UC-NRLF ^1,..^::^"* *c m ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/blessednessofbryOOkyffrich t te THE BLESSEDNES OF BRYTAINE, OK A CELEBRATION OF THE QUEENES HOLYDAY. BY MAURICE KYFFIN. n ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED a.d 158 7. UEPKINTED FOK :he honourable society of cymmeodorion WHITING & CO., SARDINIA. STREET, AV.C. 33 A 35^ ^ S7 \1^ Of this little-known composition by Maurice Kyffin, a copy, supposed to be unique, is preserved in the Lambeth Palace Library. It was re-issued with additions in 1588, and of that impression there is a cop}' in the British Museum. The first edition was reprinted, but by no means correctly, in Huth's Fugitive Tracts in Verse, First Series, 1875. This loyal effusion, like several others of a similar character which appeared about the same time, seems to have been called forth by the conspiracy of Ballard and Babington, who had been executed in the autumn of the previous year. Two Welshmen, Thomas Salisburie and Edward Johnes, or Jones, both of Denbigh, were impli- cated in that conspiracy and suffered on the second day, the 21st of September 1586. THE BLESSEDNES OF BRYTAINE, OR A Celebration of the Queenes Holyday, Conteining, A Breefe reherfall, of the inestimable Be7iefits, generally had & enioyed, not only all England ouer, but alfo in forrein Partes, through the gracious Bountie, and incomparable bleffed Rule of our Royall Queene ELIZABETH. (^ompofed, and fet Joortk, in diie Reuerence, & toy full Memoriall, of her Maiefties prefent entrance into the Thirtieth yeere of her moft triumphant raigne, with hartie prayer, for the long continuing, and profperous pre- , „ ,,, feruing of the fame : by . - ; ' Maurice Kyffin. \ -^ •. Deum Timete. Regem Honor ate. i. Pet, 2. 17. Fiant preces fro Regibus &^ Principibus, vt tranqtiillam Sr' quietam vitam degamus, cum. omni pietate &^ honeftate. i. Tim. 2. 2. Publifhed with Authoritie. LONDON. Imprinted by lohn Windet, dwelling in Adhngjireete, at the figne of the White Beare, neere Baynardes Caflell. 1587. Plura Poflhac. TO THE RIGHT HONORBLE and Renoumed in all Heroicall Vertues, Sir Robert Devreux Knight , Erie of EJfex and Ewe, Vicount Hereford, and Bourgchier, Lord Ferrers of Chartleigh, Bourgchier and Lovain, and Maifter of her Maiefties horfe. HE faithfull loue , and dutie, (Right honorable) long fence deferuedly born, by my deceafed Father , both to your lord- fetips Noble Graundfather, and likewife to the famous and woorthie Erie your Father, (vnto whom for diuers refpe£ls, he was much bounden being aliue, & be- ing dead, left the like Bond of dutie, in vs his Children towards your Lordfhip) hath the more emboldened me , (prefu- m-ing on your Lordfeiips great Courtefees) To pub lift, vnder your fa- uourable protection, thefe my vnpolifeied verfes, of her Maiefeie : wher- in, though I haue but feiowen my leaden skill, in a Golden Caufe, yet hath the fame proceeded fro7n fuch ardent defere , and deuotion in me, as thereby it may feeme , in fo77te meane, to merit Tolleration, efpeci- ally ,feth it carrieth a dutifull remembrance, of her Maiefeie s mofe pro- fperous and peaceable raigne ouer vs: which hauing run the full, and Bleffed Courfe , of Nyne and Tvventle yeeres ; doth now, begin the Thirtieth, to the great ioy, & infpeakeable comfort of this her royall Kingdome : In reuerend regard whereof, this poore Poem is mofe chief- ly intended : I humbly therefore , prefent it to the Courteous accepta- tion of your mofe Honorable Lordfeiip : Whome I befeech the Higheft to bleffe, and enriche, with increafe of all perfect Honor , long life , and euer during felici tie. A 2 Moft humble at your good Lordfhips commaundment. Maurice Kyffin. Ml2855a D. P. To the Reader. ' I ""WO things make blisfuU Realmes, Religion pure and Veace: -*■ Which Tti)o our England hath enioyd, long time with large increafe. The God of peace be praifd , who grauntes our Birth and Being, In this fame Realme , with this Rare Prince, thefe gladfome Seafons feeing. And pray we God likewife, this State Hill to defend: Preferuing it, in perfe6l Peace , till that the world take end. The Author of this booke, deferues a during fame, Who chofe a good Ground, for his worke , and wrought well on the fame. 7". LL. In praife of this booke, and the Author. T'XT'Ho lift to fee her Noble deeds difplaid, • * Whofe golden gifts, eche creature doth adore, Whoie Vertues Rare , baue hauty harts difmaid, Whofe Name, and Fame, encreafeth more & more : Let them perufe this Poem, with Aduife. By Kyffins pen, put down in perfe(5t wife. A work of woorth, befeeming well his Arte, So fitly framd, and fraught, with tryed Truthe, As may Reioyce, eche loyall fubiecfls hart. To heare, and fee ; which hidden had bin Ruthe. Our Queenes long Raigne, to our ftill during ioy, The King of Kings, preferue free from Annoy, y. H. In commendation of this worke, & the writer ' I "He Perfian Cyrus, Xenophons penne, Achilles, Homers found : ■*■ King Alexanders valure great , did Curtius ftile refound, Their worthie fame, thofe worthie wittes, to skies aloft do fend, Thofe worthie wits, eake by their fame themfelues to fame commend. Though skilfull Mufes notes, come (hort to found this Princes prayfe, Her Princely giftes, her luftice mylde, her Peacefull lafting dayes : Yet Kyffins Mufe in ftately ftile, hath ftiot fo neare the fame. That by refounding worthie praife , himfelf deferueth fame. R. Cooke, in commendation of his friend M"^ . Kyffin. THe frutefull Mufes feeme, to haue confpird, with full affent, Vplifting Kyffins lore, with weightie woords to work Content : The fubie(5l of his Verfe, is facted, firme, and full of grace, Whereon his Web is wrought, whofe learned skill, none can deface, Momiis the carping God, to Cauill here can finde no caufe. And Zoyhts fpitefuU wretch, hath here wherewith to ftop his iawes. THE BLESSEDNES OF BRYTAINE. Y)Earce Clio Mufe, 7ny weake, vnwoorthie wit : Cal iope, fet foorth my ftile with Jlrength ; Vnfold her Fame {with words foorth founding fit }j Whome Kings adore, & Lords in worldly length : Whofe Sacred Hand the Stately Scepters hold, And Roy all, Rules her Realmes ///Crowned gold. A Monarch Mayden Queene adorned rare ^ With Regall Heauenly dowres, of diners kinde; In whou'ie, who lifi dame Natures Workes compare, With thofe rich Thewes, & Vert Lies of her Minde, Shall much admire, at fuch a My vvour fheejie. At fuch a Prince, at fuch a Peereles Queene. The THE BLESSEDNES The Starre of Women Sex, Graue Wifedoms (lore Sententious, /peaking Tongs in filed phraze, Profotindly learnd, and Perfect in eche Lore, Her Fame, no Rav'ning Time, fitall euer Raze : Hater ^ Wrong, high Refuge eke for Right, Concord, and Peace, continuing by her Might. *Befidesthat fuch manner of Reciting ftrange aud Hethenifh Names, were here altoge- ther inconue- nient. The au- thor doth alfo of very pur- pofe, fome- what ftiun that beate« high way, to fil paper with peftring iVames of fai- ned Gods, Goddeffes, Nymphs, Per- fians, Greci- ans, Romans, &c. Being a thin§ of fome fomtimes v- fed, too too much, and to Uttle effect. What fhould I Nymphs, or Goddeffes Recount ? Or ^gypt Queenes, or Romane Ladies * name ? Sith as Suprejne, our Sov'raigne dooth furmount, hi choice ^Good, the cheefe of all thofe fame ? For to compare the Great, with ftmple fmall. Is thereby , not to praife the Be ft at all. Elizabeth, Large Light ^Sov'raigne Seat, Whofe luftice. Prudence, Temprance, Fortitude, Ingrafted yong, are grown foorth fpreading Great, Throughout the world , mong Nations wife & rude No land, but laudes this right Refplendant Rofe, Tutor to Frends, and Terror vnto Foes. As OF BRYTAINE. As Shyning Sunne recleeres the darkned Skye, Andfoorth recalles eche thing, from jfhiv ring Shrowds, So hath our Second Sunne, bothfarre and nye, by brightning Beanies, outcleerd erronious Clouds : Apowrftill Prop (^/"Chriftes Eua.nge\\ pure. One whofe Support, it rejls Repofed fure. The reeftabli- (hiug of the Gofpel , by her Maieftie, a work of iii- eftimable worth, euerla- ftingly fa- mous for euer and euer. Primaria Prin cipis Cicra, Religio. Dauid. I. P. 13. Afa. 2. Par. 14. lehof. 2. P. 17. loafh. 2. p. 23. lofias, 2. Reg. 22. Hezechiah, 2. Par. 29. Our Currant Coyne , was Met tall bafe and 7neane, Till her niojl princely Grace , the fame put out, By perfe6l Gold, and pured Siluer cleane, Which paffe for comon Coynes , her Realms throughout. A Deede, deferuing her Perpetuall Praife, And Publik Profit , to this Land alwaies. Argentum iuum. Scoria. I/aiah. x. 22. Bafe Coynes aboliflifd by her highnes. Ad hereto Armour, and Artillery, Of her moft Roy all Charges cheefely found \ As fiore ^Arming fteele defenfmely, And Roring Gunnes,^^;' rendring fired found ; A furthering Strength for Peace, and fafe Repofe And Meanes , reft/ling Rage, of Warring foes. The royal in- creafe of Ar- mour, & Ar- tillery, by her Maieftie for the defence of the Realme. Foplix ejt ea Re/fi. g«is tem- pore pacts, Bella tractat. Laur. Grintal. de optiuto Senatore fol. 71. I may THE BLESSEDNES The incompa- rable Nauie Royall, built & maintained by her Maie- ftie. Pericles A- then. ait : Vnd pecnnia patd- dce raticnem /lutandam , Naues guant- pluiimas ha- bere, alias ve- ra extra earn rationes, nul- lius tnomenti cxiftiniandas. I may not here omit in Silent forte, Her Royall S>\\\y^s Jlro7ig wrought for ftearnful warre, [Whereof all worldly Realmes do raife Report) Through raging Seas difcouering Regions farre: A Scowre-fea Nauy all bright & brauely burnifht Foorth fpowting fire, faire, huge, and fully furnifht. Plentiful ex- ercife of Reli- gion : perfedli- on in all kind of learning, & right whol fome lawes, enioyed by her Maiefties moft gracious meanes. Whefifloorifht Learning tofuch Type of height f Or purefull Preaching, when had it more place ? When was Gods wordey^? knowne to euery weight, Which heretofore, did fiiffer fuch Deface? When raignd Religion fo deuoyd of cryme ? Or rightful Lawes , as in her Royall tyme f The Realme wonderfully enriched with Gold and Sil- uer. Th« earth moft abun- dantly blefled with fertili- tie, And eue- ry man quiet- ly enioying his own, vnder her highnes profperous gouetnement. When was this Realme fo rich of glittring Gold, 0/ plated Siluer, pearl e, ^;/^ precious flones? When was more Tillage on this fertile Mold ? Or more riche flreaming Graces growne at ones? Or more Concordant life, in Country and Towne, Thenftnce her Regall Highnes came to Crown f Her OF BRYTAINE. Her Sacred Senate by their graue forefight, Proiiide for Publik Good and ^\\s preuenf, Con/eruing Common weale ,froin Perils plight, In Right/till Ruling, Concord, & Concent: A Senate well befitting Such a Charge ; Prudent, & prompt in Lore and JVifdome large. The vigilant Care, and in- ceffant trauell of her Maie- fties maft ho- norable priuy Councel. From JVrathfull VVarre, her People reft in Peace ; From wafting Woes, her Subieds Hue Secure : And yet our Neighbour Nations VVarres not ceafe, Their dire di^rejfe , and wailful I Woes flill dure ; The Moll; of Might , eke makes her Realm a Towre vStrangers to fhield, from many a balefull Showre. The moft bleffed and peaceab/e ftate of her il/aiefties fub- ietfls ill com- parifon of o- iher Nations, round about them. Strangers gra- cioufly recei- ued, and rc- leeued by her Highnes , within her own king- dom. A Mightie Queene,/^r^ with Compafsion prefi, Rendring Relief e, to Neighbour freends forlorn : Her helping Hand, holds vp the weake di^refl, And hath the haughtie , dreadfull, oft downborne : Whereof Records, fill rife remaining fiore ; Note ^Scotland, ^Belgia , and many places more. Her Mrtiefties gracious aide vnto h»r di- ftrefled neigh hours abroad : R egia {crede fiiilii) res eft fncctirrere lafjis, Conue- nit vt tanto, guantus es i/>/e viro. Oiiiii. li. 2. de Pon. *Low Coun- tries. B. Liberall THE BLESSEDNES Her Highnes bountiful li- beralitie. Her Mercy towardes of- fenders. Imperia dno- biis potifsi- mutn contine- tur, Nejnpe, Proemio &" Pana : tejte So- lone. Xu/tictajlne Mi/ericordia Crudelitas. Mi/ericordia fine lu/tiiia fatuitas. Lib'rall Rewarder ^Heroicall A6ls ; Ritch in Reward, large giuing Gwerdons great ; Prone eke to pardon, many offending fa6ls, Yea though the fame, concern her Regal 1 Seat; Rigor of luflice, in Retiengi^tg Lawes, Mylde by her Mercy, wreaks not eche Canfe. Her Maieftie Princeffe of Wales, where the Inhabi- tants enioy Gods worde in their own language, through the meere grace & goodnes of her highnes. A Bleffed Branch of Brutus Roy all Race ; To Brytifh wightes a Blisfull worldly ioy, Puiffant Princeffe of Their Natiue place, To fhield their Earthly Hues from all annoy : And to their Sickly Soules, a Sov'raigne Lee he , Graunting Chrifls Gofpel, in their Country f pec he. •A perpetual memory of her manifold goodnes, in fteade of Sonnes and daughters. Vrieferre pa- triatn liberis Regem decet. Seneca in Tr, Princely Poffeffor of this Realme full Right, And Heire apparant to the Heav'nly Crown / Afsignd to ferue Gods Truthe, with Maine & Might Vpraiftng Vertue, Vice deprefsing downe : Frutefull in Faith, though fruteles, wanting feere : Such brings fhee *Frute, in ft ead of Children heere. Such OF BRYTAINE. Such Rare, Renowmed Deeds, our Queene hath don And more than my poore powre may well exprejfe: "Long hath her Raigne, this Glorious 'R^iCtfoorth run Long may it lajl, foorth bringing f rules no leffe: Great is the Good, thus grown foorth, frd her Grace; Great good Jhal grow, through her like legthned /pace. • Omni's laus virtu tis in Actione con- yi/tit Ari/t. * Violenta ne- mo \mperia continuit diu. Sen. in T. O wretched JVights, that would this Queene enharme, By clofe contryuing of her Cruell Death ; What ctirfed Circes, could their mindes fo charme, As not to recke, to reaue their Liege of breath} Fell Raging Rome, all this is long of thee. From whome, no Troubling Treafons ,here are free. A r^roof vnto Tray- fors. They rewar- ded me Euill for Good: for they haue pri uily laid their Net to deftroy me without caufe. Pfalm. 35. Our kingly Rooted Ko(t,frefhflowringflands\ Garded by Gods great Powre, and Prouidence : Amafing much, all Trait ours trembling hands, Which plye to pluck this Plant by violence'. Yea *Truthe downe treading Treafon vnto fhame, Victor fttruiues, by vanquifting the fame. • Magna eft Veritas, &* Vraualet. Efdras. 3. c, ^, B 2 Thrife Si Dens nobif- cum, quis con- tra i\os. Paul. 8. Rom. THE BLESSED NES Thrife happie Land, whofe Sovraig^ie Ladies life, The Lord enlengthning, faues from foddein haps ; Though Ciuile Bronds, a^td forrein Furies rife, Conioyning erft, haue threatned Thunder claps, Yet Maugre Malice, Foes are put to foyle, And fafe remaines, our Sov'raign^?, 6^ our Soyle The Angel of the Lord tarryeth about them that fear him, and that put their truft in him. Pfal. 34. There is no King that can be faued by the multitude of an Hofte, &c. Behold the Eye of the Lord is vpon them that ftar him, and that put their truft in his Mercy. Pfal. 33. Thrife happy Queene, ac known of God fo deere, Gainft whome, what fecret Mifcheefs haue bin fought, But that the fani.e, would prefently appeere, By meanes Miraculous, as yet vnwrought} A Sured Signe, whome God prote6ts to loy, No lurking Ev'l, can thereto worke Annoy. The prayer & wifh of all good Sub- O Glorious Ruler of the gliflring Hev'n, Prolong her Health, with Heapes of happie Yeeres, That as her Rule hath Raignd twice Lev'n & Sev'n, So may fhe fiill, furpas all Potent Peeres, To Hue, and long time wield the Ciuile fwoord, As far, as coiirfe of Nature can affoord. Far OF BRYTAINE. Far Forrain lands, beare witnejfe of her Name; Far furging Seas, hauefelt her warlik Ships ; Both Seas, & L.2(.nds,foorth thunder out her Fame, Through force offlowring A6ts, free from Ecclips'. Elizabeths due praife fhall neuer dye, . In Earth, nor Seas, nor in the ftarrie Skye. Faiiia inaiiet facti, pofito velami'te, cur- runt ; E/ nie- morein Famd, qui bene gef- Jit habet. Ouid. It. 2. Fa/t. Right Reu'rend Princeffe, rare is thy Renown, Though Spitefull ^mi\^, fpue foorth poyfned gall; Naught fJmll it crafe, thine Adts Eternall Crowne, Nor minifh miich, thy found ficceffe at all: No Befl may fhunne fell- Enuies fowrfull flench, Who7n Kezars, Kings, & Queenes, haue faild to ( quench. * Ars prima Regni, e ft pof- /e Inuidiatn pail. Senec. in Herc.Jnr. As Highefi Hits, bide fierceft force of Weather, And Tall Trees tops, hear e great eft fir effe of VVinde, Asfinefl Blacke, yelds fhowe of f nailed f ether, And in Pure White, the leafi black Mote wefinde: So "EnmQsJhaft, is fhot ^/"Higheft xMarke; And pries in Pureft Things, whereat to barke. • Sutnma petit liuor, per- flant alti/siina . vetiti. Ouid. No '"Intqua nun- quam regna, perptuo ma- neni. Senec. in Med. THE BLESSEDNES No Ruler Such hath weld this Realme of yore, Fewe Realmes haue ioyd, fo long a *Peacefull Rule No Realme is read, fhaue Rul'de bin heretofore, By fuch a Queene, fafe qnelliitg Ciuile Brule; Who raigningftill, a Prince withouten peere; Her highnes now, holds on her Thirtieth yere. *More fit to be folemni- zed, than ma- ny other dayes noted in the Ka- lender. Adore ^OMt'ixvhtxs f acred *Sev'nteenth Day, Wherein otir Second Sunne began her Shine: Ring out lowd foundirig Bels;on Organs play ; To Muftkes Mirth, let all Efiates incline : Soimd Drunies, & Trtlpets , renting Ayre & Ground Stringd Inftruments ,firike with Melodious found. Ye Mightie Men of Mars ennobled Knights, A duaunce your felues , on fiery fomi^ig fleedes\ Reuiue This Tymes Remejnbrance, with all Rights, In Armour bright, and gorgeous warlik weedes: At Tylt , & T^urnay, trying Martiall Might; And Battring ftrokes, at Barriers forceful fight. Ye OF BRYTAINE. Ye Cuntry folke,foorth Jlalking in your feelds, Lowd Carols fifig, to celebrat This Tyme ; Show Signes of ioy {as Cuntry manner yeldes) In Sporting Games, with Datmce, and rurall Ryme : Eche Swayne, and Sheppard, found his piping Reede, For ioy, enioying Feelds, & Flocks to feede. Ye Bryttifh Poets, Repeat in Roy all Song, {With waightie woords, vfde in King Ari\\\xvs dales) Th' Imperiall Siock, from whence your Queene hath fprong; Enftall in verfe your Princeffe lafling prayes : *Pencerddiaid, play on A undent Harp, and Crowde: "h^sSeof Afufick. "Atceiniaid, fmg her prayfes pearcing lowd. Sgfng""" Let Hilles, & Rocks, rebounding E echoes yelde, O/" Queene Elizabeths long lafling Fame ; Let woody Groaues, and Watry Streames be fid, And Creeks, & Caues, with founding of the fame : O Ca.mhna., ftretch, & flraine thy vtmo^ breth, To praife, and pray for Queene Elizabeth. Her iect fay Amen, THE BLESS ED NES, &c. Her Third tyme Ten ye res Raigne, we now pojfeffe ; fa^fhfuK- Thrife three times Ten, god graut her grace may raign To this her Realnies long wiJJtt for wealfulnefse, Whereby, eche long erji Lofse, it may Regain : And fo Redound, the happiejl Realme for ay, Vnturnd from Truthe, evn till the Latter Day. God Preferue Queene Elizabeth. Pfalm. 147. Q Hierufalem praife the Lord : Praife thy God, 6 Sion. For he hath Jlrengthned the Barres of thy Gates: And hath Blejfed thy Children within thee . He hath made all thy Borders Peace: And with the good Ntitriment of Wheat doth fatisfie thee, etc. He hath not done thus to euery Nation els : Praife we all the Lord therefore . Amen. FINIS fl^rxi a V ^^: 1 \ r^ s>r «(«f'""^ •V ^^ / THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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