering, mr., 194 Lovill see Lovell Lovlis see Lovelesse Lowe, , 642 Edward, 1336 Ellen, 1047 Humfr^, 1112 John, 213, 418, 1047 sir Thomas, 844 William, 642, 1079 Lowlis, , 1035 Lowman, Henry, 106 William, 106 Lownes, , 386 Ann, 1037 John, 1037 Jollife, 1037 Laurence, 369 Martha, 1037 Mary, 1037 Lowry, , 571 Lowson, Robert, 331 Lowthe, Paul, 926 Loyde see Lloyd Lucar, Emanuel, 703 liUcas, Ellinor, 159 Frauucis, 176 George, 159 Henry, 743 John, 91, 390 Margaret, 91 Marke, 405 Mary, 91 Robert, 707 Sara, 290 Thomas, 91, 438 Tobias, 611 William, 405, 1173 L/Uccocke, Elizabeth, 1059 John, 1059 William, 1059 Lucke, John, 1179 Lucky n, Thomas, 318 Le^'celc-lie.^lS John, 751 sir Thomas, 1096 Luddington, John, 318 Ludford, Arthur, 1208 Ludlam, Thomas, 1210 Ludlowe, Gabriel, 208 George, 208 Jane, 208 John, 964 Roger, 208 Thomas, 208 Ludwell, John, 509 Luffe}^"««'^°'*» John, 1028 Stephen, 289 Lugge, Elizabeth, 536 William, 191 Luke, sir John, 259, 480 Lumley, Jane, 1010 Martin, 1285 Richard, 1010 sir Richard, 435 Robert, 1010 Lundaye, mrs., 523 I:-^«} Alice, 1310 Anne, 1310 Gennett, 1310 Marie, 1310 Richard, 1310 Roger, 1310 Thomas, 1310 Lunns, William, 962 Lunsford, Elizabeth, 777 sir John, 777 Margaret, 777 Luntley, Thomas, 736 Lupus, Agnes, 405 Lusher, Ann, 880 Lusted, Edward, 69 Unica, 69 William, 69 Luther, Anthony, 1040 Richard, 1040 Thomas, 1040 Liuttrell, , 1274 Anne, 1274 George, 1274 John, 1374 Lycet , 418 Lydall, Thomas, 436 Lyde, Allan, 913 Ellis, 375 John, 375 INDEX OF PERSONS. 525 Katherine, 375 Lydyate ) Lydyat > Agnes, 787 Lydeate ) Edward, 787 William, 787 Lyes see also Lee John, 455 Joyce, 578 Miles, 455 Kobert, 455 Walter, 455 William, 455 Lyll see also Lisle Anne, 1112 Eleanor, 1112 Elizabeth, 1112 Mary, 1112 Lylliman, Bridgett, 1111 L^&}sy---.488 Thomas, 672 Lynche, Roger, 1248 Lynde, Alexander, 998 lady Elizabeth, 998 sir Humphrey, 998 Robert, 998 Lyndsey see Linsey Lynes, Samuel, 1209 Lynge see Linge Lyngen see Lingen liynlall, Lettis, 663 Thomas, 663 Lynley see Lindley liynne, lady, 1184 Jane, 471 Lynsey see Linsey Lynton see Linton L^ons} Edward, 269 Giles, 925 Lyppiatt, Thomas, 652 I^ysons, Alice, 481 Anne, 481 Arthur, 481 Daniel, 481 John, 481 Thomas, 481 ■William, 481 Lyston, Jane, 152 Lyverit, Spuon, 37 Lywood, John, 373 Mary, 373 Mabanck, Edmund, 1233 Mabbott, Joan, 970 Mabell, Amlas, 118S Joan, 1182 Maber, Henry, 289 John, 380 Robert, 380 Mace see also Massey Ann, 1071 Joane, 1071 John, 863 Thomas, 1071 "WUllam, 1071 Machan, mr., 865 Machem, , 724 Hugh, 724 Machett, George, 258 Humfrey, 833 Isabell, 833 John, 364 Margaret, 833 Mackerell, Michael, 271, 323 Macklyn, Mary, 1228 Macklyn, Catterson als. ,149 Macocke, Samuel, 660 Maddewe, Henry, 957 Maddox ^ Maddoxe I Maddux Vgoodman, 20 Maddockes goodwife, 20 Madocke J Elianor, 928 George, 1011 John, 252, 928 John Thomas, 179 Katherine, 130 Margaret, 130 Margaret uz, 179 Margaret verch, 179 Philipp, 130 Richard, 928, 1193 Roger, 130 Thomas, 179 Thomas Powell, 179 William, 842 5J^^^I«}Phillipp.44 Thomas Powell, 611 Madocke see Maddox Madog, John Edmund ap John ap, 1191 Madstart, , 916 Madye see Maddye Magor, Robert, 866 ]Magridge, Robert, 374 ]Maham, John, 552 Maid, John, 165 Maine ) ,„ Mayne ] ' '" Alexander, 433 John, 1358 Philipp, 1053 William, 813 Mainett, Josua, 397 Maio see Mayo ]Maior, Thomas, 656 Makernesse, Edward, 1333 Elizabeth, 1333 Henry, 1333 Katherine, 1333 Robert, 1333 Thomas. 1333 Makner, John, 473 Malby, Elizabeth, 700 Jane, 700 John, 700 Mary, 700 Richard, 700 Maldenn, , 147 ]^^^t'l^«}john,40,113,929 Parnell, 1239 Mallabar | ._„„ lo-io Mallaber / ^^^^' ^^°" John, 313, 1250 Hugh, 1250 Margery, 1250 WiUiam, 1850 Mallcott, Richard, 107 Mallett, Gyles, 291 Joane, 291 Thomas, 291 Maltbye, Edward, 46 Ralfe, 1291 Valentyne, 475 Malton see also Moulton Anne, 1133 Malyn, Clemence, 899 Man ) Mann [ see also Goodman Manne ) , 394 Andrew, 885 Anne, 719 Cornelius, 885 Edward, 719 Elizabeth, 885 George, 579 Johan, 885 John, 719 Mary, 17, 885 Mathew, 886 Nicholas, 1123 Raphe, 561 Robert, 719 Samuel, 859, 885 Suzanna, 885 Thomas, 885 William, 355, 824 Man, Goodman als. John, 885 Manby 1 Manbye [ , 847 Manbie ) Susan, 669 William, 152, 313, 1357 Mandevile, Margaret, count- ess see Margaret Montague, countess of Mandeville Manestie ) Manestye | Baylie, 819 Manistie ) Mary, 636 Robert, 819 William, 819 SefldeH^^ Mansfield Manistie see Manestie John, 1218 William, 236 ^tSSet-«M- Manners, Bernard, 296 sir George, 214 Manning ) Manninge [ , 40, 312 Manuynge ) Edward, 312, 868, 1134 George, 108 Henry, 386, 1134 Hugh, 1134 Jeremy, 1134 Joane, 413, 513 John, 413, 1134 Lawrence, 868 Margaret, 868, 1134 Matthew, 1134 Nicholas, 868 Susan, 754 William, 868 Arthur, 652 Joane, 652 John, 1035 Mark, 1089 sir Thomas, 1118 Walter, 364 Manser, , 1348 Nicholas, 573 Mansfield ) Manfield [ mr., 402 Manfeilde ) Henry, 413 Katherine, 413 Manson, Agnes, 477 Anne, 477 Joane, 477 Kichard. 477 Thomas, 477 Kt^!}^g-«.«7 Edith, 467 626 INDEX OF PERSONS. Edward, 467 Eliauor, 467 Giles, 467 Mary, 467 Nicholas, 467 Blchard, 921 Robert, 4G7 Thomas, 426 William, 467 Manwayringe, BandoU, 859 ^aSro^e I Agnes, 1021 Alice, 1021 Elizabeth, 1021 Margaret, 1021 Thomas, 1333 William, 1021 Manye, sir Anthony, 1315 Mapes, mr., 1 Anne, 478 Francis, 478 John, 478 Katherine, 478 Lieonard, 478 Eichard, 478 Robert, 478 Roberta, 478 March, Francis, 1285 James, 1076 John, 515 Thomas, 1076 Marchall see Marshall Marchant ) Marchante ( A„np 004 Marchaunt ( A^f^A^S^RfiR Marchan ) Anthony, 666 John, 503 Mary, 6C6 Robert, 1192 Susan, 1190 Thomas, 1065 Marckes see Marke Marden, Dorothy, 369 Edward, 369 James, 369 John, 369 Peter, 369 Richard, 369 Susanne, 369 William, 369 Mare, Edward, 1106 Marline, Henry, 37 Margaret, mrs., 1021 Margerinn, , 553 Margerison, Francis, 663 Margitts ) ^ , , , Margyttes f ' '■'■'■'■ Elizabeth, 1111 Francis, 1111 Joane, 1111 Richard, 1111 Mariott see Marriott Marke ) Markes { , 289 Marckes ) Agnes, 216 Anthony, 216 Edward, 1035 George, 216 Johaue, 138 John, 216 Peter, 138 Robert, 289 Koger, 216 Sarah, 289 Walter, 216 Markeham see Markham Marken, John, 452 Samuel, 452 K'lLnBriget.605 Elizabeth, 605 John, 605, 822 Joseph, 605 Lettice, 605 Thomas, 605 Marlorl .,. .„„ Marler J -^"ce, im James, 229 Marlowe l^li^^^^tl^. 1287 Richard, 237 Marly n, Edward, 1009 Marnere, William, 414 Marrcker, Christopher, 127 Marriott "^ Marryatt [^j. 53 Ke« J Cohort, 967 Dorothy, 967 Elizabeth, 967 Francis, 79 Eichard, 967 William, 967 SA'he}^^^-'^^^ Anne, 667 Anthony, 251 Dorothy, 251 Elizabeth, 667 Grace, 667 James, 1276 Jane, 667 Johane, 1276 John, 1376 Katherine, 1276 Margaret, 251 Kichard, 251, 667 Sara, 667 Stephen, 1177 Thomas, 667, 1276 Thomasine, 1276 William, 1276, 1335 Marshall ) Marchall j , 37,525 Abraham, 384 Alice, 911 Andrewe, 4 Anne, 318, 368 Arthur, 929 Bridget, 929 Christopher, 881 Clemence, 814 Daniel, 814 Elizabeth, 929, 1351 Ellen, 368 Eustace, 368, 384 Francis, 814 Fulk, 15 Hamlet, 67 Helen, 814 James, 384 Jeremie, 1351 Joan, 814 Johane, 1045 John, 318, 454, 814, 1045, 1125, 1180, 1257 Mary, 384, 1257 Melior, 911 Nathaniel, 814 Peter, 158 Robert, 008 Samuel, 814 Thomas, 694 William, 217, 368, 384, 1046 Marsham, Robert, 10 Marshe see Marsh Marsha als. Nicholls ) Marshe als. Nichols ) Abraham, 1154 Anne, 1154 John, 1154 Thomas, 1154 Marshfeild, Johane, 848 Marston, mr., 284 John, 1154 Michael, 521 Martin i Martyn Martyne )■ , 15, 1108 Marten arms, 074 Marteene J goody, 930 Agnes, 184 Alice, 269 Anne, 113 Bartholomew, 1333 Cisseley, 690 Edward, 911 Elizabeth, 15, 674 Francis, 755 Henry, 15 Humfrev, 127 James, 594, 904 Jane, 47, 994 John, 184, 500, 674, 994 Leonard, 674 Mary, 15, 113 lady Mary, 113 Nathaniel, 690 Nicholas, 232, 674 Prudence, 755 Rhoda, 674 Richard, 15, 184, 674 Robert, 127, 184, 905 Boger, 216 Stephen, 1234 Susan, 232, 1324 Thomas, 15, 674, 911 William, 58, 674 sir William, 113 Wilmot, 892 Winifred, 1037 Martlndale, Annes, 797 Bridget, 797 Dorothy, 797 Elizabeth, 797 Frances, 797 Francis, 797 Gartrude, 797 George, 797 James, 797, 798 Jane, 797 John, 797 Margaret, 797 Mary, 797 Thomas, 797 WilUam, 797 Knel- Martin Marvell, Peter, 223 Marwood, Bridget, 871 George, 674 Masey see Massey Mason, , 147, 566 mr., 921 Agnes, 129 Alice, 1319 Anne, 57 Christabell, 129 Edward, 75, 734, 773 George, 129 Isabell, 129 James, 129 John, 57, 1168 Julian, 1319 Mary, 1035 INDEX OF PERSONS. 627 Robert, 566 Thomas, 69, 96, 129, 1147 Williain. 798 Wm. Willy, 773 Mason, Kobiuson als. George, 983 Massam, Christian, 916 Thomas, 1099 Massey T SaseyJ '130,252 Anne, 59 Christopher, 59 Elizabeth, 59 George, 59 Joane, 208 John, 59 Kichard, 59 Thomas, 59 William, 59, 364 John, 37 Julian, 508 Katherine, 508 Robert, 974 Masterson, mr., 714 Mastone, Agnes, 334 Mathes, Richard, 1340 MatheiTS, Liovejoy als. Ann, 1023 Humfry, 1031 Thomas, 1023 Matthew "] Matthewe Agnes, 465, 996, 1364 Alice, 500 Amy, 500 Matthews Matthewes Mathewes Mathe\re Mathew Anne, 733 Dassie John, 1230 Dorothy, 880 Edward, 9, 74 Elizabeth, 268, 500, 851 Elize, 500 Frizzes, 1364 George, 235 Gregory, 500 Griffith, 261 Harry, 268 Henry, 500, 733 Hugh ap Rees ap, 1191 Joane, 996, 1364 Johan, 851, 856, 1257 John, 372, 401, 500, 503, 682, 1034, 1364 John ap, 705 Margery, 851 Marie, 996 Marion, 996 Mary, 500, 1257, 1364 Richard, 234, 268, 465, 851, 1364 Robert, 500, 856 Samuel, 1254, 13G4 Thomas, 268, 465, 623, 1029 Tobias, archbishop of York, 1310 Tristram, 1157 Walter, 268 "William, 315, 500, 880 Zabulon, 630 Mattingley, Anna, 116 Margery, 116 Richard, 110 William, 116 Mattison, Agnes, 979 Barbara, 979 Bridget, 979 William, 979 Kit --,402 James, 1347 Jehochanan, 402 Johaue, 612 Samuel, 402 Thomas, 612 Timothie, 402 xMtw|er[^""*'°'«2^'^218 Maugham, John, 552 Maulden, Robert, 945 Mauncell see Maunsell Kn"dt) Dorothy, 789 George, 1083 'William, 789 Maundefeild, , 94 Maunder, Hugh, 1277 Johane, 1277 John, 1092 Maundy see Monday Maunsell "| Mauncell I Maunsill vAndrew, 557 Mawncell I George, 1131 Moomsell J Samuel, 1003 Thomas, 182, 1246 Maurice, William, 1299 Mawde see Maud Mawer, John, 742 Richard, 742 Mawger see Mauger Mawhood, Mary, 1106 Mawncell see Maunsell Maxlowe, Elizabeth, 298 Maxwell, Elizabeth, 808 May 1 Maye { , 1, 17 Mayes ) Agnes, 275 Anne, 309 Annes, 650 Bridgett, 650 Dorothy, 275, 435 Edmund, 776 EUzabeth, 275, 650 George, 435 Hugh, 435 sir Humf rey, 435 Jeremy, 309 Joane, 309, 1059 John, 129, 275, 309, 435, 973, 1080, 1093, 1354 Judith, 309 Julian, 469 Katherine, 735 Margaret, 275 Mary, 309, 469 Matthew, 309 Oliver, 498 Peter, 498 Richard, 435, 1090 Robert, 650 Sara 275 Thomas, 309, 435, 469, 650, 909 Walter, 1090 William, 436, 469, 650, 735, 825 Maycock, John, 1097 Maydon, John, 1346 Mayle see Maleighe Maylerd, Richard, 1143 Maynard ) §22 Maynerd ) ' Elizabeth, 672 Giles, 863 Margaret, 672 Mane, 672 Phillipp, 617, 678 Robert, 1332 Thomas, 1232 William, baron of Wicklow, 1232 Mayne see Maine Maynerd see Maynard Mayo ) „^ Maio I • '^ Mary, 427 Thomas, 427 Mayster, Grace, 1277 Meadcoate see Medcot ^fdf} Anne, 297 Edmund, 335 John, 297 Margaret, 345 Peter, 486 Thomas, 345, 1285 Meader, Katherine, 106 Meadows, Mary, 817 Meakes, Thomas, 896 Meantys, Edmund, 402 Mecocke, Crescent, 1172 Medcalf see Metcalfe Meadcoate I W"l--. 345 Meddon, Grace, 1221 John, 1221 Mede see Meade Medeley, Bartholomew, 710 Bennett, 710 Clement, 710 Job, 710 Thomas, 710 Medhope, John, 921 Medicombe, William, 1024 Mednall, Dorothy, 1010 Mary, 1010 Meeche, Alice, 968 Christopher, 968 Francis, 968 Henry, 968 Richard, 968 Robert, 968 Thomas, 968 William, 968 Meeres see Meres Meghennis, Garrett, 113 Megson, Robert, 742 Meivott see Meyvott Mekin, mr., 407 Robert, 407 Melbancke, Henry, 814 Melham, Amy, 441 Edmund, 441 Elizabeth, 441 Robert, 441 Roger, 441 Thomas, 441 Meller see Mellor Melles, , 479 Christian, 479 Mellins \ ^., ^ Melyn }^"es,44 James, 1061 Mellishe, Thomas, 1095 SeVfJr!A-t^-y."0* Charles, 944 Frances, 944 John, 43, 944 Judith, 944 Margaret, 43 Mary, 944 628 INDEX OF PERSONS. Richard, 43 Robert, 944 Rowland, 944 Thomas, 43 Melsoune, Richard, 425 M«ltoB, Eleanor, 837 James, 837 John, 909, 940, 1290 Richard, 837 Silvester, 837 Melyn see Mellins Membry, Augustine, 1036 Mercer, Alice, 810 Anne, 810 Edward, 679 James, 556 Johane, 676 Martha, 1117 Mary, 1117 Richard, 516 Robert, 810 Roger, 707 Susan, 810 Meredeth see Meredith Meredewe, William, 240 Meredith ) „-„ Meredeth J ' '^'° Edward. 1285 Elizabeth, 571 Evan, 862 John, 862, 901, 1052 John ap Evan, 38, 862 Mary, 705 Peter, 1162 Rees David, 705 Thomas, 705, 723 Thomas David, 705 Thomas ap Lien ap, 1191 Walter, 1037 William, 862 Merefeild see Merifeild Meckel ks'^^^' ^280 Elizabeth, 980 Ellen, 980 Esther, 980 Margaret, 1280 Maute, 1280 William, 980 Merey see Merry Mericke see Merrieke Merifeild i t«-v,„ „,« Merefeild [John, 713 Robert, 721 Srk"e1-«e"«y.«>2 Martin, 1279 Richard, 279 Thomas, 766 Merrie see Merry Merrimouth, William, 127 Merry "\ Merrye Merrie VAnne, 619 Merey I Edward, 69 Mery J Elizabeth, 1237 Frances, 1237 Marlen, 975 Thomas. 1237 Merston, Christopher, 1129 Merton, John, 1210 Mery see Merry Meryclewe, Elizabeth, 1362 Susan, 1352 Meryvale, Nicholas, 271 Mesey, John, 1085 Messenger, Agnes, 1208 Elizabeth, 635 Joan, 1208 Robert, 1308 Messeter, Richard, 760 Messiam, Anna, 925 Jacob, 925 Mestdach, Phil., 1338 Metcalfe ) Mettcalfe [ mr., 336 Medcalf )mrs.,336 Edward. 1026 Robert, 336 Thomas, 1179 William, 336 Meverein^ . g-q Meuerell ( ^^^c^or. «»^ Elizabeth, 571 Francis, 571 Raphe, 1287 Robert, 1287 Me™! Edmund, 259 William, 90 Mewe, Ellis, 377 James, 97, 772 Johane, 97 Mewgh, Thomas, 1091 Mewys see Mewce Ko^t*tM^«-y.«i Jane, 61 Michael ) Michaell > see also Mitchell Michell ) Anne, 540 Henry, 212, 1095 Isaac, 315 James, 540 Jetfery, 959 John, 94, 387, 402, 1223 Katherine, 1049 Magdalen, 1049 Maude, 1337 Nicholas, 321 Richard, 321, 1022, 1337 Robert, 54, 1089, 1299 Salathiell, 1049 Thomas, 1366 Michaelson, John, 181 Michelborn ) t^i,„ o^o MichelbornefJo^'1'242 William, 807 Michell see Michael Micklyn, Elizabeth, 1153 Middlemore, John, 336 Middleton ) qo/. Midleton J ' '"**' mrs., 27 Alice, 1360 Anna, 352 Anne, 699, 1360 Elizabeth, 579 Francis, 344 George, 1024 Hugh, 352 James, 699 Jane, 908 Johane, 820 John, 1360 Margaret, 1162 Peter, 1162 Richard, 1162 Robert, 264 Rowland, 1162 Sara, 699 Thomas, 1360 sir Thomas, 352 TVilliam, 316, 359, 638, 699, 986, 1162, 1360 Midford, George, 746 Midleton see Middleton Midwinter, Ann, 746 sir Anthony, 1170 Francis, 746 Joane, 746 John, 746 Margaret, 746 Margery, 746 Rebecca, 746 Samuel, 746 Susanne, 746 William, 746 Miers, Walter, 1197 Mighell, Richard, 149, 1016 William, 326 Mighte, , 1286, 1348 Jeffery, 1348 Thomas, 1348 Mighteton, Margaret, 859 Milberye, John, 1218 Milbourne, Alice, 1021 Robert, 1021 Mildmay Mildmaye Mildemay Mildemaye lady Grace. 1170 sir Henry, 264, 318 Mary, 1170 sir Thomas, 318 Walter, 318 Mildnall, Alice, 284 Mildon, Alice, 339 Miles ) Q__ Mylesf '^^5 goodwife, 416 Andrew, 1290 Cicely, 1208 Elizabeth, 903, 1208, 1290 Gabriell, 903 George, 1290 Johane, 903 John, 416 Mabb, 960 Margery, 1290 Martyn, 1390 Mighill, 1208 Robert, 157, 1208 Thomas, 1290 William, 365 Milichop see Millichopo Millard, John, 977 Miller, , 1, 713 Anne, 532 Arthur, 254 Bridget, 455 Catherine, 254 Harry Morgan, 1230 John, 254, 262, 745, 1002 Margaret, 455 Richard, 873 Thomas, 1. 435, 455, 1143,1219 William, 254 Miller, David als. Morgan, 1118 Milles see Mills Millett, William, 87 Millichope ^ Millichoppe (Edward, 234 ^iSp^ f Nicholas, 686 Richard, 686 Walter, 686 Milllngrton, Anthony, 1187 Gilbert, 1187 John, 43, 1187 Mills ] Milled U,i„ 78 MyllB J Archelaus, 569 Edmund, 229, 770 Edward, 253, 572 INDEX OF PERSONS. 529 Elizabeth, 253, 582, 682 Grace, 682 Jane, 759 John, 579 Katherine, 78 Peter, 78 Richard, 235 Robert, 802 Thomas, 628, 770, 888 WilUam, 682 Millward see Milward Milner, Anne, 532 Milton, John, 433 Milward ~] MiSdh"^^^«*^'« MylwardJJ«^"-958 John, 614, 1104 Margaret, 1073 Margery, 794 Mary, 43, 1104 Richard, 794, 1073 Robert, 43 Thomas, 43, 596 William, 43 Minat ) Minett \ Fowlke, 141 Mynotte ) John, 171, 172 Minde ) Mjmde > Ann, 1081 Mynd ) Elizabeth, 1081 Richard, 364 Roger, 1081 Minett see Minat Minge, , 962 Minors ) r-oo Mynors j • '*^° Mary, 817 Mintell, Anne, 1184 Mirrton, Elizabeth, 917 William, 917 Misselden, mr., 435 Mitchell see also Michael Edward, 410 Johane, 120 John, 437 Thomas, 811 Mite, Jetfery, 1229 Susan, 1229 Mitton, Alice, 555 Edward, 879, 708 George, 555 Harry, 708 Jane, 739 J'olin, 555 Mary, 708 Ursula, 555 William, 739 Moasley see Moseley Moclilowe, Symon, 1251 Mockridge, Robert, 516 Modiford, John, 911 Mogg, Dorothy, 1097 WilUam, 1097 Moggeridge, Andrew, 911 Anne, 1283 John, 323 Mogul, Great, 86 Mohun, Reynolde, 1173 Moleyns see also Millions Thomas, 341 Ursula, 341 William, 341 Molford, William, 1090 Molineux. Christofer, 112% Molle, John, 280 Molte, Ann, 1037 Thomas, 1037 Winifred, 1037 Momby, - Monck Moncke Monckes Monday Mondaye I ,1134 see Monke ^^zii y^r,m7 Munday Barbara, 457 -, 1 Mundaye Mundye J Edward, 483, 1174 Elizabeth, 483 John, 457, 531, 1263 Margery, 483 Priscilla, 1057 Rebecca, 483 Thomas, 467 MoSne^«^«^^«Moone Francis, 810 John, 671 Meninges, Humfrey, 318 Monke "1 Monck Moncke ! -.^^ SJZ^fei^^y Elizabeth, Muncke J ^^^^ John, 167, 518 Richard, 1019 Robert, 96 sir Thomas, 1151 Tyldesley, 960 Monmouth, Thomas, 924 Monne see Mone Montague ) Mountague ) ' lady, 1170 Anthony, 884 Anthony, viscount, 801 Edward, 1111 sir Edward, 1111, 1170 Henry, 388 sir Henry, 1, 1125 Margaret, countess of Mandevile, 259 sir Sidney, 1170 KfeM^-«'^^» Edward, 130 Ellen, 130 John, 1110 Seath, 1000 Moomsell see Maunsell Moone see also Mone Emme, 1265 Moore i MootIs [Alexander, 1125 Mores J ^"««. 137, 1048 Anna, 1068 Anne, 59, 137, 824, 1125 Charles, 438 Constance, 1208 Daniel, 733 Dowcebell, 1068 Edith, 137 Edmund, 651 Edward, 54, 239, 928 Elizabeth, 137, 438, 651, 824 Frances, 1332 Francis, 686, 1250 George, 824, 1037 Grace, 924 Henry, 137, 1048 Jane, 239 Jenet, 1332 Johanne, 686, 911 John, 651, 686, 713, 1068 Margaret, 647 Marie, 824 Marmaduke, 30 Owen, 1191 Phillipp, 137, 679 Prudence, 1329 Raphe, 1204 Richard, 235, 239, 686 Robert, 1332 Siizan, 651 Thomas, 606, 1010, 1329 WiUiam, 137, 411, 469, 552, 824, 1139, 1255, 1347 Morado, Sebastien, 1108 Morden, , 1 John, 1 Oliver, 1 Stephen, 1 More see Moore Morer, Michael, 315 Richard, 357 Mores see Moore Moreton see Morton Morewood, mrs., 372 Morgan i Morgon Morgayne \- , 960, 1339 Morgine captain, 1263 Morgans J mr., 776 Alice, 237, 1230 Anne, 894, 1230 lady Anne, 894 Blaunche, 894 Catherine, 340, 1230 Charles, 574, 1230 Christopher, 894 Cicill, 894 Dassie, 1230 David, 237, 1230 Edmund, 894 sir Edmund, 657 Edward, 261, 315, 894, 1191 Eleanor, 340 Elizabeth, 574, 894, 1230, 1339 George, 340, 894 Gwenllian, 268, 1230 Howell, 571 Hugh, 68, 1230 Humfrey, 340 James, 574, 862 Jane, 268, 574, 1339 Jane uz, 179 Johan, 1230 John, 58, 340, 480, 1230 sir John, 894 John Thomas, 1230 John William, 179 Josias, 179 Katherine, 894 Magdalen, 574, 1339 Margaret, 480, 571, 862, 1230 lady Margaret, 657, 1345 Marie, 574 Mary, 58, 340, 574, 1230 Mathew, 260 Maud, 268 Morgan David, 179 Peter, 625 Philip, 340, 611, 818 Richard, 268 Richard David, 179 Robert, 319 Sara 574 Thornas, 574, 611, 1118, 1230 William, 179, 574, 862, 1230, 1339 Morgan John, Thomas, 1118 Morgan Miller, Harry, 1230 Morhouse, John, 696 630 INDEX OF PEKSONS. Morice see Morris William, 473 Morie see Morjre Moris see Morris Moris, Andrew^e als. John, 1241 Moris, David ap Rees David, 705 Moris ap Humf rey, Thomas, 705 Morison see Morrison Morkam, William, 756 ^o"^r! Alice, 227 Anne, 227 Christopher, 848 Edward, 410, 734 sir Edward, 410, 1141, 1231 Elizabeth, 410, 601 Gyles, 204 Humfrey, 1185 Isacke, 1133 Joan, 227 John, 410, 1141 sir John, 410, 1141, 1231 lady Katheriue, 410 Magdalen, 410, 1231 Mary, 410 Peter, 227 Rebecca, 1263 Richard, 601 Thomas, 40, 601, 1133, 1263 Thomasine, 848 William, 410, 1141 Mormecot, Anthony, 1172 Thomas, 1172 William, 1172 ^^S[ William, 39 Morrell, Symon, 990 Morrice see Morris Morrint, Richard, 961 Morris^ Morrice Morice i-mr., 1 Morrys Anne, 313, 771, 954, Moris 1 1331 Daniel, 954 David, 480 David Bevan ap, 686 Edith, 954 Edward, 555, 705 Eleanor, 1223 Elizabeth, 313, 954. 1352 Elizabeth uz, 222 Frances, 268 Griffin, 535 Hugh, 222 Humfrey, 313 James, 954 Joane, 1034 John, 174, 222, 535, 541, 568, 954, 1331, 1352 Josua, 954 Margaret, 555, 705 Marie, 954 Mary, 705, 1352 Nicholas, 705 Raphe, 313 Rees David ap, 705 Richard, 388. 446, 705, 954 Robert, ap. 47 Roger, 1261 Sara uz, 222 Thomas, 313, 419, 705, 954, 1034 William, 313, 705, 771, 1196 Morrison ) Morison > • -, 195 Moryson ) sir Charles, 435, 684 Fines, 36 Mary, 195 Morront see Morrant Morrys see Morris Morse see also Mosse Alice, 1311 Grace, 682 Philip, 709 Thomas, 506 Walter, 659, 1053, 1316 Morten, Hawlie als. George, 583 Mortimer, , 455 John, 346 Mortlocke, Jane 1075 Morton ' Morten i j Moreton , AUce 1910 Mourton J ^"*^®' '■^^'^ Ann, 1237 Anthony, 967 Ellen, 419 George, 967 Henry, 30 John, 608 Symon , 754 Thomas, 1245 Thomas, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 1155 Tobias, 1210 William, 637, 917, 1210 Morwent, William, 1015 Morwood, Anthony, 139 Ke'} William, 84 Moryson see Morrison Mosaven see Mussaven Mose see Mosse Moseley"! ,217 1237 Mosley L doctor Moasley f^uce Mosle J ^'^<'®' Arthur, 1237 sir Edward, 433, 1287 Elizabeth, 1237 Ellen, 925 Frances, 1237 Francis, 433 Jarrett, 1237 Joan, 1237 John, 925, 1237 Nicholas, 587 Oswald, 433 Thomas, 008, 1237 William, 45, 1032 Moyses|^--.997 William, 1251 Mosley h^^Moseley Mosse 1 see also Mossey and Mose j Morse ,9 Clement, 1000 Elizabeth, 1323 Francis, 308 John, 94, 552 Thomas, 920 William, 94 Mosselye als. Slighe John, 1025 Mossey see also Mosse Thomas, 1175 Mossocke, Anne, 41 Most, William, 94 Mosten ) Mostin > Richard, 803 Mostyn ) Roger, 806 sir Roger, 806 Sidney, 806 sir Thomas, 806 Motham, Thomas, 285 Motley, Margaret, 441 Mott, Anne, 830 Dionis, 830 EHzabeth, 396 Frances, 830 Henry, 830 John, 830 Thomas, 830 Moughton, Edward, 1160 Joane, 1160 Margaret, 1160 Mary, 1160 Mould, Elizabeth, 1340 du Moulin, mr., 1074 Moult, Nicholas, 411 Thomas, 411 Moulton see also Malton Valentine, 1125 Moumfort see Mountfort Mouncke see Monke Moundef ord see Mounifort Mounson, sir Thomas, 435 Mountague see Montague Mountague als. Hare lady Margaret, 726 Mountayne, John, 205 Joyce, 205 William, 205 Mountfort Mountforte ■.«^„, j„f„„j sir Edward, 258 Moundef ord p_j.n„ia 1055 Moumfort 1 Francis, izao Henry, 998 ' John, 150 Thomas, 412 Walter, 1063 Mountstephen ) j , ,„_„ Mount-Stevens ( '^^'^^' 1"^^ Rowland, 462 Mourton see Morton Mouxley, Elizabeth, 298 Francis, 298 Movrer, George, 156 Lydea, 156 Richard, 321 Robert, 156 Mowle, goodman, 11 Francis, 1197 Mowson, Anne, 253 Thomas, 253 Mox, George, 1322 Moxen, Nicholas, 346 Moy, Richard, 1320 Moyle, Anne, 30 Mary, 1156 Richard, 138 Thomas, 1156 Moyne, Joseph, 108JJ' Moyses see Moses Moythey, Dorothy, 47 Moze, Mary, 1263 Thomas, 429, 1263 Muchill, George, 500 Muckland, Thomas, 676 Mucklen. Thomas, 676 Muckleston. John, 1034 Muddell, Thomas, 322 Mullens see also Moleyns Robert, 766 INDEX OP PERSONS. 531 MSSne} Grace, 1209 Mary, 1209 Thomas, 1035 Muncke see Monke ^rdfyeH- Monday Munden, Dennis, 426 Mundye see Monday Munne see Mun Muntfort see Moimtfort Munton, Alice, 639 Munnyandes, Dorothy, 78!i Murcott, Edward, 710 Hugli, 749 Murden, Anne, 197 Elizabeth, 197 Robert, 197 Murhall, John, 1104 William, 1104 Murrye, Francis, 1348 George, 877 Mursley, Giles, 602 Muscraft, William, 439 Musgrave, John, 706 Lawrence, 183, 706 Thomas, 706 Musket, George, 160 srer|jo^-.*2i Mussell, John, 292 Mussett, Thomas, 263 Must, Henry, 590 Muston, John, 521 Mutton, Edward, 816 Margery, 816 Muttrell, Jone, 176 William, 176, 573 Myckfield, Grace, 1183 Myles see Miles S}ylM-eMills Mylward see Milward Mynns, Ellen, 1037 Timothy, 1037 Mynors see Minors Mynotte see Minat Mynton, Katharine, 1301 Myntridge, Henry, 1254 Milborowe, 1254 Nalson see Nelson Nancivill. Martha, 1140 Richard, 1140 Walter, 1140 Napper, Henry, 1095 Name, James, 1279 Nash ) ^ Nashe ) ' Elizabeth, 588 George, 381, 1024, 1247 Jane, 588 Joane, 190 John, 688, 879, 124T Mary, 811 . Millissent, 588 * Nicholas, 588 Richard, 190 Thomas, 811, 879, 1247 William, 588 Nation, Katherine, 183, 706 Nannton, sir Robert, 278 Naylor, Katherine, 628 Thomas, 1333 NlaU* I Alexander, 476 Elizabeth, 883 Frauncis, 883 John, 716 Margaret, 883 Nathaniel, 30 Robert, 589, 883 Samuel, 191, 883 Thomas, 589, 883 William, 318, 883 g--} Alice, 881 ^ Gabriel, 776 Thomas, 1192 Thomazine, 192 Needham 1 Needeham | mr., 385 Nedham ) George, 411 Henry, 609 Lucy, 582 sir Robert, 1025 Needier, Agnes, 129 George, 129 Jane, 122 John, 129 Jonathan, 628 Katherine, 129 Margaret, 129 William, 129 Neeve see Neave Negus, John, 473 Nelis, Adrian, 961 Ne&}Humfrey, 966 Thomas, 887 Nallon}^^°^"^^'''^^'^^'^ Nethermill, John, 521 Netlam, Alife, 428 Nettles, Richard, 533 Nettleton, goodwife, 1208 Nevell see Nevile Neverd, Thomas, 1199 Nevell I Edward, 1190 Elizabeth, 338 Mary, 338, 842 William, 338 Newarke, Bridget, 74 John, 74 Agnes, 413 John, 413 Nathaniel, 1080 Newce, Thomas, 164 William, 1G4 Newcomb, Alexander, 1334 John, 10G2, 1334 Oliver, 1334 Reymond, 13»4 Newdicke. Mary, 90 Robert, 90 Newe ) .gg Newye) ' Benjamin, 776 Joane, 710 William, 710, 776 Newett, John, 874 William, 164 Newington, Anne, 176 Jabes, 176 John, 1269 Joseph, 176 Samuel, 176 Thomas, 176 Zabulon, 176 Newland 1 Richard, 190, 990, Newlande ) 1051 William, 318 Newman', Anthony, 349 Christopher, 184 Edward, 531 Henry, 1192 John, 3, 558 Margery, 510 Robert, 1050 Stephen, 1133 Valentyne, 520 Newmarsh, Nicholas, 888 Newnham, Elizabeth, 393 Katherine, 393 Thomas, 393 Newold, Agnes, 625 John, 625 Newport 1 sir rranci8,597, Newporte ] 1107 Sampson, 42 Newstead, Herbart, 1290 Newton, , 834 mr., 200, 839 Alice, 994 Anne, 485, 609 Bettris, 1290 Edmund, 200 Gregory, 9 Henry, 315, 880 Hugh, 609 Johane, 609 John, 284, 315, 348 Jonas, 244 Julian, 315 Margaret, 609 Richard, 453 Robert, 926, 1073 Roger, 609 sir Theodore, 485 Thomas, 1026, 1080, 1305 William, 267, 393, 553, 1319 Newye see Newe Nichas see Nicholas Nichell, Elizabeth, 23 John, 179 William, 23 Nfcha""*'}<^««'^g«.928 Gwenllian, 261 Ivan, 261 Jo., 425 John, 282, 299, 436 INIary uz, 61 Philip, 261 Richard, S61 Roger, 135 Thomas, 261 William, 261 William ap, 61 Nicholds als. Burman Anne, 539 NichoUs^ iconls Ugnes,456 Nicoll J Anne, 415 Charles, 364 Dorothy, 1018 Esbell, 1018 Geprge, 555 Giles, 1352 John, 92, 548, 651, 784, 1003, 1323 Richard, 460 Robert, 1018 Sara, 1018 Thomas, 612, 919, 1018 Walter, 557 William, 259, 919, 1197 NichoUs, Marshe als. I Nichols, Marshe als. f Abraham, 1154 Anne, 1154 INDEX OF PERSONS. John, 1154 Thomas, 1154 Nicholson ) Nicholsen > Elizabeth, 644, Nicoulson ) 1185 George, 1196 James, 908 John, 181 Margery, 1185 Richard, 1185 Koger, 1185 Thomas, 1190 Nlckins, Michaell, 594 Kicklyn, Sara, 610 Nicoll ) Nicolles I see NichoUs Nicolls ) Nicoulson see Nicholson Nlghtingfale ) Nyshtingale \ , 1003 Nitingale ) lady, 1117 EUzabeth, 395, 662 Geoffrey, 313 Henry, 312 Joan, 312 John, 312, 662 Katherine, 662 Leonard, 740 Matthew, 312 Bichard,395 Bobert, 312, 662 Roger, 395 Sara, 662 Thomas, 312 Wale 312 ■William, 395, 527, 663 Zachariah, 662 Niles) .... Nille ] '"*^ William, 294 Ninnis, Alice, 519 Anne, 519 Christoplier, 519 Elizabeth, 519 Nitingale see Nightingale Nixon, Joseph, 1312 Noakes I . ii„e 965 Nokes |Aiice,9bO John, 965 Nicholas, 386 William, 386 Nobe8'lEli^*''«t^'1323 John, 6 Noble, George, 554 John, 1364 Mary, 367 Robert, 471 Noell see also Nowell lady, 195 lord, 195 Alexander, 195 Arthur, 195 sir Cliarles, 195 Henry, 195 Nokes see Noakes Noon, Suzanne, 880 Norecottl''^«^««N°'^tl^«°" Giles, 1221 Katherine, 1221 Peter, 1288 Thomas, 1112 Norden, , 688 Nore, Bridget, 1363 Norecott see Norcott Norgate, Anne, 1350 Henry, 1350 Margaret, 1350 Rachel, 1350 William, 1350 Norice see Norris Norish, , 1128 Norman, Agnes, 506 Anthony, 60 Elizabeth, 506, 1061 Etheldred, 1061 Francis, 176, 823, 1061 Henry, 59 Jane, 1061 John, 60, 506, 509, 982, 1278 Priscilla, 982 Richard, 609 Symon, 606 William, 60 Norrington, Agnes, 253 Benjamin, 253 Jane, 253 Ralph, 253 Robert, 253 William, 253 Norris ) Norrys > , 464 Norice ) Agnes, 294, 415 Anthony, 514 Elizabeth, 34, 294 George, 555 Henry, 34 Hugh, 294 James, 6 Jolin, 394, 721 Margery, 34, 514 Nicholas, 1359 Richard, 34, 446 Robert, 294, 465 Ruth, 34 Sarah, 6 Thomas, 294 William, 294 Zalathiell, 34 Norrowaye, John, 1215 Norrys see Norris Nor'tb'el«««"^*''N°^*'^« , 94, 978 Dennys, 649 Dorothie, 1156 Dudley, lord, 1156 Edith, 294 Edward, 649 Elizabeth, 649, 1156 sir Henry, 152, 1156 Johane, 649 John, 152, 548, 649, 715, 941 Josias, 152 Mary, 152, 1156, 1255 lady Mary, 1156 sir Roger, 1156 Rose, 649 Susan, 649 Thomas, 649 Northage, Baldwin, 1285 Mathew, 1285 Katherine, 413 Northcott see also Norcott John, 713 Phillippe, 713 William, 713 Northe see North Northie Northye John, 1223 Nathaniel, 1257 Northleigh, Hugh, 22 John, 22 Northover, Rachel, 911 • see also North Northye see Northie Norton ) ^^ Norton | ' ^" Albert, 743 Anne, 235 Charles, 1117 Edward, 1047, 1279 Hugh, 565 John, 508, 1047 Katherine, 942 Laurence, 623 Mary, 1047 William, 180 Norwiche, sir Simon, 957 Norwell, John, 215 Norwood, Benedicke, 641 Jane, 641 John, 641 Thomas, 641 Note, Thomas, 1135 Nothan see Northam Notherell, Daniel, 1113 Nott see also Knott Edith, 985 John, 221 Nowell see also Noell lord, 435 Noye, Nicholas, 120 Walter, 120 William, 998, 1068 Nuell, Abraham, 555 Nunne, Robert, 980 Nunrye, Simon, 839 Nurce see Nurse Nurry, Nicholas, 861 Nurse ) o^o Nurce ] ' '*'''' William, 209 Nurton see Norton Nutcombe, John, 229 Nuthead, Thomas, 1141 William, 1141 Nutkyn, John, 158 Nntt, John, 298 Thomas, 156 Nuttall, Anne, 193 Charles, 193 Elizabeth, 193 James, 193 John, 193 Mary, 193 Susanne, 193 Thomas, 193 Nutting ) Nuttinge ) ' -,909 Awdrie, 811 Edmund, 1133 Thomas, 811 William, 811 Nutton, John, 1197 Nye, John 1096 Nyghtingale see Nightingale Oade see also Wade John, 227 g*ke8jja^^_1012 Ricliard, 1013 Thomas, 959 WiUiam, 1012, 1186 Gates als. Beuer Josias, 1090 Obins, Michael, 471 Oborne, Thomas, 71 Obrey, Mary, 192 8k^}eT}j-P-''^^^ Rowland, 438 Thomas, 596, 651 INDEX OF PERSONS. 533 Ode cds. Wrlthoke Anthony, 1007 Charles, 1007 Elizabeth, 1007 John, 1007 Sibbell, 1007 Symon, 1007 Thomas, 1007 Ocroo, Teig, 868 Odell i ,^o7 Odle } ' ^^^^ Ann, 1287 Susan, 277 Thomas, 277, 1287 William, 315 Odling ) Odlin \ Francis, 1175 Odlyn ) Mary, 1175 Robert, 909 Odwaye, Isachar, 824 oSi '338 Ann, 338, 933 Humfrey, 338 Robert, 6, 338 8^e7} lady, 1287 lady Anne, 277 Elizabeth, 1287 sir John, 277 Of yn see Offln Oke see Oakes Okeley see Ockley Slanf} Eleanor, 1189 Mary, 1189 William, 1024 Olaude als. Taylor Mary, 1189 Oldeberry, Elizabeth, 1244 Frances, 1244 Margaret, 1244 Richard, 1244 Oldberye, Westwood als. ) Oldberrye, Westwood als. ) Edward, 1244 Elizabeth, 1244 John, 1244 Richard, 1244 Susanna, 1244 Thomas, 1244 Olddale, Thomas, 895 Anthony, 1006 Gregory, 1006 John, 1006 Margaret, 1006 Mary, 836 Robert, 1006 Suzan, 1006 Oldmeddowe 1 . - jokq Ouldmeadowe } ^^^^' ^"^ Edmund, 1258 Katherine, 1258 Oldnold, Richard, 396 Thomas, 396 Olive ) Oliflfe > Anne, 660 Olife ) Mary, 1268 Robert, 660 Oliver, , 924 George, 451 John, 474, 1062 Judith, 48 Margaret, 451 Mary, 48 Nicholas, 627 Robert, 37, 48 Oliver als. Badwaye John, 499 OUerenshaw, Peter, 408 Olney see also Onley Clement, 710 Elizabeth, 710 Frances, 710 John, 710 Robert, 710 Sara, 710 Olrenshawe, Browne, als. Edward, 411 Olton, Henry, 371 Onley see also Olney sir Edward, 269 Onslowe, Anne, 1177 Margaret, 612 Morgan, 130 Richard, 130 Ontrem, Robert, 582 Orchard ) „_ -« Archard}'^'^-'^^ John, 948 Nicholas, 536 Ordiner, Robert, 882 8rin|l!^<^"*'^'l'^^2^ Elizabeth, 1321 Sibill, 1251 William, 1321 Organ, James, 1352 John, 230 Orgell, mr., 561 Richard, 1250 Oringe see Orenge Orme, , 711 Orongham, Dennis, 1193 Orpewood, Thomas, 209 Orpim, Richard, 1037 Orrell, John, 496, 1275 Orton, Margaret, 46 Thomas, 1210 William, 46 Willoughbie, 46 Orwell, Johane, 845 William, 845 Osborne ) Osborn { mr., 1172 Osbourne ) Alice, 585 Anne, 48, 585 Anthony, 215 Catherine, 872 Edward, 711 sir Edward, 1183 Elizabeth, 215, 585 Henry, 1257 sir He wet, 1183 Jane, 585 John, 215, 404 Katherine, 585 Nathaniel, 167 R., 743 Robert, 898, 1257 Sara, 1257 Thomas, 1172 William, 585, 770, 1172, 1183 Osborne als. Yoimge Avice, 872 Barbara, 872 Osley, Michael, 316 Osuiond, Abraham, 776 Anna, 776 Benjamin, 776 Cornelius, 776 Elizabeth, 776 Henry, 776 James, 776 John, 776 Mary, 776 Reuben, 776 Robert, 776 Rose, 776 Susan, 776 Otemore, William, 138 Otrldge, Anthony, 240 Ottley, Thomas, 211 Ottywell, John, 136 Oughton see Houghton Ouldmeadowe see Oldmeddowe oS^}«- Owsley Oute, Isabell, 1182 Outtridge, Henry, 1093 Overman, Thomas, 1255 Overton, Joane, 6Gd Richard, 926, 1291 Valentine, 1214 William, 66 Overy 1 Edward, 1144, 1171, Overey 1 1263 Owen "j Owens ■. Owyne | ' -,369 669 Owyns Anne, 635 Christopher, 272 Dorothie, 535 Edward, 535 Elizabeth, 535 Griffith, 222 Gwen, 535 Helen, 535 sir Hugh, 1191 Hugh Gwin, 671 Hugh ap John, 1191 Jeven, 268 Joane, 535 John, 369, 535, 1272 Lewis, 1101 Margaret, 535, 571 Mary, 211, 1147 Oliver, 535 Richard, 630, 847, 1147 Rydderch, 1118 Thomas, 192, 3)J!J, 1034, 1250 Thomas ap, 705 Thomas ap John ap, 222 William, 8 William ap Rees, 47 Owfeild, Walter, 1366 Owles, Richard, 1346 Owsley ) Ouseley \ Edward, 738 Ouslie ) Florence, 738 George, 738 Joane, 294, 738 John, 294, 1287 Mary, 738 Samuel, 738 W^ilUam, 738 Owtinge, John, 1337 Susan, 1337 n^T. sec Owen Owyns J Oxenbridge, Katherine, 52 Oxwicke, Robert, 308 Oyen, Katherine, 638 Pace, Anne, 643 Christopher, 1168 Edmund, 643 Elizabeth, 617 George, 617 Johane, 643 John, 643, 985 Margaret, 643 Margery, 643 Thomas, 643 534 INDEX OF PERSONS. William, 643 Packer, Elizabetli, 600 Hugh, 600 Jane, 600 John, 483 Katherine, 600 Richard, COO ThomaB, 600, 1089 Packharnis, Anne, 742 Margaret, 742 Michael, 742 Peter, 742 Richard, 742 William, 742 Packherst see Parkhurst Packington, Abigail, 711 Humfry, 1133 John, 1133 Thomas, 1141 Packwood, Mary, 1057 Pacocke see Peacock It^r^} Thomas. 500 Paddye, sir William, 435 Padgett see Paget Page ) Payge [ , 778, 1133 Pages ) doctor, 917 mr., 888 mrs.,619, 960 Anne, 776 Edmund, 1133 Edward, 969 Elizabeth, 776, 96U Esbell.lOlS Henry, 1291 John, 776, 1156 Mary, 776 Meredith, 251 Michael, 888, 889 Richard, 322 Robert, 149 Rose, 776 Sibell, 969 Susanna, 776 Thomas, 1346 William, 16, 198, 630, 776, 927, 1072, 1266 Paget ) Pagett } , 846 Padgett ) lord, 942 mr., 1133 Charles, 1247 Wil., 1116 lord William, 942 Paine ) Payne [ mr.,811 Pane ) Agnes, 541 Alexander, 1346 Alice, 393, 1020 Ann, 744, 886 Bridget, 76 Edward. 76, 416, 886 Eleanor, 393 Elizabeth, 76, 393, 1217 Frances, 886 George, 1346 Gilbert, 615 Humfrey, 1020 Joan, 416, 1343 John, 474, 541, 886, 1020, 1278, 1217 Katherine, 782 Margaret, 886 Margery, 886 Martha, 886 Mary, 541. 782, 1158 Mathew, 886 Morgan, 1217 Nicholas, 1308 Phillippe, 1167 Richard, 712, 886, 956, 1297 Robert, 76, 1020 Sarah, 1167 Temperance, 815 Thomas, 7(5, 209, 393, 782, 1020 Walter, 416, 1343 William, 541, 1030. 1137, 1158 Paintell, Judith, 456 Pake, John, 602 Robert, 318 Thomas, 318 William, 318 Palf reman see also Paulphriman Richard, 972 Palfrie, Alice, 54 Pallce, Agnes, 852 Amy, 892 Anstis, 852 Bridget, 892 Christian, 892 Edith, 892 Edward, 892 Henry, 852 Johane, 852 John, 85^, 892 Michael, 862 Peter, 852 Richard, 852, 892 Robert, 892 Thomas, 852 William, 852 Pall, Jesse als., William, 1308 Palmer ) Pallmer [ , 691, 1061 Pamer ) Alice, 604, 1065 Andrew, 604 Ann, 549, 1078 sir Anthony, 728, 1096 Cornelius, 630 Edmund, 841 Edward, 1078 Elizabeth, 349 Erauncis, 549 George, 259 Giles, 1078 Henry, 756 James, 998 Joan, 186, 1078 John, 849, 549, 604, 691, 1219 Julian, 630 Margaret, 549, 759, 1078 Margery, 1219 Mary, 1078 Merriall, 1078 Richard, 253, 291, 841, 989, 1078 Robert, 584, 1219 Roger, 549 Sara, 549 Thomas, 1078 "Vincent, 549 William, 94, 549, 1072, 1319 Paman, Bridgett, 1032 Clement, 1032 Pamer see Palmer Pames, Elizabeth, 446 Pamphilon, Edward, 1160 Joane, 1160 Panckhurst see Pankherst Pane see Paine Pangboorne, Edward, 1216 John, 1215 Panklieret ) see also Park- Panckhurst J hurst ,276 Bridget, 276 Elizabeth, 276 Francis, 276, 632 Helen, 1268 Joane, 276 Mary, 276 Nicholas, 276 Klchard, 276 Stephen, 276 Thomas, 1268 William 1268 Panuett, Joan, 390 John, 390 Pantinge, William, 204 Pauton, Eleanor, 937 Papps, Agnes, 563 John, 563 Richard, 563 Steven, 563 PapVo?t'h*e''|«obert.ll,4»7 Koger, 330 Thomas, 11 William, 11 Pardage see Pordage Pardoe, Johane, 95 John, 95 Thomas, 95 Pare see Parr Parent, Elizabeth, 1351 Job an, 1038 Mary, 1351 Peter, 1351 Parfey, Mary, 749 Parke ) Parkes \ Elizabeth, 676 Pearkes ) Francis, 958 George, 888 Joan, 958 Richard, 354, 1067 Koger, 983 Thomas, 607, 676, 840, 958 William, 676 Parkehurst see Parkhurst Parker, arms, 267 Agnes, 359 Alice, 1167 Anne, 1, 308, 1030, 1222 sir Calthrop, 1 Charles, 308 Christian, 23 Elizabeth, 948 Francis, 308 George, 697 Henry, 1, 267 Joane, 297, 1167, 1170 John, 267, 308, 799, 916, 960, 1074, 1111 sir John, 267 Joseph, 275 lady Katherine, 267 lady Marcey, 1 Margaret, 308 Mary, 267, 1167 Mathew 633 Mathie, 955 Nicholas, 267, 308 sir Nicholas, 267 Philipp, 1 Richard, 1351 Robert, 141, 267, 308 Stephen, 1, 1268 Thomas, 267, 1361 sir Thomas, 207 William, 35, 60, 308, 359, 396, 1167 Parkes see Parke INDEX OF PERSONS. 535 Paekherst ) '^^^^^ , 148 Benjamin, 776 George, 148 Samuel, 776 Stephen, 322 Thomas, 390 Parkinson, Stephen, 1037 Parman, Thomas, 1030 Parnell, Alice, 303 Elizabeth, 303 George, 303 Helen, 303 Thomas, 303 Parphey, Mary, 194 Pare | *^^ "'**' ^^^^ Mary, 596 Richard, 596 William, 985 Parre see Parry Parrett ■ Parret Parrat Parrott Pearrot Perratt Perrot . George, 515 John, 330 Judith, 544 Peter, 1235 Sara, 544 Simon, 1235 Thomas, 544 Vincent, 544 Parris ) Parries ) Anne, 243 Bridget, 1132 Edith, 1132 Elizabeth, 1132 George, 44 John, 1132 Iiucrece, 243 Mary, 173 Robert, 79, 1138 Thomas, 173, 1132 William, 1132 Richard, 1172 Parry "i Parrey Par rye J- see also Parr Parrie Anne, 792 Parre J Charles, 674 Fardinando, 1093 George, 792 Joane, 516 John, 364 Philip, 818 Roger, 931 Steven, 516 Thomas, 1230 William, 44, 135 William Watkin, 1230 Parser, goodwife, 544 ParloneH^^^— « Parscnidge, William, 351 Parsons ^ Parson I Parsone >-Anne, 507, 1275 Parsonnes Benjamin, 838 Persons J Elizabeth, 487 -,243 George, 506 Joan, 703 John, ;«2,615, 658, 679, 1168, 1312 Philip, 223 Richard, 625, 690, 703 Salomon, 917 Thomas, 487 Thomasyn, 756 William, 506, 615, 1275, 1305 Parthropp, Richard, 1066 Par'trffi'lci^^^t^P^^'.^SS Daniel, 288 George, 753 James, 342 Jane, 301 John, 288, 402 Susan, 342 Thomas, 288 William, 288 ltlchall|g«°d^*"'644 Andrew, 318 Mary, 816 Pascowe, John, 1221 Joseph, 1221 Katherine, 1221 Margaret, 1221 Mary, 1221 Thomas, 1221 Pasfeild, Elizabeth, 37 Gyles, 37 Susan, 37 Pashim, Tristram, 272 Paskyn, mr., 1 Fassand, Anne, 612 Humf rey, 612 Jane, 612 John, 612 Robert, 618 William, 612 Pasture, Agnes, 413 Patche, Tobyas, 697 Patchett, Alice, 907 John, 395, 916 Robert, 907 Thomas, 521 Pate, , 451 Dorothy, 451 Henry, 896 John, 451 Katherine, 451 Thomas, 451 Walter, 451 Pateson, John, 274 Patten, Alice, 294 Pattenden, George, 242 Pattenson, Timothy, 976 Patteshall, John, 1247 Susanna, 1247 Paty, Joseph, 378 William, 378 Paule ) Pawle I see also Pawley Powle ) Abraham, 370 Benjamin, 571 Henry, 851 John, 659, 835 Joseph, 1071 Mary, 659 Nathaniel, 660 Thomas, 659 William, 659, 745 Paulet, Anthony, 483 sir Anthony, 483 William, marquis of Win- chester, 1133 Paulphriraan, Jackson als. see also Palfreman Robert, 561 Pauson, Jeremy, 181 Paver, mr. , 544 Pavier, Bridget, 605 Raphe, 605 Pawle see Paule p^^ll® Ue« afso Paule and PoUey (poole Polle J ^^^'^ Francis, 633 Hugh, 1136 John, 165 Lawrence, 633 Mary, 633 WilUam. 213, 251 Pawnee, Katherine, 1299 William, 1299 Pawson, James, 976 Paybodye, John, 637 Paye, John. 1028 Payee see Page Paylor, Edward, 1310 Payne see Paine Paynell, Robert, 1021 Paynington, Thomas, 913 Paynter, Anne, 137, 845 Dorothie, 845 Eleanor, 845 George, 1058 Johane, 845 Katherine, 845 Richard, 595 Robert, 379 William, 845 Peachey 1 Peachye ?eechfejHenry,355 Katherine, 11 Robert. 1231 Sara, 954 Peacock ~1 Peacocke Poecockes }■ , 1248, 1323 Pacocke Alice, 600 Pococke J Dorothy, 554 James, 46 John, 66, 1282 Mary, 565 Thomas, 85 William, 554, 615 Peekl}j«ft«'^y«.3* Richard, 618 Thomas, 618 Pearcie, Alice, 71 John, 71 Thomas, 71 Pearkes see Parke Pearle, Richard, 556 Pearrot see Parrett Pears see also Peirce John, 1171 Pearsall, Richard, 475 ll^^^e^H-P-- Pearson "1 Peirson Peereson | -„ <^on PerlTol [-s.,l2?9"'" Person J Agnes, 398, 413,1174 Alice, 398, 1174 Anne, 10, 891, 1174, 1283 Anthony, 10 Dorothy, 398 Peachr|Edward,_9_54 536 INDEX OF PERSONS. Elizabeth, 398 Gervais, 582 Jane, 1174 Joane, 413 John, 307, 398, 413, 891, 1174 Joyce, 398 Katheriue, 413 Margaret, 398, 1283 Mary, 10, 398 Nicholas, 805 Robert, 10 Thomas, 398, 557 William, 338, 1174 Pearte see Pert Peate ) Peatt } Christian, 1221 Peet ) Humfrey, 315 Joen, 1035 Marie, 1035 Mary, 1035 Richard, 711 Thomas, 1035 William, 957 picke} Steven, 1170 William, 396 Peckden, Thomas, 276 Pecke see Peck Peckham, John, 1268 Thomas, 666 Pedder, Alice, 1180 Peter, 742 Richard, 1180 Symon, 742 Thomas, 1180 William, 1180 Pedke, Richard, 618 Pedley, mr., 7*^ Elizabeth, 897 George, 897 John, 897 Martha, 744 Mary, 744 Richard, 897 Sara, 897 Thomas, 897 Pee, Margaret, 1221 Peechie see Peachey Peeke see Peake ?S}«-r-ce ?rerir}-p— Peery, Ruthe, 752 Peet see Peate Peeuen, Isaac van, 80 Pegge'^ p^fS lEdward, 614 Pegreme, George, 197 Peirce "1 Pierce Pearce Pearse Peerce | Peeres f-see also Pears -, 329, 1119 Perse Perce Peirs Piers Peres doctor, 412 mr.,305 Abraham, 545 Alice, 421 Andrew, 269 Anne, 253, 313 Bales, 359 Edward, 236, 254, 1366 Elizabeth. 645, 930 George, 442, 1085 Giles, 253 Henry, 719 Joane, 421 Johan, 1050, 1216 John, 329, 335, 370, 948, 1109 Margaret, 970 Mary, 32, 142, 472, 545, 1109 Nathaniel, 1353 Kalph, 253 Raphael. 254 Richard, 313, 330, 481, 970 Sampson, 1218 Sarah, 1109 Silvester, 970 Stephen, 1113 Thomas, 209, 1050 Walter, 370, 970 WilUam, 807, 1109 Peirson see Pearson sir Thomas, 573 J^JI^j Grace, 452 Jeltery, 781 John, 452, 781 Katherine, 781 Mary, 72 William, 72 Pelland, John, 393 Margery, 393 Thomas, 393 Pellarsten, Robert, 898 Pelley, William, 865 ?elU„^gelB'-i'ig«">393 Henry, 393 John, 393 Mary, 393 Richard, 393 Thomas, 276, 393 William, 393 Pells see Pell Pemberton \ t„v,v. onr Pemerton fJolm,976 Raphe, 1204 Thomas, 1185 William, 976 Pemo, John, 737 Penbrooke, Jetfery, 703 Wilham, 703 Penehann, John, 760 Pendleton, Elizabeth, 881 George, 881 Pendre, Henry, 1283 Pendrell, Francis, 480 ?ISir^^e[ Bridget, 971 John, 971 Penneh«^«'««^«^'^y Anne, 416 Joan, 416 Katherine, 416 Mathewe, 729 Thomas, 416, 1343 William, 883 Pennell, mrs., 587 Edward, 235 James, 226, 888 Thomas, 676 Pennington, Alice, 456 Pennitt, John, 1026 Mary, 1026 Pennocke, Alice, 1167 Pennos, Nicholas, 124 Penny see also Penn and Pynny Dorothy, 160 Giles, 288 Henry, 861 Mary, 861 William, 861 Wynifrede, 861 Pennycooke, Isabell, 348 William, 348 Pennyfather 1 „_ , Penyfather |™r., i William, 257, 960 Pennyman, William, 1333 Pennynge, mr., 452 Anthony, 1190 Penson, John, 1042 Penticrist, Mary, 1146 Pentrace, John, 456 Penyfather see Pennyfather Pepper, Sorothie, 47, 68 Robert, 68 Rowland, 921 Thwaige, 47 Thwaites, 68 Peppes, Palina, 1170 Peppit, James, 56 Pepwell, , 464 Perce see Peirce Percehay, Henry, 1 Thomas, 776 Pereman see Perryman Peres see Peirce Pereson see Pearson Perient see Peryente Perington, Joane, 513 John, 513 Nicholas, 513 Perke, Thomas, 578 Perkins ^ Perkine [ go Parkins f Ao ParkineJ"^'^-'^^ Abigail, 88 Alice, 1026 John, 276, 627, 879, 1038 Oliver, 88 Prudence, 88 Richard, 431 Sara, 88 Thomas, 88 William, 88, 225, 693, 1066 Perne, , 372 Anne, 372 Pernitt, sir George, 688 Perratt see Parrett Perrie see Perry Perrin J Perryu S Benjamin, 1338 Peryn ) Eleanor, 1216 Frances, 421 Jane, 463 Margaret, 463 Philip, 421 Raphe, 463 Perrocke, William, 433 Perrot see Parrett Perry Perrye Perye i j^^j pfrrT rmrs.,960 Pirrye J Alexander, 808 Catherine, 257 Henry, 269 Hugh, 257 James, 971 John, 904, 1189, 1285 Mary, 761 Mathew, 710 INDEX OF PERSONS. 537 Eicliard, 422 Robert, 289, 697, 868 Sarry, 761 t Susan, 90* Thomas, 761 Wmiam, 761 Perry, Gue als. Thomas, 318 Fayth, 469 John, 4C9 Julian, 469 Robert, 469 Perrye see Perry Ferryman J Peryman > Richard, 193 Pereman ) Roger, 165 William, 469 Perryu see Perrin Perse see Peirce Pershouse, , 840 Persivall see Percyvall Person see Pearson Persons see Parsons Pert ) Perte \ Edward, 234 Pearte ) Elizabeth, 129 Margaret, 691 Tyndall, 129 William, 691 Peryam see Perryams Perye see Perry sir George, 259 Peryman see Ferryman Peryn see Perrin Fescod, , 490 Elizabeth, 490 George, 490 Bichard, 356 Thomas, 356 Peshall, Mary, 314 Fetan, Genevefue, 51 Petchey, Henry, 103 John, 102 Thomas, 102 Petchey, Golding cds. Benedict, 102 Petepace als. Blicke see also Fettiplace Henry, 351 Peter, lord, 385 Margaret, 1358 Fetipher ) j^ym 264 Pettifearef"'"'*^''^** Robert, 734 Petite see Pettit Petlever, Richard, 817 Pett, Henry, 482 William, 805 Pettif eare see Petipher Pettingale, Henry, 297 Pettit ) Pettitt > Elizabeth, 1333 Petite ) Frances, 1333 Gyles, 560 Hester, 80 Jacob, 80 Jeffrey, 166 Mark-^, 80 Pettus. Anne, 1229, 1348 Christian, 1229, 1348 Cicely, 1229, 1348 Edward, 1229 EUzabeth, 1229 Frances, 1229, 1348 George, 1229, 1348 Henry, 1348 John, 1229, 1348 Susan, 1229 Theodore, 1229, 1348 Thomas, 1229, 1348 William, 1229, 1348 Petty see Pettey Pewe, Anne, 221 Rowland, 1210 Phelp ) Phelps \ Henry, 417 Phelpes ) John, 123, 231, 1085 Thomas, 3il, 417 Phels, Nicholas, 496 Phesant, Henry, 1129 Peter, 602, 929 Philip Gllin, Hugh, 862 Philip Pry, Thomas John, 611 Philipson, John, 929 Margaret, 929 Philkes, Sara, 1321 Phillie, Thomas, 260 Phillipe Frees, Rees, 179 Phillips ^ Phillip Fhillipp Phillippe PhilUpps Phillippes Philippes Philipps Phelipps -, 27, 560 goodwife, 1254 nirs., 27 Benjamin, 515 jriieiippB r)„vid 27 1077 Fhellipps J ^aviQ, ^i, 1077 Edith, 1353 Edward, 320, 557, 806, 1310 sir Edward, 768 Elizabeth, 27 Evan, 611 Henry, 1009 John, 39, 121, 571, 692, 1113 Margaret, 39 Martha, 1009 Mary, 560, 927 Owen, 1009 Rebecca, 1244 Rees, 592 Rees ap John, 1118 Richard, 927, 1009 Robert, 39 Susanna, 1009 Thomas, 230, 333, 1009, 1230, 1254 Walter, 927 William, 588, 826, 1009 Phillips, Clacke als. Mary, 731 Philpott I David 1327 Philpottes ( "^^^^' 1'*''^ Elizabeth, 1327 Thomas, 388 pSnl Hercules. 269 John, 92 Lea, 269 William, 486 Phipps 1 Phippes ) mr., 1214 Agnes, 1065 AUce, 1065 Helen, 1066 -,840 Margaret, 1065 Thomas, 1065 Phlippin, Joane, 854 Phyton, Anne, 827 sir Kdward, 827 Pickatt ) Pickat \ Dorothie, 1152 Pickeet ) Eleanor, 1152 Elizabeth, 1152 John, 1152 Pickerell, Pickeringe als. Joan, 269 Picliering i Pickeringe J lady Eliza- Pickrin ) beth, 908 Francis, 908 Gilbert, 908 Henry, 908 James, 320 Jane, 908 John, 908 sir John, 908 Margaret, 320 Mary, 908 Kichard, 668 Robert, 281,908 lady Susan, 908 Thomasine, 304 Pickering als, Pickerell Joan, 269 Pickes, Elizabeth, 693 Thomas, 693 Thomasine, 693 William, 693 Fickin, John, 812 Fickrin see Pickering Pickstroke, Jane, 300 Fie see Pye Piers" I^^^I'^i'^^ Pyflfe } Michael, 456 Pigeon, Richard, 557 Figg see Pegge ^K}^«-s,1294 Drew, 1294 John, 1017 Richard, 1191 William, 1294 Figtnells, Rebecca, 402 Filcher, , 573 Filfold, Mary, 321 ^JSIc\Ma-^--.^^2 Isabell, 742 John, 742 Margaret, 909 Finchon, Isabell, 318 F;romt!^ill--'123 Pindar ^ Pinder I Findor { ' Fyndar J Elizabeth, 277, 1114. 1287 Henry, 1114 Margaret, 690 Marie, 690 Martin, 433 Michael, 277, 1287 Nicholas, 690 Raphe, 1285 Rebecca, 690 Samuel, 277 Sarah, 277, 1114 Thomas, 690 William, 1114 1287 538 INDEX OF PERSONS. Pine, Philip, 34 Pinfall, Richard, 277 Pinfolde, Henry, 163 Joane, 163 Margaret, 588 Mary, 355 Peter, 695 Pippen, Elizabeth, 395 Pippett, John, 385 Pirke, Thomas, 971 Pishey 1 Pishye > Agnes, TIS Pishy ) Peter, 742 Thomas, 742 William, 742, 875 Pitcher, Elizabeth, 433 George, 1254 Hugh, 433 Julian, 127 William, 127 Pitches, Ann, 899 Bobert, 899 Pitchford, Thomas, 928 Pitlyn, Amphillis, 10 Pitt ) Pytt , 1 Pittes ) Christopher, 635 George, 598, 1333 Jonas, 668 Peter, 1271 Rebecca, 1336 Symon, 239 Thomas, 483 William, 230, 337, 482, 1336 Place. Martha, 192 Plackett, Samuel, 532 |}=rl Henry, 480 John, 388 Plant, Avis, 1253 Elizabeth, 1253 Mathew, 1253 Nicholas, 1253 Thomas, 1253 William, 1253 Plattes, Edward, 1325 James, 1325 Katherine, 1325 Plawe, Charles, 242 Player, Anthony, 600 Pleasauntes, Anne, 774 Pleydell, Edward, 572 George, 572 Ploier, Samuel, 169 Plombe see Plumbe Plommer see Plumer Plomridge, David. 205 Plott, William, 456 ?}SeU^"-^«*^'2^^ George, 1259 John, 794, 960, 1259 Richard, 257 Stephen, 257 p}ombl(^---'««* Henry, 735 Plume, Dorothy, 1032 Samuel, 1032 Thomas, 1032 plommer I Edmond, 113 Matthew, 748 p}n;l^''lM-g-y.«25 Robert, 81 Plumsted ) ,„„ Plumstede | ' '*"' arms, 372 Anne, 372 Bartholomew, 372 Edwarde, 372 Francis, 372 John, 372 Joyce, 372 Richard, 372 Robert, 372 Thomas, 372 Plnmtree, Judith, 799 Margaret, 799 Prudence, 799 Bachell, 799 Williams, 799 Plymer, lidward, 1104 Pockridge, Agnes, 1020 Pococke see Peacock Pod, Anne, 973 Podye, John, 703 Poecockes see Peacock Pointz, Philip, 229 Poklnghorne, Henry, 964 Pokins 1 ..- Pokynsj '*'■' Anthony, 417 Edith, 417 Henry, 417 Jeremy, 417 Joane, 417 John, 417 Martha, 417 Richard, 417 Robert, 417 Stephen, 417 William, 417 Pole see Poole Polewheele, Diggory, 433 Pollard, goodwife, 881 Alice, 123 Anne, 123 Dorothy, 123 Francis, 46 Gartrude, 123 Johane, 123 John, 46 Lewes, 123, 911 Mary, 46 Richard, 1090 Robert, 183 Thomas, 1090 ?onlyH««i'^^i«y Polsteade, Alice, 192 Pomeroy, Christopher, 484 Elizabeth, 22 ?o°Sllj--s,1020 John, 253 Poole ) Pole > see also Pawley Poule ) Edward, 645 Elizabeth, 605 Emme, 605 George, 756, 1084, 1190 Henry, 381 Johane, 605 John, 605, 756 Margery, 605 Mary, 605 Nando, 605 Peter, 1190 Richard, 300 Robert, 228, 605, 1190 Sander, 477 William, 605, 1292, 1335 sir William. 911 Pooley, sir William, 602 Ss|--295 Katherine, 1208 Pope J ,,3,0 Alice, 721 Bryan, 506 Christopher, 506 John, 575 Lawrence, 721 Lewes, 516 Thomas, 630 Popham, mr., 1366 Popley, Dorothy, 20 Oliver, 20 Poplington, Annes, 797 FaTdrgrl Mary, 100 Thomas, 100 sir William, 100 Pory^ I I'liomas, 1229 William, 1229 Porter, , 986, 1183 Alice, 444, 720 Ambrose, 444 Anne, 1284, 1346 Anthony, 1346 Christopher, 986 David, 281, 800 Dorothy, 720 Edmund, 748 Edward, 461 • Elizabeth, 338, 473 Frauncis, 720 Garrard, 80 George, 136 Henry, 461, 851, 1884, 1346 James, 1346 Joane, 1183 Johane, 1284 John,172, 444, 661, 1319 Margaret, 444 Marie, 720 Martha, 444 Mary, 444 Robert, 805, 1284 Rose, 720 Samuel, 173 Sara, 1284 Thomas, 253, 338, 832, 1284 Tymothy, 720 William, 53, 473, 1284, 1366 Portman, sir John, 911 Michael, 41 Rachel. 911 Portrice, Richard, 76 Pory see Porey Potere, Henry, 476 Potinger, Richard, 985 Potkin, Christopher, 681 Pott see Potts Pottell see Pottle Potter, , 1000 Abigail, 754 Anna, 754 Anne, 585 Benjamin, 754 Elizabeth, 585, 754, 1234 George, 585, 1080 Henry, 754, 1234 James, 569 John, 585, 754, 1095, 1190, 1234 Katherine, 1111 Mary, 754, 1234 Richard, 1234 INDEX OF PERSONS. 539 Bobert, 1311 Sara, 585 Stephen, 1234 Thomas, 88, 241,521, 1234 Unica, GO William, 669 Pottes see Potts Pottlson, Thomas, 1196 L1Jl!l}john.379 Philip, 379 Bichard, 269 Thomas, 379 Pottnall, Avice, 1239 Potton, Susan, 1209 Thomas, 1209 Potts ) Pottes [ , 1304 Pott ) George, 1170 John, 571 Mary, 1170 Boger, 859 Thomas, 769 Poule see Poole Poulter, Thomas, 37 Poultney, Edward, 710 Gabriel, 784 Pounting see Pontinge Powdrell, William, 416 Powe, Julian, 1294 Powell see also Howell , 496, 521, 829 mr., 397 mrs., 1144 Anne, 336 Dassie, 1230 Dassie Thomas, 1230 Elinor, 496 Evan, 1068 Evan ap, 1166 George, 789 Hugh, 611 Jane, 397 Johane, 856 John, 94, 179, 496, 611 John James Harry, 611 John Elchard, 179 Katherine, 959 Margaret Thomas, 1230 Mary, 496, 792 Morgan William Thomas, 818 Oliver. 685 Kachell, G85 Reynold, 829 Bichard, 1230 Bichard Thomas, 818 Bobert, 433, 1097 Boger John Bean, 268 Thomas, 348, 395. 611, 643, 923 William, 437. 837, 862 William Thomas, 268 Powell als. Allen William, 766 Powell Griffith, David, 179 Powell John, William, 179 Powell ISIadocke, Thomas, 179 Powell Madye, Thomas, 611 Power, mr., 514 Powldon, Bichard, 865 Powle see Paule Powlett. lady, 434 mr., 434 Pownde, Henry, 197 Pownser, James, 1069 Poynter, mr., 436 Poyntington ) oj, Poyntinjfdon ) ' Agnes, 1334 Ann, 653, 751 Hannah, 1334 Mary, 1334 Thomas, 1334 Poynton, John, 774 Praetor see Proctor Praed, Alye, 1136 James, 1136 Mary, 1136 i;Vimam, 1136 Pratente, Clement, 1208 Pratt, mr., 17 Agnes, 560 Anne, 1251 Apoline, 1251 Barbara, 1251 EUzabeth, 239, 1251 George, 1251 Grace, 1251 Gregorie, 571 Henry, 1100 Hugh, 239 James, 469 Jane, 1251 John, 331 Katherine, 204, 1251 Margaret, 1251 Martha, 1251 Mary, 1251 Bobert, 469, 1261 Thomas, 1251 William, 239, 1251 Pratten, Joane, 516 Margaret, 703 Thomas, 516 PredfJ^f-^— .^55 John, 755 Predeux see Prideaux Predham, William, 469 Predis see Preddis Prees ) see also Bees and Preese ) Price David Thomas, 611 Elizabeth, 364 Henry Thomas, 611 John, 179 John Bichard, 1230 John Thomas, 611 John William, 1230 Katherine, 611 Lewis David Thomas, 611 Leyson David Thomas, 611 Lucas David Thomas, 611 Morgan, 179 Bees Phillipe, 179 Watkin, 611 William, 179 William Thomas, 1230 Pregion, Francis, 180 Preist, John, 1128 Maryan, 1128 ??eTt""''!E"-^«*^.^33 Honor, 433 Martha, 433 Mary, 433 Bobert, 433 William, 433, 817 Prenningham, John, 710 Presbury, John, 585 Prescod, Martha, 116 Prescott, , 244 Presgrave, John, 1125 Presley, Bichard, 510 Pressey ) Presse } Charles, 397 Pressoy ) Genivleve, 397 Henry, 1094 Mary, 397 Bichard, 297 Suzan, 397 Thomas, 397 Presson, Jane, 165 John, 165 Pressoy see Pressey Prestman, Bobert, 909 Preston, Alice, 601 Ann, 889 Benjamin, 776 Dorothy, 892 Edward, 601 Francis, 65 Giles, 601 Henry, 413 James, 892 John, 601, 755 Margaret, 601 Mary, GOl Bichard, 1127 Bobert, 776 Bose, 601 Symon, 601 Thomas, 601 Prestwood, George, 682 Pretiman, Bichard, 178 Prettie, John, 916 Bobert, 40 Prewett, Edith, 563 Margaret, 563 Price ) Prise { see also Aprice, Bice, Pryse ) Prees and Bees doctor, 396 Anne, 901 Edward, 928 EUzabeth, 901 James, 901 Jenkin, 261 Johan William. 862 John, 202, 677, 901 John William, 862 Margaret, 202, 901, 1054 Bichard, 349, 1254 Sarah, 1011 Thomas, 202, 706, 1054 Watkyn William, 862 WilUam, 535 Price ap Tidder, John ap, 1166 Price ap William, John ap,571 Prichard see also Bichard Charles, 792, 862 Houell, 179 Hugh ap William, 1191 Jane John, 862 John, 210,-364 Thomas, 792 Walter, 135 WilUam, 862 Prichett, Richard, 692 Thomas, 1229 Pricke, Robert, 650 WilUam, 1021 Prickett see also Bicketts mr., 1144 Prideaux ) Toi-n kao Predeux {Jonn,&od WilUam, 911 PrymelTl^°™^8,498 Bobert, 451 William, 451 Prince, Joane, 376 John, 312 Princklowe, Alice, 479 Pring*} Francis, 375, 1306, 1308 Humfrey, 848 Martyn, 981 540 INDEX OP PERSONS. Pringrell, William, 387 PryT)Bridgett,860 Catherine, 860 sir Gilbert, 615 Mary, 860 Thomas, 860 William, 860 Prior, Alice, 563 Daniel, 1315 John, 563 Symon, 563 Thomas, 580 Prise see Price Prite, Abell, 741 Proctor ) Procter [ Edward, 227, 757, 1333 Praetor ) Nicholas, 757 Othoe, 602 William, 1080 Prosser, Abraham, 818 Thomas, 542, 611 Thomas John, 611 William, 44 Provender, Mary, 970 Thomas, 970 ?r^^^el Alice, 1101 Richard, 1101 Ursula, 420 Prowse, Christopher, 138 Elizabeth, 128 John, 911 Judith, 128 Mary, 128 Sara, 128 Susan, 128 Thomas, 128 Prudam, , 320 Pruett, Henry, 191 Pry see also Kice Thomas John Philip, 611 Pryme see Prime Pryn see Prinne Pryse see Price Puckell, Mary, 1099 Puckeringe, lady Elizabeth, 410 sir Thomas, 410 Puckmore ) j „„_ Puckmere \''^^^^ '»' John, 1256 Walter, 1256 Puddefatt, Hester, 1209 Raphe, 1209 Puddinge, Henry, 1305 Pudland, John, 1268 Pudsey, mr., 594 George, 711 Robert, 711 Pugsley, John, 1090 Puleston, George, 806 Roger, 252 Thomas, 433 Pulham see Pelham I^K}jeffery.839 John, 97 Pumphret, mr., 302 Punchard, John, 838 Punche, Thomas, 488 Punder, , 16 Richard, 16 Robert, 16 Punfell, Edmund, 378 Elizabeth, 378 Joan, 378 Mary, 378 William, 378 Punies, • -, 1138 Purches, Anne, 1309 Edward, 1309 Elizabeth, 463 Emmott, 1309 Grace, 1309 Henry, 1309 Jane, 463 John, 463 Joseph, 463 Judith, 1309 Margaret, 463 Nicholas, 463 Purdy, Jefferey, 754 Purfoote, Thomas, 396 Purifle, Mary, 1182 Thomas, 1182 Purnell, John, 536 Margaret, 536 , Mary, 536 Thomas, 1080 Purton, Richard, 733 Purvye) ofio Purvie jmr.,^bu Francis, 276 Pusey, Richard, 1252 Puttrill ) , j2 Puttriell / A"®^' ^2" John, 1213 Puxton, John, 1231 Puzell, Alice, 504 ^J^ I Humfry, 178, 1057 Joane, 54 John, 85, 1277 Lawrence, 54 Robert, 113 Thomas, 410, 1141 William, 364 Pyffe see Piflfe Pygott see Pigott Pyke, Elizabeth, 41 Helen, 41 Pyle, , 208 Francis, 208 Gabriel, 208 sir Gabriel. 208 Thomas, 208 William, 208 PySe ! Jo'^"' ™3, 1288 Pyncombe see Pincombe Pyndar see Pindar Pynner, Charles, 648 George, 1135 Isabell, 648 Margery, 648 Pynner, Long als. Mary, 312 Nicholas, 312 Pynny see also Penny Alice, 745 Katherine, 745 William, 745 Pyper see Piper Pyott, arms, 40 Anne, 40 Elizabeth, 40 John, 40 Margaret, 40 Margery, 40 Mary, 40 Kichard, 40 Sara, 40 Thomas, 424 William, 40 Pytt see Pitt Pywall, William, 88 Quarles, Dorcas, 636 Edward, 113 Questa, , 1074 QuickC, Elizabeth, 28 Quiddington, goodwife, 809 Frances, 809 Richard, 809 Quinningbarowe, Fras., 906 Quinte, John, 1127 Quyntean, Johane, 892 Race, Robert, 27 Rackham, John, 1190 Radcliffe see also RatclifiEe mr.,416 mrs., 69 George, 1124 Raphe, 416 Robert, earl of Sussex, 1346 Radford see also Ratf ord John, 1308, 1318 Nicholas, 1062 Richard, 1062 Ruet}'^^''^^'^^'^^^ Raf e see Raphe Rage, Robert, 704 Ragg, Francis, 582 Margery, 582 Rowland, 582 Thomas, 582 Raie $ee also Ray Thomas, 1169 Raileton, goodwife, 881 RawJfyH-Carewe.286 John, 1330 Ralton, Alice, 1154 Ambrose, 1154 Bridget, 1164 Elizabeth, 1154 John, 1154 Thomas, 1154 Rampston, Elizabeth, 1220 Ramsden 1 ^_ --« Ramsdon}'^'^-'^^ Dorothy, 321 Jonas, 1157 Peter, 921 Ramsey, , 1229 mr., 362 John, 1229 Rancharde, Hester, 169 Thomas, 169 Rancocke, David, 910 Rand \ S^°'^^oJmr.,544 RaTnd/(B«'^J^'^i"."6 Edmund, 1198 Elizabeth, 429 John, 429, 776, 1198 Jonas, 1198 Oliver. 429 Susan, 1198 William, 429 Srndoll^^^«^«''«^'il« ,40 mr., 1217 Alice, 581 Anne, 691 George, 516 Johan, 1217 John, 581 Mathew, 1110 Noah, 703 Richard, 41 Thomas, 581, 1155 INDEX OF PEKSONS. 541 ■Wolstone, 691 Randes see Rand RandoU see Randall Rands see Rand Randulphe, Thomas, 806 Rannowe, , 460 Ranson, Robert, 133 Rant, John, 703 Roger, 410 Raphe ) Rafe } see also Rolf e Belfe ) Alice, 632 Annys, 632 Earle, 1037 Elizabeth, C32 Bichard, 632 Thomas, 485 Rapley, John, 1282 Rapsen, John, 745 Rash, , 1229 Robert, 1229 Rashall, Richard, 804 Baetell, Alice, 618 Anne, 618 Bridget, 618 Henry, 496 Joane, 496 Margaret, 618 Thomas, 1229 William, 618 Rastrick, Edward, 200 Elizabeth, 200 Batclif f e see also Radcliffe Dorothy, 696 Henry, 1325 Katherine, 1325 William, 696 Ra«o?deH«««'»«Kadford Annes, 1363 Ellen, 1363 Robert, 1363 William, 272 Rathband, Elizabeth, 1179 Joane, 1179 Ratle, mr., 485 Raunde see Rand Bausforde, Alice, 1323 Elizabeth, 1323 Margaret, 1323 Rauy, Jolna, 1285 Raven, John, 131 William, 255 Ravenscrofte, Thomas, 1069 Rawlens see Rawlins Rawley see Raleigh Rawlins Rawlens Rawlyn i qo, ^^wllnL f Cono^l204 Joane, 499 John, 499 Nicholas, 1036 Robert, 13 Thomas, 977 Bawlinson, Dorothie, 446 Elizabeth, 1108 George, 1108 Jason, 1108 Martha, 1108 Randall, 1108 Randolph, 1108 Rawlyn see Rawlins Rawnce, Richard, 425 Rawson, John, 624 Rawstome, Richard, 1135 Ray Barbara, 1208 Elizabeth, 1024 John, 1208 John, 859 sir William, 46 Raybold 1 Raybolde [ Eleanor, 916 Raybole ) John, 916 William, 916 Raygnoldes see Reynolds Baymond ) a iip„ 045 Raymon | ^"''®' ^° Ann, 945 Boath, 945 Catherine, 945 Bleanor, 945 James, 776 John, 391 Raynard, Dorothie, 603 Raynbowe, Richard, 427 Rayne, Avys, 1337 Bayner) .-^ Reyner ) • ^'^ Agnes, 1021 James, 1346 John, 1021 William, 1197 Raynoldes see Reynolds Bead "] 2**4® [see also Red Reed ( .oi.7 Reede J ' '■^^ Alice, 293 Bridget, 618 Christian, 293 Edith, 515 Edward, 961 Elianor, 364 Elizabeth, 364, 1037 Ellen, 1026 George, 304 Henry, 293 James, 960, 1244 Jarrard, 921 Jeffery, 263 Joan, 974 Johan, 1222 John, 515, 1091, 1197 sir John, 796 Luce, 1102 Margaret, 293, 1026 Mary, 630 Nicholas, 361, 1267 Phillippe, 503 Bachell, 1091 Bice, 480 Richard, 615, 561, 895, 961, 1026. 1222 sir Bichard, 480 Robert, 1026, 1307 Sarah, 1037 Susan, 480 Thomas, 364, 463, 515, 616, 1238 sir Thomas, 616 Timothy, 1037 William, 293, 1210 Margaret, 1153 Robert, 17 Si^lel^-y^'^209 John, 681, 1209 Richard, 129 > see also Read Reamy, mrs., 27 Reason ) t„«.^o o Reysin | Jan»es, 8 Michael, 997 Rebecke, Henry, 75 Reckettes see Ricketts Red ) Reds j ' , 1211 John, 62 Redborne, Elianor, 425 Thomas, 425 Reddell, John, 715 Redding )*!!„„ 000 Beddinge | '*^"*'*'' "^ Elizabeth, 388 Joane, 388 Mary, 388 Susanna, 388 Thomas, 388 Redferne, Henry, 971 John, 609 Redman, Thomas, 90 Redmayne, , 369 Edmund, 435 Redmyle, Catherine, 1211 Reds see Red Redsole, Thomas, 1004 Redwell, Johane, 807 Redwood, Robert, 749 Bed-wynne, Agnes, 1350 Anne, 1350 Elizabeth, 1350 Joane, 1350 Margaret, 1350 Mary, 1350 Thomas, 1350 William, 1350 Ree, Edmund at, 1234 Se}«««Kead Reede als. Atkins Robert, 745 Reeder see Reader Bees see also Frees, Price and Rice Alexander, 222 Ann, 1064 David Morris David ap, 705 James, 268 Jeun ap, 1118 Joan, 470 Johan, 1230 John, 268 Jonett, 1118 Jonett uz, 1118 Leison ap, 1118 Llewellin ap, 179 Mary, 1230 Mary ap, 705 Mathew, 1230 Meredith ap, 788 Oliver ap, 705 Thomas ap, 705, 1034, 1118 Walter, 1230 Rees ap Howell I Thomas ap, Rees ap Hoel ( 705 William ap, 1191 Rees ap Jevan, Hugh ap, 1191 Rees ap Lewis, Jeaun ap, 705 Rees Llewellin Agnest vereh, 179 Gladys verch, 179 Mary uz, 179 Rees ap Mathewe Hugh ap, 1191 Rees Owen, William ap, 47 Rees William, Mary, 1230 542 INDEX OF PERSONS. . see also Rives 1348 Bees Wynn, Ellen ap, 1191 Joane ap, 1191 John ap, 1191 Mary, 1191 Owen ap Jolin ap, 1191 'WilUam ap, 1191 Williai^ ap John ap, 1191 Reeve \ Beeves / Reves Keve Reeue ) goodman, 544 Agnes, 843, 1344 Alexander, 1302 Anne, 1302 Anthony, 242 Augustine, 902 Avis, 151 Christopher, 843, 908, 1344 Baniaske, 1037 Edmund, 902 . Eliza, 840 Elizabeth, 167, 843, 1344 - Grace, 780, 843, 1344 Grymston, 902 Henry, 9<)2, 1289 James, 902 Jehoshua, 843 Joan, 1344 John, 167, 662, 840, 843, 902, 1344 Joseph, 1063 Joshua, 1344 Katherine, 167, 1285 Lawrence, 302 Margaret, 843, 1344 Nicholas, 236 Kaphe, 167 Robert, 1089, 1202 Roeer, 1089, 1303 Thomas, 766, 902 William, 896, 902 Regemortell | Ambrose, 925, Rogemortel ] 1338 reari-^»«y-i*i« Relfe see Raphe Remington, Nathaniel, 156 Remnant, Richard, 388 Rendall see Rundle Reniger, Katherine, 46 Michael, 46 Rennouldes see Reynolds Replingham, , 561 Reresby 1 * nne 566 Reresbye \ -*-"°®' °^ Edward, 566 Eleanor, 566 Elizabeth, 566 Jervas, 566 William, 566 Resbury, Isacca, 181 Retoricke ) ^ ^^.o Retarick | ^^•' ^^^ Walter, 1200 Reue see Reeve Reuett see Revett Reve see Reeve Bevell, Alice, 361 Rebecca, 1232 Robert, 304, 361 Thomas, 361 Reves see Reeve RejFett ) Ryvett \ Alice, 1119 Reuett ) Edward, 1047, 1837 Elizabeth, 1119 Ellen, 1047 Helen, 1227 Joan, 1047 Johan, 1227 John, 1047, 1119, 1227 Michael, 148, 1047, 1119 Nicholas, 148 Philip, 1047 Richard, 148 Roger, 1047 Thomas, 1047, 1119 Thomasine, 1047, 1227 William, 752 Rewse see Ruse Reygnaldes see Reynolds Reynardson, Thomas, 755 Reyuer see Rayner Reynolds \ Reynoldes 1 Reynolles / Rennouldes I Reygnaldes V Alice 638 Snildes W^^l%^ SoMesVEele,29 Eleanor, 105 Elias, 29 Elizabeth, 765 Frances, G86 Francis, 1065 Fortune, 1319 George, 765 Griffith, 922 Helen, 1065 Henry, 765 Hugh, 6 James, 251 Johane, 765 John, 6, 39, 597, 845 John ap William ap, 61 Katherine, 438 Mary, 765, 845 Owen, 222 Richard, 91, 457 Rose, 638 Thomas, 538 Reysin see Reason Riall, John, 653, 751 Riccard, Roger, 591 Rice ) see also Rees, Price Rysse ) and Aprice Alexander, 261 Ellen, 455 Jane, 1238 Joane, 455 John, 456, 877 Moris ap, 480 Richard, 458 Thomas, 455 William, 455 Rice ap John Thomas Joanes, 261 Rice Thomas, Margaret, 1118 mcheh™«.602 mrs., 433 Anne, 602 Charles, 602 sir Edwyn, 602 Frances lady, 602 Henry, 602 sir Henry, 602 Isaac, 1285 Joane, 1285 Lucy, 602 Richard, 602 Richard lord, 602 Robert, 31, 602 Robert lord, earl of Warwick, 603 sir Robert, 602 Sisilia, 1035 William, 1035 Richard "| Richarde Lee aZso Prichard -, 23, 713 Richards RicliardesJ ~ Agnes, 1189 Anne, 109, 261 Anthony, 1189 Barbara, 618 Charles ap, 792 David ap, 61 Dennys, 109 Edward, 1189 Edward ap, 1166 Elianor, 109 Fortune, 1189 Fulke ap, 61 Gwenlian, 261, 268, 1230 Harry, 268 Henry, 125 Howell ap, 179, 705 Hugh ap, 61 Humfrey ap, 1120 Ivan, 261 Jane, 268 Joane, 1189 Johane, 109 John, 125, 469,858, 1107, 1189, 1311 John ap, 571 Jonett uz, 179 Katherine uz, 705 Mary, 1189 Nicholas ap, 61 Parnell, 109 Penelope ap, 438 Ricliard, 109, 981 Robert, 618 Rose. 1197 Susanna, 109 Thomas ap, 222 Walter, 268 William, 268, 1189 Richard Powell, John, 179 Richard Frees, John, 1230 Richard Thomas, Watkin, 862 Richardson ) doctor, 1178 Richason ) ' mr.. 257, 552 sergeant, 284, 1342 Alice, 174, 1357 Christian, 459 George, 134, 174 Hugh, 1037 John, 199, 200, 249, 1026, 1125, 1310 Margaret, 192 Robert, 402, 647 Roger, 226, 266, 320 Susan, 131 Thomas, 17, 435 Ursula, 17 William, 459, 714, 976 Richbell, Nicholas, 805 Kichard, 805 Thomas, 801 Timothy, 805 William, 805, 929 Riche see Rich Richens, Edith, 253 John, 253 Ralph, 253 Robert, 253 Thomas, 253 INDEX OF PERSONS. 543 "William, 253 Kichman, Edward, 966 Elizabeth, a66 John, 966 Margaret, 966 Nicholas, 966 Kico., 966 William, 776, 966 Kichmand, Anthony, 1295 Richmond, Anne, 823 Edward, 823 John, 823 Mary, 24, 823 Richard, 823 William, 823 Klclimond als. Sheppard Elizabeth, 24 John, 24 Mary, 24 Richard, 24 Thomas, 24 llckette8h«««'««P'-i«'^«« George, 859 James, 333 Hickman, Agnes or Annes, 35 Jane, 35 John, 35 Magdalen, 35 Margaret, 35 Nicholas, 1046 William. 281 Rickner, George, 1077', 1137 RicrafteH-Ry-o« Riddington, Grace, 1292 Thomas, 1292 Ryd^e"!- 1 Edward, 399, 1067 Joan, 1208 John, 1011 Simon, 840 William, 191 i;'dfe}A-e,845 Richard, 477, 723 Thomas, 37, 230 William, 845 Ridgeway ) Ridgway J lord, 40 Ridgwaye ) sir Robert, 40 sir Thomas, 40 Ridley ) Rvdley } Anne, 1258 Rydlie ) Elizabeth, 1268 Henry, 1258 Jonas, 1258 Katherine, 1258 Lancelot, 1258 Margaret, 1258, 1357 lSiU^-^'i^^° John, 1310 Thomas, 1310 Riffes, George, 867 Bigrden, Anne, 566 Elizabeth, 566 Ri||e«j Frances, 778 John at, 823 Righte see Wright Righton, mrs., 1332 George, 909 Rilandes, Edward, 177 Rille see Ryley Risley, Anne, 318 John, 318 Rislingbury, John, 372 Rith ) Kitlie [ Christopher, 45 Rythe ) Elizabeth, 1155 Georgre, 45, 490 James, 45, 490 Ritherh, Raynold ap, 705 g^7r"l''«»^°'^3«* Maude, 733 Morcell, 1168 Ryve^ 1 ^^ "'**' Reeve Christian, 714, 724 Dorothy, 724 lady Dorothy, 724 Elizabeth, 714, 724 Ellen, 724 George, 714, 724 Henry, 714 sir John, 714 Rixeman, John, 986 Margaret, 986 Mary, 986 B-f«( Anthony, 521 Richard, 502 Roade 1 Ro'desJ^-^tl^-.^-S Christopher, 1126 Elizabeth, 1126 Fearenot, 632 Grace, 1126 Johane, 895 John, 1126 Richard, 895 Robert, 1126 Thomas, 1126 Robbins ^ Robins Robens J- mrs., 173 Robyns I Agnes, 558 Robynesj Elizabeth, 1334 John, 558, 1306, 1333 Paul, 651 Richard, 876 Robert, 1305 Roger, 1189 Thomas, 877 William, 729 Roberts "\ Robertes I Robtes y , 1254 Roberte good wife, 27 Robert ) Alice, 261, 496 Anne, 960 Dorothie, 396 Eleanor, 922 Grace, 734 Hugh, 84 Jane, 604, 1166 John, 396, 496, 917, 965, 1166 Joyce, 396 Margaret, 1166 Peter, 396 Randall, 1282 Rees, 261 Richard, 609 Robert, 604 Samuel, 1034 Steven, 208 Thomas, 851, 1146 Thomas ap, 1166 William, 97, 396 Robert Lloyd Nicholas ap, 1191 Robins see Robbins -, 812, 1190 Robinson ) Robynson ) mr., 498 Agnes, 1048 Alice, 11 Anne, 40 Christopher, 947 Edward, 1085 Elizabeth, 11, 40 Emma, 960 Henry, 090, 995 Humf rey, 40 Isabel, 11 James, 947 Jane, 1085 Johan, 1260 John, 157, 173, 336, 781, 1085, 1206 Margaret, 1085 aiargery, 947 Maudlyn, 1085 Raphe, 11 Richard, 11, 40, 223, 350, 823, 1085 Robert, 318 Roger, 1085 Thomas, 804, 947, 1094, 1190 WilUam, 11, 192, 498 Robinson als. Mason George, 983 Robotham ) Rowbothum [ , 624, 1048 Robothon ) Raphe, 584 Richard, 603, 624 William, 584 Robsart, Anne, 258 Arthur, 258 George, 258 Robson, Henry, 594 Richard, 1180 Robtes see Roberts l^°^y"f I see Robbins Robyns ) Robynson see Robinson Roch see Roache Rochdale, mr., 1336 Richard, 823, 1336 Robert, 823, 1336 Rochell, Frances, 318 Joan, 318 Lawrence, 318 Robert, 318 Susan, 318 Thomas, 318 Rochester, mrs., 644 Roo'cke 1^1-^- 1101 Dorothie, 1101 Edward, 1101 Elizabeth, 399 Gwen, 399 Jane, 399 John, 618, 719 Richard, 880, 1101 Roger, 983 Thomas, 399, 518, 1101 Rockett, Christian, 54 Elizabeth, 54 Johane, 54 John, 54 Mary, 54 Nicholas, 54 Robert, 54 Thomas, 54 Rockett als. TVakeley Elizabeth, 54 John, 54 Rockland, Anne, 199 Richard, 199 644 INDEX OF PERSONS. Rockliffe, Phillipp, 889 Kockoll, John, 986 Susauue, 986 Rockwell, William, 190 Kodd, George, 1221 Richard, 369 Roddon, John, 701 Rodesl«««»«^de RodSy^ 1 ^^^ Edward, 485, 1091 Rodwaye, Edward, 904 Roe see Rowe Rogemortel see Regemortell Roger see Rogers Rogerman, John, 1024 Thomas, 1024 Anne, 1310, 1337 Bartholomew, 1337 Charity, 1337 Christopher, 9 Edward, 1139 Frances, 1337 George, 1269 Gertrude, 139 Godfrey, 450 Henry, 135 John, 11, 252, 326, 893, 1337 Katherine, 630 Margaret, 450 Mary, 326, 1269 Rebecca, 253 Richard, 450, 924 Robert, 703 Stephen, 129 Thomas, 450 "Walter, 447 William, 450, 782, 1139 Rogers, Withers als. Edith, 1139 William, 1139 Rogerson, Thomas, 129 Rokes see Rooke Roles see Roll Relets, Weyart, 1322 Rollfes}«^««^««^^P'^« mr., 1 Elizabeth, 633 Thomas, 900 RoL1J°1^.966 Peter, 78 Rollfes see Rolf e Rolston, George, 585 Rolte, Edward, 625 John, 625 Thomas, 625 Romney, John, 24 Romyn, Margaret, 253 Ralph, 253 WilUam, 253 Rond, Jacob, 769 Roo see Van Roo Roocke see Rocke Roodes}j°^-'983.996 Marie, 996 Robert, 996 Tobias, 996 William, 996 Rokes l^^'^"^^^'*^'' WilUam, 436 Rookwood, Thomas, 1173 Ro"uT}^'°^'-°«^'^^^ Anthony, 457 Arthur, 457 Barbara, 457 George, 457 John, 457 Margaret, 457 Philip, 457 Richard, 5 Roose see Rouse ROOteS ) „_ cno Route }mr.,602 Anne, 392 Elizabeth, 392 Jane, 392 Nicholas, 392 Richard, 747 Koper, Agnes, 473 Edward, 473 Elizabeth, 473 Fayth, 473 Judith, 473 Sampson, 1337 Rosciter see Rossiter Rose ) see also Rosse and Koze I Rouse Barlatho, 994 Faith, 994 Gawyn, 646 George, 646 Grace, 422 Johane, 646, 994 John, 324, 422, 646, 994, 1351 Judith, 994 Margaret, 647, 994 Mary, 761 Richard, 646, 994 Sarah, 422 Thomas, 25 William, 646, 994 Rosen see Rossen Roseter see Rossiter Rosier, Symon, 1197 Rosomgreene, , 252 Rosse see also Rose Avice, 299 Gilbert, 315 Rossell see Russell Ro"sr") Edward, 1083 Eleanor, 1083 Elizabeth, 1083 George, 608 Rosser, Alice, 1230 Giles, 1230 Gwenlian, 1230 John, 965, 1230 Margaret, 1230 Mathew, 1230 Meredith, 1230 Morgan, 1230 Roger, 1230 Thomas, 1118 William, 1230 Rossiter ) Rosciter | mr., 717 Roseter ) Edward, 335, 1280 Giles, 659 Hugh, 1280 John, 54 Richard, 717 Thomas, 831 Roswell, Thomas, 767 i;;theran^g»^«.1048 Edmund, 353 Edward, 1048 Ellen. 1048 George, 353 James, 1048 John, 1048, 1333 Judith, 1048 Margaret, 1048 Raphe, 353 Richard, 1048 Thomas, 221, 363 William, 1048 Rothwell, Joan, 67 Stephen, 67 Thomas, 67 William, 67 Roues see JBouse Rounds )*!}„„ qgo Rownde J ■^^^*'®' ^'^"^ Edward, 983 Elizabeth, 983 William, 983 Roupe see Roope Rouse "^ Rous I Roues Vsee also Rose Rowse , 1153 Roose J Elizabeth, 560, 1038 Francis, 134 Gertrude, 1038 James, 1129 John, 1223 sir John, 602 Robert, 694, 1129, 1332 Roussell see Russell Route see Rootes Row see Rowe Rowbothum see Robotham Rowdon, Richard, 1331 Rowe 1 Row [ ,385 Roe ) Anne, 1010 Bridget, 974 EUzabeth, 298, 1143 F.,998 George, 1143 Henry, 1010, 1218 John, 138, 149, 298, 553, 561, 1240, 1334 Mary, 1218 Richard, 926, 1010 Thomas, 1103, 1307 sir Thomas, 86, 257 Toby, 521 Rowed, John, 763 ^"^llSde^l Catherine, 368 Edmund, 779 Ele, 779 James, 135 Matthew, 779 Robert, 779 Thomas, 226, 390 William, 135, 480 Rowley ) Rowle I ' -,836 Peter, 78 Robert, 318 William, 78 Rownde see Rounde Rowood, , 475 ir^^i^t Anthony, 542 Rowse see Rouse Roy, Mary le, 1029 Margaret, 85 Royston, Ambrose, 138 Roze see Rose Ruck, Thomas, 199 Rucker, mr., 381 INDEX OF PERSONS. 545 James, 495, 1222 R«f} John. 133 Nicliolas, 433 Ruddam, James, 77 Ruddle, George, 299 Hugh, 299 Katherine, 299 Rudge, George, 949 Rudyard | Rudyarde ! Mary, 1222 Ruet see Raet Rumbole, Nicholas, 1164 Rumney, John, 297 Rumsbottum, Thomas, 1180 Rumsey, Avis, 832 Elizabeth, 832 Henry, 832 Johane, 832 John, 832 Margaret, 832 Philip, 832 Raphe, 832 Robert, 832 Thomas, 832 ■William, 833 Salf H^« «^«o ^a'ldall Dorothy, 32, 142 Elizabeth, 558 Jane, 558 John, 558 Runell, Stephen, 641 Ruse ) Rewse [ , 449 Russe ) Anne, 1169 Catherine, 1030 Cotton, 1169 George, 1169 Henry, 805 John, 1169 Robert, 1169 Symon, 1169 Thomas, 449, 1169 Rushall see Russell Rushton, John, 88 Russe see Ruse Russell ^ Roussell I Rossell y , 386 Rushall I mr.. 282 Russhall J Christopher, 1080 Edith, 1080 Edmund, 1037 Edward, earl of Bedford, 743 Klizabetli, 586 George, 4G5, 1080 Gervase, 861, 893 Jane, 925 Joane, 1153 John, 481, 610, 861 Lucy, countess of Bedford, 743 Mary, 1080 Nicasius, 80 Oliver, 586 Richard, 325, 632, 771, 857 Robert, 586, 1080 Thomas, 147,900, 1080 William, 481, 772, 955, 1080 Rutter, goodwife, 881 Daniel, 290 Katherine, 296 Margett, 296 Richard, 296 RSlJnck}Sy°^«°'«25,1338 Rycroft "] Rycrofte | Rycraft ^Agnes, 370 Ricraft Francis, 178 Ricrafte J Henry, 162 Jane, 370 Joan, 370 John, 370 Margaret, 370 Mary, 173, 370 Nicholas, 370 Peter, 370 Robert, 165 William, 370 Ryder see Rider Rydge see Ridge Ryding, Richard, 129 g^}f/}..e Ridley Rygate, Margery, 366 Ryley^ vCL {►Christopher, 621 «?[f« J Frances, 1237 Thomas, 973 William, 1165, 1237 Rysse see Rice Rythe see Rith Ry ves see Rives Ryvett see Revett Saal ) Saell I — — , 693 Seall ) John, 1336 Samuel, 693 Saberton, Thomas, 896 Sacheverell, Abigail, 711 Anne, 313 Fardinand, 711 Francis, 711 Henry, 313, 711 Jane, 711 Jasineb, 711 Jonathas,711 Thomas, 1210 Valence, 711 Victorin, 711 Sachf eild see Satchfeild Sadler, , 1063, 1348 Dorothy, 280 Elizabeth, 1229 Frauncis. 1063 George, 605 Jane, 10€3 John, 376, 1063 Mary, 280 Nicholas, 1048, 1229, 1348 sir Rafe, 1366 Richard, 280 Robert, 638 Roger, 280 Thomas, 280, 376 William, 1108, 1203 Saell see Saal Sagrges, John, 1270 Robert, 1270 Saintabyn, John, 1224 St. Barbe, Alice, 1087 George, 1087 sir Henry, 1087 Robert, 1087 William, 1087 Saiutpeir, Anne, 823 John, 823 Owen, 823 Salake, John, 539 Salbanck, Joseph, 1229 Sales Sayle James, 920 William, 21 Salisbury 1 Sallsburye > dean of, see Salsbury ) John William Abigail, 298, 561 Alice, 298, 501 Ambrose, 501 Corneiles, 298 Edward, 298 Elizabeth, 298 Frances, 298, 561 George, 806 Hester. 298 Jane, 806 John, 298 Katherine, 561 Mary, 298 Nathaniel, 298, 561 Richard, 298, 561 Samuel, 298, 561 Sarah, 298, 501 Thomas, 298, 691 William, 298, 561 Sallavey, Humfry, 1339 Salle, William, 865 Sallir, , 1254 Salmon ) Sallmon J , 899 Samon ) mr., 714 Anne, 567 Christian, 1130 Christopher, 703 Ferdinando, 899 George. 507 John, 255, 667, 899 Mary 1143 Priscilla. 567 Robert, 899 Thomas, 859, 899 William, 974, 1007 Salsbury see Salisbury Salt, Edmund, 165 Salter, Alice, 469 Ausetis, 469 Frances, 928 John, 469 Julian, 469 Mary, 469 Robert, 17, 1213 Thomas, 469, 1187 William, 469 Salterly, Gabriell, 1171 Raphe, 1171 Saltern, John, 1252 Salterstone, lady, 1348 Saltmarsh, Sara, 1018 Samborne, Barnaby, 725 John, 725 Macclias, 725 Richard, 725 William, 725, 1114 Sambrocke see Saudbrooke Samforde}l'-«»>*.^66 Richard, 466 Sara, 466 William, 1308 Samon see Salmon Sampson ) Samson ) Anne, 871 Bridget, 871 Catherine, 871 Dorothy, 927 Edward, 927 Gregory, 1340 John, 871, 927 Margaret, 1340 Richard, 1265 -,762 546 INDEX OF PERSONS. Sampson, 1337 Thomasine, 871 William, 897, 1229 Sams, , 1094 Samson see Sampson Samuell, George, 1134 Thomas, 1359 Sanbroke see Sandbrooke Sanckyn, Robert, 385 Sandall, Susan, ISl Sandbrooke ) Sanbroke [ Elizabeth, 165 Sambrocke ) Francis, 795 George, 316 John, 165 Bichard, 316 Sibill, 165 Walter, 316 Sander see Saunders Sandercocke, James, 1223 Thomas, 1223 Sanders see Saunders Sandes see Sandys So?S^l Abigail, 749 Arthur, 300 Johane, 749 John, 749 Mary, 749 Robert, 749 Sibill, 749 Susan, 749 Thomas, 749 William, 749 Sandifortli, Catherine, 552 Edmund, 552 Edward, 552 Grace, 552 Jane, 552 John, 552 Mary, 552 Ralfe, 558 Samuel, 552 Sara, 552 Sandrach, Daniell, 80 John, 80 Sandy, Joan, 985 Robert, 180 Walter, 1146 Henry, 754 Sanforde see Sandford iansom}^'^*^-'««« George, 506 Joaiie, 866 Mary, 866 Robert, 866 Steeven, 8G6 William, 866 Sansome, Dial als. Temperance, 274 Santacilia, Thomas, 844 iaresl^^^S^y*''- Sare als. Andre'wes Mary, 1356 Sargeant, Thomas, 971 iarln|e}j«^^'l*^^''260 Saris see also Sayer Anne, 87 John, 87 Sarnell, William, 1072 Sartaine \ TQone 43fi Sartayne ) ''"^'^®' *'*° Mark, 436 Satchfeild ) Satchf eilde \ see also Search- Sachfeild ) feild Elizabeth, 394, 859 Rachell, 859 Rebecka, 859 William, 859 Saucer see Sawcer Saule, Elizabeth, 651 John, 651 Saunders^ Saunder I - „ Sanders f^^ oo^ Sander Jinr.,884 Agnes, 1093 Alice, 324, 336 Anne, 929 Avis, 93 Christopher, 658 George, 334 Henry, 442, 1183 Joan, 913 John, 134, 324, 567, 658, 745, 818, 984, 988 Margaret, 324 Margery, 913, 1093 Martyn, 745 Marv, 324 Micliaell, 469 Nathaniel, 54 Nicholas, 324 Peter, 913 Philip, 503 Phillis, 1093 Richard, 206, 503 Robert, 1093 Suzan, 1183 Thomas, 324 William, 469, 1079 Saunderson, Thomas, 703 Savaee ) Savadge > , 641 Savidge ) Alice, 276 Anne, 1289 Elizabeth, 163 Helen, 152 Henry, 496 Jane, 152 John, 212, 427, 1289 Leonard, 1289 Margaret, 1289 Martha, 152 Mary, 152, 817, 1347 Repent, 31 Sara, 152 Thomas, 106, 152 sir Thomas, lord Darcy, baron of Ohiche, 602 Wilfraye, 583 William, 106, 1289 iaTorfel^^-^^l^^^'SlS Anthony, 24 Mary, 24 Savidge see Savage Savile, Elizabeth, 446 Gabriell, 446 Thomas, 446 William, 446 Savor, John, 1276 Savorie see Savery Sawbery, Richard, 1331 Sawcer 1 Sawser { Anne, 489 Saucer ) Christian, 489 Edward, 985 Elizabeth, 985 Hugrh, 985 Jane, 489 John, 489, 985 Samuel, 489 Sawton, Clement, 276 iSre}Anne,376 David, 376, 568 Joane, 376 Margaret, 376 Nicholas, 376 Richard, 321, 1095 Robert, 376 Thomas, 376 S^ls) Sara, 662 William, 662 Saxpes, Christopher, 48 Robert, 570 Saxton, Thomas, 214 Sard}l^obert,809 Thomas, 1273 Robert, 1217 Saye and Seal, lord, 1096 Sayer J Sare > see also Saris Sares ) Christopher, 1244 Edward, 1244 Elizabeth, 1244 Henry, 12'14 Hugh, 29 John, 1244 Mary, 804 Rebecca, 1244 Richard, 804, 1244 Robert, 1244 Susan, 1278 Thomas, 146, 1256 William, 1300 Sayle see Sales Saytrye, Margerye, 368 Say well, Dorothy, 929 John, 929 Sayword, doctor, 586 Scalticke, mrs., 1044 Scarisbrick ) Anthony, 1037, Scarisbucke ) 1066 Gresigon, 1037 Scarlett, Edward, 1171 Katherine, 17 Scarman, John, 326 Scege see Skegg Scelles, Reighnold, 1133 Schenckill, Rumold, 24 Schrimshawe, , 836 Mary, 836 Sclater, Christopher, 620 Soolefeild see also Skofeild Suzan, 881 Scott ^ icutt'7'"'-«-336 Skutt J Abraham, 1048 Agnes, 1048 Alice, 1337 Aves, 786 Edward, 336, 786, 1048 Elizabeth, 786, 880, 1196 Ellen, 740 George, 786 Johane, 786 John, 535, 1048, 1170 sir John, 1063 Richard, 49 Robert, 1337 Thomas, 436, 530, 776 Ursula, 8G1 William, 1048 Scotton, William, 437 Scovell, Edward, 501 INDEX OF PERSONS. 647 George, 501 John, 501 Margaret, 501 Phillip, 786 Scowue, Jane, 499 John, 499 Scrane, James, 917 Scriven, Thomas, 1312 Mary, 228 "Walter, 241 icropr)-^^drian,435 Jervase, 772 Katherine, 772 Scruton, John, 315 Scryve, Hugh, 1337 Scudamore T y^, „ „/.- Skydmore pol"i.365 sir John, 480 Scudder, , 844 Scullard, Anne, 525 George, 525 John, 525 Mary, 525 Thomas, 525 Scupholme, , 909 Scuppum see Cuppum Scutt see Scott Seabright I arms 11^■^ Seabrighte { *"^'"^' ^^^ Anne, 385, 1133 Edward, 1133 Eleanor, 1133 Elizabeth, 1133, 1287 John, 1133 Judith, 1133 Sara, 1133 Theodosia, 1133, 1287 William, 1133 "Wynyfride, 385 Seager, John, 853 Judith, 853 Leonard, 992 Luce, 853 Richard, 853 Robert, 853 Seagrave, Richard, 640 Seall see Saal Sealy see Seeley Seaman "1 Seamans Seman Seyman Nathaniel, 1099 Susan, 1197 William, 333, 1197 i=W«- Seymour Searche, George, 59 Searchfeild see also Satchfeild John, 563 Searene, George, 826 Searles ) Searle > Anne, 1257 Serle ) Elizabeth. 642 George, 147 John, 642 Rebecca, 642 Richard, 202 Robert, 642 Samuel, 642 William, 184, 643 ifet*oT}8°^-^^.«3 Anne, 475 Elizabeth, 475 John, 475 ' I Elizabeth, J Henry, 208 333 Margaret, 475 Mary, 475 Nathaniel, 150 Kichard, 475 Susan, 150 Sebley, William, 741 Sebrooke, William, 1030 Seeker, , 10 Sedgewick ~1 Sedgwicke ieSfche rge'niamin 21 Sigeswicke i nf-!i''w Si Shegwick J Ciceley, 21 Edith, 1208 Elizabeth, 21 Margaret, 881 Robert, 881 Simeon, 21, 28 Thomas, 881 Sefy J Elizabeth, 318 John, 183, 318 Mary, 183 Richard, 318 Thomas, 318, 496 William, 618, 703 Seeton see Seaton Segard, Abraham, 1074 Segoe, Amye, 780 Anne, 780 Seimer, Robert, 1225 Seiner, Constance, 512 Selbye, Anne, 77 George, 77 John, 77, 297 Seldyne, Margaret, 390 Selen, Henry, 997 Jacomyne, 997 Sell Sels • Joane, 1088 William, 444 Sellecke, John, 858 Robert, 858 Sellenger, Phillipp, 1083 iSler«|^g"««'509 Frances, 798 James, 798 John, 1082, 1305 Robert, 798 Sellway, James, 509 Sels see Sell Selwood, , 1141 Humfrey, 1141 Sely see Seeley Seman see Seaman Semes, John, 114 Seney, William, 895 SrrtA-ne,512 Christopher, 512 Sarah, 148 Seplary, mr., 1102 Sergeant, , 889 Anstice, 1272 Elizabeth, 1272 Henry, 1272 Michael, 1272 Susan, 1272 William, 1291 Serle see Searles Sermon, Susan, 1197 William, 1197 Sevenocke, Robert, 1046 Severence, Robert, 181 Seward ihlwfrdl'i"^--."^^ ShewardeJ^^'i^'ll^S Fayth, 1085 Henry, 586 John, 606, 1195 Mary, 1195 Maud, 1195 Peter, 606 Richard, 606, 1195 Thomas, 1195 William, 385, 606, 1195 Seward, Shewarde als. John, 1195 Sewell, Anne, 197 Christopher, 888 William, 455 Sexey, Katherine, 822 SSlEdmund,1197 James, 785 Robert, 832 Thomas, 129 Seyhard see Sayard Seyliard, Dorothy, 37 Seyman see Seaman Seymour "1 Seymoure | Seymor j- , 913 Seamor Seamer J Edward, baron Beauchamp and earl of Hertford, 46, 410, 615, 1125, 1141 sir Francis, 615 James, 926 Richard, 1194 Robert, 1194 Roger, 209 Thomas, 651, 1194 Shackleton, Margery, 596 Shacklocke, Howlett als. Robert, 1346 l^tS^ll Charles, 827 Humfrey, 1066 Shapcott, Henry, 911 Shapton, Richard, 1307 ShaKel^<^"^'^^'*^ Joane, 464 Sharman see Sherman Sharpe, , 565 Dorothy, 1129 Elizabeth, 776 Johane, 776 John, 699, 776 Nathaniel, 1179 Phebe, 302 Raphe, 716 Samuel, 859 Susan, 859 Tabitha, 936 Thomas, 776, 786, 1032, 1129 William, 554, 776 Sharppeigh 1 Alexander, Sharppeighe ) 762 Alice. 752 Anice, 752 Elizabeth, 752 John, 752 Lawrence, 752 Richard, 752 Stephen, 752 Thomas, 752 William, 752 Sharrett ) t-^i,., rkt Sherrat \^o-hn,t>51 548 INDEX OF PERSONS. William, 395 Shawe, , 1104 mr., 697 Agrnes, 367, 1316 Alexander, 1316 Anne, 208, 407 Ciceley, 407 Eleanor, 1316 Elizabeth, 407 George, 1005 Joane, 407 John, 407, 1316 Margaret, 407 Martha, 407 Mary, 76, 407 Robert, 208 Sara, 407 Tabitha, 302 Thomas, 407 William, 407, 1316 Winifred, 1053, 1316 Shawefe, John, 497 Sheafe, Richard, 381 Sheane see Sheene Bhearde, William, 538 Shearman see Sherman fc'lll^'-t^-'i^l George, 982 Thomas, 982 i&el^g--'l*2 Martin, 358 William, 32, 142 Sheepey, Joan, 1208 Sheere ) Shere J Edward, 928 Sheire ) John, 911 Richard, 928 Sheeres see Sheares Shetfeild, Edward, 69 Jane, 69 Robert, 69 William, 69 Shegwick see Sedgewick ihInde}Eli^^^«*^.885 Hugh, 385 John, 385, 1310 Margaret, 385 Suzan, 385 Sheire see Shere Sheldon, John, 608 Sheldrake, Ellen, 1030 Shell, Margaret, 284 Shelley) gos Shellye / ' ^^ Henry, 517 John, 256 Richard, 128 Shelpottes, T., 1327 Shelterden, Alice, 456 Saniell, 456 Edward, 456 Elizabeth, 456 John, 456 Judith, 456 Shelton, Alice, 1236 Judith, 1171 sir Raphe, 435 Robert, 618 Shelton, Shenton als. John, 1171 Judith 1171 Mary, 1171 Shenston, Richard, 916 Shenton als. Shelton John, 1171 Judith, 1171 Mary, 1171 Shepherd She par d Sheperd Sheperde Sheppard Shepparde Vmr., 544 Shippard Agnes, 589 Shephard Anne, 458, Sliepheard 1035, 1167 Sheapherd Archard, 1270 Sheapheard J Edmund, 1278 Edward, 425 Elizabeth, 24, 38, 1180, 1186 Ellen, 589 Francis, 617 George, 976 Henry, 458 James, 589 Jane, 1186 Jeane, 589 John, 24, 110, 393, 589, 1180, 1195 Jonas, 1186 Katherine, 589 Margaret, 142, 458 Mary, 24, 1035, 1170 Owen, 146 Rebecca, 1186 Rennould, 589 Richard, 238, 707, 1180 Simon, 1180 Steven, 589 Thomas, 235, 352, 589, 670, 991, 1180, 1186 William, 555, 589, 836 Shepley, Robert, 1061 Sheppard, Kichmond als. Mary, 24 Richard, 24 Thomas, ^4 Shepparde als. Tcwnsend John, 1139 Sherborne, Robert, 257 Thomas, 618 Shercroft, Mary, 1197 Shere see Sheere Shereman see Sherman Sherewood see Sherwood Sheriflfe, Richard, 567 Sherland see Shirlaude Sherley ) Shurley ) ' 1172 Anthony. 60 Sherman ^ Shearman I ,590,1257 Anne, 1257 Benjamin, 1257 Edmund, 1257 John, 1257 Marie, 690 Mary, 1257 Nicholas, 926 Raphe, 590 Richard, 1257 Samuel, 1257 Sara, 1267 William, 289 Sherod, St. Millicent, 243 Sherrat see Sharrett Sherrington, Thomas, 1170 Shershawe, Elizabeth, 965 Godfrey, 965 Harry, 965 Jane, 9C5 Margaret, 965 Margery, 965 Mary, 965 Nicholas, 965 Philip, 965 Robert, 965 William, 965 Sherstone, William, 425 Sherwood Sherwoodd J , 272 Sherewood ) Alice, 314 Edr., 1286 George, 314 Robert, 942 Sherwyn, James, 40 John, 40 i^=i}-« Seward Shewarde als. Seward John, 1195 Shingleton see Singleton Shinglewood, Anne, 8 Edward, 8 Shipman, Elizabeth, 555 Frances, 555 John, 1285 Thomas, 1125 William, 555 Shippard see Shepherd Shippe, Gilbert, 422 Shipton, , 52, 691 John, 691,869 Thomas, 859 Shipwash, Robert, 79 Shipway, Joane, 1093 Robert, 1093 Shirlande ) ,»„_„ mon Sherland ] ^^'^^' ^0^*^ Robert, 736 Shittleworth see Shuttleworth Shoilicke, Hugh, 294 Rebecca, 294 Shooe, Richard, 69 Shore, , 411 ihorte}Bl^°«l^'1223 Francis, 505 John, 82 Margaret, 1365 Richard, 1223 Thomas, 272, 1024, 1070 William, 357, 1070 Shorye, Johane, 94 Shoter, Elizabeth, 1039 William, 1039 Shovelor, Richard, 257 Showbridge ) .ipxander 74« Showebridge / ^'exanaer, 748 Anne, 046 Shower, Thomasine, 486 William, 486 Shreene, Mary, 782 Shrewsbury, earl of, see Gil- bert Talbot and George Talbot Shuckforth, John, 146 Shuring, Katherine, 1299 Robert, 1299 Shurley see Sherley a} -..367 Anne, 692 George, 1060 Richard, 692 Shutford, Alice, 120 Shutt see Shute Shuttleworth ) j . „-„ Shittleworth j '^^'^' ^^ Lion, 1175 INDEX OF PERSONS. 549 Robert, 1077 Sibloy, Francis, 898 iie'bTyll>o-thy,967 George, 967, 1144 Sicklemore, Elizabeth, 148 Jeremy, 148 John, 148 Mary, 148 Sarah, 148 Thomas, 148 Sickleprice, Thomas, 1197 Siddenham ) ^^i Sydenham J ' '"'^ Michael, 1»97 Symon, 329 William, 1297 Sider, Joane, 213 Sidey, Christopher, 213 Margaret, 213 Thomas, 213 William, 213 Sidon, Aune, 1258 John, 1258 Sidwaye, Anne, 277 Siebury see Siburie Sigeswicke see Sedgewick Silgrhn, William, 15 Silke, Anne, 1352 Thomas, 1352 Silkson, Margaret, 411 11}}^} James, 480 Thomas, 1037 Sillesby, Mathew, 1179 Silliarde, Dorcas, 1088 Sillin, Nicholas, 432 Sills see Sill Sllua, John, 775 Silverwood, goodman, 433 Silvester, Joan, 994 Lettice, 226 Simcox, Francis, 258 Simes als. Ford Richard, 1314 Simons ^ iymorh'''''''ify'^''''^ Symon J '" mrs., 11 Edward, 1090 Elizabeth, 11 F., 1177 John 282 Martha, 433 Richard, 1310 Thomas, 76, 985 William, 402, 1358 Sirapon, Elianore, 1220 Simpson "I |y°JP^«^ ktristopher, 909 ifmsorjEli-^«'^.17.1005 George, 385 Helen, 260 John. 11, 1024 sir John, 11 Margaret, 385 Thomas, 188, 752 William, 150. 715 Sinerfeild, William, 141 Singer, Richard, 993 Susanna, 993 Kfe\onl Henry, 245 Jane, 245 John, 364 Lawrence, 245 Margaret, 245 Mary, 245 Richard, 245 Sara, 245 Thomas, 245 AVilliam, 245, 364 Sisson, John, 679 Michaell, 681 Robert, 926 Sivedale, Lot, 960 ika*r'th'^|^"««.149 Anne, 149 Frances, 149 John, 149 Joseph, 149 Mawdlyn, 149 Nicholas, 149 Philip, 149 Robert, 149 Thomas, 149 William, 149 ikayetR^«'^^'-^'60 Thomas, 729 Skeffington, William, 40 icMf|john,1033 Skelt, Leonard, 391 Skelton, Annys, 802 John, 1169 Martha, 1169 Skepper, , 1075 Richard, 797 Skerne, Catherine, 226 Edmond, 226 Frances, 226 John, 226 Marie, 226 Kobert, 826 Sket, John, 1177 Skevington, Nicholas, 159 lw^^^„.iAbiah,963 Sljynner ) ' Benjamin, 632 Catherine, 221 Christian, 892 Cicilie, 419 Edmund, 892 Elizabeth, 608 James, 850 lady Jane, 822 Joane, 321 John, 221, 321, 608, 963, 1008 Mary, 100 Nicholas, 985 Richard, 964 Robert, 608 Roger, 608 Stephen, 1333 William, 963 Skippon, Will.. 1115 Slilpwith, , 618 lady, 619 Edward, 196 Elizabeth, 196 sir Henry, 619 Mary, 196 Skof eild see also Scolefeild Susan, 1229 Skoldinge, Edward, 478 John, 478 Skottowe, , 10 Anne, 10 Augustine, 10 Cicely. 10 John, 10 Joseph, 10 Mary, 10 Richard, 10 Sara, 10 Timothy, 10 William, 10 Skryne ) Skryme { £Uzabeth, 993 Skyrme ) Henry, 993 Marie, 993 Richard, 668 Svisanna, 993 Thomas, 993 Skulthroppe, Thomas, 403 Skutt see Scott Skydmore see Scudamore Skyffe, William, 663 Skynner see Skinner Skyrme see Skryne Skyte, mr., 921 Skyveogg, John, 901 Slade, Alice, 721 Joan, 948 John, 721 • Richard, 1312 Roger, 721 Thomas, 974, 1308, 1331 ila7ye}E*^--d,834 Humfrey, 1, 834 Johane, 834 John,402, 834, 966 Mary, 834 Moyses, 834 Kichard, 834 Stephen, 834 Slater, Alice, 1125 John, 254, 534 Slater als. Wotton Anne, 534 Sledd, Ch., 526 Sledge, Mary, 558 ile4^h'^lEliza''«tl^.l025 Helen, 1025 Joane, 1025 John, 1025 Marie, 1025 Raphe, 1025 Kichard, 1025 l&areU^*^"^™'«''^288 Slighe, Mosselye als. John, 1025 Slingesbey, sir William, 297 Sliwright ) .^y, Sliwrighte / ' ^^^^ Thomas, 1019 Sloper, Alice, 593 Anuis, 593 Hugh, 593 Johane, 593 Richard, 593 William, 593 Slowe, Edward, 76 life JHe^'-y' 654 Isabell, 1000 Robert, 978 Slyme, Auckerett, 529 Smalbone, Edmund, 1070 Sraalbrooke, Robert, 258 Smalcombe, John, 970 Smalden, Christian, 1090 Richard, 1090 Smale, Robert, 771 Rose, 771 WilUam, 771 Small, Edward, 314 Joan. 314 Martha, 314 Smalley, Samuel, 585 550 INDEX OP PERSONS. , 53, 213, 344, 416, 909, 1141 arms, 822 doctor, 402 Smallman, Francis, 565 iSarteH'--'380'"6 Edward, 1093 Elizabeth, 1236 Joane, 1093 Jolin, 137, 365 Roger, 1093 William, 94, 270, 1235 Smedlye, Thomas, 1010 Smelte, mr., 775 Smethes see Smith Smethurst, Eleanor, 836 Smethwicke, , 836 Smeton, , 742 Robert, 742 Smith Smiths Smyth Smythe Smythey Smithes Smethes Smythes goodman, 433 goodwife, 433 lady, 480 mr., 347, 411, 433, 590 mrs., 1, 952 Agnes, 541, 896 Alice, 85, 813, 1111, 1171 Ambrose, 822 Anne, 584, 598, 610, 986, 1121 Anthony, 226, 888, 1179 Arthur, 690 Audrey, 318 Augustine, 77 Barbara, 88, 690 Barnerd, 888 Bryan, 963, 1106, 1262 Charity, 523 Christian, 405 Christopher, 716 Clement, 1328 Daniel, 541 David, 1121 David ap John, 862 Dorothy, 14, 541, 911, 1106 Edmund, 1247 Edward, 24, 85, 140, 796, 1197 Eleanor, 822 Elizabeth, 17, 134, 318, 387, 405, 523, 541, 796, 813, 822, 889, 913, 1121, 1151, 1197, 1328 Ellen,333, 610, 716 Francis, 822, 884 George, 108, 165, 221, 394, 518, 545, 679, 796, 813, 822, 908, 909, 1004, 1071, 1284, 1286 8ir George, 480, 1151 Gervase, 911 Gilbert, 596 Grace, 405, 847, 1151 lady Grace, 1151 Harry, 981 Helen, 1167 Henry, 411, 723, 758, 952, 1016, 1081, 1121, 1129 Hugh. 552, 715, 1167 Humfry, 690, 822, 1190 Isaac, 690, 1292 James, 291, 1106 Jane, 408, 1106, 1151 Jarvis, 998 Joan, 27, 191, 309, 538, 548, 985, 1208, 1235 Johane, 85, 598, 610, 822 John, 1, 85, 296, 318. 351, 394, 408, 416, 548, 552, 598, 610, 616, 654, 712, 717, 742, 784, 788, 792, 796, 822, 836, 896, 983, 1020, 1068, 1105, 1106, 1141, 1152, 1180, 1190, 1208, 1347, 1353 Jonas, 928 Joyce, 363 Katherine, 39, 518, 532, 822, 896 Leonard, 173 Luke, 618 Magdaline, 1106 Margaret, 213, 788, 815, 855, 1197 Margery, 116, 839 Marie, 579 Marmaduke, 911 Martha, 158 Mary, 85, 405, 836, 1106 Mathew, 8 Morris, 855 Nathaniel, 385 Nicholas, 350, 711 sir Nicholas, 1151 Oliver, 358 Peter, 1199 Purtezye, 913 Ralphe, 444, 799 Rebecca, 690 Richard, 16, 53, 134, 199, 225, 333, 376, 518, 553, 610, 625, 822, 832, 964, 1121, 1167, 1333 sir Richard, 138, 692 Roberdge, 960 Robert, 14, 17, 207, 387, 420, 435, 552, 554, 690, 737, 796, 888, 911, 916, 929, 1106, 1131, 1144, 1337 Roger, 822, 1069 Rowland, 609 Samuel, 173, 610 Sarah, 63, 85. 333 lady Sarah, 420 Sibill, 59 Stephen, 1290 Susan, 408, 415, 541,896 Symon, 970 Tabitha, 1328 Thomas, 36, 40, 85, 143, 208, 211, 257, 280, 299, 346, 471, 518, 521, 548, 584, 610, 690, 796, 813, 886, 896, 916, 1104, 1291, 1331 sir Thomas, 420, 931 Walter, 333, 545, 795 "William, 39, 94, 133, 299, 410, 431, 518, 548, 598, 679, 713, 742, 815, 822, 865, 889, 896, 956, 964, 1065, 1091, 1106, 1180, 1260, 13.31 sir William, 823 Zacha, 1021 Smith, liitton als. Anne, 1022 Bridget, 1022 Eedie, 1022 Edw., 1022 Joana, 1022 Margaret, 1022 Smith als. Thome Thomas, 291 Smithe als. Folsham Ellen, 1346 Smithicke, John, 78 Smithier, William, 1359 Smithsby, Anne, 363 Elizabeth, 363 Jane, 363 Joyce, 363 Nicholas, 363 Thomas, 363 W^illiam, 363 ISftheH- Smith Smythen, John. 189 Smyther, Christofer, 75 Kry}- smith Sneede, John, 1022 Snelgar, John, 1079 Snell, Ellen, 521 Joane, 521 John, 521 Robert, 158 Suzan, 652 Thomas, 158 William, 521 Snelling "] Snellfng^sJ^°'i«'"4 Edward, 1361 Elizabeth, 1361 Robert, 774, 776 Snellocke, Grace, 1117 Snellyng see Snelling a^S} Anne, 227, 402 Giles, 402 John, 692 William, 820 Snooke, Henry, 764, 771 John, 764 Snowe, , 284, 967 David, 270 Emott, 270 John, 571 Mark, 270 Wilmott, 270 Snowe, Davies als. Elizabeth, 177 iom™^ I ^^^ "^**' Solme . 1 lady Anne, 1 Francis, 1 James, 1 Jane, 1 John, 1, 478 Judith, 1 Matthew, 1 Ricliard, 1 sir Stephen, 1, 478 Thomas, 1 William 1, 330 sir William, 1 Soane I ___ poc Soen |«»r.,626 John, 626 Peter, 925 William, 626 Solace, Margery, 851 Sole, Charles, 226 Sollers, Thomas, 179 ioU^y '' } Benjamin, 1315 Edward, 734 Grace, 734 Jane, 734 Margaret, 734 William, 734 iolmIs!«^««'«°Soame Edward, 1168 Elizabeth, 1168 George, 1168 INDEX OF PERSONS. 551 Richard, 1168 Some see Soame Somer, Avix, 1235 James, 1235 John, 916 Somerby, Mary, 568 Somersett, Anne, 774 Jane, 774 Judith, 774 Sommers, Thomas, 251 Somner, Alice, 474 Dorothie, 474 John, 474 Stephen, 474 Sondes, sir Richard, 1125 Soper, Christian, 1306 Sopp, Alice, 1116 Henry, 1116 Joane, 1116 Robert, 1116 Steven, 1116 Soresby, John, 1129 Daniell, 80 Thomas. 1304 Sorrell, John, 770 Sotheck, mr., 542 Sotherton, Elizabeth, 10 George, 10 John, 10 Katherine, 10 Margaret, 10 Mary, 10 Nicholas, 10 Thomas, 10 Sougate, Anne, 158 Souley, John, 473 Soundie, Thomas, 579 Sounter see Sunter Souter, Jasper de, 295 Southampton, countess of, see Elizabeth Wriothesley Sontlicott, sir Edward, 911 John, 911 Katherine, 701 Otho, 701. 911 Robert, 189 Southe ) Sowthe \ Anne, 1331 Sowth ) Dorothy, 1331 John, 1331 Katherine, 921 Raphe, 525 Robert, 921, 1203 Sara, 1263 Thomas. 1331 Southearnwood, Michael, 1157 Southern ) Southenne } Elizabeth, 88, 722 Southen ) John, 722 Margaret, 722 Richard, 477 Southwarke, Thomas, 683 Southwood) Ajmps RIO Sowth wood } Agnes, 850 Alice, 992 Catherine, 992 Elizabeth, 850, 992 Joan, 992 Johane, 850 John. 850 Michael, 992 Peter, 992 Richard, 1336 Robert, 992 Roger, 850 Thomas, 992 William, 992 Sowth see Southe Sowthby, Elizabeth, 1359 John, 1359 Mary, 1359 Sowthe see Southe Sowthill, Anthony, 627 Nicholas, 627 Sowthwood see Southwood Sowton, Robert, 672 So-wton, Lewis als. ChriRtopher, 1399 Elizabeth 1299 Katherine 1299 Spaight ^ Henry, 345 James, 345, 859, 1171 Judith, 1171 Katherine, 1171 Margaret, 345 Mary, 345 Thomas, 624, 1171 William, 923 Spake see Sparke iSdiSfe!Eli-beth,797 Francis, 797 Gartrude, 797 Isabel, 797 Jane, 797 John, 797 Katherine, 797 Mary, 797 Roger, 717 Rosamond, 797 Thomas, 797 William, 797 Sparke ) Sparkes > Beatrix, 146 Spake ) Dorothy, 146 Elizabeth, 146 Henry, 955 John, 146. 712 Judith, 1323 Octavian, 387 Phillip, 146 Robert, 146, 765 Sparohacke see Sparrowhawk Sparpointe, Alice, 1163 EUzabeth, 1163 John, 1163 Joseph, 1163 Peter, 1163 Silvester, 1163 Thomas, 1163 8arry'e|^'^^'^^'29 John, 916 Nicholas, 916 Sparrowe, , 302, 475 Anne, 345 Elizabeth, 601 George, 601 John. 601 Lewis, 345 Libens, 475 Martyn, 601 Mary, 601 Richard, 601 Susan, 601 Sparrowhawk ') Sparrowhawke [ , 315 Sparohacke ) Joan, 315 John, 887 Sparrye see Sparrie Spatmau, John, 411 Speagle, John, 149 Speare 1 Speere [ Bridget, 313 Spier ) Edward, 861 Joan, 254 John, 254 Thomas, 313 Speede, , 9 John, 1081 Speene, Richard, 1364 Speere see Speare aY}«- Spaight Spencer ) see also Spenser ) Ledispencer , 1197 mr., 1267 Anne, 1039 Christopher, 346 Elizabeth. 165, 259, 1039 sir Geor{;e, 587 Gilford, 270 Johane, 270, 765 James, 165 John, 648, 1039 Marie, 1039 Thomas, 141, 1039 sir Thomas, 587 William, 595, 703, 765, 1267 Spendloe, mr., 1133 Spenser see Spencer iSn|e^^-^ol-.828 William, 853 Spicer, , 865 Anne, 30 Christofer, 30 Mark, 1293 Spier see Speare Spiguruell, James, 986 Spilman ) p'ortime 1^1 SpilmannP*^""'^®'"^ sir Henry, 259 Spittall, John, 239 Spittlehouse, , 582 Spooner, Thomas, 1254 Sprake, Robert. 1132 Thomas, 294, 680 Springe, mr., 753 Anne, 284 Thomas, 753 sir William, 284 Springreham, Anne, 1099 Elizabeth, 1099 Henry, 1099 Mathew, 1099 Mary, 1099 Richard, 1099 Springett, Herbert, 553 Margaret, 553 Thomas, 553 William, 553 Sprott, , 1286 Roger, 1286 Thomas, 1286 Spuer, Anne, 30 Spurdance, Margaret, 119 Spurlinge, George, 1004 Spurre, William, 970 Spurstowe, William, 131 lrurwIieljo^-.«« Judith, 459 Thomas, 459 Spurwaye, Hill als. William, 339 Squibbe, Richard, 1337 Thomas, 1337 652 INDEX OF PERSONS. Squire ) Sqmer [ • -,861 Squires ) Anue, 547 Edward, 711 Isabell, 1176 John, 1265 John, 661 Stable, Henry, 314 Stacey ) Stacye { , 52. 380, 1172 Stacie ) Edward, 13, 896 Frances, 1160 John, 564, 1183 Joseph, 691 AV alter, 283 "William, 564 Stacker see Stocker Stackhouse, Elizabeth, 441 Frances, 441 John, 441 Boger, 441 Stacye see Stacey Sta&g I Anne, 39 Lawrence, 240 Margaret, 39 Stake's [Edward, 84, 356 Staley, John, 963 S3e|l-dy.36,434 Stallingburgh, Robert, 716 Stamborne, Johan, 1353 Stamer, Batine, 776 Stampe, Edmond, 1175 Humfry, 1175 James, 1175 Robert, 1175 Thomas, 1175 William, 1175 Stamper, Anthony, 46 Stanage, Alice, 1177 Stanberye, Nicholas, 1221 Phillipp, 1221 Thomas, 1221 rtr»d|e!jo^-.309 Stanbrooke, Anne, 1264 Standen, Henry, 84 Standf ord see Stanford Standish ) Standishe \ Alexander, 1282 Stauudishe ) Ellen, 1282 Katherine, 1287 Thomas, 1282 Standley see Stanley Stanes see also Stone George, 338 Thomas, 318 Stanford ) . p^- Standford ] ^°"®' *^^ Anthony, 662 George, 646 Robert, 258 William, 646 Stanhope ) Stanhop \ lady, 836 Stannoppe ) Anthonie, 446 sir John, 1104 Olive, 1104 Staninfer, Elizabeth, 1323 Stanlx, John, 217 Stanley t „-n,g ioia Standley ( *'^™^' ^"^^ Anne, 59 Christopher, 412 John, 836 Mary, 206 Steven, 1209 Thomas, 251, 1134 William, 522, 1210 Stanner, John, 364 Stannoppe see Stanhope Stanshawe, Raynold, 397 itaSstefljo^'i' 318, 1348 Stanstreete, Andrew, 1192 Edward, 1192 ISIildred, 1192 itartonlAg-s,930 Andrew, 930 Anne, 1003 Anthony, 1003 Edward, 1233 Francis, 619, 620 Humfrey, 617 John, 691 llichard, 715 Sandes, 1003 Thomas, 354, 1347 WilUam, 1222 Stapers, Agnes, 66 Stapler, John, 1000 Thomas, 404 Staples, mr., 775 Stapleton, lady, 1170 Alice, 149 Bryan, 1170 Thomas, 149 Staplye, Nicholas, 474 Staresmore, Francis, 19 Starke, , 1257 Alice, 1337 Elizabeth, 1197 William, 1337 Starne, Elizabeth, 782 ittrre}G'^^««'233 James, 834 Mary, 1126 Robert, 334 Stephen, 253 Starte, Susan, 1337 itartiSe|Ri«l^-''i'610 Staundishe see Standish Staunton see Stanton Staynings, Robert, 911 Stead ) Steade > Jane, 1339 Steed ) Mary, 352 Thomas, 330, 972 Walter, 877 Stebbyn, mr., 776 Stedman ) Steidman > mrs., 925 Steedman ) Edward, 723 John, 1133 Peter, 925 Robert, 905 Thomas, 723, 905 Steed see Stead Steere ) -.-.oo Steeres } • ^^"^ George, 1076 John, 1095 Steevens see Stephen Steidman see Stedman Stempe, , 553 William, 553 Stens, Richard, 1035 Stephen ~j Stephens | itevens i^^.r., 1237 Steevens I Agnes, 763 Stfvens j Amy, 759, 763 Anthony, 746, 1057 Benjamin, 782 Edward, 139, 763 Elizabeth, 23, 759, 763 Ellen, 139 Francis, 676 George, 759 Henry, 558, 927 Jane, 782 Joane, 558 Johaue, 763, 1205 John, 12, 139, 299, 436, 497, 558, 763, 925, 1205 Jonathan, 472 Joseph, 782 Julian, 763 Lawrence, 372 Lewis, 1091 Mary, 383, 472 Millesent, 558 Richard, 597, 763, 1021, 1190, 1216 Robert, 759, 782, 1205 Ruben, 782 Sarah, 746 Susan, 763 Thomas, 472, 506, 514, 970, 1205 William, 383, 561, 763, 1205, 1264 Stephen, Urton als. ) Stephens, Urton als. > Steven, Urton als. j Anthony, 139 Edward, 139 Elizabeth, 139 George, 139 John, 139 Margaret, 139 Stephenson ) Stevenson > Alice, 1201 Steven ton ) Anne, 10 John, 453, 1301 Marmaduke, 775 Richard, 565, 647, 1133 Stephen, 1293 Thomas, 844 Sterne, Dorothy, 1106 Stert, Anthony, 1259 i^v'ensH- Stephen itIveZnh- Stephenson Stevington, Mathew, 1107 Steward, Abraham, 838 Andrew, 990 Elizabeth, 50 George, 1037 Mary, 50 Phoebe. 50 Thomas, 1133 Stich, mr., 297 Stickells, Robert, 736 Stiffe, Richard, 1086 Stile "1 f Jli!* 'l^Ann, 1115 itf}LjC^"«*i^'^'"57 Dorothy, 471 Elizabeth, 188, 471 George, 576 Humfrey, 1348 James, 188 INDEX OF PERSONS. 653 Joane, 188, 1157 John, 471 Michael, 471 Nicholas, 1115 Thomas, 471, 839, 921, 1157 William, 471, 1226, 1354 Still. John, 229 William, 322 Stimpson 1 „ Stymson ) ' "* Mary, 251 Stirrill, William, 37 Stiveua see Stephen Stoakes see Stokes Stoane see Stone Stock ) Stocke \ mr., 52, 369, 381 Stockes ) Francis, 1251 John, 1037 Kiehard, 369, 433, 691, 859 William, 91, 990 Stockbridge, John, 346 Kobert, 790 William, 790 Stockdall, Thomas, 36 Stocke see Stock Stocker 'i Stacker > Agnes, 131 Stoker ) Anne, 131 Athanasius, 131 Elizabeth, 131 John, 56, 131, 413 Matthew, 131 Robert, 131, 941 Samuel, 131 Thomas, 131 Ursula, 131 Stockes see Stock Stockinge, Henry, 1018 Sara. 1018 Stockley, Katharine, 78 Stockton, mr., 174 John, 957 Owen, 356 Stockwell, Elizabeth, 362 Stoddard, mr., 960 Stoker see Stocker Stoakes H--- 305, 587, 1074 mrs., 960 Abigail, 16 Anne, 954 Benedicta, 954 Christopher, 514 Elizabeth, 16 Henry, 129, 316, 722, 954 Isabell, 317 Jane, 954 John, 317, 655 Margaret, 16 Michaell. 655 Kiehard, 16, 954 Thomas, 16 Walter, 722 Stolion, Thomas, 972 Stonawill see Stoniwell Stone "1 |*°*f ® isee also Stanes it*oTerjA"-.1311 Dorothy, 125 Elizabeth, 322 Florence, 26 George, 318 Giles, 26 Henry, 125, 520, 1076 Jane, 520 Jaquett, 1308 Joan, 318 John, 26, 135, 620, 1117, 1311 Julian, 125 Kinnard, 520 Martin, 672 Mary, 221.433 Michael, 214 Nicholas, 322, 632 Owen, 26 Richard, 197, 479, 520 Robert, 26, 146 Symon, 553 Thomas, 1311 Walter, 26, 1022 William, 221, 435 Stonehouse I ^^a Stonhouse f"irs.,jj4 Martin, 590 Stoneman, Richard, 672 Stoner, Bridget, 930 John, 930 Richard, 930 Sarah, 1037 Stonerd, sir Francis, 1082 Stones see Stone Stonhouse see Stonehouse Stoniwell J Stonywell > Barbara, 775 Stonawill ) Edward, 775 WiUiam, 562, 775 Stonne see Stone Stonywell see Stoniwell Stoodley, Gyles, 745 Storer I ~„. Storier} ' 62o Thomas, 1179 Storie see Story Storier see Storer Storke, George, 17 Grace, 355 William, 355 Story ~) Storye ( ^g itorrU"^^^^*^""''^^ Frances, 424 George, 683 Henry, 507 Jane, 424 Joane, 439 Melca, 257 Robert, 257, 683, 920 Rosamonde, 683 Walter, 424 William, 683, 896 Stother, Thomas, 565 Stouerton ) Sturton [ Edward, lord, 786 Sturteyne ) Elizabeth, 1180 lady Frances, 786 Thomas, 742 Stoughton ) Stouton [ Fras., 893 Stowton ) John, 816 Mary, 531 Thomas, 1315 Stounbridge see Stanbridge Stouton see Stoughton Stovie, , 245 Stowe, Ellas, 1197 Stowers, Dionisia, 104 William, 89 Stowhill, mr., 627 Stowte, Philip, 765 Stowton see Stoughton Stradlinge, Ivan, 261 John, 261 Straingers see Strangers Strange ^ see also Le Strauuge ) Straunge Francis, 249 Henry, 1289 Strangers I Arthur lo Straingers ( Artuur, U Francis. 321 Strangwaies, Anne, 1337 Bridget, 1337 Giles, 1,337 Grace, 1337 Luce, 1337 Thomas, 1337 Ursula, 1337 Strangwiche ) Strangwidge J Edmund, 1238 Strangwch ) Frances, 786 George, 786 Stratford, Abigail, 749 Anne, 749 Henry, 749 William, 749 Stratton j Strotton {mr.,1017 Stretton ) Benjamin, 778 David, 808 Edith, 436 Elizabeth, 808 Isabell, 808 John, 778 Ruth, 1282 Straunge see Strange Strausham, Frauncis, 870 Sara, 870 Street "^ Streete \ ,,q< Streatefx^no'w Strete J ^^i^^' ^O** Elizabeth, 306 Francis, 10, 221 Grace, 413 Honour, 306 John, 306, 413 Michael, 1142 Ophila, 306 Thomas, 50 Stretfeild, Henry, 570 Stretinge, Agnes, 513 Stretton see Stratton Striblie, John, 519 Stride, Alice, 1362 John, 13G2 Stringer, John, 94 Richard, 94, 358 Strode see Strowde Strong i Stronge > Andrew, 1277 Strounge ) George, 1049 John, 1189 Mary, 849 Strotton see Stratton Strounge see Strong itrode'^I^^^o-'^^^ John, 426, 579, 1097 William, 579, 701 sir William, 56, 911 Strtch, Elizabeth, 588 Strudwicke, William, 246 Strutt, Daniel, 1190 John, 1190 Thomas, 1190 William, 1163, 1190 Stubb ) Stubbs [ Anne, 17, 297 Stubhes ) Dionis, 17 Edmmid, 17 Elizabeth. 297 George, 297 664 INDEX OF PERSONS. see Stile Joane, 297 John, 297 Precilla, 297 Richard, 17, 297 Stubbing:, Arthur, IICO Edmund, 1100 Francis, 1100 Giles, 1100 Lewis, 1100 Kl chard, 1100 "William, 1100 Stubborne, Richard, 844 Stubbs see Stubb Stuckey, Thomas, 1143 Studley)(^j, .0,4 Studlye ( ^"^*' ^''^* John, 681 Nathaniel, 681 Stukely, , 1087 Sturdye, William, 130 Sturgion, Christopher, 318 Henry, 318 Margaret, 318 Thomas, 318 Thomasine, 318 Sturmye, Anne, 770 Edmond, 770 Margaret, 770 Mary, 770 Sarah, 770 Stiirteyne see Stouerton Sturtle, Elizabeth, 12G4 Thomas, 1264 Sturton see Stouerton Style : Styles Stymson see Stimpson it%e}^^^^^'^«^ John, 865 Marie, 865 Mary, 865 Sythe, 865 Thomas, 865 William, 865 Subdeane, Edward, 137, 144 Frances, 144 Sucker see Suker Suckling, Charles, 902 Sudbery, ,1168 Sudlo-we, George, 140 Suffleld, Katherine, 204 Suffolk, earl of, see Thomas Howard Sugar, Nicholas, 691 Krl^^'^-l^'^-.™ Elizabeth, 739 Francis, 739 Henry, 361 John, 739 Richard, 739 Robert, 739 William, 739 Sullum, Margaret, 376 Summerscales, Daniel, 716 Sunderland, George, 151 S^tlrijo^".339 William, 469 Surman, Philip, 1275 Surrey, earl of, see Thomas Howard Sussex, earl of, see Robert Radcliffe Suttle, Elizabeth, 1202 Robert, 1202 Sarah, 1202 Sutton, ,315 doctor, 1017 nirs., 523 Alice, 896 Francis, 688 George, 609 John, 191 Nicholas, 318 Richard, 619 sir Richard, 019 Swaddon, Philip, 253 Swadling:, Alice, 143 Felix, 143 Johane, 143 John, 143 Katherine, 143 Mary, 143 Thomas, 143 Swafer, , 544 Swallowe, mr., 284 iwaSne}Ri«l^^^d.l229 Mary, 316 Thomas. 357 Swanley. Richard, 190, 282 Robert, 282 Swanne see Swan Swan ton, John, 1068 8 war land, John, 314 Swarper, Thomas, 361 Swashun, Thomas, 1335 Swayland see Swaysland Swayne, Arthur, 1C4 Edward, 976 Hugh, 1007 John, 1231 Kinbrough, 1007 Robert, 920 Susanne, 1168 William, 164 Swaysland ) Edward, 37, 53, Swayland ] 1294 Elizabeth. 53 Henry, 53 Jane, 53 John, 224 Mary, 37, 53 Robert, 37 Sara, 53 Thomas, 53, 1046 Sweateland) A -„ Swetlande } '^""®' ^^^ Charles, 1138 Cicely, 757 Edward, 757 Elizabeth, 740 Grace, 740 Robert, 740 William. 740 Swedall, Henry, 960 Sweete, Giles, 93 Harry, 966 Henry, 1314 Humfrv, 508 Richartl, 508 Sissell, 965 Sweetinge, Joane, 1142 Richard, 1142 Swetenham, William, 615 Swetlande see Sweateland Swetman see Sweatman Swetson, John, 920 Swift Swifte Iwjfteji-^'y.i^'^ Anne, 881 Augustine, 881 Catherine, 1363 Edward, 1353 Henry, 7 Jasper, 1145 Margaret, 4 Richard, 4 Thomas, 4, 554, 753 William, 1145 Swinhewe, George, 412 Swinsen, Arthur, 254 Swister, John, 151 SAVorton, Elizabeth, 316 William, 316 SeH-Swift Swynborne, , 1197 Swynnarton, mr., 113 Sydenham see Siddenham Sydley, sir Isaac, 692 Sydney, Barbara, countess of Leicester, 418, 1208 Fran., 386 Robert, earl of Leicester, 1208 Symcottes, Thomas, 535 Symmes ) Symes } Alice, 96 Syms ) Elizabeth, 96, 571 John, 54, 282 Richard, 96, 571 Simon, 96 Susan, 96 Thomas, 486 Symon see Simons gSSsl-««^«« Simons mr., 380 Ann, 859, 1035 Elizabeth, 433, 1035 Ester, 1035 Joen, 1035 Mary, 792, 1035 Peter, 859 Richard, 1035 Sara, 545 Susan, 1035 Thomas, 221, 1035 Thur stone, 545 Watkyn, 792 William, 221, 35S, 792, 1035 Symons see Simons Sympson see Simpson Syms see Symmes Syms, Grist als. Elinor, 1226 Symson see Simpson Syred, Harry, 1205 Johan, 1205 Katherine, 1205 Margaret, 1205 Richard, 1205 Tabor, Ma., 1097 Tackerman, John, 111 Tacknell, Edward, 685 Tacy, , 977 Taffe, John, 288 Tagge, John, 711 Taker, Agnes, 69 ^a^itri^^^'^'^^^ Gilbert, earl of Shrewsbury^ 696, 985 George, earl of Shrewsbury, 336 M argaret, 336 Tallis, Thomas, 920 Talor see Taylor Taucken see Tonckinge INDEX OF PERSONS. 555 Tangley, Tliomas, 722 Tannar see Tanner Tannatt, Thomas, 38 TlSnart^°tl»«'^y'321 Edward, 515 Jeffrey, 1183 John, C26 Morrice, 438 Nathaniel, 22 Richard, 321, 1300 William, 321, 859 Tannerd, John, 875 Tapley, Agnes, 672 Rose, 672 Tapp, William, 625 Tarbocke, Thomas, 1282 Tarrant, George, 525 Tarte, WilUam, 958 Tarteme, John, 997 Tarye, Ellen, 439 Tasker, Peter, 1000 WilUam, 730 Tate, John, 615 Robert, 615 Thomas, 616, 1146 William, 615 Tatem ) Tattam { Edward, 203 Tatome ) Elizabeth, 203, 997 Hancell, 907 Jane, 203 John, 203, 997 Mary, 907 Thomas, 203 William, 203 Tattershall, Richard, 1180 Taunton, John, 126 Ulisses, 518 Tavemer | t«-u„ onn Tavenor lJohn,m Steven, 460 Tavore, Joan, 291 Taylar see Taylor Taylecott, mr., 1257 Tayler see Taylor Taylo, Frauncis, 136 Taylor "1 Tayler [ Taylar f Talor J -, 1, 299, 992, 1158 mr,, ll75, 1254 mrs., 257 Alice, 355, 809 Anne, 382, 956, 1129, 1233, 1313 Anthony, 411, 600 Barbara, 1216 Ben. 92 Catherine, 1313 Charles, 1313 Christopher, 1129, 1313 Dorothy, 809, 1070 Edmund, 655, 1233 Edward, 304, 1222 EUzabeth, 25, 393, 927, 992, 1129, 1313 EUen, 134, 184, 1129 Fayth, 1326 Frances, 92, 1160 Francis, 429, 927 George, 1008, 1233 Gervais, 582 Goodram, 16 James, 48, 1233 Jane, 204 Joan, 376, 971 Johane, 92, 856 John, 25, 178, 373, 382, 416, 435, 716, 809, 911, 956, 1093, 1111, 1129 Juli., 974 Margaret, 907, 1129 Marie, 1313 Mary, 907, 1129 Maude, 1233 Philipp, 856 Richard, 1172 Robert, 562, 1129, 1336 Roger, 1216 Theophilus, 85 Thomas, 40, 269, 321, 485, 856, 907, 1069, 1111, 1129, 1203, 1254, 1366 Walter, 877 ■William. 92, 313, 318, 606, 909, 1112, 1259 Zachary 618, 1011 Taylor, Orlande ala. Mary, 1189 Tayntan, John, 909 Taynter, William, 193 Teape, Anthony, 847 Mary, 847 Teaster, William, 747 Tebbole, Dorothy, 262 James, 262 John, 262 Martin, 262 Thomas, 262 TebouU, , 283 Anne, 283 Dorothy, 283 James, 283 John, 283 Martin, 283 Mathew, 283 Thomas, 283 Tecka, William, 130 Tegg ) 6 TeRge ( ' ° EUzabeth, 119, 528 Joane, 528 John, 528 Roger, 528 Teleer, Henry, 698 Thomas. 698 Tellover, Edmund, 777 Tempeler see Templer Temperance, Cole, 1024 Tempest, Ellen, 308 George, 308 sir Stephen, 308 Temple, arms, 267 Edward, 931 John, 1347 William, 784 Slterljo^«'13C4 William, 208 Temys, John, 531 Tenche, Richard, 1099 Tennaunt. John, 920 Teranevall. Martene, 1108 Terrell see Tirrell Terret, Nicholas, 719 Terrey see Terry Terrill see Tirrell ?eTr7y}^g-M^ Christopher, 434 Edward, 86 Florence, 434 Frauncis, 434 Joane, 434 Katherine, 434 Margaret, 318, 434 Nicholas, 434 Thomas, 434 William, 1285 Teadale, Thomas, 1359 Tetherley, Hanna, 915 John, 915 Mary, 915 Nathaniel. 915 Richard, 915 Robert, 915 Tetter, mr.,480 Tewe, Joan, 1182 John, 1182 Teynton, John, 909, 1354 Richard, 242 Thacker, Anne, 10 Cicely, 10 George, 10 James, 1104 John, 10 Mary, 10 Richard, 10 Thackraye, mr., 552 Tharold, George, 875 Thomas, 875 Tharpe see Thorpe Thatcher ) g,y, Theteher ( • °*^ Elizabeth, 809 Giles, 809 Henry, 809 John, 100 Mary, 809 Richard, 1307 Theaker, John, 959 Thelley, Richard, 1173 Thelwall, mrs., 251 Ambrose, 1166 lady Elizabeth, 1044 John, 61 Richard, 1166 Simon, 251 Themylthorpe, Thomas, 197 Thenitus ) Thenittes { mrs., 251 Thenitts ) Grissell, 251 Henry, 251 Theobald, Thomas, 1269 Theoder, Griiiffeth ap, 1034 Theophilus, Constantine, 42 Therold, lady, 386 sir John, 386 Theselwood, Robert, 175 Theteher see Thatcher Thewar, John, 76 Thewe, WilUam, 776 Thicknes, Raphe, 584 Richard, 47 Thirstone see Thurston Tholes, PhilUppe, 430 Thomas see also Toms Agnes, 571 Alice, 237, 571 Anthony, 1024 Catherine, 229 Chrispen, 229 Christopher, 661 Edith, 229 Edmund, 386 Edward, 146, 535, 862, 1133 Edward ap, 1034 Edward William, 179 EUzabeth, 571 Ellen, 803 Ellen verch, 179 £1118, 629 Fulk ap, 1166 Gayner uz, 47, 803 Godlie, 629 Griffith, 1118 Gwenuz, 1191 Gwenllian, 261 656 INDEX OF PERSONS. Harry, 611 Henry John, 470 Hugh, 222 James, 970 Jane uz, 862, 1191 Jenkin, 1064 Jevau, 901 Joanne, 1087 Johane, 611 John, 92, 792, 803, 818, 862, 1118 John Llewellin Howell, 179 Jonas, 862 Katherine, 1118 Lewis, 1118 Leysem, 611 Lowrie uz, 803 Lucas, 611, 818 Margaret, 229, 480, 571 Margaret Rice, 1118 Mary, 792, 1024 Meredith, 571 Meredith ap, 686 Richard, 179, 337, 366 ilobert, 47, 68, 1118 Robert ap, 47 Roger, 229 Roland, 110 Rowland, 191 Thomas ap, 38, 862, 1191 Trahearne, 179 Watkin Richard, 962 William, 61, 179, 571, 611, 845, 1051 William John, 470 "William Jones, 862 Thomas Grufflth, Harry, 1191 Thomas Hughe, Jolin, 703 Thomas John William Jones, 862 Thomas Madocke, John, 179 Thomas Morgan, John, 1230 Thomas Powell, Dassie, 1230 Margaret, 1230 Morgan William, 818 Richard, 818 William, 268 Thomas Frees, David, 611 Henry, 611 John, 611 Jonett, 611 Lewis David, 611 Leyson David, 911 Lucas David, 611 William, 1230 Thomas William, Morgan, 179 Thomasson see Thompson Thompkins see Tomkins Thompson Thomson Thomasson Tompson \ --, onq Tompsonne (77^'^^'^^^' Tompsen Uuce, 905 IZZIZ. )Allen,246 Anne, 253, 535, 1220 Anthony, 535 Catherine, 1005 Charles, 246 Christopher, 535, 589 Davy, 589 Dorothie, 619 Elianore, 1220 Elizabeth, 693, 888, 905, 1220 Ellen, 724 Francis, 183 Giles, dean of Windsor, 208 Henry, 724 James, 905 Jane, 182, 619 Joane, 182 Johane, 1117 John, 310, 583, 619, 973, 1190 sir John, 619 Josane, 693 Judith, 566 Katherine, 94, 182 Lettice, 246 Maudlyn, 297 Margaret, 310, 905 Mary, 94 Mathew, 246 Nicholas, 94, 905 Oliver, 222 Philip, 246 Richard, 1172 Robert, 619, 829, 888, 889, 905 Roger, 182 Susan, 310, 619 Thomas, 6, 348, 693, 905, 1330 Walter, 1220 William, 297, 565, 761, 1125 Thoms see Toms Thomson see Thompson ^SXe} Henry, 728 Jane, 738 Thoris, Raphael, 919 Thornback 1 Thornbacke > Joane, 684 Thurnbacke ) Thomas, 684 William, 684 Thornborowe, Mawde, 749 Thorndicke, Paul, 624 Thorn e Thornes -,852 John, 92 Joane, 500 Richard, 1034 Thome, Smith als. Thomas, 291 Thornebury, , 40 mr., 62 Thornehill see Thornhill Thornehurst, Barbara, 692 Dorothie, 692 Gifford, 692 sir Stephen, 692 Thomas, 692 Thornes see Thome Thometon see Thornton Thornhill ) Anne 4G Thornehill f A""®' *^ Edward, 46 Helen, 46 Katherine, 46 Michael, 608 Priscilla, 46 Richard, 46 Thornton ) p.^ Thorneton ) ' "*" mrs.. 884 Dorothie, 643 John, 784 L,eonard, 333 Robert, 435 Suzan, 332 Thomas, 784 Thoroughgood i Thorowgood > , 13 Thurgood ) mr.j 626 Andrew, 13 Elizabeth, 13, 223, 1222 George, 13,223 Helen, 13, 626 John, 13, 1242 Katherine, 1398 Margaret, 13 Mark, 13 Mary, 13 Thomas, 13, 626 William, 13, 1021 ?l.^L^^l}«-g«.194 Henry, 1333 John, 1310 Marie, 1310 Mary, 926, 1211 William, 926 Thrale, Thomas, 1167 Threesher, Robert, 602 Thrifte, John, 253 Throckmorton 1 oip^^n*. 710 Tbrogmorton { ^iemeni, 710 George, 1290 sir William, 496 Thurby, Peter, 997 Thurgood see Thoroughgood Thurlebye, Robert, 1244 Thurlyn, William, 657 Thurnbacke see Thornback Thurssell, Thomas, 77 Thurston ) Thurstone [ , 1257 Thirstone ) Agnes, 447 Anna, 1257 Edmmid, 1257 James, 272 Jane, 1257 John, 447, 778 Joseph, 1257 Stephen, 1257 Thomas, 447, 1257 Tyls I Robert, 559 William, 559 Tibbie, Anne, 1207 ?;°ce|— '36 Christopher, 292 Tichborne "I Tychborne i !?.„„„!. 37 Titchbourne f john 217 Titchburne J '^°^°' ^" lady Mary, 45 Richard, 224 sir Walter, 45, 490 Tickell, Robert, 942 Tid ) Tydd JAnnis,947 Tydde ) Daniel, 722 George, 453 James, 947 Margery, 947 Michael, 947 Richard, 947 Samuel, 722 Tidder, John ap Price ap, 1166 Ties, William, 1316 Tiffield, Jane, 397 Phillippe, 397 Titfyn, Richard, 385 Tiggins, Richard, 1356 Tilden, Anne, 381 Joseph, 381 Tyf "l^'^t^^-y-^^a - Whetenhall, 360 Tillesley, Richard, 946 Tillett, William, 91 Tmy^l Anthony, 356 Hugh, 649 John, 356 Katherine, 1258 INDEX OF PERSONS. 557 Tilliard 1 john l« Tylleard ] ^®'^"' ^^^ Tllliott, , 998 Tillye see Tilley Tilson, John, 473 Thomas, 473 Tilten, John, 1287 Time ) Tyme > John, 237 Tymme ) Robert, 473 Tinckler see Tinkler Tindall Tyndall Anne, 1103 Arthur, 1102 Deane, 1102 Francis, 1102 John, 1102 sir John, 768 Margaret, 1102 ™ke'r}G««>^g«' 583. 1245 George, 820 Joan, 820 John, 820 Richard, 820 Tippet, Jane, 1140 Perran, 1140 Tipping, Margery, 60 TIrrell ^ Terrfn |- Anne, 1043 ?Jr"ellJ^""i«'593 Bridget, 362 . Charles, 363 sir Edward, 362 Elizabeth, 1C43 Jane, 362 John, 1043 Mary, 362 Moses, 1043 Penelope, 362 Richard, 593, 1043 Robert, 362 Thomas, 362, 1043 Tymothy, 362 William, 513, 1043 Titchbourne ) Tichhornft Titchburne J *^^ J-icnDorne Tite 1 241 Tyte \ > ^^ Alice, 271 Gartrude, 271 Robert?, 241 Titmarsh, Ambrose, 1237 Todd see also Dodd Barbara, 753 John, 262 Nicholas, 245 Robert, 947 William, 174 Tofte^"^«'20 Avis, 888 Michael, 888 Robert, 20, 831 Toghill, Robert, 883 Toldervey, Walter, 1312 Toller, mrs. 138 Arrian, 1027 Edmund, 1027 John, 37 Thomas, 1350 William, 1350 5roiy|^}«eeateoTullye mr., 181 Edward, 1271 Errett, 1271 Hugh, 1271 James, 1271 John, 10, 1271 Margaret, 1271 Peter, 1271 Richard, 10 Robert, 10 Stephen, 1371 Thomas, 1271 ?Zesl-«Toms ?rSnsM«^.»37 Nicholas, 454 Thomas, 707 Zacharye, 1137 Tomlinson ) „_ 9-7 Tomlynson |™r->^'T Abraham, 551 Christian, 551 Dorothy, 517 Henry, 43 Hugh, 826 John, 194, 514, 551, 1366 Katherine, 298 Richard, 517 Thomas, 551 William, 194 Winif rid, 551 Tompsen ) Tompson > see Thompson Tompsonne ) Toms 1 TomP« >see also Thom&B thorns J Cl^^'^l««' 268 Edward, 186 Elizabeth, 186 George, 186 Giles, 186 Joane, 186 John, 519 Margaret, 186 Robert, 186 Thomas, 186, 477 William, 186 ToSsons}-- Thompson Tonckinge ) Toncken [ Alice, 124 Tancken ) Anne, 120 Mary, 124 Petronell, 124 Philipp, 124 Salomon, 124 Sisley, 124 Thomas, 120 Vincent, 124 Toniton, Richard, 797 Tony, Anne, 1127 Toogood, mr., 269 Thomazine, 329 Tooke ) Tookie > Henry, 1125 Tookes) John, 305,542 Katherine, 1125 Thomas, 1125 Tooker, Emma, 421 John, 421 Joseph, 421 Mathew, 421 ?rk?l}-«Tooke Toole, Edward, 798 TooSl Edward, 797 Richard, 30 Toone, Robert, 1165 Toose see Towse Toovey, George, 205 Tophill, Edith, 751 Toplitfe, John, 1326 Topp, mr., 1216 John, 882 Thomas, 1346 Topsell, , 1158 Joane, 1158 Torchy, John, 397 Mary, 397 Torington, William, 1128 Torlys als. Bucher Richard, 209 Tory, George, 1091 Tothill ) Totthill [ Robert. 59 Tottell )Sibill, 479 Thomas, 479 William, 30, 1281 Totten, mr,, 347 Totthill see Tothill Tottie, Edward, 4 Tottonn, John, 92 ^ouZn'l-^Townsend Tourney, Anne, 46 Anthony, 46 Duglas, 46 Edward, 46 Elizabeth, 46 Honor, 46 Isabel, 46 John, 46 Katherine, 46 William. 46 Towers, Elizabeth, 48 George, 433 Samuel, 48 Thomas, 461 Towills, Anne, 98 Towler, John, 601 Mary, 601 Townerowe ) _ ,n«Q Townerawe \ ™'^-' ^'^ Henry, 452 Townsend "1 Townesend i Towneshend ) , 141 Tounsend I Bersheba, 771 Tounson J Elizabeth, 608 Margaret, 608 Mark, 233 Mary, 213, 608 Robert, 233, 684 Thomas, 608 William, 233, 638 Townsend, Shepparde als. John, 1139 Towrsou, William, 575 Alice, 11 Edward, 1088 Elizabeth, 11, 825 Gertrude, 1088 Hugh, 11 John, 11 Joyce, 825 Katherine, 1088 Margery, 825 Nicholas, 11, 825 Richard, 825 Salomon, 825 William, 11, 1190 Towte, John. 270 Towthbye, Richard, 196 • Tracelove, Thomas, 605 558 INDEX OF PERSONS. Trapnell, Agnes, 999 Auna, 999 Dorothy, 999 Joan, 999 John, 999 Susan, 999 Thomas, 999 Timothy, 999 Henry, 420 Joane, 513 Robert, 420 Trappinge, Griffith, 364 Trapps see Trappe Tratman, John, 279 Margaret, 279 Margery, 279 William, 279 Traughton, Susan, 842 Travichin, Katherine, 393 Travis, EdAvard, 635 Trealaine, Elizabeth, 284 Treavor see TreTor Tredinnicke, , 703 Tredwaye. William, 623 Tremell, Henry, 1141 Trencharde, sir George, 463 sir Thomas, 496 Trende, Daniel, 850 Trender, Jo., 731 Trendle, Richard, 242 Trescott, Robert, 915 Tresham, sir Thomas, 1117 Tresse, George, 48 Trevillian, John, 1142 Trevivern, John, 120 ?rllvor)jol^.l034 sir Richard, 806 Theodore, 1034 sir Thomas, 410 Trewe, George, 8C1 Tridles, Thomas, 575 Triflnes, , 262 Trigges, John, 1285 Trill, William, 786 Trimelet, John, 807 Triuckell, Joane, 1314 Edward, 889 Elizabeth, 889 Goddard, 889 Henry, 889 Martin, 889 Thomas, 889 William, 889 Triiirr^"*! Adam, 623 Mary, 623 Robert, 995 Susan, 623 Thomas, 623 Tritton, Richard, 278 Trosse, John, 500 Trott I „^1^ arms, 688 mr., 587 Anne, 505 Christian, 505 Henry, 605 Joane, 505 John, 505 Martin, 688 sir Nicholas, 259 Phillipp, 688 Kobert, 505 William, 688 Troud, Thomas, 13 Tro^e!A«^5"««'1297 George, 583 Richard, 21, 1357 Trowbridge, Alice, 516 Dorothy, 516 John, 516 Thomas, 516 Trowe, Thomas, 1179 Trowte see Troute Trubb, Elizabeth, 996 Joan, 996 John, 996 Mary, 996 Roger, 996 William, 996 Truckwell, John, 289 Truman, Thomas, 247 Trunlye, Robert, 620 Truslowe, John 82 Margery, 82 Richard, 82 William, 88 Trye, William, 362 Trymnell, Alcice, 578 Anne, 578 Elizabeth, 578 John, 578 Marie, 578 Richard, 578 Tryvett, Christian, 127 John, 127 Tubman, Martha, 1067 Samuel, 1067 Tucke, Thomas, 285 Tucker, goodwife, 1366 Alice, 138 Christopher, 138 Dorothie, 1353 Edith, 1353 Edward, 1098 Elnor, 440 Henry, 1353 James, 440 Jaue, 1240 Joane, 528 John, 370, 503, 1098, 1363 Mary, 138 Peter, 370 Phillipp, 1098 Richard, 520 Kobert, 979, 1308, 1363 Thomas, 1091 Walter, 440 William, 528 Tucker, Caplyn als, John, 97 Tuckey see also Tuggy Ellas, 129 Robert, 1009 Tuckwell see also Tugwell Elizabeth, 538 Tuder, Griffith ap, 1034 Tudman, Nicholas, 840 Tuer, Joane, 1160 John, 1160 Tuftian see also Tustian Martyn, 1253 Tuggy see also Tuckey Richard, 1009 Robert, 1009 Tugwell see also Tuck-well Humfrey, 1020 Tuke, Brian, 264 George, 264 Tulke, Edmund, 1194 Henry, 1194 Jane, 1194 Tull, William, 247 TuUye see also ToUey Thomas, 812 Tunstall, mr., 776 James, 968 Robert, 908 William, 968 Turbervile, George, 1337 ISrt}«-rge,1310 William, 1310 Turfett, Francis, 1069 John, 1195 Turnam, Elizabeth, 1079 John, 1079 Richard, 1079 Turn bull, mr., 753 George, 753 Turnell, John, 1255 ^^x'n^of} .130.1197 mr., 1 Andrew, 142, 1169 Barbara, 185 Deborah, 127 Dorothy, 72 Edith, 223 Edward, 1064 Elizabeth, 671, 1322 Frances, 441, 728 George, 139, 436 Henry, 30, 127 Isabell, 1322 Jacomyn, 1322 James, 223, 886 Janakeu, 1322 Jane, 671 January, 1323 Joane, 1322 John, 72, 127, 145, 185, 266, 373, 071, 1062, 1243, 1261, 1322 Katherine, 205 Margaret, 185, 823 Mary, 72, 127 Mathew, 1322, 1354 Maurlinges, 745 Michael, 205 Millicent, 853 Raphe, 1322 Richard, 72, 229, 441, 836, 859, 1209 Robert, 671, 1197 Roger, 853, 1021, 1322 Thomas, 78, 1156, 1322 Walter, 127 William, 37, 127, 185, 823, 242, 671, 853, 1322 ?:j?s^^rnn«-i^-'^.594 William, 446 Tumor see Turner Turpin, Anne, 1136 Degorye, 1136 Henry, 1209 John, 797 Joseph, 566 Robert, 875 Turton, William, 258 Turvey, Joane, 548 Raphael, 548 Turvile ) , -ot TurviUl'"'^-^^ Edward, 19 Henry, 19 Hugh, 19 Jane, 19 Margaret, 19 Robert, 27 INDEX OP PERSONS. 559 William, 19 Tult"n"|««^«'««Tuftian Baptist, 845 Martyn, 1253 Tutchin, Sara, 290 Tutt, Tliomas, 1222 Twe, Richard, 978 Twelves, Edward, 1208 Twigden, William, 1210 Twimblowe, Mary, 860 Thomas, 860 Twisden, Barbara, 238 Frances, 238 Thomas, 238 Twisell, William, 1304 Twycrosse, Richard, 1110 Twygg, John, 1291 Twyne, , 527 Marv, 527 Richard, 527 Twys, Henry, 316 Tyas see Tias Tybbes. John, 1143 Tyce see Tice Tychborne see Tichborne Tydcombe, Michael, 550 Tydd UeeTid Tydde ) *®^ ^^"^ Tye, Walter, 681 Tyehurst, Return, 176 Tyhurst. Robert, 1184 Tyler, Agnes, 1294 Anthony, 1294 Bridget, 1294 Deyns, 230 Dr'ewe, 1294 Elizabeth, 1294 Francis, 1294 George, 205 Joan, 230 John, 279, 601, 1131,1294 Julian, 1294 Margaret, 279 Richard, 1294 Robert, 230 Tylleard see Tilliard Tvller als. Wiltone Thomas, 592 Tylman see Tilghman Tylney, Elizabeth, 1123 Frederick, 1123 Phillipp, 1123 Thomas, 1123 &e!-'ri-« Tymperley, Anne, 696 Roger, 696 Tyndall see Tindall Tynker see Tinker Tynte, E., 24 Tyrrell see Tirrell Tyrrey, Phillip, 762 Tyrwhitt, sir Edward, 627 Marmaduke, 627 sir Philip, 627 Tyson, Martha, 1032 Tyte see Tite Tyther, Alice, 211 Anne, 211 Edward, 1031 Elizabeth, 211 Joane, 211 John, 211 Mary, 211 Rowland, 211 Sara, 211 Thomas, 211 Underberrye, George, 1216 John, 1051 Josias, 1051 Richard, 234 Samuel, 224 Thomas, 243 Underwood, mrs., 336 Edward, 1349 Hugh, 819 Undrell see Underbill Unnion, Joyce, 1099 Upcott, William, 503 Uphill, Edith, 653 Upplebye ) Upplebie J see also Applebye Uppulbie ) John, 889 Robert, 888 William, 889 Upton, Anthony, 98 Elizabeth, 913 John, 39, 457 Urrie see also Hurry Jane, 20, 831 Mary, 20 Thomas, 20, 831 William, 20 Urton als. Stephen ) Urton als. Stephens > Urton als. Steven ) Anthony, 139 Edward, 139 Elizabeth, 139 George, 139 John, 139 Margaret, 139 Kris (Kicliard, 1285 Thomas, 1285 Usher, Anne, 1326 Elizabeth, 1326 Fayth, 1326 John, 1326 Robert, 1326 Thomas, 1326 Uttinge, Joseph, 521 Vahan see Vaughan Valentine ) g . ^qqq Valentyne I ""="J'' '■"'"' Henry, 448 Mary, 40 Mathias, 1099 William, 448 VanyslHumfrey,833 John, 861 Van, John, 1078 Van Atker see Atker Van Damme see Damme Van den Caestele I see Van den Casteele ) Casteele Van den Velden see Velden Van der Crusen see Crusen Van Ee see Ee Van Peeuen see Peeuen Van Roo, Isaac, 295 Vane see also Fane sir Harry, 37 Varder, Alice, 1060 Varnalls, Richard, 922 Varnham see Farnham Varwill, Susan, 1358 Vassall ) ,no- Vassell I '^'^ Samuel, 921 Vasse, Daniel, 111 -,1064 Vassell see Vassall Vaston, William, 676 Vate, mr., 6C1 Vauge, Alice, 580 Jane, 580 John, 680 Rebecca, 580 Vaughan ) Vahan j mr., 076 Andrew, 1336 Anne, 556 Cicell, 863 Edmund, 480 £dward, 372, 655 Elizabeth, 998 Fraunces, 792 Garnous, 1339 Grace, 655 Henry, 556 Humfrey, 47 James, 901 John, 574, 743, 806 sir John, 998 Magdalen, 1339 Margaret, 655 Owen, 47 Richard, 998 Roger, 556, 792 Rowland, 574 Thomas, 364, 555, 1177 William, 480 Vawse}^"''*^**^'!^" Ruth, 1217 William, 254 Vavasor I »„„ iiKr Vavasour ] ^"°' "^^ Charles, 1155 sir Charles, 1156 Edward, 1155 John, 688 Mary, 1155 sir Thomas, 1165 William, 1155 Vawer, Anne, 1366 James, 1366 Jenkin, 1366 Joane, 1366 John, 1366 Margaret, 1366 Mary, 1366 Thomas, 13C6 WUUam, 1366 Vawse see Vause Vawter, John, 1308 Vtlel^^i«'"43 John, 1143 Robert, 1143 Thomas, 1143 William, 1143 Vayter, mr., 1222 Veale, John, 1146 Vearen, Phillip, 813 Velden, Gyles van den, 1338 Velvick, Bridget, 393 Ven see Venn Venables, John, 806 Thomas, 314 Venice, duke of, 292 Venn ) Ven { see also Fenn Venne ) , 257 John, 433 Richard, 113, 257, 960 William, 502 Vennor see also Fenner William, 329 560 INDEX OF PERSONS. Tenston, Alice, 704 Anastacie, 704 John, 704 Koger, 704 Robert, 704 Thomas, 704 Venton, Robert, 565 Ver Cleef , John Adrianson, 961 Verey see Verrey Vergin, Eales, 1058 Eamlln, 1058 Elizabeth, 1058 Hugh, 1058 Verman, Elizabeth, 414 Robert, 414 Verney, Robert, 141 Vernon ), . ,,., Vernam J ^^^^' ^^*^ mr., 372 Edward, 332 Thomas, 306 Vero, Anne, 46 ?^re7} Agnes, 129 John, 129 Verroll, John, 393 Verulam, lord see Francis Bacon VeTs^y} Edward, 711 Walter, 329 Vicares ) Vicars { see Vickers Viccars ) Vice, Thomas, 10G6 Vickers "^ Vicars I ^r g59 ?lcca%sjE"-^eth,1340 James, 1282 John, 1340 Katheriue, 1340 Mary, 1340 Richard, 1340 Roger, 130 Vi?sTnf}ci^'^""«-«56 John, 34, 656 Katharine, 445 Margery. C56 Robert, 632 8imon, 656 Thomas, 656 Hester, 1008 Jone, 1008 Robert, 1008 Suzan, 1008 Walter, 1285 Vinior, Edward, 16 Vinsentsee Vincent Vinter, John, 909 Vinton, Elizabeth, 223 Thomas, 223 Vissicke, Thomas, 1223 Viulan see Vivian Vival^^^l^g--'^^^ Jane, 989 Mary, 989 William, 405, 980 Vivian ) Viulan } lady, 138 Vivyan ) sir Francis, 138, 1240 lady Lowday, 1240 Richard, 138 Vixe, John, 1300 Vizer ) Vizar [ Arthur, 482, 1081, 1359 Vyzer ) John, 247, 482, 636 Mary, 536 Voke, John, 114 Vowelles ) Vowell { see also Bowell Wouells ) mrs., 173 John, 173, 414 William, 477 Voysey, , 913 Thomas, 413 Vrye see also Fry Mary, 627 Thomas, 627 Vye, Anthony, 861 Vyne, Edward, 106 Hester, 106 Richard, 106 Vyney see Viney Vynteuer, Henry, 754 Vyzer see Vizer Wace ) Wase > Eleanor, 1010 Wasse ) Elizabeth, 167 Jasper, 1355 ^Leonard, 1355 Margery, 1355 Richard, 944 Robert, 1017 William, 94 Waddingham, William, 797 Waddon, Alice, 1113 Ann, 1113 Elizabeth, 1113 James, 1113 Joane, 1113 John, 1113 Katharine, 1113 Margaret, 1113 Mary, 1113 Peter, 775, 1113 Prudence, 1113 Thomas, 1113 Waddow, Peter, 775 Wade see also Oade , 52, 1035 mr., 986 Andrew, 691 Benjamin, 776 Johana, 691 Joseph, 691 Marie, 691 jMary, 691 Nathaniel, 691 Randall, 884 Robert, 776, 1035 Thomas, 29 Timothy, 691 William, 1035, 1139 Wademan, Edward, 655 Wadham, Alice, 1381 Edward, 1321 Mary, 1052 Thomas, 1052 Waalowe, Margaret, 1037 Symon, 1037 Waferer, Thomas, 227 Waford, Thomas, 154 Thoniasine, 1257 Wagg, William, 786 Wagstatfe, Elizabeth, 277, 1287 Timothy, 277 Wainman, Thomas, 889 Wainsford, Alice, 1183 Christopher, 1183 Wake, Mary, 742 Mathew, 742 Wakefeild ) t„i iioc Wakefeilda } J^^"' ^^^ Mary, 1324 Wakeham, John, 913 Thomas, 457 Wakeley, Bockett als. Elizabeth, 54 John, 54 Wakelyn, John, 108, 1071 Wakeman, Edward, 336, 462 John, 336 Katherine, 204 Waker see Walker Wakerell, William, 439 WalcotU^---^'^221 Elizabeth, 034 Henry, 658 Waldegrave 1 oharlea 478 Walgrava | diaries, 4i» Henry, 1 Walden, James, 498 Walderne, George, 1032 Waldoe, , 52 Alice, 53 John, 52 Margery, 52 Rebecca, 52 Waldron, mr., 28, 1008 John, 1359 Wale, Elizabeth, 710 Katharine, 710 Nicholas, 1287 Richard, 269 Kobert, 710 Sara, 1000 Thomas. 1000 Walford, Elizabeth, 130 Johane, 130 Richard, 130 Roger, 130 Thomas, 1285 William, 130 Walgrava see Waldegrave W^alker ) Waulker [ Adrian, 917 Waker ) Alexander, 54 Alice, 348 Angela, 1246 Anne, 150, 367 Cha.,918 Clem., 559 Ed., 703 Edward, 247, 703, 1246 Elizabeth, 828, 918 Francis, 221, 373 George, 1317 Hellen, 54 Henry, 141, 284, 910, 1056 Isabell, 247 James, 373 Jane, 373 Joan, 373 Johane, 828 John, 780, 828, 1297 Joseph, 626 Laurence, 373 Margaret, 54 Margery, 1246 Mary, 367, 373, 916 Mathew, 46, 201, 917 Nicholas, 54 Phillipp, 828, 1028 Richard, 215, 1102 Robert, 365, 882, 1080, 1197 Rose, 1197 Suzanne, 1321 Thomas, 247, 367, 911 INDEX OF PEESONS. 661 William, 247, 367, 373, 411, 769, 981 Walkington, doctor, 884 Walkwood, Toby, 1353 Wall, Francis, 1024 George, 235 John, 1278 Kicliard, 235 Thomas, 40. 235, 1104 William, 40, 960, 1104 Waller, Abigail, 859 ■ Ed., 1121 Samuel, 859 Walles see AVallis Wallett, Agnes, 150 John, 150 Joseph, 150 Lidia, 150 Susan, 150 Walley, Alice, 1 Joaiie, 443 Suzanne, 443 Thomas, 1 William, 443 Walling, Phates, 95 Wall is ■] Wallys I 284 Walles fAnue 173 WallisheJ ■*-^"®' ^^^ Elizabeth, 744 Henry, 755, 1337 Humphrey, 173 Isabell, 654 John, 1219 Nicholas, 39 Philippe, 1138 Robert, 185, 926, 1337 Ry., 344 Stephen, 173 Thomas, 39, 173, 1219 Ursula, 120 William, 654 Wallon als. Bishopp John, 661 Wallopp, H.,1096 sir Henry, 1096 Wallsham ) *„„„ qa, Walsam J Anne, 901 Renold, 589 Thomas, 589 Walter, 901 Wallys see Wallis Walrond, Agnes, 1189 Alexander Oliver, 1189 Edward, 1059 Joan, 1189 John, 1189 Oliver, 1189 Osmond, 483, 999 Walsam see Wallsham Walsh see also Welch ,1133 Anne, 1133 £dlth, 440 Elnor, 440 Hugh, 440 Nicholas, 440 Thomas, 1133 William, 440 Walsted see Welsteed Walter, , 1311 Catherine, 1311 Eleanor, 673 Elizabeth, 353 John, 337. 1285 sir John, 424 Margerie, 698 Marie, C98 Richard, 673, 1254 Roger, 723 William, 655, 723 William Bevan, 862 Walthall, Luke, 397 Mary, 397 William, 397 Waltham, , 875 Adrian, 59 David, 1056 Elizabeth, 1056 Geoffrey, 911 John, 776 Margaret, 1056 W^illiam, 1056 Walthewe, Robert, 178 W^alton, Charles, 1339 Frauncis, 543 Henry, 1244 Joan, 1000 John, 1110 Lewis, 543 Mary, 1110 Samuel, 1244 Susan, 1244 Thomas, 551, 596, 1011 William, 428 Walwyn, James, 266 Katherine, 266 Wamsley, William, 1074 Wandell, Henry, 1010 Margery, 1010 Richard, 1010 Robert, 1010 Thomas, 1010 Warburton, John, 937 Lawrence, 1287 Mawdlyn, 1287 Ward I „„ oQ, Alice, 149 Anne, 235 Anthony, 895 Austen, 1090 Christopher, 252 Cicely, 895 Dionis, 830 Dorothy, 582, 1180 Edith, 252 Edward, 979 Elizabeth, 967, 1007, 1180, 1210 Ellis, 608 Francis, 40 George, 895 Gilbert, 614 Hanna, 967 Henry, 1285 Hugh, 1332 James, 1007 Johane, 895 John, 160, 167, 582, 1007, 1180 Katherine, 895 Leonard, 1006 Margaret, 895, 1006 Mathew. 830 Raphe, 1000, 1069 Richard, 1180, 1212 Robert, 1244 Samuel, 776 Thomas, 782, 895, 946 William, 1185 Wardall, John, 909, 1171 William, 909 W^arde see Ward Warden, Mary, 988 Nicholas, 138 Wardley, Richard, 316 Wardner, , 986 John, 986 William, 986 Wardour, Barbara, 1027 Nicholas, 1027 "Ware ) Weare ) ^^'^ ^^^'^ Llaware Anne, 136G Arthur, 557 Edward, 1285 Richard, 1336 Wareynh«^Wa"«^ WarSe^}^g--.«5 Anne, 415 Elizabeth, 415 Grace, 415 John, 415 Mary, 415 Richard, 415 Roger, 415 Susan, 415 Thomas, 415, 996 William, 1139 Warford, Thomas, 479, 1139 Warham, Agnes, 1362 William, 1362 John, 110 Warland ) *i:„„ 079 Warlande ] ^"<'®' ^^^ Isabell, 379 Joane, 379 W^illiam, 379 Warley, Mary, 618 Warman, Dorothy, 286 Elizabeth, 286 Joane, 286 Mary, 286 Thomas, 286 Warme see Worme ^Sfr^l William. 221, 3^ Warne, William, 1105 Warnor \ ' *^ mr., 173 Alice, 687 Anne, 162, 687 Edward, 162, 962 Elizabeth, 76, 134 Frauncis, 1115 George, 254, 615 Hierome, 1115 Izard, 687 Jane, 687 Joane, 687, 1115 John, 687, 1217 Richard, 998 Silvester, 254 Thomasine, 687 William, 1111 Warnsley, mr., 302 mrreh^««'««Wawe Joan, 338 Richard, 338 Thomas, 657, 703 Warren^ WaTen" h^r- ^S'^^' ^^^^ Wareyn J^g«««.370 Alice, 513, 1060 Ann, 899 Charles, 158, 560 Christopher, 206, 521 Clemence, 899 Edward, 194, 239, 521 Elizabeth, 243 Ellen, 521 562 INDEX OF PERSONS. George, 3 Giles, 835 Hugh, 370 Jane, 835 John, 2t, 327, 521, 653, 751, 835, 899, 1296 Katherlne, 521 Margaret, 521, 899, 1133 Mary, 899 Matthew, 194 Prudence, 521 Richard, 152, 521, 827 Robert, 899 Roger, 899 Thomas, 1 William, 194, 521 Warrener, , 46 Warring see Warringe Warry, John, 440 Richard, 440 Warter, Roger, 723 Wartley see Wortley Warton, John, 1000 Warwick, earl of, see Robert, lord Rich Waryn see Warren Wasseh^^Wace Washborne, Annes, 775 Washcombe, Thomas, 892 Washer ) „„„ Wassher } ' ^^ John, 389 Washington, , 846 Jjaw^rence, 18 Mary, 18 Robert, 18 Wassher see Washer Wast, William, 94 Wastall, Gartrude, 927 Waterhouse, Dorothie, 474 John, 474 Luke, 474 Stephen, 474 Waterman, John, 563, 777 Watte" K"««. 907 Edward, 16 Hugh, 1295 Richard, 1119 Robert, 1295 Thomas, 24, 366, 1295 William, 662 Waterson, Simon, 121 Watford, Robert, 1168 Watkeis see Watkys Watkin ^ Watkins j Wat& [ see also Gvr&mn Watkyiis doctor, 412 Watltine ,f,'™ WatkingesJ ™'^-' ^"'^ Alice, 675 Anne, 1360 David, 135 Edward, 125, 675, 703 Elizabeth, 675 George, 125 Henry, 412, 862 Isabell, 715 John, 241, 675, 703, 715, 928, 1360 Lucie, 792 Mary, 862 Nathaniel. 676, 1230 Philip, 611 Richard, 1360 Robert, 675 Roger, 792 Thomas, 318 William, 675. 862, 1118 Watkin Parrye, William, 1239 Watkinson, Edward, 647 Henry, 842 Richard, 1089 ^a1&}- Watkin ^Kstjo^n.557 Thomas, 1285 Watson, , 347, 1133 mr., 255, 684 Agnes, 568 AUce, 302, 824, 936 Anne,4, 881, 1014, 1211 Anthony, 1211 Dorothie, 824 Edward, 1003 Elizabeth, 302 Francis, 1168 Jane, 1088 Joan, 1208 John, 262 Katherine, 1088 sir Lewis, 1003 Mary, 302, 936 Richard, 568 Tabitha, 302, 936 Thomas, 769, 1008 William, 824, 1281 Watston, mr., 284 Wattam, Michael, 907 Watte see Watts Watters see Waters Watts ^ Wattes V— -.653,751,752 WottesJ ™'^-' 960 Alice, 760 Anne, 1091 Arthur, 1091 Edmund, 1091, 1366 Edward, 1091 Erasmus, 1091 Hugh, 1210 Israeli, 653, 751 Joane, 1091 Johane, 1353 John, 347, 760, 1024, 1091, 1353 Martha, 1353 Richard, 1091 Samuel, 1091 Thomas, 481,752, 770 William, 30, 1091. 1348 Waucklen, Walter, 676 Waulker see Walker Waulser, David, 251 Waumer, Thomas, 322 Waunderton, William, 1336 Wavell, Edmund, 1152 Wawe see also Warr ,52 Waye, Humfry, 1306 ^eYm^rh*N^"<^««*'13«3 Edward, 1303 Elizabeth, 1303 Joane, 1303 John, 468, 1060, 1303 Mary, 1303 Mary an, 1303 Richard, 1303 Thomas, 1060, 1303 Thomasine, 1303 William, 1303 Waynfleete, Samuel, 920 ^^J*® } Elizabeth, 526 Mary, 526 Thomas, 536, 972 Weadmore, Richard, 92 Weale, Alice, 194 Anne, 194 Arthur 131 Edward, 194 Elizabeth, 194 Frances, 194 Francis, 194 Humphrey, 194 Matthew, 194 W^IUiam, 194 Weamouth see Waymouth Weare see Ware Weathe see Wheath Weatherall, Thomas, 1263 Weatherhogge, William, 1175 Weaver, Edmund, 1037 Elizabeth, 1037 Gabriell, 1037 Joane, 561 Mary, 294 Richard, 37 Thomas, 1037, 1254 Weavin, Mary, 765 Robert, 765 Webb ) Webbe [ mrs., 336 Webe ) Agnes, 516, 613 Alexander, 12i97 Alice, 516, 613 Anne, 284, 540 Barbara, 690 Benedict, 516 Cicely, 540, 785 David, 671 Drew, 671 Elizabeth, 540, 613, 675, 1067, 1199 Francis, 254 George, 216 Henry, 1057 Hester, 496 Jane, 675 Joan, 540, 785 Johane, 613 John, 262, 283, 284, 327, 640, 675, 785, 860, 1057 Margaret, 1199 Marie, 690 Martha, 516 Mary, 277, 1057, 1289 Michael, 437 Nicholas, 1057 Richard, 262, 312, 482, 509, 1057 Robert, 172, 1199 Roger, 613 Sara, 1199 Thomas, 208, 453, 690, 1057 Ursula, 208 W^illiam, 284, 675, 1057 sir William, 223 Webber, Anne, 756 Elizabeth, 516 Webe see Webb Webley, Alice, 971 Mary, 971 Webster, Drue, 264 Elizabeth, 12 R., 1123 Robert, 1346 Roger, 139, 707 William, 888, 889 Weddell, John, 1229 Wedghed, Francis, 877 Weeche, John, 876 INDEX OF PERSONS. 563 Weed, Catherine, 1066 John, 1066 Weedon, Edward, 433 Weekes I ,„„ Weeke J™'^-""^ Abigail, 1099 Alexander, 861 John, 482, 736 Ralph, 253 Robert, 580 Thomas, 1353 William, 1085, 1252, 1353 Weeles see Wells Weeley, John, 983 Weery, Anne, 53 Elizabeth, 63 George, 53 John, 53 Robert, 53 Welborne, , 554 Welby, John, 1178 Welch ) Welche \ see also Walsh Welsh ) ,836 Agnes, 826 Elizabeth, 765, 1282 Henry, 826 Katherine, 998 Richard, 826 William, 485 Welcom, William, 888 WeMelj«««P^'"97 Richard, 1154 Robert, 1154 Weldon Welden wlldinee } ««« «'«° Wilding Whete(«i'^A"tl^«'»y.81 Whildon Elizabeth, 81, 874, 1074 Ellen, 81 Jane, 874, 1074 Mary, 81, 795 Raphe, 250 Thomas, 81 William, 315 Welham, John, 8 Weller, Bridget, 321 Cicilie, 321 Elizabeth, 321 Hugh, 321 Jane, 321 Joane, 321 John, 321 Mary, 321 Bichard, 321 Susan, 321 Thomas, 321 Welles see Wells Welley ) Welly ] — Dick, 400 Welllnger, Elizabeth, 297 Wellington, Mary, 1062 Wells ^ ^^^\^Lfc-."73,122»,1302 Wellis Jmrs.,960 Agnes, 1349 Anthony, 1178 Bartilmowe, 960 Ed., 1022 Edmund, 1202 George, 1246 Joane, 870 John, 1197 Levea, 633 -.978 Ralph, 363 Richard, 25 Robert, 416 Thomas, 177 William, 356, 1111 Wellsted see Welsteed Welly see Welley Welsh see Welch Elizabeth, 183 Jane, 706 Johane, 848 Richard, 848 Robert, 848 Welsteed 1 Welsteede 1 p ; g^^ Wellsted fTohn fun sfii Walsted j J^'*'^' ^' ^^ Mary, 840, 8G1, 1149 Kichard, 840, 1149 Robert, 106 Thomas, 810, 861, 1149 William, 861 Wendon, good wife, 148 Wenharn, Elizabeth, 1361 William, 1301 Wenlocke, Rees, 130 Weumouth, Raphe, 1272 Wentworth, lady, 177 lord, 177, 1133 lady Anne, 1 John, 1, 168 sir John, 1 Thomas, lord, 1133 Wescombe, Clement, 674 John, 1131 Wescott see Westcott mr., 1074 mrs., 27 Anthony, 760 Christian, 724 Edmund, 362 Edward, 191 Henry, 724 Hugh, 941 Jeane, 295 John, 36, 187, 740, 760, 774, 798, 914, 1173, 1289, 1298 Joseph, 760 Mary, 1235 Nathaniel, 660 Peereshall, 16 Phillipp, 760 Richard, 77 Thomas, 219, 242, 1046 Westall, John, 251 Westby, Richard, 562 Westcott ) Westcot } Charles, 1115 Wescott ) Elizabeth, 849 Jervase, 336 Johane, 849 Richard, 849 Robert, 986 Weste see West Westerbie, Robert, 1290 Westerne, , 688 wlsSl^i-t-. 433. 1304 Westlake, Alice, 22 Edmund, 22 Henry, 22 Joan, 22 John, 22 Nicholas, 22 Pascowe, 22 Susan, 22 Westland, Mildred, 742 Westly ) Westley [ Edward, 1235 Westlye ) Joan, 1235 John, 1235 Mary, 1235 Susan, 1235 Thomas, 396, 1235 William, 579, 1235 Westraerland, George, 1023 Weston, Agnes, 1248 Anne, 1248, 1257 Christian, 551 Edward, 616 Elizabeth, 792, 1257 Henry, 192, 616 Jane, 1248 Joan, 376, 390 Johan, 1248 John, 616 Margaret, 390, 1248 Margery, 1248 Phillip, 1248 Richard, 1286 Robert, 376 Bo^er, 1248 Sara, 616 SiblU, 616 Thomas, 376, 390, 593 Walter, 390 Will., 1068 William, 1248, 1292 Westroe, Thomas, 36 Westroppe, — —, 450 West wood, Christopher, 1244 Edward, 1244 Thomas, 1000 William, 851 Westwood als. Oldberye ) Westwood ate.Oldberrye j Edward, 1244 Elizabeth, 1244 John, 1244 Richard, 1244 Susanna, 1244 Thomas, 1244 Wethely, , 902 Weythe, John, 878 W^halley I aan Whale \ ' 89" Agnes, 622 Alice, 1291 Elizabeth, 622, 1291 Francis, 281 Isabell, 1291 John, 622, 1291 Jonas, G22 Margaret, 622 Mary, 622 Philemon, 622 Richard, 1291 Robert, 1291 Sara, 622 William, 1291 Wharton. Barbara, 1117 Jane, 692, 1072 Whatley I see also Whateley ) Wheatley John, 948 William, 641, 1070 Wheatebread, Osmonde, 588 Wheateley see Wheatley \Vheath ) W^heathe > Anne, 130 Weathe ) Elizabeth, 130 Johane, 130 Katherine, 130 Philipp, 130 564 INDEX OF PERSONS. 1145 Rosrer, 130 Thomas, 130 Wheatley "^ Whetley J ^^^•' ^^ Elizabeth, 410 Katherine, 410, 1141 Margaret, 921 Maud, 921 William, 121, 1024 ■Wheddon^ ^h^'ho^ k»°e. 1128 ^Yd^d^rjA"ewill.l228 Edith, 1128 Francis, 569 John, 54, 1128 Margaret, 569 Mary, 1128 Maryan, 1128 Oliver, 569 Richard, 1128 Kobert, 911 Rowland, 569 Susan, 1128 Thomas, 1128 Wheeler 1 Whaler ( ' Anne, 495 Bavid, 60 Edey, 815 Elizabeth, 495, 1233 Francis, 742 Margaret, 815 Margery, 815 Kicholas, 495 Phillippe, 436 Richard, 1094 Samuel, 815 Susan, 60 Temperance, 815 Thomas, 815 Walter, 510 William, 60 Wheelwright, John, 821 Wheldon see Weldon Wheler see Wheeler Whelpdale, , 909 Whelplye, William, 344 Whetcombe see Whitcombe Whetland, Finch, 678 Whetley see Wheatley Whetnall, lady, 1170 Whetstone ) ,<.„ Whetston \ '*^ Elizabeth, 78 James, 227 William, 442 Whicher, George, 692 Whicker, William, 334 Whight see White Whildon see Weldon Whippam, Giles, 1363 Margaret, 1030 Whiskyn, Robert, 451 ^ Whisterd> Katherine, 167 William, 167 Whistler, Lawrence, 1215 Whit see Whitt Whitaker ) Whitakers [ , 31 Whitacres ) Hugh, 308 James, 557 Whitall see Whittle W^itbye}^^^^'*'^^'^* John, 1304 Thomas, 651 "Whitcoate "1 Whitcot Lcharles Whitchcott ( iA 7Q1 ' Whitchcoate J '■*"*' '^^ Christopher, 791 Edward, 791 Elizabeth, 194, 791 Elmer, 723 sir Hammond, 1155 Jane, 723 Joane, 723 Josua, 446 Margaret, 723 Margery, 723 Whitcombe ) Whetcombe [ , 1251 Wittcombe ) Johan, 370 Robert, 654, 9G6 Whitcot see Whitcoate White ) Whitte ) see also Wight Whight ) , 177, 357, 992 arms, 1000 doctor, 960 mr., 552 Agnes, 979 Alice, 301 Amy, 177 Anne, 136, 304, 313, 1113 Anthony, 1000 Audrey, 315 Christian, 177 Christopher, 648 Daniel, 318 Edmund, 214, 313, 825 Edward, 177, 826 Elizabeth, 133, 564, 571, 892 Ellen, 930 Fleetwood, 177 Francis, 177 Helen, 648 Henry, 509 Isabell, 648 James, lOOO Jasper, 133 Jeffrey, 986 Joane, 1060 Johan, 1246 John, 177, 187, 214, 337, 660, 720, 1060, 1072, 1113, 1246, 1337 Margaret, 1037, 1060 Marv, 979, 1021, 1060 Mathew, 321, 468 Miles, 136 Peter, 177 Priscilla, 133 Richard, 177, 321, 1095 sir Richard, 564 Robert, 177, 217, 304, 351, 986 Samuel, 321 Thomas, 133, 269, 563, 568, 6(»8, 876 Thomazine, 1060 "Walter 477 William, 133, 515, 565, 608, 909, 968, 1037 White als. Coxe Edith, 1283 Whitefeilde see Whitfield Whitehead, mrs., 1063 Anne, 385 Giles, 281 Joan, 732, 912 John, 928 Thomas, 552 William, 285, 733, 913 Whitesides, , 888 Whitewood, John, 948 Whitfield ^ Whitfelld La„„^= ooo Whitefeilde \^i^l%^i Whitfeld j ^aieD, 793 Martha, 793 Phillippe, 503 Whitharte, Anthony, 240 James, 240 Whiting ) Whitinge \ doctor, 113, 1032, Whitinges ) 1133 John, 1133 Robert, 24, 630 Sarah, 1285 Whitlache, William, 818 Whitley, Mary, 76 Robert, 70 Whitlocke, Edmund, 1079, 1299 Whitman, Marie, 581 Whitmore ( t^^^o^j b Whittimerf^'i^^'^'i'6 Judith, 1048 Thomas, 1048 William, 834 Whitney, Estaunce, 556 Whitsone, John, 269 ™} Henry, 387 Richard, 1180 William, 32 Whitte see White Whittell see Whittle Whittimer see Whitmore Whittingham 1 ^ .^ „„_ Whitingham / ^^via, 7ua Thomas, 251, 584 Whittington, John, 359, 390 Katherine, 390, 1161 Thomas, 557 WiUiam, 888 Whittle ) Whittell \ Henry, 1095 Whitall ) Richard, 1310 William, 1174 Whittoke, Edmund, 1079 Whitton, Elizabeth, 1287 Whome, Humphrey, 686 ^Sr'^l- Hooper ^o^^ro'd") Alice, 618 Elizabeth, 1287 Gerard, 1133, 1287 Humfrey, 223 John, 1287 Maudlin, 1287 sir Thomas, 1133 Whynyates, Robert, 367 Wicherley, Daniel, 557 ^^^a^e?"! Edward, 1354 Elizabeth, 1354 Esther, 1354 John, 662, 1354 Mary, 1354 Robert, 1354 Thomas, 1354 William, 1354 wikeflA'^t^^^y.^SS Florence, 943 Richard, 943 Robert, 943 Thomas, 167 Wicltes, Atwick als. Judith, 943 INDEX OF PERSONS. 565 Obadiah 943 Sara 943 William, 943 Wickham, mr., 412 Elizabeth, 445 John, 230 Micheas, 445 Rebecca, 445 Richard, 562 Robert, 890 Sara, 445 William, 445 "Wickhens, John, 985 Joan, 224 John, 224, 1046 Thomas, 1294 ^Villlaiu, 224 Wicklow, baron of, see "Wil- liam Maynard "Wickson, Robert, 358 Widdows ^ Widdowes i Pfi„j._^ 557 Widdoes ^^iwara, 057 Widdous J George, 222 "William, 888 Wigearne, Fortune, 676 George, 676 Jane, 676 Johan, 676 John, 676 Mary, 676 Richard, 676 Tristram, 676 "Wigett, Thomas, 294 "Wigfall, George, 139, 1254 "Wiggans see "Wiggin "Wigge, John, 564 ^Sirs}E'i-- ^^ James, 366, 556 John, 4^ Rebecca, 445 Wildaye, Elizabeth, 52 Wilde ) Wildes [ , 7, 1170 Wylde ) lady Dorothy, 1094 Edmond, 1094 sir £dmond, 1094 George, 1094 Henry. 618 John, 146, 1094 Margaret, 1170 Mary, 7 Richard, 7 Susan, 7 Walter, 1094 Wilder, William, 376 Wildes see Wilde Wndln|eh^««'««W«l«i°'^ Clement, 50 Edward, 50 John, 50 Mary, 50 Zabulon, 577 Wildren, Thomas, 199 Wiles, Bridget, 626 Hellen, 626 John, G2e PhiUpp, 626 Richard, 626 Wilford, , 12 Anne, 12 Barbara, 12 Elizabeth, 12 Martha, 12 Mary, 12 Susan, 12 Susanna, 12 Thomas, 12 WilUam, 13 Wilgose, Martha, 417 William, 417 Wille see "Willy Wilkenson see Wilkinson Wilkes, Agnes, 1098 Anne, 964 Elizabeth, 1331 Francis, 522 Henry, 964 Jane, 964 Margaret, 964 Mary, 964 Raphe, 964 Ricbard, 964 Solomon, 983 Thomas, 1310 William, 520, 964, 1331 Wilkey, , 1090 wUk^'sf^^-'^^.'^^l Christopher, 992 Elizabeth, 64 Johane, 54 Mary, 64 Richard, 54 Robert, 54 Roger, 764 Wilkinson ) Wilkynson { , 396, 960 Wilkenson ) Agnes, 665 Anthony, 149, 797 Christopher, 521 George, 665 James, 369 Johanne, 57 Margaret, 642, 1310 Marie, 256 Rebecca, 642 Richard, 1357 Robert, 642, 647, 1180 Stephen, 1184 Thomas, 742 William, 642, 665, 960, 1310 Wilkyns see Wilkins Wilkynson see Wilkinson Wills } Hmnf rey, 127 Johane, 127 John, 1036 Peter, 694 Thomas, 745 William, 1358 Willard, Elizabeth, 1269 John, 1269 Willerton, John, 199 Willes see "Willis Margaret, 433 Wille" 1 Edward, 88, 1095 John, 1197 William 1 see also Williams f Gwillam mrs., 1069 Alice, 862 Alice uz, 61 Andrew, 399 Anne, 862, 1013, 1230, 1283 David, 44, 179 David ap, 47 Edward, 169, 1283 Eleanor, 893, 1147 Elizabeth, 172, 1147 Ellen uz, 61, 1191 Ellen uz David ap, 47 Fayth, 1164 Francis, 922 George, 1283 Henry, 172, 1147 Howell, 862 Hugh, 47 Humfrey, 922 James, 135, 973 Jane, 44, 362 611, 862 Jane verch John, 179 Janet uz, 1 191 Jenett, 862 Jenkin, 44, 179 Jevan, 268 Jevau ap, 261 Joan, 179, 323 Johan, 862 John, 44, 61, 152, 172, 179, 470, 862, 1283 John, dean of Salisbury, 937 John ap, 61 John ap Price ap, 571 Jones Thomas John, 862 Katherine, 1191 Katherine uz, 47 Leonard, 1147 Margaret, 44, 169, 1230, 1283 Margaret verch John, 179 Mary, 61, 152, 1230, 1283 Mary uz, 1191 Mary Rees, 1230 Maud, 862 Morgan Thomas, 179 Nicholas ap, 61 Philipp, 862 Rebecca, 290 566 INDEX OF PERSONS. B«es, 862 Reea ap, 1191 Richard, 172, 285, 922, 1013, 1283 Robert, 61, 172, 480,893, 1147 Robert ap John ap, 1191 Roger, 179 Samuel, 172 Sara. 1283 Simon, 44 Thomas. 47, 58. 723, 757, 922, 1013.1034,1191,1230,1283 Thomas David ap, 68 Thomas John, 862 Watkyn, 9C5 William. 44, 61, 79, 178, 843, 1251, 1283 William ap, 47, 1191 William Edmund, 179 William Harry. 818 William Bean, Thomas, 1230 William Bevan, Philip, 862 William David. Lewis, 179 William Howell, Jevan. 268 William Hugh, Roger, 8621 William Jenkin Llewellin uz, 179 William John, Margaret, 1230 William Lewis. John, 862 Rowland ap ,47 William Lins. William, 862 William Morgan. John, 179 William Frees, John, 1230 William Price, Johan, 862 John, 862 AVatkyn, 8C2 William Prichard Hugh ap, 1191 William ap Reynolds John ap 61 William Thomas, Edward, 179 William Thomas Powell, Morgan, 818 Williamson, doctor, 908 James, 113 Margaret, 888 Willingame, George, 1180 Willington, John, 855 Mary, 855 Kichard, 855 Willing, John, 338 Willis ^ willts ^Elizabeth, 1170 Wylgl|Henry,976 Joan, 970 John. 970 Joseph, 924 Katherine, 143 Mary, 143 Richard, 496 Thomas, 615 Walter, 892 William, 231, 660 Willis ais. Escott George, 856 Henry. 856 William, 856 Willmer, George, 1124 William, 832 Willmot see Wilmott Willon, John, 6 Willot, AVilliam, 679 Willoughby"! Willoughbie tarms 17 Anthony. 681 Bridget, 681 Christopher, 681 Clemence, 681 Edward, 711 Elizabeth, 681 Henry, 681 Jane, 681 John, 208, 681, 1063 Kenellne 681 Margaret, 681 Robert, 208 Sara, 681 Thomas, 681 William, lord, 46 Willowes, Thomas, 2 Wills see Will Willse see Willesey Willson see Wilson Willughbye see Willoughby Willy ) Wilye > Anne, 428 Wihe ) Margaret, 428 William, 773 Willys see Willis Wilmoth, Frances, 426 Richard, 426 Wilmott I ^^ „no Willmot I ™'^-> 302 William, 209,579 Wilnes, Elizabeth, 40 ■Wilson ) Willson [ , 30. 1074 Wilsonn ) Anne, 250 Anthony, &>8, 920 Charles, 250 Christian, 348 Christopher, 250 Edward, 11, 30, 315 Elizabeth, 348, 385, 712, 874, 1048 Emma, 1182 Francis, 796 George, 712 Hugh, 1326 Humfry, 713 James, 920 Jane, 1026 John, 193, 250, 350, 557, 717, 874, 1310 Josias, 152 Margaret, 17, 668, 874 Margery, 17 Martha, 152 Mary, 45, 985 Nicholas, 664 Phillipp, 874 Richard, 433, 668, 1026, 1174 Robert, 250 Susan, 385 Suzanna, 483 Symon, 1010 Thomas, 320, 348, 874, 976, 1180 Walter, 36, 1026 William, 234, 1026, 1182 Wilton, Anna, 101 Margaret, 818 Philip, 314 Robert, 818 Wiltone, Tyller als, Thomas. 592 Wilye see Willy Wilzerd, Gregory, 1078 W^inabishe, Alexander, 750 George, 760 Wimpe, Amy, 441 Richard, 441 Winbowe, Anthony, 603 Edith, 502 Edward, 502 Joaue, 602 , John, 502 Nicholas, 502 Robert, 502 Thomas, 502 William, 502 Wincate. Elizabeth, 1246 Winch ) Winche { James, 986 Wynche ) John, 433 Mary, 1088 Richard, 832, 986 Symon, 986 Thomas, 754 Winchcombe ) rii,-5.*j„„ aoi\ Winsecombe f Christian, 489 John, 489 Richard, 1065 Winche see Winch Winrhester, marquis of, see William Paulet WincoU ) ^,q Wincole f ' "^^ Jane, 259 Thomas, 1041 ™^ I Elizabeth, 676 John, 676 Windbolde, William, 1086 Winde see Wind Windham ) , ,„ „,, Wyndham \ ^^'^y- ^^^ Thomas, 657, 1128 Windle, John, 920 Sarah, 920 William, 920 Windloe, Dorothy, 336 Windover, Edr., 1168 Joane. 323 John, 323 Margaret, 1016 Windslowe see Winslow Windsor 1 Winsor > dean of, see Giles Windsore ) Thompson lady. 1117 mrs., 1063 Andrew, 336 Anne. 336 Frederick, 336 Jane, 463 Joan, 463 John, 336, 853 Nicholas, 463 Thomas, 463 Thomas lord, 336 William, 463 sir William, 1117 ^^"^^gjseeaZsoWynn Katherine. 1298 Margaret, 1028 Richard, 1298 Wingfleld ) Wingfeild > Augustine, 722 Wingefeild ) Raphe, 1207 Thomas, 91 Winghe, John, 1078 Wingod, Andrew, 796 Anne, 796 Frances, 796 Thomas, 796 William, 796 Winne see Wynn Winsecombe see Winchcombe Winsen see Winston ^rd'Zwe!Ei««.301 Arthur, 301 Edward, 250 Elizabeth, 301 Jane, 301 John, 57, 301 Rebecca, 57 Thomas, 301 William, 301 WoUey, William, 597 Wolrlch ) Wo?rS^ [see also won&eJw<>i--dg« Elizabeth, 437, 1112 Joane, 1113 John, 512 Thomas, 1. 437, 1113 Vincent, 437 W^llllam, 437 Woosle7'lR«^-t,1333 sir Thomas, 812 Wolstenholme, sir John, 11, 931 Wolston see Wollaston Wolveridge see also Wolrich sir James, 1068 Wolverston, , 623 John, 623 Wonfendall, Bartw., 967 Wonham see Woonham W^ood Woods Woode Woodde Wodde Woodes Wooddes Abell, 986 Agnes, 1349 Alice, 421, 1349 Anne, 8, 1179, 1349 Annys, 360 Anthony, 415 Dorothy, 1183 Edward, 192, 1145 Edward, 192 Eleanor, 317 Ellas, 1270 Elizabeth. 7, 8, 317, 415, 1179 Emma, 421 Frauncis, 1133 George, 81, 250, 1379 Gregory, 808 Hattill, 1347 Henry, 7, 8, 321 James, 7, 8, 454, 1349 ■see also Atwood , 805, 1035, 1183 mrs., 10 Jean, 1279 Joan, 192, 1179, 1349 Johane, 749 John, 8, 144, 321, 360, 421, 734, 863, 1066, 1195, 1229, 1267 1349 Margaret, 57, 192, 421, 1365 Margery, 421, 454 Mary, 7, 317, 415, 421 Mathew, 421 Mercy, 1349 Nicholas, 1257 Richard, 281, 301, 421, 756, 1319 Robert, 8, 181, 608 Roger, 944 Rowland, 1095 Samuel, 1107 Sarah, 192, 421, 1257 Sibell, 7 Suzanne, 986 Thomas, 7, 8, 134, 182, 317, 421, 805, 1052, 1113, 1349, 1354 W^Uliam, 60, 317, 888, 1279, 1354 Woodcocke, John, 36, 1081 Robert, 651 Woodde "I Wooddes 1 „„„ ^xr a Woode h^^ ^oo*! Woodes J Woodfen, Nicholas, 778 Susan, 778 Woodford, Nicholas, 867 Richard, 907 Woodgate, , 1019 Elizabeth, 953 Hester, 953 John, 953, 1019 William, 322, 953 Woodhouse ) _,•_ -di,:,;., ■,« ,- Woodhowse [sir Philip. 16,1. Robert, 555 sir William, 435 Woodland, John, 619 Woodliffe 1 „„ Wodlife } ' ^"^ Elizabeth, 1175 Gilbert, 776 Richard, 776 Robert, 1175 Woodloke, Hugh, 990 Woodman, Richard, 964, 1046 Susan, 1046 Woodrotfe ) W^oodruffe > Anthony, 1008 Woodraf ) Arthur, 1008 Edward, 1000 Elias. 1093 Elizabeth, 550, 1000 James, 1000 John, 550, 1008 Mary, 1000 Nicholas, 243 Sara, 1000 Thomas, 1000 William. 1000 Woodrowe, Elizabeth, 186 John, 185 Margaret, 185 Stephen, 186 Walter, 185 Woods see Wood Woodstock ) A„„„. ina Woodstockef^S^^^'l"* Elizabeth, 108 John, 108 W^illiam, 108 568 INDEX OF PERSONS. Woodward )*!:-„ r,o ^oa Woodwarde J "*-"*'®' ^^*'' ^^ Anne, 1244 Catherine, 1244 Christopher, 1244, 1313 Edward, 743, 1251 Eleanor, 1087 Elizabeth, 1244 George, 582 Isabel! , 1176, 1322 John, 971, 1167, 1176, 1347 Katherine, 1244 Mary, 1244 Rebecca, 1244 Richard, 518, 732, 912, 1322 Robert, 518, 617 Sara, 732, 912 Susan, 1244 Thomas, 1244, 1251 William, 518, 1087, 1244, 1251 Woodward als. Blanckett William, 1310 Woodyeates ) Elizabeth, Woodyattes j 1092 James, 1092 Laurence, 1092 Martin, 1327 Thomas, 1092 Tobyas, 1092 WiUiam, 1093 Wilmott, 1092 Wooleston see WoUaston Wooley, , 416 Woolfall, William, 881 Woolfe, Frances, 149 John, 149 Woolford, Ellinor, 517 Joane, 517 Rebecca, 517 Wooller, Thomas, 920 Woolman, John, 1135 Robert, 1046 William, 1265 Woolmer, Underwood, 16 Woolriche see WoLrich Woonham ) . «„« Wonham } Anne, 630 Thomas, 630 Woorme see Worme Woorsley see Worsley Woosley see Wolseleye Wootton ) Wotton > , 464 Wotten ) Andrew, 464 Anthony, 223, 402, 859 Christopher, 371 Henry, 371 Joane, 371 John, 371, 812 Phrizett, 755 Kichard, 371, 813 Roger, 812 Sara, 371 Walter, 464 William, 371 Worcester Cathedral, dean of, see Joseph Hall ^o'L^Tljo-P^.365 Peter, 605 Worgan, John, 1146 Worleston, Edward, 250 Elizabeth, 250 Worlidge, Francis, 1111 Worme ) Woorme { mr., 435, 959, 960. 1336 Warme ) Womln}E<^^»^'*'24.988 Freedeswall, 772 John, 772. 988 Thomas, 24, 988 Worshipp, mr., 73 Ann, 1111 "Worsley Woorsley , 90, 960 Dorothie, 619 John, 88, 1287 Thomas, 90 Mary, 88 Worsopp, mr., 1336 John, 1336 Worster see Worceter ^rr^hel Henry, 911 Jane, 1321 Worthington, Elizabeth, 70 1171 Ellen, 1171 John, 597 Judith, 1171 Margaret, 1171 Mary, 1171 Tobiah, 1171 William, 1171 sir Fra., 1170 lady Grace, 1170 Johane, 839 Margaret, 1170 Nicholas, 839 Worvilde, Michael, 1254 Wosell, , 1254 Wotten see Wootton Wottes see Wattes Wotton see Wootton "Wotton als. Slater Anne, 534 Wouells see Vowell Wourthe see Worth Wreche, Alice, 513 John, 513 Wrench, Alice, 524 James, 534 John, 524 Margaret, 524 Richard, 524 Wrentmore, John, 516 Margery, 516 "Wrentmore als. Bond Anne, 658 Johane, 658 Nicholas, 658 Thomas, 658 "Wright ) "Wrighte [ , 192, 1111 Righte ) Abraham, 780 Alice, 1017 Andrew, 715, 1346 Anne, 200, 255, 926, 1347 Anthony, 1040 Daniel, 780 Dorothy, 715 Edward, 101,1211 Elizabeth, 742. 926 Francis, 1232 Gawin, 744 George, 750 Grace, 200, 780 Henry, 1040 James, 744, 1311, 1346 Jane, 1211 Jean, 926 John, 113, 320, 364, 383, 780, 839, 936, 973, 1004, 1040, 1073, 1211 Joshua, 742 Katherine, 383, 973 Lawrence, 1040 Lewis, 1107 Margery, 1017 Martha, 300 Martin, 1347 Mary, 300, 926, 1347 Michael, 839, 1211 Nicholas, 941 Richard, 707, 994, 1040, 1347 Robert, 113, 313, 357, 926, 1211 Sara, 1211 Thomas, 30, 926, 1211 William, 552, 594, 744, 909, 1017, 1040, 1211, 1347 Wrighte, Knighte als. Roger, 1347 Wrightson 1 Mathew fil9 Wrightsonne ( ^'la'^new, bi9 William, 473 Wriothesley, Elizabeth, count- ess of Southampton, 602 "Writhoke, Ocle als. Anthony, 1007 Charles, 1007 Elizabeth. 1007 John, 1007 Sibbell, 1007 Symon, 1007 Thomas, 1007 "Wrottesley, arms, 836 mr., 836 Clare, 836 Dorothy, 836 sir Hugh, 836 Mary, 836 Penelope, 836 Susanna, 836 Wrye see Ray Wullmer, Mary, 811 Thomas, 811 "Wyatt ) Wyett \ , 528 Wyat ) Edward, 450 Henry, 492, 1090 John, 558 Margaret, 492 Richard, 493 Tabitha, 451 Thomas, 48 William, 552, 558 Wfb^oe I Elizabeth. 925 James, 925 Jane, 925 Jeane, 925 John, 925 Josina, 925 Judith, 925 Mary, 925 Nan, 925 Peter, 935 Wyche, Richard, 352 Thomas, 1125 Wyckenden see Wickenden Wye^( lady, 138 sir Thomas, 138 William, 1289 Wyett see Wyatt Wylde see Wilde Wylliar, Edward, 1248 Wyllis see Willis Wymark 1 .g^ Wymarcke ( ' *°" Edward, 1170 Wymple, George, 1257 Wyndham see Windham INDEX OF PEKSONS. 569 Wynche see Winch "Wyne see Wine Wynford, Joliu, 1094 Katherine, 1094 Wyng, Jolin, 1253 "Wynn ) Wynne > see also Wine Wmne ) Alexander, 1325 Edward, 677 Elizabetii, 736 Ellen ap Kees, 1191 Ellis, 259 Jane, 736 Joan ap Bees, 1191 John, 455. 1311 John ap Rees. 1191 Mary ap Kees, 1191 Owen, 803 Owen ap John ap Rees, 1191 Richard, 235 Thomas, 954, 1166 William ap Kees, 1191 William 418, 651, 582, 694, 596, 597, 610, 614, 775, 795, 812, 833, INDEX OF PLACES. 697 836, 840, 895, 916, 942, 968, 972, 983, 1025, 1048, 1066, 1104, 1133, 1165, 1208, 1286, 1287 Staines, Midd., 943 Buttes Close, 943 George Inn, 943 Preaching Close, 943 Stake Fleminge see Stoke- fleming Stalbridge, Dorset., 512, 764, 771 Stalbridge Weston, Dorset., 377 Stambourn, Essex, 560 Stamford, Line, 839 Stamford. Rutl., 926 Stampit, Hants., 786 Stanbridge, Beds., 165 Standbridge see Stanbridge Standford, Kent, 1004 Stanes see Staines Stanfleld, Norf., 1348 Stanford see Stamford Stanley see Stawley Stanney, Cest., 252 Stanton, Camb., 15 Stanton, Long, Salop., 708 Stanton St. Jobn, Oxon., 785 Stanatead, Suff.. IGO Stanstead Abbots, Herts., 1323 Stansted see Stansted Mount- fltchet Stansted Mountfltchet, Essex. 1285 Woodhall Field, 1285 Stansteede Abbott see Stan- stead Abbots Stanway, Salop., 708 Staple see Staple Fitzpaine Staple Fitzpaine, Somst., 413 Staple Goodneston, Kent, 278 Stapleford, Wilts., 1116 Staplegrove, Somst., 374 Staplehurst, Kent, 342, 1285 Fishers Tenement, 1185 Frides, 1285 Kailes, 1285 Stapleton, Somst., 333 Stathe and Lillesdon Manor, Somst., 138 Staulbridge see Stalbridge Staverton, Devon., 301, 852 Stawley, Somst., 229 Steeple Ashton, Wilts., 216 Strayerclose, 216 Steeple Bumpstead, Essex, 560 Cootes, 500 Goldherd Croft, 560 Goldherd, 560 Herdescroft, 560 Long Stubbinge, 560 Stubbinge, 560 Steeple Morden, Camb., 15 Manor, 15 Stenfit see Stamford, Kutl. Stepney see under London Stetchworth, Camb., 718, 1156 Matfryers Manor, 1156 Patmers Manor, 1156 Stickney, Line, 796 Stifford, Essex, 302 Stimpson's Fen, 3 Stippenerton see Stourpaine Stisted, Essex, 1190 Stivichall, Warw., 418 Stoake Cannon see Stoke Canon Stoake Gouldinge see Stoke Golding Stoborough, Wareham psh., Dorset., 122 Stock Doyle see Stoke Doyle Stock Harward, Essex, 318 Stockbridge, Hants., 21 Stockbury, Kent, 946 Stockland, Devon., 413 Stockland, Dorset., 413 Stockland, Somst., 482 Stockley in Calne, Wilts., 550 Stockton, Wilts., 563 Stockton on the Forest, Yorks., 1310 Stockton on the More see Stockton on the Forest Stogersey see Stogursey Stogumber, Somst., 866, 858, 1142 Stogursey, Somst.. 703, 868, 991 Stoke, Devon., 1358 Stoke, Kent, 917, 946 Tuder als. Tudars als. Tutors Manor, 917 Stoke, Salop., 791 Stoke, Suff., 161, 1169 Stoke see Stoke D'Abernon Stoke, North, Somst., 592 Stoke Canon, Devon., 911, 1062 Stoke Courcey see Stogursey Stoke D'Abernon, Surr., 8431 Stoke Doyle, Northants., 1111 Stoke Gabriell, Devon., 757 Ashe, 757 Stoke Golding, Lelc, 1182 Stoke Lane, Somst., 509, 1088 Stoke Marie sec Stoke St. Mary Stoke St. Mary, Somst., 992 Stoke St. Michael see Stoke Lane Stoke Trister, Somst., 653, 751 Bay ford, 653 Stoke by Clare, Suff., 560 Stoke by Nayland, Suff., 7, 1190 Stokefleming, Devon., 457 Stokeinteiguhead, Devon., 1358 Stokentenhead see Stokein- teiguhead Stokesay, Salop., 789 Stondon, Essex, 1202 Stone, Long, Bucks.. 218 Stonehouse, Glouc.,447? Stoneleigh, Warw., 418 Stonesby, Leic, 195 Stoney Middleton, Derb., 608 Stonham, Earl see Earl Ston- hani Stony Stanton, Leic, 298 Stony Stratford, Bucks., 1003 Stooke see Stoke Trister Stopworth, Lane, 552 Stormester see Sturminster Newton Stourbridge, Wore, 141, 916, 1133 Stourpaine, Dorset., 865 Ash, 865 Framgatt, 865 Stourton, Staff., 239 Stow, Hunts., 107 Stow, Norf., 284 Stowe Upland, Suff., 148 Fusdomes, 148 Manor, 1 Parnifewes, 148 Stower, East, Dorset., 515 Stower, West, Dorset., 515 Stowey, Somst., 703 Stowey, Nether, Somst., 858 Stowey, Over, Somst., 868 Stowgursy see Stogursey Stranford, Heref., 364 Stratford, Essex, 319 Stratford, Suff., 1021, 1197-1199 Connys Meadow, 1197 Foordes Meadow, 1197 Stratford Langton, Essex, 345 Stratford, Old, Northants., 1003 Stratford upon Avon, Warw., 141 Strath,fleldsaye, Hants., 564 Stratton St. Margarets, Wilts., 595 Streatham, Surr., 1037, 1233 Streethaie see Streethay Streethay, Staff., 40 Stretham see Streatham Stretton see Stretton Sugwas Stretton Sugwas. Heref., 674 Stretton on Dunsmore, Warw., 254 Strote qu. Stroud, Glouc, 928 Strotten, Heref.. 518 Stroud, Gloue, 928? Studley, Oxon., 168 Stuesbye, Derb., 214? Stumble Hole, Surr., 69 Stumpling Thome, Suff., 284 Sturgate, Line, 554 Sturminster Newton, Dorset., 187, 867 Castle, 187 Berill Close, 187 Pitt Mead Close, 187 Suckin Meare, Line, 473 Springwell Hill, 473 Sudbury, Suff., 160, 455, 1021, 1024, 1163, 1190, 1197 All Saints, 1021, 1197 Cordnard End. 455 George, the, 1197 Moothall, 1197 Neales, 1197 St. Gregory, 166, 1021, 1197 St. Peter, 166, 1021, 1024, 1197 Westmagis, 509 Windmill Field, 166 Worthams, 1197 Sudderland qu. Sunderland, Dur., 51 Suffield, Norf., 1335 Suffolk County, 1-3, 7, 8, 31, 46, 148, 161, l.'^4, 155, 158, 159, 166, 167, 171, 172, 175, 177, 178, 213, 262, 283, 284, 305, 318, 320, 327, 343, 402, 449, 452, 456, 651, 560, 590, 601, 602. 612, 693, 712, 718, 753, 754, 769, 776, 778-780, 873, 889, 902, 906, 969, 976, 997, 1007, 1021, 1024, 1030, 1032, 1047, 1123, 1166, 1163, 1169, 1190, 1197-1199, 1227. 1257, 1262, 1293, 1315 Sulgrave, Northants., 18 SulhampsteadAbbottB, Berks., 985 Ford Mead, 985 Sulhampstead Bannister, Berks., 376 Sumatra, 741 Fecoo Road, 741 Summer Islands see Bermuda Islands 598 INDEX OF PLACES. Sunderland, Dur,, 51? Sundridge, Kent, 37 Scollops. 37 Sunninghill, Berks., 404 Sunningwell, Berks., 143 Surbitou, Surr., 1233 Sureton's Hill, Salop., 597 Surrat, E, I,, 1229, 1270 Surrey County, 37, 38, 45, 57, 64 69, 89, 96, 107, 134, 174, 198 227, 242, 296, 313, 315, 318 325, 350, 357, 373, 382, 383 388, 396, 435, 448, 472, 526, 559, 577, 607, 630, 662, 670 677, 693, 699, 736, 737, 763 794, 801, 804, 809, 824, 835. 841, 843, 857, 880, 914, 925 927, 962, 963. 982, 1017,1037 1046, 1072, 1076, 1095, 1099 1117, 1126, 1153, 1158, 1186. 1228, 1233, 1244, 1259, 1267 1209, 1285, 1289, 1344, 1349 1355 Sussex County, 37, 50, 82-85, 94 99, 128, 176, 242, 246, 256 267, 275, 270, 321, 322, 355 356, 359, 388, 390, 392, 393 410, 435, 474, 524, 547, 553 573, 632, 646, 649, 666, 671 679, 692, 747, 748, 759, 777 801, 807, 880, 944, 951, 954 955, 972, 1002. 1012, 1046 1076, 1095, 1109, 1158, 1173 1231, 1234, 1265, 1267, 1268 1319, 1361 Sutton, Camb.,945 Sutton, Heref., 1039 Sutton, Mont., 1147 Sutton Coldfield, Warw., 711 Cuningrie House, 711 Sutton Inges, Yorks., 357 Sutton Mallet, Somst., 185 Sutton Montague see Sutton Montis Sutton Montis, Somst., 187, 866 Sutton St. James. Line, 1026 Sutton Valence, Kent, 1285 Sutton Veney, Wilts., 580 Sutton at Hone. Kent, 1134 Goldeshole Woods, 1134 Sutton in the Marsh, Line, 567 Sutton in Moorlinch, Somst., 185 SwafEam Bulbeck, Camb., 900 Swaffam Prior, Camb., 900 St. Cyriac, 900 St. Mary. 900 St. Seres see St. Cyriac, Swainscombe see Swanseombe Swainswick, Somst., 860 Swanmore, Staff., 812 Swannington, Norf., 902 Swanseombe, Kent. 81, 250 Swansea, Glam., 661, 1118 Skettie, 1118 Swausmore see Swanmore Swanswick see Swainswick Sweeney, Salop., 1034 Sweney see Sweeney Swenyngton see Swannington Swerford, Oxon., 1070 Swimbridge, Devon., 1090 Denniton, 1090 Mersh Farm, 1090 Allorbeare, 1090 West Close, 1090 Swindon, Wilts.. 1009 Swinford, Old, Wore, 1133 Swithland, Leic, 408 Symondsbury, Dorset., 497 Sywell, Northants., 1179 Tabley, Cest., 252 Taddington, Heref., 1140 Tadlow, Camb., 1121 Smitkinges Cottage, 1121 Tadmarton, Oxon., 1212 Tafflesoule, Island of Makin, 914 Talaton, Devon., 469 Talgarth, Bre., 1004 Talgorth see Talgarth Tallend, Cornw., 694 Tallington, Line, 839 Tamer River, 138 Tamerton, North, Cornw., 1024 Ventou, 1024 Tani worth. Staff., 1208 Tamworth, Warw., 212 Amiugton, 212 Beckmoore Meadow, 212 Bolehall, 212 Fair, 561 Market Place, 212 Ladyebridge Bank, 212 Spittle Lane, 212 Stony Lane, 212 Tandridge, Surr., 242, 699 ^lliZer] -^Tansor Tanueworth see Tanworth Tansor, Northants.. 1178, 1236 Tanworth, Warw., 1208 Tarmoone see Tor Moham Tarring, Suss., 390 Savingtou, 390 Tatesfleld, Surr., 448 Tatteridge, Herts., 259 Tattershall Thorpe, Line, 797 Taunton, Somst., 374, 433, 464, 516, 703, 766, 1035 Castle School, 516 St. James, 464 516, 766 St. Mary Magdalen, 464, 616, 766 Taven Clyes, Cornw., 1224 Tavistock, Devon., 138 Tawscocke see Tawstock Tawstock, Devon., 1115 Tawton, South, Devon., 569 Tedbourne St. Mary see Tedburn St. Mary Tedburn St. Mary, Devon., 911 Teddington, Midd., 165 Tennall see Tutnall or Tetten- hall Tenterden, Kent, 50 Terrington Manor, Norf., 410 Tetford, Line, 776 Tetherley House, Dorset., 915 Tetney, Line, 884, 907 North Grange, 884 Tettenhall Staff'., 596? Tetworth. Hunts., 744 Tewkesbury, Gloue, 234, 462, 496, 975, 1247, 1275 Carren Brook, 496 Lodge Orchard, 1275 Parke, 496, 1275 St. Mary Street, 234 Thame, Oxon., 205, 731 Thames Ditton, Surr., 1233 Thames River, 964, 1126 Thatham, Berks, 277 Chamberhouse Manor, 277 Thaxted, Essex, 1190 Theddingworth, Leic. and Northants., 72 Hothorpe. 72 Thelbridge, Devon., 1271 Therne see Thome Thenford. Northants., 1172 Thetford, Norf., 774 St. Cuthbert, 774 St. Mary, 774 St. Peter, 774 Thoby Priory, Essex. 602 Thoraldby, Yorks., 1310 Thorley, Isle of Wight, 20, 831 Court, 20 Hill Place, 20 Thornbury, Devon., 1221 Thornbury, Glouc, 191 Thorncombe, Dorset., 54, 127, 1138 Gribb, 54 Herriges Westlease, 54 Hewarde, 1138 Holditch, 54 Little Pidmore, 54 Muttleburyes Common, 54 Thome, Yorks., 888 Thornley, Wolsingham psh., Dur., 921 Thornton, Line. 888 Thorobie see Thoraldby Thorpe see Ashfleld with Thorpe Thorpe Morieux, Sutf., 158, 560 Thorphall, Line, 46 Thorverton, Devon., 911, 1062 North Down, 1062 Thrapston, Notts., 562 Thrupp, Northants., 1347 Thruptone see Thrapston Thruxton. Heref., 574 ,'^;' Thurgoland. Yorks., 1333 Thurlaston, Leic, 19 Thurlow, Great, Suff., 1, 327, 1030 Manor, ] TMirlow, Little, Suff., 1, 1030 Manor, 1 sirnN-^'^^-^-*- Thurston, Suff., 284 Thwaite, Suff., 2 Tibberton, Salop., 806 Tibberton, Wore, 578 Tibbroughton see Tibberton Tichmarsh, Northants., 908 Ticehurst, Suss., 176, 666 Tickenham. Somst., 24, 1366 Lane Close, 1366 Tidcombe, Wilts, 209 Tilehurst, Berks., 579 Tiley, Dorset., 123 Tillbridge, Welland psh.. Wore, 1251 Tillingham Manor, Essex, 602 Tilshead, Wilts., 598 Timberland, Line, 473 Timberscombe. Somst., 661 Tir Llumbrollth, Llanover psh., Monm., 268 Tir Paen. Llanover psh,, Monm.. 268 Tir Pannor, Llanover psh., Monm., 268 Tirley, Gloue, 496 Courte of ye Rye, 496 Tishurst see Ticehurst Titchfleld, Hants., 964 St. Margarets, 964 Titcombe see Tidcombe Tithmarsh see Tichmarsh INDEX OF PLACES. 599 Tiverton, Devon., 112, 340, 911, 1334 Tixall, Staff., 812 Toby sec. Thoby Priory Todstill, Chetton psli., Salop., 211 Toft, Line, 1180 Tof testreet qu. Toftress, Norf ., 1346 Toftress, Norf., 1346? Tollard Royal, Wilts., 1194 Toubridge, Kent, 950, 1269 Toosy qu. Towersey, Bucks., Topsham, Devon., 486, 911,1356 Tor Moham, Devon., 432, 500, 1045 Torrington, Great, Devon., 911 Torrington, Little, Devon., 911 Totliam, Little, Kssex, 81 Totnes, Devon., 826, 892, 911, 913 Dyehouse, 913 Lazar House, 913 Tottam Manor, Essex, 1094 . Tounstall see Tunstall Towersey, Bucks., 1172 Towthbie ? , Line, 190 Toynton, Line, 475 Tre Jorddur, 1191 Tredaw, St. Paulpsli., Cornw., 120 Treddington, Glouc, 1247 Tregaydo, Cornw., 460 Tregirls, Padstow psh.., Cornw., 519 Trelash, Cornw., 1223 Furse Park, 1223 Treleslie see Trelash Trent, Somst., 341 Tresillian, Cornw., 713 Tretire, Heref.,364 Treval, Cornw., 1224 Trevegles see Treval Trewern.Mont., 105, 611 Treworgie, Cornw., 138 Triginon see Trygenon Trimpley, Kidderminster psh.. Wore, 239 Abbaus Meadow, 239 Trinity Barton by Winton, 20 Trygenon, Mont., 705 Trynley see Tirley Tuddenham, Suff., 148, 969 Tuddingtong see Teddington Tunbridlge, Kent, 37, 033, 810 Manor, 163 Tunbridge, Surr., 242 Tunstall, Devon., 457 Turberton see Tibberton, Wore. Turfleld, Bucks., 205 Turges, Hants., 1256 Turkey, 1 Turner's Puddle, Dorset., 231 Turvey, Beds., 133 Tushinghani in Malpas, Cest., 252 Tutnall. "Wore, 590? Twinstead, Essex, 1163, 1190 Twyford, Berks, 970 Tyberton see Tibberton, Wore. Tylset see Tilshead Tyshurst see Ticehurst Tysoe, Warw., 1253 Tytchfleld see Titchfield Uckfleld, Suss., 748, 1002 Gibland, 1002 Steyninge Loose, 1002 Uckington, Glouc, 496 Manor, 496 Ufflngton, Line, 839 Ufnam see Offenham Ugley, Essex, 1285 Barwicke Bottom, 1285 Bar wick Field, 1285 Nortfeild, 1285 Wardes, 1285 Unckelield see Uckfleld Undeley Manor, Suff., 1293 Underwood see Otfcott University, 223, 1346 Uny Lelant, Cornw., 1136 Up Rossall, Isle of, see Boss Hall Uplaniborne sec Lambourne Upminster, Essex, 624 Upp Husburn sec Ebbesbourne Upper Clatford, Hants.. 525 Upper Pond, Suss., 1231 Upper Whame see "Whame High Upton, Northants., 262?, 1003 Upton Bishop, Heref., 1064 Upton Cressett, Salop., 555 Upton Helions, Devon., 1334 Fenne als Venne, 1334 MerifeiUl House, 1334 Venne uls Fenne, 1334 Upton Lovell, Wilts., 563 Upton Pyne, Devon., 370, 1002 Pynes, The, 370 Upton on Severn, Wore, 1251 Hooke Side, 1251 Lockridge, 1251 Upway, Dorset, 882 Upwich see Wyehe, Upper Urchfont, "Wilts., 598, 1052 Lybe "Waye, 598 Stort Lane, 598 Ursifont see Urclifont Uttaxeter see Uttoxeter Uttoxeter, Staff., 610, 1048, 1287 Manor, 610 Parkes, 010 Uxbridge, Midd., 351, 859 Vainor, Bre., 179 Vaynor see Vainor Venice, 138, 292, 456 Venn Ottery, Devon., 469 Vie see Eye, Heref. Vingest see Fingest Viniton see Venn Ottery Virginia, 74, 407, C60 College in, 352 Voscott, 1093 Vyes, the, see Devizes Waeton, Heref., 1331 Middle-Meadow, 1331 "Waddingham, Line, 554 Wadhurst. Suss., 666 Waishfield see Washiield Waketteld, Yorks., 150, 402 Market Cross, 150 Walberton, Sus-s., 356 Walcot, Alkborough psh.. Line, 636 Waldingfield, Great, Suff., 1190 Waldingfleld, Little, Suff"., 560, 1190 "Walden, Essex, 324, 1285 Wale under Ey wood see Wall under Heywood Wales, Marches of, 1118 Wales, Yorks., 1183 Hall, 1183 Wales, North, 806 Walgrave, Northants., 1141 Wall, East, Salop, 549 Wall under Heywood, Salop., 928 Wallands, Bucks., 168 Wallappe, 1146 Wallexall Manor, Wore, 258 Wallingford, Berks., 435 Wallington, Hants., 964 Wallington, Surr., 630 Walmesley, Lane, 1282 Walsham, South, Norf., 478 Walsingham, Great, Norf., 150 Walsingliani, Little, Norf., 150 Waltham, Kent, 930 Waltham, Great, Essex, 318, 602, 1183 Northend, 1183 Waltham, Little, Essex, 318 Waltham Abbey, Essex, 433, 1019 Waltham Cross, Herts., 683 Waltham Forest, Essex, 1094 Waltham, White, Berks., 60 Walthamstow, Essex, 1168 Walton, Northants., 908 Walton Cardiff', Glouc, 1247 Walton on Thames, Surr., 982 Walverton Manor, Suss., 435 Wambrook, Dorset., 127 Warthiall House, 127 Wantage, Berks., 1252, 1266 Grove, 1252 Joycese, 1252 Wanting see Wantage Wapley, Glouc, 970 Wapping see under London Warbleton, Suss., 50, 972 Auncetry, 972 Juyons, 972 Lukockes, 972 Stertes, 972 Warborrowe see St. Werbergh Warbstowe, Cornw., 1223 Bowfoune, 1223 Bowtowne, 1223 Heigh Park, 1223 Long Park, 1223 Middle Park, 1223 Under waye Park, 1223 Winsore, 1223 Wardington, Oxon., 243, 1253 Ware. Herts., 326, 1024 Maddox, 1024 Wareham, Dorset., 122, 861 St. Mary's Church, 122 Trinity Church, 122 Warfleld, Berks., 1054 Manor, 369 Warfield, Salop., 1084 Wargrave, Berks., 60, 581 Killam, 581 Manor, 369 Wargrove see Wargrave Warleighe Frankes Manor, Essex, 277 Warmester see Warminster Warmington, Northants., 1111 Warminster. Wilts., 71, 815 Bedford's Water, 71 Warnham, Suss., 1076 Dawes, 1076 Warpestowe see Warbstowe Warrington see Wardington 600 INDEX OF PLACES. Warton, Northants. see "War- mington Warton, Polesworth psh., Warw., 298 Warwickshire, 1, 33, 88, 141, 212, 219, 254, 277, 298, 317, 365, 418, 521, 532, 561, 618, 628, 637, 707, 710, 711, 732, 784, 869, 912, 916, 956. 976, 1001, 1011,1096,1110, 1141, 1154, 1182, 1208, 1214, 1253, 1284, 1285, 1347 ■Washbourne, Great, Glouc, 293 "Washbrook, SutT., 776 Washlield, Devon., 911 Watchatt see Watcliet Watchet, Somst., 1128 Waterfall, Derb.,609 Waterfall, Staff., 1104 Watford, Herts., 684, 1209 Watlesborough, Salop., 1287 Watling Street, Salop., 1107 Watsome see Wattishain Wattenbury, 1057 Wattisham, Sutf., 7. 776 Watton, Devon?, 694 Waxhani, Norf., 478 Horsea. 478 Norgates Hirn, 478 Wayford, Somst., 405 Weake iu Berrowe, Somst., 1273 Weald, South, Essex, 1040, 1202 Weare, Somst., 1091 Wedmore, Somst., 426 Wednesbury, Staff., 840 Walsted Delves, 840 Weedou Pinckney, Northants., 635 Weston, Northants., 635 Weindon see Wembdon Welford, Glouc, 235, 522 Welham, Leic, 65 Welland, Wore., 1251 Chanereys, 1251 Courte, 1251 Daunsies Farm, 1251 Guilefeild, 1251 Hoacke Green, 1251 Micklefeild, 1251 Salman's End, 1251 Stoakes Hill, 1251 Woodfeildes, 1251 Welland, Little, Wore, 1251 Wellington, Salop., 1107 Wells, Somst., 125, 185,518,598, 1130 Cathedral, 125, 126, 185,229, 306, 414, 425, 479, 515, 653, 661, 698, 703, 751, 856, 996, 1128, 1142 St. Cuthbert, 518, 1130 St. Andrews see Wells Cathedral St. John's Bridge. 518 Wells next the Sea, Norf., 150, 947 Weltam see Welham Welton see Welton le Wold Welton by Lincoln, Line, 565, 647 Welton le Wold, Line, 820, 1291 New Close, 1291 Welton next Louth see Welton le Wold Wem, Salop., 557 Wembdon, Somst., 426, 507, 703, 709 Wembley, Midd., 311 Wemdon see Wembdon Wemley see Wembley Wendlebury, Oxon., 1364 Wendon Lofts, Essex, 312 Wenlock, Little, Salop., 1107 Wentworth, Camb., 896 Manor, 890 Wessencott see Westmancot West Ham see Ham, West Westbrook, Berks., 538 Westbuckland see Buckland, West Westbury, Bucks., 1172 Westbury, Wilts., 1353 Westbury Leigh, Wilts., 1353, Westbury on Seveme, Glouc, 481 Charlettes House, 481 Netherley, 481 Rodley, 481 Westbury on Trym, Glouc, 855 Westcot, Wilts., 39 Westcott Barton, Oxon., 641 Westdowne, Devon., 503 Wester Keale see Keal, West Westerfeild, Sulf., 776 Westerham, Kent, 37 Spout Tenement, 37 Westerleigh, Glouc, 230, 1146 Wotton's Hill, 230 Wickham's Farm, 230 Westhide Manor Heref., 556 Vallett Wood, 556 Westhorp, Northants., 1172 Westhothlie see Hoathley, West Westhrop see AVesthorp Westmancot, Wore, 1310 Westmeston, Suss., 1234 Westminster see under Lon- don Westogwell see Og^vell, West Weston, Hunts., 1111 Weston, Oxou. see Weston, South Weston, Surr. see Weston Green Weston, South, Oxon., 1205 Weston rireen, Surr., 1233 Weston on Avon, Glouc, 235 Cawnce Hill, 235 Westowe in Plympstocke, Devon., 5 Westport St. Mary, Wilts., 247, 536 Burinfall, 536 Chappell Tenement, 536 Westraiton see Drayton, West Westwincke see Winch, West Wetheringsett Manor, Suit'., 1 Wevenhoe see Wivenhoe Wey bridge, Surr., 383 Whaddley, Salop., 1094 Whame, High, Dur., 921 Whapload see Whaplode Whaplode, Line, 1168 Coles Land, 1168 Wheathampstead, Herts., 1167 Whelforde see Welford Whethamsted see Wheathamp- Whethill see White Hill Whimple, Devon., 469 Whinnington see Winnington Whippingham, Isle of Wight, 20 Whitacre, Over, Warw., 234 White Coine, Essex, 1 White Hill, Glouc, 235 White Lackington, Somst., 756 Atherston, 756 Whitechurch, Dorset., 987 Bowshoot Water, 987 Harts Higher Meade, 987 Harts Meades, 987 Lower Harts Meadow, 987 Wilde House, 987 Wildmeade, 987 Whites Manor, Essex, 338 Whitestaunton, Somst., 1280, 1311 Whithall see Bristol- Whitall Whitlye see Witley, Surr. Whitnash, Warw., 710 Farfeild, 710 Fosse Closes, 710 Gouldsmithe's Land, 710 Grove, 710 Home Close, 710 Katherine Close, 710 Lampepeece Close, 710 Lamplands, 710 Manor, 710 May yarde, 710 Miliilam Close, 710 Netherdoge Lane Close, 710 Rudge Way, 710 Wilcoxe Yarde, 710 Whittington, Warw., 976, 1096, 1182 Whitton, Suff., 776 Whittstauuton see White- staunton Whitwich, Leic, 905 Whixoe, Sutf., 601 Wichenford, Wore, 221 Wick, Wore. 496 Wick near Pershore, Wore, 1254 Wickham St. Paul, Essex, 1021, 1190 Wickhambrook, Suff., 1156 Manor, 1 Wickmere, Norf., 902 Wickwar, Glouc, 223 Widdington, Essex, 312, 1160 Widford, Essex, 318 Wigborough, Great, Essex, 161, 264 Wigborough, Little, Essex, 264 Wiggenhall St. Mary, Norf., 1 Wiggin Hall, Norf., 17 Wigginton, Herts., 722 Wight, Isle of, 20, 90, 831, 876, 1239, 1255 Wigmore, Heref., 1112 Lingen, 1112 Wignalls see Wigginhall St. Mary Wlgston, Leic, 711 Wikin, Leic, 1182 Wilbraham, Great, Camb., 451 Wilbraham, Little, Camb., 451 Symunts Close, 451 Wilburton, Camb., 444 Wilby, Norf., 1346 Willesford see Wiliford Willesley, Derb.,350 Willesthorppe see Wilsthorp Willey, Salop., 834 Williamscote. Oxon., 243, 1172 ? , 1253 Willingdon, Suss., 267 Manor, 267 INDEX OF PLACES. 601 "Willington, Flint., 806 Wilmington, Suss., 1267 Wilnecote, Staff., 1208 "Wilnescoote see Wilnecote Wilscott, qu. Williamscott, Oxon., 1172 Wilsford, Wilts., 137, 144 Wilsthorp, Line, 839 Wilton, Wilts., 323 Wiltshire, 32. 34, 39, 59, 71, 75, 114, 137, 140, 142, 144, 208, 209, 215-217, 240, 247. 253, 271, 272, 299, 323, 346, 397, 405, 409, 426, 431, 436, 482, 502, 525, 531, 636-538, 540, 550, 558, 503, 572, 576, 580, 586, 588, 593, 595, 598, 600, 613, 615, 648, 653, 661, 685, 730, 746, 751, 760, 790, 813, 815, 882, 883, 903, 904, 915, 948, 989, 1009, 1020, 1022, 1023, 1038, 1052, 1079, 1093, 1098, 1116, 1117, 1141, 1170, 1189, 1194, 1216, 1231, 1238, 1249, 1266, 1295, 1297, 1299, 1300, 1352, 1353, 1362 Wimblington, Camb., 720 Wimborne or Wimborne Min- ster, Dorset., 510, 861, 876 Wincanton, Somst., 515, 685, 1097 ^=rnH-W--nton Winch Manor, West, Norf., 17 Winchester, 119, 525, 964 Cathedral, 90, 575, 786, 1028, 1096 College, 496 Holy Trinity, 964 St. Mary's College, 15, 525 Winchindon, Nether, Bucks., 1001 WinchLnton see Winchindon Winckfield see Winkf old Windsor, Berks., 280 Winfeild see Wiugfield Wingfleld, North, Derb., 1073 Locke Bridge, 1073 Wingham, Kent, 278 Winkfield, Berks., 404, 1007 Winkleigh, Devon., 911 Winnington, Salop., 723 Winscombe, Somst., 414 Manor, 1091 Middle Hearth. 414 Winsham, Somst., 54 Winson, Bibury psh., Glouc, 851 Winson, Glouc, see Winstone Winsor, Broad, see Broadwin- sor Winsor, Little, Dorset., 745 Winston, Suff., 753 Winstone, Glouc, 682 Winterbourne Bassett, Wilts., 653, 751 Winterborne Steepleton, Dor- set., 968 Winterbourne Stoke, Wilts., 613, 903 Wintercott, Heref., 676 Winthorpe, Line, 909 Winton see Winchester Wintworth see Wentworth Winwick, Northants., 979 Wisall see Wysall Wisbech, Camb., 589 Wishford, Great. Wilts., 114 Witcham in Isle of Elye, Camb., 13 Witche see Wick near Pershore Witchling, Kent, 870 Witchurch, 11 Withcall, Line, 941 Witheridge, Deron., 1062, 1271 Witherley, Leic, 1182 Witherudge see Witheridge Withington, Salop., 788 Withipool, Somst., 270 Withyam see Withyham Withy ham. Suss., 646, 671 Witley, Surr., 649 Witley, Great, Wore, 1013 Witteringe, Northants., 1129 Wiveliscombe, Somst., 1061 Wivellcombe see Wiveliscombe Wivelsfleld, Suss., 1234 Parkes Crofte, 1234 Westfleld, 1234 Wivenhoe, Essex, 161 Wix, Essex, 776 Wixoe see Whixoe Wokingham, Berks., 388, 480 Wolferlow, Heref., 1013 Wolgarne, Cornw,, 1224 Wollaston, Glouc, 430 Moore, the, 430 Tewthing Barn, 430 Wolsingham, Dur., 921 Greenweil Hill, 921 Wolsley, Staff., 812 Wolvenhall, Bucks., 168 Wolverhampton, Staff., 916,958 Wolverley, Wore, 1133 Bridges, 1133 Cockliffe, 1133 Kingford, 1133 Wolverton, Suff., 969 Wood Newton, Northants. , 1129, 1170 Catlings Milne Bridge, 1129 Woodcott, Hants., 1096 Woodcroft, 1146 Woodes Hearne, Northants.? 262 Woodford, Essex, 113, 313 Manor, 113 Woodford, Northants., 1111 Woodford, Wilts.. 613 Woodham Ferrers, Essex, 338 Woodham Mortimer, Essex, 338 933 Hoolcefleld House, 338 Woodham Walter Essex, 338 Great Prest Meade, 338 Holmeade, 338 Groodhewes and Hay- wardes, 338 Hajrsvardes and Good- hewes, 338 Manor, 338 Woodhay, East, Hants., 568 Woodhays, Devon., 54 Woodhey, Cest., 252 Woodmaucott, Glouc, 520 Woodside see Dudley Woodside Woodstock, Oxon., 641 Woolaston see WooUaston Woolavington, Somst.. 658 Preston Close, 658 Woollas Hall, Wore, 1161 WooUaston, Glouc, 928, 1146 Woollf urlowe see Wolferlow Woollmington qu. Woonton, Chardstockpsh., Dorset., 1132 Woolpitt, Suff., 284 Woolsingham see Wolsingham Woolston, Warw., 254 Woolvercot, Oxon., 1057 Woolverton in Mere, Wilts., 142 Woolwich, Kent, 345 Woonton, Chardstock psh., Dorset., 1132? Woore see Owre Woosley see Wolsley Wootten Park, Dorset.?, 1008 Wootton, Beds., 621 Woottoii, Hants., 1096 Fabians, 1096 Tithing, 1096 Wootton, Oxon., 243 Wootton Bassett, Wilts., 253, 648 Wootton Fitzpaine, Dorset., 488 Wootton Rivers, Wilts., 240 Weeke, 240 Wootton TJnderedge, Glouc, 959 Worcester, 141, 221, 247, 353,543, 673, 708, 734, 834, 879, 1254 All Saints, 543, 643, 673, 1254 Bedwardine St. John, 673, 1254 Bedwardine St. Michael, 247, 1254 Bedwardine St. Peter, 708 Timber, 708 Broad Street, 1254 Cardinall Hatt, 1264 Castle. 1133 Cathedral, 673, 1133 College Church, 673 Foryate Street, 1254 Fryars Street, 1254 Goal, 1133 Hallom, 1254 High Street, 221 St. Ellens, 879 St. Michaels, 543 Worcestershire, 95, 141, 204,221, 235, 239, 247, 255, 258, 353, 354, 395, 418, 423, 496, 543, 578, 596, 617, 643, 673, 687, 708, 719, 733, 834, 840, 877, 879, 916, 934, 957, 983, 1013, 1094, 1133, 1147, 1154, 1161, 1172, 1195, 1237, 1246, 1247, 1251, 1254, 1275, 1284, 1310, 1322 Worf eild sec Warfleld Worksworth, Derb., 411 Worle, Somst., 1278 Worll see Worle Wormbridge, Heref., 878 Worms, Germany, 80 Worth, Suss., 83 Worthen, Salop., 723 Worthington, Leic, 586 Worton, Potterne psh., Wilts., 1098 Would Newton see Newton le Wold Woxbridge see Uxbridge Wrabness, Essex, 91 Wragbye, Yorks., 783 Wrangle, Holland, Line, 567 Wratting, Suff., 1 Willsey or Wiltsey Manor, 1 Wraxall, Somst., 24, 1366 Evanes House, 24 Leppiattsfeild, 24 Nayler's Close, 24 Wretham, East, Norf., 284 602 INDEX OF PLACES. "Wrington, Somst., 654 Writtle, Essex, 302, 318, 936 Sheering, 302 ■Wrockwardine, Salop.. 723 Wrotbam, Kent, 53, 950 Wrottesley, Staff., 836 Wroughton, Wilts., 648, 1009, 1038 Westlecot, 1009 "Wroxeter, Salop,, 597 Wyberton, Line, 567 "Wyche, Upper, Wore, 95 Wye, Kent, 238 Wykis cds. Wikes Manor, Line., 410 Wymondham, Norf., 1348 Wynckley see Winkleigh Wypall, Notts., 715 Wyteham see Wytham Wytham, Berks., 1364 Wytherley see Witherley Wytley see Witley, Great Talding, Kent, 360 Yalton see Yatton Tapton, Suss., 84, 356 Yarcombe, Devon., 335, 413, 656 Yarde see Crayford Yardley, Northants., 1003 Yardley, Wore, 957, 1154 Lea, the, 957 Yarkhill, Heref ., 366, 1203 Court Farm, 1203 Garford's Court, 1203 Yarlington, Somst., 1141 Yarmouth, Norf., 149, 802 Yarnton, Oxon., 587 Yateley, Hants., 564 Yates Court, GlouCy 680 Yatton q\i. Yatton Keyrell, Wilts., 970 Yatton, Somst., 434, 513, 772, 970, 1091 Cadwells House, 434 Little Wemram Close, 772 Manor, 434 North End, 434 Yatton Keyrell, Wilts., 970? Yealands see Yetlands Yealding, Hunts, see Yelden Yealding, Kent see Yalding Yearcombe see Yarcombe Yearnsford als. Earnsford, Binley psh., Warw., 521 Yeatley see Yateley Yeilding see Yelden, Hunts. Yelden, Beds., 908 Yelden, Hunts., 740 Yeldersley Ashborne, Derb., 582 Yeovil, Somst., 341 Yetlands, Devon., 1305 Yevell see Yeovil Yfley see Iffley Ynges see Ings York City, 402 Yorkehill see Yarkhill Yorkshill, Kent, 386 Yorkshire, 11, 46, 94, 133, 239, 265, 308, 357, 401, 402, 552, 582, 608, 644, 690, 783, 802, 888, 889, 920, 967, 1000, 1117, 1126, 1168, 1178, 1183, 1208, 1310, 1326, 1333 Yorton, Salop., 130 Yoxall, Stafif., 1048 Ystradvelltye, Bre., 179 Ytton see Itton Yxworth see Ixworth Zeals, Wilts., 32, 1141 Zeeland, 1322, 1338 MISCELLANEOUS INDEX. Comprising trades, titles, professions, arms, ships, guilds, etc. Abbot, 138 Accademic of Oxford, 116 Alderman, 1, 10, 40, 41, 55, 113, 156,212,223,244,259, 261, 269, 416, 425, 435, 482, 552, 602, 674, 716, 844, 863, 935, 959, 1048, 1103, 1210, 1219, 1229. 1285, 1348 Ambassador, 86 Apothecary, 217, 221, 318, 999, 1067, 1057 Apothecary to the Prince, 1037 Apparitor, 882 Apprentice, 1, 10, 21, 30, 47, 69, 72, 77, 96, 132, 146, 150, 151, 172, 189, 208, 217, 245, 254, 257, 296 297, 308, 318, 333, 370, 385, 419, 442. 469, 486, 535, 571, 591, G05, 607, 615, 628, 671, 676, 711, 710, 734, 756, 832, 867, 921, 950, 1037, 1131, 1168, 1179, 1190, 1200. 1222, 1259, 1296, 1310, 1336, 1342 Archdeacon, 16 Arms of : — Acland, 911 Barnardlston, 154 Browne, 411 City of London, 688 Cole, 1024 Coppln, 320 Croke, 1G8 Cupper, 126 Fuller, 277 Hare, 259 Harrison, 357 Hodgson, 129 Lister, 402 Marty n. G74 Mercers Company, 688 Merchant Adventurers Company, 688 Parker, 267 Plumstede, 372 Pyott, 40 Rich, 602 Seabrlght, 1133 Smyth, 822 Temple, 267 Toft, 20 Trott, 688 White, 1000 Willoughbie, 17 Wrottesley, 836 Attorney, 734, 1346 Attorney General, 312, 777, 1287 Queen's, 1366 Bachelor of Arts, 966 Bailiff, 245 Baker, 94, 96, 159, 299, 333, 463, 521, 538. 795, 857, 865, 994, 1034, 1126, 1147,1229, 1348, 1366 Brown, 129, 1196 White, 394 Barber, 1038, 1173, 1254 Barber Surgeon, 192, 391, 944, 1080 Bardgeman, 5 Baron, 46, 410, C02, 1232 Baron of Exchequer, 1232 Baroness, 168 Baronet, 16, 17, 46, 410,411,573, 587, 627. 684, 827, 913, 1088, 1118, 1155, 1170, 11S3 Beadle, 433, 960, 1336 Beaverraaker, 980 Bishop, 278, 410, 412, 480, 1082, 1155, 1184 Blacksmith, 223, 296, 297, 391, 437, 675, 694, 809, 865, 982, 1021, 1022, 1128, 1152 Blessed Virgin, Guild of, 1285 Boatswain, 387 Boatswain's Mate, 225 Brasier, 1197 Brewer, 6, 129, 221, 315, 326, 898, 915, 975, 990, 995 Bricklayer, 77, 317 Broad Weaver, 247, 1353 Broker, 1078 Buckesmaker, 876 Burgess, 94, 245 Burnisher, 1341 Butcher, 37, 254, 275, 277, 317, 318, 351, 396, 515, 579, 798, 856, 1030, 1093, 1172, 1266, 1288, 1308 Butler, 30 Captain, 20, 36, 87, 138, 255, 526, 562, 060, 918, 981, 1024, 1229, 1263 Carman, 40, 42 Carpenter, 274, 564, 580, 607, 839, 1080, 1197, 1270 Carrier, 454 Chamberlain, 40 Chambermaid, 30 Chancellor, 480. 768 Chandler, 297, 407, 416, 4S6, 769 Chaplain of the King, 178 Chapman, 954, 1197 Cheesemonger, 107 Chirographer of the Common Bank, 410 Chirurgeon, 331, 741, 775, 892, 1113, 1229 Churchwarden, 1299 Clerk, 14, 16, 23, 64, 70, 84, 113, 122, 124, 120, 130, 135, 137, 145, 146, 150, 160, 167, 179, 201, 208-211, 215, 222, 229, 231, 245, 253-255, 261, 266, 268, 269, 288, 289, 318, 320, 324, 329, 335, 346, 350, 375, 385, 424, 433, 450, 452, 453, 458, 466, 469, 471, 477, 482, 502, 514, 515, 524, 540, 549, 555, 558, 560, 561, 563, 566, - 567, 509, 572, 588, 592, 598, 600, 612, 614, 617-619, 622, 628,030,641,657, 696,711, 729, 742, 753, 754, 777, 789, 792, 79»i, 805, 800, 809, 811, 813, 821, 825, 849, 851, 861, 862, 868, 872, 880, 882, 888, 889, 891, 895, 901, 906 911, 921, 940, 950, 957, 974, 997, 1000, 1031, 1000, 1002, 1064, 1069, 1076, 1082, 1084, 1091, 1093,1094, 1107,1113, 1116, 1125, 1126, 1129, 1143, 1146, 1172,1177, 1182,1188, 1190, 1195, 1221, 1230, 1238, 1249, 1201, 1285, 1290, 1299, 1323, 1333, 1337, 1341 Town, 245, 416 of Great Ordinance Tower of London, 845 of Petty Bag, 259 Clockmaker to King, 362 Cloth Cutter, 990 Clothier, 151, 253, 279, 342, 343, 374, 378, 388, 421, 504, 543, 642, 043, 673, 776, 795, 834, 870, 914, 1093, 1172, 1248, 1202, 1285, 1334 Clothmaker, 389 Clothworker, 27, 192, 202, 314, 518, 521, 776, 828, 859, 1157, 1222, 1296 Coachman, 6J5, 998, 1304 Companies : — Artillery Garden, London, 690 Bakers, Bristol, 194 Barber Surgeons, London, 285 Blacksmiths, London, 982 Brewers, Cardraakers, Bristol, 1366 Clothworkers, Bristol, 828 Cothworkers, London, 385 389, 1296 Cooks, London, 385 Cordwainers, Oxford, 416 Corvisors, Oxford, 416 Cutlers, London, 297, 973 Drapers, London, 1048, 1285 East India, 87, 155, 207,357, 752, 800, 838, 921, 976, 1008, 1063, 1099, 1171, 1220, 1229, 1255, 1333 Fishmongers, London, 422, 623, 902 Goldsmiths, London, 21, 57, 433, 690 Grocers, London, 1, 40, 1133 Grocers, Salisbury, 217 Haberdashers, 257, 357,859 Ironmongers, London, 972 Leathersellers, London, 37 Mercers, London, 313, 435, 688, 1031 Merchant Adventurers, 1078 Merchant Adventurers, London, 257, 435, 680, 688 604 MISCELLANEOUS INDEX. Merchant Tailors, 1099 Merchant Tailors, Loudon, 3G9, 433, 535, 794, 921, 1144, 133G Military, London, 923 Salters, 1137 Scriveners, 960 Shoemakers, Bristol, 697 Shoemakers, Oxford, 416 Shoemakers, Salisbury, 813 Skinners, London, 352, 1035 Stationers, London, 412 Turkey, 752 Vintners, London, 129. 313, 1244 Virginia 277, 352, 1063 Whitebakers, Loudon, 394 Woodmongers, London, 10C3, 1072 Consul, 1108 Cook. 79, 134, 3S5, 396, 932, 1085, 1125, 1259 Cooper, 110, 281, 775, 857, 876, 1313 Cordwainer, 129, 351, 370, 384, 591, 615, 1200, 1210 Corviser, 61, 210, 366, 521 Comicillor at Law, 435 Countess, 94, 259, 418, 602, 743, 1187, 1208 Coverlet Weaver, 26 Cryer of the Court of Chan- cery, 297 Curate, 60, 108, 145, 237, 261, 266, 268, 427, 536, 618, 715, 764, ;825, 995, 1133, 1292, 1337 Currier, 198 Cutler, 297, 824, 973 Dame, 1285 Dean, 51, 208 Deputy, 385, 435 Doctor, 49, 80, 221, 320, 353, 391, 402, 412, 422, 433, 435, 523, 531, 586, 594, 674, 772, 859, 884,960, 1170, 1304 Doctor of Civil Law, 31, 882, 1160 Doctor of Divinity, 15, 51, 94, 146, 150, 162, 177, 217, 289, 357, 396, 516, 571, 813, 908, 917, 1017, 1032, 1133, 1178, 1217 Draper, 41, 189, 223, 230, 308, 337, 367, 400, 422, 482, 521, 523, 544, 690, 691, 794, 831, 859, 909, 921, 969, 986, 1109,1110, 1115, 1147,1199, 12&5, 1296, 1366 Drawer, 605 Dyer, 61. 241, 328, 416, 521, 673, 769, 776, 952, 964, 1228, 1248 Earl, 46, 94, 288, 315, 336, 410, 435, 602, 615, 696, 743, 985, 1115, 1125, 1141, 1155, 1346 Kmbroiderer, 973 Esquire, 1, 18, 19, 30, 31, 40, 43, 46, 49, 90, 91, 94, 120, 123, 129, 138, 141, 178, 179, 196, 211, 217, 221, 223, 226, 234, 238, 252, 258, 259, 264, 277, 286, 300, 312, 314, 315, 318, 320, 330, 350, 362, 369, 370, 386, 392, 397. 401, 402, 404, 410, 415, 433,' 435, 436, 446, 456, 457, 478, 480, 482, 483, 520,621,531,553,655, 559,569,571,574, 584, 602, 607,609. 611, 614. 619-621, 627, 654, 657, 088, 692,694, 701,703, 710, 711, 713, 717, 723, 728, 730, 743, 753, 772, 783, 785, 794, 796, 806, 817, 821, 822, 840, 843, 873, 878-880, 884, 888, 893, 894, 911, 917, 918, 932, 942, 957, 959, 963, 967,976,982,908,1002- 1017, 1021, 1024, 1032, 1041, 1047, 1066, 1008, 1082, 1094, 1099, 1101, 1104, 1107,1111,1114, 1118,1122, 1125,. 1133, 1142,1155, 1156,1159, 1170, 1179,1183,1184, 1189-1191, 1214, 1231, 1210, 1217, 1251, 1255, 1274, 1279, 1281, 1283- 1314, 1315, 1317, 1319, 1333, 1345, 1347, 1354, 556, 596, 615, 681, 705, 726, 778, 815- 851, 891, 928, 964, 1004, 1034, 1075, 1103, 1117, 1141, 1168, 1187, 1232, 1266, 1287, 1321, 1359 Factor, 680, 1063, 1171 Farmer, 17, 20, 36, 364 Farrier, 997 Fellmonger, 795, 1210 Feltmaker, 766 Fewke, 1257 Firesmith, 201 Fisher, 589 Fishmonger. 422, 476, 521, 623, 962, 982, 1260 Foot-boy, 30 Footman, 1094 Freemason, 215, 736, 747, 1003 Puller, 187, 849 Fustian Weaver, 325 Gardener, 129, 1197 Garner, 199 General of Ships, 752 Gentleman, 11, 16-21, 24, 29,31, 36-38, 43, 45-47,64, 56, 57, 61,68,69,72,91,94,97,98, 100, 107, 113, 120, 123, 126, 127, 129, 132, 134, 139, 140, 149, 151, 156, 159, 160, 162- 164, 167, 178, 179, 189, 191, 205, 208, 209, 221, 227, 228, 230, 230, 242, 244, 250, 251, 253-256, 258-261, 266, 268, 271, 275, 277, 285, 297, 299- 301, 311, 312, 314, 318, 322, 331, 345, 350, 353, 359, 361, 362, 364, 366, 372, 385, 388, 392, 399, 401, 410413, 415, 424, 436, 441-444, 4.50, 455, 457, 461, 462, 475, 478, 480- 482, 496-498, 515. 516, 520, 521, 525, 527, 531, 534, 536, 553, 554, 556, 557, 562, 564, 566, 671-574, 590, 602, 003, 607, 612, 614, 616, 619, 620, 624, 625, 627, 628, 635, 638, 651, 653, 654, 668, 674, 680, 681, 683, 688, 690, 691, 694, 695, 703, 705, 708, 710, 711, 713, 714, 716, 726, 729, 734, 735, 738, 749, 751, 753, 754, 762, 764, 772, 776, 784, 791, 794, 793, 797, 801, 803, 806, 809, 816, 819, 824, 831, 834, 840, 843, 845, 851, 853, 858, 860, 862, 863, 874, 879, 884, 888, 889, 896, 902, 904, 906, 909, 911, 918, 922, 931, 937, 942, 954, 963, 964, 967, 971, 972, 974, 986, 994, 1004- 1C08, 1017,1021, 1024,1033, 1034, 1038, 1041, 1044, 1050, 1062, 1004, 1069, 1082, 1087- 1091, 1097, 1104-1107, 1112, 1117, 1127,1133,1134, 1136, 1141, 1146, 1147, 1149, 1155' 1168-1172, 1179, 1184, 1187' 1189, 1190, 1192, 1193, 1204' 1206, 1208, 1209, 1220, 1226' 1227, 1231, 1233 1234, 1238' 1247, 1251-1254, 1256, 1260' 1261, 1263, 1269,1285, 1286' 1289, 1290, 1295, 1297, 1301' 1315, 1324, 1326, 1330, 1333' 1334, 1337, 1347, 1348, 1354' 1355, 1359- 1361. 1364, 1366 of Privy Chamber, 51, 743 Gentlewoman, 30 Girdler, 40, 202, 921 Glazier, 673, 861 Glover, 275, 299, 395, 399 Goldsmith, 21, 27,40,56, 57,192, 223, 407. 638, 690, 750, 752, 919, 921, 1000, 1008, 1341, 1342 Governor, 435 Grocer, 1, 40, 136, 146, 313, 369, 422, 433, 571, 602, 606, 674, 685, 691, 729, 822, 929, 952, 973, 1031, 1037, 1044, 1057, 1206. 1282 Gunfounder, 632 Gunner, 281, 307 Gunner's Mate, 307 Haberdasher, 88, 223, 228, 249, 257, 367, 382, 626, 749, 750, 859, 920, 942, 1006, 1063, 1081, 1124, 1336 Haberdasher of Hats, 106 Hatbandmaker, 927 Hatmaker, 920 Hatter, 335 Hellier, 861 Hosier, 920 Housekeeper, 134 Huckster, 416 Husbandman, 32, 33, 53, 60, 71, 109, 114, 127, 167, 186, 214, 231, 270, 273, 283, 346, 351, 356, 379, 380, 405, 407, 421, 427, 465, 467, 508, 515, 558, 563, 565, 568, 583-585, 613, 628, 647, 659, 661, 699, 715, 730, 765, 766, 812, 855, 861, 864, 869, 872, 873, 895, 907, 956, 970, 975. 978, 1001, 1065, 1071, 1103,1108,1134, 1139, 1182, 1185,1192,1216, 1222, 1246, 1250, 1340, 1346, 1364 Innholder, 351, 383, 683, 1348 Innkeeper, 320, 970, 1299 Ironmonger, 545, 972, 1313 Joiner, 529, 749, 1036, 1336, 1348 Jurate, 1012 Justice, 129, 168, 602, 743, 806 Chief, 1, G02, 1082, 1125 Keeper, 579, 669, 1265, of Great Seal, 602 of lions in Tower of London, 223 King, 51, 128, 138. 285, 362, 562, 1112, 1141, 1193, 1286, 1328, 1330 MISCELLANEOUS INDEX. 606 Kitchen Boy, 134 Girl, 372 Knacker, 172 Kniglit, 1, 11, 16-18, 24, 28, 30, 31, 36, 37, 40, 45, 46, 56, 81, 86, 100, 113, 138, 154, 160, 164, 168, 177, 195, 196, 208, 214, 221, 223, 244, 251, 252, 257-259, 261, 264, 267, 269, 277, 278, 284, 286, 297, 300, 308, 312, 318, 320, 352, 362, 372, 386, 410, 4l;2, 418, 420. 424, 433, 435, 450, 463, 473, 478, 480, 483, 485, 490, 496, 521, 531, 557, 504, 573, 587, 594, 597, 602. 607, 614-016, 619, 627, 630, 657, 684,688,692,703.711, 714, 726, 728, 743, 749, 752, 768, 777, 785, 796, 806, 807, 812, 818, 822, 827, 836, 844, 846, 880, 884, 794, 908, 909, 911, 913, 920, 921, 931, 938, 949, 957-959, 967, 976, 998, 1003, 1010, 1021, 1025, 1032.1035, 1037, 1063, 1068, 1070, 1082, 1087, 1088, 1090,-1092, 1094, 1096, 1099, 1102, 1104,1107, 1111, 1115, 1117, 1118,1125, 1133,1141,1151,1155,1156, 1168, 1170, 1172, 1173, 1175, 1178, 1183,1191, 1196, 1203, 12.31, 1232, 1240, 12.59, 1274, 1279, 1285, 1287, 1310, 1315, 1352, 1366 of the Bath, 259, 1111 Labourer, 349, 639. 699, 769, 788. 798, 900, 1034. 1078, 1209 Lady, 1, 20, 28. 36, 40, 45, 79, 113, 138, 168, 177, 195, 235, 244, 257, 259, 267, 277, 284, 320, 372, 386, 410, 418, 420, 434, 435, 478. 480, 574, 587, 602, 619, 654, 657, 692, 724, 728, 743, 749, 772, 786, 806, 822, 836, 893, 894, 908, 911, 937. 967, 972, 976,998. 1005, 1032, 1037. 1044, 1092, 1094, 1096, 1099, 1117, 1125, 1133, 1141, 1151, 1152, 1156, 1170, 1173, 1184,1203, 1232, 1240, 1287, 1319, 1345, 1348 Landlord, 60. 1333 Laundress, 1066 Leather Dresser, 174 Leather Seller, 37, 134, 859, 1186, 1255 Lecturer, 776. 986, 1017 Letter Carrier, 990 Linen Draper, 57, 290, 571, 1155 Lord, 30, 36, 40, 46, 86, 146, 177, 195, 336, 372, 385, 435, 480, 602, 743, 786, 1005, 1096, 1178, 1287 Maid, 6, 296, 315, 336, 356, 372, 440, 478, 663, 740, 967, 1032, 1074 Dairy, 1102 Servant, 212, 359, 412, 571, 728, 960 Maker of Long Bow Strings, 1000 Maltster, 720, 769 Mariner, 62, 167, 207, 265, 325, 407, 432, 669, 779, 804, 825, 847, 947, 1045, 1060, 1206, 1281, 1303 Marquess, 1133 Mason, Bough, 1174 Master of Arts, 70, 458, 821, 1111, 1191 of Chancery, 259, 768 of Clothworker'8 Co., 1296 of Hoye, 544 of the Bolls, 607, 768 of St. Katherine, London, 456 of Wards and Liveries, 1366 Master's Mate, 92 Mayor, 94, 138, 245, 346, 358, 416, 425, 478, 521, 623, 861, 911, 959. lOOii, 1035 Mercer, 36, 40, 93. 94, 129, 141, 203, 212, 315, 318, 343, 388, 391. 521, 703, 831, 964, 986, 1000, 1253 Merchant, 1, 12, 36, 42, 55, 62, 80, 85, 87, 107. 113, 124, 131, 149, 151, 150, 169, 189, 208, 232, 230, 246, 209, 282, 345, 357, 370, 397, 421, 422, 468, 477, 482-484, 552, 562, 579, 607, 674, 680, 690, 703, 725, 749, 752, 755, 776, 834, 847, 892, 911, 913. 959, 964, 966, 994, 999, 1008, 1040, 1047, 1108, 1113, 1119,1146, 1196, 1219, 1227, 1283. 1366 Merchant Adventurer, 257 Merchant Tailor, 11, 29, 285, 369, 422, 433, 442, 516, 517, 535, 675, 710, 784, 806, 842, 921. 942. 973, 1000. 1077, 1081, 1089, 1144, 1282, 1289, 1336, 1357 Midwife, 297, 618 Miller, 7, 8, 127, 161, 263, 339, 411, 758, 776, 1175, 1230, 1285 Minister, 11, 50, 76, 86, 106, 131, 166, 181, 174, 194, 238, 251, 252, 257, 269, 284; 295, 357, 381, 397, 435, 438, 446, 478, 482, 516, 531, 535, 641, 645, 648, 653, 688, 091, 718, 719, 746, 751, 759, 776, 867, 893. 915, 960. 1001. 1017, 1022, 1024, 1030, 1047. 1070, 1078. 1153, 1172, 1175, 1205, 1229. 1257, 1338 Mogul, Great, 86 Moiner, 1285 Nailor, 354 Notary Public, 8, 80, 88, 179, 194, 240, 259, 295, 308, 337, 348, 397, 412, 443, 4.56, 604, 615, 733, 750, 767, 769, 794, 799, 918. 923, 925, 929, 997, 1130,1134, 1140 Nurse, 6, 385, 600 Officer of Lord Mayor of London, 1000 Officer of the Bevennes of Prince Henry, 138 Organist, 426 Painter, 925 Parson, 1, 108, 113, 130, 141, 250, 278, 289, 298, 312, 313, 319, 364, 383, 411, 435, 460, .524, 530, 561, 571, 592, 618, 643,691,697,811,839, 843, 915, 920, 921, 959, 1021, 1071,1082, 1088, 1111,1139, 1145, 1178, 1191, 1209, 1336, 1341 Pastor. 276. 388, 402, 908, 1102, 1178 Pewterer, 138, 625, 808, 887 Philiater, 590 Physician, 255, 780 Pilcorne, 179 Ploughboy, 30 Porter, 40, 823, 1074 Master, 422 Portman, 148 Potter, 1053 Poulterer, 391, 437 Preacher, 151, 250, 277, 302, 313, 318, 322, 407, 412, 433, 436, 478, 482, 526, 562, 587, 603, 669, 684, 693, 716, 753, 754, 776, 797, 893, 913, 925, 960, 962, 907, 997, 998, 1040, 1102, 1133, 1135, 1147, 1184, 1208, 1216, 1222, 1254, 1257, 1267. 1282, 1307, 1338, 1366 Prebend, 1217 Presbiter, 846 Prince, 138, 699, 1037 Princess, 1287 Privy Councellor, 607 Professor of Sacred Theology, 67, 937, 1133, 1217, 1344 Provost, 402 Purser, 62, 92, 110, 207, 347, 838, 981, 990, 1229, 1270 Purser's Mate, 802 Pynner, 148 Quartermaster, 808, 914 Queen, 138, 888, 1247 Beader, 1 Becorder, 12, 20 Sector, 146, 320. 383, 386, 415, 457, 563, 754, 905, 1191, 1316, 1347 Begistrar, 18, 1097 Eooper, 335 Sadler, 227, 517, 1080 Sailmaker, 1313 Sailor, 47, 292, 670, 741, 802, 1218 Salter, 129, 242, 482, 1137, 1336 Scholar, 653, 751, 837. 960 Schoolmaster, 318, 516, 737, 920, 1111, 1281 Scriptor, 147, 162, 298, 538, 639, 659, 670, 711, 779, 848, 865, 878, 1062, 1078, 1138, 1226, 1250, 1255 Scrivener, 6, 11, 27, 28, 33, 74, 77, 78, 87, 113, 127-129, 131, 133, 136, 146, 152, 165, 169, 173, 178, 181, 188, 189, 192, 198, 202, 203, 223, 224, 228, 336. 241, 242, 251, 257, 265, 276, 285, 297, 313, 315- 318, 325, 330, 333, 349, 351, 357, 361, 362, 365, 369, 371, 389, 391, 396, 402, 407, 410, 417, 419, 423, 481, 483, 502, 545, 551, 571, 573, 596, 607, 610, 623, 667, 670, 673, 675, 680, 691, 699, 736, 770. 777, 793, 804, 810, 815, 817-819, 823, 832, 845, 857, 859, 896, 927, 942, 9.53, 962, 964, 972, 973, 986, 998, 1000, 1005, 1011, 1018, 1038, 1042, 1043, 1057, 1066, 1070, 1072,1077, 606 MISCELLANEOUS INDEX. 1080, 1081, 1085, 1096,1103, 1108, 1132, 1137, 1157, 1167, 1169, 1173, 1179, 1186, 1200, 1204, 1217, 1222, 1228, 1244, 1259, 1260, 1265, 1278, 1279, 1281-1283, 128.5, 1289, 1298, 1305, 1308, 1313, 1316, 1325, 1335, 1336, 1342, 1357, 1366 Secretary, 752, 1322 Sergeant, 284, 754, 1035 Sergeant at Law, 17, 264, 402, 1068, 1168, 1170, 1190, 1342 Servant, 1, 3, 6, 10-12. 16, 17, 19,21,23,24,30,34,36,37, 40, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 56, 69, 76, 79, 85, 86, 90, 94, 106, 113, 126-130, 136, 138, 139, 145, 146, 151, 158. 165, 169, 178, 184, 188, 191, 194, 195, 202, 205, 208, 220, 221, 223, 226, 229, 230, 236, 238, 242, 246, 248, 251-253, 257, 259, 263, 266, 269, 272, 276, 277, 284, 289, 297, 300, 308, 312- 314, 318, 322, 323, 326, 329, 330, 333, 334, 336, 350, 353, 355, 357, 358, 362, 364, 369- 372, 375, 379, 381, 386, 388, 389, 393, 402, 411, 412, 416, 423, 425, 433, 435. 436, 438, 441, 442, 452, 455-457, 464, 469, 478-480, 500, 507, 509, 615, 516, 528, 532, 535, 536, 538, 545, 551-553, 569, 571, 572, 579, 582, 585-587, 600- 602, 606, 607, 610-612, 614, 615, 617, 618, 621, 623, 626, 630, 635, 637, 648, 651, 674, 076, 685, 691, 092, 695, 699, 708, 710, 713, 722, 724, 729, 735, 736, 742, 748, 750, 754- 756, 771, 775, 780, 781, 790, 795, 806, 807, 809, 811, 815, 817-819, 822, 823, 832, 834, 839, 845, 847, 859, 862, 863, 869, 874, 879, 880, 881, 884, 892, 895, 898, 907-909, 911, 913, 916, 917, 921, 925, 929, 930, 942, 948, 958, 962, 966, 967, 971-973, 976, 979, 986, 988, 697, 998, 1000, 1004, 1010, 1021, 1025, 1026, 1029, 1030, 1037,1040, 1042, 1066, 1068, 1070, 1072, 1074-1077, 1080, 1085, 1088, 1090, 1094, 1099,1103,1104, 1111-1113, 1115, 1117, 1118, 1125, 1132, 1133,1134,1141, 1145,1146, 1158, 1168, 1170, 1171, 1175, 1176. 1183, 1184, 1190, 1193, 1196, 1197, 1200, 1208, 1214, 1216, 1221-1223, 1229, 1232, 1244, 1247, 1250, 1254, 1255, 1257-1259, 1268, 1271, 1277, 1279, 1282, 1285, 1287, 1289, 1290,1295, 1296, 1307, 1310, 1312, 1314, 1317, 1319, 1326, 1333, 1334, 1336, 1337, 1339, 1340, 1346, 1359, 1366 Servant-boy, 297 Sexton, 433 Schoolmaster, 917 Shearman, 175 Shepherd, 171, 349, 365, 1104 Sheriff, 113, 156, 863, 1094 Under, 1310 Ship Carpenter, 644, 664 Ship Master, 92, 170, 290, 808, 1218, 1229 Shipwright, 642, 693, 917 Ships : , 542, 544 Anne Royall, 62 Ascension, 752 Besse, 345 Charles, 562 Charity, 1119 Clover, 644 Content, 964 Defence, 282 Dragon, 670, 741, 1031 Edward, 716 Elizabeth, 1060 Fioriander, 110 Fortune, 68 George, 305, 457, 669 Golden Lion, 924 Goncalo Lewis, 966 Hearts Desire, 761 Hector, 887 Hercules, 290, 307, 456, 917 Hounde, 236 Isabel, 716 James, 274, 345 James Royall, 207 Jonathan, 1220 Katherine, 08 Lesser James, 207 Lion, 1054, 1229, 1270 Mayflower, 887 Moon. 225,498 Orange Tree, 1051 Philip, 457 Pleasure, 966 Roebuck, 1229 Rose, 741, 808, 1218 Rose Lion, 482 Royall Exchange, 292 Royal James, 1063 Salmon, 961 Salomon, 914 Sampson, 1077 Swan, 961, 990 Triall, 468 Triumph, 752 Unicorn, 281, 282 Union, 752 William, 85 William and John, 1281 Shoemaker, 94, 200, 348, 388, 409, 416, 571, 677, 697, 766, 813, 950, 1037, 1254, 1332, 1337 Silk Weaver, 850 Skinner, 12, 40, 152, 352, 921, 1008, 1024, 1034, 1035, 1321 Slatter, 869 Slave, 42 Smelter, 582 Smith, 364, 416, 1326 Soldier, 697 Solicitor General, 1133 Spinner, 776 Spoke Hewer, 1154 Stationer, 396, 412, 685, 973, 1037, 1080 Steward, 110, 146, 1336 Student, 223, 776 Surgeon, 62, 80, 110, 131, 281, 285, 305, 347, 887, 924, 981, 1077 Sergeant, to the King, 285 Swabber, 1229 Tailor. 20, 86, 88, 162, 251, 297, 318, 388, 413, 465, 515, 517, 621,5?1,595, 605,685,699, 712, 778,850, 861,922, 1042, 1074, 1085, 1110, 1179, 1209, 1210, 1290, 1307 Tallow Chandler, 129, 188, 223, 1000, 1057 Tanner, 61, 453, 529, 564, 581, 689, 703, 776, 818, 861, 885, 899, W3, 1010,1154,1197, 1285 Tennis Court Keeper, 265 Tiler, 676, 862, 1118 Tinker, 521 Treasurer, 266, 352, 1034 Trumpeter, 318, 1330 Tucker, 187, 766, 828, 915 Turner, 555, 1283, 1313 Upholsterer, 94 Vestryman, 1336 Vicar, 40, 70, 126, 139, 200, 253, |268, 277, 302, 355, 356, 363, 396, 445, 454, 473, 502, 532, 540, 572,608, 619, 656, 681, 713, 719, 729, 755, 789, 792, 806, 807, 843, 847, 888, 890, 891, 899, 906, 911, 945, 957, 994, 1021, 1052,1059, 1069, 1093,1094, 1133, 1238, 1269, 1277, 1280, 1308, 1326, 1337, 1344 Victualler, 234, 664 Vintner, 85, 128, 129, 313, 353, 614, 734, 784,923. 986,1179, 1250, 1330 Viscount, 801 Warden, 15 Warrener, 46 Waterbearer, 40, 962 ■ AVaterman, 313, 664 Weaver, 270, 421, 462, 455, 685, 766, 776, 828, 1079, 1118, 1197, 1348 Weeder, 425 Wheelwright, 1265 Wood Collier, 582 Woodmonger, 371, 384, 931, 1063, 1072 Woollen Draper, 141, 150, 318, 484, 641, 863, 958, 1070, 1113 Woollen Weaver, 1153 Worsted Weaver, 1346, 1348 White Tawer, 529, 1366 Writer, 280, 742, 957, 1001 of Court Letter, 960 Yeoman, 3, 9, 13. 35, 46, 47, 53, 74-76, 82, 83, 127, 135, 139, 150, 153, 158, 181, 182, 184, 213, 216, 218, 233, 235, 237, 253, 254, 261, 275, 288, 298, 316, 318, 319, 327, 329, 333, 351,355,359, 395, 398, 404, 417, 418, 421, 436, 438, 447, 462, 469, 473, 489, 499, 501, 515, 517, 528, 551,554,570, 685, 588, 593, 601, 605, 608, i, 20, 31. 34, 54, 59, 60, 69, 97, 106, 108, 143, 145, 147, 165, 166, 176, 197, 199, 211, 220, 224, 230, 239, 240, 251, 262, 266, 272, 304, 305, 314, 321, 322, 326, 337, 338, 341, 360, 376, 3^7, 407, 408, 414, 428, 430, 434, 449^55, 461, 475, 481, 487- 502, 505, 509, 536-538, 546- 576, 579, 580, 596-598, 600, 609, 611, 612, MISCELLANEOUS INDEX. 607 615, 617, 627, 635, 637. 640, 653, 655, 658, 672, 679, 684, 717, 722, 732, 748,751,756, 770, 786,'790, 801, 805, 807, 820, 823, 832, 850-852,861, 875, 878, 883, 629-631, 633- 645, G46, 650, 662, 667, 671, 687, 695, 709, 733, 742, 747, 757, 764, 767, 793, 796, 798, 812, 814, 815. 839, 844, 848, 865, 869, 873, " ' 888-890, 892, 896, 897, 005, 907, 912, 916, 928, 940, 941, 948, 950, 951, 953,956, 963, 968, 979, 985-989, 997, 1000, 1002, 1009, 1011,1013,1016, 1021, 1023-1025, 1039, 1043, 1046, 1050, 1052, 1054, 1055, 1062, 1073, 1076, 1083, 1086, 1092, 1093, 1095, 1098, 1100, 1107, 1111,1115,1120,1121,1129, 1131, 1132, 1134, 1138, 1139, 1142, 1166, 1180, 1195, 1211, 1246, 1285, 1322, 1347, 1143, 1154, 1167, 1172, 1182, 1183, 1198, 1202, 1221, 1223, 1263, 1265. 1290-1294, 1326. 1328, 1349, 1356 1158, 1163, 1175, 1177, 1188,1190, 1207-1209, 1233, 1234, 1268, 1277, 1299, 1314, 1334, 1346, , 1360, 1364 HOWE USE 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